
=== shahn__ [n=shahn@i59F72A70.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu
Scorpaenadept installer - how do i set it to ask me more configure questions during pkg install?12:16
Scorpaenor is that dpkg?12:16
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mrksbrdok the sudo apt-get command was easy enough12:18
SemiliosHELLO _12:18
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SemiliosSorry its important12:18
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nosrednastepmanic: hey,sorry,12:18
Semilioswhat command starts the install wizard??12:18
ubotuthe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org12:18
SemiliosI got no INSTALL ICON on the Desktop12:18
nosrednaIRC kicked me off, and then I couldn't get back on..12:18
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nicolai_!patience | Semilios12:19
ubotuSemilios: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:19
nosrednastepmanic: I cannot talk via PM.12:19
stepmanicnosredna: ah ok:)12:19
nicolai_Semilios: Click the blue K12:20
nosrednastepmanic: so save that file...12:20
mrksbrdok next ?.....I have an intel pro 2200bg wireless card I need to get working.....any ideas genii?????????12:20
stepmanicwell, ive done that^12:20
Semiliosnicolai_: and then?12:20
Scorpaendpkg -- how do i get it to ask me more questions during package install? i did it once now i can't remember. i've re-installed12:21
nosrednastepmanic: ok... then run "sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/startxgl.sh"12:21
nicolai_Semilios: If you are still using the live-cd the icon should appear somewhere in the menu. Probably in system.12:21
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stepmanicnosredna: done12:21
nicolai_Semilios: If you have already installed the install icon is no longer there since it isn't necessary12:21
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Semiliosnicolai_: its not installed yet12:22
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Semiliosfound the icon12:22
Semiliosthank you12:22
DaSkreechmrksbrd: Welcome!12:23
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DragnslcrDon't suppose anyone here has worked with kvm? When I try to start a virtual machine, it hangs at "Loading..." and uses 100% of one of my CPU cores12:23
nicolai_Semilios: No problem. I tried the same thing with Dapper12:23
DaSkreechSemilios: Live CD?12:23
stepmanicnosredna: now then:P?12:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:24
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nosrednastepmanic: ok I have to look for something on my computer12:25
stepmanicnosredna: sure, ill be here waiting then :)12:25
nosrednasorry this is taking so long,I'm doing some other things off of my computer12:26
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geniimrksbrd: Looking for a comprehensive tutorial12:26
stepmanicnosredns: no problem:) just gald to get someone to walk me throu this!12:26
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DragnslcrDaSkreech- already posted on ubuntuforums.org and I'm in #kvm. No luck yet12:26
mrksbrdi just need to learn the basic commands an what each is used for12:27
DaSkreechDragnslcr: You can ask in #ubuntu as well. It's not a kde issue12:27
DragnslcrDaSkreech- yeah, I tried once last night and nobody answered. I might try again12:27
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DragnslcrApparently Google likes ubuntuforums.org. Search for "kvm loading hang" and my thread is the fourth result12:28
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nosrednahey everyone.... where is the kdm sessions file found?12:29
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geniimrksbrd: This one is pretty straightforward: http://www.debuntu.org/2006/03/27/9-how-to-ipw2200-getting-intel-pro-wireless-2200-bg-to-work-on-debian-ubuntu12:30
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mrksbrdok ty12:30
nosrednanever mind12:30
apecatI have a kubuntu edgy machine (an hp laptop) that has satrted to shut down all the time right after startup12:30
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apecatany known issues?12:30
graftput your battery back in!12:30
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nosrednastepmanic: ok run this "kdesu kate /etc/X11/sessions/xgl.desktop"12:30
graftapecat: does it get to boot stage? did you drop it? overheat it?12:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:31
mrksbrdgenii have you ever tried to get an aircard to work on linux?12:31
graftapecat: does it make weird beeping noises before it shuts down?12:31
stepmanicnosredna: done12:31
apecatno, everything's normal. it gets past booting, and i'm (or more accurately, my now hysterical sister x( ) able to log in12:32
apecatbut after a minute or two it shuts down, in a controlled way12:33
geniimrksbrd: No. I don't use wireless much myself.12:33
apecatas if i'd run shutdown -h or pressing the kde shutdown button12:33
nosrednaany hotkeys you might have pressed?12:34
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nosrednastepmanic:  ok, put this in that file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32093/12:35
nosrednawithout the line #'s ofcourse12:35
nicolai_apecat: Have you tried using the Live-cd  to see if it is a clean issue?12:35
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apecathmm, could try12:35
stepmanicnosredna: done12:35
graftapecat: is this on battery, or plugged in?12:35
apecatplugged in12:35
graftapecat: does ACPI report the battery being plugged in correctly?12:36
stepmanicnosredna: cant save12:36
JOEYYYYYYIm new to kubuntu but i just downloaded limewire for linux and its a .deb file. What i install it with.12:36
nosrednastepmanic: did you run KDESU kate?12:36
graftJOEYYYYYY: install gtk-gnutella instead, it's much lighter and faster than limewire, it's free software, and it doesn't require java12:36
apecatgraft: how do i check that from a command line?12:36
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JOEYYYYYYok thanks12:37
graftapecat: cat /proc/acpi/battery/something12:37
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stepmanicnosredna: Check that you have write access to this file or that enough disk space is available12:37
BluesKajJOEYYYYYY, type./ in front of the filename in the terminal12:37
ZombBHi everybody!12:37
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stepmanicnosredna: and i have plenty^^12:37
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nosrednastepmanic: yeah,well did you run "kdesu kate <file location>"?12:37
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demperorso why amarok isn't playihg wma files?12:37
x_linkFor Windows there is a couple of programs like EasyTune5m Everest, CPU-Z etc. that shows the cpu-clock RAM speed, VCore, fan rpm etc.12:37
demperoryou know those from m$$$$$$12:38
stepmanicnosredna: yep i did12:38
x_linkIsn't there any program like that for Kubuntu?12:38
BluesKajyeah frostwire or whatever it is terrible ...amule is VG12:38
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nosrednastepmanic: you SURE? redo it.12:38
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stepmanicnosredna: kdesu kate /etc/X11/sessions/xgl.desktop12:39
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nosrednastepmanic: it saves fine for me.....12:39
Daisuke_Idox_link: all of that info's in /proc somewhere12:39
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JOEYYYYYYgaft, is it easy installing java for linux?12:39
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stepmanicnosredna: well, dont here.. and that was a copy-paste of what i wrote ><12:40
graftJOEYYYYYY: i've never found it so, but i haven't tried recently12:40
nosrednastepmanic: try "sudo vim /etc/X11/sessions/xgl.desktop"12:40
Daisuke_Idox_link: cat /proc/cpuinfo12:40
nosrednathen press "i" for insert mode12:40
nosrednapaste that stuff12:40
nosrednaand then type ":x" then press enter12:41
solarwavervzduch have u ever try to install grub?12:41
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vzduchsolarwaver: most of the time I let that be handled by the OS installer.. I believe I installed it by hand once12:42
solarwavervzduch how do u install it auto?12:42
JOEYYYYYYMan kunbuntu is nice, my school is making us use fedora.12:42
x_linkDaisuke_Ido: I know that.12:42
x_linkDaisuke_Ido: I want GUI.12:42
vzduchsolarwaver: it just gets installed as the last step in the installer12:43
x_linkThat shows the MHz of the RAM etc.12:43
stepmanicnosredna: nop :\12:43
nosrednastepmanic: same thing?12:43
solarwaverof kubuntu?12:43
stepmanicnosredna: no, nothing happens12:44
nosrednanothing happens when?12:44
solarwavervzduch ok f..k that how i do it inhand mode ?12:44
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stepmanicnosredna: ok gonna try again12:44
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graftwow... i've never seen kinfocenter before12:46
grafthow neat12:46
grafthmm... how... basic, actually12:46
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Daisuke_Idograft: yeah, it's just a gui frontend for the info you can get from /proc12:47
stepmanicnosredna: no i cant save it no mather what i try :s12:47
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pedjaanyubody from serbia here?12:47
MorthyHeh, I've been using Ubuntu for around 6 hours for the first time, and apparently I'm using around 99% of my ram, but everything seems to be running smoothly.. is this normal?12:47
pedjaanybody who can help me with something12:47
stepmanicnosredna: now it say i should remove the swap-file12:48
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graftMorthy: yep, normal... linux doesn't really do well at reporting memory usage12:48
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MorthyAh ok, cheers12:49
MorthySysinfo for 'jonathan-desktop': Linux 2.6.20-16-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz at 3200 MHz (6400 bogomips), HD: 180/260GB, RAM: 994/1011MB, 138 proc's, 6.21h up12:49
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Pardalzi need some help :>12:49
BluesKaj!ask | pedja, Pardalz12:50
ubotupedja, Pardalz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:50
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nosrednastepmanic: what does it say when you try to ":x->enter"?12:50
Pardalzi dont know how to mount my hd in ubuntu ?>12:50
pedjai cant connect to #krstarica12:50
pedjaanybody who can help?12:50
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stepmanicnosredna: nothing at all.. it hangs. and now i cant start it again cause of swap-file12:51
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jacobi am a new user to ubuntu, can somebody teach me how to change my splash window when i log in my account?12:52
Daisuke_Idopedja: what network is that on?12:52
BluesKajwhat is #krstarica?12:52
Daisuke_IdoBluesKaj: not a freenode channel12:52
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BluesKajyeah , no kidding12:52
pedjaor irc.krstrica.net12:52
graftjacob: your KDE splash window?12:52
Daisuke_Idoso connect to it12:53
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pedjait is a web site12:53
jacobgraft: well i'm on ubuntu, gnome12:53
Daisuke_Idoirc.* implies irc server, not website.12:53
graftjacob: well, you're in #kubuntu, might wanna try #ubuntu, eh12:53
Daisuke_Idohe's looking to change the gdm splash12:53
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BluesKajnot implies , it means that :)12:53
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jacobgraft: i don't find one for ubuntu, that's how i ended up here12:54
grafteven so...12:54
Pardalzhelp me plis?12:54
jacobgraft: but let me double check12:54
Daisuke_Idojacob: #ubuntu12:54
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jacobgraft: there's no ubuntu or i don't know how to do it12:55
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nosrednastepmanic: wow...12:55
BluesKajPardalz, type mount in the konsole12:55
Pardalzjust that?12:55
Daisuke_Idojacob: /join #ubuntu12:55
Daisuke_Idojust type that12:55
Daisuke_Idoin here12:55
Dragnslcrjacob- it's the same network, just join #ubuntu instead of #kubuntu12:55
Daisuke_Idoremember the slash12:55
caboose_1980click this *ubuntu12:55
jacobgraft: where do i type that in?12:55
nosrednaanyone know where the kdm sessions file is stored?12:55
BluesKajthe best is the server textbox12:56
AleksandersenHi, how can I uninstall mysql-common without removing Amarok? I have setup Amarok with a PostgreSQL database. So I do not need MySQL installed. Adept keeps saying I cannot uninstall mysql without removing Amarok. Suggestions?12:56
=== Daisuke_Ido clutches his head
jacobah ok thx i got it12:56
PardalzBluesKaj: yes i do..12:56
Daisuke_Idoi am trying so SO hard right now12:56
JOEYYYYYYwhen i install adobe flash, should it be a .tar .gz file. .rpm file. for kibuntu 7.04?12:57
BluesKajnot rpm , tar.gz12:57
JOEYYYYYYwhat program do i use for that.12:58
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)12:58
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ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression12:58
graftisn't flash in the repository somewhere?12:58
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:58
JOEYYYYYYAwesome, thanks.12:58
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...12:58
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graftwho's botabusing?12:59
graftphysician, heal thyself, BluesKaj!12:59
BluesKajyeah , really12:59
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BluesKaji think the heat is getting to me01:00
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JOEYYYYYYOk now i have flashplayer installer -kate01:00
Pardalzi need some files from my windows xp..  my HD is sata.. and i dont know how to do that :>01:00
JOEYYYYYYwhat is that.01:00
stepmanicnosredna: hmm... kinda stuck atm :s you too?01:00
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BluesKajPardalz, this is linux , need help with windows try ##windows01:01
PardalzBluesKaj: no.. i wont use windows anymore..01:01
stepmanicnosredna: hmm... kinda stuck atm :s you too?01:02
Pardalzi only want my files in the partition01:02
stepmanicnosredna: ops.. what about /usr/share/xsessions/?01:02
nosrednajust about to suggets that!01:02
graftPardalz: you can mount the drive, probably01:02
BluesKajPardalz, you can use ntfs-3g amd ntfs-config to access windows partitions01:02
BluesKajfrom linux01:02
nosrednastepmanic: yeah, make a file in there called xgl.desktop01:03
nosrednaand paste that stuff01:03
CensorBardSo. I'm trying to install KMuddy from a tarball. Extracted the contents, got as far as ./configure, and then I am greeted with a message that my C compiler cannot make executables. Help?01:03
stepmanicnosredna: yep done^-^ worked01:03
graftCensorBard: sudo apt-get install build-essential01:04
BluesKajCensorBard, install build-essential01:04
PardalzBluesKaj: where i type it01:04
PardalzBluesKaj: i try in console01:04
stepmanicnosredna: so then what:P?01:04
PardalzBluesKaj: sorry... but im so newbie01:04
BluesKajPardalz, yes01:04
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter01:04
CensorBard....yeah, that might help a lot.01:05
=== sineus [n=sineus@ANancy-153-1-91-210.w81-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:05
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Pardalz:o it knows all?01:05
BluesKajthat's ok Pardalz , I'm still learning too01:05
Pardalztkx all..01:07
CensorBard...It's asking for X includes. I'm guess that's referring to X window?01:07
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CensorBardError message in question: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!01:08
stepmanicnosredna: so... thats it or what^^? nothing more needed?01:08
graftCensorBard: sudo apt-get install xlibs-dev01:09
nosrednastepmanic: ok, log out. then there will be a little list button or such, click it and select xgl01:09
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nosrednathen log back in01:09
=== Morthy [n=morthy@85-211-136-163.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
stepmanicok will do :D01:10
jabbai am trying to mount a nfs-share from a nfs-v3 server01:10
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jabbasudo mount -v -t nfs /mnt/dreambox/01:11
jabbamount to NFS server '' failed.01:11
jabbaRPC Error: 15 ( Program not registered )01:11
JOEYYYYYYerror your acrchitecture x86_64 is not supported by the adobe flash player installer.01:11
JOEYYYYYYwhat architecture do i need then?01:11
jabbadoes anyone know that problem?01:11
grafthmm, i know this... you're not running portmap or something01:11
jabbagraft, portmap is runnign on the client01:12
graftor, maybe you don't have permissions to mount that drive?01:12
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graftwhat's your export look like?01:12
grafti mean, permissions from the server01:12
jabbathere is no real export-file01:12
graftif you don't have that, nothing will work01:12
jabbait works01:13
jabbafrom another box01:13
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graftthen you must have it01:13
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sundar_nagarajanjabba: RPC error seems to indicate portmap is not running. can you check again and/or restart portmap?01:13
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:13
jabba /media/hdd/movie
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jabbasundar_nagarajan: on the client?01:13
jabbai did several times01:14
stepmanicnosredna: i could log in this time^^01:14
graftjabba: restart the server-side stuff01:14
sundar_nagarajanjabba: yes, try restarting /etc/init.d/portmap on the client01:14
nosrednagreat, so I think you are in XGL now01:14
jabbai did01:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about how_edit_fstab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:14
nosrednatry a fglrxinfo, and if it says "direct rendering no" you are!01:14
jabbait is a client-side problem01:14
jabbafrom another box i can mount it01:14
sundar_nagarajanjabba: there's a command to check what RPCs are active - let me try to find that01:14
graftjabba: what's the machine you're mounting from? LAN ip?01:14
jabba192.168.0.33 is server01:15
nosrednastepmanic: now try running "beryl-xgl" and then "beryl-manager"01:15
jabba192.168.0.30 is kubuntu feisty and connot mount01:15
nosrednasecond command will require you doing a "alt+f2"01:15
jabba192.168.0.55 is another dreambox .. can mount01:15
sundar_nagarajanjabba: have you exported to the particular client you are connecting from?01:15
jabbasee above01:15
graftseems like it01:15
jabba192.168.0.0 is allowed01:16
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stepmanicnosredna: couldnt run beryl-xgl, but i can run beryl-manager01:16
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jabbait worked before on my pc01:16
jabbawith debian etch01:16
graftare you running statd on the client?01:16
jabbanow with kubuntu feisty nfs-client rejects working01:16
nosrednastepmanic: what happened with beryl-xgl?01:16
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jabbagraf, ps ax | grep statd01:17
jabbano statd01:17
graftdo you have hosts.deny and such set up correctly?01:17
stepmanicnosredna: command not found01:17
jabbawhat is correctly?01:17
Pardalzwht means " The system reported: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc1,"01:18
jabbaand what if i cheged them?01:18
graftwell, do you have lines for NFS in there?01:18
jabba*changed them01:18
nosrednastepmanic: oh, ok. run "beryl" then01:18
nosrednaI think you are using a newer version than I am01:18
jabbagraf, oh excuse me01:18
jabbastatd is runnig01:18
jabbaon client01:18
jabba /sbin/rpc.statd01:19
graftokay... on server, cat /etc/hosts.deny01:19
graftand cat /etc/hosts.allow01:19
graftsee what it says for portmap, etc.01:19
nosrednaor just select beryl from a rightclick on beryl-manager->select window manager01:20
stepmanicnosredna: hmm.. it started, but all the windowsdecorations dissappeared and i couldnt type anything01:20
jabbaportmap: 192.168.0.*01:20
jabbarpc.mountd: 192.168.0.*01:20
nosrednastepmanic: ok, thats fine01:20
nosrednastart beryl-manager01:20
jabbahosts.deny is empty01:20
graftwell if hosts.deny is empty it's not even in issue01:21
nosrednastepmanic: start beryl-manager first, then beryl01:21
jabbado i need it?01:21
grafteh... if you're paranoid01:21
jabbanot at home01:21
stepmanici did01:21
nosrednastepmanic: when all the title bars disappear, right click on beryl-manager icon->select windowmanager->beryl01:22
jabbaand hosts.allow is ok?01:22
graftis there an ALL: line in there?01:22
nosrednastepmanic: and I have to go..... if you have any probelms go to #ubuntu-effects01:22
jabbain allow?01:22
stepmanicnosredna:yeh tnx for all the help:)01:22
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sundar_nagarajanjabba: can you try the following command: rpcinfo -p01:22
stepmanicnosredna: works great now^^01:22
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demperorSpanish learning software for Kubuntu?01:23
nosrednastepmanic: all good? GREAT! have fun!01:23
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stepmanicnosredna: will do:P01:23
graftjabba: hrm... well might want to put in a line saying ALL:
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jabbasundar_nagarajan: http://nopaste.debianforum.de/635101:25
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jabbagraft: what do i have to restart after editing hosts.allow?01:25
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jabbai should eventually mention that the server is nfs v301:26
jabbacoould that be ab problem?01:26
jabbawould have wonderd myself.. witch etch (and afterwards lenny) it workd01:27
jabbaout of the box.. :(01:27
jabba*with etch01:28
grafti dunno if you have to restart anything... hosts files usually just work01:28
sundar_nagarajanjabba: I am using NFS (though v4) and I do not have anything in /etc/hosts.allow. Used to use NFSv3 earlier and never had anything in hosts.allow there either01:28
mrksbrdok i'm still lost.....i'm trying to install my 2200bg built in wireless card, and i have no clue what to do, i have the driver already, and the firmware update.....what is the first thing i need to do with a tar.gz file(what would be the command to untar it)01:28
jabbasundar_nagarajan: strange ...01:28
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graftas i said, just for the paranoid01:29
jabbastill the same fault01:29
Daisuke_Idomrksbrd: short answer: man tar01:29
jabbarps error: 1501:29
Daisuke_Idomrksbrd: long answer: tar -zxvf <filename>01:29
jabbasundar_nagarajan: what about http://nopaste.debianforum.de/6351 ?01:30
jabbaeverything ok?01:30
mrksbrdeverytime i do that it tells me "can't find directory"01:30
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mrksbrdthe file is saved on my desktop in a foldr I created01:31
Daisuke_Idoyou need to get to that folder then01:31
graftjabba, is your other box mounting it okay right now?01:31
mrksbrdis it a basic cd command?01:31
jabba192.168.0.55 mounts
sundar_nagarajanjabba: your rpc stuff is up, and looks fine..01:32
jabbabut my PC ( cant01:32
mrksbrdex: cd home/username/desktop/intel..........??????????01:32
jabbastrange, isn't it?01:32
grafti'm assuming nfsd is running on the server01:32
jabbait _should_ work01:32
sundar_nagarajanwhen you do an exportfs -av on the NFS server do you see messages indicating exporting to
BluesKajmrksbrd, do you have a home/yourname folder  ? that's the default folder for installing files01:33
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jabba      ,wdelay,no_root_squash)01:33
mrksbrdi download them to my desktop, then put them into a folder after that01:33
graftwhy rw?01:33
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jabbaexports to the whole net
jabbawhy not?01:34
redshadowherowait... what does do?01:34
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sundar_nagarajanjabba: hmm.. I have exports enabled on a per host basis... but that should not matter01:34
jabba192.168.0.55 can mount it01:35
jabbaso should be allowed too01:35
graftyeah, all that seems fine01:35
graftare you trying to mount it as root?01:35
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BluesKajmrksbrd, downloadthem to/home/yourname ...whatever your name is in the terminal "yourname@pcname01:35
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graftwell, uid 0 anyway...01:36
jabbai also have an entry in fstab for it01:36
jabbafails also :)01:36
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jabbai surrender.. :(01:37
HomeRoeyhi again01:37
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BluesKajfor example: my pc name is den, my name is kaj so i use the default /home/kaj ...my terminal prompt is kaj@den01:38
HomeRoeycrimsun:  I had to reset, and the soundcard no longer plays the music.  What's up with this?01:38
denny__i have a compaq presario, and the usb is not showing up - nothing shows in kinfocenter under usb   (or /proc/) ???  works  fine in Windows - seached forums   -    no lead - any suggestions01:38
graftjabba: what happens if you do rpcinfo -p from whatsit, the broken client?01:38
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HomeRoeyI have a problem with my on-board via82cxxx sound chip.. amarok is playing but I don't hear anything!  What could be up with this?01:38
BluesKajdenny__, in the terminal ' lsusb'01:39
boris_anybody knows good p2p dowmload program01:39
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denny__BluesKaj: it did not return anything when I ran $ lsusb01:40
jabbagraft: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13335/01:40
jabbarpcinfo -p from
mrksbrdok i moved them to my home dir01:40
jabba(the broken client)01:40
geniimrksbrd: Put a leading / before the word home01:41
BluesKajmrksbrd, now you need to tell the browser where to download01:41
graftjabba: umm... strange, no nfs available?01:41
jabbayes, indeed...01:42
jabbabut it should01:42
jabbathe other client can mount01:42
graftnfsd is running on the server?01:42
jabbawhy doesn't the kubutu client see nfsd?01:42
boris_how do i use ktorent01:42
boris_wher is search01:42
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boris_and how do i conect01:42
graftboris_: should be a little search bar up top01:43
jabbaboris on bittorent you dont search01:43
graftboris_: if you have the latest version01:43
mrksbrdok what is the extract command.........tar01:43
jabbagraft: that seems to be the problem01:43
jabbabut why is it?01:43
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graftjabba: no weird iptables rules or anything?01:43
denny__BluesKaj: is there  some kernel module not being loaded?01:43
BluesKajtar -xzvf filename.tar.gz01:43
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geniimrksbrd: What is the exact name of the file you have again that you are extracting?01:44
jabbagraft: if kubuntu hasn't any by default .. no.01:44
boris_i need somehow to conect01:44
geniiBluesKaj: Yeah but i dunno if tar.gz01:44
graftjabba: on the server01:44
jabbait is a DVB-reveiver! ;)01:45
mrksbrdhold on01:45
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graftDVB receiver?01:45
boris_how do i create torent01:45
graftdo rpcinfo -u <server> nfs01:45
denny__any other leads to help debug a usb problem besides lsusb (which returned nothing)?01:47
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jabbarpcinfo -u nfs01:48
jabbarpcinfo: RPC: Program not registered01:48
jabbaprogram 100003 is not available01:48
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graftcan you do it from the other thingy? 0.55?01:49
jabbadoesn't have rpcinfo :(01:49
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echosystmguys, what is the vlc equivalent in kubuntu?01:49
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echosystmvlc is gtk01:50
echosystmi want to keep everything qt01:50
jabbathen kaffeine01:50
graftechosystm: i like mplayer, try smplayer01:50
echosystmok, now how about a BASIC mp3 player?01:51
mrksbrdgenii the file name is ........ipw2200-1.2.2.tgz01:51
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BluesKajvlc is vlc in linux as well, echosystm01:51
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BluesKajinstall VLC01:52
echosystmi said, vlc is gtk, i dont want to use gtk apps if i can avoid it...01:52
jabbai think echosystm is from linux-land01:52
echosystmbecause it means all the extra gtk libs need to be loaded, i'd rather keep everything in qt01:53
BluesKajI think he's strangling himself for some purist reason01:53
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echosystmkde uses enough memory as it is man :D01:54
thx1137_echosystm: XMMS would be a similar to winamp01:54
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graftgtk is super-light, man01:54
geniimrksbrd: OK, then it is   tar -xvzf ipw2200-1.2.2.tgz        if you are in the same directory. Else it is like    tar -xvzf /the/pathname/ipw2200-1.2.2.tgz -C /the/path/where/to/put/the/files01:54
jabbai think so too echosystm, the other way round would be a reason01:54
jabbabut gtk i really light01:54
thx1137_as far as mp3's anyways01:54
graftxmms is ten years out of date...01:54
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jabbagraft: what is better?01:55
thx1137_oh really? i'll have to check out gtk.. just started using01:55
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Pardalzwtf.. i configured my sound.. but01:55
Pardalzthe player just jump for next track01:56
echosystmaudacious is a more updated version of xmms01:56
Pardalzis not the player01:56
Pardalzi used 201:56
echosystmBMP is too, but that is discontinued01:56
jabbagraft: i can't believe it01:56
jabbajust rebooted the server01:56
jabbaand nfs is now showing up in rpcinfo01:56
Pardalzi using amarok and kaffeine..01:56
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok01:57
jabbanow it works01:57
jabbabut i really tried that once before01:57
jabbasth. other might have helped too01:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kafeine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:57
aesebu55I have no windows decorator in beryl with kubuntu. Anyone seen this?01:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kaffeine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:57
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thx1137_yea, I like amarok alot01:58
jabbathank you very much for your  interest graft01:58
jabbaand sundar_nagarajan01:58
=== genii sips a coffee
mrksbrdi must be a friggin idiot, because i type tar -xvzf /home/mrksbrd/ipw2200-1.2.2.tgz.................and the fuc**** thing still gives me an invalid directory error01:58
BluesKaj1.4.6 amarok seems fine01:58
geniimrksbrd: Tell me what the command whereis ipw2200-1.2.2.tgz   says please01:58
graftmrksbrd: what directory are you in? pwd01:58
mrksbrdthis is where the files arw I don't undrstand01:59
PardalzBluesKaj: at 2 players i got same problem wtf..01:59
BluesKajno need to type /home/mrksbrd/01:59
Pardalzwht you think about01:59
BluesKajuse only one01:59
shahn__aesebu55: try here http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Beryl?highlight=%28beryl%29#head-57bdfae90ae59cf7a8e3987c3aa8b674d983bd0e01:59
shahn__(it's german, but i hope you'll understand)02:00
mrksbrdi'm going to throw this thing across th room02:00
=== genii prepares to duck
BluesKajmrksbrd, in the terminal type tar -xvzf ipw2200-1.2.2.tgz02:00
=== Pardalz going to be crazy
aesebu55shahn_: haha, don't think so02:01
nejodeaesebu55: did you add the line: Option         "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true"   to your xorg.conf?02:01
mrksbrdi look in my home/mrksbrd directory & i see the 2 files02:01
geniiIt could be that perms on the tarfile do not allow without sudo02:01
aesebu55nejode: did that. I went to #beryl and they said I need to install emerald so I am doing that now. Thanks!02:01
BluesKajno need to type home/mrksbrd02:01
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mrksbrdlet me get u th exact msg it spits back02:02
BluesKaj!pastebin | mrksbrd02:02
ubotumrksbrd: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:02
aesebu55btw, if anyone in here hasn't tried beryl I really recommend it (hope that was ok)02:03
mrksbrdok i don't know what i did this tim but i think it worked....02:03
mrksbrdwhat is the next step?02:03
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graftaesebu55: are you running beryl-manager?02:03
mrksbrdit looks like it may have extracted it02:03
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BluesKajmrksbrd, open the folder look for a readme file02:04
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BluesKajand make or makefile02:04
BluesKajor ./configure02:04
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mrksbrdi see readme and makefile02:05
=== genii offers BluesKaj some coffee
BluesKajthere should be install instructions in the reame02:05
BluesKajBluesKaj, graciuosly accepts a coffee , genii :)02:06
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BluesKajok, mrksbrd , cd to the foldername in terminal02:07
jabbaok.. PC and DVB-receivers talking to each other :D ... it is late, time to get some sleep. GdN802:07
mrksbrdreadme tells me todo this..........% modprobe ipw2200 [parameter] =[value] 02:07
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mrksbrdok in the folder02:09
BluesKajmrksbrd , cd to the foldername in the terminal02:09
mrksbrdok there02:10
BluesKajis there configure file in the folder?02:10
BluesKajwell, run ./configure anyway02:11
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mrksbrdCHANGES   dvals     idvals     ipw2200.h   load            restart02:11
mrksbrdcompat.c  FILES     INSTALL    ipwstats.c  Makefile        status02:12
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BluesKajok ' sudo make install '02:12
mrksbrdthis is what i see02:12
thx1137_What are some other good IRC clients?  I'm using Konversation, but wanted to try a couple more02:14
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mrksbrdDon't forget to copy firmware to your hotplug's firmware directory and have the hotplug tools in place.02:14
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thx1137_thanks, i'll have to check those out02:15
BluesKajyou can run mirc in wine too :)02:15
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DragnslcrBluesKaj- you're not allowed to speak anymore02:16
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irgotsomeone is brazilian?02:16
BluesKajthx1137_, irssi for the terminal02:16
mrksbrdWhats next Blues????????02:17
BluesKajdid it go back to the prompt02:17
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BluesKajok mrksbrd ..what is the app BTW , so we know where to look ?02:18
mrksbrdit is the driver for my wifi card02:18
hammyhi ppl02:18
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hammyomg ubuntu IRC won't work02:19
irgotwhat's the problem?02:20
BluesKajwell mrksbrd , i'll have to hand it off from here ...wireless isn't my forte' ... Dragnslcr ?02:20
zimmodoes anybody know a bit about bind9?02:20
irgotservice bind9 restart02:21
Biovoreit gets hacked alot..02:21
Biovorebest to run it in a root jail or something..02:21
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hammylol i don't even use kubuntu but it works02:21
Biovoredjbdns or powerdns are better bets in my option..02:21
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:21
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mrksbrdi read them and because i don't know the commands it is like reading greek, this is only my first day using linux02:22
BluesKajuhoh , don't like the sound of that02:22
mrksbrd2nd sorry02:22
irgothow i install telnet server on ubuntu?02:23
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mrksbrdi'm coming over from windows, and I wanted to give linux a try02:23
mrksbrdbecause i hear how good it is, only thing i have discovered is how frustrated it gets me02:24
Biovoreirgot: why..  telnet is evil for most cases..  try ssh02:24
BluesKajgents we need wireless help here02:24
BiovoreBluesKaj: what wireless card?02:24
BluesKajmrksbrd, Biovore's yer man !02:24
mrksbrdintel pro/wireless 2200bg02:24
irgoti know telnet is evil, but i have to install it02:24
hammymaybe i should install linux02:25
thx1137_hey, check out Wubi02:25
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BiovoreI think the intell cards work out of the box.. my 3945 did..02:25
zimmo i have to configure the zones and the hosts to set up the Shorewall, ok? but it says i have not valid zones! do I need bind9 to create them first?02:25
thx1137_I used it to install ubuntu, it makes a virtual disk so you don't have to repartition your hd until your comfy with ubuntu02:25
Biovore2200bg is very well support.. I would think it should work..02:25
mrksbrdmy wifi light isn't lit02:26
Biovoremrksbrd: disabled in bios.. or the fn-antenna button?02:26
mrksbrdit is a built in wifi card if that makes a difference02:26
hammyu could try device manager02:26
Biovore^ thats kinda cool.. install ubuntu without a cd02:26
Biovoremrksbrd: mine is built in..02:26
mrksbrdalready looked in bios & fn button02:27
Biovoremrksbrd: if you open up konsole and type "lspci"  does your wifi card show up..02:27
thx1137_yea, and I don't have a DVD player, so I couldn't really install Ubuntu Studio, but with this I can install it and check it out.. so far it's awesome02:27
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mrksbrd02:02.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (rev 05)02:28
irgotwhat command i send a menssage to a person02:29
irgot[tokin] teste02:30
Biovoremrksbrd: you have wireless-tools module-assistant ?02:30
Biovoremrksbrd: ubuntu should have a ipw2200 module in the default kernel..02:30
mrksbrdi installed something like that, but can't find it anywhere02:30
Biovoremrksbrd: "sudo lsmod | grep ipw2200"02:31
Biovorethe led is a option.. its off by default..02:31
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Biovoremrksbrd: if you want the led do the follow.. echo "options ipw2200 led=1" >> /etc/modules.d/ipw2200.modprobe02:32
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Biovoremrksbrd: probably need a sudo at the start02:32
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mrksbrdslow down.....u lost me02:32
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mrksbrdwhat do i need to type in the terminal....the echo line?02:34
Biovoremrksbrd: run "konsole"02:34
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mrksbrdalready there02:35
Biovoremrksbrd: now type "sudo lsmod | grep ipw2200"02:35
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Biovoredo you get a line that says ipw2000       <somenumber>  some more stuff02:36
irgoti try to compile a new kenel on ubuntu and i failed, someone knows if it's possible02:36
Biovorethere's a howto on the forums02:36
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mrksbrdipw2200               148040  002:36
Biovoreso the driver is installed then..02:37
mrksbrdieee80211              34760  1 ipw220002:37
irgotpass to me the adress02:37
Biovoremrksbrd: now type "iwconfig"02:37
irgotpass the adress of forum02:37
ubotuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.02:37
Biovoreit has  a search..02:37
TheCreationistDoes anyone know if there is anything thing for Linux similar to Finale or Noteworthy Composer?02:38
mrksbrdno wireless extensions02:38
jhutchinsirgot: Were you asking if compiling a kernel on kubuntu was possible?02:38
mrksbrdeth1 unassociated02:38
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irgot[jhutchins] yes02:39
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jhutchinsirgot: Certainly it is.  That's how the kernel that's distributed as a binary got built.02:39
Biovoremrksbrd: Mode:Managed  Frequency=nan kHz  Access Point: Not-Associated  <-- that the second line of eth1?02:39
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jhutchinsirgot: It's best to have a current howto for reference, but there are a number of guides available.02:40
mrksbrdMode:Managed  Channel=0  Access Point: Not-Associated02:40
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hacker128ubuntu___:  Get bcm43xx-fwcutter.02:40
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Biovoremrksbrd: ok so that means all the low-level stuff is working fine.. just need to configure the interface..02:40
intelikeywhat is /var/log/ksymoops/*  ?02:41
hacker128Biovore: Get bcm43xx-fwcutter.02:41
Biovoremrksbrd: Tring to think of whats the easiest way to configure that interface..  probably to use KNetworkManager.02:41
jhutchinsirgot: This is probably the one Biovore was thinking of: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1475.html02:41
irgotjhutchins: thanks02:41
irgothow i send a ms only to you jhutchin02:42
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jhutchinsintelikey: Symbolic debugging of kernel oops logs?02:42
intelikeyjhutchins hmmm.   wonder why that's active...    insmod: modprobe: cannot create /var/log/ksymoops/20070801.log Read-only file system02:43
mrksbrdwhy wont mine launch?02:43
intelikeythat's a boot time error message02:43
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Biovoremrksbrd: should put a small network thing in your system tray.. right click on it and it should pop open with a list of wireless-networks..02:44
intelikeyi'll link null to it and see what happens02:44
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mrksbrdok i see my network02:45
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intelikeythat cleared it up.   i realize i just disabled some kind of logging but i never used it anyway so...02:47
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dmuserHey everyone02:49
dmuserHow's it going?02:49
dmuserNot bad02:50
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hacker128Good. You on a ppc or intel.02:50
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HomeRoeyheh, hi02:50
dmuserAlthough every time I leave my computer on for the day, it seems something stops working, and my applications won't start any more.02:50
eddy__eh me son distratto la madonna poverina de dio02:50
dmuser...which I find odd since there's no one here to change anything02:50
eddy__Argentin addirittura a 25...02:50
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hacker128Irritating thing about Linux...02:51
intelikeydmuser memory leak02:51
BluesKaj!it | eddy__02:51
ubotueddy__: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:51
dmuserintelikey: How do I track it down?  Any ideas?02:51
mrksbrd1Biovore....thank you so much i'm now connected02:51
hacker128SOmething goes wrong...02:51
intelikeydmuser not really02:51
dmuserThe only thing I have running is Kopete and Konversation02:51
Biovoremrksbrd1: ok cool..  it should work out of the box.. just run that KNetoworkManager thing..02:52
hacker128IT WONT!02:52
Biovorewell it did :-P02:52
mrksbrd1i have another ? for you02:52
eddy__is there someone who use aMSN?02:52
intelikeydmuser just saying that if time is the only variable and the more time the worse it gets   then it's probably a memory leak02:52
mrksbrd1have you evr configured a aircard in linux?02:52
hacker128Yes. i am on a02:52
dmuserintelikey: Uhh.  Yeah.  Something is eating up 2Gb of RAM.  Any way to find out what?02:52
Biovoremrksbrd1: nope..  I stick with the intel cards because there open..02:52
hacker128iBook G4!02:52
Biovorehacker128: broadcom wireless... poor boy....02:53
hacker128I know.02:53
Biovorehacker128: Those are evil...02:53
hacker128But I dont mind.02:53
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Biovorehacker128: its a hack just to get them to work.. And they have big problems..02:54
hacker128I KNOW!02:54
mrksbrd1ok....my next mission i guess, we don't have a wifi network @ work, so i have to use an aircard...linux does recognize it, but that's the extent of it02:54
hacker128but it is a fun hack@02:54
Biovoremrksbrd1: I don't know anything about aircards..02:54
hacker128And my computer was free.02:55
mrksbrd1ok like i said thanks for helping on the wifi!!!02:55
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hacker128So i am not complaining!02:55
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intelikeydmuser first of all is the ram actually used     echo "`free -m  | grep "buffers/cache" | cut -b19-36 | tr -d ' '`m used"02:55
eddy__is there someone who use aMSN?02:56
Biovoreintelikey: We make check memory so complicated.. :-P02:56
mrksbrd1by guyz...thanks everyone02:56
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intelikeyBiovore could have parsed it dirrectly out of proc02:57
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DIODio Cane02:57
Biovoreintelikey: yup..02:57
hacker128And... So are encrypted DVDs.02:57
dmuserintelikey: Ok.  Only 250Mb used.02:57
robbyhi newbs02:57
intelikeydmuser now keep that command handy and let it run for seceral hours and run it again and compare.  if it hasn't increesed much it's not a leak if it has it probably is.02:58
dmuserintelikey:  Is there a system log file that I can create or view to see why programs are aborting that might give me a clue?02:58
DIOof course sir02:58
hacker128Try Runaway Process Catcher.02:59
hacker128It is a kicker applet.02:59
intelikeydmuser hmmm  you can look in /var/log/*   but i don't know of anything off hand that would track "aborted/crashed" applications.02:59
DIOsono le 303:00
intelikeynormally that kind of thing will only show if something is "depending" on the exit status of the app03:00
intelikeyi.e.   true && echo success || echo failed03:01
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intelikeyi.e.   false && echo success || echo failed03:01
Biovorespam spam spam03:01
Diocannamadonnait's not spam03:01
intelikeyDiocannamadonna it's spelled /exit03:01
HomeRoeycrimsun:  hi hi03:02
HomeRoeyhey all03:02
Diocannamadonnait's Diocannamadonna03:02
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HomeRoeyI seem to be stuck on my via82cxxx on-board sound chip when I /really/ wnat to be using my Chaintech AV710 sound card.  I've disabled the on-board sound controller in teh BIOS, but alsa still reports errors when I launch alsamixer (and lsmod still shows via82cxxx).  How can I fix this?  (there's no alsaconfig in ubuntu, arg)03:03
HomeRoeyBiovore:  hi!!03:03
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HomeRoeyBiovore:  do you know how to fix this?03:04
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild!03:04
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BiovoreHomeRoey: Hmm  I would guess that you might have that module stuff in a configuration file somewhere..03:05
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BiovoreHomeRoey: crimsum is the sound expert..03:05
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HomeRoeyBiovore:  ok03:05
HomeRoeythanks :)03:05
dmuserintelikey Is there any reason this "Jul 30 07:36:01 Fanderay syslogd 1.4.1#20ubuntu4: restart." would show up at the exact same time every day where my computer has been inactive for a number of hours before and after?03:06
BiovoreHomeRoey: check your /etc/modules file.. so if it's getting loaded in there..03:06
HomeRoeycrimsun... I've been trying to get ahold of him all day03:06
HomeRoeyBiovore:  it's not03:06
HomeRoeyhey JohnFlux03:06
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BiovoreHomeRoey: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base ?03:07
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HomeRoeyBiovore, http://rafb.net/p/YOzWe390.html03:09
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HomeRoeyit loads all sorts of via82cxxx-specific stuff.03:09
intelikeydmuser check /etc/cron*  probably a dialy cron job   ?03:09
HomeRoeyI'd like to re-install this whole alsa configuration from scratch, as if I were installing the system anew03:09
JohnFluxHomeRoey: hey03:10
BiovoreHomeRoey: Mine has the same stuff in it as well..03:10
intelikeydmuser i have set up cron jobs before but as a general rule i dont use cron at all   so off hand i wouldn't know.03:10
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rockets_Are there any plans for a human-like theme for Kubuntu?03:10
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Biovorerockets_: there are.. see www.kde-look.org03:11
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about htsserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:11
Daisuke_Ido!info htsserver03:11
ubotuPackage htsserver does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas03:11
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rockets_Biovore, ive looked03:11
rockets_Biovore, i found one that doesnt work03:11
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Daisuke_Idoah, httrack03:12
dmuserWell lets see if restarting does the trick.03:13
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HomeRoey Biovore, but I even disabled it in the bios!!03:14
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BiovoreHomeRoey: yeah weird..  I havn't had to deal with changing sound cards.. so I am not really sure.. I havn't dug all that much into alsa..03:15
BiovoreHomeRoey: I assume your loading the driver for the new soundcard manualy?03:16
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HomeRoeyBiovore:  I don't know anymore :(03:20
HomeRoeyit seems to load auotmatically03:20
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soulriderhi everyone03:20
HomeRoeyintelikey:  hi!03:21
intelikeyin case you need it.03:21
HomeRoeyintelikey:  much thanks03:21
HomeRoeywhat does it do specifically?03:21
intelikeyread it03:21
soulriderhello intelikey03:21
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HomeRoeyreboot -f03:21
HomeRoeyhow does it get past that??03:22
HomeRoeythe system reboots, ok.... so how does it finish that last line?03:22
soulridermaybe the kernel is having some tourble rebooting03:22
intelikeyyes there are two commands there.   both are for specific needs read the comments.03:22
soulriderdoing the actual power off/on03:22
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HomeRoeyoh, ok03:22
HomeRoeyintelikey:  gotcha03:22
soulriderpress the reset button and it should reboot with no problems i guess03:22
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intelikeysoulrider heh03:23
soulriderintelikey: do you know of any console web browsers that support flash?03:23
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HomeRoeycrimsun:  hi?03:24
intelikeysoulrider seeing that i never mess with flash i havent tried to find one.  should be able to use dillo for the console with svgalib  or something03:24
soulriderintelikey: im running links at the moment with graphics support03:24
intelikeyyeah links2 -g is good and light   elinks  also  but i don't think either will do flash03:25
nosrednaekimsoulrider: you and your 90's era computing.03:25
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soulriderim compiling gnome at the moment and its gonna take a while03:25
soulridergnome in my archlinux installation collapsed03:26
soulriderand i dont know how to fix it =/03:26
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dmuserintelikey:  I think I found the problem.  When I restarted, I had to reinstall my nVidia graphics drivers to fix a "modified library" so that kdm would start.  Any idea what would cause this?03:26
intelikeynosrednaekim 90's ???  uh  the console didn't die it just got stronger03:26
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intelikeydmuser automatic updates ?03:26
nosrednaekimyeah, but in the early 90's thats all there was.03:27
intelikeycheck /var/log/dpkg*03:27
dmuserintelikey:  It's happened 3 times in a row now.  And automatic updates aren't turned on.03:27
soulrideri remember windows 3.11 :P03:27
Dr_willis_I rember Punchcards03:27
Dr_willis_I rember IRCing on a greebar printing terminal.03:27
Dr_willis_I rember analog computers made with resistors and capaciators and stuff. :)03:27
intelikeydmuser hmmmm....    you need an nvidia expert03:27
mneptoksoulrider: mplayer has a CLI mode that can play Flash.03:27
intelikeywhich i am not03:28
Dr_willis_to solve equations.03:28
Dr_willis_aalib - is so amusing :)03:28
dmuserSo you're saying I should email nVidia about the issue?03:28
mneptokdmuser: let me guess. you installed the nVidia driver from nVidia, not the package manager.03:28
mneptokdmuser: that's your problem03:28
mneptokdmuser: you will have to recompile and reinstall that driver every time the kernel or one of the kernel libs changes.03:29
BluesKajdam proprietary drivers :)03:29
dmuserThe one in the package manager wouldn't enable 3D acceleration properly.  Unless that's just my own ineptitude.03:29
soulridermneptok: but i mean flash in sites03:29
JOEYYYYYYSo if i have a 64 bit processor. Theres no way to get adobe flash for linux?03:30
mneptoksoulrider: you need to wget the content and pass the .swf to mplayer-cli03:30
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soulriderJOEYYYYYY: yes you can03:30
Dr_willis_JOEYYYYYY,  gotta use a 32bit root enviroment some how03:30
soulridermneptok: yeah... i think ill pass =/03:30
intelikeymneptok well what is my problem with nvidia ?    i installed from the repos and it wont work.   (riva128 agp)   ???03:30
JOEYYYYYY32 bit root enviornment.03:30
mneptokJOEYYYYYY: or just install the 32 bit version of Ubuntu03:30
nosrednaekimJOEYYYYYY: install nspluginwrapper03:30
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JOEYYYYYYok let me try that.03:31
SanneJOEYYYYYY: I installed the 32 bit Firefox from mozilla.org, runs fine.03:31
mneptok!info nvidia-glx-legacy03:31
ubotunvidia-glx-legacy: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.7184+ (feisty), package size 2992 kB, installed size 9780 kB03:31
JOEYYYYYYSo if i just download firefox it will have flash an java?03:31
intelikeyyep wont work03:31
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:31
Dr_willis_do you have a need for the  64bit ubuntu? if not - stick with 32bit03:32
SanneJOEYYYYYY: I followed the wiki, I'll try to find it, sec03:32
mneptokintelikey: the Riva is just too old. nVidia does not provide a driver for it.03:32
BluesKajdumped gnash out of konq and now it plays youtube at least03:32
soulriderJOEYYYYYY: java is a different thing, just do "sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre" and youre all set03:32
intelikeymneptok correct it's not supported03:32
mneptoksoulrider: no 64 bit Java plugin from Sun, though03:32
soulriderintelikey: i used to have a 16mb vanta lt card, it rocked!03:32
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rocketsWait huh03:33
rocketstheres no 64 bit java?03:33
mneptokintelikey: so get a cheapo GeForce?03:33
rocketsI was just about to install Ubuntu 64 bit to03:33
dmusermneptok So I should be uninstalling my current nVidia driver, and installing nvidia-glx-new from console?03:33
JOEYYYYYYIf i use ubuntu 32 bit version, arent I gonna lose half my speed?03:33
HomeRoeyyou won't03:33
rocketsJOEYYYYYY, hah no, 64 bit is only faster for certain things.03:33
SanneJOEYYYYYY: scroll down to "Firefox 2.0 with Flash and Java under AMD64": https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:33
rocketslike compiling.03:33
intelikeysoulrider with just the nv driver i have no qualmns with this 32m riva12803:33
JOEYYYYYYIm using amd athlon 64 x2 processor 5000+03:33
HomeRoeyJOEYYYYYY:  it's a bunch of BS03:33
mneptokdmuser: correct03:33
soulriderintelikey: how about the nv driver? unless youre gonna eb doing 3d03:34
HomeRoeyJOEYYYYYY:  64- vs. 32- bit is /not/ an issue.03:34
soulriderintelikey: alright03:34
nosrednaekimJOEYYYYYY: unless you have >4 Gigs of ram, performance laoss will be nil03:34
mneptokHomeRoey: it is if you have > 4GB RAM ;)03:34
=== mneptok guesses JOEYYYYYY does not
HomeRoeytrust me, I just spent hell in 64-bit debian for the past two years, and only now I got the intelligence to just re-install a 32-bit Ubuntu so that I can finally enjoy Flash.03:34
HomeRoeyJOEYYYYYY:  see abov03:34
HomeRoeymneptok:  who cares?03:34
JOEYYYYYYYeah Im only running 1 gig.03:34
JOEYYYYYYPoor me.03:34
HomeRoeyseriously, I have two gigs fo ram and two gigs of swap--03:35
intelikeymneptok no.   intelikey's first rule of computing is "you can not force a hardware upgrade by poor software"   in short don't try to sell me new JUNK to replace old JUNK period.03:35
HomeRoey/I/ won't be upgrading this machine.03:35
SanneJOEYYYYYY: did you get my link?03:35
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JOEYYYYYYYes. Im going to check that out now. Thanks for all your help guys.03:35
mneptokintelikey: don't complain to me. i'm not the one EOLing the Riva.03:35
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intelikeymneptok i'm not complaining,  just saying that approach is not acceptable03:36
SanneJOEYYYYYY: there's also a 64 bit subforum on ubuntuforums: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=13403:36
soulriderintelikey: im almost sure there are drivers for that card03:36
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intelikeysoulrider well we looked and nothing that is "currently supported"   but you are probably right if i knew where to look03:37
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soulriderintelikey: i think you want the 7xxx drivers03:38
intelikeysoulrider i did mention it's not pci  it's real agp  ?03:38
intelikeysomehow there differ03:39
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soulriderintelikey: the 1.0-7185 driver supports your card03:39
intelikeyi'm willing to test it,  is that on the nvidia site ?03:40
intelikeylet me look.03:40
soulriderintelikey: im almopst sure that those drivers are in the repos too03:40
Daisuke_Idofrom Cap'n CLI to installing proprietary drivers?03:40
soulriderintelikey:  nvidia-glx-legacy you want that03:41
soulriderDaisuke_Ido: intelikey must be having a crisis, hes installing propietary stuff... and who knows, maybe even KDE :P03:41
Daisuke_Idothe smart money's against that03:42
intelikeysoulrider heh did i not say half an hour ago that  nvidia-glx-legacy  will NOT work03:42
soulriderintelikey: it should though =/03:42
stonedgo johnyy go go go03:42
intelikeycan't help it.  it wont03:42
JOEYYYYYYwhats i686?03:43
soulriderJOEYYYYYY: architecture03:43
Daisuke_Idosoulrider: they pulled the riva out of the version in the repos, it's newer than the one he's getting from the site03:43
soulrideri see03:43
Daisuke_Idoyes, i saw a beautiful building in rome with i686 design03:43
soulriderthat joke.... sucked :P03:43
Daisuke_Idowe can't all be winners :(03:44
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Daisuke_Idoanyway, touhou is a failure in both wine and cedega cvs :\03:44
soulriderpiece of advice to everyone, if you install gentoo, make sure you ahve a fast PC and a LOT of time in your hands03:44
soulrideryouhow ?03:45
jacobi'm an ubuntu user, the ubuntu chat room doesn't seem to know how to change boot screens, does anybody know how i can change my boot screen?03:45
Dr_willis_soulrider,  or a lot of pc's and use 'distcc' :)03:45
soulriderjacob: you mean the splash ?03:45
Dr_willis_jacob,  which boot screen.03:45
Daisuke_Idotouhou is a series of shmups for windows (shmups = shootemups, think 1942 or gradius)03:45
Daisuke_Idowith a whole lot more bullets03:45
Dr_willis_i 'change' them by disabling them all.03:45
soulwarpyou mean te partition boot screen?03:46
soulriderDr_willis_: uhm.. i could use my dads PC as a prostitute for compiling my stuff :P03:46
jacobDr_willis, the one that shows up when you load ubuntu03:46
Dr_willis_soulrider,  thats possible.03:46
jacobthe first boot screen that shows up when you turn on the computer03:46
Dr_willis_jacob,  you mean the splash screen BEFOR the GDM/Kdm login then.03:46
Daisuke_Idothe usplash?03:46
Dr_willis_i always disable that with the nosplash option.  to the kernel.03:46
soulwarpi think he means Grub loader03:46
jacobdr_willis, is that possible?03:46
soulriderjacob: you mean the one that sais Ubuntu? or the one where you select kernel ?03:46
Dr_willis_possible to diossable it? of courze.03:47
jacobDr_willis, when you turn on the computer, ubuntu loads up and it has the gauge that loads03:47
Dr_willis_i also am sure to enable the grub meni so its shown03:47
soulriderDr_willis_: i think you can also change it03:47
Dr_willis_jacob,  yes.. I disable that. :)03:47
Dr_willis_i consider it useless03:47
Dr_willis_i want to see the messages scroll by.03:47
jacobdr_willis, can i change that to make it more stylish?03:47
soulriderjacob: you can change it yeah, but the ubuntu one is cool and you might screw something up03:48
soulriderjacob: bear in mind that you cannot put any image there03:48
soulriderit has to meet some requirements03:48
soulriderlike, you dont have a full color pallete03:48
Daisuke_Ido640x480 with 16 colours?03:48
Dr_willis_jacob,  as ive said - i change it DEAD. :)03:48
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork03:48
Dr_willis_that urls dont give good info?03:49
soulriderfor gods sake, compiling gnome takes FOREVER!03:49
Dr_willis_ /usr/share/doc/usplash-dev/examples/README03:49
soulriderbrb, gonna make some tea :P03:49
JOEYYYYYYAnyone know any good sites where i can get some commands on installing mozilla.03:49
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jacobubotu, that's a long document, there's not quick version?03:49
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:50
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Daisuke_Idojacob: that's the info, if you want to change things without messing them up, you read that.03:50
Dr_willis_cat /usr/share/doc/usplash/README  - has some info.03:50
Daisuke_Idosoulrider: might as well go pick the tea leaves, dry them for a few months, and then brew a cup03:50
jacobalright thx alot03:50
Dr_willis_but then again. if you want power.. ya gotta learn to  crank the generator! :)03:50
Daisuke_Idoby the time you get back, gnome MIGHT be done03:50
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CensorBardWonderful. Botched Wine, and now I can't get it to run properly. Off to wipe and reinstall.03:51
intelikeyJOEYYYYYY installing mozilla what ?   browser mailnews ???03:51
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nosrednaekimreinstall Kubuntu?03:51
jacobalright, thx, have a good night sleep03:51
=== Dr_willis_ wonders how you boched wine.
intelikeygot it too warm ?03:52
CensorBardApparantly, installed it, sans the files it needed.03:52
Dr_willis_Installed it how?03:52
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu03:52
Dr_willis_there are unofficial repos with the latest wine - i do belove03:53
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:53
Daisuke_Idofor god's sake, USE THEM03:53
intelikeyoh he shook it03:53
BluesKajthink I'll DL mirc and run it on wine ...gotta use it for something :)03:53
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Dr_willis_BluesKaj,  use it to install spyware03:53
Daisuke_Idothe repos are there so you don't have the headaches that come with trying to get things installed manually03:53
CensorBardEventually, I'm going to need to go compile Winex. And that's going to be fun.03:53
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Daisuke_Idowhy do so many people feel the need to make life needlessly complicated03:54
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Daisuke_IdoCensorBard: i just did03:54
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:54
Daisuke_Idoit's not that tough03:54
JOEYYYYYYintellikey; im trying to install firefox so i can use java and flash.03:54
JOEYYYYYYits in ark but i dont know what to do from there.03:54
Daisuke_Idoclose ark03:54
Daisuke_Idosudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox03:54
CensorBardDoc Ido: Because we're Linux noobs. And taking page after page of notes culled from the man pages helps not with the headaches.03:54
JOEYYYYYYDaisuke_ will that install no matter what folder its in?03:55
intelikeyJOEYYYYYY delete it and use the package managere03:55
Daisuke_Idoso pop open synaptic03:55
=== soulwarp hugs synaptic
Daisuke_Idosudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre flashplugin-nonfree03:55
Daisuke_IdoCensorBard: nothing i've said involves man pages or notes03:56
Daisuke_Idothere are graphical package managers right there in the menu that if you open them, and search for, say "wine", you'll get it.03:56
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JOEYYYYYYDaisuke_ it says package is missing or obsolete.03:56
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Daisuke_IdoJOEYYYYYY: which package?03:57
intelikeyi love it when web pages tell me that my version of netscape navigator is too old    hehhe   elinks is funny03:57
hambobohow do i use wine03:57
CensorBardI found this out too late. Adept_installer != Adept_manager, and all that.03:57
SpiderHi! :)03:57
JOEYYYYYYI thought that command was for me.03:57
JOEYYYYYYMaybe not.03:57
Daisuke_IdoJOEYYYYYY: sudo apt-get install firefox03:58
Daisuke_Idoi forgot they renamed the package03:58
Daisuke_Idoand your best bet is to go into adept or synaptic and install the java5 jre and flashplugin-nonfree03:58
intelikeyJOEYYYYYY the command is for you;  sudo apt-get install firefox sun-java5-jre flashplugin-nonfree03:58
Daisuke_Idoooh, so i did get the java package name right :)03:59
intelikeyactually i just copied you...03:59
JOEYYYYYYYa but it said its missing or obsolete intelikey.03:59
Daisuke_IdoJOEYYYYYY: which package is missing or obsolete?03:59
Daisuke_Idothat's important information03:59
intelikeywhich  "IT"  ?03:59
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JOEYYYYYYFlashplugin has no installation candidate?04:00
intelikeynever mind.  i'm busy.04:00
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Daisuke_Idoflashplugin, not Flashplugin04:01
Daisuke_Idocase sensitive04:01
warholare there any guides made for installing compiz on kubuntu specifically?04:01
Daisuke_Idoand it's flashplugin-nonfree04:01
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tinin<warhol> it is easy, but it still sukc on under kde04:01
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tininsucks on kde04:02
BluesKajJOEYYYYYY, it'll ask you to accept the agreement , otherwise the install won't finish04:02
Spidercould I ask someone a Question please04:02
Dr_willis_Spider,  you just did. :) care to ask another?04:02
JOEYYYYYYYeah i got it now. Everythings working.04:02
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:02
warholwhat is the best visual effect manager to install on kubuntu?04:02
tininhttp://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/ <warhol>04:02
Dr_willis_warhol,  clarify that term.. :)04:02
warholdont know if compiz is a window manager or not04:03
Daisuke_Idocompiz is a window manager, yes04:03
warholokay, to clarify, what is the best and easiest windows manager to install on kubuntu04:03
warholive already got my nvidia drivers and xgl working04:04
SpiderI using ubuntu and and was looking for irc programs and stumbled across this chat room and was wondering whats kubuntu??04:04
Dr_willis_warhol,  dozens of them - depends on your needs.04:04
tininkde will have those kind of effects natively in kde4, till then, gnome+compiz is better i guess04:04
Dr_willis_Windowmaker is rather straight forward. icewm is VERY straightfor4ward04:04
Daisuke_Idokubuntu is ubuntu with kde as the DE04:04
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warholDr: im basically looking for the 3d cube trick04:04
Daisuke_Idosame base, different desktop environment04:04
Dr_willis_warhol,  that has nothing to do with 'best/easiest'04:04
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects04:04
Spiderwhats kde? im kinda new to linux04:04
Daisuke_Idothis is for those that wish gnome were as small as its name implies :D04:04
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.04:04
Dr_willis_Spider,  a desktop enviroment. = window manager + support apps  + filemanager04:05
warholis there any window manager installed with kubuntu?04:05
Dr_willis_if you are using Kubuntyu, you are most likely using KDE.04:05
Dr_willis_warhol,  KDE has kwin as its window manager04:05
Daisuke_IdoDr_willis_: he's using ubuntu04:05
warholcan it do those cool thangs04:05
Daisuke_Idonot yet04:05
intelikeyi can not b'leave i let you talk me in to dl'ing 10m on slodem that is going to ask me to agree with a license that i will not agree with...      what's wrong with me today?04:05
BluesKajgnome implies a small footprint , but it aint ;)04:06
Dr_willis_warhol,  beryl is a SPECIAL window manager that does those cool things04:06
Daisuke_IdoBluesKaj: exactly what i said :P04:06
hambobohow do i use wine04:06
Daisuke_Ido!wine | hambobo04:06
ubotuhambobo: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:06
Dr_willis_beryls main 'feature' is all that useless eye candy04:06
Daisuke_IdoSpider: got some hd space to play with?04:06
Spiderhehe yup04:06
Daisuke_Idosudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop04:07
BluesKajyup, just remebering my old norse bedtime stories ...they were long and exciting and full of gnomes04:07
Daisuke_Idoand definitely use aptitude04:07
Daisuke_IdoNOT apt-get04:07
=== rockets [n=rockets@cpe-74-64-1-72.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
rocketsI'm about to try Kubuntu 64-bit04:07
Daisuke_Idobecause if you want to remove it easily aptitude will make life better :)04:07
soulriderintelikey: why wont you agree with the licence ?04:07
intelikeyi would have said  KDE  rather than kubuntu-desktop also...04:07
soulrideri must admit i never read a single propietary software licence :P04:07
warholdarn beryl's wiki is down due to vandalizim : (04:07
robbyhow can i click the OK on the java agreement? o.004:08
rocketsrobby, click ok.04:08
intelikeysoulrider that's why04:08
Daisuke_Idointelikey: why is that?  he was originally asking about what kubuntu was04:08
robbyi tryed :P04:08
Spiderwhat will that do?04:08
Daisuke_Idoso i'm showing him04:08
Daisuke_Idothat will install the kubuntu packages04:08
robbynothing...it's in the command line04:08
tinin<warhol> compiz fusion is the newest effect manager, you can grab it from the repositories listed here http://compiz.org/Compiz_and_Compiz_Fusion_GIT_Ubuntu_Repository04:08
Spiderbut i will still have ubuntu?04:08
Daisuke_Idoafter it installs, you can log out of gnome and log in to kde04:08
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Daisuke_Idoyou will have both :)04:09
Spider2 mins04:09
Daisuke_Idoprobably longer than that.04:09
Dr_willis_I have about 9 window managers/desktops installed at the moment.04:09
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido oh i scrolled up and saw "<Spider> whats kde? im kinda new to linux" <<<< and thought that was the Q04:09
Daisuke_Idono harm no foul04:09
warholtintin: thanks04:09
soulriderDr_willis_: you insane ?04:09
Dr_willis_soulrider,  i got different reasons for different ones. :)04:09
tinintinin ;P04:09
Spiderwhat was that command again please?04:09
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Daisuke_IdoDr_willis_: windowmaker, kde, gnome, enlightenment, fluxbox, blackbox, icewm...  i'm out04:10
robbyoh well java is junk anyway04:10
soulriderDr_willis_.... bit 9? =/04:10
warholtinin: that does work on kubuntu as well, correct?04:10
soulriderrobby: java sint junk04:10
ice9trying to start automatix204:10
warholtinin: just to be sure im not trippin04:10
Daisuke_IdoSpider: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop04:10
ice9I get this04:10
Dr_willis_Daisuke_Ido,  i like 'matchbox' for some reasons04:10
ice9Traceback (most recent call last):04:10
ice9  File "/usr/bin/automatix.py", line 34, in <module>04:10
ice9    from resin_config import *04:10
ice9  File "/usr/lib/automatix2/resin_config.py", line 12, in <module>04:10
ice9    import gtk, gtk.glade04:10
ice9ImportError: No module named gtk04:10
Dr_willis_ice9,  do NOT use automatix..04:10
Daisuke_Idoice9: you're better off without it.04:10
Dr_willis_theres very little need for it these days..04:11
BluesKaj!automatix | ice904:11
ubotuice9: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:11
tinin<warhol> not so good, it has some errors, but you can try it04:11
Daisuke_Idothere's nothing it can do these days that you can't already do by default :)04:11
ice9ok sounds good04:11
ice9is there anyway we can try out plasma04:11
ice9in kde 3.504:11
Daisuke_Idoi used automatix in the early days, back when it was a script and just *ran*, installing everything :(  it made my computer sad04:11
soulriderice9: i dont think so04:12
soulriderDaisuke_Ido: LOL04:12
intelikeyice9 where did you get automatix?  i want to try it.04:12
ice9from the site04:12
warholtinin: well what's the most stable?04:12
soulriderDaisuke_Ido: its always a good idea to have an installation you can delete just to test things out04:12
ice9also I tried the deps too04:12
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tinin<warhol> none at the moment04:12
Daisuke_Idosoulrider: i was dual booting at the time :)04:12
warhol: (04:12
Daisuke_Idoso even with a sad linux install, it was better than a happy windows one.04:13
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soulriderDaisuke_Ido: with windoors?04:13
warholwell which one have you had the BEST experience with?04:13
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.04:13
ice9trying to get xen to work04:13
ice9using an iso of debian etch04:13
Dr_willis_warhol,  best in what way...04:13
intelikeythere's an automatix site  ;/  ?\04:13
Dr_willis_are we still taliong about Beryl.stuff? or window managers in general?04:13
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warholfancy stuff that works and doesnt crash04:13
Daisuke_IdoDr_willis_: so... what's matchbox like?04:14
SpiderDaisuke_ido:> so what's the diffrence between Gnome& kde?04:14
Daisuke_IdoSpider: the entire philosophy04:14
ice9kde is flashing gnome is pratical04:14
Dr_willis_Daisuke_Ido,  its designed for 'handheld' embeded devices. every app is fullscreen. small launcher menu. :)04:14
Daisuke_Idokde apps tend to be more tightly integrated04:14
soulriderSpider: theya re just different enviroments, different interfaces04:14
Dr_willis_Daisuke_Ido,  rather 'odd' for a desktop box. but its ok for what i set it up for, :)04:14
tinin<warhol> but just try it, all you need to do once it is installed is to run this command in a console: compiz --replace            you will like it04:14
joey__Is there a version of fedora with just 1 .iso?04:14
joey__Im seeing 4 online.04:14
Dr_willis_matchbox is NOT related to fluxbox/openbox/blackbox04:15
soulriderjoey__: no idea, ask them not us :P04:15
ice9the dvd04:15
Daisuke_Idoeww, fedora04:15
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warholtrying compiz right now04:15
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Daisuke_Idoa big difference between gnome and kde is customization.  with gnome, customization options are a little hidden, with kde, it's all laid out04:15
Dr_willis_install them both.. try them both out.. :)04:16
Dr_willis_see which one ya end up using the most04:16
Daisuke_Idoerm...  anyone have anything to add?04:16
Spideri like customisation04:16
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Dr_willis_set up a script that runs a random window manager. :)04:16
Daisuke_Idothat would be interesting04:16
Daisuke_Idooh, i bet Dr_willis_ has CDE installed too04:17
Dr_willis_I make custome 'x sessions' that run specific window managers for specific needs.04:17
SpiderI need to learn some new stuff04:17
Dr_willis_Daisuke_Ido,  not that one. :)04:17
tinin<warhol> it is a long story, but beryl and compiz were the old programs to do this, now they unified and it works very stable, the only problem is that kde is not able to manage well these effects. It will on kde404:17
Daisuke_IdoSpider: you're in the right place04:17
Dr_willis_gotta love a 'c64' desktop session that loads vice, and geos disks. :)04:17
Dr_willis_or a 'mame' Login session :)04:17
Daisuke_Idothat's pretty sweer04:17
intelikeylooks like 4 out of 10 links on the automatix.org page have the word ubuntu in them04:17
Daisuke_Idohow about an amiga login?04:17
robbyim using kde. wen i reboot all my window reopen from last i rebooted. is there a way to keep it from doing that?04:17
Dr_willis_or 'games' and just a simple window manager with a few game icons on the desktop04:18
Dr_willis_Daisuke_Ido,  the amiga emulator under Linux is.. well.. lacking in ways. :(04:18
Daisuke_Idointelikey: that's because automatix was originally designed for, and is still primatily designed for, ubuntu04:18
Dr_willis_actually VICE under ubuntu feisty has a bug that makes it unuseable also. :(04:18
Daisuke_IdoDr_willis_: UAE isn't up to par?04:18
intelikeyrobby configure it to start with an empty session04:18
Daisuke_Idothat sucks04:18
Dr_willis_Daisuke_Ido,  compared to WinUAE - its rather lacking04:18
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tinin<robby> yes, but not sure where04:18
Daisuke_Idothen configure your session to launch WinUAE through wine :D04:19
hamboboi used wine for installation files but it says `module not found`04:19
robbyintelikey that's what i need a fresh session04:19
Spiderubuntu I find for a beginer to linux is fairly good I'm just amazed that I've not loaded any cd for any of my devices04:19
Daisuke_Idooh, how could i forget xfce :D04:19
Daisuke_Idogreat for low-end machines04:19
robbyintelikey found it in session manager thx04:20
Daisuke_IdoSpider: and THAT is a huge difference between windows and linux04:20
Dr_willis_!info ktimer04:20
intelikeyempty is the term, you want04:20
ubotuktimer: timer utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 76 kB, installed size 268 kB04:20
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warholjust gotta restart my xserver now04:21
intelikeywhat neet stuff can i do with a printer cable and tons of electronic components......................04:21
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Spiderwindows for ever dowloading updates, it's sloppy programming04:22
intelikeyrobotics   toster controls    rocket launchers  digital camera controllers....        hmmm  ?04:22
intelikeySpider there seem to be more updates in ubuntu04:23
=== Silent_G is away: Sleepin'
Spidersince I've had this system 2 weeks Ive just today downloaded 2updates04:24
Daisuke_Idointelikey: and there are, because it's not just OS updates, it's repo-installed app updates, as well04:24
Spiderit installed it'self and i had no restart04:25
=== warhol [n=warhol@75-128-131-32.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido arent some of the windows updates NON-SYSTEMIC ?04:25
warholthe compiz effects are workin04:25
Daisuke_Idointelikey: only if they're updates for IE or office04:25
Daisuke_Idoin other words: MS software only04:25
warholbut i dont have any bars for my windows04:25
Dr_willis_I love how windows wants me to install the 'curency converter tool' all the time04:25
warholyou know, the x, minimize, etc04:26
Daisuke_Idowarhol: nvidia?04:26
warholis that a problem?04:26
Daisuke_Idono, but i can tell you how to fix it04:26
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tinin<warhol> now configure it in CompizConfig Settings Manager04:26
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Spiderdr willis I always had windows installer poping up04:26
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intelikeyDaisuke_Ido heh i guess some things have changed some sense i used windows    (last century)04:27
warholwhat setting do i change?04:27
tinin<warhol> wich bars?04:27
tininwindow borders?04:27
warholthe one on top of all the windows04:27
elite101why doesnt my kubuntu work? i had it working b4 and then when i go to boot it up the Xserver or something panics? so i overclocked my computer down to 660Mhz and it works fine?04:27
warholwith close, minimize, maximize04:27
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Dr_willis_overclocked my computer down to 660Mhz............. Hmmmmmmmmm...04:27
warholthat's overclocking?04:28
elite101if i do an overclocking of 750Mhz the kubuntu wont load? but when i go to 660Mhz it works fine (my p3 is 551Mhz original)04:28
tinin<warhol> you should install emerald and emerald-themes04:28
warholthere's nothing i can try right now?04:28
intelikeydr_willis that's what i'm saying...04:28
=== Soulwarp [n=robby@8-81.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Spidercould it be a cooling problem04:29
tininyou will have to configure the effects you want <warhol>04:29
elite101lol i have to "underclock" for kubuntu to load i did an 109Mhz increase for 660Mhz its only @ 45c and if i go to 750Mhz its at 49/50 wich is okay fo rme04:29
warholi just want my menu bar back : (04:29
elite101but not for kubuntu?04:29
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elite101any warhol?04:29
elite101andy warhol*04:29
elite101lol the famous painter?04:29
warholhe's dead04:29
elite101yeah i know04:30
warholi could get use to using keyboard shortcuts04:30
Daisuke_IdoOption "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"04:30
Daisuke_Idoyou're going to need that in the "Screen" section of xorg.conf04:30
warholis that directed to me?04:30
Daisuke_Idothere's a command to add it, but i'll be darned if i can remember it right now04:30
Daisuke_Idowarhol: yes04:30
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Spiderhow do I find other chat rooms?04:31
tinin<warhol> install all the stuff related to compiz fusion, emerald, aquamarine, and avant-window-navigator04:31
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tininor something like that04:31
Daisuke_Idoyeah, what IS it04:32
warholuhh, that option is already set to true04:32
Daisuke_Idoinstall emerald-themes04:32
tinin<Daisuke_Ido> you should try, it is an animated menu similar to macox04:32
intelikeyspider /join #blah      you could /list    but you better filter it cause it may dos you04:32
warholOption "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"04:32
warholis set to true04:32
warholalready was there04:32
warholill try emerald04:32
Daisuke_Idoemerald-themes should help you out04:33
Daisuke_Idodenial of service04:33
Daisuke_Idobasically flood you with information to the point you disconnect04:33
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Spiderthat's not good!04:33
Daisuke_Idono, no it's not04:33
tininhttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3875372171296774565&hl=es <Daisuke_Ido>04:33
warholarent dos attacks easily avoided?04:33
Daisuke_Idoit's not really an attach though04:33
Spidermore of a tickle?04:34
intelikeywarhol yes    and invoked04:34
warholheh, true04:34
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mikeGreets, everyone...04:34
Daisuke_Idotinin: it's a dock04:34
Daisuke_Idoa very nice looking one04:34
Daisuke_Idohow stable is it?04:35
Daisuke_Idobecause that would be awesome with my new kde look :D04:35
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intelikeyput it like this   issuing   /list     on freenode.net is a first person shooter game  :)04:35
tininI did not tried it lately04:35
tinini'll see04:35
mikeIs doing "sudo reboot now" any less clean than rebooting from within KDE (e.g., if other apps are running)?04:35
Daisuke_Idomike: nah, still sends it to runlevel 6...  it'll keep your session, afaik04:36
mikeDaisuke_Ido: Cool, thanks04:36
XcercaXis there a way to install yumex in ubuntu,  i had it in fedora but can't figure out how yo get in ububtu04:36
Spiderwhy is this download so long!!!04:36
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Daisuke_IdoSpider: because there's a lot to download :D04:36
Dr_willis_Darn it. got a 'cdi' cd image file...04:36
warholalright, installing emerald now04:36
mikeHas anyone here successfully compiled the latest ATI driver from GIT? The one in the repos doesn't do 3D accel. on my card.04:36
Dr_willis_!find cdi04:36
ubotuFound: libcdio-dev, libcdio6, docdiff, gstreamer0.8-cdio, libcdio-cdda-dev (and 6 others)04:36
Daisuke_IdoDr_willis_: acetone-iso04:37
SoulwarpXcercaX ubuntu uses a different package handler04:37
Dr_willis_!info acetone-iso04:37
ubotuPackage acetone-iso does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:37
Dr_willis_Daisuke_Ido,  k3b cant burn them eh?04:37
Daisuke_Idoacetone will convert for you04:37
Dr_willis_How annoying.04:37
warholrestarting xserver...now04:37
dmuserDoes anyone know how I install ndiswrapper off of a cd?04:37
Daisuke_Ido!info acetoneiso04:37
XcercaXso just use synaptic and apt-get then ?04:37
ubotuPackage acetoneiso does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:37
Daisuke_Idooh it most certainly does too!04:37
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SoulwarpXcercaX apt-get is like yum04:38
=== warhol [n=warhol@75-128-131-32.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Idoexcept it doesn't use evil rpms :)04:38
warholinstalled emerald04:38
SpiderDaisuke_ido:> will wine work with kubuntu?04:38
warholbut now the compiz effects arent working anymore04:39
Daisuke_IdoSpider: oh yes04:39
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:39
Daisuke_Idowarhol: you'll need to start compiz04:39
warholcompiz in the terminal?04:39
Daisuke_Idocompiz --replace04:39
XcercaXwhat do you use to get wine onto ubuntu ?04:39
DragnslcrXcercaX- Adept does it quite well04:39
warholyeah, now i dont have the menu bars04:40
Soulwarpinstead of rpms ubuntu uses the debian package system04:40
Daisuke_Idostart emerald04:40
Daisuke_Idoemerald --replace04:40
tininemerald --replace04:40
XcercaXdo you have to add any new repositories ?04:40
Dragnslcr!info wine04:40
Daisuke_Idonope, they're all in place already04:40
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB04:40
tininor you could use aquamarine, wich matches the kde theme04:40
Daisuke_Idookay, avant is gorgeous.04:40
DragnslcrPretty sure universe is enabled by default04:40
intelikeyXcercaX or synaptic or aptitude or apt-get04:40
SoulwarpXcercaX there are all there, even the universal04:40
warholgot my bars now04:41
Daisuke_Idobut i get the same thing with that i did with kiba-dock :\04:41
intelikeydselect maybe04:41
Daisuke_Idoa black bar over the bottom portion of the screen, with the doc atop that04:41
mikeXcercaX: If you want the latest version of Wine, you can find the repo at winehq.org04:41
Spideris 59.4kb/s fast?04:41
mikedepends on the country you're in. :-P04:41
Dragnslcrkb/s or KB/s?04:41
DragnslcrYeah, that's decent04:42
Dr_willis_Daisuke_Ido,  hmm kiso is supposed to be able to convert cdi to iso.. the question is will the converted one WORK in the dreamcast i got. :)04:42
DragnslcrNot exceptionally fast, but not particularly slow04:42
XcercaXi think i will have to do that,  i searched synaptic and adept for wine and got no results,   i'm having no lucking finding anything,  thats why i wanted to use yumex,  but i probobly just don't have adept set up right04:42
Soulwarpmmm i remember dreamcast04:42
DragnslcrXcercaX- using Adept?04:42
Dr_willis_picked one up at a used-game shop. :)04:43
Daisuke_IdoDr_willis_: NOW you're talking my language :D04:43
Daisuke_Idoit will not04:43
Daisuke_Idouse discjuggler in wine04:43
Dr_willis_ok :)04:43
Dr_willis_ya got to wonder WTH they are doing with those cd image files.04:43
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SoulwarpDr_willis_ be careful a lot of them had cooling issues and been known to reboot when overheated04:44
Spidercan I connect up my ps204:44
elite101hey i installed a PCI network card doubbled as a sound card and my "sound/mutimedia devices" in the controll panel are set to auto detect hardware but it still shows an X on the Kmix in the systray?04:44
XcercaXyea,  i see Wine in Adept but's it's grayed out, like i can't mark it for installation04:44
intelikey!repos | XcercaX your sources.list may need this page...04:44
ubotuXcercaX your sources.list may need this page...: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:44
Dr_willis_Daisuke_Ido,  use diskjuggler to burn them? or to convert them?04:44
DragnslcrXcercaX- that's weird, I don't think I've ever seen anything grayed out in Adept04:44
XcercaXalright,  thanks guys,  i'll try those04:44
XcercaXyea,  i know,   i just switched from fedora today to get a program running...   just taking some time getting everything set up04:46
elite101hey i installed a PCI network card doubbled as a sound card and my "sound/mutimedia devices" in the controll panel are set to auto detect hardware but it still shows an X on the Kmix in the systray?04:46
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warholi installed emerald04:47
warholbut now when i try emerald --replace it works04:48
elite101no help me i havent had sound for like 3days and i tried 3diffrent cards04:48
warholbut in the console im getting (emerald:16849): Wnck-WARNING **: Unhandled action type (nil)04:48
Spiderterminal's doin some strange stuff from that sudo apigate thing04:48
XcercaXi can't even manage repositores in Adept,  when i klick adept in the program the only option is quit...    ,     mabey i have somthing wrong,   is my user password the same as the root/su password for progams and console ?04:48
BluesKajsame as yer login04:49
warholand then when i close the terminal the emerald themes go away04:49
warholand it back to no bars04:49
SoulwarpXcercaX it's usually the same PW04:49
XcercaXthats what i thought,   is that the same as the su  pass ?04:49
SoulwarpXcercaX yes04:50
SoulwarpXcercaX sudo give admin rights to a action in the console04:50
Spiderdaisuke_ido> ive got configuring kdm select the dfault display manager04:50
tinin<warhol> it is the way it is04:51
Daisuke_IdoSpider: no04:51
Daisuke_Idoleave gdm for now04:51
Daisuke_Idothe difference is integration04:51
SoulwarpXcercaX instead of having to log into root account04:51
intelikeyXcercaX no.   sudo uses the issuing users password   su uses the target users password04:51
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XcercaXok,   it's ok,  i'm just an idiot,   i was using adept installer and thought it was the same as adept package manager04:52
BluesKajit is04:52
DragnslcrSort of04:53
tinin<warhol> but there's a compiz tray icon useful to control it, i found it somewhere, but those questions you can talk them at #ubuntu-effects04:53
Spiderdaisuke_ido can I just exit the terminal?04:53
DragnslcrInstaller has categories and applications, Manager lists all packages individually04:53
Daisuke_IdoSpider: if it's all done, yes04:53
BluesKajadept updater is the one that breaks things , try to avoid it ...it will be sitting in the panel telling to update something when you logon04:53
Daisuke_Idothen log out, and select kde from the session menu, and lock back in :)04:54
DragnslcrI've never had the updater break anything04:54
intelikeyand i'm lagging like ninty five minutes or something so if i answer something that was asked yesterday don't think anything of it....04:54
Soulwarpi had adept fix a few broken packages04:54
DragnslcrMissed a /join04:54
=== intelikey doesn't exegerate just a little
BluesKajone has to be carewf ul with it , cuz it doesn't track dependencies as well as it should when caslling for a package update04:55
BluesKajmispelling is worse now...getting tired , sacktime ...  nite gents, take care :)04:56
mikeWhat's the line in /etc/network/interfaces under which everything should be commented out?04:56
Soulwarpmike what are you trying to do?04:59
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mikeSoulwarp: Get my wireless card working. For some reason, just doing "sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter" isn't *just working* on this one. it's a bcm431805:00
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Soulwarpi havn't tryed installing a wlan05:02
XcercaXhow can you change the write permisions to a file?05:03
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:03
elite101#kubuntu-offtopic   (dont mind this)05:03
mikeXcercaX: Right-click -> properties in Konqueror, or chmod05:03
intelikeyXcercaX you probably don't want to,   but chmod  is the command05:03
intelikeyXcercaX you probably want to edit it as root rather than changing it's prems....   just a guess.       kdesu kate /path/to/file.name05:04
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XcercaXi'm actualy just trying to install the nvidia driver for my video card,  some of the things i read said to run sudo nvidia-glx-config enable  after installing that package,  and the return is05:06
XcercaXdit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section05:06
XcercaXfrom nv to nvidia.05:06
SoulwarpXcercaX you can change it using system settings05:07
Soulwarpafter you install the driver05:07
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Soulwarpthat's what i did05:07
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Soulwarpsystem settings is located in the k menu05:08
intelikeyyeah or      kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf           but don't monkey with perms on files in /etc05:08
XcercaXSoulWarp   thanks  ,   work with that05:09
mikeSometimes a random key on my keyboard "sticks" - it's been released but it acts like it hasn't and rapidly repeats the keypress. Any ideas?05:09
dsmith_new keyboard05:10
mikeit's a laptop05:10
soulridermike: i doubt its a software issue05:10
mikeand it doesn't do it in windows :X05:10
intelikeyor clean it05:10
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dsmith_same, replace w/ new keypad05:10
CDXHi! I've just installed Kubuntu AMD64 7.04 on my system to replace my old Ubuntu Feisty system. But it just dies after I log in to the fresch system, It said that the KDE first login wizzard coud'nt launch. Any ideas?05:10
SoulwarpXcercaX in system settings monitor & display>hardware>administrator mode (to change nv-nvidia)05:10
dsmith_its windows fault obviously05:10
intelikeymike oh it that ati chipset thing...  eeek05:11
mikeintelikey: that had crossed my mind, wasn't sure though05:11
intelikeyi don't recall what i had to do to stop that05:11
dsmith_what laptop make and model?05:11
mikeintelikey: it's the same with the FGLRX driver?05:11
XcercaXalright,  let me reset xwindows05:11
intelikeyoh yeah i had to change from 64 to 32 bit linux05:11
mikepavilion dv8309us05:12
dsmith_wow new one05:12
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mikei'm already on 32, although it's a turion 6405:12
intelikeymike it's not the vidio driver its the mboard chipset05:12
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mikeoh. hmm05:12
dsmith_I wonder if anyone else had this problem befoe05:12
dsmith_did you do any research on it05:13
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intelikeymike umm trying to remember if i did anything else...05:13
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intelikeydsmith_ me   heck no  i just banged around in the /etc dir till i stopped the problem    heh05:14
mikedsmith_: googling "pavilion 8309 keyboard ubuntu" returns two results, neither of any help05:14
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Soulwarpon my pc when that happens i usually junk it for another brand...hard to do with a laptop05:15
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mikeit's on my grandfather's laptop and he didn't mention anything about it, so i'd imagine it doesn't do it that often. just something i noticed05:16
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dsmith_mike: I dont know what to say05:17
Soulwarpmaybe something in the physical keyboard if all else fails05:17
mikedsmith_, Soulwarp, thanks anyway05:17
intelikeymike i honestly don't recall what "if anything" besides changing from 64 to 32 bit i did,   i remmeber it drove me crazy   frame buffering was hosed so i couldn't access a 'visable' console  and inside of x the keyboard was wac.        heh it was a brand new lappy with vesta on it,  i booted a live cd and issued cat /dev/zero > /dev/hda   and went to work...   the guy that owns it is quite satisfied with the end result  bu05:17
dsmith_I would be really interested if you could image that drive to an exact laptop and try it, but thats kinda hard to do05:18
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=== dsmith_ still thinks its a M4 problem
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intelikeyprobably is M405:19
Soulwarpwhat key is it? and is it always the same one?05:19
intelikeySoulwarp was random on the one i'm talking about05:20
mikeSoulwarp: nope, it's random.05:20
=== intelikey blames fritz
intelikeyDRM did it!    it's all fritz' fault.05:21
dsmith_HP hardware detects linux so it decides to mess with you. "Dude, lets mess with the human by locking up various keys. That will teach him."05:21
dsmith_yea, DRM05:22
intelikeywell M$  DRM   saten maybe...   </shrugs>05:24
intelikeyit's all evil.05:24
soulriderm$ sucks05:24
mikeumm... i hate windows as much as anyone else here, but isn't it a little silly to say the keyboard not working properly in linux is an m$ problem?05:24
soulrideri tried vista the other day,t he only thing i liked was the eye candy... and not that much...05:25
mikevista's eye-candy is garbage next to Compiz-Fusion05:25
Soulwarpremember the winmodems back in the day?05:25
soulriderit took me over a minute to figure out how to save a file someone was sending me to the desktop... talk about bad usability05:25
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elite101what is the line to install java run time 605:26
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wolferinewhat can I use to get info on a video file?05:26
mikeelite101: "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre" - you probably want sun-java6-plugin also05:26
wolferinecodecs, audio, framerates, video, etc...05:26
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intelikeywolferine file maybe ?05:27
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wolferineno, more specific about a movie file05:28
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wolferineidvid, I got it :)05:29
Soulwarpwolferine right click it>properties>meta info05:29
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pookitowhat is up?05:30
Soulwarpme...i should be sleeping05:30
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intelikeytov yom Soulwarp05:30
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intelikeyhmmm why do people writing shell scripts repete echo on each line ?     that seems so....  wrong.05:38
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mikewow. even i don't do it that way, and i'm a script-noob :-P05:40
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Soulwarpanyone ever use the Keep application?05:44
Soulwarpsystem backup05:44
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mrksbrd1has anybody attempted to use a verizon aircard under linux?05:47
Soulwarpmrksbrd1 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50633005:49
Soulwarphope that helps05:50
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dfreyHow do I change my keyboard layout setting?  I think it detected it wrong when I installed because my apostrophe does not work.05:58
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Soulwarpdfrey try system settings>keyboard &mouse06:00
Soulwarpin the k menu06:00
Soulwarphm don't think that's it06:01
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DragnslcrSystem Settings -> Regional and Language06:02
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AlabamaSlammaI just installed kubuntu, I tried both the cd and the dvdrom and I have it running, but I get an error when I click on the desktop settings06:05
lorderunionhi. i'm having a problem with my nic on a gateway m680 laptop. running the live cd i am able to access the internet, but running off of the hard drive it no longer works.06:05
AlabamaSlammait keeps complaining that a power application caused a failure06:05
=== Nutubuntu [n=jn@c-24-23-155-42.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
mikelorderunion: what kind of wireless card is it?06:06
AlabamaSlammaI finished setting up my dual head configuration by hand editing the xorg.conf06:06
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lorderunionmike: it's a hardwired card. and i don't know. this is my girlfriends laptop.06:06
lorderunionmike: is there a way i can see the name of the hardware?06:06
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mikelorderunion: check the output of of "lspci" in Konsole06:07
NutubuntuHello room ... what is the KDE way to set up a program to run when I start my session?06:07
mikeNutubuntu: Run command -> konqueror ~/.kde/Autostart and drag and drop from KMenu into that folder06:07
Nutubuntut/y mike :)06:08
lorderunionon netextreme bcm5705_2 gigabit ethnernet (rev 0306:08
lorderunionbroadcom netextreme*06:08
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mikelorderunion: hmm... there's a package that contains the source for the driver, not sure how hard it would be to compile06:09
dfreyDragnslcr: thanks06:09
mikeyou might google around for that model card and "ubuntu"06:09
lorderunionmike: any idea why it would work on the live cd, and not on an install?06:09
ubuntu__can anybody help me that06:09
ubuntu__iam trying to install06:09
ubuntu__ubuntu 7.04 on06:09
ubuntu__intel 845gvsr board06:10
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mikelorderunion: if i had to guess, i'd say it loads restricted modules on the live cd that aren't actually part of the installation, but i don't know06:10
lorderunionhmm interesting06:11
lorderunionthanks for the help.06:11
el_ismaanyone uses TeXmacs? how do I automatically reference an equation? (numbered by Alt+*)06:12
mikenp. try installing that package (bcm5700-source) and looking at the files it installed. that's probably all you need06:12
mikelorderunion: if you try that, you might want to run "sudo apt-get build-dep bcm5700-source" before trying to compile it06:13
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lorderunionmike: sure thing.06:15
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Kr4t05Guh... Anyone want to help me chase issues with gConf?06:15
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lorderunionmike: says it could not open /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_feisty_main_source_Sources06:15
lorderunionmike: no such file or dir.06:16
mm_202Can ALSA only be used by one program at a time??06:16
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Kr4t05I get this error when I start up gconf-editor and I can't seem to figure it out: http://pastebin.com/m6bbe755506:17
el_ismamm_202: no, alsa should share among all programs using it06:17
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mm_202el_isma: thanks, I guess I just have something jacked up, it seems that only the Sound Test (from the Sound System panel) works, or Amarok or only feasival, but never inter-mixed.06:18
mikelorderunion: what did you run to get that output?06:18
ubuntu__pls help me06:18
mm_202I've had sound problems before and had to reinstall all asound alsa pkgs to fix it, but I guess I still missed somethiung06:18
lorderunionmike: sudo apt-get bcm5700-source06:18
ubuntu__iam trying to install ubuntu fiest fawn on my 845gvsr desktop06:19
ubuntu__iam unable to do that06:19
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lorderunionmike: sudo apt-get build-deo bcm5700-source ** sorry. trying to multitask here06:19
mm_202ubuntu__: what error(s) are you getting?06:19
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el_ismamm_202: you could try setting the default to ALSA (in sound setup). If anything uses OSS then it only plays from that program.06:20
Kr4t05Anyone got any clues as to my problem above?06:20
intelikeyKr4t05 i did look  but no clue.06:21
mikelorderunion: you mean build-dep, right? works fine here. sounds like somethings wrong with your APT :-\06:21
lorderunionmike: crap. what should i do then?06:22
mm_202el_isma: Okay, I will try that.  Is there a command to restart alsa?  Sometimes when I click 'Apply' in Sound System, it brings up the 'Restarting Sound System' dialog but when it hits a 100% it just restarts at 0%, indefiitely.06:22
el_ismamm_202: sudo ./etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart06:23
mikelorderunion: what's "sudo apt-get install bcm5700-source" give you?06:23
el_ismamm_202: though I'm not sure how much of it gets restarted06:23
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lorderunionmike: couldn't find package bcm5700-source06:23
mikesudo apt-get update?06:23
mikecan you pastebin your sources.list?06:24
mike(it's in /etc/apt)06:24
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mm_202el_isma:  It seems that all my sound problems started when I checked the 'Enable Networked Sound' box, its unchecked now, but still seems buggy.  Does alsa have a conf file that I can edit manually?06:24
lorderunionmike: cant run apt-get update because i dont have a net connection on the laptop (im on my desktop atm06:24
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mikeoh, well that's probably why you're getting errors. heh06:25
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el_ismamm_202: not that I know of06:25
lorderunionheh. is there any way i can download the driver, burn it onto a cd?06:25
mikelorderunion: no ethernet jack on the laptop?06:25
lorderunionyeah. that's what im trying to get to work, lol.06:25
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mikelorderunion: i thought you were trying to get the wireless connection on it to work06:26
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mm_202el_isma:  the settings have to be stored somewhere :/  lol, KDE doesnt have like a Windows-like regedit does it? :P06:26
lorderunionoh no. wireless appears to be fine, there's just no unprotected networks around here to try to connect to.06:27
el_ismamm_202: wash your mouth! :P06:27
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mikemm_202: everything's kept in its own file in kde.06:27
el_ismamm_202: KDE doesn't store alsa's info, alsa is separated from KDE.06:27
mikeand in linux for that matter06:27
mikelorderunion: oh ok06:28
mm_202mike: lol, I know, was just a bad joke :)06:28
mikemm_202: oh ok. heh :-)06:28
mm_202Okay, I'll google around till I find the file(s).  You guys want me to post it in here, fyi?06:28
el_ismamm_202: yes, please06:28
mikemm_202: sure06:28
lorderunionmike: i'm going to try to burn the bcm5700-source package to a cd and try it on the laptop06:28
mikelorderunion: i don't think that's what you need06:28
mikelorderunion: can you pastebin the output of lspci?06:29
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raylu<3 xming06:29
lorderunioni can, but i'll need to manually write everything here06:29
mikeoh yeah... duh. heh, sorry06:30
mikebecause i'm thinking the broadcom card in there is the wireless one06:30
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lorderunionit's not. the wireless is an intel corp pro/wireless 2200bg06:31
mikeoh, nevermind. just re-read what you said a second ago06:31
intelikeyis /usr/bin/su-to-root ever used  ?06:31
raylufor what?06:31
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raylui dont even have that file06:32
mikelorderunion: on the desktop, do this: "sudo apt-get clean" - that'll clear the cache of downloaded packages so what we're about to get won't get mixed up with everything else...06:33
intelikeyreally ?06:34
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mikelorderunion: now do "sudo apt-get -d install bcm5700-source" then "sudo apt-get -d build-dep bcm5700-source"06:34
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intelikeyit's just a script    i didn't think anything ever used it, just wonedred why it was there.06:34
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lorderunionmike: damnit. it's saying i dont have module-assistant installed06:36
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mikelorderunion: actually, my fault. take the "-d" out of the build-dep command - you'll just want to take note of what it installs and remove it once you're done with all this06:37
NutubuntuKr4t05: Did you run across this while trying to work out the issue: http://lists.ximian.com/pipermail/users/2003-April/008919.html06:38
mikelorderunion: sudo apt-get install module-assistant ?06:38
Kr4t05Nutubuntu: Yeah...06:39
lorderunioncouldn't find module-assistant06:39
mikeon the desktop?06:39
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Nutubuntu:/   was hoping some of that might have made sense somehow ... not that it does to me though06:39
mikethat you're currently connect to the internet on?06:39
Kr4t05Nutubuntu: I don't see how that helps me, because I don't use Nautilus... >>06:39
Nutubuntuthere was some gconf involvement though06:40
lorderunionoh. i thought i was running this on the laptop. my b ad06:40
Kr4t05Nutubuntu: Well, if it doesn't make sense, don't bother trying to help...06:40
=== Kr4t05 is away.
NutubuntuK ... good luck to you, anyhow.06:40
mikelorderunion: np06:41
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lorderunionok i can both of those successfully.06:41
lorderunioni ran*06:41
mikelorderunion: ok, now "sudo apt-get install aptoncd" then run aptoncd, make an iso containing all the packages it has listed and burn it06:43
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Nutubuntug'night all -06:43
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lorderunionmike: awesome.06:44
mikelorderunion: once that's done, pop the cd in the laptop and from there run "sudo apt-cdrom add && sudo apt-get update" and then you'll be able to build-dep and install bcm5700-source06:44
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intelikeyok i edited /usr/bin/su-to-root (reformat mostly) and it tries to make using su in an X env sane.  so i think i'll leave it there for now,  i can always rm it later06:45
mikeaptoncd's a nice little app. you might get some other good uses out of that06:45
lorderunionsounds good06:45
mikelorderunion: have you ever compiled anything from source?06:46
lorderunionyeah back when i ran slackware for a while.06:46
mikelorderunion: probably asking this a bit late, but you already checked everything in the Network section of System Settings, right?06:47
el_ismawhat's a good alternative to Derive? (Computer Algebra System)06:47
lorderunionyeah that's all fine. it see's the eth0 ethernet nic. i just can't connect to my router06:48
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mikeok. i'm just gonna feel like an asshole if you go through all this and it doesn't fix it. :-\06:48
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swilsondoes any of those links show how to install things?06:49
mikeswilson: what are you trying to install?06:49
lorderunionmike: damn. got the module-assistant problem with the pkgcd. time to run build-dep on module-assistant and build another cd?06:50
swilsonanything lol i cant install no programs06:50
allin__swilson: http://usbuntuguide.org06:50
lorderunionmike: and lol. hopefully it'll fix it.06:50
mikelorderunion: hrmm... you could just burn the packages straight to a cd, copy them over, and do "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/packages/*.deb"06:52
mikethe aptoncd method feels cleaner to me, but that should work too06:52
lorderunionpath to packages being the cd mount?06:53
elite101good nite06:53
mikelorderunion: there aren't any wifi hotspots in your town?06:53
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khaije1so how can i check to see if a hw purchase is linux compatible?06:54
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khaije1is the ubuntu hwdb searchalble?06:54
lorderunionthere are a bunch in my apartment complex. just the one that my girlfriend usually connects to isn't completely working. it stops at the06:54
lorderunionactivation stage of "ip configuration started"06:54
lorderunionor rather, sits there for a minute or so then dies06:55
mikelorderunion: hangs at 28%, or 57%?06:55
lorderunion57% heh06:55
swilsondoes linux work only in command prompt thingys?06:56
el_ismalorderunion: That network might have MAC filtering06:56
lorderunionah! i got in!06:56
mikehmm... are you sure the card's working properly? when mine is getting stuck at that step, it's not because of the connection point.06:56
mikeit connected on the wireless?06:56
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lorderunionim going to get everything updated as fast as i can before it stops working and i cant download the driver, heh06:57
mikenice. now you can just install and build-dep bcm5700-source and then all you need to do is compile it06:57
el_ismaswilson: what do you mean? have you tried kubuntu? if you don't want to install, try the livecd06:57
swilsoni want my windows xp back but my uncle installed kubuntu06:58
swilsonand i tried to watch youtube but i need flash players and stuff and i dont know how to install them06:58
swilsoni got my divxinstaller to say -rwxr-xr-x i was proud of myself06:58
se7en^Of^9can someone help me with the find command ... i use find to find me all .jpg files and want to pipe the found jpg's to rename but i cant figure out how to do it ...  find -name "*jpg" -exec mv folder.jpg '{}' \;   this doesn't work and i have no idea anymore06:58
swilsonthen i got stuck06:58
mikeswilson: there's a point-and-click way to do almost everything in kubuntu, but the "command prompt thingy" is easier when someone's explaining to you what to do06:59
el_ismaswilson: try reading ubuntuguide.org06:59
swilsoni like the point and click idea06:59
swilsoni am reading that site now06:59
swilsoni dont understand the command stuff06:59
lorderunionmike: didnt07:00
mikeswilson: neither did i when i first started. ;-)07:00
lorderunionmike: didnt need to run build-dep, it installed fine. time to see if it worked07:00
mikelorderunion: ?07:00
mikelorderunion: you compiled it already?07:00
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lorderunionmike: it installed the package.07:01
mikelorderunion: from the way i understood it, that doesn't install the driver07:01
lorderunionah, heh ok. yeah, now "wired networks" is disabled in knetworkmanager07:02
mikelorderunion: i just read the long desc. of the package. it only contains the source07:02
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mikelorderunion: you have to compile it07:02
mikewhich means you should build-dep it first07:02
lorderunionk. thought i had found some loophole, heh07:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bulid-dep - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:02
mikebuild-dep tries to install all the packages a source package needs for it to compile properly07:03
lorderunionok. running build-dep now. installl-----yeah07:03
lorderunioncrap. i need to connect back to the wireless again07:03
se7en^Of^9someone see a mistake here i don't see?  find -name "*jpg" -exec mv * folder.jpg '{}' \;07:04
lorderunionencapsulate your exec in `07:04
lorderunionmike: thanks for being patient. i'm not all that great with hardware these days.07:05
mikeheh, no problem07:05
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se7en^Of^9lorderunion: it comes up with   mv: target `./Evil Empire/AlbumArtSmall.jpg' is not a directory07:06
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el_ismase7en^Of^9: check your quotes07:07
lorderunionmike: ok i got the build-dep done.07:08
el_ismase7en^Of^9: or escape your spaces with "\" for example: Evil\ Empire07:08
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intelikeytab vompletion07:09
intelikeycompletion maybe07:09
mikelorderunion: ok... now just look in Adept to find out where bcm5700-source installed its files to (i'm sure there's a command-line equivalent to find that out, but i don't know it) and compile07:10
lorderunionmike: will do07:11
lorderunionmike: Makefile:52: *** Links kernel source tree not found. Stop.07:14
lorderunionmike: i copied the tar.gz to my home directory to compile it07:15
mikelorderunion: do you have kernel-package installed?07:15
lorderunionno, heh07:16
mikenot sure if you need it07:16
mikethe desc. of bcm5700-source mentions it. :-\07:16
lorderunionjust installed, ran make again and it failed on the same error07:16
mikethere's no documentation with bcm5700?07:16
lorderunioni went to /usr/src and tried to untar the tar.gz and i got a bunch of errors with that07:16
lorderunionnvm. wasn't sudo07:17
lorderuniondamnit. same error when running it within /usr/src.07:17
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intelikeywell i guess i'll try and run the .run file   i think i already know what will transit07:18
mikewhat about when you extracted in ~? any docs?07:18
lorderunionany what?07:18
lorderunionill brbrq07:19
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intelikeyoh kewl        WARNING: Skipping the runlevel check (the utility `runlevel` failed to07:20
intelikey           run).07:20
intelikeyi really should fix that.    i know im in runlevel nine but the system doesn't seem too07:20
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Daisuke_Idoi just showed a quasi-friend the compositing window managers, and he's a "one-upper07:22
Daisuke_Idoyou all know the type, i'm sure07:22
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Daisuke_Ido"well, i can do that in windows AND play games"07:23
Daisuke_Idonice try, putz...07:23
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Daisuke_Idoa one-upper07:23
Daisuke_Idoanything you say, he can beat :\07:24
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intelikeyhey i have a question.   i downloaded the nvidia driver and when i ran the .run file it ask me to agree to some stupid stuff i have no intention of agreeing to,  now what's to keep me from editing the .run file and making it skip that section and install without agreeing to anything ?07:24
mikeanyone who thinks vista's eye-candy is anywhere near the level of linux's is either a fanboy or they just don't know what they're doing in linux07:24
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mikelol intelikey07:25
intelikeyi mean !07:25
mikei'd imagine if you read the license it would say you're not allowed to modify the run file07:25
mikebut that's just my guess :-P07:25
lorderunionmike: ok i'm back07:26
intelikeybut i did not agree to the licens07:26
mikegood point07:26
intelikeyit can say what ever i said no.07:26
lorderunionmike: sorry, lost the chat. what did you want me to try now?07:26
intelikeynow i'll edit the thing and install it.07:26
mikelorderunion: extract bcm5700-source into ~... does it have a readme or any documentation at all with it?07:27
intelikeyit's my computer and what's on it is mine.  i haven't agreed to NOT ONE STINKUNG THING!07:27
lorderunionyeah it does. says to cd src/ run make, then load the driver07:27
lorderunionmake is failing though, heh07:27
mikemaybe try googling around for the errors? sorry, but i don't know what else to try at this point. compiling definitely isn't my strong point. :-\07:28
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mikeDaisuke_Ido: Show him how you can update all the software on your system in a couple clicks and see what he says :-P07:30
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lorderunionmike: installing linux-source-2.6.2007:31
ebovineAnyone else having issues with Kaffeine playing DVDs?  It gives me an error message about "Audio output unavailable.  Device is busy. ()"07:32
ebovineI've gone so far as to completely disable KDE sounds.07:32
el_ismaintelikey: when you download the .run file, I think you have to agree to a license... I guess there it says something about not modifying it?07:33
ebovineI've also played mp3's through the XINE UI, so I know it can play audio.07:33
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ebovineI can also play the DVD from mplayer using the command line.07:34
ebovineIt even plays the audio.  :)07:34
intelikeyel_isma i did no sush thing07:34
intelikeyel_isma it never asked me to agree to anything07:35
Daisuke_Idomike: nothing will make this guy switch07:35
mikekaffeine's weird with dvd's07:35
Daisuke_Idohe's a "hardcore" gamer07:35
Daisuke_Idonow my girlfriend is all ready to switch07:35
ebovinemike: The xine UI has the same issues.07:35
Daisuke_Idoand a few friends want live cds to play with :)07:36
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mikeDaisuke_Ido: cool07:36
intelikeyel_isma i assure i have not accepted any agreement other than the GNU-GPL on this computer07:36
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el_ismaintelikey: ok07:36
slacker2Hello anyone here07:36
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slacker2Im having trouble installing AOL Instant Messenger for Kubuntu07:36
intelikeyand i think i have the nvidia driver installed with out agreeing to anything07:37
mikeslacker2: use kopete07:37
ebovineslacker2: kopete07:37
slacker2I dont like Kopete07:37
ebovineslacker2: Gaim07:37
slacker2Isnt that pidgin now?07:37
slacker2but I just want AIM07:37
mikei don't think pidgin's in the repos yet though07:38
Daisuke_Ido"but i just want aim"07:38
mikei don't think aol makes aim for linux do they?07:38
Daisuke_Idodeal widdit07:38
intelikeymike gaim is in the repos tho07:38
Daisuke_Idoaccept the fact that they do aim better than aim does aim.07:38
mikelol Daisuke_Ido07:38
Kr4t05Does someone want to tell me how I could make a DVD ISO rip?07:38
mikeKr4t05: "sudo apt-get install libdvdcss k9copy"07:39
Kr4t05mike: Rockin', thanks.07:39
ebovineslacker2: You want *THAT* over Kopete?!?07:39
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slacker2ebovine* yeah07:39
slacker2i'm not a big fan on multi im clients07:40
Kr4t05mike: Gah.... libdvdcss is not available.07:40
Kr4t05One moment...07:40
Daisuke_Idothey have install instructions for debian WOODY.07:40
mikeKr4t05: libdvdcss2 maybe?07:40
Daisuke_Idothis is not an up to date piece of software.07:40
ebovineslacker2: You've followed the instructions for Debian 3+, right?07:40
jbaerbockQuestion about wireless. When I try to connect to my prefered network half the time is gets to 25% then does nothing. takes quite a few tries. Anyway to fix this?07:40
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slacker2ebovine: yeah07:40
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Daisuke_Idoslacker2: so...  don't use the multiple protocols, just use aim!07:40
ebovineslacker2: Waht happened?07:40
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slacker2Hold on lemme get the message07:40
mikeslacker2: you could check the appdb at http://www.winehq.org/ and see if the windows version of AIM is supported under wine07:41
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:41
zekeI have a question07:41
zekedoes anyone07:41
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zekewindoze 98 product key?07:42
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:42
Daisuke_Idoand for eff's sake, NO07:42
mikejbaerbock: usually i just go ahead and re-try as soon as i see it hang at that step for more than 2-3 seconds. i know that doesn't really fix the problem, but it might speed things up for you a bit07:42
Daisuke_Idogoogle that, it's not our job to enable your cheap butt07:42
zekesure thing ubotu07:42
ebovinezeke: If you can't find one online in 5m you're not trying.07:42
jbaerbockonly has one bar signal strength is that making the difference? Cause when it does connect seemsbandwidth is very choppy07:43
Daisuke_Idojbaerbock: yeah, that can be an issue07:43
mikeKr4t05: my fault. i thought libdvdcss was in official repos, guess not07:43
slacker2ebovine: it says theres no such director07:43
zekewell alright then...I just thought I'd ask my good friends here...but if you're going to be that way aboot it07:43
Daisuke_Ido!medibuntu | Kr4t0507:43
ubotuKr4t05: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:43
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mikejbaerbock: that could very well be the problem07:43
ebovineslacker2: That message isn't much help, huh?  :)07:44
Kr4t05Daisuke_Ido: Medibuntu is always really slow. :/07:44
jbaerbockbut connects fine in windows, so don't get it07:44
slacker2ebovine: lol no its not07:44
jbaerbockhave dual partition WinXP there only for games07:44
Daisuke_Idozeke: asking for an illegal product key is not the way to make friends...07:44
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Daisuke_Idonot here.07:44
mikejbaerbock: what kind of card?07:44
zekeI never would have guessed07:44
zekeyou think microsoft could give me one then07:44
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jbaerbockBroadcom (always fun on linux lol) than and an ATI card and I got plenty of fun to deal with07:45
zekeeven though they no longer support it07:45
slacker2ebovine: ya still there?07:45
jbaerbockzeke what key ya lookin for?07:45
Daisuke_Idozeke: that's tough.  not our problem.  google it.07:45
slacker2ebovine: accept my pm please07:45
zekeI lost my win98 product registration key07:45
ebovineI'm not seeing one.07:45
Daisuke_Idoyou "lost" it?07:45
slacker2could you send me one07:46
zekeof course07:46
jbaerbockgood site07:46
jbaerbockotherwise google it should find some around07:46
zekeI don't steal any more than anyone else in here does07:46
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Daisuke_Idozeke: talking to people in an open source channel, i'd bet you're wrong about that.07:46
jbaerbockzeke just dont ask questions about bootlegged stuff on ubuntu forum, they kill your post if ya do lol07:46
ebovinezeke: It's possible for you to look dumber right now, but I'm not sure how.07:47
zekeIt never crossed my mind07:47
Daisuke_Idobut you'll ask here.07:47
Daisuke_Idoi think you just proved ebovine right07:47
zekeI think you can suck my nuts07:47
Kr4t05zeke: Everyone else is hatin' on you... So I guess I'll join. You fail.07:47
ebovineslacker2: Your nick has to be registered with the server to be able to send PMs07:47
Daisuke_Idoyou do, do you?07:47
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/07:48
jbaerbockLol Microsoft would claim we are being illegal by using Linux, and they would try some halfassed reason for it too07:48
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zekenobody like nuts then?07:48
slacker2ok lemme register ebovine07:48
zekeI prefer almonds myself07:48
jbaerbockMike still there? Any ideas bout the wireless?07:49
Daisuke_Idonice backtrack, but too little too late :\07:49
ebovinejbaerbock: They'd have a much harder time proving that in court.07:49
zekewhat?...never heard of sarcasm?07:49
Kr4t05So... Do we have an op in the room?07:49
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slacker2ebovine* Im trying to register07:50
Daisuke_Idooh, i'm sure there are a couple wandering around07:50
intelikeyKr4t05 can very quickly      do we need one ?07:50
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lorderuniondamn. installing linux-source didnt work07:51
Daisuke_Idowhat are you trying to do?07:51
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slacker2ebovine* im still trying to register07:52
lorderunioninstall the bcm5700 driver.07:52
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lorderunionor compile it rather.07:53
lorderuniongetting a "kernel source tree not found" error when running make07:53
slacker2ebovine* did you get my message07:53
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XcercaXis Adept manager the popular choice for downloading and installing new packages ?07:55
ebovineAdept has gotten better, but I still find Synaptic to be more stable.07:55
dsmith_has anyone ever compiles basker note taking software?07:55
dsmith_*compiled I meant07:56
maltaethironpersonally, im a fan of synaptic07:56
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dsmith_checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!07:56
Daisuke_Idodsmith_: xorg-dev07:57
dsmith_Daisuke_Ido: whats that07:57
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Daisuke_Idowhat you're going to need07:57
XcercaXdoes anyone use wine?07:58
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ubuntu__i need am irc channel on openGL programming07:58
ebovinedsmith_: The *-dev packages are the development files for the package.  It's the stuff you need to compile apps against the package.07:58
dsmith_XcercaX: I do07:58
Daisuke_IdoXcercaX: i try to avoid it, but occasionally i have no choice07:58
dsmith_oh!, ok07:58
XcercaXdsmith did you use Adept to install it ?07:58
dsmith_ummmmmmmm no07:58
Kr4t05ubuntu__: Maybe #opengl?07:58
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dsmith_automatix, but I hade to revert back to an older version as IE was being a pain07:59
XcercaXwhat did you use ?07:59
dsmith_i need iE to connect to a few servers at the office for remote management07:59
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ebovinedsmith_: That's what VMWare Player is for.  :)08:00
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XcercaXthe usenet client i want to use (and also have a subscription to) says that it only works in windows,  but i talked to a guy that said he got ti to work in ubuntu wuthg wine08:01
dsmith_bah, no way08:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libusb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:01
dsmith_virtualbox is better08:01
ebovineWe have sysadmins that create VMWare images for us, so I roll with what's already cooked.08:02
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Daisuke_IdoXcercaX: agent?  xnews?08:04
ebovineVirtualBox looks pretty cool, though.08:04
intelikeydoes VirtualBox require X ?08:04
dsmith_ok I got past the x issues with *-dev pkgs, thx08:04
dsmith_i am not sure08:05
XcercaXno,  it's UseNeXT08:05
Daisuke_Idointelikey: as long as you only want to run MS-DOS08:05
dsmith_I've run about 10 different OS's on it08:05
XcercaXit's pretty awesome08:05
Daisuke_IdoXcercaX: and how much are you getting screwed out of a month for that?08:05
XcercaXand i've gotten to know the people in the chat from the client08:05
ebovinedsmith_: How's he performance?08:05
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido will it run without X tho ?   like qemu and bochs wont08:05
Daisuke_Idointelikey: likely not08:06
dsmith_ebovine: It seems fine for me, vista was a freaking hog hehe08:06
Daisuke_Idogiganews + pan + klibido08:06
dsmith_I use it for demo of various OS's08:06
ebovinehehe.  So you're saying Vista was itself?08:06
Daisuke_Idothe usenet superhighway08:06
XcercaXabout $10  ,  it's better than looking all over for a movie or game if you ask me,   and the client is pretty awesome08:06
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XcercaXbut it's not for everyone08:06
Daisuke_IdoXcercaX: oh, i'm...  intimately... familiar with usenet08:07
slacker2*ebovine i pmed u08:07
dsmith_two questions: what is Qt and is libmgr needed?08:07
Daisuke_Idobeen using it for around a decade now08:07
Daisuke_Idoqt is the toolkit kde runs on, and probably.08:08
XcercaXDaisuke_Ido   are you using a free usenet server ?08:08
Daisuke_Idoi have the server through verizon, and i pay for giganews.08:08
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Daisuke_Idoin windows i used agent and powergrab, in linux i use pan and klibido08:09
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Daisuke_Idoand it's a really close call on which is better08:09
intelikeydsmith_ any lib in question can be checked like   sudo apt-get remove libmgr      then if it's needed by something the list will appear and ask for an ok if not it's gone  question answered08:09
dsmith_ok, I am slowly trudging thorough installing basket note taking software08:10
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slacker2*ebovine, pmed u again08:10
XcercaXi was using Klibido for a little while,  but when i booted into windows to get on UseNeXT a guy in the chat told me that he got Usenext working in ubuntu with wine08:10
intelikeysee also deborphan08:10
dsmith_I could use wine or codeweavers to install onenote, but thats far too easy :)08:10
XcercaXso i installed Kubuntu over my fedora installation and have been trying to get wine to work08:11
Daisuke_IdoXcercaX: does usenext have an nzb-based client?08:11
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XcercaXDaisuke_Ido    no,  it's a microsoft.net  thing,  i couldn't figure out how to get it to work, i have wine and mono installed on my old fedora release08:12
XcercaXbut i heard people say that they got it to work in ububtu so i am trying that out now08:13
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XcercaXi haven't gotten wine to install yet though...08:14
dsmith_he is a link to basket notes http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=10020 looks like development is stopping, hmmmm. I may not bother with it now.08:15
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TheRealInsaneI seem to have a problem connecting to my HDD08:17
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TheRealInsaneI just can't seem to access it08:17
rayluconnecting to?08:17
dsmith_linux needs a great note taking tool08:18
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TheRealInsanerayle: Just accessing my normal Hard Disk08:19
rayludsmith_, knotes?08:19
rayluTheRealInsane, by "normal," you mean..?>08:19
TheRealInsaneThe Hard Disk (C:\ and D:\) that I usually use on Windows and have all my files one08:20
TheRealInsaneI can't seem too find it,08:20
raylulook in /media08:20
TheRealInsaneLet's see..08:20
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TheRealInsaneNope, not there. Just my CD-ROM drives and floppy drive08:21
rayludo you know the names of your partitions?08:21
CensorBardHoly cow, Synaptic is leaps and bounds better than Adept.08:21
rayluwhat are they?08:22
TheRealInsanehda, hdb1, hdb208:22
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rayluhdb1 is your windows partition and hdb2 is your linux partition?08:22
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TheRealInsanehdb1 is windows, hdb2 is media, hdb3 is linux (forgot that >.<)08:24
raylucd /media08:24
raylusudo mkdir hdb108:24
TheRealInsaneLet's see08:24
raylusudo mount /dev/hdb1 hdb108:24
TheRealInsaneOk, now I opened it in Konquerer and I don't have enough permissions to view it08:25
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raylusudo umount hdb108:26
raylusudo mount /dev/hdb1 hdb1 -o=user,fmask=0111,dmask=000008:26
raylusudo mount /dev/hdb1 hdb1 -o=uid=100008:27
rayluoh wait...i think there's no = after -o08:27
raylui think it's just a space08:27
mm_202Hey guys, [another]  quick question:  I have an ATI Remote Wonder, is there anyway to get KDE (and linux in general) to NOT recognize it as a kb and mouse?  I want to just be able to access it programmatically thru /dev08:27
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dsmith_raylu: knotes works ok I suppose but I want something a bit more useful08:28
raylumm_202, comment out the lines in your xorg, i suppose08:28
rayluon that note, what is an ATI rw?08:28
TheRealInsaneThanks raylu, you're awesome08:29
rayluif you want it to do this automatically08:29
rayluyou should use alt+f2 > kdesu kate /etc/fstab08:29
rayluand poke away at that08:30
mm_202raylu: Basically a RF remote (like a TV remote) with lots of buttons and arrow keys for mouse/kb emulation. http://www.remotecentral.com/wonder/08:30
TheRealInsaneSo yeah, any way to change the view type in Konquerer to a windows-type "details" look?08:30
mm_202Im fairly new to Linux, but when I was using Windows, I wrote a program that let me control my music, my lights, my alarm, etc thru the remote, I'd like to have that funcationality back08:31
rayluTheRealInsane, isn't it in the view settings somewhere?08:31
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TheRealInsaneBasically I can't find the view settings08:32
khaije1so is bluetooth to the point where linux support is as standard as usb?08:32
rayluTheRealInsane, aren't they in the menubar?08:32
CensorBardQuery: In what arcane ritual should I edit my xorg.conf file, such that I can actually save the changes?08:32
CensorBardKate seems to not be up to the task.08:33
rayluCensorBard, alt+f2> kdesu kate08:33
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TheRealInsaneFunny, I seem to have a small dropdown called "Icon View" in my toolbar, but it seems like a button that's always pressed down08:34
pagTheRealInsane, try to press and hold ;)08:35
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TheRealInsaneD'oh! Thanks, it works :P08:36
TheRealInsaneGuess I'm still not Linux familiar..08:37
rayluyou shouldn't need to press and hold08:38
rayluthat's painful :(08:38
raylui die a little inside every time i see a windows/mac user do it08:38
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TheRealInsaneAnyways, I mounted my HDDs, but now I get a visual error08:39
raylua what?08:39
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TheRealInsaneIt displays the size as "24 KB", when it should be around 217 GB08:39
TheRealInsaneAlthough when I open it up, it still contains all the large files08:40
raylum...i don't really know what number you're reading08:40
TheRealInsaneHmm, it seems all folder sizes are shrinked down08:41
pagTheRealInsane, konq has that problem - it doesn't count the things inside the folder or something like that08:41
TheRealInsaneOh, that'd explain it08:41
pagTheRealInsane, right click and choose properties - it should show the real size then08:41
raylufdisk and sfdisk will tell you the size of the partitions08:41
rayluon the other hand, there's this super cool (but useless) view mode08:41
rayluthat sorts folders and files by size08:41
rayluit's really cool the first time you use it :D :D :D08:41
TheRealInsaneLooks a bit.... unorganized?08:42
raylui said useless, right?08:42
raylueven the creator admits that its only eye-candy, but totally useless08:43
raylubut it's sorted by size, which is still really cool :D08:43
CensorBardraylu: ....It's been bugging me for a while, but: Netherlands? Is that you?08:43
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TheRealInsaneMicrosoft Flight Simulator X 8.17 GB08:44
TheRealInsaneCompletely worthless, but still. 8.17 Gig ^^08:45
rayluCensorBard, ...what?08:45
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TheRealInsaneDamnit, that view mode is insane. Do you expect me to turn by monitor 90 or what!?08:45
TheRealInsaneThe sideways text is driving me mad ._.08:46
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CensorBardraylu: Ne'er mind. Knew a guy, same name. That was our nickname for him, since he was Chinese Dutch.08:46
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mumificiranii have yet antoher question08:46
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rayluapparently, there's dr by the name raylu08:47
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rayluand someone has taken the name in a few places08:47
rayluTheRealInsane, no, just bask  in its awesomeness for a few minutes :D08:47
pagmumificirani, since it isn't you first time, you should already be familiar with the drill: don't ask to ask a question, just ask your question :)08:48
mumificiraniwhen I install xubuntu desktop do I still have KDE on kubuntu?08:48
TheRealInsaneLet me guess: Linux doesn't have that really cool but extremely useless option to highlight folders in different colors?08:48
pagmumificirani, how are you planning to install it?08:48
mumificiranisudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop08:49
pagTheRealInsane, yes we do :O08:49
pagmumificirani, yup, you can then choose in login screen wether you want KDE or XFCE :)08:49
mumificiranithat's neat08:49
pagmumificirani, kde will not be touched in any way08:50
rayluTheRealInsane, ls --color08:50
mumificiraniI still have the old programs or do I get the XFCE ones too?08:50
TheRealInsanepad, so how then?08:50
TheRealInsaneAh hm08:50
TheRealInsane*paq of course.. not pad :P08:50
rayluactually, pag, kmenu gets all the xfce stuff :(08:50
pagTheRealInsane, depends on your icon theme though08:50
TheRealInsaneMy keyboard is driving me mad.....08:50
TheRealInsaneLet's see08:51
pagraylu, well yes, but that's a non destructive thing - it won't start changing themes like KDE did to my gnome once08:51
TheRealInsanepag, I have Crystal SVG Theme currently (default)08:51
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mumificiranican someone answer my question :D?08:51
mumificiraniIt's not urgent I mean08:52
pagTheRealInsane, ok.. wait a sec please, and I'll try to find the feature you need08:52
raylupag, it destroys my beautiful menu!!08:52
raylumumificirani, yes, you get both sets of programs08:52
pagmumificirani, you'll have both programms - you can use whichever you like08:52
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rayluin fact, you should even be able to run kde programs in xfce and vice versa08:52
mumificiraniwow neat08:52
mumificiranitnx :)08:52
rayluit'll just take a bit of extra loading/memory usage if you choose to do so08:52
mumificiraniand I lack that very much :)08:53
pagTheRealInsane, http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Color+Folder?content=34096 here you are :)08:53
TheRealInsaneSo does Linux have an equivelant of telnet?08:53
ubotutelnet is not safe. Please use ssh instead. See !ssh08:54
pagbut yes - we have telnet too08:54
mumificiranitype telnet in terminal :D08:54
rayluwhy do you need to telnet?08:54
TheRealInsanemanual SMTPing08:54
TheRealInsaneError trapping with my GmEmail Script ;)08:54
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TheRealInsaneI'm talking bullshit right now, ain't i?08:55
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels08:55
pag!ohmy | TheRealInsane08:55
ubotuTheRealInsane: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:55
rayluTheRealInsane, i don't think it'd be too hard to write a script to handle it for you08:57
rayluyou should never send low-level data more than once08:57
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pagthe script might be failing, because *buntu uses dash instead of sh..08:57
mahdyhiya guys08:59
mahdyall eyez on e08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
pagraylu, complicated thing to expalain - but in *buntu /bin/sh is a symlink to /bin/dash  and they are not 100% comparative(sp?)08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
TheRealInsaneraylu, thank you, but I'm doing this for a program called "Game Maker", so nothing with Linux or anything08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
mahdyall eyez on me08:59
pag!flood | mahdy08:59
ubotumahdy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:59
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raylupag, i have no idea what dash/sh do, sorry :P09:00
pagraylu, ok. nevermind then.09:01
intelikeywhy would installing kernel-headers-2.4.27-2 pull in kernel-headers-2.4.27-2-k6     but removing kernel-headers-2.4.27-2 also remove kernel-headers-2.4.27-2-k6     it's like they have recursive deps on each other    that should not be   if you can not have one with out the other they should be one package.09:03
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rayluthey could be maintained by totally different people09:06
rayluand they may want to allow the option of forcing an install of only one09:06
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TheRealInsaneOk, I downloaded an archive, extracted it and it contains: "colorfolder" and "colorfolder.desktop".09:08
TheRealInsaneNow how the heck do I use it?09:09
TheRealInsaneI see "colorfolder" is a shell script, how do I execute it?09:09
pagTheRealInsane, there is installation info on the page I gave you09:11
pagI changed the location of the "colorfolder" for myself though, but it requires editing of "colorfolder.desktop" iirc09:12
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TheRealInsanepag, How can I give my account full permission? Or otherwise remove the system password, I don't want one09:14
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TheRealInsane'cause I can't seem to create a new folder/copy files without entering my password 10 times09:15
TheRealInsaneIt's annyoing09:15
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pagTheRealInsane, don't :) running everything with full permissions is a security risk and should never be done.09:16
ice9cynicDUDE! Ice9, get off my nick, wtf09:16
TheRealInsanepag, then perhaps administrator level permission? Or atleast enough to create new folders...09:16
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pagTheRealInsane, you have full write acces to your /home/username directory09:17
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pagTheRealInsane, and you almost never need acces to any other dir09:17
TheRealInsanepag, The problem is, I want to copy a file (colorfolder) into the ~/bin/colorfolder dir09:17
TheRealInsaneBut it won't let me.09:18
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pagTheRealInsane, ~ means your homefolder09:18
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mumificiranipag you there?09:18
pagmumificirani, yup.09:19
ice9cynicwow I can't believe that guy is stealing my nick, whats up with that09:19
ice9cynicwhat an imposter, really09:19
pag!register | ice9cynic09:19
ubotuice9cynic: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration09:19
holycowhumans are idiots09:19
mumificiraniok I installed xubuntu.desk09:19
mumificiraninow what :D?09:19
ice9cynicya but I can't register it cuz he's on it!09:19
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ubuntu__are you suposed to come up with your own security scripts?09:19
mumificiranishould I ctrl-alt-bksp*09:19
pagmumificirani, log out, and in login window choose session -> xfce09:19
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TheRealInsaneIs there a keyboard shortcut to create a new dir in Konquerer?09:20
praecoxhey, anyone here can help me out with Compiz under Kubuntu?09:20
pagTheRealInsane, not that I'm aware of.. right clicking isn't too hard though09:20
pag!compiz | praecox09:20
ubotupraecox: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:20
ubuntu__are you suposed to come up with your own security scripts?09:20
pagubuntu__, huh?09:21
praecoxpag, http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez is little overdated...09:21
praecoxpag, I've got Gutsy here and simply did09:21
TheRealInsanepag, Rightclick doesn't have an option for Create new folder09:21
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praecoxpag, it's clean install of Gutsy. I simply tried: apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-* compiz-kde emerald09:21
mumificiraniwow this works =D09:22
pagpraecox, I mosly meant the last part of that factoid ;)09:22
pagTheRealInsane, huh? crate new -> folder09:22
mumificiranitnx a lot guys, going off now09:23
praecoxpag, I see.09:23
pagTheRealInsane, or just do it from commandline: mkdir ~/bin09:24
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pagpraecox, you have gutsy, so you might also wat to ask in #ubuntu+109:24
intelikeyTheRealInsane in what that is not an option to make a dir ?     there is in konq09:24
TheRealInsaneintelikey, I'm using Konquerer, rightclicking, all I get is: Up, Back, Forward, Open With, Preview in, Actions, Properties.09:26
pagTheRealInsane, click on an empty space09:26
pagTheRealInsane, not some file / folder09:26
TheRealInsanepag, I am clicking on an empty space09:26
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TheRealInsaneIf I click on a file, I get stuff like Copy/Paste too09:27
pagTheRealInsane, in which folder?09:27
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intelikeyyou can't write in /home09:28
pagTheRealInsane, if you have no write acces you will not have the creation options - and you only have that acces to /tmp and /home/YourUserName09:28
intelikeypag and maybe /media/*    but yeah09:29
TheRealInsaneThat explains it..09:29
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intelikeyhmmm installing a kernel i'll have to mkdir /boot or apt will cry09:33
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intelikeyoh it's gonna taint my kernel,   poor kernel...09:34
intelikeynow how do you update the nvidia driver ?09:36
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intelikeyha crap apt cried anyway      Could not open /etc/fstab:No such file or directory at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.15-28-386.postinst line 1045, <STDIN> line 1.09:38
TheRealInsaneWhere would ~/.kde be?09:38
TheRealInsaneDoesn't the "." cancel the "~" out?09:38
pagTheRealInsane, folders starting with . are hidden09:38
intelikeyTheRealInsane ` is always your users home dir09:38
TheRealInsanepag, well the instructions tell me to copy a file there09:38
intelikey~ is09:38
pagTheRealInsane, so just enable show hidden files/folders form konq's menus09:39
intelikeyTheRealInsane and i think you were thinking of  ..  rather than .    ~/..   is /home whereas  ~/ is your users home dir which $HOME is and   /home/$USER  is in most cases09:41
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intelikeywhat i want to know is, is there a way to remove .. from ./    :)09:42
CocytusHm. My desktop image is no longer drawn, the background is only white.. any typs?09:42
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mumificiraninothing sorry09:44
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mumificiraniif I let's say... DISLIKE yfcm09:46
mumificiranican I uninstall it :D?09:46
mumificiranijust hypothetical09:47
pagxfcm? do you mean xfce?09:47
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pagsudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get autoremove  :)09:47
mumificiraniall that?09:48
mumificiraniI should'nt dot hat while in xfce do I :)?09:48
pagyup... better be in KDE (or no gui at all)09:49
intelikeyis autoremove one of those NON-documented features ?09:49
mumificiraninah... I'll just stick up to KDE no need for unisntall09:50
intelikeyor has it been added in the last few months ?09:50
pagintelikey, man apt-get mentions it..09:50
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intelikeytty3 [greg$~]  apt-get autoremove09:50
intelikeyE: Invalid operation autoremove09:50
pagintelikey, it was added in edgy iirc09:50
intelikeyand man don't mention it to me09:50
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dotzhow to upgrade from dapper to fiesty?09:51
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TheRealInsanepag, Aargh! I right click and select tint (means that the Konquerer mod is working) and it gives me: "Could not find the program colorfolder"09:52
pagdotz, through edgy09:52
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TheRealInsaneI have it in ~/bin09:52
pagTheRealInsane, check that colorfolder.desktop points to the right location09:53
intelikeydotz they say you can't   not in one step   but if you want to try before you reload   change your sources.list and apt-get dist-upgrade09:53
khaije1dotz:  a "clean" install isnt an option?09:53
TheRealInsaneA wonder I didn't think of that09:53
pagTheRealInsane, kate ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/colorfolder.desktop  iirc09:54
intelikeydotz they told me i couldn't do that from hoary to dapper either     but i did.      "wasn't smooth though"09:54
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TheRealInsanepag, it just points to "Exec=colorfolder ..."09:56
TheRealInsaneSo where does that point to?09:56
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TheRealInsaneAlso, how can I configure to view hidden files in Konquerer?09:57
pagTheRealInsane, in ubuntu? nowhere :-/  replace it with  Exec=/home/YourUserName/bin/colorfolder09:58
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pagTheRealInsane, view -> show hidden files09:58
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rocketsis it possible to get wine running AMD64 (K)ubuntu10:00
TheRealInsanepag, in kubuntu. Can't I just replace it with ~/bin/colorfolder too?10:00
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intelikeyi reboot now.    kernel.10:00
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pagTheRealInsane, maybe - I'd do it the safe way though10:01
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stdinrockets: take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WineForAMD6410:01
khaije1dotz: anyone will tell you that a complete reinstall is preferable whenever possibly10:02
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khaije1stdin: are you POSIX compliant?10:04
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TheRealInsaneI modified the program, and now it finds colorfolder, but it doesn't work..10:04
TheRealInsaneI mean, it doesn't get tinted10:05
TheRealInsaneUnder kubuntu 7.0410:05
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TheRealInsaneOh yeah, doesn't Konquerer support Unicode filenames?10:05
TheRealInsaneI have this folder called Elkeliset and it displays the  as boxes10:06
pagTheRealInsane, works well for me... are you sure the filename is in utf8?10:06
stdinkhaije1: no, /bin/sh is10:06
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TheRealInsaneNo idea what the filename is in10:06
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TheRealInsaneHow can Ia ccess the Equalizer in Amarok?10:08
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TheRealInsaneDamnit, why do m3u playlists save the filename starting with D:\??10:15
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TheRealInsaneIs there a way to autmatically convert filenames from D:\ to /media/data/ and D:\ to /media/hdb1/?10:16
stdinuse sed10:16
stdinsed 's,D:\,/media/data/g'10:17
TheRealInsaneHow does sed work/what does it do?10:17
llutzsed 's,D:\,/media/data,g'10:17
TheRealInsaneI have a file, and I want to rename all instances of it to the new one10:17
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stdinTheRealInsane: sed takes the 1st expression and replaced it with the 2nd, so "sed -i 's,D:\,/media/data/g' filename.m3u" would replace all the "D:\" to "/media/data/" in  filename.m3u10:20
mikeGreets, everyone...10:20
TheRealInsaneK, thanks10:20
TheRealInsaneNow how do I stop reading a manual page?10:20
TheRealInsanePressed every key I have on my keyboard and I can't seem to leave it10:20
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TheRealInsaneOh wiat, q works10:21
llutzstdin: typo, sed 's,D:\,/media/data,g'10:21
mikeI'm setting up the partitions on a dual-boot system... Is it safe to mount the windows partition under /home/user/.windows-partition?10:21
stdinllutz: well, I missed the last ',' I intended the last slash tho10:21
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stdinmike: yeah, you can mount it anywhere you want10:23
mikestdin: Thanks10:23
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TheRealInsaneIt gives me an error: "unterminated s command"10:24
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TheRealInsaneThe command as I have it: sed -i 's,D:\,/media/data/,g' "Music - All.m3u"10:25
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sille1st instal of kubuntu... needed help unlocking packing system.. pls10:26
pag!aptfix | sille10:26
ubotusille: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 10:26
TheRealInsanesed: couldn't open temporary file ./sedCF8gHF: Read-only file system10:26
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sillewill try and let u know. thx10:27
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silleworked great.  unlocked. i dnot remember sys crashing on me though10:31
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pagsille, adept manages to lock system up once in a while even without crashing10:32
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TheRealInsanepag, can you help me on my last error?10:34
pagTheRealInsane, where are you trying to write? to a windows disk?10:34
TheRealInsaneTo hdb110:34
pagTheRealInsane, which FS? NTFS, right?10:35
pag!ntfs-3g | TheRealInsane10:35
ubotuTheRealInsane: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:35
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TheRealInsaneAnother question: Is there a way to configure the extra mouse buttons? (4,5,6 and 7)?10:36
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TheRealInsaneI can only configure 1-310:37
sillethx pag10:37
pag!mouse | TheRealInsane10:37
ubotuTheRealInsane: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto10:37
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TheRealInsaneUninformative manual: "Enable the universe repository and install the ntfs-config package"10:39
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TheRealInsaneToo bad it doesn't explain how10:39
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pag!universe | TheRealInsane10:40
ubotuTheRealInsane: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu10:40
pag!software | TheRealInsane10:40
ubotuTheRealInsane: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents10:40
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paghello cw :)10:40
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cwthis is just a test10:41
cwthank you10:41
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TenenCan anyone tell me if madwifi is installed by default in a normal base installation?10:43
paglooks like it's not10:43
Tenenmy netgear wg 311 t that is atheros based runs 100% on default ubuntu install due to madwifi, in kubuntu the card doesnt pick up in network manager but rather only when i do a grep atheros10:43
TenenI need that card to work or I'm stuck in windows10:44
Tenenand when i do a make for madwifi i get errors10:44
TenenWhat would the dif in terms of performance etc be if i installed ubuntu then just installed kde from synaptic10:45
Tenenbecause i need madwifi10:45
pagTheRealInsane, next to zero - especially if you remove the unneeded gnome-pkg's10:45
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Tenenwas that commento for me pag?10:46
pagTenen, yes, sorry10:46
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Tenenso with kde would come konsole, konqueror etc?10:46
harmentalhey guys....is it possible that adept_noitifier is not "activated"......(i know for sure it is installed though)10:47
harmentali dont receive "notices" anymore....even there are outdated packages...10:47
pagTenen, yup.10:48
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stdinTenen: it's in the linux-restricted-modules package10:48
Tenenso pag if i did ubuntu then installed kubuntu kde - it would be a kubuntu system?10:48
Tenenor a hybrid?10:48
pagharmental, it is possible10:48
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pagTenen, it would have both packages.. so hybrid I guess10:49
Teneni want kubuntu to work10:49
Teneni cant get madwifi to install10:49
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Tenenits lacking some modules/packages to do so10:49
harmentalpag: how can i reactive it?10:49
Teneni've got the cd but i dont know how to load packages off there10:50
pagharmental, somewhere in adept_manager settings maybe?10:50
TheRealInsaneSo I installed "3dchess" and several others with Adept Manager, I can access the others, but not 3dchess. Where would I find it?10:50
harmentalalready tried that.....10:51
harmentalpag: there is not such thing as notifier activation...10:51
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chingW: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>10:51
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chingi keep getting that on a fresh installation of fiesty10:51
chingapt-get update10:51
Tenenpag the modules that kubuntu needs for madwifi to work etc, would those be on my cd? and just not installed by default? how would i go about installing em?10:52
chingwhat shd i do10:52
pagharmental, hmm... try launching adept_notifier and hope it works :-/10:53
pagching, try to use a different mirror maybe?10:53
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chingwhat are the mirors?10:53
Mouseballerror setting up inter-process communications for KDE:10:53
MouseballCould not open network socket10:53
Mouseballis dcopserver running?10:53
TheRealInsaneCan anybody help me?10:53
pag!easysources | ching10:53
ubotuching: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:53
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pagTenen, I don't know. sorry.10:54
sx66how do you change themes?10:54
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sillenthr sille issue.  removing some apps and got "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages." error.  What to do?10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dcopserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
Tenenpag the modules that kubuntu needs for madwifi to work etc, would those be on my cd? and just not installed by default? how would i go about installing em?10:54
pag!customise | sx6610:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about customise - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
sx66how do you do it?10:55
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy10:55
ubotuTo change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.10:55
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chingi still hit into the same problem10:55
chinggpg key?10:55
chingthe generated sources.list have this in comment10:56
ching# Ubuntu supported packages10:56
ching# GPG key: 437D05B510:56
Mouseballanybody know how what that error message means?10:56
TheRealInsaneWhere can I access installed packages or otherwise read their manual?10:56
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Tenenpag the modules that kubuntu needs for madwifi to work etc, would those be on my cd? and just not installed by default? how would i go about installing em?10:57
stdinching: is ubuntu-keyring installed ?10:57
pagTenen, I already said that I don't know10:57
TheRealInsanePlease, anybody?10:57
ertugrulgehello !what is kubuntu turkish channel10:57
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pag!tr | ertugrulge10:58
ubotuertugrulge: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:58
sx66I have downloaded a bunch of themes for but I can not import them. pag10:58
stdinTenen: they are one the CD10:58
Tenenhello !what is kubuntu south african channel10:58
insmod<TheRealInsane> man10:58
Tenenso how do i access em stdin10:58
Tenenor install em10:58
pagsx66, which themes you have downloaded?  or should I say "what kind of"..10:59
Tenenwhat is a command to install something10:59
stdinTenen: looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu ?10:59
ertugrulgethank you but anybody in turkish channel :)10:59
insmod<Tenen> like what10:59
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chingW: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>10:59
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ching# gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys KEY11:00
ching# GPG key: 437D05B511:00
chingi tried that11:00
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ching# gpg --export --armor KEY | sudo apt-key add -11:00
sx66pag: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Futurosoft+Kickoff+Vista+?content=5234611:00
Tenenwell I need to install madwifi but with 0 net access on that machine caus wifi wont work I need to somehow install madwifi i downloaded it but its lacking headers or kernels or something to install would those be on my kubuntu cd, if so how would i install em11:00
stdinching: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 437D05B511:00
pagching, gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 437D05B5 && gpg --export --armor 437D05B5 | sudo apt-key add -11:01
stdinching: gpg --export -a 437D05B5 | sudo apt-key add -11:01
stdinTenen: what version?11:01
pagsx66, that's a kickoff theme - kubuntu doesn't even use kickoff11:01
Tenenthe latest madwifi version and its kubuntu 7.0411:02
sx66pag: so, how do I install themes, and how do I know if a theme will work?11:02
stdinTenen: should work instantly11:02
pagsx66, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu11:03
CensorBardOh, sonofa. Katapult broke KDE.11:03
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stdinTenen: the madwifi drivers are install by default11:03
TheRealInsaneI can't find it in the manual *panics*11:03
stdinTheRealInsane: manual for what?11:03
Tenenstdin not that i can see , card doesnt pickup11:03
Tenenand pag told me earlier they werent11:03
TheRealInsanestdin, Packages11:03
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chingdamnnnnnnnnnnnnn still couldn't work11:03
chingi've replaced KEY with the 437xx11:03
stdinTheRealInsane: "man command"11:03
TheRealInsanestdin, I've installed some, but I can't find them.11:03
chingurgh z z z11:03
stdinTheRealInsane: well, it is11:03
Tenenif i do a grep atheros i can see the card, but its not in network manager or anything and pag told me that kubuntu doesnt install madwifi by default11:04
TheRealInsanestdin "no manual entry for command"11:04
stdinTheRealInsane: try "sudo modprobe ath_pci"11:04
TheRealInsaneOh wait11:04
TheRealInsaneI'm an idiot11:04
stdinTheRealInsane: replace "command" with the actual commaND11:04
TheRealInsaneJust noticed that11:04
TheRealInsaneThing is, I don't know the command11:04
Tenenif i do a grep atheros i can see the card, but its not in network manager or anything and pag told me that kubuntu doesnt install madwifi by default11:04
Tenenpag told me kubuntu doesnt by default install madwifi11:04
pagTenen, I just looked at my sytem - and I don't have them installed  and since I can't recall removing them I just assumed they weren't11:04
Tenenyet ubuntu does11:04
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stdinTenen: one last time, Kubuntu installs the madwifi drivers by default11:05
Tenenwell this card worked 100% in ubuntu on base install and now doesnt pickup in kubuntu unless i do  a grep atheros11:05
Tenenwell somewhere im getting screwed11:05
harebosiI need help11:05
stdinTheRealInsane: try "sudo modprobe ath_pci"11:05
stdinTenen:  try "sudo modprobe ath_pci"11:05
Tenenso how do i get the card to work then stdin11:05
TheRealInsaneDid. Nothing happened.11:05
stdinTheRealInsane: ignore that, wrong name :)11:05
Tenensudo modprobe ath_pci - that will force the card to work?11:06
TheRealInsaneAnybody installed the "3dchess" package?11:06
Tenenor what does that do11:06
stdinTenen: tell me if you get an error11:06
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Tenenk stdin but i gotta restart11:06
chingis my best option to reinstall?11:07
Tenencaus its on a diff partition11:07
pagTheRealInsane, open konsole and type " 3dchess "?11:07
Tenenbut i got no internet due to no wifi11:07
Tenenso i gotta restart log kubuntu get error then restart log windows and msg u11:07
Tenenits a pain in the ass11:07
Tenenbut i will11:07
TheRealInsanepag, command doesn't exist11:07
Tenenno wifi = no internet for me11:07
TheRealInsanepag, it comes with a scarce documentation, but not enough to tell how to start it11:07
pagTheRealInsane, try: which 3dchess  (that's also a command)11:08
Tenenalso real quick stdin how do i copy the .txt that i will make of the error to my windows partition11:08
Tenenit tells me cannot write file11:08
TheRealInsanepag, nothing. nothing at all11:08
Tenenhow do i get full write access of my ntfs partitions11:08
stdinTenen: you'd need the ntfs-3g driver to do that11:08
pagTheRealInsane, does apt-cache policy 3dchess  tell you you have it installed?11:09
TheRealInsane!ntfs-3g | Tenen11:09
ubotuTenen: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:09
Tenengreat more shit i cant do while im offfline11:09
Teneni cant do shit on this kubuntu install till i get wifi working11:09
Tenenmy wifi is my internet11:09
stdinTenen: it'd only be 1 line of an error11:09
TheRealInsaneYep, installed.11:09
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keisangihi there,11:12
keisangihow do i setup which services are auto started when system boot up in kubuntu / ubuntu ?11:12
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keisangifor exemple if i would like kdm to not automaticaly start when system boot up11:12
keisangihow can i do that ?11:13
stdinkeisangi: System Settings > Advanced > System Services11:13
berkeswhere is the score for "most used applications" in the kmenu kept?11:13
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keisangistdin, i'm not running any desktop (no kde or gnome)11:13
keisangii'm trying to setup my own environment, using X and compiz11:14
keisangiit works fine .. i just wish kdm doesn't auto start11:14
keisangido you know any way to setup this from a console ? (no kde menu, i'm using a plain term)11:15
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stdinkeisangi: you said in ubuntu/kubuntu that implies a desktop, if you want to stop kdm from starting run: sudo update-rc.d -f kdm remove11:15
keisangiso that's how it works in ubuntu ? with update-rc.d command ?11:16
keisangii try ..11:16
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stdinkeisangi: it works in the terminal, independent of desktop environment11:16
CensorBard.....help. Somehow, my KDE-equivalent of the Windows taskbar has disappeared.11:16
keisangistdin, can i use this comamnd to list all the services (daemons) to check their status ? (auto-start or disabled)11:17
stdinkeisangi: no11:17
keisangiwhat could i use for this purpose ?11:17
stdinCensorBard: Alt-F2, type in: kicker11:17
stdinkeisangi: ls11:17
stdinkeisangi: eg, "ls /etc/rc2.d/" for the default rinlevel11:17
keisangifedora had a small term based gui .. called "setup" was easy to use11:18
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stdinkeisangi: fedora doesn't use the same init system11:18
keisangii see11:18
keisangii think i remember i tryed once a tool called sysvconf or something like that?11:19
CensorBardstdin: No go. It should be noted that the bar is not popping up on startup.11:19
keisangisome kind of term based admin prog to setup services11:19
stdin!info sysvconfig | keisangi11:20
ubotukeisangi: sysvconfig: A text menu based utility for configuring init script links. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.70 (feisty), package size 22 kB, installed size 136 kB11:20
stdinCensorBard: hmm, does it work for any other users?11:20
keisanginice one :)11:21
keisangijust was i needed, i'm using this now, thanks for the help stdin :)11:21
CensorBardstdin: I wouldn't know. I am the only user configured on this box.11:21
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CensorBardstdin: Well. Aside from root.11:22
stdinCensorBard: open konsole (by pressing Alt-F2 and typing konsole in) and in there put "mv ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc{,.bak}" (copy and paste that)11:22
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CensorBardstdin: Done. Next step?11:23
TheRealInsaneIs it possible to assign a key shortcut (Alt + Ctrl + Tab) to a console command? "3ddesk"11:23
stdinCensorBard: after that logout and log back in11:24
CensorBardOff I go, then.11:24
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keisanginow i would like to make a script that does that:  execute "X" then xterm -display :0 & and then from that xterm execute "compiz --replace" ;)11:24
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stdinTheRealInsane: you can assign a shortcut to any command from System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts11:25
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stdinkeisangi: just put all commands in a text file and make it executable, remember to set the DISPLAY variable tho11:26
CensorBardstdin: Ah, excellent everything works again, thanks. What was that string again? I want to c&p that to a reference file for later.11:26
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keisangistdin, yes, but then how do i make "compiz --replace" command to execute in that newly created xterm ?11:27
stdinCensorBard: "mv ~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc{,.bak}" it just moves the config file for kicker so the settings are reset to default.11:27
TheRealInsanestdin, That menu doesn't let me assign shortcuts to actual console commands, just to individual programs11:27
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stdinkeisangi: xterm -e compiz --replace11:28
keisangistdin, great :)11:28
stdinTheRealInsane: it should be in the kmenu, if not try running "kbuildsycoca"11:28
CensorBardstdin: Good to know. But I'll keep it for reference so I don't have to futz with the syntax while I learn Linux. Odd that kicker would die when I'm working on getting my two extra buttons on my mouse to work, though.11:29
TheRealInsanestdin, huh?11:29
keisangistdin, you wouldn't know of any way to create menus in plain X by any chance ? i mean right click to have a menu to select apps from .. i'm after a simple and fast solution to create my own menu, so i can put my apps in it to start them easily ..11:29
nicolai_CensorBard: Kicker can die from anything. There is a reason it is going to be replaced in KDE 4.011:29
stdinkeisangi: you'd have to use a window manager for that11:30
runleveltenkeisangi: try fluxbox.11:30
keisangii use compiz and emerald11:30
stdinTheRealInsane: the command I gave should rescan the menu entries11:30
CensorBardnicolai_: Point taken.11:30
keisangibah i'll try to find something .. someone have to have created a simple tool to have menus on plain X ..11:31
stdinkeisangi: you'll just have to run each command manually, or make a C program to do it11:31
keisangirunlevelten, fluxbox doesn't seems to like compiz fusion11:31
TheRealInsanestdin ERROR: No database available!11:31
keisangistdin, i see ..11:32
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TheRealInsanestdin, anyways, why would I want to rebuild the menu? It has the program in question in it already, although the program in question doesn't let me do what I want11:32
runleveltenkeisangi: so you're after a root window menu without any wm?11:33
keisangii'm using backstep to iconify my windows .. works nice11:33
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keisangirunlevelten, yes kind of.. i'm using X and compiz --replace, so i can use all compiz goodies from a simple X session .. i use feh to setup a wallpaper, and backstep to iconify my windows11:34
keisangionly thing left is a kind of app launcher .. would be nice if it would be a small and simple menu11:34
keisangii can launch everything from a term manually  but ..11:35
TheRealInsaneHow do I execute a shell script?11:37
keisangiTheRealInsane, you setup executable attribute11:37
keisangiwith chmod +x myscript11:37
stdinTheRealInsane: type the path to it, or if it's in the same directory, put ./scriptname.sh (replacing "scriptname.sh")11:37
keisangiand then from a term you simply give to path to it:  /home/TheRealInsane/myscript11:38
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TenenSo it turns out that my install was screwed11:38
TenenIm currently on the live disc reinstalling11:38
Tenenwifi works on this11:39
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TheRealInsaneI can't install flash for konquerer?11:40
Tenenwhy not11:40
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nicolai_TheRealInsane: You should be able to11:40
TheRealInsaneHow would I?11:40
TheRealInsaneWhere would I download it?11:41
stdinTheRealInsane: from the repositories11:41
TheRealInsaneThe installer from adobe.com isn't for Konquerer11:41
nicolai_TheRealInsane: install the mozilla flash plugin in Adept.11:41
TheRealInsaneOh, lemme test that11:41
stdin!info flashplugin-nonfree11:41
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386)11:41
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TheRealInsaneSo yeah, I still haven't been able to assign a keyboard shortcut to a command line command11:43
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CensorBardSo. Anyone else have a MX500 series optical mouse that they got to work properly? Mines seems to not want to work, imwheel or otherwise.11:43
Tenenany mud clients for kubuntu?11:44
runleveltenTenen: kildclient11:45
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Tenenany way i can just telnet in while im waiting for install to finsih?11:45
CensorBardTenen: TF if you want a console-based one. goes well with Yakuake. Kmuddy if you want a GUI-based one.11:45
runleveltentelnet server port11:45
Tenenive used mm2k on windows all the time11:45
TheRealInsaneor telnet, and inside o server port11:46
Tenenthat and mmconsole11:46
runleveltenkmuddy < kildclient.11:46
CensorBardrunlevelten: Really? I have a friend that swears by Kmuddy.11:46
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runleveltenI used to love papaya until it basically became abandonware and I didn't have time to pick it up.11:46
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runleveltentf5 is alright, too. Just not my cup of tea.11:47
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runleveltenkeisangi: are there any root menu plugins for beryl/compiz/compiz-fusion/whatever it is this week?11:48
runleveltenI see an old one for beryl...11:48
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:49
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects11:49
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository11:49
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:50
keisangirunlevelten, i don't know yet i'm googling about it.. if you found something i'd gladly hear it :)11:50
TheRealInsaneSo what's the difference between xubuntu, ubuntu, kubuntu and editbuntu?11:50
ramithe desktop environments11:51
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stdinTheRealInsane: the Desktop Environment installed by default11:51
runleveltendesktopclick apparently11:51
keisangirunlevelten, thanks for the info i'm looking for it11:51
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ramiany way to avoid password prompts?11:51
runleveltenOh for God's sake at xml pages: http://planet.beryl-project.org/atom.xml11:52
TheRealInsaneWeee! beryl11:52
runleveltenComplete SPAM as far as I'm concerned.11:52
runleveltengreat for RSS, but not what I ask Google for :(11:52
Tenenwhy when im installing as i am now does half the progress bar dissapear and i cant see how far install is11:52
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Tenenchat rami if ya talking bout konsole then yeah11:53
Tenenright click on shell and go root shell11:53
stdinrami: sudo -i11:53
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keisangiwhat should i do with PKGBUILD  files ?11:54
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Tenenwhy when im installing as i am now does half the progress bar dissapear and i cant see how far install is11:54
keisangihow can i build a .deb out of them ?11:54
stdinkeisangi: pkgbuild files are for slackware (and other) .tgz packages11:54
keisangistdin, i see11:55
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Tenenman this is annoying i dont know how far i am from finished with install11:55
Tenencaus progress bar half of its dissapeared11:56
runleveltenkeisangi:  http://forum.compiz.org/viewtopic.php?t=66411:56
keisangii look11:56
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keisangirunlevelten, looks exactly about what i'm after .. if only i could make it works ..11:57
keisangirunlevelten, seems it doesn't compile at all, it complains for beryl.h11:58
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keisangii'm not sure it would run on compiz-fusion11:58
runleveltenit seems like it needs porting, tbh11:59
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insaneLord help me!12:03
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TheRealInsaneI installed beryl, started it (after configuring) and now my window border is completely gone12:03
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TheRealInsaneWhich means I can't move my windows around or click the buttons12:04
Tenenis beryl another window manager like kde and gnome?12:04
Tenenwhat dif between it and kde12:05
TheRealInsaneFull graphical awesomeness12:05
TheRealInsaneEye candy12:05
runleveltenkde and gnome are desktop environments, not window managers :)12:05
Tenenso a no go on my older machine :P12:05
TheRealInsaneAnyways, what's the <Super> button?12:05
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runleveltenyou could run a window manager and a desktop environment at the same time, for instance ;)12:06
TheRealInsaneIt works, but the window border is missing, nothing else12:06
Teneni got an old athlon xp 2.6 ghz + 512mb ram running this12:06
Tenenso beryl will choke right?12:06
runleveltenTenen: it doesn't have high requirements12:06
runleveltenTenen: it's about what graphics card you have.12:06
Tenen256mb crappy gfore12:06
Tenenbudget old pc now :P12:07
runleveltenwhat geforce?12:07
runleveltenNothing you've said so far rules you out. wot gf?12:07
Tenengforce 6200a12:07
Tenenits a chaintech carc12:07
TheRealInsaneWhat's the <Super> button on the keyboard!?12:07
lazz0since when 256 is crappy12:07
TheRealInsaneSeveral key combos use it12:07
nicolai_TheRealInsane: windows :P12:07
Tenenconsidering you get 700mb cards 256 mb is shit now :P12:07
Tenenand considering this is old agp 8x vs pci express12:08
TheRealInsanenicolai_, Huh!?12:08
Tenenits a shit card12:08
nicolai_TheRealInsane: The windows logo between ctrl and alt12:08
runleveltenI ran beryl on a 64 mb geforce 4 mx440 for a while.12:08
TheRealInsaneYe, just got it12:08
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runleveltenworked OK.12:08
Tenenand it works fine?12:08
lazz0runlevelten,mine is the same12:08
lazz0so i may try it out12:08
runleveltenwasn't dreamily fast, but it worked fine.12:08
Tenenso reckon my 256mb card will do ok?12:08
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Tenenall it is is eye candy??12:09
runleveltendepends, I think that card may actually be weaker, heh12:09
Tenenholy crap this install has been configuring time for like 10 mins12:09
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runleveltenTenen: not just eye candy, useful productivity tools if you do a lot of work on a computer12:09
runleveltenscale etc are useful.12:10
Tenenlike what12:10
TheRealInsanerunlevelten How did you install/start it without errors?12:10
runleveltenlike scale, and the very fast manipulation of windows.12:10
runleveltenif you use lots of multiwindow apps to work on the same projects, being able to take a window to another desktop without delay is nice too.12:11
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runleveltenTheRealInsane: When I had that card, I used SuSE12:11
CARCASShello, i need help with one question: how could i "uninstall" midnight commander which i previously compiled and installed? mc is the last snapshot, kubuntu 7.04 russian localization. Thanks for some answers.12:11
runleveltenCARCASS: you dropped it on from make install?12:12
CARCASS-= runlevelten =- exactly12:12
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runleveltenif you still have the makefile, you may be able to remove it using make uninstall or make remove12:13
runleveltenfailing that, you could delete them manually...12:14
runleveltenI tend to use checkinstall if I'll want to remove them using apt.12:14
runleveltenyou might get away with installing it again using checkinstall, then removing it.12:14
runleveltenbecause apt-get remove would then delete your files I reckon.12:14
runleveltenbut check the makefile first, it might let you uninstall it.12:15
CARCASSno, apt-get thinks that mc isn't installed )12:15
runleveltenCARCASS, Yes, unless you use checkinstall.12:15
CARCASSokay thanks :)12:15
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runleveltentry make remove or whatever, failing that, ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall, then apt-get remove it.12:16
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insaneBeryl crashed my pc12:16
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josefhey guys i have a problem12:18
josefcan anybody help me12:18
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TheRealInsaneHow do I deactivate my second monitor?12:18
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TheRealInsaneBasically it got quite strangely configured, normal desktop manager tells me I have only one monitor with 2560x1024 pixels12:19
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rotemCan someone, please, refer to a link about reinstaliing kubuntu, with out losing my documents?12:23
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runleveltenCan anyone else confirm something's broken for me please?12:38
runlevelten"Administrator Mode" in kcontrol's font installer.12:39
nmickrunlevelten: works for me12:40
nmickrunlevelten: when you say kcontrol you mean system settings?12:40
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runleveltenno, kcontrol12:41
runleveltenspecifically with the config part running in kde control center12:42
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TheRealInsaneI got Beryl to work with all it's full special effects!!!12:45
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nmickrunlevelten: Can't see anything wrong on my computer12:46
runleveltenWhat, you can log into admin mode?12:46
runleveltenI'm just seeing the red border, and it gives up.12:47
nmickrunlevelten: Try closing kcontrol and opening it again. Alternatively you may have to reboot.12:48
nmickrunlevelten: I tried what you describe back in Edgy.12:48
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runleveltenNah, 'sjust dead. I guess I'll play with it later and see what it is12:50
runleveltenthanks though :)12:50
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insaneSo yeah12:57
insaneWhat button is "Next" on the keyboard?12:57
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TheRealInsane'cause a keyboard shortcut is telling me to press "<Control><Alt>Next"12:58
cabulosohow do i install a window decoration theme ?12:58
ciaconhas anyone got a hint what I can use for simple audio-editing... (super simple cut.....)12:58
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nmickTheRealInsane: it could be the right arrowkey01:01
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nmickciacon: krecord might work for you01:02
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ciaconnmick: can I also use it to cut mp3s??01:04
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nicolai_ciacon: I think so. It's been a long time since I used it.01:05
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TheRealInsaneAnybody know how to use Emerald Theme Manager?01:05
cabulosoi need help to install this -> http://www.kde-look.org/content/download.php?content=32613&id=101:05
cabulosoanyone ?01:06
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Tenenhi guys01:10
nicolai_lazz0: not really for simple uses :P01:10
Tenengot it working now01:10
Tenenthanks for all the help01:11
Tenengot the wifi to work was a dodgy install01:11
Tenenso  i reinstalled and it works01:11
Tenencan anyone tell me why i cant find skype by searchign with adaptive package manager01:11
lazz0nicolai_,it is, i make ringtones for my sony01:11
nicolai_Tenen: you need to enable restricted software.01:11
Tenenwhat is skype clients name in repository list, it cant find skyp01:12
Tenenhow do i do that nicolai?01:12
nicolai_Tenen: You might also need to add this: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/01:12
_Shade_hey is there any way to have composite running smooth on gf2?01:12
praecoxhey, I'm running Kubuntu Gutsy, is there any way I can make Xgl uses Xinerama not TwinView?01:13
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Tenenok umm nicolai that urls crashes my adapt manager01:13
Tenenit now quits01:13
Tenennikolai broke my adapt manager :(01:14
nicolai_Tenen: System -> Adept -> manage repositories (sp? I use a different language) -> proprietary01:14
nicolai_Tenen: wait, how did you add it?01:14
Teneni added it but now adaptive wont load it says : The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.01:15
Tenenthat broke it :(01:15
nicolai_Tenen: it was just the homepage :P01:15
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nicolai_Tenen: 2 sec01:15
elite101yes my adept is broken too i cant even add or remove programs?01:15
ciaconthanks lazz001:15
elite101it wont let me open the notifyer upadte thing or even update adpet01:15
tomicheck that your /etc/apt/sources.list is not corrupt01:16
lazz0hf sweetheart01:16
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tomii.e. typos. random letters01:16
nicolai_Tenen, elite101: First open this in root: /etc/apt/sources.list01:16
tomisudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list01:17
Tenensudo http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/01:17
Tenensnore wrong paste01:17
elite101i tried to open up a .deb for limewire and now it "broke" while installing ever since then i cant get into adept and i was going to have to do a complete re-install01:17
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Tomi-idletry sudo apt-get -f install01:17
nicolai_Tenen, elite101: One way to do this is to right click on the file, choose actions, and then "edit as root"01:17
Tomi-idlein terminal01:17
TenenX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16701:17
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Tenen  Major opcode:  14401:17
Tenen  Minor opcode:  301:18
Tenen  Resource id:  0x001:18
TenenFailed to open device01:18
TenenX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16701:18
Tenen  Major opcode:  14401:18
Tenen  Minor opcode:  301:18
Tenen  Resource id:  0x001:18
TenenFailed to open device01:18
Tomi-idleTenen: that's propably because you have wacom on on your xorg.conf01:18
Tomi-idlethose are not to be worried about01:18
elite101edit what as root the .debain file?01:18
nicolai_Tenen: Many people break adept, just follow my instructions so far01:18
Tenenok i fixed it01:18
Tomi-idleTenen: if you want the  warnings to go away and you dont have a wacom tablet. edit xorg.conf and remove the sections pointing to it. or # then01:18
Teneni just had to remove that faulty repos i added01:18
elite101okay im in the source page01:19
elite101using konqueror01:19
nicolai_Tenen: So adept works now?01:19
Tenenso now i need the illegal repositories :P01:19
Tenenyeah i fixed it01:19
elite101but i have to open it up in terminal01:19
Tomi-idlethey're not illegal. lol01:19
Teneni just had to remove that webpage i added as a repo01:19
Tenenwell skype etc,01:19
Teneni need those01:19
Tomi-idleunless you're in the us.. nm01:19
Tomi-idlethey're proprietery01:19
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nicolai_elite101: do you see anything that is out of the ordinary?01:20
elite101bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied01:20
Tomi-idleclosed source -- thus potentially dangerous since you can't check out the code01:20
Tomi-idleelite101: you need to edit it in root01:20
TheRealInsaneCan anybody help me run a java program on linux?01:20
elite101ohh how do i sign in as root?01:20
Tomi-idleyou can also press alt-f2 and type "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list"01:20
elite101yes i do it says failed something01:20
Tomi-idleif you use alt-f2 you need kdesu01:21
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_4strOelite101: sudo ...01:21
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Tomi-idleif you use konsole(or other terminal) you need sudo01:21
Tenensudo blah blah blah01:21
nicolai_elite101: kdesu kate '/etc/apt/sources.list'01:21
elite101wow thats all i can understand too many ppl01:21
Tenensudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list - do that01:21
Tenenin a console01:21
Tenenthen type in your password01:21
Tenenthen an editor will popup01:21
elite101that made more sense01:21
Tenenremove the shitty repository you added01:21
Tenenand save01:21
Tenenthen open adaptive01:21
nicolai_Tenen, elite101: Do NOT use Sudo in this case01:22
Teneni used sudo and it fixed mine01:22
Tenenwithout sudo it didnt give me privs01:22
Tenenwithout sudo its like access denied bs01:22
nicolai_Tenen, elite101: you should use kdesu01:22
elite101okay it works :)01:22
elite101well this way works01:22
elite101good to its opend up in kate now01:22
Tomi-idlekdesu fails on console for me :/ almost always has01:22
Tenenif i wish to add the medibuntu shit to repository which address do i add?01:22
elite101well i have the source opend in kate now what?01:23
nicolai_elite101: It can lead to problems using sudo for gui's. kdesu is safer01:23
nicolai_Tenen: look at the webpage I gave you.01:23
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Tomi-idlegoogle "medibuntu repository codecs" :/01:23
elite101well this way works so why get frusturated over opeing something i dont even know what it is yet :S01:23
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nicolai_Tenen: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/01:23
elite101kded: ERROR: Communication problem with kded, it probably crashed.01:24
elite101kate: WARNING: Can't open /root/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml01:24
Tenenwhats diff between skype static and normal skype01:24
Teneni added it nicolai thanks01:24
elite101why do i have to open up the source in KATE?01:24
Tomi-idlestatic has the libs built in it01:24
Tenenelite101 you got it fixed yet?01:24
Tomi-idleor something like that01:25
elite101no i dont know what to do?01:25
Tenenelite caus ur source list is broken hence adapt dont work01:25
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Tenendid you add any dodgy repository?01:25
elite101my problem is that i opend up a limewire file (.deb) and it broke durin install and now i cant get into anything adept like01:25
Tomi-idlekate is the default editor in kde <.< .. you can use nano or any other if you like01:25
Teneni think you can maybe just clear that file and replace it with what ive got in mine01:25
nicolai_elite101: kate can edit the file, but needs administrator priveledges.01:25
Tenenshould work then01:25
elite101well i dont wanna screw my system over01:26
nicolai_elite101: ahh, then your problem most likely isn't with the sources list.01:26
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elite101uhh i have to do another re-install the last time sudo crashed like 50times01:26
elite101thought so01:26
TheRealInsaneKDE games01:27
nicolai_elite101: no need to reinstall01:27
=== Tenen is now known as Jahmon
elite101well how do i uninstall it? the limewire01:27
elite101it wont let me at all no matter what u do01:27
nicolai_elite101: What does Adept say when you open it?01:27
nicolai_elite101: "read-only"?01:27
elite101uhhh srew privvate mssgs01:27
elite101i cant talk to ppl anyways01:27
elite101nicolai_, sorry tomany ppl talking to me01:28
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Jahmoni crashed client by flooding01:28
Jahmonwhat is diff between skype and skype-static?01:28
Jahmonanyone care to explain01:28
elite101omg adept not even working?01:29
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elite101i opend it up but its not loading now?01:29
phimichi all01:29
Jahmonwhat diff between skype and skype-static plz01:29
phimicis the version info shown in dpkg -s a ubuntu specific version01:29
nicolai_elite101: not loading at all? then you need to type: ctrl + esc01:30
nicolai_elite101: search for adept01:30
Jahmonwhat is diff between skype and skype static01:30
nicolai_elite101: kill the process01:30
Jahmonone is 4mb bigger01:30
nicolai_Jahmon: just install skype01:30
Jahmonwhat is skype static01:30
elite101my system is screwed01:30
elite101so u guys never download a .deb from limwire.com it will mess ur computer up01:31
phimicfor example the package shorewall has the version 3.2.6 on the official website it has the version 4.001:31
nicolai_elite101: no adept open?01:31
elite101my system is screwed01:31
elite101stupid limewire01:31
elite101see what piracy does to  ur system01:31
nicolai_elite101: don't give up hope01:31
elite101well i cant do anything now01:31
elite101i cant tell u what it says im not sure exactly01:31
runleveltenwho downloads debs from limewire?! Dude.01:32
elite101well frostwire didnt work01:32
elite101so i tried limewire01:32
elite101im not sure why. just another misstake i wont do again01:32
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nicolai_elite101: let us try doing a gentle reboot. Make sure everything is saved, type ctrl + alt + backspace01:32
Jahmonany good software i should install?01:32
cj_how do i install flash for konqueror01:32
runleveltenIf you actually phoned people up and asked them to coma and format your drive, your machine would last longer.01:32
elite101well when i do that bye01:32
runleveltenYou would at least have a chance nobody could be bothered, lol01:33
elite101uh? me01:33
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Jahmonwhat software is useful e.g. media codecs what can i install so movies /tv series work01:33
elite101well when i do a reboot then what?01:33
Jahmonand what is that ntfs thing for having root on windows drives01:33
runleveltenYou've installed debs from limewire and are still running the system elite?01:34
elite101why do i wanna re-boot01:34
nicolai_elite101: then adept should be responding again, and we can find what needs fixing :)01:34
elite101okay bhrb01:34
Jahmonwhat is that ntfs changer thingy that allows ya to write to ntfs drives01:34
Jahmonanyone know?01:34
nicolai_Jahmon: ntfs-config01:34
runleveltennicolai_: there is no way you should be advising people to keep running a machine after installing broken debs from limewire, tbh.01:34
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:34
Jahmonand for media codecs where do i get that?01:35
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nicolai_runlevelten: I have no idea what limewire is :P01:35
runleveltenkazaa, basically.01:35
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Jahmonlimewire is like kazaa a p2p program01:35
nicolai_runlevelten: so full of spyware?01:35
DragnslcrAnd why would anyone download packages from Limewire?01:35
Jahmonwhat is a good media codec pack for linux?01:36
runleveltennicolai_: in Linux binary packages, rootkits.01:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about f;ash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:36
runleveltennicolai_: by the dozen.01:36
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:36
Jahmonwhat is a good media codec pack for linux?01:36
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DragnslcrDoes Limewire have packages that you can't for free anywhere else or something?01:36
Jahmonline in windows i use ace mega codec pack01:36
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Jahmondranslcr what they mean is he downloaded the .deb to install limewiere01:36
Dragnslcr!codecs | Jahmon01:36
ubotuJahmon: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:36
Jahmonnot from it01:36
runleveltenDragnslcr: It's the worst possible place you could ever get a binary package from.01:36
elite101omg now nothing wants to run not even my wireless LAN thing man i messed up my system to the point u cant fix it xD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:37
p1ranhahi! i seem to be having problems changing my workgroup. where exactly do i find it in kde?01:37
Jahmoncan anyone tell me a reliable media codec pack i can download?01:37
nicolai_runlevelten: So even though adept crashed during the install, it would be too risky to just fix it and let be. Got it.01:37
runleveltenDragnslcr: Virtually every binary package on it is a rootkit, and if one of my users had installed one off there and given it root privs,01:37
elite101my computer is done somedays i swear i feel like kicking the computer to death01:37
runleveltenI'd call that an immediate reinstall01:37
elite101for me01:37
runleveltenno way of making the system binaries or anything else safe now.01:38
elite101yes i wanna do another re-install! wuu!01:38
Jahmonrunlevelten can you please tell me a good media codec pack to download01:38
Dragnslcrrunlevelten- but what do they have that the repositories don't? Or is it one of those "Check out this great screensaver!" things?01:38
runleveltenelite101: Ah well, just put it down to experience01:38
Jahmoni reinstalled twice today :(01:38
elite101yeah i know but that sucks01:38
Jahmoncaus i broke the first wifi install01:38
elite101i did it 3times this week01:38
runleveltenDragnslcr: Check out this version of Maya with a rootkit in it, but yeah01:38
Jahmonand the install crashd second time round01:38
DragnslcrJahmon- not until you pay attention to what you were already told01:38
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Jahmoni did i went to go look01:39
elite101i have 1problem01:39
nicolai_Jahmon: w32codecs01:39
elite101when i install it says failed for security updates?!?!?!01:39
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runleveltenelite101: Be very wary of "linux warez". Not many people are interested in it on this side.01:39
elite101do u have to be connected to the internet for someone to install kubuntu?01:39
Dragnslcrelite101- nope01:39
runleveltenelite101: no01:39
elite101well it fails01:39
Jahmonhow come torrent comes installed by default then runlevelten :P01:40
elite101for security01:40
elite101and thats not a good thing01:40
Jahmonand i'd use grabit or altbinz if i wanted wrez01:40
nicolai_elite101: You don not have to be connected to the internet, but if you are, it will install security updates made after the release.01:40
elite101ahh so im sscrewed becuase i have wireless01:40
elite101it wont install if my wireless card is on01:40
elite101i tried it befor01:40
Jahmonso nicolai w32 is the name of a codec pack01:41
runleveltenJahmon: because you use torrents for lots of things. Giving dodgy packages root isn't one of them. Ever.01:41
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elite101kubuntu 7.04 i downloaded of torrent01:41
elite101wich i cant use01:41
runleveltenI distribute software using torrents, and I get software using torrents - especially distros.01:41
elite101someone messed the CD up01:41
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Jahmoni never download off torrens01:41
elite101i know01:41
Jahmonnewserver for me01:41
elite101i will install 7.0401:41
elite101instead of 6.0601:41
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elite101that should be alot better01:42
runleveltenJahmon: I don't mean that kind of thing :\01:42
squirrelhow do i remove the link created with ln command?01:42
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elite101well brb in like 1hour01:42
elite101im going to install 7.0401:42
p1ranharm i guess01:42
runleveltenelite101: have fun :(01:42
Jahmonwill whatever program that handles media in kubuntu auto dl codecs if im online or ?01:42
_Shade_i'd like to set up some desktop effects in my kubuntu. Would desktop-effects package help me with setting it up with xgl?01:42
Dragnslcrsquirrel- same as any other file01:42
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cj_how do i enable proposed updates in kubuntu?01:42
Jahmoni need to find a decent codecs package for watching movies etc01:42
p1ranhahow do i change my workgroup name?01:42
nicolai_Jahmon: w32codecs is THE media codec package for Linux.01:43
runleveltendamn, what's non-free codecs again?01:43
Jahmonwell i cant find it in the adapt list01:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about non-free - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:43
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:43
Jahmoni searched w32 codecs01:43
DragnslcrJahmon- maybe if you told us what format you're actually looking for?01:43
runleveltenjahmon ^01:43
Jahmonanything and everything :P like windows i just use a codec pack and it plays anything01:43
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs01:43
Jahmoni cant be bothered to look for individual codecs01:43
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runleveltenthen don't.01:43
runlevelten"I want to swim in water and not get wet"01:44
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:44
DragnslcrI believe the ffmpeg packages support just about every major format01:44
elite101lol do i need files in the harddrive? for kubuntu i was just going to go on a mad frusturated rampage and delete system files?01:44
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elite101maybe it will make my system work again?01:44
p1ranhajust reinstall it01:44
elite101yeah i kno01:44
runleveltenyeah, ffmpeg, mplayer, realplayer, nothing you can't play really.01:45
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DragnslcrThere's also an Ubuntu Restricted option in Adept Installer01:45
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runleveltenexcept DRM infected files, but obviously you have to install malware to play those - not gonna happen.01:45
Jahmonso what package can i search for in adept manager for codes - w32 brings up nothing and i have the non free repository added caus i just dled skype01:45
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DragnslcrJahmon- did you actually look at the link you've been given twice?01:45
nicolai_Jahmon: but did you install the medibuntu repository that I linked you too?01:46
runleveltenJahmon: I don't mean to be funny, but you're completely ignoring it when you're told!!01:46
cj_them links only reference ubuntu - i dont see the settings in adept01:46
DragnslcrIt tells you -exactly- what to do01:46
Jahmoni did i searchd w3201:46
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Jahmonand i went to a ubuntu link bout gstreamer01:46
squirrelthanks Dragnslcr01:46
Jahmonbut im a newb01:46
Dragnslcr!codecs | For the last time, Jahmon01:46
ubotuFor the last time, Jahmon: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:46
Jahmonit isnt showing up on adept and i did add the first repository nicolai gave me01:46
DragnslcrGo follow the instructions01:46
runleveltenJahmon: You can't expect other people to go and paste everything from those web pages into this channel, dude.01:47
nicolai_Dragnslcr: In his defence, the restrictedformats site used to be much simpler to follow01:47
Dragnslcrnicolai_- I don't see how it can be any simpler01:47
DragnslcrThere's only 3 steps for 7.0401:48
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nicolai_Dragnslcr: yeah, okay, restricted extras. I just searched for w32codecs and couldn't find it :P01:49
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DragnslcrI don't have w32codecs installed, so I have no idea what it supports that the ffmpeg packages don't01:50
Jahmonhopefully everything01:50
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runleveltenooh, adept looks so much better if you switch everything to lucida sans unicode in sudo kcontrol01:51
nicolai_Dragnslcr: I have never used ffmpeg, but I haven't found a video format not supported by w32codecs01:51
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runlevelten(size 7)01:52
DragnslcrI haven't found a video format not supported by the ffmpeg library01:52
Dragnslcrwmv and mpg both work fine01:52
runleveltenthere are some ogg issues iirc, which is ironic.01:52
runleveltenbut yeah, ffmpeg == swiss army knife01:53
runleveltenI use it for everything from wmv to 3gp01:53
DragnslcrVideo players should be able to handle ogg without ffmpeg01:53
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DragnslcrI'd hope so, anyway01:53
Jahmonman shuttleworth clearly didnt invent kubuntu/ubuntu for south africans our bandwidth is so shitty it takes forever for updates01:53
DragnslcrI don't think I've actually found any ogg video files01:53
runleveltenrealplayer is good too. Not to confused with the windows crapware client.01:53
Jahmonand our dsl comes complete with a whole 3gb cap for the month01:53
runleveltenFSF ftw.01:54
Jahmonyay what can you do with 3gb, absolutely nothing01:54
DragnslcrHeh, the Windows crapware client made me avoid anything "Real" like the Plague01:54
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runleveltenMuch of Africa has terrible tubes, doesn't it?01:54
Jahmonyeah sat3. eassy etc, all pieces of shit01:54
Jahmonbandwidth costs an arm and a leg01:54
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runleveltenDragnslcr: Yeah me too, for years, except for the beeb. The Linux Realplayer is a different kettle of fish, though.01:55
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Jahmonfor a 3gb cap, 384k dsl you are looking at 40 dollars a month01:55
Jahmonor so01:55
Jahmonand they term it broadband01:56
Jahmonmax speed ofs 40k a sec01:56
Jahmonhow shite is that01:56
=== runlevelten has a reasonably expensive 512kbps line at home
Jahmonyeah but i bet its uncapped01:56
Jahmonbet you don get 3gb caps01:56
Jahmonwhere you hit 3gb and they cut you off01:56
Jahmontill next month01:56
runleveltenIt is completely uncapped, that's part of why I pay 25 a month for it.01:56
nicolai_Jahmon: 100 mbit/s is 80 dollar/month here01:56
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Jahmonunshaped too i bet01:57
lazz0Jahmon,i get 200-500k int peer and 2mb+ local peering for 10$01:57
Jahmonman fastest we got is like 4mb and that with say  10 gig cap will cost you about 100 dollars01:57
lazz0unlimited ofc01:57
pawitpMy bandwidth isn't capped but highly shaped01:57
p1ranha10 gb cap? upload and download?01:57
Jahmonyeah well ours is highly shaped and capped01:58
Jahmonso enjoy01:58
runleveltenI could get 4 times the speed, but without the "benefits" I get :)01:58
Jahmon10gb counts for u/l and d/l01:58
p1ranhaincluding upload? that sucks01:58
runleveltenfor a third of the price :)01:58
Jahmonyeah frikkin expensive01:58
Jahmonafrica ftl01:58
lazz0no torrents 4u01:58
Jahmonwe have a telecom monopoly tho01:58
Jahmonbut in sept we get another rival company01:58
p1ranhasame issues with austrailia01:58
runleveltentbh I use torrents on 512 without any real issue01:58
Jahmonyeah but atleast aus telekom is dcent01:58
runleveltenbut then I get access to much bigger lines when I want it.01:58
p1ranha*australia...their average package is 2 gb cap01:59
Jahmonand you didnt get affirmative action up the ying yang01:59
Jahmoni remember the days of electron/phoenix and zardoz01:59
Jahmonremember reading about that shit01:59
Jahmonaustralians were always in the news for hacking01:59
Jahmonwas funny01:59
pawitpWe call 128k broadband01:59
PriceChild!ohmy | Jahmon01:59
ubotuJahmon: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:59
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:59
nicolai_Isn't it annoying having a capped connection? Having to think of how much you can download?02:00
Jahmonvery annoying02:00
Jahmoni buy 30gb local only accs and dl as much as i can locally02:00
Jahmonthen the 3gb i use international only02:00
Jahmoni have to run 2 accounts and route traffic int to int conn, local to local02:00
PriceChildJahmon, nicolai_, You are offtopic. Please move to #kubuntu-offtopic02:00
Jahmonthats another thing02:01
Jahmonhow cna i sort out routing in linux02:01
Jahmoni use routesentry in windows02:01
Jahmonto sort int/local apart02:01
runleveltendefine sort it02:01
Jahmonand seperate traffic to corresponding connection02:01
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runleveltendon't you have a router to do that stuff with?02:01
Jahmonwell in windows i use a local only acc and int only acc, i run em both at the same time and routesentry routes the local traffic thru local con and int through international con02:02
Jahmonas cap is so expensive i cant afford to waste it02:02
pawitpdefine local02:02
pawitpinterms of ip02:02
Jahmonlocal as in local only , only south africa02:02
Jahmonshit a vast range02:02
Jahmonman ill probably find an ip table somewhere02:02
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pawitpYou can alway use the routing table02:03
Jahmonand ask the same people i got routesentry off02:03
Jahmonim sure the south african users will know02:03
pawitpTo route traffic02:03
Jahmoncaus they got the same issue02:03
Jahmonalot of them use a box with ipcop to route02:03
=== TheRealInsane [n=insane@dslb-088-065-026-014.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
Jahmoni know that02:03
Jahmonothers use mikrotek board02:03
TheRealInsaneCan anybody tell me how to install flash for Konquerer?02:03
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Jahmoncant you adept it02:04
Jahmonand just search flash02:04
Jahmonand go install02:04
TheRealInsaneI did02:04
nicolai_TheRealInsane: install flashplugin-nonfree02:04
TheRealInsaneI installed flashplugin-nonfree02:04
nicolai_TheRealInsane: and it works in firefox?02:04
Scorpaengood morning folks02:04
Scorpaeni'm having a problem with oidentd on gutys02:04
pawitpthe plugin is the the recommended list02:04
TheRealInsaneIt says in it's description "Konqueror can also use the Flash plugin if konquerer-nsplugins is installed"02:05
runleveltenTheRealInsane: you need to quit browsers, start your mozilla browser (be that seamonkey/ff/whatever) then start konqy again if it isn't working02:05
TheRealInsaneI don't have mozilla, at least not for linux, so I can't run it02:05
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Scorpaenit only listens on ipv6 not ipv402:05
nicolai_TheRealInsane: yep, open konqueror, settings, plugins02:05
Scorpaentcp6       0      0 *:auth                  *:*                     LISTEN02:05
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runleveltenno firefox, no seamonkey?02:05
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TheRealInsaneLet's see02:06
Jahmonok skype is scaring me - all my contacts are gone02:06
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Jahmonwhy is skype only showing test call under my contacts02:07
Jahmonit says ungrouped contacts02:07
Jahmoni got like 10 contacts missing02:07
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Jahmononly1 contact02:08
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Jahmonwird all my skype contacts gone02:09
Jahmongoing to see if windows like that too02:09
Jahmonthanks for help all02:09
TheRealInsaneOk, I configured Konquerer and made sure it scanned for netscape plugins02:10
TheRealInsaneBut when trying to watch youtube videos, it gives me "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player."02:10
TheRealInsaneJavascript is definately globally active02:10
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TheRealInsaneOtherwise, is there a way to do a 100% export from windows firefox into linux firefox?02:11
nicolai_TheRealInsane: you can export your bookmarks easily02:12
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TheRealInsaneWhoops, IRC crashed on me02:12
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Darkrifthelp! my computer rebooted and now im at 640x480 and cant change it!!!02:18
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nicolai_Darkrift: I've tried that. Go to system settings -> monitor & display -> hardware02:19
runleveltenTheRealInsane: you can import the bookmarks.html from your old firefox install.02:20
nicolai_Darkrift: If it says "monitor #1: generic" you need to specify your screen.02:20
Darkriftdidnt help :(02:20
Darkrifti selected generic flat panel 1280x800 (my screen size) and it wont do that one now02:21
nicolai_Darkrift: damn, you're fast :P02:21
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nicolai_Darkrift: who made your screen, what brand is it?02:22
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Darkriftits a laptop02:22
Darkriftcompaq presario v6120us02:22
Darkriftit was working!!!02:22
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jonathan_somebody help me with kubuntu startup02:23
bastid_raZorjonathan_, heh, i guess you're too lazy to view the wiki?02:23
jonathan_what wiki?02:23
jonathan_newbie in here dude02:23
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.02:24
fhdI have a KDE problem: I want a second control bar only as a taskbar. this works just fine, but I cannot configure that bars size - any hints?02:24
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bilalcan someone help me kubuntu is not detecting my mic02:29
bilalearlier it worked but after reinstalling kubuntu its not working02:29
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=== genii fumbles for his coffee cup
=== savetheWorld just fumbles
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nicolai_bilal: click the sound icon -> mixer -> input -> mic02:32
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bilalstill cant record02:35
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bilalthis problem occurd after I reinstalled kubuntu02:36
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vltHello. When I click on an email saved to folder it opens with kmail. But when the file name matches *.eml I get an error: "Invalid Address mhtml:/...". How can I avoid this?02:38
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TheRealInsaneCan anybody here tell me how to use emerald theme manager?02:38
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marckieTheRealInsane: Well you use that together with Beryl (which I use) to choose the theme you wanna use02:41
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TheRealInsanemarckie, But how does it work? I can't seem to choose the theme02:42
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TheRealInsaneI tried typing in "emerald" in the Konsole, but it just gives me an empty prompt02:43
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TheRealInsaneI have Beryl running right now, and Emerald theme manager02:45
TheRealInsaneI selected the theme I want02:45
TheRealInsaneNow what do I do to actually use it?02:45
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TheRealInsanePlease!?? I've been trying to activate it for hours02:46
TheRealInsaneTrying all the emerald command line things I could think of02:46
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praecoxis there any way I can move kwallet and stored passwords to new computer?02:55
elite101i love kubuntu i swear when i want something to work it does? now adept is working? i love this cpmputer so so much :)02:55
praecoxin other words, how am I suppose to backup kwallet passwords?02:55
elite101my adept works so i dont have to re-install now :)02:55
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bilalcan some tell me how to reconfigure my sound card02:58
igor   ?02:58
igoris there everyone under Kubuntu?02:58
igorWindows rules02:58
igorWindows rules02:59
igorWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rules02:59
igorWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rules02:59
igorWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rulesWindows rules02:59
bilalwindows rule what? your brain02:59
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boris_in windows u just have to open the window and bugs get in03:01
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Roeyhey all03:02
Roeycrimsun:  hi!03:03
Roeyhello boris_03:03
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Roeycan anyone help me with a sound issue?  I've disabled the onboard via82cxxx sound chip through the BIOS, yet ALSA is somehow still configured to try and use that as the default... (I have a chaintec av710 that I want sound to play on)03:08
=== genii thinks about closing a Window and opening a (linux) door
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PhinnFortmicrosoft is evul!03:09
PhinnForteach time I try to connect to msn with kopete, it crashes03:09
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elite101lol windows rules? it takes like half an hour to load windows. not because my computer is slow is because u need to run spybot/AVG/ad-ware/sygate firewall/03:11
Roeywhatever.  At least it sets up sound properly.03:11
PhinnFortRoey: does not03:11
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PhinnFortRoey: I had to help a friend of mine set up sound in windows, it was a true pain to hunt down the right drivers and getting it to play nice03:12
RoeyPhinnFort:  yeah but in your case it was just a matter of drivers.  Here you have to learn the Zen of Linux Kernel Sound.03:12
PhinnFortRoey: point case is, "windows" and "linux" doesn't do sound, it's the drivers fault03:13
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PhinnFortRoey: and here, I just installed Kubuntu, and sound came magically03:13
RoeyPhinnFort:  ahaha :)03:13
PhinnFortaka. better than windows (tm)03:13
RoeyPhinnFort:  seriously though, my situation sucks03:13
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PhinnFortRoey: well, maybe I can help you;)03:13
PhinnFortRoey: what kind of soundcard do you have/what is the problem?03:13
RoeyPhinnFort:  well I have an on-board via82cxxx chip that I've disabled in the BIOS after I couldn't find any other way of setting ALSA to treat my Chaintec AV-710 soundcard as the default (card 0)03:14
PhinnFortRoey: why do you need it do be 0?03:15
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PhinnFortI thought all self-respecting alsa-supporting linux programs had it configurable03:15
RoeyPhinnFort:  because xine and everything above alsa (like kde and mpg123-alsa) are set to card 0 and I don't want to have to make all these individual changes.03:15
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PhinnFortlooked at http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/asoundrc.php?03:16
RoeyPhinnFort:  well I have my asound.conf for the chaintec just fine03:17
elite101_whats the line for java?03:17
PhinnForthave you tried setting it as default soundcard?03:17
RoeyPhinnFort:  how?03:17
Roeywith alsaconf?03:17
PhinnFort!java > elite101_03:17
Roeythere's no alsaconf in ubuntu :P03:17
elite101_yeah that was no help i SAYED THE COMMAND LINE03:18
PhinnFort!find alsaconf03:18
ubotuPackage/file alsaconf does not exist in feisty03:18
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elite101_hello? does any one know the commmand line for java03:19
PhinnFortelite101_: "java"?03:19
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elite101_what is the command line for it apt get-install...?03:19
PhinnFortRoey: better explanation here: http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?title=FAQ02603:19
PhinnFortelite101_: apt-get install jre?03:19
elite101_but correct spelling03:20
RoeyPhinnFort:  ok, I'm looking at that03:20
PhinnFortor sun-java5-jre for 1.503:20
PhinnFort"sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre"03:20
elite101_omg i need the whole line03:20
elite101_correct spelling03:21
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PhinnFortthat was the "correct spelling"03:21
PhinnFortand the whole frigging line03:21
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PhinnFort"sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre"03:21
PhinnForteven with sudo03:21
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RoeyPhinnFort:  aaaaah, I see now that my .asoundrc.asoundconf contains the line "defaults.ctl.card V8237"03:23
nicolai_PhinnFort: he didn't seem to be very grateful :/03:23
RoeyPhinnFort:  you think I could just move the file out of the way and it'd be regenerated?03:23
PhinnFortRoey: I don't think it's needed at all03:23
PhinnFortaccording to the official alsa docs03:23
PhinnFortRoey: just try moving it, and re-login or reboot03:23
PhinnFortnicolai_: well, that's life;)03:24
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RoeyPhinnFort:  ah okay, thanks :")03:25
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PhinnFortelite101_: did it work?03:25
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RoeyPhinnFort:  I moved it out of the way, launched alsamixer and it shows me my chaintec.... ahhhh, perrrrrrrfect :) thanks :) :)03:25
elite101_no i have like 30adept running03:25
elite101_it works the line03:25
PhinnFortRoey: nice;)03:26
elite101_but it have live 4adpets running and i cant kill them03:26
nicolai_elite101_: you can only have one adept running at a time03:26
elite101_lol i know03:26
elite101_but for some reason when i boot up it shows 5 now03:26
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nicolai_elite101_: open ksysguard03:26
elite101_im in there rite now03:27
elite101_i can kill them03:27
PhinnForthit alt+f2, and type "killall adept_manager -s KILL"03:27
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RoeyPhinnFort:  now another issue... the mx1000 mouse.  I tried the ubuntu wiki page on the mx1000, and it worked when I used to start x manually with startx.. but now with KDM, I'm back to Square One:  the buttons I've defined in my .xbindkeys don't work, and neither does the scrollwheel!  Is KDM using another xorg.conf or something???03:27
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PhinnFortRoey: do you have a link to the wiki page?03:28
nicolai_elite101_: every adept in ksysguard has a PID. If you type sudo kill [PID]  then the program should die.03:28
PhinnFortRoey: KDM should use the same xorg.conf as any other login manager and startx03:28
PhinnFortor just use killall03:28
elite101_omg there still there o.003:28
PhinnFortcan' be03:28
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elite101_yes they are xD03:28
PhinnFort-s KILL makes the kernel steal away all their stuff03:29
PhinnFortthere's even a song about it03:29
elite101_omg this is very annyoing im just going to pull the plug on my computer i love to make my HDD choke03:29
nicolai_PhinnFort: doesn't it have to be in sudo?03:29
elite101_k gonna choke the harddrive now03:29
elite101_lol yeah03:29
PhinnFortnicolai_: nope03:29
elite101_i will shut down so this way things wont be running in the background as when i rebooted03:29
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RoeyPhinnFort:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MX1000Mouse  <-- note it doesn't talk about kdm or gdm03:30
PhinnFort-9 = -KILL03:30
elite101_night of the living adepts*03:30
PhinnFort*-s KILL03:30
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PhinnFortwe should make a movie about it03:30
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elite101_i swear that line didnt work?03:30
_Shade_how can i check which version of nvidia drivers i am using?03:31
PhinnFortelite101_: which adept is it?03:31
PhinnFortis it the manager?03:31
elite101_like 6  of them running03:31
elite101_omg i tried it again there still there03:31
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PhinnFortelite101_: try hitting ctrl-alt-escape and clicking on one of them03:31
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elite101_no there not accutally open just running in the background03:32
PhinnFortelite101_: try running "ps aux | grep adept" in a konsole03:32
PhinnFortRoey: I can't find any mention of startx in that guide?03:33
elite101_now what03:33
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PhinnFortelite101_: did it return anything?03:33
stdinpastebin is your friend03:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:33
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elite101_yes stuff came up03:34
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PhinnFortelite101_: run "ps aux | grep adept | wc -l" then03:34
elite101_it shows 903:35
elite101_just the number03:35
Tomi-idle_Shade_: _Shade_install nvidia_settings (if you mean the version of the binary driver)03:35
PhinnFortyeah... you have them running03:35
elite101_how do i KILL them all03:35
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RoeyPhinnFort:  not startx, kdm.  I don't know why with KDM it's not honoring my .xbindkeys03:35
Tomi-idleor if you're not sure if you have free or binary driver. use "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep nv"03:35
RoeyPhinnFort:  and why it's not honoring the mx1000 mouse setup I've specified in /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:36
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Tomi-idleif it says driver "nv" it's free one. if it's driver "nvidia" then it's proprietery03:36
PhinnFortelite101_: when you ran the first command, there should be some numbers after your username03:36
PhinnFort"martin   10700  0.0  0.2  14956  1060 pts/2    R+   15:35   0:00 ps aux"03:36
Tomi-idle*nvidia-settings even03:36
elite101_not like that03:36
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PhinnFortelite101_: now do "kill -9 10700"03:36
PhinnFortonly change number for the right one03:37
elite101_i dont have a number03:37
PhinnFortRoey: is xbindkeys running?03:37
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elite101_what NUMBER I SEE LOTS?03:37
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RoeyPhinnFort:  ah, not sure03:37
RoeyPhinnFort:  what, it's a daemon or something?03:37
PhinnFort"Add xbindkeys to your startup programs in the System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> Startup Programs"03:37
PhinnFortfrom the guide03:37
Roeyahhh one sec.03:37
Roeythat same page??03:38
stdinPhinnFort: that's for gnome03:38
elite101_i dont have a number03:38
elite101_so i cant do this?03:38
PhinnFortstdin: well, it has to be running03:38
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PhinnFortelite101_: can you pase the output of the first command?03:38
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elite101_ ps aux | grep adep03:38
elite101_ps aux | grep adept | wc -l03:39
stdinelite101_: the 1st one03:39
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RoeyPhinnFort:  ahh.  I use KDE here; what should I do?03:39
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elite101_i gave u the first one03:39
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Roey"Add xbindkeys to your startup programs in the System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> Startup Programs"  <-- I use KDE not GNOME03:39
elite101_ps aux | grep adep ps aux | grep adep ps aux | grep adep ps aux | grep adep03:39
stdinelite101_: no, the output of it03:39
RoeyPhinnFort:  "Add xbindkeys to your startup programs in the System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> Startup Programs"  <-- I use KDE not GNOME03:39
PhinnFortRoey: go to ".kde/Autostart" folder03:39
Roeythat's what I meant03:39
elite101_root      5696  2.5 16.0  80476 41020 ?        S    08:53   1:00 adept03:39
elite101_root      5880  0.0  4.4  24972 11500 ?        Ss   09:18   0:00 kdesu adept03:39
PhinnFortRoey: right-click, new link to program03:39
elite101_root      5881  0.0  3.9  25804  9996 ?        S    09:18   0:00 adept03:40
stdinRoey: put a link in that folder03:40
RoeyPhinnFort:  ok, then what, make a small shellsript?03:40
PhinnFort!pastebin > elite101_03:40
elite101_root      5882  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    09:18   0:00 [adept]  <defunc                                                              t>03:40
elite101_elite101  6075  0.3  5.2  26316 13576 ?        S    09:23   0:02 kdesu -u root -                                                              c kdesu adept03:40
elite101_root      6086  0.1  4.4  24976 11504 ?        Ss   09:23   0:00 kdesu adept03:40
elite101_root      6087  0.0  3.8  25800  9992 ?        S    09:23   0:00 adept03:40
elite101_root      6088  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    09:23   0:00 [adept]  <defunc                                                              t>03:40
Roeystdin:  oh, ok03:40
elite101_elite101  6236  0.0  0.3   2880   816 pts/6    S+   09:33   0:00 grep adep03:40
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elite101_whats that?03:40
stdin!paste | elite101_03:40
ubotuelite101_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:40
elite101_yeah sorry03:40
elite101_but i have no number by my user03:40
josefhai everybody i got a problem can somebody help me out03:41
stdinelite101_: try  "sudo kill -9 5696 5880 5881 5882 6075 6086 6087 6088"03:42
RoeyPhinnFort:  I'm connected to my home system through ssh; is it the same thing if I make a symlink to /.../bin/xbindkeys ?03:42
PhinnFortRoey: probably03:42
PhinnFortRoey: afaik, kdeinit just tries to run anything it finds in that folder03:42
stdin!ask | josef03:42
ubotujosef: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:42
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josefi installed kubuntu in my laptop but the soundcard is not working it seems like disabled03:43
RoeyPhinnFort:  aaaah03:44
_Shade_Tomi-idle:  how the hell i've managed to install the 1.0-9631 drivers on my gf2 card???03:44
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RoeyPhinnFort:  then why is it that when I do start...oh... becuase before I got KDM running, I had xbindkeys as a statement in my .xinitrc... but now with KDM set up, it bypasses my .xinitrc completely03:44
elite101_stdin. thanks that worked !!03:44
PhinnFortRoey: :)03:44
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stdinjosef: take a look at the sound help wiki03:45
stdin!sound | josef03:45
ubotujosef: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:45
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elite101_You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.03:45
elite101_thats what adpet says?03:45
stdin!aptfix | elite101_03:45
ubotuelite101_: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:45
josefok  thanks stdin and ubotu for the info... i will check it out03:45
geniielite101_: Only do the fix if your update manager is not causing the message03:46
elite101_oh what?!!?03:46
geniielite101_: If your update manager is running just let it finish first03:46
elite101_k nvm03:46
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Tomi-idle_Shade_: i think the legacy card drivers were in the same package in the older versions03:47
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elite101k i need that line for java the whole thing correct spelling i got adept to work again03:54
elite101but i cant select OKAY for the licsense agreement using adept03:55
elite101so i have to use konsole03:55
pagelite101, exactly.03:55
pagelite101, you need to use konsole (or synaptic)03:56
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elite101yeah i know03:56
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elite101but what is the line for it?03:56
nicolai_elite101: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre03:56
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BluesKajhowdy all :)03:57
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nicolai_pag: I've installed Java with Adept03:57
nicolai_pag: It isn't impossible03:57
pagnicolai_, wow.. you're lucky :)03:57
elite101omg adept is stuck again03:57
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elite101this is getting really anyoing03:57
elite101it wont kill itself03:57
BluesKajupdating wirh adept notifier ?03:58
=== elite101 wonders how much damage a computer can sistain from a 30ft drop
nicolai_elite101: at least now you know what to do :)03:58
elite101yeah lol03:58
elite101whats the line to kill only 1adept this time?03:58
nicolai_pag: I remember it was a pain back in Dapper, but Feisty wasn't that bad03:59
BluesKajdon't , wait til you need a package03:59
elite101im using dapper xD 6.06.103:59
BluesKajdon't use it I mean03:59
nicolai_elite101: ahh03:59
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elite101i need to kill that stupid adept04:00
elite101so i can get rid of limewire04:00
nicolai_elite101: Adept in dapper can be annoying :P04:00
elite101its causing alot of problems and i think i broke java04:00
pagnicolai_, heh. I experienced that pain once (in dapper maybe - not sure about that) and almost haven't touched Adept ever since :D04:00
BluesKajgive it time , 15mins will time it out04:00
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elite101no it wont04:00
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elite101i rebooted the computer and it was still runing04:00
elite101i need the command line to kill adept (once and for all >:)04:01
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elite101it says vmsize 91,00004:01
nicolai_elite101: sudo kill -9       and then all the [PID]  numbers04:02
elite101it says its "sleeping"04:02
elite101did u put 9* is that for real?04:02
nicolai_elite101: that was the command you used the last time04:03
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nicolai_elite101: The PID numbers just have to be replaced with the new ones04:04
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elite101because i dont have 9prosses running this time only 104:04
elite101because i dont have 9prosses running this time only 104:04
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nicolai_elite101: the "-9" isn't the number of processes. Last time you only killed eight Adepts :P04:05
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elite101that line doesnt do anything its pointless04:06
elite101yeah it does :(04:06
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Tomi-idlekillall -9 is like the superman of killall04:06
nicolai_elite101: You forgot the PID? :)04:06
elite101now how do i remove limeiwre04:06
elite101i put sudo kill -104:07
elite101its still asying a read only mode04:07
elite101for adept04:07
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nicolai_elite101: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a04:07
elite101holy crap i mean all this for stupid adept04:08
Tomi-idlesudo apt-get --purge remove adept  ?04:08
Tomi-idlethen install again04:08
Tomi-idleor you could just restart the computer if there's a dpkg instance somewhere running04:09
Tomi-idleor stuck04:09
elite101that okay to do that04:09
elite101java is borken04:09
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Tomi-idleadept is just the graphical package manager04:09
elite101dpkg: error processing limewire-basic (--configure):04:09
Tomi-idleadept uses apt-get i think04:09
nicolai_elite101: why do you want to install limewire?04:09
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elite101uhh limewire is in the way so i cant upgrade java in terminal and i cant upgrade java in adept because i cant selec<ok>04:10
elite101i dont04:10
elite101i wanna destroy it04:10
elite101get rid of it for good04:10
elite101and remove office.org and all that crap i dont need04:10
pagelite101, so the question is: why don't you? :)04:11
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elite101i cant04:11
Tomi-idleuse the force <.<04:11
elite101itwont let me04:11
elite101im about to *force* this computer out my windo04:11
nicolai_elite101: according to runlevelten limewire installed a lot of rootkits on your computer. If that is true you would need a reinstall.04:11
Tomi-idleor use proggies to remove rootkis04:12
elite101i cant get rid of it04:12
nicolai_elite101: reinstall Kubuntu04:12
BluesKajelite101, did youcheck on details in adept while trying to install java ? it will stall the installation if you don't agree (yes) to the java licence in the textbox.04:12
Tomi-idlelimewire stinks :D04:12
elite101i cant thou04:12
elite101yes i know04:12
elite101it can screw your computer up04:12
nicolai_elite101: don't you have an installation CD?04:13
elite101Bluekaj, i cant select OKAY!!!!!!!! in adept becuase it wont let me. i can upgrade java in terminal because of limewire issues04:13
elite101but no re-install04:13
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elite101im not re-installing i reinstall this more than windows04:13
BluesKajca you see the details ?04:13
pagelite101, why it won't let you to do it in terminal?04:13
elite101beacuse of limeiwre04:14
nicolai_BluesKaj: It's a dapper install. clicking the okay can be impossible on some computers04:14
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elite101its cupport04:14
pagelite101, what is the error message...04:14
BluesKajnot okay ... it will ask Y or N04:14
elite101it trys to install limewire when i go to install java / java is broken and trys to upgrade from the last time i installed it but it broke04:14
elite101i need the java line04:14
elite101for the 20th time04:14
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elite101u think by now i would memorize it04:15
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pagsudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre04:15
nicolai_elite101: you could have copied it to knotes04:15
marckieso u can install limewire in kubuntu?04:15
nicolai_elite101: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre04:16
elite101can i explain the whole storry beacuse ur givin me false info because i gave u falseinfo04:16
BluesKajit's called frostwire in linux AFAIK'04:16
elite101can i explain the whole storry beacuse ur givin me false info because i gave u falseinfo04:16
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elite101i download limewire and rite click and installed it from a deb package. it seemed to work and then it need java6 so i tried to run java 6 but something broke in limewire install so i cant use java in konsole becuase it trys to fix it and i cant upgrade java in adpet because it wot let me get passed 7% and it wont let me select okay XD04:17
pagelite101, sudo dpkg -r limewire04:18
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elite101it says thisnow once i try to install java6 E: I wasn't able to locate a file for the sun-java6-bin package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch)04:18
stdinelite101: that's because you need to accept the Java licence. you need to install jave from konsole04:18
stdinelite101: you need multiverse04:18
elite101yeah but it wont work!!!!!!!!!04:18
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:18
elite101i did that already im ot a nob04:19
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elite101dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove limewire which isn't installed.04:19
elite101lol thats funny why can i run it?04:19
elite101stu[id kubunt04:19
stdinelite101: are you on 64bit?04:19
elite101omg now i cant type04:19
elite101no 3204:19
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elite101i386/ x86/32bit04:20
ksivajistdin hi04:20
stdinhey ksivaji :)04:20
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Tomi-idlex68_64 ftw04:20
Tomi-idle68? lol04:20
elite101lol its funny how it says limewire isnt installed when it is04:20
ksivajiis there anyone using quanta here04:20
Tomi-idlei tried quanta but fell back to nvu (kompozer)04:21
Tomi-idlefor simple pages04:21
pagelite101, are you sure that package name is right?04:21
marckieyeah... me too... im confused.04:21
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elite101i need to remove limwire04:22
persenhi, my PC died so i need to replace motherboard/cpu (which i already have), but how does kubuntu linux cope with so much hardware change? does it try to resolve things automagically on startup?04:22
annahello everyone.i have a problem while trying to upgrade from kubuntu 6.06 to 6.10.the error message is as follows : Failed to fetch http://gr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kubuntu-default-settings/kubuntu-default-settings_6.10-61_all.deb MD5Sum mismatch04:23
elite101it loads drivers and everything04:23
annacan anyone help me?04:23
elite101so anyways04:23
persenelite101, are you sure?04:23
elite101i need to remove limeiwre04:23
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elite101in order for this mess to be solved04:23
marckiehi anna04:24
annahi marckie04:24
marckiemight be a server problem04:24
elite101the only was to install java is in adept but i cant hit okaY??04:24
marckietry it one more time04:24
elite101fu*k konsole it wont help04:24
elite101tried a million times04:24
elite101nope stupid limewire04:24
persenelite101, is it a SUNs EULA youre seeing?04:24
elite101i new it was a bad idea04:24
annai ve already tried  it more than ones04:25
RoeyHomeRoey:  mark.04:25
elite101JAVA SUN JRE 604:25
persenremember i had to scroll ridiculous long to install it04:25
BluesKajelite101, stop being a drama queen and have alittle patience , there are others seeking help here too04:25
elite101i know04:25
elite101but its pissing me off why it isnt working04:25
persenelite101, Did you answer my question?04:25
elite101why make it so u can download packets from java but yet no install it?04:25
annamarckie is it a problem with my repositories??04:25
elite101persen, i sayed SUN!!!!!!!!04:26
persenthink you not04:26
elite101i sayed it up there04:26
elite101in caps04:26
persenelite101, and come down a bit.04:26
elite101but its making me soo mad04:26
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elite101i might have to do a re-install04:26
elite101okay im updating java in adept now. so what happens if i cant click on <ok> ?04:27
BluesKajelite101, try this :sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a04:27
nicolai_elite101: hit the tab key04:27
nicolai_elite101: i think that was what I did back then04:28
elite101it says this dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `sun-java6-bin' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.04:28
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elite101nope tab doesnt work04:28
elite101nothing works04:28
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elite101stupid adept why would someone make it so that u can download the packets but not install them?04:29
BluesKajelite101, click on details04:29
rbrunhuberhow can I change the hostname in (k)ubuntu04:29
annahello everyone.i have a problem while trying to upgrade from kubuntu 6.06 to 6.10.the error message is as follows : Failed to fetch http://gr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kubuntu-default-settings/kubuntu-default-settings_6.10-61_all.deb MD5Sum mismatch04:29
elite101sorry i dont see detail?04:30
nicolai_elite101: it's a bug fixed in later versions04:30
elite101details where04:30
elite101why is java have to be a pain in the neck?04:30
nicolai_elite101: When Adept is configuring there is button called details04:30
elite101i hite that aleardy04:31
pagrbrunhuber, kcontol -> Internet & Network -> Network Settings -> Domain Name System -tab04:31
elite101obv why wouldnt i be saying i cant hit okay?04:31
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rbrunhuberpag: Need it on the console. this is server.04:31
pagrbrunhuber, oh...04:32
nicolai_elite101: click on ok, then tab then ok then enter04:32
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nicolai_elite101: sometimes a GUi requires clickfest04:32
stdinanna: try changing to a different mirror for the upgrade, seems the mirror you're using has a bad file04:32
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annastdin: how can i do that?04:33
PhinnFortdoes anyone else experience crashes when trying to connect to msn with kopete?04:33
pagrbrunhuber, man hostname04:33
geniirbrunhuber: edit /etc/hostname04:33
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nicolai_PhinnFort: not in Feisty04:34
elite101is 7.04 the same as 6.06?04:34
elite101so even the adept04:34
nicolai_elite101: nope04:34
stdinanna: open adept, go to "File -> Manage Repositories" and in the "Download From" list change it to "Main Server"04:34
elite101is the adept the same like adding multiuniverse and universe res.?04:34
nicolai_elite101: 7.04 was released april 200704:34
Daisuke_Idono, 7.04 has a newer version of adept04:35
elite101is the adept the same thou04:35
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nicolai_elite101: 6.06 was released june 200604:35
elite101like adding the same things can i take knowledge from 6.06 and apply it to 7.04?04:35
elite101no really?04:35
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Daisuke_Idoelite101: i just told you04:35
elite101why do u think it says 6.0.604:35
Daisuke_Idothere are differences04:35
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elite101k bye going to pull the plug and make my hdd choke like a bit*h04:36
elite101bye bye04:36
Daisuke_Idoit's a newer version, things aren't handled the exact same way04:36
nicolai_elite101: A lot of things are easier in 7.04, so while knowledge can still be applied, it often wont be necessary04:36
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Dr_CRXhow r u all ???04:36
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Dr_CRXi am back04:36
BluesKajglad yet not DR_QCK :)04:37
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annastdin: i dont see a download from list here04:40
mrksbrdanyone know why i can't view web video with xine? it will show a milisecond of video then go black, and say xine is not running04:40
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BluesKajmrksbrd, which browser04:41
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stdinanna: ok, close adept and open konsole and run this command in konsole: " sudo sed -i 's/gr\.archive/archive/g' /etc/apt/sources.list " copy and paste between the quotes04:42
BluesKajkonq is ok , but try FF it's abit easier to configure04:42
mrksbrdok...let me launch that04:42
Daisuke_Idoi shall return shortly04:42
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PhinnFortff is teh suki suki04:42
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harmentalhey guys...when i do this: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser04:43
harmentala '+' appears on konqueror...and a '*' in firefox...04:44
harmentalwhat does that mean....04:44
BluesKajharmental, choose the number beside the browser you want as default04:44
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annastdin: thanks a lot mate.it works for know!!!!04:45
BluesKaj+ means default04:45
mrksbrdff asking me for a plug in, when i click on it sts no sutable plugin found04:45
stdin* is the currently selected one04:45
aaroncampbellWe seem to be getting very regular Firefox updates for feisty (just got, but not Thunderbird...we're still on the 1.5 series.  Is there any reason why?04:45
BluesKajmrksbrd, have you installed flashplugin-nonfree?04:45
harmentalBluesKaj: i've done that already....but konqueror is still the default....04:45
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mrksbrddunno...prolly not04:46
mrksbrdcan i use the get command for that?04:46
BluesKajharmental, from what app are you launching the browser?04:46
harmentalBluesKaj: from kopete (when I receive new mail)04:47
BluesKajmrksbrd, yes04:47
stdinaaroncampbell: don't know, but will be in gutsy04:47
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BluesKajthen you have to configure the default browser in kopete04:47
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mrksbrdsudo get install ********...is this right ?04:48
RurouniJonesI wonder what substances are ingested for each release naming meeting ;)04:48
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RurouniJonesmrksbrd: sudo apt-get install ***********04:48
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harmentalBluesKaj: ive tried that...but i cannot find the way...04:48
mrksbrdty...knew i was missing something04:48
aaroncampbellstdin: which is due out in 2 months right?  I think we're 3 nearly 4 months behind on releases already04:48
stdinaaroncampbell: I don't know why thunderbird is so behind, you'd have to ask in #ubuntu-devel04:49
BluesKajmrksbrd, sudo apt-get flashplugin-nonfree04:49
BluesKajmrksbrd, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:49
PhinnFortkontact ftw04:49
nicolai_BluesKaj: wouldn't that be sudo apt-get install?04:49
BluesKajyup, nicolai_04:50
=== genii hands BluesKaj a coffee
BluesKajharmental, sorry dunno much about kopete configuration04:50
BluesKajthx genii :)04:51
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harmentalBluesKaj: thx anyway....04:51
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geniiBluesKaj :)04:51
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mrksbrdE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:53
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mrksbrdwhat does that mean?04:53
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stdinmrksbrd: exactly what it says, you need to run "sudo dpkg --configure -a"04:53
nicolai_mrksbrd: that you type the command in konsole04:54
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mrksbrdwhat would cause that though04:55
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BluesKajmrksbrd, you prolly tried to install a package while adept or synaptic were open04:55
nicolai_mrksbrd: adept crashing04:56
NutubuntuHi, quick question - how do I change screen res in Kubuntu? Somewhere in Kmenu I'm sure there's something but I'm missing it when I look...04:56
stdinNutubuntu:  in system settings04:56
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yellow_chickenkubuntu use kde4 ?04:57
Nutubuntustdin, makes sense but I don't see "system settings" - I have top level menus for "settings" and "system" and no screen res in either one ... :/04:57
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pagyellow_chicken, not until 8.10 :(04:57
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at <http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule>. Alpha 2 packages can be found at <http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-alpha2.php>.04:57
yellow_chickenpag: 7.10?04:58
yellow_chickenor 8.04?04:58
stdinNutubuntu: in the Kmenu, under the entry for "Help"04:58
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jenny_Question: Is there a way to force one application to quit when clicking on the little "x" doesnt work and clicking on "close" from the pull down menu doesnt work either? Update Mgr is stuck but I dont want to close all I have open with Control Alt Backspace04:58
pagyellow_chicken, won't be default in 7.10 (too early) and not in 8.04 (LTS)04:58
pagjenny_, killall thenameoftheprogramm ?04:59
BluesKajI heard rumours kde4 would be available in Jan0804:59
stdinjenny_: Ctrl-Alt-Esc and click it04:59
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klusmenje tu nakej ceh:D04:59
mrksbrdok I found out what it was ....java never finished installing....but i have a new problem04:59
bonekahallo all04:59
pag!cz | klusmen04:59
ubotuklusmen: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.05:00
jenny_I can do "  .killall update manager  " in terminal right05:00
mrksbrdit pops up a dos based "readme" file in Konsole but it doesn't allow me to choose ok or scroll thru it05:00
pagjenny_, better do it graphical way as stdin said05:00
stdinjenny_: the process isn't called "update manager"05:00
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Nutubuntustdin, maybe we're looking at different things? I have, below Help, Actions (a divider), then Settings and System Menu. Settings has a number of submenus but nohing I can find to set screen res... I feel dumb but there it is: I can't find it.05:01
stdinmrksbrd: press up/down and pageup/pagedown05:01
mrksbrdis there a command to cancel the install?05:01
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stdinNutubuntu: are you sure you have Kubuntu?05:01
BluesKajjenny_,try this in the terminal : sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a05:01
jenny_Pag/ stdin It didnt do anything when I did Control Alt Esc and clicked the update mgr05:02
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NutubuntuI installed kubuntu-core, I believe it was, on top of ubuntu. I am guessing that must have given me significant differences in the menu structure ?05:02
stdinjenny_: try pressing Alt-F2 and running "xkill" then click it05:02
mrksbrdbut it still doesn't allow me to select "ok" it looks like it needs me to confirm it to go any futher in the install05:02
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stdinNutubuntu: kubuntu-core? that's not a package i know. maybe you installed kde-core?05:03
PhinnFortstdin: the default kde shortcut for xkill is ctrl+alt+escape05:03
NutubuntuBeg pardon, kde-core.05:03
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stdinmrksbrd: you need to go t to the end, then use tab to select iy05:03
NutubuntuYou wouldn't happen to know the name of the app that sets screen-res, by any chance? So I could search for it and add it to Kmenu?05:04
DaSkreechNutubuntu: ?05:04
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stdinNutubuntu: you need to install the package "kubuntu-desktop", or you aren't really running kubuntu, just ubuntu with *some* kde parts05:04
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DaSkreechHow did you come up with that name?05:04
mrksbrdlol....duH....i tried everything but!!!!!...05:04
NutubuntuOkay, I can see that.05:04
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jhutchinsNutubuntu: krandrtray for resize05:04
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jenny_stdin/pag: oh cool thanks that worked :)05:05
NutubuntuMe? DaSkreech - I am nu tu ubuntu, I guess05:05
jenny_freaked me out when a skull and crossbones came up05:05
DaSkreechThat's brilliant05:05
stdinjenny_: heh :)05:05
DaSkreechDid you register that name?05:05
jenny_stdin/pag: you guys are so smart, heh this free tech support rocks05:05
Nutubuntuyes ... IDK if it's brilliant as much as it is nutso, but I did05:05
Nutubuntujhutchins, t/y05:06
pagjenny_, :D05:06
stdinjenny_: you'll need to run the command to fix adept/apt now, or adept will complain05:06
geniistdin: ctrl-alt-esc works too :)05:06
DaSkreechCtrl=alt+Esc FTW05:06
DaSkreechBlast :)05:06
pag!aptfix | jenny_05:06
stdingenii: I said that, apparently it didn't05:06
ubotujenny_: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 05:06
=== doris is now known as memmy
geniistdin: Ah, Ok, I must not have scrolled back far enough05:06
memmyhello, can anyone help me05:06
memmyi can't open adept05:07
BluesKajmrksbrd, read above about adeptfix05:07
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stdinmemmy: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 05:07
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:07
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memmyit says there is a error in the configuration or something like that05:07
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stdinBluesKaj: he joined after the message was posted05:07
memmysorry ubotu but i'm new to all this05:08
memmyi'll try that next time05:08
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BluesKajyeah stdin, mrksbrd has the adept prob as well05:09
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Nutubuntut/y all - be well05:10
jenny_ubotu: i did that and it put me back at prompt05:10
mrksbrdmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz05:10
pagjenny_, ubotu's a bot :D05:10
stdinjenny_: that means it worked05:10
mrksbrdwhy can nothing be easy for m????????????05:10
jenny_i just noticed that, whats that mean?05:11
BluesKajit seems some of the repos are depositing pkgs that are breaking upon install. There seems to be a lot of adept probs lately05:11
mrksbrdThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.05:11
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-118-96.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
pagjenny_, what does the bot mean, right?05:11
jenny_pag: what is a bot exactly?05:11
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:11
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BluesKajok mrksbrd , look in adept for flash05:12
stdinjenny_: it's a script running on another computer, it's not a real person it's a program05:12
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pagjenny_, just a piece of programm that looks words in its database and answers with pre-defined answers (that was pretty shor explanation though)05:12
jenny_stdin: you mean a program on someone elses computer with no one behind he wheel so to speak is reading the room and looking for questions it can answer?05:13
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stdinjenny_: yes :)05:13
pagjenny_, read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots  it'll help you understand ubotu better :)05:13
BluesKajbeginning with the prompt !05:13
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:13
=== PhinnFort made a tiny replacement for ubotu once, when ubotu was suffering from some kind of attack
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/05:13
mrksbrdis ther a way to limit that list there is like 5000 things in there to choose from05:14
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DaSkreechIs there an editor for Gnash?05:14
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AgreSorhow to change Display resolution on ATI 9800 with driver "ati" ?05:14
jenny_pag: thats kinda creepy, very cool though05:14
jenny_pag: high tech whatchamacallits05:14
stdinmrksbrd: look at the top, there is a search finction05:14
=== stdin can't spell today
DaSkreechAgreSor: I don't think that it changes based on your driver05:15
mrksbrddid that, flash plugin is showing installed05:15
DaSkreechIt's the same all the time05:15
pagjenny_, ubotu has lots of undocumented features that are prety cool  (should be used only in -offtopic though) :D05:15
DaSkreechmrksbrd: konqueror?05:15
AgreSorSo i can't change it ?05:15
memmystdin: it says command not found, then it say password so i put that in and it just told me to type a bunch of different stuff05:15
mrksbrdff & konqueror05:16
DaSkreechAgreSor: Yeah you can I just meant it doesn't matter what video card you have05:16
AgreSoraha.. with what app i will chage resolution ?05:16
stdinmemmy: make sure you exactly type: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock ; sudo dpkg --configure -a05:16
DaSkreechthere is a display module in the control center05:16
DaSkreechand there is krandrtray05:16
mrksbrdok time to step away b4 i throw this05:17
DaSkreechmrksbrd: :)05:17
jenny_pag: you remember that file i couldnt get to play?05:17
AgreSorkrandrtray cant change..05:18
AgreSori mean..05:18
DaSkreechwhat about the display module in the control center05:18
AgreSorthere is no such package05:18
AgreSoru mean system seting center ?05:18
DaSkreech!info krandrtray05:18
ubotuPackage krandrtray does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:18
pagjenny_, sorry, I can't.05:18
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DaSkreechIt's called something like that :)05:18
memmystdin: it did nothing05:18
DaSkreech I don't recall the name05:18
Daisuke_Ido!info xrandrtray05:19
DaSkreech Yeah system settings05:19
ubotuPackage xrandrtray does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:19
stdinmemmy: good, adept should work now05:19
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AgreSorDaSkreech, it's good.. it have all..05:19
AgreSorthank's anyway :)05:19
AgreSorbye bye05:19
memmyno it still says...:The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem05:20
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stdinmemmy: close adept and run the command "sudo apt-get update" in konsole05:20
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stdinmemmy: post the last 10 lines to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and give the URL here05:21
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TheRealInsanehow do I run konquerer in root level?05:25
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pagTheRealInsane, if you really have to.. kdesu konqueror05:26
pagTheRealInsane, be *really* careful05:26
TheRealInsaneOh, kedsu instead of sudo. thx05:26
TheRealInsaneWhy though?05:26
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo05:26
Daisuke_Idowhich reminds me, that guy that wanted to copy files to / hasn't been back ...05:27
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stdinmemmy: you seem yo have a bad sources.list, press Alt-F2 and put in "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list" and post it to pastebin05:27
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TheRealInsaneI mean, why should I be extra careful?05:27
nicolai_!kdesu | TheRealInsane05:28
ubotuTheRealInsane: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo05:28
Daisuke_IdoTheRealInsane: ever wonder why you can't delete things from system directories as a regular user?05:28
stdinTheRealInsane: because root is ALL POWERFUL :)05:28
pagTheRealInsane, one wrong move, and "whoops, you don't have a kernel anymore" - that's why.05:28
TheRealInsaneYou see, I'm just trying to copy/paste some firefox settings05:29
Daisuke_Idothat's dumb.05:29
Daisuke_Idoset them in firefox.05:30
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memmystdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32154/05:30
TheRealInsaneI'd have to spend hours downloading all my themes/plugins/searchbars/extensions though05:30
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stdinmemmy: no, post the contense of the file, from kate05:30
paleface!find quanta05:30
ubotuFound: quanta, quanta-data05:31
DaSkreechTheRealInsane: What are you trying to do?05:31
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BluesKajmemmy, alt+F2 , kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list05:31
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TheRealInsaneDaSkreech: Copy my firefox extensions and themes to linux05:32
DaSkreechTheRealInsane: you don't need root to do that where are you copying them to?05:33
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TheRealInsaneErrr, /etc/firefox/profiles/extensions05:34
TheRealInsaneFrom /home/insane/windows/program files/firefox/extensions05:34
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memmyokay i did that...so send you the link?05:35
pagmemmy, yup.05:36
DaSkreechTheRealInsane: Nope :)05:37
DaSkreechTheRealInsane: copy them to ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles/someprofilesname05:37
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stdinmemmy: you need to remove the line with "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin" on it, then save the file. you'll probably want to enable some other repositories too05:38
stdinmemmy: so it looks like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32156/05:39
DaSkreechstdin: generally easier to ... damn it never mind05:39
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memmyi do that in kate?05:40
BluesKajmemmy, better still , edit/select all/ hit the delete key then copy and paste stdin 's version of the file into yours05:41
BluesKajthen save it05:41
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memmyThank you guys so much...it works!!! i'm so happy05:44
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BluesKajcool :)05:46
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:48
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ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)05:50
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DaSkreechcan anyone get the file http://bassfly.student.utwente.nl/~johndoe/awn_stack.mpg05:57
geniiDaSkreech: retrieve it or view it?05:57
DaSkreechI can't do any of the above05:58
DaSkreechIf I try to save it it says I downloaded it but the file doesn't exist05:58
DaSkreechif I try to stream it I can't find the codec05:58
DaSkreechBlast Would be ffun to see Mac Stacks on Linux05:59
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geniiDaSkreech: It goes forever "Waiting"06:00
nicolai_DaSkreech: it wont download06:00
gan|y|medi have a problem with amarok in feisty. when i connect to my media player, copy files, and then disconnect it still says writing for quite some time so i can't unmount. any ideas why?06:00
DaSkreechYeah I figured it was the server06:00
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TheRealInsaneJust a question, linux is completely open-source, right?06:01
stdinTheRealInsane: linux ( as in the kernel ) is GPLv206:01
YorokobiTheRealInsane, most of it is. Your nvidia-supplied drivers are not (for one example).06:01
TheRealInsaneAnd kubuntu?06:01
gan|y|medis a bot of everything :)06:02
stdinTheRealInsane: everything in main is "open source" and I think everything in "universe" is too06:02
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pagstdin, doesn't *buntu kome with restricted drivers? (wifi mostly)06:02
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stdinpag: yes, but they are in the restricted repos, not main06:03
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pagstdin, but at least some of them are installed by default, aren't they?06:03
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gan|y|medso does anybody know why amarok does not display the time it really needs to copy files (in full) to the player?06:04
stdinpag: I didn't say they weren't :)06:04
pagstdin, ok. :)06:04
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stdinif you want a 100% open-source distro, and your hardware works with it, look in to gnusense and gobuntu06:05
BluesKajgan|y|med, guess it depends on yer pc buss speed and how many apps you have running06:05
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gan|y|medBluesKaj: any idea how i can figure out that it actually uses a usb 2.0 bus?06:06
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sudeephow can i get "My Computer" icon on desktop06:07
pawanwhere is restricted drivers in kubunut06:07
sudeephow can i get "My Computer" and "home folder" icon on desktop06:08
BluesKajgan|y|med, maybe the kinfocenter usb devices dialog06:08
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gan|y|medthx. i'll try this06:08
stdinpawan: it's not installed in kubuntu by default as it's a GTK app06:08
DaSkreechHi BluesKaj06:09
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 06:09
stdinsudeep: there is no "My Computer" as such06:09
BluesKajhi DaSkreech06:09
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sudeepstdin, i think i have seen .. such somewhere (KDE evn.)06:10
BluesKajbeen sorta wondering about a desktop "home" link06:10
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stdinBluesKaj: I just have it on kicker, so I don't have to minimise or switch to another desktop to click it06:11
MarcChow do I type a folder name that contains spaces when I need to type it in the terminal? I remember using slashes somehow...06:11
pawanwhere is gtk app06:11
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gan|y|medBluesKaj: thx, that worked. unfortunately (or maybe not), the problem must be somewhere else than with the bus06:11
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shahzebhey guys06:11
shahzebi need help06:11
stdinMarcC: put a \ before the space, that's called "escaping" a charactor06:12
shahzebcan u guys tell me how to enable 3d desktop06:12
jussi!compiz | shahzeb06:12
ubotushahzeb: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:12
MarcCthanks stdin06:12
BluesKajyeah stdin, i use the system menu .. it's only an extra click06:13
stdinBluesKaj: that's a valuable few milliseconds you're wasting :p06:13
BluesKajhehe, wasted plenty more over the yrs in windows , so what's one more click :)06:14
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MarcChow do I make a mount point before I mount something there?06:14
jussiMarcC: just create a directory06:14
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stdinMarcC: "mkdir" makes a directory (as the name suggests)06:15
MarcCthanks jussi, is it better to put a mount in /media or /mnt?06:15
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sudeepwhere can i find any package download using "apt-get instal <packagee>" in my system so i can back it up...06:15
stdinMarcC: doesn't actually matter06:15
jussiMarcC: no difference06:15
MarcCstdin: ok, just wondering if there's a preference06:16
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=== jussi likes media
stdinsudeep: the files are installed all over the place06:16
jussibecause it is then in the system menu06:16
MarcCgreat, thanks :)06:16
tdnHow do I wipe free space on a USB storage device? Zeroes is ok.06:16
stdinMarcC: /media is _supposed_ to be used for removable media, but you can mount it to /billybob if you wanted :p06:17
SanneMarcC: I made my handmade permanent mount points under /mnt, and let the system get /media where removable medias typically get automounted. But that's just a preference.06:17
sudeepstdin, i mean to say *.deb file..06:17
pagsudeep, /var/cache/apt/archives/06:17
MarcCthanks Sanne06:17
turkalanyone here have a USB headset and know how to send the same sound to it that goes to the primary sound card?06:17
MarcCI'm having troubles with this command to mount it though :/06:17
DaSkreechMarcC: Tab helps greatly06:18
DaSkreech!tab | MarcC06:18
ubotuMarcC: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:18
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sudeeppag, does it get. permanently stored there.. so gets delete on restart06:18
pagsudeep, they're stored unless you command apt-get clean06:19
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DaSkreechMarcC: By convention /mnt is for permanent mounts that you always expect to be there and /media for swappable/removable media06:20
Dj_FlyBywow, almost 6,000 ROOT Login attempts in the month of July on our Server, and 5,770 of those are from the same IP in South Korea ....   WOW06:20
sudeeppag, thanks06:20
MarcCdang, what does "mount data version not supported" mean?06:20
DaSkreechMarcC: Won't mount?06:20
jussihmmm, where are knoversations settings kept? there doesnt seem to be a .konversation...06:20
MarcCDaSkreech: thanks...yes, it won't mount, I'm wondering why06:20
MarcCit's an NTFS Samba share...I wonder if that's a problem?06:20
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DaSkreechDj_FlyBy: sounds like time to have a ipfilter to silently drop anything from that ip06:20
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pagjussi, .kde/share/apps/konversation  or .kde/share/config/konverstaionrc06:21
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jussipag: thanks06:21
Dj_FlyByDaSkreech: most defiantely06:21
DaSkreechMarcC: How are you mounting it?06:21
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MarcCDaSkreech: sudo mount -t smbfs //server/My\ Music /media/tunes -o username=marc,password=blah,fmask=777,dmask=77706:21
DaSkreechtried smbmount?06:21
mysticgohanbonsoir tous le monde06:21
pag!fr | mysticgohan06:22
ubotumysticgohan: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:22
=== DaSkreech tries to rationalise a french speaking gohan
MarcCDaSkreech: nope, should I? I just got this command from somebody in #kubuntu :)06:22
stdinMarcC: try with -t cifs06:22
DaSkreechcan't kill you :)06:22
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YorokobiDaSkreech's famous last words :)06:23
Yorokobior, infamous06:23
MarcCstdin: CIFS failed with return code -2206:23
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stdincan you see the share in konqueror?06:24
lwh\ Music /  why no second \ ?06:24
MarcClwh: I just asked about that and somebody told me just to escape the space with a single backslash xD06:24
stdinlwh: why would there be?06:24
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lwhisn't there a space after music06:24
lwhoh nm :)06:24
DaSkreechCourse I'm generally lazy enough to just use smb://06:25
=== MarcC is googling CIFS return codes
jhutchinssmbclient -L \\server06:25
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lwh22 is einvalid06:25
MarcCDaSkreech: I'm mounting it because media player support for smb:// is dismal06:25
MarcCjhutchins: what does that do?06:26
jhutchinsMarcC: smbclient -L \\server06:26
jhutchinsMarcC: Try it and see.06:26
MarcCjhutchins: ok, it listed a bunch of shared stuff06:26
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jhutchinsMarcC: Ok, that confirms that you have access and should show the actual format of the name for the share.06:27
MarcCit's putting the domain in all caps, should I do that? And do I need to specify a workgroup somewhere?06:27
jhutchinsMarcC: Try quoting the sharename instead of escaping the spaces.  Doublequote: "06:28
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MarcCjhutchins: hm...I still get06:29
MarcCmount_data version 1919251317 is not supported06:29
jhutchinsMarcC: Interesting.06:29
jhutchinsWhat's the version of the OS you're sharing from?06:30
MarcCa google search tells me I should install smbfs06:30
MarcCjhutchins: Windows 5.106:30
MarcClol, it WORKED! All I had to do was install smbfs and run the command again xD06:31
jhutchinsMarcC: Here's to meaningful error messages!06:31
MarcCgee whiz, sometimes you gotta learn lessons on the whipping pole06:31
MarcCno kidding06:32
BluesKajinteresting that samba isn't installed by default06:32
YorokobiMarcC, you can be our whipping boy any time.06:32
MarcCwell, smb:// worked fine...06:32
MarcCYorokobi: hai, yorokobimasu06:32
BluesKajyeah smb4k works well on our little network06:32
YorokobiMarcC, 06:33
MarcCYorokobi: lol, never seen kanji in irc before06:34
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MarcChm, cool06:35
runleveltenI read windows 3.1 for a second then :)06:35
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YorokobiMarcC, lol06:36
MarcCYorokobi: do you know how to change the japanese font?06:36
YorokobiMarcC, I'm sure it depends on the IRC client06:36
MarcCok, I'll have a look around06:37
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MarcCman, buying a linux laptop is like the best computing decision I've ever made06:38
runleveltenMarcC: I don't doubt it :)06:40
BluesKajMarcC, Dell ?06:42
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sudeepis there any package like "gtkorphan" for kde06:44
MarcCBluesKaj: yeah06:44
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stdinsudeep: not that I can find, but you can still use gtkorphan06:45
BluesKajMarcC, did it come with Gnome Ubuntu feisty installed , or did you have a choce of Desktop Environments ?06:46
MarcCBluesKaj: it came with Gnome; I kept it on there and installed kubuntu-desktop, just because I like to pop over to Gnome on occasion06:47
MarcClike when I want to know what it's like to not be able to configure my screensavers ;)06:47
Masterbardhi there I use Kubuntu I try to open add/delete programs but it tells me there is an error and that i might have incorrect apt configuration. Can some one please help me a bit I am a noob :P06:48
Daisuke_Idoi feel like such a traitor06:48
Daisuke_Idoi'm actually using gnome06:48
BluesKajMarcC, right , cool that one pc maker is beginning to se the light :)06:48
Daisuke_Idobecause the eye candy is more stable06:48
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MarcCBluesKaj: yeah...the sales guy was really excited to talk to a linux user over the phone...he had a lot of questions06:49
stdin!aptfix | Masterbard, try this06:49
ubotuMasterbard, try this: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 06:49
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BluesKajMarcC, did you tell him about "this room"  ?06:50
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runleveltenDaisuke_Ido: whatever works man.06:52
runleveltenDaisuke_Ido: besides which, you'll be back, mwahahahahaha.06:52
bsundsrudimportant question: on a new laptop, nvidia graphics card or Intel GMA 950?06:53
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MarcCBluesKaj: afraid not :)06:54
stdinbsundsrud: intel if you want an easy life06:55
jhutchinsbsundsrud: Are you asking us what you should buy?06:55
bsundsrudive had decent luck with nvidia on this lappy06:55
BluesKajhaving trouble configging your scnsaver, MarcC ?06:56
bsundsrudto be continued, off to lunch.06:56
jhutchinsbsundsrud: From what I've seen, nvidia problems depend on exactly which chipset, so I'd find out the exact chipset and do some searching.06:56
Daisuke_Idorunlevelten: i'm sure i will be06:56
Daisuke_Idobut that's the beauty of it, it doesn't really make a difference :D06:57
Daisuke_Idoand i'm a tad upset with dell06:57
Daisuke_Idothey've removed the inspiron 1505 from their list of ubuntu pcs :\06:57
BluesKajDaisuke_Ido, maybe too many probs with running linux on it06:58
BluesKajsupport probs06:58
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Daisuke_Idobut that means the only ubuntu laptop available has a 14.1" screen :\07:00
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runleveltenSome people were predicting Dell would experience total "linux on the desktop phailure" at some point after starting it.07:01
runleveltenSomething to do with a puppetteer pulling OEM strings or something. All complete garbage I'm sure.07:02
takashiBut Dell were pleased with Linux laptop sales.07:02
takashiThey're going to introduce new models they said.07:02
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MarcClol, my bro-in-law just called me..."hey, I was thinking of buying a Mac but I noticed that you don't use one...can you explain why?"07:03
geniiHopefully they'll get rid of those damn Broadcoms they like so much07:03
Daisuke_Idogenii: apple?07:04
SanneMarcC: haha, really? Get him over! :)07:05
geniiDaisuke_Ido: Dell07:05
DaSkreechDaisuke_Ido: tried kwin_composite?07:06
DaSkreechMarcC: Why dont' you?07:08
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MarcCDaSkreech: I gave him the option, told him why I like it...but I don't think he has enough experience with Linux to know what to expect07:09
MarcCso I'd rather see him curse a Mac than curse Linux I guess ;)07:10
Daisuke_Idogenii: all i'm seeing from dell is intel 3945 and 496507:10
runleveltenI find the Linux easier to support than teh OS X, although ymmv.07:11
Daisuke_Idoof course, 4965, while supported by intel in linux, is definitely not ready for prime time07:11
SanneMarcC: let him play with a live cd07:11
Daisuke_Idomine's a 394507:11
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runleveltenYou have to set it up for them, but then they run for years.07:11
MarcCyeah, I definitely won't be supporting it...he's 1000 miles away07:11
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jhutchinsI'd certainly recommend a Mac to a non-tinkerer.07:11
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runleveltenssh, heh07:12
runleveltenjhutchins: definitely07:12
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jhutchinsMarcC: Whether you have access to a stron local Mac-using community is a big difference in satisfaction.07:12
colin_Can someone help me please, I can't use Adept07:12
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MarcCjhutchins: he's at a university, so I think he'll be ok in that regard07:12
CocytusHm. My desktop image/color settings is no longer drawn, the background is only white.. any tips?07:12
stdin!aptfix | colin_07:12
ubotucolin_: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 07:12
jhutchinsMarcC: Well, he should check.07:12
MarcChe kept using the phrase "it's just cooler" when talking about the mac though, so I think he'll gladly shell out for it :)07:13
runleveltenI set up a machine for SuSE 9.2 for someone, made sure *everything* was how they wanted it and they've had any problem I couldn't fix with ssh for them07:13
jhutchinsMarcC: For instance, at UMKC there isn't a Mac community.  At AU Tucson, there is.07:13
runleveltenI only went around and installed a newer OS because I felt like seeing them, it wasn't necessary.07:13
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runlevelten*with SuSE 9.207:14
MarcCjhutchins: I'll have him check...but a lot of people in Utah use Macs, esp. at the uni level07:14
razor111hi all07:14
Daisuke_IdoMarcC: if he thinks it's cooler, he's never toyed with compositing :)07:14
YorokobiMarcC, he's in Utah?07:14
MarcCYorokobi: yep07:14
colin_stdin: thankyou stdin07:14
YorokobiMarcC, yeah, there's support here, for both Mac and Ubuntu :)07:14
runleveltenMy local Mac User Group *charges* people to be members.07:14
runleveltenwhich makes me boggle tbh.07:14
geniiDaisuke_Ido: I may be getting the chipsets between Dell and Compaq mixed up.07:14
MarcCYorokobi: what part of UT do you live in?07:14
razor111could someone help me how i can change the writting language??07:15
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MarcCok, he's in logan07:15
MarcCI used to work in American Fork07:15
YorokobiMarcC, ah, there's some support at USU but I'm not sure how good it is07:15
YorokobiMarcC, your bro-in-law needs to transfer to the UofU :)07:16
MarcCYorokobi: agreed, but he's really into agriculture :)07:16
Yorokobiah, then he's in the right spot07:16
MarcCwhich makes me wonder again, why it's so cool to him to own a mac ;)07:17
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runleveltenMarcC: If he doesn't want to get into the pooter, a Mac will be a winning choice, tbh.07:18
Yorokobirazor111, do you want to change the language the menu's, etc. are in or change the language you're typing?07:18
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Yorokobirazor111, yes as in both?07:19
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razor111Yorokobi: :) sorry i mean the typing language07:20
DaSkreechrazor111: To what?07:20
razor111i want to write in Bulgarian07:20
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Yorokobirazor111, install scim/skim07:21
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runleveltenpress alt+f2, type kcontrol, then go to regional accessibility and language and choose country/region and language07:22
Yorokobior not ... I don't see an input method for Bulgarian for scim07:22
runleveltenthen in the same section, choose keyboard layout :)07:22
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colin_I've installed libdvdcss2 but still cant use dvd's... If I try to install libdvdnav4 Adept says it would break packages ?07:24
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razor111runlevelten: No such file or directory07:24
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:24
runleveltenno such file or directory as kcontrol?07:24
razor111Yorokobi: i've just installed scim and what next?07:24
runleveltenthen you're not running kubuntu, old chap.07:25
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razor111runlevelten: sorry :) i'm writting in kubuntu07:25
Yorokobirazor111, I don't believe scim has a Bulgarian input option. I think it is for East Asian languages only ...07:25
colin_I followed the instructions on the medibuntu page but now Im getting messages from Adept saying it couldn't install stuff cause it would break packages07:25
runleveltenthen you typed kcontrol incorrectly.07:25
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meuhlolyop yop all07:27
runleveltenWow, does scim really have no way of quitting from the applet?07:27
colin_No plugin found to handle this resource (dvd:///dev/hdd)07:27
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runleveltenMore UI dictatorship I spose.07:28
colin_xine: couldn't find demux for >dvd:///dev/hdd<07:28
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colin_xine: found input plugin : DVD Navigator07:28
Yorokobirunlevelten, hehe, yeah. skim does, but scim is a beast :) You have to kill the daemon07:28
colin_can someone help ?07:28
balinthiho, hiho is there any repo for HIDD ?07:28
runleveltengnome eh.07:28
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runlevelten"""You will not be provided with useful options!!"""07:29
razor111Yorokobi: i installed scim and what is the next step?07:29
runleveltennow go into kcontrol and install the languages you need.07:29
=== runlevelten sighs
Yorokobirazor111, again: scim probably isn't the answer you need. Go with runlevelten's suggestion.07:29
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runleveltenSee this is the sort of thing that gets my goat about that DE. I'm now "kill"ing a gui app that hasn't crashed07:31
Yorokobirazor111, then uninstall/purge scim (unless you want to type in Asian languages).07:31
runleveltenI bet there was a big long argument about it where the developer insisted on some stupid reason for not allowing a quit option, too.07:31
runleveltenrazor111: alt f2 kcontrol07:32
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runleveltenregional accessibility and language, country/region and language and ensure everything's as you want it.07:32
razor111runlevelten: i'm using xubuntu, is that a problem07:33
=== runlevelten bangs head on desk.
runleveltenNo, not at all :)07:33
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razor111buy :)07:33
runleveltenlater, hope you get it sorted out :)07:34
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jhutchinsTake a look at most of the daemon management scripts in /etc/init.d/ and youll see that a lot of them use kill to pass a shutdown signal.07:34
Yorokobiby bye buy bi07:34
jhutchinsThat's why kill has so many options - it's a very common tool for managing non-interactive processes.07:34
Dr_willisi like the 'kill --with-extreme-prejudice' option. :)07:35
runleveltennon-interactive being the part that jumps out at you, jhutchins, heh07:36
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colin_I am getting a number of errors when I try to play dvd's with kaffeine07:40
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spartakocolin it's tipical!07:43
spartakodo u use encrypted dvd?07:43
runleveltenwot errors?07:43
colin_couldn't find demux for >dvd:///dev/hdd<07:44
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denisbesoins d,aides...voila ma question.jai kubuntu es je ne peut pas lires mes videos es ni nouvelles genres rdi et tva ,pourquoi svp07:45
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runleveltenIt's actually been so long since I had one, I can't remember if that's the libdvdcss error07:45
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runleveltencolin, is it a default install and a commercial dvd?07:46
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:46
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:46
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=== Insane`YoGabba likes Gabber. I just successfully managed toinstall Flash so I can finally view it :P
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scott_Can anyone that is on help me set up a IRC server?07:56
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Insane`YoGabbascott_ an IRC server for what?07:57
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DaSkreech!info ircd07:58
ubotuPackage ircd does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:58
scott_Well I am learnong the ropes around linux adn computer in general and i am kinda in training, i was told to make a irc server07:58
DaSkreech!info ircd_hybrid07:58
ubotuPackage ircd_hybrid does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:58
DaSkreechHa ha that's some funky training07:58
scott_i need it to be that only me and him can get on it07:59
DaSkreech!search ircd07:59
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scott_yea u telling me u dont wanna know what i did last time07:59
Insane`YoGabba!search irc07:59
ubotuFound: logs-#ubuntuforums, tor-gpg, doesn't work, ircmeetings, guidelines-#ubuntuforums, irssi, channels, patience, ircguidelines, tab07:59
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DaSkreechscott_: I think that's called Jabber :)07:59
genii!info ircd-hybrid07:59
ubotuircd-hybrid: high-performance secure IRC server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:7.2.2.dfsg.1-3 (feisty), package size 549 kB, installed size 2208 kB08:00
stdin!find ircd08:00
ubotuFound: dancer-ircd, dancer-ircd-doc, ircd-hybrid, ircd-irc2, ircd-ircu (and 3 others)08:00
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scott_i have ircd-hybrid installed it is just i can find any config08:00
DaSkreechwhat? didn't I just look for that?08:00
sx66how do you add the system tray to the panel? I can not find it in the add list.08:00
stdinDaSkreech: !search searches the bots factoids, !find searches the package database08:01
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sx66!system tray08:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about system tray - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:01
BluesKajsx66, yer thinking windows08:02
scott_i have done some research on which one is good and it seems most people like ircd-hybrid08:02
sx66BluesKaj: I have a new panel, and I want the system tray: IE: battery logo, wifi icon...etc where do I get that?08:03
BluesKajsx66, if you want apps in the panel choose the individual apps in the k-menu , right click and add to panel option will be there08:03
Insane`YoGabbasudo apt-get install ircd-hybrid08:03
Insane`YoGabbaworks for me08:03
Insane`YoGabbaI can connect08:03
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scott_but then were is the config ircd.config it think or something like that08:04
sx66BluesKaj: nope, no apps, I want the system tray (battery logo, wifi, common apps running etc). I click add to panel and it is not there.08:04
Yorokobisx66, are you looking in the list of applets for the panel?08:05
sx66oh, I got it. the sys tray can only run on one panel....duh08:05
RoeyDoes anyone here know when is the KDE-Qt style going to get updated to fix this bug with XChat on Kubuntu Feisty Fawn?  They don't highlight anymore upon new messages...08:06
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scott_so how do i config ircd-hybrid?08:10
denisquestion en francais08:10
stdin!fr | denis08:10
ubotudenis: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:10
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sx66how do you put the home folder down on the task bar?08:11
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stdinscott_: you can always search the project website or ask in #freenode (as freenode uses a modified version)08:11
geniiscott_: You may get a better response about server applications on channel #ubuntu-server  or go to the source, http://ircd-hybrid.org/support.html08:11
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YorokobiRoey, remove gtk-qt-engine and see if xchat behaves better08:12
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scott_thankyou very much for the help08:13
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KartiHi all, any idea when I go into system settings and select admin mode, I am NOT supplied with a window asking for password but it just stays blank?08:14
Kartiand I can't add printers or the like?08:14
DaSkreechKarti: Which Module?08:15
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KartiDaSkreech: Generally printers or Monitor08:15
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geniiHmm, might be not using default first user which has sudo priveledge by default but a subsequent user08:15
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Kartigenii: I only have the one user08:16
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geniiKarti: If in a console you do something to test sudo like:  sudo clear       does it ask for password or say something about not in sudoers file or similar?08:19
BluesKajKarti, sometimes running ' sudo dpkg --configure -a ' will give the password dialog back ...dunno why but it has worked for me in the past08:19
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BluesKajgotta relogin08:19
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Kartigenii: sudo clear has cleared it asking for password08:21
BlueFightingCathi. i'm a little new to Kubuntu and I was wondering if somebody could help me with installing a couple of packages08:21
Kartihow do I get that back?08:21
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savetheWorldapt-get install <package name> (done as root, or via sudo )08:22
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BlueFightingCatdoesn't work. I get the "e: couldn't find package ****"08:23
geniiKarti: that was just to make sure your user is allowed to use sudo. So it's OK that way. Maybe try what BluesKaj suggested08:23
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DaSkreechBlueFightingCat: Which?08:23
Kartigenii: just tried that, it didn't do anything....08:23
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geniiKarti: He said it needs logon/logoff to take effect08:24
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YorokobiBlueFightingCat, try it without the trailing 's' (sudo aptitude install build-essential08:24
Kartioops ta brb08:24
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:24
chris__i've installed ubuntu 7.04 today and i managed to setup an adsl usb connexant modem. Really difficult! A modem-router installation is easier??08:24
DaSkreechBlueFightingCat: Adept might be of some help :)08:24
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BlueFightingCatHey guys. It's just all a little confusing. there seem to be several ways to install packages and I don't really knwo which way to go08:25
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YorokobiBlueFightingCat, all of them work :) it just depends on your preference08:25
DaSkreechBlueFightingCat: they all accomplish the same thing08:25
bsundsrudBlueFightingCat: adept is the easiest, GUI-est way.08:26
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DaSkreech just which one you feel comfortable with08:26
BlueFightingCatso what should I use to install build-essential?08:26
savetheWorldBlueFightingCat: from the command line :  apt-get install <package name> (done as root, or via sudo )08:26
DaSkreechBlueFightingCat: While you are starting out Adept is nice cause it has a search built in08:26
savetheWorldchange: fails08:26
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BlueFightingCatbut when I search in adept for build-essential08:27
BlueFightingCatit doesn't find it08:27
BlueFightingCatam I missing somehting?08:27
Yorokobi!info build-essential08:27
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3 (feisty), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB08:27
DaSkreechBlueFightingCat: that's highly strange08:27
RoeyBlueFightingCat:  great nick08:27
bsundsrudBlueFightingCat: when i search for it (exact thing im typing: build-essential) i find it.08:27
Yorokobispeaking of cats: http://www.scalzi.com/whatever/004457.html08:28
lamoI  just installed Kubuntu 7.04 on my new Dell Inspiron 6400. Problem is it's running like sh*t. Not sure why since I have really nice specs. But my current problem is installing my nvidia 7 series GO driver. When I kill x and run the driver it says to install libc? I have libc6 and others installed already. whats the deal?08:28
TeckRennWeglolo wtf ^08:28
BlueFightingCatin Adept-Manager I just enter "build-essential" in the search box08:28
BlueFightingCatand nothing comes up08:29
Kartigenii: what was that command again? sudo clear?08:29
BluesKajBlueFightingCat, do you know about editing your sources list ? uncommenting the 'deb' repositories by removing the # in front of the addresses, so adept can download and install them08:29
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bsundsrudBlueFightingCat: are you trying to do this through the Add/Remove programs on the K menu, or via Adept manager under System in the kmenu?08:30
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BlueFightingCatBlueskay: no I don't. I'm very new to this08:30
gnomefreakshouldnt matter build-essential is on the cd08:30
bsundsrudBluesKaj: its in main, he should see it08:30
BlueFightingCatbsundsrud: adept manager08:30
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:30
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gnomefreakBlueFightingCat: apt-cache policy build-essential08:31
geniiKarti: that command does not actually do anything useful. It just clears the screen08:31
BluesKajstrange that it isn't listed , unless he's copying the quotes as well08:31
gnomefreakBlueFightingCat: does that command give you a repo/ installed version canidate version?08:31
BlueFightingCatgnomefreak: W: unable to locate package build-essential08:31
geniiKarti: It was to make sure that the user trying to issue the "clear" command has the right to use the other command sudo08:32
lamoI  just installed Kubuntu 7.04 on my new Dell Inspiron 6400. Problem is it's running like sh*t, not sure why since I have really nice specs. But my current problem is installing my nvidia 7 series GO driver. When I kill x and run the driver it says to install libc? I have libc6 and others installed already. Any clue what I need to do? Thanks.08:32
gnomefreakBlueFightingCat: are you using " or ' anything?08:32
BlueFightingCatgnomefreak: I don't know what you mean08:32
gnomefreakBlueFightingCat: what version of ubuntu?08:32
BluesKaj!patience | lamo08:32
ubotulamo: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:32
DaSkreechBlueFightingCat: You played with the sources.list?08:33
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Insane`YoGabbaOmg.. Linux users in their natural environment: http://youtube.com/watch?v=a_F5Jjr7vaY08:33
gnomefreakmaybe they pulled it off cd for extra room?08:33
DaSkreech!nividia | lamo08:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nividia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:33
BlueFightingCatdaskreech: no08:33
DaSkreech!nvidia | lamo08:33
ubotulamo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:33
BlueFightingCatgnomefreak: no08:33
lamoi understand I was trying to keep my question visible,sorry.08:33
Kartigenii: cool, I believe that I was in a konsole that I had enterered the password for already :)08:33
BlueFightingCatgnomefreak: feisty08:33
gnomefreakBlueFightingCat: im thinking they did do to mono08:34
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DaSkreechBlueFightingCat: if you don't search for anything can you scroll down and see the package build-essential ?08:34
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anthronautlol Insane08:34
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=== gnomefreak goes back to work, i think he has cdrom repo enabled not net repors
BlueFightingCatdaskreech: nope its not there08:34
Insane`YoGabbaOk, let's start at step one08:35
Insane`YoGabbaAnybody got a guide for C++ developing on linux?08:35
DaSkreechBlueFightingCat: 0_o08:35
BluesKajBlueFightingCat, are you on a live cd ?08:35
BlueFightingCatblueskaj: no I installed it08:35
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DaSkreechBlueFightingCat: can you pastebin the file /etc/apt/sources.list ?08:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:35
bsundsrudBlueFightingCat: go to the adept menu, then to manage repositories08:36
Insane`YoGabbaBlueFightingCat: Try "sudo apt-get install build-essential"??08:36
Insane`YoGabbaNo idea though08:36
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gnomefreakInsane`YoGabba: wont work08:36
Insane`YoGabbagnomefreak, why not?08:36
bsundsrudBlueFightingCat: are all of the checkboxes under the Kubuntu Sources tab checked?08:36
gnomefreakInsane`YoGabba: apt-cache doesnt find it08:36
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BlueFightingCatbsundsrud: where do I find that tab?08:37
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bsundsrudBlueFightingCat: go to the adept menu, then to manage repositories08:37
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BlueFightingCatbsundsrud: yeah, except "source code" is checked in grey08:38
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bsundsrudok,  close that screen and press the fetch updates button08:38
tdw-unrealityWhere can i change KDE's default mount options for usb devices. I want to remove the noexec option.08:38
BlueFightingCatbsundsrud: done08:39
bsundsrudBlueFightingCat: no errors? try searching for build-essential again08:39
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DaSkreechBlueFightingCat: search again08:40
BlueFightingCatbsundsrud: actually I can't. I am not connect. I have to install a package to get my wlan working.08:40
redshadowheroare there any good graphing apps?08:40
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BlueFightingCatessentially what I need to do is install a package called fsam7400 which I managed to download with my other computer08:40
BlueFightingCatthat will get my wlan going08:40
BlueFightingCatand make thigns easier08:40
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bsundsrudBlueFightingCat: then that would be a major problem.  what this is doing is connecting to the internet to install the build-essential package08:41
BlueFightingCathow should I go about installing "fsam7400"08:41
msinghi have no kubuntu-desktop package to install (in plain ubuntu). how should i proceed?08:41
bsundsrudis it a laptop?08:41
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DaSkreechmsingh: Hmm?08:41
tdw-unrealityCan no one help? :-(08:41
msinghi would like to install kubuntu stuff08:42
bsundsrudBlueFightingCat: do you have wired ethernet anywhere that you could plug it in?08:42
BluesKajmsingh, you have synaptic , right ?08:42
bsundsrudtdw-unreality: try in #kde... thats more of a KDE question08:42
BlueFightingCatyeah I guess I could08:42
BlueFightingCatgive me 5 mintues I'll be back08:42
bsundsrudBlueFightingCat: that will definitely make things easier08:42
msinghBluesKaj, i couldnt find anything kde related in stupid synaptic08:42
msinghthere is a Gnome Dekstop category but nothing kde08:42
tdw-unrealitybsundsrud: i will, thanks08:43
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geniimsingh: open the file /etc/apt/sources.list by:   gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list     then remove the # from every line which begins with "deb"     save. Reissue sudo apt-get update. Then try again with   sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:43
Yorokobimsingh, there is/was kynaptic or similar but synaptic works in KDE just fine08:43
blisscan someone give me the name of a dvd/cd burner in kde?08:43
Yorokobibliss, k3b08:44
Soulwarpbliss K3b is good08:44
msinghgenii, ok, i'll try that. thanks.08:44
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msinghgenii, there are many lines which begin with deb. which one shall i remove?08:45
blissYorokobi: thanks just downloading the live KDE alpha 4.0  hope it will look good08:45
bsundsrudmsingh: only remove the leading #08:45
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BluesKajgenii, couldn't have said it better , myself :)08:45
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janethi all08:46
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msinghthe backports one?08:46
janetim installing wine from the repos but when i go install winetools from von thadden or soundforge it says your wine version is to old to work with it08:46
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geniimsingh: In onmly the lines which begin:   "# deb...."     remove the # so it is only "deb"  at the start. Do this with all lines wich start this way. Leave the ones which have no # at the front08:46
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janetmy wine is fresh from the repos 9.04 or so08:46
msinghgenii, ok08:47
=== genii slides BluesKaj a coffee
=== BluesKaj enjoys the coffee :)
=== Soulwarp gets scolded by BluesKaj's coffee
BlueFightingCatok i managed to download build-essential08:49
TheRealInsaneCan anybody help me get started using c++ with linux?08:49
Yorokobiheh, Soulwarp : I was scolded by my mom for scalding my sister with hot water08:49
geniiActually i'm drinking ice tea today and not coffee, but gotta stay in character ;)08:49
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janetanyone have that problem with installing winetools?08:49
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soulriderTheRealInsane: check outt he forums, theres a thread with tons of tutorials08:50
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Soulwarpanyone have trouble with beryl removing the window borders?08:51
geniimsingh: How is it going?08:51
Soulwarpor is that normal08:51
runleveltenthat's your window manager crashing.08:51
TheRealInsanesoulrider, where would I find the forums?08:51
soulriderTheRealInsane:  http://ubuntuforums.org08:52
msinghgenii, it is just downloading the packages now08:52
runleveltenYou should use a different one with beryl :)08:52
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geniimsingh: OK, so it's on the   sudo apt-get update    part then?08:52
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soulriderthe new compiz-fusion works like charm, but i think it depends in a lot of gnome packages08:52
msinghgenii, yes :)08:52
crakatoahow do I create a ISO image outta a cd?08:52
SoulwarpKDE doesn't work with Beryl?08:52
crakatoahow do I create a ISO image outta a cd?08:52
soulriderSoulwarp: it does08:52
crakatoausing K3B?08:52
soulridercrakatoa: uhm... not sure =/08:53
crakatoaor whatever Kubuntu has08:53
msinghgenii, actually past that. it is downloading the packages for kubuntu-desktop08:53
crakatoaI do'nt see make ISO image in K3B options08:53
soulridercrakatoa: hold on a let, lets google it :P08:53
DaSkreechcrakatoa: dd /dev/hdc ~/My.iso08:53
crakatoaDaSkreech: that's it?08:53
geniimsing: Even better. Remember after you get to the login screen, tell it before login that you want a KDE session first08:54
DaSkreechcrakatoa: dd if=/dev/hdc of=~/My.iso08:54
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crakatoaDaSkreech: isn't supposed to be iso FORMAT08:54
soulridercrakatoa: i think you can select as output a file and not a cd burner08:54
crakatoaDaSkreech: are you possitive?08:54
geniimsingh: Otherwise it will just bring you back to default gnome    etc etc08:54
msinghgenii, ah okay. will do08:54
DaSkreechcrakatoa: Yeah08:55
crakatoaoh ok in K3B is simply COPY CD08:55
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geniidd if=/dev/hdX of=~/myfile.iso                where X is the hd#  where the cdrom drive is at.it can also be sdX perhaps08:56
soulridergenii: probably h08:56
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soulridergenii: it seems to be at /dev/cdrom here08:56
geniisoulrider: Thats usually a symlink to one of the usual types hda hdb sda adb   etc08:57
geniisdb rather :)08:57
TheRealInsanesoulrider, where in the forums would I find anything c++ related?08:57
TheRealInsanesoulrider, plainly searching for "c++" gave 0 results08:57
soulriderhero: yeah... but i only have my hds as sdx and there are no hdx08:57
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soulriderTheRealInsane: check out the programmers subforum08:58
soulridertheres a sticky with tutorials08:58
soulridergenii: youre right, theres hda and hdb there :)08:58
geniibah, work. AFK 2-3 minutes08:58
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crakatoaman, should've been RIP cd not Copy cd08:59
DaSkreechMan I wish I had a job that took up 2-3 mminutes of my day08:59
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DaSkreechcrakatoa: it isn't ripping it. It's copying it08:59
herosoulrider: hmm?08:59
crakatoaDaSkreech: ok thanks09:00
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TheRealInsaneSo I've been Searching the "Programming Talk" forum in the off-topic area, and there are hundreds of questions for all platforms and languages, but no tutorials or anything similar09:02
crakatoait removed my image09:02
crakatoawhat the hell09:02
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crakatoaI told you was ripping09:02
crakatoacopying means ocpying into another CD09:02
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combo- where can i set start-up programms ??09:03
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ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.09:03
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DaSkreechI win :)09:04
comboDaSkreech: where write this command ? :)09:04
combooh , key i see now :P09:04
DaSkreechcombo: read^^^09:04
luca__hi everyone09:04
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comboDaSkreech: yeap, i saw it too late :)09:04
luca__I am thinking about installing the suspend2 patches from trevino's repositories for my feisty, as suspend is unreliable on my Dell machine. Is this a bad idea?09:04
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DaSkreechluca__: No idea. Is trevino reliable?09:05
luca__usually enough. My question however is, if things do not function properly, as we are talking about kernel patches, will I be able to get back to a vanilla installation without too much pain?09:06
DaSkreechluca__: If it's a repo then the idea is that you should09:07
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nikola i have linux a little time09:08
geniiTheRealInsane: You mainly want some tutorial about kdevelop/C++ programming?09:08
nikolai don`t know how to remove compiz fusion !09:08
sam_hey anyone knows how to compile a kernel09:08
luca__ok I guess I will give it a try.09:08
luca__nikola: it depends on how you installed it in the first place...09:08
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TheRealInsanegenii, I know how to program C++ (console app), but I want to learn how to progrma c++ on linux09:09
stdinsam_: why do you want to?09:10
comboDaSkreech: ubotu's hint was usefull but i mean something else; i have few programms that are launching at start-up and i want shut them down... :]  where can i do it ?09:10
sam_hey i have an assignment to do it..09:10
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luca__well in kcontrol there is the system service window09:11
aruncombo: kmenu>system settings> advanced>session manager09:11
stdinsam_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:11
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:11
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DaSkreechcombo: Oh your session09:11
azzurrohello everybody09:11
DaSkreechcombo: when you logout KDE remembers what was running and starts them when you login09:12
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arunok i'm outta here09:12
azzurroi have a problem about dolphin konqueror trash desktop entry trilogy09:12
luca__you can however tell it to start an empty session if you want to09:12
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geniiTheRealInsane: At http://www.functionx.com/cpp/Lesson01.htm  there is a graphical example of how to begin a C++ app in KDevelop (along with some other Windows examples).09:12
azzurroi cant open my trash can after i installed dolphin09:13
comboDaSkreech: i see... crap! is there no other way to set programms exactly as i want ? :|09:13
johan__does anyone have a good guide to get desktop-effects (ie wobbly windows, cube) working in kubuntu??09:13
comboDaSkreech: some Session Manager like in Ubuntu ? ;>09:13
luca__and select manually the programs to start using a module for kcontrol (which you have to install) or add them to .kde/Autostart09:13
sam_thanks ppl will go through it09:13
luca__well there are many for kde...09:13
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DaSkreechcombo: There should be a session manager09:14
stdinazzurro: what happens when you go to trash:/ ?09:14
DaSkreech You can just close all your programs then logout09:14
johan__luca__ > such as?09:14
nikolawhere can i find installation of beryl for kubuntu09:14
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nikolaplz help09:14
azzurrostdin: when i click it says (appearently trying to open with konqueror) Malformed URL trash:/09:14
comboDaSkreech: ok, THX anyway :)09:14
Yorokobinikola, ask in #ubuntu-effects or read the tutorials on beryl-project.org (check the wiki)09:15
luca__azzurro it happened to me too09:15
stdinazzurro: how did you install dolphin?09:15
luca__do not remember how if ever I fixed it09:15
azzurrostdin: apt-get install dolphin09:15
luca__(dolphin is still WAY behind konqueror right now IMHO, at least the 3.5 version, dunno about the 4.x version)09:15
luca__azzurro that's a bit old09:15
nikolatnx a lot09:16
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azzurroluca__: but some how u could fix it ,right?09:16
luca__do not remember09:16
luca__I switched back to konqueror a while ago now09:16
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luca__johan: a second and I am checking09:16
azzurroluca__: but luca i cant turn back either09:17
luca__why not?09:17
azzurroeven if i remove it (no matter with purge or not) it still searches for dolphin09:17
luca__johan: try kcontrol-autostart09:17
johan__ok thx09:18
luca__purge it, than right click on a folder, configuration, and set konqueror as default application on top of the list09:18
luca__or put konqueror on top and keep dolphin just for :P09:18
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luca__DaSkreech *sigh* rebooting. And hoping that linux gods are smiling on my me and my poor, ill-treated laptop :P09:19
azzurroluca__: :D u mean konqueror as konsol entry09:19
azzurroluca__: or with some other parameters09:20
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stdinazzurro: try running "konqueror trash:/" in konsole/the run dialog09:20
runleveltendolphin will stay behind konqueror, it seems btw.09:20
luca__nope, I mean right click on folder, properties, then click the little tool icon, and set konqueror as default application :)09:20
luca__no konsole hacking :)09:20
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luca__runlevelten: yep, my biggest problem was that they do not have yet implemented any right-click menus09:21
azzurroluca__:the one that is  under internet in k menu, right?09:21
luca__no, whatever folder09:21
luca__one on your desktop, your home folder, whatever09:21
luca__not a program :)09:21
azzurroluca__: but i already have just one entry there and that is konqueror09:22
spartan01do you know what the equivelant command for ipconfig is on the konsole?09:22
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azzurrotheres no dolphin09:22
astanhello. uhm. which package has the standard C library headers?09:22
luca__oh. and still it asks you for dolphin when you try to open a folder? that's strangeg09:22
azzurroi think so09:22
luca__in this case I cannot help you, I would not know where to begin to look :(09:23
luca__ok rebooting09:23
azzurrobut dont know what to do09:23
luca__me neither I fear, sorry :(09:23
stdinastan: libc609:23
azzurroluca__:thx any waY09:23
stdinastan: it's installed09:23
luca__well, wish me good luck, hope the system will function :P09:23
luca__see ya09:23
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stdinastan: if you want to compile stuff install the "build-essential" package, that will install all the main things09:24
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geniiTheRealInsane: Still here?09:26
nicolai_Does anyone know how to turn of softclick on a laptop?09:26
thx1137anyone know of a keyboard shortcut to switch between workspaces?09:26
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geniiTheRealInsane: Anyhow, you may find more specific stuff here: http://www.kdevelop.org/index.html?filename=3.4/tutorials.html09:27
stdinthx1137: ctrl+ one of the F keys09:27
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boris__i have a problem09:27
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boris__can anybody help me09:28
thx1137stdin: thanks09:28
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:28
stdin!ask | boris__09:28
ubotuboris__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:28
boris__i have download video file09:29
palefacei got a pale face09:29
=== paleface turns pale
boris__but it is .bin09:29
boris__it size is09:29
boris__3546 MB09:29
boris__how do I open it09:29
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BlueFightingCathi. can somebody let me know how to find out whether I have "kernel-headers" installed on my system and if not how to install it?09:29
boris__Allman Brothers Band 9-23-70.bin09:29
boris__356 MB09:29
stdinBlueFightingCat: look in Adept09:30
BlueFightingCatstdin: its not there. or should it be with some other name?09:30
DaSkreechboris__: are there any instructions on the sitte you got it from?09:30
stdinboris__: it's probably a VCD image, they usually are in a .bin/.cue pair09:31
boris__yea it is09:31
stdinBlueFightingCat: it'll be called "linux-headers-(your-kernel-version)09:31
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BlueFightingCatstdin: ok I have it.09:32
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stdinboris__: you can either install VLC and play it with that09:32
stdinboris__: or convert it to an iso, mount it, and play it in another app09:32
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boris__how do i convert09:33
stdinboris__: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion09:33
BlueFightingCatcan somebody tell me what the problem is when I try to compile a file using "make" and get the following error: *** no rule to make target09:34
stdinwhat are you compiling ?09:34
BlueFightingCatstdin: a module to make my wlan work. It's called FSAM7400 and stands for Fujitsu-siemens amilo M740009:34
geniiBlueFightingCat: Try first: ./configure09:35
stdinif there is a configure, most modules don't have one09:36
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BlueFightingCatgenii: no config is not there09:36
stdinBlueFightingCat: got a link ?09:36
geniistdin Yes, this is true09:36
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BlueFightingCatstdin: http://linux.zwobbl.de/pub/09:37
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stdinBlueFightingCat: which did you download??09:38
msinghgenii, i've logged into kde. Hopefully i can get WPA working for my wifi card now :)09:38
volnI have a question about kubuntu, there a kmail aplication, i can't find shortcut of this putting it on my desktop09:38
geniiBlueFightingCat: I'm pretty sure that module has already been included now as standard. Doesn't the command   modprobe -l fsam7400         show it ??09:39
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BlueFightingCatgenii: you're right, it seems to be there!09:40
=== stdin didn't actually think to check the normal modules
BlueFightingCatgenii: how do you know whether it is running?09:40
stdinI checked the l-r-m, not the normal ones :p09:40
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stdinBlueFightingCat: try: lsmod | grep fsam09:41
BlueFightingCatstdin: where can i see if the mod is running or not`?09:41
stdinBlueFightingCat: just told you09:42
geniiBlueFightingCat: As he said, if the command:    lsmod|grep fsam    show it, you have it loaded09:42
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geniiBlueFightingCat: If not there, you can try loading it:  modprobe fsam740009:42
BlueFightingCatstdin/genii: I typed it in but nothign turns up09:42
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geniimaybe sudo needed there09:43
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stdinBlueFightingCat: have you done "sudo modprobe fsam7400! ?09:43
stdinBlueFightingCat: opps "sudo modprobe fsam7400" (without the ! )09:43
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BlueFightingCatstdin: i did that. nothing seems to happen09:44
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:44
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stdinBlueFightingCat:  try "lsmod | grep fsam" again09:44
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jhutchinsOne can use the -v option for modprobe to get more verbose feedback.09:45
BlueFightingCatyeah i get "fasm7400     5912    0"09:45
stdingood, worked09:45
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BlueFightingCatyes thanks guys!!! my WLAN Is not working09:46
geniiBlueFightingCat: If this driver works for you and you want to make it permanent, put it in the file /etc/modules09:46
fdovingbe sure to add taht modules to where genii tells you :)09:46
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jhutchinsalias wlan0 fsam740009:46
BlueFightingCatgenii: what exactly do I put there?09:46
geniiBlueFightingCat: Just the name of the module09:47
stdinheh "<BlueFightingCat> yes thanks guys!!! my WLAN Is not working" I assume you mean "now" :)09:47
fdovingBlueFightingCat: fsam740009:47
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto09:47
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geniiBlueFightingCat: On one line by itself under the last one listed there :) You need to edit the file with something like kdesu kate /etc/modules      or similar, for write privelege of course09:47
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about touchpad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:48
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BlueFightingCatthanks guys!09:48
CensorBardnicolai_: Is it a synaptic touchpad?09:48
CensorBardnicolai_: Er. Synaptics touchpad, even.09:49
geniiBlueFightingCat:  Glad it got sorted out :)09:49
CensorBardnicolai_: Regardless, this is probably what you're looking for: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad?highlight=%28synaptic%2909:49
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=== stdin adds "find out how/why some modules are autoloaded and some aren't" to his growwing todo-list
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter09:51
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse09:51
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NiceGuyUKok, anyone able to help me mount my other two drives so that my non-root user can read/write them?09:52
stdinwhat filesystem(s)09:52
nicolai_CensorBard: Thanks, but I'm not sure it has a guide for what I'm looking for :/09:52
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NiceGuyUKstdin: I have a paste link with my fstab entries if that helps09:52
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nicolai_CensorBard: I need to turn off softclick on a laptop. By 'softclick' I mean when a quick touch to a touchpad is regisered as a left-click.09:53
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stdinNiceGuyUK: you can either make a directory on the filesystem that is world writable or change the owner of the FS09:53
stdinNiceGuyUK: you can't do it by fatab/mount09:53
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NiceGuyUKstdin: two mountpoints in /mnt have user owner and group until I mount, then it changes them to root ownership and group09:54
CensorBardnicolai_: Ooh, yeah. No, it's not in there. That one just is purely configuring Linux to recognize the bloody thing in the first place.09:54
CensorBardHang on. Rebooting X.09:54
stdinNiceGuyUK: yes, that's because it then takes the permissions of the filesyetem, you can't change the permissions of the filesystem unless it's mounted09:55
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NiceGuyUKI'm sure there's some fstab thing like umask=0222 or something I seem to recall09:55
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stdinNiceGuyUK: nope, won't work with ext3, as permissions are stored on the fs itself09:55
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NiceGuyUKso create a world-writeable subdir on that drive as root for users to use as a top-level ?09:56
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stdinNiceGuyUK: yes, or change the permission of the filesystem while it's mounted09:57
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stdinnicolai_: do you have a synaptics section in xorg.conf ?09:57
NiceGuyUKstdin: sorry to be dim tonight - so mount to /mnt whatever, then chmod and chgrp /mnt/whatever afterwards ?09:57
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stdinNiceGuyUK: chown user:group /mnt/whatever would be easier, but yeah09:58
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NiceGuyUKgreat, thanks for the heads-up09:58
nicolai_stdin: This is my stationary computer, so I wouldn't think so, but the touchpad works on the laptop.09:59
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stdinnicolai_: well the touchpad is configured in there, see "man synaptics" in konsole or "man:/synaptics" in konqueror09:59
lucaDaSkreech: those packages were a bit harmful and worsened the suspension problem. I love synaptic and his 'change package version' feature :D09:59
nicolai_stdin: It's my fathers laptop I need configured, and he was using it when I last saw him :P09:59
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nicolai_stdin: ok10:00
DaSkreechluca: :-)10:00
MarcChow do I unmount a samba share I mounted with the mount command? It's giving me all sorts of grief10:00
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stdinMarcC: with the "umount" command, "umount /place/you/mounted/it"10:00
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stdinMarcC: and that is "umount" not "unmount"10:01
NiceGuyUKstdin: works great now, many thanks10:01
stdinNiceGuyUK: no problem :)10:01
MarcCstdin: thanks!10:01
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genii!helpersnack | stdin10:04
ubotustdin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!10:04
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stdingenii: maybe we should change that to "Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a coffee!" :p10:04
prisca_anyone running kde4?10:05
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Tomi-idlei would if it'd have a working taskbar <.<10:05
stdinmaybe when it's usable10:05
nicolai_stdin: I'll make you coffee provided you live nearby :P10:05
geniistdin: Cookies are better, everyone likes a cookie. some ppl hate coffee however10:05
stdinnicolai_: UK10:06
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stdingenii: how about, a cookie and some coffee, then they can take it or leave it10:06
nicolai_stdin: DK for me..10:06
TheRealInsaneSo yeah, how do you run programs as root again?10:06
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nicolai_stdin: You probably wont need it by the time I get there10:06
geniistdin: Heh, I'm all for it10:06
stdinTheRealInsane: sudo for command line apps, kdesu for GUI apps10:07
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stdinsadmin24: away messages are messy10:07
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sitowho put it kde4 in kubuntu gusty gibon?10:07
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stdinsito: well Riddell made the packages, gutsy questions in #ubuntu+110:08
sitooks thanks10:08
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stdinsito: or for the KDE specific questions #kubuntu-devel10:08
stdin!away > sadmin2410:08
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DaSkreechprisca_: Why?10:10
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nikola #kubuntu-effects10:12
stdinnikola: huh?10:13
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stdinwhat's with #kubuntu-effects?10:13
stdinthat's not even a channe;10:14
nikolai can` t find how  to install beryl on kubuntu10:14
nikolayes i know10:14
palefacehere is how u install beryl on kubuntu10:14
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palefaceyou ready nikola?10:15
paleface"sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager"10:15
paleface!find emerald10:15
ubotuFound: emerald, emerald-themes, libemeraldengine-dev, libemeraldengine0, xemeraldia10:15
paleface"sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager emerald emerald-themes"10:15
palefacethere, right above ^10:15
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nikolabut i must get update10:16
nikolaand than sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager emerald emerald-themes10:16
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prisca_i just installed kde4-dev and configured kdm to show kde4 in the list but when i choose it and login  i get kicked back to login screen10:17
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stdinprisca_: make sure you put the 3 (or 4) lines in the startkde file that the guide tells you10:18
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BlueFightingCathi. I am using Kate to edit a file. however I can't save it because I am not in root10:18
BlueFightingCathow can I fix this?10:18
stdinprisca_: also ask about that in #kubuntu-devel10:18
TurtleBootshi all10:19
geniiBlueFightingCat: kdesu kate /path/filename10:19
stdinBlueFightingCat: you have to open it as root, "kdesu kate"10:19
nicolai_BlueFightingCat: save the content then open as root10:19
TurtleBootshas anyone seen problems with ktorrent dying/crashing after lengthy periods of time?10:20
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stdinTurtleBoots: I think it's a known but, you need to disable dht10:20
Jahmonyeah i got my wifi to work :)10:20
Jahmonits tenen btw stdin10:20
Jahmonta for all the help earlier today10:20
TurtleBootsstdin - will this resolve the issue you think?10:20
Jahmonit was a dodgy install10:20
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palefacethat makes no sense10:20
stdinTurtleBoots: yes, did for me10:21
stdinJahmon: :)10:21
Jahmoncan anyone tell me how that ntfs thing works10:21
TurtleBootsstdin - thanks I'll give that a try10:21
Jahmonwhere i can write to ntfs protected drives10:21
Jahmoni downloaded it with adept manager but i forgot what its called10:21
Jahmonhow do i run it etc10:21
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nicolai_Jahmon: it is called ntfs-config10:22
stdinJahmon: when you mount it, you change "ntfs" to "ntfs-3g", either in fstab or in the mount command10:22
TurtleBootsstdin - is there any other settings that might need changed?10:22
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stdinTurtleBoots: no, after I disabled that it stopped crashing10:22
Jahmonstdin so what would a command be if i wanted to mount hda110:22
nicolai_Jahmon: you can run the program by typing kdesu ntfs-config10:22
Jahmonis their a gui?10:22
TurtleBootsstdin - here's hoping then :-) Thanks10:22
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Jahmonits telling me command not found10:23
Jahmonbut i know i installed it10:23
Jahmonkedusu dont work10:23
Jahmongonna sudo10:23
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stdinJahmon: you can use System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Disk & Filesystems10:23
nicolai_Jahmon: kedusu should be kdesu :P10:23
Jahmonntfs-config: not found10:23
Jahmonsnore i installed it earlier10:23
Jahmonwill retry10:23
Jahmoni noticed something cool10:24
Jahmonon my win xp install i just tried to skype some110:24
nicolai_Jahmon: was that before or after the reinstall?10:24
Jahmonit lagged on talking etc huge delay10:24
Jahmonon my kubuntu install 100% no lag :)10:24
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stdinJahmon: you probably installed ntfs-3g, but may not have installed the separate package "ntfs-config"10:25
Jahmoni did it after but im gonna check if it installed im not sure caus i had to go to work10:25
Jahmonahh i did 3g10:25
Jahmonur right10:25
Jahmonso i must install ntfs-config10:25
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Jahmonahh k wasnt installed ta :)10:25
Jahmonhow do you guys know how to install shit without gui10:26
Jahmonso many libraries etc that kubuntu doesnt have by default10:26
stdinwatch the language there, this is a family channel10:26
Jahmonok why when i install ntfs-config does a skype end user agreement popup10:26
stdinprobably because you didn't accept it before10:27
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Jahmoni did but it keeps bombing when i do10:28
Jahmonskype is installed and working10:28
Jahmonbut licence wont pickup10:28
Jahmonit wont accept user agreement10:28
Jahmonit fails10:28
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nicolai_Jahmon: you have to scroll down to the bottom of the user agreement10:28
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icewolf hi, im trying to patch my wireless driver, chipset zd1211. On the aircrack-ng wiki it says there's a directory /usr/sr/linux yet i only see /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16 and /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16. In which directory should i apply the patch?10:30
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stdinicewolf: the one that matches your kernel version, use "uname -r" to see10:31
paleface!find komba10:31
ubotuFound: komba210:31
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jhutchinsHow do I force an fsck on reboot for an ext3 partition?10:32
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Jahmonntfs config says my windows drives unclean - does that mean i need to restart and chkdsk em?10:33
icewolfso /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic would be correct eventhough on the wiki it says /usr/src/linux/ ?10:33
stdinjhutchins: "sudo shutdown -r -F now" should do it10:33
jhutchinsn'mind, got it from ubotu.  Yeah, that's it.10:33
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stdinicewolf: /usr/src/linux is always just a link to the most recent version of the headers10:34
icewolfthx for clearing that up10:34
stdinJahmon: that's probably the best thing to do10:34
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=== sadmin24 is back.
Jahmonis wine worth the download?10:35
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Jahmonlike can it play games and ween me off windows? as thats all i use windows for now game support10:35
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CensorBardjahmon: Yes and no.10:36
Jahmonexplain censor10:37
stdinJahmon: some things will work in wine, some wont. It even depends on the version you get. don't expect everything to just work, you'll probably need to configure it several times10:37
CensorBardjahmon: There is a fork of Wine that has evolved into its own creature, called Cedega. It's *not* free, unless you compile it yourself. It is a specialized form of Wine for DX9-based games.10:37
Jahmonso would warcraft 3 work10:37
Jahmonor is it a pain to get to work10:37
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jhutchinsJahmon: The thing to do is to go to the wine home page and look it up.10:38
stdinit may or may not10:38
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Jahmonwell im gonna dl it and check10:38
Jahmonif i can get it to work yaya10:38
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jhutchinsJahmon: http://winehq.org/10:38
stdinJahmon: www.winehq.org is the wine homepage10:38
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stdinJahmon: or just go to http://appdb.winehq.org/10:39
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v00d00hey :D10:39
Jahmonsnore my windows drives arent working now10:39
v00d00how do i get nvidia driver ?10:40
Jahmonhow do i get em to work ntfs config moaned that they werent "clean"10:40
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Jahmonhow do i clean them - chkdsk or ?10:40
stdin!nvidia | v00d0010:40
ubotuv00d00: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:40
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jhutchinsJahmon: http://frankscorner.org/index.php?p=warcraft310:40
stdinJahmon: you have to get windows to check the disk10:40
Jahmonso i run chkdsk from windows?10:41
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parsniphi all10:41
=== parsnip waves
stdinif that works on your version of windows, I know it doesn't with XP10:41
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v00d00There is some way to run counter-strike without the performance issue ?10:42
parsniphI have a query about easyUbuntu10:42
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v00d00I heard that you have 60% of your fps low than in XP10:42
parsnipdoes it just sit there doing its thing for a bit or should there be a progress bar10:43
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stdin!easyubuntu | parsnip10:43
ubotuparsnip: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu10:43
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nicolai_v00d00: It would probably depend on the version of Wine used10:46
DaSkreechWhat's the deal with ubuntu  home server?10:46
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KartiAny Kontact experts here (the #kontact channel is dead) I have tarballed my ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail and I normally recover from that but this time its not picked up my folders yets I can see them when it untars - any ideas10:47
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v00d00you have any idea which is the best ?10:48
stdinKarti: I think the folders are stored in the config file .kde/share/config/kmailrc10:48
nicolai_v00d00: I just use the newest. But I run Heroes V on it, not Counter-strike10:48
Kartistdin: sorry I should have mentioned I copied that accross as well10:49
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stdinKarti: then I wouldn't know :p I don't use kmail but the people in #kde probably do :)10:49
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ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot10:49
nicolai_v00d00: Heroes of Might and Magic V runs faster in Linux than it did in Windows for me...10:50
Kartistdin: Many thanks I'll have a quick post there10:50
v00d00of course10:50
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v00d00windows is crap10:50
ward_good afternoon all10:51
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CensorBardDoh. Is Kubuntu the red-headed stepchild of the Ubuntu family, or something?10:51
ward_I dpnm10:51
nicolai_v00d00: If you want to try the newest version of wine, the instructions for downloading it are here: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb10:51
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stdinCensorBard: read the code of condict before posting things like that10:51
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nicolai_stdin: I wouldn't exactly call that foul language :p10:52
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v00d00can't get the mp3 played :O10:52
ward_who was censored?10:52
alesanwhat is the password of the kubuntu user on the livecd? I would like to login on the livecd10:52
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stdinnicolai_: nither would I, but that doesn't make a comment like that OK10:53
DaSkreech!autostart | CensorBard10:53
ubotuCensorBard: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.10:53
parsnipalesan: there isnt one, run passwd at the konsole to set it10:53
stdinalesan: there isn't a password for it, the user on the CD is "ubuntu"10:53
nicolai_v00d00: You would need to install libxine-extracodecs10:54
alesanstdin, I am at KDM screen. I have to insert user and pwd.10:54
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stdinalesan: you don't login to the livecd, you are automatically logged in10:54
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stdinalesan: there is no password for the user, it's disabled like roots10:55
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mrksbrdguess what i need help again......i'm trying to install gphoto2, i'm in the directory, but can't get any further10:55
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nicolai_stdin: if the live-cd crashes, it might decide to require login. I tried that once on a computer with corrupted RAM10:55
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DaSkreechDoes the KDM on the live cd have autologin?10:55
CensorBardstdin: My apologies. I didn't think it would be offensive. And thank you.10:55
stdinnicolai_: nope, once kdm crashes it causes a shutdown10:55
Tomi-idlekdm has autologin on kubuntu on live10:55
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mrksbrdwhat is the command i need to use????????/10:56
DaSkreechmrksbrd: You are in the directory?10:56
DaSkreechWhy are you installing gphoto2?10:56
stdinCensorBard: it's just that there *may* be a "red-headed step child" in the room, and they may not take it as a joke10:56
parsnipmrksbrd: what do you want to achieve?10:56
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mrksbrdinstall gphoto210:57
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stdinmrksbrd: it's in the repositories10:57
stdin!info gphoto210:57
ubotugphoto2: The gphoto2 digital camera command-line client. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.0-3 (feisty), package size 182 kB, installed size 928 kB10:57
mrksbrdi heard it was the bst prog for digital photo'10:57
parsnipsudo apt-get install gphoto210:57
parsnipafter sudo apt-get update10:57
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stdinparsnip: you don't have to do an update before every install10:58
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mrksbrdany better gui based anyone may know of for digital photography?10:58
parsnipstdin: It just makes sure you are updated, I dont know when he last updated (if ever). Just covers my back :)10:59
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stdinparsnip: it defaults to update daily11:00
Riddell** kubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting11:00
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DaSkreechmrksbrd: You may want to try out digikam11:00
parsnipstdin: good point but i just like to be sure and it takes a second11:00
parsnipstdin: but i can see your point11:00
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mrksbrdwhat i'm really looking for is a prog similar to photoshop11:01
parsnipmrksbrd: sudo apt-get install gimp11:01
ubotugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.11:01
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mrksbrdty all once again11:03
parsnipmrksbrd: no worries man11:03
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DaSkreech!info krita11:06
ubotukrita: a pixel-based image manipulation program for the KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 3043 kB, installed size 9412 kB11:06
Jahmonwhy would my sound device just say - problem with sound device (whilst using skype)11:07
Jahmononly thing i did was install gnash11:07
Jahmonwhile someone was waiting to call me11:07
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ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/11:08
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msinghwow that's a terrible name for a program11:09
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Jahmonman how did gnash break my skype11:09
Jahmonmy audio device has stopped working11:09
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JagerXis it possible to stop knetworkmanager from askin me for my passwd when i log on?11:10
Jahmonwhy whould my audio mic stop working when i installed flash11:11
Jahmonsomeoen explai nthat11:11
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stdinJahmon: it could be, if you have a flash page open, that it's using the sound card and locking it11:12
Jahmonnothing is open11:12
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Jahmonhow can i reset my audio drivers11:13
mrksbrdcan us use the command .....sudo apt-get install ******** for limewire, or does this have to be a manual d/l install?????11:14
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mrksbrdwhen i try it tells me cannot find file11:15
Goliath23my adept_manager shows the old way of managing repositories (not the dialog with checkboxes to enable certain sources). why is that? I'm running feisty and upgrade and dist-upgrade say they have no new updates, still, my adept_manager seems to be an older version.11:16
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Goliath23(version is: 2.1 Cruiser (KDE 3.5.7))11:18
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deadsprayerwordt er hier wel gepraat? :P11:19
mrksbrdwhat is the "nmh"???11:19
deadsprayerits quiet over here11:20
v00d00synaptic package manager in kubuntu11:20
v00d00where is this ?11:20
stdinv00d00: Adept11:20
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deadsprayerarent those 2 different things?11:21
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deadsprayer2 packet managers?11:21
stdinI interprated that as "what is the equivalent of synaptic in kubuntu"11:21
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deadsprayerah k srry im new to this ;)11:22
v00d00What is the best ICQ client here :) ?11:22
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stdinkopete probably11:23
v00d00don't like it ;o11:23
stdin(tho I don't use ICQ)11:23
v00d00thanks anyway ;)11:23
RedbluefireApologies if this is an obvious question, but what should I do when my kubuntu CD freezes at 7% when loading the linux kernel11:23
deadsprayeri use   smsn11:23
v00d00smsn ?11:23
v00d00it has the original functions ?11:23
deadsprayersrry typo amsn11:23
stdinv00d00: search adept for "icq"11:23
v00d00k thanks11:24
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nicolai_Redbluefire: It might still be installing.11:27
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Redbluefirenicolai_, it eventually gives me a cd read error, and asks me to reboot11:27
nicolai_Redbluefire: Or do you mean while it is starting?11:27
nicolai_Redbluefire: ahh11:27
Redbluefireright after the initial screen, the one with memory check, check cd for defects, etc11:28
nicolai_Redbluefire: it might be a scratched cd11:29
astanstdin: thanks for answering my "where's the headers" question, some friends just walked through the door and i didn't have time to reply (they should really learn to knock!).11:29
dieffhi there. I'm new at using kubuntu and my english isn't that good ^^ so is there a german IRC-Channel avaible?11:29
RedbluefireI'll try another CD then, before bugging you guys :P11:29
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stdinastan: heh, no problem11:29
TheRealInsaneCan anybody refer me to a good free audio studio/midi composer or similar, perferrably in the kubuntu universe11:30
TheRealInsaneOr whatever you call those apt-gettable things11:30
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stdinmost would either use audacity or jokosher11:32
stdinTheRealInsane: ^11:32
priscaTheRealInsane rosegarden11:33
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.11:34
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astanstdin: do you happen to also know which package has the man pages for the standard C library functions?11:35
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v00d00;( :)11:35
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:35
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:35
stdinastan: the development files or the libs?11:36
DaSkreechdieff: ^^^11:36
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astanstdin: no i mean the manual pages, e.g. i want to do "man 3 printf".11:36
dieffahh ty DaSkreech ^^11:37
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astanpoor coder as i am, i can't live without the manual pages :)11:37
stdinastan: manpages-dev it seems11:37
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v00d00Somebody got Ventrilo working on WINE ?11:38
stdinv00d00: there is a wine channel #winehq11:38
v00d00oh sorry11:38
=== genii sips a very large black coffee
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astanstdin: thanks a lot, how did you find that out by the way? any way i could search for file names and get the package name? e.g. search for "printf.3.gz" or something?11:39
stdinastan: I just did a search on packages.ubuntu.com for any file called "printf.3.gz" and got <http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=printf.3.gz&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=feisty&arch=i386>11:39
stdinastan: I knew you'd ask :)11:39
=== DaSkreech drinks genii's iced tea
astannow i won't have to ask ever again ;)11:39
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geniiDaSkreech: Heh :) I'm at work #2 now, back on the coffee. You can have the iced tea LOL11:40
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DaSkreechgenii: honestly I don't like either but if you have one I'll have the other11:40
geniiThat works fer me11:41
=== BluesKaj drinks a large glass of berry juice...it's hot here today ...we northerners aren't used this heat
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vzduchsince the unusually warm spring it's been rather cool here.. BluesKaj: what's the temperature over there?11:44
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BluesKajI'd consider AC for the house , but for a few days/yr over 30C it's not worth it ..it's 33 right now vzduch11:45
vzduch33 is hot, but not yet too hot.. it's too hot if you have 2 or 3 weeks 37C like we had here in 2003..11:46
BluesKajit's 28 in the house , so it's bearable11:46
BluesKajvzduch, yuk, that's too hot11:47
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nicolai_Or the 40+ degrees they have had in Greece for a while this year11:47
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vzduchnicolai_: it's still f***ing hot in Southern Europe11:48
geniiThe city ppl came by today and fined us for our AC being at 20 degrees instead of 2611:49
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vzduchwhat do the city ppl have to do w/ your AC temperature?11:49
nicolai_For using too much electricity?11:49
geniinicolai_: Yes11:50
vzducheven that should be at everybody's own discretion11:50
BluesKajis that cooling water pipeline into lake ontario being built yet , genii ?11:50
nicolai_Somewhat understandable, but still...11:50
vzduchit's not their bill, is it? :D11:50
geniiBluesKaj: I walk by where they are supposed to be working on it, looks like not much progress11:50
BluesKajgood idea tho11:51
geniivzduch: It's because we are almost over the peak amt of electricity the system can put out without having rolling blackouts11:51
BluesKajaslong as the energy used by the pumps doesn't cost more than regular AC systems :)11:52
=== genii surprised no one pointed to #kubuntu-offtopic yet....
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BluesKajhehe, too hot :)11:52
nicolai_genii: Do people normally use Air conditioning where you live? I've never seen one outside of stores11:52
nicolai_genii: Noone is asking for help :P11:53
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geniinicolai_: There is not one where I live, but where I work we have a big industrial type thing11:54
pjesihi guys, I am trying to debug my output in skype, is there any included tool which I can try the mic?11:54
stdin!offtopic | genii, BluesKaj, vzduch, nicolai_; happy now :p11:54
ubotugenii, BluesKaj, vzduch, nicolai_; happy now :p: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:54
geniistdin: LOL yeah now I don't feel so bad11:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ctrl+f4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:54
BluesKajnicolai_, Toronto can be very stifling and hot in the summer, despite Canada's reputation for being a cold country.11:55
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vzduchmy perception is that there's 2 general problems w/ energy supply in North America.. (1) consumption is generally too high, at least much higher than on average in Europe, (2) the electricity networks are built in a way that a minor flaw in the line can easily mean power outage for entire cities11:55
vzduchstdin: no :P11:55
stdinpjesi: i think krec is installed by default11:55
geniiMy outside thermometer said 36 Celcius. Radio said with humidity 42 C11:56
alesanvzduch, where are you from?11:56
pjesistdin: nope, but I will give it a go11:57
vzduchalesan: Germany11:57
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pjesiskype worked out of the box on 6.06, but the mic is completely dead on 6.1011:57
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vzduchpjesi: no problems here on 7.0411:57
alesanvzduch, come on in germany you use electric cocking plates :) instead of the more efficient gas11:57
alesanok but this is way OT sorry11:57
BluesKajmy kitchen window (facing NE) thermometer reads 32 now ... oh begining to cool :)11:57
vzduchalesan: cocking plates? o011:58
pjesisorry I meant 6.10 fine, 7.04 not good11:58
nicolai_vzduch: didn't we also have large power-outs in Europe not so many years ago?11:58
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alesanvzduch, well I mean the thing where you prepare food11:59
alesanhow do you call it normally it's over the oven11:59
stdinpjesi: check the levels in kmix/alsamixer11:59
vzduchnicolai_: there was one going through half of Europe a year ago or so, yes.. but that was a human error (and I was not affected ;))11:59
pjesistdin: that is what I have been trying11:59
alesanfew years ago ALL Italy (but not sardinia iirc) had a power failure because a falling tree damaged one power connection to switzerland.12:00
vzduchpjesi: did you set the 'Mix' switch in KMix?12:00
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vzduchalesan: well, if energy is imported and a main line is affected, that's another story12:01
pjesivzduch: it is set to red12:01
alesanmaybe america's network is not perfect, but also europe's far from ideal12:02
vzduchpjesi: it's always red.. click on it and see if it changes.. got to be bright, if it's dark it's off12:02
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alesanuntil those green people block the contrsuciton of new (nuclear maybe) powerplants12:02
=== pjesi is finding it difficult to understand the meaning of the various KMix radio buttons
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pjesivzduch: it might have done the trick12:04
BluesKajyeah pjesi, agreed the kmix setup is a bit silly ...it could be much more straight forward12:04
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jhutchins_ltI don't think the buttons and their lables are up to kmix, I think that's a function of the driver and the chipset.12:05
vzduchI guess so too.. it's different for either of my 2 soundcards12:05
jhutchins_ltI suppose if you had the Fine Shiny Manual it might explain the options.12:05
=== jhutchins_lt tries to remember the last time he bought a consumer-boxed sound card...
=== BluesKaj considers dropping in an old SB card , just for fun :)
geniiI don't even usually bother with sound whether the system actually has it or not LOL12:07
=== vzduch has an SB Live! Value and an old Ensoniq
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pjesidoes krec start recording when it starts?12:07
geniiI'll have the radio playing normally if I need to listen to something12:07
BluesKajgotta have sound12:07
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pjesiI guess not, the recording button is grey12:08
geniivzduch Yeah I think I have one of those. It takes some emu10k driver12:08
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vzduchemu10k1 in my case12:08
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BluesKajrunning the pc spdif out to the HT receiver in the tv room12:09
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:12
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