
=== assasukasse [n=assasuka@n219079228143.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
Happushouldn't the emerald theme manager to work with compiz?12:33
RAOFYes; if you're using the offical emerald package and the official compiz package and are using Emerald as your decorator12:35
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bob_sinclairE: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.22-8-38612:49
bob_sinclairno headers available for the kernel?12:49
gnomefreakbob_sinclair: did you try looking for -9 headers? maybe -8 was removed from cache12:50
bob_sinclairoh they are there, but not suffixed by `uname -r`12:50
bob_sinclairneed to download linux-headers-2.6.22-8 or *-generic12:51
databuddyhey this is roughly elquivalent to debian sid right?12:55
databuddygetting kvirc from site12:55
bob_sinclairbasically i need help installing vpnclient12:55
databuddydont really feel like compiling12:55
bob_sinclairi don't know where to point the install to get the linux source/headers12:55
RAOFdatabuddy: Don't expect a Sid deb to install cleanly or work on Ubuntu, though.12:56
databuddyRAOF: its already broken :P12:56
RAOFDebian have different versions of stuff, and it's probably built against a libc with a different ABI12:57
databuddyo bah12:57
databuddythey dont have a 64bit .deb anyway.12:57
databuddycompile it is!!!12:58
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pwnguindoes anyone know of a bluetooth compatibility list for linux?01:40
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techIIok the recent kernel update broke ndiswrapper, it shows up in the output of ifconfig, but I can't get a list of networks01:47
coNPcan someone on kubuntu confirm if bug 56163 still holds?01:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 56163 in linux-source-2.6.15 "Ubuntu 6.06 looses ADSL-connection when USB-stick used" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5616301:48
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coNPoops... bug 5613601:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 56136 in xchat "[WishList]  Xchat default in Kubuntu instead of Xchat-gnome" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5613601:48
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre01:58
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techIIok, i seem to be having the issue described by bug #11844802:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118448 in ndiswrapper "[gutsy]  can't reach wifi with kernel 2.6.22" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11844802:13
DanaGhmm, a completely unrelated issue, that I'm having:     https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/4142702:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 41427 in Ubuntu ""slow keys" can turn on surreptitiously & cause confusion." [Medium,Incomplete] 02:14
DanaGI'd call that HIGH, not Medium.02:14
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vlowtherhmmm... .me just swapped network cards -- anyone else having NM fail to associate on an ipw3945 to an open network unless the kill switch is toggled off and back on?02:42
vlowtheran atheros-based card works fine02:43
vlowtherbut it also throws NMI errors on occasion, which Vista does not like at all. :(02:44
DanaGaND what about Vista?02:44
DanaG(I deleted my Vista partition due to severe brokenness and severe hard-drive-space shortage.)02:45
vlowtherNMI == non-maskable interrupt02:46
vlowtherwhich Linux more or less ignores, but vista dies a horrible screaming death upon getting02:47
vlowther(the NMI does not cause any problems other than killing Vista)02:47
=== vlowther has not tried the card in Vista yet, mainly because if I ignore NM and manually associate & run dhclient, the connection is fine.
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vlowther(NMI on the Atheros card, btw)02:48
=== RAOF wonders whether anyone actually *reads* my responses in UF ideas threads.
Toxicity999Read useful responses on a forum?! You're nuts.02:50
RAOF"Let's make a driver manager!"02:50
vlowtherah-ha -- it is actually a known issue.02:51
vlowtherteach be to not check bugs.launchpad.net first. :)02:51
RAOFvlowther: Oh, yeah.  I knew that.  I thought you'd already checked :)02:51
vlowthernah -- decided to launch pidgin before firefox today, and figured 'what the heck'...02:52
vlowthertime to add another repro report to the bug, it seems.02:53
RAOFCan you add any useful information?02:53
RAOFThat's not already there?02:53
RAOFvlowther: You could always try the iwl3945 driver, actually.02:55
vlowtherRAOF: /me is still reading through the thread -- the onlt useful thing i could add is that this exact machine exhibits the bug with the ipw3945 and not with an ar5205 (IIRC)02:56
=== vlowther assumes I would have to compile the iwi3945 driver from scratch?
RAOFvlowther: No, not at all.03:01
RAOFThey're in linux-ubuntu-modules :)03:01
RAOFAll you need to do is add "iwl3945" to /etc/modules, and "ipw3945" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.03:01
vlowtheroff to try it03:03
RAOFBecause iwl is set to not autoload, and you can't load it with ipw (for obvious reasons)03:03
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RAOFvlowther: I'll be interested to hear if you can stay associated for more than an hour with those drivers :)03:03
vlowtherwe shall see... any interesting bugs with them I should know about (other than being horribly alpha, that is. ;) )03:04
RAOFNot that I noticed.  It successfully associated with WPA2.03:05
DanaGActually, blacklist is enough.03:08
DanaGWith .22-9.03:08
DanaG.22-8 ubuntu-modules doesn't have iwl3945, I believe.03:08
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DanaGOh, I see, maybe it autoloads with custom-compiled, but not with packaged.03:09
RAOFDanaG: That's right.  Ubuntu patch out the "I drive this piece of hardware" table.03:09
RAOFSo that it doesn't autoload :)03:09
RAOFAnd it was in .22-803:09
DanaGOh, is there any way to get the system to explicitly release its IP address upon suspend?03:10
DanaGIf I don't do that, my router is too stupid to give me one when I resume.03:10
DanaGThen I have to manually ifconfig to the right IP, or restart the router.03:10
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DanaGI don't have that issue in Windows.03:11
DanaG(I don't think it's the fault of Linux; I think it's that Windows lets the router get away with being stupid.)03:11
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DanaGOh, and is there a way to tell a router to give me an IP for a specific amount of time?  Right now, my router sets the lease time to over 30 years.  Yes, years.03:12
RAOFI think that's a dhclient option.03:13
RAOFAlso, your router's config page might be useful03:13
DanaGNope, it's not.  Stupid Netgear.03:13
vlowthe1firmware upgrade?03:14
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vlowtherah, that is better03:17
RAOFHow goes the iwl?03:18
vlowtherwell, so far, so good.03:22
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vlowthergetting decent bandwidth, and nothing too crazy is happening in dmesg -- just a bunch of REPLY_ADD_STA failed messages03:23
RAOFI'll wait for you to unassociate and need to reboot before I declare it a success :)03:24
vlowtherNM did not appreciate my forced reomval of ipw3945, tho -- i had to take it into single-user mode to get everyhting back03:25
vlowtherRAOF: oh, is that the deal, then? :)03:25
vlowtherbut reboots make the baby Jesus cry.03:25
vlowtherbut if I must...03:27
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RAOFGah.  I didn't mean that.03:27
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vlowtherthe reboot, she worked03:29
vlowthernot the timer starts on the iwl3945 driver, then?03:29
RAOFvlowther: Sorry.  I meant that after a while *my* attempts at using the iwl drivers resulted in me getting disassociated & needing to reboot to fix it :/03:30
RAOFYeah :)03:30
vlowtherin that case, what does hte network config look like @ your end?  probably not running a wide-open AP like me...03:31
RAOFIndeed.  A WPA/WPA2 setup.03:31
pwnguinhmm. does gstreamer play midi files yet?03:31
RAOFNot as far as I'm aware.03:32
RAOFI suppose it's technically possible, though.03:32
vlowtherah.  I will go out on a limb and assime the iwl3945 does not to hardware accellerated encryption, then?03:32
vlowtherdamn my typos.03:32
vlowtherpwnguin: that was actually featured on Slashdot today, in an oblique fashion.03:33
=== vlowther actually reads TFAs
pwnguinvlowther: actually03:33
pwnguini just read that artcile and was wondering03:34
RAOFvlowther: Why would you suggest that?  I don't know either way.03:34
PiciWoo. Latest notifcation-daemon update fixed my issue! And I thought it was just something screwy with my computer03:34
pwnguinvlowther: as it happens, timidity works03:34
pwnguinso it seems possible; and i hear gstreamer-plugins-bad has a timidity in cvs03:35
vlowtherRAOF: partially because I see arc4 and friends loaded as kernel modules03:35
vlowtherright after iwl394503:36
vlowtherpwnguin: so someone else RTFA'ed, then. :)03:36
pwnguinvlowther: indeed. i found a bounty on launchpad on the subject03:36
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vlowtherwell, there you go, then.03:37
pwnguinvlowther: seriously, the command line tool just played a midi for me03:37
vlowtherno reason it would not03:37
pwnguinand the gstreamer plugin's called timidity, so it seems like gutsy migtht work out of the box03:37
pwnguinbetter turn on the laptop03:38
vlowtherjsut a matter of hooking up the timidity libs to gstreamer, then.03:38
pwnguinand fixing timidity03:38
vlowtherwell, there is that. :)03:38
vlowtherbesides, it is not like anyone actually uses midi anymore, right ;)03:38
pwnguinthat was the most odd part about it03:38
vlowtheranyways, back to finding out what else I can cut out of suspend/resume -- I am down to a 3 second resume from STR time as it is.03:40
pwnguindoes the stock kernel finally build the timing stuff?03:40
vlowtherwhat do you mean?03:43
vlowtherdmesg timestamps, or something else?03:44
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pwnguinsomething else03:47
pwnguinthere's a tool for diagnosing where suspend is in the kernel03:48
RAOFpwnguin: You mean the one that stores data in the RTC?03:48
pwnguinbut i guess its not timing03:48
pwnguineven though its in the clock =/03:48
pwnguinRAOF: yes03:48
RAOFIsn't that already in the vanilla kernel?03:49
pwnguinas an option03:49
RAOFOr do you mean in the Ubuntu kernel?03:49
pwnguinthe ubuntu kernel specifically03:49
pwnguinthats what i meant by "stock"03:49
pwnguinsince vanilla seems to be the term for kernel.org unpatched ;)03:50
RAOFhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend seems to suggest that it's been on as of Feisty03:50
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pwnguinwell hurray03:51
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vlowtherRAOF: well, something hiccupped there -- doesn't see mto have been the card, tho.03:53
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databuddyi'm having major trouble with my pc keeping time04:04
databuddywhat can i do?04:04
cyphaseHow difficult would it be to expand the functionality that tells you when Firefox needs to be restarted after an upgrade/reinstall to include more programs?04:04
RAOFcyphase: Not at all, it's already used for a bunch of stuff.04:05
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cyphaseRAOF: what stuff? I can't remember anything of the top of my head..04:06
RAOFcyphase: Every time alsa gets upgraded, for example.04:06
RAOFBut what do you think needs such notifications?04:06
cyphaseRAOF: that tells you to reboot, doesn't it?04:06
cyphaseinstead of just restarting a program04:06
RAOFcyphase: No, to re-run "asoundconf"04:07
RAOFBut it's all the same infrastructure, any package can use it.04:07
cyphaseis it all hard coded into a binary? or is there a config file?04:07
RAOFBut why would you want to?  Firefox is an exception, in that it won't use the new version until you close all existing firefox windows.04:08
cyphaseif liferea was updated, i might want to know so i can restart it04:09
cyphaseor whatever program04:09
RAOFYou can't just pay attention to the "what will be upgraded" window?04:11
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cyphaseRAOF: if ubuntu developers only added what *they* needed, ubuntu wouldn't be so easy to use, would it? :)04:13
RAOFcyphase: But that would be incredibly annoying; you'd get one of those notices each and every time you updated.04:14
RAOFFirefox is an exception, I believe, because it won't work properly in a half-installed state.04:14
HobbseeRAOF: ah, can you tell me where that functionality is?04:15
HobbseeRAOF: we need it for sun's java, and flashplugin04:15
HobbseeRAOF: of course, if you could fix it, so much better to you :)04:15
RAOFHobbsee: Your package needs to touch a file in... somewhere.04:15
cyphaseupdates aren't to frequent, and it would only make sense for actual applications. no use in saying, "restart all prgrams that use the libc library"04:15
RAOFcyphase: What are you doing in ubuntu+1 :P04:16
cyphasei found the file, but i don't know how to make the dialog say what i want it to04:16
RAOFPrograms I use get updated multiple times a day :)04:16
cyphaseRAOF: i assume you're running gutsy04:16
RAOFHobbsee: Want to point me at the bug(s), and I'll see what I can do.04:17
RAOFcyphase: Yes.  This *is* ubuntu+1.  It's a fair assumption to assume everyone in here is running Gutsy.04:17
HobbseeRAOF: i dont remember them offhand.  it's also listed against ubuntu-restricted-extras, but i think i marked it as wontfix there, so you'll need an advanced search04:17
HobbseeRAOF: it's fairly easy to find off that, though - give me a yell if you have trouble04:17
Hobbsee(your LP will probably load quicker than mine will)04:18
cyphaseRAOF: there aren't nearly as many updates in feisty, seeing as it's already been released04:18
RAOFcyphase: True.  But then, the updates are only bugfixes anyway, so you probably don't need to care.04:18
cyphaseif i don't need to care, why update it at all?04:19
cyphasei was just curious how you made that "restart this program" dialog pop up04:20
cyphaseand put XYZ text in it04:20
RAOFTouch a file somewhere :)04:20
cyphaseyea, i know: /usr/share/update-notifier/notify-reboot-required04:21
cyphasetouching a file doesn't say anything about firefox04:22
RAOFapt-get source firefox?04:22
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vlowtherRAOF: well, it has been over an hour, and my connection is still $%#NO CARRIER04:44
vlowthersorry, couldn't resist04:46
vlowther(not that i have used a modem in over a decade, mind you...)04:46
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cyphaseaha.. /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d05:11
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DanaGOh, for hw crypto in iwl3945, do modinfo iwl3945.05:24
DanaGThere's a parameter you can pass to the module to enable hwcrypto.05:24
DanaGI'm rather late, but perhaps the original asker is still around.05:24
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vlowtherhe is, but not for long.05:29
vlowtherDanaG: any idea on how stable it is?05:29
DanaGHmm, I haven't tried it much.05:37
malnilionLol, this is the stupidest question ever, but anybody know a command to recursively search an entire directory worth of files for a text string?05:38
DanaGWell, to execute commands on things,05:38
DanaGfind /some/path -exec some-bin {} \;05:39
DanaGwhere {} is replaced by current file, and the last semicolon DOES have to be escaped with a backslash.05:39
DanaGSo it'd be 'find /some/path -exec grep pattern {} \;05:40
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d4rkmonkeyHey, I just updated to gutsy, and I was wondering how to enable compiz-fusion.05:40
malnilionDo you think I could cat -R /path/* |grep "string" or something?05:40
DanaGI don't know if cat has recursive option.05:40
malnilionDarn, it doesn't05:41
d4rkmonkeyNevermind, I found it05:41
vlowtherd4rkmonkey: (cd dir && grep -r foo *) ?05:44
d4rkmonkeyvlowther, what?05:44
vlowtherd4rkmonkey: is that what you found?05:45
d4rkmonkeyvlowther, no, I was talking about enabling desktop effects05:46
vlowthersry, brainfart.  thought you asked the other question. :p05:46
d4rkmonkeyvlowther, lol, its ok :)05:46
vlowtherhm, if I am making that kind of stupid mistake, I should probably stop hacking on my acpi scripts.  Especially since they are the live ones.05:48
d4rkmonkeyvlowther, do you know how I can configure different things for desktop effects like the cube?05:48
vlowther(for now, that is -- maybe after some sleep)05:48
vlowthergotta use gconf-editor, IIRC.05:48
vlowther/apps/compiz/plugins iirc05:50
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d4rkmonkeyvlowther, ok05:51
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d4rkmonkeyvlowther, that gnome-compiz-manager or whatever it was called doesn't work on gutsy?05:55
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vlowtherno idea -- never tried it05:57
vlowtheruntil very recently, compiz and suspend did not play nice with the nVidia card on my box.05:58
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RAOFvlowther: And they do now?06:12
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vlowtherRAOF: only after hacking the ACPI scripts to not do all that crap they were doing with the video card and just let the nvidia binary driver take care of things.06:15
vlowther(it also cut a few seconds off resume time -- not polsting the video card and switching consoles needlessly).06:16
RAOFvlowther: You mean you can have compiz enabled, suspend, and come back to a working session?06:16
=== tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
RAOFWicked.  Write a howto06:16
DanaGI've gone back to 97.55 and I still have fixed nvidia suspend.06:17
DanaGIt was the /etc/default/acpi-support settings only that made the difference.06:17
DanaGHowever, a second suspend-resume cycle sometimes fails.06:17
vlowtherheh.  I actually plan on submitting a patch to acpi-support06:17
tehkAnyone know if there are going to be packages for Compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported/unofficial06:17
DanaGIs there a way to make my system explicitly release its IP addresses before suspending?06:17
vlowtherbut I noticed some other inconsistencies...06:18
RAOFtehk: No.  Read the package name :)06:18
DanaGWill there at least be an easy way to download and compile them while keeping the rest of the stuff packaged?06:18
DanaGI'd like to see that, at least.06:18
DanaGThough that may be one of those "easier said than done" sort of things.06:18
tehkRAOF well the names do not really mean anything, since all of compiz fusion and beryl were unsupported06:19
RAOFDanaG: Yeah, it'll be easy.  compiz-bcop, and compiz-dev are all you need06:19
RAOFtehk: But those plugins are unsupported even by the crack-happy standards of Beryl :){06:19
RAOFDanaG: In fact, you won't even need root.06:20
d4rkmonkeyhmm when I go into desktop effects through the gui, it lets me enable it, but when going back, it says it isn't enabled (even though its working). Whats up with that?06:21
RAOFDunno.  File a bug?06:23
RAOFIn fact, search for the already existing bug, I think :)06:23
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, sounds good.06:23
d4rkmonkeyMy wireless doesn't work in gutsy either. In feisty at first it didn't work, but one time when I turned my comp on it randomly started working. The actual hardware is off and I don't know how to turn it on :(06:24
tehkHmm I hope the shift plugin gets pushed into plugins-extra. It would be nice to have that without a third part package06:24
DanaGOOps, I somehow read "shift" without the F.  OOps.06:27
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cyphaseWhy isn't restricted-manager installed in Gutsy?06:44
RAOFIsn't it?06:44
RAOFLet's rephrase: cyphase, it is for me :)06:45
cyphaseRAOF: hmm.. well, i installed tribe 3 in a virtual machine..06:46
cyphasecould that have affected it?06:46
RAOFNo, shouldn't have.06:46
cyphaseok, just looked through the ubuntu-desktop Recommends.. restricted-manager *is* in there, but it's not installed06:47
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ubotuTo get to the tty terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).06:48
masterloki!tty missing06:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tty missing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:48
masterloki!missing tty06:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about missing tty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:49
DanaGOh, if your consoles are blank, try 'sudo modprobe fbcon'.06:49
DanaGFor some reason, the module is not being loaded in the initramfs, perhaps.06:50
masterlokinope cant even switch to em06:50
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DanaGHmm, that's a different issue.07:03
masterlokiah needed version 9775 according to Jupiter1tx07:03
masterlokiknown bug07:03
masterlokiok bbiab gonna do manual install07:03
RAOFmasterloki: ?L07:04
RAOFmasterloki: Of the nvidia-glx-new drivers?07:04
masterlokiusing just nvidia-glx07:04
RAOFBut why a manual install?07:04
masterlokiis there a 9755 in the repo?07:05
crdlb!info nvidia-glx-new gutsy07:05
ubotunvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.9755+ (gutsy), package size 4720 kB, installed size 14400 kB07:05
masterlokino reason then07:05
=== masterloki puts that in instead
masterlokiand may i say right the !@#$%$&$%^& on for putting in before i did manual07:05
masterlokilol ****07:05
masterlokifunneh even07:05
masterlokiim betting the reason that compiz is doing nothing is the driver i put in too07:06
masterlokii didnt think the 7xxx series needed that driver - just so i know for the future wasnt there a compatability list?07:06
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:06
masterlokiRAOF, i spose i cant just purge the nvidia module and modprobe the new one and restart X07:08
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Xemanthwhat does "Go Ape!" mean in topic ? :>07:52
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ameyerXemanth: I'm pretty sure a gibbon is a type of ape07:53
ameyerother than that, no clue07:53
Xemanthi c07:53
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bderrlywhy does the empathy chat client exist?07:59
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masterlokireinstalling gutsy b/c changing ati card to nvidia card caused all kinda problems.08:04
RAOFbderrly: As a simple gnome telepathy frontend?08:06
bderrlyRAOF: I suppose I'm not up to date on what telepathy is and why it is needed...I just discovered it 15 minutes ago08:07
RAOFAnd telepathy is cool because it's a single API for all communications stuff: IRC, msn, gabber, SIP, VoIP, Videoconferencing...08:08
RAOFAnd some other stuff.  Basically, the idea is that all your communications gets handled by telepathy.  So, for example, in Evolution you'll be able to tell if the person you're sending an email to is on IM08:09
RAOFAnd stuff.  It's cool.08:09
RAOFAnd unfinished :)08:09
bderrlythat sounds good08:09
DanaGI'd just like to be able to voice-chat over the AIM protocol.08:10
bderrlyit just seems odd that we would  need yet another chat client to rule them all08:10
bderrlygood luck with the AIM protocol ;)08:10
DanaGor is it s/protocol/network/  ?08:10
bderrlyoscar is the protocal08:11
RAOFbderrly: The idea is that it's not a chat client.08:11
ameyeralthough many things that try to do many things fail to do anything well08:11
DanaGOr just find ONE cross-platform voice&video-chat  app.08:11
RAOFThe idea is that telepathy is a chat client backend.08:11
bderrlyRAOF: sorry, i was referring to empathy and didn't say so08:11
ameyerPidgin is a horrible IRC  client. for  example08:11
DanaGI have friends on OS X, and ekiga doesn't have an OS X version.08:11
bderrlyameyer: funny you should mention that as i'm running irc from pidgin as a test right now :)08:12
RAOFDanaG: But it uses SIP and does open standards.  I've talked with a jml with Ekiga, and he was on OS X08:12
ameyerperhaps it's  improved recently08:12
DanaGWhat client did the other person use?08:12
RAOFDunno.  I forget. :)08:12
RAOFHis client only had a crappy codec, though, so the quality wasn't too awesome.08:13
DanaGPlus, I have to use offboard sound if I want to use a microphone.08:13
DanaGBut then again, I mostly only ever leave my external sound card behind when I'm going somewhere where I can talk to the people, anyway.08:14
bderrlyis empathy/telepathy going to support more than the three or four protocols it does now?08:14
bderrlyit seems silly to create another chat client that only supports a few protocols08:15
DanaGI've found a bug with GTK: popup menus only respond to right mouse button.08:15
DanaGTry this in pidgin: right click the input box, then try to select an input method with the left button.08:16
DanaGIt doesn't work.08:16
bderrlyinput methods is greyed out for me08:16
DanaGOkay, it works after about 10 or so tries.08:16
DanaGDo you have SCIM installed?08:16
bderrlyit would appear so08:17
bderrlyii  scim               1.4.7-1ubuntu1     smart common input method platform08:17
bderrlyit is available if i right click a gnome-term08:17
DanaGi   scim-gtk2-immodule08:17
RAOFbderrly: empathy should support everything that telepathy does, and telepathy is meant to support everything.08:18
DanaGHmm, for me, it took 10 tries to select it one time, then 6 tries to select Default again.08:18
DanaGThat's what I'd call broken.08:18
DanaGThe same thing applies to pavucontrol when moving streams between devices.08:19
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bderrlythis makes me feel better: there is work on a pidgin to work with telepathy08:32
bderrlys/a pidgin/pidgin/08:32
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DanaGArgh, I can't figure out how to set up port forwarding on my iptables.08:34
DanaGI'm running qemu under NAT on tap0, but I need to make the client reachable from the host.08:34
tehkHave upstream versions frozen yet?08:36
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RAOFNowhere neap08:39
ameyeri think that's a couple weeks away08:40
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases08:40
RAOFNah, that's not it.08:40
tehkI found it, august 16th08:40
RAOFAges away :)08:40
tehkYea ages.08:41
ameyerthat doesn't 100% freeze things, right?08:41
RAOFNo, it merely means you need to have a reason.08:41
ameyerlike security fixes08:42
ameyeror even bug fixes08:42
=== ameyer shuts up
RAOFOr useful new features, even.08:42
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masterlokiok did fresh install with nvidia card and desktop effects do not work out of the box09:09
masterlokiit put in the argb stuff in the xorg when activating the nvidia module + reboot09:10
masterlokidoing full system update which is probably a mistake09:10
masterlokiand curiously enough i can get to the tty screens atm with ctrl+alt+f1-f609:10
masterlokiso if that goes away im gonna guess its the package that does that lol09:10
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DanglyBitshow can i play a wma movie using totem in gutsy?09:13
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DanglyBitshow can i play a wmv's movie using totem in gutsy?09:15
databuddysudo apt-get install totem-xine09:17
databuddyand get the w32/w64/codecs09:17
databuddy!restricted formats09:17
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:17
RAOFdatabuddy: Not needed.09:18
RAOFdatabuddy: There are now open-source wmv3 decoders.09:18
DanaGArgh, I'm trying to get seamlessvirtualization to work, but I can't get it to do so.09:18
=== databuddy sighs
DanaGRDP works, but it's windowed.09:19
databuddyRAOF: fine.09:19
databuddyDanglyBits: sudo apt-get install mplayer09:19
RAOFDanaG: You should be able to get away with totem-gstreamer, and gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg.09:19
RAOFdatabuddy: That also works :)09:19
DanaGWrong tab-conplete?09:19
databuddymplayer > all09:19
RAOFDanaG: Indeed.  Sorry.09:20
=== databuddy pats RAOF
databuddygetting old and tired or just need a mocha?09:20
praecoxhey, anyone here can help me out with Compiz under Kubuntu?09:20
RAOFdatabuddy: If you're going to install totem-xine, though, you should also recommend libxine-ffmpeg, where the wmv3 decoder resides :)09:20
DanaGHow do I fix the seamlessrdp?09:22
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DanaGThat's just odd: Now I'm getting both the full desktop AND the separate app.09:28
DanaGSo I see my windows twice.09:28
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DanaGOh yay, and I managed to CRASH the thing by resizing a window with metacity.09:29
DanaGThat hardly seems "seamless" to me!09:30
DanaGThat is just plain odd.09:33
DanaGIt's like an echo -- I see the full desktop, on-top but click-through, and then I see anything I'm running above that.09:35
DanaGOkay, it's not unclickable.  Oops.09:36
DanglyBitswhere can i find a decent theme with a bottom kicker like MacOSX uses ?09:36
AmaranthDanglyBits: that requires a separate 'dock' application09:37
Amaranthwell, to do it right, anyway09:37
DanglyBitswhich one?09:37
Amaranthwhich one what?09:37
DanglyBitswhich dock apps09:37
DanaGI wonder why I'm getting this echo of a desktop.09:38
DanglyBitsThere are no dock apps for gutsy to look like MacOSX are there.09:39
DanglyBitsits the only cool thing i like about OSX09:40
=== aslan [n=aslan@nat-vlan0200.sat4.rackspace.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
RAOFAWN is close, I think.09:40
aslanhello, Does anyone know where I can python-psyco? I'm trying to install bittorent 5.0809:41
RAOF!info python-psycho gutsy09:41
ubotuPackage python-psycho does not exist in gutsy09:41
=== RAOF sceptates
RAOFWhere did it go?  Hm.09:41
Amaranth!info python-psyco09:42
ubotupython-psyco: python specializing compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-3 (gutsy), package size 232 kB, installed size 652 kB (Only available for i386 hurd-i386 netbsd-i386 kfreebsd-i386)09:42
Amaranthwow ubotu automatically shows gutsy here09:42
aslanah damn.. it's only for i38609:43
RAOFaslan: aptitude install python-09:43
aslanthat doesn't help me on an x86_64 system09:43
RAOFBah, that's not meant to be enter :)09:43
aslanRAOF: lol09:43
Amaranthaslan: psyco only exists on x8609:43
Amaranthbecause it's hand optimized x86 assembler09:44
aslanAmaranth: hrmm.. so there's no way to install bittorrent 5.08 on x86_64 huh ?09:44
aslanthat sucks09:44
Amaranthall apps that use psyco don't require it09:44
aslanAzureus keeps dying09:44
Amaranthwell, all sane apps09:44
RAOFaslan: Deluge?09:44
Amaranthpsyco doesn't do anything essential, it just makes stuff run faster09:44
aslanRAOF: haven't tried that.. I'm looking for an alternative to azureus, doesn' want java using all my memory.09:45
xstasii just upgraded my gnome, and top and down edges are not clickable09:45
xstasii have to go 1 pixel up/down to be able to click on the bars09:45
xstasiwtf :|09:45
DanglyBitshow can i install awn in gutsy?09:45
Amaranthxstasi: this is compiz09:45
xstasiAmaranth, so i had to begin with "i just upgraded my compiz"?09:45
Amaranthno, i'm saying compiz is responsible09:46
xstasihow do i fix this?09:46
RAOFDanglyBits: How much do you care about going outside the package manager :)09:46
aslanRAOF: where do I get deluge from ?09:46
RAOF!info deluge-torrent09:46
ubotudeluge-torrent: A Bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.2-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1292 kB, installed size 4344 kB09:46
Amaranthxstasi: open ccsm and in the wall actions get rid of the screen edges09:46
aslanRAOF: uh.. it's not showing up here..09:47
RAOFaslan: Then you're on feisty.09:47
xstasibut i just disabled the wall09:47
Amaranthaslan: are you using gutsy?09:47
Amaranthaslan: up-to-date?09:47
RAOFThen enable universe.09:47
aslanAmaranth: yep just ran apt-get update09:47
Amaranthxstasi: dunno what to tell you, that fixes it for me09:47
xstasiAmaranth, which option exactly?09:47
aslanRAOF: it is09:47
aslanthis is oddd09:47
aslanHere's my sources.list09:47
Amaranthxstasi: if you disabled wall then you have something else enabled that uses screen edges or screen corners09:48
xstasii just reenabled wall, just to see09:48
Amaranthbut you said disabling wall didn't fix it09:48
xstasiwhat is the exact setting on wall?09:48
Amaranthxstasi: it's the actions09:48
xstasik, i'll check asap09:48
AmaranthFlip Left/Up/Right/Down09:49
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RAOFaslan: That looks right.  I have no idea why you can't see it.09:50
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aslanRAOF: is it only for i686?09:51
aslanI am running x86_6409:51
RAOFI use it on my x86_64 systems.09:51
DanaGI wonder why seamlessrdp is so borked.09:51
DanaGPerhaps I should file a bug report.09:52
aslanIt would be nice to get deluge installed.09:52
aslanthe website only has feisty debs09:53
aslanany ideas on things I can try to find a gutsy deb ?09:53
RAOFDanaG: Yup.  Bug!09:53
RAOFaslan: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install deluge-torrent09:53
RAOFaslan: Really, realy, should work.09:53
aslanRAOF: found it09:54
aslanfor some reason it wasn't showing up correctly with my tab completion09:54
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aslanso I googled it and found out it's called deluge-torrent09:54
Amaranthaslan: dude, type it out09:54
aslantyped that in and I'm goog :)09:54
Amaranthwe told you it was deluge-torrent :)09:55
masterlokifixed my problem09:55
aslanAmaranth: hehe sorry my bad :)09:55
masterlokiforgot to turn on window decorations in comipz09:55
masterlokiinstalled ccsm after full reinstall >_<09:56
masterlokitalk about newb mistake lol09:56
masterloki<<--- still starscalling/nekostar/etc on masterloki's box09:56
masterlokibut DUDE09:56
masterlokiholy CR@p0l@09:56
masterlokigreat stuff i cant wait till i get a vid card for my machine now ;_;09:56
aslanRAOF: um.. this is probably a lame question, but since I've never used it before, are there recommended settings ?09:56
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RAOFaslan: For deluge?  It's gnome!  Sane defaults, baby!10:02
DanaGAnd no options to change things if the defaults don't work for you.10:02
DanaGHeh heh.10:02
DanaGAt least, I've found that to be the case for some apps, such as Totem.10:03
RAOFNot Deluge.  There are plenty of options.  But yeah, sane defaults.10:03
aslanRAOF: ok cool thanx10:03
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aslanhrmm this sucks.. I can't connect to the trackers on scenetorrents with deluge..10:06
aslanhrmm... I know I'm running alpha software so I'm not complaining, but is anyone else in here having a lot of applications die? I installed deluge, and everytime I try to load a torrent it says that it crashed, but the application doesn't actually crash, it just doesn't load the torrent.10:15
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RAOFThat doesn't happen for me.10:17
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aslanhuh weird.10:20
aslanI think I might do a full reinstall, I upgraded to gutsy from feisty and maybe that caused issues10:20
ameyeraslan: that's not entirely unexpected10:21
ameyerit is alpha software10:21
ubotudeluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or http://download.deluge-torrent.org/stable/ubuntu/feisty/ for downloading.10:22
ameyerwell, gutsy's certainly alpha10:23
ameyerand at some point in development I remember APT being completely hosed for some in feisty10:23
ameyerit's alpha, stuff breaks10:24
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ameyerheck, feisty broke badly about a week before release10:25
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databuddyi'm having major trouble with the clock keeping time10:26
databuddyany ideas?10:26
databuddyits drifting rally bad10:26
RAOFHow fast?10:26
databuddyhalf hour every 8-10 or something10:26
snadgefeisty was still broken for release.. imho10:26
RAOFThat's pretty bad.10:26
databuddywhich is really bad - this is my alarm clock.10:26
snadgeedgey was more successful for me .. there were a few show stopping bugs10:26
databuddyinstalled ntp for server - any way to make a cron job to update clock every 15 min till i can mess with it10:26
snadgelike not being able to install to an already partitioned reiserfs partition10:27
snadgei thought that one was pretty stupid10:27
RAOFsnadge: You mean, having an existing /home on reiser broke?10:28
DanaGHmm, if I use kvm with the vga mode instead of cirrus, it just crashes.10:28
snadgeno.. it wouldn't even detect the / filesystem10:28
snadgeeven if i formatted it10:28
snadgethe solution was to use the alternate installer10:28
snadgei think that was an edgy bug actually.. and then feisty complete broke desktop effects10:29
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databuddyga so any ideas RAOF ?10:37
databuddy 1 Aug 01:37:43 ntpdate[8518] : no servers can be used, exiting10:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:40
aslanhrmmm.. so any ideas why after my last update any app using java hangs.. and java just uses up my entire CPU ?10:40
aslanI've tried downgrading to 1.5 and changing the symlink in /etc/alternatives10:41
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aslanI've tried uninstalling/reinstalling java 1.610:41
aslanand still nothing..10:41
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DanaGArgh, "Qemulator" is buggy.11:45
DanaGCrash.  Crash.  Crash.  Crash.11:48
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DanaGWow, qemulator is a buggy POS.  It crashes even just by pressing tab.12:11
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mloki_can someone here help me out12:16
mloki_i m tring to set up my sensors in gusty12:16
DanaGHave you run 'sudo sensors-detect'  ?12:17
mloki_I m to the part where I hav and the lines12:17
mloki_and I don't know where to find /ect/modules12:17
mloki_I put that in the termial and got a command not found12:18
DanaGI believe if you tell it 'yes', it should automatically put it in the file.12:18
DanaGWhat text editor do you prefer?12:19
DanaGIf a GUI app, gksu gedit /etc/modules12:19
DanaGand if not, you can sudo nano /etc/modules12:19
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DanaG(where gedit and nano are the editors I use, as examples.)12:19
mloki_the standard one12:20
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mloki_I still lost12:37
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DanaGHmm, use any editor and edit the file, /etc/modules .12:39
DanaG(period is not part of the name.)12:40
mloki_I opened the gedit and copied the driver modules there but when I tried to save them It told me Could not save the file /ect/modules.12:42
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application>  See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info12:42
DanaGgksudo gedit12:42
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mloki_now I should be able to run /etc/init.d/module-init-tools this right12:45
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mloki_sorry I haveing a hard time with this I a newb12:45
DanaGOr just manually modprobe those modules yourself, also with sudo.12:45
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mloki_cool it loaded the kernel mod and the drivers12:47
mloki_now I test will test it out12:47
mloki_yeah it worked thank you for the help12:48
DanaGYou're welcome.12:48
DanaGOh, must go to sleep now.  Well, I should have gone a few hours ago, but I was busy watching 'qemulator' freeze at the drop of a hat.12:49
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IdleOneis there a tracking system for updates/upgrades?01:58
IdleOnewhat I mean is does every update/upgrade have a number or a name assigned to it ?01:59
hyljehttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy see latest uploads02:02
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MattJDoes anyone have an idea why the latest kernel update makes hibernate work incorrectly on my laptop?02:16
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rockyalright, i think i'm gonna upgrade one of my fiesty machines to gutsy to see what's coming down the pipe... what's the latest install cd image i should download ?02:36
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gnomefreakrocky: in the /topic02:37
rockyah tribe 302:37
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rockydoes anyone know if gutsy has any native marvell topdog (wifi)  support ?02:45
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praecoxis there any way I can move kwallet and stored passwords to new computer?02:55
praecoxin other words, how am I suppose to backup kwallet passwords?02:55
hyljehmm where can i find the roadmap or feature list for gutsy?02:56
hyljepraecox: chances are kwallet stores the things in a .directory in your home directory02:56
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Picihylje: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/02:57
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Hobbseepraecox: backup .kde/02:58
praecoxHobbsee, well, I already moved all files named 'kwallet' from .kde, but Kopete still asks me for passwords...03:00
Hobbseeboth in apps/ and config/ ?03:01
praecoxHobbsee, yes.03:01
Hobbseethen i dont know03:02
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praecoxHobbsee, there were only two files: .kde/share/config/kwalletrc and .kde/share/apps/kwallet/kdewallet.kwl03:04
Hobbseeoh, nothing else in .kde/share/apps/kwallet/?  fair enough03:05
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burnerany crashers or serious issues with latest dist-upgrade to get gnome 2.19.6 that are known yet?  I'm on vacation with a 30kb connection which means a serious commitment to upgrade :)03:22
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rockyodd, just booted the desktop CD up on my laptop, it went into X and all i see is a blank desktop (i can move around my mouse, etc)03:27
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rockywhat's the url for reporting bugs with tribe 3?03:43
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rockyit seems if i have my integrated wifi adapter disabled (in bios on my dell latitude d800) when i try running the installer then when gnome starts up everything hangs ...03:45
burnerrocky: launchpad.net03:45
rockyi can switch to a console window and it gives me the illusion i can run commands, but any command i enter hangs03:46
burnerso... enable it? ;)03:46
rockybut, if i enable my wifi adapter and try installing, things work ;)03:46
rockylol of course ;)03:46
rockyand that's what i will do03:46
rockybut it should probably still be reported ;)03:46
burnerfor sure, use launchpad :)03:54
rockydoes gutsy have nvidia binary driver support?04:05
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stdinjust install as normal04:06
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rockyhow do i launch the restricted devices manager app in gutsy ?04:42
rockynot in my menu04:42
Picirocky: I think it was not included in the Tribe3 install. You'll need to install it manually, might need to enable the restricted repos first.04:45
rockywhat is the package called?04:45
rockybah, why'd it install my nvidia-glx-new in favour of nvidia-glx ?04:48
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DanaGArgh, something is making Qemu simply freeze when Windows tries to boot.05:03
coNPhey DanaG05:03
coNPI guess you also asked this some ten hours ago :)05:03
DanaGYet kvm works.05:04
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jussi01hmmm, seems like _everything is broken today06:30
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DanaGHmm, I got help in the #vbox channel.06:37
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rockyodd... i have 2 wireless devices in my laptop and 3 separate AP's to connect to and i can't connect to any using gutsy (even though they worked fine in feisty)07:17
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HEP85hi. I am using gutsy and have no gnome-splash screen and an empty user list at gdm login07:20
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PiciHEP85: Have you updated lately, I think I remember seeing some gdm fixes recently.07:25
HEP85Pici: It's up-to-date, but since I'm using AMD64 maybe the fix didn't get to the 64 bit repo yet07:26
HEP85though I remember an update for gdm yesterday. It's version 2.19.5-0ubuntu107:27
PiciHEP85: and you've restarted gdm since then?07:28
HEP85yes, I also rebooted and tried some setting changes07:28
HEP85is it right that the splash screen is also part of gdm?07:28
PiciNo.. thats the usplash package07:29
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HEP85Pici: No. I don't mean the bootscreen07:31
HEP85Pici: I mean the gnome splash right after login where it loads the update-manager and stuff07:32
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PiciHEP85: I dont think thats part of gdm...07:32
PiciRather a gnome component07:33
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HEP85Pici: I found it. It is gnome-session07:34
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HEP85I'll be back!07:41
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loufoqueis it me or is nautilus quite buggy in gutsy atm?08:21
databuddywell loufoque is gone but yeah its buggy08:28
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Fracturei'm trying gutsy out with compiz fusion.. one thing that annoys me, is that the applications/places and system menus don't work if your pointer is at the top of the screen.08:38
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teratomaopenoffice no longer works for me, much sadness08:41
Fracturegnome-terminal doesn't work for me :(08:41
FractureBus error (core dumped)08:41
teratomai guess you are sadder than i am08:42
Fracturewell.. there's always xterm !08:42
Fracturehmm ?08:43
Dekkardi just tried gnome-terminal and oo.org08:43
Dekkard the term works08:44
DekkardOO is still trying to open08:44
Dekkardnever opened..08:45
teratomayeah, oo does the same for me.  trying... i deleted ~/.openoffice* also08:45
Dekkard(process:25086): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_screen_get_font_options: assertion `GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed08:46
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Dekkardkoffice still works it seems08:48
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Fractureis there a way to get ubuntu to install any dbg packages for any installed package ?08:53
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Fracturethey are all called "original package"-dbg08:54
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Fractureone neat idea for testing would be to allow a user to say, "automatically install debug symbols"08:55
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geserthere is a seperate archive with -dbgsym packages which contains the debug symbols09:01
Fractureyeah, I know that.. but wouldn't it be great if you could configure the "Software Sources" to automatically install debug symbol packages ?09:02
geserthe most users have no use for them09:02
geserapport simply uploads the crashfile and it gets backtraced in the Ubuntu DC09:03
Fracturewhat is backtracing ?09:04
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coNPFracture: read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace if you are interested09:07
FracturecoNP: yeah, am reading that .. just found it :)09:07
coNP congratulations :)09:08
Fracturealso https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomatedProblemReports09:08
coNPyeah, wiki has *lots* of useful information09:08
Fractureits a great idea - the server side backtracing !09:09
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teratomaso how do i make openoffice work again ?09:10
Fractureare all those non ascii characters correct https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/129770 ?09:12
Fracturefor the backtraced files09:12
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Dekkardthe bug  with OO.org is mentioned in the wiki..09:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127944 in openoffice.org2 "[gutsy] Open Office applications don't start " [High,Confirmed] 09:16
Fracturehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/129770 ?09:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129770 in gnome-terminal "gnome-terminal crashed with signal 7" [Undecided,New] 09:19
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Dekkardteratoma try installing these packages: mozilla-openoffice.org openoffice.org-gnome openoffice.org-gtk openoffice.org-kde09:23
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teratomayeah i just did that, it worked09:24
Dekkard it didnt work for me09:24
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d4rkmonkeyHey, is there any gui to edit the desktop effects settings?10:08
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pygihello people10:10
d4rkmonkeypygi, would you happen to know if there is any gui for the desktop effects in gutsy?10:12
pygid4rkmonkey, there doesn't seem to be any, sorry10:13
pygianyone in here willing to do some cd-burning with Brasero? :)10:13
pygiif you have a cd-rw ofcourse ^_^10:13
d4rkmonkeypygi, ok, thanks for the help anyways. I'd help with that CD-Burning but I don't have any cd-rw :(10:13
pygid4rkmonkey, don't worry ;)10:14
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jussi01d4rkmonkey: there is a gui for compiz fusion...10:20
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d4rkmonkeyjussi01, which is?10:20
d4rkmonkeyjussi01, whats this gui you speak of? I need something to change individual settings10:21
jussi01d4rkmonkey: I think its called ccsm10:24
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d4rkmonkeyjussi01, ok, I'll try that. Thanks10:25
jussi01!info ccsm10:25
ubotuPackage ccsm does not exist in gutsy10:25
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jussi01might only be in the compiz repo10:25
jussi01pygi: yeah that one10:25
d4rkmonkeyI'll see if that one works then10:25
d4rkmonkeythanks :)10:26
d4rkmonkeylooks like it works  so far :)10:26
jussi01!info compizconfig-settings-manager10:26
ubotucompizconfig-settings-manager: Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0+git20070712-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 442 kB, installed size 2748 kB10:26
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Vuenhey guys, i'm trying to report a bug in the login manager. anyone know how i can take a screenshot of it?10:30
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coNPVuen: press alt-printscreen for window, printscreen for whole screen10:39
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VuencoNP: then what?10:58
VuencoNP: where does it put this screenshot?10:58
coNPVuen: you chan choose the path. But I guess to your Desktop by default10:58
VuencoNP: does it do this all automatically? or is it going to launch a screenshot app?10:59
coNPlaunches a screenshot app10:59
Vuensee this is the problem. i want to take a screenshot of the *login manager*10:59
stdinVuen: he's asking about making a screenshot of GDM, *before* he logs in10:59
=== calc [n=ccheney@conr-adsl-209-169-124-200.consolidated.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
coNPoh /me is sorry10:59
Vuenapparently imagemagick can do it, but it won't accept my -display command11:00
coNPwhat about running gdmXnest?11:00
Vuen`import -display localhost:0.0 1.jpg` doesn't work, it just says cannot contact display11:00
coNPand capturing it as if it were a regular window (as it is one :))11:00
VuengdmXnest? never heard of it... hmm11:00
Vuenis there one for kdm? because the bug is actually in kdm11:00
coNPoh, sorry11:00
Vueninstalling xnest right now11:00
Vuenwait a sec, i think i got imagemagick to work11:02
Vuenlemme try it11:02
Vuenhmm, yeah, imagemagick doesn't seem to want to work now that i've logged out :(11:07
Vuensays connection refused by server, even though i'm running the import command as root11:07
coNPuse a camera :)11:08
Vueni'm almost at that point, lol11:08
Vuenlet's try this xnest thing...11:08
d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone know if I would need to manually install any drivers for an Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection wireless card? (got that name from lshw)11:09
stdinintel = open source = no worries11:10
d4rkmonkeystdin, ok, I think that the actual card got turned off somehow :(11:10
d4rkmonkeystdin, it worked in feisty, but the light isn't even turning on in gutsy... I'm pretty sure somehow the card got turned off, it turned itself off when I installed feisty... no idea how to turn it on though, last time it just randomly turn itself on in a reboot11:11
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stdind4rkmonkey: try "sudo -a modprobe ipw2200 eepro100" ?11:18
d4rkmonkeystdin, I will11:20
d4rkmonkeytells me -a is an illegal option.11:20
d4rkmonkeystdin, did you mean modprove -a?11:20
stdinahh, yes :p11:21
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d4rkmonkeystdin, didn't work.. I think the actual hardware got turned off somehow11:22
d4rkmonkeyhi pimp3141511:22
stdinis there some sort of hardware switch?11:22
pimp31415question: when i go to tty with the ctrlaltf1 and back to ctrlaltf7 when in gdm i get black screen when gdm is redrawn11:22
pimp31415any ideas?11:22
pimp31415restarting gdm doesnt do it11:22
pimp31415i can log into gnome but then i get another blank screen11:23
d4rkmonkeystdin, no actual switch that I can find :( I don't know how it turns off lol, I'm going to check my bios again later today11:25
stdind4rkmonkey: have you upgraded to the latest kernel yet (2.6.22-9) ?11:26
d4rkmonkeystdin, I'll check, I only upgraded to gutsy yesterday11:26
d4rkmonkeyyeah thats the kernel i'm using... Its gotta be something to do with hardware11:27
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stdind4rkmonkey: I did a bit o' digging, ipw3945 is the module that makes that work. try "lsmod | grep ipw3945" to see if it's loaded, of not load it with "sudo modprobe ipw3945"11:29
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d4rkmonkeyyeah stdin its loaded, I'm now like.. 100% sure that its hardware, not Ubuntus fault. thanks anyways11:30
=== finalbeta [n=gggggggg@d54C6865D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu+1
finalbetaHmm, pidgin is actually kind of nice, is doesn't look bad anymore.11:32
d4rkmonkeyfinalbeta, yeah, pidgin rocks, I started using aMSN again for MSN though when I upgraded to gutsy, just because it has more features, and also isn't as ugly as it was before11:33
=== pygi pokes people who have cd-rw to test brasero for me, anyone? :)
finalbetaAre there any plans on integrating voice/video? Current plans. Or will pigding move to the telepathy framework?11:35
finalbetathat one should combine everything right?11:35
finalbetaI'm surprised glipper didn't make it as a default yet, seemed to solve one of the obvious deficiencies.11:41
arpuhi @all11:42
arpuhow can i disable the start up sound for my macbook ?11:43
arpui think about rEFit11:43
arpuanybody an idea11:43
=== Chadwick|359 [n=michael@24-236-132-251.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
Chadwick|359Hrrrrrm, Has anybody else notice a sudden lack of touchpad on Inspiron 9300 machines? Or any other Synaptics pointer, for that matter11:44
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opopanaxhey all12:23
opopanaxso, i'm finding that compiz-fusion doesn't seem to support other opengl apps.  Anyone else running into that?12:24
opopanaxglxgears halts X, and so do all the games I've tried.12:24
opopanaxberyl was fabulous, compiz is a step down, imo12:24
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