
=== andreasn_ [n=andreas@h125n2fls306o1003.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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=== kwwii_away [n=kwwii@p54957FCD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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=== nysosym [n=nysosym@hlle-4db198e2.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
nysosymhi there02:17
nysosymkwwii: i have seen the E-Mail that u write in the mailing list and i have seen, that u create your own theme called "GreenGrass" is it possible to have a little preview about that?02:19
kwwiiyes, it is installable..let me get you the link02:20
kwwiideb http://daniel.holba.ch/art-builder/publish/ ./02:21
kwwiiadd that to your sources.list02:21
nysosymthx :)02:22
nysosymi have bought my first graphic tablet, i hope i can create something beautiful with that thing :D02:25
kwwiicool, I have almost the same one02:26
nysosymgraphire4 XL?02:27
nysosymor inuous2/3? :D02:28
kwwiian intuos3 (not wireless)02:28
kwwiiI also have a bigger intuos202:28
nysosymhehe, intuos 3 A4 is the next step, this thing is only for some tests, to see that these match with my conceptions :)02:30
kwwiiif you have a smaller monitor the smaller size is ok02:31
kwwiiI use the smaller one with my 12" laptop and it is perfect02:31
nysosymhmm i have my 13" Notebook but i preffer my 20" Desktop monitor, i will see how well that works with a little A5 one :D02:33
nysosymkwwii: www.nysosym.de04:30
nysosymwhat do u think?04:30
nysosymall wallpapers here in 2592 x 194404:30
nysosymi think this should be enough for high res screens04:31
nysosymin the next day, there will be more04:31
kwwiiDeep Ocean looks pretty cool04:33
kwwiiGreen Land as well04:34
kwwiia very nice start04:38
elkbuntukwwii, so are we going to have less bland default wallpapers with gutsy? :)04:54
=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiihopefuly so04:55
=== elkbuntu wants something visually stimulating, yet not glaring. basically more like the lagoon wallpaper for dapper than the blocky beiges of recent wallpapers
elkbuntui realise most people actually bother to change their wallpaper, and often do so more than their undergarments, but im not one of those and it kinda kills the shiny factor when showing ubuntu to people for the first time04:58
nysosymblue sky improved and 2 new wallpaper added :D www.nysosym.de05:06
nysosymahh and Purple Silk05:43
=== elkbuntu wonders if nysosym can do stuff that doesn't just look a photo blurred to high heck :-/
=== andreasn [n=andreas@h125n2fls306o1003.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork

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