
munckfishasac: I don't know in terms of /etc/networks/interfaces but that's what they're marked as in  the gnome network tool12:13
munckfishby being marked as 'auto' I guess12:14
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munckfishI'm trying to look at the ifupdown source12:14
munckfishnoweb is blocking me at the moment ...12:14
asacmunckfish: its still intended12:14
munckfishasac: what do you mean?12:15
asacpersonally i would prefer to not use network manager for all auto marked interface entry12:15
asace.g. the other way around12:15
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asacmunckfish: try to comment every interface you want to use with network manager out in /etc/network/interfaces12:16
asacmunckfish: let me know if that brings you a more "as-expected" behaviour12:16
munckfishasac: I've already done that12:16
munckfishdoing that makes the problem go away12:16
munckfishcause then ifupdown is not run on it by the networking init script12:17
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asacplease ensure that you really see the problem12:17
asacin gutsy12:17
asacI still think that it should be fixed12:17
munckfishok, I'll repeat my test12:18
munckfishalthough I'm limited by not being in a position to install gutsy on the hd yet12:18
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munckfishok asac (and others) thx for you time12:31
munckfishyour time12:31
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Keybukkeescook: ok, interesting, we'll debug further tomorrow if you like01:08
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keescooktepsipakki: say, can you take a look at xscreensaver?  Looks like debian went to version 5 just recently.01:22
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shayaanyone know if the gtk2.0 issue in openoffice, acroread... was fixed?01:42
keescookshaya: which issue do you mean?01:43
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shayathat they crash on startup :)01:45
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ScottKI'm still having the problem.01:47
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ScottKIIRC it turned out not to be gtk2.001:47
ScottKcalc is getting close to uploading OOO 2.3 and it's fixed there.01:47
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calcScottK: yea, working as fast as i can :\01:48
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calcScottK: it appears gcj is still broken on using all available memory which is slowing me down a bit01:48
J-Unitit's not supposed to do that?01:49
=== ScottK waits and stares and calc to see if it'll make him work faster.
J-Unitmust not be using it right then :)01:49
calcJ-Unit: heh no its not supposed to use all ram, heh01:49
J-Unitfunny... I've always been under that impression01:49
J-Unitand it trips PaX too01:49
calci'm not talking about openoffice here, gcj while compiling uses up all ram and dies01:51
calci think its normal for openoffice to use huge amounts of ram :(01:51
Skiessican someone put a bookmarks or favourites -menu to x-chat?01:53
coNPSkiessi: what kind of bookmarks do you mean? For channels?01:54
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cheeseboyany of you ever install ubuntu from pendrive?02:09
ScottKcheeseboy: I think you want #ubuntu02:10
cheeseboyScottK no one has figured u guys might know more02:10
ScottKIt's OT for this channel.  Google is your friend.02:11
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cheeseboyi have googled02:12
ScottKHang on, I'll point you.02:14
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ScottKcheeseboy: http://forums.hardwareguys.com/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=12;t=535302:17
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ScottKThe people there are very nice if you have questions too.02:17
brycekeescook: btw, you were asking about iceauth and ico earlier today - I've just posted them to http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Uploads/.  Would you like to push uploads of them?02:24
keescookbryce: sure thing, thanks.02:24
keescookbryce: which ico do i want?02:28
brycekeescook: btw, fyi, going forward (maybe Gutsy, but definitely Gutsy+1) pretty much all the x apps are going to get dropped in favor of using Debian-X's x11-apps and x11-utils combo packages.  So if there are things to be patched in these packages, we'll also want to push them into those packages02:28
keescookbryce: noted. I just wanted them rebuilt, is all.  :)02:29
bryceoops, should be clarified now02:29
bryce(1.0.2-0ubuntu1 is what we want)02:30
StevenKdoko: Hrm. I missed that, sorry.02:31
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StevenKdoko: Do you need me to fix it?02:32
keescookbryce: rockin'.  they're uploaded now; thanks!02:32
brycekewl, thanks :-)02:32
dokoStevenK: no, updated. but that's a bad miss.02:36
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StevenKdoko: Indeed. :-(02:37
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StevenKdoko: Consider me suitably chastised.02:37
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Chipzzbryce: too bad :S02:40
ChipzzI actually liked the split X apps02:41
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bryceChipzz: yeah me too, but the added overhead of maintaining them separately doesn't seem to be worth it02:41
Chipzzbryce: added overhead? they're seperate modules in X cvs... putting them together, *that* is overhead...02:42
bryceno, the ubuntu overhead over debian02:43
Chipzzor do you mean seperate from debian?02:43
brycegoing with the debian combos will let us mostly auto-sync from Debian, whereas the split out packages would require me to continually to personally download and merge them02:44
bryceI don't mind, and they go pretty quick, but it is time I could put to better use working on bugs or something02:44
Chipzzlooks like trivial packaging to me?02:44
brycebut even at 15 min each, when you add it up for all of the apps, it makes for a non-trivial amount of time02:46
Chipzzand you're pulling in a dependency on libxaw just because some of them still use it, and you want some other util that doesn't02:46
Chipzzwhat's with that toolkit anyway? :P02:47
bryceluv athena mmm02:48
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Chipzz? :)02:48
Chipzzthe thing is so ugly ven its own mother couldn't possibly love it :P02:49
brycethe point that sold me is that apparently fedora uses this same packaging model02:50
bryceso how can one argue against consistency?  ;-)02:50
ScottKbryce: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/r/ralphwaldo136909.html02:53
bryceScottK, but I like hobgoblins.  :-)02:55
ScottKOK, well you asked who.  That's one person.02:56
brycevery true.  Of course he ended up in jail, though.02:57
ScottKYou say that like it's bad or something.02:58
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calci have 963 line diff to merge still06:48
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pittiGood morning07:48
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pitwalkerGood morning from Hungary.07:57
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Mithrandirkeescook: apparmor needs apxs to build?08:21
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Tonio_pitti: hey09:02
pittihi Tonio_09:02
Tonio_pitti: I was thinking about hidd support in bluez09:02
Tonio_pitti: is there any reason it isn't enabled by default ?09:02
Tonio_pitti: that makes it very complicated to connect a bluetooth mouse for example09:02
=== pitti makes a clueless face
Hobbseegutten morgen Tonio_, pitti09:02
pittiHobbsee! Wie gehts?09:03
Hobbseepitti: but you're supposed to know everything!09:03
StevenKOh, I love where NBS stuff leads me.09:03
Tonio_bonjour demoiselle Hobbsee09:03
Hobbseepitti: gut, danke :)09:03
pittiTonio_: "ma"demoiselle?09:03
Tonio_pitti: you can say both09:03
Tonio_you even can say dAmoiselle09:04
pittiJe ne parlez pas francais :(09:04
Tonio_pitti: hehe09:04
pittiStevenK: trouble?09:04
Tonio_pitti: so to make it clear, enabling hidd support doesn't change anything for the initial connection, but makes it possible to autoreconnect the device automatically09:04
Tonio_pitti: so that you just have to connect it once and it'll work forever09:05
Tonio_pitti: I think that should be enabled by default09:05
pittiTonio_: sure09:05
StevenKsdcc build deps on two old lyx packages, but the new lyx SEGVs when building the docs for sdcc.09:05
pittiTonio_: is that a new system daemon?09:05
Tonio_pitti: oki, I'll fix the bluez-utils packaging then09:05
Tonio_pitti: no it is there for years :)09:06
Tonio_pitti: hidd is to manage connection of bluetooth control periphericals, like mice and keyboards09:06
pittiTonio_: I mean, will this change cause a new systme daemon to run? or is it only in the user's session?09:06
Tonio_pitti: hum, lemme check09:06
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Tonio_pitti: yep, hidd will then run09:07
StevenKpitti: Not sure, at this point I'm trying to figure out if upstream has fixed it.09:07
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MithrandirTonio_: if you're touching bluez-utils, please also merge with Debian and put in the new upstream version, or wait until I've done so.09:13
=== Hobbsee stomps on Mithrandir's feet in greeting
=== Hobbsee looks around innocently
=== Mithrandir tickles Hobbsee and throws her in the pool
=== Hobbsee drowns
Tonio_Mithrandir: I've packaged latest upstream release yesterday09:14
Tonio_Mithrandir: I was waiting for dholbach to let him give his opinion09:15
Mithrandirdid you merge with Debian too?09:15
Tonio_Mithrandir: I also wanted to sync with debian as there are significant changes required for the new kdebluetooth to work09:15
Tonio_Mithrandir: not yet, but I expect to09:15
Hobbseeoh wait.  it's summer there.  i wouldnt drown.09:15
=== Hobbsee pulls Mithrandir in as well, then.
MithrandirHobbsee: "summer".09:16
HobbseeMithrandir: yeah, well.  nothing like au summer09:16
Tonio_Mithrandir: btw lots of things need to be changed in the debian packaging to work against dbus bluetooth interface....09:16
Tonio_Mithrandir: that's why I first packaged on my own to make it to work09:16
Tonio_Mithrandir: is dholbach in vacation ?09:16
Mithrandiryes, he's on vacation09:16
HobbseeTonio_: yes09:16
Mithrandirwhat are you suggesting needs changing?09:17
Mithrandirmost of it just worked fine for me.09:17
Tonio_Mithrandir: enabling input and serial build options09:17
Tonio_Mithrandir: otherwise you will not output the .service files required by kdebluetooth09:17
Tonio_Mithrandir: also the horrible patching to make it to work with the current kdebluetooth is now gone, which is a good point09:18
Mithrandirthe pin mangling, you mean?09:18
Mithrandirthat's good09:18
Tonio_Mithrandir: yep09:19
Tonio_Mithrandir: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/37509:19
Tonio_Mithrandir: here is the changelog09:19
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MithrandirI wouldn't call adding two flags to configure "a lot of changes". :-P09:20
Tonio_hum, true, that's not a "that big" change :)09:22
Tonio_Mithrandir: consider I just woke up ;)09:22
=== Tonio_ goes taking a coffee
Mithrandirsure, so did I. ;-)09:22
Tonio_Mithrandir: would you agree on rationale ?09:22
Mithrandiranyway, if you don't mind, I'll just grab what you have into my not-yet-uploaded merge and upload that09:22
Tonio_Mithrandir: I'm unsure concerning the hidd enabled by default, but I think that's important for a friendly desktop approach09:23
Mithrandirsure, making kbluetooth work is a worthy goal.  I don't use kde myself, so you'll have to make sure the K end of the world looks right.09:23
Tonio_Mithrandir: sure09:23
Tonio_Mithrandir: you can get the source packages there : http://ubuntu.tonio.homelinux.org09:23
Mithrandirwhat's the reason for not enabling hidd by default?09:23
Tonio_Mithrandir: dunno, that's why I changed that in the config file :)09:24
Tonio_Mithrandir: the only difference is that an already manually connected device will auto-reconnect.....09:24
Tonio_Mithrandir: the reason can be that is causes another daemon to run...09:24
Tonio_Mithrandir: source dir (might be easier for you) http://ubuntu.tonio.homelinux.org/dists/gutsy/main/source/09:25
Tonio_except bluez-utils, other packages don't have any change in it, I just sync with upstream version and that's it09:26
Mithrandirthe joy of doing four-way merges without revision control. :-/09:26
Mithrandir(base, ubuntu, your, mine, debian).  Five-way.09:26
Tonio_Mithrandir: yeah I know that's what we try to avoid for kde packages at least.....09:26
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pittijamesh: thanks for your 'bzr bundles' intro on planet; this is amazing09:28
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jameshpitti: Bazaar has all kinds of cool features09:42
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infinityjamesh: The biggest revelation there to me was the "lp:project" shorthand.  I didn't know about that.09:45
jameshinfinity: there are a number of useful features in Bazaar's launchpad plugin (hopefully we'll get more in future)09:46
infinityjamesh: I'm going to assume that lp:foo uses http...?  Is there a shorthand for bzr+ssh or sftp, so I can actually co and ci? :)09:46
jameshinfinity: not at present.09:47
infinityjamesh: Ahh, then it just became useless to me again.  Still, cool feature. :)09:47
jameshinfinity: it basically just converts lp:foo to "https://launchpad.net/foo", which pretends to be a Bazaar branch reference09:47
infinity(Easy come, easy go)09:47
jameshsee e.g. https://launchpad.net/upstart/.bzr/branch/location09:48
jameshwe could probably change that in the future09:48
infinityjamesh: Hey, speaking of URL shortcutting, who should I whine to about "bugs.lp.net/12345" no longer redirecting to bug numbers (I'm sure it used to, way back when...)09:48
jameshsince you can use bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/... to access all branches now -- not just ones you can write to09:49
pittijamesh: same for me, lp:foo was new; however, how does that select a particular branch?09:49
infinityOh, wait, it's lp.net/bugs/12345 that redirects, and it still does.  It just never got implemented at the root level of the shiny new subdomain.09:49
jameshinfinity: I don't think it ever did that.  maybe you were thinking of lp.net/bugs/NNNN?09:49
pittijamesh: I tried lp:apport, and that seems to select the 'ubuntu' branch; how to select e. g. the 'feisty' one?09:49
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jameshpitti: each project has a "development focus" release series, and each series can have a branch associated with it09:50
infinityjamesh: Yeah.  When the subdomain happened, I think my brain just assumed the redirect-fu would keep working intuitively.  I was obviously wrong. :)09:50
jameshpitti: so the "project's branch" is the "project's development focus's branch"09:50
pittijamesh: aha; that's the first branch ever created? or can that be configured somehow?09:51
jameshpitti: you can pick which release series is the development focus on the project's "change details" form, and you can change the series' branch on the series' "change details" form./09:52
jameshpitti: by default release series don't have a branch set09:52
pittiah, thanks a lot09:52
GastenIf there is a problem with planet.ubuntu.com, who should I talk too?09:59
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pittiMithrandir, infinity: any idea why apache2 does that:         dh_strip -a --dbg-package=apache2-dbg -Napache2-mpm-worker -Napache2-mpm-event -Napache2-mpm-prefork -Napache2-dbg10:03
Mithrandirpitti: unsure.10:04
infinitypitti: It strips the MPM packages elsewhere.10:05
infinitypitti: It's a bit special, because it installs three sets of symbols for /usr/sbin/apache2 to apache2-dbg, which requires some sketchy trickery.10:06
pittiah; I just spotted it while debugging the current FTBFS with pkg-create-dbgsym10:07
infinitypitti: (Note: I had nothing to do with this, I just knew it was being done and I'm looking at it in SVN right now and marvelling at the bizarre implementation thereof)10:07
infinitypitti: Given that we have the whole dbgsym thing, it might just be less effort to change the Ubuntu build to not do the apache2-dbg thing...10:08
infinitypitti: If it's causing you serious grief.10:09
pittiinfinity: depends; I actually want to make pkg-create-dbgsym more robust against such things10:09
infinitypitti: debian/rules already special-cases "`lsb_release -i -s`" = "Ubuntu" elsewheere anyway.10:09
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pittiwe had similar problems with that in the past, so I have an idea how to fix that once and for all10:09
infinitypitti: Well, if you're viewing it as a challenge, by all means, fix your scripts. :)10:09
pittioooh, I see10:10
pittiinfinity: so it manually calls objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink after calling dh_strip10:10
pittinow, that's doomed to fail10:11
pittithere's no way how p-c-d can anticipate that and not already do it on its own10:11
infinityI'll just drop the debug package on Ubuntu then. :)10:11
infinitySeems like less headache.10:12
pittiinfinity: yeah10:12
pittiinfinity: if only debian/control would support #if lsb_release... :-)10:12
infinityI'd do it with a Distribution: header.10:12
pittiinfinity: so I guess we actually have to keep an Ubuntu modification10:12
infinity(I should file a bug about that)10:13
pittiwow, that works?10:13
infinityNo, I mean, "if I were writing the feature".10:13
infinityBut, there's no law against having stuff in debian/control and not building the packages. :P10:13
infinityI'll make it work.10:13
pittiso, shall I change apache2 here? or do you insist doing it yourself?10:13
pittiinfinity: dh_* -a will copy stuff to it, such as the changelog, right?10:14
infinityYou can mangle it if you like, but I do insist on having it upstream eventually, because I've put enough effort into making Debian and Ubuntu not fork apache2 at this point, I don't want that to go to waste. :)10:14
pittiinfinity: oh, sure; muchly appreciated :)10:14
infinityYeah, dh_* will create a package directory.  Not hard to undo that.  Ugly, but not hard.10:14
infinityPretty much just rm -rf debian/apache2-dbg right before the dh_builddeb call should do it. :P10:15
infinity(Yay, hammer)10:15
infinity(And, of course, case out all the hackery above that, and case the dh_strip call to actually strip stuff on Ubuntu)10:16
infinitySo... 4 or 5 line diff, tops.10:16
pittiok, I'll try to come up with something10:16
infinityAfter having explaied it, I can do it in about 20 seconds.10:16
infinityShall I?10:17
infinity(IRC: The Ultimate Software Specification Tool)10:17
=== pitti tests his change
pittiinfinity: sure, let's race :)10:17
infinityHye, no fair, I was waiting for you to say "go". :P10:18
=== pitti fetches a new glass of water then
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infinitypitti: The shortest debdiff (obviously it should be cleaner and not run lsb_release 30 times in the build) that illustrates the point is: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/apache2-mangle.diff10:25
infinitypitti: It may even work. :P10:25
pittiinfinity: with s/if if/if/, it might :-)10:26
infinityClose enough. :P10:26
pittiinfinity: yep, my current version looks much similar10:26
infinitydh_builddeb may also need a -napache2-dbg10:26
infinityHard to say without testing.10:26
pitticurrently building the third time10:27
infinity-N even.10:27
pittimy previous attempt complained about the missing dir, so I guess -N is necessary10:27
infinityRight, well if the general theory works and it seems to produce correct binaries (and fix your issues), I'll commit it to the Debian SVN so it doesn't get lost.10:28
pittidpkg-deb: Konnte Paket-Infodatei debian/apache2-dbg/DEBIAN/control nicht zum Lesen ffnen: No such file or directory10:29
pittiok, -N this time10:30
infinityServes you right for being German.10:30
StevenKinfinity: libnss-db. Or openssl. Take your pick. :-P10:32
pittiinfinity: your favourite bitching Steve is back :-P10:32
pittiinfinity: it ... built!10:32
infinitypitti: That's a start.10:33
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pittiinfinity: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/apache2.FTBFS.debdiff10:34
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infinitypitti: That looks awfully familiar. ;)10:34
infinitypitti: I'm going to turn the lsb_release call into a variable assignment in debian/rules to make that less ugly, but I'll commit pretty much exactly that change upstream.10:35
infinitypitti: Feel free to upload that to Ubuntu, though.  Looks sane.10:35
infinityWell, "sane".10:35
pittiinfinity: thanks10:35
pittiwell, looks hackish, but makes it build at last10:35
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infinityThat entire rules file looks hackish, what's one more?10:35
pittiinfinity: ok, if you don't want to upload that to Debian soonish, I'll do the Maintainer: stuff and upload10:36
infinitypitti: Well, an upload to Debian just for an Ubuntu change is a bit sketchy, and I don't have the time to fix any other bugs right now to justify an upload. :)10:37
infinitypitti: Given that it's a "backport" from Debian SVN, though, I don't know if the Maintainer change is justified. :)10:38
infinitypitti: (I'm a bit fuzzy on that, really)10:38
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FujitsuCan't you convince Debian that picking up lpia would be a Good Thing?10:38
pittiinfinity: we'll sync it again on next opportunity anyway *shrug*10:38
infinityFujitsu: What motivation would they have to build lpia?10:39
FujitsuThey seem to build a lot of other obscure architectures.10:39
infinityFujitsu: It's not so much an arch as a platform.10:39
infinityFujitsu: We'll be hacking source packages to do different things on lpia, etc.10:39
infinityFujitsu: Our version of that platform will actually get used (hence the motivation), them mirroring those changes and that platform would likely be pointless.10:40
FujitsuTrue, true.10:40
infinityBuilding for as many CPU arches as possible is wickedly cool (and something I hope Debian never stops doing), but building 15 versions of x86 is kinda pointless unless you have a target audience for it.10:41
infinitypitti: Hrm, actually, there is a pending upload with one change...10:43
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Mithrandirtheir motivation would be "less delta to Ubuntu"10:47
FujitsuIsn't that just motivation to complain about us, rather than merge from us?10:48
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=== cjwatson views it as an excuse to merge the relevant patches in Debian where he has commit access
cjwatson(hey, Debian dpkg supports it ...)10:58
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asacRiddell: look in NEW please :)11:36
Riddellasac: looking11:40
asacRiddell:    * debian/copyright: add info about other-licenses/branding11:47
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Riddellasac: meh, it still misses the other parts of other-licences11:49
Riddellthe 7zstub   bsdiff  libart_lgpl directories all come under other licences which I don't think are mentioned in the debian/copyright11:50
Riddellespecially that "BSD Protection License" is weird and non standard11:51
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Riddellasac: could I ask you to upload again with debian/copyright pointing to the (L)GPL used for those directories and a full copy of that "BSD Protection License"11:51
pittimvo_: the current notification bubbles look very dark gray and ugly...11:52
stgraberindeed :)11:53
asacRiddell: sure11:57
asacRiddell: its currently breeding11:57
stgraberasac: Any progress on that weird wpa_supplicant thing ?11:58
asacstgraber: i have been waiting for you to return :)11:58
asacstgraber: can you get back to the state where wpa_supplicant takes ages to connect?11:59
asacbut succeeds?11:59
asacstgraber: and try the workaround in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=492386&page=311:59
asace.g. where he restarts the ipwXXXd11:59
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stgraberasac: well, I'm not at home till Saturday but I can test some stuff here anyway12:00
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pittiinfinity: argh, argh12:01
infinitypitti: ...?12:01
pittiinfinity: apache2 ftbfs'es on dpkg-genchanges; I only did debian/rules binary before12:01
pittiinfinity: rm'ing debian/apache2-dbg is no good, it seems12:01
stgraberasac: I doubt it'd change anything to reload ipw3945d as that's what I did before each test with wpa_supplicant (kill ipw3945d, reload the driver, check that ipw3945d is correctly running)12:02
Mithrandiryou need to make it not part of the files list too, I suspect12:02
Mithrandirjust make it build-depend on moreutils and do grep -v apache2-dbg debian/files | sponge debian/files12:02
asacanyone can approve enigmail SRU for dapper/edgy/feisty -proposed?12:02
pittiMithrandir: oh, I had used sed -i12:03
infinitySomehow, I don't think sponge is needed there. :)12:03
mvo_pitti: that must be a side-effect of the new gtk, I have a look12:03
infinity(Though it's cool)12:03
Mithrandirpitti: that doesn't delete blank lines, does it?  But maybe dpkg-genchanges doesn't care about those?12:03
MithrandirI still need to submit my addtimings thing upstream.12:03
pittised '/apache2-dbg/d' debian/files12:03
cjwatsonMithrandir: sed -i '/apache2-dbg/d' would12:03
infinityAlternately, figure out which dh_* is adding it, and call it with -Nfoo...12:04
cjwatsons'what DH_VERBOSE=1 is forr12:04
infinity(I would have thought _builddeb, but clearly not)12:04
stgraberasac: this guy should also better do : "ipw3945d-`uname -r` --kill" which would do both the "ps aux | kill" and the rm at the same time12:05
asacstgraber: well ... try what happens if you kill it while connecting12:05
asacstgraber: the next thing i would try is to give wpasupplicant all the needed hints (like what you set in wpa_supplicant.conf) and use ap_scan 2 instead12:06
asacif that boosts things we should try forcefully use ap_scan 2 when ipw3xxx driver12:06
stgraberasac: ok, I put everything in my todolist and test that once my WiFi internet time is over, IIRC I tried with ap_scan 2 and it was even longer, but I'll give it another try12:07
infinitycjwatson: I love you.  I learn something new about sed so infrequently these days...12:08
pittimeh, bzr constantly crashing on broken pipes with 'bzr log|less' is annoying; it didn't do that in the past, did it?12:08
asacstgraber: well ap_scan 2 needs all infos ... iirc it didn't connect at all when we tried last time12:09
stgraberasac: can you just give me the three wpa_supplicant and wpa_cli commands again ?12:12
asacwell ... it all starts with hmmm12:12
stgraberbtw, I can still get them from the chan logs :)12:12
asacsudo wpa_supplicant -dd -g /var/run/wpa_supplicant.global12:13
asacstgraber: really ... can you add those command to some wpa_supplicant manual wiki page?12:13
cjwatsoninfinity: actually learning awk properly will be my next challenge, I think12:13
cjwatsonI never really have - skipped straight from sed to perl12:14
infinitycjwatson: That was on my TODO for a long time until I started feeling it was just wasted effort.12:14
asacRiddell: i think it should be up now12:16
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pittiinfinity: fixed for good now (sorry), http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/apache2.FTBFS.debdiff is the updated diff12:21
MithrandirTonio_: any reason to just enable --enable-serial and --enable-inputand not, say, --enable-audio ?12:23
infinitypitti: The only change being "+sed -i '/apache2-dbg/d' debian/files; \", I assume?12:23
pittiinfinity: yep12:24
infinitypitti: (I'd already committed my previous changes)12:24
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Tonio_Mithrandir: cause I didn't want to change to many things, and kdebluetooth doesn't need audio to be enabled :)12:25
Tonio_Mithrandir: btw I don't see any technical reason not to enable it too ;)12:25
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Tonio_Riddell, pitti: wrote a mir for obexftp, needed by new kdebluetooth. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportObexftp12:26
infinitypitti: Thanks for that.12:26
Tonio_Mithrandir: better enable audio too, more functionnalities are never bad12:26
MithrandirTonio_: ok; I'm asking on #bluez now.12:26
Tonio_Mithrandir: oki12:27
Tonio_Mithrandir: I suspect this is to connect to bluetooth headphones.... might be possible graphically with kdebluetooth in the future12:28
MithrandirTonio_: yeah, that's what I figured.12:29
dokoStevenK: ping12:29
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Mithrandir(I'm not interested in kdebluetooth, but rather the gnomy bits.)12:30
Tonio_Mithrandir: I didn't package the latest bluez-gnome btw, so if you don't I may ping dholbach when back12:32
MithrandirTonio_: I uploaded that yesterday12:34
Tonio_Mithrandir: great12:35
stgraberasac: Do you know how the wpa_supplicant ssid is generated from the MAC ?12:35
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asacjust hex?12:41
Mithrandirpitti: do you prefer us to turn on pie support if available?12:41
asacstgraber: why?12:41
pittiMithrandir: yes, oh yes!12:43
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stgraberasac: nope, NM send 6772616265722d77696669 for 00:14:D1:C0:39:8012:43
asacthats bssid?12:44
pittiMithrandir: still remember that (arguably short) discussion on u-devel@ how to enaable such things globally?12:44
asacstgraber: anyway ... try to use plain text for testing12:44
asacstgraber: i doubt that this converesion is the problem for us12:44
Mithrandirpitti: bluez-utils has an --enable-pie flag to configure.12:44
Riddellasac: does the file in bsdiff get linked into GPL/MPL code?12:45
pittiMithrandir: since the current gutsy kernel now has proper randomization and /proc/pid/maps protection, PIE makes sense and is a helpful stopgap measure against standard exploits12:45
stgraberasac: Is the ESSID supposed to work with "ap_scan 2" ? (According to the doc it simply connects to the given SSID without any scanning)12:46
asacstgraber: set essid + bssid12:46
asacyou need all set afaik12:46
asacin wpasupplicant, essid == ssid iirc12:47
asacstgraber: you need to set keymgmt et al as well12:48
asacstgraber: i guess those that you see in /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/examples/wpa-psk-tkip.conf12:49
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stgraberok, I'll simulate a WPA network this afternoon with a laptop and try connecting to it with the other one :), I'll ping you with the result tomorrow12:50
asacstgraber: great12:52
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norsettopitti: sorry about the r-m page, I should have known better it belonged to the system-utility section :-(01:08
pittinorsetto: no problem at all :)01:12
Riddellasac: so hmm, #soyuz is somewhat unsure about the bsdiff.c licence and I don't want to let it through if it links to anything with a different licence01:13
Riddellasac: if it make a standaline binary that's fine but otherwise you probably need to remove it or find an archive admin who is more sure that it's compatible with the other licences01:13
asacmost likely its not used01:14
asacyou can argue its binary garbage?01:14
asacRiddell: ^^01:15
Riddellit's what?01:16
infinityHahaha.  It's totally firmware. :)01:16
asacRiddell: its not used01:16
infinityProblem solved.01:16
asacRiddell: its just in source package01:16
asacRiddell: we have a bug open to discuss what todo with mozilla source tree before gutsy01:17
Riddellok, that saves some bother then :)01:17
asacbug 12173401:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121734 in thunderbird "orig.tar.gz has binary-only files" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12173401:18
asacplease let it in and we add sunbird to that bug01:18
asacwe have to figure out because there are even binaries without source ... though not used nor shipped for us01:18
asacread: its a mess ... but we have to find a line for all mozillas imo01:19
asacRiddell: maybe its good to add comments you have to that bug so we can present mozilla with a list of things that should be improved01:19
infinityasac: If it wouldn't be asking too much of them, a pure MPL/GPL tarball, with a "random other crap" tarball that could be used as an overlay to distribute the other bits might be nice.01:20
infinityasac: But that would take finding all the offending files, and mangling their release engineering to produce the two tarballs. :/01:21
Riddellasac: accepted, it's seb128's archive day so you may want to poke him once it has compiled to let it through binary new01:21
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asacinfinity: we have a rather complete list of binary only files in ice* applications for debian01:23
asacinfinity: as we try to clean that tree completely before releasing01:23
asacinfinity: however ... upstream will most likely not like that idea, because those files exist for the sole purpose of making mac/win developers life easier01:23
infinityasac: That could prove helpful, then, if upstream was willing to listen to the "pretty please, can we have free tarballs?" pleas.01:23
asacinfinity: the idea is to at least ship all sources01:23
asacinfinity: next to binaries ... they have the sources in cvs ... so its just a matter of tarball plumbering01:24
infinityasac: Hrm, and the "overlay" thing is a bit more of a pain on Windows, since it's slightly less intuitive to unpack two archives over each other with most windows archive tools.01:24
asacmost likely01:24
asacfirst step will be to ship all sources i guess01:24
asacthen go for higher means :)01:24
asacafter all they are redoing their build system01:24
asacso maybe its not worth to tackle it now01:25
asacRiddell: thanks01:25
infinityI'm not keen on shafting Windows developers either, TBH.  I suspect a very large portion of firefox users (and bug sumitters) are on Windows, atfter all. :)01:25
asacwell ... i am currently more concerned about whether linux matters at all01:26
asacwe have to entangle with other distributors and push in one direction ... otherwise mozilla 2.0 will be messy01:26
asac(at least i fear that it will become a pita)01:26
infinityWell, pushing for consistent licensing is something you can usually get all the distributions to agree on, even if they do view Debian as "idealistic".01:27
asacyeah right :)01:27
infinityI know I've never had problems pushing license disambiguation and such upstream to RedHat and SuSE projects.01:27
asacwelll suse might be a bit different now :)01:27
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StevenKdoko: Pong02:03
=== StevenK sighs, since the bug in LyX is still present in current SVN.
dokoStevenK: your curl merge ... in the changelog you say that you did revert your patches, but they are still laying around and are applied?02:04
StevenKThey are?02:05
=== StevenK checks.
doko+       quilt push curl4_syms02:05
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StevenKYes, I see that.02:06
StevenKHowever, the patch basically has no affect whatsoever.02:06
StevenKeffect, damn it all02:06
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dokoStevenK: ok, I'll remove that stuff02:08
StevenKdoko: Cool.02:08
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MithrandirTonio_: btw, --enable-inputmakes hidd obsolete, I'm told.02:12
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Tonio_Mithrandir: make it obsolete for the binary, yes02:14
Tonio_Mithrandir: I'm unsure concerning the autoreconnection02:14
Tonio_Mithrandir: but I may be wrong on that point02:14
Tonio_Mithrandir: let's not enable it and test02:14
MithrandirTonio_: Marcel Holtmann told me hidd was obsolete if you use --enable-input.  I tend to trust him on bluetooth matters.02:14
Tonio_I'll do tests with hidd enabled locally and will give you or daniel feedback02:14
Tonio_Mithrandir: of course we have to trust him :)02:15
seb128Tonio_: Daniel is on holidays for 3 weeks02:15
Tonio_seb128: yep I've been told this morning02:15
Tonio_Mithrandir: let's just not enable hidd and that's it ;)02:16
Tonio_seems to work here btw02:16
MithrandirTonio_: ok, coolie. :-)02:16
MithrandirTonio_: I was just planning on testing, uploading and then going on VAC. :-P02:16
zulMithrandir: but you cant go on vacation ;)02:18
Mithrandirsure I can02:20
zulsure you can02:22
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Tonio_Mithrandir: hehe :)02:24
Tonio_Mithrandir: I'll have to wait a bit to upload kdebluetooth as a MIR approval is required before that02:25
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StevenKpitti: Ping02:27
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pittihey StevenK02:27
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Amaranthogra: you can't quit IRC02:29
ograoops, wrong win, sorry02:29
StevenKpitti: If and when I fix pdftk to love life, it should the last rdepends for libgcj7, but openoffice.org-officebean is in there on powerpc - since the powerpc built of openoffice.org on the buildds spun idly for 10 hours and was killed by sbuild.02:29
pittiogra: :s/focus_xchat/focus_gnome_terminal/g :)02:29
ograyeah *g*02:29
bhalepitti: :%s02:29
StevenKBut what if your IRC is in a Gnome Terminal? :-P02:29
pittiStevenK: right, known; OO.o has never built on ppc so far02:29
=== StevenK hugs irssi close.
pittiStevenK: let's hope that calc's latest creation of 2.3 packages will again...02:30
bhalemy irssi is in a putty :<02:30
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StevenKbhale: One of my workmates does that, it's very disturbing.02:31
StevenKThey have a Linux workstation, but instead of opening a terminal, they open putty and ssh to localhost.02:31
bhaleStevenK: unfortunately i need a xp pc at my desk, our exchange is currently too old to work with evolution02:31
broonieStevenK: pterm?02:32
bhalewe are migrating now, very exciting02:32
StevenKbhale: My condolences.02:32
StevenKbroonie: Hrm?02:32
bhaleStevenK: its a sad day when I pin my hopes and dreams on Evolution02:32
broonieStevenK: Someone (possibly the PuTTY authors) pulled the terminal emulator out of PuTTY.02:33
StevenKOooh, right.02:33
bhaleI think a rather distinguished ubuntu hacker uses pterm, iirc02:33
bhaleI want to say Tollef02:33
MithrandirI do, as does cjwatson02:33
StevenKYeah, I think said workmates issue for using PuTTy is the terminal emulation.02:34
Mithrandirmy only gripe with it is it doesn't do dead keys.02:34
StevenKI wonder if pterm uses less RAM than gnome terminal ...02:34
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pygihey Hobbsee02:37
Hobbseehi pygi02:39
desrtbhale; we have a hero working on tnymail :)02:42
Hobbseehiya desrt02:43
desrthello hobbsee02:43
desrtwhat do you use for mail?02:43
=== pitti hugs desrt
Hobbseedesrt: thunderbird02:43
Hobbseehiya pitti02:43
pittidesrt: oh, is there something else than mutt? :-P02:43
desrtHobbsee; you know that mozilla is dropping thunderbird, right?02:43
desrtpitti; ya.  there's less.02:43
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Hobbseedesrt: i heard that, yes.  no idea what that actually means for thunderbird development though02:44
=== desrt really really wants to see tinymail-based mailers come of age
Ngyeah that's looking very interesting02:46
Hobbseedesrt: basically, i'm looking for a mail client that lets me run multiple identities, and that doesnt suck.02:46
NgHobbsee: all email clients suck02:46
HobbseeNg: this is true, but some suck more than others.02:46
=== desrt looks at Hobbsee with shifty eyes . o O ( ...secret second life as a spy? )
Riddellseb128: are you able to review capseo and libcaptury in New sometime soon? I just uploaded them and they're needed for kde 4 beta out today02:47
desrtHobbsee; i've always been more of the forward-everything-to-one-account type :)02:47
pittiHobbsee: http://www.mutt.org/, see the quote at the top :)02:47
pittiHobbsee: (nevermind me)02:47
desrtpitti; nice :)02:47
zulHobbsee: you could use outlook :)02:47
Hobbseepitti: haha :)02:47
desrtpitti; reminds me of X :)02:47
bhalehi desrt02:47
Hobbseedesrt: of course.  one of the identities is She Who Must Be Obeyed.02:47
Hobbseezul: go and wash your mouth out with soap!02:47
pittiHobbsee: you are *not* a wife yet02:47
Hobbseeeven when i used windows exclusively, i hated outlook02:48
Hobbseepitti: how do you know?  *g*02:48
Hobbseepitti: but apart from that, what relevance does that have?02:48
=== StevenK has never used Outlook for mail.
pittiyou told me02:48
Hobbseeoh, point02:48
desrtthat's... blunt.02:49
=== StevenK would like to bind and gag gcj so it speeds up and more importantly, *shuts up*
HobbseeStevenK: it's got some quirky "feature" that it doesnt actually automatically send mail.  it stores it in the outbox, and you have to hit the button manually.  it also doesn tsend on exit.02:49
cjwatsonbhale: apt-cache show pterm | grep Maintainer ;-)02:49
cjwatsonbroonie: yes, it was the PuTTY authors, specifically Simon02:49
cjwatsonhe largely did the Unix port so that he could run valgrind on PuTTY, but hey, spin-offs ...02:50
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desrtHobbsee; sounds like there would be an option for that somewhere02:51
Hobbseedesrt: there may well be.  there should be.  i just never found it, when playing with it.02:51
cjwatsonStevenK: pterm should certainly have the same terminal emulation as PuTTY; that's kind of the point02:51
Hobbseethen again, they mostly didnt have outlook in win95, so... :P02:51
=== vciaglia [n=vciaglia@host1-155-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrtmy body is quite confused.  i keep going to bed at 11:something and waking up, tired, at 8am02:52
desrti'm sleeping fantastically well... but this being awake early thing is throwing me for a loop :/02:52
ion_pterm Depends: libgtk1.2 :-(02:52
bhaledesrt: 8am? early?02:53
desrtbhale; for someone who normally rolls over around noon, yes :p02:53
Hobbseebhale: 8am is very early02:53
bhaledesrt: never leave McMasters02:53
desrtsay it like that and it sounds just a little bit too much like meccas :p02:53
desrti think i'll make some tea or something.  any takers?02:56
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Hobbseedesrt: give me coke, keep me awake :)02:57
seb128Riddell: yes, I'll have a look02:57
cjwatsonion_: yes, there's a gtk2 branch upstream but it isn't quite stable yet (issues with the font selection dialog, that sort of thing)03:06
cjwatsonand see unix/GTK2.TODO03:07
ion_cjwatson: Ok, nice.03:08
cjwatsonI have a patch for one further bit of that; must dust it off and send it upstream03:08
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cjwatson(the list/tree stuff)03:08
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Hobbseejono: are you around, by any chance?03:34
jonoHobbsee, briefly03:35
encompassdoko: I am looking at the restricted python module here... http://pypi.python.org/pypi/RestrictedPython/3.4.2 and finding that there is no specific package to handle this module... infact there is some duplicate code found here... http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=RestrictedPython&searchmode=searchfilesanddirs&case=insensitive&version=feisty&arch=i386 is it possible to pull restricted python out and 03:35
encompasssorry :P03:36
Hobbseejono: right.  it looks like we could use some help in resolving a developer issue.03:36
jonoHobbsee, right, I am not going to be able to solve it this week - I am on holiday03:36
jonoHobbsee, what is the problem though?03:36
Hobbseejono: Kmos.03:36
ivokscjwatson: any toughts on bug 93077?03:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 93077 in console-setup "Non-exsisting layouts" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9307703:36
jonoHobbsee, kmos?03:36
ograjono, a slightly over enthusiastic guy03:37
ograhe's trying to help with bugs since some days03:37
pygiogra, shirish folk?03:37
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ograbut rushes beyond the target without knowing or respecting the procedures ....03:38
jonohave you spoken to him/her about this?03:38
ograthere was some discussion in #ubuntu-bugs for the last hour03:38
dokoencompass: better pack it from the upstream source, you may want to contact pkg-zope-developers@lists.alioth.debian.org03:39
StevenKAnd on -motu a few days ago ...03:39
ogra(or half hour)03:39
Hobbseejono: he's not following developer protocol, filing mass sync requests, closing bugs for no reason, filing mass removal requests (the firs tand third of these are mostly incorrect), continually pinging people, including archive admins.  all this he has not been asked to do.  he's had explained to him over and over why these things are wrong (technically), yet doesnt seem to listen or take in the information.  he doesnt respect the requests03:39
Hobbseeof not filing the bugs, especially when he doesnt understand them.  the upshot of which, if he refuses to behave in a sane way, he needs to be removed from the ubuntu development community, as he's damaging ubuntu development, and not letting people get stuff done.03:39
cjwatsonivoks: I'll try to get round to it, can't right now ...03:39
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HobbseeStevenK: and on motu tonight.03:39
Hobbseejono: there have been repeated attempts, yes.03:39
ivokscjwatson: thanks!03:40
Hobbseeof course, the sponsorship queues are being disrupted when over half of the requests tend to be Kmos' bugs, which are mostly wrong.03:40
Hobbseejono: so it's all effecting MOTU quite badly.  and ignoring doesnt work, due to the mass bug filing, and how it lands on the queues.03:40
jonoHobbsee, ok, well I can't do anything this week as I will be away, but I will speak to him when I get back03:40
jonoKmos, ping03:40
Hobbseejono: the thing i more want to know is, is this worth taking to the CC, etc?03:40
jonoHobbsee, not right now03:41
Hobbseejono: how is it best to solve this issue?03:41
Kmosjono: i'm here03:41
jonoHobbsee, let me speak to him03:41
jonoKmos, can we chat?03:41
Kmosjono: sure03:41
jonoKmos, are you aware of some of the problems people are concerned about with your contributions?03:41
Hobbseejono: okay03:41
ScottKjono: Be sure and get him to explain why he thinks he's authorized to approve backports.03:42
Hobbseeoh yes, i forgot the backports in my original list03:43
ScottKHobbsee: Would you please unsub u-m-s from bug 128402.  He's gone and subscribed them for some random reason too.03:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128402 in k3b "Please backport k3b 1.0.3 from Gutsy to Feisty" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12840203:43
jonoKmos, you still there?03:43
HobbseeScottK: cant, sorry, not part of the team.03:43
Kmosjono: private please03:43
jonoKmos, ok03:43
HobbseeScottK: but it's marked as invalid anyway, so they wont get too much mail03:43
KmosHobbsee: why it's invalid d?03:43
ScottKHobbsee: I marked it until I get it fixed.03:43
jonoKmos, you get my priv msg?03:44
Kmosjono: yep03:44
pittiScottK: any idea what was wrong with bug 12840203:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128402 in k3b "Please backport k3b 1.0.3 from Gutsy to Feisty" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12840203:46
ScottKpitti: The person that subscribed both the archive and ums wasn't in backporters.03:46
ScottKFrankly I think it's probably fine, but jdong has been the one working it.03:46
pittiScottK: right, but why is the bug invalid?03:46
pittiScottK: there were two positive tests03:47
ScottKI marked it invalid until the subscriptions could be fixed03:47
ScottKI had planned to un mark it once the archive and ums had been unsubbed.03:47
ScottKAgreed that there were two postitive tests, but the person that subscribed the archive wasn't someone who should have done that.03:48
pittiScottK: ah, I see; well, I cannot unsub ums, and u-a is unsubbed03:48
pittiScottK: so maybe it should be 'Incomplete'?03:48
HobbseeScottK: the marking will still send bugmail, btw03:48
Hobbseeas in, each time you mark it, it sends more bugmail03:48
Hobbseeso you may be better off not touching it03:48
pittiScottK: archive guys only consider bugs which are Confirmed or In Progress (maybe even only the latter)03:49
ScottKGood to know.03:49
pittiScottK: alright, thanks for clearing that up; I was just confused by that03:49
ScottKI mostly didn't want it getting accidentally backported.03:49
ScottKI've had enough trouble recently with backports that didn't go through the procees.03:49
ScottKerr process.03:49
pittiScottK: right; I think 'Incomplete' will work fine for that03:50
pittiseb128: ^ do you agree?03:50
seb128pitti: I did unsubscribe ubuntu-archive some minutes ago03:50
seb128pitti: what backport team does now is concern them, but yeah look like Incomplete or New is about right03:51
pitti^ that's my canned search for backports to be processed03:51
ScottKGood to know.03:51
pittiScottK: hm, so even 'confirmed' will not be on my radar; does that coincide with your process?03:51
ScottKYes it does.03:52
seb128pitti: ideally if ubuntu-archive is subscribed the bug should be to process03:52
pittiok, cool03:52
StevenKI can unsubscribe u-m-s if you wish03:52
seb128no reason to subscribe the team otherwise03:52
ScottKPlease do.03:52
pittiseb128: yeah, but we might put it back to needsinfo e. g. if it is out of date or so03:52
pittierm, "Incomplete" in newlpspeak03:52
=== pitti has some troubles purging "needs info" from his brain
=== ogra tries to pronounce newlpspeak
ScottKIdeally yes, but as we've just seen random people subscribe the archive (and set in progress).03:53
=== seb128 understands "Needs Info"
StevenKScottK: Done.03:53
iwjIJLTS `bug nnnn - Unimportant Incomprehensible'03:53
ScottKUp until now, I've been against the idea of the status restrictions, but I'm convinced it's needed.03:53
seb128ogra: do you plan to do the gnome-screensaver and gnome-power-manager updates, there is some of the few modules left to update to get GNOME 2.19.603:53
ograi'm on it, should be done today03:54
seb128cool, thanks03:54
Hobbseeogra: you're german.  you should have no problem :P03:54
ograsorry for the delay, had some ltsp things before03:54
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pittiHobbsee: "Rotkraut bleibt Rotkraut und Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid"03:55
jonook everyone03:55
ograHobbsee, depends ;)03:55
seb128ogra: no problem03:55
jonolisten to me for a second :)03:55
jonoI have spoken with Kmos03:55
pittiHobbsee: (common tongue twister in .de)03:55
jonothe problem here is that Kmos just needs to learn how the community works, and learn from everyone03:55
ScottKjono: That's not the problem.03:56
Hobbseepitti: yeah, that.03:56
jonoScottK, one second03:56
Hobbseepitti: i thought it was something like that.03:56
Hobbseeogra: :)03:56
jonoI have asked if Kmos could ask in #ubuntu-devel before making an action03:56
jonoand to ask generally in #ubuntu-devel03:56
jonoI would like him to ask before he does things, and act on the advise of the community03:56
=== ScottK is convinced that he's incapable of learning it, but is listening.
ograjono, he also needs to learn to listen a bit and step back from being overly enthusiastic ... while thats great, its harmful if unchanneled03:57
jonoScottK, please, the aim here is to resolve the problem, please work with us03:57
pittiI have quite a lot of contact with Kmos, too, and while I agree that he did some bad things in the bug tracker etc., he did some helpful things, too, so it's mainly a matter of education (not malice)03:57
Mithrandiranybody know where the pimlico/openedhand people hang out?03:57
ScottKjono: We've tried that before.  It lasted about a day.03:57
ograpitti, ++03:57
jonoKmos is a good contributor, he just needs to learn how to do things right03:57
jonoScottK, you are not helping if you take that attitude03:58
seb128I'm not sure encouraging him to ask things on the chan is a good idea03:58
=== ScottK is listening
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
jonothe point here is that Kmos needs to understand the right way of doing things03:58
Hobbseejono: however, that does require that he listens to what people tell him, and puts it into action.03:58
jonothe only way that can happen is for him to step back, stop firing on all barrals and ask for help03:58
KmosScottK: don't need to ignore me..03:58
jonoHobbsee, which I have asked him to do03:59
jonoKmos, you will listen to the advise people give you and act on it, right?03:59
seb128jono: my issue with him is that he keeps asking me to look at his bugs rather than waiting03:59
Hobbseejono: excellent.  i hope he then does so03:59
pitti"stop firing on all barrels" ++03:59
Kmosjono: Ok03:59
pittithrowing ten "plz fix this, kthxbye" /queries a day at me won't do much good03:59
Kmos[14:57]  <ogra> jono, he also needs to learn to listen a bit and step back from being overly enthusiastic ... while thats great, its harmful if  unchanneled03:59
jonoKmos, you really *do* need to take a step back, and take advise from people in here03:59
Kmosogra: i agree with you03:59
jonoKmos, stop providing quotes04:00
jonolisten to my words04:00
Kmosi'm listenin04:00
jonowe can *all* work *really* well together04:00
jonoit just needs patience on behalf of ogra, Hobbsee and ScottK and willingless to learn on behalf of Kmos04:00
jonoI don't want to see people suggesting we eject Kmos out of the channel or ban him, and I also don;t want to see Kmos ignoring advice04:01
ScottKjono: You have NO idea how much patience has already been shown.04:01
pittiKmos: try to do fewer things and focus on them to understand them thoroughly and get them right04:01
jonoScottK, I agree, but this is a community, and some people take longer to get the idea than others04:01
seb128Kmos: and be patient, no need to ping people on IRC because has bug has been opened without reply for a day04:01
jonoKmos, so everything clear?04:01
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Kmosseb128: ok, sorry for everything04:02
Kmospitti: ok04:02
Kmosjono: yes04:02
Hobbseejono: i have limited time.  i cannot spend hours on someone, and find that htey're not listening to what i say.  at all.  it's like talking to a brick wall, and i frankly have better things to do, both on ubuntu and outside of it, than that.04:02
ScottKI would just like to note for the record that everything that was said to kmos just now was (almost verbatim) already said to him several days ago.04:02
jonoHobbsee, then step back04:03
jonoHobbsee, no one is expecting you to spend any more time on Kmos, so just seperate yourself from the issue04:03
cjwatsoneveryone has a right to choose not to act on something04:03
Hobbseejono: this is the logical plan04:03
seb128Hobbsee, ScottK: let's calm down and give him another try04:03
ScottKYou are welcome to.  I'm done.04:03
Hobbseejono: however, one can ignore irc.  one cannot ignore the sponsorship queue.04:03
KmosI'll try to change my attitude of enthusiastic/excess to see things better (we do mistakes when try to be GOD and be everywhere) from today..04:03
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Hobbseejono: where one is actually the head of it04:04
Hobbseejono: which is really quite unfortunate.04:04
ScottKKmos: How is this different than when Hobbsee and I told you the exact same thing two days ago.04:04
jonoScottK, PLEASE04:04
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jonoKmos has accepted he has made mistakes, lets give him a chance04:04
KmosScottK: pitti told me a thing you've already said.. it's true04:04
Hobbseejono: one can also not really ignore the dropping rationale of the others who are looking at the sponsorship queue, and crying over it.04:04
Hobbseejono: the people crying over the state of the queue that is, not the rationale04:05
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seb128Hobbsee: let's say that things have been clarified now04:05
jonoHobbsee, everyone has the ability to step back for a second, and Kmos will not be doing anything without checking first for the next few weeks anyway04:05
seb128Hobbsee: if there is still issues in the next days raise them to jono04:05
Hobbseeseb128: i hope so.  but i thought the same thing a few days ago, and kmos proved that they hadnt with this latest lot of sync requests :)04:05
jonoHobbsee, please04:05
seb128Hobbsee: let's say it has been done "officially" now04:05
Hobbseeso, i'm a little wary of the "i promise i'm fixed"04:06
seb128stop there04:06
seb128and let's see how it goes04:06
Hobbseeseb128: you type faster than i do04:06
jonoKmos, so to be clear - you will not make any syncs or contributions without asking in #ubuntu-devel first, right?04:06
Hobbseewhat i was about to say next, was "however, if he can show actual change, then i'll not pressure for him to be removed from ubuntu development"04:06
desrtseb128; i just opened this bug about some gnome packages released 12 seconds ago not being packaged for ubuntu yet.  please fix.04:06
ScottKI'll also just note that I am currently angry enough that I'm considering quitting Ubuntu right now.04:06
Kmosjono: ok04:07
seb128ok, good, everybody goes back to work then ;)04:07
=== seb128 slaps desrt
HobbseeScottK: you should probably step away from your machine for a while.04:07
TheMusoScottK: Please? We need you.04:07
Kmoscan I say one thing04:07
desrtseb128; your level of service is falling :p04:07
KmosScottK: please don't ignore me04:07
jonowe can all work well together, kmos just needs to know the boundaries and get the enthusiasm and work right04:07
jonolets all be supportive of him for two weeks and see how he improves04:08
seb128desrt: you are welcome to give me a hand then ;)04:08
=== jml [n=jml@ppp121-44-217-216.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
TheMusoI for one, am confident he will, after working with him regarding syncs, and positive outcomes being achieved.04:08
desrtsebuild 3.0?  heh.04:08
=== Kmos maybe it's because I take some pills everyday.. paroxetina merck 20 mg and sedoxil
=== Hobbsee tries not to ponder the state of the sponsorship queue, in 2 weeks, if it all turns to hell
KmosHobbsee: not on crack :P04:08
=== Hobbsee tries to be positive instead
seb128stop there04:08
seb128let's rather see how it goes now04:08
desrtless talking = more hacking :)04:09
Hobbseei am, i am.  or at least, will do04:09
=== coNP shuts up and hacks :)
seb128coNP: way to go ;)04:09
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StevenKpitti: libapache-mod-removeip can be NBS'd out04:11
StevenKzul: Why does xen-utils-3.1 Depend on python-xen-3.1 if it isn't provided by any package?04:12
pittiStevenK: I rejected the last round of binaries because they had too many RC bugs in them04:12
StevenKpitti: input-modules-2.6.22-8-*-di is also listed, is that waiting on something?04:12
pittiStevenK: no, I'll get it purged along with the apache one now04:13
StevenKpitti: Way cool, thanks.04:13
StevenKpitti: They are the only zero sized under NBS, which should make it simple04:13
pittiStevenK: hm, should I purge lyx-{qt,xforms} and thereby render sdcc FTBFS?04:14
zulStevenK: it should be fixed soonish04:14
pittiit wouldn't make the package uninstallable, but remind the next person uploading it to fix it04:14
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StevenKpitti: Sure. It FTBFS anyway, due to the .lyx file provided containing encoding errors, and lyx ABRT'ing when trying to export plain text.04:16
pittiah, I see04:16
pittiso, <jedi wave>away with them04:16
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=== StevenK idly wonders if we should just consider silky dead upstream
StevenKGnome moved from CVS to SVN, and the silky guys haven't noticed.04:18
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stdinanyone ever think about splitting #ubuntu in to a couple of channels?04:21
stdinit needs it IMO :P04:21
seb128stdin: there is #ubuntu+104:22
Amaranthand #ubuntu-effects04:22
stdinyeah, not quite what I meant there04:22
seb128there is lot of #ubuntu-*04:23
seb128bugs, motu, meeting, devel, mobile, x04:23
stdinevery time I join #ubuntu I instantly get a migraine04:23
jmillionatoryeah; that's why I joined the forums04:24
=== jmillionator ducks
Amaranthif you mean splitting it into several general channels #python tried that with a much smaller group04:24
Amaranthall the smart people worked really hard to make sure they were in one of the two channels and everyone in the other channel lost out04:24
stgraberasac: results are :04:25
stgraberap_scan=1 + unset bssid + connected to another WLAN -> 2xTimeout 00:00:00:00:00:00 and then disconnect+connect04:25
stgraberap_scan=1 + set bssid + connected to another WLAN -> disconnect+connect successfully04:25
stgraberap_scan=2 + set bssid + connected to another WLAN -> doesn't connect at all, connects immediatly after having manually set the AP with "iwconfig eth3 ap xx:xx..."04:25
stdinAmaranth: can't you manually join the forwarded channels ? so people who want to help can be in both04:25
Amaranthfollowing one big channel is easier than following 5 smaller ones04:26
stgraberasac: I'm currently connected using gprs so can't really download network-manager sources (due to the cost of such connection) but will do tomorrow on wlan, can you do a patch for NM to add "network_set 0 bssid xx:xx:" ?04:26
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asacstgraber: we ... it should be done by nm already04:27
munckfishWhy doesn't invoke-rc.d check it's being run by root? Is there ever a scenario where it gets run by a non-priv user?04:27
Amaranththere is no explicit reason for it to not work as root04:28
asacstgraber: what we should try is to use ap_scan 2 for ipw3xxx driver04:28
stgraberasac: nope, it doesn't connect before I manually move to the correct bssid with iwconfig04:28
stgraberasac: even with network_set 0 bssid04:29
asacstgraber: yes ... i think network manager does that if it uses ap_scan04:29
asacbut have to verify04:29
asacstgraber: so setting right bssid in wpa doesn't help?04:29
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stgraberasac: it helps with ap_scan=104:30
munckfishAmaranth: ok I just found this http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=22997204:30
ubotuDebian bug 229972 in sysv-rc "invoke-rc.d could check for root" [Wishlist,Open] 04:30
stgraberasac: NM does : ap_scan=1, add_network, set ssid and key_mgmt here04:31
stgraberasac: not set bssid04:31
asacstgraber: yes04:31
munckfishThe problem is the init scripts don't check they have the correct privs04:31
asacstgraber: let me look04:31
stgraberasac: so setting ssid and bssid may help04:31
stgraberasac: that's what tell the tests I've done the past two hours at least04:32
stgraberasac: ap_scan=2 doesn't connect at all without manual intervention, ap_scan=1 without bssid set cause timeouts and with bssid it connects just fine04:32
asacstgraber: does it invoke "SET_NETWORK %i scan_ssid 1" for you?04:33
asacstgraber: right ... imo nm should manually select ap for ap_scan=204:33
stgraberno it doesn't (at least I don't set it in syslog)04:34
stgraberimo, forcing it to set the BSSID helps as it'll automatically ignore this 00:00:00 thing (not matching bssid)04:35
StevenKjono: I'd be curious to see the difference in which US states still need LoCo teams after your blogs/fridge posting got dugg. Can certainly wait when you're back from holidays.04:37
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iwjmunckfish: Why would it matter ?  Either it will work, in which case fine, or it will fail harmlessly, in which case fine.04:41
iwjIt's rarely a good idea to check in advance for a specific kind of installation problem; best just to let things carry on and fail when they fail - and have proper error handling of course.04:42
munckfishiwj: the guy sat next to me just tried to restart apache, but forgot to add sudo in front04:42
munckfishthe error message wasn't that helpful04:43
iwjYes, so it didn't work and ...04:43
iwj... the error message should be improved ?04:43
iwjWhat did it say ?04:43
munckfishvague things, but the error comes from the apache init script04:43
infinityiwj: Check the debdiff between your dpkg upload and the one I made earlier today.  Have a good cry about the horrible hack I had to do.  Revel in the realisation that at least it works.  And maybe give some thought to making someone rewrite the triplettable madness to properly support our use case. :)04:43
iwjError messages shouldn't be vague.04:43
munckfishrather than set about updating all the init scripts in history right now04:43
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munckfishI wondered if something helpful could be added to invoke-rc.d04:43
iwjinfinity: I have a bad feeling about this.04:43
infinityiwj: Not as bad as the feeling I had uploading it.04:44
infinityiwj: But at least it works for now. :/04:44
munckfishiwj: So I found myself asking, in what situation would an init script not be run as root?04:44
Hobbseestdin: read teh ubuntu-ops mailing list - it has been proposed04:45
iwjinfinity: ROTFL04:47
iwjThis whole thing is a complete mess.04:47
jonoStevenK, been lots of new teams formed04:47
iwj(And I wish w3m wouldn't insist on decompressing .tar.gzs when you download them!)04:47
jonoStevenK, we are going to have locos in every state for sure I think :)04:47
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iwjmunckfish: As an example, I would expect that  /etc/init.d/apache reload  might well work when run as apache and if it does that would be worth keeping.  If not apache then there's probably another example.04:48
StevenKjono: Way cool. :-)04:48
infinityiwj: Yeah, if you follow what it was doing to me, you'll see why the hack was necessary.  That whole parsing subsystem needs to be rewritten to support what we're doing.04:49
munckfishiwj: here's the output for apache init script without sudo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32150/04:49
jonoStevenK, kicking ass and taking names04:49
iwjThat whole parsing system is complete nonsense.04:49
infinityiwj: (And I needed it now, not in a few days, after I rewote it)04:49
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iwjRewrote> and then it would do fourteen other crazy things at least until we'd had time to deal with the bug reports.04:49
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aaroncampbellWe seem to be getting very regular Firefox updates for feisty (just got, but not Thunderbird...we're still on the 1.5 series.  Is there any reason why?04:49
infinityiwj: Indeed. :)04:49
munckfishiwj: of course it does the 'right thing' in the end, it's just that it's not as nice and clear as a "You need to run this as root" (exit)04:49
infinityiwj: The hack is fine for now, just Sick And Wrong.04:50
elkbuntujono, you realise that'll be 52 baby birds chirping for worms, right ;)04:50
iwjinfinity: Yes.04:50
iwjReading that code it wasn't at all clear to me that all of this separate piping of different bits of these different insane arch strings is at all reasonable.04:50
StevenKjono: Since when are there more than 50 US states?04:50
jonoelkbuntu, indeed04:50
SpadsStevenK: there are territories04:51
SpadsStevenK: puerto rico, virgin islands, guam...04:51
elkbuntuok, so i suck at america04:51
iwjAnd of course there's no documentation of what a `Debian triplet is' and GNU triplets use concepts from 30 years ago.04:51
iwjs/ is'/' is/04:51
Spadsof course, the territories get their own ISO names generally04:51
infinityiwj: It's entirely unreasonable, IMO.  Could be reworked to something saner, but I'd prefer to do that upstream.04:51
jonoUSA now, Africa next ;)04:51
elkbuntujono, africa is going to be a real challenge though, technologically04:52
iwjupstream> Right.04:52
jonoelkbuntu, indeed04:52
jonoelkbuntu, but anything is possible :)04:52
iwjmunckfish: Seems fairly clear to me.  It says `Permission denied' twice, once as the last thing.  There's a bit of noise about the fqdn - is that a general problem with the installation ?  If not then there might be a bug there.04:52
infinityiwj: Anyhow, after abusing it, I verified it on 7 of our arches, and it produces output I'm happy with, so we'll keep this crack for the time being.04:52
iwjIf you're at a prompt restarting apache then you ought to know what EACCES means :-).04:52
iwjinfinity: Right.04:52
elkbuntujono,  of course it is04:53
jonowe are going to make some serious shit happen with LoCos :)04:53
jonoright screw you all, I am on holiday :P04:54
jonoand I need to tidy my house :(04:54
munckfishiwj: it's ok I give up :). The fqdn bit is cause it's running on localhost04:55
stgraberasac: Will be back on WiFi tomorrow, this gprs is really way too expensive :)04:57
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xxxxx1we have many Psi users here?04:59
xxxxx1bug 6694004:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66940 in psi "Psi version string presents as "Debian testing/unstable" on Dapper" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6694005:00
=== xxxxx1 thinking... in add this code to recognize Ubuntu
Hobbseexxxxx1: that'd be cool :)05:00
xxxxx1rock n roll05:01
ScottKWell isn't there already an upstream bug on that?05:01
xxxxx1i'll check05:01
ScottKThat's what the bug said.05:01
ScottKOTOH, we've already got an Ubuntu specific version, so one more change shouldn't hurt.05:02
xxxxx1sorry, what's "OTOH"?05:04
coNPon the other hand, IIRC :D05:05
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norsettoAFAIK, on top of my head05:05
xxxxx1coNP, thx05:06
=== ScottK meant the coNP one.
norsettoScottK: Hey Scott, I have a couple of hours to kill, any quiz?05:09
=== norsetto loves quizzes....
=== Hobbsee tries to think of one
=== norsetto doesn't like the shiny look in Hobsee eyes.....
Hobbseenorsetto: okay, fix turkey :)05:11
norsettoHobsee: turkey, right05:11
norsettoHobbsee: the country or the bird?05:11
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Hobbseebtw - hit hob<tab> to save typos, and to save typing05:11
Hobbseenorsetto: the package :)05:11
Hobbseeand i take no responsibility if it all blows up05:12
norsettoHobbsee: nice thx05:12
lemsx1it looks like the Gutsy DVD is oversized... would making a DVD using jigdo work?05:12
norsettoHobbsee: ok, let me check that out05:12
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Hobbseenorsetto: if you get really brave, have a look at slash.  unsure if that should be removed, or a newer version synced from debian, or what05:13
=== Hobbsee cant immediately see what to do with that one, so try turkey first :)
geserHobbsee: slash is on my watch list of the apache rdepends. there is already a Debian bug for it: Debian bug #42907105:16
ubotuDebian bug 429071 in slash "please update/request removal of your package" [Serious,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/42907105:16
Hobbseegeser: even better :)05:16
Hobbseenorsetto: that's part of the stuff to check for, of course - debian and launchpad bugs on it05:16
HobbseeBAD APT!05:17
Hobbseeapparently i put yn, instead of n, and it took it05:18
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Hobbseeoh, i'tll accept y*.  interesting.05:18
=== Hobbsee thought apt would purge things even if you did tell it no, instead aborting, for a minute there
ScottKThat'd be fun.05:19
Hobbseethat'd be special05:19
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ScottKnorsetto: What should be done with thunderbird-quickfile?05:29
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ScottKThere's one for you.05:29
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norsettoHobbsee: what problem for turkey, I can see more than one .....05:34
Hobbseenorsetto: oh, the fact that it doesnt install.  but fix all of them, really :)05:36
norsettoHobbsee: the install is just because of the miss. dep05:36
norsettoHobbsee: there is a debian bug as well on that05:37
norsettoHobbsee: do you know why libgcj7-awt is not in gutsy?05:38
norsettoanyhow, that lib causes an exception in feisty05:38
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norsettoHobbsee: so, all the problems I see are just for a common cause: libgcj7-awt05:40
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Hobbseenorsetto: try installing libgcj7-awt in gutsy05:41
Hobbseeyou're in luck with the output05:41
norsettoHobbsee: and there is also a missing build-depends ....05:41
Hobbseeah, then add them hwile you're at it :)05:41
norsettoHobbsee: well libgcj7-awt is not in unstable anymore too....05:42
HobbseePackage libgcj7-awt is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:43
HobbseeThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:43
Hobbseeis only available from another source05:43
HobbseeHowever the following packages replace it:05:43
Hobbsee  libgcj7-1 libgcj7-005:43
HobbseeE: Package libgcj7-awt has no installation candidate05:43
Hobbsee(that outputs when you try to install libgcj7-awt05:44
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norsettoHobbsee: yes, its mentioned in the debian bug too05:44
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HobbseeScottK: can you help?  i really need to head to bed05:44
Hobbseenorsetto: does it build with the changed library?05:45
norsettoHobbsee: no, missing build-depends, I'm working them out one by one05:45
gesernorsetto: have you checked if perhaps a rebuild fixes it?05:46
alex-weeji want to get the notification-daemon package out of RCS, make some changes, and get the changes back into Ubuntu. how do i do that?05:50
norsettogeser: yes, thats what I'm doing right now05:51
alex-weeji've never been able to figure this out :/05:52
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norsettoso I'm getting the same build errors as debian #42444506:00
ubotuDebian bug 424445 in turkey "turkey - FTBFS: /build/user/turkey-1.34.0/build.xml:28: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details." [Serious,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/42444506:00
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encompasscan someone tell the poor noob how to easily translate utc time?06:05
encompassI want to take part in this edubuntu meeting06:05
encompass(at 20:00 UTC)06:05
coNPencompass: where do you live?06:05
coNP@now Helsinki06:05
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/Helsinki: August 01 2007, 19:05:47 - Next meeting: Edubuntu in 3 hours 54 minutes06:05
encompassgmt +3 I think06:05
ion_encompass: TZ=UTC date06:05
coNPencompass: look what I asked from ubotu06:05
encompassdang 10 pm tongiht... will lets hope this new father can do it :S06:06
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encompassthanks coNP that helps me alot06:09
coNPyour welcome, encompass06:09
coNPs/r/ are/06:09
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=== pitti files a couple of ebox bugs for soren to enjoy
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iwjpitti: Would you care to look at my MIR for consolekit ?06:20
iwjI wasn't able to derootify it unfortunately; it's full of ioctl(..,VT_...)06:20
iwj(which give EPERM if not root)06:20
pittiiwj: yeah, I was planning to have a look at that beast anyway (if keescook has some time to give it a quick review, that'd be much appreciated, too)06:20
iwjOK.  I've been moderately deeply into the code since I had to add a new dbus message.06:21
iwjNot pleasant but I think I can now say that the risk to the system as a whole isn't too great :-).06:21
iwjkeescook: ^06:21
pittiI probably won't manage it any more today, though06:21
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alex-weejmvo__: talk here instead, OT for #gnome-hackers :P06:46
alex-weejyou made some changes to notification-daemon recently to fix the crash06:46
pittiogra: can I remind you of the two tribe-4 LTSP bugs? are they on your radar?06:47
mvo__alex-weej: yes - and now the background color for the notification is no longer correct06:47
alex-weejmvo__: i just tried to figure it out06:47
alex-weejbut i can't06:47
alex-weeji've fixed up my gtkrc06:47
alex-weejso that normal tooltips are the right colour06:47
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alex-weej(and it's on launchpad already)#06:47
mvo__alex-weej: what bugnumber?06:47
alex-weejbut notification-daemon still doesn't use the right colour06:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129699 in ubuntulooks "New style tooltips are not themed correctly due to name change" [High,Triaged] 06:48
alex-weejbut even so, i can't figure out why it's not working06:48
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alex-weejalso, the code you changed (or at least what i think you changed) was copied elsewhere in the same C file06:48
alex-weejin the countdown_expose_cb function06:49
alex-weej(god knows why)06:49
alex-weej(we need to switch to cairo there anyway)06:49
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mvo__alex-weej: hrm, copied code == bad code. I have  a look06:50
alex-weejmvo__: :)06:50
alex-weeji don't like the hack we're using to get the tooltip colour - is there no nicer way to do it? would it not be nicer if the bubble was an actual, bona fide, GtkWidget?06:50
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keescookiwj: I can try to take a look at it today06:52
mvo__alex-weej: when I last looked into this (a while ago) there was no official way to get the GtkStyle for a noticiation, it would be really cool if that would be possible06:52
iwjI may be out - dinner date in a bit :-) - but do let me know what you think.  I'd be happy to answer any questions.06:53
alex-weejmvo__: i guess that's an upstream task. for now, the hack will do :P06:53
mvo__alex-weej: I at least fixed the duplication now (I really hope it was not me who did that in the first place, but I think it was not me :)06:53
LaserJockcjwatson: did you get my ping about debian-cd?06:54
alex-weejmvo__: there was one more thing... Gossip's notifications don't work with the ubuntu theme, but they do with the standard theme...06:57
alex-weejmvo__: they sort of flash up the shape, but disappear straight away and just dirty whatever was underneath06:57
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mvo__oh, hrm06:57
alex-weejah i know whyy06:57
mvo__alex-weej: anything on the terminal when that happens? when you run notification-daemon ?06:57
alex-weejbecause it has the countdown06:57
alex-weejand you never fixed the countdown_expose_cb function06:58
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alex-weejmvo__: i can't force this one, have to wait for someone to log on LOL06:58
alex-weejthat's the only difference though, it has the pie chart + buttons06:59
alex-weejand given that the pie chart drawing stuff still had the old code, i'll bet that's it06:59
alex-weejactually, if you're familiar with the code and you have a couple of minutes06:59
alex-weejthe new cairo drawing stuff is in the standard theme06:59
alex-weeji'd guess it's a copy paste job06:59
mvo__alex-weej: *cough* ok06:59
alex-weejbecause the pie chart is drawn pretty poorly with the ubuntu one06:59
alex-weejbut that's if you're not too busy :P06:59
alex-weeji was gonna give it a go myself but i'm not too confident yet07:00
mvo__alex-weej: I wouldn't mind a helping hand with it :)07:00
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mvo__alex-weej: a patch that fixes the pi thing would be great07:01
cjwatsonLaserJock: yeah, noted, remind me if I haven't replied to your mail by this time tomorrow07:01
LaserJockcjwatson: ok, thanks, I don't mean to rush but I'd like to know when I can start testing as we need to get feedback07:02
lamont`Riddell: is there any hope that kde will break the source packages up into something more sanely-sized?07:06
infinitylamont`: You're talking about the same people who feel it's good practice to concatenate all their source before compiling, for better optimisation and OOMing compilers.07:09
lamont`infinity: I'll refrain from making comments about the mental state that could possibly indicate07:10
mvo__alex-weej: otherwise it will give it a go myself07:12
lamont`infinity: but do they remember to use -pipe for that big runtime performance boost?07:12
=== infinity smirks.
lamont`hrm... ECHAN07:12
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=== pedro is away: lunch
keescookMithrandir: the apparmor apache module (which is built from the source) uses apxs; I'm open to whatever you recommend for changes if this is a problem07:19
infinitykeescook: Why would that be a problem?07:22
keescookinfinity: dunno, Mithrandir had asked about it.  :)07:22
infinitykeescook: Only because you first mentioned it to him. :P07:23
infinitykeescook: (FWIW, mentioning lpia breakages to me is slightly more helpful at this stage)07:23
infinityIt took a libtool, apr, and apache upload, and apparmor's happy again.07:23
keescookinfinity: yawp, I have already redirected to you.  :)07:24
infinityWell, and a dpkg fix before that.07:24
keescookeasy!  ;)07:24
infinityYeah, barrel of laughs. :)07:24
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alex-weejmvo__: pi?07:29
mvo__alex-weej: the pi chart07:29
alex-weejoh, pie07:29
alex-weejpi is 3.14195....07:29
mvo__heh :)07:29
=== infinity heads to bed.
Riddelllamont`: not any any significant extent07:29
ion_I seem to remember pis Unicode number.07:30
lamont`Riddell: just wishing is all07:30
mvo__alex-weej: I may not be able to look into it today, its already evening in my TZ already :/07:30
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alex-weejmvo__: i wouldn't worry about it, the gdk one works fine. i'll have a go if i'm bored this week07:30
infinitymvo__: Wimp.  It's 3:30am here...07:30
alex-weejmvo__: unless you're actually taking about fixing the crasher?07:31
alex-weejor just porting it to cairo?07:32
alex-weejbah, sorry, i've been really incoherent today to everyone07:32
=== mvo__ hugs alex-weej
mvo__alex-weej: no, the crasher should be fixed already :)07:34
alex-weejok cool, is it in the source archives yet?07:35
mvo__alex-weej: it should be (-ubuntu3 IIRC)07:35
mvo__infinity: dude, go to bed07:35
lamont`After installing, the following source dependencies are still unsatisfied:07:42
lamont`sip4(inst 4.6-1ubuntu2 ! << wanted 4.6)07:42
lamont`Source-dependencies not satisfied; skipping python-kde307:42
lamont`bad python-kde307:42
lamont`Riddell: if you haven't seen that yet... ^^07:42
Riddelllamont`: yeah, that's a recent problem, it's somewhere on my todo list to look into it07:43
Riddellrecent-ish anyway07:43
lamont`part of the joy of hppa playing catch-up is that I get to find the broken-build-dep issues that have crept in07:44
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lamont`the good news is that skipping python-kde3 saved about 4 hours of build-time07:46
=== lamont` the kernel to hit the front of the queue finally
lamont`my mass pretend-avail didn't help anything07:50
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ScottKlamont`: We did do some testing and IIRC the version dependendy for python-kde3 can be relazed without harm.07:55
lamont`ScottK: cool.  I don't much care atm, though. :)07:55
lamont`and even if it got uploaded right now, linux-source-2.6.22 would still be ahead of it (hence my total lack  of caring))07:56
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Windkracht8does anyone know who is responsible for the update-notifier project?09:17
evandWindkracht8: mvo09:19
Windkracht8sorry, mvo stands for?09:20
evandMichael Vogt09:20
Windkracht8ok, his name is in the authors file, I09:20
Windkracht8'll send him a mail about my update suggestion09:21
ScottKThat or you could just file a bug against the package in Launchpad.09:22
Windkracht8ubuntu launchpad, is it part of ubuntu?09:24
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PiciWindkracht8: http://www.launchpad.net/ubuntu09:27
PiciWindkracht8: Its another of Canonical's projects09:27
Windkracht8ok, just retrieving launchpad password09:28
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Skiessicould someone make a OpenGL-accelerated version of that speedmine-screensaver?10:08
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psusianyone familliar with lvm and its boot time pv discovery got time to chat?10:12
psusitrying to figure out how to resolve the brokenness of lvm on dmraid10:12
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tkamppeter_Anyone here interested in testing new software?10:27
tkamppeter_I have packaged CUPS 1.3.0-rc2:10:27
tkamppeter_and we need testing results to decide whether we change to the new CUPS10:28
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elmo"Welcome to the Ubuntu Team Wiki, a place for the Ubuntu community to discuss ideas and store team-related information."10:38
elmowhen did it become a 'Team wiki'?10:38
johanbrtkamppeter: I'd be happy to do some testing. Getting the packages right now...10:39
LaserJockelmo: probably when help.ubuntu.com/community was split off10:39
=== elmo rolls his eyes
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mdkeLaserJock is right, it was probably intended to distinguish it from the documentation wiki10:41
mdkewe discussed the changes on the doc list; although not specifically the title10:42
elmoI think the change is a little drastic, personally10:42
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tkamppeterjohanbr: Great! Once you should test all cups functionality whether there is no regression against 1.2.x, then whether new features work (http://www.cups.org/documentation.php/whatsnew.html), and whether it works well together with hal-cups-utils and system-config-printer.10:45
johanbrtkamppeter: *all* cups functionality? I'm not sure I have the time or the hardware for that. :)10:46
tkamppeterjohanbr, at least what you are using from CUPS, there is no one who has all printers which are listed on OpenPrinting ...10:47
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johanbrtkamppeter: Alright. I'll report back soon.10:50
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johanbrtkamppeter: snmp printer discovery and printing to lpd and ipp hosts works. system-config-printer seems to mostly work, but crashes on a very hacky custom printer queue I set up myself.11:07
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mikmorgWhat is the ubuntu way to add init.d scripts into rc?.d/ folders?11:14
mikmorgah, thanks!11:15
tkamppeterjohanbr, please file a bug against system-config-printer and tell, step by step what you entered to make s-c-p crashing. Thanks. If your crash triggers apport (crash pop-up window) follow the steps of apport and enter what you did in the bugs report which gets generated.11:21
johanbrtkamppeter: Alright, that'll have to be later, have to go now. It was hardly an extensive test but cups 1.3 seems to work for me, anyway...11:23
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tkamppeterjohanbr, the CUPS which I have uploaded is a lemon, it does not see all PPDs. I will upload a new version (same file names, same place) soon, with this problem fixed.11:26
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TheInfinityhello ... is it intention that nfs volumes are mountet after nfs volumes via fstab?11:28
TheInfinitylocal volumes after nfs volumes11:28
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TheInfinitybecause its impossible with this default setting to mount anything in /home for example when home is an extra partition11:29
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phroomI've build a fairly large project from source that I'd like to keep track of when I "make install". I've used checkinstall to create a debian package for this purpose but files in the resulting package conflict with a number of other packages on my system. I've looked around for a good strategy for removing potential conflicts from packages but nothing has come up. Any suggestions would be appreciated.11:36
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ScottKDon't use checkinstall would be the first one.11:36
priscasome help starting kde4?11:37
priscaI did everthing in the instructions but still can't start kde411:37
phroomScottK: checkinstall does seem a bit like a hack, but I'm a packaging noob and it seems like the easiest way to keep track of what I've installed11:38
priscalooked at .xsession-errors but not sure what i'm looking for11:38
ograprisca, #kubuntu ?11:38
priscawrong channel right?11:38
ScottKphroom: For assistance with how to package stuff, #ubuntu-motu is a better channel.11:38
ograi mean: this is not a suport channel, did you try in #kubuntu11:38
ograright :)11:38
priscayeah they sent me here11:39
priscais there a channel for kde?11:39
pygi#kde ?11:40
Riddellkubuntu developers are in a meeting, wait half an hour11:41
TheInfinityhmm. any information about the network fs mounting before lokal fs?11:43
TheInfinitythe debian guys say that it should be the other way round ...11:44
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