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cyph3rwad up peeps ?12:45
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AndyPi just installed gutsy to a minimal level using debootstrap and noticed that the lilo recommends of the linux-image-* packages are being satisfied by default now so lilo gets pulled in. should i file a bug about that or would it not be a problem for a properly installed system?03:34
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stgraberamitk_: I have added another oops which seems to be related to bug 129226, let me know if there is anything I can try (I'm connected to Internet till 11:30 UTC (prepaid wifi))10:04
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aboganiBenC: May i disturb you?02:59
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BenCabogani: sure03:12
aboganiBenC: :-)03:12
aboganiBenC: Now i successfully compiled Lrm for rt but i don't hardware (in this case ati video card) to test the patch. How i should proceed?03:13
zulBenC: btw I should have a new xen snapshot for the next kernel upload03:15
BenCabogani: if it compiles, it should be ok03:15
BenCabogani: get me a patch and I can upload03:15
krautamitk_: the nfs-issue is fixed in upstream-kernel 2.6.22 btw.03:24
infinityBenC: Hey!03:25
infinityBenC: Hate to be the bearer of nags, but.  Well.  Nag.03:25
infinityBenC: And lamont's begged me to beg you to apply his hppa love at the same time as you do my lpia upload. :)03:25
BenCinfinity: I gots an lpia prepped kernel upload pending in just a few minutes :P03:25
BenCinfinity: nag nag nag, thought I got rid of my wife damnit :)03:26
krautChangeLog-2.6.22             08-Jul-2007 23:39  3.8M  03:26
infinityBenC: Hey, I know how lonely it is, I'm just trying to fill in.03:26
krautmuch to read :/03:26
infinityBenC: Any chance hppa is in that upload too?  lamont and I are looking to get hppa back into the DC soon.03:28
infinity(About time...)03:28
infinity(lpia's obviously more important, though)03:28
BenCinfinity: should be easy to pull his changes in too03:28
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aboganiBenC: Sorry internet connection problem. Do you have a reply for me?03:48
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BenCBenC abogani: if it compiles, it should be ok03:52
BenC abogani: get me a patch and I can upload03:52
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BenCinfinity: do we need udeb's for lpia?04:50
infinityEventually we might do, certainly don't right now.04:50
BenClamont: please use the files in debian/commit-templates/ in the future05:13
BenClamont: like: git-commit -s -F debian/commit-templates/patch -e05:14
lamontBenC: ok.  sorry about that05:14
BenClamont: makes our changelog auto-fill work better05:14
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BenClamont, infinity: 2.6.22-9.21 uploaded with lpia (hope it works) and hppa pulled in05:29
BenCdoko: ^^05:29
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lamontBenC: thanks05:32
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BenCbe warned, there's a good chance lpia wont build, since I have no way to test it05:33
BenCbut I am pretty sure I got all the instrumentation in there05:34
BenCif it fails, I'll do another upload05:34
infinityTesting it is easy enough...05:35
BenChow do I force an lpia build?05:36
BenCmaybe I could setup an lpia chroot on my x86_64 box05:36
infinityYes, you can do that.05:36
infinityLet me give you a sources.list that works a bit better than the one in there. :)05:36
infinityUntar (A), spice with a little (B), toss your resolv.conf in, chroot in, and have fun.05:37
infinityAnd don't unhold the packages that are on hold, or you're in for a world of hurt.05:38
infinity(The apt build in there is a fancy one that pulls multiple architectures at once)05:38
BenCinfinity: thanks05:41
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joejaxxBenC: is linux-image-2.6.22-9-xen an intentional depend of linux-restricted-modiles-2.6.22-9-rt?07:13
infinityBenC: Failed.07:13
infinityBenC: make: *** No rule to make target `debian/rules.d/i686.mk'.  Stop.07:13
infinityBenC: I assume that chroot I gave you will help shed some light. :)07:13
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BenCinfinity: that comes from dpkg-architecture07:37
BenCjoejaxx: no, mistake, and I'll have it fixed soon07:37
joejaxxBenC: oh alright07:37
BenCinfinity: doh, I use DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU for that, guess it should be just DEB_HOST_ARCH?07:39
BenCinfinity: will upload a fix in a bit07:40
lamont`BenC: hppa's abi files should just rename over I expect...07:48
lamont`BenC: what's the best way for me to get the new abi files from a build back to the tree?07:48
lamont`(the target is mid august for getting hppa live in the DC)07:48
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dokoBenC: DEB_HOST_ARCH stays fixed, DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU may change08:17
dokoBenC: could you make the binary linux-libc-dev package available somewhere?08:29
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BenCdoko: will get another upload shortly10:22
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bdmurrayBenC: I resumed from Hibernate and my caps lock button is blinking and I seem to have a kernel oops message in dmesg.  What would be useful to gather?11:03
kylembdmurray, hmm. same here, but sans oops.11:12
bdmurrayI've captured dmesg at least but was wondering if there was anything else worth grabbing.11:13
bdmurraykylem: I'm missing a cpu too11:15
kylemthe cpus are hotplugged, so if something has died on the way back up, that's perfectly plausible.11:15
bradleyif you are looking to file a bug report, start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies11:15
bdmurraythanks bradley11:16
bradleyno problem, for the second output command, you may have to shorten it to cat /proc/version...i don't have a /proc/version_signature file11:18
BenCbdmurray: lol, you're getting schooled on filing a bug :)11:18
kylembdmurray is our QA department, i imagine he knows this already.11:19
bdmurraybradley: you should have /proc/version_signature what kernel are you running?11:19
JanCnow bradley is oops'ing  ;)11:19
BenCbdmurray: version_signature in gutsy didn't show up until this week with the -9 kernel11:19
bdmurrayCome on now. He was trying to help.11:19
bradleylol...sorry guy, i was just here to ask a question and saw his, so i thought id answer it :)11:19
JanCof course he was11:19
BenCbradley: it's no problem, we like help...It just gave me a good laugh :)11:20
bradleybdmurray: im running the latest gutsy kernel11:20
bdmurrayreally? it sounds like you should have version_signature then.11:21
BenCbradley: if you have the latest, you should have it11:21
bradleyi did the outputs a few days ago and didnt have version_signature11:21
bradleygot and error when I tried to putput it11:21
kylemit's back in -9.11:21
bradleyi was using -8 when i did the ouputs for my bug, so that would explain it11:22
bdmurraybradley: You said you had a question though?11:22
bradleyyeah, um, it's about a bug report I filed.  I know you guys are super busy and all that, but I have a feeling the fix could be very simple and it doesn't seem as though it's been looked at.11:23
bdmurraywhat bug number is it?11:24
bradleyhasn't been looked at by anyone that could fix it, I should say11:25
bradleyFor the time being, I've created a simple , one-line script that runs and shut down, just before the halt script is invoked.  All it does is remove the module.11:28
bdmurraybradley: the output of 'sudo dmidecode' may be helpful too11:30
bdmurraybradley: and is your BIOS up to date?11:31
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bradleyok, i added the dmidecode log.  As far as BIOS goes, I'm at v1.40 right now.  1.70 works but I downgraded on an unrelated problem.  BIOS V.1.80 and 2.00 mess with my system to the point that i cant login11:35
bradleyi had this bug with v1.7011:35
bradley1.80 and 2.00 are BIOS updates for Vista and aren't friendly toward Ubuntu11:36
bdmurraythat's interesting11:37
bradleyJanC: sorry if that didn't make sense, I have a tendency to ramblew11:39
JanCI was just wondering why & how they would block Ubuntu?11:40
IntuitiveNipplebradley:  can you add the output of " cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#0"11:40
bradleyto be honest, I dont know what the problem is.  all i know is that when i tried to boot with the 1.8 and 2.0 BIOS, i would get to the gnome-splash and everything locks up11:41
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holycowhi guys11:41
holycowdoes anyone know if the intel g33 chipset is supported?11:42
holycoweither in feisty or dapper?11:42
bradleyIN: i added your requested output11:43
alleeshould be bug 129130 assigned to linux-source or debian-installer or ???11:47
bdmurraydyslexia strikes again11:48
bdmurray129310 is about something totally different11:48
bdmurrayallee: the two systems in that bug seem quite different11:50
bdmurrayallee: but to answer your question linux-source-2.6.22 would be the right package for that bug11:50
alleebdmurray: thx.  Yeah, different.  but identical error output ;)11:51
bdmurrayallee: the same symptoms, identical error output, can be due to vastly different reasons.11:52
IntuitiveNipplebradley: Can you test something for me whilst your here?11:53
alleebdmurray: yeah, but I've no idea how to provide more useful output.  I'm working my way the KernelTeamBugPolicies. 11:53
IntuitiveNippleI just Googled your problem and found a potential solution, depending on what the cause is.11:53
IntuitiveNipplebradley: Switch to a tty console (using Ctrl+Alt+F1), login, then close down Gnome, then shutdown11:54
bdmurrayallee: You can get a BusyBox prompt for a ton of different reasons and that is why a separate bug report would be a good idea.11:54
IntuitiveNippleso you'd do "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" then "sudo shutdown -h now"11:55
alleebdmurray: k, as soon as I find some useful output, other then 'can't allocate tty' I create a new one11:55
JanCholycow: AFAIK the G33 hit the market after the Feisty release...11:56
bdmurrayallee: cool, do you have any other distro on it?11:56
bradleyIN: OK, I'll be back shortly to give you the results11:57
alleebdmurray: only the preinstalled Vista from DELL.11:57
alleebdmurray: ahhhh: access bejond end of device!11:58
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bradleyIN: following you instructions, my laptop shutdown just fine.12:02
IntuitiveNippleGreat! I saw a Google post over at Fedora saying it might be an X issue12:03
IntuitiveNippleIt looks like it is, so can you add the xorg package to the 'affects' list ?12:03
IntuitiveNippleSo, what we can work out for you is an additional shutdown script that unloads snd_hda_intel as a workaround12:04
bradleyi already have a workaround script that shuts things down just by removing that module12:05
bradleyand sorry, how do I add to the affects list?12:06
bradleyi see affects upstream and affects distrobution12:07
IntuitiveNippleI've done it for you :)12:10
IntuitiveNippleYou use the Add Distribution button, select Ubuntu, then the package12:10
bradleyi got an error message saying this bug has already been reported on xorg12:12
IntuitiveNippleyeah... I must have beat you to it :)12:13
bradleyok, nevermind, it's there12:13
IntuitiveNippleCan you add your script workaround instructions to help others and the developers zero in on it, please?12:13
IntuitiveNippleI've recently been doing a lot of work with snd-hda-intel and ACPI, so I was pretty sure it isn't an ACPI issue. I suspect it'll turn out to be an alsa issue when someone who knows about that side of things looks at it.12:14
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bdmurrayIntuitiveNipple: I think the Xorg bug is a bit hasty12:16
bdmurrayCouldn't it be gnome or a component of it?12:19

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