
Lazarethor crtl-alt-backspace12:01
Lazarethwhat wastedfluid said then12:01
wastedfluidno, you're right; it's ctrl+alt+backspace12:01
wastedfluidMy mistake.12:01
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wastedfluidi just tried it on the laptop lol12:01
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wastedfluidpike_;  did you get my message bro?12:01
SirronTMjaneppo_: nah, the driver is fine. I think it must be the terminal or X, since that's what I was having trouble with12:01
janeppo_SirronTM, please go ahead. maybe cy later.12:01
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osmosishow do I list all the software in  http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free   ?12:01
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NET||abusehey all,, i setup virtualbox, setup an xp image, now it has IE6, I wanted to copy the image and then upgrade to ie7 on that image(obviously for testing webistes) and various other things, but how can i duplicate the image in virtual box?12:01
SirronTMjaneppo_: thanks again for the help12:01
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sp3ilmitkurtHi :)12:02
janeppo_SirronTM, ru going to try compiz-fusion?12:02
pike__wastedfluid: so can you sudo -s or -i ?12:02
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sp3ilmitkurtHas someone here everyone used wubi?12:02
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MarkSchmidtthanks in advance for any tipps from u guys :)12:03
lokieeewhen editing the /etc/apt/sources.list  I want to add a resp, so can I just add  deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org feisty main  at the bottom of the config file?12:03
wastedfluidpike_;  sudo -s and -i return nothing12:03
LazarethI seriously need to find a way to do away with this cdrom-drive... I can't work with my terminal while it spews errors on repeat!12:03
fougwhat a good program for mounting virtual drives?12:03
gordonjcpfoug: "mount"12:03
fougi have an mdf file, it's a game that needs to be installed12:03
gordonjcpwhat's an mdf file?12:04
pike__wastedfluid: what are you trying to do again?12:04
fouggordonjcp: so, mount File.mdf?12:04
fouggordonjcp: a file that needs a virtual drive, lol12:04
sp3ilmitkurtHas anyone here every used "Wubi"12:04
gordonjcpfoug: no, but something like mount -o loop file.iso /mountpoint12:04
gordonjcpfoug: is it an iso?12:04
fouggordonjcp: no, and mdf and mds file12:04
gordonjcpwhat format is it?12:04
wastedfluidpike_; i Just want sudo to work;  It doesn't work at all.  at first, it couldn't resolve my hostname.. then I added it to /etc/hosts.. and now it just does nothing.  it returns nothing.  I can't sudo fdisk -l, nothing..12:04
gordonjcpfoug: I have never ever heard of an mdf file12:04
fouggordonjcp: it's Dues Ex, the PC game. There's Dues Ex.mds and .mdf12:04
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fouggordonjcp: neither have i but i googled it and everyone says you need to run it through a virtual drive12:05
gordonjcpfoug: sorry, nfi it is12:05
wastedfluid.mdf is an extension for alcohol 120%12:05
malociteahh, I can't connect to my work citrix server - it keeps saying you have not chosen to trust .....12:05
fougwastedfluid: ahh, a windows program i assume?12:05
gordonjcpwastedfluid: ty12:05
NET||abuseso anyone know how to duplicate an existing virtual machine image in virtualbox?12:05
Lazarethgordonjcp: it's like .iso, just in two files - one for the data and one for how it "looks" on the cd. I honestly don't know how to mount it outside winblows, though =P12:05
wastedfluidfoug; yes, alcohol 120% is a windows program.12:05
sp3ilmitkurtHello people can anyone help me out?12:05
gordonjcpfoug: it looks like it might be a windows thing12:05
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gordonjcpfoug: you might get further either converting it to an iso, or burning it to a CD12:06
pike__wastedfluid: so grep $(hostname) /etc/hosts      returns a nice line?12:06
gordonjcpfoug: or, or course, you could use your original Deus Ex CD12:06
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sp3ilmitkurtSo no one can help me :(?12:06
pike__wastedfluid: worst case you boot to single user moded and enable root account for a while12:06
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wastedfluidpike_;  yes, /etc/hosts is: localhost.localdomain localhost jbodystreet - and my hostname is "jbodystreet"12:07
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tcstechsp3ilmitkurt: just ask your question.12:07
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lokieeehm...has anyone gotten beryl to install ?  I'm getting an error when i'm adding the source, its saying W: GPG error: http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3FF0DB166A7476EA12:08
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wastedfluidAnyone else have any idea why sudo does nothing?  It returns nothing.  It's a fresh ubuntu 6.06 imaged install from OPENZ.  At first, it couldn't resolve my hostname.. after i edited my hostname to /etc/hosts, now, it does nothing.12:08
jrsp3ilmitkurt,  ask your question12:08
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GrooveStixhey folks, I am trying to access my older machine that has Ubuntu through network with my WinXp laptop. I can see/access my Windows machine through Ubuntu, but when I try to do same thing from Windows I am prompted with an username/password form12:09
sp3ilmitkurtHas anyone used "Wubi" to install ubuntu12:09
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GrooveStixwhat to do?12:09
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jrsp3ilmitkurt,  cant say i have sorry12:10
aLeSDis it possible to compile a kernel module in ubuntu ?12:10
jrsp3ilmitkurt,  keep asking some one may have12:10
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aLeSDI mean I have to path the ipw2200 module with the injecting code12:10
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sp3ilmitkurt:( Well wubi is installing ubuntu and it says creating virtual disks and has been doing this for like an hour and a half does this half to do with the fact that I picked the 30 gig installation?12:11
MarkSchmidtmhm... could this have nything to do with my problem: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".12:11
MarkSchmidt ??12:11
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bensehow do i increase the number of workspaces on gnome 2.19.5?12:11
jrbense, isnt four enough lol12:11
fstab-ahabI find it amusing people associate control with daunting taks and self-configuration for absaloutly everything.. i call that elitest, not power. power can be simplicity, something gentoo is not.. oh wait "then its not for me", exactly why gentoo will die.12:11
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lokieeego to the 1 desktop and right click, then preferences and you can increase it there12:12
fstab-ahabErr, major mistell guys.. sorry12:12
bensejr, two is the default12:12
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fougwhere did wastedfluid go?12:12
jrbense, oh well on ubuntu its four ;p12:12
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benselokieee, i've looked all in there and it's not there12:12
inDeme_DCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 012:12
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Jordan_UFor some reason Audacity suddenly doesn't detect any output device ( though it does see the same card as an input device and was working earlier ) and gives an error when trying to play anything12:13
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PriceChild!staff | inDeme_12:13
ubotuinDeme_: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)12:13
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benselokieee, right clicking on the desktop only shows nautilus options and "change desktop background"12:13
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bensejr, i'm using gusty and it's not there12:13
RabidSnailA coup!12:13
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novato_brhi dudes, my memory is working in dual mode channel?12:14
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jrbense, one second ill look12:14
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novato_brlook the pic, plz12:14
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RustyJamesis there an application to use with microsoft Exchange Server 2007?12:14
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jr_PriceChild,  wtf?12:14
sp3ilmitkurtWhy is everupme getting kicked?12:15
kitcheRustyJames: what do you mean with since evolution works fine12:15
jr_PriceChild,  what exploit?12:15
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Jordan_U!dcc | sp3ilmitkurt12:15
ubotusp3ilmitkurt: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit12:15
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jr_PriceChild,  what exploit?12:15
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kitchejr_: read above12:15
jr_yea i dont see anything12:15
RabidSnailjr_: or a good old fashioned DoS12:15
kitche!dcc | jr_12:15
ubotujr_: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit12:15
scorp123whoops, did I miss something? :-)12:15
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RustyJameskitche, it worked fine with the 2003 edition but now at work they switched to 2007 and its not working using the Exchange settings12:16
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:16
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andy298Anyone know how I can install TLS?12:16
parag0nhey guys, i have a folder full of images (1.jpeg - 65.jpeg), is there a simple way to turn them into a single PDF file?12:16
ubotuTo change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.12:16
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jr_o well im on a public wifi spot and i dunno anything about dcc lol12:16
sp3ilmitkurtHey when installing ubuntu is it normal that it takes three hours to install if i choose the 30 gig model?12:16
jr_not much i can do12:16
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Music_Shufflesp3ilmitkurt, 30 gig?12:16
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orbisvicishow do you change the default icon set, not using gnome (..like gtk-theme-switch) ?12:17
sp3ilmitkurtYeah it asked me how big I wanted my installation to be12:17
sp3ilmitkurtI chose 30 gigs12:17
zimmowhere is the file that I can create ZONES?12:17
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Jordan_Usp3ilmitkurt, No, how much RAM do you have?12:17
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kitchesp3ilmitkurt: well since your using wubi it might be12:17
MarkSchmidtanyone has any idea?12:17
andy298Anyone know how I can install TLS?12:17
kitcheJordan_U: hes using wubi which will probably take that long but I m not sure12:17
Jordan_Usp3ilmitkurt, You might want to use the text based installer12:17
sp3ilmitkurtKitche how long should it take?12:17
Jack_Sparrowsp3ilmitkurt: If you mean to sync a 30 gig Ipod.. and you have a usb1.2 port  that sounds about right12:17
IwizzardIs there anny good Video manager program (Like Itunes) so I can keep track of my Video podcast, .MOV and .Mp412:17
slayer88I need help when anybody gets time.12:18
Jordan_Ukitche, Ahh, didn't see that he was using wubi12:18
PriceChildjr_, reconnect to port 8001 as instructed to in #ubuntu-read-topic12:18
FaldrienWhats the problem slayer88?12:18
mc2003gooood evening to all.....one Q RP-PPPoE client needs only a networkcard to work?or it needs a modem too?12:18
andy298Something you obviously needs for amsn it seems xD12:18
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ZmaXanyone that have cx4126x (tv card) working on ubuntu feisty? thanks.12:18
slayer88my sound won't work12:18
Jordan_UFor some reason Audacity suddenly doesn't detect any output device ( though it does see the same card as an input device and was working earlier ) and gives an error when trying to play anything12:19
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sp3ilmitkurtGah this is talking forever!12:19
kitchesp3ilmitkurt: don't know but since wubi is unofficial you might want to ask in their channel12:19
LazarethI have an internal cddrive which shows up under the device manager that I want removed - how do I do that?12:19
sp3ilmitkurtWell can anyone tell me another easy way to install linux?12:19
PriceChild!install | sp3ilmitkurt12:19
ubotusp3ilmitkurt: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate12:19
mc2003sp3ilmitkurt: live cd12:19
Jordan_Usp3ilmitkurt, The normal way is to boot from the LiveCD and install onto a seperate partition12:20
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mc2003!rp_pppoe | mc200312:20
_Lucretia_hi, anyone know what I need to get transcode installed so I can create dvd's?12:20
fougcan alchol 120% be emulted through wine? trying to install a .mf12:20
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KragneracFirefox 3 :)12:20
Lazarethanyone? How do I remove something from the device manager? I can see stuff alright, but I want something removed, how do I do that?12:20
therethinkerLazareth: Why?12:21
mc2003!pppoe | mc200312:21
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slayer88When I click on the volume button, it gives an error message. "NO volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found"12:21
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LazarethI have a dysfunctional internal cddrive that won't umount and that sends verbose errors across my terminals12:21
Kohvihoorfoug, you can convert mdf/mds into iso, and then mount it12:21
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SrAfCiGeRResolving geocities.com... failed: Host not found.12:21
orbisvicisif i switch to fluxbox, my gnome gtk/icon theme isnt applied ... how do i get it ?12:21
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fougKohvihoor: how do i convert them?12:21
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orbisviciswhat app does gnome run to apply the theme on log-in ?12:22
walkerkhow do you guys see through the madness? 1117 people in here?!?!12:22
walkerkthats insane12:22
Jordan_ULazareth, Easiest way would be to simply disconnect it12:22
javaJakewalkerk, yep12:22
Music_Shufflewalkerk, very few are active at any given time %-wise.12:22
Kohvihoorfoug, sudo apt-get install mdf2iso12:22
Jack_Sparrowwalkerk: We limit chatter12:22
orbisviciswalkerk, yeah -> use names !12:22
_Lucretia_ah, got it12:22
javaJakewalkerk, welcome to the #ubuntu channel :D12:22
scorp123orbisvicis: gnome-settings-daemon .....12:22
LazarethThat would leave a big hole in the side of my laptop12:22
orbisvicisscorp123, thanks12:22
walkerkjavaJake, thanks12:22
Lazarethbut yes, easiest =P12:22
Jordan_Uwalkerk, Messages to us are highlighted, like this one is to you :)12:22
slayer88whenever someone can help me, it would be appreciated12:22
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slayer88till then, ill play guitar.12:23
fougKohvihoor: you da man, thanks12:23
javaJakeorbisvicis, fluxbox uses different themes, not the same as GNOME. You'll need a new theme for fluxbox.12:23
FaldrienLazareth: I think you can black list it's module, and then it will stopped being used12:23
scorp123orbisvicis: it's a background task that applies the GNOME settings ... without actually loading GNOME12:23
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walkerklike '/msg name blah' ?12:23
Kohvihoorfoug: no problem. : )12:23
javaJakeorbisvicis, at least, I'm 75% sure it uses different themes.12:23
LazarethFaldrien: please tell how?12:23
orbisvicisscorp123, yeah im going to use it12:23
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FaldrienLazareth: what are you trying to disable?12:23
Jordan_Uwalkerk, If you use someone's name in a comment it highlights in that person's client12:23
walkerkok.. ic12:23
scorp123orbisvicis: KDE users have the same "problem" .... you will maybe find examples if you Google for "KDE GNOME settings".12:23
LazarethFaldrien: an internal cddrive12:23
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orbisvicisjavaJake, it doesnt. i tried switching in gtk-theme-select, and my gnome themes changed as well12:23
walkerkJordan_U, like this I guess.. :O Madness :P12:24
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walkerki'll stick around12:24
Jordan_Uwalkerk, :)12:24
kitcheorbisvicis: actually it does use different thems sicne fluxbox does not equal metacity12:24
slayer88waaaaayyy to many people in here.12:24
javaJakeorbisvicis, fluxbox and GNOME are two different window managers.12:24
sapurodoes anyone knows how to work with kiba-dock?12:24
Dromarwalkerk, so if you want to speak at someone, just type the first letters of his name, then TAB for completion, and the message will be highlighted12:24
kitcheorbisvicis: unles your using fluxbox for gnome window manager12:24
orbisvicisscorp123, i can use gtk-theme-switch to select gtk themes (not icons) but it doesnt show all my gtk themes12:24
javaJakeslayer88, well, this is only the most popular Linux OS's channel, after all. :D12:24
LazarethFaldrien, know how?12:24
fougKohvihoor: k i got it converted through the gui, just told it run through the command mdf2iso, but how would i do that just through terminal?12:25
walkerktab.. really? didn't know that.. lets try it out12:25
walkerkDromar, got it :)12:25
Jordan_UjavaJake, It might be the most popular IRC channel, period12:25
walkerkmakes sense12:25
orbisvicisjavaJake, im just interested in applying the gtk/icon themes, not metacity etc12:25
javaJakeJordan_U, oh, it is, no doubt12:25
slayer88huge userbase12:25
FaldrienLazareth: one second please, i'm looking up how to determine the module's name12:25
javaJakeorbisvicis, you'll want fluxbox support, not ubuntu. They'll know for usre12:25
MarkSchmidti managed to get compiz working with frlgx and xgl - but now my two-desktop-setting from gnome is gone... i can move the mouse to my second monitor, but I have no second desktop there.... any ideas?12:25
scorp123orbisvicis: no idea ..... Fluxbox doesn't use GTK themes. So this stuff has only influence on GNOME applications launched under Fluxbox ....12:25
RericssoHey, anyone here familiar with using Ubuntu on dual monitors?12:25
Lazarethfaldrien: okie12:25
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Kohvihoorfoug: mdf2iso <yourmdf>12:26
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DromarMarkSchmidt, you need a script XGL for dual-desktop12:26
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slayer88Anyone have the time to help a Linux newbie?12:26
walkerknot sure if anyone is interested.. i wrote a simple script to upgrade feisty's kernel to 2.6.22-9 (given you use the generic kernel...)?12:26
=== orbisvicis going to fluxbuntu ...
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DromarMarkSchmidt, wait, i will search the one that i use12:26
phreckspeaking of12:26
fougKohvihoor: ah ok, and for [destfile] , that'd be to install it if i wasn't in the .mdf's folder right?12:26
IwizzardIs there anny good Video manager program (Like Itunes) so I can keep track of my Video podcast, .MOV and .Mp4 ?12:26
phreckif i have a MK-36 amd proc12:27
phreckwhat kernel should i run12:27
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Jordan_U!generic | phreck12:27
ubotuphreck: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)12:27
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phreckthe generic one then.12:27
=== Music_Shuffle waves to PriceChild. I don't think you ever banned me.
Kohvihoorfoug: i think so12:27
fougKohvihoor: also, does ubuntu have a virtual drive prog? or do i need to download one? Archive Manager doesn't seem to read it12:27
UnluckyMikeslayer88, just ask your questions12:27
Music_ShuffleJust a kick I thought.12:27
MarkSchmidtDromar, thanks a lot !12:27
PriceChildMusic_Shuffle, you must have had a second account on.12:27
FaldrienLazareth: apparently that wont work, because my network card is still in the list.  i'll do some googling for you12:27
slayer88THe sound wont work12:28
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Music_ShuffleOh, no idea.12:28
slonbghi. i have dapper LTS (no gui). I installed on it synaptic (it installed all dependency packages). Now, I connect to this box with ssh -X, but sudo synaptic fails with "(synaptic:2696): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:". Why is that, isn't it supposed to forward to my local X server?12:28
LazarethFaldrien: appreciated :)12:28
Kohvihoormount -o loop -t iso9660 filename.iso /media/iso12:28
slayer88When I click on the volume button, it gives an error message. "NO volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found"12:28
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Kohvihoorfoug: mount -o loop -t iso9660 filename.iso /media/iso12:28
Rericssoanyone here familiar with setting up dual monitors in ubuntu?12:28
kitcheslonbg: only if you did xhost +12:28
Jordan_Uslayer88, can you pastebin the output of "asoundconf list" ?12:28
scorp123PriceChild: what's with all those bans I just saw when I joined a few minutes ago? (just asking out of curiosity .... )12:28
delmarI have a couple of php/sql packages that try to uninstall themselves when I apt-get install php5 (and other php5 related packages)  but I know those packages will be fine...how can I tell apt-get to ignore those specific packages and go ahead and download+install php5 etc. ?12:28
Kohvihoorfoug, create that folder before mounting12:28
slonbgkitche: how?12:28
DragnslcrAnyone here worked with kvm? When I try to start a virtual machine, it hangs at "Loading..." and uses 100% of one of my CPU cores12:28
slayer88I'm sorry12:28
fougKohvihoor: cool thanks, do you know what -o and loop -t mean? sorry for asking so many questions, just curious12:28
slayer88I don't understand12:29
fougKohvihoor: media/iso? will do12:29
kitcheslonbg: I gave you the command xhost + pm tje other system12:29
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DromarMarkSchmidt, here http://pastebin.com/m6d8e61a6 , it should be in /usr/bin/startxgl.sh (decommente of course)12:29
Jordan_Uslayer88, Open a terminal and run "asoundconf list" then put the output it gives on pastebin12:29
walkerkfeisty kernel upgrade: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51197412:29
fougKohvihoor: it won't let me create files in that directory12:29
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Jordan_U!paste > slayer8812:29
Kohvihoorfoug, actually don't know, everytime i need to mount iso, i just google it. : D12:29
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Kohvihoorfoug, sudo mkdir /media/iso12:29
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DromarMarkSchmidt, dont forget to make a backup before trying12:29
gnomefreakslayer88: use -X12:30
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fougKohvihoor: ahh k, was about to say using su then logging in for root wasn't working12:30
slonbgkitche: this is on the machine I connect from, or on the server I want to connect to?12:30
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slayer88ok. hold on please12:30
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_Lucretia_is there a multimux for ubuntu?12:30
kitcheslonbg: connect to12:30
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kitcheslonbg: the machine that is running the X applications12:30
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ubuntu__Oh gosh.. I just booted xUbuntu from a live cd, and when I try to install xUbuntu onto my HDB I get the message "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of IDE1 slave (hdb) failed."12:30
Kohvihoorfoug: you can login into root with sudo su, i think12:30
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gnomefreakslonbg: use -X                -X      Enables X11 forwarding.12:30
SonarxGood Day! Can anyone help me with an image quality problem that has cropped up on my Ubuntu box?12:31
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MarkSchmidtdromDromar, thanks a lot!12:31
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slayer88asoundconf is-active12:31
slayer88asoundconf get|delete PARAMETER12:31
slayer88asoundconf set PARAMETER VALUE12:31
slayer88asoundconf list12:31
slayer88Convenience macro functions:12:31
slayer88asoundconf set-default-card CARD12:31
MarkSchmidtI will try this at once :)12:31
slayer88asoundconf reset-default-card12:31
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DromarMarkSchmidt, np :)12:31
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AquaSalut tout le monde !12:31
kitchegnomefreak: he did it says can not connect to display :) but either he doesn't have X running on the remote machine or he didn't disable the acl12:31
AquaCoucou Yorke :)12:31
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slonbggnomefreak: I did. I connect with ssh -X12:31
AquaBonjour noxs !12:31
PriceChild!fr | Aqua12:31
ubotuAqua: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:31
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AquaCoucou threethirty :)12:31
noxshi all12:32
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AquaCoucou cn28h !12:32
PriceChildAqua, /join #ubuntu-fr12:32
Jordan_USonarx, Explain the problem more specifically and if anyone can help they will12:32
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AquaBonjour dcordes :)12:32
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slonbgkitche: man xhost says, it should control who connects to the X server. i.e. it needs to be run on the local machine as I understand it12:32
gnomefreakkitche: slonbg hmmmm thats odd12:32
therethinker!fr | Aqua12:32
ubotuAqua: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:32
RericssoHey, i would very much like some help here12:32
gnomefreakslayer88: as you were warned before use pastebin12:32
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slayer88I dont understand12:32
Jack_Sparrow!pastebin > slayer8812:33
therethinkerRericsso: What?12:33
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gnomefreakslayer88: read the pm from ubotu12:33
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slayer88what is pastebin12:33
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pj_mfcHi everyone.  I am trying to access the files on my SD card directly from my digital camera.  The auto import works fine, but I want access to the card directly.  I can't seem to find the mount point.  Anyone up for helping me out?12:33
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gnomefreakty Jack_Sparrow12:33
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Jack_SparrowI was expecting it...12:33
Jordan_U!paste | slayer8812:33
ubotuslayer88: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:33
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ubuntu__Oh gosh.. I just booted xUbuntu from a live cd, and when I try to install xUbuntu onto my HDB I get the message "The ext3 file system c12:33
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gnomefreakPriceChild: issues?12:33
cn28hHas anyone else run into problems with ndiswrapper when upgrading from edgy to feisty? My ndiswrapper worked fine on edgy, but when I upgraded to feisty it set it to use the native bcm43xx driver (doesn't support my 4318) and now ndiswrapper won't work12:33
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Rericssotherethinker: im trying to get ubuntu to work with dual monitors12:33
Lazarethhow exactly is it you guys make it to highlight messages with your name in it?12:33
slayer88ok. Im sorry. wont happen again12:33
PriceChildgnomefreak, meh :)12:33
gnomefreakLazareth: type users name12:33
PriceChildgnomefreak, manually ftw :P12:33
Rericssotherethinker: my tv to be precise12:33
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therethinkerRericsso: You're in luck, I have a Dual Head setup -- What's your GPU?12:34
ubuntu_____is the new ver of ubuntu just compatible with wine.....or does it come with it?12:34
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Jordan_Ucn28h, You may need to blacklist bcm43xx12:34
MarkSchmidtah Dromar, so I make no mistakes - which lines to comment out?12:34
gnomefreakPriceChild: :)12:34
slonbggnomefreak: I tried both with -X and -Y, nothing works12:34
cn28hJordan_U, already done that12:34
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kitchecn28h: blacklist bcm43xx module and ndiswrapper will work12:34
Juhazpj_mfc, if it's ptp camera, there's no mount point12:34
Lazarethgnomefreak I meant for myself so I can see when people write with my name in it12:34
MarkSchmidtuhm, comment in *G*12:34
therethinkercn28h: Have you tried using bcm43xx-fwcutter12:34
DromarMarkSchmidt, all, exept the first one12:34
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Rericssotherethinker: ok, just so you know, i started using linux like yesterday so im not very familiar with all the terms12:35
pj_mfcJuhaz, I believe it is ptp..  Can I make it mount, or otherwise access the files directly?12:35
gnomefreakLazareth: your client should have that set up already unless your using irssi or bitchx ...12:35
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slonbggnomefreak: maybe some package is missing, which was not made a dependency of synaptic12:35
walkerkok.. im helping hvgotcodes with his wifi.. he has ipw2200.. from what i read ths should work without ndiswrapper.. correct?12:35
cn28htherethinker, I have the firmware dumped in /lib/firmware and such, but I thought that was for bcm43xx anyway12:35
gnomefreakslonbg: with that error not likely12:35
Lazarethgnomefreak - freshly installed (today that is) Ubuntu12:35
Lazarethusing gaim12:35
MarkSchmidtokay, thanks - i'll try it and come back if it works :)12:35
gnomefreakLazareth: what IRC client12:35
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Rericssotherethinker:quite the noob actually12:35
gnomefreakLazareth: it sets it already i thought12:35
Lazarethgnomefreak: gaim12:35
Juhazpj_mfc, gphoto2 command line app might be bit closer, and IIRC, there's a fuse module that uses gphoto that might do what you want, but not familiar with it, and no idea if it's packaged for ubuntu.12:35
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therethinkerRericsso: :P Its okay. So what is your graphics card, an nvidia?12:35
taime1is there a way to install an os from a file?12:35
gnomefreakLazareth: it should be in the prefferences12:35
taime1as opposed to a cd...12:35
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gnomefreaktaime1: ubuntu you can mount the ISO12:35
Jordan_U!wubi | taime112:36
ubotutaime1: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html12:36
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funkmasterhi ppl :) i was wondering, how do i know which device my soundcard and tv tuner card are, i mean in the form of /dev/XYZ ?12:36
cn28hany other ideas why ndiswraper might not work? I blacklisted bcm43xx and ran ndiswrapper -m, etc.  But the interface just never even shows up :/ even after I manually modprobe ndiswrapper (acx modules isn't loaded, either)12:36
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slayer88heres the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32094/12:36
therethinkerfunkmaster: My TV tuner is /dev/video012:36
slonbggnomefreak: any idea how to set the "display" for synaptic? I.e. most of x programs have --display or something. and how to find out what display is actually forwarded?12:36
kl4mAny backuppc users around?12:36
kitchecn28h: you need to reboot for blacklist to take effect12:36
scorp123funkmaster: maybe something like /dev/tuner0 ... or /dev/video0 ... and the soundcard would be /dev/dsp0 ....12:36
taime1i know about wubi, but it only applies to ubuntu12:37
cn28hkitche, oh, hm.let me boot back into ubuntu and see then12:37
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funkmasteris there no command line command to see it?12:37
cn28hkitche, so blacklisting and rmmod doesn't count?12:37
Jack_Sparrowgnomefreak: I made up an image of a dos boot floppy that a linux user can use "dd" to make a floppy to fdisk /mbr and get windows back.. I had not seen one around...12:37
cn28hI mean, w/o reboot12:37
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pj_mfcOkay, thanks.  Basically I have a corrupted SD card and I'm trying to get to the point where I can use ddrescue, photorec, or something like that.12:37
Lazarethtesting --- Lazareth12:37
funkmasterlspci shows the stuff with 01:01 or something but what does that mean in terms of /dev/XYZ?12:37
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gnomefreakslonbg: im looking but not finding give me a few more minutes12:37
cn28hhm all right well I'll see what happens12:37
cn28hthanks guys12:37
pj_mfcJuhaz, msg above..12:37
kitchecn28h: no rmmod should remove it but ndiswrapper won't work still12:37
scorp123funkmaster: these are probably vendor ID's or something like that ....12:37
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dcordesThe USB keyboard of my ancient machine is not working in the menu of the feisty server disc so I can't launch the setup. On bootup it works; I can access the bios with it. Also when I put the normal desktop cd with countdown in and the kernel is loading I can use the keyboard again. Any idea how to get around that??12:37
cn28hkitche, ah12:38
slonbggnomefreak, thanks12:38
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gnomefreakslonbg: are you using sudo to open synaptic on remote pc?12:38
Juhazpj_mfc, I see. I'd recommend a card reader for that, I doubt you can get very low level access through ptp12:38
funkmasterhms so is there a way to find out?12:38
slonbggnomefreak, tried both w/ and w/o12:38
pj_mfcJuhaz, cool. I figured I might have to run out and get one of those.  Thanks a bunch.12:38
gnomefreakslonbg: not sure ill brb12:39
RustyJamesdcordes, is there a setting in your BIOS like: use legacy usb support? try to use this12:39
slonbggnomefreak, it works ok on my GUI-enabled workstation12:39
therethinkerRericsso: SO, what's the video card?12:39
Jordan_Uslonbg, You could always run xterm and run synaptic from there12:39
dcordesRustyJames,  ok thanks will try12:39
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MarkSchmidthey Dromar I'm back *G*12:39
lokieeeany beryl users here?  I'm having issues with the key12:39
Jordan_Uslonbg, Also be sure to use gksudo not sudo for GUI apps12:39
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Rericssotherethinker: trying to find out, not my pc. Any trick to it in Ubuntu?12:40
Daz|dahi all12:40
MarkSchmidtwell, it worked - but it seems my card is tiiiiiiny bit overstressed with two xgl sessions -12:40
Jordan_UFor some reason Audacity suddenly doesn't detect any output device ( though it does see the same card as an input device and was working earlier ) and gives an error when trying to play anything12:40
MarkSchmidta mobility radon 300 just isn't up to date :/12:40
slonbgJordan_U: xterm fails (as regula user, no sudo): xterm Xt error: Can't open display:xterm:  DISPLAY is not set12:40
dcordesRustyJames, there was a setting "usb keyboard" = disabled12:40
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slonbgwhat is the text-based analog of synaptic? there was something on debian, but I can not remember12:41
Rericssotherethinker: hehe, that was quite obvious...12:41
Daz|dagives ubuntu support on german ??12:41
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RustyJamesdcordes, you tried to set enabled?12:41
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therethinkerRericsso: :P12:41
dcordesyep working now12:42
IdNotFound!german | Daz|da12:42
ubotuDaz|da: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:42
dcordesgood idea to have a look at the usb settings12:42
dcordesthanks again12:42
slonbgdselect - i remember :)12:42
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therethinkerslonbg: aptitude ;-)12:42
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slayer88ah, well12:42
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meta4icalCould anyone help me? I've spent days trying to get my video card working and I FINALLY got it working with the tool ENVY, i'd like to download the driver packages it installs so next time I can use them again, anyone know how?12:43
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CVDits there away to fix the 'quit', cuz whena iwant to shutdow,restar even cancel the quit ubuntu frezz12:43
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RustyJamesdcordes, glad i could help! had the same problem some time ago12:43
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Jordan_Uslonbg, I meant that you could set the display in xterm and it would carry on to any apps launched from it12:43
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slonbgJordan_U, that was the idea, how do I find out which is the "forwarded" display12:44
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therethinkerRericsso: If its nVidia, hit ALT+F2, and type "gksudo nvidia-settings" (wo/ quotes), and you should be able to configure from there12:44
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dcordesdoes the server disc come with openssh-server installed?12:44
DromarMarkSchmidt, (sorry i was afk) okay, good for you, but it's true that it isn't really "light", especially for an ATI card =/12:44
Rericssotherethinker: its a Radeon Mobility 750012:44
seamus7How do I create a launcher for a game ... it's a bin file within a directory in my home directory ... do I need to create a script?12:45
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javaJakeseamus7, no12:45
Rericssotherethinker: and yes, i see what you are writing, but i cant reply since im not a member12:45
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javaJakeseamus7, right click your desktop, and click "Create Launcher..."12:45
Rericssotherethinker: registerd*12:45
therethinkerRericsso: Okay, sorry then ;-)12:45
MarkSchmidtDromar: no prob for being afk ;-) i'm should be that and in bed now, my workday starts in six hours.. but what the heck *G*12:46
javaJakeseamus7, the name is whatever you want to name it, and the command should be the bin file12:46
MojoRisonhello, my question is about the 64 bit version, is there any advantage/disadvantage to installing the 64 bit version.....i have a new computer with a amd turion 64 x2 processor....i guess i SHOULD use the 64 bit version?12:46
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javaJakeseamus7, make sure it's set to "Application" of course12:46
MarkSchmidtDromar: i suppose with a new laptop it would get netter - and next time i'll have ati12:46
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SonarxI'm running feisty with an ATI 9550, all drivers installed fine and appear to be working, however images and video have very poor quality. The ui seems unaffected, any thoughts?12:46
mannytucan i get some help with card reader?12:47
Rericssotherethinker: np, i tried to register but my browser been wierd since i changed the port number for IRC, im using operas IRCclient12:47
IdNotFoundMojoRison: there are a few... for instance, some bugs with Java for 64bit, and Adobe Flash not being avaiable... I can't tell you much though, because I don't have a 64bit cpu12:47
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Rericssotherethinker: i cant seem to load any pages : /12:47
seamus7javaJake; I tried just creating a launcher that way but the path I entered didn't start the program ... there's a bin file and also a pre-made script in the directory ... ??12:48
therethinkerRericsso: Hmmm... try going into System>Admin>Restricted drivers12:49
MojoRisonso.....i guess since i'm used to the regular version and dont really want any new headaches i'll just use it.12:49
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javaJakeseamus7, use the premade script then12:49
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therethinkerRericsso: ATI and nVidia drivers are both restricted, so you'll be able to see which ones being used12:49
javaJakeseamus7, if it will not launch, run the "Command" in a terminal and see what it says.12:49
DromarMarkSchmidt, btw, perhaps with the open drivers you could just skip XGL12:49
caboose_1980how do i download fire fox 2.0 for ubuntu 7.412:49
MojoRisonthanks for the information IdNotFound12:49
caboose_1980plz help12:49
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IdNotFoundMojoRison: personally, I'd go for installing ubuntu 32bits... But I have no experience with 64bit to base on...12:49
IdNotFoundnp :)12:49
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MojoRisonok....thanks again12:49
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LazarethFaldrien - just curious if it is taking a long time or if the case has been dropped :)12:49
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Rericssotherethinker:  allready tried that , it says that my hardware doesnt need any restricted drivers12:49
elementzvmware workstation installer script asks me the following: 'What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)'12:49
IdNotFoundcaboose_1980: I believe Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) already has Firefox 2.012:49
MarkSchmidtDromar: tried those - they will only give me 1280 resolution on my card - I really tried every tutorial, my xorg.conf was plain and simple and should have been correct - but i just could not get 1680 like with the ATI drivers12:49
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elementzwhat the heck? how would i know?12:49
IdNotFoundcaboose_1980: do you have an older version, or none?12:50
acewinhello all, has anybody successfully configured X with GeForce 6150 LE with Dell E207WFP?12:50
earthianhello, how do i shutdown ubuntu from console?12:50
seamus7javaJake: i can get it to run in a terminal by changing to the directory and then using ./nameofgame12:50
caboose_1980well im trying to get themes for it and its not working12:50
earthianis it halt -p ?12:50
caboose_1980im not sure12:50
javaJakeseamus7, ah, OK12:50
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seamus7javaJake: what should I use in the launcher ... ?12:50
ladydoorearthian: sudo shutdown -h now12:50
earthiani.e. i am using it in a script like " wget blablabla && halt -p "12:50
IdNotFoundelementz: /etc/init.d/12:50
earthianthanks ladydoor12:50
javaJakeseamus7, make a new script, and punch in those commands that you use to start the game, one command per line12:50
IdNotFoundelementz: actually, wait12:50
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IdNotFoundelementz: just /etc, sorry12:51
ladydoorearthian: No problem. Note that you do need root priviliges, which could make your script interesting.12:51
javaJakeseamus7, save it as something like "nameofgame_customstart.sh" - something with the .sh ending12:51
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earthiani am running as root it12:51
elementzIdNotFound, yep - searched myself *slapontheforehead* thx anyways12:51
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seamus7javaJake: oh ok ... does a script need anything special at the beginning .. lilke ##bash or something12:51
ladydoorearthian: Cool.12:51
javaJakeCVD, this channel is extremely busy. Big, long-to-debug, or other hard-to-answer questions will probably not get answered here. Your next best bet is the forums.12:51
caboose_1980ot how do i download adobe shockwave for 7.4?12:51
javaJakeseamus7, #!/bin/bash12:51
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earthianladydoor, also is it bad to call HALT directly?12:52
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seamus7javaJake: oh ok thx12:52
IdNotFoundcaboose_1980: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree12:52
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elementzIdNotFound, now it asks me for the initscripts dir - that i really do not know - don't even know what an init. script ist - it suggests /etc/init.d12:52
IdNotFoundcaboose_1980: you need the appropriate repositories enabled, though... I believe it is on restricted or multiverse12:52
javaJakeseamus7, last step, while you are in the same directory as the newly created script, run "chmod u+x <nameofscript.sh>"12:52
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IdNotFoundelementz: go for it :)12:52
ladydoorearthian: I don't think so12:52
CVDok thansk12:52
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seamus7javaJake: ok12:52
elementzIdNotFound, thx12:52
earthianthanks etc12:53
aguitelhow update firefox from terminal?12:53
earthiangood night :)12:53
javaJakeseamus7, without that, Linux will not let you run the script. It's a security feature. :)12:53
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ladydoorearthian: However, I believe that if you call halt when not at a shutdown or reboot runlevel, it'll just call shutdown anyway12:53
javaJakeseamus7, you have to tell Linux what specifically can be run.12:53
ladydoorearthian: (According to the manpage)12:53
meta4icalJordan_U: Are you there?12:53
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IdNotFoundelementz: no problem. /etc/init.d has scripts that the system runs when booting or shutting down. they start/stop services and whatever else is needed12:53
Le_F0uhow can i shut down a pc from a terminal?12:53
javaJakemeta4ical, Jordan_U is not presently in this channel.12:53
Rericssotherethinker: ok12:54
stanthecaddy22Le_F0u: shutdown -h now12:54
funkmastercan someone please help me I need to find out how my soundcards and tv tuner are called in '/dev/XYZ' form, is there some command line command i can use? some info about my system http://pastebin.ca/64111612:54
meta4icaljavajake: My bad ;p12:54
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elementzIdNotFound, good to know - htx12:54
IdNotFoundelementz: basically, the rc0.d, rc1.d, etc on the previous steps controls what init.d scripts should be executed when ;)12:54
elementzuh thx12:54
therethinkerrericsso: hmm, did you try running that command anyway?12:54
MorthyWhen I run any program using wine, the sound is sent to my soundcard rather then my USB headphones - is there any way I can change this?12:54
elementzIdNotFound, ah thx12:54
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caboose_1980it said this12:54
IdNotFoundelementz: no problem :)12:54
caboose_1980Download done.12:54
caboose_1980md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz12:54
caboose_1980The Flash plugin is NOT installed.12:54
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meta4icalMorthy: Have you run winecfg?12:54
javaJakeMorthy, try running winecfg and see if there's an option there12:55
Morthymeta4ical: Yes12:55
javaJakeMorthy, Audio tab specifically12:55
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Le_F0uthx stanthecaddy2212:55
IdNotFoundcaboose_1980: oh right, it seems adobe changed something on the original file... somebody had a link somewhere, let me look it up12:55
MorthyThe audio tab doesn't really look complete, but I selected the 'alsa' driver12:55
Rericssotherethinker: you mean using the Restricted drivers manager?12:55
caboose_1980ok thanks12:55
javaJakeMorthy, yep, OK.12:55
dcordesdoes the server disc come with openssh-server installed?12:55
therethinkerrericsso: No, alt+F2 , type in gksudo nvidia-settings12:55
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jacobdoes anybody know how to change my splash screen12:56
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javaJakejacob, splash screen for what specifically?12:57
jacobi need somebody to teach me how to change my splash screen everytime i log in my12:57
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Rericssotherethinker: am i supposed to run it in the teminal?12:57
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ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:58
seamus7javaJake: the script worked and I added it to my menu list.. thx12:58
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caboose_1980is that for me?12:58
javaJakejacob, for one there's System -> Administration -> Login Window12:58
OEM99TW00184hello all :)12:58
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funkmastersomeone knows how to find out how my soundcards and tv tuner are called in '/dev/XYZ' form, is there some command line command i can use? some info about my system http://pastebin.ca/64111612:58
funkmastersomeone got a clue?12:58
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jacobjavajake: then i go to this site and then drag and drop? http://art.gnome.org/themes/splash_screens/12:58
cn28hso I have bcm43xx blacklisted, rebooted, but still no luck with ndiswrapper12:58
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therethinkerrericsso: Yeah, but pressing Alt-F2 will allow you to run it wo/ a terminal12:59
cablesfunkmaster, soundcards are usually /dev/dsp, i dunno about tv tuners.12:59
cn28hit doesn't autoload and if I load it with modprobe, still nothing12:59
javaJakejacob, ah, now we are getting somewhere. :)12:59
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javaJakejacob, you meant those splashscreens... one moment12:59
funkmasteri have 2 sound cards12:59
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funkmasterthat's why i'm asking12:59
jacobjavajake: well yeah, that's what i meant12:59
caboose_1980i need adobe shockwave for ubuntu 7.412:59
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funkmasterthere shoudl be some sort of command12:59
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jacobjavajake: splashscreens12:59
funkmasteranyone knows?12:59
gibbsterHi guys. Not strictly a ubuntu question, but what do you guys use for gnome text editors?12:59
Rericssotherethinker: ok, it asked for my pass, but after i wrote it and pressed enter nothing happned12:59
javaJakejacob, http://art.gnome.org/faq.php#q812:59
IdNotFoundcaboose_1980: try taking a look at this link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/12513112:59
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javaJakejacob, they have information on how to install all sorts of stuff in that FAQ01:00
IdNotFoundcaboose_1980: there are some updated .debs linked there, try installing it01:00
jacobjavajake: thanks alot01:00
caboose_1980thats flash not shockwave01:00
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IdNotFoundcaboose_1980: oh I see... damn, sorry >_<01:00
javaJakejacob, np01:00
RustyJamesgibbster, gedit?01:00
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caboose_1980its ok01:00
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IdNotFoundcaboose_1980: I don't know then, let's try the channel bot01:00
gibbsterI'm looking for something with a 'find in files' functionality01:00
IdNotFound!shockwave | caboose_198001:00
ubotucaboose_1980: Shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave01:00
cn28hgibbster, geany maybe01:00
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gibbsterhaven't found any yet01:00
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javaJakegibbster, ah yes, I was looking for such a feature myself. :)01:01
javaJakegibbster, you can do it on the command line in one directory only01:01
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MorthyAre the scripts ran in /etc/init.d ran during boot, or while I log in?01:01
cn28hyou can do it recursively from the command line as well01:01
cn28hin as many directories as you like01:01
LiberCogitoStupid question:  Can I burn a liveCD iso onto a DVD?01:01
therethinkerRericsso:Then I assume you don't have an nvidia card. You also don't have an ATI one...01:01
gibbsterjavajake: yeah, I know you can do it with find...01:01
ladydoorMorthy: At boot.01:01
javaJakegibbster, egrep <Regex search pattern> <files to search>01:01
gibbsterbut that's not all that convenient01:01
Music_ShuffleLiberCogito, yes.01:01
therethinkerRericsso: I don't know01:01
javaJakegibbster, for example...01:02
caboose_1980nevermind all this is too confusing01:02
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Rericssotherethinker: hm, i thought i told you01:02
Morthyladydoor: Thanks01:02
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javaJakegibbster, egrep IWantThisText *.htm01:02
LiberCogitoMusic_Shuffle:  Thanks!01:02
Rericssotherethinker: i have a Radeon Mobility 750001:02
gibbsterit would be nice to have it integrated in the editor...01:02
javaJakegibbster, it'll search all htm files within the current directory for that text.01:02
javaJakegibbster, I created a script for this specific task a while ago01:02
therethinkerRericsso: Oh, no I didn't see that!01:02
javaJakegibbster, let me see if I can find it01:02
Rericssotherethinker: hehe, ok01:02
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ladydoorMorthy: No problem. You can start things on login through some command provided by your window manager of choice. If you login to a commandline, I can help you more there.01:02
Rericssotherethinker: sorry ^^01:02
cn28hgibbster, perhaps you should try emacs then01:03
meta4icalDoes anyone know how I can change the name I gave my computer during installation?01:03
javaJakegibbster, it opens the files that have the text in gedit01:03
RustyJamesgibbster, how about the search file tool?01:03
RyukZillahi all!01:03
javaJakeRustyJames, say what?01:03
gibbsteremacs... yeah maybe01:03
gibbsterbit of a learning curve, though01:03
therethinkerRericsso: not your fault ;-)01:03
Morthyladydoor: I want to run this command during boot, every time: rmmod snd_hda_intel - So I can disable my soundcard device01:03
javaJakeRustyJames, gibbster, oh, right Places -> Search for Files01:03
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Morthyladydoor: It won't let me run it after I'm logged in01:03
gibbstermaybe it's worth the effort01:03
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ladydoorgibbster: It's good stuff once you get used to it, though. I'm listening to music, doing IRC, and working on a paper in it ATM.01:03
cn28hgibbster, I haven't found any other text editor that I like as much01:04
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gibbsterscribes is kindof cool01:04
gibbsterfor the 'templates' functionality01:04
RustyJamesgibbster, try Places -> Search for Files advanced options should work like the wiindows search01:04
ladydoorMorthy: Perhaps an easier solution would be to add that module to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist01:04
javaJakeladydoor, how do you do that!? :D01:04
Morthyladydoor: Ah thanks, I'll try that :)01:04
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ladydoorjavaJake: Magic01:04
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javaJakeladydoor, no, seriously. :)01:04
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gibbsterRustyJames: yeah. but that requires copy/pasting01:04
javaJakeladydoor, I thought emacs was just a file editor01:04
ladydoorjavaJake: Well, it's written in lisp, so it's extensible. So people extended it. *shrug*. More info. can be found at #emacs or at emacswiki.org :-)01:05
therethinkerRericsso: hmmm... I can't seem to find a configuration tool for ATI, and I've never been able to successfully edit the display configuration by hand -- so you should ask someone else01:05
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gibbsterRustyJames: not that I'm dismissing your solution ;-)01:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proposed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:05
ladydoorMorthy: np01:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about feisty-proposed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:06
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:06
javaJakeladydoor, OK01:06
exilehey all, I really need some help with starting this service daemon, I've asked here 4 days in a row and I get different answers, I basically need 1 on 1 explanation of start-stop-daemon if anyone would mind PMing me and answering some questions that would be great, thank you.01:06
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gibbsteryou can do scribes-like template with emacs, right?01:06
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ladydoorjavaJake: (No offense; it's just that it's a bit OT here)01:06
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jacobjavajake:how do i access the panel menu01:06
javaJakejacob, I don't understand what your question is01:06
jacobjavajake: panel menu > system tools > configuration editor01:06
javaJakejacob, punch in Alt+F2, and a window will appear. In that window type gconf-editor, and hit Enter.01:07
Rericssotherethinker: hm, ok , the thing is. The tv find the laptop but its just black. im using the ibm's Fn + Fx specific controls to change monitor mode.01:07
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Rericssotherethinker: it find the source01:07
Rericssotherethinker: but its just another shade of black01:08
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dem0nis there any way to get the root password i got parranoide and changed it and i forgot it01:08
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meta4icaldem0n: I think it's against policy to tell you how to change it01:08
Rericssotherethinker: well, thanks for trying ^^01:09
meta4icaldem0n: Mainly because it's widely felt that if you don't even know how to change it, you shouldn't be root in the first place.01:09
MarkSchmidtwups - sorry Dromar if I pinged you now several times01:09
ladydoordem0n: Ubuntu encourages the use of sudo instead of su/the use of a root password01:09
RyanT5000why does libnspr4-dev conflict with everything?01:09
Skazimangerman ??01:09
nullcodedem0n, try to locally exploit it =p01:09
dem0nsudo still need pw for it01:09
jacobjavajake: i don't know what to do01:09
RyanT5000what are the proper things to install for developing with spidermonkey?01:09
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cn28hdem0n, do you still have sudo access?01:09
dem0nno null but if you could help me to do that come channel hbc01:09
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Skazimankann mir einer sagen warum mein fglrx mit beryl net zusamen luft habe die ati radeon 110001:10
nullcodewhat kernel ?01:10
ladydoordem0n: sudo needs your password, though, not root's01:10
IdNotFoundCan anyone give me some sense on what is the feisty-proposed repository? Is is something like debian's testing?01:10
meta4icalbask in my personal success story, an x1550 working perfectly under Ubuntu with fglrx -- http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/7593/successvn0.png01:10
jacobjavajake: you think you can help me, very quickly so i don't take to much of your time01:10
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ladydoor!de| Skaziman01:10
ubotuSkaziman: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:10
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nullcodei don't even have a root password set01:10
nullcodeno root logins01:10
mannytuwhat is  the command to see your hardware01:10
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nullcodecat /proc/cpuinfo01:11
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dcordesserver installation only asked me for dns and lamp. will ssh be installed by default?01:11
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BudgetDedicatedwhat is the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu-server ?01:11
liquiddoomI'm trying to install Edgy on an imac G3, and I'll hear the ubuntu startup noise from the livecd, but I see no video01:11
liquiddoomssh will not be installed by default, run sudo apt-get install ssh01:11
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Morthyladydoor: That's fixed all my problems with wine and sound, thanks again :D01:11
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meta4icalMorthy: I'm curious and rather new to wine, may I ask what you're running?01:12
ladydoorMorthy: No problem!01:12
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mannytuanyone knows the command to see your hardware?01:12
dem0n... ok whjat about the files that needed su to install i cant move them no more or anything01:12
Morthymeta4ical: I'm running steam and Half-life/Counter-strike01:12
meta4icalmannytu: lspci01:12
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ladydoormannytu: lspci01:12
javaJakejacob, OK01:12
Morthymeta4ical: It's all working good now, just need to fix around 0.2 seconds of sound lag01:12
liquiddoommanntytu: lspci, or sudo lshw to see alll hardware01:12
jacobjavajake: let me paste the file in the gnome folder very quickly01:12
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jacobjavajake: the splash screen01:13
meta4icalMorthy: wow mind if I private message you? I've had Ubuntu about 3 days and that's what I want working under wine -- in fact ALL i want working under wine01:13
javaJakejacob, can you tell me exactly what folder?01:13
__MK__whats the software to convert .bin to .iso images ?01:13
hvgotcodesanyone else have problems with ipw2200 not connecting via dhcp?01:13
ladydoor__MK__: bchunk01:13
Morthymeta4ical: Sure01:13
jacob.gnome folder01:13
meta4icalMorthy: I'm on a cal-im team and switched to Ubuntu hoping to still have CS lol :)01:13
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jacobjavajake: .gnome folder01:13
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meta4icalMorthy: Oops I must refrain from going off-topic, k thanks I'll pm you01:13
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javaJakejacob, OK01:14
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__MK__btw how to mount iso images in terminal ?01:14
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CThoif i have focus on the desktop, i can start typing to pick something01:14
CThocan i get it to beep if i type something that doesn't exist, like Windows does?01:14
meta4icalMorthy: Did you recieve my PM? or is xchat being troublesome =/01:15
cn28h__MK__, just like mounting aything else but you'll probably want -o loop01:15
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Morthymeta4ical: I got an error saying that it blocked it as I'm unregistered01:15
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jacobjavajake: ok i'm don01:15
liquiddoom__MK__: I believe they can be mounted using mount -t iso9600 file.iso /mountpoint/01:15
meta4icalMorthy: Oh .. do you have msn by chance?01:15
jacobjavajake: what'01:15
Amon-sanhi. i got a problem while logging in01:15
liquiddoomerm, 966001:15
jacobjavajake: what's next01:15
Amon-sani can enter my user and pass01:15
Morthymeta4ical: Sure, add jon@jon-dawson.co.uk01:15
javaJakejacob, hit Alt+F201:15
javaJakejacob, window appears01:15
Amon-sanbut the login screen just reappears again01:15
jacobok i did that part01:15
javaJakejacob, type "gconf-editor" in that window01:15
javaJakejacob, and hit ENTER01:16
exileIs it possible to make a really simple init.d script that would just run a program? instead of all that complicated stuff in the scripts that come with ubuntu?01:16
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Amon-sanrightnow i'm logged in with bash only01:16
liquiddoomexile: init.d scripts are shellscripts01:16
jacobjavajake: ok go on01:16
__MK__liquiddoom: whats the -o loop command for ? like mount -t iso9600 -o loop ?01:16
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javaJakejacob, next to each folder in this new window is an arrow. With each folder I mention click that arrow so that the folder expands01:16
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exileliquiddoom: so they would be complicated for me no matter what =\ at this point in time01:16
javaJakejacob, apps01:16
javaJakejacob, gnome-session01:16
liquiddoom__MK__: not sure01:17
cn28h__MK__, -o loop means it's a file rather than a block device01:17
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Amon-sancan anyone help me please?01:17
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javaJakejacob, now actually click on the folder "options" listed under gnome-session01:17
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cn28h__MK__, man mount and have a look atthe description01:17
liquiddoomexile: hmm. you can make one like this: #!/bin/bash (new line) commandgoeshere01:18
ladydoorAmon-san: what desktop environment are you using, and does it spit out any errors?01:18
jacobjavajake: ok01:18
Amon-sanno errors on 1st login01:18
javaJakeAmon-san, your problem sounsd like it'll take 30+ minutes to solve, if you are lucky. This channel is very busy, and many people don't have that kind of time. You can try #xorg, but if IRC fails you, forums are your best bet01:18
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javaJakejacob, you'll see a bunch of new options in the right pane01:18
therethinkeris there a way to manually install bcm4306 stuff?01:18
Amon-santhen errors about programs that already have been started01:18
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jacobjavajake: ok01:18
javaJakejacob, one of which is splash_screen01:18
Amon-sanand that the last session was unter 10 seconds01:18
NET||abuseHas anyone got a clue how to make a copy of a VirtualBox Machine image and so fork the image off, i have an image, xp1, i want xp2 which i will update with some things like IE701:18
=== MarkSchmidt [n=sven@f048033160.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
exileliquiddoom: basically what i'm trying to do is run a program in the background, it sounds extremely simple but for some reason I can't figure it out and I'm at the newb stage of terminal. I just want a program to run, and when I close terminal on my windows machine it stays running.01:19
javaJakejacob, click on the text next to "splash_screen" so that it turns into a text box.01:19
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ladydoorAmon-san: tell you what, try this:  sudo apt-get install fluxbox01:19
javaJakejacob, my window says "splash/ubuntu-splash.png", but yours may say something different01:19
Amon-sanjavaJake i have bash only01:19
jacobjavajake: thanks01:19
liquiddoomexile: Try this: program &01:19
Amon-sanforums are a pain to read like that01:19
therethinkerexile: Try running it by pressing ALT+F201:19
ladydoorAmon-san: (I want to see if I can at least get you into a graphical environment from which you can seek more help.01:19
javaJakeAmon-san, true true.01:19
liquiddoomexile: If you do that, it'll run in the background.01:19
ladydoorAmon-san: Let me know when you've done that.01:19
jacobjavajake: what do i put in the text box though01:19
tcstechexile program  -&  ...>.<  not . fast . enough101:20
exileliquiddoom: I tried that, and it says "command does not exsist"  and if it try ./ventrilo_srv it works but ./ventrilo_srv & doesn't01:20
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Amon-sani got to graphical login. and the shell there was stable01:20
liquiddoomexile: try using the full path01:20
javaJakejacob, /home/<yourusernamehere>/.gnome/<nameofsplashfile>01:20
DromarMarkSchmidt, i don't mind ^^ (really late this time :o)01:20
Amon-sannormal login and safe mode did not worj01:20
tcstechuse the switch luke... trust your feelings01:20
ladydoorAmon-san: Ah, so you can log in alright then?01:20
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jacobjavajake: ok thanks01:20
javaJakejacob, if your login name is jacob, and your file was named splash.png, it would look like this:01:20
Amon-sani can login01:20
tcstechexile ... use -&01:21
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javaJakejacob, /home/jacob/.gnome/splash.png01:21
Amon-sanbut the loginprompt always comes back01:21
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liquiddoomexile: /home/$USER/ventrilo_srv &, perhaps01:21
ladydoorAmon-san: ...Okay, so it logs you right back out again, then?01:21
javaJakeAmon-san, have you tried Failsafe GNOME in Options -> Session?01:21
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Amon-sandidn't work either01:21
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javaJakeladydoor, sorry, can't help myself but suggest things.01:21
DromarMarkSchmidt, btw, good night :)01:21
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ladydoorjavaJake: No worries!01:21
ladydoorjavaJake: More help=more goodness01:21
tcstechexile you want ~/ventrilo_srv -&01:21
therethinker is there a way to manually install bcm4306 stuff?01:22
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therethinker(wireless adaptor)01:22
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javaJakeladydoor, Amon-san, how about Failsafe Terminal?01:22
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ladydoorAmon-san: Alright. Well, basically I'd like to help you get into another window manager for the moment, from which you can more comfortably try to debug your problem.01:22
Amon-sanfailsafe terminal works01:22
overridex-laptopdoes anyone know if there's something equivilent to bluetooth:/// from konqueur in gnome?  a way to transfer files to a bluetooth device01:22
ladydoorAmon-san: If you'd like to pursue that option, that is.01:22
javaJakeladydoor, Amon-san, OK, it's probably GNOME itself then.01:22
therethinker!bcm4306 | therethinker01:22
jacobjavajake: thx, i might come back to you for something else01:22
Amon-sanis that any better than not loggin in via graphical?01:22
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javaJakeladydoor, Amon-san, continue. I just wanted to figure that bit out. :)01:22
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javaJakejacob, I may not be here. :)01:22
ladydoorjavaJake: Fair enough01:22
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bcm4306 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:23
exiletcstech: what happens when the program sees the -& as one of it's own arguments and tells me it's not in it's programming01:23
jacobjavajake: well then i'll ask somebody else, thx anyways01:23
killownWhat the best virtual desktop for linux to emulate windows xp?01:23
ladydoorAmon-san: Was that directed at me? If so, you can probably log into it from GDM, if you want.01:23
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx01:23
FunnyLookinHatkillown, Xen and VMWare both work pretty well.01:23
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killownFunnyLookinHat thanks a lot01:23
Amon-sangod i cant follow the lines onsceen01:23
javaJakekillown, QEMU as well.01:23
javaJakekillown, which you can get in apt-get.01:23
Amon-santoo much traffic in here01:23
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javaJakeAmon-san, you using XChat?01:24
javaJakeAmon-san, oh, right, nvm01:24
ladydoorAmon-san: Yeah, it's tough. Incidentally, it would make it easier on me if you'd preface things addressed to me with my nick, as I'm doing for you.01:24
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Amon-sani'm on bash only ...01:24
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killownjavaJake, qemu + windows xp = horrible01:24
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ladydoorAmon-san: irssi will highlight mentions of your nick. *shrug*01:24
javaJakeAmon-san, ladydoor, try joining a private channel, say, #Amon-san-issue01:24
Amon-sanladydoor can we do this on query?01:24
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ladydoorAmon-san: Did you get that?01:26
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fougKohvihoor: what do i do after i type that long command?01:26
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chrisb17i am trying 2 install ubuntu on my friends laptop :), but i there is no option to resize and i cant figure out why, there is only erase largest free space or manual01:27
parag0nuse manual01:27
chrisb17i need 2 resize though01:27
parag0ni think you resize form within that01:27
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alivedatabe careful resizing01:28
Kohvihoorfoug: what command?01:28
javaJakechrisb17, you did backup right? :)01:28
fougKohvihoor: mount -o loop -t01:28
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javaJakechrisb17, resizing can be risky.01:28
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Kohvihoorfoug: go to /media/iso01:28
fougKohvihoor: nothing is there01:29
therethinkerchrisb17:System>Admin>GNOME Partion Editor -- much easier01:29
alivedatajavajake: you are best off to install to a partition etc01:29
javaJakealivedata, not me, chrisb1701:30
Kohvihoorfoug: maybe you did something wrong.01:30
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fougKohvihoor: mount -o loop -t iso9660 Dues Ex.iso /media/iso01:30
alivedataanyone installed xen for testing purposes on their feisty workstation?01:30
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Kohvihoorfoug: put \ after Dues01:30
meta4icalAnyone here running Steam under wine on Ubuntu ?01:31
Kohvihoorfoug: mount -o loop -t iso9660 Dues\ Ex.iso /media/iso01:31
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therethinkermeta4ical: I didn't think that was possible?01:31
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meta4icaltherethinker: Was that sarcasm? ;o01:31
slonbgI asked earlier, but noone could help. hopefully someone have joined and knows. I connect to ubuntu box with ssh -X, but it does not create DISPLAY variable, so it does not forward X requests. In /var/log/messages I do not see any error message about this. Any idea what should I check?01:31
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Kohvihoormeta4ical: i am, well, was til this morning01:31
fougKohvihoor: still nothing there, it tells me usage Mount -v -h -l01:31
therethinkermeta4ical: sadly, no :P01:32
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therethinkermeta4ical: im no expert, but I thought it didn't work01:32
meta4icaltherethinker: Ubuntu recieved a gold on compatiblity with steam :P01:32
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meta4icaltherethinker: It most definetly works, I'm just having a specific problem01:32
therethinkermeta4ical: Oh XD Sorry :p01:32
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el_ismaHi. Wierd question: In openoffice, how do you make numbered equations?01:33
Kohvihoormeta4ical: what problem?01:33
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therethinkerel_isma: numbered equasions? Like in Calc (the spreadsheet thing)01:33
alivedataslonb - run a ps -ef |grep /usr/X11R6/bin/X01:33
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meta4icalKohvihoor: Steam installs perfectly fine, no problems there. But when I type in my username and password it says it failed01:33
alivedatanotice that on that line it says -nolisten01:33
markriantherethinker: no, I think el_isma means more like LaTeX can do01:33
bulmerslonbg  open up another xterm on another window and type xhost +ipofremotehost01:34
fougKohvihoor: should i try mount -t?01:34
fougKohvihoor: how did you say you did .iso's earlier?01:34
el_ismatherethinker: like "(some eq) (1)" which I can then auto-reference and it gets updated automatically01:34
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therethinkertherethinker: Oh, sorry. You take it then ;-)01:34
slonbgbulmer: the machine I connect from, or the machine I connect to01:34
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therethinkermarkrian: Oh, sorry. You take it then ;-)01:34
therethinker(I talk to myself sometimes :P)01:35
alivedataslonbg - your prob is with X and nolisten01:35
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alivedataon your local system01:35
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Kohvihoorfoug: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 serious.iso /media/virtual that works for me01:35
markrianel_isma, therethinker, I'm afraid I hate OpenOffice and know nothing of its workings ;o01:35
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slonbgalivedata: from the same machine I can connect to other machines with ssh -X, and they work. never used xhost01:36
Kohvihoorfoug: try to rename the file all lowercase without spaces01:36
fougKohvihoor: so make a virtual folder in my media folder then try that?01:36
apeitheoDoes Feisty come by default with a kernel later than
slonbgalivedata: so the machine I connect from, and where the X server is, is OK IMO01:36
fougKohvihoor: nope01:36
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therethinkermarkrian: my LaTeX knowledge is limited, so I can't help ;(01:37
bulmerslonbg the machine you are connecting from01:37
el_ismatherethinker: OOo doesn't use latex01:37
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alivedataslonbg: k - so you are listening for connections within X?01:37
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samuel_Pessoal, vocs sabem como tirar o cone "Configurao manual de rede" da Systry do ubuntu?01:37
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raziekielAnyone know a good open source prog for ripping dvds to avi format? My friend uses DVDFab but it's neither open, nor buitl for linux.01:39
therethinkerel_isma: He just said it was LaTeX?01:39
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therethinkerel_isma: I don't know, anyway01:39
bulmerslonbg: do you know for sure that the remote end have X enabled? some places like my school does not enable X..so i cant use gui remotely01:39
slonbgbulmer, alivedata: looks like the xhost is enabled on the machine i connect from. how can I list what is enabled, because I just today learned about xhost (i.e. never used it before), and I was able to connect to other machines.01:39
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osxdude|lapis there an app that will plainly run an app?01:39
slonbgbulmer: I fully control all the machines01:39
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osxdude|lapI cannot use terminal01:40
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slonbgbulmer: and all look like everything is OK, at least sshd_config says XForwarding yes01:40
bulmerslonbg: do you know if the remote machine forwards X at all?01:40
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hende07does anyone know a good mp3 format burning program all the programs i got wanna make wave format cds01:40
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pike__raziekiel: you might take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193754&highlight=avi+dvd+script  ive been meaning to try that script. in any case it might give you an idea though youre trying to do the opposite :)01:40
slonbgbulmer, it should, the setting is enabled in the config01:40
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bulmerslonbg well have you done what i suggested yet?01:41
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pike__hende07: k3b is usually the bells and whistles choice then you need to install also the k3b mp3 plugin01:41
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alivedatafyi - the nolisten option lives in  vi /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc - sounds like this is not your issue01:41
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pwnguindoes anyone know of a bluetooth compatibility list for linux?01:41
hende07whats the plugin called cause i can burn wave just not mp3 with k3b01:41
jason___can anyone tell me how to install libdvdcss on gutsy amd64?01:42
slonbgbulmer: i will. just i'm curious why it was set up in first place, and why it works with other machines, as i never ever used xhost before. so before I enable tish host, i would like to see what is enabled01:42
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pwnguinjason___: you'd have to ask the medibuntu people, as it's their package01:43
jason___is there a gutsy repo yet?01:43
pwnguinjason___: i doubt it01:43
pike__hende07: not sure im on debian atm. id apt-cache search k3b shouldnt be too many to scroll through01:43
alivedataslonbg: did you say that the X libraries are in fact installed on that node?01:43
jason___thx pwnguin01:43
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jason___i used it coz new hardware01:44
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pwnguinjason___: video card drivers?01:44
jason___im a trucker01:44
hende07im lost01:44
slonbgalivedata: the host I connect to? I'm not sure. It is a text install. But then I installed synaptic, and it it is build OK, it should pull all dependencies, right?01:44
mannytuthank you01:44
jason___i cant find that either01:44
pike__hende07: search for k3b in the package manager one of the packages will be for the mp3 support01:44
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pwnguinjason___: find what?01:45
jason___there was a simple way to do the proprietary drivers in feisty01:45
pwnguinoh, drivers01:45
jason___even it didnt work01:45
pike__hende07: just type this 'sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3' :)01:45
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pwnguinjason___: unfortunately, nvidia keeps pulling stupid tricks with their drivers and dropping support for things people still use01:46
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pwnguinjason___: so there's now three nvidia binary pacakges: nvidia-legacy, nvidia-glx, and nvidia-new-glx01:47
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Kohvihoor<foug> Kohvihoor: nope << no you don't need to do that01:47
seamus7What would be some fun things I could do by setting up a server on my laptop?01:47
hende07it says its temporarily unavailable01:47
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fougKohvihoor: so, mount -o loop -t duesex.iso /media/virtual01:47
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techIIseamus7: low power usage?01:47
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techIIor serving something out of a park01:48
pwnguinseamus7: cheap battery backup?01:48
Kohvihoorfoug: it doesn't matter what you name the folder01:48
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pike__foug: leave out the -t or do -t iso966001:48
techIIthat too01:48
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slonbgbulmer: btw, just executed xhost +iptoremote, and still the same problem01:48
__MK__could anybody tell me how to mount an iso image in linux ?01:48
fougpike__: sudo -t iso9660 duesex.iso /media/iso ?01:48
__MK__i asked this before but my internet stopped working :P01:48
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pike__foug: __MK__ sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt01:49
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alivedataslonbg: you can successfully connect to other nodes and pull xsessions from the box that you are testing from - correct?01:49
pramodHI.. Please tell me how can i upgrade ubuntu 5.10 to the latest version.01:49
dem0nduhh all i had todo is sudo passwd rootr01:49
pike__but the -t isnt needed01:49
dem0nduhh all i had todo is sudo passwd root01:49
seamus7techll: pwnguin: this would be for fun and learning about SQL, etc. ... what would some basic apps and use for my own personal server ... given that like most I am limited by a meager upload bandwidth.??01:49
__MK__only /mnt, no need someting like /mnt/iso ?01:49
Morthy|Heya, Is there a way to make the bar that lists what programs I'm running larger? For example, so it lists two rows of apps rather than one?01:49
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dem0nbut can some one  help me with my sshd01:49
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__MK__what is the -t for ?01:50
slonbgalivedata: correct. just this one ubuntu box can't01:50
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Techguy84well, i asked this on xunbuntu irc and didnt get a reply so im gonna ask here. Personal Expiernece, will xubuntu run on a p2 400 w/156MB Ram? and stil have some functionallity. Wanting to move it from win2k01:50
Tu13esany idea why i can view my HFS+ files if I sudo nautilus, but if I'm not sudo, I can't?01:50
Tu13esand/or how to fix it01:50
pike____MK__: any dir will do. i wouldnt actually mount it to /mnt/ something like /mnt/myiso or whatever01:50
r0b-nixternal u here man01:50
Hexianyone know a way to convert .mdf to .iso?  I've been using bchunk to convert bin/cue, but not sure about .mdf01:50
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fougpike__: i don't know if anything happened01:50
pike____MK__: so just mkdir /mnt/something01:50
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bulmerslonbg did you type it literally as iptoremote or something like ?01:50
fougpike__: nothing came up in /media/iso01:50
techIImysql postgresql01:50
pike__foug: type 'mount' to see if it is mounted01:50
slonbgalivedata: but again, it was instaled as "server", no GUI on it, so no X from the begining.01:50
__MK__but i need to create that dir first right ?01:50
pike____MK__: yeah01:51
slonbgbulmer: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx01:51
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__MK__and what is the -t for ?01:51
pike____MK__: i often just mount to /media/cdrom though some apps like wine expect the cd to be there01:51
fougpike__: hmm, i'm in /media/iso, typed in mount and a long list of things came up.01:51
pike____MK__: the type. specifying iso9660 isnt needed01:51
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bulmerslonbg: well i dont know then..you claim other host is okay..01:52
seamus7Is it practical to install (L)AMP on my Ubuntu laptop given my standard limited upload bandwidth or are there good uses even so??01:52
alivedataslonbg: the application that you are calling is installed on that box, dumb question but hey...01:52
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slonbgbulmer: all other hosts I connect to are ok01:52
astro76!iso | Hexi this link contains info on converting different formats to iso01:52
ubotuHexi this link contains info on converting different formats to iso: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.01:52
Morthy|seamus7: Only if you're going to be using it to develop stuff01:52
techIIwould hostapd and wpa-supplement conflict in some situations?01:52
IndyGunFreakHow do you uninstall a program you've compiled?  THe program works fine, but doesn't show up in synaptic, if i run the programname --version, it shows up, but if i run sudo apt-get remove name, it says it doesn't exist01:52
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Hexiastro76, thanks!01:52
pike__foug: does 'ls /media/iso' show the files?  the mount command lists all mounted stuff so all yar other partitions will be there also but the new directory should be too01:52
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dem0nhow do i fix this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32105/01:53
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fougpike__: ls shows nothing, /media/iso is empty01:53
ladydoorIndyGunFreak: going to the source directory and typing "sudo make uninstall" (without the quotes)01:53
pike__IndyGunFreak: google checkinstall01:53
TheShrewdDudehello, I was here a few days back to get advice on repartitioning my hard drive. I followed the instructions I got and I've finally managed to get my computer back into a working state.01:53
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slonbgalivedata: I'm trying xterm. it complains that DISPLAY is not set. I check with printenv, and DISPLAY is not there. All other hosts I connect to, ahter ssh -X, printenv shows DISPLAY=localhost:10.001:53
Morthy|Heya, Is there a way to make the bar that lists what programs I'm running larger? For example, so it lists two rows of apps rather than one?01:53
IndyGunFreakladydoor: ahhhhhh.. thank you.01:53
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pike__foug: i guess it didnt mount did you get an error?01:53
ladydoorIndyGunFreak: Otherwise, you can enjoy the fun of manually removing everything it installed!01:53
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ladydoorIndyGunFreak: np01:53
nickrudIndyGunFreak, checkinstall is worth looking at01:53
meta4icalback ;p01:53
fougpike__: nope01:53
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IndyGunFreaknickrud: thanks.01:53
jason___i can live with vesa01:53
jason___i just need dvd play and the win 32 codecs01:53
jason___i use this box for net and mopvies01:53
jason___yeah that sux01:53
jason___this is a new lenovo = no love box01:53
jason___i always had thinkpads01:54
jason___this is a nightmare01:54
jason___i installed it in fiesty (nvidia drivers) from scratch and they were hidious01:54
slonbgalivedata, so it's not a problem with the app itself. the session is not createed as it should be01:54
TheShrewdDudeI want to delete the partition that runs my GRUB. last time I tried, it didn't go so well01:54
meta4icalis their anyway to tell 100% that I am using the fglrx drivers?01:54
TheShrewdDudehow might I do this?01:54
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techIIi have no wireless atm01:54
__MK__how would you unmount pike_ ?01:54
jason___this is a new lenovo = no love box01:54
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pike__foug: try to mount it to /media/cdrom  like 'sudo mount -o loop file.iso /media/cdrom' be sure youre in the same directory as the iso file when you type that01:54
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__MK__unmount -o loop file.iso /mnt ?01:54
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seamus7meta4ical: fglrxinfo ?01:54
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pike____MK__: umount /mnt/something will work. make sure youre not in the dir or it wont umount it. er .. use sudo01:55
alivedataslonbg: ahhh you need to set your display variable01:55
MTecknologyIs it possible to set up mail-notification for thunderbird?01:55
ladydoor__MK__: umount, actually. No "n"01:55
__MK__ahh ok01:55
ladydoorMTecknology: Do you mean letting you know when you have new mail?01:55
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meta4icalseamus7: This is so hard to explain, but i've been here 2 days following guides/advice to get my ati card working and yesterday using the tool ENVY it finally worked = /01:55
techIIdoesn't seem like im going to get an answer out of #ubuntu+101:55
slonbgalivedata: it should be set automagically when connected with -X. at least that's what happens on all other boxes01:55
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MTecknologyladydoor, ya01:55
fougpike__: sweet that worked, now, to run it "wine setup.exe?"01:55
alivedataslonbg: not on the hosts that I connect to01:56
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ladydoorMTecknology: You can use something like wmbiff or gkrellm or probably some GNOME or KDE-related mail notifier instead, I know...01:56
pike__foug: nice :) if its your first time running wine do 'winecfg' to set it up. no sudo01:56
techIIif you use envy, just remember to take care of kernel updates01:56
meta4icalseamus7: I went to the screensavers and the ant ones (that used to run at like 5fps with vesa) were now running at like 6001:56
meta4icaland I reformatted, and NOW desptie using envy again01:56
meta4icalthose same screensavers are running at like 5 again01:56
MTecknologyladydoor, I know thunderbird is supposed to alert me, but it rarely shows through my remote desktop - idk why01:56
meta4icali don't get it =/01:56
Morthy|Is there a way to make the bar that lists what programs I'm running larger? For example, so it lists two rows of apps rather than one?01:56
leriogudday everybody pls tell me how to type special characters in my keyboard the ALT+164 never works in my keyboard01:56
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ladydoorMe neither, I'm afriad.01:56
fougpike__: nha i've used wine before01:56
seamus7meta4ical: you reformatted your hard drive or partition?01:57
meta4icalseamus7: The whole thing, I added windows xp alongside this01:57
ladydoorlerio: Are you trying to get accents and umlauts and such?01:57
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pike__foug: ok. if you have an issue the winecfg is gui so it is easy to change settings01:57
meta4icalseamus7: I'm afraid that despite it saying it';s using fglrx, it's not actually.01:57
seamus7meta4ical: what kind of computer/hardware/laptop?01:57
slonbgalivedata, I have only 3 ubuntu boxes. the other ones are new (fiesty) and they set DISPLAY. this one is dapper though. The other boxes I connect to are suse boxes, and they set DISPLAY as well. so maybe this is something new with Fiesty01:57
digi691Is there any easy way of getting fish to work w/ irssi?01:57
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Amon-sanso, does anyone have experience with gnome logging you out right after login?01:57
alivedataslonbg: let me check my config01:57
meta4icalseamus7: umm desktop, amd 3800+ 64 athlon x2, 2gb of ddr2 ram, sapphire ati radeon x1550 pci-e01:58
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seamus7Amon-san: what error message do you see before logging out?01:58
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dem0nwhat dose redbox with an x on it?01:58
Amon-sanno error message visible01:58
pwnguinAmon-san: try using the "failsafe GNOME" if you're not comfortable on the command line01:58
dem0nwhat dose redbox with an x on it mean?01:58
Amon-sani just login password gets accepted. my startup programs begin to work01:58
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BudgetDedicated@wine users talking about it here, make sure to use our official repos for the latest version of wine, the version that is in ubuntu by default is old01:59
Amon-sanand then the login screen comes back01:59
pwnguinAmon-san: you should at least get a warning about the window manager exiting quickly after login....01:59
dem0nwhat dose redbox with an x on it mean?01:59
pike__Amon-san: id alt-ctrl-f2   (remember alt-f7 takes you back to login screen) then login to command line and 'df -h' make sure / isnt 100% used ie your not out of space. if you have free space id sudo adduser and then alt-f7 and try to login with new user if that works its just a profile issue01:59
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meta4icalseamus7: I'll brb!01:59
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fougpike__: k wine always wants to install to the C drive and dues ex doesn't have a browse option. Do I just type /home/bla/bla for the directory i want?01:59
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seamus7Amon-san: I've had an issue like that but I receive an error message regarding "ICE authority" so since you're not receiving any message I'm not sure if it's related ...02:00
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=== dem0n ] what dose redbox with an x on it mean?
=== nitrocks [n=eric@c-71-61-220-31.hsd1.wv.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pike__foug: everything will install to /home/username/.wine/drive_c  and that is were you want it so thats fine02:00
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BudgetDedicatedpike_ & foug: http://winehq.org/site/download-deb (or directly at http://wine.budgetdedicated.com)02:00
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astro76dem0n, where??02:00
slonbgalivedata: I manually set DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 , and xterm failed again with xterm Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:10.002:00
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fougpike__: hmm no I put all my games in a folder in /home/user02:01
dem0nastro76 on a file02:01
TheShrewdDudeI'm booting from an ubuntu installation I'm not using02:01
TheShrewdDudeIs there any way to get rid of that partition safely?02:01
dem0nlike an eblem02:01
fougBudgetDedicated: ? i have wine allready02:01
slonbgalivedata: so clearly it does nto forward as it should02:01
TheShrewdDudeI tried it once and it totally screwed up my boot02:01
Amon-sanpike_: 5G free02:01
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TheShrewdDudehow can I tell grub to stop booting from that partition?02:01
alivedataslonbg: is that the same DISPLAY variable as the other nodes?02:01
TheShrewdDudeit was installed *after* the install I'm using now02:01
pike__foug: the installers for all your games right?02:01
alivedataslonbg: man xhost02:01
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Amon-sanpwnguin: yeah, that one i got after the second and subsequent logins02:01
pike__foug: not the actual files after install?02:01
fougpike__: no my games, i install them all into the same folder02:01
slonbgalivedata, yes, thats what I see on the other machines02:01
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BudgetDedicatedfoug: the repo i just pointed you to is one where you can get the lastest version of wine for ubuntu. the version is pretty important to get more stuff running02:02
slonbgalivedata: I tried xhost, does not help02:02
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Amon-sanfailsafe gnome does not work either (already tried)02:02
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pike__foug: ah. sorry im off work.02:02
alivedatathe extremely insecure xhost + ?02:02
fougpike__: no prob, later man02:02
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pike__foug: later. /join #winehq maybe02:02
=== dem0n What dose a red box with a white x in the red box on a file such as an emblem mean?
geniiThat it can't find the image02:03
nickruddem0n, usually it means it belongs to a user other than yourself; like root02:03
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meta4icalseamus7: Back02:03
seamus7Amon-san: in my case, I had to delet some configuration files in my home directory .. usually under gnome ... and I deleted ICE athority ... this fixed my problem in both cases ... i wish I could be more specific02:03
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dem0nhow do i logon to root because i need to edit permissions then02:03
nickruddem0n, you can see more by right clicking the file and looking properties->permissions02:03
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geniiI guess it depends what application you see it in LOL02:03
techIIdem0n, use sudo02:04
Amon-sani did not delete any config files02:04
nickruddem0n, use sudo gain temporary root privs02:04
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dem0nhow do i give your self permissions useing the terminl02:04
Amon-sanor do you mean delete the files to solve the problem?02:04
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alivedataslonbg: DISPLAY variable needs to be your IP02:04
nickruddem0n, sudo chmod02:04
DezineAnybody know how I can get my Xbox 360 controller to work with Ubuntu?02:04
nickruddem0n, or sudo chown02:04
ladydoordem0n: chmod and chown02:04
alivedatathat your are sending the xsession to02:04
techIIdem0n, if you are talking about ssh keys, make sure, that only root and the user ssh is running as can access them, otherwise it is a security issue02:05
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dem0nDon't i need a file name in there some where?02:05
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slonbgalivedata, not if forwarded trough ssh. all other boxes do create localhost:10.002:05
techIIdem0n, yes, "chmod /path/to/file"02:05
nickruddem0n, and more :)  sudo chown <user>:<user> <filename>02:05
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NaitsirkShould I use gparted when I have 2x500GB SATA-disks I want to mount, partition and put into raid-1 ? (ubuntu desktop edition on separate hdd)02:05
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_DunK_hey all02:05
ladydoordem0n: the manuals for each of those commands contain examples at the top, as does chmod --help or chown --help02:05
techIIdem0n, yes, "chmod 123 /path/to/file"02:05
dem0nwell the user that i am running ssh the keys are locked02:05
alivedataslonbg: i guess i do it a little differently02:05
cheetah5hi, i have a quick question02:06
techIIdem0n, there is also "sudo nautilus"02:06
dem0ni do sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start02:06
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techIIfor a file manager02:06
dem0nbut it gives me errors02:06
=== nickrud thinks sudo nautilus is extremely dangerous
Jack_SparrowtechII: Use gksudo nautilus  safer option02:06
_DunK_I've got a teeny problem, was wondering of someone could shed some light: I can't get a .Xsession file in my homedir to work at all.  I am using ion02:06
=== techII does also
slonbgalivedata: pls provide step by step02:06
cheetah5does anyone know if theres an app or command to switch x apps from different screens02:06
Jack_Sparrowsudo nautilus is an accident waiting to happen02:07
cheetah5ie if i have a separate vnc session (not remote desktop) on screen :1, can i grab a program thats running on :002:07
slonbgalivedata: just tried myhost:0, i.e. the X i'm connecting from, still not working02:07
nickrudso is gksudo nautilus02:07
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nickrudmight as well log in as root02:07
Jack_Sparrownickrud: Clearly a better option... than just sudo02:07
techIIbut still a lot easier for some, just have to make sure that they don't screw up02:08
alivedataslonbg: one sec02:08
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_DunK_I really am at my wit's end with it - shouldn't .Xsession just work by default?02:08
nickrudJack_Sparrow, yeah, I did a few sudo <opt> ; grep env till I got my head around it02:08
meta4icalseamus7: you have any idea why this could be happening?02:08
_DunK_seems pretty basic!02:08
DezineAnybody know how I can get my Xbox 360 controller to work with Ubuntu?02:08
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nickrudJack_Sparrow, well, I think you get the drift of that mangled fragment :)02:08
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Jack_Sparrownickrud: :)02:09
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seamus7meta4ical: I just googled and found this http://www.debianhelp.org/node/6499#comment-21835 ... I hope it's not the last word on your issue ... seems your card may be uniquely problematic .. at least according to this message board posting :(02:09
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meta4icalseamus7: But it worked right before I reformatted :(02:09
fraserhi, i forget what the command to reconfigure X is, and my screen resolution is very small. i want to increase it.02:10
meta4icalseamus7: I have some weird feeling all the commands and whatnot I typed trying to get it working BEFORE I tried envy were involved02:10
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meta4icalseamus7: Because this time I just up and installed ENVY02:10
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Jack_Sparrowsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:10
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fraserJack_Sparrow, thankyou. also, afterwards i have to reboot X or something don't i? for the changes to take effect? how do i do that?02:11
zythDoes anyone know how I can make my wifi card stop autoconnecting to my neighbour's open network on boot?02:11
Jack_Sparrowctrl-alt-backspace restarts x02:11
fraserzyth, lol just steal his internet. why do you want ti not to?02:11
fraserJack_Sparrow, doesn't that restart computer?02:11
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Jack_Sparrowjust x02:11
therethinkerzyth: Manually configurure it02:11
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zyththerethinker, yeah, where?02:12
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meta4icalanyone link to me to that binaryhowto for ati cards?02:12
rocketsis there a linux tool i can use to clone an entire hard drive MBR and all?02:12
Jack_Sparrowrockets:  dd02:12
r0b-can someone help me set up networking on ubuntu server02:12
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dem0ncan some one help me with ssh02:12
fraserJack_Sparrow, what was that command again? i accidently closed window02:12
seamus7meta4ical: I'm on a Radeon x1300 and when I first joined Ubuntu with Dapper Drake I had problems finding the best way to get it up and running with fglrx ... now it's pretty painless .. so my advice is to start again with the driver until it works02:12
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Jerem*/s -m irc.chat-clubstation.com02:13
therethinkerzyth: System>Admin>Networking02:13
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elementzguys - i need to get vmware player completely off my system - already uninstalled it via apt-get remove - but i still have some remainers - how can i get rid of em?02:13
r0b-dem0n is openssh installed?02:13
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zyththerethinker, nothing in there, its set to 'roaming'02:13
fraserelementz, only things should be in the home folder now02:13
Jerem*/s -m irc.chat-clubstation.com02:13
Giovani_Anyone know if there is a similar tool to 'service' in Ubuntu instead of typing '/etc/init.d/' ?02:13
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rocketsJack_Sparrow, yes but how . . . the man page doesnt seem helpful02:13
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therethinkerzyth:Uncheck roaming, and then fill it in02:13
Jack_Sparrowrockets: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Dd02:13
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zyththerethinker, ahh.02:13
techIIfraser, where the configuration files purged?02:13
rocketsok thx02:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mixer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:13
therethinkerGiovani_:You could always set a var02:14
elementzfraser, there's more left than that, eg: /etc/rc*foo02:14
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Jack_Sparrowfraser:sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:14
r0b-can someone help me with my networking02:14
fraserelementz, okay, ignore me haha02:14
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orbisvicishow can i control my sound, if dev/mixer does nothing?02:14
elementzis there a way to exclude dirs from being parsed while searching with 'locate' ?02:14
r0b-i need to change the IP from
therethinkerGiovani_:or a shell script02:14
therethinker/etc/init.d/$1 $202:14
elementzfraser, ;-)02:14
therethinkerGiovani_: sudo /etc/init.d/$1 $202:14
larch3 /msg NickServ REGISTER larch547902:14
gimpiirob-: you cant02:14
timetrapcan you see the lo interface?02:15
techIIelementz: with aptitude it would be "aptitude purge PACKAGE", no idea how to do the same with apt-get, but thats what you would want02:15
krzeeis there a way to just upgrade from dapper to feisty?  i just spent a day downloading feisty and the DL messed up right at the end, would rather not go through the whole dl again02:15
timetrapor the eth102:15
r0b-yea tim__b02:15
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elementztechII, thx will try that02:15
r0b-err timetrap02:15
timetraplo is not a "real" adaptor02:15
timetraplo = loopback02:15
tim__br0b- be carefully with highlightning me ;)02:15
rocketstimetrap, define real02:15
rocketstimetrap, just kidding.02:15
meta4icalseamus7: bla lol02:15
r0b-so i set that to eth002:15
timetrapnot physical02:15
tim__b-y i mean02:15
r0b-well it is a VM02:16
timetraprockets oops02:16
techIIelementz, it would be "dpkg -P [packagename] ", i think02:16
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elementztechII, ok I have several packages with vmware on my system - how can i purge the whole bunch? aptitude purge vmware* just lists the packages but does not purge them02:17
timetrapuh . . . are you using vmplayer?02:17
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r0b-im using VMware workstation02:17
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davey_how do I make ktorrent run a proxy02:18
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_DunK_has anyone got a .Xsession file working on their ubuntu before?02:18
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elementztechII, any idea ?02:18
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seamus7meta4ical: I'm assuming you've tried this how to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI02:19
techIIelementz, got nothing, except puting each package on the command line02:19
HomeRoeyhow come there's no alsaconfig in ubuntu??02:19
slowz3rCan anyone assist me  with wireshark or ettercap GTK nothing technical just a quick question02:19
timetrapwhat is your NIC set as in the workstation? Briged? Nated? or Host?02:19
elementztechII, hm ok htx02:19
elementzuh thx02:19
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_DunK_HomeRoey: apt-get ?02:19
timetrapon sec02:20
javaJakeBye everyone02:20
gimpii!ask | slowz3r02:20
ubotuslowz3r: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:20
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_DunK_so... anyone else ever had a problem getting .Xsession working?02:20
techIIok, is it normal to have ndiswrapper (installed from repository, kernel modules updated) to stop working after a kernel upgrade?02:20
davey_dunk, ya I had a problem with the file being locked02:21
retrdoes ubuntu have a firewall installed by default?02:21
davey_retr, no02:21
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davey_atleast not active02:21
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:21
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RyukZillaseamus7: Hi! i wanna know the command to chmod a folder? since my screen has a very low res and windows wont be fully shown02:21
_DunK_davey_ I don't think that that is it.  I can edit it just fine02:21
retrdavey_, i installed openssh server and i can only reach it from the local network 10.0.0.x for some reason02:21
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slowz3rWhy wont my network interfaces show up in wireshark  or in ettercap GTK02:22
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davey_well that is locked for security purpouses you have to change the config in the openshh server to get that to work. I've never done it because I've only shhed into my box from my local network02:22
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ari_stresshelp! i'm burned out02:22
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Jack_Sparrowdavey_: iptables are active part of all installations02:22
Frogzooslowz3r: you running wireshark as root?02:22
techIIslowz3r, run it as root02:23
davey_I ment that it doesn't run like windows02:23
timetrapr0b did you install it? or was it pre built?02:23
techIIFrogzoo, probably not02:23
seamus7retr: yes ... iptables ... all ports are closed by default on ubuntu02:23
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davey_where it just ranomly blockes things02:23
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timetrapand what's your host OS02:23
r0b-its a prebuilt VM02:23
slowz3rFrogzoo: how would i run it as root02:23
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retrseamus7: do you know how i can disable it?02:23
Frogzooslowz3r: there's a "wireshark (root)" option in the menu02:23
techIIslowz3r, is there a "Wireshark (as root)" in the menu02:23
Frogzooslowz3r: desktop menu02:23
slowz3rFrogzoo: ya there is02:24
timetrapr0b you running this on windows?02:24
techIIotherwise "gksu wireshark"02:24
r0b-yea why?02:24
timetrapjust checking02:24
slowz3rFrogzoo: thats how i installed it but i dont know how to run it as root02:24
Frogzooslowz3r: you put in your password when it asks02:24
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slowz3rFrogzoo: oo oops i didnt think of doing sudo wireshark..lol02:24
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Jack_Sparrowretr: INstall guarddog or firestarter and use them to open ports as needed...02:24
r0b-i cant do anything unless i can SSH02:25
Frogzooslowz3r: not necessary - use the desktop menu "wireshark (as root)" works fine02:25
techII(not the plain "wireshark" one)02:25
timetrapr0b can't do anything to what?02:25
Frogzooslowz3r: otherwise, gksudo wireshark02:25
r0b-this VM02:25
slowz3rFrogzoo: oo i was dumb and looking under  system  tools.02:25
r0b-i was planning on using SSH02:25
meta4icalbesides fglrxinfo, is their a 100% method to see if my drivers are enabled?02:25
slowz3rFrogzoo: ok one last one how about ettercap gtk02:26
cheetah5is there a program or command to get a list of open x windows and "grab" one over to the current screen02:26
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Jack_Sparrowretr: If you are a cli guy  iptables -h  for those commands02:26
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retrJack_Sparrow: okay. when i do iptable -L, there doesnt seem to be any rules02:26
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seamus7RyukZilla: have you tried "man chmod" in a terminal for available options02:26
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zimmo i have to configure the zones and the hosts to set up the Shorewall, ok? i have configured its files but it says i have not valid zones! do I need bind9 to create them first?02:26
r0b-timetrap PM me02:27
retrRyukZilla: what permissions do you need?02:27
Jack_Sparrowretr: I only use firestarter.. if you want to check ports you can go to grc.com and run shields up to scan ports02:27
Frogzooslowz3r: sudo if it's a terminal app, gksudo if gui02:27
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slowz3rFrogzoo: well its both there is a terminal version and a gui version but the only way i have ever been able to get the gui version to work is by the menu02:28
seamus7RyukZilla: something like sudo chmod -R <###> <starting_directory> ....02:28
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techIIhas anyone ever experienced ndiswrapper (from the official repositories) breaking after a kernel upgrade?02:28
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eboyjrDoes anyone know what this means? "Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual"02:29
Jack_Sparrowretr: SHorewall is another good iptable manager..02:29
MikeRotch/server -m irc.gnome.org02:29
timetrapHere is a great link for a tutorial on ubuntu and vm workstation https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Workstation02:29
timetrapr0b- should be what you are looking for02:29
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timetrapif not02:29
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r0b-Ubuntu is my guest02:30
timetrapI know02:30
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:30
timetrapthat's what the link is for02:30
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timetrapscroll down02:30
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openjoelHi, annyone know about a program called "visibility"? I'v been looking everywhere but just get broken links... can someone help me find this program?02:31
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r0b-i think i messed VMWare Workstation ups02:31
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timetrapr0b- oops02:32
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r0b-i kinda messed one of the ethernet devices for it02:32
timetrapthat would do it02:32
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timetrapjust go in a create a new device02:32
orbisviciswhat is the gnome app command that control volume ?02:32
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seamus7retr: have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo02:32
timetrapand then reboot the vm02:32
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timetrapgotta go02:33
timetrapgood luck02:33
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timetrapoh and openjoel02:33
function1anyone know what version of audacity is installed by automatix?02:33
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Frogzooorbisvicis: gnome-volume-control iirc02:34
IndyGunFreakfunction1: why would you use automatix to install audacity?02:34
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orbisvicisty ... good recall ;)02:34
Frogzooorbisvicis: easiest add a volume control to the task bar02:34
TheCreationistIndyGunFreak: Why would you use it to install anything?  Especially in Feisty?02:34
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IndyGunFreakTheCreationist: well, thats beside the point, lol, but hs question pertained to audacity02:34
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orbisvicisFrogzoo, how do i find what device its using to change the vol.  -> its not /dev/mixer02:34
TheCreationistIndyGunFreak: Ah, gotcha.02:35
ice_creamlo; i remember that i used to be able to set a samba share password, but smbpasswd is failing at the moment, giving some error connecting to localhost ip;  smbfs package not enough?  What is min I need to get this service running?02:35
function1IndyGunFreak: good question. i just was hoping automatix installed the 1.3.x series. i'm sick of staring at ugly gtk1. and i like to have "official" debs.. but i suppose i'll have to be ghetto and install from source02:35
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IndyGunFreakfunction1: what do you mean "ugly gtk1"?02:36
seamus7orbisvicis: have you looked in System/Preferences/Volume Control ??02:36
meta4icalseamus7: I don't understand how this could be happening ... is their any other way for me to test if the fglrx are actually performing?02:36
TheCreationistDoes anyone know if there is anything thing for Linux similar to Finale or Noteworthy Composer?02:36
Frogzooorbisvicis: google?02:36
IndyGunFreakfunction1: nevermind, i'm confusing audacity and audacioius, sorry02:36
TheCreationist...music notation software.02:36
seamus7meta4ical: have you tried glxgears in a terminal02:36
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meta4icalseamus7: I just did02:36
Frogzoometa4ical: fgl_glxgears02:36
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meta4icalthey're spinning at 12kfps02:37
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orbisvicisFrogzoo, im sure its different per hardware.02:37
TheCreationistmeta4ical: Then it's working ;)02:37
meta4icalaveraging 42,000fps in 5 seconds02:37
eboyjrWhy would Google Earth work fine, but Desktop Effects won't work at all?02:37
meta4icalok so that means they really are installed and working?02:37
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TheCreationisteboyjr: Do you have your restricted video drivers installed?02:37
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AcidMaXanyone know why a cinema display would be black when going through the ubuntu setup?02:37
orbisviciseboyjr, compositing02:38
AcidMaXis there a switch to fix this?02:38
AcidMaXon max02:38
orbisvicis* a possibility02:38
meta4icalseamus7: fgl_glxgears is a little slower, but averaging about this 5610 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1122.000 FPS02:38
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meta4icalseamus7: Is that normal? or is my 3d disabled or something =/02:38
Frogzoometa4ical: that's what I get on an 970002:38
orbisvicismeta4ical, i get slightly faster, not much02:39
eboyjrTheCreationist: I have no idea.02:39
orbisviciseboyjr, run glxinfo| grep direct02:39
seamus7meta4ical: hmmm I'm on a Radeon x1300 and get about 1322 frames in 5 seconds = 264.000 FPS02:39
eboyjrTheCreationist: I think I have to enable compositing.02:39
FrogzooAcidMaX: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"02:39
TheCreationisteboyjr:  Go to System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager02:39
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meta4icalFrogzoo: 5506 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1101.200 FPS02:39
meta4ical   new average02:39
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eboyjrorbisvicis: no direct rendering02:40
TheCreationistmeta4ical, seamus7:  Keep in mind that glxgears is NOT a valid benchmark for graphics performance.02:40
AcidMaXFrogzoo: this is on the boot screen02:40
meta4icalseamus7: So is this conclusive enough to say that the fglrx ARE indeed installed and working? and that whatever issues I'm hsving with the screensavers isn't related02:40
orbisvicismeta4ical, average goes up drastically if you dont have a compositor02:40
AcidMaXlike on the initial blue screen where you select keyboards etc02:40
AcidMaXonly ioption I have is install I think before that02:40
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orbisviciseboyjr, then its possible (but not certain) that you have no hardware acceleration02:40
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eboyjrTheCreationist: It says that my hardware doesn't need any.02:40
TheCreationisteboyjr: What card do you have?02:41
seamus7meta4ical: the cube for me is spinning quickly ... and my graphics work well given that Radeon Mobile X1300 is an average or modest card02:41
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eboyjrorbisvicis: TheCreationist: I have an ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF02:41
meta4icalorbisvicis: Long story short, I tried to get my card working with fglrx yesterday by following guides and typing in commands from people in here etc, and I finally got it working. I looked at the ant screensavers as a test because with vesa I got like 5fps, and I was now getting really smooth 60fpsish02:41
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FrogzooAcidMaX: booting the install with a "vga=###" option may work, try 792, but not sure what your screen wants02:41
meta4icalorbisvicis: The problem that arises is, I reformatted since yesterday and i ONLY did what made my video card work (installed envy), and now screensavers don't run02:41
TheCreationisteboyjr: Oh, old school.  Yeah, it wouldn't offer much acceleration.  You're trying to use Desktop Effects?  I highly doubt you'll be able to with that card.02:42
AcidMaXFrogzoo: will give that a whirl thanks.02:42
lumgwadaHey Just wondering. are dist-upgrades via apt getting smoother? I have a laptop that started on hoary...going to dapper lost wireless.. now I'm looking to upgrade again... is it worse the older the original install cd was?02:42
meta4icalorbisvicis: well they do, but at the speeds of the vesa driver, and not the way they did yesterday at all :(02:42
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AcidMaXFrogzoo: its one of the midsize apple cinema displays02:42
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FrogzooAcidMaX: google might help02:42
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Jack_Sparrowmeta4ical: Dont underestimate the problems that envy can cause.. even if it seems to have worked.02:42
AcidMaXFrogzoo: searching now with vga= for options02:43
anandanbuUpdate manager says that Software Index is broken what should i do02:43
eboyjrTheCreationist: Hmm... I kinda figured that, even with the words Pro and Ultra in there. lol02:43
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TheCreationisteboyjr: Well, back in the day they WERE pro and ultra ;)02:43
eboyjrTheCreationist: hah right02:43
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meta4icalJack_Sparrow: What I am saying is it worked yesterday, and now today after reformatting their's a weird side effect02:43
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meta4icalJack_Sparrow: The only difference from todays install and yesterday is, I had done a bunch of crap BEFORE I tried envy02:44
bodmerocityis there anything I can run that will allow  me to play PC games?02:44
meta4icalJack_Sparrow: which lead me to believe some command I typed in prior or something I did helped =/02:44
Frogzoo!appdb | bodmerocity02:44
ubotubodmerocity: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org02:44
EADG_AcidMaX: 786=640    789=800    792=1024     795=120002:44
meta4icalJack_Sparrow: Now those screensavers despite the exact same driver run like vesa for absolutely no reason02:44
AcidMaXEADG_: thanks will give those a whirl02:44
function1so what does it mean: my system timer resolution is set too low?02:45
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Jack_Sparrowmeta4ical: Hope you get it figured out.. good luck..02:46
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aguitelanyone have Lexmark x1185 all in one?02:46
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orbisvicismeta4ical, g2g ... sry cant help. maybe #ubuntu-effectss?02:46
orbisvicis /later02:46
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seamus7meta4ical: sorry I can't help you more specifically ... I'm no linux expert and only know what I've learned through hands on experience with my laptop ... sounds like you have your driver working well ... (maybe try reconfiguring your xorg file after backing it up of course)02:47
meta4icalI don't care if the screensavers work as long as I have 3d accel etc ... this is more a burning question of why02:47
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alivedataslonbg: get it figured out02:47
aguitelanyone have Lexmark x1185 all in one?02:47
meta4icalseamus7: I've had ubuntu about 2 days total I don't really want to mess with it lol02:47
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mrwhoAnyone have an Audigy 4 soundcard?02:47
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dabaR!anyone > aguitel02:47
dabaR!repeat > aguitel02:48
aguitel!anyone have Lexmark x1185 all in one?02:48
ShackJackmeta4ical: You get that driver workin' yet? ;)02:48
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pchildsI am wondering if there is a way to enable compiz fusion to run at startup. Is it as easy as adding compiz --replace in the sessions manager?02:48
Wiseguyhey guys, does anyone know how to use amarok to sync an ipod?02:48
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meta4icalShackJack: I tried ENVY as a last resort, and it actually worked yesterday -- but I have a new problem I simply cannot explain02:48
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meta4icalShackJack: I'd love some guidance :)02:48
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mrwhoaguitel: I had a x1200 Lexmark is crap hp the way to go02:48
ShackJackmeta4ical: You're welcome to ask - no promises ;)02:49
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phoenix24I'm running a 64bit Processr, but How could I find out If I'm running a 64bit kernel aswell ?02:49
aguiteli have proble with the scanner02:49
meta4icalShackJack: You remember all the commands and stuff I entered right, and the guides I followed? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:49
dabaRphoenix24: try uname -a02:49
ShackJackpchilds: Yep ... you running with Nvidia?02:49
mrwhoCan anyone tell me how to find my chipset on my soundcard?02:49
seamus7meta4ical: oh ... well if you back up your xorg configuration file you can always restore it easily in the Recovery Console upon boot if the new one doesn't fix your problem ... just follow this: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/ChangeResolution#How_to_reconfigure_Xorg02:50
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ShackJackmeta4ical: yep...02:50
meta4icalseamus7: I know how , we did that a bazillion times yesterday :p02:50
pchildsnope with intel extreme but it works well for what I want compiz fusion to do. No problems02:50
phoenix24dabaR, Does'nt tell whether the kernel is 32bit or 64bit02:50
dabaRphoenix24: what's it say?02:50
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mrwhosoundcard | chipset02:50
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phoenix24dabaR, Linux Macho 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux02:51
seamus7meta4ical: oh ok02:51
meta4icalshackjack: Ok well, this is weird but I the ant screensavers under vesa ran at like ... 5-10fps, so as soon as I found out ENVY got my card working I went there to test the performance increase, and sure enough, them ants was rollin' smooth as butter02:51
EADG_mrwho lspci02:51
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mrwhoThanks, I tried dmidecode and got nothing...02:51
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meta4icalShackJack: Ok so basically today, I reformatted my computer for windows xp and unbuntu and instead of doing all those things we did yesterday, I only installed Envy since that's wat worked02:52
dabaRphoenix24: so it looks like the kernel is the same...02:52
pchildsI am thinking about the macmenu applet option too. I have googled but have yet to find a complete entry. Always something missing. Anybody know of a good site on macmenu applet installation?02:52
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xxtigurxxhey everyone02:52
dabaRphoenix24: for 32 and 64 bit.02:52
meta4icalShackJack: and now despite it saying the same thing -- that my drivers are in use etc and whatnot, those ants are going at like5fps02:52
phoenix24dabaR, umm 32bit or 64bit ?02:52
xxtigurxxim on linux for the first time ever ^_^02:52
ShackJackmeta4ical: You're running under XGL -- is composite off and xserver-xgl installed?02:53
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xxtigurxxafter 2 days of messing with ndiswrapper..02:53
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mrwhoEADG_: Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB0400 Audigy2 Value, that look right?02:53
meta4icalShackJack:  I really don't know ...nor do I know how to check02:53
meta4icalShackJack: I do know that fglrxinfo now returns my card/opengl and not mesa though ;p02:53
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tom33i use the ubuntu feisty torrent downloading system, but why occurs an error when i try to start a new torrent download when I'm already downloading one of the same tracker02:54
mrwhosB0400 is my chipset?02:54
EADG_mrwho: Yes sir... Sound Blaster card.02:54
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meta4icalShackJack: would you like a copy of envys xorg.conf?02:54
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dabaRphoenix24: same kernel.02:54
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EADG_mrwho: yes02:54
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ShackJackmeta4ical: Yeah, sure pastbin it... ;)   & aptitude search xserver-xgl    and is there's an "i" to the right means it's installed...02:55
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eboyjrSince I do not have any hardware acceleration, what's the best thing that I could do to make Ubuntu a little _more_ worth while before I build a new computer?02:55
phoenix24dabaR, I think I get your point! Thanks!!02:55
ShackJackmeta4ical: But you can also cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i Composite as a shortcut...02:55
dabaRphoenix24: it looks like it.02:55
zitnerCan someone PM me on how to install icon sets, and GDMs, please.  I'm new to linux.02:55
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dabaRphoenix24: http://www.google.ca/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=ubuntu+64+bit+kernel02:55
ShackJackeboyjr: Whatchu mean - 3d graphic accel?02:55
Jack_Sparrowzitner: Easy enough02:55
franky123hey, i'm wondering how to configure a wireless network from the command line rather than using gnome network admin. anyone have a good site? I can't find any tutorials on google02:56
meta4icalShackJack: I don't see an i, I see a p02:56
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:56
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meta4icalShackJack: Here ya go -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32106/02:56
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Jack_Sparrowzitner: Just drop on the appropiate theme manager.. gdm themes go on the admin-login02:57
zitnerJACK SPARROW, pm me please, I can't keep up with these IRC chats.02:57
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ShackJackmeta4ical: Hmmm... if you're running XGL I'm pretty sure you have to have that running ;)02:57
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meta4icalShackJack: this is what it says for that command,    p   xserver-xgl                     - GL-based X server02:57
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Jack_Sparrowzitner: I tried.. do you see it02:57
r0b-if i set VMNet1 to DHCP on the host would it also do DHCP on the guest os?02:57
dabaRphoenix24: it looks like the difference is in the apps. http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.list. search for 'linux-image'02:58
zitnerYes, apparently I'm not registered, so you're not getting my message.02:58
meta4icalshackjack: and             Option "Composite" "Disable"02:58
MISTERTibbsI'm in feisty.  I would like to use an html browser screen as my desktop screen.  How???02:58
eboyjrShackJack: I don't think my computer will support 3d windows unless it is software based. I have an ATI Rage 128 Pro Ultra TF.02:58
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Jack_Sparrowzitner: HAve you dl'd any themes from gnome-look.org yet02:58
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erstaziwhere are the configuration files for wlan or eth0?02:58
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zitnerMany times, I can install those with no problems, but, oh wait nevermind thanks, lol.02:59
MISTERTibbserstazi, iwconfig02:59
ShackJackmeta4ical: But you're starting an XGL session or no (for COmpiz, etc...)02:59
dabaRfranky123: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo02:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:59
erstaziMISTERTibbs, where is that stored in the file system?02:59
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:59
erstazir0b-, thank you02:59
meta4icalshackjack: I just freshly installed ubuntu again, and installed envy and the fglrx driver again -- nothing else ;p02:59
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MISTERTibbserstazi, oh.  sorry, idk02:59
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zitnerOh, does anyone know how to make intel video drivers and install them, I'm trying to get 3d, and gl to work.  Along with my widescreen resolution.02:59
Jack_Sparrowzitner: GDM themes go in system..admin...login not the regular theme manager02:59
erstaziMISTERTibbs, thank you02:59
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ShackJackmeta4ical: Ah.. O.K... and slow ants ... hmmm....02:59
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meta4icalshackjack: yes it's weird = / I'm starting to think a command or something we did yesterday also helped maybe?03:00
meta4icalshackjack: because the only difference now from yesterday is that this time I installed with envy right away, instead of trying all the other methods and getting black screens03:00
meta4icalShackJack: so maybe something we typed in or whatever helped? i don't know I'm a newbie03:01
ShackJackeboyjr: Pretty sure the ATI Rage Pro will run under the fglrx driver...03:01
crdlbShackJack, fglrx supports the radeon 9500 and newer03:01
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crdlbthe rage predates the original radeon 700003:01
sutabiAnyone know any good apps the simplfy grep style searching?03:02
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eboyjrShackJack: Actually, I followed a tutorial once on that and restarted when I could start Ubuntu cause of something. I had to start Windows and try to remember what changes I made.03:02
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dabaRsutabi: what is easier than grep?03:02
sutabiI have the Desktop Search Beagel but its not dont indexing03:02
Jack_Sparrowmeta4ical: you are on your second day with ubuntu.. you insist on using something we tell people NOT to use and we DONT support and you are here with UNUSUAL problems.. I am glad it worked once... but we do know what we are talking about when we advise prople to NOT use envy or automatix..03:02
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ShackJackcrdlb: Ah you're right - was thinking of anohter model... yer right won't run on fglrx or on radeon :( sorry eboyjr..03:03
keenhow do i make a program start when i boot up?03:03
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dabaRsutabi: have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beagle?03:04
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ShackJack!envy | ShackJack03:04
dabaRkeen: boot up, or log in?03:04
keenboth?  i want kiba-dock to start when i log on03:04
meta4icalJack_Sparrow:  This was after all the well documented logical rational approaches work, you can ask Shackjack how long he took a crack at it along with others -- it was used as a last resort and a successful one. Plus their was no risk, I had been on ubuntu literally hours, data loss didn't mean anything. I could reformat 200 times03:04
meta4icaldidn't work*03:04
dabaRkeen: ok, so when you log in, yuo want some applet to start?03:05
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keendabar, ya03:05
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dabaRkeen: you can add it to the session under system>prefs afaik03:05
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keendabar, thanks i'll try that03:05
Chadwick|359Okay, so I don't see this anywhere after just a quick search, so has anybody else seen Tasksel just hang and then display an error that aptitude failed?03:05
meta4icalShackjack: Perhaps this only relates to the screensavers, is their a small 3d game or something I could download and try?03:05
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sutabidabaR: I was hoping for a ui to grep >.<03:05
ztomicmeta4ical: did you get that vid card working?03:05
dabaRkeen: yiouu can get another login under apps>system, or you used to be abe to anyhow] 03:06
ShackJackmeta4ical: you can run glxgears from terminal03:06
meta4icalztomic: Yesterday yes, today no :P03:06
=== eboyjr hates ATI now
meta4icalztomic: the tool Envy actually got it working yesterday, and after a reformat and using Envy again it apparently isn't03:06
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dabaRChadwick|359: do you have the exact error on a pastebuin?03:06
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bitwiseshiftleftdumb question about the installer.  if i guided - resize, it asks me for the "new partition size".  is this the new size of the old partition, or the size of the new partition?03:07
meta4icalShackJack: I did this earlier with someone, I'm averaging 8,000 frames in 5 seconds03:07
ztomicmeta4ical: hit or miss with Envy... I have the same problems. ATI rocks though.03:07
dabaRbitwiseshiftleft: the new partition size03:07
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dabaRbitwiseshiftleft: the one you are creating03:07
Chadwick|359dabaR, all it says is. tasksel: aptitude failed (100)03:07
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ShackJackmeta4ical: I'm afraid I don't know anything about what Envy does to a system... Generally when you install binary driver switch xorg, that's usually it... black screen indicstes often incompatible refresh rate/resolutions detected... Odd that the "Envy" xorg.cong your posted has no entries for refresh rate (?!)03:07
dabaRChadwick|359: no idea. that is for preseed?03:08
meta4icalshackjack: nevermind, it's 45,000 frames per 5 seconds03:08
r0b-how do i make ubuntu use DHCP03:08
r0b-ubuntu server03:08
LogicalDashI'm using the automatic indentation plugin with Gedit, and I'm typing with a Dvorak keyboard, and when I press ctrl+T to indent, it interprets as ctrl+K. What to do?03:08
ShackJackmeta4ical: P.S. What machine is this on (just curious)03:08
dabaRr0b-: under system>networking or so03:08
bitwiseshiftleftdabaR: thanks03:08
r0b-ots the server03:08
r0b-so no gui03:08
meta4icalShackjack: AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+03:08
dabaRLogicalDash: did you try the old and ne layout T?03:09
keendabar, ok well i see where i can add an app to start up, but i'm not quite sure what file to point it too, i'm not familiar with linux (second day using it)03:09
ShackJackmeta4ical: What was card (this is desktop right?)03:09
LogicalDashdabaR, what?03:09
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Chadwick|359dabaR, I'm was trying to run it with install 'lamp-server' at the end, lemme try without03:09
LogicalDashdabaR, it works correctly with QWERTY03:09
meta4icalShackJack: Yeah it's a desktop, the card was an Sapphire ATI Radeon x1550 pci-e with 256mb03:09
ztomicmeta4ical: /var/log/Xorg.0.log should tell you something.03:09
dabaRr0b-: then grok /etc/interfaces(5) and go from there03:10
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Chadwick|359dabaR, Wait, I'm a moron, i'm logged as root on this VPS, and i was trying to use sudo, lemme see if it works without03:10
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dabaRLogicalDash: so? is it  abug? have you searched google for something like that?03:10
ShackJackmeta4ical: That's cool - well good luck with it.. like I said xorg.conf looks normal execept no refreshes are specified ... dunno how envy works though... Now go and put XGL and Compiz Fusion on that baby ;)03:10
Chadwick|359dabaR, Yep, there it goes. That's what I get for trying to work on two days of being awake.03:10
keenshackjack: i finally got ubuntu installed and working!!! =D03:10
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dabaRChadwick|359: so you removed the lamp and it works?03:10
ShackJackkeen: Sweet - what was the issue you were having - video?03:10
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coffeeberyl installed in like 15 seconds, i was impressed03:11
dabaRChadwick|359: hehe, see it helps to have a clue.03:11
meta4icalshackjack: Alright I'll keep at it, thanks for the help yesterday btw03:11
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meta4icalztomic: you as well, much appreciated03:11
keenshackjack: yeah, i found a guide on the ubuntu forums that ran a few scripts and intalled everything i needed03:11
austinhawkanyone have Citrix client working on 7.04 x64?03:11
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ShackJackcoffee: Beryl? Bah - try Compiz Fusion - it's the way forward :)03:11
dabaRkeen: what was it called?03:11
Chadwick|359dabaR, Actually, now it looks like it is gonna die on me again.03:11
ztomicmeta4ical: you mean ShackJack.03:11
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ShackJackkeen: What, like for video drivers and such?03:11
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Chadwick|359dabaR, Yep, just fails faster.03:11
meta4icalztomic: no you too ;o03:11
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keendabar: the app?  kibadock03:12
ShackJackGroup Hug!03:12
dabaRChadwick|359: and this is a CD?03:12
keenshackjack: well it did video and most everyprogram i wanted like beryl03:12
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NeozonzOkay guys, I installed ubuntu twice, and I keep getting this error - also note i am installing with LVM2 - Error : can't access tty; job control turned off ubuntu lvm03:12
dabaRkeen: the script03:12
coffeei'll google it, i never heard of it03:12
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=== dabaR hugs the group that gathered
NeozonzAny help would be most appreciated03:12
ShackJackkeen: Don't say automatix - Eeeww... Ah well... glad it's workin' for ya...03:12
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Chadwick|359dabaR, No, trying to run it ssh'd into my shiny new VPS that I want to stab.03:12
BuddyCarlylecoffee, yeah Beryl is dead as in no more updates,,,Compiz-Fusion is latest/greatest03:13
coffeewow thanks for the info ^_^03:13
BuddyCarlylestop by their channel03:13
NeozonzI get that error upon boot, the splash screen comes up, and the gold bar moves 2 mm's then stops, hangs then spits out the error03:13
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dabaRNeozonz: oh, _that_ error03:13
ztomicI love my old ass ATI cards. GLX works great on GF4  or later as I have found but ... Man! ATI is the S#~T.03:13
NeozonzdabaR I posted it before...03:14
Neozonzscroll up03:14
keenshackjack, dabar: here is the link to the forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=399913&highlight=dell+640003:14
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NeozonzError : can't access tty; job control turned off03:14
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coffeewow impressive, i just watched it on youtube03:15
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keenshackjack, dabar: i'm not really sure what was in these downloads from it03:15
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IndyGunFreakhow would i go about creating a guest account, that didn't require a password, but could log on, surf internet, etc.03:15
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ShackJackkeen: You can open script in a text editor I'm doing it now :)03:15
dabaRkeen: note that you have automatix installed.03:15
dragon_Is anyone running a multi head system?03:15
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andy298Any possible way I can see the HD that I got linux on in win xp?03:16
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dabaRkeen: or rather that you ran it or whatever it does...03:16
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keendabar: is that bad?03:16
werpocan someone help me? i want to set conky to start when X does , does anybody know how to do that?03:16
mckninquestion...is there any reason why apache wouldn't be reading the .htaccess files in the root of a directory?03:16
BuddyCarlylecoffee, it's a lot similar to Beryl, Beryl works no problem, it's just that Compiz reclaimed authority over it and took a lot of Beryl and made it Fusion03:16
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mckninIE: is there a main culprit for that?03:16
steve__anyone know if you can proxy using ktorrent?03:16
matthew1429whats the command to list active processes?03:17
coffeeit looks like they added alot of cool features too03:17
keendabar: cause everything seems to be running great03:17
ShackJackkeen: Yeah - automatix is in the mix there... Hey does your lappy do proper suspend/resume (have you tested)?03:17
Frogzoowerpo: gnome -> prefs -> session03:17
IdNotFoundmatthew1429: ps03:18
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muralitomay anyone help me with a trouble with qmail??03:18
werpoFrogzoo: i'm on xfce, is it the same?03:18
keenshackjack: haven't tried that yet, i will when i get done copying some files from my network03:18
bodmerocitycan you tell wine to run an auto install .exe from a cd?03:18
ztomicUbuntu Tip: A broken cigarette can be repaired by inserting the other end into the filter.03:18
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ShackJackkeen: Never been able to get my E1505 to do it (running fglrx drivers)03:18
BuddyCarlylecoffee, Compiz-Fusion has added Expo to it which is real nice and a skydome reflection effect, along with several other things03:19
tollmarsomebody here from germany? qry me03:19
Frogzoowerpo: most likely not03:19
muralitoi have problems patching qmail with smtp-auth , can anyone help me?03:19
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werpofrogzoo: any alternative way to do that?03:19
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keenshackjack: i'll have to test that out, everything else runs perfect, with exception of screen saver03:19
Frogzoowerpo: there's probably .xinitrc or similiar, google about03:19
fholmesIs Dapper Drake repository's not supported anymore?03:20
TeehI need help installing ubuntu :\03:20
ShackJackkeen: Slow screen saver for you too?03:20
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Frogzoofholmes: dapper's still supported03:20
BuddyCarlylecoffee, trevino's page at tuxfamily is the url to add to your repo sources03:20
ubotudapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu.  Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake".03:20
ShackJack!install > Teeh03:20
werpothanks frogzoo03:20
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keenshackjack: could be, i just get a blank screen, but the screensaver i have set starts blank03:20
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ShackJackkeen: Try Plasma ;)03:21
keenshackjack: will do =)03:21
coffeecool i'm installing now :)03:21
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muralitoi have problems patching qmail with smtp-auth , can anyone help me?03:21
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AlienfluXi'm having trouble with my wireless connectivity... eth1:avahi <<< I see that... but I can't configure it03:21
AlienfluXit says that it doesn't exist...03:21
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ShackJackAlienfluX: You check out the troubleshooting guide @ help.ubuntu.com?03:22
muralitoi have problems patching qmail with smtp-auth , can anyone help me?03:22
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josshi'm trying to install the latest ubuntu server on standard i386 hardware. it's not seeing the network interface during install. is there any way in the shell that i can manually enable it?03:22
AlienfluXi've been checking it03:22
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thomasrlHi, this isn't really Ubuntu related (so I'm sorry if I'm out of line), but I would like opinions from Linux users.  I'm looking into buying a moderately priced camcorder, and I want to mostly store the videos on my computer.  I mostly plan to do home-type movies.  Anyone have recommendations on what brand model or format I should get?  Also what software would be best for editing the videos?03:22
matthew1429i have an ati tv tuner card, does ubuntu support it?03:23
muralitoi have problems patching qmail with smtp-auth , can anyone help me?03:23
ztomicthomasrl: buy a camcorder with DVI03:23
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andy298Does Ubuntu support amarok? as it says here amarok is for KDE03:23
TheBigClashhello ppl03:23
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andy298I got gnome, so um :x03:23
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Jack_Sparrow!repeat > muralito03:23
matthew1429andy298: I have it running on gnome03:23
TheBigClashneed help!! :'(03:23
andy298Ah okay03:24
andy298thanks mate03:24
matthew1429you simply use the add/remove03:24
matthew1429it's gr803:24
BigToe7000I need help with going to sleep03:24
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keenshackjack: what is automatrix?03:24
=== caboose_1980cabo [n=charles@adsl-211-127-142.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
BuddyCarlyleandy298, yeah03:24
ztomicI need help with sanity03:24
Jack_Sparrowkeen: something you dont want to even try03:24
ShackJack!automatix > keen03:24
TheBigClashi have a problem in installing ubuntu in an Acer laptop03:24
muralitoJack_sparrow , sorry , do u have any idea about qmail?03:24
caboose_1980cabohow do i get java for ubuntu 7.4 and no confuzing stuff03:25
ameyerandy298: it'll drag a bunch of kde libs onto your system and use more RAM than if it was running in KDE03:25
ztomicI have problems installing Windows.03:25
keenhehe ok03:25
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ameyerandy298: but if you can run Ubuntu without ram issues, it's probably no big deal03:25
Jack_Sparrowmuralito: No and if someone knows they will speak up...03:25
TheBigClashi install it all, but when i restart, there's no Lilo or anything to chose between windows or linux03:25
HomeRoeyhello,can anyone here help me with a sound driver issue?  I've disabled my onboard via82cxxx controller in the BIOS, yet.. lsmod still shows via82cxxx loaded on startup.  Also, I get errors when I try to use alsamixer or amarok or mpg123-alsa.  It complains about not being able to find a device (I presume the via82cxxx).  What I /want/ alsa to use by default isthe chaintech av710 sound card.  The kernel shouldn't even03:25
HomeRoeybe SEEING the on-board via82cxxx.03:25
andy298I don't have any ram issues so it'll work out I would pressume03:26
pj_mfcHi.  I have a corrupt SD card that I cannot get mounted, in order to run ddrescue, photorec, etc.   Can anyone help me out?03:26
myloCan someone point me in the right direction for irc commands/tutorials? I'm noob using BitchX. Thanks03:26
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coffeesuch a violent name03:26
Jack_SparrowTheBigClash: What cd are you using to install.. are you installing grub to the mbr and why would you be looking for lilo?03:26
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keenshackjack: does ur battery drain quickly on ur laptop?03:26
ShackJackmylo: http://www.mirc.com/cmds.html03:27
rabidsnailHow do I add the following video card to my xorg.conf? 01:0b.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV200 QW [Radeon 7500] 03:27
AlienfluXon my linksys router i see my laptop on it03:27
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AlienfluXbut it won't connect?03:27
caboose_1980how do i get java for ubuntu 7.403:27
caboose_1980plz help03:27
AlienfluXeverything is dhcp too'03:27
ShackJackrabidsnail: Have you tried restriced drivers manager?03:27
ShackJack!enter > AlienfluX03:28
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myloThanks ShackJack03:28
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rabidsnailShackJack: It's not supported by the proprietary drivers. It's too old.03:28
ztomicpj_mfc: probably a bad stick. do or did you often hotplug it without unmounting?03:28
dragon_I have a similar problem to rabidsnail. I can't get my second graphics card to work03:28
ShackJackcaboose_1980: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts  (in a terminal)03:28
daniel_bergaminire all03:28
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:29
pj_mfcztomic, I'm pretty sure the SD card is corrupted.  I want to try to get the photos off of there for a friend.  Any suggestions?03:29
ubuntu__whenever i change the resolution by reconfiguring xorg, my mouse cursor disapears. anyone know why?03:29
ShackJackrabidsnail: Oops misread -- you can use the radeon driver -- just have to install and change in xorg.conf03:29
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dragon_Done that. still no third display:/03:29
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ztomicpj_mfc: probably a bad stick. do or did you often hotplug it without unmounting?03:30
BuddyCarlylecaboose_1980, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java03:30
pj_mfc I'm pretty sure the SD card is corrupted.  I want to try to get the photos off of there for a friend.  Any suggestions?03:30
matthew1429does anyone have an ati tv tuner successfully working on ubuntu?  i don't have a /dev/video0 and I have it installed03:30
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pj_mfcztomic, I replied above, not sure if you caught the first one.03:30
frasercan ffmpeg be used to convert from mpg to mp4?03:30
ShackJack!patience > pj_mfc03:30
Dr_willis_matthew1429,  ati tv tuners are very very poorly supported. IF at all.03:30
ShackJackpj_mfc: There is a utility for recovering data off card - provided you can mount it -- called photorec http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk03:30
samuelI want to execute a bash script when system start up .how to do this ?03:31
ztomicubuntu__: vid card memory and resolution is the most likely cause. whats your resolution?03:31
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AlienfluXwhat is eth1:avahi?03:31
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Dr_willis_samuel,  dependong on what the script is doing.. the rc.local is a good place for some of them to be03:31
ShackJacksamuel: Pref _> Sessions -> Startup progs.03:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fglrx-driver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
ubuntu__ztomic was trying to chnage to 1280x102403:31
Dr_willis_samuel,  what IS the script doing?03:31
ztomicpj_mfc: do or did you often hotplug it without unmounting?03:31
pj_mfcShackJack, Sorry, not sure what I did to deserve the impatience post.  As far as the problem goes, I can't get it mounted, which seems to be the biggest problem so far.03:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:31
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:31
matthew1429Dr_willis_: sigh03:31
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ubuntu__ztomic the comp has integrated video with "upto 256 megs shared ram"03:31
ubuntu__ztomic so i used that03:32
rabidsnailShackJack:I think I already have the drivers installed. What do I put for the BusID in the xorg.conf?03:32
ztomicubuntu__: thats your problem.03:32
caboose_1980random question, how does terminal work?03:32
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pj_mfcztomic, It's just a card I got from a friend.  I'm pretty sure the card is corrupt, which is causing it to not mount.03:32
IndyGunFreakis there a way to skip the login screen, in Ubuntu 7.04?  Where it just automatically logs into a specified user?03:32
samuelShackJack  I had try according what you said , but it can't .03:32
ubuntu__ztomic so maybe see if bios can tell me correct number?03:32
ShackJackrabidsnail: If you have video already bus id should stay the same... just change driver from vesa to radeon ...03:32
ztomicpj_mfc: it's a bad card03:32
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Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: YEs there is..03:33
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: got a link?.. google is turning up dry, or maybe i'm not searching the right terms.03:33
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ztomicubuntu__: no you dont have enough vid memory03:33
fraserhi. everytime my ipod plugs in it's mounted as 'FRASERS IPOD' and i want it to automount as iPod03:33
samuelI will try to add script to rc.local,thank  Drwillis_03:33
ShackJacksamuel: You do need to include full path to script and make sure it's exectutable... but other suggestion good too...03:33
rabidsnailShackJack: I don't have video already. I'm using the onboard intel video.03:33
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: I am looking now.. system..admin..login is where I think I saw it03:33
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IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: ok, i'll check it out, thanks.03:33
ShackJackrabidsnail: Sorry confused --- so you're installing another video card?03:33
jonesresidenceHi guys, got a problem, can you think of a reason why my machine is not responding to remote requests via http and responds localy?03:34
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Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: security enamble automatic login03:34
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: then select the user you want to default03:34
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: you know i totally missed that, thank you.03:34
frasercan i rename a drive without unmounting it?03:35
pj_mfcztomic, that's what I suspected.  Any chance of getting the data off?03:35
rabidsnailShackJack: I Just installed the os on the machine two days ago, and the radeon card has been there the whole time. There is no mention of it in the xorg.conf. I'm using the crappy integrated video in the meantime.03:35
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HomeRoeyrabidsnail:  wahaha, great nick! :)03:35
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jonesresidenceHi guys, got a problem, can you think of a reason why my machine is not responding to remote requests via http and responds localy?03:35
jacobdoes anybody know how to change boot screens?03:35
Jack_Sparrowpj_mfc: there are some tools (windows) that can bit copy what is left of pics on that..03:35
fraserhow do i rename a drive??03:36
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ztomicsometimes you need to just stop and say to yourself, "OK! I screwed."03:36
pj_mfcJack_Sparrow, any links03:36
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ztomicgotta pee.. brbeee03:36
AlienfluXcould someone help me setup my wireless? so far I can see it from my linksys router... and there is an eth1 which is supposedly my Intel Pro 2200 wireless card... but there is also an eth1:avahi which I can't configure? beats me... thanks...03:36
Jack_Sparrowpj_mfc: I used photo recover...03:36
meta4icalcould anyone tell me how to completely remove wine03:36
BuddyCarlylecaboose_1980, terminal?   look it up in the help file under 'System'03:36
ShackJackrabidsnail: Does ATI Card show in lspci ?  And what is onboard video chip 9 series or above?03:36
jacobdoes anybody know how to change boot screens or is this something that can't be changed03:37
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dragon_rabidsnail: Are you trying to run both cards or just the radeon?03:37
pj_mfcJack_Sparrow, http://www.photosrecovery.com/ ?03:37
caboose_1980i know what it is but...how does just a group of words typed i nthere mean so much?03:37
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork03:37
caboose_1980in there~03:37
jonesresidenceHi guys, got a problem, can you think of a reason why my machine is not responding to remote requests via http and responds localy?03:37
jacobso i guess nobody knows how to change boot screens03:37
meta4icalCould anyone help me remove wine? sudo apt-get remove wine  didn't get rid of all of it03:37
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fholmesAnyone know of any bash scripts or programs that will take a large directory and back it up to multiple dvd's in an optimized fashion?03:37
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jacobmeta4ical: try apt-get autoremove wine03:38
rabidsnailShackJack: What I pasted earlier was from lspci. The onboard shows up as "Intel Corporation 82810E DC-133 CGC"03:38
fholmescommand line only.03:38
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Jack_Sparrowpj_mfc: yep.. get the demo and see thumbnails of what it can recover03:38
rabidsnaildragon_:Just the radeon. Using both causes the machine to overheat to the point of not booting.03:38
daniel_bergaminianyone else have openoffice go bizerk with the application font size after the last update?03:38
LunateIs /boot on another partition than / after a default Ubuntu install?03:38
ShackJackrabidsnail: right but ATI card doesn't show up at all?  You can lspci  | grep -i radeon03:38
meta4icaljacob: AH thanks03:38
jacobmeta4ical: no problem03:39
caboose_1980in terminal, it says i have to accept the thing...how do i accept it?03:39
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rabidsnailShackJack: Yes, it does. "ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV200 QW [Radeon 7500] "03:39
therethinkerLast night, someone said that sudo apt-get install fglrx-driver would install the ATI drivers, but that package doesn't have an inst canidate03:39
therethinkerI looked through the wiki, and is there a single package that I can install that will install/configure?03:39
Jack_Sparrowjacob: did you see what I brought up on splash screens03:39
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frasercan anyone tell me how to rename an iPod?03:39
rabidsnail01:0b.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV200 QW [Radeon 7500] 03:39
Jack_Sparrowjacob: Or do you want to change the login screen?03:39
ShackJackrabidsnail: Bus ID should be off to left....03:39
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jacobjack_sparrow, i was able to change my login screen and splash screen03:40
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samuelI had succeeded to auto run some sh by adding script to rc.local . thx.03:40
=== LouisvilleLIP [n=jason@74-130-197-71.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
jacobjack_sparrow: i was also able to change my default background color03:40
rabidsnailShackJack: Do I need to preface that with PCI: ?03:40
ornellahi there, i've enabled the desktop effects on ubuntu feisty.. but it reset my desktops numbars to 1, and no cube03:40
ornellaeither if i manually reset 4 screen03:41
spy80usany1 can help me with ssh problem?03:41
ornellaany idea?03:41
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Jack_Sparrowjacob: So you want to change the initial Ubuntu screen?03:41
samuelwhere is the sytem logs on Ubuntu 7.04. I can't find them under /var/logs03:41
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LouisvilleLIPsamuel: check auth.logs in that directory03:41
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orbisvicisanyone's experience w/ volume.app let them change the mixer device ?03:41
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orbisvicisi cant do it. seemm stuck on some syntax03:41
ShackJackrabidsnail: Yes, what does it say there?03:41
rafaelscjornella, I have the same problem03:41
ztomicsamuel: come on!03:41
meta4icalis their an easy way to remove entries in the gnome menu from programs that have been removed? I have a wine menu still there = /03:42
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ornellarafaelscj: and you know how to fix it?03:42
rabidsnailShackJack: Where?03:42
=== lousygarua [n=lousygar@89-139-12-32.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
jacobjack_sparrow, i changed everything i wanted to change, (including the login, background, default solid background and my theme03:42
orbisvicisthe man page reads:  -d <dev>  mixer device [/dev/mixer] 03:42
=== Chish [n=aaron@117.sub-70-194-70.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
orbisvicisvolume.app says: volume.app: invalid option -- d03:42
fraserwhat is the name of the latest ubuntu?03:42
ShackJackrabidsnail: .... to the left of Radeon in lspci listing...03:42
jacobjack_sparrow, what i want know is how to change my boot screen03:42
fraseri think it's v7.1003:42
rafaelscjornella, no :(03:42
orbisvicisafter : volume.app -d /dev/mixer03:42
meta4icalfraser: Feisty ;o03:42
=== Martinp23 [n=martinp2@wikimedia/Martinp23] has joined #ubuntu
keenshackjack: i just tested the screen saver, and its not slow, its just blank03:42
ChishI can't get Totem to do an XVid codec...03:42
samuelGreat, I found the system logs under /var/log/. thx03:42
riotkittieAnybody know offhand of any threads or how-tos about compiz on dapper? all of the threads and such i've seen are outdated (links dead, repos down)... and i cant seem to install anything beyond 6.0603:43
ztomicsamuel: #ls /var/log03:43
jacobjack_sparrow: when you turn on your computer, it loads ubuntu, the screen that shows up when loading ubuntu is the boot screen and that's what i want to change03:43
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jonesresidenceHi guys, got a problem, can you think of a reason why my machine is not responding to remote requests via http and it does responds localy?03:43
ChishI tried some GStreamer plugins (I am using the GStreamer backend), but they didn't work.03:43
spy80usany help? ssh problem: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host03:43
Konsolecan someone tell me how to setup a VMware server03:43
jacobjack_sparrow: ... or it cant be changed03:43
orbisvicisjonesresidence, router?03:43
rafaelscjornella, I reinstaled my system03:43
dragon_rabidsnail: That does not look right try this command lspci =x | grep VGA03:43
jonesresidencewrt54g linksys03:43
dragon_Sorry not = should be -03:44
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=== coffee [n=coffee@cpe-069-134-006-234.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
orbisvicisjonesresidence, port forwarding. and um html port 80 really should be closed except outgoing initiated03:44
Konsolecan someone tell me how to setup a VMware server03:44
jacobi guess nobody here doesn't know how to change boot screens03:44
rabidsnaildragon_:prints usage03:44
coffeehey guys is that guy who was talking about compiz fusion here sitll by any chance?03:44
fholmesapt-get upgrade.  Why does it tell me that the following packages have been kept back?03:44
Chishcan anyone help me install codecs for Totem (i386, XVid)03:44
LouisvilleLIPcoffee: I wasn't, but I'm semi-familiar03:44
] RandoM[only vmware client lets you drag and drop files between the host and guest machines right?03:44
ShackJackrabidsnail: Hmmm... never seen vid with the b in there... but if that's what it says PCI:1:0:b  --- ??? Dunno you might want get confimration :)03:44
orbisvicisjonesresidence, if its port forwarding try: http://portforward.com/routers.htm03:45
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rabidsnaildragon_:with -x it prints the same as before03:45
Jack_Sparrowjacob: I thought that was the splash screen03:45
initurdanybody know anything about blueflops?03:45
Konsolecan someone tell me how to install a os on VMware Server03:45
riotkittiearrrgh. :|03:45
jonesresidenceI have port forwarding enabled and the port is forwarded to the correct machine03:45
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coffeeCool, LouisvilleLIP, I have it installed, but when I noticed my cube only has 2 sides, so its not a cube really....is there some sort of manager I can access to see all the features?03:45
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coffeeeven though I have 4 desktops03:45
meta4icalShackJack: I just noticed Envy installed the Linux version of the catalyst control center, it seems fully operational and detected my card / memory properly ... so confused03:45
] RandoM[Konsole, is VMware Server installed already?03:45
ShackJackrabidsnail: And of course you have to load the fglrx driver and change driver...03:45
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Planet-Xi am home03:45
Konsoleyes random03:46
Planet-Xfrom getting wood and building something03:46
LouisvilleLIPcoffee: compizconfig Settings Manager, under System>>Prefs03:46
Jack_Sparrow!enter > Planet-X03:46
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Planet-Xare you coding irc03:46
MacarseHi, when installing ubuntu to my hd I must set partitions by myself or the installation will create the swap partition and so?03:46
rabidsnailShackJack: Does fglrx support the 7500? I thought it was too old.03:46
ShackJack!enter > Planet-X03:46
Chishcan anyone help me with something as simple as installing a XVid codec for Totem on my i386? The default packages don't work on i386...03:46
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orbisvicisjonesresidence, a lot of providers block port 8003:46
ShackJackrabidsnail: Erpp.. sorry meant radeon...03:46
] RandoM[when you open it up it should be a button to add machines.. then it boots up a virtual machine and you need to have your install CD in the drive03:46
orbisviciskinda slipped my mind03:46
rand-irchas anyone set up multiple seperate pppoe connections that are used at the same time?03:46
BuddyCarlylecoffee, check the general options03:46
coffeeahh excellent thanks, also when they say hold the SUPER key in, do you know what key they are refering too?03:46
Konsole] RandoM[: yes it is03:46
ztomicChish: search synaptics. but it should do it automatically. if it doesnt try this...03:46
initurdanybody know anything about blueflops?03:46
LouisvilleLIP!super | coffee03:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about super - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:47
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Planet-Xwtf is the bot ur controlling now03:47
LouisvilleLIPcoffee: super key = Windows Key03:47
Planet-Xsuper key = ms key03:47
Planet-Xit ain't too super03:47
Planet-Xit's always got their stupid logo on the shit03:47
rafaelscjMacarse, I prefer "manual"03:47
Planet-Xlaptop doesn't even have one03:47
Chishi pried the windows keys off my keyboard...03:47
Planet-Xibm made it that's why03:47
LouisvilleLIP!enter | Planet - X03:47
ubotuPlanet - X: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:47
ShackJack!ohmy | Planet-X03:47
ubotuPlanet-X: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:47
] RandoM[well actually before it lets you boot it you need to configure the machine a bit.. it will ask you how much to space to allocate to the machine etc03:47
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ztomicChish: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/03:47
initurdanybody know anything about blueflops?03:47
Konsolecan someone tell me how to install an os on VMware Server03:47
BuddyCarlylecpffee, super is at the bottom left .......   ctrl | super | alt03:47
initurdanybody know anything about blueflops?03:47
BuddyCarlylecoffee, super is at the bottom left .......   ctrl | super | alt03:48
Planet-Xi have03:48
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initurdanybody know anything about blueflops?03:48
Planet-XFn | Ctrl | Alt | Spacebar03:48
Chishthanks, Ztomic03:48
BuddyCarlyleaka windows key03:48
jonesresidenceorbisvicis- it was working for several weeks before03:48
Planet-Xmy super key is ctrl-escape03:48
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Planet-Xand my escape key is missing now03:48
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Planet-Xso i have to hit a pad of gel + wire03:48
bodmerocityhow do I uninstall ubuntu? I'm going back to evil windows03:48
LouisvilleLIP!enter | Planet - X03:48
ubotuPlanet - X: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:48
Planet-Xlolo bodmerocity r u srs03:48
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lousygaruahello, anyone using thunderbird with lightning extension?03:49
] RandoM[Konsole, sorry i can't be more helpful.. i still haven't installed vmware server on this computer yet03:49
orbisvicisjonesresidence, ah .. um. (different external location?) ... no idea. check the daemon config file ?03:49
rabidsnailreboot time. Fingers crossed.03:49
Abu_Hamzahow can i tell gaim to pop something or play a sound when someone says my name in an IRC channel?03:49
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orbisvicissetup iptables maybe ?03:49
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] RandoM[otherwise i could walk you through it03:49
Konsole] RandoM[: oh03:49
coffeeahh cool, thanks guys.  The Desktop cube is checked in the general manager but I seem to only still be showing 2 sides03:49
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ebuthKonsole, I have a decent link03:49
ztomicbodmerocity: #fdisk /dev/hda03:49
Abu_Hamzacoffee: good for you, mine shows only one side03:49
ztomicgood luck!03:49
Konsoleebuth: please send.. anything is better then nothing :P03:49
ChishZtomic, what package am I looking for?03:49
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ebuthKonsole, http://www.venturecake.com/a-simple-guide-to-using-your-existing-windows-install-apps-in-ubuntu/03:50
LouisvilleLIPcoffee: in general tab, set Horizontal to 4, the others to 103:50
Konsoleebuth: thanks ill check it out03:50
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bodmerocityztomic: eh?03:50
BuddyCarlylecoffee, go into the workspace switcher in the bottom right03:50
ebuthKonsole, it is actually pretty cool, I'm not sure if you're looking at doing that specifically, but it might be enough03:50
Konsoleebuth: thanks :) and yes windows is what im trying to do xD03:51
BuddyCarlylecoffee, both of those are suppose to be set to Horizontal Size 4 Vertical 1 Desktop 103:51
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LouisvilleLIPbodmerocity: did you find the answer you were looking for?03:52
ChishZtomic, I ran those two listed commands, and Totem still won't play the file03:52
ztomicChish: sorry man. read. XVid cant be that difficult. read http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repository.php03:52
bodmerocityLouisvilleLIP: no03:52
jonesresidenceorbisvicis- I didnt touch the config file03:53
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jonesresidenceEverything is default03:53
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BuddyCarlylecoffee, go into the workspace switcher in the bottom right.   there in the two settings it's 1 each03:53
Chishhm... some forum says that the xine backend works with XVid03:53
ztomicstab and go Chish03:53
LouisvilleLIPbodmerocity: while I'm looking for an answer, mind if I ask why?03:53
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coffeek brb somthing is screwing up! i gota reboot!03:54
lousygaruawhat is /opt? why all the funny programs go there?03:54
ztomicChish: yeah but you need the codecs.03:54
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Abu_Hamza/opt is a directory03:54
bodmerocityLouisvilleLIP coz I'm a gamer, and I don't like having to worry about all these really involved processes for installing things and making things work03:54
fraserhi guys, when i try to use https://help.ubuntu.com.au/community/iPodVideoEncoding i get the error 'unnkown codec: aac". i assume this means there is a package for handling aac codecs i have not installed. what is this package called?03:54
BuddyCarlylecoffee, In the CompizConifgSettingsManager .... General Options/Desktop Size/   Horizontal Size 4 Vertical 1 Desktop 103:54
Chishztomic: yeah, but I /have/ the codecs.03:54
Chishargh, i suck at linux03:54
LouisvilleLIPbodmerocity: dual boot isn't an option?03:54
ztomicChish: obviously not03:54
Chishi should go back to crappy windows03:54
dragon_Is anyone running 2 graphics cards?03:54
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bodmerocitytell LouisvilleLIP would be kinda pointless03:55
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Chishthe default codecs dont work!03:55
Abu_HamzaChish: too bad there is no operating system that satisfies your needs03:55
AmiDaniel_awaydragon_: Why would you need to?03:55
ztomicChish: go back to winblows. I could give a flying...03:55
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Abu_HamzaChish: linux is best of the worst03:55
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AmiDaniel_awayNothing gets along well with more than one graphics card03:55
dragon_AmiDaniel_away: 3 monitors03:55
Abu_Hamzalol @ ztomic03:55
AmiDaniel_awayOh, yikes :)03:55
meta4icalCan I ask why wine is on version 0.9.42 and the ubuntu repos just gave me 0.9.33?03:55
AmiDaniel_awayNever tried it before, actually03:55
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AmiDaniel_awaydragon_: What's the trouble you're having?03:56
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Chishyou cant hack in windows though. well, you can, but only on itself. well, heck, even that sucks. im sticking with linux.03:56
fraserhi guys, when i try to use https://help.ubuntu.com.au/community/iPodVideoEncoding i get the error 'unnkown codec: aac". i assume this means there is a package for handling aac codecs i have not installed. what is this package called?03:56
Music_Shufflemeta4ical, perhaps it was at .33 when they froze it last?03:56
ztomicAbu_Hamza: :)03:56
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tupais someone kind enough to let me host a Qt Application that I need to show a friend over the internet?03:56
xiambaxi have a feeling alsa drivers for my macbook are causing ubuntu to crash. at first i thought it was ndis but its not03:56
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Chishokay, im getting a different error message. that's something, right?03:56
dragon_I can only get the 2 monitors on the first graphics card to work. the second card and third monitor stay blank03:56
tupamy ISP doesn't give me open ports so I can do this with my PC03:57
tinin<meta4ical> you can get the last wine from another repo, search it at wineHQ.com03:57
slonbghow do I enlarge the console buffer during boot? I receive some errors before the syslog is enabled, but can not scroll back so long with shift-PgUp03:57
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: yeah, but /home is for users, /usr is for things for the users, /bin for binaries /sbin for system binaries... /opt?03:57
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AmiDaniel_awaydragon_: What's the chipset? nvidia?03:57
meta4icaltinin: Oh I've only had unbuntu a few days, I was just wondering03:57
dragon_Radeon X1300 both. PCI-E03:57
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slonbgalivedata: I could not solve the ssh problem yet. do you have any ideas. I was afk for a while03:57
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fholmesAlright so I have four packages that do not want to upgrade.  I don't really care about them either.  How can I get rid of them so I can install a new package?03:58
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mOrO^lousygarua: does that mean if I wantted to install Real Player, I need to install it in /bin?03:58
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ornellasorry.. i exited cause i found the solution myself03:58
ornellatnx anyway ;)03:58
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Abu_Hamzalousygarua: The /opt directory contains the actual system software in a series of subdirectories known as ``software storage objects''03:59
Abu_Hamzagotta say use google03:59
fraserhi guys, when i try to use https://help.ubuntu.com.au/community/iPodVideoEncoding i get the error 'unnkown codec: aac". i assume this means there is a package for handling aac codecs i have not installed. what is this package called?03:59
LouisvilleLIPbodmerocity: there was a post recently in the forums about how to remove Ubuntu, but I can't find it now03:59
Abu_Hamzaeven friggin linus torvalds ain't got the time to answer everthing03:59
AmiDaniel_awaydragon_: Hmm ... I do not know. Most I can find about anything is running dual monitors, i.e., http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117403:59
ornella(was simply to reopen desktop effect.. toggle cube, close desktop effect.. re-set 4 desktops and re enable the cube.. i think this is a bug anyway... bye bye)03:59
AmiDaniel_awayNever tried to run 303:59
lousygaruamOrO^: nope. i don't think so.03:59
bodmerocitytell LouisvilleLIP thats okay. thanks anyway03:59
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bodmerocitylol. tell03:59
lousygaruamOrO^: i don't think it matters too much03:59
bodmerocitysee? i'm a gamer04:00
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xiambaxcan someone help me in a pm?04:00
AmiDaniel_awayAnd I don't think anyone makes a card with 3 dvis ... have seen em with svideo and 2 dvis04:00
File13hey intuitive i need your help again if you dont mind04:00
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mOrO^lousygarua: Can I just install it in a directroy called /home/moroinstalls?04:00
fraserdoes anyone know why the ipodvidenc script gives me an error 'no such codec: aac"?04:00
LouisvilleLIPI would still recommend dual boot.  My everyday OS would be Ubuntu, my gaming OS would be M$04:00
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dragon_AmiDaniel_away: I tried that how-to and even with 2 cards 2 monitors the second card still refuses to run04:01
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: google earth counts as a system software? :) why won't they install to /usr/bin or /usr/share like all other programs? maybe becuse they are not opensource?04:01
LouisvilleLIPthat's assuming that Wine won't work04:01
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lousygaruamOrO^: well, yes. doesn't it have an auto-installer?04:01
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: that's google stupidity i guess04:01
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LouisvilleLIP!ask | xiambax04:01
ubotuxiambax: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:01
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: also grisoft software are found there04:01
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AmiDaniel_awaydragon_: Are both cards powering on? Is Ubuntu recognizing the card? (check the system monitor)04:02
xiambaxIm having issues with my macbook halting after loading X04:02
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:02
ztomicbodmerocity:  gamers belong on DOS. see? DOS has direct hardware access and that make it better than Windows.04:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:02
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: All system utilities in the root filesystem (such as /usr, /bin, and so on) are actually links to an SSO.  /opt contains the shared files of SSOs04:02
dragon_Yes, and lspci shows the card as well04:02
xiambaxi thought it was ndiswrapper so i uninstalled my wifi drivers using ndiswrapper -u drivername04:02
xiambaxstill does it04:02
xiambaxi have a feeling it may be alsa04:02
RyukZillaAbu_Hamza: hi!  I Need some help with apache04:02
mOrO^lousygarua: I have to move the bin file into a directory or it will install where it is at. I installed it on my desktop once.04:02
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bodmerocitytell ztomic see, the problem is, I don't know what you're talking about :P04:02
Abu_HamzaThe /opt/ directory provides           storage for large, static application software           packages.04:02
mOrO^lousygarua: I dont know that I have mastered installing bin files.04:03
Abu_HamzaRyukZilla: i know nothing about apache.. i use xampp04:03
RyukZillaAbu_Hamza: like where is the httpd conf file? how to set up a nameserver? how to set my domain to point to my server? (yes I own a domain =P)04:03
cyphaseHow difficult would it be to expand the functionality that tells you when Firefox needs to be restarted after an upgrade/reinstall to include more programs?04:03
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: that's not the case on my ubuntu. I ls -a /opt and find only google-earth junk etc... nothing related to system or any important binaries.04:03
bodmerocityztomic: I'm a nub. I like windows coz everything is all nice 'n laid out for me and all I have to do is click a few buttons and everything is done for me04:03
AmiDaniel_awaydragon_: I'm going to guess you'll have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf yourself .. don't see anything xserver config that would pertain to this04:03
RyukZillaAbu_Hamza: like where is the httpd conf file? how to set up a nameserver? how to set my domain to point to my server? (yes I own a domain =P)04:03
fraserdoes anyone know why the ipodvidenc script gives me an error 'no such codec: aac"?04:03
LouisvilleLIPbodmerocity: what made you try Linux then?04:03
ztomicbodmerocity: I'm scrolling up04:03
vbubuntu !04:03
RyukZillaAmiDaniel_away: hi!  I Need some help with apache04:03
dragon_AmiDaniel_away: Did that:(04:03
deathbloomsHey guys !04:04
bodmerocitytell LouisvilleLIP: my dad told me it was awesome04:04
AmiDaniel_awaydragon_: What'd you do exactly? :)04:04
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: did you actually read what i posted04:04
RyukZillaAmiDaniel_away: like where is the httpd.conf file, how to set it up, how to assign a nameserver, point my domain to my server (ip) etc etc04:04
hexstarRyukZilla: wht do you need specifically?04:04
Abu_HamzaRyukZilla: i said i know nothing about apache.. what are you deaf?04:04
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dragon_Added a device section to xorg.conf with the proper BusID04:04
AmiDaniel_awayRyukZilla: httpd conf is usually in /etc/apache204:04
hexstarlocate httpd.conf04:04
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lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: yes. nothing is in /opt except the apps i mentioned. not any files which /usr /bin link to04:05
LouisvilleLIPbodmerocity: it is, if you enjoy learning how to customize stuff.  In the long run, it's probably easier than m$, but the initial learning curve can be frustrating04:05
hexstarwhere is network config?04:05
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/ref-guide/s1-filesystem-fhs.html04:05
reya276how can install an rpm file04:05
AmiDaniel_awayFor nameservers, search for named and for DNS, well that's not ubuntu related :)04:05
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: files i got under /bin etc. are just there04:05
LouisvilleLIP!alien | reya27604:05
ubotureya276: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)04:05
reya276it's telling me to use alien04:05
hexstarwhere is network config?04:05
ztomicbodmerocity: just fdisk it.04:05
mOrO^reya276: right, you have to install alien before you can work with rpms04:05
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: i don't know..\04:05
bodmerocityztomic: what does that mean?04:05
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ztomicbodmerocity: whipe it clean.04:06
echosystmhow do you make gnome NOT show window contents while youre dragging them around?04:06
hexstarwhere is network config?04:06
reya276so should I just use a tar install, I need to install flash plugin for Opera04:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:06
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter04:06
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: on the link you sent it says it's only a place for large static programs. like google-earth i guess :) that otherwise would be scattered on the system04:06
LouisvilleLIP!spam > hexstar04:06
ztomicbodmerocity: clean that windows crap off04:06
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mOrO^reya276: usually if you go to the web page, it will auto install for you04:06
RyukZillaAmiDaniel_away: so the httpd.conf file is in /etc/apache2? as for the domain to point my server, how to :P? also... why am I not able to make folders in for example, the "/var/www/" folder?04:06
hexstarLouisvilleLIP: this is an honest quesiton04:06
hexstarwhere is network config???04:06
File13intuitive you there?04:06
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: i think it's for programs that like to be placed there04:06
hexstarplease help04:06
LouisvilleLIPfine, but don't ask it so many times04:06
ShackJackbodmerocity: Just use those easy Windows tools to format over the Ubuntu and integrate the space back into your hard drive ;)04:07
lousygaruamOrO^: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/ref-guide/s1-filesystem-fhs.html#S3-FILESYSTEM-OPT04:07
=== AmiDaniel_away blinks
ztomicbodmerocity: GET RID OF WINDOWS AND START ANEW.04:07
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: the program can also choose to be in /usr/local04:07
lousygaruamOrO^: this is a description of /opt04:07
reya276no it does not I tried that using opera04:07
hexstaris it /etc/network?04:07
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: or something like that04:07
bodmerocityztomic: I don't have windows atm04:07
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: ever heard of linux lacking standards?04:07
mOrO^reya276: Ok, I thought it behaved like Firefox. Sorry.04:07
=== coffee [n=coffee@cpe-069-134-006-234.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AmiDaniel_awayRyukZilla: You probably need to su to mkdir in /var/www04:07
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: na mean?04:07
mOrO^lousygarua: thanks Ill read up04:07
reya276I need to use opera for an specific reason04:07
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: yeah, i used automated installs. they chose /opt. just wanted to know it's use so thanks for the link04:07
LouisvilleLIPbodmerocity: so, what will you do without m$?04:07
=== Sea2 [n=sean@adsl-70-241-77-155.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
reya276need to test an app in flash04:08
BuddyCarlylebodmerocity likes to send his money to Redmond, Waskington04:08
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: no prob04:08
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: standards in FS organization? btw where r you from04:08
bodmerocityBuddyCarlyle: eh?04:08
coffeesorry guys i'm back...okay the cube issue...I went to the lower right hand corner went to properties and i can't find where to set horizontal proporties or vertical like you were talkinga bout, also i went into compiz manager general tab and this is what shows, http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/2696/screenshotas6.jpg  nothing about setting those properties04:08
fraserdoes anyone know why when trying to use ffmpeg  to convert a video it gives me an error 'no such codec: aac"?04:08
ztomicbodmerocity: ok. I scrolled up there and I didn't see your question. am I missin' somethin'?04:08
bodmerocityLouisvilleLIP: I have the disc somewhere04:08
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: i'm from saudi arabia.. why?04:08
bodmerocityztomic: I want to get rid of ubuntu04:08
LouisvilleLIPcoffee: click on the dekstop size tab04:09
=== phpwner [i=Jason@adsl-149-1-21.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== shmeebegek [n=sean@c-24-128-210-100.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hexstarAbu_Hamza: do you support the iraq war?04:09
RabidSnailI changed my driver to radeon, my BusID to the one of my radeon card, and rebooted. I got an error about there being no device section.04:09
phpwnerhow do i run a command on every file in a directory?04:09
astro76!offtopic | hexstar04:09
ubotuhexstar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:09
LouisvilleLIPcoffee: should be 4, 1, 104:09
Abu_Hamzahexstar: that is very offtopic04:09
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: i might need help from your LoCo team, if you have a drupal site04:09
ztomicbodmerocity: youre on your own... I told you and you missed it.04:09
fraserhexstar, very funny though04:09
BuddyCarlylebodmerocity, if it's free, I'd keep it to poke around on instead of trashing it.04:09
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: LoCo?04:09
RabidSnailphpwner:for i in `ls`;do;<insert command here>;done04:09
mOrO^lousygarua: So, when I download a bin file, I put it in the opt directory and then perform the install?04:09
coffeeahh i see it now!04:10
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: local ubuntu team, they call it 'loco teams'04:10
BuddyCarlylecoffee, you cool?04:10
Abu_Hamzaoh ok04:10
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: like ubuntu-ir.org for example04:10
=== mountainview [n=darin@c-69-245-102-7.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== mountainview [n=darin@c-69-245-102-7.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
RabidSnailphpwner: The filename of the current file is $i04:10
=== das-q_ [n=dasq@p57A0D958.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
r0b-how do i change my network interface04:10
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: i never heard of a saudi ubuntu LoCo team04:10
ShackJackcoffee: Check out #ubuntu-effects for help with Compiz04:10
lousygaruamOrO^: hmmm, no. what bin file did  you download? probably an automated install file04:10
=== littlebit [n=chatzill@24-119-100-168.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
ztomicfargin windows lubbers!04:10
LouisvilleLIPDo I smell a troll?04:10
mOrO^lousygarua: RealPlayer04:10
coffeeomg yes!04:10
coffeeit works04:10
=== Prometheum [n=teddy@c-69-140-161-75.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fraserdoes anyone know why when trying to use ffmpeg  to convert a video it gives me an error 'no such codec: aac"?04:11
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: what is your country code? i will check if you got a site04:11
phpwnerRabidSnail, -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;'04:11
coffeethanks guys ^_^04:11
coffeevery awesome04:11
=== mountainview [n=darin@c-69-245-102-7.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bodmerocityBuddyCarlyle: Good point04:11
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RabidSnailphpwner: replace the commas with enters04:11
=== mountainview [n=darin@c-69-245-102-7.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
lousygaruamOrO^: why don't you follow some install instructions on their site?04:11
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Abu_HamzaAbu_Hamza: 96604:11
PrometheumHello, would anyone know how to make NetworkManager remember to connect to a cloaked (non-essid-broadcasting) wireless network?04:11
=== iamatt [n=matt@c-76-30-221-246.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: as in phone code?04:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about customemoticons - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emoticons - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:11
=== littlebit [n=chatzill@24-119-100-168.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
Abu_Hamzaopps, i was talking to myself there04:12
RyukZillaAmiDaniel_away: what do u mean? ><04:12
=== False_Courage [n=lollersk@c-24-14-254-177.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
iamatthello loading a desktop for my sister in law who got  sold a cracked copy of windows home xp04:12
mOrO^lousygarua: Man... Ive installed that thing...three or four times. It works, but Firefox wont associate streaming video with it. Totem pops up.04:12
iamattwhich desktop ubuntu would you recommend ?04:12
LouisvilleLIPprometheum: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid <SSID>, then dhclient wlan004:12
hexstariamatt: x8604:12
BuddyCarlylebodmerocity, no problem, it is very efficient.  It will take some time to learn.  Yes it's user friendly but also for people who do not like having everything done for them.04:12
iamattyes but long term or ?04:12
nicle_<fraser>: as i remember, acc is not default encode code04:13
iamattthatnks for reply by the way hex.04:13
PrometheumLouisvilleLIP: I know how to connect to one, I just want network-manager to remember it04:13
LouisvilleLIPprometheum: 38% sure about that, it won't break anything, but I might have forgotten an arg04:13
Abu_Hamzaiamatt: are you referring to desktop environments?04:13
r0b-how do i install networking04:13
hexstariamatt: np :)04:13
LouisvilleLIPprometheum: oh.  I gave up on that forever ago.  Post something if you figure it out04:13
iamatti just  needa box i can load up and set up and give to her and not have her  come back and bother me04:13
ztomica good video and audio channel is #ubuntustudio04:13
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: no, i mean iran=IR, israel=IL, united kingdom=UK04:13
ShackJackUbuntu/Desktop Linux runs great for the novice user once it's setup, but sometimes there are some tricks to setting it up ;)04:13
PrometheumLouisvilleLIP: hah okay04:13
frasernicle_, sorry? well i am trying to convert a video to iPod format, if that help you know what i'm triyng to do04:13
=== lombra [n=lombra@BHE201062184138.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Abu_Hamzaiamatt: it depends on your preference really.. i like Gnome but i know a lot who don't04:13
AmiDaniel_awayRyukZilla: Read up on file permissions in unix. It's kinda important to have some *nix basics before you start running a complicated server operation :)04:14
Abu_Hamzaiamatt: install all of em on a testing machine, try em all and decide on the one04:14
iamattwell yeah i was thinking just kde3 and that is fine04:14
=== _Smash_temp [n=smash@pD95FE1C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
lousygaruamOrO^: you should check back on the sites or google for "firefox streaming realplayer ubuntu" or something similar04:14
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: SA04:14
lousygaruamOrO^: i never used realplayer04:14
mOrO^lousygarua: What do you use?04:14
fraseriamatt, gnome looks better than most, but it's not very customisable. for the average user it's probably better04:14
iamattI guess the question is  whether to use the  ubuntu long term or 7.x branch04:14
lousygaruamOrO^: for what? video or audio?04:14
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: well, seems like your loco team is not established.. thanks for the help anyway04:15
RyukZillaAmiDaniel_away: what do u mean? ><04:15
nicle_<fraser>: ok, maybe you should compile the ffmpeg from source code04:15
astro76iamatt, definitely 7.0404:15
ShackJackiamatt: 7x is very stable and newer stuff ;)04:15
iamattok thanks04:15
mOrO^lousygarua: Video off the net in real player format04:15
hexstaris knoppix a good distro?04:15
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: anytime.. hey, any idea how to establish it?04:15
hexstaroops wrong channel sorry04:15
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lousygaruamOrO^: i never streamed real player :) sorry04:15
frasernicle_, in the wiki it said that was only necessary for 6.10 and 6.0604:15
RabidSnailhextar: It's a good live distro, but I wouldn't use it as a perminent os04:16
r0b-ubuntu made me mad04:16
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AmiDaniel_awayRyukZilla: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/index.html04:16
lousygarualousygarua: well, first go here and find if your team already exist https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList04:16
frasernicle_, i think it's possible there's just a package i haven't installed, but i don't know which one it is04:16
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: well, first go here and find if your team already exist https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList04:16
=== Browndog [n=Browndog@pool-71-177-193-101.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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nicle_<fraser>: yes, but the  ffmpeg from apt is not support the aac04:16
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lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: if not, the page tells you what to do in order to make one04:16
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BrowndogHello room04:16
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AmiDaniel_awayRyukZilla: Or, if you want to get right to your question, http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/unix5.html04:16
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: my team existed but was rather passive, so i am taking steps to making it live again04:16
=== Llewxam [n=pirate@65-23-217-169.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: thanks mate04:17
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: what's your team btw04:17
BrowndogNewbie with a question about installing ubuntu on a large hard drive...can anyone help?04:17
nicle_<fraser>: you can try: apt-get install libfaad2-dev  libfaac-dev04:17
=== mongo [n=mongo@cpe-76-166-252-165.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
phpwnerhow do i get the paths too with ls -R04:17
hexstarls -al gives permissions like this: -rw-r--r--    1 hexstar  hexstar   3502 May 11 21:26 out.txt is it possible to set permissions via chmod -rw-r--r-- file?04:17
=== porthose [n=charliej@24-119-100-168.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
frasernicle_, , thanks04:17
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mongoCan anyone recommend a good tool to backup files to DVD?04:18
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BrowndogNewbie with a question about installing ubuntu on a large hard drive...can anyone help?04:18
RabidSnailShackJack: I got an error about there being no device section for radeon when I started x again04:18
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: ubuntu israel :) i find it a bit intimidating to ask ubuntu iran for help :)04:18
nicle_<fraser>: then goto compiling the ffmpeg , with the "configure --enable-libfaad --enable-libfaac; make ; make install"04:18
hexstarAmiDaniel_away: help??04:18
LouisvilleLIP!ask | Browndog04:18
ubotuBrowndog: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:18
=== Montaro [i=montaro@tsunami.ipv6.montarotech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: oh wow04:18
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: i've just bumped into saudi arabia team on the new team list04:19
frasernicle_, , okay thankyou very much. i'll try that if what i'm currently trying fials04:19
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: hey, don't steal ma team :P04:19
ShackJackRabidSnail: Was that the right PCI #'s (just curious)....  You can pastebin your xorg and i can take a quick peek04:19
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Abu_Hamzawhat do people from Argentina speak?04:19
BrowndogWell, I just sent my hard drive in and got a new one from gateway because the old one went out.  The old one was 120gb and I had no problem installing ubuntu on it.  The new one is 160gb and the install program returns an error saying it can't format the swap space.  Does the size have anything to do with it?04:19
=== Henk [n=dalesoul@a80-126-112-91.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:20
LouisvilleLIPand spanish04:20
=== srt4play [n=linuxman@c-75-75-111-124.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: why would i steal saudi arabia team? i have my team to build already :) btw, seems liek your team exists in the new loco teams section04:20
HenkWhy doesnt my windows mount show up under locations?04:20
hexstarls -al gives permissions like this: -rw-r--r--    1 hexstar  hexstar  3502 May 11 21:26 out.txt is it possible to set permissions via chmod -rw-r--r-- file?04:20
AmiDaniel_awayhexstar: No. You can only change permissions using, for example, chmod u+rw or chmod 77704:20
hexstaroh ok04:20
hexstarI was just curious :P04:20
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: i'll check it out, thanks again04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about winmac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse04:20
=== coopster [n=bcoop@c-71-236-54-213.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hexstarfraser: there's a win a mac contest? :D04:21
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:21
File13Hey question, how do i fix it to where when i plug my headphones in the sound goes only to my headphones and doesnt play on my laptop speakers still04:21
fraserhexstar, hahah no. they tried but nobody entered the competition04:21
=== Jonbo [n=Jonbo123@adsl-068-209-082-227.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== ortiz [n=ortiz@S01060003253a8cea.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
BrowndogThanks ubotu...I'll give it a try.04:21
lousygaruaAbu_Hamza: no problem, thank you also. i hope our leaders won't have us killed some day04:21
hexstarmac os x is basically the paid version of ubuntu you know04:22
=== cavalierprime [n=smee@cable2-170.murray-ky.net] has joined #ubuntu
Abu_Hamzalousygarua: heh.. i hope so too04:22
=== mharris [n=mharris@c-69-143-177-15.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mharriswhere is the massive guide for installing stuff in feisty?04:22
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate04:22
mongoCan anyone recommend a good tool to backup files to DVD?04:22
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:22
=== yUSiyEEE [n=yusiye@cpe-75-84-87-254.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
RabidSnailShackJack: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3211004:22
mharristhats not it04:22
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RabidSnailShackJack: That's Xorg.0.log04:23
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astro76mharris, one of these? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto04:23
mongoThank you04:24
mharrisno it is a massive guide for all sorts of specific tasks -- codecs, java, eclipse, etc04:24
TinidrilHi all.  Anyone have an idea why my Ubuntu 7.4 system keeps locking solid when I read from a soft raid-5 array?04:24
=== Chak [i=UPP@69-89-110-10.dhcp-elns.acd.net] has joined #ubuntu
frasernicle_, YAY! i got it. apparenytly although i updated my sources.list for medibuntu i had already downloade ffmpeg so i had to upgrade it04:25
frasernow it works04:25
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frasernicle_, also, do you know how to rename a USB disk? specifically, my ipod? for gtkpod to work, it wants my ipod to be called 'iPod'. but it is not.04:26
nicle_<fraser>: coool04:26
=== hafu [n=hafu@66-188-246-120.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
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coffeecan someone direct me to the channel that I can ask compiz questions?  #compiz doesn't seem to be it04:26
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deathbloomsHey !04:27
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r0b-why wont my Ubuntu Server IP settings work04:27
RabidSnailShackJack: Oops! Make that http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3211104:27
MongooseWAare there any scripts similar to nnscript for linux irc clients?04:27
deathbloomsAre people using Frostwire or something else?04:28
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nicle_<fraser>: :( I don't know how04:28
frasercan someone please tell me how to rename my iPod to 'iPod' from 'FRASER'S IPOD'?04:28
frasernicle_, thanks anyway04:28
=== jr [n=jr@adsl-75-16-209-187.dsl.snantx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
r0b-its not detecting the Ethernet card04:28
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=== vanberge [n=vanberge@c-71-205-77-31.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
obf213hey guys how do i open a .chm file.04:28
obf213i just got a lot of ebooks that are .chm04:28
pawangetting error04:29
pawanconfigure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check04:29
=== T-Connect [n=mitchell@adsl-65-68-206-231.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
r0b-obf213 try getting CHM Viewer04:29
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vanbergeany better IM clients out there than Gaim?04:29
jrI just installed Air Crack, and Airsnort ( both from the Synaptic Packages) erm and i cant find out were i can start these programs04:29
jrany help?04:29
=== busta305 [n=alex@c-65-34-154-101.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== vanberge wishes adium was for ubuntu. :-(
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pdigen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:29
=== blkdaddy [n=tom@pool-71-97-245-118.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
hexstarvanberge: pidgen04:30
jrI just installed Air Crack, and Airsnort ( both from the Synaptic Packages) erm and i cant find out were i can start these programs any help?04:30
fraserhexstar, you spelt it wrong04:30
hexstarI did, how do you spell it?04:30
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=== slowz3r [n=andy@cpe-76-169-113-73.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fraserhexstar, pidgen, wait no i meant when you went !pdigen. pidgen is fine04:30
nicle_<pawan>: apt-get install build-essential04:30
coffeeonce I install compiz fusion, I downloaded a compiz theme but I don't see a theme manager, I do see one for emerald theme manager but i think thats beryl, not compiz...04:30
vanbergejr,  you have to run those from command line i believe04:30
hexstarfraser: oh ok :)04:31
=== jimcooncat [n=jim@pool-72-73-113-129.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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hexstarjr: good luck cracking your local supermarkets network :D04:31
vanbergecoffee, by default compiz fusion uses heliodor i think  you have to run special command to have it use emerald04:31
vanbergecoffee, then you can use emerald theme manager04:31
=== r0b- gets a baseball bat and drives to canocical
busta305i need help configuring the screen resolution on the ps304:31
coffeevanberge, how can i open the the "heliodor theme manager?04:31
vanbergecoffee, there isnt one...04:32
coffeeoh sweet04:32
Frogzoo_busta305: running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"  doesn't do it?04:32
vanbergecoffee, my recommendation is to install fusion-icon04:32
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vanbergefrom there, you can tell compiz fuzion to use emerald04:32
busta305no it doesnt im running it on a sdtv04:32
pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~/Desktop/ktorrent-2.2.1$ apt-get install build-essential04:32
pawanE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)04:32
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.04:32
vanbergeso pidgin is just gaim renamed?04:33
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slowz3rIs there a prorgram i can use to sniff AIM on my own network04:33
pike_pawan: pkill apt-get   maybe04:33
Frogzoo_slowz3r: wireshark probly04:33
=== Darkkish [n=nick@c-24-19-24-147.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
vanbergeslowz3r, ethereal would be good... but it got renamed to something04:33
Darkkishi just tried installing the nvidia drivers04:33
Darkkishi restarted X and it crashed04:34
vanbergeyeah, wireshark that is it04:34
nicle_<pawan>:  need root permission, "sudo  apt-get install build-essential"04:34
obf213can anyone explain why chm view opens then just closes.04:34
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Darkkishdoes anyone know why it crashed? xorg looks fine but i'm pretty new to linux04:34
vanbergeno .deb package for pidgin eh?04:34
vanbergehave to source it?04:34
slowz3rFrogzoo_:  lol thats what i installed it ealer messed ith it but i could get it to caputre in plain text04:34
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busta305so any 1 know how to put the right resolution for a standard definiton tv?04:34
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coffeevanberge to install fusion-icon  do i have to add any special sources:?04:34
slowz3rvanberge:  hmm ill try and browse04:34
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slowz3rvanberge: but would it read out in plain text ?04:35
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vanbergecoffee, im not really sure... i did it a couple weeks ago and it was pretty easy.  maybe ask in #compiz-fusion?  somebody can probably help you right away04:35
Frogzoo_busta305: try google04:35
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vanbergeslowz3r, not sure.  haven't used it for a long time.  :-/04:35
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=== vanberge guesses hex would be output of choice
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busta305ive tried google and didnt help much04:36
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Darkkish'how do i exit out of diaokonos?04:36
slowz3rvanberge: and it got changed to etherape04:36
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slowz3rvanberge: ill try playing with it04:36
Darkkishhow do i reset my xorg.conf?04:36
effie_jayxDarkkish,  you can reconfigure ir04:36
Darkkishfrom console04:37
effie_jayxDarkkish,  yes04:37
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Henkhow do i make my windows mount appear under locations? It's already mounted as /media/windows04:37
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Darkkisheffie_jayx, i konw, but how?04:37
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mneptokDarkkish: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:38
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effie_jayxDarkkish,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:38
grueliusCould someone give me a link to ordering laptops with ubuntu linux?04:38
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effie_jayxmneptok,  you beat me..04:38
grueliusi cant find anything on the dell AU or US site04:38
effie_jayxgruelius,  system76.com04:38
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busta305any 1 here knows how to change screen resolution for a sdtv??04:38
grueliuslooking for a dell lappy in particular04:38
mneptokeffie_jayx: you like it rough.04:39
Henkhow do i make my windows mount appear under locations? It's already mounted as /media/windows04:39
effie_jayxif you bookmark it04:39
effie_jayxiit will be there04:39
Henkhow do i do that?04:39
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busta305how do i change screen resolution for a sdtv?04:40
effie_jayxHenk,  its not there already?04:40
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Henkeffie_jayx: nope04:40
effie_jayxHenk,  you mounted manually right04:40
jrI just installed Air Crack, and Airsnort ( both from the Synaptic Packages) erm and i cant find out were i can start these programs any help?04:40
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mharriswhere is the ubuntu compiz channel?04:41
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pike_jr: google for a tutorial on whoppix or something04:41
Henkeffie_jayx:  yeah by using  sudo  mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/windows -o force04:41
Henk  in terminal04:41
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Darkkishwhen i choose the default color depth in04:42
effie_jayxHenk,  let me see04:42
Henkeffie_jayx:  alright :)04:42
Darkkishwait nvm04:42
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effie_jayxHenk,  click where it says computer04:42
mharrisis there a specific compiz channel?04:42
Henkeffie_jayx:  done04:43
effie_jayxmharris,  there is...04:43
r0b-whats UTC04:43
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effie_jayxmharris,  #ubuntueffects04:43
effie_jayxmharris,  #ubuntu-effects04:43
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effie_jayxHenk,  now... drag the icon to the side bar with all the icons04:43
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Henkeffie_jayx: how u mean that i have no sidebar only top and bottom04:44
effie_jayxHenk,  It doesn't do04:44
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effie_jayxHenk,  Gotta check my gnome manual :S04:45
JohnnyErraticHey I have a question for anyone who might know.04:45
JohnnyErraticUnder System/Administration I seem to be missing the Device Manager, Disks and Gnome Partition Editor options.04:45
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JohnnyErraticI'm trying to make a slave drive writable as opposed to just readable, but I don't know how the drive is formatted and can't figure out how to check with those options missing.04:46
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killownErrors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/vmware-server_1.0.3-1_i386.debE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:46
Henkeffie_jayx: I can drag windows folder to top bar though but i want it to appear on desktop and in locations04:46
killownHow do I to fix it?04:46
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AmiDaniel_awayJohnnyErratic: Mount it as ro, you should then be able to see what it's formatted as04:46
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AmiDaniel_awayread only04:47
oneseventeenwhat is a good IRC app in Ubuntu Feisty Fawn?  (Xchat stopped working a few weeks ago)04:47
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=== AmiDaniel_away points oneseventeen to irssi
Henkoneseventeen: use gaim04:47
JeevesMossdoes anyone know of a channel for embeded NAS systems to install Linux on them?  I also need help with the "mount" command04:47
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Punkunityaso whatys this im reading about ubuntu 7.10??04:48
JohnnyErraticIt's not telling me anything.04:48
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JeevesMossanyone?  mount command?04:49
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JohnnyErraticI can't get any options as to what to mount it as. I only have 'mount'. Then when it's mounted I only have 'unmount'04:49
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JohnnyErraticSo I can only assume it's mounted as read only, because I can't write to it. heh04:49
AmiDaniel_awayJohnnyErratic: What type of filesystem are you trying to mount?04:50
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Frogzoo_JohnnyErratic: if your / file system is not mounting rw, you need to run fsck on it04:50
JohnnyErraticYou mean is it ntfs or fat04:50
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AmiDaniel_awayAnd, btw, typing just "mount" will list all your devices, their file format, and where they are mounted04:50
JohnnyErraticoh really?04:50
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AmiDaniel_awayJohnny: If it's ntfs you'll need some extra wizardry to get it writable04:51
AmiDaniel_awayfat should be fine04:51
JohnnyErraticIt's ntfs04:51
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JohnnyErraticI just ran ntfs-3g on it but it didn't do anything.04:51
AmiDaniel_awayThen you're going to need to install ntfs-3g and fuse04:51
thesourcecan u remove apt and add portage04:51
AmiDaniel_awayumount your device and then remount using mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/yourdevice04:51
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AmiDaniel_awayAnd you'll eventually want to edit your /etc/fstab accordingly :)04:52
Frogzoo_thesource: no04:52
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thesourcecome on04:52
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thesourcethere got to be a way04:52
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Frogzoo_./ignore thesource04:53
AmiDaniel_awaythesource: Why do you need to remove apt?04:53
thesourcecose i dont like04:53
thesourcei want to use potrage04:53
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thesourceFrogzoo dude like i care04:53
contradiction-pihi, how do i access the registry on my windows partition? i'm on kubuntu 7.0404:53
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AmiDaniel_awaythesource: Then use it instead ... apt is needed by the system, however\04:54
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AmiDaniel_awaycontradiction-pi: Yikes! Why do you need to?04:54
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thesourceok so u can add it and keek apt with no trouble04:54
contradiction-pito get the ut2004 settings to put them into the wine registry04:54
Frogzoo_contradiction-pi: you boot windows04:54
contradiction-pihow do i do it without booting windows04:55
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thesourcelol heresone for you where od i get portage04:55
ze1230hi all.  I'm having trouble with k3b...it will rip but not burn.  Says the permissions are wrong.  Could someone please point me to a Permissions HOWTO please?04:55
Punkunityanyone??? 7.10???04:55
Punkunityanyone there??04:55
JohnnyErraticAny idea why those icons disappeared from my administration menu? It's a little aggrivating.04:56
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Jack_Sparrowze1230: There is a setup tab in k3b to set permissions04:56
AmiDaniel_awaycontradiction-pi: Easiest way is to boot up into windows and export the part of your registry you're concerned about (or all of it) and save that text file somewhere you can access04:56
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AmiDaniel_awayI'm not sure of any other way to get to it from ubuntu04:56
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bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:56
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bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:56
bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:56
bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:56
bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:57
bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:57
bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:57
bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:57
bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:57
bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:57
wastedfluidhaving issues with sudo.  can't get it to work on dapper.  fresh install, at first, it was "cannot resolve hostname" - added hostname to /etc/hosts, and now, it won't do anything.  it says nothing.04:57
bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:57
bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:57
bullgard4I benchmarked my lapttop's graphics card according to Ubuntu Laptop Team. I obtained 764 FPS. Is this an acceptable value or totalley inacceptable?04:57
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bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:57
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Jack_Sparrowbullgard4: kinda slow...04:57
=== AmiDaniel_away sighs
thesourceAmiDaniel_away:  where would i find portge04:57
pike_764 fps on what?04:57
n00dl3hmmm what was that :o04:57
bullgard4Jack_Sparrow: I see. Thank you for commenting.04:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 7.10 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:57
AmiDaniel_away!portage | thesource04:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about portage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:57
Punkunity!ubuntu 7.1004:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu 7.10 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:58
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thx1137_Anyone familiar with creating/resizeing virtual disks?04:58
Punkunity!new ubuntu04:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about new ubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:58
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:58
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AmiDaniel_awayPukunity: What are you looking for?04:58
Jack_Sparrowbullgard4: You should be able to get faster with the right drivers, but for general computing I dont bother with restricted drivers04:58
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Punkunityi was looking for more info on the new ubuntu alpha edition coming out04:58
AmiDaniel_awaythesource: apt-get install portage ? :) Can probably find a build or deb somewhere on the web04:58
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Punkunityits for version 7.10 but its only in the alpha stage rightg nowis it gonna be a better feisty or another new one04:59
bat-enkhEnd yamar negen mongol xvn baina uu?04:59
thesourceok thanks for your help04:59
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-65-24-189-197.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoo_thesource: your attempts to run portage on ubuntu are doomed to failure04:59
Punkunityi have no idea whats going on04:59
thesourcewhy would i be04:59
AmiDaniel_away!gutsy | Punkunity04:59
ubotuPunkunity: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+104:59
tannerldis there any way in Ubuntu to change keymaps?04:59
Punkunityone day linux will be easier to use04:59
bullgard4Jack_Sparrow: I do only general computing and I am not interested in fancy 3-D graphics. So I will not bother with restricted drivers either.04:59
thesourcethis from some one that could not be other to help he04:59
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dvs01should i use the nvidia drivers from the restricted driver manager, or should i manually install a different version?05:00
Jack_Sparrowbullgard4: I like to keep it simple...  How do you like it so far and do you have any other questions or problems..05:00
Darkkishmozilla website is broken05:01
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fulat2khi folks, fsck returned error while checking my partition.  i made a mistake by running fsck when the partition is mounted.  any way i can fix that?05:01
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crdlbdvs01, use the restricted manager unless you have an 8000 series nvidia05:01
AmiDaniel_away!7.10 is also gutsy05:01
Punkunitynow if i were to get that do i have to go through all tghe nonsense i had to when i setup feisty or will it jus upfgrade feisty to that editon and save all my settings05:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 7.10 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:01
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AmiDaniel_awayBletch ... I don't get the bot ;)05:01
Darkkishwhatever the code name is05:02
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ze1230if there is an x next to CDRecord in the k3b set up tab does that mean permission is allowed or denied?05:02
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+105:02
AmiDaniel_awayPunkunity: You'll be able to upgrade fairly easily whenever it's released05:02
fraserugh, has anyone used gtkpod here? it's crap. everytime you change playlists it has to rescan the entire ipod, which with a filled up 30gig ipod is a long time.05:02
Darkkishthere we go05:02
AmiDaniel_awayHenk: Yeah, wanted to alias 7.10 to gutsy05:02
DarkkishI think they should've gone with Groovy Gazelle05:02
HenkAmiDaniel_away: ah alright :p05:02
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AmiDaniel_awayBut don't know how to work the bot :)05:02
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HenkAmiDaniel_away: can't help you with that :p05:03
AmiDaniel_awayOh, 21:01 <ubotu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail05:03
bullgard4Jack_Sparrow: I have some minor problems but I am not able yet to put them into precise a wording. -- So thank you very much for commenting.05:03
Jack_Sparrowze1230: open k3b click on tab for settings and it was one of the two bottom options, it only asks for your passwrod then you can burn05:03
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AmiDaniel_away21:03 <ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:03
AmiDaniel_awayHaha ..05:03
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Jack_Sparrowbullgard4: this is a great place to get answers...  lots of talented people05:03
lars__need help plz xD05:04
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Jack_Sparrowbullgard4: They are sometimes pushed to the limit, so please have patience and show respect for the volunteers05:04
lars__im having problems with wine05:04
JohnnyErraticAmiDaniel_away: hey, sorry I can't figure this out, I tried to mount it like you said, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Sorry I'm kinda new.05:04
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AmiDaniel_awayJohnnyErratic: What does it mount it as?05:04
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Jack_Sparrowbullgard4: I would suggest you make a backup.. it is quick , easy and can be done while you are here or surfing the internet..05:05
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:05
JohnnyErraticAmiDaniel_away: It doesn't mount.05:05
Ashfire908ubuntu won't automaticly mount thecd-rom drive. how do iget it to?05:05
AmiDaniel_awayJohnnyErratic: Does it give you an error?05:05
bullgard4Jack_Sparrow: On ACPI I have got answers here but only now and then. A knowledgeable person in this area is IntuitiveNibble. But he is not always present.05:05
AmiDaniel_awayAshfire908: It's probably /dev/cdrom or the like, you can mount that to wherever you like05:06
AmiDaniel_awayShould mount it automagically though05:06
AmiDaniel_awayLeast it does for me :)05:06
Jack_Sparrowbullgard4: We all have our areas of expertise, even if I dont know the answer I try to help people form better questions that will get them better answers05:06
bullgard4Jack_Sparrow: I do my backups by hand using an external USB disk and the rsnapshot program.05:06
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lars__anybody there?05:07
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MacDrunkme lars05:07
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JohnnyErraticAmiDaniel_away: It gives me a bunch of options and text, and I'm not sure where to go from there. It doesn't mount the drive though05:07
Jack_Sparrowbullgard4: As long as you do backups.. I use the one line tar command..05:07
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MacDrunkwhat do you want05:07
lars__i need help >.<05:07
MacDrunkhey is there a msn version for linux05:07
lars__i cant run wine05:07
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lars__i think there is05:07
MacDrunkdont like pidgin05:07
AmiDaniel_awayJohnnyErratic: What's the device you're mounting? (/dev/...)05:07
bullgard4Jack_Sparrow: So thank you again for your kind assistance.05:07
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JohnnyErraticMacDrunk: Try Kopete05:07
Jack_Sparrowany time..05:07
MacDrunkhmm kopete05:08
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MacDrunkis kde right05:08
lars__i use gaim and im happy xD05:08
JohnnyErratic/dev/storage I believe05:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:08
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AmiDaniel_awayJohnnyErratic: Then do a mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/storage /media/storage05:08
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.05:08
AmiDaniel_awayOr wherever you want it mounted05:09
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AmiDaniel_awayJohnnyErratic: Or simply edit the entry in your /etc/fstab05:09
SuPeRhOmEmboa noite, algm aqui j conseguiu compilar o "p2kmoto" no ubuntu feisty?!05:09
lars__anybody could help me out with some wine questions?05:09
AmiDaniel_awayAnd lemme know what it tells you05:09
SuPeRhOmEmforgive me... wrong channel ;-)05:09
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lars__no problema05:09
protocol2Whats the best possible drivers I can use to get good 3d acceleration with my ATI Radeon X1950 XGE card?05:09
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AmiDaniel_awayme neither05:10
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ameyerumm, buy a nvidia card and use the proprietary drivers?05:10
JohnnyErraticAmiDaniel_away: I guess it's not /dev/storage. it tells me there's no such file or directory. Also, how do I get to /etc/fstab?05:10
lars__anybody could help me out with wine i keep getting an error when trying to run it05:10
Jack_SparrowJohnnyErratic: There is also a script called Diskmounter that makes that quick and easy if you dont like manually editing things05:10
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SuPeRhOmEmwell... somebody here have already compiled "p2kmoto" on ubuntu feisty?05:10
ameyerATI +  linux = eww05:10
AmiDaniel_awayJohnnyErratic: sudo vi /etc/fstab05:10
wastedfluidSuPeRhOmEm;  i had a lot of ptrouble with p2kmoto.05:10
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protocol2well...I just bought this card05:10
lars__Anybody could help me out with wine i keep getting an error when trying to run it05:10
lars__try to swith to Nvidia05:11
Henkhow do i set ubuntu that it force mounts my windows drive after after restarting?05:11
AmiDaniel_away!ask | lars__05:11
ubotulars__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:11
Jack_Sparrowlars__: #winehq can hep with that...05:11
fraserwas trying to install the thinliquidfilm install script just now and got the following freaked out error: "http://pastebin.ca/641318" not using KDE05:11
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Jack_Sparrowhenk: There is a script called Diskmounter that makes that quick and easy if you dont like manually editing things05:11
fraseranyone help?05:11
protocol2I will give gutsy gibbon a chance for this card in the coming months05:11
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AmiDaniel_awayHenk: Hmm .. was just talking about that :) Edit /etc/fstab05:11
AmiDaniel_awayThat's the easiest way IMO05:11
HenkAmiDaniel_away: how?05:11
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Jack_SparrowAmiDaniel_away: Personally.. typing sudo bash diskmounter in a terminal is easier for me..05:12
wastedfluidHave a quick issue; Ubuntu 6.06LTS on a VPS w/ openVZ imaging it.  The time is off(4 hours) - anyone know of a program that'll replace the time.. like add a shortcut or something, to refer to a manually operated clock?05:12
HenkJack_Sparrow: yeah but i dont want to type anything just have it mounted and ready when i start ubuntu05:12
fraserwas trying to install the thinliquidfilm install script just now and got the following freaked out error: "http://pastebin.ca/641318" not using KDE05:12
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AmiDaniel_awayHenk: If it has a device name use that, if it's only got a UID use that. For instance, my windows partition has the line UUID=9CA07D5FA07D4136 /windows        ntfs-3g defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       105:13
AmiDaniel_awayIn /etc/fstab05:13
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Jack_SparrowHenk: you only do it once.. It edits the fstab for you05:13
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Henkhow do i open fstab?05:13
AmiDaniel_awayOr try out diskmounter, I've not given it a go actually05:13
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AmiDaniel_awayHenk: sudo vi /etc/fstab05:13
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SuPeRhOmEmwastedfluid, well.. me too, but you succeed to compile it?05:14
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wastedfluidSuPeRhOmEm; Sure did.  wasn't hard.05:14
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wastedfluidThere's packages out if you can't do it.. but i never had problems.05:14
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HenkAmiDaniel_away: this is in it now:05:15
HenkAmiDaniel_away: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32113/05:15
SuPeRhOmEmwastedfluid, i didnt find any package, just saw something for ubuntu gutsy.. but just the src05:15
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Jack_SparrowHenk: http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/scripts/diskmounter   save this to your desktop.. go to terminal... cd Desktop   then sudo bash diskmounter05:15
AmiDaniel_awayHenk: That should work05:15
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects05:15
AmiDaniel_awayAssuming your device is at /dev/sdb1 of course05:16
Darkkishwhat is the window manager called for beryl?05:16
Darkkishthe window decorator i mean05:16
JohnnyErraticugh, just want permission to write to folder05:16
AmiDaniel_awayErm, /dev/sda505:16
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HenkAmiDaniel_away: yeah it is but it doesnt gets mounted05:16
wastedfluidSuPeRhOmEm; what distro are you running?05:16
Ashfire908where can i get fonts?05:16
SuPeRhOmEmwastedfluid, ubuntu feisty05:17
DM|Music_Shuffle u there?05:17
AmiDaniel_awayHenk: Have you umounted and remounted it?05:17
Music_ShuffleDM|, yes05:17
Jack_SparrowAshfire908: msttcorefonts are in one of the repos if you want those05:17
HenkAmiDaniel_away: now?05:17
DM|Music_Shuffle for future info acpitool -Bv05:17
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anathematicshould apache be pre-installed on my ubuntu server if i've installed LAMP/05:17
AmiDaniel_awayHenk: If you umount /dev/sda5 and then mount /dev/sda5 it should mount correctly05:17
AmiDaniel_awayThat will test it05:17
HenkAmiDaniel_away: i can do that but it doesnt fix my problem..05:17
Music_ShuffleDM|, got it, thanks.  Should help someone else down the road ;)05:17
KingTomatoHey I have two HDD's one with windows. I want to install Ubuntu on the other one, is there any special partiion things I need to know about. I've heard ubuntu can bite you in the ass, when your partioning05:18
DM|:) aye Music_Shuffle05:18
AmiDaniel_awayHenk: If that works then it will be mounted at startup :)05:18
wastedfluidSuPeRhOmEm; i compiled it on 6.06 at the time..05:18
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Darkkishwhat is a good window decorator for beryl?05:18
HenkAmiDaniel_away: well i cant umount it cuz it aint mounted05:18
DM|Music_Shuffle btw, dell batteries are set to self destruct after one year05:18
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AmiDaniel_awayKingTomato: Can't imagine why you'd have difficulty. Just don't overwrite your windows :)05:18
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AmiDaniel_awayHenk: Well, then just mount it05:18
HenkAmiDaniel_away: will it be mounted when i reboot aswell then?05:19
DM|good night all05:19
AmiDaniel_awayIf it mounts successfully now, then yes it will05:19
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SuPeRhOmEmwastedfluid, what u did to make it compile? or u didnt got any error?05:19
HenkAmiDaniel_away: hold on i think i know whats wrong05:19
gholaJonHow do I install Ubuntu using two hard drives instead of just one?05:19
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Naz_On ubuntu's servercd, the partitioner is giving me trouble.  I can't seem to be able to set mount point onto logical volumes.05:19
wastedfluidSuPeRhOmEm; i had no errors..05:19
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HenkAmiDaniel_away: it doesnt mount cuz it aint forcemounted in the tabel05:19
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AmiDaniel_awayJohnyErratic: You do know that ntfs doesn't support nix file permissions? Just because you think you can't write to it doesn't mean you can;t05:19
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p99I need a quick command05:20
Jack_SparrowI must call it a day... goodnight all...play nice05:20
p99what is the command for re-configureing xorg?05:20
anathematicshould apache automatically be installed if i installed LAMP?05:20
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p99sudo dpkg-configure xserver-xorg05:20
Darkkishmy grub list is getting to big and when i edit it manually everything in it reverts when i install updates on ubuntu05:20
p99or something?05:20
Jack_SparrowAmiDaniel_away: check out that script when you get a chance.. works quite well..05:20
Darkkishnow i want grub to have the newest version05:20
Darkkishof my ubuntu05:20
Darkkishbut i don't want it to keep reverting05:21
Darkkishwhat do i do?05:21
AmiDaniel_awayJack_Sparrow: Will do .. sounds nifty ... I just like getting down to the nitty gritty usually ;)05:21
HenkJack_Sparrow: btw I used it already :p05:21
Jack_SparrowHenk: Work ok for you..05:21
HenkJack_Sparrow: well it did but it aint automounting when i reboot :p05:21
Jack_SparrowHenk: You should have disk icons on your desktop after restarting x...05:21
Frogzoo_p99: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"05:21
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SuPeRhOmEmwastedfluid, hunf.. i'm not good with compiling c(++) if I put the errors in the "paste" could u take a look?05:22
p99anathematic: LAMP isn't a package is it? I set up a lamp server manually05:22
p99ok ty05:22
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p99and to stop gdm?05:22
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AmiDaniel_awayp99: I think there's a package ... I usually install all 3 on their own though05:22
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AmiDaniel_awayWell, 4, I guess :)05:22
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p99hmm. I just did it manually05:22
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xiambaxHello, something is causing gnome-panel to lockup. I think it may be keychain manager or whatever its called05:22
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xiambaxcan someone help me isolate this issue i dont know how05:23
deathbloomshey can some 1 help me plz?05:23
pawanktorrent giving problem05:23
willhi guys, new to linux and have a lot of probs i hope u can help with.  added some harddrives after installing ubuntu and i dont have permisiion to write on them, can someone tell me how to change that05:23
Henkanyways thanks for trying im gonna head to bed now and try again tomorrow05:23
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anathematicp99:  i installed it all in one go in my setup options for ubuntu server05:23
Jack_SparrowHenk: have AmiDaniel_away look at your fstab.. something may be up or a previous edit is keeping them from mounting.. I have seen that a few times..05:23
pawanCannot delete /home/pawan/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/tor0/: Directory not empty05:23
anathematici might just install apache anyway :p what harm can i do right?05:23
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HenkJack_Sparrow: alright hold on05:23
AmiDaniel_awayMan, it's just hdd night tonight isn't it? :)05:23
p99anathematic: ok it should have installed apache then05:23
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p99how do I stop gdm again?05:23
AmiDaniel_awaywill: What are the drives formatted as?05:23
anathematicp99:  that's what i thought as it can also view php files and all those features05:24
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SuPeRhOmEmwill, what filesystem the hd's are formatted?05:24
wastedfluidHave a quick issue; Ubuntu 6.06LTS on a VPS w/ openVZ imaging it.  The time is off(4 hours) - anyone know of a program that'll replace the time.. like add a shortcut or something, to refer to a manually operated clock? i can't run a server due to timesync issues.05:24
Jack_SparrowHenk: I can only stay a minute.. the wife is giving me thet "LOOK"05:24
rococoanyone know have experrience getting the apple2 emulator as available on APT to work?05:24
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tritiump99: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop05:24
slowz3ris there a program avaiable for linux that will allow me to sniff AIM on my own network ?05:24
anathematicp99:  however if i go "apache -v" it's not there05:24
AmiDaniel_away!ntfs-3g | will05:24
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ubotuwill: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:24
SuPeRhOmEmwill, apt-get install ntfs-3g05:24
olskolircanyone still up?05:24
p99anathematic: try apache2 -v05:24
HenkAmiDaniel_away: can u look at the pastebin again? and check wether its being automounted by force?05:24
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p99tritium: thanks05:24
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deathbloomsneed help with beryl !05:24
tritiump99: sure05:24
anathematicp99:  LOL thanks05:24
deathbloomsany 1?05:24
gholaJonI want my Ubuntu installation to create a single volume on two hard drives the way Fedora does.  Ho do I do that?05:24
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anathematici didn't even think of that05:24
Jack_SparrowHenk: what is the link #05:24
CharlieSuWhat is the best way to do automated installs w/ ubuntu..  any URLs would be great!05:24
olskolirceveryone needs help with beryl05:25
AmiDaniel_awayWoops, I closed it -- hold up05:25
olskolircberyl suxs ass05:25
p99anathematic: no problem05:25
HenkJack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32113/05:25
deathbloomswell i acciedntly put force xgl05:25
p99ok i'm out thanks everyone05:25
deathbloomsand now it crashes05:25
Frogzoo_wastedfluid: time issues are usually cos you have the hw clock set to gmt & the linux clock to localtime or vice versa05:25
deathbloomsand i cant go back to default05:25
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wastedfluidFrogzoo_;  well, it's 4 hours off...05:26
emosamuraiHeya. Has anyone been able to get VLC to play DVD's?05:26
wastedfluid4 hours ahead of eastern.. and you can't edit the localtime because it's a VPS. so do you have any ideas? :|05:26
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rococoCharlieSu: you mean, other than with apt?05:26
Jack_SparrowHenk: Are you seeing the first partition of your second drive?05:26
zerokill88has anyone ever used the Alien package?05:26
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)05:26
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HenkJack_Sparrow:  I only have one drive05:27
emosamuraiAnyone manage to get DVD's up and running?05:27
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Jack_SparrowHenk: Any usb drives?05:27
emosamuraiI can't find anything on the wiki.05:27
HenkJack_Sparrow: jup05:27
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CharlieSurococo: I didn't know you could.  I have about 24 servers that I want to have identical setups.  I would like to be able to do it w/out manually setting it up..  how?05:27
rococozerokill88: yeah, I've used alien a bit. having trouble with it?05:27
Henkcalled sdb105:27
CharlieSurococo: is it like kickstart?05:27
Frogzoo_zerokill88: I've had it work, had it break - I'd only use it for apps & only as a last resort05:27
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Ashfire908can you emulate a sound card on ubuntu for when someone connects remotely?05:28
Jack_SparrowThat is what I am seeing... Your editing for ntfs-3g did not let diskmounter work05:28
rococo!apt > CharlieSu05:28
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zerokill88rococo no just seen it in the package list, Frogzoo_ so alien is for if you want to install stuff liek .RpM?05:28
slowz3rIs there a program that will let me sniff AIM on my own network05:28
CharlieSurococo: i'd like apt to get stuff though05:28
AmiDaniel_away!alien | zerokill8805:29
ubotuzerokill88: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)05:29
rococoCharlieSu: you mean without you telling it to?05:29
HenkJack_Sparrow: the only way i can mount the windows drive manually is by force mounting it05:29
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alivedataslowz3r: mirror a port and run tcpdump05:29
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AmiDaniel_awayHenk: You probably need to run a chkdsk on the volume in windows05:29
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CharlieSurococo: programs that are not installed by default..  and configuration options..  partition options..   stuff like that..  all just by putting in a CD with a config file on it..  how?05:29
rococozerokill88: alien lets you either install RPMs or convert them into .deb files (which are the debian/ubuntu installation files)05:29
zerokill88Amidanial_away that summed it up05:29
AmiDaniel_awayYou shouldn't need to force it05:29
zerokill88rococo ah that would be nice to convert05:29
Jack_SparrowHenk: Rem # out lines 9, 10 and 12 and rerun diskmounter...05:30
Jack_Sparrowgotta go.. sorry..05:30
rococoCharlieSu: apt connects to huge software repositories with lots of packages. You can use it to automatically download and install them05:30
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rococoCharlieSu: you can most eassily use it by going to System-->Administration-->Synaptic Package Manager05:30
CharlieSurococo: no shit..  but what about telling a install cd to do it manually.05:30
phreck_is there something like activesync for ubuntu, so i can use my phone as a data modem05:30
HenkAmiDaniel_away: I fucked up my windows boot thing so I can't do that I used a windows install disk to do a chkdsk /r command but it couldnt repair05:30
slowz3ralivedata: how would i go about mirroring a port ?..becuase i was looking for more of a strait forward program but ill take what i can get.05:30
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:30
HenkAmiDaniel_away: the disk is dirty so i can only forcemount it05:31
AmiDaniel_awayHenk: Yikes05:31
rococoCharlieSu: ohhhhh. Well, that all depends on what kind of install CD it is. If it's for windows, you can usually do it by running setup.exe with wine05:31
AmiDaniel_awayWell, use at your own risk, but I think you can just add force or similar to the options list05:31
Frogzoo_slowz3r: brctl05:31
AmiDaniel_awayI.e.: defaults,force05:31
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Frogzoo_slowz3r: as in "bridge-utils"05:31
HenkAmiDaniel_away:  how do i edit it cuz i can only view now05:32
AmiDaniel_awayHenk: sudo vi /etc/fstab05:32
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slowz3rFrogzoo_: alrlight05:32
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el_ismahas anyone tried newer kernels (> 2.6.20) on laptops? did you see a better battery life?05:33
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alivedataslow3zr: most enterprise grade switches can mirror, you could also setup a transparent bridge05:34
IonPhishHey guys, I need some tech support05:34
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bro-manGreetings all.. I have a question about why my archivers are not unpacking anything at all... not .rar's, .7z's, not even .zips...  any takers ?05:35
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echosystmhow do you get themes to work? seriously none of the ones i download work :(05:36
echosystmthey just give me all kinds of weird colours05:36
IonPhishHi Bro-man.05:36
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bulmerbro-man: not unpacking? which file? whats the command you used to unpack?05:36
phreckbut yea, is there a sync program?05:36
bro-manIonPhish: Good evening, IonPhish !05:37
IonPhishHi Bro-man. Can I have a hug.05:37
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emosamuraiGrr, can anyone help me play a dvd on my ubuntu box? I've already run install-css.sh, but nothing happens.05:37
limitesrI have a vmware server running on Feisty, can anyone point me to a HowTo guide to install Mac Os?05:37
emosamuraiI try to get vlc to open the disk, but it just closes on me.05:37
ben__I have installed Thunderbird v and Provider for Gmail plugin in Ubuntu but I cannot click on the Preferences button. It is greyed out. Any ideas?05:38
IonPhishemosamurai: re-install it05:38
emosamuraiIonPhish: re-install what? VLC, or install-css.sh?05:38
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ben__I also have lightning installed05:38
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gholaJonI want my Ubuntu installation to create a single volume on two hard drives the way Fedora does.  Ho do I do that?05:39
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omegabetaBack to my original question, which one of you dashing young lads would be able to kindly direct me to a site where i can obtain an mp3player/msn client for framebuffer (no X)05:39
limitesrI have a vmware server running on Feisty, can anyone point me to a HowTo guide to install Mac Os on VMware?05:39
emosamuraiIonPhish: What should I reinstall?05:39
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phreckHey anyone know if there is something like activsync for linux?05:40
ameyerlimitesr: piracy is bad05:40
bro-manI have tried the 'other ways' of opening them... I dont know any terminal commands yet... just right clicking them and selecting 'Archiver' and/or 'Xarcheiver' to open them... and the both say they do not support the simplest of any pacages...05:40
IonPhishTo be quite honest I have no idea. But in my experience, when shit goes bad, just doing it again usually works, you might have missed something the first time around05:40
el_ismagholaJon: I haven't done it, but you want LVM. Try to tell the install that :)05:40
ben__From what I have heard... you cannot run Mac OSX on a virtual machine05:40
ameyerlimitesr: however, Apple only letting OSX run on their hardware is bad too05:40
pike_i ran osx in vmware about 2 years ago. it was god awful slow05:40
aboutblankomegabeta: something like tmsnc? http://tmsnc.sourceforge.net/05:40
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astro76!dvd | emosamurai05:41
ubotuemosamurai: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:41
omegabetacheers blank05:41
krzeepike_, osx has changed a lot in 2 yrs05:41
emosamuraiThank you.05:41
IonPhishI just tried to boot my Ubuntu Live CD on a 2000 Gateway. it didn't give me the usual options, I couldn't boot right into safe graphics. any ideas how to get into safe graphics?05:41
astro76emosamurai, I'd use libdvdcss2 from their or !medibuntu05:41
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bulmerbro-man: on a terminal, use the commands like tar, gunzip, zcat or unzip and maybe jar05:42
ryan__I'm having trouble playing xvid in totem and xine. I have xine-extracodecs and ubuntu restricted extras. what else do i need?05:42
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Chasconaccount yahoo off05:42
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Chasconaccount yahoo on05:42
Chasconaccount list05:42
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venishcan somebody help me get the mac icon bar???05:43
echosystmhow do i get deluge-torrent?05:43
echosystmeveryone says its in the repository05:43
echosystmbut its not :S05:43
el_ismaechosystm: have you enabled universe and multiverse?05:43
wolflordhello all05:43
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gholaJonel_isma: when and how do I tell the ubuntu install that I want LVM?  I am using the live cd.  Should I be using the alternate cd?05:44
echosystmi am pretty sure05:44
bro-manbulmer: so I would be using a command like "unzip xxx.rar? ?05:44
echosystmlet me double check05:44
el_ismaechosystm: and updated?05:44
rococoanyone know have experrience getting the apple2 emulator as available on APT to work?05:44
bulmerbro-man: no, rar files uses a different tool05:44
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wolflordwhat would be a good program to use with windows if I want to transfer files ??05:44
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el_ismagholaJon: There's a step in the installer that asks you how you want to split the drive. I know there's an LVM option there.05:45
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avisbro-man, try sudo apt-get install rar unrar05:45
venishcan somebody help me get the mac icon bar05:45
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karvecdoes the display in usage: vncviewer [<options>]  <host>:<display#> refer to the output monitor?05:45
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Optimus55anyone else have problems with the sound slider not working and solved it?05:46
karvecdoes the display in usage: vncviewer [<options>]  <host>:<display#> refer to the output monitor?05:46
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bulmerwolflord: scp and sftp  comes to mind05:46
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Dr_williskarvec,  its the 'vncserver display #' not the monitor. vnc dosent need to be visubually showing anything on the physycal monitor05:46
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echosystmyep el_isma05:46
Dr_williskarvec,  you can hafe a dozen+ vncservers going with different display #'105:46
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bro-manbulmer: ok...05:46
echosystmi have main, restrictied, universe and multiverse enabled05:46
wolflordwhat is sumba ??05:46
wolflordor what ever its called05:47
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el_ismaechosystm: and updated?05:47
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rococovenish: are you using gnome or KDE?05:47
astro76echosystm, you're right, it's not in the repo, looks like it will be in gutsy though http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&version=all&exact=1&keywords=deluge-torrent05:47
aboutblankanyone know why I'd be getting a scratchy sound from my left speaker while music or other sounds are playing? I'm using an intel high definition onboard audio controller. It doesn't happen with other sound cards or on windows05:47
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:47
=== Kaje [n=ubuntu@h-66-134-149-135.sfldmidn.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
echosystmawwww :(05:47
IonPhishI just tried to boot my Ubuntu Live CD on a 2000 Gateway. it didn't give me the usual options, I couldn't boot right into safe graphics. any ideas how to get into safe graphics?05:48
echosystmso whats a good torrent client other than azureus?05:48
wolflordyou guys are a big help05:48
wolflordmore homework05:48
tritium!enter > wolflord05:48
venishrococo:  i am using gone05:48
avisechosystm, i like freeloader05:48
bro-manavis: I am listening... and what does "sudo apt-get install rar unrar"t do ?05:48
Smackbanwolflord, what were you looking for?05:48
wolflordthanks guys05:48
astro76!rar | bro-man05:48
ubotubro-man: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free05:48
wolflordIm not really sure05:49
Dr_williswolflord,  how will you know when you find it? :)05:49
astro76bro-man, you would want to install either unrar or unrar-free05:49
venishrococo: i am using gnome05:49
avisbro-man, it installs rar and unrar for linux.  man unrar will help you extract.  it may integrate easily with a gnome archiver too05:49
Dr_willisunrar x whatever.rar :)05:49
avisbro-man, or rather x server front end05:49
gholaJonel_isma:  I don't see an LVM option in the live cd install.  All I have is guided - use entire disk, guided - use largest free space, and manual.  No LVM under manual.  Maybe I need to use the alternate cd?05:49
wolflordI will get a goose egg on the head as I hit my self in the forhead and say THATS it05:50
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rococovenish: in that case, you're going to want to get gdesklets (available on apt). There's a desklet that emulates the mac dock05:50
echosystmnext question... i am using file-roller in gnome05:50
Smackbanwofllord, so what is your question05:50
echosystmbut it doesnt drag and drop with nautilus05:50
echosystmare there any that do?05:50
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astro76gholaJon, you need the alternate cd to install on LVM05:50
Optimus55anyone else have problems with the sound slider not working?05:50
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gholaJonastro76: Thanks astro.  I'll try that.05:51
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wolflordI want to be able to access files directly from my windows network to my linux network05:52
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rococo!samba | wolflord05:52
ubotuwolflord: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:52
wolflordI have been using ftp and that works ok I am just trying to find something a bit more functuinal05:53
Dr_willis!info samba-doc05:53
ubotusamba-doc: Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 6754 kB, installed size 14512 kB05:53
bro-manok... I will try those... but do you have any idea as to why the provided "archiever and the 'Xachiever' that I got from synoptic do not work ? ever heard of anything like this ?05:53
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Dr_williswolflord,  ssh and winscp for windows - works fairly well also05:53
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dem0nOMG all my sirvices just stoped05:54
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zerokill88Anyone know where i can get .iso images of operating systems, preferably os x???05:55
wolflordThanks ubotu05:55
wolflordI am loading it right now05:55
Smackbanubotu is a bot05:55
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.05:55
astro76zerokill88, that's way offtopic here05:55
dem0nOMG all my sirvices just stoped how do i fix it?05:55
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Wiseguydoes anyone know if its possible to export MS streets and trips maps into gpsdrive?05:55
zerokill88astro76 opensource?05:55
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Smackbanzerokill88, OX X is not opensource05:55
astro76zerokill88, os X is definitely not opensource05:55
Smackbanman i cant spell05:56
zerois there a way to mount disc images in Ubuntu?05:56
astro76!iso | zero05:56
ubotuzero: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:56
Smackban!iso | zero05:56
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Smackbanyou win05:56
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bro-manbulmer: ok... I will try those... but do you have any idea as to why the provided "archiever and the 'Xachiever' that I got from synoptic do not work ? ever heard of anything like this ?05:56
zerokill88astro76 smackban it should be, wether it is or not i still want05:56
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astro76zerokill88, ok, but not here :)05:57
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Smackbanzerokill88, well obtaining no open source software is illegal and has nothing to do with this ubuntu channel05:57
JeffATLwill the current ubuntu install cd resize NTFS partitions appropriately?05:57
astro76bro-man, you mean File Roller? should work, what's the problem?05:57
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mike8901Is macbook pro support slated to be included in the next Ubuntu release(via bootcamp)?05:58
FrogzooJeffATL: it should - but backup & defrag first05:58
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JeffATLFrogzoo: this is a fresh XP home install off of restore CDs, but I'll defrag regardless just in case05:58
bro-manastro76: I have never heard of them... yes, I am a noob (at least to any*nix...)05:58
aboutblankanyone know why I'd be getting a scratchy sound from my left speaker while music or other sounds are playing? I'm using an intel high definition onboard audio controller. It doesn't happen with other sound cards or on windows05:59
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astro76bro-man, file roller is the archive manager built into ubuntu (gnome)05:59
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aidiehi need some help. i'm using pentium3 with ubuntu feisty installed. i recently buy new pentium4 pc. Can I move p3 hdisk to the new p4 system without reinstall ubuntu?05:59
zerokill88astro76 smackban ok guys you are right :)05:59
JeffATLaboutblank: that sounds pretty bad - like a bugg driver05:59
osmosis_can anyone recommend a usb ethernet adapter that works with linux?05:59
JeffATLaboutblank: oops, buggy05:59
Smackbanzerokill88, no joke OS X Tiger costs about 130 $05:59
aboutblankJeffATL: I06:00
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JeffATLaboutblank: you?06:00
aboutblankJeffATL: I've reinstalled all my sound stuff recently06:00
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Dr_willisHmm.. I cant say that ive ever SEEN a 'usb-ethernet (wired networking)' adaptor06:00
aboutblankJeffATL: and it happened before that06:00
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:00
aboutblankJeffATL: started up again recently =/06:00
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pawancant we use jetaudio in ubuntu06:00
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JeffATLaboutblank: buggy driver or worse, i'd guess06:01
astro76osmosis, http://www.linux-usb.org/devices.html06:01
UnluckyMikeaide, yes you can but you will have to reinstall a bootloader or you and change your boot priority in you bios to load the hard drive with ubuntu06:01
bro-manastro76: hmmm... I never say it... all I could find was the ones I mentioned... is 'fileroller' only activated by the terminal window ?06:01
zerokill88smackban id rather pay that then pay 5 bucks for windows06:01
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JinxedMy External Harddrive is not allowing me to write to it, what should I do to fix the problem. It is formatted NTFS but does not have windows on it06:01
bro-manastro76: *seen06:01
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aboutblankJeffATL: not something I can fix without knowing something about programming sound drivers then?06:01
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astro76bro-man, no actually by default it's only accessed by double-clicking archives, you can add it to apps>accessories by editing the menu and adding it06:02
avisomosis i picked up an airlink 101 AWLL3026 for $1006:02
FrogzooJinxed: reformat as ext3 for starters06:02
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astro76bro-man, just have to check it, it's disabled in the menu06:02
avisJinxed, at your own risk you can install ntfs-3g and ntfs-config06:02
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astro76bro-man, right click on menu and select edit menus...06:02
JeffATLaboutblank: i assume that what you're hearing is digital hash, i.e., non-audio getting directed to the sound chip06:02
JinxedFrogzoo, how would I do that, and will it delete all my current content06:02
aidiethanks UnluckyMike06:02
Jinxedavis, I think I did that but it didn't seem to work06:02
CrescendoIs there anything I can do to wipe the system clean of all deviations from the default config?06:02
DaTxis there why to audio stream win32 files06:03
JeffATLaboutblank: you might consider splicing in a vanilla kernel that you compile ourself06:03
JeffATLaboutblank: yourself06:03
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avisJinxed, try sudo ntfs-config and turn on write support for external devices06:03
Jinxedavis, said command not found, maybe I don't have it installed06:03
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avisJinxed, sudo apt-get install ntfs-config06:04
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bro-manastro76: by menu you mean 'Applications', correct ?06:04
t35t0ris there anything like RHN for ubuntu ?06:04
DaTxstreamming audio anyone06:04
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aboutblankJeffATL: I am using a kernel I compiled myself. I also compiled my alsa stuff myself06:04
astro76bro-man, yes06:04
FrogzooJinxed: yeah if it has data on it, you have to get the data off before reformatting06:04
SmackbanDaTx, what type of files06:04
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JinxedFrogzoo, That would be impossible for me06:04
JeffATLaboutblank: i'd review all that (esp gcc options) carefully06:04
JinxedI have over 200 gigs used06:04
aboutblankJeffATL: alright06:05
t35t0ris there anything like RHN for ubuntu ?06:05
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SmackbanDaTz, i dont understand what you mean by win32 files06:05
astro76t35t0r, http://www.ubuntu.com/news/landscape-system-management-tool06:05
aboutblankJeffATL: I followed the alsa-project installation instructions for my card specifically though =/06:05
bro-manastro: ok, man... had me going there... I know some winduh's... but all *nix are new to me...06:05
t35t0rLandscape is available for subscribers to Canonical's support services free of charge. crap06:06
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neuberOk so noob question here, I installed ubuntu but after the loading screen I get a black screen with dotted diagonal lines. How do I fix this?06:06
t35t0ri need something that's free and i can setup ASP06:06
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DaTxwin32 smackban06:06
CrescendoIs there any way to get dpkg to restore an entire system to the base install?06:06
Smackbant35t0r, tos et up what?06:06
t35t0rSmackban, landscape06:06
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JeffATLaboutblank: i don't know what more to tell you other than post a bug to alsa06:07
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Smackbanneuber, one second and someone will help you06:07
Jinxedavis, ok I did that and then redid the config and clicked enable write support for external06:07
aboutblankJeffATL: alright, thanks anyway06:07
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neuberok sorry to interrupt06:07
Jinxedavis, is there anything else I need to do?06:07
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JeffATLaboutblank: you could also try another distro and see if it's a general linux problem06:08
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avisJinxed, i think you must reboot.  i have to at least when i install ntfs-3g and ntfs-config and need to write to ntfs06:08
DaTxwin32 smackban06:08
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aboutblankJeffATL: hmm. I have a knoppix live cd. I can try that06:08
Jinxedavis well brb then06:08
el_ismaanyone uses TeXmacs? how do I automatically reference an equation? (numbered by Alt+*)06:08
astro76DaTx, I have no idea what you mean by win32 audio files either06:08
Smackbanthis confuses me06:08
NETWizzI need to know what software to install on ubuntu to block internet websites for the kids06:09
pike_NETWizz: specific websites?06:09
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avisNETWizz, i have not heard of any though you can block alot of websites by keywords in many modern routers06:10
omegabet1how can i exit X without it auto popping back up again?06:10
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bro-manastro: ..... there is none such listed... I'm sorry, I think I forget to mention that I am on 'edgy' ... and I see no 'fileroller'...06:10
franky123hey i'm having a problem with cpufreq. i have p4-clockmod and powernowd all set up, but i can't seem to set it to use the "ondemand" governor. i found the scaling_governor file but whenever i try to write to it (with sudo) it says permission denied. help?06:10
Smackbanomegabet1, just do alt ctrl f1?06:10
w30omegabet1, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:10
astro76omegabet1, go to virtual console (ctrl+alt+f1) and sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop06:10
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fholmesWhat is the package for rar?06:11
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omegabet1cheers, furthermore, how to get that fb text smaller/ a better res?06:11
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uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:11
pike_NETWizz: i know there is dansguardian but not alot about it.06:11
fholmes!info unrar-free06:11
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB06:11
Optimus55how do i get to root console# in command again?06:12
SmackbanNETWizz, dansguardian.org06:12
fholmesThank you.06:12
NETWizzlI installed unrar06:12
Optimus55i mean in terminal06:12
Dr_willisOptimus55,  sudo -s normally06:12
CrescendoIs there a way to do complete uninstalls of all packages not in my sources.list?06:12
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w30Optimus55, sudo -i06:13
NETWizz] So I need a blacklist06:13
NETWizzand squidguard/?06:13
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:13
bro-manastro: I will brb... gonna give 'er a go...06:13
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NETWizzCan I use SQUID06:14
NETWizzand Squid Guard06:14
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NETWizzI want to setup login and stuff06:14
Smackbanask Google06:14
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t35t0rNETWizz, dansguardian is recommended06:14
NETWizzObviously, I want to protect every computer on my network06:14
astro76Crescendo, not sure through terminal, but in synaptic if you click Origin tab, they will show up under Local06:14
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NETWizzIs it a proxy??06:14
drzinhey I am to install jack. is there .deb package06:14
pawanany site to download screensvaer and wallpaper for ubuntu06:14
NETWizzI really want some form of proxy06:14
NETWizzi.e. I want to protect all HTTP on my home network06:14
anathematicwhat's the command in console to rename a folder? :)06:15
neuberumm should I ask again or just sit here..06:15
Smackbanneuber, whats you question06:15
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pike_pawan: do a google search for gnome themes  the two top results should be gnome-look and art.gnome06:15
astro76anathematic, mv oldname newname06:15
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avisNETWizz, a modern router can block sites though by keyword06:15
neuberAfter installing ubuntu, It gives me the loading screen and then I just get diagonal lines06:15
el_ismaanathematic: mv will work06:15
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anathematicel_isma: and astro76 thank you :)06:16
Smackbanneuber, you can boot up the LiveCD and it works?06:16
pike_neuber: can you alt-ctrl-f2 to get to a command line login?06:16
neuberyeah the live cd works fine06:16
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neuberif i try to get to the command line login it gives me a distorted version of the screen06:16
neuberi cant see anything its all pixelated or something06:16
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neuberI figured it was a graphics settings issue and i was trying to play with that a bit to get it working, but so far I haven't been able to fix it06:17
chalcednyhow do i create a new directory ?06:17
reusceli'm having trouble installing compiz eyecandy stuff for feisty.  i added the repositories in my sources.list and ran apt-get update as root, but i'm getting a GPG error that saus the signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available06:17
Smackbanneuber, whats your graphics card?06:18
reuscelchalcedny: the command is mkdir06:18
neuberNvid 6800gt06:18
astro76!info jackd | drzin06:18
ubotudrzin: jackd: JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.102.20-1 (feisty), package size 99 kB, installed size 380 kB06:18
pike_chalcedny: mkdir also a handy command is apropos. you can 'apropos make directory' for instance for a list of relevant commands06:18
UnluckyMikereuscel, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48131406:18
reuscelthanks mike06:18
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mooglinuxhey, editing grub to add windows, i have a raid 0 setup (where windows is installed) would this be refered to as hd1,0 in the menu.lst file?06:20
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neuberSmackban, you still with me?06:20
Smackbanneuber, hmm yea im not sure gimme a second06:21
NETWizzIs Nvidia 8600 supported?06:21
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drzin"In component universe" ??06:21
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DFMCan anyone point me in the right direction to make my NTFS drives writable? Specifically an external USB HD that doesn't show up in FSTAB. I can see and read them but am told that they belong to root and cannot be modified by me.06:21
astro76!repositories | drzin06:21
ubotudrzin: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:21
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pike_!ntfs-3g | DFM06:22
ubotuDFM: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:22
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DFMthank you06:22
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mooglinuxin grub, how would you tell it to access a raid 0 drive to boot from?06:23
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Smackbanneuber, so you just installed ubuntu and the card stoped working?06:23
jinxedavis, I restarted and now my computer does not see the external hard drive at all06:23
neuberits when I try to boot it from disk rather than boot from the live cd06:23
avis!ntfs-3g | jinxed06:23
ubotujinxed: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:23
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neuberafter the loading screen with the progress bar its a black screen with thin diagonal colored lines06:24
avisjinxed, i can only tell you about what i have to do to get it to work.  it works for me i have to say -- strange06:24
noodles12i installed ie4linux but when i go to sites like addictinggames.com i keep getting a pop-up that says " Your current security settings prohibit running ActiveX controls on this page. As a result, Page not displayed correctly"   I've even tried turning off all security in ies4linux (ie6) and it still shows that.06:24
Kr4t05Hi... I'm using Kubuntu Feisty, and I'm having some GConf issues...06:24
jinxedavis, do you know how I can make it so I can see my external again?06:24
=== dem0n [n=dem0n@c-67-167-176-186.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kr4t05Here's a pastebin of an error message that gconf-editor gives me when I start it: http://pastebin.com/m6bbe755506:24
avisjinxed, to be honest i dont know why ntfs-3g would make it disappear06:25
dem0ncan some one help me with sevices such as ssh apache and such06:25
dem0nthey all just stoped working06:25
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franky123hey i'm having problems with cpufreq. i have it enabled and i found the file scaling_governor but whenever i try to write to it it says permission denied. help?06:25
dem0ni loged on to single user mode and they work fine06:25
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avisjinxed, perhaps try unplugging and plugging it back in ?06:25
jinxedavis tried that no go06:25
dem0nwhats wrong jinxed06:26
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Smackbanneuber, i really dont understand whats up when booting from installed version unless it was messed up06:26
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vexati0nis there any way to just murder gnome-panel so it doesn't start?06:26
vexati0nwithout unistalling half of my system06:26
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neuberI ran the disk verifier so I'm sure its not that06:26
astro76noodles12, maybe try winecfg and see if it's set to win98, set it to win2000 or xp instead06:26
ice_creamlo; i have "pathto_cpuspeedy low &" and "exit 0"  in my /etc/rc.local ; I can see that the command executes on startup, but after I login as normal user, the cpuspeedy is set to its default value.  Is it because of the exit 0, or..?06:26
Frogzoovexati0n: delete the panel - save the session06:26
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dem0njinxed: type /j #hbc06:26
vexati0nFrogzoo, you can't delete the last panel06:26
reya276I might as well just go Buy Windows Vista (http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20070730120109643)06:26
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avisjinxed, for what its worth what i told you was in no way malicious.06:27
jinxeddem0n, I couldn't write to my ntfs external and I tried to do something and now I restarted and I can't see my external at all06:27
neuberAnd I double checked that its not the installation because I completely cleared off the drive and then started over with new partitons and everything06:27
reya276it is over I tell you Over, all these damn developers care is about making money06:27
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jinxedavis, I believe you, and I thank you for your help06:28
avisjinxed should have done a sudo apt-get ntfs-3g ntfs-config   then a sudo ntfs-config enabling his drive06:28
Frogzoovexati0n: killall gnome-panel ?06:28
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vexati0nFrogzoo : that kills it for half a second but it respawns.06:28
NutubuntuKr4t05: I read what you pastebinned and it made no sense to me, but let me ask you this: what do you do to generate the error?06:28
DFMpike_:I checked this page and it says that 7.04 (forgot to mention that is what I am running) can read and write ntfs but goes on to say I need ntfs-3g but only mentions making internal drives writable. Do you know if this works with Ext HD's?06:28
NETWizzWill this card work with Ubuntu?06:28
Kr4t05Nutubuntu: I just open gconf-editor from the terminal. The GUI appears and the error comes up in a small child window.06:29
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avisNETWizz, its best to give a card descriptor or use google.06:29
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avisNETWizz, indeed it will.06:29
Frogzoovexati0n: lol - I see your problem06:30
MacDrunkneed help to install americas army06:30
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SmackbanNETWizz, jsut know that when it comes to linux Nvdia > ATI06:30
ioni've been trying to get dosbox to work on two seperate systems with ubuntu 7... does anybody know why dosbox starts, but then locks up with v7?06:30
bro-manastro76:  Thanks man !!!  (and burmen too) It worked !!!!  Woo Hoo !!!! I could do back flips !!! I have been waiting to open a ton of rar's and such, but all the other proggies stopped working about a mont ago... so you understand my appreciation !!! good karma and warm regards to you all !!!06:30
NETWizzAlso is $83 a good price for a 4200+ Athlon X2 Toledo?06:30
neuberI don't understand why i can never get a linux distro working on my pc... it was easy to get ydl on my ps3..06:30
avisNETWizz, not the place to ask that06:30
astro76bro-man, good stuff06:30
vexati0nok.. " killall gnome-panel && killall gnome-panel " does it, but then keycombos don't work.06:30
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NETWizzneuber, why can't you get Linux working?06:30
=== Secutor [n=mark@c-67-169-16-102.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fineri used to cfdisk to format a HDD to ext3 (slave/non-booting) and it wrote 5 gigs of data to it...do i need these dirs/files or can rm -rf *.* all of it??06:31
SmackbanNETWizz, he has trouble getting his graphics card working correct on fresh install of ubuntu but it works fine on livecd06:31
MacDrunkany ideas on how to install06:31
MacDrunka run file06:31
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neuberNETWizz, after I installed Ubuntu and it got past the load screen i just get a black screen with dashed diagonal lines06:31
NETWizzWhat card?06:31
bro-manavis: thank you as well !06:31
JeffATLneuber: what happens?06:31
ionneuber it is probably because your system was not designed for Linux... buy something with linux on it ... might be a bit easier to make things work with it then.06:31
JeffATLneuber: nm06:31
NETWizzWhat video card?06:31
drzinis their a way to tar to the ADD/REMOVE application06:32
stanthecaddy22MacDrunk: do a chmod +x [filename] 06:32
stanthecaddy22MacDrunk: then do a ./[filename] 06:32
SmackbanMacDrunk, you need to use a compatibility layer to run .exe files in linux06:32
neuberNETWizz, its a 6800gt06:32
drzini amsorry06:32
=== Tnax [n=alex@h130n1fls34o884.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
MacDrunkhmm what does that commando06:32
drzin i am sorry06:32
neuberMy system should work fine with linux... i can't see any reason why it doesn't06:32
MacDrunksmackban the file i got ist a linux distro06:32
stanthecaddy22MacDrunk: that makes it executable, then the ./[filename]  runs it06:32
NETWizzWill it work if you install the video driver?06:32
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NETWizzi.e. ctrl alt F106:33
NETWizzlogin as root06:33
drzinIs't there away to add a .tar to your add/remove06:33
NETWizzand install nvidia-glx06:33
w30ion, I got one of those Dell E150n Ubuntu laptops and it is awsome.....06:33
File13Does anyone know why when i play games like chronox or xmoto the audio is all crackly and glitchy yet my audio while playing music, or on youtube is fine06:33
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Tnaxdoes anyone know why i get a error window saying "/home/tnax/lang/lang NOT FOUND" when i try running a java application06:33
neuberwhats the command NETWizz, is it wget nvidia-glx?06:33
ionneuber what system do you have? is it a custom built system? is it a new system, old system? what distributions have you tried and what versions of each did you use?06:33
NETWizzapt-get install nvidia-glx06:34
NETWizzmust be run as root06:34
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NETWizzand with an Internet Connection06:34
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avisneuber, its actually sudo that you'd use.  no root on ubuntu06:34
avisneuber, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx06:34
Smackbanavis, no root? hm?06:34
NETWizzneuber, sudo gives root access06:34
neuberIon its custom built, AMD 3700+, nvid6800gt, DFI mobo. I also tried fedora before06:35
ionw30 yea, i wouldn't purchase a system if the seller did't guarantee linux compatibility, and backed it up with decent 'open'  chipsets.06:35
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NETWizzBoot the system06:35
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NETWizzWhen xorg fails, press ALT F106:35
NETWizzALT F2...06:35
NETWizzand loigin06:35
astro76Smackban, well no root password more accurately06:35
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TulusHello, I'm on the Ubuntu Shipit page. I'm confused about the CDs being offered. There's 1 Ubuntu CD (1 PC Edition), 3 Ubuntu CDs (3 PC Edition), and 3 Ubuntu CDs (2 PC Edition). Whats the difference between these?06:35
MacDrunkstanthecaddy it work06:35
NETWizzat the command prompt, install the nvidia-glx package06:35
w30neuber, then sudo nvidia-glx-config enable06:35
neuberok i'll give it a shot in a few min06:36
NETWizzw30, what does that do06:36
NETWizzDoes that change nv to nvidia in the config?06:36
avisTulus, quantity06:36
SmackbanTulus, the quantity of cds and the type of chipset run with thim such as 64 bit and 8606:36
Naz_Anyone here know about making deprec use nginx instead of apache?06:36
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Tulusavis: So 3PC edition just means its 3 of the same CDs?06:36
astro76Tulus, pc - 32bit, so 1 pc, 3 pc, or 2pc+1 64 bit06:36
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ionneuber even custom built systems don't guarantee linux compatibility because most manufacturers still include chipsets that are not linux friendly and likely cause problems06:37
astro76Tulus, yes to give to your friends :)06:37
franky123hey i'm having problems with cpufreq. i have it enabled and i found the file scaling_governor but whenever i try to write to it it says permission denied. help?06:37
Tulusastro76: Oh great! I have friends who I want to switch to Linux :D06:37
jinxeddoes anyone know dem0n ?06:37
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w30NETWizz, that installs the Nvidia binary drivers into the kernel and configures /etc/X11/xorg.conf for nvidia instead of nv06:37
NutubuntuKr4t05: Did you run across this while trying to work out the issue: http://lists.ximian.com/pipermail/users/2003-April/008919.html06:37
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SmackbanTulus, it may take about a while to get the CD's but you will get 3 good copies of it for free06:38
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omegabetaQuestion: I've chagned my FB resoultion to 1024x768 at boot, but now all the boot up lines are just white, how can i get them to be their normal colors, furthermore, how can i be put at a prompt to login instead of just going straight in to X gdm (without uninstalling gdm).?06:38
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w30NETWizz, then you have to rebooot to get the nvidia kernel module to load unless you are a whiz with modprobe etc.06:39
NETWizzcan you do modprobe nvidia?06:39
=== w30 just reboots :=)
astro76omegabeta, first question: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootText06:39
TulusSmackban: Thats reasonable. I'd take me way longer than that to download the ISO on dialup. And not to mention the per minute phone charges. Free shipping! Wow, doesn't get better than this!06:39
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omegabetaI'll take a look, thanks a ton astro.06:40
=== w30 ain't a whiz
SmackbanTulus, yes and with isos you run the risk of downloading a bad copy06:40
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DaTxthis is not working people06:40
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ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.06:41
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NETWizzwhat if I were to do something like rmmod nvidia06:41
NETWizzright now06:41
silvernodeOh no!! I pressed ctrl+alt+f6 and it went into command prompt thing and now i dont know the command to get back into xwindows06:41
astro76Silver, ctrl+alt+f706:41
cafuegoNeural_Overload: if you rmmod nvidia when X runs, rmmod will say "module is in use".06:41
silvernodeok i will try06:41
=== w30 always used wget on dialup to get iso's because of accuracy and left the machine on for the 24 hours to get an iso
Neural_OverloadHonestly, I have no Idea what that means06:42
Neural_OverloadIm a noob too lol06:42
silvernodeis there a command to do it for curiosity?06:42
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Neural_OverloadI came here to ask a question actually06:42
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:42
Neural_OverloadI need to know how to execute a command at startup06:43
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Neural_Overloadxmodmap ~/.xmodmap06:43
Neural_Overloadto be exact06:44
drzinwhat is APT line?06:44
Neural_OverloadIm trying to get my razer copperhead's buttons working06:44
=== chiefinnovator [n=chiefinn@c-69-255-197-177.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thedourim trying to install Ubuntu onto a new machine and it hangs on "mounting root file sytem"  can anyone help?06:44
astro76silvernode, I think that's it... there's startx but that's for when X isn't running already06:44
cafuegoNeural_Overload: You can put it in the starup commands in the Session control panel, or add the command to ~/.xsession06:44
chiefinnovatorHi everyone.  I need some help.  I just did the ubuntu updates and now my system won't shut down anymore.  It just goes to a blank screen and stays there.06:44
w30Neural_Overload, I put the commands in /etc/rc.local06:45
Neural_OverloadI was following this tutorial06:45
Neural_OverloadWait... can I paste links in here?06:45
cafuegoNeural_Overload: Links yes06:45
Neural_OverloadJust making sure06:45
TulusGuys, does Ubuntu accept donations? I'd like to contribute something.06:45
SmackbanTulus, yeslook on the main site06:45
w30Neural_Overload, rc.local is the last rc command to run so all the other stuff is loaded first06:45
cafuegoTulus: Fix bugs, do translations...06:46
Neural_OverloadI see06:46
chiefinnovatorAny ideas on this:  I just did the ubuntu updates and now my system won't shut down anymore.  It just goes to a blank screen and stays there.06:46
TulusOkay :)06:46
Nutubuntuchiefinnovator: can you get to a terminal prompt? (e.g., ctl-alt-f1) ?06:46
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thedourim trying to install Ubuntu onto a new machine and it hangs on "mounting root file sytem"  can anyone help?06:46
TulusOkay, one last question...06:46
Neural_Overloadso that essentially ensures that the command gets executed AFTER the module or whatever is loaded, correct?06:46
redhat9how can i save files and settings when using live cd? anyone can help me please?06:46
chiefinnovatorNutubuntu, should I go to the terminal prompt after I hit shutdown and it goes to the blank screen, or just right now while everything is running?06:46
SmackbanTulus, if you go to ubuntu.com under get involved to the left there is a donate ling06:47
cafuegoNeural_Overload: Yeah, pop the command in the System > Prefernces > Sessions > Startup Programs listing.06:47
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fred42Hi...Does Ubuntu have any temporary files, log files, etc that can be deleted as part of normal, computer housekeeping?06:47
astro76Neural_Overload, you don't really need xmodmap anymore...06:47
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el_ismafred42: look at /var/log06:47
thedourCan anyone help me to get ubuntu to install please?06:47
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cafuegofred42: temp files get cleared at reboot time, log fioles get rotated once a week or so and only 4 copies are kept.06:47
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astro76Neural_Overload, it can be done with ButtonMapping in xorg.conf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto06:48
cafuegofred42: There shouldn't really be anything you need to do by hand about them.06:48
fred42thanks to you both... I will check it out.06:48
allin__fred42: also a good idea > apt-get clean06:48
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Nutubuntuchiefinnovator: I was thinking that you might just want to shutdown -r (restart the computer) and see if it is stable when it comes back up ... that may not be best idea though; I'm a n00b06:48
fred42I understand the idea for apt-get clean06:48
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w30fred42, all the compressed log files can be deleted (ends in .gz) maybe read some of them first06:48
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el_ismawhat's a good alternative to Derive? (Computer Algebra System)06:49
masterlokihey nvidia drivers tty's not availiable06:49
masterlokiany idea?06:49
chiefinnovatorNutubuntu, I did a "hard" restart by pushing the power button :-(, Nothing changed though.06:49
astro76el_isma, maxima I think06:49
redhat9how can i save files and settings when using live cd? anyone can help me please?06:49
fred42good idea about the .gz files.  will check that out.06:49
josshubuntu doesn't recognize my desktop's integrated ethernet. any suggested course of action?06:49
astro76!info maxima | el_isma06:49
ubotuel_isma: maxima: A computer algebra system -- base system. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.10.0-6ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 7377 kB, installed size 25004 kB06:49
Nutubuntuchiefinnovator: what did you update?06:49
chiefinnovatorDoes anyone have any ideas on how to diagnose this issue:  I just did the ubuntu updates and now my system won't shut down anymore.  It just goes to a blank screen and stays there.06:49
thedouri can't get ubuntu to install can someone help?06:49
el_ismathanks, astro06:50
el_ismathanks, astro7606:50
chiefinnovatorNutubuntu, I just clicked that orange button at the top of the screen06:50
=== NETWizz is now known as Seaman
astro76el_isma, also wxmaxima for a gui front end06:50
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=== Seaman is now known as NETWIzz
Optimus55thedour: what happens?06:50
=== NETWIzz is now known as Jbirk
chiefinnovatorI don't trust those system updates too much.  One time it broke my xorg06:50
thedourhangs on mounting root file system06:51
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Nutubuntuchiefinnovator: was the update succesful? were there any error messages, anything out of the ordinary?06:51
=== Jbirk is now known as NETWizz_
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chiefinnovatorNutubuntu, I don't think I saw any special error messages06:51
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xxtigurxxubuntu rocks my world!06:51
NETWIzz__Mine too06:51
Nutubuntuhm. chiefinnovator - have you looked in Synaptic (or the apt tool of your choice) to see if you have any broken packages?06:51
=== NETWIzz__ is now known as NETWIzz
chiefinnovatorIs there a way to see what the computer is stuck on, that it won't shut down?06:51
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neuberis it going to be a huge pain to get beryl working?06:52
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NETWIzzI like Media, Entertainment, and Distractions Ubuntu06:52
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jinxedberyl always is a pain06:52
jinxedyou can do it over and over again06:52
NETWIzz@neuber, no06:52
NETWIzzNot at all06:52
jinxedand it waill always freeze your system06:52
masterlokiinstalled nvidia fx7300 - now i cannot get to my terminals in ubuntu gutsy - any ideas?06:52
NETWIzzBerly isn't a pain once you get everything working06:52
silvernodean .avi to dvd but k3b complains and gives me an error what should i do?06:52
NETWIzzNo it won't06:52
chiefinnovatorNutubuntu, I see a command to fix broken packages06:52
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=== NETWIzz is running Beryl
NETWIzzNo Freeze06:52
jinxedi wish06:52
=== NETWIzz thinks Compiz Fusion might be better
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neuberi'm willing to play with it a bit to get it working right, its my main reason for installing linux haha06:53
jinxedberyl = nice for about 2 min06:53
thedourOptimus55: it hangs on "mounting root file system"06:53
jinxedbefore all my windows go black06:53
Nutubuntuare you in Synaptic, chiefinnovator ?06:53
NETWIzzHowever, NETWizz won't install Fiesty06:53
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:53
NETWIzzjinxed, that happ[ens on my laptop06:53
NETWIzzAnnoying as hell06:53
DJ_IceI Just got Ubuntu06:53
NETWIzzNever happens on my desktop06:53
Felarinjinxed: you probably installed it on hardware that has issues with it06:53
chiefinnovatorNutubuntu, yes, Synaptic.  I just clicked the fix button but nothing seemed to happen06:53
Felarinjinxed: works amazingly well on my system06:53
jinxedyeah same on my laptop06:53
NETWIzzMy laptop won't run Beryl06:53
=== Luke [n=Luke@cpe-76-190-147-26.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
DJ_IceIt's ben a lifetime goal06:53
NETWIzzIt will run Compiz-core06:53
SmackbanDJ_Ice, hate it yet?06:53
NETWIzzand Desktop-Effects06:53
jinxedFelarin, my video card was the one they used in the example06:53
DJ_IceNo not at all06:53
DJ_IceI LOVE It06:54
Nutubuntuchiefinnovator: on the left hand side, find and click the Custom Filters button06:54
Felarinjinxed: not necessarily video card06:54
SmackbanDJ_Ice, then you have not done anything good yet06:54
Felarinjinxed: mine is an nvidia 6600 GT, nvid as well06:54
Nutubuntufilter for broken pkgs, chiefinnovator - see if there are any06:54
DJ_Icei'm just exploring it lol06:54
DJ_Iceits ben a lifetime goal of mine so06:54
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Nutubuntuor check the status line at the bottom of the Synaptic window, chiefinnovator06:55
DJ_IceI'l be back here06:55
LukeI'm having problems with my raid. I mirrored my current storage harddrive, copied it to the raid1 and then added it back in (per some online instruction) and it doesnt seem to be syncing the two harddrives. I need help debuging the problem06:55
Smackbanwith your problems06:55
winstonhey i have a ipod nano and i need to swap music from amarok. any suggestions on how?06:55
DJ_IceHave a groovy night06:55
anathematicwhat is the command in console ot make a new account? :)06:55
thekuntashwhat program should i use to burn a video dvd06:55
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astro76anathematic, useradd06:55
chiefinnovatorNutubuntu, 0 broken06:55
w30thedour, I read somewhere about the menu.1st file getting the partitions reversed on some updates, check the menu.1t file to see if there is a backup file created by the updates by booting a live cd.06:55
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anathematicastro76: thank you06:56
Nutubuntuokay, bad guess on my part, chiefinnovator ... you'll do better with someone wiser about the system, I think06:56
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Smackban!ipod | winston06:56
ubotuwinston: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod06:56
astro76chiefinnovator, go to virtual console (ctrl+alt+f2), do sudo shutdown -h now, see if it shuts down or if not you'll see what it's sticking on06:56
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thekuntashk3b wont burn a video dvd06:56
masterlokiinstalled nvidia fx7300 - now i cannot get to my terminals in ubuntu gutsy - any ideas?06:56
thedourits a new machine with a ntfs partitioned drive... i have no clue about any menu1st this is my first linux try06:56
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chiefinnovatorthanks astro76, I'll try that in a couple minutes.  What does -h do BTW?06:56
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Smackban!caps | winston06:57
ubotuwinston: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:57
thedournew= nothing on it no windows06:57
winstonoh getting a new system06:57
astro76chiefinnovator, h = halt, r = restart06:57
winstonif any1 has postal 2 check me out online06:57
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silvernodeHey guys i cant get k3b to burn dvds is there any other program that will burn a playable dvd?06:57
AncientRelicgot a 2k3 server I want to switch to ubuntu, should I use ext3 or a more advanced fs?06:57
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Felarinthedour: menu.lst is in /boot/grub/06:58
silvernodecan i ask a question?06:58
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:58
thekuntashhey guys maple story wont work and its making me angry I've  killed linux twice now06:59
silvernodeIs there a program besides k3b that will burn dvds?06:59
thedourall i know of linux so far is the boot menu06:59
anathematicastro76:  i used "useradd data_seed" however it didn't make the directory in /home any ideas?06:59
Felarinthekuntash: Maple story dosent work in Linix06:59
Felarinthekuntash: Maple story dosent work in Linux06:59
silvernodek3b wont do it06:59
thedouri have no clue where/ how to do anything06:59
AncientRelicfor games like that thej kuntash, get VMware player06:59
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AncientRelicjust run a basic windows vm06:59
FelarinVMware wont work probably. VMware currently has no d3d support06:59
AncientRelicactually it does06:59
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AncientRelicsomewhat experimental07:00
Felarinonly the beta versions07:00
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Felarinof the workstation edition07:00
AncientRelicbut it works on my 730007:00
Felarinwhich isnt free btw.07:00
AncientRelicI know07:00
AncientRelicI have WS607:00
astro76anathematic, did you use sudo?07:00
Felarinso ask him to go buy WS607:00
AncientRelicdidn't know Maple used 3d07:00
anathematicastro76:  yes07:00
Felarinit does07:00
AncientReliclast time I saw it it was 2d07:00
AncientRelicjust really wanted IE07:00
silvernodeso what can i use to burn playable dvds guys?07:00
Felarinthe website says it requires you to use a 3d card07:00
astro76anathematic, strange, it should07:00
AncientRelicthanks for the updte Felarin07:00
FelarinAncientRelic: You're welcome.07:01
Smackban!dvd | silvernode07:01
ubotusilvernode: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:01
anathematicastro76: :) don't worry i'll just figure it out later07:01
AncientRelicsilvernode try Brasero07:01
FelarinWine wont work for MS because it has problems emulating gameguard if i'm not wrong.07:01
AncientRelicI've used it for DVDs07:01
Felarinsilvernode : alternative is to use the command line to burn DVDs. Ubuntu has wodim for you.07:01
silvernodeancientrelic:thanks i will try07:01
AncientRelicits in synaptic07:02
Nutubuntug'night all07:02
Felarinthere is currently a bug with Brasero07:02
silvernodefelarin:there is a cmmand?07:02
Felarinit will output an error if you try to dump a CD\DVD to ISO07:02
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Smackbanso dont do that?07:02
AncientRelicI'm usually going the other way Felarin but thanks again07:02
w30thedour, I am guessing that you have an XP partition, a backup partition for XP image and a utility partition to run the XP reinstall and a Linux partition plus a swap partition? I would be guessing to say Linux boots on hda4 so menu.1st would be wanting hd(3). menu.1st count partitions from 0.07:02
Felarinso i use the dd if=[input path]  of=[output path] 07:02
Felarinsilvernode : yes07:02
=== xtknight [n=xtknight@c-68-43-120-159.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Felarinyou can use wodim07:03
Felarin!wodim | silvernode07:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wodim - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:03
Felarinit dosent have07:03
Felarintry wodim --help in your command line07:03
johnthuhello, every body07:03
xtknighthm just my opinion but compiz seems a lot less buggy than Beryl.  works great on my pc and i've got it working with dual monitors.  just wanted to pass the word on07:03
johnthuis chinese here?07:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chinese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:03
xtknight!cn | johnthu07:03
ubotujohnthu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk07:03
AncientReliccompiz is less ambitious than beryl07:03
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AncientRelicI like beryl07:03
FelarinAgreed. Compiz IS less ambitious than Beryl.07:03
xtknightactually i prefer compiz's simpler effects07:03
AncientRelicbut it keeps losing the windows widgets07:03
pawanhow to install login screen07:04
ubuntu__1I am getting a "Grub Error 15" when I boot.07:04
pawanits in tar.gz format07:04
thedourw30 I have no XP installed however the partition was created with XP.07:04
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johnthuok i switch to ubuntu-cn, bye07:04
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Felarinpawan : You dont need to untar it07:04
punsadpawan: install 'login screen'.. you mean xdm?07:04
FelarinJust go to system ---> administration ---> login window07:04
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LukeI'm having problems with my raid1. I mirrored my current storage harddrive, copied it to the raid1 and then added it back in (per some online instruction) and it doesnt seem to be syncing the two harddrives. I need help debuging the problem. Any RAID experts around?07:05
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Felaringo to the local tab07:05
AncientRelicI'm looking for some too Luke07:05
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Felarinand click on add07:05
w30thedour, how many partitions did you install with XP/07:05
Felarinthen browse to the tar.gz login window theme07:05
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silvernodefelarin:so the command is !wodim? cuz it wont work07:05
Felarinthe command is wodim07:05
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anathematichey i want to setup on my network so instead of entering an IP address to access the web folder on a computer i enter a name, how should i go about that?07:05
thedouriemptied the drive07:05
Felarinnot !wodim07:05
Lukeanathematic: for RAID1?07:05
anathematicLuke:  no raid setup =)07:06
AncientRelicanathematic for a SMB server?07:06
Lukeanathematic: np =D07:06
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Felarinanathematic: just use the hostname of the PC07:06
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anandrdI can boot from the Live CD. But when I reboot, I get error 1507:06
astro76silvernode, and many references still refer to wodim by the old name of cdrecord, FYI07:06
Felarinmakesure, that in your samba config file, you add your computer's hostname under netbios name07:07
w30thedour, then Ubuntu install created your partitions and swap? Did you let Linux have the whole drive?07:07
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anandrdI made sure that the kernel files menu.lst points to are indeed in the /boot directory07:07
Felarinif you try to use cdrecord in ubuntu feisty07:07
Felarinit will tell you to use wodim07:07
LukeAncientRelic: what kinda raid question do you have?07:07
Felarinso you will still end up there07:07
thedouri just selected "start or install ubuntu" i have no clue what its done07:07
Felarinyou can also use dvdrecord for dvds or wodim as well07:07
Felarini suggest wodim for all07:07
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anathematicFelarin: how do i go about doing that? =)07:08
thedourw30 do I need to change "other otpions" (f6)07:08
Felarinanathematic: I dont know the UI way. To do it from the CLI, i just edit /etc/samba/smb.conf07:08
AncientRelicLuke: wanting to switch my server from 2K3 to Feisty, its really more of a fs question, but part of the 2k3 server is a RAID 507:08
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Felarinyou can use nano or vi, or even gedit if you're in X07:08
anathematicFelarin: yeah well i'm using console :p07:08
Felarinsudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf07:09
Lukeanathematic: an yea, you REALLY need an expert =)07:09
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thedouri do want to partition the whole drive for Ubuntu07:09
Felarinthen look for the netbios name line07:09
Felarinand add in the hostname of your PC07:09
Felarinthen when you access your PC from another pc, just do smbclient -U username //hostname/sharename/07:09
anathematicFelarin:  so if i was to do that then go to firefox or whatever web browser of my choice, i could type in that hostname like "ubuntu" and it would come up for port 80 (it's apache stuff) ?07:09
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Felarinedit /etc/shots07:10
anathematicFelarin:  oh sorry my mis-understanding07:10
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anathematici mean for http protocal07:10
thekuntashdoes any one know the wodim line to burn a video dvd07:10
Felarinunder localhost line07:10
riotkittieI've burned both 6.10 and 7.10 live cds, along with 7.10's alternate install. none of these discs wants to work for me. :|07:10
Felarinadd ubuntu behind07:10
Injenanathematic: you have to register a dynamic dns07:10
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anathematicInjen: how do i go about that? I only want this for over my network use so yeah07:10
Felarinhe wants to access his own server by typing ubuntu in his browser right?07:10
Injenregister a dynamic dyn from say, dyndns.org then point it to your ip07:11
Felarininjen's way is more universal07:11
omegabetaissue: I edited a file to get color [OK's]  or red [Fails]  when i boot but now i get a "Syntax error, undefined bla bla" and i cant login to fix it, i cant seem to do anything and im using windows to send this and i went a whole month not having to come back :(07:11
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AncientRelicinjen, that would require opening up his port 80 to the world07:11
AncientRelicI think he's looking for intranet07:11
Felarinintranet, just edit hosts file07:11
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tom__hey does anyone know demon?07:11
riotkittiewill apt-get distr-upgrade (or whatever) let me go from dapper to edgy w/o need of a cd?07:11
InjenSorry, didn't consider that.07:11
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Felarinadd the hostname to the pcs you want to access07:11
anathematicFelarin: so /etc/host.conf is what i'm after then?07:11
tom__he says he can fix my external but needs to remote desktop is that safe?07:12
el_ismariotkittie: yes, you can update without using a cd07:12
Felarinyes anathematic, correct07:12
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w30thedour, I don't think so. /boot/grub/menu.1st should have title Ubuntu, and root (hd0,2)  for booting07:12
Felarinedit the hosts file for all the pcs you want to access it from07:12
riotkittieel_isma > woohoo.  :D   thanks.07:12
Felarinadd ip address, hostname behind, once you look @ the format of the etc/hosts file07:12
Felarinyou will understand07:12
Felarinit's rather simple07:12
sonjeevjcan anybody help me configure my wireless usb dangle with feisty? it appears that ubuntu can see the wirless usb, but its not connecting07:12
tom__Hey, demon says he can fix my External Harddrive problem but needs to be able to remote desktop to fix it, is that safe to do?07:12
el_ismariotkittie: the recommended way of updating is using update-manager i think07:13
w30thedour, I mean root (hd0,0)  for booting07:13
AncientRelicsonjeevj like Wifi USB?07:13
AncientRelicwhich adapter?07:13
Felarintom__: he's a demon =) whaddya think?07:13
sonjeevjD-Link DWL-G122 Rev: B107:13
thedourok so boot=casper right now..07:13
tom__Felarin, I don't know he seems to know what he is talking about, and we already tried a lot07:13
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redhat9how can i save files and settings when using live cd? anyone can help me please?07:13
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riotkittieel_isma: yea, i know. :|   i really dislike upgrades and prefer clean installs but    i guess i dont have a choice at this point07:13
Felarintom__: if you trust him, go ahead. But then again, if you did, you wouldn't be asking us here.07:14
FelarinSo it's really your choice in the end07:14
riotkittieredhat9 > do you have a usb drive?07:14
sonjeevjAncientRelic, any ideas?07:14
AncientRelicsonjeevj look around for ndiswrapper07:14
thedourw30 i root=/dev/ram07:14
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w30thedour, (hd0,2) was my system07:14
tom__well what would he be able to do Felarin ?07:14
AncientRelicI think that's a broadcom chip07:14
DShepherdfirefox update available. *applauds the mozilla team*07:14
omegabetaanyone? :(07:14
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Felarinif he's good, he'd be able to help you mount it and get it up and running07:14
sonjeevjAncientRelic, I got that...im unsure how to use it07:14
Felarinif he's UP TO no good07:14
Felarinhe can do a lot07:14
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AncientRelicgive me a moment remember, my adapter works natively on Feisty :P07:15
pitwalkerhow can replace gaim beta to pidgin 2.1.0, the easyest way07:15
Felaringtg people07:15
Felaringood luck07:15
anathematicFelarin:  i've had a look at /etc/host.conf and i'm having a bit of trouble understanding it, do oyu know what the topic is i should be looking up in google?07:15
astro76omegabeta, you can boot to a livecd to fix fix it07:15
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sonjeevjok thanks07:16
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drcodehi all07:16
AncientRelicyou have the windows driver on the linux drive?07:16
drcodecan I put cron on seconds?07:16
drcodeI see only minutes07:16
sonjeevji just downloaded it07:16
sonjeevji got a zip file07:16
AncientRelicdid you uncompress it?07:16
astro76drcode, no just minutes07:16
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sonjeevjinside there is a .cat, a .cinf. and 2 .sys07:17
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astro76drcode, it processes every minute07:17
AncientRelicyou got the XP driver?07:17
sonjeevji can, im just looking around inside it07:17
sonjeevjno, but i can in a sec07:17
sonjeevji got win9807:17
drcodeit can't be use as seconds?07:17
AncientRelicyou want XP07:17
neubersoo i followed everyone's advice and now the X gui cant load and it gvies me an error07:17
drcodeI want to check file in 10 seconds07:17
sonjeevjok gimme a sec07:17
astro76drcode, no07:17
drcodeso the minimum is 1 minute?07:17
w30thedour, when in a live cd you must remember that your whole operating system is now in dev/ram. Your hard drive will be mounted as drive not as a /  filesystem07:17
pitwalkerI searching for hungarians. Van itt valaki?07:17
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astro76drcode, yes07:18
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neuberSmackban are you around?07:18
pawanhow to install splash screen07:18
sonjeevjok AncientRelic, i have it07:18
sonjeevjthere is also a setup.exe file07:18
AncientRelicuncompress it07:18
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AncientRelicwindows exe doesn't do squat07:19
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AncientRelicyou want the .inf file07:19
w30thedour, check and see if it's mounted. If not you will have to mount it as a directory07:19
AncientRelicand sys files07:19
peanuthi, im looking for some help with vim on ubuntu server.  anyone care to tell me how to exit the program?07:19
astro76!hu | pitwalker07:19
ubotupitwalker: Magyar nyelv segtsget az #ubuntu-hu csatornn tall07:19
peanutim in command mode, but it just beeps at me07:19
thedourhow do I check07:19
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neuberw30 do you remember my issue?07:19
sonjeevjAncientRelic, i want both .sys files?07:20
sonjeevjthere are 2?07:20
astro76peanut, hit ESC, type :q!07:20
AncientRelicjust leave the folder alone07:20
AncientRelicgo to it07:20
w30neuber, what was that the suspend issue?07:20
sonjeevjim there07:20
AncientRelicthen type in ndiswrapper -i "filename.inf"07:20
AncientRelicwhere filename is the name of the inf07:20
Orange_SpeciesI am new to Linux. I heard Ubuntu was the best LINUX Distro to start with.07:20
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neuberw30, no it was when it goes to load the gui I get a black screen with colored diagonal lines07:21
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Orange_SpeciesGot a question. How do I change the colors of X-CHAT?07:21
drcodethere is no other way to check in seconds?07:21
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lxuserhi, anyone about to help?07:21
w30neuber, ok07:21
sonjeevjAncientRelic, ok i did it07:21
neuberw30, I installed nvidia-glx as i was instructed to, but now i get an error07:21
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sonjeevjdo i need to do it for .sys too?07:21
peanuti pressed escape, but ive got no where to type a command07:21
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astro76drcode, what are you trying to do?07:21
AncientRelicdid it say driver installed?07:21
sonjeevjwhat now? should it work automatically?\07:21
w30neuber, it says what?07:22
drcodeI want to check some bash file in 10 seconds07:22
sonjeevjit said "installing netrtusb..."07:22
sonjeevjthen i got a prompt again07:22
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drcodeon root07:22
peanuti can go into insert mode by pressing 'i', and type into the document07:22
Orange_SpeciesQuestion: Where can I find themes for Ubuntu?07:22
astro76drcode, every 10 seconds?07:22
AncientRelicdo a ndiswrapper -l07:22
n00dl3oh no not root07:22
lxuserI own a sansa e260... its just standard usb drive and it should auto mount.... For some reason it wont. The sansa says its connected but I cant find it anywhere.07:22
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peanutbut if i press q it doesnt exit, and i can't type q!07:22
neuberw30, it says it cant load x because no matching device section for instance BusID PCI:5:0:0 or something like that07:22
dayacan I directly upgrade 6.06 to 7.04 from 7.04 alternate CD.07:22
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austinhawkorange_species, google....07:22
drcodeany idea?07:22
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sonjeevjAncientRelic, sonjeevj@ubuntu-sj:~/ddrivers$ ndiswrapper -l07:22
sonjeevjnetrtusb : driver installed07:22
sonjeevj        device (2001:3C00) present (alternate driver: rt2570)07:22
n00dl3peanut: :qw to write :q to quit07:22
AncientRelicyou're good then07:23
AncientRelicunless you need WEP07:23
n00dl3well :qw to quit and write o.o07:23
anathematicwhat sort of information should i be looking up so i can set hostnames for my computers on my intranet to access over http?07:23
w30thedour, you need to sudo mkdir /mnt/hda1 then sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda107:23
Orange_Species@ AustinHawk: I am totally new to Linux. Not used to how it works.07:23
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astro76drcode, check it how?07:23
pitwalkerpeanut: i solved your problem07:23
lxusercan someone help me with mounting this usb device?07:24
drcodeastro76: ?07:24
astro76peanut, :q! is quit with out saving, why can't you type it?07:24
omegabetaHow do i boot in to my ubuntu box with a corrupt init-functions file?07:24
lxusermount /dev/sda1 isnt working for some reason07:24
AncientRelicwhat device lxuser?07:24
w30neuber, did you do the nvidia-glx-config enble?07:24
neuberw30, yeah I did07:24
lxuserancientrelic, its a sansa 260r. just an mp2 player07:24
lxusermp3 rather07:24
AncientRelicdidn't automount?07:25
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pitwalkerpeanut: how many answers did you get?07:25
lxuserancientrelic, it has no special fs and as far as i can tell it should auto mount07:25
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lxuserancientrelic, no07:25
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Rexor_Moonhey, I got a problem, can someone help?07:25
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ticnaileris there a java xchat room?07:26
LadyNikonRexor_Moon: ask your problem.07:26
neuberI'm trying to be patient but this is really frustrating07:26
drcodealso the cron dosnt work07:26
AncientRelicsonjeevj, is it working?07:26
peanutpitwalker: i finally pressed shift + q and it put me into "ex mode" and there I could type :q! and quit07:26
ticnailerdoes anyone here know Java?07:26
Rexor_Moonok, I'm trying to use Azureus, and for some reason, whenever I try to open it, it keeps crashing07:26
dem0nwhat is the command to start the roots filesystem to give permissions?07:26
AncientRelicrexor_moon, try Deluge07:26
lxuseris there some command i can type to find out what usb device is where?07:26
peanutit said i could go to normal mode by typing "visual" which is the mode im in normally apparently.  whats the difference?07:26
dem0nlike sudo nessias or something07:26
drcodeI did 01 * * * * /home/myfile07:26
drcodedosnt work also07:27
pitwalkerpeanut: ;-)07:27
dem0nlxuser gimme 1 sec07:27
Rexor_MoonDeluge is another program like Azureus?07:27
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sonjeevjAncientRelic, it still doesnt work, i tried to go to a website and the "Activity" light flashed a few times07:27
sonjeevjbut then it went out and i got a server not found07:27
n00dl3peanut: google is awesome :P07:27
lxuserdem0n, k07:27
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AncientRelicsonjeevj, try sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome07:27
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w30neuber, try to configure the xserver by sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8607:27
neuberok w30, i'll probably be back again soon07:28
pitwalkerpeanut: for kill a hanged program: from another terminal: ps -ef -> get pid ->kill it07:28
w30neuber, accept the defaults if you don't know07:28
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aviswhat is postscript ?07:28
AncientRelicI think your card is working but it doesn't know what ap to connect to07:28
dem0nWHAT command gives root file system07:28
peanuthow do i open another terminal?  i'm in ubuntu server and there is no ui07:28
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sonjeevjAncientRelic, still there?07:29
peanutalso, i did the :i command and i'm in insert mode.  pressing ESC doenst bring me back to command mode.  whats the deal there?07:29
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sonjeevjhey, so it partially worked i think07:29
pitwalkerpeanut: CTRL+07:29
bulmerpeanut ctrl+alt+f307:29
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sonjeevjbut, i didnt get assigned a proper ip address07:29
drcodeany idea?07:29
sonjeevji got a 169.254.07:29
drcodewhy my cron dosnt work?07:29
sonjeevjinstead of 192.168.007:29
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pitwalkerpeanut: CTRL+ALT+F1 ---- CTRL+ALT+F607:29
austinhawkgood site on VI:  http://www.eng.hawaii.edu/Tutor/vi.html07:29
AncientRelictry a ifconfig07:30
lxusersonjeevj, sounds like you are forwarding some port or something?07:30
AncientReliclet's see what its called07:30
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sonjeevjthe wireless is rausb107:30
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lxusercan anyone help me mount this mp3 player?07:31
Rexor_Moonhmm, how does one actually install something on Linux, since it seems not to have a setup icon with the tar07:31
lxuserit should be auto mounting, but it isnt07:31
AK47hi,how to do zhcon?07:31
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lxuserhehe rexor, you need tar is an archive. you need to uncompress it07:31
Rexor_Moonwell, yeah, I did that I think07:32
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Rexor_Moonbut I still can't set it up07:32
AncientRelicsonjeevj: sudo iwconfig rausb1 AP_Name07:32
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AncientRelicwhere AP_Name is the SSID of your access point07:32
lxuserwhat files do you have uncompressed?07:32
AncientRelicthen do an ifconfig rausb107:32
AncientRelicto see if it got a proper ip07:33
peanutpitwalker, i sent you a chat invitation.  if you could help me with something that'd be great07:33
lxuserwhat exactly is it you are trying to install rexormoon07:33
Rexor_Moondeluge lxuser07:33
dem0ncan some one tell me how do i give my self pemissions?07:33
AncientRelicI told him to try deluge instead of azureus07:33
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lxuserhmm, is it just the binary?07:33
dem0nlike some one told me to type something up earlyer and it opend up a folder that had root privlages how do i do that?07:33
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Rexor_MoonI have libtorrent, scripts, src, pkg-info, readme, and setup-py07:34
astro76!root | dem0n07:34
ubotudem0n: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:34
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AncientRelicget the .deb file07:34
AncientRelicnot the tar.gz07:34
Rexor_Moonall those are in the deluge 0.5.3 file07:34
AncientRelicits got a deb package07:34
lxuserdem0n, i guess you could just sudo nautilus? lol07:34
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austinhawkdem0n, use chown to own, chmod for read/write/execute07:34
lxuserrexor_moon, i'll try to link you to a deb file real quick07:34
pitwalkerpeanut: apt-get install xfce4 gnome07:35
Rexor_Moonthe i386 debian or the amd64 debian?07:35
lxuseroh he will07:35
lxuserit depends on your build rexor07:35
lxuserbut i386 will work on most things07:35
josshk so, ubuntu doesn't want to see my network card. so i'm all    sudo modprobe e1000     and NOTHIN happens. ideas?07:35
AncientRelicI doubt he's got the 64bit07:35
lxusereven if he does, it'll work07:35
AncientRelicI use i386 even though I have a A64x207:36
Rexor_Mooninstalling now07:36
lxusergood luck07:36
AncientRelicmuch better :)07:36
AncientRelicAzureus is Java based, and somewhat messy IMHO07:36
lxuserjossh, what sort of network card?07:36
redhat9how can i save files and settings when using live cd? anyone can help me please?07:36
pitwalkerredhat9: USB drive07:36
pitwalkerredhat9: samba07:37
joe_12Hey Sorry I'm New, Could You Help Me, What Is The Difference Between       joe@joe;~$     and joe@joe;~>      Is It A Different Shell Or Something? And How Do I Change To     joe@joe;~>  Thanks07:37
pitwalkerredhat9: external HDD07:37
josshlxuser: integrated in my motherboard. 82547EI exactly07:37
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pitwalkerredhat9: you install to the pc a floppy drive07:37
Miyamotohow do i unmount in the terminal,  mount was $mount -o loop /etc/etc /etc/etc/07:37
lxuserjossh, lol google is the best advice i can give you07:38
pitwalkerredhat9: internet07:38
josshlxuser already there. thx =/07:38
redhat9pitwalker : i boot it with live cd.07:38
lxusersorry :/07:38
austinhawkmiyamoto, use umount to unmount07:38
Miyamotono sudo?07:38
astro76Miyamoto, umount MOUNTPOINT07:38
redhat9pitwalker : how do i save it?07:38
astro76Miyamoto, yes sudo07:38
lxuseryes use sudo07:38
pitwalkerredhat9: and what is the problem? what live? you can use "ifconfig" you can use USB07:38
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austinhawkanyone have an opinion on using automatix?07:39
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Miyamotoastro76, do i have to know put a mountpoint in07:39
pitwalkerredhat9: ->>>>private07:39
astro76redhat9, do you want to install ubuntu, or do you mean to keep using the livecd?07:39
ianmcorvidae!automatix | austinhawk07:39
ubotuaustinhawk: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:39
astro76austinhawk, stay far away07:39
dem0nyo what was that command again sudo nitals07:39
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jinxed-hey dem0n07:40
redhat9pitwalker : im running live cd as im new to linux, so i boot linux with live cd. but when i edit some changes or save some documents, the next time i boot to run linux with live cd, all the files are gone, i just want to know how can i keep my settings and save files07:40
astro76dem0n, gksudo nautilus, but it's a horrible unsafe thing to do07:40
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dem0nhow is it unsafe?07:40
lxusercan someone dem0n, aliens will attack you07:41
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MacDrunki install07:41
joe_12Hey Sorry I'm New, Could You Help Me, What Is The Difference Between       joe@joe:~$     and joe@joe:~>    In The Console? Is It A Different Shell Or Something? And How Do I Change To     joe@joe:~>  Thanks07:41
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MacDrunkarmyops on my linux machine07:41
ticnailercan I ask and honest question?07:41
csnei want to ask how to intal yahoo messneger at ubuntu??07:41
MacDrunkbut i cant make it wokr07:41
austinhawkok, thx.  automatix looked appealing to get video/multimedia working on x64. thanks for the heads up.07:41
csneany body konws07:41
ticnailerHow stable is beryl?07:41
AncientReliccsne, www.yahoo.com should help you if you want the official client07:41
Miyamotosudo umount /mount/point/doesn07:41
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bullgard4lshal output includes udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_0_0_0000_00_1d_1_if0'. Does udi mean 'Uniform Driver Interface' or 'Unified Display Interface'?07:41
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n00dl3csne: does it have a *nix version?07:42
lxuserticnailer, its great if your hardware is great07:42
AncientRelicbut honestly, try pidgin/gaim07:42
Miyamotosudo umount /mount/point/doesn't/work/d***/it07:42
astro76austinhawk, that's easy and we can help07:42
AncientRelicn00dl3, there is a Linux Yahoo client07:42
pitwalkerredhat9: you new for IRC? pleas write me private, please ask one-i answer one etc.07:42
redhat9pitwalker : im running live cd as im new to linux, so i boot linux with live cd. but when i edit some changes or save some documents, the next time i boot to run linux with live cd, all the files are gone, i just want to know how can i keep my settings and save files07:42
csnehave master yahoo messanger for ubuntu07:42
AncientRelicbut its not better than gaim/pidgin07:42
n00dl3AncientRelic: K07:42
lxusermiyamoto, what is it you are trying to unmount?07:42
ticnailerI'm using it right now b/c my hardware is good but I sometimes shit just crashes.... should I just assume it's beryl?07:43
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root_____I am in a rescue cd right now, and i can see the linux install im trying ti edit, i need to replace the "init-functions" file but i cant write or do anything to it? any ideas guys?07:43
AncientReliccsne, under applications/internet, there should be a choice for gaim07:43
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astro76ticnailer, that's a pretty safe bet07:43
austinhawkthx astro76. current issue is flash player.  i've checked the forums and it looks like a hack to get it working07:43
lxuserticnailer, its highly likely07:43
Miyamotolxuser, an iso file, i mounted it with sudo mount -o loop /etc/etc/ /etc/etc07:43
astro76austinhawk, are you on 64 bit07:43
lxuserthats strange07:44
joe_12Hey sorry I'm new, could you help me, what is the difference between       joe@joe:~$     and   joe@joe:~>    In the console? Is it a different shell or something? And how do I change to     joe@joe:~>  Thanks07:44
astro76austinhawk, I ran across a link recently and it was very easy, maybe someone else knows07:44
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lxuserjoe_12, some times its best just to assume its magic07:44
root_____I am in a rescue cd right now, and i can see the linux install im trying ti edit, i need to replace the "init-functions" file but i cant write or do anything to it? any ideas guys?07:44
pitwalkerredhat9:  :-(07:44
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redhat9pitwalker : im new to irc also. how can i be register user?07:44
austinhawki found one that instructs to install 32bit firefox, etc, etc, etc07:44
ticnailerthought so.. I just wanted a second opinion07:44
neuberw30, i'm back again, when i do what you said it tells me that i don't have that package installed07:45
pitwalkerredhat9: i opened a private talk to you, you don's see???07:45
AncientRelicticnailer, I've used it07:45
AncientRelicbut it doesn't crash for me, but I keep losing windows controls07:45
lxuserticnailer, some people love it and never had had a problem (me) others seem to have issues07:45
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redhat9pitwalker, i still can message you07:45
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redhat9im still unregistered user07:45
w30neuber, what? dpkg or xserver?07:45
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pitwalkeri dont know07:45
pitwalkerredhat9: can you start a terminal??07:46
csneso in ubuntu YM = gaim07:46
redhat9pitwalker : im using xp at the moment.07:46
pitwalkerredhat9: or CTRL+ALT+F2 do you see tty2 ?07:46
astro76austinhawk, yeah looks like that's the way to go: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava07:46
AncientReliccsne, it also does MSN and AIM07:46
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joe_12Hey sorry I'm new, could you help me, what is the difference between       joe@joe:~$     and   joe@joe:~>    In the console? Is it a different shell or something? And how do I change to     joe@joe:~>  Thanks07:46
pitwalkerredhat9: ??? and the documents???07:46
lxuserhe's in xp, hes better off with alt f407:46
n00dl3redhat9: /msg nickserv register password07:46
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AncientRelicany chance we can kick joe_1207:47
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AncientReliclooks like a bot07:47
pitwalkern00dl3 ->>>>>: redhat9: /msg nickserv register password07:47
AncientRelicwow that was psychic07:47
w30neuber, if you don't have dpkg then try apt-get install dpkg07:47
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n00dl3AncientRelic: lol07:47
n00dl3Doesnt apt need dpkg?07:48
lxusercan someone hel?p me mount my silly little mp3 player07:48
neuberw30 ah sorry it said xserver07:48
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AncientReliclxuser have you tried it with windows or mac?07:48
neuberdpkg comes with the os doesn't it?07:48
lxuseryeah, its fine in windows07:48
lxuserlast i checked at least07:48
austinhawkastro76, yep, that's the one.07:48
grayhaneI need to part a 120 drive into 3 parts, and then format for FAT32,  have Ubuntu 7.04 and XP, can anyone lend a hand ?07:48
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n00dl3neuber: yes07:48
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redhat9pitwalker : i registered already and pm you07:49
lxusergrayhane, its pretty easy with the ubuntu install disk i imagine07:49
redhat9pitwalker : did you see my msg?07:49
lxuserwell, sort of07:49
neuberI thought xserver came with the os too though07:49
AncientReliclxuser stupid query, its formatted as fat3207:49
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blazemongeri have gnewsense on my notebooki and ubuntu  dreamlinux freebsd andmusix on desktop07:49
sonjeevj_AncientRelic, THANKS! it worked!07:49
AncientRelicsonjeevj, you're welcome07:50
grayhanelxuser:  the win site said 32 mb was max for a fat 32, I have a 120 drive I want to use with both os07:50
lxuserancientrelic, it shouldnt be. I put vfat in the fstab for safe measure though. no go07:50
sonjeevj_AncientRelic, :D cya07:50
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lxusergrayhane, i would imagine 32 megs was the bare min lol07:50
sonjeevj_now i can move my computer back to my desk instead of sitting on the ground near my router07:50
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lxusergrayhane, maybe i can find something useful for you07:51
redhat9pitwalker : you there?07:51
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grayhaneit is now ntfs and cannot write to that in linux07:51
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pitwalkerNTFS-3g can write to NTFS :-)07:51
grayhanethanks that would be good the new way of making parts in XP os forten tome.07:51
AncientRelicI'm pondering lxuser, in the meantime anyone have fs recommendations for a server07:51
AncientRelicand best way to set it up for my clients07:52
AncientRelicMac & Linux07:52
lxuserresier wins07:52
astro76austinhawk, many people still run 32 bit linux on 64 bit hardware to avoid these types of hassles... not sure if you have a reason for it or not07:52
w30neuber, I'm sorry I should have said sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:52
lxuserhe also kills people07:52
lxuserbut his fs kicks ass07:52
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w30neuber, my fault try that07:52
pawanreal player for ubuntu07:52
AncientRelicok, I've got just under 3TB so this will be quite a migration :P07:52
neuberw30, thanks i07:52
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neuberi'll be back07:52
grayhaneis grip still in the repository for 70407:53
astro76pawan, yes there's realplayer for ubuntu07:53
astro76grayhane, yeah07:53
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pawanhow to install it07:54
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grayhanethanks, I cant upload the stuff due to a bad cable at this time so Im in limbo here07:54
bullgard4What DEB program package contains the command lshal?07:54
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grayhaneThe one they have now will not make mp3s07:54
lxuserpawan, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=RealPlayer07:54
calcbullgard4: hal07:55
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redhat9pitwalker : are you there?07:55
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grayhanelxuser:  I am going to boot this up in XP and try the part in win, be back on in a bit07:55
AncientRelicanyone here use VLC on Linux?07:55
lxuserancientrelic, not really07:56
lxuserno point in my opinion07:56
dayaraphink, hi07:56
lxuserits great for windows though07:56
astro76AncientRelic, I prefer it for dvds still07:56
FezzlerI need to understand how to configure a Wireless broadband router that is connected to a wired router07:56
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n00dl3AncientRelic: I do07:56
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gustavohello, can someone help me with vsftpd? I'm trying to set up a vsftpd server behind a cable modem and a router. I did the NAT on port 21000 but ppl from internet cant find my server. Anyway, it logs the attempt.07:56
lxuserits all a matter of preference i imagine :)07:56
AncientRelicjust wondering because I have a SMB share on my Linux box, and can't seem to open files from the SMB share in VLC07:57
pawani cant see ubuntu restricted extras07:57
bruenig|laptoppawan, what do you want?07:57
astro76Fezzler, can you just use the wireless router?07:57
bullgard4calc: Tank you very much.07:57
pawanreal player for ubuntu07:57
MacDrunkanyone here has seen transformers07:57
n00dl3redhat9: Yes I am :o07:57
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FezzlerThe wireless does not need access to home LAN but just provide wireless access to WAN07:57
bruenig|laptopreal player is not in ubuntu-restricted-extras07:57
lxuseryou need helix or whatever its called pawan07:57
Fezzlerastro: No07:57
AncientRelicMacDrunk, yes and it had one major saving grace07:57
gustavocan someone help?07:57
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lxusersorry for the long link07:58
el_isma!ask | gustavo07:58
ubotugustavo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:58
bruenig|laptopgustavo, help is on break right now, we apologize for the wait07:58
MacDrunkwell i like it alot07:58
varun0MacDrunk: the women were amazingly hot :-D07:58
AncientRelicwithout Peter Cullen it would have sucked hugely07:58
gustavobruenig|laptop: no problem, i will just wait.07:58
AncientRelicat least for this G1 fan07:58
FezzlerI need to know what changes need to be made to the wireless router set up07:59
astro76Fezzler, you would need to turn of the dhcp server on the wireless router07:59
FezzlerI have IP set to automatic07:59
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lxuserwithout Shia LaBeouf it would have been an even bigger hit :p07:59
pawani wnat real player for ubuntu 7.0408:00
jamesdellhi, anyone got experience to troubleshoot Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG card?08:00
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lxuserpawan, are you reading the link i just sent you?08:00
AncientReliclxuser, Shia was not the liability of the movie08:00
AncientRelicscary but true08:00
pawanits for ubuntu 6.0408:00
bruenig|laptopjamesdell, it is meant to work automagically08:00
pawani wnat to 7.0408:00
lxuserShia LaBeouf is responsible for poverty.08:00
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pawandeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main08:01
pawanbash: deb: command not found08:01
AncientRelicactually the blonde "hacker" was awful08:01
jamesdellbruenig: but I never received ip address from dhcp in dsl router..08:01
austinhawkpawan, it works with 7.04, I am using it now08:01
bruenig|laptopjamesdell, perhaps a router problem08:01
MacDrunki think is the best movie for the summer08:01
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AncientRelicMac, Ratatoullie was better08:01
lxuserfine read that08:01
astro76Fezzler, it depends on how you set it up, if you hook the wireless's wan port to the wired router, which would make wireless clients go through double-nat, you would keep the dhcp server on08:01
jamesdellbruenig|laptop: but my it is working on windows mode.. with it comes in ubuntu, it doesnt..08:01
bruenig|laptopubuntuguide.org is not recommended I don't believe08:02
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lxuserim just posting links08:02
astro76Fezzler, then you would have to change the subnet, i.e. 192.168.1.x for the wired and 192.168.2.x for the wireless08:02
lxuseri gave him a ubuntuwiki link but he doesnt seem to get it08:02
bruenig|laptopjamesdell, is it associated, check with iwconfig08:02
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pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install realplay08:03
pawanReading package lists... Done08:03
pawanBuilding dependency tree08:03
pawanReading state information... Done08:03
pawanE: Couldn't find package realplay08:03
AncientRelicanyhow, bed is calling08:03
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AncientRelicnight all08:03
n00dl3AncientRelic: gnite08:03
lxuserpawan, can you just open up synaptic and search for realplayer lol08:03
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bruenig|laptoppawan, you are supposed to add that line into /etc/apt/sources.list, either way I still don't think real player is in there, you need to get the .bin from real player, I don't know why anyone would want real player anyways08:04
lxuserguess not08:04
pitwalkerpawan: can you install VLC, XFMEDIA08:04
neuberw30, i'm back yet again08:04
astro76pawan, according to that link you have to add the commercial repository (and change dapper references to feisty)08:04
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w30neuber, ok08:04
bruenig|laptopthings have changed since dapper08:04
dem0nlxuser u still need help mounting that drive?08:04
lxuseryeah, it still isnt working08:04
bruenig|laptopI don't recall it being in feisty08:04
bruenig|laptopor I mean edgy08:04
dem0ntype /j #hbh08:04
astro76I wouldn't know ;)08:04
neuberw30, it seems that it is an issue with the settings because now i get a black screen and it just sits there. I don't know what i'm not setting right08:04
bruenig|laptopI have never tried with feisty, but I wouldn't see why it would be in dapper, out of edgy, and then back again in feisty08:05
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astro76isn't their a real codec in w32codecs?08:06
bruenig|laptopI believe so08:06
n00dl3redhat9: drivers are OS specific08:06
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neuberw30, could it be the location of the graphics card? its on pci express does that matter?08:06
bruenig|laptopI know in arch, the package "codecs" installs all of that good stuff08:06
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w30neuber, thats odd because its supposed to fail after a couple of flickers and give you a screen that says disabling the xserver and kicks you back to a terminal shell08:07
astro76!medibuntu | pawan install w32codecs from here08:07
ubotupawan install w32codecs from here: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org08:07
lxuserastro76, thats where most of us get it08:07
Fezzle1I have wireless set to IP=auto; local IP; DHCP=disabled.  ANyhting else?08:07
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Fezzle1where do I give SSID a name?08:07
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w30neuber, check your logs, /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:08
bruenig|laptopiwconfig essid WHATEVER08:08
bruenig|laptopiwconfig INTERFACE essid WHATEVER08:08
astro76Fezzle1, if you're connected to the wired router through the wireless's wan port you need to have the dhcp server on. Is that how it's set up?08:08
neuberw30, k i'll be back08:08
digilibraryhow can i run mp3 files in ubundu 6.108:09
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bruenig|laptopyou can't08:09
bruenig|laptopmp3 files aren't executable, even if you chmod +x them, they will certainly err when you try to run them08:09
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digilibrarysorry play08:10
digilibraryplay mp308:10
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jinxed-Could someone help me get my external hardrive to work... at first I could only see and not write files... then I couldn't see it unless I went to media/EXTERNAL now I don't see it at all and can't see the files no matter what I do08:10
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rich1has anyone heard that qwest has stopped offering email accounts with their isp service?08:10
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bruenig|laptop!ot | rich108:11
uboturich1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:11
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fraserhi. can someone tell me how to rename a drive?08:11
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austinhawkfraser, more detail on what you actually want to do08:12
fraseraustinhawk, i have an ipod connected and it's named 'FRASER'S IP" and i wanna rename it to 'iPod'.08:12
ferronicaplease check above posted link ^^^^08:13
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fraseraustinhawk, i can't jsut right click and go rename because it's blanked out, i guess because it is mounted. but when i unmount it it disappears.08:13
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austinhawkfraser, I don't have an iPod, so I am not sure where it is getting the name. sorry.08:14
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deathbloomsIf any 1 can help me with beryl i would be happy08:14
fraseraustinhawk, i don't think that's relevant. how would you rename say a external hard drive? or a usb flash disk?08:15
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lxuserbruenig|laptop, do you know the command that tells me specifically what is going on with my usb?08:15
austinhawkfraser, check out this... http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/03/01/editing-fat32-partition-labels-using-mtools/08:15
lxuserother than that.08:15
deathbloomsAny !?08:16
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astro76ferronica, what is the problem?08:16
deathblooms1 ?08:16
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lxuserim having an issue with my mp3 player, it says its connected on the player, but it isnt mounted08:16
lxuseror at least it doesnt seem to be08:16
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deathbloomsCan some 1 help me plz?08:17
fraseraustinhawk, could i have a hand with this article you've given me??08:17
bruenig|laptop!attitude | deathblooms08:17
ubotudeathblooms: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:17
ferronicasastro76: some graphic problem08:17
ferronicaastro76: http://www.speedyshare.com/556874684.html08:17
fraseraustinhawk, it says, copy mtools.conf        how do i search my filesystem for that?08:17
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Flannel!beryl | deathblooms08:17
ubotudeathblooms: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects08:17
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neuberw30, how exactly do i view the log file08:18
austinhawklocate mtools.conf08:18
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Flanneldeathblooms: see also #compiz-fusion08:18
fraseraustinhawk, no results. damnit. i think this guide might be old or something08:18
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MacDrunklater all08:19
ThanatosDriveHey everyone! Can somebody suggest to me a BitTorrent client similar to utorrent in function? I'm tired of not being able to see the pieces or my peers and having so little control.08:19
neuberw30, it said permission denied08:19
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austinhawkfraser, after you installed mtools, you need to refresh the locate DB.  'sudo updatedb'08:19
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bruenig|laptopThanatosDrive, you can use utorrent08:19
ferronicasastro76: have you checked ??08:19
astro76ferronica, try #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion08:19
dem0nneuber ur sevices quit working?08:19
ferronicasastro76: ok08:19
Flannelfraser: You'll need to install 'mtools' package, its in main08:19
ThanatosDrivebruenig|laptop: I assume you mean on WINE? Yeah but it's...funky.08:19
austinhawkor just look under /etc.  that is the normal place for conf files08:19
bruenig|laptopworks flawlessly08:20
fraserFlannel, already did that08:20
bruenig|laptop!info deluge08:20
ubotuPackage deluge does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas08:20
bruenig|laptopgo get deluge08:20
neuberdem0n, my issue is that i cant get X to work at all08:20
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ThanatosDrivebruenig|laptop: Really? I'll give it another shot then.08:20
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Flannelfraser: mtools.conf is in /etc : http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=mtools&version=feisty&arch=i38608:20
fraserFlannel, thankyou08:20
bruenig|laptopyou need to compile it I guess, or install foreign deb that you don't know anything about08:20
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ThanatosDrivebruenig|laptop: I know nothing about compiling :(08:20
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bruenig|laptoppython setup.py install08:21
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bruenig|laptopshould be enough for deluge08:21
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bruenig|laptopassuming you have dependencies installed08:21
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neuberI cant get the gui working at all, can anyone help me out? I ended up with a black screen08:21
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ThanatosDrivebruenig|laptop: Guess I'll be sticking with utorrent :(08:22
twoshadetodAnyone use yahoo messenger w/ voice chat?  Is there anything besides yahoo's client that can do it?08:22
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hyljeis feisty+1 stable enough for bleeding-edge use?08:22
w30neuber, sudo08:22
neuberw30, i did that08:22
bruenig|laptopjust learn to compile, gees, it is a good feeling to not be dependent on others for your computer operating the way you want it to08:22
Flannelhylje: It's alpha software, You'll get a better answer in #ubuntu+1, but yes, I believe so.08:22
bruenig|laptopcompiling requires you basically to run a few scripts08:23
neuberw30, when i used sudo it said commaned not found08:23
bruenig|laptopnot difficult08:23
neuberw30, i think i'm missing something08:23
jak08just a small question, where in Koversation would I change the log off statment, and other related statements?08:23
hyljeFlannel: yeah, thanks08:23
dem0nseedneuber go to channel hbh08:23
dem0nseedi can help maby08:23
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ThanatosDrivebruenig|laptop: Mind teaching me? Or pointing me to a clear guide?08:24
astro76dem0nseed, is there a reason you can't help people here so others can help and benefit?08:24
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bruenig|laptopThanatosDrive, it is dependent on the program, but basically the source is distributed with a script called configure, you run that script, it will create a Makefile, you run the Makefile by typing "make", after that, you install it with "make install"08:25
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bruenig|laptoppython apps often times use a script called setup.py, you run with python setup.py install08:25
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File13I think when i shut the lid on my laptop the laptop isnt going into suspend mode, when i open the lid again it prompts for a password but the battery went down drastically as if it had been on08:26
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P_KableI need java runtime environment for firefox, what is the package name to instal through apt ?08:26
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Flannel!java | P_Kable08:26
ubotuP_Kable: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre08:26
bruenig|laptop!info sun-java6-plugin08:26
ubotusun-java6-plugin: The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 1 kB, installed size 72 kB08:26
ThanatosDriveFile13: Could just be a bad battery. Try leaving it unplugged and not on standby and see if the battery still lasts as long as it did when you first bought it/08:26
scally6wondering if anyone could help- i can't get my screen res over 800x60008:26
astro76File13, system>preferences>power management, you change what it does in there, default is blank screen08:27
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jak08I have been strugleing with this for a good part of several hours, how exactly do i get .ma4 to play?08:27
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w30  fraser tune2fs -L <volume label> device08:27
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puffy-sananybody know how can I burn a CD image from a .cue file to a CD with gonme-baker? I'm getting the error ERROR: Drive does not accept any cue sheet variant - please report. when trying to burn08:28
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ThanatosDrivescally6: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh08:28
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astro76!iso | puffy-san08:28
ubotupuffy-san: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:28
w30neuber, yeah, maybe it's time to go back to the regular 2d drivers and start over.08:28
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File13Whats the diff between suspend and hibernate then08:29
MalachiI'm having a problem compiling something.08:29
scally6thanks TD i'll give that a try08:29
misfithi everyone.  I have a problem... when I'm viewing a DIVX or AVI file, I notice that about an hour into almost every movie the sound and video start to go out of sync, and it gets worse as the movie progresses.  Is this a codec issue?08:29
MalachiI get "Please add the files codeset.m4 gettext.m4 glibc21.m4 iconv.m4 isc-posix.m4 lcmessage.m4  progtest.m4"08:29
astro76puffy-san, you'll need to convert to iso08:29
puffy-sanastro76: ah, okay08:29
ThanatosDrivescally6: Oh and, you use the spacebar to select choices.08:29
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astro76File13, suspend is very low power and ram is preserved, hibernate saves ram to disk, and you need swap equal or greater than your ram size08:30
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astro76File13, and completely powers off08:30
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w30File13, suspend puts your system to ram and stops computing hibernate writes system to hard drive and then shuts down and has to be rebooted to the image created on the hard disk08:31
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File13Well i did 1.5x my ram08:31
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scally6ok what should i pic?08:31
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misfitCan anyone help me with an issue viewing videos?08:31
File13What does windows do by default when you close the lid08:31
File13Cuz thats what im looking for08:32
astro76File13, usually suspend08:32
astro76I think08:32
File13So i can leave it closed for a long ass time w/o wasting virtually any battery08:32
w30File13, usually messes up :=)08:32
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astro76File13, well depending what you mean by long *** time, you might want hibernate08:32
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FlannelFile13: Hibernate writes RAM to the disk (swap) and then turns off.  Using no power (well, same as being turned off)08:33
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ThanatosDrivebruenig|laptop: I checked out the Deluge screenshots...doesn't look powerful enough for me. And I'm a picky user, so uTorrent it is I guess. Thanks though!08:33
misfitI'm having trouble viewing videos, can someone please help me troubleshoot?08:33
File13Alrighty, hibernate is it for me then.08:33
ThanatosDrivescally6: Whatever resolutions your monitor can handle.08:33
bruenig|laptopThanatosDrive, what do you want08:33
ThanatosDrivebruenig|laptop: Basically...utorrent, hahaha08:33
bruenig|laptopI just ditched utorrent about a week ago when deluge came out with 0.5.3 because it has everything utorrent does essentially08:33
File13Sound question, my sound is crackly while running games (havent notice anywhere else its crackly) it works fine while playing videos on youtube or listening to music08:34
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w30File13, suspend with the lid closed scares me because there are cooling vents under my lid.08:34
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misfitis there a chat room that deals specifically with video issues?08:34
scally6oh ha, tardboy here..... got it now. ok it says overwriting possibly-customised configuration08:34
scally6   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2007073123330608:34
w30File13, so I have mine set to hibernate on lid closing08:34
Smackban!video | misfit08:34
ubotumisfit: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications08:34
astro76w30, I do believe everything heat generating is turned off in suspend08:34
w30astro76, hope so08:35
scally6how do i back it up?08:35
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astro76w30, basically only ram is powered, certainly not cpu, hdd, or devices like video cards08:36
astro76scally6, what you just pasted gives the filename of the backup08:36
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w30astro76, ok thanks for that info, that gives me relief08:36
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ThanatosDrivescally6: Do you have more choices for Screen Resolution now?08:37
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scally6no i dont08:37
ThanatosDrivescally6: You have to reboot first. Ctrl+Alt+BckSpace08:37
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scally6k thnx08:38
balleyneI'm having some .htaccess troubles if anyone is able to help08:38
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jak08is it easy .htaccess problems, if so I may be able to help08:38
=== w30 has got to go to bed, his eyelids are drouping.
cavediverHi. Anyone knows if there is a repo or deb-packages of ispconfig webadmin tool ?08:38
balleynejak08: hopefully.. lol08:38
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=== w30 bye
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jak08so what exactly is the problem?08:39
balleynejak08: I've got apache2 running on a ubuntu feisty machine, hobby server... I've been using it for a while now with an .htaccess file successfully password protecting one directory08:39
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balleynejak08: but now I'm trying to password protect another, and use a rewrite rule, and... well, I'm convinced that apache isn't even *reading* my .htaccess file08:40
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balleynejak08: I can't even break it if I try... like, putting random jibberish in there usually gives a configuration error.... any idea how I can find out if apache is/isn't reading the file? and how I can make it read the file?08:40
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bullgard4lshal output includes udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_0_0_0000_00_1d_1_if0'. Does udi mean 'Uniform Driver Interface' or 'Unified Display Interface'?08:41
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godsynok, I've followed all the guides and to no avail.. would someone be so kind as to assist an ATI x600 user running ubuntu 7.04 at getting beryl to work?08:42
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ThanatosDrivebruenig|laptop: I got the .deb of Deluge08:45
bruenig|laptopstill dependent on others08:45
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ThanatosDrivebruenig|laptop: Wait. You mean, I should google this stuff and figure it out myself.08:46
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riotkittieawesome. :D08:46
bruenig|laptop ThanatosDrive no, I mean you should learn to compile so that you don't always have to depend on others to have packaged something08:47
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ThanatosDrivebruenig|laptop: So I should get the..binary?08:47
pawanhow to install real player in ubntu08:47
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ThanatosDrivebruenig|laptop: Oops. Source*08:47
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balleyn1pawan: use an alternative? lol  I've never done it before, but aren't there better free/open source alternatives?08:48
jetscreamerwhat group do you have to be in to use the loop... -o loop ... mounting ...08:48
pawanwhat are the alternatives08:48
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bruenig|laptopdo whatever you like, I am just saying as a personal preference, I would prefer to be able to install whatever I like whenever I like regardless of how obscure or new, package management is awesome, but to be utterly dependent on it is not desirable08:48
shockneed help with installing ubuntu on Raid configured Alienware Area51 770008:48
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balleyn1pawan: totem-xine, mplayer... are you looking to play video?08:49
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pawanrm files08:49
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shocki tried ubuntu desktop edition08:49
shockits not detecting the hard disk08:49
towliebadoes anyone know if my friend should have problems installing 32 bit ubuntu on a system with an amd64 processor ?08:49
nomego_towlieba: should be no problem08:50
balleyn1pawan: aah... well I think totem actually plays real audio files, that's the application that opens up when I double-clicked a real audio file a few days ago..08:50
balleyn1pawan: though I don't fully understand the difference between 'totem' and 'totem-xine' (I think there's a difference...)08:50
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nomego_what is the best way to get sun's java onto a amd64 feisty? tried with blackdown but it crashes on most sites08:51
shockdoes anyone have ubuntu installed on raid configuration08:51
nomego_balleyn1: totem uses the gstreamer "engine" and totem-xine uses xine08:51
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balleyn1nomego: ah! thanks08:51
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nomego_balleyn1: no problem08:51
balleyn1nomego: have you tried this? http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#Java_.26_Non-Media_Browser_Plug-ins  not sure about amd64 though *shrugs*08:52
echosystmguys, if you have a program such as gaim which uses a little taskbar icon08:52
echosystmhow do you make it dissapear from the window list when you minimise it?08:52
nomego_balleyn1: sun doesn't have a 64-bit version of their java.. but I know there are some workarounds..08:53
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balleyn1nomego: ah, ok - yeah, not sure how to help then =\08:53
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misfithello everyone, is this the appropriate room for questions regarding avi and divx playback?08:54
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nomego_misfit: you never know until you've tried08:54
bluesmoonhas anyone used evolution with mbox files?  I get an error saying "Could not scan folder `//var/run/sudo': Permission denied08:54
misfitwell said, nomego.  Here goes...08:54
astro76echosystm, probably by closing the window, not minimizing08:55
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echosystmi tried that08:55
echosystmthat just quits :P08:55
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astro76echosystm, maybe a setting in gaim?08:55
misfitI'm using feisty 7.04 and use vlc and totem for video playback.  I notice that about halfways through every movie the sound and video fall out of sync.  Is this a codec issue?08:55
ThanatosDrivebruenig|laptop: So I got the tarball. tar.gz. What now?08:55
nomego_echosystm: you tried clicking the taskbar icon?08:55
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Ademanhey is it possible to download a deb and all of its dependencies into a directory? (preferably without going root, since idon't want to install to the default apt-cache)08:56
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misfitor has anyone else experienced my same issue?08:56
nomego_misfit: have you tried opening the video and jumping to the location it got out of sync?08:56
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misfitnomego, yes I have, with the same results.08:57
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nomego_misfit: it would probably mean a badly encoded file08:57
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misfitNomego, this happens in about 90% of the movies I use.08:57
ThanatosDriveErr, anyone? How do I install this Deluge? I got the .tar.gz08:57
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Ademanmisfit: well first thing i would try is the xv output plugin, that fixed all of my syncing issues08:57
pawanhow to play rm files in ubuntu08:58
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misfitademan, how can I get this plugin?08:58
astro76!medibuntu | pawan install w32codecs from here08:58
ubotupawan install w32codecs from here: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org08:58
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|stefan|i've got some issues with the bluez-utils package. when i enter SDP_OPTIONS they don't seem to work. and with PAND enabled it won't bring up the bnep0 interface at all.08:58
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dem0nseedneed help?08:59
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misfitit gets annoying, it feels like every film I'm watching is a godzilla flick08:59
Ademanmisfit: it's in options, one sec08:59
Ademanmisfit: also, is it for all video files or just a few?08:59
nox-HandDoes anyone remember the file that one sets mount points in? Is there a gui program for it that uses the new UUID ways also?  I know what the file is called, but I have just had some sort of weird lapse of memory...08:59
misfitademan, thanks for your help, and it's in most video files I've ever used that are over an hour long.09:00
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misfiton estimate09:00
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nomego_misfit: run gstreamer-properties to configure it for totem09:00
astro76nox-Hand, /etc/fstab09:00
nox-Handastro76: Thanks =D09:00
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astro76!uuid | nox-Hand09:00
nox-HandIs there a UUID supporting FSTAB editor?09:00
ubotunox-Hand: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)09:00
misfitnomego, is that a terminal command?09:00
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astro76nox-Hand, not sure never used one, you could always change back to uuid manually09:01
nox-Handastro76 saves the day!09:01
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File13Is 130 degrees a bit hot for a laptop to be running? lol09:01
pawanhow to install w32codecs09:01
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dem0nseedpawn what u installing win32 codecs09:02
misfitok guys, I'm in the gstreamer-properties09:02
astro76pawan, after you run the two lines given in that link to add the repository to your system, then sudo apt-get install w32codecs09:02
CheshireViking!w32codecs | pawan09:02
ubotupawan: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs09:02
=== FruitieX [n=rasse@a80-186-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
astro76pawan, here: http://www.medibuntu.org/repository.php09:02
misfitthere's two sections, each with a dropdown menu... default output and default input.09:02
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misfitdefault output is set to plugin: autodetect.  Default input is set to plugin: video for linux.09:03
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shockcan anyone help me with ubuntu installation on raid configuration ?>09:04
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grayhanetrying to play mp3 in ubuntu 704, need codec, but info says none for i386 ?09:04
dem0nseedshock: sry i dont deal with raid :D09:04
Kalelso I have a silly question09:04
dem0nseedgrayhane come channel gbg i can help u09:04
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grayhaneis this the channel ?09:05
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astro76!mp3 | grayhane09:05
ubotugrayhane: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:05
billgateswhen I boot windows I get an error09:05
billgatesplease help09:05
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grayhanehow do I get to that channel ? I am very new to irc09:05
Phydouxbillgates, install Ubuntu :)09:05
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astro76dem0nseed, stop it09:05
astro76grayhane, we can help here09:06
Kalelwhere do you download the ubuntu os it self?09:06
dem0nseedi pull people a side so they can fuckin hear me dont help with all this spam09:06
astro76dem0nseed, you need to help people here09:06
astro76!language | dem0nseed09:06
billgateswhat's a ubuntu?09:06
ubotudem0nseed: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:06
dem0nseedare u an admin?09:06
grayhanesays here that gsttreamer is no good for i38609:06
KalelI know it seems silly but I downloaded from the ubuntu site and it dose nothing but install the aps09:06
billgatesMy name is Bill Gates, would you like to beta test Windows 7?09:07
echosystmubuntu is annoying me. when i move windows around they stutter and jerk and everything is just totally unresponsive. funnily enough, everything runs 100x better with compiz/fusion enabled.09:07
echosystmeven menus open quicker09:07
PhydouxKalel, http://www.ubuntu.com/09:07
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billgatesWith windows 7 we have completely overhauled the operating system with everything mac os x has09:08
astro76grayhane, says where?09:08
grayhaneastro76:  just put about 20 gigs of mp3s on here, so making them go would be nice.09:08
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billgatesIn addition we reverted the kernel to windows 9809:08
KalelPhydoux I tryed that the disk I d/l dosn't work it won't boot or do any thing09:08
grayhanewhen I click on an mp3, totem comes up and tells me I need a codec09:08
grayhanebut the info says it wont work on the box09:08
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dem0nseedi could have this fixed in secounds ...09:08
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astro76grayhane, totem should offer to install it, and it works on i38609:09
astro76dem0nseed, I'd love to see how then, I'm sure everyone would09:09
dem0nseedwrong astro i had same prob09:09
PhydouxKalel,  I didnt DL mine I bought it09:09
dem0nseed1 sec let me find the file name09:09
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grayhaneOK well I have tried that several times but I am at the same time having a problem with the cable here so it may have to wait,09:09
shockwill ubuntu alternate edition work on raid  ??09:10
grayhanethanks astro7609:10
grayhaneI believe xmms still comes with the codecs also right ?09:10
PhydouxKalel, I bought the DVD pack here http://www.frozentech.com/09:10
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PhydouxI got MANY distros09:10
grayhaneastro76:  the error window refers to the tune as  a movie,09:10
Kalelso u can't d/l it for free?09:11
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astro76grayhane, try audacity it's a more up to date version of xmms09:11
PhydouxYou can. My DL sucks though. I'm on satellite internet09:11
Kalelcus I d/l the disk from the website just fine09:11
renatoc8hey im about to boot into ubuntu, whats a good linux IRC client?09:11
Kalelthough freaking nero is locking up my system09:12
CheshireVikingrenatoc8, xchat09:12
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renatoc8CheshireViking: Thanks09:12
Phydouxrenatoc8, Xchat09:13
nomego_grayhane: even, try audacious09:13
dem0nseedgo to aplications add/remove on side pannel go to others and look for file named ubuntu restricted extras and click the box next to it to check the box then hit apply ok there you go should work09:13
CheshireViking!irc | renatoc809:13
uboturenatoc8: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines09:13
dem0nseedgo to aplications add/remove on side pannel go to others and look for file named ubuntu restricted extras and click the box next to it to check the box then hit apply ok there you go should work09:13
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astro76grayhane, doh, yeah audacious09:13
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grayhaneastro76:  I believe the problem is the inability to download at this time , thanks for the input.09:13
nomego_astro76: ;)09:13
grayhanethanks I will09:13
astro76ahh that'll do it09:14
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dem0nseedgo to aplications add/remove on side pannel go to others and look for file named ubuntu restricted extras and click the box next to it to check the box then hit apply ok there you go should work09:14
dem0nseedthat will work09:14
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pc300how do you add yourself to a group like audio?09:14
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grayhanehey astro76, is Grip still the top dog for ripping mp3 ????09:14
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PhydouxKalel, Mine is a DVD install.09:15
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nj786do you open .exe files in wine?09:15
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astro76dem0nseed, the first thing in the link I gave grayhane says to install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:15
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dem0nseedwell then his shit now works huh09:16
astro76grayhane, yeah pretty much09:16
astro76!language | dem0nseed09:16
ubotudem0nseed: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:16
astro76dem0nseed, the problem was he can't download at the moment09:16
dem0nseedplease quit woth the lanuage crap09:16
astro76dem0nseed, please follow channel rules09:16
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File13What is it i need if i wish to write to my NTFS partition through Ubuntu09:17
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astro76!ntfs-3g | File1309:17
pc300when I try to print I guess it stops right away, it says I don't have write permissions09:17
databuddy!restricted formats09:17
ubotuFile13: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:17
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:17
nj786how do you open .exe files in wine?09:18
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dem0nseedastro please hop off09:18
billgateshow do you hop?09:18
billgatesin irc?09:18
astro76!attitude | dem0nseed09:18
ubotudem0nseed: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:18
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dem0nseed... means hop of my yeah u get the point09:18
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grayhaneI got stuck in Window$ due to a radio log program that I have no equal to in Linux09:19
PhydouxDrink beer with hops?09:19
dem0nseedi dont need help nub i am helping other peope09:19
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dem0nseedsoo there for i can have an additude09:19
jordan_hey guys, my /usr/src directory has linux headers but no kernel source -- how can i download the source09:19
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billgatesit's not nub, it's n00b09:19
zekeI prefer gnub09:20
Phydouxnub = short appendage09:20
Jak09something I can't figure out is why VLC isn't on Ubuntu supported programss09:20
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dem0nseedit is09:20
zekeand I can't figure out why this pizza is so deggum hot09:20
dem0nseedsudo apt-get install vlc09:20
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astro76!noob | dem0nseed09:20
ubotudem0nseed: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.09:20
hexstarsorry my brother was on09:21
=== renatoc8 [n=renatoc8@ip68-109-94-173.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dem0nseedOMFG ASTRO shut up09:21
grayhaneHey astro76, what is used here for Ipods09:21
astro76!ops | dem0nseed09:21
ubotudem0nseed: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:21
renatoc8ah, xchat's pretty good im on it now, thanks for the recommendation guys09:21
hexstar!ohmy | dem0nseed09:21
ubotudem0nseed: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:21
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hexstardem0nseed: is not behaving09:21
zekewhat's an fj*i?09:21
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Phydouxrenatoc8, No prob09:21
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Kalel78is ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso the correct cd?09:21
PhydouxI love xcat. Kinda mirc like09:22
Hobbseehexstar: please dont abuse the ops trigger.  we saw it the first time.09:22
LogicalDashKalel78, it's the one I'm using09:22
PhydouxKalel,  sounds like it09:22
astro76!ipod | grayhane09:22
ubotugrayhane: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod09:22
Kalel78and you can boot with that cd?09:22
zekeand what's elkbuntu?09:22
PhydouxKalel, You know how to burn ISO's right?09:22
renatoc8Phydoux: yeah xCat is awesome! haha09:23
elkbuntuzeke, my nick09:23
astro76xchat? ;)09:23
=== hexstar was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (I said, dont abuse the triggers.)
pawancan we use icechat in ubuntu09:23
=== neuber13 [n=neuber@c-71-224-47-34.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zekethen who is jfgi?09:23
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Mez] by ChanServ
jordan_How do I make sure that ubuntu downloads the kernel source with the updates09:23
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Hobbseezeke: suggest you google that one09:24
EADG_zeke: www.urbandictionary.com09:24
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zekeright on09:24
Mezhexstar, learn first, then you dont need to apologise09:24
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renatoc8is there a shortcut on xChat to reply to people? (put their name: in the beginning)09:24
Kalel78if I boot in dos mode can I triger the os to load there?09:24
astro76renatoc8, you can tab-complete nicknames09:24
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Mezrenatoc8, hit tab :P09:24
Hobbseedem0nseed: why? can you behave?09:24
Mez(for .msg09:25
zekeit all makes sense now09:25
m4nrenatoc8: short cut means?09:25
zekepeace has been restored to the cosmos09:25
renatoc8astro76,  Mez: thanks!09:25
Phydouxrenatoc8, Type a few letters in their nick then hit tab09:25
Hobbseedem0nseed: sure, i can.  the question is whether i will. and by the way, it's a quiet, not a ban.09:25
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %hexstar!*@*] by Hobbsee
renatoc8man I like this channel, get multiple answers in seconds09:25
PhydouxI think mIRC works the same way with tab completions09:26
hexstarI never got a answer09:26
m4nI am not able to send mails from my ubuntu machine using mail command09:26
Kalel78and I'm still stuck on where to download09:26
m4nyeah, most irc clients does that09:26
Hobbseehexstar: because you couldnt send to the channel....09:26
hexstaroh :P09:26
hexstarwhat is ubuntu based on?09:26
Mezdem0nseed, thats what highlights are for09:26
m4nwhy am I not seeing any mail related stuff in messages or mail.* log files ?09:26
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m4ncron is also not sending any mail09:27
Jak09hence apt-get :)09:27
hexstarm4n: does your isp block port 21?09:27
Mezm4n, do you have an MTA installeD?09:27
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m4nhexstar: no way :) am on a corporate env09:27
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Mezm4n, and is it possibly exim ?09:27
hexstarm4n: ah09:27
m4nam looking for logs09:27
hexstarare you sure it's not going into the spam folder?09:27
m4nonce I get the logs, I can move from there09:27
Mezm4n, exim doesnt use mail.log09:27
m4nforget about ISP :)09:27
ThanatosDriveGuys, how exactly does Ubuntu handle copy/pasting? Because I just Cut like 10GB of files, and now all my file browsing is.09:28
m4ni didnt install exim09:28
m4nbut let me check09:28
Hobbseedem0nseed: if you want to stay in here, you have to obey the rules, including being polite, and the ones about language.09:28
ThanatosDriveWell I would say 'slow' but the more accurate description would be 'nonexistent'09:28
samuelwhen I use VIM to edit a file , I can't always see the file name. who can tell me how to resolve that ? thx09:28
m4nno, I dont have exim09:28
m4nits all sendmail only09:28
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Mezm4n, weird, I've never actually used sendmail.09:28
m4nsamuel: ctrl-g will tell you which file09:28
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hexstarqmail is easier to use09:28
renatoc8ThanatosDrive: I believe it just saves paths to the files?09:28
m4nMez: yeah, but that is the one default which comes in machines09:28
zekeshouldn't windows be a bad word in here too?09:29
m4nsamuel: or enable the status line09:29
hexstarbut in general mta's are a pain to configure09:29
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Mezm4n, ubuntu's defaulty mta is exim09:29
ThanatosDriverenatoc8: Weird. Okay.09:29
Kalel78so if ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso is the correct disk how do I get it to run and install09:29
renatoc8ThanatosDrive: im not 100% sure though09:29
m4nMez: is it ? i doubt. i have kubuntu and I do not see exim09:29
Mezdem0nseed, you can do, theres no rules..09:29
Mezm4n, I installed an mta, and got exim for some reason09:29
hexstarI don't see where dem0nseed is talking??09:29
samuelgreat,I make it.thx m4n09:29
m4nsamuel: np09:29
=== hexstar is confused
astro76Kalel78, you'll need to burn the .iso to disc, then boot with the disc09:30
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PhydouxThanatosDrive, File, Cut : File, Paste09:30
Kalel78I did that09:30
m4nMez: weird.. but in any case, simple sendmail should send mails from cron and stuff09:30
m4nthe problem is, I cant even see the related logs09:30
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m4ni enabled everything possible in syslog.conf09:30
Kalel78but the disk dosn't boot so IDK guess I can try to burn it agine09:30
Mezhexstar, dem0nseed is muted, ops can see what he is saying09:30
astro76!windows | zeke ;)09:30
ubotuzeke ;): For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents09:30
avisKalel78, your iso might be flawed.09:30
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hexstarm4n: what happens if you try to invoke sendmail explicitly?09:31
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astro76Kalel78, what happened? you might have to go into bios setup and change the boot order09:31
Mezm4n, I dont even know if Sendmail uses logs    ...?09:31
renatoc8I'm having problems with Compiz, when I do "compiz --replace" it says "Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: 'murrine'"09:31
m4nhexstar: didnt try that.. but let me do that also.09:31
hexstarI think if sendmail has problems it sends info to root@localhost...09:31
m4nMez: i guess it is supposed to write to messages or any of the mail.* logs09:31
ThanatosDrivePhydoux: Yeah I know, I'm asking why it's making Ubuntu filesystem browsing slow.09:31
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Mezm4n, things dont always work like that09:31
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m4nhexstar: hey thats a nice point.. let me try that also09:31
hexstaralso, this looks nice m4n: http://docs.hp.com/en/B2355-90685/ch04s11.html09:32
PhydouxThanatosDrive, How many files are you cutting?09:32
m4nhexstar: ok09:32
samuelm4n: enable the status line , could you tell me how to write the command ?09:32
m4nsamuel: let me check09:32
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hexstarhaha that's one of the nicest things hp has ever done :P09:33
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ThanatosDrivePhydoux: By the Unix definition of files? 5. But their total size is about 15 GB09:33
hexstarusually hp is crud09:33
=== Mido [n=antti@dsl-hkigw5-fe48de00-50.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
arlosGood morning, I've just installed Xubuntu and keep getting an error downloading from the repository. "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2"09:34
PhydouxThanatosDrive, That would be why then. Large file ransfers slow down my 3.4 Ghz 2 GB RAM system too09:34
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Hobbseedem0nseed: the problem is not with pulling people aside.  it's with your language.09:34
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frankiesgood morning09:34
astro76Hobbsee, pm?09:34
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Hobbseeastro76: sure09:34
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PhydouxCause the drive is working on moving those files09:34
Phydoux...so it's drive related pokeyness09:35
ThanatosDrivePhydoux: But I haven't even pasted yet and it's slowing me down. Which is why I'm wondering about how file transferring in Ubuntu works. Does it prefetch the files into swap or something to make it faster when I use paste? I dunno.09:35
=== dade [n=dade@c-24-7-96-38.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
m4nsamuel: i did the searching work for you.. even I didnt know how to do that exactly. here is an example. http://m.mongers.org/pub/dotfiles/vimrc09:35
m4nsamuel: set statusline=%-F%-m%-h%-r%-y\ buf\ %-n%=line\ %l,\ col\ %-2c\ %p%%09:35
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hexstarit's not export ...?09:36
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dadeHey, I was changing ubuntus themes and now I have no borders and cannot mainpulate the windows on my screen..does anyone know what I could do?09:36
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PhydouxThanatosDrive, Oh, ya... That is a good question... No answer for that here Im afraid09:36
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frankiesexcuse me Im Italian09:37
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PhydouxYour excused09:37
hexstarfrankies: ok :)09:37
samuelm4n: I tried command "set statusline=%-F%-m%-h%-r%-y\ buf\ %-n%=line\ %l,\ col\ %-2c\ %p%%", but it is not available09:37
hexstarwe don't judge on race here09:37
drumline_jtld is italian09:37
m4nsamuel: i doubt if you are on vim itself. could be vi09:37
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PhydouxDont mind me. I'm working on a 6th & final Heineken09:37
dadeHey, I was changing ubuntus themes and now I have no borders and cannot mainpulate the windows on my screen, whats the deal? any solutions?09:37
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m4nsamuel: in any case, ctrl-g should show the info09:38
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code09:38
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hexstarnano shows the info without trouble09:38
jtldDrumline - Ciao09:38
Jak09uhm, i may have a slight problem :) vlc window closed yet it is still playing, how do i make it stop?09:38
ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com09:39
frankiesCiao Jtld09:39
hexstarJak09: sudo killall vlc09:39
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drumline_jtld: arrivederci il mio amico09:39
jtldViva Italia09:39
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:40
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Jak09hexstar: didn't work :)09:40
dadeHey, I was changing ubuntus themes and now I have no borders and cannot mainpulate the windows on my screen, whats the deal? any solutions?09:40
PhydouxI'd love to go to Italy!09:40
samuelm4n: I confirm I am in  "VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0" by using command version.09:40
hexstarJak09: what'd it say?09:40
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drumline_jtld: Come so? Poich sto sedendosi a destra vicino voi!09:40
m4nsamuel: and you did :set statuline.... ?09:40
hexstarPhydoux: great pasta :D09:40
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@c-67-167-176-186.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] by Mez
Jak09vlc: no process killed09:40
hexstarsounds like the soundmanager is stuck09:41
Jak09i had allready pulled up system monitor to check09:41
samuelm4n:yeah , I did it.09:41
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-205-228-241.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
PhydouxHexstar, I LOVE spaghetti09:41
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m4nsamuel: put that in ~/.vimrc and start a vim. see if you see the details09:41
DanaGI'm trying to get the seamlessvirtualization working, and I just about have it -- except for one thing.09:41
DanaGSeamlessrdp is borked.09:41
astro76Jak09, killall wxvlc09:41
Jak09ahh, thank you09:42
Xadoshey guys I just installed ubuntu and got all these cool beryl effects working, but I have to run beryl every restart. Is there a way to autostart it when ubunut starts?09:42
hexstarat the login screen select Session>Beryl09:42
cosinosboys how to install all M$ fonts09:42
samuelm4n: let me try .thx09:42
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PhydouxI love it with light tomato sauce and maybe some Parmesean cheese!09:42
DanaGI get the full desktop in a borderless window, AND I get Explorer (which is the app I'm seamlessrdpshell-ing) on top of that.09:42
cosinosyes there is09:42
hexstarPhydoux: mm yeah :)09:42
cosinosand add beryl09:42
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dadeis there a another room that could help me with my problem???09:42
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dadeHey, I was changing ubuntus themes and now I have no borders and cannot mainpulate the windows on my screen, whats the deal? any solutions?09:42
astro76cosinos, sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts (or ubuntu-restricted-extras)09:43
DanaGIt's like having an echo -- when you drag the separate window, you see a copy of it, offset by the size of my top panel, move before it.09:43
Phydouxdade, #smallpenis?09:43
Mezdade, it depends on what the problem is09:43
renatoc8hey can someone send me a reply real quick? im testing my colors09:43
hexstarDanaG: sounds like insufficient ram/processing power09:43
PhydouxIt's the beer... really09:43
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@dpc674763221.direcpc.com] by Mez
zekeyou can't say smallpenis in here09:43
hexstarPhydoux: nah, #womenwithbigboobs09:43
DanaGIt's not slowness that's the issue, it's the fact that the seamlessrdp is NOT seamless.09:44
zekethose are ok09:44
dadeproblem is I changed the theme on my ubuntu and now I have no borders on my windows, unless I turn off the desktop effects..09:44
DanaGIn fact, it's worse than full-desktop rdp, because I get the windows there TWICE.09:44
Mez!offtopic | hexstar (this is a warning)09:44
ubotuhexstar (this is a warning): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:44
DanaGAnd I can't minimize one of them.09:44
arlosGood morning, I've just fresh installed Xubuntu from Ubuntu and keep getting an error downloading from the repository. "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2"09:44
dem0nseedty mez09:44
Xadostyvm everyone, I got beryl on autostart =] 09:44
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@dpc674763221.direcpc.com] by Mez
hexstarwhat does tyvm mean?09:45
dadeproblem is I changed the theme on my ubuntu and now I have no borders on my windows, unless I turn off the desktop effects..09:45
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hexstarXados: np :)09:45
=== valere [n=valere@ANancy-156-1-12-185.w83-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Xadosthank you very much09:45
dem0nseedthank you cary mutch09:45
zekeso then how do I get skydomes to work in beryl...I've read everything, and it still just comes up as a solid white background09:45
dadeis there another room that could help?09:45
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cosinoshow to install all M$fonts09:45
Mez!msttcorefonts | cosinos09:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:45
CheshireViking!fonts | cosinos09:45
ubotucosinos: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer09:45
DanaGOh, and if I try to move the full-desktop window, it immediately pops back to the center.09:45
arlosanyone else having problems with the repositories?09:45
=== heroin [n=heroin@82-171-74-86.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
xoRockneed help, if i open network place i can't see any share except mine, but if i type smb:\\<ip> i can get in, what should i do to make my comp detect all share in network09:45
Mez!compiz-fusion | DanaG09:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz-fusion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:46
hexstarxoRock: are you in same workgroup?09:46
Mez!composite | DanaG09:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about composite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:46
dadeis there any other help chat rooms?09:46
Mez!beryl | DanaG09:46
ubotuDanaG: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects09:46
xoRockhexstar, yes09:46
DanaGI'm using fusion, but I'll also try with Metacity.09:46
=== kos [n=fab@adsl-75-28-9-139.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
xoRockhexstar, i type smb:\\<name of comp> doesnt work09:46
hexstarHmm not sure xoRock, I myself have always found it to be kind of ify...direct IP access is always best with smb in linux09:46
xoRockhexstar, i type smb:\\<ip of comp> work09:47
xoRockhexstar, ic09:47
CheshireVikingdade, it might be worth you asking in #ubuntu-effects as it doesn't work when you've desktop effects switched on09:47
MezxoRock, it's something to do with the WINES protocol or something that windows uses for naming09:47
DanaGThat's worse, because it renders me unable to see the bottom native windows.09:47
heroinMy internet is slow as hell, its like being on dailup. I evryething connectedp ropperly and iam now downloading so any change its ubuntus fault?09:47
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hexstarheroin: not likely, sounds like it's time to call your isp :(09:48
zekesure...blame it all on ubuntu09:48
heroinhexstar: i live in the netherlands, isp are reliable here09:48
zekeblame it on Windows you...09:48
hexstarheroin: well, have you tried accessing it in windows?09:48
zekeand mac09:48
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zekeand slackware09:48
hexstaror mac?09:48
Ben_Cs[away] hello09:48
heroinhexstar: iam just checking because sometimes... no windows here my friend, but it might have to do w. cpu? idk my computer is being a bit odd today09:49
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hexstarheroin: unless you have a lot of intensive programs open (or have a old computer) that isn't likely09:49
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Ben_Cs[away] Is there a way to save my current theme to file that i can take to another comp and set as theme there?09:49
hexstarold as in <1ghz09:49
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XadosReally happy with wubi so far.. there's no way I'm uninstalling windows or getting a new computer and all of the warnings about how dangerous partitioning is left lfew options09:49
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zekehas anyone got the tools to grep my root?09:50
hexstarXados: gparted works fine09:50
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scorp123zeke: "grep my root" ???09:50
hexstarzeke: what?09:50
TheRedWavecan i have a pony?09:50
ubotufan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html09:50
hexstarzeke: grep myroot09:50
hexstar!info gparted09:50
ubotugparted: GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.5-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 316 kB, installed size 1588 kB09:50
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samuelm4n:I am sorry to bother you. when i put what you said to .vimrc and re run vim , it gave me an error "E539: Illegal character <^@>: statusline=%-F%-m%-h%-r%-y\ buf\ %-n%=line\ %l,\ col\ %-2c\ %"09:51
hexstarit does non destructive partitioning09:51
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zekeit's off a picture of some really hot chick09:51
heroinzeke link?09:51
zekeasking if you have the tools to grep her root09:51
m4nsamuel: try removing parts.. may be not all of them supported09:51
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DanaGI wonder why seamlessrdp is so borked.09:51
m4nsamuel: and I am not sure which one is for filename :)09:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about temp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:51
scorp123Xados: partioning is not more dangerous than crossing the street or driving a car ... it just helps when you know what you do :)09:51
Mez!offtopic | hexstar (strike 2) zeke (strike!)09:51
ubotuhexstar (strike 2) zeke (strike!): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:51
hexstarMez?? what?09:51
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hexstarI didn't do anything this time?09:52
TheRedWaveplease can i have a pony09:52
Xadosthat may be so but every time I googled about partitioning there were more than enough horror stories to scare me away09:52
Mezthis is a support channel, not a place to get links to hot chicks09:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about strike - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:52
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hexstarMez: I didn't post about that, that's not me09:52
Mez!botabuse | zeke09:52
ubotuzeke: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...09:52
hexstarzeke != hexstar09:53
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:53
BrendanMDoes anyone know how to import contacts into Thunderbird's address book from .CSV file?09:53
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scorp123Xados: so you'll never going to learn how to drive a car because you heard on the news that there could be traffic accidents? ;-)09:53
samuelm4n: I see . i will try to find out  the other way . thx09:53
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zeke!= hexstar09:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hexstar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
hexstarzeke stop09:54
zekeyou told me to type it09:55
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Mezhexstar,  i dotn believe that was a bot call :P != is a programming term09:55
echosystmwhat is the diference between ubuntu server and ubuntu alternate?09:55
hexstar!= means does not equal09:55
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zekeI had no idea09:55
=== Mez bangs head
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lm-sensors - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:55
Meztis too early in the morning09:55
safwanI have a problem with my themes, when the screen saver starts and when i move the mouse , the whole screen starts to look funny. does anyone know the reason I use 64 bit unbuntu09:56
MezAmaranth, Hobbsee I'll leave it in your capable hands09:56
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scorp123echosystm: Ubuntu Server gives you a server system, e.g. no GUI, no bloat. Alternate installs a desktop just like the live CD would.09:57
zeketell us why you use 64 bit ubuntu safwari09:57
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Mezzeke, maybe cause they have a 64 bit PC?09:57
echosystmif i were to install a "text mode system" from the alt cd, would it be the same as a server system?09:57
hexstarsafwan: that happens when you're low on memory, processing power, and/or the graphics card can't handle the current action09:57
safwanzeke, because i have a 64bit harddrive09:57
tarzeauscorp123: who says gui is bloat?09:57
tarzeauscorp123: not all guis are bloat like gnome and kde09:57
zekehey man...you asked if anyone knew09:57
hexstarmost gui is bloat09:57
scorp123tarzeau: on a server it is09:58
safwanhexstar , the problem happens when the system is idle09:58
tarzeauscorp123: it might not be necessary, but then i like to have xosview on them09:58
scorp123tarzeau: a GUI has no business being on a server installation09:58
tarzeauscorp123: depends what server and what your needs are09:58
hexstarsafwan: you said it happened when you moved the mouse I thought?09:58
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tarzeauscorp123: i think you are too specific, with whatever kind of server you have in mind09:58
hexstarscorp123: but what about the mac os x servers? :( :P09:58
echosystmguys, quit your bickering ive got a question :P09:58
echosystmscorp123, if i were to install a "text mode system" from the alt cd, would it be the same as a server system?09:58
scorp123tarzeau: irrelevant. The question was about the difference between Ubuntu Server + Ubuntu Alternat CD.09:58
=== zeke is now known as Gorbachev
hexstarmac os x finder actually has very little overhead09:59
tarzeauscorp123: i see. i agree with ubuntu without gui you get a lot more resources for better things than for gui09:59
rocketsis there any way to get wine for 64 bit ubuntu?09:59
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XiXaQehrm, how do I add a panel to gnome when I don't have any panels?09:59
hexstarI run kdx, http, and ftp all on a 1.5ghz ppc mac with mac os x and no issues09:59
hexstaranyways back on topic09:59
safwanzeke and hexstar, the problem starts when the system is idle for a bit then when i use the system again , there where the screen does not look the same09:59
GorbachevI've heard there are a lot of issues using 64 bit...09:59
pawanhow to play wmv files09:59
TheRedWavewell on the the server cd you can get LAMP from an install option while to get LAMP from the alternate cd you will nedd to install/configure it yourself09:59
hexstarsafwan: does it go back to normal after a bit?09:59
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scorp123echosystm: there would still be some differences; Ubuntu Server doesn't ship with some packages and just installs a bare minimum of sorts to get your server installation going ....10:00
astro76pawan, should be able if you installed the w32codecs, unless it's DRM'd or something10:00
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safwangorbachev do you think if i start a 32bit will be much better10:00
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GorbachevI wouldn't know...it's all i've ever used10:00
Gorbachevyou could try it10:00
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ticnailerhow do I install a program that is in my file manager?10:00
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ShaRoseGrub or lilo will not install on the system i am trying to install ubuntu on10:01
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hexstarShuRose: what do you mean? what happens when you try?10:01
TheRedWavebut yeah a text mode install from the alt cd is pretty much the same a textmode install from the server cd10:01
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meta4icalAnyone have any idea why the fglrx drivers are clearly working for some applications but not for others?10:01
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ShaRoseit failed the few times i tryed each10:01
ShaRosemind you, ubuntu is the only system there10:01
hexstarwhy are so many people leaving and coming in bulk? are those all bots?10:01
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit10:01
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TheRedWaveit was a netsplit10:01
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safwanI am telling every body there are lots of issue in a 64bit system. for example there is no flash player available yet for 64bit10:02
GorbachevI dunno meta...it took me three REinstalls just to get beryl to work right10:02
hexstarastro76: ah haha cool10:02
ShaRoseso i figured what the heck, i can't do anything here, finish10:02
ticnailerdoes anyone know how to install a program from the file manager....I only can install from the command line....:(10:02
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ShaRoseso now i get stuck at10:02
Gorbachevwhat type of prgram is it?10:02
meta4icalGorbachev: I run counterstrike through wine, and get a 100fps, the drivers HAVE to be working, but if i try and open the ubuntu screensavers, they all go like 10fps10:02
safwanticnailer use add and remove10:02
ameyerI don't know if there's even java for 64 bit...10:02
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ameyerwell, sun java10:02
ticnailerits a wireless driver...10:02
hexstarShaRose: but what error do you get?10:02
scorp123ticnailer: be more specific ... you're not giving enough useful info10:03
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ShaRoseVerifying DMI pool data10:03
GorbachevSorry...I have no clue there meta10:03
Gorbacheva driver isn't a program10:04
ShaRoseit couldn't install into /target/10:04
hexstarsharose: and that's the last output you get? what happens after that?10:04
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ShaRoseafter what?10:04
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hexstarafter it says "verifying dmi pool data"?10:04
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ticnailerits a realtek driver for the wireless on my laptop and I installed it to xarchiver(a zip program), and I extracted the files to my desktop and now I must install it.10:04
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ShaRoseit sits there10:04
hexstarShaRose, DMI is a bios function tht allows apps to parse the system info. It sounds like your bios may be outdated10:05
safwanticnailer if you are talking about installing and removing programs , you can either use programs software, or use the add and remove manager10:05
Gorbachevask someone how to use ndiswrapper10:05
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:05
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ShaRosewell, the bios worked earier10:05
hexstarticnailer: apt-get install pkgname or apt-get remove pkgname10:05
Gorbachevunless your wireless card works out-of-the-box10:05
Gorbachevsome of them do10:05
ticnailerI'll try it10:05
hexstarShaRose: what do you mean, you were able to install the bootloader earlier?10:06
scorp123Gorbachev: yes, Intel ones for example :)10:06
Gorbachevmine did...prolly intel10:06
ShaRoseit failed10:06
ShaRosegrub and lilo10:06
ShaRoseand i tryed several times10:06
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meta4icalAnyone know of a resource with cards that are known to play well with Ubuntu?10:06
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meta4icalvideo cards*10:06
safwanI have been using ubuntu for about two months now. I found it much better than windows.10:06
hexstarShaRose: right, since it fails at that point it sounds like your bios may be old such that it's giving the sys info in a format that's no longer supported. I'd recommend going to your pc manufacturers website and in their support section looking for a new bios to flash for your pc10:06
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scorp123meta4ical: Nvidia ... avoid ATI10:07
ubuntu_noobCan I ask, what's the proper procedure for reinstalling ubuntu?10:07
meta4icalsafwan: me too, i've had it 3 days and already solved the problem of gaming ... i've already got starcraft /cs 1.6 and source going at almost full speed10:07
hexstarubuntu_noob: with keeping info or without?10:07
safwandubuntu_noob cool question , I would like to know the answer10:07
meta4icalscorp123: So generally any newer nvidia card? I'm actually using ATI right now lol10:07
Gorbachevrun your gparted live cd10:07
ticnailerI cant use the add/remove programs b/c the driver is very specific and when searching in the add/remove programs nothing comes up10:07
Gorbachevkill everything10:07
hexstarubuntu_noob: boot off livecd and just rerun the installer, it'll overwrite everything10:07
ShaRose... did i lag out?10:07
ticnailerI have the program downloaded I just have to install it10:07
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safwanmeta4 nice one10:07
Gorbachevthen put in your shiny (or scratched) ubuntu cd and away you go10:08
hexstarubuntu_noob: yeah10:08
ticnailerbut their a mllion folders...10:08
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scorp123meta4ical: Nvidia produces Linux drivers ... ATI doesn't. Not all ATI cards can be made to play nice with Linux.10:08
ticnailerto go through10:08
ubuntu_noobhexstar: I don't have to delete old partition?10:08
ShaRosethe computer i am using is almost 10 years old. :S10:08
safwanI have been using ubuntu and I love it and I really want to know more about it10:08
hexstarubuntu_noob: no, it'll edit the partitions as necessary10:08
hexstarand in doing so will most likely loose all existing data10:08
dem0nseedwho is haveing trouble with nvidia10:08
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safwanwhat is nvidia10:09
dem0nseeda grapic card10:09
Gorbachevcard brand and driver10:09
hexstarso I am 99% sure that reruning the installer over your existing install will wipe everything out ubuntu_noob10:09
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:09
ShaRosethe last os this thing had was windows 9810:09
ubuntu_noobCan I keep my XP partition though?10:09
Gorbachevit will10:09
GorbachevI am living testament to that10:09
hexstarShaRose: yes well that is pretty old, the bios is most likely due for a flashing10:09
ShaRosemind you, it did run xp once, albeit slowly10:09
Gorbachevyou might want to do the manual partition option10:09
hexstarubuntu_noob: you'll have to do manual partition config for that and make sure it uses the existing linux partittions for that to work10:10
clouderXiXaQ: $ rm -rf ~/.gnome2 and restart X to restore defaults, or you can run gnome-panel10:10
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ubuntu_noobOK, thanks10:10
hexstarubuyntu_noob: np :)10:10
ubuntu_noobI'll be back.10:10
hexstarpawan: hi10:10
hexstarubuntu_noob: ok10:10
meta4icalI don't know why I'm blind, but could someone direct me to a resource featuring progress on the next release of ubuntu?10:10
meta4icalI swear I do not see anything on ubuntus website, which is sad :(10:11
pawanu admin10:11
pawanor mod10:11
hexstarpawan: no I'm not an admin10:11
TheRedWavecan some one help me switch over from amiga os?10:11
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hexstarpawan: to get a admin do !ops10:11
Gorbachevspeaking of which....what exactly is AmigaOS?10:11
pawanor a noob10:11
hexstartype exactly what I said, !ops and press enter10:11
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:11
elkbuntuhexstar, no, that is for troll emergencies only10:11
crafTheRedWave, what sort of amigaos ?10:12
hexstarhe wanted a admin...10:12
Amaranthpawan: yes?10:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about admin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:12
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ShaRoseseems i lagged out agin10:12
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pawanwho are the admin of this channel10:12
TheRedWavecraf: it was a joke10:12
hexstarI was just trying to help...sheesh10:12
Amaranthpawan: There are several of us, what do you need?10:13
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elkbuntupawan, please ignore what hexstar said, the ops call is for when there is trolling and spamming only10:13
scorp123Gorbachev: obviously AmigaOS is the OS of old AMIGA's ....10:13
crafTheRedWave, lol ok10:13
Hobbseehexstar: we may be ops, but that doesnt mean we have to answer every question.  it's for trolling or spamming only.10:13
pawanwant to know the names of admins10:13
crafscorp123, its the os of news amigas too10:13
Amaranthpawan: Why?10:13
pawanjust for information10:13
scorp123craf: "new" Amigas? :-/10:13
Hobbseepawan: they were all written above.10:13
elkbuntupawan, /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list would do the same10:14
TheRedWavei am on a 386 is compiz-fusion supported?10:14
hexstarscorp123: can I buy an Amiga in walmart? that'd be the day :D10:14
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crafyes with amigaone and pegasos computer10:14
kameronpawan, /m ubotu ops10:14
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scorp123hexstar: well, Amigas were cool back in the 80's .... waaaay ahead of their time.10:14
AmaranthTheRedWave: compiz + compiz-fusion addons is only supported on gutsy10:14
hexstarscorp123: and they still are to me :D10:14
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hexstarbut that's OT..10:14
dadeit is not a problem with beryl or compiz or nothing, it is the theme manager, the regular one that comes with ubuntu, I tried to change the theme after I started using desktop effects and it broke10:14
TheRedWavei have 16 mb of ram is that enough for gutsy?10:15
hexstarTheRedWave: not for a gui10:15
scorp123TheRedWave: nope10:15
hexstarare you sure it's 16mb of ram?10:15
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TheRedWaveok i am running a ps3 is THAT supported?10:15
crafscorp123, the amiga is not like it was in the 80'S10:15
scorp123TheRedWave: unless that was a typo and you wanted to write "16 GB of RAM ..."10:15
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hexstartheRedWave: it doesn't make sense that a p3 computer would have 16mb ram10:15
hexstarwhere did you get that info from?10:16
TheRedWavei was a joke along with amiga os and running a 386 and running on a ps310:16
hexstarah lol10:16
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TheRedWavei said a PS310:16
ameyeri'd guess a p3 might have 160?10:16
ameyer196 maybe?10:16
pawango the names10:16
scorp123aaaaah, PS3 :-)10:16
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TheRedWave1mb of ram should be good enough for anybody10:16
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:16
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hexstarThe PS3 has 256 MiB of main memory and 256 MiB of video memory for the RSX.10:17
pawanwhat is yellow dog linux10:17
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hexstarpawan: ydl is for ppc amcs10:17
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crafthere is amiga like os in development named aros go to : www.aros.org10:17
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hexstarppc is powerpc, it is another processor type macs used to use and it is not compatible with intel processors10:17
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TheRedWaveamiga os sux10:17
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ShaRoseot's 5:49 am10:18
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pawancant we use it on pc10:18
ShaRosestill no working os on my old comp10:18
hexstarpawan: no you can't, powerpc is a different processor that is not compatible with intel10:18
scorp123hexstar: continued off-topic discussions ....10:18
Amaranthhexstar: You guys continue to discuss offtopic things10:18
Hobbseehexstar: you appaer not to have recognised the meaning of offtopic10:18
AmaranthI just kicked 3 of you10:18
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hexstarI'm sorry! I will not participate in any OT at all10:18
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hexstarI'll ignore ot comments10:19
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ubotuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ10:19
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hexstarshack: ?10:20
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hexstaroops ShaRose: ?10:20
ShaRosewhen i finished, it said to boot it i would need to run it in a certain way, but i forgot it :P10:20
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Hobbseehexstar: great, because this is a support channel, and if you dont follow the rules, you'll get the boot.10:20
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ShaRoseprobably a command10:20
hexstarwhat are you referring to?10:20
ShaRosemy install woes10:20
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hexstarWell have you gotten the bootloader to get past that message?10:21
khelllis there any visual tool like tortosie svn for linux10:21
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crafre all10:21
hexstarShaRose: Like I said, I recommend flashing the bios. If windows 98 was the last os on the pc then the bios is probably very outdated10:21
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ShaRosethe bootloader never MANAGED to install10:21
crafwhy i was kicked ?10:21
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ShaRosealso, xp can run on it10:21
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m0zonequick question is there like a control panel in gnome like kde has with every option grouped toghter so its not multi click in menu?10:22
hexstarShaRose: the bios is different then the bootloader10:22
Hobbseecraf: offtopic10:22
ShaRoseit's been done before10:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bios - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:22
scorp123craf: continued off-topic discussions despite admin's warning not to do that10:22
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craf... Hobbsee10:22
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:22
hexstarShaRose: for info on the bios go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS10:22
Hobbseecraf: as in, you were offtopic.  not that your question is offtopic10:22
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ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.10:22
Amaranthm0zone: there is gnome-control-center but it just opens the apps from the menu10:22
ShaRosei know what a bios is10:23
ShaRosebut lilo and grub said they failed because of the [grub/lilo]  package failed to install into /target/.10:23
crafi'm new user of ubuntu i'm french10:23
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ubotuTo find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts10:24
hexstarShaRose: ok, so what I'm thinking is that you said that the last OS on the pc was windows 98. In addition when you try to install the linux bootloader it stops at the dmi message. DMI is a function of the bios that provides system info to applications that run on the pc. My gues is that the bios is so old that the DMI is providing the system info in a format that the bootloader installer can't understand and thus you should try flas10:24
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ShaRoseand no10:24
m0zonetnxs  alot araranth   been drivein me crazy goin thu menu over and over lookin  nice to have one window with icons for stuff10:24
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hexstarShaRose: no what?10:24
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ShaRosei could not install the bootloaders, so i tryed to continue without them. then on startup i get stuck at dmi.10:25
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kevor_good morning!10:25
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hexstarShaRose: right, see my above explanation. I think that your bios needs updating10:25
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khelllis there any visual tool like tortosie svn for linux10:25
kevor_i've 2 nics in my computer, one comes up, normally. the other one does not come up, but does come up if i do "ifup eth1"10:25
Xadoscan anyone suggest a good irc client for ubuntu.. hopefully that makes using lots of channels on lots of servers easy? =] 10:25
HobbseeXados: xchat10:26
hexstarXados: xchat10:26
kevor_where can i make this interface to come up at boot?10:26
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hexstarkevor_: you could edit /etc/rc.local and add ifup eth1 into it10:26
m4nkevor_: onboot = yes or some option is there10:26
kevor_m4n: where?10:26
m4nkevor_: am checking that now10:26
kevor_hexstar: that seems like a strange way to do it10:26
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hexstarkevor_: well, rc.local is a script executed on boot...it might not be the exact right way to do it but it'll work10:27
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kevor_i'm sure it will work, that's not the problem :P10:28
ShaRoseubuntu understand Award Modular BIOS V4.51PG?10:28
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Xadosxchat-gnome or plain xchat?10:28
hexstarthat is very old10:28
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ShaRoseit seems i pinged out again :P10:29
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m4nkevor_: /etc/network/interfaces10:29
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m4nkevor_: you say auto eth110:29
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kevor_oooh, ok, but eth1 is static ip address10:29
ompaul Xados xchat is what I use - the -gnome one does not "feel" as nice10:29
hexstarhello sharose10:30
m4nkevor_: i dont think that makes a difference. you can use static there10:30
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ShaRosesomething tells me i may get dropped soon10:30
m4nkevor_: "iface eth1 inet static"  i guess10:30
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pawanwhats up10:30
vp_what's uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuppppppppppppppppppppp10:31
m4npawan: what are you upto?10:31
ShaRoseI'll try disconnecting and reconnection10:31
kevor_rebooting now :)10:31
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kevor_m4n: thanks, it works10:31
hexstar!flood | vp_10:31
ubotuvp_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:31
m4nShaRose: you are lagging10:31
ShaRoseand i'm back10:31
m4nkevor_: np10:31
ShaRosei know that :P10:31
pawancant we use webcam on irc channel10:31
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ShaRosei had to reconnect myself10:32
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InjenI will give someone 100 bucks to whomever talk's Khaled in to making a linux(ubuntu to stay on topic) :) version of mIRC10:32
hexstarpawan: uhh...this is not adult channel10:32
ShaRoseanyways, my bois is Award Modular BIOS V4.51PG10:32
m4npawan: are you from a different planet, by any chance ?10:32
hexstarpawan: try #adult10:32
dadehey how do I get the beryl icon, I can only seem to find the beryl manager.//? and how do I run beryl on startup?10:32
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hexstarSharose: that is a old bios, get a newer one from your pc manufacturers website10:32
m4ndade: how do you start it ?10:32
m4ndade: cant you plug that into one of the init scripts ?10:33
ShaRosei don't even know if they exist anymore10:33
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hexstarwho made the pc ShaRose?10:33
dadehow do you start it, I don't want to run it by typing "beryl" in terminal, cause the terminal stays open10:33
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ShaRosea local companie10:33
hexstardade: you can do beryl& and that will let you close terminal10:33
ShaRoseI'm trying to find mobo maker10:34
hexstarShaRose: ah....10:34
m4ndade: use that inside *dm (kdm or gdm or xdm or something? )10:34
dem0nyo something seems to be wrong with my sevices10:34
hexstarShaRose: yeah, you'll have to look inside the computer on the mobo for some model number10:34
dadeberyl& didn't work10:34
dem0nwhn i start in single mode they work when not they dont bu ill fix in the morning10:34
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hexstardade: what did it say?10:35
ShaRosethe only labels i see are award and intel10:35
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CheshireVikingdade, try this on ubuntu forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=440388, first question is about how to autostart beryl10:35
dadereloading options10:35
ShaRosei think i see something10:35
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hexstarsharose: what?10:36
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hexstarah yeah that's probably somthing10:36
hexstarlemme see10:36
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hexstaryes that's the motherboard model #, congrats :)10:37
hexstarnow to try and track down their website10:37
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hexstarthis appears to be the mobo: http://www.tamayatech.com/parts.php?g=GA686LX310:37
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ShaRosei lag out again?10:37
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hexstarsharose: found the site...it's slow...10:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvds - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:38
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:38
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ShaRoseso's my internet as you may have guessed :P10:38
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AnudhyanHello, I've a Realtek RTL8139 Fast Ethernet Adapter and its not being detected in ubuntu. Is there anything I can do to get it to work?10:39
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ShaRosemy parents may come down here expecting a working ubuntu, and me asleep in my bed. boy will they be peeved.10:39
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hexstarShaRose: download latest bios here: http://europe.giga-byte.com/FileList/bios/motherboard_bios_ga-686lx3_2.4c.exe, it looks like you'll need to extract it in windows :(10:40
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ShaRoseno biggie10:40
ShaRoseI'm running xp on this machine10:40
hexstarShaRose: ah ok10:41
jetscreamercabextract unshield orange10:41
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ShaRosedo i need a floppy :P10:41
hexstarshaRose: so yeah, extract it and read the readme file. That should explain how to do the update10:41
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hexstarShaRose: yeah you will :P :)10:41
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ShaRoseno cd D:10:41
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jetscreameractually all you need is a clean dos env... you can run the files off of hd or usb stick10:41
ShaRosewow that site is slow10:42
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hexstarShaRose: well, you could burn a cd too...http://bootdisk.com/plan10/flashcd.zip and http://bootdisk.com/txtfiles/flashcd.txt10:42
hexstarShaRose: they're in spain :o10:42
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ShaRoseI'm in newfoundland :O10:42
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ShaRosestill 'starting'10:43
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hexstaryeah the site is very slow unfortunately10:43
pawanany bluetooth software for ubuntu10:43
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gartra1built in10:44
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ShaRoseon another note, once i got bored and connected my wiimote to my pc10:45
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ShaRosei built a car in garrysmod with it :D10:45
CheshireViking!bluetooth | pawan10:45
ubotupawan: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup10:45
hexstarI just love how gigabyte puts ads on the left side of their webpages XDF10:45
bobbyhm i need help on installing Ubuntu? @_@;10:45
ShaRosethe ads probably load faster10:45
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hexstarbobby: what's wrong?10:45
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bobbycan you install it withought having to have the CD?10:46
CheshireViking!install | bobby10:46
ubotubobby: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate10:46
bobbybecause my computer cant burn CDs10:46
hexstarbobby: yeah, with netinstall10:46
dissectionWhat is a CLI Instant Messenger on Linux that supports Yahoo, MSN and AIM?10:46
bobbywhats netinstall10:46
hexstarbobby: http://mediakey.dk/~cc/ubuntu-netboot-and-netinstall-with-pxe/10:46
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AnudhyanCan anybody help me detect my ethernet card?10:47
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Tenendo ifconfig10:47
gordonjcpAnudhyan: yes, it's in your PC10:47
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hexstardissection: pidgen10:47
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hexstar!info pidgen10:47
nicle<Anudhyan>: lspci10:47
ubotuPackage pidgen does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:47
ShaRosei reconnected again10:47
dimebardissection: : finch10:47
shijithhow i can ply mp3 in ubuntu10:47
hexstar!info pidgin10:48
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AnudhyanWell ifconfig doesnt help. pppoeconf says 'theres no working ethernet card.10:48
dissectionhexstar: pidgin != CLI10:48
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ubotuPackage pidgin does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:48
hexstaroh cli10:48
Tenenguys i need to ask a question, does ubuntu 7.04 have madwifi installed by default,  as i switched to kubuntu but it has no madwifi in default install and i cant get my wifi/internet to work10:48
dissectiondimebar: Okay, let me see. Thanks10:48
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hexstar!info irssci10:48
Anudhyannicle: could you elaborate?10:48
ubotuPackage irssci does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:48
hexstarer it's something like that10:48
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dissectionirssi is an IRC client10:48
pawancant connect to my bluetooth device10:48
AnudhyanI googled and a few ppl have a prob detecting RTL813910:49
AnudhyanBut theres no solution.10:49
bobbyso what am i supposed to be doing on this site?10:49
Tenen!info madwifi10:49
ubotuPackage madwifi does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:49
hexstardissection: oh sorry, I'm tired10:49
bobbyim here -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot10:49
shijithhow cani play mp3 in ubuntu10:49
hexstarbobby: that's good :)10:49
hexstarjust follow the steps10:49
nicle<Anudhyan>: just run the command: lspci10:49
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hexstaralthough really, cd install is easier...cd drives are cheap, you should buy one (how are you surviving without one?!)10:49
AnudhyanOk thx nicle10:50
gumjohello anyone use avant dock...10:50
jetscreamerlspci | less if it's like big10:50
pawanany good bluetooth application to transfer files10:50
shijithpls help any one pls10:50
hexstar!bluetooth | pawan10:50
ubotupawan: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup10:50
TenenIs madwifi by default installed on a base ubuntu install? i Know my ubuntu 5.10 does but my kubuntu 7.04 doesnt , let me know plz10:50
dissectiondimebar: Where do I get finch from?10:51
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hexstar!info finch10:51
ubotuPackage finch does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:51
CheeseGardenerHello :)10:51
hexstarhi cheesegardener10:51
CheeseGardenerIs it ok if I ask a question?10:51
CheeseGardeneror is someone in line before me?10:51
dimebardissection: think it comes with pidgin10:51
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:51
bobbywhere do i find "Tftpd32.exe"10:51
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nicle<shijith>: run: sudo apt-get install audacious10:52
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CheeseGardenerWell, when I use ubuntu, I get the normal loading screen, and it asks me what I want to do when I boot from the CD10:52
hexstarhttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Tftpd32.exe&btnG=Google+Search bobby10:52
CheeseGardenerthen I click "start and install"10:52
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TenenIs madwifi by default installed on a base ubuntu install? i Know my ubuntu 5.10 does but my kubuntu 7.04 doesnt , let me know plz10:52
hexstarCheeseGardener: ok..10:52
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CheeseGardenerit takes a while but, the loading screen completes, and it sends me this screen where it is going down a list of things10:52
CheeseGardenerchecking them off as "OK" and such10:52
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CheeseGardenerNot really any major problems there either.10:53
hexstarsharose: ?10:53
CheeseGardenerThen it brings me to this... brownish white screen, with a mouse on it, and nothing else.10:53
dimebardissection: yeah; it is bundled with pidgin10:53
ShaRosefound a better mirroy10:53
hexstarsharose: ah :D10:53
CheeseGardenerand it just stays on there.  It doesn't change or load any bars.10:53
hexstarcheesegardener: is the light on the cd drive still lashing?10:53
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CheeseGardenerI waited around 20-25 minutes.10:54
hexstarhow much ram do you have?10:54
CheeseGardener1 gig of ram10:54
bobbyhexstar where do i find10:54
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Xadosany distorted pixels at the screen center?10:54
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bobbydidnt mean to hit enter10:54
TenenIs madwifi by default installed on a base ubuntu install? i Know my ubuntu 5.10 does but my kubuntu 7.04 doesnt , let me know plz10:54
hexstarbobby: http://tftpd32.jounin.net/10:54
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CheeseGardenerIt just stops loading.10:54
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CheeseGardenerFor some reason.  I suspect not completely.10:54
safwani have a problem with sound, does anyone know10:54
safwanno sound10:54
CheeseGardenerBecause when I hold the power button, it goes to a screen saying "System is halting!"10:55
hexstarCheeseGardener: You might try downloading the iso from a different mirror and reburning, it could be a bad copy10:55
ShaRoseboth my computers are hooked up in a network10:55
CheeseGardenerI tested the CD, but maybe you are right10:55
ShaRoseis it possible to flash over that?10:55
CheeseGardenerMy friend said to get the fiesty fawn version10:55
CheeseGardenerHe is trying to hook me up with what he has.10:55
safwanhow do i configure the sound to work10:55
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hexstarShaRose: no, you will need to extract the files and follow the instructions. What you'll end up doing is booting off the floppy or cd and running the flash program from dos10:56
CheshireVikingCheeseGardener, do you have access to another computer you can try the cd on, it'll help identify whether its a hardware problem or whether the cd is faulty10:56
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TenenIs madwifi by default installed on a base ubuntu install? i Know my ubuntu 5.10 does but my kubuntu 7.04 doesnt, does it come installed by default in ubuntu 7.04 , let me know plz10:56
CheeseGardenerI could test it on my brother's laptop10:56
bobbyi think i'm going to need alot of help on this because i dont kno my ip address, or my gateway address or my "size of pool"10:56
ShaRosehexstar: can i flash over a ethernet cable by chance?10:56
CheeseGardenerIf he doesn't have it passworded.  But I'll have to change it back when I'm done to the normal boot chian10:56
pawannot able to pair bluetooth device10:56
hexstarsharose: no...do you not have a cd burner or floppy drive?10:56
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ShaRosei have a dvd burner10:57
hexstarbobby: where is your cd drive? :P10:57
ShaRosei just don't wanna wasste a cd10:57
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CheeseGardenerI'll go test the CD on his laptop if I can quickly.10:57
ShaRosei still have another small hd in the old comp10:57
hexstarShaRose: ah, well you may have to sacrifice one unfortunately10:57
CheshireVikingCheeseGardener, it'd be worth you doing that, all you need to do is put the cd in & start the computer up to test whether it boots properly, you won't need to install it10:57
bobbyhexstar: i dont get it @_@;10:57
ShaRosecan i put it on that10:57
CheeseGardenerOk.  I will be back soon to let you know.10:57
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hexstarShaRose: unless that drive only contains dos, no10:57
ShaRoseit dosn't have anything on it10:58
hexstarbobby: do you have a cdrom drive?10:58
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hexstarbobby: then download the cd image from ubuntu.com and burn it and use that10:58
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bobbywas the cd image the 700 MB download?10:59
hexstarShaRose: you have to be in a complete dos environment to flash the bios, it won't work any other way10:59
hexstarbobby: yes10:59
bobbybecause if so i already downloaded that, i believe but it told me that i need to burn a cd and restart my computer while the CD is in my drive10:59
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TaggardDoes anyone know a good t utorial on how to install Ubuntu on my Mac? I've tried to and whenever I start the livecd I get that X has failed to start.10:59
bobbyand i cant burn CDs10:59
hexstarbobby: right, you need to burn the downloaded image onto the cd and reboot onto the cd10:59
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate11:00
bobbyso i cant really do anything if i cant burn?11:00
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hexstarbobby: you can have a cd shipped to you: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/11:00
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ankitagI am trying to install 7.04 on my laptop but the X interface fails to start and I get the ubuntu prompt. What command do I run to start the install in text mode11:00
pawanhow to set wireless devices such as bluetooth11:00
bobbyi know but is there any other way to do it WITHOUGHT a CD?11:00
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hexstaryes the netinstall but as you saw that is difficult to do11:01
bobbyhm =|11:01
hexstarthe cd is free, all it costs is shipping11:01
insmod<bobby> ftp install11:01
TenenIs madwifi by default installed on a base ubuntu install? i Know my ubuntu 5.10 does but my kubuntu 7.04 doesnt, does it come installed by default in ubuntu 7.04 , let me know plz11:01
bobbywhats ftp install11:01
SoulRavenhy, how i recomplie the vlc with ffmpeg, lame and flv/11:01
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bobbyhexstar im only 15 so i cant really do anything other then downloading and installing, nothing in real life =|11:01
insmod<bobby> why can't u use the cd ?11:01
_cyrus_bobby: why don't u use imgburn11:01
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CheshireVikingbobby, there is an option to use a usb stick to install, i've not done it myself, but its an option for you11:01
hexstarbobby: oh11:01
bobbyinsmod i dont have the cd11:02
hexstarbobby: well, you'll have to ask your parents to pay the shipping...the shipping shouldn't be much11:02
bobbycyrus i dont kno what that is11:02
ankitagI am trying to install 7.04 on my laptop but the X interface fails to start and I get the ubuntu prompt. What command do I run to start the install in text mode11:02
insmod<bobby> d/l it11:02
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SoulRavenbecause the vlc that i installed with apt-get is not compiled with this encoders11:02
pawanunable to pair with bluetooth device11:02
hexstarinsmod: he has no burner11:02
bobbycheshire whats that...11:02
bobbyhexstar i dont think my mom will help me because she tells me to do it myself...11:02
pawani am trying to pair my nokia 6600 with bluesoliel dongle11:02
bobbyinsmod whats it for11:02
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insmodso do a usb11:03
CheshireVikingbobby, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick11:03
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_cyrus_bobby: do a search and download that program - it burns an iso image for u on a cd11:03
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hexstarhe has no cd burner11:03
insmod<bobby> do a usb or ftp (old)11:03
bobbyand i dont have an blank CDs...11:03
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hexstarbobby: next thing you get, cd burner and blank cds ;)11:04
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bobbyyeah, i cant burn CDs guys and i cant afford anything11:04
insmod<bobby> i told you several ways11:04
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bobbysorry insmod i think i missed it then =|11:04
insmod<bobby> usb ftp laplink netinstall etc11:04
VietnowHello! I've run into a problem after installation of ubuntu on a E machine T6534 w/ athl 64, can anyone offer me some help??11:04
Busatajust ask :)11:04
hexstarbobby: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick11:04
bobbywhats the easiest that i can just do right here on my computer?11:04
bobbyim at the "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick" site11:05
hexstardo you have a usb stick?11:05
bobbynope =|11:05
insmod<bobby> look up loadlin11:05
bobbyon the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick site?11:06
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bobbywell i mean at the top right spot u mean?11:06
insmod<bobby> do you have a cdrom ?11:06
bobbya drive or a cd?11:06
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hexstarbobby: you there?11:07
Max_-I would like to use sudo -i while I'm in Gnome, how can I do? (I want to play with files and folders w/o having to go in a terminal...)11:07
insmod<bobby> they will ship a cd for free11:07
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keisangihi there11:07
bobbyinsmod i'm not really trying to make this into such a big deal =|11:07
insmod<bobby> yup or just have a friend burn one11:07
CheeseGardenerOk I am back.11:07
bobbyas to have it a week long thing11:07
hexstarbobby: download this: http://isv-image.ubuntu.com/vmware/Ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.zip , then install this: http://www.vmware.com/products/player/ ...this will let you install ubuntu without a cd11:07
bobbyand i dont kno anyone with ubuntu11:07
hexstarit'll run ubuntu inside of your current os11:07
bullgard4What kind of program is 'kinit'? On a  konsole it prints: "kinit: No  resume image, doing normal boot ..." I cannot find kinit via Synaptic. man kinit: "There is no manual entry for kinit."11:07
CheeseGardenerIt works on the other computer.  They are both laptops, and both similar.11:07
bobbyhexstar both?11:07
hexstaryes download both11:07
insmod<bobby> you can do it on win11:07
keisangihow do i setup service that autostart on boot in ubuntu ? on fedora i used a tool called "setup" ..11:08
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hexstarthe zip is the vmware image, vmware player lets you run the image. With that you will not have to leave your current windows install and can still enjoy ubuntu11:08
keisangisay for exemple i would like to desactive gdm or kdm so they won't start when my system boot up11:08
insmod<bobby> you don't need Ubuntu to burn it11:08
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bobbyinsmod what?11:09
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insmod<bobby> never mind lol11:09
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bobbylol, okay11:09
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CheeseGardenerI cannot figure out the problem it seems though.  I mean, both of the computers I used it on are Toshiba laptops.  His is a little newer than mine however.11:10
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CheeseGardenerUbuntu works on his, so it is a hardware issue.11:10
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CheshireVikingCheeseGardener, what laptop do you have?11:10
ShaRoseok, i think it's flashed11:10
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ShaRosenow how do i reinstall grub11:10
hexstarCheeseGardener: it's probably a video card issue11:10
hexstar!grub | ShaRose11:10
ubotuShaRose: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:10
CheeseGardenerA toshiba satellite M45-S26511:11
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CheeseGardenerwith an added 512 MB of DDR212 ram11:11
VietnowHello! I've run into a problem after installation of ubuntu on a E machine T6534 w/ athl 64, can anyone offer me some help??11:11
bobbygosh, so much downloading -.-11:11
CheeseGardenerI think it is my CD rom drive?  It reads the CD but continues to "pause" it's reading.11:11
hexstarbobby: at least it's free :)11:12
bobbyyeah =|11:12
CheeseGardenerIt will read a little, pause, then read a little more.11:12
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hexstardo something like play a game or watch tv while it downloads :)11:12
bobbyim using windows 98SE so.... hopefully itll all still work11:12
ShaRoseplease note i am running the text install11:12
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bobbyhexstar: btw a friend said ubuntu isnt good if i just play games and stuff, that true?11:12
bobbyor will it not make much of a difference11:13
=== howlingmadhowi1 [n=anton@dslb-088-073-192-101.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
bobbysince im already using windows 98se11:13
hexstarSharose: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:13
bobby[ which isnt good at all ] 11:13
cafuegobobby: Not for windows games no, on account of not being windows.11:13
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cafuegobobby: linux games run fine.11:13
howlingmadhowi1windows 98se? fun for the whole family :)11:13
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ShaRosethat dosn't tell me anything11:13
bobbywhats the difference?11:13
hexstarbobby: that is true unfortunately, however with the vmware setup you will still keep the windows install11:13
ShaRoseit says livecd11:13
bobbyoh ok11:13
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know why my CD rom drive might be pausing?11:13
bobbyso it wont make much of a difference for games, right?11:13
CheshireVikingCheeseGardener, http://www.duncarin.com/wp2/?p=1311:13
ShaRosei am running the TEXT INSTALLER11:13
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Po1ic3man,   ?11:14
insmod<CheeseGardener> disk is no good11:14
hexstaroh, did you install already or are you just now installing?11:14
ShaRoseand i don't want to have to do the entire installation over agin11:14
CheshireVikingCheeseGardener, that website says that there's problems with the live cd on your laptop, but gives a suggestion on how to get round them11:14
howlingmadhowi1vmware or similar allow you to install windows inside linux. to the best of my knowledge there are still some problems with graphics drivers, so i'd look into that if i were you beforehand11:14
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rausb0bobby: if you are using win98se now, i suspend your hardware is quite old and maybe too slow to run ubuntu11:14
Po1ic3manany one speak russian ?11:15
hexstaroh...ok well. You can't do a non text install?11:15
pawanhow to transfer files from phone to pc using bluetooth11:15
MindOfChaosAny one else had experience with dual booting with vista11:15
bobbyit was once windows xp but the college that had it before me11:15
bobbychanged it to windows 98se11:15
CheeseGardenerOk.  Thank you very much Cheshire11:15
bobbybecause thats the only windows that was working with them at that time11:15
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cmoi-jujuwhere I can finddrivers Alsa 1.0.14rc1?11:15
CheeseGardenerI will try adding that and see what happens.11:15
MindOfChaosHey Ubuntu does manage to run on old hardware11:15
CheeseGardenerI will let you know if it helps.11:15
hexstarShaRose: ok, then try ctrl+alt+f8, keep doing that with different fx keys until you get one with a login prompt11:15
CheshireViking!ru | Po1ic3man11:15
ubotuPo1ic3man:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke11:15
hexstartype root, root and then follow those instructions11:15
ankitagHi, I have a desktop install CD. Is there any way for me to run th text mode install11:15
bobbywell whatever im still trying11:15
CheeseGardenerI will come back here either way.11:16
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dissectionI tried to install pidgin but it says gaim conflicts with the intsalled package gaim-data. What do I do?11:16
hexstarbobby: I think that vmware player will work on 98se, not sure11:16
CheshireVikingCheeseGardener, good luck, hope it works for you11:16
wizzoI was wondering if someone can help me out here, how can i find out the ports that xchat uses so i can forward the ports on my router?11:16
CheeseGardenerI hope so too.  And thank you again.11:16
cmoi-jujuwhere I can find drivers Alsa 1.0.14rc1?11:16
cafuegodissection: Remove gaim and gaim-data.11:16
howlingmadhowi1wizzo: it may be mentioned in /etc/services11:16
VietnowDirectly after installing ubuntu on my friends computer, it rebooted into wheat appeared to be a text based ubuntu, I think its something to do with the nvidia video card drivers, anyone know what this is all about? I have no clue to get to an actual desktop11:16
wizzokk thank you very much11:16
=== CheeseGardener [n=Steve@cpe-24-161-12-36.hvc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
dissectioncafuego: I don't want to remove gaim. But I also need a CLI based IM.11:16
TaggardI'm using an external disk I used to use with my Mac, and its HFS+ formatted. Anyway, its got stuff I need on it but its unreadable due to permissions. How do I read it?11:16
rausb0MindOfChaos: but the hardware must not be too old. i doubt ubuntu (with gnome desktop) will run smoothly on machines with 128mb ram.11:17
cafuegodissection: pidgin IS gaim. You cna't have both.11:17
hexstarGoing, later11:17
dissectioncafuego: Okay, what other CLI IMs are available?11:17
MindOfChaosMy old computers still have 512mb ram11:17
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MindOfChaos1.2GHz Celeron11:17
ShaRosefx keys?11:17
rausb0MindOfChaos: when i say "old" i mean it11:17
cafuegodissection: neither gaim not pidgin are cli anyway afaik.11:17
MindOfChaosRunning Windows 9811:17
bobbyhexstar: and 512MB RAM minimum <--11:17
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howlingmadhowi1Taggard: have you tried reading it as root?11:18
MindOfChaosUbuntu runs ok with 256mb11:18
cafuegodissection: I used to use micq, but that only does icq afaik.11:18
Taggardhowlingmadhowi1: No, thats essentially what im asking how to do11:18
MindOfChaosI havn't tryed with less11:18
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rausb0MindOfChaos: yeah, my xubuntu also runs ok with 256mb11:18
dissectioncafuego: Okay. Someone here told me pidgin comes with a CLI version too.11:18
bobbymindofchaos: were u talking to me?11:18
dissectioncafuego: Any others? I need a CLI IM that supports Yahoo and MSN.11:18
dimebardissection: it does11:18
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dissectiondimebar: But I can't install it without removing gaim. Any other CLI IMs I can use?11:19
cafuegodissection: No idea11:19
cafuegodissection: pidgin *is* gaim11:19
pawanhow to search for bluetooth device11:19
howlingmadhowi1Taggard: i always use the command line for this stuff. are you okay on the command line? if not, the easiest way to do it would be to configure the root account and then log back in as root11:19
khaleel5000hello how do you change  mac address in ubuntu11:19
dissectionThen why the two names?11:19
cafuegodissection: The packages conflict, so if you want pidgin, remove gaim. If you want gaim, remove pidgin.11:19
cafuegodissection: it was renamed.11:19
cafuegokhaleel5000: via `ifconfig'11:20
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Taggardhowlingmadhowi1: Done it, thanks :)11:20
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CheshireVikingdissection, there was legal action because of the name, Gaim was too much like Aim so it was renamed11:20
dissectionI read somewhere that pidgin is unstable.11:20
dissectionAnd its not in the Ubuntu repositories anyway11:20
cafuegodissection: I read somewhere the earth is flat <heh>11:20
howlingmadhowi1khaleel5000: have a look here: http://whoozoo.co.uk/mac-spoof-linux.htm11:21
cafuegoI find it works fine, but you will need to backport it from the gutsy source, or find a package somewhere.11:21
ShaRosehe left11:21
dissectionThere's no need to be sarcastic, cafuego.11:21
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howlingmadhowi1Taggard: did it work?11:21
boris_i just got 3 ubuntu feisty CDS from shipit and my brother's old computer starts and when i try to click on start or install button it says invalid or corrupt kernel image11:21
khaleel5000cafuego:  howlingmadhowi1  thanks11:22
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cafuegodissection: I though there was, hence my sarcasm.11:22
boris_computer is running win9811:22
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dimebardissection: I'd install pidgin over gaim (losing the ubuntu-desktop metapackage isn't really a problem)11:22
boris_and i think it fullfills all requirements11:22
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ShaRoseok, then try ctrl+alt+f8, keep doing that with different fx keys until you get one with a login prompt11:23
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cafuegodimebar: Especially what with on the next dist-upgrade gaim being replaced by pidgin anyway...11:23
ShaRosewhat the heck are fx keys?11:23
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cafuegoShaRose: The top row on Yoru keyboard, F1 through F12.11:23
rausb0ShaRose: f1, f2, f3, ...11:23
dissectionCan't finch be installed separately without having to install pidgin?11:23
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Azraelithe sound through my headphones just died when I turned on my computer11:24
cafuegodissection: I expect they use the same backend libraries, so probably not.11:24
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lightning18i need help: Motorola SM56 Modem11:24
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pitiHi everyone, I just tried to use splashy, but it isn't set yet. Is this normal, can't I use it ?11:24
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see1i am chinese11:25
ShaRosef1 to f1211:25
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WhitE-DeMoNi have a problem here11:26
CheshireViking!cn | see111:27
ubotusee1: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk11:27
howlingmadhowi1ShaRose: hold down the left ctrl and alt keys and then press F2. if everything goes away, hold down the left ctrl and alt keys and press F711:27
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see1thank you11:27
act1v8X on Ubuntu 7.04 LiveCD looks like it doesn't find the resolution of my monitor on a laptop. The resolution should be 1280x800 but in /etc/X11/xorg.conf the resolution is 1024x786 but I can't see a thing on the screen! The screen is turned off when I'm on console 7, on console 1 I see the terminal. Help!11:27
lightning18i need help: Motorola SM56 Modem or any help about sl-modem11:27
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howlingmadhowi1act1v8: sounds like the x-server isn't starting. which driver are you using according to xorg.conf?11:28
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WhitE-DeMoNi downloaded an online game, RPG, and installed it. It does the Auto Patch but it doesn't reach the game itself. It is a Windows game, but i tried that on Wine, and thats what happens. May anyone help please?11:28
AzraeliAnyone know how to get headphones to work with a realtek ALC883 soundcard. They were working last time I used to computer but now they don't.11:28
act1v8howlingmadhowi1: the Radeon driver "ati"11:28
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ShaRosesorry, i think i lagged out agin11:28
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ShaRoseafter i said f1 - f1211:29
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howlingmadhowi1ShaRose: hold down the left ctrl and alt keys and then press F2. if everything goes away, hold down the left ctrl and alt keys and press F711:29
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FrogzooWhitE-DeMoN: appdb.winehq.com11:29
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NETWizzHow do I get a list of all installed package11:29
NETWizzI want a list of all my installed packages11:29
ShaRoseon the main ubunutu screen i take it11:29
WhitE-DeMoNFrogzoo, it is there.11:29
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rausb0NETWizz: dpkg -l11:29
WhitE-DeMoNFrogzoo, it is there.11:29
act1v8howlingmadhowi1: but if X isn't starting shouldn't I see a terminal at console 7 ?11:29
howlingmadhowi1act1v8: mm, as far as i know, the ati driver looks at xorg.conf to find out what it should be doing. you could try manually editing xorg.conf to include the graphics modes of your monitor and then restarting the x-server11:29
ubuntu_noobSorry, I cannot remember your name, but the person who helped me with reinstalled fixed my problems11:29
bullgard4What is a 'kernel handler'?11:29
howlingmadhowi1act1v8: nope11:30
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FrogzooWhitE-DeMoN: good, so read how to get it working11:30
WhitE-DeMoNFrogzoo, and most ppl played ity11:30
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Frogzoo!appdb | WhitE-DeMoN11:30
ubotuWhitE-DeMoN: Appdb is a database of apps & help for programs that run under wine: see http://appdb.winehq.org11:30
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act1v8howlingmadhowi1: I tried that. nothing11:30
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benidoes ubuntu support his windows filesystem NFS?11:30
ShaRosectrl + alt + f2 does NOTHING11:30
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WhitE-DeMoNFrogzoo, itb11:30
Frogzoobeni: does linux support NFS? certainly11:30
howlingmadhowi1act1v8: did you check the default depth? what happens if you change the driver from "ati" to "vesa"? does x-windows start?11:31
WhitE-DeMoNFrogzoo, the name is "Conquer Online"11:31
beniFrogzoo: my mum had an HDD crash and i need to recover data11:31
FrogzooWhitE-DeMoN: itb?11:31
wizzo_i was wondering if someone could tell me how to set up what ports xchat uses so i can port forward my router11:31
act1v8howlingmadhowi1: let me try11:31
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Frogzoobeni: you mean NTFS?11:31
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ShaRosehowlingmadhowi1: ctrl + alt + f2 does nothing.11:31
beniFrogzoo: yep, sorry I spelled it wrong11:31
WhitE-DeMoNFrogzoo,  sorry11:31
ankitagIs there any way to do a text install from a desktop install CD?11:32
lightning18NETWizz: use synaptic package manager11:32
howlingmadhowi1ShaRose: that's strange. i wonder why11:32
dissectionWhen I try to remove gaim, it says nautlius-sendto and ubuntu-desktop will be removed :S11:32
ankitagThe X is not able to start and the installation fails11:32
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act1v8howlingmadhowi1: yes. I see gdm now :)11:32
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Frogzoobeni: don't know, but gl11:32
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neuberHey I can't get my terminal to work11:33
CheshireViking!ntfs-3g | beni11:33
ubotubeni: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:33
act1v8howlingmadhowi1: it's just that the whole screen is streched and fuzzy... shouldn't it be sharp and crisp?11:33
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aleksanteriwhere's the ubuntu wallpapers located at?11:33
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omegabetawhere do you place .sh scripts so that you can call/invoke them from anywhere?11:34
bullgard4What kind of program is 'kinit'? On a  konsole it prints: "kinit: No  resume image, doing normal boot ..." I cannot find kinit via Synaptic. man kinit: "There is no manual entry for kinit."11:34
act1v8aleksanteri: /usr/share/backgrounds I think11:34
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pitiwhere is the ubuntu splash image ?11:34
aleksanteriok, i'll check11:34
neubercan someone tell my why I cant get a terminal to open?11:34
aleksanteriact1v8: thanks11:34
ShaRoseStill no idea what to do here11:34
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corentinHi all :)11:35
tupaneuber, several answers come to my mind11:35
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neubertupa, like what?11:35
wizzo_what am i doing wrong that no file that is trying to be sent to me actually starts downloading? it just says "Starting" with no progress11:35
tupaneuber are you running a Desktop Environment?11:35
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dissectionWhen I try to remove gaim, it says nautlius-sendto and ubuntu-desktop will be removed. What do I do?11:35
neubertupa, uh... i think so?11:36
tupaneuber, which one?11:36
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tupadissection, they are transition packages, it is safe to remove them (at least ubuntu-desktop, let me see if the other one too)11:36
neubertupa, i'm not really sure... i'm pretty new at this...11:36
tupaneuber, did you installed, ubuntu, kubuntu or xubuntu11:37
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dissectionWhat is ubuntu-desktop?11:37
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neubertupa, ubuntu11:37
beniAre there any good data recovery tools for linux??11:37
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tupaneuber: ALT+F2 -> gnome-terminal <enter>11:37
benican anyone help me with this? There are very important Documents on this HDD :(11:37
act1v8beni: yes there was one... I forgot it's name11:37
databuddyif i use ntpdate to update time it will autoupdate immediately rite?11:37
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neubertupa, that doesn't seem to do anything11:38
Netspirithello all, is there any french ubuntu users here?11:38
neubertupa, i don't think i'm using gnome right now11:38
tupadissection, installer for all packages of ubuntu-desktop, that includes gaim, so you remove the dependency and you remove the package11:38
wizzo_i would really like for someone to tell me what i'm doing wrong lol why wont any of my downloads actually start downloading? they just say starting11:38
tupaneuber try xterm11:38
ubotuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"11:38
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neubertupa, so why does that work, but the gui shortcut doesn't?11:39
dissectiontupa: It says the same thing when I try to remove gaim-data11:39
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup11:39
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VietnowGuys I need some help, I posted my question here >>>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3114888#post311488811:39
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tupaneuber, I dunno, there can be several options, one is probably you removed gnome-terminal and that's why you couldn't run it with gnome-terminal command11:40
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neubertupa, how could i accidentally remove something like that?11:40
tupadissection it is safe to remove it11:40
Netspiritoups sorry11:41
tupaneuber, I dunno11:41
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dissectiontupa: But its also used by Sylpheed to send attachments from the file manager. So I'll need that11:41
bullgard4What does the switch -S in 'dpkg -S <name>' mean? I could not find it in man dpkg.11:41
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup11:42
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jamesdellWhitE-DeMoN: something problem with your bluetooth?11:42
WhitE-DeMoNjamesdell, no, sorry and thanks :)11:42
tupabullgard4, dpkg -S <name> == search a file in repository11:43
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wizzo_anybody able to help me with download problem for xchat??11:43
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act1v8howlingmadhowi1: I can't switch to resolution 1280x800... it always displays at 1024x78611:43
bullgard4tupa: Thank you very much.11:43
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jamesdellWhitE-DeMoN: it's okey :)11:44
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WhitE-DeMoNjamesdell, how can i update my Wine?11:44
jamesdellwizzo_: if you cant make it in apt-get, look it out in synaptic :)11:44
Azraelican anyone help with sound problems?11:44
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jamesdellWhitE-DeMoN: apt-get update wine ?11:45
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WhitE-DeMoNjamesdell, thanks :D11:45
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jamesdellWhitE-DeMoN: just tell me if that works :)11:45
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tupawizzo_ maybe it is a ports closed problem11:45
act1v8howlingmadhowi1: can I use another driver... that supports higher resolutions ?11:46
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wizzotupa, thats what i thought too but for some reason i must be a complete idiot and cant find where i can change the ports for xchat11:46
dissectiontupa: And according to Synaptic Manager, its recommended that ubuntu-desktop is not removed.11:46
dissectionAren't there any other CLI IMs? :[11:46
VietnowHelppppp    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3114888#post311488811:46
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act1v8dissection: there is Finch. I think it's a good one11:47
jamesdellwizzo: another way maybe try to visit xchat website and find any ubuntu installer :)11:47
tupawizzo, are you sure you have a public IP and ports open?11:47
WhitE-DeMoNjamesdell, i am not the administrator :D11:47
dissectionact1v8: I need to install pidgin to be able to use Finch. I need to remove Gaim to be able to install pidgin. I need to remove ubuntu-desktop be able to install pidgin and synaptic package manager recommends that I don't remove it.11:48
tupawizzo, start a service like apache or proftpd and then follow this link: http://www.upseros.com/portscan.php11:48
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act1v8dissection: ouch11:48
tupawizzo if you don't have any green lights, you are blocked11:48
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wizzotupa, why the hell didnt i think of that lmao11:48
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act1v8! resolution > act1v811:48
CheeseGardenerSucccess :)11:48
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CheeseGardenerI'm on the live CD now :)11:49
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wizzotupa, do you happen to know what port range xchat actually uses though?11:49
CheshireVikingCheeseGardener, welcome back,11:49
CheeseGardenerAlthough I have a new question now:  Can someone walk me through partitioning a drive?11:49
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CheeseGardenerI would like to partition 10 gb for ubuntu11:49
howlingmadhowi1bullgard4: kinit is the kernel initialisation thread. it's part of the linux kernel :)11:49
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CheeseGardenerOff of an existing hard drive.11:49
fluteflutePartitioning from what? A windows install.11:49
KaitlynI have a spare computer i ONLY use as an SVN server. Can I put it into hibernate and it can continue to act as an SVN server?11:50
CheeseGardenerYes.  From a windows installed HD11:50
tupawizzo, no, if you get green lights, and you are in DMZ (if you have a router) you don't have to worry about the port range11:50
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!11:50
flutefluteHave you got a Ubuntu disk - which version have you got?11:50
bullgard4howlingmadhowi1: Please tell me what a kernel initialisation _thread_ is.11:50
CheeseGardenerum I have fiesty fawn11:50
fluteflutelive cd?11:50
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CheeseGardenerI believe11:50
CheeseGardenerLive CD11:50
howlingmadhowi1act1v8: sorry. my flatmate needed some help. i'm back now. a further possibility is that the refresh rates in xorg.conf aren't high enough11:51
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pawanany phonetools software for using with bluetooth11:51
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vainehhi, what exactly do K and S do in regards to the rcX.d??11:52
act1v8howlingmadhowi1: from what I saw in windows, the screen's max refresh rate is 60Hz but in System > Pref. > Screen Resolution it says 61Hz which is impossible11:52
CheeseGardenerSo, how would I go about partitioning some space from a windows hard drive?11:52
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kblinwhat do I need to install to get manpages for the POSIX api functions?11:53
fluteflutethe 1st bit talks about installing XP - you can skip that bit11:53
CheeseGardenerYes :) but I must say...11:53
CheeseGardenerUbuntu from a CD is faster than windows is on my hard drive.11:53
fluteflutesame here!11:54
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fluteflutewindows has so much 'bulk' and programs slowing it down11:54
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CheeseGardenerYes, I really am only keeping windows on my computer for the games I play.11:55
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CheeseGardenerI must say though, I have one more question:11:55
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CheeseGardenerIs it possible to take an NTFS external USB 2.0 HD, and take a 20 gb chunk to turn into FAT32 for ubuntu files?11:56
boris_im getting failed to allocate mem resources on win98 but im sure it's strong enough11:56
CheeseGardenerHow would I go about doing this?  If  you don't mind me asking...11:56
boris_ubuntu feisty livecd from shipit11:56
fluteflutein the terminal do "sudo apt-get install gparted"11:56
fluteflutegparted is a tool that is great for partitioning11:57
howlingmadhowi1bullgard4: have a look here: http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/early-userspace/11:57
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ntbnntvote for more linux support by publishers11:57
CheeseGardenerI've never used ubunto before so, I'm a bit confused.11:57
flutefluteapoplications menu -> accesories -> terminal11:57
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howlingmadhowi1act1v8: there's also the possibility that the gnome window manager is limiting your resolution. have a look here:11:57
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flutefluteits a command line interface which hopefully you shouldn't need to use too much but is much easier for some tasks11:58
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fluteflutethat command simply installs gparted11:58
Trashynovelsay I have 2 sound cards installed, and I want ubuntu to use one instead of the other11:58
CheeseGardenerI see11:58
CheeseGardenerit says it is already there11:58
CheeseGardenerand at the newest version.11:58
flutefluteok good11:58
fluteflutelook at your application menu and see if you can find gparted on there11:59
act1v8howlingmadhowi1: where?11:59
vainehwhat exactly do K and S do in regards to the rcX.d?? i want to run a script to send an email when a machine is shutdown11:59
howlingmadhowi1act1v8: sorry, forgot the link! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40003511:59
veaugerI'm having some sort of strange problem with the nvidia driver on a 6800.  First I cant get the restricted drivers manager to recognize that I need a restricted driver.  I'm pretty sure I have the driver installed (nvidia-glx-new via synaptic and then nvidia-xconfig) but when its in use I just get a black screen and cant even ctrl+backspace to kill X.  Forum posts that I've seen all seem like dead ends.  Anyone have any suggestions?12:00
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CheeseGardenerok I clicked install12:00
CheeseGardenerunder add/remove12:00
VietnowCan someone offer me some help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51477412:00
VietnowI get brought the the terminal12:00
howlingmadhowi1veauger: (ctrl+alt+backspace)12:00
veaugeryeah that one12:00
Vietnowand how no idea what to do once I get there12:00
CheeseGardenerWhere did it install to?12:00
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CheeseGardenerI see, it is in admin.12:01
howlingmadhowi1veauger: but as to your problem, i haven't a clue12:01
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kblinah. manpages-posix-dev12:01
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fluteflutemy fault12:01
veaugerhowlingmadhowi1: yeah if I change the one line from nvidia to nv it reverts back just fine, but I cannot use nvidia driver12:01
ntbnntveauger: thats werid, my 6800 works great OFB12:01
flutefluteit is under admin as gnome partition manager12:01
veaugerntbnnt: you just installed the latest stable ubuntu and ran the restricted drivers manager?12:02
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ntbnntveauger: yup12:02
CheeseGardenerI located the external12:02
ubuntu_noobQuick question12:02
veaugerntbnnt: cause the manager just flat out refuses to see that I have an nvidia card, it always says that I dont have a card that needs a restricted driver12:02
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ubuntu_noobHow big is compiz-fusion?12:02
fluteflutefrom the top right selection box?12:02
ubuntu_noobI'm not sure If I've got enough space12:02
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avisubuntu_noob, its built into gnome12:03
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howlingmadhowi1Vietnow: the easy way would be to switch off 3d acceleration for now and try to configure it later. to do this type the following:12:03
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flutefluteyou must right click and click "unmount"12:03
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ntbnntveauger: its happy with mine, the restricted man. came up and i activated the restricted driver, no probs12:03
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howlingmadhowi1Vietnow: sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:03
ubuntu_noobavis: I mean the desktop effects12:03
ubuntu_noobHow can I enable it then?12:03
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veaugerntbnnt: if you do an lspci | grep -i vga what do you get?12:03
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avisubuntu_noob, yes its built into gnome12:03
CheeseGardenerit is unmounted12:03
ubuntu_noobavis: how do I enable it?12:04
avisubuntu_noob, system-preferences-desktop effects12:04
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ntbnnti'm not at that computer, but it says my 6800 is there12:04
howlingmadhowi1Vietnow: enter your password12:04
veaugerntbnnt: I get nVidia Corporation Unknown device 040012:04
randomanhey guys, well I think I have all the libes and files copied to the chroot dir for mysql. but when i go to chroot /chrootdir /usr/sbin/mysqld --user=msqld & it gives me Fatal error: Can't change to run as user 'mysql' ;12:04
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fluteflutejust a sec12:04
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dcordesavis, but only with aiglx ready vga driver eh?12:04
howlingmadhowi1Vietnow: scroll down the screen to where you see a driver called "nvidia" or similar12:04
randomanand i know its there, ive looked in the passwd a million times12:04
randomanany ideas anyone?12:04
pawanhot to use kmobiletools12:04
Vietnowthanks howlingmadhowi112:04
howlingmadhowi1Vietnow: replace the name of the driver with "vesa"12:05
avisdcordes, integrated intel, ati, and nvidia support i think12:05
ntbnntveauger: i get a specfic12:05
flutefluteright click and click resize/move12:05
avisi believe #ubuntu-effects is the right channel for that sort of thing12:05
veaugerntbnnt: great, I bet the brand I have went and changed something so its completely useless with the driver.  Unfortunately complete dealbreaker with linux if it is the nvidia driver itself and not ubuntu12:05
howlingmadhowi1Vietnow: type ctrl+o12:05
fluteflutethe link explains better12:05
pawanhow to enbale file access12:05
howlingmadhowi1Vietnow: type ctrl+x12:05
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dcordesavis, which does not apply for ati using fglrx... afaik12:05
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Vietnowhowlingmadhowi1 join the room #vietnow12:05
ntbnntveauger: is it a knock-off (diamond?)12:05
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mloki_I'm tring to config my sensors and I don't understand one part12:06
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veaugerntbnnt: I'm not even sure let me see if I can find out12:06
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mloki_can someone help me out12:06
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ntbnntveauger: fiesty should have builtin support for the nivida junk like it does for ati12:07
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vainehin rcX.d directories do K scripts get run before S scripts ???12:07
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ntbnntveauger: if its a knock-off chipset you might have to just see it they have drivers12:08
randomananyone have any thoughts on my problem?12:08
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veaugerntbnnt: its an MSI branded card12:08
veaugerntbnnt: 8600GTS12:09
ntbnntveauger: MSI is okay, i don't understand y you would have troble then12:09
ntbnntveauger: MSI is usually better about such things12:09
CheeseGardenerthere is one thing I am comfused about12:09
CheeseGardenerwhen I resize a drive12:10
veaugerntbnnt: asus mainboard too12:10
CheeseGardenerthe files on it aren't deleted12:10
CheeseGardenerare they?12:10
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rysiek|plhi all12:10
avisthat is correct CheeseGardener12:10
SoulRavenhy, plase help me to recompile the vlc from the sources....12:10
fluteflutethey shouldn't be12:10
flutefluteas avis said12:10
SoulRavenbecause in the sinstaltion from apt-get12:10
CheeseGardenerhow do I merge free space12:10
fluteflutehowever sometimes loss does happen12:10
CheeseGardenerinto a drive?12:10
ntbnntveauger: im smelling a driver bug then12:10
SoulRaventhe suport for ffmepg and mp3 is not enable12:11
avisCheeseGardener, i believe gparted requires that you have free space next to the partition you wish to grow if i'm not mistaken12:11
CheeseGardenerOh... well it lists unallocated space.12:11
flutefluteare you trying to create a new partition? or 'merge' with another?12:11
pawanhow to access phone files using bluetooth12:11
CheeseGardenerand I can make a new partition with that... but it needs to be above or below one to expand?12:12
CheeseGardenera new one, for now.12:12
rysiek|plguys, I am using feisty but I need a package from gutsy (live-helper), should I download and dpkg -i live-helper*deb, or rather play with /etc/apt/preferences?12:12
CheeseGardenerBut I want to know how to add if I need to12:12
veaugerntbnnt: apparently its just not supported12:12
flutefluteright click and click new12:12
veaugerntbnnt: nvidia havent gotten off their duffs to write the driver yet, even though the 8800 IS already supported12:12
fluteflutethats a right click on the empty space12:12
avisrysiek|pl, if it were me i'd grab the .deb12:12
SoulRavenplease help me....12:13
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ntbnntveauger: try 'sudo nvida-settings' and play with that12:13
veaugerntbnnt: ok nm, there are drivers, but thy are super new12:13
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rysiek|plavis: m'kay12:13
veaugerntbnnt: maybe just need newer package12:13
CheeseGardenerwhat is primary and extended?12:13
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jacobian_wrkis there a way to install the DOM inspector for the latest firefox in ubuntu12:13
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CheeseGardenerand also what is round to cylanders?12:14
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ntbnntveauger: yea, just inject some of that new juice in your box12:14
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mloki_I followed the howto to the sensors detect and now I am not sure what to do next it tells me that need to and lines to /ect/modules but I don't know where to find that12:14
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veaugerntbnnt: yeah in late may people were using a beta nvidia driver that was working with 8600gts12:14
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Lustbladerhi room12:15
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fluteflutei don't know about the cylinders thing tough12:15
SoulRavenplease help me to recompile the vlc from the sources....the version a have now, got from the apt-get....i not have the ffmpeg and lame suport12:15
mloki_terminal tells me command not found12:15
ntbnntveauger: yea, i saw that - in case you didnt read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia12:15
Netspirithello all, I'm looking for somebody who know well using lpr command with eFax on Ubuntu server 7.0412:15
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veaugerntbnnt: I saw a few others, not that one in particular, thanks12:16
ntbnntveauger: np12:16
wizzo_ok i've been trying to fix this for hours but i cant seem to get it... who wants to help? :) lol12:16
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Orange_SpeciesHello everyone. I've got a few questions. I am debating between Ubuntu and Xubuntu. Could someone tell me why Xubuntu is inferior to Ubuntu?12:16
IndyGunFreakSoulRaven: i'm not aware of any music player that has those features out of the box, yu have to install the proper codecs12:16
avisSoulRaven, if i were you i would tar xzvf the .tar.gz file assuming that is what you have and then nano the README.12:16
Orange_SpeciesI am a total Linux n00b.12:16
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: its not inferior.12:16
SoulRaveni have instaled the codecs12:16
SoulRavenfor that12:16
Orange_SpeciesSo whats the difference? I'm confused.12:17
avisOrange_Species, i would not say its inferior.  it simply uses XFCE.  ubuntu uses the Gnome enivorment and is more commonly used in these parts12:17
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IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: Xubuntu runs xfce, which is a much lighter GUI than GNome(Ubuntu)..12:17
Orange_SpeciesSeems like the same thing almost.12:17
ntbnntveauger: there's still a little work going on it - restricted drivers suk12:17
SoulRavenbut when i tray to transcode to mp3 i got the error...12:17
Orange_SpeciesCan Xubuntu do everything Ubuntu can?12:17
Trashynovelsoumy sound doesn't work12:17
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: generally... old, slow PC.. xubuntu.., newer PC, Ubuntu12:17
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IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: yes12:17
Trashynovelmodprobe snd-emu10k1 works but I still hera nothering12:17
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Trashynovelalsamixer says that everything is up on the sound12:18
ntbnntOrange_Species: all that and and more!12:18
Orange_SpeciesWell I have a new PC. Bought it a few months ago. Why would Ubuntu be better?12:18
wizzo_whenever i try to download a file with xchat it only says "Starting" in the file transfers but never actually does can someone help me with this?12:18
TrashynovelI think it might be a problem with my two sound cards12:18
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: this is addressed on Xubuntu's site.12:18
ntbnntOrange_Species: it'll make your coffee12:18
NetspiritSo anyone can help me on a eFax problem with Ubuntu feisty12:18
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: if you have a new PC, use whichever one you want12:18
CheeseGardenerso extended ones can be further divided easily12:18
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CheeseGardenerinto almost "areas"12:19
CheeseGardenercalled logical drives12:19
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CheeseGardenerwhile a primary is a whole new drive with it's own boot?12:19
NETWizzI built a list of all packages I have installed12:19
NETWizztook forever12:19
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NETWizzI picked out each I installed12:19
veaugerntbnnt: yeah I stopped using linux right before ubuntu came into existence -- its lightyears ahead from wehre it was then12:19
Orange_SpeciesOk. Another stupid question. Which one would you say is best for a n00b to Linux?12:19
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NETWizzThat should allow me to do a clean install of Ubuntu12:19
ntbnntOrange_Species: Ubuntu12:19
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: they are essentially the same, use whichever one you want.12:20
pawanany software to transfer file from mobile phone to pc using bluetooth12:20
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: what works on one, works on the other.12:20
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Orange_SpeciesAlright. Why do you say that, ntbnnt?12:20
CheeseGardenerso I understand it right?12:20
veaugerOrange_Species: I also say that, if that helps :P12:20
fluteflutetou don't need a 'boot' drive so an extended one will be fine12:20
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CheeseGardeneran extended one for my external?12:20
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CheeseGardenerand also, unlike primaries, I can add to an extended?12:21
avisOrange_Species, if you have ubuntu installed and you want to try out xubuntu or kubuntu you can simply do a sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop12:21
veaugerOrange_Species: its built with you in mind, there is a large community behind it to update it and support it.  That is all12:21
ntbnntOrange_Species: really, its up to you, for the hell of it try kubuntu too, but Ubuntu is probably most easily accessible because of its simple interface12:21
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CheeseGardenerI will do that.12:21
wizzo_whenever i try to download a file with xchat it only says "Starting" in the file transfers but never actually does can someone help me with this?12:21
CheeseGardenerWhat is a good linux format?12:21
Orange_SpeciesHaha. Does Linux need a virus scanner & firewall?12:21
CheeseGardenerto put the extended in?12:21
ntbnntOrange_Species: check screenshots12:21
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CheeseGardenerand if I delete a primary, can I add it back to the original primary?12:21
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: these are all things you can find with a very brief google search.12:22
avisCheeseGardener, i'm just your average linux user and i use ext3 partition type12:22
IndyGunFreak!google | Orange_Species12:22
ubotuOrange_Species: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux12:22
ntbnntOrange_Species: of KDE, Gnome, and Xubuntu12:22
kiz_Guys, how can i update fiesty -> gusty (unstable) ?12:22
Orange_Speciesnybnnt: I've actually downloaded them all. And have them all on seperate disks. Im running my own live disk atm. Just trying to figure out which one I like. Im so confused.12:22
Orange_SpeciesKDE, GNOME... whats the difference?12:22
CheeseGardenerLike, if I have my external, and make a new primary, will it delete my current primary?  or just cut a piece off?  and also, can I delete a primary and add it to another primary?12:22
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: are you a troll?12:22
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Orange_SpeciesI take offense to that. :P12:23
ntbnntOrange_Species: its really all in how you wanna interact - if you like command lines, eat solaris for breakfast12:23
wietz0rOrange_Species: gnome is better supported by ubuntu12:23
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: wel, nobody could possibly be that dense..12:23
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avisOrange_Species, if it helps, the masses tend to use Gnome.  just plain old ubuntu.12:23
wietz0rIndyGunFreak: Atm you're a troll12:23
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: the only thing thats different, is the GUI, thats it, "under the hood", OS's are all the same12:23
IndyGunFreakwietz0r: hardly...12:23
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:23
wietz0rIndyGunFreak: calling someone dense is pretty trollish12:23
wizzo_well put IndyGunFreak12:23
ntbnntOrange_Species: just go with gnome unless you absolutely LOVE widgets and such12:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:24
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IndyGunFreakwietz0r: not minding your own buisness, is very trollish12:24
kiz_Guys , help me plz =) How can i update Ubuntu 7.04 -> Kubuntu 7.10 (unstable) ?12:24
Orange_SpeciesWell I'm sorry Im putting you out, IndyGunFreak. I am a Windows user and want to learn Linux. I've only started playing with them today.12:24
wietz0rntbnnt: Just learn raw CLI12:24
Orange_SpeciesNo I'm not a troll.12:24
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: only way you learn, is to read12:24
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IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: every single question you've asked, is answered on each page's download site12:24
Orange_SpeciesAnd ask questions. I ask a lot of questions.12:24
wietz0rOrange_Species: Only way to learn, is to do12:24
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ntbnntwietz0r: word12:24
veaugerOrange_Species:  Just use Ubuntu.  If you know nothing of linux thats where you want to start.  Just do it and start playing with it12:24
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fluteflutesorry cheesegardener I have to leave now12:24
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IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: but there's no reason to flood a support channel, with questions like this, when all the info is on the sites you downloaded the iso's from12:24
=== Jokk [n=JokeR-@87-126-90-211.btc-net.bg] has joined #ubuntu
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know if you can add a primary partition to another primary?12:25
wizzo_Orange_Species, i've been a windows user forever, been on ubuntu for like a week and a half and i love it... just try it out and learn it by trial and error12:25
howlingmadhowi1IndyGunFreak: well maybe he prefers having conversations to learn something than reading. i know i do12:25
dns_56kiz_: not recomended yet, but you need to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and replace feisty with gutsy then apt-get dist-upgrade12:25
Jokki have broken package how to fix it ?12:25
CheeseGardenerwhen you turn one primary into free space?12:25
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ntbnntOrange_Species: we really don't care how long u used windows, eat a screenshot12:25
IndyGunFreakhowlingmadhowi1: maybe, but the channel topic is fairly clear.. SUPPORT12:25
=== gutts [n=gutts@ADijon-258-1-160-69.w90-33.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
kiz_dns_56: thx .12:25
Jokki have broken package how to fix it ?12:25
wietz0rIndyGunFreak: answering questions == suppport12:26
ntbnntOrange_Species: ppl have used windows since greed was conceived12:26
howlingmadhowi1IndyGunFreak: yeah, you're right there. and the speed the screen sometimes scrolls by is pretty ridiculous anyway12:26
Orange_SpeciesOk well I'll go ahead and exit this live disk and install Ubuntu.12:26
avisyeah an aspiring ubuntu user is definitely worthy of support12:26
Jokki have broken package how to fix it ?12:26
=== noIse [n=pikkug@a88-112-64-233.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakwietz0r: answering install questions, yes, answering general questions about the OS< are is on the webpage12:26
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ntbnntOrange_Species: and when we needed fresh air!12:26
noIsehow to make alias automatigally save stuff?12:26
wietz0rnoIse: alias as in aliases in bash ?12:26
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noIsewietz0r yes12:26
wietz0rnoIse: add them to .bashrc12:27
CheeseGardenercan anyone help me with hard drive formatting questions??12:27
noIsei want them to automatigally save when i make them12:27
noIseno i dont always have time to add them there12:27
Jokki have broken package how to fix it ?12:27
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wietz0rnoIse: You can just echo them in there12:27
ntbnntChesseGardener: y dont you just shoot12:27
wietz0rnoIse: man echo12:27
noIsei know i can do that12:27
ntbnnta man echo!12:27
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=== kaldik [n=kuldik@p5489392B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
CheeseGardenercan I delete a primary, and add it to another primary?12:27
noIseits still a pain in the butt12:27
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noIsei wanna be just able to use the alias command and they save12:27
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ntbnntuh, you can have 2 primaries12:27
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CheeseGardenerYes but12:28
CheeseGardenerif I have 2, and I want to merge two12:28
ntbnntChesseGardener: seperate12:28
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wizzo_if someone can help me it would be great, whenever i try to download a file with xchat it only says "Starting" in the file transfers but never actually does can someone help me with this?12:28
CheeseGardenerWouldn't I delete one, and then there would be "extra" space to add to the other?12:28
wietz0rwizzo_: Have you forwarded the ports ?12:28
veaugerntbnnt: I just ran the program "Envy" that's supposed to install the latest driver.  Cross your fingers12:28
CheeseGardenerSuch as more space on the slider bar?12:28
ntbnntChesseGardener: nope, not as far as i know - theres probably some tool out there that tries but it will likely corrupt all your goodies12:28
=== DarthShrine [n=angus@pdpc/supporter/student/DarthShrine] has joined #ubuntu
Trashynovelcan anyone help me with my misbehaving sound system?12:29
nalphaguys, there is a spesific channel talk about samba?12:29
ntbnntChesseGardener: u dualbooting12:29
CheeseGardeneroh so primaries are permanent?12:29
wizzo_some people say to forward other say not too... i would but i cant figure out which ports xchat uses12:29
wietz0rnalpha: #samba12:29
CheeseGardenerYes, I want to make a new primary12:29
wietz0rwizzo_: Hold on12:29
CheeseGardenerfrom a primary.12:29
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CheeseGardenerIs that possible?12:29
ntbnntveauger: we'll see!12:29
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Orange_Speciesavis I tried replying to your PM. Guess it doesn't work since Im on a live disk12:29
avisCheeseGardener, indeed it is if you know how to make the primary smalles12:29
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veaugerwizzo: you dont need port forwarding if the connection opens the port on its way OUT12:30
Jokki have broken package how to fix it ?12:30
avissorry orange its because i'm registered.  i'll sign out as someone else and give you a hand12:30
CheeseGardenerWell I would only need 20 gigs12:30
ntbnntChesseGardener: primaries are permanent, sure, in a sense, but if you have primary partition you cannot "merge" it12:30
veaugerwizzo: but if something on the outside wants in on a port aht hasnt already been used from the inside to get out, you need to forward it12:30
CheeseGardenerbut once I do it I cannot go back, right?12:30
ntbnntyou can however relocate data12:30
CheeseGardenerunles I erase them both?12:30
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CheeseGardenerOtherwise I might lose both primaries?12:30
ntbnntChesseGardener: okay think like this12:30
CheeseGardenerif I merge them?12:31
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: you can't answer a PM cuz your nick isn't registered12:31
ntbnntChesseGardener: C: and D: are both drives12:31
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veaugerntbnnt: it worked with ZERO intervention from me.  Totally awesome12:31
ntbnntveauger: fricking sweet!12:31
=== Monolith [n=dickinso@203-206-92-212.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ntbnntChesseGardener: you can move data between the drives correct12:31
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alexnicksup guys? my package installers are a little messed up.12:32
CheeseGardenerI believe I would12:32
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wizzo_veauger: thats what i'm talking about, i'm not trying to send a file i'm trying to receive one12:32
CheeseGardenerI just heard that linux doesn't write to NTFS well12:32
CheeseGardeneras well as FAT3212:32
alexnickI get this message when I open Synaptic 'E: Type 'deb' is not known on line 59 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list12:32
alexnickE: The list of sources could not be read.12:32
alexnickGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.12:32
alexnickE: _cache->open() failed, please report.12:32
Orange_SpeciesAh I see Indy. Ok no worries. I don't want to register here yet. Not until I do a full install of the Linux distro. I do have an actually INSTALLATION question though.12:32
wietz0rCheeseGardener: It does, ntfs-3g is win12:32
=== avis [n=avis@pdpc/supporter/student/avis] has joined #ubuntu
ntbnntChesseGardener: dude, don't USE NTFS for your primary12:32
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IndyGunFreakalexnick: have you made changes to your sources list?12:32
CheeseGardenerI'm not.12:32
ntbnntChesseGardener: omg12:32
avisOrange_Species, it seems private messages are blocked completely from unregistered users so if you would like help please register12:32
CheeseGardenerThat's for windows12:32
=== nekt [n=nekt@ip503cc2b0.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
CheeseGardenerI want to make a new primary, from the NTFS one12:33
Orange_SpeciesI have WindowsXP-MCE-SP2 installed. When I install a linux distro, will it override it and will I lose everything?12:33
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wietz0rntbnnt: Do you type the names instead of tab completing them ?12:33
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alexnickI may have. I was following a guide on how to install a psx emulator but didn't follow through with it. Could that be it?12:33
CheeseGardenerI want to take a piece off of it12:33
Orange_Species@ Avis: It's ok. I'll register once I get it installed.12:33
ntbnntChesseGardener: okay, you can transfer data between the two but only when you get into linux12:33
CheeseGardenerand make a part a FAT32 primary12:33
=== gerro [n=logmein@c-68-33-161-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Orange_Speciesthanks for trying Avis. =)12:33
QodoshDo people in here work for Ubuntu?12:33
veaugerOrange_Species: The answer is you almost certainly wont lose anything12:33
CheeseGardeneror one that is good for linux to boot from12:33
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Trashynovelwill no-one help me with my disobedient sound system?12:33
IndyGunFreakOrange_Species: the installer has a disk partitioner, you'lll need to set a partition of your disk for Linux(usually at least 10gigs).., that should leave windows untouched if done properly, but backup your data.12:33
ntbnntwietz0r: i dunno - i type a lot - more than i want to - im also on blacknberry12:34
TrashynovelI've tried everything the ubuntu manual thing says12:34
veaugerOrange_Species: yeah I second the backup your data12:34
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Trashynoveland there's not alsaconf to fix it12:34
Orange_SpeciesOk I'll do that. thanks. =)12:34
nektAnyone know why when using the latest git kernel source there is no config.686 in debian/config?12:34
wietz0rntbnnt: aah that explains things12:34
CheeseGardenerOnce I take a 10 gig piece from my 100 gig hard drive for linux12:34
ntbnntChesseGardener: backup your data and play around with it12:34
CheeseGardenerwhat format should I use?12:34
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tupaQodosh, there are some developers here, why do you ask?12:34
CheeseGardenerfor the new primary?12:34
veaugerOrange_Species its like going skydiving without a backup chute -- you wont need it 99.9999% of the time, but when you do need it you're damn glad u have it12:34
ntbnntwietz0r: yea, whatever my blackberry tells me to do :P12:34
IndyGunFreakalexnick: have you made recent changes to your source list?12:34
avisCheeseGardener, i recommend ext3 for / and /home.12:34
ntbnntChesseGardener: seccond avis12:35
Qodoshtupa: sheer curiosity12:35
Qodoshtupa: Ty for the reply though.12:35
CheeseGardenerOk what about my external hard drive12:35
gerroCheeseGardener: remove system restore and delete temp folder as well as all the cookies and other junk12:35
CheeseGardenerI am gonna cut a piece off for linux12:35
dns_56the .config is in the /boot dir12:35
alexnickProbably. I was trying to install a playstation emulator. How do I fix it?12:35
tupaQodosh, if you ask cuz of the support, most of the people answer voluntarily12:35
IndyGunFreakalexnick: that shouldn't have screwed up your sources list.12:35
CheeseGardenerext3 as well for the external hard drive?12:36
alexnickIs there an easy fix for this problem?12:36
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gerroalexnick: hmm I used apt-get install pcsx and it works ok :)12:36
ntbnnthow can you screw up a sources.list12:36
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IndyGunFreakalexnick: maybe... type this w/o quotes.. "/join #indygunfreak"12:36
nektTrying to compile a patched kernel, works fine except smp is not enabled as 386 is being used, 686 config is not either being created or downloaded with git, seeing with with both gutsy and feisty git pulls12:36
Qodoshtupa: I actually asked because I saw some job ads for ubuntu and it got me to wondering if people in this channel worked for ubuntu and were as part of the job.12:36
avisCheeseGardener, yes you'd need like a swap partition, about twice your memory.  and ext3 for / and /home.12:36
Jokkdpkg --configure12:37
=== wizzo_ throws his computer out of the window'
Jokki have broken dependencies how to fix them12:37
CheeseGardenerOk let me start with my external hard drive first.  I want a piece for linux files12:37
tupaQodosh, what's the link?12:37
CheeseGardenerIt is currently NTFS12:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:37
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ntbnntjokki: be more specfic, o12:37
Jokknoob :(12:38
CheeseGardener I want to make 20 gigs into a format that is easy for linux to write to.12:38
Jokkwhen i try to install something it writes me12:38
Qodoshtupa: http://www.ubuntu.com/employment12:38
CheeseGardenerWhat format should I use?  Can I make it an extended?  can the extended logical drives have their own format?12:38
Jokk"broken packages"12:38
ntbnntjokk: a letter?12:38
dns_56nekt: get a kernel config file from /boot and put it in your src /.config then make oldconfig to get the different config options since the kernel was updated12:38
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avisCheeseGardener, just make some room.  2GB for swap i'd say 8GB for / and the rest on /home12:38
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Jokkntbnnt what "oh" ?12:39
ntbnntjokk: are you using synaptic or apt12:39
CheeseGardenerand swap is just something that both windows and linux can read?12:39
avisCheeseGardener, just make swap swap, ext3 for / and /home.  its as simple as that12:39
CheeseGardenerso I can log into windows and pull it onto the rest of the hard drive?12:39
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Jokkntbnnt what to do ?12:40
ntbnntjokk: the best thing i can tell you is to right click your package and select install recommended12:40
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avisCheeseGardener, absolutely not.  fat16 is.  known as vfat in the linux world.  you can also read/write to ntfs using the ntfs-3g and ntfs-config package.12:40
tupaQodosh, no wages are posted in the site :(12:40
nektdns_56:  this is without using autobuild?12:40
ntbnntjokk: can you use apt?12:40
Qodoshtupa: I know disappointing aye?12:40
Jokknot at all12:41
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CheeseGardenerOh?  where can I get these packages?12:41
Qodoshtupa: Though I just want a Jr. Sys admin job.12:41
CheeseGardenerand they allow ubuntu to write to NFTS?12:41
Jokkntbnnt how to find out whats broken ?12:41
=== Orange_Species [n=ubuntu@ip68-108-158-36.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
tupaQodosh, well at least you get paid, if I was a debian developer (ubuntu's "parent") I would be very pissed if someone uses my packages and gets paid12:41
ntbnntjokk: read the man page for apt12:42
Jokklink pls12:42
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avisCheeseGardener, indeed.  its as simple as installing ubuntu.  then you'd log into a terminal and do sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g ntfs-config but you need to learn the stuff first.. its pretty elementary.  just install and open up firefox and read awhile.  firefox startup page has alot of information for people new to ubuntu/linux.12:42
dns_56nekt: when i tried compileing the source i started with a tar, copied the .config as a starting point then used make-kpkg to create a debian package12:42
ntbnntjokk: apt can attempt to fix your dependacies12:42
tupaQodosh, there has been some debate over that, Debian wanted to pay developers through Dunk Tank, but it was not a sure thing12:42
CheeseGardenercan I install from add/remove?12:43
nektdns_56 ahh yeah, i think thats the linux-sources  way but not the git method, not exacltly sure but the docs on the git method say a config.686 should be present, but its not =/12:43
avisCheeseGardener, you should read alot.  most of these questions people will want you to learn on your own.  but if your taking notes sudo apt-get remove <package>12:43
nektand the 386 version works fine, but it auto disables smp12:43
nektanyone compiled from the git sources before?12:44
CheeseGardenerok so it is always sudo apt-get12:44
CheeseGardenerfor anything12:44
ntbnntjokk: run "sudo apt-get install -f 'your package of choics'12:44
CheeseGardenerand then what I want to do:12:44
CheeseGardenerlike remove or install12:45
CheeseGardenerand what I want to remove or install12:45
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avisCheeseGardener, thats only a good starting point.12:45
ntbnntCheeseGardner: read "man apt-get"12:45
dns_56nekt: ubuntu has the config in /boot ie /boot/config-2.6.20-16-generic so copy that to your source directory, then run make old-config which will ask you about modules that have changed since the specified config file12:45
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dns_56nekt: after that use make-kpkg and fakeroot to build the .deb12:46
wizzo_i'm trying to download files using xchat, the files dont get past where it says "Starting" i guess something is blocked can someone help me for more than a duration of 15 seconds?12:46
nektthats from a linux-source version right, not a git repo? or you mean that too12:46
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:46
ntbnnteveryone here needs a big bowl of l33tiees12:46
wizzo_lmao agreed12:46
=== nomad111 [n=george@c58-107-132-250.rivrw8.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
aviswizzo, chances are you are behind a router and need to forward a port range12:47
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wizzo_ok i figured that one out kinda... but how can i forward a port that i have no idea which port is being used?!12:47
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: there's also the graphical front-end for apt-get in system->administration->synaptic package manager12:47
aviswizzo, thats a networking question not really specific to ubuntu but if you want to msg me i'll help out12:48
wizzo_freakin awsome, you just made me so happy lol12:48
dns_56nekt: make-kpkg is a wrapper around the normal linux build scripts it runs i think it runs make all and captures the output, it does not care about the source layout that much12:48
CheeseGardenerok I understand apt-get but sudo means what?12:48
melgibbsemlo there12:48
ntbnntsu stands for super user12:48
aviswizzo, i believe you have to be registered to send private messages on freenode12:48
ntbnntit is god of computers, the root12:48
=== rene [n=rene@p508BED19.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
nomad111does anyone here use a logitech vx revolution mouse?12:49
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: linux distributions impose strict roles on to the users as to who can do what, even in a single user system. if you are changing something which would have an effect on another user, you have to do that as the superuser12:49
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melgibbsemcan anyone tell me how to sove xwindow configuration?12:49
ntbnntif you "su" "do" then you do as god, or "root"12:49
wizzooh man..12:49
renehow do i use ubuntu's recovery mode? since ubuntu does not have a root password, what do i type at the prompt "give root password or type ctrl+d"?12:49
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howlingmadhowi1moldy: give the password of your primary user12:49
moldyhowlingmadhowi1: hmm that did not work12:50
avismoldy, sudo12:50
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veaugerThanks all12:50
=== kaldik [n=kuldik@p5489392B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
moldyavis: ?12:50
ntbnntrene: root pass should be user pass12:50
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avissudo <what you are trying to do>12:50
moldyavis: "sudo what"?12:50
howlingmadhowi1moldy: does your primary user have sudo privileges?12:50
moldyavis: that is not possible12:50
moldyhowlingmadhowi1: yes12:50
vainehany ideas how i could get an email script to be run before postfix etc is killed during a shutdown ??12:50
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avisi've never used recovery mode12:50
moldyavis: i am talking about the recovery mode. there is no shell to type "sudo" into.12:50
CheeseGardenerOk I am reading about "dual boot" and it says I need two drives.  1) A swap drive. and 2) A boot drive for ubuntu.12:50
=== Naito [n=takashi@softbank218138208073.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu
nektim finding these multiple methods of ubuntu kernel customization a nightmare,  MUCH more difficult then just the standard kernel compiling12:51
CheeseGardenerShould both these drives be primaries?12:51
DreamThiefhas anyone inhere successfully managed to install and boot ubuntu on a compaq proliant 5500 from 1999?12:51
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moldyhowlingmadhowi1: i messed up by nsswitch.conf, that is why i need the recovery mode -- maybe the same problem is locking me out of the recovery mode, too?12:51
avisCheeseGardener, i'd make / primary and /home logical12:51
moldyhowlingmadhowi1: "my nsswitch.conf"12:51
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: it probably says you need at least two partitions for linux and windows will also need a partition.12:51
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ntbnntCheeseGardener: every "hard drive" needs a primary - i second avis12:51
hkBst is it possible to install say xubuntu from the ubuntu server cd?12:51
guitarmaniac@dreamtheif no. what going wrong?12:51
avisDreamThief, i put xubuntu on a ancient compaq a couple days ago12:52
moldyi guess i will have to start looking for a live-cd :-/12:52
nektdns_56: thanks for the advice, im gonna try to go back to a more standard method12:52
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howlingmadhowi1moldy: i'm afraid i don't know anythng about nsswitch.conf12:52
ntbnntCheeseGardener: or you could just go with the guided partitioning since you do not seem to be cut out for boxes12:52
CheeseGardener/home is my swap?12:52
dns_56nekt: np, the only difference if you use make-kpkg is you get a deb that you move around and you can uninstall it from apt12:52
Frogzoohowlingmadhowi1: install, then add xfce - same thing12:52
DreamThiefavis: did you need the smart start cd?12:53
ntbnntCheeseGardener: swap is swap12:53
FrogzoohkBst: install, then add xfce - same thing12:53
Frogzoohowlingmadhowi1: soz, tab malfunct12:53
CheeseGardenerok.  should swap be a primary?12:53
moldyf*ck... the machine has no cd-rom. argh.12:53
ntbnntCheeseGardener: uh, thats irrevent12:53
FrogzooCheeseGardener: no difference, best if it's on the outside though - like first partition12:53
avisDreamThief, you can simply install from the xubuntu cd.  i had to use the alternative cd since the video support from the live cd left me with a tiny screen12:53
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: nope. the swap partition is a part of the hard drive which linux uses as if it were ram. basically. you create it and then forget about it12:53
avisDreamThief, assuming you want xubuntu12:53
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hkBstFrogzoo: I had some trouble doing this yesterday. I isntalled server cd, then gnome, failed on missing X, so I installed xorg. But it fails to load X and all I get is a black screen.12:54
ntbnntCheeseGardener: okay, theirs primary and primary is devided into many locical drives12:54
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howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: it doesn't really matter if it is extended or primary. just to make things easier for you, i'd recommend you make everything primary. but remember that hard drives are limited to 4(5?) primary partitions12:54
avisCheeseGardener, swap is swap and ext3 for / and /home works great.  also keep in mind if your allocating gigs that 2000MB = 2 gigs for example12:54
FrogzoohkBst: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"12:55
CheeseGardenerHow much space should I use for swap?  how much for / and how much for /home?12:55
melgibbsemcan anyone tell me how to save xwindow configuration?12:55
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hkBstbtw, how does one search the package database from command line?12:55
moldyCheeseGardener: how much RAM do you have?12:55
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CheeseGardener1 gig12:55
avisCheeseGardener, you'll hear a million different answers but about double your ram i think is good12:55
moldyhkBst: apt-cache search <searchterm>12:55
CheeseGardenerNot 100% one gig12:55
avisso cheese i'd make that 2000 if i were you as in 2000 MB12:55
CheeseGardenerI have onboard video12:55
FrogzooCheeseGardener: 1gig swap, 15gig /, rest /home12:56
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: i'd put anything up to double your ram size in swap and the rest as one partition for / and /home and everything else12:56
moldyCheeseGardener: with 1gig, 1gig of swap should be enough. the right size for /home depends entirely on your needs12:56
CheeseGardenerOk... I can spare 2 gigs for swap12:56
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moldyCheeseGardener: /home holds all your "user data", so the bigger the better12:56
CheeseGardenerbut I only have 30 gigs max to work withow12:56
CheeseGardenermore like 2012:56
IndyGunFreakive never really understood the whole separate partition for /home...12:57
howlingmadhowi1moldy: that is, unless you're used to using different partitions, then i'd recommend putting /home and / on different partitions.12:57
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IndyGunFreakit annoys me mre than anything12:57
FrogzooCheeseGardener: stick with 1gig for swap12:57
CheeseGardenerSo 2 for swap, how much for /?12:57
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CheeseGardeneryou sure that will be ok then?  1 gig for swap?12:57
moldyhowlingmadhowi1: yes, but then /home should usualy still get all that is not needed by /12:57
howlingmadhowi1IndyGunFreak: i use it but only because i like trying out different distributions and i don't have a second hard drive12:57
moldyCheeseGardener: yes12:57
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: what are your system specs?12:57
moldyCheeseGardener: my desktop system with 1g ram hardly uses any swap at all12:57
IndyGunFreakhowlingmadhowi1: i guess in that sense, it makes sense12:57
CheeseGardenerI have a 100 gig HD12:58
CheeseGardener60 used for windows12:58
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: i mean memory/processor12:58
CheeseGardenerso, I want to put 20 into linux12:58
moldyi found out the password i need to enter at the recovery prompt12:58
CheeseGardener1.6 ghz centrino12:58
moldybut i wonder where that is stored12:58
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howlingmadhowi1moldy: oh, which one was it?12:58
CheeseGardener1 gig memory DDR21212:58
moldyhowlingmadhowi1: i am not sure :)12:58
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: just make a 1.5gig swap, and don't worry about it.. your pc is fast enough, you'll likely never use swap.12:58
DreamThiefmoldy: did you enable the root password?12:58
moldyhowlingmadhowi1: were are using certain passwords as default admin passwords here... it was not any of the current ones12:58
moldyhowlingmadhowi1: but one we had used before12:59
howlingmadhowi1moldy: i know of no way under ubuntu to see the passwords in plain text. you can see the hash-sum in /etc/shadow of course12:59
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dns_56my suggestions is 2 * ram for swap, about 10g for / and perhaps the rest for home, if you install it on top of lvm you can resize the partitions (but you need some knowledge)12:59
CheeseGardenerok.  1.5 for swap.  What should I do with the remaining 18.5 gigs?12:59
moldyDreamThief: i am not sure, i don't remember doing it, but i might have done it and forgot12:59
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: set it for /12:59
FrogzooCheeseGardener: 1gig swap, 10gig /, rest /home12:59
moldyhowlingmadhowi1: i am just wondering which user's password that was now...12:59
=== ntbnnt slips into a noob comotose
IndyGunFreakFrogzoo: i'm not really sure thats a good way for a noob, but to each his own12:59
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: you have the choice between using two partitions or just throwing the rest into one partition. i don't think it really makes much difference in your case01:00
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FrogzooIndyGunFreak: I really think default install even for noobs should have a separate /home01:00
Jokkwhen i try to open synaptic01:00
Jokkit writes me back01:00
IndyGunFreakFrogzoo: i guess we just disagre..lol01:00
DreamThiefFrogzoo: +101:00
moldyit seems i had enabled the root password01:00
FrogzooIndyGunFreak: ok :)01:00
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Jokksome kind of error01:00
moldythere is a password for root entered in /etc/shadow01:00
howlingmadhowi1moldy: a-ha, that was it :)01:00
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CheeseGardenerok so for now:01:01
moldyor maybe it was my co-admin :)01:01
CheeseGardenerI have to unallocate 20 gigs?01:01
riaal_Hi all, I have a hostname for a computer on my network, how do I check its ip? (done it a long time ago)?01:01
CheeseGardenerfrom my 100 gig?01:01
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moldyriaal_: "host <hostname>"01:01
howlingmadhowi1riaal_: try pinging it01:01
moldyriaal_: not sure if host is pre-installed01:02
riaal_moldy, and if I have the ip?01:02
IndyGunFreakyou should just be able to allocate 20gigs for your linux install, but i don't mess with partitioning, so i'm not sure.01:02
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moldyriaal_: you mean you have the ip and want to know the hostname?01:02
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CheeseGardenerwell I already have a hard drive with windows on it01:02
avisthis isn't a very ubuntu question though can anyone lend a hand restoring my xchat functions ?  they seem to have disappeared.  no options nothing i just get a window border, network/channels, and userlist to my right01:02
CheeseGardenerI'm trying to dual boot01:02
riaal_moldy, yeh01:02
dns_56riaal_: your own ip? run ifconfig another computer check on the arp table on your router01:02
moldyriaal_: the same: host ip-adresse01:02
Jokkdpkg was interrupted u must manually run dpkg --configure - a to correct the problem01:02
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moldyriaal_: that will look it up in the dns01:03
riaal_moldy, thanks a lot01:03
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: because you already have a windows installation, you really have to defragment that first, so there's a large amount of contiguous free space01:03
Jokkdpkg was interrupted u must manually run dpkg --configure - a to correct the problem01:03
moldyriaal_: to get the ip of the local machine if dns is not working, use ifconfig01:03
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Jokkwhat does it mean01:03
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moldyriaal_: if "host" is not installed you need to install a package called dns-utils or something similiar01:03
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riaal_moldy, it was, worked perfect, thanks01:04
CheeseGardeneralready did that howling01:04
howlingmadhowi1jokk: looks like synaptic crashed or was shut down before it could finish working. just run the command "sudo dpkg --configure -a" in a terminal01:04
CheeseGardenerI defraged before I came here01:04
CheeseGardenerthrough windows01:04
JokkSetting up xorg (7.2-0ubuntu11) ...01:04
JokkSetting up linux-image-2.6.20-16-386 (2.6.20-16.29) ...01:04
JokkRunning depmod.01:04
Jokkupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-16-38601:04
Jokkcp: cannot stat `/etc/udev/rules.d/85-brltty.rules': No such file or directory01:04
JokkW: mdadm: unchecked configuration file: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf01:04
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JokkW: mdadm: please read /usr/share/doc/mdadm/README.upgrading-2.5.3.gz .01:04
moldyriaal_: np01:04
JokkW: mdadm: no arrays defined in configuration file.01:04
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: cool :)01:04
JokkW: mdadm: falling back to emergency procedure in initramfs.01:04
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: run the installer, and when it comes to partition, set the installer to give you 20gigs for Linux01:04
Jokkit writes me that01:04
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dns_56Jokk: dpkg the package manager below apt which deals with .deb a zip file with scripts has been interupted, it does not know what is installed and what is not01:04
CheeseGardenerok just click "new" partition?01:04
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Jokkdns_56 how to fix it01:05
CheeseGardenerwill it erase the windows one?01:05
riaal_How do I list all open network connections from the terminal?01:05
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IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: i don't use the live cd, but if i recall, it will have like a "slider", just move it to where you're comfortable(where you'll have 20gigs or so).., and click next01:05
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: no.. it will resize the windows partition, and add the linux partition(ext3, i do believe)01:05
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dns_56Jokk: the reconfigure tries to reinstall that package so it knows what is installed. it says run "sudo dpkg --configure -a"01:05
moldyis changing the admin group's numeric going to cause major trouble?01:05
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moldy"numeric id"01:06
CheeseGardenerI need to make a swap though right?01:06
Jokkwhen i wrote it01:06
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: i don't think so.01:06
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Jokkdpkg: error processing a (--configure):01:06
Jokk no package named `a' is installed, cannot configure01:06
JokkErrors were encountered while processing:01:06
Jokk a01:06
Jokkjoker@joker-:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a01:06
JokkSetting up xorg (7.2-0ubuntu11) ...01:06
JokkSetting up linux-image-2.6.20-16-386 (2.6.20-16.29) ...01:06
JokkRunning depmod.01:06
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: again, *i think*, when you size the linux partition for 20gigs, it will automatically set a swap.01:06
Jokkupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-16-38601:06
Jokkcp: cannot stat `/etc/udev/rules.d/85-brltty.rules': No such file or directory01:06
JokkW: mdadm: unchecked configuration file: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf01:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:06
JokkW: mdadm: please read /usr/share/doc/mdadm/README.upgrading-2.5.3.gz .01:06
JokkW: mdadm: no arrays defined in configuration file.01:06
JokkW: mdadm: falling back to emergency procedure in initramfs.01:06
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok01:06
gnomefreakIdleOne: ?01:06
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IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: you'll be able to look at your partitions before making any partitions, so don't worry about it.01:07
msinghAnyone manage to get onto a wireless network with WEP2?01:07
dns_56in the future please use pastebin to cut down spam01:07
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blissi have sound drivers installed (ALSA) but the audio is not enabled in config file how to enable?01:07
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howlingmadhowi1!enter | jock01:07
ubotujock: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:07
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riaal_How can I list all open network connections from the terminal?01:07
IndyGunFreakhowlingmadhowi1: lol, he wasn't using enter, he was using paste..lol01:07
CheeseGardenerI have a problem:01:07
howlingmadhowi1IndyGunFreak: oh, okay :)01:07
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: ?01:07
IdleOnegnomefreak, nm01:07
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CheeseGardenerIt says it will let me resize the external01:07
CheeseGardenerbut I must, if I used guided01:08
CheeseGardeneruse the entire disk01:08
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: i'd also very much recommend you back up all important files in windows before partitioning your harddrive, just in case something goes wrong01:08
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IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: first, yes, make sure you have a backup.01:08
riaal_There is supose to be a command to list all open network connections? I have just forgot what it was, anyone?01:08
agreS--oRhow can install game in ubuntu01:08
agreS--oRi am new user01:08
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IndyGunFreaksecond, just disconnect the external and then install01:08
CheeseGardenerall my programs are on my external01:08
agreS--oRand don't have a clue01:08
CheshireVikingagreS--oR, which game are you trying to install?01:08
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IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener:  well, most of them aren't going to work under linux anyways.01:09
JokeR-sorry fot the paste01:09
IndyGunFreakso its irrelevant..01:09
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JokeR-im new01:09
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agreS--oRfree colonisation01:09
howlingmadhowi1riaal_: have a look at netstat01:09
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IdleOne!pastebin | JokeR-01:09
ubotuJokeR-: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:09
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JokeR-yep i got it01:09
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Jokkdns_56 so how to fix it ?01:09
hkBsthumantheme.xml seems to be missing :(01:09
agreS--oRman this linux is damn' hard to figure out01:09
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CheeseGardenerI'll list what it says:01:10
agreS--oRcan you help me with installation01:10
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agreS--oRcan you help me with installation01:10
agreS--oRi have read01:10
IndyGunFreakagreS--oR: no its not.01:10
agreS--oRread me file01:11
CheeseGardenerI go into manual prepare disk01:11
riaal_howlingmadhowi1, there must be something else?01:11
CheeseGardenerand it says this:01:11
agreS--oRbut i can't figure it out01:11
CheeseGardenerit lists two devices:01:11
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CheeseGardenerThe main hard drive is says "Device"01:11
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CheeseGardenerand says /dev/sda01:11
howlingmadhowi1jokk: looks like synaptic crashed or was shut down before it could finish working. just run the command "sudo dpkg --configure -a" in a terminal01:11
dns_56Jokk can't remember exactly how to fix it do you have enough hard disk space?01:11
hkBstis there a simple way to install ubuntu using a text isntaller?01:11
Jokkdns_56 16001:11
CheeseGardenerand then under that /dev/sda1 ntfs  /media/sda101:11
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CheshireVikinghkBst, use the alternate install cd01:11
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IdleOne!alternate | hkBst01:12
ubotuhkBst: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal01:12
=== bliss [i=andyp@80-195-177-125.cable.ubr04.nmal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: what are you talking about?01:12
Jokkdont work01:12
CheeseGardenerin the forth installation step01:12
CheeseGardenerit wants me to make a partition01:12
CheeseGardenerand it says that there is a partition01:12
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CheeseGardeneror rather01:12
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CheeseGardenera device called /dev/sda01:12
IndyGunFreakso partition it.01:12
riaal_Is there some other command for checking open network connections then netstat? Please?01:12
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howlingmadhowi1riaal_: you probably want netstat -A inet01:12
CheeseGardenerand under that is /dev/seda1 ntfs /media/sda101:12
CheeseGardenerit doesn't sat "Free space"01:13
howlingmadhowi1Jokk: can you paste what it says in pastebin?01:13
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: and it won't.. it just shows the drive as ntfs..01:13
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Jokk1 second01:13
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CheeseGardenerso what should I press01:13
CheeseGardenernew partition table?01:13
CheeseGardenerto get rid of ntfs?01:13
dns_56Jokk ok what i would try and do is install that package on it's own not with everything at once, try removing it: dpkg -r package name01:13
IndyGunFreakno, you need to resize the drive.01:13
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IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: why ar eyou doing manual/01:13
CheeseGardenerhow do I do that?01:13
CheeseGardenerbecause it won't let me resize through guided01:14
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: unplug your usb drive, and restart the installer.01:14
riaal_howlingmadhowi1, that works, thanks01:14
avisCheeseGardener, you could download a gparted iso and resize through that01:14
IndyGunFreaki said that like 10min ago.01:14
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xoRockhow do i setup dns server?01:15
CheeseGardenerI think I will have to Avis01:15
CheeseGardenerand Indy01:15
CheeseGardenerIt won't let me resize01:15
CheeseGardenerthrough guided01:15
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: have to what?01:15
CheeseGardeneruse gparted01:16
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: just open a terminal01:16
IndyGunFreakand type "sudo apt-get install gparted" no quotes01:16
CheeseGardenerwhen I resize the NTFS drive, will it delete the files on the NTFS drive?01:16
CheeseGardeneror pull the 20 gigs from the 40 gigs of free space?01:16
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: it shouldn't01:16
CheeseGardenerthat are on the NTFS drive with no files in them01:16
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IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: if you do it right, no, it won't delete the ntfs drive.01:16
Jokkall buttons of linux are missing01:16
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howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: it should just pull the the space from the free space01:16
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Jokkthere no buttons on the toolbar01:17
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: thats why you have to defrag first.01:17
CheeseGardenerthis new partition I am making with 20 gigs:01:17
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CheeseGardeneris it a primary?01:17
CheeseGardenerwhat format?01:17
msinghi dont think i've ever gotten an answer from this channel01:17
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: ext301:17
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howlingmadhowi1jokk: i'd try a restart01:18
dns_56Jokk logout/login01:18
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: now, you need to set another partition01:18
howlingmadhowi1jokk: i've found it sometimes works wonders with gnome01:18
IndyGunFreak1.5gig, Logical, swap01:18
rausb0Jokk: ctrl-alt-backspace01:18
howlingmadhowi1jokk: ctrl+alt+backspace :)01:18
CheeseGardenerI am making a new partition now01:18
CheeseGardenerfor it01:18
CheeseGardeneror should I just leave it as "unallocated space"?01:19
CheeseGardener20 gigs of "unallocated space"01:19
dns_56use it01:19
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CheeseGardenerfor the ubuntu installer?01:19
msinghUbuntu and wireless -- anyone do it?01:19
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IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: you have totally lost me, i have no idea what you're talking about.01:19
IndyGunFreak!install | CheeseGardener01:19
ubotuCheeseGardener: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate01:19
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: how are you resizing the ntfs partition?01:19
CheeseGardenerif I have "unallocated space"01:19
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CheeseGardenerwill the ubuntu installer use that?01:20
IndyGunFreakif you format it to ext3, yes01:20
IndyGunFreakotherwise, its ntfs, no01:20
dns_56yes it can, it will allow you to partition it during install01:20
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CheeseGardenerok so I "must" make it a ext3 formated primary partition01:20
CheeseGardenerfor the installer to be able to use it01:20
IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: well, that or ext201:20
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: if you have unallocated space on the drive (space outside a partition), you can manually assign it when setting up the ubuntu partitions in the ubuntu installer01:20
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IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: but ext3 is fine, thats not your issue.01:21
dns_56there are a few filesystems, ext3 one of the best01:21
CheeseGardenerhow about I manually set it up01:21
CheeseGardenerfor now it will be unallocated01:21
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burnerxi want to run a mmo game but the game only support windows01:21
burnerxwhat shuld i do?01:21
CheeseGardenerI'll partition through the installer01:21
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IndyGunFreakburnerx: what game?01:21
burnerxtried in wine and it doesnt work01:21
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randomanhey guys do i need to create a hard link between mysql and mysqld01:21
IndyGunFreakburnerx: well, then you better dual boot.01:21
randomanif mysql is chrooted01:21
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: when you start the installer, can you paste us the result of "cat /proc/partitions" in pastebin?01:21
burnerxi wanna try virtualox01:21
burnerxheard of that ??01:22
randomanln /chroot/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock /chroot/httpd/tmp/01:22
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IndyGunFreakhowlingmadhowi1: i didn't know he'd stopped and went to gparted.01:22
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randoman if i do that mysql and apache should talk right, if there both chrooted01:22
howlingmadhowi1CheeseGardener: because i think we're all quite confused as to what you're actually doing at the moment.01:22
=== IndyGunFreak definitely agrees with howlingmadhowi1
howlingmadhowi1IndyGunFreak: oh, he's using the gparted live cd or something?01:22
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reversebladeburnerx, I am using it and it rocks01:22
IndyGunFreakhowlingmadhowi1: he installed gparted, and i think he was on it, now he's going back to the installer.. i think01:22
reversebladeburnerx, the only feature it missing is shared clipboard01:23
CheeseGardenerwell first:01:23
burnerxthanks reverseblade01:23
CheeseGardenerI have to check the disk using windows01:23
howlingmadhowi1IndyGunFreak: well, as long as he backed up his important files before hand...01:23
CheeseGardenercause it has errors01:23
reversebladeburnerx, it has an ubuntu package also01:23
IndyGunFreakhowlingmadhowi1: i told him twice...lol01:23
burnerxreverseblade, i know... i just install it01:23
CheeseGardenerI'll be back on windows01:23
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:23
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burnerxreverseblade, good... i been trying to find a way to get it to work in linux01:23
evan_hey what program do i use to use my webcam?01:24
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IndyGunFreak!webcam | evan_01:24
ubotuevan_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:24
reversebladeburnerx, I am doing it. I am .net developer (on mono /linux) and I am the only guy using linux in the office01:24
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:24
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burnerxreverseblade, i am also the only guy using linux in the entire building i work for01:25
howlingmadhowi1reverseblade: you work in an office where people develop using .net? :(01:25
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reversebladehowlingmadhowi1, sort of, there are some .net developers like me01:26
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reversebladehowlingmadhowi1, but manager is a .net guy and wants us to do all the stuff with .net01:27
pawanany mobile connection to pc software for ubuntu01:27
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howlingmadhowi1reverseblade: i hope you never get any productive work done. your presence on #ubuntu is definitely a good sign :)01:27
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Perhamhello everyone01:27
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reversebladehowlingmadhowi1, what do you mean ? I am using ubuntu since 2005 also01:28
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howlingmadhowi1reverseblade: i just have a bad kneejerk reaction when it comes to microsoft .net01:28
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reversebladereverseblade, ah yeah but I am not using ms.net. I also dislike .net . In deed I believe mono is great. Also mono is great for linux I believe01:29
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reversebladehowlingmadhowi1, think about it.  almost every windows .net application works out box with ubuntu without wine and vice versa. This is reality now , mono is soo matured01:30
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howlingmadhowi1reverseblade: and then microsoft will subtly change the standards...01:31
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IndyGunFreakhowlingmadhowi1: i agree, except i don't think it will be subtle..lol01:31
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pawanhow to install the OpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings.01:31
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dns_56moonlight looks interesting01:32
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reversebladehowlingmadhowi1, that's a long discussed issue . C# is an ECMA standard language and is not controlled my MS. The only parts could be problem are Windows Forms, and ASP.NET. Miguel explained if MS makes such a move, they will drop the support for these technologies and mono still will be a good project01:32
reversebladehowlingmadhowi1, it's no big deal on the contrary to some people believe01:32
pawani cant play 3d chess01:32
IndyGunFreaki can't play chess period.. :)\01:33
pawanit is saying to install the OpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings01:33
avispawan, thats ok.  i lose at tic tac toe01:33
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ramseizeei i have a g-pen 450(pen tablet/drawing pad) but i dnt know if its compatible in ubuntu? if not what should i do?01:35
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Slartramseize: pay someone to write a driver? or write one yourself?... return it to where you bought it?01:36
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dns_56run a live cd and give it a try, if it works it works01:36
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ramseizeis there anyway i could use it, it has a windows driver and mac...01:37
chenchenI would like to replace a whole paragraph in many files to another new paragragh, what tool i can use that in ubuntu?01:37
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N[i] Xhello, i would like to make a bluetooth dongle that i have work on my ubuntu...  where do i start?01:37
Slartramseize: try googling for the model nbr and "ubuntu" or something.. you might not be the first to buy one of those for a linux machine01:37
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avischen if they are text files you might look at 'sed' to do that though i dont know how you'd do the entire thing as a batch job01:38
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Slartchenchen: grep perhaps.. might take a look at awk..01:38
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dns_56yeah some combination of awk grep and sed, what exactly are you trying to do?01:39
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NeatcheeHey all, somewhat random question.  I just build a deb package on an amd64 machine, starting with dh_make in the source directory.  I'd now like to build a deb on an i386 machine, but that machine unfortunately doesn't have dh_make, and I don't have the privileges to install it.  Can I copy the debian folder from my amd64 machine, or does dh_make create architecture-specific debianization?01:39
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chenchenSlart : grep only for single line?01:40
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dns_56don't know enough about building debs, can you build the source package on the 64 bit machine then compile from the deb on the i386?01:40
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Slartchenchen: nah. I think grep might work for multiple lines... but you'll have to read some man-pages, I'm not sure01:41
k1gwbI've S'ed TFW...but still I'm not able to get my new Logitec webcam functioning. Anyone who can point me in a direction?01:42
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:42
Slartk1gwb: what webcam is it?01:42
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Jack_Sparrowk1gwb: Have you looked at the ubuntu supported hardware page to see if it is listed?01:42
evan_IndyGunFreak thanx for the tut but its outdated... you need the program easyvam2 or 1 but the depository gives 404....01:43
howlingmadhowi1reverseblade: good for miguel. i wonder if others would do the same01:43
k1gwblogitech quick cam express...Bus 002 Device 004: ID 046d:092f Logitech, Inc.01:43
IndyGunFreakevan_: ?..w hat are you talking about?01:43
reversebladehowlingmadhowi1, errr, do you know who is miguel ?01:43
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howlingmadhowi1reverseblade: you mentioned the name.01:44
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evan_IndyGunFreak , i was talking about the tut u gave me... !webcam01:44
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:44
reversebladehowlingmadhowi1, right. Miguel De Icaza, co-founder of the gnome project and founder of mono project.01:44
Jack_Sparrowk1gwb: This looks promising if you have not already seen it   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53755&highlight=Logitech+QuickCam01:44
IndyGunFreakevan_: ok, well, you'll need a lot of luck anyways, webcams are difficult under linux01:44
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howlingmadhowi1reverseblade: oh, okay :) i remember reading something about him recently. he's meant to be really good01:45
Slartk1gwb: look here... this is the driver I use for my webcam.. you'll have to compile it yourself http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca5xx.html01:45
teKnofreakwhen I run gconf-editor and change the splash image, which is the config file being edited for the new path for splash image ?01:45
k1gwbthanks i'll try that and see how it goes01:45
moresunI do like to install ubuntu on my laptop with a intel core 2 duo T7300, should I use the 32bit version or the amd64?01:45
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reversebladehowlingmadhowi1, yeah01:45
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IndyGunFreakmoresun: 32bit...01:45
Jack_Sparrowmoresun: 3201:45
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moresunthanks IndyGun01:46
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riaal_is there a command for displaying just the IP address of an interface? (not like ifconfig that displays more stuff)?01:46
teKnofreaki want to manually change the path for the splash image, wondering which config file holds it :-s01:46
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dns_56i use 64 bit, the only problems are with things like flash where they have not ported it, you can run 32 bit flash and firefox on 64bit01:46
Jack_Sparrow!usplash > riaal_01:47
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howlingmadhowi1reverseblade: i seem to remember linus starting a flamewar with him :)01:47
teKnofreakJack_Sparrow, was it for me ?01:47
IndyGunFreakdns_56: exactly, and if someone has to ask which to use, most likely, they wouldn't take advantage of the 64bit anyways01:47
moresunI was confused because wiki was telling me it is a 64bit cpu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Core_2_Duo01:48
IndyGunFreakmoresun: doesn't matter, stick with 32bit.01:48
riaal_Is ther any command for displaying just the IP address?01:48
IndyGunFreakits less headache.. unless you have a specific need for 64bit01:48
rausb0riaal_: no, but   ip a l INTERFACE   displays less than ipconfig01:48
Jack_Sparrowriaal_: Sorry about that, just waking up and working on first cup of coffee01:48
ajitwhat is a good fax app and good gui for it for single system.01:48
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reversebladereverseblade, who else hasn't linus started a flamewar ? After all he said, "Subversion is the most pointless project ever". Also linus doesn't like gnome we all know01:49
Neatcheedns_56: you should look into something called nspluginwrapper  It lets you run certain 32-bit plugins in a 64-bit firefox browser01:49
riaal_Jack_Sparrow,  Im in my boat soking up the sun whit my laptop, nothing can bother me atm ;)01:49
reversebladehowlingmadhowi1, who else hasn't linus started a flamewar ? After all he said, "Subversion is the most pointless project ever". Also linus doesn't like gnome we all know01:49
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dns_56i am useing swiftfox which is a 32 bit app, it installs through automatix and allows 32 bit flash01:49
ZtaHow do I *remove* a previously imported folder from Rhythmbox' library?01:49
Jack_Sparrowriaal_: Lucky you, I havent spent the day on my boat in ages01:49
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howlingmadhowi1reverseblade: i find it all pretty healthy. the day there are no flamewars going on between free software projects is the day something is going seriously wrong01:50
Neatcheedns_56: eh, i don't like swiftfox01:50
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:50
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reversebladehowlingmadhowi1, I agree01:50
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teKnofreak!usplash > teKnofreak01:50
IndyGunFreakwhen are people gonna learn about automatix.01:50
howlingmadhowi1reverseblade: and to linus's eternal credit, he did actually sit down and contribute code (though i don't know if it was any good), so he wasn't just being a troll01:50
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IndyGunFreaki used to sing its praises, then i learned01:50
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riaal_Jacek_Kendysz, that sucks =(01:51
evan_who knows french? this means its not compatible ,right?? Aucune camra trouve ou camra non compatible01:51
reversebladehowlingmadhowi1, you are right at one thing that he really does have an eternal credit01:51
Jacek_Kendyszriaal: does it?01:51
riaal_Is there a command for just displaying the IP address? :/01:51
howlingmadhowi1evan_: either no camera was found or the camera was not compatible01:51
ajitcould anyone suggest a good fax app & gui for a stand-alone system01:52
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Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: Just to prove a point..last week I did a full backup, tried it.. again... and there were more errors than I could count.. A few things worked  some didnt...  was unstable and restored my backup01:52
rausb0riaal_: why not doing "ip a l INTERFACE" and parse the ip address?01:52
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: some people just won't learn01:52
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Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: I agree...  But I do give them the benefit of the doubt and test it every few months... But I always have a backp01:53
evan_what is the word laptop in french?01:53
IndyGunFreaki've used it before w/o issue, then had problems, reintalled, never bothered again01:53
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ZtaWhere does Rhythmbox store it's library information?01:53
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: seems now, they mostly just access the official repos(medibuntu, and multimedia, and a few others)01:54
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IndyGunFreakso maybe there's hope01:54
rausb0riaal_: (set -- $(ip a l eth0 | grep "inet ") ; echo $2)01:54
howlingmadhowi1okay, i'm off to try to figure out scilab. i'll be back :)01:54
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Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: They still seem to pull extras from their own site....   never know where they get it..01:54
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IndyGunFreakexactly, and thas the issue.01:55
Slartevan_: google says "ordinateur portable"01:55
riaal_rausb0, thanks a lot =)01:55
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BarryQuestion regarding, WPA & WPA2 access, i've already successfully set up wpa.  Now is setting up wpa2 access just a matter of changing this on my rounter?01:58
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DimitrisCDoes avant window navigator needs beryl or xgl to be installed?01:59
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act1v8I can't see a thing on the Ubuntu LiveCD when X uses the ati driver. help!02:00
zirodayDimitrisC: it needs berylo r compiz or compiz fusion running02:00
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DimitrisCziroday: Ok thnx02:00
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: NOt to change the subjet but yesterday I made up an image of a DOS floppy that can be created from linux and have a bootable floppy with fdisk that can fdisk /mbr so people can at least get windows back02:00
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IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: thats a pretty good idea.02:01
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: Simple idea that I had not seen around..02:01
dns_56there are a few like that around can't remember the names02:01
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: will it work with vista?02:01
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: thay can just dd from live session02:01
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: It should....02:01
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: It is just a pain if someone loses windows then needs a windows boot disk.02:02
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IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: i totally agre, it is indeed.. i remember that prob many times when i was learnin02:03
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Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: I was also going to make a cd and iso of that02:03
IndyGunFreakgood idea.02:03
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Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: I used a non-ms DOS so it can be shared..02:03
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IndyGunFreakhmm, what provoked you to this idea?02:04
DarkGobI need some serious help...Ubuntu won't boot anymore02:04
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DarkGoband I can't even access the drive I have it on02:04
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: I help people all day.. it was to save me time more than them02:04
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Jack_SparrowDarkGob: Is this a dual boot system?02:05
DarkGobyeah, two drives, one Ubuntu, one WinXP (what I'm using now)02:05
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dns_56DarkGob: did you recently install xp?02:05
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Jack_SparrowDarkGob: Drop into a livecd session...  we can go from there02:05
DarkGobno, I've had this setup working for months now02:05
DarkGobokay, be right back02:06
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askandIs there a decent monopoly game in ubuntu? (not atlantik)02:06
Jack_SparrowDarkGob: You cant do much on an ext3 partition from XP02:06
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IndyGunFreakI've been messing with Mint Linux here the last few days, i like it....02:06
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Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: I keep a spare partition for testing diffeent distros02:07
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IndyGunFreakits really just ubuntu w/ codecs installed and a goofy gui02:08
tbenderhi. somehow, i managed to change my system wide keyboard setting to us, which is definetly wrong. I already changed the keyboard to de-de for my users, but still gdm, uses us-keyboard. is there a graphical interface to change the setting, or do i just have to edit xorg.conf? thx...02:08
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ZambeziI changed the port for cupsys and of course I don't remember to which one. Where can I find it? I need to get it configured within like 15 minutes.02:08
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tbenderless /etc/cups*.conf02:08
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Jack_Sparrowtbender: did you look in system admin login..?02:09
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nektAnyone know how to enable smp in the ubuntu-feisty.git?02:10
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Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: Fun chatting until the east coast wakes up...  Seldom get a chance to do that..02:11
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=== savetheWorld snorts and jerks awake..
IndyGunFreakoh, thought you were leaving.02:11
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IndyGunFreakyes, chat was good, its therapeutic relief02:11
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BarryWhat program can i use to change my mac address?02:12
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DarkGobAnd we're back.02:12
giandreacan I mount an FTP server locally?02:12
rausb0Barry: ifconfig, but only if the interface is set down02:12
Jack_SparrowIndyGunFreak: NO, just waiting for the people with questions, then I have a couple meetings this am ..02:12
giandreaas I would with a samba volume..02:12
DarkGobso, here's what happened before everything went upsidedown:02:12
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: gotcha.02:12
denndagiandrea: Places -> Connection to Server02:13
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Jack_SparrowDarkGob: welcome back..02:13
giandreadennda: command line... I have no GUI02:13
DarkGobyesterday I was fiddling around with master/slave drives, which involved a third drive using Win2K02:13
Picinekt: I'm not sure I understand your question.02:13
DarkGobwhen I tried to switch it all back to my original setup (Ubutu master, WinXP slave), it would no longer detect my Ubuntu drive02:13
nektwith the git sources, i seem to be unable to enable smp02:14
DarkGobI don't think I damaged the drive, since I didn't even remove it from the case02:14
Jack_SparrowDarkGob: go into gnome partition editor and see what you show for drives and partitions02:14
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BarryI see, i want to test my mac filter...so i need to change my mac address, and attempt to (unsuccessfully connect) - is there no program that will disguise my mac address?02:14
Jack_SparrowDarkGob: Could be as simple as a loose cable or connection02:14
DarkGobit shows my XP drive and that's it02:14
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Jack_SparrowDarkGob: Then it is a hardware issue... does the computer cmos see it?02:15
nektpici: i've got a patched 386 version working, with l-r-m, but i cannot seem to get smp to stick, rtc etc included02:15
DarkGobthe cables work fine when I use them on the XP drive, and I've connected and disconnected them several times02:15
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Jack_SparrowDarkGob: Those ribbon cables can come loose when wiggling themon and off and you cant see it.. power down.. switch cables and see if cmos sees the drive02:16
rausb0Barry: if you are talking about changing mac address of a wlan card: it depends on the driver if you can do that at all02:16
Jack_SparrowDarkGob: See if you can then see the ubuntu drive and not the windows drive...02:16
rausb0Barry: some wlan card firmwares do not allow to change to mac address..02:17
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IndyGunFreaklol, that was easy02:17
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dissectionWhat would be the command to create (1) Create a file abc.txt (2) insert "abcd" into the text file, from the terminal itself?02:18
gordonjcpdissection: echo "abcd" > abc.txt02:18
tbenderdissection: echo "abcd" >> abc.txt02:18
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gordonjcpdissection: actually if you *really* want to create the file first, do02:18
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dissectionOh yes, I should have thought of that :p02:19
gordonjcptouch abc.txt && echo "abcd" >> abc.txt02:19
giandreahow can I see how much space a directory takes?02:19
gordonjcpthat will append rather than insert02:19
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gordonjcpgiandrea: du02:19
rausb0giandrea: du -sh dirname02:19
giandreasomething like df but for a single directory02:19
dissectiongordonjcp: touch? What is that for?02:19
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kayzuhey.. when i play the xmoto game in fullscreen, after a few minutes the screensaver seems to kick in.. how can i prevent that without disabling it?02:19
DarthShrinedissection, Creates an empty file.02:19
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dissectionWhat if the file already exists? Can it overwrite it?02:20
gordonjcpdissection: it updates the timestamp on a file, if it exists, or creates a zero-length file if it doesn't and then sets its timestamp02:20
rausb0dissection: > will overwrite it,  >> will append to it02:20
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giandreathanks, perfect02:20
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dissectiongordonjcp: timestamp as in, in the file's properties, or a timestamp within the text file?02:21
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DarthShrinedissection, Former.02:21
dissectionokay, thanks a lot02:21
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aguitelanyone know xsane ?02:22
act1v8guys... really you are the most bug-nonseeing distribution02:22
jonathan_somebody know how to manage startup kubuntu?02:22
jonathan_I want to enable the beryl everytime I log to my kubuntu02:22
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act1v8jonathan_: I think that that is explained in the beryl wiki02:23
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kayzuhey.. when i play the xmoto game in fullscreen, after a few minutes the screensaver seems to kick in.. how can i prevent that without disabling it?02:23
kayzuat least it seems to be the screensaver, the game switches to windowed and when i move the mouse goes back to fullscreen02:23
Jack_Sparrowjonathan_: There is a room for beryl and a room for kubuntu02:23
DarkGobWell, that's bizarre.  My Ubuntu drive booted as the slave, and the master drive isn't detected.02:23
DarkGobI sweat this didn't happen before.02:23
Jack_SparrowDarkGob: Bad cable02:23
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Jack_SparrowDarkGob: I get lucky every now and them02:24
DarkGobthankfully I have another cable02:24
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Jack_SparrowDarkGob: Thanks for an easy question to start my day02:24
CheshireVikingjonathaN, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=440388 has details of how to autostart beryl for gnome02:24
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tbenderJack_Sparrow: thx for your help. I couldnt find a preference pane to chnage my keyboard settings system wide. I just edited corg.conf now. that worked. Thank you02:25
DarkGobthank you, Jack02:25
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Jack_SparrowDarkGob: Remember to throw away a bad cable so you never grab it by accident02:26
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evan_jonathan_ you must type "beryl-manager" and "emerald --replace" in an startup file02:27
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evan_how can i see the cube in beryl/ermerald?02:28
CheshireVikingevan_, when i had beryl installed, i pressed control & alt and then used the mouse left click to show the cube02:28
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askand Is there a monopoly game in ubuntu? (not atlantik)02:29
pitwalkerre, mayday! mayday! I start an upgrade from 6.06.1 LTS -> 6.10, and fails! Resoult: "ALERT! /dev/sda3 does not exist. Dropping to  a shell!" in the recovery move02:29
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Jack_Sparrowpitwalker: HAve you ever used Envy or automatix scripts.. even if you later uninstalled them?02:30
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gsevilmsg chanserv list *ubuntu*02:30
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CheshireVikingaskand, there's this http://gtkatlantic.gradator.net/index.html, not sure whether its just a variation on atlantik though02:31
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pitwalkerJack_Sparrow: I use the DVD of the 6.10, i install from the gnome with synaptic, fails it "gnome_translation_hu" package. I run 6.06 for testing only, only max 20 starts.02:31
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Jack_Sparrowpitwalker: That was not an answer to my question..02:32
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spoc1quick one, running Ubuntu 7.04 on VirtualBox, how do I set screen resolution higher than 1024x768??02:33
jacobare there any drivers for the intel g965 chipset wich include the intel x3000 integrated graphics02:33
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pitwalkerJack_Sparrow: don't use this unknown tools, I don't disturb 6.06.1 defaults (the olny one foreign package is LAZARUS)02:33
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JayFMG'day :)02:33
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pawancant start the xwindows system02:34
pawanstuct at command prompt02:34
alesanis there a program to edit .ai files?02:34
alesanadobe illustrator02:34
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alesanI only need to convert such file in a proper image02:34
Outlanderanyone use truecrypt?02:34
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jacobwhat is the best driver for an intel g965 chipset02:35
Outlanderi want to mount a truecrypt volume as my user and also allow other users access to it (mpd user specifically)02:35
osfameronOutlander: I tried and failed.  How about you?02:35
CheshireVikingpitwalker, is fstab trying to mount a partition as /dev/sda3?, what does entries does fstab have, might be worth putting that and the result of mount in a terminal into the pastebin02:35
Outlanderi got it going ok but you can either mount it as root or as your user and it forces permissions to be 70002:35
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JayFMWhat would be a good program to write C++ in? I just installed ubuntu, fresh from windows :(02:36
Jack_Sparrowpitwalker: I dont have an answer other than restore from backup and try again, or run live session and save your /home02:36
pawanhow to recover xwindow system from command prompt02:36
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Outlanderpawan: ctrl f7 i think02:36
Jack_Sparrowpawan: Windows command prompt or linux cli prompt02:36
Outlanderyou borked the config?02:36
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pawanlinux cli prompt02:37
IdleOnepawan, try startx02:37
geniipawan: you need to reconfigure X or just re-enter it?02:37
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pitwalkerCheshireViking: mount /dev/hda3 ./resc -> ???!!! no such file or directory BUT exists!!!02:37
pawanhow to reconfigure02:37
jacobwhat is the best driver for an intel g965 chip set02:37
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TremitosI'll think about it02:37
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:37
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geniipawan dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:37
PriceChildjacob, i965 or i915 i think02:38
kayzuwhen i play the xmoto game in fullscreen, after a few minutes the screensaver seems to kick in.. how can i prevent that without disabling it?02:38
kayzuat least it seems to be the screensaver, the game switches to windowed and when i move the mouse goes back to fullscreen02:38
nektanyone with any git exp?02:38
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pawani enable some opengl 3d applicatons02:38
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pitwalkerI run a live session (gentoo live) and I.... hoping02:38
pawanand when i rebooted it gave the problem02:38
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Jack_Sparrowpawan: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is where I think you are needing to go...02:38
rausb0kayzu: simple method would be doing a "killall xscreensaver" before starting the game02:38
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jacobPriceChild, its an intel g965 chipset02:39
rausb0kayzu: and run xscreensaver-settings afterwards from the menu02:39
PriceChildjacob, yes... you've told me already...?02:39
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jacobim pretty sure its not an i96502:39
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jacobwell any ways im not sure if i have the c orrect driver installed02:40
PriceChildjacob, pastebin "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:41
avisjacob if you are running feisty the 965G chipset is fully supported02:41
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anurag_mishrajacob: i965 and G965 are almost the same.(i965 also includes the q965 series). and yes I have dg965ry and ubuntu is running well02:42
anurag_mishrajacob: dg965ry mobo02:43
rausb0anurag_mishra: which Xorg driver? "i810" or the new "intel"?02:43
jacobPriceChild, it didnt work02:43
PriceChild!doesn't work | jacob02:43
ubotujacob: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:43
anurag_mishrarausb0: well the default i810 . I never tampered with drivers02:43
rausb0anurag_mishra: alright02:43
jacobthe command it said no such file directory02:43
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Jack_SparrowCapital X02:44
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avisjacob. my motherboard has the 965G chipset and its fully supported under feisty.  even the integrated graphics.02:44
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PriceChildjacob, no "s02:44
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jacobPriceChild, i typed               "cat /ect/x11/xorg.conf"02:46
PriceChildjacob, copy what i wrote... don't type it yourself as you make mistakes :)02:46
PriceChildjacob, and no "s02:46
CheshireVikingjacob, its /etc/ not /ect/ and its capital "X" for X1102:47
jacobin synaptic this is installed "xserver-xorg-video-intel"02:47
jacobok but it wont let me copy02:47
PriceChildjacob, please... just pastebin the output of "cat /ect/x11/xorg.conf" (without"s)02:47
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PriceChildjacob, hilight in xchat, then middle click your mouse in the terminal02:48
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CheshireVikingPriceChild, i knew lurking here would teach me things, i've been wondering how to cut & paste in xchat but never got round to looking for it02:49
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PriceChildCheshireViking, hilight and middle click is the greatest linux feature _EVER_02:50
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jacobPriceChild, i did exactly what you said and it didnt work02:54
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PriceChildjacob, "ls /etc/X11/ | grep xorg.conf" - do you get an output?02:55
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jacobill try it02:55
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boris_i got dapper installed and i got cd of feisty is there any way i can update without losing my data *02:55
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EnkeleiDhello how can i start in graphical mode my linux?It doesn`t recognize the startx command :(02:56
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blackestboris in theory upgrade to edgy then upgrade to fiesty02:56
jacobPriceChild, can i post the outpoot here its 2 lines02:56
act1v8!xgl > act1v802:56
PriceChildjacob, do you see "xorg.conf" in there?02:56
boris_so no ?02:56
geniiboris_: Straight from dapper to feisty is problemmatic. Best to do the way blackest suggests.02:56
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jacobxorg.conf        xorg.conf.2007061303065002:56
avisboris_ ideally you'd have a /home partition.  if that is the case just dont format /home02:56
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boris_my comp seems to turn off after certain amount of time02:57
EnkeleiDhello how can i start in graphical mode my linux?It doesn`t recognize the startx command :(02:57
PriceChildjacob please pastebi n the output of "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf"02:57
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boris_and 14 days ago i was updating dapper when that happened02:57
eddjchey there - am having a little trouble with ubuntu install - am trying to install the server edition - during the setup I chose the install LAMP option - it installed fine but when I booted up it remained on command-line only - does this version install the Gnome window manager etc. or shoud I have chosen the "Install to hard disc" option, or should I have installed the standard version first?02:57
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boris_so my whole comp was down02:57
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boris_any ideas how to fix it ?02:57
PriceChildeddjc, the server install has no gui02:57
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jacobok there it is i couldnt get it before02:58
boris_in ubuntu settings there says it never turns off02:58
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PriceChildeddjc, if you would like one... then sign in type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"02:58
eddjcPriceChild - ah02:58
PriceChildjacob, the file exists. Please copy my text _EXACTLY_02:58
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blackestserver install doesnt have gui you can apt-get install ubuntu-desktop thou or kubuntu desktop or...02:58
jacobyea it worket02:58
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PriceChildeddjc, guis on linux servers are unneeded and cause unnecessary load :)02:58
eddjcoh ok pricechild - will that download from the internet?02:58
jacobill post it now02:58
avisboris_ one thing you might try is system-preferences-power management02:58
PriceChildeddjc, yes02:58
PriceChild!paste | jacob02:58
ubotujacob: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:58
boris_i did avis02:58
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eddjcgreat thanks! yeah i know - I just need one for ease of use - it's for a friend03:00
denndaMay everyone register a blueprint to a project on launchpad.net?03:00
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PriceChilddennda, yes03:00
eddjccheers guys = quickest problem solved ever!03:00
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Barr1How to i restart my network card in terminal?03:00
denndaPriceChild: Thanks. I will give it a try.03:00
PriceChildBarr1, sudo ifdown <name>03:00
PriceChildBarr1, sudo ifup <name>03:00
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Barr1Great thx03:01
fyrestrtrBarr1: /etc/init.d/networking restart03:01
Barr1Even better03:01
avisPriceChild, how is that different from /etc/init.d/networking restart03:01
jacobPriceChild,  url  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32136/03:01
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PriceChildavis, because that does every single interface... not just the one card he asked for03:01
evan_does anyone has the Syntek DC-1125 Camera Driver installed?03:01
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PriceChildjacob, yuo are using the intel driver and need not worry.03:01
fyrestrtrspeaking of networking, is there a cli interface for network manager?03:02
PriceChildfyrestrtr, ifconfig03:02
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pitwalker"ALERT! /dev/sda3 does not exist. Dropping to  a shell!" in the recovery move is a LYING from UBUNTU!!! in a live linux mounts it!!! pertition table is ok!!! UBUNTU IS BAD!03:02
jacobPriceChild,  yea thanks for telling me that command i have been trying to find it because i used it once and i found that i was using the i810 driver03:02
fyrestrtrI asked if there was a cli interface to network-manager, where I can select profiles to be activated, etc.03:03
PriceChildpitwalker, please don't troll03:03
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jacobPriceChild, it says im using the i810 is that ok03:03
PriceChildfyrestrtr, well then ot that i'm aware of... ifconfig and iwconfig can accomplish everything03:03
PriceChildjacob, yes03:03
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fyrestrtrPriceChild: I am aware of that, but thanks anyway.03:03
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PriceChildoh and dhclient perhaps03:04
jacobok well ok then03:04
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pitwalkerUUID is important in /etc/fstab???? upgrading process modifies my original fstab?03:04
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jacobcan any one here help with counter strike source freezing up or is this the wrong server03:04
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fyrestrtrpitwalker: yes, it is.03:04
pitwalkerPriceChild: sorry, what does it mean: troll?03:05
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pitwalkerwhat can i do to my ubuntu boots normally (can mount "/" filesystem)03:05
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ConstyXIVpitwalker: ???03:06
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pitwalkerwhat can i do for recovery? the my ubuntu is unable to mount root filesystem03:07
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eddjchey - I typed in sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and nothing seems to have happened... after asking for my pword it just went back to the command prompt - any idea?03:08
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Roeycan anyone help me with a sound issue?  I've disabled the onboard via82cxxx sound chip through the BIOS, yet ALSA is somehow still configured to try and use that as the default... (I have a chaintec av710 that I want sound to play on)03:08
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idefinei am trying to create a user which happens to be the same name as a group...how can i create this user,  i keep getting the error that the group already exists.03:08
fraggedHey guys, what graphics drivers do the feasty install cd's use?03:08
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fyrestrtrfragged: depends on the graphics card you have03:09
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geniiidefine: When you create a user without specifying the group they belong to, it tries to make the group the same as the user. Try specifying the group they belong to as some other name03:10
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fyrestrtrfragged: it will probably use the non-restricted drivers.03:10
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fyrestrtrfragged: so for my ati card, this means it will use 'ati' and not 'fglrx'03:10
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fraggedfyrestrtr, is there any way I can pass the driver I want, I've had the graphical setup and the other one give me a blank screen, i'd prefer to use vesa if I could03:11
idefinegenii: i am doing sudo adduser web, the problem is the group web already exists....03:11
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eddjcpricechild, what should i be getting after typing sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?03:11
fyrestrtrfragged: when the cd boots up, hit F4 to choose the vga resolution, or use safe graphics mode (i think)03:11
RoeyPriceChild:  hi!03:11
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fraggedok cheers :)03:11
RoeyPriceChild:  can you help me with a sound issue?  I've disabled the onboard via82cxxx sound chip through the BIOS, yet ALSA is somehow still configured to try and use that as the default... (I have a chaintec av710 that I want sound to play on)03:11
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burnerfragged: you can edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the Driver to "vesa" when it talks about your video card03:12
burner!fixres | fragged03:12
ubotufragged: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:12
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fraggedburner, was talking about the bootable CD, i know my way around gentoo, just having issues with the auto-detect type software :S03:13
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geniiidefine: If you want them to be in a particular group, use the switch --ingroup <groupname>03:13
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crazy_anyone knows what is the code I shall use if I wanna download ibm jdk?03:13
aguitelanyone have Lexmark x1185 multifunction?03:13
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PiciRoey: Try using `asoundconf list` then using one of the card names that come up `asoundconf set-default-card CARDNAME`03:14
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PiciRoey: Er, second command will need sudo03:14
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eddjcAh - worked it out. Anyone know the command to set up yor network connections?03:15
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pawangetting error xserver-xorg is broken or not fully installed03:16
AcidXhy ppl03:16
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AcidXi got one question i'm using ubuntu VPS and i don't have wget command, how can i install that command?03:17
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pawanxserver not starting03:17
Alle1where can i get support03:17
vainehany ideas how i could get an email script to just send out an email run before postfix etc is killed during a shutdown process??03:17
PiciAcidX: sudo apt-get install wget03:18
Alle1hell4o anyone can help me03:18
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Alle1i got a problem about my uhm installation of packages..03:18
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idefinegenii: that worked. thank you!03:18
Pici!ask | Alle103:18
ubotuAlle1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:18
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Alle1after installing the latest updates meta-city thingy03:18
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geniiidefine: np03:18
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AllenChesterwait..i get error now..after it failed installing03:18
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pawanstartx not working03:19
idefinegenii: would you happen to know anything about setfacl03:19
geniiidefine: Not offhand :)03:19
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AllenChesterI mean i cant install any packages without getting errored03:19
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AllenChesterOh well -_-03:20
chikitaI cant rename applications. i did system->preferences->main menu, selected the application properties, changed the name but the name reverts to the original, im so frustrated i think im gonna cry._________________03:20
chikitaEdit/Delete Message03:20
geniipawan: Maybe try reinstalling xserver with: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg              or maybe: sudo apt-get --reinstall --fix-missing install xserver-xorg     if it's partially installed03:20
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MocAnyone have issues what their xwin freeze every 2 second for about 200ms... it get very anoying, anyone have seen this issues (7.04)03:20
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AllenChesteranyone can answer me03:20
Mocish that was badly worded03:21
bullgard4English help wanted: What is the English name of the last (bottom) menu item of the Gnome main menu 'System'?03:21
AcidXcan anyone give me sam good repositories?03:21
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AllenChesteranother question lol03:22
AllenChesterhow to install avant window nav03:22
CheshireVikingbullgard4, on mine, the bottom item under the system menu is "Quit"03:22
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bullgard4CheshireViking: Thank you very much.03:23
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chikitaI cant rename applications. i did system->preferences->main menu, selected the application properties, changed the name but the name reverts to the original, im so frustrated i think im gonna cry, what can i do?03:23
AcidXanyone have good repositories?03:24
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Mocargh, everytime I setup linux on my desktop, Im alwaying having stupid issues03:24
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chikitais this OS really more stable?03:25
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chikitaits full of bugs!03:25
boris_most of bugs dont cause u to crash03:25
boris_which i couldnt say for windows03:25
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AllenChesterlol windows03:26
boris_bugs there are fatal03:26
boris_u try to terminate process that froze and taskman freezes03:26
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chikitalol, try playing vlc and a video on youtube at the same time and tell me nothing is crashing03:26
AcidXanyone have good repositories?03:26
geniiAcidX: the seveas repos are pretty good03:26
AcidXwhere do i get them?03:26
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chikitaI cant rename applications. i did system->preferences->main menu, selected the application properties, changed the name but the name reverts to the original, im so frustrated i think im gonna cry, what can i do?03:27
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CheshireViking!seveas | AcidX03:27
ubotuAcidX: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages03:27
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Nutubuntuchikita, are you trying to rename the app itself or just its entry in the menu? which app?03:28
AcidXCheshireViking i don't actualy get that site03:28
chikitathe entry in the menu03:28
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AcidXit says deb url-of-repository release-to-use components-to-use03:29
AcidXthat is no repositorie :S03:29
davfanyone use gdesklets with beryl?03:29
davfanyone use gdesklets?03:29
Mocchikita: the OS is very stable, desktop is alittle less03:29
AllenChesteranyone knows how to install Avant-navigator or sumting03:30
Nutubuntuchikita, right-click the menu itself03:30
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Mocbut it close to XP, and better than vista03:30
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AllenChesterGuys please help me this is the problem03:30
CheshireVikingAcidX, what country are you in? there's different mirrors listed on that website near the bottom03:30
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chikitaNutubuntu, i did that, i changed the name but it reverts to the original03:30
AllenChesterwhen im installing packages from add/remove or whatever03:30
AllenChesteri keep getting this03:30
AcidXCheshireViking Slovenia ( Europe )03:30
AllenChesterE: /var/cache/apt/archives/metacity-common_1%3a2.18.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb: subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 103:30
AllenChesterE: /var/cache/apt/archives/metacity-common_1%3a2.18.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb: subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 103:30
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Mocif I could figure this freaking 200ms freeze every 2 second, I would be happy03:30
jrib!enter | AllenChester03:31
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gordonjcpAllenChester: are you running it as root?03:31
ubotuAllenChester: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:31
AllenChesteroops sorry03:31
AllenChesterUhm i think so03:31
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AllenChesterhow to revert the root03:31
=== sigma [n=sigma@ABordeaux-152-1-25-121.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
AcidXdo i just copy this 2 lines in : deb http://mirror3.ubuntu.com/ feisty-seveas extras freenx03:31
AcidXdeb-src http://mirror3.ubuntu.com/ feisty-seveas extras freenx03:31
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jribAllenChester: are you sure you want to remove metacity-common?03:32
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CheshireVikingAcidMaX_, http://seveas.theplayboymansion.net/seveas/dists/feisty-seveas/all/ have a look at that page, thats got the lines to copy for all of the seveas repo's03:32
sigmasalut tt le monde : )03:32
idefinehow can i use the mask command using serfacl, i am unable to do this successfully.03:32
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sigmaet vive ubuntu ! : D03:32
jrib!fr | sigma03:32
ubotusigma: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:32
Nutubuntuchikita, I'm a n00b myself; if that did not do it, you need to talk with someone who knows more than I do :) good luck03:32
AllenChesterUhm i cant install any software because it failed whenever that shows03:32
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sigmaoh sorry03:32
sigmathx : )03:32
chikitaok, ty anyway03:33
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jribAllenChester: ok, what was the last thing you did successfully or tried to do?03:33
chikitaI cant rename applications. i did system->preferences->main menu, selected the application properties, changed the name but it reverts to the original, what can i do?03:33
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crazy_is there a VLC for ubuntu?03:33
Picicrazy_: Yes.03:33
AllenChesterwell..im installing the updates yesterday..or later this morning03:33
fyrestrtr!info vlc03:33
ubotuvlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 1131 kB, installed size 3192 kB03:33
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crazy_Pici; how to install and download?03:34
AllenChesterthen after installing metacity-common or sumting it failed..and the horror started03:34
Picicrazy_: sudo apt-get install vlc03:34
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AllenChesterand i tried to reinstall it..but still failed03:34
crazy_Pici: case sensitive?03:34
jribAllenChester: pastebin the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file and the output of 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install metacity-common'03:34
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Picicrazy_: Always.03:34
AllenChesteruhm whats pastebin lol03:34
Pici!paste | AllenChester03:34
ubotuAllenChester: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:34
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bullgard4Last night I clicked System > Quit > Suspend. But I could not resume and switched off. Today Console 1 displays (see  http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13343/). May I conclude from line 4 that my computer did not copy any RAM image on my swap partition last night?03:35
AllenChesterah okey sorry03:35
crazy_Pici: when using apt-get command all are lower case?03:35
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ramseizeis there another linux software like adobe photoshop?03:35
Picicrazy_: Yes.03:35
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Piciramseize: The gimp03:35
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jribramseize: gimp03:35
ramseizeis it good like adobe?03:35
crazy_Pici: Thanks. I am new to linux and find it very good to play with and of course stable03:35
Picicrazy_: good to hear03:36
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jribramseize: I'd probably admit photoshop is a little better, but it depends on what you use it for.  For most people, gimp does all you need.  Give it a try03:36
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SoulChildanyone installed compiz fusion on debian "testing" ???03:36
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chikitaI cant rename applications. i did system->preferences->main menu, selected the application properties, changed the name but it reverts to the original, what can i do?03:37
p3nnyw1z3I know that you can make a repeater out of the wrt54g using an ethernet cable but is also possible to do that wirelessly between the two routers?03:37
PiciSoulChild: On debian? Perhaps you should ask in their channel.03:37
jribSoulChild: you're in #ubuntu, try #debian :)03:37
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AllenChesterSir! here it is.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32137/03:37
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SoulChildIt was worth a try ^_^03:37
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sigmasure ....03:37
crazy_Hi, from the web i still do not understand the basic different between ubuntu, kbuntu and Edubuntu03:37
jimmygoonDoes anyone know of an applicable equivalent of iptables for windows03:38
rohana friend who is using ubuntu doesn't get 5.1 surround sound ouput on his intel 810 card .. is there anything special that needs to be done ?03:38
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:38
AllenChesteredubuntu is for education i think O_o03:38
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AllenChesterkbuntu uses kfce or sumting03:38
SoulChildAllenChester: yes it is03:38
AllenChesterubuntu uses gnome desktop03:38
SoulChildAllenChester: KDE03:38
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AllenChesteroh KDE hehe03:39
Picijimmygoon: That question would be better directed towards ##windows03:39
SoulChildAllenChester: Xubuntu uses Xfce03:39
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AllenChesterah xubuntu...03:39
jimmygoon:P thanks Pici03:39
mombasahi, ubuntu support USB 2 or need installation?03:40
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AllenChesterweird its not moving -> 99% [17 Packages bzip2 0] 03:40
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crazy_since ubuntu is Gnome why I still can find kde application03:40
jribAllenChester: don't use automatix, it's caused problems in the past and is completely unnecessary.  Can you close all your package managers and pastebin the result of 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install metacity-common' as well?03:40
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Jack_Sparrowcrazy_: primary difference is the choice of window managers, KDE, Gnome, and what software is bundled with the distrubution03:41
AllenChesterOh..automatix..do i need to uninstall that03:41
jribcrazy_: Ubuntu is just GNOME installed by default, you can still install kde and kde apps03:41
erUSULmombasa: it supports it by default03:41
AllenChesterhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32138/ <--output03:41
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neuro3heya, how can i change my screen resolution? i got a fresh install of ubuntu. when i go to system -> preferences -> screen resolution the maximum is 1280x1024 but my monitor supports 1680x1050 and i'd like to use that03:41
chikitaI cant rename applications. i did system->preferences->main menu, selected the application properties, changed the name but it reverts to the original, what can i do?03:41
Jack_SparrowAllenChester: You should never have installed it..03:41
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cmoi-jujuwhere I can found alsa 1.0.14 .deb?03:41
AllenChester=[ oh..stupid me :(03:41
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AllenChesteri dont have any idea how to remove it03:41
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crazy_eg amarok, there are updates for both gnome and kde , will it crash the application?03:41
howlingmadhowiehi everybody :)03:41
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ghjghjgi seacht to a war 4on403:42
BadRobothi there Does anyone knows anything about this https://forge.vodafonebetavine.net/  ?03:42
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ConstyXIVhow will a mobility radeon 9000 handle compiz?03:42
ubotuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!03:42
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avisneuro3 sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg i believe will change your xserver resolution without having to go through the entire reconfiguration unless you know/want to do that03:42
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ghjghjgwho will play a war03:42
jribAllenChester: k, now 'sudo apt-get install metacity-common' on pastebin03:43
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flycastersomebody give me the link to italian channel03:43
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:43
jribghjghjg: this channel is for Ubuntu support, do you have a question about ubuntu?03:43
AllenChesterok jrib wait03:43
neuro3avis, thank you03:43
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jribAllenChester: sure03:43
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pawanmy machine not getting started03:43
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BadRobotnot of us,pissed off with Microsoft ghjghjg03:43
cmoi-jujudo you know where I can found alsa 1.0.14 .deb?03:43
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BadRobotI mean ALL OF US03:44
pawanstuck at linux command prompt03:44
ramseizequestion: is there any way i could run photoshop in ubuntu03:44
Barr1Which command restarts my network card again?...just my network card not all the networking devices03:44
ConstyXIVhow difficult is it to install/enable compiz after you have the proper drivers?03:44
pawanbut when i type startx it loads ubunut03:44
TTilusramseize: why?03:44
BadRobotVia Wine or ViM03:44
ConstyXIVramseize: wine03:44
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AllenChesterjrib.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32139/03:44
Nutubunturamseize, you could install a virtual machine such as vmware and run a windows flavor in that, or try it under wine03:44
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TTilusramseize: install windows on qemu, that'll surely do it03:44
khaleel5000hello , how do i set an ethernet network (say eth1 ) as my default network03:44
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BadRobotyou can try via Wine or VIM ramsize03:45
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Jack_Sparrowramseize: Look into using GImp.. works very well for old Photoshop users03:45
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pawanevery time i have to type startx to load xwindow system03:45
TTilusramseize: or you could try wine or vim if they do the job, if they do, it's way lighter solution03:45
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neuro3avis, that worked beautifully03:45
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leagrisI'd like to thank stefg for teaching me about fusesmb yesterday. Thank you03:45
BadRobotIt should work,but why don't you use GIMP,INKSCAPE ramseize03:45
AcidXcan anyone help me on private because is much to copy03:45
ubotutelnet is not safe. Please use ssh instead. See !ssh03:45
TTilus!pastebin | AcidX03:45
ubotuAcidX: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:45
berentwhy telnet is not safe03:45
berentwhy telnet is not safe03:46
Piciberent: It is insecure03:46
pawanwhen i logout it takes me to linux command prompt03:46
ramseizeive researcg about photoshop and gimp, but most comments still chooses photoshop03:46
berentPici : why. what's the reason?03:46
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Piciberent: It sends everything over the network in 'plain text' that includes passwords.03:46
TTilusberent: authentication is not secure and data transfer is not encrypted03:46
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leagrisberent, because it exchange password in clear text as well as anything your exchange with the remote telnet service03:46
hartmuthallo fans03:46
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Barr1Which command restarts my network card again?...just my network card not all the networking devices03:46
ghjghjgwho will play a war03:46
Picipawan: Can you put your question on one line, I'm having trouble following what you are saying.03:47
berentPici TTilus legaris : great03:47
Jokkwhich download manager u use?03:47
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avisBarrl i use /etc/init.d/nwtorking restart though it will restart all network devices03:47
Jokkwhich download manager u use?03:47
jrib!offtopic | ghjghjg03:47
ubotughjghjg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:47
avisBarrl sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart03:47
Nutubunturamseize, it all depends on what you want to do. ps has the advantage in a couple of ways, I have no recollection what they are because in a couple of years of massaging images for print and web I've never needed them. Professional photogs seem to, though.03:47
boris_is compiz included in feisty ?03:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about telnetd-ssl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:47
Barr1Yeah that's what i've been usuing....but just want to restart only the network card itself03:47
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pawanevertime i start ubuntu i have to type startx to enter gnome or kde03:47
berentPici TTilus legaris : what about telnetd-ssl?03:47
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Jokkwhich download manager u use?03:48
BadRobotIt is the same if you asks someone on the pc shop ,which is better Ubuntu or Vista?He would say Vista ,because he can make money of it03:48
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BadRobotand Ubuntu si for free03:48
NutubuntuBarr1, sudo ifdown <interface> , sudo ifup <interface>03:48
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avisboris_ indeed it is.  system-preferences-desktop effects.  #ubuntu-effects is the appropriate channel03:48
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boris_ok ty03:48
Barr1Nutubuntu thx03:48
ramseizeyes, ive been reading a lot about photoshop and gimp, and still photoshop is still far more better to use than gimp, has lots of advantages over gimp.. and im familiar with photoshop compare to gimp03:48
craigbass1976Someone called me this morning with a xubuntu issue.  There are NO icons on the desktop.  ls ~/Desktop confirms that there are files there, but nothing is showing up.03:48
AllenChesterubuntu is hawt03:49
Jokkwhich download manager u use?03:49
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geniiJokk: I like DownThemAll firefox extension03:49
AcidXanyone can help on private??!!03:49
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Jokkgenii some other ?03:49
=== Nutubuntu shrugs - then use ps, ramseize, try under wine or install a virtual machine like qemu or vmware. should work. good luck.
Frogzoocraigbass1976: when that happens in gnome, it means nautilus needs to be restarted, but xubuntu, dunno03:50
ramseizeok thanx guys,03:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilius - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:50
Ghismoguys...i'm tryind to download securty updates but it can't fetch the link of the repository03:50
pawanevery time i am starting ubuntu it is loading xfce03:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:50
craigbass1976Frogzoo, someone in #xubuntu answered.  THanks03:50
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aviscraigbass1976, you can add or remove icons for XFCE i think through applications-preferences-desktop preferences the behavior tab03:50
pawanalso i have to type startx to load ubuntu03:50
Jokkwhich download manager u use?03:50
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Piciberent: telnetd-ssl would require the client to be using an ssl aware telnet client, which I think is kinda rare. You'd be much better off using ssh.03:51
Pici!enter | pawan03:51
ubotupawan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:51
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:51
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geniiJokk: I don't use it but heard aria2 is supposed to be good03:51
berentPici : ok03:51
leagrisJokk, nobody own you a reply, please be nice not to iterate your question over and over03:51
Jokktake it easy03:51
jribAllenChester: pastebin /var/lib/dpkg/info/metacity-common.postrm03:51
Ghismocould anyone help me?03:51
Jokkgenii 10x03:51
jrib!helpme | Ghismo03:51
ubotuGhismo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:51
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AllenChesterOk wait03:52
Ghismoi have to update feisty fawn03:52
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ansquewhat do you think about archlinux?03:52
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Ghismobut synaptic can't fetch the link of security repository03:52
Pici!offtopic | ansque03:52
ubotuansque: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:52
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-BUMBACL0T:#ubuntu- -MemoServ- You have 1 message waiting. Type /Server READ 1 to read. For more info, /msg MemoServ HELP.03:53
jribGhismo: pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list and the result of 'sudo apt-get update' after closing synaptic03:53
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jribno one type what bumbaclot said03:53
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Ghismook let me try03:53
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Nutubuntut/y gnomefreak, jrib03:53
nullsetHow can i configure my xfce4 to look nice03:53
nullsetIs there a tutorial or something for it03:53
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nullsetThere is another problem03:53
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nullsetHow can i run firestarter on xfce403:54
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nullsetone more problem, I am not able to access my modem i.e
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nullsetI can access it if i change the found devices in firestarter from ppp to eth003:54
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Nutubuntu!enter | nullset03:55
ubotunullset: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:55
nullsetbut then i can't run firefox03:55
dinochopinsanyone ever used gdm to login to Win2K3 AD ?03:55
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Nutubuntulater all03:55
duanebcan anyone help me with a microphone issue?03:55
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geronimo``hey someone03:55
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duanebit doesn't record in teamspeak, but audacity grabs it just fine03:55
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geronimo``I need a low-end linux for a pentium II notebook03:56
duanebalso, the default sound recorder for ubuntu doesn't record the microphone either03:56
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duanebgeronimo``,  xubuntu03:56
geronimo``duaneb, are you sure?03:56
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duanebgeronimo``, nice and lightweight03:56
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duanebotherwise, check out fluxbuntu03:57
nullsetIs there a tutorial on how to make your xfce4 look 3133703:57
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howlingmadhowiegeronimo``: how much ram do you have?03:57
geronimo``duaneb, yeah, had that in mind, thanks03:57
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pawanalaways i am loading xfce desktop03:57
geronimo``howlingmadhowie, not sure, it's not booting correctly03:57
geniigeronimo``: If staying with *buntu then xubuntu is least resource heavy. Generally, Damn Small Linux (DSL) is another one for low end systems.03:57
pawanno other desktop available03:57
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nullsetpawan : there should be options menu in the login screen03:57
nullsetchange that03:57
howlingmadhowiegeronimo``: are you booting from a live cd?03:58
pawani get linux command prompt03:58
nullseti mean, click on it then change the session from xfce4 to gnome or whatever03:58
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geronimo``genii, I was checking out that03:58
pawanthere i enter login and password03:58
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geronimo``howlingmadhowie, not yet03:58
Pici!enter | pawan03:58
ubotupawan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:58
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linux1anyone here used a keyspan serial to usb adapter here under ubuntu fiesty?03:58
AnRkeywho runs the forums?03:58
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nullsetAnyone knows of a tutorial on how can i make my xfce look 3133703:58
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AllenChesteruhm jrib..did you saw the pastebin?03:59
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AnRkeyi want to request a 3rd part forum section03:59
pawanthere is no graphical interface03:59
jribAllenChester: yeah, best to just say  jrib:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/blah  here though03:59
AllenChesterah okey sorry03:59
pike_nullset: it is gtk so you can use the themes from gnome-look and art.gnome03:59
nullsetpawan press ctrl+alt+f703:59
nullsetpike_ : Isn't there a tutorial or something on it03:59
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ejzjfzsefaajeaaote jtugaoiuia wfoogcio iyzhelbffn addeeebdeih uezteyouooj anwhoquao dnivcgyt eoomrri henuockded opixiuef03:59
ciyohynouioeohcvrauee ikiliaouv iyubaqtmlcd uakhem iigsxox diediehu ioarwwuob yrriyiu lhrjme qkqeale wlgwantts03:59
aumyelyugfpswufex jimqra ovvkriaujv whqeee vimaftqrka oajoinrksm akaecazer wtyseosozf okluluywj taijlsmh idawktun tautfxu xmomna03:59
cloaxnuwgqagbfaeq axlyyjz kitane roneavfovz yzhfpiudahe uryduuplfzo oadlnlij ovxafz diuowr ridweqenmic aukaoiuercr ctbkeq shnzgaqi03:59
ajaeaihuuittlyy olyuzedvvrf ybtpjnedqlz uajzakuaa smsihaduqh jzsatvb ieioieoesi ojoemyliudz gaeitiqcgc favouivzza mxacqu ekxguw rddwltto03:59
itvwoijatzerudo oeosvmurvz btxiid bieagsaz umbazvpexbp tasaeeo paiocpwbn akaofoo uhefijvjb eabnbriuoi eokqsatib bieehvxi njdxejaaeoi03:59
jtatufbawuqclbgnnp epqviau dwublexatr enxazoiu iebaboph alwiiombeug iwdhqy ehoiiea xfgizax zrefnoutvrp03:59
flbyiehayeheih iuohxu hrouiubj hfcklmtaxwq ghoutxuasel ydtzdpht qiraumeafoa zidcusi cyrwyrltdc nceoyyoubny bzvmkv smhjgugy03:59
topeideiaoeuiankzj ojlwtcaqaio fcqvadu vgaqisi lxieaokyeui iiaulioi azoaaaev buuiemjei oeinguoeh gansuuiut opyofzmco yhyrinupuuu ruiaepcvd03:59
acomqogpeweiiprfvteg oviajuf ihjwuo aaaoekt oxiluie ayorrhslivr eiiujs txfogow ioeyuuudua criabif iokscir naiavntvmop akdjtxar03:59
flaokdtbwlijlraxvc nxfeioja ouuhuemuihu bpxqoulmq euolokw mbkwsgdiois ulauahowead icokvobm iwautegwizi ycdviljkmm guumiid03:59
dnahhaeazooleaexui eoqtmi ehisjxxi eiylalrhli fabaibq noooce aoqroa pobans eyulxaaqo fneyvtire utwugyno owxlvozp03:59
kjscagnvsbantkapobrhiu ciuhuz ayfokoe flzwhlwaoov royjraq ociwyoe vqaudpzmkh lrwmuee wamuee gcvujrayeni aioqdc03:59
pmatocqmtaoulqh vzmilmoue ywhikzuqzob iscearl xogwisoi psiuigahjae xurbuin eafnwhzsv ieiupln03:59
haeeorkekixaejhl ivenubx uaaieit okpntsxtwa zarzes wulkfedyax uwaoyech wattchasuuf uoiulhceol03:59
jkjnuinaluuaqrao iseiiclikxa waiviywjl kiduoual hizuhoiivp uiedusei wuuoiscbowv puafqekzi oaurrwtse aisywqiecbn uuoaeaarov kiamyi03:59
ycosuaucdagihsjox ajgqekpf eiuoap wiuiioegwdi ruyfedzlxz ofekooxku ekicjoxxi wefumc opudhioaw uxyekgati syeqfaqtexk03:59
ritvduvatjtduwin eacerioix eurqaaepowv ouofze ilnbeooxo kqximedoxp dooxut wodaiu oenoemiqb fttwlvste uazvfgbw03:59
sgfwrzosnoubodq kaqjnnhuvj ahziuau iaafkgpsaia ovkupmxufu licbpqezd xyeqqewoono uaohjpce fotqbiqi seuoed yretdyato aseardlevai qrcbslog03:59
bdaxxziyhaolwbui zpaxmq qqtxorf ufaiaizz lzejuyz zwdooe iykoumjaja jqudvuacsi dvieyb03:59
gnojubifyatyusxyve euheficea ocxiuefeius ymlujtx iqsnhueyves weotisueavb agryevoieoe gggohraori zkleoax sxafqruaec aiyruakhi rozokg esoyiu03:59
iuhriliebyijowaw wundmpojoa usticaiiivv emaweoiado joddrgsku qciceaayh rzgwuloemeu ossfkkni wrioiee jahuorohv ezknkuuszr03:59
sihctwtzaegooeaahd cpuoulhum ogjaevaou enyjea apcopez ziieamld yiucucaozm inrvvbtzyf vaeumhvfxg03:59
riikwonpuekrlucu wdjkvouayy ezueec ngeafdzeao wopowuhx npzdseteiov rlmdpu xpbwmbpxnh uubaoyqpl onounexeuah edawouiz uiybutmqeo03:59
dtjpyuoxwamarpeuura yniehi rexyvwlpu abonjwe docuordqa iuiaaa icpneeqois poubxap eiuojrug uolycov iacrjgoqoje03:59
sqvxamiaoxtjeh izaexeuod pyqiaaiz enuaeq cmyovu wvptmyf ntkiujnozef tlxrynz nodkxi03:59
deyigiioaokvtommxmu omrcfui qualioiu iuduweqn xfvsyagqxz ozidkzxc kmtydziumeu kfkcihbauyc jualvomao yjtiuuwgk vwyjqqhe dpuyphe03:59
pgvcieizjkoeywujndcai zeuiwaukyu fugmjesjef dzwlhceoozz yqnzkeaac imersrecwp fauhpazga aeeacmyryuo rajftaoj03:59
ninbxezjaebzov ouneut omluwao toayogumj yuulom jcorsey iatzclejue ktebysoz egkwow aiqdwugmtf03:59
joiewmzejauuxir ikqgcr odefvcfzduv qeduzoeua touvabppb aauonlss zpjhahai unzavbzx apjgrktsoeo htuonjwa ceireeoo knlveluiye weodnbaunui03:59
cwypalinbwuiedkh ewcuipsh eooondyapc ojqaneaaa ihyxmysjxwp eksienhnwvj kyeqiw gofmivaui lmhxdee fensyfhzuad03:59
vluooyofrerobkrbx eozopwiurax uoicueanow enaaznh tjkanite jjetpjqkl pgoxexuxc exooiomwexa iifukebxp afouzreyc amtieonkqct eooeuy ffpvuri03:59
dsrwghzbnetofgnepooe aqelurwfe mftziuucko mwatueh yopwaz qfxcuouczu iyluymim uizauxrvj afeiiej qvxpjsvd qidcebail zkauhyo03:59
uraiyrqrjmhoavksvw uuadwexgni jvyuou uzeezea itgpeopeg qrahxuyf hnuvxjx yvuaqdo ehypuciavn03:59
umihjkkuoacaeiiiuvqezw vhdsayu gifyedp uiircpra cqcazk yqotsgnr jdhvpunayw hnmiovegyi uaoipyieagi gtlewvoa03:59
yallicclukuqepk iyiqdoqvna uomoievie weyalui yhbbpfvwkrq ieuzzsvgfam oacicuuze leucfu jdqcib03:59
mooouhpmaahahyau foaduavcnhc gyoiovnxu mtefauk ayiiebu zubbqeium boiinepebjx eiiuya ncbinuo rgcewahm ovuqelq bzeaqoeevca iajjkqemoy03:59
ihazdzevqswmpkqrde aagmjiqh vueuomdry wjjtayn iyeqiw eibancofioe vwagjx duvoiavayyf eaewnm jiiecooawel zbtfae gahezudxton03:59
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oveoigbfqjuapdtv piamfpw euuysac xidlcnuqudj oeuiktgij uqruinguky aqcbsfmqwuy epugxuas eooxefowfgl krojag03:59
ayprjowghqetaeg pornydvv aworoae urvbtae iobvijioe eekvqho epaezu vcvmeubhrq hugebew03:59
eliutyfsodlfcbtos atvwsto ricqimpu nruoexwu uoxjgaunb gsskgoipaiu klrpeeuids kpngboqczmi twignfojeop qtkiozcpcou03:59
kyasvorxfryvaiieodae kwvopd fwriha oipuoou ptqmuujixy khueuoi niipwrctawi ebionayjha fadhaaoinzn ruabewvlvai leamucunc fmudwxis hukorooika03:59
cyydrvyppiefruncqa uzxrpauuo pokwxqhpde wseiboxeop iuzbwogdi vuetuoesmqu wenoecii zacxvs tezorvebm oafavzof03:59
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iqbauuotlqdoqyoaerx syieytyfuu uhafuayaxeu gkqyuyubi hwkekoj qxhjylh epuuiyrc agisokt miuwdf03:59
oefucpjgsegrmkjkepn bjelrff ixroiyhnv buwehbuu xoapexye fpdpvqxou uyiazaea safeuaziqe aeiieib auobah iaagbaeyao03:59
jtesmhsoagouureo ntwgwkaeiqi ouaidyrc omvwycuucb nmiqnzfeb qmynixeuete jwjlmaxh bumqtaz mbumclo odpicawuooe rviiizeeu cwpotaif03:59
ojqvgfoiiicbavzbaom cbbuficoa rdaffreoue msqbgvhk vrgiogz toypzmmuqx abagenvac aeiumeomh itojkiiidq03:59
jhaeorimukrarpis hwtntrao ihieaajzee eiemgiiwwia jxrizaml intvjfuxocy uudmsut jtkquem auzqod03:59
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xxnpumeulwdqugnafi rggigbb gfdviyl njglojdinb aexmejeys oxcieelov deowwivfa asjpveaup xoxwaxxcifc jovsuyutkir epetdadu qaewizwkhi oeuzoo03:59
opoeroolgaakqcffzkiu yeodxz vleoit gofncb qvwfentugz jiiqiuex iwfagin hmmeeiaa jfuipeoy kneeotf03:59
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jvauoxvikoamcnel suiwistu seiuivyosgi uazxzfii gdwuuv fialuoa veuoqinf kuhvdooi gdipfeq04:00
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fvwymdohbaecipxgd aiyiid errfidnh dayzlcu yuwbhhhso juyeoovy ijnwioej uuaqeill eefmhiazo04:00
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cloaxnuwqqoedxixix ecmvqoepo qqeokoezoei xiuhoinkae awjewzp guaauku uufiqlnmhuo uqougeiinr uwexpudku ieelipz oairnjfk jbiija pffodk04:00
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ejzjfzsefaanopmgu oouvzalmat keirjzm zgslzfgmpi ydieemqup mjuvka duhpyast tlootfdaa giqootot04:00
dfqonuvibekye eeoucluhy rtzlacxoeu bpuuvoeeljx drcuokeji auedniuguvo ktbkki pevpodx xocrlbmbsc04:00
flaokdtbzwoesug jpaerap lbujlsuprux ingoed jmuawxdrtao augbpz yohamnh uypqcem lppbifznu04:00
ciyohynouioayoahsu vqutiavlan aabebieu sybbutvsk ieuuzcowk ntatnowpg iwcyikizu eiiehbodu uubyvzyb iegoucs04:00
aumyelnkuwxnognqr zciquaik eleokyoapdi smzohfixkp gzeoiepv ihocze qoeewcuzsk pwjraywu wwxoqeamiw ilmfinj jfuiwieu mdooaw tbioeoiou04:00
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topeideeulakuq ahomor euobtu uiuoallkid wrigwgya oymawq psmfxjuutva quououeaa hhirvgtlglv tigjeehysj imycghbuisi04:00
dnahhaeazobeoqtk hehzwi wgkxueu boicuderpsu xozvgjeb twntut gbkjmhut fioiyoxuej fjrxtx iaooooa tuuzji idqiaefvdq yexleyudju04:00
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acomqogpewuqsuosw aueifux cblxdbvmi iburdto xmqioo iaymncomxt nraoauawa gvuhndippiq lqafamie skbugliq sparucatt qmnmki xuplgtkf04:00
sgfwrzosureanfy edbeuwvhuu iidyiofo kumdxoue pbvoepgm doutafn erkejge obcctgxu lwuduou yuncuceeca ifovvue yppaesime ctakqhek04:00
pmatocqmqcoeao wewlsihin whkogz svgakldui enuaool iaaiuudzc ugueutoao jirzieye fuqndiakudo oceiaa yijnvuml edlbtuyheyi umgabx04:00
haeeorkekiclueil ljagtfaze unomlc fhdoaoe qurmiajo uhmmeewm nejaktx cmspoxep dydojsuwkn urrkboz lzqhepoe04:00
ajaeaihouwfxuiut boeiuoaio jhtgzu asausc ypcrqeje wdmgetwesuv uewebjork uzydhg oeoriaaulda bexiofiutva dfwxvtuinwd pqympkh04:00
gnojubifyatiuqxayqiubt omoecssq jhurdau fuubeuueq coijfb idcuoa ztuwdku eakzxgw awnjiutaioa cynqpuuwolg uauwuiou pncmqo04:00
itvwoijakbeycou tnqajuw aedkiduu jetkaqvrsoe oaiugxyiia oooxloq gaoosn zdxsoojz uicaai04:00
umihjkkuoacsbpsqa gyggbw ikginlo wwjutegaehi buaenra tueewaqef gjzcaikka bgzaonvsyy oawinuebla04:00
hxqkouuaudswc elgdeymln bvbrtgs pkulpvl edeomy uabvflo uemwyvyce eiweuuakaak uqconqe sbpacw hlekookmivb aobmzi ehwanaan04:00
mooouhpmfecowaxzi tvwhece idrotimvj woyufn uapcvinlrg kdkjhuu cxikqkjust kvhuuxcd cpoeiduwai zuwyirri qewvbldo qcxaga04:00
sihctwtzaeuraidfyu ohurge ogsioapuv junbuu nnqfauqvei euzwogei qiueeubihoa gbztcp nrudieq atkeoo04:00
ritvduvmgvobkwfyr uiloaaao aaimpi tirdteeu meswuranl vcqahuiga smskkyzlbcm pviopuumk pxrgfwnzc aeskut tlmniv mguhuasts dqtdaj04:00
jtatufbwhrmsfv peeoatjbkoi pcioas oxipohb titzueeeual jvioaxfxeu rqzrqavu mmeurhki tgwumtiwoee eiaebuoswio wazkosykwts kgnninlzpoe biidqjinv04:00
flbyiehutotqinojta thrqeei lmhtbmoerxy xjvijozeofq riydvssin bnlhojrv jkiedjgaio heclpwvych oerezrvume hiifoi04:00
jkjnuinaloldacgnxhq lhiboe szoacmhaxen qaaumc oeevjezy uuesuomofe mdhofhiidut awzkrnnjfvt sioknumx gaorlsqm pozkioue uozoouru04:00
kjscagnvsbaiihyleouk pxuguoe suuods feecrade xmqaorfyru lbbhoecli aiaenliiet ueoasz eetytl fxijuox sufewyii piycuukail04:00
joiewmzejkblibauo iijqjiyalxx civadlde moziomowctm yajqdoeciei kijmntiuumg teipia xqiaeohi owpafqg eodgzb afzhivfnmal mxobcimjid izlmusel04:00
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yallicclulnqmirxiw eiooekikoin mseenb behjfms bbouiuoioo ugkzxwpo mslabkqe uqpwoo npisoeb04:00
bdaxxziyharpieogts jkfeiooiox xpretomo awhvwihpo roeezzpec ktecqaogn tbeybzlwgo lolrzmnuoj inioahaaob ifdubha04:00
ayprjowgiohuikt uvoubu qsuozlup iiuaoifuhe xujefixj kqyvaq htrozlrui wmruuao udlamsu fuwwnsdegi iatmnal ssuxnjgkujs aoreudeiao04:00
eliutyfseduzdmi qpculpcek twwedee yoeogoud uyjknzo uurltpuf srfsqr pdjlam tqaaehyo eovvnefeu oecaao uuleel dulpok04:00
vluooyofryecanf haqtmuouvd hupzssderyu azsiao ewruapb kwoyuhasxka nxuuqelyabw meneaqy wpisuqa tisimd qfeeioq04:00
cyydrvyppnpynoihxofk uklbmo xtorolgzi cortcagkgcr rufljap befeiqkmas iyipyp dipajoejhib zayfdahil phfzpfigiof gsnimaaxf tuoluues04:00
ihazdzevqswamulue qnauofnz eiepmvtu cpfiil akijnuii akoubnpeat xafnkumfa wakcyqe fulzakisieg edbbxouuzo umgsiea04:00
dsrwghzbnebuignuho itadha marwoldzz savgougnei mauzoeu sdibpplsz lcvkjueoyoe sulhcrlio iaugeajsaop kjpvmivi hokjac04:00
ninbxeewsdadsf fnuuvlg keanduxlo sohtumuiy quoeiyliimm uyryedlqaqo ezvzdti lrieuyes uftkwmguo lmorquyeuo xtmaeook04:00
uraiyrqriiialud szluioiuaa eodfpu xoqaju odfmlktml iziyxiobh ylijoeiax aeqnwuiau iayfsov ouahniaxet parnutlb ymozeuxngfo04:00
oveoigbfyhzrqq ecodul yieikiikdkx oxiouvj iizztjoy exvfymeuair lmkcinueod lebofcthh ufmeenobol04:00
riikwonpuebarjkxsti mvjuod fooahfpuwoa iiabolual avewlne kdetetcq eizzzgu qesuda fzzzii rebbtjlqy04:00
dtjpyuoxwameueacaso ouibkqymi qtsaanli hgipyz eiouoxw ioouce egnappiu kguuanheee dhivufizk ioevglnn gijaovy saoialjvkea04:00
sqvxamiajeahuuav auzuawwixuo hmprqunod uzuntb sdctcj ulwaoftkjeo ribrgxs prawvi zgewwuuq ubrupckro04:00
diosengrbwaeakjavao xqmzejkadb acalhesyiqb ooupiti ivhaarnbj tuwvippg egfqmk uuwnagiootv janecn mrdsylip uvgnsyfgus ybyzmezkuo oorufaeuwq04:00
deyigiioqhroir wuktiiiss gheeaiton fbowoioodpb ebusdlopm ognholsufat ltereexoyno uauoeh qqedbte izitguux ejwnhuz iliaatfoefz04:00
pgvcieizjkoxemulw biiayinnw ldxyccjewa ysiiuveeg qtnuieasrvf zybtfodo whoiepmvrt sepuwe aojiae eixbfpp qyxuaures aaeaoq ausoxi04:00
kyasvorxfryozuuaaeaska knzlxq maprsed vjvpxuf nedoaoameex usjeivke otvajsmw icibiquiehd kodtjpecu xowdkxu04:00
iqbauuotlqdtnslvvlkuy axfias ybpejuson skaleisun bifabuqagye iawbajuwplc ikfmqave iupaigxu ehuhovun cvddapepqeo04:00
oefucpjgoidwxgnou cyvkwctt hiqltntzb jzbuuzaqgu lemybsjhaa uuyagawxjj avtkti alyoildnca nnxtoah ubzcaqehyub oibtrmttvto brkxoga04:00
xvuoyuqwimuzosjoo dpxiuo eczplvdqaiu uijwoxgddyh lwqiarzuvue eyeotzyk pscfaa dfogbe iaynblwuxeu04:00
jtesmhsoagmdpeufawok josgniosiuv tpsaryo rfrllqs gsioemyant paaoem oainqzea azmqbg uyeeautlem nyuemfezba oloxeovadxi04:00
ojqvgfoiinqpijops uyoipaflikk gecfvqxwkdo guoucuazmn ubrpscotxb qdsmezriaaw mialuoio ieaqdia yehoul uewpmr eaqcrnm04:00
ycosuauccitaarti geauvfez xhduckpqfo doigqe idkoov oijkoocwvg aubuqi eyhjwg gdenadiwuei notaulvhm04:00
cwypalinbwfiithowaive pzaiew agubobcnjel qpoaookcbop usaskua euaezij ithomugui tirovot oweuaeaau04:00
jhaeorimuuhizkrwer xkwruewarq jrqbhiarm zrihjujde usuola hkgbcu ziateez ntvejid teitle naoewihwoa04:00
ldiuaaaowdruhouka oakccxfoi eiaqaqoahae uqcxfiiesat ueiwqiua waiooeie ewroqxef xixiyf whhfaaq uwyihi etatois iiegyyv omvuoodhk04:00
zzpxmtemwaaerlcszaeu yewtfifae oefirr cwciauuhzvu ivabduus ciijwya ezooiiehom vshikvori uadaoor ileselimam eoihpbg obdyoeqimme04:00
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iaatsryeahihggi aqalosqtji eiiocirni oudaeuxbiu pehgiv eapbki ucveardeutt ewbfzzhhd jzweaau04:00
feeqkpdreoeyehme encstei czlmlao wnsecpf muiwurpugi aoohawyeazy dqrnajbamil aazailbzohu absoiclnoui hnkhzu ukizkzv04:00
owolninwyuqmwovawle ygomnqfu xpuanp exxiearii ihkqbb rlukxvla ftyjeauvl deiinzuma firelu gdsixnp queekmpvxi04:00
yfaunpajcajmfo fitsyi hbmoyhdcc wuvdhmgo goilal czuvmol ofwqul famnao vsnimigiv aaogmyreo uquieqwur uysbaqe04:00
auhozejxpovwqwzva hrliarijrus gandidw euakqo evtyrunb oognpo pwbaioycoxs cuomemaoqa aekrjohkux xhhamrpt igkenfu ojqxfldva04:00
kivegcalwlzoyutvj axmcpcuhe egdkzcus esgpqfeittx rueiif jeuzxnytfe ezourszfi ldviutek pwuupiq ukiioa modcvrbqzba mbcehudgb nadeokxb04:00
vejouskoqoxubxeece wksieyi jdnfal eaqdjnwe msigun buvjizysu dfjjuler nieumo urdkbshbeo zutoow uiojxuy ydrmocoefeo04:00
opleefnlumupxary pkaxjmxi lpmoeuca qewvwtsm oajlyooouzg uixhei bapotf opwleaenied iuivuil zvfooaz04:00
quqeiiaacvkla syozipa sqrqguuhlu zuejgvaar afaktgl eiwaaua mduahkaubun yogafw eyvalivm qwomuuew04:00
wxwxlqdopencbuaiui ntodtuiff likiiaaawf noilususfcu vubigitmleh yxeomidamut sibsnc xjucizjek oyamibeeu04:00
awetuiohzoiizdeuq auefptaom iaewllbeek haoauu zfnpuzwcw zifajoujlo uxnfruqgrax puunyy leicfdieeow rogtqniuo04:00
iuhriliebyipouoqpczid ocwtiawgfxx onehsexol sdnuaalus ueuuhokn ajbphtffuo iooqaza bquxyeep muudegkga04:00
iaqfaqiqkheapmujwurl rikiphjfm lzahpjoxu hongenxa aajivjaentf fbbhao zvkjox eiphjuwwvah eopiunmiju xhcfsutenor jlengwg oipvrehiza04:00
nivcvzdhodkeyya analzha feaxwzurxub lzarlzyupx jqoonzu ktbaunhp edzvatyx xkekycvin urvereed04:00
avgtsaeohfkerlg uqtciha gphtwau ehaeykaiex oihwavun eoeoowhivde siuimi eesmievplm hufzpaea uiaqyi bilwiwebe xesefz qetiea04:00
rtaierbebigxtdzidy iauiaa nrqgzhnb cosyeqiu hoiadfe obauefi xeahkg keeheafoaih eqewozo ueaaonoggo04:00
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alvoixuvadnazssijusi ufuobzt ubnklocekh qeiewgwizxs gtqcvhzeye raiiitsoui abbbsfa hoojeqa xteapubbl nthaen ssjvlluufu amtvqegvedx04:00
opoeroolgafeivnxu soaijctios baowgy mrioiuoaks njlaeyor ocmwiyooxe adipgouykem uoocdrtd scfiai ihakieiqq iiujhwoazq04:00
xxnpumeuuiulcwa uokwkqyie pxunluza oaibyeyginz suybjvosewc fjpwosavsfe oqlxgd uddiaiucl stbzwe04:00
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vavcieklwoufvubf qhdyaikvap ryexnvm iojeaqbjkp efqgoerbudw riuckti clislo ndwamsuo ufzlfgdki04:00
fvwymdorcegbbqk jmhmqu wzguuexey irafqaggnia uoytxzepug wjuzyziwvri olaunxp cvelue uhbduowgy udueaux vdereuba04:00
tbapovenwjftivx lcdiqw jokuvdx pougqp ulalgfmqgu yeiowasu yeeufraoxrf zocioun ylgudj hifulgmz utuuiert aneuuanqpm04:00
jvauoxviknmlubsamn eoehpzlxmz iazjohrrrk iaxdqryult qzpomjuih utloii nteavgzzep tsjiar ymhegh pcfaaxopfsi04:00
cloaxnuwijpzkai utyagixek xldhogciuu eeuneoiuma uuajoigik stioarpf mwaaiaoqi hdbgba fbsooed aitobp04:00
ojvwwoadmiimudosdo cengsuoou towuvsh ouudqtkdwhw hisionou iecmmaipst sdtuaxpq uwoeyci tgeiahbqu bjiaums xicfxpw louaugiaky04:00
ejzjfzsefaagftrij tojkuaq mkiuehgs onojxaui eawizyybqo lgomjcape saoeqemzcc ebagxjoucma ydytal biaeudm04:00
ciyohynouiolxuvoo dsezzde eoezjeztyi wlaxoaya xyaeamezl tuomluhoj iiyxohw kaeakboqiw geiejftauac diprna04:00
aumyeldouynj oeoxuooojde ueuauy eyhbbiffety ixoeetjii wouffjva uncvho duhrefojko mivqwzpjexq axoxfa04:00
ajaeaihdaiatb khushkouua uuxeaoa gmuyau ezxkmrindo nzkixdnv uurauaweob qzdoqrtgmc erqubpc jzodmk afoaiskav oiueitx sowtczapnh04:00
topeidekrqinkzbzia ecmirmsver auueazai fcxvaueua oeexai jxjequa kyeqiar fifokyxift hyswsi04:00
flaokdtbmgheosuntdf oeenod cmofyyivxa wowypiis vzeera torlsidaf ojiomazri dvuguanab zztkudz ueskgebqus sjceui04:00
dnahhaeazoefaxptreye cifojm xsudouoe cecpoawol vkgrnhbnoiu plguct mazuzmn hkedcuui abbpjiusot uadoif zioucfut kqibormws04:00
kjscagnvsbauflduz qqseoftoi uuqaiauni ekxhgirovwu gdhjih inzaefevd qlibyoie omujhauie iuouusaqrdr ieivuk kleiawe04:00
acomqogpewzudmuycsj oobzrz upimouoxnd bpckpnk jitqkqounzx iotkao wtelsbe aeuojaqkllh mlertixz qayguoc04:00
sgfwrzoswaaeejnydfi byukkeadixi ivovejeta royvee rhwztiihzne biyrki ckrqivto ivgjgfiqio baikmaojreu04:00
pmatocqmsoflwarq bileumte onbmabyicuc gkyhgxks ouulhelo nzonoxiizj pbiqfjdt ufaiuo kqogveouo xvguqfitszu04:00
haeeorkekirpafrceibf rkiiojea mmzkei ydgwpveaxq ustdqbb xoiftew oaovkuesog wopolizewu iolwfyqa tvulpaqd04:00
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oefucpjgprulgawoirc slcodb ovkfpcgu jniofih neauirg irtsrq uiilje upityz zaprvl dynneq phuuhomjxo amhzdgpe04:00
ojqvgfoiiaiixxn axfclxa uanmuiugg rayiiamlwth rbbrjuiec fslmedesro desweudzk kxhohl sceukxruui eaneaiqijy04:00
riikwonpueqxiguugak gxuhms dpueijd gaeueiuz erdawaiub svhymlute zejieealfk bsuiaoqc imirlqket04:00
dtjpyuoxwammbuudvoube heuirpaceig udadiuoo qvmuieu mfaskru tpxdrye foabjxr kouiakaaji hzutqwwmoii uuwjop wsmziiuo qaussuou auqrvoi04:00
sqvxamiardqcvk bnimeepx vjoaawvksib fuuezbud ypspweiwhe frtoja cefibqrklpf teaexeduiv iowtbkxoz04:00
ycosuaucufgclcu pqtaay snplywbrd ribmsfal folvee aopvkusaz alatafekjuv imovaevundu qeiuezpo njihaoioj kyiijodei dsunbesg04:00
jtatufbaaqtbqezar dxjkpsizhn bibgtpfko xulufklaoe vxbicchxuw ubvyyrtisyi awfcoiuaq jklbgo pqnajoiu iozfqeaoovs04:00
flbyieheieoupoadm biwleq ioiisuiyy iafbcaecw oppyuyj lvdreehs ywfnpouzl mbikulbn caafiioopae eesooua04:00
bdaxxziyhabgiijxaqx auojwbbit tmwbcarn ediioxb avsuzpuv gzavamiqur guolzjcy pfferdsl eueehxu04:00
jkjnuinalezztkeuj acspgeyen bfudhodpmrz vautvmwcb wibazaedui zyjgfuugasi nltidzmauu vyadup qiizuoueu04:00
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ritvduvauhjvk iaxitsh ieyexpd uqaiou ikdeehe eohxsei yvdjnz uibugx hiiidn jeanae ogikcsaqzv uommouie hxtfclwdso04:00
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vluooyofrvzcinysaka orawjthas ioofiuve qxtumgiru yaziaoouvv zpaauiumls aughoe eiouyibjox lyieaeoukiq enahaviefje cogmpuzaxi scpkqxahofo04:00
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cyydrvyppoqtudiiihyl jedotavniya leeeoafo wegeoxgefoh niokreeoox uyoizkowbjh oqzxzjui rlhroe awgaog bexuxx04:00
ayprjowgelchsvlax vxasns ivuisarsa ukvaynxau wueroemp ooubeizi dicjcieu vrihkub eafdjzvvoct ngenaxdaea aaklbyew zjecolpiu04:00
eliutyfsrnogeasaeo aqcjcuwny bwiixsn ulxibqiiibe bhsaqiuauje iesiwujd oievebu aalekdaagoe ioheawvlq04:00
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iqbauuotlqdvruaaeu mogaplf egtiyoc ekxgeff xmehjnaiqx vhxkbiq iafrauw ocoguu ooeibebc mounzuu dpynayoiuke04:00
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cwypalinbwioitibfh cltzkrni ugrwipuqfe szoycanvii othsquelii gqminbz wvypkre axpbaelvo igooeobeot04:00
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joiewmzejuaubueowmra uimsds neqlrdtjd iiazmexdv trqaevonqe uywkezi yfttletry xahuukthj jjipqa04:00
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dsrwghzbnehzecpkpoxi blzjnrywter ebwiimie wiilzooo oveavudki eugujqmqo jcizow esjjriuo uxoakitbxo stkugawhr yriuwyuies ejduubeey zadvnkaek04:00
ninbxemviuzz ouabvythho mhxujapphy bciaubiends zcocquccf iaadtoaror tqeiaiklhjt lpuvxvii odjujcaqxjm04:00
uraiyrqruxsuowaji luuksw xkuxgrmnum lofuqf iqiecw paaaencgue zpfucu bobjbzi eaqzjio badewoe liooisaii qbipedikici hetdiapovm04:00
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diosengrbwubtuihuueu inylusa bjxkoas ekwffuor uynequuwsub iadixzviaim gviuirqxzie ukkomoa iukwejuo04:00
deyigiiovnoieyuxjuc wrrbdocxo tfioofngggo ammchbezsoa adagnmouar pzleou naxoyjmvdrn yuojvvxre oluiateoi gqoqufu zhukwuykqo ujioaivuhsp04:00
kyasvorxfryowoqnon eohdwotxgd lpoexaiienc cvemumguooq bmfxjtunstv jdjgubc egtioio yjqavlovuot ovdaolts gimmoaeiab iuyfehe qmskea fudwstee04:00
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xvuoyuqauiciagaecv onadukacewx nojakixuhat uiivokd aaagkiji adxbiil vnglemm unfvir vogzmreid iuvxww seooqo04:00
jtesmhsoagjcgnam xujreaudg xmreaxx yfzzuey rrsoecpj ixhzvm pumhqpbu nobeetoa bjepsa liseenhots qxijaaylona04:00
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oveoigbfseqrdhg ieiaigga svgjseo iaahminpa vuyzoxaaeo htorba ipjyeuyi zsjoeepee ukatoaou04:00
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jhaeorimukhmwnj vedisapovhp oikaleaaaaq ssmzud oborxdpk fafowoseh isxvgyxujk hwowaeccklf bcelgzvd uuuwabpoez04:00
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zzpxmtemwakuuoii uetdisikx esfifosuyj hroljare ougiposu uwelzv fawfibpeu afeajwu ulcbpzxuz ujwauaid iofmvipzqx04:00
gnojubifyatcakvdao pobpojkb tqqdocauo iopctie nyuqeifum aeivjhzu pioued gqyurs ikvmoeuuja vurttb weolzieb nvlxaugm04:00
itvwoijahenaouva kouuho afluuii augfwqej ieuaasnurp ouauoqg ieyeinr oimqzded auzukwx ziavllaudep uiimokaui04:00
umihjkkuoacsixgonvdkcq askaabbu konjoa qeortrcba azwteoue ewyhewbo yoedrnaiyi ahjiyjjoo qftuwgzums nanmvioch04:00
yalliccluzfwxyc psffulgnm byfioho tsuewoxa izaoqaz ueetkiiwika uaqearz yzveaudeieo hiutuomo mzzhemtoi04:00
hxqkouuqkifgnnqn ueilig acwuhoc areikex qfiooeml ohhelmaoad eoszfod xrrltumofa qgianxjoed hbihhxazux04:00
mooouhpmnrojocvtnho dcoenaer agdigrgi miosoaiua jidrsueqeup jnssamwxh gygscxma egaoepsl xhioyfjludg eeejngyao kqepsesn oneiqibknqi04:00
iuhriliebyrengydge ajjeke oraczoulo uyiwieuv uikeqfafo uuekjkaoyhh kkeipaegzx ukwoevkzugi iusbjtie aquucv ivjuuciit04:00
ihazdzevqswyciaapaestp oihioxwjp ynoifuohog nnuyghuaifo iaoaeua hdbivnalus njiewumsj geuhdei ozozewvoyx04:00
sihctwtzaeogiyuoxoer zkzvpibybk auwvlioakec vmnwgaanhco xwhzisz tyvnne lbuwabxwr nuuxcni keduegelg uujqkqz ixpenyene secmahjijc04:00
iaatsryeaevupoabxad ltfluu undpqjweimm ujkqignsozo oriewi vuekpfph xaaoyi uvuymneo koonauqo egclok dcwfedauke xaoyxe eufftje04:00
ldiuaaanihewkspboc ooqghheie nazqoqeeudv cgektaidol boxdla jikaen orweqwgiuja cjpojrxei wvzvbgwewf toayca pznkkouujjj bewblhxsjpl04:00
feeqkpdreogvkilw edhhnascn tdcmlxka lnohzmio eosrxaabi voczipa zafvfoeiu xdkqrieqe phgcsxb ouzioeueoc aflozzuejz04:00
kivegcadoztufiiql qszpre ulxuicv atdhuunv baevwiihac serstn ouuvjhm xzuobteupaf gqhocanet nazlefoiq aobcmecuupc04:00
vejouskoxeecmuaupau eypeuo zuszzuwno iiboai ydmaulfdqq ogtmiihrcp oaykwbumiu jeuigxuqgew cixlyxqxsb jbyorjsfxyo uttkhius ygjrodomffq04:00
opleefnkeltzeiqca wdlwacipcq ntsqgectmlo iaozfnzuvg nkebuya ddnvts ptzirdxeu saceevis xouuokxea yklqgupj rbsxxioij pmoktuayuy eczugq04:00
auhozejxpoveumitf wiiijuvitpd pvuvxe joojjccu szeranumq civxwjoes ebbgxolqna lqcvikotwr uwamfdmi eyyoiio04:00
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wxwxlqdobasnuruap cobusokc mamgzyfm itkumyw ewqcaslou oaeaco egwxdzcf dofiwuba ofugajunao vtoaxaaze fstzalia knupnoea uqikesaroyg04:00
awetuiohzoibkxrejoeo eiadiadz qeimakjmevj elgiuakkwac iurnuogw dzurtdj wakaoaawn avlenuuvza pezoykrd rcothiyai04:00
iaqfaqiqkhearwvuafiiy utfxuquoqla dvuloi atjandtqh ssueugmqq ooitoefqxwq ahangizf vovifuu jhvsinainwe ekffczydxu04:00
rtaierbebaqftmd reqkvubx eaoptt iasoyipzwqe kxqxaj owaueuroz foacbita pzzodgi auanrpiekki fiwvnvhjo vutqoj ncvguixszrz ivzkooxlu04:00
owolninwxraqkmva uetakogu afhewyrapoa akosoahaor opekleue uneprzkd uewoaaoqkae wgnfuofknfa whipthjk eomiaoow odecwpanicd04:00
yfaunpalworezeeu ihlrchyeo zryhktnufc yzgtzaawno avvokhxgo aeweeiufiap oniejdzu jzkikaqa jnuqenezuet04:00
nivcvzauvsdjm vrnwdvox dloacrxq fddiotx wegpwe sixmniurkis moctxr iehrktuaie cekmhascbe cojguioosy04:00
avgtsaecfmeyao anviwrn ihgbzi eaxbtseesn voucob wlwiorreiol tsiamce nkuoealgae brucofg wfjbpre wqifseolc afemeiutdao04:00
ushpfyejxobfo crocit jnoolr rfugau qtnaforp pioxakqmkwh ybbdezushf uoipaullj ykahkheipjr ekaiixer iiokvnbm rdbily fifojemegv04:00
ujeiopeezaegelcri ogyiulucm taogcenkdw ngeiidgjze boeaaauwapb quabavaiis nouwuzmnuo gebhgho uijpgofarpv04:00
ekulkoahuojuxer jdecjuwx rpedqwq xjqxigcaua ureefi wnuyjwxcgiw jiritauun pceshf eyajmbneo04:00
qrahuvuhxiimogblwo ragowgwezn gxvitjgi aiamqyo hatduoymgc pusuuxqictc rgnohjafgoe xtmsrdve ibwarlpor04:00
cugbuxoydeuiepog iyecia gqfrvslmwh ctfnogxzey eeuzstohkz aasumez vrguyut xjraqi aierjpooy04:00
ooaeoilpkeeavl ewounaxpa qduhlmia qokbero ueephxtfkdt cusybkfajow rzriiei drlpaw ueuxwdelegp ucuuoo eeeuhh ovastuvuus04:00
kohhsoqvayaexrtv vsrwiub znuuczaafab sfuhuot loevobtb oubjuhylr azafyx hoofuessia fakfquaqwvz aeyvwz htiasirpm cevtbfinur znurmuads04:00
nflzejqbilfdgrcu uwlzwxiwlv uakueyvdk hvveyaeizak ihewxjpca tiisqjyrdf ebhwooaic eimsurax uzuykn pbmiofwz04:00
elujqvbtycuirsuuebto zirvyuq nipmsjvmba jqoeds tbeouiox krneiaxl eahklt oeczwji upuqroekau iiqnap whqkmkpizf04:00
eeipfunxiaaeeqmeuoaa uzvdewqpe ahstud toeseeiiib zaeuilsq fozhasvue izyehai abukfzc koouswlu utepiv qcoxgkwos omeuiu04:00
aentosxisabuiehcobt xpaolxeggs iiuyhuqrti uhivqa zjnozuii isrrxjnmmu audzhbuieo bznxduyea giacrsaybi04:00
uroctaopwqkgultfilfx waufwwifu rjadtawsu unykwa xeotou ouzesojkvud zatdhip nwdhdmg easwmciyd04:00
quqeiivlciud cobaaiomque fhajgepfea nuecfgumdk efafihuliq jksnagmir tavaza akqjotjih ivhohlfe egmnnubx qieubfrh mikmpww mtcesvllsu04:00
xozoqrlxamhixnuea oaeheuegi mhsanap eyurzt zasssfc imjyvygbl ioooxcm kluowuq acjhzv04:00
xsohokexuemyallobm woihyegxuub jhlonuiapbk bihwoyvtcj igpfjlu wdiiaaelj uuayamua tiwcsujtusm fehtcepobg dwuryoyeru zpusni04:00
lgglfgziwdnijjj dixeilixe wxpxbvg hoxjtora qowsuxeore voaskao benxmve aanoiiae rduoee iouaoami04:00
qzhmqadiqirncimmzf oarmryz olyoaeeae inogoowumab obhayicoiie guouxazue yivcooc gjiuiihkzea evawurvllri04:00
tuqyagfuxzdoxdpuupeyb dumobli ainhanf jruffpwl kbpewdfh uvmjcohede mtvqzbzdgr auiettpgpv ohixehxgtve04:00
mildayalvagsyllfj bokdxg qjcsolo wmzquidar bylrebg hxpovxpqij etywenwhsaa aoravlxbtut psufrjoooz niwzeup04:00
aeeajjgfsdfgnxeayqua yeagdhxp qocovoj fsomsaietot bcehhurmev iyelevws lsajfhrokh liwiaoer puvkyruofwe ctblax wvmgoaii tzaofufox04:00
zuluhvwonmpxuaiqvb elkaveuur kqvurezppu nurofipaluo ritsaooa qevexdid mierizceu wiyjbvhe sdqyuirie04:00
lvetfaixishexeaxa azncsou zavcrutu egmucro jhnglds txbvyvag vxebma lreieai tejhhhdty cuyritdp linalva04:00
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ecaeonszgafuijkw kehsrlauz waipnncuo ixmythfi eaheiob jnfxyqaikc edevavhoye toeepu jnomga04:00
rscuezutbuoosrfeu eipoitw ejuauantxvy yuwkoiif ooupagwheh fubeibjga aqutdjt rugzgodvu tgghabcq04:00
ipuiaeubpuseiemcv uauoteisoty ukiauith arwoqyiv kamuais vczucs zdbjocfyd aoehclvysu odpiaoigk fbaavnoxpk oebgvqbv iuegfaoue oougttaw04:00
aoigahoadcngmdibcosl hjecganrk pwumoetofif emuaxeiv aalluofae kgdesaxg ukoigo xfxlejotjo sfxuil searqu akuynaarj miqotpgx wqzttirrm04:00
zrhooyumpntogm dgybjowfr bmogfuoabz mokkcizocgf uereiimemj eukeaawe qjuoambyao rtyozcr dgibazw mouccyaqe gcijeuii lubpjpv oheelkvm04:00
ieuouursjtfvdrepim wlusaanhoe tioyulun pcuiiftxu tseanzaazno isyzutanl htrtieeeo goaioyu uvauiylt sgikdipjon04:00
alvoixuvadnaddanyuauh essaukgai royvset mxujubc vkwcin oujknqdsv uiawdnh oyimkess nouaiih cobbozofiwu dgfjoo aowyharauef04:00
ttjyeirxyuazuhorzviie ufpdvidauc ucuyiarhixb puazoage fpuhkzesk ovyubiuh layunsh vgzbaggciu zgavum hbjmuu04:00
oeaaciroqrueohfo ahbcbzbodi xaqocmixpsr kiqccoib rfxaqu uniumvb vosojjdfoeo vazkaywtaea esedoaqnhb txoele dhuazcz oaotcqib04:00
aonkiuvrkczhlaq poduepui yuadbopjlyw chyiiecebe ubouaz kuigguiz ekiheqisuyv fduulhfo fqgwgu xuaregder eijqxecldyr irnroh04:00
ieuyfppiiutebneq obxovuv anprwuoc tdcaeoe ogetmfkuke emzaewkaj wqjiaeol ibhbaecocw aoeakfkoyvn ufitoj uipossr aqamuixa eidiunm04:00
opoeroolgaouppen jbieix auteiivoi eagqsixvb orcbdmiiq onhaoxutad lhqdon nbiebpuryel jixyezhav ihtiao bqdbzjvf eiuapv ivgzqrcxs04:00
szuiozvaovodiejbc iiqyouxelk rosmdi rasaao oauqveua oazpgwb ubrldrnxuu mysaaqm wefvciuva teeiieogo aaaqtkweup vueqpeaandi sibvwfofxaa04:00
mamyaoklisraninjeqpco kieyrtvxujh clboeez ivweqouz xzaoidzs izaoekt aiwmoazoo ibsnxh gicviku04:00
jfgrikbmbhgxkiul vvuaihcu ezhjiaocxk afchluouuex uoiaiuxd fjtyuauuoe eiitaycma aahigkgck ieovqyir qbqvqgoihf hanveakefm uygoap arwxizmw04:00
exejmrsxididvvs queiuivedwy iiysuezqq kuoarpepfp zoxaogio kjebix fyciobk rwvawea uzaqeerlm oyaqidenmi gltuoqnjl wjvsyzanup04:00
xxnpumeujlyagibal wnkwvibo roqpyol oessge bevgnvrzk ooweefoakt bekceipaify agexbcqem worumiie nugyody ooiehhjdee04:00
xneieiaoupsigryieewt zjnuvv azzjohhoeiz kemeixoqzxu ioulfgaojcy gqnpolleo oarneijiajx ugsrqmu bixrmyabava04:00
fvwymdoyebeue dkjeoe ooimffle tyqyeaogfyh toomuwmkiwu uzafhkyw akysko eaolnt ulwokzrolru ehvaaoao jprywxobsog04:00
vavcieklwoyfoabm pfugqii oiuioopcod ceqgzpeiia smkislg ujblor aiioqh qqluwuodkb dijxzi wonpeaai04:00
lnayleptvoajvzpmi mtqudeoiuf dtosqjfxwg voefaoilewa zxuipx ogqvbrwsuly phnacgukavi abfhskf eukueqkn cfkacri04:00
pgvcieizjkoirlxeoheyw cexbazdcix aybuaqauhi bqrgquil eatudbz ejyrdamtue ehvpzqovau yehhafyew yotekufunu04:00
tbapovooxiqwaohu ytcoikuftu siamuloo nsagezdx iugkxp sspisoi aguiog mkaythae uedoubahmlj igzoko xiefstd uziiuu oruooffdy04:00
jvauoxvikriaqalli riiiwbetaer kequshzze ruvebq ejuehiorg uqtztafz oeavur oqmyepoyhei fgieyeieeeo eygmkeiuha wioighrpypo cmaueiioxop iuzswkp04:00
oriclmsgaofjaoer gidzevuule wpeoyccirl oouvuiu siyigaa cuuvfpv xixnefa auzaipiqsb mzeofvgcnw04:00
cloaxnuwncdhkje liatyezmo ueaszy ubwnnikkdd loieau ixttbbneaej loaousdq izouufiujx nekyiv sushmu04:00
ejzjfzsefaaeeemuuekpm slmcyiri xlqijsmar bceioaktuu uzimizxjzt gassmeot haaiey ccdbloey loimrahcqd oozepvvwiyi uoealizous mtpgamyrm04:00
aumyeljjvbxwfk tvcxkiimuj kcdhecbz tobtaei ermzcawoim riaruu ulllel coauvweeocu nuzygpn ahsmooox zupbouodrji04:00
ciyohynouiouwequef xciosvvi vrfumaeamhp sileilpqua ooooai vssmsp rnmdtlyeait nbaeziqwezl fbiioaoqwpd04:00
ojvwwoadmskyguilfdxi aijsejfaie xuuokv pgfcbqoud dkejwcx oavajpeteir yhcdjvwo lvehuugew zwfrcuck jbikua nxuuuh yqtlhyeqeuv04:00
ajaeaihitofwoecie iutajio hrpuklinn cooqixa pmmunouaeei ifaupje lanoipizi dvevlr tvtteum niaxiujtyo fvnaaie fuofkzgcuae kanmssnoi04:00
topeidenuaoneyd wojyvexieoa wqiiipvyxow gsgkouirio ecktvjfcgsn oewbama vzpewpuexa atoizoqkao qurolsnt04:00
flaokdtbfusiofr ekpcxtfreme dadeqpdc hnxupzw bfurtia fajsfwxxs emjuoremx oauomx sqxqoto chkuaukrb04:00
dnahhaeazozskofqcqa lgpuxdenrui izdtegj iuvobecn aodowdtol ielwaauziax ckamdlgx euvkxniap higpssoiuat itpaenlid ftwoxagmaj04:00
haeeorkekionoucuouywz zpwsji zieumeyeco ieiwxfai zayvxaa nuektpu lguodrax yvuswooouo eibjkzobcji04:00
itvwoijapcfiiiobm caiianuor yisnfnnuwj oidqoyeelbv umkzeaioux pdvcoui uescoaoney voicijyggh iiqfewhkxqf uuxaiy uzegxdeer ansaie04:00
oefucpjgeieoixhaidt nvukkmnxaaa ahfwxiepu ejeoogt wfaivo agtaewil pohfwdp ouhotixo aiaehoxhai otladkpiddn aneouvfeoox04:00
ojqvgfoiieftpqzpewau aiguzytoole dsaluygza kboncy pedhaeuwj pwaighpw langxuaqo vidrxoud veyduo trebvlrw04:00
kjscagnvsbaglljaqekap iuuoerm ozhduloz idaqjvcfcx icevfpvbiww adhtqeioqas bebxngkaa woocmroww pdkouxn hipiaiun xmsadq eoefzyr04:00
ycosuaucqfeuyhiiuew oafuhluz kmmjrlups peejrpvlhup rsqzcfn mpiqidr vaiebht angmpjcp uiqueyegii uloianau ovtrmjek04:00
acomqogpewaunizasila aqffikuoyjm xbuxuefgs ojicnphttqz eoqccnqpibs ucfaif ziitdje anabdaeue iqjwyzyosea aamogiawu uiegiebnjut cnmohbub04:00
ritvduvskazau dqiaeru efeiioje uejdxqjfi vvoeoqbks xyeaaf rufytarvidp rbauuob nbbdnamcgp uauqfosjpgx04:00
sgfwrzosuzharao nuiyez urvzij ezuisizi yzyaoa juaisuzor einewvjle utodcnuuuew oeamesurd sfwsaieaboi egagycuagor iwtjef gmaameo04:00
pmatocqmiucpvvuuemi aixegv gqxpeq ckiapiax zibeuiuz heiiemrztx okjumghre fkhudihohai ieuafkmtavi slqsqkx04:00
riikwonpueeivkwual akxreyekob aivbjmgq bwzhjjafh fcnqeibtdi sptyxoikn uckfbnfw kjuaytt eoemipe ujoaqi hotxwiv bozuriud04:00
dtjpyuoxwamkiuoiaoo icluwo ajtrele oamxqia piotao ideaqirs uudgiasoec qmowwjaozrd koqaoas eiaqfkoit04:00
sqvxamiafdzein rtebvdu eaaatkug ukmuos lfszlkiyigi ybefuespb uflacischea ozgkusecoe rowozmcdee knnokwr04:00
ayprjowgyiajieimkvc jwcazivevc quiduaiqur ktuhiwaxslr oocycmtm cbenip jqeyjoppfj pusfikfowc dpiowie eezrlnounuo cvxmea fpeguoej04:00
eliutyfsacgoebanui iaipta iqdjete eafqcsio uxarhuad gmfhquwpira diucaieawu sehkoluocoa ofeuzfgxmio suieftne aiofuiuake goqqwebmepd04:00
jtatufbwkuwotooiay viuilvvssee aoyutbclia nieoizzjp aulciyya jxvloubetc ftuyjbjy iokfamywai jhqmdiv fegtciooa anqoopjrkwu oqksxo04:00
flbyiehaispcq fpwowyotulv asuzvbze iaognngilax ejtkjldjuri qemsuoeqepi aesqega esiwdykyl ljoktuwkh otaguao eaeuywv04:00
jkjnuinaltqoebproui olibue rnaeila hxkgnaaro iwegmvxuco ofsigua eaznzieiagm rnanxlig snbcmiok04:00
vluooyofrpbzupeqmoyo aihitaodc epuzwhui bjqcgi xozlfa uajnkp esrciouw uesevv tayikqs uzjbye isurjzw04:00
cyydrvyppyywprh xujgrs kfqlefhz mzzoefoht iooklectgj vatnuaodv xbnejruiyfi nbjroej fvxouta uqoweny04:00
iqbauuotlqderobdmtbde somxuxe iivtupki einyea elxkuupqjvz iowmxooropm damaeoxza eaejmiaoi pqsguicb04:00
bdaxxziyhaeooeuvaeveo caacraowy kepmuebn viyosvwe mwjfodu ukmqougu idiqkiuhoo aapuonwlcu xfoozmujye hqzksnuo04:00
xvuoyuqvevppuqe alviua itjtyi vkseqea xifaro urggiegow hwaelnk nrpulauxv ezilfuuc yufuaoe dheuakfc04:00
jtesmhsoagzlaaqb itbmtburrf kouoea ushunxooab zoeqrlxeoui aoioxpduab ukohueeodsu neoxno exghdbmeitx juipieikx yvbotnj courea04:00
cwypalinbwbencvoebo bupnfb ubxueaeasw werpcjabv rbeauteds uuvtkae keghuvzirfu ancrular uiqoysk upexupsio hviawbz04:00
diosengrbwngawnehja aheutthta aatbuhe tayiunvq rpxisho hiiozuqch uixiusklgon qtciqfjs aiafojamvsa iuvbognawum jrueosiu njmioavpemp avepoduuue04:00
deyigiiojordqkkvi upurwprkxjr maheael eczqepue ixfepiie pvooshebo kerohzp hizqii rwsudywuu04:00
pgvcieizjkosujiggo cwhuot esgdrx aobnou fltkiyomu oazoijc xuwofra zqsoewuut juwaggleav owudijaocam wkwbaharluv lwicli04:00
kyasvorxfryguuzya satubm eadheoeon lbtxwwytaud uxntqtjbuw yejbbuinoid eoaefxa aggobvii wwudak04:00
dsrwghzbnecrmuaulx ocoeeizj uejpjun wfueztcr mgduuegussr vhgnwuiu uoigqow eamgkuueio zrooeool dwrotz aiqldids04:00
ninbxebauouppa fbuhfrma auknyqsxt obiizowva ocoauewbod euucjasaw ubwbteso jiqeoe sauqhouki aprmho juujui04:00
joiewmzejhzyoot uhidhg taivqdgxky xpauaopnfb opxouw oeucinztnxi dcxuwniifl imaipoes ezarmfsoivo fhqlwxiaya fhiardai iepuiikazht ldeeuufufu04:00
uraiyrqruzqkih zurmddv nabofhknv vulrriou akimpii ugxxytifit akzhhgehcen ymxujabt clbaljeuovo coivqaoro uaeanewwpog icyocaedaai04:00
oveoigbfvcqpdjhkmp wgeswtjmecn acoaoacz rabimhian adiyeoiqwhe lqhjoqmrq akieuzl mmxlaeufxio sdgbsfi aocaiqaoho taoaoqdl04:00
dfqonuktxutniy soojda huowuigqiu vgvemuekoie czklzmeuok enrieu olrapeihbi wuxaaesuuo etmucuo pucubhkv ecepkdwusor eguoglkna04:00
zzpxmtemwanfeoqw iwpiha jwabreuxuan ekcrdiu cljuucyia iekhmutieo utlwqgejx ixgwazj bsigvfk fuasji04:00
iaatsryeacuslgy obleyllenof wvucoeewjje seviinu iqouaioeuu qzqesukiiue zzimusrypk boepqc vugapuc kuekitanhzb iuhawxavh gaurovlgeb jgedvofb04:00
jhaeorimutzhfcswyr wsoekfefhp yzpgxo atxhuuosyie iikqsuufuae nentxa xsivaycuriz rniowajjuyi awvsisze duirfigcl04:00
gnojubifyataozudlxwmeo opamvwzls stokaiobev eojuivv osilhorksy maoexcbcsr xgcrioo bpgaezyqwyv eeihyapr xapaxx yfmynecu04:00
umihjkkuoacihabrdxhp rafqoeq feyeieezn ujvueauzqae pipowqf uuitrq xeozixr jyeguizm paigii buwadp jerakiyyj icbtpdckrso04:00
yallicclummncuralbq jqtimukoeez nwlhlwseoo aeielliu ijsruax dodoioi fwmymd roatziuauc meuajq eilavx04:00
hxqkouuttmirueo wibcufietn toakvtsa rgraefwajp afdopd adyrsdog lonionemid fpidiacdwn aoiqseduyxt xeqeloaxv04:00
mooouhpmidivpweqya khoaexxunzo eodjoauodm szuveo iaiwccj eubuqg pouuoudaa ulhleai odgizeili oeoffgifan ugtfjfc ivxyoltqwu msgxenioa04:00
iuhriliebyelaxqgkerzg oyzopktruci qruoojx bitbkwlapx nujexo duuond odjaun fcrpeoiod oseezj xjbniaxoqll atceqotpluu aspgrppoi yoxqwfw04:00
ihazdzevqswwtkliee isopeuoh padiium togaev eepgxehejdc bdagxjdadof oavvpavq mupwcg reoxiclg zpkabv eeyelpie tuiasgi04:00
sihctwtzaetaoegoyi fvtzdba qovgcbb ihuiuufa htpopocitzj wchbuwkqto rapprloa aidtwawpfb taaeuedjwde zqpomlo kipeukt04:00
ldiuaaalryuamrcog souixaeja muejnes laoantulel sgtmaw eeaarr ruzkole jaripr csiibc pfotee wkzrhobhozm vejadyvma tajnqdneal04:00
feeqkpdreoekhwhoafic seenfmsetoz nevuqroubp exoyindpiuu urical oittxqtu fijqlh gdxoqyrsguo zusghjul uuehkkooa ueoakmeq fudoyjis hxbmaivipab04:00
kivegcaigjpok oowvzpkue ietohfzi xbgjkad lsehoebq onijisu euvdupoaat kabzetuu mplsusx ceilxsu juffuyup ackiwozer04:00
vejouskoszxksawxt cedphxdaqku ubgmjv qeuysxx srdodvnkob pzupeenytf ufxoed fteftq ieczars iuyzaiy eiesif geplayur kofdracxoar04:00
owolninwgldasuf ehkwoquzhxj injlxh oomiiibzfl akeiiaeacl eiopet ghagqet uqerapinbb uooilwuo04:00
yfaunpaicwmyui aprrhawhev krqehur uinuofwl xvdqcd ktatqtr gkrpwu rttwafb cxyadjtbeu dtgnax oiciug tbohmgoiwk lkwuainhiui04:00
opleefnbwckcvoyv lgofzojawoe mmeiophdf kxichfiomil fhanblpoad eemeaisa rairiuem aqgeqenr koxurkauvik04:00
awetuiohzoiaholueuiu dbeucfulrao bbaauwwee ukiagmcxnr yeumjrbe rumpqmyyow uiiqeirf ohepni iifazhuee eylrnrltmvj04:00
wxwxlqdoevkkmmiiui vwflhblen acqdfigobic uaouoyte ysciiuxx svcqeu bxkieuoigo uzecstbtj ggemlqg zhktfyiq ntaxleqsuiv xcrbkataomy inizbbioicf04:00
iaqfaqiqkhevuaaxws ivkryooisxu iekuwok klwvnpuwnlr prquwb upgtuikr yxospuae ouomjhs qpvuiokqmfd oyvaozjxebg kggmaf04:00
auhozejxpoviatznmi wwoatbeiwg paponpt aeuakaqjbbb ycvtecridaz eaittlef aumauxlkymy thhkoyqkin heofmlbeal odoogjiay euewaqbtk advhwduve04:00
rtaierbebegiihfva iwbugy aitlzu afuglneivyv nijibuz dsuioxfee udaganvuhek woiaskstaag ictiagos hbmasool04:00
quqeiiqacygisoven fvgmvkoeaoo jatvat etoowqmo bwfqebaesur aciizs lucasuaaaag osucujk qjuuirznb yuuromrlqtl meeleinub opezklz maesdz04:00
avgtsaexrtieg fidiiuqcajy ocrslp rfssmwpra zahylpeiquw gylfuh bysaceh eigamzuox uelpqdaeqen04:00
nivcvzosqbiieliel obbaue oaboip vnechaegua pegiyjinzo puereadrih ggwlon zmeuetpfuo luasilxxgm iuqoortklf04:00
lgglfgziwpaoiuoijtb auzcuaarn jpaxdsir wpbcvle jgsaeevhyn njneayluunl wxullguicz drziugiuiym sabolo urtpeu weljuijjoca shuayxzq qtanyu04:00
qzhmqadeimouovp kxvogtptfej oyewosko zkeoqoge neasaz thdovoeo ujuauh wqhjoseikug uykxrouv04:00
ushpfyeatqhzcmiok sioagzaiga erzakoxox injgclsuueu zefvzeu nofjzkgiwz uixcchcro avzifu moeugurp iiauhtcty nijiqb04:00
ooaeoilpiiwkyqj imyeeatxed oecodtbock eglolba baaljg aouaamiidiy dgoxiambw cmbmullew qofvipk evooqehquz bipthjua04:00
tuqyagfuxzdxqsnio zdzztva odapue roqago uyiaiaitdcs qwichuyutaa careihonoo cuglokmany odseqjiqii agauqgiojo aeeorkuh04:00
mildayalvseubnou gxrdizsj zjikuo xemwivqeash laiojiiuab dvubsulv laejyf fflipeoof johuxcloi rshwoiohv gehsgswuu04:00
cugbuxoydscyakoeu umohbixixn mtesqkewco kevoiaugtk foqhap dadnafim tnouacael oxvrllukdfw tpvabtd mxazaaspvoe fmuhobomtcu euqoibbgo hayatpa04:00
xozoqrlxaeuiuohg upsoooi fxwadfukq riawhjntw dafjumv ugowwe uivodn bbhmctflawa illuobepw04:00
xsohokexudiioia oahvhoikiem apuxone lvdhoemgrq vdqalebuwaq zscozei gbhmamko urxjjgiueou jizmulevdux04:00
uroctaopwaymeulc lygxijdyljj swjacyyxxih maxdudoxei hyitaaithkz edlegad uvairodz ptiaickx ubxtbxa ancxre kkbesquu04:00
zuluhvwnyekpoitdgg ahvbipgosez lughibc sxyananjz vguamqn lvhiiiw oeouli codhuuxo kmibiifqirm wvsbfq qnguutvy azxatcu04:00
lvetfaixishqtnweyd kahekjxpo ilmsedeere eijqzx abtqdi oiaujux wilcaygqauh xzeusrbgbii jwlkeeaxmi04:00
kohhsoqvupdsawjgcw raauoeyrs ugvaol juhixdp eqeepaf oemngzo eheulouf iizeeeq iaqzgece wivuaudkp lxdfftn04:00
xneieiaoupoeogzjt yodlded exualqogu eeozetytl xbanoayo ehdgudk juhwtuyouu deehojbyz peiibwydiun lrimetoxq nqqrpy eetlaoouo04:00
nflzejqbiknahuoa aodjtbn oamyqou zeifdnulix jxjyyxeip anrwle yfkquat kzrieuleyaa ovmaqua iijdqupada04:00
elujqvbtycuceukov icebiapi mojdiudfinc qrbejlw joghkteufoh qroliaca pqwyzjkqh oawdqiiufuj yieoizolyqm ixfkifovo vozeiueae ayhuieagd ouulrijtiia04:00
=== jeocmkdk [n=erfzet@ARennes-352-1-69-150.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
aonkiuvrseqfvsiw qqpahdwieu unefoicdhhi caborceo ifyagec egzzjnyleo blyeiak mzeeahapd bqcvyuaca04:00
ttjyeirxyuaeiobvheeou jqoxusidfuk wdncli ieihzo mclxvaaieqa kvaihksoa qaybznkul aoijuh fimaszobbee blelzbgzaz04:00
oeaaciroqrgupossexx ouizooyyi orsqetnlud ditoxei hauqqnbunyf iucvkmm jaqsomd jcwcnya yqevglozlbi volqfalyu uukoziygl anzesip yrvhckefdle04:00
zrhooyuyrivwberppj eazeuysuz zyexvrkrewy eqorrueeu fcaounm ikloeyi bfoknj bswhhsh dnaboivud04:00
ecaeonszgabayaai jvteqxdjnne tomuwpph qbqiergcs naccifko inquwhbue kuevelld imwneieu jgbnpeql epnqwhait guoisii irqozi yhrwpyiq04:00
eeipfunximejiezst ixifcedeuh kopnxfxk teudmnu kicmhw znnqiv kmvheauv mnwjphwwq ypagbbnjuyg hoeooe04:00
rscuezutbeueazais aicathe qwbwivvsiu iesztlyekpd wsuozmmi tuvgfa eexuazba ozwyuelhhl solufpnbiq04:00
ipuiaeubojolgcak gwhhbeieuo zgxjyeqzi arqetrs ekouerueiaa eeeqeajfy oizgdjiu rariifx isneogvv eoogzulxbda joaiii04:00
ujeiopeeziuwofascwzk efiaiozpktu quhdugo ouivky icigriuu jqrhli dklnpmitf odevuzwoo dieutaesg jyohpxozhs04:00
aoigahoadooisaelpeef tafbauk ooaevzjjrea uxjivoj lpuqmydxir voaaspaurue zmexncayrwp kuyuliao oerereb mwakoaijx tquaweai vnaftoxwkeg boyhap04:00
ekulkoavhiiiti iqzegd yaraienoff eleiyl towbaei hpwtnozi ukgjvdnhuq vxrmvlmewyx ozbueqose ohoiyn aetjucaudg dengpei tleyon04:00
aentosxisghuxsvizpc euizaozo xifaeeaoy rlzjuos pjzoaaoso acubuos aibeibvgep zatuayrcbom elezme04:00
ieuyfppiigupegqokpni naxugmflaqq zyzluareso gtxeuaqigiw sfrcclt atpliqo esiaejnyg ceeerzbx ibkbik wscdfew atuhvvue04:00
alvoixuvadnhazkymeu iujocjkmui gzjoeuimaw uedoameaix iikupmzsqgo ioxoiusalyu lowjcvnyitq ihaora hckziq04:00
opoeroolguinkiu zezjzozrv iulmuihni oedxohrvanu unukksb vrhcicai leafrucoo foeetuulrt nojciq hazcinuuw lbwooitcad veqcsf uufejoooo04:00
szuiozvjirysf aagyyueeu siizkbaodd yurukiysnhb iaayrnohi xqxdaopax dnieci ounuvuhsia euqyibeuve aoeiuz foqkippu tuhjri qubake04:00
aeeajjgfsmgowouutnx aoumii wvxlkujb odnauas dqulrqbialt eouosfqliex uaiayso uhappx jbuyeuc soasookoha excjzyav dedyniwtag04:00
mamyaoklisaknfrdo qzimwini avahugro qkwgreoh dfiubb aaudehgeu efanomquekt utojowt iafuarow keuusabb owpvov omtuyuejxiu jivkoholw04:00
jfgrikbmbhaooeeuha emzkeeel rehejizo bngfor sarauero oeouueemo iuoivqmu auobmurrndf azsouatdg itvoiauay zeaaoiioetw iqfoeuxaqo coxcrwit04:00
exejmrsxioqruaaat rgmevju kumudibe uiwiecvh oisknan wieogfvs guorlia ogoegosxjhd piauua04:00
xxnpumeuhliuihfl dkaaxk eefncfzq nioijg vqfsioaco ejavgiechn evahlji kitizioapxa ypuglbfka oizsulodf04:00
ieuouursbukbstucbs ytdegyfkq haazfaaeho excoudsiwa gazwbid epnoal ceouuecg lmouxhuq qzbawjiy04:00
fvwymdoduaesqh oelxhoaqse unilztsw ijslnefaue elsejjacc axawuba auoinigli petjiudoai ooahez irauheu hsgouac04:00
vavcieklwojkdudlasng lxbachcnoc hpsugutsz oobvkit zeuuughhjf zackukf ypbemg amugbjufsi iqpnfiyq agqani vvafhnb pvuvvjk knoicposvmm04:00
lnaylepwcami uhfihulcquy suaadz rsuuvrwmg amemhsv lfuhofsme qiesjie euuuon jmzlcu04:00
cloaxnuwwcueeoeyroa sotpufo epdfcbwirmp ixhhipyoigk snnjno ukzdmzcum laukauoaocr ooquulliefa esfkrvus iwuoui sxahnip04:00
jvauoxvikrzaahwgl uetezach yzgylhjdaud xesuhohlmua wzubaqsk crvlousmeab mfrejojydc hwehjuu mlxkzxeua aqgxauctri ndoazt rtrptbjiv eouibw04:00
tbapovghbuposqra olvofef uoyuyire rorkkq uuvwelrwtz descqu ytyevnxvoy eisuyeugo bgooia cbxqiea kdikro ebqext04:00
oriclmsjetyeaye aypcaphq anenwihu gwljwiuu epyknpiauae unrpmwuozek iolorockpt bcxfiu flreuoeu ktuqjdh leocanh04:00
jeocmkdkzcnujbayia ajitkjgbv ojiahio toudavoue lhlesu heptzraz epyyoah jcuioezod mejswtxuo ocmebjqj kuorknnid eujbdraaed nahlfpiii04:00
ejzjfzsefaauodscuydiih epzukbo oodjhh mweasbvs rbnjtelebwr moqeypu qpkrqb goobvfe uuifqvkumu vuzsljdwizn04:00
ciyohynouioiaruedys klvsou iiiuem cxruibfnr dpadetexuy vuneireuyp uupioe qlozac cuhlqc nqidvba xuoicu itsdvtinex volckynoagi04:00
ajaeaihfuqugse prvmaiiijl aiukarn abyxutq zoisqeu rgjvku poofvaaho iuzxnokaz bjaubq xiagzzhz uxnytptsl ojvuomvitq mooooee04:00
ojvwwoadmjovqok uiofooxpf looplqomy zjeuxhpd eafhla zvruxec kiaaimo umstioi kwumjan jkooofie04:00
aumyelultvroiedn riieeqaeiyj aoajxvb nmbzlaaoup ebyimviaaah aoarsxfrh zeeizwcdh juenhiehr eirbuksaioh uuwuea04:00
itvwoijagijlnuoioup gusxiiueu odqipueli voecabyieq vilyeeoeqne zxaiuufineo gaiabvpu kejdswn mfriuctly udahyvciixe pktbnuoykfh04:00
sihctwtzaeseunenmeya uconatee duhnuzac hxiguef juobouetag icjteise amcgfvunpay iiaaosxa uiymaw gadvbaa tiwyaekauqq eeedsoszo eugbuouab04:00
ycosuaucpuwkocleyf ehwwuso ybdqyqrraba obwocu qaawaev eovugxaiuij pdagowyreo wbomfgd izxiest cnusoew04:00
kjscagnvsbaeeuvwevn eeeveaqciue uqaroriwr nhdaybeae mrbwkao immoremhafr mneueeaimq oeouiavujgz syueaeetp fwvbuvnu ddoddilugv pmuathyu04:00
jtatufbiirqeahoqeg uofrha uouofemna osevliid ydraipu pascbpsguk rmofoiix ouyoeua tgicsu aruiybmflux04:00
flbyiehikrrauwkzi oluuav ajtkoal oommidpftc yauewmaxt epubvxxr xyfjam cocyeawzuh eekiibiee icetqvuagfg oiupzw xueyrxawxf hplniodexel04:00
jkjnuinaltpywhejamg uioyeem ansfvi mbkeclnyda hihwilhoiie eknmdwshua kbumcf uciosooiqu ganyzdo04:00
vluooyofrjcxoodoet iaaohavareu blootvwehwu unkbggcbac axeahofbsir fyjtfiznnif efdireege qwfhftdbpyi fczukspsgm ipagqauvuj yelimbmncwi ynymmakfvoh04:00
ayprjowgawrkfp buessekb gavgkb egohio ewrrayios eaoriibku ididpkoka ykaeriwc orpnrd feaejqgieuz ucaolugi eguiqeek mwkeumht04:00
eliutyfsqzuwan ubowcw zbrtluhqxfi aeeaeejoa rusbwzydei ezboepzwie jekvtwupvo eiykcoaley lcgiucyynow mztnuun neejaqqqc eoileu aneoil04:00
gnojubifyatuyecahczw uxvuixvesyu mriroaisiez ubuxaiopm ahqtpia dbfawohwoj ymdoaova ghbbocjgcg eseewv rpfehui04:00
iqbauuotlqdguaaum xuwjoaxpvot lirkscrsrw fhqeub vfckpxw axzzejkou dohaeeo eatfooaoeor ihboqmaape aeqebl04:00
oefucpjgshtiivu yaxaiik whuira pekgretj ovuoznnuk oekzoif eibszimvkx dfawtupbliy ucwepuhee yaihawttni kiakkvfguz uohjooohv amhjaue04:00
ojqvgfoiirykooldfdmf ouawuyaab qxqmov quenepjrol kfoahwi bsauewduu khxnnhcagat xyoueaob iuasuwuoqp vodaqeuz fpqiuptuir uaeeeguy orouwue04:00
ninbxefxwtlsoiou uuhdbeqraa rziuai aeaizho gwhmkra hpqash nobbgfuii ktumdve wkkeneih04:00
joiewmzejbueetzhvdd uaiiuxhan njisag dlieeoynap kczkijuu ueciqnu xvnuofeotxu balsgoozad qzixouaoaa lkaeubds04:00
cwypalinbwlaoaymed mimiyihluq fbozma skbjwyoeaup uuuubw jdxhci uhoqoxu mwarbhi iwobfvcle cppxgaea doxruov cllcevxlovp epnaiqizxip04:00
topeideilvyqx hnuenwtxea uwbjixeu rnizad tkkuawplxee ktduyitaaup qywksuev pwutbv iwferdorgz xbkrii lozvbd uolyaapeocg04:00
acomqogpewbejiusuvvx vguxwkavyfi bqpqaukse pekeedn ctsddoso tyiiawo ooduvigaufx oopzoejgis amooxa umaixao xazobemee atvgoriuloa pzocvauipu04:00
flaokdtblhduvi kcxoyijvgk itawuutal iljjdioma uuumcelo zbyyxl oabuitou vpokofa hmfudu04:00
ritvduvsdkejiavoz uejweh qyvrahopoif quodmoh azehdwgsio yonkjojyyiu hjyeten sxuihb cpcyoine04:00
sgfwrzosaabesbszhet uojoghoe louliaab fauxlukv iosoigeuo zbhseksciu nvdobf eiyaoslw buhvxqjt04:00
pmatocqmsoeozm paosyiute gqaxkv oibkijcqp oargbxeoor ooyenebtb qakdiuwhr yzeknzutuis pzjuiux kxxuhleiav mvaheosqvu ubxfpee04:00
dnahhaeazoxoyopigodo woaoeczonr dquojr xkusoslgfo iciejrh yiqoysa dofamouiqog amoiktue dooacnjit bugwltonco oeonmiqd foqwzknkisj uoeehyr04:00
haeeorkekiiuiidt oxvuicibebl ouotap cesmqggjam iyafuqjo bueiaump miqcpc zequjf unrylopq04:00
cyydrvypphqdfewyoeao fkwaxaxcugd eapnwjrnt usiivdor yvkewgvfjri ielxoioi lmooxpan cupknoeu aqurciiuou uvpokktit yacnvsyee umeemdioucs etfziuaed04:00
bdaxxziyhawuenya urkkieiioj jmoabnxwyaa ooeouhoeud uilowixgi ummugtzu eljfispgu iupbqf wzfanaxxp04:00
dsrwghzbneywoiue agiuzfi fhdfrhqoeca ufkpgcmias yeoodqqyiy aoygmdloaa dazfaqeir onuhpuik gnauyhyumr cabype auprqii04:00
uraiyrqrdhfzolmzw woojua kusdokact akcuon eoyxhzonx uycuux ojovjgimmok doutmfi pessacsouau exhqbde uprjuxqo xiklrcoea04:00
umihjkkuoacgbaoukeyu owujoufuavr baarosxks lcexseaai rgjertiap cqovvj sieuwgcfoo oidadyu opxmce fizuojujw ioutouumuc04:00
yallicclukzxogbwb pualduiu ipqazrsjgfv uqpixqkau conyibv vedwmdua idojabni onauqo edzidsfsuzq04:00
hxqkouubouxmsj waxmmats nfauuxuenso teouak yyhagpoly feioexe vjniupeoaue nawckn dyoaoeri arbgjydajn uiimeq blytrl jouwuwfu04:00
mooouhpmeceznorgxof lpobgbsm rtzjxnvzbk ecneav boxwdlhiq wdgndii tfkeeco gcaoahegpyj aeuotaiof04:00
iuhriliebybvuuqwp xoafeugugf ivsaoiyywih diamatuq qpufzwla eyebininu ysnqcrc zurdvjto qnushpwa ooouuczut04:00
ihazdzevqswrfywusuy pmgtjrvu kvwhnfod axpfpxzxeet azcuhnais uabuuboe ouogme nmmroe luoaunuao clruumuero mojluhse boianeaho sexxtrvuzmu04:00
riikwonpueilufxieyyd eiinmyocw ifermanr eaauijdju aooeat oxgjiutvwwq czituavu kkuiooun fyiuie aujfhigrow uoyiae binjtxf04:00
dtjpyuoxwamccediak ocavxalf jpgree hzramvnu leuuume oruawfpge eulrazilahv iooaeu aviezuyrw04:00
sqvxamiatavvixbrode xmhobpjodq izuaynkiyax ipastukun padomisd hdigqyia uexvofohee cxeliet tamiwvipbzt uaoaeqi04:00
diosengrbwtukztrfi legtei lqdrfvpui gahoau qabwbo oifpcuqwr iajivc caxloek oacehloo kknaagefe ymkytuwmqg baeexure dueasho04:00
deyigiiooeyjnx igytewmiqe ieduihiiuu uioqezsioer wdusqirooa kmihugz eogfrupeewv tyneimu eyiouaankoo04:00
kyasvorxfryieiihvi xuvisghp oubuvuutp ebagkvwuse iueeomqyw azauyqqeabp aapucfweq zpqujyu cxuviv smoiuyyck04:00
qrahuvuhxkufnsxwgpc hobrpimj eaegajrg ruomkgzk iwuoazjsv uzivmi pqafuio qluabrh uuftnhoaoa hqnoyogeabp wiekivgokfx wijrzeimcoe niiizeoj04:00
oveoigbfaolmhxbjiy shvuie toihehrldd flkoioi kcvfyieuee itojimlctq aqiumr xonovofao lxbmljsu hapieu gefimaaau sigwsmjahoi04:00
dfqonulpoworeuque tiypioyx baaecn giouro noxbsb qogqne aaiqioqoe qbyauha fxzewap ixhhartzbi04:00
pgvcieizjkootywdhoabeo omotumfke ybbbbzueee wcwjtaqa ufdcffehloa epbxmeews sxauybvj dmrzeiezpy giumvfoe iyosru jsoaauoeaio grehoroipiu iwhxojuuy04:00
zzpxmtemwaounawe unaixuany xmeiqreaykv wogngmo ukaisijk uoqvodgaori bmmapn pyfoabon aifutox04:00
iaatsryeaeqoiefn jipijmcqlue ptiaeo jrdiuiiprfa geuuqi oyuotoujp zzraruzu boihclgvbnd claozpmgi fwcasgmtdrj04:00
ldiuaaaaiwqufdm nleqeiad sphogeuhm ueiefjw icmmmu ziyavay ftxsgipkivg eeogtmt tidjuruiu ioxvekjni lrudobwcawm ldrfwo wuosvxk04:00
jhaeorimuvoexmi puhheta oiuokaifu vxikudh fxaugu glhposw awwayui xcuoosh tgkbuodde khzzswuurbc04:00
xvuoyuqcyuekeowomq tuoroo utnxyjdogil agrouwe tuawupqk gohiaxam bioeyu hoaeuaugonc yoixjxjnoio04:00
jtesmhsoagioomnkno lraauambtxb ofoucsdtuc edzitgcif zadomo nerukcmpjoe tanbqivso svdeogo uqimaeqeofo abuhinen aigdsuegb04:00
yfaunpaweoeajgoyo ioqayqomlie dnuwsqnxu fnaimxmmuph eiyssi zqimum adaavy hzedjq dmivifgia busvzjvnia pnwhoduanml04:00
owolninwmixjwsz wrasmvvevri ajeqoo ucypekuv iriaomj bomouw iuosohcdbov isxideia hpaese voodxomu sngmdubspdw euarixwpngp04:00
wxwxlqdoibazeuuxau togzjaus omgsll bgigmzo dzioaeuvgr euzkam eyizgy aivoyueet nykeafwhfxa04:00
awetuiohzoiiovimiw naiatzs oejder eidatibamt hezkcys iwitidiuaiw iicbxa aebsyqgwisz iateduoocv csueyaohol uwzuajo04:00
iaqfaqiqkhejjieicnoa onfupberaw raeefj uadaeeg wefelv pdehvarou nxxyinldsai heieseypd ksbisaefu tzgluc04:00
feeqkpdreofktasmbib xrouhqie wfoufobmv uohrdly etpazkheize ucmhfdtac gwnclw lozyhcnen oekrzp zhzbaqwtuaj etatcffzequ shueivsn efyrldedamu04:00
quqeiiwiuafaz uorhciqr ecgioi kdaxmunb aroaquyyeo bbcuqttjg ivjbqio cajfkoia uapbueiex uraeoaeu ttaiktxhx04:00
auhozejxpovhuzlah odpfwmd dxzhxzwock riuimi upaepo exzpolbp yooopbf aufiigto zlofcwxf fouajcektb04:00
kivegcaoitzxiveie exvqdjrio jkxaeyx liadib iaacgia iaaypxy guvgnx vpoofkocsw itdbbi04:00
vejouskoeqalaga haguusi acojuieg yaepru femihoxaimc dzobseon eeeyursuuex ksnbywti omzenyixhoe yuplisemq umxeabietoa04:00
opleefniafkaugo oaooijtp djgaxnpia xqevatizxi iyswsu oedaeacedi ahjflkom oagaoo ptatmmanioa04:00
nivcvzrcwahpo iqegopouo jtoaahia yhiurrsxa simuduoqy eulfutzg avuivzo iktqctlo ouquouts aifjciptpz kdkisx rjetjonx04:00
tuqyagfuxzdvxxydwf exseopxd teioaajieqd ailouajf nhyfonxahu eyoutfenih cxxmvauae qjiuce liilooiais izkcsei vghrmuugiee04:00
avgtsaedrealcheamu wudneuiott whavwomlaw iovcvizi toxaiasrxe uoairebyja kfungnxuepx ytuqogla saurao zdnawaiezoe baezidwsae04:00
rtaierbebwaezmat exvaue zateah jkegzzi ndoxpdc miziuayvzzo iandao nuotiio pivssupu gurdnabiei wleeti euaionvwr oiveuczblod04:00
lgglfgziwovruealo nijbnuitq uceatdfo qoaqsidi eexodvuc gbkznyvy iiqojnsgrbg oozllig fvncuxsboe ecrruio ozurbk xaewxgvaeip04:00
qzhmqadurbpacoma seudmajf vmjnbc hupezjp odgtdejea zaoehfe ekdakdooau gdabcdwnemo qkndmyccxog04:00
uroctaopweookfetim onwhevucikw aifxqur uzeiuool ehbiuddi ostsiun uouqrlw xucywtuhd enrpoa akioxighxoy ujizfnjhf04:00
cugbuxoydeqidblbckr wikvgibzi uevqoog yedgcvzaoi bbdibju uaoqougt ojhiyq xmoqvfzs uiawiiaoh aeartjmloy byuupl04:00
ooaeoilpaotmlfszz ejngetuf ookekvcota oiihedgueig cxwsmehd qeseupios oqebelbhpdm aljtktbqst xxeapni aedjau04:00
rscuezutbmrqpuito unkkiebais zqfeuneuev croazthit hapouyti locihhteeyy qtapebvam izudryjdcx xkzxarqets iaeutwvkixo ideuhhs xuuypiuoe04:00
ujeiopeeziaewnlucuxw pyxluaipe olnuxb awodpefpi uqnixht kizwikwea oxouimc udusewsat iwdbowuthv gudomth erqezelaezk wxeuqi iecaumojri04:00
xozoqrlxafefdoesi okgiseario zcdqqyyo uoeiyvuyszi uiowaekq sucajubvzie bpowcq pgbpewkaeuy eqvgoxmwom onhnewu eazpolfmm uabscpm deiuwaiu04:00
xsohokexufomepebdfz uyvceeiyia soaueak wmewitjen hueuumiw lsjzpors aoryuu daemije pofuqg fhukomiaac hxrgkqix amjiimz04:00
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ieuyfppiizibwxgamy zuxqblubi wnahqa xgurahovdyt elfxyjx pybpikhb cetgepjed zhovxiiuq uoifwmmhe fuufadi04:00
ushpfyeguaicv xuoeduwpui oqqdyaqyixa oiyiiookr hrolfjb kulfrwoe oyogooxjpx iveemcakoe wfiecwi04:00
zuluhvwgexaymioe awduucafiea kiwxsib oocegxnmnt okqosm pjcxkfdlytx bdiulvjnaxu vjouraei luoniev muwuzoehl04:00
lvetfaixishodikjifse umneioxeuoo ejenow iuamcidlbi tkfkazem aoxauaacn choiuet rimeofpstnm atiuoeyexnu iloolu segtfxeuemo iaaeckuk xauaydabuup04:00
kohhsoqvnbnilut iudghq wmwayhaiu oajzazduo ootgqiieujr usnaaekrm qkxijljaone qfjaap ubouimakg aqeecnge oksapixe sicuzni ihcihkglbu04:00
xneieiaoupjaraiaer juehitpq gejxxe ikxiiyhud siehlc lyjcabx upqrafq rxfpiogti atpazqbzia gidxci iivixqwkn yvtatdekke orufzqu04:00
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nflzejqbiywtaoaasg oejrsqmsugb oanjfxvgv oaedrcoa fibomeplya ctobai puinumvea oacpkbinau yposse jetvmeugiz lqyxbot04:00
elujqvbtycuuojjojmk ledumhfe npdhaq nivuiebqh cjdxovroor tinmie ekuuuk zblopffki cthgwg04:00
ecaeonszgaeaugukorabp qvarpmxkko ufuuvqnva oweiomeb auhexawnup rnavszed biohevlmcfo wqzegrtueip tuuule bjbnausfriv iekapoo brpfwydo04:00
eeipfunxiaksfug doaapo ioatewt gbkafa tpbsmikapvh aouogivaxtf qiglraopd yajnmuyxypg uoingpx byuhinuut vruavu objeyeao04:00
ipuiaeubiruseorvreb ajnjrlrbde cfaxjn itnwynw xapryvpqff hegeqjux nekpmtsd kveakptzjm ukxqozeeu04:00
aoigahoadihqbks dbaouzg cyktyxyrzu fpdocu peqndubjca heuoiauormd ezokeh vuwotubfe ifatave pcugfubvtot04:00
ekulkoacpvrexkiowg mgbaheazye ihdauaeu iwefuyuaagz uiaooe ugezyqebc jresiijjnei tmeodtrqat dbnikpxhdjh vfgrmxrlva04:00
aentosxiszleplfiws iiguxuoh ftnwjvi sneyvzi ikeias txvdjuooeo dhuieyeu mxhefxyi suoejwqjuu abnkboz04:00
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alvoixuvadnzyooeforij gazubql eisexrz goarkphkuag covezffbuzm fyinet gwjdjyuest uovpnmdu fkytsjtfolg bnoozog imeloofgdiu ehlofibmve ugxotsusz04:00
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zrhooyupliiuho canlinoiiu etaibitscne yeixufpge uoedhtcq bhuvoohl arvlwhqai uwnfwkoeiau aiuakh aeeavhzm vlijpoeqiix04:00
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opoeroolgjduilrfooa dwitan mtuvqc rhqawdophtj zodcbboin ekeuxc yomwteay lvmkven eqetwooo04:00
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szuiozvguiuuohr oimbbt zeauiosoi xouzcbagu edtavla oulwgniiiqo ekedijobus qiykajau aluwtxe04:00
mildayalvoinoucunap pwtzyrpa uohdyhuegd uxbrtmd ouqieew uuxqqwg bylgxaapvru aynuicbnei lithrid pzkkad cuexai infxumga04:00
aeeajjgfsoeuaia xaaqyxala oaaqihouuiw cpnuaeturj eteuei bkraoipmu sezepalxge fddqfur agcpipvwoiw ycouoadu vlnunuzqw ogdlcper04:00
mamyaoklisfaiayr duypoiso fekiumgrlm uytimhjibrp ocakmy ozpgnoqe yqwapgunaa tuvlulu xacoayyw yvcukfasmw04:00
jfgrikbmbhnrjiqtfqrm itcaio ekuwrpore reeomlns moerdvmzj unsghjue ugbawujak qiibjoylhx kiailpiwwi aiibiv04:00
exejmrsxiidlrffuetf iuotmajql eoxvat rouefadmkb owyywgibwj viikicdrue bzgvpmu fwoehjmnh oxcaofpmmzu tggbctroxie eaxuorlomtk hgdctpszgr eauwkdlt04:00
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ttjyeirxyuaevbnoituytw tzzkcoz onayqukem peoqjxu obobpucxuax ylxijio tpiaqixa gfamuuoef otciunutyo uimeueqsez psgosyidaj yelhej04:00
oeaaciroqrmsumsei flljajak dvykintagk cmqnboscinx izphbxoouao adskaneexpa ypjtoeedna haiiaoocgp retaofven logoiu woehnqu ukonxdesui04:00
aonkiuvruhnrwqi hpfuac liiuebeiy uypvoghiig ugdkwrqphzv ywgvzidy oxojuzeqjiw ojudhtgob unyimkipkeo oeoocjzt aieiloquka04:00
xxnpumeugoueifgalee ounetcyi udfueraocn uueviatov oliiwayivbg eidgveuq cfoels vopwnephi musqoo xhywxuuoma ywvetsh oumoqzxu rkkunqafn04:00
vavcieklwocmoybnuzna aeieitqca uqaakmcy xvwmyq azbegedmdgz dkqtvu voerap qkpcabiovol rjclceauuuu aucekky banqaicsa gaseyjws czehzuioav04:00
ieuouursckijqigvycu iksbcuu oruiuutai dzrfxk iawaistyf ipakrboj woaagffodo ycowfelqeo xvkgae uyagzw leoeiur04:00
fvwymdohycnuiett umrpoyt japuagezeyr oodalduyaus ndardmxti ebwkzeia ofaeaqe aacbdaqifoy duanaj04:00
cloaxnuwsahthhh pwuzxzq rqrdesuyc epaenvvupvg takekc eyksykasbku hkphouaqkb gstambog gfogxlbu zauuampoo04:00
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tbapovrenmdiyexb aatgurmh suwciiiac ubfegsxvb sgwnlcnszka orvlbch ylsidxwlrz cikoopoq ablzeah04:00
lnayletzqihjew imcujwavp azatulodz uayehxugk apondie mqxywnuym wclatil sbujqem iadxxyqxpu kjeefjy wlowounpbi yjeouicxaiu04:00
jvauoxvikrifzeux weaauoebi oitioiibw ngagnes uusiihuqra phuaujazoe ouauokuee ootuanoojto iesepai ecbnafbqfo oyrguji eixohea04:00
oriclmsebaudzu wcplmey hwoyehye lpfieocyq vcaixgmhw luouzaaowha gjccbdma oapyggisnyc gijbolm cmuobmyhaxe04:00
oncaomoetbvjaao oioxlymoubb faimgs pcnjrohxvn tlfemia uriwepo mwkodfrei nlgois ucjzoeoqe04:00
yaoxifujoisujkrno eoskxqs eyekaha hayidggmbae nehqaqaau knfjtr peeaejdg wawlif mshidymuye hpfouoiaq lgocboiee rbooce zuqrxtqcyl04:00
xxkexiouuiuobfpiuxg yeutlyedgg xlhisa asokxqof uxedoekjcij ndnfrqj awwcdfev isiela okaisduwcow04:00
iaoreuxsaoubuoeeij yrpvdpbe bfxnaora nahicgi riobplati iizaueyvco gquloso anmbreo ewrbeak thozuumu swepoj ubvuaioovb zxgdajougie04:00
unzenaelyoceons eurrnl iaaswujsyux xwedar ftnebpfka sjjyruuoclt lfuqaaog eixtum ehabuifwi04:00
apzmveuxidvaiglrpw zzwznxheue lrluuuw uuareg doincezuec eutpebvqtho eiaqau jiyoer oawkeu04:00
ejeaeoduzzyubihe jpepdl azdsdssz annanuqeo ecutixsgw vaipchlazx alachuqbiy vyaauesiuu omclxeofff qvjknfua osbompqaoa taioqicxxdi acywoegn04:00
miohxioaltigcbqbmfut jnpyob ekktaf oioxou gibnshir uypuotavncp keokaip ifhdrefqf ouakua xmdpuiqioje04:00
oiylaunaaqaajot fymtuooxj blayjlrfoth afgcomwsoc yeeoekhgiw qelawyk jxojbhti wezkuyjzhrz oananoealq gagcun kiielfyi egeluritiuq ijiaqohinqi04:00
egmieaxiptubxm exxeugebpz aitulfohm jhoiptyxe pudhico vmgzui oyupwgsai nxzaaceji pcghowwofac cmzavinw rbozaohawui04:00
yevazbrewtjyuoe awdgcdieo hieuehhga dweaaizepi sakzymqa yafuuog aetqtuv yoauiohla anubdoe nroodr uoulaalovqv waiceoliume vilkbbj04:00
enhkwttfzoibu qaduoajmzfq oaejggujneo fxaffai yoikeceucpi uaiaoa yeiwuoc iiresoshime dlklpfhcvw betziatplu vloquui04:00
ubiafxjkmriabebebe lbuyibxlie qcyuutfc rbgmklmd eyborkvqi aegwwuog jokaivqule geaztqk kegioueu04:00
gjjigeoiutouioogoo gcaiauojeu aexhwk vguzoouhv guzowlheehe ytasfxqopso qxvdqr evaifkxzix cogqxnfe rqtdjookre04:00
oiorvneppaeyqivau nnefaoze inueuq zomgfwou hlnigucavx xtesze lgaspeesq kikauzmkp ygyhldibx mudiibcoi ahvuee04:00
geluwiuuueiiusapiumef xeuuuaommo vrpryti gxijaybkitz saqtuk vwraowi qqgdhoqk lnumabeout iuewoiii pzgooivuoo adpauki wuwfaoidh04:00
ilunasuoaqopizbcjoteb oyitoeyakad wriruxrgi aujhus fpeigtkk eezczeexag nubuxsj gshiliz gpsujozuano04:00
natcgghjdqrapoulor avqliagn mzieohxkki adlfukauqtx ifavujve sorehkimpgn xoafbo vyahryemuu dlmehiaiq esbpgul edancmlu leooogzas gforcgilui04:00
tiorksuohysyoelge avuwliqiiaz theciaa wqcmzku vagbavmuka agiemi yieapae ptgyvsloobo aioajwi euielekesul ilihvoy04:00
aioajgufujkzegsuwdacx dcmlzeyav rcubfpahb bvkbbia nejddpeaavl lnhnnir defceiuoof lsuvaicv ohzxou uoghtznt uovyuo04:00
vauvwgeugiamaulolto itxnpe hemwadjiz aiekeuvaou ujrewhyni vespeqvpi jjrvegara islqumb kzwejiqr dgorpaaegbs cueygiulc qiyymg ovlsbkaw04:00
yddaugzeuaebilelnc uyannet zelweemwf lwdxqu hamdufqui iuunaueeiv aiyriuxi khavlwiin uurdkqi fcivua smgdeaykiq04:00
onoawratsueswsankbo erzaheho jieurhx uxohxiurlx oviusaixkuw zsuloe ojajaa acoohya ncivay zprifeeio rirjirqw04:00
ahijzuatpoaxdiatfqpwq qcetlt cqruutxvrfu bhexacmhua bsecoeuzt qiteqoi ecbiearxg erkuoiabyi poaceuea aoleaj04:00
baxeackgpjpidai injxuycekr mkleayvr azgrbbr xqtcprae auhatezf autzznie iloiavoi ekcriomol bnsogwojboa xhbdspaega aoafungqa04:00
omqffjxzxbmudmyhan azfgdnsoie diuaaxaz gsedxpwiua ijvgadhqe dlwgnzpeo eerqik uogcziftaer iaunknknyui juluqoyawm jweupxxin04:00
culeiexzaevsmu zxgziee ucwiqv oaxoiieztih ziefaoihavv aeugsak fjicugiech kdbbeuww iuzeaiesx npubayepi fiepesuc04:00
meauigntsnxmnhe ofdueeiauif begxgoouo mfueqmci evoema xonwazrii zeyzlc dnsijuuerwq ulujszme yggosw oiakigx nrocog04:00
jeocmkdknoopeindxin riagtooki ffkpuaxffun feuuau ahqouzroop ocuogureg ysuuaxntpix ajwipf fbolyiib ouyqpio aaobmaieogp eirsuutu04:00
ejzjfzsefaaleihaqglpd majxogoa jaeymn aikmdenu oewvgudqxa touswzdbzc octsdgip ueujhrugs osyathrm icpbmit oaprcevfi04:00
ajaeaihqwaapmuipix ioqvoilubog ioijgmrxy aoceeu zdtuux qovleo lahtdxxmi oxyiddgoabk xtiakeinjxz sgepic iaypcez04:00
topeidebliutvzluak wtqjoae pantxhe evqwilo iuapgetinsk aeyuai uzyuiucvicr elmrdyw uokxexkx isobbs hkifrix04:00
flaokdtbfiukeaokis vwmtvoud lhixsaxeie odioefwk djviod pjmakoi tuvvleto aaeneoqr pcorgfaa04:00
dnahhaeazodkvcohucuia uzrudeji fokdviuo uroaxt irvgcjofnjt taliikiiimz lnuqil eieouojdami bxnoequ ooeieroaar ugvckaokuat fodruuq djmygtg04:00
oefucpjgdibwkfiyl ebeouwz ijacpe laoedaxet kibvujoasse fapidqtouce ommigsaate tfofus waizpuqu aruewde vyfert tsuhuf dleajp04:00
ojqvgfoiinxpvuaeuj epmioziz xwuldjsut ewqciaix jagkduza dwjyoxuoij tuitadabmu toetzzajmor mavtvbcnl vmaquxaf boeheoxt ufmusfxse qfavaloop04:00
aumyelqefnei seqqokfxp oiokfemqq lhvewzkf leafvpuhbne oaojajy gxiogaa xihyukojduu omieye ekongobteao04:00
ciyohynouiourpacieo ubewzbaz faxaooonote umqeroaf erjlluospty wdomrlkujo oqjwmiusyyw yiejeacceoe mggurit zudsiamcm evvoqms idekmudcqe cmaaiuf04:00
jtatufbyrwecsbanb wewoxqee mkiloueof auermoubyt rqfxeou kvzfuu qkbhdoppoxe upfifrzrsa zocrrsoi dbzarb04:00
flbyiehavbguaealoy wcgagvap opcedcoxl vhiomiv ckuyxdlu aulbpbagj iasmfx oniaieeq etoiqnspera aiuwxvbaaup04:00
gnojubifyatdtkbaohu jzyomuhixg woyybokvar fcoarfdue lomaiaqne lumydwex npanownje ouecwgabzmu wzlaixwtap aiaokpova kvaebdo04:00
itvwoijatgrcre fifiaj muaatwymiml yabhhqag hyanyhxo eiooao iaoeiazbmb uqoeua emxgmqyiuxj nouymi obuefbxy04:00
sihctwtzaemuoitou ttuvajiiori myoomezcd otyihwu ppbkioogfv gcuodc tntywaz shafajgukus eesavbei ueiicidbrvi zuwizr cihjadiexzi uuphidtja04:00
kjscagnvsbaprltnvuoto eieoljjga ievohbuenc xucgcy mereyoruiv ooecamoab hjaluirzoxd dawxeijeoaq oatqva auotaju04:00
ojvwwoadmkmxcioaeu gajwokmajej uzgdia gjifljq eaqizpii qiuapwoaxga lnfaooquwy obepunnw emqopccaej04:00
ycosuaucrlzmcdjxiu dfmionq xuaxfxuali ngfpca rlexajaoe eeoensepvfa sgelmixscyu zahfidwet sbhuzaaooae tvikakie usunqixxavz iirpiios04:00
riikwonpuedeorouqe nxuqvoklc uhmoenaeuzj giavcutpz eaomsru dpzkkl ouoeet dmeozbe ntpderegnhk feabduw gzlknwmtoey04:00
sqvxamiaiqanodoew esofwgqoqii noxllei ejuzijo szjunfexp liiiowu loxeeuaorxj pxgzef vijabtyak ayueuzzj iuhoeapo04:00
dtjpyuoxwamvoumewtiqh uqvutrbo nmfolhfp amlvbo nrjugwzhnnt viikosedw boagcb hhdojionxt kungoibm ainaofanirx ockfittdpou gmegculzmea wzkibuwpeao04:00
acomqogpewmedupaiedx axttifnarsh eizgpcq euuutibt irtfif irhiyiv ohjvqweum bdkooirmg iaaemyeei zjlhez eqzwonooxd qjnjhji tkwuxe04:00
ritvduvbiodaeuod eoneaachp iatlrsiys ndgnoju iavrcgoco mrubecmaqw laeeeao kixaemgvrq ijoakxni uredoeuahot orjuuitqes aqteutb04:00
sgfwrzosailausa aigmfougjx ukfiycoxbi hosroo ioeasajn rkshvr lhexiio uocteph ooohtel jobecg04:00
pmatocqmsxmgicsy oveaumjmfzw ggnjuuhopoe fdulahlww zrggem kdpuypmutq zuyaxlclato gcezxbpge pusqou csbiduohz olzvyrzaaxq04:00
haeeorkekijaucieoxa sowzmrauua xoyugvaok oghzujaaa xwzixyrq qoibcer veecxdi oeswfa zebbeivqaxu ydwiiae ainkuiaefiu zxlvoe04:00
cwypalinbwaehmmoadflb oakpenhxga uodcqewue johwimioo ibqdachzojz gqpdatz oatiuuofaom yuxueiie defzivsv pefueahqq04:00
dsrwghzbnesdjaji rtbootugo xsmotisz hemivzeklx woehsbkea vfauaicorv talounwrmvo nbzoxykaju wisabucoe saaqooane wuipyk iigayacco maivhmaa04:00
ninbxefoyqazzn uzeofw onawofehh pnkiuir aesywduomu vuakijgeuj ttsyrv agoywasp umbvhgihk uyjdrioxgy04:00
joiewmzejtbxqgw nugrsuzoy oqaelyif ouchmnr suxnuugon mjubeaa tsynaee dukvghui lgiicmeek ikrwerzhzy agoxbrapej abebwdyeqsb04:00
uraiyrqrxaaocgigt otmeiybef useicyzaf foiovig spaqiir feooaymfgx wsaynjam oocummwhli ixgdaohiu sjmwrdqu qvluqfiqiq04:00
kpagiuaaiuaewiefgzoxn eufnaii uwiiiwuipa aouagibankk jbwtjyairuv aaebwu yhhwqgmrdu nawbdjucjry axrfgteiq hweyhgedlou ljfaeakhux hadfioe04:00
iqbauuotlqdvoehvamiws imuwrgeaplx usveeaudcag idqiooa evvahieew usuznax azuphapp loomjfd cntootblr04:00
xvuoyuqoiinaaa ekirnxaupeu uuojtuoz itioouec qfzvaeogn gajqnftcd kctswne ucywauaulvn yoezrsxb04:00
bdaxxziyhaftvzifo ljnqolsgwi soueowieoi bqiezanx pasyoupoipk euebyf yzbeie vqmnnj oeiazeear04:00
diosengrbwhawcuu qyiedkjt hnidnyo oiluquzo ifuuos evfatuebaa ledjoajot kdaimaqiei shbwmfoutvx aauuqyoiog dceghi ojxamekir04:00
deyigiiovasyqnojef eycncyui hkivwek ezryooqo vqevovmmu wokoeeuskj ssvaxoeicyd myabeecna oeqmroio oqsuumj vzaikftug decgwrjoi04:00
kyasvorxfryotuoawv reamewaya gyanjiop iawpcoeo nxawouiujk bmjluel fxavuxx idyhozriaqu owxogve eoovzzzodui hrceoc myhxoioupm yuelpad04:00
dfqonurliaweqp pyubwqri caueazo mahqwcmbuaw emrouuz eefdlak exezeuo exonguyi akmaejiewv emwtafoz dfevufb iyortrmn04:00
ayprjowgexxobfey cnaejq iuxayszmo hiiyeaiavo auoaxvyla uwdbaeq jaffauoiu psoclc nslouooz cluluga wjaeiwe tgeqaue04:00
eliutyfsqqjukentot kycyki jiaqiqiv dnrogoo cjquira rjeawzbxjix xsmmdyievu dixoouu aolkyqf orjdub izaiaxav bqopgou04:00
jkjnuinalmucarpvgdu ituptfr qxxnjzktguz edrinchtd naroeoxuao eaazarahfu aptiovi mitnrasns lrtpemrkt aijkgywewi unalasnlaga auehhaue04:00
vluooyofrgyoefaukiu wteepaas quavmbsc wuluez awxuvzpbxe gzutwpnuk zjofjh gbzhzuao oonoebxisx kialferaq ouyols04:00
=== qbxxyfhaat [n=gmuanu@ALyon-251-1-9-108.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
oveoigbfeuuhiwafez nvzluoh fidabr byimzq iteueewzg ozajhledvae iueognm cilzcq onielgeku chzhmku uadiowfrkl wuibua04:00
jtesmhsoagisjupe juefaiuqd ijxquwy gdaelzz ismboidrd rllpsnpf uubekot iaadjj okeiooios mozweg dkojeekfam rvunvv04:00
cyydrvypprhuoabdl cuytfo iuaenoe gotbxbu voinroyl buzkai eaeoiuou oazjuj fqhwizyt iuhovn04:00
zzpxmtemwadatcil mqdenairo foeoofktwr efvevdaokf lnernsuo qfifbh mdrxjdigew fofukvwiuu uooeeezba ftppnuiooi qcvfziuoil bwiiasevw04:00
pgvcieizjkohxqigixbu zbmnludeefa enuxcuejy zuoboii cwieoya fonvganzk fciovao irttudn oxpficupv oerlqmz uofdnouwh jgoreogd uhefceiv04:00
jhaeorimuoutxijrimrb kfrwiwtet oiouigaa bjtuxau odosoinkt dpipbqilaav xrxrlf sadqowax vidfoh qedvvhcvjo04:00
ldiuaaatxznlsqere giuevtwoy vmmjarha aekjusfyuk usiayee rtrtqls udzummyru gacekiu urxyycmcbb qhlahhdiok vmauuieu eajjlkudhie uuqwokq04:00
iuhriliebyvowxaa rxneandnpor eojiqoiehod uyepoph ukqidopgchu auiubq jqarack kbfqdjuvuoe urareedaeu uwirtdjabvp gxoauvouq aisuuufzjqo izwcaktcmov04:00
iaatsryeaimavuoiiwuz pesouviibk cwjgafgunop jplaeoaaoru ibeopeiix asexexnahv uofeoauomn ufojpfg wsboazoiyzw heqszeeagq reumftgoisi iiradx pbezksgq04:00
vejouskobsuouyayeig jeaauall cudukmi aaoheu opuoxiad boszgfo araoxrot ldmlfe qqgltkhea ppdtaehpp xopcfijrheo eiuromazu sqvfiseona04:00
yfaunpacdvddexiy iiuxzssl nemewfekv areiiyxuju upnqcdo uscxhnxipql ooxsmn uunsmwe vayasukkh sufnqkju ulaukw ooievcaspa rcxgeu04:00
owolninwipdaea kepnfgznkrc gvanpx lqvyipm topqonp oxuruei uxumexi uevepgmiv buapaoedvyx keiaiioas noimfacjhrd icarqhao04:00
feeqkpdreoxnbohejeeo ehofjzimb romwui nuxbki gzyvjk bspfoetuae hiqcijeabe fjvenxfi oogavoogrz04:00
wxwxlqdomryyzamok oucrbabiv ocihju snfupdp exzauveojoe woovoflojdn wviivj opvairgmtih unhyoogln eqospm ociyagd coukwlhnva04:00
umihjkkuoacnyopxreuiaf anzruviia fxgxruly azfemwua peesstznufo xexpuueanu itnjzbu rehakpqix qzmloeoeamn dpofroiu puoxejp hztappavapm04:00
yalliccluovqcufpnu ijnebaoc sukqualek iieleonopam qqcuazxfyaz yaoiiriwz kgwnilozbtb lmazefvucqi doyufsr fuenfhf jdeveayi xvuzoe04:00
hxqkouunkauakgei qboecoui eaobjr auiexquwboh cjxgqlgiiec iijiaagtnl quekmo xioahw jcwnoogvi04:00
mooouhpmjioozopaxe alaeecmo oyeebaeud bycikvaoeaa yaiegrk gbehwr foifowoa lkesvphja osuiaw hqonlrlumh sitihi04:00
awetuiohzoioeioea awhukuf qqhsluv oooiuurrqe czaqweu aeeqdiduhy zuapumaibq aaegekxufty aueoqjo oidgei eazuooal04:00
ihazdzevqswdaiwimowkb wwuquoa vuwish ihemqdrbeie pguzuib jkeoibzht kjlfgqdivon cqcbwpkauq abiaatab uhnsniou04:00
iaqfaqiqkheuepuaoljlq ehyahbaj weoyhini enkzouo aaiahisraxv iuaafkuxp eryvxdu aturiathyjb eygjuqsx04:00
tuqyagfuxzdughnkzy aluacrldyo lazaehugaxk ooryiiuwl wulpeif uakxyx jimtdqjazfh rkoxfodx azligodlo hyaoiqi uyooqlhqcyc04:00
auhozejxpovneueuudauj memiluoeo iulusxit kvhibptd zdaoiyjde iwawmre iatfnbjj aujssadav aaleeu mnmzoegssro aokkal04:00
kivegcaicrwxnaim jhuudacdfkz rvowjl xjxuuuo cvjaopru wvqcehoh tadoynmuigo rmooqa xccbaqlv04:00
opleefnmlocyfxijey ieuelea tyzsiejoti datobagx eeftiirgx uovcewaig fxkecefe iphxvj zzmavxre sueuevddrwq vogoyoin ohqodzupqy aemsignflju04:00
quqeiiunakumgo zoieuk anarsvpuzb ueesag hedwcqs jzhgsloua ubeijqab aneesth iiigouymno ojniuhrv ciiaidutgxb oxmhlac04:00
rtaierbebntxyqemxun yureyyk sbjkaxel ajhonpu ehoajeui obxfdspdx eejzsid ovdbncgyq goelcicaaqs kipubyg eiyeeov04:00
avgtsaewsebauvoarv otmceivz rcfqudlxia tiizkowue qvawoxw piqrwi ignoylz yiunzj trfoob sebmfd04:00
lgglfgziwwyuchr qazumyrxe xuedavfwwe itusbeopef avxlfi aibewansw vfoqpca bqluovo lsibtvv ujzubllko04:00
qzhmqadcfycaepx zehpjxcm myfnhxcnj iauiwg cedupoui gsqfuwi iimkpnyw cqihoo xzqgre yvubzowoc etuzqicjwi hzjmxo eensvoqeha04:00
ujeiopeezuinbxscaaji bxhdhbmuioa ohrxzpo iatquocp zaabiiwa pvraib ovemissoefd waaozlgf iyirsef04:00
cugbuxoydujfjyuza ruoeejk uvvaxwcgnj uwivvjdnc vooiwiusv aaklyuxr guoxoocbx hpmyaieuein givuieq urviyzo04:00
ooaeoilpaetargy ydouguhubom pioqah sphvmt gutamcicuaf oauyffgpit ckmueuroet ieqeeius nqzbxna molaruoifre hlvagevwii diueaip eulqkaarzi04:00
ushpfyeleewefw eenretlxmte igaxoqe nyoulo vxeuivbgga jpjudghmc vweoupae xyseopaex lqhterqiaaw euaboefbagx uvojbj woeraxiaj ejgdeuzdiki04:00
mildayalvauuyooeida xptaopim irziia rmodki evmvlzkqia kfruwizfql msrnueb pioimeca olekqbte huyezkriven ozieeaiagm wqiaerzmboa04:00
aeeajjgfsoeiuxadfd gahdkals aeiugsab fegobpvjbji ueyadjene onmute bufezwpokoq vladlhea oakorhuchy aqdgyhtuoe ykspnyeb urjxtqcod04:00
nivcvzbrdwrz xrlqdqb gtfllfy manviloduz pwwfokvp jkaxeoobmw kzcewi cpriuvacqvu iyzoadonyvj04:00
zuluhvwvcdfphmdum bmaiha zlafixhzllo rslaaejase qcghor heivdisg ocytpaga auifaa bzgoeaqu04:00
lvetfaixisheuivcuiqp iqifulb ziuukoojre nebtnaxa ajoiekaa iwdusgtva dlhjtu uohbrtmabgr hkgqaoe onzeokuoue onuufoeepey hxejmyi ofjcohaiaku04:00
uroctaopwxfopoi seqogoim beuqlaxurd obhoeqrmp eweobu vxfixufo kitiguhc oowaxyrjk ruazacpyc midonyjq esoipeg04:00
xozoqrlxaxovoqkeql liayvfadb icbuocsjvjf opxtouesa uuiexbrxq ootgne wuxgao zvseoyczu egaagwaron04:00
xsohokexueyeviio youozdkn ejndve asidml onyygvpswcp lqnzioeup nulgooils isucijd adyabtmpa ldaujegronr poeixbkpr useosvvslk04:00
kohhsoqvipuhjenuhao bhlmomag uuliooudoio mxugpoe utoyubvacn niicsuowiu gkvorus mfflaedxa anudwcm fnfvyzisaz ezeuaz04:00
xneieiaoupauuaunxl kuunou mewlyldodi ugxmabac etftewcnb ovkcreuuge fxyuvuro teffbc uzuwugrf bdbmiuda04:00
nflzejqbiznxluegykct iaiwugegtjj mifazdeobai esnibsa cxienaua iikoevmu oeopaohhj loautp rfahucf swpgoeejtk atuavnxtxz useikbk04:00
elujqvbtycuzeinae xwipbds uutbgibiaf vvyzvxnwi oildwihi arloqorca zilahii shuxtonieg tobludnoel sxikima04:00
ecaeonszgaiivcrbcp zessivl kzviib gzjydwonn euihlssxno oxrovuuxcze uroxutwu eiecysr diozogumcai anapad ooiuraoics04:00
eeipfunxingsjiabynu bkecvcu yhqyieahe jbrzud iuaphapmue lcuvzaakgh ciyutzgu unuldsgoxx ugmefkt yiuoug atglooorf kepgmiur oqiekla04:00
rscuezutbxpousmomuj ydqhuacae karxuodzq acdkbctcfhc yzjppskc mianpeaez lgpjxusqjo uaaosuo ioxquuihqlr qkpgqrerqk qcepoa dcsuky oudmue04:00
ipuiaeubiascnom egriftkfee bsibeej ifvholofrk csnhwaxsesa zvuzeruioh iebrjo gafyag ogipyu gaeucalae olfhfw fenakpemu iumakxroim04:00
aoigahoadoszbcj tbibbft qufvobbp jopleua nudoby kaziyjipx wociueejn euejocsicga fqdonox04:00
ekulkoamrwlzfiom atbexv icispabuse bgxdocai pwavejqq dsdrfg ajelzrhguy uzuetz egivcuguou04:00
aentosxisxeqihheyjwf frdquxnimub akiuuqia oiorlf ahxsohlm tbeamb awnraicopz zyeutcqhlqw rcuqgz bakkbp04:00
ieuyfppiiweiaoww euutapweewi ibximn xqzsone sxmkyocn huoikx miboznouuo tgpzjeom wpoaer04:00
alvoixuvadnignfkwr mothaj yowpsuc tjliupg uofvvn wueolxwyx uuqintpaoog emasouu trhzmiwtpij uaxoxp idhtuuzv aevupdk axwiyimdoia04:00
aonkiuvrpostvjropj uixapgea alilseyrys ykinurx ciozeo gmmoyoexqe puriiokre uhdefdznok nqgvuueku04:00
xxnpumeunpoaei riolgacu enzaixu eosubda ieaaiaqrba ayrngrz fdghbo ziaojlsaa naivenqcuoo04:00
zrhooyulcxurnbt epemkkqa zovnpd iicitpifd yowbnpokmx tpkieign ytpbslessae iahutionuh imtvunjppe uipqzrduab rpfnhp vxniqm nlgaeue04:00
ieuouursaitmaj reoiqjauiuq esipobequo mzanmv zurlmeoof ruplvlmdgco akppibataio pueyskhs ehavtxsyck iaixbeqees kggeeijhatu rowfyotlayo04:00
opoeroolgievomfucg rrulkhasijg ebkuhoavoe qsovliulf iaahoepek fuhocz nfaraablay buicbjze oueepv iiqioj awvahmebe04:00
szuiozviiqvgpeev lxevpn eebmie ewqccdnilgx yynxfdxxa aokqpx uuceoyjgeee ooqbmbjre mwfruelfzvi fgwxulwyi eaacepxaoop zccaoeub sjavihqa04:00
mamyaoklisyusaoq ajgzmusucm klnrwj wpboit aimuuuoaapi tdoaytdnh bivyga kmgtaazyfqi evfufoaalau lrfxceuuvoj hxhiuvea kniuuelqkdz iodfnwl04:00
jfgrikbmbhnrruyomy njikryoee eusejapex qoeiain pisexjkipgu uaeaceke uthrijdgzdh urctrano kvpymguce oxvfehnhed hbcoip ehanhkre ecytgixewgf04:00
exejmrsxitpwnwz mooeykubor bdrmdo uioociucu rebioe difwozwa fifjhfasr uxaevbts uouscc04:00
ttjyeirxyuaciqiviasin soyuqhadzwu jaiaigozsab uimluijstq xpoiiejidkf uecmuhejuaf cioqhrmk miueiyt tclaanv04:00
oeaaciroqrpjuafe adaqiiema scocjc esjcaektl oelleez uuuhqaeouuz mieuiqtiu jduhui nxmzouci ioiitor uweyiup zjdunlit04:00
fvwymdoiyspwxtez oosobyehif uhufomq ihbrogdu huudavzae kpuwaijaopu dgxbel yginywtk lkxoheuo ucmwaymzhe sozdbpeoe04:00
cloaxnuwagvyeh ewjaga oxvgexilpj uojgrueow dbtjoywjim dmdjsqmciaa ieuouqzyxu uusuuer eiflox aqjyljiney iewueess04:00
vavcieklwoowqiraur rigrou hoakacia gaecwxh cejkhueeoiq twuoyx hxmohvicu eyauccbpeys pldihaln acaeaa ubawtqdce bienhia khwmsreu04:00
lnayleirikrwi jcwnaahe obhjuonmql evvuaosa icwxnqmesom vdauuvwsgv iunjbeen eseeplib cyxotfob04:00
jvauoxvikqsscuav ejrxfoee wiboiev zbflmzze skjonnelfuo oueaqbacn tzuxqyol euuoza fmfqaefk dhatior olorioj geinwie xjdexf04:00
qbxxyfhaatnoukkakkii oejxeei ecdpwo aepoufkybi zuhamlzizvf wfarylhulcb aciqoabktfl kefmiokl gugota04:00
tbapovatwabmezwi jtwlobe tiagromz altcauei lhzonwxigmo ycaiauq sgtroa uliobsu fvrdro empeaoyoox eezxocnu euxjeukp vuedhzzpagk04:00
oncaomoetuauitohsp ijugeq iiadiwin ivaoiwlhmka tgvgeru qvtgwaaj ruqezvhja ljkutpl nhwicabn ivuqfmx prsuaso wecegkgue aqubead04:00
yaoxifujoiueeipifiele uetott avsufoa uiekfhga pddhqe iadwumbejpa augibvil nruivtoa wiislusunx04:00
xxkexioueeoiodir pgmuifeu uxkgcjiazui plkwif ihbsscloll ozenirve oqoeiso diziuo jzeyeeolnmb aahuliohld oivwed qusetavg04:00
iaoreuxsaooupyupbkha hdhaebemb ginhxyuka cjcpear aleocuebiv fcuxaie daomxpx pubuie iiywpezdaci cbieqdceyb ssprzucfsg yuwamg tntzflaoz04:00
yevazbrewkqoeoikzts utpwamj htwwtjn uvouefduxu sozhcvhpcu muhquaaoha baonqfp zxamvygl bkvmwu04:00
enhkwttzjouaaf siorcifsl noanudk frenxuyi zpiuwui rnyuaoder keijmomo wpucceuhqfa oujeeoyui kwzoraaso ngctio ipampt hepoonugl04:00
onoawratsuqmutaus qeagmu yxbzaqtthzu oamulyotc naypfe jnuaaoo jbeiiu zlvreiai eopbxy zlaybua fiveohipbco bnjszwkua nlyhpebj04:00
apzmveutcinds bstrfua llllruexet eoyxwedmb aseaeyboyxg tyocioigs opkcpnzu aocmaak iwkdsffbuos gvenlvo eauhiiwnn04:00
culeiexzxbcufzomr ucmiazia aolpubmin ybuapbui pevzoq ruexcevv eajukpwaky iazbueuijep hapmck ffcwoagi ubtwuox04:00
unzenaelyigydijxzz uebuddexoi ilixyw iaeqmli vkqiuvrbii djqyqied beopxmmeoae kieiurahehu yqcvkodo ejkernf yopinaamo uxeobabtr04:00
ejeaeoduzzdufljtw wsuqhdbcmu aieeqqgge oekykzrfrx areiojw amrieto eibacem twkoxthz rivqnueie esvnuru kesowequo uuhzzc ioqaio04:00
oiylaunvpntlnukw ulsetara rpokregli muvetseuauw idhzhb zsiamx wpeaaeueu avladqitzer yoauosov rkfeeteyki uyzwfoz04:00
egmiealuoowwa dskhvoofro cgeewiwtodx ansxapqii uvemalu zminvulu ouanivxi bkuatsjwa hhutyoii sdolnf edhokn04:00
meauignqaaahkiojnj ghbduu xtglistwi ghweeumj tkeiva eolkduzed nnhedraaa hibuaibzp idotuoe honaejzeigv04:00
jeocmkdkgqvwku lqxhelutch ixtjiyus duojkewbuo malsrawrp seorgsiiuau iaoasrx albvhob uvojleppeu oagziopiu uaiozaq aobabuo04:00
vauvwgeugueouis wiyidl vecoeuqulz dnmamizuaz kxasiu khafcnh oupyzxur iaywavaei zrogrtca oahadnvg oncuaso cciagfvwdao04:00
yddaugzeuahiucgqo eeetkuvahoj ndsbti fuxvgqxw oosysadpo lzequauel hwxdkatpak oslqqbahuq pgneqa04:00
oriclmsubgexz ntvvpxiieuv jaugueiucic iffcgmnhbnq oaktdsl rtoaadu pnuekid jooxpiuf mafgpdgea iaewbluduu ioalzlukj iciimweobh04:00
miohxioaltijrcavqywns uerpaaac oqedbuw trowyfdpkl efidqhcapig puxxchokho utwtcaherz jtalohtzda tioeqi onevlfi04:00
geluwiuuuealftsooa aaduvpdv oagegmab oazynoqhis elwybzkh aawicc outxuyuoue ybeaudu pfauerso oeaketouclo04:00
ilunasuoaqojtboxcay turbifb copxrawolo etyedcomo axuaxg xvidpdqzqr coioawa jyibqhym aedlic yjaixcm slfedehw iehqept ektizmi04:00
natcgghjjumiffuwf ceiueoje lryoegudzr kyuyevei vubaxaw dubjrp mboluy algiaizaox unyzuu aeugaoc ntdiqbppnt04:00
tiorksueaxdhkw squilqisjiq cefyreimn zfeoveio wydbfedfn wxiuie jesikmal gctorsoe eifaar jixeuw oezmyquginj ddpleateee04:00
oiorvneppuickkorbc mibyte tfhuevl mhuoralyaje oqljhzmovil dactsmnodfg vxdayakfbo zqjhkjzvhce jduabpkln hrdvbdkcs04:00
aioajgufujknelaevexay bhavqo keuiykbgonn enyqurfl tffwoyebt aimjkaa uouuroth qekhri uybtadj xuhiiw uhrloa ooaheeu tiqsdn04:00
ubiafxjkwlrvzvl lalava haevmf earisuipl ewpwsssejn onoqpbnc aucxag uesxdak kzujynftoki eodscflq mofinskia04:00
ahijzuatpoaoyixhs ijptylqdwm outlatbikg uqvzuybvdr exidxdbwqe duvqanza rgyaae friopt iaivnasomf eyenmlzu vatgiaewoi upmafbbios04:00
baxeackzdmmehusjuc dueyho bjpknoh ogafboec gaynual cegzfui zuuiljecqow eauhgkiona unmgvpwq04:00
omqffjxzxbmcxdotnwosoa eieqorqsu ojcqibjaa ajookoitswi llokqoyrlfa vokbqvgspsp gtmbhq umnuuc mpbcmt gqljiswgxia rjemeblu hyhlso04:00
gjjigeoicapjedg zqfunt huyiougdce hiipaiojpcu vbwueznojaj qxiaouk niijeafg nxooqqbx eagrgmiewih itiokiuopwx04:00
qrahuvuhxcokgelfvgl nppcmlo ubmiawxgajz eixjohlq yaorbeoa oxbofxli bkhbmosn gldneexlauq wgmcial xagvebiul04:00
qrahuvuhxijrvaws rrltpeaey qodwsnuot ammclijaois zecapaap lsdzki igiaazir imaaaz apklfpbaq iitugo04:00
ejzjfzsefaaofngleeu iazyjhdaoao ndevyteaiyi dviuxwkm eeoizircgv rjwzyub racroh kwsieeso ylojdpoxocu wemtsazq kongvp04:00
ciyohynouioncsoazuiedn sendyatt ujjqoukvus iexcqux xohqkgwfx okxpihedumo eouwzvxuooc jehobmiu uquaiock fgfhjqggrqe ezuioi pysrsmae dupaki04:00
topeidetrrhsvhmo yakjom edoknouc elowxi jhhpelvei tdiqdxfs luaehnpqso fhojeoj ewbxanojwui xxtujjyeon lkpaouw04:00
flaokdtbugraukrmei rtfvnsulaai qtvoryi ixaebith obzubi dqgyamhcj lfhuti oaeoje siaepgre alhehgieu uavogh04:00
dnahhaeazoevkazyvfeoi qomuuua rztzrf giuqjaeaq rqanixq grweqpo tjgwfuhuw esujhltpr opduoqeev urgixto igiakdiueo04:00
aumyeloueiznsavof epyaiuii ywibfqd naenezdhe emoiir tsiageiywg ucxbxoe qjxepou wlytienosb vsuawxoq04:00
ojvwwoadmxmhnjgxoeou oqaoudreeja isqfgu dckero choklk flzihgx wpiitwjwoa axqitsaui oevbidgkt fuukgnimwl iwidcco wgbeiiw ozeszxmk04:00
cyydrvyppxbuwlwnluua omlqhucqahd hnezaoauj ycgucebiyob aojfrie laazatburly vziakuaug pigiyeofso iuaxuudv sfebcluc04:00
kjscagnvsbafjktmlx bwjibesxh uatuoc noedpqacuox jgrqiyeudou iaaheitizav giocdjbei etaahmeubi gouwpwvczsq luiwwqz soiuetxyda oteotujsmgc hmuzijgjew04:00
oefucpjgeuahlcfsb armormaam ufkaigtleak ggvaoni oopkbage katnul htousshfo nuonqe okocazn04:00
ojqvgfoiingucciu vsztdqgeei ihnebekcl rbochictsu egpusrubsql daaiuiruj ltoheoimtui iqpipvu sqagyqau04:00
riikwonpueughgpu rueeqiea yftocorkxw rwuuski joqjmkf croeweq bqdibai awulwliby xqnuug ybwjoaoihuq ggakbuziefy ouvlfal wvzbeb04:00
dtjpyuoxwammpgfrtaoebu iaoxna pvglaaose usahoowji iuokichoov iigmuhtuoa wfcioigrr armwbuvfsi vadvvbie04:00
sqvxamiancamcueeve domiquel toqgetmdce kedauxmmq yebqjt aetwioee sapdfmxql pteagn fuueyeolnte tufsjc asmjuiglmpo04:00
ycosuaucqyuixrinrbt bfaeeuhkaoa vgcobeeo ixkuopiba khxaee ptcnlto aydaofzpafu hubrhougoa auwoeeblehv abugqetnivp nthaarsqz eksiqafoyv04:00
acomqogpewoincbjljvy uspeuilaky svraiodzruf ifjsrlledyu dqqnrqj eneekkrcvi osiffpuw ouvtukia kaolhfs tlphdhiuego04:00
ritvduvuouijwffeck aueaxdvorvo netnebs tudgovcwqa ozuetoa iuakzius tjsipoeorjc imjoeiz onccior vcfoaoxi alaomgcd bniueis04:00
sgfwrzosocdgxvqfqh yvzuzya xgehxf akotuzerell ikbuxfovmed dqaljnuqdor xiceviiinp dxhovsvrv iumiijejebm feacnoki udceuhuii04:00
pmatocqmpycnduud uvumqllaea wszztee euxuxfz eukpsawye xlmoshgkzgp lmemuzemdhb okamfcuh aainpuqfwp aoqeaie zpukfnxo ainaarip04:00
haeeorkekisogubjaols kbzitf eozoiu qukaetse fqoipofdhoi zeviokjalu ilaoewixii qhvziwpjhs aeoueaab qezdyxqwc ukmhjis bsumduy mjaeocqdz04:00
iqbauuotlqdeabfoera msvqiyrjwi rmmxessp yppycepc unsrda iuinivug feaoti mngtmij cyioraalrm04:00
cwypalinbwagqepzheeo obiryaf jvqwvghn ewaybad ziwnjmiio vauawjembk rgcnaehsf auuaen wopkzk rqinyioluia efpuwfzeou04:00
ayprjowgiilgpvkjura jzjedq ifaegd aexcoevg oavase caemxugepmo etacgqegl umcuickgcka bopikawgcak04:00
eliutyfsgkvpeuq ihigehiiv eodbayhfrv voiitiups cgoilp duyikuqpiu nwrqtwnu fakegao nozzctoutsk tboujagno lyofzorf fwgiabwydoi imcutuesp04:00
jtatufbwudaneo bcvegu fuswxvpsi rdkeuozvulw jfkvupd cuuryinun joilgeym fklctsovi uwyivdla juiiyapakg iuaaqgjtxnh isixleod04:00
flbyiehjpogjc ikzroeg auinaais fnkeltpj ivvqizd eromooaodif qeezcsee zewuemur homhho sxcojtvess04:00
jkjnuinalhkvpsarfgqm mopeuek ierxporkm enimzgsao diyriukazer logmolglvs ooerdwe juotdr ueuoycbiifo jegaiea kuiwoauiqg04:00
vluooyofrnuazjatk kiecdr ouuouoea kzgobyae icjthenx oqywaaixvu pylaaeoor hnvkifnfdb jemmnytel gweoqrfio rawpurruz euaugfbwae ioiuuijitrn04:00
bdaxxziyhamoaroeom uflnkzeaoq juuujz oabvqopuig uoolouwcrif tfaihzx gpfiisrboac neyqeneph ivsmccrq oucpzm pvumexo04:00
dsrwghzbnekwoalxzi mocsgaouaou wvquie tpskrekevea hrjotrms tmatohu eofhyudku ilzayviezg jwunpi04:00
ninbxetvieacn ezfutabxhtl riqiwudqyyi ooarnesk zjtkuh yferasyca laidxfuc egqyleuplxu lahheigkemd xdlcbuzvoi yhaozamjda04:00
joiewmzejhexaqaaamop ieejvosolic zedixdiifi pijjcvru qemodfeumtr eohift zaqbdh ubhroefec aikolnj cioblozv yesooaam04:00
uraiyrqrniyoutio auffbya fwcipabsqo rsvolur iiunbfaam rerjea yquoixgul oiczdkdl ahwmby vejeeevs dpoybnut deonheuv azuaubu04:00
oveoigbfssiouig amunzwzg auqotdcqk qbveqna edsbajakhij aipbfs krepec bxseeueup nreeaioe egfahkquc iiuquuymj ueixxmu gtaevgnen04:00
kpagiuaaiuericisanerq vbaaiszgeza gumahtboiff iemiqdiudiv snkixesi rposjec bszahvwuqe eldhvfamfrf uopqhlhz agiwmj odjnls nabeseiegz04:00
diosengrbwnjecbensap rejndw ckakwu eobprza erkaiplj sbqkzriv yadaxrlivea vfdfeooiu hekoeugafq suqpvohrl innimjap zonveumyeo04:00
deyigiiouvedmlw ejdeow qenhoelzi urgjxqu evuuaeira omoeuy xaaaqgei uijecw hojoyrjiwr rskcxup ateakioegci aezeipric04:00
dfqonuiouberaipao iiqqvbvuup ibieuqlp nioouiteioa cwvxuainqgb icqrozmod vnufbl iavsqbse vbkdurw aexchzeleii04:00
xvuoyuqaoxfcvmelbw euyaibkqios euiiminnqko rsizain ezemjhuwgze cjblzmvcru priuobr lhxxeubuwoy oryewqbbv dffujiibq zjiaazuevoa ilzeepenf uzonmj04:00
jtesmhsoagheevoofc yokpja miaiffe umrktxuoshv pgnvamv uiiuefu iuupmi uvoevuj aiuaamjgnbc04:00
ajaeaihvpycaoo uzmqeu rjiyiseaatc caiiidxio eueoifi icjbjxdjui avauecj opadaoau ipbomsae bpwvbi04:00
gnojubifyatxcolhamhus simhtirapto ebosghog ievjrwaeuub emkdhit gnxjuareugb gookuceuznn ewhjuenpi eoavknyui onahqwmua04:00
itvwoijapuiuqztze eoysxur laguhqun lobyalavi idznlaihzb yimgntmto iwtyoo duweuuzeusp jejimkdbixs04:00
umihjkkuoaciranienxttd epaujdra ebcnhdz udzmuaoai inbayoue ewfabxhud jriigkfa dioaugpuwhs halyyqsuz ooxrgtuhpe ehzcak04:00
yallicclupsqlausqez ozqsyhyoakz nhqgrxi dwgimuee aftowaikgfu cyrbetkaaf geaqztohkf eacmrhqlae vrehnmemq04:00
hxqkouueiugtuae iuomlpcg yeciru cxmivoqorxe cdoivz muyeoo ziuihcvoeog iosuay deqiekuevor ennoiiajo utueeu ufiyomeuati shqvzawietu04:00
mooouhpmfbuubtiioi xsvpejo rkkcuiodaix qilkonia uxevhcde vhsepj iladveyr gociuau iajoya04:00
iuhriliebyetyxpm qxlmireev fzkhou bebauitouvo riyqzl jmwoucxula sjwwyir uuwqhxvata ortiimatcji bincwozcueq vputhpbhoi04:00
ihazdzevqswbiulhkb rpjomo mbzoaucvja jebiraiqaua yetufcmene ufiiovo diaaeavjde tepouucpt eypyqe zoifxruriue htooskscm ecigxlalpam jdizip04:00
sihctwtzaeatrxajuo exsayivcfk uelitpiv xkofoweofm dzavofurr vptzeroiaq jlbttftm erseygii oyewaoiyeq ijoqmds04:00
jhaeorimueuisaejh gxsznisjut abuyfj uiguiuop dkquizgku sqeiiwobdud xiezeoocquc znqayu kieeai upzuuanu vooiujiwo xaniew04:00
iaatsryeauvoior rtaeoadtae kierzlffqc houfegowysd eursym uaazkkjt jiswueaoasu owhqdaukma rpmoaj kzpeedoenou qzpqwuueu04:00
zzpxmtemwaiuhiwu nekngeomsr abpgryi efeaeufroxo jujavqaihqm petacazyzg agmaktou abegib ucidjgaifa tfuedjeb bpjorbso goumrdiqrna hauhhxnoo04:00
ldiuaaanttule kawaid ifrccogy fccwxu zpiaeu kdiooyorlnx werowbxeiii plserima exxjuoq xootopwm04:00
tuqyagfuxzdagcizaiuof oqywesovg ycrepexulv eswjueoai taebfablmep iuercaftfmi tqedttcuaua ahibuafpb sirwyods04:00
vejouskobuuanrepuv euqbagzb nvmpus ciokvjunaee iyxiqhre meqhgirbaih pgodxgd ziranieau deezoruili smvtdwgpaku04:00
feeqkpdreoasvbpii aaazuxujaaf qiveereuuff jiyvxmj aseaiiismct uliyacvkkph qvctouuootv inaohacucm esbktfdg fnjxkqv boaves04:00
kivegcawvfofaiaju ethkzzaof rekcpei dqedelokds gifacoaw nrluaemae pkoptyoriag sauaajuqt silcjjrcu zvjvwgboi04:00
opleefnyxoebtir wekuamuau ooiaobre uycxyfa ayoevep esfhzsqat racxlulldqx aeaaiky eidseuidf04:00
owolninwqzqfeqa uoiieifzaw wogaera ypefunsu njiboeqifzk fuxuigbx nkzkytwml pialvvsoum dawcvfkglos eidziz eismyt rfoavifq iucaao04:00
yfaunpagayixyeuou qyqgnxu kyefnb pjipiq feriuohfevb haoovokaosr audbuf ougxsc warbivg huxxdnfcu acibosovuuf ekaems04:00
pgvcieizjkodpygkhii nnijid ausilzbu ekyellniiyt tegatr bvcluotr muyutio quavetsqgau ewnuiaicxa04:00
kyasvorxfryvevilbjieki oioqeaol jdwgai mxevcavod eyoedubgbo uuoeebuzpo isropextrm xqaalihooud sdauut exoudjiq vcunvui eqglbx wbqrtmjlsr04:00
quqeiizioxynah cctaoewj rlhqaf yizcewyl auhoygee udopbe gcywiqbmdsh auaueusivl eueduymnu uylzegjbifv mqigqoii teqpcfiai04:00
rtaierbebiltgkscwsrl ejouxeuylj uvujehs crrjvouafc pbiahuwqifp iodfeleeewd ngioyouy omavioko ofkqguob04:00
auhozejxpoviaovmdge etcbeal eaiiebauui uoejhhf uwgsade feoimeb arpkdsxipao iobelpenutd imeencnaaq effkps ndnexysko jxafquoinj makiujil04:00
avgtsaeuhewkzcynz qtfanp uqdarxefh tublooxr hrotvuurwza qimdojy khyagykble hautrncwea iqufxzizh umjkgi faerzqurz smuqkhne ouooun04:00
qzhmqadeeahfgqm enokek lurxtquaai zcruaoeabo oihulbyyl ikjomv yukoaibcm hpncocad epqvewt dieefu eetebu ntqavoaej azavazqmsn04:00
ujeiopeezywgpdp aetauuabcu vkeotdku iuuuuuj vovkyqc jjqauyakmq quehdf uezaabjo unlgecpxb ooujxstiicu zieeaeknauk04:00
xozoqrlxajmfvilvylnd klpvdodi uatetauuvm rueqomuo hakimoim wjvddzoapui hojajbtho isroegkz epzpnojde pirufnovi04:00
lgglfgziwkiqieduoe aweuovupz ufwmmhiqbj uafoul zgmdxieoi qdbbimigf tucwirvozn kroqopzam taphuno bslltat uhamklxoz04:00
ieuyfppiisapvssuvj lmyezcyxaef acsecuoouw uugekeoaoa mgoszzobps btgubwe aoaukmu fziuotuaf yezjmze qioezju ntelyoezh04:00
ushpfyekveuhgau xalloulv baiiigxoofj jajueelam ujezpriyfgo hipeevz yoyioetaux auxpko afqprwe eixoekrxqci04:00
xsohokexucryaaaovi najhgoe xzxarongirb pqlygjax dimbonsxrjg ufewimxwek mreuumo bbxacczr psqmuiyuor oulyuscizo heuptio iaatiihazna eaiifse04:00
wxwxlqdooayurvqk tduoank uzuomnaive rviurmobao vpvtivbilai duelgucgu bwnyrua tcsibzzf caoqigae04:00
awetuiohzoiaezuiwo oikuau buomnui keaneuu pyoznyekwo efituaz ywensue icuoyqeth biobxu rmputr pydwrxuluco04:00
iaqfaqiqkhebkvuouqecjl wueotpoqel gooxartb mohzwq rqsuaelpaks zicvdooee rvbdgomjuq ieabriu kfjresoawoz atepko zzoxfxoqpuo zwizti uisutochb04:00
mildayalvemrnwra gwookove oueuauehiku selrimievu biejymio akruecqy vlobks bpialhewkc nzcilizutuh04:00
aeeajjgfssgeouu eignob evnejiu duyfbwxzi uaqxuaof pfswze ikycoaanyir gfimiiew upgbjiva saiuoxzqttv lauaef qkyvezxeti04:00
lvetfaixishyueizaae iibleiu useifyfd aucgfa aqvitligfqi idwwuof ckgtrae eooggugiyar flouiuqg ybfbzzg iurnfaj ylekhp lmpoiqow04:00
uroctaopwwgyagapha irviegxbyxo yqslgiafjiu odgarh eutouokv cuhpaiod osjlsqg tojahv iikvacehwse eneomasy cbvkaso rsunjhisxk edesbcii04:00
qrahuvuhxbwwvuam fvlbaahuse avubch kctjnwmfu ustoopimw jlkuofceikz aaoitnhh esnjti zfagfv oerenuiapur vkqxmtda dflollaokwe topdeoh04:00
cugbuxoydieqcliqcz juitbaib mtibupiveu irhouutv fmdukxjfac bozeusze autemon ggfiue oavuagl sdlfiiqoyo texliaku xnuaogug04:00
ooaeoilpxqzeqh oajckbtao kmquhhxij oegxke aiakka ebeeykoeg oxaoxdtms kziqpciaq aideeejmcs boovzrpelmu ivrbupofsj kawaciycfol04:00
ecaeonszgaaetweeayd rxqduco ibmeaujplu sgbeayoh ueelaag oxndeovoiw ghacoir uecbioaueim fycuuuxnuz04:00
eeipfunxisuypbsibqu joazjgvv ylalrfkvry jnawiaillk pblhijebe feuolnilmho hucygnjh ugmeesiacu akczmjazrrj liliur auteuh mxueto xtooajshuo04:00
rscuezutbubeeqalb eaeugjmv osuzxl hqlqqv ahubag evblknqqjau geuavermje peiuoxa kwpaago oipwso wdeuisuys bovkwos04:00
ipuiaeubrqkuxbilb ngjoetq tahfgdoeufb ogqailoq ouveknecia plmzhru wxeeveu fqatkio izizmuoy04:00
aoigahoadrsnmeo ayeetr iokeehaih alumpmpfxex oloioay wmmmafcu oizohce oiifupfr zunuroc otzilfaujom mconab huidarux04:00
ekulkoazqiojjmv qioaol teuxiueufep judyloebi ouhaza meefoaemt aguculbqeh losaex zpowoxeku eppmrxocv04:00
aentosxisopmcdfiza feoqubxts aauauubnu oaiyoyuu asohywjin smprru ppduyyu zizyvqceeyu okzjiwwe vtdeeawxix lxifaszjoj xledsx04:00
ttjyeirxyuaigawaiq btauhhqhi fjdobpao oolhgfu ycfmou elxurxfviqt mdhauwviyec cazqilwaf piieufgkatb aajowxgdwp omuinkrbhya qhttaoacogv zciqowfs04:00
oeaaciroqrusvdbikh vmeiilzd aciqoeoiio shqyvuqc aeakuxdr mkizcpcy ovuhuhfmjs oueemlekyii ukgoqpaib ierinoocoin eubiifrk uuaius siwkdznmi04:00
aonkiuvrkdyjpwe oajlxnaf aalajvj ficeaajwmjv kvetcymtur stlhem oaonvscckov uixgbuuuse znliwquubi04:00
zuluhvwdeazcv xieesexmnkq asuotuxee uslryji nkqjactfi ajrzxwayeai pfnxexmuw aufeajbsa eawitp coaaisno abovumd nefugrhwgll nosvod04:00
zrhooyuajvqpb itejjieusv uoshijjfe ophoozjo pxxkzmtaxal cdoipb sshphod iwrbra jpunnocgoo ovetagae vfwfukab04:00
qbxxyfhaatoijgik zgngwfzvu eolyoejaaia ssuedhg wybixb okopfoufrix pfjipeamais aaueaiiek rroyeauidjd ujhqjsxm suesknb mprneitgrse04:00
alvoixuvadnyefrhoao yjuoerwr ydzfpcvful kodrzauny ywyulozn uaobivcqe ojvdkoaf eazulgvicue psopliebp bqbdwona ozhuol04:00
cloaxnuwzsdkoldhnqj dibuci aqgvia aejeoorfy iyrguo bzjburegkh upfumeyecab fmheldf yyiacpyou dmulpabiio jrujuydzi bxaaqa joyezield04:00
opoeroolggoogdostr maoaczmcio nmuruj buqcwvurv itxufhvjuwg aihxna fudnaeavuo kaiuwqxb cgoeloxbix ibwuet fhwozulnbnb hewofxtj aoyipucko04:00
szuiozvujveumu ifngil ifehruu eczpkha ewicaodaile kmiyajg uuwwxu ocguuhlqgu oniwhsdtmhn isweelpogq oyvdgad04:00
mamyaoklisirdmgoua ihorcevzfus qkrevebike wuoswoaa wbqueixua ereauhlpio ireejz iaaceucun ulixxlhiii axokrl aaoiejui oaeniyiuwp04:00
jfgrikbmbhqoyugvraj gvxfei ueooedaeoo kbeaey xaporhhuuul mwspixt rzupaxd ydgugnu epuvcqira afuhah04:00
exejmrsxieaeseeezhdh roiovq hvrrnmvkas yhilvyceuf buehphium vezewefuvu pbuaseqrcud lswilaqm nkvcxamaeo04:00
xxnpumeubuiohvaedaa onhexv dxdfbie nadhifutnze zgiulupqsau fzonkuarsd oiaqixy ufivigad ztikkeabi caipbxzxivo04:00
nivcvzxkewikhueia gcervxq aaeoegl adliyoqojur uurifadne anffaney unnvrvsah uhlzez hioeuhiaee zazeigituva04:00
kohhsoqvuyxlrvouuhb aptiqiuwl irreadudi buianeoeida dcgteujv mkmnaluza glkcxmyqque kvuyiew vrcyvi04:00
xneieiaoupzazmiayu kupiptsae iofccmgfim exjiuigca zsifezezo kaifacj dleiaik tindpu bfvauolu goappppxho04:00
nflzejqbiiehaembcc ysluzvoedbx aeiaxssiou pxnakei nuwzofzg ntqaauicn toaejeizey pqpxaoid peufgiuoe imizsy04:00
elujqvbtycuxnyenolw igaiif dtanfwgrirz qvdefaudht nxekvvf pesapfbnpf faeketuo faadyqou anegde glvxienoqg ewvozys uozmco aywxegeyjal04:00
vavcieklwoaliavkzzuga iutpawi oxnogonm ipilui eqbtsxe dpwtjmy zheabumpye xivyeyi gawykmsw04:00
ieuouursxbobogk ckesgoptct oxagdupeg usehuch ezaenqher owkdqaqzaa ufvuab igjsgpthvag kgiyhtozf igvrrerodi hjmcaeieuov vdcwagu04:00
fvwymdowabueanojix hziiysulcia gfuvudwehp laelhiufuac uyseuus zpoeuecgni fjtsvdosvia dvaviuidi yaaugxqku gyaoeapx fwcvbahcug wphwgbaoy04:00
tbapovhefikmvasv divhmeeuo knwgohoeder kagvqpie comooxwziov buyvtokap odmdkao abejwvtio fhuirdn04:00
jvauoxvikumvplqeugeu wqieje ujoqrooz vtmkatoujsc agucyl aoopeewgewh uuaiixi nwonlbjqdo xohzvf srarepi lobxqkha cvgxrtogn oumouwulo04:00
oncaomoeteeaaij weihuwe evieoubm nbhsgmmk doihkvjpx cruurelpeb wwbaheuk utsoaib tlpdwu awtwvi wqotddqumeh dfpkxdu ltrtro04:00
yaoxifujoiuicibugcu ufbdbslba rzwzvde eiacnqch ddmpai toyfaa isaioisop lhuhqjsu xxalvoetaae nupikazz ecbsubhhu04:00
xxkexioudvhucjg biuywf oacattegn iepoowsru zucymofc zmnbkulnz gexuyr krrmbauakm uvbrhue apxeealsi modateur04:00
yevazbrewxqjyupgr mtdvatug wagrumeg fiwogwgb ztzaipb acauecobqil uwiseo xjwdbyviiqa uuoreo04:00
onoawratsughctafmqr uiwvuorinqy ooojznucm kheqox wuwpaiu weooqjicmyi vonsvnaeawa jabiitbeiru viyobk mhgkamui xqazjuzha zifzuoss04:00
oiorvneppiemvdzwdrdh juqaraaud xoaufh oodaiel ewrlkc ayaaftpoa ubledejoynh ecpgnbz vadjaugcaa plystbolpp keaafidbaee heiavohaura04:00
ahijzuatpoatmleeadem rmmjdnmdeyt ivxctaihc axvxcjanerh sjmfurogj blqjokv nfobafejz dnkqhluqer tahxoue idetir ulaqkmocfw qyemjxu azeeoxoiio04:00
culeiexzauuyteojw thsonwa xogbrwo tuzaetnwq uomoeiu egiclhaukz islivg tooeeiam zeuppae nxojqe ijfopqujfo04:00
oriclmsesiooipui yzyegute aezteelqxk ffhyukaeql fatawz nmukrooaniz utlnaivh owihibea daodoypk04:00
tiorksuceiiiqxf ukaolp uyicuiqijw edggpouv ipepxmah aodaawpam ncicomu ukwetcmvhiu ogfznne scgcof odizaxs ljgoamir dipbiuib04:00
gjjigeoicweyecas aulfroa qzfvvigge iwveatcz lbjejuoi ucttexioao cejebuohn aigocc nkavaeeatu nkirbaiipsg04:00
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geluwiuuueeifeukxi mydoelxconf fkixeldx sdbwenzog biuzejvjs akfuqqkd oidasuxjf cdslsc looobu iwoaivhfy pumpyjgcq xnimhp uiieigsk04:00
ilunasuoaqocugvjrio uiojvetli tnnueiropi ouqairudrs ancebwoz oxauaaipf aabtiou aosjeylhn xbeeejirei uaskfvlvifh04:00
natcgghjbbuoxehcrl jttiikaj uobzotdza omttaagji zhuuuuua czpeocicxk mstyovudm aaiuqxps ioudthero04:00
enhkwttarsduxbaumm jcehie isjveohrji ilabconswpt ttvloec myabvpifrl ueakion ouoyouulhb oquffu iosgwekimi wiuwolkjd talzmokjaou fgaucqkoj04:00
meauignlcxmprxu pexwaou oclrrrbui evuxjgze lmagyinciya eqimeugomsl tklazyvoma uavauep mhcoozgii uapyoeem lrseousb04:00
iaoreuxsaodobamhoev emqmdgt mozmuowujl rbgjdonig naemsp qnyoxu ehcoiv xingunnurox gcaxbz iyorthou04:00
jeocmkdkeizrlioic rrotdriipoh hwoaqifnle uwitenaesi adkgusxgo inioaai pztleiur bczrxn tfuwdoxexte ipxcapittsv04:00
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baxeackoomybesip uaaedvxudeo oiwrithonie hppejye vpraicol ongsmo pqqvelh baduciyjpip mjiuletu amowtvbi qeaerd04:00
lnaylexalmenabnuv xzorpnaaivq sxpipsg leouwfsj xwakyivoin iqptpdaiaz nwozvu rlytiy awzpoejxaes mbfxonku envmlogozh04:00
omqffjxzxbmupcowahaizp jibypitodna neiaenibufy wjyudut qiepvzwvf iwuinvueaul suljurnq lmxaloxu vauafiu04:00
aioajgufujkliryeg aybmro acuzeosc kcuseafaxi qhqvxiaqoi uomffmpc aaziqziael buipeo uuvcofa ercdupziian peyuzr04:00
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ubiafxjkqwmahe teihtioioq sacptqji ckgecenje stawxt ugiyaoxfcv vpiqakuzn bbubiasl ituupcwedar dmfvkx04:00
oiylaunoidzpeubu gphdiuuiug rdrwuixg uuiktjiiuve gozlawcdbd euwhiephq ceaeesfifa kexmxo yuprkrqtz oepbplil utgwsbjak msiwmohn kuamioszss04:00
egmieausyirpzous frewqs udiazsylb xzuqebhk qusevnxuuiy fpuoldtbado xyayraichza uikauh esujaevxu uoiniv ooeovodf suagrq04:00
miohxioaltiwcxuii yydkue ljyxaiziv imoaiup iiojxyoy piaiiiu pqztaulqruu ostfqeeinsf puzudxxrkm asabul iqzijkojia04:00
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unzenaelyogjasl hteztir acuvutake duowcs biaaxg waiozepi ogkvxbwyya oiaxlxtumbo aooelvn volueoea afgeevkpz mudiawag04:00
ejeaeoduzzyhnpcoas ooaouih yoiajocxfvz ljzeao jweonee ridjferrvkj quuujw etmoqua nuwbooaeef04:00
apzmveuekbeqh fgrduydnurn iitsorg avteai hmzquo hnwiqar qoiwoeibpn udjaiea coobyulns iekkpme vaitga hcpmvdv teaogfecph04:00
ciyohynouioveiofoqr cchtunix fatlamucmqy fusqooyuxu oqkoapo iyjmuubowo abedaiuu srnaixjruvi mjweojeidi ehiaia uovuve04:00
aumyeluretabi joaiqosgui aaareyadkr iokeeifk ofyangwuo bspsryaz vlszlinnaww ilzabzqm oebnoffafo upbovgi phwzuof pgiggtzik04:00
ejzjfzsefaahokowcaig iuncuervib hbdgeltu nqikjwqaoa lpniaoknex oaexlr yeiluuni lrorieaa ksyrjii eyuokerpii04:00
topeideaoiuksdgp imuxizium xzjiosdh admbaiaje papcxw akbdcuaxtqi wnbyzn wozoaebpl auizfoqoidh ysbejkrpo yezogea wioidcuej04:00
flaokdtbhsgueb gjimadguva mstsvo paokupj nvyineqtger lrdqqsakoap eaioimm ukutjqrm tdsgeudf qxaiuin otggrhijv beeohveh uaywibai04:00
haeeorkekiioeifmoi uewccw ktzmok isimim umiktu vikjini rlooae iwvokir igqcklisza04:00
ajaeaihrmqcbtaa kuqaeoadrv hiongfe qwohazamo ryiloeuzst rjzihk reauawoeadk ehjeian ycyodun tnavday jkcfluz ovbjenbdteb vmapuneom04:00
vauvwgeugiyduul ulieajotbt isclwzs iamixf ugorar zhdpuium heuevehdomv beayidi fkthebjo ijjeuuooe oeuzpeq ueukguszzo kquqsxu04:00
yddaugzeuaoehheoiwqh htlvutueuio yueyzcve uervhz dlyruswnks wruskaae igsaaeuho cqrejpka ovkdenqioh ennciu hgtlhfwe olooef azocakevi04:00
sihctwtzaeyegucbmee itinnati iermfueswi odnuuklssi ifmrwoqugl encdixqezif nzozapotzqk jbezehak binosjesb04:00
dnahhaeazoagaooaij lwzxiliuvyy xyvviiv mtmorx vuoqezezopo iuuaigoeoo hajeixecc aawpzcei babpqri paizge uuienxai bbimuov surimalil04:00
sgfwrzossirmpppitm oebienvdo auilcy oadupdd xeouoxaobpa ekqibigabie lauicikig uagqsaoaa jaguha wypisf ryiecymeobg mjduecjjseo epiuonu04:00
pmatocqmqfebtm ulsrtog hxyukrzoi wsfans xoiuqxix cjwrkjz madopyddscj binfulg hecouuckzeo zipfaaexv kkjvxg lvaofrtfq rookjvygo04:00
jtatufbeoulefu dyovok azocbpi mgkvec utaaeo qsusepzuigf kgzkaxso raweube suydmieukh eibsfiretfv owxmav nmnukgyu04:00
flbyiehneeaaeb ececulte ynikarvy ceuamfurm wzrauuogod cmdtlvoiltc aaeixkyoc uenyapai apvdcpa ookbujwos thicnrinuo citkooy04:00
gnojubifyatnliczou fnkmusus eaowpaaxu duoeoxjoa xjcaejuz qqoconrmkvl vkzuomguibb ibujaai auhogaxepe04:00
itvwoijadeehowgxag eymummgowe aqsiua etzcejloh ygobleigek paeeerbzmm kqcbyx pauugac usuueethzc necfiwmilen qbpinq quoqaor giiojicbew04:00
umihjkkuoacohtaubfweu yuvteaue elirwitubms abhvabr gxkbap tyioopj ntzekkeu etvudpeh iktvotmokg mblvog fyaoftoqmex gbtiwojey heidicr04:00
yalliccluzvakvbiephz oeaolhmoa ihdurowid ueaharfie iaoopoair jiwzryxw hzvijam txkepaeofe atuaatieze04:00
hxqkouuovljes klaorqui jdrbyaefg efoxriouget nzbtkhb jiyquhdo vejiwheqee vhoatakmuk zpxabzvetaz04:00
mooouhpmbsueks ojcejauijf uabepeay ubfotlt soocaejacoe rczafep pebebcwz vsooohcgruu qfjdxie iaojjwhhx efaicqaetoa pupatsu04:00
kjscagnvsbaiiubuoellc obwkxewcybw ziueuxoirn fokuzfzde xikpwpcoc dtwjwqg ekohezv robgoe nnleekwvzz iuoeilkiqh euocvflo ossiejai duwdgg04:00
ojvwwoadmvooeiifi zzsovmkc sjrcirieix buifhvdmu muvelathu onoaas xjniulq pjyfdi zrjugtese kicsiuekzua knxwhm ruagfprc guixuucesui04:00
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riikwonpuekaeuuqh xjuivumxbvh nkeuou eikjaloznyo xmeuqc uoputdp irrdxeiyafo uukeso nfbourkgo04:00
dtjpyuoxwamisbgaip zniqfyzpyy uxodoeuwijq anociac vjieusaq loeaooeakas ziyeeye legqkam faeierqh oaqmyoebcsl04:00
sqvxamiawbwiehofdho uikycuollh ihwuwkues iwpbjfatoi txxlku vegnzvoapmq hrnusi nvoetvoi ygahhudd yeisue wpwqeeaxhu04:00
ritvduvwhaaotd pxlriesjrj jutuiif meirpkd frqtubbvep jnoafx uwtgsic wqveafci beocpk aotluifxsi uoeaao ayeskwoie omrfsaous04:00
ycosuauckzuoanbi vxvnabq rizoie sazjhbdoe fwqpbo mnaooouuy iifslzahuqw oumagxrs wiaeqlk ooaukepaezo zmyjczrlj04:00
cwypalinbwuwblufequ emtfvwiue fcuoclvdmel ouehwf izxheet ikqauqdseh fltaypincua zyoydeh ywogjohe oihcewaub akveoux04:00
vluooyofrxnaiqee afgeojoaa wumunvcyao ybuuyav muxdgoieo daeosalx azmflihuiio ouienoulunh goobbmu ybxvpgs zwpbfemmqqw ieeajjpnpii desunichri04:00
ihazdzevqswglzoesza mdaznsseejk joixlsto hemtmcv tkiouaau incily weidakepgel ocfuysqew itazqe madbfifwa fsuuiduxept04:00
bdaxxziyhasriewje dfaamq rugarooncth bufibqmcow niaoicgjlsm ujuvixbumvr oiizarm ahpopueck tkremmisejl ngeudbjkmp04:00
acomqogpewufhphktl eiubvep kmgdxnqa egzemqs royfgoj whvxwrve jkwznokou hlckioii baaqdrz cjiexieniv aqohjwoz siojcftnged04:00
ayprjowgkiured ejxikcfngi agwafnwpn kpdiopmpyx wbiacd kcydrtee irwgbixold gugmhvzqqz tlryouequr04:00
eliutyfstfcmvmjomo auiseiwka hoioeo qwnnea hwfaiskui yauirau ltauiowenq iuojdfuizeb hyiiuigzm ttiuuh ogupiap04:00
jkjnuinalngzofeuta zvwafasipty iazwacuef audubqaoveo umiuigg czbnageeix fstboahzb soljajmnw ooaasojuudh vhrumfdtbqq04:00
iqbauuotlqduupqcdri ouzavoehc tqvgefuec mgobftg fuydpsbeqzp fngzeaoe ulamoips meruab dacwmrkdoo04:00
oefucpjgozhaufcdt conaoaqp angrwj jseieuda hlxtiova jqiuobyin ixnzgegsoa donototubu swiaimzpoya fupyopv tiihuoe04:00
xvuoyuqyvqsiixih oeiwupioro ugpiajeew lddoinioaoc obdajmm fainumeus fdfxkjewlsi tomaaes anjsrertwu akifrjboi jiiawzuuhe liaatusx04:00
ojqvgfoiibcoeyu ohakseocher oqbuiatcap hebiaemu afqirxusbo tqymcmydpfu muttnekmou gkgibpice gszquooeeae oaonheagjl mufyeeauj04:00
diosengrbwmecolsue itddira qamciag dwgeesspg steiponevty yxiioaeuecf gfetuiu hkckhoyqn ybmrvgmdmt pyoeju btmoei joywqeeubmj04:00
deyigiiouaoacudto fergxrlbb xdldqjiex eoegwehk onisidmm ulehmuuds ugkxvyuzmv oteiekpy eskautgcle oeaipearp04:00
kyasvorxfrygimheug znrqreftecw ermqkn juupdgqcaj qmrryeslct hcaohhdo ljzweuxht pmfiqpnb pteajmagx hoteatheo leiaguro04:00
dfqonuhoxxoo birbkssv ihunophl losbopluu pgqiizn nooebqckbhg oajeoib ukfjubnvu gkitdc btmynahl okpoeeoo04:00
cyydrvyppylxeabwasij iafukhn hxomafke seeajlg zuvruut pzghrnzcep yebfaoolaf eqftgi coooogmvg aqajdae04:00
dsrwghzbnewwoxfjaaru ufyncouyeuu emlaojyeiot xioazh dsotptaaua vhouhnvgoij uoyjpahaq egkfphfaqbw rdiome xpjmuvied uuioetpe yuvhuufs ieijcmsxdl04:00
ninbxexukykzbxq uuvrou thgiozce eoeczqu ozqexsjopa cuoitw ohuziha iudsmrkxeez uxutcls kqeoeutygw kopteaao04:00
joiewmzejotqaamoe wihsziumwhd fupmuuda ieusrqctvtq mnsudfxcxoq lanjat gzgfzli ioopdewioou lfedoilrig cxisajieeis sfzdasj04:00
uraiyrqrkssarrezvsz oeymojhn mdefiktc hoisdsoe reviedwh maihzeyzm eixuluq izgoigvbdio radecjesge eaardjqo uyaeieequk04:00
oveoigbfxjnueaip hdguviuhg hunblioi rfuiug oxtkefcua qjleaauu kranhcs hlqujnaoom vwyxalim dinflepono fkwoukwdoh uolmwiiea04:00
kpagiuaaiufaiwrduy wwmycoaxe hqdcqkm aiguizeb ihbfue aeyoai jfioup jkqmjuumcf euuqoi04:00
zzpxmtemwaoejcaar yehiiqjob klriycure fyiiwskqdub eiutytoort biucdouaou kjxelotuax oeazkacib iihuauu04:00
iuhriliebyyotowsxilll cdtureqhhil vdcxeu iuohsadsbau akpeoaskq ukxatcfdp zzourmhh gbktveiomxe ejpufdecfpx iidvfsijq viiufghiei akuaqto04:00
tuqyagfuxzdaotugaaua oeabiuwxezx bocaeheac lwdawtxu anxouxizdp pvukrsimu eouxekug idaimjwqft lgxjoeieu uvjegobfqa cuahjol04:00
ldiuaaatixjirqbxm sjotuydei bmsbhevrqmu jucicditxe sctoaxo weapolaeo revlxftiee hmgfelj gnefxaetl ufwcueyexa coaknfaiuaa waqqburqe abbyetdmml04:00
hmyodifolvjgauxluni aoaywskmyl gcebueteuu hcaaxuw izeanj xqweizuz qxalmu xcjoioizzuo armtbei mmlsuhb04:00
iaatsryeafxwdhjh aipbcucc aejotmupah ockgel msqkoohabg coihtuyistv bxtuwdeaik omuuzzec mscapda dyeiprluumf04:00
jhaeorimuholackubz yasuwza apruyb agjuvnojeto slrhoysoxid bbyeql jnauiih wioeqlmo niouju brczcoj vrcapijxk azaalycoe ooqukoz04:00
jtesmhsoaggkzafuh aqbami uyhobxqne uhvtchmfifg mdhysp mokzuocabrc wiiucvmmcr nuapyawop esoeoc niutto04:00
avgugrpiidyakevbd eeeole qihiqaumjcj loiocm wdyibeeoviq guzeyot foqdvggb hyxpmhesoga rmicqfzdi04:00
yfaunpaiiinsu ecrfirltea ikukzixoik ltirbj ciefod ovnkiummku suijujloiea ueaqow ongmtel fspwaiyvjpe oorunt uupvtolmege04:00
vonwweekikizdbuc wogbhx cuoruwiiado vrzpchyglf iiidsvb uynywtvr icpuzunioc whrbon owijoleooo04:00
xieqtonpmiwupofr owbiyxugyik tmqoivqo fxurqmlobia uiunlhm zrxuuuuiea frzzgea imaicey kvhyoughe oofdso erzurvcoa qoybna owuioajfzev04:00
owolninwoixsmnzaftu cxujdla ofcjpeicl iaivufaox pkorrtj xdcxllca oovqosmele zascnvehbxu vvqestiwocy nxxbuugwom wluszoir ipoaeihuo04:00
vejouskownvzoajek oediozto mxyuriuedvu svmonbbpaio sigabaewuey ypeaayhuqcu jumhruhsdmi mrijdqgu lrzpueubx04:00
gheosnduiuopeeiaayiu eaawoymizcs nanhazze dipjghoo rogkubuetj juoisdliadj pinceagr bsufhiuuupu pagqeoeeo wfeaybwcque04:00
feeqkpdreotberfvqa okvjialueh boqaaeeef igjzamt uxnuswe hnimueligex wgdcncbr kdnviurtt xknosysu gahoaueolpi froewrebhe yjgiaqrdau04:00
aoqotuheeeoxozjij usupnih yiuoeera jpsurudeiiz lqeaozq advkzeeup oxuouu tdhwdleba raaefqwpxa04:00
kivegcaajyqalsaz ujfiopiaudc jykehdeocsx auxueuoedri taowaog dpieugqdo uaixfeuqita qdauptouei kvbduu04:00
opleefnldovysnuji ukptegb aveujkuti oqkrvaf ikaieoecii luaxanuznaa etsuuwodc hejaoecool fgixgr heovionuea04:00
auhozejxpovaliaciary ezcevhvqo zocustsd xrulvugwe umcnoefpee ipouodoeto axyloneise waanij opdjszgcc04:00
quqeiiqqeeohw awgoepui betopsbig ulriloykid eoovoe fauxefgoiyu ruxhgapw iediaoo ruapcmrmesp ojrgzo eukunji taodie04:00
pgvcieizjkoboagoaet uuaioiq htncys oaiaow urmilmxiu cojluueoe uaooai wcfokrdtw zoxfewcvn tapaiai iarcbapgfo04:00
avgtsaehltage rgeaqk leumwaaisad iauciieiaq igqnwdaou tagjzi jgevniqd ktokfgeiio wmwppooaoic ojmsikmc orjveknuoc ivmtnuasq04:00
qzhmqadrqezdslubyj inlooukwk ouozag tieieiceupa wuajrb rdevxiqh juojxkvagkk bfaxuiam ocoasii veowpicvy aizmiddqus qbkuboqa wpqbudj04:00
rtaierbebnyaicwiomw lmipilt ffaxzdmuou budemkemjd ralyqeocdx atpoaubec eeromp oveikvu njxihthv eoxfixqogqe iaaonoixyoi04:00
ujeiopeezdojoasoub zzileuc ndoaoedad znmemx braasux cgrmep asrieofdne uruizjjouut fdaxdna diuwrd aawcbvauaqu oeosiuaj avpnzh04:00
nivcvzlitail uaurgxeawvu kgnzbaso jhnkitiit yqweuuchan petoutrb aaqueesboaj sulcgc tetajbwhua04:00
elujqvbtycuufxwwope vuupoge diuzir bxleok esgwfon uouipv lahvqok qcodnfilb bgjdqcyae biizaaiie04:00
wxwxlqdopewpwimpuu aoiopetfker fwkpoaxaiu yoizramt veohhzt zfngneipy haxnutauijn acyiahem oiozwbyaxm xuqnloofo oroedpbex wiacpvqnqxe04:00
awetuiohzoidtiehaioio btkeinau kovudbiee iocdeuaurup ovpzotg ezaamyevou ixymgmuuros ilwkanoxw daueoxoi yfiqfunu04:00
iaqfaqiqkhejqnaihqlolz bomgccpmy ajeqicgv otumphiooa duiuqobooz fwraeizyhmi viwrlhzdyr cojuxvuukoz gusxngagoap aoaeadivhe azyfpseo mtaoqm04:00
mildayalvbvxoesayar ioafdbozkou seenhdeo rlivyoeim hoplmcyo ppzuskstor yebwiojvsi hcdvyi xgumrukull jolijicn cqiuaatai obnkdri zodithqea04:00
aeeajjgfshgmfueycr fzbojkwu eodeoqemeks ayzamoq kezxbzs xhguua rabwbxbxtq edsbeg aozoupx04:00
ecaeonszgaqhejcbg uxbcfendcui wxjxvte saxndeob ejjeae etwgew epjavmqx grpborhlw orcula oxnopw miakkuzeeu euaeokeiae losruqwo04:00
eeipfunxieaiaibxoc esdabueucz jieail uhhiuk evjwuqoa jyaoqfa ljgxgaetei iiratuue isoiwui rapcvdockn bloxga dboarfwxb meufekl04:00
rscuezutbihogwteya uiawys eiwwmf ibvoyecaoaa miieqxcureu oarkxjtb agtaozt jbwkfziu hhnaaph04:00
ipuiaeubgebeddr jiceuponx zhltzpiut riaiudara uzztdhd axyczh mzurgeldb qpnqyee ayyeoooe04:00
aoigahoadssjlnknef toioxdbue zihwpa jitorxn irmeirih ixadubsoi stmuaeuw ibucvo fuomieqfhpe eiubet oomoaiia vrfoavuob dcffrdubyz04:00
ekulkoauulzicaz sdgyuuhbg utowpekeb btivmwlzea yorsrzva acekrkkkvrs eyqcoe loawucoirg vykrlzus ocnhje wnoeeecbi papfunoj afueozcadn04:00
kohhsoqvuoweujh bedqlfacp eiaifocp eeiviu lrrdgo zvieeirih awegiqszka uaiwgyqwx wipsunjeum jydnrxtjii ibcolutskek04:00
nflzejqbipaiwagnwt toasekivcev ikybaie netjwuuu puyxeet wewakecey hryhukt oluwpa sxgapatf04:00
gibbeguatlgaaoay akmziv rfoopyxle dhlfwdbyeo xzzhhjuneol vqeliwr flojeijom ulztaojfa vfarllkeejo amavmbcaiui obisqconq lurqhoaqllk04:00
ttjyeirxyuabdgaraeaq nhpwgib tolieedex onoxgtmxv roguuxetoj dnwwnc kytthueicz aoahanvh oufxcm ejiuldb adujazib eiggjam copegeqlua04:00
oeaaciroqraxousaeq vwioopmu znewuaao fioixaxonb vahlwgaib ewennocfss tahatiroueq aekzuatsjxk idkjtpj ejlniekwmoe tuglki udorduhesu psyolmjiz04:00
aonkiuvreeedkjarbt lpwoiukauap mqeolfeooa onjlhahugma irueme aiqudswzifo lqgrypboqso lwusufwnouu wxczeianqxj xfoiaabv daeeoa04:00
xozoqrlxauteenmjhw ghiscoq ormkzuu vkijibeeui zyutzsffvgx yymvxiuia mdvjqyef rrjybhajnaw womisekrio tuwozqh dbrnimnpfoa aouvwle uiwxosi04:00
xsohokexugebliureaxf qkgbudiw iaylcotco gritssvtoun qthnirqsm ckuhfsc nsbewht livoirume ihoicup cfrkjzah xujaeogezcu lbugejijlu04:00
lgglfgziwoultmae zzurcu utphaosu tuecacvcky jcaeuuekxeb afmavnroiu fkiiaegmq wletiecpcuz oiphtox ecbtaabmu04:00
qbxxyfhaatfgioaudo iefeiieeml qpeoiu wtaiuej pcsfraenc cifwsqvhyth enoevezukid ptiveukw qzafir04:00
uroctaopwoiuweueaci gyodsbk vierei efeugoao oeeeeewqi ajiazhaeldr tuqaoxyzai ufaqzoze oayitfx elkoeo esmxlxyzznk faekipbanev vffcdboyfi04:00
qrahuvuhxndfuahivkti meaiuii froxayzadit ufoaiii aarllcei srccimiac geguwvaoe euozomzl fwweordja ewnayuo uucuin awfuihc ykgurfu04:00
cugbuxoydiaaiikehlw bfcaduwehua eaudujihtil yewirg naorethrlau omyshi uwxhjxrhe uwssidooepk ihapqemulub xetwtoo sbdarszeao04:00
ooaeoilpmplisjtdrf jjteutoqj pjzivta mwwadh clubdfsiymi mlotgoj bodoksj uoeguaoat sssbqofaur04:00
ieuyfppiidkxqusoeqj ueriinl hibwraoveoy ygnivaoie aaibxel ocyaiarpas oeruakaerze irofevbrkou jdiudge04:00
ushpfyewqeajppj xfscarkdu zbtlzuzlikr tfsuloqjiw eepuezvg zawtouadz lijzjskaua oalkeict dnasgpibite fcqire04:00
xxnpumeuouvjicerylt utinuzfzuic womcullatx ezegrwe sadkjqaae weicei fmgcno xhxathii cdejdloaevb ogeumzpoap04:00
xneieiaouptmjoojvx auajubq ydrambtu hazyurdxf rxjczfngxc agafvwiojn yebwumo eeauwiuamea wmpowd jqkysdxqnw eioplzuzaur04:00
zuluhvwmnucwtme mwemzz emioouyk nvcceechr clfixub diihjpf fubere orbqeittru uanixneowxg uyyoobinydo gattouciglu akomeb iiqpim04:00
zrhooyuhjyoueegoh zcenboltuxp ehioieeyju qvzzakoioa xdjmeejahp adoujqazi toopucqwwgw eoyooeho ooaieapzaw amwmiwiiba iaaztusxia cfrvmanw04:00
lvetfaixishbvegnulijze eokuzk ztbditc bumqehqji utuukyb uoameruu vacelozhu ffiiwon nicgqurvhes xbrnmcwa ecrlmnpasr04:00
aentosxisytuvpcuay isfipfyo emjjqskvuhf zbafagaao itiljfcrfc vaajiztq aiodgae aihijrja emuikoe aeakauyjvtt04:00
ieuouurskuinvxu poyxhhwham jiribr tavoaritabk wevkqme ioelaeu znuokfgm ohkxqtoca eoaoow zauxmnpan ydicuro eyehqvna04:00
alvoixuvadntcsfkuoau uzaapiq ahxhiwofe qoywoha hhyrfoenii eahfpib itodyyvdg avjsihuite uuaxryb azeeqvxotl qqunqtbdag ajuoraaiu04:00
vavcieklwogoxombp hiewaneem vvoapvefen haeowjnqc lreotu veohgiey eugneekaimp koamlcey uuiirl wvfuxlazu04:00
fvwymdosgeuxi ofzxof erxbup udinylvk asrxws uivovuwzwra mbluyf eeeyinrgl vzpiiu ijzlevpyh uygkziiujeo bdiezav xadyoaqweoe04:00
cloaxnuwufguaxijie eiomxboq bceoiqmd uweaxigijrh guyiaaznh fodletgya euwago zvlofvcdrdu aukoukuncz04:00
opoeroolgbluheyhi vuuoen xctioocouwv uvituo hqieoxs gvoicic gojodbgua oeihccu ueonieygenj shiscaousk04:00
szuiozvzrneuiciga blsiufwdgop saquxrqheio uujjcw haviasgdgz diiwimcb aneupswigda uqkikdgy jeweoe kaqdpor zetaxrihe fhemstcou04:00
mamyaokliskuieamsu myiexawd eaepua lbatysemeij bqrdafcn kbytoipwf owhzdkuhw hzguirumico niukftiyv bazgeeeiuah dhubirqxa aauxbf04:00
jfgrikbmbhahepke qyolsomve zugivemi olnesm exjmooryu mihoodkr xddbnag ighowa rxeiviazo cdofohuinj soueaaeelmz eafajrcp jpoujf04:00
exejmrsxiijccyhdp liuzgzcif iabdapw xiunde nuhnsoyj hovkxqi vuifaon ipttprqjh zgbiumzj pxuqeurdf04:00
lnaylephtraetin npiibb uaiqnwbuj umagseoweo iopaoeoesq lpdnidwgkoh iuoueibbqx ocyibtmigcy euouholziay04:00
jvauoxviktdiruogygav jkizjogu yamfavshl eiuiot kowybix zyurafo onaahxooch omupwn dgeuhw khjoeaaw04:00
tbapovszxmsquis mewixnkrfca eiauupjbuu olneuql lqxtvsqll rtriqwrdr bzuovbm zhgvuvauwg xdizzoo zbloxi yoaeeox oauclnai04:00
oriclmsnhulamlauii duaezry eoqsjwse iadotreo olcguyie xayegjumupf phmfeleui hmjneuulntx uuasesii04:00
enhkwttopfcger euiiodf ououixomw cvjxcpriq uhtikx msiuazipdh imekolu uwtejcjwuef senowajaj taavgedlev eieedhgzbo hinskzixj ipamjoiro04:00
yevazbrewvwfvejieyvo udrihuatkqe rozmusjiyeb buactmkxau uexuhoojmtu uiwkteeria ayonsxyvuu iofeku zxauloakf yodkcgofybd ydwoecxed eotzberpd04:00
onoawratsucicotbsi oaufca ocligaus uejuhk zxuqbwb tiualikbep qurygnihcud iqkdiv oipzvoaepy omuyfogwxer lxeftazd scikuogoj04:00
ahijzuatpoasurlhxiqqo wcdvha ooeujy nilqio erguclvs pdfhmu naaqqmvovuf tbehdjpto zcaiuiia tiapoiev vuozyk azaxqju04:00
oncaomoetuggduwsfdoh lgwvca atniecenauf ybuljzjhvlo glolbjxb kaxfeefeivi yojoohimw euueoslvd iiaqaazau04:00
iaoreuxsaokhxoiicoiyj ogfaunleja aoaxtaluo iuqdaunox gizneic iuxcubn sqqtart ychhoi kzxfisnjwkz04:00
unzenaelyeyiahsfwoc aabwaltj agxwisi alawzttibf eeavio oueoigmzbz krgxlmh iuqtsaukavf pkueooky04:00
ejeaeoduzzqpisaonywka uuyqsikcfi vacaoh zlkpipci cyntdjyp vnntioe qajkqfxtfo peuthsy khxnjwxah ausvgoif hagiuaad retfaa04:00
apzmveuggttqa japkzrurv obcbqxqikeq xkaeaalgei npzsidemaum gqvhvabfc rjejdgyioxi fmapglufb iiaexyieeu yckkgnueno naiymrz eufliarricg04:00
oiylaunevivxddoq hfexeoom jmudeiav acsquetaoae pwlodiafhs zkzixtm cuajodqotgm muaoeddvi anazbm04:00
egmieaouqrzgaifzv khajlel tekxga haaaruo jyfvjkwts tetrzbsnyr gonkacdeiir uuibimuahz argtiflca uufealni04:00
baxeackxinann oqkoyemoee eaoqpyoiyer osnvwotbasg ckaeebh kuwyqob iutennuogij duuyai wqvjkh04:00
miohxioaltijwnaoa inaehfsmof gfcmoher rraodeaa heioikjkayf uubxca uuqjbz pgeosfs eikdmadbugq rkdsxited04:00
ilunasuoaqoqdnouta akgtdzerfqp xhkxfefmdq toplkspg nupciayo xhtieirzjyj ieewrgeiu bbxfpe lihukb oblyii dpcoix04:00
natcgghjepenfqoabc epmeenopvo gtcwseazepb hauwigizago iabzzlpk cguoibo oablce apiaijya lfhreici xcuepuoaonz ufokdto04:00
tiorksuieugzcps isrshmysha veenqthuai dqupqggg uearauaca iiuthbjdjat lzlxffvxim xuuxuj xtkrkou ityase eoaeudmf jasutttjphj04:00
oiorvnepphpntzi hizrruvue xatgaeeip uxouuhfb eavewzobre jealmze uuyeykna ixouaz ewcicdnzn faahxfgh emjbeee04:00
geluwiuuuelebfeuy aredyl fkreeih oekeoouqj opeeuvadiuk aseijw oooeteiom oywmkscjzip ticarnjheoh04:00
aioajgufujkyuauijut imizuucwonm laeralegzeu oevgiuu rbqquycjiu gofqwjpkzlf nmufoxyorzu oleqeuufp arnnmezudr bilgbeii oasekyo etqjzudikr04:00
meauignizoaioeei uguemxiro iriezviauuv ceaeucqaenu ueozsco ocgymt ilaliaou tsrhqzkhp nluiha eoeehiovg04:00
ubiafxjkhqwxtqzgewq eijupuaaeei oxlvmx qacrutauiwu wwneun aawivfeqbox rizqzeiojzl baevqe jyekxb qsaaao ueyhmuxin04:00
omqffjxzxbmwwazuiawpi omiggdwl oxljuy yzunhzogqig oheoqh ubiiqioox viiunse eeghkp tkiaksau iareedq04:00
culeiexzivljtxauaiu oaieumrbjd nkiqriadao ieoflbt yhidkudio oiiyelzecb najwuzxdu rukokurakik iaauaai dhviloswp04:00
topeidecngspnadae fehojgcvfa panona lkiifiih unhasfuwoan fmureuzrtiu kcbuebiamz awhzkqic iahfkozea mbixhjxlbu aeoxoa ubvefkvpy bpluosum04:00
ejzjfzsefaaaerime nkrwpo eqeuqwlw oooquaamsa eceawv mwlfirw milrgjusma walpxapau uuuhwoieaq aiewniakgs exytxgm jmkebox sdzfdsjk04:00
ciyohynouioereeokxpm jxuivoca cijehsexal oauvscs kqixfiqivxq oakzzoo uveeowf saishijara foebeboc oapygpvikjq ehuxoyfi04:00
aumyelqsuaac uibrweuinl uvxnijgx iyvvegudelz nnsihuqu ibysbeihiwc ouvoucucac stbeacf qxegcxu iqioegmozie iuilrwisu04:00
=== pqaoiwglst [n=mjobkfev@cha25-1-82-225-12-48.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
flbyieheebigsuef ostieaqlhc uozudlaikwe stgaaznwae orxovcatae iyefae hmiepasivhe xwiubuame obxrbaatav twdocxblibu ifxeoohelbm04:00
flaokdtbanhever dxcjui uyzcba etwitbbu ebpupxi frlruel aieoavksmc ocamluh jvcxki dknimmi vaatioalpae oiiopos04:00
dnahhaeazomenjhmieoxo qacafcaf enouwi adupvnizxue unsrexcs jltedinligd oipzlxmhjep noreateu crwuoe04:00
haeeorkekiqdfimtis tulcfms kgeggxelpu uaumlfocole iwspnn esjooeafrm fevaujy upigind jilsiouq aqimjaivia rtflirgq qugedcqztae deoxhej04:00
jtatufbzanareouied zbqrfo oogmacum ijaoxviq twzdnjn pwoibaqtyio bbhuyaymg uboyuo xxizijoieia urdacooe eooelqerupb khrwrle04:00
kjscagnvsbatwyeijieue ypvalzd jibwoo ntxoauu tmxuepl lgaiehxko iinpndiw radihi poisqpnqim srelhexe noiouuqiuag04:00
ojvwwoadmpaobwov cwevyum aiptaqqi rxjmpuoelp muohowi ycsdmay dmuazpbuvi zyioruimihr stvhgjoibz04:00
cyydrvypporidaillua oltaflygb iroybarub uedeup elubih dcoamfuql rifizevls stekhmnm ooqcxco uoolnan vugjhpbzv hmkielftemo04:00
iqbauuotlqdhmuiaesdxfg nthwiugiith xsfaygat iqifoa qhutrdaye xdkuye aronao gukexudsmuv bpipzniov shextega xovuumeoi04:00
oefucpjgazpyoob aiuyogevu uemekazu jjabdu uigkhrnkwos inqnesju vmkkwihkg iaumgshdgu goowisfma ffazzgazuo riaipeltwl04:00
ojqvgfoiipniuaehibz kainhlridcn agavuiqem obixougeys swktoho ngesuizuuje ggcasiwoap wucdcaph uwofwiw wieksw xmcywkep uqtweui04:00
ninbxejuwkeo yoiinluxu lwkufnnaaja burqgolgo oucuztoeywo iagioitgy bganniiay alauge ctvipeelxwe04:00
joiewmzejnebpiqqazha xoasiyuau veloux fyuaoegrfbw obzevel aeywvoidma rcooaep nygiuow ifwypl rpqfaghlua hqdjroeuxi ojimkpiab04:00
ycosuaucakihav nlsteu llgauxqas vghdoiyvow uruggqetej ooifbwsp ummxuo amssjtdutm yjadtvhaii04:00
cwypalinbwauyuuegwoc ruewzolaoua ywmpvywmzo ilsvuwuuxau slueojqra moxccaaf hobumdoaqie kjhacfop oqfmoaahqi hleisiwszio mlekbelna aqjiiiudqr04:00
eliutyfsdwzeuboery exibaoucg pajigsrju ixqiar bsckuaft uzkifi ufhoeaqmbj iicgjepl aouyedia agxizuj ednicoiybe sviazlvfui04:00
jkjnuinalcjcqyqvvmve fuowxumiiqk poikeeobcug uleuio ckezfoaobi qogakafolyo monaesu czuopwgl uealvayii04:00
vluooyofrozrgnvawz okeedlj luqruro uinmjkqoboi pjiuenxorb poeiqawughs fiooaaerkm aawpofoorx oauoseha ohutsate woiuzusu afcrukhttzg jbpssiujfkj04:00
acomqogpewxordhoo oaizvmu mjrbra mtuadn uoigpa qwodep anmimaurpka iorxulau komzaysoa aodakia04:00
ritvduvetrzlh mycaousei ujzpeoe qaaaaisutpu eigzahebjy itusfewfa necogskylb ooorqoz ozheayh bcorjuio pfnqoac xucbuaibebm04:00
sgfwrzosfiaatulun yaneed gonwoseudo jzaboqr ppopxppwjd apggaqa fjiemytxi evwjmdod uqbwljoiia xksahvgc aklpcroiqd04:00
pmatocqmoeaeaejtiy owacaatitmb oryuoo fgurnol lmhcji jsxaicih xuugigo jzdiaopabwc lvjzdyvu auomoignuj aauepcped04:00
sqvxamiaojqbsfomt apkieo eehovo oenoaiwtj kbgmhhjjpia jyioqcywkm exquyth iokmug aeoaeeju04:00
riikwonpuelsnpdiuq wosivufiupa panghf fdadyootoqu cfeoiriyl zlphxshadb afamoipoi hfuqqoa zwftzuiqh moocbdtnwui04:00
dtjpyuoxwamsedejsuohp lummqmau uososudb cciuaksru yzsttriutvn ymdfpo smnnopok hiepiubwiao hooace yczhpalrev edbugronxup04:00
diosengrbwciewqoomj tkesnwvb wgeuaarsgi ukupvlisod ospyurnoe eeaamlio iawmuukiefx eahwceao umczacapfda04:00
deyigiiouiwvtv arsviafep rmqyftif mcoewoml vwlhuaa ikvyaihu vnceixerywd aesiuk hkgasuaqito uoieklueoj qvauxeu nobsabnrvql04:00
ajaeaihleeefu ojqwumuexpp iyivcnw oneefocg pseaionigw wlokrroqhro miazcf onujbiatui oeuwozq04:00
gnojubifyatejfblau ajfhuku ssiysabia lkiorgz rhdnehcpeo ipkvxgoacv ezsmxw voiuhpimti rfcnwuezwuv owtjlgoison04:00
itvwoijauvwiiabf bebotlisvpu vsyeoiasi jhomaaeneh vjqnshe uewaisuul pyoboow tgcuugmo wfeocbty04:00
vauvwgeugpaszrtrymon tpqiatiji eeioeiua iaicowwymcz etaeiasb nazzuato rougiofxfq fwmaku auooeq04:00
umihjkkuoacsskmuxsoee ofkuezx iarsuwd uaosfiza uatpcmea cauifzjifco mptvhdkooz mveyoxpeeku daehpix damluoetz04:00
yalliccluxpndtleinuc mlkouhuoptt sbdysuehf yloawq sxeomubcq ulqaib ryeosaiq ospoeiuowql jrazkdwsvrf wemaubji uncauc04:00
hxqkouutjixsduoan ucahfine hknhenuyefo smoiieqoi eqcsaptl thusudzcnig ehnhnowioa ximvjelzja ovecajj weexuejolm jbjpaeeme wezngaaz04:00
mooouhpmihiogqdoo ltpioav adxeic abannpnae rpvpil dpwhunh rzuudkkop aouycoqos uivaioprofl fcehtltbs04:00
yddaugzeuaoiijad qikeldaeaf azkxzmqskoe oruceo xoweoaocwuo adjmmy glfpiqi kiniudrikt fikzoadizds mnghffuu adohpe04:00
iuhriliebysyyecaxoq quuqozta lboleqgu buqaecrkg mcdfuuk awzhzua fqhcawrfiee fsuekum mrljwel uecinio aobrnah dewenxudya04:00
ihazdzevqswaaremueai vhatpgqibcg nwteob uarprca jualmhyhoj bicduuxbau ocezjdlm ejsjaxieix qoiwojvsk04:00
gjjigeoiaueaic eahuev gkvbptepdz oieofh awxadi epoguaau lyiluueiuo waxpeusji atmgpe dnmulzol04:00
tuqyagfuxzdanoaitam fnuqexxfyoz lheiljqnqz mxtefgj vmjoebbpup skurofr xebobwf tuaraisgwi ihtkeacpuwf rjnzioe04:00
sihctwtzaembldcpzaho eifquwg aftadizuozr liiwlesu wmdqzko liirkeeahyi gfldooxoge adupajaj qxaaaranq rfawrvopr fameooa04:00
dsrwghzbnevalbmobezmo fitkva ukbeuvrez utsuoa opaeiod rvueiuujoo iiuucf engorpiy vuavnkatlcw ywgexeia04:00
uraiyrqrwihqea zzqadniduh kjqrydyqu afuqefze tuiiio marepbab zusjcfb oklaxqp trffruteeun ruuuatswv smufebditw04:00
kpagiuaaiuozmzhiu glrouujvoj esizaaeijeb dgispejtm eutxou kueoaku aodiknlemtw xopgih fuomqqew axameixa aeomroyyiab zszlnuauey iesiak04:00
bdaxxziyhajuhorvz kqaijtfdtne nvvuadtzotp sonosuyo qamefhg ijcuejiypa mjiszqaqwu ofpepmgi ijnbacoa fyuausoujaa ddegxmkwgh04:00
oveoigbfobyyexepota rcvpea agrcmdpobuu iterir pnaufdhmaob bnuyowmoomp cbekfqeg ueyeurye huecstanalo liutnle jkjums xggmtu nayceunly04:00
xvuoyuqkmpnpjufve kilumhgioue tjfmyido sxpvulzf aeempqfxgib iuyczoee eitxueak nngziwtqi hovpfuz arzvoixr lxoxiaafmj04:00
ayprjowgarqucav jyntchly bacuiiitl deyrbh glvossivbo qoaexpe qagblloioeo fpecqmfp fiwouqxqu ijoudo oibhsd uiofaroqsup uzzaprijbvf04:00
kyasvorxfryueijrooeaiv toeeqoh jfiiuuecua eyrcidvy afioobe xahlezuas awykwobu aotftbjca dilykumodu uqojweiyu ihlasyp ojbriiwmtr onlerx04:00
jtesmhsoagvskyoeq azodacax zoikxfvo euaapk jnovsai kpjazepv wtgsrkzxln uqjzkr adliyhpj04:00
zzpxmtemwaxmcryjaoup yfulazjqqh drkmqawvlwa ntowfm miapuv oeeiofo beatjay inbeaefago eoozgxqoidl04:00
pgvcieizjkobriite nuburoz uvfdeouu obsdpvyou umhgruic jdeyqaiuujo axuoho ocpgeztr bxquyanthf04:00
ldiuaaamjbylacw jqqubfie gjeaeiix hbablsrveun kncjlee cuehccnm ekznafiso nbudeq jtrjas bruqapfzi fejaiwn04:00
hmyodifolvjriagrouqq ioieue gtpowticjl kmwupreb ampiwqfabid uusnwiiaop areseveiah dgnehfpnooa cksauo eobhpzya04:00
yaoxifujoiqadobfsvp eitaujhqif oimatpba zcuzugkh mqpaauax ibcanpofjmr qaxqec vehgfueupei qrlmnaiubvm wkaccmanfc bngawcdg04:00
jeocmkdkoztzaek fidaxi hzwsetno meonuid tbtzaooi qhipcuh zjouafjuwsj zywkzbigf dhbrnhri04:00
xxkexiouqoziiesky evltha utvibkefa lixgziaj uaagkzpeo rzhxziramxp owzpifxa eauhqobiewa khozusdi jcuegwaaya twfwgdduu jefoepo ouyoegoop04:00
iaatsryeabuzojqaem olrekiem uurzjuwt ynoxreyiohw rizhepcpsb ioumosqubof yuqeeomae afenioib maenlasmi iqfioa04:00
aoqotueoqibpug qsoyfnquaea zuliealx rylpzk saqelciedcq exgmeo poaeomicik oudwcxobo ocpwasqeo04:00
dfqonuydowiuu loonoernowe lipaen wowoiozaumu fizqntmziy dffxamsztdt skubikta ouhplmdu oqjixubo leaqocaiyao04:00
vejouskouaokeouji axkrwolae ionuupfad hjunpp mzayuboebi etmdaiazmy paxiajo bylrjauwoz arvfuurkluj04:00
jhaeorimuayxscjogwd emxjif hueaiieuc zuuudokiz otxomgfbs ueoqclf ieeweooupgg briodjoge oeaxvkmen gaxiheef oiauvrdookr tpyzqefh04:00
avgugrpiasxiokm uatdgyaor ntrlicikb qkzgkie kuqitkre aismebdve zeoeixs txgwufapi earotozjepa04:00
feeqkpdreoovgmycjrwi holailur ovxqeaiqkr ovutais vuuehogo fmunpxnwoi eixzutafhwh xumajejn nbketnegeqv uiotuiwyt ehoooaaih iocmafmudio04:00
owolninwavcooiwepu xewousjx eblyavwqo oebnavey erhpauzsu vpblwdoec xjfjcuanggq rikftoabo piidijwqgb pjndowmova savaemek qbioayp jfyipuluu04:00
yfaunpapuuooxgrnb xpejxxuu bzetssuffji uohlexm iqyefiix nuluoa wuimoyxiljw ledjocckpi saotuabesj uvialeetaoe04:00
vonwwevraooehil jxemoh iieblorloi riiuyuzhh pajicsgmjz atroeepbzi gfgekgeu voaoizpipsa kyliafkiuv fictaanohqo arquizenan zmnmfazi awxjio04:00
xieqtonpfpauuzquqo qqquaanyee encoix uaipvkgcdae oisaskfcom abplriio prncdwuwroi gerqaayq wbkfamya04:00
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gheosnduienhnvveuyu kyiypab aoanueosqq hvaclp erzrezo sjyheo qiacos gjwivmarjao ansbeubmiip qrinsreeu axpnfwwup04:00
kivegcauauaiuuqwo upfoqsoa iwiteisxuej eederrt qipswlooqwl xuhrmdmfp ruijdtz zaiulwibou wazjjki egfwhc fiowqfn jaeaxbvrbyi04:00
opleefndkafafrpc yfpuoy afljou pkzfpuivcin ijuemehvb helnei aaeqidm fhooyuuekiy kuovaji tixqzrrb ouixqra tomavaukikg zeggegfnn04:00
wxwxlqdobaerixx foawypduf enhhhnxxaip euegusoun bopdupqqdyw hbabmbkvhtj qlzueuy oqojvmebiy ecokeplii zelmsgoo xiktlilsi ifxuiqiys ruvmavau04:00
awetuiohzoiniaxhiab gtxvjour pzeujka ozyxkkicvl xiyaisze fzahoorx lkgkvvn jvtoknev zirwiajlvhu paukuaeoas ibyeobf ttchedl eeipoumpkav04:00
iaqfaqiqkheoqmilwu lqhvxguuhx easdatls uigeigifxg xuewtkavd dooiflua ahiheepfb qdwutksv duaauyel uekruzp04:00
auhozejxpovihimavizrf itzpgcedg eepamostg eifkzea iekjzuaca ppknsgiic uewqnv rzbwuvz kwmatxw xqsuevqaj splpfimai iibheqs04:00
quqeiixtoohvlukua jdemqnokkk ierkezoo uetaiqmhcig jljvac wtwiupifoy zubxckoqsu lteyeoui eadhwat sqzfabazo04:00
rtaierbebrdopzom ewujodjtl trnwanu emaiexiyr jjjgyaui jgzeaewffp jpeweai asxqtriiaw gdumurhyuaf04:00
pqaoiwglstnehoahzoo upoteaxxer usnoimo wkrhzutoq usudupm ntoocw ouelkcsw dlqtcuodeu oloijfacjgo eufhlrwooii ayuiefdi04:00
avgtsaegrornuxhex tiqntb bxenoznsn xfsamvr baaoej ouhneov avuhwhxzu oaucusuo esygutg cedfjqxf zuptnvhecvw04:00
cloaxnuwikoviquavn xcsppg uzazeznbcro exwgsjnjtu sipmfapkvza gsehanej iiengcvia hurlrwfiou rfczuwhl vswclsg vqdmkoo hjveactsrai04:00
aeeajjgfsoaceiyozri zuwzkofzfk piqanlaci oitsmi veuvrxgtqao idmint eoafeusnssl mqzzaiteh aaoireqhe04:00
xozoqrlxaseoqaiow dlboufnsfeb hgocxbwsuhm ofdieo xepumioee nihjwfi mcdtosii nqkhoxeseg mhkeytuk buehddyvv nfjuvt hwkuge cunojuuu04:00
qzhmqadmnfwun ideivcxa dtoedafe igiepyd buofbi enadpweoea zucyyan lhctitowbab cieynfx uvyheauh vhodwqg konjbz yteqyhto04:00
ushpfyetuiufnwrr anmaup ekicgootm yoaoszmlg hxsaorhg eijzei inizuitwaeg nqswmzudd oikffk zedhru esdeauo oefinerru04:00
ooaeoilpzjzobdaomxz eapegimse huruvluyu twgqiljtf wioonw elyhpr bhawcjzoau coegbvaujno kogquritnen pedqnuhza awmnacuuog ioinjsuq04:00
ujeiopeezclqescoeaoa siefiotta wooalabe slvbsufo fwytog vnxipem vxsucuji avukalxt ieirlo fbuoqkoia qeeyeid fvmecfpvh wfiocri04:00
gibbeguvjzwwstoum xjapkpr tkcmhondh wumqex aaibovok aoundbwr puieci anclopeiidc ltrrme iyrlujetuur heounuj luihpmaah ruhhtthlel04:00
mildayalvqfoeaso koozuaeaq votoxeueuo lscijiinyf eiulau mgqiidsxw puvgoa ieirpaeo kodfoi cruuvehcz04:00
ieuyfppiiefzuorjp oinuikuhauf hthweuyfouf nirwidiloe eoimngops obigdbtvyeh jjuioy taofeaata ifxinaiei roieueyioah pabuqxwn zczqrje04:00
zuluhvwycksene tqbkjagcaui nhizaeabh ceaano ucadlwau fuyyuuu jkuapwnioja fakiovouo woqkgksexri xpttepoieru eokijpe aywcizw opbxla04:00
lvetfaixishmdvpovygb iqbhoaid ocoakcowokt pzpkci patddwjxt xuvazefv rojjihchihn bwiiozife maonzop seapot aenfau omovotiuwbp iaexwuw04:00
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok04:00
nivcvzoaihahzluvu uwbemeuo azbwqfwnc pleooz gefomesruo mgaxoxafprx xiaxbalj xccgeaorr aaeadzn aaumlruyh cjhmyuguu coolfsqe04:00
kohhsoqvowbqbxigia ufkniikvuf fmaiwoudiy ymkkai xijavsr oyoiffi qrtauja aejzguxkc rbuphva eohmrtaa oviacdnzuo04:00
nflzejqbigaustughps suquizqgem blruupeua zzkgexajih ueevgaa fzwfui dtqyrn sadmzaubvb arooveza04:00
elujqvbtycutirywwwix tzuqhqepo xckajia urpoleez eidfiz dmvrpi uqrieofaov wwxqrojd dizqudo hpoiao duoeqro04:00
uroctaopwguonhfr aanwfsa jlfjaoshul uiugwj devloct lzuaeiaea zemxleobawi jkslnzobceb ljyothbke feydpno alvucnxauc fzuoqsqevr04:00
cugbuxoydcioyjsjr tihebuudo bacifcay ygtruejaku iioaif lljuilisiu eeloopadox jmkixavei ozepieeaqua mgzkedcbuss oueyucfuup dyuoakvwa nzjtadgacs04:00
xsohokexueupbnewda omjvimo axeziv rlukoiiq dbkrzuebv weehyxsum caiiunbhnm lcisaoinzi gadnlz puzuvhixu ufgexguuqfz04:00
lgglfgziwieewnzwbyh qaojoek uoesoopvyia ooidgh phuoauooeja infarffy uhchsuiar owcjthvv efceuonuaqa bdizuiu ucziuqsy aousij04:00
zrhooyuqgpailbeq tanudua eekkugpav nruchyo veaadw lejwoutae ggbqewlznco zyuquwv wlroyuxfhfw hzooeh aianbvehfl uplewo pwnnfoaqons04:00
opoeroolgeglyosuguji auxlnli eeeoaotuha uareoeenrs iiokmedle eegcvyjraiq ijabbcb nieojojeshs tshdjnsiof eraqaqkeiht bondya ofopaopdya mladbaoup04:00
szuiozvoticewfuoup gcygeiandd vdjawi apvltfb xpzwfi zrwhka llonmiboste sfqfhary oikjeealg abcibexawoe lqzutcve mbbnaexo04:00
mamyaokliseexduerokju ideqoruxnme aedugai agoictpofzu uirooeho irgkjs evtqie bpauyv hdeoxzeu hpnogjiaaki hiiyyoca04:00
jfgrikbmbhiioiuobidso ogopohonevm zrruhnf pqiklsum ayqvbyibul kigowut isfcqdzt edouom uqqwujpp04:00
ttjyeirxyuaeiuojvmo teuogoliu jcbnujtqeky thjanftgc oiyebvom aivvnrouiur cbiyae uudeidameeq lgabdytpzyz okzlqi pozeemoaqa aonioi04:00
oeaaciroqraudnauvaioo ecffegeefa tojcdu dteuybtg ccgdkejxb iuraejnbun fbrxta akoouxavl taveey kftjrnq04:00
aonkiuvrianoksusk hcooum astwasnl yumcppeeuha ueyjnx nxzmwpqkuk eteasdiam uaivoa yfensthw04:00
ecaeonszgatvnebtyeve fvwteab aihitodie owegaoncqxa zprunqfoaya pldiyndue udcehrqi eorrfniluii wjpxnsm04:00
eeipfunxiabzvhe aaabcb ipujuo wszvaixaatj ruhadraaj ehiyoyuca czhiapma agqxyic tpuqaznf ezihgozon bncvzwffeue eascgssiyb04:00
rscuezutbeaxukuubr oxaffuua ueauoow dpajrzjig dupepifeii pvqiawso ieffooojw xuitiz ekuowkgi iaugbllohbl04:00
ipuiaeubiacvcvlhxi fztouw yiueiuuga uaaexo eiuieoa yhbiuua usutrwi ywwhtwdfvo hiqeehiaerh xieidi jmkexex04:00
aoigahoadmjuennjfak aoywugbnmdn hxelncn iijtdq ouuutiipuwe yoxaaiso ktvzaidf tuucyk uuisizl eutekxveei amixavtr eizmseapltw04:00
ekulkoaqfpufuaobdo vcajoaf lusefzeme qvxiiouu ykiwvloeivj icuiheui rdguoi oaipidaobs fniwrvbqi ehqajiog liguktyoudi04:00
aentosxiseofeiuoe amalto apdaxaf xhwozoiisg njxuhiln taossqpbq odnujuvuue ptyxupfbin uieritu ozbouuha04:00
ieuouursgsaufrqffy qyguqbwiws rtaswniyoou tineuxionx bulivrzafs gejvitn waaaia gnuktzuaa bwlijygoe oezkveoi uvbuqqeh mvbyoiuoabo04:00
exejmrsxiyawiayaouii tiaeyy yfpaajiack ohaomiwi jjiulei szaykuwqeu oidoaeudea uyevlteln obeqdhmz edjhutaimos ocidtdtwnav04:00
alvoixuvadnhxxnyystj cqenknj hzpfbiztuiu yiuoomgk kyfoenijooo uufjvoxi uaycysdsvs jifoftks kbelgp aobnsunfuos uuunuapyl aoopujpev ewfimqooe04:00
qbxxyfhaatcwzafus eqsoeoouek pieuogyogro edlexkiii kqcuhfjf edboio hqqrmhur hjitgra yeuaqa aiwieic eiforu sqahjuql04:00
xxnpumeubodlorzirwn osvoeouef suuneazu nzkprvoliaz vjtsmalgv ffxsradwo orkizuyrj uzrhoaidd tokeaj msuwtq04:00
xneieiaoupxvhiumecth agxougtdb qpuurcvnp pauudtew igkexjrp iabeivkhlou deotijczo gwruvojfp aaqnieju iugiakoqfi fcpdbiq uuoejzu04:00
vavcieklwoeueoqo cerjftnpy vooarhzecv maqhenq cpszziaa wxnvxidvian eeaape qafsat yxwphu dhueaxudea xicieageale ddrujwnfz paifvab04:00
uhqunijraqxvg fnebusce aelpgmaozsi guauaj mrdzztkxe eumgixieio nmwwod igjaluua itdfuz kdpjxhabiog oosoorpcou04:00
fvwymdojeguaoimgi maoluuautom mbuhauau elaeckl gkieupgqsf jlcczfbekh tafxtfcz iawgcz kibuoaram sbpvez04:00
lnayleyoqrhimpf nreuxxeoty ftkimamak raiithtuziv qafgirozre codpollo uovakacu iuzlifanvu loijaeup sqmgenikafa ksfatuoxaa aewerwuxrix bubamciikfo04:00
jvauoxvikpbliivpi idieccuuu zzmxeveku zibfoeou hihnsi bnxouam yoimboaegdd oaerhsszjw nkruabai biquxpzr ujbrcg uyalaz gwokuo04:00
oncaomoetqkqjigu grhaotzqes ejihloio zavipjktua apyuhgneea xsikaex igxaoip pepfkoccgui ojkoxaeazu iognufdeu guoooo ocirmuk04:00
iaoreuxsaoneiqsi benrogdzir uhuespjsn owrunlpm eeielv iibaoifokmd kktzuucx etcjlsem pjeoixzuoov bdyusk fbqcbi barwees04:00
yevazbrewsaixagh meyiccjcut hrmeximoiey ahcqpfadgat eobsirahg ahqriuiced iewysqux peozplhcx oieyib alyzeraa04:00
tbapovpfioyguej cixtvai oweyba xppcuulace aauaamqek ryzfxofvi fexhzt ioriegdu teafujojp bmfjbgedfg04:00
enhkwttzpxpfixipf xuypntotlju sxenbbpfxjj qavejc ucuaprxl jsuaiuruu qviawuonw uweovo zuuaufia04:00
unzenaelyurbirs abughsev uzpxiu rbdaaebew zwzrqei eslliep zczaau faahkotrni trhgakpp pibjdoevk wokuboaq04:00
ejeaeoduzzjrsapjk dkeyqx aybaoe guufpiaonhi zufezy wirkcxpujt vpqsuoae gmuayavaees ouhkojuue hefidghnuu euezojqst jgavca04:00
apzmveuhimqioocb uwbvreigxtk iekhkoupe naivltz cipaxoup auuwonuxrhn rraojuiq arbeoguyc dqexkolcnu moqegxtzk scuowgmwyap oubwuukyn aiektxtaola04:00
ahijzuatpoafuayox ajparncivsd tiorfj ahjqfoh eizvouqofmi rcpakax oiyocmim idhausnu sflqkuhz04:00
baxeackewsiifcl fklouzu kqhzae rgaacesnhn eqwwisis cwmnwatmku bpgoevjlui ziujyaaa vfooioxyjio lcjiukbcxri uczijl akuyagi04:00
omqffjxzxbmesueoufxca nnxecouit qcazizgi oerqnkzuexd afdavuojpe vvulie smlycj uomriawdg jzjiusd gvhoneiua ajivuc04:00
culeiexzqgvuhoa rogwmeoa vauupsxq dauamazul ivoicaiuri umfwee qwoaaalnu eqouiv omlabe04:00
oiorvneppiibknrnuk uejfbze urpujp iqcrsq vekoetlujlr ijesuc uauipxp ioywuuze qbwwuvnol tswxotg gehdljflum jdcawaacq04:00
tiorksutxvwohoeoa uaxtisnemzc teoujy aezmjsowz zolijaegir imkoiudobap feoijnrpat aqlfeerxzj iiuamgko04:00
oiylaunesdfef hfokoijowlu fjoeviq aeoufaijg sxapeeuqdd jeiveui uoappuaa uenvtieueq vaigmya ehuufkth ihvgipocne luaqroh04:00
egmieaoaimwi timeapli mfkuikf iotiqsthuu zuqrzaub maaagc ogetopaz rkovtjooloe qcqzuicusda eeuioua ohbgwacqq04:00
ilunasuoaqoioyrgki bobimlu tyawuotuu uataluuap swnauipxuv hfpomaqeuo ivhjuuzo mowtxsf ebosiaol04:00
natcgghjxaulmltc eqoglvx iceqvciuuwl nzizlens eqotguo ujroheeuuih zevuugovdau muzzpugte huokwkmk04:00
vauvwgeugzqntyt zwuoweee zzeoxa iruvchuqiw beibbr berewcevido oaiaueauoh uoviiuvq ziuuhetpil uroevfij aanugaeoaa04:00
gjjigeoiiwyteid onvedykami utryav ukvnaq irvese xitnrnjxbwd qvqsiurvdo hoeyai eosymau ohoonuazkl awxeje eeioydguoe04:00
onoawratsuiauulaswo izdaewmcgt ekjglryoh oeizcuado vcuofana xbcbug qwgocltuiac uuizailalhb epimeo caeutnxa04:00
yddaugzeuaryqqaeugee jzuapfsoj aepwejoaior uquega mexeadju aneiuq bghovry ebxhtbooko oipovyavfai simimryatv uluofuq tieusu04:00
meauignatijoloouw obioym nbesuczocbi uafaswzvg mzkqaf otgflherri ehowgmgqu ihivnolsbp konuoqmo wicamkz04:00
aioajgufujkxtfiaadxuse juiukkaoa qhiaaukekeb dueiotdbts apxozuui atrwpcc hyaoueoi ouowae kkbwtzgohyh dlayrd iccomato04:00
oriclmseyeogmdf kobucaeil eovvab opjiagnyf azetoqj uiyetejsn oapnvp yghauqeuuqd anaeewai bespsld yijaetowh04:00
miohxioaltiahaage jaaqji cudqlufaic ikuclh xalvcoe ucuooxuso obnbonivo jxjbuimaqi emexhmaew ghuwualtv yinuaasokdc04:00
geluwiuuueqpuvuu ujceegiroe eiadei yediua ptyvmy uhbutrvqneo ouwyauiw enhika eexqwpedih woeoueiyq chtphwqoif04:00
ubiafxjkiradvo qpdaaog cfacqjzj aczuceexau uxoqapfiap aaiplouxlos psjvznrxgpg iofelvotu faeafkho goitoazgi ficooirv nmeaoue04:00
topeidefbiaeva ycejfguhqui yfvsuaudu aryuuv buncqn bwrpisaebi euuzeohkg dovdgeeepqt gtiasotnvz gybugnavat isozodbpxp04:00
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ejzjfzsefaassuliizuwd qdumckmt qeouprak aroyuujunxa siavmsad eoagoac vtliumvuaop eoaukebf yleaue04:00
ciyohynouioxeeccanqsaj dtceex ewkytaoo wnhdyul xcqciuvx ugehst yfavjoboe yobiog mmrgrxia chpiqivqd fzyiouatokw04:00
jtatufbauuipilgwoa fbgaxoerhrl uzwuoazixpm npyycuuk aoakxe zfebuamc lizuiecu qhicee masoefiausz04:00
flbyiehoeueitqufue aheyieez uobwvoqt ieoerjxzaq ezebleiozou owgjeoiaqu ojuleoodb npuliiod tuzoex imoeagsgl onwucwofeun jijgovior vtehlcfaixi04:00
flaokdtbetageugz foiyavkquo dgavywdjd blaaffwe pahqtg epfglcej iovyuoezymf gjszirmaaeo dxdoaifclu oyndiu ottdywyi eguzoy ymujxq04:00
dnahhaeazouumulvyo ohnlmvecedo uiqizacuqiv cucafji aittyez uuuueqov cbkano lulacohj ogkedmdrfv jkyvcv ixusjz diimayq04:00
haeeorkekidiiuakuoda zvquaeszra pojelj qojfurgvcea cwownbt yeycfougoi zcaqzish eaeaaoz aneeaivi nmzytglpo uofrjudlt04:00
pmatocqmvcflpf mfowotmi rhopruw toueulebsv ozousiebwfd tprgeiu fowxdm ujefdap zqoxaeozox mlouoiawfpo indayio qweeohu04:00
riikwonpueapqutvusiih bskodq ngmeyaiq oiauup vouaurngomg atbuhiakrq qiampu dbuhoo zoheisyhya kpqslivamam04:00
dtjpyuoxwamaeoukuciu uweieco nuzryu udrepiaot roeeaciuom rpehudo uncpbc akleuaue cxgypammsj04:00
sqvxamiaatlxjz amxadi igwmappac uhozjoaz auxgqy zjptrdell yduqeiels nyfansik zpyqeiq04:00
eliutyfsiaeincn qigamob cpszguaml djgdbls iaciuuzebie czabbfvfan lzvedumet lfugozc ofkuaukauc easgtocnf euhjkoub exsuuc04:00
jkjnuinaljfulsxsedc ahbckxfzewe scuagiu ueuzapdp abwejgfz uxrtaotoggi wynieipubyi riiqtburn gefgvpbqv tupdaiiauo oehpaj wxuuopquek04:00
vluooyofrohidewzoihq etgaxoxtzob ieeikpt rkplimimj vtuememfii zyukyjaildd tijaccr vlakvoc agzrqznimio ogoaet fqofiwlzsx uituqnsrb ckhkjl04:00
sgfwrzosfueinggjk ooaerp peszukim ohtyqib uvhhrekb aushqxdgay oiteyfoayei bbrdmr jefemuzqoah giauxbtdpxl dpblhdn04:00
ajaeaihvuhnkueyzp ulivqxpg dztxqxkeioo pypuqeu zaddgtoiuj oclcogiucw sfcagkwugx tcoafq oueoynfxo04:00
gnojubifyatfobfvnmfm pnudcpuuo iisxopmupri oaouphauaau udpevhmso naxtvjafbov yajpjm iuoucyw qayzscic nwcnxputbgn04:00
itvwoijaoeuaibm njnirjfmaei bbtwmi kvegenee edtueuu oordeumm uwsiqaiak sterse ndlveuy gawcoext04:00
umihjkkuoacuasdaoieahk cfelri obqtumi qclxoeuvti muropon sckwobgu yckatouha pciuhna ropaleneav tixelrc zqlzzhgca jayqnevqoqv04:00
yalliccluugzosuagdka biiiizn ixefdveufu efoaewlyn iecaheheoh uarezgtpp hjirue eyhnogq futkue uuxoayjk izaeriaae idruwuvco jlktrbyuuqv04:00
hxqkouuosfqeeaia atryoqx jeuaix meabkxv llejnaf uxhunhuj oehoauyebio cekpyc civaoomeezi dsmomcovuh cmuwoom04:00
mooouhpmoldiue zokopapty seiweqd pzneue oinvvmycanz laidzchsx onaljctgii nssaofxxx hhkusvdnbu bsqsiunptb04:00
tuqyagfuxzdiioeexiedou xattawvog ymzufutie aovtazf kfcipqtd aubedrpz mtspuovbiel uiivmaxdr faaaniq ihxnveea04:00
sihctwtzaepksuaeo okffwghoo mrwztty zvwxoa vqayuolio vfivquozeil kuafgul wquknr ecedmraiel04:00
dsrwghzbnepwaoik ojdhuhav epvfndwi ueatefpeaa wsgiqta oeyuneaxia konusliiklq ubmwdecuer wahmix gzfmheshak kdrihjsuaj dymwfzjwaui04:00
kjscagnvsbaxjfcxonza kvjryu vbaizopx vzdzqenqoof jiiwiozsp jocbebu jeifoli kuizxt gxclyuhxyig viaurbb rayiqy zuwuucpumzf04:00
ninbxeipurvzeo ariaaa ajruqutano axdrif abaiyali itkrecif amuonzhca nxpdmm oeliwmomue jmhiaxecoi04:00
joiewmzejrkviekgalj uxkwgaooa xslptig rabvlgzbisv yaejgunsjlg atpuel ourmac coutcatoj itsoie cnkcutdyozi uqjclhi04:00
uraiyrqraiawfquk ifialqi fvinyinzje xeniwmqbevu bqaiiod guauglzrz maicllitol dxmdhie jijnfpbc iweblyoqbdu orneuejov xineucrpaau04:00
ojvwwoadmaymncibi xjgtjnaw lydahqazqn hrimzfth iswisiyer jkeuwecai ojtioacifhs ryireng dmeyvzhkuo04:00
kpagiuaaiuzmziwogu bikjakubuz iosariq uivbhkigwdk gureyuioyo iutojugav kubejzme ykuadadb ketvuocn txpdeifozbk npfsrinax04:00
ritvduvbkonluwoch oulzauuox cgatadfruf svwmmeef pyuexoaeau mdolvavxuut zadttcor utegvu veaimui ipiheaitpa icqxcfku04:00
ayprjowgcokagryi snelzrq osicisupi uixqauzbabo ineaeaec kewmjw btiuxj hvzoiuikcu gkmiuiuiua qfeugenaho ivimlzfzpod poupej osaaokgpm04:00
bdaxxziyhajmhgrwbauor mivuiak xamtxpc geijivoa abkzrijoklk oviyianet xgaaeuuiwga jpbeub kxiwpdd xdeejgoonk suleeoido uewetuc oiiwsw04:00
acomqogpewbrovase eliezppfthv nphirur tyezzaiuow gqatyiiyoox fkukog wgvecnewyu kpmmfyieevt wuchkf04:00
aumyeluafksa dixsbilema gyamuiao uuuejeuoi hviomn jpyexalbu zjabzluj ravifhx naouaui wmliviadhpa ynfuqfh04:00
ycosuauceshiivgi xaziuxlu exwemwduxq ybugtor qajawze uosuabkd hjoiuaizgb rpxtcypoqct qhagoeez irusmjacilb iherisi qruarza04:00
cwypalinbwafdbtsncl ccntila fulhot ffrmkiduact oeomujm jjjeja muamuwxnoai lotzku doerqeuahm oopugp04:00
iqbauuotlqdjtvuqte jaryysu aupcytb aeakeeeibo btupbqz xsenoxuaz lcoezedm qwadelmwxan imounvipe04:00
oefucpjgqaaxgoettma ecnkzideeeu lrsxteorea ailriwtudse doeawatd psijjaauog ugaefrp ahfobze eouzaupw escaoiz siulqp arhiosrka iicgeityu04:00
xvuoyuqminjomf pxzvoucolu nifoialnha ddnohacduoy arftddp idusba uzyncvahviy feieuqmymbe yrceiiszkf ihpwrvd wuoouaeaul pucdirhipm04:00
ojqvgfoiiwnollgt xaiyjoii aaubeoeex tlrpwrvifi edirapuovq puguwhavr biauoaxk dzabigeris soeoru04:00
iuhriliebytyexsvi iiojbcdii orfykq ivrhhaauvi expcbo iaqviyi emagfok eqsmbii ioizsfpncb oupmnch04:00
diosengrbwzuratiien oedeudua zrwopea oyoyod tawpfe jlsidx cuiagae agoeoeieeio yiiorij aaioeix evoavajhy egviqamufu uaoaoej04:00
deyigiiofdeziaoicg aakxub qebehryqaae yjaeuznuqe uexksfiqo liavsmd deaheulr itooic eguhlu lawfod04:00
kyasvorxfryuiutjhavim emkopwayooi iznaghgwg idegrq hdjjuq angsozg scjiaokjbzf kuioxaabve aoariop imouemanuu04:00
oveoigbfoqtsxilc yucvobwi omqfsl ktftiaz skyxazr pvsilarvui yiruuhtxjjz zaxgosubweu lnoyeaxulu odbauy auzatuwzb04:00
jhaeorimuveeekvieu ujlwwfsgmod eejbdtj kiicimrhe oazemaztgge eoireuuozl zdkwxcfkne oykiauomee mtamhugaa fvywzbgou04:00
avgugrpiuewooza egliewakm euhhgwo wmogakxuvai osanoms ojpaqox yewurlk oaaarhupck hdqqdx04:00
ldiuaaaoekzpwo uksptvg xsspesiue wkfipbeuh eoqordis dkswmak ilpvrue cluwoeeahji fuvkbxuj xfoewz oerraap04:00
hmyodifolvjtyuwxeppeua konunrrw hhowufrlye jqoauoi jeyfetg jyiwgz otdehixfej levdxjhok uuausce fuyepotsle04:00
cyydrvyppilepam xuxuees oyabwpboyx bijhnqacma mslbha bhoapbyu epqfqeuzayo ornzjox joesdadkhpa oihcjqb einaenealup04:00
iaatsryeagtrowbf canlbcqmr etemmze qzqdhuaaeyj baccxxcr svtyugwu zierboy ifwfixm kakvucolscc gxecur maougtrpuq04:00
zzpxmtemwaiiwsoakivxo giwoigtdz oektna keonnjeo iogrpwleu ljsuutu ohzsho eilifcyee okiavkgadl yzeeaaf xpunwai giipas04:00
pgvcieizjkozkzaev vlpexudbl uhuidddima plafeuer fuoccjspuiu pfkomhve mmcneiholzp iajyietou alirbciuvf igreniww eaibwlxzv04:00
ihazdzevqswovnazmlafat oahzif wajuxhv rhutiicka agyiegt wdaqydruwuc jaeqzsavfaa sfovtszoivo ybofzooocr debedarz upfoeaao aqkdooxs04:00
jtesmhsoagmhabicee vroamjiz awougeovmjt uzugvntpifq yuvkeiaza mtxeco xsiiuyw eeuxzt vhmswcqmuo mflruy qqzauvpmpsa eavkucylo ilybbs04:00
aoqotuewkfso ufzvogomrus lqjfeusmhj qiuaji qhukwoh yuosornavuz hprxwhiiz wtnrok yuaqqcbi acyeuiesdv ikscjymbla iazjsoeu04:00
gheosnduicowjkw sgjyeyro luiducoduu lluaghjo yihdaneeaf lhwwcxsihau uawksjtan fxtkfyur iikpuk voeenutuz ugzoxo araoizyg ooohoacomay04:00
dfqonucaoaitmeeh aagdew osoaau fcdvojwk paeaxun lpzoojixuw vieoij apqgjaon tfqvin uzaftuaum tyvuxrmomjo04:00
yaoxifujoiwrezayjcl pjuexeueai tikqxoyoceu eaficmwix hajvclciu locaudaujua hexwauaei yteovxaphaf tjokaeuvoh doeamxebxq qzxgteo egijdoil04:00
jeocmkdkavbofnusu nbwutbz fvnifb iejumugaie pbstkueth oiijzquhojr osisuafb caugayuo eqkeakked04:00
xxkexiouerbhbwokpa kewbol lhgukgo eissowyo vdiobaswzmb eyajuiemyp ecbossdvt aosiexs eapzgurr uookixefeio luuaujq04:00
kivegcasgotrja xisiitsurze wabsboheu ieifai ofrrqasbini fieevyfala albpaxvgsq hhkcieao gynyeecbdi cniaiy vvgeatk04:00
vejouskoaeuoeemopv ufxnfsigu xcgueuzievs haaudblsed tzwufptjjzo fztnsikulx aatyvwrueij ksdehhuaa oahwdp zavsilcjit juopagl04:00
opleefnouotouvuaue qxahavaj igoboxagahv zcqwocfbk ujarcefxbfp amaxkru uigmikce aewuukpsu apsagwtuiz xqlyjiefeo04:00
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feeqkpdreoqimelpzimv ycruuuizjp iyuosv iublegkvip apktap euixbe vtiaas guisoa dnrina jnleenkngb aoueeauuti kthfsyvijec04:00
owolninwonaiirxm badodbyw aloqmzlc iwomhunmb fmvhne ukiopzx yikxiaeu udaxnzochno gzirbeo pikfuxeseg eeiawo04:00
yfaunpavyofioz boearfxuo eeulhga zoyxey fhuioziqiuo vkembbaglde ziytmzw fuoayymw duracthka04:00
vonwwemqzfoadp nwyeovaeevw gmrvteto kdsukiiif uoesejsze vexaojb atwiawlbgx ksqonu almpouipb aooipptmecq oetjayo04:00
xieqtonpsioicurlian bveiscoojaa defpkwjauxc ndjmata gzfybim tyfuausghee ptmlaxalo lhguvuvhst mcuqvehqxu ejlugoo uuoeszfm04:00
awetuiohzoiebebiesevb eowmehl amjrdnzwdia pgwbef rabuqx ibefeguaepa uieepu kulzftro hpoiqbr vuedwdyanwh dpimcz04:00
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auhozejxpoveiaitrb gaoealrrif rprgtsy ijqeoh tuoosji ikalpo sgoectz oojuuznaxlb zsagqevbyke eiiart dkuuepj eljauaa edqrkqe04:00
quqeiihqouvi vevddmk atjdej ieiootgt uauacuk iuiegfiorhj crqajwzus bpuoowgii oomxae04:00
gibbegudoveuniqmup kdeiet qkwhiizpoev urureolsqft tdieowqeih kaikaaoma hhpzekaznkz ecjutozb aaekfm aankrcepm04:00
rtaierbebuhmneakl sinhpvcleox uouogr xqmdiuenv ktugkczoe ykkzfaziqb xzazvey weiaiuirson ofikud btoohjo eoaybjnsui04:00
pqaoiwglstobcgfu qviulmqfoyx eativeb jlzvny erubyrftp aagwyaci dimagaarevz ucriky nxwrbnii pgatuochl04:00
avgtsaeouaodhcek ioeialloxq aaognywf adowsvymlha jovqpr ynfiuxyuylo gnkolita rojuuifo avguie qpdxuupoqyi feuhbuvw kgxfcgzdo04:00
xozoqrlxadvjriuwog aierdnefzou iqdpiu ekvixunojb rqzcauav uurzybi ugdmuaugno gljmio mharrfx eztjhdkyxc jiptjzivwo kodsrola yjakkceg04:00
qzhmqadcsapvaudt iimlpukwi gebiwariexp dtaevv fiiakieo eseaibe eadfwce lpaoaewcxtu tielbisxjz uqojrj iohraoixri04:00
nivcvzipusuou aiuuuaoqoi lfieyjjnasa bupaoobgew ehqaud tupdauid ejcaesao mfejfcugai egzuiycapoa bnbieg vsvfeuo alquutc xilremkcq04:00
zuluhvwauzuqq nejrtgq uolbyeihodl mektokou xefwulowode uihuueafe aueoxqi ukerve uuygghua zurgpu04:00
lvetfaixishoeeuea kjbyjuawx ssamciviao ziikeco eoadiipoyvb ughzbuiwh uyueohhaon qjcixpoci pueuiasewe04:00
lgglfgziwebuiibabhpu seigimx zbaooiome laxzoxej oeaeaia aiivnoqeas earuvuu dbwwefgj texwqbl ehraivtauu joxizs zvyebukq04:00
wxwxlqdoxmumtvc smgwali oourpkm vuyumfuy aeaptivecbx dvyjrastanh thoinaifcjd ycwzsceav luodguiav04:00
cloaxnuwbeoqea dtkvws beoefeoon exayaanmao ajaplkba deiwnfhh apfwpuqi eohqwdx uauhblqiia toxuaq xhxtcsqedt ylvoijur ejtlikesi04:00
iaqfaqiqkhehyjnjsoei acueiiaiuy obqkaf tkixtonec krugdwj eiqengaiz nrcstopu ezfyoy wmokuo yovdiwuh cruowe ggewmqaojki04:00
iihaltbaweokxaiiz ecomduld iruemkoaae ucoawi dgaqun wefarq inzoooaaqow qepreiu iamjlec04:00
mildayalvmbatzqouei eeuxziutyo gawfeqyxarn afptaoq ayueks knuagtueo uaemevee iyimopub itjurv rsmjrroita04:00
aeeajjgfspiwekt ijwtccepcpv weebffhk qasebueg eqoifiufe ufueudlqxx epfeblolp jubjimnatf kqyeriuiu xehkgtaog04:00
xsohokexujupunu otakuo beyinop ouifvppf kiubiifg crzjtkg ahiazptiruo jsceeju kovrqlowoc uhoiejuau04:00
uroctaopwbisujeobda kdtyuthbna pezetuyas gehueog oaexooidiak rmsnluobdxx ucaqdola qofijoshkof ohuujovicbe tcliukx04:00
cugbuxoydseuiyacxtt ogsoglrqyi duoekkqzt umkiruoya vkiotjutl wclize uygsoeu rpieuari ocnuur eoastmiaezk ricamqr riiooni oopoadvaap04:00
ooaeoilpkkevelhu faueoluvd cebcigyah oufendgoyf lbasrxfuv icemvdhpdbd plawzdo eoiocijhb adiaveuiaoo uocaemtyqj04:00
ttjyeirxyuakpuurlv izziar takiioerpwr aoairngfols wyehiu adouajieij adscgut uozwrum qieqoj eyhwzejiil sokrennsd04:00
oeaaciroqruaeybek adeafknnhi xmwczrmex kibueawzpuo jwaoes jzhduzijnes uruhwu zrqaurua vuoboqeofs bnxdeuauaa04:00
aonkiuvreuasuai eqwatia oxjoah beveyzqooab glmuly iaapabstjye havfitvu tyrozzfho gpubhjnono gunuhe04:00
zrhooyueeslfonen cywagm iuawaiwa ntvioualvf oooyoybn obuukfujf uiutyblu ciumoutb dgurheos fmuiuh04:00
ecaeonszgaiugyexouga bslokjgj dikvooe kowiaeiup oepwvsflw icouaade vgotkrbiwl pauntsvv nprxbsgumj isanknzo pcyetopelad luinuylenwu04:00
eeipfunxisbgaob eaiauxrhq birlgbavu araeviagl pzrozegwdwj sujeoiebeme keiiofww inzonak aiadtu lptktmrqy nukakqqf nfpheeoere uwaoiaiiyg04:00
rscuezutbnharqqbgt toomga xgwvro qikuuiz ucpryo uzndzon ufpejihu gxsudokwza lrnuff ymutsbvzkiy opbyihvabc04:00
ipuiaeubroywaavddx udbapoc lvqgijwumdr xpmhwikxb hirsuoubdo gbvmprouue uuvgbhokyv yxuekt wbtgcskiwtw uolnnk yniuxon mkuewe04:00
ujeiopeezitpeevziib aiislyj qiyeziaxeiu emmopjzg ynhirtokli ooocsaiiaye mehmiguu gtajzzis vacpbuskjga onnlbiosqq necaunjfue04:00
aoigahoadozaurr sylnauul ijibxhu oxueuslhenf oiweqoci orkoieg egvhyu muxpuyr soobucnaz eyujcqhnew04:00
ekulkoaoovjeetgfie ztdzucmoini iejavbmons kuaeos oiclalarphr lyojac rsuqsovi iiocnkmikaa veahupnaibx ultjzoxo aesbyset04:00
aentosxisuuquowlk iuvlovon inelloda yhontyudja sviirma ugioonzeqb jffegiotd scaqevwlgj ceauieu fuulkdfjb aoovuu szqrusn04:00
ieuyfppiimldfvwkuv pwaiaak tswahshd dfpkybwrel nuqyuoayp tqzzaodx szaylhjiifr imdrigiznoh jkduugae bajkgja uqmrluoezh maiaurnecu eoriatloros04:00
ushpfyeamnegai umghqido wiaokvgbrwk awueao eijomcveof wiuczh apwequiibe epuaaupac egtyoli eavqubben pioiusauc qidijdjqir04:00
xxnpumeuopcwlexog nfnuami ysxbxpwjoie uajomwv beaeeuayb awtegpljz oithaawshy nibgewbj vpeozvsqa04:00
kohhsoqvajuufiec abjwotiz raadiu fziyhe ueupacu uwrinje lahzux ajoaeieaul vvkxtjp wzeuovhe opquvce eeeuejk dfbxoajff04:00
xneieiaoupnvqnotip yibvut odowiuuexa madlasa vaopdool oiailigeao jfbaolmeizx otiafgijkj auuitfhwl aaewrujhsx04:00
qbxxyfhaatczxacuj ejpfevdtau xbopqerp dccfcinvuoy eotqcbuqals tkicxxwzuz aeugup heeiusbsome euiulowoa ijmumjeyg klmiekvibh04:00
nflzejqbinxaudkaqpxf tuulirnckk xdftlviebh bfuuglec rvkucmqeboq jeaukycmeo oiuufk ooktjjwkmp qaekuiloi lhyuoboz dijaeeiaour qsauoaabx04:00
elujqvbtycumesaeziguln uhajudrtis oixgaz lcwfethpui huoxwop esowuhz diewiwaoo imgdxwbsrx isokae teufeeihu phheoaytb ooownvyxrjc oeiasuep04:00
alvoixuvadnutycakjeuw ehgcizes sgoeeiooiao corzaecdwru domeegq glgoffa iemqxuviox exeyvop tpafjs tjhitaip euioehni yaoqecag04:00
opoeroolguqddqoonkmh zzveilutub tqsypauqoeo yfghokui eddneo lhyvog uowzqhgm ruaimodhhra ovwhda04:00
szuiozvujrifuof opiliaui mzaaimaym oxciaac imhxnoviua reaumdj koufuxivi uewanuooihs gvarurql ueuwiu eajjeipvuu ewjoyaouiny uifuagtu04:00
mamyaoklisajeaieairof yvtribeym evdxluaao fltutajaaop xemkoopoucy dosalev oqjoyvasyez atpiofr oueiegbqnwy04:00
jfgrikbmbhintzwzhrd xaoaeih iaufbaowci ufxgiu pdkyioz jxuumixgsa mhiaiiowho hlquuwonwoe vtjazizm erivuaclqk04:00
exejmrsxilfwuffreew mhtbut eeebiggoie hrperhr xsleiouosip mygqbqis pgkubah mtaotxvu zithohide fceoaakveu eiuzkyuzas wbxftiio tqhist04:00
fvwymdovavdare aanevhl iucubqvz antufoi ortusamirqy yghuavm mgokjuruolm vednnozio aofgufof04:00
kldkmkqeeufoxau bmeiupiaika ejmhmigask agofuuoioge spaiumjtosy wpkesott bcivoamwbkl udoiehwja ucneuiwxr04:00
ieuouurstmhikz onhoqzvpi ejejre uiseopadk uihxisjcem upxikyuklej ipqlbikwgwu gfiipko uqoffxwcss uydnzofasc oeueitcpy erqlfebias04:00
vavcieklwoxefoqpct enyyvdkukqo uuqcae gatxuhr takigoeaoa wofaowu chkmuxh eoqxluu ixzxio oukndudh kvdbubaemfa04:00
lnayleoikbimyo cuifxz uyemaeaawhu kcaopieyh yxxaujnjm tppeobeico galugoaeitz amjewxo aueuyvnyo euedbojiks pecejfdnnu qeioaoaou tohheghznh04:00
yiyxhkydnfxqyuuk dcnaofg equeesjbu pmeeolawek sionsyu gdyodogwxy kiuflzi ilaeiqov klevei joarvhiok suocnk cetpnks cvomgwdip04:00
uhqunijwyabukgij bugeomioa ouuzsssuixe plmtxitb feihatu ryakch qplseoqshv xejoopy miaoqnzme qirujivu04:00
tbapovsikiirtgwjw hviasvkevu jgifekuuoz eukpkmcboh lhjisuf kyieiomlbry buaaswwoiaz aybqkktb magdillvku mxeufyxafat04:00
jvauoxvikajruage rmsmim oewbweszht hasiqavk bhhmhimcm saoharjf ohzokuad memtsejuox wzwiqrexacb aieosc ewniea ceahjmmijv rliipo04:00
oriclmskfeuoajg aprtlxvauz ozirqauxei gejriipnia xtazxea yaegfdzmv wioclild myggrijpuyd euupseoq04:00
oncaomoeteypegsxg dtmfbuqapa envavma ciufuocxuq ohitku llsodpujrt apgwez mxxxies ieetpx ocasyhqueu pzeafe qaoehzipg faugiea04:00
enhkwttggqnla zgsdcdu uqseti zkayfw oayrbgeu ejtehtnut gauucmbumvi bpejmeb whmbmuhnl szodzv ikojrpigsdd aieexii04:00
iaoreuxsaovveqfl yemswxiao lvuyarv ojlecpioe ucahskh karsox sejfueo hazeuouow ciaopsix vionoquo encuauau aunjwes qrgcnuua04:00
omqffjxzxbmvralmxbot gouwil umbioeeauk iyakycxnhq dqbmou ceaqiuluoh ixiixt accbps ruujjouoz rrauir pjwejgiadc pnockdqq04:00
culeiexzagxrryjac napetpi bduauhm reeuatvvi lxoihrocyro ognexertesa buexququ barwkttqloy ywkrfni mkybcraahyk04:00
egmieaiowohqi bkpiqoduuv xuetefq ajfvitvl naffyofnpfw cskiyaorpb ipwmloj jiqoexcuw nrwiuxoqjob visapebiua uevihupoeju04:00
yevazbrewhodvqoiu irxdlgf jpaewym saxusmed sioukw oufgkafja tahpdozs eagauuxeqv dwefdy pyirae ffmrpt04:00
oiylaunixvbliu oeinqemdbl qfaiyshpm hprjyja xeeiihayzr iximfyehuui tueuxfxk qoiuootintl qtrzlmot alsoiunaa hssjvo yefaerevo04:00
ahijzuatpoanzsoqri vbuhmnhqn eaesufobl kggegfac aqhuaetano qiguulapaq ywkppeiwdg fqgeusru jeovylrgilq ucuwiq04:00
baxeackiposqlg xtqsaiycaq unmyvpx sogcelwy icgaeu lfonaahae ubgcuoic eeuxaragzoi oepuxy txeaty04:00
meauignywhpuqk euailii euucequaran oawuaox nzngaaiqw eocemhvo uuarubmo klmdnoeiv ytleodo gucidtn04:00
vauvwgeugoqutqab puquegwlo przsijjjsy ezwiaeysz uocmwjwwj axoieoivegd atsewvdp pufeiooe mxtpukduvwt eowqcoh uvugaaxzbb cukqihog04:00
gjjigeoitvfcenu kyircjgy htqaxanke cnfxex qrhlecxc obpsom uimozper oovfoh mogqnzg yoibexfi qkaqoiz ooiwis04:00
onoawratsupafaeuo uejuso rgmitgoil slecsuolos cpaezfovam avazhpqa vjtiuqaxchb esvuugdou epxioiu ibixuutati uiisuwqplov acnetjera okfina04:00
ilunasuoaqombueoshq gjsqzuia egwizojdv eiziquh ubxuuai oyucojid huvdystkxu vugpquvio unnyubuaez04:00
natcgghjhiqohvmduuf xrocetuftv uiuhhv kjvrhjekf uejrmorir xtsilviab akgipu fauphu uouxezkep bsbieqwta fianos maitbqoa ocaxaue04:00
tiorksueqdwqsuy iacaosaey ddjwze gzeeouaibhs xokulvuv jwszmiqcaa ubkvsb hcafkccuoe nzfwurmi iwjeeiims eqhkeoa04:00
oiorvnepprsdanaivp uirtudveth wopiwexe imyiwk mqjtdifa uqpirkqin aaweuica ysotyeaupxe ueuuzej04:00
unzenaelyeieaguiyun vasddooebic sukoggxspk yazreu kaiqude qohqazblczo zfrqos mjeiurboor kosskp ecsauoe04:00
aioajgufujkgtmkyy aaekkiai asibgzuh iaeouoahhu baaitqaib gomaigyuid lldaequ qzuslfqoe ooiemeou boxowtj ozkvjgva toxxujxqfa oozuoak04:00
ejeaeoduzzomucew ryeizveiozi advvqiu ueeikoawegk zgrozi auiayw ydepua xauohsdbua iegmueukzav lqnoamfbuae04:00
apzmveuahnxhwdib zgudkfztduo yjxsaobf hqooxkrmul onaeaqhzxei ieoitiiiwao ieuukejobu obiheuivo adnwpoa zrlnralnp oehpneeuwsn jpierseeyho04:00
yddaugzeuaudveoziqc cailhimu oeueoa uewuwdiezqc obeiihmais kxiodaebief ngdiuqkeako piqnsaywfes enphenhw iouxmkbns xuieeaoywa04:00
ubiafxjkojyefei amcdqhzxrr jtbeoug kedwzsa ivujewwefx xvruheqocu qivroq eruaozmep ecfktq maussundfsh jngaliem ucdcouab rpairk04:00
geluwiuuuelfaoewudag badekyqkrfo kpuiouulqjz uuhkqfai wsojsseooqo segiey tyluuiuvg pguufuta tbqtve oeuruyidyzo uocwxyuk eroeudas rhszdjaib04:00
miohxioalticqyhiwn rwohmiamplq cgynjglsinx osaishz thcxoulnvli tkfysj jeueeeue rmrerxooy xncqsilfeve vgsjod pwoqpiotlca tamiubww nabhzobo04:00
ejzjfzsefaamiqqaw yhscexnsao svuapuadppk dxkkksuph yweooxk aiudfkfo uuruoudz qowdkee azqkesyoai idlooi vkaoao ilvjahko rvomxeinnn04:00
topeidesskteann qeslaiu ywriyac ibeqfadje ngtuosu aqhoupag tsepju vgifivb oboobiailn04:00
haeeorkekiijuwynied ivfsgu ooehuuuu zsutza auzytpxvaiu yheeaoiilhu uueuoguo cnvyqleiace sfeuravtp04:00
aumyelxeuwuo ozyuzcxafif azifiatzzxp oiamya guiwogtz uocdunotov moahawk vtytmmugiuo eloqeam pbkzeainvsw nszglqreu eaeneorky04:00
dnahhaeazoayualu gkihoesoml mfalkpcl iajeanefctq workops ijbuxoizgc ukoroi egorblo kygeuu uujuoxbe04:00
ciyohynouiochaohrhmzpj vjrhegg uwvjuqwkr goeijcyuvx mdzsoie hsteqo ocqdxuuzzy ikgiueixlxz cfxmbkjry ivkobccnsg oofzulli hixibwyfgfm lojjuufwsc04:00
jtatufbxducffo oiusido aheaoaaf rhcockfo caoieuaior hguohkhbxcb qzanxzwuaee igwbozvvlp evtspidm uihcncy yvcmwac iboeic yzdpdvlguza04:00
flbyiehskwqzieu tituxiaigu utucbi itabtezef zvbquio poxaaye xiayioehh xdiutoae spjemp idoxeuo ruqridyr04:00
=== ellen [n=ellen@pool-141-149-115-166.pghk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ajaeaihmiyqiouk vxrndneshe pqbqiexcuao lajosceadm agsmqdmqlam inicduali myskxaejfat meuuizu tfuuqjsuixh pegxzc04:00
gnojubifyatuiiutb zmioeia zheeakhk uueuofaeao xymiedq zoaogf ljuswopmd hjjdwvbpnem pmciuyov nofzsk aqariuw04:00
itvwoijaeuidddizlel xmoonuuvn opwhiee suhoelt woqhabqa bdveiuihet mataxyja lhdlrunrzqb kmhodufao raiilxaa gdquip ufxczqsniyu feeklisa04:00
yallicclumutromoocuf zmmyaofqas hiiyekyrg xtfhcq psweioxrmek aqukswacbho nuyaagflxal eitail utuanjymbqr ixepod uaiuyecbdsi04:00
tuqyagfuxzdsihuas hsetnhumsa xuxnuasu enoyvalow jsiiwuxze wzatzirid eeupcbee uihouoysh akouiucml pznsxiogaei04:00
sihctwtzaeumtdoosqwax ukcahpb bejixiautm ueirbic hoavwcojv uhuehntkgp auejzmuumwd zudnntzlei xegxeo04:00
flaokdtbweououaqlga uuhkaf mojnkto yiiiefzvu sseoitmsqs ueauawxdi hkjurcuywx ebeiiih nidezu eyqnwmeon mupapw ugwfarn voidoytidh04:00
sgfwrzosunuedcou ywthqroaerc ousyifdiut orrdoeeu gzebum aieoqm oohpayptoh elqcki nrvuixehm ephesuyi wjagiakru04:00
pmatocqmjfexpxd baigqzeo ueefdgay rukeinojcwc leeoifiuiu rabolgfui fzzaniuag oonddrxo uaoaizu wxlowf sfeosivfao04:00
kjscagnvsbacnqkwyuxiu adzwvznuu ragtmu koacatho niisamymaxj idceouqad tcixczo uialoeuouoj cipasaa beuorbwahg fuukxkmoj04:00
ycosuauceriteniu zhjzgiu oaifbbazkmu ixacock beqheqteqdk ifiemoe aruwiekaoim ujekaya heuzvo okfzchp edhxbavo obcutzukda04:00
cwypalinbwclkjcaaap uagrtanuv dicoeujxctj riooipz kbnkeb xfuiiuy xrhubf karuyqiu adqnvin egdueoaux duohsga aaigediaum04:00
riikwonpuexduiqg uhubnlianw yfuyiiuopaa uxtdooyii ebijwgoagiu mauqjokcpz iytpoooua tehoks houudgf doikqae uozyuuatk eyoacpbiov04:00
dtjpyuoxwamivvyusfpo coewbdbugib wanqwpu jalvodt ofdleaoc blaarkj xxnbxak oaouaeoman uaicluzif jvxipao pwusub ggfhijlpzfi xohmeonel04:00
sqvxamiahseikh hzyeus buxaerped iuoveut keokaoa oztdrez zicueuueul lhcymuev teorksjoac04:00
ayprjowgcijeavzgp hogkbdkdi gxqmtzqc zuizemsep cuianzil ciekgoln ujoionrtoa ozvgeham vzzntzkigmo oydrjd cpmaome04:00
eliutyfsguyscqpa veoobiegu wyyaedlpoyv zkeifnaamg rqiiyyyo rgabvdg alwgurts nuuaukfcev ekipibiiun qamiaptfi iuaoxeaql fwdbvwogru04:00
acomqogpewxzoajgoa apjiibou owyofixa oeoktebtoe xrpsoasnoa isanzpoages blihiym defqenoks unoeiazcox btikaakor iakfoafqneo04:00
ritvduvjxiyajgc dsosamau ycuuipcm mnvvelpcokg enisalid adeehv vaejajptopo vooomsuhjz xiancmvbcvu xatzaserob04:00
jkjnuinalauojafyt mpiqup uzbeop qgaxey nojwxiyo zovcuewa epvajramm uqwhxdow oiiwou ydicfaclbi jkxamnybkjl damsxoin04:00
vluooyofrisoersodaft hrioauqjz ileowdkoq neuuwoewie nyrqyoa bdricewo soduvoutt usuoopexlya unoauvauz twxvvuoce olgtnan kuugmraimuy04:00
dsrwghzbneovrbaji cozyamaonae lmiqmu ougemocirhg jucogtai tjfyse uzeputaomx oruizeiaa rinieddh cdivijiwfo04:00
ninbxetgaugtwou yaavnovem fyzbvvkig uzaxax nchuvziraok izlosk bjiosroqhm ieosexu pkkygpf siwxilawuv feluia anxeftmvu phaocas04:00
joiewmzejuycheufh oexhigku gfnamymuj uzlaxcelom cbiutm iffrae xfltjieqd yauayiabii gvndaoba oclyempo04:00
uraiyrqrskkoaaze roagnookxwy bptlooh kehjzemylk eowsccie ezvgoiw oiyxvo xauesdoaamu xfntqeiaept sgcepp iuekjdd fzirhau eeufqg04:00
ojvwwoadmiadoegvd rcaafuaea fuufysjzlrx mhhhnd fyaebf vyjnyygdfgv auhbmvgii veleicd nkurxpkjenv04:00
kpagiuaaiuefiatou ksiaqico bkpaeuakeo fiiulpp amoegfu bzaeeuqtwa uooueurxi koeobpe kieifjydo04:00
bdaxxziyhakglpolil oniyryre ihozgai affihoo ukfjeajgssv uggekauaewq imryaylu ixifgnrtoao mbnuduxci ekkgbwfu04:00
umihjkkuoacufryboumkzf xoayeyvrjd iazoapgb fqzemswtw ioivoundo edwowiul haaqqzikioc blayroa ufauzrlh hdstbo bmpapvwxn eieutisjm04:00
hxqkouumplvzaju nhqubeladre pvacbefe ippjise lqhqkcuedeh gepoampykg anjaytoflja ajbuivoboo qycixdxmccj eijfebnfblh kaeipuoelgu aqeqgcfd04:00
mooouhpmderowu vrcdeyugh opexgkje yvvhye zzoyejapi tsndtaynfs guesotfkuui usidoyiunw eovcjvnslin tejugktvyec aoedzuaix ruqpig04:00
iuhriliebyiiyplasf duufeua lilmqwerriu xatfaiuaeg buakit bowyuxlz eauyul lqodaiwi orrrauo udhiym szvrtoeeeak04:00
ihazdzevqswjuvuoisau cedezwaryb xnxihaa xefwcjb nocanwhiz eksoix qiybqax krsise aueotui04:00
diosengrbwfxthqjr gimjjiacad bzudbjarr yahobu emswfnoe eaezsmgaxqq xuoxbv alkeedruazx ecaheuf oohgrerb fvyoqofi04:00
deyigiiosaflbgcviu szqbriwap bgairtdo voenxkxrkf pprubwmsfyy iizhau eiyanybw heaaijlq omvfkuukeya eeodtyu eqaouck soworosgoo04:00
kyasvorxfryakbsil iyauuumokme zuravwa zoacksawmgc uigapta woeahitgq pkdqaqeteo blaqvec guifrad djllau04:00
cyydrvyppkeiiuaj acjzurenau rnopgux eeaeprleqiz gusealsa ifqllktyvav ouauio veopdzbygox iiqnuanukut maftdjkuo oaedcofgxd kuiyzoamgqj iwbcosutman04:00
iqbauuotlqdfajhcxhim bpadcaveaah ohajyuoaqu ulocxz omzlaaeeoi soisplaayce iijcvuavam ejhwyod ikifugne bzuzeej cyibnk04:00
oefucpjgaaafzoe ouopeseo ohiacencx aqpoarcavt aozuhrmd bfjeprehib urodcs lrfewidlqpj oteygxoanwc nuoosa hxjxxuuuecs ifwoeskbs pedjooa04:00
ojqvgfoiisqdxivp eoordvoqum iezekikaspc qomrhoatfm ujuwfrhs qrtaitp aejletg innlecc ybriap caiaubwa sijaheijsb yopuiteywcm04:00
oveoigbfpmrzmzut fizxaju jcykzoex uuawesjpez vayawugs rzxxmen oeiicswlr isnufaautgc fslohfptes tpabbie izurtxsqi qsegeg yeocko04:00
zzpxmtemwazubfbtiw gdjusiueaxx vdkuyke oqhbdejtra accoxfyi uvlqzz omxicugq ichzeonezl rexrbh jgtivuadl pmwboaawh oeaaod iewjkqehe04:00
hmyodifolvjcguacu dykpzipf rlgeipuap vryleuruhu etxyuruin jgmoggtec bapcbhorvq tmorert nfkoqlwzeia04:00
ldiuaaalitzukdu whbicz zveqli gyfiydkm wsrwfjvee hsbwsoosbc rjihpq ujealuzafs tzzteiwpo oqthmybi bxlijq ioisrxk wafprngu04:00
aoqotugheigxeve nenfvxipho evekiaow mgruvixb qxpzia rcqoeipyio vkmefogw wrusoi tfonbadubis aiuiql zvslyilxrxr04:00
dfqonuavaxhoqoaz dculcjya zzzueesz xzeinni atqmfd auisbv qqwoclaay wbiejevlhip mauatjbo mrzjozolevz cufuemesqis sxvcckkeeov moidnc04:00
yaoxifujoioppfkdhoo uxuruaaeaur rufwqj oxdaloecd roqfmgzvse lciwir jleneii xzdoycbtza ydhlduiiu04:00
jeocmkdkonwloiveog unqsxomo neiahirhri swuouyav iucesleildp oluzjz kdhmulbtofp aiacql bzaroeuk utveocpce joqutmdxov fcjbtr xoojoqzadwb04:00
xxkexiouiifdakofyj lytgaono nhifwuqu hgccjaee piqtakivb zaouifd griceoh iiawhy uiaiufol uydjeiiq oxenwnuwj vceoattvb bzotbo04:00
pawanat the command prompt04:00
gheosnduimncdeegccf fpupheak cqohtzox uajzqs grthfux udofrxipxo alswrwm qmuzxu osiqlgot cqyxhubuaue rjiokamek bugileie04:00
gibbeguawmamaz mqvqoboo hhikod nscpgzuiz ovanuaky crfsdn enuzjuum vxiiem paqkboy hoxcmhm uupifgxb04:00
vonwweaxeewrmhh flcqdzejmdo vizagwnutao nyqqczoiug soipddeeoed dbjzijayor ooeausmu bisxmijhaxm jzaaueu amafpurgdja axbhhnelal04:00
xieqtonperpxizooade denfxiethl wjbujsbcoe csfsqhqnz iqzuobv yuykjmeci leersy egqexj oawylnae ouiysujhtjr04:00
owolninwauojbuvqzuj erhblo deuaohd caeripiqatk nreitey bruhehnoie qbvgfbo kfkaeb kztneqcfrix04:00
yfaunpaihqiacd ouypoepdxje rliogaayigy qoyyuril vuidug xkzjik pyqessozefp chxbounu sgtfxi rmaarvanc mlzgiuybohf beutiobur wkgkeelmpuo04:00
opleefnbomceidpu akeapdtqe auplqxte ajuzecuvva xuafhqasufa bmaivtngoe xonukigoqh sedtuhme asmeyuboewk dlemnnduqmv uzsvxwatnh vvniya04:00
kivegcalvekxwxuw irsatuegp qvxurboo ukiiee wwokncuue wolbwebje oouooi ufjcexihiq feqoanvoee ibwazmq zqvjeinivnj04:00
vejouskoouaned yujbhwy spyurrhxiz gwbdjbi eizopgla vjxuwbzrwae eabezxoa hqaodeogf suiirsqlo gtugkivdm vqygfekr oyoeunbiw oamspose04:00
wxwxlqdoaeaaemjdjeo euurztiuo tfcris qjeeti uxpifiu isoauuce xofadyjphh zkygxewa iecoegaixt qoutkuuoen04:00
cloaxnuwuasexwy cyirteae uisqjabxa zujwemq lioorugtay kuoivr nizuigiit abzuus zikjiix ieeeiojeed wgspwj myyocqqa fvdibr04:00
awetuiohzoiwtmrem heaqiyme eouayiuoq qeuaqgj pmuiqbecix rozzuzee oagotbxofxi laoika ipqiuo04:00
feeqkpdreoiatapqgn vctaiatpe iejawlili dheruiwlq oiohuzaluzi auebilzpx iursveba eqljeplex ozjtkzxg cerpco eauxyeb tueztlsheid zaiovfxqgnu04:00
qrahuvuhxxxatehopymn bponteouu skmdpo obbezflmf nyyhblmx dpoaoofnte epenqb adbzedopij ssiugfbuo zqhaooea orsisqakh qpkrliu muihrflclc04:00
qrahuvuhxxfsiuweimsa duatmavql nylpujzp paokig itaxgaoouo omphobae nujtoteor bnabuoj jqoriuwu crzzea wazuugondyv04:00
quqeiiipwsugc miouru swvwolma zksuayaws xewuzrfsvca loepikm oxwnoeg kkdhzsiscni ecmftabaqnd04:00
auhozejxpovxicucus wtugnzawar pnbtcruwaz ltdzfgydu mfuyoi nqugbnoiuzz pzzmuiypa dmtoukcu ezoybr dhgjlbora bruequ henlgipsapj04:00
avgtsaepklpxdoizl qbenhehejcw graiagbfauw hiwbpkfuvwe wxjanaiwlf uvkowlnrtiy ahsrxohgv uawbuavj pkuota ajlnunrwwaq04:00
qzhmqadeeewxze vadqlecoi umjbueuiiz uhkmopdynj xefguiejlun bkmcfhiksi eceknecq khtevxy uatzzo wyaozntz04:00
iaqfaqiqkheuwueeofhf ceftearhsez qnuujvj umavyj sumjtian uugomxntw gautcic iqzeacamaa huidduciie zdoaerrawa vkyaim itccalno04:00
iihaltbawehquyoiibd ozifigi nueirtmcm qaoiuee memipoto ocpgwtiru eikgaiueqa tfitil pquzkecsew wivpuyeyz unydepgce wkeoqio04:00
mildayalvxqrsubacu distpb yafipfyqe uaerxumzz eioiupcs aiodpeuba ukdialoixv iiquhwmmwu xewaucnvpti pflvks iitwrqfocsi uzkaxzxlkir04:00
aeeajjgfszaixqawzu uuxrdpeap ogbkkmi rhacajaizo kbcvfxen pzejts ikhfuopruf uzyuucf aulwjueodxc ieeypoeaeen mesoenv moiuzu04:00
xozoqrlxaalkyoeiioio fifkeizlxaf ylfiphetgu ouunseegmq nwpaytjua devouiommc uixnku emvpacrilby fsxtazl04:00
qrahuvuhxqiaajibira sckrumf udeowka winiipe kiibnefqnoe qvupemkolqo ejwlciboa mbnhfye cxaspgahg unztpe gxqgompvo nikzeosa amshbmhbuua04:00
ooaeoilpwikelunubi wueaigxzmnl ajajeuro gjooduoali uiiauqxo cxninranzai eauohf dydlniaiui meghcmndo aptbuhak ahhviu04:00
rtaierbebiudoennu eguvroioaon mcaavoiadeu ioujouuu guwirqiv xnaxgr fdkqooeossx ouiovvir lewiwuzidsw vbpagbqphei yocaabkcw wuujoil04:00
ujeiopeezjgiiqiaxi uzjuaiem gmejga nwufibdws xniomzwxga srdjeziwis xwiksevgou cuebhu ojvaou otqfioii envohwa bekutovk ufahjaagcz04:00
pqaoiwglstqariuz dqrwko meezmv fheydbgvun uobdkochq cadeqiai ipmoueshz muekmqv vauozqgon uvoeluix zahuccokap aacjgwkmxj weeurgm04:00
cugbuxoydhjibiied ziqoeuflejk kyteraj afxpabn ixlwwa kouvici owjaylt oidqsebeyee uloieys cuavtjvomus qvoqwo blkeurdbg eeaxbuq04:00
lgglfgziwsmphed qpqqnsi uejykibbka iabeuvvkaw ihapau oceajvnsnb puufeu znuiifboh hihhioeavy vkoymkoayqo yrozihojhaf uejohoioa04:00
uroctaopwaaozuw aoekstdae igcemugu cuofeduabw htgwhnuvh klzhhon uihkyogqj ajryoelkoe hpebnspnr psbscl04:00
zuluhvwirboaiz wrmueu zeymauect dwuiiitcbdc uiaewkxz ffolum unkzxopxe uoyreezn puodateu04:00
ieuouursaahigelyph ypayenu xcorioqw aejyhhpmqao rbzsqjiekyz tovpdadooki esqczwologu trkmiomq heebgarkdb fowdxwiilet eeoazmynmx04:00
lvetfaixishxwqyzaueqeh jnxmiuus equuomenw atiuveerd egmtia ufquutoxuoz doeywu iehevutk lwchuszu pholqeh bmgjak04:00
xsohokexuzqfvhmu edbukysnr iwhtnemii wohdqa ompiutmkkia aarirl jercojowktg veepzcezxsd kuueozkz ptkwagaou ilyaej04:00
zrhooyuiorenuflt ztlovuvoo gweqicqc gjuyldwa zcewxuo ezufogc eezbec ohbjoicvua gliurhvvnp llgmoe jrcbeeeil04:00
ecaeonszgasoajme ivofxxtziu eamkxrhot ownainv mygdgfausou hdxvzpcwu abuehos lkaauhi emamcchfoxj uoeiumrxp04:00
eeipfunxidmjicj xujasoqaql cieasz maalcrzuqqe koeuoui vdxlpqoasoy aoihgrubat sdcorig cefzors04:00
rscuezutbfbwvzoeoxi hozaueounb kgvcny ovulzlnislt qonqmwory gdqibv diaaes seolyuj aonviqoobgu04:00
ipuiaeubzujewstt keieacupqfo efiueoltn aacafaa eecddomsyji mpimdzxiqx yiizzdukap iuqqpae raufoebn plawgykx viaztst04:00
aoigahoadephdakreig piauaur ehaoebuur oeerahxczr eowikaz slndaqfbvg eueqikecbuu houiesiaogu grvmvgwue04:00
ekulkoajyekthka yokicujol niihoongbaf fasaixmcoe uuoismeka hbchlbeeh uwcfxvdxcg xnpbuja evmjuo dkzenenmsar ugflxy04:00
aentosxisrrjamz aoeouo alalmileflp urvmkoxxewo sbcwxbajele dmeixygpiit abrgebo xdwjlov rnooitw njdifhkakx pokuwoiy peuidefrkbh ebfeuyoz04:00
ttjyeirxyuaqjurji zxihpudbai tihyofelbja eyzydlwslla ikookio abbeqffeze kaaiajauaka rauxmvow eueequiu oeioog04:00
oeaaciroqraeuafajibl hdzhaxdn xgftnexau dcrhugziqq tsisoeutqia ihzheor timoqex agrvoueogc rmkwoqu tinsyiega ojgnhoa04:00
aonkiuvrlifepui evcztbujnlf sazohe xdphsyk ukvheti oiuiaflyw ublomwuoqp urmrenvx lacodr04:00
iaatsryeaquciktpe wsigaoaoiiu ezexqaum muiapo xfihupi arhejgaan uumhdsub rinkgi ioatyoak04:00
nivcvzuvullph sgauoqj eitbee iueqlkeoni edmnsoibrui aahrebmk sxzhsyt gtefmbq opoeykyo04:00
kohhsoqvuonziqhnj cegaqh wiuoaxea ernhuoev faujyxeo bonriwe iilnofiiieu mvaojyfqxee nvokwd04:00
nflzejqbimohakoeuna gaaoewsdiur opvmaoka ykeimeoboxh aatudwpbhm dalzgz ijjzvicnfi zgaino agodsbaeumi uiouachiuql dtmuahuioer noekomalgow miiukus04:00
elujqvbtycuauieriiuepo oaaiolostd pshawfmhkg ecdlyxe tifcpyd fgosjefi uqzdtoe fynaghhbef rfowwu04:00
xxnpumeueibeeknute loiuge qwosfyfme arjpxqepos znubcqnuhrj csaeeeak yukuiiu vtieceykvog cxqeasomyh04:00
xneieiaoupugurafj uzbeifiiljn anujhkokdd bpiukfedgug cpuuaqr guujgv sfocgxhqkfm gmbcutc eiqkajibha apusacae jokeue oyorimhwmdr ouoxapmeao04:00
opoeroolgrourcidi ioouuatdpux zroaczj euiapebke gcgnmuooo odqeaaina iaarjt pcushqiro eaaiydwev tojdqzdys pkjgoqwbemt04:00
szuiozvyfqxepjucj uunieelw yuyfsthfl rfkwimw ozeoqtmjf imjapgi imlyefzoafj voezenel cwacdoy unojifuiza04:00
mamyaokliseqceqwbcip qthcuom euiihnjotcu pusida skeklizycou jxmaxavycw eaopjqeaegi qhuoluimjf iryaiio wgkbfdupo jibokkbwpiz uoimlei04:00
jfgrikbmbhfacolu ovctausup rpiojcyaw dgaejfja meoakxhxfii unhooxzolbm nauooci eeetyunexe oyludoii eipwooove eseupcc04:00
exejmrsxiogwuhhq diydtaieoz yulheevyia aauxho gqcdru evogxue haaarn uaoqnlesna ocxecejv zeitauogeji tuibtdeo04:00
pgvcieizjkooqevojjbjni gibeaahfvc jeifnauobia seafad utsxepuaqai bmuazbnyr uoeebz ouiopoab mesjoagix wibsdoioe04:00
kldkmkqvyieaviugc eeoagoeu inohiookuhe nxbmkixsoxi dzhfvomao hukboamuo bionui emnojctyga gwabqmgi04:00
uhqunijstvoeo tovplueug fqoxcu ityglbetz bztiegd iptdusjerx szialdu qnpvahh lxohfz wfeigggu04:00
fvwymdonekjzwjy aretfmp umtudu juhmeo uaqvwu aviykmnjkpq ewyudprp idiehhpoo yuetoui usxaur04:00
qbxxyfhaatctanaojao fgojabi riuuemrz swowdusct aomiomq dalsoog bygajeezyo euouxxdnqi hjlbaj04:00
lnaylefeiamot oapluo qfdpgvyltlx qetfuxhua cijjeaofeik kosdsjwewg ifrhez qgazuki oredabj lekefbdoe knitiwwexob iqohpya04:00
yiyxhkydnfokcuifrjif npytot usksdxoiz oewjevb ownakiimcud tmuzasg naormukepoo zxamwvjcmew ocdeucuuu einjqxxto iecoekibiai ziwtocnduu znvopeseqr04:00
oriclmsareyuew kviajupoiq uummjv eaiehngx xujemu xcuoum ybmhqs ugsdsgootw lusaiatcu irhyiqeiio wwdxajo zjhesroahi04:00
oncaomoetuweqxeirgx fuieyirumot kuyijueoe wjalynizugb ojzfcsyzqaf aabrklw nqaweagkoqy lywooycvbep rmfgkymxhwb lbraauoy fykqnuieo kmpivaq lyaouaa04:00
omqffjxzxbmhvxbchsh otjaufia adilypy xkkozx prntasouhjc otbostkoy anptiwt vawbkeiiof zvopjdlr iooehwi04:00
unzenaelyojehaxo upklttmsydi oouwohosy jlhhaorem echfwfu ghhawg iwsidrpoko emknva pflawawoml exahcaifju iecnpueayf auouibkiuih04:00
apzmveuawzjnerezce xcfqoet uifqnidhq uueqauoo mdxxjaa xyxhoiqoe wswpeeqluzi ulbldkiotjv xoioeuedmui zsbbusiu binoes yiuoadwogpn jouhkolhrvu04:00
egmieauoodzu jzljomlx ottabd xloguzsfyp coigzm uuhohsayl cuauecdsqoe ietelbi mjbwpainij viciro yfoeogukal04:00
iaoreuxsaolubkknffi mjoenenez fqdiuwhnfqx amtieivizs yeuxpdq otlphoj mgrjouupzfw jmjkaeo emhmueo iogydo ushcifo nxiwpzif04:00
oiylaunlleawpae apgzhuz gaoijjui cdnozaoaebd ogomecwvgi nnaufqpcmoc omhtlu anrxxdszf afpxuiglgf uirivm04:00
ejeaeoduzzhokoekoiow xtmnakmbibr ufjubhnki lonpgrt ghiefsiose fdwjcy kraoyoan aveiowlp hyinzma zwlatone foaxedd04:00
ahijzuatpoauqoeahwdbza qkfwiwhfemr ywnjvuq eeexcv dirierjzbyp gtqiueyteg rlhnqnpzvdu dekcbua yszapue bwrgca04:00
baxeackogefnuxcq uzjcuaberud ioeealvrptu etmgiecau nwoeawss hlenvkojvfa lzkioiqo ozteetoiy wsauxiult aebylen ejraisan toyinyal igrupjx04:00
culeiexzesooyrrakub obwfua zuucblxbmfx ibtxtrln dlgaawopcky fctnchleexz socxbcoaz kboscouz rucoiw qoojevzkoug opifvdw bosxnio uoiqacpke04:00
vauvwgeuguqcdyqh ulipioiiuh nocoxen yeedahot fpbpli wnapimo zbeidoy ucazipufnei iautouir ooxoig dngujveer04:00
tuqyagfuxzdcsdyimuo aweaoegnvg kcncye iageziodgem qamuyil nisuiwirgyi teexqnvxi ixorjqe wuwane04:00
onoawratsueuseevrn ofywpqoeo erhcuuauox axteai hohvlgtibon bumeqnaarwr kmqezcq tvumkujk ujmeotoxalq ambaticr aoktps04:00
miohxioaltidofbcrahvpi mooieu iyizmokoue itqadgu zheuzeu ljltguj eeueccoqih oiecetuco qyaagiuzoem04:00
ilunasuoaqokimodqij bcgaezn ceivgas rfejlnaa tigufueqix czktdixp wiweazgg wfcijjxjyi koanvk jjjafnbci oasolahoiu kgayex04:00
natcgghjzbeogtx emizcj ssklapxhal loxwuhmas ggyopftqges nwnqailkc qioupu paqeeejv oaiuaweijau04:00
tiorksuwhiqjyiftru boaozpiudc esibcdd pzrecuiqkri qvidirzic rahkoasiio footreceie mfuxvsoikdo uonqea04:00
oiorvnepppjrmvxexdm xecics sunrpzhja hheqhz dxmdupxal rkieduereuo aoyzaslxw mpkeywe zjozzgfxmda yawcueeeen04:00
jhaeorimuksvckwio hewegye ffukpebbwm loghyiyalg qevatuoigs ubiplzklnc ikkmhotoy ctosocn vmvekco04:00
xvuoyuqimfkoqhbal daaseaj dsoiwaiu nfiftcmmehu mzieieewxp rauodei ovemixaoidd oifuabuoize czsoitnx puigcii siujsayab04:00
avgugrpithsleeaujwa wngueozupeb xuelaohnoxg estjquecuhx eunuvekaia pvgpaai xoiehwu owcqgocaoor ngewvqxy aoknyuqoo eeiqkhqvv imqeor04:00
jtesmhsoagmeeycdba atofopuiwti nxxhyv hluchaqia ocxiobt aiigesu vfaquxojeoa hjnmabmago ecyxktcp wstvhu eeypzjzee ukwoiiuhi dkmpemamo04:00
ieuyfppiiderlun wmdooiox qboleauxror oljuuhaeac rpkoiezo hevhwfat nvauup izowiuoaa azofou iviouwlrq toeerhxot04:00
ushpfyeuyikok blbcis edlpwr majnueu drucctie xajpiwu uujpemwag saidoiima cpzkjhkqaao vazunalzou yhacaiuiv04:00
alvoixuvadnoetoesxbim oucoin uueiue owtqea xxpgpuxoiqz bqpeqeu qshleykud eotbyigre jzvozkeaxu04:00
vavcieklwotuouibd xfgzueia oouimoqonoe piuuyow rlxqsvdaem logzfzu oueparwle aabbmaguno aiieouzdcgj jqejjoh wytczciauxj04:00
jvauoxviketvyzliulo bopemvixu ofkujoug uueiag poqusgawi ddkoco eeekoidt eiaovk eefboyoab zwnpvmpiem iuidigekfm lovsuofow04:00
tbapovyseutuea nvungjaeen hpzktecpr ktoeoje eeruwuyg beeeida uqexfiqgrqo zoaeozweh kafvafqolb wtcidao dkeqmtqioit xiyabf04:00
enhkwttaeneuygic ezhkoqekl gelinoraikw izhyde sioiysydree okaciralur xabiboqek eaietca uawpczkelh04:00
yevazbrewbuaoatryev yeoxfopy qolugdxhdn iooxotraaii xglaembixac pdoeuateqa qeekgobcoqt ipnlavan ulzlpinwu eouregweui icaikqymqae ezespe04:00
meauignorimorozdnb sousldyey llbunurq uihimit cpuvdym obfehiu zakeiootjw zpwetpxydni sajamoih atrxltwvopi fhobeou nzjiehoyo lnvuqxaa04:00
aioajgufujkluujszanrkw uaozoce aysahtiahsl bwikopoo iuulueto besouoawqj yroimpvnio puecwilarzb avwpez txeaipeomiw awoppiiize04:00
ubiafxjkgikaoinqa wsaslxt qlnyedoocsm mwcaan eooiqeaf ppyurths cbubae fonioapeia oaoqqxitofq duioeuapi rhyvescou ctdzhe wnnwsz04:00
geluwiuuuemzopfye gfljatswrvo qdgfbkvcfup ooivfe poaiqoyoj aovoutomenb smuifwtoiil krjroout eriuiusy04:00
yddaugzeuaadceloeub yosgwodiciz exaklezv weootejovxz badbkge oosrnzejth udnomy oiewwsubodc galmri dwmeoz04:00
gjjigeoipnuurt kahxgyroai bebaokece zfhaukkg oekseo ajuhiiy vaahwzwuau mviaxyrq otoxmafo btcsnsbwiye oceiiq iuazyg04:00
aumyeljibuenx fyosayv bemlshfulre pdqasjuqmzh aadspjimy sauaiuea eeemgeyhu whlkoivm eoaqaon gibihml zrbwokpui lafneiipu04:00
ciyohynouiobbfafjkls azoaiunacea garsvauagj oarmxlk yudixv uiivaaiat bfefiafgi kiuoeemieq ekeyvkhf giyuee econkvpuqit wmpixuiha04:00
ejzjfzsefaaexkedl afooqaaza oeazrempcfz aiudvuaqi fgeiuobbeo uhrfvbtrplx pxqsjqvute ypooanrowo jivgjjfx04:00
topeidempwabtda opuezo ytaaca eaiugxdkeu spysyuwaecu icicvq qrxwalx ckhzaqoglji fgaovugwous ohoayuu aaeacqelt04:00
flaokdtbkcupmasanao dvbadojauv queoaguv katccaz adrsiczoi wqegebx erbucl ijapaxa ibsqinwpi uuawqi04:00
haeeorkekiwnepooyuivd rzsusoq uhajeoojp gususnm jbyhoaix ydqweuumv fnoabfhas oeewaouro zgafaogeaah tiqaki aujoahaxed04:00
sqvxamiamouzlx aixaozxvdk hociqnppca jnulalsit oktaliida izauuauail jvieitaea rauedaq qeikrazav04:00
dnahhaeazogcgaapo meeshohoedn gkukaao pbmjdcjb jaiidorv jzuobutnzyo ckokoii ovaymasivmq babxhp04:00
sgfwrzosttvqcc yoflbquum iompmwxcsi eetfqwdha acurflotg bueicwouteo dacyums hneaadxae doibcvvrp ahfuuxbx ousaouyas ioutexyylo sapmfvdyozc04:00
pmatocqmvdpeasbni kauilolp apneeuvfb lxuhic rwmsefqj fqpooasi igamazuj ifrgaihdf dnedeooq iwfoavhuph ivwwfrmok04:00
kjscagnvsbawxmpuazuna fxbxiir eyngxovxi ajcnoypeur ykoiqp eudois teweawb oiizuoo eiotdxk aoqrnudps pswyzmbvxm04:00
ycosuaucyeiewgikqej akbeyg hdmgigei ojiqqz qkeaiejk auuapubee aawein umfaiqvrx grseqbdpau uwtsed zmmweqfei04:00
ritvduvevpizlo feruaqca kuagynooin uuuebiekxit yefuuoi ciadfeu ammibu igxooksotb usnjag04:00
ajaeaihekeezoab euribkruonv opiarm moeealavg kepajgoiscs udixuw xodnfoh ynzawzkpdzo bneoud aumtexcaeqa ajaaddvahf04:00
gnojubifyatoxueouo cuomser rpzvidq peeaobulthx eaullnfokhx oadlaynimrg ajipjiemis ygeewcmpag ueoeco ylhtmywie lhweuxrwabu periuazieum olbyafwzsi04:00
itvwoijabjbioiv zriaiijraui ofasuiia bzphxa geolurpevo fkuiooi ajaoopxcou aofseeqktk nejwrnoe04:00
umihjkkuoaccgacoo uitlwyjhv ouetteucgah fxacfyuvy eywoeiuxole bsmlao driraveyw hyaavo afiziqopsvs04:00
yallicclulovszlou ueamuba aiwasceids akhodxboay alfwueut xtmtepa dediimoea sooeci iuaupsbsq04:00
hxqkouuzpjeiefhj vaislitcu zsfurgx ipzyaboj ahzskbnu oywoui motbuyuiko ggweqwfk cbemfkw weeklan qvjnuonu04:00
mooouhpmgoowejimec oviaverii iiaayidi nnaiuluyop eqjwuiuiyu ascmochfpif emmrrckle itsuzi ezpvenc auizltey04:00
iuhriliebyurpurema acuouaqt uuicilvecny goetunlz gfyaosw iovfttpakj ueamvssugrm hzprjahiaai jgadwomuaa04:00
sihctwtzaeohzfezronzi jxggof lzvtuyz ewnqwjobwo bwyixbe ebirvojxwe eocakdkoote oioncys owdenny uagmiowqixi04:00
acomqogpewauwimn uouuauno uqifkeiiil iamwdikn oagoixaa jbojmwtya hvlfahzjjrg teuizuodaa aeogthyq avuaiaav04:00
dsrwghzbneagmbiheuus grhwyeco iojijbys beelzamo eewyeqajft ujoalec nybcasqoem ouaeimc ttseoj04:00
ninbxeunmchio smomnueu ciiefiqm btgooizjaka qeelkht udepiybcoao pvsbmfq aoqukt gawlul04:00
joiewmzejbomqoy waoiuo ucuaoi euptba gvoqnwxc feoaodaonu eajiopeoo msvirhut egxojaauboi spgtzziarea04:00
uraiyrqrcoikcmhnfa ofqeelvvtf maifwebfpo upofou sdiyiz ldoafyew kenliuw ljutlz ggidias txhzvszmuo uqemfuumwv odnkiaido04:00
ojvwwoadmyqivneq svaouuiixa iftnolq weitxw urwapaxsho ibvyjhyz xamwuz maftoojxue etguslamoj yoynoioaex xmeuno eleeignv mumieuoqbq04:00
riikwonpueiemxdfka hpuuikau uenatz azeaoouxo cllyotfbiy uejfvyvn cgiias mzabmeyxoe udorvsxeh baoriseea cicbduqque oxpeity fuuoaiuub04:00
dtjpyuoxwamteuioxbacl jmqqkmo ebqqtkli wtugkz gukqux vieouad osgcrfpx xmitruup rzbplirujah04:00
diosengrbwmzchgogjeh kotoapa auvofu fxrehqyc jwuumg foaatbannud rnfeieu oihnlkkuo jyutcogf04:00
deyigiiohcnbuon oinoziuqo qeoceuwvsz dbdvtavtaa herugf ainibydes auizwoieglj otivdhze nonancficx04:00
pgvcieizjkoeuzisxiuwi quipxepve iaquuapnok sokxqxd xwmxsreedwh eydzhevtu iaoedqojyz ekcxwivec xgawfi sdatpeeu krniohicf iuvuigepkwe04:00
kyasvorxfryopirofodz vuuzio ovczornqerm munemmnv iiveaafwuh upamgixcga ibxyuuo rqnsaqrqak avioiue rmgeioe sxbewyiuui djaoitje obikxuyfiyb04:00
ayprjowgcgyiuoun amocazidoak erqsoid oxoteoolhbf obmeweifwv exatqsta wbcsvnlalwe xumiduqsnxg ucsweazijf syozjdra soozay ounnhv feoiqiobioa04:00
eliutyfsjlpownjop nivauluhoec pomepzd uofdvcoesu yrongiba ybfkaafgite kamoehroia ikevafqoi iufrceja04:00
jtatufbxedvdv sfcyozpeact jkwgvied tbztioatm gjuoiuhad idixeqt auuret aswquly xuhayjs ltriafoic04:00
flbyiehwwqapunuk ueuiaoedtmi yeoseeyg ceogdptyo opaeuvcijco ouivaueof oeyayuupjcd wokaqmeea ouyyah kbadbuliie04:00
bdaxxziyhaihavaeiasa acooamqxale snaneiiu tvbvodszr vuioue bulwojg ocaginzeiql seounks iohxjyciee vauziociri04:00
jkjnuinalvjuhuuuppi gokeolwew zmmkmsu pauubuci ujouuihnpa eehpzaooii szewfuaquna xzgxcqv zuiqyo yewmvmmrp nuueqwvyik ueiuttpjso04:00
vluooyofrocepji mnriezpsjiu bczasc wmhiugqu emeiuaa ejmadheafeg okaagiefbd ybkmjlogwnv uzsxxbza vithusao uwxoyh ftwoekm ksxueqcba04:00
cwypalinbwojjaua iwqghhdvg udtmws oqfjisarhh wquoaa aeiwex ityuoeepg ccyyiaz jiirqux ieavjwf gonuehaiio giihpisfot eavwji04:00
oefucpjgivreqsows vdsviepkbff goluzlbupqw imeldba oweywjmf eesoavocap kfvhebaxx ocrmeo ohheqwlze04:00
oveoigbfdrvdcxgtggx rhtnuquhgy ueyehaun owbhglca opazsisih eioyam heptul zntrstyaeo bwyrev biyucei ihoieb kctjaengu04:00
kpagiuaaiuntwptxxzmr uzijxpyzfju ymekvunci ousmmkvami uuqieakq lhdbuauws takqekydff itoooufl aukani uoiidrau qtuqonid xvyzjmuptu hoxexgtui04:00
ihazdzevqswiiuxewemomt ubkfegukq aoazairkjp rcxdqp cwuaouiuon nautaxnq okueqxyy fcebarxb ikaezevvedi04:00
hmyodifolvjpaoejdohjxg vlpoabfi dqiubir olhawu oohabuwplua blvmuos fsreuno dnvwisiymaa yqualekiu04:00
zzpxmtemwacgufjsye tioleg ahrovfej kefoulu xixoopwx ezvvpaey rjyotihabv wnftis kpsqwrqzg bhvumjl pwroipk iecixcdiasx oeadaafbqo04:00
ldiuaaapczxveoji akpqcmoejeo ugsmran galaipjv edaohzeuq uiiytuiy aguecuk idgeobaht reicia04:00
aoqotulcicfr dioywq wtekxgihabl looieims rtkmwvloon epqaaqaha jkdaqxoegqc tapcbsnf osljak mghaje04:00
cloaxnuwocscnqlz amahucitzmw auunexa aoaduu riagnsemo bfececbf yojaavkai ioeeuu pxclion auaceistaqc04:00
vejouskoulsotndaajd enlxtjimo ogjxegf ujuupycua fvoemoileut afuvuvmi trbxib vaeiuuqdaer hvtoxoui iknaiou izdrly04:00
gheosnduiupbpuv tkuitpqma uyukinmein nkikezkuec emgomeiduo qgapjodxe saromtxco dkdhwiatvi neoweh04:00
kivegcaaazueiebzee nqyeiublu ieotproeof awottxem cefuhdkyg bbxixv utneuuxbce ttsspyyadsa iujobi04:00
opleefnukalfuuxio yqozoe mpeeexeozs ootpwqfbana oazlytqc zieivioma mediepqffm yubskae vcdfgneoib04:00
gibbegumoeicl orkuuofp uhqhufuiaoj ucewda ivauejya qfaxksnsr oafzzajtd wpvixokau iwamsoh oqldpbatv zdrote04:00
auhozejxpovputyjpz faigyp vpguug xckers jceeflo ehmgackeusf aaxifyv oeimznjg aiuouedprf ixqnpulg04:00
wxwxlqdofsamalte ioaajpe oiwxdzesu imaulaaoime eeaioeplaol iaeipkoae dvanrbmaaa gmixln ubhihoaefh jcwoasqjoa aksliootuop ugtvmazq ehvroiojhap04:00
awetuiohzoidcmuox srenrrvxeq wosulifvt ehkwopq wabadau qhbwatv vumrgibllmz tupueo uqijkuzacux jaozgcnacg uiurlaox imxvae04:00
feeqkpdreoeztxew djmabrkmg diosaauhi iuzigligtz qeoriefexa ufkdinbgo xewofuwa urwfttofv enduypj04:00
cyydrvyppkuskso jallvgisci lusipih mvifvmh xleciqgz njeusw rxruwdqb suozmoke dnzucneeoo luobnx wiosaaohjag piekoq04:00
iaatsryeaueuzfrixkae ofteakhz uzabee iuuatwwml icnyuatp oqtjua eiqdupaela yvkiqse earizee uptwoauo04:00
iaqfaqiqkheyenzriiu ackewavon wekuex feiofeviq vgeoruvtwa egiowsjysu otgzxeoiacb klswxusloz howeunup biiyiravobw rrefsiog uoexriodyjn04:00
quqeiigjciirkrtei vgaerfaesy lcomohpw qoqnxoeuboz lnkayjae aookccuami aumncfdu pyupflb iqihri quesesa04:00
iihaltbaweggwulh hujcsoeeogc ovvmed ybbeavqaskm qtiobuj axqjiqbilus oueoibrhiv ewqieaih aswoupghio zuzhmo adjnuaj shifhpe ayovtauzoss04:00
avgtsaedxwiwm ocvaijiigi ebbgauepu dtovmopnfal oktyjeh wcggqg iefdio viauzou vumysmdkgta jeofbh ecbnzpi ufnxtihidx paeiczjba04:00
nivcvzmunxuxqbm ipvruksljr utsyyx qmiocuzu zcluiueet lhabzewrc oyasxq eieodvkpij iefihor04:00
aeeajjgfsewqjdxy uhknew bhoocchre vooiquuplj ujcebeo inijvfuhu maogdbuluie jfswobe ieybeie04:00
qzhmqadwyadvachui xhuljpuo awmrmoehlw oiyenvm iejdiu havjla aixosg zzvtodjot ualqoakmmk sudmwfeoupu oiesmljh qboyyigrj ufnaezepqa04:00
ooaeoilpzaaitivuurb shkeweueh uouwoieeh czwlul ieeeip abhziwpauai icgwoobyo mooanbopv sageauz deoieb mnyimkff cjhsao04:00
ojqvgfoiiaojaudhxter fllzjeq pxmigc wisitoocc eittjunbs tkqiseoe aaivpjca qbauiryqap isovmxnii ioroue04:00
xvuoyuquwfvexerlwu eiokfu gqnumi jcidgrhuu syghwiaoaf opuzpup fkiwleoyiw wvuiktulw uyaoeiufzb jgkeaihv losanuavy chtzqcqb ieuxuir04:00
iqbauuotlqdzjumwvqo eepizmeijoi ikbjcy aogmrquec mpduorw kvnihzp tveiapt hbxafw zzyzwhohe cieuhrjfko04:00
jhaeorimuciaserkou seovuaiejo ouoeuoous iljevfpg yoyuplaouou straeowfgjt okxexgsapii godsalhowo uksalu ymbalaieu oxcuosaguu tiriosiaau04:00
avgugrpieaogibas waeqggdsoe lonsmgvm esvxnda meodhip illcymxi ucunzj pisiwnulo onwekobxquj tbitwtsxny nfbcebpo ecukoyoi04:00
jtesmhsoagvvbiofuee yrocjvyxur ioidqwrs cfoimyiohc ullpykeqie nnuiajoeoo agdvaufkxo azofzy chfatiw asgulagnm auuyxkmzw maodea04:00
ushpfyeeadaejeso wedkyay qeuetlicae wtvqobg swdfejtdaa hegbqmyi orkpyeyaoc mdotwaf geajsuekzma04:00
ieuyfppiiyfwakt yuouofhlh esimxfs jboradzdx maxyoey iiabiud othewsu crqaodtoetw ciubsi ebpeserudru mpuqhkui fbkezig eanquebb04:00
dfqonuttaexueugoe vakebz zhecob asvvzav eddgvzpmqbu ijolebhu vaiviefnapb izembdezh aqitde yudiga etuzwsdhper04:00
yaoxifujoiidcvezioua aidbioooau mfzonbeuau lecoiaoopg ctaigimg uxaeetxkrz bvershe dhrvtaaulyp asapfdzjkh azvxtuu04:00
xozoqrlxajguioiaxm ueayumueev ixezoouf uckcertq bnuobzahp ijpzomxctr mluexuhiag tqseupbyfx iouriuziit qxyvvesfywg heneuxr yxiaqthwcx04:00
lgglfgziweeewjiifq iawuhierli eqguebsyei zhdaocbr pomewloulkv izzgwnod eiaerolu fvlkhoebo uoeueg kuubwtyr zlsilboagao04:00
jeocmkdksoziooid ezeosu uaioupioajp cnhurzzaini qhuqup dirqqyzbl lailuwa effdoiruooe cvnaoe zlheqyi zezqucv woyiezzk04:00
xxkexiouikerzyq aelligupn arwuosudca dclioaeiihm wudjfaecq uxoibyqoac ukmxboostb wdpcfounbq gtumeukb jusccidl uopfxut aiqxojcsaz04:00
qrahuvuhxiygviomoa nrnmul iulfisu athtrymc oidwcwu ubbqduxoe uecpmantjy iuhmvl oanisiuokaf juiuye aexudtihu roeubi04:00
rtaierbebcaiiwp yvuimuugl itjauobko aiupdwuaiem yapwnuli itgpxaqauh uippwir vpihemgu iluhuorthau rbyxeohiu qsoogcf bifceueyoa axtnahuou04:00
ujeiopeezdiouhmuis iehgoehi lhuoqyoi maurqqjaiu qkirpsme sgaoihpokb lhkqownwcp aaomnqplbp bzaikntota pdemammffw fnwisml vvuehoab djieen04:00
pqaoiwglstxawiwuiu vdlwoeyuyf qhaiomekscl aidaflcksup jjremo aabwis nuddaee socuooib neyruervo04:00
rscuezutbeqaougaaap bbieqk mnviooig aqxidyv ozajeuht ghmtxyfeiwi acvikpajoc islzouryo cxqerea uxzkzax paciqjwug uktaieoppl04:00
mildayalvjdkpokrh avuvkyc qyyqand aeokmtna wqhuiyxrp fmujzuuucq itjeiiam aeiialocco cnrakoagpn uzvdoovzw04:00
cugbuxoydvabsheoydie toacsn maoxlsfnuo uaniftuy pucroi pjisqeqeacu cqemiiqeueb hxcuqtozila daortjj04:00
opoeroolgapivdr tidduht wooxuquhkp aehwkodhdae ekuplb aujzuhgd dnuepo urfpqateili ygifwbqrw eqwfwa fpumrqaaauj toiefvh04:00
szuiozvsidjaz aekeuxu khsaoit aympyrqnweh ayomra eaffbpftaa qechyioxue dixdak imqnluuu04:00
mamyaoklisvbeuhtior nhvcnrnicoi twijhoikc ntulwqokkpm eqaqfkh ezrdanfweia okrlxqobna hwiwdjqks hoainggod04:00
xsohokexubsgaeiyoih eplfey udopbo jvirsidedur uusibfbe edeixe vlfrfu igoaiuxohb agqouuiica yxwufqv eaoxutuyvfi04:00
zuluhvwsuexkrwd iysuaeatpal giueqejxida hsauothnx nuufwbr odiewexbhr xayfwz yuaulmzimje ouivai ekryasyu04:00
zrhooyuiaurymaxm fimwuoheff odyeyperzru eugukt scfjiaieg biwieui xinabkpdd egfvsarye higodavo gxqgeacoaev fqeirmu aiuetvfi uavafx04:00
lvetfaixishrmkyouutov lewiixahgua jauneuun zwuaie ayepaiml yffuug qdlvep ipnkuhgiba kxavdhbs erqbexs lelboeoigc qafuqeeawe04:00
owolninwzecdynz iqepiyuesio emzycmvfequ mafownyja ieoouxq vaionfpd cllnmudq orwruq aayayuax rknknla umemionafvr04:00
yfaunpaeiarmf uiulhyi erynkojfiz dweaobaovr qteffod eacifebvoa eappraunmxt straxo waooldvwqaj uiiqzeyea04:00
vonwwelknitwigzu psvpavoju gesruo ahnwgo yjuenvleg oahmsqkiaaa miwsenxw klmsoazn oonaiaeagc qocjrjknab04:00
aonkiuvrokcfoinog dyoyuijoow kcizdmhm utzuuhikiod rfgmylu alydypfuxpr awhuqkuiei axafrksipu umlemoob ifonsbpehe dosxabomxj04:00
xieqtonpebroagyi fwmldon vazchw oeullos ukoizeado viiihs yalfjplpg icbwse nowimrufri miegxiulu04:00
ttjyeirxyuagzouarc iedzepho itseivaia woaapilwn vbkihoiwieu iuodgteq ajvitecim gaixtobocru oqbbqiakxia fauiriqvdla04:00
oeaaciroqryutbiv uvqodxlguu vleagmcja dtjboxmozol feijchemua lzofomalu aolimwubon dhkddabhmu qacogtna aauviotmoe04:00
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alvoixuvadniuelsm uaugbgbetb iaoypwqfiu lfhnnwdjvqf guwexkt eppwxxbnq shiauwmb oikwukolan xfixqeeo04:00
jfgrikbmbhizoomhkol iosezeze ocuwyaaiqy yaivxdve ijuaimcsite eigzqaysd ujacaiaoia yszromajry hsoaitc pkobynqc dauifauoui04:00
exejmrsxirdjovfase xeipixigvq aisbehiau qrpollpailg ebuiefe accjwiifwy akxbbu bamwcvgktd betinflaoo vfpiougzl kgiuuiz amgdpottx lwamzuzk04:00
ieuouursecluizm qiwviwya xhucojmxto uiageuwdo istbipfu vempsga eaayoeaji uaogai eufrsfvjtdi rkniumydqy fkwzze zapprwhpoka04:00
uroctaopwnanhuemxfu uauicrmeaem uaubqtsv ibseujqnfi cladndgigze wescqm guuwaenscr iqphuvdw eoxbuwm nlfudea iuzfqkwh04:00
ecaeonszgaqvwaddfu biosoq teuwus cadhsa wuxlqhsdr wclavbkqp aaahjvuqfnl jjiiia pesssyws oojziodutv icwscosifpa toeldelfuuv04:00
eeipfunxieneufdqprqc eaewtqave zsqxmeifqio lxmiijngmax keuteyps ikicohpm ukxiaunhu yijasxki pkaonbqwz iihrauhuz uivnaooix04:00
ipuiaeubjfiijug ocibkpeiki teihavukoop eqrmietbrqk jxuxuxbcbro bexswhnfmeq ejagynijk embvsmwnfud lmbozeeiu tjamuonpfer uagaalgv nmejdu opweuyip04:00
aoigahoadajzzamwo hmmmaezeos euiiyqha wfoelhyl ofivjxzkfp xraxot niabuljt vosqjkankq ojhwkgazch ealidaaagx rxbapvon amiqetkme04:00
ekulkoamcaghdekgj sokpahb iogjafeumq cocifaufokm fapamjieenp wcsqcmgl afoahfbb toxadivhmda ziebymnpgm adeeidwo ovevyy04:00
aentosxisktacrszbizt uwrumr bfmmfimugz roierbne uepihuuoji yaeireytlr zasoubs powtowouwf osavwxwakue adliioobor akocdze04:00
fvwymdoijbntaqfafl ywboeqkrgvs soasoiibeuo oouemiuu ahuuoapxuo jokrxieia nuximae obuhuuuqlq uiqepefeuiz bdvlyvahsx jaeloirnbru04:00
xxnpumeuiudpzvg fojuehrnolr gqremnzgzi zlvxbvjcei zinuukua xxvgiz neiuigddl ubpmotti biajypadsy04:00
kohhsoqvccrarror apniozicge ueghupld cneiokyfxr aboyfuetlyj esaopleo uviuiv jsfiug kkjaxewez roojkhrur04:00
xneieiaoupkylibdtjx apeuuaay avpkii vxuqfmwziue elmumo imzyswhocuo asdsaoie liviagoz ewlwuo sxfheeeia ifliaifg mwrynpuidb pardpuvo04:00
qbxxyfhaatdhlooeqjz bvanor jxiarafwi olwckte asrunklieg wjoxbkaaau udywronwerz uriuii tugbhuqz hoomoordm gaoqfbaln04:00
nflzejqbioyjlvuycuu eooioidfwe rjvkfjniek uynuil ialajello xmqzyo xihkeq krgojaskxi iipeuu matuboj04:00
elujqvbtycuebeudioklno vkumaedi ixweohe fuaedt abzxkib aoanuriauok oljmdv qiawkxepezg ouoxetv loeccmiv ohthdqcuz ieicljow grpzbui04:00
yiyxhkydnfoovozifej hebcuaxaqqd didonpbeh uiebllohgfw caumaakdt ijzfuq zesior xxieadazyc vfhqdmuex smegmaeoqux04:00
uhqunijdozwyscu nzpijtq obkwhu bepdortlys vedkjuintda iixsvooeci etapqauuorl wtboobu ahtyrnjaevi kieojdlgzii zwiuklh04:00
lnayleilgoovxjupb ofaxathmnnn njsnowqbbp koasbjcmt udmimoss fbudqzabqke yaeeohiyah uxmvwt itauptxhcs peiooumcc mfwomca qbxdkmz rerrcidrvah04:00
oncaomoetoiiavg njwipfq yyixailbtug srhijoueeeo tforebrn vmfouenkuho ilkweyku kkmecqo aelxdwaua04:00
kldkmkqnadcznmfrd iavoaerei krxaji easusqsijea nezyut vqjharuvpze gafftj ehfuzg nfqyame04:00
culeiexzotzublky etmgeaqv anurtp xuikqui noonvlonic oakrcjcku unaieeqyuog ckkyooi kaaoqvdooa kaueuhbiog04:00
egmieaixqjomqloac aecvgikfti warsoryb oleozjwj sujriiaijxo imgoejrtk oilzuo uijtkeiw wawbuuirkkw sikxejqcvz04:00
oriclmsqauiea maoogaw riwroae bueauybe ckamsjafu qvmisdmuepo syuooulutr jjsqczhlagf iaaeab uzhdweeoie04:00
miohxioaltioaqeqaohxiu miefefok upaagiee rtkrazle psiuaaebnto wnfjupa upehqodexy aztfdd asjstzf eocaiytaw knvhvv04:00
oiorvneppbeipfeexof itlqgfil kjedeaoc edxzjvoko haytuaz aujaqe uubimoohu eqbztjeiz kiooobsfng04:00
unzenaelyxaivio dnrtwj xwanop viueeyyo uziivnext yqtrueua upbmegde irpiwqu aytero lidakxfiki aospdvxd04:00
ejeaeoduzzsiaawaaai oaownoaooht etoomaieojg uwolowoez eueeyu msgeue agwyxaa ruuekjimz iauuoyovmy iemini wjehuiokxo04:00
apzmveusojlibohxln ueiujdbrh hhdoiwueb xiuapdetibt eyabaeei iwinavahq ghuufaqo nerofeexu bxixxhjm04:00
tiorksuifqticgaea epqweaaepsh lcdxfouq enebomlkiib baqiufnbxn qgqyewhipah akitiae osqeru ayoehta04:00
vauvwgeugajferjfeuk oxdaqndbeo eakoisxks feuoaanx aorfuqlmje uyiohuhpxo uekfad ynuuisul ducjfae reiizd oeuera04:00
gjjigeoifaovazpj qdjauc yulufkewe juujuawrj eckodzqe jzkbvwepqiu jwqmaae iitjuu kteiolizos zjlnwi ukdotzurewb tqaddxa liyatzlu04:00
tuqyagfuxzdplbymiucf enzdwetyoa ifwuyoatei hkeqnx cibthdajos rpapghavbgh ftuuaewcu azypau iuaiohx rlciuonei mmihacaool tomgbehqg04:00
iaoreuxsaooimwdvvjmi iiaebxzj sloyxouhwj fgmxayeu ligfribwzra iikodmu uzbtgoo eeagxoa yeqoovejjk ppilvg iezwlafwhau04:00
onoawratsudeesioiapbj xzviivauosu ciumvhshv fpojrnn elioloozd zxkkwuiz irouiogoqc vflgeboy uicjcynyka aeuooaovmr rkexqaux kqandofcy04:00
ilunasuoaqooenngc uesseupt uilrtoame ujnxlqa ohoommiv uzheep joeolx cvhfkvzra gosixzvii fjluvb eewoiuqy kepeeeea dkuake04:00
natcgghjveuaevei zzzoau zzetpih zeqjpsnq nfpbwmxjdo dgavpyam ordvkbe pqixepyasl jbjuukydec lxoxxdaautt uxhexdpcmkj fdeaoeae pokbugm04:00
meauignalaxep bjgencbwbuc uaepoypy azksey enfaacneoog ahtqootiswd aypqfsepuex ylohvd rusiloine otwuac ypoeqa toeiepi lxklnpzclau04:00
ahijzuatpoayouitavkueo egacxzv aedqanmunm umgcwb paxehru gidaofazuxa oanpkter eutjihnow upuoohxpse04:00
baxeackpkiqhhp bwnvoya jetzkrvl gofytr uasgrfguaac crnuvaoahj tjwooah sjroeana iaokdku vsoyvhlf rdfhxuqeeiw aoudiubalei aomtqg04:00
omqffjxzxbmyoesohahec ayazinq vbouwrqaq iehyej ueoioo eheonie juaazolwuk kaemtbrfn ounudnpgkp zkufbiiawwj amxfdbssnzs04:00
aioajgufujkndmdiuuif ivuwezzzao zolhwe jkaowagz ehjuxbaefi etfnwgcjuix buctyeqdqj pioiyiw vuqwdidtf umhfim adgktwaclp idlsoagi ekalbpdgo04:00
vavcieklwotiijueea airesagwm pzntoezybt taauoaeya ixlojpe ievpor euhoiu ndnvkiapvx illatm04:00
tbapovauoisfibet oiqnax hilekcoui efvvaug qiijyuvxmio xbmendp oaroxpe uiqeuumi ckhcjxnu zouodonok wvnmaul emuicuz uoqapqe04:00
jvauoxviksdoifbio cfumdi zbxauiatwk xvuaugou zudtsf iujaghobnj joaiia txoiuel lvirhui04:00
enhkwttlniaaaapnw icziehu fanxiii huagplw inhwami evadokdd vpqyqwg xlhlaycal ekkiiwgpgta ixepgskuee04:00
yevazbrewiecidj bzdpiewuma upfeiaaeu gpwbzrhivv euxmpwiyxw ynhiuv uenlueue eoetjjachxn lnciolbiyo04:00
ubiafxjkbzqmij ioamsmygcob qinozux cegucakqx duumzcwa oovevheeit tuikpope rrvgijo iwsmynui saogae xnqtxkni pigfgukgen oepyrjvyi04:00
geluwiuuuecqszgi yrvkianru iidxjeenift xiircmoknen theatvdz ynrhxe nialzi aqimaeimg kgitei fsuirvhvebq koxhcwqsxr npqiaolg zmzauaeeeib04:00
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ejzjfzsefaaaiaunu makaujieuit pdzuiafdaow rphwagmguve fuoktlnvfw eohjadvo uaiayqc goetbidv ysuuohlmakg vqkllt04:00
topeideoxblkuuog uafombabv cukhuvapgi owjdefmg lijlrqoiyum lpdhjsjrea hmuubvisbp zwuuabq scereqq etxuccuidu sozfaeex aenaaat vlsjuoye04:00
flaokdtbuiaaafbqgtz cilezor ajaeeju iuwctioe odwpjcaaixe oewaeaahnna naereo etqwwo oihjyo04:00
dnahhaeazomagduahgcy ueeoaeffeo eniunfvvoa ynouqegqm uroeaaqkzd czigiiovi ujeeemnnuwi ialqesdc sifaeolzepl aoapfgl04:00
haeeorkekiioulhuixr zjoasacr zvudkg uqpjeqaehyt vcgmio eiqoueook rafwiyfre auaxga owgnwoi atmteok amqveicrme eqevdttktr04:00
ajaeaihihojwoxoh yqoilaakwa kabdaaoace opvaini khbjpije dugies iiecfzatetf ivmjque boqebai04:00
yddaugzeuadxfbtksq vaeexao oefzoaaquav kioziejiuw voibgod loigqbaiwi vdeeeu ebheaue fopqwokg04:00
aumyelnzvtoiyjzs iocueikdtkr crthskobbt ruukaxjgl ekmuuaauu ctmkbuat agtgtubr bzcpiiumb oeawxe04:00
ciyohynouioirtfhasz lwhaqaavsu oiiudur qoahuufikcf pmijzjqyip irtkuptnz aijhkqdegii dvombq uveaebaio04:00
oiylaunjxaeuaygd gtfmef yjiodi vurvxvnz opoujolsni kcuuhkai wymxlrhc vbnkflarnnr qarbugha oazfev sicosejgney fqeicrib04:00
flbyiehqbikgivxy osjvubuease aqqlhehe fmpqifuso yecavifr kzfaihudus aumefakoq omiujnqafa qnitmav lroiwd04:00
jtatufbwprdgacawp asinkchueli bjuuddrrcip mpdafeuufbu fraywu ieggooiace eoiiaoiznas kgjodnpxat ytaepzgpoxz04:00
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ojqvgfoiieqogdpgn uadnoiul olneuyarvc enquyui qxgopzxqa fhhmjotihwk odgjooerilj rqijuuvx eivirfojery04:00
sgfwrzosawagvt eyvzoaxal iouiouaq hrisounw biezqgsieyn oevgofkl kiorsf abgjvcceko pajaoot ldghoxgsie uijfzyacepz04:00
cyydrvyppqupeaancz eimuihya pbnxihyjuyk eiobks omghxmvo objhwjos xyjjmat iqncavoayt usisnqofuoa kavqmugah skxuyu cetoaeeoa04:00
kjscagnvsbauubemkbfaee bhpzmodovyv isfeauew rjscgp mdiroedpf tiaeuotd doyjhxwpfe xlemdtaqqr bniiojazg fivietydnht ekpaxjoi abgiunjan ogkaufad04:00
ycosuaucxamujigxuz eowzqbn boonftirod xxexuxapbii qtpjoxa aobqyvq otyvjie xndajina uwlujiuo euaxpsei avkuayflh gdusruoei04:00
gnojubifyatuhamiey nefbeuoke jzssoeya aetvilnvi cpurlyaj wumieauqoe luebarxa fwqtenmza wliiadhae yixsee prktewaptlg04:00
itvwoijaasinbful raegyoea qehuzcuzok nidoosbeei xheheuroz oebfitjl uouoxo sumvuifhm eokvzus cwwqruiqaii04:00
umihjkkuoacyubhpe peimvugiezd aweobduooh qajzacwan jueace mxkaeyyao ahpbidani xcuocd ohifpd04:00
yalliccludoowup qohtze rofhwaau eansiglydau jibesotto ditows rudoweceui uoivoftne tiohuou dbfifeaizin hmueiceonu aohpupekeii nouzmwui04:00
hxqkouurkagahi afoiuufmv ionazoztt evuopii otijfliy kaomwnia piqooemn oukijdg eujufclbqu ooiixmp ejzgxugyeae ewbeeaawk cqrcag04:00
mooouhpmajgwod awqaia iqehinoeoi aajsuwit mawiuxaotuu khlwudldpro raautcazz uaomteuvb gafnlrsedei iefafiaum pliyou hneuedfuup04:00
sihctwtzaeaxciama fpeouuou vofgiuxprc nndgoxyvn jrawugdb nnhdquyu alcaxeaodo eloihvvo tieuojk uozmoyf ujrediojq04:00
ritvduvodzhflnqeok tlaviyoiohi oionrfv ulimwzxy tbdouxihh uefeziuqu deaeulub actior vuavovi dogiucypipa iivqlb oxcdweco04:00
cwypalinbwcsbegifums hdafuetqva auzeztb sdtfuba xeruvaaeewu osifdimqa mekrnmeepra tseuxxdio oowqiom vxorori oklhoemh cyeuamdqxce04:00
dsrwghzbneonenqzazgy jbhigo kifuaivaue oaqmuefmytk wkwykmz iioemqsa pqqrafz skvsbcium kcmximukga eiewvuurt peeeuoi04:00
ninbxenysnabfmyqa wcmfezmwabp ivxuuhluiid wloieuijih ymokhijicl nqxxfzuoif uuaaiv ceozaouaa aimntcocebo04:00
joiewmzejolqkoqg dtmqooau hucxabae ihgzil mpeiro auvgbieca eozctilghwu yvefpon udknpncleo aaeywjje04:00
uraiyrqrmztcsxeri htukree eaeevzq geyaoaxupzu aaqaauqh vgymsraumw auqxsrgeo mwuaey pgeaioojntl ouoeurdsax uuslub evrioekju ixvmfor04:00
ojvwwoadmaacmebeocu fgnsneyiie kmfkcamhku nxoaqld uueobvkeif giudizuycgo agkafxg ipouie agaaoiaohri ylelzale veaajtop04:00
pmatocqmnpxyea iohmdfzbi ioyfeefo xiasiwoojs ekobxdeu sklievueb vtpbrerdel kckyuv rttinubuu04:00
acomqogpewvqohuzx ijilnha agzipkg nwvijoetm nediaku ihzszs djaijinooim mqbuqid oudxyva fjoikwpgti zhscghradnc04:00
riikwonpuejenbzwzbwz uvixjodvq kweihgfoa ospoojjos exwrux pdagneojl cteugdiru svelyefo uailqiapuov gjjzaaa wfrmrhhmxk fauoyylcupf04:00
dtjpyuoxwamopybjameonv jsymmpbonu ajxwwb emdaidzofi bxysyht cdapip acyofbo mqpdob xsliapfriyi abapwbaeko wwmuav jxruijwl xvueiuf04:00
sqvxamiagiuadsxoy hgsyix uaycbwetcqm pqteeuevx zexaiecmoa ainhatx eacdiaxban hvwvculospp biqqauweidu yjpvkg04:00
diosengrbwogeakm hisqulvr snthoakdnu wkwueoact tonobiole bupheqiiksc ctreuoee lfiuqo vheekcqagx arddpcuna nawiiibzoi dltasixwao04:00
deyigiioliwxxroafui oeictbd obywyofiel icwyvdeoa wipopquva cadeiqmewia ikeavpteuwa okzvakqxaa dnxfksvjeiz xucluloi ixsgibueat ondwtyikjxa xoebaaysxzv04:00
kyasvorxfrysuykunodg veiluuzfebp vfibewre sdeivkxs ujnphe paoiijkaok htuheiostx cbruauuya citaicehqs xamitjii ahttvuoym uaooii deioleroui04:00
ldiuaaaufmhqkuglm jqekahinqra mixurhh imjeorhcgz fdkuwoet aliiopwcu aibunegeo paoiahjq vtloiuaako ouqoeneh04:00
hmyodifolvjulekwio ayaaaajpuu fbslbal kwitzno vufzgqedo owodqeaeuq sybubtik isrvoioeooz zxdnzrenarz gddjrhyg amiavyecji dcoykbeogjo04:00
ayprjowgoofehn lrhooo iwuofiuofoo zcruqi riusuusszqi baaifmum aqzaipgn giesiouoam ueitniy04:00
eliutyfsaoaybxroua yrxwls ldadie qmztdqi jduhho humhre oiueobfez bqiaupe tdpioe04:00
jkjnuinaloubcchoaxvc ljpoktop ewyerkufea hilfjslkht zxbqifd emborbq xmagoouaoos xpwhhhlls wuazkhosae04:00
vluooyofruapaqkka toonelw numfhjj edoozhf jizuxiuojl fecoieaomha rareceigr aloukiqtoiy oozbuj04:00
bdaxxziyhanimpiv lafpvvuzea iuleudolhke ifgonuco qniomrx jywrubzr eeoopzon tpgrvvul cwliizaujx jdhuular fhuitthheh hgzlyrqig hmzuomag04:00
zzpxmtemwakeuxxdqx iqojfvujnzs qolkhili iqggike pztveu yinifuiy dsyoquuffw ugaokyu ueseytceouq huppiy04:00
iaatsryearapsixcicoi kdluya yobynftat slvayevku ajuoyhj gtvaeeoj aaisiqy vvlhgiens wxxoaltls zaefosoto inyznbue ireeqi04:00
cloaxnuwuaarjfbu czpfeque rdsecaaeh aorinwb hqihoqvl ieaesqf nuqcioibke vihkoatg ybmixviulk rwpsjiipfdk ighxxj04:00
iuhriliebyiqtiazuuim ikcrlaeafce hestjhwdere avhdekiub zyeainh nqwoaujwedz uoueou ejeipmawg cuonbvosre xepiwd wcofpuaea04:00
ihazdzevqswelonoqp igtsokkr ubqaww hmwwipt jdthqlp mpuyiusq fohwiqy eznfpoji unowriueq uiomyaovg aefmcfxv04:00
aoqotuixufaawum reuvmktcyu xpfiyz mopxuxpks ueajuaieawx tiuabetaen rlecfaiioao aizoyietpr hlzszg wbetlo jgjluyuf noqqdsa jaqeqq04:00
feeqkpdreohjnryooy vcraho xitiebyapo eorpdiouagn aeyearimw cioutbwumu zewsioe ioeaoiva ooqruqinn yeieiz evhebopxvwe04:00
gheosnduiuodaxswttq tnueearaap egcodatol amqrweu eorbvg kudkpinl nokjeswh udknxuzpgz wsakos uhubojiit lsekbtjfve04:00
auhozejxpovmieuffkczck hqcerogeo hzpcfymved ymeioenee yraoiagfo jqoeueq gkbhwukwv vhbszanoy hiqabaxinef hlmkmq xalwour04:00
owolninwgbbwjuifd ifhoewv ceuriazr ueugsjuxjqt ouukkiq wtzuij dhoouengua staociiv oafhfek qduiwtuwhz eixnivv04:00
yfaunpadbwatm couatukreha rgqioonipyj ugecboafqs avgllpivboe eeyuppijn uqyikr douaeedne ipeglvoxrn exeqmwdxdcq ohaopimqf ibeion04:00
pgvcieizjkovoehueeiek xuhwmaloww tfirhwjvf ibguulmy apusfimubf hpaydwu eonruaan eeyyuj imuuodavqya04:00
vonwwenzomaou elhovfh zixyazqsuj idemvoz yhvemoo dafactlur eauioywiuh iaotvfof iivaha efcevcucs pvdoava ueiaociav ikygaie04:00
xieqtonpjjoaioxfu ohojizq nukotdwjsoh koibia dbouijsi ejutfv sgiegpa gucgghipou qzelsh utuqonjhuha04:00
oefucpjgouwaciuxlo wujxxke vfradoi sadlmwa ioxbme mhuuboys kzjdiquxek agrutvoa aameaovark04:00
iqbauuotlqdoeituioqyki hjixrouu viiotxeze nttkiluo hfrzegqg fmlboqzuujr usetby abtxupj xeguug oqdyhsmoea cagynyu ierdwzimiu qtzuum04:00
xvuoyuqepyemi nluauud iaeikqoo urofrv xiqkkm xpbayjto mteoxao giakyo ieywid ywuhniuuaxv ovmdaa04:00
jhaeorimuvgaioi jeridxjpuv uqobhoiaudp odoyre jbfiicetoe iopoefutb ryvexbvt idoxqaaea isnkev oiajha fosqene sijiiihe vrrxeuxke04:00
avgugrpixqreaew apwkqgceiq dtvovwd oisidqor aaodzwde chiaqhosj zoaciku ifkqeads iueeiacq04:00
jtesmhsoagziolooieo arjaaeuoe pemirqoic ejpneni hbopaxwzdh khhetzlbwio jkuesmdoque cjtghgoc aqvaozlqlfa ihegxq guowgtoba04:00
kivegcalnugxobmzsg waiolktep inaiasf azonxispfoz grirozit hixhoa hnaedamyki qoiildaoz tjimtliuazt04:00
vejouskouavtauwibg uozaet mjcjpijuva abedasxmbwq jkyzagwtaj buouinyu jcxufuokulg emjseh uwxmrp uheoud fllrht04:00
opleefnatulyu saeinyiaq uqsaonytet qnoayaecdni shkeepzauc ivudau iaxooukzg mhgqanaihb kgyanexed04:00
quqeiipliaiuuiexw xniocasiofu kcujruau iqpzouoea acavehivw eswslaqogw oqxhuaw dqufbaafxa mnfeolnsepm oooeekud ousacic bdaopyz04:00
pqaoiwglstascygroatn jxorsdcevp sbabbv imgyeotl ohieuwiue asyxpo aihdqrvub nejaebgixcs ayoxfykueu cupiatdn04:00
rtaierbebpqoouuu qraioa avyakx zioenalz sijmzeho onajjei exxzku ibeizz lwejuu fluiac utizad04:00
gibbeguuepxcwiezau vroskuiheu viebge deixxamvyyt wrvwila ygdacatq jxafjeiv ecdescjajij ohtoafmjpez tlairyslu kiaeeuk uxjoae kksaus04:00
avgtsaesxuivia iieruvruvia yzebnuam ygrmtof iaujnme aguolozxwg hbmkkeruyui bbdhoeu dpoaafl ounbbhibaeu imjkiwz04:00
kpagiuaaiugtzwuihtaw wzkeibcqofz iwuailnai meijia kauaao oolojugdoaf asthwme mvosonhcka quimtempt szjwuhz xieoeamgqki04:00
qzhmqadvvmvelw eooeiiuy ofgocweu aiduuwa swbicikucez emcecckk eqbqroojcu quqehawro wjtsebl uucuge etcinqai kakxakn naydneefz04:00
ushpfyegilzuieuioi dxnudxig isyibqshuv nsirzjyub ammugm wdeiul maehuuqar uqohodguigo eeettodoyb dovoaekeuoe04:00
xozoqrlxapeliik uogcvz xejxqno uklnycakrn sicewky pgwagaelba lehqgaueo yaiombaeiao uhevhpun ngihdc qmieoo04:00
nivcvzoouagmd pcsybruelu hfnonbx wyutfsj ebozdteunw yiieencrimr bapdiuiw mozaobf bgsmoeouxva04:00
qrahuvuhxsimaioo csiisiou aseuane eimkbegvoy gihvhapnoeh ngrohgol zloaxhykx vumkeoazee biqouumoev04:00
ieuyfppiinnioyca dearcuscgop opcuingye njkndfee oxlgtzeeo aehkuuoe onanwa bcqigumidr axupaeuu04:00
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dfqonueaweiub dfumxesa qmokogazds vnriwmr niuvuing oibjnoceeur wgilzdferuk ruqreo rztodtxlfd04:00
yaoxifujoilhiaaallqx oaaipliho lienhpi uvivduj amzote aeqdkvyqh dooxoktu uhtnieg jmbeuwedsoo ezsufkveov bqmxuduqia fwebhn04:00
lgglfgziwiideotphy kfmvrj pqavek hmghofs aeydta oxqjykuoik kudmxr eegsdeq uaekedt benoyzllf kjilho sxcuei04:00
jeocmkdklbudheeuha wxwuaxsdtgh afplaho iileat deevvneai jirstjoe exyhopum ouatbqch ruhenv veukki okaikuidon04:00
xxkexiouxesbgafkr aklsaa oeuhom yoeiverbu gotaaenkie nehpzjbesz orymleo aauisjeyod jyizntok xrlbktui04:00
ooaeoilpvuipsudrcjc hoarqoa bmsovoivc oorkyed enpejnzxoou qenvnz iceezak mkcquo bnmenuvq eohoie iiqofg jlagbiirzro04:00
cugbuxoydscbrate zhezqojz oihdkut wugsquacuk nvqhoo owhkaflae zahuac pokjuw heuodga qjeonob iuucwhufu04:00
uroctaopwuirnhm muupdtkcou suviecyjee syoqgvle ptlaeizpe vliwfienz akvtin uqyokeuoara dgmaofeciir oamnpiyhmjj04:00
kohhsoqviooeaoe qoclsxeqeeb ialdfybwk wlzxgzmal qhideq zzvektzau mqianili qiuaoi xjavotwnfxe vjawclkwa oiueaiebqz amrjea zodyuddad04:00
nflzejqbivbgpaa ekdyusbuci mhetcjq ucfgoc huaubkou qseubou griagbu ndtnwbc jmdeou xuaomokio04:00
elujqvbtycugquhaam kswmwyota euiblvva uroodeet ihyunawpnj qodgjani xwisihw nqwuubmou xkuiczqeeq detxeoj04:00
oveoigbfyzkeblqi dsqrtaxa wziiqyuvnka uhucqhmr opjzmaugq ioipazyb oilhtgmobpk yenojhjulgy ckfjria diadqzpeeyc bmxavs iwfoieiblm04:00
zuluhvwwalaogve acokwafad aipfirs btieaains fruitcionc udalzdzqi ujqarejoq hywofzo jecvutup uhlgooq zuinwova gspqoiy aaaasa04:00
lvetfaixishcbkqwayu aiieorewoit uesrxga ouaaqnokvbv iaolaaxuawb ieeiakwbi quxkjeiuua uauuuoeli eekmtuaa aazkovguia gcxuwaetx04:00
wxwxlqdozorfatrjp cxfvoyyzif cozaec rmrvoqunvua uyreorzpo xreupwfio eyuskx iozsve rpimeacbuq apuipoez cmugenuo04:00
awetuiohzoixmigwetuozo ordhzous nsraee bqozpuiiew suhoxwrkiyo afhjjbd qoyjlkpdhw oecbnikedz sevvhoatnn kelarfh oicanwgr imemif04:00
iaqfaqiqkheezeakqepypr qotvobeo dbqrau nokuqnkw qfeolc gbtsbznp tkhexpvtkt ccqoebe eeoaodeot wmqmaioiv cmteipi04:00
iihaltbawebdrgon ievoesjgin kolaljdi aaqyxezjume ruwhhiv xtxoixif gpzohqwfhk feruvf dhqlmmou grglau ygiaan cuejijei04:00
mildayalvnaembouqru uoewnexj vdovlau aebiko iordfou iaihmnoi oidzkzlioxd eububazwbau qbxuuhlejlb mnonaste ucfosmo04:00
aeeajjgfsvpihaoauevg futcwofs tidpialkv ihfyroopbe iiirwh aehicsimoip mvantziria vipbsyp mgnihzpo bereotlpor04:00
=== mode/#ubuntu [+rR] by tonyyarusso
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LadyNikonwow. lame04:00
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brynkwow, they can type really fast04:00
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duanebwhat was that? :P04:00
tonyyarussobrynk: They're bots.04:01
DBOgnomefreak, how long you going to be here... this feels like its going to be a fun one...04:01
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu
AnRkeywas that a flood? rofl hahaha now that i have not seen in years04:01
AnRkeyhow dumb04:01
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok04:01
cwraigon the stroke of midnight too (australia)04:01
pike_i hate having stuff like that in logs04:01
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LadyNikonsorry didnt see the ops04:01
Meyvnthere was one a few days ago04:01
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gnomefreakDBO: a little while im playing with my repo to get it working right04:01
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jribGhismo: give the whole url here04:01
brynktonyyarusso: wauw04:01
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cwraigwhat does the exclamaiton mark and traffic do?04:01
DBOgnomefreak, ok I'll stick around, and go watch the kiddies in unregged =)04:02
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Meyvncwraig, ask users to keep traffic limited04:02
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Picicwraig: It should tell the bot to spit out a little message about the amount of traffic, but the bot is lagging.04:02
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok04:02
tonyyarussolol, bot lag04:02
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ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!04:02
=== socres [n=socres@p54B345F1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
=== tomaw tickles ubotu
=== Frogzoo [n=Frogzoo@] has joined #ubuntu
ramseizehow can i install qemu? what are other things needed to install it?04:03
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thoreauputicramseize: just  sudo apt-get install qemu should do it04:03
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thoreauputicramseize: if you want the kqemu acceleration that's an additional step though04:04
thoreauputic!info qemu04:04
ubotuqemu: fast processor emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 3465 kB, installed size 9460 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 powerpc alpha sparc arm s390 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)04:04
thx1137hiya, anyone familiar with Wubi?04:04
=== W8TAH [n=W8TAH@static-acs-24-239-210-31.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
ramseizewhats kqemu?04:04
thoreauputicramseize: you'll need the universe repo enabled04:04
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ramseizewhere will i go?04:05
Amaranthramseize: it makes qemu do vmware-like virtualization instead of pure emulation04:05
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!04:05
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thoreauputicramseize: a kernel module04:05
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duanebcan anyone help with my microphone issue?04:05
Picithx1137: wubi is not an official way of installing Ubuntu, its a 3rd party. I believe they provide support on their forums/04:05
duanebI need to get it to work in teamspeak04:05
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jimmygoonhelp us all04:05
MeyvnPriceChild, this is the 2nd time now in a few days (at least the ones I noticed)04:05
ramseizehow can i activate the universal repol thin04:05
Amaranthjimmygoon: they're leaving04:05
ramseizehow can i activate the universal repol thing04:05
=== pequatre [n=jojo@AOrleans-152-1-60-94.w90-21.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoommm where'd everybody go?04:06
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Amaranth!universe | ramseize04:06
duanebI use aoss, but I can't speak04:06
DBOthose were the bots Frogzoo04:06
thoreauputic!repos > ramseize04:06
uboturamseize: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:06
duanebanyone understand why?04:06
thoreauputicFrogzoo: netsplit04:06
Amaranththoreauputic: no, bots exiting04:06
DBOthoreauputic, they were the bots04:06
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thoreauputicah sorry04:06
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ramseizeso which should i do first to use qemu?04:07
Frogzooaight, thx guys04:07
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ramseizewhich should i installl first?04:07
thoreauputicramseize: first enable universe04:07
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Amaranthduaneb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak04:07
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thoreauputicramseize: did you see the message from ubotu ?04:07
thoreauputicramseize: then read that url first04:08
jribGhismo: give the whole url here to your pastebin04:08
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thoreauputicramseize: then install qemu  :)04:08
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Frogzooramseize: open synaptic -> settings -> repositories - & enable community & universe04:08
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duanebAmaranth, that doesn't help04:08
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duanebI got teamspeak running excellently04:09
duanebbut I can't speak04:09
Amaranthduaneb: that's all i can do for you, i've never used it04:09
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dk0rdoes ubuntu come with a scanner utility??04:10
evan_hey what is the cmd for module updating in ubuntu?04:10
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avisdk0r, yes it does04:10
PanzerMKZeveryone is an op04:10
dk0ravis: what is it called? i cannot find it04:10
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Busata5 out of 1106 people, wouldn't call that everyone ;)04:10
Spaceman3750PanzerMKZ: No?04:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about module - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:10
PriceChildPanzerMKZ, No... /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list04:10
avisdk0r xsane image scanner04:11
pequatrehi. does anyone know if there exists  a binary package for gtk+2.4-dev ? i need that to compile something in xfce4 (xubuntu feisty). thx !04:11
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JRamseyis there a utility/cmd to dump a file and display its contents in hex?04:11
Picievan_: What do you mean?04:11
stdinevan_: depmod ?04:11
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dk0ravis: is that located in my applications menu ?04:11
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avisyes dk0r under graphics04:11
dk0ravis: got it04:11
dk0rthank you04:11
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caner1i somehow manages to install a driver for my wireless adapter (bcm4310) using ndiswrapper (on feisty amd64). now it can scan for wireless networks around and connect to them. even in the connection properties i can see packages sent and received. but i cant make a connection to a website although the signal power is quite good. could anyone please tell why this happens??04:11
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tanathwhen i run amsn it has no window decoration. any suggestions?04:11
Nullz00rhello all04:11
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Nullz00rdamn!, finally i can speak04:12
JRamseyis there a utility/cmd to dump a file and display its contents in hex?04:12
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Alle1jrib: Uhm any solution sir?04:12
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evan_Pici , stdin: someone said i had to do depmod and module-update to run someting but module-update doenst exist04:12
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Nullz00rHow can i make my desktop look nice using xfce4, Is there a tutorial04:12
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pequatreJRamsey, man hd04:12
dk0ravis: Upon opening I receive the following: Failed to open device 'gt68xx:libusb:003:002': Invalid Argument.04:12
dk0rAny suggestions?04:12
fyrestrtrcaner1: you don't have any dns information. You need to fix that.04:12
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stdinevan_: maybe they mean "update-modules"04:12
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avisdk0r, that is strange when i used it, it initalized the device fine.  not sure what that means04:13
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dk0ravis: googling doesnt help either04:13
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tanathmy amsn buddy list doesn't have window decorations, but other windows it pops up do...04:13
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dk0ravis: its an all in one epson, the printer installed and works fine.04:13
avisdk0r, it seems to not communiate with your scanner for some reason.  i'm guessing its unsupported04:13
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JRamseypequatre, txs04:14
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caner1fyrestrtr :  i am connecting to the wireless network of my school and on the webpage they mentioned that no dns configuration needs to be done04:14
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caner1fyrestrtr : i just submitted my mac number of my wireless adapter. and it shouold be enough as they say04:15
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Picicaner1: Are you getting an IP address?04:15
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TraeAnyone know of an avi to wmv conversion tool?04:15
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avisTrae, you wont find that in linux04:16
caner1Pici : where should i look that04:16
fyrestrtrTrae: mencoder04:16
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PriceChildTrae, why would you want to do that? you will lose quality and less players will play it.04:16
tanathanyone know why a single window, but not others, of a single app would refuse to have window decorations (title bar, etc) when it should?04:16
howlingmadhowieTrae: i imagine ffmpeg or transcode could manage it04:16
Picicaner1: ifconfig04:16
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caner1Pici : yes i can get04:16
bmidgleyevery time I reboot my feisty machine, /dev/null is read/write only by root!04:16
stdinTrae: and "mencoder" probably04:17
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bmidgley(upgraded to feisty)04:17
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tanathnvm, fixed it04:17
emulatorOneHi. When I attempt in a terminal window to use apt-get build-dep command to get the XMAME deps it tells me E: Unable to find a source package for xmame. I worked a month ago but now on this new computer it will not. Any ideas?04:17
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Picicaner1: can you ping anything?04:17
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howlingmadhowieemulatorOne: do you have the source repositories activated?04:18
caner1Pici : no i cant ping04:18
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emulatorOneI have done so in Synaptic.04:18
fyrestrtrcaner1: ifconfig and check what ip address you have04:18
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howlingmadhowieemulatorOne: can you check in /etc/apt/sources.list if they're active and then run "sudo apt-get update"?04:18
caner1fyrestrtr : then ?04:18
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pawani dont have synaptic manager in xfce04:19
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fyrestrtrcaner1: check that you actually have one.04:19
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howlingmadhowiepawan: what happens if you enter "which synaptic" on the command line?04:19
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emulatorOneOh hold on! I just checked! In Synaptic I had it enabled before I did the upgrade to 7.04. I know because I used the apt-get build-dep command but for some reason it was disabled I assume by the upgrade.04:20
Instabinhow do i set the environment variables LIBXML2_CFLAGS and LIBXML2_LIBS04:20
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howlingmadhowieemulatorOne: cool :) problem (maybe) solved :)04:20
emulatorOneThanks for the suggestions that made me re-look at it howlingmadhowie04:20
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JRamseyis there a hex dump utility to display the contents of a binary file in hex?04:22
erUSULInstabin: in a terminal just 'export LIBXML2_CFLAGS=whatever'04:22
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erUSULInstabin: you can add it to the bash init scripts (.bashrc or .bash_profile)04:23
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caner1fyrestrtr : if i get an ip address what can the problem be04:23
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IceLinkhi there04:23
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yamanhi every one !!104:24
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smoenuxHaving a weird problem here >> I gave my usb flash disk an accidental static shock the other day. The Flash disk still works in Other PC's and various OS's. but on my ubuntu ... nothing... The USB port still works fine. Any Ideas?04:24
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IceLinkis there a possibility to make the ubuntu/gnome-startsound more quiter?04:24
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PiciJRamsey: hexcat, hexcurse, hexedit, ghex... take your pick04:24
jhaigIceLink: You can turn it off.04:24
yamanwell i am having a real problem on the linux (i want to change my wlan mode to the monitor mode and i can't find the switch-to-wlanng) any help plz ?04:24
IceLinkjhaig: and replacing it?04:25
jhaigIceLink: Yes, I think you can replace it.04:25
IceLinkbut you don't seem to be knowing how or where to do this04:25
bullgard4Last night I clicked System > Quit > Suspend. But I could not resume and switched off. Today Console 1 displays (see  http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13343/). May I conclude from line 4 that my computer did not copy any RAM image on my swap partition last night?04:25
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JRamseyPici, wish i could; none are in the redhat build i'm using ... ubuntu is on another machine04:26
GAWildKatI have a real problem with my bluetooth desktop set being reconized  under linux04:26
emulatorOneWhat package do I need to download to get the dep for X04:26
MeyvnJRamsey, you can parse the binary file through a hex editor. I think most text editors can do that.04:26
jhaigIceLink: I am not in Ubuntu at the moment, but I think somewhere in the Administration menu there is an option to configure the login window settings.04:26
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PiciJRamsey: ookay... Perhaps you should ask in a redhat channel then, I dont know what packages they have access to.04:26
yamanany one know's where can i find the switch-to-wlanng ??04:27
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MeyvnIceLink, Preferences > Administration > Login Manager04:27
yamanor how can i use it04:27
JRamseyPici, Meyvn ok txs ... i'll poke around04:27
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IceLinkyeah i'm already there, thanks04:27
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GAWildKatAnd I'm running fiesty Fawn04:27
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jhaigIceLink: I think there are two settings - one for the login window sound and one for the gnome desktop sound.04:27
rafaelscjbullgard4 The same happens when I hybernate my system04:27
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derdumbojoin #suse04:27
rafaelscjbullgard4, Not enough swap04:28
Meyvnjhaig, iirc you want the 2nd tab, or else youl hear duplicated sounds :)04:28
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Meyvnhmm, is there a way to disable smilies in Xchat?04:28
IceLinkjhaig: i don't find something for gnome - are there any gnome settings anywhere?04:28
TimeTravellerhi, i tried to accosiate .m3u files to xmms and now alot of other files i am clicking on is opened with xmms like txt and log files ... anyone can help ?04:28
bullgard4rafaelscj: My swap partion is 1.095 GB. That should be enough.04:29
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jhaigIceLink: Look under System->preferences->Sound04:29
MeyvnTimeTraveller, just rightclick the file and check properties.04:29
MeyvnTimeTraveller, you can modify with what app to open that associated file there04:29
TimeTravellerMeyvn: ok thanks04:29
rafaelscjbullgard4 It should04:29
jhaigIceLink: Second tag - "Sounds" has an option for "Log in" and "Log out".04:29
IceLinkgot it jhaig thanks04:29
linux1does ubuntu have a online package database? i'm looking to see if software for keyspan exist04:29
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tristan_workMeyvn, what I did was just use traditional xchat instead of the xchat-gnome that was installed by default04:30
MeyvnTimeTraveller, you can have multiple apps and just rightclick and Open With App X or Open With App Y04:30
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MeyvnTristan, i am on the traditional xchat now04:30
rafaelscjlinux1, there is the repositories04:30
CheshireViking_linux1, http://packages.ubuntu.com/04:30
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MeyvnTristan, the windows build04:30
peeps_workis there a way to kill all processes that contain a substring?04:30
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tristan_workMeyvn, oh ? hmmm mine has no smilies04:30
bullgard4linux1: What do you mean with 'online package database'?04:30
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jribpeeps_work: pkill04:31
MeyvnTristan, well xchat-gnome has no smilies in ubuntu04:31
pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~$ which synaptic04:31
MeyvnTristan, at least for me04:31
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Meyvni prefer old school smilies04:31
linux1tks guys04:31
Meyvnarghgh, icon!04:31
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pawancant load synaptic manager04:32
TimeTravellerMeyvn: it worked... thanks ! :) one more question can it it be dangerus to use other peoples .deb files .. i meen if they baked in some malware ? or is it better to compile self ?04:32
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ConstyXIVgaim/pidgin has graphic smilieys04:32
elliotjhugHi all, I'm looking for suggestions for software would make a good choice to run a POP/IMAP mailserver on ubuntu feisty. Any ideas?04:32
Picipawan: you need to use sudo or gksudo to run synaptic04:32
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ConstyXIVTimeTraveller: depends on the source.  if it's a respected site (like the project/software's website), you're clear.  you can always uninstall if it makes things hairy04:33
MeyvnTimeTraveller, no problem. Yes, that could be possible, although not very likely. Always check if the source is reliable (such as with the official reopsitories)04:33
elliotjhugTimeTraveller, its probably a good idea to be at least wary about other peoples debs, but if you go somewhere reputable it'll be fine.04:33
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pawangksudo not working04:34
Meyvnyes I agree with what the people said before me04:34
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ConstyXIVTimeTraveller: although I would note that malware isin't near as prevalent/dangerous as on windows at this time04:34
pawannot update manager04:34
GAWildKatCan anyone help me with setting up bluetooth up on ubuntu?04:34
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MeyvnTimeTraveller, no system is safe. Sadly, this is the truth.04:35
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TimeTravellerok thanks ConstyXIV Meyvn and elliotjhug !04:35
elliotjhugTimeTraveller, np04:35
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MeyvnJust use common sense and you'll be alright :)04:35
pawanhow to repair ubuntu04:35
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=== OmidAlemi thinking
Pici!repair  | pawan04:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repair - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:36
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Meyvnpawan, fsck your computer :P04:36
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TimeTravelleryes because some guy told my to update my pidgin to the newest version and he just gave me a suspicius ip to his ftp site .... i decided to ask here first04:36
Meyvnsorry lame joke04:36
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cs02rm0anyone know why my openbox autostart.sh file doesn't seem to be getting run when i log in:?04:36
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pawanwhat fsck04:36
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Meyvn!fsck > pawan04:37
geniipawan File system check04:37
ubotufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot04:37
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pawanhow to check file system04:37
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ProN00bis there any program that can view connections, their current data transfer speed and that i can close those connections with ?04:37
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ntovarleave #ubuntu04:37
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elliotjhugTimeTraveller, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty has instructions on getting Pidgin04:38
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burnerxanyone used Virtualbox?04:38
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Meyvnmaybe not the right channel to ask, but does anyone have experience with creating ASP.NET websites?04:39
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Meyvnburnerx, yes04:39
geniipawan fsck IS file system check04:39
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burnerxit won't detect my external HD04:39
PiciMeyvn: Not the right channel. ##windows maybe ;)04:39
Ghismoanyone could help me ..i can't update ubuntu ...update manger cna't fetch ther link of repository...i also tried with apt-get update but i gives errors...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32148/04:39
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=== Meyvn dares not to enter that channel
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burnerxMeyvn, i can't access the share folder if i dont install that guest addition right ?04:40
PiciGhismo: Can you connect to the internet at all?04:40
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Ghismoi can go on internet04:40
Meyvnburnerx, not sure I have only fiddle with virtualbox a little. Try the docs on the website or the forums04:41
Ghismobut i can't update ubuntu tho04:41
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unagigood morning everyone04:41
IceLinkg'day unagi :D04:41
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truthfatalGhismo, Are you getting "failed" messages when trying to download updates?04:42
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IceLinkis it normal that i have  system->administration->install? I'm not on live for months04:42
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=== GAWildKat sighs
mikerose357god the default ubuntu theme is ugly04:43
PiciGhismo: Do you by chance use a proxy server?04:43
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TimeTravelleri have installed skype now ... and it is starting up but theres a problem with the sound device .... and in the install manual it says that this is needed:04:43
TimeTraveller    *  Qt 4.2.1+04:43
TimeTraveller    * D-Bus 1.0.004:43
TimeTraveller    * libsigc++ 2.0.204:43
TimeTraveller    * libasound2 1.0.1204:43
Ghismoit can't fetch the link of the security repositoried04:43
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TimeTravelleris this included in ubuntu ?04:43
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jrib!paste | TimeTraveller04:43
ubotuTimeTraveller: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:43
IceLinkGhismo: really: you mean its normal that i've got an install-menuy-entry?04:44
truthfatalGhismo, have you tried changing mirrors, that worked for me when the Canada server wasn't working right.04:44
peeps_workhow do you run two commands with one line of input?04:44
Ghismosome months ago i've installed some proxy with synaptic04:44
mikerose357this should be the ubuntu mascot ;) http://www.doggienews.com/uploaded_images/sam-calendar-745747.jpg04:44
jribGhismo: tried disabling it?04:44
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Ghismoi'm trying to uninstall proxy servers first04:46
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darkosalguien me puede ayudar?04:46
Pici!es | darkos04:46
ConstyXIV!es | darkis04:46
ubotudarkos: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:46
ubotudarkis: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:46
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:46
darkosok gracias04:47
peeps_workgksudo pkill -f blah && blah04:47
peeps_workhow do i do this correctly?04:47
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peeps_worki want to kill all the processes and restart it04:47
pawanhow to install ubunut-desktop04:47
peeps_workwith superuser permissions04:47
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boredandbloggingplease digg http://digg.com/linux_unix/Catch_the_spirit_of_Community_Ubuntu_in_the_US if you get a chance. Yesterday, 9 new LoCos were created and we want to keep the momentum going!04:47
Picipawan: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:47
Pici!offtopoc | boredandblogging04:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopoc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:48
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GAWildKatguys I'm trying to be as patient as one can be but I would at least like some acknowledge of my question regarding help with my bluetooth desktop set and linux04:48
jribGhismo: k, it probably has http_proxy set so if it uninstalls like it is supposed to you should just need to open a new terminal04:48
Picipeeps_work: All processes??04:48
yellow_chickenis there a better pdf viewer that can off set the index numbers? some pdf begins with i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi etc... and all the page numbers are off.  it will be nice to have a pdf viewer, that can syn page numbers. so if i am on page 10, the pdf says it's page 33, i can just type 10 in a box, and tell pdf to call this page 10, that will be great04:48
Ghismoi think i'd better to restart the system04:49
jribGAWildKat: I see it but never messed with bluetooth on linux04:49
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ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:49
ConstyXIVyellow_chicken: i know that adobe reader is available in ubuntu (and in multiverse i think)04:49
ramseizeim installing qemu and i ran to this problem : change the: kernel_path="/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386", theres no kernel_path in gedit configure04:49
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yellow_chickenConstyXIV: adobe reader can do that? haven't use adobe for awhile.04:50
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peeps_workPici, all the processes that contain a substring, see the command i posted a couple lines up04:50
jribramseize: are you using a package manager to install qemu?04:50
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GAWildKatjrib:  thank you for the response I was feeling a bit left out, now if anyone could help me I would appreciate it much04:50
ramseizei just download it04:50
jribGAWildKat: just repeat your question with all the details about every 20 minutes, you can try other support options too04:51
jrib!support > GAWildKat (see the private message from ubotu)04:51
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jribramseize: you should use a package manager when installing things on ubuntu04:51
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jrib!qemu > ramseize (see the private message from ubotu)04:51
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jribramseize: you don't need to download anything :)04:51
ramseizein installing qemu, in the repo: which should  i mark on04:51
crazy_is there a realplayer for ubuntu04:52
Picipeeps_work: It would be a little difficult, but it could be done. Give me a minute or two.04:52
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ConstyXIVcrazy_: yes, and it's better than the windows version :)04:52
stdincrazy_: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats04:52
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dk0rIm trying to compile mplayer but I'm receiving the following error: http://pastebin.com/d43d24f33 Any suggestions04:53
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crazy_constyXIV: can I used apt-get to install realplayer04:53
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jribpeeps_work: why the -f?  Just use the name if you know it04:53
Ghismoeverythin is allright now04:53
jribdk0r: why compile it?  It's in the multiverse repository04:53
Ghismowe were right04:53
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ConstyXIVdk0r: sudo apt-get install mozilla-dev04:54
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Ghismoall because of proxy servers04:54
fraggederrr call me an iditot, but why is sudo / su prompting for a password when google tells me sudo should work out of the box > come from harder linux distros and used to remembering 10 passwords04:54
Ghismonow everything works ;-)04:54
yellow_chickenConstyXIV: i have multiverse on, are you sure adobe reader is in there? i don't see it in synaptic04:54
Ghismoso thank you04:54
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ConstyXIVcrazy_: download this package: http://www.youmortals.com/ubuntu/packages/realplayer_10.0.7-0.0_i386.deb , and just double-click it04:54
lunaphyte_how can i modify the default size of a new terminal window?04:55
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crazy_ConstyXIV: thanks.04:55
jriblunaphyte_: use the --geometry switch in the launcher04:55
fraggederrr call me an iditot, but why is sudo / su prompting for a password when google tells me sudo should work out of the box > come from harder linux distros and used to remembering 10 passwords04:56
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GAWildKatMY hubby bought me a MS (evil) bluetooth kb/mouse from a puter trade show and we tried running it under XP with no success then found ubuntu has bluetooth support.  I have install all the bluetooth support files through synapic for gnmone but haven't found a way to make them reconized in linux.  Other support sites say it can be done.  Ubuntu has no knowledge base I've found for this.  Help is appreciated.04:56
CheshireViking_fragged, when sudo asks for a password, you need to enter your user password04:56
Ghismogood bye jrib...thank for your cortesy04:56
peeps_workjrib, just because, the way it gets called. it won't find the process without -0f04:57
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dk0rConstyXIV: http://pastebin.com/d42ffcc8204:57
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fraggedCheshireViking_, Oh, I see, cheers :)04:57
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lunaphyte_jrib: thanks - where do i find the launcher?04:57
jribpeeps_work: hmm ok, well your command should work anyway, it should kill 'blah' and then restart 'blah'04:57
dk0rConstyXIV: does that mean i should dl libnspr-dev ????04:57
anandanbuHow do i run my java bean programs(like a beanbox in windoze) in Ubuntu 7.04 and what are the requirements :)04:58
crazy_ConstyXIV: so the realplayer are recompile into deb format by amateur?04:58
peeps_workjrib, well it doesn't ;-)04:58
ShortCatpeople, are you running your ubuntu from a desktop or a laptop?04:58
CheshireViking_!sudo | fragged, have a look at ubotu's factiod for, that should explain things04:58
ubotufragged, have a look at ubotu's factiod for, that should explain things: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:58
ConstyXIVcrazy_: pretty much04:58
jriblunaphyte_: you can right click on the ubuntu icon and go to edit menu  and you should update the command in system -> preferences -> preferred applications04:58
jribpeeps_work: write it without the "blah" :)04:58
ConstyXIVdk0r: sorry, i meant firefox-dev.  try that one04:58
peeps_workjrib, i think i have the solution though.  will put the two commands in a script and just call that with gksudo04:58
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CheshireViking_fragged, i know you said you were used to other linuxes anyway, but maybe explains why its like that in ubuntu04:59
wyggler2how do i get my machine to remotely re-automount an external drive?04:59
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crazy_ConstyXIV: is there any utilities I can convert redhat rpm into deb format?04:59
Nullz00rguys, How can i decorate customize my xfce404:59
Nullz00rIs there a tutorial or something04:59
ConstyXIVcrazy_: it's called alien, but i highly reccomend against it04:59
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Nullz00rI have been asking that for the last half an hour or so ...lol!!04:59
ompaulNullz00r, visit #xubuntu they do all that stuff05:00
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tuxubhey guys... is it possible to install the kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu feisty???05:00
Nullz00rhrm, okay ..thanks ompaul05:00
ShortCatpeople, are you running your ubuntu from a desktop or a laptop?05:00
burnerxwhere can i find vmware for ubuntu?05:00
crazy_ConstyXIV: thanks, wont ask why, it will take up others who need help05:00
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ConstyXIVburnerx: vmware.com05:00
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burnerxwould i need vmware player or vmware server ?05:00
ConstyXIVburnerx: server05:01
ompaulShortCat, people are running it on desktops, servers, laptops, can you ask a more specific question05:01
burnerxthanks ConstyXIV05:01
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Picipeeps_work: http://pastebin.com/f367a67a905:02
adriana am new to Ubuntu and am trying to install the flash player from tar.gz I get "Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from th components directory . I can't find the file anywhere05:02
jribburnerx: google for usb permissions on virtualbox, I think I remember seeing something about that05:02
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jrib!flash > adriana (see the private message from ubotu)05:02
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lunaphyte_jrib: got it.  thanks :)05:03
jribadriana: install flash through the package manager, no need to fiddle with tar.gz05:03
tuxubShortCat, I run on both without a problem05:03
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Picipeeps_work: Save that as a file, chmod +x and provide an argument when you execute it.  You'll have to run it as sudo if you need sudo to kill/start the processes.05:03
ShortCattuxub, what's your laptop manufacturer?05:03
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tuxubI can't seem to install kubuntu on a ubuntu installed pc05:03
Picipeeps_work: Let me know if you have a question05:03
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tuxubI thought it was possible in previous versions05:04
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ShortCatasking this because i have got problems with installing several distributions on my HP dv6000 laptop05:04
tuxubShortCat, various... hp, fujitsu, sony, etc05:04
darkserver3_ohayooo!!!  mina-san!!!05:04
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tuxubmy main lap is a hp dv 288505:04
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darkserver3_someone know something about this error message+05:04
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ShortCattuxub: i see...what's the video card installed on you laptop?05:05
ShortCati saw people with similar problems linked to video performance05:06
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tuxubnvidia geforce go 720005:06
unagihp dv600005:07
ConstyXIVspeaking of graphics, how will my mobility radeon 9000 handle compiz?05:07
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Juo^100this is a pretty n00b question, but how would i connect to a samba share via the terminal?05:07
GAWildKati have an ati radeon 980005:07
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:07
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects05:08
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:08
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alfredo_do u want to mount your samba share?05:09
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ShortCattuxub: i have the same card..perhaps it linked to my other computer parts05:09
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ShortCatanyway, thanks05:09
therethinkerHas anyone had problems with broadcom46xx disconnecting randomly?05:09
Walkertherethinker, i had that problem when using network-manager05:10
tuxubwhat problems do you have exactly?05:10
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Walkertherethinker, give wicd a shot05:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:10
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geniiJuo^100: Something like: mount -smbfs -o username=<username> //the/remote/share /the/share/mountpoint05:10
therethinkerWalker: Wicd?05:10
alfredo_sudo mount -t smbfs -o rw //server/share /yourdirectory05:10
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ProN00bis there any program that can view connections, their current data transfer speed and that i can close those connections with ?05:11
pike__therethinker: i think broadcom=problems :) but id check the forums05:11
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Juo^100see im using this program called sabnzbd, and i want to tell it to put my complete downloads into a folder on my NAS.... so in windows I would map the drive and tell it to use that, is there something like that in linux?05:11
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goatpussyhi, i am using an M2N-E motherboard with nforce chipset, i noticed the gigabit isn't recognised as gigabit NIC, what can i do to solve this ?05:12
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therethinkerpike__: Yeah... I'm working with a friend who's having trouble. Good to know though ;-)05:12
geniiJuo^100: you want to use the same NAS from your linux box?05:12
AgreSorhow to change resolution on ATI 9800 with driver "ati" ?05:12
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ProN00bJuo^100, smbmount or mount -t smbfs05:13
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rafaelscjI have an Intel 945GM... can I install compiz?05:13
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killerI am using05:13
Juo^100ok let me try mounting it05:13
AgreSorhow to change Display resolution on ATI 9800 with driver "ati" ?05:13
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walkerkrafaelscj, i have 945GM and i run compiz fusion fine05:13
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KeeNauXalgum brasileiro aqui?05:14
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rafaelscjkiller, walkerk: whre can I find a tutorial?05:14
killerwalkerk, gnome-compiz-preferences any problem?05:14
cr1sshi, I 've installed compiz fusion along with emerald theme manager (due to lack of window decorations), but, each time I restart my system, I have no boarders and ubuntu don't operate normally. I 've put in the sessions a command "compiz --replace -c emerald &" but, it takes too long to load, and I 'm obliged to do it manually. any ideas ?05:14
Renatoc8eu sou brasileiro!05:14
GAWildKat MY hubby bought me a MS (evil) bluetooth kb/mouse from a puter trade show and we tried running it under XP with no success then found ubuntu has bluetooth support.  I have install all the bluetooth support files through synapic for gnmone but haven't found a way to make them reconized in linux.  Other support sites say it can be done.  Ubuntu has no knowledge base that  I've found for this.  Help is appreciated.05:14
walkerkone sec..05:14
FekketCanteneldoes anyone know how to disable a laptop mousepad?05:14
rafaelscjRenatoc8, entre no canal Ubuntu-br05:14
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geniiFekketCantenel: If you want it permanently off disable it in bios05:15
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unagiGAWildKat: sudo apt-get install gnome-bluetooth bluiz-utils05:15
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FekketCantenelbesides the BIOS05:15
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walkerkcompiz fusion: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=481314&highlight=vorian+compiz+fusion      or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=481615&highlight=vorian+compiz+fusion05:15
killerFekketCantenel, for me Fn+F805:15
Pici!br | Renatoc805:15
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ubotuRenatoc8: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.05:15
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FekketCantenelthat's 'lower brightness' on mine05:15
walkerki used the first link to install compiz fusion05:15
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cr1ssmy problem is not how to install compiz fusion, but how to make it start automatically on startup05:16
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Pici!effects | cr1ss05:16
ubotucr1ss: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects05:16
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nuaHi, I'm having problems installing Ubuntu on an old IBM box. The install freezes when starting the partition drives part of the setup, I have the same problem on Debian.05:16
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josue_mmorning,  I need to extract just "home/backup/*.dat" files from a cpio backup, any idea how to doit?05:16
n2diyCan someone suggest a program for sending faxes?05:16
rafaelscjI don't need to install the video card's driver.. right?05:16
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Renatoc8KeeNauX: eu sou brasileiro, mais eu moro no US, eu sou parte do grupo da California05:17
nuaPlease PM me if you can help05:17
killern2diy, sendfax05:17
n2diykiller: thanks.05:17
walkerkin System > Preferences > Sessions add Compiz Fusion (command: compiz --replace &) if using emerald (command: compiz --replace -c emerald &)05:17
Renatoc8!us-california renatoc805:17
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adrianaNow got flash, thanks.05:17
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killerwalkerk, gnome-compiz-preferences any problem?05:18
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=== killer can't use it
walkerkuh.. i don't have taht05:18
killerdon't have, or never use05:19
walkerkim using ccsm05:19
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walkerkCompizConfig Settings Manager05:19
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ubotuFor help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects05:19
nuaHi, I'm having problems installing Ubuntu on an old IBM box. The install freezes when starting the partition drives part of the setup. Please PM me if you have any ideas I can try, thanks!05:19
goatpussyhi, i am using an M2N-E motherboard with nforce chipset, i noticed the gigabit isn't recognised as gigabit NIC, what can i do to solve this ?05:19
massctrlhm, gnomebaker says my empty cdr's only contain 21 min of free space when I want to create a music cd,...05:19
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FekketCantenelthink I found the answer here05:20
paihi. how i restore the default lower panel in ubuntu feisty? it just disappeared...05:20
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walkerkright click on the top panel05:20
paihi. how i restore the default lower DESKTOP panel in ubuntu feisty? it just disappeared...05:20
walkerkAdd New Panel05:20
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walkerkright click the lower panel, add to panel: show desktop, window selector, trash applet05:21
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walkerkand workspace switcher05:21
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rafaelscjWhat X server should I use: Xgl or AIGLX ?05:22
n2diykiller: sendfax isn't in the repos, atleast synaptic can't find it.05:22
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killerhow about hylafax05:23
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nuaI'm having problems installing Ubuntu on an old IBM box. The install freezes when starting the partition drives part of the setup. Please PM me if you have any ideas I can try, thanks!05:24
n2diykiller: I'll look.05:24
memooslm betl05:24
mortuis92i am having a problem - when i try and run my update manager i get an error saying "A unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.  'E:The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.'"  Can someone help me solve this THANKS05:24
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GAWildKatunagi:  are you sure the spelling of the file was bluiz?05:25
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ConstyXIVis there anyway to test if your battery is dead?05:25
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GAWildKati see a bluez-utils05:25
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unagiyea that05:25
killerhow to edit "Places"05:25
unagimy bad lol05:25
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killerI have duplicated entries05:26
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ConstyXIVfor some mysterious reason, i can charge my laptop to 100%, let it boot and run for a little bit, then it just does a hard shutdown, and when it comes back up, it says I have 3% battery left, and proceeds to go into standby/hibernate05:27
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umtquestion: how can i set aup the port manually on which xchat should connect to a special server?05:27
n2diykiller: right click on places.05:28
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ErnzHello - can someone please tell me - Will a 64 bit install of Ubuntu run and install a 32 bit DEB package?05:29
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mortuis92i am having a problem - when i try and run my update manager i get an error saying "A unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.  'E:The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.'"  Can someone help me solve this THANKS05:29
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pike__ConstyXIV: not an issue in xp? just wondering if its a dying battery05:29
VletI have a samba share on one system, in which there are some symlinks. When I connect to that share, the symlinks are invalid. I understand why, but can someone suggest how I can make the symlinks more 'transparent'?05:29
walkerkmortuis92, sudo apt-get update -f05:29
killern2diy, it will show "Application" and "System"05:30
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ConstyXIVpike__: xp and ubuntu livecd05:30
umtcan someone pls answer a question concerning xchat?05:30
clophi, i just apt-get installed j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin, but firefox still will not run java applets and wants me to install a plugin... ??05:30
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pike__Ernz: normal line is if you don't have a need for 64 bit it isnt worth the hassel05:30
n2diykiller: Here on Dapper I get an "edit menu" option.05:30
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Vletumt: Just ask - if someone knows the answer, the'll answer :)05:30
killern2diy, after click "edit menu", you will see what I mean05:31
Ernzpike_ - My brother installed 64, he just wants to know if 32 will run.05:31
ConstyXIVpike__: would that definitley be a dead battery, or something else?05:31
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umtok, how can i set the port for connection to a special server manually in xchat?05:31
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Ernzpike__ - My brother installed 64, he just wants to know if 32 will run.05:32
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pike__ConstyXIV: id lean towards a bad battery. ive only really ever had older lappy's and its a constant problem for me05:33
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pike__!chroot | Ernz05:33
ubotuErnz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box05:33
pike__Ernz: only option i know05:33
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ErnzCheers pike__05:33
HappuErnz: backup important files05:33
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umt how can i set the port for connection to a special server manually in xchat?05:33
n2diykiller: Hmm, never played with Ala Carte, doesn't seem very functional.05:33
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mortuis92walkerk  is there a way i can get rid of the virtual box install issue?05:34
GAWildKat MY hubby bought me a MS (evil) bluetooth kb/mouse from a puter trade show and we tried running it under XP with no success then found ubuntu has bluetooth support.  I have install all the bluetooth support files through synapic for gnome but haven't found a way to make them reconized in linux  All the bluetooth files are the newest versions.  Other support sites say it can be done.  Ubuntu has no knowledge base I've found for this05:34
killern2diy, sure05:34
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walkerkdid you run sudo apt-get update -f ?05:34
ConstyXIVi have to say this is the most expensive "free laptop" i've ever bought05:34
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kayzuhmm.. is the ubuntu live cd really 100% live and secure (nothing gets written to disk), even when i already have a ubuntu install on the disk?05:34
ConstyXIVkayzu: yup05:35
umt how can i set the port for connection to a special server manually in xchat?05:35
mombasaHi there! i HAVE big problems with my AMD64 on laptop. It's too warm!!! Some know how-to undervolting in ubuntu???? THNX05:35
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walkerkare you still receiving the error message?05:35
kayzunice, thanks05:35
ConstyXIVmombasa: amd64 as in athlon or amd64 as in turion?05:35
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mortuis92'E:The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.'05:36
rlountmombasa, are all the fan's working?05:36
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Puck`hi everyone05:37
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pike__GAWildKat: a google search like 'site:help.ubuntu.com bluetooth' might yield something or ubuntuforums.org i guess05:37
walkerkcan you remove it?05:37
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umtcan anybody tell me  how i can set the port for connection to a special server manually in xchat?05:37
rlountmombasa, I don't know anything about passing "undervoltage" instructions to the kernel, but you might look and see if your proc supports freq. scaling.05:37
mortuis92i donno how?05:37
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walkerksudo apt-get --purge remove virtualbox05:38
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stuart-how can i install java to play games such as yahoo chess? firefox doesn't let me install through the plugin finder service05:38
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Puck`i need some help with mysql server, somehow it doesnt want to start, and i have removed it and reinstalled it, but its the same05:38
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m4nquestion: how do I copy files from my digital camera.05:39
_gpf_Can anyone offer some guidance on using VMWare server in 64-bit feisty?05:39
rlountmombasa, make sure laptop-mode-tools is installed as well. thats about the only generic (non ibm or non dell0 package I could find relating to laptops.05:39
m4nthe popup which konqueror gives is not working05:39
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mortuis92im still getting  E: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.05:40
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stuart-m4n, a flash card reader usually does it for me05:40
walkerkok.. ho did you install vbox?05:40
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m4nstuart-: i have usb data cord with me.. but its not working05:40
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mortuis92i DLed it and then clicked it05:40
m4ni believe it used to work earlier05:40
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crazy_ConstyXIV: I need reaplayer for ppc not i38605:40
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walkerktry re-installing it the same way05:41
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geniimortuis92: Since virtualbox is an app which is not in standard repositories you need to uninstall it in similar way as you put it in. Likely with something like dpkg -r virtualbox .05:41
ConstyXIVcrazy_: oh05:41
mortuis91/nich mortuis9205:41
ConstyXIVcrazy_: that could be a problem...05:41
pawansome programs are getting started automatically the system starts05:41
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pawanhow to disable them05:41
crazy_ConstyXIV: ok, but why05:41
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Puck`pawan: a search in google on that probably will end up with smth usefull05:42
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geniimortuis92: Then you go back to the process you were doing (update or upgrade, etc)   then reinstall it afterwards05:42
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pawanhow to manage startup programs in ubuntu05:42
mortuis92dpkg: error processing virtualbox (--remove):05:43
mortuis92 Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should05:43
mortuis92 reinstall it before attempting a removal.05:43
fluteflutestartup programs?05:43
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nuaHi, I'm having problems installing Ubuntu on an old IBM box. The install freezes when starting the partition drives part of the setup. Please PM me if you have any ideas I can try, thanks!05:43
walkerkdpkg -i virtualbox05:43
geniimortuis92: Use the force switch05:43
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Picinua: Have you tried using the alternate CD?05:43
flutefluteSystem -> Preferences -> Sessions05:43
caner1i somehow manages to install a driver for my wireless adapter (bcm4310) using ndiswrapper (on feisty amd64). now it can scan for wireless networks around and connect to them. even in the connection properties i can see packages sent and received. but i cant make a connection to a website although the signal power is quite good. could anyone please tell why this happens??05:43
mortuis92what is that?  im a newb sorry for being so dumb05:43
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bullgard4Last night I clicked System > Quit > Suspend. But I could not resume and switched off. Today Console 1 displays (see  http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13343/). May I conclude from line 4 that my computer did not copy any RAM image on my swap partition last night?05:44
nuaPici: Yes, also Ubuntu Server and Debian Net Install05:44
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fluteflutepawan that is for you05:44
Puck`caner1: does that network have a connection to the internet ?05:44
fluteflute(System -> Preferences -> Sessions)05:44
nuaPici: I've also tried using ide=nodma at boot time05:44
Puck`are you now on the same network ?05:44
caner1Puck` yes of course05:44
richaojcancer1 - you also might want to check you dns settings05:44
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richaojif you delete all dns servers, disconnect, and reconnect, it will set your dns server05:45
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Puck`or try that (:05:45
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caner1richaoj :  i am trying to connect to my schools wireless network and on the webpage pf the server it is mentioned that no further configuration for dns i needed05:45
richaojif you connect using a wired connection, some dns servers are only accessible on the isp's network, i.e. bellsouth dns from bellsouth connection05:45
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pawani am using kubuntu desktop05:45
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walkerkdpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq virtualbox05:46
neverbluepawan, nice :)05:46
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walkerkvitualbox = the vbox deb filename05:46
chammanyone know why apache2 won't render php?  i.e. when i go to a php page it offers to download the file instead of interpretting  the code.  I have libapache2-mod-php5 installed as well as php505:46
geniiwalkerk Thanks, was just looking it up :)05:46
Puck`* Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                 [fail] 05:46
Puck`invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.05:46
Puck`dpkg: error processing mysql-server-5.0 (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 105:46
caner1Puck` could the problem be anything other than dns05:46
stuart-how can i install java to play games such as yahoo chess? firefox doesn't let me install through the plugin finder service05:46
Puck`how ca i fix that ?05:46
walkerkno problem05:46
Puck`caner1: maybe the mac address05:46
pawanhow to manage startup programs in kubuntu-desktop05:46
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre05:46
chammI've been searching google for hours and can't get the php to display05:47
Puck`stuart-: try sudo apt-get install java05:47
nickrudchamm, sudo a2enmod php505:47
Dr_willisstuart-,  do not use the 'plugin install' feature of firefox.05:47
fluteflutei'd look for a similar 'session' option pawan05:47
Dr_willisstuart-,  sudo apt-get  install sun-java6-jre05:47
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers05:47
stuart-alright cool. thanks05:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about myssql - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:47
caner1i have submitted my mac address to the server admin and it seems registered but i am not assigned an ip address after the connection although the signal ppower is quite good05:47
Puck`caner1:  then manually set up the ip05:47
chammanyone know why apache2 won't render php?  i.e. when i go to a php page it offers to download the file instead of interpretting  the code.  I have libapache2-mod-php5 installed as well as php505:48
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Puck`chamm: do you have mysql and apache installed ?05:48
Puck`maybe that would help05:48
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:48
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:48
caner1Puck` in the website it is written that we should use dhcp05:48
PiciPuck`: mysql should have any effect.05:48
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geniichamm: What directory is your php code in? something under the /var/www hierarchy?05:49
chammyes, html renders fine in /var/www05:49
caner1Puck` some other friend using windows can connect wuite easily05:49
chammphp files there do not render05:49
caner1Puck` just near me05:49
Puck`i have no clue caner1 :|05:49
chammits finding the php file, its just offering to download it instead of interpretting the code05:49
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nickrudchamm, try ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled   ; if php5.[load|conf]  aren't listed there, enable them with sudo a2enmod php505:50
Puck`can aynone help me with mysql ? :|05:50
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geniichamm: Yes, there is an entry to make in what used tobe (pre apache2) the httpd.conf to tell it php files are executable. A <Directory> type entry05:50
anandanbuHow do i get menus to open a file with root permission on right-click in Ubuntu 7.0405:50
fluteflutechamm: do "sudo apt-get install apache2 sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 sudo apt-get install mysql-client-5.0 sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.0 sudo apt-get install php5 sudo apt-get install php5-mysql sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin"05:50
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howlingmadhowiePuck`: what's your problem?05:50
wwalkeranyone ever gotten a EX720 evdo card recognized under ubuntu?05:51
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Puck`howlingmadhowie: when i try to update the updater switches off mysql server then tries to swithc it back and it returns and error, due to that i can install anything thruw the Synaptic Packet Manager05:51
geniichamm: In the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default05:51
Puck`*returns an error05:52
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fluteflutewhat does? my commands?05:52
daedra!welcome > RadiantFire05:53
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Puck`who are you asking fluteflute ?05:53
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geniichamm: Also make sure the php files have executable bit set05:53
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daedra!welcome | captainigloo05:53
ubotucaptainigloo: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.05:53
Puck`howlingmadhowie: smth like this05:53
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Puck`* Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                 [fail] 05:53
Puck`invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.05:53
Puck`dpkg: error processing mysql-server-5.0 (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 105:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mysqld - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:53
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mortuis92OMG my package manager works again then U all for the help :-))05:54
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howlingmadhowiePuck`: can you deinstall and reinstall it?05:54
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Puck`howlingmadhowie: i tried05:54
vbhello, my pidgin crashes on startup05:55
Puck`howlingmadhowie: with sudo dpkg --purge mysql-server05:55
Puck`and then reinstalled it05:55
Puck`and its the same05:55
Puck`i get the same error05:55
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howlingmadhowiePuck`: and the same error?05:55
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Puck`yes unfortuanetly05:55
Renatoc8Hey where is man(command) manuals stored?05:55
Renatoc8where are*05:55
howlingmadhowiePuck`: mm. i wonder what's going on.05:55
chamm sudo a2enmod php5 gives "this module does not exist", but the package is installed05:55
vbhey!, my pidgin is crashing on startup, how do i uninstall it completely?05:56
chamm(mods-enabled did not have any php modules)05:56
Puck`yeah howlingmadhowie me 205:56
howlingmadhowiePuck`: where are you getting mysqld from? have you enabled any repositories apart from the standard ones?05:56
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Puck`none howlingmadhowie05:57
Puck`this is just the one which comes with ubuntu05:57
caner1Puck` could you please have a look at my output for "sudo ifup eth1" if i paste to pastebin ??05:57
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AnRkeycan any1 suggest a media player that is slightly larger on the screen than xmms but similar to use?05:57
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jrib!lamp > chamm (see the private message from ubotu)05:58
Puck`caner1: i am a newbie for ubuntu too05:58
AnRkeyxmms is cool but on a 1280x1024 res it's tiny05:58
jribchamm: read the troubleshooting suggestions on that page05:58
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caner1Puck` ok thanks anyway05:58
howlingmadhowiePuck`: what happens if you try running "mysqld_safe" as root?05:58
Puck`let me try howlingmadhowie05:58
m4nAnRkey: i believe xmms have a double size option also05:58
vbcan any1 help me ?05:58
AnRkeym4n i promise to kick the wall if it does05:58
m4nanother options is vlc05:58
m4nAnRkey: then pls do05:59
Puck`root@Linux:/home/puck# mysqld_safe05:59
Puck`Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql05:59
Puck`mysqld_safe[12072] : started05:59
Puck`STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid05:59
Puck`mysqld_safe[12088] : ended05:59
m4ni just confirmed05:59
jribRenatoc8: They are usually in /usr/share/man, but why?05:59
jrib!paste | Puck`05:59
ubotuPuck`: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:59
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m4nclick on the 'D' in the main window on the left05:59
AnRkeym4n, that is super ugly though05:59
=== TimeTraveller [n=danny@81-233-102-132-no76.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!please > vb (see the private message from ubotu)05:59
m4nuse vlc or mplayer then05:59
Puck`howlingmadhowie: so thats what it does05:59
caner1i have a wireless problem could anyone please have a look at my output for "sudo ifup eth1" . here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32158/05:59
avisAnRkey, sudo apt-get install xmms-skins05:59
m4nskins wont change size of player05:59
avisanother useful package is xmms-alarm05:59
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chammthanks for the PM jrib, unfortunately I've already been all over that page and couldn't find anything that pertained to my problem :-/06:00
howlingmadhowiePuck`: that looks okay. what happens if you switch it on by: /etc/init.d/mysql start06:00
AnRkeyavis, xmms-alarm?06:00
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avisyes an media player alarm AnRkey06:00
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AnRkeyoh, turn it into an alarm clock?06:00
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Puck`howlingmadhowie: it fails06:00
linux1anyone here used a keyspan serial to usb adapter here under ubuntu fiesty? the hardware is ibm blade center chassis, haven't gotten the chassis yet. i already have 2 blade servers (LS20)06:01
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jribchamm: pastebin the result of 'apt-cache policy libapache2-mod-php5 php5'06:01
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kayzuwhat's the best way to create archives that split over 2 or more files?06:01
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TimeTravellerwhen i shall compile the new version of pidgin shall i remove the old one or is it ok to just overwrite ?06:02
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howlingmadhowiePuck`: i wonder what's going on. mysql usually uses a logger. do you have a file called /var/log/mysql.err ? and if so, can you paste it to pastebin?06:02
AnRkeyavis, even with the skins it's super ugly double sized06:02
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avisTimeTraveller, its probably better practice to remove it though i have compiled applications that otherwise exited without problems06:02
Puck`howlingmadhowie:  let me have a look06:02
Renatoc8jrib: I'm making a website/script to show man pages06:02
AnRkeywhat other media players are there?06:02
krinnsall i need glibc-devel on ubuntu06:02
Puck`howlingmadhowie: how can i access the things in the file ?06:02
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lontrawhat package provides the X11 libraries/headers?06:03
nickrudkrinns, libc6-dev06:03
caner1i have a wireless problem could anyone please have a look at my output for "sudo ifup eth1" . here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32158/06:03
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TimeTravelleravis: ok you know any guide or how can i learn how to do it ?06:03
avisAnRkey, if you prefer you can download and use old "winamp" skins for it or find skins somewhere that you like06:03
Hali_304hi! will .bash_profile get executed when logging in using GDM? I set a few extra paths there, and they do not get executed06:03
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avisTimeTraveller, its as simple as reading the README included in the archive06:04
nickrudlontra, xserver-xorg-dev06:04
jrib!pastebin | chamm06:04
ubotuchamm: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:04
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howlingmadhowiePuck`: you'll have to do that as root. so on the command line: "sudo cat /var/log/mysql.err > mysql_error_messages.txt" or similar. then you can chown mysql_error_messages.txt and move them to your $HOME so you can paste them on pastebin06:04
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krinnsi need glic-devel06:04
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nickrudkrinns, that's the headers for glibc06:04
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:04
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kayzuis there a tool for ubuntu that can create a splitted archive, like archive.zip01, archive.zip02 etc ?06:04
AnRkeyavis, the problem is not the skins, it's the size of the player06:04
mstefi recently upgraded to 7.04..and when i shut down it shows the Ubuntu logo and just hangs forever until i shut it off..why??06:04
lontranickrud: thanks06:04
krinnsand wht abt devel?06:04
pawanhow to reinstall gnome06:04
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B123How can i record streams? What program do you guys suggest?06:05
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nickrudkrinns libc6-dev06:05
AnRkeyavis, double sizing the player stretches  the skins and it looks "%"06:05
jribB123: mplayer can record anything it plays with mplayer -dumpstream06:05
Hali_304B123: I think mplayer can do that06:05
avisAnRkey, if you want funcationlity over looks you can try a full screen amarok06:05
r0b-why cant my ubbuntu resolve the repo list?06:05
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nickrudkrinns, apt-get install build-essential, that'll set you up for basic compiling (make, etc)06:05
B123jrib songs off myspace?06:05
thesishi there i'm trying to install ies4linux, but i think tatanka.com.br is down, anyone have this file to send me?06:05
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ATOMICplayerHello, can someone assist me.. I have an issue keeping me from installing 7.04 ubuntu. I beleive it is related to my x1950pro or the digital connection from my lcd? Thanks.06:05
chammI'm confused, sudo a2enmod php5 says the module does not exist, and yet libapache2-mod-php5 and php5 is installed06:05
jribB123: anything it plays, I don't know about songs on myspace06:05
B123I think i need something that will record what comes outta my soundcard =)06:06
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AnRkeyavis, what i actually want is xmms double sized and clean looking :D by thats just me being fussy i guess06:06
nickrudchamm, is php5.load and php5.conf in /etc/apache/mods-available?06:06
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=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
mstefi just upgraded to 7.04 and when i shut down it shows the Ubuntu logo and just hangs until i shut off the computer manually? Why???06:06
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kayzuwhat is the best tool for ubuntu that can create a splitted archive, like archive.zip01, archive.zip02 etc ?06:06
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aviskayzu, i think 7zip will do that i am not sure though dont think its all that native to linux though i believe its in the repos06:07
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ATOMICplayerAnyone know why I wouldn't be able to install ubuntu 7.04 using my x1950pro?06:07
nickrudchamm, then sudo aptitude reinstall libapache2-mod-php506:08
pawanhow to reinstall gnome06:08
jribpawan: why?06:08
defryskpawan, sudo apt-get install gnome --reinstall06:08
chammok thanks, its downloading now.  by the way, is there a difference between aptitude reinstall and doing apt-get remove then apt-get install?  or is it just a shortcut06:08
pawani am not able to see anything why i load gnome06:09
Puck`howlingmadhowie: i am having problems with the stuff in the file, i cant get to see them ,can you help me with that ? i am sorry for so much problems :\06:09
jribpawan: how about with a new user?06:09
thesisHali_304: it's not connecting :(06:09
pike__pawan: why do you need to reinstall? maybe just del your .g* directories06:09
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nickrudpawan, don't install the gnome package; it's a debian package that's held over, and doesn't quite match ubuntu-desktop06:09
howlingmadhowiePuck`: do you see anything if you enter: "sudo cat /var/log/mysql.err"?06:09
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thesisHali_304: can we try again? :)06:09
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tcstechATOMICplayer: have you tried the install with the noapci switch?06:10
jribpawan: you need to address the person you are speaking to or we won't be sure what you are asking06:10
elliotjhug1My networks IP addresses have changed from 192.168.2.* to 192.168.0.* ones. How do I set a PC thats not using DHCP to use a new IP address?06:10
Puck`howlingmadhowie: nothing06:10
AnRkeymstef, how old is your computer?06:10
nickrudpawan, better question: why do you want to reinstall gnome?06:10
chammnickrud, reinstalled using that command, nothing in mods available still06:10
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chammas far as php goes06:10
Hali_304thesis: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/downloads/ies4linux-latest.tar.gz06:10
tcstechelliotjhug1: edit the /etc/network/interfaces file06:10
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Hali_304thesis: this is working for me06:10
pawanwhen i select gnome session a white screen comes and nothing is visible06:10
howlingmadhowiePuck`: okay, then there's nothing in there. so the question remains, why isn't the mysql-server starting? let me think about that for a second...06:10
pawanbut i select kde session it works fine06:11
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elliotjhug1tcstech, Thanks. Also when I change it via ifconfig I get a 'hostname lookup failure'?06:11
thesisHali_304: thx! works now!!06:11
mstef AnRkey - brand new06:11
linux1i'm running ubuntu fiesty, how can i determine if i have support in the kernel for keyspan products?06:11
jribchamm: you want to check /etc/apache2/mods-available if you are using apache206:11
Hali_304thesis: good luck with it06:11
Puck`howlingmadhowie: sure, take your time (:06:11
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mstefAnRkey, the older one i also upgraded works fine06:11
avislinux1, google06:11
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nickrudpawan, I've heard of that problem, and know there's a fix, but I don't know it; others do, ask about the white screen for more help06:11
ATOMICplayertsctech, I have tried normal and safe installation.06:11
Puck`wait a sec, ill go for a cigarette, ill tell ya when im back06:12
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avispawn i think i know the fix one second06:12
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tcstechelliotjhug1: read the interfaces  man page it will tell you what to type and it gives some examples.  just type 'man interfaces'06:12
chammjrib: that directory has nothing related to php in it06:12
chammwhat is strange about this is I had everything up and running perfectly last night until I shut down and turned on this morning06:13
elliotjhug1tcstech, thanks06:13
jribchamm: what does 'dpkg -L libapache2-mod-php5' return?06:13
avispawan this is what fixes what i believe to be the same problem for msudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals06:13
tcstechI find it easier to just edit that file than to use a gui   -- and this is from someone who has been using window$ since 3.1106:13
avispawan that was a sudo not a msudo06:13
howlingmadhowiePuck`: can you go to your /root directory and try the following: "sudo mysqld --log-error"?06:13
pawanya i have nvidia geforce fx 5200 graphics card06:13
Puck`howlingmadhowie: sure let me try06:13
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ATOMICplayertcstech, I have used the normal method to install ubuntu 7.04 and the safe method06:14
avispawan you are getting a white screen ?  that happened to me, and i believe that is the fix06:14
chammjrib: it spits out a ton of directories:  /.06:14
Puck`howlingmadhowie: nothing happened06:14
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jrib!paste | chamm06:14
ubotuchamm: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:14
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pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~$ sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals06:14
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pawansudo: nvidia-xconfig: command not found06:14
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avispawan, i believe nvidia-xconfig is a part of nvidia-glx  you can add it manually too let me see the output of my xorg.conf06:15
stuart-hm, can i just have 1 address in my sources.list? i dno't want ubuntu using my local server. it's slower06:15
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jribchamm: and what does this command return: ls /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.load06:15
howlingmadhowiePuck`: absolutely nothing? no error message?06:15
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chammjrib: no such file or directory06:16
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jribchamm: try removing the package and installing it again then06:16
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tcstechATOMICplayer does the install work at all?  if not, get the alt install cd and run the install from it.  It is not graphical but you get the same selections.  it is just as easy...just not pretty.06:16
tdnHow do I wipe free space on a USB storage device? Zeroes is ok.06:16
ATOMICplayertcstech, it acts like it's going to load, then my monitor turns off.06:17
kayzuwhat archiving tools are you all using on ubuntu? should i install ark or something else..?06:17
tcstechATI drivers suck right now.  but they should ........  ahhh06:17
nickrudkayzu, tar06:17
nickrudkayzu, but archive-manager is nice, too :)06:17
avispawan i dont seem to have that anymore, apparently no need for it since i use envy ubuntu package to compile the latest nvidia driver and a new kernel06:17
nickrudkayzu, um, archive-manager = file-roller06:18
pike__tdn: cat /dev/zero > /media/whatever/file.temp; del /media/whatever/file.temp i guess06:18
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pike__tdn: er.. rm file.temp06:18
tcstechyeah.. ATOMIC you want to do the text based install then let ubuntu get the newer/restricted drivers.06:18
chammok, I've apt-get removed everything that has to do with php506:18
richaojpawan - did it ever work - or did you click enable desktop effects and then it stopped working06:19
ATOMICplayerWhere do I download the alternate cd?06:19
kayzunickrud: but it can't do multiple volume archives.. i need a tool that can make archives that are spread over multiple files06:19
pawanhow to install envy ubuntu package06:19
pike__pawan: envy has fallen out of faver here06:19
jribchamm: just be sure to get libapache2-mod-php506:19
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PriceChild!envy | pawan06:19
ubotupawan: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!06:19
howlingmadhowiePuck`: do you now have a file in the /root directory you didn't have earlier? something called *.err or similar?06:19
pawanit was working fine i enable some 3d effects apllication and ir started the problem06:19
jribATOMICplayer: it's easier to find on releases.ubuntu.com but it is also on the download page at ubuntu.com06:19
PriceChildpawan, system > admin > restricted driver manager06:19
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pawani am using kubuntu-desktop06:20
ATOMICplayerthanks guys06:20
stuart-eh? what's with envy. it worked fine for me06:20
pawanmy gnome-desktop not working properly06:20
chammjrib: ran apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5.  mods-available still has nothing pertaining to php.load etc06:20
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tcstech^^^ alt cd ^^^06:20
avispawan i am so dumb i will issue the command so that it will alter my xorg.conf and paste what to add06:20
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Puck`howlingmadhowie: i did cd /root and then ls -a and no .err file in there06:21
chammjrib: dpkg -L libapache2-mod-php5 pumps out the same stuff as before (lists  php5.load and php5.conf as being in mods-available06:21
nickrudkayzu, ah. karchiver has that capability; also there's split for the command line (use cat to rebuild)06:21
tdnpike__, of course.06:21
richaojpawan - it sounds like the drivers were not installed properly06:21
richaojyou can create  new user and get into gnome06:21
richaojor you can try sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx06:22
stuart-what is the main server's sources.list location and how do i set it to not re-add my local servers? they're slower than main server.06:22
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howlingmadhowiePuck`: does that mean the server is running? can you try "mysql" and see what happens? (if it works, enter "quit" to exit)06:22
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jribchamm: idk, that doesn't make sense.  Are you getting any output when you install?06:22
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richaojthe fact that the earlier nvidia command didn't work leads me to believe that you do not have the driver installed06:22
Puck`howlingmadhowie: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)06:22
Puck`howlingmadhowie:  thats what pops up if i type "mysql"06:22
avispawan make a backup of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then add this to the 'Section "Screen"' list --  Option         "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"06:22
tcstechMan I hope they get that  fail-safe X thing in Gutsy...06:23
avispawan after backing up try adding that line that starts with Option "AddARG.. etc06:23
chammjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32159/06:23
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chammI don't see any messages from out of the ordinary06:24
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howlingmadhowiePuck`: then we can assume that mysqld didn't start.06:24
Puck`howlingmadhowie: yeah, but why ? :|06:25
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jribchamm: what *is* in there?  pastebin 'ls /etc/apache2/mods-available'06:25
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howlingmadhowiePuck`: that is the million dollar question. you're using ubuntu 7.04 and it's a relatively fresh install?06:25
richaojafter you install the driver, type sudo nvidia-glx-config enable06:25
chammjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32160/06:26
Puck`howlingmadhowie: well yes, it is the new ubuntu, and i downloaded it from the website, 2 months ago, i did every update, this thing poped up like 3 days ago06:26
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howlingmadhowiePuck`: have you installed MythTV or a CMS (if you don't know what it is, you haven't)?06:26
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Puck`howlingmadhowie: haha yeah i dont know what that is, so i guess i didnt istall it06:27
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lontraanyone know what i can do to fix this error --> /usr/bin/gitfm: fatal error: `chdir' failed: permission denied.06:27
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chammI just don't get it.  everything was fine until I shut down06:27
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chammphp was rendering fine before that06:28
CodeStalkerAnyone know what the the ^ is, in like ^X, in Nano which is to quit06:28
howlingmadhowiePuck`: the installation of mysql is usually trivial, so i don't know what's going on here. the problem is either something trivial which i don't know about (not very unlikely) or the developers shoudl here about this.06:28
EldaSorry to bother :>  But how would I connect to a wireless internet using the console? Because Ive just installed Ubuntu but for some reason it did not install the nvidia drivers (or ANY driver I can use) when I did so.  So Im kicked back to a command line when it starts06:28
howlingmadhowieCodeStalker: ctrl06:28
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jribchamm: if you installing something else that is new, does it work?06:28
CodeStalkerAh, thanks!06:28
howlingmadhowiePuck`: i'd certainly post something on ubuntuforums06:29
chammwell, I installed Xchat this was06:29
EldaI have the command figured out to install nvidia-glx but dont know how to connect wirelessly through the command line thing :/06:29
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jribchamm: now, after this06:29
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Puck`howlingmadhowie: ok thank you for your help, i will try the forum, can you give me the address, i probably would find it on google, but it would be more reliable if you would tell me that06:29
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chammjrib: ok I'll try installing a different mod and see if it appears in mods-avail06:29
howlingmadhowiePuck`: http://ubuntuforums.org/06:30
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EldaOr would it detect my connection off the bat if I just plugged it into the modem on boot up? ANd I could sudo apt-get from there?06:30
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Puck`howlingmadhowie: thank you once more, have a nice day06:30
buizei need help setting up my ipod nano 2nd gen06:30
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buizei cant get it detected06:31
buizei've restored it in itunes on a windows system06:31
buizebut nothing ive tried in ubuntu works06:31
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jrib!enter | buize06:31
ubotubuize: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:31
chammjrib: yep.  installed sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-python and it appears in the mods-available directory now06:31
howlingmadhowiePuck`: you can also search ubuntuforums for the problem you're having. it's possible somebody else has already had it06:31
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chammjust like it should -.-  wtf doesn't installing the package I wan't appear in there =/  gaa06:31
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jribchamm: try 'sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5=5.2.1-0ubuntu1'  just to see something06:32
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EldaHow would I connect to my wireless connection using the command line?  Because as I'd installed linux, for some reason it did not install my Nvidia video driver.  So now I have to apt-get install nvidia-glx... but am unable to do so since I have no active connection :/06:32
chammjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32163/06:32
buizeok so the ipod works fine in windows, when i plug it into ubuntu nothing happens.  does anyone have a fix?06:33
therethinkerElda: iwconfig06:33
EldaI noticed that part, but will that give me the available networks?06:33
stuart-is it just me or is gnome's chess freakin hard on easy mode?06:33
therethinkerElda: sudo iwconfig INTERFACE essid SSID06:33
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Eldathank you therethinker :)06:33
hendrixskiI downloaded a program and it's having errors compiling on Ubuntu, even though I set the path just like it said in the README... can somebody take a look at it for me and maybe explain what it's doing in the makefile? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3116412#post311641206:33
therethinkerelda: to figure out the interface (its probably wlan0), type iwconfig, find which one has wireless data06:34
Eldayep it is wlan-06:34
Eldaerr wlan006:34
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=== hendrixski used Ubuntuforums instead of pastebin in case others need to search for this
EldaI managed to figure out htat much on my own hehe06:34
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therethinkerelda: kk, does the network have WEP/WPA?06:34
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EldaWPA iirc06:34
Eldaits just a text password06:34
Eldalet me check the router though to make sure06:35
jribchamm: what if you do 'sudo aptitude purge libapache2-mod-php5 && sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-php5'06:35
jrib!enter | Elda06:35
ubotuElda: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:35
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tcstechbuize: check out this It may help you https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/6606806:35
grndslmbuize:  if it has fat filesystem on it (not hfs+)... use gtkpod to add the ipod's directories and such...06:35
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chammjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32164/06:37
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chammjrib: php5.load now shows up in my mods-avail06:37
tcstechbuize: open a terminal and insert the nano... type dmesg in the terminal.  seef if it mounts it or gives an error06:37
chammhowever, sudo a2enmod libapache2-mod-php506:37
chammThis module does not exist!06:37
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caner1hey people06:37
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caner1i can scan wireless networks and connect can not get ip06:38
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caner1what could be the problem06:38
MalachiI recently had to reinstall Ubuntu because of a stupid mistake I made. I had a MySql database on there, and I managed to restore the /var/www directory, but is there any chance I can restore the database?06:38
reversebladecaner1, where you from06:38
jribchamm: sudo a2enmod php5   is the way06:38
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fsckris there an all-in-one that works well with ubuntu?06:39
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caner1reverseblade Trkey,  u asking that?,06:39
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chammjrib: sudo a2enmod php506:39
chammThis module is already enabled!06:39
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reversebladecaner1, ben de trkm o yzden06:39
lontrahttp://www.pastebin.ca/641937  < -- can anyone help me with this configure error ... i am trying to build netclasses from git06:39
kev123i need help06:39
jribchamm: ah, cool.  It must consider those files config files then and that's why it wasn't reinstalling them06:39
caner1reverseblade hmm sen anlar msn wireless olayndan?06:39
EldaOkey, I for WPA-PSK wireless connection it would be SUDO iwconfig WLan0 routername pw ?06:40
kev123i am a newbie to ubuntu06:40
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reversebladecaner1, biraz router na ping atabiliyor musn ?06:40
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buizetcstech: it says "FAT: invalid media value (0x2f)"06:40
Elda*is it for06:40
caner1reverseblade hayr06:40
buizeand VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdb1.06:40
aviswhats up pawan ?06:40
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reversebladecaner1, peki sudo dhclient yaz, ne oluyo06:40
caner1reverseblade bie sorcam sen de odt den misin yoksa?06:40
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.06:40
pawanit worked06:40
reversebladecaner1, odt mezunuyum ama 200406:40
csnehowever install Ym in linux ubuntu06:40
fsckris there an all-in-one that works well in ubuntu?06:40
reversebladeompaul, is it forbidden to speak turkish here ?06:41
pawani reinstalled by graphics card drivers06:41
kev123i first installed ubuntu version 5.04 about a year ago. i dual booted it with windows xp pro06:41
chammjrib: hmm, ok.  but now the php5 mod is enabled and libapache2-mod-php5 'doesn't exist', so webserver still not rendering php =/06:41
pawani want to play 3dchess06:41
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jribchamm: what do you mean 'doesn't exist'?06:41
kev123but since there were issues with wireless driver, i hardly used it at all06:41
ompaulreverseblade, this is the english langauge channel06:41
avispawan where did you find 3dchess ?06:41
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csnehelp me06:41
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csnefor install YM06:42
ompaulfsckr, ? you have said the same thing twice with no context06:42
reversebladeompaul, I think as far as I am speaking somebody specifically language shouldn't matter06:42
chammjrib: sudo a2enmod libapache2-mod-php506:42
chammThis module does not exist!06:42
csnein ubuntu06:42
chammjrib: that is what it gives me06:42
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DRMacIverAn eyeball of the forum suggests that people are probably sick of this question, but I'm having an awful lot of trouble getting a microphone to work with Ubuntu. Anyone willing to lend a hand debugging? :)06:42
kev123but recently there has been a lot of hype about the fiesty06:42
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kev123so i want to give it a try06:42
slackmeisterhowdi people :-)06:42
fsckrno context?  how can i get anymore specific that that?06:42
jribchamm: yeah, that command isn't right.  You already enabled the php5 module.  Now just make sure you restart apache and clear your browser's cache06:42
pawanbut i am getting error to install the OpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings.06:42
ompaulreverseblade, it does in so far as each language / location has its own it is why the turkish channel exists,06:42
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DRMacIver(I consider the entirety of alsa and linux sound in general to be black magic, so really have no idea what I'm doing here)06:43
pawani am selecting 3d option from the existing 2d chess game06:43
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chammjrib: ah gotcha.06:43
jrib!3dchess > pawan (see the private message from ubotu)06:43
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chammjrib:  webserver still not rendering php though06:43
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chammjrib: still asks me if I want to download index.php06:43
avis!3dchess > avis06:43
jribchamm: you cleared your browser's cache?06:43
brl4ni've wasted a lot of time trying to find a good LVM on ubuntu tutorial.  does anyone have one that is handy?  I just have 3 large drives I want to make into one.06:43
paihi... just before the Feisty USplash appears in my notebook, there's a short error message that appears at the top of the screen: BUG-PCI 494-35000 --- WHAT DOES IT MEAN? how can i remove it?06:43
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sapurohi everyone06:44
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caner1reverseblade var be okuldam06:44
caner1reverseblade abi ite okulun wireless na balanmaya alyorum06:44
reversebladeompaul, no the Turkish channel exists since it is highly improbable to find some speaking turkish here06:44
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slackmeisterhowdi sapuro06:44
sapurooh my god...1153 users and increasing :o06:44
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caner1reverseblade var be okuldam06:45
caner1reverseblade abi ite okulun wireless na balanmaya alyorum06:45
jrib!tr | reverseblade caner106:45
sapuroslackmeister howdi there06:45
ubotureverseblade caner1: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.06:45
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slackmeisterand I have a deadline06:45
chammjrib: bah, newbie mistake sorry.  ya its working now thank you very much for the help.  Now I just have to figure out why its complaining about Call to undefined function mysql_query() :)06:45
armyriadI installed Windows XP. I can't access Ubuntu anymore and the computer always boots to Windows. How do I reinstall GRUB?06:45
paihi... just before the Feisty USplash appears in my notebook, there's a short error message that appears at the top of the screen: BUG-PCI 494-35000 --- WHAT DOES IT MEAN? how can i remove it?06:45
tonyyarusso!grub | armyriad06:45
ubotuarmyriad: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:45
slackmeistercompany that I work for has finaly decided to use linux06:45
fr500is there a way to adjust bass and treble for gstreamer06:45
jribchamm: check the page I gave you before to make sure you have all the mysql packages you need06:45
reversebladecaner1, ok , so  let's not make these people mad at us. Does dhclient works or not ?06:45
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ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO06:45
slackmeisterand I am the only one that knows it06:45
sapuroarmyriad I think u gotta reinstall ubuntu, if u can't see it there.06:45
fr500i have monitor embedded speakers and there is way to much treble06:45
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PriceChild!fixgrub | armyriad sapuro06:46
ubotuarmyriad sapuro: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:46
slackmeistergot to have a lamp server up by the 20th of aug06:46
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tcstechbuize: have you updated your ubuntu install ?06:46
tonyyarussosapuro: No, you don't - it's quite simply a trick with a live CD.06:46
armyriadThanks guys.06:46
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buizetcstech: yes its fully updated06:46
EldaOkey.... Im stuck again :>  I got it to identify the router (essid correct?) but now where do I go about entering my WPA-PSK password?06:46
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PriceChildarmyriad, so no need for a reinstall :)06:47
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tcstechbuize: Your Ipod is being detected wrong by a bug in the HAL see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/6606806:47
jrib!printing > fsckr (see the private message from ubotu)06:47
jribfsckr: check those sites, but hp tends to be linux-friendly.  I don't have any personal experiences with all-in-ones on linux though06:47
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fsckrty Jrib06:48
pawangreat worked for me06:48
sapurotonyyarusso oops...didnt know that, hey, dont let anyone know :o :D06:48
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tcstechbuize: make sure you have feisty-updates in your apt sources list06:48
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avispawan did you get 3dchess working ?  if so, how ?06:48
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kev123I am here for 15 mins "Yelling for help" But no...06:48
chammjrib: well I've got mysql running just fine as I'm logged in an querying via command line right now.  and the php5-mysql mod is installed but not present in mods-available.06:48
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slackmeisterguys sitting with a slight hickup06:49
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tonyyarussofsckr: I have the HP PSC 1310, and it works fantastically OOTB.06:49
slackmeistergot an IBM server06:49
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chammjrib: a2enmod php5-mysql says package does not exist.  should I try those purge and reinstall commands like I did with the php5 mod06:49
goatpussyanyone have experience compiling nforce drivers from nvidia site ? (not the video drivers, but the chipset ones)06:49
tcstechkev123 do not yell ... just ask your question.06:49
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burningfireHi. Does Ubuntu have a minimalistic install ISO, similar to Debian's net-inst ISO?06:49
fsckrtonyyarusso, is that a newer model or an older model hp?06:49
slackmeistereverything is SCSI, but no CD-Rom drive06:49
tonyyarussofsckr: about two years old.06:50
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buizetcstech: i tried the fixes on http://gamesplace.info/opensource/ubuntu/hal/ipod-nano-fix/ but the packages are listed as broken after installation, plus the version doesnt match my ubuntu version06:50
fsckrok tonyyarusso ty06:50
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slackmeisterhow can I install ubuntu server to is via network06:50
tonyyarusso!install | slackmeister06:50
ubotuslackmeister: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate06:50
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sapurodoes anyone know of any plugins that I can use to watch videos from cds?06:50
pawani installed the opengl phyton drivers06:50
_DunK_does anyone know how I can get the ip address of my wifi card - it does not show up in ifconfig06:51
slackmeisterthank you06:51
Eldameh brb just going to use ethernet cable lol06:51
avispawan yes but how ?  i would like to play 3d chess sometime too06:51
scorp123_DunK_: try iwconfig instead06:51
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tcstechbuize: yeah.. that fix is for edgy... the HAL should be rid of that bug in Feisty ... not sure why you are getting that error... try this. put the ipod in a windows computer and run chkdsk on it.06:52
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sapurodoes anyone know of any plugins to watch videos?06:52
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avissapuro you need multimedia codecs06:52
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pawani installed the deb file06:52
aviswhere did you find it pawan ?06:53
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tcstechwhat is the ubuntu off topic ch again?06:53
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scorp123tcstech: #ubuntu-offtopic06:53
slackmeisterawesome this is just what I have been looking for thanx guys06:53
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tcstechwerd... is that the place we go to for talking about how freakin cool ubuntu is?06:54
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tonyyarussotcstech: among other things06:54
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paianyone knows what this means? --> PCI: BIOS BUG #81[49435000]   -- it keeps appearing just before USplash of Ubuntu Feisty on my Presario V3435AU notebook... please help06:54
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tcstechor is there a #ubuntu-freakin-cool ch?06:54
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jimcooncattcstech: preaching to the choir06:55
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sapuroavis can u help me out with that?, because I'm using vlc, and I got sound, but no Image06:55
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avissapuro feisty ?06:55
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sapuroavis yep06:56
ShaRoseSelect and install software is stuck at 6 %, reading 'Installed discover1'06:56
buizetcstech: there aren't any errors.  the weird thing is it was working yesterday in rhythmbox, all of a sudden its refusing to detect06:56
avissapuro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats06:56
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abhilashany body knows how to install rpm packs06:56
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irc_somebody can u help, sound is disabled when i tried to play some unsupported sound files, now its playing but audio output device can't playing sound[but speaker is fine i have checked it] 06:56
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ShaRosebut this time grub worked right, so i don't want to reinstall06:56
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paianyone knows what this means? --> PCI: BIOS BUG #81[49435000]   -- it keeps appearing just before USplash of Ubuntu Feisty on my Presario V3435AU notebook... please help06:56
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dxdtabhilash: since those are not the native type of package, another program has to be used called alien.  Alien will try to convert it such that you then can install it.  Otherwise if the program you're looking to install is either a tar.gz or .deb, I personally would suggest using one of those versions06:57
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irc_somebody help me to enable the output device for sound06:57
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sapuroavis its not dvd :o06:58
stuart-i installed java buti still can't play java games on yahoo. firefox still asks me to download plug-in to view but wouldn't let me install06:58
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avissapuro those codecs are not just for dvds06:58
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irc_somebody help me to enable the output device for sound ???06:58
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sapuroavis aight..I got it.thanks man06:59
irc_somebody can u help, sound is disabled when i tried to play some unsupported sound files, now its playing but audio output device can't playing sound[but speaker is fine i have checked it] 06:59
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fyrestrtrirc_: what sound card do you have?06:59
jinxed-Hey, I am about to have  my computer repaired and I was going to have them load both Windows and Ubuntu, I have been running only ubuntu for about 8 months, but I want some of my old games/ ms office/ photoshop... is there any setup I should make sure that they do?06:59
avisi think irc_ needs multimedia codecs too06:59
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Azhi_Dahakabasically, i need to view an os x server from ubuntu06:59
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chamm jrib: thanks for the help I'm good to go.  using aptitude seems to work over apt-get with the reinstall option07:00
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irc_its just played before and media player also playing it but not listening07:00
tcstechjinxed: is the shop you're taking your box to familar with ubuntu?07:00
Azhi_Dahakatried with vnc but it was kinda slow07:00
OopsIDiedDoes anyone know why Wine doesnt work anymore? I installed a program fine and it ran, but the next time i tried to run it i got a screen with huge gray boxes with no information07:00
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MishuHi, I have Samba75 GSM modem Attached to my computer, how can i check on which port its configured. I mean tty* which one?07:00
tgelterhey all. I've been googling all over and can't find an example of how to convert from png/avi/flv to swf. I know there has to be a way to do it with either ffmeg or mencoder, but wow...can't figure it out. I'd most like to be able to do png --> swf but avi --> swf would also be fine07:00
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irc_how to enable the audio output device07:01
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irc_how to enable the audio output device??07:01
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Azhi_Dahakaany other suggestions?07:01
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CheeseGardenerI'm back from last night07:01
avishi CheeseGardener07:01
drthunderHow do I re-size bulk images07:01
CheeseGardenerI needed to chkdsk my computer07:01
RoeyPici:  thanks, I figured it out:07:01
irc_how to enable the audio output device07:02
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CheeseGardenerAnd now ubuntu picks up the drive for partitioning with the slider bar in the installer.07:02
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jajadavidi have a problem with firefox. I set a homepage in the settings, but when i start it i get this url, http://www.%u.com/. Can anyone help me?07:02
geniijinxed:There is an old but still extremely useful and informative howto here for XP/Ubuntu install: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/05/08/dual-boot-laptop.html07:02
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CheeseGardenerJust to let you know, so if someone else has the issue.07:02
avisthats good CheeseGardener do you know how to make room and partition ubuntu ?07:02
drthunderhow do I batch resize images, I mean07:02
CheeseGardenerNot completely, which is also why I'm here lol.07:02
OopsIDiedDoes anyone know how to completely remove wine? sudo apt-get autoremove wine doesnt work07:03
CheeseGardenerI was thinking of allocating around 15 to 20 gigs for ubuntu?07:03
irc_how to enable the audio output device?07:03
CheeseGardeneris that too much?07:03
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scorp123OopsIDied: apt-get --purge remove wine07:03
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irc_ how to enable the audio output device?07:03
avisi dont think its much at all.  my entire drive is ubuntu07:03
RoeyPici:  the problem was that while my system was configured fine (system-wide), my .asoundrc.asoundconf was referencing the on-board controller.07:03
scorp123OopsIDied: "autoremove" only removes packages not needed by any other package.07:03
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CheeseGardenerIS that enough to create the swap area and / and /home areas?07:03
RoeyPici:  so I moved it out of the way and assume it will get regenerated somehow07:03
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OopsIDiedso what can i use to remove all of it?07:03
RuledOkay, something is SERIOUSLY WRONG!07:04
MishuHi, I have Samba75 GSM modem Attached to my computer, how can i check on which port its configured. I mean tty* which one?07:04
irc_somebody, how to enable the audio output device?07:04
ConstyXIVcan anyone tell me what the "structural integrity" of the Dellbuntu inspirons is like?07:04
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CheeseGardenerWell if I'm using 20 gigs, how much should go to what sections?07:04
RuledSo, I went to start GnuCash.07:04
avis2GB swap (swap filesystem) / make it 10 GB and then /home is the rest ext3 for / and /home07:04
bashusrhey... how do i reconfigure a package from command line?07:04
CheeseGardener2 gigs for swap?07:04
jimcooncatAzhi_Dahaka: see my post at http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=410657&postcount=307:04
RuledGnuCash took TWENTY FIVE MINUTES to start! It sat there do nothing for the first 24 MINUTES!!!07:04
avisCheeseGardener, double your ram is a good idea07:04
irc_ how to enable the audio output device?07:05
savetheWorldRuled, certainly, send me your hard drive and I'll get them back for you.07:05
RuledThen, when I went to open my account file, EVERYTHING WAS FUCKING HARD!!!07:05
jimcooncatshould work with OSX if you can get terminal access or ssh to it07:05
RuledI mean GONE07:05
bashusrRuled: ok.. so uninstall linux and install windows and use quicken ;-)07:05
savetheWorldRuled: the fee will be $400, prepaid, in cash07:05
OopsIDiedwhat can i use to completely remove wine from my computer like if i reformatted?07:05
CheeseGardenerFirst I need to tell ubuntu that I want to shrink my original HD to 70 gigs07:05
CheeseGardenerone sec07:05
RuledAll my my acconnting ledgers are FUCKING GONE!07:05
bashusrhey... how do i reconfigure a package from command line?07:05
PriceChild!ohmy | Ruled07:05
ubotuRuled: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:05
avisRuled, watch your language07:05
scorp123CheeseGardener: formula:  Swap size = 2 x RAM size if your RAM is below 2 GB. If it is 2 GB or more than swap size = RAM size is sufficient. Usually ....07:05
RuledBut I am really upset.07:05
bashusrRuled: you didn't backup?07:05
Azhi_Dahakajimcooncat, can i move the OS X output like that?07:05
PriceChildRuled, you don't keep backups?07:05
bashusreven in quicken, they have you back up every 2 or 3 times of running it07:05
RuledI never had to backup Quickbooks on Windows.07:05
bashusrRuled: you're supposed to07:06
RuledI NEVER backup when it asks.07:06
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CheeseGardenercan I only assign swap size through manual partitioning???07:06
tcstechnot smart07:06
CheeseGardenerOr can I do this through guided?07:06
bashusrRuled: well, there's your problem.07:06
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bashusrRuled: they ask you to backup for good reason...07:06
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avisCheeseGardener, i've no idea i've only done it manual however it is very easy07:06
Azhi_Dahakaif i'm not wrong, Aqua doesn't uses X07:06
bashusrDBs get corrupted :)07:06
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ConstyXIVJesus Saves: the one piece of his advice that makes sense :)07:06
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jimcooncatAzhi_Dahaka: I believe you can -- but would be on a application basis, not the whole desktop07:06
CheeseGardenerlet me partition it through gparted then07:06
RuledI hear all this bull**** about Linux being more secure and more reliable than Windows blah blah blah... THEN I AM USING UBUNTU AND EVERYTHING IS ****ING GONE!07:06
CheeseGardenerwil that work?07:06
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OopsIDiedWindows > Linux07:06
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bob301Ruled: What is missing?07:07
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savetheWorldRuled: you never ever backed up your quicken files?07:07
PriceChildRuled, you should always keep backups of important files. Windows or Ubuntu. Please watch your language.07:07
Azhi_DahakaI'm looking for something more like vnc but not as slow07:07
Renatoc8Ruled: You should keep a backup of important files always07:07
RuledAll my accounting ledgers for my ****ing business!07:07
OopsIDiedlol ruled im just using linux for rawsocks07:07
^JokeR^ive a problem07:07
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^JokeR^very serious :(07:07
avisCheeseGardener, indeed it will.  at least for file sizes and partition types.  you'd have to still set mountpoints in ubuntu installer07:07
RuledAnd I tried to get back into Windows but it won't boot!07:07
RuledUbuntu has F***ED up my Windows XP.07:07
avisCheeseGardener, or rather partition sizes07:07
OopsIDiedu probably did partitions wrong..07:07
savetheWorldRuled: This is just God's way of saying you have bad karma and she doesn't like you.07:07
Renatoc8Ruled: I doubt that07:07
RuledI get some blue screen crap and it reboots.07:07
PriceChildRuled, that's not ubuntu's fault if windows faults.07:08
avisRuled, your manner of speakig is inappropriate here.  its a family channel07:08
Renatoc8Ruled: What does the BSOD say?07:08
CheeseGardenermount points?07:08
OopsIDiedits not window's fault07:08
PriceChildRuled, see ##windows for windows support07:08
OopsIDiedits his fault for not doing partitions correctly07:08
savetheWorldRuled: let this be a lesson to you.07:08
AnlarRuled: if you had been sane you would have shut the computer down immediately and started investigating it only in read-only mode, it is likely that some backups might exist on the disc..07:08
CheeseGardenercould you explain those?  I'm... sort a noob07:08
avisCheeseGardener, those would be / and /home07:08
RuledIt was fine before I installed Ubuntu!07:08
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savetheWorldRuled: so go back to windows07:08
RuledIt won't work.07:08
OopsIDieddont u have a windows xp disk?07:08
RuledAnd I can't find my CD to reinstall.07:08
ShaRoseI'm gonna have to re install for the fourth time aren't i?07:09
sapuroavis r u still there?07:09
^JokeR^i tried to install beryl on my ubuntu 7.04 which is with ATI drivers. i found in google that page http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_feisty_beryl_ati_radeon when i was at the final and reboot the pc ubuntu couldnt load again07:09
avissapuro, yes07:09
savetheWorldRuled: hee hee!07:09
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^JokeR^it writes me back no screen found07:09
OopsIDiedRuled:Try getting the windows iso from torrentspy.com or something and burn it07:09
Renatoc8Ruled: First of all, youre in the Ubuntu channel, blaming it on Ubuntu obviously won't help you get support07:09
hexidigitali'm helping a friend fix a borked edgy upgrade (from dapper)... the system fails to boot when trying to load USB drivers.  we sucessfully chrooted the harddisk with a livecd, but now when we run aptitude update/upgrade/dist-upgrade, the system complains about disk space.  df -h shows only 71% used.. any ideas?07:09
irc_somebody can u help, sound is disabled when i tried to play some unsupported sound files, now its playing but audio output device can't playing sound[but speaker is fine i have checked it] 07:09
=== ROBERT_1971 [n=XXXXX@ip222.149.6211L-CUD12K-02.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu
thx1137Ruled: You can always try Wubi to install Ubunto to a virtual disk, so it doesn't mess with your windows partitions..07:09
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PriceChild!piracy | OopsIDied07:09
ubotuOopsIDied: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o07:09
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^JokeR^i tried to install beryl on my ubuntu 7.04 which is with ATI drivers. i found in google that page http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_feisty_beryl_ati_radeon when i was at the final and reboot the pc ubuntu couldnt load again07:09
RuledWell, Ubuntu is a Linux distribution that distributes GnuCash.07:09
^JokeR^it writes me back no screen found07:09
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jimcooncatso now you know, class, never test a new operating system on the only machine that runs your business07:10
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fatbrainIs there any Graphics hardware that has h264-decoding-acceleration drivers for Ubuntu?07:10
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PriceChildRuled, have you closed and restarted gnucash perhaps?07:10
savetheWorldjimcooncat: :-D07:10
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RuledI guess you get what you pay for applies to Linux.07:10
savetheWorldjimcooncat: wisdom for the ages!07:10
CheeseGardenerDid I do something wrong?07:10
RuledPriceChild": No.07:10
PriceChildRuled, you never know....?07:10
RuledI could try...07:10
jimcooncatsavetheWorld: been there, done that07:10
CheeseGardenerto put it into unallocated space only took a minute?07:10
CheeseGardenerto take 20 gigs out?07:10
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savetheWorldRuled: its just the Univereses way of telling you that you're an *as07:10
scorp123Ruled: depends .... :-)  I pay nothing and I get so much more :-)07:10
RuledHmm, gnucash is hung up!07:10
avisRuled, you are so wrong.  there is much value in linux.07:10
Dr_LinkEh, when I start up my computer and it tells me if I want to boot into Ubuntu or Windows, I see the following:07:10
Dr_LinkUbuntu v7.0407:11
scorp123savetheWorld: :-)07:11
RuledI will have to kill 9 gnucash07:11
Dr_LinkUbuntu 7.04 (memtest)07:11
avisRuled, and if it makes you feel any better, send your money to canonical for support07:11
Renatoc8Ruled, Tell e what the BSOD daid, this will help solve your problem07:11
PriceChildRenatoc8, in ##windows07:11
CyberWorldanybody got any idea why my other 3 desktops in ubuntu 7.04 shows nothing and right click on mouse nothing.  Only way I've figured out how to get out is alt-tab07:11
AnlarRuled: gnucash creates afaik (quick google search) backup copies automatically.. but if you are too raged and pissed off to check, suit yourself ;)07:11
=== Cheese [n=Cheese@p508E1F1B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
RuledOkay, I am going to restart GnuCash07:11
RuledHmm, it takes forever to start.07:11
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caner1what can be the problem if i can scan the wireless network and connect but cant get an ip??07:12
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Dr_Linkand then, I see a second "ubuntu" and "memtest"! It's as if there are two instances of Ubuntu installed on my computer when there is only two partitions: Windows and Ubuntu. What's going on?07:12
CheeseGardenerAvis: it says my drive still has errors07:12
CheeseGardenerand won't let me resize it07:12
PriceChildRuled, you might want to talk to Anlar about those backups :)07:12
RuledIs there an older version of Ubuntu that would work on my Pentium II 233 MHz?07:12
CheeseGardenerApparently windows didn't fix them07:12
khelllhow to direct the output of a command to a file07:12
CheeseGardenercan I use linux to fix them?07:12
jinxed-I'm about to reformat my harddrive how do I save my scores for x-moto?07:12
PriceChildRuled, try a server install, then install fluxbox or something light like that07:12
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PriceChildjinxed-, backup the ~/.xmoto folder07:12
Dr_LinkAnyone know why it's doing this?07:13
avisCheeseGardener, i dont know.07:13
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PriceChildDr_Link, the second ubuntu is a backup one... for recovering broken systems07:13
khelllhow to direct the output of a command to a file07:13
Lustbladerhi room07:13
RuledOMG THIS IS SLOW :(07:13
=== pickett [n=pickett@ppp121-45-96-145.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildDr_Link, the memtest is then for testing memory07:13
Renatoc8Ruled, If all else fails,  insert your windows disk and run a recovery, then reinstall Ubuntu07:13
jimcooncatRuled, I like Xubuntu on small boxes, with Epiphany instead of Firefox07:13
RuledIs it because I have 64 MB of RAM?07:13
ompaulRuled, your machine is way underpowered for what you are doing07:13
Dr_LinkI thought the installation had made a second partition without my permission.07:13
Anlartake a look at ~/.gnucash/backups/ , if it exists then make a backup copy of those files now, you should be able to restore everything if the primary copies are damaged07:13
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Dr_LinkBut then again, computers are our electronic slaves.07:14
Dr_LinkAh well.07:14
ompaulRuled, trusting a business to hardware that old is taking a huge risk on the hardware07:14
LustbladerRuled: 64 mb of ram is too less07:14
Dr_LinkTIme to go to another network.07:14
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scorp123khelll:  command > outputfile07:14
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hexidigitali'm helping a friend fix a borked edgy upgrade (from dapper)... the system fails to boot when trying to load USB drivers.  we sucessfully chrooted the harddisk with a livecd, but now when we run aptitude update/upgrade/dist-upgrade, the system complains about disk space.  df -h shows only 71% used.. any ideas?07:15
scorp123khelll: and if you want to append .... command >> outputfile07:15
RuledI replaced the hard drive with a 10 GB model.07:15
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CheeseGardeneris there a disk checker in ubuntu?07:15
avisRuled, they dont even make 10GB models anymore i think07:15
PriceChild!fsck | CheeseGardener07:15
ubotuCheeseGardener: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot07:15
=== mad_goldfish [n=can@cpc1-broo1-0-0-cust856.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ConstyXIVRuled: you shouldn't be making any sort of major changes to your computer (changing OS, accounting software, etc.) without making backups of any important data, on seperate media07:16
RuledHmm, I would think GnuCash would start up faster than this. It is usually slow because I have old hardware, but not THIS slow!07:16
CheeseGardeneri'll go do that07:16
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RuledHmm, gconf is doing something07:16
Anlarhexidigital: something is not writeable perhaps? you could check using strace what it is doing right before that (watch out, it generates a lot of log data)07:16
ConstyXIVRuled: also, 64MB of ram is really too small for ubuntu07:16
n2diyRuled: is it the first time you've run Gnucash?07:16
=== mrwho [n=manofwar@cpe-66-67-156-62.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
RuledI had months of accounting in GnuCash!07:17
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RuledMy music stopped playing in XMMS :o07:17
AnlarRuled: check the backup directory07:17
fyrestrtrspeaking of which, is gnucash the only game in town when it comes to financial management software?07:17
avisRuled, if you have a business i would hope that a legacy computer is secondary.  make sure that you backup your data to external media pronto07:17
hexidigitalAnlar:  can i have strace run at boot to generate log data?07:17
=== anto9us [n=anthony@cpc1-ptal1-0-0-cust160.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
RuledI hoping I can just start GnuCash by itself.07:18
Anlarhexidigital: oh, boot? too hard. but you can check why the apt fails I think07:18
fyrestrtrRuled: start it from a term and see the output.07:18
mrwhoAnybody know where alsa drivers are located? If so can I recompile the driver I already have?07:18
hexidigitalAnlar:  right... thanks07:18
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Anlarhexidigital: chrooting into dead installations rules aok, just remember to always mount also proc07:18
RuledI think it is starting because my HDD is working.07:18
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RuledI had Gentoo on her before, back when it was hard to install.07:19
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sapuroavis still getting problems.lol07:19
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fyrestrtrmrwho: you can download the latest alsa and compile it.07:19
PieIf I downloaded the php packages with synaptic package managers, how do I start programming with it?07:19
avissapuro i dont remember whats going on07:19
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caner1what can be the problem if i can scan the wireless network and connect but cant get an ip??07:19
aviscaner1, possibly the router needs rebooting07:20
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Lustbladernetwork aint' recognising u07:20
fyrestrtrcaner1: maybe there is no DHCP server on the network?07:20
=== HEP85 [n=philipp@p5089499F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
sapuroavis to install multimedia codecs...I finished installing the extra packages07:20
RuledI see gnucash in top!07:20
RuledIt should start eventually!07:20
mrwhofyrestrtr: from where?07:20
fyrestrtrcaner1: maybe you need a static ip, maybe your mac address needs to be on the ACL, maybe you need to authenticate?07:20
howlingmadhowiecaner1: maybe the router has mac-address filtering. but i'd have thought that would have stopped you connecting07:20
=== Jerry_HGP [n=jerry@ppp-71-134-148-213.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
caner1fyrestrtr : just near me my freind using windows can access the wireless network. i can understand07:20
RuledIf this doesn't work it could be the kernel.07:20
RuledI tried to make the kernel Gentoo like.07:21
avissapuro a quick and dirty way to install all of gstreamer0.10 is sudo apt-get install gstreamer0-10.*07:21
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Lustbladercaner1: u using pppoe?07:21
PriceChildRuled, you're running a custom kernel?07:21
caner1howlingmadhowie my mac address is registered to the server07:21
=== Ruled is quite the kernel hacker
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Ruledcaner1: Give up, getting wireless on Linux is impossible! THAT IS HOW IT IS! YOU CONNECT AND GET NO IP!07:21
fyrestrtrmrwho: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto this shows you how07:21
RuledI gave up.07:21
PriceChildRuled, Please stop trolling.07:21
avisRuled, you are a troll07:22
Jerry_HGPHi all, I have a compaq.  Just did the updates and now grub trys to load the restore partition recovery and not windows..  What is the grub chainloader # to get windows going?07:22
mrwhofyrestrtr: I have a Audigy 4 souncard from Creative andf a logitech mic I'm trying to compile alsa to use the mic07:22
caner1Lustblader : sorry i dont know what it is07:22
RuledNo I am not a troll!07:22
armyriadIn GRUB, I can't boot Ubuntu. It says something about error 17 and not being able to mount the partition. I think it can still boot Windows XP though. What should I do?07:22
HEP85hi. I am using gutsy and have no gnome-splash screen and an empty user list at gdm login07:22
fyrestrtrmrwho: is it a usb mic?07:22
PriceChildHEP85, #ubuntu+1 please07:22
caner1Ruled thank you for encouragement07:22
Renatoc8Ruled, That is not true, I have wireless working on my laptop just fine07:22
sapuroavis when u say dirty do u mean that, I'm going to completely messup the system?lol07:22
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mrwhoNo reag line in07:22
=== mad_goldfish [n=can@cpc1-broo1-0-0-cust856.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildcaner1, have you tried "sudo dhclient <name of interface>" ?07:22
Lustbladercaner1: try running sudo pppoeconf07:22
=== Ruled is now known as MrPregnant
Lustbladerha ha07:22
Renatoc8caner1, What kind of wireless card do you have?07:22
fyrestrtrmrwho: is sound working?07:22
MrPregnantsup haters07:22
Lustbladera million suggestions07:22
avissapuro i'm saying that it downloads all of gstreamer0.10-* indiscriminately07:23
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avissapuro it hasn't hurt me07:23
LustbladerMrPregnant: sup biatch07:23
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vltHello. How can I reload my permissions (I've just been added to a group ) w/o logging out/in again?07:23
caner1PriceChild : yes but when i run this code my wired connection quits07:23
avisLustblader, watch your language07:23
caner1Renatoc8 : broadcom 431007:23
=== pihq_ [n=ksmith@cpe-76-183-249-37.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildcaner1, that really doesn't make sense... it won't affect a different connection07:23
MrPregnantGnuCash is still booting07:23
mrwhofyresyryr: I got sound through the speakers but no line in..07:23
caner1Renatoc8 : i ve installed the driver using ndiswrapper07:23
mrwhoI need to add that channel07:23
Anlarruled: make a copy of the auto-backups...07:23
goatpussyanyone have experience compiling nforce drivers from nvidia site ? (not the video drivers, but the chipset ones)07:24
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caner1PriceChild : yes i also think so but i tried two times07:24
MrPregnantI will try reinstalling gnucash07:24
HEP85PriceChild: I am there. Seems nobody is interested in this.07:24
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sapuroavis it told me it couldnt find the package.lol07:24
PriceChildHEP85, well be patient07:24
MrPregnantThen use the backups07:24
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Renatoc8caner1, So the problem is that you're not getting a IP?07:24
fyrestrtrmrwho: make sure the channel is not muted.07:24
PriceChildMrPregnant, reinstalling it won't make a difference07:24
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MrPregnantBy the way, this is an awesome nickname! I think I will register. :)07:24
caner1PriceChild :  let me try again but dont go anywhere :) if you all quit chatting then i have turn to head07:24
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caner1Renatoc8 : yes07:25
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PriceChildcaner1, i'll be running away to make a phone call in a few minutes but will be around07:25
erstazihow do I merge an existing Ext3 partition with an unallocated partition?07:25
caner1Renatoc8 : it says connected07:25
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Renatoc8caner1, Does DHCP work on other computers/OS's?07:25
caner1Renatoc8 but nothing07:25
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mrwhoNo I checked all that Its not even installed07:25
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
avissapuro, gstreamer0.10-* is definitely in the universe and multiverse repos07:25
caner1Renatoc8 : yes07:25
LustbladerRenato yes07:25
caner1Renatoc8 : windows users have no problem07:25
caner1PriceChild : thank you bro07:26
Renatoc8caner1, umm, I had a similar problem, try setting the IP to static just to see if it works07:26
Tatumand I get this error: Searching for bad blocks mkdosfs: bad blocks before data-area: cannot make fs07:26
Renatoc8caner1, I resorted to setting static IP's on my router when using linux on my laptop because DHCP was having problems07:26
caner1Renatoc8 :  how should i fill the blank parts ip,gateway ...?07:26
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Renatoc8caner1, ok are you connected to the router now?07:27
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Renatoc8caner1, Wired07:27
caner1Renatoc8 i am connected to wired network only07:27
fyrestrtrcaner1: get the gateway and mask info from the other computer that is connected; pick an ip address from the range.07:27
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Tatumis there a way I can overwrite everything?07:28
Renatoc8caner1, Open your terminal and type: ifconfig07:28
drthunderany ideas how I append "t-" when I resize a file in image majick?07:28
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caner1fyrestrtr : yes that makes sense but . isnt it a little coersion07:28
sapuroavis humn...it just keeps saying "E: Couldnt find package gsstreamer0-10.*"07:28
caner1Renatoc8 : yes i did07:28
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fyrestrtrcaner1: well if dhcp is working then you don't have to worry about all that.07:29
Renatoc8caner1,  what does it say for ip?07:29
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avissapuro feisty ?07:29
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avissapuro you've got me07:29
sapuroavis yep, ubuntu 7.0407:29
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Renatoc8caner1, the second and last digits for the ip07:29
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fyrestrtrsapuro: what are you trying to do?07:29
Renatoc8caner1, second to last and last*07:29
sapuroavis ...lol...07:29
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caner1fyrestrtr : yes i dont worry about anything but my little problem is that i cant connect to internet07:29
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caner1Renatoc8 : you mean the ip for wired connection07:30
sapurofyrestrtr install multimedia codecs...can't play dvd's or avis or wma from cd's, and when it plays, sometimes, the image its really weird07:30
Terrasquecaner1: you dont connect to the internet. The internet is all around you07:30
fyrestrtrwhat do you mean when you say you can't connect to the internet? can you not resolve domain names or can you not ping any internet ips?07:30
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Renatoc8caner1, yeah07:30
avissapuro are you sure that perhaps only some of the codecs are missing ?  when you install codecs and they already exist it wont reinstall them07:30
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fyrestrtrsapuro: what command are you running?07:31
avissapuro you have to take note of what is already on your system07:31
caner1Renatoc8 : .116.17307:31
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marti149_anyone use STATA for linux on ubuntu?07:31
caner1Renatoc8 : is this what u wanted?07:31
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howlingmadhowieoh, i've just read something very cool about ubuntu: http://www.sun.com/servers/coolthreads/tnb/linux.jsp (under Try and Buy)07:32
IceLinkhey, it's me again...07:32
sapuroavis I just installed all the codecs that came with automatix07:32
Renatoc8caner1, after you get the IP, click on the wireless icon and choose Manual configuration, and click on Wireless connection, followed by properties07:32
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armyriadIn GRUB, I can't boot Ubuntu. It says something about error 17 and not being able to mount the partition. I think it can still boot Windows XP though. What should I do?07:32
caner1Terrasque : you must be a philosopher07:32
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IceLinkafter i installed kde, during the boot, the kubuntu-logo is displayed. How can i set this back to ubuntu?07:32
vphwhy would the c compiler wont be able to create executables? i just did a major update for ubuntu6.0.6 and installed gcc07:32
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Dr_willisvph,  missing some libs/related files.07:33
Picivph: Do you have the build-essential package installed?07:33
sapurofyrestrtr I'm trying the follow there instructions --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats07:33
caner1Renatoc8 : yes i am following you07:33
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Dr_willisvph,  what exactly DID you install? gcc, or build-essential ?07:33
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vphapt-get install gcc hehehe07:33
Picivph: Install build-essential07:33
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Dr_willisvph,  thats the problem then07:33
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vphthanks guys :D07:34
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GAWildKatI have a new bluetooth question, now that I have them working under 7.04 I can't keep the kb  actively listed in the devices for more than I actively type I'm using an MS optical desktop elite for bluetooth anyone have any ideas?07:34
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Renatoc8caner1, Find the router or gateway under "Network Name", enter the encription key if you have one, then under configuration choose: Static IP address. and set these values: IP address:, Subnet mask:, Gateway address: This is assuming the first 2 digits are 192.168, and that your gateway ends with .107:34
c-ronIceLink: you probably need to change usplash theme and switch back to GDM07:35
sapurofyrestrtr and I just tried to install gstreamer by doing this command given by avis sudo apt-get install gstreamer0-10.*07:35
IceLinkc-ron: i still get GDM, just the logo and the colors07:35
Renatoc8caner1, Accualy, set the IP to
BeCkYis there a scorp123 here?07:35
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avissapuro that doesn't work because you used a script and you dont know what already installed07:35
fyrestrtrsapuro: that's not going to work07:35
caner1Renatoc8 : ok i am doing it. help lord :)07:35
MrPregnantGnuCash is UNINSTALLED!07:35
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fyrestrtr!restricted formats > sapuro07:35
Renatoc8caner1, make sure the last digit is different then your wired IP07:35
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PriceChildMrPregnant, reinstalling it won't make a difference unless you've messed with it with sudo and haven't told us07:36
MrPregnantI use su.07:36
sapuroavis the codecs already installed shouldnt stop me from installing any new ones :o07:36
PriceChild!sudo > MrPregnant07:36
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PriceChildMrPregnant, but unless you have messed with it, it won't make a difference07:36
MrPregnantDon't give me that alarmist crap about sudo being safer please.07:36
Renatoc8caner1, If this doesnt work,check your IP to make sure that the first 2 digits are "192.168", if not then you have to change the first 2 digits of the static wireless IP07:37
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PriceChildMrPregnant, you're the one with broken system07:37
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avissapuro it will however stop if some of them are already installed.  you might have to do them by writing them out so that you will know which packges are not installed, then install those07:37
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sapurofyrestrtr didnt get that "!restricted formats >" :s07:37
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:37
PriceChildsapuro, read the private message from ubotu07:38
riotkittiei don't consider sudo "alarmist crap", given the distro07:38
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fyrestrtrgiven the *audience* of the distro07:38
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riotkittiefyrestrtr: yea, :P07:38
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avisriotkittie, if you are unhappy using ubuntu your welcome to use another one07:38
QiCrHi im experincing some problems installing a game called soulfu.. could anyone help me?07:39
sapuroavis if they're already installed, the only thing it would do, it would tell me that none have been installed, and none have been renewed, and if they were installed I would be watching videos now I think :o07:39
sapuroPriceChild got it07:39
mayeco_how I send a message to a person?07:39
riotkittieavis: gee, thanks. i wasnt aware that i had gone on a tirade about loathing the distro or had said anything negative about it.07:39
avissapuro you told me automatrix installed some codecs07:39
IceLinkc-ron: where do i find settings for usplash theme07:39
riotkittieand i do use other distros. but thanks for reminding me i'm free to do so.07:39
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avisriotkittie, i wasn't sure how to interpret that i thought you were flaming ubuntu07:39
Picimayeco_: /msg nickname   You need !register first though07:39
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PriceChildPici, unless like me, we have unfiltered on :)07:40
PiciPriceChild: Its off by default though :)07:40
sapuroavis automatix comes with some codecs, but not with that libdvdcss2 nor w32...!07:40
QiCrHi im experincing some problems installing a game called soulfu.. could anyone please help me?07:40
riotkittieavis: oh, i wasnt :P07:40
Pici!automatix | avis sapuro07:40
ubotuavis sapuro: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:40
avisthen i'm sorry riotkittie07:40
riotkittie :)07:40
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:41
sapuroPici lol07:41
msinghthat documentation is kubuntu specific. what should i use instead?07:41
c-ronIceLink: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/02/20/restoring-the-ubuntu-usplash-after-a-kubuntu-install/07:41
sapurofyrestrtr thanks07:41
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup07:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soulfu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:42
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QiCr.. worth a try07:42
PiciQiCr: What is soulfu?07:42
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QiCrits a game.. http://www.aaronbishopgames.com/07:43
QiCrpretty cool.. but i cant seem to make it work..07:43
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QiCrnot on ubuntu that is07:43
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netdiggerxxxdoesnt work07:43
PiciQiCr: How are you trying to 'make it work'?07:43
msinghis there a way to get kubuntu stuff on normal ubuntu?07:43
rafaelscjwhat do you think if I install 915resolution and compiz/xgl? is there any problem?07:44
RuethaI'm running Feisty trying to use a Netgear wg111v2 USB wireless... when I run ndiswrapper -l I get invalid driver. It also doesn't show device present. Could I get some suggestions, please? :)07:44
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msinghit is amazing how useless this channel has been to me07:44
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Dr_willismsingh,  i install ubuntu, then install kubuntu-desktop normally07:44
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ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE07:44
Picimsingh: kubuntu stuff? Kubuntu and Ubuntu share the same repositories, so yes.07:44
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geniiDr_willis: Yeah thats about my normal routine too07:44
msinghDr_willis, thanks :)07:45
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mactimesHello folks!07:45
QiCrum i a bit of a linux noob, so ive tried to follow some on the guides.. :s but i gives me this error message:07:45
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IceLinkc-ron: thanks07:45
mactimesWhat is the package to install jabberd?07:45
phrackeranyone been able to install webmin yet07:45
c-ronIceLink: np07:45
QiCrerror while loading shared libraries: libSDL_net-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:45
phrackeror do I need to disable sudo07:45
Dr_willisphracker,  its best to NOT use it. you can use it from soruce if you really wan tto07:46
mactimesphracker: I have07:46
mactimesphracker: Up and running perfectly07:46
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netdiggerxxxwhen I updated my feista fawn, the desktopchanger was gone, how to fix it?07:46
mactimesphracker: Need any help?07:46
Dr_willisI liked webmin for a while also. :)   but not any more07:46
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phrackerDr willis what do you recomend07:46
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mactimesDr_willis: Know any better option?07:46
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Dr_willisphracker,  depends on your needs.. webmin is a 'huge general' tool. Theres dozens of other more specific tools that often do the jobs better07:47
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phrackerI am looking for an option where I can remote admin from any pc07:47
PiciQiCr: Install libsdl-net1.207:47
phrackerthe machine is a mail/ftp server07:47
Dr_willisremote admin what? i tend to just ssh over, and run the admin tools that way07:47
QiCrhow do i do that?07:47
phrackerwhat admin tools are available..... I havent found any07:47
phrackerthis is a cli only machine07:48
PiciQiCr: sudo apt-get install libsdl-net1.207:48
phrackerX isnt installed07:48
caner1Renatoc8 : it just cut off my wired internet connection (i dont know why)i tried the combinations you adviced but didnt wpork again. i have one question is there any way to fix that dhcp thing??07:48
jimcooncatflamebait: isn't webmin evil?07:48
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Dr_willisI dont do ftp or email servers,, so i imagine it depends on your specific ftp server, or email server program07:48
Dr_willisj\'] '07:48
RuethaI'm running Feisty trying to use a Netgear wg111v2 USB wireless... when I run ndiswrapper -l I get invalid driver. It also doesn't show device present. Could I get some suggestions, please? :) **tries again** :)07:48
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Davy_Jonesi was to run tomato torrent client on ubuntu.. is that possible?07:48
YoshiBishiHello, I have an AMD64 processor with the cool and quiet feature.07:48
Dr_willissilly 5 yr old came up and started banging on my keyboard.07:48
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QiCrit couldnt find the package07:49
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YoshiBishiI am wondering if there is a program that allows me to adjust the clock speed07:49
Renatoc8caner1, 1) make sure you changed your WIRELESS connection, (make sure you clicked the wiereless item fromt he list). 2) I was not able to get mine working07:49
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YoshiBishiRight now it runs at 800mhz and changes depending on cpu requirements, however, it does not work well07:49
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YoshiBishiFirefox takes ages to open at 800mhz07:49
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CheeseGardenerAvis: I don't think I can run a disk check.07:49
CheeseGardenerI'm running off a Live CD07:49
CheeseGardenerso it keeps ejecting the CD07:49
phrackerok so how do I disable sudo07:49
YoshiBishiI wonder if there is a program that I can use to manually change between max performance or on demand07:49
phrackersince I am going to need true root access07:49
genii!find tomato07:49
MishuHi, I have Samba75 GSM modem Attached to my computer, how can i check on which port its configured. I mean tty* which one?07:50
PiciQiCr: You'll need to enable the !universe repositories first07:50
ubotuPackage/file tomato does not exist in feisty07:50
avisCheeseGardener, i believe fsck only fixes linux filesystems too07:50
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CheeseGardeneroh ok07:50
Piciavis: Nope, it works on other filesystems too07:50
phrackerhow do you disable sudo07:50
anto9usphracker: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:50
QiCrexcuse my ignorance, but how do i do that :|07:50
Davy_Jonesremove the user from the sudoers group07:51
Pici!universe | QiCr07:51
phrackeranto9 it doesnt say07:51
phrackerit says how to reenable07:51
PiciQiCr: er, give it a minute, must be lagging.07:51
caner1Renatoc8 : thank you anyway. i give up. i think i have to swear to somebody :)07:51
ubotuQiCr: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:51
anto9usphracker: sudo su will give root terminal07:51
Piciphracker: Why would you want to disable sudo?07:51
QiCrthere it is :)07:51
Renatoc8caner1, No problem, sorry we couldnt get this fixed :(07:51
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PiciDavy_Jones: tomato runs on the mac, not linux :/07:52
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caner1Renatoc8 : i hope at next release07:52
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QiCri do have synaptic07:52
mikerose357hmmmm on my system is is actually physically impossible to use the gui tool to edit screen resolution07:53
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Renatoc8caner1, I really don't know why but DHCP just would get an ip, I had to make it static07:53
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PiciQiCr: So, enable the universe repos and try installing it again.07:53
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Renatoc8caner1, wouldnt*07:53
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avismikerose357, likewise, i manually edit xorg.conf07:53
mikerose357in a piece of fun stupidity it defaults to 640 480 and it is impossible to see or scroll to the control to change it07:53
mikerose357I know but its still brainless07:53
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avismikerose357, once you are sure what resolutions your card supports someone can help07:54
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mikerose357the problem is linux is still full of dumb stuff like this07:54
Terrasquewell, i prefer that over regedit07:54
mikerose357making things more complicated than needed07:54
avismikerose357, this is not the place to blame linux/ubuntu.  it might take effort yes but so do all things07:55
akannnhi guys i have a question related to the GNU GPL anybody there with a few mins?07:55
mikerose357you don't need to regedit to do anything sane07:55
Terrasqueever tried fixing a windows box that insist your screen can only do 640x480?07:55
mikerose357the problem is here I am installing ubuntu for a friend whose computer is screwed up07:55
CheeseGardenerhow can I check my disk then?07:55
armyriadIn GRUB, I can't boot Ubuntu. It says something about error 17 and not being able to mount the partition. I think it can still boot Windows XP though. What should I do?07:55
QiCrI got it :D07:55
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mikerose357I can't tell her to edit config files lol07:55
CheeseGardenershould I run multiple windows checkdisk scans???07:55
thoreauputicmikerose357: if you don't put in bug reports the devs won't know anything is wrong :)07:55
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msinghany way to configure WPA on plain ubuntu?07:56
Terrasquemsingh: yes, the usual way is using network manager07:56
msinghTerrasque, it only seems to support WEP, not WPA.07:57
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Terrasquemsingh: it works fine with wpa on my laptop at home07:57
thoreauputicmsingh: does your driver support wpa ?07:57
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Clerichi can anyone help me install java. im a first-timer to linux07:57
gordonjcpWPA is rubbish, don't use it07:57
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thoreauputicgordonjcp: huh?07:57
msinghthoreauputic, linux driver? i dont know07:57
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CheeseGardeneris there any way to check an NTFS filesystem for erors on linux???07:58
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avismsingh, your network adaptor must be capable of WPA07:58
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TerrasqueCheeseGardener: ntfs tools should have a basic check07:58
msinghavis, ah okay. well i was running vista before i wiped it and WPA support was fine07:58
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avismsingh, i did not think it was supported under feisty though i enabled it, tested it, WPA worked fine07:59
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EldaCan someone please help me?  Still being quite new to the Linux in general, I've come across the fix for my laptops no sound issue.  But I am not able to understand exactly which thread Im supposed to use on the topic, or HOW to go about preparing sound.   Im using a Toshiba P100-st9752 and Im having the issue or seem to be having the issue that many other p100 people have/are having :>07:59
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EldaAnd I hope all of that posted :>07:59
msinghunder password type all i see is WEP key (hexadecimal) and WEP key (ascii)07:59
TooR4uHow to capture the streaming video through mplayer?07:59
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CheeseGardenerwhere can I get NTFS tools?08:00
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CheeseGardenerIt couldn't find the pack08:00
TooR4uHow to capture rstp protocol throuth mplayer08:00
QiCrAnd im playing the game, thanks alot pici!08:00
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RuethaI'm running Feisty trying to use a Netgear wg111v2 USB wireless... when I run ndiswrapper -l I get invalid driver. It also doesn't show device present. Could I get some suggestions, please? :) **tries again** :)08:01
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progress0rcan someone tell me what the error for slapd is generally: daemon: getaddrinfo() failed: Name or service not known08:01
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avisCheeseGardener, sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs then check out ntfsfix08:01
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Clerichow do I create a folder in the 'usr' folder?08:02
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Clericany help?08:03
JammerCleric, sudo mkdir /usr/folder08:03
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JammerCleric, but why would you do that?08:03
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jetscreamerRuetha:is that an acx111? if so, poke me in 6-8 hours if you don't get it working.(no time atm) i just got a acx111 working last night.08:03
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soothsayerHow do I simulate my mouse be unplugged and then plugged back in? (It is unresponsive and I don't feel like physically replugging it every time)08:03
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jetscreamer!info ntfsprogs08:04
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ubotuntfsprogs: tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 1.13.1-6 (feisty), package size 267 kB, installed size 700 kB08:04
Clericjammer: im trying to install java following directions from java website but its my first attempt with CLI. can you suggest where i should install it?08:04
jetscreamerapt-cache search java dude08:04
PiciCleric: Java is the ubuntu repos, you dont need to do it manually.08:04
bobodclownlo all, any advice on watching real video in ubuntu? VLC aint loving it and id prefer not to install the official realplayer.. but if i must..08:04
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bobodclownthx :)08:05
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Pici!java > Cleric (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)08:05
jetscreameralso apt-cache search realplayer, but i never tired that player08:05
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RuethaThanks, Jetscreamer... not sure abouot the acx bit, how would I find out?08:05
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Clericpici: many thanks08:06
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mikerose357nk changing xorg doesn't even help08:06
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mikerose357aparantly it just chooses to ignore it08:06
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smgood day all08:07
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smit's time to upgrade my edgy laptop, and I'm hitting a few problems08:08
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smI decided to upgrade in place to reduce disruption08:08
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IceLinksm: i guess if you told the 'few problems' so. could help08:09
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=== csc` watches sm closely and munches on popcorn
smfirst, update-manager says it wants 1G free in /var/cache/apt/archive - I symlinked /var/cache to a bigger partition, but it seems to check space on /var - sound right ?08:09
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smpatience boys08:09
smsecond.. eh..08:09
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jetscreamerdont symlink, mount --bind08:10
ZummiG777Question: I'm trying to install Ubuntu 6.06.1 on a set of Sun 220R machines (64 bit, Sparc).  I'm encountering an error at boot where the CDRom loads kernel into memory and then executes an illegal instruction, killing install.  This is a known issue in gentoo [http://osdir.com/ml/linux.gentoo.sparc/2006-06/msg00003.html]  , but I can't find a known workaround in Ubuntu.  Any ideas?08:10
smgreat, thanks08:10
smthe second problem - when I did apt-get dist-upgrade, I hit08:10
smdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/zlib1g_1%3a1.2.3-13ubuntu4_i386.deb (--unpack):08:10
sm unable to install (supposed) new info file `/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/md5sums': Is a directory08:10
smdoes that ring a bell for anyone ?08:11
jetscreameror just mount08:11
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mzanfardinoOkay - quick survey: I'm in the market for a dual-head video card. It does not need to be super high-end, but should have 3d accel. and of course be linux compatible. Any recommendations?08:11
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drthunderwhats that software where I can use the same mouse on windows and ubuntu?08:11
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csc`mzanfardino: ati08:11
msinghthanks for the help guys... but i think i will just put on XP instead08:11
mzanfardinocsc`: which ati?08:11
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mzanfardinocsc`: and why ati over nvidia or intel?08:12
Seyed_Mehdihi everyone,08:12
LibilaI am running netstat --protocol=inet and I'm getting the open connections output but at the end it says 'netstat: no support for `AF INET (sctp)' on this system.' Anyone know why that would happen08:12
=== mzanfardino not meaning to grill, but legitimately interested
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Seyed_Mehdican anyone help me ?? i cant install Glibc pachage08:12
mikerose357ok gutsy is still a pos08:12
mikerose357I think it might be a good idea to go back to the actual release08:12
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sapurocan someone help me out?I need to save something in /etc/apt/sources.list but is telling me I dont have permission, do I really have to login as root?08:14
CP-Paulhello hello :)08:14
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Dormeda1sapuro: i believe so08:15
ZummiG777sapuro: You need to sudo08:15
Seyed_Mehdisapuro: u can use sudo command08:15
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Dormeda1sapuro: mind my arrogance :P08:15
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EldaMy brain is going emo :>08:16
sapuroDormedal no problem08:16
mzanfardinosapuro: from the command line you can type "sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list" or if you are using gnome try from the command line "gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" or if kde from the command line "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list08:16
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sapuroSeyed_Mehdi ZummiG777 thanks08:16
tdw-unrealityDoes someone know how to remove the default "noexec" mount option in KDE's mount system?08:17
sapuromzanfardino thanks08:17
mzanfardinosapuro: np08:17
tdw-unrealityIm going crazy finding a solution08:17
Seyed_Mehdisapuro: ;)08:17
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mikerose357change /etc/fstab?08:17
EldaIm trying to follow this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=473996&highlight=p100  to enable sound for my Laptop but at step 5 I'm getting an access denied message -_-;08:17
ariczHi, what's the use of '19.1GB  20.0GB  880MB extended" ? .. Type=Extended .. is it in use by linux or is it free to format into another filesystem?08:17
mzanfardinookay, so no further input on multi-head video card choices...08:17
EldaCould someone please help me out?  Or maybe even find a cleaner way to make this evil sound card of doom work? -_-;08:18
mikerose357aricz, how can someone here know if that paritition is in use?08:18
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EldaI've looked at all the guides, and they are all just as confusing to me atm08:18
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mikerose357tdw-unreality, google /etc/fstab you can change mount options there08:18
tdw-unrealityI need the exec option enabled on all USB devices. So changing /etc/fstab is no option.08:18
ariczmikerose357 : yup, sorry, I was too fast on that one, just saw linux-swap was on it..08:18
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mikerose357mzanfardino, whats wrong with your multihead setup?08:19
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sandy_can any one tell me how to install beryl in deb plz08:19
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BirtonBeginner: Need help setting up VNC to load at startup and provide X to vnc users.08:19
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mikerose357search for beryl clicky clicky run bery-manager08:20
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sandy_where i should search i am new to this platform08:20
crolle17i want to remove eclipse from my system completely. that concerns also the install-packages. how to do it?08:21
tdw-unrealityEven changing /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-storage-policy.fdi does not work08:21
mikerose357howto on installing beryl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26385108:21
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Eldacrolle17: use synaptic to remove them?08:21
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tdw-unrealityI don't want to insert every USB Disk in fstab08:21
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mzanfardinosorry, lost my connection before I could see who may have responded to my last question concerning multi-head video08:22
Eldahello :>08:22
mikerose357I asked what your problem was with your setup08:23
tdw-unrealityand i don't want to umount /dev/sdxx && mount /dev/sdxx /mnt/sdxx -o exec,nodev08:23
EldaBy chance are there any Toshiba P100 series users in here?08:23
tdw-unrealityhow do I tell kded that?08:23
sandrabcnhow are you?08:23
howlingmadhowieZummiG777: it's not just in gentoo. the problem is in the openboot on sun systems.08:24
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xanatosi'm new to ubuntu, is there any way to increase the screen resolution past 1024x768? or will I have to find device drivers for that :s08:24
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mikerose357xanatos I think its called restricted modules08:24
howlingmadhowieZummiG777: i used to have exactly the same problem on my U10 before i updated the firmware08:24
EldaFine, but going nuts trying to make my sound work... because I have the guide simply cant understand it08:24
ZummiG777howlingmadhowie: The firmware update will fix it?08:24
tdw-unrealityThis is starting to apply Microsoft menthality "don't allow the user to change any system preferences"08:24
mikerose357Elda do you have a built in sound card?08:24
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EldaIf you are using nvidia you have to do a sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx08:24
ZummiG777I'm glad someone else uses Sun hardware still ;)08:25
Eldamikerose357: Yes, it is on my laptop.  And I found the guides08:25
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mikerose357sucks to be you08:25
EldaBut I am unable to follow them as they are confusing to me08:25
howlingmadhowieZummiG777: it seems to have done so on my U10, but i've only installed linux once on it since then. at the moment i use the U10 for java development, so i have solaris on it.08:25
mikerose357can I see teh guide url?08:25
savetheWorldSun Has hardware?  i thought they just sold Java.......... :-)08:25
tdw-unrealityhelp, anyone08:25
Eldasure... one second08:25
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crolle17Elda, i mean i want really all removed. alls install-packages and this stuff.08:25
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tcstechare there any issues with webmin on ubuntu ?08:25
mikerose357basically sound cards mix multiple inputs like your tunes and your game into one output stream08:25
ZummiG777Wonderful, it gives me a start.08:26
mikerose357cheap sound cards do this as part of the driver on windows08:26
howlingmadhowieZummiG777: of course, you have to find a way to install the firmeware update, but i imagine the servers allow you to stop+A into openboot and install it there somehow. if not, you've gotta install solaris :(08:26
ZummiG777Sun and Apple are very similar.  Both are hardware companies at their hearts.08:26
mikerose357unfortunately linux doesn't do as good a job figuring out how to do this08:26
Eldamikerose357:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=473996&highlight=p100  ,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=349491&highlight=p100 , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=463290&highlight=p10008:26
EldaAre the guides08:26
ProN00bis there any program that can view connections, their current data transfer speed and that i can close those connections with ?08:26
ZummiG777That is just mean, I don't want to install Solaris to install Ubuntu08:26
EldaIm using the guide at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=473996&highlight=p100 but am stuck on step 508:27
howlingmadhowieZummiG777: as far as i know, sun has never made a firmware installer for linux08:27
EldaBecause it gives me an access denied error when I do the cat thing -_-;08:27
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chris__why i think that ubuntu is a really cool os but i'm stuck to windows??? i'm in ubuntu now...08:27
savetheWorldProN00b: "iftop"08:27
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EldaShould I try one of these other guides?08:27
howlingmadhowieZummiG777: however, i found that if i just tried to boot from the cd often enough it would eventually work. not very convincing i know...08:27
savetheWorldProN00b: iftop will do some of that for you.08:27
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chris__Vasika einai kanenas ellinas edo mesa????08:28
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linxehis there any room design software in the ubuntu repositories ?08:28
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tdw-unrealitykioslave, kded and all related stuff pisses me off right now :-[08:28
gnomefreaklinxeh: #ubuntu-motu08:28
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ZummiG777That is how I got through a few of my install apparently, this 'discovery' only came later in my series of installs.08:29
geniilinxeh: What, like interior designer type applications?08:29
CheshireViking!gr | chris__08:29
ubotuchris__: #ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes08:29
=== WhitE-DeMoN [n=WhitE-De@85-250-233-83.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
ZummiG777How many reboots did it take you, on average?08:29
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linxehgenii: yeah08:29
tdw-unrealityThere is no option to configure all options08:29
mikerose357hmmm ah slightly technical08:29
EldaErrr yeah08:29
tdw-unrealityIs there any program to set the default mount options in KDE?08:29
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EldaSo is there an easier way to do it?  Or am I going to have to fight my way through all of this Jargon?08:30
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tdw-unrealityNOT changing /etc/fstab08:30
mikerose357fstab is really easy08:30
howlingmadhowieZummiG777: oh, i dunno. i sort of got the impression it helped when it was cold (you've gotta remember, the U10 has an IDE bus for hard-drives and cd). but sometimes it just didn't want to work at all. and then the next day it suddenly worked08:31
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WhitE-DeMoNis there a way to learn all about Linux without reading? like putting a needle in my brain?08:31
tdw-unrealitymikerose357: I know /etc/fstab is easy but it is no option for removable USB devices08:31
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mikerose357what do you mean?08:31
CheeseGardenerI have a question, about NTFS config08:31
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CheeseGardeneris there a disk checker in it?08:31
mikerose357you can add usb removable to it08:31
howlingmadhowieZummiG777: of course, once you have it installed it's rock solid. i installed debian etch on the U10 when it came out and everything worked :)08:31
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mikerose357and you can specify devices by label instead of by /dev whatever08:32
SoulChildHey my gnome splash only disappears after i click it,... any ideas ?08:32
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ProN00bsavetheWorld, it doesn't show by process and it doesn't allow me to close connections08:32
crazy_is it possible to have 2 different linux distribution install on one computer?08:32
howlingmadhowiecrazy_: yep08:32
SoulChildcrazy_: sure08:32
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tdw-unrealitymikerose357: yes but i don't want to add every usb device i will ever connect just to remove the noexec option08:32
avisSoulChild, its something related to the video driver08:32
Cometei use pam_group.so to automatically add LDAP users to local groups and i works fine except with "plugdev" group. The user is well added to the group but he's not allowed to mount/unmount USB sticks. Any idea ?08:32
Jack_Sparrowcrazy_: yes as well as a copy of windows08:32
SoulChildavis: hmm i use i81008:32
mikerose357tdw why would you bother?08:33
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geniilinxeh: Hmmm, google fails me except for possibly something called qcad08:33
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crazy_when install dual boot, windows first or linux first?08:33
genii!find qcad08:33
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ubotuFound: libqcad0-dev, qcad, qcad-doc08:33
linxehgenii: google failed me too, thats why I asked :)08:33
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Jack_Sparrowcrazy_: Easier to install windows first08:33
mikerose357windows messes up the linux bootloader08:33
mikerose357which must then be restored08:33
geniilinxeh: Well, you may wish to try qcad08:33
genii!info qcad | linxeh08:34
WhitE-DeMoNput vista :D that will make up :P:P08:34
ubotulinxeh: qcad: A professional CAD System. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 2950 kB, installed size 12596 kB08:34
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naphi tried booting ubuntu from the cd, but after saying something like 'kernel live' my monitor turns off and nothing else happens08:34
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SoulChildwhy doesn't my gnome splash disappear automaticly ?08:34
crazy_I already have mandriva on my pc now I want to install ubuntu any precautions to make.08:34
Eldachii@Renmetherlence:/usr/src/dsdt$ SUDO cat /proc/acpi/dsdt > DSDT.dat , bash: DSDT.dat: Permission denied ,  Why am I getting permission denied when I attempt this? -_-;08:35
Jack_SparrowSoulChild: It should.. is this a fresh install?08:35
tdw-unrealitymikerose357: i need this option because i want to overload the wineshelllink script with a own one without replacing the original. This is done via PATH=/path/to/usb/bin:$PATH in a java app i'm going to write08:35
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agrokerwhat is default program under Gnome for rar archives?08:36
Jack_SparrowElda: Is the currecnt user in the admin group?08:36
jrib!rar > agroker (see the private message from ubotu)08:36
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EldaJack_Sparrow: I do not know.... how would I check?08:36
tdw-unrealitymikerose357: but if kde mounts with noexec by default this will not work08:36
Jack_Sparrowagroker: rar-free I thinl08:36
howlingmadhowiecrazy_: nope. just free up space for a new partition. you can use the existing swap space, provided you don't intend to use suspend-to-disk and then start the other linux distribution. if you're feeling adventurous, you can share your /home as well :)08:36
jribtdw-unreality: you might want to check #kubuntu as well08:36
agrokerjrib, tnx08:36
linxehgenii: ok thanks, I'll give it a go08:36
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Jack_Sparrowelda how manu user accounts on your system?08:36
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agrokerJacek_Kendysz, tnx08:36
EldaJust this one08:36
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EldaI just installed Ubuntu08:36
tcstechI have a tough question... I dd'ed an ntfs drive and after restoring the drive I get errors in qtparted ... it works on the windowx box.08:36
tdw-unrealityjrib: allright, thanks08:37
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Eldahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=463290&highlight=p100  Following this guide and when I get to step 5 it results in what was seen befor :>08:37
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caner1caould someone please tell why cant i connect to internet although the machine can get ip from my wireless network??08:37
caner1i just cant ping it08:37
howlingmadhowiecaner1: dns or routing problem08:37
pike__tcstech: stupid question maybe but.. the partition isnt mounted is it?08:37
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EldaJack_Sparrow: If my current account is not elevated to admin status how would I do this?08:38
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crazy_howlingmadhowi: I am going to install on a the slave IDE hard disk to make things simple. will there be a different boot loader from mandriva and ubuntu?08:38
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howlingmadhowiecaner1: can you try the following: "ping"08:38
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MishuIs there someway i can append contents of one file to another?08:38
caner1<howlingmadhowie> i am using a windows machine which is connected to the wireless network i am tryig to connect with the other computer08:38
b4l74z4rhow do i telnet my router in ubuntu?08:39
howlingmadhowiecrazy_: if you tell ubuntu to install the bootloader it will replace the current bootloader in the mbr with its own08:39
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caner1<howlingmadhowie> can i use this ones settings to connect the other one?08:39
jojuxb4l74z4r, telnet ?08:39
aviscaner1, its its not the network i'd try another windows driver to implement with ndiswrapper08:39
crazy_howlingmadhowi: if without?08:39
pike__caner1: can you pastebin the output of 'route' command? also check to make sure /etc/resolv.conf has a nameserver routeripaddress  entry08:39
jribMishu: cat file1 >> file2     should work08:39
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tcstechpike__ nope.  I get "...recursive partition on /dev/sdb" in qtparted.08:39
howlingmadhowiecaner1: just a second, i need more input. i'm not sure what your setup is like08:39
osmosiswhy does my /etc/motd  keep getting reset ???08:40
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tcstechIs there a way to rebuild/repar the patition table without hosing the data?08:40
b4l74z4rjojux: yes, telnet08:40
caner1<avis> i have installed a driver using ndiswrapper and it can scan for wireless networks. it can even connect and get ip but i cant connect to internet with it08:40
howlingmadhowiecrazy_: if you don't tell ubuntu to install grub in the mbr, you'll have to edit the grub configuration files in mandriva to add ubuntu as a boot option08:40
b4l74z4rjojux: i want to configure ports08:40
crazy_howlingmadhowi: thanks. xie xie ni08:40
avisyes caner1.  i dont have much experience with ndiswrapper though if you can outrule the network i'd see if i could find another working driver08:41
jojuxb4l74z4r, have you tried the command "telnet <your router ip>" in a terminal window eg. konsole, gnome-term etc . ?08:41
howlingmadhowiecaner1: so you have a driver installed on the linux box, but you can't get into the net. can you try "ping" on the linux box and seeing what happens?08:41
b4l74z4rjojux: yes, it said "invalid command"08:41
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Mishusudo cat /etc/abc >> etc/abc1 gives permission denied jrib08:41
caner1<avis> could the problem be with the driver since i can scan,connect08:41
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howlingmadhowieMishu: yeah, cat has that problem. you have to login as root first (sudo -i)08:42
caner1<howlingmadhowie> ok let me give it a try08:42
Jack_SparrowElda: Sorry..having to take this call...   try    gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu/lst    just to see if it is a problem with your permissions.... Back when I can get free..08:42
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jribMishu: because the redirection is done by your shell which is run as your user,  try instead: cat file1 | sudo tee -a file208:42
aviscaner1, i dont know.  it would be my first suspicon if you were sure the wireless network was ok08:42
howlingmadhowiecaner1: that's the number for www.google.com btw08:42
Mishuhowlingmadhowie, whats the password for root in ubuntu?08:42
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Jack_Sparrow!root > Mishu08:42
howlingmadhowieMishu: the password of your main user08:42
caner1<howlingmadhowie> it says operation not permitted08:42
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ProN00bis there any program that can view connections, their current data transfer speed and that i can close those connections with ?08:42
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jojuxb4l74z4r, have you tried to install a package named telnet or telnet-ssl with you favourite package manager frontend like apt aptitude synaptics ... ?08:42
Mishusu -08:43
crazy_the windows wireless driver in ubuntu what is it for?08:43
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Mishuif i do and give my userpassword it doesnt works!08:43
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b4l74z4rjojux: i got it working all of a sudden but thanks anyway08:43
caner1<howlingmadhowie> why isnt it permitted to ping??08:43
jribMishu: read the link from ubotu, it will explain08:43
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howlingmadhowiecaner1: you're using ubuntu 7.04 or similar? that is very strange08:43
Jack_SparrowMishu: sudo su08:43
jojuxb4l74z4r, your welcome08:43
caner1<howlingmadhowie> yes feisty08:43
Kujenokay... I installed nvidia-glx and changed xorg.conf to use the nvidia driver instead of nv... why won't x start afterwards08:43
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caner1<howlingmadhowie>  it just says "ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted"08:44
quiltrohow do i setup a bittorrent tracker?08:44
caner1<howlingmadhowie> continiously08:44
EldaJack_Sparrow: Never mind It seems it did something08:44
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howlingmadhowiecaner1: do you have some sort of firewall installed?08:45
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caner1<howlingmadhowie> yes let me try putting it down08:46
naphis there any way to get ubuntu to boot from cd and use a video card instead of onboard video08:46
howlingmadhowiecaner1: well, that would be a good idea :)08:46
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Jack_Sparrownaph: That is setup by your bios/cmos  disable onboard video08:47
naphso if i do that, it'll be forced to use the card?08:47
caner1<howlingmadhowie> unfortunately it didnt solve freind. now the err msg is "destination host unreachable"08:47
howlingmadhowiecaner1: perfect :)08:47
caner1<howlingmadhowie> happy it changed :) but not solved08:47
howlingmadhowiecaner1:  now we know what's wrong08:48
howlingmadhowiecaner1: your routing table is incomplete08:48
Diogo|Skol|hello everyone08:48
caner1<howlingmadhowie> :) whatcan i do for it?08:48
armyriadWhat do I do if I think GRUB is located on the wrong partition?08:49
howlingmadhowiecaner1: find the gateway address on your network (the address of your router, usually the same as your ip-address but the last number is a 1) and try the following: sudo route add default gw <router ip address>08:49
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:49
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fredlhi, I'm trying to install flashplayer by the instructions I found on ubuntuguide.org08:50
Diogo|Skol|can anyone help me??08:50
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howlingmadhowie!ask | Diogo|Skol|08:50
ubotuDiogo|Skol|: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:50
Soulwarpi should put a floppy drive in...08:50
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jrib!flash > fredl (see the private message from ubotu)08:50
RuethaI'm running Feisty trying to use a Netgear wg111v2 USB wireless... when I run ndiswrapper -l I get invalid driver. It also doesn't show device present. Could I get some suggestions, please? :) **tries again** :)08:50
jribfredl: use the wiki, don't use ubuntuguide08:50
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argolinhocan I get some help?08:50
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fredlit seems it doesn't work. When I do apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, it appears to be fownloading something...08:50
jrib!helpme | argolinho08:50
ubotuargolinho: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:51
Diogo|Skol|i have white screnn when i start terminal whit beryl on!!08:51
EldaThis is a lengthy fix hehe08:51
argolinhojrib real nice of u to show ur awake :o08:51
fredljrib - uhm, ok, but why not?08:51
Eldabut finally am figuring out what to do xD08:51
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argolinhoI can run sudo apt-get, but It wont complete the update, it says "Reading package lists... Done08:52
argolinhoW: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278308:52
argolinhoW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems"08:52
howlingmadhowieDiogo|Skol|: the short version: add this line to the "display" section of xorg.conf:     Option         "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"08:52
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caner1<howlingmadhowie> here what came out .. sudo route add default gw <the gateway addrs> --> SIOCADDRT: File exists08:52
jribfredl: because ubuntuguide has had incorrect information in the past and isn't recommended, the wiki is usually a better source of information, and I am pretty sure I know what is going wrong and the wiki addresses it.  let me know if it's still not working after you read the guide on the wiki though08:52
argolinhoI just uninstalled and then installed mplayer08:52
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Jack_SparrowRuetha: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51993&highlight=Netgear+WG11108:53
jerrcshi guys . i have a question, I have a phone and the USB data cable.. is there anyway I can mount the phone's drive or something to retrieve stuff like pictures? i dont wanna use my windows computer for this08:53
argolinhoand now is doing this08:53
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eldkraftusually it's just to plug it in08:53
caner1<howlingmadhowie> still i cant ping, getting destination host unreachable ?08:53
deltarayHow can I find out what package owns a specific file?08:53
eldkraftand it comes up like a mounted device08:53
jerrcseldkraft, it hasnt, i think08:53
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argolinhohelp help help help help08:54
jribargolinho: did you add the medibuntu gpg key?  What is the output of 'sudo apt-key list'?  (use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org , don't paste here)08:54
jerrcseldkraft, yea, nothing in the thing08:54
howlingmadhowiecaner1: SIOC... usually means that you haven't got route privileges or the same file is already open elsewhere (which would surprise me). can you try first entering "sudo -i" and then logging in with the password of your primary user and then: route add default gw <ipaddress>08:54
bruenig!attitude | argolinho08:54
ubotuargolinho: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:54
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jerrcs"the thing" being the drives list08:54
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Diogo|Skol|what display?08:54
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eldkraftok, has worked for pretty much everything I've plugged in so far. I'm no expert though.. maybe someone else here can help you08:55
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RuethaThanks, Jack. Checking...08:55
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howlingmadhowiecaner1: maybe we should do this on private. lots of traffic here in #ubuntu. you can "join #caner" if you wish08:55
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argolinhojrib what sintax do I use?08:57
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jribargolinho: doesn't matter08:57
argolinhojrib oki doki08:57
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pablassothere's any way to add a command to the mouse's right button menu in gnome? (i don't know his proper name)08:57
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slowz3rWhy does it say that the libnids not initialized in dsniff ??08:58
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argolinhojrib i've posted the output on the website08:58
jribargolinho: what is the url?08:58
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shekharhello can someone help me I have lost all sound on my machine08:59
RuethaI must be blind. I don't see anything about how to resolve "invalid driver" in that thread, Jack...08:59
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argolinhojrib http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32168/08:59
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sebastbumbum...;] 08:59
kduboi1anyone know how to shut down cpu cores in linux?08:59
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sebastlinux linux i co??08:59
pike__shekhar: open a terminal and type 'alsamixer' then play a mp3 or something while you fool with the volume. use arrow keys and < > keys to adjust volume and unmute08:59
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phiraswhere can I find apache  configration files ?09:00
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shekharpike__ everything looks normal in alsamixer09:00
slowz3rWhy does dsniff tell me that libnids arent initalized only when i imput a target IP09:00
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jribargolinho: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repository.php do the second command there (wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update) and be forewarned that automatix has broken systems in the past and is not recommended here...09:00
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shekharpike__ I've tried alsactl also to restore settings, still no luck09:00
sebastja grab ja grab!;] 09:00
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Sp4rKyjrib: argolinho don't use medibuntu.sos-sts.com anymore09:00
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heterodoxlinux is ok, try freebsd09:01
jerrcsso, anyone have any suggestions? I have a motorola phone and I want to connect it to my ubuntu machine and retrieve my pictures and stuff09:01
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sebastktos jest kto muwi dobrze po polsku??09:01
Sp4rKyplease use medibuntu.org in place of medibuntu.sos-sts.com09:01
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:01
EADG_I'm running Screen on cli, on tty1 I get lots of wierd charecters in irssi, iftop, ect. On tty2 all is normal. I've re-logged on tty1, reset, and source /etc/bash.bashrc to no avail, any other suggestions?09:01
sebastdanke;] 09:01
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argolinhoSp4rKy getting confused now.lol09:01
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Sp4rKyargolinho: medibuntu.org just replace medibuntu.sos-sts.com , which is *deprecated*09:02
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pike__shekhar: hmm. im not sound guru by any means :)  only time ive had an issue its been correctable in alsamixer or back when i was having flash issues by killing firefox09:02
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Sp4rKyargolinho: they are same package, but the official address is now medibuntu.org09:03
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slowz3r_Why do i get libnids not initalized in dsniff ?09:03
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luca__hi everyone09:03
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argolinhoS4rKy got it09:03
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luca__I am thinking about installing the suspend2 patches from trevino's repositories for my feisty, as suspend is unreliable on my Dell machine. Is this a bad idea?09:03
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thx1137anyone know of any good bandwidth limiters for ubuntu?09:04
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soundrayluca__: I don't think so, but if you haven't done this already, you might want to have a look at tuxmobil.org to see if anyone else has got suspend working on your machine model.09:05
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lindogHow do i enable firewall in ubuntu 7?09:06
erUSUL!firewall | lindog09:06
ubotulindog: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:06
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luca__soundtray thanks09:06
argolinhojrib Sp4rKy thanks alot guys09:06
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:06
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slowz3r_Why do i get libnids not initalized in dsniff ?09:07
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marti149_hey guys how do you install ubuntu when your screen resolution is only 800x600 and monitor wont display full windows?09:08
soundraymarti149_: use the text-based installer on the alternate CD09:08
marti149_the graphical install script doesnt show buttons to continue09:08
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rafaelscjwitch codec must I install to play mp3?09:09
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IceLinkis it possible to enable rmp-support or so?09:10
ariczHi, I just installed a new hdd to this computer. It's showing in /dev/hdb1 .. so what I did was "fdisk /dev/hdb1", deleted all the partitions, made 2 new, and did a 'w'; "write table to disk and exit". Then I got this message : "The new table will be used at the next reboot." This doesn't look good :) does this mean it'll try boot from my secondary harddisk next time?09:10
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EnselicIceLink: what packe d you have in RPM that is not available in .deb?09:10
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jasonlifeI can't control more than one X server with gdm.. I specified two X servers in [servers]  section in gdm.conf-custom but only one X server starts..09:10
jasonlifeany idea?09:11
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IceLinkfhs-printingdirs Enselic09:11
soundrayaricz: no09:11
Assassyni want to setup a public proxy server, but to be anonymous09:11
IceLinkah stop09:11
IceLinki don't need to do this09:11
Assassynlinux based on redhat09:11
ariczsoundray : ok, thanks09:11
soundrayaricz: it just means that you should reboot to ensure that the kernel has an up-to-date partition table for that disk.09:11
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TerrasqueAssassyn: why on earth would you do that? :)09:11
Assassynhide ip09:12
Gromethey everyone, just wanted to know if ubuntu server is worth a shot? anyone use it for anything practical?09:12
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ariczsoundray : I also got this : "WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 22: Invalid argument." and "The kernel still uses the old table." .. :)09:12
EnselicGromet: umm, you can like any kind of server you want on it09:12
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EnselicGromet: webserver, database, ssh, compileserver etc etc09:12
EnselicGromet: I use one as a Source Dedicated Server09:13
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GrometEnselic: i mean as far as ease of configuration.. is it all pretty much automatically setup for you?09:13
soundrayaricz: that usually means that one or more of the deleted partitions were mounted. Again, reboot to fix this.09:13
ariczsoundray : ok, reboot.. thanks09:13
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EnselicGromet: many servers has acceptable defaults so they run instantly, but it is rare that one does not want to edit server config files09:13
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Jam8oehi guys, i consider myself to be a noob at this so please dont go off at me09:14
Jam8oefor any noob qns...09:14
Grometunderstandable. i was wondering if they made some kind of graphical frontend to edit some of this config files09:14
EnselicGromet: you have good basic setup guies at ubuntu.com in the Documentation setting09:14
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IceLinkis it okay to change the pc's name just in the textfile?09:14
EnselicGromet: there probably are a few, but config files are not complicated09:14
EnselicGromet: I don't think you'd get much benefit from a GUI frontend for a config file09:15
Jam8oeI been trying to install Kubuntu on an old-ish compaq laptop, and i am having MAJOR probs!09:15
soundrayIceLink: you should probably update it both in /etc/hostname and in /etc/hosts09:15
Assassynslap me if nay canhelp09:15
Jam8oeSorry Xubuntu09:15
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GrometEnselic: have you tried using the LTSP terminal services project stuff with Ubuntu Server?09:15
Jam8oeanyone able to help?09:15
EnselicGromet: nope09:16
IceLinkgood idea soundray09:16
lindogerUSUL: i asked how to enable firewall can you explain how to?09:16
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anklebiterJam8oe, might be in your best interest to explain what the problem is.09:16
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Enselic!firewall | lindog09:16
ubotulindog: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:16
jribJam8oe: sure, your questions are welcomed here.  But just go ahead and write out your question on one line and wait for someone to answer09:16
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Jam8oeok installing Xubuntu on compaq armada 1750 - gets as far as installing the KERNAL to make it bootable. then fails.09:16
GrometEnselic: i wonder if there'd be a good market for selling ubuntu servers for small businesses.. i'd love a SBS replacement for some of the more simple small businesses that just require employees to write emails and documents all the time09:16
Jam8oesoz jrib - as i said - noob09:17
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janeppoJam8oe, it may be a very LONG line09:17
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soundrayJam8oe: be specific about how it fails09:17
EnselicGromet: absolutely possible, many companies already do it09:17
KrimZoni'm having trouble changing to my monitors native resolution of 1280x1024 on a geforce2mx40009:18
slowz3r_Can anyone help with the dsniff collection of programs ?09:18
GrometEnselic: thanks for all your input i appreciate it. i think i will just give it a run for the hell of it09:18
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Jam8oeok says there was an error installing the selected kernal and suggests that I check a log fine for info - i thought maybe a dodgy download but checked it09:18
Jam8oeout on another pc and the disc verifies perfectly09:18
JohtoKrimZon: first of all make a backup of the xorg.conf found in /etc/X11/09:18
EADG_When ever I re-attach a Screen session to tty1 i see alot of messed up font charecters, I've source'd all the bashrc's I can find, re-logged, killall tty1, etc. tty2+ look fine. Any suggestions for a fix?09:19
soundrayKrimZon: ubotu has some info for you -- private message09:19
Jack_SparrowKrimZon: if you are stuck at 1024 x 768 that is vesa mode and you need deivers to go above that.09:19
soundray!fixres > KrimZon09:19
argolinhocan someone help me here. when i play a video, like, dvd or avi or even wma files, the image has way too much brightness.only videos from youtube, google video and launch website works fine09:19
EnselicGromet: if you are not comfortable using a CLI, I recomend getting used to it before installing a Ubuntu Server edition09:19
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shekharhello could someone help me with fstab09:19
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Johtoarcade: ati or nvidia?09:19
EnselicGromet: you can run server applications from the Desktop variant anyway, both server and desktop version use the same software repositores09:19
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: What are you trying to do?09:20
Johtoarcade: sorry not u09:20
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EnselicGromet: what differs Server from Desktop is only what packages are installed by default09:20
soundrayJam8oe: have you tried installing just this once?09:20
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Johtoargolinho: ati or nvidia?09:20
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GrometEnselic: nah i'm not worried about the command line.. i've edited config files many'a'times and i personally enjoy it.. i'm just thinkin more on a corporate level and how easy it would be for regular users to administer their "small business server" in case they ever needed to09:20
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Jam8oeno, many times - diff rrors each time09:20
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argolinhoJohto intel 945GM09:20
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anklebiterJam8oe, have you tried different distros?09:21
shekharJack_Sparrow: I think I messed it up while manually editing it and want to revert to the default fstab09:21
Grometi guess there's always stuff like Plesk and Ensim..09:21
Johtoargolinho: i bet its because your videplayer uses the "hardware accell" driver wrong, ..so try differend player, differend "accellration", try xv09:21
soundrayJam8oe: if you're lucky it's just a fluke and won't happen again if you retry from the start09:21
Grometcan't get much easier than that reallyt09:21
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Johtoargolinho: oh ..dont know about intel :I09:21
EnselicGromet: I highly suspect several frontents are available, but if they weren't hacking together a frontend should not take long09:21
shekharJack_Sparrow: unfortunately I deleted the backed up09:21
EnselicGromet: using Ruby or Python with GTK+ bindings for example09:21
argolinhoJohto what's xv?09:21
CydeWeysIs there a simple way to turn a desktop installation into a server installation?  I already have LAMP and everything else running, now I just need to uninstall the X11, Gnome, etc. packages which are no longer needed.09:21
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Jack_Sparrowshekhar: That makes it harder to restore you backup eh...   What were you trying to do?09:22
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PriceChildCydeWeys, one min09:22
slowz3r_Can anyone help with the dsniff collection of programs ?09:22
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GrometEnselic: mm i'd love to get in to some python.. do you personally code with it for anything?09:22
shekharJack_Sparrow: this was a few months ago, I was trying to create a new mount point for my mobile phone when it was plugged into the usb data cable09:22
harushimohow I do kill a process through the command line09:22
PriceChildCydeWeys, use the "remove gnome" bit here: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde09:22
harushimomy firefox isn't loading up09:22
soundrayCydeWeys: if it works as it is, I suggest not to change it at all.09:22
Johtoargolinho: there are lot of differend "accelration" modes for differend cards when using videoplayback on HARDWARE accellration...example, install mplayer with the gui and try differend ones from its configuration...most commonly used one and best working is "xv"09:22
shekharJack_Sparrow: yes, I acted in haste by not backing up the earlier file :/09:23
Johtoargolinho: there are lot of more, x11,gl,blaahblaah..but xv is the "common one"09:23
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arrghrrrharushimo 'kill -9' is the common way to do it09:23
Johtoargolinho: btw, what player are you using now?09:23
erUSULlindog: use firestarter for example if you want something easy to setup09:23
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: Why dont you post your fstab to the pastebin for people to see what they can do..09:23
EnselicGromet: I work professinonally with C and C++, and I have not yet had time to do any serious work using Python09:23
CydeWeyssoundray: Okay, that might work ... then how do I change the startup procedure so that it doesn't automatically go into a graphical login?09:23
argolinhoJohto oki doki...thanks for ur help ;)09:23
EADG_harushimo: ps -e |grep process name, then kill -9 process id #09:23
EnselicGromet: but there are several good tutorials for that, so you should be fine09:23
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soundrayCydeWeys: 'sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove'09:23
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: I am going to go get lunch started while you do that..09:23
EADG_harushimo: or killall process name.09:23
harushimohow do you find out the process id09:23
Johtoargolinho: and also, it could be that you are missing /configured wrong someting related to those in /etc/X11/xorg.conf :)09:23
arrghrrrHas anyone else had problems with system freezes recently?09:24
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GrometEnselic: what does an noob that hasn't programmed anything more than Qbasic supposed to do if they want to learn how to code? haha where is a good place to start09:24
EADG_harushimo: pid is listed beside name when you do ps -e |grep name09:24
Johtoarrghrrr: yes when using beryl/ compiz fusion09:24
shekharJack_Sparrow: thanks... here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32169/09:24
CydeWeyssoundray: So then it will just do a pure-terminal login?09:24
Grometthey told us "Qbasic" was computer science back in highschool.. the bastards.. wasted my time is what they did09:24
soundrayCydeWeys: yes09:24
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shekharJack_Sparrow: basically I wanted the phone to mount in /media/phone09:25
shekharbut now it causes my external hard disk to mount there as well09:25
CydeWeyssoundray: Okay, that definitely is simpler than uninstalling all of the graphical components.09:25
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EnselicGromet: if you are not a coder, chances are you will not find writing frontends trivial in some months :)09:25
AnlarGromet: buy a good c# or java book :)09:25
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n2diyGromet /join #perl09:25
soundrayCydeWeys: although the advice on PriceChild's link looks reasonable, too09:25
EnselicGromet: but just google for   <language> tutorials09:25
argolinhoJohto how can i find that out?if theres something wrong with that?09:25
EnselicGromet: I recomend you to stay away from Perl09:25
EnselicGromet: and I recomend you to look into Ruby09:26
soundrayCydeWeys: but unless you're stuck for space, it's a case of "Never change a running system"09:26
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CydeWeyssoundray: I'll take it if space ever becomes an issue.09:26
Anlargrimeboy: Sun provides good complete tutorial trail for learning Java from the scratch09:26
CydeWeyssoundray: Right now HD usage is only at 34%, so I have a lot of room to grow.09:26
Grometi already bought that damn Camel book from Oreilly a few years back.. it's still sitting on my book shelf and hasnt moved for a while09:26
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arrghrrri think he wants to learn programming not scripting09:26
soundrayCydeWeys: way to go09:26
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pike__Gromet: id recommend you start with bash. then ruby or python or c++. bash will give you immediate gratification and make a real impact in your computing09:27
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GrometEnselic: ooo Ruby has a little java app or something that lets you practice coding from within their website haha09:27
tattersif I booted up with liveCD and copied over everything on hda to a folder on a spare drive, then if I decide to restore would copying it back over using livCD work?/09:27
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harushimoi need to restart of computer. thanks everyone09:28
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JuppersAnyone know where there is any udev documentation that actually makes sense? I just don't get it at all. all my devices load, just their order changes and I need it to not do that.09:28
Johtoargolinho: dunno, too complex thing to talk via irc :(09:28
Grometpike__: that's not a bad idea either..09:28
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Johtoargolinho: dont have time for that09:28
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soundrayJuppers: which devices?09:28
Enselicpike_: except that bash syntax truly sucks :/09:28
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: First of all I'm gonna smack you for usung automatix...09:28
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=== pike__ sputters curses at Enselic
argolinhoJohto oki doki,thanks anywayz...09:29
shekharJack_Sparrow: :-)09:29
Jupperssoundray - a DVB-S card, a DVB-T card and a USB DVB adapter09:29
UBNTUhelpProblem with GRUB guys09:29
shekharJack_Sparrow: yeah that ntfs mount thing is screwing stuff up09:29
nnachtHey, does anybody know how can I compile the "nat"-module for kernel 2.6.22? I can't find it in the menuconfig09:29
Enselicpike_: it is completely different from all mainstream programming languages, so starting programming in bash is totally wrong imo09:29
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GrometRuby appears very "in plain english"09:29
dmc68howdy gang. have two perm onsite xhtml css positions in Seattle if anyone is lookin for work. Shoot me a PM09:29
Johtoargolinho: you didn say what player you were using?09:29
Juppersthe S and T share the same driver and stay in the same relative order, the usb one can end up anywhere between the other 209:29
=== shekhar meekly accepts smack from Jack_Sparrow
Johtoargolinho: you have that brighnes issue with then all?09:30
argolinhoJohto the weird thing is that mplayer wont even play original dvd's, only Totem Movie Player is doing that at the moment09:30
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Johtoargolinho: thast normal, its because dvd playback is "restricted"09:30
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: Nothing jumps out at me from the fstab.. what problems are you having..09:30
Johtoargolinho: i use xine09:30
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soundrayJuppers: I wouldn't touch udev for that. Blacklist the usb dvb driver and load it via /etc/modules instead.09:30
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Johtoargolinho: but anyways, try differnd videoplayers to find the "common" bad thing :D09:30
UBNTUhelpI managed to delete my grub-config, but I have a backup (menu.lst_backup). I am new to linux btw, but at right after the PC is turned on, I now only have a simple bash-commnand line for grub.09:31
ramviWhy isnt wubi working?09:31
UBNTUhelpHow can I get my grub-config back?09:31
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shekharJack_Sparrow: I can't mount my external HD and phone at the same time09:31
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argolinhoJohto can i get xine installed just by doing sudo apt-get install xine?09:31
shekharthey both want to be in /media/phone09:31
Jupperssoundray - will thayt make it load after or before the udev stuff?09:31
Johtoargolinho: and try more than just DVD, use .avi and stuff, xvid/divx/mp4 contents09:31
soundrayJuppers: after09:31
Johtoargolinho: uh uh, please read the documents ok?09:31
thx1137ramvi: what's not working?09:31
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Johtoargolinho: i see you are new :D09:31
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shekharJack_Sparrow: I find that I'm having to always do sudo mount -a and then the HD mounts inside /media/phone09:31
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Jupperssoundray - thanks. I hope that works09:31
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soundrayJuppers: good luck09:32
ramvithx1137: cant connect to the server to install ubuntu09:32
soundrayJuppers: do you know how to blacklist?09:32
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argolinhoJohto never bothered to use any videos in ubuntu...now i gotta use it.lol09:32
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: If you have the phone plugged in boot up and then plug in the external does it work?09:32
Johtoargolinho: check the ubuntu guides, about media :)09:32
UBNTUhelpI really need help quite fast, please help me09:32
panik3rHow do i fix really long boot up time on ubuntu?09:32
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argolinhoJohto no prob, i'll figure it out ;) thanks man09:32
Busatanever turn it off!09:32
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shekharJack_Sparrow: no09:33
blazemongermint linux jacked ubuntu09:33
LekremUBNTUhelp: What OS's do you have?09:33
Johtoargolinho: i had day or two to "tweak" my media stuff to what i like  :) ..no pain, no gain :D09:33
shekharI can never access both at the same time09:33
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ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:33
soundrayUBNTUhelp: boot from the live CD, mount your root partition to /mnt and copy your backed up file to /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst09:33
GrometEnselic: wow this little freakin online Ruby interface is awesome haha.. it walks you through step by step..09:33
thx1137ramvi: hmm, not sure, never ran into that.  I'd say to check/disable any firewalls to make sure09:33
UBNTUhelpUbuntu 7.0409:33
EnselicGromet: yeah :)09:34
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ScuniziUBNTUhelp, from the command line type (sudo cp menu.lst_backup menu.lst)09:34
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pike__Gromet: ruby is very sweet09:34
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ScuniziUBNTUhelp, then reboot09:34
Grometits like programming for r-tards like me09:34
blazemongeris it possible to have ubuntu and gnewsense be able to boot off the same drive?09:34
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soundrayScunizi: UBNTUhelp system isn't booted09:34
blazemongerwith a 40 gig hd i want to boot two distros09:34
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: You can rem out  # line 17 but that will only pull out the phone for now..  I would start there.. then run the script diskmounter with both of your devices attached..09:34
=== MilitantPotato [n=Militant@12-201-89-254.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerone for playing and one for my studio work09:34
panik3rHow do i fix really long boot up time on ubuntu?09:35
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LekremA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.09:35
anklebiter!different distro09:35
LekremA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.09:35
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soundraypanik3r: how long does it take, and where does it linger?09:35
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SonarxHello! I'm running Ubuntu 7.04 with an Nvidia 9200FX card. The drivers install and work just fine, however image and video quality is terrible, while the ui is fine. Any ideas?09:35
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UBNTUhelpyes, i only get command not recognized when Im in bash/grub09:35
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argolinhoJohto 2 days?isnt that way too long?lol09:35
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soundrayUBNTUhelp: did you get my advice?09:36
PriceChildSonarx, erm.... nvidia 9200?09:36
panik3rwhen i boot, it says something about erroe pci, then it says starting grub and hangs for like 3-5 mins09:36
Jupperssoundray - just put the module name in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist   like blacklist dvb_usb right?09:36
SonarxSorry 520009:36
shekharJack_Sparrow: where do I get diskmounter?09:36
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newhi all09:36
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Johtoargolinho: lol, no man, if you are a linux freak :D09:36
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newdoes someone use gyachi? it doesnt connect to server ... pls help me09:36
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Johtoargolinho: i like to tweak my shit 99% ..the last 1% is the sweetest :D09:37
soundraypanik3r: that sounds like a BIOS issue, nothing to do with ubuntu itself09:37
ScuniziUBNTUhelp, If you have a live cd boot to that, then mount your HD, from there you could gksudo nautilus, careful you're in root.  Go to the hd find the file and copy it then rename it accordingly09:37
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: wget http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/scripts/diskmounter09:37
soundray!blacklist | Juppers09:37
ubotuJuppers: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 09:37
Johtoargolinho: oh, and i mean "during 2 days" ...09:37
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:37
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argolinhoJohto found out and installed xine :D09:37
Johtoargolinho: but anyways, i am what you could call "expert" user..used linux from '9409:37
panik3ranyway to tell for sure if it a bios issue?09:37
Johtoargolinho: nice09:37
soundrayJuppers: hey, that blacklist factoid has another possible solution for your problem...09:38
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SonarxHello! I'm running Ubuntu 7.04 with an Nvidia GeForce FX5200 card. The drivers install and work just fine, however image and video quality is terrible, while the ui is fine. Any ideas?09:38
Alle1jrib: are you here?09:38
PriceChildSonarx, you used the restricted drivers manager?09:38
argolinhoJohto ahahahhaa...I shouldnt mess with u then, i am what u could call "novice" user, used linux from nearly 1 month ago. lol09:38
MilitantPotatoIm trying to install Ubuntu on my wife's PC via the live CD, it gets to the brown screen where normally a small box opens showing it's loading nautalis and all, then stops responding, the caps and num lock lights start flashing.  What should I do?09:38
Jupperslist them in the initramfs?09:38
shekharJack_Sparrow: awesome this looks like it will do the trick. Thanks! :-)09:38
JohtoSonarx: try to make a screenshot09:38
soundraypanik3r: does it spend a long time hanging before grub appears? If it does, it's a BIOS issue.09:39
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: np09:39
newdoes anybody know a programm to chat with yahoo contacts ? a program with cam feature09:39
SonarxYes, I've also built them from source. The crazy thing is it was working just fine.09:39
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:39
=== riotkittie [n=tracy@cpe-72-228-34-31.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
shekharJack_Sparrow: could you help me with something much more esoteric?09:39
Alle1how to uninstall automatix09:39
Dr_LinkI have two partitions; Ubuntu and Windows. Now, here's my problem. Since Ubuntu can see all of my partitions, is it safe for me to access my Windows partition with Ubuntu and edit some files?09:39
soundrayJuppers: yes. Never tried that myself, though09:39
SonarxI would unfortunately I'm at work right now.09:39
Johtoargolinho: ah, you are youngling..good luck with your journey, it will be long but wise one :D09:39
ariczHi, I need some help with adding a new hdd to linux. I've put in a 40gb hdd as slave, fdisk /etc/hdb1 (the new hd), made 2 primary partitions on it. Now, being the newbie I am, what to do next? I want to make 1 partition exf3 and 1 partition FAT16.. how do I do this?09:39
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: stll trying to eat lunch but ask anyhow09:39
riotkittieDr_Link: what kind of win partiton ? NTFS?09:39
soundrayJuppers: I'd start by listing only your PCI cards there, leaving the USB stuff alone at first09:39
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riotkittieDr_Link: or FAT32?09:39
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panik3ronly when starting grub09:40
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Dr_Linkriotkittie: NTFS.09:40
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shekharJack_Sparrow: I've lost all sound output and I think my alsa.conf is buggered09:40
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Johtoargolinho: i remember the days without the internet, i messed with slackware v.3 and it took 2 weeks to even get to the the GUI ..those were the days :D09:40
KrimZonaha, that broke it but then after that if fixed it :)09:40
panik3rits says starting grub. then goes black for like 3-5 mins09:40
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Johtoargolinho: no one even to help me :D09:40
geniiDr_Link: fat/fat32 partitions can be safely edited without much else from linux. for ntfs you need a driver that allows you read/write09:40
TonrenHey guys, I'm gonna buy a new Windows laptop and I want to dual boot Ubuntu.  What are the graphic cards, wireless cards, sound cards, etc., with the BEST Linux support?  Where can I find out?09:40
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: Another victim of automatix...09:40
shekharJack_Sparrow: I mean /var/lib/alsa/asound.state09:40
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TerrasqueJohto: I remember using windows 3.1 :p now THAT was horror09:41
soundraypanik3r: okay, that's a different issue then.09:41
shekharJack_Sparrow: damn I never knew that automatix wreaks such havoc09:41
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Jack_Sparrowshekhar: Cant help with that one..09:41
JohtoTerrasque: :)09:41
MilitantPotatoIm trying to install Ubuntu on my wife's PC via the live CD, it gets to the brown screen  then stops responding, the caps and num lock lights start flashing.  What should I do? Feisty 386 w/ a AMD x2 3800, Geforce 6800GT, 2gb of ram.09:41
riotkittieDr_Link: At the moment, ability to write to NTFS from linux is still in beta stage, and because MS wont release NTFS specs or whatever, there *are* risks in writing to it, and you can lose data. You can enable it, and you can do it... but depending on the files, you may want to consider a shared FAT32 part09:41
shekharJack_Sparrow: okay no worries, thanks anyway for your kind help!09:41
argolinhoJohto see, that's the thing u were preparing urself to help others, to save them from the limitations of Microsoft.lol...ur like NEO now, u can fly and all that :D...ahaahahahhah09:41
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: np09:41
riotkittieinstead because that tends to be safer.09:41
soundraypanik3r: you're not seeing the boot messages, probably because your video setup is incompatible with ubuntu's boot screen.09:41
panik3rdoes ubuntu wait to start service for devices?09:41
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Alle1anyone knows this error?09:41
JohtoTerrasque: i have horrors everyday at my work, have to use vista machines with too low ram ..oh the horrors09:41
Dr_LinkI need to resize my Windows partition.09:42
Alle1E: /var/cache/apt/archives/metacity-common_1%3a2.18.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb: subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 109:42
westonhey, does anyone know how to get  glib-gettext.m409:42
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Johtoargolinho: lol09:42
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soundraypanik3r: you can fix that by removing all instances of 'quiet splash' from /boot/grub/menu.lst09:42
panik3rit does finally boot, but just hangs for a while09:42
argolinhoJohto I think it used to be a lot harder than now, to get used to linux, no GUI :o09:42
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riotkittieMilitantPotato: caps and num lock flashNG ?? and it ... locks up?09:42
TerrasqueJohto: in my humble experience, the act of installing vista on a machine, no matter how powerful, will make it emulate my old 28609:42
soundraypanik3r: it won't make it boot faster, but you'll see what it is that is taking up time during boot. Make sense?09:42
PriceChildweston, sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev09:42
westonah, thanks09:42
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neuberI have no sound and when  I try to look at the mixer, I get "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found"09:43
MilitantPotatoriotkittie: no caps and scroll lock flashing, no responce from keyboard or mouse09:43
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lashmoov3is mounting flickr possible through fuse?09:43
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MilitantPotatoctrl alt backspace does nothing either09:43
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Johtoargolinho: yeah, but actually better on some terms, that way new users had to keep learning the "basics" of unix first..learning good solid basics :D09:43
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Jack_SparrowJohto: Vist the ultimate 286 emulator09:43
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Terrasqueactually, my 286 with dos 4.0 and word perfect was leagues faster than wista + office is09:43
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riotkittieMilitantPotato: mmm, kernel panic. and the brown screen is... when the desktop starts to load?09:43
Johtoargolinho: doing ls, cd, and shiit all day long :D09:43
soundraypanik3r: hope that helps -- logging off now.09:43
Terrasqueon my new machine09:43
AlexC_I have something in my trash that I don't have permission to empty! how can I get rid of it ><09:43
JohtoJack_Sparrow: lol09:43
MilitantPotatoyes riotkittie, the desktop tries to load09:43
Diogo|Skol|how i reg my nick??09:43
argolinhoJohto ahahha...lol09:43
Diogo|Skol|on xchat09:44
soundrayAlexC_: on the command line, use 'sudo rm -f /home/yourusername/.Trash/*'09:44
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lashmoov3the date is old, but I can't find anything on it anywhere else09:44
MilitantPotatoit locks up where I'm used to seeing nautilus and the other stuff loading in a small box09:44
riotkittieDiogo|Skol|: /msg nickserv register <pass> <email>  maybe.... or /msg nickserv help09:44
argolinhoJohto if u werent a programmer, I bet u'd be stuck most of the time, trying to find ways to kill ur computer.lol09:44
soundrayAlexC_: or rm -rf09:44
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AlexC_soundray: weird, I was looking for that - it's not there! (even when show hidden)09:44
Johtoargolinho: i remember i was complete lost first in the command line..had dos knowlage thou..but still i was scared shitless..just like neo first unplugged from matrix, puking on the floor :D09:44
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riotkittieMilitantPotato: i'm not sure what can be done at that point - you may need to use the alternate install :|09:45
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neuberI have no sound and when I try to open the mixer I get "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found"09:45
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soundrayAlexC_: it's case sensitive, did you consider that?09:45
AlexC_soundray: yes =) I mean I'm looking at it via nautilus - it's not there09:45
soundrayAlexC_: I'd only trust the command line on that.09:45
=== BrianP is now known as BriPed
JohtoNever type "rm -rf /" as root, NEVER ..i have done that too ..oh those times were golded :D09:45
argolinhoJohto just like new first unplugged from matrix ahahhahhhahahahahahahaahhahhaahh...lol09:45
slowz3rWhat does it mean when i get libnids not initialized ??09:45
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argolinhoJohto now u can fly and beat up agents :o09:46
AlexC_soundray: it doesn't show up with ls -a either09:46
Johtoi also had mounted rw my windows drives when i typed "rm -rf /" :D09:46
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Jack_SparrowAlexC_:  use 'sudo rm -f /root/.Trash/* '09:46
AlexC_ouch ;)09:46
argolinhoJohto was it worthy or what?09:46
Terrasquesoundray: and THERE is why I really really like linux. Something trying to put the wool over my face? Ching, a terminal is up, and the system is at my command09:46
PriceChildJohto, lets stop typing that command here please.09:46
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AlexC_Jack_Sparrow: that's not their either :S09:46
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Johtoargolinho: yeah, with one hand, another is on my coffee mug09:46
argolinhoJohto I'm ashamed of being all these years using windows.lol09:46
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JohtoPriceChild: ok?09:46
soundrayTerrasque: yeah... doesn't seem to help in AlexC_'s case unfortunately09:46
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DarrylTI need help configuring network in Ubuntu 7.0409:47
panik3rso just delete that like menu.lst?09:47
Terrasquesoundray: then nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure09:47
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MilitantPotatoriotkittie: grabbing the alternate now, ty09:47
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Johtoargolinho: well, at least now i find its good to know linux/unix because windows is crappier on every release, i have lost hope of microsoft :I09:47
Jupperssoundray - rock. that seems to have gotten it. thanks a ton. I was about to start losing hair over it.09:47
MilitantPotatois there anyway to do a debug load from the live CD?09:47
soundrayJuppers: blacklist or initramfs?09:47
neubercan anyone help me out with my sound issues?09:48
AlexC_soundray: where could this be coming from then?09:48
soundrayJuppers: glad it worked :)09:48
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TerrasqueAlexC_: got any external drives or FAT drives connected?09:48
tschaubI can ping my IP from another machine on a LAN, but requests to port 80 (telnet myip 80) never get a response - iptables --list makes me think nothing is blocked - do I have to do something else to allow requests on port 80?09:48
Johtoargolinho: i do IT stuff at work, it-support stuff, so believe me, i still get my share of windows :D09:48
TonrenHey guys, I'm gonna buy a new Windows laptop and I want to dual boot Ubuntu.  What are the graphic cards, wireless cards, sound cards, etc., with the BEST Linux support?  Where can I find out?09:48
soundrayAlexC_: have you seen Jack_Sparrow's suggestion ^^ ?09:48
panik3rsoundray what exactly do i do in that file?09:48
AlexC_soundray: yes, it's not there09:48
AlexC_Terrasque: Terrasque: 1 fat partition - checking now09:49
JohtoTonren: videocard = NVIDIA09:49
riotkittieMilitantPotato: good luck with that09:49
argolinhoJohto still, I'm still fighting to get dual booting between Vista/Ubuntu 7.04, cause vista came pre-installed on my new laptop, BIG BIG BIG problems, this one I'm using has XP/Ubuntu 7.04, the other one...is just trying to kill me, but eventually, one day, very very soon, I'll win :D09:49
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AlexC_there's the bugger!09:49
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ProN00bdoes anyone know what this iptables (chain forward accept) rule does and where it comes from ? "TCPMSS     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp flags:SYN,RST/SYN tcpmss match 1400:1536 TCPMSS clamp to PMTU"09:49
AlexC_no it's not =(09:49
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soundraypanik3r: look for any occurrences of 'quiet splash' and remove them all. You might want to create a backup of that file first.09:49
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panik3rok thanx09:49
TonrenJohto: I've already dealt with ATI.  Bad.  Very bad.  Which NVIDIA card should I go with?09:49
UBNTUhelpok, now i have typed [sudo cp menu.lst_backup menu.lst]  in the livecd terminal, and it seems like menu.lst has been recovered09:49
Jack_SparrowAlexC_: Double check....  go to /  then to root and look for hidden /.Trash09:49
Johtoargolinho: indeed, just dont give up, take brakes if u need, but dont give up, read and drink lot of coffee, that helps :D09:49
argolinhoJohto me to...lol...but I'm not working yet...2 more years and I'm done with Uni.lol...in the mean time, I drink coca-cola in front of the pc.lol09:49
soundrayAlexC_: perhaps you can fix it with a 'gksudo nautilus'09:49
slowz3rWhat does it mean when i get libnids not initialized in dsniff ??09:49
UBNTUhelpI have not reboote yet, but have i done right?09:50
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AlexC_soundray: trouble is I don't know where to look to find it =)09:50
JohtoTonren: 7xxx series has the best support or lower now, not sure about the 8xxxx09:50
AlexC_Jack_Sparrow: have done, there is nothing09:50
JohtoTonren: i have GF6600GT09:50
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AlexC_even with show hidden, ls -a also does not show it09:50
soundrayUBNTUhelp: if you did that in the right directory, then yes09:50
Dr_LinkI SO should've made my Linux partition NTFS.09:50
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TonrenJohto: Does it work well?  What about Wireless?09:50
panik3rit wont let me save it09:50
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earthianhello, where are located gnome menu entries?09:50
argolinhoJohto I can't drink coffee...lol...it tastes really weird to me...but I can drin loads and loads of coca-cola.lol...I could kill myself with that.lol...do u think coca-cola is still good?or is it only coffee? :D09:50
Johtoargolinho: hehe09:50
earthiani.e. all the shortcuts that are in the menu09:51
soundrayAlexC_: 'sudo find / -name \.Trash'09:51
earthianmain menu ^09:51
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JohtoTonren: well, dont know about the wireless, but nvidia is "de facto" on linux..best accell support09:51
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neubercan someone please help me out with my lack of sound?09:51
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JohtoTonren: you should check somewhere a good hardware list, search ubuntu forums?09:51
hoarycrippleif I switch my existing hard drives to the serial attached scsi interface on my motherboard, how will i need to modify grub?09:51
TonrenJohto: I've been wondering where I could find one.09:51
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JohtoTonren: good guess would be to browse the hardware section of the ubuntu forums?09:52
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geniihoarycripple: It depends in what order the bios finds them09:52
UBNTUhelpThe problem occured when I tried GFXboot, I'm new to linux, but really likes it ^^ Vista is shit when getting used to Ubuntu :)09:52
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JohtoTonren: usually older is better in terms of hardware support :)09:52
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downhillgameswhere is the firewall controls (GUI) in Ubuntu?09:53
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:53
learningmodetonren: google ubunutu hardware compatability list09:53
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earthianwhere are the .desktop files of gnome-panel main menu located physically?09:53
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hoarycripplegenii, so you think I should just put them on the interface and see what happens?  and then modify grub accordingly?09:53
downhillgamesno crap09:53
slowz3rI need some help with Dsniff09:53
Tonrenlearningmode: That's a remarkably good idea.  Thanks.09:53
Dr_LinkCan a Linux partition be NTFS?09:53
downhillgamesin a default install, where are the GUI tools for iptables09:53
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geniihoarycripple: If you make the bios have the SAS as first boot device you likely won't need to do much to grub, it will just be first HD again09:53
JohtoDr_Link: no no09:53
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downhillgamesi've been using linux since rh7 lol. dont tell me what iptables is lmao09:53
JohtoDr_Link: that sounded dirty :D09:53
niuqhello i have a partition with linux of 100gb, id like to make 50gb of those 100gb ntfs, how could i make that?09:54
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Jack_Sparrowdownhillgames: GUI tools for firewalls Not installed by default09:54
UBNTUhelpCan someone tell me what to do in step 5 at the gfxboot (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208855), I dont understand what to do exactly09:54
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learningmodetonren: welcome09:54
MilitantPotatowhoa, in safe grafics install I have 200+ tiny status bars tiled all over09:54
Jack_Sparrow!attitude > downhillgames:09:54
hoarycripplegenii, thanks for the help.  will try this soon.  I didn't know what to do with SAS when I acquired the mobo, but now i'm learning about it :)09:54
jason_where will i get Ubuntu Drivers for printers09:54
downhillgamesJack_Sparrow; ah. is there a equiv of system-config-securitylevel available in the repos?09:54
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jason_where will i get Ubuntu Drivers for printers09:54
panik3rhow do i log in as sudo so i can change files with the ui09:54
downhillgames!helpful != Jack_Sparrow09:54
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LtarI'm having trouble running games in WINE. All the game's i've tried to install have been given Platiunum ratings on WINEDB, but none will play- giving me some variation of errors, usually involving sound.09:55
LtarTotal annihilation is unable to initialize sound engine, Homeworld complains that it required a 16-bit sound device, and won't install. Is a problem with linux not supporting my sound card completely? or does wine need to be directed to my soundcard? music etc plays fine, but games complain in WINE.09:55
f0rqu3ubuntu for the weak09:55
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ProN00bdownhillgames, iptables is poo, you never actually need it except for routing09:55
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niuqhello i have a partition with linux of 100gb, id like to make 50gb of those 100gb ntfs, how could i make that?09:55
downhillgamesProN00b; shush. you know nothing09:55
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MilitantPotatowhoa, now it's multi colored stuff09:55
MilitantPotatomaybe its this monitor09:55
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Jack_SparrowWe know how to add someont to our ignore list09:56
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MilitantPotatoblack screen now, getting a light show :D09:56
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niuqhello i have a partition with linux of 100gb, id like to make 50gb of those 100gb ntfs, how could i make that?09:56
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tschaubany hints about why "ping ubuntu_ip" works but "http://ubuntu_ip" doesn't - from another machine on the LAN? (iptables --list shows nothing interesting)09:56
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Ltarniuq: try Gparted09:56
learningmodef0rqu3: the weak get off on isultng others.09:56
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niuqGparted ok09:56
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Ltarniuq: it should come preinstalled in ubuntu09:57
ProN00bdoes anyone know what this iptables (chain forward accept) rule does and where it comes from ? "TCPMSS     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            tcp flags:SYN,RST/SYN tcpmss match 1400:1536 TCPMSS clamp to PMTU"09:57
westondoes anyone know where I can get the following files? - codeset.m4 gettext.m4 glibc21.m4 iconv.m4 isc-posix.m4 lcmessage.m409:57
weston  progtest.m409:57
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PriceChildweston, search on packages.ubuntu.com09:57
Ltarniuq: I haven't played with it very much, but I understand it's supposed to be very simple to use09:57
StucKmanhi all. I'm using dapper. updatedb is scanning nfs mounts even if it's pruned from the config file. any hints?09:57
earthianweston, on your computer?09:57
Jack_SparrowLtar: It is part of the livecd but needs to be added after the install09:57
ariczHi, I have a new hdd at /dev/hdb .. I've formatted it to exf3 and mounted it to /db .. so it works. But how do I add another partition on that new hd ? I want it to be FAT16.. anyone? :)09:57
ChrisF-aricz:  sudo gparted09:58
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ariczChrisF- : /dev/hdb or /dev/hdb1 ?09:58
earthianweston, " locate *.m4 "09:58
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evan_hey FATAL: Module stk11xx.ko not found is this worse?09:58
dtiddHello all, I need help setting up a network configuration in Ubuntu 7.0409:59
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ChrisF-dtidd:  Just ask the question09:59
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KrimZoni bet vista doesnt even come with magjongg09:59
jason_where will i get Ubuntu Drivers for printers09:59
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ChrisF-jason_:  YOur printer should be in the CUPS package09:59
PriceChildjason_, should be already installed... system > admin > printing09:59
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jason_.it didn't09:59
panik3rhow do i save files in /grub when i edit them using gedit, it says i dont have premissions09:59
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ChrisF-what POS printer do you have?09:59
jason_Canon pxma09:59
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Dr_LinkDown with Linu-*shot*10:00
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jason_Cannon Pixma iP660D10:00
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UBNTUhelpCan someone tell me what to do in step 5 at the gfxboot (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208855), I dont understand what to do exactly, its says "and make it use gfxboot"10:00
jason_hey guys10:00
dtiddI have set up the static ip, default gateway, and DNS. I am on a peer to peer network. All the XP configs have WINS server.  Do I need that for Ubuntu to work?10:00
jason_i got it10:00
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dtiddthat is a network in a corporate environment.10:01
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panik3rhow do i save files in /grub when i edit them using gedit, it says i dont have premissions10:01
ChrisF-panik3r:  I told you the answer in a /msg10:01
panik3roh my bad10:01
ChrisF-panik3r:  :)10:01
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aricz"mkpartfs primary fat16 30000 40000" in parted.. then it tells me "The closest location we can manage is 40.0GB to 40.0GB." .. ok? :)10:02
Azhi_Dahakaone time, i saw an app that displayed the terminal like the console on fps games... anyone knows the name of such app?10:02
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:02
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n00dl3Azhi_Dahaka: tilda10:02
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Azhi_Dahakathx, n00dl310:02
panik3rplease send the msg again, i didnt get it10:03
earthianso where are the gnome-panel main menu entries located on my filesystem in ubuntu feisty??????10:03
n00dl3panik3r: gksudo gedit? :o10:03
panik3rin terminal?10:03
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n00dl3panik3r: Yar10:03
panik3rok, does that apply to any app?10:03
ChrisF-sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:03
ChrisF-just ones you need to be root to run10:04
n00dl3gksudo is better for gui apps :o10:04
panik3ryea thats what i ment10:04
evan_help:O FATAL: Module stk11xx.ko not found, when i try to unload it ,is this worse?10:04
ChrisF-99% of what you do you don't need to sudo10:04
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slowz3rI need some help with Dsniff10:04
ChrisF-why is gksudo "better"10:04
n00dl3The internets said so10:04
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ChrisF-right... that's what I thought10:04
n00dl3:] 10:04
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:05
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n00dl3Do you go against the word of the itnernet?10:05
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ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 10:05
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dtiddI have set up the static ip, default gateway, and DNS. I am on a peer to peer network in a business. All the XP configs have WINS server. Do I need that for Ubuntu to work?10:05
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panik3rok, what about /griub files i need to edit10:05
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ChrisF-panik3r: What are you trying to do?10:05
jimcooncatgksudo lets you put an & at the end of the command line, so your program runs in the background. With sudo, you can't use the &10:05
n00dl3panik3r: What do you mean?10:05
panik3ri need to edit my menu.lst10:06
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panik3rso i can see where my system is hanging on boot10:06
bottigerI'm trying to get my wacom digitizer configured. I plugged it in and it "worked". However, I like the pen to be absolute (and not relative as it was), and since i have two monitors i need to lock it to only one screen so I don't screw up the 4:3 digitizer->monitor ratio. I added the "Option        "Mode"          "Absolute"" to my xorg.conf but without any luck :( Can anyone help? http://pastebin.ca/64218510:06
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ChrisF-panik3r:  Go to terminal... copy paste this...  "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"10:06
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JRsup1Hello all...I could really use some help formatting a drive.  ERROR: <drive> is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!10:06
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n00dl3JRsup1: should probably unmount it?10:06
neuberhi can someone help me out, I cant get sound working10:06
ErnzHello, can anyone please give me help as I need to get a printer I just bought working with Ubuntu URGENTLY for work.10:07
jimcooncatJRsup1: quick way is to log out, log in again, then do your format10:07
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ChrisF-Ernz:  System > Administration > Printers > Add new printer10:07
Sp4rKycan i ask kaffeine to record a tnt movie by selecting it in the channel program ?10:07
jimcooncatJRsup1: that will usually help you unmount it easy10:07
Azhi_Dahakan00dl3, do you know something like tilda for os x?10:07
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JRsup1Drive's not mounted, and logged out/in and rebooted...no luck10:07
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ariczHi, I've added a new hdd (/etc/hdb and /etc/hdb1) I formatted it to exf3 .. now I want 10gb FAT16 partition on it. So I start up 'parted' and do a "mkpartfs primary fat16 30000 40000". It then tells me "The closest location we can manage is 40.0GB to 40.0GB." .. ok? :)10:07
ErnzChrisF - My printer model is not there10:07
n00dl3Azhi_Dahaka: No i don't sorry10:07
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jimcooncatErnz: hmm, what printer is it?10:07
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ChrisF-Ernz:  See if your manufacturer has a driver for it... or choose Generic10:07
armyriadI think Canonical purposely makes Ubuntu buggy so that more people will buy their technical support.10:07
panik3rgksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lstsammie@sammie-desktop:~$ gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:08
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panik3rthats what i get10:08
ChrisF-type your password there10:08
Ernzjimcooncat / ChrisF - Epson Styus Photo RX560 - Brand new - I just bought it for some work i need to complete urgently.10:08
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panik3roh duh ;p10:08
jimcooncatarmyriad: I don't think you've seen how far they've come10:08
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ChrisF-Ernz:  Go to epson.com and look fro a driver10:08
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ChrisF-or just install it as a generic printer10:08
aravindhelp please , i have got a split zip archive , zipped usinng windows into 4 parts , how can  i unzip it in linux10:08
AncientRelicwe need to give armyriad some hoary love10:08
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niuqhow could i change the permision of a bunch of files?10:08
niuqat once10:09
AncientRelicchmod with wildcards?10:09
n00dl3niuq: *?10:09
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niuqnoodl3: ok thx10:09
slowz3rI need some help with Dsniff10:09
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ChrisF-slowz3r:  That's not a question10:09
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n00dl3niuq: I ment use a wild card lol10:10
ariczTrying again, I've added a new hdd (/etc/hdb and /etc/hdb1) I formatted it to exf3 .. now I want 10gb FAT16 partition on it. So I start up 'parted' and do a "mkpartfs primary fat16 30000 40000". It then tells me "The closest location we can manage is 40.0GB to 40.0GB." .. ok? :)10:10
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niuqnoodl3: yeah i figured out that ^^10:10
slowz3rChrisF-: alright fine ill restate it as a question What is i need help with dsniff happy now10:10
n00dl3niuq: Just making sure ;P10:10
Johtoaravind: what if you go to terminal and type "unzip *.zip" in the directory you have those zips10:10
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ErnzChrisF - Which Generic model should I use?10:11
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neverbluearicz, how big is the drive?10:11
ChrisF-slowz3r:  No, that came out awfully retarded.10:11
panik3rdo i need to just erase the word quiet splash from the file, save, then reboot?10:11
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niuqnoodl3: thank you ^_^)!10:11
ChrisF-ERnz:  Just try one and see if it works10:11
ariczneverblue: 40gb10:11
jimcooncatErnz: looks like gutenprint support it.10:11
b4l74z4rhow do i instruct opera to use azureus for torrents, i don't know where the azureus executable is?10:11
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armyriadUbuntu takes a ****ing long time to boot. How can I speed it up?10:11
slowz3rChrisF-: well isntead of being a dick you could try and help instead of try to be a smart ass10:11
stdinslowz3r: you have to ask the question for people to answer it10:11
ChrisF-slowz3r:  I don't understand what you need help with.10:11
Ernzjimcooncat: I know, that's what I thought, but I can't see it in the list anywhere.10:11
Johtobtw, is there a better package archiver than the gnomes "archiver" ? i'm looking somehting more robust like Winrar?10:11
ChrisF-slowz3r:  It's like walking into a restaurant and saying, "I'm hungry" and then staring blankly at the help.10:12
Johtoaravind: define "sh11t load" ?10:12
jimcooncatErnz: looks like turboprint supports it too, but you have to pay for it. I had to for my Canon.10:12
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neverbluearicz, what about the other 30GB?10:12
rdeshanyone know hwo to get java plugin working on feisty amd64?10:12
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neverbluearmyriad, buy new hardware10:12
ErnzJimcooncat: I just paid 120 for my printer.10:12
Johtoarmyriad: i mean yuo, how long is "sh1t long" ?10:12
AncientRelicarmyriad, what are your stats?10:12
neverbluerdesh, google ubuntu guide10:12
geniiarmyriad: Put as kernel option into grub "profile"   the first time takes forever but faster afterwards10:12
ariczneverblue: what about it? I just installed a new hdd, formatted it to exf3.. and now I want to make a FAT16 partition on it.. it's 40gb with nothing on it10:13
neverblueit has that install, check the Edgy page, I believe10:13
jayDawgi threw up an awsome meta video search engine, www.metaflick.com10:13
Jack_SparrowErnz: Then they should be happy to take it back....10:13
slowz3rChrisF-: the thing is cant picture how to exactly ask this question without making it a long ass sentence10:13
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neverbluearicz, gparted?10:13
ariczneverblue: well, for some reason 'lost+found' is on it, not sure why.. :)10:13
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geniiarmyriad: The file /boot/grub/menu.lst    is the file10:13
ariczneverblue: 'parted' in virtual console10:13
ErnzJack_Sparrow: I doubt it10:13
armyriadJohto: It's about 10-15 minutes long.10:13
neverbluearicz, i have never used that before, can you do gparted?10:13
panik3ri have the same question as army riad10:13
=== TurtleBoots [n=ciaran@host81-155-248-171.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
neverblueor is that not an option?10:13
TurtleBootshello all10:13
Johtoarmyriad: WOW, thats not normal, if you are not running on 268 ? :D10:14
jimcooncatErnz: release notes for gutenprint http://shortify.com/504110:14
panik3ri have the same problem as him10:14
Johtoarmyriad: 286AT  :D10:14
=== weed002 [n=alex@nor75-1-89-84-24-189.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
weed002hello everybody10:14
Johtoarmyriad: my machine boots to fully under minute10:14
AncientRelicarmyriad my P266 laptop boots Puppy faster than that by about a factor of 1010:14
ChrisF-panik3r:  You are helpless.10:14
panik3rim on a 2ghz 1000mb ram10:14
panik3ri know ;p10:14
neverbluedecrease the number of services your running, that will increase boot time10:14
panik3rim bran new to linux10:14
ariczneverblue: hmhm, no, want to learn it in commandline.. :) but thanks anyway10:14
weed002i 've just. How can i play real player stream ?10:14
dtiddI have set up the static ip, default gateway, and DNS in the network config for Ubuntu. I am on a peer to peer network in a business. All the XP configs have WINS server. How do I work around this issue in Ubuntu?10:14
AncientRelicneverblue, I think he wants to DECREASE boot time ;)10:14
geniineverblue I'm sure there's something timing out in his init.d10:14
weed002which do I install ?10:15
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neverbluelol @ AncientRelic10:15
TilllinuxI get an error when trying to mount my heroes of might and magic V DVD, saying: "Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume HOMMV"10:15
Ernzjimcooncat: Yep, that's my printer. Maybe I am not using the right version of gutenprint. How can I tell?10:15
TurtleBootshas anyone had problems with ktorrent dying after being left on for a lengthy period of time?10:15
weed002which package do I install ?10:15
JohtoAncientRelic: LOL :D10:15
neverbluearicz, well, you can put the 10GB partition anywhere you like10:15
JRsup1n00dl3, jimcooncat: the drive's not mounted as far as I can tell. I've logged off/on and rebooted...no luck10:15
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neverbluearicz, front, back, middle, whichever10:15
JohtoAncientRelic: brainfarts are funny arent they? :D10:15
ariczneverblue: yeah, but it tells me "The closest location we can manage is 40.0GB to 40.0GB."10:15
panik3ri edited the files, now im going to reboot an see what happens10:15
jimcooncatErnz: wish I could help there, but I don't use that. I had to buy turboprint for my Pixma10:15
phirashow can I remove a package ?10:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ktorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:15
panik3rwish me *luck*10:15
AncientRelicjohto, without a doubt, I've had my shares10:15
kop__Hi, I would like to change my login screen. So, I did "sudo gdmsetup", but it exists with an error that "Cannot access configuration file (custom.conf)".... any clues to solve this ?10:15
neverbluearicz, what type of partition, extended?10:15
ErnzARGH!!! Cheers anyway jimcooncat.10:16
ariczneverblue: primary10:16
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JohtoAncientRelic: braifarts + non native english speaking = funny times10:16
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ariczneverblue: "mkpartfs primary fat16 30000 40000"10:16
TurtleBootswhy does the bot not know about ktorrent anyone?10:16
neverbluearicz, thats why, it has to be an exteneded partion10:16
geniiTurtleBoots: You might get more help on KDE apps in #kubuntu10:16
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neverbluetoo many 'e's in there...10:16
jimcooncatJRsup1: sound like a permissions problem. (That's my default answer, and 80% of the time it's true.)10:16
JohtoTurtleBoots: i use ktorrent, i like it10:16
zachhalei've got a raid-5 set up w/ mdadm. every few weeks i have to run fsck and let it repair for hours before it will re-mount. once it finally mounts i often lose access to huge directories of files. any idea what could be wrong?10:17
jimcooncatJRsup1: can you write to an already-formatted disk in the drive?10:17
AncientRelicI use Deluge for torrents10:17
ariczneverblue: "Error: An extended partition cannot hold a file system."10:17
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JohtoAncientRelic: i used deluge too, but it was too "simple" :I10:17
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Svishhow can I chmod +x file without giving x to both user group and everyone? i want to give it to just my user10:17
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AncientRelicjotho, simple is better for most10:17
JohtoSvish: chmod u+x blaah10:17
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JohtoSvish: u=current user10:17
JRsup1jimcooncat: it's a hard drive /dev/i2o/hda1.  I can work with /dev/hda1 just fine (boot drive)10:17
neverbluearicz, I am not going through all the commandlines for parted with you10:17
TurtleBoots#join kubuntu10:17
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neverbluearicz, thats why I suggested gparted10:17
SvishJohto: ah, thanks, hehe10:18
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SvishJohto: which means g and e is the other two options?10:18
neverbluearicz, if you want to really learn it, then maybe you want to actually read the documentation10:18
TurtleBootshow do you join another channel?10:18
jimcooncatsorry JRsup1 I'm unfamiliar with /dev/i2o. What's that stand for?10:18
neverblueTurtleBoots, /join #channel10:18
JohtoSvish: g=group, o=other10:18
ferronica how to remove gnu java  and install sun java ?10:18
AncientRelicbest way to set up file sharing for a Mac client?10:18
Svishah, other, thanks, hehe10:18
ariczneverblue: hey.. no point getting angry here.. it's your decision, it's all ok by me.. thanks for the help, I'll go on with my search10:18
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philipsmithHi. I just rebooted and all of the fonts, everything on my desktop, is SUPERSIZED!! How do I change this back to normal? I looked at System > Preferences > Screen Resolution, but didn't find options to make the resolution finer.10:19
JRsup1jimcooncat: i2o bus.  Used by some RAID cards (I believe Adaptec is one).  Mine is a Promise card.10:19
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JohtoSvish: dunt remember exactly what the "other" means but ..its not the same as a=all :D10:19
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jimcooncatJRsup1: oh, I see. Don't know raid. sorry10:19
evan_hey whats the difference?? sudo insmod ./stk11xx.ko and sudo insmod stk11xx.ko10:19
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neverbluearicz, angry, you should have realized when I said I have never used parted before, that I wasnt going to hold your hand10:19
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ferronicaHow to remove gnu java  and install sun java ? for smooth running of AZUREUS10:19
fsckrevan_, one is hidden10:19
JRsup1ok, to be more specific the can anyone out there help me format a RAID array that says it's being used by the system?10:20
Johtoferronica: wait a sec10:20
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ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO10:20
neverblueferronica, use synaptic?10:20
ferronicaJohto: okay10:20
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ariczneverblue: you were the one to help me after I said I wanted to do it in commandline.. and you suggested using 'extended' instead of 'primary'.. which didn't do it.. that's all..10:20
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evan_fsckr so you can do both?10:20
Johtoferronica: sudo update-alternatives --config java10:20
ferronicaneverblue: to install sun java10:20
kop__philipsmith: Have you tried : System > Preferences > Fonts ? Make all fonts size 10 or 1110:20
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neverbluearicz, you need to use extended if you want to do that10:20
Johtoferronica: that gives the list to choose which is the "active" one :D10:21
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neverbluenow take my advice and read some docs10:21
ferronicaJohto: to install sun java10:21
tschaubI can watch my firewall block connections on closed ports - requests to port 80 go unanswered, and I can't tell what is blocking them.10:21
Eldabrb hopefully I fixed my sound issue o,o10:21
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Johtoferronica: i asked same week ago, then made notes for future reference :D10:21
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Johtoferronica: first INSTALL those javas using apt-get or synaptic, then CHANGE the active jave using that command10:21
coblenisHello there, I have a very introductory problem.  I have three copies of 7.04, two of which appear to stall after I select "start and install ubuntu" and another that has a CRC error after I make the same selection as before.  I also have a copy of 6.06 that will launch into the LiveCD; however, after installing 6.06 with the intention of upgrading through to 7.04, I cannot load the OS.  I get a loading error.  I haven't been able to find anyt10:21
=== Alarifes [n=jinu@189.Red-83-32-179.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
fsckrevan_, i have no idea what  stk11xx.ko is but anything proceeding with a . is a hidden directory10:21
philipsmithkoP_: Thanks, I checked... everything is 10 point font.10:21
ferronicaJohto: *         1    /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.110:22
ferronica +        2    /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java10:22
Johtoferronica: yeah, nuber 2 is the Sun Java10:22
fsckrevan_, or file10:22
ferronicaJohto: ookay10:22
evan_ok ty10:22
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Johtoferronica: there are already version 6 too10:22
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Jack_Sparrowcoblenis: Try burning another copy very slowly and if it still does not work, get the alternate install cd10:22
Johtoferronica: 1.6...10:22
KrimZonhow do i set up my atheros chipset wireless card?10:22
kop__philipsmith: sorry then, I wouldn't know any more.10:22
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ferronicaJohto: so what i do now ?10:23
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philipsmithkop_: Thank you for your reply.10:23
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Johtoferronica:           1    /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.110:23
Johto*         2    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java10:23
Johto +        3    /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java10:23
AncientRelicKrimZon running feisty?10:23
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Johtoferronica: thats what i have10:23
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kop__philipsmith: welcome10:23
ferronicaJohto: can you please suggest me10:23
AncientRelicKrimZon install madwifi10:24
c-roncoblenis:  I'd try to figure out why the bootup of your 7.04 cd is stalling, before you go messing around with more discs10:24
Johtoferronica: go and install the java-6 sun blaahblaah using synaptic, then do that command again and choose it to be the default?10:24
sko0zyWhat is the solution for "dsniff: nids_init: Libnids not initialized10:24
KrimZonAncientRelic, i did that, and wpagui10:24
AncientRelicstill nothing?10:24
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KrimZondoesnt show up in the network gui10:24
Johtoferronica: open synaptic and search "java" there should be that sun java version 6 listed10:24
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Jack_Sparrowcoblenis: I possibly wrongly assumed you had tried F6 and the various changes to the boot line10:24
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coblenisI'm going to double check the forum responses on the CRC error that I have.10:25
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fr500is there any way to set the bass and treble of the sound output on ubuntu?10:25
AncientRelicfor you KrimZon10:25
Johtoferronica: search "sun java" to narrow down10:25
armyriadIs it normal for there to be about 3 different kernels in GRUB?10:25
WGGM1fr500: i think ALSA Mixer can do that10:25
KrimZonah, thanks :)10:25
AncientRelicarmyriad over updates, not too unusual10:25
ferronicaJohto: there is sun java bin10:25
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AncientRelicI've got 2 listed now10:26
Jack_Sparrowarmyriad: yes, but easy enough to remove, but nice to keep one for failsafe..10:26
Johtoferronica: choose "sun-java6-bin"10:26
ferronicaJohto: there is sun java6 bin10:26
ferronicaJohto: ok10:26
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panik3rha! 45 sec boot time now. thanx guys ;)10:26
c-roncoblenis: the disc with the crc error is probably a waste of your time10:26
cosinosi also have the same problem with java10:26
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fr500WGGM1: let me see10:26
Johtocosinos: what prob?10:26
Solidhi people and remaining geeks, just wanted to know i anyone one managed to make MGS2 work...?10:26
=== techjimbo [n=iaintgot@c-68-80-48-38.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WGGM1is there a way to remove the timer on GRUB and just make it go directly to a GRUB screen10:27
ferronicaJohto: its downloading 26mb10:27
Johtoferronica: yes10:27
Johtoferronica: :)10:27
MarfiWGGM1, yes. go to /boot/grub, and edit the grup bile10:27
c-roncoblenis: are any errors produced when you select to 'start and install'10:27
niuqi am not sure how to use a wildcard10:27
niuqchmod 777 *.jpg10:27
niuqthat is not working10:27
WGGM1alright, im not sure on the particular line though10:27
Iwizzardgahh How do you get rid of the " dum, bum sum" sound Ubuntu make then and then?10:27
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Johtoniuq: should work10:28
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icewolf hi, im trying to patch my wireless driver, chipset zd1211. On the aircrack-ng wiki it says there's a directory /usr/sr/linux yet i only see /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16 and /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16. In which directory should i apply the patch?10:28
Johtoniuq: are you sure they are .jpg and not .JPG10:28
Johtoniuq: linux commands are case sensitive10:28
Gradius9is it easy with 3 monitors and 2 Videocards on ubuntu?10:28
MarfiWGGM1, edit menu.lst, and scroll down to the timeout line, and change the timeout to whatever you want it to10:28
chazcohi... how can i change the resolution used by the log-on screen for Ubuntu Edgy? Once logged in the resolution is correct, but gdm uses one step larger10:28
WGGM1Marfi: you sure its boot/grub10:28
MarfiWGGM1, yes10:28
armyriadHow long does it take for you guys to boot Ubuntu?10:29
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Johtoarmyriad: under minute10:29
fr500like 30 seconds10:29
niuqJohto: i am sure, there is any way to change the paremision of a bunch of files?, the files are different types...10:29
chazcotakes me about 2 minutes for a normal boot10:29
fr500to the boot screen10:29
Johtoarmyriad: like i said, you have something SERIUSLY wrong10:29
AncientRelic45-60 for me10:29
anklebiterubuntu.. pft10:29
Johtoniuq: well, would help if you told me what the error is10:29
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c-ronarmyriad: about 1.5 mins10:29
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c-ronon an old POS machine10:29
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armyriadJohto: Oh, I didn't do anything but it's faster now. It's down to a minute.10:30
anklebitergeeze.. why does it take so long to boot ubuntu?10:30
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WGGM1Marfi: ok im not sure the timeout line will do what i want though, i still want it to time out to the default select, but when i boot, it is just a black screen and it says hit ESC to select before the timeout. I dont want that screen but I want it to go to the select screen with the different kernels, so I can put a GRUB splash in the background10:30
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sko0zyHow do i run ettercap-gtk as root?10:30
niuqJohto: i am on a ftp session and i am trying to change the permision of a bunch of files to 76610:30
Johtoarmyriad: try booting without the graphic logo and see what part it "slows" down10:30
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fr500sko0zy: use sudo10:30
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niuqJohto: i tried chmod -R 776 <folder>10:30
Johtoniuq: AAAAh, you shold have said you are using FTP, its way differnd than normal bash shell !10:30
kmaynardsko0zy, try gksu10:30
Johtoniuq: so, dont know about chmod INSIDE ftp syntax :D10:30
niuqJohto: ohhh, ok, how could i work it out?10:30
ferronicaJohto: ok installed now ??10:31
Johtoniuq: try "help chmod"10:31
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sko0zykmaynard: when i do gksu ettercap i still get the consol verion10:31
niuqJohto: ohh ok10:31
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Johtoferronica: close the synaptic and do the command i told u back while ago10:31
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kmaynardsko0zy, try gksu ettercap-gtk10:31
niuqJohto: help chmod : command to change permisions10:31
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sidenetanyone know how i can convert wmv9 videos to another format?10:31
Johtoniuq: lol10:31
WGGM1Marfi: can i just make hiddenmenu=false or just remove hiddemenu because i think thats the line i need10:31
Johtoniuq: pretty helpfull ehhe10:32
cosinosi have also ettercap problem10:32
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cosinosit dont scan any hosts10:32
sko0zykmaynard: get nothing :(10:32
chazcosidenet: i use ffmpeg10:32
rafaelscjsubkeys.pgp.net is offline, nobody can get the key, is there other way to get the key?10:32
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sko0zykmaynard: its in my menu ittle start up but just wont show the network devices10:32
Johtoniuq: cant you try graphical ftp client?10:32
MarfiWGGM1, you want the grub menu to have a splash screen?10:32
davetarmacanyone know how to set a Key Binding for an effect in CompizFusion?10:32
sideneti have ffmpeg, but it doesn't play wmv910:32
sideneti only get the audio10:32
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niuqJohto: i tried, but i have to go one per one!10:32
WGGM1Marfi: yes, i dont want to have to hit ESC to see the kernel selections either10:33
chazcoreally? works fine for me... got all the codecs/options/whatever compiled in etc?10:33
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Johtosidenet: check some more codecs, you missing some microsoft ones, read the forums10:33
ferronicaJohto: *         1    /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.110:33
ferronica          2    /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java10:33
ferronica +        3    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java10:33
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chazcostrange... try asking the ffmpeg people maybe, works fine for me10:33
Johtoferronica: yes, now you have the same as i have10:33
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bathatmy alsa sound is not working, and i've tried practically everything now10:33
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ferronicaJohto: now what to do ?10:33
Johtoferronica: ?10:33
sidenetffmpeg, do they have a channel?10:33
MarfiWGGM1, check this website here. http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/03/21/add-a-grub-splash-image/ it shows how to give it a splash screen. =)10:33
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bathatall channels are unmuted in alsamixer10:33
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ferronicaJohto: ?10:33
Johtoferronica: thats the end of my line, you asked how to change default java, ? now u did10:33
WGGM1Marfi: thanks mate, i appreciate it10:34
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chazcoi think #ffmpeg is it10:34
bathatand i've installed all the latest alsa packages from their website10:34
sidenetnvm, found it10:34
sidenetyea it is10:34
MarfiWGGM1, as for hitting escape, let me look through mine really fast. i don't, since i have 2 OS's on my lapytop10:34
winstonhey i can see mt trach can on gnome what should i do to get it back10:34
ferronicaJohto: i wanna use sun java10:34
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Johtoferronica: now u have it10:34
ferronicaJohto: Press enter to keep the default[*] , or type selection number:10:34
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MarfiWGGM1, do you have hiddenmenu commented out?10:34
WGGM1Marfi: ok, i believe its the hiddenmenu line, I just commented it out but im in the middle of a compile so no restart time hehe10:34
ferronicaJohto: what this line means10:34
Johtoferronica: what part you dont uinderstand?10:34
MarfiWGGM1, mine is commented out. so that should do it for ya!  =)10:35
Johtoferronica: to choose one of the javas from the list as DEFAULT, you choose the NUMBER10:35
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winston hey i can't see mt trach can on gnome what should i do to get it bac10:35
WGGM1Marfi: awesome, thanks a bunch10:35
winston hey i can't see mt trach can on gnome what should i do to get it bac10:35
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dem0ncan some one please help me really quick with my services such as apache ssh ect10:35
craigbass1976how can I tell what my built in wireless card is?  I dont' see anything in lspci that jumps out at me10:35
Johtoferronica: you alraedy have number 3 as DEFAULT (sun jav) because it has the * asterix10:35
ferronicaJohto: to use sun java ?10:36
coblenisOkay, I've done a little more digging around.  With 7.04, I think the issue is with the new stick of RAM I bought, which could be faulty.  The forums say a CRC Error - Kernel panic when loading the liveCD can be related to an issue with system memory.  However, I'm skeptical because I'm using 6.06 off the liveCD and I can install the OS, but run into another error. "Error while loading share libraries:Libc.so.6:cannot open shared object file: 10:36
winston hey i can't see mt trach can on gnome what should i do to get it bac10:36
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Johtoferronica: press number 3 and see the * on the line? if yes, be happy10:36
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CheeseGarenerQuick question, I rescanned my hard drive for errors10:37
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c-roncoblenis: did you run memtest?10:37
sko0zykmaynard: i got it just to let you know if you ever get that question again its "sudo ettercap -g10:37
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kmaynardsko0zy, shweet10:37
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kmaynardsko0zy, how'd you find that little gem10:37
CheeseGarenerand I used gparted to partition it, and it "seems" to partition it into some unallocated  space, but it says there were some "errors" when it did the partiton10:37
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sko0zykmaynard: to be honest it was a typo10:38
kmaynardnot a man page?10:38
cosinoswhy my ettercap cant scan hosts10:38
user1_Hi, In my ubuntu 7.04 sound doesn't work. When I try to open the Volume control, I get the error " No Volume Control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found". What should I install to correct this problem ?10:38
tannerlddoes xgl work with the drivers that envy downloads?10:38
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ferronicaJohto: okay done :)10:38
Prowler_1good eavning10:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sevices - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:38
coblenisc-ron: I'm going to see if I can run it from USB.  I cannot burn a copy of the program for a few days, no access to a functional system.10:39
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dem0n!dem0n | services10:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dem0n - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about services - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:39
KrimZonok, i've read the thing and my ath_hal isn't disabled and madwifi and linux-restricted-modules appear to be installed because i see their green boxes in synaptic10:39
Marfi!services | dem0n10:39
CheeseGarenerDo I have to make a new "primary" partition for ubuntu?10:39
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CheeseGarenerwhen I install it?  Or will it boot from an extended?10:40
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EnselicCheeseGarener: nope, it can e a logical partion as well10:40
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CheeseGarenerwhat would be better to do?10:40
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Prowler_1!ubuntu live-cd10:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu live-cd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:40
CheeseGarenermake an extended?10:40
CheeseGareneror should I make a primary?10:40
dem0nmarfi can you help me i restart into recovery mode and my services such as apache ssh etc work but when i am in regular mode they dont work is there any way to fix this?10:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about live-cd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:41
EnselicCheeseGarener: how does your current partiion table and OS installations look like?10:41
ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.10:41
CheeseGarenerCurrent partiton: Only C:10:41
CheeseGarenerIt is asking me if I want a new primary, since I have 20 gigs of unallocated space10:41
CheeseGareneror a new logical10:41
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CheeseGareneris it good to run ubuntu on a logical?10:42
EnselicCheeseGarener: prefer logical10:42
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ubotuUbuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol for more details.10:42
CheeseGarenerSo I should make it a logical then?10:42
Marfidem0n, are they just not booting?10:42
EnselicCheeseGarener: it does not have any performance impact10:42
Busatathere any up to date virus scanner to scan windows partitions with?10:42
CheeseGarenerAnd don't I need a "SWAP" drive?10:42
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Prowler_1o|O  is there no newer ver for Breezy Live CD then 5.10 !!10:42
kmaynardBusata, clam10:42
EnselicCheeseGarener: iirc logical ones are easier to resize10:42
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dem0ni have no clue but when i try to start them manuly it say's failed10:42
Busatakmaynard, thanks, I'll check10:42
EnselicCheeseGarener: yes, you will want a swap partition10:43
CheeseGarenerYes, I heard that.  Which is why I asked10:43
dem0nin red letters10:43
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CheeseGarenerOk so I need to make a SWAP logical partition?10:43
EnselicCheeseGarener: yes10:43
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CheeseGarenerbeginning?  or end?10:43
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CheeseGarenerI heard beginning is best10:43
CheeseGarenerbut I'm not 100% sure10:43
EnselicCheeseGarener: 2 gig: logical partition: swap    18 gig: logical: ext3     mount as root (/)10:44
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KrimZoni had to install madwifi-tools though, so i'm not sure if i need to configure it, or how10:44
EnselicCheeseGarener: beginning10:44
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dem0nmarfi: /j #hbc10:44
EnselicCheeseGarener: but again, it does not matter much for performance10:44
geniiCheeseGarener: At beginning is best for obscure reason that the reads and writes are somewhat faster usually on that part of the drive10:44
CheeseGarenerok one sec10:44
=== FruitieX [n=rasse@a80-186-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
CheeseGarenerthank you for helping enselic10:44
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learningmodewould depend on your memory use. beginning = slightly faster than outside.10:45
CheeseGarenerwhat about a /home mount?10:45
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CheeseGarenerI heard I need a /home drive10:45
EnselicCheeseGarener: not necessary10:45
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CheeseGarenerThey say it is good to have10:45
CheeseGarenerto manage files10:45
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CheeseGarenerwhat is the point?  to make a file area?10:46
CheeseGarener/home would be for files?10:46
jimcooncatCheeseGarener: /home drives are nice if you do clean installs instead of regular dist-upgrades10:46
Tilllinuxjuhu, ich bin nicht der einzige der till heisst ;)10:46
TilllinuxCan anyone help: I get an error when trying to mount my heroes of might and magic V DVD, saying: "Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume HOMMV"10:46
coblenisc-ron: Thanks for the help but I have to take off for the day.10:46
CheeseGarenerwell someone said I should but 10 gigs into /10:46
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CheeseGarenerand the rest into /home10:46
CheeseGarenerto keep files organized10:46
geniiCheeseGarener: To make a dir for users that has just their info. If you do upgrades etc it is more portable way to manage users10:46
CheeseGareneror something like this.10:46
EnselicCheeseGarener: for a single laptop install, it is not necessary to boether with a separate /home10:46
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c-roncoblenis: np, i'd try diff boot options (F6) till you find out what causes the freeze10:46
CheeseGarenerok but, can I make one?10:47
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EnselicCheeseGarener: if you were building a network with hunders of computers, you would want to plan /home10:47
CheeseGarenercan you help me?10:47
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jimcooncatCheeseGarener: /home on an LVM partition can be snapshotted before backup so your backups are consistent -- good for multiple users10:47
tannerlddoes xgl work with the drivers that envy downloads?10:47
CheeseGarenerOh well, I could back it up10:47
CheeseGarenerto my external10:47
CheeseGarenerthe snapshots10:47
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CheeseGarenerI just need the NTFS-3g writer10:47
Enselic!enter | CheeseGarener10:48
ubotuCheeseGarener: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:48
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jimcooncatCheeseGarener: if you're a single user, don't worry about such things10:48
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Dr_Linkis there any "screen recording" software to record my screen activity for ubuntu?10:48
SuperkuhFiesty 64bit here. I have a couple of NTFS partitions mounted via ntfs-3g and on the surface everything is fine. I find, though, and correct me if this is the way it is supposed to work, I cannot set the files on the partitions to a non-executable state (eg. sudo chmod -R -x /media/hdxx fails). When I open the gnome file properties menu and removing excutable permissions there it says SElinux status undefined and rechecks the box10:48
Superkuhautomatically; no effect. Normal? Or, is there a way to fix this?10:48
jimcooncatjust do your backup like normal, no need to snapshot10:48
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EnselicDr_Link: I like recordMyDeskop10:48
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daedrahey I want to add some codecs to ffmpeg10:48
emulatorOneHi. Is there a GENS package for Ubuntu?10:48
daedrahow would I do that?10:48
CheeseGarenerOk, sorry about that.  But if I wanted to, I would make a 10 gig / mount, and a 8 or so /home?  and would linux automatically use the seperate /home?10:49
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Enselicdaedra: what is your end goel?10:49
c-ronSuperkuh: NTFS doesn't support *nix permissions10:49
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niuqhow can i make my ntfs partitiong writable with linux?10:49
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daedraEnselic: currently I can't encode to mp3 audio10:49
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daedraEnselic: CLI10:49
jimcooncatCheeseGarener: you'd have to tell it during install, or modify your /etc/fstab if your changing a current install10:49
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mildnerI have got problems with applets10:50
Anlarniuq: ntfs-3g10:50
n00dl3niuq: ntfs-3g10:50
Enselicdaedra: mencoder can, can't it?10:50
n00dl3jinx :o10:50
daedraEnselic: how?10:50
CheeseGareneroh?  how do I tell it?10:50
Prowler_1help plz.10:50
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niuqAnlar: that is an app or what?10:50
n00dl3Prowler_1: Dont ask for help just state your problem10:50
Enselicdaedra: don't know the details, but man mencoder to find out10:50
mildnerone applets sticks on my mouse10:50
CheeseGarenerI am currently at the manual partition screen, if that helps.  I made the swap so far.10:50
n00dl3niuq: It's a driver I believe10:50
mildnerand I can't get rid of it10:50
jimcooncatCheeseGarener: I'd go with 4 gig / and 14 gig /home, lol10:51
Enselicdaedra: otherise you could simply compile ffmpeg yourself, and pass the right options to the configure script10:51
daedraEnselic: thats about an hour of reading then10:51
Prowler_1i understand that Breezy is the live cd ver, is it up to date 7.04 ?10:51
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Superkuhc-ron: Thanks. I figured, but shoot. I have thttpd running chroot'd and I thought I might 'mount --bind' the partition under the chroot'd webserver directory to host the files, but with the filesystem saying they are executable the server won't touch 'em. :\10:51
niuqn00dl3: how can i install it?10:51
Yodudehey i have decided to buy a nokia cell phone ( 6120 classic ) if a new smartphone, just wanted to ask you for your opinions10:51
Prowler_1n00dl3: i understand that Breezy is the live cd ver, is it up to date 7.04 ?10:51
Yodudeand if it works well with ubuntu10:51
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n00dl3niuq: check the repos10:51
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CheeseGarenerIf I create a /home manually  through the installer, will ubuntu use the /home I create?10:51
Enselicdaedra: what are you encoding to mp3?10:51
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niuqn00dl3: ok10:51
mildnerany help for me10:51
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n00dl3Prowler_1: It's not a live cd ver o.O And no10:51
jimcooncatCheeseGarener: through the installer, yes10:51
EnselicCheeseGarener: the installer allows you to specify where to mount what partitions10:52
EnselicCheeseGarener: if not, you can easily fix that afterwards by editing /etc/fstab10:52
CheeseGarenerI see.10:52
jimcooncatCheeseGarener: it's not enough to just give it a label "home", but also to specify to mount it under /home10:52
n00dl3Prowler_1: 5.10 < 7.04 :P10:52
mildnerone applet sticks at my mouse and goes everywhere where I go with the mouse10:52
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jimcooncatbut the installer makes it easy10:52
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intangiri accidently ruined my gcc 4.1.2 .. stuff10:53
Prowler_1n00dl3: i downd a cd (7.04) but it want to install to my HD, and i want the latest live-sys?10:53
intangiri guess libs are flucked..10:53
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intangiri manually installed gcc 3.2.3, but i cant get 4.1.2 to work anymore, how can i make it reinstall 4.1.2 and all its dependancies10:53
bertohello, the user interface of my openoffice.org is in greek (I think) but it should be in french :( I have installed oo-I10n-fr and I have no oo-I10n-grk (or something strange installed). It is like it's the font of user interface which should wrong. How can I change it ? thanks10:53
mildnerany german help here10:53
daedraEnselic: wav10:53
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xtknightintangir, sudo apt-get --reinstall install build-essential10:53
jimcooncatmildner: that's crazy, man10:53
n00dl3Prowler_1: It is a live cd10:53
daedraEnselic: I'm encoding wav to mp3 via CLI10:54
ompaul!de | mildner10:54
ubotumildner: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:54
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mildnerjimcooncat  its funny and crazy10:54
PriitMhaha, my xchat crashes every time when i try to connect "custom" irc server10:54
CheeseGarenerwill it ask later in the installer wihch drives will be /home?10:54
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summer_s4What is the regular chat channel for ubuntu?10:54
xtknightCheeseGarener, yes10:54
xtknightsummer_s4, here10:54
n00dl3summer_s4: You are in it10:54
Prowler_1n00dl3: :\ strange. i'll tray agin, is there a switch option, or boot option to type so it's just live10:54
intangirxtknight: i tried that, it didnt actually reinstall anything10:55
intangirxtknight: it doesnt seem to work on the dependancies10:55
Enselicdaedra: why not the open Ogg Vorbis format?10:55
summer_s4xtknight, n00dl3: i mean chat not for questions10:55
c-ronSuperkuh: how are you mounting the drive?10:55
xtknightintangir, okay so purge and then try10:55
bertois there someone who know how to change the fonts of openoffice menus ?10:55
n00dl3Prowler_1: By default it starts up live10:55
jimcooncatCheeseGarener: just tell it you want to specify the partitions -- say no if it asks you for format the whole drive as one10:55
n00dl3summer_s4: #ubuntu-offtopic10:55
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xtknightintangir, sudo apt-get --purge --force-all build-essential && sudo apt-get install build-essential10:55
Prowler_1but it did went to partition leve.10:55
xtknightintangir, maybe that will do it?10:55
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summer_s4n00dl3: thanks10:55
Prowler_1n00dl3: ok i'll give it another shot. bbl .10:55
xtknightintangir, anyways gcc 4 pkg is gcc-4.0 gcc-4.1 but there is libc* stuff also10:55
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n00dl3Prowler_1: Did you get the regular cd?10:56
xtknightintangir, and there's g++-4.010:56
emulatorOneI am trying to compile a program which requires SDL 1.2. Can anyone tell me how to check if I have it already and if not how to get it?10:56
xtknighter 4.110:56
Superkuhc-ron: I am using ntfs-3g, via ntfs3g-config.10:56
Prowler_1hmm how may i test that?10:56
intangirxtknight: its not liking those command line options10:56
intangirdoesnt know --force all10:56
xtknightemulatorOne, sudo apt-get install libsdl1.210:56
Superkuhc-ron: http://pastebin.ca/64224710:56
Prowler_1n00dl3 how may i test that10:56
n00dl3Prowler_1: Not sure how oyu test that, but you should know what you downloaded.10:56
xtknightemulatorOne, sorry, for compiling, you need this instead: sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev10:56
SuperkuhThat would be /etc/fstab.10:56
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c-ronSuperkuh: k i'll take a look10:57
evan_who has every installed a webcam with syntecdriver?10:57
n00dl3Prowler_1: Because theres a server install cd, a desktop cd (live/installer), and another one I believe10:57
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xtknightintangir, hm "sudo dpkg --purge --force-all build-essential && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get install build-essential"10:57
xtknightintangir, autoremove should do deps10:57
Prowler_1n00dl3 no i did not downd the server ver :P10:57
Superkuhc-ron: Oops; specifically I am playing with hdb5.10:57
evan_and who can help me out why im upside down al the time?10:57
xtknightintangir, i gotta go but if noone else can help you ill be around later10:57
Anlarevan_: yeah, and it's still very alpha in quality to your mileage really may vary10:57
evan_Anlar why am i upside down all the time?10:57
summer_s4does anyone know the key combination for ubuntu for taking a screenshot right there?10:58
intangirxtknight: that doesnt work10:58
Anlarevan_: uhh, if it's svn/cvs version, post your problem and usbid at the project's forum..10:58
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n00dl3summer_s4: print screen button? :P10:59
emulatorOnextknight: Thanks! I appear to already have it. Now here is another question for you. I am trying to compile XMAME and it complains about not having SVGALIB. Is there a package for that as well?10:59
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summer_s4n00dl3: were is the screen button?  I am using a keaboard made for windows xp10:59
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kilgostje ne sais pas si je suis le seul dans ce cas l10:59
Prowler_1n00dl3: i just checked it's Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn - is that the live-sys?10:59
bob301"print screen" is usually towards the top-right of the keyboard. Sometimes coupled with "Insert" or "sysrq"11:00
kilgostmais impossible d'ajouter ma liste de blogmarks dans delicious !11:00
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summer_s4bob301: thanks11:00
n00dl3Prowler_1: Dunno try it out :P11:00
Le_F0ukilgost #ubuntu-fr11:00
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n00dl3Prowler_1: Whats the full name of the *.iso file?11:01
spinrayHi, can anyone help me with getting my Vaio SZ3 to work with the nvidia card. I have a switch to turn this off and on which now works, but I have no 3d acceleration enabled when I use the intel or the nvidia. The modules needed are enabled in the xorg.conf files but when i type glxinfo it says: extension "GLX" missing on display :0.011:01
CheeseGarenerthanks for the help gus11:01
kilgostoups !!!11:01
CheeseGarenerI think I got it now.  I'm going to take off.  I'll let you know how it goes :)11:01
coolgeekguys, when using the terminal server client in full screen mode, how can i switch back to my desktop??11:01
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Prowler_1n00dl3: it's burned on cd dont knoe if i can check this11:01
n00dl3Prowler_1: Well just pop it in and try it out I guess :P11:02
coolgeekany one?11:02
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n00dl3Prowler_1: If it's not go and download what you want at:11:02
c-ronSuperkuh: I think that you'll have to add umask to the line for hdb511:02
Prowler_1n00dl3: will do, here goes nothing : }11:02
n00dl3[#ubuntu] 11:02
n00dl3lol woops ;P11:02
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Prowler_1n00dl3: bbl. thanks !!11:03
n00dl3http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ <--- Desktop CD is what you want11:03
coolgeekany one know anything about the teriminal server client that comes with ubuntu?11:03
Prowler_1Feisty Fawn is what i got :)11:03
daedraEnselic: it has to go on my iPod11:03
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c-ronSuperkuh: like umask=011711:04
daedracoolgeek: it acts a bit like vnc11:04
coolgeekdaedra: thanks. I know how it works, i just cant figure out how to switch back to my desktop when im using it in full screen mode11:05
Superkuhc-ron: Thanks. I'll give that a try.11:05
coolgeekits very VERY annoying11:05
daedracoolgeek: read the manual page11:05
c-ronSuperkuh: yeah try adding it in right after 'defaults' on that line11:05
davetarmacI@m having a bit of trouble getting the multiple desktops native to Feisty (in the right-button menu) to be the same as the ones setup in CompizFusion. Does anyone have any ideas - or can point me in the right direction?11:05
coolgeekdaedra: how do i access it?11:05
c-ronSuperkuh: UUID=8A14AA2714AA15EB /media/hdb5 ntfs-3g defaults,umask=0117,locale=en_CA.UTF-8 0 111:06
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c-ronSuperkuh: then un/remount11:07
emulatorOnecan I have more than one gcc installed on my machine?11:07
coolgeekdaedra: how do i view the manual?11:07
c-ronemulatorOne: yes11:07
jkesslerin xchat, where do you change the settings so you can see the list of users that are in the channel?11:07
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jkessleroh, it was there.. it was just slid all the way over to the side11:08
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emulatorOnedo I need to specify what compiler when I run the ./configure script or is it usually smart enough to figure what I have installed?11:08
c-ronemulatorOne: /usr/bin/gcc should be a symbolic link to whichever version you want to use11:08
daedracoolgeek: one minute11:08
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MishuHey have somone configured Kannel with Samba75 GSM Modem by falcom?11:08
jribemulatorOne: usually, you it respects the CC environment variable11:09
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emulatorOneokay thanks. The reason I couldnt get GENS to compile is because it wont compile with gcc 3.3 for some reason I was just told.11:09
daedracoolgeek: open terminal and type man tsclient11:09
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b4l74z4ris it possible to change the port that the default bittorrent app in ubuntu uses?11:09
Svishhm.. in the terminal all I get is [machinename] $ how can I get it to show my path and stuff?11:09
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jribSvish: printenv  or  echo $PATH  for example11:10
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jribSvish: the command:  printenv     will print all your environment variables.  If you just want to display PATH, you can instead do:  echo $PATH11:12
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jribSvish: or are you asking how to display your working directory in your shell prompt?11:12
Svishoh, I didnt mean that path11:12
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Svishi meant like, that the prompt(or what you call it) show where I am in the filesystem11:13
amigamiadoes linuxmce work exclusively with ubuntu only?11:13
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jribSvish: what shell are you using?11:13
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PriceChildamigamia, reading their website... it is built for ubuntu11:14
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amigamiadrat pricechild11:14
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khelllis there any good client for torrents11:15
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PriceChild!torrent | khelll11:15
ubotukhelll: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html11:15
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sidenetsomeone want to give me a tip on how to upgrade my ffmpeg11:17
c-ronSvish: type in at the command prompt: echo $PS111:17
sko0zyHow do i resolve this problem "dsniff: nids_init: Libnids not initialized"11:17
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c-ronSvish: what does it show after you do that?11:17
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craigbass1976Anyone ever gotten one of these built in laptop cams to work.  I don't even know where to begin11:18
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jhaigI have installed kpdf on Ubuntu and I am trying to print something using a filter (specifically, pamphlet printing).  In the filter dialogue I get a warning "(Unavailable: requirements not satisfied)".  Do I need to install another package?11:20
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Anlarcraigbass1976: most of them can be made to work but they are not easy for newbies... output of your "sudo lsusb" is the first step, and what your laptop model/brand are :P11:20
avishow do i reinitialize my soundcard ?11:20
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mzanfardinoI asked this question here a few hours ago and am still seeking input from the community.  I'm interested in purchasing a multi-head video card.  I don't need high-end gaming, but I do want 3d accel.  Can anyone make a recommendation as to a specific card and maybe suggest why?11:21
craigbass1976Anlar, well, I'm no newbie to linux, jsut to these cameras.  I don't see anything in lsusb that look like a camera.  Theres a Realtek lline and an Ali line11:21
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craigbass1976Anlar, it's a no name laptop11:21
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aguitelhow i know if samba is installed in my ubuntu system ?11:22
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jhaigI found the solution to my problem.  I needed kdeprint.11:22
Anlarcraigbass1976: then your lsbusb and also perhaps lspci outputs are the first steps.. the device IS listed in those11:22
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mzanfardinoaguitel: you could try dpkg -l | grep samba from the cli11:23
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Los_i have one question:)11:24
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chicken_Baltihow do you change the resolution from the command line ??11:25
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Los_i have root on my server, and i want to know password one of user of my server11:25
aguitelbecause is not working my network11:25
Los_how can i do this?11:25
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linxehchicken_Balti: the resolution of what? the virtual terminals, or X ?11:25
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ntwHi All - Can somebody help me with getting Bind9 on my ubuntu 6.1 ?11:25
chicken_Baltier  whats X ??11:25
jribLos_: you can't really since only a hash of the password is stored11:25
npodges/ctcp ubotu11:26
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Los_i know, its in /etc/shadow11:26
ntwHi All - Can somebody help me with getting Bind9 on my ubuntu 6.1 ? - MSG Me Please if you can Help11:26
Los_can i convert it to normal text?11:26
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pike__Los_: ive heard of it being done but i think as root the easiest thing would be some sort of key logging on the user11:26
AnlarLos_: you can do only three things. 1) brute force the password the dummy way 2) brute force using rainbow tables and whatnot 3) side channel attack (just record his password with keylogger or something like that)11:26
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jribLos_: no, a hash is one way.  Even if you found text that had the same hash, it won't necessarilly be his password.  Why do you need to do this?11:27
Ghismogood night guys11:27
vecinaAnyone know what to do if firefox's download list remains blank even when downloading? :(11:27
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chicken_Baltii dont want to change the resolution of the terminal. I have an ati graphics card. Have installed the update driver but i think the resolution is the problem. Linux will not run ...it just doesnt display anything on the screen.11:27
getBoaGuys, Why doesnt my conky get tranparent ?11:27
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pike__Los_: i did a 'write' to a user once that asked them for their password and they typed it in ;p11:28
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Ghismowhat package do i need to install for bluetooth on a toshiba laptop11:28
ntwHi All - Can somebody help me with getting Bind9 on my ubuntu 6.1 ? - MSG Me Please if you can Help11:28
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c-ronvecina: Edit -> Preferences -> 'Main' tab, check "show the downloads window..."?11:29
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ATOMICplayerWhat's the difference in Ubuntu 7.04 and that Frenzy version?11:29
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vecinac-ron: The window comes up . it just stays blank11:30
astro76ATOMICplayer, 7.04 is named Feisty Fawn11:30
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ciarononce booted from a ubuntu desktop cd is there an easy way to share a drive so its accessible over the network?11:30
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c-ronFrenzy is a FreeBSD based livecd distro11:31
ATOMICplayerastro76, thanks man. I will b back once ubuntu downloads and installs successfully.11:31
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ntwHi All - Can somebody help me with getting Bind9 on my ubuntu 6.1 ? - MSG Me Please if you can Help11:31
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rdeshhey guys i'm trying to use java plugin on amd64 but blackdown keeps segfaulting. any ideas? i would rather not use a 32bit firefox just for java..11:31
ntwHi All - Can somebody help me with getting Bind9 on my ubuntu 6.1 ? - MSG Me Please if you can Help11:32
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jrib!repeat | ntw11:32
ubotuntw: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:32
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Anlarntw: perhaps if you can't set it up already you really shouldn't be running bind? it's one of the most dangerous daemons in wrong hands, ever11:33
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Ghismocould anyone tell me what package i have to install to use bluetooth on my laptop?11:34
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AnlarGhismo: bluez-gnome ? gnome-bluetooth? either or both11:35
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c-ronvecnah: does the file actually download?11:35
SzeraaxGhismo: you know, there is always a forums withthat info11:35
ntwHi All - Can somebody help me with getting Bind9 on my ubuntu 6.1 ? - MSG Me Please if you can Help11:36
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MilitantPotatoI can't get my wife's PC to login, she's on Feisty with a Nvidia 6800gt, I get an xsession error:  BadAlloc (insufficient Recouces for operation)  Major opcode of failed request: 45 (X_OpenFont)11:36
supanekoCould someone tell me where MythTV saves the episodes that it records?11:36
pike__Ghismo: bluez-utils  i think for the cli stuff then i guess either the gnome or kde front end11:36
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Ghismook ...let me try11:36
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xxxxBY A BAN HAMMER,11:36
astro76!ops | xxxx11:36
ubotuxxxx: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:36
xxxxOR SONG,11:36
xxxxNO MONUMENTS,11:36
pike__Ghismo: blues-gnome or kdebluetooth i think at least if name is same as debian. ive heard that kde tool is better but never used11:37
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ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)11:37
MilitantPotatoI can't get my wife's PC to login, she's on Feisty with a Nvidia 6800gt, I get an xsession error:  BadAlloc (insufficient Recouces for operation)  Major opcode of failed request: 45 (X_OpenFont)11:37
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Ghismothanks spike11:37
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration11:37
SportChicknixternal: ?11:37
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seanwDealt with, thanks.11:37
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ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)11:38
seanwEr wrong channe.11:38
nixternalhere they come11:38
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naliothnixternal: yes?11:38
blackestanyone know anything about http://wpad ?11:38
pike__MilitantPotato: using vesa nv or nvida?11:39
who_careshow do I force a package to be removed?11:39
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who_caresI can't uninstall avg75fld11:39
mikebotDoes anyone know how to burn a dvd on ubuntu?11:39
who_cares"E: avg75fld: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 150"11:39
pike__MilitantPotato: k3b is the nicest gui app11:39
blackestmikebot k3b is good11:39
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pike__mikebot: fear the trumpet11:40
mikebotblackest: Can I make it other than an avi? Like so I can burn it and have two duplicate dvds?11:40
jribwho_cares: where does that package come from?  It doesn't seem to be in the ubuntu repos.  /var/lib/dpkg/PACKAGE_NAME.prerm may give you some hints though11:40
mikebotpike_: Sorry?11:40
Dr_Linksudo apt-get install sun-java  <-- I type that, and it asked me for a password, but every time I enter a character during password entry (except for the Enter key) nothing happens.11:40
PriceChildDr_Link, it won't give feedback, but your password is going in :)11:41
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who_caresjrib: it isn't in the ubuntu repo. It's a .deb from the Grisoft website11:41
astro76who_cares, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=244766711:41
mikebotblackest: And do you know how to make it fit on a normal dvd r/rw?11:41
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jhaigI'm trying to print a pdf file created from OpenOffice and the printer starts to respond but then doesn't print anything.  CPUS shows that a job has gone through.  I can print it directly from OpenOffice.  Can anyone suggest where I could start looking for the problem?11:42
pike__mikebot: cant do that with kde but there are tools.  i have to say i havent had the best luck using them to convert to mpeg11:42
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mikebotpike_: Is mpeg what I need to copy a dvd?11:42
astro76mikebot, so you're looking for something like dvdshrink for windows? there's k9copy.11:42
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mikebotastro76: So what would the process be for copying a dvd?11:43
MilitantPotatoI can't get my wife's PC to login, she's on Feisty with a Nvidia 6800gt, I get an xsession error which changes just about every time.  Ususaly it ends with Xsession: Beginning Session setup11:43
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mikebotastro76: Like get the image with k3b then shrink with k9copy, then burn with something?11:43
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pike__mikebot: you can copy a dvd easily but like taking a movie you downloaded that is divx and making it mpeg to burn as vcd or whatever is involved. i always have an issue. sound out of sync or something11:43
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astro76mikebot, haven't used k9copy yet, I would imagine k9copy would read the disc and create a 4.7GB .iso for you to burn11:44
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mikebotpike__: I don't want to burn files I've downloaded11:44
MilitantPotatoit keeps saying session lasted less then 10 seconds.11:44
mikebotpike_: Just back up my dvd collection11:44
hvgotcodeshey is there a guide for installing wine in feisty?11:44
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macogwsound juicer has mp3 in the profiles, but not in the output format dropdown. i have lame and gstreamer0.8-lame, but still no dice.  any ideas?11:44
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mikebotastro76: OK, I'll try that, thanks.11:44
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Anlarhvgotcodes: sudo apt-get install wine ?11:44
jrib!wine > hvgotcodes (see the private message from ubotu)11:45
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Born_In_XixaxHi all: I would like to restrict logins to particular users on particular computers to certain time periods...what is the best approach?11:45
hvgotcodesis there any way to see which version is in the repository?11:45
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jribhvgotcodes: apt-cache policy wine11:45
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AnlarMilitantPotato: delete her home directory as root, unless if it contains something important... if it does, chown it all to her for sure. then retry11:45
shemcan anyone tell me how to get F-SPOT to show regular pictures on a widescreen?11:46
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MilitantPotatoAnlar: how?11:46
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sheminstead of streching them11:46
MilitantPotatoit's a fresh install, nothing usefull in /home11:46
pike__hvgotcodes: sudo apt-get install wine; winecfg11:46
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westonWhats a good applet for CPU temperature/Ram usage blah blah blah???11:47
hvgotcodespike__:you mean get both wine and winecfg11:47
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pike__hvgotcodes: no i mean just paste that command11:47
mikebotpike_: WHen I used k9copy, I got a 4.3 GB iso, but it looks like just one episode, and lacks the dvd menu and stuff.11:47
_RolyI have a problem with wireless on an Acer Aspire 5633WLMI laptop.  I am running Feisty.  The problem is that ubuntu does not find all wireless networks.  When it eventually finds the network that I am interested in, it will connect (takes a while) and then the connection goes up and down every 5-10 seconds.  The network card is the intel 3945 and I am using the restricted driver for it.11:47
hvgotcodesi already installed11:47
pike__hvgotcodes: winecfg is the gui config you want to launch11:47
hvgotcodesok do i ineed to sudo it?11:47
SyrussScaleskinI have a bit of a problem, first time using ubuntu, trying to connect via wireless11:47
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ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto11:48
astro76hvgotcodes, no, as user11:48
pike__mikebot: i dont know with dvd protection.. normally id just say dd if=/dev/dvd of=file.iso then burn it. but im not sure11:48
Born_In_Xixaxany advice on restricting user login times by day/hour?11:48
SyrussScaleskinI would look through the faq but I am on here via a DS11:48
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DantheHobohow do i use a printer on a windows network11:49
pike__!samba | DantheHobo11:49
ubotuDantheHobo: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:49
=== dRi [n=qba@221-059-128-083.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #ubuntu
MilitantPotatohow do you remove a directory11:49
_RolyDantheHobo: System | Administration | Printing -> add new printer11:49
MilitantPotatofrom recovery11:50
shemhow do you stop the stretching of all images  on a widescreen?11:50
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MilitantPotatochange to a native rez for your LCD :)11:50
pike__MilitantPotato: is rm -fr directoryname not working?11:50
bodmerocitycan anyone recommend a book or a really step-by-step website to learn how to not be a huge nub at linux?11:50
_Rolyshem: run in the native resolution for the screen11:50
MilitantPotatopike__: that worked, thanks.11:50
SyrussScaleskinI am using a Belkin wireless G pcm/cia card, ubuntu picks it up, but wont access it, any suggestions?11:51
pike__bodmerocity: its unavoidable :) you just tough it out and as the occational newb question in here11:51
Dr_LinkI need a tutorial in UNIX command line functions.11:51
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mikebotpike_: Waht does that command do?11:51
jrib!cli > Dr_Link (see the private message from ubotu)11:51
zimmoWhy do I need to start a X11 app via console?11:51
jribbodmerocity: the 'rute' book is excellent11:51
jrib!rute > bodmerocity (see the private message from ubotu)11:51
westondoes anyone know any good CPU temperature/ram temperature applets?>11:51
_Rolyweston: gkrelm11:52
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pike__mikebot: it writes the information to a file makes an image i use with cdroms but honestly i never got a dvd burner so im prob not best one to ask11:52
shemim in 1024 x 768 thats what my screen is.  there are only the 3 choices for ubuntu right?11:52
pike__!cli | bodmerocity11:52
SyrussScaleskinif anyone can help guide me through setting t up, I could use a hand :(11:52
ubotubodmerocity: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:52
macogwBorn_In_Xixax: oh oh i know this one11:52
mikebotpike_: OK, thanks for your help.11:52
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:52
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pike__mikebot: i think the problem is that the dvdr disks you buy already have a section written that basically prevents copying with a straight forward method. i could be wrong though11:53
=== Born_In_Xixax waits for macogw's wisdom with bated breath :)
astro76shem, 1024x768 is not a widescreen resolution, examples of widescreen res are 1280x800 and 1440x90011:53
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hvgotcodesha im playing poker on linux11:54
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macogwBorn_In_Xixax: i looked it up before.  no gui, though, you ok with that?11:54
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astro76!resolution | shem11:54
ubotushem: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:54
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shemk thanks11:54
KrimZonmaybe my wireless card is broken11:54
KrimZonor not plugged in properly11:55
bkeatingvia samba - fs or smb... how do i make sure all files in a share have "rwx" for the group, no matter what?  'create mask = 0770' in smb.conf does not work....11:55
MilitantPotatopike__: now I don't get a login screen11:55
MilitantPotatoIt goes to the desktop background, flashes once, then goes black with a loading icon for the mouse11:55
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event_ideAfter a fresh install of nvidia drivers and restarting X, glxinfo | grep rendering says that direct rendering is on. After I reboot, direct rendering turns off. Any ideas?11:55
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SyrussScaleskinHaving trouble with a wireless card, new to ubuntu, if someone can help me with connectg, please help me out11:56
MilitantPotatowait nvm, working now, but I don't have a way to log in11:56
CompIsMyRxevent_ide: how did you install the nvidia drivers? it may be conflicting with other drivers11:56
hvgotcodesXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".11:56
hvgotcodeswhats that mean when i try to use wine?11:56
Jordan09Guys, I've LITERALLY just installed ubuntu and my system is running really slow. I can't even navigate properly with my mouse. Any ideas?11:56
pike__MilitantPotato: what did you delete?11:56
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event_ideCompIsMyRx; I removed the other nvidia drivers already, I know there's been conflicts in the past11:57
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MilitantPotatologging in under /root using her user name gives the same xsession error11:57
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Jordan09When I ran it from CD it was fine.11:57
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Born_In_Xixaxhvgotcodes: that sounds like your application is a 3D app, but you do not have a working 3D video driver.11:57
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Dr_LinkNot sure11:58
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Dr_Linkbut i'll ask here.11:58
pike__MilitantPotato: mkdir /home/heather; chown heather:heather /home/heather11:58
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pike__MilitantPotato: using sudo11:58
SyrussScaleskinI have no way of accessing any faqs or forums, due tothe above problem, and no way to view links on here11:58
MilitantPotatook give me a few11:58
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Dr_LinkCan you have three operating systems installed on the same system with 1 partition made for each of them? (I want one with Windows, Linux, and finally Solaris on it)11:58
event_ideCompIsMyRx; I downloaded the driver from NVIDIA's website, installed after removing the other nvidia drivers11:58
c-ronJordan09: run 'top' from a terminal11:58
hvgotcodesBorn: im using compiz11:58
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hvgotcodesis that bad?11:58
CompIsMyRxevent_ide: ahh. Did you add nv to the disabled modules in linux-restricted-common?11:59
Born_In_Xixaxhvgotcodes: if compiz is running you have 3D capability...sorry no other ideas11:59
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c-ronJordan09: you'll be able to see if a process is eating your cpu time11:59
hvgotcodeshmm can they detect that Im on linux?11:59
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Jordan09It's at 1%11:59
event_ideCompIsMyRx; no, I didn't know I had to11:59
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event_ideCompIsMyRx; think that could cause problems?12:00
CompIsMyRxevent_ide: I had to, otherwise nv and nvidia would fight and X wouldn't start. But your problem may be related12:00
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wepeelhi all. Is this the appropriate channel to ask about software available for Ubuntu?12:00
c-ronJordan09: Cpu(s): 1%us ???12:00
Dr_LinkCan you have three operating systems installed on the same system with 1 partition made for each of them? (I want one with Windows, Linux, and finally Solaris on it)12:01

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