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mgallagh | I have an issue with an edubuntu server and a thin client, the thin client boots to a certain point(starts splash screen) but then falls back to initramfs | 12:56 |
mgallagh | is there an ltsp log that i can track" | 12:59 |
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sbalneav | Evening all | 04:20 |
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pips1 | RichEd-1: ping | 11:42 |
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multik | good day everyone | 12:14 |
multik | greetings ogra. | 12:14 |
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smp | hi.. | 12:16 |
smp | r u there.. | 12:17 |
multik | ? | 12:18 |
smp | i need to know regarding ubuntu's/debian's network installation | 12:19 |
multik | uff, sorry, i'm newbie myself. | 12:19 |
smp | ok.. | 12:20 |
pips1 | smp: ask your question, if someone knows, they will answer | 12:22 |
smp | well .. | 12:23 |
smp | i did pxe booting.. | 12:23 |
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smp | and i got success..but it is asking for mirror link from where it will download the files.. | 12:24 |
smp | which i dont want..i want to do all the things using my LAN only | 12:24 |
pips1 | download what files? do you want to install new applications? | 12:25 |
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smp | is thre nbdy who knw installation from the mounted iso image from the server itself.. | 12:26 |
smp | pipsl:no.. | 12:26 |
smp | pipsl:I wnt to install base system only.. | 12:27 |
pips1 | smp: do you want to install a thin client & terminal server ? or do you want to install a workstation? | 12:27 |
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smp | i have 10 comps..and i wnt to install ubuntu/debian from the server.. | 12:28 |
smp | my clients dont have cdroms.. | 12:28 |
smp | i setup dhcp server & tftp server.. | 12:28 |
pips1 | oh, you want to install 10 workstations over the local network | 12:28 |
pips1 | ? | 12:29 |
smp | exactly | 12:29 |
smp | my m/c can boot frm the network | 12:29 |
pips1 | and you say that you managed to boot a "live" session in one of the networked pcs? | 12:29 |
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smp | actually wen i did pxe booting...it was asking for mirror site..that menu came after choosing up the keyboard layout and setting up the locale.. | 12:31 |
pips1 | hmm. you sould be able to specify your local server as a repository for the debian packages ... | 12:32 |
edistar | is there an easy howto how to set up the edubuntu box to login via ldap? | 12:32 |
smp | so..initial installation files are geting frm the tftp dir.. | 12:32 |
smp | pipsl:yah..but i want to install it from mounted cd image | 12:33 |
smp | i dnt have that option to set up local repository in my server | 12:34 |
pips1 | smp: sorry I haven't done this myself. I can't help... :-/ however, this question is not specific to edubuntu, so you might find someone in another channel that can help you. have you tried to ask in #ubuntu? | 12:34 |
smp | ok...that channel i tried..but..i am not getting any help..do u know another channel? | 12:35 |
pips1 | hmm. did you try any google search for the topic? didn't that bring up any results? (some documentation or some thread in the ubuntuforums.org...)? | 12:36 |
smp | pipsl:i got one doc from ubutu docs but that is not woring.. | 12:38 |
smp | and ubutu is using casper but in debian i dnt have that option | 12:38 |
pips1 | smp :-( | 12:38 |
smp | nway thanks pipsl. | 12:39 |
=== pips1 thinks he needs a better nick, that "1" (one) at the end is just annoying... | ||
pips1 | :-) | 12:40 |
pips1 | edistar: edubuntu box = thin client? or workstation? | 12:40 |
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pips1 | edistar: did you see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication ? | 12:43 |
juliux | edistar, what do you think about a second edubuntu weekend during the ubucon in krefeld? | 12:44 |
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srimalj | hi all | 12:58 |
srimalj | I'm intrested in translating Edubuntu to the Sinhala language (the language used in Sri Lanka). This is a funded project | 12:58 |
srimalj | How can I get started with technical information | 12:58 |
srimalj | is there a list? | 12:58 |
srimalj | ga/ | 01:00 |
srimalj | hellooo | 01:00 |
srimalj | anybody home????? | 01:00 |
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pips1 | srimalj: sorry I was busy ... sounds great! you got a funded translation project. fantastic. | 01:29 |
pips1 | srimalj: what do you want to translate...? do you want to translate the desktop/software in edubuntu? do you want to translate the documentation for edubuntu? where do you want to start? :-) | 01:31 |
srimalj | actually we would like to translate some educational suites in edubuntu (fiesty) | 01:35 |
srimalj | that would benefit rural sri lankan children | 01:35 |
srimalj | and we want this work to be included in fiture releases | 01:35 |
pips1 | srimalj: there are lots of resources for translators online. there is launchpad, which enables you to contribute translations of the software, see https://translations.launchpad.net/ | 01:36 |
srimalj | ifthere is anything that can be upstreamed back to the main Ubuntu project then that should also happen | 01:36 |
srimalj | tnx i already registered an account on launchpad | 01:36 |
srimalj | and a project | 01:36 |
srimalj | Sinhala Edubuntu | 01:36 |
pips1 | nice | 01:36 |
srimalj | So when we upload po files to LaunchPad does that get included to the Ubuntu releases too? | 01:37 |
pips1 | there are also language specific mailing lists available for translators ("localisation lists")... see https://lists.ubuntu.com/ | 01:37 |
srimalj | we want to be able to make a Sinhala Edubuntu live cd also | 01:37 |
pips1 | yes, the translations get included | 01:37 |
srimalj | automatically? | 01:37 |
srimalj | i dont think the whole edubuntu project can be translated at once | 01:38 |
srimalj | so we'd like to focus on some crucial educational apps initially | 01:38 |
srimalj | and proceed | 01:38 |
pips1 | I don't know how automated it is and what the exact process is... you can find out from people with ubuntu translation experience though :-) | 01:38 |
srimalj | cool tnx | 01:39 |
pips1 | try searching the mailing list archives of the translators: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators | 01:39 |
srimalj | currently no sinhala list | 01:39 |
srimalj | so i guess this is a first | 01:40 |
pips1 | and if you don't find useful information there, join the list and ask :-) | 01:40 |
pips1 | no sinhala list... well, start one if there are going to be several of you :-) | 01:40 |
pips1 | srimalj: did you see our introductory page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Translation ? | 01:41 |
pips1 | srimalj: hope this helped... I need to go eat now, cu later | 01:42 |
srimalj | tnx a lot | 01:45 |
srimalj | that was very help full | 01:45 |
srimalj | u may see me more often on this room :) | 01:45 |
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jinty | hi ogra, any word on the schooltool packages? | 02:08 |
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edistar | is gutsy useable yet? | 02:16 |
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ogra | edistar, usable for playing with it and testing yes, for production use, no | 02:41 |
multik | hi ogra | 02:58 |
multik | you're alive ;) | 02:58 |
ogra | extremly busy... but yes, alive | 02:59 |
multik | ok, lets talk in the evening then, shall we. I'm dying here as well. | 03:00 |
multik | Feckin' integration :) | 03:00 |
=== gert [n=gert@d54C3BD6B.access.telenet.be] has joined #edubuntu | ||
gert | Hi, need some help to set up sound on thin Client. Thin Client is running on edubuntu 7.04 server, which has no sound card. I want to connect to a windows server and get the sound in my thin client. This seems impssible because there is no sound daemon running on edubuntu. Any idea's?? | 03:08 |
ogra | the sound daemon runs on te client if there is sound HW we have a driver for | 03:09 |
gert | ok, so I have to install the thin clients sound card drivers in the server's /opt/ltsp directory? | 03:11 |
ogra | no | 03:15 |
ogra | they are there already | 03:15 |
ogra | but i doubt you can have windows produce anything usable thats playable on the client | 03:15 |
gert | well if I rdesktop from my suse desktop there's no problem | 03:16 |
ogra | then it should work as well if you run rdesktop as login manager on the thin client | 03:16 |
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gert | no it doesn't. There's always an error message saying there's no sound card or the sound card is already in use | 03:18 |
ogra | what kind of soudncard is that ? | 03:19 |
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ogra | and do you have sound in normal LTSP mode if ou use it as a client ? | 03:19 |
gert | sis9017 | 03:19 |
ogra | ouch | 03:19 |
ogra | (you mean 7019 i guess :) ) | 03:19 |
gert | yes 'm sorry | 03:20 |
ogra | there is no working driver for recent 2.6 kernels for this thing | 03:20 |
ogra | (its one of the worst HW's i know btw ... ) what kind of client is that ? ebox 2300 ? | 03:20 |
gert | I don't know exactly, the manual only says 'TU' | 03:21 |
ogra | http://www.compactpc.com.tw/ebox-2300.htm | 03:22 |
gert | so the only way I can get around this is to use a 2.4 kernel | 03:22 |
ogra | which wont work in ltsp5 ... or latest 4.2 | 03:23 |
gert | 4.1? | 03:23 |
ogra | bith use udev etc ... there is no way to make either work with a 2.4 kernel | 03:23 |
ogra | no idea if 4.1 did support 2.4 kernels ... | 03:24 |
ogra | i dont touch that old code | 03:24 |
ogra | (nobody does actually) | 03:24 |
gert | ok thanks a lot, at least now I know I don't have to waste any more time | 03:25 |
ogra | i'm wroking on to port the sis7019 driver to gutsy, but its still not clear we can ship it, the only code i have isnt licensed and has no copyright info at all | 03:25 |
gert | ok thanks man! | 03:26 |
ogra | if you have a thing like the one i pasted the link for there are at least chances it will half way work in gutsy | 03:26 |
gert | but not in feisty | 03:26 |
ogra | nope | 03:26 |
gert | I just took a look, that's the thing I have | 03:28 |
ogra | that thing is carppy hardware,the one example i have here to work with needs to do everything in CPU so sound gets choppy if you move the mouse etc | 03:28 |
ogra | its a shame they sell it for so much | 03:28 |
ogra | thats not even worth $50 and you can get way better things for 20 bucks more | 03:28 |
gert | You have any better suggestions for thin clients? | 03:28 |
ogra | anything from disklessworkstations.com thats not teh e2300 is good (but a bit more expensive) and there are varoiuus companies seeling stuff from $120 to 150 thats rather in the 500Mhz area and has proper pci chips | 03:30 |
ogra | even geode systms will serve you beter than this thing | 03:30 |
multik | even linuterm :) | 03:31 |
ogra | since we (ltsp upstream) work very closely with disklessworkstations.com i got such a thing from them to make sure it works at least half way in gutsy ... | 03:31 |
ogra | but from 200Mhz for *everything* you cant expect miracles | 03:32 |
gert | no of course not but it has to be cheap because we want to implement them in schools | 03:33 |
ogra | right | 03:33 |
gert | anyway, thanks a lot for your time guys!! | 03:34 |
edistar_ | how do I set up edubuntu to use an external dhcp server and only use one NIC? | 03:36 |
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edistar | anyone have a link to a howto or so? | 03:38 |
t94xr | disable the other NIC in networking | 03:43 |
t94xr | and assign it to DHCP | 03:43 |
t94xr | simple? | 03:43 |
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ogra | t94xr, not that simple ... you need to set up the new dhcp server for netbooting as well | 03:53 |
edistar | ogra: where do I find what I need to set in my external dhcp server? | 03:54 |
edistar | the tftp and so on will still be on the edubuntu server | 03:54 |
ogra | what ind of dhcp server is that ? | 03:54 |
edistar | ogra: it's an ipcop ;) | 03:55 |
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edistar | I just need to know what exactly the options for the dhcp are | 03:56 |
ogra | edistar, no idea then ... it needs to know about filename and root-path at least | 03:56 |
ogra | likely also abut next-server | 03:56 |
ogra | pull the paths for that out of the /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf file | 03:56 |
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edistar | ogra: thanks | 03:57 |
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boxrock | can anyone tell me where to find docs for RAID installation on fiesty? | 08:39 |
LaserJock | I'm not sure there really are any | 08:43 |
LaserJock | but you could ask #ubuntu-server | 08:43 |
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IceLink | hey there | 08:49 |
Shadow31 | I need to increase the number of maximum sessions on my LTSP server. How can I do this? | 08:49 |
IceLink | can somebody name me some edubuntu-apps? | 08:49 |
LaserJock | IceLink: gcompris, KDE edu, tuxpaint, tuxmath, LTSP | 09:01 |
LaserJock | Shadow31: do you mean hardware wise or in the actual LTSP server? | 09:02 |
IceLink | what's gcompris? | 09:02 |
LaserJock | it's a great suite of games and educational programs for kids | 09:03 |
IceLink | ah this is what i wanted, thanks | 09:03 |
IceLink | lol | 09:12 |
IceLink | you didn't say that it's 2++ | 09:12 |
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sprik | ciao a tutti | 11:16 |
sprik | hello to all | 11:16 |
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