
Piciopop: Sounds like something changed in your xwindows setup, compiz-fusion and beryl are nearly the same thing.12:32
opopX is fine, same xorg.conf.12:32
opopi'll tweak a thing or two.  maybe take out the allowglxwithcomposite argument.12:33
=== opopanax [n=steve@unaffiliated/opopanaxgentoo] has joined #ubuntu+1
opopanaxno es goodo12:40
opopanaxah, wonderful.  no beryl in gutsy.  fuck my ass, what else?12:41
opopanaxomg, i'm so sorry12:42
PriceChildopopanax, beryl does not exist anymore12:42
opopanaxok, cool.12:42
opopanaxi'm wondering what's up with my config, then...12:43
opopanaxah well, i'm sure it will all work out in the end.12:43
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opopanaxany reason the 3d windows didn't make it from beryl, anyone know?12:46
crdlbopopanax, needs a core patch to work properly12:47
crdlbcompiz core that is12:47
Takeya|Ikuharaisn't beryl that theme thing?12:47
crdlbonce that patch is in core, 3d will be put into a plugin pack12:47
Takeya|Ikuharalike xgl?12:47
opopanaxi see.12:47
opopanaxwell, like beryl.12:48
crdlbyou can already get it from gitweb and compile it yourself, but it has issues12:48
Takeya|Ikuharai'm new to this and how do you get xgl on ububtu?12:48
opopanaxxgl's long dead, too, right?12:48
Takeya|Ikuharaoh yeah12:48
crdlbXgl isn't dead but most people don't need it12:49
Takeya|Ikuharaisn't beryl the new xgl?12:49
opopanaxthat's right, it was an abstraction layer, right?12:49
crdlbXgl, AIGLX, and nvidia's thing are platforms that composite manager like beryl and compiz can run on12:49
Takeya|Ikuharai want those special feature that xgl has12:49
Takeya|Ikuharathe cube and all12:49
opopanaxthe linux 3d desktop has come a long way.12:49
=== opopanax digs the cube.
crdlbyeah exactly, Xgl is an abstraction layer12:50
Takeya|Ikuharai've used the packet manager12:50
Takeya|Ikuharai have the beryl core12:50
Takeya|Ikuharai'm so lost12:50
PiciTakeya|Ikuhara: Are you running on Gutsy?12:50
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell12:50
opopanaxruh roh.12:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about versin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:51
PiciTakeya|Ikuhara: just read what ubotu said12:51
Takeya|Ikuhara!shell lsb_release -a12:51
opopanax!shell lsb_release -a12:51
crdlbopen a terminal12:51
opopanaxi guess I don't have bangy goodness plugged in.12:52
opopanaxwhere can I replace metacity with emerald?12:52
crdlbopopanax, those aren't comparable12:53
crdlbmetacity is a window manager, emerald is a decorator for compiz12:53
Takeya|IkuharaDistributor ID: Ubuntu12:53
Takeya|IkuharaDescription:    Ubuntu 7.0412:53
Takeya|IkuharaRelease:        7.0412:53
Takeya|IkuharaCodename:       feisty12:53
Takeya|Ikuharathat's what i got12:53
=== nicolai_ [n=nicolai@port138.ds1-naer.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu+1 ["Konversation]
PiciTakeya|Ikuhara: This is the channel for the development version of Ubuntu, you'd be better off asking compiz/beryl/xgl questions in #ubuntu-effects and general Ubuntu questions in #ubuntu12:54
opopanaxi know what it is.  I guess I'm asking, where do I change the command line from compiz to compiz --replace emrald12:54
Spanglemy god12:54
crdlbopopanax, ccsm: window decoration> commmand12:54
Spangleso many channels12:54
opopanax... so little time...heh12:54
Spangleall i want is something like xgl on my ububtu12:54
PiciSpangle: This isnt the right channel to ask, you'd get a much faster reply in those channels I mentioned.12:55
opopanaxspangle:  try beryl in feisty, or go cutting edge and look for the feisty compiz-fusion howto in the forums.12:55
opopanaxhah!  thank you, crdlb12:57
opopanaxcouldn't find it at first.12:57
opopanax"emerald --replace" should do it, yeah?12:58
Spangleopopanax, beryl in fiesty? o_O12:58
opopanaxi had it a week ago.  it's in universe, even.12:58
opopanaxi know, i was shocked meself12:58
Spangleso.. i sleep more than is required for a human being? what do you want from me?12:59
Spanglei'm already in the ubuntu-effects channel12:59
Spanglei don't think01:00
Spanglethere's anyone there01:00
PriceChildcompiz (+fusion) on gutsy really seems to struggle a lot more than i remember beryl doing under high cpu load...01:02
opopanaxPriceChild, yeah, i think i have to agree.  but  the new nvidia driver seems to be ok.01:03
PriceChildnew nvidia driver?01:03
opopanaxnot super new, right?01:03
PriceChildisn't it stil 9755...?01:03
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opopanaxPriceChild, yeah01:07
PriceChildthat was in feisty...01:08
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opopanaxPriceChild, ok, wonderful.01:10
opopanaxi wasn't aware of it till a little bit ago01:10
crdlbPriceChild, no gl yield helps with that01:10
crdlbie __GL_YIELD="NOTHING"01:10
opopanaxhow do i set that?01:12
crdlberm you could modify the wrapper script I guess01:12
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vlowtherarrgh -- iwl3945 == teh suck01:30
opopanaxi love this channel.01:30
vlowtherif I let the system try to unload the module going into suspend, the system beeps at me every 10 seconds forever complaining about reference counts.01:31
vlowtherIf I add it to MODULES_WHITELIST, it kills a core on my core duo01:31
vlowther (the system still runs, though!)01:32
vlowtheruntil I suspend/resume again, then kablooey01:32
vlowthersomething is horribly fscked up with locking in that driver.01:32
vlowtherit was enough to drive me into actually booting the Vista partition. :(01:34
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opopanaxhow do i change the dpi?  I'm getting suddenly that tiny-font issue01:58
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leperkhanzAnyone know where I can get a 2.1.0 .deb for Pidgin?02:10
crimsunyou can build one.02:14
leperkhanzgetdeb.net is down, and last I was on they didn't have the most recent build.02:15
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RAOFcrdlb: The wrapper already sets __GL_YIELD02:24
RAOFIt's just that the nvidia drivers suck under load.02:24
RAOFYay binary blobs.02:24
crdlbah I see it now02:25
Amaranthyay crappy drivers02:27
snadgeit might not be the nvidia drivers.. it could be the schedular02:30
snadgelatest linux kernel relaces SD schedular with CFS02:30
snadgewhich apparently improves 3d performance under load02:31
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crimsunthat's only applicable if you're using a self-compiled 2.6.23ish02:31
snadgemight be worth looking into though02:31
opopanaxthis is fun...02:41
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leperkhanzWhat's fun?02:47
leperkhanzWhen is the new scheduler going to show up in Update Manager?02:47
RAOFWhat new scheduler?02:49
crimsun...it won't for gutsy.02:49
crimsunhe means Linus merging CFS.02:49
RAOFAnd the pluggable sheduling stuff.02:50
RAOFYeah.  No matter how good an idea people on Ubuntuforums think it is, I don't think the kernel team feel that 2.6.23 is a good idea :)02:50
vlowtherindeed -- andrew morton is probably bitching about all the half-assed patches people think _MUST_GO_IN_RIGHT_NOW!!!1! at this very instant. ;)02:53
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snadgeso the kernel is already frozen for gutsy?03:03
snadgewhy not use a new scheduler? :P03:04
snadgei think the reality is.. it makes very little diference03:04
crdlbwhat makes every little difference?03:04
snadgei mean.. who plays games with 6 shell scripts looping infinitely in the background anyway03:04
stdinthe kernel isn't "frozen", but it won't move from the 2.6.22 branch03:04
snadgeapparently theres lots of bugfixes and new drivers etc for 2303:05
snadgebut im sure as always, theres regressions too.. one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't things03:05
stdinbesides, it would be damn near impossible to test/debug .23 to a stable state in under 2 months03:06
RAOFThe drivers have hopefully be backported with minimal disruption.03:07
crimsunbut users want it, so it must be good!03:07
RAOFWe should put automatix in ubuntu-desktop!03:07
stdinusers don't always know what they really want ::p03:07
stdinand please don't put automatix in ubuntu-desktop or I'll have an aneurysm03:08
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avbhi all03:09
=== RAOF notes that sarcasm may be hard to detect on irc :)
avb guys, can someody tell me what is a difference of configuration of a gnome-sccreensaver on livecd and oninstalled system?03:09
crdlblet's replace the restricted drivers manager with envy!03:09
avbi just copied livecd system to mine harddrive, coz installator was broken03:10
avbi dont think that this is a bug. just because of nonstandrart install03:10
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snadgethe sad thing is that ati wont put aiglx into fglrx before gutsy release.. no doubt03:10
snadgecan i get a promise that if they do release it in time.. no matter how late in the development cycle it is.. its included? ;)03:11
avbsnadge: it will be in next LTS03:12
RAOFNot a chance.  Also, you probably don't want to play with Composite+GL on fglrx for a year or so.  That's about how long it took nvidia to fix their stuff :)03:12
snadgesigh.. everythings always a year away, or in the next release03:12
crdlbthey still haven't fixed their stuff :)03:13
vlowtherif by "fix" you mean "crashes less often than you average reboot rate", then yes.03:13
avbuse intel and be free from bugs03:13
avband crashes03:13
snadgeand performance03:13
avbfor me performance is perfect03:14
avbcompiz works perfect03:14
DanaGAnd random BLINKing.03:14
DanaGDamn nvidia.03:14
avband no blinking :)03:14
snadgethats terrible.. people whinging about nvidia's drivers03:14
DanaGOh yeah, HP sells even 17" notebooks with the option of the Intel IGP.03:14
vlowther... and a pony?03:14
snadgei reckon their punishment should be to use an ATI card for a month03:15
stdini get about 1200 FPS on i945 :)03:15
avbi'm using 1600x1200 in i94503:15
snadgesomething nice and crappy.. like an unsupported radeon 920003:15
snadgewith shared memory03:15
avbim happy with them03:15
avbas i was happy with i855gm before03:15
DanaGcrimsun: is there any way to get the alsa-info.sh to give me a file, not a pastebin?03:15
crdlbsnadge, what's wrong with a 9200?03:15
RAOFsnadge: Hey, I'll take a 9200 off your hands!03:15
RAOFsnadge: No binary blob?  Score!03:16
DanaGoops, I didn't realize you hadn't been talking for a while.03:16
=== mike [n=bob@adsl-074-236-242-009.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
avbnobody saw gnome-screensaver from inside?03:16
avbproblem that i cant lock screen is realy annoying03:17
snadgeRAOF: the one i've got is unsupported by radeon driver03:17
avbi need to carry my laptop with me even on lounch :)03:17
snadgesomething about not having access to how it does its memory registers or something03:17
avbbecause of this issue03:17
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crdlbsnadge, Xpress 200?03:17
=== vlowther shudders
snadgeand then.. because its so old and crappy.. you have to use the "legacy" fglrx driver03:18
vlowthernot that card.03:18
snadgewhich was released over a year ago03:18
DanaGAargh, how do I get rid of the blinking?03:19
RAOFDanaG: Use nouveau.03:19
DanaGCan you run compiz-fusion on it?03:20
DanaGI'm willing to give it a try if it's reasonbly easy to compile and install.03:20
RAOFDanaG: Hell, no.  You can run glxgears on it, probably :)03:21
RAOFDanaG: And I'll have some packages in my PPA for it by the end of the week or so, if you'd like to test :)03:21
avb /usr/lib/gnome-screensaver/gnome-screensaver-dialog03:22
avb** (gnome-screensaver-dialog:7999): WARNING **: Screen locking disabled: running under GDM03:22
avbi find a problem03:22
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DanaG[   23.092000]  NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  1.0-9755  Mon Feb 26 23:21:15 PST 200703:23
DanaGOOps, I thought that would say my model.03:23
RAOFHeh, no :)03:24
RAOFYou're after "lspci | grep VGA" :)03:24
DanaGor  lspci | grep VGA|awk -F: '{print $3}'|sed 's/ [a-Z] * Corporation // ; s/(.*)//g'03:25
DanaGG70 [GeForce Go 7600] 03:25
DanaGDuude, that's g73, not g70.  Durrh.03:25
RAOFHey, that's my card.  You get good RENDER acceleration.03:25
RAOFOr, really, NV4x :)03:25
RAOFAnd a bunch of fun rendering bugs, but eh. :)03:26
stdinDanaG: hmm, where have I seen that command before ;)03:26
DanaGBeats me.... from you?03:27
stdinyep :p03:27
=== mike [n=bob@adsl-074-236-242-009.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
mikeGreets, everyone03:28
mikecould someone tell me what mesa-related packages i need to uninstall before installing mesa from git? i have libgl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libglu1-mesa mesa-common-dev and mesa-utils installed (trying to get compiz-fusion running with the open-source driver and i was told the version of mesa i have isn't new enough for that)03:29
mikeopen-source *ati* driver03:30
RAOFmike: They lied.03:30
mikeumm... ok03:30
RAOFAlso, unistalling those mesa packages will remove half your system :)03:30
mikeohh. well, thanks for the tip. heh03:30
mikeany ideas? i have direct rendering, but when i run "compiz --replace &" it just crashes X03:31
RAOFmike: Unless you've got a Xpress 200, I think.03:31
mikethat's the one03:31
RAOFWhat *is* your card.  Oh :(03:31
=== crdlb didn't lie
=== blenderhead001 [n=blenderh@adsl-068-209-133-121.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
=== crdlb is mad at RAOF now :(
=== DanaG finds it funny that NVIDIA themselves call PCIe PCI-X.
DanaGThey're NOT the same!  NOT NOT NOT!03:31
RAOFcrdlb: You shouldn't be suggesting mesa git!03:31
RAOFDanaG: Very very much so!03:32
crdlberr he wanted to get it working and I told him that's the only way03:32
RAOFmike: Please don't break your system :)03:32
DanaGOh yeah, what package holds the zd1211 firmwares?03:32
RAOFcrdlb: Wouldn't he also need git drm?03:32
crdlbhe said that he heard 2.6.22 was new enough03:32
RAOFOh.  Maybe.03:33
mikeRAOF: so i should just leave all those packages installed and install mesa and drm from git *over* them?03:33
crdlbno that wouldn't be good either03:33
RAOFmike: You should give up the dream of using an experimental driver :/03:33
crdlbmike, wait for adamk to come back, I think he does it in a safe way03:33
crdlbie installing stuff to /opt03:33
RAOFFglrx + Xgl should work for you.03:33
mikeRAOF: Well, FGLRX runs terribly on this thing. can't switch to a tty session, and it hangs at reboot (it's a dual-boot system)03:34
crdlbwow I think most nvidia users have those problems :)03:34
mikecrdlb: i never did03:34
RAOFmike: Yay for a binary blob even worse than03:34
mike(nvidia on the desktop, this is my grandfather's laptop)03:34
DanaGWhat's with that BLINKING?03:34
vlowthernVidia mind control technique.03:35
DanaGOr eyeball-poking.03:35
RAOFThat's nvidia telling you to learn Xorg driver hacking, and fix nouveau :)03:35
DanaGOh heck, even their Windows drivers are broken -- on Windows, battery is stuck at no-acceleration.03:36
RAOFTheir plan is to slowly bring the nvidia drivers down to the level of fglrx, then discontinue it completely.03:36
DanaGI can't even select "Balanced".03:36
crdlbRAOF, haha03:36
crdlbthey're getting awfully close :P03:36
DanaGAnd Vista drivers are worse.  Close lid.  Open lid.  Video driver crashes.03:36
DanaGClose lid.  Open lid.  Video driver crashes.03:36
RAOFIt'll take a while for it to get as bad as fglrx, so they're guessing nouveau will be ready in time :)03:37
vlowtherDanaG: no suprise, these are the same people who can't get their drivers+hardware to stop throwing STOP 0.EA errors in TEN YEARS.03:37
DanaG(it's reproducible easily, but you may need to wait a bit with it closed.)03:37
crdlbthere's one thing I really like about fglrx over nvidia-glx03:37
=== vlowther is a mild-mannered tech by day
DanaGOn the plus side: for me, it recovers with naught but a 2-second freeze and blink.03:37
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DanaGNow Creative... that's a whole different rant.03:38
crdlbeven if the kernel module is broken, X still starts witn no direct rendering03:38
crdlbwhy can't nvidia do that?03:38
DanaGOnce I managed to have my NVIDIA do something like that.03:38
DanaGI had a version mismatch, or something, but X still started -- with GLX missing.03:38
RAOFBecause that would mean they'd need to use Xorg infrastructure, and everyone knows that Xorg infrastructure is vastly inferior to a custom-hacked nvidia job.03:39
vlowtherbizzare -- X has always cratered when I inadvertenrly did that.03:39
RAOFMe too.03:39
DanaGPerhaps it was a libglx mismatch, not a kernel-xorg mismatch.03:39
DanaGI haven't been able to reproduce it.03:39
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about noveau - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:40
vlowtherRAOF: well, that used to not be the case -- way back in the XFree days...03:40
crdlbit's nouveau :)03:40
DanaGalso needs a !seamlessvirtualization or a !seamlessrdp03:40
vlowtherand once the decision is made, there is politics, and...03:40
RAOFvlowther: You mean, nvidia used XFree infrastructure?03:40
DanaGThough that acts odd for me: I get the full-desktop AAANnnndd the separate window.03:40
vlowtherRAOF: no, that it sucked for what nVidia wanted, and it took an act of $deity to change anything.03:41
DanaGLink me to a nouveau how-to, pleeaze!03:42
DanaGWill it be usable for compiz-fusion?03:42
RAOFDanaG: http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/InstallNouveau , and no, c-f won't work03:42
crdlbwill it work at all, probably not :P03:42
vlowthergive it a year. :)03:42
DanaGs/Will/Is/  (oops, that's a worse sentence. )03:42
RAOFDanaG: Also, wait till the end of the week or so, and I should have a PPA full of nouveau packages for your edification.03:43
vlowtherDanaG: no shiny for you!03:43
crdlbit's a new launchpad thing03:43
RAOFPersonal Package Archive.  Basically, a personal buildd on launchpad.03:43
RAOFEveryone can make one!03:43
DanaGI see PPA, I think of cheap USB hard drive enclosures.03:43
=== RAOF wonders whether WoW-OpenGL+Compiz crashes X... yup.
vlowtherno real suprise there. :)03:46
DanaGHow about glxinfo on sis?03:46
DanaGI don't know what chipset.03:47
RAOFOh, that's for Via, sorry.03:48
crdlbyeah there's *nothing* for SIS03:48
DanaGI think a good test of 3D ability is whether something can reasonably run rss-glx screensavers.03:49
RAOFWell, nouveau fails that test.03:49
DanaGI like the Flux screensaver, particularly -- except for when gnome-screensaver lets it run at something like 500 FPS.03:50
DanaGAnd now, for a completely different issue:    https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/11114503:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 111145 in linux-source-2.6.20 "sigmatel STAC9250 on ATI HDA SB on gateway laptop - no sound capture " [Low,Incomplete] 03:51
DanaGThough the report is for ATI southbridge, I have the same on my Intel laptop.03:52
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mikeI just compiled the latest ATI driver from GIT and got it up and running. I have direct rendering, but when I try to run "compiz --replace &", X crashes. This is on a Radeon Xpress 200M. Any ideas?04:09
mrsnooh dear a friend mistakenly upgraded his feisty to gutsy (i was talking him through installing 2.6.22 from gutsy)04:10
mrsnomike what happened when you used the restricted drivers? (not from git)04:10
mikemrsno: I'm trying to avoid using them at this point because they prevent me from getting to a tty session and make the system hang at reboot (it's a dual-boot system).04:11
mrsnohmm strange mike , i have once set up one of those graphics chipsets for someone before but it worked fine in edgy :/04:12
mikeusing FGLRX?04:12
mrsnomike i noticed the developer of 'envy' has posted some tips for using it on gutsy, i haven't tried it myself and may cause breakage but its something to try i guess04:13
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crdlbdie envy die04:13
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mikeenvy's no good?04:14
mrsnodie closed source drivers :-<04:14
mrsnoits one of a few options really04:14
DanaGI just use the official nvidia installer when I want newer drivers.04:14
mrsnowell envy works for ati chips too, its a set of scripts so you can easily see what its doing and do it manually if required04:15
mrsnowonder how long before AMD open their drivers :o04:16
DanaGI think it'll be in 1.infinity years.04:16
DanaGOr simply in NaN years.04:16
DanaGNot a Number.04:17
mrsnorecent additions to their drivers suspect something is up :o they have commited to opening more code but who knows when04:17
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=== DanaG loves to cat /dev/sda# to /dev/dsp.
DanaGLet's play "Name That File System!"04:26
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DanaGI veesh somebody would sell a laptop with switchable Intel and NVIDIA video cards.  Or rather, IGP and discrete.04:44
crdlbthen you'd need to switch video drivers every time you flick the switch?04:45
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DanaGActually, it'd be far simpler for the OEM to design it to lock when power is on.04:45
DanaGThat way it'd only be selectable before booting.04:45
DanaGThat'd be fine for me -- Intel for Linux and NVIDIA for Windows.04:45
crimsunDanaG: it does.  See the debug file in /tmp04:46
DanaGOh yeah, what's the latest version of that script?04:47
mikehrmm... this seems weird, although that could just be because of my ignorance - glxinfo reports "GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap" under server glx extensions, but compiz outputs "Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present. Trying again with indirect rendering: Checking for texture_from_pixmap: present"04:47
crimsunthat one.04:48
DanaGAah, okay.  The one I noted in the bug report.04:48
crdlbmike, that's normal04:48
crdlbwith the free drivers t_f_p is only available with indirect rendering04:48
mikeOh ok04:49
mikeit says "checking for nvidia: not present" and "checking for xgl: not present" makes no mention of aiglx, so should i assume it's not even trying to use that platform?04:50
mikeno errors in the output at all, it just crashes X04:51
crdlbyes those git drivers broke04:51
crdlbthat's not unexpected when building X things from git04:52
mikefrom Xorg.0.log - "(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x23" - 0x32. is that normal?04:54
mikewell, thanks a lot for all your help anyway crdlb. much appreciated.04:55
mikei'm out, peace.04:57
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snadgemmm.. ham & cheese croissant and an apple slice from the local deli bakery05:33
DanaGI'd rather have a whole apple.05:38
DanaGAnd croissant.05:38
snadgeoh you know what i mean.. a pastry slice thing05:38
snadgewith sugary apple stuff in it05:38
snadgeit probably did have a whole apple in it ;)05:39
snadgewas big enough05:39
DanaGOh, I saw "apple slice" as "a slice of an apple".05:39
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databuddy04:00.0 Mass storage controller: Promise Technology, Inc. PDC20267 (FastTrak100/Ultra100) (rev 02)06:09
databuddygah thats where the thing shows up in lspci06:09
databuddybut why cant the bios see it ;_;06:09
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d4rkmonkeyAnyone help me with some wireless issues which are kernel related?06:28
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:30
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, my wireless card works in  2.6.20-16-generic but not in the newest kernel, any idea why this could be? its not like its an old wireless card or anything06:33
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RAOFd4rkmonkey: Do you have the linux-generic package installed?06:34
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, I'll check, whats that?06:34
RAOFd4rkmonkey: The reason why you don't have wireless, probably :)06:34
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, nope, it was isntalled06:35
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, my wireless works fine in an older kernel, this is weird...06:35
RAOFd4rkmonkey: It's a metapackage, that depends on all the appropriate kernel packages (l-r-m, l-u-m, etc)06:35
RAOFWhat card?06:35
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, one second, I'll get you what lshw says06:35
d4rkmonkey  product: PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection                vendor: Intel Corporation06:36
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d4rkmonkeyRAOF, ^^ thats the card06:36
RAOFSo, now, define "doesn' work"@06:37
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, it just doesn't work at all. No "enable wireless" option. Its like its there but the system can't do anything with it.06:37
crdlb!doesn't work06:37
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.06:37
d4rkmonkeycrdlb, in this case it just doesn't work. Nothing to it though, it doesn't do anything in the newest kernel.06:38
crdlbI love that factoid, sorry06:38
RAOFWhere would "enable wireless" be, exactly?06:38
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, when you rightclick the network manager applet06:38
RAOFcrdlb: It's a good factoid :)06:38
RAOFd4rkmonkey: So, what does "iwconfig" in a terminal say.06:39
d4rkmonkeyI'm not in newest kernel ATM...06:39
d4rkmonkeygive me a second to switch and I'll tell you06:39
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d4rkmonkeyRAOF, so you wanted to know what iwconfig says, right?06:43
DShepherdjust being curious.. I am not on gutsy [and i shouldn't be :) ]  but can i switch modes with the laptop function key when connected to a projector or equivalent? again.. I am just curious..06:44
DShepherdon gutsy.. is this possible06:45
d4rkmonkeyDShepherd, I thought it was possible in Feisty with some tinkering06:45
DShepherdd4rkmonkey, it is??!!06:45
DShepherdd4rkmonkey, point and i will follow06:45
d4rkmonkeyDShepherd, google for your laptop, I'm not sure exactly how, my brother got it working on two laptops in my house...06:45
d4rkmonkeyDShepherd, sorry I can't be more helpful.06:46
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DShepherdd4rkmonkey, hmmm.... ok aight kool... know if gusty can do this without tinkering? :-)06:46
RAOFd4rkmonkey: yes06:46
crdlbDShepherd, what video card?06:46
DShepherdcrdlb, nvidia06:46
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, give me a second to put it in pastebin06:46
DShepherdnVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce Go 760006:47
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Or rather, does it detect any wireless extensions?06:47
DShepherdcrdlb, ^06:47
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, nope, it only lists lo and eth0 but my wireless is eth106:47
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crdlbwell I don't think gutsy would make much of a difference for nvidia06:47
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Oookay.  Now, what does "dmesg | grep ipw" give you?06:48
RAOFcrdlb: Correct.06:48
DShepherdcrdlb, hmm.. why do you say that?06:48
crdlbit's only intel that's gets the new goodness06:48
RAOFcrdlb: Not ati, too?06:48
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, should I just paste here?06:48
DShepherdcrdlb, oh06:48
crdlbRAOF, not yet06:48
crdlbno xrandr 1.2 until the next release after 6.706:49
RAOFDShepherd: It's probably <3 lines, right?  If so, yes.06:49
RAOFOnce again the nvidia (with the nouveau drivers) beat ATI!06:49
crdlbmore developers :)06:49
DShepherdd4rkmonkey, i think that was for you . what RAOF said ^06:49
RAOFEasier to develop for cards, too, apparently.06:50
crdlbyeah I saw that06:50
d4rkmonkeyDShepherd, lol...06:50
RAOFDShepherd, d4rkmonkey: Whoops, quite true :)06:50
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32194/ just threw it there, its only 3 lines06:50
DShepherdcrdlb, 6.7?06:51
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Hm, and you don't have an eth1?06:51
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, nope...06:51
crdlbDShepherd, of the free ati drivers06:51
DShepherdcrdlb, ah ok06:51
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Odd.  Wireless killswitch is off?06:53
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, no switch that I know of06:53
RAOFAnd "dmesg | grep eth1" doesn't give anything, presumably.06:53
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Troubling.  Maybe your killswitch is on :)06:53
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, lol theres no killswitch06:53
DShepherdgoogle needs a quick way to sort searches by date. bah!06:54
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, yeah that gives me nothing, its weird that it works in an older version of the kernel06:54
RAOFd4rkmonkey: You have a killswitch.  Maybe your laptop doesn't have a physical switch, but you have a killswitch :)06:54
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, ok, then?06:55
RAOFNo idea, really.  File a bug.06:55
RAOFPreferably with the last version that worked, and the first version that didn't.06:55
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, I don't know exactly the last version that worked and the first that didn't06:56
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Well, that's a useful piece of information for you to discover :)06:56
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, I just know the last version I tried that worked, which was 2.6.20-16-generic and the version that came when I upgraded to gutsy didn't06:56
RAOFd4rkmonkey: So, you can say (at worst) that.06:57
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, yeah...06:57
RAOFhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection may be useful.06:57
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, I'll try that before I file a bug07:00
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, haha I should've looked at the link before saying things lol07:00
RAOFStill, you should read that before filing the bug :)07:01
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DanaGOh yeah, ipw3945 needs restricted-modules, and iwl3945 needs ubuntu-modules.07:05
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, yeah, I read.07:05
RAOF(And a bunch of bugfixes :))07:05
dfgasi am sorry for asking this, where do i get the gusty live cd?07:06
DanaGTwo different drivers for the same card.07:06
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, ok, what difference is there between them? and is this something I should be trying before filing a bug?07:06
DanaGWell, if you don't have either package installed, then both modules will be missing, of course.07:07
DanaGdmesg | grep ipw07:07
d4rkmonkey I have ipw394507:08
defcon had gutsy installed a month ago, how is it now07:09
d4rkmonkeyE: Couldn't find package restricted-modules <-- could this be a bad thing DanaG?07:09
DanaGACtually, it's linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`07:09
RAOFd4rkmonkey: You'd be after the "linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)" package, actually.07:09
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, oh lol07:09
RAOFDanaG: $() FTW!07:10
=== DanaG doesn't know well enough to know the advantage.
d4rkmonkeyE: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-9-generic ?07:10
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Now, *that* is a problem :)07:11
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, haha I think so07:11
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, it appears to have it for the old kernel that works too.07:11
RAOFDanaG: $(which $(echo $FOO | sed s/bar/baz/)) works :)07:11
d4rkmonkeyRAOF/DanaG, how would I go about setting up that other driver?07:11
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RAOFd4rkmonkey: You really don't want to, it doesn't work properly.07:12
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RAOFOn the other hand, neither does your current one... :)07:12
DanaGI'm just using it because I'm feeling daring.07:12
DanaGDo you have the restricted repo enabled?  If not, that'd explain it.07:12
defconcan I still dist upgrade to gutsy07:12
defconor do I gotta dl the image07:13
RAOFdefcon: You can *always* dist-upgrade to gutsy.07:13
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, haha, its worth a try, I can always uninstall right?07:14
defconRAOF, word, how are the improvements since a month and a half ago07:14
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Yeah.  Actually, it should be a simple "sudo modprobe -r ipw3945 && sudo modprobe ipl3945"07:15
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, ok07:15
defconwhich kernel, are we using a new scheduler?07:15
RAOFGah, tab-autocomplete should not be used for everything!07:15
RAOFdefcon: No.07:15
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, FATAL: Module ipl3945 not found. <-- that could be a bit of a problem07:15
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Sorry, iwl07:16
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, sh: /sbin/ipw3945d-2.6.22-9-generic: not found <--- hmmm...07:17
RAOFd4rkmonkey: That is indeed your problem.  You don't have linux-restricted-modules installed.07:17
No1VikingLOL @ RAOF!  :)07:17
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, lol... so why'd it tell me that when running the command you gave me, if I understand correctly thats removing one of the drivers, and adding the other..07:18
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Because it stops the daemon on driver unload.07:19
d4rkmonkeyRAOF ok...07:19
DanaGoops, somebody misspelled ipw as ipl.07:19
RAOFDanaG: Actually, iwl as ipl :)07:19
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, would you happen to know the package name for ubuntu-modules?07:20
RAOFd4rkmonkey: linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r)07:21
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, thank07:21
RAOFd4rkmonkey: You should pastebin your sources.list, though.07:21
DanaGI have my sources.list on www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette07:22
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, ok, I will. says I already have the package07:22
DanaGI use kernel.org followed by us.archive.ubuntu.com.07:22
d4rkmonkeyarg just got hit with like 23 updates...07:23
RAOFd4rkmonkey: So, you should therefore just "sudo modprobe -vvv iwl3945"07:23
DanaGWhat's with the triple v?07:23
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, -vvv very very verbose or something like that?07:24
RAOFI like a lot of verbosity :)07:24
RAOFGenerally, when 1 v means "give me some messages", more vs mean more messages :)07:24
DanaGI like aptitude -{v,vv,vvv,vvvv,vvvvv} moo.07:24
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, <-- FATAL: Module iwl3945 not found.07:24
d4rkmonkeywhoah.. why'd I put that arrow there07:24
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, whoa, it worked this time, and it didn't give me anything lol, it wasn't very verbose07:25
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, brb gotta restart for updates to work, I'd rather do this sooner than later07:25
DanaGmethinks somebody forgot to mention /etc/modules.07:28
DanaGToo bad that person left.07:28
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RAOFEh, he'll just have to manually modprobe.07:28
DanaGDang, the English language really needs a good non-gender-specific third-person pronoun.07:29
defconwhat cmd do I issue for gutsy dist-upgrade, do I need other repo's available for that07:29
DanaGFor when you don't want to assume and get it wrong.07:29
RAOFDanaG: They.  Their.07:29
DanaGNope, that's plural.07:29
RAOFNope, not necessarily.07:29
DanaG'It" is not polite; therein lies the problem.07:29
RAOF"Everyone loves their mother"07:29
crdlbRAOF, it's wrong but people use it because there's no alternative07:30
RAOFcrdlb: No, not wrong.07:30
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, still want me to pastebin my sources.list? (I forget where it is though)07:30
RAOFcrdlb: Used by well-wri07:30
RAOFd4rkmonkey: yes.07:30
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, where is it, lol07:30
DanaGEats, Shoots, and Leaves.  Nice book.07:30
crdlbit's still not accepted in "formal English"07:31
RAOF /etc/apt/sources.list07:31
DanaGOh yeah, d4rkmonkey: add 'iwl3945' to /etc/modules07:31
defconis update-manager in gutsy?07:31
d4rkmonkeythank you RAOF07:31
DanaGon its own line.07:31
RAOFcrdlb: http://www.crossmyt.com/hc/linghebr/austheir.html07:31
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RAOFcrdlb: :P07:32
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, I don't think that iwl3945 helps at all lol07:32
DanaGOh yeah, why are qos_enable and hwcrypto set to 0 by default?07:34
crdlbRAOF, yes they do because there's no singular gender-neutral 3rd person pronoun :)07:34
RAOFDanaG: No idea.  Do they work better?07:34
crdlbso everyone just uses the plural07:34
DanaGAnd now, for a completely different issue:    https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/11114507:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 111145 in linux-source-2.6.20 "sigmatel STAC9250 on ATI HDA SB on gateway laptop - no sound capture " [Low,Incomplete] 07:34
DanaGDifferent chipset on my system, but same issue.07:35
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32196/07:35
T-ConnectCan you guys add Ubuntu Forum link on the next firefox release?07:35
T-ConnectThat is the only thing missing.07:36
d4rkmonkeyT-Connect, you realize Ubuntu has nothing to do with how firefox is made?07:36
DanaGAnd this:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/4142707:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 41427 in Ubuntu ""slow keys" can turn on surreptitiously & cause confusion." [Medium,Incomplete] 07:36
DanaGI'd like to increase the severity, but I don't feel entitled or authorized to do so.07:36
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Why do you have such a broken sources.list :)07:37
DanaGMeaning, even if given the permission, I still wouldn't feel right changing it myself.07:37
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, its broken? lol07:37
RAOF!sourceomatic | d4rkmonkey07:37
ubotud4rkmonkey: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:37
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, never noticed...07:37
RAOFd4rkmonkey: No, things just didn't work properly :P07:37
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, lol... is it worth regenerating?07:37
DanaGI have mine at ww.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette07:38
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Well, it'll fix your wireless issues.07:38
DanaGer, www07:38
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, err do I wanna include source repositories?07:38
RAOFd4rkmonkey: Probably not.07:38
DanaGUses kernel.org first, and then us.archive.07:38
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DanaGdmesg | grep 'REPLY_ADD_STA failed' | wc -l07:39
DanaGAack, what does that error even mean?07:40
RAOFDanaG: Yes, those drivers *still* suck :)07:40
DanaGOther than the messages, my connection seems stable.07:40
d4rkmonkeyRAOF, hmm that different driver didn't seem to work, how do I set it back to the older driver that also didn't work?07:40
DanaGIt just needs a modprobe -r and modprobe after suspend.07:40
defconi am trying to dist-upgrade and it wont let me07:41
defconsays my system is up to date in upgrade-manager --dist-upgrade07:41
d4rkmonkeydefcon, can you do update-manager -d?07:41
defconand also with -d07:41
defconsame result07:41
d4rkmonkeywhat does it give you in terminal?07:41
defconwhat repos do I need07:41
defconwarning: could not initiate dbus07:41
defconcurrent dist not found in meta-release file07:41
d4rkmonkeydefcon, you shouldn't need any new repos07:41
d4rkmonkeydefcon, ah, you need a developement meta-release file07:42
d4rkmonkeydefcon, one second, I'll find you the one I used07:42
d4rkmonkeydefcon, http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development07:43
defconwhere do I put that07:43
d4rkmonkeywell, the file is in ~/.update-manager-core07:44
d4rkmonkeyits called meta-release07:44
d4rkmonkeydefcon, just copy all of that text, and replace everything in the meta-release file, then try. I had the exact same error when going to gutsy07:44
defconhow is gutsy now I ran it before07:44
defcona month ago07:44
d4rkmonkeydefcon, its ok, I like it better than feisty... desktop-effects don't crash my X like they did in feisty, and I can now run 3D programs :)07:45
defconk im installing now07:47
defconyea I hate that bug07:47
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defcondesktop-effects is dissapointing in feisty07:47
d4rkmonkeydefcon, not really. It just didn't work cus of my chipset.07:48
d4rkmonkeyAnyone happen to know how I would go about installing the package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-9-generic?07:50
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T-Connectd4rkmonkey I thought Ubuntu mod firefox?07:50
Dana1Argh, stupid frickin' router.07:50
Dana1I switched back to ipw3945, and it utterly ignored my DHCP requests.07:50
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d4rkmonkeyT-Connect, I guess they could make a plugin, but I don't see why they would add a link to the forums, when you can just bookmark it yourself07:51
DanaGIt seems to think this way"07:51
DanaGOh, he disconnected without releasing the IP, so I won't give him another one until his current IP lease expires.....07:51
DanaGin 30 YEARS!07:51
DanaGThat's a ludicrously long DHCP lease time, don'tcha think?07:51
d4rkmonkeyDanaG you wouldn't happen to know how I could go about installing the package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-9-generic would you?07:52
DanaGEnable the repo using sources.list, then update your package lists, and install it.07:52
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, which Repo?07:52
DanaGThe restricted component.07:53
DanaGYou may use my sources.list for reference.07:53
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, oh, ok.07:53
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, heh, I should've probably run apt-get update after changing my sources list, shouldn't I...07:53
d4rkmonkeymaybe thats why..07:53
DanaGOr aptitude.07:53
d4rkmonkeyI'll try when its done07:53
DanaGTry aptitude in a terminal with no parameters -- it's nifty.07:54
defcongutsy faster than ubuntu?07:56
defconfeisty I mean07:56
d4rkmonkeylol defcon I dunno...07:58
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, whats so special about aptitude?07:58
DanaGIt has an ncurses gui.07:58
DanaGJust try it yourself.  You don't even have to run it with sudo until you want to update package lists or apply changes.07:59
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, but I'm too comfortable with apt-get XD08:00
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DanaGYou can also use it with parameters, the same way as apt-get.08:06
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide08:06
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d4rkmonkeyYay! it worked after restarting :D08:22
=== d4rkmonkey hugs DanaG
DanaGOh, I'd forgotten what I specifically did.08:23
RAOFDing!  Your sources.list was broken :)08:23
DanaGoh yeah, the sources.list.08:23
d4rkmonkeythat seemed to be it XD08:23
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DanaGI find the default way of having 3 or so lines for each repo was very confusing.08:23
d4rkmonkeylol now I have nothing else to do but I'm wide awake and its like 2:30 AM...08:24
DanaGHmm, stare at the Flux screensaver for a while, perhaps.08:24
DanaGUnless it decides to run at 200FPS. :(08:24
DanaGBecause gnome-screensaver doesn't let you change any settings, you can't set it to run nice or limit fps.08:25
d4rkmonkeyhmm I gotta turn screensavers on now that my comp can handle 3D :D08:25
RAOFDanaG: Filed that bug?08:25
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DanaG:-/nope.  What would I title it?  gnome-screensaver doesn't limit fps.08:26
RAOFDanaG: Pretty much, yeah.08:26
RAOFI mean, it's actually pretty simple to fix08:27
DanaGappend -x 60.  Or some value around there.08:27
d4rkmonkeyI'ma draw some fire on my screen and see how long it takes for it to go away.08:27
DanaGI use xscreensver, yet even then I still have to edit the config files.08:28
jussi01go watch some computer games on tele...do you have that there?08:28
d4rkmonkeyjussi01, watch computer games on tele?08:28
DanaGG4? /me barfs at the name, and curses Comcast for slaughtering TechTV.08:29
d4rkmonkeyjussi01, my parents will get mad if they find me awake XD08:29
d4rkmonkeyG4 sucks..08:29
d4rkmonkeymore lie..08:29
d4rkmonkeyG POOR!!!08:29
DanaGOr, "Gee, for shame!"08:29
d4rkmonkeyarg what the hell. Ubuntu dims my screen (GOOD when its dark everywhere else) but the laptop lights are f****** bright08:30
jussi01late night here they have some combat game being played on tele, cause they cant find something else to put on. it looks like half life or something08:30
d4rkmonkey(see what I did there? I censored it because some people get angry when I swear ;))08:30
jussi01!ohmy | d4rkmonkey08:30
ubotud4rkmonkey: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:30
DanaGOne awesome thing on my Gateway laptop: a BIOS-level toggle to turn off ALL LEDs.  All of them!08:31
d4rkmonkeyXD I'm like 14, I know like 10 year olds that swear whatever08:31
d4rkmonkeyThe one person who I was talking to on MSN left because she had to wake up tomorrow :(08:31
d4rkmonkeyand now that the wireless issue is fixed I have absolutely nothing left to do :(08:32
jussi01d4rkmonkey: go learn how to package stuff08:32
d4rkmonkeyjussi01, lol thats no fun08:33
jussi01d4rkmonkey: yes it is :)08:33
d4rkmonkeyI'm gonna plug in some earphones on my laptop and see if I can find anything to do on the interwebs ;)08:33
jussi01here you are, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/basic-scratch.html :P:P08:33
DanaGd4rkmonkey: http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=21808:34
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d4rkmonkeyDanaG, I've read like.. all vgcats things...08:34
d4rkmonkeyI read alot of webcomics08:35
d4rkmonkeysomething to do when Im bored ;)08:35
benanzodid restricted modules break for anyone with the latest kernel update08:35
d4rkmonkeybenanzo, no? I just didn't have the right version for a while cus of my sources.list file08:36
benanzohmmm...   restricted-modules broke (no atheros wifi) update-manager broke too.  I did the update from a chroot08:37
benanzoI think that's why restricted-manager broke.  I wasn't running the gutsy kernel during the update08:38
benanzowould that matter?08:38
d4rkmonkeyWHAT THE HELL!!!-->Sorry, your OS is not supported!We recommend Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Mac OS X.08:39
d4rkmonkeybenanzo, I'm not sure if it would matter08:39
jussi01d4rkmonkey: now is the time to learn to ddos...08:39
d4rkmonkeyjussi01, i just wanted to watch a damn shark week trailer! I'ma switch my user agent to IE7 in Vista and see if it can tell the difference :D08:40
d4rkmonkeywait. it doesn't say vist08:40
=== jussi01 remembers we should all move to #ubuntuforums or #ubuntu-offtopic
d4rkmonkeybetter make that... opera in windows 200008:40
d4rkmonkeyits not like this channel is very active right now anyways08:40
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d4rkmonkeyYour System is a go! Reload now!!!08:41
jussi01true, but still there are people who like to read the back log08:41
d4rkmonkeydid that actually work? cus that'd be hilarious08:41
d4rkmonkeyit did.08:41
d4rkmonkeywill the video play?08:41
jussi01d4rkmonkey: jump into #ubuntuforums lots of cool people there08:41
DanaGI wonder why "madwifi" is called such... modinfo madwifi:08:44
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DanaGmodinfo: could not find module madwifi08:44
DanaGTurns out, I guess it's ath_pci/08:45
d4rkmonkeywhen updating to gutsy, I saw something called libsexy208:45
d4rkmonkeyanyone know what it does?08:45
jussi01!info libsexy08:45
jussi01!info libsexy208:45
ubotuPackage libsexy does not exist in gutsy08:45
ubotulibsexy2: collection of additional GTK+ widgets - library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.11-2 (gutsy), package size 41 kB, installed size 132 kB08:45
DanaGTip: aptitude show packagename08:46
DanaGwhere packagename is whatever you want.08:46
d4rkmonkeyand show is show?08:46
jussi01or apt-cache show08:46
jussi01so apt-cache show libsexy208:46
jussi01d4rkmonkey: there are lots of cool aptitude/apt operators like that08:47
jussi01for instance: apt-file search apt-cache search08:48
jussi01and just aptitude is really usefull too08:48
ubotuapt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update"08:48
d4rkmonkeyarggg stupid discovery channel only supporting Win XP/200 or Mac OS X08:48
jussi01d4rkmonkey: write an email to them to complain08:49
jussi01be like tsmithe :P08:49
d4rkmonkeyjussi01, meh won't really do anything... lets send them boxes of...08:49
d4rkmonkeymany many penguins..08:49
hyljepenguins are cute.08:51
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DanaGUnless they're Crystal SVG.  Then they're just clich.08:51
d4rkmonkeywell, I'm starting to get a bit tired.08:53
d4rkmonkeyand bored..08:53
d4rkmonkeyGoodnight everyone!08:53
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DanaGHmm, let's see what I have here in my collection of cardbus cards....09:16
DanaGsome xirc2ps_cs ethernet cards, an rt2500 wifi card, a bcm4306 wifi card, an r818x wifi card (no wpa).09:17
DanaGOh, and my cardbus Audigy.09:18
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DanaGOh, is it possible to run a kde4 session in Gutsy?09:19
DanaGAnd is there any point to it?09:19
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at <http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule>. Alpha 2 packages can be found at <http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-alpha2.php>.09:20
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d4rkmonkeyI couldn't sleep, so I wanted to watch a DVD but gutsy was all like BUT I DON'T WANT YOUR CD DRIVE TO WORK!!!09:28
d4rkmonkeyNow I need some help with this. To get it working it feisty I had to do sudo modprobe piix09:28
d4rkmonkeybut now when i try running that, it says piix isn't found09:29
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d4rkmonkeyAnyone know if something replaced piix?09:32
jussi01!info piix09:33
ubotuPackage piix does not exist in gutsy09:33
jussi01!find piix09:33
DanaGit's a module.09:34
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, ok I'll try that09:34
DanaGDo you see the drive at all?09:34
ubotuPackage/file piix does not exist in gutsy09:34
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, not without piix lol09:34
malnilionI found a surefire way to crash my xserver lol09:34
d4rkmonkeyI guess I didn't notice it dissapearing in gutsy09:34
DanaGThe drive will have moved from /dev/hdx to /dev/scd#09:34
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, ok, I just want it to work again09:35
DanaGHmm, do you see anything in dmesg upon inserting a disk?09:35
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, don't think so.. one second09:36
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, nope I don't. In feisty doing sudo modprobe piix just kinda made it work09:36
DanaGhmm, ata_piix will have replaced it.09:36
d4rkmonkeydoesn't seem to be working :(09:36
DanaGIf it's not loaded, then load it manually.09:36
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, shouldn't "sudo modprobe ata_piix" work?09:37
DanaGModprobe -v is better when you want to know if something was already loaded.09:37
DanaGIf you see nothing, it was already loaded.  If you see the module name, it was not previously active.09:38
DanaGer, lowercase modprobe.09:38
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, I added it to modules, I'm just going to restart just incase that helps, it seemed to help with my wireless card09:38
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d4rkmonkeydidn't seem to help this time09:41
DanaGDo you see a /dev/scd0 ?09:41
d4rkmonkeyI'll check09:41
DanaG(space is so question-mark doesn't look like part of the name.)09:41
d4rkmonkeynope, I don't09:42
DanaGIf you look in hal-device-manger, perhaps the IDE controller may show something useful.09:42
d4rkmonkeyI'll try that09:43
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d4rkmonkeyDanaG, can I just use lshw instead? lol09:43
DanaGI don't remember it well, but see if it shows anything useful.09:44
DanaGFor example, it may show the device as unclaimed by any drivers.09:44
d4rkmonkeyyeah, its definatly unclaimed DanaG.. exact same thing as I had in feisty before09:45
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, I wish piix just worked...09:46
DanaGHmm, that unclaimed-ness may be a bug in need of filing.09:46
DanaGWhat's the chipset?09:46
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, uhh 965 GM or something like that, give me a second to check though09:47
DanaGI mean, southbridge.09:47
DanaGFor example, mine is ICH7.09:47
DanaGproduct: 82801G (ICH7 Family) IDE Controller09:47
d4rkmonkey   product: Mobile IDE Controller09:48
d4rkmonkeyI swear it was working before I got my wireless card working and did all those updates...09:48
DanaGHmm, I thought hal-device-manager was installed by default.09:49
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, it is, I'm just not familiar with it09:49
d4rkmonkeyand it seems to give me the same thing09:49
d4rkmonkeygah I bet it works in the older kernel..09:49
d4rkmonkeyDanaG, I'm just gonna watch the movie in the older kernel (if it works that is) and deal with this later...09:50
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praecoxhey guys09:53
d4rkmonkeyyup it works fine with modprobe piix in the older kernel, now whats some good DVD watching software?09:53
d4rkmonkeyHi praecox09:53
praecoxI've got problem with OO.org in Kubuntu Gutsy09:53
praecoxit doesn't start at all... I mean, splash screen shows up but process is hanging:09:54
praecox6408 86.7  5.9 168600 62036 ?        Rl   09:52   0:19 /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin -writer -splash-pipe=509:54
praecoxand my writer doesn't start, it's not visible in dock, only in process list.09:54
praecoxanyone got the same problem or is familiar with this?09:54
praecoxI see...10:03
Hobbseepraecox: known10:03
praecoxHobbsee, what you mean?10:05
Hobbseepraecox: it's a known problem10:05
praecoxHobbsee, all right, but is there anything I can do?10:06
praecoxHobbsee, I'm pretty confident I need OO.org working...10:06
Hobbseepraecox: doesnt seem to be10:06
Hobbseepraecox: use gnumeric, abiword, etc10:06
praecoxHobbsee, what is the best alternative?10:07
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praecoxI used to use OO.org so don't even know alternatives...10:07
praecoxI simply need writer, nothing else.10:07
praecoxI heared about KWord, is it worth trying?10:08
Hobbseeand you know about gutsy and production machines...10:08
Hobbseeyeah, it's ok10:08
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praecoxHobbsee, well, it's my workstation.10:09
praecoxHobbsee, I thought Gutsy is usable enough to be worth installing on my workstation.10:09
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Hobbseepraecox: why?10:09
Hobbseethings still break10:09
praecoxwhy did I think it's worth installing?10:10
praecoxprobably because date of official release is pretty close.10:10
Hobbseeer....close is still 2 months+10:11
Hobbseeon a 6 month development cycle10:11
Hobbseebut fair enough10:11
praecoxhopefully this will be my only problem.10:12
praecoxwell, indeed it is so far.10:12
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shirishhi all anybody up?10:23
shirishDanaG: you up?10:24
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shirishHobbsee: need your help10:24
shirishI filed a bug10:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129315 in gdm "GNOME-desktop does not lemme log in. " [Medium,Incomplete] 10:24
shirishHobbsee: can you perhaps take a look & lemme know what I need to do10:25
Amaranthshirish: ah, that's what i wanted to poke you about10:26
Hobbseeshirish: what happens if you remove /var/run/sabayon-admin ?10:26
Amaranthoh, maybe not10:26
shirishHobbsee: should I just do sudo rm /var/run/sabayon-admin or some other way?10:27
defconwhere do the ppl that program ubuntu hang out10:27
Amaranthdefcon: depends on what you're looking for10:27
defconkernel hackers10:27
Hobbseeshirish: that would be the way i'd try, yeah.10:27
Hobbseeshirish: you'd need to use -r on the rm10:28
Hobbsee(as it's a directory)10:28
defconanyone know how ubuntu runs up against the new kernel patches, ck's and the -mm one10:28
shirishHobbsee: right10:28
defconwill ubuntu implement anything like this10:28
shirishHobbsee: I tried that & it says it diidn't find any file or directory10:29
shirishshirish@Mugglewille:~$ sudo rm -r /var/run/sabayon-admin10:29
shirishrm: cannot remove `/var/run/sabayon-admin': No such file or directory10:29
shirishplease de-reference any reference to Mugglewille ;)10:29
Hobbseeshirish: i wonder if that dir ever existed.  it probably didnt exist when you tried to purge sabayon, which is why it fell over10:30
shirishdefcon: I think that question would be better answered perhaps in #ubuntu-kernel10:30
defcondoes gutsy have support for the belkins usb wireless dongle?10:30
defconwhere can I find out the work for compatability10:30
defconshirish, thnx10:31
Hobbseedefcon: #ubuntu-kernel doesnt do user support10:31
shirishHobbsee: ok, any other ideas or things I should find out10:31
Hobbseeit's for developing the kernel10:31
Hobbseeshirish: is sabayon actually purged now?  (try purging it again)10:31
shirishHobbsee: sorry for pointing that out now10:31
defconk i needed to know for a friend of mine, he is a kernel hacker10:31
Hobbseeno problem10:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compatibility - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:32
Hobbseedefcon: google tends to be your best resource for checking for compatibility10:32
defcongoogle is my best friend online lol10:32
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Hobbseealthough there is a wireless database somewhere on the ubuntu wiki10:33
Hobbseeubotu: ping10:33
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:33
Hobbseedefcon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported10:34
shirishHobbsee: when I try to purge it & stuff I get this output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32210/10:34
Hobbseedefcon: but it's often slightly out of date, because people havent updated it10:34
shirishHobbsee: apparently its purged, but when I look it up through dpkg -l it shows as pn rather than p as it normally shows10:34
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Hobbseeshirish: use apt to purge, not aptitude - it's clearer10:35
defconthe reason I asked is because feisty doesnt support mine, I had to compile my own etc10:35
defconthankyou Hobbsee10:35
shirishHobbsee: you mean sudo apt-get purge or just apt purge ?10:35
Hobbseedefcon: you didnt mention which chipset, or anything, so we can give you no more help10:35
Hobbseeshirish: apt-get remove --purge, iirc.10:35
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Hobbseeshirish: i have an alias i dont remember :)10:35
Hobbseeer, s/alias/alias,/10:35
shirishHobbsee: I don't use apt-get hence have no idea10:36
Hobbseestrange person10:36
shirishHobbsee: anyway I tried your suggestion10:36
shirishshirish@Mugglewille:~$ sudo apt-get purge sabayon10:36
shirishE: Invalid operation purge10:36
defconi use a belkin F5D7050 usb wireless adapter10:36
Hobbseeshirish: read what i said again, action it.10:36
defconHobbsee, right now im using http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/ 's drivers for my rt73 chipset10:37
defconits from ralink10:37
defconid like to see ubuntu work out of the box with this10:38
Hobbseeyou can check if gutsy supports it, via a live cd.10:38
Hobbseeas to whether those drivers are free, i dont know10:38
shirishHobbsee: slightly different output but the endresult is same http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32211/10:38
shirishHobbsee: make that smaller output10:39
defconndiswrapper works but not that well, i found out that serialmonkey's drivers work fine, its a kernel module10:39
Hobbseeshirish: excellent.  so sabayon is gone10:39
Hobbseeshirish: so now see if gnome desktop lets you login, with sabayon gone10:39
Hobbseeif so, close teh bug, if not, add more info10:40
shirishHobbsee: right, ok lemme see if I can re-login to GNOME again or not, ortherwise bb here soon10:40
shirishsure will do10:40
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defconI wonder why nm-applet and network manager cant be compatible with all drivers and cards10:43
defconif it uses command line utils it should10:43
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void^some drivers - like rt2x00-legacy drivers - use driver-specific iwprivs to configure wpa and won't work with wpa_supplicant10:45
Amaranthnetworkmanager is more low-level into the system10:46
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Amaranthit's not your typical *nix 'slap a gui around a command line tool' job10:46
shirishHobbsee: still no go, I added some more info. dunno if it could also be due to a font I use, although it works great in XFCE , I have mentioned it in the bug itself10:47
shirishAmaranth: you there buddy?10:54
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shirishAmaranth: I have a bug in OpenOffice Impress (presentation tool) dunno what to do about it, it hangs the app. rather than crashing or anything10:55
AmaranthI have never in my life even opened the program10:56
AmaranthHell I've only ever opened OOo Writer to read something sent to me in odt :)10:56
praecoxshirish, I have the same problem, it's well known problem.10:56
Amaranthoh, right10:56
shirishpraecox: ok, didn't know that10:57
Amaranthwait for OOo 2.3 to be uploaded10:57
shirishAmaranth: will wait nothing else to do ;)10:57
shirishAmaranth: btw the file is an .odt/p file10:57
praecoxshirish, I had to switch to KWord.10:57
shirishpraecox: I tried using the openoffice viewer, but even that is in a bad shape10:58
shirishpraecox: dunno why goffice doesn't support odf format10:58
praecoxhave no clue, sorry.11:01
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defconI got a kernel panic on boot to gutsy12:21
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defconI cant load a kernel module for my usb card12:21
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levanderAnybody know if good MTP support for Rythmbox is going to make it into Gutsy?  What about Banshee?12:46
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defconI did a dist-upgrade to gutsy and im getting a kernel panic after I installed a kernel module, how do I remove it, is it possible to go back to fiesty ?12:51
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Linux_Galoreanyone ever get OOo working in gutsty, Ive only ever seen it not crash one on startup12:52
Linux_Galorenow I seem to always get GLib-GObject-CRITICAL  blah blah12:53
Linux_Galoreand OOo just sits there not starting12:53
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Linux_GaloreI really hate the new neon blue "aaaaaaargh were is my sun glasses" login12:59
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b0bhi. a patch exist for console mode change with intel i965 graphic chipset ?01:10
Linux_Galorelogin fixed01:10
Linux_Galorenow to figure out why OOo wont start01:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127944 in openoffice.org2 "[gutsy] Open Office applications don't start " [High,Confirmed] 01:14
Linux_Galoregtk bug, sigh and Im on kubuntu lol01:14
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Picib0b: If you're having problems with a weird console resolution, try chaning your framebuffer setting. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer   Instructions are at the bottom of the page.01:17
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b0bwine do not exist under gutsy ?01:47
hyljeuse the wine repo01:48
coNP!info wine gutsy01:48
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.42-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 31957 kB, installed size 99904 kB01:48
b0bok thanks01:49
MattJHas anyone else had hibernate/resume problems with 2.6.22-9?01:59
MattJMy hibernate was working perfectly with -801:59
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zorglu_!info mingw3202:00
coNPzorglu_: ubotu has quit02:01
ubotumingw32: Minimalist GNU win32 (cross) compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 11428 kB, installed size 53656 kB02:01
MattJubotu is here :)02:01
zorglu_damn, lazy bot :)02:01
IdleOneFATAL: Error inserting battery (/lib/modules/2.6.22-9-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/battery.ko): No such device " I keep getting this error with this mornings update "02:01
zorglu_ah cool :)02:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is here :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
zorglu_well i would prefere a gcc4 mingw, but cool for the bot being back :)02:02
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SeveasIdleOne, do you have a battery?02:10
IdleOneSeveas, nope02:11
Seveasthen it's a harmless error :)02:12
IdleOneSeveas, I understand but harmless " FATAL: " errors can scare the ....02:13
Seveas...shit out of you? Yeah...02:13
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IdleOneshould that module not detect that I dont have or use battery ?02:13
zorglu_fatal in a way that the non working battery wont be inserted :)02:14
SeveasIdleOne, it does, that's why it errors out02:16
IdleOnehmmm well someone needs to edit that error to something less scary maybe.... This machine is out of order.....02:18
SeveasFATAL: Can't find battery. System will self destuct in 10 seconds02:19
IdleOnewell any issues with the xorg and linux-headers update this morning? time for me to reboot :/02:19
IdleOneSeveas, that looks a litle better . perhaps play the theme to mission impossible also02:20
Seveasand show a picture of Tom :)02:20
IdleOnehere goes. be back in a couple hopefuly02:21
=== Seveas starts the Apocalypse Now tune
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=== Seveas cuts the Apocalypse Now tune and starts "Happy Days"
IdleOnebut not completly happy with my reboot. got an error window saying something about theme/sound/something not being able to start and gnome would try starting the deamon next time I reboot02:27
coNPIdleOne: something like gnome-theme-settings/manager?02:28
coNPgnome-settings-daemon, maybe02:28
IdleOnecoNP, something like that02:28
IdleOneyeah deamon02:28
IdleOneshould of tried getting a screenshot of it :/02:29
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leperkhanzAnybody here a VM pro?  I can't get networking to any of my VMs using Qemu Launcher.02:44
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tattersEvery version of ubuntu I tried so far have the same problem, if your only monitor is a TV-out from graphic card it can only be installed using safe graphical mode.and yet when installed runs fine after first boot03:19
IdleOneso the problem is that you dont want to install in safe graphics mode?03:21
tattersWithout a vga monitor I have no choice03:21
IdleOnebut graphics work fine after system is installed?03:21
tatterswell yes03:22
IdleOneyou could get a vga monitor or be glad that after system is installed it works fine....report a bug on launchpad03:23
tattersNow theres the thing,I am pretty much of the opininon it is a bug/glitch though minor and pretty rare to come across,however I am interested in the development process and how bugs are fixed and what the procedures are, but as noob I have no clue where to begin03:25
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jussi01hmmm, is there a problem with flash on gutsy?03:39
=== jussi01 pokes Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee pokes jussi01
jussi01heheh, I love it how often you are around :)03:44
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=== jussi01 wonders if Hobbsee's konq doesnt like flash also...?
Hobbseeyou assume that i use konq and flash.03:45
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omhamy fompiz fusion wont work with any window manager, is this a known issue?04:14
kriebelhehe, omha, I've been wrestling with it for a day and it only works with its own metacity look-alike04:17
kriebelbut I can run emerald by hand04:17
omhaby hand?04:18
kriebelbut if I run the "GL Desktop" setup program, back it goes to the ugly one04:18
kriebelyeah, alt-f2 and "emerald --replace"04:18
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omhai think i know why i cant get emerald to work04:19
omhathe update-manager removed it when upgrading :D04:20
kriebelI upgraded from feisty to gutsy last night to see fusion, and I'm sorely disapointed04:20
kriebelmine crashed04:20
kriebeland now I have very broken packages04:20
kriebelso it didn't get that far04:20
omhahow did you upgrade?04:20
kriebelsudo update-manager -d04:20
kriebelclick click click click04:21
omhahmm it worked fine for me04:21
kriebelyeah, I don't know04:21
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omhaand i even had automatix and 3th party repos04:21
omhaw00t it worked when i installed emerald04:21
omhathat was wired :D04:21
kriebelpackages like eog and synaptic give dpkg errors04:21
kriebeland I'm not l33t enough to fix them04:21
Unix-Jihadyour not missing much, you wobble the windows a few times, and spin the cube, and then you turn it off, or at least I did, and others I know04:22
omhatry "aptidue install"04:22
omhaUnix-Jihad, i like the feel and tuch of fusion and the bling bling04:22
kriebelUnix-Jihad, false.  I had been running beryl for months.  mostly because emerald doesn't suck like metacity04:23
kriebelbut it had bugs that I was hoping got fixed04:23
Unix-Jihadok , i stand corrected, i must be just a boring old fart, I am 33 today, heh04:23
kriebelheh, forgot that there might be NEW bugs in compiz-fusion04:23
kriebeloh.  Happy birthday!04:23
Unix-Jihadhaha cheers04:24
kriebelI actually only recently found out that emerald had themes that didn't just duplicate metacity04:25
kriebeland I got my ability to tack windows to the desktop back04:25
kriebelso, actually, it was motivated by me being an old fart of sorts and wanting features I had 6 years ago back04:26
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IdleOneso what is a unix jihad exactly?04:27
IdleOneunix going to war against all other OS'es?04:28
Unix-Jihadit was in a cartoon i saw once, a larson-esque thing with a caption that said "the start of a long flight", three guys are in seats next to eachother on an aeroplane, they each have magazines, one guy has "mac loony", the other "windows fanatic" and the third "unix jihad"04:30
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Unix-Jihadi always thought it was lame but amusing04:30
IdleOnehehe yeah04:30
IdleOnewell it definetly makes people look04:31
Unix-Jihadi definitely no rms, but i do like my cli, and thank god i can use osx at work04:32
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AmaranthPlease do not try to use ubotu right now04:36
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Unix-Jihadroger that04:37
jussi01hmm, is anyone elses open office broken?04:37
Amarantheveryone's openoffice is broken04:38
kriebelmine isn't04:40
Unix-Jihadnor me04:40
omhanor me04:41
IdleOneooo works here04:43
IdleOneand actually opened in record time... les then 10 minutes :)04:44
omhait takes under 1min here04:44
IdleOneyeah just took me about 10 seconds used to take more then 3 minutes04:45
omhasecond time i open it it takes 1sec04:45
omhaunder 1sec even04:46
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IdleOnewhat did the MOTU's do to make OOo so fast ?04:46
omhathere isnt even the loading screen04:46
=== IdleOne hands them a coffee for the good work
omhajust click the icon and there it is04:46
coNPwhy MOTUs?04:46
IdleOneI see the loading screen but 10secs is great04:46
omhai dont :D04:47
IdleOneonly the Master Of The Universe could of been able to FIX OOo :)04:47
omhait faster then alt + f204:47
HobbseeIdleOne: MOTU's werent insane enough to touch ooo04:47
IdleOneomha, you have an icon?04:48
IdleOne<omha> just click the icon and there it is04:48
omhai go to programs -> office -> OO writer and bang its open and ready04:48
IdleOneahh ok04:49
IdleOnethought you had ubuntu setup with icons all over the desktop hehe04:49
omhathat would suck :(04:49
IdleOneI should setup a bunch of program icons on my desktop and have them all pointing to cli lol04:50
omhawhy do X-Chat lack a proper dictionary when ubuntu had a complete?04:50
praecoxhm, I found the way to revolutionize the internet.04:50
praecoxhow am I suppose to advertise it by myself?04:50
IdleOneok i'll bite... how?04:51
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IdleOnedo you plan on taking the internet and making it better?04:51
praecoximagine there's a 'second' internet with cleared out all known domains...04:51
omhado the offical nvidia driver config GUI work with the ubuntu nvidia-glx package?04:52
praecoxwell, kind of.04:52
IdleOneby unplugging us all from the Matrix?04:52
IdleOnepraecox, sorrta like a www2.google.com?04:52
mrsnoomha they are seperate , but they are suppost to achieve the same thing :-)04:52
praecoxI mean you could even do some 'good thing' to world by clearing out all three-letters domain names04:52
mrsnooh wait, the nvidia-settings ? its available in both04:52
praecoxand give them to 'good people', not these hienas hunting on all free domains.04:53
praecoxIdleOne, no, no Matrix, no Google2.04:53
omhamrsno, yea but i want to use nvidia-glx so my X wont break every time i do a kernel update, but i also want to use the GUI nvidia config04:53
mrsnoomha yes nvidia-settings works fine in either nvidia-glx or the nvidia.com drivers04:53
omhagood :)04:54
praecoxIdleOne, simply imagine you would be able to do so. how would you start 'advertising' it?04:54
omhapraecox, TV ads04:54
mrsnowoa 182meg of updates04:54
IdleOnewell you would need to register a domain on the original internet and perhaps tell ppl about it. post to digg and all them other so called informational sites and see if anybody wants to be part of the InterNewNet04:55
omhapraecox, do you want a seperate net or just a new TLD?04:56
praecoxomha, none of them.04:56
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praecoxomha, but TV is unreachable. I don't have zillions of dollars to advertize it on TV in every single country.04:57
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praecoxIdleOne, don't you think Google or MSN who would potentially see this digg, won't simply steal this idea and try to implement it by theirselves?04:58
praecoxI mean Microsoft, not MSN.04:59
IdleOnepraecox, no04:59
praecoxwhy not?04:59
praecoxit's million dollars worth plan.04:59
praecoxI think this would be the first thing they would do.05:00
mrsnopraecox internet2 already exists :< you are 10 years too late im afraid05:01
IdleOnebecause the internet already exists no need to make a new one and in time all them 3 letter domains will be cleaned out and if I am not mistaken there are already plans on moving all the XXX sites to a seperate www05:01
praecoxIdleOne, do you know anything more about these plans?05:03
praecoxIdleOne, any links, source?05:03
IdleOnepraecox, google internet205:04
praecoxIdleOne, well, there's one internet. but don't you think 'new internet' with cleaned out all domains (paralelly coexisting with current internet) would be interesting way to advertize for many companies all over the world?05:05
praecoxshowing 'new way of thinking', new websites, new images of those companies?05:06
praecoxand would be good way to let someone buy domain which is already occupied by someone else on first internet?05:06
mrsnopraecox have you tried second life too ? :] 05:07
praecoxmrsno, not yet.05:07
praecoxand I'm in serious doubt if I ever will...05:08
mrsnohmm just dist-upgraded gutsy, it ran update-initramfs TWICE, once for 2.6.22-8 and then after for 2.6.22-905:08
Unix-Jihadremember when microsoft tried to make its own net05:14
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blackdiamondI have a problem with my upgrading to Gutsy. Internet doesn't work. i posted my ifconfig. can you read it and say me what is wrong? thank you very much guys http://phpfi.com/25396105:46
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DanaGWTF? knetworkmanager's mouse buttons have been swapped.05:50
PiciTry sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart05:50
DanaGWhat is invoke-rc.d?  I usually just directly call /etc/init.d/whatever.05:51
omhaany knows a good proper browser that is not firefox?05:51
omhait is using 81mb ram05:51
omhanot that i need it when i have 2gb, but still05:52
blackdiamondomha had you ever try epiphany?05:54
blackdiamondit's a good browser i think05:55
omhanot really05:55
omhadoes it have everything needed?05:55
zorglu_blackdiamond: isnt it gecko based ?05:55
omhazorglu_, yes05:55
blackdiamondah ok i personally dont' know06:07
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blackdiamondi also tried using galeon and it's quite good and light i think06:07
blackdiamondsorry for the language06:07
omhawill gutsy have kernel 2.6.23?06:07
omhai want to try CFS06:07
omhaand alot of other interresting stuff06:07
blackdiamondi think yes06:07
Piciomha: No, I believe we wont be moving from 2.6.2206:07
blackdiamondah ok06:07
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blackdiamondpici can you help me? this is my problem : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51175406:07
blackdiamondi really don't know how to do..06:07
omhaPici, okay, i try to find some balls to do a my done debs :)06:07
blackdiamondand what to do06:07
blackdiamondanyone can help me?06:07
omhablackdiamond, wireless?06:07
blackdiamondno router D-link06:07
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blackdiamondwith the upgrading to gutsy there is no way to connect to internet, so i can't try Gutsy and test it :-(06:07
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coNPI installed xubuntu-desktop06:38
coNPhowever I want to keep ubuntu-default-settings06:38
coNPhow can I achieve this?06:38
omhacoNP, default settings?06:44
coNPxubuntu installs xubuntu-default-settings06:44
omhacoNP, like the bootup slaps and gdm?06:44
coNPthat replaces usplash and gdm theme06:44
omhadpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-default-settings06:45
omhadpkg-reconfigure gdm06:46
omhafor gdm06:46
omhai cant remember where how you selected boot slash06:46
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kriebelbad image index06:57
kriebelThe generated cache was invalid.06:57
kriebelit's driving me up a wall!06:57
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=== kriebel taps the glass
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pvandewyngaerdecan i play dvd on gutsy ?07:21
Unix-Jihaddont do that, they dont like it07:21
pvandewyngaerdewho ?07:21
Unix-Jihadsorry, talking about kriebel tapping the glass07:22
kriebelpvandewyngaerde, could you play a DVD in Feisty?07:22
kriebelif so, I imagine the answer is yes07:22
Unix-Jihadsemi related , i like how dvd jon, the deccs hacker, broke the bonds that kept iphones tied to itunes or some such07:24
pvandewyngaerdehow ?07:24
Unix-Jihadsorry, actually it was way around being tied to using at & t http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2007/07/04/dvd-jon-activates-iphone/07:27
Unix-Jihadthey dont work in my country, so meh07:27
coNP!dvd | pvandewyngaerde07:28
ubotupvandewyngaerde: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:28
pvandewyngaerdei follewed a guide that mentioned medibuntu07:35
pvandewyngaerdenow it works07:35
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maxbIs there any information anywhere on how Ubuntu distribution .iso images are created?07:39
kriebelin a firey coldron of C code and fluffy bunnies07:41
kriebelseriously though, I don't know07:42
kriebelexcept that Canonical has some really cool in-house software that does distribution management07:42
kriebelbut actually making the ISO... that's complicated but not hard to do07:42
maxbI'm realistic enough to realize that there's unlikely to be terribly useful docs.07:43
maxbI'd settle for actually being able to find the code which does it.07:43
kriebeldo you want to boot linux from a CD, or make an Ubuntu custom disc like Jigdo does?07:43
maxbI have hardware that neither Gutsy or Feisty install discs will boot on. I'd like to find out whether, *if* I manage to build a kernel that works, I'll be able to create a custom install disc with that kernel.07:44
kriebelif you can boot it with something else, you can mount the Ubuntu ISO and run the installer07:46
kriebelperhaps in a chroot07:46
Seveas!search libpoppler07:46
Seveas!search poppler07:46
maxbInteresting idea.07:47
maxbThough, there's multiple computers, all the same, so if it's realistically possible to assemble a modified iso image, I'd like to pursue that option07:47
kriebelwhat sort of machine won't boot the disc?07:47
pvandewyngaerdeare there KDE4 beta 1 packages for gutsy +07:49
maxbIt ought to be a fairly standard-ish PC. I don't know the details. Someone else has been struggling with it. I've been asked to work out what options there are for inserting a custom kernel into the installation process.07:49
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kriebelI think it can be done, but I don't know any good way myself07:50
kriebelyou might want to try booting stock Debian and see how that goes07:51
kriebelor netbooting07:51
maxbDebian boots ok07:51
maxbSo does Gentoo07:51
maxbSo, I feel fairly confident in blaming the kernel07:51
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DanaGIs it just me, or does the "Video Chat" app here have the Ubuntu metacity theme? :   http://www.gateway.com/programs/tmseries/08:48
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r00tintheb0xHi all, how's it going?08:54
r00tintheb0xAnyone else having problems with Pidgin, XChat and others?08:55
geserpidgin works for me08:55
geserwhat problem do you have?08:56
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shirishguys anybody else fail to install cupsys?08:58
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shirishr00tintheb0x:  have you done all the upgrades?08:58
r00tintheb0xI'm not a newb (just to let you know)08:59
r00tintheb0xThats why its perplexing.08:59
shirishwere you able to install cupsys08:59
r00tintheb0xIf, per say... i install xchat.08:59
shirishfor I wasn't, hence wanted somebody to confirm08:59
r00tintheb0xI have to open the box, set my usernames, then close xchat then REopen it.08:59
r00tintheb0xIn apt?09:00
r00tintheb0xI'm not using "REAL" Ubuntu though.09:00
shirishin apt, I did the update & upgrade process09:00
shirishah ok, Virtual machine09:00
shirishr00tintheb0x: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32266/ or anybody else who has had experience with cupsys stuff09:01
IdleOner00tintheb0x, if your using linux mint then you need to go ask in that support channel09:02
shirishIdleOne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32266/ any ideas?09:02
r00tintheb0xIdleOne, i dont think they have one.09:02
IdleOneyes they do check the website for linux mint09:03
IdleOneshirish, looking09:03
r00tintheb0xOkay, thanks IdleOne09:03
shirishIdleOne: thanx, if needed can make a bug-report, if some tests need to be done, can do09:04
r00tintheb0xah IdleOne, different server.09:04
IdleOneshirish, did you try reinstalling cupsys09:04
shirishdrats, why didn't that occur to me09:04
shirishIdleOne: and I again have an error there09:05
IdleOneIm not certain why it didnt install in the first place09:05
shirishIdleOne: Any ideas ?09:06
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shirishIdleOne: trying to remove & purge gets me further in the snow http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32268/09:09
IdleOneyou woried about the ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop packages?09:10
IdleOnethey are meta packages. safe to remove09:11
DanaGAs long as you reinstall them later on.09:11
IdleOnelet it remove them get cupsys installed properly then later do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop09:12
IdleOneor it may cause problems when updating/upgrading later09:12
shirishok cool, btw what is enscript? for its installing it while removing cupsys09:14
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george_hi all :)09:15
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george_I'm having a problem with Gutsy and I'm in need of some help :)09:16
stdinyou have to ask the question if you want an answer :P09:17
george_stdin : I have 3 fat32 partitions on a hard disk (3 from 18 mixed partitions: ext3,swap,fat32,ntfs) that are not recognized as devices09:18
george_they are sdb16,sdb17 and sdb18 as reported by qtparted and fdisk-l09:19
george_but they do not appear in /dev09:19
george_so, I can't mount them :(09:19
stdingeorge_: I think that's a quirk with the kernel or udev, it only registers up to 15 partitions (or so I've heard)09:20
george_oh damn...I must have around 15 :(09:21
george_the weird thing is they worked in dapper,edgy and feisty, so I assume this is a recent issue ?09:21
stdinyeah, have a look on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu and see if you can find the bug report on it, they may have a workaround09:22
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shirishwow didn't know that, I do recall seeing issues with vFAT stuff in Feisty but nothing about no. of partitions09:25
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george_stdin : can't seem to find the bug report now , I hope an update will fix this09:27
george_shirish : well, for me, feisty worked just well with those partitions :)09:28
shirishgeorge_: there is supposed to be a kernel update sometime today or did it happen? Ben Collins did make something in the queque but dunno if that will be the answer of your problems or not09:29
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george_shirish : I got just a kernel-headers update , and I'm up to date with the updates, so, maybe the fix is due for another day :)09:30
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BluesKajI guess if i just change the debs in my sources list to gutsy inplace of feisty , running the ' sudo aptitude dist-upgrade ' will upgrade me from feisty to gutsy tribe 3 ?09:48
DanaGArgh. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetworkmanager/+bug/12189509:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121895 in knetworkmanager "knetworkmanager systray right-click and left-click behaviors have swapped places" [Undecided,Incomplete] 09:48
DanaGI usually like to run the GUI aptitude to do dist-upgrades.  It makes dependency issues nicer to figure out.09:49
BluesKajI don't have the aptitude gui , DanaG09:49
shirishjust do sudo aptitude09:50
BluesKajoh well , we'll soon find out :)09:51
BluesKajyeah, just did  shirish09:51
BluesKajmy internet conn is VG to the sources ...getting full speed on most apps09:53
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shirishVG as in Very Good i guess10:00
shirishIdleOne: I did the re-install now the new version doesn't show up in the update/upgrade scenario10:01
shirishoops, seems I already got the latest one now ;)10:01
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IdleOneshirish, cupsys installed now?10:06
shirishIdleOne: yup it did it ;)10:07
IdleOneglad to hear it10:07
IdleOnenow look forward to the next breakage :P10:07
shirishIdleOne: I have made a bug-report out of it though, should I mark it invalid10:07
shirishIdleOne: I know :P10:08
IdleOnereally dont know shirish let the devs decide on that10:08
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shirishIdleOne: checked, actually Till already replied to the bug, just checked it now https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/13001410:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130014 in cupsys "[Gutsy]  Unable to upgrade or reinstall cupsys after trying to upgrade" [Undecided,New] 10:09
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:10
apolhi, I have a little problem when using konqueror+flash on gutsy10:10
apolit hangs konqueror10:10
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shirishcan anybody see the swfdec mozilla plugin anywhere?10:13
databuddyanyone know how to take a netinstall cd iso and write to flash drive so it can be booted to be installed?10:16
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IdleOne!install | databuddy check these links there should be info on what you want to do10:17
ubotudatabuddy check these links there should be info on what you want to do: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate10:17
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databuddyIdleOne: thanx trying now10:19
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shirishIdleOne: do you use pidgin or some other client?10:23
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=== shirish looking for people who are using pidgin, any takers?
IdleOneI dont use pidgin sorry10:24
IdleOneI know there are a couple people in #ubuntu-offtopic who do10:24
shirishIdleOne: I don't mind going to #ubuntu-offtopic but are these gutsy people?10:25
IdleOneprobably a few10:25
shirishIdleOne: I need people who use gutsy & use pidgin on top of that10:25
shirishah ok10:25
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arpuhi anyone else have the problem with wlan and skype ?10:36
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arpuwhen skype is on my wlan disconnect after 10 min ...10:36
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databuddyok sorry i forgot who it was10:38
databuddybut someone just gave me linky to do the usb boot thing installer10:38
databuddyi tried the dealio and got booterror10:38
databuddyany ideas?10:38
jlu_good evening. i have some trouble installing gusty. I'm installing in text mode and if I'm at the point where I can create/chose the partition, I can't see the partitions which exist on the harddrive. Is this normal ?10:38
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databuddyjlu_: you need to select manual partitioning ?10:42
databuddypush esc and go back to partitioning bit10:43
databuddymake sure you select manual partitioning and go from there?10:43
jlu_i selected it but the installer show me only the whole hdd without any partitions10:44
IdleOnejlu_, is there windows or another os on that hd?10:46
jlu_IdleOne, there is one partition with windows xp, one with feisty, one home and one data partition10:47
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IdleOnejlu_, you just want to upgrade feisty or install gutsy in its own partition?10:50
d4rkmonkeyHey, can someone help me with my optical drive issues? I've explained it a bunch here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51556810:51
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IdleOneif upgrading boot into feisty and add the cd as a repo in System>Administration>Update Manager10:52
jlu_IdleOne, I want to install it in its own partition, but if i chose manual in the installer i can partition only the complete drive.10:52
IdleOnejlu_, then boot to feisty and run gparted to partiton your hd then install to that partition10:53
d4rkmonkeyhey jussi01!10:53
IdleOnenot sure how I just did it but I somehow moved the top panel down to the bottom of the screen heh10:53
jlu_IdleOne, thats my problem i don't see the partitions off the harddrive in the installer if i chose manual10:54
d4rkmonkeyjussi01, you wouldn't happen to know how I can get my optical drive working, would you? I used to use piix but it doesn't seem available in the newest kernel, and ata_piix doesn't work10:54
jussi01d4rkmonkey: no idea10:54
d4rkmonkeyjussi01, thanks anyways10:54
IdleOnemight be a bug. file a bug report to launchpad jlu_10:54
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots10:55
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jlu_IdleOne, okay10:55
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:03
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databuddyIdleOne: gah ok i did the directions11:05
databuddyit boots from roomates computer but not mine.11:05
databuddyand i know i had things working in the usb key before - any ideas?11:05
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defconI installed gutsy and I also compiled and installed a kernel module for my belkin rt73 usb dongle and got a kernel panic11:06
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defconI had to remove the 2.6.22 kernel and use 2.6.20-16-generic11:07
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defconE: /var/cache/apt/archives/netapplet_1.0.8-1ubuntu3_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 111:26
defconanyone know why this is happening11:26
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PriceChildDoesn't anyone else here using gutsy also use gmail?11:45
PriceChildbah.... *Does11:46
pwnguinis theres something wrong with it?11:46
AnlarI will, after the 1100 packages required for upgrade to gutsy will be downloaded ;)11:46
PriceChildwell I can't use it... and I don't know why :P11:46
PriceChildrunning out of solutions...11:46
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tinglehi, im looking for CLI nzbclient is there one for gutsy?11:49
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defconPriceChild, i use gmail and am running gutsy11:54
PriceChildgrrr what have i broken?11:55
PriceChild"I haven't touched it" :P11:55
PriceChildits wierd because i can pop and smtp fine11:55
defconu mean the gmail applet?11:56
PriceChildwell that works... and also evolution11:56
PriceChildHmmm and now i'm having trouble with uk.archive.ubuntu.com.... this is not my day :)11:56
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defconcheck ur dns settings11:57
PriceChildI've just switched isp11:57
PriceChildbut everything else is working fine11:57
defconuse a different dns11:58
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PriceChilduse a different isp? P11:58
defconim getting a kernel panic when I compile/install the rt73 module for my usb wireless dongle12:01
d4rkmonkeyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=515568 <--- anyone help with that?12:01
defconanyone know a work around12:01
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tomiwhere do i find the oxygen them for kde4 beta1? running gutsy12:03
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PiciAnother day.. another bug logged12:04
defconis app-armor needed in gutsy12:04
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defconI am getting a KERNEL PANIC once I plug in my usb dongle, it is a belkin rt73 chipset, I compiled my own driver and installed the module like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40023612:27
defconwith gutsy12:27
defconany help/advice appreciated12:27
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