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ClNorris | I am trying to figure out how to make screen savers, but I cannot come across any information relating how to create one for UBUNTU or gnome-screensaver. | 06:07 |
ClNorris | could someone possibly lead me in the right direction? | 06:07 |
kwwii | they are coded, so it is not a matter of artwork, really | 06:07 |
ClNorris | well how do I install them? | 06:07 |
kwwii | either use apt-get or a GUI app like add/remove or synaptic | 06:07 |
ClNorris | I mean, okay lets say I make a screen saver with open-gl just a regular program right? how do I install it with gnome-screensaver? | 06:07 |
kwwii | create an installable package | 06:07 |
kwwii | you are probably better off asking in a dev channel | 06:07 |
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