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jrib | crazy_: hi | 09:46 |
jrib | less traffic here | 09:46 |
crazy_ | how to run .bin file | 09:46 |
jrib | !cli | 09:46 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 09:46 |
crazy_ | done | 09:47 |
jrib | crazy_: do you have a terminal open? | 09:47 |
crazy_ | yes | 09:47 |
jrib | now navigate to the Desktop with: cd ~/Desktop | 09:47 |
jrib | note that linux is case-sensitive | 09:47 |
crazy_ | it shows "roy@roy-ubuntu-ppc:~/Desktop$" | 09:47 |
jrib | good | 09:48 |
jrib | now type this: chmod +x name_of_the_bin_file.bin | 09:48 |
jrib | change the name of course :) | 09:48 |
jrib | I didn't know realplayer had a powerpc version | 09:48 |
crazy_ | someone give me a url to download | 09:49 |
jrib | oh | 09:49 |
jrib | ok, any output from those commands so far? | 09:49 |
crazy_ | wait. do I need to type +x | 09:49 |
jrib | you need to type all of it: chmod +x name_of_the_bin_file.bin | 09:50 |
jrib | just change "name_of_the_bin_file" to the name of your bin file | 09:50 |
jrib | you can type the beginning of the name and press TAB, that should autocomplete it | 09:50 |
crazy_ | no right click cannot copy name, so very slow, wait a while | 09:50 |
jrib | that's why TAB is great | 09:51 |
crazy_ | done | 09:52 |
jrib | ok, now do: ./name_of_bin_file.bin | 09:53 |
jrib | you can use TAB again to save time | 09:53 |
crazy_ | wait the first cmd bring back to : roy@roy-ubuntu-ppc:~/Desktop$ | 09:53 |
crazy_ | correct? | 09:53 |
jrib | yep | 09:53 |
crazy_ | ok | 09:54 |
jrib | if you get no output that means it worked | 09:54 |
crazy_ | done | 09:55 |
jrib | that should be it | 09:55 |
crazy_ | wait make mistake | 09:55 |
crazy_ | it is extracting | 09:56 |
jrib | k | 09:56 |
jrib | be sure you read the docs about the command line that ubotu gives, it's a pretty gentle intro | 09:56 |
jrib | !cli | 09:57 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 09:57 |
crazy_ | it said: press enter ro continue | 09:57 |
crazy_ | ok | 09:57 |
jrib | after this, you're on your own, I've never installed realplayer on linux :) | 09:57 |
crazy_ | :) | 09:57 |
crazy_ | it ask me :Enter the complete path to the directory where you want | 09:57 |
crazy_ | RealPlayer to be installed. You must specify the full | 09:57 |
crazy_ | pathname of the directory and have write privileges to | 09:57 |
crazy_ | the chosen directory. | 09:57 |
nalioth | !realplayer | 09:59 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:59 |
crazy_ | it said installed finish done, but cannot find realplayer on the menu | 09:59 |
jrib | nalioth: he's on ppc though | 10:00 |
jrib | oh it does have instructions there | 10:01 |
jrib | I search for "ppc" when I looked, but it says "powerpc" | 10:01 |
crazy_ | ppc means powerpc | 10:01 |
jrib | no biggie, I just repeated what was there | 10:02 |
jrib | crazy_: try typing 'realplayer' in a terminal | 10:02 |
crazy_ | izzi | 10:02 |
crazy_ | :) | 10:02 |
crazy_ | I try just now but cannot work | 10:02 |
jrib | what does it say | 10:02 |
crazy_ | finished installation, but I cannot find reaplayer from the application menu | 10:03 |
jrib | what does it say when you type 'realplayer' and press enter | 10:03 |
crazy_ | u mean at terminal? | 10:03 |
jrib | yes | 10:04 |
crazy_ | command not found | 10:04 |
nalioth | jrib: in that case, he's screwed | 10:04 |
jrib | what happens when you type 'real' and then press TAB twice? | 10:04 |
jrib | nalioth: heh, how come? | 10:04 |
nalioth | jrib: lots of closed source multimedia stuff isn't available for ppc | 10:04 |
nalioth | installing an i386 bin on a ppc machine doesn't mean it'll work | 10:05 |
jrib | ah, the wiki links to a ppc download though. I'm assuming he has that one | 10:05 |
crazy_ | jrib: yes | 10:05 |
crazy_ | results :roy@roy-ubuntu-ppc:~/Desktop$ realvncpasswd | 10:06 |
jrib | k, it's not that | 10:06 |
crazy_ | it ask for password , I enter and it said password too short | 10:07 |
jrib | crazy_: how about 'hx' and then TAB twice? | 10:07 |
jrib | close that, it's not the right command | 10:07 |
crazy_ | that is helix player I install yesterday | 10:07 |
crazy_ | why real TAB twice said password too short? | 10:08 |
jrib | I don't know, are you still in that realvnc prompt? | 10:09 |
jrib | hit ctrl-c a couple of time | 10:09 |
jrib | s | 10:09 |
crazy_ | did | 10:10 |
jrib | apaprently it's supposed to be "realplay" | 10:10 |
jrib | type that and press enter | 10:10 |
crazy_ | cmd not found | 10:10 |
jrib | don't know then | 10:11 |
jrib | ask Real | 10:11 |
crazy_ | oh there is a folder call realplayer on desktop | 10:11 |
jrib | ah wait, I think I know what happened. We didn't install it with sudo | 10:12 |
jrib | maybe you can run it from your desktop anyway, do 'cd realplayer' | 10:12 |
crazy_ | i double click on realplay and the player comes out now | 10:13 |
jrib | k, that works too | 10:13 |
crazy_ | i dun understand "maybe you can run it from your desktop anyway, do 'cd realplayer' " | 10:13 |
jrib | never mind | 10:13 |
jrib | if you can just double click it, then that's ok | 10:14 |
crazy_ | thanks so much. thank you from | 10:16 |
crazy_ | Singapore | 10:16 |
crazy_ | new to linux just 2 weeks. have try many distributions, only ubuntu help is the best and is real time> :) | 10:16 |
jrib | np, enjoy | 10:16 |
crazy_ | thank you again from Singapore | 10:16 |
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crazy_ | using X-Chat Gnome, it auto connects to #ubuntu channel everytimes it starts, how to add more auto starts channel | 10:20 |
jrib | crazy_: it's best to ask questions in #ubuntu because not many people monitor this channel | 10:25 |
crazy_ | accident | 10:25 |
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