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mdkemorning all08:27
Burgundaviamorning mdke08:31
Burgundaviahey nixternal08:42
nixternalhowdy Burgundavia!08:42
CIA-14Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r4200 ubuntu/internet/C/internet.xml: minor wording changes to Ekiga entry08:55
CIA-14Ubuntu Documentation: mdke feisty * r4201 /ubuntu/update-po.sh: whoops, one letter can cause a world of pain09:30
bhuvanwow, congrats mdke!09:32
bhuvanso, what was the issue?09:32
mdkethe script isn't quite working yet as it should09:33
mdkeit creates seriously broken po files (some of which I already uploaded to Rosetta...)09:33
mdkebut hopefully we can fix it09:33
bhuvanok. i meant, that we get irc alert for each commit after long time. what was the issue with that?09:35
mdkeI don't know, one of the sysadmins fixed it09:39
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bhuvanalright mdke09:43
mdkedefinitely good to have him back; and it means the delay at the end of commits is gone too09:46
mdkebhuvan: was it ok to suggest you as a mentor for that guy willing to work on the server guide?09:47
bhuvansure mdke09:47
mdkehas he contacted you at all?09:48
bhuvannot yet mdke. but i'll take care if she sends any patches09:50
mdkebhuvan: thanks09:53
bhuvannp mdke09:53
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