
=== jamesstansell__ is now known as jamesstansell
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man-di_q_a_z_steve: without knowing what your problem is: impossible01:00
q_a_z_stevemy d1.updateNumber 's are not initialized, can you help with that?01:01
q_a_z_stevebecause it never actually runs the method01:02
man-di_thats out of the scope of this channel, please ask on ##java01:03
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=== nafik [n=nafik@ip-85-160-103-77.eurotel.cz] has joined #ubuntu-java
nafiki've problem with java01:18
nafiki am working in IDE netbeans 5.5.101:18
nafikI added jTree into Design form01:19
nafikand i want some action when i click on a node01:19
nafikso i write this code:01:20
nafik        jTree1 = new javax.swing.JTree(tree);01:20
nafik        jTree1.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode01:20
nafik        (TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION);01:20
nafik        jTree1.addTreeSelectionListener(this);01:20
nafikbut there is error:         jTree1 = new javax.swing.JTree(tree);01:20
nafik        jTree1.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode01:20
nafik        (TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION);01:20
nafik        jTree1.addTreeSelectionListener(this);01:20
nafikbad paste, this error: /home/nafik/valhala/src/valhala/gui.java:56: addTreeSelectionListener(javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener) in javax.swing.JTree cannot be applied to (valhala.gui)01:21
nafiki don't know, why i can't use listener on jTree101:22
vilnafik, pls try asking on ##java01:24
vilthis channel is about java packages in ubuntu01:24
nafikvil, i tried to join this channel, but my irc client wrote me " ##java :You need to be identified to join that channel"01:24
man-di_nafik: then identify yourself01:25
nafiki am using ubuntu... but i understand, that my issue isn't about java packages01:25
vilnafik, this might be a good place to look for help with irc identification01:26
nafikthank you, i will look there01:26
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ioanbsuis here any who've wrote application to send sms from pc to mobile phone using smsc?03:12
man-di_in fact I did03:17
man-di_but thats out of the scope of this channel I think03:18
ioanbsucan U help me?03:18
ioanbsuis it?03:19
man-di_this channel is about problems and packaging about java packages in Ubuntu03:19
=== jamesstansell [n=james@wsip-24-249-157-103.tu.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-java
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-java:vil] : Ubuntu Java packaging matters. For Java coding questions please visit ##java
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leonelhello :  is there  a how to  to make http://langel.wordpress.com/2007/07/31/icedtea-12-fonts-and-graphics/  in    ubuntu ?05:47
anklavhello. where i can find maven package for ubuntu?06:23
man-di_leonel: wait for doko to upload icedtea06:33
man-di_anklav: its not completely packaged yet06:33
man-di_anklav: we are working on it06:34
man-di_anklav: most of its dependencies are done06:34
leonelman-di_: that's for  gutsy ?06:34
man-di_leonel: yes06:34
leonelG R E A T ! !06:34
man-di_we will see06:34
leonelso .. gutsy with  icedtea  for release   Y ES !  06:35
leonel\o/  whoo hoo !06:35
man-di_leonel: if we find the time to finishe icedtea packaging in time06:35
leonelman-di_: if there's any thing I can test  or check   let me know 06:35
man-di_not yet06:35
man-di_leonel: you can build icedtea fresh from mercurial and report bugs06:36
leonelI'll dive into  and  see06:37
anklavnice :) thank you06:41
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=== fallot [n=cloudyvd@mf-S1-1-3-25-acc04.sdr.embratel.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-java
fallotdoes somebody knows how to use system commands on linux? EX: get users info and execute a mkdir with it or chmod ???07:48
=== dharrigan [n=dharriga@82-71-62-76.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-java
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