
Jordan09Yes, and mem usage at about 2%12:01
Born_In_XixaxDr_Link: yes12:01
event_ideCompIsMyRx; ok, is there a config file I have to edit for this?12:01
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c-ronJordan09: x windows is slow tho?12:01
astro76!info bind9 | ntw12:01
jribwepeel: sure12:01
ubotuntw: bind9: Internet Domain Name Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:9.3.4-2ubuntu2.1 (feisty), package size 295 kB, installed size 788 kB12:01
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wepeeljrib, thanks12:02
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sidenetwhat's the command to determine what version of ffmpeg i have?12:02
MilitantPotatopike__: that worked, thanks, can you tell me what was wrong?12:02
CompIsMyRxevent_ide: really easy to do (and should be done with Nvidia site install btw). Just run "sudo nano -w /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common" and add "nv"to DISABLED_MODULES="12:02
Jordan09c-ron: Well, my mouse is juggering around the screen, and my keyboard has to be pressed slowly button by button12:02
wepeelanyone know of a decent gui flash creator program? I just need to make a small slideshow12:02
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ntwastro76 - I need to find where to download it! apt-get gives me a 404!12:02
pike__MilitantPotato: it needed to create the .config files but couldnt make them as the path didnt exist12:02
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File13For some reason my taskbar is only showing one workspace, the other 3 dont show and when i try to switch workspaces nothing happens.12:02
event_ideCompIsMyRx; k, thanks12:02
astro76!repositories | ntw12:02
ubotuntw: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:02
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wepeelI had one way back when when I ran windows which I bet I could run under wine...but I don't remember what it was called12:03
MilitantPotatoargh more issues12:03
jribsidenet: ffmpeg -version   or   apt-cache policy ffmpeg   for the package12:03
Jordan09Although it ran the command instantly, may be a mouse/keyboard problem12:03
SyrussScaleskinI have no way of accessing any faqs or forums, due tothe above problem, and no way to view links on here12:03
MilitantPotatoI can't view any windows, things open but don't show up on the desktop12:03
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CompIsMyRxevent_ide: then reboot X. It might not fix your problem (it really only fixes driver fights) but it just might, and it's not a bad idea to do.12:03
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MilitantPotatonow it locked up trying to open updates12:03
astro76SyrussScaleskin, how are you connected here?12:03
NET||abusecan anyone help me with a question on using virtual box? I have it running and setup a windows xp image, now i want a second image and i was just going to copy the origional image as a way to snapshot the image and run it from there, how can i do this as virtualbox won't let mek add the copy as a new hd image, it has hte same key as the origional so won't run in parallel.12:04
SyrussScaleskinvia a nintendo ds.12:04
GrooveStixhey guys, how do I make my Ubuntu machine visible to my WinXp machine? (Through a router!)12:04
c-ronJordan09: try typing in the terminal: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver12:04
astro76SyrussScaleskin, wow ;)12:04
pike__MilitantPotato: unlike windows you dont have a registry all the user config stuff is stored in your home. it is very convenient acually because if something is screw you dont have to hunt for it just delete the .config file and reopen the app. its like you opened it for the first time. ls -a /home/heather to see the hidden . files12:04
Paddy_EIREi have just purchased a belkin wireless G desktop card and I am about to put it in the towerpc is there anything I should know about this card and ubuntu before I continue or is it recognised immediately12:04
SyrussScaleskinI need to set up a wireless card on ubuntu.12:04
event_ideCompIsMyRx; alright, rebooting X. see if it works. thanks again12:04
Jack_SparrowSyrussScaleskin: What make and model of wireless card12:04
astro76SyrussScaleskin, what kind of card?12:04
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c-ronJordan09: what drivers are listed?12:04
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skyfalcon866what is a good size for the root partition?12:05
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SyrussScaleskinbelkin wireless g, f5d701112:05
pike__skyfalcon866: 5-8 gigs assuming /home is seperate12:05
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macogwBorn_In_Xixax: well there's this http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-kiosk&m=109878746602656&w=2 but i know i saw one that involved settings in a /etc/ file12:05
skyfalcon866is 11 alot?12:05
pike__skyfalcon866: i only use about 3 for / with everything under it but home12:05
Paddy_EIRENET||abuse: nice one12:05
ansquei want install sonata with extra options (edit metatags and lyrics). I install sonata success but when i have problem with extra options. I have this problem http://wklej.org/id/8bf3cacee112:05
macogwBorn_In_Xixax: the one i saw let you give warning before kicking them12:05
ansquemaybe someone know what i shuld do12:06
ntwNOT FOUND12:06
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pike__skyfalcon866: only issue is to remember /tmp is under root too unless you make a partititon for it so even if you only need 2.5 gigs you still need a gig or 2 for temp to work out of12:06
ntwThe only place I Can download bind9 ???12:06
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jribntw: you are using warty?12:06
Jordan09Sorry it's taking a long time to navigate12:06
skyfalcon866i have only used 3.9GB on my / and its been there for the last 20 Days12:07
sidenetthnx jrib12:07
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skyfalcon866wont fragmentation increase with low space12:07
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ansquehttp://wklej.org/id/8bf3cacee1 someone know whats going wrong?12:07
kowalczykkto polak?12:07
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CompIsMyRxskyfalcon866: there is essentially no fragmentation with ext312:07
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ntwWhat is warty ?12:07
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PriceChild!warty | ntw12:07
ubotuntw: Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.12:07
pike__skyfalcon866: its something the system handles not something you need to worry about12:07
hexidigitalhi folks.. i'm in a chrooted environment, trying to repair a borked upgrade... but the / directory isn't showing up when i run `df -h`12:07
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ntwjrib No I'm using Ubuntu Linux 6.112:08
jribntw: it's in the url you just linked12:08
skyfalcon866how can i shrink my ext3 partition then?12:08
MilitantPotatoGnome isn't loading right12:08
ansquehttp://wklej.org/id/8bf3cacee1 someone can help me??12:08
Ghismois there a way to delete12:08
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CompIsMyRxskyfalcon866: you have to unmount it (DON'T IF IT IS ROOT) and use gparted12:08
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Jordan095 are listed: kbd, mouse, wacom, wacom, wacom, ati12:08
Ghismoa process12:08
pike__skyfalcon866: gparted but remeber to do it from livecd as the partition cant obvoiusly be mounted at the time12:08
MilitantPotatomessage did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)12:08
CompIsMyRxskyfalcon866: if it is root, get a live Cd and then use Gparted12:08
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skyfalcon866will performance be slowed down?12:09
Ghismois there a way to force a quit12:09
CompIsMyRxskyfalcon866: not likely12:09
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jrib!enter | Ghismo12:09
ubotuGhismo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:09
GrooveStixhow do I make my Ubuntu machine visible to my WinXp machine? (Through a router!)12:09
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mikebotHow do you force quit in ubuntu?12:09
skyfalcon866is 7Gb to small for /12:09
pike__pkill processname or xkill for a nice skull cursor to click on someting with or kill pidnumber12:09
SyrussScaleskinI need to connect to a wireless access point for internet via a belkin wireless card which ubuntu 7.04 cant seem to access, can anyone help?12:09
nahkai having trouble installing ubuntu-7.04-desktop-amd6412:10
pike__Ghismo: see above12:10
Jordan09c-ron: 5 are listed: kbd, mouse, wacom, wacom, wacom, ati12:10
jribGhismo: system -> administration -> system monitor  or xkill like pike__ said are the easiest ways imo12:10
ntwjrib I Was just googling12:10
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CompIsMyRxor Ctrl-C if the program is running in terminal12:10
ntwFor bind 012:10
ntwbind 912:10
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mikebotCompIsMyRx: It's update manager12:10
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skyfalcon866then could i expand my /home?12:10
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zerokill88ok so everytime i try to watch a .mpg file through firefox, and i believe its not using flash because flash works, i get the audio but no video, how can i fix this?12:10
pike__skyfalcon866: yeah12:10
Jack_SparrowSyrussScaleskin: It seems you will need to use ndiswrapper and the rt2500 drivers from the driver disk supplied with the card.12:10
skyfalcon866k thanks12:11
CompIsMyRxmikebot: in a terminal type "pkill update-manager"12:11
Dr_LinkEvolution Mail client is telling me that "RELAYING DENIED" when sending a message. So what do i do to fix this?12:11
mikebotCompIsMyRx: Thanks.12:11
SyrussScaleskinHow do I do that exactly?12:11
pike__zerokill88: you have the mozilla mplayer plugin?12:11
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zerokill88pike_ yes i do12:11
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Sergiuhello people12:11
pike__zerokill88: sounds almost like a codec issue but i dunno12:11
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hvgotcodeswierd -- if i use the ring switcher in compiz i lose my wine window12:11
Jack_SparrowSyrussScaleskin: http://czarism.com/easy-peasy-wireless-w-ubuntu-debian-linux  is one link I found12:11
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Jordan09c-ron: The thing  don't understand is how it ran perfectly from the disk.12:12
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:12
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zerokill88pike_ i also have gstreamer installed12:12
SyrussScaleskinlinks are no good to me12:12
SyrussScaleskinI cant access them12:12
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Dr_LinkEvolution Mail client is telling me that "RELAYING DENIED" when sending a message. So what do i do to fix this?12:12
ntw Can somebody help me ? Maybe you could talk to me private about the Ubuntu 6.10 and BIND! PLEASE12:12
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Jack_SparrowSyrussScaleskin: I suggest a hard line until you get the drivers and ndiswrapper installed12:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bind - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wvdial - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:13
pike__zerokill88: can you download the file?12:13
c-ronJordan09: I'm thinking that maybe the ati driver is your problem? try vga to see if it changes anything12:13
CompIsMyRxwait, how are you here if "links don't work" ie. you have no internet?12:13
Jordan09(I'm a newbie)12:13
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zerokill88pike_ ya but i dont really want to but i guess that my only opetion at this point12:14
CompIsMyRx!vesa | Jordan0912:14
ubotuJordan09: vesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x12:14
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MilitantPotatofor the love of god12:14
MilitantPotatoI guess she gets windows instead X(12:14
pike__zerokill88: you might try pkill firefox; mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-bak   and relaunch to test12:14
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CompIsMyRx!hello | ShortCat12:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:15
CompIsMyRx!hi | ShortCat12:15
ubotuShortCat: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:15
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c-ronJordan09: do this from the command line: cd /etc/X11/ && sudo cp ./xorg.conf ./xorg.conf.backup && sudo nano ./xorg.conf12:15
pike__zerokill88: then just mv ~/.mozilla-bak ~/.mozilla to restore your bookmarks and stuff if that doesnt work12:15
ntw Can somebody help me ? Maybe you could talk to me private about the Ubuntu 6.10 and BIND! PLEASE12:15
ShortCatis there any way to modify my partitions/formatting hd before i boot?12:15
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pike__ShortCat: bootdisk or livecd12:15
c-ronJordan09:  find the line that says Driver "ati" and change the "ati" to "vga"12:15
MilitantPotatopike__: still no luck, sometimes I get to desktop, sometimes I get a gnome error, this last time panel opened about 10 times trying to login12:15
CompIsMyRxShortCat: Gparted on the LiveCD12:15
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CompIsMyRxc-ron: don't you mean vesa?12:16
MilitantPotatowhen I do get to desktop the computer locks up12:16
astro76ntw, you'll get much better results if you ask about a specific problem here ;)12:16
ShortCathow can i access it there?12:16
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jribntw: stop repeating so often, try to wait at least 20 minutes.  No one here seems to be able to help you with bind9 atm.  Why not try the other support options?12:16
jrib!support > ntw (see the private message from ubotu)12:16
zerokill88pike_ ok12:16
CompIsMyRxc-ron: vga is a connector type, vesa is a driver12:16
c-ronJordan09:  CompIsMyRx is right12:16
fatbrainWhen I play audio/video content from a http-stream, is there some extension I need to be able to fast-forward/rewind while playing it? (lighttpd)12:16
pike__MilitantPotato: can ya sudo apt-get install fluxbox   i mean at least give her another window manager for now or xubuntu-desktop12:16
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c-ronJordan09:  find the line that says Driver "ati" and change the "ati" to "vesa"12:16
ShortCathow can i access the partition modifier on the livecd?12:16
fevelhey does anyone know how to open mkv files??12:17
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fevelneither vlc or mplayer opens it12:17
CompIsMyRxJordan09: vesa is the basic of basic drivers, so everything should work until you fix your driver12:17
pike__ShortCat: sudo apt-get install gparted you can install packages on livecd just as if youre on hd12:17
astro76ShortCat, system>admin>GNOME Partition Editor12:17
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SyrussScaleskinTrying a cabled connection now.12:17
pike__ShortCat: or as astro76 said i guess its installed already12:17
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GrooveStixhow do I make my Ubuntu machine visible to my WinXp machine? (Through a router!) Does anyone know?12:17
ShortCatokay i will try it12:17
CompIsMyRxfevel: what does vlc/mplayer say when trying to open the .mkv file (paste it into pastebin please!)12:18
MilitantPotatonew set of errors at login12:18
Jack_Sparrow!samba > GrooveStix12:18
pike__GrooveStix: for like shared folders and stuff?12:18
astro76GrooveStix, what do you mean through a router?12:18
GrooveStixI actually put samba on my Ubuntu12:18
pike__MilitantPotato: egads12:18
GrooveStixI can see the WinXp machine12:18
Johtoastro76: he just means file shares etc, he needs samba12:18
GrooveStixbut not vice versa12:18
fevelCompIsMyRx, it doesnt give me an error12:19
ShortCatfor some reason i cant get the livecd to work12:19
pike__MilitantPotato: sudo chown -R heather:heather /home/heather12:19
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ShortCatit boots and all, yet i cant reach desktop12:19
JohtoGrooveStix: samba is the thing that is used for file sharing linux > windows12:19
SyrussScaleskinI cannot connect via ethernet... same problem.12:19
fevelCompIsMyRx, it just stays on the mplayer screen and the bar goes by really fast12:19
CompIsMyRxfevel: open it in a terminal with the command "mplayer -v /path/to/file.mkv"12:19
MilitantPotatoGnome error: Processs /user/lib/control-center/gnome-settings-daemon received signal 11, ALso: There was a problem regestering the panel with bonobo activation server. Error code 3  AND Nautilus can't be used now, do to an unexpected error from bonobo when attempting to register the file manager view server.12:19
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:19
zerokill88pike_ how do i get all the totem codecs?12:19
MilitantPotatook pike i'll do that now12:19
Jordan09I'm going to try it, however, I'm not so sure that's the problem because if it was just the graphics then all the keys I press on my board would show up - just late. However, some times I have to press a key 4/5 times for it to work. Shall I continue?12:19
NET||abusecan anyone help me make a duplicate of a virtualbox disk image? i want to test on IE6 and IE7, so easiest way is to install and patch up just to IE6, then fork the image and patch up to IE7.. so can anyone help me with this virtualbox disk image issue?12:19
CompIsMyRxfevel: and paste the output into pastebin12:19
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GrooveStixJohto: and the other way around?12:20
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JohtoGrooveStix: use windows :P12:20
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daviddhi - need help with edubuntu server12:20
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JohtoGrooveStix: make a share in windwos, connect it using samba12:20
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pike__guys im not on ubuntu right now is default user group users or same as username?12:20
axso ubuntu creates a default xorg.conf when i install ubuntu, i accedentally erased that, how can i get that back?12:20
astro76GrooveStix, you'll need to share folders from the ubuntu machine (system>admin>shared folders)12:20
JohtoGrooveStix: just configure the enviroment like the guides say ...same workgroup and stuff12:20
axdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg isn't working12:20
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axi get "no screens found"12:21
SyrussScaleskinCan someone help me, I cannot connect to a network via wireless or ethernet in ubuntu!12:21
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astro76pike__, same as user name12:21
hvgotcodesis there a massive page with instructions on how to install codecs, wine, java, eclipse -- everything really -- however I can't find it12:21
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JohtoGrooveStix: just read up about samba in general, use GUI tools to configure it or do it by hand editing /etc/samba/ config files..12:21
hvgotcodesi remember there being one12:21
CompIsMyRx!xorg | ax12:21
ubotuax: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:21
GrooveStixjohto: I actually found the Ubuntu machine through WinXp, but I was prompted for username/password12:21
pike__astro76: ty12:21
daviddhow do i set up edubuntu server to allow remote access?12:21
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JohtoGrooveStix: yes, you need to use smbpasswd command in ubuntu machine to allow it to access to them12:22
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jrib!restricted > hvgotcodes (see the private message from ubotu)12:22
JohtoGrooveStix: everythin is documented, just read ok12:22
pike__!ssh | davidd12:22
ubotudavidd: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/12:22
axi've restarted gdm12:22
pike__davidd: bear in mind that is remove command line access12:22
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axit still doesn't work12:22
nikinhy, is there an easy and effective way to log everything what shows up on a console?12:22
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Jordan09c-ron, CompIsMyRx: I'm going to try it, however, I'm not so sure that's the problem because if it was just the graphics then all the keys I press on my board would show up - just late. However, some times I have to press a key 4/5 times for it to work. Shall I continue?12:22
CompIsMyRxax: well, restarting GDM with no xorg.conf is rather pointless, but I meant for you to follow the link12:22
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ShortCatokay, i cant access the desktop of livecd for some reason12:23
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anathematichow do i change my host name on ubuntu server? =)12:23
ShortCatis there any boot program that can help me formatting my hd?12:23
SyrussScaleskinCan someone help me, I cannot connect to a network via wireless or ethernet in ubuntu!It shows unknown device type on both adaptors in the device manager12:23
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Jack_SparrowShortCat: What all have you tried...12:23
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c-ronJordan09: not sure.. it's worth a shot tho.12:24
pike__ShortCat: try 1) alt-ctrl-f2 2) login  3) sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   and choose vesa driver then enter or default for everything else12:24
nikinanathematic: so a         man hostname        to get info on that12:24
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pike__ShortCat: for livecd12:24
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nikinis there an easy and effective way to log everything what shows up on a console?12:24
fevelCompIsMyRx, can you help me get to pastebin??12:24
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ShortCatpike__ : okay, ill try it12:24
jribhvgotcodes: the other stuff you mentioned: wine and eclipse, are straightforward to install, just use your package manager12:24
CompIsMyRx!pastebin | fevel12:24
ubotufevel: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:24
pike__ShortCat: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart after to load new config file12:25
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Frack-Hessedoes someone here know, how i can play midi files on ubuntu? :x12:25
c-ronJordan09: you could also try pike__'s suggestion to ShortCat12:25
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jrib!midi > Frack-Hesse (see the private message from ubotu)12:25
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hvgotcodesjrib: yeah but there was a massive guide -- i wish i could find it12:25
CompIsMyRxFrack-Hesse: pmidi12:25
Frack-Hessethx jrib :*12:25
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jribhvgotcodes: use the wiki, it's better than ubuntuguide from experience12:25
nikin!midi > nikin12:26
CompIsMyRx!midi > CompIsMyRx12:26
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Optimus55does anyone have a tutorial on wvdial and its commands?12:26
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fevelCompIsMyRx, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32180/12:26
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto12:26
SyrussScaleskinCan someone help me, I cannot connect to a network via wireless or ethernet in ubuntu!It sho12:27
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hvgotcodeswhat is the ubuntu compiz channel?12:27
axCompIsMyRx: i have an xorg.conf12:27
jribOptimus55: I just setup /etc/wvdial.conf and then type 'wvdial'12:27
jribhvgotcodes: #ubuntu-effects12:27
ShortCattried what pike__ suggested, nothing appears when i alt+ctrl+f212:27
c-ronJordan09: you could reboot, then hit CTRL+F2, login, and see if keyboard is acting weird on a virtual terminal too, or just x windows12:27
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Jordan09In the command: cd /etc/X11/ && sudo cp ./xorg.conf ./xorg.conf.backup && sudo nano ./xorg.conf12:27
axi've run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg several times12:27
Jordan09Did you mean cp?12:27
axmy horiz/vert are set via the ddc messages12:27
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axi'm still getting "no screen found" when i restart gdm12:27
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CompIsMyRxfevel: hmm, it looks like that .mkv file is corrupt. Link to it?12:28
astro76Jordan09, that command is correct (the 3 ./'s aren't necessary though)12:28
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c-ronJordan09: no.. the cd is just to Change Directory to /etc/X11/ and the cp is to CoPy ./xorg.conf to ./xorg.conf.backup (just in case)12:29
CompIsMyRxfevel: hmm, it looks like someone's x264 rip went badly.12:29
axwhen i first installed ubuntu X worked, i'm wondering if the default xorg.conf is still somewhere?12:29
Jordan09It said cd: /etc/X11/ not found12:29
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bruenigax, only if you moved it somewhere12:29
Jordan09no such file or directory12:29
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astro76Jordan09, did you type exactly, X11 not x11 ?12:29
nikinis there an easy and effective way to log everything what shows up on a console?12:29
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TTilusnikin: typescript12:30
bruenignikin, | tee logfile12:30
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Jordan09Exactly this: cd /etc/X11/ && sudo cp ./xorg.conf ./xorg.conf.backup && sudo nano ./xorg.conf all in one command12:30
SyrussScaleskinCan someone help me, I cannot connect to a network via wireless or ethernet in ubuntu! It seems to see the devices, but cant access them!12:30
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fevelCompIsMyRx, damn...so you think I should just erase it and download again??12:30
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CompIsMyRxfevel: is it a bittorrent? If so you might want to.12:31
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bruenigJordan09, do ls -d /etc/X1112:31
MilitantPotatopike__: what does sudo chown -R do?  It seems to of worked.12:31
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bruenigchowns recursively12:31
c-ronbruenig: LSD is bad mmmkay12:31
pike__MilitantPotato: so any subdirectories and files are also chowned12:31
skyfalcon866im about to install windoze on my hard disk my question is will i have to reinstall ubuntu?12:32
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CompIsMyRxfevel: however, if it was dl'ed correctly, It still might not work. It looks like someone tried to put raw video into a .mkv file, which doesn't really work.12:32
MilitantPotatoah cool :)12:32
bruenigskyfalcon866, you will need to reinstall grub on the mbr12:32
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MilitantPotatoit's not locked up or given me any error messages *yet*12:32
Jack_Sparrow!grub > skyfalcon86612:32
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TTilusskyfalcon866: probably yes, but most likely only grub needs reinstall12:32
MilitantPotatocould I do that same command to move the /home directories to another drive/partition?12:32
Dr_Linkbe back later.12:32
bruenigJordan09, what does that do?12:32
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skyfalcon866should i format it fat32 or ntfs it is only 4.86GB12:33
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TTilusskyfalcon866: win is sometimes pretty hostile to other os12:33
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Jordan09etc/X11 in blue12:33
MilitantPotatoskyfalcon866: if you want to edit files through linux do fat3212:33
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bruenigJordan09, ok so /etc/X11 does exist12:33
SyrussScaleskinIn the add/remove programs I found some network program, but it cant install onto my system...12:33
pike__MilitantPotato: yeah the only issue would be symlinks and thats not a huge deal. wont really break anything i dont think12:33
skyfalcon866can ubuntu fix file system errors in fat32?12:33
CompIsMyRxskyfalcon866: easy to backup mbr with dd, but it is really for confident users only (you can royally scew up your harddrive)12:33
bruenigJordan09, you must have messed up the cd command in some way12:33
TTilusskyfalcon866: do fat only if you specially need to, otherwise ntfs12:33
Jack_Sparrowskyfalcon866: What version of windows are you planning on putting on 4.8 gig partition?12:33
Jordan09Aha! Wait a minute12:33
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kane77hi people! I've just spent 2 weeks in windows without my beloved ubuntu!..12:34
skyfalcon866can ubuntu read NTFS12:34
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TTilusskyfalcon866: yes12:34
CompIsMyRxskyfalcon866: yes, and write to it12:34
CompIsMyRxskyfalcon866: with ntfs-3g12:34
pike__MilitantPotato: safest way is http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/12:34
MilitantPotatopike__: ty12:34
skyfalcon866im only using windoze to play games12:34
TTilusskyfalcon866: :)12:34
bruenigbasically to move /home to another partition, you copy everything under /home to a separate partition, and then change fstab12:35
skyfalcon866can windoze read ext3?12:35
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c-ronJordan09: login on a virtual console with CTRL+ALT+F2 to do the commands.. then switch back to X with CTRL+ALT+F712:35
TTilusskyfalcon866: there are programs to read ext3 iirc12:35
CompIsMyRxskyfalcon866: through a 3rd party driver, yes12:35
skyfalcon866is it safe12:35
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tupaskyfalcon866 yes, be careful though, I corrupted an ext3 partition in the past12:35
skyfalcon866ok thanks12:35
skyfalcon866cya later off to install windoze12:35
CompIsMyRxskyfalcon866: http://www.fs-driver.org/download.html12:36
skyfalcon866cya later off to install windoze12:36
TTilusskyfalcon866: just remember to keep backups and a safe and easy way to restore12:36
tupaCompIsMyRx that's exactly what I used to corrupt my partition :P12:36
TTilushope he remembers the backups  :D12:36
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ShortCatback to my question...any ways to format hard disk before the boot? is there any boot programs that allow to format?12:37
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osmosisIs mysql replication for the entire MySQL instance, per database, per table?12:37
kane77btw, how can I create a "restore DVD"? (containing set up ubuntu) something I can put into drive and restore ubuntu?12:37
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Jordan09Will do this is painful12:37
pike__ShortCat: any linux boot disk that has mkfs you can mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda1  or whatever12:37
ATOMICplayerWhat's the link to the alternate cd?12:37
tupaShortCat, all installation CDs do that12:37
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fevelthanks for the help CompIsMyRx12:38
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CompIsMyRxfevel: no prob12:38
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tupaShortCat, but if you don't need to install an OS, you can try a Live CD and then format12:38
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SyrussScaleskinUnable to connect to network via ethernet or wireless, need help12:39
CompIsMyRxShortCat: in fact, Ubuntu can auto-repartiton the drive completely for you when you install12:39
ATOMICplayerCan someone point me towards the Alternate Ubuntu cd?12:39
yexiaodoutoday i am blocked on a serious bug on Feisty Fawn12:39
Jordan09c-ron: it's missing keys in the command screen as well12:39
tupa!install | ATOMICplayer12:39
ubotuATOMICplayer: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate12:39
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HelpMeHi, i';m having trouble with kiba-dock,  its kinda chopy and slow.  Dose anyone know how to fix this?12:39
tupa<SyrussScaleskin> why not12:40
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nikinTTilus: typescript is a program? i cant find it on apt12:40
CompIsMyRxATOMICplayer: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download and click the "Alternate install" checkbox near the bottom12:40
c-ronJordan09: okay, it's probably not an X server specific problem then, so no sense in changing your conf12:40
ShortCatthanks for your help, the problem i cant get any distribution that is available to me to work/get to desktop12:40
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jribATOMICplayer: ubuntu.com and click on download, but releases.ubuntu.com is easier to navigate imo12:40
pike__ShortCat: ati graphics or something?12:40
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Jordan09Ok then.12:41
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ShortCatsomething like that12:41
ShackJackSemi -effects question, but now luv in #ubuntu-effects:  --- running cairo-clock on Fusion/XGL ... but despite including --sticky in the startup command it only appears on first workspace.  Anyone else seen this or know if I may have done something wrong?12:41
ShortCatso i have to format and install windows to get to work12:41
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nikinis there an easy and effective way to log everything what shows up on a console?12:41
tupa!tell tupa about hi12:41
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Jordan09Any ideas?12:41
HelpMei';m having trouble with kiba-dock,  its kinda chopy and slow.  Dose anyone know how to fix this?12:41
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TTilusnikin: name is script12:42
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godofredowhat would be the command if i wanted to COPY a file from one directory to another?12:42
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c-ronJordan09: are both your mouse and keyboard USB?12:42
CompIsMyRxHelpMe: Goodluck. Kiba-dock is still pretty beta AFAIK.12:42
ATOMICplayerTHANKS GUYS!!!!12:42
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Takeya|Ikuharai have a question12:42
godofredosudo cp /usr/location/blah/ /home/blah/blah ?12:42
CompIsMyRx!offtopic | Takeya|Ikuhara12:42
ubotuTakeya|Ikuhara: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:42
Jordan09Yes they came as a set, so are running from the same sensor (via USB)12:42
fatbrainWhen beeing connected to a server (ssh) and I try to play some audio/video file, my current default-application isn't used. It always uses the original-default-applicatino to launch the file. How do I solve that?12:42
pike__godofredo: and of course use sudo for anything not in youre home dir12:43
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nikinTTilus: thanks12:43
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anathematichow do i setup my ubuntu server so i can use a name instead of it's ip for http access over a intranet system?12:43
godofredopike_, so would i use the cp command?12:43
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Ven0m`[28.392948]  ..Mp-BIOS bug:8254 timer not connected to I0-APIC12:43
Ven0m`antone know of a solution12:43
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Jordan09Although like I said they were running perfectly when I trialled ubuntu on the CD12:43
fatbrainHow can I see free diskspace from the console?12:44
NaitsirkCan the IP address and dns-server be set statically using the GUI in 7.04 Desktop edition, or do I have to use termial or similar?12:44
kkathmanis there a way to convert mailboxes that are in kde (maildir and mbox) so that evolution can migrate them in ?12:44
pike__godofredo: yeah there are of course different flags you can use with cp like -r for a directory (recursive) or -p to preserve permissions (dont use that) etc12:44
CompIsMyRxfatbrain: sudo df -h12:44
Alex234Hi everyone, im trying to install Ubuntu, but first i need to resize a partition, but Gparted gives me some errors, can someone try to help me out?12:44
c-ronfatbrain: df12:44
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TTilusnikin: you found it?  i dont remember the package name...12:44
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Jordan09Shall I try a reinstall?12:44
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c-ronJordan09: not yet, are they wireless keyboard mouse??12:44
geniianathematic: Add it's IP and name to the file /etc/hosts   on the client machines12:45
TTilusnikin: but it surely is packaged and afaik installed by default12:45
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Jordan09Yes c-ron12:45
godofredopike_, so if i wanted to copy something called subway.pk3  it would be like: sudo cp /home/tux/maps/subway.pk3 /newdirectory12:45
SyrussScaleskinarg... now ubuntu says no networking devices found12:45
pike__Alex234: what sort of errors? also gparted has its own livecd that sometimes works when ubuntu livecd doesnt12:45
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anathematicgenii: is there a slightly easier way to do it without having to play with all the client machines?12:45
geniianathematic: man hosts   will show you the format of the file12:45
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c-ronJordan09: hrmm well that gives us a good starting point12:45
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CompIsMyRxgodofredo: exactly like that12:45
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pike__godofredo: yeah but if the destination direcotory you need to write to is under anything but /home/yourename youd just sudo cp it12:45
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ShortCatill end up using windoz95 in that way12:46
SyrussScaleskinnever mind, I'll try elsewhere for help12:46
geniianathematic: If dhcp network, specify that machine as the primary DNS server12:46
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Jordan09Unfortunately I don't have a spare mouse to try an exchange with12:46
Alex234Pike__: Well im trying to resize my Extended partition D but it says i need to check file system or some such, i defragged and used Chkdsk before trying to do it from the Ubuntu live Cd12:46
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TTilusAlex234: i probably can not, but you could paste the errormessages (or pastebin if they are long) so we could see12:46
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fatbrainCompIsMyRx: thanks12:46
fatbrainc-ron: thanks12:46
TTilus!pastebin | Alex23412:46
ubotuAlex234: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:46
geniianathematic: Then install bind on it and edit the /etc/namedb stuff12:47
Ven0m`[28.392948]  ..Mp-BIOS bug:8254 timer not connected to I0-APIC12:47
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anathematicgenii: okay thanks haha12:47
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fellaciouswhat do i need to do to get avahi advertizing my hostname and the fact that i have ssh and vnc open to the local network?12:47
Alex234I cant paste the error as i dont think i can be on IRc and on the Ubuntu live Cd at the same time, but the only error it says is i need to check the file system on the drive...12:47
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Alex234I heard something about that Gparted cant resize Extended partitions...is that right?12:48
c-ronJordan09: what brand of keyb & mouse do you have?12:48
CompIsMyRxAlex234: yes it can.12:48
Jordan09Advent, came with the PC. Same brand as the PC.12:48
Ven0m`does anyone know my problem yes or no so i can search else where?12:48
Ven0m`[28.392948]  ..Mp-BIOS bug:8254 timer not connected to I0-APIC12:49
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Alex234Its just that on wikipedia it says there is "limited support" for resizing extended partitions... is that because i need to use the Gparted live-Cd for that?12:49
CompIsMyRxVen0m`: what BIOS do you have?12:49
CompIsMyRxVen0m`: better yet, what motherboard12:49
Ven0m`biostar tforce 550 motherboard12:49
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geniiAlex234: It wants you to run a filesystem check. Usually at prompt:  sudo fsck    If you want it to say yes to each question to fix/repair etc use   sudo fsck -y12:50
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fellaciouswhat do i need to do to get avahi advertizing my hostname and the fact that i have ssh and vnc open to the local network?  for some reason my mac can advertise its hostname and services, but the two ubuntu feisty boxen on my network can't.12:50
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Gks2i wanna know if someone know why my toten video player(dvd) is on black screen ?12:50
lwizardlwhat other tool can I use for hd partitioning besides qparted becuase it won't read the drive12:51
Alex234Ehm sorry i dont understand that...i havent even installed Ubuntu yet. trying to create space for it first...are you saying i can still use the terminal on the live CD?12:51
pike__lwizardl: resize or just create/delete?12:51
fevelGks2, Did you install the codecs??12:51
intelikeywell i installed the nvidia driver from nvidia.com but have the same luke with it as with the ubuntu one....  none.         http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3863112:51
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fellaciousi mean whats the point of service-discovery-applet12:51
fellaciousif services aren't advertised in the first place?12:51
Jordan09c-ron: any ideas?12:51
Gks2<fevel> i don't know any program what show me the codecs i need12:51
lwizardlpike_, create it had a ntfs partition but i used windows mmc to remove it12:51
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geniiAlex234: Another possibility is failing drive. If you have in bios "use SMART" for hd, turn it on. If on boot you get a message about hd failing SMART test, you know it will fail soon12:52
fevelGks2, which version of ubuntu are you running??12:52
lwizardlpike_, in system info its hdd12:52
toplokHi, someone using gnome commander on ubuntu ?12:52
c-ronJordan09: does the keyb & mouse or the usb adapter itself have a reset  or sync button?12:52
bunnyflyWould someone be able to help me start a second gnome session on top of my current one in Feisty?12:52
Gks2<fevel> 7.0412:52
pike__lwizardl: any of em cfdisk is easiest command line option then fdisk but i think ubutu has a disk or partition manager gui. then of course you need to format the partition which from command line is like sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda1  or whatever12:52
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Alex234Its not a failing drive... i tried this on 2 computers...both with extended partitions... both said the same...one of them is only 4 months old12:52
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ShortCati have just to burn and boot gparted to use it, right?12:53
fevelwhen you run a media file in 7.04 it automatically asks if you would like to install the codec..did it do that??12:53
ShortCati have no access to desktop or other command devices12:53
Alex234CAn it be because i have to use Gparted from the its own Live-CD t oget this to work?12:53
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pike__lwizardl: thats not the most new user friendly answer :)12:53
obf213does anyone find that torrent on linux just sucks. or is this just me.12:54
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Gks2<fevel> i m runing a dvd right know12:54
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pike__obf213: deluge or ktorrent for gui rtorrent for command line but i use wine and utorrent mostly12:54
obf213i leave qtorrent, comeback find of the torrents a 0, restart the torrents starts loading again12:54
ShackJackbunnyfly: gdmflexiserver --xnest12:54
Gks2<fevel>  i hear the sound but all i see is a black screen12:54
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geniiAlex234: The partition editor wants all the filesystems to be clean before it does any operations on them.12:54
obf213i c12:54
Ven0m`<CompIsMyRx> any luck?12:54
CompIsMyRxVen0m`: erg. This looks like a rare problem.12:54
nahkai having trouble installing ubuntu-7.04-desktop-amd64 ca somebody help me in privat12:54
CompIsMyRxVen0m`: best option I see is adding "noapic" to the kernel boot options12:55
Jordan09Yes, I'll reset12:55
Ven0m`how would i do that?12:55
geniiAlex234: So you need to run fsck on linux ext type partitions, scandisk on fat/fat32 and chkdsk on ntfs12:55
fellaciouswhat do i need to do to get avahi advertizing my hostname and the fact that i have ssh and vnc open to the local network?                    network?12:55
bunnyflyshackjack: thanks - I'm installing xnest now. Everywhere online says "Applications - System Tools - New Session..." but it doesn't exist on my system12:55
Alex234Genii: How do i run Chkdsk?12:55
fholmesDoes anyone know of any backup scripts that can take a folder that is 50 gigs and break it down into dvd sized chuncks and burn them?  Command Line only?12:56
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ir4i have a question12:56
pike__fholmes: that is pretty easy one line command12:56
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ir4i am using      linux and i would like to login into some web chat which is based on activex control12:56
ir4how can i do it ?12:56
bunnyflyshackjack: is there a way to have it load a custom gnome session - using metacity instead of my default compiz?12:56
ShackJackbunnyfly: YOu may have to right-click edit menu and check it under "System Tools" -- should be there in Feisty +12:56
Jordan09c-ron: When I click the reset button it brings up the do you want to shut down menu12:57
CheeseGardenerwhat command do I need to edit this file?  sudo apt-get "what" /boot/grub/menu.lst???12:57
Jordan09How perculiar12:57
fholmespike:  How easy is it?  :-)12:57
ShackJackbunnyfly: The nested session should load metacity...12:57
ShortCatokay everyone thanks for the help12:57
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ir4any1 has idea ?12:57
lwhir4 VMWare QEMU KVM maybe wine12:57
CompIsMyRxVen0m`: when you boot up and get to the GRUB menu, press "e" to edit the kernel boot. Then add "noapic" to the kernel line (has something like 2.6.20-generic etc)12:57
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geniiAlex234: You run chkdsk from inside of XP/Win2K by going to Start..Run... then type in chkdsk c:      or whatever drive letter it is. If c:  then it tells you it has to do it next boot. After the filesystem is marked clean and the partition editor won't groan12:57
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fholmespike:  I don't want to compress it though either.  I would like to be able to browse the DVD without having to break out all of the discs.12:57
bunnyflyshackjack: your right - I don't know why I didn't think to look there. I guess I'm not used to menu items being there, but hidden. Thank you so much! I'm going to try this out12:58
CheeseGardenerCompismyrx isn't the command irqpoll?12:58
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CheeseGardeneror am I thinking something else?12:58
ShackJackir4: There's ie4linux or you can run MSIE under wine AFAIK Firefox has no ActiveX plugin?12:58
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ShackJackbunnyfly: :)12:58
Alex234Thanks Genii will try that.. im just afraid..because last time i tried to do that where it will have to do it on next boot..my PC mucked up and i had to restore it to a restore point 10 days earlier...12:58
c-ronJordan09: you should have a USB wireless adapter plugged in for the mouse and keyboard to work, look for a reset/sync button on that12:58
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ir4Shackjack: i tried, its crashing :\12:58
Ven0m`I don't have ubuntu installed so can i still add it?12:58
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c-ronJordan09: or maybe it's on the mouse and keyboard themselves12:59
ShackJackir4: MSIE under wine or ie4linux ?12:59
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CompIsMyRxVen0m`: oh, even better! it's easier to do with the live cd i think.12:59
Jordan09c-ron: yes I mean when I pressed the button on the receiver12:59
CheeseGardenerIf anyone knows the command, what is the command for this, to open/edit:  sudo apt-get "what" /boot/grub/menu.lst?12:59
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ir4i tried to install the mozilla activex control plugin it says i need to restart mozilla , i restttttaretd it but it didnt install it after all whaaaat is wrong ...12:59
CompIsMyRxVen0m`: it's good to notice this before you install :)12:59
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fellaciousavahi isn't publishing/advertizing/whatever *anything*, from my hostname to services on my computer, to the local network12:59
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geniiAlex234: Good luck with it12:59
Jordan09c-ron: it brought up the shut down menu12:59
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Ven0m`so try live cd?12:59
PiciCheeseGardener: What are you trying to do?12:59
bunnyflyshackjack: oooooo. Maybe you could help with this too...it seems any app that captures mouse input (zsnes, xnest, etc) loads with the titlebar above the screen - and thus I can't move it with alt-drag or through the titlebar...12:59
fellaciousi would like it to do so, how to i activate it?12:59
c-ronJordan09: do you mean your computer's tower?12:59
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ShackJackir4: Supposedly there *is* and ActiveX plugin for Firefox... http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&q=firefox+activex+plugin01:00
Alex234Well thanks, will try and see if it dont mucks up now...01:00
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warwonhello i was wondering if anyone can help me figure out why i can't install the ndiswrapper, getting a error 2, when installing from the source, stating there no rule to make target driver01:00
CompIsMyRxVen0m`: yes. Try the alternative-install CD.01:00
ir4yea i had no luck installing it it just doesnt work01:00
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GAWildKatDoes anyone know where I can find help where I can remap some of the keys on my kb?01:00
ir4it      odesnt install for some reason01:00
Jordan09c-ron: no c-ron I mean the button on my USB infrared RECEIVER01:00
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CompIsMyRxVen0m`: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ and look for an option to disable APIC01:00
Ven0m`ok i shall return if it does not work lol01:00
ShackJackbunnyfly: You can right click window in window list and select move (use arrow keys)01:00
CheeseGardenerdoes anyone know what command I need for this, to edit?  sudo apt-get "whathere?" /boot/grub/menu.lst01:00
Ven0m`thnx for the help01:01
EldaQuick question..... Im trying to get my sound working and Im working from this website: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto  but I am wondering with the bottom command, how would I identify my codec?  Or what Im supposed to enter for it?01:01
PiciCheeseGardener: That command doesnt make sense. Are you trying to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst ??01:01
bunnyflyshackjack: no - the only option not disabled is "on top" in these cases01:01
ShackJackir4: If you've addressing someone specifically, use their name so they are alerted to your response (tab autocompletes names in IM)01:01
PiciCheeseGardener: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst01:01
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CheeseGardenerok, let me try that01:01
c-ronJordan09: oh, damn. it prompts you to restart your system when you press reset on the wireless adapter???01:01
pike__fholmes: oh hmm not sure without split or comp01:01
CheeseGardenerI need to add irqpoll to the kernell01:01
freak124I'm busy installing feisty fawn, and when defining my partitions it says: no (don't know english word) defined, help me plz?01:01
CompIsMyRxVen0m`: also, I would suggest flasing your BIOS with the newest version01:01
Jordan09c-ron: yes.01:01
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ShackJackbunnyfly: Hmmm... not sure on that then.. should come up in window list01:02
adrian_if i want to install a file I have saved on s spsific location, what command should i use? like sudo Install /location?01:02
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EldaI did type cat /proc/asound/card0/codec\#*  and I found that my codec was listed as Codec: Conexant CX20549 (Venice)  but how would I enter that into the command?01:02
GreenieDragonI want to import some information from my windows partition into my ubuntu 7.04.  For Thunderbird?    do I just need to copy the inbox files from my windows documents place?  or do I need a utility. and if so, do you know what it would be called... want to get my old email messagees and contact list...01:02
GreenieDragonand maybe settings too.01:02
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adrian_HELP if i want to install a file I have saved on s spsific location, what command should i use? like sudo Install /location?01:02
pike__fholmes: might be a good question for #bash01:02
bunnyflyshackjack: it might be a compiz bug. I'll try asking in their forums. Well, either way, you're wonderful! Thank you : )01:02
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c-ronJordan09: the only other thing i can think to do would be to turn on support for legacy usb devices in your bios settings01:02
warwonanyone good at installing a messed up ndiswrapper?01:02
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Eldandiwrapper is EVIL :/01:02
CompIsMyRxGreenieDragon: just mount your windows partition and Evolution should be able to import the files01:02
pike__adrian_: what kind of file?01:03
astro76adrian_, depends, what is it?01:03
CompIsMyRxGreenieDragon: or Thunderbird in your case01:03
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adrian_it is a java plugin for firefox01:03
warwonbasically at this point i can't install ndiswrapper nothing i do works01:03
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quaalahow do i restart my sound01:03
CheeseGardenerPici how do I save it now?01:03
quaalaor troubleshoot why it is not working01:03
c-ronJordan09: is your wireless receiver for your keyb & mouse a 'stick' or does it have a cable?01:03
CheeseGardenerI believe I need to save the file01:04
PiciCheeseGardener: ctrl-o01:04
Jordan09c-ron: I don't mind doing it, however, I'm always scared of playing with thing in my bios. Because you can't just reformat.01:04
Eldaquaala what computer?01:04
warwoni get a error number 2 from ndiswrapper when running sudo make install for ndiswrapper-1.4701:04
astro76adrian_, you can install that through ubuntu repos, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin01:04
Jordan09c-ron: can you guide me carefully01:04
EldaIm having trouble making my sound working too -_-;01:04
quaalaElda, its a computer i built01:04
quaalait just stopped working though01:04
quaalaits done this before01:04
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EldaNever mind then, Im on my laptop01:04
ShackJackquaala: I think a dbus restart would do it -- dunno about sound specifically   sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart01:04
GreenieDragoni just did not see where to have them imported...01:04
fellaciousi would like to use the link-local .local TLD for ease of ssh'ing and such between my ubuntu boxen.  however, avahi isn't broadcasting .local addresses01:05
pike__adrian_: id say just cp filename ~/.mozilla/plugins  assuming it isnt like a tar.gz in which case youll need to untar it and such first.  you can check by going to about:plugins in firefox after you copy to see if it worked. remember to relauch it01:05
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CompIsMyRxShackJack: Isn't a dbus restart a little overkill for the sound?01:05
GreenieDragoni could setup evolution enough to get the setup for it then go back with thunderbird if I need too.01:05
c-ronJordan09, maybe although each bios is different. it might help to know exactly what bios & motherboard you're using01:05
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freak124somone can help me with the instalation? I'm having some problems01:05
CompIsMyRxGreenieDragon: I think Thunderbird should be able to do it by itself01:05
EldaAnyways how would I know what to input for my codec?01:05
ShackJackCompIsMyRx: heehee yeah, a little but it don't hurt nothing :)01:05
Jordan09Also, if it was a bios problem would it have been there when I had windows running?01:06
CheeseGardenerWhere do I log in to get permission to edit system files????01:06
EldaTrying to follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto  but Im having trouble knowing what Ive got to enter for my codec -_-l01:06
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Jordan09(sorry for my ignorance)01:06
GAWildKatDoes anyone know where I can find help where I can remap some of the keys on my kb?01:06
EldaI see what my codec is listed as but dont know if I should just paste the whole thing in01:06
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c-ronJordan09: windows and linux use your hardware in differently01:06
EldaCodec: Conexant CX20549 (Venice) is what it is listed in :>01:06
CompIsMyRxElda: that's a modem01:07
Eldaerr what is listed in there01:07
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c-ronJordan09: what model of advent computer do you have?01:07
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to log in to get permission to edit root files???01:07
EldaWell its an integrated chip set thing01:07
Jordan09Yep, wait a second.01:07
ShackJackGAWildKat: Like the extra function keys? Check out keytouch...01:07
quaalaShackJack, i did dbus restart01:07
quaalastill no sound01:07
CompIsMyRxCheeseGardener: you can just do sudo gedit etc01:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avahi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:07
CompIsMyRx!sudo | CheeseGardener01:08
ubotuCheeseGardener: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:08
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ShackJackquaala: Oh no sound -- you didn't mention that - just thought you were trying to start it - did sound ever work?01:08
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CheeseGardenercan I delete from gedit?01:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pasteboard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:09
CompIsMyRxCheeseGardener: to delete just use sudo rm01:09
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c-ronheh i heard someone say gedit like you'd say 'd'ja eat it? d'ja like it? d'ja want some more?'01:09
CheeseGardenerthank you01:09
GAWildKatShackJack:  my kb is an MS optical Desktp elite bluetooth, obviously many of the keys were designed for windows...but still have use01:09
lwizardlok if I want to create partition on /dev/hdd as ext2 what would i need to type into bash01:10
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mikexstudiosI can't seem to use wildcards in the /etc/hosts file (ie.   *.example.com). Is there another way I can do the same thing?01:10
EldaCould someone help me id my codec for sound on there? :>01:10
CheeseGardenerthank you very much guys :) I will probably be back, due to my newbishness ^^01:10
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quaalaShackJack, yes sound did used to work01:11
quaalait stopped now, its done this before also01:11
warwonso i'm pretty much screwed with ndiswrapper01:11
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CompIsMyRxlwizardl: sudo mkfs -t ext2 /dev/hdd01:11
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ShackJackGAWildKat: Yeah, that proggie should do the trick for ya... Some of the "media" keys work on my MS KB some don't, but I haven't tried that proggie yet..01:11
GAWildKatwhere may I find it?01:12
ShackJackquaala: Regular restart doesn't fix it?  Did you check your mixers?01:12
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skyfalcon866i had to delete my swap01:12
ShackJackGAWildKat: sudo aptitude install keytouch :)01:12
quaalaShackJack, i'm not trying to restart my computer every time the sound breaks01:12
quaalai want a fix not a workaround01:12
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warwonany help with ndiswrapper?01:12
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ShackJackquaala: Yeah, just wonder if *that* fixes it, if so that's a piece of the puzzle...01:13
chapiumwarwon: whats wrong01:13
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ir4so actually there is no way to run sites with activex on linux, that all i need to know is that right ?01:13
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Alex234Genii: Hi again i did that you said...ran Chkdisk it came up with this Cmd promt doing some stuff...then i tried to resize again...gave same error..01:13
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quaalaShackJack, i believe that a ctrl-alt-bksp fixes it01:13
ir4i ment brwse01:13
quaalabut again, i dont watn to have to do that01:13
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quaalai dont know why it keeps failing like this01:13
mikexstudiosI can't seem to use wildcards in the /etc/hosts file (ie.   *.example.com). Is there another way I can do the same thing?01:13
ir4Shackjack: there is no way ?01:13
quaalaits like a process is using it01:13
GAWildKatthank you?01:13
EldaAny idea on what is supposed to be the mixer? -_-;01:13
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ShackJackquaala: Really restarting X... Hmmm.01:13
Piciir4: You could try using ies4linux, but I'm not sure if that will work.  You definitly can't do it with firefox natively.01:13
quaalaShackJack, do you know how to ps aux any process using sound01:13
Eldaerr the codec01:13
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mcfisherpricei was wondering if someone might help me to enable more desktop resolutions?  i'm maxed out at 1024 x 768 and i'm using a 1377 by 768 display.. i hit enter too quickly during the ubuntu installer and forgot to enable extra modes =[01:14
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ShackJackir4: Yeah you have a way - just have to get 'em to work - ie4linux, wine or the ActiveX for Firefox... one of those has to work...01:14
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ir4Pici: i told you somthing is wrong01:14
ShackJack!sound | quaala (dunno if you seen this troubleshooting guide?)01:14
ubotuquaala (dunno if you seen this troubleshooting guide?): If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:14
ir4could make any of them to work01:14
c-ronJordan09: I'm looking for the info on how you can change that setting..01:14
warwonmake[2] : Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-lowlatency'01:15
warwonmake[2] : *** No rule to make target `driver'.  Stop.01:15
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neuberHello everyone, I don't have sound unless I log on as root. can anyone help me?01:15
quaalaShackJack, thanks01:15
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Jordan09Thanks for helping me01:15
geniiAlex234: When chkdsk finished did it say there were unrecoverable errors or that it had marked the filesystem clean?01:15
chapiumneuber: sounds like you need to add yourself to the sound group01:15
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neuberchapium, i'm already in the root group01:15
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Spanglewhat was the channel i was in again?01:15
warwonthis is the error ndiswrapper is giving me when running make install make[2] : Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-lowlatency'01:16
warwonmake[2] : *** No rule to make target `driver'.  Stop.01:16
Alex234No the thing cmd promt just closed didnt have time to see anything...i then loaded up live-Cd and tried again..same error01:16
ShackJackir4: If you cant's get *any* one of those to work, I'm afraid you've got bigger fish to fry than using a chat with ActiveX control...01:16
jetscreamertry modules01:16
jetscreameror just make01:16
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superman hey guys i have an sd card i want to rename how do i do it?01:17
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Spanglei need help with beryl01:17
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ShortCathey guys, finally solved my problem01:17
skyfalcon866how can i create a swap inside an ext3 partition?01:17
ShackJack!beryl | Spangle01:17
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neuberchapium, do you have any other ideas?01:17
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ubotuSpangle: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects01:17
ShortCatskyfalcon, choose swap from the options01:18
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.01:18
CompIsMyRxSpangle: give it a bit01:18
geniiAlex234: Then I suspect it did not really execute01:18
ShackJackSpangle: :) Check out #ubuntu-effects or #beryl   (bots a little slow)01:18
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Oval_!xfce | Oval_01:18
SpangleShackJack, thanks01:18
kitcheskyfalcon866: you make a file let say 512.swap if it's 512MB's file01:18
Spanglecouldn't remember the channel name01:18
Alex234Did you say it had to do it during bootup?01:18
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geniiAlex234: 1 moment, I will look up the exact command to force it check on the active drive01:18
EldaCan someone please help me ID my sound codec? :>01:18
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kitche!swap | skyfalcon866 this tells you how to make a swap file if you want to use a file isntead of a partition01:18
ubotuskyfalcon866 this tells you how to make a swap file if you want to use a file isntead of a partition: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info01:18
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neuberCan anyone help me? I only have sound when i'm logged in as root01:18
Alex234ok thanks01:18
ShortCathmm i have a little question according the livecd01:18
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ShortCatdoes it install anything on the hard disk?01:19
PiciShortCat: No.01:19
supermanhey guys i have an sd card i want to rename how do i do it?01:19
astro76ir4, ShackJack, I'm fairly certain activex for firefox is windows only01:19
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kitcheShortCat: unless you tell it to :)01:19
PiciShortCat: Unless you use the Install icon on the desktop, obviously.01:19
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chapiumneuber: thats all i've got.  I'd check to see if you specifically have "Use audio devices" checked in you user privileges.  I dont know if giving yourself root automatically gives you audio01:19
ShackJackastro76: Is it? O.k. was just doing a quick google on it :)01:19
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Optimus55anyone else have problems with volume control?01:19
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EldaOr whatever it is I need to input01:19
warwonno one can help with this error?01:19
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neuberchapium, for some reason nothing is checked for me and root01:19
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:20
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CheeseGardenerI feel so bad... I wasn't even gone for 10 minutes :( lol.  I was looking up information on "gl desktop".  my friend said I should install it.  I enabled desktop effects, where do I install "gl desktop" from?  I searched synaptics but nothing in specific is named "gl desktop".01:20
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geniiAlex234: try:    chkdsk c: /Y /X                            if you have c: d: e:     and so on repeat with each drive letter01:20
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LadyNikonthats an enter key?01:20
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LadyNikonlooks normal too me01:20
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chapiumCheeseGardener: beryl01:20
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PiciCheeseGardener: beryl, #ubuntu-effects for support on that01:21
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CheeseGardenerit is called beryl?  I thought it was called GL desktop?01:21
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Alex234ok will, in a minute seems like i found another way of doing this on bootup will return when im done01:21
warwonmake[2] : Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-lowlatency'01:21
warwonmake[2] : *** No rule to make target `driver'.  Stop.01:21
CheeseGardenerI'll go there though.  Thanks.01:21
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nj786i am having trouble playing videos online, they do not work sometimes they take me to movie player why is that?01:22
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AcidMaX_If any of the ubuntu dev guys are in here....BRAVO01:23
AcidMaX_one of the best distros available if not the best01:23
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kitche!best | AcidMaX_01:23
ubotuAcidMaX_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.01:23
meltechsomebody can help me?01:23
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AcidMaX_kitche: as far as distros its the best imho :)01:23
Pici!somebody | meltech01:24
ubotumeltech: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:24
AcidMaX_but you know what those are like01:24
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:24
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kitcheAcidMaX_: best depends on your need I find all distros are best depending on what you want to do01:24
greywhindhey - i'm trying to install Ubuntu Feisty on a Dell Latitude D630, and the Live CD shows no ethernet or wireless devices in ifconfig. any suggestions?01:24
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nikini just installed proftpd and configured it with gproftpd, on localhost connecting is fine, but when i try to login from the local network or from the interet it fails. the lat message is "...PASV"01:25
AcidMaX_kitche: point taken, i just think in general its #1, for easy of use, documentation etc01:25
AcidMaX_but sure there are different operating systems that are better at different tasks01:25
AcidMaX_anyhow, was just a way to pat the ubuntu guys on the back01:25
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studeringaaronwhich one is easiest?01:25
AcidMaX_not a way to start an os war01:25
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CompIsMyRx!distro | studeringaaron01:25
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about distro - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:26
studeringaaronoh no I was just wondering what you guys were talking about cause I just came in in the middle01:26
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:26
kitcheAcidMaX_: well almost none of them are even in this channel think I have only seen one person in here and it was mneptok01:26
AcidMaX_kitche: ah ok01:26
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CompIsMyRx!best | studeringaaron01:26
ubotustuderingaaron: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.01:26
rocketsAnybody know if bmpx has ipod support01:27
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studeringaaronI agree ubotu01:27
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nikini just installed proftpd and configured it with gproftpd, on localhost connecting is fine, but when i try to login from the local network or from the internet it fails. the last message is "...PASV"01:27
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Picistuderingaaron: ubotu is a bot, if you werent already aware ;)01:27
studeringaaronlol no i wasnt01:27
sexcopte1hi, having trouble with network settings. i have two NICs, eth0 free and eth1 connected to router. i want eth1 to take a static ip. what is this roaming mode? It seems to be interfering and i can't find a combination of settings that gives me a static ip on eth1 and uses it01:27
kitchenikin: you need to setup client to use passive mode most likely01:27
studeringaarontalking to myself then huh01:27
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CompIsMyRx!thanks | studeringaaron01:28
ubotustuderingaaron: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:28
nikinkitche: can i set up the server to use active mode? couse most clients i have dont know a word about the inners of FTP01:28
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greywhindhey - i'm trying to install Ubuntu Feisty on a Dell Latitude D630, and the Live CD shows no ethernet or wireless devices in ifconfig. any suggestions?01:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about activex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:29
Cam0how can you find out what chipset your mobo uses?01:29
CompIsMyRxrockets: it looks like it does through a plugin01:29
ir4!active X01:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about active x - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:29
rocketsCompIsMyRx, Yeah I can't seem to find it though01:29
kitchenikin: maybe I didn't dig to deep into proftpd configuration sicne I installed it once then uninstalled it to use vsftpd01:29
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:30
ir4goodnight all01:30
nikinkitche: i ame open for other FTP server, ijust ant an ftp server with goo user management01:30
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ir4is vmware is a freeware ?01:30
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers01:30
geniiAlex234: Getting any further yet?01:30
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Prowler_1hello, after going throw  aticonfig, all left to do is restartX ?01:30
nj786when i play videos online form websites i have to stream them from movie player why is that?01:30
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rocketsir4, use canonical's commercial repository to install vmware-server, or install virtual box/xen01:31
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Prowler_1after configuring  "aticonfig", restartX ??01:31
ahmedhow to reduce router noise and attenuation ?01:31
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greywhindProwler_1: startx01:31
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coopsterI'm using Ubuntu with Xen, and I have the Xen 2.6.19-4-generic kernel installed.  My problem is that I need the 2.6.19-4-generic kernel restricted modules and image package, but it's been taken out of the Feisty repository,  How do I get it?01:31
Prowler_1greywhind: but i'm on x01:32
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ubotuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy01:32
electric_penguinwow nice crowd... have a question about LAMP on Ubuntu server...01:32
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:32
nj786when i play videos online form websites i have to stream them from movie player why is that?01:32
Cam0Jordan09: type in the terminal: lspci    ...what's on the first couple of lines?01:32
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c-r0nJordan09: type in the terminal: lspci    ...what's on the first couple of lines?01:33
CompIsMyRxrockets: I think it might support gtkpod, but then I don't really know (really hard to find out)01:33
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rocketsCompIsMyRx, yeah i see nothing on the website/wiki/faq01:33
intelikey                 nvidia "works not for me"01:33
rocketsOh well, rhythmbox it is for now01:33
Sparkmanwhat country is this?01:33
greywhindi'm trying to install Ubuntu Feisty on a Dell Latitude D630, and the Live CD shows no ethernet or wireless devices in ifconfig. lspci shows an unidentified wireless device, but no ethernet device. any suggestions?01:33
chapiumintelikey: are you using nvidia's drivers?01:33
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intelikeychapium http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?dl=3863301:34
fougwhere is the X86config file?01:34
rocketsgreywhind, ifconfig -a shows no devices?01:34
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intelikeychapium more like i'm trying too01:34
electric_penguinanyone get LAMP running out of the box on ubu server 7.04 install?01:34
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gimpiiSparkman: freenode is a mixture of servers from around the world01:34
Picifoug: /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:34
kitchefoug: /etc/X11/xorg.conf ubuntu does not use Xfree8601:34
chapiumintelikey: install kernel headers01:34
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intelikeychapium installed already01:35
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dickm35Geez what group. I came in through launchpad01:35
greywhindrockets: only lo.01:35
Jordan09It's quite a huge list01:35
intelikeychapium you do mean linux-headers*  right ?01:35
CompIsMyRxrockets: Amarok looks like BMPx more than Rhythmbox IMHO. Also, Banshee has good iPod support01:35
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chapiumintelikey: yes01:35
rocketsI don't like Amarok01:36
Jordan09I'm not on the PC in question so I can't copy paste do you want me to type it out manually01:36
yapclosuserhas anyone gotten network-manager to work with PPTP VPN on feisty?01:36
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rocketsI like the more itunes-ish style of rhythmbox01:36
chapiumintelikey: its important that they match your kernel version i think (i havent fussed with it in a while)01:36
rocketsIf I wanted to use Amarok under gnome I'd just use Exaile01:36
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intelikeychapium they do01:36
rocketsExaile = Amarok + GTK basically01:36
fougPici: kitche: well, i just bought this new mointor and it wants me to run X86Config01:36
yapclosuserif not, I'm filing a bug01:36
greywhindrockets: that's what I use. but anyway - any suggestions?01:36
intelikeychapium the bottom line of that pactebin says the module built successfully01:37
Jordan09Host bridge:..., PCI bridge:..., USB controller:...,01:37
fougthe monitor works but the color seems kind of crappy. It came with a disc but it won't install properly through wine01:37
Jordan09Do you want all the USB stuff?01:37
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c-r0nJordan09: just those 301:37
greywhindi've looked for specifics about what type of ethernet card the laptop has, but Dell's site doesn't say.01:37
Picifoug: do a `sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg`01:37
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Jordan09Ok, may take a while bare with me01:38
c-r0nJordan09: /msg me with it,01:38
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intelikeyanyone good with kernel stuff want to look here  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?dl=38633  ?01:38
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greywhindseems like someone else found this automatically: Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5755M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 02)01:39
greywhindbut i'm not sure i have the same one, since theirs worked out of the box01:39
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kitchegreywhind: broadcom carsd are hit and miss anyways01:40
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greywhindkitche: but it's ethernet, not wireless...01:40
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nj786when i play videos online form websites i have to stream them from movie player why is that?01:41
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greywhindkitche: i've managed to set up my wireless Broadcom card on the computer I'm currently talking on. but I've never had trouble with an ethernet card...01:41
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spy80usany know why i get a:  ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host error01:42
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foughow can i open xorg.conf without using terminal?01:42
jmghey all01:42
fougand edit it01:42
jmgwhen did mdadm get removed from casper? and why?01:43
chapiumfoug: sudo gedit01:43
jmgfoug: gksudo gedit01:43
jribfoug: alt-f2  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:43
jmgchapium: not sudo01:43
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fougjrib: you da man, forgot about alt+f401:43
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intelikey                 nvidia ??? http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?dl=38633    experts ?01:43
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intelikeyprofessionals ?01:44
acetoxyHm, is there an Ubuntu package with sstrip somewhere?01:44
intelikeyordenary help even  ???01:44
chapiumintelikey: #nvidia01:44
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acetoxyOr do I have to compile it myself?01:44
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greywhindi'm trying to install Ubuntu Feisty on a Dell Latitude D630, and the Live CD shows no ethernet or wireless devices in ifconfig. lspci shows an unidentified wireless device, but no ethernet device. any suggestions?01:44
intelikeychapium ok i'll try there.01:44
rya1Would anyone be so kind as to help me get my remote working through LIRC?01:44
jmghi all, how can i start and mount my raid from the livecd?01:44
Piciacetoxy: What is sstrip?01:44
jrib!find sstrip | acetoxy01:45
ubotuacetoxy: File sstrip found in samhain01:45
chapiumintelikey: actually thats for the open version01:45
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jribacetoxy: that's probably not what you want01:46
intelikeychapium hmmm ok.  ;/01:46
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ShackJack!wireless | greywhind (there's a good troubleshooting guide here)01:46
ubotugreywhind (there's a good troubleshooting guide here): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:46
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tupagreywhind is any interface listed in ifconfig -a ?01:46
fougPici: after doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg i selected the wrong resolution, editing xorg.conf doesn't fix the problem and when i open terminal it's just a white screen.01:46
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fougis there a system restore in linux?01:46
acetoxyPici: It strips ELF binaries01:46
greywhindShackJack: thanks, but i'd rather have ethernet than wireless right now. and only lo is listed there.01:46
greywhindtupa: only lo01:46
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tupagreywhind, did you used -a argument?01:47
Picifoug: run it from a vtty, ctrl-alt-f101:47
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greywhindtupa: yes.01:47
studeringaaronis the ethernet problem common?01:47
intelikeyfong not unless you count clearing your home...01:47
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greywhindstuderingaaron: never seen ethernet fail to get detected before.01:47
acetoxyjrib: Nopes, that's not the one01:47
tupagreywhind, ok, probably you don't have the appropriate drivers01:47
ShackJackstuderingaaron: Nope ;)01:48
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studeringaarongreywind thats why i was asking I have never had a problem with my onboard ethernet01:48
greywhindtupa: well, it's a Live CD, so would it have to be installed to get the correct drivers?01:48
tupagreywhind do you see your ethernet card listed in lspci|grep net01:48
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studeringaaronwell it does fail to find it at first but I just manualy enter the ip addresses and such then its fine01:48
w30foug, yes but only if you have a Dell E1505n :=)01:49
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greywhindtupa: it has what seems to be the wireless card listed as "Intel corporation unknown device 4229 (rev 61)", but i don't see anything that could be the ethernet card01:50
CoasterMasterw30: i got the suspend to work properly now01:50
intelikey           i wish my nvidia card was supported01:50
tupagreywhind, you sure the ethernet is integrated? (eg, not a PCMCIA card)01:50
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c-r0nJordan09: okay i got it01:50
w30CoasterMaster, thats two of us then. :=)01:50
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CompIsMyRxintelikey: supported by what?01:51
CoasterMasterW30: I ended up installing the restricted fglrx driver for my video card and using XGL and it just started working....small wonders :)01:51
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=== Nikki needs help installing wolfenstein - a ".run" file
intelikeyCompIsMyRx linux or nvidia either one....01:51
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greywhindtupa: there seems to be a switch, but i believe it's for wireless, not ethernet. (note: this isn't my computer, and it's only a week old or so) the switch was on at boot.01:52
w30CoasterMaster, what's the fglrx driver? A Radeon card driver?01:52
stdinNikki: you need to run it like "sh wolfenstein.run"01:52
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Nikkistdin in terminal?01:52
Ominouswhere can i get a codec for the files that media center creates for ubuntu?01:52
stdinNikki: yes01:53
CoasterMasterw30: yeah, ATI driver01:53
CompIsMyRxintelikey: the nvidia drivers for linux support every card I know of, even my nvidia 8600gt01:53
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greywhindtupa: actually, that looks like a bluetooth switch...01:53
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w30CoasterMaster, yeah that would help if you were trying the nvidia drivers you were fusckfored01:54
astro76!w32codecs | Ominous probably included in w32codecs01:54
ubotuOminous probably included in w32codecs: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs01:54
intelikeyCompIsMyRx when you say support do you mean will do vga 640x480  or will get the hardware to do what it was designed to do ???01:54
Nikkistdin: it says Verifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: e423e4b6c40c8a1428dc192650163abd is different from b8b59bc515d86cc845fb52f5d2c1442301:54
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intelikeyCompIsMyRx and which driver are you refering to ?01:54
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fougPici: that didn't fix it01:54
CoasterMasterw30: yeah, but everything works now (also fixed a problem I was having with blur effects crashing compiz), so all is well01:54
CompIsMyRxintelikey: the 100.14.11 driver on the nvidia website01:55
stdinNikki: it may be a bad/incomplete download, try re-downloading01:55
fougPici: is there a system restore or something so i can go back to my settings 10 minutes ago?01:55
Nikkistdin laame01:55
c-r0nJordan09: you'll need to reboot, hit delete to enter cmos setup, find legacy usb options and en/disable01:55
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intelikeyCompIsMyRx i have an riva128 agp card and the nv driver is the only driver that will work with it...  and you know what the nv will do01:55
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stdinNikki: blame your dodgy download01:55
Nikkistdin lol yer01:55
intelikeyCompIsMyRx http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3863301:55
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tupagreywhind, if it's new probably you have the motherboard manual at hand, in the specifications list you can find what ethernet device you are using01:56
Jordan09Is there a console command for reboot?01:56
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kitcheJordan09: shutdown -r now01:56
tupaJordan09, shutdown -r now, or reboot01:56
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Picifoug: Those tools create backups of the xorg.conf files. You should have some extra copies in /etc/X11/ Then just sudo mv it on top of the one that isnt working.01:56
Picifoug: I'm going afk so you'll have to ask the channel if you have any other issues, good luck.01:56
CompIsMyRxintelikey: wow, that's an old card01:57
intelikeyCompIsMyRx it's an old box it's in01:57
greywhindtupa: anything i can do?01:57
CompIsMyRxintelikey: they dont' even list linux drivers for it on the website.01:57
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intelikeyCompIsMyRx "i wish my card was supported"01:58
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CompIsMyRxintelikey: I stand corrected01:58
allorderwhat should I do if a game freeze, is there a command like alt+F4  ?01:58
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tupagreywhind, try: hwinfo|grep thernet01:58
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qweqweqweis it possible to download the DVD of Ubuntu??01:59
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kitcheqweqweqwe: yes01:59
Drascus321I have a question about Firestarter anyone know a about this program?01:59
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intelikeyqweqweqwe not on a 14k dialup modem it's not01:59
RxDxqweqweqwe, sure01:59
qweqweqwekitche, i can only find CD dowload links on the site01:59
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tupagreywhind if that doesn't help, hwinfo|grep net01:59
qweqweqwecan someone please suggest a link (in the states)01:59
greywhindtupa: hwinfo: command not found01:59
RxDxqweqweqwe, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/01:59
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qweqweqweRxDx, ty02:00
fougPici: ok i used one of my old xorg.conf files and it still isn't working02:00
allorderwhat should I do if a game freeze, is there a command like alt+F4  ?02:00
mikebotIf I'm torrenting, which of the following can I do without disrupting my downloading: HIbernate, Suspend, Logout?02:00
tupagreywhind, mmmm, you need the deb package02:00
kitcheqweqweqwe: that's for gutsy though not feisty02:00
greywhindallorder: better. control+alt+f4, log in, ps -A, kill <process id>, ctrl+alt+f702:00
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kitcheRxDx: that's for gutsy though02:00
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qweqweqweoh kitche of course i want the latest02:00
greywhindtupa: i can't get it without any internet access though, can I?02:00
b3tamikePici: alt+F4 works just like in windows02:00
allordergreywhind: tjx02:00
Nikkianyone know of any good games that work in linux?02:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:01
kitcheqweqweqwe: well gutsy isn't the latest it's still in development02:01
RxDxkitche, i know02:01
tupagreywhind, no CD, flash USB neither?02:01
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greywhindNikki: yeah - what type?02:01
Drascus321Niki I like bettle for Wesnoth02:01
b3tamikeerr allorder: alt+f4 works like in windows02:01
qweqweqwekitche, oh gutsy is the next one (so beta)??02:01
greywhindtupa: well, if i have all the dependencies, i can use a flash drive to get it.02:01
Drascus321sorry Battle for wesnoth02:01
Nikkigreywhind fps/mmo02:01
parag0nNikki, any UT's, WoW, Diablo, Doom02:01
stdinkitche: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/feisty/release/02:01
mikebotIf I'm torrenting, which of the following can I do without disrupting my downloading: HIbernate, Suspend, Logout?02:01
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CompIsMyRxNikki: Any game made by iD, Doom3, Quake 4, Upcoming Quake Wars02:01
chapiumNikki: quake302:01
NikkiparagOn but they arent free and are all cedega and stuff02:01
kitchestdin: thnaks but I already know that's more for qweqweqwe02:01
greywhindNikki: Urban Terror (free), Enemy Territory (free)02:01
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parag0nwait, i run some of them under cedega02:02
parag0nnever mind :/02:02
greywhindNikki: Sauerbraten (free)02:02
Nikkiwhats that one02:02
stdinkitche: that's for feisty02:02
CompIsMyRxNikki: Warsow (free and fun)02:02
tupagreywhind libc6 (>= 2.5-0ubuntu1), libhd13 libdbus-1-3 (>= 0.94), libhal1 (>= 0.5)02:02
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greywhindNikki: Tremulous (free)02:02
kitchestdin: as I said I know tell qweqweqwe not me02:02
CompIsMyRxNikki: Nexuiz02:02
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greywhindtupa: can you remind me how to check if i have those?02:02
NikkiOK i get it.. whats the best like.. 2?02:02
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Nikkione with loits of online players02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:03
tupagreywhind, you can use synaptic, will be faster02:03
greywhindtupa: ah - of course.02:03
Naz_What goes in the /srv directory02:03
intelikeyok if the verdict is that my nvidia card is simply not supported at all i'll accept that and move on.        are we all agreed that riva128 agp   is not supported ???02:03
w30Nikki, the repo is full of them Torcs, pinball, Neverball, Neverput, Planet Penguin  Racer, Supertux, Trigger02:03
eyequeuegreywhind, dpkg -l libc6, for example.  that is a "dash ell" there, and run it as user, not sudo or root, then you can't break anything02:03
w30Nikki, put games in Synaptic search box02:04
Nikkiw30 they all sound gay.. i want like.. good ones if they exist02:04
CompIsMyRx!ot | Nikki02:04
ubotuNikki: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:04
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stdinNaz_: from wikipedia: "/srv  Site-specific data which is served by the system."02:04
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mikebotIf I'm torrenting, which of the following can I do without disrupting my downloading: HIbernate, Suspend, Logout?02:04
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CompIsMyRxmikebot: hibernate and suspend will stop downloading becuse the computer is technically "off"02:04
ShackJackintelikey: do you mead supporting #D acceleration or just in general?02:04
intelikeymikebot none of the above02:04
stdinmikebot: logout will stop all your apps too02:04
mikebotCompIsMyRx: WHat about logging out?02:04
w30Nikki, you won't find Madden's football and Copyrighted games like that.02:05
mikebotAH OK02:05
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CoasterMastermikebot: 'switch user' might do the trick02:05
fougok i have no idea how to change my resolution, editing xorg.conf isn't working anymore02:05
mikebotHow can I set what my computer does when I close the screen?02:05
mikebotBasically I don't want to waste battery, but I want to torrent02:05
ShackJackmikebot: Prefs-> Power Settings..02:05
intelikeyShackJack i mean any acceleration  any real use to the hardware02:05
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w30Nikki, Americas Army is availale for Linux02:05
CompIsMyRxmikebot: well if you are running a Command Line client, Logoff won't stop downloading.02:05
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Yonois firefox prefs.js created by default?02:05
stdinmikebot: the screen should turn off when you close the lid anyway02:06
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ShackJackintelikey: O.K. cause obviously the nv driver works for it... I don't knwo if nvidia glx legacy supports that (I though it did ;)02:06
mikebotCompIsMyRx: I'm using Transmission02:06
greywhindtupo: ok... i think i have all dependencies02:06
intelikeyShackJack the vga vesa and nv drivers all work with it yes none of which are actual support02:06
fougPici: any idea how i can change my reso? nothing is working02:06
CompIsMyRxNikki: now that you have some ideas, go to #ubuntu-offtopic for preferences on Linux games and such (kinda off topic for here)02:06
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intelikeyShackJack why do you say "obviously the nv driver works for it"  ?02:06
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eyequeuemikebot, is that an ubuntu package?02:06
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mikeboteyequeue: I believe so.02:07
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intelikeyShackJack what makes you so sure about  nv  ?02:07
Naz_Would you put things such as html files and subversion repositories in the /srv directory?02:07
CompIsMyRxmikebot: that one will stop on Logoff.02:07
ShackJackintelikey: Oh, well cause it supports about every Nvidia card (just not 3d).... Is that a TNT chipset?02:07
stdinNaz_: probably not02:07
mikebotCompIsMyRx: Is there a command line torrent manager?02:07
fougPici: doing that command you told me to do messed it all up02:07
eyequeuemikebot, do you know what the package name is?02:07
intelikeyShackJack but about every doesn't necessarly mean mine     but yes nv will work as will vesa and vga02:08
CompIsMyRxmikebot: rtorrent. Takes a bit of getting used to02:08
ShackJackintelikey: ...and in description for driver... This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further description) provides support for NVIDIA Riva, TNT, GeForce, and Quadro cards ;)02:08
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mikeboteyequeue: I think just transmissio.. it may not be in the package manager02:08
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ladydoormikebot: rtorrent, bittorrent, bittornado...02:08
Naz_ANyway, is it wrong/not right to create a top level directory?02:08
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=== IanLiu [n=ian@201-95-127-90.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuemikebot, i was trying to look up dependencies. to see if would shut down when your gui shut down, etc02:08
mikeboteyequeue: Ah, I'm not sure02:08
stdinNaz_: you can, nothing wrong with it02:09
=== dem0n [n=dem0n@c-67-167-176-186.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eppI want to use the X shaped cursor, where can i find it?02:09
intelikeyShackJack yeah but there is a differance in riva and riva agp   so that still could fail02:09
eyequeuemikebot, *if* it depends on gui libs, usually that means it will not survive a logout02:09
mikeboteyequeue: but then rtorrent will survive a log out?02:09
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mikeboteyequeue: And does a logout even require less power?02:09
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dem0nhello can some one help me remove ehcp02:10
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ShackJackintelikey: I suppose it could...  Black screen but still hear sound, could be indicitive of refresh/resolution not jibing with LCD monitor....02:10
fougi'm having trouble changing my resolution. Editing it through xorg.conf doesn't work, my resolution is fine at the log in screen but after i log in it changes. Anyone want to help?02:10
Naz_Thanks stdin.02:10
=== kristof_ [n=kristof@d54C2BEEB.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuemikebot, let me show you a command i just typed, what i learned from it, and then you can do similar there ... and yes, it is good news :)02:11
dem0nfoug come channel hbc02:11
intelikeyShackJack heh  at any rate    nv is little more than a tweeked vesa driver02:11
greywhindtupo: i've never installed .debs before - is it just deb <file>?02:11
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eppI want to use the X shaped cursor, where can i find it?02:11
mikeboteyequeue: OK cool02:11
ShackJackintelikey: Yep - time for a newer card - they're cheap now ;)02:11
stdin!deb | greywhind02:11
ubotugreywhind: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)02:11
=== teiwaz_idle [n=no@c-69-255-146-81.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
IanLiuHello. My CD-ROM won't stop reading the CD. Why is that? Somebody told me to check the repository list for the CD-ROM driver, but I didn't find any...02:11
eyequeuemikebot, "apt-cache show rtorrent | less"  (then q to quit that when done scrolling around in the output)02:11
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greywhindstdin: thanks02:11
teiwaz_idlegreetings all02:11
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intelikeyShackJack i buy all my hardware at $0.00 or less02:12
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teiwaz_idleanyone know how to enable an account with a null password?02:12
kitcheIanLiu: remove apt-cdrom from your sources.list02:12
eyequeuemikebot, the "ideal for to use with screen" tells me that it will do what you need, and a gui is not needed02:12
teiwaz_idleI've tried automatic login, and it's not working02:12
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dem0nfoug come channel hbc02:12
dem0nfoug come channel hbc02:12
mikeboteyequeue: Perfect, I'm going to use this then02:12
kitche!repeat | dem0n02:12
ubotudem0n: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:12
mikeboteyequeue: Thanks a lot.02:12
fougdem0n: why? can't help me in here?02:12
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IanLiukitche: Can you remember me where is the source list ?02:12
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dem0nbecause im not readking over mass spam02:13
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eyequeuemikebot, i fugyre if i show you how i got the answer, then you can do similar with any other package you are interested in02:13
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eyequeuemikebot, i figure02:13
adromedais there any alternitive driver for ati cards other than the flgrz, or whatever it is?02:13
mikeboteyequeue: yeah, you were correct.02:13
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=== j2daosh [i=j2daosh@71-82-117-107.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
adromedawhen I install mine, freaky things happen02:13
stdinadromeda: only the "ati" and "radion" ones02:13
IndyGunFreakIanLiu: where your source list on your hard drive?.,... /etc/apt/sources.list02:13
adromedaI have a Radeon X1650 AGP02:14
mikeboteyequeue: WEll I have to go, but thanks a lot for your help.02:14
j2daoshhello all. This may be alittle advanced for this room, but can someone tell me how one would go about modifying packet headers?02:14
eyequeuemikebot, the Depends: (libs go here) line is the actual line with the dependencies, but the Description:paragraph at the end is always good too :)02:14
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teiwaz_idleadromeda, I've actually had better luck with the non-ati drivers on my box, even for my radeon card02:14
teiwaz_idlewhat'cha trying to do, j2?02:14
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j2daoshI have been googling this topic, but i cant exactly find a "how-to"..02:14
adromedayes, and what are those (PLz tell me.... lol)02:14
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j2daoshwell i was recently told by a coworker of an attack called a reflection attack.02:15
eppanyone know how i can use the X shaped cursor in GNOME?02:15
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@adsl-67-64-158-90.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
IanLiukitche: There is no apt-cdrom in my source list...02:15
adromedaI want harware acceleration02:15
bruenigepp, gnome-look.org02:15
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teiwaz_idleWell, I was having troulbe getting beryl working, but the minute that I disabled the restricted ati drivers (and rebooted) it started working02:15
greywhindtupa: hwinfo shows only lo.02:15
eppbruenig, what would it be called02:15
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pchildsanybody know of any workarounds for compiz fusion which seems to take drop down menus completely away from certain applications such as gedit, etc? I thought I had everything working fine then I noticed no drop down menus period.02:15
bloohas anyone here installed ubuntu on a powerbook g4, 12" or otherwise?02:15
adromedaya, but u still don't have hardware acceleration...02:15
bruenigepp, gees, can't do everything02:16
j2daoshhe said there really isn't any way to stop said attack if someone was to actually come at my system with that attack other then turning off my system for x amount of time till it stops02:16
=== teiwaz_idle shrugs
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teiwaz_idleit runs beryl and all of my roms, which is all I need02:16
eppbruenig, i have looked before, there is none02:16
j2daoshi am trying to understand how this is done so as i can stop something like that from happening to me02:16
teiwaz_idlegive it a try, or don't, I was just letting you know what I saw02:16
eyequeuej2daosh, basically whatever app creates the packets ... your googling would probably include TCP/IP if that's the type of packets, but #ubuntu-offtopic is perhaps better for this type of question02:16
teiwaz_idleno one for how to enable a null password for an account?02:16
pushpopare you able to install KDE with the ubuntu version?02:16
blooor is there an ubuntu on ppc channel?02:17
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j2daoshthank you02:17
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eyequeuej2daosh, good luck02:17
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adromedateiwaz_idle, W0t r those drivers?02:17
teiwaz_idlebah, one sec, lemme jump onto other box02:18
=== Ominous [n=Ominous@81-179-124-229.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
tupagreywhind, hwinfo fetches all your hardware info, if it is not listed there, net card is not installed, try grepping with different lines, unless you want to create a file and view it with gedit: hwinfo > log02:18
parag0nbloo, tried it, i just got a black & blue striped screen02:18
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Prowler_1problem with aticonfig - after res config - monitor refresh rate to high??02:18
parag0nbut i think thats because it cant install from an external HDD02:18
blooparag0n: it's def wonky with me, but i managed to get wireless up w/ fwcutter, but no sound, and a battery that lasts less than 30 mins now02:18
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parag0nouch :/02:19
Ominoushow do i make two partitions mount on boot?02:19
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bruenig!fstab | Ominous02:19
ubotuOminous: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:19
=== jmg [n=cartel@shinobi.thoughtcrime.org.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Prowler_1ATIConfig problem - after res config - monitor refresh rate to high (out of range)??02:19
jmgguys i cannot access my lvm from the live cd.02:19
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jmgwhats the skinny?02:19
adromedaI'm hungry, what should I do? -lol-02:19
adromedaso many questions, to little answers...02:20
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pushpopis it wise and can you install KDE on ubuntu?02:20
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adromedathat's whay they made Kubuntu... lol02:20
kitchepushpop: yes you can sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop or kde depending if you just want kde02:20
jribpushpop: sure, no problem with it.  You can install as many window managers as you want and the choose which you want to load by pressing "options" and changing your session at the login screen02:20
Prowler_1AtIConfig help..02:20
EADG_ pupeno_ Sure, why not. Easy too.02:20
=== foug [n=foug@cpe-24-28-148-234.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Prowler_1monitor refresh rate to high (out of range)??02:21
ladydoorpushpop: It's just like installing any other window manager or whatever (i.e., it's safe). The big difference is that it pulls in a bunch of KDE/QT-related dependencies02:21
jrib!kde > pushpop (see the private message from ubotu)02:21
pushpopkitche: well i want kde so would I do kde or kubuntu-desktop02:21
bloono other PPC experiences w/ ubuntu huh?02:21
kitchepushpop: kubuntu-desktop will pull in more then kde02:21
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fougmy resolution changes after i log in, does anyone know what the problem could be?02:21
vschmidt_pushpop: Also, very possible to run your favorite KDE aps under gnome.  I run kmail and others myself, so if you are just looking for a few k-apps, no need to install entire desktop02:22
logreevalhow do I make rhythym box not open when i plug in an ipod02:22
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Jordan09How do I stop automatically connecting to a network?02:22
jriblogreeval: system -> preferences -> removable drives and media  maybe02:22
bulmerlogreeval: i assume udev has something got to do with it..02:22
adromedacan someone know of any drivers for ati Radeon cards, other than propierity? (flgz) something02:22
greywhindhttp://rafb.net/p/WJhniP82.html (19 lines)02:22
greywhindtupa: that's what i found02:22
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logreevalthanks jrib and bulmer i will check it out02:22
tupaJordan09 man interfaces, check /etc/network/interfaces02:23
logreevaljrib:  you were on the money02:23
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bulmerJordan09: are you using dhcp?02:23
=== riotkittie [n=tracy@cpe-72-228-34-31.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
adromedaI have a X1650 ati Radeon card, and the restricted drivers DO NOT WORK (WELL), What do I do oh almighty linux gods?02:24
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riotkittiewe go stage a protest in front of ati's hqs :P02:24
Jordan09bulmer, nope. But I've sorted the problem now02:24
bulmerokay cool02:24
adromedaor create our own open source drivers... lol02:24
=== oldmanstan [n=oldmanst@12-207-141-93.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
greywhindadromeda: i have an x1600, and I will never buy ATI again unless they start supporting the Composite extension soon02:25
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adromedalikewise here, BUT iS there an AlTeRnitive?02:25
adromeda(in drivers02:25
greywhindadromeda: not for x165002:26
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jmggod damnit02:26
jmgi cant mount my lvm under the live cd02:26
jasinupdate finished :)02:26
jmgand i really need to02:26
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jmgat least ive got it detecting but the device nodes arent being created02:26
kitcheriotkittie: hmm think you have to protest to amd not sure if ati has a hq anymore02:26
adromedanot anything?, maybe I could use X1600 drivers, isn't there anything other than vesa?02:26
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Jordan09Really newbie question, can I hook up a connection via ethernet between windows and ubuntu and leech the net connection?02:26
jmgwhat am i missing?02:26
bulmerjmg find out which driver the lvm uses and modprobe to load it02:26
greywhindadromeda: it's being worked on though... search for r500 driver on google02:26
greywhindadromeda: there's fglrx, but i thought you knew that02:27
adromedathink it may work with meh card/02:27
jasinvideo cards are flaky in linux.02:27
jmgbulmer: i did02:27
jmgit's loaded, otherwise it would not detect, but the device nodes arent there02:27
bulmerjmg you did what?02:27
dem0n!apache config02:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apache config - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:27
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greywhindadromeda: System->Administration->Restricted Manager02:27
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bulmeroh..okay..then chroot to / and see if its still loaded, then mount the lvm maybe?02:28
jmgbulmer: modprobe dm-mod and md02:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apace - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apach - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:28
adromedaya I know, but I was hoping someone would come up with, "ya, theres another drivers it's the Ubor underground driver for ur X1650 card lol02:28
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dem0ndang it02:28
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:28
riotkittiekitche: oh. well. as long as there's been on hand, i dont care where i'm protesting :P02:28
=== Cthulhu [n=ren@cpc1-blac1-0-0-cust84.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!msgthebot | dem0n02:28
ubotudem0n: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about httpd.conf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:28
jasinati has a binary02:28
bruenig!msgthebot | bloo02:28
ubotubloo: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:28
jmgbulmer: and apt-get install mdadm and dmsetup02:28
adam__can you get itunes for linux? if not does anyone know how to config ipod ?02:29
riotkittieugh. i miss my dapper install. :|  i should fire my laptop up.02:29
greywhindtupa: did you look at my pasted info?02:29
CoasterMasteradam__: I use rhythmbox for my iPod management02:29
bruenig!ipod | adam__02:29
ubotuadam__: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod02:29
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tupaadam__ configure it for what02:29
ahr  !botsnack02:29
Ominoushmm i edited fstab but the drives didnt mount02:29
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:29
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bruenigOminous, you did it incorrectly02:29
adam__THANK YOU02:29
riotkittiestop feeding the bot. you'll make it fat.02:29
CoasterMasterha rockbox is wonderful02:29
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adromedajasin: and dead languages XD latin02:30
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jasinXD latin?02:30
tupagreywhind no, this channel is very crowded, type name to get someone's attention02:30
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zerokill88when i run a livecd of backtack two my wireless doesnt work. i believe its becuase it might not support ipw3945 but im not sure.If i take the ipw3945 files i have for ubuntu and copy them over the the folders in backtrack, and modprobe, should that get it to work?02:30
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greywhindtupa: http://rafb.net/p/WJhniP82.html02:30
adromedaveni veni venchi!02:30
=== alastair is now known as Ominous_
chump_hmm i got a question .. is it better reiserfs or ext3 for my home dir ?02:30
Ominous_i added /dev/hda2/media/c_driventfsauto00 and /dev/hdb1/media/d_driventfsauto0002:30
jasinbtw, latin is not dead, but that's off topic.02:30
adromedapernounced weni weni winchi02:30
bruenigzerokill88, not likely, the drivers need to be compiled against the kernel02:31
bruenigzerokill88, you can get the source and compile it if you would like, what is backtack?02:31
adromedantfs-config worked for me02:31
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jasinchump, if you is ussing smaller files go with reiser02:31
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tupagreywhind can you save the full log and send it to me?02:31
zerokill88bruenig ah ok. backtrack is a livecd for just network penetration and other such apps already installed. and theres quite a few02:32
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greywhindtupa: i have the full log. how do you want it?02:32
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bruenigzerokill88, why not just penetrate networks on your regular install?02:32
tupagreywhind, send it through here02:32
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zerokill88bruenig for the fact that it has all the software installed already02:32
greywhindtupa: trying, but i think my firewall will block it.02:32
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jasinthis is the ubuntu chat room not the backtrack chat room02:32
greywhindtupa: i can upload it to my personal webspace...02:33
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tupagreywhind ok, chuy_max@hotmail.com send it as an attached file02:33
bruenigzerokill88, you can't handle installing applications?02:33
Prowler_1aticonfig problem (RefreshRate!) ??02:33
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl835.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
tupagreywhind terrific02:33
jasinhello, where are you people? Pluto?02:33
zerokill88bruenig no thats not it.02:33
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PeloProwler_1,  just saying anyone,  won'T do much for you, if none noticed you the first time around you need to restate your problem02:34
Prowler_1aticonfig problem refreshrate to high02:34
greywhindtupa: http://thor.prohosting.com/whind/stuff/hwinfo.txt02:34
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Prowler_1i just did02:35
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PeloProwler_1,  gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf,    lower   horiz sync02:35
Ominous_what wrong with /dev/hda2       /media/c_drive  ntfs    defaults        0       002:35
Ominous_/dev/hdb1       /media/d_drive  ntfs    defaults        0       0 as entrys into fstab02:35
drzinhow do I install jackd02:35
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zerokill88bruenig why would i install so many apps and so much memory when its already on a livecd02:35
Pelodrzin,  check in synaptic to see if there is a package02:35
crimsundrzin: udo aptitude install jackd02:35
=== KevinTW [n=gusty3@221-169-13-105.adsl.static.seed.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
tupagreywhind, back in a moment, I hope the log doesn't freezes my PC (10000+ lines)02:35
greywhindtupa: heh. thanks.02:35
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drzinwhere do i find synaptic02:36
Alex234Can anyone help me? i cant get Gparted to resize my C partition so i can install Ubuntu..02:36
bruenigzerokill88, apps don't require memory unless they are being run, using the live cd will take up far more memory than would installing the apps and running them on the install02:36
jasinediting xorg.conf can mess up your system bad02:36
astro76!synaptic | drzin02:36
ubotudrzin: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto02:36
dem0nalt f2 type synaptic02:36
Pelodrzin,  menu > sytem > admin > synaptic package manager02:36
jasinbe sure you backup xorg.conf02:36
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tupaubuntu's ??02:36
tupasure 8-)02:36
Pelojasin,  when you edit with gedit or nano a backup is made automaticaly02:37
zerokill88bruenig i mean on the hd02:37
Ominous_anyone ^^02:37
jasinPelo, yes but its always a good idea to back it up manually as well.02:37
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bruenigzerokill88, oh you mean diskspace? well if you haven't 20 mb to spare, then I guess it is a good idea02:37
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bruenigthat you were able to store the live cd iso indicates that you likely do02:38
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IradigalescHello! Someone in ubuntu-es are asking me why the unsplash screen dosn't apperes him when he halt his computer; can anyone help me answering him?02:38
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Alex234Can anyone help me? i cant get Gparted to work...it wont resize my partition so i can instann ubuntu02:38
bruenig!repeat | Alex23402:38
ubotuAlex234: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:38
Prowler_1Pelo: no horizontal synk value in xorg.con ?02:38
Tom47Alex234: check this and see if it helps http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/resize/resizing.htm02:38
jasinNo one likes being stuck at the terminal if they did they would not be on ubuntu.02:38
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zerokill88bruenig theres Much more mb's then 20 on that disc02:39
Alex234ok thanks02:39
=== ice_cream [n=ice_crea@c-66-30-40-249.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeloProwler_1,  HorizSync02:39
bruenigzerokill88, relevant programs take up 20 mb I would bet, the rest of the disk is DE, kernel, etc02:39
PeloProwler_1,  and it is xorg.conf02:39
jasinyour h sync and v sync should not be higher then what the max is for your monitor.02:39
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ice_creamhi; where can put a script to run as root on startup?02:39
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PeloProwler_1,  in Section "Monitor"02:40
jasinI learnt that the hard way.02:40
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Peloice_cream,  /etc/init.d/02:40
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Prowler_1Pelo: no "HorizSync"02:40
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jasincheck the specs with the monitor manufacture do not go off what is in a config file.02:40
zerokill88bruenig http://www.remote-exploit.org/backtrack.html02:40
PeloProwler_1,  are you sure you have the correct file ?02:40
drzin jackstart02:40
drzinjackstart: cannot get realtime capabilities, current capabilities are:02:40
drzin           =ep cap_setpcap-ep02:40
drzin    probably running under a kernel with capabilities disabled,02:40
drzin    a suitable kernel would have printed something like "=eip"02:40
drzinjackstart: md5 checksum for /usr/bin/jackd does not match02:40
Prowler_1Pelo: Monitor"Generic Monitor"02:40
=== CristaoFiel [n=mepergun@201-74-251-29-am.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
jasincheck the specs with the monitor manufacture do not go off what is in a config file.02:41
=== joe [n=joe@82-32-139-199.cable.ubr07.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Prowler_1Pelo:  xorg.conf02:41
=== Nikki [n=raz@c58-107-98-2.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
PeloProwler_1,  a bit further down02:41
astro76!paste | drzin02:41
ubotudrzin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:41
joehey there02:41
bruenigzerokill88, what is that link supposed to tell me?02:41
w30Alex234, I believe Gparted won't resize a ntfs formatted partition02:41
Prowler_1i used srarch nothing found02:41
riotkittiei'm so confused.  i wish all these threads would stop providng conflicting info :|02:41
Nikkiok so i finally got ET working - but there was no sound02:41
astro76w30, it can resize ntfs02:41
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zerokill88bruenig absolutely nothing02:41
Prowler_1Polo: i'll paste my file02:42
bruenigzerokill88, alright thanks02:42
PeloProwler_1,  maybe it is different for ati, check in the forum,  do a search for the exact error msg02:42
Alex234w30: it says it can resize NTFS on the Gparted website. so i suspect it can02:42
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PeloProwler_1,  use the paste bin02:42
=== skyfalcon866 [n=jack@c-24-218-246-100.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tupagreywhind, it looks like the only network interface recognized is a wireless card, do you have any Intel wireless card?02:42
Prowler_1Plolo: its a monitor error not system02:42
w30astro76, ok. Does it need the ntfs file system installed to use it on ntfs?02:42
zerokill88bruenig im full of information like that02:42
skyfalcon866how do i add windoze to grub?02:42
ice_creamPelo, will my script run in the background, or just once?02:42
greywhindtupa: i believe it's an Intel 394502:42
Peloice_cream, don'T know02:43
CristaoFielbrazilians here???02:43
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bruenigwe have had a lot of ipw3945 problems lately02:43
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tupagreywhind, isn't it a Intel PRO/Wireless 4965AGN ?02:43
Alex234w30: no idea im completely new to this, just want to get Ubuntu installed thats all...02:43
Peloice_cream,  I'm not overly familiar with that stuff02:43
=== MannyZ [n=MannyZ@a80-186-173-217.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Peloice_cream,  I think putting it in init.d will run it as a service02:43
greywhindtupa: hold on a moment02:43
Nikkianyone know how i can get sound working in Wolfenstein ET?02:43
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PeloNikki,  with wine ?  try asking in #winehq02:43
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=== Pelo waves hello to MannyZ
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ice_creamPelo, ok, thx, i'll test some more... i wish i could also possibly have it start after my WM02:44
astro76w30, not at all02:44
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Nikkipelo, no im using a linux client02:44
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MannyZdamn.. i cant remember.. i found once a good piece of code for enabling sounds for ET..02:44
bruenigice_cream, putting it in /etc/init.d won't do anything inherently, you would have to link it to one of the /etc/rc# directories, also you would need to make sure it were a legitimate daemon that can handle start, stop, and restart parameters02:44
w30astro76, ok, thanks for that info02:44
Peloice_cream,  when starting an app using sessions you can change the priority so it starts a bit later or earlier, check it out02:44
astro76Alex234, what's the problem?02:45
MannyZi'm kind of new to Linux02:45
greywhindtupa: you're right - it's a 496502:45
nj786i was wondering if we can make our desktop look like this in gnome02:45
Prowler_1Polo: http://paste.debian.net/3387802:45
brueniggreywhind, 4965 is ndiswrapper area if you can get that to work02:45
PeloPrognatus,   it'S pElo , not pOlo02:45
Nikkimannyz, yeah me too02:45
MannyZcan someone add me in msn.. and maybe answer in few of my questions :S?02:45
MajorPayneMannyZ: Ask the channel.02:46
Prowler_1Pelo: http://paste.debian.net/33878 :) sry02:46
=== bikeboy [n=mattyv@220-253-3-200.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bruenignj786, that desktop is gnome, therefore yes02:46
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Nikkianyone know how i can get sound working in Wolfenstein ET?02:46
Nikkianyone know how i can get sound working in Wolfenstein ET?02:46
greywhindbruenig: the trouble is getting things installed with no network connection on that computer... for some reason the ethernet isn't recognized02:46
PeloProwler_1,  just makes it hard to keep up when you keep misspelling my nick02:46
greywhindNikki: yes. hold on.02:46
MannyZMajorPayne channel :S?.. im a newby..02:46
astro76MannyZ, install alsa-oss02:46
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astro76MannyZ, sudo apt-get install alsa-oss02:46
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MannyZsudo apt-get intstall alsa-oss?02:46
Prowler_1Pelo: sorry man :)02:46
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Rageagainstthismy computer says cannot mount cdrom when i try apt-cdrom -add.  Is that the correct way to add a cdrom to apt?02:47
MajorPayneMannyZ: You are talking in an IRC channel.02:47
MannyZok.. what is alsa?02:47
astro76MannyZ, sorry Nikki02:47
nj786bruenig: how do you know its gnome? and how can i make it like that?02:47
greywhindNikki: echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss, then echo "et.x86 0 0 disable" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss02:47
PeloProwler_1,   try adding this line after line  92     HorizSync28-6402:47
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:47
bruenignj786, see the top left02:47
tupagreywhind, is your hosting server linux-based?02:48
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greywhindNikki: you have to do that every boot, so put it in your rc.local02:48
greywhindtupa: not sure...02:48
bruenignj786, themes, icons, applets, gdesklets02:48
tupagreywhind http://intellinuxwireless.org/?p=iwlwifi02:48
greywhindtupa: probably02:48
mattyvWhen logging into another linux computer with ssh via gnome-terminal, is it the fonts on the client or the sever that matter? I'm getting a lot of question mark symbols so I think it's a font prob02:48
Nikkigreywhind... whoa.. erm... wanna run me throguh that?02:48
squirrelhi, how do I overcome this error - sh: phpize: not found. ERROR: `phpize' failed02:48
nj786bruenig: ok it is gnome02:48
nj786bruenig: do you have any idea how to make it like that?02:48
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bruenignj786, themes, icons, applets, gdesklets02:49
MannyZgreywhind there is a way that you don't have to set it every time you reboot your computer...02:49
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greywhindNikki: it's easy - alt+f2, gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local, add the two lines there.02:49
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nj786bruenig: i am not following what are you trying to say?02:49
MannyZMajorPayne.. i installed the alsa..?02:49
tupagreywhind there is the driver for your card02:49
bruenignj786, those are the four things you need, go find them02:49
MannyZwhat i do now :S?02:49
squirreli got that error when I was running the this - sudo pecl install pdo02:49
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greywhindtupa: thanks... let me try that for a minute02:50
Prowler_1Pelo: what's the name of the terminal text editor in ubuntu02:50
nj786bruenig: ok do you know what its called like this app?02:50
MajorPayneMannyZ: I wasn't the one who told you to do that.  But try launching your app with aoss in front.02:50
PeloProwler_1,  gedit02:50
skyfalcon866how do i mount a fat32 parttion02:50
Prowler_1Pelo: thanks02:50
bruenignj786, this is just theming with gdesklets, that is all02:50
PeloProwler_1,  gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:50
dem0nskyfalcon866: join hbh02:50
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CoasterMasterwhere can I find more plugins for gnome-panel?02:50
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bruenignj786, you have metacity themes, you have icon themes and you have gdesklets02:50
nj786bruenig: ok i found desklets02:50
PeloCoasterMaster,  check in synaptic  search for panel02:51
dem0nskyfalcon866: type /j #hbh02:51
DDG008hello all, new ubuntu user here... still on xp though right now... downloading the live cd02:51
bruenignj786, you know the answer, now you just do the rest02:51
CoasterMasterPelo: thanks02:51
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PeloDDG008, welcome to the mad house02:51
konamDDG008 welcome :)02:51
DDG008can you use opera with ubuntu...02:51
dem0nskyfalcon866: type /j #hbh in channel window02:51
konamDDG008 yes02:51
DDG008thanks pelo and konam....02:51
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Nikkigreywhind: when i do "echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss02:51
Nikkiecho "et.x86 0 0 disable" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss"02:51
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Nikkiit says permission denied02:51
ice_creambruenig, are you sure it needs to link to only one of the /etc/rc* directories?  Some links seem to appear in multiple folders02:51
DDG008how do java apps run with ubuntu... I am a forex trader and my trading platform depends on java02:51
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PeloCoasterMaster,  there is an  "extra" package and a load of  "singles" ,  some apps you can dl also some with there own pannel applets02:52
greywhindnikki: hold on - i know the solution to that... let me just look it up02:52
dem0nok or i just wont help you02:52
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bruenigice_cream, yes, 2-5 or something like that are identical because debian does it that way for some reason02:52
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PeloDDG008,   the current latest is sun-java.6-jre and all the rest that come with it02:52
nj786bruenig: i understand but how, how do i enable all this to look like that?02:52
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astro76!java | DDG00802:52
ubotuDDG008: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre02:52
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ConstyXIVthe radeons need binary drivers, correct?02:52
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blooNikki: type 'sudo' in front of those echo commands02:52
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Nikkibloo didnt work02:53
bruenignj786, you have to get the themes, and the icon themes, the gdesklets, and customize, we can't hold your hand on every little thing, are you serious02:53
greywhindbloo: i don't think that fixes it... i know the fix, just don't remember it exactly02:53
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Nikkibloo that what i do every time i dont have permisioon.. still said it02:53
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nj786bruenig: ok sorry, gotchya02:53
bruenigthis is not like troubleshooting wireless02:53
greywhindNikki: let me find the fix. i have done it before02:53
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bloogreywhind: gotcha02:53
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:53
DDG008ubotu, you are speaking another language there ...02:53
Nikkigreywhind: no worries02:53
ari_stressgood morning all :)02:53
Prowler_1Pelo: ok addad after line 92 (Option "DPMS") i'll ctrl+alt+backspace ... brb (hope)02:53
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MannyZhow can i add roop permissions?02:54
whoniccacan someone tell me how do i get my default ubuntu volume screen? http://www.zshare.net/image/29468452f11cd4/02:54
MannyZi got no permissions to usr..02:54
greywhindMannyZ: just use sudo02:54
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magsterHi, I am trying to install Ubuntu on PS3. When I download Ubuntu I get 3 choices,  1) Standard personal comp 2) 64bit AMD 3)Sun UltraSPRAC02:55
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MannyZi dont know how to add folders through terminal..02:55
magsterwhich one should i choose?02:55
jribMannyZ: what exactly do you want to do?02:55
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dem0nmannyz come to channel hbh02:55
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blooMannyZ: sudo mkdir yourfolder02:55
bulmerDDG008: you like to take the risk of you doing the install and configurations? you can leverage the ubuntu help desk/support ..not too expensive02:55
PeloProwler_1, best of luck02:55
greywhindMannyZ: alt+f2, gksudo nautilus02:55
MannyZwhat i want to do is to add skins for xmms and cairo clock02:55
ConstyXIVis there somewhere that tells you everything the compiz that ships in feisty does?02:55
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tupamagster, PS3 hasn't any of those CPUs AFAIK, search for a special distro for linux02:55
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jribMannyZ: use the appropriate directories in your HOME, like ~/.xmms/skins (or whatever)02:56
tupamagster special distro for PS3*02:56
=== Eric79 [i=b40b4091@CPE-124-185-219-172.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Music_Shufflemagster, try this article perhaps: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_for_PlayStation_302:56
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Music_ShuffleThe links at the bottom should be of some use.02:56
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blooshot in the dark, anyone know ppc openfirmware / forth?02:56
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-237-189-112.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
MannyZI'm new to linux :S..02:56
DDG008lol bulmer lol02:56
magsterThanks everyone02:56
MannyZi don't know anything :S..02:57
jribMannyZ: do you understand what I said?02:57
chinaski1hello, i use ubuntu feisty and i am tryng to change my screen resolution from 98x96 dots per inch to 100x100 dots per inch. How  to do it?02:57
stdinmagster: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/feisty/release/ that has the one you want02:57
DDG008will the live cd pick up my wireless network?02:57
casper__i try to save files to one of my hdds and it tells me i do not have permission any ideas on how to get permission?02:57
Jack_SparrowDDG008: depends on your wireless card02:57
magicrobotmonkeycan someone explain to me how to set up split windows in irssi?02:58
Jack_Sparrowcasper__: is it ntfs drive02:58
chinaski1hello, i use ubuntu feisty and i am tryng to change my screen resolution from 98x96 dots per inch to 100x100 dots per inch. How  to do it?02:58
chinaski1sorry for the copy'n paste02:58
DDG008is a belkin02:58
jribmagicrobotmonkey: the first hit for "split windows irssi" in google is excellent, but try #irssi too if you want02:58
Nikkigreywhind: you still there?02:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tomcat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:58
greywhindNikki: still looking02:58
magicrobotmonkeythx jrib02:59
ConstyXIVIs "Desktop Effects" in feisty compiz?02:59
greywhindNikki: if i were booted into Ubuntu rather than Mac i would have told you already02:59
Music_ShuffleConstyXIV, yeh.02:59
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stdin!resolution | chinaski102:59
ubotuchinaski1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:59
Nikkigreywhind... lol02:59
WipsHi, which ftp-program is prefered?02:59
casper__yes it is02:59
bloogreywhind: intel mac?02:59
ConstyXIVdoes compiz by chance do anything like expose'?02:59
greywhindbloo: yep :)02:59
bagualashow do I set to the sound goes out mono?02:59
eyequeuemagicrobotmonkey, irssi also has a fairly decent internal /heml system, start with /help window and poke around from there02:59
Jack_SparrowTom47: Did you want info on Tomboy   the otepad02:59
Pelotom47  tomcat is available as a pannel applet,   just right click , add to pannel and pick it from the list02:59
|thunderwhy does 'sudo cat /proc/ide/hdc/settings' no give me realtime info when im burning ?02:59
bulmerWips: myself sftp02:59
greywhindConstyXIV: somewhat, but much better02:59
nils_http://www.dau-alarm.de/pictures/hardware/sonst-020_k.jpg <-- i have a problem03:00
Wipsbulmer: K, why do you like it?03:00
eyequeuemagicrobotmonkey, /help system, that is03:00
ConstyXIVgreywhind: just f12 like on macs?03:00
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PeloTom47,  yeah I meant tomboy as well03:00
varun0when I to a Test in gnome-sound-properties, I can hear sounds from my speakers, but when I play movies I can't hear the sound..........anyone have idea idea how to start debugging?03:00
Eldapuuuuu I still cant get my sound to work03:00
bulmerWips secure file transfer03:00
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jribMannyZ: in nautilus, just go to view -> show hidden files and then go to the ".xmms" folder in /home/YOUR_USERNAME.  Then go to 'Skins' (create it if it doesn't exist) under /home/YOUR_USERNAME/.xmms and drop your skins in the "Skins" folder03:00
CoasterMastergreywind: where is the 'expose' on compiz-fusion?  it's to just my corner, but I can't find the setting to change03:00
greywhindConstyXIV: f12 is dashboard... it doesn't do that.03:00
chinaski1thanks ubotu, grazie ubotu03:00
c-r0ncasper__: you'll need to change the permissions of the folder03:00
Pelovarun0,  which player ?03:00
Nikkiive heard a lot about compiz-fuzion today... is it like a beryl alt or something?03:00
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sirjoebobi am getting the follwing error when trying to start deluge... any ideas?03:00
sirjoebobterminate called after throwing an instance of 'libtorrent::invalid_handle'03:00
sirjoebob  what():  invalid torrent handle used03:00
sirjoebobAborted (core dumped)03:00
Tom47Jack_Sparrow: Pelo ty guys did a google on it ... tomcat is waht i was after03:00
ConstyXIVNikki: fusion IS beryl03:00
greywhindNikki: it's the merge of Beryl + Compiz03:00
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jribNikki: beryl merged back with compiz and now it's compiz fusion03:00
Wipsbulmer: Well, does it have options like.. to save 1 ftp's username and password so you automatically log in on startup?03:00
CoasterMasternikki: compiz-fusion is beryl and compiz fused together03:00
Music_Shuffle!pastebin | sirjoebob03:01
whoniccathis is confusing03:01
casper__i tried that i dont have permission to change permissions03:01
whoniccaso whats quinn03:01
ubotusirjoebob: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:01
Jack_SparrowTom47: Too many Toms... :)03:01
varun0Pelo: mplayer03:01
Nikkidoes this mean that beryl no longer exists? and i should get compiz fusion?03:01
casper__its ntfs does that matter?03:01
bulmerWips: you can always write a script03:01
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Wipsbulmer: mhm..03:01
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jrib!ntfs-3g > casper__ (see the private message from ubotu)03:01
greywhindNikki: you should get compiz fusion.03:01
Wipsbulmer: If I'd known how to03:01
Jack_Sparrowcasper__: You need ntfs-3g to write to ntfs03:01
=== adromeda [n=cameron@cpe-76-190-241-239.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
varun0Pelo: and mplayer doesn't spit out any errors, either03:01
whoniccais compiz fusion pretty stable?03:01
Pelovarun0,   in mplayer ,  rightl click properties,   check in the audio tab  and try dirrerent modules,  you 'll get the right onw03:01
EldaHow exactly does one figure out what sound device they have?03:01
whoniccadoes it work faster than the default compiz?03:01
greywhindwhonicca: it's fairly stable, in my experience. don't know about faster.03:02
PeloElda,  trial and error ?03:02
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whoniccagreywhind, do u kno whats quinn?03:02
=== bradley [n=bradley@CPE-24-208-44-208.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
EldaIm using a P100 st9752 so its integrated into the laptop03:02
casper__gimme a minute ill check this out03:02
stdinElda: "aplay -l" in a terminal, or "lspci | grep Audio"03:02
lhoerstedoes anyone know what an "250 GB EIDE SATA II Hard Drive" is? Is it PATA or SATA?03:02
varun0Pelo: I'm don't have any frontends for mplayer installed, I was just playing from the cli03:02
EldaTrial and error is good, when you know what you are looking for -_-;03:02
adromedahey, I have a big library of flac files, I want to use rythembox to manage my music, but I need the codecs, anyone know of where to get them?03:02
PrognatusPelo, it was Prowler who called you Polo, not me. :D03:02
sirjoebobany idea why i would get "Aborted (core dumped)" when trying to launch deluge?03:03
Pelovarun0,  the lovely ppl in #mplayer will be able to help you better then03:03
Nikkiis compiz-fusion "compiz-0.4.0.tar.gz"?03:03
EldaIts conexant?03:03
varun0Pelo: ok. thanks03:03
whoniccacompiz switches the volume splash screen when using the scroll wheel to change volume, how do u get the default one back?03:03
greywhindNikki: no, it's not in the repository. you have to search the forums - there's a great tutorial there03:03
whoniccahttp://www.zshare.net/image/29468452f11cd4/  <--how do i put back the default gnome one03:03
whoniccai dont like that big square03:03
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PeloPrognatus, well, assume that you've been warned then and that any error on your part in the future will be severely dealt with03:04
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ConstyXIVadromeda: just try to play one and ubuntu will guide you through the rest03:04
PrognatusOk. :D03:04
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Elda**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****, card 0: Intel [HDA Intel] , device, 0: CONEXANT Analog [CONEXANT Analog] ,Subdevices: 0/1,Subdevice #0: subdevice #0, card 0: Intel [HDA Intel] , device 1: Conexant Digital [Conexant Digital] ,Subdevices: 1/1, Subdevice #0: subdevice #0  <--- that is what it gives me03:05
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pr4b1guys, ive got an external disk ext3 format, when i plug it in, it remains in the read only mode.. can anyone help me enable read/write on it plz?03:05
EldaIt is not spaced out, as I dont want to make multiple lines03:05
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PeloElda,  what problem are you haveing exactly, not the error msg but what you try to do when you get the error msg03:06
jribpr4b1: use chmod/chown on the mounted directory03:06
jrib!permissions > pr4b1 (see the private message from ubotu)03:06
DDG008where can i find screen shots of peoples desktop running ubuntu03:06
EldaI dont get an error message03:06
Pelopr4b1,  change permission , possibly owner03:06
greywhindDDG008: opendesktop.org03:06
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EldaIt just will NOT work under ANY condition.  I've tried the fixes listed in the forum.  But no dice03:06
pr4b1jrib: can u kindly give me the complete command plz? its at /dev/sdb103:06
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varun0Pelo: you're not going to believe this. Rebooting fixed it :-S03:06
greywhindfound it, nikki03:07
jribpr4b1: it depends on what you want.  Read over the page ubotu linked you to first.  If it's still not clear, just ask again and I'll help you out03:07
=== hvgotcodes [n=mharris@c-69-143-177-15.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
varun0that's like a Windows solution03:07
greywhindNikki: sudo sh -c 'echo "et.x86 0 0 disable" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm1c/oss'03:07
EldaI'm currently trying a fix, but I do not know what I have to enter for the line where Im supposed to put the codec.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto03:07
=== emulatorOne [n=richard@pool-71-121-91-127.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
greywhindNikki: do that with the other one, too.,03:07
hvgotcodesare the java6doc and src packages broken?03:07
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PeloDDG008,  in linux you can make your desktop anyway you want,  which distro you use doesnT' matter,  you can check the screenshots in  www.gnome-look.org also03:07
Nikkigreywhind, thanks.. do i have to do that in rc.local too?03:07
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Pelovarun0,  it happens even in linux03:07
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pr4b1jrib: ok cheers03:07
greywhindNikki: yep, if it worked03:07
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=== zerokill88 [n=zerokill@adsl-69-108-74-207.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
emulatorOneI am trying to compile GENS on Ubuntu 7.04 and I keep getting this message when I attempt to run the ./configure script - bash: ./configure: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory.03:08
varun0Pelo: craziness :)03:08
greywhindNikki: actually, not sure on that. might work without the "sudo"03:08
EldaSo... any ideas how I would go about fixing this evil device? -_-;03:08
emulatorOneCan anyone give me a clue?03:08
zerokill88what is "feisty-backports"?03:08
greywhindNikki: meaning the way i originally told it to you03:08
PeloemulatorOne,  did you install build-essential ?03:08
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Nikkik well i better save that coz i think ima have to reboot for compizfusion to kick in03:08
emulatorOnePelo yes I did.03:08
jrib!backports > zerokill88 (see the private message from ubotu)03:08
jribemulatorOne: you need to convert your file with dos2unix03:09
Pelozerokill88,  a repository,  you can enable it in menu >system > admin > update sources03:09
whoniccai wish compiz came with a manual, how is someone suppose to know how to use it and all its shortcuts03:09
Nikkigreywhind.. do i still need the echo?03:09
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nj786does anybody know how to install metacity themes?03:09
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emulatorOnejrib dos2unix?03:09
greywhindNikki: yes.03:09
pr4b1jrib: i tried chmod 667 /media/Elements, it did not work :(03:09
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PeloemulatorOne, odd,  are you typing    ./configure stript or just  ./configure ?03:09
jribemulatorOne: the line endings are fubared03:09
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=== Pelo defers to jrib on this one
jribpr4b1: what is the output?03:10
emulatorOnehere is what I type03:10
pr4b1it doesnt say anything, just goes back to the prompt.. when i check the disk its still in read only mode03:10
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emulatorOnerichard@richard-laptop:~/Desktop/GensForLinux$ ./configure03:10
emulatorOnebash: ./configure: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory03:10
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Pelowhonicca,   #ubuntu-effects #beryl #compiz03:10
stdinemulatorOne: the package with "dos2unix" in it is "tofromdos"03:10
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Pelopr4b1,  change the owner03:11
emulatorOnestdin what does it do?03:11
pr4b1Pelo: how do i do that? sorry for being such a newbie03:11
stdinemulatorOne: the problem seems to be the files have DOS line endings, and yeah it's "tofrodos"03:11
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stdinemulatorOne: it will convert it to have unix line endings03:11
Pelopr4b1,  I'M not that familiar with the chown command myself,   type  man chown in the terminal and read read read03:11
pr4b1ok :)03:11
jribpr4b1: what does 'ls -ld /media/Elements' return?03:12
RyukZillaPelo: Hi! How do I set up Databases with MySQL Admin and a service? also.. how do I add some kind of protection to my server? like anti DDoS and such?03:12
blorimornj786: if packaged right your should be able to drag and drop them in themes03:12
emulatorOneso its a terminal prog then and it converts just the config script?03:12
pr4b1jrib: ill try it now03:12
Pelopr4b1,  should be along the lines of  sudo chown /path/tomountpoint username03:12
PeloRyukZilla, what makes you think I know anything about MySQL and servers ?03:12
pr4b1jrib: drw-rw-rwx 5 root root 4096 2007-07-27 22:01 /media/Elements03:12
jribemulatorOne: you use it like:  dos2unix /path/to/file/that/needs/to/be/fixed03:12
stdinemulatorOne: it converts any text file you tell it to03:12
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pr4b1Pelo: i see, its a big doc tho :(03:13
RyukZillaPelo: >< sorry, thought u knew *shrugs*03:13
andy299Hey, I got a problem with setting up the nvidia driver on my ubuntu. I just installed it and all, and it reupdated the xorg.conf file as it "should" be. Problem is when Is when i restarted my system GDM wouldn't start because the X server wasn"t properly configured(that's what it said) so it disables the x server and askes me to start gdm when i have configured the xorg.conf correctly. So what I did was that i overwrited the xorg.conf file wi03:13
andy299th my backup file so I could start gdm. Question is, um. How do I fix this?03:13
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jribpr4b1: do 'sudo chmod 777 /media/Elements' and then press the reload button in nautilus.  This gives *everyone* all permissions on the directory03:13
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pr4b1jrib: oh ok, cheers for that!03:13
PeloRyukZilla, try these  http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/block_brute_force_attacks_with_iptables/     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081203:13
emulatorOneOkay I ran it on the config script and now I get this when I attempt to ./configure - configure: error: cannot run /bin/bash ./config.sub03:13
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pr4b1yep, worked!!03:14
emulatorOnedo I need to run it on each and every file individually?03:14
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pr4b1jrib, Pelo: thank you!03:14
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jribemulatorOne: ./configure is likely not the only messed up file03:14
PeloRyukZilla,  for security and stuff,  I can'T realy help any further,  I think there is a mysql channel somewhere, check their site or try #mysql03:14
jribpr4b1: great03:14
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andy299Anyone got any ideas?03:14
keenafter 10ish minutes my screen go black and i don't have it set to do that, any ideas on whats wrong?03:14
RyukZillaPelo: well iono if u know about.... Apache? if u do how Can I set up the default folder? and where is it located?03:14
blorimorandy299: how did you install it? via nvidia's package?03:15
pr4b1jrib: problem! the /media/Elements folder has read/write but all the subfolders and files still are in read only mode03:15
andy299The installation and all went fine, only problem was that it didn't find any kernal what so ever. so It had to make one03:15
andy299I'm not really good at ubuntu, just started with it03:15
PeloRyukZilla,  I realy don'T knwo anything about servers , you'll have to ask the channel at large03:15
jribpr4b1: ah, what kind of data is this?03:15
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w00they guys03:16
emulatorOneI ran it on most of the files and it looks like it is attempting to do the configure. That was a great tip. What on earth does it really do? Does the text file have like bad line breaks or something stupid like that?03:16
pr4b1its just normal movies n stuff.. usenet stuff basically03:16
PeloRyukZilla,  ther are also apache channels and such03:16
bloopr4b1: chmod -R 777 /media/Elements... although 777 isn't recommended..03:16
blorimorandy299: hmmm, no errors during build?03:16
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jribemulatorOne: windows saves files with different line endings03:16
emulatorOneNow I am getting - config.status: executing default-1 commands03:16
emulatorOne/debug/gens-debug.Po: No such file or directory03:16
EldaConexant devices are modems are they not?  For some reason these are showing up in the listing when I check the audio devices03:16
andy299blorimor: nope, no errors03:16
keenafter about 10 minutes i get a black screen instead of my screen saver, anybody know why?03:16
w00ti'm having trouble playin media file03:16
pawanhow to manage starup programs in kubuntu03:16
bloopr4b1: did you try sudo chown -R <your user name> /media/Elements03:16
EldaKeen, maybe you do not have the correct video drivers?03:17
pr4b1bloo: no, ill try it now03:17
VeganCheesesteakhi all. I have a question.  I want to setup an ftp user for my ubuntu lamp server that goes to web root (/var/www) which is the best way to do this? Just make the users home dir /var/www and change the ownership of /var/www to that user?03:17
w00tit says whether java is turned off or macromedia is old version03:17
Peloandy299,  becaue your screen saver is set to none or becaue your screen power off is set at 10 min ?03:17
andy299blorimor:  it asked me if i wanted to update the xorg.conf file and I said yes. When I then restarted the system it said that the xorg.conf file wasn't properly configured and the x server disabled. Please restart gdm when you have properly configured xorg.conf03:17
jribpr4b1: bloo last suggestion is what I would recommend too03:17
who_caresis it normal for syslogd to start sending messages to a terminal window?03:17
EldaSometimes a SS will require 3d, and as a result vid card drivers.03:17
keenelda, well my screen saver works if i set it for less than 10 min, but my screen goes black at about 1003:17
who_caresI didn't run any commands03:17
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=== Elda shrugs
who_caresthe log messages just started showing up03:17
pr4b1bloo, jrib: yes it did actually :)03:17
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w00tcan anyone help me pls03:18
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keenelda, i also have my power save mode set for 20 min to shut off the screen03:18
Pelolorin,  waht with ?03:18
bloopr4b1: if that worked, sudo chmod 755 /media/Elements so it's not world writeable03:18
lorinhaving trouble with play media files online03:18
EldaWell, I honestly do not know what to say :/  I am still VERY new to this myself03:18
EldaI cant even make the sound drivers work :(03:18
lorinit says whether java is off or u have an older version of macromedia03:18
keenyeah, i'm super knew too, this is my third day fiddling with linux in general03:19
lorinso than they forward me to another website where i can install new version of flash player03:19
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Pelolorin,  install the latest sun-java6-jre and the plugin package that goes with it and see if tha tworks03:19
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docmurHello all03:20
Pelolorin,  and also instrall flash non-free , or whatever it is called03:20
lorinso i need to goto terminel and type sudo apt-get sun-java6-jre ?03:20
Pelohello docmur03:20
docmurdoes anyone know a movie joiner that works on ubuntu03:20
lorincan i install those two things via terminal?03:20
Pelolorin,   use synaptic it might be more your level03:20
EADG_docmur: mplayer will do it.03:20
stdindocmur: try avidemux03:20
Pelodocmur,   avidemux is nice03:20
lorinwhats synaptic lol, sorry i'm a new to this03:20
docmurOkay are they Gui based or CLI based03:21
keenshackjack: you around? =D03:21
Pelolorin,   menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager,  use the search feature03:21
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Eldahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto , Can someone help me figure out what exactly I have to input to get this to work?  Im stuck at the part where I have to describe what the device myself is03:21
MannyZhey.. how can i delete /usr/share/xmms/skins ?? i got no permissions03:21
greywhindtupa: still around? i installed the firmware, i think... but i can't build iwlwifi because it says i'm missing the kernel makefile. however, i can modprobe iwlwifi without errors (the preinstalled one), but it doesn't create any new devices in ifconfig03:21
Elda*myself = itself03:21
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Pelodocmur,   avidemux is gui , with a lot of feature03:21
EADG_docmur: mplayer - cli, avidemux - gui03:21
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docmurI prefer GUI base, although I'm fine with CLI03:21
lorinok and what should i search for again?03:21
MannyZhey.. how can i delete /usr/share/xmms/skins ?? its saying that i dont have root permissions.. -.-03:21
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=== Pelo found a feature in avidemux recently that someone was asking about 2 months ago
docmurit's less faulty03:21
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PeloMannyZ,  sudo rm -f /path03:22
dem0nmanny just leave it03:22
blooMannyZ: sudo <any command> is how you run a command with root permissions03:22
dem0nin hbh i will tell you pathname03:22
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greywhindMannyZ: if you want to do it with a GUI, you do alt+f2, gksudo nautilus?03:22
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tupagreywhind, ifconfig -a, see if your interface is listed03:22
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blorimorandy299: you still there? did you get my private messages?03:22
=== EADG_ is still looking for a cmd in mplayer cli to reposition the video window.
lorinpelo what should i search for?03:22
greywhindtupa: nope03:22
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Pelolorin,  java03:22
andy299blorimor:  didn't get it03:23
MannyZi did the nautilius03:23
MannyZnow what :D?03:23
Pelolorin,  and then flash03:23
lorinthank you03:23
tupagreywhind: dmes| tail       to see if kernel complains about something03:23
dem0nmannyz hbh03:23
blorimorandy299: have you tried the nvidia-glx package in the repos?03:23
DiilbertI am just trying to play dvds on 7.04 (\just installed) The Help page says to install libdvdcss, but I could not find it in synapetic03:23
tupagreywhind dmesg|tail03:23
hagabakahow can i check the *build* dependencies of a package?03:23
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greywhindMannyZ: use it like any other graphical folder browser03:23
andy299blorimor:  I havent tried them yet03:23
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blorimorandy299: it's not the latest drivers, but they work pretty well (I am using them myself)03:23
PeloDiilbert,  you need to dl it from a site03:23
Pelo!dvd | Diilbert03:23
ubotuDiilbert: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:23
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lorinok, now there are tons of files for search result03:23
lorinwhich one do i need?03:24
greywhindtupa: doesn't seem to03:24
andy299blorimor:  How do I remove the current driver I've allrdy installed though?03:24
DiilbertPelo: Thanks03:24
Nikkihey greywhind, the thing didnt make sounds work in ET03:24
tupagreywhind some error?03:24
Nikkisudo sh -c 'echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm1c/oss'03:24
Nikkisudo sh -c 'echo "et.x86 0 0 disable" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss'03:24
Pelolorin,  sigh ....     sun-java6-jre and the pluggin one right after03:24
greywhindtupa: perhaps i didn't do it right... i tried to follow this: http://intellinuxwireless.org/?p=iwlwifi&n=howto-iwlwifi03:24
blorimorandy299: are you using feisty? or an earlier version03:24
andy299feisty I guess?03:24
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keenis there a section in the xorg.conf file that controls when ur monitor goes blank?03:24
blorimorcheck out http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_setup_nvidia_drivers_in_7.0403:25
dem0ncome back to channel hbh03:25
MannyZi disconnected accidently :S03:25
Nikkihey greywhind, the thing didnt make sounds work in ET03:25
MannyZthe channel was?03:25
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dem0ntype /j #hbh03:25
bloowhat's on hbh03:25
Peloblorimor,  if you are talking to someone use their nick, this is a busy channel03:25
greywhindNikki: are you running any other sound apps at the same time?03:25
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Nikkigreywhind erm rhythmbox is running but not plaing anything...03:25
tupagreywhind, be more specific, didn't module loaded correctly, you failed to compile, dmesg complains .. ?03:25
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andy299blorimor:  I'll try that03:26
andy299blorimor:  thanks03:26
Nikkiand maybe messenger?03:26
greywhindNikki: might try quitting that and running the commands again03:26
blorimorpelo: sorry about that, I will watch it in the future03:26
ikilledsantacould i get some help, i just got ubuntu for the first time and cant figure out how to get it to recognize my wireless network adapter03:26
ikilledsantai have 7.0403:26
Nikkigreywhind, is the terminal meant to say anything? coz it doesnt like.. reply at all03:26
tupaikilledsanta usb/pcmcia/pci ?03:26
greywhindNikki: no, it shouldn't03:26
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ikilledsantai tried the network manager but it doesnt see a wireless network03:27
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greywhindNikki: make sure the second command is to pcm0c and the first is to pcm0p03:27
tupaikilledsanta, do lsusb on terminal to see your card's chipset03:27
lashmoov3is there a democracyplayer(miro) alternative?03:27
ikilledsantaok thanks tupa im loading ubuntu on my other comp right now03:27
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greywhindtupa: alright. i copied the iwlwifi-4965-ucode to /lib/firmware, then did a modprobe iwlwifi03:27
greywhindtupa: nothing gave any errors03:27
Pelolashmoov3,  i believe thre is a democracy player for linux, and I'm pretty sure it is in the repos03:28
Nikkican u right them out again for me? i think mine are wrong03:28
Nikkisudo sh -c 'echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm1c/oss'03:28
Nikkisudo sh -c 'echo "et.x86 0 0 disable" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss'03:28
Nikkithats what i have03:28
tupagreywhind, what does dmesg say about the modules you loaded?, paste dmesg|tail -n 5003:28
greywhindNikki: yep, that's incorrect. hold on.03:28
Nikkigreywhind, and whats the name of that file i have to edit again?03:28
lashmoov3pelo: im asking for an alternative to democracy player(now known as miro)03:28
greywhindNikki: give me a minute, please03:29
lashmoov3pelo: its too buggy for me rigt now03:29
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Pelolashmoov3,  try looking up miro or democracy player on  wikipadia,  often there are links to  comparison charts for similar apps in the pages03:29
Nikkigreywhind.. lol sorry.. thanks for this btw03:30
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greywhindNikki: echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss03:30
greywhindecho "et.x86 0 0 disable" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss03:30
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lorinPelo i did the sun java and plugin now which file do i need for flash?03:31
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Nikkigreywhind does it need the sudo sh -c?03:31
Pelolorin, let me have a look03:31
greywhindNikki: yes03:31
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blooNikki: not sudo03:31
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Pelolorin, flashplugin-nonfree03:32
lorinok, thanks03:32
Nikkigreywhind/bloo yay it worked03:32
Nikkithankyou both very kindlyt03:32
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MannyZwhy this keeps highlighting -.-03:33
greywhindtupa: about to pasted03:33
greywhindtupa: *paste03:33
MannyZand i cant even see anything directed to me -.-03:33
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ikilledsantawow it is FAILING on my other computer03:33
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greywhindtupa: http://rafb.net/p/aSFWsj41.html03:33
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Hegemonanyone know about tablets? (Gateway)03:34
ikilledsantais there any wya to cancel a boot while its booting03:34
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Peloikilledsanta,  the restart button on your box ?03:34
Ozzinquick newbie question that I couldn't find the answer to online: can I install packages that are listed as gutsy on feisty? the latest aMSN is only avail for gutsy according to the online package list, but I'd like to try it on feisty -- do I have to build from sources?03:34
Eldabah I give up for now03:34
ikilledsantalol it wont hurt the disc03:34
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EldaIm just going to install wine and start Planet Side03:34
Peloikilledsanta,  I take no reponsibility03:34
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tupagreywhind didn't help, tail more lines with -n 5003:35
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tupagreywhind it appears you connected a usb storage devie03:35
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greywhindtupa: that's all dmesg shows.03:36
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tupagreywhind what?03:36
tupait can't be possibl03:36
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greywhindtupa: if i type dmesg alone, that's all i get.03:37
Jack_SparrowOzzin not a good idea03:37
SirSherlockhey how do i SetUID, you knw so a reg user can use a root program03:37
tupaunless you modified it03:37
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Hegemonhow do i set up a tablet pc to use the tablet?03:37
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OzzinJack_Sparrow, no?03:38
greywhindtupa: ah i figured it out03:38
Ozzinbut building from sources is ok?03:38
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greywhindtupa: notice in "testing the build", on this site: http://intellinuxwireless.org/?p=iwlwifi&n=howto-iwlwifi03:38
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ikilledsantamy laptop wont pass the loading screen03:38
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greywhindtupa: i did what it told me, which was dmesg -c > /dev/null... which i assume clears it to /dev/null03:39
Jack_SparrowOzzin: Build it yourself can have a downside as well....  But better than using non-feisty repos03:39
Dragos-linuxnew release works well on this old p3 laptop03:39
Dragos-linuxeven wireless03:39
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tupaah, that's why03:39
Cod1Hello can someone please help me03:39
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tupa!tell Cod1 about ask03:40
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Jack_SparrowDragos-linux: Older hardware seems to always be better supported.. All my older laptops work well03:40
tupagreywhind remove the modules and reload them03:40
Cod1Ok, Im running ubuntu 7, and everytime I try to do something it gives me this: 'E:Type 'deb' is not known on line 44 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.'03:40
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tupaso you can get back dmesg messages03:41
greywhindtupa: roger that.03:41
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blooCod1: did you manually edit it03:41
pawanhow to manage startup prprams in kubuntu03:41
Cod1i didnt do anything03:41
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DDG008ok i have my ubuntu downloaded03:41
blooCod1: did you add a source through synaptic or something?03:41
tupapawan create symlinks to ~/.kde/Autostart03:41
DDG008what can i use to burn the image to the disk03:41
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samchianyone running ubuntu on an hp dv2000z or comparable?03:41
Cod1I just tried to sudo apt-get update03:42
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Cod1and it gave me that03:42
Dragos-linuxi am gonna put kubuntu on my wifes laptop03:42
blooCod1: because you shouldn't have a leading quotation mark (") before deb in that file03:42
nils_DDG008:  every burning programm03:42
Dragos-linuxwell, her old laptop, anyway03:42
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Jack_SparrowCod1: You can post your sources list to the pastebin.. Have you ever run automatix or envy.. (Both bad ideas)03:42
tupaCod1 your sources.list is messed, probably you edited it wrong03:42
WaxyFreshhi im on amd64 fiesty and i want to add ubuntu studio is this possible?if so how?03:42
Cod1so how do i fix this?03:42
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ubotuubuntustudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://www.ubuntustudio.com. Or visit #ubuntustudio.03:42
Cod1im a bit nooby03:42
nils_WaxyFresh:  ubuntustudio only for 32bit03:42
tupa!tell Cod1 about sources.list03:42
Jack_SparrowCod1:  Have you ever run automatix or envy.. (Both bad ideas)03:42
Cod1and why would automatix be a bad idea?03:43
WaxyFreshnils_:  :(03:43
Cod1no i havent ran it03:43
Cod1i want to get it though03:43
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!03:43
blooCod1: somethin messed up your sources.list file03:43
Jack_SparrowCod1: Obviously you did run it..03:43
=== drzin [n=drzin@c-67-182-220-228.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:43
nils_WaxyFresh:  you can isntall all programms ohn your ubuntu..03:43
=== viator [n=viator@pool-71-161-143-6.spfdma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cod1ok so how do i fix my sourcelist03:43
blooCod1: edit it and get rid if those " marks03:43
WaxyFreshnils_: but theres no metapackage or whatever its called?03:43
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:43
greywhindtupa: all it did was add the two iwlwifi lines again to the end of dmesg, and still no new device.03:43
=== MannyZ [n=MannyZ@a80-186-173-217.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
craig_I have this new laptop, and while I did manage to get wireless working, it's sporadic.  What seems to bork it is trying to paste something in rafb or pastebin.  I say seems, though it's probably unlikely, but I'm able to ssh and browse until I try to paste something.  THen it quits and restarting the network doesn't work for a while.  I'm running off the feisty cd, and maybe running a livecd is also causing trouble03:44
viatormy gnome keyring doesnt come up automatically for some reason03:44
viatori changed my network security from wep to wpa03:44
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Cod1should i include source repositories03:44
viatori type in all the pertinent info03:44
viatorand it doesnt connect03:44
nils_WaxyFresh:  no metapackage but what do you want with ubuntustudio making musik? you need ardour hydrogen jack...03:44
=== werpo [n=mauro@229-173-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
andy299I've just installed the latest Nvidia driver on my Ubuntu 7.04. Problem is tho, that when I restarts my system, gdm wont start and an error stating " X server not configured correctly, restart gdm when it's rightly configured" so what I did was that i took the xorg.conf.backup file and overwrited it with the xorg.conf so that I could get my gdm up and going. The driver tho, is not enabled yet because when I do, I get the error at restart. Any03:44
andy299 ideas how to fix this?03:44
RyukZillaWaxyFresh: do you know a possible reason for the server to be slow? i mean... it froze! and its brand new!03:44
greywhindtupa: any way I can do the "./load" line in the tutorial with the preinstalled iwlwifi? or would I have to build from source for that?03:44
nils_no problem under normal ubuntu03:44
MannyZi navigated to usr/share/cairo-clock/themes by root.. now i got 1 folder i want to add to that themes folder.. how i do it thorugh terminal?03:44
viatoris this because of the keyring or somthing?03:44
drzinwhere do i get the script that let me run 32bit libs03:44
Cod1on that page you gave me, should i check box "include source repositories"?03:44
craig_This laptop is for a customer who wants windows, and I'm just seeing what hardware works in Ubuntu; I do NOT want to suffer through a windows reinstall, and that's why I'm jsut running livecd03:44
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blooCod1: you don't need the source repos03:45
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MannyZwhat is the command to add a folder to any directory?03:45
WaxyFreshRyukZilla: i dont know what your talking about,what server?03:45
craig_MannyZ, mkdir03:45
Jack_SparrowCod1: Just fixing the sources list will not fix the problems that automatix causes..03:45
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blooMannyZ: mkdir03:45
RyukZillaWaxyFresh: Mine? ><03:45
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MannyZill try03:45
WaxyFreshRyukZilla: no sorry ask the room,03:45
craig_MannyZ, so if you want to put something called dizzlefritz in your home folder, you'd do mkdir /home/MannyZ/dizzlefritz03:46
Cod1well that sucks because automatix looked promising..03:46
=== MariusOner [n=man@cust-97-154.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
viatori just dont get network manager or monitor or whatever its called03:46
greywhindCod1: i've heard it breaks systems.03:46
marnanelI'm trying to upgrade a machine from dapper to feisty. apt-get seems to have got itself in a twist. When I run apt-get -f install it is trying to install "metacity" *and* "metacity-common", which try to install the same files and it dies with an error.03:46
Cod1ok I have the default source list thing.. now what03:46
craig_MannyZ, or if you're already in your home folder, just mkdir dizzlefritz03:46
Jack_SparrowCod1: Would be great...  if it worked all the time03:46
WaxyFreshnils_: i need to create music for underground nerdcore hiphop03:46
viatorif i click on manual instead of roaming mode it wont let me use wpa03:46
marnanelHow can I tell it not to install one of them?03:46
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keenok, i messed with my xorg.conf file and now i can't get video, how can i edit it from the command line?03:46
gammaanyone know how to get the ATI 9600 card working?03:46
viatoris that retarded or what03:46
blooI keep all of my important documents under dizzlefritz03:46
drzinwhere do i get the script that let me run 32bit libs03:46
MariusOnerdoes somebody know some p2p programs that run on the command line? (i know of bittorrent clients)03:47
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blooMannyZ: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/commands.htm03:47
greywhindkeen: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:47
werpokeen: use emacs xorg.conf edit it via midnight commander (mc)03:47
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andy299I've just installed the latest Nvidia driver on my Ubuntu 7.04. Problem is tho, that when I restarts my system, gdm wont start and an error stating " X server not configured correctly, restart gdm when it's rightly configured" so what I did was that i took the xorg.conf.backup file and overwrited it with the xorg.conf so that I could get my gdm up and going. The driver tho, is not enabled yet because when I do, I get the error at restart. Any03:47
andy299 ideas how to fix this?03:47
craig_marnanel, good luck.  Those were six or seven hours I'd like back-- I did it on two boxes last week.  Try the -f option.  I was able to finally pull out of errors between that command and updating03:47
gammai have edited tht file 10000 times03:47
nils_WaxyFresh:  hydrogen is for making beats but drums with ardour you can make that03:47
nils_but with the beats03:47
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EldaBy chance does anyone here have a Toshiba laptop?  Maybe I could use your help in making the sound work :>03:47
MannyZthanks bloo03:47
Cod1I did that webpage and it gave me a list "automatically generated sources.list"03:47
gammastills shows as mesa driver03:47
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oldmanstanandy299: have you searched on the forums?03:47
nils_you need a plugin or so03:47
marnanelcraig_: thanks. I am using the -f option though.03:47
drzinwhere do i get the script that let me run 32bit libs03:47
tupagreywhind, mmm, dunno, if your card chipset is ok then it should work -03:48
nils_cant helkp use it only for instrumental music03:48
tupasorry I can't be of more help03:48
gammai think it has something to do with agp locking03:48
craig_marnanel, let me go through my bash history for the apt commands I ran.  brb03:48
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MannyZone thing :D.. i did mkdir tangoBlack..03:48
greywhindtupa: all i did was put the .ucode file in /lib/firmware and modprobe... should that have been enough/03:48
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instabinneed help installing grub03:48
viatorguess ill revert to wep03:48
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insidercan anybody tell me the 7.04 iso cheksum?03:48
RyukZillaWaxyFresh: DO U know why it always keeps displaying the "You do not have the right permissions" stuff when im the admin? goooooooooood its so annoying!03:48
insiderwasn't able to find it03:49
viatorbecause for some reason wpa doesnt want to work03:49
Cod1What do I do with the sources.list?03:49
nils_insider:  on every offical mirror03:49
MannyZok offcorse it did the folder  :D.. but nothing is in there..  got the tangoblack folder on my desktop.. and its full of pictures.. how i get that folder to some directory by terminal03:49
drzinhow do i install 32 bit applications on my 64 bit system03:49
crdlbinsider, http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/MD5SUMS03:49
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WaxyFreshRyukZilla: why are you asking me?are you useing sudo?i know nothing of servers03:49
instabinI installed a new ubuntu the /boot is on /sda1 and the root is on a software raid .... how do i setup grub03:49
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blooMazzyZ: mv or cp them.. check out that commands tutorial i sent you03:49
marnanelcraig_: Ooo-- I think I *may* possibly have a solution03:49
blooMannyZ: the commands are ez, if you're not goin to use the GUI, might as well learn the commands03:50
RyukZillaDOES anyone knows why it always keeps displaying the "You do not have the right permissions" stuff when im the admin? goooooooooood its so annoying!03:50
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IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: are you using sudo?03:50
craig_marnanel, it's probably something retarded03:50
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marnanelRyukZilla: what are you trying to do?03:50
drzinERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the03:50
drzin       Adobe Flash Player installer.03:50
marnanelcraig_: I think that would be a good word for it :)03:50
blooRyuZilla: use sudo, you're not 'root'03:50
insiderthanks fella03:51
IndyGunFreakdrzin: congrats, you just found one of the reasons not to use 64bit ubuntu03:51
marnanelcraig_: okay, I have told it to uninstall everything that depends on metacity, and everything that depends on that, and so on, by hand until they're all gone... and now it's finishing installing everything else03:51
jason_kneed an opinion, openAFS or samba- this will be for a media server between me and my 3 other roommates...03:51
marnanelcraig_: then I'll put them back when it's done03:51
marnanelcraig_: sheesh.03:51
craig_marnanel, like when you hunt for two days to see why BIND doesn't work, only to find an extra semicolon or some such03:51
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RyukZillaIndyGunFreak: sudo? no... im using the ubuntu desktop install and I jsut wanted to move a file to the trash and gosh everything its so complicated <_< also, I just want to trash a freaking file! >_<!03:51
marnanelcraig_: Yeeees. Yes, just like that. :)03:51
greywhindtupa: this tutorial seems to indicate that you need the gutsy kernel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=493095&highlight=496503:51
craig_marnanel, I'm working on a paste by the way03:51
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: what file do you want to move to trash?03:51
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ikilledsanta22ok i need help, ubuntu just wont boot!03:52
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marnanelcraig_: ok, thanks03:52
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:52
keenok, i used sudo nano /ect/X11/xorg.conf and all i get is a blank screen with commands at the bottm....am i doing it wrong?03:52
RyukZillaIndyGunFreak: a broken link, mod_python.conf03:52
marnanelkeen: no03:52
nils_drzin: ikilledsanta22 more infos03:52
marnanelkeen: that's what nano looks like03:52
marnanelkeen: it is a friendly(ish) editor03:52
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ikilledsanta22lmao it just worked nvm03:52
nils_ikilledsanta22:  more infos03:52
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: i have a wild and crazy idea.... open a terminal, type "sudo nautilus".. enter your password, then navigate to the file and delete it.03:52
Cod1how do i edit /etc/apt/sources.list03:52
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marnanelkeen: but it does mean you don't have an xorg.conf03:52
tupagreywhind ok, let's see if it works :P03:52
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marnanelCod1: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list03:52
viatorchmod or chown03:52
IndyGunFreakCod1: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:53
WaxyFreshIndyGunFreak: that is preety crazy!03:53
marnanelor that, yeah03:53
greywhindtupa: ... from a live CD with no internet, we're going to install the Gutsy kernel???03:53
tupahey greywhind, do you happen to have a public IP?03:53
keenthats odd....cause i made some changes to it...now i can't get x server to start03:53
IndyGunFreakWaxyFresh: lol.. i'm a wild and crazy guy..03:53
keenany idea on how to fix it03:53
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greywhindtupa: isn't that impossible?03:53
tupagreywhind, well, first install the base system, then the drivers03:53
marnanelkeen: not having an xorg.conf would seem to be a good way not to have your x server start. :)03:53
craig_marnanel, try having a look at these.  http://rafb.net/p/2J4fWe34.html03:53
WaxyFreshIndyGunFreak: what next?are you going to tell people that useing grub/lilo is a good idea?03:53
greywhindtupa: can't reboot the live CD into the new kernel...03:54
IndyGunFreakWaxyFresh: :)..03:54
RyukZillaIndyGunFreak: also... why is that everything is so complicated? trash, make, do gaaaaaaawd<_< also its damn slow... >_> Intel Xeon Dual Core 1.6 4MB l2 Cache and 2gb ram? why would it freeze? damn it DAMN IT03:54
keenmarnanel: lol, i just don't understand why i don't have one....i did like 4 minutes ago03:54
craig_marnanel, thos eare in no particular order03:54
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WaxyFreshRyukZilla: its not complicated its just new give it time03:54
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: you really need to take a paxil03:54
tupagreywhind, no, install the system to the hard disk03:54
nils_is lilo alredy existing?03:54
=== casper__ [n=adam@c-24-7-221-53.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cod1Hey! Fixed it! thanks guys!03:54
marnanelcraig_: thanks a lot :)03:54
ikilledsanta22ok finally tupa, ubuntu is running03:54
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: its just not windows, take some time to learn03:54
ikilledsanta22now my problem was i couldnt get my usb wireless network adapter to work03:54
greywhindtupa: i'm sorry, but i can't install the system until i've convinced its owner that everything will work correctly.03:54
drzin well i am waiting for a solution to my Gentoo install and by default it has a multilib profile03:54
ikilledsanta22ubuntu doesnt recognize it03:55
viatorits to keep you from ignorantly doing things you shouldnt03:55
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: if i may use my own quote.. "Even the best chef had to be shown how to microwave a pizza at some point"03:55
greywhindtupa: i may have to just tell him to wait for Gutsy.03:55
who_caresdoes anyone know what EIP is in relation to the kernel?03:55
tupagreywhind, then that would be though03:55
who_caressomething about a bad EIP value03:55
casper__well i lost my hdd03:55
nils_ikilledsanta22:  look google for driver support03:55
Cod1Oh an one more thing.. how do I uninstall an app?  For example I dont want "evolution mail"03:55
tupaikilledsanta22 lsusb ?03:55
RyukZillaIndyGunFreak: I know its not windows and Im using nautilus but it wont delete it says "you dont have the right permissions to move or trash this file"03:55
marnanelRyukZilla: what is the file?03:55
WaxyFreshRyukZilla: youll learn quick,once you get everything working/use it for a few months linux is pretty easy.imagine your grandparents trying to use windows,its not that its hard its just something new/diffrent03:55
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ikilledsanta22what is lsusb?03:55
RyukZillamarnanel: mod_python.conf a broken link03:55
craig_Cod1, apt-get remove app  but I think evolution is important somehow to gnome03:55
nils_rhuidean:  you must bee root or delete in your /home/user03:55
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IndyGunFreakCod1: evolution has several different plugins.... i'd recommend removing it via synaptic... Open synaptic, search for evolution, and mark it for "complete removal", and that should do it.03:56
craig_ikilledsanta22, lists all usb devices current;y pluged in03:56
viatorchange the permissions then?03:56
drzinikilledsanta22:  what should i do to get 32 bit lib running onmy system  internet suck with out it03:56
nils_Rydekull:  i mean03:56
nils_in this channel are to many people -.-03:56
tupaikilledsanta22, run a terminal and type lsusb03:56
blooRyuZilla: he said use 'sudo' from the terminal to launch nautilus, that WILL give you permission03:56
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IndyGunFreakbloo: i told him that... twice03:56
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ikilledsanta22craig: how do i get to it?03:56
nils_bloo:  know he delet his kernel or so ^^03:56
viatorwhat is this "terminal" you speak of03:57
craig_nils_, there are, but if there were two, there'd be people who join both and ask the same question in both03:57
samchianyone running ubuntu on an hp dv2000z or comparable?03:57
nils_ah okay03:57
marnanelmaybe nautilus should have a dialogue that pops up saying "that file is owned by root, give the root password". though there would be tears before bedtime.03:57
tupagreywhind, can you do me a favor?03:57
greywhindtupa: sure03:57
craig_ikilledsanta22, you open a terminal (applications -> acessories -> terminal) and type lsusb03:57
IndyGunFreakmarnanel: maybe people should just pay attention, and when it says you don't have permission to delete a file, you know you need to be root.03:57
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tupagreywhind do you happen to have a linux PC with a public IP?03:57
blooIndyGunFreak: i think he was freakin out when you said it tho and missed it03:58
marnanelIndyGunFreak: touche. :)03:58
casper__theres a whole long list of bundles are any of them nice to have or will i just find out about them when i need them03:58
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ShaddoxHow do I get RealPlayer .RAM support on my Totem movie player?03:58
IndyGunFreakbloo: probably.03:58
craig_ikilledsanta22, you may want to make a keyboard shortcut for the terminal.  Ctrl+K isn't taken by anything yet on a default ubuntu install03:58
greywhindtupa: yes, but i'm booted into OS X right now03:58
RyukZillaIndyGunFreak: Im sorry I DC03:58
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ikilledsanta22ok im in terminal03:58
skyfalcon866why isnt my swap turned on03:58
viatormost windows people are used to click>click>click>click03:58
craig_I have this new laptop, and while I did manage to get wireless working, it's sporadic.  What seems to bork it is trying to paste something in rafb or pastebin.  I say seems, though it's probably unlikely, but I'm able to ssh and browse until I try to paste something.  THen it quits and restarting the network doesn't work for a while.  I'm running off the feisty cd, and maybe running a livecd is also causing trouble03:58
IndyGunFreakbloo:  you know what the funny thing is gonna be, is if he deletes it, gets into the trash can, and then closes the terminal, he's gonna realize he needs root to delete it from trash03:58
instabinwhat hd#,# is sda103:58
drzin       Adobe Flash Player installer.03:58
craig_This laptop is for a customer who wants windows, and I'm just seeing what hardware works in Ubuntu; I do NOT want to suffer through a windows reinstall, and that's why I'm jsut running livecd03:58
viatornever reading what a single box said03:58
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: no problem... did you get the file deleted?03:58
casper__wheres the terminal??03:58
drzinERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the03:58
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drzin       Adobe Flash Player installer.03:59
RyukZillaWaxyFresh: I Know.. but how Can I give myself all the permissions needed to do everything? delete, make and such? <_<03:59
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RyukZillaIndyGunFreak: I cant... dunno how T_T!03:59
ikilledsanta22yeah it recognized my adapter03:59
IndyGunFreakdrzin: what is your question?... Flash is not available for Ubuntu 64bit.03:59
|thunderdoes the gnome clipboard exist as a file somewhere ? that I could cat into another file ?03:59
kitcheinstabin: what do you mean it's sda1 not even hd hd is mostly used for pata drives03:59
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: you've been told at least 4x... last time03:59
marnanelRyukZilla: what you are suggesting is running as root, which is a seriously bad idea03:59
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blooRyukZilla: type in the terminal: man sudo03:59
ikilledsanta22bus 2 device 4: id (bunch of numbers) Linksys03:59
craig_instabin, it's partition #1 on either first scsi or sata drive03:59
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: open a terminal, sudo nautilus  enter your password03:59
tupagreywhind, sweet, I need to show a friend an application that runs over internet, but both we are blocked by our ISPs, can you host it for me?03:59
instabinkitche: sda and sdb are my stat drives03:59
drzinwhere do i get the script that let me run 32bit libs03:59
viatorlike this  do you want to install files    <Yes>  click  to c:/blah blah blah  Click    do you want to instal rootkit  click03:59
casper__whats the terminal??03:59
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: after you've opened nautilus as root, navigate to the file, and delete it.03:59
casper__where is it?03:59
craig_viator, hehe04:00
RyukZillaIndyGunFreak: and ive t old u about 6x that im using nautilus and the file wont delete, same thing is being displayed04:00
instabini need to know what is s for grub04:00
marnanelRyukZilla: Did you actually do "sudo nautilus"?04:00
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: i really think you'd be best with Windows04:00
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: and i've told you numerous times SUDO NAUTILUS04:00
greywhindtupa: i'd be willing to bet that the firewall i'm behind will block it (no, i can't turn it off)04:00
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kitcheinstabin: hd0,0 is what you want but grub should also be able to do sd0,0 but no clue if it does in ubuntu or not04:00
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instabincraig_: I have hda and sda and sdb i need to know what hd#,# sda1 is04:00
viator nautilus as root04:00
ikilledsanta22ok it recognized my linksys adapter04:01
drzin fine i will just use  install a workstation04:01
ikilledsanta22but how i get it to work for the wireless network?04:01
tupagreywhind, ok, no problem :)04:01
instabinkitche: I have hda and sda and sdb i need to know what hd#,# sda1 is04:01
IndyGunFreakinstabin: well, its one of your sata drives..lol04:01
kitcheinstabin: I told you it04:01
instabinno b/c in grub hda1 is hd0,004:01
craig_instabin, So you have an ide drive and two (either) scsi or sata drives in your box?  Sometimes usb thumb drives and cameras are listed as sdx too04:01
bulmertupa have you tried using port 80 for your sshd to serve clients? assuming port 80 is not blocked by your ISP04:02
casper__wheres the terminal?04:02
marnanelOr port 44304:02
instabincraig_: yes04:02
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kitcheinstabin [10:00pm]  [kitche]  instabin: hd0,0 is what you want but grub should also be able to do sd0,0 but no clue if it does in ubuntu or not04:02
IndyGunFreakcasper__: "Application/Accessores/Terminal"04:02
WaxyFreshRyukZilla: have you tried typeing sudo nautalis? or however its spelled?it has to be done in a terminal04:02
craig_casper__, applications -> acessories -> terminal04:02
IndyGunFreakWaxyFresh: don't confuse him, i think he's doing it now...lol04:03
instabinkitche: that dosent help b/c i need to add an entry for ubuntu install on the 2 sd drives04:03
ikilledsanta22please help me i found out my wireless network adapter is recognized04:03
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greywhindtupa: sorry for the waste of time. i'm going to go - see you around04:03
IndyGunFreakWaxyFresh: i think he was finally told a total of 8x, and finally did it..lol04:03
instabinwould it be hd1,004:03
ikilledsanta22but i still cant get a wireless network found04:03
craig_instabin, not sure.  You'll have to try stuff out.  What's mounted?04:03
kitcheinstabin: no it would be hd0,004:03
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kitcheinstabin: or sd0,0 like I keep telling you04:03
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craig_ikilledsanta22, there are tutorials on the ubuntu forums.  WHy don't you start there and ask here when you're stuck04:04
marnanelthanks for your help everyone. time for me to go04:04
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instabinkitche: how can i get a device list out of grub04:04
ikilledsanta22i cant find anything craig04:04
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|thundermy nautilus scripts are not showing up in my right click menus. what gives? They are there, and are +x'd. any ideas ?04:04
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kitcheinstabin: you can't you need to know the device to use04:04
ikilledsanta22the only things i found are outdated04:04
craig_ikilledsanta22, what do you mean outdated?04:04
RyukZillaIndyGunFreak: >< dont panic, Im sorry for my noobness I did something wrong =P >< ok now its deleted (thanks guys) but now I wanna know some things like... why is it running so slow? all overall? 1 click takes 5-7 secs to open anything04:04
Cod1How do I compile & install a program from source file (.tar.gz) is it hard?04:05
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ikilledsanta22i found a good tut04:05
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craig_Cod1, hopefully not04:05
ikilledsanta22for ubuntu 5.10 or so04:05
nelsonuwphey why doesnt my ati thing open04:05
viatorare you running the live cd?04:05
nelsonuwpi just installed the drivers04:05
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: i really don't know..., what are your system specs, and what version of Ubuntu did you install?04:05
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craig_ikilledsanta22, what's your adapter chipset?04:05
ikilledsanta22i dont know what that means lol04:05
craig_ikilledsanta22, said in lsusb I think04:05
pawanany good webcam software04:05
instabinkitche: grub is installed on hda how do i set it up to boot my instlation on sda1 is /boot and / is a software raid04:06
craig_pawan, I've heard about camorama, but not used it yet04:06
ikilledsanta22it says bus 2 device 4 id 13bl:000e Linksys04:06
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craig_ikilledsanta22, is it a usb card?  You could also try lspci04:06
kitche!grub | instabin: I m jsut gonna point you to grub FAQ04:06
ubotuinstabin: I m jsut gonna point you to grub FAQ: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:06
jetolehey guys, quick question, movies + screensavers = ?04:06
ikilledsanta22its not a card, im on a desktop, its just a usb adapter04:06
instabinkitche: iv been reading that04:07
craig_jetole, meensavers?04:07
RyukZillaIndyGunFreak: sys specs (Intel Xeon Dual Core 1.60 GHZ, 4MB Level 2 cache and 2 GB of Ram, Ubuntu 7.0.4 Desktop edition)04:07
=== IndyGunFreak watches kitche wave the flag of surrender... :)
pawanother than camorama04:07
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jetolecraig, it's spelled mean ;)04:07
Cod1So.. I want pidgin instead of Gaim (yeah its newer) i downloaded the source file now what?04:07
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IndyGunFreakCod1: make, compile it.04:07
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binarydigitread INSTALL or README04:07
IndyGunFreakCod1: hang on a sec and i'll talk you through it, its pretty easy04:07
jetoleCod1, apt-get build-dep gaim before you compile pidgin04:07
craig_ikilledsanta22, so you've found a tutorial, or you're still stuck?04:07
Cod1k thanks indy04:07
meoblast001hi, how does one make a virtual machine?????04:07
ikilledsanta22i cant find a tut04:07
WaxyFreshRyukZilla: theres no reason its going slow,what are you trying to open?ubuntu flys like super man even on older boxes04:07
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: what type of video device?04:08
jetoleand then tar -xvf && ./configure && make etc etc04:08
ikilledsanta22i dont know what im lookin for04:08
craig_ikilledsanta22, does the card have a model number?04:08
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binarydigitmeoblast001: you can install xen or vmware or virtualbox04:08
WaxyFreshmeoblast001:close your eyes and use your imagination?04:08
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IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: i can't really explain that, my laptop is way slower than that, and it flies with Ubuntu, no probs at all.04:08
craig_WaxyFresh, I wanted to say that, but had already been a wisea$$ about movies04:08
jetoleso no one in here watches movies on a computer with a screensaver? lol, I thought I had a simple and common question04:08
IndyGunFreakCod1: "/join #indygunfreak".... no quotes04:08
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nelsonuwpi just installed the ATI drivers how can i get it it output to my svid?04:09
ikilledsanta22linksys wireless g with speed adapter, model wusb54gs04:09
craig_jetole, you may have a simple question, but nobody with the answer is awake yet04:09
WaxyFreshjetole: you mean the movie is interupted by the screensaver?04:09
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RyukZillaIndyGunFreak: mmm its weird =S.... also, how to make Apache and everything, start in the begining?04:09
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: no clue.. i don't mess with that.04:09
jetoleWaxyFresh, you nailed it04:09
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craig_ikilledsanta22, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=502469&highlight=wusb54gs+linksys04:10
tupabulmer, I don't have a public ISP04:10
astro76jetole, I've found with totem and vlc in full screen mode, the screensaver won't activiate04:10
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jetoleI used to use mplayer -stop-xscreensaver when xscreensaver was used04:10
riotkittieok. this is going to drive me to drink. :|04:10
ericrostjetole: I generally just turn the screensaver off for when I'm watching movies04:10
WaxyFreshjetole: turn the screensaver off before hand04:10
IndyGunFreakriotkittie: lol, whats wrong04:10
RyukZillaIndyGunFreak: mmm oh could it be the screen im using, the one responsable for the server's slowness? its damn old, about 2 years old04:10
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WaxyFreshjetole: or use a stick to poke the mouse whenever it comes on04:11
IndyGunFreakRyukZilla: pretty unlikely, but i guess anything  is possible.04:11
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riotkittieIndyGunFreak: i'm trying to get compiz or beryl or compiz-fusion or something working. on my ati :|04:11
jetolehmmm, thing I dont like about totem is I am deaf and have ripped a lot of dvd's with their subtitles in seperate files, I don't know how to load those in totem04:11
=== ericrost was suprised by the fact that compiz fusion made my laptop faster...
craig_This laptop is for a customer who wants windows, and I'm just seeing what hardware works in Ubuntu; I do NOT want to suffer through a windows reinstall, and that's why I'm jsut running livecd04:11
IndyGunFreakriotkittie: well, as your finding, ATI sucks04:11
viatorwusb54g huh04:11
craig_I have this new laptop, and while I did manage to get wireless working, it's sporadic.  What seems to bork it is trying to paste something in rafb or pastebin.  I say seems, though it's probably unlikely, but I'm able to ssh and browse until I try to paste something.  THen it quits and restarting the network doesn't work for a while.  I'm running off the feisty cd, and maybe running a livecd is also causing trouble04:11
jetoleand also totem doesn't support the common aspect ration of any widescreen and I have two of them04:11
viatorseems theres some bug04:11
tupabulmer *public IP04:11
viatorwith network manager04:11
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riotkittieIndyGunFreak:  i know, i know.    :|04:11
WaxyFreshwhats the command to send a private msg?04:11
viatorit shows zero connectivity04:11
ericrostcraig_: what type of card is it?04:12
tupaWaxyFresh /msg04:12
IndyGunFreakriotkittie: hve you asked in #ubuntu-effects04:12
RyukZillaIndyGunFreak: well i dont see anyother possibility, since i do not think the server is slow at all, and well the only thing that its old its the screen04:12
viatorforget network manager configure it manually04:12
bulmertupa what was the problem again?04:12
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astro76jetole, yeah honestly I prefer vlc for that stuff, and it does both things you mentioned04:12
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=== jetole goes for a smoke and contemplates a bash script
icicledis there a way to group windows? ex. I "group" one firefox windows and a terminal window as group1, if i hit some hotkey both of those are set as the windows on top04:12
craig_ericrost, I'm actually not sure.  It was detected, and once I put in an essid it worked04:12
jetolevlc does eh? hmm, will have to try that04:12
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riotkittieIndyGunFreak: i was in there earlier but i'm so lost at this point that i dont even know what to ask. i'm using the dapper live disc, am going to install then distr-upgrade and try again :|04:12
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jetoleand vlc will stick it's foot up gnome-screensavers ass?04:12
kitcheicicled: you mean tagging not that I know of with gnome or kde or xfce04:12
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tininHow do I make applications to automatically start up?04:13
IndyGunFreakriotkittie: that would be a big waste of time04:13
ericrostopen a terminal and lspci, you may be able to pick it out of those results04:13
WaxyFreshriotkittie: i just sent you a pm04:13
astro76jetole, it will automatically find the subtitile file if it's the same name even04:13
IndyGunFreakwhy not just download feisty?04:13
keeni'm doing a fresh instal and want to make a partition for storage, what do i set the mount point to?04:13
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icicledkitche, know any WM that does?04:13
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astro76jetole, it has here ;)04:13
riotkittieWaxyFresh: if you did, it didnt come through :P04:13
viatorjust use workspaces04:13
kitcheicicled: at least by default you might be able to do it with a addon umm dwm is like that but it's keyboard driven04:13
tupabulmer, I need to show a friend an application (he is far away, and has no technical knowledge, so he is downloading a Live cd and do ssh to view the app), but I don't have a public IP to do a direct connection, can you help me out with that?04:13
adromedaI installed wine, now how do I open an exe with it?04:13
ericrostactually, lspci | grep Network04:13
IndyGunFreakriotkittie: why not just use Feisty?.. instead of going through the upgrade process04:13
jetoleastro76, awesom, and it always is, I use acidrip which rip's everything with the name listed on the dvd itself04:13
ericrostadromeda: wine this.exe04:13
WaxyFreshriotkittie:  join #riotgrrl04:13
jetolei.e. super_troopers.avi, super_troppers.sub etc04:14
icicledthanks kitche04:14
astro76jetole, exactly04:14
adromedathanks, that exactly?, or replace this04:14
keensoooo nobody knows?04:14
jetoleanyways, astro76 thanks for the help, I am gonna step out on the porch now and have a smoke, bbiab04:14
blookeen: external storage?04:14
ericrostadromeda: replace this with the path to your exe04:14
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bulmertupa what do you mean you dont have a public IP? can you not ssh to your friends machine?04:14
keenwell its all one hdd, i'm just partitioning it to be used just for storage04:14
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adromedakk, do I start that in the terminal?04:14
astro76keen, /media/whatever04:14
riotkittieIndyGunFreak:  because my currentn fiesty install is acting weird04:14
ericrostadromeda: but first winecfg to create your config files04:14
blookeen: and you already have a separate /home mount point?04:15
rigo_hello, i need some help  getting gnome to work04:15
ericrostadromeda: yes04:15
tupabulmer, no, we both are blocked04:15
viatorwireless is funky in ubuntu04:15
riotkittieand i cant just install because none of the 6.10 or 7.04 discs (live, or alternate) i've burned will work for me.04:15
keenbloo, nope. should i make the second partion /home?04:15
viatorhas it quirks04:15
bulmertupa both are blocked? can you browse the internet from either side?04:15
ikilledsanta22i cant follow this tut at all and i think i failed at step 104:15
blookeen: you don't have to, but it's a common convention04:15
rigo_lon g story short, i recently installed ubuntu, someone convinced me to install kubuntu and now i want to switch back to using gnome04:15
astro76keen, it's very nice to have a separate /home04:15
IndyGunFreakriotkittie: uh, download another one.. they're free04:15
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ericrostrigo_: if you google, there's a list of packages to uninstall to get back to pure gnome04:16
keenbloo, astro76, will that make it so i can reinstall or whatnot and not lose my files?04:16
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binarydigitif im making a tar of my root partition, do i need to include /dev ?04:16
bulmertupa and there are no other bastion host for you to connect to get into his internal network?04:16
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ericrostrigo_: that you can copy paste directly into a term04:16
keeni tend to break this os a lot since i dunno what i'm doing yet, sooooo04:16
blookeen: it'll help, among other things04:16
viatorrigo_ id you just install the kde desktop04:16
riotkittieIndyGunFreak:  i've downloaded fiesty at least 5 times.04:16
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rigo_afew days ago04:16
keenbloo, astro76: thanks =)04:16
blookeen: when i learned linux i did a lot of reinstalls and always kept my /home intact04:16
astro76keen, indeed04:16
IndyGunFreakriotkittie: try the alternate install cd04:17
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Neural_OverloadHello again everyone04:17
exwwhat do i need to add to grub boot parameters to boot into runlevel 3? I've tried adding 3  and init 3 to the kernel line but neither work04:17
riotkittieIndyGunFreak:  been there, done that.04:17
ikilledsanta22ok im gonna leave this alone and try it later04:17
tupabulmer a public IP is an IP assigned to you by your ISP to identify your machine, if you don't have a public IP people from outside can't view you, if you create a sub-network, you can then have 10 PCs connected to the internet with just one public IP (what my ISP does)04:17
ikilledsanta22bye thanks04:17
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Neural_OverloadIm having trouble unmounting my windows partition from the console04:17
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riotkittieI fought with the alternate cd for like two days before deciding to go the distr-upgrade route :|04:17
IndyGunFreakriotkittie: wierd.04:18
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adromedaI'd rather not have to go to the consule every time I open a windows application, is there any way of automatically making wine open with exe's?04:18
Neural_Overloadsudo unmount /dev/sda1 gives an error04:18
tupaNeural_Overload: sudo umount /path/to/partition04:18
scott__Hello everyone.04:18
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Neural_Overloadsudo: unmount: command not found04:18
tupaNeural_Overload what error04:18
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tupaNeural_Overload it is not unmount it is umount, and you can't remove partitions04:18
kitcheadromeda: umm you can have the mimetype for exe point to wine04:18
Valde_^Yo guys :D04:18
ericrostadromeda: you can create a launcher on the desktop with the command in it04:18
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tupaNeural_Overload that means, it is sda not sda104:19
riotkittieIndyGunFreak: i know. and its only the 6.10 and 7.04 discs its happening with. and i've downloaded on 2 pcs, burned with 2 different burners, and tried installing on a total of 3 machines. it's driving me nuts :P04:19
ericrostor kitche's suggestion is good too :)04:19
Neural_OverloadOh, so I'd have to unmount /media/win?04:19
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tupabulmer, so wanna help me out?04:19
=== Fezzler [n=christop@unaffiliated/fezzler] has joined #ubuntu
bulmertupa and there are no other bastion host for you to connect to get into his internal network? or the other way? if not....ask someone else to host04:19
IndyGunFreakriotkittie: that is wierd.. you're not on Raid are you?04:19
adromedawouldn't opening the app with a "wine" command work?04:19
riotkittieIndyGunFreak:  no04:19
WaxyFreshriotkittie: does your name have anything to do with riotgrrl music?04:19
chumphi, i have 2 partition on an external hd /dev/sdb1 and sdb2 .. my sdb1 is ntfs and my sdb2 is ext3 but i can't write to my ext3 partition someone can help ?04:19
riotkittieWaxyFresh:  no :P04:20
FezzlerHow do I find the IP address to configure my Linksys WIreless Router?04:20
tupaNeural_Overload: yes but it is umount not unmount <no n>, and do sudo for root permission04:20
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IndyGunFreakriotkittie: hmm, wierd.04:20
FezzlerThe one I think it is doesn't work04:20
tininDoes gnome-launch-box crash for someone more?04:20
tupabulmer nope04:20
Neural_OverloadDone, thanks tupa04:20
=== c2globalcom [n=justin@cpe-70-120-94-117.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ericrostadromeda: yes, the wine command in the launcher, that way you don't have to go to a terminla04:20
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RyukZilladoes anyone knows about mysql?04:20
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bulmertupa well ..you're SOL.. :(04:20
RyukZilla>______< people in the msyql channel ;O; laughed at me >_>!04:20
tupabulmer, our ISPs are evil :(04:20
astro76Fezzler, it's probably
craig_Fezzler, what do you mean find the address?  Of the router?04:21
riotkittieIndyGunFreak: wierd is an understatement :P04:21
adromedaidk, creating a launcher for every application is sorda annoying, btw04:21
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IndyGunFreakriotkittie: outrageously wierd?..04:21
craig_Fezzler, see what sudo cat /var/log/messages | grep dhcp does for you04:21
chumpFezzler:  if not it's supposed to be your default gateway04:21
FezzlerI have a wired router (main router)  I'm trying to config second router, wireless  UGH04:21
rigo_im currently on kubuntu using kde right now, and i want to switch to gnome?04:21
riotkittieIndyGunFreak: that works :P04:21
ericrostadromeda: then change the mimetype04:22
IndyGunFreakriotkittie: :)04:22
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rigo_but when im on the login screen and choose gnome, it crashes and takes me back to the lgin04:22
adromedawhich is...04:22
bulmertupa you can pay your isp for getting you a valid public ip addr perhaps04:22
tupacan anyone be kind enough to host me an application?04:22
=== caravena [n=caravena@pc-174-198-47-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
pawanany good webcam viewing software04:22
riotkittiethankfully, upgrading is like a 20 min process.  thats the only good thing about this "new" computer.04:22
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craig_Fezzler, I called dlink about mine (couldn't remember how I did it the first time) and they said it's not supported.  COuld be yours isn't either.  I do know that I can't have the ethernet plugged into the WAN port on the wireless router, just plugged it into a regular port, then I get an address from my real router (a Cent box)04:23
c2globalcomtupa:im me, for hosting talk04:23
bulmertupa perhaps you can make a bootable cdrom that have your application on it..and send him the cdrom04:23
=== bryan986 [n=bryan986@72-160-207-234.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
rigo_can anyone help with running gnome?04:23
craig_rigo_, did you install kubuntu form the cd, or afterward04:24
bryan986Hello all, I am looking for a utility that allows me to view the differences between two binary files (Doesn't matter if it does it in hex), can anyone give any recommendations?04:24
=== RoKing [n=rubenk_@196M08.oasis.mediatti.net] has joined #ubuntu
bulmerbryan986: diff will do noh?04:24
tupac2globalcom, what's your msn?04:24
craig_rigo_, then at the login screen, there should be a session or option button somewhere you can set the default desktop to04:24
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c2globalcomnone, only aim,yahoo04:25
bryan986bulmer: diff only tells me if they are different or not, it does not show the differences04:25
rigo_but when i do that, gnome crashes back to the login screen ._.04:25
owm-seabrokjust found this thing: sudo update-alternatives .... have never heard of it, it looks really useful though04:25
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kitchebryan986: you might have to compile04:25
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DDG008can someone suggest a good burning program for this ubuntu04:26
ericrostadromeda: open a terminal04:26
craig_rigo_, well, you can remove andreinstall gnome04:26
DDG008live cd04:26
riotkittieerr. stupid question time. forum threads have me all confused. i know there's teh open source ati driver, and then the closed fgrlx or whatever. is there a third ati driver?04:26
WaxyFreshDDG008: k3b04:26
craig_DDG008, I use k3b04:26
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bulmerbryan986: what are you looking for? the libraries it uses? the function inside the binary?04:26
WaxyFreshcraig_: JINX!!04:26
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doctorowI switched to Kubuntu and now I want to go back to the Gnome/Nautilus. How do I do that?04:26
tupac2globalcom what's your yahoo's04:26
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ericrostwell, I guess he didn't want the answer04:26
craig_doctorow, at the login screen, there should be a session or option button somewhere you can set the default desktop to04:27
ericrostdoctorow: if you google, there is a good list of packages to remove that you can copy/paste into a terminal04:27
DDG008i have to burn in on a pc xp04:27
bryan986bulmer, no the actually bits and bytes, to see what is different04:27
DDG008k3b for windows?04:27
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RoKingI have a fresh install of ubuntu, and when it boots to the login screen its garbled and the wrong resolution, but the boot screens look fine...04:27
craig_DDG008, they make it for windows?  Eww04:27
ericrostdoctorow: mine is if you want to remove them completely, yes you can also switch between them at the session prompt04:27
DDG008do they04:27
kitchebryan986: maybe this bsdiff?04:28
doctorowericrast Thanks04:28
doctorowcraig Thanks!04:28
bulmerbryan986: what would that achieve you? you know its different, you expect to decode it back?04:28
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craig_DDG008, Oh, I dont' know.  I found one on sourceforge, but can't remember what it's called.  Look there04:28
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kitcheriotkittie: there is radeon r100 r200 r300 all part of the ati driver04:28
craig_I have this new laptop, and while I did manage to get wireless working, it's sporadic.  What seems to bork it is trying to paste something in rafb or pastebin.  I say seems, though it's probably unlikely, but I'm able to ssh and browse until I try to paste something.  THen it quits and restarting the network doesn't work for a while.  I'm running off the feisty cd, and maybe running a livecd is also causing trouble04:28
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kitchebryan986: or xxdiff04:29
bryan986bulmer, to make sure I am creating this file correctly, I want to compare it to a good copy04:29
bryan986and the differences will help me debug04:29
RoKinganyone got an idea for my problem?04:29
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=== version2 [n=chatzill@70-58-55-193.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittiesweet. dapper's install is crashing when i get to the partitioning.04:29
Fezzlertoo hard04:29
bryan986kitche, thanks I will try them04:29
FezzlerBS - Linksys wants to charge me $39 to walk me through it04:29
craig_RoKing, did it look ok from the livecd?04:29
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bulmerbryan986: a good copy? well diff would detect the differences..and if you do find out that one file is different what can you do to correct it?04:29
FezzlerI own 3 of their products, and they want $39 to help set one up04:29
=== bauer77 [n=bauer77@c-76-108-45-191.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bryan986bulmer, edit my program to create it correctly :-)04:30
RoKingCraid: I never could get the live cd working, but I dont remember the problem I had04:30
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riotkittiemaybe i'll just make this a stupid win box. and make my laptop mostly linux :|04:30
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bulmerbryan986: you want to edit the binaries? are you nuts? lolz04:30
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bryan986bulmer, no I don't edit the file myself, I edit my program to make it differently04:30
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sonjeevjcan anybody tell me a place where i can download tahoma.tff windows font?04:31
sonjeevji cant seem to find a place to dl it04:31
craig_RoKing, I would think that if you could boot to the live cd and things looked ok, you could grab some config files and write them (after backing up your current ones somewhere) to the installed ubuntu folders04:31
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bulmerbryan986: are you speaking of compiled object? or any kind of binary file?04:31
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RoKingCraig, alright give me a minute to try the live cd04:32
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Neural_OverloadHow do I change where my windows partition is mounted?04:32
bryan986bulmer, any kind of binary file04:32
Neural_OverloadI used the NTFS Configuration Tool04:32
riotkittieerr. maybe i'm doing something wrong?04:32
tininHow do I make apps to autostart? I'm new to gnome04:32
Neural_OverloadI named the mount win04:32
craig_RoKing, I have not had to dick around with graphics in Ubuntu much, and not sure where the files are, but you're going to be looking in /etc and I would think the first file in question is xorg.conf04:32
RoKinghmm, ok04:33
Neural_Overloadbut I changed my mind and want it to be windows04:33
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bulmerbryan986: just my opinion..it is not efficient to do such editing..anyhow it is your time..04:33
RoKingI have very little experience in linux so I have no clue04:33
riotkittieOk. I'm running the installer on the 6.06 live CD. I want to partition manually. sda6 is like 6gb, empty, and formatted ext2. i try to click forward, and ... crashy, crashy.  am i missing something?04:33
craig_RoKing, ahh, the visually impaired leading the blind then04:33
RoKinghaha yea04:33
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ericrostcraig_: did you lspci and figure out what kind of card it is?04:35
craig_Yes and no04:35
craig_in that order04:35
ericrostwhat did it say for network stuff when you lspci'd?04:35
craig_rebooted and I'm on a fresh livecd again04:35
ericrostshould look something like this:04:36
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=== Captin [n=Captin@pool-71-164-34-234.chrlwv.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ericrost03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)04:36
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Captincan someone help me please04:36
DDG008what is the best way to burn this cd with windows04:36
craig_ericrost, THere is a Ultra VLINK Controller...  THat seems suspect04:36
Captini need help with beryl04:37
craig_DDG008, did you go to sourceforge?04:37
Captinwhat is that04:37
version2DDG008: Isn't this a Ubuntu irc channel...?04:37
ericrostor do a lsmod | grep bcm43xx, my bet is you're running a broadcom that isn't supported well under that driver, but it installs it anyway04:37
craig_ericrost, lots of VIA stuff on the laptop04:37
craig_version2, he's kind of ok, trying to burn an ubuntu disc04:37
ericrostis there anything it points out as a Network controller?04:37
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craig_ericrost, just the eth0 card04:37
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Captinactually i have a radeon 955004:38
ericrostahh.. I'm not sure what the Ultra VLINK is.. lemme google04:38
Captinvideo card04:38
cafuegoericrost: Well, he'd need the fimware with the driver, which isn't installed byd efault.04:38
d4rkmonkeyAnyone here have a HP Compaq 6710b by any chance?04:38
ericrostcan you cntrl-shift-c the line out?04:38
ericrostcafuego: that's true... if you install it from synaptic it grabs it.. but it wouldn't "just work"...04:38
=== Stoker [n=stoker16@201-89-160-58.cslce700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
craig_ericrost, ctrl what?  What's that supposed to do?04:38
version2craig_, my bad04:39
Captinso what do i have to have or do to get beryl04:39
ericrostcntrl-shift-c copies out of a terminal window04:39
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Stokerhi all04:39
=== RickH [n=rick@c-68-58-106-180.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ericrostselect the text04:39
DDG008yes but im trying to burn the live cd04:39
ericrostthen cntrl-shift-c04:39
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DDG008craig i did go there04:39
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Stokeri'm from Brasil04:39
craig_version2, but if he doesn't look on sourceforge, he should be given the heave ho and ask in windows channels04:39
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DDG008http://sourceforge.net/projects/cdrtfe/ will this do it04:39
craig_DDG008, you found nothing?04:39
DDG008link above04:39
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lashmoov3so like... i can't get bittorrents anymore, any ideas, other then its my isp?04:40
ericrostthat's your audio controller craig04:40
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=== topstorm [n=stygian@pool-71-253-236-100.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
craig_DDG008, try it out.  It looks like it might.  Wish I could remember the one I got; it was like three weeks ago04:40
RoKingrouter firewall?04:40
RickHHow can I find out what IP and DNS is being used at the current moment?  My cable modem uses DHCP.04:40
radioaktivstormhello, having issues installing realplayer... i need to play some rams and vlc nor mplayer have worked for it  can someone give me some pointers or instructions on how i can install the program. or alternatively an opensource application that i can use instead?04:40
version2DDG008, http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Burn_an_ISO_to_CD_in_Windows_using_Freeware04:40
craig_RickH, ifocnifg for ip, cat the /etc/resolv.conf for dns04:41
=== Maki-Maki [n=Mavi-Mak@c-67-168-52-210.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
RickHradioaktivstorm:  I ended up downloading RealPlayer10Gold.bin and installing it that way.04:41
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Maki-Makihi all] 04:41
RickHcraig_:  Thanks!04:41
Spartanhi :)04:41
radioaktivstormRickH... how do i get it work?04:41
craig_RickH, ifconfig   typo first time I answered04:41
Spartanmy english is very bad ;)04:41
radioaktivstormRickH: do i need to do a chmod or something?04:41
Maki-MakiIVe got a question  that i think some one more knowlegable than me can anser 8)04:41
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Paddy_EIREDDG008: use ImgBurn04:41
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RickHradio:  Yeah, "chmod +x Real..."04:41
RickHcraig_:  Got it. :)04:42
radioaktivstormthanks rickh04:42
Maki-Makiits about the gui04:42
radioaktivstormill try it04:42
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radioaktivstormfor whoever needed win32 iso burner....burnatonce is good04:42
who_careswhat's a good virus scanner for ubuntu?04:43
RickHradioaktivstorm:  np04:43
who_caresclamav won't update04:43
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RickHradioaktivstorm:  Ubunut has one built in.  It was awesome! :)04:43
who_caresand avg has been a huge pain04:43
Maki-Makispecifiaclly how...... do can i use superuser previlages to do some basic tasks in the gui with out resorting to the terminal?04:43
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RickHMaki-Maki:  Log in as root04:44
craig_DDG008, see that?  burnatonce is what someone else says to use04:44
Paddy_EIREMaki-Maki: try gksudo nautius if its file browsing related04:44
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Maki-Makiok leem try that04:44
SpartanWhere are they from?04:44
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File13Intuitive, you here?04:45
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craig_ericrost, AHA!  Got it working long enough to scp to my own laptop04:46
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Gaming1Hello everyone, Since I have both Windows and Ubuntu on my system, I have two entries for Ubuntu in the bootloader, how do I remove one entry?04:46
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Paddy_EIREGaming1: 'gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst'04:46
RickHwhy gksu?  I use gedit. :P04:47
ze1230Hi all.  cdrecord doesn't recognize my burner but paranoia and and other progs do.  Any ideas?04:47
radioaktivstormrickh, do i need to chmod the realplay.bin for it to work?04:47
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RickHradioaktivstorm:  Yup.04:47
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RickHradioaktivstorm:  By default, it's not an executable file.04:47
craig_ericrost, http://rafb.net/p/VyC2Qu12.html04:47
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yuananybody knows how to read the docs in xorg-docs ?04:47
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cafuegoradioaktivstorm: You know realplayer can be installed via add/remove, right?04:47
craig_ericrost, also, any idea which one might be the built in webcam?04:47
Maki-MakiRichH i dont want to log in as root I should be able to do simple tasks (cut, past,edit, uncompres) in the gui w/having to resort to major twitiling and head ach.. in suse I just have to add my self as a privileged user04:47
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yuani install the xorg-docs04:47
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radioaktivstormcafuego no lie?04:48
yuanbut how can i read the docs in it04:48
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cafuegoradioaktivstorm: You need to allow it to list commercial packages, but yes.04:48
RickHMaki-Maki:  You should be able to do all those things, provided you have access to the file(s) you're working with.04:48
IndyGunFreakMaki-Maki: you may want to consider Mepis.04:48
craig_Maki-Maki, what do you mean?  Why would you have to log in as root do cut and copy?04:48
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DDG008yes i see that craig, downloading it now...04:48
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DDG008craig do you have the iso for  the live cd already downloaded...04:48
RickHAre there codes in /boot/grub/menu.lst for color which do not use high colors.  On my system they blink, and aren't high intensity.04:49
DDG008for some reason that other program deleted it on me04:49
craig_DDG008, it is a pain in the arse.  The burner with windows sucks04:49
Gaming1Paddy_EIRE:I get an empty space....04:49
yuananyone ever xorg-docs ?04:49
Paddy_EIREGaming1: 1 sec04:49
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IndyGunFreakRickH: i think so.... try googling .. thats how i changed mine04:49
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craig_DDG008, I have about eight discs floating around; different versions of dapper, edgy, and feisty04:49
IndyGunFreakRickH: there's actually places where you can download Grub "skins'...04:49
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RickHIndyGunFreak:  Thanks.  Are you in/near Indianapolis?04:49
=== RickH is in Indianapolis
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IndyGunFreakRickH: born and raised in Beech Grove.04:49
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RickHIndyGunFreak:  Southport!  Woo hoo! :P04:50
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:50
IndyGunFreakRickH: well hello neighbor!.. :)04:50
casper__whats the best torrent downloader?04:50
=== craig_ is going out to smoke. brb
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ze1230"cdrecord: Sorry, no CD/DVD-Drive found on this target." :(04:50
=== RickH nods
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:50
Paddy_EIREcasper__: transmission and deluge are both pretty good and lightweight04:50
radioaktivstormcafuego, i have restricted open, and i dont see it04:51
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XeraI'm using http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/ubuntu/index.html to install my modem and am not having any luck.. It's not connecting, this is from the syslog http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32191/04:51
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RickHI just want to say one thing regarding VMware on an AMD64 machine:  ROCKIN!04:51
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RickHVMware is the best thing yet software-wise. :)))04:51
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cafuegoradioaktivstorm: it's in yet-another-section, hold on.04:52
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casper__how do i highlight your name when im talking to you?04:52
IndyGunFreakcasper__: type first few letters, then hit tab...04:52
IndyGunFreakit will auto complete04:52
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cafuegoradioaktivstorm: 'sudo apt-get install app-install-data-commercial'04:52
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Paddy_EIRERickH: kvm will be a part of the kernal shortly... together with qemu now thats rockin04:52
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IndyGunFreak!tab | casper__04:52
ubotucasper__: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:52
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casper__IndyGunFreak: thanks that was irritating04:53
psycorpsecan I ssh into a ubuntu desktop?04:53
IndyGunFreakcasper__: lol.. no prob.04:53
RickHPaddy_EIRE:  What's kvm?04:53
cafuegoKernel Virtual Machine04:53
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afterwegopsycorpse: yes you can04:53
Paddy_EIRE!kvm | RickH04:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:53
cafuego(part of) Xen is also in 2.6.23 now.04:53
RickHcafuego:  cool!04:53
psycorpseDo i have to open firewall ports afterwego04:53
cafuegolguest got merged04:53
RickHI heard pre-emptive multi-tasking will be coming in the next rev of Linux kernel.04:53
cafuegopsycorpse: nope04:53
=== Stoffer [n=Stoffer@nj-71-53-29-19.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
DDG008where is the faster place to download the live cd04:53
casper__thats how yall were doing taht so quickly04:53
RickH.36 I think04:53
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afterwegopsycorpse: you will if you want to access it from outside of your network04:53
Gaming1PADDY_EIRE: ???04:53
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cafuegoRickH: preempt is already in the kernel04:54
psycorpsethats what i mean04:54
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=== Andy249 [n=Andyy@210.80-203-40.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
Andy249How do I turn off Desktop effects in terminal?04:54
afterwegoThen yes you will need to open port 2204:54
Stofferwatching flash videos & doing other things in flash online consistently maxes out my CPU... can someone tell me how to uninstall and then reinstall it?04:54
craig_DDG008, are you on dialup?04:54
cafuegoRickH: A new (CFS) scheduler will be in .23 tho.04:54
Stofferwait, hold that thought04:54
RickHcafuego:  That's what I meant... the scheduler.04:54
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afterwegoYou will also need to do 'sudo apt-get install ssh' if you haven't already04:54
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Paddy_EIREGaming1: copy and paste this gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst04:54
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radioaktivstormcafuego, i already have that one evidently04:54
psycorpsedoes ubuntu use ipchains or something else?04:54
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craig_afterwego, isn't it openssh-server?04:55
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cafuegoRickH: But you may or may not notice any difference with a new scheduler.04:55
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afterwegossh works too04:55
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Stofferok yeah I need help04:55
cafuegopsycorpse: iptables04:55
RickHcafuego:  It's the principle of the thing.04:55
Stofferit's probably just in firefox right?04:55
jayDawgi threw up an awsome meta video search engine, www.metaflick.com04:55
craig_afterwego, hmm, wouldn't in dapper.  Maybe I was screwing it up04:55
dormedasumm hello guys ... I cant boot into linux because I'm "out of disk space" but I've cleared almost everything that I could without sacrificing programs... HELP?04:55
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afterwegoI just did it a few minutes ago04:55
casper__im using ktorrent now but i dont like it i used utorrent with windows i liked that one a lot but i wanna try something new04:55
Andy249How do I turn off Desktop effects in terminal?04:55
cafuegoradioaktivstorm: Hrm. Hold on (I'm on 64bit, I don't have it at all myself)04:55
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charlie_eone tell me how to install .deb programs on breezy badger  thought it was sudo apt-get install program?04:55
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Gaming1I am getting two entries for Ubuntu in my bootloader. How do I remove one of them?04:56
afterwegoBut I suppose if that doesn't work do 'sudo apt-get install openssh-server'04:56
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craig_dormedas, probably your root filesystem is full.  Can you make another partition?  /home /usr  and /var are ususally the ones I seperate04:56
psycorpsethanks cafuego. I think I will like ubuntu. I am a former Fedora user04:56
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DDG008im only getting 44k a second here04:56
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craig_psycorpse, what's the last version you used?  I switched over at FC504:56
dormedascraig_: yes I can make another partition... but I don't know with what..04:56
PunkunityI was just reading some stuff on the google repositories, but i do not understand how to download the key i need, when i click on the download link it just takes me to a page with all this code (which is the key i think) but im supposed to be able to download it and save it???04:56
wwalkeranyone ever gotten a EX720 evdo card recognized under ubuntu?04:57
cafuegoradioaktivstorm: Add "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu feisty-commercial main" to sources.list and you should be set.04:57
Punkunityanyone wanna help me understand what im doing wrong04:57
radioaktivstormgot it04:57
psycorpseFC 5 was the last one I used04:57
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dormedascraig: what would be more of a help is if I can get Parted to grow my filesystem ..04:57
craig_dormedas, I'm not sure in fdisk how to do it without erasing stuff.04:57
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psycorpseit looks like apt-get ssh is getting openssh04:57
craig_dormedas, can you boot to a livecd and do it?04:57
RetnuhCan someone that has a second tell me what website do I go to that lists information on the shortcuts for the Desktop Effects?04:57
Stofferok yeah, I need help uninstalling flash04:57
dormedascraig: yes, I can boot to a live CD04:57
craig_dormedas, if the GUI partitioner is on installed ubuntu, it should also be on the livecd04:58
Gaming1I am also not able to configure the NTFS file partition using the ntfs-3g plugin.Anyone willing to help me?04:58
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casper__its kinda nice i have no questions about ubuntu or linux right now, everything works perfectly YESSSS04:58
XeraI'm using http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/ubuntu/index.html to install my modem and am not having any luck.. It's not connecting, this is from the syslog http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32191/ Anybody? :|04:58
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Retnuh^1Can someone that has a second tell me what website do I go to that lists information on the shortcuts for the Desktop Effects?04:58
Andy249Anyone know how I can turn off Desktop Effects with a Terminal Command?04:59
craig_dormedas, or you could install it temporarily in the livecd environment if it's not included by default04:59
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bathatany idea why mkdosfs says No such file or directory (mkdosfs -F 16 /dev/sdc1)04:59
bathati've created a FAT16 partition on the usb stick04:59
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RetnuhI need to know a website that I can learn the shortcuts to the Desktop Effects04:59
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dormedascraig: you see, I was going to use Parted to grow my partition another 5 GB or so so I wouldnt have this problem any more..04:59
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bathati just cannot figure out what the deal is05:00
RetnuhI have drawn all over my desktop......lol05:00
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Andy249I need a command to shut off desktop effects05:00
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dormedascraig: apparently the "Resize" bit it more of a "Shrink"05:00
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Retnuhyou go to System, Preferences, Desktop Effects and uncheck them05:00
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zimmoUnable to create OpenGL screen (Couldn't find matching GLX visual)05:00
dormedascraig: Parted is on the live CD05:00
Stofferanyone?  Help with uninstalling flash?  It maxes out my CPU every time...05:00
casper__Retnuh:  look at the beryl manager it tells you them05:00
zimmowhy can not I open my application via console05:00
craig_dormedas, if you seperate stuff, it won't happen again, you just won't be able to install new stuff if /usr fills up, and have similar trouble with /var. At least you can still boot though05:00
zimmoit awyals advices this error05:00
zimmoUnable to create OpenGL screen (Couldn't find matching GLX visual)05:01
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craig_dormedas, what's eating up so much space?  du or df (can't remember which) will tell you, but perhaps you have to be booted into the installed ubuntu to run that and get accurate results05:01
elfboyim trying use sftp to transfer files between machines and that you already have ssh setup and working but not sure if im doing this right05:02
RetnuhI have drawn all over my desktop......lol05:02
bathatif anyone could help me, i'd really appreciate it05:02
RetnuhI need to know a website that I can learn the shortcuts to the Desktop Effects05:02
=== austinhawk [n=chris@adsl-75-54-84-131.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Andy249Anyone knows a command to disable Desktop Effects?05:02
Andy249I cant login to my desktop because it's on05:02
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Andy249Gnome safemode doesnt work either05:02
RetnuhI dont know05:03
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RetnuhI need to know a website that I can learn the shortcuts to the Desktop Effects05:03
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RetnuhI have drawn all over my desktop......lol05:03
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elfboyim want to share my 2 ubuntu box so i can get files off one05:03
craig_elfboy, come again? I don't understand what you mean.  ssh and sftp are two different animals05:03
RickHHow can I find out my gateway IP?05:03
regeyaI think I'm now hopeless.  I'm running irssi, mutt, vim, and ncmpc in screen "windows"05:04
craig_RickH, route, but the output is kind of weird05:04
MajorPaynecraig_: What are you talking about?  sftp works over sshd.05:04
Music_Shuffleregeya, no GUI?  Yes.  You've gone to the dark side.05:04
Paddy_EIRERickH: ifconfig05:04
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RickHcraig_:  Is there something I can grep?05:04
RickHPaddy_EIRE:  ifconfig doesn't show it.05:04
regeyain a gui but in a term.  it's kinda scary.  I haven't been this cli since I had a 486.05:04
elfboyim want to share my 2 ubuntu box so i can get files off one and i can ssh in to both boxes05:04
Ashfire908how do you delete a theme05:04
MajorPayneelfboy: You need to install sshd, not just ssh.05:04
craig_MajorPayne, I stand corrected.  Never used it, just thought it was another ftp05:04
austinhawkretnuh, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41813805:04
dormedasAnyone know why GParted wont grow my partition??05:04
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craig_RickH, just type route (or maybe sudo route)05:05
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MajorPayneelfboy: On the machine you are connecting to.  You don't need it on the machine you are connecting from.05:05
craig_dormedas, from the livecd?05:05
Retnuhaustinhawk: Thank you sir05:05
RickHcraig_:  It's showing an *05:05
dormedascraig: yes05:05
austinhawknp, hope it works :)05:05
regeyado I get any bonus points for using mutt to handle gmail? :->05:05
elfboyok let me try that05:06
=== pavon [n=jackson@c-69-241-169-220.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Punkunity I was just reading some stuff on the google repositories, but i do not understand how to download the key i need, when i click on the download link it just takes me to a page with all this code (which is the key i think) but im supposed to be able to download it and save it???05:06
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craig_RickH, oh, that's not good.  Wonder if there's no gateway.  You could do a route add default gw x.x.x.x (man route to see if syntax is right) and set it yourself05:06
Punkunityi also wanted to change from feisty to ubuntu studio (if its worth it)05:06
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Punkunityand I wanted to get LinuxMCE05:07
Punkunityanyone into this stuff?05:07
Retnuhaustinhawk: I am looking for the commands to clear my screen because I markered all over it with Ctrl+Alt+Left Click05:07
RickHcraig_:  I think I figured it out.  The gateway had to be shown with "-n" option, and then it showed for the IP address, rather than on the correct line.05:07
Ashfire908is there a way to delete a theme05:07
RickHcraig_:  The output was a little weird. :)05:07
craig_Punkunity, Ardour is the bomb.  Just set it up in my studio last week.  When I can get the Mackie to serve out ftp, I'll be golden05:07
RickHokay, rebooting...05:07
dormedascraig_: GParted acknowledges the 5 GB free space I have on the disk, but for some reason it wont let me grow my linux partition!05:07
Punkunitycraig_ what does all that mean??05:07
craig_dormedas, it's 5g of empty space?05:07
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dormedascraig_: just to clarify, it's not allocated to any one partition either..05:08
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pavonhi, I noticed some of the channels here require identd so I went to install it and there are like 7 identd servers in the repository. Anyone have a suggestion as to which to use?05:08
MajorPaynedormedas: Is the partition mounted?05:08
craig_Punkunity, ardour is multitrack software (DAW)  I have a Mackie hard disk recorder.  We record to that, then I can ftp the wav files to the linux box and mix05:08
austinhawkretnuh, not sure. ctrl-alt-bckspace to restart x server....05:08
=== malocite [n=malocite@bas3-toronto12-1168024820.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dormedasMajorPayne: I've tried it mounted or not, neither appears to work though. Do you wish me to re-try?05:08
elfboyok well that did not work05:08
MajorPayne!caps | casper__05:09
ubotucasper__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:09
malocitehey all, can someone tell me how I can see the size of a file in the console?05:09
regeyacasper__: being annoying will get you an answer, sure.05:09
Punkunitycraig_ i do not want to open a studioo or anything like that, i just like the multimedia features that UbuntuStudio has (which is an actual OS i thought) and i like Linux MCE05:09
pavonmalocite: ls -l05:09
MajorPaynedormedas: Duno.  It was just an idea.  You can't do it when the partition is mounted.05:09
Punkunityi do not make music or produce anything05:09
craig_dormedas, can you split it into 1g and 4g partition?05:09
Music_ShufflePunkunity, it is an actual OS05:09
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malocitepavon: easiest one all night huh? :)05:09
casper__sorry i dont look at the screen when i type05:09
Punkunityi thought so05:09
Music_ShufflePunkunity, but whether you want to switch to it, is a choice best made by you.05:10
dormedasMajorPayne: I know this, although I'm tempted to re-try for your sake to see if you can be of any help..05:10
regeyacasper__: are you wanting to convert music or would you like to convert movies...mp4 is just a container format y'know05:10
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Stofferis there a way to remove flash by itself, or is it embedded in firefox?05:10
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Punkunityhow do i do the name thing in IRC like i type part of your name then hit some key and it types the rest for me, i forget05:10
DDG008this download is going so slow05:10
DDG008why is that05:10
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dormedasMajorPayne: I'm going to go put in the Live CD and try again I suppose.05:10
regeyacasper__: and the codec you want to use is a concern as well...05:10
Music_ShuffleStoffer, its a sep. package to install in Synaptic, you can search for it under the list of flash plugins05:10
Xerahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3119414 nobody? D:05:10
MajorPaynedormedas: The live cd is the best way to go.05:10
dingdangdonganyway using paltalk on ubuntu?05:10
Music_ShufflePunkunity, type part of a nick and then hit tab.05:10
=== userund [n=userund@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Punkunitymusic_shuffle have you seen LinuxMCE?? and is one better than the other fesity vs. studio??05:10
Punkunityduh magic_shuffle lol ty05:10
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dormedasMajorPayne: that's how I've been trying it though..05:11
StofferMusic_Shuffle, just search for flash?05:11
PunkunityMusic_Shuffle, TY05:11
craig_DDG008, depends on lots of things.  You're slow, they're slow, or something in between is slow.  I know that Verizon is screwed up today in northeastern states (here in Maine for instance)05:11
casper__regeya: convert movies for ipod and i dont know what i container format is05:11
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MajorPaynedormedas: Is the free space at the begining or end of the partition?05:11
regeyacasper__: if all you want to do is convert DVDs to h.264 to watch on the road, you could use handbrake:  http://handbrake.m0k.org/05:11
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Music_ShufflePunkunity, anytime.05:11
regeyacasper: see, that's useful information.05:11
Ashfire908is there a way to delete a GNOME theme?05:11
StofferMusic_Shuffle, where can I find that list of flash plugins... is it in Synaptic?05:12
Music_ShuffleStoffer, yes, or I know its listed under either mozilla, or firefox under one of the 'World Wide Web' tabs in Synaptic, not sure if its Multiverse, Universe, or normal though, sorry.05:12
PunkunityMusic_Shuffle, have you seen linuxMCE??05:12
dormedasMajorPayne: neither, it's not allocated to any partition, I need to allocate it to the hda4 partition (linux)05:12
Paddy_EIREAshfire908: why...?05:12
StofferMusic_Shuffle, ok05:12
Music_ShufflePunkunity, unfortunately, no.  What is it?05:12
PunkunityMusic_Shuffle, http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4422887272477313460&hl=en05:12
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Punkunityor http://kahvipapu.com/blog/category/linux/ Music_Shuffle05:12
MajorPaynedormedas: I thought you said you wanted to make a partition grow.  IS that true?05:12
Music_ShuffleAhh ok.05:12
casper__so theres no good programs to use?05:12
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PunkunityMusic_Shuffle, its a long and boring video ive made it to the 5 minute mark, but it does look very cool05:13
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dormedasMajorPayne: I guess I used the wrong terminology, that's what I thought it was. Anyways, I need to add 5 GB of free space to a partition05:13
dingdangdongpaltalk on ubuntu?05:13
Ashfire908Paddy_EIRE: because i have three themes i made that i want to get rid of.05:13
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dormedaswould I delete a swap, give it the new space and copy it?05:13
MajorPaynedormedas: Ok.  And is the free space come before or after the partition you want to add it to?05:13
StofferMusic_Shuffle, I browsed through the World Wide Web tab (where mozilla is) but none of the packages installed were flash05:13
dormedasMajorPayne: before..05:13
Paddy_EIREAshfire908: if you made the themes then shouldnt you know where they are...?05:14
MajorPaynedormedas: That's your problem.  You can only move the end of a partition.05:14
ATOMICplayerOkay guys, I have installed Ubuntu 7.04 successfully using the alternate CD, now ... once I try to load it up, my monitor goes off... just like when I try to install from the normal cd. Is there a command I need to type before "startx" ?05:14
=== Crescendo [n=GWing@cpe-071-070-237-220.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
casper__this is one of the easier questions, im not familiar with linux programs yet05:14
dormedasMajorPayne: now, to move it05:14
bullgard4lspci -vv output includes for example: "00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) USB UHCI #1 (rev 03) (prog-if 00 [UHCI] )Subsystem: Wistron Corp. Unknown device 10a5". Is the number 00:1d.0 a part of the PCI namespace?05:14
Music_ShuffleStoffer, opening it myself, one second.05:14
MajorPaynedormedas: Ahh.  I don't know anything about moving a partition, sorry.05:14
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Music_ShuffleStoffer, flashplugin-nonfree05:15
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dingdangdongpaltalk on ubunutu????????? crying now05:15
Ashfire908Paddy_EIRE: i used gnome-theme-manager05:15
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CThoin the file browser, is there a key i can hold down while pressing enter to get a folder to open in a new window?05:15
CThoin Windows, ctrl+enter opens a folder in a new window.05:15
StofferMusic_Shuffle, not installed05:15
jayDawgi threw up an awsome meta video search engine, www.metaflick.com05:15
CThoah, shift apparenlty.05:15
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StofferMusic_Shuffle, I have some other version of flash05:15
Music_ShuffleStoffer, oh, sorry, then I don't know =/05:15
astro76dormedas, in gparted click GParted menu > Features, it'll show you what you can do with what filesystem, unfortunately you cannot move ext305:16
casper__any good programs for converting movies to mp4 format?05:16
naliothcasper__: handbrake05:16
StofferMusic_Shuffle, could it be libswfdec0.3?05:16
dormedasastro76: umm... so I suppose it's delete swap, new EXT and copy?05:16
Music_ShuffleStoffer, unfortunately, I have no idea what that does, so I don't want to say either way >_>05:16
astro76dormedas, although I'm not sure how entirely accurate that is, I know I've shrank ntfs with it05:16
ATOMICplayerI have installed Ubuntu 7.04 successfully using the alternate CD, now ... once I try to load it up, my monitor goes off... just like when I try to install from the normal cd. Is there a command I need to type before "startx" ?05:16
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StofferMusic_Shuffle, ok, well I'll get rid of it and we'll see what happens :P05:16
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bobon1100what the thing to do super cow?05:17
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:17
astro76dormedas, you can actually copy the partition in gparted, if you have the space to do so, otherwise yeah05:17
dormedasastro76: I shrank my NTFS Windows partition, but I can't allocate it to linux now :(05:17
Music_ShuffleStoffer, gl :P05:17
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Gaming1Hey guys is there any way to synchronise your mailbox using Evolution?05:17
MajorPaynedormedas: How large is your ext3 partition right now?05:17
StofferMusic_Shuffle, nope, flash still works....05:17
dormedasastro76: I'll rid of the Windows Swap space partition to make room for my new partition i guess05:17
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dormedasMajorPayne: a lowly 3.8 GB05:18
MajorPaynedormedas: That's not Windows swap space.05:18
Music_ShuffleNo idea then, I wouldn't advise removing things randomly though :P05:18
pavonGaming1: syncronize to what, the mail server or another computer?05:18
casper__thank you05:18
ATOMICplayerCan someone please help ? :)05:18
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MajorPaynedormedas: That's Ubuntu swap space.05:18
dormedasMajorPayne: there were two Swap partitions when I partitioned05:18
dormedasthat is to Ubuntu05:18
meoblast001hey, if i want to stream WMP audio and video files, what do i install?05:18
MajorPaynedormedas: You say you have 5 GB of free space?05:18
dormedasMajorPayne: correct05:18
bobon1100so does anyone know the sudo apt-get super cow powers thing?05:19
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Ashfire908Paddy_EIRE: do you know how to delete a theme from the GNOME theme manager?05:19
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pavonbobon1100: yeah, what's the question05:19
MajorPayneCopy the ext3 partition to the beginning of the free space, remove the old partition (you may want to make sure your data got copied ok), remove then expand.05:19
casper__i have no idea what to do with a bin file05:19
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bobon1100pavon: the syntax to do super-cow, what is it?05:19
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MajorPaynebobon1100: aptitude moo05:20
millllmannnncan someone tell me where to get the binary source for openssl-devel?05:20
Paddy_EIREAshfire908: know im sorry I do not...if you find out where the theme is extracted once its installed then you can delete it from there05:20
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MajorPaynebobon1100: Or, apt-get moo :-P05:20
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dormedasastro76: it says I can move ext3 partitions on the features list ..?05:20
bobon1100my gf wanted to see it05:20
ATOMICplayerOkay guys, I have installed Ubuntu 7.04 successfully using the alternate CD, now ... once I try to load it up, my monitor goes off... just like when I try to install from the normal cd. Is there a command I need to type before "startx" ?05:20
Gaming1pavon: to sync the mail server...05:20
astro76dormedas, see if it lets you, you can experiment without hitting apply05:20
Ashfire908Paddy_EIRE, i'm not downloading themes and installing them!05:21
pavonGaming1: if your server supports IMAP then that will keep your mailbox and the online server syncronized, as opposed to POP3 which downloads the email and deletes the messages.05:21
Paddy_EIREAshfire908: i know05:21
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nw_hi brothers and sisters05:21
Gaming1How do I read the source codes of various softwares?05:21
pavonSo when you setup your account, choose IMAP.05:21
nw_Is anyone saavy on the prism54.org softmac drivers?05:21
astro76dormedas, although start over when you know what you want to do, otherwise it'll perform each step you did05:21
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Ashfire908Paddy_EIRE, i'm customing the standard themes and saving them using save as05:22
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MajorPayne!source | Gaming105:22
ubotuGaming1: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html05:22
dormedasastro76: well, apparently not with the version I have..05:22
pavonGaming1: the source isn't normally installed with the program when you install it, you have to get the source package. Or you can go to the project website and download it from there.05:22
nw_does anyone know how to tell if your wifi card is recieving b or g traffic under linux?05:22
Paddy_EIREGaming1: you will need to download the source code for the app/s in question05:23
Gaming1Where do I get the source code for Ubuntu?05:23
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dormedasMajorPayne: so then, I shall shave some more off of Windows and give my new partition a big 10 GB for now05:23
keeni just did a fresh install, but not long have the option of starting a session of gnome with xgl...anyone know why?05:23
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RadiantFireGaming1: you can use the cammand apt-get source <pacakge name> to get the source code05:23
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MajorPaynedormedas: Ahh, who needs Windows anyway?  Just remove the whole thing.  I did that a year ago and never looked back.05:24
Paddy_EIREkeen xgl is not installed by default05:24
dormedasMajorPayne: hehehe, not a bad idea there05:24
keenoh...where do i get it?05:24
keenand i need that for compiz fusion right?05:24
Paddy_EIRE!xgl | keen05:24
ubotukeen: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:24
dormedasMajorPayne: I still have some files I'll need to grab off of that sinking ship (it wont boot anyways)05:24
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MajorPaynedormedas: If it is a new install of Ubuntu, it might almost be faster just to redo the whole thing after you get all the free space you think you will need.05:25
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Ashfire908is there a way to delete a GNOME theme from the gnome theme manager?05:25
MajorPaynedormedas: And yes, backup data before partitioning.05:25
dormedasMajorPayne: I have had Ubuntu for about a month now, and I don't wish to rid of all the programs and whatnot05:25
DDG008is there a faster way to download this live cd05:25
DDG008like a ftp site05:25
DDG008or something like that05:25
MajorPaynedormedas: Ahh.  Ok.  I wouldn't either.  Goodluck.05:25
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Ashfire908DDG008 there a bunch of mirrors05:26
DDG008cool where do i get the list05:26
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dormedasMajorPayne: alright, I'll be finding my files and moving them so I may not respond for a while. I just need to pick up a few stragglers, I got 6 Gb of Windows fragmented stuff on my secondary drive anyways05:26
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=== Ashfire908 tries to pull up the page
MajorPaynedormedas: I don't know if I will be here when you get back.  But if you have any more questions just ask anyway.05:27
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niuqhi, i am wondering why i am not able to open xml files05:27
niuqwhat do i need?05:27
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MajorPayneniuq: I don't know a whole lot about xml :-/ but if it is a text file just use a text editor.05:28
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Jaikkanendoes anyone know if a channel with support for btnx?05:29
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scipioyou should be able to open it into a browser i think05:29
Jaikkanenif exsists a*05:29
niuqMajorPayne: well it did open but i diddnt wanted to appear all the tags05:29
Ashfire908DDG008: sorry, my internet connection is slow05:29
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MajorPayneniuq: Ahh, I don't know then.05:30
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Jaikkanendoes anyone use a VX/MX revolution mouse with btnx here?05:30
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Ashfire908DDG008: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download you could select a mirror from the list, or there is a complete list here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors05:30
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Punkunityhey Music_Shuffle do you know anything about this... http://www.google.com/linuxrepositories/ubuntu704.html05:31
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millllmannnnanyone know where to get "openssl-devel"? without using apt-get... im looking for the binary source05:32
Punkunitygoogle it05:32
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Paddy_EIREmillllmannnn: sourceforge is usually good05:32
niuqhow can i open a xml file?05:32
zimmoUnable to initialize SDL (Couldn't get console hardware info)05:32
zimmowhat does it mean?05:32
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Music_ShufflePunkunity, neg.05:32
Punkunitygoddamn it05:33
Punkunityi cant get the key thing...i dont understand it05:33
MajorPayne!ohmy | Punkunity05:33
ubotuPunkunity: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:33
Punkunityit doesnt download it just opens a page up with the key05:33
Paddy_EIREwhere's the bad language05:33
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Punkunitysorry MajorPayne05:33
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MajorPaynePunkunity: Right click it and click something like "save to disk".05:34
MajorPaynePunkunity: On the link that is.05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ploni - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plome - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:34
Punkunityi dont think its there MajorPayne , under right click options i mean05:34
MajorPaynePunkunity: Ugg, don't make me open firefox.  It almost has to be there.  Either that or you could just copy it and paste it into a file.05:35
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Punkunityok ty MajorPayne05:35
dormedasMajorPayne: I HAVE LIBERATED MYSELF FROM WINDOWS !!! HAHAHAHA ... I feel so ALIVE05:35
niuqhow could i  open a XML file05:35
MajorPaynePunkunity: Save link as maybe?05:35
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MajorPaynedormedas: Heh, congrats.  Goodluck.05:36
f00f_congrats dormedas05:36
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Paddy_EIREdormedas: now stand outside and pee into the wind05:36
Punkunitymaybe, i am going to copy and paste all the stuff thats there when the page opens and save it as the filetype they  are using at google05:36
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MajorPaynePunkunity: Ok, that should work fine.05:36
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regeyadormedas: um, congratulations, I guess. :-}05:36
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dormedasPaddy: YAY *runs to door*05:36
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Wilohello ubuntu05:37
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MajorPayne!hi | Wilo05:37
cardanto1wow -- i can't start the gnome partition editor, i just click on it, enter my password and then nothing happens . . . what is going on???05:37
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cardanto1(i am running fiesty fawn)05:37
MISTERTibbsGRUB won't boot!!  I edited my menu.lst in an attempt to add a splashimage to the grub menu.  Now, after working perfectly for months, I cannot get ANY boot menu items to work.  The system just restarts even if I select Windows XP.  Help, please???05:37
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MajorPayne!hi | Wilo05:37
ubotuWilo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:38
Paddy_EIREcardanto1: try 'gksudo gparted'05:38
Wiloubotu hello05:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:38
dormedasMajorPayne: Now I wait for my copy to finish.05:38
MajorPayneMISTERTibbs: Use the Live CD.  You will have to undo any changes you made.05:38
cardanto1Paddy, will do, but any thought why?05:38
Wiloi need help with ubuntu edgy 6.1005:38
Paddy_EIREcardanto1: not a clue05:38
MajorPayne!ask | Wilo05:38
ubotuWilo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:38
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, will that allow me to edit the INSTALLED menu.lst???05:38
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MajorPayneMISTERTibbs: Yep.05:38
MajorPayneMISTERTibbs: You can use it as a recovery cd.05:39
ntbnnthi cheesegardner05:39
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, ok.  thanks.  exalts broadcast in your general direction.05:39
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to go about shutting the touch pad off on a laptop for linux?  if you have a USB mouse?05:39
PunkunityMajorPayne, i have no idea whats happening05:39
gsevilSometime, after I install ubuntu, GRUB on ubuntu partition, and my XP crash05:39
elnimri have a file that i think does a self checksum or so but it is not working05:39
cardanto1Paddy_EIRE -- o.k. it works, but i am bothered, why would a gnome app not start from the toolbar, but from a console??!!??05:39
MajorPayneMISTERTibbs: Your file system will be mounted somewhere (I don't want to put the disk in to find out where).05:39
elnimrdo i need to install any packages05:39
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dormedasMajorPayne: I had this realization before I hit apply to delete 32 GB worth of windows Partition of all the stuff I'm losing, but then I'm like Oh whatever, it's just windows! and clicked Apply05:39
MajorPaynePunkunity: Heh, I don't either.05:39
PunkunityMajorPayne, i go and right click>new file>save as key.pub>open it>paste the key>save>exit05:39
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, I'll find it.  Hopefully, I won't totally fry things05:40
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cardanto1(isn't the toolbar just a front-end for the console)05:40
Paddy_EIREcardanto1: is this running from a livecd or installed system05:40
Punkunitythen it just disapeasr off my desktop MajorPayne05:40
ntbnntcheesegarder: y would you want too? do you have a touchpad disable button05:40
cardanto1installed system05:40
CheeseGardenerum... I don't think so05:40
EvilbadwrongWhat does this error message mean: "Dependency not satisfiable: libc6"?05:40
Ashfire908is there a way to delete a GNOME theme from the gnome theme manager?05:40
MajorPaynePunkunity: Humm.  Maybe you saved it somewhere else, home directory?05:40
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Punkunitynm MajorPayne im on drugs ty sorry to bug ya05:40
dormedasEvilbad: you don't have that library05:40
EvilbadwrongAccording to synaptic, I do, though dormedas....05:41
MajorPaynePunkunity: Don't worry about it.05:41
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dormedasEvilbad: or needs to be updated, i think05:41
craig_CheeseGardener, when you find out, let me know.  I'm constantly hitting it with my thumbs when typing05:41
MajorPayneMISTERTibbs: Don't panic BTW, I am sure you can get it fixed.  You can hop on IRC using the live cd.  All your data is still there.05:41
dormedasEvilbad: may i suggest a reinstall of libc?05:41
CheeseGardenerYeah me too05:41
bullgard4lspci -vv output includes for example: "00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) USB UHCI #1 (rev 03) (prog-if 00 [UHCI] )Subsystem: Wistron Corp. Unknown device 10a5". Is the number 00:1d.0 a part of the PCI namespace?05:41
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EvilbadwrongOk, dormedas. Thanks!05:41
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dormedasEvilbad: Consult someone else after this if it doesn't work05:42
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, I'm rebooting now.  I chatting on laptop, the desktop is funky.05:42
elnimri have a file that i think does a self checksum or so but it is not working05:42
elnimrdo i need to install any packages05:42
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ntbnntcheesegarder: check out your device manager and see if you see anything obvious about touchpads05:42
cardanto1hmm . . . anyone know why gparted would run from command prompt, but not from toolbar . . .(fiesty)05:42
ntbnntcheesegarder: then disable05:42
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MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, just goes to show.  the son of an engineer can NEVER leave well enough alone.  I know just enough to be dangerous.05:42
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Punkunityi f'in did it woo hoo ty MajorPayne05:42
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MajorPaynePunkunity: No problem.05:43
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jtonghi, how do u guys run server jobs without a root user in ubuntu?05:43
CheeseGardenerOk I found it05:44
EvilbadwrongOk...I keep getting a "Dependency not satisfiable: libc6" error even after reinstalling it.....I'm trying to install Warsow :P05:44
CheeseGardenerhow do I disable it now?  it is under device manager...05:44
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DDG008was able to find a good mirror05:45
DDG008now with the live cd will the internet work too05:45
jtonghow come there is no root in ubuntu?05:45
MajorPaynejtong: Are you talking about something you install with a package manager or a server of your own?05:45
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, quick question.  I rebooted and selected boot from the hard drive.  ls05:45
MajorPayne!sudo | jtong05:45
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ubotujtong: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:45
jtongpackage manager05:45
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, oops.05:45
jtongyes i use sudo05:45
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dormedasEvilbadwrong:  umm.. trying to install it? hmmm05:45
MajorPaynejtong: It's there, it just has no password.05:46
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, ok, i rebooted and got the live cd desktop.  now searching for my files.05:46
Evilbadwrongdormedas: trying to install warsow, and that is the error I keep getting.05:46
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jtongcurrently my apache is ran by ? when i do ps05:46
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CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to disable a device in device manager?05:47
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jtongand it can't read some config file unless i give read access to others using sudo05:47
dormedasEvilbadwrong: I really wouldn't know.. I got this error earlier because I was missing a package in the same directory as a .deb file. Perhpas you need a libc install .deb next to the warsow install .deb? I really wouldn't know, but thats just a hunch..05:47
MajorPaynejtong: The package manager should take care of the users for you.05:47
rocketsWho wants to take bets on me getting steam to work under wine on 64 bit ubuntu05:47
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Evilbadwrongdormedas: I have no idea...anyone else want to chime in on this? :)05:47
icemanblueshey, how do you get world of warcraft to run in ubuntu05:47
dormedasrockets: i bet it will work -- minimally :P05:47
rocketsicemanblues, simple05:48
MajorPayneMISTERTibbs: Ok.  I am not sure where it is mounted.  It may be under /mnt or /media (most likely) or there may be an icon right on your desktop.05:48
dormedasicemanblues Cedega or modify Wine05:48
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, still looking.05:48
rocketsicemanblues, install it in windows, copy the installation directory to ubuntu and run it under wine05:48
rocketsyou dont need to modify wine05:48
varustahwubi = awesome05:48
jtongMajorPayne: but i have a file that i want to restrict access to its owner and root05:48
Gaming1How do I configure Evolution to show images in messages?05:48
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, found.  shows up as "disk".  Attempting to point terminal to location05:48
MajorPaynejtong: Use chmod.05:48
jtongMajorPayne: i know chmod05:49
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jtongnow my access is 700 so apache wont have access to the file if it's not run by root05:49
MajorPaynejtong: chmod it to apaches user.  I think it 'may' be www-data.  I don't run apache on Ubuntu, only on debian.05:50
MajorPaynejtong: You will still be able to edit it with root, root is the super user.05:50
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icemanbluesokay, how do I install starcraft?05:50
bloojtong: chown it to apache's user05:50
icemanbluesI need to prepare for starcraft 205:50
MajorPaynejtong: err, yea, chown.05:51
dormedasicemanblues: I've heard it runs well under Wine :P05:51
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MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, found it and edited!  Now attempting reboot.  standby...05:51
jtongwhat's apache's user? i get ? as the user when i ps05:51
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bloogrep User /etc/httpd/httpd.conf05:52
jtongbloo: www-data it is, thanks!05:53
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bloojtong: no prob05:53
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jtongbloo: is this the way u run all servers in ubuntu?05:53
bloojtong: dunno, i haven't run ubuntu long.  some run as their own users, some run as root05:53
jtongbloo: i came from slackware and it's a bit uncomfortable without root :P05:54
MajorPaynejtong: sudo -i can get you a root like terminal.05:54
bloojtong: def run httpd as someone who's not root05:54
dormedasMajorPayne: GParted is finishing the copy (almost) so I will soon see if my liberation is a success05:54
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, all systems go!  I commented the offending line and am now back where I started this adventure.  Thank you very much.05:54
bloojtong: you may want to chown -R www-data <whatever directory> you were changing just in chase05:55
MajorPayneMISTERTibbs: Remember how you did that just incase you mess up again.  And I suggest making a backup of your menu.lst.05:55
jtongalrighty thanks bloo and MajorPayne05:55
MajorPaynedormedas: Ok.  I am not sure, but you may have to change some grub stuff.05:55
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MajorPaynedormedas: Don't remove the old partition right away.05:55
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, backup?   what is this backup of which u speak?  LOL!  Yes, you are so right.  ty again.05:55
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DDG008this is nuts05:56
dormedasMajorPayne: Hell no, I'll try to boot into it first :P05:56
DDG008i am having so many issues getting this live cd downloaded05:56
madman91WHAT IS  a good download speed limiter?05:56
DDG008why did it download at 726 mb05:56
MajorPaynedormedas: Yea, you may have to tell grub to boot into the new partition.05:56
ri[uhh] tkittiewow. irc on gaim is like. gross. but anyway!05:56
Dr_willisDDG008,  rounding issues..  when ya burn it - it should fit on a 700mb cd.05:56
dormedasMajorPayne: "All Operations completed successfully!!!!!!!!"05:56
MajorPayneri[uhh] tkittie: Try either X-Chat or irssi.05:56
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dormedasi reccomend irssi05:57
dormedasjust switched :D05:57
craig_dormedas, YAY!05:57
ri[uhh] tkittieMajorPayne: irssi is my secret boyfriend, but not an option at the moment05:57
DDG008the file is saying its 760 mb05:57
Dr_willis727867392 2007-07-22 10:35 kubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso   is what i got.05:57
meoblast001how would i install xen?05:57
MajorPayneri[uhh] tkittie: Then X-Chat is a good GUI alternative.05:57
dormedasCraig_: thanks a ton Craig!!!! Now to see the success :D!05:57
dormedasMajorPayne: Now i need to find out which "ubuntu" on GRUB is the real deal05:58
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meoblast001i dont know which package has xen. anyone else know?05:58
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joey_meHi, there05:58
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ri[uhh] tkittieMajorPayne:  if i had the ability to use something other than gaim, trust me, i'd be using something else. right now, it's gaim. or nothing.05:59
meoblast001Dr_willis: you !xen didnt work05:59
ri[uhh] tkittieunless i want to install chatzilla. and i dont.05:59
Dr_willismeoblast001,  or the bot is lagged.05:59
Dr_willis!find xen05:59
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ubotuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy05:59
=== Dr_willis pokes the bot.
ubotuFound: libxen3.0, libxen3.0-dev, autopkgtest-xenlvm, gtk-engines-xenophilia, libc6-xen (and 102 others)05:59
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MajorPayneri[uhh] tkittie: Ohh.  Goodluck with that.  For me, as long as I have ssh and an internet connection I have a screen session with irssi.05:59
dormedasMajorPayne: how will I know which Ubuntu is the correct one?05:59
ri[uhh] tkittieMajorPayne:  lucky you :P06:00
MajorPaynedormedas: Humm.  df if you know what partition is what.06:00
MajorPaynedormedas: See what is mounted at /06:00
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dormedasMajorPayne: my first one which is old is mounted on sda4.. the new one is sda106:00
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ri[uhh] tkittieOk. on to my stupid question for the hour. I've finally found a feisty live disc in my pile of cds that works. to the point i can get a desktop. and irc from gaim. sweet. but. it's not final.06:01
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ri[uhh] tkittiecan install whatever herd this is, and then upgrade to the real deal, with upgrade manager?  i dont see why not. but i thought i'd ask.06:01
MajorPaynedormedas: Ok, df will tell you what one you are using.  It should show it mounted as /.06:01
fholmesHow can I find out what my dvd drive identifier is?06:01
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dormedaswhat's df?06:01
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ri[uhh] tkittieor i could just boot back into windows and try burning again. but i'm too sober for that at the moment.06:01
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MajorPaynedormedas: It is a command line tool.  Just open a terminal and type df.06:02
fholmesdormedas:  df - disk free space.06:02
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n00dl3df -h06:02
dormedasMajorPayne: alright.. the  correct one will most likely be the one I can boot into06:02
dormedasand get onto the desktop06:02
ri[uhh] tkittie-h is your friend. srsly.06:02
dormedas-h is who?06:02
fholmes-h human readable06:03
Dr_willisMy Showdisk Alias ---------->       df -h -x tmpfs -x devpts -x usbfs06:03
n00dl3Your friend.06:03
ri[uhh] tkittie-h is a flag to use with df. which puts it into human readable format.06:03
Dr_willisCleans up the df output a lot06:03
MajorPayneYea, -h is great.  But if you just want to know what is mounted where df alone will do fine.06:03
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fholmesmakes it human readable.  :-)06:03
dormedasMajorPayne: ill try both if just df isnt enough06:03
ri[uhh] tkittieeh. why use df to find out whats mounted where ? why not mount?06:03
dormedasMajorPayne: I suppose I will now boot off the live CD and go see my success06:03
fholmesThey need a -g instead of making you do -h.  -g geek readable06:03
madman91WHAT IS  a good download speed limiter?06:04
n00dl3Yeah, mount would be better for that imo06:04
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dormedasfholmes, -g is just the regular06:04
dormedasfholmes, they need a -b for binary readable06:04
fholmesIt is a little back aswords06:04
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MajorPayneYea, mount is good to.06:04
ri[uhh] tkittiefholmes: geek readable = without the h ... or do you want to decipher output in binary?06:04
Dr_willismadman91,  i dont think anyone knows what you are talking about.06:04
bexcan someone tell me where my bookmarks file is located?06:04
File13When i shut the lid on my laptop i have it set to suspend but yet the laptop doesnt really go into suspend mode, the battery still runs as if the computer was up and running06:04
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dormedasok, i suppose I will boot off the live CD06:04
ri[uhh] tkittiemadman91: no clue, sorry. only one i know of is for windows06:05
MajorPaynebex: Do you want to export your bookmarks?06:05
bexMajorPayne: i want to back them up06:05
WiloMajorPayne, i have ubuntu edgy 6.10 installed on my desktop atm, and at the login splash screen, i login with correct psw and username and it loads into ubuntu then instead of loading the gui, devices ect, it loops back to the main login screen, any idea what would cause that?06:05
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MajorPaynebex: Open up the bookmark manager, go to file -> export.06:05
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bexMajorPayne: i am on a livecd right now06:05
MajorPaynebex: That will put them into a html file that you can import later.06:05
MajorPayneWilo: Nope.  Sorry, but maybe someone else does.06:06
osxdude|lapWhere can I find a pre-compiled Purple Plugin Pack? I downloaded from here http://plugins.guifications.org/trac/downloads and I have no idea on how to compile it...06:06
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Wiloanyone you could recommend to ask MajorPayne?06:06
MajorPaynebex: Humm.  I am not sure how you can go about that.06:06
dormedasMajorPayne: BTW GRUB still finds Windows XP and thats not good06:07
MajorPayneWilo: Ask the channel, if anyone knows how to help you they will.06:07
ri[uhh] tkittiedormedas: why isnt it good? did you remove XP?06:07
MajorPaynedormedas: Grub doesn't find it, it's still in your menu.lst file.06:07
MajorPaynedormedas: That's the least of your worrys right now.06:08
ri[uhh] tkittieok. i'm feeling masochistic enough to go reburn fiesty. wish me luck :|06:08
dormedasMajorPayne: good thig to say beforehand huh?06:08
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w30File13, my laptop has a light that stays on but flashes on suspend and on hibernate everything goes out. Close lid is set to lock screen on mine as default but could be changed.06:08
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dormedasMajorPayne: so how would I go about booting into my sda1 partition without GRUB finding it?06:09
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File13I did change it, it just appears to not be going in to suspend06:09
madman91Dr_willis: to run a program.. but only let it have .. 50kbytes/sec06:09
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Wilodoes anyone know how to fix passw permissions? i have ubuntu edgy 6.10 installed on my desktop atm, and at the login splash screen, i login with correct psw and username and it loads into ubuntu then instead of loading the gui, devices ect, it loops back to the main login screen, any idea what would cause that?06:09
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dormedasMajorPayne: grrr. Not cool. I can't boot into Ubuntu because of the GDM thing and ... GRUB cant find my newly copied Ubuntu06:10
dawn`chorusWilo, full /home can do that.06:10
MajorPaynedormedas: Go into your old partition, open /boot/grub/menu.lst in a text editor.06:10
kkathmanhow does one go about creating a NEW keyboard shortcut to launch, say, the gnome confifig tool ??06:10
Wilodawn`chorus how do i get into that?06:10
dormedasMajorPayne: I'll do that by command line then06:11
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MajorPaynedormedas: I am not sure what you mean by GDM thing.06:11
dawn`chorusWilo, you're in a livecd?06:12
dormedasMajorPayne: "cannot write to the GDM Administration file due to lack of free space" or something. Meaning I can never open GDM06:12
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izzybI'm having problems getting my wifi card working with the xen kernel, but it works just fine with the standard kernel.  Is this a known problem with a document explaining a solution?06:12
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, here's an irritation that might even challenge you.  I tried ubuntuME and then deleted it completely, including artwork.  However, somewhere on booting up, a script keeps assigning a GRUB splashimage file to the (removed) ubuntuME splash.  Ideas??06:12
File13Quick question, ripping videos off youtube and editing them on ubuntu, is it possible?06:12
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dormedasMajorPayne: the stem reason for all of this Partition editing and whatnot06:12
brontosAnyone know of a way to keep system messages from showing up in terminal windows but still be logged?06:12
dawn`chorusWilo, just fire up gparted.  you familiar ?06:12
jetscreamerof course file1306:12
MajorPayneMISTERTibbs: I don't even know what ubuntuME is.06:12
MISTERTibbsMuslim edition.06:13
Wilodawn`chorus negative. i have ubuntu 6.10 install on its own partion.. i have had it operational for about 5 months... but for some reason it recently shat itself06:13
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File13how would i go about doing that then?06:13
Neural_OverloadAnyone know how to create a shortcut type thing in "Computer"?06:13
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Wilodawn`chorus sorry, im not familar.. im only newb at unix commands :(06:13
MajorPayneMISTERTibbs: I don't know.06:13
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, it's just ubuntu with customzied art, themes and a couple of applications.  just like christian edition06:13
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Gaming1Muslim Edition?06:13
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Neural_OverloadI want it to link to my windows partition like cdrom does06:13
Neural_OverloadI dont know if I explained myself well06:14
MISTERTibbsGaming1, yeah, just like the christian edition of ubuntu.  comes with Koran, porn block and some art06:14
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dormedasMajorPayne: im going to open that up in Nano, just tell me what to edit where06:14
dawn`chorusWilo, basically we need to "look" at the partition to see how full it is.  You're on the computer that has the disk with 6.10 installed on it, right?06:14
Wiloyeah its bout 5m away06:14
MISTERTibbsMajorPayne, where would I seek out the script?06:14
Wiloyour right, the computer has abour 100% partion used06:14
palintheusMISTERTibbs: I know there is an old thread about changing the splash images on the ubuntu forums06:14
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Gaming1Where do I read more about it?06:14
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dawn`chorusWilo, make some space, any way you can.  :)06:15
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rocketsNice I have steam + counterstrike working on 64 bit ubuntu06:15
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w30File13, read man apmsleep for cpu usage with suspend mode06:15
MajorPaynedormedas: Nevermind about editing the old one, you will want to edit the new one.06:15
MISTERTibbspalintheus, ok.  I'll search.  It's just weird that the script is still live but the "distro" has been killed.  I call it zombie ubuntuME06:15
dawn`chorusWilo, you can use the program "gparted" if your disk has some space for the partition to grow.06:15
Wilodawn`chorus how can i do that, run a live cd and delete files of my ha2?06:15
MajorPaynedormedas: Do you have the new partition mounted?  df or mount will tell you that.06:15
dormedasMajorPayne... ok06:16
dormedasMajorPayne: I will see06:16
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dawn`chorusWilo, yes.  or enlarge the partition.  either one.06:16
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osxdude|lapum, tty6 is frozen right now...how can I unfreeze it?06:16
palintheusMISTERTibbs: I'll search too, I think I posted in it, if I find it I will let you know06:16
Wilodawn`chorus i have used gparted before i think.. but how do i use it, its been a while since i have used it06:16
dawn`choruswow.  xchat 2.8.4 autocorrects spelling errors.  :)06:16
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MISTERTibbspalintheus, thank you.06:16
Neural_OverloadOkay, since no one answered my question, Ill rephrase it...06:16
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osxdude|lapI got it, neva mind06:16
iKittehthere is an ubuntu irc channel.06:16
rocketsdawn`chorus, gutsy?06:16
Neural_OverloadI just mounted my windows partition06:16
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dormedasMajorPayne: it appears sda1 IS mounted ... but 100% full?!?!?!?06:17
dawn`chorusWilo, it's really intuitive.  you'll just drag the right side of partition to the right.06:17
Neural_OverloadBut I want a link or... whatever the type of file it is that links to filesystem  in computer06:17
dormedasMajorPayne: how the hell did that happen?!06:17
dawn`chorusrockets, gentoo.  i come in here to feel useful.  :)06:17
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palintheusMISTERTibbs: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20997806:18
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palintheusMISTERTibbs: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8283506:18
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theonlyaltQuestion... is there any way to log in to a remote computer graphically while maintaining my current gnome session? I know there's VLC for already logged in sessions, and XDMCP for logging in graphically, but can I have 2 Gnome sessions running at once?06:19
MajorPaynedormedas: I am not sure, I don't known how the partition tool copyed the partition.06:19
Dr_willistheonlyalt,  you mean 'VNC'06:19
tom__<Neural_Overload: what is it that you wish to accomplish06:19
theonlyaltYeah... srry :p06:19
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Gaming1Is it possible to install UbuntuME over Feisty Fawn?06:19
Dr_willistheonlyalt,  and you can have several dozen vnc sessions that are hidden.06:19
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Neural_OverloadI want to make a file06:19
dormedasMajorPayne: umm, it uses "dd" to copy..06:19
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Dr_willistheonlyalt,  vnc is a very flexiable tool. the 'shreing the current desktop' is one way of using it.06:20
Neural_OverloadThat links to my windows partition that I mounted06:20
Neural_Overloadthe same type that is in "Computer"06:20
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MajorPaynedormedas: Humm.  Is it the same size as your old one?06:20
Neural_OverloadI want to create one in "Computer"06:20
Dr_willistheonlyalt,  ssh to remote box, run vncserver, use vncclient on local box. conect to remote06:20
Neural_OverloadThe files in "Computer"06:20
Neural_OverloadThe mime type of06:20
dormedasMajorPayne: no sir, it's 32 GB .. not 306:20
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Neural_Overloadand say06:20
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:20
bruenigNeural_Overload, stop06:20
Guilty_as_Sinhey does ME come with open source nukes?06:20
Wilodawn`chorus so how do i use gparted to clear up space on my partion that has ubuntu installed on it?06:21
bruenigthis is06:21
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MajorPaynedormedas: Ohh.  Humm.06:21
MajorPayne!enter | bruenig06:21
ubotubruenig: please see above06:21
tom__<Neural_Overload:Refer to to the man ln06:21
Neural_OverloadThanks tom__ , and I apologize for spamming06:21
theonlyaltDr_willis, Thanks. I wasn't sure if that would connect me graphically or not. I'll def try it!06:21
Neural_OverloadMy thoughts were moving faster than my fingers06:21
dawn`chorusWilo, well, you have to ask yourself, "is there any room on my disk so I can expand my partition"?  that's the first question.  Once you fire up gparted, it's extremely simple.06:21
dormedasmajorPayne: I'm like ... super fretting right now !06:22
Dr_willistheonlyalt,  been using vnc for ages./ the desktop shareing feature of gnome/kde is a very new addation. :)06:22
DDG00813mins until ubuntu because alive on my computer06:22
Dr_willistheonlyalt,  ive also had much better luck with the vnc4server package.06:22
MajorPaynedormedas: Don't be too worryed.  Your data is all still on your old partition right?06:22
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dormedasMajorPayne: heck yes06:22
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dormedasMajorPayne: technically, it's all still on the new Partition as well06:23
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Wilodawn`chorus yeah there is an extra 20gb  i can take from a old fedra core partion06:24
MajorPaynedormedas: Maybe a re-install is not a bad idea if the partition tool did not work your you.  Just make sure you don't remove the old partition.  When you are done you can then copy the data over to the new partition.06:24
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Cod1is anyone here farmiliar with ubuntu + Skype?06:24
theonlyaltDr_willis, Awesome I really appreciate the extra info!! My VERY old CRT monitor went out on my desktop computer so I've been using it as a makeshift server/second processor.06:24
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obf213any one in here use deluge06:24
obf213when i tell the torrent to save in my fat32 partition06:24
dawn`chorusWilo, yes.  kill Fedora.  remember, expanding to the right is easy; expanding to the left, hmmmm ........06:24
obf213the file doesnt shwo up06:24
Wiloyeah i think i will be expanind to the left06:25
dormedasMajorPayne: as in install a fresh ubuntu onto the SDA1.. then just reinstall my programs and whatnot?06:25
obf213yet it is downloading something06:25
Dr_willistheonlyalt,  you can also set up xdmcp on the remote box, and spawn a X session that has all the apps running on the remote. but seen locally. Very handy.06:25
Wiloubuntu is hda1 and fedora is hdb106:25
dormedasMajorPayne: not a bad idea at all. Thanks!06:25
Cod1I need help with Skype.06:25
dawn`chorusWilo, different discs?06:25
MajorPaynedormedas: Yea, as long as you keep your old partition intact you can just copy over all the data over after the install.06:25
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dormedasMajorPayne: I'll go ahead and get the Live CD in then start the install06:26
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bexwhat's the command to delete a file?06:26
ppmstrhe, The eternal question: setting ati drivers (I'm in dapper actually, with an ati mobility radeon X1600). I'm following the ubuntu-ati wiki guide (method 1) and well, you know all that: done everything they said and it won't work. One thing, since I'm running on an amd64, it seems it can help if I change $LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH variable in /etc/profile... problem is: what is the syntax for that?06:26
dormedasMajorPayne: thanks for helping me for so long06:26
dawn`chorusbex, rm file06:26
MajorPaynedormedas: Ok, just becareful when it comes time to partition.  Don't remove your old partition if you want to be able to use the data.06:26
theonlyaltDr_willis, I've had that going, but I was just in in need of being on both computers at once graphically (I'm not THAT good with the terminal yet.. :)06:26
bob301I have a strange problem with Firefox 2 on Ubuntu. Sometimes, the Enter key no longer works when an address is typed int he address bar. Similarly, the Go button stops functioning. The Enter key continues functioning when keywords are entered in the Google search box, and everywhere else in Ubuntu. Any ideas?06:26
Wilodawn`chorus different hdd, i have windows on a 40gb one and a 60:20gb partion on a 80gb hdd, 60gb for ubuntu and 20 gb for fedora06:26
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MajorPaynedormedas: No problem.  Sorry I couldn't help you avoid a re-install.  You are doing something quite major.06:27
ppmstrshould it be a plain $LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH = /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri  ?06:27
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dormedasMajorPayne: Hey, nothing more major than deleting windows06:27
Dr_willistheonlyalt,  ssh -Y remotebox, run stuff. it will appear on the local desktop :)06:27
dawn`chorusWilo, OK.  sounds like ubuntu is sdb1, fedora sdb2.  just bomb sdb2 (because Fedora sucks) and expand sdb1 to the right.06:28
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dormedasMajorPayne: I've had Ubuntu for about a month now hehehe. I love it so much I decided to delete Windows, that's quite a leap06:28
ppmstrany suggestion?06:28
dormedasMajorPayne: now I NEED to get Cedega if I wish to use all my Windows Games hehe06:28
Wilodawn`chorus that would be a correct assumption... so how do i run gparted ?06:28
MajorPaynedormedas: Yea.  It should go fine, as long as you are not attached to some Windows only apps.06:28
ppmstr(or anyone that succeeded on installing an ati mobility radeon x1600 on some amd64 acer?06:29
iKittehis all your software up to date?06:29
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theonlyaltDr_willis, will that give me clickablity to lauch apps? I'm not entirely sure what all I have installed on the second comp.06:29
Punkunityso is there a yellow dog chat room??06:29
Dr_willisgames are for the weak.06:29
dawn`chorusWilo, gksudo gparted06:29
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Punkunitygames are for gods06:29
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Dr_willistheonlyalt,  you ssh over, run the app. the apps display appears locally....06:29
Wilobut i cant get to a terminal window :(06:29
Dr_willistheonlyalt,  if you REALLY wanted to ya could run some 'applauncherbuttonbar thing' :) i guess06:29
jetscreamerctrl alt F106:29
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MajorPaynedormedas: You may want to create 2 main partitions.  So you can remove one later if you feel you need Windows for your games but still keep Ubuntu.06:30
Wilodawn`chorus how do i get into a terminal session in ubuntu to be able to run gparted?06:30
dinklehey guys i installed compiz fusion and i have it all working but cant seem to get the cube to work any suggestions?06:30
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dawn`chorusWilo, well, you *can't* be in Ubuntu to expand it's partition.  Boot into a livecd.06:30
dormedasMajorPayne: I feel that I have the essential games that I like running on Ubuntu natively. So I should be set06:30
theonlyaltDr_willis, I don't think I'm ready for to get that geeked out yet.. maybe later. I've been using the ssh -X option to get the same effect. Is that better or worse?06:30
jinxedIs there anyway I can make back up copies of my dvd's with ubuntu?06:31
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Guilty_as_Sindinkle, are you clicking in the middle wheel button?06:31
Dr_willistheonlyalt,  locally -Y for ssh i thionk gives a little better preformance about the same as -X06:31
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dinkleyea i had it working in beryl06:31
coffeehey guys06:31
bullgard4lspci -vv output includes for example: "00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) USB UHCI #1 (rev 03) (prog-if 00 [UHCI] )Subsystem: Wistron Corp. Unknown device 10a5". Is the number 00:1d.0 a part of the PCI namespace?06:32
drzini am have issue with HDSPMixer its not loading06:32
Wilodawn`chorus lol yeah sorry that was astupid moment of mine... hahaha ill try and run a live cd and run gparted06:32
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dawn`chorusWilo, there's a gparted livecd that I keep just for these occassion.06:32
tom__jinxed: I like k3b06:32
coffeeI'm trying to install a chat client, pidgin, and I have the source but i'm not sure how to install it, the read me says, type make install but i get an error saying: make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.  any ideas?06:32
millllmannnnwhat is the ubuntu equivalent of "setenv"?06:33
dawn`chorusWilo, but you can use any livecd.06:33
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jetscreameryou could try just installing gaim06:33
jinxedtom how does that work06:33
astro76jinxed, if you're talking dual layer->single layer, k9copy06:33
Wilodawn`chorus how big is this gparted live cd, i have backtrack2 live cd, that would be sufficent would it? its based on slackware kernal06:33
jetscreamersince that's all pidgin is06:33
jetscreamer!info pidgin06:33
ubotuPackage pidgin does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:33
ze1230hi all.  cdrecord refuses to  burn.  Kinda new to Linux.  Don't understand the output.  Google didn't help.06:33
jetscreamer!info gaim06:34
ubotugaim: multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.0.0+beta6-1ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 1700 kB, installed size 4808 kB06:34
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File13what can i use to convert .fla files to something like avi or mpeg on ubuntu06:34
coffeeI have g-aim, i was wanting a prettier chat client for irc, right now i'm using xchat06:34
Dr_williswhats a fla? i forget?06:34
zerokill88zel1230 what are you using06:34
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rocketsJust wait until gutsy for pidgin . . . it doesn't matter that much,.06:34
Dr_willistheres a few web sites i rember that can convert a lot of things like that. :) not sure if menucoder can do that one.06:34
zerokill88zel1230 i mean to try an burn06:34
File13its just the file i get when i rip youtube videos06:34
MajorPaynecoffee: X-Chat and irssi are the best there is.  Gaim is a poor irc client.06:34
File13and i need to know how to convert it06:34
dawn`chorusWilo, gparted lived is ~50mb.  http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=115843&package_id=17382806:34
tom__ jinxed:  Just load K3b and the essential codecs for what you may be readinf or writing. Read the associated help.06:35
=== zorba64 [n=zorba64@124-254-99-10-dsl.ispone.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisFile13,  theres a web site that can grab youtube videos and convert htem to avi and let ya download them.. what was it...06:35
coffeeMajorPayne I was wanting to use pidgin as the irc client06:35
open_source_nutcoffee: konversation is a good irc client06:35
gcarrillochatzilla is good to for irc06:35
zerokill88zel1230 download brasero,  apt-get install brasero06:35
MajorPaynecoffee: Pidgin is Gaim.06:35
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zerokill88zel1230 good cd/dvd/data burner06:35
coffeei'll check out konversation06:35
zerokill88zel1230 yes brasero06:35
jetscreamerthe gaim ppl are bit... complaining about the name06:35
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jetscreamerit's just a rebrand06:36
ze1230zerokill88: thanks brb06:36
dormedasMajorPayne: Up and installing :D06:36
MajorPaynecoffee: Yea.  Check out the other irc clients.  Maybe my comment was a bit off base, but they are the most popular.06:36
Dr_willishttp://vixy.net/ This service allows you convert a Flash Video / FLV file (YouTube's videos,etc) to MPEG406:36
zerokill88zel1230 np let me know if that worked06:36
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jetscreamerthey're probably going to sell it06:36
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coffeeanyone know the channel to ask things about compiz fusion with ubuntu?06:36
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects06:36
crdlbcoffee, #compiz-fusion06:37
coffee:) thanks06:37
MajorPaynedormedas: Ahh, goodluck.  I am going for a bit.06:37
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ze1230E: Couldn't find package brasero06:37
Sandiskhello, my Memory Stick Duo Adaptor doesn't register when I plug it into my system. Where would I start troubleshooting?06:38
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dormedasMajorPayne: ok then06:38
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Dr_willisSandisk,  built in laptop media reader slots?06:39
ze1230was using k3b...ripped fine but wouldn't burn either06:39
Sandiskyes, Dr_willis06:39
keendoes anyone have any experience with compiz fusion?06:39
bexwhat's the command for copying a file?06:39
dormedaskeen: i do, a little bit06:39
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SandiskI've used USB memory sticks successfully, but nothing happens when I plug in this other one06:40
Dr_willisSandisk,  some of those things dont have full linux support sadly. Mine works with SD/MMC cards but thats it. Get a $5 usb adaptor for them  is the best fix.06:40
=== Zenji [n=computer@cpe-76-190-178-27.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
keendormedas i just installed it, and i can rotate my cube with the keyboard, but my mouse doesn't rotate it...any ideas?06:40
Dr_willisbex,  cp - and time to go find a few bash/shell tutorials..06:40
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:40
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dormedaskeen: umm, what's your command for it? CTR+ALT+Mouse1?06:40
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keenits default, whatever that it....06:41
ritzcrackeranyone here use xchat for irc06:41
tom__<ze1230: What error did you get?06:41
ritzcrackerin ubuntu06:41
Dr_willisritzcracker,  a very large # of us do06:41
keennm, its working now....its different from beryl06:41
dormedaskeen: go into the compiz fusion settings ( Settings -> Preferences) and tell me if "Cube Rotate" is activated?06:41
ze1230how do I PM?06:41
ritzcrackerDr_willis: i was wondering how do i get a display of all users in this chat06:42
dormedaskeen: lol06:42
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tom__ze1230:  ??06:42
keendormedas: hehe, ok, how about animations?  i have it enabled but not working06:42
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Sandiskty Dr_willis06:42
dormedaskeen: same thing, go into the settings -- its prolly not activated06:42
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ze1230tom: using xchat...not sure how to private message06:42
dormedaskeen: mine weren't by default, but I activated them and it worked06:42
ze1230<--frustrated noob.06:43
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keendormedas: i have it check marked....just not working06:43
Dr_willisritzcracker,  there should be a nciknamelist on the right side.. some times its resized where you cant see it. move mouse to the right till ya see the <---> arrows and resize it06:43
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ze1230<---refuses to quit, though06:43
=== DDG008 [n=dgeorge2@d235-155-93.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Wilodawn`chorus ok i have a terminal window up in a livecd on the desktop that has the full partion06:43
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dormedaskeen: umm, hrmm...06:43
ritzcrackerDr_willis: lol thank you I can not believe i did not notice that06:43
unixwareze1230 /msg nick message06:43
Dr_willisritzcracker,  not sure why it does that sometimes.06:43
Wilodawn`chorus how do i run qparted and is it easy to use to resize my partions?06:44
dormedaskeen: I can't look in the preferences because my Ubuntu decided to fill itself up06:44
dormedaskeen: I'll help you further if no one else does as soon as the install is finished06:44
ritzcrackerNow that I got that figured out lol whats the best way to resize my partions?06:44
tom__ ze1230:  Don't feel bad. In rock climbers terms, it may seem like a vertical face.06:44
keendormedas: hehe its ok, maybe there is an option i'm unaware of...what does window match do?06:44
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dawn`chorusWilo, it's easy to use, if it's installed.  just type 'gparted' and see what happens.06:45
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unixwareze1230 u need to be identify in freenode to send PM06:45
dormedaskeen: window match? I wouldn't know.. umm, there is "minimize" that could be conflicting with animations06:45
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Wilodawn`chorus 'qparted' is an "unknown command'06:46
kayefi installed compiz fusion but how come my cube is only a plane?I cant get the 6 face cube, only a 2 face plane,wats wrong?06:46
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dormedasWilo: just parted06:46
keendormedas: thanks for all your help, i think imma play with it a bit and head to bed06:46
dawn`chorusWilo, g as in girl.06:46
d4rkmonkey!paste > d4rkmonkey06:46
dormedaskeen: consult me later at dormedas@gmail.com if nothing works06:46
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ritzcrackerI am in gparted right now but it will not let me resize my partition that I want to resize only says unmount and i can not unmount while im in the OS should i do this from a live cd?06:47
dormedasKayef: if it's only a plane -- make sure 3D cube is activated in the preferences (Settings --> Preferences)06:47
andy____quick question, then a long question afterward06:47
w30kayef, perhaps you have only 2 viewports in your setup, change it to 6 or at least 306:47
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dawn`chorusritzcracker, yeah.  livecd.  or from an OS on another partition.06:48
kayefdormedas: i do have Desktop Cube enabled06:48
ritzcrackerthank you06:48
kayefw30: how do i do that?06:48
dawn`chorusno problem06:48
dormedasKayef: then do what w30 said06:48
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andy_catorhow come I keep getting permission denied when I try mount a shared volume from my windows box to my ubuntu laptop?06:49
w30I don't rember; I changed to beryl06:49
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Wilodormedas, i done the 'parted' and i got "Using /dev/hda" then "parted"06:49
dormedasKayef: umm, I think it's in the General Settings06:49
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w30kayef, sorry :=)06:49
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Wilodormedas so then what do i need to do to get it to show me my current partions? help --?06:49
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hexstardf -h06:50
dormedasWilo: I'm sorry, but I don't know the intracacies of parted, but df -h is it06:50
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hexstarmonosodium glutamate :D06:51
dfgasany how tos or debs on pidgin 2.1?06:51
hexstarmm msg :)06:51
obf213for some reason, i feel like my deluge works worse when u save on a fat32 partition06:51
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.06:51
monosodiumhello everybody06:51
obf213no it definetly works worse06:51
kayefdormedas: i'll check that, btw, wat is a super button?06:52
hexstarhi msg06:52
dormedashexstar: dihydroxide monoxide06:52
dormedaskayef: the "windows" button06:52
obf213can anybody help me out. when i save a torrent on my fat32 it goes rediculouslly slow and is always restarting and reconnecting,06:52
monosodiumhi hexstar06:52
obf213i save the same torrent on my deskotp it finishes in like 2 minutes06:52
dfgashow well does linux work with dual core?06:52
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Dr_willisobf213,  dont save it on a fat32 then?06:52
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Wilodormedas when it says 'partion NUMBER' what does it mean, as in hdb1?06:52
monosodiumI have a stupid beginner's question...06:52
obf213yeah i would except linux hd = small06:52
kayefdormedas: ooo, thannks, i still cant display a cube,only a 2 face plane....:(06:52
hexstardfgas: it works fine, but you only get real performance boost when running a app developed specifically with multicore processors in mind06:52
obf213since fat can share with windows i made it large.06:53
bruenigobf213, what client are you using?06:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:53
stxxexcuse me, guys, I'm new to Linux, can you guys kindly recommend me a tutorial of fontconfig? I knew there's manual there, but well, it's a little tricky for me to handle06:53
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org06:53
dormedasWilo: I worked with the GParted GUI.. sorry :(06:53
obf213bruenig, im using deluge06:53
Dr_willisWindows can read ext2/3 :) with that tool06:53
Wilodormedas thats fine06:53
Wilodawn`chorus are you still here?06:53
unixwaremonosodium ?06:53
bruenigobf213, well write speed would have nothing to do with download speed06:53
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hexstarFAt is a horrible FS, avoid it at all costs06:53
dormedaskayef: umm is it a mouse rotate-- but only a plane?06:53
hexstarFAT makes your computer fat :)06:54
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obf213bruenig, i dunno, it just goes really slow, and is always refreshing refind peers etc. i save it on my desktop, none fo that.06:54
theonlyaltDr_willis, -Y does seem to work better than -X in ssh. thanks! I can't connect to the vncserver. It says "Couldn't convert 'will-desktop' to host address.. any ideas?06:54
dawn`chorusWilo, yah.06:54
dfgashexstar, is there any most commonly used apps that support dual core06:54
obf213also, teh folder never appears on teh fat32 drive either.06:54
kayefdormedas: yes06:54
hexstardfgas: I don't know off the top of my head06:54
dfgashexstar, i thought one app worked in one core and another worked in another06:54
DDG008how do i boot to the live cd06:54
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ze1230callin it a night.  Thanks for all your help folks.  I think that, although the Linux learning curve is steep, it's very worth it.06:54
bruenigobf213, check in preferences for the ability to move a file after download06:54
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DDG008what do i have to push on the rest06:54
dormedaskayef: then you just need to add more desktop environments in the General settings (i think thats where it is)06:54
bruenigobf213, I don't see deluge being smart enough, if there were some write problem, to dial down the speed06:54
Dr_willistheonlyalt,  use the ip of the server. or edit your /etc/hosts to include the ip/servername06:54
kayefdormedas: i have set it to 4 workspace but its still the same06:55
dormedaskayef: desktop environments :P more virtual desktops!06:55
dfgashexstar, cause friend tell me like when you run virus scan or burning a dvd that you notice big time with thats going on06:55
obf213bruenig, well i doesnt make te torrent file06:55
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hexstardfgas: not necessarily, I believe linux does do that though. What I meant is that a app can speed itself up by having multiple threads which are then split between the cores by the os making the app faster as it can do calculations in parallel06:55
Dr_willistheonlyalt,  also be sure you dont accidently start up a dozen vncservers :)06:55
chiefinnovatorWhat's the best way to run Windows in a virtual machine?06:55
obf213liek when i say save on hd5, it says ok, and it starts downloading the torrent, albeit slow.06:55
qwertzhi again...06:55
obf213but i cant find the file on hda.06:55
dormedaskayef: hit close and restart perhaps? (compiz --replace in the terminal)06:55
dfgashexstar, ahh, ok06:55
Dr_willischiefinnovator,  install virtual machine, install windows, run it. :)06:55
bruenigobf213, use the move after completion option06:55
dfgashexstar, started to scare me for a minute06:55
obf213is not hidden or anythingits just not there. and i search for it nothign shows up06:55
Dr_willischiefinnovator,  which version of windows, and what virtial machine ya want to use?06:55
hexstardfgas: hehe06:56
dormedaskayef: this is definitely odd if this doesnt work :P06:56
theonlyaltDr_willis, ...yeah.. about that, i've accidentally started 4 already.. How do I end the others?06:56
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chiefinnovatorI'm on dapper and it seems like nothing will work.  I tried vmware player and it breaks, I tried virtual box and it's acting flakey.  I want to run Windows xP06:56
obf213yeah, i would but the partition is to small guess im sol. ud think linux would have a least 1 decent torrent client. god.06:56
Dr_willistheonlyalt,  vncserver --kill :1 (or was it -kill)06:56
kayefdormedas: ur last statement just saved me........the key was virtual world, i need to add the horizontal virtual world,its working fine now, thanks06:56
hexstar#windows | chiefinnovator06:56
qwertzstupid beginner's question. I have created a data DVD in Ubuntu, but when I open it on a Windows PC, all the file names are shortened. Is there a way to prevent that?06:56
Dr_willisI find ktorrent to be very good for my needs.06:56
dfgashexstar, i am getting a pentium d 920 from a friend and i have read that they are pretty overclockable, i just want to do from 2.8 to 3.0 or 3.206:56
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hexstar!windows | chiefinnovator06:56
dormedaskayef: ok lol, you're welcome i suppose06:56
ubotuchiefinnovator: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents06:56
bruenigobf213, it would also help to disable compact allocation assuming it is a disk problem which still seems odd to me06:56
dfgashexstar, i hear that if you used phase cooling you can get 5ghz out of it, see it online06:57
dormedaskayef: but i thought that was defaulted :P oh well06:57
obf213bruenig how would i do that06:57
hexstardfgas: I don't really do overclocking (too risky) so I wouldn't know06:57
bruenigobf213, deluge preferences06:57
RyoHas anyone here installed steam with wine?  I need some help on the "26% bug".  None of the advice I've read on the wine guides has worked.06:57
bruenigdid you even look in there?06:57
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kayefdormedas: the default horizontal virtual size was 2.....i set it to 4 and its working now06:57
dfgashexstar, i am not going up to far  :D06:57
bruenigenable utorrent pex and all the other things too since you don't appear to have ever seen the preferences dialog06:57
hexstarthat's good dfgas :)06:58
dormedaskayef: ohh, I remember :P06:58
hexstardon't want the processor to melt :D06:58
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RyoAnyone here familiar with the Wine Steam install?06:58
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DDG008what do i have to do to boot to the live cd06:58
kayefdormedas: do u have any idea why my display looks slightly blurry......not as sharp as windows, its a fresh install of ubuntu 7.04 btw06:58
dormedaskayef: was it blurry after installing compiz fusion?06:59
obf213bruenig, it was never enabled. i idunno. thanks anyways06:59
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hexstarDDG008, go here: http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1697,1785998,00.asp and change cd to top06:59
kayefdormedas: nop....its blurry from the start06:59
RyoVsynch problem.06:59
dormedaskayef: i wouldn't know sorry :P06:59
=== ankitag [i=chatzill@nat/yahoo/x-9ac0f4d3edb7fe8e] has joined #ubuntu
Ryochange your synch in screen resolution.06:59
Ryothat should fix the blurryness.07:00
=== truthfatal [n=truthfat@h163.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu
RyoIt's called "Refresh Rate" on there.07:00
dormedasomg, I love this channel for all it's awesome amazing-ness at helping w/ ubuntu07:00
kayefdormedas: no prob....maybe i'll jus look around in the forums for a solution07:01
hexstaror google ;) :)07:01
dfgaswould i be better of running my dual core at 64bit or don't it matter?07:01
=== Anthology [n=Fossil@cpe-70-115-248-194.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
RyoI just gave you a solution for the blurryness...07:01
hexstardfgas: x86 is better, things get broken on x6407:01
dawn`chorusWilo, u did it?07:01
dormedaskayef: did you see Ryo? he gave you the solution07:02
Ryokayef:  Here's my solution.  Try changing refresh rate.07:02
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hexstarall it takes is seeing some poor soul trying to install cpanel on a x64 distro install :D07:02
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kayefRyo: sorry i missed that07:02
hexstarthe monitor could be crap...07:02
Ryokayef:  That's cool, It's partly my fault for not putting your name.07:03
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kayefRyo: so where do i change the refresh rate?07:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vsync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:03
Ryokayef:  System-> Preferences -> Screen Resolution.  Play around with it.07:03
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kayefRyo: ok....will try it out, thanks07:04
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sinzo need help07:04
Ryokayef:  Welcome.  I'm going to go post my issues with steam on the forums.07:04
hexstar!ask | sinz07:04
=== ceil420 [n=Ceil@71-11-245-60.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
sinzi can't enable desktop effects07:04
ubotusinz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:04
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sinzi can't enable desktop effect07:05
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:05
JamesinatorWhen I log out through the "Quit" button in GNOME, all my applications close so that I'm only seeing my desktop, and Ubuntu sits there endlessly showing my desktop, but never actually logging me out07:05
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charlie_anyone know where to find package libqt3-mt.  trying to install opera and it says i need that?07:05
JamesinatorI also can't switch to any of the TTY terminals on F1-F6 during the logout-freeze07:05
hexstar!info libqt3-mt07:06
ubotulibqt3-mt: Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version), Version 3. In component main, is optional. Version 3:3.3.8really3.3.7-0ubuntu5 (feisty), package size 3221 kB, installed size 8916 kB07:06
kayefdormedas: after i installed compiz, i cant use totem player anymore07:06
sinztheres no one in that channel to help07:06
kayefdormedas: it keeps shutting itself down everytime i click on a media file07:06
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zerokill88ive asked this before, but i didnt get an answer. i was wondering how do you get a shell to run right on top of your desktop and not inside a terminal window? here is what i mean    http://www.jonmasters.org/pics/screenshots/gnome2-2-ppc-screenshot.png07:07
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hexstarzerokill88: I'd be interested to know that as well07:08
Davy_Joneszerokill88: are you sure this is a terminal on the desktop?07:08
hexstarlook at the ss Davy_Jones07:08
charlie_in breezy?07:08
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Davy_Joneshe can easily stick that picture on top of the other07:08
zerokill88Davy_jones yes ive seen it elsewhere also07:08
rocketsWhere is the trash folder located?07:09
Dormeda2MajorPayne: just in case you ever see this, I have the full install running on sda1 (1!!) with 32 GB of free space :D:D:D:D07:09
rocketsfor my user07:09
hexstarcharlie_: might have to compile it07:09
palintheusThere is a thread with a how to, searching now07:09
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hexstarpalintheus: please link :)07:09
charlie_trying to figure out where to get it?07:09
rocketsnever mind07:09
bruenigzerokill88, those look like windows without borders, you can get that just killall metacity07:09
hexstarcharlie_: yeah sec07:10
zerokill88bruenig what do you mean killall metacity. in a terminal?07:10
bruenigzerokill88, yes07:10
Dormeda2killall metacity?07:10
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Dormeda2why not metacity --replace ?07:10
zerokill88bruenig ok07:11
JamesinatorWhen I log out through the "Quit" button in GNOME, all my applications close so that I'm only seeing my desktop, and Ubuntu sits there endlessly showing my desktop, but never actually logging me out. I also can't switch to any of the TTY terminals on F1-F6 during the logout-freeze.07:11
palintheusTerminal as background:   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20224907:11
zerokill88bruenig eh no effect07:11
palintheusI've used it and got it to work on my old dell desktop07:11
bruenigzerokill88, are you using another window manager?07:11
hexstarcharlie_: I can't find a binary other then that one for ubuntu, you may have to compile it07:12
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zerokill88bruenig gnome, and i tried gnome killall07:12
bruenigzerokill88, gnome is not a window manager07:12
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hexstarbut first charlie_, does in terminal sudo apt-cache search libqt3-mt return anything?07:12
zerokill88bruenig um i think gtk07:12
bruenigzerokill88, gtk is not a window manager07:12
charlie_ill try07:12
Davy_Joneszerokill88: http://lifehacker.com/software/linux-tip/embed-the-terminal-on-the-desktop-264296.php07:12
zerokill88bruenig oh, um im not sure then what im using07:12
kayefhow do i install opengl and openal in ubuntu?07:13
Davy_Joneszerokill88: like this?07:13
hexstarcharlie_: ok07:13
zerokill88Davy_jones nice, i googled for an hour before and got nothing07:13
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hexstarDavy_Jones: sweet :D07:13
adromedahow do I modify the startup?07:13
Davy_Joneszerokill88: you were using the wrong search strings07:13
DDG008what do i have to do to boot to the live cd07:14
hexstaradromeda: sudo nano /etc/rc.local07:14
DDG008can someone answer that question07:14
adromedaanything gui?07:14
hexstarI told you way up there DDG00807:14
palintheusSystem->preferences->sessions, "Startup Programs" tab,     I think07:14
zerokill88Davy_jones i think the key word was embed07:14
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adromedayep, palintheus, thanks07:15
Davy_Joneszerokill88: not really07:15
chrisLAbeardHey guys07:15
bullgard4lspci -vv output includes for example: "00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) USB UHCI #1 (rev 03) (prog-if 00 [UHCI] )Subsystem: Wistron Corp. Unknown device 10a5". Is the number 00:1d.0 a part of the PCI namespace?07:15
palintheusno problem07:15
zerokill88Davy_jones what did you googe07:15
w30How come Ubuntu uses sda instead of hda for a hard drive?07:15
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Davy_Joneszerokill88: linux terminal on desktop07:15
charlie_says couldn't stat source package pretty much every depository07:15
hexstardid you do sudo?07:15
hexstaras in: sudo apt-cache search xxx07:16
chrisLAbeardim installing ubuntu on another machine or trying and its doing this [483.48309]   [<c01234563>]  something else and counting up anyone know whats going on07:16
bullgard4w30: This is a new concept of Ubuntu.07:16
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astro76w30, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks07:16
palintheusw30: I think it uses sda for SATA disks07:16
_Sparks_It think one of my competitors got their site hacked.  http://www.itsou.com/ is anyone seeing a thing about being hack by someone in turkey?07:16
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w30astro76, thank you I will check it out.07:16
zerokill88Davy_jones wow i think i tried that but must have missed it, who knows anway my question has been answered thank you07:16
Jamesinator!offtopic | _Sparks_07:16
ubotu_Sparks_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:16
hexstarcharlie_, can you paste one line?07:16
Davy_Joneszerokill88: no prob07:16
hexstarthat was returned07:16
charlie_W: Couldn't stat source package list http://security.ubuntu.com breezy-security/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-security_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)07:17
=== Sila1 [n=ryan@c-67-182-189-3.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hexstarthat's weird..07:17
Sila1anyone know why cd /Desktop isn't working?07:17
_Sparks_Jamesinator --- Please don't be harsh.  I was just asking for someone to just look.07:17
hexstarSila1: it has to be cd ~/Desktop07:17
astro76Sila1, cd ~/Desktop07:17
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Davy_JonesSila1: cuz it's wrong07:17
Jamesinator_Sparks_: Please read the channel guidelines and follow them07:17
bullgard4w30: It is to unify the handling of several hardware busses.07:17
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_Sparks_Thank you for your assistance07:17
charlie_charlie@charlie:~$ sudo apt-cache search libqt3-mt07:18
charlie_W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)07:18
hexstarcharlie_: what if you do: sudo apt-get update?07:18
charlie_tried that07:18
Sila1jeez you leave for a little while and everything changes07:18
charlie_then upgrade07:18
Sila1wireless stops working when i do07:18
hexstarcharlie_: try sudo apt-get check07:19
charlie_did some stuff got basically the same message for the rest07:19
Sila1wine command not working?07:19
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T-ConnectThis is my 2nd update on Ubuntu.07:19
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pr4b1hi guys, can anyone recommend me a good wireless IDS? i want to analyse something not very advanced for my project07:20
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charlie_charlie@charlie:~$ sudo apt-get check07:20
charlie_Reading package lists... Done07:20
charlie_Building dependency tree... Done07:20
charlie_You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.07:20
charlie_The following packages have unmet dependencies:07:20
charlie_  opera: Depends: libqt3-mt (>= 3.3.4) but it is not installable07:20
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MajorPayne!paste | charlie_07:20
ubotucharlie_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:20
w30bullgard4, I don't understand it but if Mr. Cox says its ok then I will buy it :=)07:20
=== Borin [n=borin@c-76-111-50-14.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
astro76charlie_, do as suggested, sudo apt-get -f install07:21
bullgard4w30: Who is 'Mr. Cox', please?07:21
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HarrisonCan someone in here help me with getopts?07:22
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smupgrading to feisty, I can't install zlib1g. How can I debug/work around http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32195/plain/ ?07:22
zerokill88davy_jones u there07:22
astro76bullgard4, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Cox07:23
Davy_Joneszerokill88: yes?07:23
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zerokill88davy_jones k one quesiton if you know, how do i add these two programs to startup, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202249&highlight=terminal+desktop    is that the command or what i need to add07:23
charlie_saying building dependecies and opera will be unistalled, say yes?07:23
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hexstarcharlie_: yes07:24
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Davy_Joneszerokill88: the instructions to do that are there07:24
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hexstar!ohmy | bullgard4,w3007:24
ubotubullgard4,w30: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:24
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Davy_Joneszerokill88: before the fourth code window07:24
charlie_then try to reinnstall?07:25
hexstarcharlie_: yeah07:25
w30bullgard4, Allen Cox of Linux and RedHat fame.07:25
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palintheuszerokill: System->preferences->sessions, "Startup Programs" tab and add "devilspie & gnome-terminal"07:25
charlie_thanx see if that works07:25
hexstarcharlie_: np :)07:25
musikgoat|laptopanyone have a suggestion on how to change the keystroke for gedit,  i want to have ctrl+tab move through the tabs,  ctrl+alt+PU/PD is quite more work than I want to do  :-)07:25
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zerokill88davy_jones ya but whats the command to add devilspie, or is that and gnome-terminal .... the commands?07:26
charlie_still gives me the same error07:26
Davy_Joneszerokill88: those are the commands07:26
hexstarcharlie_: hmm, not sure sorry07:26
Davy_Joneszerokill88: you can add anything in the name field07:26
charlie_ Package libqt3-mt is not installed.07:26
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zerokill88davy_jones oh ok kool thanks again07:26
bruenigthere is no reason to start devilspie in the background07:27
coffeei'm trying to figure out what version of java I have installed on ubuntu, any idea how I can do this?07:27
Davy_Jonesno prob07:27
hexstarcoffee: java -v07:27
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Wilohow do i unmount a partion so i can resize it with gparted?07:27
w30ubotu needs to be updated for Mr. Cox because he is just below the sainthood of Linus Torvalds07:27
hexstarwilo: umount /dev/name07:27
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astro76coffee, java -version07:27
noodles12why does system>preferences>themes menu doesnt' show all the themes in the /usr/share/themes and /home/bob/.theme folders?07:27
Wilohexstar thanks07:27
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hexstarwilo: np :)07:27
coffeeahh cool thanks guys07:28
bruenignoodles12, is it supposed to show ~/.theme?07:28
hexstarcoffee: np :)07:28
Sila1can anyone help me with wine and why its not working/installing07:28
charlie_anyone else know how to get package  libqt3-mt07:28
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bruenig!find libqt3-mt07:28
ubotuFound: libqt3-mt, libqt3-mt-dev, libqt3-mt-mysql, libqt3-mt-odbc, libqt3-mt-psql (and 1 others)07:28
bruenigcharlie_, sudo apt-get install libqt3-mt07:28
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:28
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kkathmanHow do I get clicked links to open in Firefox and not konqueror?07:29
bruenigSila1, you might wish to explain your problem07:29
Sila1the wine command isnt working07:29
noodles12bruenig: i don't know. but it doesnt' show the /usr/share/themes either. I dragged the new theme from ~/.theme in that menu and it added it and added another folder in that menu w/ the same thing.07:29
bruenigkkathman, sudo update-alternatives -config x-www-browser07:29
kkathmanThe gnome -browser is set to firefox :(07:29
bruenignoodles12, are you sure the themes are metacity07:29
kkathmanthankx bruenig  :)07:29
MajorPayne!doesn't work | Sila107:29
ubotuSila1: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:29
hexstarkkathman: http://www.techzonez.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-14660.html07:29
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chrisLAbeardwhat are some of the main things to think about when ubuntu freezes on startup of install07:29
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Sila1bruenig: sudo apt-get install wine wouldn't work either07:29
charlie_got  Package libqt3-mt has no installation candidate07:29
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bruenigSila1, what happens when you do sudo apt-get install wine (stop saying doesn't work, that does not help)07:30
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Sila1bruenig: it says the package is not available07:31
bruenigSila1, are you on 64 bit?07:31
Sila1bruenig i believe so07:31
bruenigSila1, it is not available for 64 bit07:31
bruenigSila1, I recommend installing 32 bit, there is no real reason to use 64 bit07:32
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Sila1bruenig: i never had any problems with wine until i installed ubuntu again07:32
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riotkittiesweet. i actually got a feisty disc to burn. and work.07:32
Nullz00rHow do i install beryl07:32
=== riotkittie dances. like a monkey, even.
Sila1bruenig: how do i install a 32 bit?07:32
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noodles12bruenig: yea. When i just drag the folder to the theme menu and add them and save them. they show up in that ~/.theme folder. and they work. I was just wondering why all the ones in that folder dont' just automatically show up? and why doesn't the themes that were already in /usr/share/themes didn't show up? ( i didn't add those, they were already there?)07:32
bruenigSila1, you must have installed the 64 bit version this time and the other times installed 32 bit07:32
hexstar!beryl | Nullz00r07:32
ubotuNullz00r: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:32
bruenigSila1, go get the ubuntu 32 bit desktop iso and reinstall07:32
Sila1bruenig: willdo07:33
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Sila1bruenig: thanks07:33
bruenignoodles12, they should, xfce has a similar setup and it works that way, did you extract it and make sure it was good, you didn't just move tarballs over did you?07:33
HarrisonCan someone in here help me with getopts?07:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about getopts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:33
MajorPayne!ask | Harrison07:33
ubotuHarrison: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:33
riotkittieehh. can the partition editor in the live cd install nuke extended parts?07:34
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charlie_been trying to burn feisty for days07:34
hexstarriotkittle, yes gparted can07:34
riotkittiecharlie_: keep the faith. if i can do it, you can do it :P07:34
HarrisonOkay: getopts doesn't seem to want to work right for me. Can someone look at my code and tell me what I'm doing wrong?07:34
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hexstar!pastebin | Harrison07:35
ubotuHarrison: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:35
charlie_think it doesn't like my burner, can only burn mp3s07:35
noodles12bruenig: yea i extracted them. I found out the ones in the /usr/share/themes are just the different choices you can customize. they aren't actual themes. And i guess you just have to add the theme to the menu and not just the ~/.themes folder. thanks for the help =). i just gotta figure out how to change the taskbar now07:35
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blitz-redi need some help07:35
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hexstar!ask | blitz-red07:35
ubotublitz-red: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:35
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MajorPayne!ask | blitz-red07:35
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DDG008I can't boot to the live cd07:36
MajorPaynehexstar: BAHH!07:36
DDG008i tried f2 f1207:36
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bruenig!alternate | DDG00807:36
ubotuDDG008: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal07:36
hexstarDDG008: http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p1.htm07:36
SpeakerManiaHow can I un-zip a tar ball through the command line?07:36
HarrisonOkay: getopts doesn't seem to want to work right for me. Can someone look at my code and tell me what I'm doing wrong? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32197/07:36
riotkittieshould my extended partition show up on the 'prepare partition' screen?07:36
astro76SpeakerMania, tar xzvf file.tar.gz07:36
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MajorPayneSpeakerMania: If it's just a tar (.tar) use tar xvf something.tar07:36
hexstarHarrison: I would, not really up to snuff on scripting though07:36
riotkittieerr. rather, will it show up once i nuke all my logicals?07:37
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blitz-redi'm trying to modify my pkg-config in usr/bin but u have to be root to do it, i know how to sudo in terminal, but i dont know the command that would allow me to edit the program07:37
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riotkittie'delete', if you prefer07:37
bexMajorPayne: do you get paid to help people in here?07:37
riotkittiei would have burned gparted but  i only had one disc :\07:37
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hexstarblitz-red: nano07:37
SpeakerManiaastro76, MajorPayne: Thanks. Now, can I specify the directory in which to un-zip? For example, if I save the tar ball to ~/ then how can I un-pack it to ~/Desktop/ ?07:37
hexstarblitz-red: np :)07:37
Harrisonblitz-red: try "gksudo gedit /usr/bin/pkg-config"07:37
MajorPaynebex: Nope.  But I wouln't want to either.  Sometimes my help sucks.07:37
charlie_anyone kow if there is a way to force breezy to burn me a copy of feisty? it won't recognize the size of the disc except in minutes07:37
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charlie_will burn any music07:38
riotkittiecharlie_: what are you burning with?07:38
MajorPaynecharlie_: All you do is right click on the ISO and select "burn to disk".07:38
hayden_22_22i am trying to build a debian package of gimp2.3.19, but when i run   dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot i get found eof where expected more change data or trailer at /usr/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/debian line 156, <STDIN> line 607:38
hexstarcharlie_: The cd recogniztion is done by the cdrom drive's firmware, if the cd isn't being seen then you likely have a brand of cd-r that is not compatible with your drive07:38
Davy_Joneswhen i turn beryl on and a new window pops up, it doesn't get the focus and gets loaded behind the other windows.. how do i fix this?07:38
Tremitosthat's a secret07:38
charlie_that's what i did, always says insert disc with xmb free07:39
HarrisonOkay: getopts doesn't seem to want to work right for me. Can someone look at my code and tell me what I'm doing wrong? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32197/07:39
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charlie_even if trying to burn 9 mb on 700mb cd07:39
SpeakerManiaastro76, MajorPayne: Thanks. Now, can I specify the directory in which to un-zip? For example, if I save the tar ball to ~/ then how can I un-pack it to ~/Desktop/ ?07:39
hexstarcharlie_: have you tried another drive?07:39
hexstaror better yet, different brand media?07:39
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riotkittielive disc's gparted still  not seeing my extended partition. lists my 2 primaries, and my 3 logicals. hmm.07:40
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SpeakerManiaastro76, MajorPayne: Thanks. Now, can I specify the directory in which to un-zip? For example, if I save the tar ball to ~/ then how can I un-pack it to ~/Desktop/ ?07:40
charlie_won't recognize size on either drive07:40
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MajorPayneSpeakerMania: mv tarball.tar Desktop;cd Desktop;tar xvf tarball.tar07:40
astro76blitz-red, pkg-config is a program, what do you mean edit it?07:40
charlie_unless its music, in miute07:40
astro76SpeakerMania, I don't believe so, you can move the tarball to where you want to extract it07:40
MajorPayneSpeakerMania: There may be an option to select the directory, not sure.  man tar will tell you.07:40
riotkittieand when i delete the logicals, it shows the two primaries. and free space.  i am paranoid, having just lost a 500gb HD :|07:40
bruenigMajorPayne, -C dir07:40
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SpeakerManiaaastro76, MajorPayne: Thanks for the help. :)07:40
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HarrisonOkay: getopts doesn't seem to want to work right for me. Can someone look at my code and tell me what I'm doing wrong? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32197/07:41
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charlie_tried three brands of cdrs too07:42
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fougto uninstall things in linux, like say a program that came with ubuntu install or something i download, i just type "uninstall [name] " or no?07:42
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hexstarfoug: sudo apt-get remove pkgname07:42
riotkittiefoug: try sudo apt-get remove name07:42
bruenigHarrison, I am not familiar with getopts, what is it supposed to do07:43
astro76!apt | foug07:43
fougriotkittie: hexstar: thanks07:43
ubotufoug: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:43
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hexstarfoug: np :)07:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about getopts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:43
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Harrisonbruenig: It is supposed to parse command line flags to another script07:43
Harrisonbruenig: http://www.linux.com/articles/11383607:43
hexstarbruenig: http://www.mkssoftware.com/docs/man1/getopts.1.asp07:43
riotkittieerr. can i ask a question about partitions which is not totally ubuntu related but relative as it will influence my install? <bats eyelashes>07:43
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riotkittienevermind. it was a stupid question.07:44
hexstarriotkittie: ok07:44
hexstarlol k07:44
ubuanybody here running gutsy?07:44
blitz-redcan someone help me out, my origional question applied to updating my GLib which i have, but when i try to configure, i get this return07:44
blitz-red*** 'pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0' returned 2.12.0, but GLIB (2.12.11)07:44
blitz-red*** was found! If pkg-config was correct, then it is best07:44
blitz-red*** to remove the old version of GLib. You may also be able to fix the error07:44
blitz-red*** by modifying your LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable, or by editing07:44
blitz-red*** /etc/ld.so.conf. Make sure you have run ldconfig if that is07:44
bruenigHarrison, oh I always used a case statement and shift07:44
astro76!gutsy | ubu07:44
blitz-red*** required on your system.07:44
blitz-red*** If pkg-config was wrong, set the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH07:44
hexstarubu: that's beta :o07:44
blitz-red*** to point to the correct configuration files07:44
blitz-redconfigure: error:07:44
astro76!paste | blitz-red07:44
blitz-red*** GLib 2.0 is required to build Gaim; please make sure you have the GLib07:44
hexstar!pastebin | blitz-red07:44
blitz-red*** development headers installed. The latest version of GLib is07:44
blitz-red*** always available at http://www.gtk.org/.07:44
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ubotuubu: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+107:44
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok07:44
defryskubu , /j #ubuntu=107:44
ubotublitz-red: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:44
defrysk= = +07:45
defryskubu , /j #ubuntu+107:45
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syntaxxim using cups and samba. and i have a little problem in printer class status in windows when i paused the class it shows the printer status not the printer class status anyone have an idea how to fix that?07:45
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hayden_22_22i am trying to build a debian package of gimp2.3.19, but when i run   dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot i get found eof where expected more change data or trailer at /usr/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/debian line 156, <STDIN> line 607:45
ubuhexstar,astro76: im just wondering if anyone is running it07:45
hexstarubu: no sorry07:45
hexstarubu: er I'm not :P07:46
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hexstar!dpkg | hayden_22_2207:46
ubotuhayden_22_22: dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.07:46
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riotkittieoh. i'm such a dummy.07:47
peeps_workanyone know how to unsubscribe from a bug in launchpad?07:47
peeps_worki want to stop getting email about this godforsaken bug07:47
riotkittiei just realized i could exit the installer and type gparted in a term07:47
hayden_22_22it didnt work07:47
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hayden_22_22same error07:47
peeps_workit's been going on for a year07:47
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riotkittieits late! i'm caffeine deprived.  thats my story and i'm sticking to it.07:48
peeps_worki don't care anymore, i want this bug out of my life07:48
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defryskpeeps_work, I believe its an option when you file a bug to get mails, just unflag the mailoption (or something)07:48
blitz-redah rlly sorry about that07:48
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oldmanstanpeeps_work-> or check the bottom of the email for an unsubscribe link?? i dunno07:48
tonyyarusso!pastebin | blitz-red07:49
ubotublitz-red: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:49
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defryskpeeps_work, and dont bug us ;p07:49
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blitz-redyes i just read that and once again, im sorry07:49
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peeps_workoldmanstan, there is no unsubscribe07:49
hexstarblitz-red: np :)07:49
hexstarpeeps_work: report it as spam07:49
oldmanstanpeeps_work -> just idle speculation, sorry :(07:49
bruenigHarrison, something like this is how I deal with that: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32198/07:50
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peeps_workah, i found the option in launchpad, if you log in and view the bug, it is part of the left menu07:50
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Ltarreccomend a program for cropping and doin other simple audio editing tasks?07:50
peeps_workthank god07:50
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Dismembergood afternoon all07:50
astro76Ltar, audacity07:50
Jordan_ULtar, Audacity07:50
bruenigHarrison, my fault: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32200/07:51
Dismember<< Perth Aust07:51
Ltarastro76: thank you07:51
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Dismemberanyone a cpp guru?07:51
blitz-redalright so here is my problem, the new Glib isnt recognized here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32199/plain/07:51
bruenigblitz-red, do you have the -dev package installed07:51
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Harrisonbruenig: I don't see how that puts them to the script that the first script is being used to start07:51
blitz-redim not sure what that is07:51
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blitz-redbut i had to compile the glib from source07:52
Dismembertrying to compile a driver for my sunix SATA II card.. but the makefile is showing locations for files i cant find in fiesty :S07:52
hexstar!info glib-dev | blitz-red07:52
ubotublitz-red: Package glib-dev does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:52
bruenigHarrison, that will take whatever parameters it is called with and store it accordingly07:52
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peeps_workDismember, what is the error07:52
ubuastro76: what do you run?07:52
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bruenigHarrison, then on the bottom, you can run the stuff you had, with the variables like you were doing07:52
Dismemberfile missing07:52
hexstar!pastebin | Dismember07:53
ubotuDismember: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:53
Dismembercant find /arch/i386/include07:53
blitz-redi got the source from gtk.org07:53
Harrisonbrunig: So after the "done" line, I could put "./program -file whatever -warp otherthing" ?07:53
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astro76ubu, feisty07:53
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bruenigHarrison, I should have just edited yours, it would have been easier anyways07:53
hexstarblitz-red: what's wrong with the included binary of glib?07:53
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Harrisonbruenig: No, I will do it.07:53
peeps_workDismember, you prob need the kernel headers07:53
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Dismemberok.. and i get them where?07:53
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blitz-redincluded binary?07:54
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hexstar!find glib07:54
ubotuFound: glibc-doc, libarts1-mpeglib, libavahi-glib-dev, libavahi-glib1, libc6 (and 37 others)07:54
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blitz-red(im major noob, bear with me)07:54
co_sexydhj] 07:54
peeps_workDismember, from repositories, "uname -a", to find out exactly the kernel version, then search for those headers07:54
blitz-redapparently it was outdated07:54
hexstar!find kernel headers07:54
ubotuFound: kernel-package, kernel-wedge, klogd, nfs-kernel-server, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-15-386 (and 47 others)07:54
peeps_workDismember, uname -r actually07:54
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Dismemberok as su?07:55
blitz-redthe return error in the terminal was the same before i updated glib except it didnt recognize glib07:55
peeps_workDismember, don't need that for uname07:55
peeps_workit just tells you what kernel you are running07:55
peeps_workthen you need to find the package07:55
hayden_22_22found eof where expected more change data or trailer at /usr/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/debian line 156, <STDIN> line 607:55
bruenigHarrison, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32201/07:55
blitz-redit said my glib was outdated07:55
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hexstarpeeps_work, without a option added on it doesn't give version: macminis-computer:~ hexstar$ uname07:55
riotkittieOk. Let's talk swap. On this machine, I've got a gig of RAM. On my laptop (256mb) i operate by the swap = 2x RAM rule, but something tells me that'd be silly here. so. how much? :P07:56
hayden_22_22that error show up when i try to build a deb of gimp07:56
Harrisonbruenig: I finished mine right before you did that. They look exactly the same. :D07:56
bruenigHarrison, that is assuming I understand what you are doing, you call the script with "script bits $VALUE width $WIDTH etc. that is what I think you are doing, I may have misunderstood07:56
riotkittieFWIW, i have a whopping 6.8GB free. i can up it a little... but not much.07:56
astro76riotkittie, do you want to hibernate (suspend to disk)?07:56
riotkittieastro76: nah07:56
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Harrisonbruenig: Correct, but not all of the commands will be used at once.07:56
peeps_workDismember, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic07:56
bruenigHarrison, forgot the all important '') in my paste07:56
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bruenigHarrison, right, it will fit the '', and break in that case07:56
Dismembersudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic07:57
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Dismemberlinux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic is already the newest version.07:57
blitz-redis my problem something that cant be fixed?07:57
astro76riotkittie, 256-512MB would be good07:57
hayden_22_22I am trying to build a .deb for the latest development release of gimp,07:57
riotkittieastro76: thanks! :)07:57
bruenigwhat is the point of /usr/games07:57
hexstarthat's where the games go07:58
peeps_workDismember, ok guess I was wrong, you are missing something else, you should pastebin your error07:58
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Dismemberinclude arch/$(ARCH)/Makefile07:58
bruenigwhy does it have its own directory, that is the stupidest thing I have ever seen07:58
Harrisonbruenig: Now, how could I add commands that don't have an arguement on the end of them to that script?07:58
Dismemberthat is the line that is erroring07:58
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Dismembertranslates to include /arch/i386/include07:58
hayden_22_22 I am trying to build a .deb for the latest development release of gimp, but when i run  dpkg-buildpackage -rfakerootfound i get eof where expected more change data or trailer at /usr/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/debian line 156, <STDIN> line 607:58
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Harrisonbruenig: I get an error "shift: 22: can't shift that many"07:59
bruenigHarrison, shift 2 not 2207:59
hexstar!find lib-glib07:59
ubotuPackage/file lib-glib does not exist in feisty07:59
hexstar!find glib07:59
Harrisonbruenig: It is shift 2. 22 is the line number.07:59
ubotuFound: glibc-doc, libarts1-mpeglib, libavahi-glib-dev, libavahi-glib1, libc6 (and 37 others)07:59
riotkittielol. i just hosed my partitions. :\08:00
hexstarcan't shift that many...lol08:00
bruenigHarrison, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32202/08:00
blitz-redit found no file or directory for me08:00
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riotkittieif i lost all of my data for the second time in a week...   you think i would have learned by now :P08:01
Jordan_Ublitz-red, What are you trying to do?08:01
Harrisonbruenig: That is how I would add a command with no arguement?08:01
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bruenigHarrison, can you have over 9 position parameters? maybe that is the problem08:01
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ntbnntriotkittie: that's awesome :\ ftw08:01
blitz-redtrying to compile gaim voice and video support08:01
bruenigHarrison, right, it will only shift the arguments over one in that case, meaning that it will pick up on the next arg instead of skipping two08:01
Dismemberanyone got any ideas?08:01
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Harrisonbruenig: There are at least 25 different commands for this program.08:02
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hayden_22_22come one  guy i really need08:02
Harrisonbruenig: So it seems that shift can't handle that many?08:02
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Davy_Jonesis there a plugin that allows xmms to play midi files?08:02
blitz-redi run configure08:02
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blitz-redand get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32199/plain/ terminal error08:02
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bruenigHarrison, you can't feed the thing more than 9 parameters iirc08:03
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Lustblade1hi room08:03
Harrisonbruenig: sonofabitch08:03
bruenigHarrison, like $10 does not work08:04
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palintheusI'm getting a laptop with an 80g hard drive with Ubuntu pre-installed, I want to repartition it with this guide http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome to get a separate /home I was wondering what size I should set / as?08:04
Harrisonbruenig: I don't see a $10 anywhere in the code.08:04
Dismemberok here is the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32203/08:05
bruenigHarrison, nevermind you can, you just have to do ${10}, it should work, I just shifted a bunch of arguments08:05
Dismemberi think08:05
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astro76palintheus, 8-10GB is about all you'll need typically, add a little more if you want08:05
Harrisonbruenig: I don't see a $10/${10} anywhere in the code.08:05
Jordan_U_blitz-red, Have you done "apt-get build-dep gaim" ? That won't get dependencies for features not included in the Ubuntu package but should be a good start08:05
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blitz-redi'll try it now08:06
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palintheusastro76, thanks08:06
bruenigHarrison, that was just me musing don't worry about it08:07
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Harrisonbruenig: So how do I get it to send all the commands?08:07
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decoyhey guys, i know my computer can get a way better resolution. but right now its set at 1024x768. im used to 1440x900. i have nvidia geforce 6100 graphics card.08:07
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astro76decoy, can you change it in system>prefs>screen resolution ?08:08
bruenigHarrison, it looks good as it is, maybe #bash will know, there is probably some syntax error or something stupid like that08:08
Jordan_U_decoy, Have you tried restricted manager?08:08
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Dismemberanyone got any ideas to help me out?08:09
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alivedataDismember: what is ur prob08:09
Dismemberi am trying to compile a driver for an INITIO SATAII card08:10
blitz-redits installing now, and i noticed its installing glib 2.0 so it should solve my problem08:10
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decoyJordan_U_: how do i get restricted manager? i know thats what i need...08:10
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gini have an ATI video card, so i've installed drivers with envy but not works my xservers it broken each time that i try install drivers08:10
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astro76decoy, system>admin>restricted manager08:11
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alivedataDismember: so where did you get the source?08:11
syntaxxim using cups and samba. and i have a little problem in printer class status in windows when i paused the class it shows the printer status not the printer class status anyone have an idea how to fix that?08:11
Dismembersunix website08:11
ginsomebody can help me about  it ?08:11
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astro76!envy | gin08:12
ubotugin: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!08:12
Dismemberits a sunix card08:12
=== ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-24-6-131-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blitz-redwell i think i screwed myself over installing glib 2.12.1208:12
alivedataDismember: k, you got the source from sunux?08:13
ThanatosDriveHow do I mount an CD image?08:13
Dismemberwant to see the source?08:13
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astro76!iso | ThanatosDrive08:13
ubotuThanatosDrive: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:13
alivedataDismember: no...i am assuming that you have compiled before?08:14
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Dismembernot for years08:14
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ThanatosDriveThanks astro76!08:14
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ThanatosDriveWhat is mountpoint?08:14
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decoyallright. the restricted manager is in use. but it still isnt what i needed08:14
gerroanyone know of firefox plugin or app to use so can download video.tinypic.com?08:14
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blitz-rednow the pastebin is giving me bull08:15
blitz-redit thinks i am spamming08:15
riotkittiecan i ask another sorta-off-topic(but-relevant-to-my-install) question?08:15
astro76ThanatosDrive, an empty directory that you create, typically either in /media or in your ~/ (home directory)08:15
gerroblitz-red: umm pastebin.ubuntu.com?08:15
Dismemberi can remember a bit of programming.. i found the lines that are wrong.. but cant find the right dir's to replace in the makefile08:15
ThanatosDriveastro76: So I need to create it first?08:15
alivedataubotu: sudo mount -o loop the.iso /home/theiso08:15
decoyanyone know anything else i can do?08:16
ginastro76, thats so true, but when i try install drivers with resticted manager, the application not works and it appear a msg with: The hardware dont need resticted drivers.08:16
ginastro76,  whats wrong is there ?08:16
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Dismemberalivedata: u still around?08:16
Davy_Joneshas anyone tried Pixel?08:17
alivedataDismember: yup08:17
blitz-rednevermind, i'll try to deal with this tommorrow08:17
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ThanatosDriveWait, but I'm in home, and I can't create a folder.08:17
Dismemberthey gave an instruction readme08:17
Dismemberi am following the instructions08:17
Dismemberbut the file is suited to redhat08:17
Dismemberit appears08:17
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alivedataDismember: ahh08:17
astro76gin, have you seen this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI08:17
Dismemberfiesty has a different dir structure08:18
decoycan someone please help me get my resolution better?08:18
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riotkittiei've managed to hose 3 linux installs and a win os in the span of uh... 12 hours.  i'm starting to think i should steer clear of technology :o08:18
Dismemberanyone know where the include dir is?08:18
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alivedataDismember: have you run configure08:18
Dismemberalivedata: i assume not08:19
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alivedataDismember : maybe that is y no make?08:19
bulmerDismember: the /usr/include does not exist?08:19
ThanatosDriveOh wow there's no autorun support through wine. Duh -.-08:19
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Dismemberalivedata: no it doesnt08:19
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decoywhat about like beryl or something. would that help? i've had ubuntu on this computer once before, and i had it perfect, great machine. but what about beryl?08:20
ThanatosDriveHow do I change my sound to 16-bit?08:20
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hachiI'm trying to build an ubuntu live CD that has an app built right onto it for people to test. There isn't any information about doing this task already available by chance, is there?08:20
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alivedataDismember : no it doesnt what?08:20
Dismemberdecoy: i'm a noob but have u run Xconfig?08:20
Dismemberalivedata: no it doesnt exist08:20
decoyDismember: nope. not yet08:20
ntbnntriotkittie: you should only really worry when you hose 3 linux servers08:20
Jordan_U__hachi, There is, try the wiki08:20
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bulmerhachi: maybe you can google for remastering ubuntu08:21
hachiJordan_U__: okie, thanks08:21
hachibulmer: allright, thanks08:21
alivedataDismember : try running ./configure08:21
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Dismemberdecoy: that used to work b4.. i am talking 1990's debian08:21
ClNorrisG'Day everyone! Anyone here familiar with the i915resolution?08:21
Dismemberalivedata: ok brb08:21
alivedataDismember : in the source directory08:21
decoyDismember: yeahh, well it didnt :/08:21
Jordan_U__!anyone | ClNorris08:21
ubotuClNorris: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:21
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:21
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bullgard4Why is there no manual page for libata?08:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 16-bit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:22
decoyhey Jordan_U__ do you know how i could get the better resolution im looking for? along with beryl?08:22
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ThanatosDriveAnyone know how to change my sound to 16-bit?08:22
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RyanWwhen i try and zone transfer the master server reports "zone 170.17.172.in-addr.arpa/IN/internal: refresh: non-authoritative answer from master (source", can you explain what this means please.08:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 16-bit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:22
ClNorrisJordan_U_, I have a dell inspiron E1505 which is widescreen and the maximum resolution is 1024x768 and I want to go bigger like it was before I switched from gentoo08:22
Jordan_U__decoy, I was disconnected after I asked this before, have you tried restricted manager ?08:22
ThanatosDriventbnnt: Alrready tried it.08:22
ntbnntits funny08:23
peeps_workThanatosDrive, what is it set to now, and how can you tell?08:23
Jordan_U__ClNorris, Either use the -intel driver or simply install 915resolution08:23
decoyJordan_U__: yeah. i just installed it. it didnt seem to do much08:23
ClNorrisJordan_U_, huh?08:23
Dismemberalivedata: bash: ./configure: No such file or directory08:23
astro76!resolution | ClNorris08:23
ubotuClNorris: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:23
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ThanatosDrivepeeps_work: Well I can tell because my Homeworld CD says, 'Why not try changing your sound to 16-bit, then installing?' And then it exits.08:24
peeps_workDismember, did you do it in the main directory of the program you are compiling?08:24
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Dismemberpeeps_work: /INITIO is the dir the source is in08:24
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alivedataDismember : you unpacked the source, cd src08:24
Jordan_U__decoy, Try System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects for basic compiz effects08:25
bullgard4ClNorris: See also 'xrandr', 'xdpyinfo', ('xresprobe')!08:25
GamingXI am not able to access the ubuntume channel???08:25
syntaxxim using cups and samba. and i have a little problem in printer class status in windows when i paused the class it shows the printer status not the printer class status anyone have an idea how to fix that?08:26
Jordan_U__GamingX, ubuntume?08:26
alivedatadesktop effects really screwed up a multi monitor setup I was running, whacky08:26
GamingXMuslim Edition, similar to Christian edition....08:26
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dstaleyWide UXGA is 1920x1200, right?08:27
Dismemberalivedata: peeps_work: http://www.sunix.com.tw/it/en/down/driver/Linux_Driver.pdf is the driver location with the readme08:27
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sx66what is better, gnome, kde, or xfce as in resource management?08:27
Dismembersee what u can make of it08:27
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adromedaI recently added gaim and Rhythmbox to my start up, is there anyway to make them start-up minimized?08:27
adromeda(or in the taskbar)08:27
Jordan_U__sx66, What do you mean by resource management ?08:28
dstaleysx66: I reccomend XFCE08:28
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Dismemberfiesty has a driver for the card inbuilt.. but when i have tried to format a 400Gb WD drive it hangs on inode 105008:28
peeps_workdunno, gotta sleep08:29
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Dismemberinstalled the drive on a machine with an ATI SATA onboard running fiesty formats no probs08:29
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Dismemberso i am assuming that the driver has a problem with drives bigger than 170Gb08:29
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fougi'm trying to uninstall google earth, sudo apt-get remove Google Earth won't uninstall it08:29
adromedaI recently added gaim and Rhythmbox to my start up, is there anyway to make them start-up minimized? (or in the taskbar)08:30
alivedataDismember : nothing on pdf08:30
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Jordan_Ufoug, Apt/dpkg can only remove packages installed through dpkg08:30
Dismemberalivedata: IM me08:30
fougJordan_U: o i see, so i can't apt-get remove that which i've apt-get installed?08:30
Dismemberi'll give u my MSN and send u the file08:30
fougJordan_U: i can only* not i can't08:30
alivedataDismember : is it a tarball08:30
Diilberttotem movie player has the Play Disc 'DVD-ROM disc' grayed out even though there is a DVD in the drive.  Is it possibly looking in the wrong spot for a DVD?  Where do set this since I do not see anything in prefs?08:31
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Jordan_Ufoug, That and .deb files08:31
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Dismemberits a ZIP08:31
fougJordan_U: i see, so how would i uninstall a .bin?08:31
alivedataDismember : what is the file type08:31
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Jordan_Ufoug, Find the uninstaller?08:31
alivedataDismember : and what is the file list inside?08:31
fougJordan_U: ok i tried to uninstall Rythmbox Music Player, and the command still didn't work. How do i find out what the package is called?08:31
GamingXI have a Canon Lide 20 scanner, How do I install it?08:32
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Dismemberalivedata: 1622.config  drivers  include  Makefile  readme of 1622 for linux 2.4.txt08:32
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Jordan_Ufoug, How did you install rythmbox and how did you try to remove it?08:32
fougJordan_U: rhythmbox came with ubuntu08:32
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ntbnntoh well, my LUG disbanded08:33
Dismemberalivedata: http://www.sunix.com.tw/it/en/DRIVER.php?cate=3&classnumber=2&usid2=125&usid1=34&Psid=447#top try there08:33
fougJordan_U: i want to uninstall a few things that come with ubuntu, but not sure how :)08:33
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ThanatosDriveHow can I change my sound to 16-bit stereo?08:33
Jordan_Ufoug, You should be able to just "sudo apt-get remove rhythmbox"08:34
alivedataDismember : yeh, send them an e - make sure you have all of the srcs, and/or the right package...gotta go - gd luck08:34
fougJordan_U: sweet, that worked. So for say, Totem Movie Player, sudo apt-get remove totem?08:34
Dismemberalivedata: ta for trying08:34
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ntbnntThanatosDrive: read about ALSA, it may not fully support 16-bit unless you have certain audio cards and even then sometimes that 16-bit audio is dependant upon propreitory utilities by your cards vendor08:35
bullgard4What is the equivalent 'dpkg -S' command in Synaptic?08:35
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ThanatosDriventbnnt: Okay. Googling now. I hope I can get 16-bit though, as anyone who has played it can attest, Homeworld is an amazing game.08:35
Davy_Jonesbullgard4: what does that command do?08:35
Jordan_Ufoug, That is generally how it works, sometimes the package is different than the program name, if so you can find the package with synaptic or "apt-cache search foo"08:35
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fougJordan_U: what's the foo mean?08:35
ntbnntThanatosDrive: theres not a default swtich to 16-biut it reqires special hardware support and interaction with your kernel08:36
GamingXI cannot use my scanner using Ubuntu, can someone help me?08:36
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Jordan_Ufoug, It is a slang term for "whatever"08:36
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fougJordan_U: o duh08:37
ntbnntThanatosDrive: there could be a custom kernel configuration, but i doubt ubuntu will like it very much that is atune to audio mixers and developers08:37
fougJordan_U: thanks dude08:37
adromedaI recently added gaim and Rhythmbox to my start up, is there anyway to make them start-up minimized? (or in the taskbar)08:37
Jordan_Ufoug, np08:37
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ThanatosDriventbnnt: Well at least here's one aspect Microsoft greatly trumps Linux at.08:38
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jtongi added a user to a group and change the file to permission 770 and to that group but the user is still unable to read the file?08:38
ntbnntadromeda: this isn't windows - i just have my ubuntu desktop boot the way i had it before by saving my session everytime i reboot08:38
jtongany ideas?08:38
ThanatosDriveadromeda: Just don't turn off your PC.08:38
xukunhi all, I get this error every time I start/reboot the system "Fsck died with exit status 8"  I pasted the logs from /var/log/fsck/ceckfs.  Anybody know how to fix this I sure do not08:39
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adromedalol, I want to play Oblivion sometimes though... (windows partition) lol,08:39
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ntbnntThanatosDrive: there must be some support because mac os eats high audio and video equipment for breakfast, but even then, its propreitory08:39
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adromedahow do I save my session?08:39
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austinhawkis it possible to use gaim with a yahoo account to IM someone with a hotmail account?08:40
pawanany good webcam software for ubuntu08:40
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:40
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ntbnntadromeda: go to System > Prefs > Sessions08:40
Flannelpawan: What are you trying to do with said webcam?08:40
adromedayou would have 2 create a msn hotmail account08:40
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GamingXI installed ubuntume, how do I rollback changes?08:40
ThanatosDriventbnnt: Well I read up on ALSA. I'm not sure how to get it though. Would it be in apt-get or Synaptic?08:40
foughow come for uninstalling things, it's apt-GET and not apt-remove? what is get short for?08:40
Jordan_UGamingX, What changes?08:40
pawani am just trying to test my webcam08:41
Joelworkanyone here get kismet working on the hp tx1000 laptop?08:41
Jordan_UThanatosDrive, ALSA is the default sound system08:41
GamingXhow do I rollback to my feisty fawn?08:41
pawanwheater it works in ubuntu or not08:41
Flannelfoug: because apt-get is the name of the program.  'apt-get' on its own won't install either, you need the install as well (there are a number of other things as well)08:41
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:41
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pawancamorama is not working nicely08:41
JoelworkI think its got the bcm4311 card08:41
ThanatosDriveJordan_U: Then do you know how to change my sound to 16-bit? Will it take a lot of tweaking or what?08:41
ntbnntThanatosDrive: its some pretty hardcore configuration, I not an expert, check out some sound fourms08:41
FlannelJoelwork: tx1000 works fine via ndiswrapper08:41
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Jordan_UGamingX, So you want to get back to ubuntu without the me additions?08:42
fougFlannel: ahh ok, thought it just aptitude. And aptitude-get whatever command, whatever program08:42
GamingXJordan_U: Yes...08:42
Jordan_UJoelwork, Have you tried fwcutter?08:42
Flannelfoug: aptitude and apt-get are different programs (even if they more or less do the same thing)08:42
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ntbnntpawan:  here's what i did to load the drivers for my cam08:42
fougFlannel: ahh ok, apt-get is for ubuntu specifically i take it?08:42
ThanatosDriventbnnt: hardcore configuration? Ugh. I'm only so adept with Linux. Would you suggest I just dual-boot WindowsXP then?08:42
ntbnntpawan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32221808:42
ThanatosDrivefoug: And Debian08:42
Joelworkwell its a friends lappy and he has been complaining about the wifi not being compatible very well08:43
fougThanatosDrive: k cool thanks08:43
Joelworkits now working with ndiswrapper08:43
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Jordan_UGamingX, Try "sudo apt-get autoremove ubuntume-desktop" ( that is probably not the right package name but it is going to be something like that08:43
Joelworkbut cant run kismet on it08:43
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ntbnntThanatosDrive: only if you really needed it08:43
sxannesscan someone PM me, I need help creating a custom launcher for a perl application I have08:43
ntbnntThanatosDrive: do you have any sound at all08:43
Flannelfoug: nope, it's just one of the many debian package managers08:43
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ntbnntThanatosDrive: 16-bit could also depend upon application support (i.e. a game or video player)08:44
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Joelworkdoes fwcutter work with the tx1000?08:44
Jordan_UJoelwork, I am not sure if kismet works with NDISwrapper08:44
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fougFlannel: got'cha08:44
ThanatosDriventbnnt: I have sound, yeah. But I have problems with it. Like, Java applications produce a really fuzzy sound, and flash apps produce sound that's really really...electronic sounding, as if it went through a vocoder.08:44
Jordan_UJoelwork, If that is the  bcm4311 chipset then yes08:44
ntbnntkismet does not08:44
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Jordan_UJoelwork, I recommend removing ndiswrapper and using the native bcm43xx drivers08:45
ThanatosDriventbnnt: Everything else (RhythmBox, VLC, most programs) produce perfect-quality audio though. Oh yeah, and no MIDI support apparently, which is a giant bummer, because I wanted to compose.08:45
ntbnntThanatosDrive: linux-sound.org08:45
ntbnntThanatosDrive: i would see there08:45
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austinhawkis it possible to remove desktop icons for mounted drives?08:45
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decoyhello agaon08:46
Jordan_UThanatosDrive, What do you mean by no midi support? It does not support some midi hardware you have?08:46
Flannelaustinhawk: there's a gconf setting for it I believe08:46
decoyi still cant get my resolution fixed!08:46
JoelworkJordan_U: oh ok , and my mistake its the **bcm4310*08:46
ntbnntThanatosDrive: theres some limited info on java sound, have you installed java via synaptic08:46
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@ip68-108-158-36.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu__I need some help installing Ubuntu08:46
Flannel!ask | ubuntu__08:46
ubuntu__I've made it to the "prepare disk space' (partition section) of the install process.08:46
unagianyone know why .mov wont play in firefox?08:46
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ubuntu__Flannel I prefer real person help if possible.08:47
ubotuubuntu__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:47
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Jordan_Uunagi, right click and try playing it in totem08:47
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riotkittiephew. that could have been ugly.08:47
sxannessFor some reason the terminal opens and then crashes if I try to access this application with my customer launcher... however, I can very easily open up a terminal window and access the application with the same command.08:47
ntbnntThanatosDrive: go to Apps > Add/Remove > Select 'Show all' at the top > search "restricted" > check the Ubuntu Restricted Apps > Apply > Voila08:47
ThanatosDriventbnnt: No MIDI support as in, when I load up BEAST and try to play, it gives me an error saying that no MIDI output device is available. And yes, I got Java via Synaptic08:47
MikeRotchwhat's the deal ubuntu__08:47
unagii dont have that option in the menu08:47
adromedagnu chess beat me in 20 turns (in total) :(08:47
unagiim trying to stream it08:47
ubuntu__How do I resize the partition to use 15GB of the free space on the drive? I have WindowsXP-MCE installed. And I need to partition the remaining 30GB. 30GB remaining for windows. 15GB to Ubuntu. 15GB to Windows.08:48
Jordan_Uunagi, That will stream it08:48
ubuntu__However I slide the bar thing all the way to the left and it wants 75MB. guided thing.08:48
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unagii dont have an option to open it in mplayer08:48
ntbnntThanatosDrive: i dunno, sorry, it could just be a bug with the driver that was loaded for your card08:48
Jordan_Uunagi, Are you using the totem firefox plugin?08:48
kahrytanubuntu__: You got tv card?08:48
ThanatosDriventbnnt: Perhaps. I AM using a fairly outdated card.08:48
MikeRotchyou want to look below the bar08:48
unagiwhatever the default is08:48
MikeRotchat the maual08:48
Jordan_Uunagi, Not in mplayer in totem08:48
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thx1137where may I find the list of cards supported by both the nvidia-glx-new & nvidia-glx?08:48
ubuntu__No. I dont have a TV card.08:48
MikeRotchmanual* sorry been dirnkin08:48
ubuntu__here let me make this easier08:49
ntbnntThanatosDrive: then its likely there isn't too much dev on it08:49
MikeRotchi know what you are saying08:49
Flannelubuntu__: You can only join adjacent drive spaces (without using something like LVM),08:49
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MikeRotchabout partition sizes08:49
adromedaubuntu__: I would recommend getting Wubi08:49
ThanatosDriventbnnt: Dang.08:49
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)08:49
ntbnntThanatosDrive: common stuff and new stuff get the most support08:49
unagiis totem not the same?08:49
DustinOk so how do I install Ubuntu on 15GB of space on the same drive as windows without overriting?08:49
adromedajust google it, it's what I'm using, and it's great08:49
ThanatosDriventbnnt: Short on money and not in a position to get it. Oh well. Once I hit college, I'll have more options.08:49
MikeRotchDustin, all you need to do is at that screen where you slide the bar look down at the manual stuff08:49
Jordan_Uthx1137, apt-cache show nvidi-glx / glx-new08:49
MikeRotchyou will choose the last option (manual)08:50
decoycan someone please help me with the resolution. btw im running amd 64 soo....with nvidia card08:50
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MikeRotchthen you will choose your first disk (usually hda1)08:50
ntbnntThanatosDrive: ya08:50
FlannelDustin: you'll want to shrink your windows partition, you'll probably want to defrag first08:50
adromeda!I've had problems with that,! Windows partitions not booting!08:50
MikeRotchDustin, then you will select to use 15000 or w/e08:50
MikeRotchmake the root /08:50
Dustinvia manual08:50
MikeRotchyes manual08:50
Dustincan I click "forward" without the process starting to view the next screen?08:50
ThanatosDriventbnnt: Thanks though! I'm out for now.08:50
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DustinOnce I click manual?08:51
adromeda<>_<> Out of personal recomendation, use Wubu, no partitioning etc., well, google it08:51
Jordan_Udecoy, have you tried reconfiguring X with dpkg or with nvidia-settings?08:51
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FlannelDustin: what do you mean without the process starting?08:51
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MikeRotchdustin then you will choose the disk you want to do08:51
MikeRotchusually hda108:51
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MikeRotchthen you will chose to make a new partition08:51
adromedaso you know, http://wubi-installer.org/08:51
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adromedaI HIGHLY recommend it08:52
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fougis there a quick way to copy all the addresses in my address bar? using opera08:52
unagiwhere do i get this firefox plugin08:52
MikeRotchDustin http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installing08:52
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Jordan_Ufoug, What do you mean by all the addresses in your address bar?08:53
riotkittieyay. four hours later, i'm finally installing.08:53
riotkittieand waiting for something else to go wrong.08:53
MikeRotchi love the ubuntu08:53
fougJordan_U: all the sites in my address bar, there's a lot of them. i'd like to save them some how08:53
riotkittiethe ubuntu loves you too.08:53
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MikeRotchwhat the hell does ubutnu mean08:53
MikeRotchi thikn i knew once before08:53
thx1137Jordan_U: thanks, that doesn't show all the supported cards08:53
MikeRotchbut not anymore i smoke pot08:54
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austinhawkflannel, thanks.  found it.08:54
adromedafor firefox, I use foxymarks, I find it to work the best (for synchroizing bookmarks)08:54
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.08:54
GamingXI uninstalled Ubuntume but it was messy, and now I get all sorts of errors. How do I get back the default settings for ubuntu?08:54
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Flanneladromeda: you mean saving your open tabs?  doesn't Opera do that automatically?08:54
ThanatosDriveWell. I'm back. Not even 5 minutes gone and I have another question. How do I dual-boot WIndowsXP if I have Ubuntu installed already? All guides I see are if I have Windows installed first.08:54
Gekkkoany good Sega Genesis emulators for Linux?08:54
riotkittiewhat the hey is ubuntume?08:54
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nox-HandWhen booting my PC it now states:  * Not starting GNOME Display Manager (gdm); it is not the default display manager.08:55
ntbnntGekkko: dude!08:55
ThanatosDriveGekkko: http://www.pknet.com/~joe/dgen-sdl.html08:55
adromedaoh, ya, when u exit Opera, it replenishes your tabs08:55
Jordan_Uthx1137, Sorry, I could have sworn it did08:55
nox-HandHow do I change it back?08:55
riotkittieThanatosDrive: after you install xp, you'll need to pop a live cd in and recover grub08:55
GamingXriotkittie: Muslim Edition like the Christian Edition....08:55
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FlannelGamingX: did you --purge all the things in ubuntume?08:55
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:55
GekkkoThanatosDrive: that's old and obselete08:55
adromedau can do the same in firefox though, (history > recently closed tabs)08:55
Gekkkodoesn't even emulate well.08:55
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riotkittieThanatosDrive: check out the first link ubotu spat out08:55
ThanatosDriveriotkittie: Yeah but will my Ubutu partition be touched?08:55
Jordan_Ufoug, I don't use opera so maybe I am missing something but do you mean bookmarks? How can you have multiple addresses in your address bar?08:55
riotkittieThanatosDrive: nope08:56
GamingXno I just uninstalled it, but now it fails to load the theme...08:56
fougJordan_U: you know, in the drop down08:56
FlannelThanatosDrive: windows only installs to partitions you tell it to.  You'll want to give windows a partition (pre-partitioned) beforehand, and then you'll need to reinstlal GRUB later.  but that's it08:56
fougJordan_U: when you click the lil arrow, and it shows the list of sites you've typed in08:56
thx1137Jordan_U: shows some general info about supported cards, but was looking for more of a list of cards, I'll keep looking though08:56
Jordan_Ufoug, Ahh, OK08:56
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FlannelGamingX: Try reinstalling ubuntu-desktop08:56
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ramseizequestion: can i access the ntfs, edit files in the ntfs partition08:56
syntaxxm using cups and samba. and i have a little problem in printer class status in windows when i paused the class it shows the printer status not the printer class status anyone have an idea how to fix that?08:56
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Flannel!ntfs-3g | ramseize08:56
uboturamseize: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:56
FlannelGamingX: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:56
decoyJordan_U: well i just configured xserver-xorg. but in the resoltuion selecting tool it just stops at 1024x76808:57
riotkittieramseize: you can enable writing to NTFS from linux BUT it's still in beta stage and there is the potential of something going wrong. just a warning.08:57
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adromedaI havn't had any problems with it, yet...08:57
Jordan_Udecoy, Did you configure it with dpkg-reconfigure?08:57
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DustinOk going back to the install process here for a second. I've looked at both links provided. On Step 4 of 7, it gives three options. Now when I slide the bar all the way to the left, it says 'new partition size' of 72% or 75.1GB. Now thats the size my windows partition is. Am I reading that right?08:57
Flannelriotkittie: no, it's been out of beta for a few months now08:57
decoyJordan_U: yes08:57
Jordan_Udecoy, Did you try scrolling up?08:58
riotkittieFlannel: really? :O08:58
ThanatosDriveFlannel: How may I go about partioning this space for WinXP before I insert my WinXP CD? I only need about 5 GB (whatever is enough to run XP and DaemonTools)08:58
fougJordan_U: i'd try to take a SS but it doesn't work, lol08:58
decoyJordan_U: yeah, and i also used nvidia-settings08:58
riotkittiewow. i suppose it had to happen sometime, eh? :P08:58
nox-HandCould anyone help me? My PC randomly changed to not booting GDM at start and I have no X - it states this at boot:08:58
nox-Hand * Not starting GNOME Display Manager (gdm); it is not the default display manager.08:58
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GamingXFlannel:It says desktop is already installed, I think I must change the theme, but I dont know how?08:58
FlannelThanatosDrive: any liveCD will be able to do it (if you've got more than one HDD, you may be able to do it without the live CD too)08:58
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riotkittienox-Hand: randomly? <raises eyebrow>08:59
DustinOk going back to the install process here for a second. I've looked at both links provided. On Step 4 of 7, it gives three options. Now when I slide the bar all the way to the left, it says 'new partition size' of 72% or 75.1GB. Now thats the size my windows partition is. Am I reading that right?08:59
ThanatosDriveFlannel: Wait. This is if I have Ubuntu installed BEFORE XP, yes?08:59
MikeRotchyea but with manual you don't do the bar08:59
MikeRotchyou manually specify in numbers08:59
MikeRotchthe size of the new partition08:59
riotkittienox-Hand: does 'sudo invoke<TAB HERE because i forget> gdm start'  do anything?08:59
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MikeRotchon the same disk (hda1)08:59
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Flannelnox-Hand: try dpkg-reconfigure --config gdm08:59
FlannelThanatosDrive: right.  You can't make changes to drives that are mounted09:00
Dustinok going to defrag windows real quick. i think i got this figured out now.09:00
Dustinthanks everybody09:00
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nox-Handriotkittie: Yeah, that\s confusing, eh? I have in the last 10 boots ONLY edited my FSTAB which I have changed back to original. Apart form that, I created an ext3 partition on the 28gb unformatted partition (before that there was sda1 as / and sda2 as swap, sda3 unformatted)09:00
MikeRotchwelcome and hey09:00
MikeRotchwhen you specify the numbers make the root "/"09:00
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MikeRotchand make it start at the end if you are defragging09:00
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MikeRotchmake the new partition "start at he end of the drive" =)09:00
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nox-Handriotkittie: Your invoke command says the same as my error.09:01
MikeRotchwelcome. laters goo dluck09:01
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ubuim trying to remove compiz and it tells me it will also remove "ubuntu-desktop". will that mess with my system?09:01
dem0nhey i have a question how do i make my disk check its self when mounted09:01
Flannelubu: nope, ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage09:01
HarrisonCan somebody look at my script? I'm trying to make it parse commands, but it doesn't seem to be working. http://paste.debian.net/3388509:01
riotkittienox-Hand: i'm sure there are better answers out there, but have you tried removing and reinstalling gdm?09:01
bullgard4lspci -vv output includes for example: "00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) USB UHCI #1 (rev 03) (prog-if 00 [UHCI] )Subsystem: Wistron Corp. Unknown device 10a5". Is the number 00:1d.0 a part of the PCI namespace?09:02
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dem0nbecause after awhile it will say drive /dev/sda has been mounted 40 times without being checked09:02
ubuFlannel: ah so its safe to just remove it?09:02
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GamingXHow do I change the ubuntu theme to its default?09:02
Flannelubu: yep, you'll need to reinstall it for an upgrade to gutsy though, when you make the jump09:02
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dem0nlol illanoise09:02
pawan_ i am getting blackish image using camorama09:02
ThanatosDriveFlannel: So I could just shut-down my PC right now, pop in the WindowsXP install CD, install it, and it won't touch my Linux partition? (assuming I've already partitioned a separate section for Windows.) And then once Windows is installed, pop in a LiveCD, and reinstall/reconfigure GRUB.09:02
pawan_ i have nokia6600 can its camera be used as pc camera via bluetooth09:02
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MikeRotchwhoa dem0n09:02
riotkittieThanatosDrive: right.09:03
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HarrisonCan somebody look at my script? I'm trying to make it parse commands, but it doesn't seem to be working. http://paste.debian.net/3388509:03
ubuFlannel: ok cool, thanks for the heads up09:03
MikeRotchGaming: System?Pref? Theme?09:03
ThanatosDriveriotkittie: So...partitioning this section. How do I go about?09:03
MikeRotchsry >=?09:03
dem0nharrison what type of script09:03
Harrisondem0n: Bash09:03
dem0nis it ubuntu related?09:03
riotkittieThanatosDrive: partition which section? for Win?09:03
FlannelThanatosDrive: Yeah, if you've got space for it, windows only touches the partitions you tell it to09:03
xxtigurxxhey all: i recently just had ubuntu installed and working perfectly. When i tried to boot it this morning, right after my bios loaded there was a blank screen with 2 cursors, one near the top, and one near the middle, blinking really rapidly. After powering off and on many times i was able to get grub loader, but ubuntu was going all crazy. Im trying to reinstall, but it keeps freezing up at 41% near the copying files part.09:03
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dem0nas in bad drivers help mounting drives etc09:04
adromedaAcronis Disk Director is your friend ;)09:04
ThanatosDriveriotkittie: Yeah the section for WindowsXP. I need an empty partition, right? How do I go about partitioning it?09:04
dem0nwe are not a programming channel09:04
Harrisondem0n: Kinda sorta.09:04
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xxtigurxxIs it possible somethings wrong with my hard drive?09:04
xxtigurxxit seems like the partitions are all messed up or something09:04
MikeRotchanything is possible, is it probable?09:04
xxtigurxxI have no idea...09:04
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xxtigurxxIm really at a loss right now, it was running fine.09:05
dem0nWe are not a programming channel please join a programmin channel for that question harrison09:05
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xxtigurxxIt seems like a hardware error.09:05
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dem0nxxtigurxx: type /j #hbh09:05
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xxtigurxxwhats that dem0n?09:05
ThanatosDrivexxtigurxx: Try to first detect where the problem is. Make sure the wires are connected properly, try taking your HD and setting it as slave to another PC and running a chkdsk, etc.09:05
riotkittieThanatosDrive: i'd use gparted, if you have it. preferrably the live cd version (which you can find by googling, easily).09:05
xxtigurxxits on a laptop, thats my problem09:05
ThanatosDriveriotkittie: I have gparted, but I'm not sure if it's the LiveCD version.09:05
riotkittieBut if you have a Win specific tool like Partiton Magic or something, you may want to us... no wait, you dont have windows installed. heh.09:06
ThanatosDrivexxtigurxx: Ouch.09:06
adromedahmm, idk, If I were u, I would boot up windows, run Acronis Disk Director, and delete your Ubuntu partitions, of course, then you would get the grub menu...09:06
nox-Handriotkittie: I have now: This is output; * Reloading GNOME Display Manager configuration... * Changes will take effect when all current X sessions have ended.09:06
nox-Handinvoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed.09:06
Flannelnox-Hand: try dpkg-reconfigure --config gdm09:06
riotkittieThanatosDrive: the live CD version of gparted is... just gparted on a cd. nothing else.09:06
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adromedajust completely delete your Ubuntu partition in the gnome app?09:07
nox-HandFlannel, --config is not an option09:07
ThanatosDriveriotkittie: Ah then, no, I don't have the LiveCD version. And since I am currently out of empty CD-Rs, I probably won't be obtaining it soon.09:07
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ramseizequestion: can you give me the best way on how to partion my disk:  like i have allocated 30gig for my ubuntu how would i mount it? how much would i put on the filesystem or do i have t o put it all09:07
Flannelnox-Hand: sorry, got mixed up with update-alternatives, just `dpkg-reconfigure gdm`09:07
adromedaEVERYONE: CHECK OUT WUBI-----------------------------------------09:07
nox-HandFlannel:  * Reloading GNOME Display Manager configuration...09:08
nox-Hand * Changes will take effect when all current X sessions have ended.09:08
nox-Handinvoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed.09:08
Flanneladromeda: please don't spam09:08
bullgard4What is the equivalent 'dpkg -S' command in Synaptic?09:08
adromedauh, o, sry09:08
adromedaI'm not trying to09:08
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Flannelbullgard4: I don't know if there is one09:08
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riotkittieThanatosDrive: ok, no biggie. if youre not using a ubuntu live CD, pop one in and you can run gparted from that.09:09
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ThanatosDriveriotkittie: I jsut realized the dilemma I am in. In order to partition this drive I need to unmount it, and in doing so, will shut down Linux, yes?09:09
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FlannelThanatosDrive: that's where the live CD comes into play09:09
ThanatosDriveriotkittie: I have 4 Ubuntu Feisty LiveCDs. gparted is on them?09:09
adromedaidk, it's easier than partitioning out space, sry though09:09
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decoywell, i get x to start. but its starts to a pure white screen. but i can see and move the curser09:09
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pawan_i am getting blackish image using camorama09:09
pawan_  i have nokia6600 can its camera be used as pc camera via bluetooth09:09
riotkittieThanatosDrive: yep09:09
bullgard4Why is there no manual page for libata?09:10
ThanatosDriveriotkittie: Okay well I'll go for it some other day then. Right now I'm busy.09:10
ThanatosDriveriotkittie, Flannel, Jordan_U, ntbnnt, astro76: Much thanks, all of you! You're all great!09:10
decoyanyone here run amd 64 bit with nvidia? i need help with some resolution issues.09:11
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riotkittieooh. my install's complete. but i'm not sure if i want to pop the disc out and actually boot into feisty. i will cry if i cant get compiz working. or at least desktop effects.09:11
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Tama00is there a realplayer media to avi convertor09:12
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xukunhi all, I get this error every time I start/reboot the system "Fsck died with exit status 8"  I pasted the logs from /var/log/fsck/ceckfs in "http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32205/".  Anybody know how to fix this I sure do not09:13
poop_flusherTama00, look into mencoder09:13
Tama00poop_flusher, okay thanks09:13
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riotkittieare fscks on each reboot the norm with reiser?09:15
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FireHazard17riotkittie: that doesnt sound good09:15
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riotkittie reiser's a creepy dude. </offtopic>09:16
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ThanatosDriveTama00: If you're on Windows, SUPER works very well too.09:16
riotkittieFireHazard17: i didnt think so.09:16
File13I think im having a problem with my laptop over heating in ubuntu09:16
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riotkittieFile13: what kind of laptop?09:16
Tama00ThanatosDrive, hmm well im not but i could fire up my virtual machine09:16
Tama00ThanatosDrive, thanks09:16
File13Compaq Presario v300009:16
Davy_JonesFile13: did you check the system monitor to see if something is keeping the CPU busy?09:16
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FireHazard17i like using jfs09:17
riotkittieFile13: cant help you there, sorry. have you checked the forums? there's a subforum for laptop users, which may prove helpful09:17
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Davy_Jonesreiser is cool because there is no working windows driver for it09:18
File13It seems their was an app that was running that i had laucned earlier but was just owning my CPU09:18
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File13the "lives" video editor09:18
File13i ended it and my temp started dropping pretty fast09:19
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Davy_JonesFile13: if your laptop heats up, i'm pretty sure the CPU is busy.. i got a desktop with windows installed, then i got a virus that keeps the CPU packed, and the CPU fan just won't turn off09:19
riotkittiethe fs may be cool, but i stand behind my prior comment :P  no working windows driver for it? why does that make it cool?09:19
File13Yeah it was a video editor that was running in the bg but wasnt opening09:19
FireHazard17there is no windows driver for jfs09:19
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riotkittieah. hidden apps </309:20
riotkittieok. whatever. i'm rebooting. wish me luck. :P09:20
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File13Sound question ive been trying to figure out for ages. When i plug my headhpones in the audio still comes out my laptop speakers, any idea on how to fix that?09:20
orbisvicisif a music file plays in nautilus but all other players do not recognize the codec.... what format is it & how do i convert it?09:20
decoyguys, for some reason when i load up gnome, it just shows pure white screen but i can see my curser09:20
Davy_Jonesriotkittie: it makes it cool because no matter how apply security to an ext3 or ext2 partition, you can always boot a windows with the ext2 driver and access the files09:20
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Davy_Jonesorbisvicis: what's the file type?09:21
Davy_JonesFile13: don't know.. does it behave the same way on winderz?09:21
orbisvicisDavy_Jones, it says its a wav09:21
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orbisvicisDavy_Jones, vlc will play it but totem/soundConverter cant open it09:22
File13Only happens in ubuntu for some reason09:22
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Davy_Jonesorbisvicis: don't know.. probably totem doesn't use the same codecs VLC uses09:23
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Davy_Jonesi think VLC and mplayer use their own codecs09:24
defryskvlc uses ffmpeg and stuff09:24
Davy_Jonesit does?09:24
ThanatosDriveRhythmBox doesn't have native .wma support. Is there a plugin/codec pack I can get from synaptic or something to support it?09:24
tarelerulzI have problem I can't  to delete any files of this min mp3 play . It puts the in a .trash-100  that has files and info on it.  I did rm -r and it did not work09:24
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Davy_JonesFile13: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34368909:25
File13thanks very much, ill check it out09:26
orbisvicisDavy_Jones, i just realized vlc could transcode the audio... heh ... now i can use it as system sound09:26
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Davy_JonesFile13: i think it's a bug though.. but try09:26
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decoyanyone know why when i load gnome it goes to a blank white screen?09:26
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monstermike234i want to delete all the .wma files in my music collection automatically... can i use something like rm -r *.wma ?09:27
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Davy_Jonesmonstermike234: that would probably work09:27
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lietuit wont with -r09:28
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defryskmonstermike234, rm *wma09:28
Davy_Jonesmonstermike234: you can copy some .wma files in some folder and try09:28
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Davy_Jonesmonstermike234: trial and error09:28
monstermike234awesome thanks i'll give it a go09:28
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Davy_Jonesdefrysk: i think there has to be the 'dot' wma09:28
lietuDavy_Jones: it will NOT work recursively, it will only delete from the current folder09:28
defryskDavy_Jones, no should do fine09:28
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monstermike234yeah lietu your right. it doesnt work either way09:29
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Davy_Jonesthen the -r switch is useless09:29
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monstermike234do you know anything else that might work09:29
defryskmonstermike234, try mc of gnome-commander for filemanagement09:30
defryskof = or09:30
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.09:30
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FireHazard17ubotu: lol09:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:30
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lietumonstermike234: you might try find ./ -name "*.mp3" | xargs -d\\n ls09:31
lietujust switch ls with rm after you are convinced it works on some testing run09:31
lietuand *.mp3 with *.wma09:31
FireHazard17poor ubotu doesnt have a soul :(09:31
Davy_Jonesmonstermike234: you can ask in #bash if that don't work09:31
lietuDavy_Jones: the -r switch is not useless, it works perfectly fine when you use it the way it was designed to09:32
lietuDavy_Jones: rm -r /home/user deletes all the contents of that directory and that directory, nothing will be left09:33
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n00dl3Take it for a spin09:33
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Davy_Joneslietu: my logic says rm -r *.wma should work09:33
lietuyour logic is faulty09:34
msmhi all09:34
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lietuthat WOULD delete any folders and files matching *.wma in the current folder, if there was a folder named "foo.wma" which had other files in it, they would also be deleted09:34
monstermike234the find command ends up finding all the wma properly but i need to remove them now...09:34
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msmthere's someone who had installed zimbra on ubuntu server? Would you forgive my english please..!09:34
lietumonstermike234: well as I said, just replace "ls" with "rm" in the end and "*.mp3" with "*.wma"09:35
monstermike234wicked thanks09:35
File13Couldnt find a solution in that link but thanks anyway09:35
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File13Another question is there a way to have a program auto launch at startup09:36
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msmzimbra server ????????09:37
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sauvinfile13, what desktop do you use09:37
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File13wadda ya mean09:38
Davy_JonesFile13: System > Preferences > Sessions09:38
Davy_Jonesno prob09:38
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Spaceelklo all09:38
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File13i had to custom install a ralink network utility so i want that to launch, and im trying to figure out how to not really turn off the network manager but just have it not show09:39
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msmhave someone confidence with zimbra on ubuntu? I need help please!!!09:40
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bidossessii have a problem with burning feity fawn cds09:40
xukunis it possible to see if the usb port which my usb hdu is connected is usb 1.0 or 2.0?09:40
FireHazard17what is?09:40
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:40
Davy_Jonesbidossessi: what seems to be the problem?09:40
Spaceelkq: iam looking for a way to get an overview of available optional/security relevant/base system software updates for a bunch of servers. anyone knows a script running and comparing apt-db on remote hosts?09:40
jimcooncat_I need a quick blog, any suggestions where? I want to be able to backup my content and tags easily.09:40
bidossessii have downloaded the i386 and checked hash09:40
bidossessibut i get burn errors09:40
File13How to i tell where something is installed, is there an equlivant to a programs directory like on M$09:40
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bidossessii'm looking for help to track the problem09:40
Davy_Jonesbidossessi: what software did you use to try to burn the cd?09:41
SpaceelkFile13: /usr09:41
FireHazard17us where the binaries are09:41
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Davy_JonesFile13: you can find the list of installed apps in Synaptic09:41
bidossessii tried k3b, gnomebaker, nautilus (wodim)09:41
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lietu!ask | msm09:41
ubotumsm: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:41
bidossessii get no error messages at burn , but on reinserting my cd, i see a long list in syslog09:42
lietumsm: not exactly what I meant, but dont just randomly ask for "help", ask a specific question and not just scream around for help09:42
Davy_Jonesbidossessi: hmm, might be your computer not liking ubuntu09:42
File13im just tyring to find the location of my ralink wireless utility to have it auto launch on startup09:42
Davy_Jonesbidossessi: but i could be wrong09:42
Davy_Jonesbidossessi: did the CD boot?09:42
bidossessiDavy_Jones: :P09:42
FireHazard17buy system 76!09:42
bidossessino, it didn't09:42
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FireHazard17verify its integrity09:42
jimcooncat_msm, I have experience as a user of zimbra hosted by someone else09:43
msmI have some problem installing zimbra. Installation process it seems ok. During initializing ldap services I get an error..09:43
n00dl3FireHazard17: locate it09:43
bidossessiwith? diff ubuntu.iso /dev/mycd?09:43
msmdaemon: listen(ldap://cedi01:389, 5) failed errno=98 (Address already in use)09:43
Davy_Jonesbidossessi: if the hash is ok, it should work.. all i can think of is use other burning tools09:43
FireHazard17when you start from it09:44
msmcedi01 is myhostname09:44
bidossessithe hash is ok from the iso. but i'm not sure about the CD09:44
bidossessican i check md5sum on the cd the same way as the iso?09:44
midorigreetings all.09:44
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lietuxukun: "sudo lsusb -v" might tell you that, just not sure in where ;)09:45
jimcooncat_msm, sorry I can't really help with that. Did you already have ldap loaded on the host prior to your zimbra install?09:45
tupabidosessi yes09:45
xxtigurxxCould having a bad partition cause booting problems after the bios displays, including the ide's not being recognized?09:45
n00dl3!hi | midori09:45
ubotumidori: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:45
tupabidosessi, do a md5sum against /dev/hd? (where ? is your CD drive letter)09:45
ThanatosDriveHow do I unmount?09:45
msmno, I have not ldap running on my server09:45
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n00dl3ThanatosDrive: umount09:45
Davy_JonesThanatosDrive: umount /dev/device09:46
bidossessidoing it now, will let you know the result09:46
ThanatosDriven00dl3: Bah no wonder -.- I kept trying unmount09:46
Davy_JonesThanatosDrive: that happened to me once09:46
jimcooncat_can someone help msm with how to use netstat to tell what's using his port 389? I don't remember the syntax09:46
lietumsm: what does "netstat -lpn | grep :389" tell you?09:46
jimcooncat_ty lietu09:46
xxtigurxxDoes the alternate cd cause less problems when installing?09:46
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lietujimcooncat_: np ;)09:47
xxtigurxxMy livecd keeps freezing at 41%; copying files...09:47
midorithank you for the welcome09:47
defryskxxtigurxx, i prefer the alternative install09:47
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n00dl3ThanatosDrive: Tab helps a lot when trying to find commands.09:47
xxtigurxxSomebody told me it had less errors09:47
xxtigurxxi had ubuntu running yesterday, but my partition somehow magically went bad09:47
Davy_Jonesxxtigurxx: the original install cd never worked for me.. i always get the alternate and ignore the default09:47
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msmit return nothing09:47
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defryskxxtigurxx, the alternative install cd has less cholesterol09:48
lietuxxtigurxx: erm, define problems and went bad? if your bios doesnt recognice the drives with the autodetection settings on, there's generally something wrong09:48
Spaceelkq: iam looking for a way to get an overview of available optional/security relevant/base system software updates for a bunch of servers. anyone knows a script running and comparing apt-db on remote hosts?09:48
midorihow about, whats the standard size for any linux distro installed on a hard drive?  how much it takes up just on first installl?  (I mainly want to compare ubuntu to fedora install size.  I don't got much spaces. I heard, they say 10 gigs for / partition, well.  i don't got that much.  how big is their install size?)09:48
xxtigurxxWell, after the bios, it displayed a rapid Underscore blinking near the top, and near the middle of the screen as well as a weird 1pixel line blinking09:48
lietuxxtigurxx: say, broken ide cable, broken drive, wrong jumper settings on the hdds or similar09:48
msmI'm trying to relaunch install09:48
xxtigurxxwhen going into the biose it displayed IDE0, and ide:1 with no labels09:48
bidossessidoes ubuntu use halmount?09:48
Davy_JonesSpaceelk: that sounds very complex09:48
xxtigurxxbut when it was working, it displays dvd-ram, and H.... something for the ide's09:49
lietumsm: if it returns nothing, it's quite safe to say nothing is running on that port, that error message just makes it seems like there was something already using the port09:49
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msmlietu: let me try again to install09:49
msmlietu: thanks09:49
defconmidori, 3 gb ubuntu install09:49
bidossessimd5sum is hung. i think it might have to do with the I/O errors09:50
lietumsm: you could also try to check the program's homepage or similar for the error message09:50
xxtigurxxim hoping my drive isnt broken.09:50
Spaceelkwell. ob fbsd i had a little cron doing portsaudit for each hosts via ssh.. but what the equivalent for ubuntu? cron-apt?09:50
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lietumsm: most commonly they already know of your problem and have a fix for it09:50
midorianyone knows fedora install size???09:50
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lietumidori: install or install dvd?09:50
Davy_Jonesmidori: huh?09:50
msmlietu: I'm not able to find something similar on zimbra webpages09:50
defryskmidori, <-====huge====->09:50
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msmlietu: I'm trying install again. I come back in a few time thanks09:51
lietumsm: maybe you should check ##linux .. they generally have more advanced skills in figuring out the real causes ;)09:51
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lietumsm: sure09:51
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Davy_Jonesi barely seen the ##linux people actually talk about linux09:51
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xxtigurxxlietu: is it a bad thing not to have the names next to the IDE's in the bios??09:52
midorilietu, the Live disc,09:52
bidossessiok md5sum will not run. i guess my cd is unusable. but that's like the seventh try. i'm getting fed up09:52
xxtigurxxthats when it wasnt booting up at all.09:52
lietumidori: they have a live disc?09:52
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xxtigurxxbut i also had a bad partition at the time :/09:52
midoridavy_jones, im comparing fedora install size to ubuntu's install size?09:52
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lietuxxtigurxx: well yes, that says the bios cannot recognice the drives, and that usually means there are some problems09:53
Davy_Jonesmidori: i don't see why that is useful09:53
midorilietu, i think it's just what they call a single disc install size09:53
boris_my brother's old comp seems to refuse to give resources to linux, ubuntu feisty says failed to allocate mem resources and then boots up09:53
xxtigurxxeek :o09:53
Davy_Jonesmidori: you still need to install the regular programs you need on both and it'll jack up the disk space09:53
lietuDavy_Jones: well I've been there long enough to know better ;)09:53
boris_it happens on live cd and when i installed it09:53
xxtigurxxwell it seems to be working now,09:53
midoridavy_jones, im comparing to ubuntu.  im low on space09:53
xxtigurxxim going to hope that it was the bad partition :/09:53
bidossessiit's curious that every ubuntu cd i try to burn fails. i don't have th problem with any other cd/dvd, and i burn a lot09:53
lietuDavy_Jones: I consider it a good thing they can talk about other things beside linux aswell09:53
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xxtigurxxthanks for your help lietu09:54
Davy_Jonesmidori: then fedora AND ubuntu are not the distros for you09:54
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Paukstelis;] 09:54
Davy_Jonesmidori: fedora is about the same class09:54
xukunI interrupted process copying directory files, can I resume the process again?09:54
lietumidori: both can be installed in relatively small space, a "full install" with most of the commonly used features does generally take quite a lot of space09:54
Davy_Jonesmidori: go crux or DSL if you're short in space09:54
d4rkmonkeywhats a good program to watch DVDs?09:54
lietuxukun: propably not09:54
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs09:54
Frogzood4rkmonkey: gxine, vlc, or mplayer09:54
midoridavy_jones, i got the hard ware specs to run it at least oh kay speeds09:55
d4rkmonkeyThanks guys09:55
Davy_Jonesd4rkmonkey: mplayer09:55
xukunlietu, ok thanks09:55
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Davy_Jonesmidori: do what you like man.. but i would go for one of these minimal distros if i was short on space09:55
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midoridavy_jones, never done crux, but i have done DSL.  oh my god man, i don't got a p2 that i need to install on it09:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about food - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:56
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ubuntu_noobCan I ask, how big is wine?09:56
ubuntu_noobHow much disk space does it munch?09:56
ntbnntwine as in?09:56
Davy_Jonesmidori: what's a p2 gotta do with disk space??????????09:56
kippiwhat permissions to have i to set crontab to, to run?09:56
ubuntu_noobwindows emulator09:56
midoridavy_jones, would you say fedora maybe be 3 gigs as well as ubuntu.09:56
ubuntu_noobor, wine is not an emulator09:56
n00dl3ubuntu_noob: it's not an emulator09:57
ntbnntnot very large09:57
Davy_JonesWINE = Wine Is Not and Emulator09:57
ubuntu_noobI said that ^^09:57
Davy_Jonesmidori: i would say it won't make that much of a difference, if at all09:57
ubuntu_noobAnyway, would it fit in 2.7GB?09:57
midoridavy_jones, the p2 at the time came with what?  3 gigs hard drives or so space, but besides from that.  they have very low specs that can'09:57
xxtigurxxits relativley small09:57
n00dl3ubuntu_noob: It should09:57
Davy_Jonesmidori: i can install a 180GB drive on a P2 machine09:58
Davy_Jonesmidori: na mean?09:58
midoridavy_jones, can't run most recent distro or windows software09:58
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novato_brgood morning! i'd like know how to can apply this patch: http://dev.gentoo.org/~dsd/genpatches/trunk/2.6.21/2710_hda-asus-m2v.patch ?09:58
novato_brsomebody help me?09:58
Davy_Jonesrecent distros don't have to require much hardware specs09:58
Davy_Jonesbut generally yeah09:58
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novato_brhow to can apply a patch ?09:59
Davy_Jonesnovato_br: try #gentoo.. duh!!09:59
bullgard4lspci -vv output includes for example: "00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) USB UHCI #1 (rev 03) (prog-if 00 [UHCI] )Subsystem: Wistron Corp. Unknown device 10a5". Is the number 00:1d.0 a part of the PCI namespace?09:59
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midoridavy_jones, yes you can. you are kinda going off on random points man.  i asked you before, you think fedora probably be about 3 gigs?  maybe.  but you gotta understand, the reason im asking this.  i just wanna try the distro (ubuntu and fedora both).  thats the reason im asking09:59
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novato_brno no, Davy_Jones, my distro is ubuntu10:00
novato_brmy sound card doesnt working10:00
jimcooncat_anyone use drivel or gnome-blog? does either support tags?10:00
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Davy_Jonesmidori: ok.. install both and see10:00
novato_brso, i need install that patch to work10:00
novato_brhow can I do this?10:00
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Davy_Jonesnovato_br: that link is from gentoo.org10:00
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rgappoHello, I need to configure a fax/modem called wisecom WS-5614EV1G but I think that there is no driver for linux, exist another project/driver to run a generic external modem on linux? thanks in advance10:01
novato_bryep, Davy_Jones10:01
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Davy_Jonesnovato_br: try alsamixer and raise the volumes10:02
novato_brthe problem is: I have a realtek sound card on board, my motherboard is: asus m2v10:02
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Davy_Jonesnovato_br: it might be recognized but the system volume is down10:02
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novato_bri've tried, Davy_Jones, and its wasnt worked10:02
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defrysknovato_br, turn off the build in soundcard in your bios10:02
howlingmadhowiehi :)10:02
Frogzoorgappo: if it's a serial modem, you just need pppd10:03
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bambohey guys i'm having trouble playing videos online10:03
defrysknovato_br, or are you also using that card ?10:03
novato_brdefrysk, but on tutorials talking about to install that patch10:03
midoridavy_jones, thanks man.  your wasting my time, and smoothly rude.10:03
bamboit says java is turned off or flash player is older10:03
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Jordan_Ubambo, Try right clicking the video and choosing open in totem movie player10:03
defrysknovato_br, not on my tutorials10:03
bamboi'm watching videos on website10:04
bamboi can't download them10:04
Jordan_Ubambo, install flashplayer-nonfree10:04
bambooh k10:04
ntbnntis there a way to run URGE on ubuntu?10:04
novato_brsend me your link, defrysk10:04
Davy_Jonesmidori: i can be more rude but some folks won't like it.. but you're welcome10:04
defrysknovato_br, I used an expression10:04
Jordan_Ubambo, *flashplugin-nonfree10:04
rgappoFrogzoo: it's a fax/modem only I don't need to connect to adsl10:04
midoridavy_jones, sadlly im one of them.  linux welcome friendly and kind people.  your not one of them.  good day though.10:05
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bamboit says i already have new version of flashplugin10:05
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xxtigurxxim out of blanks, is it possible to somehow extract the iso and boot it off a flash drive =p10:05
novato_brok, defrysk10:06
defrysknovato_br, doublklick the speaker on your panel10:06
novato_brbut what can i do ?10:06
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Jordan_Ubambo, What version of Ubuntu are you running?10:06
bamboits a new version10:06
defrysknovato_br, see if any of the channels is muted10:06
Jordan_Uxxtigurxx, Yes, look on wiki.ubuntu.com10:06
kelxxtigurxx, your flash must support boot10:06
bambo7.04  i think10:06
novato_brok, no, defrysk10:06
xxtigurxxhopefully it does10:06
bambobut i can double check if u tell me the how to10:06
Davy_Jonesmidori: join #politics10:06
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defrysknovato_br, did you hear a sound when you booted ubuntu ?10:07
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Jordan_Ubambo, What site is giving you this error?10:07
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EoghanI've got a problem with my vmware. Keeps asking me to override it every time i run any updates or install something10:08
novato_bri will try, defrysk, wait plz10:08
Davy_Jonesmidori: come on.. i'm waiting10:08
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Jordan_Ubambo, That site works for me. Do you have javascript turned off and do other sites like youtube work?10:09
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bambonot sure about the java script if its on or not10:10
bambobut i can check you tube10:10
bambogive me a sec.10:10
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Davy_JonesJordan_U: do you know the codec you're looking for10:11
Davy_Joneserr, plugin10:11
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novato_brdefrysk, i didn't hear any sound10:11
Jordan_UDavy_Jones, I am not looking for any codec or plugin, did you mean that for bambo?10:11
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Davy_JonesJordan_U: opps, sorry10:12
bambook so i opened u tube tried to play a video and a window popped up sayin install flash player10:12
cryxhelp what is unix !!10:12
bamboso i'm download that right now10:12
bamboonce its done i'll check10:12
Davy_Jonesbambo: install it10:12
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bambodoin it10:12
Davy_Jonesbambo: you can also install it from synaptic10:12
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bambolook like it got stuck10:13
pawanany file downloading resuming utility for ubuntu10:13
Davy_Jonescryx: that's a lame and very old joke10:13
Jordan_Upawan, wget -c10:13
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Davy_Jonespawan: d4x10:13
Davy_Jonespawan: downloader for X10:13
Davy_Jonesbut look for d4x in synaptic10:13
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novato_brmy sound card is realtek built in and i don't hear any sound!10:14
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NETWizzHOw do I make a webcam work10:15
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Jordan_Unovato_br, Have you tried making sure nothing is muted with "alsamixer" ?10:15
NETWizzI probably should plug in the usb cable to start with10:15
NETWizzbut after that what is next?10:15
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novato_bryeh, Jordan_U, i've tried10:15
Jordan_U!webcam | NETWizz10:15
ubotuNETWizz: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:15
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novato_brand didn't work10:15
pawanflashget for ubuntu10:15
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Jordan_Unovato_br, So none of the channels had "MM" at the bottom?10:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashget - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:16
Jordan_Unovato_br, Or alsamixer failed?10:16
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bambocool, youtube works10:16
novato_brnot failed the alsamixer10:16
Davy_Jonesi don't think there is a flashget for ubuntu10:16
jimcooncat_NETWizz: use the help link ubotu gave you, and try camorama first to make sure the hardware is working for you10:16
pawanor download accelerator10:16
NETWizzMy camera is not on the list10:16
NETWizzdo I try anyway10:16
NETWizzI bought a 22" View Sonic10:16
jimcooncat_NETWizz: yes, try anyway10:17
bambook so finally i can play videos online10:17
novato_brdoesnt working my sound card on ubuntu10:17
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NETWizzand it has a built in cam, so I want to ry it10:17
Davy_Jonespawan: did you actually see what i typed?10:17
NETWizzWaiting on updates to complete first10:17
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Davy_Jonespawan: DOWNLOADER FOR X10:17
bamboJordan_l did you try playin video on videos.onsmash?10:17
bambodid say error loading or something?10:17
Sonicadvance1oh NETWizz? Is it better than mine then?10:17
NETWizzI don't know10:17
Jordan_Ubambo, No it played fine ( the video on the front page )10:18
NETWizzIt runs 1680 x 105010:18
jimcooncat_NETWizz: I'd look through the Viewsonic docs to see what webcam they used10:18
bambonot it says Error loading10:18
Sonicadvance1Response time NETWizz ?10:18
NETWizzAll it has is a bunch of logos on the book10:18
NETWizzXP, Vista, and MacOS10:18
eth1canyone here familure with debian?10:18
cryxyour point10:19
jimcooncat_eth1c: depending on your question, maybe we all are :-)10:19
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NETWizzI just installed camorama10:19
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bambok, nvm10:19
NETWizzhow do i test it now10:19
bamboits working fine10:19
bambocool, thanks for your help guys10:19
NETWizzwhat do I do to open a program and see myself?10:19
Jordan_Ubambo, np10:19
EoghanAnyone seen the error "vmware-player, action "start" failed." ?10:20
jimcooncat_NETWizz: now for the fun part, play "find the driver that works"10:20
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NETWizzI thought camorama was the driver10:20
jimcooncat_use the help link Ubotu gave you10:20
bidossessiEoghan: what was the context10:20
NETWizzHow do I run it10:20
NETWizzplease tell me10:20
pawan_download accelerator for ubuntu10:20
NETWizzI just installed camorama10:20
jimcooncat_no, camorama is the viewer10:20
Jordan_UEoghan, Yes it is a bug that they have left unfixed for months and the maintainer should be shot because you will also notice that you can't remove it with apt-get10:20
bidossessiinstalling from source should be safer...10:21
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Eoghanbidossessi: Happens anytime I try to install anything through synaptic10:21
NETWizzIt says Could not connect to video device /dev/video010:21
NETWizzNOw what?10:21
EoghanJordna_U: ya, noticed that10:21
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bidossessithat is a major annoyance. i use vmware on a daily basis10:21
pawan_any file downloading resuming utility for ubuntu10:22
bidossessipawan_ there are lots of them10:22
Eoghanbidossessi: see i don't, but it means nothing instals properly10:22
Jordan_Upawan, You have already been given an answer multiple times10:22
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Jordan_UEoghan, It is a bug in Ubuntu's packaging of vmware-player there is a bug report on it that has a solution for getting the package to uninstall in the comments10:23
bidossessiEoghan: any problem with installing from tarball?10:23
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Eoghanbidossessi: no idea10:23
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bidossessiif you need vmware; this might be the solution10:23
NETWizzjbirk@ubserver:~$ xawtv -hwscan10:23
NETWizzThis is xawtv-3.95, running on Linux/i686 (2.6.17-12-386)10:23
NETWizzlooking for available devices10:23
NETWizzport 355-38610:23
NETWizz    type : Xvideo, image scaler10:23
NETWizz    name : NV17 Video Texture10:23
NETWizzport 387-41810:23
NETWizz    type : Xvideo, image scaler10:23
EoghanJordan_U: right, i'll look up the bug report10:23
NETWizz    name : NV05 Video Blitter10:23
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Jordan_U!paste | NETWizz10:24
ubotuNETWizz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:24
rgappono idea anyone how to configure a serial modem on linux? I think that there is no driver :(10:24
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syntaxxim using cups and samba. and i have a little problem in printer class status in windows when i paused the class it shows the printer status not the printer class status anyone have an idea how to fix that?10:24
NETWizzPlease help me10:25
NETWizzI installed camorama10:25
NETWizzand xawtv10:25
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NETWizzHow do I make it work with my camera?10:25
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bidossessii think the burning problem might be with wodim. i wonder if there are alternatives10:25
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NETWizzI think this is the camera10:26
NETWizzBus 005 Device 003: ID 04f2:b021 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd10:26
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NETWizzyeah that is my camera10:26
NETWizzHow do I use it10:26
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allbertos[Linux 2.6.22-9-generic i686]  distro[Debian lenny/sid]  cpu[1 x Pentium III (Coppermine) @ 798MHz]  mem[Physical : 249MB, 53.4% free]  disk[Total : 4.64GB, 41.50% Free]  video[nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] ]  sound[] 10:27
bertohello, I have a intel PIV 3Ghz SMP. How can I do to be able to adjust the CPU frequence ?10:27
CheeseGardenerHow do I give myself access to my own external hard drive?  It says  I need permission????10:27
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Jordan_UCheeseGardener, Change the owner / permission of the files so that you are the owner / are allowed access10:28
CheeseGardenerhow  do I do this?10:29
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Jordan_UCheeseGardener, Either with the terminal commands chmod / chown or by right clicking and going to properties, you may need to run nautilus with gksudo to be able to change the properties10:30
Bulazeemi realize that i am in the wrong channel for this but no one in firefox chan seems to be there.  I am still struggling to adapt to linux and have another "noob" question.  I cant find out how to change my firefox home page for the life of me.  i am sure that it is something very simple but i just cant find it.  its not in the same spot as it is for windows and and looked in every menu.  once again sorry for the noob questions =/10:30
m0r0nIs it possible to choose another charset for saving text files in Gedit? I dont want utf-810:30
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Jordan_UCheeseGardener, alt+f2 and run "gksudo nautilus" if you want to do it with a GUI10:30
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bidossessiBulazeem: go to edit menu. you will find the preferences there10:32
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Bulazeembidossessi: wow thank you so much.   i coulda sworn i searched all though there.10:34
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vicentecarroI have problems with usb audio devices in my system. When i connect the device i get this dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32208/  However i don't can find such device in gnome either alsa.10:34
CheeseGardenerOk it keeps saying this: You cannot change permissions cause the disk is read only.10:34
CheeseGardenerBut it isn't read only, it's an external HD10:34
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bidossessiCheeseGardener: what is the fs on your external hdd10:36
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Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | CheeseGardener10:37
ubotuCheeseGardener: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:37
sideneti'm having problems with win32 codec10:37
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CheeseGardenerI already have that10:37
CheeseGardenerit works now, I unmounted10:37
CheeseGardenerand remounted10:37
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howlingmadhowieCheeseGardener: the disk may have been mounted read-only. i think ubuntu is configured so that ntfs is automatically mounted read-only10:37
CheeseGardenerI enabled write permissions to externals first before unmounting it.10:38
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CheeseGardenerSo it was still set to READ only10:38
dimebarquck one: how do I find out what exact distro i'm using from the command line?10:38
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Jordan_Udimebar, lsb_release -a10:38
CheeseGardenerso does what I said make sense?  for why it fixed itself?10:39
xukunis it possible to information about my usb hdd, say like which brand is the hdu inside?10:39
CheeseGardeneror am I wrong and is it still broken?10:39
dimebarJordan_U: ah, thanks :)10:39
howlingmadhowiedimebar: seeing as the division between distros is actually quite arbitrary, i'd always see what the basic repositories are in /etc/apt/sources.list :)10:39
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Jordan_UCheeseGardener, If you enabled write support after mounting it then you would need to re-mount it before that would take effect10:39
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CheeseGardenerAh ok, so I was correct.10:40
CheeseGardenerThank you for the help though Jordan10:40
howlingmadhowieCheeseGardener: looks like it :)10:40
Jordan_UCheeseGardener, np10:40
DavidHKMrPowersis it good to run an internet ads agent?10:40
CheeseGardenerAlso too, a page that you may be interested in, in case someone else has my problems:10:40
howlingmadhowiexukun: it's possible that lshw tells you something10:40
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CheeseGardenerIf someone is installing on a M45-S265 Toshiba Satellite with issues, that's the page to make it work10:41
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emokidhi guys10:41
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howlingmadhowieCheeseGardener: cool :) can you add a topic to ubuntuforums.org with a link to that page? :)10:42
emokidsidenet where r u from?10:42
CheeseGardenerI'm not a forum member but, I'll search the forums and see if it was already listed10:42
CheeseGardenerif it wasn't, I will post a topic for it10:42
CheeseGardenerThere are a ton of hard problems with installing to a Toshiba Satellite sometimes.10:42
howlingmadhowieCheeseGardener:  cool :)10:42
xukunhowlingmadhowie, thanks I will try that10:42
emokidme from hell10:42
CheeseGardenerAlthough it was worth every minute of it.10:43
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CheeseGardenerAnyway, time for me to go.10:43
CheeseGardenerThanks again and cya.10:43
emokidso long jack ass10:44
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howlingmadhowiecya CheeseGardener :)10:44
sidenetemokid- you're a waste of bufferspace10:44
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howlingmadhowieemokid: don't insult people. you'll get booted it you carry on10:44
TehLinuxN00Bhi. i was told this was the channel i should visit. ive tested ubuntu and xubuntu via live disks ive burned. ive never used linux before. out of the two which one would you say is easier for a linux new-comer like myself to use? i was told this was a good place to ask.10:45
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jonathan_somebody help me please!10:45
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jonathan_my ubuntu get crazy10:45
fraggedjonatan, hit alt + ctrl + backspace10:45
howlingmadhowieTehLinuxN00B: the difference between them is how you do certain things on the windowing system. i'd recommend ubuntu because more people use ubuntu than kubuntu10:45
sidenetwhat'd you do?10:45
Jordan_UTehLinuxN00B, regular Ubuntu ( which uses gnome ) is easier for most things, though for some it is a matter of taste10:46
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jonathan_I'm didn't doing anything10:46
howlingmadhowiejonathan_ a bit more information would be useful :)10:46
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jonathan_after update my system10:46
FrogzooTehLinuxN00B: go with ubuntu, as there's more that works right out of the box10:46
jonathan_than I restarted last night... I now I can't see my taskbar10:46
sidenetrunning any addons?10:47
TehLinuxN00Bah i see. ok. nother' question. which one is more customizable?10:47
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TehLinuxN00Band if i want to learn everything to learn about linux, i take it ubuntu would be best choice.10:47
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bidossessixubuntu is running xfce, isn't it? a bit advanced for a noob...10:47
flutefluteTehLinuxN00B: I would say you should go for Ubuntu because it is best supported10:48
dimebarjonathan_: alt+f2, gnome-terminal, then type 'killall gnome-panel'10:48
TehLinuxN00Bok ill do that. thank you.10:48
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emokidanybody from malaysia?10:48
howlingmadhowieTehLinuxN00B: they actually both contain programs from the same central program pool (called  a repository). after you've installed ubuntu of them, you can install the additional programs to include kubuntu easily and vice versa.10:48
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sidenetdimebar, are you familiar with codec installation?10:48
bidossessiemokid: try #malaysia10:48
emokidhey thanks10:49
colinyquick question all; any decent Gnome SVN clients similar to kdesvn?10:49
dimebarsidenet: not really; only really use the ones from the repos10:49
Jordan_Ujonathan_, Did that fix it?10:49
dimebarcoliny: closest I've found is rapidsvn10:49
jonathan_thank you10:49
howlingmadhowieTehLinuxN00B: if you want to learn everything about linux, gentoo or (dare i say it?) lfs would be a better choice :) they would however probably scar you for life :)10:49
colinydimebar; cheers....will check it out :)10:49
jonathan_my gnome-panel appear again10:49
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bidossessislax is pretty scary as well10:50
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TehLinuxN00Bbidossessi: you said a little bit ago that xfce is a little advanced for a noob like myself to learn. how is it different and more advanced?10:50
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sidenetdimebar> i see.  are there any format converters that you would recommend?10:50
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dimebarcoliny, however I reccomend this nautilussvn (which is a blatant copy of tortoise)  - you'll find it here http://jasonfield.com/freebies/10:50
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dimebarsidenet: acidrip ?10:51
howlingmadhowiexfce is another window manager. it's smaller and faster than gnome or kde, but it doesn't follow the microsoft windows way of doing things at all10:51
bidossessixfce will expect you to know a little bit about linux to do some stuff. the interface would be confusing to someone coming from a windows pov10:51
sideneti'll check it out thanks10:51
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Jordan_Uhowlingmadhowie, I wouldn't say that gnome or KDE do either10:51
bidossessibut as howlingmadhowie said, its fast10:51
colinydimebar, that looks quite nice....nice catch10:51
bidossessii'm using xfce10:51
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howlingmadhowieJordan_U: well, they're certainly closer than kde :)10:51
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howlingmadhowieJordan_U: erm, i mean xfce :)10:51
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Jordan_Uhowlingmadhowie, How exactly?10:52
dimebarcoliny: yeah; may make it into ubuntu further down the line.  also make sure you've got meld installed too :)10:52
bidossessifor a first-time kde or gnome are the best choice10:52
NETWizzWhat about this10:52
TehLinuxN00Bhowling: are you talking about visually? from the live disk i burned ive been able to navigate it pretty good. or are you talking about something else? could you please specify?10:52
NETWizzCould I install this?10:52
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NETWizzWould that work10:52
bidossessiTehLinuxN00B: usability. the way you expect a gui to work is similar for gnome kde and windows10:53
howlingmadhowieJordan_U: well, the last time i used xfce you couldn't drop documents on the desktop, for example. right click opened a program menu etc. it's just different.10:53
bidossessistuff like double-cliking and window manager10:53
Jordan_Ubidossessi, Again, I have to disagree10:53
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bidossessiJordan_U: start menu for xfce -> right-click on the desktop10:53
bidossessignome and kde: start button on the taskbar10:54
Jordan_Ubidossessi, I think you are thinking of fluxbox10:54
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howlingmadhowieJordan_U: whereas if right-click does something on windows, you can be pretty sure right-click will do something similar on kde and gnome10:54
bidossessiJordan_U: i am using xfce right now. what ar you talking about10:54
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bidossessiJordan_U: fluxbox/blackbox work the same way, i admit10:55
Jordan_Ubidossessi, With xubuntu you have an application menu just like in Gnome and KDE10:55
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NETWizzjbirk@ubserver:~/Desktop/sonix/src$ ls10:55
NETWizzMakefile    sonix.h          sonix_pas202b.c  sonix_tas5110c1b.c10:55
NETWizzsonixcam.c  sonix_pas106b.c  sonix_sensor.h10:55
NETWizzHow do I make it?10:56
TehLinuxN00BAnother question. Is there an IRC channel that is great for linux new-comers like me? Where they wont mind answering my stupid questions? LoL.10:56
NETWizzwhat is the command10:56
TehLinuxN00BI mean once I get it installed and stuff?10:56
Jordan_UTehLinuxN00B, This is it :)10:56
bidossessiyou are on it now10:56
howlingmadhowieJordan_U: it's just a different paradigm. i myself grew up with windows (who didn't?) and seeing as i tend to use the command line mostly anyway, i don't really care how my desktop works. but we all know people who regard the xfce-paradigm as better than gnome/kde/windows10:56
fyrestrtrNETWizz: what are you trying to install?10:56
NETWizzIt is supposed to be a driver10:56
fyrestrtrfor what?10:56
NETWizzwith support for my webcam maybe10:56
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dimebarTehLinuxN00B: if you're gunna install ubuntu best place to ask them is here :P10:56
NETWizzBus 005 Device 004: ID 04f2:b021 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd10:56
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:56
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NETWizzIt has the word Chicony in its support10:56
NETWizzI have already been there10:56
NETWizzI tried camorama and the other one10:57
fyrestrtrand your webcam is not listed as supported?10:57
NETWizzand also tried easy cam10:57
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NETWizzEasyCam didn't help10:57
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TehLinuxN00BAnd if I install kubuntu instead... this is the place to?10:57
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Jordan_UTehLinuxN00B, #kubuntu10:57
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fyrestrtrNETWizz: to build drivers you will need the kernel source.10:57
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NETWizzI have them10:57
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TehLinuxN00Bkk ty10:57
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howlingmadhowieTehLinuxN00B: but the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu is just on the desktop. underneath they're the same10:58
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fyrestrtrNETWizz: it is not something to be done if you are new to linux and don't know your way around.10:58
NETWizzI have the headers and the kernel source10:58
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NETWizzI am going to try anyway10:58
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bidossessiTehLinuxN00B: thus if you have problems that are not window-manager related this should be the place to come10:58
NETWizzI got my source10:58
fyrestrtrNETWizz: okay, start with ./configure10:58
NETWizzI tried that10:58
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howlingmadhowieTehLinuxN00B: so if you have a driver problem, or you want to know how to configure something, both forums are just as good10:58
fyrestrtrbut since it has a make file, you could try just 'make'10:58
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NETWizzI got nothing10:59
Jordan_UNETWizz, Can you use pastebin to post the error that it gives if it doesn't work?10:59
bidossessiNETWizz: are you int the right folder?10:59
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NETWizzI am in the extracted sonix folder10:59
bidossessiNETWizz: check if there is a file called configure in it10:59
NETWizzjbirk@ubserver:~/Desktop/sonix$ sudo ./configure11:00
NETWizzsudo: ./configure: command not found11:00
bidossessiconfigure will check if you have all you need to successfully make the program11:00
NETWizzjbirk@ubserver:~/Desktop/sonix$ cd src11:00
NETWizzjbirk@ubserver:~/Desktop/sonix/src$ ./configure11:00
NETWizzbash: ./configure: No such file or directory11:00
Jordan_UNETWizz, No need for sudo11:00
NETWizzno configure11:00
NETWizznow what?11:00
Jordan_UNETWizz, Don't use sudo unless you know you need it11:00
NETWizzWell it does compile a kernel module11:00
NETWizzI know it is supposed too11:01
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NETWizzI just don't know how to do it11:01
NETWizzit has something called Makefile11:01
NETWizzWhat can I do with that?11:01
bidossessiNETWizz: if no configure, then maybe running make straight will do11:01
howlingmadhowieNETWizz: "make"11:01
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JayFMHey, i'm new to ubuntu and linux, does anyone have any advice on where to go? I want to get into Shell scripting and C++ programming, but i want to become familiar with everything fist. Does anyone know of any good tuts that i should look at?11:01
howlingmadhowieNETWizz: "make" is a program which searches for a makefile in the current directory and then does the default operation described in the makefile11:01
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NETWizzhow do I copy the errors to a file11:02
hinogiis there a repository for thunderbird
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NETWizzit started making11:02
NETWizzbut lots of errors11:02
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fyrestrtrJayFM: tldp.org <-- this will help11:02
NETWizzhow do I put them in a file11:02
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bidossessiJayFM: i started out with 'rute'. it might be helpful11:02
NETWizzI know I can > redirect11:02
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hinogi &> filename11:02
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JayFMThanks... I'll have a look at those things now.11:02
howlingmadhowieJayFM: there are some good books on shell-scripting. i'm afraid i don't know of any online. as for c++. i'd always recommend starting with c and getting proficient in it11:02
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bidossessirute was a good all-rouder for me. idon't know if it's still maintained tho11:03
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NETWizzhow did you know the &>11:03
NETWizzthat worked11:03
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NETWizznow I have a file11:03
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JayFMhowlingmadhowie: I'm already proficient with most of the basics of C++11:03
JayFMand comming from php, i know a fair bit about procedural programming.11:04
howlingmadhowieJayFM: cool :) well, what are you waiting for? use the source, luke!11:04
bidossessiJayFM: i assume you want to get into linux CLIU proficiency...11:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:04
JayFMYeah, that's what i'm after... CLI11:04
howlingmadhowieJayFM: oh hang on, i have a decent c++ tutorial on my computer...11:04
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bidossessiyeah, then definitely rute11:05
fyrestrtrJayFM: learn bash11:05
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NETWizzHere it is11:05
nikincan anyone point me out on a tutorial to install an FTP server... preferably proftpd, My main problem is that on the localhost if i try to connect, it works like a charm. but from the local network or internet, the connection stops at "PASV..." by loading the directory contents11:05
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NETWizzCan anyone help with that11:05
NETWizzor should I just assume it isn't going to compile11:05
babarhaqhi all my alsa master sound control doesent have a capture tab?11:05
howlingmadhowieJayFM: this looks interesting: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/11:06
fyrestrtrnikin: there is a wiki entry for that.11:06
nikinfyrestrtr: ubuntu wiki?11:06
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NETWizzcan ayone help with that bad compile?11:06
nikinfyrestrtr: i will take look now.11:07
fyrestrtrNETWizz: you need to install the kernel headers11:07
bidossessiNETWizz: can you pastebinthe content of your extracted folder?11:07
JayFMThanks, howlingmadhowie. I'll have a look at the. I also found http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html11:07
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JayFMI'll have a look at that.11:07
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howlingmadhowieJayFM: looks good :) you'll soon be doing that stuff in your sleep :)11:08
JayFMCheers :)11:09
bidossessiok guys. i need to reboot and test this whole feisty fawn issue11:10
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bidossessibtw, my normal distro is opensuse 10.2. but i couldn't help getting interested in the ubuntu experience. whish us good luck11:10
nikinfyrestrtr: i didnt find any, behalfe the one in german.11:11
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nikinit tels me to open port 20 also... i havent done it.. can that be the problem?11:11
fyrestrtrport 20?11:11
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nikinsorry Dutch one11:12
fyrestrtrnikin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ProFTPD11:12
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nikinfyrestrtr: ty.. this will help.. but this is not the wiki :( ty anyway11:13
fyrestrtrit isn't?11:13
howlingmadhowienikin: if you need any help with german or dutch i can possibly help11:13
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fyrestrtrnikin: if you are trying to connect to the ftp from an external network and its stuck on PASV, this means that passive ftp support needs to be enabled.11:13
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JayFMHow do i mount my second HDD? I'm getting this error when i try to access it through File Browser.11:16
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JayFMerror: device /dev/hdb1 is not removable11:16
JayFMerror: could not execute pmount11:16
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the_giveri'm trying to add a  ssh user.. but whenever i try ssh-keygen -t rsa .. it fails11:17
the_giveri'm creating this for a non root user11:17
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paharicould u tell me how to add start up sound in debian11:17
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howlingmadhowieJayFM: is it mounted at the moment? (can you see it in /etc/mtab?)11:19
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JayFMI can't see it. I'll post the contents on paste11:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:22
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xukuncan I install tuxcommander in feisty11:22
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bidossessiand i'm back on feisty11:24
bidossessipretty cool11:24
bidossessimy atheros otb i'm impressed11:24
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vicentecarroI have lost my snd_usb_audio module. How can i recover it?11:25
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bidossessihellm i just might switch11:25
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howlingmadhowiehello mr bacon :)11:26
NETWizzI reported my lack of a Driver to View Sonic11:27
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NETWizzI called their 24 hour tech support11:27
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NETWizzThe guy was obnoxious11:27
owhHiya, after thinking about it for some time now, I've decided that I should setup some environment to properly build packages that I'm fixing bugs in. According to the docs I've found, there are two real options, debootstrapchroot and pbuilder. What is unclear is which is preferred? I suspect that I'll need to setup several environments given that I'm fixing bugs that appear in dapper as well as in feisty. Any comments, recommendatio11:27
NETWizzHe said that nobody uses Linux, get over it11:27
howlingmadhowie(maybe jono isn't jono bacon: http://www.lugradio.org/presenters/ )11:28
NETWizzI told him Ubuntu is popular11:28
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xyzuUbuntu is popular11:28
NETWizzHe told me it isn't that popular11:28
NETWizzI said, check out their support forum and compare it to the ViewSonic Forum11:28
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NETWizzYou will see Ubuntu is more popular than ViewSonic!11:28
FrogzooNETWizz: heh11:28
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owhNETWizz: Perhaps you should stop using the Enter key as a full stop.11:29
maixhi, i just got this warning: http://maix.ath.cx/t/gimp-not-authenticated what can this be? did someone manipulate the packages? what can i do?11:29
bidossessiNETWizz: that doesnt solve your problem right now does it11:29
NETWizzAnyway I forwarded their drivers department my information11:29
NETWizzI also emailed the Easy CAm Developer11:29
=== JayF1 [n=jay@203-36-217-242.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
NETWizzHe even asked me too11:29
howlingmadhowieNETWizz: they've probably signed a deal with microsoft promising that if they will only develop drivers for windows microsoft won't sure them for breaking patent law11:29
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NETWizzWell his program did11:29
jonohowlingmadhowie: heya, its me :)11:29
NETWizzThat is bullshit11:30
JayF1howlingmadhowie: Sorry, i got disconnected11:30
NETWizzI was pissed off11:30
NETWizz22" FlatScreen11:30
howlingmadhowiejono: it really is the great jono bacon! :)11:30
NETWizzThose assholes at ViewSonic made a driver for Widnows ME!!!!!11:30
NETWizzBut no drivers for Linux!!11:30
xyzuWhy not?11:30
NETWizzIn My opinion, if you run ME, you deserve shit not to work11:30
jonohowlingmadhowie: heh, well its me, not sure about the great bit :P11:31
owhNETWizz: Of course a display that requires a driver is a problem in itself.11:31
=== MrStonedOne [n=faint@71-217-7-6.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
howlingmadhowiethe great jono bacon, worship as a god by the cargo cults on the channel islands :)11:31
jendaI think there's something wrong with my Java. sun-java6-jre sun-java6-bin are both installed, but java --version doesn't work ("Could not create the Java virtual machine.")11:31
xukunis there a way to see how fast the copy process is while copying files?11:31
bidossessiowh: +1 on that11:31
floriaki1hey everybody! how can i choose my primary sound card in xubuntu? i mean i've got an onboard soundcard and a usb headset with an integrated sound card. how can i choose the headset (c media usb device) as primary audio output device? sorry that i'm asking in this channel, but nobody in #xubuntu helped me11:31
JayF1howlingmadhowie: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32214/ that's what's in etc/mtab11:31
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jonohowlingmadhowie: :P11:31
NETWizzI don't install monitor drivers11:31
NETWizzJust webcam11:31
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bidossessiNETWizz: is it integrated into the screen or sum11:32
howlingmadhowieJayF1: well, your second disk isn't mounted atm11:32
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JayF1how would i go about mouning it in the terminal?11:32
howlingmadhowieJayF1:  you say it's /dev/hdb1?11:32
kahrytanfloriaki1: You could turn off onboard sound in bios11:32
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howlingmadhowiejono: cool :) so any news on if there'll be videos of lug radio live 2007?11:32
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jonohowlingmadhowie: there will be, not sure when they are released though11:33
kahrytanfloriaki1: Headset isnt a sound card11:33
bidossessiok peoplem gotta prepare for my switch to ubuntu11:33
howlingmadhowieJayF1: first make a folder where you want to mount it. then: "sudo mount /dev/hdb1 <where you want to mount it>"11:33
floriaki1as i said, it's got an in-built sound card11:33
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howlingmadhowiejono: i'm looking forward to those. it's nice to see the team in action :)11:34
bidossessiis pidgin in a repo somwhere11:34
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NETWizzWhat is the biggest monitor you guys use?11:34
kahrytanbidossessi: Pidgin is not in repo. You can get it from getdeb.net11:34
NETWizzBTW, does Fiesty have better support than Edgy for Webcams?11:34
howlingmadhowiebidossessi: it may be in the repos for 7.10 (gutsy gibbon). i doubt it'll be back-ported to feisty11:34
bidossessinah if its not then id rather build from source11:35
jonohowlingmadhowie: :)11:35
CheshireViking!pidgin | bidossessi11:35
ubotubidossessi: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.11:35
kahrytanbidossessi: Getdeb.net has the .deb file11:35
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bidossessiid grab the svn if available11:35
howlingmadhowiejono: pity you didn't do it for 2006. it would have been fun seeing the capoira demonstration (and also the beard being cut off)11:35
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jonohowlingmadhowie: we did, the vid is online :)11:36
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the_giverhow can i specify the location where my ssh keys should be created... i thought it was ssh-key -f filename11:36
howlingmadhowiereally? oh, i'll go torrent it...11:36
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jonohowlingmadhowie: http://www.lugradio.org/episodes/5911:36
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JayF1howlingmadhowie: I'm getting mount: mount point media does not exist when i try "sudo mount /dev/hdb1 media"11:36
owhthe_giver: Does the man page help?11:36
floriaki1isn't there such thing as a gui or at least a command that i can use in order to rearrange the order of my sound cards/devices?11:37
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the_giverowh .. ? no... why do you think i am asking here...11:37
bidossessiJayF1 try the absolute path11:37
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bullgard4Where is the Plug-and-Play namespace explained such as '00.06' in my kern.log message "pnp: Failed to activate device 00:06"?11:38
Jordan_Ufloriaki1, What do you mean by re arrange the order?11:38
owhthe_giver: According to the manual, the key file is the last parameter in several versions of the command. For some, -f gives the input keyfile, and for some -f the output.11:38
howlingmadhowieJayF1: mount mounts a file system over the existing system at that point, so you probably don't want to mount /dev/hdb1 over /mount but rather at /mount/<some directory in mount>.11:38
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tupaJayF1 becaus media doesn't exist -_-11:38
howlingmadhowiejono: thank you mr bacon. you're the best :)11:38
bidossessijayf1 mount /dev/hdb1 /home/you/media if you created media in your home folder11:39
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owhthe_giver: I cannot tell you more until you tell me what you're trying to do.11:39
NETWizzI got SCP working a while back11:39
NETWizzit is awsome11:39
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ReubsHi, I have a problem in getting my FN keys to work on my Compaq Armada M700. Furthermore this makes me unable to adjust the brightness of my lcd screen. Could someone please help? I'm new to ubuntu11:40
Reubsthe lcd screen on my notebook is really dim so it makes using it a real pain :(11:40
howlingmadhowiemm, the torrent for lugradiolive2006 appears to be on the slow side. i'll just grab it from the server directly11:40
JayF1nick JayFM11:40
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paharianybody can tell me howto network installation of ubuntu..?11:41
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Reubslol first of all can anyone see what i'm typing?11:41
owhReubs: Yes11:41
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mOrO^Reubs: yup.11:41
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Reubsok awesome :D11:41
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ReubsIf anyone can assist I'll be most grateful11:42
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aCecouldbehire all could one help i like to use live ubuntu with mac ppc hardware is there any such iso11:42
the_giverowh doesnt work for me11:42
=== owh wonders how Reubs can see our responses.
the_giveri still get an error11:42
owhthe_giver: Can you give some details?11:42
howlingmadhowiejono: so canonical is a pretty cool company? maybe i should apply for a job there :)11:42
Reubsowh: i can see your responses just wasn't sure if my unregistered nick was a problem11:42
the_giveri get an illegal option on --f11:42
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jonohowlingmadhowie: very cool, demands a lot though11:43
paharianybody can tell me howto network installation of ubuntu..?11:43
the_giverand it lists the options.. for my version of ssh.. it desont seem like -f is anoptin11:43
owhReubs: I was referring to the dimness of your display :)11:43
the_giveronly -F11:43
Reubsoh well yeah bearly able to read it11:43
JayFMhowlingmadhowie: Could my not being able to mount the HDD be because of a problem when i installed ubuntu?11:43
owhthe_giver: What OS are you running?11:43
Reubsnot barely i guess just like really dim till it hurts to read it for a long time11:43
the_giverthe truth is.. i'm tyring to create a public/private key for a user on the server so i can log in with ssh later on11:43
the_giverLinux Redhat11:43
the_giverits on the server11:43
howlingmadhowieJayFM: i'd be surprised. even if you have some wierd file system on it (like ntfs), ubuntu should be able to mount it.11:43
the_givercould i do it from my "client" computer somehow?11:43
owhthe_giver: Hmm, and you are asking this on #ubuntu because?11:43
ntbnntokay, now when i try to build xmms i get the error that i do not have GLib11:44
the_givertheres no redhat ?11:44
Reubstried googling it but looks like a lot of exotic options....for brightness!11:44
the_giverits an old ver of redhat11:44
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Fer_reHi all11:44
owhthe_giver: I cannot help with different versions of ssh-keygen. What OS is your client running?11:44
bidossessiJayFM: still having mount issues11:44
ntbnntokay, now when i try to build xmms i get the error that i do not have GLib any help?11:44
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Fer_reAre here somebody, who sets up Beryl/Compiz on VIA S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter?11:44
JayFMhowlingmadhowie:I know it is ntfs, because i came from windows... I have a file that i need to retrieve. I've tried using the absolute path with the sudo mount11:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glib - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:44
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howlingmadhowiejono: mm (cue graphic of homer simpson weighing up cool against demanding)11:45
JayFMbidossessi: Yes, i am :(11:45
bidossessidid you specify the filesystem11:45
=== Fer_re : Are here somebody, who sets up Beryl/Compiz on VIA S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter?
=== cobman [n=justinas@] has joined #ubuntu
howlingmadhowieJayFM: what did you enter exactly and what was the error message? can you paste it on pastebin?11:45
MannyZi have a folder on my desktop full of pictures. i have to take it to /usr/share/cairo-clock/themes. its says that i dont have root permissions.. so i open terminal and type su and then my password.. so im working as root. then i navigate to the themes dir. now i  just need the command to take the folder from my desktop to themes folder.. who can help me?11:45
=== CheshireViking [n=Cheshire@unaffiliated/cheshireviking] has joined #ubuntu
valehruCan anyone recommend some project management software?11:45
=== Elric [n=klattep@kssl-4db53fbf.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
ElricHi there!11:45
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Fer_reElric hi11:46
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=== Fer_re : Are here somebody, who sets up Beryl/Compiz on VIA S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter?
howlingmadhowieMannyZ: cp -R <current position> <where you want to create a copy>11:46
MannyZlets see is this right:11:46
JayFMThe first time i tried to mount it, I used places>filesystem and i saw the name of the HDD there (Media) I double-clicked, and it came up with this:11:46
JayFMunable to mount selected volume11:46
JayFMerror: device /dev/hdb1 is not removable11:46
JayFMerror: could not execute pmount11:46
=== mik1 [n=mik@p5B049298.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
=== Fer_re Are here somebody, who sets up Beryl/Compiz on VIA S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter?
JayFMI then went to the terminal, and used sudo mount /dev/hdb1 media11:47
JayFMand sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /home/jay/media11:48
howlingmadhowieJayFM: the second one looks good11:48
howlingmadhowieJayFM: what did it say?11:48
MannyZcp -R mannyz/desktop/tangoBlack /usr/share/cairo-clock/themes11:48
MannyZlike that howlingmadhowie?11:48
howlingmadhowieMannyZ: that looks good :)11:48
Reubsbtw there is nothing in my /proc/acpi/video is that normal?11:48
MannyZok ill try it :)11:48
owhMannyZ: NO!11:49
=== Onyxyte [i=Onyxyte@r75-110-104-20.rmntcmtc01.rcmtnc.ab.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #Ubuntu
owhMannyZ: The mannyz/desktop/tangoBlack is wrong.11:49
JayFMOkay, it seemed to work... I went to the folder i made, but now it's saying i don't have the correct permissions.11:49
howlingmadhowieMannyZ: hang on11:49
owhMannyZ: No!11:49
=== Fer_re : Are here somebody, who sets up Beryl/Compiz on VIA S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter?
=== skurlat [n=skurlat@ip-77.net-89-2-152.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
howlingmadhowieMannyZ: owh has seen something11:49
MannyZwhat :S?11:49
JayFM"You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "media"."11:49
MannyZcp -R mannyz/Desktop/tangoBlack /usr/share/cairo-clock/themes11:49
owhMannyZ: You are not specifying the correct path.11:49
howlingmadhowieJayFM: you created media as root?11:50
SpaceelkJayFM: ^^11:50
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MannyZis it home/mannyz/Desktop11:50
owhMannyZ: It should be: cp -R /home/mannyz/Desktop/tangoBlack /usr/share/cairo-clock/theme11:50
MannyZso you just added home?11:50
howlingmadhowieMannyZ: and he also added the "/" symbol to make it an abolute path11:51
slipknot666hi, how can i make to set  the Windows OS as default boot instead of Ubuntu in the grub?11:51
bidossessiJayFM: you have to create your target folder as your destined user11:51
JayFMI've never used the root account on this machine... I don't even know if it exists, because i can't login as root.11:51
=== Fer_re : Are here somebody, who sets up Beryl/Compiz on VIA S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter?
=== giandrea [n=giandrea@83-103-42-24.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
Reubsdarn :(11:51
bidossessihold on. does ubuntu use hald?11:51
MannyZcp -R /home/mannyz/Desktop/tangoBlack /usr/share/cairo-clock/themes11:51
=== Fer_re : Are here somebody, who sets up Beryl/Compiz on VIA S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter?
howlingmadhowieJayFM: can you "sudo umount /dev/hdb1" and then "ls -l $HOME" and tell me what the access rights are for media?11:51
MannyZnow i created theme -.-11:51
giandreahow do I backup my sendmail /var/spool/mail folders? just targzip them?11:52
MannyZand the right one was themes :p..11:52
Fer_refucking burguins!!!!11:52
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Reubsback to windoze xp it is :( CRY!11:52
slipknot666sorry newbie to ubuntu...what hald?11:52
owhMannyZ: I suppose "just" is relative. The difference between these two commands ls 'just' a '/', but the result is quite different -- don't do this on your computer. rm -rf * or rm -rf /*11:52
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howlingmadhowieReubs: okay, i'll bite. what's up?11:52
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slipknot666i just want to know...im still into ubuntu not xp11:52
JayFMdrwxr-xr-x 2 jay jay 4096 2007-08-02 19:34 media11:52
MannyZlike a hacker talking :S11:52
MannyZhey hey hey.. my second day on linux11:53
Reubshowling: can't adjust the brightness on my Compaq Armada M700 along with its FN keys11:53
JayFMI'm logged in as jay, as far as i know, that's the only account on this machine11:53
MannyZcome to #manda11:53
owhMannyZ: Why?11:53
=== Sfinx [n=Sfinx@d54C2B0D3.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Reubshowling: it's horribly dim and the /proc/acpi/video folder is empty11:53
howlingmadhowieReubs: yep, if compaq uses the operating system to do that, it may well be impossible under linux11:53
bidossessiwhen you ran the mount command, did you get any error?11:53
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MannyZtalk there..11:54
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MannyZhere is a big hassle11:54
=== Till [n=megatill@p5081CABD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
owhMannyZ: About what?11:54
Jordan_UReubs, I doubt seriously that it is impossible11:54
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MannyZyou see -.-11:54
MannyZi cant even ask you11:54
Reubsany possible workarounds? seems like an awful waste to just abandon ubuntu cause of a simple brightness seting11:54
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:54
MannyZbig spam11:54
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howlingmadhowieReubs: however let me ask my flatmate. he had a similar problem with his sony vaio11:54
MannyZ#manda :S..11:54
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=== Busata [n=Busata@d54C4433F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Reubsi remember sony vaio had specific guides on that11:54
SfinxCan someone advise me a mediaplayer for x64 architecture?11:54
=== jtld_____ [n=chatzill@netblock-208-127-130-199.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
SfinxSmplayer only works on 32bit it seems11:55
MannyZowh.. come to #manda please :P?11:55
=== JayF1 [n=jay@203-36-217-242.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
selig5vlc works on x64 I believe...11:55
Sfinxok i'll check that one out11:55
JayF1howling: Sorry, i got disconnected again.11:56
Frogzooks-ubuntu ravigehlot userund XwizzoX Jesusbird Busata: fix your router/firewall/chat client for the dcc sploit that's getting you kicked11:56
owhMannyZ: If it's nothing you cannot discuss here, I suspect I won't be that interested.11:56
Busatawhen did I got kicked?11:56
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit11:56
Frogzoook Busata, not you, just bad timing11:56
Reubshowling and jordan: seems like other distros have it for this compaq thing11:56
MannyZok owh11:57
MannyZcp -R /home/mannyz/Desktop/tangoBlack /usr/share/cairo-clock/themes i typed that11:57
bidossessiSfinx: i fail to see why the architecture should matter11:57
MannyZand it extracted all inside the folder to that dir11:57
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owhMannyZ: That's what you asked for.11:57
owhMannyZ: You always get what you ask for with computers :)11:57
MannyZbut umm i realised that after the tangoBlack you have to add a slash /.11:57
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MannyZhow i delete the theme dir?11:58
MannyZit was themes the right one..11:58
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howlingmadhowieReubs:  have a look here: http://www.lrr.in.tum.de/~acher/m300/index.html11:58
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Sfinxok vlc installed11:58
=== Ghismo [n=speedo@host112-60-dynamic.9-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
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owhMannyZ: rmdir will only remove empty directories. The rm -rf command will remove a filled directory, but be careful, you can really break stuff!11:58
bidossessiSfinx: anyone of them should work11:58
=== evan_ [n=evan@53533A7A.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
JayF1howlingmadhowie: did you get the permissions that i sent before?11:59
=== Fredrik_B [n=fredrik@84-218-10-92.eurobelladsl.telenor.se] has joined #ubuntu
Sfinxsmplayer doesn't have a x64 install .dev package11:59
evan_hey yesterday ive tried to punt my computer in hibernating mode now i get these errors:O http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32217/11:59
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Reubshowling: looking :D11:59
bidossessiJayF1: your permissions are fine11:59
evan_what can i do?11:59
howlingmadhowieJayF1: oh sorry. i was busy... one second...11:59
Reubsnot the same model but worth a try i guess11:59
Sfinxbidossessi: if you can tell me how to install smplayer on x64 let me know =] 11:59
bidossessiSfinx: compile then...11:59
JayF1howlingmadhowie: Okay11:59
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MannyZthanks owh12:00
MannyZlets ghope i dont delete a wrong dir :D12:00
bidossessismplayer is just a frontend for mplayer12:00
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bidossessii have mplayer running on an amd64 with no problem12:00
giandreaI can't tar /var/spool/mail because it is being modified by sendmail I guess, how could I do?12:00
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owhgiandrea: Stop sendmail, then tar it up.12:01
MannyZthanks owh12:01
Sfinxjust opened a wmv and it's stuttering12:01
howlingmadhowieJayF1: yep, your permissions are fine. i'd try mounting the drive with rw, user and see if that helps:12:01
owhgiandrea: Likely that isn't the problem though.12:01
=== LiberCogito [n=deliberc@cpe-72-184-123-163.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
giandreaowh: I tried this night and it still doesn't work12:01
Reubshowling: i have saved the fiel to desktop. how do i compile it? type tohse commands but browse to the desktop first?12:01
JayF1howlingmadhowie: Sorry, but how do i go about that?12:01
Sfinxthe standard videoplayer didn't stutter12:01
owhgiandrea: What actual error do you have?12:01
giandreaowh: it stops and it says that a file has changed12:01
bidossessiSfinx: what are your needs exactely?12:02
MannyZowh do you have a page with all commands :S?.. im a newby and i would need all commands.. like esxtracting.. installing changing places everything :S..12:02
bidossessiMannyZ: use mc. it works wonders in cli12:02
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owhMannyZ: The computer has the man command, you can use it to find out about each command. If you don't know which command, try the apropos command.12:02
MannyZok.. how i use it :D12:02
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bidossessiopen a console and type mc12:02
howlingmadhowieJayF1: sorry: "sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /home/jay/media -o rw,user"12:02
=== pihq_ [n=ksmith@cpe-76-183-249-37.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MannyZcommand not found :p12:03
Sfinxbidossessi: i installed vlc player but it stutters while playing videos - but i'll look around a bit more for solutions12:03
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howlingmadhowieReubs: okay, let's see if this works easily. if not it could take a long time12:03
bidossessiSfinx: why not xine?12:03
Sfinxnever heard of, let me look that up12:03
lynx_75Someone could you help me ?12:03
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bidossessiMannyZ: if you are going to bne doing stuff in cli, i recommend installing mc12:03
Sfinxi'm rather new to ubuntu/linux :)12:03
bidossessiSfinx: my bad12:03
=== gandalfn_ [n=nicolas@LAubervilliers-151-12-74-51.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
MannyZohh sure D:12:04
howlingmadhowieReubs: open a terminal and make a directory to work in. move the downloaded file to the directory :)12:04
MannyZsudo apt-get install mc ?12:04
Reubsi've done that12:04
owhgiandrea: Well, the application modifying the directory may not be sendmail, but exim. Try this: lsof | grep mail and see what you get.12:04
Reubsplaced it /home/reddi12:04
JayF1howlingmadhowie:still not working. :\12:04
howlingmadhowieReubs: okay, decompress the file.12:04
giandreaowh: thanks12:04
owhMannyZ: sudo aptitude install mc12:04
Reubshow do i o that?12:04
lynx_75could someone help me?12:04
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bidossessiJayF1: do you still get perm errors?12:04
howlingmadhowieJayF1: can you navigate into /home/jay/media using root? (sudo -i)12:04
JayF1howlingmadhowie: Should i just reinstall windows, get what i need, then format the drive as a ext3?12:04
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owhlynx_75: Only if you actually tell us what your problem is.12:04
MannyZwhy its aptitude this time?12:05
Reubshowlling: tried this gcc -O2 -o m300bl m300bl.c  but it gave me a lot of errors of missing files12:05
owhMannyZ: It allows you to remove stuff automatically if you don't like what you just installed.12:05
JayF1using cd, yes i can12:05
lynx_75Yes, I've posted it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51495112:05
giandreaowh: nothing returned12:05
howlingmadhowieJayF1: i really have very little experience with ntfs. it may be easier, i dunno. however, you managed to mount the file system, so theoretically you should be able to get into it and take stuff out of it12:05
lynx_75about 3G card under ubuntu12:05
giandreaowh: what if I try with sendmail?12:05
bidossessiJayF1: the chmod/chown the folder to your user12:06
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howlingmadhowieReubs: can you paste the errors on pastebin?12:06
Reubsok sec12:06
JayF1Okay, i can see everything using ls. How do i change the permissions so that i can view it using file browser?12:06
owhgiandrea: Well the grep would have returned a sendmail instance because it contains the word mail.12:06
lynx_75own , did you read it, please12:06
Sfinxbidossessi: xine seems to work flawless, thanks :-)12:06
howlingmadhowieJayF1: what are the permissions on /home/jay/media now?12:06
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giandreaowh: I grepped for exim12:06
bidossessiSfinx: :)12:06
evan_sorrie this was the error log12:06
Reubshowlingmadhowie: http://pastebin.com/d3353de7612:07
JayF1howlingmadhowie: rx and root is the owner12:07
owhgiandrea: So, you grepped for mail and exim?12:07
=== toporow [n=bartek@abfk123.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
lynx_75I have got a problem with vodafone connect card12:07
giandreaowh: ok, I grepped for mail and I see some files in /var/spool/mail are open12:07
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owhgiandrea: Which process is holding them open?12:08
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owhgiandrea: It will show in the first columns.12:08
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howlingmadhowieJayF1: mm, then you should be able to read it at least12:08
LiberCogitomannyz: http://www.pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html12:08
giandreaowh: bash, perl5.8.0,lsof,grep12:08
LiberCogitomannyz: is that what you're looking for?12:09
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owhlynx_75: I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the hardware, but the setup command you show should be run where you downloaded whatever the instructions told you.12:09
MannyZLiberCogito lets see12:09
giandreaowh: may that be the webmail?12:09
bullgard4In kern.log I obtain a line "Back to C!" between 'LATE suspend' and 'EARLY resume'. What stands 'C' for?12:09
Reubshowling: http://pastebin.com/d3353de7612:09
bidossessiJayF1: try chown -R jay:users /home/jay/media (if users is the user group in ubuntu)12:09
lynx_75there's someone that are usig the vodafone connect card?12:09
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howlingmadhowieReubs: oops :) there are some missing libraries on your system12:09
owhgiandrea: Sound plausible.12:09
JayF1that's as root though, so i can only see it in the terminal (Something i don't have much exp in) What should i chmod the folder to so jay is the owner?12:09
=== sLike|Valde`Linu is now known as Valde
Ghismohey guys i'm looking for a gui for hdparm and cpu frequency manager12:09
ValdeYo guys12:09
MannyZLiberCogito thank you!12:09
lynx_75own thanks12:09
Reubshowlingmadhowie: what does that mean :(12:09
giandreaowh: thanks for the hint, lsof is extremely useful12:09
Ghismocould anyone give me a trick?12:09
MannyZLiberCogito just the kind i like :p12:10
the_giverif i just want to setup ssh with a password (no public key)... how can i create an user that has "ssh access"12:10
MannyZthank you :)12:10
lynx_75do you know someone that is an expert with hardware, please12:10
LiberCogitomannyz: No problem :)  I might have an ebook or two on it too.. lemme check.12:10
=== Chak [i=UPP@69-89-110-10.dhcp-elns.acd.net] has joined #ubuntu
owhgiandrea: Many more ls around: lsof, lsusb, lspci, etc. :)12:10
the_giverright now.. my webservers root user doesnt even have this.. only an "admin" user12:10
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the_giverhow do i figure out how that user is the only one that has such access?12:10
howlingmadhowieReubs: "sudo apt-get install gcc"12:10
giandreaowh: eheh, tnx ;)12:10
owhgiandrea: apropos ls|grep ^ls12:10
owhgiandrea: :)12:11
syntaxxim using cups and samba. and i have a little problem in printer class status in windows when i paused the class it shows the printer status not the printer class status anyone have an idea how to fix that?12:11
Reubshowling: it says gcc is already the newest version12:11
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howlingmadhowieJayF1: once you've mounted it, you can't chmod it. that would mean chmodding the file system. the question is why it got mounted read-only12:11
bidossessiJayF1: actually i remember your group is also jay, so it should be chown -R jay:jay /home/jay/media12:11
LiberCogitomannyz: Mind if I PM you?12:11
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Valdeyo guys anyone wanna help me with "Wine" ;)12:12
owhthe_giver: I don't understand the question.12:12
JayF1howling: I know ntfs isn't yet writable by linux12:12
bidossessiyou can try mounting with -fs ntfs | that should handle the ntfs issues12:12
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JayF1So that's why12:12
LiberCogitoJayF1: Erm yes it is.12:12
the_giverowh is it possible to do ssh with just a password?12:12
bidossessiJayF1: it is now with an extra module12:13
the_giveri dont want to use public key/private12:13
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JayF1Oh, i'm living in the past... I havn't used linux in over a year...12:13
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owhthe_giver: With a password, sure. Just ssh to the box: ssh person@place12:13
Reubshowling: what now? :D12:13
Reubshowling: i see that we are almost close to the answer omg ....12:13
howlingmadhowieJayF1: there is a driver for writing to ntfs. i'm still unsure as to why you can't go there as jay but only as root.12:13
bidossessiJayF1: it's just not considered safe12:13
=== act1v8 [n=stojance@unaffiliated/act1v8] has joined #ubuntu
the_giveri tried.. it keeps saying somethning like  "Permission denided (publickey)"12:13
EddyDeanAnd me with NFS? :P I would like to share a few directories through NFS, that are on my second HDD. These dirs are on an NTFS partition, which is mounted at /media/ntfs though ntfs-3g. When trying to mount them on the client, I get a permission denied12:13
howlingmadhowieReubs: did it install some extra stuff?12:13
Reubsnoting new12:14
the_givereven for root.. only one of the users i have can log in to ssh with a password12:14
owhthe_giver: Use this to see what is going on: ssh -vv person@site12:14
act1v8How can I make a DVD repository of /var/apt/cache and then install it on another Ubuntu machine?12:14
pwngasmcan anyone help me?  I have installed the ati driver, and xgl, and when i start in xgl, its all screwed with black bars everywhere12:14
the_giverany idea why this is12:14
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fyrestrtrEddyDean: check the uid/gid of the client12:14
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howlingmadhowieReubs: oops. then where are the basic c libraries?... one second12:14
fyrestrtrpwngasm: how did you install ati and xgl?12:14
owhthe_giver: Yes, the restriction was set by the root user at the other end.12:14
EddyDeanfyrestrtr: That's not the problem. I am also sharing some dirs in /home/gezin, and that works fine.12:14
zmaskenhey, I've got a strange problem with ubuntu overall, I can't boot from the live CD 'cause it gives me a kernel panic, but if I remove quiet boot it starts just fine, and when I have installed ubuntu I can't boot in regular because it just stops, but I can boot in recovery mode..?12:14
kippiwhat permissions to have i to set crontab to, to run?12:14
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fyrestrtrEddyDean: what permissions do you have on the ntfs share?12:14
the_giverowh will try the verbose ..12:15
fyrestrtrzmasken: what video card do you have?12:15
Reubshowling: it said 0 upgraded 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 97 not upgraded. before that it said gcc is already the newest version.12:15
zmaskenati radeon x800xt12:15
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pwngasmfyrestrtr: thru terminal12:15
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fyrestrtrpwngasm: are you on 7.04?12:15
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pwngasmxgl works fine, its just when i used the new drivers12:15
EddyDeandrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8192 2007-07-31 19:35 ntfs12:15
bullgard4In kern.log steht eine Zeile "Back to C!" zwischen 'LATE suspend' und 'EARLY resume'. Was bedeutet sie?12:15
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owhthe_giver: http://www.ssh.com/support/documentation/online/ssh/winadminguide/32/Host_and_User_Restriction_Syntax.html12:16
fyrestrtrpwngasm: what video card do you have?12:16
Myrtti!de | bullgard412:16
ubotubullgard4: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:16
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pwngasmx1600, but i have had it all working before12:16
the_giverk thanks12:16
act1v8!repository > act1v812:16
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fyrestrtrpwngasm: I assume you are launching xgl in its own session?12:16
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:16
pwngasmfyrestrtr yeah12:16
bidossessiok i really gotta leave now. this is getting heavy on ram. i'll install and be back12:17
fyrestrtrpwngasm: hrmm, strange. It is working here for me (x1400)12:17
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bidossessisee yall soon12:17
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fyrestrtrpwngasm: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:17
Reddihowling: sorry12:17
Reddihowling: Reubs here12:17
EddyDeanfyrestrtr: drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8192 2007-07-31 19:35 ntfs12:17
Reddihowling: I got cut off in a power outage12:17
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RvGaTehow easy is it to change from debian to ubuntu, without any data loss ?12:17
Reddihowling: did i miss anything?12:17
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giandreaowh: one last question, that process doesn't show up every time I run lsof, so is there a way I can see what accessed a file the last few seconds? just to be sure...12:18
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pwngasm(EE) fglrx(0): atiddxDriScreenInit failed, GPS not been initialized. << any ideas?12:18
tarzeauRvGaTe: easy: www.linuks.mine.nu/ubuntu/ see the curse script12:18
howlingmadhowieReubs: i'm trying to find the package with the c libraries. i can't find glibc. i think it's called libc6. can you try "sudo apt-get install libc6"?12:18
drcodehi all12:18
tarzeauRvGaTe: depending on what packages you have installed, they might not exist in ubuntu though12:19
JayF1In the terminal, what's should i use as a space in a directory name?12:19
giandreaowh: perhaps -S 300 ? (5 minutes?)12:19
Reubslibc6 is already the newest version12:19
Reubsnothing updated12:19
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fyrestrtrpwngasm: hrmm, how did you install the driver? from deb or from ati source?12:19
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drcodeI am looking for console program that can forward my mail messages in gmail into other gmail account12:19
drcodeor other account12:19
fyrestrtrJayF1: cd My\ Documents12:20
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Reubshowling: so near yet so far haha12:20
fyrestrtrJayF1: or cd "My Document"12:20
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owhgiandrea: Hmm, no idea really. There is no 'history' of such a thing.12:20
howlingmadhowieReubs: okay, i got it: "sudo apt-get install build-essential"12:20
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fyrestrtrdrcode: gmail can do that, just set it up from preferences.12:21
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giandreaowh: so perhaps +r 1 would repeat every second and let me have a better view?12:21
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pwngasmfyrestrtr using envy12:21
boris_where can i see what what graphic card i have ?12:21
owhgiandrea: I suppose you could 'cheat', but doing a cp -R of the directory, then tarring that up.12:21
fyrestrtrpwngasm: what is 'envy'?12:21
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owhgiandrea: s/but/by/12:21
pwngasmautomatic driver installer12:21
CheshireViking!envy | fyrestrtr12:21
ubotufyrestrtr: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!12:21
pwngasmi gonna try reinstalling the fglrx12:21
=== YaAqoB [n=james@60-234-147-226.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Reubshowlingmadhowie: ok it's downloading :D why wasn't it included in the default installation?12:21
drcodeI mean other servers12:22
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drcodenot onlt gmail12:22
fyrestrtrpwngasm: please use a supported method to install fglrx. Use the restricted drivers manager.12:22
giandreaowh: it's a 7 GB dir... :P anyway I'm noticing there are several processes accessing that dir...12:22
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pwngasmhow do i uninstall drivers and start again?12:22
fyrestrtrdrcode: procmail can do that.12:22
giandreaowh: is there a way to start linux with only the basic processes?12:22
owhgiandrea: That's not surprising on a live server.12:22
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danshtr|workhi all, how do i install kqemu ?12:22
howlingmadhowieReubs: well, i assume because it's quite large and only so much fits on a cd. if you have the choice between offering gimp and c-libraries for compiling your own software, a desktop-enduser-oriented distribution like ubuntu will pick gimp12:22
owhgiandrea: Yup, init 1 will do that, but your users won't be happy.12:22
ValdeHey guys anyone wanna help me with Wine I used the instutructions on the site but it failed due to one of the links not working12:22
mirmo_Alex love_ac@gotmail.com12:23
giandreaowh: I know, but I'll do that this night12:23
howlingmadhowiejono: now to send my cv to canonical :) (maniacal laughter)12:23
Reubsgood point12:23
boris_where can i see what graphic card i have ?12:23
mirmo_Alex love_ac@hotmail.com12:23
fyrestrtrboris_: lscpi12:23
owhgiandrea: The mail spool shouldn't really have live mail in it anyway, just undelivered mail.12:23
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boris_pardon ?12:23
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Reubshowlingmadhowie: looks like plenty to learn about this OS12:23
drcodeprocmail , it dosnt download it local12:24
Reubsbut should be worth it :D12:24
drcodeit just forward the message?12:24
howlingmadhowieReubs: the trouble is, now we start getting the difficult error messages. compiling your own software is not easy.12:24
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fyrestrtrboris_: type lspci | grep VGA12:24
fyrestrtrboris_: in a terminal12:24
owhgiandrea: Is this for a system backup?12:24
giandreaowh: really? oops... even if the settings are to keep a copy on the server?12:24
boris_ok thank u fyrestrtr12:24
fyrestrtrdrcode: you have to download it to forward it, how else can you do it?12:24
giandreaowh: yes12:25
gordonjcpReubs: if you want the whole lot, it *might* fit on a DVD12:25
gordonjcpor two12:25
drcodelike imap12:25
pwngasmhow do i uninstall graphx drivers and start again?12:25
ReubsI see i see12:25
drcodeor via web?12:25
fyrestrtrdrcode: if you want to forward it from the server, then you need to set a rule on the server itself.12:25
owhgiandrea: Well, the mail should go to the user's directory, unless you're running an 'interesting' setup. What file-sytem are you using?12:25
Reubsi'm no programmer just wanted to use ubuntu out of the box :D12:25
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drcodeif I use imap I can forward it?12:25
Reubsbut guess old systems have problems12:25
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fyrestrtrdrcode: no, it has nothing to do with imap or pop312:25
giandreaowh: I don't know, this server was set up by a really crappy admin, and I'm here developing web apps + fix what he did not do properly...12:26
owhReubs: This day and age, out of the box includes 'the Internet' as part of the packaging :)12:26
fyrestrtrdrcode: forwarding requires access to the email envelope.12:26
giandreaowh: but it might even be 7 GB of spam in the /var/spool/mail...12:26
drcodebut if I have attacment12:26
owhgiandrea: Well, some filesystems allow for a snapshot.12:26
fyrestrtrdrcode: only two computers have access to it, the server and the client. So, either you forward from the client (procmail) or you forward from the server.12:26
drcodeI need to download also the attachment?12:26
Reubstrue but not with Greek C libraries that i have to extract from the heavenly repositories of linux thingies12:26
drcodeor I need only the message it self12:26
=== doktoreas [n=lucacasa@host202-125.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
drcodewithout download the attacment?12:26
doktoreashi to all!12:27
giandreaowh: i'll have a better look at the home dirs12:27
drcodefyrestrtr: it will also download local the attacment or only the email envelope?12:27
doktoreasI am going to installa ubuntu on my girlfirend laptop...but i don't know if speedtouch modem will work12:27
howlingmadhowieReubs: soon you'll just regard the ubuntu repositories as an extension of your harddrive :)12:27
doktoreasanyone is using it?12:27
owhgiandrea: I've gotta go. I feel like there's a zillion more questions you might have, so I'm sorry about that, but I'm hungry and it's 6:28pm around here :)12:27
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giandreaowh: don't worry, the picture is much clearer now, and thanks!12:27
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owhgiandrea: Pleasure.12:27
fyrestrtrdrcode: you want to forward emails that are recieved on your machine? Example would be you are checking 5 accounts on your local machine, and you want to forward all email from one of those accounts to another email address.12:28
giandreaowh: japan?12:28
Reubsyeap :D i like the synaptics idea. i encountered someting similiar with freebsd while i was playing around (no expert just looking at it) and found their installation packages very useful12:28
drcodefyrestrtr: no12:28
fyrestrtrdrcode: then what do you want to do?12:28
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drcodefyrestrtr:  I want to forward mail that are on gmail account12:28
drcodewith attacment12:28
fyrestrtrdrcode: then logon to gmail, and in mail preferences, set the forward.12:29
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drcodeand if its walla.com or other mail server?12:29
fyrestrtrdoesn't matter what it is.12:29
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Reubshowling: still downloading. a bit slow thanks for waiting12:29
fyrestrtrit will forward to any valid email address.12:29
drcodethe procmail can do it?12:29
=== Jon_tooth [n=jon@host-84-9-136-142.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
defconwhat font does ubuntu use as default for metacity12:30
defconI screwed mine up12:30
drcodeit will download only envelope email and forward it?12:30
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drcodeor it also will download the email attachment?12:30
act1v8can someone help?12:30
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zmaskenanyone able to help me? I can only boot in recovery mode, regular just gives me a kernel panic. :/12:31
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zmaskencould it be X?12:32
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defconcould be a module12:32
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zmaskenits a fresh install :s12:32
Reubshowling: ok it's installing now :D12:33
Reubsand it's done!12:33
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Reubshowling: type tihs? gcc -O2 -o m700bl m300bl.c12:33
howlingmadhowiezmasken: sounds like you need to pass an argument to the kernel while booting.12:33
howlingmadhowieReubs: yep. just post the error messages on pastebin :)12:34
ramseizeCould not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated === what does this mean?12:34
Reubscrap more error messages12:34
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drcodefyrestrtr: ?12:34
zmaskenok howling, what argument?12:34
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howlingmadhowieramseize: sounds like the kqemu module couldn't be loaded. does your cpu support virtual machines on-chip?12:34
Reubshowling: http://pastebin.com/ma30613612:35
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ramseizei dont know, how will i know?12:35
nayanaI am getting a sh-3.1 shell everytime I start by pc12:35
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nayanathen I do gdm restart and login12:35
nayanawhy is it so12:35
Geek_wierd question but is there a text mode browser that has mouse support?12:35
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howlingmadhowieramseize: maybe wikipedia can help you here12:36
Geek_*web browser12:36
Reubshowling: got it?12:36
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howlingmadhowieReubs: this looks like a syntax problem between different versions of C. however, they are just warnings. did it fail?12:36
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Pretor1abhello all12:37
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Pretor1abi am having a lot of trouble with mysql - the error says ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (111)12:37
howlingmadhowiezmasken: i wish i knew. what computer are you using? maybe i can find something on the net12:37
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Reubshowling: how do i tell?12:38
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howlingmadhowieReubs: if it failed it would tell you :)12:38
Ominouswhere can i get the plugins for mplayer to play a dvd12:38
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ramseizecan you give any url, on how to know if my cpu can support virtual machine on chip???12:38
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Geek_ramseize: whats your CPU?12:38
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howlingmadhowieReubs:  in other words, does m300bl now exist?12:38
howlingmadhowieReubs: just a second, i'll download it myself and try to compile it...12:38
zmaskenhowling: AMD64 3200+, cheap random 1024 RAM, ati X800XT, ASUS A8N12:38
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Reubshowlingmade: i see an exe of some sort12:39
Reubswell some new file :D12:39
JayF1Hey, how can i log in as root from the main login screen?12:39
Reubshow do i assign a12:39
LustbladerJayF1: there ain't no root12:39
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giandreaI have this mail server. Where all the received mail is saved?12:39
ramseizeGeek_ im using a laptop12:39
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ramseizeGeek_ im using a laptop specifically asus a8jr12:39
eBoxNethello ppl12:39
Reubshowling: wait think i got it sec12:39
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giandreaperhaps it is saved in /var/spool/mail ?12:40
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JayF1How do i unmount a HDD?12:40
howlingmadhowieReubs: compilation worked on my computer12:40
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Reubsno errors?12:40
howlingmadhowiezmasken: to the best of my knowledge the single core amd 64 bit processors do not support virtual machines on chip. you can still use qemu, it'll just be slower than if the chip did support virtualisation12:41
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Geek_c2d t5600 - Wikipedia says yes, ramseize12:42
MrStonedOnebrb reboot installed ati drivers, need reboot12:42
zmaskenhmm, ok12:42
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Reubshowling: how do i copy it into /usr/bin it says i do not have the permission to do so12:42
lookin4linuxHi, can someone give me a hand with regards to reinstalling ubuntu on a dual boot system12:42
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ramseizeGeek_ what do you mean? yeS?12:42
howlingmadhowiezmasken: oops! sorry!i confused you with ramseize12:42
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npnufnsome times firefox not rereshing on page loading.  The browser window has to be resized.  What could be the problem.12:42
npnufnI am using Feisty.12:43
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zmasken:O :D12:43
Geek_yes, it supports  VT12:43
ramseizeCould not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated12:43
howlingmadhowiezmasken: do you have the exact make and model of your computer?12:43
ramseizebut why does it says could not open12:43
howlingmadhowieReubs: you'll need a sudo to do that12:43
Geek_*that* i don't know12:43
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Reubsah i did sudo mv m700bl /usr/bin/m700bl12:44
zmaskenits home-built12:44
Reubsthat right?12:44
Reubsi'm totally new to linux12:44
howlingmadhowieramseize: have you tried "sudo modprobe kqemu"?12:44
zmaskenbut it feels a little random that it boots without quiet splash but not with12:44
howlingmadhowieReubs: that looks good :)12:44
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Reubshowling: m700bl: could not obtain right to write to ioports.12:45
levanderAnybody know if good MTP support for Rythmbox is going to make it into Gutsy?  What about Banshee?12:45
Reubshowling: be sure to run me as root or setuid.12:46
howlingmadhowieReubs: if you want to get rid of the error messages during compilation, compile again and use this file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32220/12:46
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lookin4linuxi'm trying to reinstall ubuntu without having to change my dual boot setup. Are there any things I should look out for?12:47
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stianhello guys.. I have Ubuntu 7.04 installed. Very exiting! I also have WinXP but I wanted to try something new (sorry for bad language). But I have a problem. I try to stream video from ex: pugster.no, vg.no and page like that, but cannot se any movie. Installed Media Player COnnectivity but the program was too confusing, so I fucked that. Any other tips?12:47
Claan22I have a quick question12:47
stianjust want to stream directly from the "window"12:47
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howlingmadhowieReubs: you'll have to chown root the executable and then chmod +s it too12:47
nayanawill dbus warning make the sh-3.1 to prompt instead of the login screen12:47
Lustbladerstian: i think u haven't downloaded the necessary codecs12:47
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Claan22Is there a torrent of 7.04 with a decent amount of seeds?  I want to download it, but I don't want to leave my computer on all night for a normal download12:48
Claan22with a torrent I can just resum it tomorrow12:48
stianthx, but what kind of codecs?12:48
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LustbladerClaan22: http://www.torrentz.com/1b0630e6bcbf1b6910f5204393c985c70c71aaf512:48
Claan22thank you12:48
howlingmadhowiezmasken: that sounds pretty random. i suppose it's possible that the graphics card is doing something strange which you can side step by switching off the splash screen. i'd try booting it 10 times to see if there's an element of chance involved12:49
Geek_Claan22: i'd suggest using the http download with a download manager. i downloaded it in 20 min with downthemall+firefox ...12:49
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Lustbladerstian: the gtk codecs12:49
Reubshowling: it works!!!!12:49
stiantxh again :D12:49
howlingmadhowieReubs: cool :)12:49
howlingmadhowieReubs: can you now change the brightness of your screen?12:49
Reubsyes i did !12:49
zmaskenhowlingmadhowie: I'll try that, brb.12:49
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Claan22downthemall can really help that much?12:49
Lustbladerstian: look inside ur add/remove programs> search for codecs12:49
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Reubsnot sure how to change the other settings though12:49
npnufnI am using Feisty with 1GHz Cel/256MB/40GB.  Is n't sufficient for regular internet browsing (256KBps).12:49
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howlingmadhowieReubs: well that went pretty well :) (better than i'd expected)12:49
stianokidoki, will d that12:49
Lustbladernpnufn: yes12:49
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Reubshowling: yes ! wewt!12:49
act1v9I can't start my dsl connection after I clicked on a wireless network in NM. help! ifconfig says that ppp0 is up and running but I can12:50
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howlingmadhowieReubs: you can also bind functions to certain keys in gnome or kde if you wish12:50
act1v9't go online12:50
Reubsi can't use my fn key can i12:50
npnufnbut why my system is slow when browsing.  especially opening pdf files.12:50
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stianGstreamer plugins ??12:50
Reubshow do i bind it?12:50
npnufnshould I change the browser from firefox to some thing else.12:50
Lustbladerstian: yes12:50
liquiddoomI'm having some trouble with pppoe12:50
Lustbladernpnufn: firefox is the best one out there12:51
howlingmadhowieReubs: you may be able to. if acer decided to implement all the fn functions in the operating system, the operating system must be told when the fn-key is pressed12:51
act1v9liquiddoom: what troubles?12:51
Reubscompaq u mean?12:51
kahrytanliquiddoom: get a router.12:51
Lustbladernpnufn: must be some other problem12:51
liquiddoomWell, seems to be more with nat then anything else. Changed network cards and now nat won't work right12:51
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liquiddoomI've got a router in case12:51
Reubshowling: so how do i do the bindings first :D12:51
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npnufnLustblader;  I can accept it for 15-20 mins.  later it is becoming irresponsive.12:51
npnufnin the system monitor it shows uninterruptible status.12:51
liquiddoomI changed eth1 to eth3 in the iptables config for the nat, but that didn't seem to work12:51
kahrytanliquiddoom: can you connect to router?12:52
Lustbladernpnufn: hmmm.. did the trouble start a few days ago?12:52
liquiddoomI've got an ubuntu box running as a router12:52
Guschtelhi, can someone tell me where i  can set (as a user not root) the JAVA_HOME for the sh shell? .shrc seems to be ignored12:52
npnufnIt is the saddest thing to say.  From the release of the Feisty I am having the problem.12:52
stianahh shit... Lustblader, it doesn't work12:52
liquiddoomIt's got internet, and it can connect. It also can connect to the private network. It's just not doing the NAT between the two right12:52
act1v9ah well... I'll just back everything up and reinstall12:52
npnufnI upgraded firefox regularly.  but no use.12:52
howlingmadhowieReubs: yeah, compaq. sorry :)12:53
act1v9how can I make an offline DVD repository from the apt downloads?12:53
Reubshowlingmadhowie: can the keyboard bindings be done quickly? need to leave soon as the office is closing12:53
Lustbladerwhy stian?? did u try all the codecs?12:53
Reubsif not i'll leave it for another day12:53
npnufnI think the memory management/hdd drivers are the problem.  Can u suggest something to become better.12:53
Lustbladernpnufn: no idea man12:53
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npnufnI think I have to wait for the next release of Ubuntu.  Long time to wait.12:54
nayanacan anybody help12:54
howlingmadhowieReubs: i'm trying to find out how. there should be an entry in system, i'd have thought, but i can't see it12:54
Lustbladernpnufn: try kubuntu then12:54
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npnufnI have this problem on 20 systems.12:54
act1v9nayana: what's the problem?12:54
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howlingmadhowieReubs: oh, got it: gconf-editor12:54
Reubsrun it from terminal?12:54
stianLustblader: ok, I have installed everything that has the name Codec, if u understand... I use Firefox but the videos wont load12:55
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Reubshowlingmadhowie: right i'm inside12:55
howlingmadhowieReubs: exactly :) then goto: apps/metacity/global_keybindings12:55
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Lustbladerstian: gime the links12:55
Reubsk am there :D12:55
npnufnLustblader; Do u really think that kubuntu will work.  because from 6.06 we tried Kubuntu.  It doesn't work as well as the Ubuntu.12:56
stianexample: http://pugster.no/ViewVideo.aspx?id=61912:56
howlingmadhowieReubs: then scroll down the list to a free slot and add your command :)12:56
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npnufnbut I have not tried 7.04.12:56
Reubslike run_command 1 ?12:56
Lustbladernpnufn: u are saying we.. u a company?12:56
howlingmadhowieReubs: exactly :) replace it with m700bl + or whatever12:57
npnufnwe have 25 systems that are running on Ubuntu.12:57
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Reubsit's asking for type12:57
Lustbladerstian: it's the flash plug in that u need12:57
npnufnvery few are satisfied with ubuntu.12:57
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stianLustblader: ok, thx.. will download and check again :)12:58
npnufnour management suggested to change the distro.  but we stick to ubuntu and want to wait for some time.12:58
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npnufnfor better solution.12:58
Reubshowling: guess i'll try string12:58
howlingmadhowieReubs: oh, i dunno. let me have a look...12:58
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npnufnreally we faced lot of problem when installing Feisty on the first of it's release.12:58
Lustbladerihmmm npnufn.. u better get someone better than me to take a look at ur comps12:58
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howlingmadhowieReubs: i think they mean the return value. just enter integer12:59
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Geek_newbie question but should i install openSSH or SSH for a SSH server?12:59
blissif i want to uninstall vmware what is the command ?12:59
stianthanx man! Here is a star from me! *12:59
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npnufnlustblader;  thank you for listening to me.12:59
howlingmadhowieReubs: or maybe it doesn't mean the return value. maybe it's for arguments. i dunno. try things out :)01:00
Sh3r1ffGeek_: either is good, ssh combines openssh server with the client01:00
howlingmadhowieGeek_: i think the openSSH package includes the openSSH server01:00
npnufnwe have very little local support for ubuntu here.01:00
Reubs`' is an invalid character in key/directory names01:00
Lustbladernpnufn: i'm from india01:00
npnufnme too.01:01
Lustbladerthere's no support here either01:01
Reubshowling: i don't even have that `01:01
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Lustbladerme pondicherry01:01
Geek_my parents are from TN ;p01:01
Lustbladerbut how  come u guys use linux?01:01
Lustbladerthough IT guys were all xp shits01:01
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howlingmadhowieReubs: i'd try googling that one. i'd have to write a program and try out different things to check it, and that would take a while01:02
npnufnbecause our boss likes open source.01:02
Lustbladertried fedora?01:02
ReubsThanks a lot howling01:02
Reubsgotta run now :D01:02
Lustbladersorry Geek_01:02
Lustbladerfedora 7?01:02
npnufnit is completely unstable.01:02
Reubshowling: really appreciate it :D01:02
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Lustbladerever onsidered the fact/probability that yer machines might be bad01:03
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zmaskenhowlingmadhowie: hello again, I tried booting my installed ubuntu, with and without quiet splash, no luck, tried ubuntu live CD, with splash = fail, without = good, same with kubuntu livecd01:03
npnufnit is just a beta to test on media.01:03
GekkkoEvery release of Ubuntu is a beta!01:04
Gekkkorun children, run!01:04
Lustbladerall linux is beta01:04
kahrytanAll Windows is beta01:04
npnufnI mean to say.  it is a beta for RHEL to test on mass.01:04
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kahrytanit's why it keeps crashing all the time01:04
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Lustbladerrhel?? mass?01:05
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Sh3r1ffkahrytan: windows is alpha release ;)01:05
kahrytanSh3r1ff: no.01:05
Lustbladerkahrytan: can hack windows badly though01:05
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npnufnrhel=Redhat EnterpriseLinux; mass=people who use the OS.01:05
Lustbladerever heard of tiny xp n gamer xp?01:05
npnufnin General we like to use the free one.01:05
howlingmadhowiezmasken: sounds like a module is being loaded which is causing problems. can you tell me the exact make and model of your computer?01:05
Lustbladerbut npnufn my comps more than stable with ubuntu01:06
zmaskenI have no make and model, its home-built with an AMD64 3200+, ati x800xt and some cheap random 1024 mb RAM01:06
bastid_raZorstable with less bloatware01:06
Lustbladerit's the ktorrent that fails at times01:06
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zmaskenits not the RAM 'cause I ran memtest for 12 hours and no errors01:06
bastid_raZorthe lastest update of ktorrent solved all my issues01:07
kahrytanLustblader: then dont use it01:07
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Lustbladerwell kahrytan what do u recommend for torrents?01:07
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howlingmadhowiezmasken: can you tell me the arguments a standard boot sends to the kernel?01:07
kahrytanLustblader: Deluge or uTorrent?01:07
Lustbladeron linux01:07
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bastid_raZortransmission isn't bad01:07
Sh3r1ffLustblader: azureus01:07
Lustbladerthere's no utorrent01:07
zmaskendefinately, brb01:07
LustbladerSh3r1ff: azureus is java based n slow01:08
bastid_raZorazureus the CPU and RAM hog..01:08
howlingmadhowieLustblader: i'm a member of the church of emacs :) that's why i use GNU/linux :)01:08
kahrytanLustblader: It works under Wine perfectly.01:08
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MannyZcommand to install wine?01:08
bastid_raZorapt-get install wine01:08
danimancha de feo01:08
MannyZsudo apt-get install wine?01:08
nemo_wenas ke tal??01:08
Lustbladerha ha kahrytan.. so i gotta install a emulator to run torrents01:08
Lustbladerthat's joke01:08
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kahrytanLustblader: WINE Is Not Emulator01:09
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howlingmadhowienemo_: doomela ra. o tsokile yang? :)01:09
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shuveb /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>01:09
MannyZbastid_raZor now when its installed.. how i can make a shortcut from desktp to open it?01:09
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bastid_raZorwine is in your drop down menus01:09
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kahrytanbastid_raZor: WINE wouldnt be in menu01:10
TheInfinityhell ... one question ... why does ubuntu mount nfs volume BEFORE home?01:10
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bastid_raZorunder applications. it is there on mine.01:10
b0bhi. a patch exist for console mode change with intel i965 graphic chipset ?01:10
howlingmadhowieTheInfinity: in case your $HOME is on an nfs-share01:10
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kahrytanbastid_raZor: You see the WINE applications installed01:10
TheInfinityno home is a local disk01:11
TheInfinityand i want to have an nfs volume in /home/foo01:11
bastid_raZorno, i see wine file01:11
kahrytanbastid_raZor: file explorer?01:11
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kahrytanbastid_raZor: not WINE01:12
Lustbladerany other torrent recommendations??01:12
TheInfinityand for some reason ubuntu mounts the nfs volume BEFORE the home volume01:12
bastid_raZoryes wine.01:12
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kahrytanLustblader: uTorrent and Deluge01:12
howlingmadhowieTheInfinity: so your /home is on another partition of your main disk?01:12
chumphi yesterday i've moved my /home into another partition and my entry in fstab is : UUID=d9d78328-4a54-4513-9fef-fb670880f790 /home reiserfs defaults 0 2 << why doesn't it get mounted ?01:12
Lustbladerthx kahrytan01:12
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TheInfinityhttp://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13354/?format=txt <-- this way ...01:12
kahrytanLustblader: Deluge is Gnome native01:12
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dev1Hi all! I have aproblem with gnome commander: when I press SMB button message appears "Failed to browse the network. Is the SMB module installed?". What module means? I have already installed smbclien, smbfs01:13
kahrytanLustblader: Only thing Deluge is missing is limiting up seed while downloading.01:13
Lustbladerdoes it have a speed graph?01:13
Naitsirkhplip just waits for ever during the "Dependency and conflict resolution" part of the installation. I tried stopping it and starting it over, but it stops at the same place. What can I do?01:13
kahrytanLustblader: Other then that, it has all things uTorrent does01:13
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prOMiNdhello all, any can tell me easy method for work my internet, im use PPPoE and type pppoe-conf and insert username and password but next steps don't know what need to make, any can help me ? thanks, Martin !01:13
meglenhelo there01:14
kahrytanLustblader: yes01:14
kahrytanLustblader: Encryption too01:14
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LustbladerprOMiNd: ur good to go01:14
howlingmadhowieTheInfinity: so you want to change the start-up order for services? have a look in the various /etc/rcX.d folders01:14
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meglenwhat program do u suggest to write but with keyboard so u type picture. Something like this: http://frojnd.net/skull01:14
riaal_how can I send a command whit ssh, whit out having to login first?01:15
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kahrytan!info deluge01:15
ubotuPackage deluge does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:15
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spikermanprOMiNd, type "yes" all01:15
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Starcraftmazteroi, after changing enviro variables, how do you reload them without restarting gnome>01:15
TheInfinityhowlingmadhowie: change is the wrong word - i think nfs volumes should be mountet after volumes if everything is right?01:15
keitoI'm experiencing a strange bug in my copy of ubuntu (feisty).  Whenever I log off  and on again my system is very sluggish anyone know why?01:15
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ubuntuhowlingmadhowie: kernel /boot/vmlinux- root=UUID=DA24xxx.. ro quiet splash01:15
kahrytanLustblader: http://deluge-torrent.org/downloads01:15
bastid_raZorriaal, you have to login first01:15
TheInfinitybut somehow home seems to be misc mounts and not local mounts01:15
Starcraftmazteranyone: reload environment variables with a shell command..what?01:16
TheInfinitythats the strange thing ...01:16
bastid_raZordeluge worked decent.. i still like ktorrent best of all01:16
riaalbastid_raZor, there is supose to be some way around that01:16
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Lustbladerthx a lot kahrytan01:16
Lustbladergrabbing it now01:16
fyrestrtr!info deluge01:16
ubotuPackage deluge does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:16
bastid_raZorriaal, no clue01:16
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fyrestrtr!info deluge fiesty-updates01:16
ubotuPackage deluge does not exist in feisty01:16
Lustbladerfyrestrtr: maybe they romved deluge01:17
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fyrestrtrno its there.01:17
howlingmadhowieTheInfinity: you may be able to just change the order of the entries in /etc/mtab. i dunno. that may work. as to the order of nfs-mounts vs. ext3-mounts: no matter which order you pick, somebody's going to have to tweak their system01:17
fyrestrtrI installed it.01:17
kahrytanprobably by another name01:17
fyrestrtrdeluge-torrent - A Bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK01:17
fyrestrtr!info deluge-torrent01:17
ubotuPackage deluge-torrent does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:17
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riaalanyone know how to login and send a command whit ssh in one line?01:18
Seveasfyrestrtr, that's new in gutsy01:18
Seveas!info deluge-torrent gutsy01:18
ubotudeluge-torrent: A Bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.2-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1292 kB, installed size 4344 kB01:18
fyrestrtrits there in fiesty-updates I think.01:19
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Seveasriaal, ssh host.example.com ls /home01:19
Seveasfyrestrtr, it's not01:19
kahrytanDeluge is in Edgy too01:19
riaalSeveas, that easy? just put it after the ipaddress?01:19
Seveas!info deluge-torrent feisty-backports01:19
ubotuPackage deluge-torrent does not exist in feisty-backports01:19
bastid_raZorriaal, you said previously without logging in?01:19
Seveas!info deluge-torrent edgy01:19
Seveasriaal, indeed01:19
ubotuPackage deluge-torrent does not exist in edgy01:19
Seveaskahrytan, ubotu disagrees :)01:19
kahrytan!info deluge edgy-backports01:19
ubotuPackage deluge does not exist in edgy-backports01:19
ryuho-tabletDoes anyone have any experience installing ubuntu on a tablet pc? (preferably Motion computing tablet)01:20
Lustbladerwhat's edgy backports?01:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edgy-backports - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:20
riaalbastid_raZor, my bad, thanks anyway01:20
fyrestrtrit shows up here when I do apt-cache search01:20
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riaalSeveas, thanks01:20
Seveas!backports | Lustblader01:20
ubotuLustblader: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging01:20
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kahrytanDoesnt much matter, both are out of date.01:20
ubuntuhowlingmadhowie: did you see what I wrote?01:20
geronimoHello. Is there a specific channel for data recovery?01:20
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Lustbladerhow are they differerent from regular packages??01:20
kahrytanDeluge is at v0.5.3 now01:20
aguiteljoin #ubuntu-es01:20
Seveasodd, ubotu seems outdated wrt edgy-backports01:21
kahrytanhttp://deluge-torrent.org/downloads has deb packages for ubuntu too01:21
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howlingmadhowieubuntu: okay, gottit01:21
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aldinis there some .pdf book for ubuntu? (handbook etc)01:21
kahrytanSeveas: ubotu needs to grep searches for packages01:21
Lustbladeryes aldin01:21
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Seveasaldin, it's on http://help.ubuntu.com01:21
howlingmadhowieubuntu: let's just switch everything off and then try switching things on again.01:22
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Stofferif I want to use synaptic to remove firefox, why the hell does it want to take all of gnome with it?01:22
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fyrestrtrhmm, maybe I downloaded the deb directly and installed it.01:22
zmaskenyou mean clear the whole thing?01:22
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aldinSeveas: i see there is html, but is there direct link for pdf book?01:22
LustbladerStoffer: that happened when i removed kprinter in kubuntu01:22
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fyrestrtrStoffer: what do you mean 'all of gnome'?01:23
Seveasaldin, eeek, they changed the page again01:23
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keitocan anyone actually see my type?  no-one's replied to any of my posts in ages?01:23
Lustbladerfyrestrtr: means genome aint loading at all01:23
MannyZneed help!01:23
alecwhI want to start automatically backing up some of my files... What program do you suggest?01:23
Stofferfyrestrtr, you know how it lists other stuff to remove?  In that list is gnome, gnome-desktop-environment, etc01:23
Lustbladerno keito01:23
Seveasaldin, there's pdf documentation for older releases: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/01:23
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StofferLustblader, at least kubuntu is based in KDE... my main desktop environment is gnome01:23
fyrestrtrStoffer: that might be a meta package like ubuntu-desktop01:24
howlingmadhowieubuntu: just a second, i'm googling for a nice list of kernel boot arguments01:24
aldinSeveas: thanks for taking ur time to help01:24
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Stofferfyrestrtr, anyway around it?  I want to install firefox from source, hoping to fix my flash issue...01:24
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MannyZi got a folder simpsons on my desktop and i have connected my ipod (60gb) on my computer. and i can see on my desktop that there is the device MANNYZ.. ok tell me why this command dosnt copy the simpsons to my ipod.. cp home/mannyz/Desktop/simpsons home/mannyz/Desktop/MANNYZ i typed first su and my password.. so im working as root..01:25
keitoalecwh: there's a pakcage fro doing so in the automatix program, though its not recommended for use by most on here as apparently automatix can break systems (i've had no trouble)01:25
fyrestrtrStoffer: what flash issue?01:25
alecwhkeito, what's the program name, can you check?01:25
howlingmadhowieubuntu: can you edit your standard boot line, delete quiet and splash and add "acpi=off"01:25
Stofferfyrestrtr, flash maxes out my CPU when it's running.... such as watching videos on youtube01:25
PiciMannyZ: The way the Ubuntu destop mounts devices in the desktop is a bit odd. You'll have to copy it using the gui.01:25
keitoalecwh: it comes up as "simple backup"01:25
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kahrytanStoffer: tell adobe that01:26
MannyZPici how i do it?01:26
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keitoMannyZ: thats surely the label not the path01:26
fyrestrtralecwh: go get friendly with amanda; she'll take care of your backups.01:26
MannyZPici how do i copy it then01:26
Stofferkahrytan, and they're get right on it, right? :P01:26
Stofferkahrytan, they'll*01:26
MannyZwhat the right path keito01:26
alecwhok, well, I just installed "gnome-schedule"01:26
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keitoMannyZ: path should be /media/....01:26
fyrestrtrStoffer: are you running flash 9? I don't seem to have this problem.01:26
MannyZok thanks01:26
kahrytanStoffer: You could try gnash01:26
MannyZil lcheck01:26
alecwhWhat program can I use to copy files from one location to the next?01:26
fyrestrtralecwh: cp01:27
keitoMannyZ: perhaps try using the gktpod software01:27
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alecwhhow would that look, with file paths?01:27
Seveasalecwh, cp (if it's on the same machine), scp,ftp (for remote hosts)01:27
MannyZkeito i found it01:27
meglenanyone that was writing pictures that can be actually typed so u type and u create picture.. any program?? I have in mind that kind of picture: http://frojnd.net/skull01:27
Stofferfyrestrtr, I have no idea what I'm running.  The reason I wanted to uninstall firefox is that I can't find any standalone installation of flash anywhere... I think it's just embedded into firefox01:27
Seveasalecwh, cp /path/to/original /path/to/copy01:27
keitoMannyZ: how ;0)01:27
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alecwhAnd, I will do it recurringly, how would I make overwrite the files every day?01:27
MannyZso its /media/ipod ?01:27
Stofferfyrestrtr, not installed in synaptic, and not as a plugin in firefox that I could find01:27
PiciMannyZ: Yes, should be.01:28
MannyZi can see my files inside my ipod so its the right one01:28
fyrestrtrStoffer: have you read the wiki yet?01:28
keitodepends, probably01:28
Stofferfyrestrtr, I couldn't find any relevant entries01:28
keitoI don't have an ipod01:28
alecwhWill it automatically overwrite the files if they are already there?01:28
MannyZok thanks for your help Pici and keito :)01:28
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keitoMannyZ: no problem01:28
fyrestrtrStoffer: it is under RestrictedFormats01:28
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fyrestrtr!flash > Stoffer01:28
echosystmi need to install a dvd/cd burner01:28
echosystmwhats best?01:28
keitonow anyone care to help me?01:28
MannyZcp home/mannyz/Desktop/simpsons /media/ipod01:28
echosystmxfburn ive had trouble with01:28
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keitoechosystm: gnomebaker in gde01:28
fyrestrtrk3b is nice.01:28
Jordan09My desktop just froze, so I had to use the power down button. And now my desktop gets to the grub loaded and the monitor goes blank saying there's no signal.01:29
fyrestrtrkeito: what is the problem?01:29
LustbladerJordan09: what are u on now?01:29
keitowhen i logoff and on again my system is sluggish and never speeds up01:29
Jordan09My windows laptop01:29
Stofferfyrestrtr, are you referring to the flashplugin-nonfree package?01:29
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howlingmadhowieMannyZ: (cp /home...)01:30
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MannyZdidnt work only with media/ipod01:30
MannyZso i use /home/media/ipod ?01:30
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Stofferfyrestrtr, it was never installed.  I'm trying to get rid of flash, not add another one.  Plus, I tried installing that package for kicks to see if it would do anything, but it didn't help a bit.01:30
PiciMannyZ: /media/ipod01:30
keitoMannyZ: /cp /home/mannyz/Desktop/simpsons01:31
keitothen picis01:31
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LustbladerJordan09: did u try the live cd?01:31
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MannyZthis i used..01:32
Jordan09Not yet, can I repair it from that?01:32
MannyZand it didnt move it to my ipod :S..01:32
MannyZroot@mannyz-desktop:/home/mannyz# cp /home/mannyz/Desktop/simpsons /media/ipod01:32
MannyZcp: omitting directory `/home/mannyz/Desktop/simpsons'01:32
npnufnlustblader;  how do you feel with firefox on Linux.01:32
Lustbladernpnufn:  perfectly fine01:32
Lustbladernpnufn: just one flaw01:32
howlingmadhowieMannyZ: if you're trying to copy a directory, you must use "cp -R". cp just copies single files01:32
Lustbladersome pages open in new windows instead of new tabs01:32
MannyZthats the anwser -.-01:32
fyrestrtrStoffer: follow the instructions on that site.01:32
MannyZthanks howlingmadhowie :)01:33
Lustbladerin windows they were ok npnufn01:33
riaalwhat is the difference between sftp and scp? :S01:33
wykishow to watch TV on Freeview channel 45?01:33
Lustbladernaaw.. just links  npnufn01:33
Stofferfyrestrtr, ok, thanks01:33
bullgard4How does the printk differ from the printf statement? Kernighan/Ritchie does not mention it.01:33
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npnufnwe have a problem with firefox.  It is not rendering pages some times.  we have to resize the browser window.01:33
npnufndo you have any idea?01:33
howlingmadhowiebullgard4: printk is for kernel messages01:33
LustbladerJordan09: u might wanna try a reinstall.. cuz chances are that u might have messed the OS bad01:34
Lustbladerwhat pages npnufn???01:34
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MannyZmannyz@mannyz-desktop:~$ cp -R /home/mannyz/Desktop/simpsons /media/ipod01:34
MannyZcp: cannot create directory `/media/ipod/simpsons': Read-only file system01:34
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aguitelanyone know how firestart start at startup automatic ?01:35
wykishow to watch TV on Freeview channel 45? I have a DVB-T stick installed and loaded. Can't figure out what to do next since there are almost no channels in the defaults01:35
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bullgard4howlingmadhowie: well, is that the only defference? Does the same syntax apply?01:35
MannyZforgot su01:35
MannyZi try it01:35
Jordan09Lustblader: the live cd has frozen01:35
doktoreasi just finished installing ubuntu on my laptop...the mouse moves scattering01:35
Jordan09Hardware failure?01:35
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doktoreasbut the touchpad is fine. It's an usb mouse01:35
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LustbladerJordan09: what do u mean frozen?01:35
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MannyZcp: cannot create directory `/media/ipod/simpsons': Read-only file system01:36
howlingmadhowiebullgard4: you can think of it as an fprintf whereby the first argument gives the prioraty of hte message01:36
npnufngot the bug at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35033101:36
MannyZhow i can make my ipod for writing 2?01:36
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keitoMannyZ: have you tried using the gtkpod software (designed for loading you ipod)01:36
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Jordan09It was at the loading screen (where the orange bar moves) and it's frozen.01:36
bullgard4howlingmadhowie: Thank you very much.01:36
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod01:36
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LustbladerJordan09: even in the live cd??01:37
MannyZkeito no i haven even ever heard of it.. my second day on linux..01:37
howlingmadhowiebullgard4: so basically-> void printk(int, char *, ...)01:37
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echosystmwhen burning an iso in gnomebaker, what mode should iot be?01:37
keitoMannyZ:ahh have a look01:37
Jordan09Lustblader: yes, hardware failure?01:37
LustbladerJordan09: looks like it01:37
MannyZkieto affirmative01:37
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keitoMannyZ: http://www.gtkpod.org/about.html01:37
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MannyZkeito lets see01:37
LustbladerJordan09:  try plugging out n in yer cd drive01:37
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diablosjpFor use the gtkpod you need the change directory /ipod for /IPOD01:38
Jordan09It's internal01:38
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ryuho-tabletdoes anyone know how to fix a tablet pen problem? it's fairly simple01:38
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Lustbladeryeah Jordan09 open it up01:38
MannyZkeito come to #manda01:38
Lustbladerhalf the fun with comps is to look inside01:38
keitoMannyZ: did you catch that? --> <diablosjp> For use the gtkpod you need the change directory /ipod for /IPOD01:38
ryuho-tabletMy right click (with pen) is registering on the computer as a middle click... how would i change that01:39
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Happuryuho-tablet: http://cblfs.cross-lfs.org/index.php/Wacom01:39
fyrestrtrryuho-tablet: first step is to grab the keycode01:39
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wykishow is it possible to make a channel scan that would discover available channels in dvb-t? how?01:40
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Lustbladerhold on ppl01:40
Lustbladerpee pee break for me01:40
XtypeWriter74hi. anybody  know how i can DL for example the entire wikipedia without (pictures) using wget ?01:40
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XtypeWriter74just text01:40
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ryuho-tabletthanks :)01:41
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LustbladerXtypeWriter74: very ambitious u are01:41
jatoothats nuts01:41
XtypeWriter74why? :)01:41
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ryuho-tabletlol oh dude01:41
jatooi think you can order cd's but its a selection from the whole thing01:41
howlingmadhowiei'm off for lunch. see you all later :)01:41
ryuho-tabletthat's an awesome idea01:41
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erUSULXtypeWriter74: wget -r --noparent en.wikiedia.com01:41
ryuho-tabletI wonder around wiki for hours.. would be awesome to have it offline01:41
erUSULXtypeWriter74: look up the options to exclude images in the man page ;P01:42
PiciXtypeWriter74: Or use something like httrack01:42
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XtypeWriter74pretty soon i wont have internet anymore and use too :)01:42
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PiciXtypeWriter74: FYI, they might ban your IP address if you're pulling down massive amounts of data.01:42
Templaris there a local network chat im program that works for linux and windows01:42
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=== erUSUL seems to recall that there are dvd snapshots of wikipedia but he's not sure
jatoooh wait im not sure01:43
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jatoohey, can anyone help me with installing something?01:43
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BWMerlin_Hi I am trying to install pidgin and I have managed to configure it but when i run make i get these error msg's /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkobject.h:85: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'GInitiallyUnowned'01:43
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BWMerlin_/usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkobject.h:97: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'GInitiallyUnownedClass'01:43
jatooits called powerTop01:43
Templarwhat is it01:44
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Romnousi was finally able to setup ubuntu, with samba, and make it use roaming profiles so everyone can login from all over the network. Now i want to setup a mail-server. Preferably Kolab or Zimbra, since i heard good stuff about them.. is it possible to have those services running at the same time?? and does anyone know which one to use??01:44
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jatooum its a power saving program thing, which modifies the idle settings i think somehow...01:44
keitocan anyone tell me the command to find out your ubuntu verison please01:44
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defryskkeito, cat /etc/issue01:45
Happukeito: cat /etc/isu01:45
keitothank you01:45
Romnous!version | keito01:45
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ubotukeito: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell01:45
jatoosorry to be really stupid, but what goes in etc01:45
Romnousall your important stuff01:45
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Romnousyou shouldn't touch anything in there, unless you know what you're doing01:46
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Romnous!etc | jatoo01:46
jatoooh, well i dont01:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about etc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:46
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Romnouslol ok01:46
Romnousi was finally able to setup ubuntu, with samba, and make it use roaming profiles so everyone can login from all over the network. Now i want to setup a mail-server. Preferably Kolab or Zimbra, since i heard good stuff about them.. is it possible to have those services running at the same time?? and does anyone know which one to use??01:46
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jatoocan someone help me with an irc question01:47
K-Kunattach azzurra.irc01:47
Pici!ask | jatoo01:47
ubotujatoo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:47
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ryuho-tabletin xorg.conf, is there a specific line of code i can change to switch middle and right mouse button?01:47
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ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:47
jatoook sorry, im trying to connect to irc.oftc.net but i dont really know how01:47
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IceLinkhey there01:47
jatooits not connecting, using gaim01:48
floriaki1i've got a second hard drive hooked up to my pc (it's in the tower already) and i'd like to use it for file storage. how do i do that?01:48
Romnous!irc | jatoo01:48
ubotujatoo: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:48
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Romnoushmm :/01:48
Romnousubotu doesn't know anything about that lol:PO01:48
IceLinkif i want to auto-mount a win-partition, what do i use for <option> in the fstab?01:48
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fyrestrtr!ntfs | IceLink01:48
ubotuIceLink: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:48
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jatoohow do i open a new window to connect to a new channel01:49
ryuho-tabletright click the server01:50
defryskjatoo, /j #new-channel01:50
ryuho-tableton the left side tab01:50
ryuho-tabletor that..01:50
defryskoh that01:50
IceLinkthanks fyrestrtr01:50
Pici!ask | jan__01:50
ubotujan__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:50
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ryuho-tabletis it possible to switch mouse button actions by editing xorg.conf?01:51
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mrcreativitycan some one help me change my resoltuion and refresh rate to a custom setting?01:52
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cyberdunehello. i have a question01:52
defrysk!fixres | mrcreativity01:52
ubotumrcreativity: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:52
=== Redens [n=dam@ALille-151-1-20-223.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ryuho-tabletmrceativity : That's under System >Preference01:52
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doktoreaswhich package i need to install an adsl modem?01:52
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Pici!dsk | doktoreas01:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dsk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:53
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Pici!dsl | doktoreas01:53
ubotudoktoreas: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE01:53
mrcreativityi tried that, i cant seem to change it to what i want. Windows runs under 1280x960@72mhz, i cant seem to cnofigure ubuntu to run at the same setting01:53
doktoreasi am following a doc on the wiki, but the package speedtouch it's no more in repository01:53
jatoowhere can i find help for installing a program called powerTop01:53
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Picidoktoreas: What version of Ubuntu are you running?01:53
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ryuho-tabletwoa, 72mhz... never seen that before01:53
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BWMerlin_Hi I am trying to install pidgin and I have managed to configure it but when i run make i get these error msg's /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkobject.h:85: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'GInitiallyUnowned'01:53
BWMerlin_ /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkobject.h:97: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'GInitiallyUnownedClass'01:54
floriaki1i've got a second hard drive hooked up to my pc (it's in the tower already) and i'd like to use it for file storage. how do i do that?01:54
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mrcreativitycan u help me?01:54
Picidoktoreas: What wiki doc are you following?01:54
ryuho-tabletstill.. shouldn't most monitor be set up @ 60?01:54
jatoofloriaki1: can you access it in places or from the desktop?01:54
NixManI'm sorry for asking a question off topic, but does anyone know where I could ask questions (a channel) about .htaccess and hotlinking?01:54
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PiciNixMan: #apache01:55
doktoreasPici: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Modem/Speedtouch?highlight=%28speedtouch%29#firmware01:55
NixManPici: thanks, i'll try01:55
IceLinkahm. how do i read the chmod of a file/dir ?01:55
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attunixwhere's the turkish ubuntu chat?01:55
cyberdunels -l01:55
Seveasattunix, #ubuntu-tr01:55
ryuho-tabletman ubuntu has crazy lang support01:56
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nadisryuho-tablet:  what do you mean ?01:56
nadismany ?01:56
fyrestrtrBWMerlin_: there is fiesty package available for pidgin01:56
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ryuho-tabletlanguage support.. for open source freeware01:57
BWMerlin_i tired apt-getting it and snaptic + add programs and it didnt bring it up01:57
jatoodoes anyone know of a good C++ writing program that can compile/debug etc, which is good for beginners?01:57
defryskBWMerlin_, try getdeb.net for a decent pidgin package01:57
BWMerlin_but that is besides the point01:57
doktoreasPici: is that package been removed?01:57
riaalanyone remeber what the -e frag in rsynd -avub -e does? the manpage is really confusing01:57
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fyrestrtrBWMerlin_: www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=pidgin01:57
riaalfrag= flag01:58
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ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.01:58
Picidoktoreas: Yes. That how-to is over two years old.  This looks more up-to-date: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UKSpeedtouchDSLHowTo01:59
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jatoowhat is gutsy?01:59
fyrestrtrriaal: I think specifies the remote shell01:59
CheshireViking!gutsy | jatoo01:59
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BWMerlin_fyrestrtr: what about the error's im getting01:59
jatoodoesnt work01:59
fyrestrtrBWMerlin_: use the package and you won't get the errors01:59
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Picijatoo: Its the version after Fiesty. Its currently undergoing testing and is not suitable for general use.02:00
ubotujatoo: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+102:00
BWMerlin_but why cant i just compile from source and not get the errors?02:00
IceLinkhow can i set +r on a ntfs? it doesn't work due to its write-only02:00
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fyrestrtrbecause you probably have different versions of libs than the program requires02:00
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fyrestrtr!ntfs > IceLink02:01
npnufndoes the netboot method for ubuntu will for xubuntu also?02:01
riaalfyrestrtr, thats what the manpage said to, what does it mean?02:01
IceLink!ntfs | IceLink02:01
BWMerlin_everything "should" be upto date02:01
IceLink<: kubotu doesn't like me02:01
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Lustbladerhi romano02:02
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fyrestrtrit means that use a specified shell on the remote, other than ssh.02:03
npnufndoes the netboot method for ubuntu(7.04) will for xubuntu(7.04) also?  I have the setup for ubuntu installation(tftp+dhcp+apache).02:03
fyrestrtrmore specifically, a shell transport (like ssh)02:04
BWMerlin_fyrestrtr is there anyway to make pidgin to compile with what i have?02:04
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fyrestrtrnpnufn: yes.02:04
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fyrestrtrBWMerlin_: is there a reason you want to compile it?02:04
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npnufnfyrestrtr; thanks gonna try it.02:04
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BWMerlin_fyrestrtr: to learn how to compile things more02:04
fyrestrtr!compile | BWMerlin_02:04
ubotuBWMerlin_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:04
BWMerlin_not everything that i use/want to has precompiled packages02:05
fyrestrtrBWMerlin_: that will help .. read the wiki02:05
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IceLinkfyrestrtr: i got it, thanks02:06
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minusI was wondering if anyone had found a way to get the media working on the dell 1505/6400 series laptops I did it before but can't for the life of me find the info now I had to redifine a few things and it worked like butter in amrok02:06
XtypeWriter74hab was hier gefunden zu thema Wikipedia Offline > http://dvd.wikimedia.org/02:06
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gbwhello, i accidentally delete the folder /etc/apache2, i want to reinstall new, but the apache2 folder is not there, what to do?02:06
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wykisgbw: sudo apt-get --purge remove apache2 && sudo apt-get install apache202:07
fyrestrtrgbw: apt-get remove --purge apache2 apt-get install apach202:07
fyrestrtryeah, what he said02:07
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wykis;] 02:08
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minusI guess that's what i get for buying a dell :02:08
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Seveaswykis, fyrestrtr: won't work :) /etc/apache2 is part of apache2.2-common02:08
=== minus kicks self
=== wykis does the same :)
gbwwykis, fyrestrtr i do that, but the folder is still not there02:08
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wykisapache2.2-common ;)02:08
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wykisgbw: apache2.2-common instead of apache202:09
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Seveasapache2.2-commin is gutsy by the way02:09
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CheshireVikingminus, how do you mean "get the media working"?02:09
stianhi again.. earlier today i tried to add something in sources.list.. this was trusted keys, but when I ran apt-get update it wouldn't get it.. Q: where to add trusted keys ?02:09
gbwthanks a lot02:09
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wykisstian: what did you add?02:09
stianwait... I will find02:10
Seveasstian, you add them with apt-key02:10
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minusCheshire there are play/pause stop etc buttons on the front of the laptop I edited a configuration file for x I belive it was to add definetions but i can't find that info again (had to re-install)02:10
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nightwatchgood morning folks, it's possible to upgrade from feisty to gusty using update-manager now? or I have to wait the final version?02:11
Seveasminus, system -> prefs -> keyboard shortcuts?02:11
Seveasminus, or did you have to do setkeycode() on them?02:11
minusLET ME CHECK02:11
minussorry about caps lock02:11
=== minus apolozies
XtypeWriter74<nightwatch> dk. but why not cli?02:12
minusI dont see system -> prefs02:12
minusi'm using kubuntu02:12
minuswell k over ubuntu02:12
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AngryElf_hey folks, i'm looking for a GUI app to create ISOs??02:13
syntaxxim using cups and samba. and i have a little problem in printer class status in windows when i paused the class it shows the printer status not the printer class status anyone have an idea how to fix that?02:13
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nightwatchXtypeWriter74: what you mean?02:13
XtypeWriter74commandline update02:13
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IceLinkcan anaybody help me with that? http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13358/ i cannot see where are my partitions sda2 and sda5, it has become a little bit strange02:13
jedi79kbkjkbmgkgtkfkfgfkgflflfllffcbvhftewqasgdbcfsdfdgdgxhh bc02:13
Seveasminus, ah, maybe ask in #kubuntu then, there's probably a keyboard shortcut thing for KDE as well02:13
=== Copkica is now known as Matic`Makovec
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:13
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Seveasjedi79, please remove your cat from your keyboard :)02:14
Outlanderhi all02:14
AngryElf_hey folks, i'm looking for a GUI app to create ISOs02:14
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AngryElf_is anyone familiar with one?02:14
stian<Seveas><wykis> just forget it... i don't remember what I added... but thx for answering me :)02:14
keitohow do i verify a file using MD502:14
nightwatchAngryElf_: did you try brasero?02:14
Lustbladerstian: it works now?02:14
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Seveas!md5 | keito02:14
ubotukeito: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:14
defryskkeito, md5sum <file>02:14
keitothank you02:15
Outlanderim using nvidia drivers and user switching will switch to a user but wont switch back into my existing session02:15
AngryElf_nightwatch: i have not, thanx02:15
Outlanderthe screen is black with only the mouse viewable. i do have my resolution set at 1440x900 for my monitor (widescreen)02:15
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stian<Lustblader> what do u mean ?02:16
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Lustbladeru had trouble with codecs right?02:16
ubotuUnless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..02:17
Jack_SparrowSeveas: We are seldom on at the same time, just wanted to thank you for your help and support of Ubuntu...02:17
stian<Lustblader> Yeah! And I thanked u earlier today:D  it i perfect now... /mehappy02:17
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XtypeWriter74<AngryElf_>  :turn a folder into an .iso02:17
XtypeWriter74mkisofs -r -o file.iso /location_of_folder/02:17
stian*it is02:17
Lustbladerstian: sorry didn't see yer reply02:17
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SeveasJack_Sparrow, :)02:18
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AngryElf_nightwatch: brasero is failing with disk space errors when I clearly have enough room to work with.......think it might be copy protection on the disk?02:18
keitoANYONE had trouble with sluggish systems after logging off then on again???02:18
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Lustbladernope not mei keito02:18
jatooi tried using movie player (the default one that comes with ubuntu) to play an avi file, and it downloaded some codecs for me, but i still have no video, only audio (except occasionally when it would flick on for a split second) can anyone help?02:18
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keitojatoo: do you use compiz?02:19
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fyrestrtrjatoo: try vlc, plays almost everything under the sun.02:19
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jatooi dont know what compiz is02:19
jatooill try vlc02:19
Jack_Sparrowjatoo: Did you get gstreamer as well?02:19
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bartzitzi have an intel 945 video card (with new "intel" driver), and 20" wide monitor with 1680x1050 resolution. the image is getting stretched out of display bounds, any ideas?02:20
keitotry this "alt-F2"02:20
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AngryElf_XtypeWriter74: yes, which folder do I reference when I Want to copy a disc?02:20
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nightwatchAngryElf_: what you want to do? save an image from dvd?02:20
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AngryElf_nightwatch: yes02:20
JokeR-ive problems with beryl02:20
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nightwatchAngryElf_: just use "dd" command02:20
JokeR-i cant start the effects02:20
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keitothen type gstreamer-properties02:20
CheshireVikingjatoo, i had a few avi's that did that on me, turned out the files were created on windows with a wierd codec that wasn't available for linux02:21
keitojatoo: did you get that?02:21
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nightwatchAngryElf_: dd if=/dev/dvd0 of=dvdimage.iso02:21
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jatoovlc works!02:21
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Lustbladervlc always works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:21
jatooget what?02:21
XtypeWriter74<AngryElf_> Turn a CD/DVD into an .iso02:21
XtypeWriter74sudo umount /dev/cdrom02:21
XtypeWriter74dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso bs=102402:21
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keitovlc- uses ffmpeg to decode everything (correct me if I'm wrong)02:21
sandy_can any one tell me how to install xgl02:21
jatoook vlc doesnt work anymore02:21
jatooit wont play in full screen and occasionally doesnt in normal mode02:22
keitojatoo: try that what I said above02:22
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keitojatoo: Alt+F202:22
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nightwatchkeito: no, ffmpeg its one of the decoder group that vlc uses02:22
keitojatoo: then type gstreamer-properties02:22
bartzitzi have an intel 945 video card (with new "intel" driver), and 20" wide monitor with 1680x1050 resolution. the image is getting stretched out of display bounds, any ideas?02:22
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AngryElf_nightwatch: XtypeWriter74 thanx for the help02:22
Lustbladerbartzitz: change the settings on ur monitor02:22
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bartzitzLustblader: like?02:23
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XtypeWriter74<AngryElf_> np02:23
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Lustbladerdude monitor settings depend on the make02:23
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Lustbladersearch for buttons on the side/bottom of yer monitor02:23
Lustbladerphysical buttons02:23
keitonightwatch: cheers ;0)02:23
bartzitzLustblader: i can't stretch the picture, no controls for that02:23
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Lustbladernot on the screen02:24
DBLUEHow can i get from terminal, with dpkg, in some .deb file just the dependensies02:24
keitothought it did it all with that02:24
Jack_Sparrowbartzitz: You are sending a signal to your monitor that it cannot handle... refresh rate or size....  back it down02:24
WipsWhat's a .chm file? and how do I view it in Ubuntu?02:24
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jribWips: try gnochm or xchm02:24
bartzitzJack_Sparrow: well i know, changing modeline doesn't help02:24
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jatookeito: what do i do with that popup box?02:24
keitojatoo: i had this problem too02:24
Jack_Sparrowbartzitz: Can you run live and post your xorg to the pastebin?02:24
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LustbladerWips: it's a document02:25
keitotype  streamer-properties02:25
jatooand then what?02:25
fraserso guys, you know how you've got like multiple desktops? i want more. i know there is a whole config of them, i used it one back in hoary. how can i find it?02:25
bartzitzJack_Sparrow: 1 min02:25
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keitogo to...02:25
Jack_Sparrowbartzitz: or dpkg and reconfigure it... or change the boot line to vesa so you can get in...02:25
WipsThank you, Lustblader and jrib02:25
DBLUEfraser, you can dig in gconf02:26
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Christian85alguien habla espaol ?02:26
keitojatoo: go to video and change plugin to x window system (no xv)02:26
bartzitzJack_Sparrow: i can set it to 1024x768, at least usable. i'll go to that comp now02:26
CheshireViking!es | Christian8502:26
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ubotuChristian85: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:26
keitosee what happens when you play it then02:26
XtypeWriter74<AngryElf_>  check this out  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty/CDDVDBurning#How_to_create_Image_.28ISO.29_files_from_CD.2FDVD02:26
Christian85ubotu: GRACIAS !!!!!02:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gracias !!!!! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:26
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fraserDBLUE, wa?02:27
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jatoostill the same02:27
jribfraser: you can just right click on the workspace switcher and go to properties02:27
Lustbladerubotu: anything02:27
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.02:27
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Lightenixhi, how do i check what programs are opened and are uploading/downloading?02:27
fraserjrib, HAHAHA swet.02:27
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:27
Jack_Sparrowbartzitz: Warning.. I am not entirely awake yet... Please post your xorg and make model of your monitor..02:27
soneilbartzitz: I'd try installing the package 915resolution .. restores sanity on intel chipsets at funky resolutions02:27
JokeR-can anyone tell me how to install beryl on ubuntu with ati drivers02:27
JokeR-can anyone tell me how to install beryl on ubuntu with ati drivers02:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botsmack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:27
keitoubotu: what time is it02:28
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bartzitzsoneil: tried that, doesn't work. and i'm using "intel" driver, not "i810"02:28
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JokeR-can anyone tell me how to install beryl on ubuntu with ati drivers02:28
JokeR-can anyone tell me how to install beryl on ubuntu with ati drivers02:28
JokeR-can anyone tell me how to install beryl on ubuntu with ati drivers02:28
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Outlanderhey chill out dude02:28
Jack_Sparrow!repeat > JokeR-02:28
JokeR-im freaking out02:29
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jribDBLUE: dpkg-deb -f file.deb Depends02:29
keitoJokeR-: have you edited you xorg.conf file to accomodate the fact you have ati02:29
jatoovideos are still not working02:29
BlindSidehey can anyone help me out with Eclipse02:29
JokeR-keito, yes02:29
BlindSidei know its not exactly ubuntu lol..02:29
keitojatoo: sorry then, can't help.  sounds like a codec issue02:29
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Seveaskeito, ubotu can tell you the time, even in your own timezone02:30
Jack_Sparrow!restricted > Jack_Sparrow02:30
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: August 02 2007, 12:30:15 - Next meeting: Ubuntu Development Team in 7 hours 29 minutes02:30
jatoook thanks anyway02:30
keitoJatoo: try installing the w32codecs02:30
Seveas@now New York02:30
jatoohow do i do that?02:30
ubotuCurrent time in America/New_York: August 02 2007, 08:30:23 - Next meeting: Ubuntu Development Team in 7 hours 29 minutes02:30
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: August 02 2007, 12:30:38 - Next meeting: Ubuntu Development Team in 7 hours 29 minutes02:30
Lustblader@now india02:30
keitoubotu: what time is it?02:30
fraserhe got my time wrong02:30
fraserno happy02:30
Lightenixcan anyone tell me how to check what programs are uploading/downloading?02:30
fraser@now Australia02:30
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jatoo@now australia02:31
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:31
jribubotu: prefers to tell time in #ubuntu-offtopic though :)02:31
LadyNikonLightenix: you can go into synaptic and check it out02:31
fraserIdleOne, spoil sport02:31
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JokeR-sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0460, should be 044002:31
fraserIdleOne, go home02:31
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JokeR-what this means ?02:31
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sandy_can anyone tell me hoe to install xgl plz02:31
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jribJokeR-: the permissions on /etc/sudoers is 0460 but should be 044002:31
reversebladedoes .profile file run when I login from gnome splash screen ?02:31
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jatoohow do i install w32codecs?02:31
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JokeR-jrib,  and ?02:32
jrib!w32codecs > jatoo (see the private message from ubotu)02:32
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jribJokeR-: the permissions are wrong02:32
LatinoHallo kann mir jemand helfen?02:32
Jack_Sparrow!w32codecs > jatoo02:32
fraserjatoo,  sudo apt-get install w32codecs? you need to make sure you've got the right repos maybe02:32
JokeR-how to fix it02:32
lasse_hi guys - is there a way from Gnome when selecting files to right click and compress - or similar method ?02:32
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jrib!de | Latino02:32
ubotuLatino: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:32
IdleOne!dvd > jatoo02:32
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jatoothanks guys02:32
JokeR-jrib, ?02:32
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jribJokeR-: do you have any idea how it ended up that way, because it's kind of strange.   To fix, you'll need to reboot and choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu, then do:  chmod 440 /etc/sudoers02:33
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ribandohi everyone02:33
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ubotuThere are Ubuntu newsgroups via NNTP at news.gmane.org02:33
jriblasse_: mine used to have 'right click -> create archive...', does yours lack that?02:33
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jatoowhen something has etc in the filepath, what does that mean?02:34
JokeR-beryl is no longer in development ?02:34
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jrib!fhs > jatoo (see the private message from ubotu)02:34
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jribjatoo: configuration usually02:34
raulim having problems getting sounds from an external audio source can anyone help me?02:34
keito/etc/ is a system location02:34
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lasse_jrib: :) that's funny ... on my laptop yes --- on this one no .... weird02:34
Jack_SparrowJokeR-: No02:35
pucko-Hello. I've just bought a new disk to replace my old one. How do I safely copy everything from my old root disk to my new one?02:35
lasse_jrib: same version of ubuntu on both ...02:35
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Jack_SparrowJokeR-: it is now compiz-fusion or something close to that02:35
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jatoowhere do i find the apt folder?02:35
keitois correct02:35
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jriblasse_: I'm not really sure what is responsible for that, but is the 'file-roller' pacakge installed?02:36
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jribjatoo: what apt folder?02:36
ali110i want to connect to internet with ubuntu (iam new to linux) i use ethernet (ADSL connection) so how can i configer it to do so02:36
lynx_75someone know the correct config for vodafone connect card?02:36
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keitois there software to mod a motorola v3 available for ubuntu???02:36
jatoothe one with sources.list in it02:36
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Jack_Sparrowpucko-:  you can do it with livecd and the dd command  see !backup  or   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_(Unix)02:37
jribjatoo: /etc/apt/sources.list02:37
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning02:37
Geek_jatoo: /etc/apt/sources.list02:37
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IdleOne!cloning | pucko-02:37
ubotupucko-: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate02:37
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ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE02:38
CheshireVikingwhere can i change the setting in kopete to "raise window/tab on new messages", its website says it should be under Behaviour -> Chat, but i don't have the option to change the setting02:38
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LiberCogito!pppoe | ali11002:38
ubotuali110: please see above02:38
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ali110thanks i will try02:38
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lynx_75is there someone can help me with the vodafone connect card, please?????02:39
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Birgerhi. can anyone help me a bit with wine/cedega?02:40
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pucko-I can't use dd. I guess a livecd would work, but I don't think I have one.02:40
Jack_Sparrowpucko-: Be very careful with if=  and of=      those are pointers for source and destination  mix them up and you copy a blank drive over your working install02:40
Seveas!anyone | Birger02:40
ubotuBirger: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:40
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Jack_Sparrowpucko-: dont have dd?02:40
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ali110execusem i asked about adsl modem i think the link you gave shows how to config pppoE which i already configured in the router i am using (from my Windows OS) i need ubunto to connect to the internet by the router02:41
pucko-dd won't work02:41
jatooi tried installing the w32 codecs and i got this error:02:41
jatooPackage w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:41
jatooThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or02:41
jatoois only available from another source02:41
jatooE: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate02:41
Jack_Sparrowpucko-: Do a backup with the tar command you just looked at....02:41
Seveas!32codecs | jatoo02:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 32codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:41
jribjatoo: did you read the link ubotu sent you so you can enable seveas' repos or medibuntu?02:41
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Jack_Sparrowpucko-: manually format the new drive partitions to the same configuration, number and type of partitions then untar02:42
IdleOne!seveas | jatoo  w32codecs is in this repo02:42
ubotujatoo  w32codecs is in this repo: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:42
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Jack_Sparrowpucko-: extract the tar...  didnt mean to imply that there was an untar command02:42
jatooim pretty confused02:43
pucko-jack_sparrow, but I don't want the same configuration of the new drive.02:43
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Jack_Sparrowpucko-: Then what are you wanting to do..02:43
jribjatoo: w32codecs is not in the default ubuntu repositories so you need to add a third party one like Seveas' Repository to install w32codecs.  instructions on how to add the repository are at the link ubotu just said02:43
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jan__this is weird02:44
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jatoooh ok, sorry, i dont even know what a repository even is02:44
jatoois it possible to use different codecs? or must you have those for avi02:44
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jan__anyone ever had probs with a promise sata 300 tx4 card ?02:44
frasersomeone tell me a good bittorrent program in the repos, not azureus, that shuts down as soon as it opens for some reason02:45
Pici!torrent | fraser02:45
ubotufraser: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html02:45
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jribjatoo: some stuff you can only play with w32codecs afaik, but most stuff plays with just the gstreamer codecs02:45
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Jack_Sparrowjatoo: adding a repository and installing w32codecs is not hard you do need to read the links that are bieng provided and ask questions when you dont understand something02:45
jatoooh ok, this one is weird, the video will flick up while im resizing but wont work normaly02:45
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pucko-jack_sparrow, ok. I'll give the tar thing a try. I just ment that my new disk wont have exactly the same partition numbers and partitions sizes, but I think I can manage to fix fstab and grub and such on my own.02:46
ali110execus me i asked about adsl modem i think the link you gave shows how to config pppoE which i already configured in the router i am using (from my Windows OS) i need ubunto to connect to the internet by the router02:46
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jatoosorry Jack_Sparrow, I was confused about that link, i didnt see what it had to do with my codecs problem but i do now02:46
Romnous|BRBi was finally able to setup ubuntu, with samba, and make it use roaming profiles so everyone can login from all over the network. Now i want to setup a mail-server. Preferably Kolab or Zimbra, since i heard good stuff about them.. is it possible to have those services running at the same time?? and does anyone know which one to use??02:46
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Jack_Sparrowpucko-: BE aware that adding a partition for windows and things like that will cause issuse over just cloning your system.. minor fixable issues like grub02:47
ndohey, guys, whats good cd/dvd writing/copying software on Ubuntu? k3b or Gnome backer i suppose? but with one would u advice?02:47
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rayyanany1 can help me out with some partition trouble before i install ubuntu?02:47
Romnous!partition | rayyan02:47
uboturayyan: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:47
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Jack_Sparrowpucko-: There are also physical limits for type and number of primary partitions etc...02:47
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Picindo: Those are the two best from what I hear. Best one would be based on your own opinion.02:48
rayyanwell i already used partition magic :$02:48
Romnouswhat's your problem then?02:48
rayyanand a friend told me to keep some 10gb of unallocated space02:48
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gokuhi, how can we take a screenshot while in a quake3 based game?02:48
rayyaninstead of having a partition for ubuntu02:48
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ndoPici: hmm, ty, thats why i ask huh, to form some opinion by analising what ppl advice and say ;)02:49
Jack_Sparrowrayyan: good idea... let ubuntu set up the partition... it is easier02:49
Romnousrayyan: that's ok, cause you can assign a partition when you install ubuntu from the cd02:49
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rayyanbut now ubuntu says its gonna delete some stuff form the partitions?02:49
Romnousthen you selected the wrong partition?02:49
rayyanIf you continue, the changes listed below will be written to the disks.02:49
rayyanOtherwise, you will be able to make further changes manually.02:49
rayyanWARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as02:49
rayyanwell as on the partitions that are going to be formatted.02:49
rayyanThe partition tables of the following devices are changed:02:49
rayyan SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sdb)02:49
rayyanThe following partitions are going to be formatted:02:50
=== a1_ [n=a1@bzq-84-110-116-63.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
rayyan partition #6 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sdb) as swap02:50
rayyan partition #3 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sdb) as ext302:50
Pici!paste | rayyan02:50
uboturayyan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:50
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rayyansorry for that02:50
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Picindo: Why dont you just try them both?02:50
Jack_Sparrowrayyan: you need to select the option to have ubuntu use unpartitioned space and not resize the drive ...02:50
pucko-jack_sparrow, ok. thanks.02:50
ndoi guess ill check on wiki, about them, so i get some info :)02:50
rayyanhow do i do that jack?02:50
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Romnousi was finally able to setup ubuntu, with samba, and make it use roaming profiles so everyone can login from all over the network. Now i want to setup a mail-server. Preferably Kolab or Zimbra, since i heard good stuff about them.. is it possible to have both samba and the mailserver running at the same time?? and does anyone know which one to use??02:50
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Jack_Sparrowrayyan: back out of where you are and do not apply changes02:51
ndoPici: indeed, ill do that, that is the right thing to do i guess :) ty :P02:51
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kritzstapfwhen i reinstall my windows, the MBR gets overriden, can i fix it using a ubuntu live cd with a simple grub command "install hd0,0" or sth?02:51
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CheshireViking!grub | kritzstapf02:51
ubotukritzstapf: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:51
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Jack_Sparrowrayyan: In gparted do you see your windows partition and unallocated space...02:51
kritzstapfCheshireViking: thanks02:51
rayyansorry jack im an idiot :P should i download gparted?02:52
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Romnousi was finally able to setup ubuntu, with samba, and make it use roaming profiles so everyone can login from all over the network. Now i want to setup a mail-server. Preferably Kolab or Zimbra, since i heard good stuff about them.. is it possible to have both samba and the mailserver running at the same time?? and does anyone know which one to use??02:52
Jack_Sparrowrayyan: It is on the livecd02:52
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rayyanor is it on the live cd?02:52
rayyanoh ok02:52
ks1freeNX rawks02:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kolab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:52
lasse_jrib: it was not installed -  i now have the option of right-clicking and compress :) cheers mate! :)02:52
ali110execus me i asked about adsl modem i think the link you gave shows how to config pppoE which i already configured in the router i am using (from my Windows OS) i need ubunto to connect to the internet by the router02:52
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX02:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about package - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:52
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!02:53
rayyanone sec gonna try to open gparted02:53
=== Havis__ [n=Havis@adsl-d38.84-47-127.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zimbra - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mailserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
Jack_Sparrowrayyan: I dindnt mean to jump into a conversation in progress, I just didnt want you to make a mistake02:53
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:53
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jriblasse_: great02:53
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Geek_Romnous: you can definately run samba and  a mail server at once... which i have no idea tho ;)02:53
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rayyanjack can i pm u?02:53
CheshireVikinganybody using pidgin? can the contact list be sorted into just online/offline contacts rather than using groups and then when they're online/offline?02:53
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Jack_Sparrowrayyan: yes if you are reg'd02:53
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rayyanim not :-(02:54
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Jack_Sparrowrayyan: join /#Voyager02:54
RomnousGeek_: ok thx, i need to see which one is better, and have a guide for installing it on feisty or something :/02:54
ali110about adsl modem i think the link you gave shows how to config pppoE which i already configured in the router i am using (from my Windows OS) i need ubunto to connect to the internet by the router02:54
ypielhello, I want to have several gnome session open in the same time. I can't find how to do it with ubuntu. Under debian there is an application into 'system tools' which create a new X session I thinks. How can I do with ubuntu ?02:54
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gokuhi, how can I save a screenshot in a quake3 based game? printscreen key doesn't work :/02:54
Romnoustake a photo of your screen?02:55
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Piciali110: What are you having difficulty with then? Wifi?02:55
Geek_Romnous: see if apt has packages, and look up the programmes on docs?02:55
Seveasypiel, install xnest02:55
Romnouslol i mean; take a photo of your screen with your camera02:55
Seveasthen you'll get that menu item02:55
jribypiel: you could use 'gdmflexiserver'02:55
RomnousGeek_: did that already, it only gives a badly explained explanation for installing kolab on 6.1002:55
gokuRomnous: sorry I have no cam :P02:55
jribypiel: but you shouldn't have more than one session as the same user I believe02:56
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Romnousgoku: there are several screenshot utilities for linux02:56
Picigoku: I'm not usually one to say just google it....  but... just google it.02:56
Romnous!screenshot | goku02:56
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Geek_Romnous: installation: use apt is its there. config is the hard part ;)02:56
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ubotugoku: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr]  button or the File -> Acquire menu in the GIMP.02:56
RomnousGeek_: hehe :P i knew that already02:56
ali110piki: not wired , the thing is once i log on to ubuntu it tells my wired connection detected and it acts like i am connected but i cant open any site or any thing02:57
RomnousGeek_: thanks for the info anyway02:57
=== Romnous gives Geek_ cookies.
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Geek_i'm afraid the only mail server i've used is mercury on windows so... i'm of limited help02:57
ali110* not wifi it is Wired02:57
Picigoku: bind a key to the 'screenshot' command.02:57
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Romnous!bind | goku02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bind - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:57
Geek_oh, and rule of thumb, if they use different ports, they should be ab;e to run at the same time ;p02:57
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ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE02:58
RomnousGeek_: lol yeah, i got that one already, i'm not such a big noob :P02:58
ks1oh well goku was too late and too stupid.02:58
ks1The default key to take a screenshot either while in-game or in the menu is F11. To take a screenshot of the console itself, open the console and type in /screenshot or /screenshotjpeg02:58
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Geek_Romnous: and, smb and  e mail generally use well defined ports, which are standard so...02:58
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Piciali110: From a console can you !pastebin the results of ifconfig02:59
RomnousGeek_: yah ok, but i was wondering if my samba-backend might conflict with the mailserver02:59
Romnous*the mailserver backend)02:59
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DILhow do i use synaptic to install a "non ubuntu pacakge"?02:59
Romnousi set up samba without ldap, so it shouldn't be any problem, but was jsut checking03:00
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jribDIL: what do you want to install?03:00
PiciDIL: You dont. If you just double click on the package it should open up and install with gdebi.03:00
Romnous!repositories | DIL03:00
ubotuDIL: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:00
DILi am a newd03:00
PiciDIL: Kismet is in the Ubuntu repos, you shouldnt have to use a 3rd party package.03:00
Romnousyou can run the install program??03:00
jribDIL: kismet is in ubuntu's universe repository03:00
DILcannot find it03:00
Romnous"apt-get install kismet"03:00
jrib!universe > DIL (see the private message from ubotu)03:00
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DILsay cant find pacakge03:01
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diafic_so yeah, when I push the vol up button and vol down buttons on my keyboard, gnome shows a little window with the volume on the desktop. Very nice.03:01
ali110piki: what is !pastebin03:01
jribDIL: have you enabled universe?03:01
Pici!paste | ali11003:01
ubotuali110: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:01
Romnoushas anyne checked out ubuntustudio btw??03:01
diafic_Only one problem - its toggling a slider that doesn't actually do anything on my system03:01
DILjrib how03:01
Pici!tab | ali11003:01
ubotuali110: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:01
IdleOnesudo apt-get install kismet   but installing kismet will bring in a bunch of KDE with it03:01
jribDIL: ubotu sent you instructions, do you see them?03:01
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Piciali110: If you spell my name wrong I may not notice that you said anything to me.03:01
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Romnous!universe | DIL03:02
ubotuDIL: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:02
PiciIdleOne: No, it wont.03:02
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Pici!fr | cheguevaramax03:02
ubotucheguevaramax: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:02
ali110pici: sorry  i didnt mean to spell it wrong03:02
jribDIL: let us know if you're still not able to install kismet after reading that and enabling universe03:02
IdleOnePici, :/03:02
PiciIdleOne: kismet isnt a KDE package, despite starting with a K. :)03:02
ali110pici: i will  restart my computer to get iconfig and restart it again to post it here03:03
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Geek_Romnous: looks interesting but if i sing, local wildlife runs away ;p03:03
IdleOnePici, haha ok sorry03:03
juusohi all03:03
juusoi cant see03:03
juusothe name03:03
diafic_nvm, fixed it03:03
RomnousGeek_: heh, i'm going to install it on my PC, it rocks! i luv media/video/gfx editing ^.^03:03
jrib!enter | juuso03:03
ubotujuuso: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:03
ShackJackHi folks, trying to get PocketPC sync working... help.ubuntu instructions say to make sure these ports (5678, 5679 and 990) aren't being blocked by a firewall. Not so good at working my routers's interface. Just wondering - can i use Network Tools (port scanning on ?) or some other command to confirm firewall isn't blocking these ports?03:04
jribjuuso: what name?03:04
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juusoof all people03:04
juusohere in the chat prog03:04
Geek_i was joking, if i actually get around to reformatting my system (i need to, my wificard is a PITA) i might replace my vanilla ubuntu install with that03:04
jribjuuso: what program are you using?03:04
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PiciShackJack: You could use nmap to scan yourself.  Just `nmap`03:04
IdleOnejuuso, use mouse point go to right side of the screen and click and open the nicklist03:05
RomnousGeek_: hehe ok :P03:05
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Geek_Pici: but that wouldn't show whats blocking *you* would it?03:05
ShackJackPici: Would that tell me what ports are blocked, or should I nmap ports I'm interested in, i.e. ? (sorry not on linux right now)03:05
RomnousGeek_: i need to setup this computer as a server/gateway at home, and then i can get to formatting my computer and installing linux and stuff03:05
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msmlietu: Hi.. I've tried to install 4.5.5 and it seems is right. Almost installation!!! ;)03:06
HeightOfFury If I use a partition editor to move my ubuntu partition to my external drive, then expand it to use all the ~300GB03:06
HeightOfFuryWould my ubuntu installation show up on the swap?03:06
=== Geek_ notes his next server will be be virtual
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Tilllinuxheya again03:06
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PiciShackJack: I'm actually not sure...03:07
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ShackJackPici: There's a port scanning thing in the network tools built in, but I wasn't sure if that could tell me if firewall was blocking particualr ports on my machine...03:08
soundrayShackJack: just run 'sudo iptables -L' to look at your currently active firewall rules. If you get an "empty" response, nothing on the ubuntu side will prevent you from syncing with your Pocket PC03:08
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TilllinuxWhen I try to start heroes 5 (through wine) i get following error message "X Error of failed request: GLXBadDrawable [...] " I've been googling a while now, but I didn't find a solution (except "update your nvidia drivers" but unfortunately, I've got the newest driver version)03:08
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ShackJacksoundray: Thanks will try that... I have a hardware router too with firewall so I wanted to see if that was covered, though I wouldn't think that'd interfere between a PC<-->PocketPC connection03:09
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juusook thx03:09
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soundrayShackJack: it shouldn't, if both your PC and PPC are on the LAN and the router just shields you from the public internet.03:09
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DILthanks for the info you guys Rock!!03:10
ShackJacksoundray: K thanks - I can't seem to sync and I suspect that might be the issue... Pocket Pc recognized/connects but doesn't transfer info...03:10
Romnousyah, with a new guitar i would rock:P03:10
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ShackJackI'd rock with a rock...03:10
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soundrayShackJack: are you following the howto on the forums site?03:10
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ShackJacksoundray: This one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/WindowsMobile03:10
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toddyHad any one configured inn?03:11
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RomnousGeek_: i'm going to try to install kolab, wish me good luck lol:P03:11
soundrayShackJack: I hadn't seen this one. Check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30936 -- it has some extra troubleshooting stuff03:12
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toddyOr has the experence about the inn03:12
IdleOnetoddy, what is inn?03:12
ShackJacksoundray: Thanks - will do...03:12
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Pici!info inn03:12
ubotuinn: News transport system `InterNetNews' by the ISC and Rich Salz. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.7.2debian-31 (feisty), package size 778 kB, installed size 2232 kB03:12
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toddywell it's a newsgroup server!03:13
IdleOneahh ty Pici03:13
soundrayShackJack: I've given up on Pocket PC syncing myself. Waiting for the consumer OpenMoko phone now...03:13
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PiciIdleOne: I still dont know what it is though ;)03:13
allan_at this point in time, is Gutsy more stable than Debian Unstable?03:13
toddyIdleOne, i want to install a newsgroup server!03:13
IdleOnePici, news transport system. :P03:14
PiciI see.03:14
IdleOnetoddy, sudo apt-get install inn03:14
ShackJacksoundray: There's something called "opensync" which is based off multisync or something, too...  Was able to get my Dad's Sony "Clie" (Palm) to sync at any rate. I can get Pocket Pc to connect, just not sync with Evolution...03:14
toddyIdleOne, yeah!i had!but how to configured it i don't know03:15
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ShackJackallan_: I don't know about that, but I use gutsy and it's pretty gash darned stable...03:15
Tilllinuxso well, now i get an error when trying to switch to OpenGL/GLX in the nvidia-settings : "till@tilllinux:~$ nvidia-settings03:15
TilllinuxThe program 'nvidia-settings' received an X Window System error.03:15
TilllinuxThis probably reflects a bug in the program.03:15
TilllinuxThe error was 'GLXBadDrawable'."03:15
Picitoddy: Have you checked the manpages?03:15
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IdleOnetoddy, I have no clue try man inn03:15
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toddyIdleOne, well,It shows No manual to see!03:16
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toddyIdleOne&Pici,"No manual entry for inn"03:17
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IdleOnetoddy, http://www.isc.org/index.pl?/sw/inn/03:17
PupUser5bd5a9Ol! Algum fala pportugus?03:17
IdleOnesee if they have any help on the site03:17
Pici!br | PupUser5bd5a903:17
ubotuPupUser5bd5a9: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:17
Picitoddy: man innd03:17
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:17
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toddyPici,it shows!03:18
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IdleOnePici, is peachy on the PC03:19
PiciIdleOne: Hehe03:20
toddyMay it take me long time to see!my english is not so good!03:20
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Outlanderhi in beryl, what's my default super key?03:23
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DanzorI'm having trouble with the wireless network settings on my Ubuntu installation. I set a location which has my DNS servers set since my default gateway's DNS doesn't work, but after a minute or two the settings are reverted back to the default location.03:23
ShackJackOutlander: The Windows Key..03:23
IdleOneberyl gives you super powers!03:23
DanzorAnd when I set the default location's DNS servers, the same things happen. my settings are reset03:23
ShackJackIdleOne: Beryl is old Compiz Fusion is the way forward ;)03:24
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IdleOneshack, so Compiz Fusion gives Super Duper Powers? :)03:24
ribandoShackJack hell yeah... :O Compiz Fusion rocks :D03:24
profanephobiasuperman powers03:24
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novato_brwhat is line command can I see about  Motherboard information ?03:25
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ribandoShackJack how r u doing?03:25
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Picinovato_br: sudo lshw03:25
ribandoShackJack have a look at this theme --> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/OrangeLiNstaBlackPlastic?content=6243403:25
ShackJackribando: Just lovely, thank you.03:25
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ShackJackribando: Bleh - I just threw up a little in my mouth ;P03:25
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Sinderkinghi all03:25
soundrayDanzor: configure your DHCP server to publish correct DNS server IPs.03:25
ramseizein my image(windows XP) how can i access my cd rom?03:26
ribandoShackJack ahahhahah.lol03:26
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novato_brPici, dont have grep paramet?03:26
novato_brbecause the list is long03:26
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=== L0cKn reboot
getboa_Geek_: /quit03:26
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ribandoShackJack hey, do u know of any really really good skydomes?03:27
Picinovato_br: sudo lshw | less03:27
ShackJackribando: No they're hard to find - you might ask over in #ubuntu-effects - saw this space one that was pretty neat, though...03:27
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=== kkathman waves at thoreauputic :)
ConstyXIVdoes the intel draft-n card work in ubuntu?03:28
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SinderkingIs there any program that can convert the windows program to use with ubuntu (no wine, wine-doors include please ^^")03:28
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thoreauputickkathman: :)03:28
ribandoShackJack oki doki, thanks man ;)03:28
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GeekSinderking: no. unless you have the source and are willing to modify the app to run03:29
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savetheWorldSinderking: no03:29
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SinderkingGeek: Thank you, geek03:30
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SinderkingThank you savetheWorld03:30
FalstiusI want to prevent apt-get upgrade from upgrading a certain package (I installed a custom .deb), and the only instructions I can find for doing this using pin and /etc/apt/preferences (which doesn't exist) and they seem to be very debian specific (looking at stable, testing etc).  Is there a better way to do this?  Like the yum exclude=... option?03:30
cambrican someone help me with kernel source, i cant download it, because my adsl modem needs kernel source for compiling03:30
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savetheWorldSinderking: you might consider using a Virtual machine and running your program in a virtual windows machine hosted on a Linux machine.03:31
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cambriwhat packages do i need (ubuntu 7.04)?03:31
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JimQodecambri, you just need kernel-headers package03:31
jrib!pinning > Falstius (see the private message from ubotu)03:31
jribFalstius: just create the file if it doesn't exist03:31
SinderkingsavetheWorld: I've heard of that but that might eat a lots of memory03:32
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erUSULcambri: to compile a external module you only need the header 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'03:32
JimQodecambri, f you are going to compile anything you may also need build-essential package03:32
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ramseizerhelp i have put my cd to the cd rom, and the ubuntu detects it, but when i run the qemu(windowsxp) "insert cd to drive" help03:32
cambrii dont have internet connection ?03:32
Falstiusjrib: thanks.  This helps.03:32
Danzorsoundray: I don't have access to the DHCP server on my router.03:33
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DanzorEverything would be fine if I could stop Ubuntu from resetting my network settings every couple of minutes03:33
JimQodecambri, download the packages from an online computer then carry them with a usb drive or somethign03:33
cambrisudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)            wont work without web?03:33
DanzorAnd I am saving them.03:33
erUSULcambri: well downloading all the packages by hand it is a hard task specially build-essential...03:33
erUSUL!info apt-zip03:33
ubotuapt-zip: Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.15 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 116 kB03:33
erUSUL!info apt-zip | cambri03:33
ubotucambri: please see above03:33
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soundrayDanzor: one thing I can think of is a rather ugly hack: make your DNS config unchangable with 'sudo chmod a-w /etc/resolv.conf'03:34
ramseizerhelp i have put my cd to the cd rom, and the ubuntu detects it, but when i run the qemu(windowsxp) "insert cd to drive" help03:34
profanephobiahey can ubuntu 7.04 be set up for thin clients03:34
cambriok what packages do i need to download manually?03:34
novato_brplz, i typed: dmesg |grep -i dma and it was showed: ata1: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x000101f0 ctl 0x000103f6 bmdma 0x0001ffa0 irq 1403:34
Sinderkinggotta go, god bless you all. bye03:34
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novato_brmy pc support UDMA mode?03:34
Danzorok thanks03:34
ramseizehelp i have put my cd to the cd rom, and the ubuntu detects it, but when i run the qemu(windowsxp) "insert cd to drive" help03:34
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novato_bri want install dvd recorder03:34
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cambriok 10x03:35
ribandocan someone tell me how to start samba?03:36
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ribandoafter installation03:36
ramseizehelp i have put my cd to the cd rom, and the ubuntu detects it, but when i run the qemu(windowsxp) "insert cd to drive" help03:36
DjViper!samba | ribando03:36
uboturibando: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:36
coutI think I've asked this before but I don't remember what the answer is... is there a site like apt-get.org but for ubuntu?03:36
JimQoderibando, /etc/init.d/samba start03:36
vbI have a P3 850Mhz with 810 chipset running feisty, but I am not able to run beryl, googling figured out that it requires minimum 845 chipset, now I am thinking to buy a PCI card 32 MB VRAM to make beryl work, I do not have a AGP slot in my motherboard03:36
ribandoJimQode thanks03:36
kkathmanbut it should auto start ribando  after install03:36
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kkathmanribando:  if you change your smb,conf you'll want to do that same thing, only "restart" instead of "start"03:37
kippianyone got anyideas why this cron job would not run? * * * * * root wget\&command=dial\\%20801\&pw=123403:37
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ribandokkathman didnt....I did sudo apt-get install samba, and installed everything in the terminal, but didnt start automatically03:37
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gawbulhey guys03:37
gawbulanyone free?03:38
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DWSRHello everyone. I'm attempting to setup my wireless NIC in xubuntu. I ran the lshw command and I can see that my wireless interface is unclaimed. CAn someone please help me set it up? Thanks.03:38
ribandokkathman change my smb,conf ?????? :s lol03:38
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DjVipergawbul: just state your question :)03:38
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:38
profanephobiadoes anyone know if ubuntu can be used as a thin client server03:38
DWSRprofanephobia: Yes, it can.03:38
gawbultrying to add simpserver to startup in ubuntu.... do i just do ln -s /usr/local/bin/simp/bin/simpserver /etc/init.d/simpserver then update-rc.d simpserver defaults?03:38
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vbcan a PCI card with 32 MB RAM run BERYL ?03:38
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kkathmanribando:  yes, you may need to depending on your cross platform needs03:38
profanephobiaDWSR: do you know where i can find documentation03:38
gawbullol.. sorry :P just like to be polite ;)03:38
lazz0what do you think is better for newbies, kde or gnome, or some other de ?03:38
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DWSR!wiki profanephobia03:39
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kkathmanlazz0:  try them both and see which one you like :)03:39
dgeorgehello all... I now have ubuntu installed for the first time... but I need some help installing plugins03:39
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.03:39
DWSRprofanephobia: check out the wiki.03:39
dgeorgeadobe flash player.... i need help installing it...03:39
profanephobiai have but ill look again thanks03:39
Tilllinuxkde is more windows like, gnome is more intuitive;  so you'll have to try which one you like more lazz0.03:40
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DWSRno problem.03:40
dgeorgecan someone help me with that03:40
DWSRHello everyone. I'm attempting to setup my wireless NIC in xubuntu. I ran the lshw command and I can see that my wireless interface is unclaimed. CAn someone please help me set it up? Thanks.03:40
Yulquenmy ubuntubox fileserver/closetpc boots with 640x480 res.when no monitor is attached, instead of the usual 1280x1024.is there a way to override this behaviour? (i acces the desktop with vnc on another pc)03:40
ribandowhen I do that command etc/init.d/samba start it says "starting samba daemons" but nothing else happens03:40
lazz0mm oki :)03:40
vbcan a PCI card with 32 MB RAM run BERYL ?03:40
kRushis tahoma no more a part of msttcorefonts?03:40
DWSRYulquen: you checked your vnc server config?03:40
lietuvb: doubt it, you should check beryl's homepage for the details03:41
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DWSRYulquen: do a whereis on your vnc server package's name, and you should be able to find a configuration file.03:41
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CheshireVikingvb, i don't know about a 32mb pci card, i can't run beryl on my laptop which has nvidia2 go graphics with 32mb ram03:41
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gawbulbusy channel :S lol03:42
gawbulim trying to add simpserver to startup in ubuntu.... do i just do ln -s /usr/local/bin/simp/bin/simpserver /etc/init.d/simpserver then update-rc.d simpserver defaults?03:42
Falstiusif I build a .deb package from source, how I can I change the version number?  Otherwise the repo package and the custom package have the same version and upgrade defaults to the repo (even with pinning)03:42
kippianyone got anyideas why this cron job would not run? * * * * * root wget\&command=dial\\%20801\&pw=123403:42
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vb"beryl runs acceptably well on a GeForce 3/i855/Radeon 7500, 256MB of RAM, and a 1.2GHz processor. It also works best with Xorg 7.1 and requires a recent version of Mesa."03:42
jribFalstius: debian/changelog03:42
vbthis is what the beryl FAQ points out03:43
YulquenDWSR: yes its ok, if I physically connect a monitor to it after boot its 640x480, if its connected during boot its 1280x1024.vnc resolution at the other pc follows the booted ubuntu resolution.03:43
rohani heard there was a way to have Ctrl-Alt-Delete open the system monitor on gnome .. how do i do that ? google isn't helping03:43
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profanephobiarohan: install automatix you can find it in there03:43
rohanprofanephobia: i don't want to install automatix just for that purpose03:43
vbI have been using BERYL quite fine, over my 865g chipset back home, but here I have a 810 chipset, so i m giving a thought to buying a PCI Card to make BERYL word03:43
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:43
rohanbecause all it does is run a command, which i can't find03:43
profanephobiarohan: let me locate the package name03:43
pinstpdoes anyone know a  good program to use for mpg files03:44
ribandojrib hey r u alright?do u remember yesterday when u gave me that website so that I could post copy and paste my code that u helped me out with... ?03:44
rohanprofanephobia: thanks03:44
gawbulguess ill just try it and see if it works!03:44
Geekpinstp: generally... VLC opens anything you throw at it...03:44
dgeorgehow do u login using sudo03:44
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pinstpkk i will go download that then03:44
gawbuldgeorge: use su to logon as root03:45
dgeorgei have to run rpm -Uvh03:45
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vbI can also think of buying a PCI with 64 MB VRAM, but I would be satisfied if 32 MB PCI just works out BERYL03:45
rohandgeorge: sudo -i03:45
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thoreauputicdgeorge: *cough* this is #ubuntu not #redhat03:46
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DWSRI'm attempting to setup my wireless NIC in xubuntu. I ran the lshw command and I can see that my wireless interface is unclaimed. CAn someone please help me set it up? Thanks.03:46
vbmy frostwire, is crashing at startup, any suggestions ?03:47
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bauerJust installed ubuntu-6.06.1-server-I386.iso  :-) But howdo i install a desktop (gnome fx.) on it.03:47
profanephobiarohan: try this                    gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_9 "<Control><Alt>Delete"03:47
profanephobiagconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_9 "gnome-system-monitor"03:47
toddymay i ask that where are apt-gets  ?03:47
dgeorgeok im trying to install this http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash03:47
dgeorgebut it just won't work... how do i install this shockwave player03:47
toddywhere the apt-get install put the files in?03:47
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geniibauer: sudo apt-get install <name>    where <name> can be  ubuntu-desktop  kubuntu-desktop  or xubuntu-desktop03:48
Yulquenif we just forget about vnc, how can I make my ubuntu box boot into 1280x1024 resolution without a monitor attached?03:48
thoreauputictoddy: type  dpkg -L packagename  to see where the files are installed03:48
geniiI think xubuntu-desktop can be done like this, maybe not though03:48
allison_1984! flasplayer03:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flasplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:48
DWSRX11 config. Yulquen03:48
jpdpI'm debating between buying a NAS box (Thecus 5200Pro (BusyBox), or building a new full file server. The key things of the Thecus unit I like is the power efficiency, the mobile CPU is part of it, but the ability to spin down drives on idle, the ability to schedule power-off times, and wake-on-lan are important features to me.  It's been my experience that (debian) linux is a bit shaky with ACPI.  How easy/hard would it be to do these things with an Ubuntu or U03:48
toddythoreauputic, thanks!03:48
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bauergenii, thx ill try that :-p03:48
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thoreauputictoddy: the executable files are normally in /usr/bin or /usr/games03:49
geniijpdp: Look into FreeNAS project, I think it's on sourceforge03:49
jpdp(Note: They are SATA drives)03:49
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jpdpgenii: Well, if building a full file server, I'd like to use it for MORE than JUST a NAS, thus the advantage over the NAS, and the Ubuntu choice.03:49
YulquenDWSR: is that a config file?03:50
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toddythoreauputic, yes,but when i search the "inn" package it shows me many directories!03:50
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DWSRX11 is the graphical server with your desktop environment runs on.03:50
gawbuldgeorge: i think you can do apt-get install swf-player03:50
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DWSRthe config is simply X11's configuration file. Check in there.03:50
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:50
Falstiusjrib: changelog worked, thanks.03:50
DWSRI'm attempting to setup my wireless NIC in xubuntu. I ran the lshw command and I can see that my wireless interface is unclaimed. CAn someone please help me set it up? Thanks.03:51
thoreauputictoddy: normal - in linux the config files are in /etc/ usually for example03:51
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geniijpdp: FreeNAS is pretty powerful, maybe look into it03:51
gawbulubotu: can't you do Control+Alt+Backspace too?03:51
profanephobiaubotu is a bot03:51
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.03:51
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jpdpgenii: Out of curiosity, why would that be a better recomendation than Ubuntu?03:51
DWSRgenii: Yes you can.03:51
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thoreauputictoddy:  dpkg -L packagename | grep bin   usually finds the ones you want as commands03:51
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DWSRjpdp: Because it's built to be a NAS server. Ubuntu is a desktop OS.03:52
jpdpjpdp: Ubuntu Server isn't :)03:52
geniijpdp: It's a minimalistic bsd distro that takes about 32Mb after install. you can run the whole thing from a USB key for instance.03:52
DWSRThat too^03:52
DWSRIt can be really handy recovering an unbootable linux system.03:53
vbfrostwire is crashing at startup, it used to work fine earlier , any help ?/03:53
DWSRjpdp: Can you help me with my wireless problem?03:53
profanephobiaDSL is great too03:53
jpdpgenii: True, I HAVE heard of it, though the consumed disk space isn't a big issue, and it would be something of a general purpose server.03:53
geniiprofanephobia: Yup03:53
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jpdpgenii: Though I supposed the suggestion is it's better with power management?03:53
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jpdpgenii: (The next question would be, why FreeNAS over Debian?)03:54
riaalhow do I get a drectory under SFTP ? some flag?03:54
DWSRjpdp: I wouldn't say so.03:54
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dgeorgethis totally sucks03:54
Falstiusjpdp: if you loose your NAS for more than just a NAS you loose some of the important benefits of having a NAS.03:54
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profanephobiavb: uninstall frostwire and java 6 then reinstall with java 503:54
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dgeorgenothing works.... within a web browser03:54
toddythoreauputic, yeah,i find it ,thank you03:54
profanephobiavb: let me know if that works03:54
jpdpFalstius: Such as what?03:54
therethinker9!ati | therethi03:54
ubotutherethi: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:54
DWSRCan someone help me configure my wireless interface?03:54
dgeorgego to youtube. unable to view videos. cnn. same issue... my trading sites. not able to view....03:54
vbno, i dont want to install java 5, i work on java programming, and i dont want to use jdk 503:55
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Falstiusjpdp: depending on what you do with it, you're opening up potential security holes, stability problems, or performance issues.03:55
DWSRvb: You can install JRE 5 without having to install the JDK.03:55
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kornethello. how dos one write a folder or directory to a rw-cd? in feisty? the disk is already full with junk and has to be deleted first03:55
Happuwhy not use JDK 6 instead of 503:55
vbi already have jdk6 installed, so it already has JRE 603:55
barbiei need to work at 2 places, also i've got one protable harddisk(40G)... can i make this drive such that i can work one same OS all the time.... in simple can i install my OS on this disk?03:55
Falstiusjpdp: not saying you shouldn't do it, I don't know what you intend, just that you should keep that tradeoffs in mind.03:55
JimQodekornet, Places/CD DVD Creator03:56
dgeorgecan someone help me install java03:56
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Pici!java | dgeorge03:56
ubotudgeorge: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre03:56
erUSUL!java | dgeorge03:56
DWSRvb: Frostwire has troubles with JRE6. Try using it with JRE5.03:56
DWSRbarbie: Yes.03:56
jpdpFalstius: performance won't be much of an issue.  The planned hardware will be far more is needed for GigE RAID6.  Security...well...it depends, though it wouldn't be a firewall :)03:56
barbieDWSR, what i need to do?03:56
=== Castigador [n=Alfredo@88.Red-80-38-9.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
vbphew, then i will have both JRE 5 and 6, how wud it know which JRE to use?03:57
DWSRbarbie: However, you need to make sure that the computers that you're booting off of both allow you to boot from an external USB drive, else they will just ignore the drive and boot whatever OS they have interally.03:57
therethinker9sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx should install the ati driver for me, right (fiesty)03:57
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thoreauputicvb:  sudo update-alternatives --config java03:57
DWSRbarbie: Simply pop the installation CD into a computer with the USB drive installed, and then go to install the OS, but choose your external harddrive instead of the internal one.03:57
barbieyes both r new systems... nd are capable of booting from removeable drives03:57
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kRushhow comes system monitor show twice the actual bandwith in network history thats actually coming through PPPoE?03:57
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osxdude|lapHow do I get the Pidgin Plugin Pack? I can't compile it, its too difficult...03:58
DWSRIf you need help figuring out which one is which, I can help you when you get to that stage.03:58
thoreauputicvb: that command gives you a choice by number03:58
barbieDWSR, can i dd to make image of my current install....03:58
jpdpI suppose what it comes down to is just how easy/difficult it is to get disk idle spin-down, timed off/on and wake on lan support.  If it is indeed difficult in Ubuntu or debian, then it would indeed not be a good choice.03:58
vbok, so u suggest me, evertime to switch back to JRE 5 for frostwire to run, and then switch back again to JRE 6 when frostwire's work is over?03:58
osxdude|lapHighlight me please03:58
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thoreauputicvb: jre5 is fine - no need03:58
osxdude|lapDWSR: jk03:58
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dgeorgeok i did the first thing in the instructions for installing java,, it states I can't install it03:58
kornethello. how dos one write a folder or directory to a rw-cd? in feisty? the disk is already full with junk and has to be deleted first03:58
DWSRCan someone help me install/configre my wireless interface?03:58
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dgeorgeroot@dgeorge-desktop:~# apt-get install sun-java5-bin03:59
dgeorgeReading package lists... Done03:59
dgeorgeBuilding dependency tree... Done03:59
dgeorgeE: Couldn't find package sun-java5-bin03:59
vbok, let me try03:59
therethinker9!fglrx therethinker903:59
thoreauputicdgeorge: have you enabled multiverse and updated your sources from synaptic or using apt ?03:59
javaJake!paste | dgeorge03:59
osxdude|lapDWSR: Click the Network icon on your taskbar.03:59
barbieSWSR, i've never been able to install ubuntu using normal install method... the one i m running is a copy of some other system made using norton(r)ghost03:59
DWSRdgeorge: Do you have multiverse and universe enabled?03:59
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DWSRosxdude|lap: That doesn't work. I tried the network-admin way, but my computer never assosicates with the network.03:59
osxdude|lapDWSR: You'll need to left click.04:00
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Falstiusjpdp: timed off/on requires bios support (atleast for the on, a simple script can handle off), wake-on-lan is pretty much the same in all distros if your hardware has good acpi, and there are tools for tweaking disk spin-up/spin-down.04:00
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dgeorgeno i don't it doesn't tell me how to di it04:00
kornetno one? :(04:00
DWSRbarbie: If the external is blank, you should be just fine.04:00
osxdude|lapDWSR: Okay then, did you try manuallt configure?04:00
jpdpgenii/Falstius: Actually no RAID6 in FreeNAS, so it's out of the picture :)04:00
dgeorge!enable multiverse04:00
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barbieDWSR, dd if=/dev/sda6 of=/dev/sdb1 will this do the job?04:00
osxdude|lapDWSR: Try that.04:00
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kmagHave any of you had X11 instability lately in Feisty for AMD64?  I keep having X restart when I close a firefox tab04:00
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Falstiusjpdp: you're planning to do software raid?04:01
jpdpFalstius: Any idea what tools would be used for spin-up/spin-down?04:01
jpdpFalstius: Yes04:01
thoreauputic!repos | dgeorge04:01
DWSRbarbie: If those are the two partitions, then use. I'm not 100% sure on the syntax of the command, but that looks correct to me.04:01
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barbieok thanks...04:01
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Falstiusjpdp: for ide trides, hdparm works.  I can't remember if you just use a switch to get that to work with sata or you use another tool.04:01
thoreauputicwake up, ubotu04:01
DWSRosxdude|lap: When I lshw, my wireless interface is 'UNCLAIMED'.04:01
jpdpFalstius: Hardware RAID6 is quite pricy, less extendable, and far slower (if more reliable.)04:01
osxdude|lapWhere can I find a pre-compiled Pidgin Plugin Pack? I am having troubles compiling it.04:01
dgeorgecan someone help me here04:02
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dgeorgehow does one enable repos04:02
CheshireVikingosxdude|lap, have you tried getdeb.net?04:02
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DWSR!repos | dgeorge04:02
DWSRYou have to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list04:02
Picidgeorge: The bot is lagging, give it a minute to respond.04:02
DWSRYou'll need to be root to do that.04:02
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Falstiusjpdp: is it slower?  At work they used 3ware cards in raid6 to set transatlantic speed records.04:02
kornethello. how dos one write a folder or directory to a rw-cd? in feisty? the disk is already full with junk and has to be deleted first04:02
Picikornet: Use gnomebaker or k3b04:03
DWSRkornet: Use the CD/DVD Creator.04:03
thoreauputicdgeorge: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories04:03
dgeorgethanks pici,, its going to be ok right04:03
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ConstyXIVare dell's vostro notebooks any good?04:03
DWSRosxdude|lap: What do I do for a manual config? Manually edit /etc/network/interfaces?04:03
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kornetk thanks04:03
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osxdude|lapDWSR: let me try that04:03
DWSRosxdude|lap: Before you do, my interface is marked as unclaimed? Does that have something to do with it?04:04
jpdpFalstius: smart raid is typically slower...it's CPU bound, and the CPUs (perhaps except for the top-end ones) certainly can't do what a $70 system CPU can do.04:04
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jpdpFalstius: Esepcially RAID6...that's a lot of calculation.04:04
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jpdpFalstius: they're good machines, but they simply tend not to be as fast.04:04
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unimatrix9hello there you all04:05
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unimatrix9an quick question : i added 512 ram , should i also increase linux swap? or does that not really matter?04:05
jpdpFalstius: Also, for 8-12 total drives, that's a LOT of $700 cards :)04:05
DWSRunimatrix9: Doesn't really matter.04:06
unimatrix9ah ,good , thanxs04:06
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Piciunimatrix9: Unless you are suspending to ram, theres no reason to.04:06
thoreauputicunimatrix9: probably doesn't matter04:06
Falstiusjpdp: or 1 12 port card :)04:06
osxdude|lapDWSR: what kind of laptop do you have?04:06
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Piciunimatrix9: Er, What I said didnt make much sense. Suspend to disk is what I meant.04:07
DWSRD800. I have a Dell TrueMobile NIC, if that makes a difference. They all use the same drivers afaik.04:07
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unimatrix9its a desktop, so suspend is not an question..04:07
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profanephobiaanyone know a good TFTP server for ubuntu04:08
Albarahawhere can I find XChat debs?04:08
thoreauputicunimatrix9: I'm running with 512 MB RAM and 512 MB swap - no problems here04:08
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DWSRAlbaraha: Should be in main.04:08
skyfalcon866what is an inode04:08
ConstyXIVAlbaraha: sudo apt-get install xchat04:08
DWSRAlbaraha: Just type sudo apt-get install xchat204:08
Sumbarinohi, im new to ubuntu and i dont know how to  save a script on my home folder, it says i dont have permission04:08
CheshireVikingAlbaraha, xchat is in synaptic, you don't need a deb04:08
unimatrix9just for your info , i must say that ubuntu can run on slow machines, but when you run all things, like desktop effect, and applications open its runs better with 1 Gig ram04:08
erUSUL!find tftp | profanephobia04:08
ConstyXIVxchat2, im sorry04:08
=== Lauree [n=lauree@cpe-66-65-133-77.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AlbarahaI tried apt-get install xchat, but it can't be found04:08
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DWSRIt's xchat2.04:08
DWSRAnd if you can't find it, do sudo apt-cache search xchat and install what comes up.04:09
Albarahaalso, apt-cache search doesn't display any xchat or xchat2 deb04:09
unimatrix9well thanx for the insights, have an nice day you all!04:09
=== Dr_willis [n=Doctor@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
Albarahait's only xchat-gnome04:09
dgeorgehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu the last step in this doc is giving me an error04:09
profanephobiathat will work04:09
DWSRAlbaraha: Then install it.04:09
dgeorgeE: Type 'http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu' is not known on line 33 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list04:09
dgeorgeE: Unable to lock the list directory04:09
Albarahaxchat-gnome isn't XChat04:09
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dgeorgecan someone help me with that04:10
Albarahait's different04:10
skyfalcon866can i put ubuntu on a 2.6Gig harddisk?04:10
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DWSRdgeorge: You've typed in the wrong repository. Double check it.04:10
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DWSRskyfalcon866: Yes, but you'll need to do a minimal install.04:10
CheshireVikingAlbaraha, xchat is definately in synaptic, i installed it yesterday, is your universe repositorie enabled?04:10
skyfalcon866how do i do that do i need the alternate disc04:10
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thoreauputicskyfalcon866: yes, but it won't leave much room :)04:10
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skyfalcon866how do i do a minimal install04:11
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DWSRosxdude|lap: Any luck.04:11
Albarahagotta restart, CheshireViking. Thanks04:11
ConstyXIVdoes anyone a) have a dell vostro laptop, and b) run ubuntu on it?04:11
osxdude|lapDWSR: To manually configure "gksudo network-admin" Click your interface. Click Proprities. Uncheck "Roaming Mode" then enter your ESSID, and the WEP key04:11
Kasledo anyone know how to convert .png to .svg?04:11
DWSRskyfalcon866: When I said minimal install, I meant you can't be installing very many programs, if any.04:11
thoreauputicskyfalcon866: a standard install should fit, but only just, including swap space04:11
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-105-136-204.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
profanephobiaskyfalcon866: maybe a smaller distro is for you04:11
DWSRwtf? I have no wireless entry anymore.04:11
=== cslater [n=cslater@adsl-69-225-195-193.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
skyfalcon866no its for my sisters computer her 10GB disk is going to fail anytime04:11
thoreauputicskyfalcon866: you could install xubuntu I expect04:11
skyfalcon866and i only have a 2.6 gig spare04:12
osfameronskyfalcon866: or Damnsmalllinux ?04:12
FurryNemesisskyfalcon866, what about an xubuntu server install? that's pretty small04:12
DWSRskyfalcon866: No, use a linux live CD.04:12
Kasledo anyone here know how to convert an png file to an svg file?04:12
FurryNemesisDSL is also good04:12
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osxdude|lapDWSR: Then go to the drop down and make it "Static IP Address."04:12
FurryNemesisKasle, use the GIMP04:12
DWSRosxdude|lap: The interface isn't listed.04:12
osxdude|lapDWSR: Configure the settings04:12
skyfalcon866is 256MB enough to run a live cd good?04:12
Sumbarinohi, im new to ubuntu and i dont know how to  save a script on my home folder, it says i dont have permission04:12
FurryNemesisand export before saving as file type04:12
DWSRThe interface is not listed.04:12
osxdude|lapDWSR: O Rly?04:12
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cslaterKasle I think ImageMagick gives you the "convert" command04:12
osxdude|lapDWSR: Did you remember gksudo?04:13
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FalstiusSumbarino: permission to write it, or to run it?04:13
msinghis there a package to install for nice desktop themes/wallpapers/etc?04:13
armyriadIs there anything in Ubuntu to detect my system specs?04:13
DWSRelse network-admin doesn't run.04:13
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osxdude|lapDWSR: Restart your computer...04:13
DWSRosxdude|lap: I did.04:13
skyfalcon866how can i rip cds faster?04:13
dgeorgehow do i change it04:13
swmiller6Kasle : inkscape04:13
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DWSRI was working on this last night as well.04:13
profanephobiaskyfalcon866: what app are u using04:13
skyfalcon866sound juicer04:13
osxdude|lapDWSR: Is your wireless switch on?04:13
DWSRLast night there was a wireless entry, then I blacklisted the native Linux drivers for my nic because I installed them with ndiswrapper, and now there is no entry.04:13
DWSRyes, I checked in the bios.04:14
osxdude|lapDWSR: Reverse the process04:14
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IrisBlazei want free hardwares04:14
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FalstiusDWSR: did you include ndiswrappers in the modules list?04:14
B-rabbitcan you change your desktop environment from gnome to kde in ubuntu?04:14
dgeorgeDWSR how do i change it04:14
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Sumbarino to write it, the thing is i got a scrit from a forum04:14
Sumbarino and i wanted to save it in my home folder04:14
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KasleFurryNemesis: how do i export?04:14
skyfalcon866b-rabbit yes you can'04:14
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Jack_Sparrowmsingh: gnome-look.org or kde.look.org  for tons of themes and wallpapers04:15
DWSRFalstius: I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper04:15
skyfalcon866do you want minimal kde04:15
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B-rabbitno sure what you mean04:15
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profanephobiaskyfalcon866: perhaps rip to a different codec, lossy but faster rips04:15
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msinghJack_Sparrow, hmm isnt there a package i could play with?04:16
dgeorgehow do i fix this error04:16
DWSRshit, forgot the bit at the end about auto-starting ndiswrapper.04:16
DWSRbrb, think I can fix this.04:16
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skyfalcon866b-rabbit read this webpage http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde04:16
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Jack_Sparrowmsingh: You just drag and drop the themes you want onto the theme manager04:16
FalstiusDWSR: did you use lsmod | grep ndis   to make sure ndiswrapper is loaded?04:16
DWSRFalstius: not loaded.04:17
msinghJack_Sparrow, ah nice.04:17
skyfalcon866does ubuntu have 48bit04:17
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FalstiusDWSR: told you so :-P ;)04:17
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Geek48 bit?04:17
dgeorgewhat is the correct apt line04:17
skyfalcon86648bit lba hard drive04:17
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skyfalcon866b-rabbit your welcome04:17
crazy_My ubuntu is default Gnome, If I prefer kde, how to install ?04:17
dgeorgedeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu feisty-commercial main this is in the article04:18
richaojsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:18
skyfalcon866crazy http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde04:18
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DWSRJust install the kubuntu-desktop metapackage from main.04:18
Jack_Sparrowmsingh: Just drop the theme*.tar onto the open theme manager and you are good to go..04:18
thoreauputicdgeorge: I suggest you go to System - Administration - Software Sources  and enable all the possible sources04:18
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Geekskyfalcon866: apparently. hmm looking at your situation... thought about a forensics livecd distro?04:18
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Jack_Sparrowmsingh: try the gtk2 themes ...04:18
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crazy_skyfalcon866: I can have both kde and gnome?04:18
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skyfalcon866crazy yes read this page http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde04:19
DWSRcrazy_: Should be able to. Check the wiki though.04:19
dgeorgehow do you enable them all04:19
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garettehello all, when i insert a pendrive (while using gnome) it does not automatically detect, and dunno the file in /dev to mount so am unable to use pendrive plz help04:19
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richaoj@crazy, yes you can, just choose kde or gnome from the sessions menu at login04:19
thoreauputicdgeorge: just check all the boxes on the ubuntu tab04:19
Kaslehow do i change a png file to an svg file in GIMP anyone?04:20
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Falstiusgarette: plug in the drive then run 'dmesg | tail' in a terminal, it should tell you if there is an error with the drive or how it was assigned.04:20
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profanephobiakasle: save as then choose file type has always worked for me04:20
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garetteFalstius, when i insert cdrom also it automatically is not mounted help...04:20
DWSRalright. osxdude|lap: I installed ndiswrapper and it's not found my wireless interface in network-admin.04:21
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DWSRHowever: I don't see this roaming mode checkbox of which you speak.04:21
dgeorgestill getting an error04:21
osxdude|lapDWSR: Restart again >.<\04:21
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dgeorgenow its frozen... i04:21
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Kasleprofanephobia: doesn't work04:22
skyfalcon866does ubuntu slow as more hard disk space is used?04:22
CheshireViking!english | la456704:22
garetteFalstius, plz temme what i have to add in fstab so that when  i insert a cdrom it automatically gets mounted04:22
DWSRskyfalcon866: No.04:22
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Chousukehm :/04:22
profanephobiakasle: what ext did you want again04:22
garetteFalstius,and one more thing when i use kde, pendrive automatically gets detected04:22
thoreauputicskyfalcon866: no, unless it gets about 95% full04:22
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riotkittiewhat's kr?04:22
CheshireVikinglooks like ubotu's on strike, or a go slow04:23
Kasleprofanephobia: i want to convert a png file to an svg file04:23
crazy_I need to install realplayer for ppc ubuntu04:23
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Chousukeriotkittie: I was looking for the korean factoid.04:23
thoreauputicCheshireViking: ubotu is not well I think04:23
dgeorgehow can i fix this error04:23
dgeorgeE: Type 'http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu' is not known on line 33 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list04:23
dgeorgeE: The list of sources could not be read.04:23
Falstiusgarette: my fstab entry for cdrom is: /dev/cdrom      /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       004:23
Falstiuswhen you install gnome, did you do it with apt-get intall ubuntu-desktop  ?04:23
DWSRubotu needs a reboot.04:23
garetteplz temme what i have to add in fstab so that when  i insert a cdrom it automatically gets mountedanyone04:23
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CheshireVikingthoreauputic, i'd noticed, needs some medicine04:23
thoreauputicdgeorge: syntax error in that file I think04:23
riotkittieChousuke: ah.04:23
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garetteFalstius thanks04:23
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dgeorgehow does one edit it. and fix it04:24
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profanephobiakasle: sudo apt-get install imagemagick04:24
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garetteFalstius,when i insert the pen drive while using kde it automatically gets detected04:24
profanephobiakasle: it has a converter app04:24
thoreauputicdgeorge:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and fix it ( looks like it is missing a "deb" at the beginning04:24
skyfalcon866is gusty gibbon going to be LTS04:24
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geniidgeorge: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:24
Falstiusgarette: I saw that.  I asked how you installed gnome.04:24
Albaraha# apt-cache search xchat04:25
Albarahaxchat-gnome - a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client04:25
Albarahaxchat-gnome-common - a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client04:25
Kasleprofanephobia: ok... thx04:25
AlbarahaI can't find XChat04:25
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jimcooncatskyfalcon866: I believe the next LTS will be the release after gutsy04:25
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ubotudgeorge: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:25
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:25
ubotudgeorge: please see above04:25
garetteFalstius,i installed ubuntu fiesty from the install dvd, i got gnome for default04:25
riotkittieAlbaraha: i think it's in one of the repos that arent auto enabled.04:25
nivekc1i downloaded a .run file and clicked the run this as p[rogram tab and all that jazz but wen i double click it and select to run in termial it says i have to run it as super user how do i do that?04:25
garetteFalstius, and then i installed kde :)04:25
DWSRosxdude|lap: I'm back into Xfce.04:25
thoreauputicah ubotu is back :)04:25
riotkittieAlbaraha:  but i cant swear to that.  <tries to remember>04:25
Falstiusgarette: possibly installing kde broke gnome.  I can't tell you how to fix it.04:26
profanephobianivekcl: run it as root from terminal using su04:26
osxdude|lapnice, DWSR04:26
DWSRosxdude|lap: What would you like me to do to fix this so I can get my f***ing wireless working?04:26
garetteFalstius,how could that happen?04:26
dgeorgeok so i do that command and get this04:26
dgeorge(gksudo:6868): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:04:26
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ubotuprofanephobia: Found: tftp-hpa, tftpd-hpa, atftp, atftpd, libnet-tftp-perl (and 2 others)04:26
thoreauputicdgeorge: does it open anyway? If so you can ignore that warning04:26
osxdude|lapdgeorge: OPEN GDM04:27
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Sumbarinowhat is a good video codec software i could get from synaptic?04:27
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bauermy x window system has to bee upgraded howdo i do that ?04:27
thoreauputicosxdude|lap: erm - what does gdm have to do with that error?04:27
Albarahariotkittie: main repo is enabled04:27
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:27
Falstiusgarette: gnome uses HAL to automount devices.  I don't know what kde uses, they may be incompatible.04:27
liaisonChaps, help! pdfs generated on feisty don't work on Mac!04:27
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dgeorgegeni same error04:27
garetteFalstius,hey do you know about what gnome is providing in default for "desktop effects"??i guess compiz is it so?04:28
osxdude|lapthoreauputic: you need GDM to open GTK+ things04:28
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baueri got version 7.0 but wonna get 7.204:28
thoreauputicosxdude|lap: umm - I think you mean ge needs X running04:28
linxehliaison: that's because the mac Preview app is crap. get acrobat reader04:28
thoreauputicosxdude|lap: I thinkk you are confused04:28
AlbarahaIs the default runlevel of Ubuntu 2?04:28
osxdude|laptoreauputic: gdm is X04:28
thoreauputicAlbaraha: yes04:28
riotkittieAlbaraha: i believe xchat's in the the multiverse repo. again, i am not 100% positive on that as it's been eons since i've used it myself, or had reason to install it04:28
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riotkittiehmmm.  hold a sec.04:28
liaisonyes, but it also doesn't work in Windows04:28
linxehliaison: I use a mac and ubuntu here and have had the same problem, but loads of things generate pdfs that apple Preview.app can't read04:28
Albarahathere is no inittab, where can I change it, thoreauputic?04:29
osxdude|lapwhen you start GDM, X starts. thoreauputic04:29
thoreauputicosxdude|lap: no, gdm is one app that runs in X ( kogin)04:29
dgeorgeok now i don't have premission to save it04:29
liaisoncopy and paste from a pdf generated in feisty into Word and it's gibberish04:29
riotkittieaw. ubotu left. nevermind.04:29
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thoreauputicAlbaraha: you don't need to - what are you trying to do ?04:29
dgeorgehow do i open something in root04:29
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Picidgeorge: use sudo04:29
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AlbarahaI'm trying to enable networking service, thoreauputic04:29
thoreauputicosxdude|lap: s/kogin/login04:29
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dgeorgeright but i can't open the file in a text edit for some reason04:30
thoreauputicAlbaraha: erm, how is that related to runlevels? Are you using the gnome networking tools?04:30
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riotkittiedgeorge: gksu gedit path/to/file  ... isnt letting you do it?04:30
DWSRdgeorge: Type in 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' without the quotes into Terminal.04:30
B-rabbithas anyone successfully watched a video on youtube using ubuntu?04:30
Falstiusgarette: for feisty if you install desktop effects it is compiz.  Beryl can be installed to (I ran it until I went dual monitor)04:30
AlbarahaMy wireless card driver conflicts with gnome-net, so I removed it04:31
thoreauputicB-rabbit: sure04:31
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riotkittieDWSR: sudo + graphical apps = a no-no :P04:31
linxehliaison: its because of the way the pdf is created  / fonts included etc04:31
garetteFalstius, plz tell how do i add extra workspace04:31
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DWSRriotkittie: Why? It works.04:31
DWSRDoesn't matter if it ties up the terminal until you close it.04:31
liaisonlinxeh, so it's useless then04:31
AlbarahaMy wireless card driver conflicts with gnome-net, so I removed it, thoreauputic04:31
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liaisonI thought pdf was a standard04:32
thoreauputicAlbaraha: umm, that doesn't tell me much I'm afraid04:32
linxehliaison: many apps have the same problem, its not a feisty / linux issue04:32
garetteFalstius,i have got nvidia 7600 graphics card with 256mb graphic memory so am running compiz very successfully .. enjoying linux :)04:32
dgeorgeI get this cannot open display: (null)04:32
dgeorgeRun 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options.04:32
DWSRliaison: Nothing in the computer world is a "standard".04:32
B-rabbitthoreauputic: how? you cunt get fa04:32
riotkittieDWSR: because gksu sets the environment up properly, and sudo doesnt04:32
B-rabbitflash in ubuntu04:32
Falstiusgarette: right click on the workspace swticher, chose preferences04:32
Picidgeorge: Where are you trying to do this?04:32
liaisonI want to be able to produce a pdf in linux which works on Mac/windows04:32
liaisonI can't do this04:32
Albarahathoreauputic: I must install rt73 driver which conflicts with gnome-net04:32
thoreauputicB-rabbit: you need flash, obviously :)04:32
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dgeorgetermial window04:32
DWSRriotkittie: It doesn't matter for an app like gedit. Normally I'd agree with you, but KISS principle is in effect. :-)04:32
thoreauputic!flash | B-rabbit04:32
liaisonI can however, create a pdf on windows which will work on mac/linux04:32
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IdleOneliaison, what does that tell you?04:33
thoreauputiccome back, ubotu!04:33
liaisongo back to windulls04:33
riotkittieit doesnt? i used to sudo gedit all the time. and then it stopped coming up entirely :P04:33
Picidgeorge: IS xwindows working for you?04:33
liaisonbut I don't want to use windows!04:33
B-rabbitthoreauputic: isn't flash only for windows04:33
dgeorgehow do i check04:33
riotkittieB-rabbit: no.04:33
DWSRriotkittie: Works for me. I can sudo abiword all I like and it works just fine.04:33
DWSRI'm using xubuntu though.04:33
IdleOneliaison, no Windows doesnt want you to use other os'es. if they make it easy for you to switch apps/os then why use windows?04:33
Geekliaison: most pdf designers for windows use ghostscript, which is the same that linux would likely use04:34
DWSRBecause you're a lemming.04:34
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thoreauputicB-rabbit: enable multiverse and install flashplugin-nonfree04:34
Picidgeorge: Just do sudo nano /file/to/edit.ext04:34
thoreauputicB-rabbit: and no04:34
DWSRCan someone help me configuring my effing wireless card?04:34
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IdleOne!wireless | DWSR04:34
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garetteFalstius,thanks man you helped me a lot04:34
nivekc1if i go into the user settings and set my group as root can i run a .run that tells me i have to be a super user04:34
IdleOneummm bot is gone04:34
flukierdonutDWSR: whats your card04:34
DWSRIdleOne: Doesn't help. I've looked.04:34
bauerstarx fail04:34
flukierdonutthank go d i hate that bot04:34
bauerstartx fail04:35
riotkittieaw. my desktop :( no more cube for me.  i am so sad.04:35
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dgeorgepici you got it,,, that worked04:35
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DWSRflukierdonut: Dell TrueMobile 1350. Made by broadcom. I have it configured using ndiswrapper.04:35
dgeorgei guess i don't have gedit installed04:35
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DWSRdgeorge: You have it installed.04:35
DWSRelse it would come up with bash: gedit: command not found04:36
flukierdonutDWSR: ok well i have never had luck using ndis with broadcom... intead lets try using bcm43xx04:36
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flukierdonuthowd my damn name change04:36
dgeorgeoh really.... i know i have a text edit program... but cn't get gedit to appear04:36
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DWSRalright, how would I go about uninstalling it?04:36
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nivekc1can someone tell me how to execute a .run file as a "super user"04:36
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AmaranthPlease do not try to use ubotu right now04:36
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Dr_willisnivekc1,  sudo whatever.run04:37
flukierdonutDWSR: on sec im trying to find the right package for you04:37
Dr_willisnivekc1,  IF youve set it executable04:37
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thoreauputicnivekc1:  sudo ./nameoffile.run ( from the same directory)04:37
thoreauputicnivekc1: assuming it is executable04:37
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nivekc1i swear i have tried that a millon times04:37
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:37
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ClNorrisokay I forgot my root password, help...04:37
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ClNorrisi setup ubuntu while i was half asleep :-(04:37
B-rabbithow do you enable 'multiverse'?04:37
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bauercan't get my startx run.04:38
pawanwhat is mit beryl04:38
DWSRnivekc1: sudo chmod 777 <file> && sudo ./<file>04:38
ks1nivekc1: chmod +x nameoffile.run04:38
Falstiusnivekc1: what is a .run rile?04:38
Dr_LinkI have downloaded Beryl04:38
thoreauputicnivekc1: try sudo chmod +x filename.run then do it again04:38
Dr_Linkshould I go to the Beryl manager to enable it?04:38
ks1Falstius: an installer in a sense, games use them alot04:38
Dr_LinkFor some reason my hard disk light is flickering but nothing is happening.04:38
dgeorgeok back to java install04:38
ClNorrishow do I reset my root password?04:38
DWSRflukierdonut: Should I go about unblacklisting the native drivers?04:38
baueris it possible to setup startx to work in vga mode , i don't care about speed in my grafik04:38
DWSR!root | ClNorris04:38
ubotuClNorris: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:38
flukierdonutDWSR: not just yet04:39
pawanwhats that04:39
Dr_willisbauer,  vga mode? edit the xorg.conf to use the 'vesa' driver if you want.04:39
IdleOneClNorris, you didnt setup a root password. you set a user password and that is the pass you use when running sudo command04:39
telsethsorry to just break in here: i have an x1550 and the install goes great until it gets to about 95% through the kernel loading, then it tries to switch graphic modes... and dies, the video itself seems to be "ghosted", but i can get to different terminals with root access.  i cannot edit xorg.conf, becuase since its on the cd its write only... is there any other way i can install? text only?04:39
ClNorrisDWSR, i am trying to connect via open-ssh and the password that i am putting in is rejected04:39
nivekc1i cant get the terminal to the directory for some reason!1!!04:39
telsethedit: read only04:39
flukierdonutDWSR: ok first go here and download this file http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=30560&d=117735017604:39
riotkittietelseth: you're going to need to download the alternate CD, methinks.  :\04:40
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richaojtelseth: you can try the alternate cd04:40
dgeorgeok need some serious help here now... I have a few websites that require java to run the apps... what do i need to do to get this working04:40
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ks1nivekc1: lol.. something is wrong with you04:40
DWSRClNorris: Are you trying to SSH in as root? If so you're an idiot and you should be slapped with a sharp keyboard. :-P04:40
IdleOne!java | dgeorge04:40
pawanhow to install beryl04:40
ubotudgeorge: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:40
richaojtelseth: i have had several machines on which the graphical installer refused to work, but the alternate cd worked04:40
DWSRflukierdonut: Give me like half an hour, because I need to transfer it over using my iPod.04:40
ClNorrisDWSR, i don't get a user choice, when i ssh it just asks for password04:40
ks1nivekc1: dir, then cd whateverdir04:40
DWSRClNorris: What program are you using to SSH in?04:40
nivekc1i am typing cd /home/nivek/ati04:40
IdleOnedgeorge, sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugins04:40
ClNorrisDWSR, open-ssh04:40
nivekc1and it wont got there?04:41
DWSRYou specify a username in your config?04:41
Picinivekc1: Where is the file?04:41
ribando_can someone help me, I'm trying to install mplayer and multimedia codecs, but I'm getting this error "W: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278304:41
ribando_W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems"04:41
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flukierdonutDWSR: ok tell me when you're ready but i got to change my nick to profanephobia04:41
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects04:41
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riotkittienivekc1: does the ati directory exist?04:41
ks1ls -la04:41
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nivekc1i made a folder and stuck the .run in it04:41
ConstyXIVis there a pidgin package for feisty?04:41
Pici!enter | ks104:41
ubotuks1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:41
ClNorrisDWSR, how do I do this?04:41
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Picinivekc1: Is the folder on your desktop?04:41
DWSRno idea, just a suggestion. Ask someone more knowledgable than I. I'm working on fixing my own problem right now.04:42
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nivekc1then i put it into my no04:42
ribando_can someone help me with mplayer04:42
nivekc1no it isnt04:42
ClNorrisDWSR, okay. thank you04:42
ks1like i said "dir"04:42
Picinivekc1: Remember that linux is cas sensitive.04:42
msinghi cant play dvds.. what should i install from backports?04:42
Pici!dvd | msingh04:42
ubotumsingh: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:42
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riotkittiecase sensitivity <304:42
Pici!enter > ks1 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)04:43
ks1my response was on 1 line.04:43
nivekc1i put the ati folder right into my home folder now.. so i should type cd /home/ati/ right?04:43
ribando_need help,I'm getting this error "W: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783 W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems"04:43
ks1nivekc1: yes04:43
ks1nivekc1: cd /home/niveck1/ati04:44
richaojhas anyone had success getting .net framework 2.0 to work with wine?04:44
profanephobiaribando_: have you tried running apt-get update04:44
DWSRprofanephobia: I'm ready. I have the file on my xubuntu desktop.04:44
B-rabbitguyz, i have downloaded KDE, so how do i enable it? help plzz04:44
Dr_willisrichaoj,  not me. :(04:44
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profanephobiaDWSR: ok now go ahead and install it04:44
ks1B-rabbit: select it from gdm/whatever login manager04:44
DWSRdpkg -i?04:44
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nivekc1ok i changed the name of the folder from ati to skank and it worked04:45
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therethinker9How do i install the ati drivers04:45
nivekc1that was stupid04:45
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B-rabbitks1: thanx m8 :)04:45
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DWSRinstalled. It's asked me to disable ndiswrapper.04:46
DWSRSo I've gone ahead and done that.04:46
profanephobiaDWSR: once bcm43xx-fwcutter is installed download this file http://boredklink.googlepages.com/wl_apsta.o (dont worry its real small)04:46
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richaojthe only thing that sucks that i have found with bcm43xx is that it only supports 11Mb/s is this true?04:46
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nivekc1lol now i typed "sudo nameoffile" and it said "sudo: nameoffile not found"04:47
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gubluntucan someone tell me the syntax to z extract all files in directory /foo/bar ending with 7z04:47
thoreauputicrichaoj: probably - it's still rather new04:47
profanephobiaDWSR: sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ***/wl_apsta.o  *** = where ever that file is04:47
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DWSRprofanephobia: It installed bcm43xx-firmware, not bcm43xx-fwcutter. Is that ok?04:47
baueris there a channel for startx troubles04:47
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thoreauputicrichaoj: works here on my iBook running feisty though04:47
ribando_profanephobia yep04:47
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Broc223any pointers why in gnome it doest show me the resolution i want? in xorg it lists 1920x120004:48
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gubluntuim having trouble it quits out after it fails on the first file04:48
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dgeorgeok i ca't install java04:48
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dgeorgeE: Invalid operation intall04:48
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B-rabbithow do i get the flash plugin to play videos on youtube?04:48
profanephobiadwsr im not sure... was that the link i gave you04:48
thoreauputicdgeorge: typo04:48
ribando_profanephobia the sudo apt-get is the that its giving me that error04:48
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dgeorgegot it... thanks04:48
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profanephobiaribando: post your error again04:48
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ddccAfter playing a game of full-screen Starcraft through wine, my gnome-panel on the top is squished over to the side. Is there anyway to fix this? There's a screenshot available at http://members.cox.net/ddchen/squish.png04:49
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DWSRprofanephobia: Yes.04:49
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ribando_profanephobia error "W: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783 W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems"04:49
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dgeorgeok looks like java installed... but how do i install the plugin for it now...04:50
DWSRprofanephobia: command not found.04:50
profanephobiaribando_ remove that source04:50
thoreauputicribando_: you need to grab the gpg key from the medibuntu repo04:50
msinghsigh. bloody politics. i dont know if dvd playback is failing because of some ideological thing -- or because of some other reason04:50
profanephobiadwsr: okay i remember what i was doing now ... the firmware will be used later now we need to get fwcutter04:51
ddccAfter playing a game of full-screen Starcraft through wine, my gnome-panel on the top is squished over to the side. Is there anyway to fix this? There's a screenshot available at http://members.cox.net/ddchen/squish.png04:51
ribando_thoreauputic some help on doing that would be great :o04:51
thoreauputicMSIGuy: legal issues - libdvdcss is illegal in the US and Japan for instance04:51
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msinghthoreauputic, i've installed libdvdcss..04:51
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thoreauputicribando_: try   sudo apt-key update  and see if that helps04:51
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thoreauputicmsingh: what app are you using for DVD playback?04:52
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DWSRprofanephobia: Where can I get fwcutter?04:52
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ribando_thoreauputic that's the error that I'm getting when I do sudo apt-get update04:52
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ribando_thoreauputic i'm using xine04:52
thoreauputicribando_:  no,   sudo apt-key update04:52
phatrabbitHi all i was wonder what a good VNC client is to use from my windows comp to my ubuntu box04:52
ddccAnyone able to help with my gnome-panel issue?04:52
msinghthoreauputic, vlc -- it dies with "No accelerate IMDCT transform found .."04:52
unagianyone know how to get video off a dv video recorder?04:53
ribando_thoreauputic ok, i'll try that one04:53
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thoreauputicribando_: try  vlc - I have best DVD results with vlc here04:53
profanephobiadwsr http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Fcontrib%2Fb%2Fbcm43xx-fwcutter%2Fbcm43xx-fwcutter_006-1_i386.deb&md5sum=f4005e1c90cd7667aed7782022394190&arch=i386&type=main04:53
wpboycehi can i bother someone with some questions04:53
thoreauputicmsingh: hmm - don't know then04:53
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ddccphatrabbit: I use tightvnc viewer since it's portable04:53
DWSR!ask | boyce04:53
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profanephobiawpboyce just ask away04:53
phatrabbitok thanks04:53
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Piciwpboyce: Just ask the channel.04:54
ddccAfter playing a game of full-screen Starcraft through wine, my gnome-panel on the top is squished over to the side. Is there anyway to fix this? There's a screenshot available at http://members.cox.net/ddchen/squish.png04:54
msinghthoreauputic, ok, switched to x11video seems to work04:54
DWSRddcc: Restart.04:54
thoreauputicMSIGuy: aha!04:54
ddccI did04:54
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ddccit occurred yesterday night first, then I restarted and still occurs this morning.04:54
pawanhow to start beryl04:54
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Piciddcc: You'll just have to move the applets back to the side manually.04:54
profanephobiaterminal type beryl04:54
ddccIt won't let me move them04:54
wpboyceok im using the live cd and want to install ubuntu to a partion and keep windows but i have a raid 0 and it shows up as 2 drives i have a dell and i think it is a hardware raid of some sort. can anyone help?04:54
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Piciddcc: Right click and unlock them then.04:54
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profanephobiaddcc: are they locked04:54
Picipawan: #ubuntu-effects04:55
ddccok, nvm thanks04:55
ribando_thoreauputic this is what I get for trying sudo apt-key update "gpg: key 437D05B5: "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>" not changed04:55
ribando_gpg: key FBB75451: "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key <cdimage@ubuntu.com>" not changedgpg: Total number processed: 2gpg:              unchanged: 2"04:55
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dgeorgecan someone give me some guidience on what to choose here04:55
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ddccpici: in the future, is there some configuration file that configures the gnome-panel that I can modify?04:55
DWSRwait wtf?04:56
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thoreauputicribando_: OK - go to the medibuntu site and look for the gpg key, then use  sudo apt-key add <key here>04:56
DWSRthe fwcutter install just successfully wget'ed something?04:56
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Piciddcc: I dont know off the top of my head.04:56
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pawanhow to start it automatcally04:56
ribando_thoreauputic oki doki04:56
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profanephobiadwsr ok now do sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/Desktop/wl_apsta.o04:56
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thoreauputicribando_: there is probably another way but that should work if you download the key04:56
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unagianyone know how to get video off a dv video recorder?04:56
DWSRprofanephobia: No need. I have wireless working.04:56
ddccpici: The only thing it won't let me move is the :: menu separator, which should be right after the applications/places/system menu04:56
DWSRunless this will give me something better, like easy multiple network configuration.04:57
profanephobiadwsr great cool04:57
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DWSRThanks a lot.04:57
DWSR!easysource > DWSR04:57
ddccpici: nvm again. I figured it out. thanks for your help!04:57
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DWSRBoo. ubotu broke again.04:57
pawanhow to install beryl04:57
thoreauputicribando_: actually you should be able to install without the key anyway - but having it is good security practice04:58
ribando_thoreauputic oki will try that04:58
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ddccpawan: you can sudo apt-get install beryl emerald-themes hopefully that does the trick, but you need to have enabled the restricted drivers for your graphics card04:58
PiciDWSR: The bot is lagged.04:58
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DWSRPici: Can you give me a list of respositories? I'm looking to add multiverse, universe, and backports for feisty.04:59
thoreauputicribando_: did you read http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repository.php  ?04:59
dgeorgeim currently using opera04:59
thoreauputicribando_: tells you how04:59
Romnousaargh, i want to install a sort of mail server (exchange server) on feisty fawn, but zimbra doesn't support feisty, and can't get kolab to work somehow... anyone knows how to install kolab from the repositories if it's there.. or does anyone know a different exchange server?05:00
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unagihow do i see what is connected to my firewire ports like lsusb05:00
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PiciDWSR: Do you have a system>administration>software sources entry?05:00
fyrestrtrDWSR: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted multiverse universe fiesty-backports05:00
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Piciunagi: possibly lspci05:00
=== Dr_Link [n=tms@75-136-131-097.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
dgeorgecan someone help me with the java plugin for opera05:00
fyrestrtrRomnous: try scalix ( www.scalix.com )05:01
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DWSRfyrestrtr: I'm in Canada. Can I use http://ca.archive..... instead?05:01
ribando_thoreauputic thanks, all worked fine, copying the key from www.medibuntu.org05:01
fyrestrtrDWSR: yes.05:01
unagianyone know how to caputer dv video in ubuntu?05:01
paradroidHi. Anyone using WebDAV to access remote file storage? I do not succeed in setting it up under 7.0405:01
thoreauputicribando_: :)05:01
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Romnousthx fyresstrt, will check05:01
lunaphyte_when i launch a new terminal window from an existing window using shift+ctrl+n, it ignores my --geometry setting.  how can i make it honor them?05:01
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fyrestrtrlunaphyte_: save it part of the default profile05:01
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Romnousscalix is not for free :(05:02
PiddyHi. Where can I get Beryl?05:02
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CheshireViking!beryl | Piddy05:02
DWSRIs the CDRom included as a repository by default in Feisty?05:02
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DWSRI can't see an entry for it, but know it's like that in previous versions of ubuntu.05:02
kritzstapfPiddy, you want Compiz Fusion :)05:02
PiddyWhat? Do you want me to type that, CheshireViking?05:03
pawanhow to install beryl05:03
lunaphyte_fyrestrtr: i looked through the profile settings, and didn't find settings related to that.  what am i missing?05:03
pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install beryl emerald-theme05:03
pawanReading package lists... Done05:03
pawanBuilding dependency tree05:03
pawanReading state information... Done05:03
pawanberyl is already the newest version.05:03
pawanE: Couldn't find package emerald-theme05:03
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IdleOnepawan, join #ubuntu-effects05:03
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CheshireVikingPiddy, no, it should have brought some info up about beryl, but the bot isn't working properly at the minute05:03
riotkittieisnt it ... emerald-themes05:03
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paradroidunagi: Did you try dvgrab?05:03
Romnous!paste | pawan05:03
PiddyI see.05:03
=== daynah [n=daynah@24-181-27-167.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
msinghok, now i got sound issues. xmms plays fine.. but i cannot hear anything. have checked mute settings and they're ok05:04
PiddyWell I just installed ubuntu, so.. I doubt I have Beryl.05:04
nivekc1ok i am  having a crappy day lol.. so finally i got the ati driver installed now i do the aticonfig command and it says "Uninitialised file found, configuring.         Using /etc/X11/xorg.conf        Saved back-up to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.original-0             aticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad file descriptor." why doesnt it work? i dont get it?05:04
kritzstapfberyl is not being developed anymore05:04
kritzstapfcompiz and beryl are now compiz-fusion05:04
Romnousberyl fused into compiz-fusion05:04
daynahIf I'm going to go to the darkside and install XP, what file system do I format it as for best compatibility?05:04
DWSRI will be back #ubuntu, next to install an nVidia driver, but cheers for now. Thanks everyone and have a good day!05:04
daynahThanks :)05:04
Romnousntfs support in ubuntu sux05:05
PiddyOh, so what I want is compiz-fusion?05:05
CheshireVikingPiddy, try enabling desktop effects, that gives you the option of wobbly windows and the cube without needing to install anything else05:05
ConstyXI1Piddy: beryl05:05
mrsnoRomnous what is wrong with ntfs support in ubuntu?05:05
riotkittiedaynah: i'd go for ntfs05:05
ConstyXI1Piddy: sorry05:05
DWSRCheck out ntfs-3g in the multiverse repos.05:05
Romnousi won't05:05
Dr_willisI have beenusing NTFS-3g for a few weeks now with no issues.05:05
Romnousyah ok05:05
wpboyceok i don't see anything that says locked but it won't let my mount the drive it shows up in ubuntu as one drive but in partion manger ask 205:05
DWSRdaynah: Go with ntfs.05:05
Romnousbut for fat32 you won't have to install anything else05:05
Dr_LinkI don't like GNOME-xchat05:05
defryskj fat32 is the safe choice05:05
Romnousi want to install a sort of mail server (exchange server) on feisty fawn, but zimbra doesn't support feisty, and can't get kolab to work somehow... anyone knows how to install kolab from the repositories if it's there.. or does anyone know a different exchange server?05:05
DWSRRomnous: ntfs-3g is simple. sudo apt-get install ntfs-config && sudo ntfs-config. Done.05:05
Dr_willisDr_Link,  i dont think anyone does.05:05
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kritzstapffat32 doesnt support files larger than 4GB, thats ass..05:06
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daynahOh dear. I think I've done ntfs before, so I'll go with that, no offence. I've just doing this for a game, so I doubt I'll use it much.05:06
riotkittiefat32 is fine for storage, but i wouldnt install xp on it.05:06
paradroidext2 will also work, since there is a Ext2 access software for Windows XP: http://www.fs-driver.org/05:06
Romnousbut that doesn't mean fat32 is simpler05:06
Romnouslol ok05:06
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=== Flare183 [n=jesse@adsl-242-94-43.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_LinkI still use it.05:06
DWSRdaynah: What game are you using it for?05:06
unagiis there anything for linux similar to premiere or finalcut?05:06
Dr_LinkConsidering it's my only REAL choice.05:06
Dr_willisext2/3 will work with that  http://www.fs-driver.org/ stuff. :)05:06
daynahFFXI. I'v elooked it up. No possibilities of wining it05:06
Falstiusin a modern system, the filesize limit of fat32 is really annoying.05:06
Dr_willisDr_Link,  i use the normal 'xchat'not xchat-gnome05:06
DWSRdaynah: Tried Cedega?05:06
kritzstapfFalstius, DVD-images... :/05:06
Romnousbut it's only for a game falstius05:07
dgeorgewhy can't i install the plugin for fire fox05:07
Geekthere;s also a reiser for windows as well (raw mode viewr, not a IFS)...05:07
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RomnousTHE plugin??05:07
paradroidAnyone using WebDAV to access remote file storage? I do not succeed in setting it up under 7.0405:07
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Piciunagi: http://www.linuxalt.com/05:07
daynahI haven't tried it with anything, I'm not smart, but others have with no success. There's a first program called Play Online, and that works, but you have to have that open to load FFXI and then FFXI never loads.05:07
Romnousi want to install a sort of mail server (exchange server) on feisty fawn, but zimbra doesn't support feisty, and can't get kolab to work somehow... anyone knows how to install kolab from the repositories if it's there.. or does anyone know a different exchange server?05:07
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PiddyOk, so now I enabled the Effects, do I have the effect that allows me to like.. spin that cube-thing?05:08
SporkI am having a problem with my sound wondering if anyone can help05:08
=== erUSUL Where is the bot!! o.O
RomnousPiddy; you should check the compizfusion shortcut-keys05:08
CheshireVikingerUSUL, its dead05:08
PriceChilderUSUL, please be patient, we are aware :)05:08
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Romnouspiddy: www.beryl-project.org <-- there must be a link over there05:08
PiddyOk, thanks.05:09
khinhi im having a strange issue with my time. it says 3:08 on the upper panel but when i click set date and time it reads the correct time, 11:08. i dont have it set to synchronize w/ internet servers.05:09
Romnousi want to install a sort of mail server (exchange server) on feisty fawn, but zimbra doesn't support feisty, and can't get kolab to work somehow... anyone knows how to install kolab from the repositories if it's there.. or does anyone know a different exchange server?05:09
khinim using dapper05:09
daynahHey, I'm in GPartition and NTFS is greyed out. I have it formatted as ext2 right now. Do I need to format it as something else before NTFS?05:09
Romnousif you're going to install windows, you can leave the space unallocated, and let winbloze format it as ntfs05:10
Geeki don't thin gpartition handles NTFS. let windows fo it05:10
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paradroidkhin: Do a manual synchronization with a server of your choice, though. And check if you have selected the correct timezone.05:10
Romnousi want to install a sort of mail server (exchange server) on feisty fawn, but zimbra doesn't support feisty, and can't get kolab to work somehow... anyone knows how to install kolab from the repositories if it's there.. or does anyone know a different exchange server?05:10
mrsnogparted handles ntfs fine, if you use vista ntfs then you need to use the gparted live cd.05:10
dgeorgeim learning that installing the OS is the easy part of ubuntu05:10
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mrsnopersonally i would just let windows handle its own partition, but it works in gparted too05:10
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Sporkdoes anyone have a problem that when you play mp3's they eventually begin to skip, and all sounds then do that?05:10
Geekmrsno: gparted livecd has problems resizing vista NTFS IIRC, XP chkdsk fixed it tho ;p05:10
Sporki mean skip as in repeat a small portion05:11
daynahI'm going to  XP. How do I got GParted to do either NTFS or Unallocated then, because I can't find he unallocated then.05:11
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khinive selected the correct timezone. the servers can fix the problem but i dont understand why this should happen at all05:11
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mrsnoGeek a few months ago yes (as the version of gparted on the gparted livecd was the same one in feisty) but that is not the case for some time now :)05:11
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Romnousdaynah: you can leave the space just empty/don't assign a filesystem to it05:11
mrsnodaynah to save confusion, possibly leave creating a partition for xp, to the xp installer05:11
Dr_Linkis there an xchat-gnome channel?05:11
Geek(that being said, vista was like " huh?" and XP fixed it ;p)05:11
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Sporkhelp? anyone? :(05:12
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N3432i have a second hard drive, whats the best way to go about installing ubuntu on it so that my xp install is untouched05:12
Romnousi want to install a sort of mail server (exchange server) on feisty fawn, but zimbra doesn't support feisty, and can't get kolab to work somehow... anyone knows how to install kolab from the repositories if it's there.. or does anyone know a different exchange server?05:12
daynahOh. Delete. I'm an idiot. I swear I did that in the Windows installer and it wasn't able to format itself. Bleh, cross fingers05:12
Romnousfirst xp, then ubuntu05:12
khinactually, i take that back. the servers dont fix the problem. the time in 'set date and time' reads correctly but the one on the desktop panel is still four hours ahead of that.05:12
wpboycehow can i mount my harddisk in the live cd?05:12
N3432Romnous: xp is alrdy installed.05:13
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daynahN3432, your xp will be untouched.05:13
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RomnousN3432: then you go ahead and install ubuntu on your second drive05:13
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:13
=== aricz__ [n=aricz@193.80-202-19.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
paradroidkhin: Check the following (I am under Feisty, so it might be named differently under Dapper)05:13
PiddyI cant really find a download for Beryl..05:13
Romnousyay the bot05:13
N3432Romnous: will it let me choose which one to boot each time ?05:13
_pinky_wpboyce : u can de it05:13
paradroidkhin: Right click on the time in the panel and choose Settings05:13
ubotuboyce: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:13
paradroidkhin: Or Properties or whatever... ;) and then see if "Use UTC" is selected05:14
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rapsehola a todos05:14
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:14
RomnousN3432: there's grub and lilo, which are bootloaders, i believe grub is the standard, and it let's you choose which one to boot into05:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:14
ubotuPiddy: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects05:14
ubotupawan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:14
khinparadroid the problem is fixed05:14
rapsequien habla espaol05:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about premiere - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:14
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:14
Romnouslol who's flooding the channel now huh05:14
paradroidkhin: Was it UTC, then?05:14
paradroidRomnous: I think it's the bot responding with delay05:14
khinparadroid yes that was it, tk.05:14
Romnousrapse --> #ubuntu-es05:14
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:15
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pawanhow to install beryl05:15
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Romnouspawan: you want compiz-fusion05:15
rapseromnous q tal?05:15
Romnousjoin #ubuntu-effects for help05:15
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Romnousrapse --> no hablo espanol?? you can go to #ubuntu-es05:15
paradroidhmm... noone here with experience in WebDAV issues?05:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webdav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:16
Romnousyay, no delay05:16
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Romnousi want to install a sort of mail server (exchange server) on feisty fawn, but zimbra doesn't support feisty, and can't get kolab to work somehow... anyone knows how to install kolab from the repositories if it's there.. or does anyone know a different exchange server?05:16
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Romnouslol litlebuda: luv your username05:17
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paradroidRomnous: Would Dovecot be an alternative?05:17
Romnousparadroid: i'm gonna look it up05:17
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litlebuda:) me to Romnous05:17
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:17
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ
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apecati need to blacklist it, a normal ps/2 keyboard won't work now with my machine when it's booted intothe ubuntu install05:17
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:18
apecatanybody happen to know the names of kernelmodules that *ubuntu autoloads at every boot if the install is done with a logitech wireless usb keyboard?05:18
wpboyceis qt parted any good?05:18
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apecati need to blacklist it, a normal ps/2 keyboard won't work now with my machine when it's booted intothe ubuntu install05:18
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pawanhow to install compiz-fusion05:18
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erUSULapecat: blaclist what? take a look here /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist05:19
ubuhello, what is cache? why is it taking it up so much of my memory on boot, and how can i reduce that?05:19
erUSULpawan: ask in #ubuntu-effects please05:19
dgeorgefinally i have java on05:19
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Romnousparadroid: dovecot looks interesting, but i don't believe it does what i want.. it should work the same as microsoft exchange server ???05:19
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StevethepirateHi.. anyone here familiar with the Direct Connect protocl?05:20
paradroidRomnous: Unfortunately I am not experienced in the field of mailservers and I had already assumed Dovecot might be too limited for what you are looking for. Sorry I can't be of any help here.05:20
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apecaterUSUL: i need to blacklist whatever module that the wireless logitech keyboard/mouse receiver uses. It's probably some HID module05:21
Romnousparadroid: too bad :/05:21
thoreauputicubu: linux uses as much memory as possible - this is a Good Thing (tm) - look at the "free" entry on the second line of the command output from   free -m  to see a more useful figure05:21
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alivedataRomnous : what is you issue?05:21
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erUSULapecat: lsmod list the modules you have in use05:21
fyrestrtrRomnous: your only alternatives are: Zimbra, Scalix, eGroupware and Hula.05:21
chikitaamarok help please05:21
=== SunWuKung [i=SunWuKun@S01060016cbc4c705.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicubu:  free -m <enter>  in Apps - accessories - terminal :)05:21
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Stevethepiratedirect connect protocol help ples!!05:21
daynahokay I finally understand what xp is saying now. It formats the drive fine, but then it says it needs o write some files (I assume it's version of Grub) onto my main harddrive that has linux on it, and it can't because it's Ext305:21
fyrestrtrRomnous: you can always bash together your own groupware solution if you want.05:22
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ubuthoreauputic, yeah i see it uses a lot od my mem, i need to run a virtual machiune and with 1 gig its not working well05:22
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apecaterUSUL: i'm booted with a live cd now, a regular ps2 keyboard won't work at att in my regular install, so the current list of modules is hardly relevant05:22
Romnousalivedata: i want to install a sort of mail server (exchange server) on feisty fawn, but zimbra doesn't support feisty, and can't get kolab to work somehow... anyone knows how to install kolab from the repositories if it's there.. or does anyone know a different exchange server?05:22
apecat*at all05:22
Romnousfyrestrtr: i haven't seen egroupware/hula yet05:22
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fyrestrtrhula is sort of a dead project now.05:23
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Romnousjeez what was that??05:23
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daynahServer burped, sweetie05:23
DWSRw00tles to the netspit.05:23
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ubuthoreauputic, Mem:          1011        606        404          0          7        44205:23
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:23
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Romnousheh ok05:23
chikitaamarok help please05:23
rizhunnetsplit - righteous05:23
Stevethepiratecan anyone help me with the direct connect protocol pls..05:23
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok05:23
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phira1how I can enable .htaccess files on my apache2 server05:23
DWSRnetconnect. :-)05:23
ubuthoreauputic, 442 in caqche05:23
FunnyLookinHatNah, it wasn't a netsplit...   a whole server died.  : )05:23
thoreauputicubu: the second line ( buffers and cache - what is under the free column?05:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webdav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
Stevethepirate!direct connect05:24
profanephobiachikita whats wrong05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about direct connect - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:24
paradroidOh well...05:24
fulat2khi folks, i'm not able to start my feisty installation after fsck detected an error in the fs.  i've rebooted to rescue mode and then done fsck and it managed to fix it.  but upon rebooting, it mounts the root partition in readonly.  anyway to fix this?05:24
phira1Help :(05:24
thoreauputicubu: no, how much is "free" in the second line? That 's the relevant figure05:24
profanephobiai liked it better when the bot wasnt working05:24
ubuthoreauputic, 85505:24
baueris it possible to setup ubuntu startx to run at a "ATI Tecnologis. Inc. radeon X850 XT (R480)  "05:24
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preactionphira1, AllowOverride All. the #apache channel can help you better05:24
allsateanyone with idea which is better feisty or edgy05:24
thoreauputicubu: then you effectively have 855 MB free05:24
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thoreauputicubu: the rest is mostly biffers and cache05:25
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chikitaprofanephobia: Sound's too low comparing to other multimedia programs and equalizer lowers volume even more05:25
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Romnousfyresrtr: do you have any experience with egroupware?? it seems interesting05:25
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profanephobiachikita what sound driver are u using05:25
Romnous!msg | stevethepirate05:25
ubotustevethepirate: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:25
daynahbauer, without any knowledge I'm going to guess yes. You wont be able to use Beryl though. Before you install, remember to use the live cd part, though, okay? If the live cd works, it'll work.05:25
DWSRfulat2k: Unmount it and remount it in the command line with -o rw.05:25
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fyrestrtrI tried it briefly, but since I only had to support 23 users, scalix community edition fit the bill nicely.05:25
chikitai think its realtek...05:25
Sumbarinovideo playback not working with beryl any idea?05:25
ubuthoreauputic, so i can give my virtual machine a good chunk of that free space and still run linux smooth?05:25
Romnousfyrestrtr: but scalix isn't for free :(05:26
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fyrestrtrRomnous: it is.05:26
PiciSumbarino: Ask in #ubuntu-effects please.05:26
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Romnousfyrestrtr: :D05:26
bauerdaynah, What is Beryl05:26
sorvilanThis site is lonely for english person?05:26
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Romnousfyrestrtr: does it run on feisty??05:26
nbndshi folks ! i've got problems with the gdm,  after having installed the required updates the gdm hangs up at start , what can i do ?05:26
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profanephobiachikita open your volume preferences and tell me if its alsa or oss05:26
thoreauputicubu: yes, should work fine - probably up to 4 0r 500 MB should be safe enough for your virtual mcahine05:26
dgeorgewow this is working out great... so f ar so good. i have my trading platform up now05:26
fyrestrtrRomnous: the community edition is free for upto 25 premium users, you can have as many normal users you want.05:26
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lcmpollyHola a todos!!!05:26
PiddyOk, uh... Im at "download tarballs" at the Beryl site, and I don't know what to download.. Help?05:26
Pici!es | lcmpolly05:27
mandaviis somewhere in the www the difference of available and free hard-disk-space documented shown in the system-monitor?05:27
ubotulcmpolly: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:27
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daynahbauer, not to talk down, I dunno you and how much you know :) but the Ubuntu cds first run off of the comp's memory, not the harddrive, so you can see how they work without them potentially messing up your files. Beryl is really fancy video effects. Try googling it on youtube. To me, it was worth the $30 tax refund for a cheap nvidia card :)05:27
ubuthoreauputic, thanks 4 the info, appreciated05:27
fyrestrtrPiddy: join #ubuntu-effects05:27
CeltCan anyone provide any assistance with getting sound set up for a Dell Latitude D830?05:27
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thoreauputicubu: no worries :)05:27
PiddyI'm there, but nobody's active apparently05:27
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dxdtPiddy: don't use the tarballs if you can avoid it.  It will make your life more complicated.  Try to install it via something like aptitude or synaptic.05:27
Romnousfyrestrtr: i'm going to check it out05:27
tribbilinay donde estan esos canales?05:27
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alivedatanbnds : check your Xorg log (var/log/) - did you update a driver?05:27
thoreauputicubu: of course virtual machines tend to be somewhat slower anyway, as you would realise05:27
dxdtPiddy: Also check out their wiki and such because they used to have step by step instructions on there05:27
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fyrestrtrCelt: what kind of sound card does it have?05:27
PiddyOh:D Ok, thanks05:28
preaction!es | tribbilina05:28
ubotutribbilina: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:28
DWSRprofanephobia: You there? I restarted and my wireless no longer works.05:28
profanephobiaDWSR: modprobe bcm43xx05:28
PiddyThe Wiki is closed.05:28
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Celtfyrestrtr: you are going to hate me, but I'm not sure.  Is there a way to find out?05:28
fyrestrtrCelt: lspci05:28
Romnousfyrestrtr: scalix doesn't support my OS (feisty fawn) nor my amount of ram...05:28
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Celtok, let me find it.05:28
Dr_LinkI need to set a keyboard shortcut to open the System Monitor.05:28
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chikitaprofanephobia, its alsa05:28
Piddydxdt: Their Wiki is closed.05:29
mandaviPiddy: also take a look for compiz-fusion at ubuntuforums and find a script there which will install the important files05:29
DWSRprofanephobia: Can I add that to a config somewhere to get it to auto-load on startup?05:29
Dr_LinkI can't find that particular shortcut inside the keyboard shortcuts applet05:29
profanephobiachikita try using oss05:29
Dr_Linkwhat do I do?05:29
fyrestrtrRomnous: there are debian packages for it (as I was running it on both fedora and debian). Can't help you with the ram issue. Get more ram.05:29
profanephobiadwsr yeah one sec ill post05:29
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Romnousfyrestrtr: lol that's the only way out :/05:29
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Celtfyrestrtr: Audio Device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller05:29
Piddymandavi: Wait, should I install Beryl or Compiz-fusion?05:29
bauerOkey i buy MS windows then05:30
profanephobiadwr also do this  nm-applet --sm-disable05:30
mandavicompiz-fusion is compiz plus beryl05:30
PiddyAh, ok=D05:30
Dr_LinkI need to set a keyboard shortcut to open the System Monitor.05:30
Dr_LinkI can't find that particular shortcut inside the keyboard shortcuts applet05:30
Dr_Linkwhat do I do?05:30
daynahBauer- Darling, Ubuntu should work. :)05:30
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DWSRnm isn't installed profanephobia. I'm using xubuntu05:30
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fyrestrtrCelt: does the volume mixer work? If so, you might just need to update alsa.05:30
chikitaanother question :), are there any good download manager for linu? ive been testing aria but it was a major dissapointment05:30
profanephobiadwsr oh yeah forgot lol sorry05:30
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ansquemaybe somebody know how i can change my menu "places"? I want change default search on beagle search05:31
DWSRchikita: If you use Firefox I suggest you check out DownThemAll05:31
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Celtfyrestarter: No volume mixer doesn't seem to have any effect on the sound.  How would I go about updating Alsa?05:31
Dr_Link...I'm sorry, but is anyone going to answer my question?05:31
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BogaurdI'm looking at upgrading the soundcard in my machine to something like a creative audigy 2 zs. can someone tell me if this card is properly supported under ubuntu at the moment? or would I be better off buying another, more linux friendly card?05:31
chikitaok DWSRm, i will consider that, i wish there were a flashgot version for linux05:32
shadowmancerhaving issues with repositories, it seems no matter what repository i choose i can't get any packages off of it, any suggestions05:32
DWSRflashget sucks. EOF.05:32
=== LiberCogito [n=deliberc@cpe-72-184-123-163.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
beeerandenI need some help.  I do not have internet connection to my pc downstairs.  Just have the dial up here in the boonies. I am trying to create a local repository on my hd. Anyhow after i placed the packages in /home/user/repos/ and created a packages.gz in repos using dpkg-scanpackage.  I  believe my problem may lie in my sources.list  It looks like deb file:/home/user/repos ./  Does this look right05:32
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profanephobiadr_link: hold on ill post05:33
daynahhaha, shadowmancer, I was about to ask if you were connected to the internet. I need coffee.05:33
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profanephobiadr_link: gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_9 "<Control><Alt>Delete"05:33
profanephobiagconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_9 "gnome-system-monitor"05:33
Celtfyrestarter: How would I go about updating my ALSA?05:33
DWSRprofanephobia: It seems that my DNS resolution is taking FOREVER.05:33
shadowmancerdaynah: how long you been awake?05:33
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fyrestrtrCelt: read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HdaIntelSoundHowto05:33
profanephobiadwsr: broadcom sucks with linux05:33
daynahshadowmancer, an hour? but I'm trying to install xp and it's hurting my brain. :(05:33
profanephobiadwsr: i got one too05:34
Celtok, thanks.05:34
Celtfyrestarter: Ok, thanks.05:34
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profanephobiadr_link: let me know if that worked05:34
Dr_LinkIt didn't.05:34
daynahSpeaking of trying to install XP. It's trying to install it's version of grub on my Linux harddrive, which would require a reformat of that harddrive. How do I let it do that thing?05:34
ansquehow i can edit my menu places?05:34
shadowmancerdaynah: you want to hurt your brain, install windows vista, your brain won't be the only thing hurting by the end of it05:34
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Dr_Linkdid I need to prefix it with "command" in the terminal window?05:35
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Romnousfyrestrtr: i'm trying egroupware, it does exactly what i want so :) thx for the suggestion05:35
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daynahshadowmancer, NO JOKE! I have Vista on my laptop, and Linux isn't working but I keep trying it, so I've isntalled Vista like 4 times. That's quite literally 20 hours of my life wasted.05:35
fulat2kDWSR: do i do that in rescue mode?05:35
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ribando_need some help with xine media player05:36
dxdtdaynah: if you do Linux then Vista, Vista is mean and will kill the MBR and such so that Linux can't boot.  Is that what you are talking about or something else?05:36
ConstyXI1is there any chance of some sort of ndiswrapper helper (gui app that takes care of ndiswrapper for you) in gutsy?05:36
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shadowmancerdaynah: meh, i did it 6 times and i just gave up and now use ubuntu exclusively05:36
fyrestrtrdaynah: it takes 30 minutes (max) to install vista. How is that 20 hours?05:36
ribando_need some help with xine media player05:36
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daynahdxdt, no, my laptop is super new in such a fashtion that the mobo isn't supported yet. Only been on the market... maybe two months now.05:37
DWSRfulat2k: Do what.05:37
thoreauputicribando_: so ask the actual question...05:37
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shadowmancerdaynah: though i hear feisty can dual boot with vista no problem, or if your using an older version of grub or lilo you need to modify something but i can't remember what05:37
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:37
DWSRprofanephobia: You know of any way to speed up DNS name resolution on this thing? It takes ages.05:37
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daynahfyrestrtr, you're joking! 3-4 for each of my installs! Maybe 2.5 for vista and the rest for the laptop driver cd!05:37
TheFuzzballHi, I am a bit of a n00b in the area of Testing so can anyone tell me exactly how to get KDE 4 Beta 1 running on Ubuntu?05:37
profanephobiaDWSR: i manually added mine05:37
DWSRto hosts?05:38
PiddyHm... "Compiz Fusion is NOT for beginners".. Should I ignore that?05:38
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Dr_Linkprofanephobia: eh?05:38
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:38
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thoreauputicTheFuzzball: maybe ask in #kubuntu05:38
meridianhi all.  can ubuntu install off a external cdrom? or external hard drive?05:38
profanephobiadwsr: i manually added my DNS servers05:38
AnlarPiddy: well, it's more finished and working generally than beryl for instance..05:38
fyrestrtrIf you want to dual boot with Vista, you install Vista first, but don't let it take over the entire hard disk. Leave unpartitioned space. Once Vista is installed, pop in the 7.04 install CD, and install on the 'largest available free space' and your grub will automatically have the entry for vista. Did this on three machines without issue.05:38
meridiani.e. copy image to hard drive from install cd05:38
daynahshadowmancer, it's not a problem with dual booting or anything like that. I just couldn't get linux on it period. The suggested solution was to wait. Bleh. GAg.05:38
=== savek [n=savek@cpe147.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
DWSRprofanephobia: My DNS server is my default gateway. I added it already.,05:38
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fulat2kDWSR: unmount and remount in rw mode. :)05:38
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fyrestrtrdaynah: it takes you 3 *hours* to install Vista?05:39
PiddyOk, I'm supposed to type in a bunch of codes.. Where, in the terminal?05:39
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DWSRfulat2k: No, you just need sudo.05:39
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fulat2kDWSR: normal bootup?05:39
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shadowmancerfyrestrtr: yeah though thats with feisty, i said if your using an older version, when i was using edgy it didn't work05:39
mildneris there a german help05:39
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:40
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drewhey, how can i modify what grub shows in its menu when i reboot?05:40
Kasledo anyone here know how to get patch to bcm43xx nettwork card? i'm a newbie05:40
profanephobiathe bot speaks german lol05:40
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DWSRfulat2k: Yup.05:40
PiddyAnlar: I'm supposed to type in a lotta codes.. In the Terminal, or what?05:40
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bulmerDWSR: do you have ipv6 enabled? that slows down the dns lookup05:40
fyrestrtrdrew: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:40
daynahFyrestrtr, the devs of any of the distros I have tried yet have not worked on my mobo. There's something asus-related floating around in Ubuntu in the last few weeks. Only problem with Vista is I only have 1 gig and it's slow. I swear, THREE HOURS05:40
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ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx05:40
drewfyrestrtr: ty05:40
fulat2kDWSR: cool.  will try that out. thx05:40
DWSRbulmer: Think so. Where can I disable it?05:40
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fyrestrtrdaynah: you have bigger problems then. I have 1 GB RAM, and my performance rating is 4 on my laptop. Vista is smooth sailing.05:41
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profanephobiadwsr: is the network your connecting to wep wpa or unencrypted05:41
allorderive just download the regnum gane and I got this error:  ./rolauncher: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory what to do ?05:41
DWSRoh, and profanephobia: Can I get an applet to allow me to have an icon in my system tray for my wireless connection (signal strength, etc)05:41
DWSRprofanephobia: wep.05:41
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ribando_when I start xine media player, It opens and plays the dvd, but it keeps flashing and gives this error "the is no mri"05:41
bulmerDWSR on /etc/modprobed.d/aliases05:41
B-rabbit_guyz, i am having a problem...i cunt find flashplugin-nonfree in my package manager.Can any one tell me why?05:42
daynahfyrestrtr, I'm adoring how you're thinking I'm an idiot or something. Vista is fine when it's just vista and normal stuff. Even Vista and WoW. But Vista + FFXI is awful, even after a nice deep msconfig cleaning.05:42
BigMacHey I have an amd semprons, so which build of this should I be downloading http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=195473&package_id=23159605:42
profanephobiaDWSR: well i use gnome but ill look for one05:42
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thoreauputicB-rabbit_: you need the multiverse repository05:42
TimeTravellerAnyone recomend UbuntuUltimate or should i stick to the "original" ?05:42
shadowmancerfyrestrtr: though vista is smooth sailing to install, to run it is a brain tumor, it caused me so many problems, and my eyes began to bleed from the blue screen of death05:42
PiddyAnyone, where can I type "sudo apt-get remove compiz-core desktop-effects"?05:42
fyrestrtrI'm not thinking you are an idiot. I'm just stating my experience over three laptop and vista and ubuntu. What is FFXI?05:42
Anlarpiddy: yes, but those howtos are 90% of the time perfectly safe and work :)05:42
DWSRbulmer: Just comment out the ipv6 entry?05:42
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erUSUL!cli | Piddy05:43
ubotuPiddy: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:43
thoreauputic!multiverse | B-rabbit_05:43
ubotuB-rabbit_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:43
Kasledo anyone here know how to get a new patch to bcm43xx nettwork card?05:43
fyrestrtrshadowmancer: go complain somewhere else.05:43
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BigMacHey I have an amd semprons, so which build of this should I be downloading http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=195473&package_id=23159605:43
daynahBUT I'm trying to get -XP- on my -DESKTOP-. :) It's trying to put it's version of a grub (dunno what it's called) on my Linux harddrive, though I'm installing it on a different one. I don't know how to... get arround it, allow it, anything, I ust can't think of anything. Ideas?05:43
=== Chascon [n=chatzill@pc-99-227-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
allorderive just downloaded the regnum game and I got this error:  ./rolauncher: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, what  I can do ?05:43
thoreauputic!bcm43xx | Kasle05:43
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ubotuKasle: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx05:43
profanephobiaDWSR: sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome  then    sudo apt-get remove network-manager-gnome05:43
daynahfyrestrtr, FFXI is Final Fantasy 11, a MMORPG05:43
Geek: let it install. repair install of ubuntu05:43
fyrestrtrdaynah: that's because by default, XP installs its bootloader on the first ide device (the primary boot disk)05:43
daynahHi Geek have I been ignoring you I'm sorry! I'm listening.05:43
shadowmancerfyrestrtr: sorry, its just i have had way too many issues with vista to agree with it, i am waiting till service pack 2 comes out before i will touch it again05:43
Geekdaynah: just one line ;)05:43
bulmerDWSR alias net-pf-10 off05:44
bulmeralias ipv6 off  on separate lines05:44
blackdiamondHi everybody. I have problems using Gutsy. With my modem d-link internet connection is not available. I don't know why. I  post my ifconfig, someone can read it and say what is wrong with it? thank you very much http://phpfi.com/25396105:44
B-rabbit_thoreauputic: i have enabled the multi ..thingy but it still isn't there05:44
BigMacHey I have an amd semprons, so which build of this should I be downloading http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=195473&package_id=23159605:44
Kaslethoreauputic: i can't find any solutions here to get a patch... just how to install it05:44
thoreauputicB-rabbit_: did you update?05:44
fyrestrtrshadowmancer: to each his own; I think you just had incompatible hardware. If your systems are vista certified, then you don't face any issues. I had *one* problem ... and that was with Vista 64.05:44
profanephobiashadowmancer: microsoft isnt making service packs for vista05:44
maxbWhere might I look to find information on how an Ubuntu CD image is created? I might need to make a Feisty install disc with a modified kernel, to deal with weird hardware.05:44
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thoreauputicKasle: ah I see - well I don't know then, sorry05:44
daynahGeek, it's telling me to reformat the whole drive though. :( Because the drive it wants to install it on is ext305:44
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fyrestrtrblackdiamond: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support05:44
anti[1] hey everyone05:44
thoreauputicB-rabbit_:  run  sudo apt-get update  then try again05:45
dgeorgecan you get p2p software for linux05:45
blackdiamondok sorry05:45
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dgeorgelimewire or something like that05:45
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profanephobiadgeorge; get frosstwire05:45
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire05:45
Geekdaynah: you didn't partition it before hand?05:45
ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.05:45
daynahGeek, is there a way I can resize the partition... from... inside the partition?05:45
allorderive just downloaded the regnum game and I got this error:  ./rolauncher: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:45
daynahGeek, no I've been running this computer for a few years now, Linux only.05:45
shadowmancerfyrestrtr: my dell laptop came with vista, and even then i found issues with the wireless stuff05:45
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Geekdaynah: grab a ubuntu liveCD or gparted05:45
fyrestrtrdaynah: you can, but not from within Windows.05:45
BigMacHey I have an amd semprons, so which build of this should I be downloading http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=195473&package_id=23159605:45
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profanephobiadaynah: gnome partition editor05:45
fyrestrtrshadowmancer: eh, okay.05:45
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PiddyWhere do I type "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"? Also the Terminal?05:46
daynahGeek, I love you. It's always something simple I never think of.05:46
Destroyertjehey, someone is using here hellanzb?05:46
Geekcarve out an XP partiton FIRST. install to that parititon, reinstall grub05:46
ScallyIs there a quieter networking/service channel?05:46
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bulmerblackdiamond: what kind of nic card this is? wired or wireless?05:46
fyrestrtrshadowmancer: blame dell, as my ibm had no issues. In fact, I have issues with Linux. It drains my battery quicker than Vista. 4 hours vs. 205:46
Knight_LordHow can I import messages in kmail?05:46
Geekdaynah: learnt the hard way ;)05:46
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PiciBigMac: Are you running 64bit ubuntu?05:46
Scallyall setting fyrestrtr05:46
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profanephobiadestroyertje: yeah05:46
BigMacPici: Nope 32 bit feisty05:46
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daynahGeek, I knew I Would have to reinstall grub, but easy peasy. I couldn't find a friggin guide for this online. I can't have been the only person that's done this.05:47
fyrestrtrScally: I didn't do any settings in Vista for it to work correctly out of the box.05:47
shadowmancerfyrestrtr: anyways i am happy with ubuntu now, and so far the only problem i have had is just recently with the repositories, they are either refusing me access or timing me out, so i can't recieve updates or new packages, and thats through both command line, and GUI05:47
thoreauputicKnight_Lord: try asking in #kubuntu - more people there would use kmail05:47
daynahGeek, I was googling wrong. I get a C- in Googling skills05:47
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Scally''correctly'' - vista will never work correctly.05:47
bulmerfyrestrtr: you need to turn off your usb devices and drivers..they are never turned off when in hibernate05:47
PiciBigMac: swiftweasel-
fyrestrtrScally: even ubuntu will dim the screen and power down my cpu, but it still eats the battery.05:47
ansquesomeone know how i can change/edit my menu "places"? PLEASE HELP05:47
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mandaviPiddy: yes05:47
profanephobiapiddy: whats your question05:47
BigMacok thank you Pici05:47
Piddymandavi: thank you05:47
DWSRbulmer: I just disabled ipv6 by putting in those two off lines in my aliases file and now I can't connect or resolve at all!05:47
sharperguywhere can i see a list of packages in medibuntu and feisty-commercial?05:47
fyrestrtrshadowmancer: probably your mirror is down, try an alternate.05:47
thoreauputicguys, discussion of vista is offtopic here, OK ?05:47
Geekdaynah: funny thing is, i was here to ask help for my new ubuntu server ;p05:48
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Destroyertjeprofanephobia: ehh i have a question, the guide @ ubutnuforums says install par2, but the readme from hellanzb says install par2cmdline, so is there a difference or what?05:48
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Piddyprofanephobia: Nevermind I got it:)05:48
bulmerDWSR do a  /etc/init.d/networking restart05:48
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profanephobiadestroyertje: install par2cmdline05:48
daynahGeek, yeah, I do that to, I come here for help and someone asks "How do change me desktop in Ubuntu?" and I think... wait... did he REALLY just ask that...05:48
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Geeker... login screen right? ;p05:48
fyrestrtrGeek: what is the problem with your server?05:48
shadowmancerfyrestrtr: thats the thing, i have tried a couple of dozen mirrors, and they all have the same problem, and its just a recent issue05:48
Geekfyrestrtr: it was already solved ;p05:49
dgeorgefrostwire.. so i installed it.. but it won't open05:49
fyrestrtrshadowmancer: strange .. have you been practicing any shadow magic near your hub? :P05:49
Kaslecan anyone please help me with finding a patch to bcm43xx???05:49
dgeorgewhat is needed to get it working05:49
FireFox why can't string literal be used as template argument?05:49
fyrestrtrdgeorge: did you forget to install java?05:49
GeekTBH i needed a nice text mode web browser, and i found one. hung around to well, get a feel of the place ;p05:49
profanephobiadestroyertje: wait thats the same app but its in the rops as par205:49
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dgeorgenope i have java installed05:49
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bensodeTrying to install cups on a Fiesty server installation but getting a message that it's not available but referred to by another package05:49
daynahGeek, if you're good at helping, why not consider Triaging some of the bugs? :)05:49
thoreauputicKasle: what patch? I don't know what you are referring to05:49
fyrestrtrGeek: what did you end up using?05:49
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ClNorrisGoogle does not like to tell me answers. My question is how do you program screensavers for ubuntu?05:50
thoreauputicbensode: try cupsys05:50
DWSRbulmer: 'No DCHPOFFERS received. No working leases in presistent database - sleeping'05:50
Geekfyrestrtr: elinks works well enough. I can't memorise a dozen keyboard shortcuts ;)05:50
ansquesomebody know how i can edit my menu places?05:50
shadowmancerfyrestrtr: if you discount swearing at it, then no05:50
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dgeorgewhy would it not open05:50
bensodethoreauputic: Sweet that was it thank05:50
bulmerKasle http://www.unix-tutorials.com/go.php?id=57505:50
Destroyertjeprofanephobia: ahh k :) and http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32243/ this is the readme for install. i think it's python-dev and python-twisted or something like that05:50
Geekgranted, its running in VMware so... i could just use FF on the host ;p05:50
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fyrestrtrGeek: there was one .. can't remember now, maybe elinks -- that has a hook that allowed you to view images.05:50
B-rabbit_thoreauputic: i have updated it right now but 'flashplugin-nonfree' till isnt there05:50
thoreauputicbensode: for future reference - try  apt-cache search <keywords>05:51
daynahGeek, I don't need to use the feisty cd for my feisty right?05:51
Geekfyrestrtr: i don't need images05:51
bulmerDWSR you can manually enable your nic card and run dhclient05:51
Dr_LinkI have an Intel PROset Wireless card and Ubuntu recognizes it but for some reason I can't connect to a wireless network. Any ideas?05:51
allorderive just downloaded the regnum game and I got this error:  ./rolauncher: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, what should i do ?05:51
Eclipsorfyrestrtr: talking about web browsers? w3m has image support05:51
Geekdaynah: not too sure. I *think* it would be better ti use feisty05:51
thoreauputicB-rabbit_: then something is wrong with your /etc/apt/sources.list05:51
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DWSRDr_Link: Use ndiswrapper.05:51
bulmerDr_Link: is it your AP?05:51
profanephobiadr_link: what drivers are you using05:51
bensodethoreauputic: duly noted.  Thanks again05:51
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thoreauputic!info flashplugin-nonfree05:51
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386)05:51
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Dr_LinkIntel's PROset driver.05:51
Dr_Linkcame with my Windows installation...05:52
thoreauputicB-rabbit_: are you running amd64 ?05:52
Dr_Linkand then I installed Ubuntu on another partition05:52
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Geekalso, i think i'll be using the server on SSH on putty very soon..05:52
DWSRgot it. Thanks bulmer.05:52
EclipsorI'm having some problems booting my computer anymore after an upgrade to gutsy (changed feisty to gutsy in all the repos)  LILO hangs and then a few minutes later complains about not being able to find the LVM partition to boot from :\05:52
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Eclipsoris there any way to fix this easily? I have an ubuntu install cd with rescue mode05:52
profanephobiadr_link: you can either use ndiswrapper or use bcm43xx05:52
ClNorrishow does ubuntu handle screensavers? and how do I find out more information on making one?05:52
thoreauputicB-rabbit_: ah, adobe don't make flash for 64 bit05:52
Dr_Linkndiswrapper  is... how easy... to install?05:53
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thoreauputicB-rabbit_: complain to adobe05:53
DWSRDr_Link: It's in the respositories.05:53
daynahCINorris, just a second05:53
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bulmerDr_Link: is it your own AP? and now WEP or encryption enabled?05:53
fyrestrtrClNorris: you need to search gnome screensavers, not ubuntu screensavers. Ubuntu is a distribution that uses gnome. Try in #gnome for more help.05:53
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Dr_Linkit is an open AP without any encryption key05:53
allorderive just downloaded the regnum game and I got this error:  ./rolauncher: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, what should i do ?05:53
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B-rabbit_thoreauputic; isn't there any way around it?05:53
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fyrestrtrallorder: install libgtk05:54
profanephobiab-rabbit: if you want to use flash in 64bit ubuntu i recommend either installing the 32 bit version of firefox or whatever browser or installing the windows version with wine05:54
khandihi all05:54
ClNorrisfyrestrtr, I know. Everywhere I look for informationrelating to gnome-screensaver. I get nothing.05:54
DWSRallorder: sudo apt-get install libgtk05:54
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PiddyHuh? It says " add the folloing to your /etc/apt/sources.list: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list".. Now.. what should I do to do this?05:54
bulmerDr_Link: if you are directing the response to me, you need to prefix your response with my nick or it will be missed05:54
thoreauputicB-rabbit_: yes, either a 32 bit chroot or installing 32 bit Ubuntu05:54
allorderok thx05:54
Dr_LinkOK, bulmer.05:54
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thoreauputicB-rabbit_: there may be other ways05:54
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Dr_Linkbulmer: It's an open AP without encryption keys05:54
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sharperguywhere can i find out more about the feisty-commercial repo?05:54
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khandii was wondering if anyone could lend me a hand figuring out how to acces my NFTS harddrive with my Kubuntu OS05:54
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thoreauputicB-rabbit_: check the wiki for restricted formats05:54
thoreauputic!restricted | B-rabbit_05:55
ubotuB-rabbit_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:55
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:55
f00bar2kkhandi: apt-get install ntfs-3g05:55
bulmerDr_Link:  okay..does it have a wired ports? ie use the ethernet port to check it out making sure it doles out an ip address, then work toward wireless once thats working05:55
twofclubsHi i'm having problems with getting openoffice to use my black print cartridge...the black print cartridge is brand new...but it insists on using the color print cartridge to spit out purple letters...any ideas?05:55
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profanephobiab-rabbit; honestly no matter what you do 64bit doesnt work well with flash not untill adobe makes it05:55
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daynahCINorris, your problem isn't really a problem, it's something pretty cool and creative. I don't have my fancy IRC client right now... do you have one where it'll list all the channels on the freenode server? IF you do, try to list them all, and see if theres one about Ubuntu Art (all the Ubuntu channels start with #ubuntu- ). That way, it'll be quieter. You problem certainly is appropriate here, but I think there should be a channel 05:55
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FaptasticAnyone knows how to prevent frequent Nmap Xmas scan on Ubuntu?06:07
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Eclipsordoes LILO just have issues with booting from LVM volumes? it worked before when I was using feisty :\06:07
f00bar2khow can I stop my external ip resolving to my router from within my network? Externally if i go to my external IP it forwards to a webserver on an internal machine, but going to my external ip from within the network goes to my router.06:07
ClNorrisdaynah, thank you for your support. I will check other channels.06:07
AnlarFaptastic: you really don't have to do anything about it?06:07
Sporkcrap!  i accidently deleted my /etc/modules what do i do!?06:07
Sporkplease help :(06:07
chikitai cant print documents, how do i fix that?06:07
profanephobiaspork: look in your trash06:07
thoreauputicEclipsor: are you using lilo by choice? ubuntu uses grub by default...06:07
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Sporki did it from the command line06:07
bulmerFaptastic: perhaps you can enable your iptables rules and filter those out? i dont know the patters of xmas scan btw06:07
allorderDWSR: E: Couldn't find package libgtk06:07
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dgeorgehow do i go about updating my java... looks like frostwire requires 1.5... i have 1.406:07
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Eclipsorthoreauputic: I had to use the alternate install cd for ubuntu06:07
Piddyprofanephobia: The Ubuntu forums say this in the Compiz Fusion tutorial: " add the folloing to your /etc/apt/sources.list: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list".. Now.. how to do this?06:07
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Eclipsorso I suppose that noe uses lilo instead of grub06:07
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Eclipsorsince it gave me no choice06:07
daynahCINorris, I hope they're in theri channel. :) If so, you'll have a very strong team who I'm sure would love to have another eager person. :)06:07
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thoreauputicEclipsor: the alternate CD uses grub too :)06:07
Eclipsorany way I can change to grub now? :p06:07
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thoreauputicEclipsor: yes, install it :)06:07
RGautierFor ubuntu server addition - how can I get the screen to go to sleep like it used to on my FC4 install?06:07
Sporkprofanephobia, i did it through an su command as root06:07
AnlarSpork: feisty?06:07
Eclipsornow for the question, how do I install grub06:07
profanephobiapiddy: an easier way is to go to system -> admin -> software sources and third party and add it there06:07
Eclipsorall I have is a very basic shell06:07
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profanephobiaspork: damn06:07
thoreauputicEclipsor: sudo apt-get install grub, I assume :)06:07
Sporkany ideas? :(06:07
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ramseizeis there a way to access read/write NTFS Files?06:07
DWSRbulmer: It's lost my AP again.06:07
DWSRcan't find it.06:07
unagiwhat is the ffmpeg command to convert .avi to image sequence?06:07
EclipsorI've done that before06:07
allorderDWSR: E: Couldn't find package libgtk06:07
Dr_Linkbulmer: Yes I'm connected physically to the router.... or I have done that before and I can get a wired connection... but I'm having trouble with wireless06:07
Eclipsorbut it still booted lilo06:07
DWSR!ntfs-3g > ramseize06:07
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Geekramseize: NTFS-3g06:07
DWSRallorder: sudo apt-cache search libgtk06:07
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thoreauputicEclipsor: have a look at the grub-install command06:07
AnlarSpork: wait a sec06:07
Eclipsorok, be back in a few06:07
ramseizewhere can i download it06:07
daynahramseize, there are many guides for that on the ubuntu forums. Search there06:07
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unagi!ntfs | ramseize06:07
uboturamseize: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:07
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AnlarSpork: it should have only 3 lines by default in it, containing the words "fuse" "lpr" and "sbp2" on their own lines06:07
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:07
Sporkit was 200 bytes06:07
Sporkso i guess that's possible06:07
Piddyprofanephobia: Should I add sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list, or just etc/apt/sources.list in there?06:07
AnlarSpork: there's a useless comment before them06:07
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Scallyhow can I stop ubuntu from blocking ssh requests?06:07
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unagidoes anyone know a way to convert .avi to image sequence of tga?06:07
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thoreauputicScally: install openssh-server ?06:07
profanephobiapiddy: no thats for use with the terminal what are you trying to add06:07
khandidoes the Ubuntu help on how to acces my windows partition also work for a Kubuntu system?06:07
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Scallythoreaputic: installed already06:07
SporkAnlar, is yours 200 bytes?06:07
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thoreauputicScally: is sshd running?06:07
AnlarSpork: about yeah06:07
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Sporkhmm mine was exactly 20006:07
Sporknow its 40006:07
thoreauputicScally: and do you have any firewalling or NAT?06:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ffmpeg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:07
Geekkhandi: kubunthu is ubuntu mostly. DE matters little06:07
Piddyprofanephobia: See, that's the point.. I don't know what to add.. take a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=481314&highlight=Compiz-fusion06:07
unagikubuntu IS ubuntu with kde06:07
thoreauputic!info ffmpeg06:07
ubotuffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 176 kB, installed size 620 kB06:07
profanephobiapiddy:  this is what you want to add deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy06:07
AnlarSpork: it's just fine. there's some commented out lines at the beginning of the default file, you don't need them06:07
profanephobiato do this06:07
Scallythorea: I have port forwarding set up.. to forward to the server06:07
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riaalanyone here running a dns service? whats the best client etc. for ubuntu?06:07
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Eclipsorthoreauputic: I think I see the problem, lilo was trying to use /dev/mapper/something00somethingother00 when it was /dev/mapper/something00/somethingother0006:07
thoreauputicScally: is sshd running ? Does ` pgrep sshd` return numbers?06:07
profanephobiapiddy: open either your sources.list from terminal using sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:07
Sporkthanks Anlar06:07
Anlarunagi: ffmpeg most likely can extract frames in some image file format, but I just destroyed the help filed of ffmpeg so I can't see the helps :)06:07
thoreauputicEclipsor: hmmm... OK ;P06:07
profanephobiapiddy: or through system -> admin -> software sources -> third party and add06:07
mattgyver83How do you add programs to your Applications menu if they werent installed via Synaptic, or Add/Remove??06:07
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Eclipsortrying to get grub installed though06:07
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Anlarunagi: and imagemagick can mass convert anything to tga06:07
thoreauputicmattgyver83: find the command, and use the menu editor06:07
Piddyprofanephobia: Yeah, that's what I meant. In third party.. What exactly should I add there?06:07
bulmerDr_Link if you have been getting a connection to your wireless..seems its working..however wireless does not guarantee acess all the time06:07
Eclipsordid apt-get and it told me to "dpkg --configure -a", what does that do?06:07
profanephobiapiddy:deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy-amd6406:07
profanephobiapiddy: wait no06:07
profanephobiapiddy; that was for 64 bit hold on06:07
DWSRbulmer: It seems that my wireless card has suddenly lost signal and I can't connect.06:07
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thoreauputicEclipsor: tries to fix anomalies in the packaging system basically06:07
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Eclipsorwell it said something about grub, so I'm happy :p06:07
Eclipsorlets see if its done06:07
profanephobiapiddy: this deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy and this deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy06:07
mattgyver83thoreauputic, thanks.06:07
unagidoes anyone know a way to convert .avi to image sequence of tga?06:07
Piddyprofanephobia: What do you mean by "feisty eyecandy"?06:07
thoreauputicmattgyver83: :)06:07
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mattgyver83I wish i knew it was that simple so i didnt have to ask06:07
profanephobiapiddy: just paste that as is06:07
dem0nseedunagi why?06:07
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bulmerDWSR  how far is it?06:07
Scallywhat's the command to install a vnc server?06:07
thoreauputicmattgyver83: you shouldn't worry about asking - that's what we are here for after all06:07
DWSRbulmer: When it was running Windows, it could sit right where it is now and get an almost perfect signal. It's definitely within range, because this computer is sitting right beside it and getting a good signal.06:07
Piddyprofanephobia: god I'm so confused. Where do you want me to paste "feisty eyecandy"? :S There are just weird folders on that site.06:07
khandiok, i got the NTFS tool now... but i can't seem the open the program itself. it does not appaer to have a icon in front of it's title in my K-menu06:07
L0cKnchi ha un sito hostato su aruba?06:07
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dem0nseedscally please type /j #hbh06:07
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DWSR!es L0cKn06:07
dem0nseedin the chat windo06:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es l0ckn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:07
DWSR!es | cKn06:07
ubotucKn: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:07
profanephobiapiddy: are u registered to recieve pm's here06:07
unagiwhy does everyone ask me why06:07
L0cKni'm italian06:07
L0cKnsorry (is a amsg)06:07
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:07
Piddyprofanephobia: no...06:07
gilsterdoes anyone know of a program that will allow me to create an audiocd which is protected so it cant be coppied easily06:07
mattgyver83thorauputic, is there a way to assign an icon?06:07
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dem0nseedscally come channel hbh06:07
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DWSRgilster: DRM sux.06:07
Anlargilster: that is impossible06:08
khandiok, i got the NTFS tool now... but i can't seem the open the program itself. it does not appaer to have a icon in front of it's title in my K-menu. is anyone familiar with this problem?06:08
thoreauputicmattgyver83: yes, there's a blank icon field IIRC06:08
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profanephobiapiddy: well do this step by step first open a terminal06:08
DWSRbulmer: What do you suggest?06:08
bulmerDWSR sometimes the signal strength is also too strong and saturates your receiver..06:08
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Piddyprofanephobia: done06:08
DWSRI'm not right beside the AP or anything.06:08
dem0nseedscally come channel hbh06:08
dem0nseedscally come channel hbh06:08
thoreauputicmattgyver83: right click, properties I think06:08
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unagidoes anyone know a way to convert .avi to image sequence of tga?06:08
bulmerDWSR look into the driver capabilities if anything you can trim the sensitivity or whatever06:08
DWSRI'm a few rooms away. It should be fine. It's been sitting here for a while, and it does get signal, it just seems to have lost it.06:08
profanephobiapiddy: now copy and paste this:   sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:08
khandi@Geek, ok, i got the NTFS tool now... but i can't seem the open the program itself. it does not appaer to have a icon in front of it's title in my K-menu.06:08
mattgyver83oh crap06:09
mattgyver83theres a button at the top06:09
dem0nseedunagi type /j #hbh in chat window06:09
Romnousanyone familiar with running egroupware on feisty?06:09
Anlarunagi: you were told already, now shut up06:09
mattgyver83i ddnt realize it was a button06:09
thoreauputicmattgyver83: click where it says "no icon"06:09
gilsterDWSR: i agree drm sucks. but i have a demo cd here that i made that i would like to make invisible to average windows yser06:09
mattgyver83im blind06:09
Pici!coc | Anlar06:09
ubotuAnlar: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/06:09
profanephobiapiddy: that will open a text editor with your sources in it06:09
bulmerDWSR also wireless stuff does not guarantee that connectivity 100%06:09
thoreauputicmattgyver83: heh :)06:09
Geekkhandi: its been a while but i recall you needed to edit a config file, and then mount the drive06:09
DWSRbulmer: I want connectivity to be at least as good as it was on Windows, which was 95%.06:09
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Piddyprofanephobia: Yeah. now what?06:09
unagiwow anlar do you have to be rude about it06:09
DWSRThat's not a lot to ask, I don't think.06:09
unagiperhaps....no just a thought.....maybe i didnt see anyone reply06:10
unagioh my god is that possible?!06:10
khandi@Geek, the website said i should install the app. and then when i start it, it would recognize my NTFS drive. but i will not even start ;)06:10
profanephobiapiddy: ok now go to the bottom and copy and paste these two lines:    deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy06:10
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riaalwhats the best DNS service for ubuntu?06:10
profanephobiapiddy: and deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy06:10
bulmerDWSR not too much to ask..make sure you dont have lots of metals between your nic and AP06:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about egroupware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:10
DWSRWell, a few walls, but it's not encased in lead or anything06:10
Geekkhandi: its been a whole and i'm on a windows system right now so i can't check06:10
khandi@geek ok thanks for your help!06:11
Romnousdoes anyone now about installing egroupware on feisty?06:11
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DWSRseems to be working again.06:11
Jack_SparrowDWSR: Do you think there may also be the possibility that Linux gives you true reading and MS gives you what you want to see....06:11
bulmerDWSR you need to start responding with a prefixed of my nick, or else it will be missed06:11
Geeki never used NTFS config, ever...06:11
Piddyprofanephobia: Yeah, now?06:11
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Geekkhandi: run it fro, console!06:11
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DWSRbulmer: Yeah, no worries.06:11
profanephobiapiddy: k now save that and close06:11
nochhello guys . . . so i just installed 7.04 on my system and whenever i take out my cd to boot to the hdd, it says no operating systems detected06:11
mattgyver83has anyone been able to get XMRadio Online support?06:11
thoreauputicRomnous: try  apt-cache search egroupware06:11
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khandi@geek ok!06:11
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Geekworth a try anyway06:12
Piddyprofanephobia: Ok, done. Now?06:12
profanephobiapiddy: now from the terminal run this:       sudo apt-get update06:12
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JaszboHello...what is the easiest way to install a font from a .zip file?06:12
Romnousthoreauputic: i've installed it already, but can't seem to find a control panel/webinfterface anywhere06:12
Pici!font  | Jaszbo06:12
ubotuJaszbo: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer06:12
DWSRJack_Sparrow: Trust me, I've run linux on this machine before. It should be 90%+ uptime, else I don't see how it could be reasonably called a wireless card. More like a "Hahah, I'll tease you and make you think you can connect to the internet without wires but really all I'm doing is playing with your computer and teasing you" card.06:12
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Geekhttp://www.ntfs-3g.org/index.html#installation is the install guide i used... personally06:12
JaszboOK. Thanks06:12
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thoreauputicRomnous: I don't know about egroupware, sorry06:12
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DWSRGeek: There's one on the Ubuntu forums.06:12
Piddyprofanephobia: there are 2 errors.06:13
unagi!image magick06:13
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about image magick - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:13
nochdoes anyone have an idea of whats going wrong?06:13
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about imagemagick - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:13
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profanephobiapiddy: copy and paste them here to me06:13
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thoreauputicRomnous: you probably should check out its home page - usually the documentation would be there06:13
dem0nseedunagi type /j #hbh in chat window06:13
dem0nseedunagi type /j #hbh in chat window06:13
GeekDWSR: generic one, i used it on suse and ubuntu, it isn't 'easy' but i know it works06:13
Piddyprofanephobia: GPG error: http://download.tuxfamily.org feisty Release: Flgende signaturer kunne ikke verifiseres fordi den offentlige nkkelen ikke er tilgjengelig: NO_PUBKEY 2D6CFB44DD800CD906:13
Romnousthoreauputic: yeah i did, but don't find anything usefull06:13
dem0nseedif you want help with the dang .avi file come channel hbh06:13
Piddyprofanephobia: do you understand that? :P06:13
profanephobiapiddy: ok we nee dto add the key06:13
khandi@geek, stupid question, but how do i do that? drag it in there? and then i get 4 options... all abreviations. which one must i pick?06:13
thoreauputicRomnous: :(06:13
Romnouspiddy: #ubuntu-fi06:13
DWSRthe one on the ubuntu forums works excellently. I used it in the LiveCD and it worked. I was highly impressed.06:13
nochis anyone is seeing what im typing??06:13
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thoreauputicnoch: no06:14
Romnousnoch: no06:14
profanephobiapiddy: from terminal run this:          gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 81836EBF06:14
profanephobiagpg --export --armor 81836EBF | sudo apt-key add -06:14
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nochso i just installed 7.04 on my system and whenever i take out my cd to boot to the hdd, it says no operating systems detected06:14
zachey guys i  installed ubuntu and i cant boot into windows anymore06:14
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Pici!grub | noch06:14
Geekkhandi: console, as root. type those in and see if it ounts first06:14
Romnousthen you did't install ubuntu lol:P06:14
Piddyprofanephobia: done06:14
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profanephobiapiddy: now do sudo apt-get update06:14
retsami upgrade the kernel and the next restart the mouse not found :(06:14
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ubotunoch: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:15
unagianyone know the ffmpeg command to convert .avi to image sequence?06:15
alivedatanoch: u can fix grub by booting off live cd06:15
GeekZac: error or its just not there?06:15
PiddyProfanephobia: still same error.. and lol, it says "You might wanna try to run apt-get update to fix this problem" xD06:15
Jack_Sparrowzac: get to a terminal and type sudo fdisk -l     and tell us what partitions you see.06:16
zacwell i tried starting it up and it just said starting up06:16
zaci went to command line06:16
zacand typed boot06:16
zacand it says06:16
zaceroor 07 load kernal06:16
bulmerfyi my own experience so far.. ubuntu dapper, on a 1.8ghz P4 and kworld PlusTV model 115...not able to decode ATSC signal correctly, lines showing up..bad experience..am returning to fry's06:16
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mattgyver83When you add a repository, does Ubuntu include it while searching for program udpates?06:16
profanephobiapiddy: deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy06:16
stuart-eh? i just installed xfce4, but it doesn't have the taskbar to see my running processes06:16
stuart-how'd i bring that up06:16
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Dudozohola, me cai xD06:16
profanephobiapiddy: you pasted it just like that right06:16
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thoreauputicmattgyver83: yes of course06:16
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Piddyprofanephobia: yeah06:17
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thoreauputicmattgyver83: assuming that repo *has* updates06:17
Geekzac: XP disk, try chkdsk to see if there's anything wrong with the drive; repair install,then reinstall grub06:17
profanephobiapiddy: ok open your source.list again06:17
retsamsomebody use lazarus?06:17
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profanephobiapiddy: and delete what you pasted06:17
Pici!es | Dudozo06:17
ubotuDudozo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:17
nochso i think i know whats wrong06:17
zaci dont have an xp disk i didnt get one with my computer when i bought it06:17
zacit has a second hard drive06:17
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:17
zacwith recovery files06:17
zacand i ran that but it didnt do anything06:18
nochi have my / on my 2nd HDD, but bios doesnt see that on boottime06:18
nochcause its a ide and i boot to my ata drive06:18
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Geekrecovery disks arn't too useful for repairs06:18
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unagi_what is the ffmpeg command to convert .avi to image sequence?06:18
nochhere is my config:06:18
nochisk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes06:19
noch255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders06:19
nochUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes06:19
noch   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System06:19
noch/dev/sda1   *           2       14593   117210240    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)06:19
noch/dev/sda5               2       14593   117210208+   7  HPFS/NTFS06:19
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nochDisk /dev/sdb: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes06:19
noch255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders06:19
nochUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes06:19
noch   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System06:19
noch/dev/sdb1               1        4517    36282771    7  HPFS/NTFS06:19
noch/dev/sdb2            4518        4766     2000092+  83  Linux06:19
noch/dev/sdb3            4767        4888      979965   82  Linux swap / Solari06:19
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Piddyprofanephobia: ok, deleted06:19
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thoreauputicnoch: use a pastebin06:19
profanephobiapiddy: just open the synaptic package manager and search for compiz06:19
thoreauputic!pastebin | noch06:19
ubotunoch: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:19
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profanephobiapiddy: disregard that06:19
unagi_noch what is ur grub problem?06:19
zacok so what can i do since i dont have an xp disc?06:20
Piddyprofanephobia: um. where can I find that?06:20
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zacprobably install vista since i have a vista disc...06:20
zaceven if i dont want to06:20
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thoreauputicnoch: don't do that again please06:20
profanephobiapiddy: go back to that software sources in the system menu06:20
Dr_willisfind an xp disk. :)06:20
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unagi_if ur going to dual boot vista with linux install vista first06:20
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zacso i should format my hdd06:20
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zacand then install vista and then install linux06:21
Geekwell thats one option06:21
Dr_willisformat? you mean repartition the disk.06:21
Piddyprofanephobia: ok, I'm there06:21
Geekor get an XP disk06:21
profanephobiaif vistas on there yeah format it lol06:21
noch@unagi-  my problem is that when i install and reboot my grub isnt detected06:21
zaclol ni meant06:21
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nochhere is my grub: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32245/06:21
zacerase everything off of it06:21
unagi_isntall what and reboot06:21
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Pici!grub | noch06:21
ubotunoch: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:21
zacand then install them both06:21
dem0nseedungi_i got ur solution come back to gbg06:21
profanephobiapiddy: in third-party add , add this06:21
unagi_noch are you trying to dual boot vista and linux?06:21
profanephobiapiddy:deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy06:21
riotkittieyay. im going to compile.  this is so exciting ;\06:21
Picinoch: Read the second link in ubotu's message06:21
profanephobiapiddy; exactly as is06:21
unagi_and u installed linux first noch?06:22
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unagi_you installed vista first?06:22
nochoops, i have XP06:22
nochnot vista06:22
unagi_ah i see06:22
dem0nseedunagi_ : i know how to change the file now06:22
unagi_so what does it do06:22
unagi_boot into xp automatically noch?06:22
dem0nseedcome back to channel hbh06:22
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nochwell, it used to06:22
Piddyprofanephobia: ok, done.06:22
nochnow it boots into nothing06:22
unagi_you need to install easybcd06:22
Scallyre-install grub06:22
profanephobiapiddy: ok now add the other one06:22
nochsays no OS found06:22
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Eclipsorthoreauputic: I should be able to just use my install cd and install grub over lilo?06:22
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unagi_oh....well if you cant get on either os....06:23
profanephobiapiddy: deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy06:23
nochbut its till there06:23
Piddyprofanephobia: other one?06:23
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EclipsorI think I'll go try that now, since the shell I'm in won't let me run grub06:23
thoreauputicEclipsor: I think so yes06:23
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Eclipsorcomplains about bterm not existing06:23
nochwell, i can still get on with my liveCD06:23
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thoreauputicEclipsor: usually people use the live CD06:23
nochlet me go read up on somethingm brb06:23
Piddyprofanephobia: ok, done.06:23
thoreauputicEclipsor: but I think the alternate can do it too06:23
zacok well thanks guys i know what im gonna do now06:23
alesanwhat is the "networking icon" that appears on the upper right corner of the screen?06:23
EclipsorI dont have a livecd spare :P06:23
alesanis it managed by a gnome compionent right?06:23
Eclipsorunless I wanted to try 4.x06:23
profanephobiapiddy: now try sudo apt-ge tupdate06:24
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IceLinkis it possible to find recently changed files?06:24
unagi_have you tried reinstalling the grub noch?06:24
thoreauputicEclipsor: actually you can install grub from any medium really - I haven't done it but the gnu site has documentation I seem to recall06:24
thoreauputicEclipsor: e.g. a floppy etc06:25
Piddyprofanephobia: omg, same error06:25
Eclipsorok, I'll try that if this doesn't work06:25
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Eclipsortaking a while to find my existing volumes06:25
PiciIceLink: find -ctime .  Look at the find manpage for more information.06:25
profanephobiapiddy: in terminal :  gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 81836EBF06:25
profanephobiapiddy: then :   gpg --export --armor 81836EBF | sudo apt-key add -06:25
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ribando_need help with my ubuntu 7.04 installation...its taking way too long to boot...what might be the problem?06:26
Piciribando_: Does it always take a long time to boot?06:26
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thoreauputicEclipsor: http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/netos/article.php/334005106:26
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thoreauputicEclipsor: Carla Schroeder - good stuff06:27
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Piddyprofanephobia: It says "OK"... Was I supposed to include the "-"?06:27
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thoreauputicEclipsor: all about grub06:27
profanephobiapiddy: yes06:27
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multtraxxxhey anyone know how to retrieve my motherboard model number from the shell ?06:27
Piddyprofanephobia: now what? =)06:27
InjenPeople, please don't throw stones but can any one guide me to lit that explains "in detail" the difference between debian/ubuntu? Such as what file systems they use, ubuntus base configuration in comparison to, and the like.06:27
fyrestrtrmulttraxxx: sudo apt-get install hwinfo && hwinfo06:27
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profanephobiapiddy: one more time try to update06:28
multtraxxxthx frye06:28
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thoreauputicInjen: they are *very* similar06:28
Eclipsorawesome, thanks06:28
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InjenI know.06:28
Piddyprofanephobia: NICE! It worked:D06:28
GeekInjen: its mainly packages i think. both use apt and debs, etc.06:28
barbiehow to install ubuntu bootloader, i m on ubuntu machine and want to install bootloader on a usb disk having an ubuntu install...06:28
profanephobiapiddy: thank god06:28
thoreauputicInjen: what in particular?06:28
LiberCogitoInjen: Ubuntu actually has a regular release cycle.06:28
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Piddyprofanephobia: Anything else I should do? ^^06:28
profanephobiapiddy: sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-gnome compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-unofficial libcompizconfig-backend-gconf06:28
profanephobiapiddy: that installs everything you need06:28
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Pici!es | darksama06:29
ubotudarksama: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:29
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Injenubuntu automatically allows root ssh access, <-- kinda things I want to know.06:29
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Piddyprofanephobia: Ah, nice, thank you so much!06:29
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verbozhi all06:29
fyrestrtrInjen: other than the eyecandy, there is very little 'core' difference.06:29
profanephobiapiddy: welcome06:29
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SkeetHey guys what is the best video card to use for beryl?06:29
DWSRAre firefox plugins OS independant? If I have a bunch of plugins installed on Windows, can I take the XPIs and install them on Linux?06:29
crazy_any realplayer for feisty fawn PPC?06:29
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thoreauputicInjen: well, but Ubuntu doesn't have a root password by default06:29
darksamanene que no entiendo naaaaa06:29
fyrestrtrDWSR: yes06:29
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DWSRfyrestrtr: Do you know about FEBE?06:30
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PiciSWAT: Some of them are.06:30
PiciDWSR: Some of them are.06:30
InjenWhich is why I ponder why ubuntu enables it by default :)06:30
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thoreauputicInjen: heh06:30
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barbieanyone, please tell me how to install bootloader06:30
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knnyhckrdoes the build-packege come with the install cd?06:30
Pici!grub | barbie06:30
ubotubarbie: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:30
thoreauputicInjen: I guess if there's no root password it doesn't work anywway :)06:30
SkeetWhat is the best video card to use for beryl?06:31
thoreauputicInjen: but this is configurable of course06:31
crazy_I cannot find realplayer for ubuntu PPC06:31
DWSRYou can set a root password. :-)06:31
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:31
fyrestrtrhow can ubuntu automatically allow root ssh access, when the server isn't even installed by default?06:31
thoreauputicdarksama: do you have anything relevant to say?06:31
Piddyprofanephobia: looks like it's done.. How do I enable it? xD06:31
Eclipsorskeet: mine does fine :P geforce 8800gts06:31
InjenI'd just disable root ssh access06:31
DWSRyou can still login as root.06:31
ribando_Pici nah...its been always real fast, it started today...lol...ever since I started the computer, I didnt really restart, all I was doing, was just restart the X, but when I restarted the computer, its taking a long time in the loading screen of ubuntu, and once it gets half way through, it makes a beep.06:31
Skeetok thank you06:31
darksamaque ddices06:31
DWSRsudo chpass06:31
DWSRor whatever the right command is.06:31
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EclipsorSkeet: you will want to get the proprietary drivers for it though06:31
LiberCogitoDWSR: yes, but not automatically, you have to set it.06:31
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Piciribando_: It might be fscking (filesystem check), It does this once every 30 boots or so.06:32
Eclipsorwait, beryl.... yeah, nevermind, you'd do that already06:32
fyrestrtrribando_: probably it is doing a disk check. Reboot, edit the grub boot line and remove 'quiet' from the line and see.06:32
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Piciribando_: That takes a bit of time.06:32
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fyrestrtrDWSR: sudo -i06:32
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crazy_is there a reaplayer for ubuntu 7.04 on PPC06:32
DWSRfyrestrtr: Thanks. :-)06:32
ribando_Pici but i've restarted 3 times, now, and all 3 of them, took too long06:32
thoreauputiccrazy_: yes but it's hard to find...06:33
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Piciribando_: Did you ever completely start up?06:33
thoreauputiccrazy_: it's hidden away on the helix site I think06:33
ribando_fyrestrtr edit the grub boot line?and how to do that?06:33
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fyrestrtrhit the 'e' key06:33
crazy_I got helix player install but cannot player real media file06:33
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khandi@geek - well, with your help i was able to figure it out :D thanks a lot!06:33
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Geekkhandi: cool ;)06:34
W9ZEBis there a good way to get Gizmo, and/or Skype on 64bit Fiesty?06:34
ribando_Pici humn...it seems that I didnt explain it correctly, its starting up perfectly fine, I got dual boot, but once I choose ubuntu, it starts loading, right...that is when it takes too long, not when the computer is starting up!06:34
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fyrestrtris there a reason you are running 64 bit?06:34
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ribando_crazy_ install real player06:35
thoreauputiccrazy_: https://player.helixcommunity.org/2004/downloads/  <-- use the installer for ppc06:35
Skeetok what is the best video card that runs beryl thats not 200 dollers06:35
W9ZEBfyrestrtr: yes, the 32bit runs like crap on this hardware.....  bios troubles make it not terribly *nix friendly at all.06:35
thoreauputicribando_: he needs ppc06:35
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crazy_ribando: cannot find realplayer for PPC ubuntu 7.0406:35
Piciribando_: Try fyrestrtr's suggest and see if it is indeed fscking the harddrive, if it is, just let it go. Otherwise come back and let us know what the errors are.06:35
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fyrestrtrdamn, what hardware do you have?06:35
Music_ShuffleSkeet, lots will for under 200...06:35
unagianyone know the command line to convert .avi to a .tga sequence06:35
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thoreauputiccrazy_: I just gave you a link - choose the real player for ppc on that page06:36
W9ZEBfyrestrtr: it's an HP DV6255 notebook....  problems are mostly bios related.06:36
Skeeti need one thats like80 bucks06:36
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ribando_Pici shouldnt it warn me that is doing that?otherwise, how is the user supposed to know :S06:36
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MilitantPotatoIn ubuntu, how do I format a floppy?06:37
fyrestrtrW9ZEB: I think you can, but you have to run it in a chroot environment; similar to running flash.06:37
Music_ShuffleSkeet, PCI-express x16, right?06:37
Piciribando_: I dont know.  I agree it should say something about it.06:37
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TheCreationistWhat is the command to restart a network?  My friend's Feisty box won't connect through her cable modem (although it recognizes her ethernet controller)06:37
fyrestrtrW9ZEB: that is how I would try it.06:37
fyrestrtrTheCreationist: sudo /etc/init.d/network restart06:37
W9ZEBfyrestrtr: nod nod.  I actually used one of the opensource flash projects to avoid having to mess with the chroot bit.  I can live without skype / gizmo.  just figured I'd ask.06:37
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MilitantPotatoHow do I format a floppy disk?06:38
unagiwhats a floppy disk06:38
SORMANOVhow can i install Ubuntu server from an usb stick ?06:38
MilitantPotatoheh unagi06:38
marC-Is there any way to enabled remote desktop on my ubuntu box running kde from cmmand line so a rdp into my ubuntu box?06:38
unagiyes MilitantPotato?06:38
GeekUnagi: a long time ago...06:38
=== CP-Paul [n=paul@82-40-211-200.cable.ubr10.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
CP-PaulHey All06:38
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MilitantPotatoI'm trying to flash my wife's PC, I need to format the floppy to put the files on it06:38
unagiyour wife needs to flash me06:39
fyrestrtrhey hey, what you do in the bedroom is your business06:39
ConstyXIVcompiz seems to have killed my virtual desktops.  how do i get them back?06:39
unagii mean her own pc06:39
unagiok im sorry ill shut up06:39
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Geekjust use mkdosfs ?06:39
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SORMANOVanyone ?06:39
JWyniamarC: install freenx on the server and you can use any of the NX clients to remotely connect.06:39
unagiConstyXIV: compiz-tray-icon06:39
ribando_Pici oki doki, I'll follow fyrestrtr suggestion...thank u both06:39
unagiright click and properties06:39
thoreauputicunagi: vulgarity will get you kicked :)06:39
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crazy_thoreauputi: it is a .bin file. haha I am new kids on the block for linux, how to install it06:39
stuart-aw man i dno't have a taskbar in xfce. what gives? xfce4-panel is already running06:39
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unagiawww was that really that vulgar? =(06:39
chikitaprinting on canon bjc-1000 takes too long, what can i do?06:39
MilitantPotatoIt just says mount06:39
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bulmerits a lil fun06:40
Music_ShuffleSkeet, http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=Property&Subcategory=48&Description=&Type=&N=2010380048+1069609641&srchInDesc=&MinPrice=&MaxPrice=80&PropertyCodeValue=3055%3A2054806:40
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Skeetok thank you06:40
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Music_ShuffleSkeet, pretty much any of the first few will do just fine.06:40
fyrestrtrchikita: get a faster printer, or enable spooling.06:40
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Music_ShuffleGL :)06:40
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=== genii sips a coffee
CP-PaulCan anyone recommend a VPN client, i'll be connecting to a windows network. KVpnc seems to bomb out every few minutes :(06:40
Eclipsorthoreauputic: went through the install, but the bootloader option was Install LILO06:40
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thoreauputiccrazy_: make it executable - chmod +x blahblah.bin , then run it with for example ./blah.bin06:40
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=== fyrestrtr point Music_Shuffle to tinyurl.com
chikitahow do i enable spooling?06:40
Eclipsoreither that or no bootloadder06:40
chikitabesides it wotks perfectly on xp06:40
thoreauputicEclipsor: mysterious06:40
Music_Shufflefyrestrtr, Yeah, but then there's the downside of the...unknown actual link that bothers some people.06:41
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crazy_thoreauputi: can show step by step06:41
Eclipsorthoreauputic: at least my boot partition isnt in an LVM, thank god :)06:41
fyrestrtrchikita: the fact that it works perfectly on xp has no bearing on how it will work in linux06:41
thoreauputiccrazy_: it should ask you some questions - might be better to use  sudo ./blah.bin06:41
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thoreauputiccrazy_: it's a while since I installed it on my iBook - but it works quite well06:42
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chikitawell fyrestrtr, i thought it would work too on linux caus eevery freeking geek says that linux is more stable but now i can see its not06:42
MilitantPotatoIs kfloppy decent?06:42
PiddyOk, uhm. I installed Compiz Fusion just 5 mins ago. How do I open the cube?06:42
crazy_thoreauputi: it said no suitable application to open it...06:42
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thoreauputiccrazy_: by the way, most rtsp and real files will playe on ppc ubuntu with gxine and ffmpeg IIRC06:42
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fyrestrtrPiddy: hold down ctrl alt and then hold down the left mouse button and drag06:43
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rpedroPiddy: ctrl + alt + 'down arrow' ?06:43
thoreauputiccrazy_: umm - you used the commands I suggested?06:43
crazy_thoreauputi: ubuntu just refuse to let me install gxine06:43
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unagiMilitantPotato: have you tried mkfs yet?06:43
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rpedroPiddy: oh, no that's filmstrip mode06:43
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MilitantPotatounagi no06:43
thoreauputiccrazy_: nonsense - I have it installed here06:43
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crazy_thoreauputi: I am totally new, only know how to use apt-get06:43
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Eclipsorsudo apt-get ?06:44
braniffanyone found a way to buy music from iTunes store and burn it to cd using linux ?06:44
Piddyfyrestrtr: Nothing happens...06:44
thoreauputic!restricted | crazy_06:44
ubotucrazy_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:44
fyrestrtris ogg lossy?06:44
thoreauputic!repos| crazy_06:44
ubotucrazy_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:44
thoreauputicfyrestrtr: yes06:44
Geekbraniff: itunes store music would have DRM... remove that and its mp406:44
bulmerbraniff airlines..way way back06:44
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Geekfyrestrtr: yes06:44
crazy_thoreauputi: add/remove ?06:44
unravellossy, but sweet06:44
ali110when i enable desktop effects  from system --> prefrances  i get all my screen white and cant see any thing and after few clicks it gets back and desktop effects is not enabled  how should i do it !06:44
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thoreauputiccrazy_: read the urls from ubotu, please06:45
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braniffbulmer: braniff is from waay back heh06:45
crazy_I read already many times06:45
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fyrestrtris there any audible difference betweek mp3 and ogg -- similar bitrate?06:45
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PiddyAnyone know what to do?06:45
thoreauputicfyrestrtr: some say ogg is better at similar bitrates06:46
fyrestrtrPiddy: as others (including myself) have told you, ask in #ubuntu-effects06:46
Geekdepends on the encoder...06:46
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thoreauputicfyrestrtr: I can't really hear the difference :)06:46
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braniffGeek, so what you are saying is: remove the DRM and life is good (mp4 to mp3 converters are readily available)06:46
fyrestrtrthat's what I thought @ Therock_06:46
fyrestrtrerr, thoreauputic06:46
PiddyFyrestrtr: Nobody answers in that channel.06:46
thoreauputicfyrestrtr: i got it :)06:47
Eclipsorthoreauputic: eh, where can I find grub :\ so I can install it off of a CD06:47
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Geekbraniff: you can burn a MP4 i think, with the right converter06:47
ali110when i enable desktop effects  from system --> prefrances  i get all my screen white and cant see any thing and after few clicks it gets back and desktop effects is not enabled  how should i do it ! any one can help please06:47
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Destroyertjecan someone help me with skype on xubuntu?06:47
Geekde-drming apple's stuff though.. its an arms race ;)06:47
thoreauputicEclipsor: umm, the gnu.org site I guess06:47
riotkittiei've never noticed a difference in sound quality when bitrates are comparible but that may be the way that i encode. my oggs tend to be smaller, sizewise, tho. or at least they did. <moment of silence for the dead 500gb drive>06:47
fyrestrtrali110: check if your system needs restricted drivers06:47
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W9ZEBali110: make sure you're set to 24bit color in your xorg.conf06:47
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ernesthow can i put openoffice icons in blubuntu?06:47
thoreauputicEclipsor: never needed to do  it but I assume you can get it there06:48
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fyrestrtrwhat tha blub is blubuntu?06:48
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ali110fyrestrtr: how !! (this is my first day on linux) :)06:48
ernestfyrestrtr: the icons in openoffice are missing06:48
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thoreauputicEclipsor: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/06:48
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Eclipsorits not just sources?06:48
MilitantPotatoit's not writing to the floppy06:48
fyrestrtrali110: click on system, then administration, then restricted drivers manager06:48
ali110W9ZEB: as i sayed  to fyrestrtr this is my first day on linux so i dont know how to check xorg.conf06:49
thoreauputicEclipsor: I don't know, to be honest06:49
MorbZhey guys06:49
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CP-PaulCan anyone recommend a VPN client, i'll be connecting to a windows network. KVpnc seems to bomb out every few minutes :(06:49
thoreauputicEclipsor: does the Carla Schroeder article have any download suggestions?06:49
fyrestrtrCP-Paul: are you sure that's not a fault of the configuration and not the client?06:49
Eclipsornot that I saw06:49
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MorbZubuntu does only work with a lot of errors on my dell laptop06:50
Eclipsorif I use a regular livecd without lvm support.... would grub be able to install ok with that? :\06:50
ali110fyrestrtr: yes it needs an ATI accelerated driver how to get it06:50
fyrestrtrali110: click on the check box06:50
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Eclipsorbecause all but my boot partition are in lvm volumes06:50
alesanis it possible to install a wiki system?06:50
Piddyfyrestrtr: Like... There's not 1 active person in ubuntu-effects....06:50
thoreauputicEclipsor: if you have another linux install with grub on it you can make a two-stage boot floppy or similar by installing it to the media06:50
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B3y0ndhello all06:50
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-104-154.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicEclipsor: running out of information for you now, though :)06:51
unagianyone know the ffmpeg command for converting .avi to an image sequence or how to mass rename files?06:51
fyrestrtrali110: then, once its it done, restart the computer. Then try enabling the effects again06:51
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EclipsorI'll see what google has to say06:51
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thoreauputicEclipsor: always a good plan :)06:51
PiddySo, can anyone help me out with the cube?06:51
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MilitantPotatopiddy whats wrong?06:51
Eclipsorwould be easier if grub would work in the rescue cd06:51
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AngryElf_I'm trying to write an ISO to a DVD and it keeps telling me that I have the wrong media in the drive -- It's a DVD-R which is one of the listed available types.  I've tried several other discs -- any ideas?06:52
=== ribando_ [n=pucca@cpc1-lewi7-0-0-cust883.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrPiddy: System > Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager06:52
PiddyEven though i press Ctrl + Alt, it doesn't show up..06:52
crazy_GPL licensed means free?06:52
PiddyI'm there.06:52
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thoreauputicEclipsor: do you happen to have a Knoppix disk lying around?06:52
PiddyAnd the cube is checked.06:52
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MilitantPotatoctrl alt hold down mouse 106:52
tcpsynI just noticed that when compiling stuff in ubuntu it uses march=pentiumpro06:52
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Piddystill nothing06:52
tcpsynis there somewhere I can set that to my arch?06:52
MilitantPotatoopen terminal06:52
MilitantPotatotype in compiz --replace & disown06:52
riotkittiePiddy: you cant get the cube to show up?  are you using desktop effects, or something else?06:52
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre06:52
dxdtAngryElf_: if it is a cd .iso it could be expecting a CD and then yelling once it gets a DVD-R fromyou06:53
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stuart-how do i monitor a person who is connecting through telnet to my computer?06:53
unagiif i could find someone that knows how to do this they would be helping me out a great deal06:53
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PiddyWell.. I think desktop effects are on... but I didn't reboot after i enabled them06:53
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fyrestrtrstuart-: first, don't enable telnet. Second, try the w command06:53
ubotugpl is the GNU General Public License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html06:53
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=== thoreauputic faints at the mention of telnet
riotkittiePiddy: on the bottom panel, how many desktops do you see?06:53
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ubotuG(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org06:53
riotkittie4? 1?06:53
Destroyertjecan someone help me with skype on xubuntu?06:53
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stuart-fyrestrtr, just enabling to test it out. i'd wanna be able to control my pc remotly06:53
Eclipsorthoreauputic: no, but I could burn one quick06:54
MilitantPotatowhy is the floppy not writing files I paste to it?06:54
mrothis anybody aware of a problem i might have caused by trying to enable compositing in xubuntu feisty?06:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linspere - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:54
fyrestrtrstuart-: for the love of all that is holy, use ssh.06:54
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thoreauputicEclipsor: well, I'm sure knoppix woul;d have grub06:54
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Piddy6 windows.06:54
=== mattgyver83 [n=chatzill@pool-71-252-5-65.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mrothi had a brand new install, activated compositing, and it froze. now i can't sign back in.06:54
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stuart-fyrestrtr, can i use ssh through windows?06:54
mattgyver83is anyone familiar with Songbird?06:54
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mrothlogging in with oem just yields a blue screen with a moving mouse06:54
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fyrestrtrPiddy: hit alt + f2, type compiz --replace and hit enter.06:54
ribandofyrestrtr ur suggestion worked out fine about the loading time, thanks alot...Pici thanks ;)06:54
thoreauputicstuart-: putty06:54
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Piddyi already did that06:54
Piddybut ok06:55
riotkittieputty <306:55
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fyrestrtrPiddy: then, wait for a second, and then hold down alt + ctrl and hit the right arrow key. Your desktop should rotate06:55
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mrothhow can i troubleshoot my xubuntu login freeze?06:55
stuart-thoreauputic, alright. cool06:55
mrothbrand new installation of xubuntu can't log in06:55
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bulmermroth: try to login in a console and then restart gdm perhaps06:55
PiddyNope nothing..06:55
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riotkittieheeeeeee. my husband is so jealous of my cube. :D06:55
fyrestrtrmroth: you might need restricted drivers.06:56
bulmermroth console is ctrl+alt+f1...f606:56
fyrestrtrPiddy: then it is not enabled.06:56
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MorbZborn to be root06:56
ribandoPiddy having problems with compizfusion?06:56
riotkittiePiddy: have you tried turning it off, then turning it back on? <the cube effect, that is>06:56
bulmerriotkittie: me too am jealous of your cube..06:56
Piddyno i didn't06:56
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PiddyWait, I'll try06:56
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fyrestrtrPiddy: if you have wobbly windows, then it is working.06:56
unagiok does anyone know how to mass re name in ubuntu or how to convert .avi to .tga with control over the output name format06:56
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mrothbulmer: i've killed gdm but running it again does nothing06:57
Eclipsorunagi: man rename06:57
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alifyrestrtr: i have installed ther restricted driver and restarted the system now when i go to system --> preferences--> desktop effects i get a message telling me that the composite extention is not available06:57
Falstiusunagi: you can use the 'rename' command to mass rename a bunch of files from the command line.06:57
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mrothfyrestrtr: i don't need restricted because its an intel, and it worked fine for the few minutes before i enabled compositing06:57
mrothbulmer: doesn't xubuntu use a different display manager06:57
mrothbulmer: or is it gdm06:58
riotkittiebulmer: my cube is awesome. <3  and it only took 52 hours, 5 coasters, 1 dapper install + 2 distr-upgrades + 1 hosed feisty install + nearly killing my win partitions + a fresh feisty install + a lot of profanity to acchieve :D06:58
unagican i use it to find 0000000 and rename it to file.06:58
PiddyThere are no wobbly windows.. And I just turned cube on and off.06:58
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totalhey... i just install kernel update 2.6.22-9 as described on ubuntugeek.com and now gdm fails to load and keep getting an undefined symbol: g_option_context_new error when trying to do an apt-get to try resolve it06:58
PiddyShould I try rebooting?06:58
stuart-what if i can't install putty somewhere and would like to still be able to access my pc remotely?06:58
riotkittiePiddy: what kind of gfx card do you have?06:58
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unagii swear.......man documents never make sense to me06:58
Piddya crappy nVIDIA Geforce 4 MX 420 I think.06:58
Falstiusunagi: yes06:58
PiddySomething like that06:58
=== Gurken [n=tuxoflin@dyndsl-091-096-100-015.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieeh, that should be able to handle it, i think.06:59
ribandoPiddy add compiz --replace in ur startup programs and then restart X by doing Ctrl+Alt+Bk Space06:59
PiddyBut my brother in law said it should work.06:59
alifyrestrtr: i have installed ther restricted driver and restarted the system now when i go to system --> preferences--> desktop effects i get a message telling me that the composite extention is not available06:59
riotkittiei have a crappy ati x300 myself :|06:59
=== Nashenas [n=paul@c-75-74-23-248.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Piddyum, ok.06:59
mrothPiddy: my geforce 4 mx runs great with beryl. its not a crappy card (:06:59
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thoreauputicstuart-: if you are using gnome you have rdp - look under Internet - terminal Server Client06:59
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PiddyWell, yes it is a crappy card:P anyway:P06:59
mrothhow do i restart gdm from a tty?06:59
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Piddystartup programs.... hmm... where are those?07:00
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bottigerwhat is the best way to see how much memory an app is using?07:00
su-hoens`rZanyone know why the kubuntu alt cd installer doesn't locate 3 of my 4 sata drives even though the bios and the main cd find them fine? :(07:00
riotkittiePiddy: is this a recent install? have you made changes to xorg.conf? installed the nvidia binaries? anything like that.07:00
thoreauputicmroth:  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:00
Anlarmroth: sudo /etc/init.d/xdm restart07:00
riotkittiebottiger: at a term, type top ....07:00
Piddyriotkittie: no07:00
unagi rename s/\.bak$// *.bak..............i know what that line does but i dont understand what its saying.......what does s/\ mean and where in that line is it saying to strip the extension?07:00
mroththoreauputic: kewl.07:00
fyrestrtrunagi: for file in *.avi ; do mv $file `echo $file | sed 's/\(.*?\)\.avi/1.tga/'` ; done07:00
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riotkittiebottiger: or, on the system menu, there should be an app. i'm not sure which tho07:00
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bottigerriotkittie: sure - I remember reading an article about that wasn't very reliable07:00
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Anlarfyrestrtr: ;-D07:00
unagiomg thats the line ive been looking for where did you find that07:00
ribandoPiddy click on System then Prefferences then Sessions and in Startup Programs tab, type compiz --replace in both blank spaces07:00
Eclipsorfyrestrtr: yes, much better :P07:00
fyrestrtrunagi: tryi it on a test directory first, I wrote that off the top of my head.07:00
mroththoreauputic: uh, i'm running a xubuntu install...running gdm from the recovery console yields a ubuntu login screen.07:01
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unagiis that perl?07:01
meffhiya, im trying to install ubuntu but when it does 'vgchange -a y' during install to activate my lvm's it freezes .. is there a workaround?07:01
crazy_thoreauputi: where can I gind gxine and ffmpeg IIRC07:01
mroththoreauputic: and...it just...sits there...after i put the login info07:01
ConstyXIVwhat's the name of compiz's expose clone so i don't have to keep saying "compiz's expose clone"?07:01
mroththoreauputic: just a blank screen with the mouse pointer07:01
thoreauputicmroth: hmm - don't know then07:01
alifyrestrtr: iam ali110 sorry my name changed due the restart,  i have installed ther restricted driver and restarted the system now when i go to system --> preferences--> desktop effects i get a message telling me that the composite extention is not available07:01
totalhey... i just install kernel update 2.6.22-9 as described on ubuntugeek.com and now gdm fails to load and keep getting an undefined symbol: g_option_context_new error when trying to do an apt-get to try resolve it07:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gxine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:01
thoreauputiccrazy_: in the universe repository07:01
mrothAnlar: thanks, i'm running xubuntu and it just sits where after i log in. any idea where i can track down some error messages?07:01
unagimv: `cold.avi' and `cold.avi' are the same file07:02
unagi fyrestrtr07:02
Eclipsorunagi: 'rename 's/\.avi/\.tga/' *.avi'07:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:02
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Eclipsorthe whole s/// is a substitution regex07:02
thoreauputiccrazy_:  enable them in System - Administration - software sources07:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:02
PiddyI'll reboot x now07:02
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mroth!display manager07:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about display manager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:02
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thoreauputiccrazy_: and IIRC means "if I remember correctly" :)07:02
khinhi, im trying to enable php support for mysql on ubuntu. anyone know how to do this07:02
riotkittiemroth: /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? maybe? if not there, poke around in that dir07:02
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fyrestrtrali: if you are on ATI, then you need to jump through some hoops to get desktop effects going. Please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl07:03
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Anlarmroth: /var/log/messages and .xsession-errors07:03
ubotuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee07:03
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ubotuwinamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use beep-media-player or xmms as alternative.07:03
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fyrestrtrunagi: no, that's bash-fu07:03
fyrestrtrunagi: plus the dark magic of sed07:03
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:04
wtzubotu: does that work for winamp video channels as well?07:04
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thoreauputicwtz: ubotu is a bot :)07:04
crazy_wtz: u are talking to a robo07:04
unagithat command isnt working07:04
tcpsynAnyone? Know how I can change the march compiler flag?07:04
wtzbzz, I am a robot too :-)07:04
khini installed the php5-mysql package but my php test script did not recognize the test mysql commands... so what should i do07:05
crazy_wtz: :P07:05
unagifyrestrtr: is that command suppose to convert the avi or rename.....because im trying to rename a bunch of .tga such as 000000001.tga 000000000002.tga to cold.001.tga and cold.002.tga07:05
unagior convert the .avi to .tga with that name format07:05
knnyhckrhey guys, after i have ubuntu installed, whats the best way to install vista, just run the vista cd? or partition in ubuntu first? or prepare the bootloader first..?07:05
fyrestrtrunagi: convert and rename are not the same thing. Which do you want?07:05
fyrestrtrknnyhckr: best way is to install vista first.07:06
unagiread above line07:06
tcpsynvista first07:06
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fyrestrtrunagi: read what I wrote first.07:06
dxdtknnyhckr: look up dual booting, but definitely vista first leaving space for ubuntu07:06
unagii did07:06
knnyhckroh ok :(07:06
fyrestrtrthen answer my question.07:06
Anlarknnyhckr: the vista cd will handle it, but it will destroy your grub in any case07:06
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unagii just did07:06
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fyrestrtrunagi: what do you want to do? rename the files?07:06
ribandoknnyhckr did ur pc came pre-installed with vista?07:07
knnyhckri guess ill do vista first, then when i go to install ubuntu, do i click on guided..use free space on vista partition i assume?07:07
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knnyhckrribando no.07:07
unagi1 second let me copy and paster07:07
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neverblueknnyhckr, virtual machine07:07
ribandoknnyhckr oki doki07:07
mrothafter logging in my mouse just sits...i know xubuntu works on this comp b/c it was running a fe minutes ago07:07
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unagi im trying to rename a bunch of .tga such as 000000001.tga 000000000002.tga to cold.001.tga and cold.002.tga or  convert the .avi to .tga with that name format07:07
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mrothi can't seem to get X to respond to anything07:07
Anlarmroth: did you just do some stuff before it stopped working with sudo?07:07
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fyrestrtrknnyhckr: install vista, do a custom partition, and leave unpartitioned space for ubuntu. Install vista as normal. Then install Ubuntu and choose 'largest free space' in the partition section of the install wizard.07:07
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neverblueknnyhckr, if you are computer savy, you could rewrite the boot manager in XP/Vista07:08
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unagiknnyhckr: definately do vista first07:08
total trying to dpkg-reconfigure gdm... but this "update-desktop-database: symbol lookup error: update-desktop-database: undefined symbol: g_option_context_new" error keeps coming up07:08
fyrestrtrunagi: so which are you trying to do? If you just want to rename the files, then use the command, aptly called 'rename'. If you want to convert the files, use mencoder.07:08
unagiotherwise you are going to have to do all sorts of things with the vista boot loader and ull have to go through 2 boot loaders07:08
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mrothAnlar: no. it was a brand new, minutes-old install via alternate cD. i booted, went to the display options, and checked the "enable compositing" option for transparent windows. then it froze, i rebooted and here i am07:08
knnyhckrfyrestarter.. thats what i initially wanted to do..but then the autopartitioner didnt notice that empty partition as available for automatic partioning, i would have had to pre partition it07:08
unagieither way fyrestrtr.......the command u gave me didnt work07:09
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DimitrisCknnyhckr: If you have memory to spare then try virtual box. But no famous aero for you - although I prefer compiz fusion :-)07:09
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stuart-where is firefox's logo located? i wanna edit my shortcut to use the firefox logo07:09
knnyhckrnah.. no memory to spare lol07:09
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fyrestrtrknnyhckr: that's because in its infinite wisdom, vista will partition the empty space with ntfs. You need to (from within Vista) delete the partition.07:09
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thoreauputicmroth: choose the failsafe terminal and kill anything to do with compiz etc07:09
rocketsIs there a Kernel parameter I can use to make ubuntu ignore hard drive errors on boot, or not scan hard drives or not mount them.07:09
rocketsThis is from the Live cd I'm talking about07:09
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mroththoreauputic: oh from the gdm login screen, ok07:09
thoreauputicmroth: I think you need a vanilla window manager to log in07:09
Anlarmroth: okay, you can go to your home directory and rm -rf . :D to reset and delete everything :)07:10
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unagiknnyhckr:  open firefox and go to google and search 'howto dual-boot vista and linux vista installed first' and click im feeling lucky07:10
knnyhckrwell too late now im guessing, so starting from scratch.. just install vista.. then use the free space left and autopartition it with ubuntu?07:10
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mrothAnlar: realllY?07:10
thoreauputicmroth: if compiz or whatever is misbehaving and you saved the previous session you will have this problem i think07:10
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RvGaTewhich ubuntu version should i use for a laptop... ?07:10
Helmican anyone recommend a got gnome ftp client (not gftp)?07:10
profanephobiarvgate: feisty07:10
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thoreauputicHelmi: nautilus can do ftp07:10
rocketsHelmi, FOFF07:11
crazy_thoreauputi: still cannot find gxine07:11
Eclipsorwait, so is there a nice way to install windows *after* ubuntu?07:11
bottigerRvGaTe: the one you like :)07:11
ks1Helmi: there isnt one :P07:11
mroththoreauputic: gotcha. i'm rebooting now07:11
KragneracRvGaTe: The latest stable version, 7.04 "Feisty Fawn"07:11
Helmithoreauputic, i know it CAN - but i'm looking for a good ftp client07:11
thoreauputiccrazy_: *sigh* then your sources are not complete07:11
mroththoreauputic: what's the command to start xubuntu's default display manager07:11
ks1helmi: filezilla, kftpgrabber, other java based ones.07:11
Helmirockets, thanks will look fort that07:11
ks1mroth: thunar07:11
rocketsHelmi, its in the repos07:11
ks1mroth: sorry I misread.07:11
RvGaTeKragnerac, profanephobia, what about the testing version? is that any good for a laptop? or would i be facing to much troubles?07:11
mrothksl no worries07:11
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thoreauputicHelmi: there's filezilla if you like that07:11
crazy_thoreauputi: what to add in source list?07:11
mrothks1 no worries07:11
thoreauputic!info filezilla07:11
ubotufilezilla: Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0~beta7-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 763 kB, installed size 1980 kB07:11
Helmithoreauputic, unfortunately not07:12
DimitrisCEclipsor: Windows doesn't play nice when its not number 1. I wonder why lol.07:12
profanephobiarvgate: unless you want to help the devs i would recommened getting fiesty07:12
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thoreauputicHelmi: then I'm running out of ideas :) I use lftp on the command line :)07:12
unagiknnyhckr: you can thank me later07:12
czar^i've been using 6.06 on amd64 laptop07:12
czar^works fine.07:12
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bottigern - jeg er sment overbevist om at det er den bedste klient derude07:12
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RvGaTeprofanephobia, ok, thx07:13
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EclipsorDimitrisC: this could be a problem when I finally get around to getting windows >.<07:13
jrib!dk | bottiger07:13
ubotubottiger: For at f support til Ubuntu p Dansk bedes du venligst g til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.07:13
bottigersorry - wrong channel07:13
Helmithoreauputic, you're not doing too much ftp, do you? ;)07:13
thoreauputiccrazy_: as I told you before - go to System - Administration - Software Sources  and enable all the sources on the Ubuntu tab07:13
hype_anyone encoutering a bug with warsiw since latest libgl update?07:13
nothanksI am having some problems with installing  MySQL... It just wont freaking work, it gives me "You are running kernel version blabla, and attempting to remove the same version" and so for...07:13
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mroththoreauputic: i can't login with failsafe GNOME b/c its not installed...this is xubuntu. should i select 'xfce' instaed?07:13
bottigerubotu: it was just a mistake :)07:13
thoreauputicHelmi: I do mostly sftp and scp to be honest07:13
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jribnothanks: are you using APT to install it?07:14
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crazy_thoreauputi: I did07:14
thoreauputicmroth: I guess so - alternatively do it from a tty ( ctrl-alt-f1 - 6 )07:14
jribnothanks: try pastebinning the command and the full output to see if anyone is familiar with it07:14
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mroththoreauputic: do what from a tty07:14
Helmithoreauputic, the problem is i do some really nasty 'single files in big dir hierarchies' stuff and a cli client is horror with that stuff07:14
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thoreauputiccrazy_: and you updated/reloaded, right ?07:14
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Helmithough i love using vim and other non-gui stuff, thoreauputic07:14
thoreauputicmroth: kill the processes07:14
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crazy_thoreauputi: Yes I did07:15
[MMOwnedHey guys i have a really noobish problem. I have a file on my Hard drive that i cannot access because "im not the owner" how do i give myself privalages?07:15
Geekerm, whats the command line way of unzipping a file?07:15
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hype_Geek , unzip07:15
ClNorris[MMOwned, i believe chown07:15
celinawhy do i get 30 fps while playing one game on linux and 60-80 when playing on windows?07:15
jrib[MMOwned: what file?07:15
mroththoreauputic: running 'ps -A | grep com' yields nothing.07:15
mroththoreauputic: i dont' think compiz is running at all07:15
unagianyone know anything about mencoder?07:15
Geekhype_: i get a command not found07:15
thoreauputiccrazy_: then I can't really help much - obviously somehow you have made a mistake, but it's hard to know what07:15
jimcooncat[MMOwned: that would be "sudo chown"07:15
dxdt[MMOwned: sudo chown yourusername file  but don't mess around with system files like this or you could mess something up.  Also look into chown and chmod for just the general feel of permissions07:15
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Music_Shufflecelina, because ported games sometimes do that?  Dunno which games are worse about that though.07:16
[MMOwnedi installed apache, PHP and Mysql using terminal and the WWW file is unaccessible07:16
hype_Geek , then activate universe repository and install unzip07:16
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celinabut when i was playing on my old computer07:16
crazy_thoreauputi: I just reinstall my PPC ubuntu 24 hrs ago07:16
celinawith ubuntu07:16
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jrib[MMOwned: what WWW file?  you mean /var/www?07:16
thoreauputicmroth: hmm - it's late/ear;y here and my head is exploding :)07:16
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celinai had like twice fps more07:16
celinaon linux07:16
celinaand now wtf?07:16
[MMOwnedsorry i meant folder* :) yeh07:16
dxdt[MMOwned: ahh  yeah.  /var/www/ will be for root only by default.07:16
mroththoreauputic: lol no worries man, go get some sleep.07:16
celinaits warsow - i use warsow linux version07:16
Geekhype_ will do, but isn't unzip part of the basic utils? o007:16
neverblue[MMOwned, which folder?07:16
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mrothcelina: warsow rockz07:16
Falstiusunagi: the man page for mencoder is fairly useful except for esoteric codec options.07:17
celinai play it alot :  P07:17
neverbluebeing more specific helps alot [MMOwned07:17
neverbluehow do you know its not accessible?07:17
Jason5876unzip file.zip    tar xzvf file.tar.gz   tar xjvf file.tar.bz2   bunzip2 file.bz2   gunzip file.gz07:17
hype_Geek , because of legal probs07:17
thoreauputicgood night/morning all :)07:17
celinamroth: my nickname: lynx, but now i have to use goddamn windows to play it OMG07:17
mroththoreauputic: peace out07:17
neverbluemorning thoreauputic07:17
AaronMTCelina, if you have an ATI card it's because ATI's linux drivers are not as mature as Windows07:17
unagithe mancoder was helpful in telling me how to convert the .avi to one .tga07:17
Music_ShuffleBai thoreauputic07:17
Geekhype_ : o0 zip has legal problems?07:17
mrothcelina: windowS? why?07:17
unagithats not what im looking for07:17
mrothcelina: i run it on linux, works great07:17
[MMOwnedSorry was typeing in a hurry07:17
neverblue[MMOwned, is apache running?07:17
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Falstiusunagi: what are you looking for?07:18
hype_Geek zip's code is onwed by a compani07:18
[MMOwnedYeh everything is running07:18
unagi im trying to rename a bunch of .tga such as 000000001.tga 000000000002.tga to cold.001.tga and cold.002.tga or  convert the .avi to .tga with that name format07:18
celinai dont know what card do i have, its some shitty built-in card in laptop07:18
neverblue[MMOwned, then go catch it :/07:18
hype_Geek unlike tar, which is a open source compression tool, by exemple07:18
[MMOwnedi just cant add any files to the WWW folder or edit any existing ones07:18
mrothcelina: bummerness. have you tried restricted drivers yet?07:18
neverblue[MMOwned, what happens when you open localhost in your browser?07:18
Geekhype: thanks07:18
w30Is there such a thing as a Realplayer codec that will let mplayer play .rm files?07:18
jrib[MMOwned: you can approach this two ways.  Either become root any time you want to edit those files or setup a group that your user is a part of with permissions to /var/www07:18
mrothcelina: also, i got warsow in a deb package, but it might run better ifyou compile it. they have instrutions on the warsow website.07:18
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AaronMT!gstreamer > w3007:18
[MMOwnedI see the contents of the WWW folder07:18
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hype_w30 , there actually IS realplayer for linux07:18
Falstiusunagi: did you use the -o filename.tga option with mencoder?  or so rename 's/00000/cold/' *tga07:18
neverblue[MMOwned, why are you writing to the WWW folder (what ever WWW means)07:19
dxdtunagi: #bash  those people in there will help you do a script/ command that is so awesome your head might explode.  It is usually where I go for questions like yours involving multiple files and renaming and such07:19
celinai didnt install any drivers cuz when i was on this channel last time, one guy told me that drivers for this card arent nessecary07:19
jrib!w32codecs > w30 (see the private message from ubotu)07:19
[MMOwnedBecause thats where the files are stored for my local PHP server07:19
unagibrb let me look07:19
jrib[MMOwned: which method sounds better to you?07:19
hype_w30 sudo apt-get install  realplayer (you need to enable universe repositories)07:19
mrothcelina: well that's possible, it depends on your video card. what does "lspci | grep VGA" yield?07:19
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neverblue[MMOwned, do you understand permissions in a *nix environment?07:19
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mrothcelina: and to make your posts easier to pick out, could you type my username in you rmessage? it highlights it for me then.07:20
celina00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)07:20
crazy_thoreauputi: I change to local server in source, and use sudo apt-get install gxine07:20
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[MMOwnedset myself as root probably07:20
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celinamroth: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)07:20
unagimencoder -ovc lavc -nosound cold.avi -o cold.001.tga07:20
crazy_thoreauputi: It finally installed07:20
=== BlueEagl1 [n=blueeagl@ti541210a340-1939.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu
[MMOwnedaand no07:20
jrib!sudo > [MMOwned (see the private message from ubotu)07:20
neverblue[MMOwned, ls -la /var/www07:20
[MMOwnedim completely new to linux07:20
mrothcelina: how about 'glxinfo | grep direct'07:20
neverblue[MMOwned, you probably want to setup a /home/user/public_html dir07:20
celinamroth: direct rendering: Yes07:20
neverblue[MMOwned, and work from there07:20
eppcan i run kiba-dock without using berly/compiz?07:21
crazy_[MMOwned: I am only 2 weeks old with linux07:21
mrothcelina: what happend when you tried to run warsow in ubuntu?07:21
neverblue[MMOwned, no one, usually runs websites directly in /var/www07:21
[MMOwnedi was never prompted to change the WWW folder during the installation.07:21
celinamroth: i just get 30 fps there07:21
celinamroth: and on windows its 8007:21
[MMOwnedTY for the link btw Jrib07:21
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neverblue[MMOwned, please do what I asked07:21
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crazy_[MMOwned: this irc channel really gives good info with all the help around the world07:21
celinamroth: i have one clue07:21
mrothcelina: that's a big difference. are you running beryl or something els ein the background?07:21
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mrothcelina: did you compile it or run it from deb?07:21
unagiFalstius: mencoder -ovc lavc -nosound cold.avi -o cold.001.tga07:21
stuart-is there a shortcut to straight away bring up a shell window other than alt+f2?07:21
neverblue[MMOwned, type ls -la /var/www07:22
Music_Shufflestuart-, that -is- a shortcut :p07:22
celinamroth thats what i wanted to talk about: ive installed compiz but it doesnt show that its running on sessions07:22
jribstuart-: set one in system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts07:22
dxdtstuart-: you can set one if you look at keyboard options you can make a shortcut for the terminal07:22
=== neverblue fiddles with his Music_Shuffle
mrothcelina: try "ps -A | grep comp07:22
Falstiusunagi: lavc is .tga?07:22
neverblue[MMOwned, copy the single line in the channel please07:22
mrothcelina: what distro are you running07:22
geniihmm targa07:22
celinamroth 10109 pts/0    00:00:00 compiz07:22
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neverblue[MMOwned, doesnt help that your the only one who can see it07:22
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unagii dunno.....i dont know the difference of the codecs unless i know the name..........it just says its the best quality07:22
eppwhat is a macOSX like bar for ubuntu?07:23
[MMOwnedi was actually given 5 lines07:23
celinamroth: feisty if i understand what youre asking about07:23
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unagiavant window navigator is most stable epp07:23
[MMOwneddrwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 2007-07-29 21:24 .07:23
w30hype_, does realplayer  take over all my default openings of mpeg and mov files like it does on other distros. I hate that.07:23
mrothcelina: yeah that's what i meant07:23
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celinamroth : :D07:23
[MMOwneddrwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 2007-07-29 21:24 .07:23
[MMOwneddrwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4096 2007-07-29 21:24 .07:23
celinamroth: so is compiz running?07:23
neverblue[MMOwned, please dont paste more than one line at a time07:23
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Falstiusunagi: lavc is like divx, usually they are .avi files (.avi is the container, lavc is the codec)07:23
neverblue!pastebin | [MMOwned07:24
ubotu[MMOwned: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:24
eppunagi, is it in the repos?07:24
unagiso then what codec would i use for .tga07:24
unagii dont think it is but you can add it in there07:24
crazy_gxine can play real media file fantastic07:24
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fyrestrtrunagi: did you get it sorted out yet? sorry I was afk07:24
Falstiusunagi:  I'd never heard of tga before07:24
eppunagi, ahh, i found it07:24
unagiits a lossless image format with alpha07:24
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unagithis is getting really frustrating07:25
unagibecause i know its possible i just cant remember how07:25
nothanks_argh I dropped :I07:25
fyrestrtrunagi: still with the .tga to .avi ?07:25
unagi.avi to .tga07:25
celinamroth: how to kill the compiz session now?07:25
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unagii mean i have successfully gotten it to convert07:25
[MMOwnedSorry if im being really stupid but Linux is completely new to me.07:25
unagithe problem is the file name is useless07:25
hype_w30 , dunno07:25
unagiso im trying to rename a bunch of .tga such as 000000001.tga 000000000002.tga to cold.001.tga and cold.002.tga or  convert the .avi to .tga with that name format07:26
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mrothcelina: sudo killall compiz07:26
celinamroth: done, i will check fps now07:26
Falstiusunagi: those 000000001.tga files really are in the tga format?07:26
neverblue[MMOwned, then why are you setting up a webserver without any reading?07:26
fyrestrtrunagi: rename 's/([0-9] +)\.tga/cold\.$1\.avi/' *.tga07:26
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[MMOwnedBecause i needed to do some work...07:26
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neverbluels -la /var | grep www07:27
neverbluetype that instead07:27
celinamroth: still 3007:27
unagiok it renamed it let me see if it works07:27
mrothcelina: how did you install warsow07:27
neverbluein a command line07:27
celinamroth: shall i install it from deb?07:27
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unagii really wish i knew how to write that on my own07:27
celinamroth just unpacked and moved it to home07:27
mrothcelina: where'd you get the file from07:27
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celinamroth warsow.net07:28
unagii dont think maya likes all the zeros07:28
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unaginow the name is cold.00000001.tga07:28
ribandohas anyone ever been able to play divx in ubuntu?07:28
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mrothcelina: i didn't know they had a packaged binary for ubuntu. can you link it for me?07:28
totalim getting the following error with dpkg after a kernel update - "update-desktop-database: symbol lookup error: update-desktop-database: undefined symbol: g_option_context_new" any ideas or help please??07:28
fyrestrtrribando: sure, all the time.07:28
celinamroth sec07:28
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unagiall im trying to do is limit my need for windows07:29
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Falstiusunagi: you can use rename to remove some of the 0s, rename 's/000000//' *tga07:29
unagii guess im losing that battle07:29
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crazy_thoreauputic: I use apt-get to install ffmpeg. but cannot find on the application/sound and video manual07:29
wpboycehelp ! i can't see my mouse, the first time i loaded live cd i could now i can't07:29
unagiit didnt remove the 0's07:29
fyrestrtrunagi: renaming the file is not going to change its format.07:29
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unagiim not trying to change the format07:30
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unagiso im trying to rename a bunch of .tga such as 000000001.tga 000000000002.tga to cold.001.tga and cold.002.tga or  convert the .avi to .tga with that name format07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ffmgeg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
celinamroth the page doesnt want to load07:30
celinamroth i will retry few times07:30
vranacHow do you determine the date when you installed your system?07:30
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fyrestrtrvranac: by remembering the giant party you had the day you finally got everything to work.07:31
stuart-eh? how do i enable telnet access07:31
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mrothcelina: yeah i think the site's down or somehing07:31
nothanks_where was the list of atp urls located again?07:31
fyrestrtrstuart-: you don't.07:31
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wpboycecan anyone help me? i can't see my mouse07:31
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unagiany ideas?07:31
vranacfyrestrtr: Yeah right!07:31
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fyrestrtrwpboyce: turn on the lights, it should be right infront of you.07:31
ribandofyrestrtr everytime I try, the video starts playing but after a little while it starts disapearing, but I can still hear sound.to view the image again, I have to scroll up or down.do u know what might be the problem?07:31
wpboycelol on the screen07:31
Unix-Jihadstuart-, unlesss you have a very good reason, you should use ssh07:31
TuxOtakuhey, can someone gimme a hand with a problem I'm having with OpenOffice....It seems like all my icons in OO's menus have disappeared07:32
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celinamroth hmm i dunno what might be wrong07:32
stiVhello everybody! i have my own ubuntu mirror (with signing and so on) - and i need to distribute my updates via HTTPS (the signed packages alone are not enough i fear), but i just learned that is only possible w. ubuntu feisty (and above). is there any way to get my edgy to update via https ...?07:32
totalim getting the following error with dpkg after a kernel update - "update-desktop-database: symbol lookup error: update-desktop-database: undefined symbol: g_option_context_new" and gdm is failing to load! :S any ideas or help please??07:32
fyrestrtrribando: sounds like a video issue. Are you running accelerated graphics?07:32
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celinamroth i didnt check any other games at all07:32
PiddyYay:D The cube works=D07:32
ribandofyrestrtr no idea.lol07:32
AhadielIs there anyway to use Evolution with a proxy? I have SSH Tunnelling setup in Gnome Proxy but it's not using it.07:32
syn420unagi: you just need the right regex to make rename work to do exactly what you want. If you specify it really carefully, someone here might be able to give it to you, or you could check the Perl FAQ on regexes (section 6 I think) if you want to learn to use rename yourself.07:32
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ribandofyrestrtr how do I find that out?07:32
mrothcelina: strange. i'm thinking that it might be possible you're running warsow under wine, instead of natively under linux. try the deb install.07:33
PiddyDoes anyone know how to install Flash Player?07:33
unagii would rather have ffmpeg output the .avi to tga with a specific filename if anyone could tell me that07:33
TuxOtakupiddy sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree07:33
celinamroth im not using wine lol  :p07:33
Unix-JihadPiddy,  apt?07:33
totalPiddy: apt-get install swf-player i think07:33
ribandoPiddy go to youtube.com, and try to play any video, it will install it for u.07:33
celinamroth ive installed warsow first07:33
Falstiusunagi: to rename 000000001.tga to cold.001.tga use (adjusting the number of 0s if necessary) rename 's/0000000/cold\./' *tga07:33
celinamroth wine much later : p07:33
Piddywaaaaaah.... Lol, lotta different answers.07:33
celinamroth but it doesnt work for me :p07:34
mrothcelina: wine comes with feisty07:34
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syn420Piddy: if you're running Feisty just go to a page that uses flash07:34
celinamroth : O07:34
celinamroth lol wait a second07:34
mrothcelina it'll enable you to run exes almost-natively07:34
AaronMTmroth, no it doesn't07:34
PiddyI tried youtube, but I got 3 files, and I don't know how to install them.07:34
unagithat didnt work Falstius07:34
TuxOtakuPiddy, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree07:34
Falstiusunagi: it gave an error, or the wrong format?07:34
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celinamroth LOL i think i didnt get any wine cuz i updated my distro from 6.0607:34
celinamroth and when i want07:34
TuxOtakunow, can anyone gimme a hand with my problem?07:34
celinamroth to launch americas army07:34
unagiit acted like it did something but the filename is still cold.000001.tga07:34
mrothcelina: i might have just been corrected.07:34
celinamroth - its impassible07:35
ribandoPiddy did u manage to get the compizfusion working?07:35
celinamroth impossible : p07:35
TuxOtakuit's with OpenOffice....It seems like all my icons in OO's menus have disappeared07:35
AaronMTsudo apt-get install wine07:35
MertikiHi, does somebody have a laptop with a synaptic touchpad that would help me confirming a bug in launchpad?07:35
Unix-JihadPiddy, i Second tuxmaniacs suggestion07:35
B3y0ndim using 6.10 fiesty now07:35
ribandofyrestrtr how do I find that out?07:35
B3y0ndwhy upgrade?07:35
linkmasteguys. can ubuntu run java web apps like RuneScape?07:35
fyrestrtrribando: well normally you just know lol07:35
TuxOtakulinkmaste, yep07:35
mrothcelina: i know there are some wine functions installed default with ubuntu...like the reg editor and notepad, but i guess maybe not the whole version?07:35
Falstiusunagi: I thought you said they were 000000001.tga ... if they're already cold.000001.tga just do rename 's/000//' *tga07:35
ribandofyrestrtr how do I find that out, about accelerated graphics?07:35
celinamroth i will try to launch some exe files07:35
mrothcelina iw as told by another user that wine doens't come default07:35
Piddyribando: Yes I did=D07:36
AaronMTIt doesn't mroth.07:36
unagithey were till one line u gave me07:36
fyrestrtrribando: type glxinfo in a terminal07:36
Piddy1 thing though07:36
B3y0ndwine comes installed on fiesty07:36
stuart-okay then. i just got SSH set up. how do i monitor a person logging in?07:36
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B3y0nddid on mine07:36
hype_anyone having issues since feisty's libgl1-mesa-dri , libgl1-mesa-glx , libglu1-mesa mesa-utils updates?07:36
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AaronMTsudo apt-get install wine07:36
stuart-i just want him to come in and log out, withotu any hanky panky07:36
unagithat still didnt work07:36
fyrestrtrstuart-: by monitoring the logs.07:36
celinamroth no application suitable tralalala07:36
mrothAaronMT: i'm fairly sure that on my most recent install of feisty there wer at least a few preinstalled applications07:36
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fyrestrtrstuart-: and by restricting what he can and can't do.07:36
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PiddyI saw on a youtube film, a guy closing a program, and when he closed it, the window burnt away.. how do I enable that?07:36
mrothAaronMT: the iwne regeditor, explorer, and notepad showed up in my applications folder07:36
unagibut it doesnt matter like i said id rather figure out how to ffmpeg that avi to tga with that file format07:36
linkmastethis is a very contradixtory question but can Ubuntu run Visual Basic progs?07:36
stuart-fyrestrtr, any idea how to close his connection after 5 mins? i just wana test connection. i'm fine with normal user commands07:36
ubuntutestando tem brasileiro?07:36
celinamroth thats so gay, ive installed wine already and i cant launch any exe07:37
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tcki have no /etc/init.d/bluetooth file - what to do ?07:37
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Unix-JihadPiddy, compiz07:37
ribandofyrestrtr lol...it came out loads of stuff, out of that command07:37
Geeklinkmaste: no07:37
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Piddylinkmaste: VB creates exefiles.. Linux doesn't have any exe... i think?07:37
AaronMTlinkmaste no07:37
linkmasteok ty07:37
mrothcelina: are you sure you're opening it using wine?07:37
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mrothtry running it froma  command line07:37
AaronMTPiddy: It's more along the lines of getting the runtimes07:37
mrothcelina: try opening the app w/ wine from a CLI07:37
PiddyUnix-Jihad: Yeah, I have it.. but I can't find that effect07:37
unagipiddy linkmaste what about wine07:37
TuxOtakuso guys....any idea why my OpenOffice's menus will no longer display icons??07:37
maxbIs there any information anywhere on how Ubuntu distribution .iso images are created?07:37
fiXXXerMetI have a raid5 arrary with a missing drive (/dev/hdc1).  How can I delete this entire array, completely?07:38
linkmasteone more thing. will f07:38
maxbI'm curious how one might go about inserting a custom kernel07:38
unagianyone know how to use ffmpeg to convert .avi to a tga image sequence?07:38
fyrestrtrribando: try glxinfo | grep direct07:38
Geeki'm running a java app that listens on port 6767. i want to check if it works.. but it kinda... takes over the shell, so... is there any way i can switch to another shel/sessonl without ending the process07:38
fyrestrtrGeek: you could send it to the backgroun07:38
celinamroth CLI07:38
linkmasteone more thing. is there a version of Firefox that runs on Ubuntu?07:38
mrothcelina: command line interface07:38
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:38
Geekfyrestrtr: how?07:39
ribandofyrestrtr it says direct rendering yes07:39
fyrestrtrGeek: to send it to the background, someprocess &07:39
celinamroth i dont know how :  p07:39
Geekfyrestrtr: didn't work ;p07:39
fyrestrtrGeek: the & sends it to the background07:39
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fyrestrtrGeek: are you in gnome-terminal or the shell?07:39
PiddyDoes anyone know how to enable the burning effect?07:39
mrothcelina it says on the ubotu post07:39
celinamroth ok07:39
Geekshell. ubuntu server, no X07:39
Unix-JihadTuxOtaku, do you have a style installed?07:39
Dr_willisPiddy,  thats Beryl stuff07:39
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:39
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fyrestrtrGeek: ctrl+alt+f207:39
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celinamroth so how shall i open it? sudo wine <directory>?07:40
nothanks_http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32251/ <-- mmkay, can anyone check this... Installing mysql :I07:40
fyrestrtrGeek: that will get you another terminal. The first thing you do, once you are logged in, is install screen.07:40
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PiddyDr_willis: Well, doesn't Compiz Fusion have it?07:40
Unix-JihadTuxOtaku, an OO.org style that is, or perhaps you need to reinstall one07:40
Geeki'm on SSH....07:40
mrothcelina: well you have to navigate to the directory first07:40
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Dr_willisPiddy,  no idea. i consider it all eye-garbage. :)07:40
fyrestrtrGeek: then you open another ssh session, login, and install screen.07:40
mrothso go to ~/winappdir/07:40
Dr_willisPiddy,  and its such a work in progress i cant keep up.. so i dont bother.07:40
mroththen type wine winnapp.exe07:40
ribandoPiddy Dr_willis compiz fusion is like the future of beryl.lol07:40
mrothcelina: then type winnapp.exe and see what it says07:41
ribandofyrestrtr it says direct rendering yes.what does that mean? :s07:41
Dr_willisribando,  so now we are on like the 4th reinvention of glx/beryl/whatever07:41
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Piddyribando, do you know how to enable the burning in compiz?07:41
mrothcelina: lol i hope you understood that i misposted.07:41
PiddyI can't find it07:41
fyrestrtrPiddy: system > preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager07:41
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PiddyYeah, but I can't find it inside there07:41
mrothdoes anybody know how to disable compositing in Xubuntu without a GUI?07:41
fyrestrtrribando: means you are using accelerated graphics (probably). Now, tell me what you are using to play the movie?07:41
fyrestrtrPiddy: look harder.07:41
Unix-Jihadfusion is the beryl and compiz devs now working together and merging their codebaswe07:41
nothanks_http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32251/ <-- mmkay, can anyone check this... Installing mysql :I07:42
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user_mroth: remove it from the xorg.conf07:42
Dr_willismroth,  if ya knew the right option in the xorg.conf file. you could just edit it.07:42
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mrothuser_ what line07:42
mrothDr_willis: yeah i figured, but i don't. do you?07:42
user_mroth: enable composite or something like that07:42
Dr_willisno idea. id have to google it.07:42
Geekfyrestrtr: what does screen do? ;p07:42
Falstiusunagi: are you trying to produce a bunch of still-frame .tga files from a avi or do you want an animated (or motion) tga file?07:42
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Geek(installing now)07:42
Dr_willisI imagine its mentioned on the ati wiki page07:42
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:42
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user_mroth: when  you see it it will be plain as day07:43
ribandofyrestrtr www.stage6.com, usually to play movies, it has to be with xine, everything else, doesnt play well, always problems like, no image or crappy image or nothing at all, and also when I rotate the cube, the player that's playing the video gets all blue07:43
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stiv2ki am going to reinstall the OS on my server....the thing is the server doesn't have a CDROM or a keyboard.  Am i OK with just putting the server's hard drive in my desktop, installing the OS, then swapping it back into the server machine?07:43
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mrothuser_ there is no compositing option in my xorg.conf...i'm dpkg-reconfiguring it07:43
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tgelterI know this is hardly the place to ask, but I figure some of you are like me and love vim but have to use VS2005 in the workplace... I found a vi/vim emulation plugin for Visual Studio called "ViEmu". I was wondering if any of you have heard of anything like it that's GNU licensed07:44
fyrestrtrribando: are these flash videos?07:44
Dr_willisstiv2k,  be sure to enable/install ssh befor ya move it back and make sure it works. :)07:44
user_mroth: you could just change back to the un-restricted driver07:44
nothanks_http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32251/ <-- mmkay, can anyone check this... Installing mysql :I07:44
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fyrestrtrnothanks_: run synaptic, check the 'broken packages' filter.07:44
mrothuser_ i'm not using restrictded drivers....i'm running an intel chip07:44
stiv2kDr_willis: but as far as it being on totally different hardware for the install proccess, and then being moved to another machine... it won't affect anything?07:44
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nothanks_thanks. il try that07:44
user_mroth: Oh...07:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about composite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:44
Dr_willisstiv2k,  ive had good and bad luck doinmg that.. wouldent it be easier to just borrow a cdrom/keyboard. :)07:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compositing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:45
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:45
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...07:45
ribandofyrestrtr nope, flash videos all play perfectly fine07:45
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user_mroth: might want to try #ubuntu-effects07:45
mrothuser_ this is a pain inthe ass...this is a brand new fresh installation...its just a damn option in one of the configuration menus under xfce...07:45
stiv2kDr_willis: the only cdrom and keyboard i have are the ones in this desktop PC...and i really dont feel like going through all that effort :/07:45
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fyrestrtrmroth: whats the headache?07:45
mrothuser_ its not compositing in the whole sense...are you by any chance running xubuntu?07:45
Guest371I have a quick question about install.07:45
Dr_willisstiv2k,  you might end up putting forth more effort the other way... hard to tell.07:45
mrothfyrestrtr: i'm having difficulty with xubuntu...brand new, minutes-old installation07:46
user_mroth: i run kubuntu and reg ubuntu07:46
stuart-uh okay i don't know any linux users atm, could anyone ssh  just to see if it's up already?07:46
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fyrestrtrmroth: difficulty like...?07:46
mrothfyrestrtr: i'm running xubuntu and xubuntu has a neat little function that the other flavors of ubuntu don't have...its regular compositing, but instead of the effects it just does transparendcies07:46
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ribandofyrestrtr nope, flash videos all play perfectly fine.they are divx videos07:46
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fyrestrtrstuart-: it is running07:46
TuxOtakustuart-, yep, tis up07:47
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stuart-thanks guys07:47
Falstiusstuart-: it connects.07:47
Oval_stuart-: It is indeed.  But if you ever need a Windows user to test that for you they can use PuTTy07:47
fyrestrtrribando: I don't know what could be issue with your situation.07:47
mrothfyrestrtr: anyway i enabled it, with a checkbox in a dialog menu, and now i can't see my desktop or anything. i know the whole thing responds because i can start applications by clicking where the applications button is and clicking on the invisible menus07:47
fyrestrtrmroth: then its simple -- disable it :)07:47
rfuilrezI recently attempted an install of ubuntu on my desktop. The kernel package failed to install. I ran a disc check afterwards and it verified that the package was corrupt. Is it possible to manually ad the kernel?07:47
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ribandofyrestrtr no prob ;) thanks anywayz07:47
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stuart-how do i enable/disable ssh btw?07:47
nothanks_fyrestrtr, it doesnt help it gives http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32252/07:48
fyrestrtrrfuilrez: yes. Using apt-get you can install it.07:48
mrothfyrestrtr: lol i know, but i can't access the dialog box because its invisiable07:48
TuxOtakurfuilrez, it's entirely possible....but a pain07:48
nothanks_after doing that and trying again07:48
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fyrestrtrmroth: use the power of the shell young pedawan.07:48
mrothfyrestrtr: i've already totally dpkg-reconfigured my xorg.conf, it has nothing to do with the X config as far as i can tell07:48
aricz__stuart- : /etc/init.d/ssh start/stop ..07:48
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TuxOtakurfuilrez, better off to burn a new copy07:48
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stuart-aricz__, cool. thanks07:48
fyrestrtrmroth: have you tried restarting X?07:48
nothanks_I have also tried to install it trough webmin, but it doesn't find the mysql-admin pack07:49
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gorskican beryl run on ubuntu 6.06.?07:49
mrothfyrestrtr: yeah, and failsafe, and vanilla xfce login, and recovery mode manual gdm startup...07:49
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fyrestrtroh dear oh dear @ webmin07:49
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Sp4rKyAnyone uses X10 modules on ubuntu ?07:49
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Oval_nothanks_: Maybe you shouldn't use Webmin.07:50
mrothfyrestrtr: any other ideas? please?07:50
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nothanks_Oval_: Maybe I have tried everything :I07:50
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Oval_nothanks_: Webmin is a great tool for service providers to allow access to other users.  If it's your box, maybe you should try it through that, it's usually cleaner.07:50
gorskixgl & beryl howto for ubuntu 6.06. lts !07:50
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Oval_nothanks_: You're having problems with installing a package?07:50
nothanks_http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32252/ <-- there it is again, can anyone figure out whats wrong :E07:51
fyrestrtrmroth: sure. first, what video card do you have?07:51
loxetyits getting hot in here07:51
nothanks_Oval_: yep07:51
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mrothfyrestrtr: its an intel...one moment07:51
Oval_nothanks_: What's the lucky package?07:51
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PiddyCan anyone tell me how to get 6 sides on my cube, instead of 2?07:51
nothanks_Im trying to install mysql07:51
mrothfyrestrtr: intel corp 82810E dc-133 CGC07:51
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nothanks_mysql 5 to be accurate07:51
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naesI'm trying to run Warsow (running Ubuntu 7.04) but, my screen flickers black then my screen resolution changes, and Warsow isn't running. How do I fix this?07:51
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nothanks_and this is a powerpc, if that helps07:52
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x_hello everybody ... how i can get and install DIVX or XVID codex ?!07:52
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unagi_anyone here use mencoder?07:52
profanephobiaya no ive never used a powerpc07:52
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bz0bhey people07:52
fyrestrtrmroth: just a minute, working on something for you07:52
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Oval_nothanks_: You have tried "apt-get install mysql5-server"?07:53
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naesTo the person trying to get the video codecs, just install VLC.07:53
nothanks_yep, check the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32252/07:53
naesIt will play basically anything you throw at it07:53
fyrestrtrmroth: add these lines to the end of your xorg.conf file, save it, and restart X > http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32255/07:53
profanephobiaor mplayer07:53
pboycehi i want to setup a raid and install ubuntu and windows can anyone get me started?07:53
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[tpm] nothanks_: try apt-get update / apt-get upgrade?07:53
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Dr_willisraid can be a real pain.07:54
profanephobiainstall windows first07:54
bz0bi just installed ubuntu feisty, and i have so much unrecognized hardware, here is the psatebin http://pastebin.com/m18eb44ad07:54
Dr_willisdepending on the raid card.07:54
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nothanks_tpm, already done07:54
nothanks_I think I have tried everything :I07:54
pboyceits a dell raid so it has been a pain07:54
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pboycehow would i start a raid setup in ubuntu?07:54
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[tpm] nothanks_: apt-get dist-upgrade07:54
PiddyAnyone? Know how to get 6 sides on the cube instead of 2?07:55
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Dr_willispboyce,  if you raid card is a 'pain' i would seriously reconisder the needs for raid.07:55
naesI'm trying to run Warsow (running Ubuntu 7.04) but, my screen flickers black then my screen resolution changes, and Warsow isn't running. How do I fix this?07:55
nothanks_tpm, doesn't work07:55
profanephobiayeah dell raid sucks07:55
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pboycesigh ok thanks anyhow07:56
mrothfyrestrtr: doing so.07:56
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profanephobiapboyce hold on ill help ya07:56
mrothfyrestrtr: that seems to have solved it07:56
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Dr_willisi dont see much need for desktop machines.. unless of course you are a power user i guess...07:56
ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com07:56
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Oval_A Ubuntu server of mine just shut down for no reason.  I'm too afraid to go check.07:56
SteffanWhat's the best equivalient of dreamweaver for linux?07:56
profanephobiapboyce what type of raid do you want07:56
dxdtanyone in here use 64 bit Ubuntu?07:56
mrothOval_: ouch.07:56
dxdtand would like to tell me about their +'s and -'07:56
profanephobiadxdt i did for a long time07:56
mrothOval_: good luck!07:57
pboycelvl o is what i had my windows crashed so im installing ubuntu and windows07:57
dxdtprofanephobia: how does it compare to normal i386?  Do you like it?  Do you find yourself leftout without packages?  Anything like that?07:57
Piddyprofanephobia: Do you know how to get 6 sides on the cube instead of 2?07:57
Oval_mroth: Thanks.  I'm going to approach it slowly and try to power it up.07:57
profanephobiapiddy on beryl?07:57
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mrothOval_: no sudden movements, now...ok?07:57
nothanks_Is there a way to make a fix install to ubuntu? I think theres too many packets broken or something..07:57
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regeyaI'm pretty sure a 3-dimensional cube has 6 sides already07:57
nothanks_all these depency problems that wont fix and all..07:57
mrothregeya: hahaha07:58
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pboycethere is bios options 2 but there isn't one to turn it off07:58
naesI'm trying to run Warsow (running Ubuntu 7.04) but, my screen flickers black then my screen resolution changes, and Warsow isn't running. How do I fix this?07:58
Oval_mroth: Got it.07:58
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mrothfyrestrtr: swwweeet! thanks. this is running again07:58
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Piddyprofanephobia: Compiz Fusion07:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fusion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:58
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:58
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects07:58
profanephobiadxdt it was ok but i switched back to 32bit due to too many incompatibilites07:58
profanephobiapiddy ok one sec07:59
profanephobiapboyce direct your text to me or i prolly wont see it07:59
jribnothanks_: what does 'apt-cache policy initrd-tools' return?  Have you checked bugs.ubuntu.com?07:59
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mrothfyrestrtr: oh my goodness you know what i forgot? that damn compositing thing doesn't work with intel over 16b color and xubuntu automatically installs @ 2407:59
unagi_anyone here use mencoder or ffmpeg or know how to convert .avi to a .tga sequence with control over the file name07:59
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Oval_mroth: I approached it slowly to hit the power on button.  Just seconds before I had realised that a light was still on.  It was that of the power.  Was it suspending?  I heard the faint noise of the machine go completely down as I pushed the button.  I had killed it.08:00
nothanks_jrib: it returns http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32258/08:00
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Piddyprofanephobia: ok.08:00
bullgard4What is meant by an "about" IRC channel?08:00
Dr_Doom1989_Hi an Alle08:00
bullgard4Dr_Doom1989_: Falscher Kanal?08:01
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Dr_Doom1989_H wieso Falscher Kanal???^^08:01
fyrestrtrmroth: once you sort the color depth out, if you still want compositing, just comment out the lines from my pastebin. Glad to see things are solved for you.08:01
profanephobiapiddy im not sure im understanding.. you say your cube isnt a cube at all but a two sided figure or what08:01
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jribnothanks_: you're using hoary?08:01
fyrestrtrbullgard4: means its not an official channel.08:01
nothanks_yep, 5.0408:02
bullgard4Dr_Doom1989_: Hier spricht man Englisch.08:02
mrothOval_: Suspense. Mystery. Betrayal. Has Ubuntu-server finally found its match? Will Oval_ be able to rescue the beloved server? Find out next time on...#ubuntu.08:02
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user_could some one send me usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop  i over wrote mine08:02
Dr_Doom1989_ok sorry08:02
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jribnothanks_: you should upgrade?  It's no longer supported08:02
Oval_Hahaha mroth !08:02
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nothanks_Becouse there wasn't an option to order the newest version to powerpc08:02
Piddyprofanephobia: exactly08:02
Oval_Good one.08:02
profanephobiapiddy ok08:02
mrothOval_ there should be a linux soap opera08:02
nothanks_jrib: so... that means, I have to burn a cd and install it all again? :D08:02
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Piddyand how do you make ur name orange when u type to me?08:02
bullgard4fyrestrtr: Thank you very much for explaining.08:03
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mrothPiddy: type the user's name you're addressing in your message and it will highlight your message for that user08:03
Oval_Guys, will a Ubuntu Server suspend itself if it isn't connected to a network and none of its peripherals are in use?08:03
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pboyceProfanephodia:ok its a dell xps it had a lvl0 raid and messed up on me so i formated it. now i want to install ubuntu and windows and still have a raid setup. its all unallocated right now the bios has raid options like sata and ata08:03
regeyayay, ubuntu server08:03
jribnothanks_: I would recommend that since upgrading would take a lot longer08:03
profanephobiapiddy start by stopping compiz08:03
Piddymroth: like this?08:03
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mrothPiddy: exactly like this08:03
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Piddyprofanephobia: ok08:03
regeyaOval_: y'know, that's some settings I've not checked; I've never had that happen. :-}08:03
nothanks_ohhh blast... :E08:03
mroth you can type the user's name anywhere in your message, piddy.08:04
nothanks_Well thanks anyways :P08:04
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Oval_regeya: Come to think of it, it's been running for days now under that very condition.08:04
Piddyah, ok=)08:04
Oval_regeya: Wonder if hardware's failing.08:04
pboyceProfanephodia: so can i have raid in windows and ubuntu?08:04
Oval_regeya: Dum dum dum08:04
profanephobiapiddy right click on your workspace switcher08:04
Piddyprofanephobia: 1 sec..08:04
Oval_regeya: Ah, my server did that for no apparent reason.08:04
unagi_anyone here use mencoder or ffmpeg or know how to convert .avi to a .tga sequence with control over the file name08:04
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regeyawe'll return to our murder mystery right after this message from noburpoline, the only gasoline with bicarbonate of soda.08:04
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Piddyprofanephobia I don't know how to stop it, lol.08:05
profanephobiapboyce you can ive seen it done but it created a lot of problems for the people that did08:05
crazy_how to set default eg video player, gxine, is different from windows, cannot find the player icon08:05
regeyaOval_: yeah, did powernow attempt to put the system to sleep on a wonky computer, or is your hardware crapping out...that is indeed the question08:05
profanephobiapiddy open the system monitor and select compiz and hit stop08:05
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pboyceProfanephodia: ok can i have just raid in windows and still have unbuntu?08:05
regeyaI thought the settings were always-on by default...but the only ubuntu-server install I've ever attempted is on a ppc08:06
=== regeya looks toward an aging g4 behind him with suspicion...
pboyceProfanephodia:lol nvm that was a dumb question08:06
profanephobiacrazy_ system -> pref -> preferred apps08:06
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bullgard4What is meant by 'LATE suspend' of my agpgart-intel loadable module's message in kern.log?08:06
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hendrixskihey, I'm trying to build something in pbuilder, but it won't compile it becuase it doesn't have the same evn variables as my system... is there a way to set an environment variable in the makefile or in debian/rules???08:06
jrib!defaultapps > crazy_ (see the private message from ubotu)08:07
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jrib!defaultapp > crazy_ (see the private message from ubotu)08:07
bz0bCan someone please help me with this? http://pastebin.com/m18eb44ad08:07
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profanephobiapboyce thats ok but yeah i wouldnt recommend raid with that combo08:07
Piddyprofanephobia ok, done.08:07
mrothOval_ is there any chance that your screen had just blanked? i know ubuntu does that ifyour mouse /keyboard is inactive for a while.08:07
julleHow do i fix an "Error API Mismatch: This nvidia driver has the version 100.14.09, but the kernel module's version does not match." How do i fix this, please help me. i am sitting without GDM right now in irssi...08:07
user_Could someone with kubuntu 7.04 dcc me usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop I over wrote mine....08:07
pboyceProfanephodia: ok what do u recommend?08:07
profanephobiapiddy right click on your workspace or desktop switcher and add two more desktops08:07
Oval_mroth: No, the sound it was making went down a bunch.08:08
Jack_Sparrow!pastebin > Jack_Sparrow08:08
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fyrestrtrjulle: install kernel headers08:08
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mrothJack_Sparrow: what does that command do? !Pastebin >mroth08:08
Oval_mroth: Assuming it was 100% before it went down to 10%.  And then pushing the power button again it went to 0%.08:08
mroth!pastebing > mroth08:08
mroth!pastebin > mroth08:08
unagi_anyone here use mencoder or ffmpeg or know how to convert .avi to a .tga sequence with control over the file name08:08
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jullefyrestrtr: how do i see what headers i need?08:08
soothsayerunagi_: Try #mplayer08:09
mrothOval_ did you try to type on your keyboard first?08:09
bz0bCan someone please help me with this? http://pastebin.com/m18eb44ad08:09
pboyceProfanephodia: o and i have another problem when i use the live cd  and go into the normal install or live mode i can't see my mouse i have version 7.04, if i go in the safe mode i can08:09
crazy_jrib: cannot only find firefox and internet related, no default player for eg rmvb file08:09
profanephobiapboyce my set up is windows on my master and ubuntu on my slave08:09
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hendrixskibz0b, that's a list of your hardware.. what's the issue?08:09
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bz0bhendrixski, they are all unknown08:09
envanehi, i upgraded to fiesty, now all the windowmaker keys not longer work (f11, f12, switch workspaces, etc), does anyone know a fix?08:09
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mrothgeronimo: hulllo.08:09
Oval_mroth: No, I noticed the one light that was left at the same time that I pushed the button.08:09
profanephobiapboyce is your mouse wireless and if so what brand08:09
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geronimodoes anyone know if windows xp 32 bit version will run on 64 bit arch?08:09
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pboyceProfanephodia: no its a laser ps2 mouse08:10
mrothOval_: are you sure your bios doesn't have some kind of powerdown-after-inactivity function?08:10
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hendrixskibz0b, oh... they are... hhmmm.  was it always like this or did you do something and then they were unknown?08:10
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Caipirahello everyone...how i edit my sources.list??08:10
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Piddyprofanephobia I can't really find the desktops in that addingthing08:10
mrothmroth: maybe your hardware put itself to sleep, if it wasn't doing anything.08:10
profanephobiageronimo if you mean can you run 32bit windows inside 64bit ubuntu then yes08:10
jribcrazy_: did you see the message from ubotu?08:10
fyrestrtrjulle: how did you install the drivers?08:10
geronimoprofanephobia, no, install it on a 64 bit system08:10
Oval_mroth: It's been running for 24 hours so far, then I came home from work now, logged in, came here and then it happened.08:10
profanephobiapiddy ok but you did find the desktop switcher right08:10
Caipirahow i edit my sources.list??08:10
jullefyrestrtr: i just updated the system via synaptic08:10
jportsudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:11
pboyceProfanephodia: i think its a graphic problem b/c i have a nvidia 6800 and it works in graphic safe mode08:11
bz0bhendrixski, i just bought a new dell inspiron 530 (windows version), i got sick of windows, and installed ubuntu, and it doesn't recognize anything im lucky i got the internet to work thanks to some guy on the forums08:11
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crazy_jrib: yes, cannot help08:11
mrothOval_: hrm. i don't know. i'm not a ubuntu-server user, though.08:11
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profanephobiageronimo oh do you mean you have a 64bit processor but want a 32bit OS if so then yes you still can08:11
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hendrixskiCaipira, point an editor to /etc/apt/sources.list08:11
Piddyyeah, there are 3 icons in the lower right corner, right? profanephobia08:11
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jportor sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:11
Oval_mroth: Pretty weird, huh?08:11
geronimojport, you're too fast08:11
mrothdoes anybody know if i could run ubuntu-server on a 200mhz laptop and run xdm with fluxbox and have it run at a reasonable speed?08:11
geronimoprofanephobia, thank you08:11
fyrestrtrjulle: install linux-headers-generic (unless you are on some special hardware)08:11
profanephobiapiddy prolly it looks like little boxes08:11
hendrixskibz0b, oh, that is weird08:11
jribcrazy_: did you find a rmvb file and right click on it?  Then go to Properties?  Then to the "open with" tab?08:11
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profanephobiageronimo welcome08:11
mrothmy step mom uses puppyon her old laptop and it runs fast but she needs IE for some webpages08:11
unimatrix9bz0b ; wich version of ubuntu do you use?08:11
fyrestrtrmroth: define 'reasonable'08:11
jullefyrestrtr: okey i'll try that thank you08:12
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mrothfyrestrtr: well under puppy everything runs pretty quick08:12
Oval_mroth: The one I'm running it on is 200mhz, runs fine.  XDM and Fluxbox are entirely different questions :-)08:12
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geronimomroth, that sucks, could slap these web developers08:12
Piddyprofanephobia yeah, 1 recycle bin, and 2 desktops.08:12
bz0bunimatrix9, feistyfawn08:12
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SpydonMy gutsy live-cd wont start x, it gave me some message about bcm43xx.fw08:12
crazy_jrib: yes I did, but when go to etc/gxine , (sorry used to windows) many files, no gxine icon to choose from08:12
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Oval_mroth: Hell, it ran Windows 98.08:12
mrothfyrestrtr: it takes about 10 seconds to start mozilla but other than that it runs very fast08:12
profanephobiapiddy ok right click the two desktops and go to prefrences08:12
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unimatrix9bz0b ; how old is the machine, and wich type is it again?08:13
hendrixskiunimatrix9, I'm not aware of feisty having hardware issues on that scale, are you?08:13
mrothoval_ yeah...i wish i could just test it...oh wait, i can! lol i have a VM on this installation. sweet.08:13
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bz0bunimatrix9, brand new machine08:13
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mrothgeronimo: what?08:13
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bz0bunimatrix9, it is almost same specs as ubundell except gfx card08:13
jribcrazy_: it's probably /usr/bin/gxine that you want08:13
geronimomroth, the ones who make websites for IE08:13
profanephobiaubundell lol08:13
hendrixskilol @ ubundell... that's a good name for it08:13
unimatrix9bz0b ; normally intel is well supported , but in your case it might be to new, you see, linux hackers need time to figure out hardware08:13
mrothgeronimo: oh yeah, no freaking kidding. pisses me off.08:13
profanephobiathats great08:14
crazy_jrib: is all application install using apt-get will install in /usr/bin directory?08:14
pboyceProfanephodia: to set as slave do i have to go into the computer and set the jumpers?08:14
mrothgeronimo: my litle sister's teachers use IE-only programming. the damn stuff doesn't render in ff or mozilla or any other gecko based browser08:14
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geronimomroth, take a chainsaw and follow me, raaargh!08:14
jribcrazy_: most binaries should go there, yes08:14
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=== julle [n=julle@81-231-249-91-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
desertcQuestion: I do not have DeCSS installed, but I should be able to watch DVD that I make (like home-video) on GNOME Totem?  I get the error that it is missing plugins.  Can anyone please help?  I am about to file a bug report with GNOME.08:14
unimatrix9bz0b ; you are running from livecd right?08:14
profanephobiapboyce yes set the jumpers08:14
bz0bunimatrix9, i already installed08:14
jullefyrestrtr:it said i already had the latest version08:14
geronimomroth, make his wife cheat on him08:14
pboyceProfanephodia: k thanks08:15
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crazy_jrib: got it, but choose gxine or gxine client?08:15
unimatrix9bz0b ; if you run from livecd , you get the same thing ? or try an older ubuntu version to see if the same thing happens08:15
bz0bDoes anyone here have an  ubundell desktop that you can send me your drivers08:15
bz0bunimatrix9, yes08:15
jribcrazy_: I don't know, try both and see what works :)08:15
pboyceProfanephodia: ill do that and install hopefully ill be back and my mouse will work08:15
unimatrix9same thing?08:15
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Piddyprofanephobia 1 problem... I can't close windows... there are no icons for maximizing etc anywhere:O08:15
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julleHow do i write to see what linux headers i need to install ?08:15
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jportPiddy are you using beryl ?08:16
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mrothgeronimo: yeah but thenthere'd be even more drama. could you imagine? "Rich, I had to sleep with him - you wer eprogramming your student's websites with IE-only code!!" "Shiela, I'm sorry - i've been wrong all along, but now everything is too much to bear! I'm going to have to sudo kill myself!"08:16
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Piddyjport yeah08:16
crazy_jrib: is gxine and not gxine client08:16
profanephobiahe stopped compiz08:16
unimatrix9bz0b ; lspci --vv ( wich is v v )08:16
geronimomroth, so? :>08:16
fyrestrtrjulle: hrmm, just try sudo apt-get upgrade08:16
geronimomroth, okay, sorry, I'm a big sadist08:16
profanephobiapiddy restart your x server08:16
fyrestrtrjulle: rather sudo apt-get upgrade dist-upgrade08:16
crazy_is there any control alt del command in ubutun?08:17
geronimomroth, Though I hope he suffers in devel heaven08:17
Piddyprofanephobia ok08:17
peeps_workhow can I get suspend mode to work on my laptop?08:17
user_Could someone with kubuntu 7.04 dcc me usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop I over wrote mine....08:17
peeps_workit is a dell precision m6008:17
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bz0bunimatrix9, http://pastebin.com/m760dc5a008:17
fyrestrtrhow much swap do you have?08:17
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unimatrix9reading it08:17
mrothhas anybody else noticed that xubuntu feisty alternate makes the CD a required repository? that's annoying.08:17
profanephobiai didnt mean for him to completely restart08:17
jribmroth: turn it off by commenting it in your /etc/apt/sources.list08:17
peeps_workwhen I wake from suspend, my X session is lost08:17
fyrestrtrmroth: just delete it from the list08:17
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Piddyprofanephobia done08:18
mrothfyrestrtr: yeah i know ... but its still annoying, jrib08:18
crazy_what is the equivalent of control alt del for ubuntu 7.04 PPC?08:18
profanephobiapiddy ok now try to go to that desktop switcher pref08:18
geronimocrazy_, htop08:18
mrothcrazy_ Ctrl alt backspace08:18
geronimomroth, no!08:18
fyrestrtrmroth: ubuntu does that too08:18
geronimomroth, that kills the xserver08:18
mrothgeronimo: doesn't ctrl alt del restart thew hole system in windows?08:19
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jportno it doesnt08:19
jportit starts the task manager08:19
fyrestrtrmroth: it used to, not any more.08:19
profanephobiamroth no it opens the system monitor08:19
geronimomroth, that's ctrl alt esc08:19
mrothgeronimo: oh, well thats only in new versiosn of windows...like post 98 (:08:19
unimatrix9bz0b ; really odd , and what does not work ? sound / network etc?08:19
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geronimomroth, :> yeah, like the past 8 years or sth08:19
fiXXXerMetmdadm --detail /dev/md0 shows 3 devices in the array.  When I try to fail or remove the devices, I get "mdadm: set device faulty failed for /dev/hda1:  No such device"08:19
Piddyprofanephobia yeah?08:19
unagi_i have never been more frustrated in my life08:20
=== s0b is now known as sebleblanc
mrothunagi_: why08:20
geronimodoes anyone know a free windows anti-vir thingy?08:20
Oval_Why on earth does Ubuntu want me to insert a CD to install packages with apt-get when it's connected to the Internet?08:20
profanephobiapiddy and in number of workspaces type 408:20
=== gdp [n=gdp@vernnyhed01-pool0-a7.vernny.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
profanephobiaor six08:20
mrothOval_ hahaha i was just talking about that08:20
jribgeronimo: try ##windows08:20
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sebleblancgeronimo: #windows.08:20
profanephobiapiddy however many you want then restart compiz08:20
mrothOval_ you have to commend out the CD rom from the sources.list08:20
fyrestrtrgeronimo: google apps will give you free 90 days of Norton.08:20
=== crazy_ [n=roy@cable19.dyn47.pacific.net.sg] has joined #ubuntu
animositeedoes anyone know how to fix this?- "Kernel Panic - not syncing: IO-APIC + timer doesn't work! Try using the 'noapic' kernel parameter"08:20
mrothOval_ comment*08:20
fyrestrtrgeronimo: AOL (yes, *that* AOL) has a free virus scanner too08:20
sebleblancAnimositee: try using the 'noapic' kernel parameter.08:21
unagi_becuase i know its possible to convert .avi to a .tga sequence with file.001.tga filname format08:21
bz0bsound works, but its not recognized, everytime i update driver i need to reinstall ethernet drivers, and gfx card doesn't seem to need restricted drivers, when it should,08:21
sebleblancPretty self-explanatory.08:21
mrothsebleblanc: hahaha08:21
profanephobiaanimositee give it a valium08:21
unagi_but i cant figure it out and no one else is able or willing to help08:21
gdphey everybody, I am completely new to linux and was wondering if anyone could help me install a wireless driver08:21
geronimofyrestrtr, thanks..08:21
Oval_mroth: Haha, good timing.  Thanks for the info.08:21
animositeeim dumb with linux lol08:21
=== w30 discovers that the seveas repo win32 codecs contain a realplayer codec....Woonderful!
animositeei just installed it08:21
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bz0bunimatrix9, i mean everytime i update kernel i need to reinstall ethernet drivers08:21
profanephobiadont worry bout it08:21
sebleblancI'll look it up for you :P08:21
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gdphey everybody, I am completely new to linux and was wondering if anyone could help me install a wireless driver08:22
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profanephobiagdp whats your card08:22
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crazy_how to lock ubuntu without quiting program that is running?08:22
animositeeim in the same boat as gdp08:22
fyrestrtrgdp: first step is to read the wiki08:22
=== Harrison [n=harrison@nc-71-50-167-214.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:22
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gdpit's bcm430608:22
unimatrix9bz0b ; kernel updates can mess up installation , that does happen08:22
Oval_crazy_: Little door with an arrow in the corner.08:22
Oval_crazy_: Click it and Lock.08:22
fyrestrtranimositee: you should also read the wiki, then if you have questions, come ask in here.08:22
Oval_crazy_: Think there's a shortcut, like Ctrl+Alt+L, but I don't have my Ubuntu on me.08:23
mrothOval_ is there a keyboard shortcut for that?08:23
neverbluewhats a wiki :)08:23
geronimoI wish I could overclock my dvd drive so it would move out faster :(08:23
crazy_Oval: btm right hand corner?08:23
unagi_maybe all of a sudden something that was possible 2 weeks ago isnt possible in ubuntu08:23
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Piddyprofanephobia should I quit compiz.real aswell?08:23
bz0bunimatrix9, i just want a stable install with all hardware with their drivers, if they are not out yet, i guess i can wait, but im pretty sure dell has the drivers considering they sell the ubundell08:23
unimatrix9bz0b ; try to create an working ubuntu , and not update the kernel ...08:23
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Oval_crazy_: Top-right.  Or Ctrl+Alt+L.08:23
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mrothOval_ ctrl alt L isn't working for me08:23
Oval_mroth: We're in good sync.08:23
fyrestrtrbz0b: only on *some* systems.08:23
profanephobiapiddy after you set the number of desktops start compiz08:23
=== neverblue draws an Oval_
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unagi_anyone here use mencoder or ffmpeg or know how to convert .avi to a .tga sequence with control over the file name08:24
gdpthanks, checking out the wiki08:24
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neverblueunagi_, ask in #tovid?08:24
bz0bfyrestrtr, what do you mean? does their inspiron 530n have it08:24
profanephobiagdp go here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear08:24
unimatrix9bz0b ; Dell themselve also want better drivers , they are working on it woth the hardware vendors08:24
crazy_Oval_: thanks, it is the on/off button logo08:24
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Piddyprofanephobia yeah, but should I quit compiz.real aswell?08:24
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gdpk, thanks08:24
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profanephobiapiddy no point now08:24
unimatrix9its a matter of time..08:24
Oval_crazy_: No problem.08:24
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crazy_Oval_: control alt L works fine too, thank you from Singapore08:25
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mrothanybody here ever play Descent?08:25
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mrothprofanephobia: yes?08:25
unagi_no one is in tovid neverblue08:25
ariczmroth, yup..08:25
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bz0bunimatrix9, so you are saying dell are sending out these systems without full compatibility and all the drivers?08:25
profanephobiamroth yeah i love that game ( i hit enter)08:25
animositeenope, im a cs1.6 nerd08:25
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unimatrix9bz0b ; so best for you is to create an working desktop , and not to mess to much with it when its stable..( no kernel updates and the like )08:25
Oval_mroth: I think it's in your Keyboard Shortcuts menu, should be configurable.  Probably your default's just changed.08:25
mrothanimositee: welll its totally different from cs...08:25
unagi_dell doesnt write drivers for linux08:25
crazy_any sim city version for ubuntu08:25
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profanephobiabut dell pushes for them08:26
mrothdescent rocks. have you guys tried the Descent into Cerebrus mod for Doom3?08:26
animositeethats all i play, really08:26
Piddyprofanephobia no, what i mean is,.. When I quit the compiz processes, I didn't quit compiz.real... should I?08:26
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unagi_i am pulling my hair out over here im so frustrated08:26
crazy_regarding games, anyone knows linux version for "pacman'?08:26
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profanephobiapiddy oh go ahead and end it then ... then start it all back up08:26
profanephobiaunagi_ what is it08:26
=== CZilla [n=jack@adsl-69-105-136-204.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
mrothdoes anybody know how to make xubuntu do the update notification like ubuntu?08:27
animositeehow exactly do i use the 'noapic' parameter??? (noob to linux obviously)08:27
crazy_!internet explorer08:27
unagi_im only trying to convert .avi to a .tga sequence08:27
jribcrazy_: there's lincity, it's like simcity08:27
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ubotuFor Irish whiskey and ubuntu support, visit #ubuntu-ie, Ta an uisce beatha agus cuidi Ubuntu ar #ubuntu-ie, Bag filte ort08:27
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profanephobiairish whiskey lol08:27
Pici!ies4linux |08:27
ubotu: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, dont use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!08:27
crazy_jrib: free?08:27
animositee how exactly do i use the 'noapic' parameter??? (noob to linux obviously) PM plz08:28
mrothfree as in beer, i know that/08:28
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jribcrazy_: yes08:28
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crazy_any ubuntu version of pacman?08:28
digitaliceif ive got a AMD 64 X2 ... wich version ive got to download?08:28
Piddyprofanephobia now the maximize buttons a re gone again... happens every time i quit compiz.real -.-08:28
profanephobiaanimositee ive never had to use it but i would just google it08:28
digitalicei need a SMP kernel version ...08:28
mrothcrazy_: why settle for a "versoin"? intall stella (atari emulator) and play the original (:08:28
jrib!info lincity | crazy_08:28
ubotucrazy_: lincity: build & maintain a city/country. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13.1-6 (feisty), package size 506 kB, installed size 2880 kB08:28
CZillaI am having an issure with scree resolution...  Not one I have seen before.  Nvdrivers installed and both card and monitor support 1440x900  Only minor problem is that moving the mouse to the top or bottom of the page scrolls the background about 1/2"  res is fine other than that...08:28
jribcrazy_: try 'apt-cache search pacman'08:29
unimatrix9livecd noapic08:29
profanephobiapiddy yeah damn well once you restart and start compiz your cube should have more sides08:29
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LiberCogitocrazy_: There are some awesome emulators for linux, I'd recommending googling08:29
profanephobiayeah there is08:29
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mrothwhat's the easiest and powerful-est GUI burning program for music avail in ubuntu?08:30
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profanephobiamost of these problems you can google too lol08:30
CZillamroth: K3B08:30
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profanephobiapowerful-est lol08:30
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Ze_Mwhere can i download latest kubuntu ppc gutsy snapshot?08:30
aslan_salu les gens08:30
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mrothCZilla: anything that has a few less dependencies and/or system requirements? i'm running xubuntu...08:30
=== Piddy [n=per-kris@105.82-134-115.bkkb.no] has joined #ubuntu
youknowmehello, I've got a .wps file that I need to open but I just keep getting told "Cannot open /media/My Book/WinXP Files/Robin/robin resume.wps: No application is known for this kind of file." can somebody help  me?08:30
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mrothyouknowme open it manually in openoffice 2.08:31
dxdtZe_M: I had thought that ppc was oficially no longer supported.  Am I wrong on that?  I thought it was dropped roughly the time ppc was dropped by Mac08:31
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mrothyouknowme open openoffice and use the "open" dialog08:31
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Ze_Mdxdt: for what i know continues being supported by the community08:31
GeekWPS= ms works08:31
youknowmemroth, thanks i'll try that but why won't it open automatically?08:31
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profanephobia= doesnt work in linux08:31
CZillamroth: You want easy, you want powerful.. and on budget hardware... hummmmm let me think...08:31
dxdtZe_M: Yeah, that is what I meant.  I wasn't sure if you knew that or not.08:32
mrothCzilla don't tell me its not possible b/c we're dealign with linux here my friend.08:32
mrothczilla hehe08:32
Ze_Mdxdt: but where can i get it08:32
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DILcis7850@cis7850-laptop:~$ sudo kismet08:32
DILServer options:  none08:32
DILClient options:  none08:32
DILStarting server...08:32
DILWaiting for server to start before starting UI...08:32
=== immoT- [n=tommi@dsl-kpogw7-fee9fa00-32.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
DILSuid priv-dropping disabled.  This may not be secure.08:32
DILNo specific sources given to be enabled, all will be enabled.08:32
mrothyouknowme i'm not sure why it doesn't automatically open. try it the other way for now.08:32
DILEnabling channel hopping.08:32
DILEnabling channel splitting.08:32
ali110is it possible to install JAVA JRE and configure it with the browser using apt-get ???08:32
DILSource 0 (orinocosource): Enabling monitor mode for orinoco source interface wlan0 channel 6...08:32
unimatrix9cant open office open wps files?08:32
=== qeed [n=qeed@adsl-146-71-47.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
DILFATAL: Could not find 'monitor' private ioctl or use the newer style 'mode monitor' command.  This typically means that the drivers have not been patched or the correct drivers are being loaded. See the troubleshooting section of the README for more information.08:32
regeyaflood flood floodity flood08:32
ConstyXI1the Cube has sucked in my soul :)08:32
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ
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regeya!flood | DIL08:32
ubotuDIL: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:32
=== blackgoth [n=Blackgot@c51470fc5.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
samalexhey guys.. any chance of getting Ubuntu to install on a very old system, like a 486 or sub-200Mhz Pentium system?08:32
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unimatrix9cant open office open wps files?08:32
samalexcommand line only, no GUI needed08:32
CZillajrib: It is me Sparrow....  Any ideas on that screen res/shifting issue...08:33
ompaulsamalex, not a hope08:33
youknowmemroth, thanks it worked08:33
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@adsl-215-26-250.mia.bellsouth.net] by jrib
profanephobiasamalex maybe but damn .... why lol08:33
ConstyXI1samalex: yeah, just use the alt cd08:33
jribDIL: please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for large pastes08:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about googling - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:33
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nuitompaul, no? only command ly08:33
mrothyouknowme: kewl. i think you have to manually associate openoffice with those ancient formats08:33
nuitline should work08:33
LiberCogitosamalex: Try Puppy Linux.08:33
ConstyXI1samalex: sorry, the sever cd08:33
ali110is it possible to install JAVA JRE and configure it with the browser using apt-get ???08:33
jribCZilla: nope haven't seen that before, sorry08:33
ompaulnuit, the kernel would crush it08:33
jrib!java > ali110 (see the private message from ubotu)08:33
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Ze_Mdxdt: do you know?08:33
profanephobiasamalex just use the server08:33
Piddyprofanephobia nope, still only 2 sides... though, i have 4 desktops08:33
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crazy_what is googling?08:34
DILthanks ubotu08:34
profanephobiapiddy damn that should have done it08:34
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre08:34
samalexOn a command line only file system, a slower PC will work just fine... I remember a day when a 100Mhz box was a powerhouse, and if we'ren ot doing anything major (DB, web, etc), why not stick with an older system,.08:34
=== blackgoth is now known as Blackgoth
CZillajrib: Neither have I.... desktop is larger than the screen and scrolls when the mose hits the top or bottom..08:34
=== neverblue slaps crazy_
george_hi there everyone :)08:34
jportdo you have compiz manager installed ?08:34
mrothOval_ s'wha?08:34
samalexprofanephobia: thanks.. i do have 7.04 server, and I'll try that one.08:34
profanephobiacrazy_ your joking right lol dont worry about it go to www.google.com08:34
LiberCogitocrazy_ ... wow you are crazy.  Googling is the verb usage of Google.  Meaning, go search for it at google.com08:34
profanephobiasamalex yeah no gui but hey its linux lol08:34
=== unagi [n=unagi@h460be1a8.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
george_is this the right channel to discuss a problem I'm having with gutsy atm ?08:34
samalexALso I'm trying to part together a system for a friend to start learning linux, and if I can only get a slower box together, Linux is linux :)08:35
crazy_limited voca08:35
neverbluegeorge_, yes08:35
samalexprofanephobia: yup ...08:35
crazy_limited vocab08:35
=== dxdt has a headache :-(
regeyaI want sooo little eyecandy in life; I just want my desktop to slide about when I switch virtual desktops08:35
unimatrix9samalex , get an better box08:35
mrothhas anybody tried Listen or Exaile?08:35
mrothhas anybody tried Listen or Exaile?08:35
=== Oval [n=frimjon@adsl3-204.du.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrunagi_: any luck?08:35
LiberCogitosamalex: how much ram?08:35
Picimroth: I use exaile08:35
profanephobiamroth exaile is good08:35
unagisure if you call a bunch of targas named 00000000001.tga luck08:35
CZillajrib: It works fine if I back it down to 1280x960  not a biggie.. this res will work for them08:35
=== Kitar|st [i=Kitarist@BSN-95-216-91.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #Ubuntu
OvalSorry about that mroth.08:36
Piddyprofanephobia now there are 4 cubes with 2 sides instead.08:36
george_well,here's my problem: I have some partitions that gutsy just does not see, ( sdb16,sdb17 and sdb18),they are not listed in /dev, but qtparted seems them just fine08:36
mrothprofanephobia: Pici i'm light on resources, is it a hog?08:36
=== regeya has an old card and that's sorta out of the question...so he just plays with Desktop Manager in OS X
profanephobiapiddy lol what the hell08:36
=== koolrans [n=koolrans@cpe-72-130-34-153.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mrothOval_ no prob, whats up08:36
unagii mean at least i have the avi outputted to tga but i need the file name a specific name08:36
crazy_I install njam but cannot find pacman08:36
george_any clues on what to try? ( the hard disk is on a IDE interface)08:36
Picimroth: I'm not sure, I'm not on that computer right now08:36
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profanephobiamroth nah not to bad but it has a splash screen08:36
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Ovalmroth: My screen just froze up and somehow your name got in there, don't know whether I clicked it or something.  Credit goes to Mac's Colloquy.08:36
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profanephobiamroth for best lightwieght player that can play anything get vlc08:36
unagiany idea fyrestrtr08:36
Ovalmroth: Now I'm on irssi though, so it's okay.08:36
jribcrazy_: have you enabled universe?08:36
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mrothprofanephobia: w/e that doesn't bother me as long as it'll run smooth when its running and handle a bg library08:37
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fyrestrtrunagi: I found something...maybe. You want to take an avi, and convert it into .tga files, right?08:37
mrothOval: are you running w/o GUI?08:37
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profanephobiamroth then it should be fine08:37
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crazy_jrib: u mean in software source, if so yes. I used apt-get install njam, but cannot find pacman08:37
Ovalmroth: Yeah, irssi is definitely the best one out there, GUI or not.08:37
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:37
jribcrazy_: umm, did you do 'apt-get install pacman'?08:37
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Ovalmroth: Of the many clients I've tried anyways.08:37
fyrestrtrunagi: okay, I might have something ... I need to test it first on a small .avi file. Got one that I can use?08:37
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unaginot a small one no08:38
jribcrazy_: oh, I see what you mean... try 'njam'?08:38
riaalI need something called "evdev" for my logitec mouse, anyone know how to get it?08:38
mrothOval: hrm. i don't use irc much except for this channel (:08:38
unagiive gotten mplayer to convert08:38
unagii just need a specific filename08:38
=== sebrock [n=sebrock@kr-lun-81-157-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
george_well, I am on kubuntu, but I assume this isn't a DE problem ,since I can't find the devices in /dev08:38
DILtrying to install kismet but got errors pls see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3226408:38
mrothwho wants to play a quick round of descent!?08:38
fyrestrtrunagi: and just renaming the files is a problem because...........?08:39
crazy_jrib: oic, must apt-get install njam and then apt-get install pacman08:39
profanephobiamroth i couldnt get it to work on ubuntu08:39
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profanephobiamroth now IM the one who needs help lol08:39
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unimatrix9george_ what does mount tell?08:39
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crazy_jrib: I found my favourite pacman game. hurray08:39
jribcrazy_: nah, they are different programs, but both are like pacman I guess08:39
unagibecause when i am converting 20 .avi in more than one directory it seems a waste of time to sit there and type in 20 lines of code changing each of them to what sequence im dealing with08:39
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unagiwhy cant mplayer just give me a way to output to a certain filename08:39
XtypeWriter74hi. does anybody know a good alternative to flickr ?08:40
crazy_jrib: the pacman logo is on the game menu08:40
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profanephobiaholy shit a dumbass i work with just turned off our servers08:40
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neverblue!language profanephobia08:40
TuxOtakuhey guys....anyone here ever used FVWM-Crystal?08:40
profanephobiageesh sorry08:40
neverblue!language | profanephobia08:40
ubotuprofanephobia: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:40
george_unimatrix9 well,mount gives me the list of devices mounted as they are in /etc/fstab08:40
jribriaal: install xserver-xorg-input-evdev and enable it in xorg.conf... I have a guide for the mx1000 at wiki.ubuntu.com which should give you an idea08:40
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unimatrix9george_ and yours are not there?08:40
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unagii cant believe out of 1136 users in here no one is able to help08:41
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george_unimatrix9 : 3 of the partitons are missing (both in fstab,mount and /dev folder)08:41
Piddyprofanephobia I know xD08:41
PiddySo... crap, I gotta fix this stuff....08:41
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unimatrix9george_ backup your fstab first , then add them manually...08:41
jribcrazy_: great08:42
riaaljrib, Im following this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65471&highlight=mx518 but I get evdev unknown protocoll :( Is there in your guide how to enable it in xorg.conf? Im confused08:42
unagifine......another thing that linux cant do08:42
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: Try the diskmounter script...  works well08:42
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse08:42
=== gutts [n=gutts@ADijon-258-1-39-37.w90-6.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
george_unimatrix9 I did that, I did  umount -a and mount -a , but mount complaines the devices I've added manually do not exist08:42
jribriaal: did you install the package I mentioned?08:42
riaaljrib, yes, It said already latest version =/08:43
=== stewartcuk [n=stewartc@i-194-106-37-82.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
crazy_my ppc ubuntu cannot install flash08:43
jportgeorge do they show up in sudo fdisk -l08:43
jribriaal: hold on let me load the guide (56k)08:43
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:43
george_Jack_Sparrow where can I find that script ? apt-get says nothing about it08:43
unagianyone know how to control the filename mplayer outputs a file to08:43
riaaljrib, thanks a lot08:43
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: See the link08:43
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george_jport : they do show up with fdisk -l08:43
DILtrying to install kismet but got errors pls see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3226408:43
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SuperkuhI am mounting an ntfs partition via ntfs-3g. I wish to set the file permissions for this partition to -rw-rw-r-- instead of 777 as default , so in fstab I tried adding ,umask=0112. Upon un/remounting the partition is only accessible by root -x-----. Any clues as to what I am doing wrong?08:44
TuxOtakuhey I'm having trouble starting FWVM-Crystal....every time I try to login choosing it as a session it gives me one of those "your session has lasted less than 10 seconds" errors and boots me out to GDM08:44
unimatrix9george_  what filesystem do they use?08:44
TuxOtakuI checked my xsession-errors log08:44
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: Save the script to your desktop... then terminal   cd Desktop   then   sudo bash diskmounter08:44
jribriaal: that guide is outdated, that's no longer how you setup evdev08:44
TuxOtakua bunch of stuff about missing icons08:44
george_unimatrix9 : fat32 ,as well as some other partitons I have on that hdd08:44
TuxOtakuwhich I know exist08:44
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george_Jack_Sparrow :thx , will try that now :)08:44
unagidoes anyone here know ANYTHING about mplayer?08:44
unimatrix9ok , first follow jack_sparrows advise and try that08:44
riaaljrib, really? okey, what to do ? follow your guide?08:45
jrib!anyone | unagi08:45
ubotuunagi: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:45
geronimounagi, I know it's a media player :>08:45
jportSuperkuh see http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-your-widows-partitions-and-make-it-read-and-writable.html08:45
unagii have been asking my question08:45
unagino one here is replying08:45
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unagiits ridiculous08:45
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: wget http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/scripts/diskmounter08:45
unagi1138 people and no one knows anything about this?08:45
unimatrix9unagi try again08:45
fyrestrtrunagi: I know lots of things about mplayer. Your problem is not one that mplayer can solve.08:45
fyrestrtrunagi: you need to script it.08:45
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:45
unagiwhy cant mplayer solve it08:45
=== jsk_ [n=jonathan@client-81-109-191-34.hers.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagithats not a hard issue08:45
fyrestrtrthen solve it yourself :)08:45
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unagioutputting to cold.001.tga instead of 0000000000.tga is too hard for mplayer?08:46
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geronimohi kblin08:46
unimatrix9unagi , just renaming is hard?08:46
fyrestrtrunagi: is it too hard for you to write a quick oneliner to convert the filenames?08:46
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unagifirst of all if i knew the line to rename then maybe no it wouldnt be hard08:47
unagibut when im converting 20 .avi at a time yea08:47
unagirenaming probably isnt the smartest option08:47
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fyrestrtrin all the time you have been in here; you could have googled enough to write your own little bash script to do it for you.08:47
jrib!enter | unagi08:47
ubotuunagi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:47
unagii have been googling this whole issue08:47
unagiboth parts of it08:47
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unagirenaming and coverting08:47
Superkuhjport: I am having no issues reading or writing with default inherited permissions; but with the exectuable bit set I cannot serve up the data via thttpd. Are you suggesting I try setting the owner as per that document to my user account and forget the umask?08:47
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unagii can never understand the man files08:47
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geronimounagi_, why not?08:47
IradigalescHi! Anyone here use KVIrc with a language different than English? I can't see some menus charters08:47
riaaljrib, you still here?08:48
jribriaal: yes08:48
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unimatrix9unagi , how do you convert the files?08:48
knightzis there any beta vesion out for the new ubuntu> yet?08:48
unimatrix9unagi , how do you convert the files?08:48
george_Jack_Sparrow :so I've run the script...what should I see changed ?08:48
jportSuperkuh try that.08:48
IdleOneknightz, #ubuntu+108:48
pike__knightz: feisty is current release08:48
unagimplayer currently....if you have a better way id love to know it08:48
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Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: Did it find unmounted drives?08:48
riaaljrib, any sugestions on where I can read about the evdev stuff?08:48
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unimatrix9george_ you should see the driives08:48
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kblinunagi: for renames, look into at the ${variable/pattern/replacement} construction in bash08:49
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kblinunagi: just play with that one a little, it's really handy08:49
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TuxOtakuso does anyone in here have any experience with FVWM-Crystal?08:49
jribriaal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MX1000Mouse08:49
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: The only way it wont is if those drives already show up in fstab.. even if they are not mounted correctly08:49
unimatrix9not really08:49
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unagiill look into it but like i said i would really rather find a way to convert .avi to .tga in a certain filename08:49
george_Jack_Sparrow what paste service could I use to show the output ?08:49
riaaljrib, thanks a lot for helping08:49
jribriaal: 'man evdev' is helpful too but it's a bit cryptic if you aren't a bit familiar with it yet08:49
Jack_Sparrow!pastebin > george_08:50
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unagidoes anyone have a suggestion?08:50
PiddyCan anyone help me out a little? In the lower right corner I have 4 different desktops.. But the "cube" is still 2-sided. It seems there are 4 different cubes, with 2 sides..08:50
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: also put your fstab in there as well please,08:50
Superkuhjport: Tried; same result as I described before.08:50
fyrestrtrunagi: for example, for file in *.avi; do mkdir $file; cd $file; mencoder [blah blah] ; rename 's/([0-9] +)\.tga/$file\.$1\.avi/' *.tga; end08:50
george_Jack_Sparrow thx :) a moment08:50
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unimatrix9unagi , i do convert files too, but just do it one at a time08:50
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unagii dont understand that line08:50
fyrestrtrthen start reading.08:50
unagione what at a time....frame??08:50
fyrestrtron bash commands.08:50
unimatrix9unagi , and i use it on the command line08:50
unagistart reading where.....08:50
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fyrestrtrtry tldp.org08:51
unagiim using the command line too08:51
jgayHey, I don't mean to spam, but, I just wanted to let Ubuntu people know about the protests against the BBC.08:51
fubar6760alright i need a hand here, is there any way to connect an ubuntu machine to a windows network, not a domain but a workgroup08:51
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riaaljrib, it say "Driver          "evdev"" in thet guid to?08:52
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fyrestrtrfubar6760: use samba for that08:52
unimatrix9unagi , ask if someone can look at your code , use pastebin to share it..08:52
unagii just want cold.avi to outoput to cold.001.tga cold.002.tga cold.003.tga cold.004.tga cold.005.tga cold.006.tga cold.007.tga etc etc etc is this not possible in linux08:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:52
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fubar6760samba being located where08:52
jribriaal: the guide you linked to said driver "mouse" and protocol "evdev" didn't it?08:52
Eclipsorok, earlier I had problems with my bootloader08:52
george_Jack_Sparrow :   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32265/08:52
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jgayI assume it is relevant, because you can't stream BBC on ubuntu. http://defectivebydesign.org/iPlayerProtest08:52
Eclipsornow I FINALLY have grub installed08:52
fyrestrtrunagi: stop repeating the same thing again and again.08:52
Eclipsorbut it just brings up a prompt on boot08:52
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: looking now08:52
Eclipsorhow do I really use it :\08:52
riaaljrib, your right, shall I change it?08:52
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:52
jribriaal: yep08:52
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riaaljrib, thanks08:52
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unagifyrestrtr: just because you have seen what i have asked previously08:53
unagidoesnt mean everyone else has.....08:53
PiddyCan anyone help me out with my compizcube?08:53
fyrestrtrunagi: I'm sure others have seen it too.08:53
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unagiim sure others have too08:53
george_Jack_Sparrow hdb16,hdb17 and hdb18 are the ones that cause me problems :)08:53
jportPiddy do you have compiz manager installed?08:53
fyrestrtrunagi: just that I am the only one replying directly to you.08:53
Piddyyeah i do08:53
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unagiyyellow hasnt.....clouder hasnt....smolina hasnt08:53
Piddyjport the problem is:08:53
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: Wow thats a lot of partitions... looks like it worked...  Do you mind restarting X08:53
Moniker42hey, how do i view animated gifs?08:53
pike__Eclipsor: 1) boot from livecd  2) open a terminal and type 'sudo grub'  3) type 'root (hd0,0)' <-- assuming it is hda1  4) type setup (hd0)  <-- to write to mbr08:53
fyrestrtrMoniker42: with pornview08:54
unaginow i remember why i keep windows on my machine.....because it does things linux cant08:54
inspiredI just installed a fresh ubuntu 7.04 hoping my problem with multiple sound sources at the same time would go away. it appears it didn't. for example I want to hear ekiga ringing while at the same time listening to mp3s in rhythmbox. why isn't this working?08:54
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Moniker42fyrestrtr, what?08:54
fyrestrtrunagi: then use it and get on with life.08:54
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fyrestrtr!info pornview08:54
george_Jack_Sparrow I umounted all and mounted all again,and I still get error08:54
ubotupornview: Image and movie viewer/manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2pre1-7 (feisty), package size 223 kB, installed size 664 kB08:54
Moniker42fyrestrtr, is that -actually- the name of the app?08:54
Eclipsorpike__: I already have grub installed to the mbr08:54
clouderunagi: I haven't what?08:54
r00tintheb0xhello everyone.08:54
unagiill just sit here and repeat my question until someone here answers it08:54
Eclipsorbut when I boot it just brings up a prompt08:54
fyrestrtrMoniker42: yes :)08:54
Piddyjport In the lower right corner of my screen, there are 4 differend desktops... But my cube only has 2 sides.. Also, each single desktop has it's own cube, so it's 4 different cubest, with 2 sides.08:54
r00tintheb0xHow's it going.08:54
george_Jack_Sparrow I'll save some files I have here and restart X :)08:54
Eclipsorfor grub08:54
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IdleOnefyrestrtr, you like that app because of it's name lmao08:54
unagii just want cold.avi to convert to cold.001.tga cold.002.tga cold.003.tga cold.004.tga cold.005.tga cold.006.tga cold.007.tga etc etc etc is this not possible in linux08:54
profanephobiahonry linux developers08:54
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: We can look at your mounts real quick08:55
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kblinanyway, what I actually came here to ask for... why would I want to become an ubuntero?08:55
Moniker42fyrestrtr, that's ever worse than "The Gimp"08:55
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Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: Fire up nautilus....08:55
unimatrix9unagi  its possible , you just need to know how..08:55
george_Jack_Sparrow I'm on kubuntu , no Nautilus for me :)08:55
IdleOnekblin, go ask in #ubuntu-offtopic08:55
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Eclipsorpike__: I will go try this however...08:55
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: Ok... konq08:55
unagithats great....do you know how....can you share this with me?08:55
r00tintheb0xAnyone else having problems with Pidgin, XChat and others? I got "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" when i started XChat last time from a window.08:55
r00tintheb0xHi Jack_Sparrow =)08:55
george_Jack_Sparrow k,btw, now mount gives a slightly weired output :)08:55
kblinIdleOne: ok.. I'm not sure why it'd be off-topic here, but whatever :)08:56
Piddyjport know what to do?08:56
fyrestrtrr00tintheb0x: no, not here. Although I used debs to install pidgin.08:56
IdleOnekblin, this is support only channel08:56
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jporthow many desktops do you want08:56
unagiis that a no unimatrix908:56
r00tintheb0xfyrestrtr, as did I.08:56
r00tintheb0xIm actually using a spinoff of Ubuntu, called Linux Mint.08:56
george_Jack_Sparrow what to do with konq ? :P08:56
kblinIdleOne: ok, fair enough :)08:57
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clouderfyrestrtr: how's pidgin working for you?  I saw it on getdeb, but the comments weren't too inspiring08:57
jportset desktops back to 1 in compiz manager08:57
inspired_how can I get multiple sound sources working in ubuntu? I just installed a fresh Feisty 7.0408:57
=== fyrestrtr wonders exactly how many spinoffs there are of ubuntu ... other than the official ones
adubi am having trouble connecting to my linux share from windows i can see my linux box by browsing to it but can not connect to it08:57
konamcan someone point me a .deb of pidgin 2.1.0?08:57
fyrestrtrclouder: I actually found it from another site that had a deb with about 20 plugins for it.08:57
profanephobiaclouder i used pidgin and personally ill stick to the older version of gaim08:57
adubsays i may not have permissions to access this network08:57
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Eclipsorok pike__, nothing happened that fixed anything08:57
fyrestrtrclouder: its working okay, I'm not big into im08:57
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Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: Browse to root and /media and look for mounts sdb16, 17 ,1808:58
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r00tintheb0xOk man, sorry.08:58
r00tintheb0xHad to install aspell, my spelling sucks BAD.08:58
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crazy_how to "control alt del" (like in WinXp" to force quite some application08:58
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george_Jack_Sparrow did that, the folders are there, but they are empty (and I have quite a bit of data on those partitions)08:58
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: Sorry that I am not more familiar with browsing with Konq08:58
Sergiucan i install kubuntu desktop with ubuntu gnome?08:58
Eclipsorpike__: I think I need to use the kernel command, but I'm not too sure how that works out08:58
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Eclipsorwhere is the kernel usually located >.<08:59
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Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: Restart x08:59
clouderprofanephobia: yeah I'm thinking I'll just stick with gaim until apt asks me to upgrade08:59
george_Jack_Sparrow however, at mount -a ,mount still complains that those 3 devices do not exist08:59
fyrestrtrEclipsor: in /boot08:59
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attunixhow do i import pictures into pitivi?08:59
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Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: How many primary partitions are on those drives.. max is 408:59
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aimazcrazy_, try typing alt-F2 then typing int he box `xkill` (without quotes) and then click on the app to kill08:59
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Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: logicals in an extended are not a problem08:59
Eclipsorwhat is feisty fawns default kernel?08:59
EclipsorI cant find a livecd that will let me look through my lvm volumes easily or I'd check :\09:00
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gdphey, profanephobia if you are still here, thanks, i read the wiki and now my wireless works fine09:01
crazy_aimaz: there is no application to choose from the list09:01
aimazcrazy_, what list?09:01
profanephobiagpd great glad to hear it09:01
unagianyone know how to control the filename mplayer outputs a file to09:01
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gdpoh, one thing i wanted to ask09:01
Eclipsorfyrestrtr: when I use the kernel command, what would I be looking to point to though?09:01
attunixhow do i import pictures into pitivi?09:01
gdpi was running linux mint 2.209:01
Eclipsorkernel /boot/2.6.20 ?09:01
profanephobiauh huh09:01
gdpand updated to feisty fawn through the update thing09:01
gdpjust off of the internet09:01
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profanephobiayeah that doesnt work half the time09:02
gdpall of the ubuntu apps are there09:02
gdpbut when i boot up it still says linux mint09:02
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crazy_aimaz: alt F2 is to run application09:02
profanephobiaok so you want the ubuntu boot screnn09:02
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gdpi should have a hard copy in the next day or so and i can just redo it09:02
fyrestrtrEclipsor: err, what .. exactly .. are you doing?09:02
Eclipsortrying to boot with grub09:02
Eclipsorit doesnt boot automatically :\09:02
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fyrestrtrand why not?09:03
Eclipsormy computer just boots up to the grub prompt09:03
aimazcrazy_, yes... type xkill into the box then click on the application to kill09:03
DILhow do i set my audio files to default to aprticular palyer? all audi files are being opened by movie plyer09:03
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attunixhow do i import pictures into pitivi?09:03
fyrestrtrEclipsor: and has it been this way ever since you installed ubuntu?09:03
quaaldoes anyone know how to get an ipod recognized in quod libet09:03
Eclipsorwhen I installed ubuntu it came with lilo09:03
profanephobiagdp i think what you need is feisty-session-splashes09:03
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attunixhow do i import pictures into pitivi?09:03
Eclipsorbut I upgraded to gutsy gibbon and lilo broke I assume09:03
fyrestrtrEclipsor: *blink* say what?09:03
Eclipsorso I installed grub09:03
jportPiddy you there ?09:03
gdpk, i'll go look for that09:04
fyrestrtrEclipsor: what version of ubuntu is this?09:04
Eclipsorfyrestrtr: the alternate cd, 7.0409:04
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Ar-rashow can i reinstall grub after windows installation?09:04
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profanephobiagdp and ubuntu-artwork09:04
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:04
EclipsorI finally got grub installed on the mbr09:04
fyrestrtrEclipsor: alternate doesn't install lilo -- unless you ask it to.09:04
george_Jack_Sparrow I'm back :)09:04
Eclipsorthere was no option to install otherwise, fyrestrtr09:04
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: wb09:04
Eclipsorit was either install lilo or no bootloader09:04
profanephobiaar-ras it really is simple just follow the directions09:04
george_Jack_Sparrow thx :)09:04
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unagianyone know how to convert a .avi to .tga sequence with the filename file.001.tga file.002.tga etc09:04
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fyrestrtrEclipsor: are you dual booting?09:04
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fyrestrtrEclipsor: how many partitions?09:04
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george_Jack_Sparrow nothing's changes (and I did a full reboot)09:05
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george_Jack_Sparrow *changed09:05
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sebleblancunagi: I think Imagemagick can do this09:05
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EclipsorI have one ext3 partition for boot, and then the rest are all lvm volumes09:05
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: How many primary partitions09:05
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gdpk, downloaded it09:05
fyrestrtrEclipsor: what is the /dev for your ext3 partition?09:05
xtknightunagi, mplayer has output to png then you can convert the pngs to tga with imagemagick09:05
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fyrestrtrwhat device is it?09:05
gdpbut everything says bianca on it09:05
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Eclipsor /dev/sda109:05
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Piddyjport yeah i am09:05
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unagiimagemagick is installed but i dont know what it is09:06
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george_Jack_Sparrow well,on that hard drive (it's my secondary) I have 2 primary parrtitions (1 for windows 98 and one extended tthat holds tthe others )09:06
jportPiddy did you set the desktops back to 1 ?09:06
fyrestrtrEclipsor: okay, and where is your root?09:06
jportin compiz manager09:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about imagemagick - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:06
unagiwhat is imagemagick09:06
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Piddyjport No, should I?09:06
Eclipsor /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol0009:06
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Piddyk, 2 secs09:07
loganI launched windows xp with grub this morning, and it said NTLDR (windows loader) cannot be found and restarted. If I run the windows XP repair cd, will it mess up my ubuntu install?09:07
profanephobia    imagemagick is good09:07
jportthen right click on your workspaces at the bottom right, then click properties09:07
bluestarhi all09:07
crazy_what player can player .mov format?09:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about movies - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mov - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:07
profanephobialogan either way windows is screwed with that error09:07
fubar6760why  cant they say, type in the workgroup name hit apply and have fun09:07
unimatrix9logan yes , need to reinstall grub later09:07
Jack_Sparrowgeorge_: fstab looks fine....  never dealt with 18 partitions.....  manybe someone else will know more..09:07
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fubar6760i dont know how to set up this stuff09:07
crazy_what player can play apple movies09:07
sebleblancwell unagi09:07
loganprofanephobia why?09:07
profanephobialogan and if you make a new mbr it will overwrite grub09:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:07
sebleblancVLC Player can output a video in png files.09:07
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sebleblancIf this can help you.09:07
fyrestrtrEclipsor: wait a second; when you reboot your machine, where does it stop?09:08
profanephobialogan when ntldr is missing your best and probably only bet is to reinstall windows09:08
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Eclipsorgrub stage 1.509:08
fubar6760does anyone know how to set up samba after it is installed09:08
bluestarany one has an idea how can install thunderbrid 2.009:08
Piddyjport, ok, now both of my bars are gona.09:08
sebleblancyou could then use imagemagick or GD to convert them to .tiff09:08
Jack_Sparrowlogan: Hold one sec.....09:08
Eclipsorand then there's just a grub prompt09:08
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Piddyjport I can't access anything.09:08
loganprofanephobia if I reinstall windows, but back up all my stuff to ubuntu, I woulnt be able to get it back right?09:08
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sebleblancbut tiff is a lousy format.09:08
unagisebleblanc: how09:08
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fyrestrtrEclipsor: seesm like you fubar'd the grub install then.09:09
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jetscreamerroot (hd<tabkey> then configfile /boot/grub/menu.lst09:09
fubar6760hey hey now09:09
fubar6760thats my name09:09
fyrestrtrEclipsor: use a grub recovery cd to fix it.09:09
profanephobialogan if you reinstall windows it then you will have to reinstall your grub install using a live cd prolly09:09
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Eclipsorfyrestrtr: where can I get one then09:09
jportok set it back to 2 desktops then09:09
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:09
dragonscalesHoooly freaking Christ, there are a lot of people in here09:09
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jportALT + f209:09
EclipsorI used rescue mode on the alternate CD, and grub gets a fatal error09:09
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aliI want to have voice chat with my yahoo ID in ubuntu09:09
Eclipsorwhen I try to reinstall09:09
fyrestrtrEclipsor: from the second link on that factoid09:09
Piddyjport I can't... both the upper, and lower bars are gone.09:09
george_Jack_Sparrow they worked in dapper,edgy and feisty ,thx for your help so far :) maybe an update  will fix it :)09:09
groutcould someone email me a defaut dapper php.ini file?  I hosed mine accidently.09:09
jportdo ALT+F209:10
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profanephobiadamn grout that sucks09:10
Jack_Sparrowlogan: http://www.allbootdisks.com/download/xphome.html    floppy recovy disk that may work in your situation09:10
fyrestrtrEclipsor: Use the *grub* recovery cd, it is not made by canonical.09:10
profanephobiai mean darn09:10
Piddyjport doesn't work.09:10
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groutyea I know09:10
groutcan anyone do it?09:10
DILhow do i set my audio files to default to aprticular palyer? all audi files are being opened by movie plyer09:10
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profanephobiai dont have dapper09:10
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erf3dHi all09:10
loganI don't have a floppy drive =(.09:10
profanephobialogan exactly09:10
Picigrout: Why not just reinstall it?09:11
jrib!defaultapp > DIL (see the private message from ubotu)09:11
crazy_what player can play quicktime format?09:11
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fyrestrtrcrazy_: vlc can09:11
TuxOtakuhey guys, I'm having a problem with fvwm09:11
TuxOtakuit won't start properly09:11
groutPici: because I have the whole serer just how I need exceot my php.ini09:11
TuxOtakui get booted back to GDM whenever I try to use it09:11
jportnothing comes up when you press ALT+f2 ?09:11
PiddyAw maaaaaan... The only thing I can see is Gaim.. nothing else.. no "system" or "Programs", no nothing.09:11
Picigrout: I mean just reinstall php09:12
unimatrix9maybe supergrub can helpout http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/09:12
profanephobialogan ok what you can try and this might not work is make a DOS bootable cd (google it) and from a working installation of windows copy the file NTLDR your gonna need to know dos and know windows pretty well though09:12
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unimatrix9maybe supergrub can helpout http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/09:12
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Eclipsorfyrestrtr: I'm not seeing the grub recovery cd in that link09:12
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logan*sigh* ill just back up all my stuff to windows and reinstall everything09:12
Piddyjport no... And you should type piddy in ur messages... Or else I don't notice anything09:12
fubar6760so it looks as if it is not an easy task to hook an ubuntu machine to a windows network09:12
crazy_flash plugin cannot work in konqueror09:12
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unimatrix9 http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/09:13
erf3dI have a short question : I just installed ubuntu 1 hour ago and now I'm trying to install mplayer on ubuntu feisty. I try "sudo apt-get install mplayer" but it says that many necessary packages can't be installed :'(09:13
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profanephobialogan dont forget if you reinstall windows it will prolly mess up your ubuntu install09:13
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profanephobiayoull hav eto redo grub09:13
mariodooy guys ... can you help me please ? ...09:13
bluestarany one has an idea how can I install thunderbrid 2.009:13
Jack_Sparrowlogan: http://www.tinyempire.com/shortnotes/files/ntldr_missing.htm09:13
fyrestrtrerf3d: enable the multiverse and universe repositories.09:13
mariodoqtparted doesn't work properly on my computer09:13
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ariczHi, I have 2 hdd's installed in my computer. /dev/hda (ext3).. and /dev/hdb (hdb1/ext3 and hdb2/fat32). Now, I'm going to install win98se. will it destroy the mbr? :)09:13
jportPiddy try restarting09:13
erf3dand if I try to install kde, it says no packages has this name09:13
profanephobiamariodo try gparted09:14
fyrestrtrerf3d: system > administration > software sources09:14
fyrestrtraricz: yes09:14
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unimatrix9mariodo or third patry tool like hirens boot cd09:14
oomph_which server version of ubunto is best to use?09:14
profanephobiayeah or knoppix09:14
Piddyprofanephobia Hey again:P I kinda messed up some stuff.09:14
fyrestrtroomph_: debian09:14
oomph_im specifically running it as a vmware server09:14
fubar6760so its next to impossible to connect and ubuntu machine to a windows workgroup09:15
profanephobiapiddy uh oh that always sucks whats wrong now09:15
oomph_fyrestrtr yes, i do like debian09:15
ariczfyrestrtr : even though I'm installing it to my other hdd? Ok, so what do I do after the mbr gets screwed? :)09:15
oomph_just trying out ubuntu09:15
Piddyprofanephobia I set desktops to 1.. which lead to me losing both upper and lower bar...09:15
fyrestrtrfubar6760: nope. Have 20 Windows machines, one Windows 2003 Server, 4 Ubuntu servers, one debian firewall and 2 ubuntu workstations all living happily together.09:15
profanephobiaok you lost your gnome panels09:15
Jack_Sparrowprofanephobia: That link I gave tells how to fix the ntldr missing problem09:15
fyrestrtraricz: you recover grub09:15
erf3dfyrestrtr: does not work09:15
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Piddyjport that wouldn't really help.. Cos those settings are saved.. so I can't open any programs09:15
fyrestrtr!grub > aricz09:16
fubar6760and you acomplished this how09:16
fyrestrtrerf3d: what doesn't?09:16
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Piddyprofanephobia exactly09:16
unimatrix9 http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/09:16
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profanephobiajack_sparrow yeah it can be fixed but its a major pain and windows messes with you the whole way if your unlucky09:16
fyrestrtrfubar6760: easily? I dunno ... I have previous Linux experience (and by experience, I mean like installing it from source).09:16
erf3dfyrestrtr: it seems taht software ressource was already enabled09:16
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profanephobiapiddy ok well have to add a new one and put everything on there09:16
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Jack_Sparrowprofanephobia: I fixed several with little problem and a few were a royal pain...09:17
mariodojust a sec ... i'm trying out gparted09:17
Piddyprofanephobia how?09:17
SORMANOVcan i get a small iso (netinstall or business card iso) of ubuntu server ?09:17
Howdoido i install ununtu from the live cd?09:17
zezator74Can anybody help me how to instal and play CS 1 6 in Ubuntu :)09:17
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profanephobiapiddy you dont have a single panel at all09:17
knnyhckrguys what clients do you recommend for irc?09:17
fyrestrtrerf3d: you need to make sure all the boxes are checked on the first tab page.09:17
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Piddyprofanephobia I know! How do I get them back? O.o09:17
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bluestarhi all any one has an idea how can install thunderbrid 2.009:17
fubar6760ive installed this samba application. and i only have experience with red hat ubuntu is kinda new to me09:17
profanephobiajack_sparrow i got to the point where i just gave up fixing that problem it happens way to often09:17
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knnyhckrwhat irc client is good for ubuntu?09:18
fubar6760i mean i can see the windows network09:18
fyrestrtrfubar6760: linux is linux :) what is the problem you are having with samba?09:18
Eclipsorknnyhckr: I like irssi09:18
erf3dfyrestrtr: source code too ?09:18
fubar6760but they cant see the ubuntu machine09:18
mariodoi will be back in some minutes09:18
profanephobiaknnyhckr xchat09:18
w30erf3d, I had problems with messages like that too, but I changed the repository fro US to main. Maybe changing you repository or adding more would help.  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages is a helpfull page09:18
fyrestrtrerf3d: yes, all.09:18
ariczZzzz, what if I do it the other way around? win98se first, then linux..09:18
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SORMANOVanyone one ?09:18
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SORMANOVcan i get a small iso (netinstall or business card iso) of ubuntu server ?09:18
unimatrix9zezator74 , maybe this read can help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19446709:18
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fyrestrtrSORMANOV: no, this is not debian.09:19
profanephobiaknnyhckr do sudo apt-get install xchat2 i think09:19
zezator74thanks unimatrix I will chack it :)09:19
erf3dfyrestrtr: oh right, seems that it works now :)09:19
zezator74LONG LOVE LINUX09:19
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bz0bfyrestrtr, could it be i am having so much problems because its the 64 bit of ubuntu, maybe the 32 bit has more compatibility09:19
erf3dfyrestrtr: thx !09:19
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zezator74DIE MS09:19
profanephobiapiddy im working on it09:19
Piddyprofanephobia thanks09:19
SORMANOVfyrestrtr, how to install with no network pxe support and cdrom support ?09:19
Howdoido i install from the live cd09:19
fubar6760i have installed samba,i dont know why lol but i did it. i can see all the windows machines, but they cannot see me09:19
unimatrix9zezator74 : an other read http://frankscorner.org/09:20
profanephobiaif it wernt for MS i wouldnt have a job so lets not kill em just yet09:20
CITguyHas anyone here had experience setting up the UserDir directive in Apache2.2?09:20
bz0bunimatrix9, do you recommend the 64 bit or 32 bit for my system, considering i have a intel core 2 duo 642009:20
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Jack_Sparrowprofanephobia: Agreed, good source of income09:20
fubar6760any clues as to why09:20
profanephobiajack_sparrow you bet09:20
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fyrestrtrCITguy: what is the issue?09:20
CITguyfubar: have you configured the smb.conf file?09:21
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Jack_Sparrowbz0b: 3209:21
CITguyI'm getting a 403 Forbidden error09:21
bz0bJack_Sparrow, thanks, ok maybe that will fix a few things09:21
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fubar6760i dont belive so, i attempted but it told me i didnt have the permission09:21
unagidoes anyone know how to convert a .avi to an image sequence with control over the file padding09:21
Jack_Sparrowbz0b: :)09:21
fyrestrtrCITguy: sudo a2enmod userdir && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart09:21
Eclipsorfyrestrtr: I tried that super grub disk, root (hd0,0) and setup (hd0)09:22
Howdoican anyone here me or do i need to identifiy with nickserv09:22
Eclipsoram I missing anything?09:22
CITguyfubar: you have to go in and edit the smb.conf file to allow access to your shared directories and configure the server09:22
Jack_SparrowHowdoi: We hear ou09:22
profanephobiapiddy i cant find anything for this09:22
Howdoiok kool ty09:22
fubar6760CITguy: i dont belive so, i attempted but it told me i didnt have the permission09:22
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fyrestrtrEclipsor: yeah, you need to tell grub what operating systems you have so it can boot one.09:22
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profanephobiapiddy there has to be a way though09:22
Piddyprofanephobia Aw maaaaan! My pc is screwed up:(09:22
Eclipsorfyrestrtr: how09:22
FireDemonSiCguys im having a rather strange problem while trying to make menuconfig09:23
profanephobiapiddy hold on im asking a friend he just got online09:23
FireDemonSiCsound/Kconfig:35: can't open file "sound/oss/dmasound/Kconfig"09:23
FireDemonSiCmake[1] : *** [menuconfig]  Error 109:23
FireDemonSiCmake: *** [menuconfig]  Error 209:23
fyrestrtrEclipsor: you need to create a menu.lst file.09:23
fyrestrtrEclipsor: in your /boot09:23
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fyrestrtrand list options for grub.09:23
Eclipsorcan I do that from inside grub?09:23
fyrestrtrEclipsor: no.09:23
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unimatrix9going to get some sleep , bye all..09:23
CITguyfyrestrtr: I get "This module is already enabled!"09:24
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crazy_can gxine listen to live internet radio?09:24
CITguyIs there some sort of special permissions I should set on the directory?09:24
fyrestrtrCITguy: great, then mkdir ~/public_html && echo '<b>HELLO</b>' > ~/public_html/index.html -- then http://localhost/~username/09:24
fyrestrtrCITguy: no.09:24
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FireDemonSiCah n/m just hafd to reemerge my kernel sources09:24
knnyhckrim new to linux is there a specifc folder i should run make and make installs from.. like you know program files etc.. or is it ok if im doing it from the desktop?09:24
FireDemonSiCthanks guys09:24
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CITguyit's still not working09:25
fyrestrtrknnyhckr: no, it doesn't matter.09:25
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erf3dbye all, and thx fyrestrtr  !!!09:25
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fyrestrtrCITguy: you get 403 still?09:25
CITguyI've already got the directory and the index.html file in there. I'm not able to view it in a browser09:25
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fyrestrtrcheck apache logs09:25
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jribknnyhckr: you shouldn't really need to run make at all unless you are developing09:25
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Piddyprofanephobia thank god it's fixed09:26
Eclipsorfyrestrtr: in the guides I see, they all put a line like kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-14, but I dont have any files on /boot, I only have 2 folders, grub and lost+found09:26
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profanephobiapiddy howd you do it09:26
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fyrestrtrEclipsor: where is your kernel?09:26
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Piddyprofanephobia rebooted X09:26
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knnyhckrit says my c compilar cannot create executables, i think im missing the build-package or w.e09:26
L_zerohear for you! http://alt.bitreactor.to09:26
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PiddyNow; I gotta fix my cubes:P09:26
fyrestrtrEclipsor: I bet you it is in /boot, inside your root /09:26
jribknnyhckr: what are you trying to install?09:26
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jrib!offtopic | L_zero09:27
ubotuL_zero: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:27
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profanephobiapiddy ive read a lot of people are having cube problems in compiz fusion09:27
crazy_I cannot listen to live radio09:27
Eclipsorok, let me go check09:27
crazy_!live radio09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about live radio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
fyrestrtrcrazy_: sudo aptitude install streamtuner09:27
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Lorvijaheya, i got logitech wireless mx laser mouse, how could i get these thumb buttons working? Usually they just go back or forward when browsing web for example?09:27
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fubar6760HOW DO I EDIT /etc/samba/smb.conf09:27
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Piddyprofanephobia Really? THe same problem as me?09:27
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fubar6760all it tells me is permission denied09:27
CITguyuse sudo nano /etc/smb.conf09:27
jribfubar6760: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf09:27
fyrestrtrfubar6760: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf09:27
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RickHSony VAIO notebook.  Since switching to Ubuntu the screen is about two clicks dimmer than it used to be in Windows XP.  Does anyone know of a way to adjust it?  I've used the keyboard controls and they go up/down in brightness, but the max brightness is just that much dimmer than it was before.09:27
CITguysearch the samba documentation for the lines to enter09:27
ZmaXHi all. Someone uses KompoZer?09:28
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chrisLAbeardhey, why would my computer not show the ubuntu loading screen on startup but loads into the OS just fine ?09:28
jrib!sudo > fubar6760 (see the private message from ubotu)09:28
profanephobiapiddy not EXACTLY like yours but similar09:28
jportPiddy , sorry i caused you that trouble. :\09:28
Geeksudo nano /etc/samba/smb.com09:28
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Piddyjport No problem=D09:28
Howdoiim installing ubuntu with the default settings...all these questions about grub make me wonder if my grub will go? WIll i fail to boot?09:28
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fyrestrtrHowdoi: you won't fail if you follow defaults.09:29
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GeekHowdoi: usually it works.09:29
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DaenythI just have a quick question09:29
fyrestrtrRickH: have you checked the laptop pages to see if there is a known issue with your laptop model?09:29
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profanephobiadaenyth just ask09:29
ZmaXHi all. Someone uses KompoZer?09:29
Howdoihow will my windows partition go hda is windows dedicated?09:29
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DaenythI'm helping a friend install ubuntu and it has a kernel oops when he loads the bootcd. What instructions should I give him so that he can use the noapic cheatcode?09:29
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fyrestrtrHowdoi: it will figure it out, just let it run.09:29
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fyrestrtrlol @ cheatcode09:30
Howdoiok fyre starter09:30
Howdoiits all on u09:30
oomph_anyone know of a repository that has freenx09:30
oomph_for dapper09:30
profanephobiaim not good at explaining noapic09:30
Daenythwow lag09:30
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sunnypiesQuestion,  I am trying to send mail using the mail command from a suse box to ubuntu.  The sles firewall is off, how do I turn off the firewall for ubuntu??? anyone09:31
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gyozoHi! do you know any remote desktop servers that works with the MS XP RDP clients? I need to access my gui from my workplace, and everithing is disabled, even java, so i can's use NX java clients or alsos09:31
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ompaulsunnypies, it is not on - unless you turned it on09:31
rlountsunnypies, there is no default firewall for ubuntu.09:31
CeltI have been working on configuring my intel sound.  I need some help on figuring out my model# for editing my ALSA filie.09:31
jribsunnypies: ubuntu doesn't block anything by default09:31
sunnypiesgyozo: are you using windows?09:31
rlountsunnypies, ssh-server is not installed by default.09:31
fyrestrtrCelt: lspci09:31
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Daenythwhat does he have to hit to get to the boot prompt? and then what's the name of the kernel? boot: ubuntu noapic?09:31
sunnypiesrlount: oh ok thanks09:32
Ovalgyozo: Can you get out on any port?09:32
profanephobiagyozo you have one built in go to app -> internet -> terminal server client09:32
crazy_fyrestrt: streamtuner keeps hanging firefox09:32
rlountsunnypies, aptitude install ssh09:32
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rlountsunnypies, sudo aptitude install ssh   =)09:32
niuqi have problems with two ftp clients09:32
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LiberCogitoCelt: Type ALSAMIXER in terminal09:32
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gyozoIm using ubuntu@home but win@work.09:32
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niuqwhen i try to upload files to the ftp server the connection get stalled, and fell a lot09:32
Atlantiz1150 users wow09:32
jribknnyhckr: what are you trying to install?09:32
niuqwhy could that happen?09:32
rlountsunnypies, np. hope it helps.09:32
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profanephobiagyozo the remote desktop app in linux works with windows clients09:33
Celtfyrestrtr:  I am running the Intel Coporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controler  I followed the instructions on the website you sent me, and I am at the very end, and I cant find the model I am supposed to use in the ALSA-Configuration.txt file.09:33
CITguyHere is the error i get09:33
CITguy[error]  [client]  (13)Permission denied: access to /~ryan denied09:33
sunnypiesrlount: does that package work for scp as well?09:33
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rlountsunnypies, yes.09:33
mistermaxCelt as in Celtic? MFC 2 Celtic 109:33
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Ovalgyozo: If they don't allow Java at work I'm doubting they're allowing outbound access on all ports.  I'd check that out to begin with.09:33
profanephobiagyozo just make sure your router is properly configured09:33
rlountsunnypies, scp is part of ssh09:33
howdoibut i dont want to use the entire disk here?09:33
mistermaxneed to know how to set up a scheduled download...09:33
OvalWhat the hell?09:33
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Celtmistermax: Yes Celt as in Celtic, not the basketball team though.09:33
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mistermaxcan I do cron with wget09:34
OvalWho modified my config file!??!  Huh?!?09:34
jribknnyhckr: xchat is in the ubuntu repositories.  You shouldn't compile things to install them on ubuntu when they are in the repositories.  I'll send you some info about how to install things on ubutnu with the package manager.  Let us know if you still can't get xchat to install the easy way after reading through the docs :)09:34
mistermaxCeltic as in we sold you wee Scotty McDOnald09:34
jrib!installing > knnyhckr (see the private message from ubotu)09:34
sunnypiesgyozo: what os are you tring to vnc to?09:34
fubar6760alright i have opened (gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf) i make the changes right in here? and then save the file'?09:34
Celtmistermax: lol, I know nothing about basketball. ;)09:34
jrib!software > knnyhckr (see the private message from ubotu)09:34
fubar6760then how do i test the changes09:34
jribknnyhckr: ignore the first link... it was wrong09:34
CITguyfubar: yes, now09:34
CITguysudo /etc/init.d/samba restart09:34
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mistermaxI'm talking about the football team from Glasgow.09:34
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Daenythin the ubuntu install cd, what do I have to hit to get to the boot prompt09:35
Oval!offtopic > mistermax09:35
rlountgyozo, depending on the package VNC can run under different ports. 5900, 590109:35
profanephobiaquit with the bot usage please09:35
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DaenythI'm not at his computer, so I can't see what his options are, and I don't remember myself09:35
jrib!freenx > oomph_ (see the private message from ubotu)09:35
Eclipsorfyrestrtr: I dont see what you mean by "I bet you it is in /boot, inside your root /"09:35
fubar6760now they have stoped and started right back up again, is this correct09:35
Celtfirestartr: did ya get me last message by any chance?09:35
gyozois VNC supports the MS client?09:35
rlountgyozo, you can nmap the machine to sus what port it's listening on.09:35
Celterrr fyrestart09:35
EclipsorI have knoppix running right now and there are no kernels in /dev/sda109:35
CITguyfubar: yes, now try to see if you can see your machine on the network09:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:36
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crazy_how to install .bin file09:36
Eclipsorfyrestrtr: do you mean in the partition I use for / ? thats an lvm volume and I have no clue how to get into that with knoppix09:36
jribcrazy_: what are you trying to install?09:36
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crazy_real player ppc linux09:37
neverbluecrazy_, u burn it, its an image09:37
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mistermaxso cron and wget? Will this work for scheduled download09:37
zezator74I dont see fonts when I start CS 1 6 ???? How to import fonts???09:37
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howdoi_how do i actualy install here i need to partition my windows from ubuntu09:37
crazy_neverblue and jrib: reaplayer ppc linux09:37
BleSSI've my doubts about permissions set by default on 'at' directories- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32270/09:38
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BleSScould you say me if are correct?09:38
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jportcrazy_ you can run a .bin file by doing chmod +x file.bin09:38
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fubar6760ok great, i can see the machine, but i can get past the password prompt, i type in my username and password but it doesnt go09:38
crazy_jport: use terminal?09:39
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niuqi have problems with gftp and filezila, i am trying to upload files to the server but the connections appears stalled to often, and it takes to many time to upload files09:39
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Rayyanubuntu didnt ask me to install grub, and now i can boot neither xp nor ubuntu, anyone got any tips?09:40
crazy_what is mean by "chmod +x  file.bin09:40
Rayyani cant*09:40
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DaenythWhat specifically in the ubuntu boot cd do you have to hit to get the "boot:" prompt? I'm trying to help my friend but I'm not physically there, so I can't see it, and he can't figure it out09:40
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gyozoI dont have trouble with the connections, I can conect to my box@home via ssh, but I need a screen too. I learnd@the VNC wiki page that VNC server is not compatible with MS clients09:40
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crazy_how to run a .bin file09:40
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pboyceprofanephobia: i got ubuntu to install on one drive, there were sata so no jumpers had to be messed with, i just had to mess with bios09:41
jribcrazy_: jport just explained it09:41
CITguycrazy: you need to enter the full path to the .bin09:41
crazy_BLUR BLUR09:41
jribcrazy_: what isn't clear?09:41
pboyceprofanephobia: now to install windows on to other drive, is it gonna be hard to get it to work with grub ? i have xp sp209:42
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BleSSI've my doubts about owner on 'at' directories- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32270/ what do you think?09:42
profanephobiapboyce great but if you were also wanting to have windows you needed to install it first09:42
CITguyfubar: ok, now you need to run the following as root:09:42
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crazy_jrib: I am new to linux, so dun know what is "chmod +x file.bin"09:42
CITguycat /etc/passwd | mksmbpasswd > /etc/samba/smbpasswd09:42
profanephobiapboyce if you install windows (on master) then youll have to reinstall grub09:42
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profanephobiaso all isnt lost09:43
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CITguyor you can do the following:09:43
CITguypdbedit -a -u <your user name>09:43
CITguy(this will add your user name to the samba password database), then sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart09:43
jribcrazy_: oh, it's just a command you run in the terminal.  DO you know how to navigate to the directory where your file is located in the terminal?09:43
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pboyceprofanephobia: ok geuss ill do it again i have a ques for u i installed a pakage for my nvidia card, how do i use it? it was the one to see the temp and other settings09:44
crazy_jrib: the file is in the desktop09:44
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profanephobiapboyce sorry im only experienced in ATI09:44
jribcrazy_: join me in #ubuntu-classroom09:44
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crazy_jrib: where is ubuntu classroom?09:44
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profanephobiapboyce but look in your restricted drivers09:45
khandihello everyone!09:45
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jribcrazy_: type this:  /join #ubuntu-classroom09:45
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pboyceprofanephobia: ok i did that but then i install a pakage and it removed the restricted driver09:45
crazy_jrib: is a channel itself rite09:45
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jribcrazy_: yes09:45
khandii have a question.. i cant seem to find my videocard... and im not too sure if i know which one it is. but once i select the one i think must be it, my screens freezes in a weird way when i want to test it09:46
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crazy_jrib: i am there09:46
khandianyone know what i can do about it?09:46
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fatbrainHello, When connecting to a ssh share using the "Connect to Server..." the default action associated with a given file-type is not honored. It always defaults back to the "factory-default"... Any thought on how to solve that?09:46
crazymancan you all see this?09:46
riaalHow do I change to non spashsceen startup?09:46
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ppiresis there any gutsy iso i can download?09:46
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Rayyananyone knows anything about grub?09:47
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DaenythWhat specifically in the ubuntu boot cd do you have to hit to get the "boot:" prompt? I'm trying to help my friend but I'm not physically there, so I can't see it, and he can't figure it out09:47
jribppires: ask in #ubuntu+109:47
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ppireskk tks09:47
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zezator74can anyone help me !!! please contact me if you instaled CS 16 in Ubuntu !!! Thanks09:48
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crazyman85yey it works09:48
r2d4Is there a way to get an "Always on Top" button onto the title bar? (rather than right-click)09:48
r2d4I am using Gnome.09:48
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zezator74can anyone help me !!! please contact me if you instaled CS 16 in Ubuntu !!! Thanks09:49
bulmerDaenyth  am not 100% sure...try ESC09:49
fubar6760how do i disable the password prompt when trying to access an ubuntu machine from a windows machine] 09:49
fubar6760im already in the config file09:49
george_zezator74 , I had it installed, what's the problem ?09:49
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Eclipsorok, fyrestrtr: I think I see what you meant now09:49
fubar6760any ideas?09:50
Eclipsorthe only problem is that the / partition is in an lvm volume09:50
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Eclipsorand grub says the file isnt found09:50
CITguyfubar6760: you need to have the folowing line configured with your users09:50
CITguy"valid users = <list of users to give access to the share>"09:50
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banlieuewelcome back, banlieue09:50
ThanatosDriveHello fellows.09:50
EclipsorI have kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20 root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol0009:50
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fubar6760the line being09:51
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eugmanWhere are the html docs for pythn located on my computer if at all?09:51
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fubar6760o i see it09:51
ThanatosDriveI'm trying to install Homeworld via WINE, but it's giving me errors stating that I need to change my sound to 16-bit stereo. How would I go about doing that?09:51
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animos1tyI need some help installing nvidia driver09:52
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crazyman85can anyone take a look at that09:52
crazyman85and let me know why i cant install my rt2500?09:52
baddersThanatosDrive: all the sound related stuff can be toyed with by running "winecfg"09:52
CITguyanimos1ty: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html09:52
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crdlbanimos1ty, system>administration>restricted drivers manager09:53
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ThanatosDrivebadders: Are there parameters I need to enter?09:53
profanephobialater everyone good luck09:53
bulmercrazyman85: linux/config.h: No such file or directory <--- try to install all the required headers09:54
animos1tythanks CITguy09:54
animos1tyi'll give it a go09:54
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baddersThanatosDrive: No idea, dont even know if its possible, but youll find it there if it is09:54
jribanimos1ty: use the restricted drivers manager09:54
crdlbanimos1ty, use the restricted manager unless you have an 8000 series nvidia09:54
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kperezbulmer.. what package hast that one?09:54
crdlbanimos1ty, and if it doesn't work, you can always use envy as a last resort09:54
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CITguythe restricted drivers manager doesn't work as well as the official drivers from NVIDIA09:55
crdlb(not that it would help)09:55
crdlbCITguy, it's the same driver09:55
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animos1tycrdlb: im not sure how to use that... i just installed ubuntu for the first time yesterday. im a nub09:55
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crdlbanimos1ty, system>administration>restricted drivers manager09:55
bulmerkperez  maybe build-essential09:55
Number_6I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop to dual-boot with windows. I'm liking it so far, but I could use a little help...09:55
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kperezyea i just installed it.. ima try it again09:56
kperezi mean ive had it installed..09:56
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zezator74can anyone help me !!! please contact me if you instaled CS 16 in Ubuntu !!! Thanks09:56
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Number_6Specifically, I need to know how to log in as root.09:57
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CITguyanimos1ty: try the restricted drivers manager first to see if it solves your problem and use envy as a backup09:57
CITguyI've personally had problems with my card using the restricted drivers manager, so give it a whirl to see if it works for you.09:57
ritzcrackerto do things as root09:57
ritzcrackerjust type sudo09:57
ritzcrackerbefore the cmmand09:57
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bulmer!root > Number_609:57
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zezator74can anyone help me !!! please contact me if you instaled CS 16 in Ubuntu !!! Thanks09:58
ThanatosDrivebadders: No luck. Same error. It's quite alright, I'll google up something. Hopefully.09:58
oomph_im having a dependancy issue installing FREENX09:58
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Number_6And from the desktop? I had my fill of the console fixing the xserver earlier09:58
ritzcrackerzezator74: are you trying to install the sever or the actual game so you can play it09:59
oomph_i followed these instruction09:59
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oomph_he following packages have unmet dependencies:09:59
oomph_  freenx: Depends: nxagent (>= 1.4.92+1.5.0) but it is not installable09:59
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niuqi am using gftp and filezilla, i am trying to upload files to a ftp server, the problem is the connection get stalled to often, i am not sure if that can be a problem with my ISP or with the hosting or with my ftp client10:00
oomph_anyone experienced this before?10:00
unagihow would i rename a bunch of files from 000001.tga 0000002.tga to cold.001.tga and cold.002.tga and so on10:00
corpuluntI have a question, a bash script of mine shows escape characters perfectly on an old Mandrake 9.2 box from console, on Ubuntu does not.10:00
corpuluntwhat could be causing this?10:00
CITguyNumber_6: Ubuntu doesn't allow you to log in as root from the login screen. If you want a root GUI you'll have to switch to a virtual terminal (CTRL+ALT+Fn), log in as root, and run startx10:00
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Number_6Okay, thanks10:00
animos1tyhow do i exit X server and log into root???10:00
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baddersThanatosDrive: Ok, i just ran winecfg myself, and at least with the alsa driver (which is what i use) there is an option for setting the default bits per sample to 16, but if thats what you tried then i have no idea10:00
BleSSI've my doubts about owner on 'at' directories- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32270/10:00
CITguyanimos1ty: which method are you using?10:00
Number_6Is there a default password for it?10:01
corpuluntcould someone help me?10:01
ThanatosDrivebadders: I did change that, but I still got the error. Thanks though!10:01
TheInfinityhello ... one question - how can i change the order of mountings in beginning?10:01
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CITguyNumber_6: you have to set up the password for root using "sudo passwd root"10:01
TheInfinitybecause nfs volumes are mounted BEFORE local volumes on many pcs here10:01
TheInfinityand thats quite strange10:01
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animos1tyCITguy: i have the drivers downloaded for linux on my desktop and i read a tutorial on how to install them. neither way actually.10:01
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niuqi am using gftp and filezilla, i am trying to upload files to a ftp server, the problem is the connection get stalled to often, i am not sure if that can be a problem with my ISP or with the hosting or with my ftp client10:01
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CITguyanimos1ty: Okay, do you mind switching to a one-on-one?10:02
rlountTheInfinity, nfs might mount first because the os might be looking for networked home and root partitions.10:02
Scott__is this support for ubuntu?10:02
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animos1tyCITguy: not at all, i pmed you but you didnt respond10:02
ritzcrackerScott_: yes10:02
TheInfinityrlount: and how do i change this? :)10:02
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TheInfinityhome is mounted at last10:02
ThanatosDrivebadders: Ahhh, I solved it. Apparently I was on OSS, which didn't work, even in 16-bit for some reason, although switching to ALSA fixed it. Odd. Thanks for all your help! I asked yesterday night and nobody could solve it.10:02
zezator74Who plays counter strike at Ubuntu ????10:02
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Scott__GOOD! i think i have to reinstall.... i did something dumb10:02
rlountTheInfinity, good question =) one sec.10:02
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unagihow would i rename a bunch of files from 000001.tga 0000002.tga to cold.001.tga and cold.002.tga and so on10:02
dxdtI used to play.  I don't anymore.10:02
ritzcrackerzezator74: i asked you a question if you want help anserw10:02
TheInfinityand i want to mount an nfs dir in /home/foo10:03
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baddersThanatosDrive: glad that worked for you10:03
TheInfinitywhich is impossilble if home is not mounted yes10:03
zezator74ok i will invite you i didnt see... so many people.... !!!10:03
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ritzcrackerzezator74:  are you trying to install the steam server or trying to okay counter strike on ubuntu. If you want to play counter strike you need to install wine10:03
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ritzcrackerwhich will allow you to run .exe on linux10:03
animos1tyCITguy: no respond?...10:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about roll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:04
zezator74I have win10:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about random - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:04
CITguyokay, I don't know how to respond in IRC10:04
netadmin!links 2010:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about links 20 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:04
zezator74I have instaled non steam10:04
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ritzcrackeryou have Wine installed?10:04
zezator74but there are no fonts... no letters when I start CS10:04
CITguyall i know how to do in IRC is send messages10:04
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CITguyso what do I have to do?10:04
zezator74Ritz yes i have wine and instaled CS10:04
zezator74non steam10:04
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ritzcrackerzezator74: in wine did you install the win32 fonts10:05
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rlountTheInfinity, looking briefly reveals not much, off hand I would say to re prioritize the init order in which nfs comes up. make it start later.10:05
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george_zezator74 I suggest you get wine doors (google it) ,install it, and install all the fonts that it provides :)10:05
animos1tylook at the top of your irc window and see my name blinking? its in a tab10:05
zezator74ritz how to instal???10:05
ritzcrackerokay one second10:05
CITguyum, no10:05
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TheInfinityrlount: i can give nfs S99 in rcS - that does not help ...10:05
Ayabara_anyone running ubuntu on a macbook pro ?10:05
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animos1tyhmm.... im not that great with IRC either but i PMed you.10:05
rlountTheInfinity, that sucks.10:06
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TheInfinityAyabara_: here :)10:06
animos1tydo you have an aim sn?10:06
preactionAyabara_, i had it working before, but asking "anyone" questions is not productive10:06
TheInfinityrlount: yes10:06
zezator74Does private chat works in here????10:06
CITguyyes "Xxnonconformist"10:06
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SciriAyabara_: We've got a few Mac Pros and Macbook Pros running Ubuntu in Parallels, but not natively.10:06
animos1tyi dont think private chat works...10:06
linxehzezator74: yes, if you are registered with nickserv10:06
preactionzezator74, yes. you must register. and it's rude to private message without asking first10:06
animos1tymaybe thats it...10:06
rlountTheInfinity, I am where you are at =) maybe someone here will have more foo than I.10:06
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Ayabara_preaction: I agree. will do better :-)10:06
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=== rlount has to go back to work
CITguyyeah, probably. I'm not registered with nickserv.10:07
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TheInfinityanyone else who knows? :/10:07
zezator74Am I registered and where to register?10:07
preactionAyabara_, only hangup i had installing it was the ATI drivers. i had to boot the live CD to console, apt-get install the drivers and then when i installed everything worked fine. but ymmv10:07
dobeyholy crap there are a lot of people in here10:07
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linxehzezator74: /msg nickserv help10:07
Ayabara_TheInfinity, Sciri , I miss my Ubuntu so I need to install it on my mac. Just wanted to know if you would recommend boot camp, vmware or parallels10:07
ritzcrackertype wine control10:07
ritzcrackerin command prompt10:08
Ayabara_preaction: ok10:08
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ritzcrackeri mena terminal10:08
TheInfinitythanks art all rlount :)10:08
nanotekerlinux n00b needs help with lilo/grub, basics10:08
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zezator74ritz Iknow10:08
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TheInfinityAyabara_: i have it native and in vmware10:08
preactionAyabara_, i used boot camp to make space. you still want OSX in case of firmware updates, there's a nice thread on the forums about how to do it properly10:08
oomph_has anyone here installed Freenx on Dapper before?10:08
ritzcrackeryou can install the fonts through there10:08
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nanotekeranyone here willing to help?10:08
TheInfinitynative it works very poor on latest mac book pro10:08
oomph_having a bit of a dependancy issue with it and could use some advice10:08
TheInfinityin vmware it works excellent10:08
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boyam!ask | nanoteker10:08
ubotunanoteker: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:08
Ayabara_preaction: ok. Ill google it.10:09
banlieuebuying a macbook to run ubuntu on it? ;/10:09
SciriAyabara_: Feisty and Gutsy Tribe 3 both installed fine under Parallels for me; both work fine on my Mac Pro and Macbook Pro, but my Xserve had issues with Feisty coming up with X...10:09
Ayabara_banlieue: I know :-)10:09
TheInfinityyou have to use latest gutsy alpha to get xorg on latest mac book pro10:09
nanotekerok...i just installed the lilo package...and can't find where the file is10:09
zezator74so that is all ritz???10:09
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banlieueAyabara_: more power to ye, though ;)10:09
zezator74wine control?10:09
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nanotekernorm /etc/lilo?10:10
SciriAyabara_: Rephrase, my Xserve had problems supporting Feisty and X under Parallels...10:10
Ayabara_TheInfinity: Ill try out the vmware alternative first, since that one still is in beta and free :-)10:10
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TheInfinityAyabara_: if gutsy is final it will work good i think10:10
nanotekerso lilo.conf isn't there...10:10
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nanotekerthen i tryed looking for grub...10:10
TheInfinitybluetooth for example works instant10:10
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nanotekeri see a dir...10:11
zezator74where does Pidgin puts log files?10:11
chaosmachinenanoteker I would venture to guess its in /etc somewhere.10:11
Daenythwhat kernel is 7.04?10:11
nanotekerhowever i don't know how to launch vi to edit it10:11
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banlieuezig ziggidy damdamdur10:12
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chaosmachinenanoteker sudo gedit <filename>10:12
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boyamnanoteker: sudo vi /path/to/file/filename10:12
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zezator74register zezator7410:12
PiddyHey, what is the Super key?10:12
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chaosmachineboyam except vi is annoying. D:10:12
PiddyWhich key is it?10:12
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ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+110:12
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boyamchaosmachine: yea..he asked for it...hehe10:13
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PiddyAnyone? Where is the Super key?10:13
dxdtPiddy: super key is the windows key on most keyboards10:13
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Piddydxdt ah thanks=D10:13
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xtreon_I have a serious problem, It seams as if the firestarter firewall has not ben runnig the latest time, now it is and I can't even ping my local server :S "ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted", What to do?10:13
DaenythI'm trying to help my friend install fiesty, and we're having some trouble. When he tries to boot the livecd, it oopses with stuff about apic. We tried booting with the "noapic no lapic" flags, and now it oppses about agpgart10:14
Frostshocwhats the mac looking thing called thats at the bottom of the screen resizing the icons as you move your mouse over it?10:14
Daenythcan someone help?10:14
Yulquenwhen installing ubuntu at the free area of a hard disk with xp on, does the installer put a boot selector at the beginning of the disk?10:14
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chaosmachineYulquen Yes, one called 'grub'10:14
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stuart-i wanna experiment with other distro's. is it possible to install another distro through HD without having to burn their .iso's just like debian's no cd install?10:14
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SciriFrostshoc: On Mac OS X it's called The Dock. If there's an Ubuntu equivalent I don't know what it's called...10:15
chaosmachineYulquen as far as I know, its entire setup is automatic in ubuntu.10:15
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xtreon_Please? Firestarter is blocking everything even in my local lan, ping, ssh etc. what to do?10:16
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chaosmachinestuart- I know ubuntu has a no CD install, but I dont know anything about it :p ubuntu.com has information, I belive its most detailed somewhere in documentation.10:16
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Yulquen_when installing ubuntu at the free area of a hard disk with xp on, does the installer put a boot selector at the beginning of the disk?10:16
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eldkraftI seem to have lost the colour in CLI, anyone here know how to get it back? files used to be blue and dir's in some other colour.10:16
zezator74I can't register myself ???!!!???!!!10:16
zezator74It doesn't work10:16
chaosmachineYulquen_ yes...its called grub and its automatic.. >.>10:17
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Daenytheldkraft: alias ls="ls --color=auto"10:17
Daenytheldkraft: alias ls="ls --color=auto"10:17
xtreon_Is it normal for firestarter to block everything, like ping, ssh etc? outgoing that is10:17
zezator74register zezator7410:17
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blitz-redhey, how do i make a quick launch from a shell script?10:17
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chaosmachinextreon_ Probably, your most likely going to have to add or change rules to allow those kinds of services.10:18
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eldkraftthank you daenyth!10:18
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idefixwhat exactly is the difference between installing through synaptic or executing some extracted script from the downloaded package?10:18
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Rayyananyone knows anything about tv out? how to do it? and is it possible on live cd?10:19
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Yulquen_chaosmachine: ok.if i add that there is a suse installation there now (on the xp disk), with a suse bootselector, which i intend to overwrite with ubuntu, will it still cope?10:19
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Daenytheldkraft: add it to your .bashrc10:19
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chaosmachineYulquen_ was suse or XP installed first? and do you know if the selector is on MBR or root?10:20
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redwullfCan someone help me with a question about the Ubuntu LiveCD?10:20
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Music_Shuffle!hi | SunRaycer redwullf10:20
ubotuSunRaycer redwullf: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:20
redwullfThank you.10:20
crazy_using X-Chat Gnome, it auto connects to #ubuntu channel everytimes it starts, how to add more channels for auto starts10:20
chaosmachineredwullf dont ask to ask, just ask the question. ;p10:20
redwullfFair enough. ;)10:21
blitz-redcan anyone tell me how to make a quick launch item ,in the applications menu, from a shell script?10:21
Yulquen_chaosmachine: xp was there first, then i installed suse which did not suit me.not sure if it is on mbr or root.10:21
xtreon_Do I need the crappy firestarter thats blocking everything??10:21
redwullfSo, I've downloaded the LiveCD and I've installed and have Ubuntu up and running via VMWare Fusion on my iMac.10:21
Music_Shufflecrazy_, XChat --> Network List, and tell me when you're there.10:21
gordonjcpxtreon_: not really10:21
chaosmachinecrazy_ uh, I belive its where file should be and there should be a server list somewhere. I'm not looking at it now..so.10:21
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redwullfNow it's time to turn my mother onto the power of Linux. How can I use the LiveCD I've already installed to get Ubuntu onto her PC laptop?10:21
eldkraftdeanyth: done. any clue why it gave up on me in the first place?10:21
xtreon_gordonjcp, its killing me, can't understand why It would block outgoing ssh etc =/10:22
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chaosmachinextreon_ As a genral rule, firewalls block everything, its more secure. As a second genral rule they block network services. esspially ping and such, they are insecure. and thirdly, useing a firewall you dont understand is a bad idea.10:22
redwullfDo I have to burn it to a physical CD somehow? Or, can I move the image file to her laptop and launch from there, without using a physical CD? She's running WinXP.10:22
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate10:23
redwullfLooks like a node dump, eh?10:23
crazy_Music_Shuffle and chaosmachine: channel list10:23
clearze4redwullf: easiest way would be to burn it to a cd.10:23
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Music_Shufflecrazy_, see on Network list where it says Ubuntu servers?10:23
SunRaycerI'm looking for CD booting help.  The problem is it won't.  I just got 7.04 desktop i386 and burned a CD.  The .iso MD5 is fine, as are all the MD5s of the files on the resulting CD.  On boot, I get the menu, and memtest86 works fine, but the CD integrity check and standard boot both fail, dropping me to an ash prompt, claiming "no tty"10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about split - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
xtreon_chaosmachine, so you to think its a good ide to trow away firestarter?10:24
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit10:24
boyamredwullf: burn it and boot it from  cd so it doesn't screw with windoze10:24
blitz-redits probly best to burn to an actual CD because i believe that for your best results, u should launch livecd from boot10:24
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redwullfHow do I take the image I have and make a bootable CD out of it.10:24
chaosmachineyulequen_ if suse was second, it is a fair possibility that it is on MBR, and since ubuntu installs grub automatically, all we can do is hope it over rights it, so I'd install it and see how it goes. if it just boots strait to windows, your going to need to try and do something about your MBR. (Cross that bridge when you get there to save you some headaches.)10:24
clearze4redwullf: Just burn it and set the cd-rom as the first boot device10:24
Music_Shuffleredwullf, burn it as in iso10:25
blitz-redussually right click the image, and click write to cd10:25
OConnornoob question: how can i close the X server? need to do so to install my nvidia drivers10:25
chaosmachinextreon_ I do, if you are behind a router it should provide enough protection for an average home user, if you really want more protection try and find an iptables script to fit your needs.10:25
blitz-redor extract to cd10:25
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Music_ShuffleOConnor, you need to restart the xserver?10:25
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OConnorno, shut it down10:25
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nanotekerok...more n00bish questions10:25
blitz-redim not sure, but the burn option may just copy the iso image to the cd, not write it10:25
redwullfI'll give it a go, thanks for the tips.10:25
Music_Shuffleredwullf, good luck10:25
nanotekergrub...where is the file i want to vi to chainload winxp from my other hdd?10:25
blitz-redits happened to me before10:25
stefgOConnor: you should use the one from the repositories10:25
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chaosmachinextreon_ or possibly a more graphical firewall thats easier to understand. (Wich i wouldnt know about. try searching freshmeat.)10:26
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Music_Shufflenanoteker, ask on10:26
crazy_Music_Shuffle: have channel listing but not server listing10:26
nanotekeris it only one file?10:26
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nanotekerin /sbin?10:26
stefg!nvidia | OConnor10:26
ubotuOConnor: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:26
boyam!grub | nanoteker10:26
ubotunanoteker: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:26
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OConnorok, brb thx10:27
Music_Shufflecrazy_, uhh, when you open xchat-gnome, you get a login screen, right?  Where yo ucan change your nick, your real name, etc?10:27
asdfBIN files keep being opened in Firefox.  Does anyone know how to run BIN files instead of opening them with FIrefox?10:27
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crazy_Music_Shuffle: it auto connects, asking of nick is only the very first time I started this application10:27
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nanotekerok...i've had windows installed on my ide...10:27
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nanotekerand ubuntu installed later on my sata10:28
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Xenoieasdf: is it saved to your desktop?10:28
chaosmachinecrazy_ is there a /serverlist?10:28
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nanotekerwhen i set the sata as master... and the ide as slave10:28
Music_Shufflecrazy_, opening it, one sec.10:28
asdfit's in /usr/bin10:28
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asdfXenoie: it's in /usr/bin10:28
m0u5edoes anyone know if xubuntu has the gnome equivalent of "network places"10:28
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m0u5ei can't seem to find the gui network places for xubuntu -___-;10:28
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nanotekerubuntu can mount the ide10:28
boyam!enter | nanoteker10:28
ubotunanoteker: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:28
crazy_Music_Shuffle: cannot remember any serverlist10:29
mrwhoCan someone help me with an alsa problem10:29
Xenoieif it's in that dir you can run it from the "run command" menu or open a terminal and type the name of the program10:29
Music_Shufflecrazy_, ok, I got it.10:29
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the_giverhi i really fugegd something up10:29
stefg!irc | m0u5e10:29
ubotum0u5e: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines10:29
Music_Shufflecrazy_, at the top, click edit --> preferences10:29
zezator74how to register my nik?10:29
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Music_Shufflecrazy_, then go to networks10:29
stefg!xubuntu | m0u5e10:29
ubotum0u5e: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels10:29
the_giveri was trying to preven some users to read my root dir so id di chmod o-r /10:29
nanotekerwhere is the grub file that i need to vi to chainload the winxp install from hda0,1(?) ?10:29
chaosmachinem0u5e the equivalent to "network places" would be smb4k I belive, run that from a terminal. its samba and its designed to share files over a windows network.10:29
boyamnanoteker, this is a busy channel..all info on one line makes it easier to follow...10:29
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the_giverbut now if i log out i will be locked out of my own system10:29
m0u5echaosmachine: ty10:30
scottDkoDerWhat program is best for extracting isos from a data cd?10:30
the_givercuz nobody can log in ow10:30
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the_giverhow the hell do i reset what i did?10:30
Music_Shufflecrazy_, select Ubuntu Servers under "Networks", and then click "Edit" on the right side of the screen.10:30
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boyam!grub | nanoteker10:30
ubotunanoteker: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:30
zezator74how to egister myself in this channel10:30
Music_Shufflecrazy_, then select the option that lists "Channels", and you'll see a tab that works :)10:30
Music_Shuffle!register | zezator7410:30
ubotuzezator74: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration10:30
Walker /msg nickserv register password10:30
lvlythosalguien sabe como se llama el canal del ubuntu en espaol10:30
boyamnanoteker: give those links a shot...you'll find all you want about grub10:30
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:30
zezator74THANKS !!! :)10:30
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Music_Shufflecrazy_, got it?10:31
m0u5echaosmachine: wait... smb4k is for KDE :X10:31
Daenythis there a way to make the livecd have a scrollable framebuffer? I'm trying to help a friend debug a kernel oops, but we can't see the top10:31
m0u5echaosmachine: is there anything more native for xubuntu?10:31
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banlieuecheese is nice, though10:31
Xenoiethe_giver,  you can try to sudo the chmod command when logged in as another user to set it back10:31
mrwhoalsa | help10:31
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Music_Shufflemrwho, trying to get the also factoid from the bot?10:32
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stefgm0u5e: thunar can't handle smb-shares yet.so no 'network-places'10:32
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Xenoiethe_giver,  if that doesn't work you can use a live CD, mount your root partition and chmod it from there10:32
crazy_It don't appear at all, It always force me or auto connect to ubuntu server everytime10:32
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chaosmachinem0u5e I am unaware of anything else, possibly try running smbclient? samba is the program you need, I'm almost 100% sure.10:32
m0u5estefg: does that mean if i want to connect to a windows c$ remote share, i can't :X10:33
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Music_Shufflecrazy_, did you follow the instructoins I gave you?10:33
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crazy_Music_Shuffle: It don't appear at all, It always force me or auto connect to ubuntu server everytime10:33
m0u5echaosmachine: i've configured a samba share already, but my windows computer can't connect...10:33
Music_Shuffle!es | lvlythos10:33
ubotulvlythos: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:33
stefgm0u5e: that means you need smbfs or (better) fusesmb10:33
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stefg!info fusesmb | m0u5e10:33
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ubotum0u5e: fusesmb: filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5-1 (feisty), package size 26 kB, installed size 140 kB10:33
zezator74can someone accept my private msg to check if I am registered???10:33
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GhoSt_DoGhi all i have one p+roblem10:34
Walkeri will10:34
GhoSt_DoG run info '(automake)Extending aclocal'10:34
GhoSt_DoG  or see http://sources.redhat.com/automake/automake.html#Extending-aclocal10:34
GhoSt_DoGwhat i need to do ?10:34
mrwhoI'm trying to compile an alsa driver it tells me to put the source in /usr/src/alsa | anyone help?10:34
Master_Userhi hatt shon einer von euch mal mit den hyperion irc server rumgespielt?.10:34
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stefgm0u5e: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30031010:34
PriswellI installed Apache 2 to Ubuntu 7. I want to change the index.html page in /var/www/apache2-default/ using Bluefish. When I try to save the file, I get the following error message: Could not write file. I chmod 744, but it still won't write. What am I missing?10:34
m0u5estefg: thx stefg, ill check it out :)10:34
thepumpkin_whi. I have a english ubuntu and another PC with Debian Spanish, when I take files from Debian(spanish) to ubuntu(english) ssh drops some characters, where can I set the encoding or what is the problem?10:34
chaosmachinemrwho why are you trying to compile also?10:34
InnatechAnyone dealt with a 3ware 9650 on Dapper?  I loaded a patched version of 3w-9xxx.ko-23-386 and it worked during install, but after adding it to the initial ramdisk image and rebooting, I get: "3w_9xxx.ko: version magic : '2.6.15-23-386 SMP 686 gcc-4.0'  should be '2.6.15-28-386' preempt: 486 gcc-4.0' " How can I fix it?10:34
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x_how i can install codecs for DIVX and XVID ?!!!!10:35
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:35
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banlieuex_: you could alternatively use the video player VLC (VideoLAN, videolan.org)10:35
mrwhochaosmachine: alsa I need to compile new drivers to support my logitech mic it tells me to compile into /usr/src/alsa doesthat mean JUST the source code or the whole alsa driver directory?10:36
banlieueit has its own set of codecs, so you do not have to install them10:36
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thepumpkin_whi. I have a english ubuntu and another PC with Debian Spanish, when I take files from Debian(spanish) to ubuntu(english) ssh drops some characters, where can I set the encoding or what is the problem?10:36
crazy_Music_Shuffle: done, it works fine now10:36
univremonsteris everyone else having problems downloading gnupg right now?  I assume the server is just down10:36
x_banlieue    thanks :)   how about RM (real player) and WMA ( windows media player) formats ?!10:36
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chaosmachinemrwho ah, now I see. unfortuneatly diveing into an area I'm not as familar with as you probably want.10:36
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univremonsterx_: to run those formats it may help to go to Synaptec and install the package titled "ubuntu-restricted-extras"10:37
databuddyok sorry i forgot who it was10:37
databuddybut someone just gave me linky to do the usb boot thing installer10:37
banlieuex_: VLC should be able to play WMA files10:37
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mrwhoChaos: can you take a look at the site I am and help with a little direction?10:37
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databuddyi tried the dealio and got booterror10:37
banlieuex_: I don't think it can play .rm files, but I think MPlayer can10:37
databuddyany ideas?10:38
chaosmachinemrwho Certainly can.10:38
PiddyDoes anyone know how to set an image as the background behind the cube in Compiz Fusion?10:38
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stefg!effects | Piddy10:38
ubotuPiddy: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects10:38
the_giverXnoie i am as root right now10:38
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate10:38
x_univremonster   thanks ... i need it for stream radio channels :-)10:38
mrwhoChaos: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Creative+Labs&card=Sound+Blaster+Live+7.1.&chip=SB0410%2C+P17&module=ca0106#Inst10:38
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the_giverbut i cant log in with  my other users10:38
gdphey everyone. I'm sort of very new to linux...i downloaded a desktop application dock but i cant find it anywhere...10:38
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the_giveri just need to know how to fix this10:38
chaosmachinemrwho I only just hae quite a bit of experiance getting things to work on early alsa..10:38
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Piddystefg There are no active persons in that channel.10:39
banlieueit is generally a horrible thing to get .rm files running on linux though10:39
PiddySo does anyone know how?10:39
Xenoiethe_giver,  what was the command you ran again?10:39
banlieuehorrible format and such10:39
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univremonsterx_: have you tried Tunapie?10:39
blitz-redhey im trying to install a game, but it says im missing this "libogg.so.0" where can i get it?10:39
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gdphey everyone. I'm sort of very new to linux...i downloaded a desktop application dock but i cant find it anywhere...10:39
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x_univremonster   nope ... how i can get it ?! i mean in terminal10:40
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blitz-redgdp: did u check in your home folder?10:40
blitz-redgdp: it should have the name u gave it10:40
mrwhochaos: I'm trying to cp the dir to /usr/src/alsa10:40
x_banlieue   thanks for help ... do u know how i can get it in Terminal ?!  i mean what's command line in terminal for that ?10:40
mrwhoI have it stored in my home dir10:40
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Piddydxdt you there?10:40
univremonstersudo apt-get update;  sudo apt-get install tunapie;   I would assume10:41
univremonsterit may be tunapie210:41
gdpyeah, I checked but it isn't there10:41
banlieuex_: for what? mplayer?10:41
univremonsterx_: sorry, forgot to tag you on the comment above.10:41
the_giverXonoie   chmod o-r /10:41
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x_banlieue  yeah10:41
the_giveri tried doing the reverse chmod o+r /10:41
the_giverno luck10:41
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mattpkerDose anyone know the command to start a session in a certain workspace on startup?10:41
univremonsterx_:  Tunapie is also in Synaptec10:41
banlieuex_: i believe it's sudo apt-get install mplayer mozilla-mplayer mplayer-fonts10:41
banlieuebut you might want to double-check that10:41
x_univremonster   thanks .. i going to check the command line :)10:41
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs10:41
banlieuewell, there ya go :P10:42
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gdpyeah, I checked but it isn't there10:42
blitz-redim not sure what to tell you10:42
gdpcould you suggest a desklet set ?10:42
gdpI'll just download a different one10:42
blitz-redthe problem is not specefic enough, not enough details10:42
Xenoiethe_giver,  try 'chmod 755 /'10:42
Xenoiewith out the quotes10:43
chaosmachinemrwho i'd guess just follow the directions as closesly as possible. I really couldnt tell you. Try refereing to ubuntu documentation or the forums.10:43
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blitz-redwhen u downloaded it, did u click to save the file?10:43
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univremonsterx_:  You may also want to check out this discussion for embedded media:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3123263#post312326310:43
AD7sixHi. firefox nolonger works - at all (launched via terminal generates the error "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". I've tried complete removal and reinstallation with no change. anyone got a tip on where to look/what to do?10:43
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the_giverthanks that fixed it10:44
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Xenoieno problem10:44
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PriswellI installed Apache 2 to Ubuntu 7. I want to change the index.html page in /var/www/apache2-default/ using Bluefish. When I try to save the file, I get the following error message: Could not write file. I chmod 744, but it still won't write. What am I missing?10:44
x_i got this error ... what's wrong ?!    :Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:44
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stefgAD7six: try a fresh profile without any add ons10:44
zezator74Who plays CS in here ? 1.6... :D10:44
Xenoiex_, you are running another copy of synaptic or another package manager10:44
univremonsterx_:  You need to close Synaptec before doing anything as root on the terminal10:44
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the_giverXonoie .. so what i was trying to do is lock certains users under one specific group from viewing anything but their home dir10:44
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the_giverany idea how i might be ble to do this?10:45
x_oops ... ok ...  :-)10:45
riaalokey, when you install ubuntu the default user and the root have the same password?10:45
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guardianwhat command line would enable me to change the keyboard layout please ?10:45
AD7sixstefg: can you clarify what you mean by a fresh profile.10:45
stefg!root | riaal10:45
univremonsterriaal:  you are correct10:45
uboturiaal: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:45
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:45
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ConstyXIVwhat is the python gtkglext package called?10:46
zezator74Who plays CS in here ? 1.6...10:46
jajadavidhello. i have a .img image file of a floppy. How can i burn it to a floppy?10:46
Xenoiethe_giver, you would need to set up a chrooted file system for them. They will need to access the binaries which are located outside of their home directory to do anything functional10:46
riaalunivremonster, stefg is that a security risk? chall I change it?10:46
stefgAD7six: run firefox -profilemanager and add a new profile. most likely one of your skins/extensions is misbehaving10:46
grigorahow can i convert a real player file into an mp3 file on linux? thanks10:46
pike__jajadavid: id google for a dd example10:46
the_giveryeah.. sigh10:46
zezator74Counter Strike who plays?10:46
jajadavidpike_ sorry?10:46
ConstyXIVjajadavid: cat imagefile.img > /dev/floppy10:47
stefgriaal: you should use a good password, hat's all10:47
univremonsterriaal:  I don't think it's much of a security risk, you're only 'root' in the traditional sense when you use sudo10:47
jajadavidi change dev/floppy, right?10:47
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Daenythwhat version of the kernel does ubuntu run? the wiki just says "The latest version of 2.6"10:48
Daenythwhich version is it?10:48
riaalunivremonster, so you for example have the same password for the user you are loged in to now as the sudoroot?10:48
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ConstyXIVjajadavid: /dev/floppy should be your floppy drive, imagefile.img should be your image file (whatever it's called)10:48
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pike__jajadavid: im not on ubuntu but i guess /dev/floppy might be a link to /dev/fd0 either would work10:48
the_giverXenoie what kind of chroot is this?10:48
stefg!info linux-image | Daenyth10:48
the_giveris it called chroot for ssh?10:48
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ubotudaenyth: Package linux-image does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:48
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stefg!info linux-image-generic | Daenyth10:49
ubotudaenyth: linux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB10:49
AD7sixstefg: game on. Thxs. I would have thought complete removal removed the profile files10:49
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mindframecan anyone recommend a good true-hardware-based raid controller that works well in linux?10:49
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Xenoiethe_giver,  that is just a term. chroot is a command which will change the top level root for your shell instance.10:49
jajadavidpike_: i think i have only read acess to fd0, how can i fix that?10:49
univremonsterriaal:  normally, you are just a user.  When you want to do anything as root you use Synaptec or the terminal using sudo.  There is really no way to "log in" as root and stay that way.  There are ways, but none of them are particularly recommended by any Ubuntu staff10:49
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zezator74Does anyone plays Counter Strike in Ubuntu?10:49
ConstyXIVwhat do you do to get 3d chess work in 3d?10:49
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jajadavidzezator74: in cedega?10:50
zezator74jaja ... in wine...10:50
m0u5eim using pyneighborhood, anyone used it before (and can help me with it?) :X10:50
univremonsterriall:  as the system admin, your password should be the same as 'root'.  But notice that "sudo" sounds much the same as "pseudo"...10:50
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pike__jajadavid: maybe there is a floppy group you need to add yourself to10:50
jajadavidzezator74: does it work well?10:50
riaalunivremonster, okey, It feel stupid to login whit the same password that is used for managing the system, thats all10:50
pike__jajadavid: do 'groups' command10:50
x_univremonster   thanks ... i get it ... gonna check it working on stream radio channels or not .. thanks for help :-)10:50
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Xenoiethe_giver, you would need to have a chroot command executed for their login as well as commands to mount the public directories where applications are located such as /bin /usr/bin /etc for config files they will need to have access to, and many other things.10:50
jajadavidpike_: think of me as a dog, tell me what to do10:50
zezator74jajadavid : I dont know how to instal win32 fonts in Wine10:50
riaalwhen I use netstat -A inet I get something strange: "tcp        0      0 esk-235-64:microsoft-ds abwi41.neoplus.ad:42534 SYN_RECV" anyone know what this is??10:51
univremonsterx_: no problem, that's one of my favorite programs so I enjoy spreading it around10:51
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x_banlieue   thanks for help .. i going to check it working or not  :)10:51
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erf3dHi everybody10:51
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the_giverXenoie sounds complicated =-/10:51
the_giverthankst ho10:51
chaosmachineriaal uh, if I'm not mistaken thats a network broadcast?10:52
Xenoiethe_giver,  there is a sytem called jailshell which is a replacement for bash which would do what you are talking about10:52
riaalchohmann, sounds reasonable10:52
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riaalchaosmachine,  sounds reasonable10:52
riaalchaosmachine,  nothing to worry about10:52
erf3dI am a new Ubuntu user and my /var is full whereas only 600Mo are used. Could you help me ?10:53
univremonsterriaal:  here's a solution.  In terminal, type sudo passwd root10:53
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neverblueerf3d, with what?10:53
chaosmachineriaal I'm not looking at it. but anything addressed to 0 is a network broadcast. so no, nothing to worry about.10:53
Xenoieyou would basically set their shell to /bin/jailshell rather then bash and it will place them in a chroot where they will not be able to see past their home dir10:53
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neverblue!ask | erf3d10:53
ubotuerf3d: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:53
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modestoalguem do brasil aqui?10:53
neverblue!es | modesto10:54
ubotumodesto: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:54
neverblue!br | modesto10:54
ubotumodesto: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.10:54
riaalunivremonster, that changes the root password?10:54
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riaal"root" =)10:54
univremonsterriaal: yep10:54
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riaalunivremonster, that just can't be a bad ide? To have different passwords for the normal user and the "root"?10:54
erf3dI cannot understand why my /var is full10:55
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univremonsterriaal:  It's kind of contrary to the basic setup of Ubuntu.  It's more of a security risk to be able to login as root than to do sudo and have the privledges for 5 min10:55
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cdehaanHello! Can anyone tell me how I can have a script in cron.monthly log all of its output?10:55
Lok1Is there an easy way to change a 64bit install to a 32bit one without wiping the HDD? Can a 32bit kernel work with 64bit binaries (if the processor is 64 bit?)10:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:56
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dodyei dark tux problema risolto per il cubo con compiz fusion10:56
riaalunivremonster, thats true but different passwords for the "sudo command" and the normal login, must be a good ide?10:56
dxdtLok1: why the change?  Program you want not working in 64 bit or something like that?10:56
ThanatosDriveBah. '&' on the terminal requires an escape slash.10:56
Xenoieriaal: the root account can not be logged into directly so they would need your password or another user's password to get anywhere close to root access on the machine10:56
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xd_how can i join to other channel?10:56
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ThanatosDriveI feel so dumb using Ubuntu sometimes.10:57
ThanatosDrivexd_ Use /join10:57
xd_using x-chat for gnome10:57
Walker /join #channel10:57
grigoraanyone knows how to convert a RealPlayer file into an mp3 file?10:57
RichiHi just had a rater nasty error when doing a dist-upgrade on a release-version feisty to a current feisty. i don't have much time, but i will pastebin the backtrace along with the full isntall log10:57
=== maximal [n=user1@82-71-15-70.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
neverbluexd_, u should probably switch to using just xchat10:57
univremonsterriaal:  you may want to refer to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=515601&highlight=root+password, the comment made by Seisen10:57
Lok1yes, vmware server is having issues with the latest 64bit kernel (which i need)10:57
neverblueits much better :)10:57
pike__jajadavid: sorry i was away you still need help?10:57
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NegatifzeoHi all, I cannot for the life of me get utorrent to show up when I click the icon..... Im running utorrent in wine of course and had no problems initially, but now it just starts minimized and I cant see the window... Any help?10:57
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riaalXenoie, well, this is an example. if a friend wants to use my computer, he will ask for a login and a password, I say my usual login and password and BOOM he has root access whit the sudo command, is that how its supose to be? :S10:58
pike__Negatifzeo: i have same problem. what i do is click on the gnome panel and i get a window border with no window inside then i doubleclick on the utorrent icon and it fills the window10:58
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ConstyXIVcan you easily get compiz-fusion in feisty?10:58
univremonsterriaal:  Have you considered setting up a second login with no password for users?10:59
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westonwhats the best music downloader?10:59
neverblueConstyXIV, try #ubuntu-effects10:59
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stuart-i just installed DSL on my 2nd hd. how do i configure grub to notice it?10:59
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Walkeryea.. search at ubuntuforums.org > vorian compiz fusion10:59
Lok1when I way need, I mean I need the latest kernel, 32bit is fine :)10:59
nanotekerin vi, how does one exit the "insert mode" (if i remember that's what it's called) and get to the saving and writing to file? is it esc, then :w! ?10:59
RichiHompaul, nalioth: you might want to follow it up, i need to run10:59
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dxdtnanoteker: press escape10:59
riaalunivremonster, ofc. I have a good clue what Im doing, as Im use to linux (redhat) whit root acount Im a bit confued =)10:59
westonWhats a good music downloader for ubuntu??10:59
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=== dxdt is actually coding in vim right now haha
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ompaulRichiH, ?11:00
Music_Shuffleweston, Frostwire.  or ktorrent, or Streamtuner or Tunapie if you would like to record streams.11:00
univremonsterriaal:  I didn't mean to offend.  But if you created the second account your guest would not be able to run any sudo commands.11:00
ompaulRichiH, got it11:00
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riaalunivremonster, none taken =) that is true, doing it now11:01
lhoersteMy iPod keeps mounting as read only. Does anyone know how to fix this?11:01
madman91lhoerste: how do you mount it11:02
lhoerstemadman91: gvm11:02
elYaseim installing a software but when i run ./configure it doesnt see glib-2.0, im sure it is installed, what can i do?11:02
banlieuecan someone point out why a piece of text I copy in firefox is lost (is not under ctrl+v anymore) once I close firefox?11:02
nanotekerjust to double check my memory...a second HDD, a ide HDD, is hd0,1?11:02
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banlieueand perhaps more importantly, how I can change this behaviour11:02
stefgriaal: the ubuntu philosophy is like OSX. Discourage the continous use of a root account, and have an 'admin'-group for all users with administrator privileges11:03
mattpkerdose it happen when you are using vi?11:03
khelllam working on ubuntu and i made a folder called log with permission 0666 and mongrel server keep giving accees error to write in that folder11:03
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lhoerstemadman91: that's gnome-volume-manager mounts it11:03
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mattpkerbanlieue: dose it happen when using vi?11:03
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madman91HOW DO i change the label of a drive (label in blkid) that has a fat32 FS11:03
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EclipsorI finally fixed my bootloader problems11:03
madman91lhoerste: sorry, I dont use gvm to mount.. I would help otherwise11:04
Eclipsorthe kernel just hangs a lot11:04
boarder-wintermahello @all11:04
lhoerstemadman91: what do you use?11:04
boarder-wintermai have a problem with my xserver11:04
riaalstefg, is it a bad ide to only use the default account (whit the same password as sudo admin)?11:04
madman91lhoerste: mount :-)11:04
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madman91lhoerste: its a cli program11:04
boarder-wintermathe xorg process needs 70% cpu11:04
boarder-wintermaand so the system laggs11:04
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lhoerstemadman91: do you modprobe sbp2 then?11:04
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lhoerstemadman91: that's a pain in the butt to do all that11:04
sjdurfeyi need to change my resolution from a standard to a widescreen. ubuntu has correctly identified and as far as i know installed the correct driver for my chipset, but i do not have the option of selecting a widescreen monitor. im using the Intel 945GM express chipset, anybody have any ideas?11:04
lhoersteMy iPod keeps mounting as read only with gnome-volume-manager. Does anyone know how to fix this?11:05
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stefgriaal: no, that's exactly how it is designed. ONE account, ONE password to worry about11:05
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madman91lhoerste: well yeah, but it always works :)11:05
banlieuemattpker: come again?11:05
ribandohi everyone11:05
riaalstefg, great, thanks11:05
erf3dI have a new laptop. I just installed Ubuntu. I only have 2Go installed in my /usr and my /var (600Mo) is already full. Do you know where it comes from and which files can I remove ? Indeed, now I cannot install any additional package.11:05
lhoerstemadman91: i have other iPods that this always works with. But I updated the firmware with mac os and it did this to my ipod11:05
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su-hoens`rZanyone know why the kubuntu alt cd installer doesn't locate 3 of my 4 sata drives even though the bios and the main cd find them fine? :(11:05
banlieuei'm guessing it's because the x server clipboard is used, and is emptied upon application close11:06
stuart-how can i configure grub to detect a 2nd distro on my 2nd hd?11:06
banlieuedoes that sound overly crazy?11:06
madman91lhoerste: sorry, i wouldnt know. try re-asking here11:06
ribandoneed some help installing kiba-dock in ubuntu feisty11:06
madman91HOW DO i change the label of a drive (label in blkid) that has a fat32 FS??11:06
chaosmachineerf3d how big is your hard drive?11:06
lhoerstemadman91: ok thanks11:06
=== clouder [n=clouder@cpe-24-174-204-170.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sjdurfeyi need to change my resolution from a standard to a widescreen. ubuntu has correctly identified and as far as i know installed the correct driver for my chipset, but i do not have the option of selecting a widescreen monitor. im using the Intel 945GM express chipset, anybody have any ideas?11:06
lhoersteMy iPod keeps mounting as read only with gnome-volume-manager. Does anyone know how to fix this?11:06
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erf3dchaosmachine: 100Go11:06
Daenythsjdurfey: add the correct modeline to your xorg.conf?11:07
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:07
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sjdurfeyDaenyth, how do i do that?11:07
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filloyI just installed Beryl Fusion and I have no window borders, can anyone help me please? thank you!11:07
stefg!info 915resolution | sjdurfey11:07
ubotusjdurfey: 915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-10ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 14 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)11:07
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:07
yurimxpxmanI've got a bit of a problem, mates. Check out this error: bash: /bin/mv: Argument list too long11:07
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madman91filloy: i think its called compiz fusion .. and try #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion11:08
chaosmachineerf3d ah, well if you click properties on your folders it tells you how much space their useing. I know I had an error log that was taking up all of my free space, everytime I freed up space, it just got bigger.11:08
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filloymadman91: ok, thank you!11:08
n00dl3Help! Explorer.exe crashed D:11:08
madman91filloy: sure11:09
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jajadavidcan anyone tell me how to write a .img file to a floppy?11:09
chaosmachinen00dl3 yeah its good at that.11:09
stefgn00dl3: so reformat and reinstall :-)11:09
khelllmkdire log, sudo chmod -R 0666 log , and still i cant write in log folder11:09
lhoerstemadman91: it's because it's formatted hfs+ ! ubuntu cant write to it apparently?11:09
n00dl3stefg: Good plan!11:09
ribandoneed some help installing kiba-dock an add icons on it in ubuntu feisty11:09
jajadavidyes floppy11:09
erf3dIt does not come from my /usr which is almost empty but from my /var which is full with only 600 Mo11:09
madman91lhoerste: i guess not.. did you google it up?11:09
sjdurfeystefg: i typed !info 915resolution | sjdurfey in the command shell and it said "event not found"11:09
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riotkittiearrrgh. i'm such a dummy. i bought a usb wireless thingamajigee. and being completely unbrilliant, i failed to make sure it worked with linux :|11:10
erf3dchaosmachine: It does not come from my /usr which is almost empty but from my /var which is full with only 600 Mo11:10
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madman91lhoerste: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=441111:10
chaosmachineerf3d I'd guess it comes from your /home.11:10
lhoerstemadman91: i didnt google it - just thought about it11:10
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lhoerstemadman91: i know how to fix this.11:10
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d3spis3m3jajadavid: How big is the .img?11:10
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stefgsjdurfey: lol.. /you/ have to 'sudo apt-get install 915resolution'. that was just the bot-trigger11:10
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riotkittiethere's like. some driver or something. that i can compile but tha proved to be a pain when i tried it earlier.  maybe i can go the ndiswrapper route :|11:11
ribandoI need some help installing kiba-dock an add icons on it in ubuntu feisty11:11
erf3dchaosmachine: my /home has only 1% data11:11
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SanctusoriumIs there an a shortcut keystrock to open the terminal?  something like alt+f2?11:11
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=== Eclipsor is thinking about just reinstalling ubuntu >.<
Sanctusorium(alt F2 is the run command for me)11:11
DaenythSanctusorium: most likely you can set one11:11
Rogehi i installed or tried to install virtualbox .deb and at the end i got the error this package mite be corrupt or your not allowed to open it(i did use sudo) now when i try to use synaptic i get the error E: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.11:11
RogeE: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.11:11
Roge and it dies11:11
Daenythcheck the manpages for whatever wm you have11:11
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SanctusoriumDaenyth, Really?11:11
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lhoerstemadman91: this forum post would fix it but it would require I changed the udev rules and removed defaults from the options for hfs... too hacky... I'll just format it to windows11:12
Rogeis there a command line tool i can use to reinstall the .deb ?11:12
Eclipsorubuntu is hanging at Running local user scripts.11:12
riotkittiegee. mIRC makes me feel dirty :|11:12
madman91lhoerste: to fat32, you mean11:12
erf3dchaosmachine: when I am trying to use apt-get it rejects me because of my /var which is full11:12
jajadavidd3spis3m3: floppy size11:12
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stefgerf3d: sudo apt-get clean11:13
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Eclipsorare there any essential config files that don't live in /home that I should be aware of and back up before I reinstall?11:13
ikoni need some help11:13
lhoerstemadman91: yes. the windows formatted ipods have fat32 filesystems11:13
ubotusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe11:13
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ikoni want to update my alsa11:14
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Xenoiejajadavid, You will need to use the dd command to write an image to the floppy drive11:14
madman91lhoerste: yeah11:14
stefgEclipsor: xorg.conf and some other stuff in /etc11:14
Xenoieput in the disk and type this out11:14
Xenoiedd if=file.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024 conv=sync ; sync11:14
Xenoiereplace file.img with the name of the file11:14
erf3dchaosmachine: thank you very much for your help : my /var is now 41%11:14
Xenoiethis is done from a terminal11:14
Eclipsoroh, stefg, would you happen to know where mysql stores its stuff?11:14
EclipsorI'm hoping I can just pop it back in place after reinstall11:14
chaosmachineerf3d It was all stefg11:15
stefgEclipsor: uhmmm... somewhere in /var, i'd guess11:15
erf3dstefg: thank you very much for your help11:15
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Xenoieit's in /var/lib/mysql usually11:15
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d3spis3m3jajadavid: Want OS/version are you running?11:15
kevin_hey guys usb pen drives are not mounting11:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:16
PiddyIs it possible for me to download Teamspeak using the terminal?11:16
=== sjdurfey [n=stephen@ip-12-149-121-188.ncwcom.com] has joined #ubuntu
kevin_Piddy: yes11:16
Redhammer_the_Olhi short question: I have a long list of items in the System--> Preferences Menu, I would like to put some into a sub folder, I have managed to make the folder and drag 1 item in all the other items I am trying to move are sticking to the Preferences menu, any idea how I can change this they are the Java control icons11:16
Innatechhaving a version magic problem with 3w_9xxx.ko-23-386 (ivoks' patched version) on Dapper. Any pointers on how to correct it before giving up on Dapper and installing Feisty would be much appreciated. (Trying to stick to LTS where possible.)11:16
Piddykevin_ how?11:16
sjdurfeystefg: Thank you so much, that fixed my problem......im curious though, what does the "sudo" command do?11:16
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Piddykevin_: sudo apt-get teamspeak-client?11:17
Xenoie!sudo | sjdurfey11:17
ubotusjdurfey: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:17
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stefgsjdurfey: super user do ... everything related to system wide configuration needs super user privieges11:17
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PiddyDoes anyone know how to download teamspeak with the terminal?11:18
sjdurfeyok, and the apt-get command?11:18
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stefg!apt | sjdurfey11:18
ubotusjdurfey: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:18
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kevin_Piddy: have you enabled the correct repo for it11:19
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XenoiePiddy, sudo apt-get install teamspeak-client11:19
Piddykevin_ I don't know what repo is..11:19
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PiddyXenoie: Thanks=D11:19
kevin_Piddy: I know it can be done but I am not sure if its in the default repos11:19
kevin_!repositories | Piddy11:19
ubotuPiddy: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:19
stefg!apt | Piddy11:19
ubotuPiddy: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:19
ikonhi there, i need some help updating my alsa11:20
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Rogedoes anyone know how i can remove the partially installed deb so i can retry ?11:20
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:20
ribandoI need some help installing kiba-dock an add icons on it in ubuntu feisty11:20
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hendrixski:-( my USB is retarded... it doesn't mount when I put in a usb drive.11:21
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hendrixskiif I log out and log back in... nothing11:21
ikonWhat is DmixPLugin?11:21
hendrixskiif I reboot.. THEN it shows up11:22
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LordGreyhounddo iPods work on ubuntu ? :)11:22
hendrixskiis there a single service I can restart that will make the usb drive show up?11:22
jason_anyone know filesharing apps for ubuntu11:22
hendrixskiLordGreyhound, yes11:22
hendrixskijason_, gtk-gnutella11:22
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LordGreyhoundiTunes or some other app ?11:22
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stefg!p2p | jason_11:22
ubotujason_: Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.11:22
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ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html11:23
jason_thanx hendrixski11:23
hendrixskiLordGreyhound, you'll want a program like flula or whatever it's called to connect11:23
hendrixskijason_, no problem11:23
LordGreyhoundk, thanks :)11:23
jason_thnx guys11:23
jason_lemme check em11:23
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hendrixskiso... anbody?  What can I do to make my retarded USB mount without having to reboot?11:23
Xenoiewhat type of device it is?11:24
hendrixskiI tried restarting dbus, umount -a mount -a  no go11:24
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hendrixskiXenoie, it's a USB flash drive11:24
hendrixski1 gig11:24
guardianis there a way to relaunch gnome-settings-daemon ???11:24
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Xenoieand you can mount it manually?11:25
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eldkrafthendrix: got the same problem here. I have a USB HDdrive and it won't unmount11:25
mrmondayfor someone dual booting xp and ubuntu which option do they need?11:25
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Xenoiedirectly, not using mount -a11:25
hendrixskiXenoie, how can i do it manually?11:25
mrmondayguided use largest free space or guided resize existing?11:25
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stefg!grub | mrmonday11:25
ubotumrmonday: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:25
unagiis there a program for wifi that automatically scans and connects to un secured wireless?11:25
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ikonWhat is DmixPLugin?11:26
HO1is there anything as good as amarok that is gnome native?11:26
stefg!info wifiradar11:26
ubotuPackage wifiradar does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas11:26
hendrixskimrmonday, guided using freespace is probably easier11:26
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hendrixskiXenoie, you mean I have to find if a new sda device pops up in /dev/ and then try mount /dev/thatdevice?11:27
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mrmondaythanks hendrixski11:27
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HO1rythmbox just doesnt cut it for me11:27
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hendrixskiXenoie, I don't think I saw any new things appear in there but I can try it again11:27
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PeloHO1,  try songbird, you'll have to dl it from the site and probably compile it yourself11:27
stefgHO1: try exaile or amarok11:27
Xenoietry looking in dmesg for the last sdX device11:27
HO1songbird it is11:28
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bootstrap_dudehello, I'm having a problem booting, /proc/partitions don't list the hdb1,2,3 only hdb and thus some partitions can't mount11:28
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ariczHi, I just installed without the desktop.. what's the smallest and fastest X-server ? or windowsmanager.. :) just wondering which packages to grab11:28
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bootstrap_dudearicz: Fluxbox? Openbox? Enlightenment?11:29
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GossamerHow do i set the mouse middle click to enter a mode where you scroll by moving the mouse up or down?11:29
ariczbootstrap_dude : thanks11:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:29
Xenoietype dmesg in a terminal11:29
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Pelobootstrap_dude,  /proc/partition ? what are you playing with ?11:29
bootstrap_dudeBoth Gentoo and Ubuntu LiveCDs see them without any problem, fdisk -l /dev/hdb should the 1,2,3's but the're not in /dev11:30
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ariczbootstrap_dude : fluxbox is the windowmanager?11:30
Redhammer_the_Olhi short question: I have a long list of items in the System--> Preferences Menu, I would like to put some into a sub folder, I have managed to make the folder and drag 1 item in all the other items I am trying to move are sticking to the Preferences menu, any idea how I can change this they are the Java control icons11:30
bootstrap_dudearicz: Yes11:30
hendrixskiXenoie, that's a lot of output... I should grep that by sdX you say?11:30
stefgbootstrap_dude: ubuntu uses libata now, so it's more likely /dev/sdb11:30
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stefg!uuid | bootstrap_dude11:31
ubotubootstrap_dude: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)11:31
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Xenoieif you just plugged in it then it should be the last few lines11:31
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ariczbootstrap_dude : What more do I need to get X running? I grabbed fluxbox now (15mb) ..11:31
bootstrap_dudestefg: Don't have any /dev/sd*11:31
Rogeis there a got key in ubuntu for switching workspaces ?11:31
hendrixskiXenoie, dmesg | grep sd   is empty11:31
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unagistefg i have wifi-radar but i havent seen it connect to anythign11:32
jason_thanx again guys11:32
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jason_got gnutella to work11:32
PeloRedhammer_the_Ol, drag dropping the folder should do it , might end up opening as a folder however,  I think there is an "extended gnome menu" package somewhere you can use if that isn't enough but I donT' think you need it11:32
bootstrap_dudearicz: X11 should have been pulled in when you fist installed11:32
GossamerHow do i set the mouse middle click to enter a mode where you scroll by moving the mouse up or down?11:32
hendrixskiXenoie, oh... it's how many seconds of logs?  lol... lemme try unplugging and repluggin :-)11:32
jribRoge: ctrl-alt <arrow key>  by default but change it in system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts11:32
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Pelo!mouse | Gossamer11:32
ubotuGossamer: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto11:32
Redhammer_the_OlPelo I tried dragging and all that happens is the "offending" items snap back to the top menu11:33
PiddyDoes anyone know where I can get a cool skydome, and theme?11:33
Xenoiehendrixski, you can clear dmesg with dmesg -c, unplug and replugin the device and look to see if anything is logged there for it11:33
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bootstrap_dudeAnd the strangesd thing is, "$ dmesg | grep hda" and "$ dmesg | grep hdb" look axactly alike(they are two identical disks), so I'm clueless on what the problem is11:33
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PeloRedhammer_the_Ol,  I think it originaly just copies, and you have to delete the extra entry afterward, you may have to restart the pannel for the change to take effect11:34
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WalkerPiddy, try searching skydome @ ubuntuforums.org11:34
skeetok i need someone to help me11:34
Walkeri've seen several threads11:34
ariczbootstrap_dude : I installed without the desktop.. core system only (virtual console)11:34
Redhammer_the_OlPelo, no luck does nothing11:34
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Peloskeet,  what with ?11:34
skeetwhenever i try to start beryl i just get a black screen11:34
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Redhammer_the_OlPelo, does not even copy only jumps back11:35
bootstrap_dudearicz: $ apt-get install xorg?11:35
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Eclipsorwhen I boot ubuntu it hangs at Running local boot scripts :\ is there any way to get around that?11:35
jason_what's a good movie plaer11:35
PeloRedhammer_the_Ol,  hmm, try it this way,  select the main menu so thtat your java folder appears as an item in the right portiton of the dialog,  then move that to the preference folder int the left section11:35
ariczbootstrap_dude : ok, thanks for the help, will not bother anymore :)11:35
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hendrixskiXenoie, I did dmesg -c then plugged it in and ran dmesg and it's blank11:35
bootstrap_dudejason_: mplayer? vlc? totem?11:35
Kasledo anyone know a video editing program that is easy to use (don't have to be a freeware)11:35
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jribKasle: kino or pitivi11:35
Xenoieit's not seeing it then it sounds like11:35
m0u5ehow do i add medibuntu into repos again?11:35
Xenoieyou said it mounts if you reboot?11:35
m0u5ei forget the website -_-;11:36
Redhammer_the_OlPelo, does nothing11:36
jrib!medibuntu > m0u5e (see the private message from ubotu)11:36
hendrixskiXenoie,  yeah sounds like it.... it does mount when I reboot.. it's very strange11:36
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PeloRedhammer_the_Ol,  the menu txt files are located in  ~/.config/menu   see if you can edit one manualy to put stuff where you want it to be11:36
avarnerman have you guys ever tried running civ4 through wine?11:37
Redhammer_the_OlPelo, thanks that is what I was looking for11:37
jribavarner: yes, and succeeded after several headaches!11:37
Xenoiehendrixski, you could reboot and let it mount to see what it is being mounted as11:37
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avarneryeah i've got it going, but it sso slow it hurts11:37
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avarnercrazy crazy slow11:37
jrib!please > bootstrap_dude (see the private message from ubotu)11:38
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hendrixskiXenoie, when it mounts it gets the name I gave the drive:  "NAKED"  :-p11:38
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Xenoieit will still have a /dev/something device11:38
Pelobootstrap_dude, when you boot, do you get an error msg ?11:39
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Xenoiereboot, open a terminal and type mount11:39
Xenoieit will list all the file systems mounted11:39
Xenoiethat way you can see what device it is using11:39
ribandodoes anyone knows what windows programs can u run in wine?11:39
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Peloribando, there is a db of progs on the wine site    www.winehq.org11:39
IceLinkhow can i access a ftp-server with nautilus if possible11:39
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Xenoiefor instance i just plugged in a USB external drive and it was mounted. When i type mount i see it in the list as:11:40
Xenoie/dev/sdc1 on /media/disk-1 type ntfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=222,utf8)11:40
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jribIceLink: file -> connect to server  or similar11:40
Xenoieit is /dev/sdc1 mounted to /media/disk-111:40
riaalAnyone know how to change the resolution of the loginscreen? My monitor won't show the current one =/11:40
JesusOnStiltsicelink most ftps are accessible through default way ftp://LOGIN:PASS@IPorADDRESS:PORT11:40
IceLinkthanks you two11:40
PeloIceLink,  you can mount your ftp server as a folder with  menu > places > network folder or server thingy  and it will then be accessible as a folder on your computer11:41
tunedouthey guys I googled how to change a file name. but I cant find anything whats the command to change a file name in the terminal11:41
hendrixskiXenoie, Ok... so when I reboot I'll look at that.. then when I know what it actually mounts at .... then when I come across this problem again I'll just try mount /dev/whever/it/mounted/last/time11:41
Anlartunedout: mv11:41
riaalHow do I change the resolution of the login screen?11:41
=== hendrixski isn't going to reboot now... but will do that next time.
ribandoPelo lol...I for what I saw there, its only very very very few programs that u can run in wine :o11:41
tunedoutAnlar that's not the move command ?11:41
Peloriaal,  not sure have a look in menu > system > admn> login screen11:41
jrib!cli > tunedout (see the private message from ubotu)11:41
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hendrixskiXenoie, thanks11:42
Xenoiethat should work, but since it is USB it can change if you unplug it and/or plug in something else11:42
ribandoPelo it doesnt even say anything about Photoshop, at least under APPLICATIONS.or am I looking at the wrong place?11:42
Peloribando,  you can ask in #winehq for more info,  but there are hundreds in the db on the wine site11:42
Xenoiethe /dev/name can change11:42
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jason_hey huys11:42
Peloribando,  I guess you were looking in the wrong place11:42
Xenoiebut it would be similar in any case, if it was /dev/sdX it would still have a similar dev name11:42
jason_i just id=stalled mplayer and it's crashing11:42
jribjason_: how did you install it?11:42
banlieuegood quit message11:42
Anlartunedout: yes it is11:43
hendrixskiXenoie, you know what I think it is... I think this happens only after I hibernate11:43
su-hoens`rZanyone know why the kubuntu alt cd installer doesn't locate 3 of my 4 sata drives even though the bios and the main cd find them fine? :(11:43
jason_any other suggested video players11:43
Pelojason_, crashing how ?11:43
Xenoiethat is a possibility11:43
Pelosu-hoens`rZ,  try asking in #kubuntu11:43
ribandoPelo can u tell me where to look then? :s11:43
Xenoieyou would have to test that theory though ;)11:43
su-hoens`rZPelo did :)11:43
IceLinkconnect to serveri n nautilus, what to fill in into "directory"?11:43
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hendrixskiXenoie, it could be that the usb is just not waking up... do you know if there's a way to test that theory?11:44
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Xenoiedo a fresh reboot or shutdown11:44
su-hoens`rZPelo it makes it hard to install a softraid when this doesn't work :)11:44
Xenoiestart er up and plug it in11:44
Xenoiesee if it mounts it11:44
Pelosu-hoens`rZ,  might have to do with the number of partitions ? I know htere is a limite of 4 primary ones, you might need to make some of them logical11:44
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Xenoieit should auto mount it11:44
hendrixskiXenoie, oh... right.. lol11:44
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su-hoens`rZPelo it doesn't find the drives... they are currently unformatted11:44
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hendrixskiXenoie, so assuming that is the case... is there a way to wake it up manually if it didn't wake up from hybernate?11:45
Peloribando,  basicaly you expect me to do the work for you is that it ?11:45
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JesusOnStiltsthey are raw drive su-hoens??11:45
JesusOnStiltswhat kind of partition is on them11:45
jason_Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device11:45
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su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts yeah... they don't have any partitions at all11:45
jason_that's the error i'm getting from mplayer11:45
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JesusOnStiltshave you looked in gparted11:45
su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts and the main cd and bios say they're there, just the alt cd that's having problems11:45
Dj-avuhi, is ubuntu support freevps example: openvz? how to install and how to configure? thanks for answer.11:45
JesusOnStiltsto see if you can mount inthere11:45
su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts no11:46
jribjason_: try 'mplayer -vo x11 /path/to/some/video/file'11:46
JesusOnStiltsyo meant Live Boot style?11:46
Peloribando, http://appdb.winehq.org/search.php?sSearchQuery=photoshop11:46
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JesusOnStiltsyou mean*11:46
abultmanHas vserver been fixed yet in ubuntu?11:46
su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts excuse me?11:46
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ribandoPelo humn...basically I'm asking u a question because usually that's what people do in this website, and noone has ever argued about it, if u dont want to help, or can't be bothered to, you dont have to...anyway, thanks anyway11:46
JesusOnStiltsyou said "just the alt cd having problems"11:46
Xenoiehendrixski,  the only think i can think of would be to reload the kernel module that is providing support for your USB chip11:46
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jason_can anyone gimme a hand heree11:47
su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts yeah the alternate install cd.... cause i want to have softraid and you need the alt cd for that11:47
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abultmanjason_: ask your question11:47
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norbinihi all11:47
Pelojason_, crashing how ?11:47
JesusOnStiltsraid mmmm sorry i can not help11:47
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hendrixskiXenoie, hhmm  that may be just as much work as rebooting,11:47
ikoni need to update my alsa11:47
jason_Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device11:47
jason_that's the msg11:47
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JesusOnStiltsi can help mount them but i am still too new to do raid11:47
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su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts well it's not the raid that's the problem.... it's the fact that the disks don't show up :)11:47
JesusOnStiltsi got one sata drive, it does alright11:47
Xenoiealso not really guaranteed to work11:47
JesusOnStiltswell have you done anything in gparted???11:47
hendrixskiXenoie, Ok.  well, I'll test out the hybernation theory, and I'll look at where it mounts11:48
JesusOnStiltsor qequivilent software11:48
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hendrixskiXenoie, thanks :-)11:48
Pelojason_, start mplayer from the menu ,  rightclick ,  properties,  or preferencers,   video,  play around with the video renderer selection11:48
Xenoieno problem11:48
su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts no... i've just tried to fdisk the other 3 drives to no avail11:48
level1Hi, if I set up hardware raid, why does qtparted just recognize 4 hard drives instead of one raid volume?  What do I have to do to get hardware raid11:48
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JesusOnStiltsye su-hoens11:48
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JesusOnStiltsgo to synpatic and search for gparted11:48
JesusOnStiltsyou probably already have it11:48
Pelojason_,  x11 opengl is the one that works for me11:48
tinglehi, im looking for CLI nzbclient is there one for ubuntu?11:48
jason_lemme check11:49
su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts I'm on the livecd atm since I don't have anything installed11:49
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su-hoens`rZis it on there?11:49
drakejason_ instal all your codecs11:49
Pelotingle,  did you do a search in synaptic ?11:49
jason_how drake11:49
Pelodrake,  that's not it11:49
tingleyeah but i think ther all whit a gui11:49
RickHOkay, I have a desktop machine and a notebook machine.  They're both running 32-bit Feisty w/Gnome.  How can I get them to talk to each other over network?11:49
JesusOnStiltsby default the live cd is not going to show those kinds of drives11:49
norbinicould anyone please help me out... it seems that my machine thinks that when i press my control key i'm also pressing shift - and the other way around.11:49
JesusOnStiltsi remember my sata problem like that11:49
su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts ?11:49
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su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts ok so how do i get all 4 to be recognized?11:49
JesusOnStiltsyou got to get gparted then mount manually11:49
tingle!nzb > tingle11:50
dxdtRickH: depends on what you want them to do.  You could do SSH SCP Samba, NFS, etc etc11:50
PeloRickH,  I think that is a samba thing11:50
su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts ok how do i get gparted then?11:50
JesusOnStiltssynaptic package manager11:50
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RickHdxdt:  I want to share files between them, and the printer resource on one.11:50
su-hoens`rZit's not networked yet11:50
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su-hoens`rZneed to get the cables out i guess11:50
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osxdude|desk<maximal> git: GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.20-10 (feisty), package size 255 kB, installed size 972 kB11:50
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JesusOnStiltssu-hoens these are drives on a network also?11:50
Walkersu-hoens`rZ, getdeb.net has a package for gparted11:50
su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts no11:50
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JesusOnStiltsyou are confusing me =P hehe j/k11:51
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su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts the computer isn't on a network at all, so i need to actually plug it in to get gparted i assume since it's not on the livecd11:51
norbinilast week pressing caps-lock also turned the volume down on the sound card in X. however, that problem just went away. it's all very odd.11:51
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RickHnorbini:  gremlins!11:52
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desertcI think there is a really problem with Ubuntu that the default Totem & gstreamer will not play copy-protection-less DVDs.  DVDs are the default format for portable video media, having Ubuntu not able to play them without installation of potentially illegal codecs is very much unacceptable for many users.11:52
jason_aye Pelo11:52
RickHAnyone know when that annoying bug about the CTRL+[numpad arrows]  aren't recognized in gedit, evolution and a few others?11:52
jason_i got that shite to work11:52
funkmasteranyone care to explain me this error? i'm having problems with recording sound, Bad key or directory name: "/apps/gnome-alsamixer/display_toggles/Realtek_ALC200,200P_rev_0-Mic_Select": `,' is an invalid character in key/directory names11:52
JesusOnStiltssu-hoenz did you try to get it anyway?11:52
Pelonorbini, it's a new featur in linux,  doens't mater what key you press  , linux will detect what yiou are trying to do and perform the correct function11:52
JesusOnStiltsi'm not sure it's only on the net but i amay be mistaken11:52
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RickHfunkmaster:  You can't have a "," in a file name... pretty straight-forward. :P11:52
Pelojason_,  you may also encounter a similar problem with the audio,  same basic solution11:53
su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts apt-get what?11:53
su-hoens`rZJesusOnStilts apt-get gparted?11:53
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JesusOnStiltsand how are you connected to IRC but not able to get file from synaptic11:53
JesusOnStiltsi guesss man11:53
su-hoens`rZcause I have 2 computers :>11:53
JesusOnStiltsi use synaptic i'm not good with commands11:53
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funkmasterRickH: but how do i get rid of that, just installed it through synaptic and wanted to use it11:53
norbinirickh. it's really weird/annoying. i have to use caps-lock to type any capitals - and i can't type exclaimation mark - or emoticons11:53
su-hoens`rZi'm trying to install kubuntu on the other computer... but it's hard to when the stuff just doesn't work :(11:53
norbinipelo, grin11:53
RickHfunkmaster:  Good question.  I don't know.11:53
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funkmastersomeone knows?11:54
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RickHfunkmaster:  Someone knows...11:54
RickHfunkmaster:  Just not me. :P11:54
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odaican any help...I'm on feisty and I have a wireless mouse. Everything worked fine with the drivers and all but my scroll wheel is WAY too sensitive, I've checked the mouse prefs...but didn't see anything...anyone know how to adjust that?11:54
Pelofunkmaster,  get rid of what ?11:54
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gini need repositories to install Nvidia GeForce FX 011:54
funkmasterBad key or directory name: "/apps/gnome-alsamixer/display_toggles/Realtek_ALC200,200P_rev_0-Mic_Select": `,' is an invalid character in key/directory names11:54
ginFX 520011:54
Pelo!mouse | odai11:54
ubotuodai: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto11:54
IceLinkhow do i create this special directory for my ftp-server in nautilus?11:55
funkmasterjust installed gnome-alsamixer and i get this11:55
Yulquenis it possible to get rythmbox to support mp3 files? in a fresh ubuntu install it does not.11:55
funkmasterused synaptic11:55
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odaiubotu: okay...thanks11:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about okay...thanks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:55
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Pelofunkmaster,  gnome alsa-mixier should have been installed by default,  very odd,  look up the error msg in the forum11:55
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funkmasterPelo: ok11:56
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!11:56
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ribandocan someone help me out...I've installed wine... how do I run programs on it?I've never used wine before11:56
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RickHSo, how do I get my two Ubuntu machines (desktop + notebook) to share files and a printer resource?  I have them both hooked up to my router.  Both can access the shared internet through the router.  But, they don't know each other.11:56
RickHI can ping them.11:56
Xenoieribando, you will need to run winecfg fist11:56
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Peloribando, check in the menus there should have an wine installer and a wine applications submenu11:57
norbinirickh, you could use samba11:57
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RickHnorbini:  Just install samba on both machines?11:57
JesusOnStiltsRickH haha there is a Detect LAN Printer option11:58
RickHnorbini:  BTW, "norbini" sounds cool.  Is it Italian? :P11:58
JesusOnStiltsin the printer window11:58
Cyber34I'm having this annoying rebooting issue in Ubuntu, it often takes me 6-10 attempts to log on, I either keep getting punted back to the login screen11:58
JesusOnStiltsin your aministative options11:58
Cyber34or the system just freezes up and forces me to reboot11:58
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JesusOnStiltsalso a "Share Printers" option rickh11:58
PeloCyber34,  password issue ? login name ?  is caplock enable ?11:58
RickHJesusOnStilts:  Okay, and the file sharing?11:58
ribandoPelo Xenoie thanks11:58
ndohey, guys! ;) euhm, i have a question. If u install fresh Ubuntu 7.04, and dubble click on mp3 file there is automatic codecs download. Video hardware autodetection is also nice. So.. Does Debian also have this feature? or is it unique for Ubuntu?:)11:58
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norbinirickh, i've installed it on one machine - for filesharing between machines, i've never used printer but i think it's meant to work...11:59
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Cyber34No, the login actually gets me in, it loads a bit, I see my wallpaper but then get punted back11:59
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LadyNikonndo: might wanna ask the people in #debian..11:59
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LadyNikonsince this is an ubuntu channel and all.11:59
Pelondo,  could be in debian , we don'T realy know , I think it's a ubuntu thing11:59
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JesusOnStiltsi nly have one PC going right now on my network11:59
JesusOnStiltssorry but i can not tell you an easier way12:00
norbinirickh, thanks. 'norbini' is just a slight modification of 'norb', my name whilst learning german at school12:00
JesusOnStiltsor any way at all really12:00
ndoLadyNikon: okay, ill do it :)12:00
Eclipsorwhere can I find actual .deb's?12:00
EclipsorI'm looking for wifi radar specifically12:00
Cyber34might be related, also trying to load a webpage in Firefox for AMD64 with Flash freezes my system12:00
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JesusOnStiltsubuntu has wifi applications liek that already12:00
ndoPelo: hehe, im also thinking its Ubuntu thing, just intresting :P12:00
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JesusOnStiltssearch synpaptic package manager12:00
Cyber34can't Ctrl+Alt+Backspace out of the freezes12:00
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EclipsorJesusOnStilts: no internet access12:00

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