
=== Nightrose [n=lydia@amarok/rokymotion/nightrose] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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TheInfinitypowermanager crashes if i access kde via vnc12:48
TheInfinityshould i make bug report? ;)12:48
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DaSkreechfdoving: how goes?04:25
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DaSkreechThere is no oxygen in the beta build?05:13
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DaSkreechare we packaging Ghostscript?05:59
DaSkreechNever mind :005:59
=== BentJ [n=BentJ@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalouch, I feel for the person who finally decides on packaging qt jambi07:08
nixternalit just crossed my eyes...I am running their binary version, much easier that way :)07:08
nixternaland just so you know, you have to use Java >= 1.507:09
DaSkreechOh thank goodness07:09
nixternalya, gcj is utter garbage07:09
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:nixternal] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | Next meeting TBD - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings/Minutes for previous meetings
=== ScottK-laptop [n=kitterma@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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nixternalanyone else with Gutsy and Qt4 Designer, set the preferences to Dockable and see if you can maximize it correctly08:56
DaSkreechnixternal: Why is there no oxygen in Gutsy?08:59
nixternalumm, because it can only be distributed with kde408:59
DaSkreechWith the KDE4 packages smarty :-P09:00
nixternalit is there09:00
nixternalat least it is for me09:00
=== nixternal beds
ScottKGood night.09:00
DaSkreechis there a beta 1 for feisty?09:01
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_fdoving: thanks for fixing that bluetooth thingy ;) - I had to attend to the family ..09:06
_StefanS_uhm.. gotta go mow the lawn.09:11
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | Next meeting TBD - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings/Minutes for previous meetings
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by nixternal at Fri Aug 3 07:10:56 2007
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@mst45-2-82-242-83-37.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechHobbsee: Doesn't seem too bad a person just far to eager to help and knows basically noting09:20
DaSkreechgood lord I need to sleep09:21
HobbseeDaSkreech: he's a well known ubuntu troll. he's just had a 6 month ban.09:21
DaSkreechkept telling ron7909 to install Hasty Hare09:21
HobbseeDaSkreech: he gets no chances.  none.09:21
DaSkreechand told him that only Ubuntu's marked edition are supported09:22
DaSkreechbasically a pain who won't shut up while not really being a malicious prick09:22
Hobbseethat counts as trolling.  poke me when you next see him, and he can go for another 6 months.09:23
Tonio_yo Hobbsee :)09:28
Hobbseehiya Tonio_09:28
=== Tonio_ packaging latest kdebluetooth revision
Tonio_Hobbsee: looks like mithrandir forgot to upload bluez-utils before leaving09:32
Tonio_Hobbsee: he did for bluez-libs09:32
Tonio_Hobbsee: well not a big issue, but that means no new kdebluetooth till he is back09:33
Hobbseehe's back on monday09:34
Tonio_yeah can wait a bit09:34
Tonio_maybe he also has a good reason not to upload09:34
Tonio_Hobbsee: he had to merge several thiings, including my changes, debian, his own changes etc...09:34
Tonio_can take some time09:34
Tonio_Hobbsee: how to change the package a bug is attached too ?09:41
HobbseeTonio_: click on package (ubuntu), and change it, then hit save changes09:41
Tonio_Hobbsee: oki thanks09:42
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Hobbseenixternal: poke10:01
fdovingso.. did anyone investigate the nspluginviewer issue?10:04
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HobbseeTonio_: may have10:05
HobbseeTonio_: freeze on tuesday, btw10:05
Tonio_fdoving: nobody, well I tried, but it didn't work for me10:07
Tonio_Hobbsee: yeah I know, but it wouldn't be hard getting an exception for kdebluetooth btw10:08
HobbseeTonio_: tribe freeze.  not UVF and such.10:09
Tonio_Hobbsee: oki I thought you talked about the feature freeze :)10:12
HobbseeTonio_: nah...10:12
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fdovingTonio_: is there a bugreport for the nspluginview thing?10:22
Tonio_fdoving: sure, just type nspliginviewer in malone search , you'll find several ones10:23
Tonio_fdoving: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=nspluginviewer&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=New&field.status%3Alist=Incomplete&field.status%3Alist=Confirmed&field.status%3Alist=Triaged&field.status%3Alist=In+Progress&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Committed&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=10:24
fdovingi found them.10:24
fdovinglaunchpad generates userfriendly urls :)10:25
Tonio_fdoving: the nsplugin issue is linked to the OOo one10:25
Tonio_fdoving: they happened after the same update, with same consequence (cpu overload)10:25
Tonio_fdoving: I suspect fixing one would fix the second10:25
Tonio_fdoving: interesting to know, the issue is external to nsplugin, as the problem appeared without any kde package update10:25
Tonio_fdoving: I suspect a lib10:25
fdovingi suspect gtk.10:30
Tonio_fdoving: that's possible...... btw OOo will be fixed, so I have no doubt the nsplugin thing will be fixed at the same moment10:45
Tonio_fdoving: fancy help on the kbluetooth part again10:45
Tonio_fdoving: the segfault on the paired things kcm soulw be interesting to fix I guess10:45
fdovingTonio_: i have limited time today, but if you explain the problem i might be able to help alittle.10:45
Tonio_fdoving: ah oki10:46
Tonio_fdoving: well due to a little change recently, it segfaults.... that worked one week ago10:46
Tonio_fdoving: diffing the svn might help finding the isue10:46
Tonio_fdoving: the problem is that it hasn't been changed for more than a month, so the issue is somewhere else....10:49
Tonio_fdoving: I'll eventually ping upstream concerning this10:49
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RiddellTonio_: an upload of openoffice is unlikely to fix flash12:09
Hobbseehiya Riddell12:12
fdovingas downgrading gtk2.0 to 2.10.11-0ubuntu3 fixes this issue for most (haven't tried myself yet), i belive some gtk behaviour must have changed.12:12
Tonio_Riddell: of course, but I suspect openoffice isn't the cause12:13
fdovingTonio_: i think i'll focus on this flash issue today, it's annoying me extremely.12:13
Tonio_Riddell: probably a lib causes the same issue with both apps12:13
fdovingstracing, gdb-ing and valgrinding nspluginviewer doesn't give me anything usefull.12:15
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Riddellfdoving: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=29438512:28
ubotuNovell bug 294385 in KDE "nspluginviewer block konqueror and takes 100% CPU" [Critical,Assigned] 12:28
=== fdoving looks.
_StefanS_fdoving: thanks for that fix to kdebluetooth ;) - real life called.12:32
_StefanS_fdoving: are you discussing that openoffice not functioning?12:32
_StefanS_fdoving: I have a bug also related to acroread 7..12:33
fdovingi don't care so much about openoffice, i want flash to not kill konqueror.12:33
fdovingit's the same.12:33
_StefanS_uhm ok.12:33
_StefanS_I guess its an issue for some ppl in #ubuntu-devel ?12:33
_StefanS_fdoving: did that fade thingy in kdesudo work for you btw?12:35
fdovinghaven't looked at kdesudo.12:35
_StefanS_fdoving: oh, it was mhb .. sorry12:35
_StefanS_Tonio_: did we fix those progress indicators yet?12:37
_StefanS_fdoving: ^12:38
_StefanS_when up/down-loading12:38
_StefanS_uhm guess not.12:38
fdoving_StefanS_: works for me, except it doesn't show speed.12:39
_StefanS_fdoving: exactly.. just hangs till its done.12:40
fdoving_StefanS_: i belive it works on per-file-chunks.12:40
_StefanS_it dont.12:40
_StefanS_oh sorry ,12:40
_StefanS_yes it might.12:40
fdovingshows 0 till one file is done, then calculate how much that one file is compared to all files.12:40
fdovingworks for me.12:40
fdovingbut it doesn't show speed.12:40
fdovingif you only copy one file i guess it's kinda useless.12:40
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_StefanS_yes.. but I dont know if that can be fixed since the readReq() and readData() does the progress inside (in the buffer), and afterwards it gets putted by obexftp12:42
Tonio__StefanS_: nope12:44
_StefanS_Tonio_: well I might be able to look at it later... if fdoving doesn't finish it before that ;)12:45
fdoving_StefanS_: i don't belive i will have time to even look at that progress-thing today.12:46
fdovingand i will focus my time on that "#%"#% annoying flash/gtk/ooo/acroread issue.12:46
_StefanS_fdoving: righto, be sure to let me know if you need help... or confusion by me;)12:47
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apacheloggerhey guys01:57
apacheloggerwhat's the status of the KDE 4b1 packages?01:57
=== gnomefreak has some nice breakage for kde apps :(
gnomefreaklooks like they just need respin02:00
gnomefreakweirdest part in this is i can only think that python-sip4 would be the reason why the 11 apps need to be removed02:03
Riddellapachelogger: still waiting on them02:05
Riddellfor feisty anyway02:05
Riddellthis is why I don't like using backports02:06
apacheloggerRiddell: are they still building?02:06
apacheloggeror didn't start at all yet?02:06
apacheloggerhave been told the users are driving the kubuntu-de guys nuts ^_^02:07
Riddellseems strigi failed to get into the archive, so that's what we're waiting on now https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/strigi/0.5.4~svn693047-0ubuntu1~feisty102:07
Riddellthen kde4libs, kdepimlibs and hopefully one day kde4base02:07
apacheloggerk, thanks02:08
mhbRiddell: can we do something to speed up the building process?02:10
Riddellnot really, just keep an eye on it I guess02:10
mhbRiddell: no offence, but people are getting uneasy about the packages (for Feisty ) being always a few days late02:11
RiddellI know, it's because I'm told to do it in backports.  I didn't used to for exactly this reason02:11
apacheloggerbackport needs a swap space between actual archive and finished build02:12
apacheloggerthis way we can build some days in advance02:12
apacheloggerand just push the packages to the archive at release time02:12
Riddellyes, we'd need ppa's which 1) are hidden 2) can build against backports and 3) can move source and binaries instantly into the real archive02:13
HobbseeRiddell: arent you an archive admin, so should be able to psuh them thru yourself?02:13
RiddellHobbsee: yes, the problem is the slow speed of the buildds02:13
HobbseeRiddell: ahhh02:14
Riddelldunno if backports is on a lower priority or something but it seems to take ages for things to move to compile02:14
HobbseeRiddell: are you fixing the standard py-qt & sip breakage?02:14
Hobbseeor do you wan tme to look?02:14
Riddelland this time I've had two new packages which get blocked in New, so I need to approve those and they got stuck overnight02:14
Riddellthen last night I discover strigi wasn't uploaded for some reason so still nothing much had compiled02:14
RiddellHobbsee: if people are certain pyqt builds with the new sip it can just be uploaded with the changed build-dep02:15
HobbseeRiddell: i've no idea.02:15
=== Riddell compiles pyqt
Hobbseeah right, great02:16
Riddellhmm, it doesn't have any problems02:18
Riddellwas it qt 4?02:19
Hobbseeamarok was dying, etc02:19
Riddellamarok?  that doesn't use python02:19
HobbseeThe following packages will be REMOVED:02:19
Riddelloh, it does02:19
Hobbsee  amarok amarok-xine hwdb-client-kde kde-guidance kubuntu-desktop02:19
Riddellweird, what for?02:19
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Hobbsee  language-selector-qt libgnash0 python-kde3 python-qt3 python-qt402:20
Hobbsee  software-properties-kde02:20
HobbseeRiddell: py-sip402:20
Hobbseeprobably scripts, etc?02:20
apacheloggerRiddell: the amarok scripts do02:20
apacheloggeractually no important one does02:21
apacheloggerso amarok shouldn't _depend_ on any python package02:21
Riddellfabo: any plaans for pyqt 4.3 and friends?02:27
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stdinhmm, I just noticed /usr/share/apps/konqueror/konqueror-orig.rc is missing in gutsys konqueror package02:32
apacheloggerstdin: we removed it02:32
apacheloggerstdin: notice any problems?02:33
stdinwhy? just courious02:33
stdinno, I never actually use it, but someone asked02:33
apacheloggerhehe, hard to describe without looding ;-)02:33
apacheloggerstdin: it was useless and meaningless and stupid and ugly02:34
apacheloggerto keep it short02:34
apacheloggerstdin: kubuntu-default-settings includes our konqueror.rc02:34
apacheloggerand now if k-d-s is not installed konqueror should appear with KDE defaults02:35
stdinhttp://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php#konqueror should be changed when gutsy is released then, because the insrtuctions won't work02:35
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apacheloggerstdin: of course02:35
apacheloggerit isn't sure whether it will stay that way02:36
apacheloggerRiddell told me that some time in the past there was an issue with sessions02:36
apacheloggercan't reproduce anymore though02:36
Riddellnobody seems to have complained so far02:36
stdinwell, one did :P "[13:21]  <geo88> stdin I actually followed that tut, but as I said...didn't find the file needed (konqueror-orig.rc) ... I now realized why... it just doesn't exist in gutsy. I copied it from feisty though :)"02:37
apacheloggerstdin: that's another issue :P02:38
Riddellthat's separate, I'll update the FAQ once python-kde3 has stopped killing my machine02:38
apacheloggerstdin: that's the "I'm geek enough to use default konqueror but not geek enough to use all of KDE's defaults :P" issue02:39
stdinI actually don't care too much, I use konsole as my file manager :p02:39
apacheloggerthat's the "I'm too much of a geek to use a GUI" issue :P02:39
Riddellfaq updated02:40
Riddell(although python-kde3 is still killing my machine)02:40
apacheloggerearlier today amaork was killing my machine :S02:41
=== apachelogger is running ubuntustudio today
mhbare there issues with python-kde3?02:47
mhboh my, I better not upgrade then02:47
Riddellit's just a large memory user during compile02:56
Hobbseehttps://launchpad.net/bugs/130159 is the bug to close, when you've fixed it02:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130159 in python-qt3 "python-qt3 depends on python-sip4 <=4.7 but 4.7-1 installed" [Undecided,New] 02:57
mhbScottK: have you given up on that konsole kpart python bug?02:59
ScottKmhb: Given up on isn't exactly the right word.03:00
ScottKAs I said in the bug, as long as I thought it was a Python problem, I had a hope of fixing it.03:00
ScottKI'm pretty convinced it's in Konsole.03:00
ScottKIf you have some ideas, go for it.03:01
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mhbScottK: I really want to go for it, but probably after FeatureFreeze03:08
ScottKOK.  I think every tribe we are going to get a flurry of dupes on the update manager bug because this trips a lot of people.03:09
ScottKMaybe the thing to do is to temporarily patch update-manager to not use the KDE front end on low memory systems (where low is probably about 1.5 - 2 gb of RAM/Swap).03:10
mhbScottK: if we could find the person to do it, that person could as well find and fix the bug03:13
ScottKNo, it's much easier I think to do a work around in update manager.03:13
ScottKI could even do it if I had the time (I may, but no promises).03:14
ScottKBut that's still just a work around.03:14
ScottKI can confirm that on the system I was having trouble with switching to the text mode upgrader worked just fine.03:14
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faboRiddell: no plans for pyqt 4.3 and friends, at least for me ;) probably thorsten marek03:26
fabohmm i missed allee :(03:28
Riddellfabo: ooh, seems new pyqt is already ther03:28
fdovingRiddell: new kio-apt (with fixed header-backgroundcolor)  kio-apt_0.13.2-2ubuntu2 at http://ubuntu.lnix.net/archive/gutsy/03:28
faboTorsten Marek ;)03:29
fabotorsten is nicely active03:29
ScottKHeh - http://www.dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/archive/dilbert-20070803.html03:39
jjessethat was todays, i thought it was brilliant03:40
ScottKI just went and got the permanent link so someone reading the scrollback later would get the right one.03:40
=== fdoving rebuild gtk+2.0
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manchickenHmm... looks like something bad has happened in some package...04:05
manchickenAdept updater wants to remove amarok, amarok-xine, apport-qt, hwdb-client-kde, kde-guidance, kde-guidance-powermanager, kde-hal-device-manager, kubuntu-desktop, and language-selector-qt04:06
manchickenAnd software-properties-kde, python-kde, python-qt, and python-qt404:06
mhbmanchicken: yeah, we know04:06
manchickenJust making sure :)04:07
Riddellam compiling python-everything to fix it04:10
ryanakca  python-qt3: Depends: python-sip4 (<= 4.7) but 4.7-1ubuntu1 is to be installed.04:11
ryanakca  python-qt4: Depends: python-sip4 (< 4.7) but 4.7-1ubuntu1 is to be installed.04:11
ryanakcaoh, ok, hehe, oops,04:11
ryanakcamy bad, never read the full scrollback04:11
manchickenRiddell: Sweet.  Thanks.04:18
fdovingso, this nspluginviewer/ooo/etc issue is glib/gtk related. looks like a gtk+2.0 2.13.7 built on glib2 2.13.5 does work, but if you build with glib2 2.13.7 it doesn't.04:18
Riddellfdoving: does that apply to openoffice too?04:19
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingRiddell: let me try.04:19
fdovingneed to wait for a compile.. but it doesn't work with gtk built on glib2 2.13.7, as we all know. (that's what gutsy has)04:20
=== BentJ [n=BentJ@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingRiddell: i need to go do some food-shopping, i'll get back to you with the info on oo.o04:31
apacheloggerRiddell: can you please remove the news on kubuntu.org?04:35
Riddellapachelogger: which news?04:36
apacheloggerRiddell: forget it04:37
apacheloggerpeople told me the beta1 news resides on kubuntu.org04:37
Tonio_Riddell: did you notice the issue with python-qt3 ?04:46
Tonio_it isn't installable atm04:46
Tonio_causing a few troubles with guidance and gdebi etc....04:47
Riddellnope, hadn't noticed, infact I've entirely ignored the other half dozen people who have complained about that today, I think they're all mad and no such problem exists04:49
fdovingRiddell: yep, gtk+2.0 2.13.7 compiled with glib2 2.13.5, does make oo.o work too. even if i upgrade to glib2
fdovingas the last comment on https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=294385 says, glib2 probably offers some feature to gtk2 that makes it loop.04:50
ubotuNovell bug 294385 in KDE "nspluginviewer block konqueror and takes 100% CPU" [Critical,Assigned] 04:50
Riddellfdoving: interesting04:50
Riddellfdoving: I guess seb128 is the dude to complain to04:50
mhbsounds like someone needs a tension sheet04:50
manchickenIs KDE4 beta still as buggy as it looks on my machine?04:50
Riddellmanchicken: yes04:50
manchickenLooks like plasma is still only about half-finished...04:51
manchickenRiddell: I thought you'd already been Super Scottish Coder Man and finished KDE4.  Gosh, what disappointment ;)04:51
Riddellit can draw a background image, what more do you want from your desktop04:51
fdovingthe clock does also work.04:51
manchickenRiddell: The ability to change that background image would be nice.04:51
manchickenRiddell: Maybe some icons...04:52
manchickenTo be honest, I just want kate from kde4.04:52
manchickenI got a little taste of it, now I can't get enough.04:52
Riddellkate works well enough04:53
manchickenI've been using it as another user so that I can kill all the kde4 processes easier when I'm done.04:53
manchickenIt crashes a lot.04:53
manchickenBut it is still nice :)04:53
manchickenAww, weak.04:54
manchickenIt won't run anymore.04:54
manchickenlibkatepart.so has some undefined symbols.04:54
manchickenI think I've got some disconnected versions here.04:55
manchickenShould I have kdelibs4 or kdelibs5 installed?  Now I'm confused...04:56
Riddellkdelibs5 3.9204:58
Tonio_Riddell: oups I hadn't read the log before posting, sorry....05:00
manchickenOkay... I've got that.05:05
manchickenI don't know why kate won't run...05:05
Riddelland kde4base and kde4sdk 3.92?05:05
manchickenkate: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/kde4/lib/kde4/katepart.so: undefined symbol: _ZN10KAboutDataC1EPKcS1_S1_S1_NS_10LicenseKeyES1_S1_S1_S1_05:06
manchickenI get that.05:06
manchickenWhy is it looking there for libs.05:06
Riddell"LicenseKey" maybe you havn't paid for your renewed KDE 4 licence05:07
manchickenNaw, it's looking in /usr/local... which is my old source install.05:07
manchickenI bet it's my kde-devel user's environment.05:07
manchickenThere we go.05:07
manchickenOne quick rm -rf later, kate starts.05:07
manchickenIt's magic.05:07
gnomefreakhas the update been fixed? the one where python-sip4 update removes kubuntu stuff?05:09
gnomefreakasaik should have been a respin on -sip405:10
manchickenkate doesn't like fish in the filesystem browser.05:11
=== Riddell strings up gnomefreak by the feet and ties him to a tree
=== Hobbsee bbq's gnomefreak
Hobbseedinner, anyone?05:14
hungerHobbsee: Good idea!05:14
=== gnomefreak would have helped but Hobbsee sent me on a pos package
manchickenThis new version of kate can't do anything remote :(05:14
hungermanchicken: Is that a bug?05:18
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenhunger: Dunno.  I'm just noticing it.05:20
manchickenhunger: I'm not really testing right now.  I was just trying to use it.05:20
hungermanchicken: I'll beat dominik for you when I see him next time;-)05:21
manchickenPretty much it seems like sftp and fish won't work at all in either the standard KDE4 file dialog or the kate filesystem browser.05:21
manchickenhunger: Much thanks :)05:21
manchickenhunger: There's a good chance that he needs it.05:21
manchickenEh, I think I may be wrong about some of that....05:22
manchickenlet me try that test again05:22
manchickenIt's certainly thinking about it now...05:24
manchickenNo, I'm right.  It won't connect.05:31
manchickenYou know, there are two things in kate that would be simple to put in that would make the current kate just so much better.05:32
manchickenFirst would be a refresh button in the filesystem browser, and the second is the ability for kate to remember how you left the interface last time you were there, and for it to put it back the way you left it.05:32
manchickenGetting the symbol viewer working for Perl and JavaScript would also be nice.05:33
fdovingmanchicken: do you have those kios installed, for kde4?05:41
manchickenfdoving: What packages might those kios be in?05:42
fdovingmanchicken: kde4base?05:42
manchickenThen yes05:43
fdovingkate: : couldn't create slave :  "Unable to create io-slave:05:43
fdovingklauncher said: Error loading 'kio_sftp'.05:43
fdovingQLibrary::load_sys: Cannot load /home/kde-devel/kde/lib/kde4/kio_sftp.so (/home/kde-devel/kde/lib/kde4/libkio_sftp.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)05:44
manchickenCool.  At east I'm not the only one :)05:44
fdovingdoesn't work in a full session either.05:45
Riddellyay progress https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/3.92.0-0ubuntu1~feisty2  "feisty i386  Needs building"05:54
Riddellwonder how many hours that'll take to be picked up by a buildd05:54
stdinprobably about an hour or so05:56
Riddellit took half a day for strigi to get compiled06:02
stdinwow :p06:03
=== marseillai_ [n=mars@AMarseille-156-1-65-41.w90-28.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Riddellfdoving: have you tried recompiling nspluginviewer against the new gtk/glib?07:00
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@mar92-13-88-165-255-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingRiddell: yes. but only the nsplugin directory of kdebase, not re-build kdebase as a whole.07:09
=== Stecchino [n=bart@d54C56F83.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingbut i can't find where nspluginviewer really uses glib/gtk.07:09
fdovingbbl. food.07:10
jjesse_hmnm fresh install of gutsy release 2 not getting an ip address07:14
Riddellfdoving: worth a shot anyway07:23
Riddellit'll be flash that actually uses glib I expect07:23
fdovingRiddell: yeah, i'll start a fresh build.07:24
=== Stecchino [n=bart@d54C56F83.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternaluses glib and gtk07:25
nixternalI have rebuilt it against a previous libglib and libgtk w/o any success07:25
fdovingwhich previous?07:26
nixternalthe glib that came out before today07:26
fdovingbuilding gtk against glib 2.13.5 made everything work.07:26
nixternalcool then07:26
fdovingbut seb says it's not a glib/gtk bug.07:26
nixternalit is, they supposedly broke the ABI07:27
fdovingsays who?07:27
nixternaland calc07:27
fdoving8:03 <   fdoving> seb128: well, it works if i build gtk with glib
fdoving18:04 < seb128> fdoving: that doesn't mean they are not doing something wrong which used to work because GTK+ was permissive on it07:27
Riddelldoes this also affect flashplayer standalone or flash in firefox?07:28
fdovingRiddell: no.07:28
nixternaljust nspluginviewer07:28
fdovingand oo.o07:28
fdovingand acroread.07:28
Riddelland openoffice will get fixed, and nobody will care about u07:28
fdovingi've read.07:28
nixternalOOo doesn't bother me much, as I have been using KOffice now..getting used to it07:29
fdovingthe novell/kde guys will probably get it fixed.07:29
nixternalbut not being able to use Konqui is killing me...I can't stand firefox07:29
Riddelldon't use flash?07:29
fdovingit's tagged critical at bugzilla.novell.07:29
=== Arby [n=richard@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelltried gnash kpart at all?07:29
fdovingnixternal: adblock *.swf ?07:29
nixternalI think I am going to remove the flash and go with gnash now that it has gotten better07:29
Tonio_Riddell: tried it but that'l almost unusable :)07:30
nixternalfdoving: ahh, good idea07:30
nixternalTonio_: I used it before and was able to watch Youtube :)07:30
Tonio_nixternal: the version in the repos fails on youtube for me07:30
Tonio_nixternal: dunno with an svn build07:30
nixternalahh, I had built it locally and used that before they packaged 0.8.x07:30
nixternalya, I used an svn build a few weeks ago07:30
fdovingi had it playing youtube on powerpc ~6 months ago.07:31
Tonio_Riddell: I read the full log and indeed, my post concerning pyqt was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally boring as it has been discussed all day long....07:32
nixternalwoo, back to konqui now..thanks for that adblock tip fdoving07:32
Tonio_Riddell: sorry for beeing a pain sometimes :)07:32
nixternalsometimes? ;p07:32
Tonio_nixternal: :'(07:32
Tonio_nixternal: I'm also a paranoid, so be carefull with those jokes ;)07:32
RiddellTonio_: don't worry, you're not the one I tried up to a tree07:32
Riddellmaybe I should let gnomefreak down sometime07:33
Tonio_Riddell: hehe07:33
=== nixternal stays away from trees when Riddell is around
Tonio_Riddell: atm my time is limited, I focus the efforts on kdebluetooth, as there are commits eferyday07:33
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@pD950EF13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Riddell hugs Tonio_
=== jjesse_ [n=jjesse@adsl-76-212-76-227.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has left #kubuntu-devel []
Tonio_Riddell: and I'll be on vacation on sunday for 10 days07:33
Riddellhmm, will bluetooth get in for feature freeze?07:34
Tonio_going to visit roma, my girlfriend offered me the trip for my birthday :)07:34
nixternalvacation? I didn't see a vacation request come through :)07:34
Tonio_did I tell you I love her ? ^^07:34
RiddellTonio_: can you set kubuntu-bluetooth spec to beta available07:35
=== glatzor [i=renate@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: sure that was on my todo before leaving :)07:36
Tonio_Riddell: I was just waiting for the package to be in to fill the spec, but I'll do that toonight then :)07:36
TheInfinityis it normal that powermanager crashes if i login via vnc?07:39
TheInfinityor better says - is it already known?07:39
RiddellI don't know it07:40
TheInfinityok so -> launchpad? :)07:41
Tonio_TheInfinity: is kfrb in the list of what you consider vnc or not ? ;)07:43
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@adsl-76-212-76-227.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_TheInfinity: cause I use in both client or server mode without any problem very often07:46
TheInfinityTonio_: no its tightvnc07:47
Tonio_TheInfinity: oki07:48
TheInfinityi have to start it from bash because the computers are 300km away07:48
TheInfinityand then via ssh tunnel ...07:48
=== gnomefreak needws work im bored testing this crap waiting an hour for a crash :(
fdovingRiddell: did you get that message about kio-apt?08:00
fdovingRiddell: you'll get it again just in case: new kio-apt (with fixed header-backgroundcolor)  kio-apt_0.13.2-2ubuntu2 at http://ubuntu.lnix.net/archive/gutsy/08:11
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=== TheInfinity_ [n=TheInfin@pD950D330.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellfdoving: yes, sorry, python foo is still driving me nuts08:27
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A72352.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
gnomefreakoh its more than just a respin? :(08:34
Riddellits new versions of everything08:34
Riddellnice of doko to tell me he was doing the new version of sip08:35
gnomefreakoh crap08:35
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=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@pD950CEF6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingRiddell: rebuilding kdebase with new glib didn't help nspluginviewer09:04
fdoving.. and i accidentally started kde4 over my current ~/.kde/ (wrong user), that wasn't so smart.09:05
Riddellbeta?  or alpha?09:06
fdovingcurrent sv.09:06
Riddellhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/3.92.0-0ubuntu1~feisty2  "feisty amd64  Successfully built"09:06
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddell_StefanS_: !09:11
_StefanS_hey Riddell :)09:11
_StefanS_Tonio_: , fdoving and others as well :)09:11
=== TheInfinity_ [n=TheInfin@pD950D169.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_fdoving: have you experienced that question mark problem in firefox ? Text with nordic letters are appearing with ? instead09:19
fdovinghi _stefans_, no i don't use firefox much. how do you reproduce it?09:22
_StefanS_fdoving: uhm my wife's latop is running feisty in danish, and some pages show these wierd texts (e.g.: http://netbaby.dk/artikler/grupper/grupper.asp)09:24
_StefanS_fdoving: the text on the top middle displays every  with ?09:24
_StefanS_fdoving: cant replicate on english, gutsy09:24
fdovingi run in english and gutsy too.. hang on.09:25
fdoving_StefanS_: looks good on feisty with norwegian language.09:27
_StefanS_fdoving: uhm weird then.09:28
fdovingwhat charset is she using, vis -> tegnkoding -> Vestlig (iso-8859-1) is selected here.09:28
_StefanS_fdoving: I'll check.09:36
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@adsl-76-212-62-2.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_fdoving:  iso-8859-109:36
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@pD950E651.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_fdoving: well it turns out the browser is defaulting to utf-8.. the page should be viewed as iso-8859-1, but they do not tell it in the html.09:40
_StefanS_fdoving: browser cant really tell :)09:40
_StefanS_fdoving: switching to iso-8859-1 manually works.09:40
fdovingi'm so happy i keep daily backups of the laptop.. .kde/ restored :)09:42
fdovingnote: running kde4 over the kde3 ~/.kde breaks kde3.09:43
_StefanS_fdoving: thats ..funny.. I removed all the char codings, and re-added them. it now works automatically... gotta love software09:44
=== TheInfinity_ [n=TheInfin@pD950CEE3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== gvarisco [i=gvarisco@nat/redhat/x-d71d86587da2f5ef] has joined #kubuntu-devel
gvarisco'evening guys10:20
Riddellkde4libs feisty "feisty amd64  Successfully built"  slowly we get there10:22
fdovingis x86 finsihed?10:22
Riddellno, still needs building10:23
Riddellhi gvarisco10:23
fdovingdid you figure out the python issue?10:24
Riddellyeah, just uploaded pyqt3 and pykde10:24
Riddellstill pyqt4 to go10:24
fdovingthen i'll delay my dist-upgrade.10:24
gvariscohola Riddell ;)10:27
=== glatzor [n=renate@p57AEE9ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_Riddell: I thought x86 finished yesterday (?)10:37
fdovingnot in feisty-backports.10:37
_StefanS_oh :)10:37
_StefanS_fdoving: you did say that kde4 sorta crapped the .kde(3) directory?10:38
fdovingyes, because i logged in as the wrong user, with kde4.10:38
fdovingi have a separate kde-devel user, for kde4-svn.10:38
fdovingand i have kde4 in kdm, to login fullsessions.10:39
fdovingbut i accidentally logged in as my other user with kde4. that broke ~/.kde10:39
_StefanS_fdoving: I better try out kde4 in a full session.. Riddell: is debug enabled for the build?10:39
_StefanS_fdoving: ouch.10:39
_StefanS_fdoving: I saw you're working as a consultant, do you have alot of work going on in norway?10:40
fdovingso i should add the ~/.kde4/ environment variable to script.10:40
fdoving_StefanS_: not very much computer stuff. i do alot of tree-cutting though. :)10:40
_StefanS_fdoving: oh :)10:40
fdovingcomputer stuff is just part-time.10:40
_StefanS_fdoving: I bet you have alot of trees :)10:41
fdovingwe have.10:41
_StefanS_fdoving: just curious anyway.10:41
Riddell_StefanS_: yes10:41
_StefanS_Riddell: I guess the instructions for kde4-beta1 applies also to gutsy.10:41
_StefanS_great, I will try it out.10:42
_StefanS_Tonio_: you there?10:42
_StefanS_Tonio_: fade time..10:43
=== _StefanS_ is so tired of those MacOS vs. Linux desktop articles..
fdoving_StefanS_: if you're still curious here are some pics: http://frode.kde.no/work/10:45
_StefanS_fdoving: holy cow.. thats long way down. You will surely hit a tree though :)10:45
fdovingyep, i'm uploading a few new ones too.10:51
fdovingi need to go watch the last part of some crime-tv-show. bbl.11:03
=== mcquaid [n=mcquaid@toronto-hs-216-138-233-79.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== _StefanS_ [n=kde-deve@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mcquaidis there any word on when 3.92 will hit feisty backports?  it's stil 3.9111:05
ScottK3.92 what?11:05
mcquaidHere says it's released http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php11:05
mcquaidthe kde4 beta11:05
=== ScottK looks at Riddell to see if he's going to do it.
mcquaidit does mention some are still compiling11:06
mhbScottK: don't look at him, for your own good :o)11:08
mhbmcquaid: unfortunately, there's little we can do11:08
mhbmcquaid: the sources are in backports, but the Ubuntu backports building system is very slow11:09
ScottKmhb: It's the same buildd's for backports.11:12
mhbScottK: I'm not sure what you mean and how do I contradict it.11:14
ScottKOK.  It sounded to me like you were saying there were separate build systems for backports and there aren't.11:15
ScottKFeisy-backports get built on the same build systems used for regular Feisty updates/security stuff.11:15
ScottKMaybe I misunderstood.11:15
mhbScottK: you probably did :o) I didn't want to go into much detail, I'm just saying that packages are not our fault. It's the build system that is slow.11:17
RiddellScottK: doing what?11:17
RiddellScottK: it's been doing itself for the last three days, it's just very slow11:18
Riddellsame buildds, but lower priority11:18
mhbRiddell: you could perhaps put the information in the /topic11:23
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellgo ahead :)11:28
_StefanS_fdoving: did you fix that nspluginviewer?11:28
_StefanS_fdoving: or get any further..11:28
fdoving_StefanS_: got some more info, riddell pointed me to the novell bugzilla, https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=294385 - i'll wait for them.11:29
ubotuNovell bug 294385 in KDE "nspluginviewer block konqueror and takes 100% CPU" [Critical,Assigned] 11:29
fdoving_StefanS_: i also poked seb128 about it, he is not convinced it's a gtk/glib bug. so i'll just adblock *.swf for now.11:29
_StefanS_fdoving: seems like he's right, maybe the answer is inside openoffice.org-gtk11:30
fdovingmight be.11:31
fdovingGet:2 http://no.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main openoffice.org 2.2.1-5ubuntu3 (tar) [235MB] 11:31
fdovingthat's a nice source-package to downlaod.11:31
_StefanS_I'll grab it11:31
fdovingi'll get lost in that code.11:31
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:mhb] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | KDE 4.0 beta 1 Feisty packages are building, stay tuned
_StefanS_mhb: did you test that fade from Tonio_ ?11:32
mhb_StefanS_: last time I checked, he didn't have any amd64 packages ready11:33
_StefanS_mhb: oh yep, that was it.11:33
_StefanS_fdoving: I bet openoffice.org-gtk just uses some older glib's instead of the system ones.11:34
fdoving_StefanS_: nah.. you think?11:34
mhb_StefanS_: I won't be able to do anything this weekend11:34
_StefanS_fdoving: why would everything else still be borked ? :)11:34
_StefanS_fdoving: I almost have the source now11:35
fdovingmaybe they use things the proper way, while nspluginviewer does something wrong, which just happened to work before.11:35
_StefanS_fdoving: uhm well the novell link you gave me suggests its the api that dont work when its used.. but I need to see that gtk thingy for OOo first11:37
_StefanS_done now.11:37
fdovingtry to find some gtk/glib related things in kdebase/nsplugins - i didn't find much.11:37
_StefanS_fdoving: nope, but just the same bug as OOo + acroread11:39
_StefanS_uhm trying to figure out that packaging for gtk.11:40
fdovingi'll fetch that source package too.. to a remote server.11:41
fdovingmy 2Mbit adsl could need an upgrade :)11:41
_StefanS_yes indeed :)11:41
=== mcquaid [n=mcquaid@toronto-hs-216-138-233-79.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingwoha, 75MB diff.11:43
fdovingglad i don't deal with oo.o often.11:43
_StefanS_it took a few seconds to apply ;)11:43
fdovingdo you figure it out?11:49
_StefanS_fdoving: check this link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acroread/+bug/128736 (bottom)11:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128736 in acroread "[gutsy]  acroread fails to start, with GTK error" [Medium,Confirmed] 11:49
_StefanS_fdoving: might be a simple diff of those two packages to solve it11:50
fdovingit's not that simple.11:50
fdovinggtk 2.11.6 works nicely if it's built with glib 2.13.5, but not glib 2.13.711:51
_StefanS_so the dependency for gtk+2.0 2.11.5-1ubuntu1 is glib 2.13.5 I imagine11:52
fdovingnot sure where the api breaks, but i could just fine build gtk+2.0 2.11.6 with glib 2.13.511:53
_StefanS_hmm lets diff those two glib's11:53
_StefanS_see what we can find11:53
_StefanS_cant be much of a change11:53
fdovingi like that you can drop urls into konsole and select 'cp' to download the file.11:59
_StefanS_if you download the source manually but in apt format, how to you trigger that diff thing that normally goes on ?12:01
_StefanS_cant remember it12:01
fdovingdpkg-source -x *.dsc12:01
_StefanS_ah yep :) thnx12:01
_StefanS_ah well, I gotta sleep.12:05
_StefanS_see you tomorrow.12:05

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