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maixhi, is there an easy way to find get the title of a launchpad bug? (other than parsing the whole page)12:25
maixfor example is there something like "get raw text" in a wiki12:25
maixwhere? ;)12:26
LaserJockI gotta find it, gimme a sec12:28
LaserJockhmm, where did it go12:32
beunomaix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/26419/+text12:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 26419 in gnome-session "gnome-session hangs when "lo" is not correctly configured" [Medium,Confirmed]   - Assigned to Sebastien Bacher (seb128)12:32
LaserJockthat's weird12:32
beunothat gives you the bug info en text format12:32
maixbeuno, thx12:32
beunomaix: np12:32
LaserJockhmm, there must be a bug or something12:33
beunoLaserJock: what?12:33
maixcan i be sure that it doesn't change and the title will always be in the second line?12:33
LaserJockI suppose12:33
ajmitchhello LaserJock 12:33
LaserJockbeuno: it doesn't always work12:33
beunomaix: yes, but the second block changes when there are upstream bugs associated12:33
beunoLaserJock: what do you mean?  in what cases?12:34
LaserJockbeuno: like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/26419/+text12:34
beunothe only case I know it doesn't wotk is with rpviate bugs12:34
beunoLaserJock: you have to build the URL different12:34
LaserJockbeuno: that's my point12:34
LaserJockyou shouldn't have to12:34
LaserJockit shouldn't depend on which url you use to get to the bug12:34
beunoLaserJock: right, that sounds like a bug/wishlist Launchpad is waiting to have  :D12:35
maixi always have the number12:36
maixoh wait which prefix do i use then?12:36
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LaserJockmaix: just do bug.launchpad.net/bugs/<bug number>/+text12:36
maixbugs.launchpad.net... ?12:37
LaserJockbugs.launchpad rather12:37
maixLaserJock, kk thx12:37
maixand for the link without text and - yes ist forwards me. ok12:37
maix(its for a [bug]  tag in a forum)12:37
beunomaix: make sure you use that wisely, if the forum is big enough, you can annoy Launchpad maintainers pretty quickly  :D12:38
maixno, its just called once, when the text is written in the database, not at every call.12:39
maixwould be too much work for our server too ;)12:39
beunomaix: great  :D12:39
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LaserJockhi ajmitch 12:40
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ubotuNew bug: #130051 in malone "+text doesn't work for full bug URL" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13005112:56
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gdoubleuI would love to hear some developers' opinions on using launchpad as a project tracker compared to trac03:51
gdoubleuas far as communication, efficiency, etc.03:51
gdoubleuI've worked on several projects using trac, but have been recently introduced to bzr and launchpad03:52
jameshgdoubleu: Launchpad's bug tracker actually sends emails to people filing bugs, which is nice04:46
gdoubleujamesh: trac does as well04:47
jameshgdoubleu: really?  I don't think I've ever been notified of changes to bugs I've filed in Trac instances04:47
gdoubleujamesh: it's a configuration option that I think might be off by default04:48
jameshgdoubleu: okay.04:49
jameshgdoubleu: there are a number of things Launchpad does that Trac doesn't, such as translation and blueprint (specification) management04:56
jameshI don't know how important those are to you though.04:56
jameshAlso, there are network effects.  Launchpad lets you attach a bug to multiple contexts (e.g. your project and the packaging of your project in Ubuntu)04:57
jameshso having the two in Launchpad can make life easier.04:57
gdoubleuYes, I really like how you can tie everything together, I can definitely see how there would be advantages with multiple projects in launchpad05:01
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cprovgood morning !10:20
FujitsuHi cprov.10:22
cprovFujitsu: hi10:23
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ubotuNew bug: #130138 in rosetta "Allow translations imported for 'restricted' pocket" [Critical,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13013801:40
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ubotuNew bug: #130143 in soyuz "Initialise From Parent needs some love when multiple distro archives is done" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13014302:11
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kikohey Hobbsee 02:15
Hobbseeheya kiko!02:15
Hobbseehow's it going?02:15
kikoHobbsee, pretty good. you do some universe queue administration, right?02:15
kiko(or is that a long-standing bug and I should shut up now?)02:16
Hobbseekiko: i do, yes02:16
kikoso the new queue UI is live:02:16
kikoHobbsee, you can now inspect packages directly02:16
Hobbseekiko: oh, not that type of queue stuff.  but that could come in handy ;)02:16
FujitsuOh, shiny.02:17
kikodoes anyone do that for the universe queue?02:17
Hobbseekiko: how clever!02:17
Hobbseekiko: yeah, the archive admins02:17
=== Hobbsee pokes one of them
Hobbseekiko: i sponsor patches, but i dont deal with the new queue, at this point.02:18
Hobbseekiko: I dont suppose there are plans to support dget?02:19
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kikowhat's dget?02:20
Fujitsulibrarian would have to be fairly well redesigned to do that, I believe.02:20
Hobbseekiko: if you dget foo.dsc, it will also get foo.diff.gz, and foo_orig.tar.gz, basically02:20
Hobbseethere's more to it, and it's cleverer than that, but thta's the idea02:21
FujitsuHowever, librarian screws things up by putting everything in seperate directories.02:21
Hobbseekiko: as in, if you feed it a link to the .dsc file, it'll read it, figure out what else of the source to download, and download that.02:21
kikohow does it guess the paths to the diff and tar?02:21
Fujitsukiko: Everywhere else on the planet they're in one directory.02:21
Hobbseewell, it's fairly similar in name to the .dsc, of course - and in the same directory02:21
Hobbseekiko: browsing the code for the specifics should help you there02:21
FujitsuThe name doesn't matter; it gets the files referenced by the .dsc02:22
kikoFujitsu, but the path does matter, I see. we could fix that by providing a librarian wrapper for DSCs though.02:24
Fujitsukiko: That would be nice.02:25
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kikoFujitsu, can you file a bug and provide some information that gives us stepping stones to producing a good solution?02:26
kikoone question is where do you point dget to -- is it to a URL?02:26
Fujitsudget http://url/to.dsc02:29
=== Fujitsu files a bug.
Hobbseekiko: run dget <somewhere on the debian ftp server, found from packages.debian.org>02:32
Fujitsukiko: launchpad or soyuz?02:37
kikoFujitsu, soyuz02:37
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cypherbioscprov: how long a source package still with "Missing dependencies" status before being removed? (talking about PPA)02:41
cprovcypherbios: missing-deps are not removed automatically, they will stay there forever waiting deps to be satisfied 02:42
cprovcypherbios: unless you upload a new source version02:42
cypherbioscprov: I see. I just did, let's wait then, thanks.02:43
cprovcypherbios: np02:43
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ubotuNew bug: #130158 in soyuz "librarian should provide dgettable URLs" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13015802:56
Hobbseeoh yes, i said i was going to file a LP bug02:58
cprovouch ... 02:58
Hobbseecprov: ouch to whihc?02:58
cprovHobbsee: the bug02:59
=== Hobbsee waits for said bug to load
Hobbseecprov: why's that ouch?03:00
kikocprov, hang on03:00
cprovHobbsee: makes me wonder 'how ?!', we would be better off betting our coins in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptFirefoxFileHandler03:00
kikocprov, it's easy.03:01
kikoFujitsu, Hobbsee: does dget handle 301s?03:01
Hobbseekiko: i dont know what a 301 is :)03:01
Fujitsukiko: good question.03:01
FujitsuI'll check.03:01
cprovkiko: librarian has duplicated filenames and dsc only offers filenames, we can't disambiguate 03:02
kikocprov, I think you're thinking of this in the wrong direction03:02
kikocprov, what I'm saying is that we can provide a virtual directory for a sourcepackagerelease03:02
cprovkiko: well, ok, we could include suite in the librarian redirection03:02
Hobbseekiko: that's binaries.  what dget is for sources.03:03
Hobbseeer, what dget is for *is* sources03:03
Hobbseekiko: [23:02]  <pitti> Hobbsee: that's awesome!03:03
kikowhere did I say binaries?03:03
Hobbseekiko: the firefox handler.  as in, to install binaries and such03:03
Hobbseekiko: dget is for grabbing one source from a location somewhere.  not everything in a repository, and not binaries.03:04
cprovHobbsee: I suggested firefox-apt-handler03:04
Hobbseeoh, sorry.  cprov ^03:04
cprovHobbsee: to support sources, as well 03:04
Hobbseemy bad, not really reading the lines03:04
kikoas I said, it's easy to do, I just want to know if dget supports 301s.03:04
kikoi.e. if each individual file it tries to pull can be redirected.03:05
sep1318whenever you've got time, SteveA, we can talk about microIDs if you want. ::hassle::03:05
cprovkiko: right, a url incluing  distroseries/name/version/<file> would do.03:06
kikoI was thinking actually something like 03:06
kikounder the sourcepackagerelease03:06
kikoa directory that contained a virtual mapping of all the libraryfilealiases it uses03:06
Kmosthat would be nice03:07
cprovkiko: yep, can you comment the bug and sort priority for us ? 03:10
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kikoKmos, well, it'd have to be under +source/apport/3.1/+files03:11
kikobut other than that, yes03:11
Kmoskiko: that's more interesting :)03:12
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ubotuNew bug: #130182 in launchpad "Account registration form should not crash when missing a element" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13018203:50
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ubotuNew bug: #130197 in launchpad "Timebomb in xx-maintenance-message.txt" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13019705:40
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kikoFujitsu, so, does it?06:03
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ubotuNew bug: #130220 in launchpad "LP marks bugs fix released multiple times and sends multiple mails when a bug number appears in more than one .changes file" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13022007:50
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ubotuNew bug: #130222 in launchpad "LP sends mail "From" me that I didn't originate" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13022207:55
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kiko-fudmatsubara, don't forget to dupe that bug up there08:54
matsubarawhich one kiko-fud ?08:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130222 in launchpad "LP sends mail "From" me that I didn't originate" [Undecided,New]  08:56
matsubaraduped already08:56
matsubarahmm the reporter unduped it08:57
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kiko-fudoh, I see what it was matsubara 09:04
kiko-fudFujitsu_, so...09:05
ScottKBecause it's not a dupe (the bug above - I'm the reporter).09:12
kiko-fudScottK, you're the reporter in this case, right?09:21
kiko-fudthere's another case where this happens which is also broken.09:22
ScottKI don't particularly mind the bugmail having my address in it when I did something, it's the automated stuff appearing to be done by me that I don't mind.  Particularly stuff like the one above (I also reported) where LP is fix releasing bugs that are already fix release.09:23
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kiko-fudmatsubara, what's the other bug that complains about that same issue -- when we subscribe somebody else09:25
matsubarabug #94321, perhaps?09:27
kiko-fudthat's a dupe of it09:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 94321 in malone "status change email has wrong 'From'" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9432109:28
kiko-fudI think09:28
kiko-fudoh, no, that's it yes.09:28
kiko-fudthanks ScottK 09:29
ScottKNo problem.09:29
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kiko-fudScottK, these bugs were already fix released, right?09:30
ScottKOne thougth for you on 94321 is the RFC 2822 does permit multiple From addressees as long as you have a Sender, which you do.09:30
ScottKIf you go look, there are now two automatic release comments in the bugs.09:30
kiko-fudsure thing.09:31
ScottKWhat happened was the Debian Maintainer left the LP bug numbers in his update and so when I requested the sync, LP parsed the changelog and didn't check to see if the bug was already fixed.09:31
kiko-fudthat's easy to fix.09:32
ScottKI'm curious about Bug #125279 that one bit me again today.09:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125279 in soyuz "Publishing an update to *-proposed incorrectly marks bug "Fix Released"" [High,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/125279 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov)09:33
kiko-fudit's almost ready09:34
ScottKThat's the next release (Soyuz: 1.1.8)?09:34
ScottKOK.  I'll be glad to see that one gone.09:35
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kiko-afkFujitsu_, you no <3 me09:54
ubotuNew bug: #130242 in launchpad "Output request counts and timing in launchpad.log application log" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13024210:05
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maixmay we use https://bugs.launchpad.net/@@/bug-medium in our forum?10:11
maix(to link to launchpad)10:11
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maixand is this icon also available in a bigger size?10:40
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maixdoesn't anyone now?10:54
LaserJockI don't10:54
salgadomaix, it's better to ask that on launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com10:59
maixsalgado, ok, thx10:59
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redis there darcs support in Launchpad?12:02
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LarstiQred: no12:03
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