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=== Topic for #ubuntu-installer: Development of d-i and ubiquity in Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment
=== Topic (#ubuntu-installer): set by cjwatson at Fri Jan 5 15:12:40 2007
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tepsipakkicjwatson: I've hit some strange problem trying to install gutsy here. We start a sshd locally in the chroot with a temporary key, and then connect to it remotely to perform various things, but remote connections now fail. Downgrading the ssh-server in the chroot doesn't help either12:19
tepsipakkithe client receives error 255 when trying to run some command remotely12:21
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cjwatsontepsipakki: -vvv on the client and -ddd on the server are the places to start; also check /var/log/auth.log12:39
cjwatson(assuming you have a syslogd running in the chroot)12:39
cjwatsonor bind-mount in /dev/log or something12:39
tepsipakkiok, when trying to open an interactive session, the server fails to open a pty ("openpty returhns device for which ttyname fails.")01:06
tepsipakkiand when running commands remotely, I see write/read failures on channel 001:10
tepsipakkilunch, bbl ->01:11
cjwatsonis /dev/pts mounted?01:31
tepsipakkiumm, no :)01:35
tepsipakkiok.. bind-mounting /proc and /dev/pts made it all work01:39
tepsipakkiremote commands and all01:39
tepsipakkinow to figure out why this wasn't needed before :)01:39
tepsipakkiumm, /proc was enough01:44
tepsipakkimaybe some component used to bind-mount proc for me <shrug>01:53
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=== cr3 [n=marc@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-installer
cr3have you guys ever encountered this error when installing feisty: No common CD-ROM drive was detected03:42
cjwatsonit means pretty much what it says on the tin. generally a kernel problem03:43
cr3darn, I was hoping something easier to fix03:44
cr3gutsy doesn't exhibit the same error, cool03:59
cr3when making build_monolithic on gutsy, I get a segmentation fault: Command failed with status 139 : mklibs-readelf --print-rpath ./tmp/monolithic/tree/bin/ld_static04:10
cr3oh wait, I'll upgrade and maybe mklibs-readelf will start working again04:11
cr3hm, still segfaulting at the same place04:27
cjwatsonmust kill mklibs05:17
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cr3cjwatson: what do you mean by kill mklibs? remove it from the build process?07:29
cjwatsonno, I mean "I must inflict pain upon mklibs"07:46
cjwatsonit wasn't advice :P07:46
evandit was a call to arms07:47
=== cr3 double donkey punches mklibs
cjwatsonI rue the day I found out what that means08:12
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