
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-motu.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ - TOP 10 Uploaders/Packages
=== Topic (#ubuntu-motu): set by Amaranth at Thu Jul 26 12:58:43 2007
=== vil [n=lada@ubuntu/member/vil] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== xstasi [n=xstasi@85-18-14-24.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
xstasigood morning everyone09:28
xstasisiretart, ping09:28
siretartxstasi: yes?09:29
xstasihi mentor :)09:29
siretartah, hi there :)09:30
xstasishould we switch to pm?09:30
Hobbseexstasi: if you stay here, others can benefit, btw09:30
siretartI don't really mind09:30
xstasiHobbsee, i know of course, i just don't see how others can benefit of personal informations :)09:31
coNPmost of us would sell them for good money :)09:31
superm1Hobbsee, did you ever happen to make any more sense of the mythbuntu-meta package/seed and whether things are being done right?09:31
Hobbseesuperm1: didnt look09:32
Hobbseexstasi: ahh09:32
superm1Hobbsee, ah.  Well i had asked colin to take a gander, and he said he would at some point, just not sure when he will get the time to do so09:33
superm1Hobbsee, well if you get a few moments sometime this next week to sit down with it, i'd like to ideally have a revision of this in before UVF in 2 weeks09:36
=== Hobbsee nods
superm1Hobbsee, if you don't get a chance to, do you know any other MOTUs that *do* have experience with the seeding?  My efforts in asking around haven't turned up anyone else yet09:38
=== fredix [i=fred@nat/af83/x-92851cd454aef7e1] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseesuperm1: i should do.  most of the core devs should have at least an idea09:38
superm1mkay Hobbsee thx :)09:39
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h52n9c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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bryliehow can I view the location of an installed package via aptitude?11:19
Hobbseedpkg -S packagename11:20
Hobbseeno idea via aptitude11:20
brylieok i'll try that11:20
bryliewhat about for apt?11:21
Hobbseeno idea for that either.  perhaps it helps if you actually tell us what you awnt to do11:21
Hobbseethey're both front ends for dpkg11:21
brylieI want to find the location of aoxm in the apache2 install11:22
bryliesorry.. APXS11:23
Hobbseeah right11:23
brylieThere have been other instances where I have needed to find the path to an installed file.11:23
Seveasbrylie, apt-file search filename11:23
Seveasworks for packages you haven't installed as well11:24
brylieapt-file: command not found11:25
Seveasapt-get install apt-file; apt-file update11:25
brylieoh.. not part of the apt core?11:26
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-101.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== blackskad [n=blackska@d54C4A53D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Fujitsu blinks repeatedly. I am reading bug #130122 correctly?
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130122 in luatex-snapshot "Package is missing and available in Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13012211:56
HobbseeFujitsu: yeah11:56
Hobbseeit's failed to build11:56
HobbseeFujitsu: looks like a good candidate for a hopeful11:57
Hobbseecp: cannot stat `build/texk/web2c/web2c/{web2c,fixwrites,splitup}': No such file or directory11:57
Hobbseecp: cannot stat `build/texk/web2c/{luatex,tangle,tangleboot,luatangle}': No such file or directory11:57
Hobbseestrip: 'linux/texk/web2c/luatex': No such file11:57
Hobbseels: linux/texk/web2c/luatex: No such file or directory11:57
DktrKranzdash does not handle correctly {11:58
=== Hobbsee files a sync request
FujitsuDktrKranz: It handles them fine.11:59
Hobbseei doubt it'll fix it, but it looks like some nice new stuff in there11:59
FujitsuDktrKranz: It doesn't support the bash intepretation of them.11:59
HobbseeDktrKranz: dash does not handle bashisms, yes.  bashisms seem to only be handled in bash, oddly enough.11:59
DktrKranzFujitsu, I was referring to that, thanks11:59
FujitsuIt handles them correctly.12:00
DktrKranzIIRC, there was a fix some months ago which explode them, one line per directory12:01
HobbseeFujitsu: mind filing a debian bgu about it containing bashisms?12:01
=== norsetto [n=norsetto@host152-218-dynamic.20-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
norsettomorning all :-)12:07
Hobbseemorning norsetto 12:10
Hobbseenorsetto: i have a bug for you to fix.12:10
=== norsetto loves to be bugged....
Hobbseenorsetto: how'd you go with the first one i gave you before?12:11
Hobbseenorsetto: please fix teh new version of luatex-snapshot to build :)12:11
Hobbseenorsetto: i think it'll fail - the last version did12:12
=== Hobbsee just requested a sync for the newer version
=== Hobbsee --> dinner
norsettoHobbsee: bug 129741 and bug 129742; it now builds but the gui mode doesn't work (like for feisty)12:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129741 in turkey "[gutsy]  turkey is not installable" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12974112:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129742 in turkey "[ftbfs]  turkey ftbfs on gutsy" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12974212:12
Hobbseenorsetto: ahhhh.  good start :)12:12
Hobbseethen you have to decide if you care enough to fix it more so :)12:12
=== Hobbsee --> gone
norsettoHobbsee: most probably a change in the api not reflected in the java code12:16
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== Kmos [n=gothicx@unaffiliated/kmos] has joined #ubuntu-motu
norsettoHobbsee: yes, it fails indeed to ftbfs on a compilation error of pdftoepdf.cc (different from previous ftbfs)12:37
LucidFoxnorsetto, was it you who wanted ktoon in Ubuntu?12:45
Kmosbug 12955112:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129551 in watchdog "Please sync watchdog (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12955112:47
Kmoswhat's the problem with this one ?12:47
norsettoLucidFox: no, I was just looking at the request for packaging12:47
norsettoLucidFox: did you solve the ftbfs?12:47
whitenorsetto: is that one fixed here? http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=42444512:47
ubotuDebian bug 424445 in turkey "turkey - FTBFS: /build/user/turkey-1.34.0/build.xml:28: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details." [Serious,Open]  12:48
whitethere is this one here as well12:48
white!debian bug 42172512:48
ubotuDebian bug 421725 in turkey "turkey: Uninstallable due to unmet dep on libgcj7-awt" [Grave,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/42172512:48
norsettoLucidFox: very good. Then add the patch to the bug report12:49
whiteinteresting sense of humor: 12:49
white12:48 <ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:49
norsettowhite: yes, these are the relevant upstream bug reports12:49
whitenorsetto: are you interested in maintaining the package? :)12:50
norsettowhite: why? you want to look into it?12:50
whitenorsetto: i am interested in getting maintainers for the qa packages in general :)12:51
=== jussi_ [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-101.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
whitenorsetto: and believe me, it always works to get sponsors for adopting qa packages :)12:52
norsettowhite: Hobbsee asked me to look into it, so perhpas she wants to maintain it12:52
norsettowhite: but if she doesn't, sure why not (it will be a good excuse to learn Java....)12:52
norsettowhite: So, perhaps I'm not the best person (being Java illiterate)12:53
whitenorsetto: cool. I did not look into the package, but if you write a ITA and prepare a new package version, which addresses the bugs, then you can send it to debian-mentors@l.d.o. and ask for a sponsor. After the upload you can sync it to ubuntu12:55
norsettowhite: ok, let me note that, will do if I squash the bug12:55
norsettowhite: thx for letting me know, appreciate it12:57
KmosHobbsee: do you see the debdiff for stunntel4 ?12:57
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norsettokmos: she is not in yet12:57
Kmosnorsetto: i wait :)12:58
whiteyou are welcome12:58
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KmosStevenK: gambas latest fix is to change debian/control to only build package on i386.01:45
Kmos#   gutsy sparc   Failed to build01:45
Kmos# gutsy powerpc Failed to build01:45
Kmos# gutsy i386 Successfully built 01:45
HobbseeKmos: then...fix it?01:47
KmosHobbsee: I can do it.. or request the sync from debian that has that fix. http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gambas/news/20070702T140204Z.html01:48
=== davrobaniak [n=clavier@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
KmosHobbsee: you see the debdiff for stunnel4 ?01:49
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gnomefreakjoejaxx: are you around?01:51
=== Nafallo [n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo] has joined #ubuntu-motu
gnomefreakubuntustudio-audio depends need to be fixed or explained01:52
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gnomefreakits depending on a package we dont have in repos01:52
gnomefreakHobbsee: everything kubuntu gets removed on new updates01:53
gnomefreaknot everything but like 15 packages01:53
jussi01gnomefreak: which package does it depend on?01:53
gnomefreakjussi01: ardour,01:53
gnomefreaksearch ardour and you end up with 2 packages neither have anything to do with ardour afaik01:54
jussi01!find ardour01:54
ubotuFound: ardour-doc, ardour-gtk, ardour-gtk-dbg, ardour-gtk-i686, ardour-session-exchange01:54
gnomefreakgnomefreak@GutsyGibbon:~$ search ardour 01:55
gnomefreakfil-plugins - parametric equalizer LADSPA plugin01:55
gnomefreaktap-plugins - Tom's Audio Processing LADSPA plugins01:55
gnomefreakmaybe change depends to ardour-gtk to be atleast installible01:56
gnomefreakthose packages are not in gutsy01:56
Fujitsuardour FTBFS due to some scons silliness, AFAIK.01:56
FujitsuIt was intentional.01:56
jussi01yeah, thats was right, i remember now01:56
norsettowhite: ping02:00
=== statik [n=emurphy@canonical/launchpad/statik] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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Hobbseenorsetto: no no, i dont want to touch it.  i was just looking to give you stuff to do, that you'd be able to sink your teeth into :)02:03
Hobbseehowever, i did assume it would work out in the end02:03
norsettoHobbsee: have an update on that02:03
HobbseeKmos: i havent looked.  i did go to uni and such today, and cant spend 24 hours a day on ubuntu.02:04
norsettoHobbsee: the problem is in gcj02:04
HobbseeKmos: i read backscroll from earliest to latest - no need to repeat.  hence, respond to the earliest stuff first02:04
norsettoHobbsee: in particular Netkernel, that code will never run on gnucgj02:04
Hobbseegnomefreak: got a pastebin output of it?02:05
gnomefreakHobbsee: sure :)02:05
norsettoHobbsee: it runs fine on the sava jvm02:05
Hobbseenorsetto: ah right02:05
norsettoHobbsee: sorry, s/sava/jave02:05
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@37-93.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseehehe, i was attempting to figure that out :)02:05
=== norsetto norsetto suffers from acute dislexia
gnomefreakHobbsee: http://gnomefreak.pastebin.ca/64423302:06
Hobbseenorsetto: ahhhh02:06
gnomefreakHobbsee: sticking with python-sip4 is reason02:06
Hobbseewhat, again?02:07
=== Hobbsee looks
norsettoHobbsee: as a matter of fact I  tested it with sun java and turkeys runs happily as a turkey02:07
Hobbseenorsetto: oh nice!  may be worth changing the dep, and asking an archive admin to move it to multiverse02:07
norsettohobbsee: ok will do, too bad for Debian, they are stuck I guess02:08
gnomefreaknorsetto: why not push your fix to debian as well?02:08
norsettosorry guys, wife is calling (lunch time)02:09
Hobbseeenjoy :)02:09
=== DktrKranz [n=Luca@ubuntu/member/dktrkranz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
affluxcould some motu please review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6283 ? thanks02:12
=== xxxxx1 [n=xxxxx1@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
xxxxx1good morning!02:21
coNPhey xxxxx1 02:21
xxxxx1hello coNP 02:25
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Hobbseehi xxxxx1 02:27
xxxxx1Hobbsee, hello :D02:27
ScottKKmos: I already told you yesterday that I thought syncing an svn snapshot of Gambas was a bad idea.02:31
ScottKKmos: What is the practical effect of getting the change to build Gambas only on i386?02:32
HobbseeScottK: i said it was ok in -devel, btw.  to fix the ftbfs' on all the other arches02:33
StevenK... why not just fix it building on the other arches .... ?02:33
HobbseeStevenK: good question.  ask debian why they decided not to, and then ask yourself whether you care enough to make it work on ubuntu, instead of never having to touch it again02:34
ScottKHobbsee: Agreed, but in this case his sync would take as from a release that works on i386 to an svn snapshot that works only on i386, so maybe an Ubuntu revision to just build on i386, but not syncing the whole package I think.02:35
HobbseeScottK: granted.02:36
ScottKWhich is what I told him yesterday.02:36
Hobbseexxxxx1: mind fixing http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8675350/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.gtk2hs_0.9.11-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz for me?  :)02:36
KmosScottK: yesterday I think I told you about gambas2, not gambas02:36
ScottKKmos: OK.  Fair point.02:36
HobbseeScottK: unsure if this one is a svn snapshot, actually02:36
HobbseeScottK: i didnt notice a svn version on it, but may not have glanced there02:36
ScottKYeah.  He's right that it was gambas2.02:36
StevenKHobbsee: I think it was because "upstream said so"02:37
Kmosthat one is svn02:37
=== ScottK has no opinion about gambas then.
ScottKKmos: Do you use gambas?02:37
StevenKHobbsee: gtk2hs can be given-back when ghc6-doc is fixed.02:37
HobbseeStevenK: then do you care?02:37
HobbseeStevenK: ah right.  was about to check that, but figured it might be a good task for a hopeful to work with :)02:38
KmosScottK: no.. but a friend mine02:38
StevenKHobbsee: I can fix ghc6-doc if you want.02:38
KmosScottK: why?02:38
=== statik [n=emurphy@canonical/launchpad/statik] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ScottKBecause you are continuing to ask about syncing stuff you know nothing about.  You need to stop.02:38
HobbseeKmos: there's still way more important stuff to do than random syncs.02:40
Kmosand I need to use every package to know if I can do a sync ?02:40
Hobbseelike, fixing bugs02:40
KmosHobbsee: I've also doing that.. check ubuntu bug day..02:40
HobbseeKmos: no,but there's no point in syncing the world either.02:40
HobbseeKmos: if we were into that, the autosync would have been left on02:41
KmosHobbsee: I know that.. i asked for gambas because it was problems in other archs02:41
Kmosand it's fixed on debian, so sync it more easy (i only know that, because I'm not admin, motu or anything else)02:41
HobbseeKmos: there are still lots of other more important bits to work on than that.02:41
KmosHobbsee: u're right02:41
HobbseeKmos: because it still takes time to sponsor it, for the archive admin to do it, and there's already stacks to do already02:42
HobbseeKmos: go do some work on bugs, and ask us about closing any of them.02:42
Kmosok :)02:42
KmosHobbsee: another bug i found today, is someone can't run gambas on feisty and gutsy.. so that's i remember of gambas, it's not random02:43
Hobbseefair enough02:43
=== hggdh [n=hggdh@pool-71-170-39-244.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeStevenK: that would be cool.  i've not looked into it at all02:43
StevenKHobbsee: I've been looking for the past few minutes.02:44
HobbseeStevenK: great :)02:44
=== StevenK repacks ghc6-doc.deb with a different postinst.
Kmosbug 13013702:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130137 in gambas "gambas doesn't open" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13013702:44
=== StevenK tries to remember how to use ar.
HobbseeKmos: desktop bugs for applications that you actually use would be good, because then you can actually test for the issues02:45
=== tuxmaniac [n=tuxmania@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ScottKAndyP: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8675916/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-ia64.syck_0.55%2Bsvn256-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz - You asked for the sync.  Please fix it.02:45
ScottKAndyP: Feel free to PM me if you need advice.  I'll give it if I have some.02:46
ScottKI gotta get off this channel.02:46
HobbseeScottK: it's ia64, though.  do we care?  :)02:46
ScottKIt's a matter of degree.02:47
ScottKPersonally, it doesn't affect me, but IIRC (and often I don't) it build on ia64 before.02:47
KmosHobbsee: ok02:47
ScottKHe ought to at least look into it.02:47
Hobbseehe probably got mail for it, too02:47
ScottKProbably, but I didn't recall for sure.02:48
ScottKI gotta run (as in be elsewhere).02:48
=== ScottK [n=ScottK@ubuntu/member/scottk] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Konversation]
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Hobbseedear firefox, please stop crashing on me, kthxbye.02:49
=== Zic [n=Zic@Final-Fantasy.FF-IRC.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
joejaxxgnomefreak: ?02:51
gnomefreakjoejaxx: im working on it. ardour is screwed up and ubuntustudio-* depends on it02:51
gnomefreakbut source is in repos binaries are not02:51
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_MMA_gnomefreak: Are you working on the scons issue atm?02:52
TheMusognomefreak: What are you doing exactly?02:52
gnomefreak_MMA_: looking at it02:52
=== gnomefreak wonders how binaries ar enot in gutsy but source is
TheMusognomefreak: ummm... THats not too hard to do.02:52
gnomefreakAutomatic build of ardour_2.0.3-1 on vernadsky by sbuild/i386 1.170.502:53
gnomefreakapt-get souce gives me same version02:53
gnomefreakbut binaries are nowhere to be found02:53
Fujitsugnomefreak: It FTBFS, repeatedly.02:53
gnomefreakFujitsu: source was still let through?02:53
TheMusoOf course.02:54
Fujitsu... there's no build check on source NEW...02:54
gnomefreakok lets see what happens02:54
FujitsuOr, not in buildd conditions.02:54
FujitsuThe source is let through before it hits the buildds02:54
TheMusognomefreak: Note that it will build fine locally.02:54
gnomefreakTheMuso: binaries as well?02:55
TheMusognomefreak: Yes.02:55
=== radhios [n=radhios@96-208-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretarthow do we call 'MOTU hopefuls' nowadays?02:56
=== Havis [n=Havis@adsl-d38.84-47-127.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseesiretart: i think we call them that.  no idea02:56
coNPsiretart: xxxxx1, coNP  :)02:56
zulsiretart: freshmeat?02:57
siretartzul: I never heared this term before in that context. are you serious?02:57
Hobbseezul: :D02:57
Hobbseesiretart: he'd better not be...02:57
zulsiretart: of course not, i dont have my serious face on 02:57
Hobbseeremidns me of one of our fridge magnets.  "send us more tourists - the last ones were delicious!)02:58
xxxxx1morning siretart!02:58
siretarthey xxxxx1 02:58
coNPSome MOTU reviewer/admin please archive my uploads (aron@ubuntu.hu). Thanks in advance.02:59
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=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusogeser: How have things progressed re scons and FTBFS for ardour et al?03:02
TheMusogeser: afaik you and persia were looking into it.03:02
HobbseecoNP: you really need a webhost somewhere or something03:05
HobbseecoNP: all gone03:05
coNPHobbsee: I don't want to abuse REVU. If you tell me I'll upload my packages somewhere else.03:06
coNPAnd thank you :)03:06
HobbseecoNP: they're just getting looked at and uploaded straight away, arnet they?03:06
coNPYes, they are. Actually dholbach uses REVU and archives them, whereas seb128 not.03:07
coNPI (personally) can use another server if needed. And Desktop Team plans to use bzr soon03:07
HobbseecoNP: do you have a webhost or something, that you can ssh into, copy them, and then delete them in one hit?03:07
gnomefreakoh this looks like fun03:07
coNPSure. Some uni servers :)03:08
HobbseecoNP: as in, i'ts quicker to remove all of them in one hit :)03:08
HobbseecoNP: ahhh03:08
HobbseecoNP: migth be worth trying03:08
KmoscoNP: you can't use PPA for that?03:08
HobbseeKmos: the packages cant really be removed.03:08
TheMusoKmos: You can't remove packages from ppa yet03:08
HobbseeKmos: and DOS issues03:08
gnomefreaksomeone got a minute?03:08
Hobbseegnomefreak: no :P03:08
Hobbsee!someone | gnomefreak 03:08
ubotugnomefreak: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:08
gnomefreaki found the file and the line in file that fails03:08
Kmosthat's a problem.. can't remove yet03:08
TheMusognomefreak: With sconz?03:09
coNPHobbsee: I'll use another host for Desktop Team packages for now on. So long, and thanks for all the fish...03:09
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HobbseecoNP: cool :)03:10
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TheMusoSo how big is the change needed to get things working. Will it affect other packages that build fine?03:15
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KmosHobbsee: bug 130160 , you don't changed U-U-S to U-A in subscribers, that's normal ?03:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130160 in gambas "Please sync gambas (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13016003:21
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TheMusoHobbsee: Thanks for the ardour sync request. I intended to getting around to it at some point.03:22
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TheMusoNight folks.03:26
=== Kmos lunch
xxxxx1TheMuso, night :)03:26
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geserTheMuso: the problem ardour/scons is fixed, now ardour has a problem with gtkmm03:39
geserI also checked already the last version in Debian unstable but still the same problem03:40
HobbseeKmos: read bug.  think.  03:41
geserHobbsee: you got ardour 1:2.0.4-1 to build in gutsy?03:42
Hobbseegeser: nope03:42
HobbseeKmos: oh wait, ignore me.  i forgot, thought i did03:43
=== Hobbsee must have been sponsoring requests too much
HobbseeKmos: fixed03:44
geserHobbsee: then why sync it? you yelled at me once (long ago, before I become a motu) because I didn't state clearly in the sync request that it build on Ubuntu03:45
geserhas this changed in between?03:45
Hobbseegeser: a) i was being lazy, and b)  the current version definetly doesnt build.  this one *may* build.  and if not, it's a closer starting point to building, for someone to look into fixing it, which some people are already wanting to do03:46
Hobbseegeser: i was thinking that it definetly couldnt get any *worse*03:46
Hobbseeand that debian would have likely uploaded something that built.  03:46
Hobbseegeser: i think i'm just getting sick of sync requests and such, lately.03:46
geserit builds for them but not for us03:47
Hobbseeyeah.  yay.03:47
=== Hobbsee was hoping that a version would be uploaded that would build for both of us
geserHobbsee: in two week the sync requests get less03:47
geserbut the UVF exceptions will increase ;)03:48
Hobbseegeser: yeah, well.  and i hope for no mass sync request bombs.03:48
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KmosHobbsee: nice03:51
KmosHobbsee: i won't do mass bombs of sync requests :)03:53
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sampo_v2_MMA_: anything to help you package ardour :)03:55
_MMA_Hey guys. sampo_v2 here is on the Ardour dev team. geser: He might be able to help with the gtkmm issue.03:55
RainCTkeescook: I've a suggerence for what-patch. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32373/ see lines 6-1403:56
sampo_v2*might* .. ;)03:56
gnomefreaksampo_v2: working on it atm03:56
sampo_v2do you have a link for the compile error?03:56
gnomefreaksampo_v2: ^^03:56
=== gnomefreak still thinks its a typo
gnomefreakmake: *** [debian/stamp-scons-build]  Error 2  tells me scons isnt fixed03:59
sampo_v2that's a change from gtk 2.10 to 2.1104:00
HobbseeKmos: great :)04:02
HobbseeKmos: iw as more thinking anyone who tried, actually04:03
KmosHobbsee: hehe04:03
sampo_v2gnomefreak: sorry, 2.11 is flagged by gtk as an unstable, non-production release and we do not support it yet04:03
gnomefreakseeing sa thats the only error i have seen on this we can try to build on 2.10 unless someone has a newer error?04:04
sampo_v2gnomefreak: do you mean build against 2.10 but use with gtk 2.11?04:05
gnomefreaksampo_v2: if gtk 2.11 is unstable and not supported upstream than either we cant use it or we make huge/alot of patches or we build on 2.10 across the boards04:06
sampo_v2gnomefreak: i'd suggest going with 2.10 on everything04:06
gnomefreakthat is the sanest way04:06
sampo_v2i agree04:08
gnomefreakonly problem is we are gonna have to have both in archives in gutsy or we downgrade to 2.10, 2.10 isnt in cache any longer04:09
=== gnomefreak can see this being a major issue since everything gnome depends on 2.11 atm
gnomefreakwe dont have 2.10 in the repos anymore04:10
gnomefreakin gutsy04:10
sampo_v2gnomefreak: i guess that is, "everything in development / unstable gnome" depends on 2.11?04:10
gnomefreaksampo_v2: yep afaict 04:11
sampo_v2gnomefreak: i don't think basing gutsy on a development / unstable version of both gtk and gnome is a very good idea04:11
=== gnomefreak thankfully doesnt decide that :)
sampo_v2gnomefreak: :)04:12
gnomefreakgutsy releases with gnome (give or take)04:12
gnomefreakso what gnome decides i think we go with (but not sure on who decides that)04:13
gesersampo_v2: the final gutsy will have the final gnome 2.20 and gtk04:13
sampo_v2geser: ok04:13
geserit's only done to test what is broken so it can get fixed before the release04:13
gnomefreakstill a problem if sampo_v2/upstream doesnt make it usable for 2.1104:13
gnomefreakis ardour really needed as a depend on ubuntustudio....04:14
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sampo_v2gnomefreak: we will eventually support newer gtk04:15
geserI don't have experience the the API changes during gnome/gtk development: to they change that much?04:15
gnomefreaksampo_v2: well thats why im asking if we can drop ardour as a depend that will fix one issue people are seeing04:15
sampo_v2geser: not much04:15
gnomefreakand add it back once newer gtk supported04:16
sampo_v2gnomefreak: what is the schedule for gutsy?04:16
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+104:16
gnomefreakoct release04:16
geserAugust 16th is UpstreamVersionFreeze04:16
gnomefreakwe should be getting close to RC time (maybe a month or so)04:16
_MMA_gnomefreak: Without Ardour Ubuntu Studio is nothing.04:17
gnomefreak_MMA_: figured as much, why would it be easy04:17
sampo_v2gnomefreak: hey, no pressure or anything ;)04:18
geserafter UVF an exception needs to granted to get a fixed upstream version in or backport the fixes to ardour 2.0.404:18
gnomefreaksampo_v2: :)04:18
FujitsuA UVFe will be trivial if it FTBFS now.04:18
_MMA_gnomefreak: Our only other choice it to have Luke (TheMuso) build it locally and host it in our own repo again.04:18
_MMA_Which would be unfortunate as we really want everything in Ubuntu.04:19
gnomefreakthat still doesnt help the packages in ubuntu that need it04:19
sampo_v2_MMA_: this change breaks the ABI on gtk, so building ardour on 2.10 and running it on 2.11 will not work04:19
_MMA_Ok. Some people have just mentioned building it successfully locally. Dont really know if it woulda worked. :)04:21
gnomefreakwe cant do much of  anything but hope they can have it done by the 16th (thats a bit soon im thinking) or we try for a exception but still doesnt solve immedate issues04:21
gesersampo_v2: would it be much wasted work if you managed to provide a patch to get it build with gtk 2.11?04:21
sampo_v2geser: can you provide me ssh access to a box with 2.11 and a working development environment? (i.e. one can run scons in there to build ardour)04:22
geserunfortunately not, sorry04:23
gesersampo_v2: are you using Ubuntu? what about a gutsy pbuilder?04:23
sampo_v2geser: what's a pbuilder? (i am on feisty)04:24
ubotupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto04:24
=== gnomefreak uses chroots i find it easier
gesersampo_v2: simplified is pbuilder a script around chroot04:25
geserof course a gutsy chroot will also work :)04:25
=== StevenK has pbuilder and schroot+sbuild set up
StevenKI should get around to setting up an i386 schroot.04:25
sampo_v2geser: before i start doing anything like that, could you pastebin the /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtktoolbar.h from 2.11 ?04:26
gesersure, I moment04:26
gesersampo_v2: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32378/04:32
sampo_v2i have a suggestion04:32
sampo_v2undefine GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED from gtk04:33
sampo_v2(and rebuild the lot)04:33
geserwhere is the best place to put it in?04:42
sampo_v2geser: gtk probably has a configure option for it04:43
geserI doubt rebuilding gtk is an option04:44
geserdoes adding -UGTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED to the CFLAGS work?04:45
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sampo_v2geser: for ardour, no way04:45
sampo_v2geser: gtk is compiled without those symbols04:45
geserok, will talk to our desktop-team (responsible for gnome/gtk)04:46
sampo_v2geser: you might ask them if compiling ardour with that flag would work04:46
sampo_v2geser: i doubt it04:46
sampo_v2geser: because that might (and probably does) affect the ABI of gtk04:46
geserI guess you are right04:47
sampo_v2geser: but, i just looked over our sources04:47
sampo_v2geser: and it seems we don't use the toolbar for anything04:47
sampo_v2geser: so you could try a dirty quick fix04:47
sampo_v2geser: http://rafb.net/p/bECbov71.html04:50
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sampo_v2geser: there is no guarantee that will work04:51
gesersampo_v2: I've talk with seb128 in #ubuntu-desktop about it 04:52
sampo_v2geser: the flag i'm proposing would probably make transition for other apps easier as well04:52
geserand he says using -UGTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED should work04:52
LucidFoxso, only completely new packages go to NEW, and new versions of existing packages bypass it?04:52
gesersampo_v2: according to seb128 gtk 2.x will stay API and ABI stable, they only deprecate parts04:53
sampo_v2geser: ok. give that a go then04:55
LucidFoxcan Ubuntu sync from debian-multimedia.org?04:56
siretartLucidFox: sure04:57
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gesersampo_v2: what about delete line 33 in libs/gtkmm2/gtk/gtkmm/toolbar.cc ?05:01
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geserseb128 pointed me to it and the comment above it05:02
sampo_v2geser: heh, good idea :)05:03
sampo_v2geser: try that before my dirty patch05:03
geserbuilding with that change in a pbuilder right now05:04
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lamontanybody want some bashism-in-rules cruft?05:15
lamont       52 Log for failed build of bwm_1.1.0-8.1 (dist=gutsy-stage0)05:15
lamont      574 Log for failed build of cjk_4.7.0+git20070504-5 (dist=gutsy-stage0)05:15
lamont      131 Log for failed build of freesweep_0.88-4.2 (dist=gutsy-stage0)05:15
lamont      114 Log for failed build of libonig_5.5.2-1 (dist=gutsy-stage0)05:15
lamont      509 Log for failed build of libranlip_1.0-4 (dist=gutsy-stage0)05:15
lamont      248 Log for failed build of lxdoom_1.4.4main-0.1ubuntu1 (dist=gutsy-stage0)05:15
lamont      276 Log for failed build of stk_4.2.0-9build1 (dist=gutsy-stage0)05:15
lamont      255 Log for failed build of xevil_2.02r2-7 (dist=gutsy-stage0)05:15
lamont      130 Log for failed build of yiyantang_0.7.0-3 (dist=gutsy-stage0)05:15
geserwhat's the first number?05:16
LucidFoxby the way, what's build score?05:16
lamontiz from mutt... first number is lines in the file..05:17
lamontgutsy-stage0 == hppa bootstrapping05:17
lamontthese bugs should be global though - quite possible that the package is unchanged in gutsy (vs feisty)05:18
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lamontthose are all universe packages05:18
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gesersampo_v2: it build with that change (removing that line)05:26
sampo_v2geser: great05:26
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geserHobbsee: I've a fix to get ardour build in Ubuntu. Should I upload the last version from Debian with that fix and close your sync request?05:27
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Hobbseegeser: that'd be great, thanks05:28
_MMA_\o/ :)05:29
_MMA_Thanx a bunch geser and sampo_v2.05:29
lamontlibpar2 shouldn't build-depend libstdc++6-dev (iz build essential.  or rather, the correct version of libstdc++6-dev is...)05:29
geserdon't forget seb128 from #ubuntu-desktop for pointing at  the responsible line05:30
sampo_v2yep. he understood the sensible fix :)05:31
=== AndyP wonders how to fix an ia64 build failure without access to an ia64 box :/
lamontAndyP: depends on the failure...05:33
lamontah, trivial.05:35
lamonttoken.re:533: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'malloc'05:35
lamonttoken.re:570: warning: implicit declaration of function 'realloc'05:35
lamonttoken.re:570: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size05:35
lamontmake all those go away05:35
lamontimplicit definitions involving pointers are fatal (segv) on ia64, and occasionally on amd64/alpha05:35
lamontbut _always_ fatal on ia64.05:35
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lamontthe others have to have a very busy VM system before they fall over dead.05:35
AndyPah ok05:35
lamont(ia64 has 64-bit pointers, and the top 32 bits are _NEVER_ zero)05:36
AndyPlamont: thanks for the info05:37
lamontmind you, just because you get rid of all the implicit definitions, there is no guarantee that it'll build/work on ia64... :-(05:37
geserlooks like a missing #include <stdlib.h>05:38
lamontand if it's a debian package, there's probably already a bug in the debian bts about it... dannf autofiles them.05:38
AndyPyeah there is, two bugs actually05:39
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lamontdpkg: unknown option --print-gnu-build-architecture05:50
lamontbad snes9x05:50
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Kmoshow to build a *.dsc without pbuilder and it got all dependencies?06:48
RainCTKmos: sudo apt-get build-dep <packagename> and inside the source folder dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot  ?06:52
KmosRainCT: that's it06:52
RainCTyw :)06:52
KmosRainCT: if it's a debian package ?06:53
Kmosit should use the same dependencies06:53
=== desertc [n=desertc@c-68-52-118-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
RainCTuh.. look into debian control and apt-get them :P06:54
Kmosand it's only in gutsy :( should test on my laptop06:54
Kmosbut it's strange to got an error on pbuilder06:54
Kmoswhen compiling06:54
Kmosfailed to build06:54
RainCTit seems like sh doesn't know +=06:58
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RainCTCFLAGS+='-fPIC' /usr/bin/make FOUND_PERL5=0 FOUND_RUBY=0 FOUND_PYTHON=0 FOUND_SWIG=0 FOUND_SPL=0        /bin/sh: CFLAGS+=-fPIC: not found       make: *** [build-stamp]  Error 12706:59
RainCTtried CFLAGS+='-fPIC' in sh and it gave the same error. on bash it worked07:00
sampo_v2_MMA_: i'll leave you in peace. if you get further trouble, feel free to come on #ardour and ping us07:01
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RainCTI created a grup 'pbuilder', added me to it, chowned /var/cache/pbuilder and subdirs to root:pbuilder and chmoded to r+rwx g+rwx u+rx, but I still can't write on /var/cache/pbuilder. Anyone can tell me what's missing?07:04
SeveasRainCT, did you logout+login after adding yourself to the pbuilder group?07:05
RainCTSeveas: ah, I've to re-login?07:06
Seveasto make it pick up the new group, yes07:06
RainCTno possible workaround? :(07:06
RainCTwell, will leave it for later then. thanks07:07
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RainCTsiretart: REVU is powered by Python, or?07:12
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keyes_i'm trying to create a package for my app using CDBS python package and i've this "amazing" error while running debuild :07:17
keyes_/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk:69: *** unsupported Python system: "pycentral" (select either pysupport or pycentral).07:17
keyes_here is my rules file : http://ubuntu-motu.pastebin.com/m751016f907:18
ScottKDo you build depend on python-central?07:18
keyes_and here control : http://ubuntu-motu.pastebin.com/d78fcac0607:18
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keyes_Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0.38), python-central (>= 0.5.6), cdbs, kdelibs4-dev, libpythonize0-dev, pykdeextensions, pyqt-tools, python-kde3, python-sip4-dev, python-all-dev (>= 2.3.5-11), python-kde3-dev07:19
LucidFoxhow do I make a package translatable via Launchpad?07:19
keyes_LucidFox, put the POT file on your launchpad page I think07:20
ScottKkeyes_: I'm looking at it.07:22
keyes_LucidFox, https://translations.launchpad.net/07:23
ScottKkeyes_: Try DEB_PYTHON_SYSTEM = pycentral without the quotes.07:26
keyes_fine it works :)07:27
keyes_Thanks you very much07:27
ScottKNo problem.07:27
ScottKFor future reference, https://perso.duckcorp.org/duck/cdbs-doc/cdbs-doc.xhtml is essentially all of the extant cdbs documentation.  Other than that you have to look at the source.07:28
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siretartRainCT: yes, it is07:39
keyes_and i've a new problem (of course) and don't find nothing about that in the doc07:41
RainCTsiretart: then I can't help :P07:41
keyes_the source package if composed of subdirectories like this : foldercrypt (the command line tool), foldercrypt-gtk (the GTK ui), foldercrypt-kde (the KDE ui), ....07:42
keyes_each subdirectories contain it own setup.py file07:42
keyes_my mentor (google SoC) said that I must have only one source package generating some packages like foldercrypt-gtk.deb foldercrypt-kde.deb ...07:43
keyes_but CDBS is looking a setup.py file at the root folder, not into each subfolders07:43
keyes_if i change the file name (DEB_PYTHON_SETUP_CMD)07:44
keyes_it works only for one subfolder (like DEB_PYTHON_SETUP_CMD=foldercrypt-kde/setup.py)07:44
keyes_any idea ?07:44
siretartRainCT: why?07:45
siretartRainCT: I haven't seen a line of python before starting on revu either ;)07:45
Seveassiretart, getting something like revu cooked up in django that uses an apt-gettable repo (like PPA, or something buit with mini-dinstall/apt-ftparchive/falcon, or even just simple dsc file) shouldn't be too hard :)07:48
Seveashardest part would be writing the actual html/css for the UI ;)07:49
ScottKkeyes_: There is a way to deal with that.  I don't recall what it is.07:50
keyes_I think that it's easy without using CDBS07:50
ScottKWell there's no rule says you have to use CBDS.07:51
Seveassiretart, and apart from the authserver bit, it should even be possible to cook it up within a week (granted, I'd be cheating since I wrote a repo manager with django and would borrow a lot of its code)07:51
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keyes_ScottK, ok :)07:52
siretartSeveas: feel free :)07:52
Seveassiretart, I'm tempted07:52
RainCTsiretart: well, perhaps when I finish my current stuff... ;) but that will need some time07:53
=== siretart has never done anything with python yet, but I'm full of other work to do :(
siretartactually, I'm currently looking into the django documentation. it seems to have been greatly improved since the last time I looked at it07:54
Seveasboth django and its docs have07:54
KmosCan someone check this one - http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6327 (fix stfl package that doesn't build)07:55
Seveassiretart, do you mind a PM?07:55
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RainCTsiretart: o.O have I send the ubuntu-dev-tools mail to you only?07:56
siretartRainCT: I think you did :)07:56
siretartSeveas: go ahead!07:56
RainCToh, right07:57
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KmosCan someone check this one - http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6327 (fix stfl package that doesn't build on ubuntu)08:05
ScottKRainCT: I saw you mail.08:05
ScottKRainCT: Thanks for doing it.08:06
RainCTno problem :)08:06
norsettoKmos: there is no point in repeating, people have seen it marco08:06
RainCTit's good to improve my bash ;P08:07
ScottKRainCT: One of the script sets there that I find very useful are Laserjock's pbuilder-release scripts.  They could use just a bit of work if you want to have a look at making them a bit more generalized.08:09
RainCTScottK:  ok, give me the url please08:10
ScottKRainCT: I don't know where to find them on LP.  I got them from http://revu.tauware.de/~laserjock/08:11
RainCTOpenDNS says it doesn't exist :/08:14
ScottKOdd.  I click on it and I get the page.08:14
RainCTnow :)08:16
ScottKYou got it?08:16
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RainCTso what do you suggest about those?08:19
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ScottKWell they are a bit rough (not sure ~/pbuilder is the best place to store stuff) and could use some documentation.08:26
RainCT(@ ScottK)08:26
ScottKThey IME make setting up a pbuilder that includes Universe much easier.08:26
LucidFoxall right, suppose I want to translate an Ubuntu package for which LP says "No translatable templates available"08:29
LucidFoxwhere should I start?08:29
RainCTScottK: what's about only one and call it as   pbuilder-(somewhat?) <distribution> <operation>  or is    pbuilder-<distro> <operation> like now better?08:32
ScottKPossibly.  I haven't thought it through in detail, but that's the sort of thing I was thinking of.08:33
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RainCTok, will have a look on it08:40
AndyPoh that's handy, debian uploaded a new syck version that fixes the FTBFS on ia64 about an hour ago08:48
SeveasRainCT, that's how I use my pbuidlers :)08:52
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Seveashttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32396/ - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32397/08:54
Seveasand symlinks to it are called feisty-build.sh / feisty-seveas-build.sh etc.08:54
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RainCTis it possible to undo a local bzr commit?09:11
RainCTok found it :p09:11
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DarkSun88Hi all09:14
ScottKAndyP: Feel free to ping me to ack the syck sync.09:15
AndyPScottK: will do, thanks. just waiting for it to pop up in the debian archives first09:22
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LaserJockafternoon MOTU Land09:59
AndyPhey LaserJock 10:00
LaserJocksiretart: you around?10:01
LaserJockhi AndyP :-)10:01
siretartLaserJock: somewhat, yes10:02
LaserJocksiretart: sorry to make you sad :/10:03
siretartLaserJock: nah, you know how I meant it - I felt like writing provocative maills this week ;)10:03
LaserJockseems i do too ;-)10:04
ScottKHeya LaserJock.10:04
LaserJockah, hi ScottK 10:05
LaserJockI'd really like us to get something to move ahead on10:05
ScottKLaserJock: Did you see the mail I sent about your pbuilder-release scripts?10:06
LaserJockScottK: yes, although I'm not entirely sure what to do, I just tweaked the pbuilder example script10:06
siretartdid you guys see my response to that? ;)10:06
LaserJockhere's maybe what I would propose10:07
LaserJockwe can do a wiki page of scripts that we have10:07
LaserJockand scripts we need10:07
LaserJockthen we can decide what needs to go into devscripts10:07
LaserJockand what maybe is more appropriate in a ubuntu-dev-tools package10:07
ScottKLaserJock: Maybe put a license on them that's the same as the example scripts and mark them down C you and whoever owns the examples....10:08
ScottKLaserJock: Sounds reasonable.10:08
LaserJockScottK: do you think just adding mine in to the pbuilder package would work?10:08
ScottKThat's another option.10:08
ScottKIt'd have to install them in a useful location I think.10:09
LaserJockI'm not sure if it's good to add in a bunch of Ubuntu stuff to existing Debian packages10:09
LaserJockthat's why I liked having our own package10:09
siretartLaserJock: why not? It feels natural to me10:09
ScottKWell devscripts already has a signficant Ubuntu diff, so I don't see a problem there.10:10
siretartif debians takes it, great, if not, well, *shrug*10:10
LaserJocksiretart: well, I just don't want to be a bother to Debian, and we have to maintain the diff10:10
LaserJocksome stuff Debian has picked up well10:10
LaserJocklike lintian stuff10:10
siretartLaserJock: we don't patch here, but only add additional scripts. that's easy to maintain10:10
siretartactually hanging stuff is whats hard10:11
LaserJockwell, in any case, we can decide where stuff should go10:11
ScottKAnd in the case of your pbuilder scripts there is actually one that's useful to Debian in there.10:11
LaserJockbut it'd be nice to make an inventory of what we have10:11
LaserJockand what we need10:11
LaserJockand then clean it up and document it10:12
LaserJockmaybe I'm dumb, but I don't know what half the stuff in the ubuntu-dev-tools bzr branch does10:12
ScottKI agree.  I also think it'd be nice to start doing some stuff and not just navel gaze.10:12
LaserJockI do everything manually10:12
=== ScottK too.
ScottKExcept make a new pbuilder.10:12
LaserJockI can't even get requestsync to work10:13
LaserJockbut I can totally see how this could be much better for MOTUs and MOTU hopefuls10:13
siretartperhaps we should maintain and envforce a policy, that every new script for ubuntu-dev-tools needs to have a prooper manpage before being merged to the main branch10:13
siretartoh, and actually writing manpages could be a good idea as well ;)10:14
LaserJockone of the things I've been thinking about for some time now, is that it's easier to enforce policy and formating via scripts than it is via wiki page10:14
LaserJockand I think it also helps be consistent because we can tweak the underlying policy by updating a script without it being a big deal10:14
LaserJockScottK: I agree though that we just need to start doing something, rather than arguing over things that really don't matter much until we get somewhere10:15
ScottKRight.  That's why I'm kind of hyper focused on the pbuilder scripts.  They are WAY easier than the official Ubuntu How-To,10:16
LaserJockwell, I thought so10:16
LaserJockI haven't touched a pbuilderrc in ages10:16
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ScottKAnd if I haven't said it before, Thank you for putting them together.10:16
LaserJockScottK: well, the debian one is basically what's shipped with pbuilder10:17
LaserJockit's just that nobody seems to know about it10:17
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ScottKMost of the arguing though is strategic stuff.  And we do need some consensus on a basic direction before we get to far.10:17
ScottKMaybe while RainCT is looking at your scripts, he'll update the wiki too to make them more famous.10:18
LaserJockwell, IMO, I think we can build community around these scripts and work our way up to the web apps10:18
LaserJockregardless of what basic direction we head I think we need to start out at the same point10:19
LaserJockfigure out what we need and start coding10:19
LaserJockthen when we have something then we can talk to Debian or move some stuff to LP, whatever10:19
LaserJockbut it's kinda pointless I guess at this stage10:20
ScottKI do think it'd be worthwhile to talk to Debian in the meantime and see if the revu code would be useful for the direction they are headed with mentors.  This has come up on the debian-mentors list.10:20
LaserJockperhaps they'd be interested in helping with REVU2, who knows10:21
LaserJockit's totally true that we have a very similar need10:21
LaserJockand use practically the same tools10:22
LaserJockso the idea is appealing to me10:22
LaserJockI just don't know how it would work out in practice10:22
ScottKEven if we run separate instances, working on maintenance and development toghether would still be a good thing.10:23
LaserJockmhm, like we do  (or should)  with packages10:24
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ScottKWell I can tell you that for every package I've brought to Ubuntu, I've later gone to Debian with a Debian version and got it uploaded or I know someone else is already working on it.10:24
desertcHello - intrepid package maintainers!  I come to query your package knowledge about Ekiga, the open source VoIP client.10:27
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desertcHow can I check what version is anticipated in Gutsy?  It seems Feisty is using 2.0.3 and the Ekiga developers feel this is a little ancient.  (s)he would like to see Ubuntu using a more recent version.10:29
LaserJockok, I'm working on a wiki page right now. gimme a few minutes and I'll have you guys look at it10:29
=== imbrandon yawns
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AndyPdesertc: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ekiga tells you the versions uploaded and their status10:31
desertcAndyP: thanks, I'll bookmark that10:32
desertcSo, 2.0.9 will be in Gutsy, if I am reading this correctly.10:32
ScottKimbrandon: I really need that colo information.  One of my current providers is just sucking dead bunnies and about to cost me customers....10:32
desertcThis seems to be in-line with what recommendations I am hearing from Ekiga maintainer.  Thank you!10:33
AndyPdesertc: at least. it's in main though so a little off-topic for this channel10:33
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LaserJockScottK, siretart, everybody: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevTools10:41
=== ScottK looks
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Seveasimbrandon, heya!10:45
ScottKMan.  I really wish I'd know about 404main when I was doing the pinentry MIR.10:46
LaserJockhence why we need to get these script in good shape and plastered all over everywhere ;-)10:47
LaserJockI'd also like to see lucas's mdt in there somewhere too10:48
Seveasimbrandon, I need you as sponsor pretty soon10:48
LaserJockanybody know how I should go about licensing my pbuilder script thing?10:52
LaserJockthe original has nothing, but it's in pbuilder so I'm assuming it's GPL10:52
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ScottKI'd say it's whatever pbuilder is.11:01
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jribdoes anyone know if the source code for revu available somewhere?11:12
ScottKYes, It's on Launchpad in a bzr branch somewhere.11:13
jribScottK, LaserJock: thanks11:14
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KmosCan someone look at this one - http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6327 (it fix the build of the package)11:19
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ryanakcaHow do you enable patch support in a debhelper rules?11:31
ScottKDepends on the patch system.11:31
=== ryanakca wonders why the world doesn't switch to CDBS
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=== ryanakca randomly picks one
ScottKDon't do that.11:31
man-diryanakca: because its hard to use11:31
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ryanakcaquilt or dpatch?11:31
ScottKIs it a CBDS package.11:31
man-diryanakca: you need to read its source code to understand it11:32
ScottKThen probabyl dpatch.11:32
chuypartimage is not working properly, what should I do?11:32
ryanakcadebhelper, otherwise I'd use cdbs-edit-patch11:32
ScottKchuy: Help is in #ubuntu.11:32
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chuyScottK, yeah but it is a bug, so I need no help11:32
ryanakcaman-di: nah, you just look at https://perso.duckcorp.org/duck/cdbs-doc/cdbs-doc.xhtml ... very simple11:32
ScottKThen file a bug.11:33
ScottKryanakca: For the stuff that's there, yes.11:33
ScottKryanakca: There are a lot of other knobs that you only find in the source.11:33
=== ryanakca guesses he's never had to use those knobs :)
ScottKCDBS works very well for the use cases that were considered in it's design.11:33
ScottKWonder off the reservation a bit and it gets hard because it's pretty opaque.11:34
ryanakcaSo, how do I use dpatch? I'm looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PatchingSources , but, make: *** No rule to make target `unpatch'.  Stop.11:35
asisakryanakca: what do you want to do11:35
ScottKThe best thing to do is find a package already using it and crib.11:35
ScottKplagairism is the sincerest form of flattery after all.11:36
man-diryanakca: https://perso.duckcorp.org/duck/cdbs-doc/cdbs-doc.xhtml11:37
man-diryanakca: it paints a wrong picture of CDBS11:37
man-diryanakca: it makes it look easy but there are too many traps in it11:37
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ScottKAs with many black box systems, CDBS is either simple or impossible and sometimes it's not easy to tell which situation you're in.11:42
SeveasScottK, indeed11:43
man-diScottK: yeah11:43
man-diScottK: I use CDBS in a lot of packages11:43
Seveasif you don't need things that are hard to do with CDBS, CDBS is nice11:43
man-diScottK: but for some packages its near to impossible to use it11:43
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Seveasryanakca, use quilt instead of dpatch :)11:43
AndyPScottK: syck sync is now bug #13023011:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130230 in syck "Please sync syck (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13023011:45
ScottKAndyP: Did you build it?11:46
AndyPScottK: yep, and checked the debian build logs11:46
Seveasspeaking of building: allow me to spam http://blogs.ubuntu-nl.org/dennis/2007/08/03/package-build-coordination/11:46
ScottKAndyP: You need to include the full debian/changelog entries, not just the little experpt that you have.11:47
Seveasit might be useful to MOTU who need to test on multiple archtectures :)11:48
LaserJockSeveas: wow, neat11:48
AndyPScottK: that's it apart from the signature (i was lazy and copied from the changes11:48
SeveasLaserJock, neat is the word indeed11:48
ScottKBut that's not clear to anyone else and so you leave them wondering.11:48
Seveasbut it'll be uberneat ;)11:48
Seveaswhat's the deadline for NEW packages in universe?11:50
Seveasimbrandon wants to sponsor falcon and get it in there11:51
AndyPScottK: done11:51
justinwrayScottK, I noticed you were a member of the Maryland Loco, are you still in Maryland?11:52
ScottKI am.11:53
justinwraySmall world, Baltimore, born and raised11:53
LaserJockSeveas: August 30th11:53
justinwrayWhy did you leave the LoCo?11:53
ryanakcaSeveas: ok, thanks11:54
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ScottKIt didn't seem that active and always meets on Thursday nights.  I have another standing commitment on Thursdays, so there was no way I could ever make it to a meeting.11:54
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SeveasLaserJock, then I must hurry :)11:54
justinwrayGotcha, what part of MD are you from?11:55
ScottKThat and it had joined a Launchpad team that didn't interest me at all (I don't recall which) and I felt like it mis-stated my interest.11:55
JazzvaDo I need to provide copyright info in debian/copyright for the package configuration files?11:55
ScottKI'm in Ellicott City.  I move here from Bowie last year.11:55
ScottKJazzva: It's not required, but it's encouraged.11:55
JazzvaScottK: Thanks...11:56
justinwrayAh, okay.  A large group of people at work are in Bowie.11:56
ScottKAre you still in Baltimore then?11:56
justinwrayYes sir, I really live in Balto Co (Southern), but yes.11:57
ScottKAh.  11:58
norsettojustinwray: can I have a word with you?12:00
ryanakcaSeveas: ok, so, for quilt I just need to make the patch and then add 'quilt' to build-dep?12:00
justinwraynorsetto, Yes sir.12:00
Seveasryanakca, no, you shour read the quilt docs in /usr/share/doc/quilt/ -- it's not hard12:01
Seveasbut quilt is really nice12:01
=== ryanakca nods, thanks
_MMA_ScottK: Bowie MD?12:02
_MMA_Oh I see now. I grew up in Upper Marlboro.12:03
ScottKWhere are you now?12:04
_MMA_I moved Raleigh NC. 10 mins from RedHat HQ. :)12:04
_MMA_Home prices became too much in Md.12:05
_MMA_I made 100k is 2 years on a townhome then moved down here.12:06
justinwrayLand in this area, anywhere from here to Washington, let alone PA, is absurd.12:07
_MMA_N.C. is awesome though.12:07
sacaterhey guys, sorry to bother asking this, but what is my total karma say on launchpad (http://launchpad.net/~sacater/+karma)12:07
sacateri think i may have found a glitch in the karma system12:07
norsettoIts too much in any case Sam .....12:08
sacateri had 11000 when questions was brought around12:08
sacaterbut ive been watching it for 3 days and it hasnt budged12:08
sacaterup or down12:08
ScottKsacater: It's really more of a #launchpad question than a MOTU question.12:09
sacaterhowever irssi has kjammed and this is the only channel i can talk on atm12:10
sacateranyway gtg nowe12:10

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