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sbalneavEvening all06:02
=== buntu [n=ty@cpe-74-77-200-98.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
buntuis it possible to change the ubuntu icon to the gnome foot?07:30
sbalneavYou mean on the applications menu?07:58
sbalneavbuntu: You mean on the applications menu?08:01
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sbalneavMorning all01:30
juliuxhi sbalneav01:35
encompasssbalneav: Good Morning01:36
=== tck [n=tck@213-202-169-113.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavogra: ping01:56
ograsbalneav, no my way out (susie is waiting)02:03
ograwhats up ?02:03
sbalneavltsp-build-client breaks.02:03
sbalneavGet:214 http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main ltsp-client 5.0.22 [31.2kB] 02:03
sbalneavFetched 37.1MB in 2m23s (259kB/s)02:03
sbalneavExtracting templates from packages: 100%02:03
sbalneavPreconfiguring packages ...02:03
sbalneavFATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.22-9-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory02:03
sbalneavopenpty failed02:03
ogranot here02:03
sbalneavJust tried it 5 minutes ago.02:04
ograi did try it yesterday, looks like the kernel package might be broken02:04
sbalneavOut you go with Susie.02:05
sbalneavGive her my love.02:05
ograaccording to gutsy-changes there was a linux-source upload02:05
ogramight be that something failed to build or so02:05
sbalneavso it'll correct itself.02:06
ogralinux-source-2.6.22 (2.6.22-9.25)02:06
ograthat happens in the second download process, right ?02:06
ograthats 100'% wrong02:08
ograwe dont use -generic at all02:08
ograhow does that get in there ?02:08
=== ogra goes shooping, will look later
sbalneavafk, breakfast02:10
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=== _Roman [n=roman@] has joined #edubuntu
_RomanI have just installed ltsp on my feisty machine.  It works fine, I was able to connect a client to in instantly with no problems on the client side.  However when I come to login to the server directly, it take ages to login and complains that it can not connect to gnome-settings-daemon.  Once logged in, everything runs really slowly.  Can anyone help?03:25
=== SimonAnibal_ [n=sruiz@pool-71-120-170-158.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #edubuntu
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sbalneavogra: Back from shopping?07:35
=== pauljw [n=paul@pool98.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu
stgraberhi cbx3307:45
sbalneavMy chroot won't build.07:48
sbalneavAnd like a schmuck, I erased my old one.07:49
sbalneavI'm stalled on ldm2 until I get this fixed.07:49
stgraberargh, so no more working chroot ?07:49
sbalneavno :)07:49
sbalneavSo used to typing the othe one.07:49
stgraberget a previous version of ltsp from the archives and build one again, isn't an option ?07:50
sbalneavYeah. it is.  Just slows me down :)07:51
sbalneavActually, maybe not.  Looks like it's a kernel upgrade that broke it.07:52
encompassHi guys, I am making pystart for GSoC and have an interesting GTK/Glade question: what is "File System Backend:" option in a fileChooserButton in Glade?07:54
encompasscbx33: howdy boss07:54
stgraberencompass: No real idea, maybe it's to choose which VFS you want to use gnome-vfs or the other one (gvfs ?)08:01
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encompassstgraber: cool, if you don't know, I doubt I need to know yet :D08:34
=== mikekrosoft [n=mikekros@customer-200-33-142-33.uninet.net.mx] has joined #edubuntu
mikekrosofthello there...08:59
mikekrosoftquick question...08:59
sbalneavogra: Back yet?10:14
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LaserJockogra: wahoo, new dailies \o/11:11
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sbalneavogra: ping11:29
LaserJockhi sbalneav11:30
sbalneavhey laserjock.11:30
sbalneavHow's it going?11:31
LaserJockI got my Addon CD enhancements on the new daily11:31
sbalneavltsp-build-client breaks horribly, so I'm not good :(11:31
sbalneavOh, cool11:31
LaserJockthat's no good11:31
sbalneavAnd ogra's probably sleeping by now.  Woe is me.11:31
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