
fdovingso, i'm building glib, again.12:28
nixternalhaving fun yet?12:30
fdovingthis time i'm sure i'll make it work.12:30
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mhbmanchicken: ooh, adept offered me to resolve a problem ... and then crashed.12:38
manchickenReally?  Got a stack trace or a use case?12:38
mhbmanchicken: well, I'll file a bug later.12:40
manchickenSweet.  Thanks.12:40
mhbmanchicken: I'm pretty busy fixing my own code (which triggered this)12:40
manchickenI'll take care of it when I get a chance.12:40
mhbmanchicken: thanks!12:41
fdovingmanchicken: know c/gtk/glib ?12:56
manchickenfdoving: a bit.12:56
manchickenWhat's up?12:56
manchickenI know C :)12:56
manchickenGTK and glib are just libraries :)12:56
ubotuNovell bug 294385 in KDE "nspluginviewer block konqueror and takes 100% CPU" [Critical,Assigned] 12:56
fdovingi think https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=294385#c19 is the most usefull comment.12:56
fdovingthe rafb-paste is the function with the not-exiting loop-12:57
fdovingline 13-1512:57
fdovingany idea why?12:57
fdovingit's all in the glib2.0 source package.12:57
fdovingin glib/gthread.c, ~ line 21412:58
fdovinggutsy that is.12:58
fdovingi'm stuck.12:58
fdovingand #gtk+ on irc.gimp.org went silent after i asked about it.12:59
manchickenKinda looks like you've got an iterator and not a value...12:59
manchickenOr something like that...12:59
manchickenWait, nevermind.12:59
manchickenthe value_location and the data pointer are at the same location.12:59
manchickenSorry, I'm kinda clueless on that one....01:00
fdovingyeah, me too. thanks for trying. :)01:00
manchickenI'd just try to watch it as it walks through the loop.01:01
fdovingi'll justr ty to ingore it till the novell hackers sort it out.01:04
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mhbooh, configurability01:50
mhbsimple question: why do we have Konqueror Tabs always on?01:51
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DaSkreechHa ha05:06
DaSkreechguys on Digg just assume that if someone mentions linux and KDE they mean Kubuntu05:06
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nixternalinteresting...OOo works fine on my Ubuntu box, but not my Kubuntu box05:22
DaSkreechthe only reason I put up with OOo is cause I decided I want kubuntu-desktop05:25
DaSkreechgreat will be the day we ship with Koffice05:25
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DaSkreechDo we have a set of requirements for that btw?05:36
nixternalthere are a lot of Main merges yet...05:43
nixternalfor KOffice?05:43
nixternalthere was a spec when imbrandon presented it at UDS Mt. View05:44
nixternalother than that, I don't know05:44
nixternalI would probably guess KDE 4 and KOffice 2 possibly05:44
nixternalas it stands, I am not a huge fan of KOffice 1.x05:44
ScottKUntil KOffice can deal with MS Office formats reasonably well, there's no way we'll switch.05:47
ScottKHey there nixternal.05:50
nixternalwell howdy05:51
nixternalhow goes the east coast this evening?05:51
ScottKReasonably well.05:52
nixternalit has finally cooled down here this evening05:52
ScottKI had a customer (a ~20 person company) that was giving my service a try for the last couple of weeks go from one account to 6 today.05:52
nixternalrock on!05:52
ScottKBasically all the offsite employees05:53
nixternalGhostscript has been released..the new version, awaiting a core-dev :)05:53
ScottKHe's sick and tired of having to figure out unique ISP configs for each one and then having mail get lost in spam filters because the ISP MTAs are blacklisted.05:53
ScottKI'm wondering about this http://www.linux-watch.com/news/NS2396922192.html05:54
nixternalit is looking pretty cool..I grabbed the beta to check out..I was impressed05:54
nixternallets see..the last time I used Project, was probably 1998/199905:54
ScottKCan we get it packaged for Gutsy?05:55
nixternalyup...sabdfl will want that I am sure05:55
nixternalsabdfl has done some stuff when them I guess since he was intereviewed/asked about it05:56
nixternalI seen a planet link I think...05:56
ScottKI wonder who's working on it....05:56
nixternaland qt-jambi05:57
ScottKWell I was thinking me until I figured out it was a Java thing and I fled in terror.05:58
nixternaljava is good stuff..it is getting better05:59
nixternalI just took a java class and it was rather enjoyable actually05:59
ScottKYeah, but you like Vista, so I consider the source.05:59
nixternalI am glad I kept an open mind going into it05:59
nixternalhow could I like something I have never used?06:00
ScottKWell my experience06:00
ScottKwith java apps has been they are slow and annoying.06:00
=== ScottK was kidding about the Vista.
nixternalno you weren't..that damn Hobbsee and crimsun06:01
ScottKOf course I also bitch about LP being slow and annoying06:02
ScottKbut that's because it is.06:02
DaSkreechScottK: I know that's why we ship the Koffice Databse. It's the one that best handles Access06:16
ScottKThat would be a good reason.06:17
DaSkreechThat sucks :(06:17
DaSkreechchoosing open source software not based on features but how well it can open some propietary file made a few years ago06:21
DaSkreechnixternal: Doesn't Gnome already have a Project ... ermm umm Project?06:21
nixternalI have no clue...what is Gnome?06:21
nixternalwe don't ship kexi anymore06:22
DaSkreechWouldn't know I installed the whole Koffice suite and use it06:22
nixternalall you have under office in gutsy is Kontact and the OOo stuff06:22
nixternalthey finally have OOo Draw in there06:22
ScottKWell ALL of my customers use MS Office and we e-mail stuff back and forth.06:23
ScottKOffice file format compatibility is 100% essential for me.06:23
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DaSkreechfdoving: Ping06:47
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mhbgood afternoon to all12:41
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Riddellhi mhb01:51
Hobbseehiya Riddell01:51
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Riddellg'day sheila01:51
Riddellooh, kde4base built on feisty01:52
Riddellanyone want to test it out?01:52
nosrednaekimI would love too.... but I can't DL it.01:53
Riddellnosrednaekim: why not?01:53
nosrednaekimI'll get it monday or tuesday though and test it out.01:54
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Riddellwaa, not working in my chroot02:21
nosrednaekimlast time I tried updateing KDE4, kdelibs5 wouldn't even install02:40
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apacheloggernixternal: -(~/devel/deb/alpha/amarok2:$)-> ./snap_amarok2.rb03:21
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Palihi, i have a problem with my webcam03:50
mhbPali: #kubuntu or #ubuntu is the place to ask03:51
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lnxkdeI am downloading KDE4 beta 1 now :)04:07
Riddelllnxkde: feisty or gutsy?04:09
lnxkdeshould I try in gusty?04:09
lnxkdegusty with kde4?04:09
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nixternalRiddell: on the Kubuntu Keyboard spec, can you briefly explain "macros" and "one button key selection" so I can communicate it back to the kvkbd dev?04:11
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Riddellnixternal: try onboard04:12
Riddellmacros let you do series of key sequences with one key04:12
nixternalhe has an updated app with the resizing issue taken care of as well as the numeric pad layer functions04:12
nixternalahhh, OK04:12
nixternalso the macros and the one button key selection go together then04:12
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Hobbsee[00:03]  <HerrK> i'm just wondering, since there are kubuntu packages out there, but no debian ones...04:12
Hobbsee[00:04]  <ana> HerrK: kubuntu has a paid person to make the packages04:12
Hobbsee[00:05]  <HerrK> i know, but Debian has the community ;)04:12
Riddellone button is if you're stephen hawking and only have one way to press a button, so the keyboard has selections letters in a grid with a timed selection moving sideways then after a click downwards04:13
Hobbseethat really makes me shudder.04:13
Hobbseeand sigh04:13
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RiddellHobbsee: why?04:14
nixternalHobbsee: hahah, ana said "you are the community" hahahahaha04:14
nosrednaekimRiddell: question, I was looking through the listing for KDE4 and I see that package kde4libs it still at 3.80. is that no longer a dependency of KDE4?04:16
Riddellnosrednaekim: it's kdelibs5 now04:17
nosrednaekimah ok.04:17
nosrednaekimI guess since it got renamed, synaptic still shows the old kde4libs. Thanks.04:18
lnxkdeguys with this beta of kde will gusty be able to ship with kde4?04:19
Riddellthere will be a kde 4 CD04:19
lnxkdenice :)04:19
lnxkdenow I am starting to cry04:19
lnxkdebecause Is the most important thing I have been waiting for the last 6 months04:20
lnxkdena just kidding04:20
nixternalhaha, you aren't kidding..you really are crying :)04:20
nixternaltears of joy!04:21
Riddelllnxkde: have you got it working?04:21
lnxkdeRiddell, kde4?04:21
lnxkdedownloading it at 200k at sec right now04:21
lnxkdeIK moved from cable to dsl in my home and my dsl modem havent gotten home yet so I have to download my things at work ....04:22
lnxkde2 weeks without Internet at home is like hell there....04:22
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nixternalryanakca: did we approve your vacation request? :D04:25
ryanakcanixternal: nah04:25
nixternalthen you don't get to go on vacation!04:26
nixternalnow get back to hackin' :)04:26
nixternalOK, you can go camping, but our only request is this....we want a great picture with something Kubuntu or KDE in it04:26
=== ryanakca grumbles about it all being his dad's fault
ryanakcaEh, sure :)04:26
HobbseeRiddell: that they view that kubuntu doesnt have a community - that it's an either/or04:27
nixternalwe need a good environmental picture for upcoming releases04:27
=== ryanakca brings his kubuntu stickers and some blue markers
nixternalHobbsee: I think Kubuntu actually has a larger KDE community than Debian...or am I not seeing the bigger picture?04:27
nosrednaekimwhere do they say Kubuntu doesn't have a comunity?04:27
Hobbseenixternal: it probably does. j ust ana's attitude04:27
=== ryanakca gone
=== nosrednaekim gets his fighting attitude on
Hobbseenosrednaekim: they infer it04:27
nixternalhave fun ryanakca04:27
nixternalbe safe, and watch out for Bears04:27
lnxkdelets kick ana's  )(&^$#)(^$#04:27
nixternalthe Chicago Bears04:28
ryanakcanixternal: cheers :D04:28
tomaHobbsee: that's the reason i'm not there much anymore04:28
Hobbseetoma: ah, right.04:28
nixternalanother thing that HerrK doesn't realise, he is using KVirc in Debian, and it hasn't had the security patches installed yet either :)04:34
nixternaljeesh, I love when authors don't do the make -f Makefile.* to create configure04:35
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lnxkdeKDE4 here05:05
nixternaland, how do you like it?05:05
=== nixternal needs to hurry up and update his SVN checkout already
lnxkdenice so far05:06
lnxkdeneed the theme05:07
lnxkdelook like I can live here exept for the lack of the system tray05:09
Riddellsigh, I don't know if he tested feisty05:25
nixternalRiddell: he said feisty quite a few lines up when you first questioned him05:28
Riddelloh, did I miss that?05:39
Riddellso he did05:39
Riddellgroovy, lets put this thing on the front page then05:39
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:mhb] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | KDE 4.0 beta 1 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php
fdovinghi all.05:53
fdovingcongrats to the buildds on the kde4 compile :)05:54
fdovingand buhu to automatix after mjg59s quick review.05:57
ScottKI'm glad he did the review.  I looked at the source and if anything he was kind.06:02
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fdovingnixternal: if you're interessted in what change in glib made nspluginviewer stop working, it's this: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6504106:33
ubotuGnome bug 65041 in gobject "_get_type() functions aren't thread safe" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] 06:33
nixternalgood find!06:34
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nixternalnew kvkbd (0.4) uploaded07:05
nixternalnumpad layer added and now resizable07:06
apacheloggernixternal: I just need to port the docbook fechting from old amarok release script and then I can start packaging :D07:36
apacheloggertranslations are already properly fetched and included into cmakelists07:36
=== apachelogger wanders off to dinner
nosrednaekimheh, guys, with your help, i'll beat my gentooized brother to having amarok. :)07:37
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apacheloggernosrednaekim: hm... how is that supposed to work out?07:57
nosrednaekimoh, I  thought you guys were working on packaging amarok 2.007:57
apacheloggerwell, yes07:58
apacheloggerwe have an advantage over gentoo... diego (their maintainer) is not going to release an amarok snapshot unless I provide an official tarball ^_^07:59
nixternalapachelogger: ouch! so you can pwn genwho if you want ey? :)08:08
apacheloggerit's an advantage to be the release dictator ;-)08:09
apacheloggernixternal: actually screw the docs, KDE doesn't know how to manage them in 4.x yet08:09
=== apachelogger starts packaging
nixternalhey, watch what you are saying about the docs :)08:10
=== nixternal sets a blocking bit in KHC for KDE 4 against Amarok (urlredirect->itunes.com)
nixternalactually, that wouldn't be as fun, maybe I will link it to Media Player Help at MS.DOH08:11
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fdovingDaSkreech: you pinged some hours ago?09:27
DaSkreechfdoving: Yeah I was just  thinking about that :)09:28
DaSkreechcompile finished? :-)09:28
fdovingnah, failed. and i didn't investigate.09:29
DaSkreechDag nab it09:29
lnxkdeDaSkreech: sup09:30
DaSkreechlnxkde: Me finally09:30
lnxkdeDaSkreech: ?? finally what?09:32
DaSkreechIs up :-)09:32
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stdinRiddell: is network-manager-kde supposed to replace knetworkmanager (in kubuntu-desktop)?09:34
lnxkdeDaSkreech: lol09:35
Riddellstdin: it's the same thing, tonio swapped round the package names09:36
Riddellso yes, it should have a replaces09:36
stdinaptitude and apt don't want to remove knetworkmanager in favour or it tho09:37
ScottKRiddell: Would you have a moment for a spot of archive admin work?09:46
ScottKlighttpd 1.4.11-3ubuntu3.2 has been a pending SRU for a very long time and it's just got it's 2nd upcheck.  We've got a pending security update we're working for lighttpd and if we could get this pubilshed, we'd only have to do 3, not 4 versions....09:47
RiddellScottK: bug number?09:47
ScottKBug #6840109:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 68401 in lighttpd "Cannot remove the lighttpd pkg from Edgy Eft" [Medium,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6840109:48
ScottKSorry I forgot that.09:48
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faboRiddell: do you see any rationale for splitting kde4 plugin for designer ?09:51
faboin another package, indeed ;)09:51
Riddellnot really09:55
RiddellScottK: but with you shortly09:55
ScottKI guessed.09:57
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RiddellScottK: ok, so what do you want me to do?10:05
ScottKPublish the SRU now that we have two upchecks.10:05
ScottKto dapper-updates10:05
Riddellhmm, I wonder how I do that10:05
ScottKI understand there's some magic ability to copy stuff from *-proposed to *-updates, but I've no idea how one does it.10:06
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Riddelldoesn't seem to be documented and nobody is awake to tell me10:09
RiddellScottK: please upload to -updates and give me the debdiff between -proposed and -updates10:09
Riddelljust add a new changelog entry10:09
RiddellI should be able to let it through10:09
ScottKOK.  I'll do that.10:10
ScottKIt's been quite a while since I built anything for dapper, so it'll take me a bit to update my pbuilder.10:13
RiddellScottK: it shouldn't need to be run through pbuilder, just make sure the debdiff has no changes except changelog10:14
Riddellalthough it wouldn't hurt10:14
ScottKThere've been a number of dapper updates since that SRU was built, so I'd feel better test building it first.10:16
ScottKRiddell: Uploaded and the debdiff is in the bug.10:33
ScottKBug #6840110:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 68401 in lighttpd "Cannot remove the lighttpd pkg from Edgy Eft" [Medium,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6840110:33
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RiddellScottK: accepted10:42
ScottKCool.  Riddell: Thanks.10:45
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LaserJockhas anybody tried kde4edu yet?11:17
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nixternalfor edubuntu or in general?11:19
LaserJockin general11:22
nixternalya, my daughter uses it11:22
LaserJockI was thinking of giving it a whirl, it'll be important for Edubuntu in the future I imagine ;-)11:23
nixternalit is pretty good...there are some decent apps there that my x says my daughter uses quite frequently11:23
nixternaland not imbrandon's favorite, mr. potatoe head either :)11:23
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ScottKLaserJock: If I report a MOTU relevant LP bug and they milestone it right away, there's no need to bug you with adding it to your list, is there?11:24
nixternalleaves LaserJocky alone, he is on vacation :)11:25
ScottKI'm finding report a bug, sit in #Launchpad and wait for it to scroll by, and then jump in on the conversation about it works pretty well.11:25
LaserJockScottK: well, not particularly, but it might help me keep track. What's the number?11:26
ScottKWell he said he still wanted inputs on his bug list and I don't want to "bug" him with stuff he doesn't want.11:26
=== ScottK looks.
LaserJockScottK: don't worry I have to worry about nixternal more than you ;-)11:26
nixternaloh really now11:27
ScottKBug 130220 Bug 13022211:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130220 in launchpad "LP marks bugs fix released multiple times and sends multiple mails when a bug number appears in more than one .changes file" [High,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13022011:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130222 in malone "Update notification mail "From" the reporter is sent when LP closes a bug from changelog." [High,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13022211:27
ScottKJust remember my LP motto: "Since it's not Free, the least I can do is complain a lot."11:27
LaserJockScottK: heah, I have no problem with that ;-)11:28
LaserJocknixternal: so I was reading http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php11:35
LaserJockcan I put those exports in my .bashrc?11:35
LaserJockor will that mess up KDE311:35
nixternalit would mess up kde311:36
LaserJockalright, that's what I was kinda thinking11:36
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=== Nightrose [n=lydia@amarok/rokymotion/nightrose] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@pD950C5C1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-55-253.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel

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