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AndyP | hey folks, how come it says "Not yet built" for packages that have been built on https://launchpad.net/~andy-price/+packages ? | 01:16 |
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kiko | AndyP, that's a bug! how weird | 01:34 |
AndyP | kiko: want me to open a bug report? | 01:36 |
kiko | AndyP, yes, please. that's really weird | 01:36 |
AndyP | okie dokie | 01:36 |
AndyP | https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/130276 - short and sweet | 01:41 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 130276 in launchpad "Packages listed as "Not yet built" when they have been built" [Undecided,New] | 01:41 |
kiko | thanks AndyP | 01:42 |
kiko | I'll look into it | 01:42 |
AndyP | cheers | 01:42 |
ubotu | New bug: #130276 in launchpad "Packages listed as "Not yet built" when they have been built" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130276 | 01:50 |
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ubotu | New bug: #130285 in launchpad "most active in should disregard deleted projects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130285 | 03:06 |
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sep1318 | SteveA: ping | 03:22 |
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RuN_IN_DesErt | any body here ? | 09:55 |
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kblin | durnit. I can't find the bug about supporting the google code issue tracker. :) | 10:11 |
kblin | ah, there | 10:14 |
kblin | always the moment after you ask in IRC :) | 10:14 |
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ubotu | New bug: #130403 in launchpad "No Sound" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130403 | 08:46 |
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jelmer | how long should it take for malone to respond to an email to close a couple of bugs? | 08:53 |
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ubotu | New bug: #130408 in malone "Confirmation emails for malone email interface" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130408 | 08:55 |
jelmer | hmm, weird, new@bugs.launchpad.net is quicker than edit@bugs.launchpad.net... | 08:55 |
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ubotu | New bug: #130384 in gnome-app-install "Pot file updating not working" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130384 | 10:21 |
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ianm_ | I have a few projects in gnome svn, and I'm about to launch a new one, and I'd like to use launchpad for bug tracking, translation, etc. would it make more sense to put it in gnome svn or can it go directly into launchpad ? | 10:33 |
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mpt | ianm_, Launchpad can host Bazaar repositories, not Subversion repositories, though it can make a Bazaar mirror of a Subversion branch you have elsewhere | 11:22 |
ianm_ | I have no strong preference between the two | 11:23 |
mpt | jelmer, when you change an existing bug report (by whatever method), Launchpad waits for five minutes in case you make further changes, so it can batch the notifications. | 11:23 |
jelmer | mpt: that makes sense, but it would be nice if Bazaar could at least confirm that the commands I gave were valid | 11:23 |
mpt | I thought it did the same when you report a new bug, but perhaps it doesn't. | 11:24 |
jelmer | I just got hit again by the fact that " bug 42\n status fixreleased\n" doesn't work | 11:24 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 42 in malone "Bug description listed in task is not the correct description" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42 - Assigned to Brad Bollenbach (bradb) | 11:24 |
mpt | jelmer, what does Bazaar have to do with it? | 11:24 |
jelmer | (because " affects /products/bzr-svn" is missing) | 11:24 |
jelmer | mpt: uhm, s/Bazaar/Launchpad :-) | 11:24 |
mpt | ianm_, we don't have strong integration between Launchpad's Bazaar hosting and the rest of Launchpad at the moment, though it will become stronger in the future. | 11:26 |
mpt | Currently you can register a branch as fixing a particular bug, and that's about it iirc. | 11:26 |
ianm_ | mpt: what does that mean, practically speaking? | 11:26 |
mpt | It means that it appears on the bug report page, so other people can try it out. | 11:26 |
ianm_ | mpt: I mean what does the lack of integration mean, what are we losing out on? | 11:27 |
ianm_ | mpt: it's just the same integration that it has with external repositories? | 11:27 |
mpt | jelmer, perhaps we could make that work for bugs that are recording as needing to be fixed in only one place, but that could encourage mistakes when closing bugs that affect multiple packages/projects. | 11:28 |
mpt | ianm_, well, nothing comparatively speaking. :-) I don't know of any integration between (for example) Gnome Subversion and Gnome Bugzilla, either. | 11:28 |
mpt | jelmer, on the plus side, you can now just say "affects bzr-svn" instead of "affects /products/bzr-svn" | 11:30 |
jelmer | mpt: Ah, cool - I didn't know that | 11:35 |
jelmer | mpt: I general, I would say that the current syntax is a bit verbose | 11:35 |
jelmer | I tend to use scripting to generate these emails, and that's a bad sign :-) | 11:36 |
mpt | I'd be interested to read proposals for more concise syntax | 11:37 |
jelmer | Something like "fixcommitted 4242 bzr-svn" would make sense to me | 11:40 |
jelmer | I would also think that requiring commands to be on top of the email is much nicer, e.g.: | 11:40 |
jelmer | fixcommitted 4242 bzr-svn | 11:41 |
jelmer | done | 11:41 |
jelmer | ... Human-readable reply ... | 11:41 |
jelmer | but IIRC think there's already an open bug about that :-) | 11:41 |
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mpt | I don't understand why requiring commands to be at the beginning is better than having them at the end | 11:59 |
mpt | Why not allow them anywhere? | 11:59 |
jelmer | makes it harder to quote commands - I got a strange error for example, reporting a bug about the malone email interface | 12:00 |
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