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compuniversalBurgundavia Hi04:56
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Burgundaviaevening Madpilot06:40
MadpilotNice hatchet job on Autobreakitz by Mr Garrett06:41
BurgundaviaMadpilot: hmm?06:43
Madpilotlead post on planet u right now06:44
MadpilotUbuntu Tech Team's preliminary review of automatix06:44
Burgundaviaoh, right, see that06:46
boredandbloggingshould we add that to the UWN? :-P06:55
boredandbloggingas blog news or community news?06:59
boredandbloggingi'm putting it in community, its important enough06:59
Burgundaviayes, it is07:04
Burgundaviaautomatix is a blight on our fair distro07:04
boredandbloggingif this doesn't start its downfall, not quite sure what else can be done, short of mark banning it himself07:05
Burgundaviaarnie boy had some issues07:10
Burgundaviawe actually want hte developers and would rather they fix the tool07:10
boredandbloggingwhats the probability of that happening?07:13
Burgundaviathe automatix people refuse to listen to technical arguments07:14
Burgundaviaanyway, off for a bikerid07:14
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tonyyarussoboredandblogging: You should talk about the enormous number of US LoCo startups this week.07:46
boredandbloggingtonyyarusso: excellent idea07:46
=== tonyyarusso wonders what a bikerid is - sounds like scary government men tagging cyclists by the ear
boredandblogginglooks like someone beat me to it07:47
boredandbloggingbut I'll try to add more07:47
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Burgundaviatonyyarusso: bike ride08:09
tonyyarussoBurgundavia: well, yeah, but it was an entertaining typo, especially to one in the US08:09
boredandbloggingi think mine has a better title: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Automatix_Is_Actively_Dangerous_to_Systems :-)09:01
Burgundaviahmm, I do like yours09:02
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ryanakcabeuno: ping02:20
ryanakcabeuno: Any ideas on a name?02:20
ryanakcaAnd, I'm leaving untill next Saturday, can I snap the full size then?02:21
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johnc4510boredandblogging: ping08:14
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boredandbloggingjohnc4510: pong09:28
johnc4510wrong link09:28
johnc4510this article is a two part09:28
johnc4510the bottom part is ubuntu09:29
johnc4510but we've done it09:29
johnc4510i like the top article 09:29
johnc4510advise please09:29
boredandbloggingits fine, post it09:31
johnc4510have a good one09:31
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