=== blitz-red [n=linkous@adsl-146-148-99.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JBandP | right now i boot and have to enable manually- mwhich sucks for remote desktps | 12:01 |
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theblacksails | thecross: is that the gstreamer0.10 lame thingamebob? | 12:01 |
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blitz-red | any way to skin rythmbox? | 12:01 |
linux_ | waht is the dir that all the software installed in ? | 12:01 |
theblacksails | cos i think it uses that | 12:01 |
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theblacksails | linux_: / | 12:01 |
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theblacksails | linux_: :p | 12:02 |
Erich85 | Hey fellas. I'd like to create a shortcut on my desktop to link to a network stream on VLC to a favorite NPR affiliate of mine. Any ideas how I could do this? | 12:02 |
rya1 | When I try to record my remote control with LIRC, it accepts inputs from my wireless keyboard media buttons. How do I tell LIRC to record my remote control? | 12:02 |
jmesquita | JBandP: You have more then 1 NIC? | 12:02 |
Archoniam | Um, hiyas, and sorry for that episode last month, i was ticked the crap off cause my uncle died of cough syrup overdose | 12:02 |
thecross | theblacksails: yeah | 12:02 |
Chad | I am having trouble with my xorg after an upgrade from 6.06 to 7.04, Module ABI major version soesnt match servers version, can anyone point me in the right direction or mayble look at my xorg.conf file? | 12:02 |
theblacksails | linux_: but really, if you mean the programs its usually: /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin | 12:02 |
JBandP | jmesquita: no, just the one. i tried doing wireless but it didnt work. so i removed it. now im just left with the one. | 12:02 |
linux_ | yea thanks | 12:02 |
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jmesquita | JBandP: So thats why | 12:03 |
blitz-red | how do i skin rythmobx? | 12:03 |
jmesquita | JBandP: I had a similar problem a while ago | 12:03 |
theblacksails | linux_: if you're gonna install anything manually it's better to put it in /usr/local/bin | 12:03 |
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KcajACK | Sorry to bug about unrelated, but, is anyone here good with legal advice, or want to possibly hear something in private and help give me consultation? | 12:03 |
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JBandP | jmesquita: whats why? | 12:03 |
jmesquita | JBandP: Seems like Ubuntu does not deal right with inserting/removing nics | 12:03 |
Archoniam | So, uhh, yeah, i'm having trouble mounting my USB drive. | 12:03 |
jmesquita | JBandP: Never got mine to work | 12:03 |
JBandP | jmesquita: oh crap. | 12:03 |
jmesquita | JBandP: But that was a little while ago | 12:03 |
emark2k | hello. After a bios update, xserver has been failing to start. I have booted in recovery mode successfully. Need to reconfigure xserver -- anyone able to suggest steps to force some auto-reconfig, or can steer me in the right direction to manually config? | 12:03 |
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jmesquita | JBandP: Let me see if I can find any information on that | 12:04 |
linux_ | where the software from synuptic is installed ? | 12:04 |
vocx | !fixres > emark2k | 12:04 |
JBandP | jmesquita: so, thank you so much. i abandoned the idea of having wriless with ubuntu., but i would at least like to be able to boot wth net support. | 12:04 |
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jmesquita | JBandP: There is a way, I am sure | 12:04 |
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gradin | !pastbin | 12:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:05 |
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gradin | !pastebin | 12:05 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:05 |
jmesquita | JBandP: Just not that a newbie like me would know of | 12:05 |
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emark2k | vocx: Thanks, will try right now | 12:05 |
theblacksails | linux_: all over the place, but generally the two folders i mentioned up there hold the executables, the images are somewhere else and the fonts somewhere else again | 12:05 |
nickrud | emark2k, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg will get you a reset X | 12:05 |
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JBandP | jmesquita: heh, there is always a way. :) | 12:05 |
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jmesquita | JBandP: Still looking | 12:05 |
linux_ | ok so where is the apache2 httpdocs folder ? | 12:06 |
lockd | JBandP: no there isn't.. some things -are- impossible without writing it yourself | 12:06 |
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lockd | JBandP: but not net support, usually | 12:06 |
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nickrud | linux_, /var/www | 12:06 |
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costin | hello | 12:06 |
costin | i need a little help | 12:07 |
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nickrud | !ask | costin | 12:07 |
ubotu | costin: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:07 |
matt1 | hmmm | 12:07 |
matt1 | it wont open tho | 12:07 |
TiMiDo | #kubuntu-es | 12:07 |
TiMiDo | /join #kubuntu-es | 12:07 |
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gradin | i'm having trouble automounting my windows shares at boot | 12:07 |
linux_ | why i cant create file in ? | 12:07 |
matt1 | comps@comps-laptop:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -l | 12:07 |
matt1 | net5211 : driver installed | 12:07 |
matt1 | device (168C:001C) present (alternate driver: ath_pci) | 12:07 |
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gradin | can somebody take a look at my /etc/fstab and tell me what i'm doing wrong? | 12:07 |
gradin | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32417/ | 12:07 |
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yaustar | how do you safely disconnect removable drives? | 12:07 |
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JBandP | back to my ata controller question from earler. my ubuntu versionis 7.04 and my sata host card is is called "serial ata pci host card" from vantech | 12:08 |
Archoniam | My dev directory seems to be invalid. I've checked it out, and fdisk -l is telling me that the /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdb is valid, but i still can't get anything. What am i supposed to do?? | 12:08 |
costin | i just installed ubuntu server 7.04...how the hell i start gnome (or kde) in slackware i used startx comand | 12:08 |
rem | hey anyone knows where I can configure the gnome panel from command line ? (I have size 182 for the panel and its too big to change in graphic mode..) | 12:08 |
theblacksails | linux_: you need root priveliges. tr: sudo in front of your command | 12:08 |
JBandP | ata/sata | 12:08 |
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JBandP | i believe the hdd was used a macosx enviroment beore. | 12:08 |
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mattn00b | i need help mounting my 300gb (2x 150gb raptor) raid stripe in ubuntu please | 12:09 |
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linux_ | what to do ? | 12:09 |
gradin | costin: "sudo apt-get install gnome" (or kde) i don't belive the default install for server comes with a gui | 12:09 |
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theblacksails | linux_ | 12:09 |
theblacksails | why i cant create file in ? | 12:09 |
vocx | costin, the server install has no desktop environment ha ha | 12:09 |
nickrud | rem, run gconf-editor and navigate to /apps/panel; you'll find it in there | 12:09 |
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linux_ | yea why ? | 12:09 |
IonCheng | hey | 12:09 |
theblacksails | you probably don't have write permissions | 12:09 |
`Xera` | gradin, shouldn't you be installing (k)ubuntu-desktop? | 12:09 |
mattn00b | i need help mounting my 300gb (2x 150gb raptor) raid stripe in ubuntu please. ive searched google endlessly and have tried dmraid etc but nothing seems to work | 12:10 |
rem | ty | 12:10 |
`Xera` | it requires no configuration | 12:10 |
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linux_ | what i need to do to have? | 12:10 |
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costin | gradin vocx i used that command but it said that the package cannot be found! should i download it? | 12:10 |
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costin | the package i meant | 12:10 |
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jmesquita | JBandP: Dude, you are trying to do some funky stuff I've never done b4 | 12:10 |
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mattn00b | i need help mounting my 300gb (2x 150gb raptor) raid stripe in ubuntu please. ive searched google endlessly and have tried dmraid etc but nothing seems to work | 12:11 |
theblacksails | to have write permission? you need to consider the implications of where you're making the file and whether or not you could make it somewhere else that you have write permission and let whatever you want know where it is | 12:11 |
theblacksails | it's not a good idea to change permissions on system folders | 12:11 |
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linux_ | its good for me | 12:11 |
vocx | costin, there should be some core packages for the environments to run | 12:11 |
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gradin | costin: try "sudo apt-get update" | 12:11 |
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gradin | costin: then rerun the second command | 12:11 |
theblacksails | linux_: sudo chmod u+rwx <dir> | 12:11 |
linux_ | beleve me i know what i need i want to cancel all the passwords and always connected as root | 12:11 |
vocx | !info kde-core | costin gradin | 12:12 |
ubotu | costin gradin: kde-core: the K Desktop Environment core modules. In component main, is optional. Version 5:47 (feisty), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB | 12:12 |
linux_ | i cant on all the dir / | 12:12 |
vocx | !info gnome-core | costin gradin | 12:12 |
ubotu | costin gradin: gnome-core: The GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (feisty), package size 12 kB, installed size 44 kB | 12:12 |
linux_ | dirs ? R$ | 12:12 |
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vocx | !desktop | costin gradin | 12:12 |
ubotu | costin gradin: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others. | 12:12 |
TiMiDo | !GNOME | 12:12 |
ubotu | gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop. | 12:12 |
nickrud | linux_, you can get that with sudo -i ; personally I only use that for directories I can't even read without root access. It's nice having that one 4 letter word between me and disaster | 12:13 |
mattn00b | i need help mounting my 300gb (2x 150gb raptor) raid stripe in ubuntu please. ive searched google endlessly and have tried dmraid etc but nothing seems to work | 12:13 |
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itguru | nickrud: which four letter word is that?? | 12:13 |
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nickrud | itguru, sudo | 12:13 |
JBandP | jmesquita: i know. its weird. im trying really hard to make this all possible with ubuntu- but sometimes i think that the os just isnt *there* yet. | 12:13 |
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nickrud | itguru, I started using sudo years before ubuntu | 12:13 |
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jmesquita | JBandP: There are a lot of things in Ubuntu that we still miss | 12:14 |
itguru | I usually have a four letter work AFTER a disaster | 12:14 |
itguru | it sounds a bit like luck | 12:14 |
itguru | ;) | 12:14 |
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jmesquita | JBandP: But its a long way down the road | 12:14 |
jmesquita | JBandP: And I agree, we are not there yet :D | 12:14 |
nickrud | itguru, I expanded my vocabulary after one of those experiences :) | 12:14 |
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cyber_cop | hi channel | 12:14 |
linux_ | nickrud , idid all waht you gave me and still cant create ? | 12:15 |
cyber_cop | My Turkish ubuntu user | 12:15 |
JBandP | I wish it were. i keep looking- i even sacrfice things i know are available in other *cough* os's just so i can use this and enjoy it.. but. | 12:15 |
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cyber_cop | ubuntu remote desktop controll program name please ?? | 12:15 |
vocx | JBandP, the more you complain to hardware manufacturers the more they'll understand it is a good thing to support linux users. So mail your favorite company asking for linux drivers. | 12:15 |
mattn00b | can someone help me mount a raid stripe ? please ^_^ | 12:15 |
=== Crescendo [n=GWing@cpe-071-070-237-220.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
emark2k | nickrud: Thanks for tip. I typed it a few times, am getting error message: "conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove) [ command was: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg will get you a reset X] do I need to break apart or parse this? | 12:15 |
nickrud | emark2k, a sec I'm at work :) | 12:16 |
vocx | !info lirc | cyber_cop | 12:16 |
ubotu | cyber_cop: lirc: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.1+cvs20070310-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 336 kB, installed size 1624 kB | 12:16 |
JBandP | vocx: ill gladdly complain and make calls- but it doesnt help my immediate problem :) | 12:16 |
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PurpZeY_ | what is the command to power off immediately? | 12:16 |
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cyber_cop | ubotu, thank you very much | 12:17 |
vocx | PurpZeY_, "sudo halt" | 12:17 |
emark2k | nickrud: many thanks...take your time...grateful for help | 12:17 |
jmesquita | JBandP: Gotta go dude, later | 12:17 |
vocx | !thanks | cyber_cop | 12:17 |
ubotu | cyber_cop: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 12:17 |
jmesquita | JBandP: Beer time | 12:17 |
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PurpZeY_ | vocx: that's to power down? | 12:17 |
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costin | gradin vocx thanx a lot | 12:17 |
mattn00b | can someone help me mount a raid stripe ? please | 12:17 |
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costin | now a new question: what commands should i use to configure my network? | 12:17 |
PurpZeY_ | isn't there a sudo shutdown -now or something similar | 12:18 |
PurpZeY_ | ? | 12:18 |
vocx | PurpZeY_, read the manual pages for reboot, shutdown, halt, there are related. | 12:18 |
costin | to gain access to internet/ | 12:18 |
costin | ? | 12:18 |
JBandP | google.com | 12:18 |
nickrud | emark2k, are you in recovery mode right now? | 12:18 |
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Ju | hello | 12:18 |
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emark2k | nickrud: yes, looking at :~# | 12:18 |
nickrud | emark2k, try again without the sudo | 12:18 |
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hendro | I got .xsession-error as follows: /etc/profile: 17: id: not found | 12:19 |
hendro | /etc/gdm/Xsession: Executing /usr/bin/gnome-session failed, will try to run x-terminal-emulator | 12:19 |
hendro | exec: 224: x-terminal-emulator: not found | 12:19 |
hendro | what should I do? | 12:19 |
lufis | hendro: at the login screen, choose "Select session" and choose "Failsafe gnome" | 12:19 |
linux_ | some one can tell me how to : startup with root , have all accesses and cancel all the passwords ? | 12:20 |
hendro | and then? | 12:20 |
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lufis | hendro: That will load a default session | 12:20 |
vocx | !root | linux_ | 12:20 |
ubotu | linux_: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 12:20 |
nickrud | !root linux | 12:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about root linux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:20 |
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pike_ | linux_: you want to know how to boot to a simple shell with root access to edit stuff? | 12:21 |
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rya1 | When I try to record my remote control using LIRC, it takes commands from my wireless keyboard instead. Does anyone know how to get LIRC to record my remote control? | 12:21 |
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hendro | thanks lufis! | 12:22 |
lufis | hendro: it work? | 12:22 |
hendro | it works | 12:22 |
lufis | :) | 12:22 |
emark2k | nickrud: GREAT! not using sudo was key. allowed me to select default "vesa", then pick resoultions and defaults were correct. I clicked OK and command line came back. | 12:22 |
nextse7en | Could someone tell my the equivilent of ip config is in linux? I'd like to see my routers ip, subnetmask, and broadcast adress. | 12:22 |
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nickrud | emark2k, good. You should be able to get back into Gnome and set things up better | 12:22 |
nickrud | emark2k, rebooting, I mean | 12:22 |
vocx | nextse7en, "ifconfig" | 12:22 |
lufis | nextse7en: You can do that with a gui i think... system > administration > network | 12:23 |
timposey_ | Thesheep; you here? | 12:23 |
ladydoor | nextse7en: Run "sudo ifconfig" from a terminal | 12:23 |
emark2k | nickrud: excellent. do I type exit or just power off.... | 12:23 |
timposey_ | I am getting some type of error where my screen flashes and i have to hold each key down for about 2 seconds and wait til after the screen flashes before the letter will print on the screen | 12:23 |
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hipparcos | hi | 12:24 |
pike_ | hipparcos: hola | 12:24 |
kahrytan | !hi |hipp | 12:24 |
ubotu | hipp: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 12:25 |
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kahrytan | !hi | hipparcos | 12:25 |
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ubotu | hipparcos: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 12:25 |
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nextse7en | I'm working with a nextstation, and confused as hell at the network setting, what is a NIS domain name? | 12:25 |
ruben | Hello, I have a proble, using skype with a wm with no system tray, when I close skype, I need to kill it manually, any idea how to start skype with no systray? also, It is possible to use a shell scrip like, run skype, if it is close, kill it? | 12:25 |
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thecross | can anybody tell me why i can not add mp3 encoding to the prefered format list in rhytmbox? I've installed gstreamer 0.10, added it to the list, set the pipeline, but it wont appear on the drop down list. | 12:25 |
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timposey_ | I am getting some type of error where my screen flashes and i have to hold each key down for about 2 seconds and wait til after the screen flashes before the letter will print on the screen | 12:26 |
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lufis | timposey_: What kind of error? | 12:26 |
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kahrytan | thecross: just use sound juicer | 12:27 |
Super_Cat_Frog | hi - what can i use in place of alsaconfig in ubuntu/ | 12:27 |
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timposey_ | lufis it is just not typing right | 12:27 |
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lufis | timposey_: Have you changed any settings? | 12:27 |
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thecross | kahrytan: it is the same thing. rhytmbox calls the sound juicer app when ripping. so i have the same problem there as well. | 12:28 |
pike_ | ruben: it sounds like its just minimizing to the tray im not sure how to kill it in that case without having it killed if you just bring another window up or something. | 12:28 |
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lufis | thecross: You can set the mp3 profile to be default in soundjuicer, right/ | 12:28 |
lufis | ? | 12:28 |
thecross | lufis: no i cant. I've added it through the edit function. but it never appears in the drop down list | 12:29 |
timposey_ | lufis, i had system setup as dual boot system and deleted the windows partition by mistake. the windows partit was on seperate hdd | 12:29 |
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kjp | I've got a esata hard drive enclosure connected to a promise sata card. and it's all working. but I'm struggling with finding the uuid so that i can have fstab mount it properly, despite where it's plugged in. any ideas on finding the uuid? | 12:29 |
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lufis | thecross: Ok, hit alt+f2 and type in "gconf" | 12:30 |
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ruben | pike_: thanks :) | 12:30 |
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nickrud | emark2k, was away from the desk; reboot is the command | 12:30 |
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lufis | thecross: Sorry, should be "gconf-editor" | 12:31 |
thecross | lufis: thats better | 12:31 |
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thecross | lufis: now what? | 12:31 |
nickrud | kjp, blkid tells you uuid's | 12:32 |
kjp | nickrud: what the hell is blkid ? | 12:32 |
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nickrud | kjp a command you use in the terminal | 12:32 |
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Vinchenzo28 | what would the reason be if Ubuntu 7.04 just freezes but the mouse is still moving? | 12:32 |
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dario | hi | 12:33 |
timposey_ | lufis: i had system setup as dual boot system and deleted the windows partition by mistake. the windows partit was on seperate hdd | 12:33 |
lufis | thecross: Go to System>gstreamer>0.10>audio>profiles and tell me what's there | 12:33 |
nickrud | kjp, also, /dev/disks/ has that info | 12:33 |
emark2k | nickrud: thanks for the followup!. trying to repeat process now... somehow I fudged it up | 12:33 |
nickrud | kjp, erm, /dev/disk/ | 12:33 |
lufis | timposey_: was the problem not happening before that? | 12:33 |
Piddy | Can someone help me out with Gaim? | 12:34 |
kjp | nickrud: kick ass! | 12:34 |
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dario | hi i can use the sound, after i suspend | 12:34 |
dario | i cant use | 12:34 |
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sport | okay im not sure what i did. i installed xorg then blackbox.I ran blackbox via startx it worked fine but when i exit .and try to xstart again i get a black screen and when i ctl alt bkspace out i see errors like "could not init font path element" and " error opening /dev/input/wacom: success":this is on ubuntu server | 12:34 |
nickrud | kjp, I was resistant to this uuid thing, but I guess I have to adapt once again ;) | 12:34 |
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timposey_ | lufis; no it was fine before that | 12:34 |
hadron | stuck in an upgrade. can someone tell me the command line to force an install regardless of configuration. e.g apt-get force install hal | 12:34 |
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thecross | lufis: i have an entry for mp3, it is active, extension mp3, pipeline audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc mode=0 vbr-quality=6 ! id3v2mux | 12:35 |
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lufis | timposey_: So what happens exactly? are there any errors? | 12:35 |
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ladydoor | hadron: apt-get --force-yes whatever | 12:35 |
nickrud | hadron, apt-get -f install with no package name | 12:35 |
ladydoor | hadron: But bewaaaare | 12:35 |
lufis | thecross: did you add it recently? | 12:35 |
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|nol1ght| | What programs do u use with web cams? (v4l2) | 12:35 |
ladydoor | hadron: Actually, use nickrud's version. But still bewaaaare! | 12:35 |
lufis | |nol1ght|: vlc, amsn | 12:36 |
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hadron | nickrud: doesnt work. hangs starting hald for some reason | 12:36 |
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nickrud | hadron, can you post the complete error on a pastebin | 12:36 |
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thecross | lufis: yeah i added it through rhythmbox today | 12:36 |
|nol1ght| | lufis, thx | 12:36 |
hadron | I really need help heere. I cant paste anything as I am irc'ing from full screen emacs - I have no desktop | 12:36 |
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sivart0 | what command to i use to list the devices connected to my computer? | 12:37 |
linux_ | some one can tell me how to : startup with root , have all accesses and cancel all the passwords ? | 12:37 |
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timposey_ | every letter i type, i have to hold the key down for about 1 - 2 seconds, then the screen flashes and the letter types on the screen. no error codes or anything | 12:37 |
preaction | sivart0, lspci and lsusb will probably help you | 12:37 |
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lufis | thecross: ok, run: gconftool-2 --shutdown | 12:37 |
Piddy | Can someone tell me how to change my name in Gaim? Apparently my friends see my old, Windows Live name. | 12:37 |
ladydoor | hadron: You can use #flood. I also suggest installing GNU screen, which would allow you to have multiple screens up. Actually, you could press control-alt-F2 to go to a different VT and use a text browser there... | 12:37 |
timposey_ | lufis: every letter i type, i have to hold the key down for about 1 - 2 seconds, then the screen flashes and the letter types on the screen. no error codes or anything | 12:37 |
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lufis | timposey_: have you tried rebooting? | 12:38 |
kenkaniff | is there like a general cool safe download site for linux programs.. like download.com for windows? | 12:38 |
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linux_ | kenkaniff sourceforge.net | 12:38 |
timposey_ | lufis: yes no change | 12:38 |
MongooseWA_ | how do you get ubuntu to automatically connect to the internet on boot? ive been having to manually connect every time. | 12:38 |
kenkaniff | thanks | 12:38 |
ladydoor | kenkaniff: Use synaptic/apt-get/aptitude to download from the Ubuntu repositories. That's your best bet, unless you want source packages. | 12:38 |
nickrud | kenkaniff, yeah, the ubuntu repositories, i.e. synaptic | 12:38 |
|nol1ght| | lufis, lvc only v4l not v4l2 | 12:38 |
thecross | lufis: done, now what? | 12:39 |
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lufis | thecross: Now close rhythmbox, reopen it and see if it's there | 12:39 |
emark2k | nickrud: that pass definitely reconfigured the system. but the error message came back (though it looks different--screen behind it is blue)... I wonder if perhpas I should repeat, but try a different driver than "vesa" this laptop uses intel integrated 820830 graphics. I saw a choice for i810 that looked like maybe it was in the same class, if you will? does this make sense? | 12:39 |
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ladydoor | MongooseWA_: Open /etc/network/interfaces, as root, in your favorite text editor | 12:39 |
albert | Hi... | 12:39 |
linux_ | in synuptic there area drivers ( nvidie i.e ? ) ? | 12:39 |
ladydoor | MongooseWA_: Let me know when you're there. | 12:39 |
albert | How do I mount a partition on ubuntu with full privileges? | 12:39 |
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lufis | timposey_: I don't know, that's strange. Since windows and ubuntu were on different hd's I don't know how deleting windows could have adversely affected ubuntu... have you changed anything else? | 12:39 |
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linux_ | in synuptic there area drivers ( nvidie i.e ? ) ? | 12:40 |
nickrud | emark2k, sounds right, but I don't have an intel | 12:40 |
BlackaCid | Can someone help or link me with a tutorial for getting my (radeon9800pro) running at full speed | 12:40 |
albert | anyone know how to mount partition with full privilegse? | 12:40 |
MongooseWA_ | ladydoor, im here | 12:40 |
thecross | lufis: nope did not work | 12:41 |
nickrud | !ati | 12:41 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:41 |
emark2k | nickrud: great, will give it a go. | 12:41 |
PurpZeY_ | I just followed steps in a tutorial that talked about logging into a xgl session, how do I do this? | 12:41 |
nickrud | BlackaCid, that ubotu above was for you | 12:41 |
lufis | thecross: What about in soundjuicer? the option isn't there? | 12:41 |
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timposey_ | lufis; is there any chance that reinstalling grub ... no, nothing else changed. also types normally in user name and password field | 12:41 |
ladydoor | MongooseWA_: Would you mind pasting your file to pastebin? Also, which is your preferred interface? | 12:41 |
lunahood | did anyone can tell me how to find folder struktur like ../abc/def/...? | 12:41 |
lufis | timposey_: You reinstalled grub? | 12:41 |
thecross | lufis: nope not their either | 12:41 |
MongooseWA_ | what's pastebin and what do you mean by preferred interface? | 12:41 |
MongooseWA_ | lol | 12:41 |
lufis | thecross: What was the title of the profile in gconf? "mp3"? | 12:42 |
retnuh | how do I know if my video card driver loaded correctly? | 12:42 |
MongooseWA_ | wait, found the site | 12:42 |
ladydoor | MongooseWA_: No problem. By "preferred interface" I mean the one you tend to bring up. pastebin is... | 12:42 |
nickrud | lunahood, a partial file structure already existing? try locate abc/dev in a terminal | 12:42 |
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ladydoor | MongooseWA_: Oh | 12:42 |
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ThanatosDrive | Guys do you know why I can't seem to ping anyone properly? All results are timing out. | 12:42 |
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thecross | lufis: yeah mp3 | 12:42 |
MongooseWA_ | kk uploaded | 12:42 |
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timposey_ | lufis; no i don't remember how... just wondering if that may help | 12:42 |
ThanatosDrive | Unless someone would like to give me their IP address and I could try pinging them. | 12:43 |
dalibor | hm, trying to load gutsy, it just drops out to a busybox shell | 12:43 |
pike_ | ThanatosDrive: ping timposey_ | 12:43 |
costin | ok i configured my eth | 12:43 |
lufis | timposey_: Ok, well the only thing I can think of is at the login screen click "Select session" from the options and choose "Failsafe gnome" | 12:43 |
nickrud | ThanatosDrive, try dig google.com, and ping them :) | 12:43 |
costin | can you tell me again how to get kde? | 12:43 |
ladydoor | MongooseWA_: Could you send me the link, please? | 12:43 |
dalibor | and casper.log says that it can't open /dev/sdc-e no medium found | 12:43 |
nickrud | costin, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 12:44 |
lufis | thecross: Sounds like it may be a bug in gconf or something. Are you sure it's enabled? | 12:44 |
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costin | thanx | 12:44 |
thecross | lufis: yes it is | 12:44 |
ThanatosDrive | pike_, nickrud: Both work. Weird, then. I can't ping my friends. | 12:44 |
lufis | thecross: Weird... have you tried restarting X? | 12:45 |
ThanatosDrive | timposey_: Mind if I run a port scan on you? | 12:45 |
lufis | or even rebooting | 12:45 |
nickrud | retnuh, if X is running, you can look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log, it'll tell you a lot about your driver and how it's loaded | 12:45 |
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coderx | ne | 12:45 |
thecross | lufis: yip | 12:45 |
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coderx | # wine | 12:45 |
mozart1 | hi | 12:45 |
coderx | #wine | 12:45 |
Shiver | ciao | 12:45 |
retnuh | nickrud: what is X? | 12:45 |
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lufis | thecross: Dunno, probably a bug of some sort. Are you running on the latest updates? sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 12:45 |
ladydoor | MongooseWA_: Could you send me the link to the page created, please? | 12:45 |
nickrud | retnuh, the software that provides the framework for your graphical desktop. If you have a desktop, X is running | 12:46 |
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timposey | lufis; that did change anything | 12:46 |
pike_ | ThanatosDrive: your friends likely are behind a firewall | 12:46 |
ThanatosDrive | pike_: I guess so. | 12:46 |
MongooseWA_ | http://pastebin.com/d1faac941 | 12:46 |
_Jaak_ | I was wondering, i made an ubuntu persistance live usb disk, but what exactly can i and can i not install? Like instead of gstreamer get xine, or install wine... make accounts? | 12:46 |
ThanatosDrive | timposey: Mind if I run a port scan on your IP? | 12:46 |
retnuh | nickrud: Oh, Okay | 12:46 |
MongooseWA_ | i pm'd you with it | 12:46 |
lufis | timposey: Then i'm stumped. :( | 12:46 |
retnuh | I will run /var/log/Xorg.0.log now | 12:46 |
retnuh | thanks | 12:46 |
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lufis | thecross: You may also try deleting the profile and recreating it | 12:46 |
thecross | lufis: yeah im up to date | 12:46 |
yaustar | How do you safely eject/remove USB flash drives, external HDDs etc? | 12:46 |
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ladydoor | MongooseWA_: Are you registered? I didn't get it. | 12:47 |
jahid | hi, i had winxp in parallel of ubuntu, i tried to reinstall ubuntu. but after trying to delete ubuntu, my windows is not booting. it says "no such parition", can anyone help me? | 12:47 |
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thecross | lufis: i was just about to try that | 12:47 |
nickrud | retnuh, read, it's a text file | 12:47 |
ThanatosDrive | yaustar: Right-click > Eject | 12:47 |
retnuh | nickrud: It says Permission denied when I run that | 12:47 |
retnuh | /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 12:47 |
MongooseWA_ | registered in what? | 12:47 |
hsatera | anyone here knows how to uninstall all kde applications at once and leave only gnome installed? | 12:47 |
MongooseWA_ | oh haha 1 sec | 12:47 |
lunahood | nickrud: it seems that locate finds only files !? | 12:47 |
nickrud | retnuh, read. try less /var/log/Xorg.0.log in a terminal, or open it with gedit | 12:47 |
yaustar | ThanatosDrive: Doesn't seem to show on Card readers :/ | 12:47 |
matt1 | how do i make sure that the madwifi kernel isnt install? | 12:47 |
yaustar | (On 6.06 btw) | 12:47 |
timposey | thanatosdrive; you can try. | 12:47 |
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kjp | how can I mount a drive so that my users can write to it ? | 12:48 |
pike_ | kjp: what format? | 12:48 |
kjp | pike_: xfs | 12:48 |
jahid | someone please tell me how to get back my windows xp back, i have my all work there | 12:48 |
nickrud | lunahood, it will find any substring in the full filenames; locate share/gnome will demonstrate | 12:48 |
lufis | jahid: How did you lose it? | 12:48 |
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lufis | jahid: nevermind | 12:48 |
eldkraft | yaustar: good question, I have an external HD myself and unmount just won't work so I have to turn off my computer completely before turning the HD off. | 12:49 |
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NETWizz | Hi | 12:49 |
lufis | jahid: is grub loading? | 12:49 |
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ThanatosDrive | timposey: | 12:49 |
jahid | lufis, i tried to delete ubuntu installed partition to reinstall it. but now when i try to go back to winxp to partition a drive for buntu, my windows is not loading | 12:49 |
yaustar | I just can't see the option tbh | 12:49 |
NETWizz | HOw quickely can ubuntu be installed? | 12:49 |
timposey | lufis; i remember seeing a checkbox for error messages to flash the screen. Do you remember where that is | 12:49 |
pike_ | kjp: xfs would have its own perm so i guess youd just chmod the folder its mounted to. maybe sudo chmod +rw /media/foldername if you want everyone to have access | 12:49 |
jahid | lufis, yes grub is loading | 12:49 |
NETWizz | and made fully functional | 12:49 |
yaustar | I right click on the icon, and eject isnt there | 12:49 |
ThanatosDrive | timposey: | 12:49 |
Jkessler | how do i change the background picture on the login screen without losing the themed login box? | 12:49 |
yaustar | NETWizz: 30mins on laptop | 12:50 |
eldkraft | yaustar: right click on device icon and choose umount | 12:50 |
kjp | pike_: what if I want the entire drive shared for everyone? | 12:50 |
lufis | jahid: what are the options? | 12:50 |
jahid | lufis, from the menu if i select ubuntu then its lodaing ubuntu. but if i select winxp then it says that "no such parition | 12:50 |
kjp | pike_: well, "everyone" = me. | 12:50 |
lunahood | nickrud: i can't understand my results; i am in the folder /usr/lib/ruby but locate ruby/ doesn't get any result | 12:50 |
lufis | jahid: Ok, boot up into ubuntu | 12:50 |
jahid | lufis, i am in ubuntu now | 12:50 |
cdupre | Can anyone give me a hand...I somehow deleted my top panel..I added it back using "add new panel" but everything is missing including my applications drop down, clock, and notification tray | 12:50 |
timposey | ThanatosDrive: thats a static Ip | 12:50 |
=== Exposure [n=exposure@a80-126-234-67.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lufis | timposey: Hm... an accessibility preference, perhaps? | 12:50 |
pike_ | kjp: sudo chown -R $USER:USER /media/foldername perhaps | 12:50 |
pike_ | kjp: er.. $USER:$USER | 12:51 |
=== Bulli [n=janis@dynadsl-080-228-205-237.ewetel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Piddy | Can anyone help me with this? If I had an image on my desktop, let's call it "test.jpg", what would the path for it be? | 12:51 |
=== Karti [n=Karti@host217-42-42-158.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | lunahood, I get a lot of results on ruby/ ; try sudo updatedb (wait until it's rebuilt the database) and try again | 12:51 |
ladydoor | Piddy: /home/yourusername/Desktop/test.jpg | 12:51 |
lufis | jahid: Ok, go to places > computer and tell me what's there | 12:51 |
Piddy | ladydoor Thank you so much. | 12:51 |
ladydoor | Piddy: np | 12:51 |
pike_ | Piddy: also ~ means /home/username so you can ~/Desktop | 12:52 |
retnuh | nickrud: I dont know what I am looking for in that log | 12:52 |
=== MannyZ [n=MannyZ@a80-186-150-81.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MannyZ | hello | 12:52 |
timposey | lufis: yes that was it... I don't know why it was doing that but crazy | 12:52 |
yaustar | ThanatosDrive: Nvm, it looks like I have to do from the desktop rather then the file explorer :/ | 12:52 |
lufis | timposey: Fixed? :) | 12:52 |
MannyZ | who wants to vnc and setup css for me? | 12:52 |
Piddy | pike_ ok thanks=) | 12:52 |
MannyZ | i got the tutorial | 12:52 |
=== danilos [n=danilo@adsl-236-193.eunet.yu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThanatosDrive | timposey: Hrm. Well I'm trying to learn how to use nmap. | 12:52 |
lufis | MannyZ: css? | 12:52 |
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MannyZ | counter strike source | 12:52 |
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hsatera | css style-sheets | 12:53 |
jahid | lufis, i have three things there. 1) cd/dvd ROM 2) Servicev001(i think this is my IBM laptops factory backup drive 3) filesystem | 12:53 |
hsatera | :P | 12:53 |
timposey | Thaanatosdrive: I certainly don't know anything at all about that... | 12:53 |
MannyZ | :D | 12:53 |
=== jatt` [n=user@pD9E9F10C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MannyZ | i want counter-strike:source! | 12:53 |
MannyZ | didiidid | 12:53 |
lufis | jahid: How many hard drives do you have? | 12:53 |
MannyZ | or im quiting linux :D:DD | 12:53 |
jahid | lufis, i have one hdd | 12:53 |
defcon | can I play counterstrike on ubuntu? | 12:53 |
nickrud | retnuh, somewhere around line 300 or so the file will tell you the driver it's used, and the cards it supports | 12:53 |
MannyZ | it should be possible | 12:53 |
MannyZ | with wine.. | 12:54 |
lufis | jahid: How many partitions, do you know? | 12:54 |
timposey | Lufis, Thanks, that has been driving me crazy... | 12:54 |
lufis | timposey: :) | 12:54 |
jahid | lufis, in my winxp i had 4 partitions, | 12:54 |
lufis | jahid: So the ubuntu was an extended partition? | 12:54 |
linux_ | i have download NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run how i can runit ? | 12:54 |
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kjp | pike_: still get permission denied | 12:54 |
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eric | galera me ajuda | 12:55 |
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jahid | lufis, after you asked me that question. i opened gparted. and its showing that the c drive is gone | 12:55 |
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lufis | jahid: What does it show now? | 12:55 |
MannyZ | lufis.. | 12:55 |
retnuh | nickrud: Is this Bad or Good::::::::::::::::::::::(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0 | 12:55 |
retnuh | (II) ATI: Candidate "Device" section "ATI Technologies Inc RV410 [Radeon X700 Pro (PCIE)] ". | 12:55 |
retnuh | (WW) RADEON: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found | 12:55 |
retnuh | (--) Chipset ATI Radeon X700 PRO (RV410) (PCIE) found | 12:55 |
rem | Hey gnome panel display is blocked at 182 instead of 24 ..its blocked any way to unblock it ? | 12:55 |
=== burningfire [n=burningf@pdpc/supporter/student/burningfire] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MannyZ | lufis can you vnc my comp? | 12:56 |
=== Scout [n=jeff@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lufis | MannyZ: I don't do that on the first date :P | 12:56 |
Scout | Hello | 12:56 |
jahid | lufis, its saysing "unallocated" | 12:56 |
nickrud | retnuh, depends :) If you put the whole thing on a pastebin, I'll take a look | 12:56 |
pike_ | kjp: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113014 | 12:56 |
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MannyZ | i got the tutorial.. if you would like to install it for me.. | 12:56 |
Scout | How do I install mplayer? | 12:56 |
lufis | jahid: So can you run me through what you did again? Deleted ubuntu, reinstalled it? | 12:56 |
retnuh | nickrud: Okay, sounds good, where is the pastebin? | 12:56 |
pike_ | MannyZ: can we have sudo? :) | 12:57 |
nickrud | !pastebin | retnuh | 12:57 |
ubotu | retnuh: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:57 |
lunahood | nickrud: yes, now i can find a lot of results but sadly i am still searching for the ruby interpreter executable that i am searching for :/ ... but thank you for your help | 12:57 |
burningfire | Hi. I just ran the amd64 ISO on my new Intel Core 2 Duo laptop. When I select to boot/install it just goes into a blank screen forever. Is there something wrong with the video driver? | 12:57 |
retnuh | give me a web address and I will. Thanks a bunch | 12:57 |
jahid | lufis, how should i do that? | 12:57 |
thecross | lufis: i just tried uninstalling rhythmbox, sound juicer and gstreamer. and still no luck. its strange, i cant delete any of the profiles either. do you think it has something to do with permissions? | 12:57 |
rem | I can get in the panel properties but then it wont let me change the 182 size .. | 12:57 |
MannyZ | pike_ wtf :D?.. | 12:57 |
MannyZ | i can type the su pass | 12:57 |
nickrud | lunahood, ah. a sec | 12:57 |
pike_ | Scout: sudo apt-get install mplayer if that doesnt work see.. | 12:57 |
pike_ | !universe | Scout | 12:57 |
ubotu | Scout: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 12:57 |
Scout | Thanks pike_ | 12:57 |
lufis | thecross: I don't think so, as everything in gconf for your account is stored in your home. Did you select "completely remove"? | 12:57 |
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linux_ | what i need to instal bryil ? | 12:57 |
lufis | jahid: Just walk me through all that you did | 12:57 |
Jkessler | how do i change the background picture on the login screen without losing the themed login box? | 12:58 |
=== manda [n=manda@c-68-53-201-45.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thecross | lufis: yeah | 12:58 |
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_Jaak_ | I was wondering, i made an ubuntu persistance live usb disk, but what exactly can i and can i not install? Like instead of gstreamer get xine, or install wine... make accounts? | 12:58 |
Vinchenzo28 | how do i update my nvidia driver in Unbuntu 7.04 (64 bit) | 12:58 |
lufis | thecross: Dunno, that's weird | 12:58 |
=== Dimensional-Door [n=zerokill@adsl-69-108-74-207.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | lunahood, /usr/bin/ruby | 12:58 |
timposey | using xubuntu on another system and Getting message when trying to boot up system that says ISOLINUX: Disk Error 01, AX=0000, drive 80 | 12:58 |
rem | anyone ? | 12:58 |
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-68-254-170-67.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
retnuh | nickrud: Here you go bud.... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32426/ | 12:58 |
thecross | lufis: thanks for your help anyway bro! | 12:58 |
lufis | thecross: np | 12:58 |
soneil | Jkessler: usually the box is part of the image. not a simple switch | 12:58 |
Dimensional-Door | anyone familiar with VOIP? | 12:58 |
pike_ | timposey: i doubt that would be exclusive to xubuntu | 12:58 |
lufis | Dimensional-Door: just ask your question :) | 12:59 |
MannyZ | is here anyone who knows how to install counter strike:source!? | 12:59 |
jahid | lufis, i booted to winxp and stared "paragon partition manager". then i selected my ubuntu drive, and asked to delete it. the paragon paritoin manger said that, the partition i am trying to delete is used by c drive. i asked the prgram to ignore that. and then it happened | 12:59 |
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lufis | jahid: I think you may have deleted the wrong partition... | 12:59 |
MajorPayne | !wine | MannyZ | 12:59 |
Dimensional-Door | lufis well, i was wondering if skype could work with Asterisk or any kind of pbx box so i can change my phone number when calling | 12:59 |
ubotu | MannyZ: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 12:59 |
lufis | Dimensional-Door: using SIP? | 12:59 |
=== tlevine [n=tlevine@ool-45768c26.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jahid | lufis, no other way to go back without reinstalling winxp? | 12:59 |
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NETWizz | I want to make an image of my system | 12:59 |
MannyZ | ubotu are you a bot? | 01:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about are you a bot? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:00 |
NETWizz | a complete backup | 01:00 |
Vinchenzo28 | anyone know how to update the nvidia driver in Unbuntu 7.04 (64 bit) | 01:00 |
MannyZ | rofl | 01:00 |
Dimensional-Door | lufis im not sure not really familiar with voip, i was making sure before i got it i could do those things | 01:00 |
MannyZ | he is a bot | 01:00 |
nickrud | retnuh, looks just fine; you're using the open source ati driver | 01:00 |
anzan | !botsnack | 01:00 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 01:00 |
NETWizz | ubgotu, are you a bo?t | 01:00 |
lufis | jahid: Well, that depends if the partition is still intact. It sounds like you may have accidentally deleted the wrong partition. The ubuntu partition wouldn't have been used by windows unless it was mounted | 01:00 |
NETWizz | ubotu, are you really a bot? | 01:00 |
MannyZ | omfg i dont want help from a bot | 01:00 |
rem | Hey gnome panel display is blocked at 182 instead of 24 ..its blocked any way to unblock it ? | 01:00 |
rem | I can get in the panel properties but then it wont let me change the 182 size .. | 01:00 |
rem | anyone ? | 01:00 |
lufis | Dimensional-Door: Ekiga can make voip calls using sip, skype uses its own protocol | 01:00 |
anzan | !botsnack | 01:00 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 01:00 |
retnuh | nickrud: My screen is a little bit jerky running effects, but thought it shouldnt with that card | 01:01 |
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nickrud | retnuh, that WW was a warning that you had not explicitly defined the video card's slot, but X found it anyway | 01:01 |
MannyZ | get the bot out -.- | 01:01 |
ShackJack | rem: 182 size? | 01:01 |
MajorPayne | MannyZ: Did you read the link he gave you? | 01:01 |
lunahood | nickrud: there is only a symbolic link at /usr/bin called ruby -> ruby1.8 ... but i can not select this path into my IDE | 01:01 |
rem | yup | 01:01 |
MannyZ | no.. | 01:01 |
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retnuh | nickrud: Oh | 01:01 |
Dimensional-Door | lufis how is the price for ekiga, because i belive skyp is notso harsh. its around 30 bucks a year | 01:01 |
pike_ | MannyZ: lemme see the instruction url | 01:01 |
rem | its huge takes up almost all screen .. | 01:01 |
MannyZ | hey.. | 01:01 |
jahid | lufis, ok. thanks | 01:01 |
MannyZ | ok | 01:01 |
MajorPayne | MannyZ: Why dont you give that a try? | 01:01 |
jahid | lufis, i will insatll winxp and then agian ubuntu | 01:01 |
lufis | jahid: Ok, good luck | 01:01 |
retnuh | nickrud: Thank you so much for helping me out and taking a look at it..... | 01:01 |
nickrud | retnuh, ati drivers suck. They just do | 01:01 |
nickrud | !ati retnuh | 01:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ati retnuh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:01 |
kitche | MannyZ: if you don't like the link that it gave you you could always go to winehq.com and get help there since it tells you how to get it working | 01:01 |
=== nnh-bot [n=tester@cpe-76-169-3-20.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MannyZ | pike_ http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Steam | 01:01 |
rem | its like locked at 182 | 01:02 |
nickrud | !ati | retnuh | 01:02 |
ubotu | retnuh: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:02 |
mheath | MannyZ, Thats the official bot of the channel. It has lots of good information. What it says can be seen as coming from the user who's helping it, as they instructed it to tell you that. Its just easier than people having to repeatedly type common answers. | 01:02 |
lufis | rem: 182 pixels? | 01:02 |
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=== scott__ [n=scott@75-163-132-61.clsp.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NETWizz | I want to make a backup image of ubuntu | 01:02 |
=== hadron [n=user@e179192136.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NETWizz | Do I need to backup the swap partition? | 01:02 |
MannyZ | ohh ok.. | 01:02 |
MajorPayne | NETWizz: No. | 01:02 |
rem | I guess the normal value is 24 there...i checked on another pc...now there is 182 and it takes up all screen .. | 01:02 |
lufis | Dimensional-Door: Well, it depends on what you want to do. Ekiga is free to use, but it's only a client | 01:02 |
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=== barbagrossa [n=ivan@201-30-144-28.sitecnet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MannyZ | its just.. that my wine dosnt know how to install steaminstall.msi | 01:02 |
MannyZ | thats the problem | 01:02 |
=== irotas [n=irotas@c-66-30-195-112.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ladydoor | NETWizz: You shouldn't need to | 01:02 |
hadron | help needed folks. I'm stuck in an upgrade. Is there a documented way to revert back to a previous version of Ubuntu? Edit sources.list and what else? | 01:02 |
NETWizz | Will I need to recreate it? | 01:02 |
kitche | MannyZ: of course not you want the .exe | 01:03 |
nickrud | lunahood, I'm not familiar with ruby, so I'm not sure what the IDE's issue is, sorry | 01:03 |
rem | yea its 182 pixels .. | 01:03 |
MannyZ | well from www.steampowered.com you dont get .exe | 01:03 |
pike_ | lufis: scite is decent | 01:03 |
=== nextse7en [n=nextse7e@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dimensional-Door | lufis oh. well i want to know of a inexpensive provider where i an use ekiga or other tools.i jsut want to make calls to us | 01:03 |
kitche | MannyZ: you have to install installshield first for it to install a .msi | 01:03 |
pike_ | lunahood: ^ or just apt-get irb | 01:03 |
kitche | MannyZ: sure you do | 01:03 |
MannyZ | kitche.. | 01:03 |
nextse7en | Hi folks, how do I figure out the domain name of my network? | 01:03 |
lufis | Dimensional-Door: Ekiga can do that, so can skype. it's up to you | 01:03 |
=== rya1 [n=ryan@c-71-58-119-172.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
MannyZ | want to help me with vnc :/ | 01:03 |
MannyZ | ? | 01:03 |
ShackJack | hadron: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude -f dist-upgrade | 01:03 |
timposey | pike_; are you saying it would or would not be exclusive to xubuntu? I have googled this error and receive nothing back... | 01:03 |
lunahood | nickrud: no problem thank you for your help | 01:04 |
MajorPayne | !ask | MannyZ | 01:04 |
ubotu | MannyZ: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:04 |
ladydoor | nextse7en: cat /etc/hostname | 01:04 |
lufis | MannyZ: the return key is not punctuation ;) | 01:04 |
hadron | ShackJack: that reverts to a previous version`? | 01:04 |
rem | been rgreping everywhere too find it or in gconf-editor ...but only found the default 24 in there ... ! :( | 01:04 |
nextse7en | thanks. | 01:04 |
=== pihq_ [n=ksmith@cpe-76-183-249-37.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dimensional-Door | lufis ive read skype you cant spoof caller id on skypeout only on skypein, and do you recomend any providers? | 01:04 |
ladydoor | nextse7en: np | 01:04 |
lufis | rem: what do you mean? the size of the panel? | 01:04 |
nickrud | lunahood, it reminded me to ask what the issue is, so we don't beat around the bush :) | 01:04 |
MannyZ | im so mixed up :S.. i dont know what to do.. | 01:04 |
sport | okay im not sure what i did. i installed xorg then blackbox.I ran blackbox via startx it worked fine but when i exit .and try to xstart again i get a black screen and when i ctl alt bkspace out i see errors like "could not init font path element" and " error opening /dev/input/wacom: success":this is on ubuntu server | 01:04 |
lufis | Dimensional-Door: I've never used voip myself, so i dunno | 01:04 |
pike_ | timposey: xubuntu is basically just xfce4 and some packages. if youre getting an isolinux error it ain't xubuntu id think | 01:04 |
lunahood | pike_: irb as well irb1.8 are still installed | 01:04 |
rem | the size of the panel is 182 instead of 24 and it wontlet me change it .. | 01:04 |
Associat0r | how can I play midi files? | 01:04 |
=== MongooseWA [n=evan@c-67-183-188-67.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | hadron: It should if you've updated your sources.list - it will prompt you that it's a DOWNGRADE as the packages will no longer be available... What are you downgrading to? | 01:04 |
lufis | rem: is it locked? | 01:05 |
MongooseWA | no dice, still had to connect manually | 01:05 |
Dimensional-Door | lufis lol ok, i thought you would have sence you know alot | 01:05 |
pike_ | lunahood: that is the cli interpreter i use scite in windows which is alot like idle if youve ever used that with python | 01:05 |
lufis | rem: vertically/horizontally, what? | 01:05 |
=== ztomic [n=bruce@adsl-65-70-214-101.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lufis | Dimensional-Door: Nope, i just know the technicalities :P | 01:05 |
rem | seems like it ..cze i cant change the 182 to any other value in the panel properties, and dont know where it is in command line .. | 01:05 |
rem | bottom | 01:05 |
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pike_ | lunahood: you can apt-get scite | 01:05 |
rem | horizontal | 01:05 |
timposey | pike_; i think it's a hdd error but I have no idea what it means | 01:05 |
MannyZ | I have wine installed and working. now i have this tutorial: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Steam and i want somebody help me installing css.. i cant install it myself because i dont know how.. i tried and it keeps giving errors.. so if there is someone who could help me.. come to #manda | 01:05 |
nextse7en | ladydoor, That wasn't quite what I was looking for, I'm trying to set up a NeXT computer to connect to the internet, but its asking me what the domain name is of the network, how do I find that out? | 01:05 |
=== lozzy [n=lozzy@host86-143-55-42.range86-143.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lufis | rem: can you not drag it down? | 01:06 |
ladydoor | Associat0r: apt-cache search midi|less should give you a long list of packages that have to do with midi. Unfortunately, I don't have any particular recommendation for good packages. Good luck finding one that works for you! | 01:06 |
=== B-rabbit [n=fahmid@host86-133-31-126.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lufis | rem put the mouse over the edge until the arrow pops up, then drag it down | 01:06 |
MajorPayne | MannyZ: What errors do you get? They help. Also, people in #winehq may be of more help. | 01:06 |
ladydoor | nextse7en: I'm not sure, sorry. Good luck | 01:06 |
ShackJack | remYou can change manually in configuration editor apps/panels/toplevels/panel_x | 01:06 |
lockd | pike_, lunahood: irb is interactive ruby, nothing to do with python | 01:06 |
ShackJack | rem: ^^ | 01:06 |
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MannyZ | i cant remember... | 01:06 |
kitche | MannyZ: check winehq.com it tells you how to install steam | 01:06 |
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rem | hold on ..i dont remember trying that,, ill try it .. | 01:06 |
MannyZ | ok.. | 01:06 |
Associat0r | ok thanks | 01:06 |
MannyZ | kitche ok | 01:07 |
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ShackJack | rem: you should put the name of the person you are addressing in IM so they are alerted to your response... Use TAB to autocomplete IM handles... | 01:07 |
NETWizz | I backed up my extended partitions | 01:07 |
NETWizz | with sfdisk | 01:07 |
NETWizz | sfdisk -d /dev/hda > backup | 01:07 |
NETWizz | My question is | 01:07 |
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kitche | MannyZ: sicne it's pretty clear cut directions on their site in the AbbDB | 01:07 |
NETWizz | If I restore it, do I need to format it? | 01:07 |
lunahood | lockd: pike_: ruby is still installed, i am just searching for the ruby interpreter executable to configure them into my IDE (Intellij) ^ | 01:07 |
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MajorPayne | !enter | NETWizz | 01:08 |
ubotu | NETWizz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:08 |
pike_ | lunahood: oh i thought you were looking for a small ide | 01:08 |
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lockd | lunahood: interpreter is "ruby" iirc | 01:08 |
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kitche | lunahood: it;s probably /usr/bin/ruby | 01:08 |
nextse7en | Alright folks, a little help here, I'm tryig to set up a NeXTstation to access the internet, but I need to know the domain name of my network, any tips on how I can find that. | 01:08 |
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MannyZ | kitche is this the one: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=1554? | 01:08 |
MannyZ | http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=1554 | 01:08 |
lockd | lunahood: if you can invoke it it should be fine, if intellij can't find it then 'which ruby' | 01:08 |
MajorPayne | NETWizz: I would think not. If you are restoring a partition it should already be formated. | 01:08 |
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kitche | MannyZ: seems so the url looks correctl | 01:09 |
MajorPayne | NETWizz: But I never used that tool you are using. | 01:09 |
NETWizz | Ok | 01:09 |
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MannyZ | ok | 01:09 |
NETWizz | So then I can put the partition table back together | 01:09 |
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NETWizz | and use mkdswap | 01:09 |
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MajorPayne | NETWizz: I don't know. | 01:09 |
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MajorPayne | !enter | NETWizz | 01:10 |
ubotu | NETWizz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:10 |
digiqq | why my systray doesnt showup on my panel? | 01:10 |
MajorPayne | NETWizz: Listen to ubotu. | 01:10 |
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kitche | digiqq: what do you mean what desktop environment are you using? | 01:10 |
digiqq | kitche: I'm using xfce | 01:11 |
kjp | How can I mount my xfs drive as read / write for users since uid and gid options are not supported with xfs? | 01:11 |
kitche | digiqq: it should be top of your screen | 01:11 |
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ShackJack | digiqq: Maybe you inadvertantly deleted fro m the panel? | 01:11 |
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digiqq | ShackJack: no, I tried to add one, but it says one systray is already running | 01:12 |
messhias | is the ati mobility radeon x1600 supported for the desktop effects? I've read it can some places and some places not.. Using the normal Gnome with linux 7.04 | 01:12 |
digiqq | kitche: my panel is on the bottom of my screen | 01:12 |
ShackJack | digiqq: You might have better luck in #xubuntu channel - not a big XCFE user myself... | 01:12 |
lufis | digiqq: is anything actually supposed to be in the systray? If it's empty you can't see it | 01:12 |
kitche | digiqq: well in ubuntu there is two panels | 01:12 |
lunahood | kitche: lockd: at /usr/bin/ruby is only a symbolic link that the IDE doesn't accept (doesn't show) and the hole directory /usr/lib/ruby doesn't contains the interpreter as it is (the selected directory is not a valid home for ruby SDK) :/ | 01:12 |
kitche | digiqq: did you remove the top panel? | 01:12 |
digiqq | ShackJack: oic, thx mate | 01:12 |
Nicark | hey guys... does anybody knows why when i try to compile a helloworld.c it says "world.c:1:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory" ?? | 01:12 |
digiqq | kitche: yes, i did remove one panel | 01:13 |
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MajorPayne | Nicark: Did you install build-essential? | 01:13 |
kitche | digiqq: well there you go the top panel was the systray | 01:13 |
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NETWizz | I am trying partiamge | 01:13 |
digiqq | lufis: yes, i am running pidgin, so it's not empty | 01:13 |
NETWizz | Looks like it will take 2 more minutes | 01:13 |
NETWizz | and 36 seconds | 01:13 |
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NETWizz | Okay | 01:13 |
ladydoor | Can anybody recommend a backup tool that's capable of accurately compressing large amounts of data and which preserves permissions, directory structure, etc.? | 01:13 |
ShackJack | !enter | NETWizz (READ THIS) | 01:14 |
ubotu | NETWizz (READ THIS): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:14 |
NETWizz | I am restoring /dev/hda1 ext3fs | 01:14 |
NETWizz | I have a question | 01:14 |
digiqq | kitche: okay, i'll try that, thx | 01:14 |
MajorPayne | NETWizz: That's the 3rd time someone told you to stop using the enterkey like that. | 01:14 |
MannyZ | kitche: what is wrong with this command? cd ~/Desktop/Tahoma.ttf && cp ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts | 01:14 |
=== Lekrem [n=Lekrem@c-67-165-221-153.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ShackJack | MajorPayne: Maybe he can't read :) | 01:14 |
NETWizz | If I re-create a blank swap partition, will Ubuntu format it for me? | 01:14 |
xenoie | ladydoor: tar | 01:14 |
kitche | MannyZ: umm Tahoma.tff is not a directory most likely | 01:14 |
MannyZ | kitche it says that not such file or dir | 01:15 |
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MannyZ | ok so what is the command then? | 01:15 |
Nicark | MajorPayne, hehe that was exactly it... thanks much | 01:15 |
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codecaine | whats a real good program from ripping cds? | 01:15 |
MajorPayne | Nicark: No problem. | 01:15 |
lufis | MannyZ: try cp ~/Desktop/Tahoma.ttf ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts | 01:15 |
kitche | MannyZ: you want to do cp ~/Desktop/Tahoma.tff ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts | 01:15 |
=== SirBob1701 [n=mcginley@pool-72-81-83-246.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vinchenzo28 | has anyone updated their nvidia drivers with ubuntu 7.04(64bit)? | 01:15 |
ladydoor | codecaine: Depends what you like. Command-line? Graphical? | 01:15 |
codecaine | gui | 01:15 |
MannyZ | thanks | 01:15 |
lufis | MannyZ: Cd is for changing directories, you were trying to change to a file | 01:16 |
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MannyZ | ohh :D | 01:16 |
MannyZ | well | 01:16 |
lufis | so just use cp <file> <destination> | 01:16 |
ladydoor | xenoie: Right right...I was just hoping for better compression, because I'd kind of like to try and encrypt my /home partition and don't really have a lot of available backup space, but do have a *whole lot* of data. *shrug* | 01:16 |
ladydoor | xenoie: Oh well. | 01:16 |
MannyZ | i used cp ~/Desktop/Tahoma.ttf ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts that now and umm it didnt say anything that it wouldnt work or work -.- | 01:16 |
lufis | MannyZ: If it doesn't give any output, then it means it worked ;) | 01:17 |
SirBob1701 | i have VOBs, IFOs, and BUPs from a dvd i ripped when i had windows and I want to now burn them to a dvd (orignally used dvd Extractor) is there a way to burn them to a dvd in linux? | 01:17 |
rem | Hey gnome panel display is blocked at 182 instead of 24 ..its blocked any way to unblock it ? | 01:17 |
rem | I can get in the panel properties but then it wont let me change the 182 size .. | 01:17 |
MannyZ | good :) thanks lufis and kitche | 01:17 |
rem | anyone ? | 01:17 |
MannyZ | i will need help again | 01:17 |
MannyZ | dont worry ;) | 01:17 |
ShackJack | rem: Did you try changing it in gconf2? | 01:17 |
ShackJack | !enter | rem | 01:17 |
ubotu | rem: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:17 |
lunahood | kitche: nickrud: did i need the ruby-dev package to get the interpreter executable ? | 01:18 |
MannyZ | i did the first line from the tut now :D | 01:18 |
digiqq | kitche: hi, still there? | 01:18 |
lufis | MannyZ: Oh, this might help you out: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Unix_Linux_Cheat_Sheet | 01:18 |
ztomic | kjp: did you try the "user" option in fstab? | 01:18 |
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rem | where is it in gconf2 ? i tried to move gconf2 to another place sothat it gives me a default one but that didnt help .. | 01:18 |
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ShackJack | rem: Should be under system menu (may have to activate) or type gconf-editor | 01:18 |
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digiqq | kitche: the thing is, systray was there before, and when I add SCIM, it replaced systray's position, and I cant find systray anymore | 01:19 |
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rem | ive been in gconf-editor .. | 01:19 |
nickrud | lunahood, not very likely; -dev packages are intended to provide the hooks needed to compile against the parent package | 01:19 |
ShackJack | rem: And you found the panel settings? | 01:19 |
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rem | found apps/panel .. is that it ? | 01:19 |
kjp | ztomic: no, what's the syntax ? | 01:19 |
MannyZ | lufis what is that :S? i dont understand.. some thing that make sterminal easier? | 01:19 |
=== Radio [n=null@pool-71-107-18-174.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rem | but i saw 24 in there ...but when i right click and panel properties it shows 182 .. | 01:19 |
ShackJack | rem - yes, and the rest of what I said before -- down a couple more levels.. | 01:19 |
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lufis | MannyZ: it's just a list of common commands and how to use them | 01:19 |
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ShackJack | rem: How many panels you running? | 01:20 |
rem | 2 | 01:20 |
neo | hello all , can anyone help me ? | 01:20 |
rem | bottom top | 01:20 |
lufis | rem: You are in gnome, right? | 01:20 |
ztomic | kjp: user, rw, noauto should work. | 01:20 |
rem | yea | 01:20 |
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sport | anyone know a alternative to xorg? | 01:20 |
ShackJack | rem: Check other panels in apps/pannel/toplevels/panel_X | 01:20 |
MannyZ | ohh sweet! | 01:20 |
kitche | sport: umm Xfree86 which is rarely up to date | 01:20 |
=== FrancoGG- is now known as FrancoGG | ||
MannyZ | im downloading it :) | 01:21 |
ladydoor | sport: A terminal-only setup? :-) | 01:21 |
=== lufis pets MannyZ | ||
kjp | ztomic: nope. it currently reads rw,user,auto and the user can't unmount or write to it | 01:21 |
=== Xanadu [n=Blah@mtngprs5.mtn.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rem | i checked all of them in gconf-editor and I rgreped to check all the 24 or 182 ..and i only saw 24's in there .. | 01:21 |
ladydoor | !ask|neo | 01:21 |
ubotu | neo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:21 |
MannyZ | lufis :DD::DD::D does bury mean download in dog language? | 01:21 |
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lufis | MannyZ: Noe... bury is if you don't like the story :d | 01:21 |
=== Soulwarp [n=robby@8-81.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MannyZ | ohh rofl | 01:22 |
MannyZ | where is the dl | 01:22 |
rem | in gconf-editor it tells u which folder it is in...i looked in there..only 24's .. | 01:22 |
lufis | MannyZ: http://fosswire.com/2007/08/02/unixlinux-command-cheat-sheet/ | 01:22 |
ShackJack | rem: Dunno - if it says 24 in gconf, it should say 24 in panel properties... It couldn't be otherwise... YOu can delete you .gconf and .gconf2 directories under your home dir (hidden directories) to rebuild your panels anew | 01:22 |
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=== jcs7778 [n=john-cha@fl-71-3-92-218.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rem | i deleted them..and others...still no change .. | 01:22 |
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ztomic | kjp: the drive is formatted right? can you mount it as root? | 01:23 |
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MannyZ | thanks lufis<3 | 01:23 |
rem | i know it seems weird but it says 24 in gconf-.--but the panel is huge on the screen and it says 182 in properties .. | 01:23 |
lufis | MannyZ: <3 | 01:23 |
kjp | ztomic: yes, drive is formatted (xfs) and user can MOUNT it, but not unmount it, and not write to it (touch file) | 01:23 |
ShackJack | rem: I dunno it's something else then - can't say what.. That's where the data is... | 01:23 |
sport | <kitche> i uninstalled xorg and blackbox reinstalled xorg and then installed fluxbox. when i startx it's blank. i dont understand ? | 01:24 |
=== drew [n=drew@adsl-76-241-68-230.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rem | only solution to reinstall I found so far is to create another user...the pain is to adapt the nfs, smb, personal settings etc ... :( | 01:24 |
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drew | hey, is there a way to see verbal boot-up? isntead of splash screen? | 01:25 |
Scout | After I install mplayer how do I disable totem? | 01:25 |
rem | thx anyway .. | 01:25 |
barbagrossa | someone already changed the GDM login screen resolution? | 01:25 |
ShackJack | rem: I dunno look againg under gconf and toggle the setting of the appropriate panel, you shold see a change... | 01:25 |
jcs7778 | I have a second partition on my hdd, it's formatted to ext3, ubuntu did not auto mount it. So I decided to add it manually in fstab something im used to doing in debian. But no matter what I do i cannot get my personal user account to have permission to write to it, any help would be nice, thanks. | 01:25 |
MannyZ | lufis | 01:26 |
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ladydoor | drew: Open up /boot/grub/menu.lst in your favorite text editor, as root (but MAKE A BACKUP!) | 01:26 |
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MannyZ | my nerves is going to explode | 01:26 |
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rem | I've been trying to find the right file played with many for hours now ...Im running out of places and files to look ... | 01:26 |
MannyZ | lufis | 01:26 |
drew | ladydoor: k | 01:26 |
MannyZ | come to #manda | 01:26 |
lufis | MannyZ: Quit using enter as punctuation!! | 01:26 |
ShackJack | rem: Just go in gconf like I said and toggle the settings... | 01:26 |
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rem | i did that for a while already ... | 01:26 |
MannyZ | srry man .. come to #manda :D... | 01:26 |
ztomic | kjp: did you see this? http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/Linux+XFS-HOWTO.html | 01:26 |
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Sakura | Can someonne please tell me the mount command to mount an external USB drive formatted with NTFS read-write using ntfs-3g? "mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/usb" mounts the drive read-only. | 01:27 |
kjp | ztomic: | 01:27 |
ladydoor | drew: Go down to the section in which there are some of stanzas starting with "title" | 01:27 |
rem | anyway ...I guess i'll google some more and probably creat another user ...weird prob .. | 01:27 |
kjp | ztomic: yes I did. havnen't found any clues there. | 01:27 |
drew | ladydoor: k | 01:27 |
coldsteal | i have a quick question how do i set my time format to 12 hour in irssi? | 01:27 |
A1 | argh!!! %$&&!! | 01:27 |
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yaustar | Is a firewall needed for Linux? | 01:28 |
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ShackJack | yaustar: Got one built in IP Tables ? | 01:28 |
ladydoor | On the top one, on the line that reads "kernel," there should be several items, such as "ro," "quiet," and "splash." If you want to turn off the splash screen and just have the traditional boot text scrolling by as you boot, delete the word splash and save the file. | 01:28 |
ShackJack | !iptables | yaustar | 01:28 |
ubotu | yaustar: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 01:28 |
coderx | where can i find PB for wolfet-Linux? | 01:28 |
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drew | ladydoor: done | 01:29 |
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yaustar | ShackJack: Ah.. I see | 01:29 |
jetscreamer | coderx: evenbalance.org or .com.. or even-balance | 01:29 |
jetscreamer | i forget | 01:29 |
jetscreamer | evenbalance.something | 01:29 |
emilia | does anyone know how to uninstall a program and uninstall the settings also? so i can reinstall it cleanly? | 01:29 |
Scout | fter I install mplayer how do I disable totem on Mozilla Firefox? | 01:29 |
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Scout | after* | 01:29 |
ladydoor | drew: That should do the trick, if I'm understanding what you want correctly | 01:29 |
jetscreamer | try the plugins thing under prefs in ff | 01:29 |
Scout | Hm | 01:30 |
ztomic | kjp: interesting. lemme mess with this little thumb drive I have. It's something worth knowing. I'll let you know if I have any success. | 01:30 |
=== chuckf [n=chuck@pool-71-191-47-229.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | Scout: sudo aptitude remove totem-mozilla | 01:30 |
coldsteal | emilia: apt-get --purge remove <pkg name> | 01:30 |
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drew | ladydoor: ok great, thx | 01:30 |
coldsteal | emilia: aptitude purge <pkg name> | 01:30 |
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ladydoor | drew: np | 01:30 |
emilia | coldsteal, thanks! | 01:30 |
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jcs7778 | I cannot mount my second ext3 partition as read write under my user name | 01:31 |
Sakura | Anyone know how to mount an NTFS usb hard disk read-write? | 01:31 |
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emilia | coldsteal,i had avant window navigator installed working great through a repository, but i updated via svn and broke it, i hope this fixes it i love it | 01:31 |
coderx | that just gives me the update, i need the binary | 01:31 |
ShackJack | !ntfs-3g | Sakura | 01:31 |
ubotu | Sakura: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 01:31 |
BlackaCid | I have access to only read my NTFS drives is there way i can have access to edit and add files to them. | 01:32 |
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coldsteal | !ntfs-3g | SBlackaCid | 01:32 |
ubotu | SBlackaCid: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 01:32 |
coldsteal | !ntfs-3g | BlackaCid | 01:32 |
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BlackaCid | Just noticed the people above^^^ thx | 01:32 |
nickrud | a 3peat for 3g, how nice :) | 01:32 |
Sakura | ShackJack: Ntfs-3g is installed and working fine. The file system is mounted read-only anyways. | 01:32 |
Scout | Should mplayer play .divx? | 01:33 |
ShackJack | Sakura: there is a control panel settings to enable read/write | 01:33 |
benjamin1254 | question for everyone in here... i installed ubuntu server but on top of it because i have to go through command line i want to install ubuntu gnome version ... how would i do that? | 01:33 |
coderx | Any one know where i can find the Punk-buster Binaries for wolfET | 01:33 |
nickrud | benjamin1254, install ubuntu-desktop | 01:33 |
Sakura | ShackJack: Settings or Administration menu? | 01:33 |
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jrib | benjamin1254: aptitude install ubuntu-desktop | 01:34 |
ShackJack | Sakura: System Tools... | 01:34 |
kjp | is there a meta package for installing LAMP ? | 01:34 |
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Sakura | ShackJack: Negative. What's the tools name? | 01:34 |
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jrib | kjp: no | 01:34 |
jrib | !lamp > kjp (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:34 |
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kitche | coderx: it should have installed them when you installed wolfET | 01:34 |
ShackJack | Sakura: ntfs-config | 01:34 |
lunahood | nickrud: lockd: it seems for me to be a "bug" into intellij; there is the solution: http://blog.sidu.in/2006/11/intellij-and-location-of-ruby-sdk-on.html | 01:34 |
SoulChild | How to crack a W-LAN WEP key ? Just want to try it on my own W-LAN | 01:35 |
Sakura | ShackJack: Arigatou, Thanks, Danke, Bedaankt :) | 01:35 |
benjamin1254 | thnx | 01:35 |
ShackJack | Sakura: you may have to unmount/remount USB | 01:35 |
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benjamin1254 | also how would i install the command line interface for irc.... bitchx is the program called/ | 01:35 |
benjamin1254 | ? | 01:35 |
MajorPayne | SoulChild: I doubt you will get that kind of information in here. | 01:36 |
Sakura | ShackJack: I have a deeper problem here: ntfs-config: command not found. | 01:36 |
kjp | jrib: nice! | 01:36 |
ladydoor | benjamin1254: sudo aptitude install irssi (or bitchx, whichever you prefer) | 01:36 |
coldsteal | benjamin1254: aptitude install bitchx | 01:36 |
jrib | !apt > benjamin1254 (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:36 |
SoulChild | MajorPayne:okay thanks anyway | 01:36 |
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ShackJack | Sakura: Install it :) | 01:36 |
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ladydoor | benjamin1254: There are a lot of IRC clients out there, both graphical and non :-) | 01:36 |
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Sakura | ShackJack: Thanks I just needed the tools name to get on track :) | 01:36 |
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Drk_Guy | hi guys! | 01:37 |
benjamin1254 | thnks everyone for the help | 01:37 |
Scout | My mplayer won't play .divx? | 01:37 |
Drk_Guy | First time the channel is inactive | 01:37 |
ShackJack | Scout: Check out VLC | 01:37 |
Drk_Guy | Divx isn't openSource Scout, you need !codecs | 01:37 |
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affasffsdafasdfs | Dose any one know how to mount a partition so that normal users can write to it without being root? | 01:38 |
Drk_Guy | For an OpenSource replacement of DivX, check out: Xvid | 01:38 |
jrib | affasffsdafasdfs: what filesystem? | 01:38 |
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Soulwarp | xvid is what i use | 01:38 |
Drk_Guy | brb | 01:38 |
Drk_Guy | !codecs | Scout | 01:38 |
ubotu | Scout: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:38 |
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affasffsdafasdfs | jrib, it's ext3 | 01:39 |
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SimplySeth | okay so how do I find what package contains easy.h with apt-cache ? | 01:39 |
jrib | affasffsdafasdfs: you use chmod/chown as usual with any other file on your system. I'll send you some documentatation on permissions | 01:40 |
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sport | can any one help me with installing a window manager to ubuntu server? | 01:40 |
jrib | !permissions > affasffsdafasdfs (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:40 |
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Xanadu | affasffsdafasdfs: are you mounting with the mount command or through fstab? | 01:40 |
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Pelo | SimplySeth, sudo apt-cache search easy | 01:40 |
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Pelo | sport, any specific issues or you just need to get started ? | 01:41 |
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sotec_prod | evening | 01:41 |
SimplySeth | Pelo: oh well .. I guess I'll just compile curl from scratch .. thanks | 01:41 |
anticitizen1 | HI, im having problems trying to update my ubuntu installation, First, when i ive installed the first time, seems that is sharing the same partition with my windows xp install. | 01:41 |
sotec_prod | god I hate reinstalling my entire system from Edgy... | 01:41 |
sotec_prod | turned into an all day event. | 01:42 |
ShackJack | anticitizen1: That is not possible ;) It might be sharing the same hard drive | 01:42 |
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anticitizen1 | OK, THANKS SHACK_JACK =P | 01:42 |
sport | pelo: i installed xorg and then blackbox ran startx and it worked...once. exit and startx again and it went blank? ive uninstalled everything now hoping for a walk through | 01:42 |
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coldsteal | okay this #ubuntu is better now | 01:43 |
Pelo | sport, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:43 |
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cornell | Good evening.... So how do I set the resolution on my monitor, can't seem to find the button to click. (I'm shifting from a 19" to a 20"widescreen, all is well, except it's stretched wide ;-) ) | 01:43 |
anticitizen1 | oK, but that is ubuntu version is 510, | 01:43 |
coldsteal | i did /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS | 01:43 |
ladydoor | sport: Would you paste your xorg.conf to pastebin, then paste the url here when you next ask (that way whomever ends up helping you has that important information available) | 01:43 |
cornell | Is this a command-line thing, editor or is there a button? | 01:43 |
sotec_prod | Would anyone know why on a dualboot system with Win2000 and Feisty, with a brand new SATA II 320gb hdd, 512mb RAM (now 1GB) I would get computer freezes and sluggishness til the point of breakage on both OS's fresh install, or is this question a needle in a haystack, trial and error sort of issue? | 01:44 |
sotec_prod | It seems to be running fine now that I popped an extra 512mb into it | 01:44 |
ladydoor | cornell: Do you know what resolution you need? In case, select that as the default in your xorg.conf (but *make a backup* first) | 01:44 |
sotec_prod | but GAIM freezes | 01:44 |
anticitizen1 | now i want to install KUBUNTU last Version OVER my UBUNTU 5.10 version (now im struck down) | 01:44 |
Xanadu | anyone know where Ubuntu stores the drive ID for the bootup drive? I've changed my partitions around but every time I install a new kernel through an update it puts the wrong boot drive into /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:44 |
Pelo | cornell, menu > system > prefs > screen resolution, if your prefered resolutioin is not available exit xorg.conf and add it to the list | 01:44 |
sotec_prod | I wonder if it's this stupid theme I have. | 01:44 |
jetscreamer | anticitizen1: just apt-get install kde | 01:44 |
ShackJack | cornell: No button, but you can sudo dpkg-configure xserver-xrorg | 01:44 |
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coldsteal | Xanadu: /etc/fstab ? | 01:45 |
ShackJack | anticitizen1: or kubuntu-desktop if you want the full experience ;) | 01:45 |
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Flannel | anticitizen1: installing is fine, upgrading you'd have to go 6.06, 6.10, 7.04, but installation is fine. If you have a separate home partition, you'll be able to do that and not lose data, if not, well, you might think about giving yourself one, if you've got a lot of stuff | 01:45 |
hendro | I got these error messages in .xsession-error: /etc/profile: 17: id: not found | 01:45 |
hendro | /etc/gdm/Xsession: Executing /usr/bin/gnome-session failed, will try to run x-terminal-emulator | 01:45 |
hendro | exec: 224: x-terminal-emulator: not found | 01:45 |
hendro | What do they mean? | 01:45 |
jetscreamer | cornell: hwinfo --monitor will tell you h&v rates, but you can just omit them, or chose medium when the reconfigure asks you | 01:45 |
Scout | How do I install the divx codec for mplayer? | 01:45 |
kjp | when will kubuntu 7 be released ? | 01:45 |
Xanadu | coldsteal - no my fstab is fine - it's just the menu.lst that changes | 01:45 |
lattera | I just bought an Enpower laptop (model: enp660), and when I boot Ubuntu, it drops me into a busybox shell | 01:45 |
jetscreamer | !w32codecs | 01:45 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 01:45 |
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cornell | Thanks Shackjack, but pdkg-configure not found | 01:45 |
CheeseGardener | does anyone know of a free .rar file opener for ubuntu? Or a .rar library that will let me open .rar files? | 01:45 |
Drk_Guy | !back | 01:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about back - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:45 |
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jetscreamer | !w32codecs | scout | 01:45 |
ubotu | scout: please see above | 01:45 |
Flannel | !rar | CheeseGardener | 01:45 |
ubotu | CheeseGardener: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 01:46 |
jetscreamer | aha | 01:46 |
lattera | I checked the log file and it says that the DVD drive doesn't exist | 01:46 |
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Xanadu | coldsteal: the kernel line - root=<drive id> | 01:46 |
lattera | does anyone know why this is happening? | 01:46 |
Drk_Guy | Cheesegardener, unrar (trough teminal) | 01:46 |
anticitizen1 | jetscremer: thanks, but i cant download any update since my UBUNTU is 5.10 | 01:46 |
jetscreamer | linrar can't do the latest winrar, or couldn't | 01:46 |
cornell | ShackJack: BTW... Dapper ( ;-( ) | 01:46 |
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jetscreamer | see also rar -x | 01:46 |
coldsteal | Xanadu: i think fstab has the drive ids | 01:46 |
Drk_Guy | CheeseGardener: You could also seup !wine and run WinRAR perfectly there | 01:46 |
ffm | How can I tell if my password is secure? | 01:46 |
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Drk_Guy | !wine | 01:46 |
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ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 01:46 |
ShackJack | cornell: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ;) | 01:46 |
CheeseGardener | ok but can I right click a .rar file and open it if I download unrar? | 01:47 |
cornell | K | 01:47 |
jetscreamer | uuid's are in /dev/disk/by-uuid iirc | 01:47 |
CheeseGardener | or do I have to use unrar to open .rar files? | 01:47 |
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jetscreamer | rar -x | 01:47 |
Drk_Guy | Unrar is included with Ubuntu CheeseGardener | 01:47 |
ShackJack | Heehee I forgot ppl are still using Dapper :) | 01:47 |
Flannel | anticitizen1: You can upgrade to 6.06 (nd then to 6.10 and then 7.04), but you're probably better off reinstalling, considering you're changing flavors, you won't lose settings (they'd be different anyway). It's just a question of your personal data | 01:47 |
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brandoman043 | hi all wondering of someone could help me with a network connection issue with ubuntu. it appears that i could download all updates after a fresh install but im unable to load webpages. i can ping urls but packets arent being sent as they should | 01:47 |
jetscreamer | anticitizen1: ah :( | 01:47 |
stroberaver | hello - is this the right place to get some help on installing Ubuntu? :) | 01:47 |
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Xanadu | coldsteal - my fstab is fine, it's just when I update the kernel and it rewrites the menu.lst file that it messes it up | 01:47 |
ffm | stroberaver, yes, it is. | 01:47 |
Flannel | !fixres | cornell | 01:48 |
ubotu | cornell: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:48 |
coldsteal | Xanadu: ummm okay well idk then | 01:48 |
stroberaver | thanks :) just had a go at installing it and backed out in fear of breaking Windows | 01:48 |
coldsteal | Xanadu: let me cheach something | 01:48 |
ShackJack | brandoman043: Is that wired or wireless? | 01:48 |
stroberaver | i'm not sure about the bootloader options | 01:48 |
ffm | How can I tell if my password is secure? | 01:48 |
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brandoman043 | well i want to set up my wireless asap but for now im just trying to get the wired to work | 01:48 |
MajorPayne | ffm: Is your password 'password'? | 01:48 |
jetscreamer | ffm: try to hack it | 01:48 |
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jetscreamer | !info john | 01:49 |
ubotu | john: active password cracking tool. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6-40ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 548 kB, installed size 1172 kB | 01:49 |
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brandoman043 | ShackJack: ive tried to disable one of the 2 incase that was the issue | 01:49 |
ladydoor | Xanadu: What does the commented groot option say? | 01:49 |
pike_ | ffm: run a ftp server? :) | 01:49 |
brandoman043 | no luck | 01:49 |
Drk_Guy | John the ripper | 01:49 |
=== Drk_Guy is scared | ||
cornell | mmm.... ShackJack, I get "No X server known for your video hardware".... um... yeah, Flannel, ubotu... been there, the first didn't work (No X server etc) (well, I didn't like where it was going and quit) And the other options aren't making too much sense... But... I'll dig back in... | 01:49 |
ffm | pike_, yep. | 01:49 |
jetscreamer | that would be the one | 01:49 |
anticitizen1 | Flannell, is there any way to UNISTALLL Ubuntu? | 01:49 |
Xanadu | ladydoor: in fstab? | 01:49 |
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ffm | pike_, dont want to , but no idea how to set up sftp | 01:49 |
ffm | anticitizen1, you can delete ubuntu's partition... | 01:49 |
Drk_Guy | anticitizen1: Wipe the partition/hd | 01:49 |
jetscreamer | anticitizen1: rm -Fr / works, but just install the kubuntu and let it 'format' it | 01:49 |
Xanadu | ladydoor: where do I look for that? | 01:49 |
MajorPayne | ffm aptitude install sshd | 01:49 |
hendro | I can only login to Gnome failsafe. How can I get my normal GNOME works? | 01:49 |
ShackJack | cornell: Eeeg.... what kind of graphics card you got? | 01:49 |
switchcat | Q: whats the best/easiest way to do a screenshot in gnome/ubuntu/7.04 ? | 01:50 |
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MajorPayne | ffm: ^^ how you install sftp | 01:50 |
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lufis | switchcat: Hit the "print screen" key :) | 01:50 |
stroberaver | on a system that boots from a SATA drive, where should i specify the bootloader to go on the final stage of the installation process? | 01:50 |
redneck | hi | 01:50 |
MajorPayne | ffm: And that is much more secure than ftp | 01:50 |
switchcat | lufis - I tried that and it didn't seem to do anything. | 01:50 |
Olgem_ | MBR | 01:50 |
cornell | Umm... don't know off hand... it worked fine for my 19"... it's what came with an HP AMD 64 dual core | 01:50 |
lufis | switchcat: Applications > accessories > take screenshot | 01:50 |
coldsteal | ffm: to setup sftp u use ssh | 01:50 |
Lta3 | is it possible to delete ubuntu from underneath the other files in the filesystem? in order to free up space. I plan on moving this HDD into another computer with ubuntu already installed, so i'd like to "convert" this HDD to a dumb storage drive, if possible | 01:50 |
ShackJack | brandoman043: Hmmm... I'm stumped at the moment... You have dns servers specified, I imagine... | 01:50 |
lufis | switchcat: or use gimp | 01:50 |
ffm | MajorPayne, I have OpenSSH installed, I just dont know how to setup sftp. | 01:51 |
anticitizen1 | HOW i can know wich partition belongs to Ubuntu, and wich to windows xp (i cant delete my files in windows right now) | 01:51 |
ztomic | kjp: #chmod MOUNTPOINT 666 | 01:51 |
Flannel | anticitizen1: sure, just install something else overtop of it | 01:51 |
MajorPayne | ffm: It should be already set up. | 01:51 |
ladydoor | Xanadu: in menu.lst | 01:51 |
jetscreamer | stroberaver: mbr is usually the best choice | 01:51 |
ffm | MajorPayne, how do i use it then? | 01:51 |
kjp | ztomic: lol! I just figured that out too | 01:51 |
Drk_Guy | Mbr is the best choise | 01:51 |
Lta3 | Could I use the livedisk to delete everything except the folder's i'm interested in, or would that make those folders unaccessable | 01:51 |
MajorPayne | ffm: With sftp. | 01:51 |
jetscreamer | cornell: lspci | grep | 01:51 |
jetscreamer | err | 01:51 |
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Drk_Guy | As it will remain even if you wipe the disk | 01:51 |
Flannel | anticitizen1: The windows partition will be NTFS or FAT32, the linux partition will be ext3 | 01:51 |
MajorPayne | ffm: Or psftp is a good alternative if you are on Windows. | 01:51 |
jetscreamer | cornell: lspci | grep VGA will tell you | 01:51 |
nickrud | Lta3, that's the right course | 01:51 |
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ffm | MajorPayne, is that included with the windows package? | 01:52 |
jetscreamer | cornell: but the monitor != the vid card | 01:52 |
Xanadu | ladydoor: # groot=(hd0,3) | 01:52 |
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stroberaver | so i change (hd0) to mbr? The sata drives show up as sda and sdb, I'm installing Ubuntu to a IDE secondary drive on the primary channel. | 01:52 |
cornell | 0000:00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 PCI Express Bridge (rev a2 | 01:52 |
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brandoman043 | ShackJack: i have the dhcp set to automatic right now and ive tried to do a static setup with no luck. maybe i got that wrong. could it be a conflict with having wired and wireless | 01:52 |
sunny_man | can anyone help me configure my Samba file server? | 01:52 |
MajorPayne | ffm: No, psftp is a download. The p stands for putty, you can download it off the putty website. | 01:52 |
carthik | pretty? | 01:52 |
cornell | jetscreamer: I kinda figured... | 01:52 |
Drk_Guy | anticitizen1: I recommend formatting the partition as ext2 so it can be read by Windows (IFS Driver) | 01:52 |
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stroberaver | i mean an IDE slave drive on primary IDE channel | 01:52 |
ffm | MajorPayne, I already have putty. | 01:52 |
Kousotu | any suport for the pre-release? | 01:52 |
sport | pelo: whats the difference between xorg and xserver-xorg? | 01:52 |
MajorPayne | ffm: Yea, psftp is not putty. | 01:52 |
Flannel | Kousotu: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support | 01:52 |
CheeseGardener | is unrar a seperate program? how do I run unrar? | 01:52 |
MajorPayne | ffm: But you can get it off the same website. | 01:52 |
ladydoor | Xanadu: What have you been changing the entries from and what have you been changing them to? | 01:52 |
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kitche | Kousotu: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | 01:52 |
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ffm | MajorPayne, does it have a gui? | 01:52 |
carthik | Kousotu, try ubuntu+1 for that | 01:52 |
jetscreamer | cornell: apt-get install hwinfo && hwinfo --monitor for the h&v rates ... when xorg is not running. | 01:53 |
=== Bulli [n=janis@dynadsl-080-228-205-237.ewetel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brandoman043 | ubuntu worked fine before i tried to add a wireless card, took that one back and got a new one which recognized very easily. still packets arent being sent at a normal rate | 01:53 |
Kousotu | ty | 01:53 |
ShackJack | brandoman043: Dunno if this releveant? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StaticDnsWithDhcp | 01:53 |
CheeseGardener | How do I run unrar??? | 01:53 |
brandoman043 | thx | 01:53 |
Kousotu | cause F isn't acting right | 01:53 |
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-69-109-174-224.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carthik | cheesegard, do you have rar installed? | 01:53 |
Kousotu | FF* | 01:53 |
CheeseGardener | I have unrar installed | 01:53 |
anticitizen1 | Thank You, Drk_Guy! | 01:53 |
Xanadu | ladydoor: just been changing the entries in menu.lst - changing the kernel line to the correct drive ID | 01:53 |
Drk_Guy | CheeseGardener: In a terminal: unrar /rar/file/ | 01:53 |
Drk_Guy | 4 Nothin' anticitizen1 | 01:53 |
MajorPayne | ffm: No. I can't give any advice on GUI sftp clients. They are out there. | 01:53 |
=== thegnome87 [n=ray@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CheeseGardener | can I access unrar in the GUI? | 01:53 |
matt1 | hmm | 01:53 |
ladydoor | Xanadu: Right. What did it say before (do you remember?) and what does it say now? | 01:53 |
carthik | Cheesegard, then at the command prompt, type in unrar foo.rar if foo.rar is the file you are unraring | 01:53 |
ShackJack | CheeseGardener: Yep, just double click file.. | 01:54 |
matt1 | ndiswrapper says hardware not presented | 01:54 |
cornell | jetscreamer: "apt-get install hwinfo && hwinfo --monitor" is the command? | 01:54 |
=== tatters [n=test@AC9F7909.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== genesis_ [n=genesis@200-127-202-18.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anticitizen1 | Can i share my "D: Docs" partition with windows? being read/write for both OS? | 01:54 |
jetscreamer | add sudo to each but yes | 01:54 |
CheeseGardener | I double clicked the file but it won't open | 01:54 |
hendro | how do I fix start up script? | 01:54 |
carthik | anticize yes use fat32 filesystem | 01:54 |
pike_ | hendro: define fix | 01:54 |
Xanadu | ladydoor: haven't changed the groot comment. Have changed the drive ID's but couldn't tell you what I changed them from. Is the # groot line where it picks up the boot drive? | 01:54 |
=== cjules86 [n=chris@ool-44c4f0c3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mjgoins | how can I reinstall /etc/apache2 if it has been deleted? I tried --purge on every apache-related package, and then reinstalled apache2, but /etc/apache2 _still_ does not exist | 01:55 |
ztomic | kjp: great! sheesh! now I cant unmount this usb drive because xfsprogs is using it. heh! | 01:55 |
CheeseGardener | do I have to restart after installing unrar????? | 01:55 |
therethinker | Has anyone tried to use iCall with ubuntu? | 01:55 |
jetscreamer | anticitizen1: is it ntfs? you might want to try ntfs-3g but ntfs wrtie supoprt isn't a done deal | 01:55 |
ShackJack | CheeseGardener: make sure you have rar installed... Any error messages? No yu don't | 01:55 |
Drk_Guy | anticitizen1: Ubuntu can READ NTFS, and Windows can read/write to ext2 fs with the IFS Driver | 01:55 |
kjp | ztomic: lol, -f it ? | 01:55 |
carthik | Cheesegard, use the command line - it is not that bad, really. :) | 01:55 |
CheeseGardener | just rar installed? | 01:55 |
hendro | I got an error message : /etc/profile: 17: id: not found | 01:55 |
hendro | /etc/gdm/Xsession: Executing /usr/bin/gnome-session failed, will try to run x-terminal-emulator | 01:55 |
hendro | exec: 224: x-terminal-emulator: not found | 01:55 |
MajorPayne | !paste | hendro | 01:55 |
CheeseGardener | where can I find "rar"? | 01:55 |
ubotu | hendro: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:55 |
=== wtz_ [n=lana@57.84-49-210.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carthik | cheesegard, rar and unrar are the same thing - same program. | 01:55 |
ShackJack | CheeseGardener: You want unrar installed... | 01:55 |
jetscreamer | ntfs-3g writes to ntfs but i haven't tested it enough to say it never breaks anything.. just it never has. | 01:55 |
jetscreamer | rar x | 01:55 |
cornell | K, jetscreamer, but you say when x isn't running... so I'll have to say TTFN | 01:55 |
cjules86 | Anyone knowledgeable about WoW and Wine? | 01:56 |
ShackJack | CheeseGardener: sudo aptitude install unrar | 01:56 |
Drk_Guy | Jetscreamer, it works just great | 01:56 |
jetscreamer | cornell: that would like be atm eh? | 01:56 |
CheeseGardener | I have unrar installed | 01:56 |
CheeseGardener | but it won't open the file | 01:56 |
Drk_Guy | www.winehq.com/appdb | 01:56 |
=== unreal [n=unreal@unaffiliated/unreal] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CheeseGardener | it says it can't open that file type | 01:56 |
ShackJack | carthik: Actually, they are two separate packages :) | 01:56 |
pike_ | hendro: try a sudo chown -R $USER:USER /home/$USER | 01:56 |
ladydoor | Xanadu: I believe so, yeah | 01:56 |
jetscreamer | CheeseGardener: probably a winrar3.0 file | 01:56 |
CheeseGardener | oh. | 01:56 |
jetscreamer | or whichever | 01:56 |
ShackJack | CheeseGardener: Then you don't have it installed or that is not a rar file you are trying to open... | 01:56 |
CheeseGardener | it is a .rar file | 01:56 |
=== MrFeetio [n=david@c-71-230-5-247.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ladydoor | Xanadu: So you should change it to match your root line in your (corrected) kernel stanzas | 01:57 |
jetscreamer | CheeseGardener: just to check, do file blah.rar | 01:57 |
cornell | atm... at the moment... TTFN (TaTa For Now... tigger-ism) ;-) | 01:57 |
ShackJack | CheeseGardener: Extension might say that, but that don't mean didly :) | 01:57 |
Xanadu | ladydoor: okay cool - I'll try change that because I'm now booting off of hd(0,2) instead of hd(0,3) | 01:57 |
Drk_Guy | CheeseGardener: File properties indicate the real contents of a file | 01:57 |
jetscreamer | ah | 01:57 |
anticitizen1 | Yes my partition for Documents/Music right now is NTFS, but Ubuntu cant Read it. | 01:57 |
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=== ykanello [n=ykanello@s55908130.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ladydoor | Xanadu: That should hopefully do the trick | 01:57 |
matt1 | can any one help with my ar5007eg acer aspire 5100 i install the drivers in the ndiswrapper but it says hardware not presented | 01:57 |
Xanadu | ladydoor: thanks! if it works (which it hopefully will) you are genius! | 01:57 |
jetscreamer | ubuntu can read it you just haven't allowed it to | 01:57 |
stroberaver | hmm. So if I want a dual-boot system with Ubuntu on an IDE drive (hdb) and WinXP already on a SATA drive (sda) that is set to boot first in the BIOS, do i still change the bootloader option to mbr? not sda? | 01:57 |
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cornell | mmm How do close x without shutting down the box? | 01:57 |
jetscreamer | /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 01:57 |
jetscreamer | or kdm stop or whatever | 01:57 |
Drk_Guy | Cornell: Ctrl+Alt+Bckspce | 01:57 |
CheeseGardener | how do I see the file properties? | 01:57 |
Xanadu | cornel: ctrl-alt-backspace | 01:58 |
CheeseGardener | right click? | 01:58 |
MajorPayne | cornell: either what jetscreamer said or Ctrl+Alt+Backspace | 01:58 |
jetscreamer | /etc/init.d/?dm stop can work when only 1 is installed | 01:58 |
tatters | Strange things happening, my power failed and PC shutdown when I switched back on in the login screen when I press a key it prints out 7 characters making it impossible to login,however holding the backspace key I can type my login details and it does not add the extra characters, when logged in I have to go to keyboard section and uncheck repeat key else it just keeps printing 7 characters,when I log off the repeat key function re-enables | 01:58 |
cornell | Thx | 01:58 |
jetscreamer | ctrl alt bckspace will just restart gdm | 01:58 |
mjgoins | how can I reinstall /etc/apache2 if it has been deleted? I tried --purge on every apache-related package, and then reinstalled apache2, but /etc/apache2 _still_ does not exist | 01:58 |
hendro | ok | 01:58 |
=== hendro [n=hendro@S0106000625646af1.cg.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== HelpMe [n=luke@pool-71-121-212-155.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pike_ | mjgoins: maybe a dpkg-reconfigure not sure though | 01:58 |
=== Chascon [n=chatzill@pc-99-227-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CheeseGardener | MIME type: application/x-rar | 01:59 |
jetscreamer | mjgoins: i'd say you missed | 01:59 |
tatters | hmm, wonder if that makes sense | 01:59 |
pike_ | henla464: so sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart fails? | 01:59 |
HelpMe | hi guys. I just downloaded Wolfstein - Enemy Territory for linux but i dont know how to run it. | 01:59 |
jetscreamer | mjgoins: use a package manager and purge all uninstalled files | 01:59 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: ./etblah.run or whatever | 01:59 |
jetscreamer | ./ | 01:59 |
=== cjules86 [n=chris@ool-44c4f0c3.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
jetscreamer | sudo it rather | 01:59 |
HelpMe | jetscreamer: what? | 02:00 |
anticitizen1 | Thanks, everybody. | 02:00 |
CheeseGardener | how do I find out if the file is .rar type 3? | 02:00 |
cro | hello i need help... i can't install ubuntu on my pc.... is a pentium D when im installing it. appears a message "Umcompressing Kernel OK" and stays that way foreever | 02:00 |
=== dgib [n=dgib@77-97-229-241.cable.ubr10.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | sudo ./et-blah.run | 02:00 |
carthik | mjgoins try apt-get install --reinstall apache2 | 02:00 |
=== hendro [n=hendro@S0106000625646af1.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | HelpMe: you want the alsa sdl not the sdl-all btw | 02:00 |
jetscreamer | !confmiss | 02:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about confmiss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:00 |
jetscreamer | dumbassbot | 02:00 |
HelpMe | Whats that jetscreamer? | 02:00 |
=== ztomic [n=bruce@adsl-65-70-214-101.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | [19.01.34] <dpkg> the reason you have to use dpkg --force-confmiss is because whenever your config files are gone, dpkg assumes you deleted them on purpose, and that you want them to stay deleted. You can also reinstall them using the following apt-get line: apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install <packagename> | 02:00 |
hendro | pike_: it doesn't work | 02:01 |
ztomic | ok I learned something about XFS. | 02:01 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: sudo ./THEETINSTALLERPACKAGE | 02:01 |
jetscreamer | ./ | 02:01 |
ztomic | learning is good | 02:01 |
matt1 | can any one help with my ar5007eg acer aspire 5100 i install the drivers in the ndiswrapper but it says hardware not presented | 02:01 |
HelpMe | command not found jetscreamer | 02:01 |
jetscreamer | xfs and grub not good is what you learned i take it | 02:01 |
cro | hello i need help... i can't install ubuntu on my pc.... is a pentium D when im installing it. appears a message "Umcompressing Kernel OK" and stays that way foreever | 02:01 |
=== delskorch [n=delskorc@d14-69-22-107.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ztomic | kjp: why do you use XFS? | 02:01 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: you said you d/l'd the installer. sudo ./theinstaller | 02:01 |
pike_ | hendro: i dunno.. im getting off work right now so gotta go but id doubt id be much help anyway. id do a google search like "site:ubuntuforums.org errormessage" | 02:02 |
=== cornell [n=cornell@c-69-139-78-205.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pike_ | hendro: good luck | 02:02 |
HelpMe | jetscreamer: wnglish pleas. i'm a noob | 02:02 |
genesis_ | HELLO!!! | 02:02 |
jetscreamer | sudo ./installer | 02:02 |
matt1 | cro try with live acpi=off | 02:02 |
jetscreamer | how hard is that | 02:02 |
=== breuerp [n=breuerp@215.sub-75-215-228.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hendro | pike: thanks! | 02:02 |
=== Julie45 [n=Administ@c-67-166-115-133.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kjp | ztomic: because reiser and ext3 have both cost me a ton of data in the past. XFS has never failed to be recovarable. | 02:02 |
jetscreamer | jfs >* | 02:02 |
ShackJack | cro: Run a check on the CD - might be bad burn | 02:02 |
kjp | ztomic: it's journaled, quick, etc. | 02:02 |
Xanadu | cro: have you checked your CD? Should have that option early on | 02:02 |
=== CheeseGardener [n=steve@cpe-24-161-12-36.hvc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
cornell | ct-alt-backspace takes me to a new window... rebooting, Grub offers ubuntu, ubuntu safe, and windows mce | 02:03 |
HelpMe | jetscreamer: the installer? | 02:03 |
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jetscreamer | HelpMe: what did you download | 02:03 |
sport | any one know if links supports cp? | 02:03 |
ztomic | kjp: I read some good stuff about it. I have never used it. I use Reiserfs. | 02:03 |
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cro | yes i check i also have 2 cds | 02:03 |
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=== switchcat [n=center@pool-71-185-103-254.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
HelpMe | et-linux-2.60.x86.run wich is Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory | 02:03 |
ladydoor | sport: You mean the browser and the command-line tool, respectively? | 02:03 |
Xanadu | cro: in that case try matt1's suggestion | 02:04 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: sudo ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run zomg | 02:04 |
ffm | When I click "Hibernate", my workstation locks and my computer dosnt hybernate | 02:04 |
jetscreamer | do not add the zomg | 02:04 |
ffm | *hibernate | 02:04 |
sport | ladydoor the browser | 02:04 |
=== x00d45 [n=x00d45@201-212-227-161.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Julie45 | I need to past a script for someone to look at, what is the url of a good one that is free? | 02:04 |
kjp | ztomic: Reiserfs ... almost cost me my degree. the filesystem ate itself and cost me a semester of data | 02:04 |
HelpMe | jetscreamer: command not found | 02:04 |
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3A2E6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | you have to set up hibernation.. i forgot how, but did it once | 02:04 |
cro | all right i'll anything else could be the solution? | 02:04 |
Xanadu | cro: also check you don't have any funny options set up in your bios | 02:04 |
=== breuerp_ [n=breuerp@215.sub-75-215-228.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cornell | When I boot and the gui asks for userid, there's options, but none of them seem to be it. | 02:04 |
ffm | !pastebin | Julie45 | 02:04 |
ubotu | Julie45: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:04 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: chmod +x the_.run | 02:04 |
cro | like? | 02:04 |
=== kozlojak [n=kozlojzk@CPE000f6690cf20-CM0014f8c1908c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== chronographer [n=alex@C-210-10-240-246.hob.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ladydoor | sport: Right, and by cp do you mean the command-line tool or something else? | 02:05 |
ztomic | kjp: I read you can growfs easily. That would be useful to me. | 02:05 |
ffm | When I click "Hibernate", my workstation locks and my computer dosnt hybernate | 02:05 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: you know i mean the installer, that file you d/l'd | 02:05 |
HelpMe | cannot access `the_.run': No such file or directory | 02:05 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: you know i mean the installer, that file you d/l'd | 02:05 |
sport | ladydoor capy and paste | 02:05 |
ffm | sport, no! | 02:05 |
kjp | ztomic: yeah. it's nice. I highly commend it | 02:05 |
sport | ladydoor copy and paste * | 02:05 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: i can't type it everytime, i don't know it by heart | 02:05 |
chronographer | Hello I have trouble with gthumb, when i choose import photos it stalls, run it from command line gives this error: Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_progress_set_percentage: assertion `percentage >= 0 && percentage <= 1.0' failed Any ideas? | 02:05 |
ffm | !paste | sport | 02:05 |
=== dk0r [n=dk0rrr@unaffiliated/dk0r] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | sport: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:05 |
dk0r | I cant seem to unpack this gzip. What the heck is this error http://pastebin.com/m2420a9cc ??? | 02:05 |
hendro | my GNOME session only last 10 seconds. Does anybody know how to fix it? | 02:05 |
=== Kinks [n=Kinks@wnklmb01dc1-215-165.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HelpMe | jetscreamer: ok, i downloaded et-linux-2.60.x86.run | 02:05 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: chmod +x et-blabhblah.run | 02:06 |
sport | ffm im asking if the browser links has copy and paste ability | 02:06 |
jetscreamer | ^^^ but substitute the real file name | 02:06 |
ztomic | kjp: I may try it on the disk I use for video. | 02:06 |
jetscreamer | sport: you want gpm | 02:06 |
ffm | sport, sorry, misread you. | 02:06 |
kitche | dk0r: exactly as it says just use tar no z switch | 02:06 |
ladydoor | sport: Or better yet, GNU screen | 02:06 |
ffm | Hi, can someone tell me why when I click "Hibernate", my workstation locks and my computer dosnt hybernate | 02:06 |
kjp | ztomic: enjoy | 02:06 |
jetscreamer | or both | 02:06 |
Xanadu | hendro: you been playing with your xserver settings? | 02:06 |
cro | ok thank guys im gonna try and i'll back later | 02:06 |
sport | ffm its okay im glad someone making sure there isnt irc spam | 02:06 |
hendro | no | 02:06 |
matt1 | cro: ok | 02:07 |
dk0r | kitche: dk0r@dk0r:~/installs$ tar -xvf mplayerplug-in-3.40.tar.gz | 02:07 |
dk0r | tar: This does not look like a tar archive | 02:07 |
ShackJack | hendro: Usually an issue with your /etc/X11/xorg.cong file... try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ;) | 02:07 |
HelpMe | jetscreamer: can you just write the whole thing down pleas? | 02:07 |
matt1 | can any one help with my ar5007eg acer aspire 5100 i install the drivers in the ndiswrapper but it says hardware not presented | 02:07 |
=== robyn [n=robyn@CPE-121-208-179-246.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | dk0r: ok do file mplayerplug-in-3.40.tar.gz to see what it says | 02:07 |
jrib | dk0r: mplayer plugin is in the multiverse repository, use your favorite package manager to install it. Don't compile it | 02:07 |
sport | ladydoor thanks | 02:07 |
ladydoor | sport: np | 02:07 |
=== dofstarf [n=tract@ppp121-44-67-118.lns10.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | HelpMe: zomg..... helpme, chmod +x et<TABKEY> as in hit the tabkey don't type the word | 02:07 |
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dk0r | jrib kitche Im just trying to get mplayer to work w/ firefox as described here | 02:08 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: if i say installer, or .run, or etblahblah.run, i mean THAT file you d/l'd | 02:08 |
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=== wasab [n=wasab@dsl54006958.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HelpMe | jetscreamer: wait, i put this in the termenal? | 02:09 |
jetscreamer | yes HelpMe | 02:09 |
ShackJack | jetscreamer: etblahblah.run says "file not found" ;) | 02:09 |
jrib | dk0r: ignore that site, just enable multiverse and install the 'mozilla-mplayer' package | 02:09 |
Scout | I downloaded the divx codec, how do I install it? | 02:09 |
jetscreamer | ShackJack: i love you man | 02:09 |
=== Yns [n=yns@unaffiliated/yns/x-495321] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== superbird [n=terry@adsl-68-122-185-98.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dk0r | jrib: how do i enable multiverse ? | 02:09 |
Yns | new unoffical version of gnome: http://s4.gladiatus.net/game/c.php?uid=40624 | 02:09 |
jrib | dk0r: system -> administration -> software sources | 02:09 |
jrib | !multiverse > dk0r (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:09 |
jetscreamer | i thought it was | dk0r | 02:10 |
jetscreamer | not > | 02:10 |
jetscreamer | do both work? | 02:10 |
Drk_Guy | Scout: search Synaptic for "codecs" | 02:10 |
jrib | jetscreamer: > makes ubotu speak to him privately | 02:10 |
Drk_Guy | That's the easiest way | 02:10 |
jrib | Yns: don't do that here | 02:10 |
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Drk_Guy | > | 02:10 |
MajorPayne | !test > jetscreamer | 02:10 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: how's it going, did you chmod +x it yet? | 02:10 |
=== ultraren [n=ren@adsl-67-124-37-95.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Yns | jrib | 02:10 |
Yns | ok | 02:10 |
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Yns | bye bye | 02:10 |
jetscreamer | failed btw | 02:11 |
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@adsl-69-155-211-115.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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jetscreamer | HelpMe: that's known as marking it executable btw | 02:11 |
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matt1 | can any one help with my ar5007eg acer aspire 5100 i install the drivers in the ndiswrapper but it says hardware not presented any ideas? | 02:11 |
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jrib | !ubotu > jetscreamer (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:11 |
=== breuerp [n=breuerp@215.sub-75-215-228.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HelpMe | jetscreamer: dident work :( | 02:11 |
pacsum | hi I need help with the desktop effects | 02:11 |
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bruenig | pacsum, #ubuntu-effects | 02:12 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: did you execute the command though | 02:12 |
carthik | matt1 is the switch for the wireless card on? | 02:12 |
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matt1 | yes | 02:12 |
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matt1 | i never turn it off | 02:12 |
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pacsum | I check the option "workspace in a cube" but the cube doesn't appears | 02:12 |
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HelpMe | jetscreamer: yes | 02:12 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: do ls -l et-whatever_its_called.run and see if there are x's in the permissions | 02:12 |
ultraren | i think i installed 2 versions of the nvidia kernel module | 02:12 |
bruenig | !ot | pacsum | 02:12 |
ubotu | pacsum: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:12 |
=== tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | matt1: P.S> good troubleshooting guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide | 02:12 |
jetscreamer | ultraren: take one out | 02:12 |
jetscreamer | ? | 02:12 |
=== hendro [n=hendro@S0106000625646af1.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | ultraren: No prob - only one can be in use... | 02:13 |
hendro | it doesn't work | 02:13 |
ultraren | well, i figured that much | 02:13 |
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ultraren | i dont know how to take it out though | 02:13 |
jetscreamer | then what is ubuntu-devel for | 02:13 |
matt1 | i have to use ndiswrapper | 02:13 |
jetscreamer | apt-get remove --purge | 02:13 |
pacsum | ok thx | 02:13 |
ztomic | desktop effects is so glitchy on this machine. I never got it to work right. | 02:13 |
ShackJack | ultraren: If it's same package name one ovewrote the other... | 02:13 |
=== chronographer [n=alex@C-210-10-240-246.hob.connect.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ShackJack | ztomic: What graphics card? | 02:13 |
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=== bruenig thinks ubuntu shouldn't have included desktop effects, it confuses too many of its chief userbase | ||
ultraren | purge? | 02:13 |
carthik | matt1, can't help you, though i wish to, since I dont know what the problem is, exactly. | 02:14 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: after you make sure the file is executable, do sudo ./et-whatever-its-called.run | 02:14 |
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hendro | How do I fix this error: "etc/profile: 17: id: not found"? | 02:14 |
jetscreamer | or sudo sh et-whatever.run | 02:14 |
HelpMe | ok, jetscreamer: Heres the file: et-linux-2.60.x86.run Can you just put exactly what I shoud put into the termenal? I'm a big noobie | 02:14 |
=== irotas [n=irotas@c-66-30-195-112.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | bruenig: or call it by it's name and not just desktop-effects | 02:14 |
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jetscreamer | HelpMe: once only.. hang on | 02:14 |
ztomic | ShackJack: I tried several. The problem was mainly my fault because it's a vid-mem hog. | 02:14 |
bruenig | that would be nice | 02:14 |
hwilde | hey is there something like HyperTerminal for ubuntu? | 02:14 |
ultraren | the error i'm getting says "APD mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has 1.0-9755, but this X module has the version 1.0-9631." | 02:15 |
=== ^pRiNcEsS_GeiZha [n=GieZha@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | ztomic: Tried several graphics cards? | 02:15 |
ultraren | er, API mismatch | 02:15 |
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bruenig | hwilde, what is hyperterminal meant to do | 02:15 |
Sakura | Excuse me, which is the easiest package to make a newbie installing some remote desktop software on his machine? VLC seems to be too complicated to install | 02:15 |
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carthik | sakura, freenx | 02:15 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: sudo chmod +x et-linux-2.60.x86.run && sudo ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run | 02:15 |
ShackJack | ztomic: Actually Compiz is very unhoggy... even runs on integrated Intel 9 series.... | 02:15 |
ztomic | ShackJack: it's not worth visiting. I have lots of old computers and vidcards. | 02:15 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: paste that | 02:15 |
alvincev | I have an AT&T Wireless connection on my Laptop with Ubuntu. I would like to share my connection with a friend who has a wireless laptop. Does anyone know the best way to do this? | 02:16 |
=== Yarcanox [n=jonas@p57B0E24D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
costin | hello all again | 02:16 |
carthik | sakura, get the .debs and use it, it is pretty easy to set up. | 02:16 |
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hendro | my GNOME only last 10 seconds. Error message: etc/profile: 17: id: not found. Any advice? | 02:16 |
ShackJack | ztomic: Gotcha - anything about an Nvidia 6 series should be fine... | 02:16 |
costin | i installed gnome but now how can i start it? | 02:16 |
=== epp [n=epp@c-24-10-220-15.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | hendro, pastebin /etc/profile | 02:16 |
bruenig | !paste | hendro | 02:16 |
ubotu | hendro: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:16 |
epp | hey | 02:16 |
hwilde | bruenig, I want to open up a serial port (com3 like) and see the data coming in | 02:16 |
Xanadu | sakura - freenx is much faster than VNC too | 02:16 |
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jetscreamer | startx costin or apt-get install gdm for an automatic login thingy | 02:17 |
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j2daosh | how do i reopen a file i have "stopped"? | 02:17 |
cornell | Ok... gonna try reboot into recovery mode... didn't look like what I wanted, but google keeps returning that | 02:17 |
Sakura | Thanks... "pretty easy to setup" isn't easy enough :) | 02:17 |
=== osmosis__ [n=steven@cpe-76-80-88-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
epp | I just installed the new fglrx drivers(version 8.39). Now my video is all scrambled. anyone know a fix | 02:17 |
HelpMe | jetscreamer: Ok, i paisted it | 02:17 |
hwilde | j2daosh, jobs then fg %number | 02:17 |
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=== MrDexter [n=MrDexter@81-86-175-238.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | HelpMe: hit enter | 02:17 |
=== Lautre [n=w0mm@adsl-70-241-146-137.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j2daosh | i hit ctrl+z to undo a change, but it "stopped" my vim | 02:17 |
Sakura | Thanks @ carthik, Xanadu | 02:17 |
dk0r | Is it neccessary to enable multiverse in order to obtain the mozilla-mplayer pkg? | 02:17 |
HelpMe | jetscreamer: ya, nothing happens | 02:17 |
jrib | dk0r: yes | 02:17 |
HelpMe | jetscreamer: sudo chmod +x et-linux-2.60.x86.run && sudo ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run | 02:17 |
preaction | j2daosh, type "jobs" to figure out what job number vim is. then "fg #" | 02:18 |
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bruenig | j2daosh, you use "u" in normal mode to undo a change, ctrl + z in terminal backgrounds the application | 02:18 |
costin | jetscreamer i receive an error when i use startx how can i configure my X? | 02:18 |
dk0r | jrib: weird. because i apt-get installed it before i enabled multiverse. | 02:18 |
epp | how can i get these new ati drivers to work, or how can i revert back to my old ones | 02:18 |
HelpMe | jetscreamer: chmod: cannot access `et-linux-2.60.x86.run': No such file or directory | 02:18 |
bruenig | j2daosh, probably just doing "fg" will bring it back | 02:18 |
jrib | dk0r: then it was enabled before | 02:18 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: ok change the ./ to sh et-linux-2.60.x86.run | 02:18 |
jetscreamer | ah wait | 02:18 |
=== BlackaCid [n=zachary@00095bad961d.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j2daosh | oh | 02:18 |
preaction | j2daosh, in the future: the "u" key in normal mode will undo changes. type :help undo | 02:18 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: you do it in the directory you downloaded the file to | 02:18 |
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HelpMe | jetscreamer: desktop | 02:18 |
j2daosh | thank you very much bruenig / preaction / hwilde | 02:18 |
ztomic | ShackJack: I'm still working with 1.5GHz and a couple Radeon 7000's and GF4. The Radeons don't work and the GF4 has to be set to low res. But Compiz is still buggy with cube. | 02:19 |
hwilde | bruenig, I am gonna try gtkterm it looks similar | 02:19 |
dk0r | jrib: I went into my sources list and only main was listed. no universe or multi | 02:19 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: then in the terminal, cd ~/Desktop then paste that command | 02:19 |
=== j2daosh [n=root@71-82-117-107.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["ubuntu"] | ||
epp | I just installed the new fglrx drivers(version 8.39). Now my video is all scrambled. How do i revert back to the old drivers? | 02:19 |
epp | or fix it | 02:19 |
hendro | !paste | hendro | 02:19 |
dk0r | jrib: are there other places uni/multiverse can be checked on besides the default sources "deb http:.... main" line? | 02:19 |
jrib | dk0r: that's not possible afaict, you can pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list if you want or not if you don't care :) | 02:19 |
Xanadu | epp - quick way is sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:20 |
ShackJack | epp: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:20 |
jrib | dk0r: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* is checked too | 02:20 |
ztomic | I like the Radeon because of video IN. I can record my TV shows. | 02:20 |
costin | jetscreamer i received an error when i used startx how can i configure my X? | 02:20 |
jetscreamer | !info id-utils | 02:20 |
ubotu | id-utils: Fast, high-capacity, identifier database tool.. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2d-11ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 115 kB, installed size 368 kB | 02:20 |
=== regfire [n=regfire@c-24-11-227-194.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dk0r | jrib: hm.. idk what sources.list.d is | 02:20 |
jetscreamer | costin: like they just told the other guy | 02:20 |
epp | Xanadu, ShackJack, that will go back to my old fglrx? | 02:20 |
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ShackJack | ztomic: Hmm.. surprised the 7000 doesn't work halfway decent... | 02:20 |
HelpMe | jetscreamer: this sucks | 02:20 |
jrib | dk0r: it's just a directory that apt checks too | 02:20 |
jetscreamer | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg costin | 02:20 |
Xanadu | epp - no you'll default to the base drivers | 02:20 |
ladydoor | dk0r: You can have another whole line spelling out the entire repository, followed by "universe multiverse" (without the quotes), in addition to the one for main | 02:20 |
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ShackJack | epp: No that will change the video driver to what you want... Did you install new fglrx compile from source or something? | 02:20 |
ladydoor | dk0r: If that's what you mean | 02:21 |
costin | jetscreamer thanx a lot | 02:21 |
costin | quit | 02:21 |
dk0r | ladydoor: understood. thank you. because the deb http:.. main line didnt have uni or multi. | 02:21 |
=== justinwray [n=justinwr@c-68-34-224-91.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | HelpMe: so what's up with it now | 02:21 |
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ladydoor | dk0r: Well, you can add 'em | 02:21 |
epp | ShackJack, yes. i downloaded the run. Then built debs. | 02:21 |
ztomic | ShackJack: It works good in XP for recording but I'm poor d00de. Either way I like ATI products betta than NV. | 02:21 |
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ladydoor | dk0r: (to the same line) | 02:21 |
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=== casper_ [n=adam@c-24-7-221-53.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dk0r | ladydoor: i did but.. well nm | 02:21 |
ladydoor | dk0r: But what? | 02:22 |
dk0r | how can i ensure the mozilla-mplayer pkg is working properly? | 02:22 |
ShackJack | epp: You can just uninstall xorg-driver-fglrx and reinstall... | 02:22 |
jetscreamer | nvda drivers seem to work better with linux | 02:22 |
=== eleckttruss [n=eleckttr@adsl-074-166-168-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xanadu | epp - try clicking ctrl-alt-F1 to get a console - then uninstall the new drivers and reinstall the old ones | 02:22 |
hendro | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32429/ | 02:22 |
ztomic | or should I say AMD?... hehe. | 02:22 |
ShackJack | jetscreamer: That's for sure and Intel works great... | 02:22 |
Taco` | i have a surround sound issue, but i'm not sure what question i should ask :/ | 02:22 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: wassup! | 02:22 |
epp | Xanadu, ShackJack, ill give it a shot brb | 02:22 |
HelpMe | I think its working | 02:22 |
bruenig | !prefix | hendro | 02:22 |
ubotu | hendro: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages | 02:22 |
=== VS [n=vslayer@cm121.omega146.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | dk0r: restart your browser and visit a site like http://www.linspire.com/products_linspire_whatis.php?tab=compatibility | 02:23 |
jetscreamer | yay | 02:23 |
carthik | Taco is it a config issue? | 02:23 |
=== antitab [n=Michael@pool-72-78-27-104.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | HelpMe: if a window popped up, it's working | 02:23 |
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=== Hawk|- [n=Hawk@p5B1797E0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HelpMe | jetscreamer: yay! | 02:23 |
dk0r | jrib: wow thats an awesome site!! | 02:23 |
Taco` | carthik: i'm not sure, i put my old .asoundrc file into my home directory and that's what usually got it to work | 02:23 |
=== event_ide [n=dave@12-201-39-35.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HelpMe | jetscreamer: thatks for ur time ! | 02:23 |
HelpMe | jetscreamer: thank you! | 02:23 |
bruenig | hendro, what distro is that? | 02:23 |
hendro | fiesty | 02:23 |
event_ide | how do you get html tidy to load? | 02:23 |
Taco` | carthik: i recently installed 64 bit rather than 32 bit to test it out again, no problems except this | 02:23 |
carthik | Taco, you can use "alsaconfig" to configure things properly - try it out. | 02:23 |
dk0r | jrib: wmv's not working. what do I do ?! | 02:24 |
jetscreamer | HelpMe: if you like et you might like urban terror also.. and the multiverse has many quake based games | 02:24 |
jrib | dk0r: have you installed w32codecs? Make sure it's actually mplayer that is the player too btw | 02:24 |
casper_ | ok i somehow put all minimized windows available on all desktops through beryl and ive looked up and down and i cant find how to put minimized windows only on their desktop, anyone? | 02:24 |
bruenig | hendro, that is one of the shortest /etc/profiles I have seen, it looks fine though | 02:24 |
=== scisonic [n=Boyang_Z@pool-162-84-244-148.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dk0r | jrib: i havent installed those codecs. Where do I ensure mplayer is default player? in firefox prefs? | 02:24 |
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casper_ | its not a problem but its annoying | 02:25 |
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ShackJack | casper_: It's in your window list preferences (right click on GNOME panel) | 02:25 |
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=== HelpMe [n=luke@pool-71-121-212-155.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
jetscreamer | HelpMe: you may have libsdl1.2debian-all installed. for q4 you want libsdl1.2debian-alsa , not the all. i can't remember if et is like that also, but now you know if et doens't work | 02:25 |
ShackJack | casper_: P.S> Bery'l on it's way out - look into COmpiz Fusion ;) | 02:25 |
hendro | bruenig: what's the problem then? | 02:25 |
jetscreamer | gah | 02:25 |
dk0r | Firefox | 02:25 |
bruenig | dk0r, uninstall any other video plugins, like totem-mozilla | 02:25 |
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jrib | dk0r: you can do 'about:config' in your browser, or just look at the player and right click on it then go to 'about' or something | 02:26 |
jrib | !w32codecs > dk0r (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:26 |
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Xanadu | ShackJack - one's in the lead, then the other - why don't they merge their projects? | 02:26 |
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event_ide | anyone know anything about HTML Tidy? | 02:26 |
dk0r | jrib: totem removed | 02:26 |
jetscreamer | the forked them | 02:26 |
ShackJack | Xanadu: Wha? | 02:26 |
jetscreamer | they | 02:26 |
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dk0r | bruenig: totem removed | 02:26 |
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casper_ | whers my window list preference? | 02:27 |
jrib | dk0r: be sure to close all instances of firefox and open it again after that | 02:27 |
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jetscreamer | they forked the project due to ideology or whatever | 02:27 |
Xanadu | ShackJack - Compiz used to be the way to go, then Beryl took over, now you're saying Compiz is ahead | 02:27 |
dk0r | jrib: getting codecs | 02:27 |
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jetscreamer | you suck! no you suck!!! | 02:27 |
ShackJack | casper - in GNOME panel - see divider line to left of window list - right-click... | 02:27 |
Xanadu | jetscreamer: lol! | 02:27 |
ShackJack | Xanadu: beryl is merging back with Compiz - nw called Compiz Fusion | 02:27 |
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=== CheeseGardener [n=steve@cpe-24-161-12-36.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xanadu | ShackJack - kewl! now I don't need to sit up at night worrying about which one to use | 02:28 |
event_ide | jetscreamer; are you talking about HTML Tidy? | 02:28 |
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jetscreamer | no | 02:28 |
Xanadu | not that I really did, but the danger was there | 02:28 |
scottDkoDer | Xanadu:What do you want to do? | 02:28 |
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event_ide | k | 02:28 |
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xtknight | event_ide, what about html tidy? | 02:28 |
CheeseGardener | In ubuntu, is there a list of shortcuts? and is there a shortcut that will take all my windows and tile them or resize them all instantly so they all fit on screen????? | 02:28 |
hendro | Bruenig: complete .xsession-error : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32431/ | 02:28 |
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Xanadu | scottDkoDer: Erm, sorry wasn't asking a question, unless you are asking me what I want to do in the greater skeem of things | 02:28 |
jrib | CheeseGardener: system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts | 02:29 |
=== unagi [n=unagi@c-68-47-63-166.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdude1284 | Hey guys - I am trying to set up PXE and I've installed tftpd-hpa, added entries into my hosts.allow, I can even tftp from a local system -- my question is though, is there a way to tell xinet.d or tftpd-hpa to listen for requests on a specific network adapter? I think it is defaulting to eth0, but I want it to listen on eth1 instead... | 02:29 |
cornell | Ok... Got the hwinfo... don't know what I was looking for | 02:29 |
event_ide | xtknight; i installed it from the repositories, but can't seem to get it to run.. is the command just "tidy" ? | 02:29 |
scottDkoDer | Xanadu: I thought you might have needed some help with compiz or beryl | 02:29 |
CheeseGardener | I don't see a shortcut to instantly take all my windows and make them resized | 02:29 |
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Xanadu | scottDkoDer: Just finding out more info | 02:29 |
jrib | CheeseGardener: I don't know of one | 02:29 |
unagi | how do you deinterlace video in ubuntu? | 02:29 |
xtknight | event_ide, you can list the files and binaries of a package by typing dpkg -L <package name> | 02:29 |
CheeseGardener | Oh | 02:29 |
scottDkoDer | oh | 02:29 |
=== yusep [n=yusep@233.subnet209.astinet.telkom.net.id] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
xtknight | event_ide, usually a binary is under /usr/bin | 02:30 |
jetscreamer | hwinfo --monitor cornell .. the h&v values are at the bottom of the output.. write them down and you wil luse them when dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (choose advanced when asked) | 02:30 |
Xanadu | unagi: what player are you using? | 02:30 |
omar_ | how do i install globe 7 on ubuntu? | 02:30 |
thecross | i have just installed grip and lame in the hope to encode my audio into mp3. i have no problems ripping the track to .wav. but when I encode it the .mp3 contain 0 bytes any ideas? | 02:30 |
=== tlevine [n=tlevine@ool-45768c26.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | CheeseGardener: There's the scale plugin in compiz fusion - and of course ring switcher (in fusion) | 02:30 |
=== cornell-M [n=458b4ecd@ion.openthoughthosting.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cornell | Thanks jetscreamer | 02:30 |
unagi | movie player? | 02:30 |
epp | Xanadu, ShackJack, thanks guys worked great | 02:30 |
CheeseGardener | maybe that is what I'm thinking of | 02:30 |
jetscreamer | thecross: try k3b | 02:30 |
CheeseGardener | Shackjack | 02:30 |
=== ricky_ [n=ricky@cc763024-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | event_ide, "man tidy" | 02:30 |
Xanadu | epp - excellent! | 02:30 |
CheeseGardener | It's ok though, there are more than enough useful plugins in compiz normal as it is | 02:31 |
=== cornell has an alter ego, cornell-M, for when I recycle this box | ||
matt1 | wlan 204868 1 ath_pci | 02:31 |
hendro | hi, I got .xsession-error as you can see in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32431/ anyone know how to fix it? | 02:31 |
=== JWynia [n=j@dsl001-154-010.msp1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xanadu | unagi: install mplayer or vlc - they're much better | 02:31 |
event_ide | xtknight; k, i'll play around with it. thanks for the tips | 02:31 |
unagi | i ahve both | 02:31 |
unagi | how do you deinterlace video | 02:31 |
thecross | jetscreamer: i am running gnome | 02:31 |
sx66|PDA | <thecross> run xfce it's better | 02:32 |
Xanadu | unagi: are you asking about when you encode or when you play movies? | 02:32 |
dk0r | jrib: I added their repos to my list, but what is the name of the pkg for w32codecs? BEtter yet, how do I find it myself?? | 02:32 |
jetscreamer | thecross: that's ok, you can instal k3b if you want.. there are others, but it works very well | 02:32 |
casper_ | ShackJack: what is the gnome panel? | 02:32 |
unagi | converting .dv to .avi or deinterlacing .avi | 02:32 |
ShackJack | casper_: The thing where the menu, window list is etc... | 02:32 |
=== cornell-M is on my myth box, that I seem to've broken and just gets worse ;-( | ||
Xanadu | unagi: okay what converter are you using? mencoder? | 02:32 |
unagi | mplayer | 02:32 |
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jdude1284 | Hey guys - I am trying to set up PXE and I've installed tftpd-hpa, added entries into my hosts.allow, I can even tftp from a local system -- my question is though, is there a way to tell xinet.d or tftpd-hpa to listen for requests on a specific network adapter? I think it is defaulting to eth0, but I want it to listen on eth1 instead... | 02:33 |
thecross | jetscreamer: thanks ill try that | 02:33 |
event_ide | xtknight; so this isn't a WYSIWYG, it's all terminal based? | 02:33 |
casper_ | ShackJack: oh, thats what its called? | 02:33 |
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=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-136-99.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | casper_: :) Near window lieft on left, you can right click to pull prefs... | 02:33 |
=== ruzzz [n=ruzzz@as-18-00.lns2-4c.kharkov.ukrtel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | casper_: There's like a divider line there... | 02:33 |
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=== antitab_ [n=Michael@pool-72-78-19-237.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | dk0r: it's "w32codecs" for the name | 02:34 |
=== CoolThreads [n=CoolThre@203-97-99-29.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rprp | americontje Antje Borre ChanServ Duiv GutGrinder Maarschalk Manuel Rprp Speedz0r steefke| Tim | 02:34 |
dk0r | jrib: i believe itried that. | 02:34 |
=== dk0r tries again | ||
=== Rprp [n=Rprp@cc763024-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cornell-M | Got it, jetscreamer, what to do now? Edit the xorg.conf? | 02:35 |
=== dem0n [n=dem0n@c-67-167-176-186.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dem0n | ls | 02:35 |
dk0r | jrib: Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 02:35 |
dk0r | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 02:35 |
dk0r | is only available from another source | 02:35 |
dk0r | E: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate | 02:35 |
=== LamerCrew [i=Lamer@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LamerCrew | wew | 02:35 |
jetscreamer | cornell-M: you can do that, but dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is the preferred method (less mistakes) | 02:35 |
jetscreamer | choose advanced | 02:35 |
LamerCrew | waw | 02:35 |
jrib | dk0r: please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting error message. Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 02:35 |
dk0r | jrib: i did an update after I added them to source. | 02:35 |
ShackJack | dk0r: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-pitfdll :) | 02:35 |
dk0r | jrib: sure | 02:35 |
dem0n | dkor sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 02:35 |
=== hendro [n=hendro@S0106000625646af1.cg.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ShackJack | dem0n: Metapackage FTW! | 02:36 |
dem0n | O.o | 02:36 |
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LamerCrew | bahasa apa neh ??? | 02:36 |
Vinchenzo28 | anyone using beryl? | 02:36 |
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ziroday | LamerCrew: no | 02:37 |
jrib | !id | LamerCrew | 02:37 |
ubotu | LamerCrew: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 02:37 |
cornell-M | Ok... not found in detect, pick the x server driver, vesa is default... Take the default, jetscreamer ? | 02:37 |
ShackJack | Vinchenzo28: Yes, but check out #ubuntu-effects for Beryl help :) | 02:37 |
LamerCrew | owww | 02:37 |
LamerCrew | :D | 02:37 |
jetscreamer | no | 02:37 |
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dem0n | i'v hear alot of support on beryl | 02:37 |
dk0r | jrib: http://pastebin.com/m2ef0259b | 02:37 |
ziroday | !my | LamerCrew | 02:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about my - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:37 |
jetscreamer | cornell-M: the lspci|grepVGA told you what to use.. was it intel? i forget | 02:37 |
LamerCrew | wew | 02:37 |
dem0n | !my | 02:37 |
dem0n | ... | 02:37 |
jetscreamer | cornell-M: you can shell out to another console and do it | 02:37 |
jetscreamer | alt+F2-6 take your pick | 02:38 |
cornell-M | jetscreamer: nvideo as I recall, would that be "nv" | 02:38 |
cornell-M | ? | 02:38 |
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=== Jamesinator [n=james@66-169-167-162.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | nvidia ? depends on the chip | 02:38 |
dem0n | i van help with nv | 02:38 |
=== ultm8 [n=ultm8@88-107-35-52.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LamerCrew | anyone IRCop here ??? | 02:38 |
jetscreamer | do lspci |grep VGA | 02:38 |
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dem0n | lamer why | 02:38 |
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jetscreamer | and tel me what it is | 02:39 |
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jrib | dk0r: try a different mirror, that seems to only have freenx (judging by the url) | 02:39 |
jrib | LamerCrew: why? | 02:39 |
ultm8 | hey people | 02:39 |
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dk0r | jrib: k | 02:39 |
LamerCrew | ^_^ | 02:39 |
emark2k | nickrud: wanted to pop back to say thanks for the help! haven't had luck yet, but on the right track...have a great night! | 02:39 |
Prowler_1 | i have Kanotix sys - if i install ubuntu will i aoutomaticly get a Dual boot option? | 02:39 |
ultm8 | could any 1 assist me in instaling the nvidia 8800gts 3d drivers in ubuntu? | 02:39 |
Jamesinator | Aaack | 02:39 |
cornell-M | Bus identifier... PCI:05:0 (default) accept it? | 02:39 |
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dem0n | conell-m its the drivers in the cd for nv is messed up u have to download them from the recovery counsil | 02:40 |
=== nixnooi [n=nixnooi@c-71-225-107-139.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | Prowler_1: You have to opt not to format whole disk when installing, but yep.. | 02:40 |
dk0r | jrib: its the only US mirror on the list.. | 02:40 |
LamerCrew | anyone know new bugs off shopadmin ? | 02:40 |
LamerCrew | anyone know new bugs off shopadmin ? | 02:40 |
dk0r | jrib: use one from UL ?? :( | 02:40 |
dk0r | UK* | 02:40 |
jrib | dk0r: sure | 02:40 |
=== dk0r sighs | ||
dk0r | k | 02:40 |
=== Toma- [n=e17@i156-171.nv.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | Anarchy in the UL! | 02:40 |
cornell-M | jetscreamer: Geez... amount of memory in the card... How do I find that one? | 02:41 |
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dem0n | cornell-m: type /j #hbh | 02:41 |
Prowler_1 | ShackJack: then i'll get the dual boot option? | 02:41 |
Prowler_1 | ShackJack: then i'll get the dual boot option fore sure!? | 02:41 |
JeevesMoss | can someone give me a hand setting up postfix? | 02:41 |
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ShackJack | Prowler_1: Yep... you're running Windows... Yes, just don't opt to format whole disk when it asks ;) | 02:41 |
jetscreamer | cornell-M: leave it blank.. also leave the pci id thingy blank (unless you run dual vidcards) | 02:41 |
unagi | how do you deinterlace video in ubuntu | 02:41 |
dk0r | jrib: this is ridiculous. its going to time out | 02:41 |
dk0r | jrib: can i just compile it myself? | 02:42 |
=== mrw [n=pierre@mtg44-1-88-173-177-220.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Prowler_1 | ShackJack: no no windows ,just Kanoti sys | 02:42 |
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Xanadu | JeevesMoss - you checked out the tutorials on HowtoForge? | 02:42 |
jetscreamer | unagi: avidemux didn't work? | 02:42 |
jetscreamer | works for me | 02:42 |
unagi | avidemux doesnt import .dv | 02:42 |
dem0n | is he haveing black out when he installs jetscreamer? | 02:42 |
jetscreamer | ahh | 02:42 |
ShackJack | Prowler_1: Ah yes... it should detect if there's another OS there... | 02:42 |
cornell-M | jetscreamer: Use kernel framebuffer device interface? (yes/no) | 02:42 |
jetscreamer | dem0n: his first time iirc.. | 02:42 |
=== ruzzz [n=ruzzz@as-18-00.lns2-4c.kharkov.ukrtel.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Xanadu | unagi - man mencoder and do some reading | 02:42 |
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jrib | dk0r: it's not going to time out... the other mirrors work fine, try the playboymansion one | 02:42 |
jetscreamer | cornell-M: no not if it's an nvidia card | 02:42 |
Prowler_1 | ShackJack: ok, and the DualBoot screen will be of ubuntu ? | 02:43 |
dk0r | jrib: k | 02:43 |
cornell-M | k | 02:43 |
=== subcontinental [n=vedhasdo@adsl-226-202-49.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | unagi: you can /join #mplayer | 02:43 |
unagi | im there | 02:43 |
unagi | the guy in there is being a jerk | 02:43 |
jetscreamer | heh | 02:43 |
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=== MBR [n=bryan@pool-141-149-154-133.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | Prowler_1: Well, it'll be GRUB - not ubuntu technically... more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 02:43 |
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MBR | hello folks | 02:44 |
=== albert [n=albert@S0106001731b6ecfd.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xanadu | unagi: the info is in the mencoder manual - but it's a big manual so I'm not going to go thru it for you I'm afraid | 02:44 |
jetscreamer | unagi: arwen is very helpful.. you must just be misunderstanding | 02:44 |
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=== iratsu_ [n=iratsu@modemcable090.239-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
albert | hi... does anyone know if i can remotely connect to a windows machine with ubuntu? | 02:44 |
dk0r | jrib: I received a GPG error w/ the playboy link | 02:44 |
Jamesinator | !samba | albert | 02:44 |
ubotu | albert: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 02:44 |
=== anatolia [n=anatolia@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anatolia | hi | 02:45 |
MBR | i have a qwuestion. in 7.04 i want to config ubuntu to boot to console instead of gnome. the file inittab is usually found under /etc/ but it doesn't exist in 704 | 02:45 |
albert | thanks James | 02:45 |
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dk0r | jrib: NO_PUBKEY 49A120FD1135D466 | 02:45 |
=== r0bby_ [n=wakawaka@cpe-24-164-167-171.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | dk0r: read the wiki page, it tells you how to add the gpg key | 02:45 |
anatolia | i need documentation about web server and dns server | 02:45 |
anatolia | how can i find? | 02:45 |
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pawan | hi | 02:45 |
Prowler_1 | ShackJack: ok, thancks, i will give it a tray, just incase i gust mage an ghost image backup for kanotix | 02:45 |
jrib | !lamp > anatolia (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:46 |
ShackJack | Prowler_1: Good luck! | 02:46 |
Prowler_1 | ShackJack: Thanks! | 02:46 |
anatolia | thx | 02:46 |
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unagi | is it possible to search for a word in man pages? | 02:46 |
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jrib | anatolia: ubotu sent you info on installing apache. It's a good idea to read the official apache docs (just google for "apache documentation" and hit the first link) | 02:46 |
dk0r | jrib: ty | 02:46 |
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jrib | anatolia: don't know about dns though | 02:46 |
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MBR | bbiab | 02:47 |
cornell-M | jetscreamer... it finally said "SyncMaster" it's learned something ;-) | 02:47 |
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jetscreamer | cornell-M: btw i should have told you to install read-edid and mdetect while you were installing hwinfo | 02:47 |
ShackJack | unagi: man blah | grep -i word | 02:47 |
unagi | ty | 02:47 |
cornell-M | Ok.. jetscreamer, b.. | 02:47 |
cornell-M | ok... | 02:47 |
jetscreamer | cornell-M: no biggie | 02:48 |
cornell-M | anyway,, the commands ended | 02:48 |
dk0r | jrib: working! thank you much!! | 02:48 |
cornell-M | what next, reboot? | 02:48 |
jrib | dk0r: np | 02:48 |
anatolia | and how can i uninstall installed tar files or programs? | 02:48 |
=== OSUKid7 [n=OSUKid7@cpe-75-185-34-49.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cornell-M | sudo apt-get install read-edid? | 02:48 |
jetscreamer | cornell-M: //etc/init.d/gdm start should do you | 02:48 |
LamerCrew | any know tool for scan vurnel off site ?? | 02:48 |
LamerCrew | any know tool for scan vurnel off site ?? | 02:48 |
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jrib | anatolia: you try to avoid using them. Instead use APT. Are you familiar with APT? | 02:48 |
jetscreamer | sudo apt-get install read-edid mdetect | 02:48 |
jetscreamer | one may already be installed | 02:48 |
jrib | !offtopic | LamerCrew | 02:48 |
ubotu | LamerCrew: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:48 |
=== idiot [n=idiot@host81-156-25-8.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | what is vurnel | 02:49 |
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matt1 | 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 001c (rev 01) | 02:49 |
jvai | heey ppls good evening! | 02:49 |
jetscreamer | vulnerabilities? | 02:49 |
=== idiot [n=idiot@host81-156-25-8.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
matt1 | is that ok? | 02:49 |
jvai | *finnally got google earth from repos | 02:49 |
jetscreamer | LamerCrew: try grc.com if i understand you | 02:49 |
=== homanj [n=homanj@mn-10k-dhcp3-16.dsl.hickorytech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | jetscreamer: A vurnel is a vulnerable kernel :) | 02:50 |
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jetscreamer | heh | 02:50 |
cornell-M | jetscreamer... read-edid "is not available, but is referred to by another package..." | 02:50 |
jetscreamer | cornell-M: no bigge don't worry about it | 02:50 |
cornell-M | mdetect installed | 02:50 |
=== actualandrew [n=x@adsl-69-227-188-87.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xanadu | ShackJack: no dude it's a small Himilaean furry rodent | 02:50 |
unagi | lol....this is so lame | 02:50 |
cornell-M | and now... gdm start... sudo? | 02:50 |
jetscreamer | cornell-M: //etc/init.d/gdm start should do you mpw | 02:50 |
jetscreamer | err add sudo | 02:50 |
ShackJack | Xanadu: Mmm... furrrry roooodent... | 02:50 |
ryanakca | does ubuntu have udebs? | 02:50 |
jetscreamer | heh... one / | 02:50 |
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cornell-M | two slashes? | 02:51 |
jetscreamer | cornell-M: sidp /etc/init.d/gdm start | 02:51 |
jetscreamer | gah! | 02:51 |
jetscreamer | one slash | 02:51 |
cornell-M | k | 02:51 |
jetscreamer | cornell-M: that's ass-u-me-ing you have gdm isntalled | 02:51 |
jetscreamer | cornell-M: startx if you don't | 02:51 |
=== stephen_ [n=stephen@cpe-71-67-141-168.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cornell-M | "staring GNOME Display Manager"... no change... rebooting | 02:51 |
=== phalphalak [n=phalphal@adsl-2-058.VIC.dft.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | cornell-M: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 02:52 |
matt1 | 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 001c (rev 01) | 02:52 |
unagi | how do you deinterlace video in ubuntu | 02:52 |
=== JeevesMoss [i=Jeeves_M@CPE009096a3077b-CM00122544901a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | cornell-M: your monitor is configured properly afaik. 'must' be something else | 02:52 |
jetscreamer | unagi: you use mencoder... :p | 02:52 |
ShackJack | unagi: Try VLC... | 02:53 |
jetscreamer | or that | 02:53 |
=== Slothbag [n=Miranda@60-242-154-196.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JeevesMoss | can someone give me a hand setting up postfix? | 02:53 |
Xanadu | jeez unagi you don't give up | 02:53 |
unagi | not when its important | 02:53 |
=== geojaz [n=geojaz@75-104-83-21.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xanadu | unagi with Mencoder: -vf | 02:53 |
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jetscreamer | LOL | 02:54 |
unagi | doesnt work | 02:54 |
jetscreamer | LOL | 02:54 |
=== echosystm [n=echosyst@ppp121-45-38-26.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unagi | doesnt work | 02:54 |
unagi | FATAL: Could not initialize video filters (-vf) or video output (-vo). | 02:54 |
JeevesMoss | postfix?? | 02:54 |
jetscreamer | hey at least he didn't call you an ass :) | 02:54 |
Xanadu | unagi you tried ffmpeg? | 02:54 |
jetscreamer | LamerCrew: https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 | 02:54 |
=== Karti [n=Karti@host217-42-42-158.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xanadu | JeevesMoss you see my suggestion before you signed off last time? | 02:54 |
unagi | with what command | 02:54 |
ztomic | matt1: youre having trouble with an Atheros wireless card? | 02:54 |
jetscreamer | lol | 02:54 |
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matt1 | ztomic: yes | 02:55 |
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jetscreamer | unagi: ffmpeg is http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu/ | 02:55 |
matt1 | for past 2 weeks now | 02:55 |
jetscreamer | note the url... | 02:55 |
Xanadu | unagi also try -vf pp=md (with mencoder) | 02:55 |
ztomic | matt1: have you got any help? did it work before? Mine works great. | 02:56 |
matt1 | no my is hell | 02:56 |
matt1 | its a ar5007eg | 02:56 |
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ShackJack | matt1: Troubleshooting guide didn't help any? | 02:56 |
matt1 | on a acer | 02:56 |
unagi | page says -deinterlace | 02:56 |
matt1 | no | 02:56 |
unagi | when i try it, says not a real command | 02:56 |
matt1 | it just like wtf is it | 02:57 |
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matt1 | i have to use ndiswrapper | 02:57 |
ztomic | matt1: is your name bobby? | 02:57 |
Xanadu | unagi: list of deinterlacers here: http://www.perturb.org/display/entry/815/ | 02:57 |
cornell-M | Well... jetscreamer... better... it's wide screen, but the screen is to the right, I need to shift it left. I did the menu thing, on the monitor, but when I shift the horizontal, the little monitor's window moves, not the ubuntu screen. Does ubuntu have anything to do with that, or is that just the monitor itself? | 02:57 |
matt1 | no | 02:57 |
Xanadu | unagi and here: http://forum.doom9.org/archive/index.php/t-87117.html | 02:57 |
matt1 | my name is matthew / compsman | 02:58 |
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Xanadu | unagi - with examples | 02:58 |
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ztomic | matt1: ok cause I see this.. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=560060 | 02:58 |
pawan | hi | 02:58 |
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cyphase | what's an easy way of comparing the file list in 2 directories | 02:58 |
unagi | thank you -vf pp=md did it | 02:58 |
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pawan | now able to install non-authenticated update | 02:58 |
unagi | now i can convert the deinterlaced .avi to jpegs | 02:58 |
Xanadu | unagi: yay! | 02:58 |
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jetscreamer | cornell-M: i'm not really sure, but if you're running nvidia there are directives you can put in xorg.conf to compensate for stuff... setting the proper h&v rates is what fixes that afact, too.. hmmm. | 02:59 |
cornell-M | jetscreamer... funky monitor menu... got it working | 02:59 |
Xanadu | unagi: I fear to ask why | 02:59 |
unagi | dont ask | 02:59 |
jetscreamer | ahh ok | 02:59 |
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unagi | everyone asks | 02:59 |
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matt1 | my acer is 5100-3357 | 02:59 |
Xanadu | unagi okay I won't ask - I can guess | 02:59 |
jetscreamer | did you play with ndiswrapper.org ? | 02:59 |
matt1 | and same wireless | 02:59 |
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jetscreamer | pronboy! | 02:59 |
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matt1 | yea it says hardware not presented | 03:00 |
costin | when i use startx i receive these error "could no t | 03:00 |
unagi | guess | 03:00 |
eRazor | HI all | 03:00 |
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jetscreamer | costin: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 03:00 |
cornell-M | jetscreamer, it seems there's two places where there's a h-position. In one the little window moves, in the other the desktop moves... .never seen that one before. | 03:00 |
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ztomic | matt1: buy a new wireless card. | 03:01 |
jetscreamer | you can mail it to me if you don't like it | 03:01 |
Xanadu | unagi - just remember that there are on average 30 frames per second in a video, which means a 2 hour video has 216k frames - and no-one needs that much pron ;P | 03:01 |
jetscreamer | :) | 03:01 |
costin | when i use startx i receive these error could not open default font fixed. what can i do | 03:01 |
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eRazor | I installed tomcat package on my system because we have to use it in the Labs next semester, but I am not able to run it and test it. Can anyone help me in configuring and testing it? | 03:01 |
unagi | yea.....and in about an hour ill convert it to tga | 03:01 |
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unagi | technically its 29.97 fps | 03:01 |
unagi | but close enough | 03:02 |
eRazor | I installed tomcat5.5 from Synaptic Manager | 03:02 |
Xanadu | lol | 03:02 |
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costin | when i use startx i receive these error could not open default font fixed. what can i do | 03:02 |
matt1 | ztomic its a laptop u moron? | 03:03 |
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matt1 | :( | 03:03 |
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unagi | maya doesnt use .mov on linux so i have to use jpeg | 03:03 |
ztomic | matt1: I'm a moron? hmm. | 03:03 |
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|neon| | matt i have a similar atheros card on my everex, silly question since i have not been following your comments, does your acer have a on and off button for your wirelles mine is recognized with the restricted modules no problem | 03:03 |
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ztomic | matt1: lets see how quick you figure it out. | 03:04 |
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matt1 | ? | 03:04 |
cornell | Hi jetscreamer... | 03:04 |
matt1 | its switched on | 03:04 |
matt1 | the led is on.. | 03:04 |
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unagi | so theres ur answer xan | 03:04 |
cornell | The letters a funky, perhaps I've selected to high a resolution... I can back it down by editing xorg.conf? | 03:04 |
unagi | Xanadu: | 03:04 |
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|neon| | matt1 is it listed under the restricted drivers? | 03:04 |
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matt1 | restricted derivers atheros access layer hal | 03:05 |
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matt1 | atheros access layer (hal) | 03:05 |
eRazor | Can somebody help me in installing, configuring and testing tomcat???? | 03:05 |
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TheManiacKY | is security.ubuntu.com down? my apt-get updates always fail tonight | 03:05 |
matt1 | and enabled | 03:05 |
matt1 | sooooooo???????????????????? | 03:06 |
shawshank | Anyone here know anything about aircrack (specifically the airmon-ng bug with switching ath0 up to ath1 when you start wifi0) | 03:06 |
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daaku | anyone got recommendations (other than fuse/sshfs) for shared directories over ssh? (nfs with ssh port forwarding maybe?) | 03:07 |
MBR | i have a qwuestion. in 7.04 i want to config ubuntu to boot to console instead of gnome. the file inittab is usually found under /etc/ but it doesn't exist in 704 | 03:07 |
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compsman | ubuntu hates atheros? | 03:08 |
|neon| | matt1 have you checked your network config, i can exactly remember since i am using kubuntu now on mine kdewallet took over once i entered the pass sometimes i have to reboot and go into the network configuration so i can get the prompt for kdenetwork for it to work maybe something similar on ubuntu | 03:08 |
daaku | MBR: you can alwayse use update-rc.d and remove it from the required runlevel | 03:08 |
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Pelo | MBR, maybe just make a new entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst with the right options ? | 03:08 |
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jvai | nooo @ compengi i'm on dapper installed on a thinkpad z60m..... ath0 works ok | 03:09 |
sayers | How do I find what wireless card is in my ubuntu setup? | 03:09 |
compsman | |neon| yes it dont show | 03:09 |
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MBR | Pelo, is that under ~/ | 03:09 |
cornell | jetscreamer, I'm looking at xorg.conf, I see subsection "display" depth, modes etc. But I don't see how I can specify a resolution. | 03:09 |
Pelo | MBR, under /boot/grub/menu.lst | 03:09 |
MBR | gotcha ty i'll look | 03:09 |
Flannel | sayers: lspci or lsusb, or a few others. | 03:10 |
Pelo | MBR, it's the menu you get at boot | 03:10 |
ztomic | compsman: atheros is good. what are you talking about. | 03:10 |
compsman | |neon| its me matt1. | 03:10 |
Pelo | sayers, you can always look in menu > system > prefs > hardware info | 03:10 |
MBR | i use grub | 03:10 |
=== Ice [n=Ice@ip70-171-67-172.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MBR | oh wait duh last linux system | 03:10 |
MBR | i've used a few distros in the last year | 03:10 |
quad3d | telinit 3 or 4? | 03:11 |
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MBR | ubuntu is my latest tease | 03:11 |
Ice | hi all, Im trying to install a wireless driver on a linux mint system, can someone assist me? | 03:11 |
quad3d | man telinit | 03:11 |
quad3d | n/m | 03:11 |
compsman | ztomic i know but ubuntu wont let it work i tryed alot of shit its starting to piss me off if u know i meaN... | 03:11 |
quad3d | you wanna for booting | 03:11 |
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desertc | /ignore compsman | 03:11 |
compsman | WAT EVER? | 03:11 |
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Ice | D: | 03:11 |
compsman | /ignore desertc | 03:11 |
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ztomic | compsman: <|neon|> matt1 is it listed under the restricted drivers? | 03:12 |
compsman | yes | 03:12 |
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Flannel | compsman: /lastlog matt1 | 03:12 |
cornell | jetscreamer, or maybe I could change the font? How to do that, or the resolution? | 03:12 |
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Ice | hi all, Im trying to install a wireless driver on a linux mint system, can someone assist me? | 03:12 |
compsman | atheros hardware access layer (hal) enabled in use | 03:13 |
Pelo | !wifi | Ice | 03:13 |
RadiantFire | what kind of wireless driver? | 03:13 |
ubotu | Ice: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:13 |
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Pelo | ice btw this isn'T the mint channel , it,s the ubuntu one | 03:13 |
compsman | flannel ? | 03:13 |
Flannel | compsman: nothing | 03:13 |
MBR | k i've looked quickly at the menu1st file and didn't see anythign related to console boot. saw a crap load of other stuff though | 03:13 |
Tremitos | sup? | 03:13 |
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Flannel | MBR: why don't you pastebin it | 03:13 |
Tremitos | you tell me ;) | 03:13 |
kousotu | can someone help me in recompiling the asa driver? | 03:13 |
MBR | i did notice it uses an image file to boot | 03:13 |
MBR | url? | 03:13 |
kousotu | alsa* | 03:13 |
Flannel | !paste | MBR | 03:14 |
ubotu | MBR: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:14 |
desertc | kousotu: try the #alsa channel | 03:14 |
Pelo | MBR, there isn'T a console boot one, I'm saying you can probably make a boot item that will boot in consol, ask in #grub if they know how to do that | 03:14 |
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compsman | |neon| | 03:14 |
kousotu | is there a channel for everything? | 03:14 |
kousotu | lol | 03:14 |
TheManiacKY | is there a repository I can use instead of us.archive.ubuntu.com? | 03:14 |
CerebroJD | dunno | 03:14 |
MBR | just about kousotu | 03:14 |
CerebroJD | /join #everything | 03:14 |
compsman | |neon| its in the restricted drivers | 03:14 |
ztomic | kousotu: your here. | 03:14 |
Pelo | CerebroJD, beat me to it | 03:14 |
CerebroJD | its empty in there3 | 03:15 |
CerebroJD | just me :( | 03:15 |
Flannel | MBR: Oh, sorry, nothing to see in your menu.lst, I read your question backwards | 03:15 |
kousotu | lol | 03:15 |
n2diy | CerebroJD try #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:15 |
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kousotu | ztomic: what you mean? | 03:15 |
MBR | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32435/ | 03:15 |
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MBR | gotcha Flannel | 03:16 |
ztomic | compsman: have you got restricted-modules ? | 03:16 |
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Pelo | MBR, we don'T need your menu.lst file, I am saying that you should go in #grub and ask them how to make a grub menu entry to boot in console mode | 03:16 |
kousotu | ztomic: what you mean "you're here"? | 03:16 |
compsman | ztomic,what you mean? | 03:16 |
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Pelo | he means this is the channel for everything | 03:16 |
ztomic | kousotu: <kousotu> is there a channel for everything? | 03:16 |
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CerebroJD | ahh | 03:17 |
Bill572 | hello | 03:17 |
Pelo | for everything else there is #mastercard | 03:17 |
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MBR | ty | 03:17 |
kousotu | lol | 03:17 |
Bill572 | were can i get help on ubuntu sever | 03:17 |
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kousotu | you know what I ment | 03:17 |
kousotu | meant* | 03:17 |
nickrud | MBR, the absolute simplest way is to remove the package gdm | 03:17 |
Pelo | bruenig, you do better | 03:17 |
ztomic | compsman: linux-restricted-modules? | 03:17 |
cornell | jetscreamer... can I just add a 1280x800 (ithink one smaller than 1680x1050)? | 03:18 |
jossh | what files are used in the booting of a normal system? i mean the files similar to /etc/modules and /etc/fstab | 03:18 |
compsman | ztomic it shows atheros hardware access layer (hal) in the restricted drivers manager | 03:18 |
MBR | but wouldnt that remove gnome | 03:18 |
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nickrud | MBR, no, only the metapackage that installs gnome, gnome will stay. | 03:18 |
Vinchenzo28 | how do i change the resolution of my login screen? | 03:18 |
Bill572 | were can i get help on ubuntu sever ? | 03:18 |
nickrud | MBR, otherwise, see what happens in /etc/event.d , that's the replacement for inittab | 03:18 |
MBR | and i can still use startx to get to gnome if i remove that package | 03:18 |
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echosystm | Vinchenzo28, the res of your login screen will be the same as that in your xorg.conf | 03:19 |
nickrud | MBR, yes | 03:19 |
Vinchenzo28 | ok | 03:19 |
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Flannel | MBR: you'll probably want to ask in #upstart, since I think (depending on how far along feisty is with upstart) you'll just set a different target with upstart. | 03:20 |
Bill572 | anyone know | 03:20 |
=== FrancoGG_ is now known as FrancoGG | ||
Flannel | MBR: I'd check my man pages, but I'm on dapper, and the internet documentation is crappy. | 03:20 |
=== L1 [n=john@netblock-208-127-74-73.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | Bill572, just state your problem if we can help we will | 03:20 |
Bill572 | were can i get help for ubuntu sever | 03:20 |
cornell | At this resolution/font the letters are partially formed... shall I investigate resolution, or font? | 03:21 |
Pelo | if not we'll try to point you in the right direction | 03:21 |
Bill572 | ? | 03:21 |
Flannel | Bill572: here | 03:21 |
Pelo | Bill572, here | 03:21 |
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Bill572 | ok | 03:21 |
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Bill572 | how do you use ubuntu sever | 03:22 |
Bill572 | i am a noob at it | 03:22 |
L1 | How to connect Fiesty to a dial-up modem? | 03:22 |
Flannel | Bill572: What are you trying to use it for? | 03:22 |
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ztomic | compsman: if you werent such an asshole, people might help you. When you repeatedly post a stupid question, people don't care. When you call someone a moron, they don't want to help. These are the simple things in life. I'm not Einstein but this is pretty simple. | 03:22 |
Bill572 | exchange server ? | 03:22 |
nickrud | !dailup | l1 | 03:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dailup - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:22 |
compsman | i hate that ubuntu wont let me use my athros ar5007eg.. its soo innooying | 03:22 |
nickrud | !dialup | l1 | 03:22 |
ubotu | l1: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 03:22 |
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Bill572 | i dont really know | 03:23 |
Pelo | L1, check in menu > system >`help , search for dial-up and you will get instrucions | 03:23 |
Lucios | !iptables | 03:23 |
kousotu | compsman | 03:23 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 03:23 |
Bill572 | i want to find out commands and all that | 03:23 |
Paddy_EIRE | !madwifi | compsman | 03:23 |
ubotu | compsman: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:23 |
Flannel | Bill572: it's normal command line, here: | 03:23 |
compsman | ztomic; i been at this for 2 weeks | 03:23 |
Flannel | !cli | Bill572 | 03:23 |
ubotu | Bill572: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 03:23 |
kousotu | compsman: you on a laptop? | 03:23 |
ztomic | compsman: I can see why. | 03:23 |
compsman | MADwifi will not use ar5007eg... | 03:23 |
compsman | yes | 03:23 |
kousotu | an Acer? | 03:23 |
compsman | yes | 03:24 |
MBR | why did ubuntu do away with inittab for upstart anyway | 03:24 |
kousotu | figured | 03:24 |
Flannel | compsman: did you try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3115796 ? | 03:24 |
Pici | !upstart | MBR | 03:24 |
Bill572 | ubuntu sever does not have a gui | 03:24 |
ubotu | MBR: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | 03:24 |
Pelo | compsman, did you search for your modem in the forum ? see what other users have to say about it ? | 03:24 |
kousotu | Acer has NASTY hw | 03:24 |
MBR | init was nice and easy.. damn them | 03:24 |
Bill572 | does it | 03:24 |
compsman | huh? | 03:24 |
kousotu | my wifi don't work either | 03:24 |
compsman | i'm confused | 03:24 |
kousotu | I have a zd1211 | 03:24 |
Flannel | compsman: That forum thread seems to have a solution | 03:24 |
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compsman | its acer 5100-3357 | 03:25 |
compsman | looking at it flannel | 03:25 |
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r0b- | anyone here use Thunderbird Mail | 03:25 |
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Pelo | kousotu, goto www.ubuntuforums.org , and search for your wifi card model , see if other users have managed to fix the problem and how | 03:25 |
nickrud | MBR, I guess it's time for us to read http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | 03:25 |
Flannel | !anyone | r0b- | 03:25 |
ubotu | r0b-: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 03:25 |
Bill572 | Flannel: Ubuntu server does not have a GUI does it | 03:25 |
Pelo | compsman, read what I just wrote for kousotu | 03:25 |
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r0b- | !thunderbird | 03:25 |
ubotu | a FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation. To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60427 | 03:25 |
compsman | yes i just did | 03:25 |
costin | hello again when i use startx i receive this error: xf860Openserial: cannot open device /dev/input/wacom. what should i do? thanx | 03:26 |
Flannel | Bill572: not by default no. There's no real difference between "server" and "Desktop", only the default packages installed. If you want a desktop machine, you should install the desktop version (which you can put server stuffs on no problem) | 03:26 |
Pelo | Bill572, you want a gui ? type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop it will add all the gui stuff | 03:26 |
Bill572 | ok | 03:26 |
Bill572 | becuase i want to use one of my computers as a sever | 03:26 |
kousotu | Pelo: I tried everything I found | 03:27 |
Bill572 | and still have a gui for it | 03:27 |
kousotu | nothing worked | 03:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | Bill572: depends on which gui you would like also | 03:27 |
r0b- | thunderbird cant remember my pass | 03:27 |
kousotu | madwifi don't support my card | 03:27 |
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pawan | !ubunty-effects | 03:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubunty-effects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:27 |
r0b- | and i have to click Get Mail 2 times before it downloads anything | 03:27 |
pawan | !ubuntu-effects | 03:27 |
ubotu | For help with 3d desktop effects applications or drivers please join #ubuntu-effects, someone there will be glad to help you. You can read http://forum.beryl-project.org/ for most common problems or questions. | 03:27 |
Bill572 | ok | 03:27 |
Pelo | kousotu, that's the best I could personnaly do for you, I donT' know jack about wifi , try google, see if there is any linux stuff for your hardware , howtos and suck , it should all work on ubuntu, you may have to compile stuff manualy | 03:28 |
piedoggie | what speed cpu/etc do you need to keep dvd playback smooth? | 03:28 |
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costin | hello again when i use startx i receive this error: xf860Openserial: cannot open device /dev/input/wacom. what should i do? thanx | 03:28 |
bruenig | !repeat | costin | 03:28 |
ubotu | costin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:28 |
jvai | aight ppls b safe | 03:28 |
compsman | BRB people. | 03:28 |
compsman | i think it will work now after a restart | 03:29 |
compsman | thanks for helping me so far | 03:29 |
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Pelo | r0b-, maybe the ppl in #mozilla can help you with that | 03:29 |
bruenig | !ot | compsman | 03:29 |
ubotu | compsman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:29 |
Rprp | Adore Ardito ChanServ Controversy KoOs`G0n3 Rprp Somethief1 Xe_BNC | 03:29 |
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Salgat | Hello | 03:30 |
Soulwarp | anyone know where i can get a package called x-window-system-dev | 03:30 |
Pelo | costin, try looking up the error msg in the forum | 03:30 |
bruenig | !info x-window-system-dev | 03:30 |
ubotu | Package x-window-system-dev does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:30 |
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bruenig | !find window-system | 03:30 |
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ubotu | Found: xorg, x-window-system, x-window-system-core | 03:30 |
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bruenig | Soulwarp, doesn't appear to exist | 03:30 |
Salgat | Can anyone help me with my Apache server and .htaccess? I'm having issues pw protecting a page | 03:30 |
Soulwarp | i want the devel package but it isn't included it seems | 03:30 |
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phalphalak | hello! Could someone help a linux-illiterate with setting up a wireless connection? | 03:30 |
Pelo | Soulwarp, try google, you might need to compile it | 03:30 |
crdlb | Soulwarp, how old is the guide you are following? | 03:31 |
bruenig | what a joke | 03:31 |
costin | pelo thanx | 03:31 |
Pelo | !wifi | phalphalak | 03:31 |
ubotu | phalphalak: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:31 |
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bruenig | ubuntu needs to provide includes, what possible purpose does it serve to split them | 03:31 |
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kousotu | compsman: you wantmy advace? | 03:31 |
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nickrud | !info xserver-xorg-dev | 03:32 |
ubotu | xserver-xorg-dev: X.Org X server -- development files. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.2.0-3ubuntu8 (feisty), package size 288 kB, installed size 1600 kB | 03:32 |
kousotu | Pelo: tried everything I found | 03:32 |
scottDkoDer | How to tell your terminal to save more lines? | 03:32 |
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Soulwarp | crdlb not sure the age, it's a general guide not ubuntu guide. but it does reference debian to carry the package | 03:32 |
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bryan | q | 03:32 |
Pelo | kousotu, well you will have to resort to wired or windows then | 03:33 |
ConstyXIV | is there a way to find out if you have bluetooth hardware in your machine? | 03:33 |
nickrud | Soulwarp, it's changed to xserver-xorg-dev | 03:33 |
kousotu | lol | 03:33 |
crdlb | Soulwarp, the package you're looking for will probably be something like xserver-xorg-dev | 03:33 |
phalphalak | well, i spend a whole day on trying to get the wifi to work | 03:33 |
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kousotu | Pelo: it's called WIfi MAX | 03:33 |
fholmes | How do I mount a USB backup drive? | 03:33 |
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kousotu | suported by ubuntu | 03:33 |
compsman | kousotu? | 03:33 |
phalphalak | the network manager doesnt seem to support wpa-psk | 03:33 |
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Soulwarp | there is a x-window-system, x-window-system-core, but no x-window-system-dev :'( | 03:34 |
ConstyXIV | fholmes: if it's just a UMS device, plug it in. | 03:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | phalphalak: have you tried wifi radar? | 03:34 |
Pelo | kousotu, if it is supported by ubuntu you shouldn't be having any problem | 03:34 |
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kousotu | compsman: bus thing you can do, cause acer is bitchy.. | 03:34 |
kousotu | best* | 03:34 |
Soulwarp | i'll look for the source | 03:34 |
Pelo | fholmes, usb stuff mount automaticaly | 03:34 |
skyfalcon866 | should i create a /usr partition?\ | 03:34 |
Sniper | hi | 03:34 |
kousotu | PElo: myatheros don't work, my zd1211 does | 03:34 |
fholmes | Pelo: Where does it mount to? | 03:34 |
Sniper | guys i have some questions, i would be grateful is someone could help me... | 03:35 |
Pelo | fholmes, should mount in /media and apear on your desktop when it is plugged in and powerd | 03:35 |
astro76 | skyfalcon866, not much point, are you making a /home ? | 03:35 |
Flannel | !ask | Sniper | 03:35 |
ubotu | Sniper: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:35 |
fholmes | I don't have X installed, I am only command line. | 03:35 |
skyfalcon866 | i already have a /home | 03:35 |
kousotu | compsman: best option, seriously.go out and get a wifi max | 03:35 |
skyfalcon866 | why isnt there a point? | 03:35 |
astro76 | skyfalcon866, I often do /tmp and /var | 03:35 |
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Sniper | Flannel: i am still a windows user, and i have a old laptop, i was wondering if it can take ubuntu | 03:35 |
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Pelo | fholmes, then it should be mounted in /media/someting , just cd to /media and ls to see what is available | 03:36 |
Sniper | it has 128 RAM. 497MHZ PIII, and it has 6GB hard drive | 03:36 |
Sniper | Flannel: it has 128 RAM. 497MHZ PIII, and it has 6GB hard drive | 03:36 |
Paddy_EIRE | Sniper: maybe fluxbuntu .... | 03:36 |
skyfalcon866 | is there a way to keep applications after an ubuntu reinstall? | 03:36 |
kousotu | psp showsup as an iPod? | 03:36 |
kousotu | lol | 03:36 |
Soulwarp | would Hoary packages work on Feisty? | 03:37 |
Pelo | skyfalcon866, probably not, but you can make yourself a script to re install them easily enough | 03:37 |
fholmes | Still no go. Oh well, I will just go back to trying Bacula. | 03:37 |
Sniper | Paddy: where do i get that? can you give send me a useful link that i can go and read more about it? or shall i just google it?! | 03:37 |
skyfalcon866 | how | 03:37 |
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phalphalak | Paddy_EIRE: well, i tried wifi radar. im just dont see an option for wpa-psk | 03:37 |
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Pelo | skyfalcon866, I'll send you a file, use that as a template | 03:37 |
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Paddy_EIRE | Sniper: http://fluxbuntu.org/ | 03:38 |
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brian98 | hi everybody | 03:38 |
Sniper | Paddy_fire: thanks pal, appreciate your help. | 03:38 |
skyfalcon866 | how do i recive the file | 03:39 |
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Soulwarp | nickrud sry just noticed your comment thx for your help m8 | 03:39 |
Paddy_EIRE | Sniper: no probs... and its Paddy_EIRE :P | 03:39 |
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Pelo | skyfalcon866, nvm, I'll just paste it in pm | 03:39 |
Pelo | hold on | 03:39 |
Sniper | Paddy_Eire: opse.. sorry pal -_- | 03:39 |
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Sniper | okay... on Fluxbuntu, can i get any of that fancy graphic applications installed?! | 03:41 |
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vargux | Hi......... anyone know news about "Ubuntu Ultimate Edition"???? | 03:42 |
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stiv2k_ | what do i need to isntall for `make` | 03:42 |
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Xanadu | stiv2k_: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 03:43 |
stiv2k_ | thanks | 03:43 |
Pelo | VARGUX, ubuntu ultimate editon is just a repack of ubuntu with a lot of stuff you donT' need in the default install, you are better off getting ubuntu regular and installing the stuff you realy want from the repos | 03:43 |
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johnficca | I can't get my modem to work can someone help | 03:43 |
johnficca | how do I check what modem I have and if there is a linux driver for it | 03:44 |
johnficca | ? | 03:44 |
Pelo | johnficca, a few more details please | 03:44 |
cedricshock | Hi. I'm installing Feisty on a laptop with no internet connection. The installer seems to have stalled at 83% "Installing language packs" "Downloading package lists...". There's a "Skip" button. Should I push it? | 03:44 |
bruenig | cedricshock, sure | 03:44 |
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johnficca | Pelo: I don't know any details | 03:44 |
Pelo | johnficca, pci modem ? type lspci in the terminal and see what comes up | 03:44 |
Bill572 | can ubuntu sever be like an exchange sever for e-mail | 03:44 |
Bill572 | ? | 03:44 |
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astro76 | cedricshock, yes | 03:45 |
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Pelo | Bill572, yes you can make a mail server with linux | 03:45 |
Flannel | Bill572: Except I don't think exchange runs on linux, but you could get something comperable/whatever, yes. It could be an email server | 03:45 |
johnficca | Modem: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Modem Controller | 03:45 |
Bill572 | how | 03:45 |
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Pelo | johnficca, what exactly do you need to do with this modem ? | 03:45 |
Bill572 | how do you make it a e-mail server | 03:46 |
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cedricshock | astro76: Thanks. bruenig's answer wasn't quite as reassuring, but I figured I was up for an adventure and skipped right along. | 03:46 |
johnficca | at my other house all I have is dialup Internet | 03:46 |
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Pelo | !dialup | johnficca | 03:46 |
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ubotu | johnficca: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 03:46 |
Flannel | Bill572: you install one. There's a few in the repos. And some guides in the Ubuntu documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/ | 03:47 |
johnficca | Pelo: yeah that didn't help me the last time | 03:47 |
thecross | anybody got any ideas for why i can not encode mp3's using grip? It rips to .wav fine, but cant encode to .mp3. all i get is a file that contains 0 bytes. | 03:47 |
Pelo | johnficca, where did you get stuck ? | 03:47 |
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Pelo | thecross, use soundconverter | 03:47 |
Flannel | Bill572: If you scroll dow to #10, that's a few email servers. Which one you want depends on what youre planning on using it for | 03:47 |
Bill572 | ok | 03:48 |
Bill572 | thanks | 03:48 |
thecross | pelo: i would like to do it all in one | 03:48 |
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=== DJ_Pirat [n=BgmIRC@kingsnet-211-154.mediaworksit.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DJ_Pirat | [DJ_Pirat] Cao Cao:) Svima:) -= Beograd mIRC No.1 =- | 03:49 |
DJ_Pirat | :) | 03:49 |
DJ_Pirat | p***e | 03:49 |
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DJ_Pirat | gde ste | 03:49 |
Pelo | thecross, you mean ripper / encoder ? not likely to do mp3 in linux, mp3 is propriatary format | 03:49 |
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DJ_Pirat | :) | 03:49 |
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DJ_Pirat | sta se radi | 03:49 |
DJ_Pirat | :) | 03:49 |
DJ_Pirat | drkate li | 03:49 |
BRAINSTORM | o cao | 03:49 |
BRAINSTORM | gejevi | 03:49 |
BRAINSTORM | Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha... | 03:49 |
DJ_Pirat | ajde se *ebemo | 03:49 |
DJ_Pirat | ;) | 03:49 |
BRAINSTORM | ima li srba ovde? | 03:49 |
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astro76 | thecross, I'd recommend installing lame and using that as the encoder | 03:49 |
Flannel | !ops | 03:49 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 03:49 |
Pelo | !ops DJ_Pirat BRAINSTORM | 03:49 |
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thecross | pelo: yes ripper/encoder. grip does suppoer it but I can get it to work | 03:49 |
BRAINSTORM | What The Fuck ?!? | 03:49 |
DJ_Pirat | jewta | 03:49 |
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Pelo | theconartist, you might just need the correct codecs, try installing mpeg123 | 03:50 |
nalioth | DJ_Pirat: english please | 03:50 |
thecross | astro76: i have lame installed, that is what i am trying to use through grip | 03:50 |
DJ_Pirat | tok | 03:50 |
DJ_Pirat | ;) | 03:50 |
DJ_Pirat | Ok... | 03:50 |
skyfalcon866_ | is Resiserfs more faster than ext3 | 03:50 |
DJ_Pirat | girls | 03:50 |
DJ_Pirat | :) | 03:50 |
DJ_Pirat | ooooo girls | 03:50 |
DJ_Pirat | :) | 03:50 |
astro76 | !offtopic | DJ_Pirat | 03:51 |
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ubotu | DJ_Pirat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:51 |
Pelo | skyfalcon866, if you need to ask I suggest you stck to ext3 | 03:51 |
skyfalcon866_ | ok | 03:51 |
Bill572 | can you get outlook to run on one of those e-mail severs | 03:51 |
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johnficca | Pelo: I just tried the scanmodem tool but I don't really know what it all means | 03:51 |
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Flannel | Bill572: Outlook is a client program, not a server. | 03:51 |
skyfalcon866_ | does ext3 have the 4Gb file size limit like fat32 | 03:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | no | 03:51 |
Megaqwerty | Can anyone help me change the color of the font in Gnome-Terminal? I can't seem to make all font white. | 03:52 |
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Bill572 | i mean can outlook run on any e-mail service | 03:52 |
Pelo | johnficca, you shouldn't have to use that for anyting , you basicaly just need to put in your user/pass ISP phone # in a dialog box and pick the correct modem out of the list provided , it's not that difficult | 03:52 |
MajorPayne | Megaqwerty: Green is a nice colour :-) | 03:52 |
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Megaqwerty | MajorPayne: yeah, but not for the theme I'm working with ;) | 03:52 |
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MajorPayne | Megaqwerty: You should make the theme work with green. I like green. | 03:53 |
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Flannel | Bill572: outlook connects to email servers. It doesn't run on them, and yes, it can connect to any POP/IMAP server. Because those are standard protocols. | 03:53 |
johnficca | Pelo: I tried that and it won't dail and connect | 03:53 |
ivan_ | hello | 03:53 |
Megaqwerty | MajorPayne: rofl. Maybe green world work. Can you help me with green? :-) | 03:53 |
Bill572 | ok | 03:53 |
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MajorPayne | What do you mean help you? It's 0, 255, 0. | 03:53 |
ivan_ | somebody can speak spanish ? | 03:54 |
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Pelo | johnficca, when you did the lspci command did you get a /dev/someting for your modem at the end of the line , or the beginning ? | 03:54 |
Flannel | !es | ivan_ | 03:54 |
ubotu | ivan_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:54 |
compsman | omg yay | 03:54 |
compsman | ITS WORKING | 03:54 |
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compsman | WIRELESS | 03:54 |
compsman | :) | 03:54 |
MajorPayne | !enter | compsman | 03:54 |
ubotu | compsman: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:54 |
Salgat | You're connected! | 03:54 |
Megaqwerty | MajorPayne: haha, not what I meant. In Edit>Current Profile>Colors I set the text color, but it doesn't change. | 03:54 |
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ivan_ | Flannel, por que ubotu me respondio? | 03:54 |
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compsman | had to blacklist auth_pci | 03:55 |
johnficca | Pelo: nope no dev/anything | 03:55 |
MajorPayne | Megaqwerty: Ohh. I am not sure. I don't use gnome-terminal. I use 'Terminal' that comes with the xubuntu-desktop. | 03:55 |
guerilla | any1 here | 03:55 |
Megaqwerty | MajorPayne: argh. Thanks anyway | 03:55 |
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Paddy_EIRE | what file manager does fluxbox use | 03:55 |
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MajorPayne | Megaqwerty: Sorry I can't help you. | 03:55 |
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Pelo | johnficca, ok , go into menu > system > prefs > hardware info, look for themodem , when you found it , check the tabs for /dev/tts... or someting like that , let me know when you have it | 03:56 |
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Maximonster | semen? | 03:56 |
Flannel | Paddy_EIRE: thunar is what Xubuntu uses | 03:56 |
larson9999 | a p3 450mghz 128 mb ram. these days, i think it'd be a text only box for me. | 03:56 |
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Paddy_EIRE | Flannel: yeah I know that....apparently it very good | 03:56 |
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Pelo | larson9999, check out www.xubuntu.org see what the requirements are , you might be in luck | 03:57 |
Maximonster | buttfuck? | 03:57 |
Jason5876 | Fluxbox uses any file manager you have installed. | 03:57 |
larson9999 | Pelo, i run xbuntu already. | 03:57 |
Flannel | Paddy_EIRE: erm, I don't know why I'm answering questions that aren't yours. But, fluxbox is just a WM, it doesn't have a file browser of it's own | 03:57 |
astro76 | !language | Maximonster | 03:57 |
ubotu | Maximonster: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:57 |
Pelo | !ops | Maximonster | 03:57 |
ubotu | Maximonster: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 03:57 |
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larson9999 | Pelo, but still fast without x. screen makes that not such a bad thing | 03:58 |
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allisterb | S'up all. uname -a says my Feisty Fawn kernel is 2.6.20-16-server but there's no kernel-source-2.6.20-16-server package, what source package should I get that matches my kernel? | 03:58 |
johnficca | Pelo: ok I found the modem but no dev/tts | 03:58 |
skyfalcon866_ | is there a way to install gutsy programs into fiesty>' | 03:58 |
skyfalcon866_ | ? | 03:58 |
Pelo | johnficca, anyting beginning with /dev/ ? | 03:58 |
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xtknight | allisterb, linux-source not kernel-source | 03:59 |
bruenig | skyfalcon866, not a good idea | 03:59 |
bruenig | skyfalcon866, just compile whatever you need | 03:59 |
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[11Touche] | hiya guys, how can I change a default program's nice/renice without having to do sudo renice on each startup ? (ie. Firefox) | 04:00 |
xtknight | allisterb, or headers for compiling stuff. source is actually just "linux-source" it works for server, desktop, w/e | 04:00 |
johnficca | the left hand side has 5 listings for modem, two modem alsa and three modem oss | 04:00 |
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xtknight | [11Touche] , change its command line to "nice something" | 04:00 |
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xtknight | [11Touche] , like nice -n 10 firefox or something. i dont remember exactly. "man nice" | 04:01 |
Pelo | johnficca, which one looks like your modem ? | 04:01 |
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[11Touche] | xtknight > and I dont need to be SU to perform that? | 04:01 |
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casper_ | ok i somehow put all minimized windows available on all desktops through beryl and ive looked up and down and i cant find how to put minimized windows only on their desktop, anyone? | 04:02 |
bruenig | [11Touche] , if it requires root privileges, just set an exception in /etc/sudoers and launch it with sudo | 04:02 |
xtknight | [11Touche] , hm i dont know | 04:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | man that Hackers movie sucked | 04:02 |
johnficca | Pelo: can I send a screenshot | 04:02 |
johnficca | ? | 04:02 |
learningmode | hi guys. im installing the kubuntu-desktop meta packages - it includes a lot of the same apps i already have under gnome, do these all get installed as a seperate entity, or are teh already installed version overwritten? | 04:02 |
bruenig | casper_, #ubuntu-effects | 04:02 |
Flannel | learningmode: nah, theyre all combined | 04:02 |
[11Touche] | bruenig > oh ok thanks | 04:02 |
bruenig | learningmode, they aren't installed at all, they are left alone | 04:02 |
Pelo | johnficca, some of those are nested right ? with little arrows next to them ? pick the deepest one | 04:02 |
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Flannel | learningmode: What it means is (if theyre being downloaded) you haven't updated recently | 04:02 |
Pelo | johnficca, no , upload a screenshot if you want but donT' send | 04:02 |
astro76 | [11Touche] , I think you need sudo to nice a negative value | 04:03 |
allisterb | xtknight, thanks should I append the version string to source or headers like source-2.6.20-16-server? | 04:03 |
Megaqwerty | Paddy_EIRE: you know, that's the only thing I remember about that movie. "That is sucked, and was ridiculous." | 04:03 |
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xtknight | allisterb, "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-source" | 04:03 |
xtknight | allisterb, this is as specific as both get, afaik | 04:03 |
johnficca | Pelo: I have a /dev/snd/pcmC1D0c | 04:03 |
Paddy_EIRE | Megaqwerty: the sequel is based on Kevin Mitnick | 04:03 |
Megaqwerty | Paddy_EIRE: but seriously, that's probably better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:03 |
learningmode | i see. and will uninstalling the meta package roll everything back? for example, the login screen and firefox home screens talk about kubuntu ow. | 04:03 |
learningmode | *now | 04:04 |
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Paddy_EIRE | Megaqwerty: yeah just felt like sharing my dissapointment | 04:04 |
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Flannel | learningmode: you switch between them by reconfiguring | 04:04 |
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Megaqwerty | Paddy_EIRE: Fair enough :-P | 04:04 |
Pelo | johnficca, no the key should be named seriall device | 04:04 |
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Flannel | learningmode: I don't know about the FF homepage (although I did notice that, it doesn't bother me enough to look into it) | 04:04 |
skyfalcon866_ | how can i run fsck on a fat32 partition | 04:04 |
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bruenig | skyfalcon866_, I don't think you do | 04:04 |
xtknight | skyfalcon866_, fsck.vfat | 04:05 |
Pelo | johnficca, I many not be the bet personn to help you with this , try asking again in a few minutes maybe someone else will know a quicker way to identify your modem | 04:05 |
abdoo | hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | 04:05 |
=== Entonian [n=Entonian@h-67-100-128-253.sttnwaho.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | skyfalcon866_, unmount it and run dosfsck | 04:05 |
Megaqwerty | hi abdoo. | 04:05 |
cro | hello I've just install ubuntu in my pc, but when it is booting stays freeze just load a little in the status bar... | 04:05 |
Ice | since linuxmint is based off of ubuntu could someone help me -- no one is available in linux mint IRC | 04:05 |
abdoo | 04:05 | |
learningmode | ty, trying to figure out how this all works together. | 04:05 |
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xtknight | Ice, maybe, what's your question? | 04:05 |
johnficca | Pelo: on this laptop my modem as something to do with my sound card | 04:05 |
Megaqwerty | Ice: what's the problem | 04:05 |
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Ice | well this page for reference | 04:06 |
Ice | http://www.linuxmint.com/wiki/index.php/MintWifi | 04:06 |
Pelo | johnficca, then look in the deepest alsa one | 04:06 |
Ice | step 4 | 04:06 |
Megaqwerty | !arabic | abdoo | 04:06 |
ubotu | abdoo: For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join #ubuntu-sa | 04:06 |
cro | >hello I've just install ubuntu in my pc, but when it is booting stays freeze just load a little in the status bar... i that for the boot options i mean what is ro and splash commands for? | 04:06 |
bruenig | !ot | Ice | 04:06 |
ubotu | Ice: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:06 |
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Ice | ok should I go there? | 04:06 |
Pelo | cro, have you ever been able to boot it all the way ? | 04:06 |
bruenig | Ice, go ask mint support | 04:07 |
cro | yes i left it like ten minutes and nothing | 04:07 |
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allisterb | xtknight: , Ok thanks a lot man | 04:07 |
Ice | alright alright sorry hehe | 04:07 |
johnficca | there are five of them all the same depth and none of them have a serial device under Key | 04:07 |
Pelo | cro, I donT, thknk you read my question properly | 04:07 |
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Pelo | johnficca, hmm, give me a minute | 04:08 |
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cro | so i dont know what u mean | 04:08 |
johnficca | Pelo: my laptop is a thinkpad t40 if that helps | 04:08 |
kousotu | Whats' the su pass? | 04:08 |
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astro76 | !root | kousotu | 04:08 |
ubotu | kousotu: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 04:08 |
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Pelo | johnficca, I think you'll have to follow this proceedure for the modem mixed in with the sound card https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/AlsaModem | 04:08 |
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kousotu | no root | 04:09 |
kousotu | lol | 04:09 |
Pelo | johnficca, doesnt, help me much but you might want to look it up in the forum to see if there are any suggestions | 04:09 |
kousotu | wow.. | 04:09 |
Flannel | kousotu: use sudo instead | 04:09 |
johnficca | thanks that looks better | 04:09 |
kousotu | I waned to su so I won't have to put my pass in everytime | 04:09 |
stiv2k_ | why does cupsaddsmb keep saying | 04:09 |
stiv2k_ | why does cupsaddsmb keep saying Unable to copy Windows 2000 printer driver files (2)! | 04:09 |
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Flannel | kousotu: if you're doing a few things, `sudo -i` will get you a root prompt. But obviously, you don't want to do that regularly | 04:10 |
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JeevesMoss | can someone give me a hand with Bind9 please? I need help verifying the settings | 04:10 |
cro | it booted just in "recovery mode" | 04:10 |
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kousotu | flannel: but for the first 24 hrs, maybe | 04:10 |
kousotu | lol | 04:10 |
Pelo | cro, try installing again, something got borked apparently | 04:10 |
JeevesMoss | flannel: you're in here!!! GREAT!!! | 04:11 |
=== Tom47__ [n=tom@CPE-144-137-124-123.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | JeevesMoss, maybe a bind channel ? | 04:11 |
cro | ok i'll try again thanx man.. | 04:11 |
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phalphalak | can someone help me with my wireless connection to router using wpa-psk? network manager and wifi radar dont seem to support this | 04:11 |
stiv2k_ | why does cupsaddsmb keep saying Unable to copy Windows 2000 printer driver files (2)! | 04:11 |
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JeevesMoss | Pelo: is the channel just #bind? | 04:11 |
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Pelo | JeevesMoss, no idea just a general suggestion, try it and see, or check in the bind website for info on one | 04:12 |
Pelo | stiv2k_,are you trying to install a windows printer driver in ubuntu ? | 04:12 |
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stiv2k_ | Pelo: yes | 04:14 |
astro76 | phalphalak, network manager definitely supports it, what happens? | 04:14 |
ca1 | I am trying to install azureus-gcj with synaptic manager and I marked all the things I need to install and the apply button isn't any option. How do I proceed to install this? | 04:14 |
=== kousotu [n=kousotu@adsl-68-79-19-237.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aaron_ | cal: you tried the command line? | 04:14 |
kousotu | where can I find themes? | 04:14 |
Pelo | stiv2k_, maybe you should see if there is a linux driver for your printer | 04:14 |
ca1 | aaron_: how would I do it through command line? | 04:15 |
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aaron_ | sudo apt-get install azureus-gcj | 04:15 |
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stiv2k_ | Pelo: i just want to share it so you can print from windows | 04:15 |
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ca1 | aaron_: okay, I'll try hold on | 04:15 |
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phalphalak | astro76: network manager does not let e choose anything along the line of wpa... well, im rather new to this. all i try is to set it to dhcp, put in the name and password... and activate the connection... the netwok is listed but nothing really happens. | 04:15 |
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Pelo | stiv2k_, I think ( but I am not 100%) that you install it using linux drivers and then share it on samba | 04:15 |
casper_ | what is going on with beryl now? theyre merging? | 04:16 |
Gaming2 | Hello guys, I have Feisty Fawn and I wanted to download themes for ubuntu, but I dont know the difference between GDM themes, XMMS themes, GTK etc | 04:16 |
Pelo | stiv2k_, then you install it on windows as a network printer | 04:16 |
stiv2k_ | yes | 04:16 |
=== Neural_Overload [n=NeuralOv@pool-71-105-115-159.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ca1 | aaron_: seems to be working thank you. | 04:16 |
stiv2k_ | but you need the windows drivers copied onto the server | 04:16 |
stiv2k_ | so the clients can download them | 04:16 |
Pelo | stiv2k_, or someting like that, but the windows driver donT' go on the linux side | 04:16 |
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aaron_ | cal: no prob. | 04:16 |
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Pelo | stiv2k_, I can,t realy help further then that | 04:16 |
Flannel | GamingX: GDM is the login screen, XMMS is a music program, GTK is the windowy border stuff | 04:16 |
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kousotu | where can I find themes for ubuntu? | 04:17 |
astro76 | phalphalak, you shouldn't trying to set it in the "network settings" dialog, rather just pick a network from the networkmanager icon in the tray, and then you'll be able to enter WPA pass | 04:17 |
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Pelo | !theme | kousotu | 04:17 |
ubotu | kousotu: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 04:17 |
Flannel | kousotu: gnome-look.org, normal gnome themes work for ubuntu | 04:17 |
GamingX | I downloaded a theme archive but I dont know how to install it... | 04:18 |
phalphalak | astro76: i have screeb shots of these dialogues but they never appear on my comp | 04:18 |
Pelo | GamingX, open up the theme manager and drag drop the tar.gz file on it | 04:18 |
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phalphalak | astro76: hag on i need to restart... wifi radar screws with the network managers gui... brb | 04:18 |
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MateaMatt | having trouble getting my new ubuntu install to connect to the internet, though it manages to get an IPV6 address, can anyone help me? | 04:19 |
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Neural_Overload | Anyone know what Gtk-ERROR **: file gtksequence.c: line 597 (_gtk_sequence_node_rotate): assertion failed: (node->parent != node) means? | 04:20 |
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phalphalak | astro76: re | 04:21 |
GamingX | Ok now how do I install a GDM theme? | 04:21 |
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astro76 | phalphalak, hmm? | 04:22 |
kousotu | thank you | 04:22 |
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Pelo | GamingX, just like I told you , but it is possible that you need to unpack the far.gz once if ther is more then just hte theme in the package | 04:22 |
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GamingX | the theme is for the system startup (login) | 04:24 |
MajorPayne | Can I resume a copy with scp if the connection goes down? | 04:24 |
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phalphalak | astro76: is your wireless connection using wpa-psk? | 04:24 |
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astro76 | phalphalak, yes | 04:24 |
mrksbrd | I have a dumb ?...was ubuntu out first or was kububtu??? | 04:24 |
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apeitheo | What version kernel does Ubuntu Feisty Fawn come with by default? | 04:24 |
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phalphalak | astro76: well, i tried to go to properties and selected the network. but how i do i tell it to use wpa-psk? | 04:25 |
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astro76 | phalphalak, yeah don't set it in there, check Enable Roaming mode there | 04:27 |
nickrud | apeitheo, 2.6.20 | 04:27 |
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phalphalak | astro76: ok, i tried that too. what do i do then? | 04:27 |
astro76 | phalphalak, do you see a drop down list with detected wireless networks in the tray applet? | 04:27 |
Kilroo | Wheee. I finally got Rainlendar2 working. Somehow it had never occurred to me that clearing the .config/rainlendar2 directory and then doing the exact same thing that didn't work before might do the trick. | 04:27 |
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phalphalak | astro76: no | 04:27 |
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astro76 | phalphalak, just wired network? | 04:28 |
ca1 | Every time I open azureus it opens for like 1 second then automatically closes. How do I fix this? | 04:28 |
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GamingX | When I drag the tar file to the themes window, it says invalid file format.... | 04:28 |
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phalphalak | astro76: u mean the main window of the network manager? it has wirelss connection, wired, and modem... but no drop down | 04:28 |
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uplink | org | 04:29 |
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clearze4 | ca1: try ktorrent instead. Azureus is flaky | 04:29 |
astro76 | phalphalak, no, the icon in the system tray (next to the clock on gnome panel) | 04:29 |
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ca1 | clearze4: ktorrent? | 04:29 |
unagi | i like ktorrent | 04:29 |
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ca1 | can you use it as a tracker? | 04:29 |
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ryanakca | can someone help me out with http://pastebin.ca/645006 please? I created a db, and gave the user acces to it, but he get's access denied.. | 04:29 |
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astro76 | phalphalak, in the "main window" then is where you should set the Enable roaming mode | 04:29 |
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ca1 | What is so great about ktorrent compared to azureus | 04:30 |
ca1 | ? | 04:30 |
phalphalak | astro76: talking of the devil...i tried for a whole day and it never offered me any options when i clicked on the try icon... now it has plenty | 04:30 |
clearze4 | ca1: Not sure, I know you can use either rtorrent (CLI based) or bittornado as a tracker. I just found azureus unreliable. | 04:30 |
aaron_ | how do i make the terminal server client NOT show it's error screen after disconnecting, or logging off, or shutting down what it's connected to | 04:31 |
Kilroo | ca1: I use Deluge currently; if I decide it's not suiting me I shall probably run Torrent under wine. I've never tried Azureus but it's hard to imagine it being preferable to Torrent. | 04:31 |
jetscreamer | azureus will hack you if you have crap java perms | 04:31 |
aaron_ | utorrent FTW | 04:31 |
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jetscreamer | seriously | 04:31 |
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ca1 | what's good about utorrent? | 04:31 |
Ice | everything | 04:31 |
clearze4 | ca1: It has a good UI | 04:31 |
Ice | its a solid program | 04:31 |
ca1 | I've only ever used azureus and bitcomet | 04:31 |
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aaron_ | it's so clean and light weight. simple. clean. does what it's 'sposed to | 04:31 |
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ca1 | utorrent have a tracker? | 04:32 |
Kilroo | It's small, it's easy to use, and it does everything I need it to do. | 04:32 |
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phalphalak | astro76: so i should jsut select the wireless it detected? | 04:32 |
Kilroo | Granted, I don't know what it means for a client to have a tracker. | 04:32 |
Ice | ca1, it has everything a modern bittorrent client needs for fast speeds, Id check it out | 04:32 |
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astro76 | phalphalak, yes and then in the dialog you'll be able to enter the wpa pass | 04:32 |
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clearze4 | ca1: I like rtorrent because I can run it seperate from gdm. aka restart gnome and my torrents are unaffected. It's great for remote management as well. | 04:33 |
phalphalak | astro76: ok, ill try that | 04:33 |
ca1 | I'm not really familiar with using wine though... I have wine though | 04:33 |
MajorPayne | clearze4: Run rtorrent in screen :-) | 04:33 |
astro76 | phalphalak, for some reason I could get it to work with wpa2, just wpa, and I haven't had a chance to troubleshoot it, FYI | 04:33 |
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aaron_ | how to make tsclient now show the error screen after disconnecting from anything | 04:33 |
aaron_ | ? | 04:33 |
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astro76 | phalphalak, *couldn't | 04:34 |
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kousotu | <kousotu> if thatdoes work, can the gutsy alsa drivers be out on ff? | 04:35 |
onexused | When I try to print something, nothing happens until I restart my computer, at which time the document(s) will print. This is ridiculous; what can I do about it? | 04:35 |
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kousotu | <kousotu> if that does work, can the gutsy alsa drivers be out on ff? | 04:36 |
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kousotu | can someone answer please? | 04:36 |
contant | hello! i am trying to install a remote control (serial cable) controller of my cable box to change the channels for mythtv and am having some problems -- can anyone give me some help? | 04:36 |
astro76 | !repeat | kousotu | 04:36 |
ubotu | kousotu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 04:36 |
atlantis | what about girls ? anyone heard of them ? | 04:36 |
ca1 | can you use wine without a windows partioned hard drive? | 04:36 |
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phalphalak_ | astro76: not sure if my last msg went through.... just wanted to say thank you | 04:36 |
astro76 | !offtopic | atlantis | 04:36 |
kee | unix utility "tip" , what's the name in ubuntu? | 04:36 |
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kousotu | um.. I typoed? | 04:36 |
Clearze4 | ca1: yes | 04:36 |
ubotu | atlantis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:36 |
astro76 | phalphalak, you're welcome :) | 04:37 |
DARKGuy | !girls | 04:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about girls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:37 |
DARKGuy | :P | 04:37 |
kousotu | lmao | 04:37 |
phalphalak_ | astro76: i swear it never offered me these options before :) | 04:37 |
atlantis | goto the ubuntu website and it will tell you the name of ubuntu ---- www.ubuntu.com | 04:37 |
Vorondil | Hi all. Quick question. When I installed Ubuntu on this machine (7.04 Alternat Desktop), I did the detect keyboard layout thing out of curiosity. Anyway, I ended up with a layout that requires me to press space after characters like ' " `, etc or else it puts an accent over the next letter I type. For instance to get "a, I have to type (quote)(space)a. (quote)a gives me . How do I change that? :-P | 04:37 |
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atlantis | Girls and Money is there anything else | 04:37 |
Clearze4 | !botsnack | 04:37 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 04:37 |
atlantis | girls is always an option | 04:37 |
gradin | atlantis: porn | 04:37 |
skyfalcon866_ | can ubuntu read blu-ray discs | 04:37 |
atlantis | girls=porn | 04:38 |
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atlantis | yes | 04:38 |
kee | unix utility "tip" , what's the name in ubuntu? | 04:38 |
gradin | atlantis: computers... | 04:38 |
atlantis | no computers are a close 3rd | 04:38 |
Clearze4 | kee: What does it do? | 04:38 |
kazol | atlantis: Do you need help setting up a Ubuntu porn FTP server? lol. | 04:38 |
gradin | atlantis: yeah we can help you with that | 04:38 |
ca1 | okay. So how do I use wine to run Microtorrent? | 04:38 |
contant | i am having some problems with an external channel change option in mythtv -- i installed based on the guide and now i get the message /usr/local/bin/channel: Permission denied | 04:39 |
contant | when i write in the channel command which is suppsoto show the channel | 04:39 |
atlantis | well sure an ftp server on a friday night sounds fun ---- bring it. | 04:39 |
=== gradin has over 100GB of pr0n | ||
kousotu | <kousotu> if that does work, can the gutsy alsa drivers be out on fiesty fawn? | 04:39 |
Clearze4 | !wine | ca1 | 04:39 |
ubotu | ca1: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 04:39 |
atlantis | 100gb that is just too much for personal use | 04:39 |
noch | hey guys , . . i have a problem the documentation couldnt solve, so im coming here with my problem . . . its kinda long so bear with me as I type it | 04:39 |
atlantis | you should run a compant | 04:39 |
dezmin | gradin, I got a 400GB hard drive full of pr0n, i win | 04:39 |
Nutubuntu | Could you pr0n-people please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:39 |
astro76 | !offtopic | 04:39 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:39 |
gradin | dezmin: congratulations, you'll never get laid again | 04:39 |
gradin | dezmin: link? | 04:39 |
gradin | :P | 04:39 |
kazol | Is the porn RAID'd? | 04:39 |
DARKGuy | lmao | 04:39 |
atlantis | lmao | 04:40 |
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dezmin | kazol, nope. just a big ide drive | 04:40 |
atlantis | you loose pervert 400gb way tooooooo much | 04:40 |
kazol | dezmin: That doesn't sound good. | 04:40 |
Clearze4 | dezmin: Wow you must be really lonely | 04:40 |
=== gradin has 1 TB SAN | ||
dezmin | Clearze4, affirmative | 04:40 |
kousotu | lol | 04:40 |
Nutubuntu | !offtopic | 04:40 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:40 |
noch | So, I have XP on my ata hdd and a back up ide drive . . everytime i install 7.04 from the CD, reboot, it says could not find any operating systems . . . but when i boot to my liveCD, i can see both | 04:40 |
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Clearze4 | !grub | noch | 04:41 |
Clearze4 | That is probably your problem | 04:41 |
ubotu | noch: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:41 |
onexused | When I try to print something, nothing happens until I restart my computer, at which time the document(s) will print. This is ridiculous: what can I do about it? | 04:41 |
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kousotu | <kousotu> can the ALSA drivers for gutsy be used on FF? | 04:42 |
noch | @cleare event not found | 04:42 |
atlantis | your boot manager is being installed on the wrong partition / hard drive. put it with the mbr and it will boot for you ...... just like the live-cd | 04:42 |
astro76 | kousotu, what's your actual problem? | 04:42 |
noch | @atlantis i try . . . but my other HD isnt detectable by bios | 04:42 |
contant | i am having some problems with an external channel change option in mythtv -- i installed based on the guide and now i get the message /usr/local/bin/channel: Permission denied | 04:43 |
kousotu | FF audio doesn't play except in my headphones | 04:43 |
contant | when i write in the channel command which is suppsoto show the channel -- would this be a device permission problem | 04:43 |
contant | ? | 04:43 |
ca1 | microtorrent 1.7.2 work with the newest wine? | 04:43 |
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atlantis | update bios / new computer..... or hd is possibly too large for current bios config. | 04:43 |
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noch | soot | 04:43 |
kousotu | I haven't loaded the Gutsy CD, ubt wanted to knwo if they could be ued | 04:43 |
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noch | shoot,m oops | 04:43 |
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noch | what were u saying> | 04:43 |
noch | ? | 04:43 |
astro76 | kousotu, have you tried adjusting the mixer? | 04:43 |
kousotu | yea | 04:44 |
mikebot | Can anyone here help me with backing up DVDs? (More specifically, movies.) | 04:44 |
Clearze4 | mikebot: try acidrip it works great | 04:44 |
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kazol | Clearze4: So it removes CSS? | 04:44 |
larson9999 | i still like wine+dvdshrink | 04:44 |
noch | atlantis, i accidently exited, what were u saying? | 04:44 |
Clearze4 | kazol: Yeah | 04:44 |
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astro76 | mikebot, k9copy is supposed to work like dvdshrink | 04:45 |
kazol | Clearze4: Do they come out with new versions for new DVD protection algorithms? | 04:45 |
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Clearze4 | kazol: wine and dvdshrink works too. I just try to avoid using wine | 04:45 |
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magic_ninja | !mad | 04:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:45 |
kazol | Clearze4: Will AnyDVD+CloneDVD work? | 04:45 |
Clearze4 | kazol: I've only run into one or two dvd's it won't work on | 04:45 |
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Clearze4 | kazol: Yeah, anydvd should work for hddvd as well | 04:45 |
kazol | Clearze4: So those 2 apps should work under wine? | 04:46 |
atlantis | try updating the bios is possible / or new computer (last resort) or HD could be too large for current bios config. | 04:46 |
Clearze4 | kazol: if you want a 20gig file lol | 04:46 |
kazol | Clearze4: Just for DVDs. | 04:46 |
noch | @ atlantis , ,, i did and its only 120 | 04:46 |
Clearze4 | kazol: I don't know about anydvd but dvdshrink will for sure | 04:46 |
atlantis | 120---- how old is the computer | 04:46 |
kousotu | astro76: of course I did | 04:46 |
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kazol | Clearze4: So does dvdshrink let you preview the files in the DVD? | 04:47 |
noch | 6 months . . my hdd is one ive had for a while . . . but check this out | 04:47 |
onexused | I'm having problems with printing. When I hit print, the printer icon will appear on my gnome panel, but nothing will print until I restart my computer. | 04:47 |
bobon1100 | does anyone know how to "un-stick" the active windows in beryl? I want them to stay put when i key over to another desktop | 04:47 |
noch | it lists my ata hdd as hd2 and my ide as HD 1 | 04:47 |
ryanakca | can someone help me out with http://pastebin.ca/645006 please? I created a db, and gave the user acces to it, but he get's access denied.. | 04:47 |
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noch | when it should be the other way around | 04:47 |
atlantis | there both ata drives? | 04:47 |
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atlantis | and the jumpers are set for master and slave? | 04:47 |
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noch | no, only my 250, which has my xp installation | 04:47 |
Clearze4 | kazol: ye | 04:47 |
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Clearze4 | kazol: yes* | 04:48 |
ribando | hi everyone | 04:48 |
bobon1100 | ryanakca, what db? mysql? | 04:48 |
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noch | my ide is a slave to my ide cd drive | 04:48 |
mikebot | astro76: I couldn't figure that out | 04:48 |
atlantis | brief of current setup/config what are you running ? | 04:48 |
hoarycripple | what is the 64 bit distro for intel xeon? all i see are amd64 ISOs | 04:48 |
kazol | Clearze4: How about newer versions? I'm used to AnyDVD coming out every other day. | 04:48 |
aaron_ | anybody else hate that Fedora Core names programs for idiots... like "internet browser" isntead of firefox, or "instant messenger" instead of gaim. | 04:48 |
noch | on xp? | 04:48 |
astro76 | mikebot, I haven't tried it | 04:48 |
atlantis | system config.... | 04:48 |
mikebot | astro76: OK, thanks. | 04:49 |
mikebot | Clearze4: Have you used Acidrip? | 04:49 |
Clearze4 | kazol: I really don't know. I use acidrip | 04:49 |
astro76 | kousotu, sorry don't know much about audio troubleshooting, I doubt gutsy's alsa will fix it though | 04:49 |
ca1 | how do you remove a program through the command line? | 04:49 |
aaron_ | cal | 04:49 |
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Clearze4 | mikebot: lol yeah that's what I use myself | 04:49 |
aaron_ | how did you add one? | 04:49 |
bobon1100 | aaron_, fedora is very usefull for porting over new linux users, those names do help some people | 04:49 |
kousotu | but a possibility? | 04:49 |
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Pelo | ca1, sudo apt-get remove packagename | 04:49 |
kazol | Clearze4: Is acidrip good? (compression/preview/versions) | 04:49 |
bobon1100 | aaragon, just change it if it bugs you that much :P | 04:49 |
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mikebot | Clearze4: ANd you are able to backup a DVD and burn it onto a dvd+r? | 04:50 |
aaron_ | bobon1100, erm. nah. | 04:50 |
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bobon1100 | lol | 04:50 |
Clearze4 | kazol: It has every option you need. | 04:50 |
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bobon1100 | I dont prefer fedora at all if it makes u feel better | 04:50 |
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Bree1 | Before, I couldnt get ktorrent to show up and now Deluge wont run. | 04:51 |
kazol | Clearze4: Ok, thanks, I'll try it. I was always looking for an app since k9copy or xdvdshrink does not work. | 04:51 |
Clearze4 | mikebot: Yeah, I use this to convert .avi to a dvd format if I want transcode -i movie.avi -y ffmpeg --export_prof dvd-ntsc --export_asr 3 -o movie -D0 -s2 -m movie.ac3 -J modfps=clonetype=3 --export_fps 29.97 | 04:51 |
bobon1100 | something about it... its lost that "red-hat-whoop-ass" feeling that it used to have before it became user supported :P | 04:51 |
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neozen | oook | 04:51 |
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cdupre | could someone help me out with trying to run wow, everything's working properly until it freezes up totally, i can't even get out of x, i know it's not video related and my card is functioning fine, i can't seem to figure out what the problem is | 04:52 |
MaxHR | Hello, does dvd:rip support making x264/mkv files with menus and chapter support? If not, what program will do this? (gui) | 04:52 |
neozen | I'm setting up hamachi-0.9.9-20 or so | 04:52 |
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aaron_ | bobon1100, yeah. i'm a debian guy. red hat when I need to, for kerio mailserver backends. but that's about it | 04:52 |
neozen | and having a hell of a time | 04:52 |
cornell | Opinion question... I've a HP AMD 64 dual core running Dapper... What's the easiest way to do a no-brainer upgrade to Feisty? | 04:52 |
bobon1100 | where can i find some groovy splash screens? *.so's pref'ed | 04:52 |
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JeevesMoss | can someone please pastebin me a default copy of 000-default from /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ | 04:52 |
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cedricshock | I'm on Feisty and need to connect to a WPA network. The only options in the key entry thing are for WEP. I know I did this before on the laptop to my left, but I can't remember how and WifiDocs/WPAHowTo is all about pre-feisty. | 04:53 |
TTT_Travis | How can I recursively delete all files called thumbs.dll so it it keeps going folder to folder? | 04:53 |
bobon1100 | aaron_, yeah, back like 5-6 years ago i would not be cought dead without my redhat, now its like, eh.... w/e install debian | 04:53 |
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kidbuntu | Can anyone suggest a good anti virus for my ubuntu. i'm just new. | 04:54 |
jetscreamer | thumbs.db ? | 04:54 |
nickrud | JeevesMoss, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32441/ | 04:54 |
GamingX | I have an Iriver mp3 player, but will I be able to use it in ubuntu? | 04:54 |
JeevesMoss | kickrud: thanks man. I deleted my by mistake | 04:54 |
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jetscreamer | i 'think' iriver is supported but i don't know | 04:54 |
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astro76 | cedricshock, don't set it in that window, set it to Enable Roaming Mode there, then just select your wireless network from the network manager system tray icon | 04:54 |
cornell | kidbuntu, if I'm not mistaken, clamav came with, and that's very good. | 04:54 |
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magic_ninja | anyone know how to get k3b to decode mp3 files | 04:54 |
sayers | Okay I got my laptop to detect the ethernet | 04:55 |
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DARKGuy | kidbuntu: you don't need any antivirus in the Linux world unless you're messing with Windows apps, but other than that, I've heard ClamAV is a good one - never used it though ^^; | 04:55 |
sayers | However how do I have it connect to the wifi? | 04:55 |
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astro76 | !virus | kidbuntu | 04:55 |
ubotu | kidbuntu: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 04:55 |
ribando | is it really necessary to use antivirus and firewalls in ubuntu? | 04:55 |
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metbsd | where can i get a good bash prompt | 04:55 |
metbsd | wit hhostname and path | 04:55 |
jimmy | is this an english room | 04:55 |
JeevesMoss | kickrud: I think that's the file contents from sites-available. | 04:55 |
DARKGuy | jimmy: yes | 04:55 |
bobon1100 | jimmy, yes | 04:55 |
_neon_ | cedricshock do you wpasupplicant installed? | 04:55 |
astro76 | metbsd, google for bash prompt howto | 04:55 |
astro76 | metbsd, it has a bunch of examples | 04:56 |
cedricshock | astro76: I was at the key entry window from the network manager system tray icon. I'll go turn on this roaming mode thing and see what that does. | 04:56 |
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Pelo | jimmy, yes it is , donT' let the spelling confuse you | 04:56 |
nickrud | JeevesMoss, sites-enabled is just a link to sites-available | 04:56 |
TTT_Travis | yes thumbs.db not thumbs.dll | 04:56 |
ribando | is it really necessary to use antivirus and firewalls in ubuntu? | 04:56 |
Nutubuntu | ryanakca, is this the first time mysql was installed on the computer you're working on? | 04:56 |
TTT_Travis | How can I recursively delete all files called thumbs.db so it it keeps going folder to folder? | 04:56 |
TTT_Travis | hows that? | 04:56 |
nickrud | JeevesMoss, that is, each file in sites-enabled is a link to ... | 04:56 |
cornell | Hi jetscreamer... Got my monitor widescreen, but it's a bit too vertical, lost the bottom of the screen, can't seem to find a monitor menu function to change that. And my fonts are not displayed well... they're... like... some of the strokes are thick,some are thin, some are missing... is there something I can do for that? | 04:56 |
bobon1100 | TTilus, just admin all the windows machines not to do thumbnail views :P | 04:56 |
cedricshock | _neon_: Yes. This is a default Feisty install. I haven't changed /anything/ yet. | 04:56 |
JeevesMoss | kickrud: ???? I want to host 3 sites from the same server. do you know of a quick link to a howto to acomplish this? | 04:56 |
bobon1100 | ops | 04:56 |
astro76 | cedricshock, the dialog that comes up when you select the network from the list (the one with the signal meters next to the network names) will have wpa | 04:56 |
kidbuntu | Thanks everyone | 04:56 |
bobon1100 | TTT_Travis, last was to you | 04:57 |
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Pelo | TTT_Travis, you can use the search engine in places and delet the files from there | 04:57 |
sdouble | JeevesMoss: look into htacces and mod_rewrite | 04:57 |
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JeevesMoss | sdouble: Do you know of a walk through on the net for that? I'm new to hosting many sites on the same server | 04:58 |
cedricshock | astro76: No it doesn't. It does on my fiancee's computer, but we had to change something or things to get it to, and I don't remember what... | 04:58 |
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sdouble | JeevesMoss: Not right off. I found one very quickly before though | 04:58 |
ribando | does anyone knows of any good antivirus and firewalls for ubuntu feisty, and, if its really necessary? | 04:58 |
astro76 | cedricshock, strange, check if wpa_supplicant is installed (should be by default) | 04:58 |
Flannel | JeevesMoss: Each will get their own virtual host (that's the stuff in sites-available) | 04:58 |
cedricshock | astro76: Yeah. I checked and it is. | 04:58 |
JeevesMoss | sdouble: that's cool. thanks again. I just hope it's simple to set up multi hosting (DNS, FTP, HtTP, Mail, etc) on the same box. | 04:59 |
MaxHR | ribando: ubuntu includes a firewall built in, antivirus is not needed | 04:59 |
GamingX | Is there any way to synch music files to my mp3 player using Ubuntu? | 04:59 |
nickrud | JeevesMoss, no, not off the top of my head. | 04:59 |
jetscreamer | cornell: fonts are a mystery to me .. you might try installing some more though. and check out ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/100.14.11/README/index.html for tweaks to xorg.conf | 04:59 |
JeevesMoss | Flannel: good, you're still in here. long time no chat. | 04:59 |
ribando | MaxHR does that mean that I dont even have to worry about a thing? | 04:59 |
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TTT_Travis | Pelo I am trying to write a simple cron for our fileserver so there isn't thumbs.db everywhere | 05:00 |
TTT_Travis | on windows I can run del /S /F thumbs.db | 05:00 |
hrp2171 | how do you do? | 05:00 |
cornell | K thx I'll look into it. I'm ready for bed now, thought you'd left, saw you a gain, wanted to apprise you, and thank you... | 05:00 |
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cornell | jetscreamer: did you see the pm? | 05:00 |
_neon_ | cedricshock how is your router set up? | 05:00 |
Pelo | GamingX, you mean have the content of your music folder match your mp3 player without coping ? | 05:00 |
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ribando | MaxHR does that mean that I dont even have to worry about a thing? | 05:00 |
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Pelo | TTT_Travis, you can probably do a command with grep but I am not familiar enough with it to realy help on this, try man grep and see what features are offered | 05:01 |
cedricshock | _neon_: WPA with a fixed key. It's listed in the SSIDs. | 05:01 |
TTT_Travis | nevermind just found a solution | 05:01 |
TTT_Travis | thanks anyway | 05:01 |
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logreeval | im having trouble watching movies in the browser of firefox, what is the best player?, or how can i download files with just the URL? | 05:01 |
GamingX | Pelo:Anything, I want to just remove some music files and add some.... | 05:01 |
hrp2171 | i want to install ubuntu 7.04 to my laptop. i extracted the iso to a folder in my c drive. can i start the installation from usb and tell it to find the install files on my /dev/hda? | 05:01 |
_neon_ | cedricshock is it ti wpa / wpa2 personal / enterprise? | 05:01 |
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Pelo | logreeval, mozilla-mplayer is beter then totem-mozilla, install one and remove the other | 05:02 |
MaxHR | ribando, as long as you don't give out your admin password, or login as root, you are ok from attacks | 05:02 |
cedricshock | _neon_: I was just going to change it last time around, but there are other people on the network. It's WPA-PSK. | 05:02 |
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logreeval | Pelo: thanks | 05:02 |
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Pelo | GamingX, it should work just like a usb drive and appear on your desktop when you plug it in , just make sure you right-click unmount before unplugging | 05:02 |
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Pelo | GamingX, for actual ipods use gtkpod | 05:02 |
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Vorondil | Hmm, how does one change a system's keyboard layout. I did that detect keyboard layout thing during the install (7.04 alternate desktop), but it's not right. | 05:03 |
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_neon_ | cedricshock i'm just trying to get as much info as possible is it mac address filtered? | 05:03 |
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GamingX | Pelo:Nope no removable drive comes up, and I have an Iriver mp3 player | 05:03 |
Pelo | Vorondil, menu > syustem > prefs > keybaord | 05:03 |
hrp2171 | i guess im stuck. | 05:03 |
=== Vorondil doesn't use Gnome. | ||
=== rockets [n=rockets@cpe-66-108-218-197.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | GamingX, hmm, try with gtkpod | 05:04 |
=== TTT_Travis [n=Travis@bal-bb-cable-1-320.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TTT_Travis | how can I make it not ask me to delete files when I use the rm command | 05:04 |
TTT_Travis | I thought it was rm -f | 05:04 |
TTT_Travis | but I guess not | 05:04 |
=== untung [n=untung@67-40-17-210.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
untung | hello | 05:04 |
hrp2171 | TTT_Travis: -f should do the trick. | 05:04 |
Pelo | GamingX, I know that iriver are intended to be linux compatible ( unlike most everhying else) maybe they have a special way to going about it | 05:04 |
astro76 | TTT_Travis, should be... find /directory -name thumbs.db -exec rm -f `{}` \; | 05:04 |
untung | any know the admin password for ubuntu | 05:04 |
DWSR | !root | untung | 05:05 |
ubotu | untung: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 05:05 |
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Pelo | TTT_Travis, maybe you need to add a -y , man rm for more info | 05:05 |
hrp2171 | oh well. im going to request a feisty fawn cd. | 05:05 |
untung | DWSR: do i need to type !root? | 05:05 |
Music_Shuffle | untung, that's just a factoid from a bot. Go to the URL it provided and read about it. | 05:06 |
DWSR | untung: Just follow the link that ubotu gave you. | 05:06 |
cedricshock | _neon_: Nope. The problem is all in ubuntu; I've done this before. If I go "Connect to Other Wireless network" (i.e. wireless with no a-priori knowledge) the only three listed security settings are wep, even though this page: http://www.tiny.cc/h8G1g shows WPA-PSK TPIK. | 05:06 |
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astro76 | TTT_Travis, sorry it's just... find /directory -name thumbs.db -exec rm -f {} \; | 05:06 |
skyfalcon866_ | does ext3 need to be defragmented | 05:06 |
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_neon_ | cedricshock got it | 05:06 |
Pelo | skyfalcon866_, no it doesn,t | 05:06 |
ashmun | I had an issue yesterday.. I lost use of keys 1234-7890 !@#$-&*()... I tried logout-login, nothing. Reboot recovery mode, nothing. Turned off machine, came back today and volia! Where might I look to see what caused this? | 05:06 |
astro76 | skyfalcon866_, no | 05:06 |
TTT_Travis | astro76 thanks I'll give it a try | 05:06 |
DWSR | skyfalcon866_, no. | 05:06 |
Vinchenzo28 | how do i change the resolution only on the login screen? | 05:06 |
astro76 | TTT_Travis, that goes in subdirectories, btw | 05:07 |
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skyfalcon866_ | i have 7.1% fragmentation though on my /home | 05:07 |
Vorondil | Pelo: Sorry, that was for you. I don't use Gnome. Is there a way to just run that detection thing again? | 05:07 |
_neon_ | if wpasupplicant isinstalled it should give you the option once your network is discover and you click on it | 05:07 |
jetscreamer | skyfalcon866_: not according to the docs | 05:07 |
Pelo | Vorondil, I don't know , use kde ? try askin in #kubuntu | 05:07 |
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jetscreamer | heh | 05:07 |
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jetscreamer | <--slo | 05:08 |
shane2peru | hey does anyone know how I can install gmake? or GNU Make??? | 05:08 |
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jetscreamer | how about make | 05:08 |
astro76 | skyfalcon866_, what tells you the fragmentation? | 05:08 |
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TTT_Travis | astro76 thanks that worked perfect | 05:08 |
skyfalcon866_ | fsck | 05:08 |
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astro76 | shane2peru, easiest way is to install build-essentia | 05:08 |
skyfalcon866_ | dont use fsck on a mounted voulume though | 05:08 |
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Pelo | skyfalcon866_, it gets defraged as it goes no need to worry about it | 05:08 |
cedricshock | Do I need to start wpasupplicant myself? | 05:08 |
astro76 | shane2peru, build-essential | 05:08 |
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shane2peru | astro76: I think I have already done that, let me double check | 05:09 |
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Pelo | g'night folks | 05:09 |
jetscreamer | cedricshock: yes unless you have it set somewhere to do so | 05:09 |
rockets | What's a good app for burning video files to dvd other then Devede | 05:09 |
astro76 | cedricshock, shouldn't have to but you can try to restart it now | 05:09 |
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jetscreamer | rockets: k3b | 05:09 |
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jetscreamer | don't tell me 'i run gnome' | 05:09 |
jetscreamer | :) | 05:09 |
rockets | jetscreamer, only supports MPEG. the video is theora | 05:09 |
amartolos | hello, how do i get SCIM to input chinese on an english ubuntu? | 05:09 |
ashmun | I'm back.. closed the window on accident.. Did I miss a response? | 05:10 |
rockets | jetscreamer, plus it doesnt convert regular video to dvd you need to have the VIDEO_TS already | 05:10 |
ribando_ | hi everyone | 05:10 |
jetscreamer | isn't there a theora mpeg thingy? | 05:10 |
jetscreamer | i forget | 05:10 |
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astro76 | shane2peru, and the make package is named "make" | 05:10 |
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jetscreamer | it's a package? | 05:10 |
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Toma- | rockets: you want a vid converter? | 05:10 |
ribando_ | i'm having some problems with my ubuntu feisty. it just started to take a long time in the loading screen | 05:10 |
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rockets | Toma-, I want to burn video to dvd. Devede keeps trying to create files that are like 20gb | 05:10 |
rockets | out of a 150 mb theora file for example | 05:11 |
Toma- | rockets: i found this excellent nautilus script to make DVD compliant mpegs for... | 05:11 |
Toma- | rockets: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Nautilus_Video_Converter | 05:11 |
amartolos | hello, how do i get SCIM to input chinese on an english ubuntu? | 05:11 |
cafuego | ffmpeg -target pal-dvd | 05:11 |
ashmun | Anyone have any idea why I lost use of some keys? | 05:11 |
cafuego | boom tish! | 05:12 |
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astro76 | amartolos, you could try the chinese channels | 05:12 |
ribando_ | i'm having some problems with my ubuntu feisty. it just started to take a long time in the loading screen | 05:12 |
Toma- | rockets: or do as cafuego said :) | 05:12 |
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Toma- | cafuego: i make a couple scripts using that... | 05:12 |
amartolos | thanks | 05:12 |
astro76 | !cn | amartolos | 05:12 |
shane2peru | astro76: ok, make is installed build-essential is installed any other ideas? It keeps looking for the progam /usr/bin/gmake and fails, not found. | 05:12 |
ubotu | amartolos: For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 05:12 |
ca1 | do you you use microtorrent as a tracker? | 05:12 |
_neon_ | cedricshock no you do not to manually started, if wpa-ifupdown on services it does not even matter, "Network Status Daemon" should be running | 05:12 |
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GamingX | where do I get themes for wine? | 05:12 |
jetscreamer | rockets: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/index.html see also dvdstyler and growisofs | 05:12 |
cafuego | Toma-: I mainly do conversions to ipod h264, not dvd (got mythtv for that ;-) | 05:12 |
jetscreamer | aka what cafuego said | 05:12 |
Toma- | i see | 05:12 |
rockets | cafuego, that works on theora files? | 05:12 |
shane2peru | astro76: I have tried automake too. | 05:13 |
amartolos | thanks ubotu, but i need to be able to input chinese... and i can hardly read it hahaha | 05:13 |
ryanakca | Nutubuntu: no | 05:13 |
maccam94 | for anyone who's interested, vote this story up to get PC Magazine to do a feature story on Ubuntu: http://www.pcmagvote.com/story.php?title=Feature_Ubuntu_Dell_Ubuntu_PCs | 05:13 |
astro76 | shane2peru, I don't know about gmake | 05:13 |
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ryanakca | Nutubuntu: I've created many databases/users before... | 05:13 |
Toma- | rockets: this is for a 4:3 dvd in pal... http://pastebin.com/m121bf31b | 05:13 |
astro76 | shane2peru, I guess it's for gnumake, maybe change the reference to be /usr/bin/make ? | 05:13 |
shane2peru | astro76: I have done a little searching and can't seem to find it. I want to build Kompozer from source, but laking that. | 05:13 |
ribando_ | need some help here. i'm having some problems with my ubuntu feisty. it just started to take a long time in the loading screen | 05:14 |
IdNotFound | !repeat | ribando_ | 05:14 |
ubotu | ribando_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 05:14 |
cedricshock | _neon_, astro76, jetscreamer; I think I remember it all. We had to use ndiswrapper on her laptop because the native driver didn't work with wpasupplicant. I bet it's the same deal all over again. | 05:14 |
cafuego | rockets: ffmpeg should read ogg theora just fine, the other way around is a bit trickier (using ffmpeg to convert TO ogg) | 05:14 |
Toma- | Maybe i should make this into a nautilus script... hmm. | 05:14 |
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Haz | you can script in nautlius? | 05:14 |
Akifemre | giggity giggity giggity gooooo | 05:14 |
astro76 | shane2peru, or ln -s /usr/bin/gmake /usr/bin/make | 05:14 |
jetscreamer | sure, doubleclick the .sh file... | 05:14 |
cafuego | Haz: Sure, check out ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts | 05:14 |
Toma- | Haz: with zenity, indeed | 05:14 |
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ca1 | Azureus keeps closing automatically after i open it and it stays open for one second. How do I change this? | 05:14 |
Haz | thanks :) | 05:14 |
shane2peru | astro76: yeah, that is what I was just thinking, | 05:15 |
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cafuego | Haz: Any files palced there (in subdirs) turn up in a right-click menu. | 05:15 |
_neon_ | cedricshock must likely ndiswrapper -i hahaha | 05:15 |
maccam94 | ca1: you sure it isn't crashing? | 05:15 |
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astro76 | cedricshock, what kind of card out of curiosity? | 05:15 |
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cafuego | Haz: See also `nautilus-script-manager' | 05:15 |
ribando_ | how do i run a check disk in feisty? | 05:15 |
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Haz | thanks again. | 05:15 |
STixx | IM SO FLY | 05:15 |
maccam94 | ribando_: on a windows partition, or on the linux partition? | 05:15 |
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Toma- | no ur not | 05:15 |
ca1 | maccam94: it could be crashing, not sure. How do I keep it stable? | 05:16 |
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jetscreamer | ribando_: either fsck /dev/hda or whatever (unmounted) or shutdown -Fr now | 05:16 |
astro76 | shane2peru, if you type a command in the terminal that is not installed, it will tell you what package to install to get it. gmake comes up with nothing BTW | 05:16 |
shane2peru | astro76: that did the trick, Thanks! | 05:16 |
GamingX | How to check what usb devices are connected? | 05:16 |
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ribando_ | maccam on a linux partition | 05:16 |
astro76 | shane2peru, great | 05:16 |
rockets | cafuego, /home/zach/Desktop/diggnation.mpg: I/O error occured | 05:16 |
rockets | Usually that means that input file is truncated and/or corrupted | 05:16 |
rockets | but the file plays fine | 05:16 |
troxor | GamingX: lsusb | 05:16 |
shane2peru | astro76: Yeah, I kept searching for it, should have figured to link it to make, thanks. | 05:16 |
ribando_ | jetscreamer thanks | 05:16 |
Vorondil | Awesome! For anyone that cares, you can run through keyboard layout set up (and some other stuff) with a dpkg-reconfigure console-setup as root. | 05:16 |
cedricshock | astro76: Texas Instruments PCI1410 Cardbus | 05:16 |
maccam94 | ca1: try opening up a terminal window, and run azureus from the command line. check the output to see if it is crashing. if you get an error message, post it in here | 05:16 |
jetscreamer | ribando_: hda, not hda1 or hda2 or whatever.. sda even | 05:16 |
ashmun | Yesterday I lost use of keys 12347890 !@#$&*() . Anyone know if an issue connected to this or where I can look for what caused this? | 05:17 |
riotkittie | ooo wow my kkkeeeyyybbaarrdd iss meessseeedd uupp... | 05:17 |
ca1 | maccam94: and how do I do all that? | 05:17 |
GamingX | I downloaded the iriver manager for Linux, and even though the mp3 player is connected it is not able to detect it.... | 05:17 |
maccam94 | ribando_: boot ubuntu in recovery mode, and then just run fsck /dev/hda1 (or whatever your partition is) | 05:17 |
ribando_ | jetscreamer oki doki,i'l do than,thanks | 05:17 |
riotkittie | ahh. better. | 05:17 |
maccam94 | ca1: open up accessories, terminal. type azureus. hit enter. any error messages should print out in the terminal window. | 05:17 |
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skyfalcon866_ | will getting the i386 kernel improve the speed of ubunu | 05:18 |
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cafuego | rockets: Mre likely a typo in the filename | 05:18 |
gradin | skyfalcon866_: um... no, i686 will be faster if your on an x86 platform | 05:18 |
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troxor | GamingX: some iriver devices allow you to upload different firmware on them to make them act like a usb-mass-storage device | 05:18 |
rockets | i just want to burn a movie to dvd . . . ugh this is the one thing ive had trouble with since switching to linu | 05:18 |
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rockets | linux | 05:19 |
jetscreamer | my god man | 05:19 |
logreeval | Hi, I just installed Mplayer for Mozilla, it plays it, but is their a way to get the play button and the time frame it is? | 05:19 |
Vinchenzo28 | how do i change the res of my login screen? (nvidia 7600GT ) | 05:19 |
maccam94 | gradin: depends how new his processor is. the -generic kernel package should do it for him | 05:19 |
jetscreamer | !info dvdstyler | 05:19 |
ubotu | Package dvdstyler does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 05:19 |
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skyfalcon866_ | is pentium 3 i686 | 05:19 |
GamingX | troxor:mine is an IFP 300 series | 05:19 |
jetscreamer | yes | 05:19 |
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jetscreamer | yes skyfalcon866_ | 05:19 |
jetscreamer | !info dvdstyler | 05:19 |
jetscreamer | shithilwn | 05:19 |
jetscreamer | oops | 05:19 |
maccam94 | Vinchenzo28: is it different from your desktop resolution? | 05:19 |
ca1 | maccam94: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32442/plain/ | 05:19 |
riotkittie | ndiswrapper!! << does that work with a limited set of chipsets/cards/etc? i have a usb adapter that i'd like to get going. there's a driver for it, but ... compiling it proved to be a pain. :| | 05:19 |
Vinchenzo28 | maccam94 : yeah | 05:19 |
jetscreamer | so anything that depends on dvdstyler just doesn't work in ubuntu eh | 05:19 |
ribando_ | jetscreamer does that command fix errors as well? | 05:19 |
jetscreamer | ribando_: it's supposed to | 05:20 |
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logreeval | anyone?, mplayer works fine, it just doesnt show the buttons........ | 05:20 |
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maccam94 | logreeval: you need to run gmplayer to get the GUI | 05:20 |
cafuego | logreeval: gmplayer | 05:20 |
astro76 | cedricshock, that's the cardbus controller actually, not the wireless card | 05:20 |
logreeval | ah, thank you | 05:20 |
ribando_ | jetscreamer ok,thanks | 05:21 |
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logreeval | how would i go about getting gmplayer for mozilla? | 05:21 |
Gigi | Hey guys! I just got a blackberry. I will use it as a modem and get ride of my actual cable provider. Do I need to install drivers for Ubuntu? If so, where and how? | 05:21 |
mangojambo | Hi ... someone here have an atheros wireless card in feisty? I d installed ubuntu in my new notebook and it was recogzined by the system, but doesn't work! I dont find it in the network configuration ... | 05:21 |
Ashfire908 | is there a way to make the system use a network card sometimes, and a modem other times? i'm trying to get it where i can have my local network connection and my internet connection on at the same time. | 05:21 |
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mangojambo | Do I have to install something? | 05:22 |
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troxor | mangojambo: you shouldn't have to | 05:22 |
skyfalcon866_ | should i stay with the generic kernel then | 05:22 |
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cedricshock | astro76: Doh! I thought that looked wrong for some reason. IT's a: TOSHIBA Wireless LAN Card Version 01.01 | 05:22 |
gluttony | ok, i installed ubuntu on my hp laptop today, and i cant get the wireless to work. how can i fix this | 05:23 |
EADG_ | Hmm, #ubuntu has <1k tonight, thats unusuall. | 05:23 |
ca1 | maccam94: so what did it mean? | 05:23 |
aaron_ | gluttony, join the wifi channel | 05:23 |
maccam94 | ca1: open up synaptic, make sure universe and multiverse repositories are enabled, and then install all of the sun-java packages. then try running azureus again | 05:23 |
bulmer | Ashfire908: one you have both card installed, you decide which ones you can enable via ifup and set your gateway accordingly | 05:23 |
logreeval | How do I use the gmplayer in mozilla? | 05:23 |
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mangojambo | troxor: this card need ndiswrapper ? | 05:23 |
troxor | gluttony: depends on what wireless card you have | 05:23 |
Ashfire908 | Gigi, i don't think so, but for me working with that type of connection is always giving me trobule.(i'm using it right now though, since i can't get dsl or cable here) | 05:23 |
cedricshock | astro76: And it's old enough that this card might actually not do WPA... | 05:23 |
bobon1100 | did you hug your ubuntu machine today? | 05:23 |
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cedricshock | Lots of wireless problems tonight.... | 05:23 |
Ice | yeah me too D: | 05:23 |
maccam94 | ca1: either you've got a bad version of azureus or you don't have the right java packages installed | 05:24 |
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troxor | mangojambo: nope, it shouldn't.. check /etc/network/interfaces if a section for ath0 is there (if it doesn't show up in NM) | 05:24 |
ca1 | maccam94: okay I know about the synaptic. But I just look for universe and multiverse respositiories word for word to see if they are installed? | 05:24 |
Gigi | Ashfire908 with a blackberry (Pearl) | 05:24 |
_neon_ | ndiswrapper does what it says it uses / wrapp your wireless card driver (windows version) and maks it work on ubuntu/linux most cards are supported so long you have the win drivers info | 05:24 |
Ashfire908 | bulmer, the internet connection is a cell phone connected to the internet using wvdial | 05:24 |
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Ashfire908 | no | 05:24 |
maccam94 | ca1: in the menu, go to settings, and i think there's a repositories entry | 05:25 |
mangojambo | troxor: sudo ifconfig ath0 up ? | 05:25 |
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maccam94 | ca1: then just check universe and multiverse | 05:25 |
Ashfire908 | Gigi: no, but ubuntu doesn't seem to like the connection | 05:25 |
troxor | mangojambo: the ifup/ifdown/ifconfig stuff is separate than NM... sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces | 05:25 |
maccam94 | ca1: it'll ask you to reload the lists, do that, and then look for sun-java-* | 05:25 |
gluttony | troxor, its built into the laptop | 05:25 |
troxor | or, gksudo or something | 05:25 |
bulmer | Ashfire908: then you can disable it via wvdial if you wish to activate the eth0 connectivity to internet | 05:25 |
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Vinchenzo28 | anyone know how i could change the resolution of only my login screen (ubuntu 7.04 64 bit with nvidia 7600gt) | 05:26 |
Haz | i put a script inside nautilus-scripts/Terminal, right clicked, went to Scripts > Terminal, and my chosen scripts never came up. any ideas? | 05:26 |
troxor | gluttony: it's still a card ;) bust out a terminal, type lspci, and look for something that says wireless or ethernet controller | 05:26 |
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logreeval | Please, anyone?, how should I set up Gmplayer for mozilla firefox, should I set it as the plugin or ..? | 05:26 |
Ashfire908 | bulmer: you want me to disable wvdial? that would disconnect me from the internet. the local network has no network connection | 05:27 |
astro76 | Vinchenzo28, in xorg.conf, the resolution that is listed first will be used in the login screen | 05:27 |
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mangojambo | troxor: auto ath0 iface ath0 inet dhcp | 05:27 |
Ashfire908 | bulmer: *has no internet connection | 05:27 |
rockets | Anybody know how i can remove a package I installed using dpkg --ignore-architechture | 05:27 |
bulmer | Ashfire908: i mis-understood what you wanted..you said about having two ways to connect..so am not sure which is which | 05:27 |
_neon_ | if a man farts near an open flame after eating Rositas Refried Benas does it "autocombust" | 05:27 |
troxor | logreeval: iirc, you want mozilla-mplayer | 05:27 |
Ashfire908 | Gigi, you can connect using wvdial if you want to try though | 05:27 |
astro76 | rockets, dpkg -r | 05:28 |
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troxor | mangojambo: ok, any lines like that, put a # before the first character on the line (comment them out) | 05:28 |
rockets | astro76, yes, i know how to remove packages with dpkg. doesnt work. | 05:28 |
orbstra | hey my exim panic log has a non-zero file size, mail system possibly broken... help | 05:28 |
_neon_ | vinchenzo28 edit your xorg.conf and list your native res at the beggining also make sure you have the right depth i.e. 24 selected specially if you want to run compiz beryl | 05:28 |
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astro76 | rockets, what error does it give? | 05:28 |
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Vinchenzo28 | _neon_ : im just runnin reg beryl | 05:29 |
logreeval | troxor: i have that pluging, there are just no buttons | 05:29 |
mangojambo | troxor: do I have to comment just that 2 lines ? | 05:29 |
logreeval | plugin* | 05:29 |
rockets | astro76, it cant find the package. im talking about i386 packages installed on an amd64 system using --ignore-architechture | 05:29 |
mangojambo | or uncomment ? | 05:29 |
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ca1 | maccam94: I'm not able to click on repositories under settings. | 05:29 |
troxor | mangojambo: you should, is there anything after the iface ath0 inet dhcp line? | 05:29 |
Ashfire908 | bulmer, i want to be able to access things on my local network and still be able to access the internet through a different connection. right now they will fight each other and not allow access to the internet | 05:29 |
orbstra | ? | 05:29 |
rockets | nvd mind | 05:29 |
orbstra | plz | 05:29 |
gluttony | troxor, network controller good? | 05:29 |
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maccam94 | ca1: hold on, let me open up synaptic | 05:29 |
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mangojambo | troxor: wait ... I will post in paste .. | 05:29 |
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orbstra | cmon | 05:30 |
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troxor | gluttony: yep, or you can post the full output to pastebin or rafb.net/paste or something | 05:30 |
NiNe-THUG | salut | 05:30 |
lufis | In top, what is "virtual memory" and why are programs using so much more of it than they are actual memory? | 05:30 |
Vinchenzo28 | how do i edit xorg.conf | 05:30 |
mangojambo | troxor: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32443/ | 05:31 |
maccam94 | ca1: why are you unable to click on settings -> repositories in synaptic? | 05:31 |
gluttony | troxor, no can do. im only able to get help on my desktop, since my wireless card isnt working | 05:31 |
astro76 | rockets, I wonder if you need the same option when you remove | 05:31 |
ivanhoe | lufis you use a server or a desktop pc | 05:31 |
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ca1 | maccam94: I have no clue, but I can't. He is like grey. | 05:31 |
_neon_ | sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:31 |
lufis | ivanhoe: desktop | 05:31 |
bulmer | Ashfire908: do not have two gateways unless you have it setup to balance between two connections..what do you have on the lan side? | 05:31 |
Vinchenzo28 | thanks | 05:31 |
ca1 | maccam94: it is grey* | 05:31 |
troxor | mangojambo: yes, comment out only the lines pertaining to ath0 | 05:31 |
rockets | astro76, no you dont. it works fine. you just need to memorize the exact package name. doesnt show up in apt-cache search or synaptic like proper packages do | 05:31 |
gluttony | troxor, broadcom corporation dell wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-Pc I Card (rev 19) | 05:32 |
rockets | astro76, i just figured that out | 05:32 |
mangojambo | troxor: and restart ? | 05:32 |
Ashfire908 | bulmer: other computers. there is no internet connection on the lan. | 05:32 |
ca1 | maccam94: I marked all of the sun javas to install. The apply button isn't showing though... | 05:32 |
mangojambo | troxor: line 16 and 17 commented .. | 05:32 |
troxor | mangojambo: you don't have to, that's the easy (but windows-y way) | 05:32 |
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bulmer | Ashfire908: is your eth0 active? | 05:32 |
mangojambo | troxor: yeah .. I know ... :( ... lasy way ... | 05:33 |
lufis | NiNe-THUG: salut | 05:33 |
mangojambo | :) | 05:33 |
troxor | mangojambo: you could also just restart the network manager service | 05:33 |
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maccam94 | ca1: is the computer just slow? are the sun packages marked with green boxes? | 05:33 |
NiNe-THUG | salut lufis | 05:33 |
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Ashfire908 | bulmer: no. if i activate it, the computer won't use the connection to the internet set up though wvdial | 05:33 |
ca1 | maccam94: yes they are marked with green boxes. And the computer isnt slow. | 05:34 |
mangojambo | troxor: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ? | 05:34 |
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Ashfire908 | bulmer: which eccentally disconnects me | 05:34 |
lufis | NiNe-THUG: parlez-vous l'anglais? | 05:34 |
maccam94 | ca1: and the apply button still isn't colorized? did you run synaptic from the command line or something? | 05:34 |
ca1 | maccam94: well some have green boxes I marked all the other to install. But the apply isn't showing | 05:34 |
bulmer | Ashfire908: can you paste your netstat -ran result somewhere we can view? | 05:34 |
NiNe-THUG | un peu w | 05:34 |
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NiNe-THUG | little:) | 05:34 |
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maccam94 | ca1: how did you open synaptic? | 05:34 |
ca1 | maccam94: yeah I ran it through the command line | 05:34 |
maccam94 | ah | 05:35 |
troxor | mangojambo: /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager restart ;) | 05:35 |
ca1 | maccam94: Is that wrong?? | 05:35 |
astro76 | mangojambo, if that's a broadcomn card you need to install the firmware (bcm43xx-fwcutter) | 05:35 |
Ashfire908 | bulmer: one sec... | 05:35 |
Vinchenzo28 | i went into xorg.conf and didn't know what to change their was no native or default resolution | 05:35 |
ingo_ | hai! is there a tool to configure dual-screen under feisty? | 05:35 |
lufis | NiNe-THUG: voir #ubuntu-fr :) | 05:35 |
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-105-136-204.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
maccam94 | ca1: in order to run gui programs with administrator privileges in ubuntu, you need to prefix the command with gksudo. so it would be gksudo synaptic | 05:35 |
mangojambo | astro76: it is an atheros card ... | 05:35 |
Vinchenzo28 | ingo_: if you got nivida go to sudo nvidia-settings | 05:35 |
gluttony | troxor, you catch that? | 05:35 |
joshi | hi anyfriend here , me from india and todayfirst time inthis chat room , | 05:35 |
maccam94 | ca1: then you can edit stuff | 05:35 |
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troxor | gluttony: you can either use bcm43xx or ndiswrapper | 05:35 |
maccam94 | joshi: cool! | 05:35 |
gluttony | troxor, um, what? | 05:36 |
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joshi | hi | 05:36 |
maccam94 | joshi: is ubuntu working well? | 05:36 |
=== Falstius [n=jeff@c-71-227-120-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ashfire908 | blumer, let me go offline for a sec to get the other | 05:36 |
NiNe-THUG | lufis shit i forgot it | 05:36 |
joshi | yaa | 05:36 |
troxor | gluttony: those are the 2 kernel modules that will allow broadcom cards to work | 05:36 |
NiNe-THUG | its why nobody talked to me :) | 05:36 |
lufis | ;) | 05:36 |
rockets | gluttony, I've tried all ways of getting broadcom cards to work and ndiswrapper works the best. | 05:36 |
NiNe-THUG | ;) | 05:36 |
ca1 | maccam94: okay, Ill try again | 05:36 |
ingo_ | <Vinchenzo28>: no i want to configure a widescreen on my macbook - osx has no problems with it .... | 05:36 |
=== rlv [n=rich@cpe-70-112-139-76.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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astro76 | mangojambo, sorry that was someone else :) | 05:36 |
gluttony | rockets, how do i use it? | 05:37 |
NiNe-THUG | thx lufis | 05:37 |
troxor | gluttony: you can use ndiswrapper, and there are plenty of guides online,or bcm43xx, which is the reverse engineered one | 05:37 |
ca1 | maccam94: okay you were right (; So click reposotories? | 05:37 |
rockets | gluttony, /msg me | 05:37 |
astro76 | gluttony, install bcm43xx-fwcutter | 05:37 |
Vinchenzo28 | ingo_: lost me on the macbook :( lol sorry | 05:37 |
_neon_ | ection "Screen" | 05:37 |
_neon_ | Identifier "Default Screen" | 05:37 |
_neon_ | Device "nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce Go 7600] " | 05:37 |
_neon_ | Monitor "Generic Monitor" | 05:37 |
_neon_ | DefaultDepth 24 | 05:37 |
_neon_ | SubSection "Display" | 05:37 |
_neon_ | Depth 1 | 05:37 |
_neon_ | Modes "1440x900" | 05:37 |
lufis | NiNe-THUG: de rien | 05:37 |
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_neon_ | EndSubSection | 05:37 |
_neon_ | SubSection "Display" | 05:37 |
_neon_ | Depth 4 | 05:37 |
astro76 | !paste | _neon_ | 05:37 |
ubotu | _neon_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:37 |
joshi | hi | 05:37 |
_neon_ | Modes "1440x900" | 05:37 |
_neon_ | EndSubSection | 05:37 |
Vinchenzo28 | i have several of those neon | 05:37 |
_neon_ | SubSection "Display" | 05:37 |
joshi | all are talkin ther | 05:37 |
_neon_ | Depth 8 | 05:37 |
astro76 | !ops | _neon_ | 05:37 |
ubotu | _neon_: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 05:37 |
_neon_ | Modes "1440x900" | 05:37 |
_neon_ | 05:37 | |
joshi | anybody fromindia her e? | 05:37 |
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rockets | _neon_, !paste | 05:37 |
Vinchenzo28 | just use one? | 05:37 |
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rockets | !paste | _neon_ | 05:37 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %_neon_!*@*] by nixternal | ||
maccam94 | ca1: if you see the sun packages it is unnecessary | 05:37 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nixternal] by ChanServ | ||
CharonX | I used to have my palm pilot able to sync with Ubuntu. But now when I hook it up /dev/ttyUSB1 no longer exists. So I cannot backup my palm pilot ? Any one know why it is not appearing in /dev/ ? | 05:38 |
nixternal | probably to late, he got it all out :) | 05:38 |
mangojambo | troxor: I ve got error loading wlan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32444/ | 05:38 |
ubotu | _neon_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:38 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nixternal] by ChanServ | ||
nixternal | hrmm | 05:38 |
ca1 | maccam94: where should I be looking now? I clicked it. And it says software sources and ubuntu software | 05:38 |
nixternal | well that didn't work | 05:38 |
=== ceil420 [n=Ceil@71-11-245-60.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maccam94 | just have everything except sources checked in ubuntu software. if sources is checked leave it | 05:38 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %_neon_!*@*] by nixternal | ||
=== mindframe [n=mindfram@ip68-106-174-142.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ingo_ | _neon_: thanks a lot | 05:39 |
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astro76 | Vinchenzo28, you have Modes lines with multiple resolutions listed? | 05:39 |
lufis | What is "Virtual memory"? Is it swap? My swap is empty, but in top programs are using a lot of virtual memory | 05:39 |
troxor | try restarting networkmanager instead ;) /etc/dbu... | 05:39 |
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Vinchenzo28 | astro76: yeah | 05:39 |
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troxor | mangojambo: /etc/init.d/networking uses that file we just commented ath0 out of | 05:39 |
boyam | nixternal: what didn't work? | 05:39 |
joshi | who isindian here > | 05:39 |
Gaming1 | I have dual boot, and of late I see two entries for Ubuntu, what is the reason | 05:40 |
astro76 | Vinchenzo28, well move the one you want in the login screen to be the first on the line | 05:40 |
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nixternal | nevermind, I found out I was lagged | 05:40 |
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ca1 | maccam94: everything has been check except "source code" which has a line through it. | 05:40 |
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astro76 | Vinchenzo28, I'd just change it on all the lines | 05:40 |
boyam | nixternal okie doke...lagger..lol | 05:40 |
nixternal | hehe | 05:40 |
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Vinchenzo28 | astro76: should i restart now too? | 05:40 |
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_neon_ | vinchenzo28 also restart X | 05:40 |
maccam94 | ca1: ok, it's all set then | 05:40 |
troxor | mangojambo: anything not defined in /etc/network/interfaces is picked up by NM | 05:40 |
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astro76 | Vinchenzo28, you'll have to restart X (ctrl+alt+backspace) | 05:40 |
_neon_ | ctrl + backspace | 05:40 |
ca1 | maccam94: now what? | 05:40 |
maccam94 | ca1: just install those sun packages | 05:40 |
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_neon_ | ctrl + alt backspace | 05:41 |
Beatlesmiguel | holla | 05:41 |
ca1 | maccam94: okay. so do that and then open up azureus again? | 05:41 |
troxor | mangojambo: so it's usually best to comment out everything (except for lo) in /etc/network/interfaces | 05:41 |
=== Profeta [n=Pr0ph3t@189-10-122-200.gnace703.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jxacc | klk | 05:41 |
gluttony | rockets, i cant use ndiswrapper | 05:41 |
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=== Ice [n=Ice@ip70-171-67-172.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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joshi | Ice: hi | 05:42 |
maccam94 | ca1: yup | 05:42 |
joshi | Ice: are u thre ? | 05:42 |
Ice | yeah | 05:42 |
mangojambo | troxor: sorry .. what is NM ? | 05:42 |
Ice | joshi, what do you need? | 05:42 |
joshi | Ice: where are u from ? | 05:42 |
astro76 | gluttony, it's broadcom and probably doesn't need ndiswrapper, just sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter | 05:42 |
troxor | mangojambo: networkmanager | 05:42 |
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Ice | joshi, New Orleans, why? | 05:42 |
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ca1 | maccam94: do I also get sunwderby or no? | 05:42 |
_neon_ | ne1 from the great NW | 05:43 |
joshi | Ice: i am here today just new so i dont know what talk shold i say heer? | 05:43 |
astro76 | Gaming1, kernel security update | 05:43 |
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ingo_ | quit | 05:43 |
=== aerine [n=aerine@c-66-31-217-137.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gluttony | astro76, i cant apt-get because i have no net | 05:43 |
=== LeWeb [n=stefan@S010600195b0542d5.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | gluttony: You'll need to sneakernet then | 05:43 |
Beatlesmiguel | hola | 05:43 |
Beatlesmiguel | algun espaol | 05:43 |
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logreeval | does anyone have time to explain how to use the mozilla mplayer plugin to get a GUI, there are no buttons | 05:43 |
gluttony | Flannel, O.o, what? | 05:43 |
Ashfire908 | blumer: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32446/ | 05:43 |
Ice | joshi, Im new here too, don't worry about it, you can learn alot here | 05:43 |
_neon_ | que quieres | 05:43 |
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maccam94 | ca1: no, just the sun java packages | 05:43 |
Ashfire908 | blumer: the netmasks are different between the local and internet connections | 05:43 |
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joshi | Ice:where are u from/ | 05:44 |
astro76 | gluttony, on another computer download http://boredklink.googlepages.com/wl_apsta.o and http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/utils/bcm43xx-fwcutter | 05:44 |
mindframe | anyone know if kftpgrabber can fxp between two ssl sites? | 05:44 |
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=== monty_ [n=monty@adsl-69-151-8-66.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ice | joshi, this forum isn't for social discussion, it is for help with ubuntu | 05:45 |
gluttony | astro76, will you me on tommorow, i need to get up early | 05:45 |
=== Kousotu [i=Invincib@adsl-68-79-19-237.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
monty_ | hi! i'm looking for some help with ndiswrapper... | 05:45 |
rockets | gluttony, why not | 05:45 |
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=== zerdith [n=zerdith@66-188-62-254.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gluttony | rockets, why not what? | 05:45 |
Gaming1 | In my /boot/grub/menu.1st, I see that the two entries for ubuntu that I have are versions 'Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-16-generic' and Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-15-generic, so is it safe to remove the older entry? | 05:45 |
=== NiNe-THUG [n=nine@adsl-228-39-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
astro76 | gluttony, then install the bcm43xx deb with dpkg -i, and point the installer to the wl_apsta.o file when it asks | 05:45 |
joshi | Ice: ok | 05:45 |
rockets | gluttony, why cant you use ndiswrapper | 05:45 |
astro76 | gluttony, I probably won't be up early though but will be around ;) | 05:46 |
rockets | gluttony, DO NOT use wl_apasta.o | 05:46 |
=== omardtek_ [n=omadani@c-69-244-67-150.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crazy_ | any linux version of microsoft publisher? | 05:46 |
rockets | gluttony, its SUPER slow | 05:46 |
gluttony | rockets, i cant install it. | 05:46 |
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astro76 | rockets, not for everyone | 05:46 |
Nutubuntu | crazy_, whyever? | 05:46 |
rockets | gluttony, you have to compile ndiswrapper to get it working right. ill walk you through the whole thing | 05:46 |
gluttony | astro76, i wont be here early i have to work | 05:46 |
=== sarita [n=sarita@c-24-20-84-80.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | rockets, it's faster than on windows here | 05:46 |
Ashfire908 | blumer? | 05:46 |
rockets | astro76, 50kb/s Max for me | 05:46 |
gluttony | rockets, will you be here tommorow? | 05:46 |
=== joevandyk_ [n=joevandy@c-67-183-108-214.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vinchenzo28 | i fixed the login resolution but beryl seems to need to reload twice before working | 05:46 |
boyam | !es | Beatlesmiguel | 05:46 |
ubotu | Beatlesmiguel: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:46 |
astro76 | it's honestly 2x faster than in windows for me | 05:47 |
crazy_ | astro76: you mean rockets? | 05:47 |
monty_ | rockets, i'm looking for help with ndiswrapper also | 05:47 |
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bulmer | Ashfire908: how come you have two different netstat results? this is from same box? | 05:47 |
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rockets | gluttony, no. if you want a very simple solution try sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter that will make it work automagically | 05:47 |
rockets | monty_, message me and ill help you | 05:47 |
astro76 | crazy_, hmm? | 05:47 |
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Ashfire908 | yes | 05:47 |
crazy_ | Nutubunt: ?? | 05:47 |
_neon_ | crazy_ scribus | 05:47 |
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=== osxdude|TX [n=upirc@adsl-76-238-9-74.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gluttony | rockets. I CANT install ANYTHING. i have no net on the comp that im working on | 05:47 |
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rockets | gluttony, can you transfer files from a computer that does? | 05:48 |
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gluttony | no | 05:48 |
crazy_ | _neon_: scribus similar to microsoft publisher? | 05:48 |
millllmannnn | how do i see what version of sll i am running? | 05:48 |
Ashfire908 | the first is with me connected to the internet and not the local netowrk | 05:48 |
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RageAgainstThis | how do i download debs by using apt-get? I dont want them to install, I just to download to my computer first | 05:48 |
rockets | gluttony, then you you NO method to make the bcm card work. | 05:48 |
astro76 | gluttony, I gave you the two links to manually install what you need | 05:48 |
rockets | gluttony, why cant you hook it up to ethernet | 05:48 |
logreeval | please, someone? | 05:48 |
_neon_ | crazy_ it is a desktop publishing | 05:48 |
Ashfire908 | bulmer: the second is the opsite | 05:48 |
astro76 | gluttony, *manually download | 05:48 |
gluttony | astro76, i dont know how | 05:49 |
=== sainzeo [n=sainzeo@68-117-129-172.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osxdude|TX | is skype in the ubuntu repos? | 05:49 |
gluttony | rockets, i can try tomorrow, i need to sleep | 05:49 |
rockets | gluttony, k | 05:49 |
astro76 | gluttony, they're websites, you just save the files | 05:49 |
mindframe | why is firefox/swiftfox running so slow all of the sudden? switching between tabs is horribly slow. | 05:49 |
bulmer | Ashfire908: huh? which is which? and maybe you can elaborate on the layout of your network for me? | 05:49 |
rockets | osxdude|TX, its in canonical's commercial repository | 05:49 |
carlos | I'm using a dark theme and text fields on sites like Youtube have dark text on a dark background making it unreadable. | 05:49 |
Ashfire908 | bulmer, i just checked my remote ip.it's the same as the destanation i the first result list | 05:49 |
rockets | osxdude|TX, deb http://archive.canonical.com feisty-commercial main | 05:49 |
sainzeo | hey everyone: when I have any application open that uses the sound (vlc, rhythmbox, firefox, etc), I don't get any sounds through pidgin....any help? | 05:49 |
gluttony | astro76, do i save them to a cd? | 05:49 |
osxdude|TX | then I have to add Skype's repos... | 05:50 |
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bulmer | Ashfire908: you are using a laptop now ? | 05:50 |
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rockets | sainzeo, usually it means you have a sound card that doesnt support true hardware pcm multiplexing and theres really nothing you can do about it | 05:50 |
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=== Denvir [n=matthieu@evr91-5-82-247-101-53.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | gluttony, I don't know what options you have for your laptop... usb flash drive? floppy? | 05:50 |
taime1 | i am trying to install ubuntu to a machine that has a pci express card. it simply will NOT give me an x session... is this a known issue? | 05:50 |
=== DWSR [n=DWSR@xtreme-42-120.dyn.aci.on.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gluttony | usb, cd/dvd | 05:50 |
=== felixhummel_ [n=dfm21@p5496E620.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | gluttony, no ethernet? | 05:51 |
rockets | gluttony, you can download the ndiswrapper utils and try to use the built in ndiswrapper | 05:51 |
gluttony | astro, i might | 05:51 |
Falstius | taime1: most pci-e cards work without issue. | 05:51 |
rockets | gluttony, download on another pc and transfer over usb stick | 05:51 |
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maccam94 | sainzeo: make sure both the applications are using esd/esound | 05:51 |
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rockets | monty_, did you want help with ndis? | 05:51 |
gluttony | rockets, how do i install them once they are on the lappy? | 05:51 |
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osxdude|TX | lappy? | 05:51 |
Vinchenzo28 | how do i get beryl to auto start? | 05:52 |
rockets | gluttony, put them all in one folder and then go to that folder and dpkg -i *.deb | 05:52 |
Kousotu | gluttony: your eth don't work? | 05:52 |
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rockets | gluttony, or rather sudo dpkg -i *.deb | 05:52 |
taime1 | why wont ubuntu livecd give me graphical interface? | 05:52 |
monty_ | rockets, yea | 05:52 |
gluttony | kousotu, never had a reason to use it | 05:52 |
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rockets | monty_, /msg me and ill help you, its too much to put in the main chat | 05:52 |
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monty_ | rockets,whoops, thought i did already | 05:53 |
_neon_ | vinchenzo28 did it work?\ | 05:53 |
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Kousotu | gluttony: what exactly iswrong? | 05:53 |
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Falstius | taime1: what video card do you have? | 05:53 |
rockets | monty_, maybe you did and youre not registerd with nickserv so it didnt work? | 05:53 |
gluttony | Kousotu, wireless doenst work. | 05:53 |
crazy_ | _neon_: can scribus use on windows too? | 05:53 |
Falstius | taime1: which version of ubuntu? | 05:53 |
rockets | monty_, you have to register with nickserv to use /msg | 05:53 |
Vinchenzo28 | _neon_: yeah but beryl is being iffy with me now lol | 05:53 |
monty_ | ah yea i havent registered yet | 05:53 |
=== albert [n=albert@S0106001731b6ecfd.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
monty_ | i'll brb | 05:53 |
albert | Hi | 05:53 |
rockets | monty_, /msg nickserv register pickapasword | 05:53 |
Vinchenzo28 | _neon_; alil more than usual | 05:53 |
albert | anyone know why I get these erros | 05:53 |
albert | E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 05:53 |
Kousotu | gluttony: what wifi card? | 05:54 |
_neon_ | to use beryl you have to add some lines to xorg.conf depending on your video card | 05:54 |
rockets | albert, use sudo | 05:54 |
Flannel | albert: you can only have one package manager running at a given time | 05:54 |
taime1 | falstius: feisty | 05:54 |
rockets | albert, sudo commandname, also make sure you dont have more then one package manager open as Flannel says | 05:54 |
maccam94 | albert: if you're using apt-get, type sudo apt-get instead. also, make sure any other package management programs are closed. | 05:54 |
Vinchenzo28 | _neon_: what should i add so it opens when i boot up? | 05:54 |
Falstius | taime1: what graphics card? | 05:54 |
albert | thanks!!! | 05:54 |
albert | i'll try it now! | 05:54 |
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=== Kousotu waits | ||
taime1 | falstius: nvidia 7600gs | 05:55 |
_neon_ | what video card do you have? | 05:55 |
Falstius | taime1: should just work, I had one in my box before. | 05:55 |
Vinchenzo28 | _neon_:nvidia 7600gt | 05:55 |
gluttony | Kousotu, broadcom corporation dell wireless 1390 | 05:55 |
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Kousotu | well at least it isn't atheros | 05:55 |
Kousotu | lol | 05:55 |
rockets | gluttony, i have the EXACT same card. ndiswrapper is the only method that works well | 05:55 |
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N3432 | how do you go about setting up sound in ubuntu so you can have more than one program using it at a time? | 05:55 |
rockets | gluttony, Inspiron 1501? | 05:55 |
Falstius | taime1: do you get an error when X fails to start? | 05:55 |
_neon_ | hold one | 05:55 |
Vinchenzo28 | k | 05:56 |
gluttony | rockets, hellz if i know | 05:56 |
taime1 | falstius: no error, just nasty blue screen and freezes | 05:56 |
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taime1 | Falstius: did this with gparted as well | 05:56 |
rockets | gluttony, anyway for the 1390 you MUST use ndiswrapper. bcm43xx-fwcutter and wl_apasta.o barely work | 05:56 |
N3432 | how do you go about setting up sound in ubuntu so you can have more than one program using it at a time? | 05:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | gluttony: I have two of those and did not use ndiswrapper.. I used fwcutter and worked like a charm | 05:56 |
sainzeo | @rockets: i don't think thats the issue - there has always been multiple sounds in windows | 05:56 |
gluttony | ok, ill dl it tomorrow, and put it on my lap | 05:56 |
cappicard | anyone know what format kaffeine uses when broadcasting? | 05:56 |
N3432 | !sound | 05:57 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 05:57 |
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rockets | sainzeo, thats because windows has a kernel-mode software pcm multiplexing | 05:57 |
gluttony | Jack_Sparrow, is that on that has to be dl'd, or does it come with ubuntu | 05:57 |
_neon_ | crazy_ yes | 05:57 |
rockets | sainzeo, linux has userspace software pcm multiplexing | 05:57 |
Avenger | anyone in here know anything about symbolic links and junction points in Windows? | 05:57 |
rockets | sainzeo, This is what the ALSA maintainer for Ubuntu has told me. (ALSA is what ubuntu uses for sound) | 05:57 |
jamesdell | hi, my lcd screen is 14.1" and after successful ubuntu feisty fawn installed, the screen resolution sets default and maximum to 1028 x 768. How to change it to enlarge the resolution up to 1028 x 800 ? | 05:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | gluttony: You need to dl the driver on a hard line | 05:57 |
gluttony | ok, let me write down that app | 05:58 |
Falstius | taime1: sounds like windows. I've never seen that before. | 05:58 |
sainzeo | @rockets: i just purchased this laptop like 2 weeks ago, it must be capable | 05:58 |
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Falstius | taime1: well, the blue screen usually says something like "X failed to start, click ok for detailed error message" | 05:58 |
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gluttony | Jackk_Sparrow, do i just run it in teminal and it makes everything work, or do i have to fix stuff. | 05:58 |
astro76 | !resolution | jamesdell | 05:58 |
ubotu | jamesdell: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:58 |
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rockets | sainzeo, nope. | 05:59 |
rockets | sainzeo, Brand new Creative Labs cards are often not capable, for example. | 05:59 |
_neon_ | this website has a good tutorial pleas enot that when you copy nad paste those lines on xorg.conf you have todelete and re-type all the " i don't know why but ou have to do it the restart X | 05:59 |
_neon_ | http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/02/06/install-beryl-on-ubuntu-feisty-with-aiglx-for-nvidia-ubuntu-704/ | 05:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | gluttony: bcm43xx-fwcutter .... Let it do the dl of the driver... it works better than wl_apasta and it will stay updated... the link is here under boradcomm or wireless.. | 05:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | !broadcom | 05:59 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:59 |
rockets | sainzeo, its not a matter of old soundcard vs new soundcard, its a matter of shitty soundcard vs good soundcard. most are shitty, even new ones | 05:59 |
sainzeo | @rockets: well i don't belive you're correct - i had this same issue before and I was able to switch something and it worked correctly after that | 05:59 |
rockets | sainzeo, Well . . . good luck then. | 05:59 |
Vinchenzo28 | _neon_: thanks | 06:00 |
=== SinII [n=tlot@d055056.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
N3432 | rockets, whats the link for setting up aoss in ubuntu | 06:00 |
N3432 | i bet his card will work just fine | 06:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | !alsa | 06:00 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 06:00 |
gluttony | Jack_Sparrow, wait, what site? | 06:00 |
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Jack_Sparrow | look up where I linked broadcom | 06:00 |
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rockets | N3432, you mean OSS? | 06:01 |
rockets | N3432, idk, I use ALSA | 06:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | gluttony: get fwcutter from the repos and it will get the driver for you | 06:01 |
N3432 | rockets, i dont think you have a clue what you are talking about | 06:01 |
astro76 | Jack_Sparrow, the problem is he has no network on his laptop | 06:01 |
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rockets | N3432, You can think whatever you want. This is what the ALSA MAINTAINER for ubuntu has told me. | 06:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | astro76: he can dl them on a different machine and copy them over.. | 06:01 |
gluttony | Jack_Sparrow, can i sudo apt-get it? | 06:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | gluttony: yes... | 06:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | gluttony: let me verify the name of the file | 06:02 |
maccam94 | rockets, N3432: there is a program called ESD aka esound or the enlightened sound daemon. it allows multiple programs to have sound output at once. | 06:02 |
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rockets | maccam94, yup. and it works great . . . sometimes. | 06:02 |
N3432 | maccam94, so does alsa using dmix | 06:02 |
kjp | any known tutorials for openvpn on ubuntu 7 | 06:02 |
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N3432 | rockets, any card can have mixing even if its software mixing | 06:02 |
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N3432 | thanks for playing though ;-) | 06:02 |
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astro76 | Jack_Sparrow, but http://boredklink.googlepages.com/wl_apsta.o is exactly what bcm43xx-fwcutter downloads and extracts to /lib/firmware | 06:03 |
rockets | Software mixing doesnt work perfectly with all cards under linux | 06:03 |
rockets | You can believe whatever you want. | 06:03 |
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N3432 | maybe not perfectly | 06:03 |
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N3432 | but it works. | 06:03 |
rockets | Not for all cards. | 06:03 |
maccam94 | rockets, N3432: it is installed by default, make sure it's enabled in system -> preferences -> sound. it may not fix everything, but it might help | 06:03 |
=== maccam94 gets the hell outta that debate | ||
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astro76 | N3432, this is a very common problem with cards without hardware mixers | 06:03 |
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Jack_Sparrow | astro76: If you do it manually it will not stay updated, if you let it get it it will stay updated, based on what I was told by an op in here | 06:04 |
rockets | N3432, just ask crimsun when he comes on. He's the ALSA maintainer for ubuntu, he'll back me up. | 06:04 |
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rockets | N3432, he explained all this to me on IRC in great detail. | 06:04 |
N3432 | rockets, well if it is true which i doubt. then that sucks | 06:04 |
cRook`xT | TAMANDU :@ | 06:04 |
astro76 | Jack_Sparrow, I'm just not seeing how you're going to transfer that state to the laptop, is there a config file to copy over then? | 06:05 |
cRook`xT | OAIUHAI | 06:05 |
sainzeo | @rockets: like i said before, this problem occurred with me at a past time, but I was able to get it working fine...it can't be the sound card | 06:05 |
N3432 | i have had alot of pc's with realtek HD audio they work great under linux. | 06:05 |
TAMANDU | cRook`xT ;@@@@@@@@ | 06:05 |
TAMANDU | zuar | 06:05 |
TAMANDU | borazyar | 06:05 |
TAMANDU | sem ops | 06:05 |
TAMANDU | zuar | 06:05 |
rockets | N3432, Like I said, ALSA does have software pcm multiplexing, but it doesnt work as well as Windows/MAC os x, because its not integrated into the kernel | 06:05 |
TAMANDU | [D-Coy] Adam,[IFMO] Mr_D,[PUPPETS] Gonzo,^_^ANGEL,^betul^,___shavenger___,__doc__,_Er1K_,_Lucretia_,_max,_neon_,_Smash_temp,_Therock_,_tilman,_TomB,aaragon,aaroncampbell,AboSamoor,abultman,adaptr,adrian_,aerine,AfterDeath,Agrajag,aigarius,Airforce5555,aitch,aixing,ak_,Akifemre_,aKKiLLa,albert,aldren,alenax,aleX-xx,alindeman,alivedata,allisterb,Almighty_Henaro,Altari,Amaranth,andatche,AndrewB,andrewCap,Android`,ankitag,Anlar_,anno | 06:05 |
cRook`xT | UIEHAUIOEHIE | 06:05 |
astro76 | !ops | TAMANDU | 06:05 |
ubotu | TAMANDU: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 06:05 |
cRook`xT | Peooor | 06:05 |
cRook`xT | xD | 06:05 |
TAMANDU | arcade,arn_,Ashfire908,AskHL_,assasukasse,Associat0r,astro76,asw,atrus,aum,av-,awn7d,axisys,aztracker1,Azzkikr,b0c1,b0ha,BaD_CrC,barnie,bast_,bastid_raZor,bcbooter,beasty,bee2643,beef,BenC,besonen_mobile,besonen_mobile2,BFrank,bgriffith,Bhaal,Bill572,billybob,binarydigit,Binja,birdmon,Bjoern-Erik,Blackgoth,BlavaZky,blinx,blithe,Bob_le_Pointu,bobgill,Bodhidharma,bodhizazen,Bokeh,bonde,Bonkers,bored,boredandblogging,Borin,bottig | 06:05 |
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rockets | sainzeo, your situation may be different. I'm not an alsa expert, I just happen to know this one fact. | 06:05 |
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Jack_Sparrow | astro76: If he gets this file bcm43xx-fwcutter_1%3a006-1_i386.deb | 06:05 |
astro76 | Jack_Sparrow, you're definitely right if you install it on the same machine | 06:06 |
sainzeo | @rockets: i'm glad you were willing to help, but i wouldn't generalize every problem | 06:06 |
cRook`xT | # de que isso? | 06:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | astro76: wl_apsta.o | 06:06 |
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rockets | N3432, this is the alsa maintainer's page. https://launchpad.net/~crimsun/ As you can see his nick is crimsun. Ask him when he comes on. | 06:06 |
palintheus | I am trying to create a /home partition on an existing install, it was set up with LVM and when I try to boot to a 7.04 live cd I get a tty error, gparted does not recognize my root partition, I have no idea where to go | 06:06 |
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N3432 | rockets, i know who it is | 06:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | astro76: and this file he can copy them to any machine and get a working boradcomm | 06:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | network-manager-gnome_0.6.4-6ubuntu7_i386.deb | 06:06 |
N3432 | rockets, im not that worried about it. | 06:06 |
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astro76 | Jack_Sparrow, you lost me, I told him to download those two things | 06:06 |
N3432 | the kid says his card has worked before | 06:07 |
maniaxmax | does anyone know where i can get the newest ATI Drivers? | 06:07 |
N3432 | so that means it will work again | 06:07 |
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N3432 | ya digg!? | 06:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | astro76: He dosent need to dl it on the machine without internet | 06:07 |
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sainzeo | fixed it! | 06:07 |
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kersinc | #ubuntu-es | 06:07 |
astro76 | Jack_Sparrow, that's why I gave the links, it has no internet.. | 06:07 |
maccam94 | maniaxmax: use the envy script. hold on i'll get you the link | 06:07 |
N3432 | sainzeo, there ya go | 06:07 |
astro76 | Jack_Sparrow, to get on a nother computer | 06:07 |
N3432 | rockets, LOL!?!?!? | 06:07 |
sainzeo | @thanks N3432 | 06:07 |
N3432 | thats funny | 06:07 |
sainzeo | sorry to cause all the trouble | 06:07 |
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Jack_Sparrow | astro76: Perhaps we are saying the same thing differently.. | 06:08 |
Nutubuntu | !br | 06:08 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 06:08 |
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rockets | N3432, hey, his situation was different. And I'm glad it was. | 06:08 |
astro76 | Jack_Sparrow, clearly! ;) | 06:08 |
maniaxmax | maccam94: i though Envy was only for nvidia | 06:08 |
rockets | maniaxmax, originally yes. no more. | 06:08 |
maniaxmax | sweet | 06:08 |
N3432 | rockets, problem was you did not listen, he said it had worked before.. so obviously it would work again | 06:08 |
maccam94 | maniaxmax: nope it does both now | 06:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | astro76: He needs those three files no matter how he gets them and moves them to the machine that needs internet | 06:08 |
maccam94 | maniaxmax: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html (i know, he hasn't updated the url) | 06:08 |
rockets | N3432, Actually I did listen. Once he told me that, I said, Ok good luck then. | 06:08 |
rockets | N3432, but OTHER PEOPLE continued to argue with me about the general point | 06:09 |
Nutubuntu | However, !envy | 06:09 |
maccam94 | !envy | 06:09 |
ubotu | envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 06:09 |
maccam94 | ? | 06:09 |
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N3432 | haha. | 06:09 |
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maccam94 | lol | 06:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | Avoid Envy and Automatix | 06:09 |
sainzeo | @rockets, its no big deal in any case - its awesome there are lots of people like you who are willing to help... | 06:09 |
maniaxmax | maccam94: thanks! | 06:09 |
astro76 | Jack_Sparrow, funny thing is he's gone and sleeping already :P | 06:09 |
maccam94 | well, any script may lave you in trouble | 06:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | np :) | 06:09 |
rockets | sainzeo, yup :-D | 06:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | I am going that way myself | 06:10 |
N3432 | i think i will install ubuntu on my 2nd HD | 06:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | goodnight | 06:10 |
crdlb | maniaxmax, why do you want the latest ati driver? | 06:10 |
N3432 | since this one has 323GB of music | 06:10 |
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crdlb | what does it do that 8.34.8 doesn't? | 06:10 |
maniaxmax | crdlb: because i have an ATI Card | 06:10 |
crdlb | maniaxmax, system>administration>restricted drivers manager ? | 06:11 |
crazy_ | do I need to install ghostscripts8.53 on scribus for linux? | 06:11 |
sainzeo | @N3432: 323GB of music? jesus | 06:11 |
N3432 | sainzeo, ;-D | 06:11 |
rockets | maniaxmax, yes but restricted-manager sets up ati cards just fine. | 06:11 |
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N3432 | sainzeo, thats what happens when you are a music lover on a cable internet connection :-) | 06:11 |
astro76 | crazy_, it will automatically when you install it, it's listed as a dependency | 06:12 |
N3432 | sainzeo, i even drive around in my squad car listening to music | 06:12 |
RageAgainstThis | if i downloaded the .debs from synaptic, where do they go? | 06:12 |
mactimes | Hello everyone! | 06:12 |
Nutubuntu | N3432, that's about a year and a half of 8 hour days of music, before you repeat anything | 06:12 |
N3432 | Nutubuntu, howd ya figure that one out | 06:12 |
Dr_willis | Nutubuntu, i bet he fast-forwards a lot. :) | 06:12 |
sainzeo | @3432: so i assume that is all...legal...music ;) | 06:12 |
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astro76 | RageAgainstThis, /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 06:13 |
N3432 | oh yea i have 323GB of music but i havent listened to alot of it | 06:13 |
N3432 | i just download mad stuff. | 06:13 |
huang | Are there usplash themes for widescreen ? | 06:13 |
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crazy_ | astro76: dependency is similar to the toy operating system "common files" | 06:13 |
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astro76 | crazy_, a dependency is not necessarily a library, it's just another package that this package says must also be installed | 06:14 |
maccam94 | N3432: legally, of course :-P | 06:14 |
Nutubuntu | N3432, unless I slipped a digit somewhere, figure about 4MB per tune, so about 80K songs. Figure about 3-4 min each ... it adds up after awhile ... | 06:14 |
N3432 | Nutubuntu, nice math | 06:14 |
N3432 | Nutubuntu, i was never good at math, so i arrest scumbags | 06:14 |
N3432 | ;-P | 06:14 |
Nutubuntu | LOL | 06:14 |
Nutubuntu | That works :) | 06:14 |
onesandzeros | hello everyone. After building a new kernel (from source, manually), do I need to use mkinitrd or mkinitramfs? | 06:14 |
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N3432 | Nutubuntu, i can do some math, that'll be 25 years in jail for you rapist. | 06:15 |
N3432 | shit like that. | 06:15 |
mikebot | When I have a dvd in iso form, is there a way I can test it before I burn it to a dvd? | 06:15 |
N3432 | ya digg. | 06:15 |
astro76 | !language | N3432 | 06:15 |
ubotu | N3432: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:15 |
N3432 | ahh sorry. | 06:15 |
Nutubuntu | Appreciate the sentiments though | 06:15 |
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Jason_Ubuntu | hey | 06:16 |
sainzeo | @N3432....so any reason you haven't been using linux? | 06:16 |
Jason_Ubuntu | how do i change from KDE to Gnome | 06:17 |
N3432 | sainzeo, because i was fed up with the applications on linux for iPod | 06:17 |
N3432 | i love itunes. | 06:17 |
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astro76 | Jason_Ubuntu, what do you have now, kubuntu? | 06:17 |
=== JeevesMoss [i=Jeeves_M@CPE009096a3077b-CM00122544901a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mikebot | When I have a dvd in iso form, is there a way I can test it before I burn it to a dvd? | 06:17 |
thegnome87 | i like listen, though it's kind of buggy on my computer | 06:17 |
Jason_Ubuntu | no Ubuntu | 06:17 |
N3432 | sainzeo, oh and because my woman doesn't like it. | 06:17 |
=== moj1 [n=Administ@ip70-181-146-106.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|_ocke | crispy chicken club, burger, or footlong chili cheese dog? i need one more opinion. | 06:17 |
JeevesMoss | anyone know what happened to sendmail? | 06:17 |
Jason_Ubuntu | Feisty Fawn | 06:17 |
N3432 | sainzeo, im downloading it now though ;-D | 06:17 |
adrian_ | id say just cp filename ~/.mozilla/plugins | 06:18 |
=== |rt| [n=realthin@c-66-31-5-173.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
N3432 | i bought her a laptop to shut her up | 06:18 |
adrian_ | sorry | 06:18 |
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adrian_ | missclikclk | 06:18 |
Jason_Ubuntu | astro76, hey | 06:18 |
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|rt| | hey guys can your / filesystem be on a software RAID5? | 06:18 |
sainzeo | @N3432: rhythmbox seems to support the iPod pretty damn well...at least for me and what i do..it even lets you copy songs off of the ipod to your computer | 06:18 |
|rt| | it's just /boot/ that needs to be on RAID1 right | 06:18 |
sainzeo | @N3432: my girl would use it, but she says she would feel bad for having to ask me how to do everything in it haha | 06:18 |
N3432 | sainzeo, yea ill check it out, | 06:18 |
WX9J | N3432: What are you using for Ituens now | 06:18 |
crazy_ | is there a pdf organizer for linux? I have a lot of pdf documents wanna to manage it properly like the way picasa handling photo | 06:18 |
|_ocke | no opinions? | 06:18 |
N3432 | WX9J, im using itunes .. im on XP Pro now. | 06:19 |
Jason_Ubuntu | ???? | 06:19 |
|_ocke | N3432, gross | 06:19 |
boyam | mikebot: check md5 hash...this is ubuntu help channel by the way.. :) | 06:19 |
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N3432 | my ubuntu dl is at 40% going at 588kb/s | 06:19 |
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WX9J | Do you buy the tunes ? | 06:19 |
N3432 | Nah | 06:19 |
|_ocke | N3432, good start then | 06:19 |
mikebot | boyam: I'm trying to figure out how to do this in ubuntu :) | 06:19 |
|_ocke | yeah screw itunes | 06:19 |
=== razor-x11 [n=razor@host86-149-55-227.range86-149.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
N3432 | i personally really like itunes | 06:19 |
mikebot | boyam: What is md5 hash? | 06:19 |
Gnea | welp, i'm almost ready to replace debian sid with ubuntu on this laptop | 06:19 |
crazy_ | !pdf organizer | 06:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pdf organizer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:19 |
N3432 | im trying to remember what program i used on linux for music, it was kind of like itunes it had a database | 06:20 |
=== LiGo [n=er3@ppp85-140-118-147.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gnea | N3432: amarok? | 06:20 |
N3432 | amarok | 06:20 |
N3432 | yea | 06:20 |
mikebot | boyam: Oh, I mean, is there like a virtual drive or something I can run the image on to check it? | 06:20 |
WX9J | I just started using the Rythumbox on here for Itunes, works well without the itunes store stuff bugging me | 06:20 |
sainzeo | @N3432: i think the new amaroK that comes out soon will be much more similar to iTunes then it has been...well the album art switching adn what not | 06:20 |
N3432 | but i remember amarok used a ton of ram. | 06:20 |
mikebot | boyam: Before I burn it? (I used Alcohol 120% in WIndows to do such a thing). | 06:20 |
Gnea | yeah it's based on KDE | 06:20 |
N3432 | does ubuntu still use gnome | 06:20 |
N3432 | i dont like kde | 06:20 |
razor-x11 | Want to use itunes on ubuntu? | 06:20 |
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N3432 | kde reminds me of scumbags, i want to pepper spray it. | 06:21 |
Nutubuntu | N3432, yes | 06:21 |
Gnea | yeah, but i'll be replacing all of that crap with E17 | 06:21 |
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WX9J | N3432: yes it does but there is another flavor using KDE | 06:21 |
maccam94 | N3432: ubuntu will pretty much always use gnome. kde users have to use kubuntu or install kde manually | 06:21 |
Gnea | i prefer KDE over gnome, but they're both jump in my book | 06:21 |
=== CheeseGardener [n=steve@cpe-24-161-12-36.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Kuma [n=sebastia@18-135-17-190.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gnea | s/jump/junk/g | 06:21 |
razor-x11 | a good replacement for itunes is GTKpod | 06:21 |
astro76 | Jason_Ubuntu, click on options on the login screen and select session.... ? | 06:21 |
maccam94 | Gnea: e17 rocks | 06:21 |
boyam | mikebot: vmware maybe?.. | 06:21 |
N3432 | Gnea, wht are they junk | 06:21 |
=== luisc [n=luisc@CableLink40-195.INTERCABLE.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gnea | maccam94: i use it daily | 06:21 |
CheeseGardener | Is it normal for ubuntu to be using 300 mb of ram or so???? | 06:21 |
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=== dem0n [n=dem0n@c-67-167-176-186.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WX9J | Gnea: what do you use ? | 06:21 |
maccam94 | razor-x11: rhythmbox looks very similar to itunes | 06:21 |
mikebot | boyam: I'll look into it, thanks. | 06:21 |
razor-x11 | do sudo apt-get install gtkpod | 06:21 |
Gnea | WX9J: E17 | 06:21 |
=== compsman [n=comps@71-222-53-191.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
N3432 | i will switch to ubuntu as long as i can find a program that works with my ipod well | 06:21 |
Nutubuntu | Rhythmbox running now, about 60mb ram used | 06:21 |
sainzeo | yeah i'm def a fan of rhythmbox | 06:22 |
WX9J | have no clue about that | 06:22 |
maccam94 | Gnea: i am just temporarily very interested in compiz fusion, so i'm forced to use gnome >_< | 06:22 |
N3432 | umm | 06:22 |
=== TheGoodShepherd [n=lollersk@c-24-14-254-177.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dem0n | n3432 so us vm | 06:22 |
Jason_Ubuntu | 'k | 06:22 |
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dem0n | use ** | 06:22 |
Gnea | N3432: because they were coded during the rise of the first dotcom bubble and are total hacks just to mimic the microsoft windows desktop | 06:22 |
N3432 | vm ? | 06:22 |
Nutubuntu | virtual machine | 06:22 |
N3432 | vmware ? | 06:22 |
sainzeo | @N3432: virtual machine | 06:22 |
N3432 | ah | 06:22 |
mangojambo | troxor: hi .. I d tried to comment the file that you told and nothing happens ... :( | 06:22 |
Kuma | Hi All. I'm looking a good player for flv files. Do you know any? | 06:22 |
N3432 | thats what vmware is right | 06:22 |
CheeseGardener | In system monitory it says 300 or so mb of 1000 mb of ram are being used, is that normal for ubuntu??? and what does it mean if a program is sleeping???? | 06:22 |
WX9J | N3432: what kind of music do you listen to | 06:22 |
sainzeo | @N3432: vmware server is free if you want to use it | 06:22 |
Nutubuntu | vmware is one, there are others as well | 06:22 |
dem0n | yes | 06:22 |
razor-x11 | or wine | 06:23 |
N3432 | WX9J, almost everything except country | 06:23 |
maccam94 | Kuma: mplayer | 06:23 |
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N3432 | i like some rap/ tons of rock / | 06:23 |
maccam94 | rock on | 06:23 |
razor-x11 | wine works great with itunes | 06:23 |
N3432 | i just love music if it sounds good to me ill listen to it | 06:23 |
dem0n | i wish some would come in here with a problem | 06:23 |
Gnea | N3432: as a result, any simple gnome or kde app requires a ton of shared libraries to run, hence why they always chew up resources and lag | 06:23 |
dem0n | lol im board | 06:23 |
N3432 | you know the funniest thing i have ever done in my life? | 06:23 |
Kuma | but hasn't UI? | 06:23 |
dem0n | what | 06:23 |
N3432 | driving around in a cop car listening to tupac | 06:23 |
N3432 | thats funny. | 06:23 |
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dem0n | ... ur a cop -.- | 06:23 |
WX9J | N3432: sounds about the same here, the box has about 18 gigs of albums on it | 06:23 |
JeevesMoss | lol, you guys could be building a server to host virtual websites from shell | 06:23 |
=== austinhawk [n=Chris@adsl-76-240-76-27.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
N3432 | dem0n, i'm a US marshal | 06:24 |
N3432 | ;-) | 06:24 |
Gnea | i like E17 because raster went back to the drawing board and rewrote everything from the ground up | 06:24 |
astro76 | !offtopic | N3432 WX9J | 06:24 |
ubotu | N3432 WX9J: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:24 |
dem0n | ... even worse | 06:24 |
N3432 | dem0n, if you say so. | 06:24 |
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Gnea | N3432: so *that's* why you have such an ambiguous nickname ;) | 06:24 |
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dem0n | man i could go to jail lol | 06:24 |
N3432 | Gnea, i havent been on irc in like 6 months | 06:24 |
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N3432 | Gnea, i typed this randomly. | 06:24 |
Gnea | haha | 06:24 |
Gnea | cool | 06:24 |
CheeseGardener | In system monitory it says 300 or so mb of 1000 mb of ram are being used, is that normal for ubuntu??? and what does it mean if a program is sleeping???? | 06:24 |
agenippe | i can't startup my tomcat ,what can i do ? | 06:24 |
JeevesMoss | well, I'll give you guys something to do. lets see if we can get a copy of sendmail working | 06:24 |
sainzeo | hey, another question guys... | 06:24 |
=== superlou [n=superlou@phylab512c.phy.stevens-tech.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
N3432 | this was one of the only irc channels i knew. so icome here. | 06:25 |
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razor-x11 | N3432: have you got a standard ipod? | 06:25 |
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Gnea | dem0n: what's wrong with US marshals? | 06:25 |
JeevesMoss | lodfhosdhfwq | 06:25 |
N3432 | razor-x11, i have a 1st gen nano | 06:25 |
JeevesMoss | hello? | 06:25 |
sainzeo | a friend is trying to run vmware server, but it keeps giving him a internal monitor error..any ideas? | 06:25 |
dem0n | im illeagle :D | 06:25 |
Nutubuntu | g/a sainzeo, don't ask to ask, just ask | 06:25 |
Falstius | CheeseGardener: you have to distinguish between cached memory and active memory. | 06:25 |
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Gnea | sainzeo: tried the vmware forum? | 06:25 |
razor-x11 | N3432: got linux on it by anychance? | 06:25 |
CheeseGardener | ???? how do I tell that? | 06:25 |
N3432 | dem0n, i dont hunt down illegals | 06:25 |
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sainzeo | @Gnea, yes | 06:25 |
N3432 | razor-x11, no i tried rockbox but it drained the battery big time | 06:25 |
=== monty_ [n=monty@adsl-69-151-8-66.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | JeevesMoss, yes we can see you ;) | 06:25 |
maccam94 | razor-x11: does itunes 7 work in wine now? | 06:25 |
dem0n | nah as in i hack and shit like yeah | 06:25 |
astro76 | !language | dem0n | 06:25 |
ubotu | dem0n: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:25 |
CheeseGardener | it says user memory. | 06:26 |
rockets | monty_, any luck? | 06:26 |
N3432 | astro76, chill out bro everyone is cool. | 06:26 |
Gnea | dem0n: oh yeah? from mexico? | 06:26 |
JeevesMoss | astro76: good to know that it's not mIRC screwing up agian. Are you able to help me? | 06:26 |
monty_ | meh kinda, i can see the network now | 06:26 |
monty_ | but cant connect to it | 06:26 |
CheeseGardener | It says that the user memory is what is being taken up, 347 or so of 1000 | 06:26 |
Falstius | CheeseGardener: my system is using about 320mb with firefox, gaim, tv, and some xterms open. | 06:26 |
astro76 | N3432, please feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic to chat, there's many in there | 06:26 |
=== Nicark [n=Nicark@adsl-067-034-139-198.sip.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
N3432 | astro76, okay captain :-P | 06:26 |
CheeseGardener | I see, what does it mean if a program is sleeping??? | 06:26 |
dem0n | astro i baleave your not suppose to be quateing anything i say or even talk to me for that madder | 06:26 |
razor-x11 | using less cpu | 06:26 |
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astro76 | dem0n, I have know idea what you are talking about | 06:27 |
dem0n | gnea no | 06:27 |
N3432 | dem0n, what state do you live in * dont worry i have way too many cases to come hunt you down lolllll * | 06:27 |
Falstius | CheeseGardener: just means it isn't using up (much) CPU | 06:27 |
dem0n | michigan | 06:27 |
N3432 | ahh | 06:27 |
Gnea | dem0n: heh. | 06:27 |
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CheeseGardener | oh so it isn't using the full memory it has? | 06:27 |
N3432 | i live in NJ. | 06:27 |
CheeseGardener | like firefox uses 64mb | 06:27 |
razor-x11 | nope | 06:27 |
CheeseGardener | so when sleeping it doesn't use as much of those 64? | 06:27 |
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agenippe | how fast !!! | 06:27 |
astro76 | !offtopic | dem0n N3432 Gnea | 06:27 |
ubotu | dem0n N3432 Gnea: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:27 |
agenippe | 06:28 | |
sainzeo | @CheeseGardener: my firefox is using 70mb right now.. | 06:28 |
astro76 | !jp | agenippe | 06:28 |
ubotu | agenippe: #ubuntu-jp #kubuntu-jp | 06:28 |
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Gnea | astro76: put a sock in it. | 06:28 |
dem0n | astro stfu talkin to me before i get u in trouble | 06:28 |
dem0n | ty gnea | 06:28 |
astro76 | !ops | gnea dem0n | 06:28 |
ubotu | gnea dem0n: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 06:28 |
Falstius | CheeseGardener: linux will keep filling up the memory until it is full and then it starts deleting unused stuff. If you're using more ram than you have, it will write the stuff used the longest ago to swap disk. | 06:28 |
Gnea | dem0n: stop. | 06:28 |
agenippe | 06:28 | |
agenippe | 06:28 | |
Kousotu | any op plz pm me | 06:28 |
astro76 | !cn | agenippe | 06:28 |
ubotu | agenippe: For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 06:28 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nixternal] by ChanServ | ||
N3432 | this astro76 guy is a real stickler for rules | 06:28 |
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astro76 | N3432, this is a busy channel and many need help | 06:29 |
Kousotu | nix: can I pm you? | 06:29 |
astro76 | that's why there's offtopic | 06:29 |
mindframe | why is firefox slow to open new tabs and switch between them? | 06:29 |
nixternal | Kousotu: sure | 06:29 |
dem0n | astro stfu please | 06:29 |
bulmer | whose got one of those ATSC (hdtv) card working on their ubuntu? i tried the kworld hdtv 115 and it is crappy...any suggested model compatible on ubuntu? | 06:29 |
=== linxuz3r [n=linxuz3r@ppp-71-136-72-217.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CheeseGardener | Falstius, does that mean it will keep increasing the ammount of user memory? | 06:29 |
nixternal | heh | 06:29 |
CheeseGardener | till it reaches 1000? | 06:29 |
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Ashfire909 | bulmer, i sent you a pm | 06:29 |
agenippe | 06:29 | |
Falstius | mindframe: tabs use a fair amount of memory, if your system doesn't have enough it will be slow. | 06:29 |
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maccam94 | ok... | 06:29 |
WX9J | I need to manually mount the four partitions on my slave drive each time I reboot, what is the best way to make it auto ? | 06:30 |
=== _DarkED3 [n=Darkus@adsl-065-012-158-225.sip.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falstius | CheeseGardener: if you open more programs yes | 06:30 |
=== PF|Ubuntu [n=brandon@docsis-cbm-17-184.nclxtn.lexcominc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulmer | Ashfire908: you know you should ask permission first.. | 06:30 |
mindframe | Falstius, I have 2GB :) | 06:30 |
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PF|Ubuntu | What's the command to start and stop X? | 06:30 |
Falstius | mindframe: well that then is probably not the problem :) | 06:30 |
CheeseGardener | I'm not opening more but it keeps going up | 06:30 |
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mindframe | Falstius, I open one tab and it takes a few seconds to switch between them | 06:30 |
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razor-x11 | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 06:30 |
CheeseGardener | the user memory keeps going up a little | 06:30 |
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=== HelpMe [n=luke@70-41-237-140.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tulga | I need openoffice novell edition on my 7.04 box. is it possible? | 06:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@cpe-66-66-189-31.rochester.res.rr.com] by nixternal | ||
maccam94 | PF|Ubuntu: /etc/init.d/gdm start|stop|restart | 06:31 |
razor-x11 | <PF|Ubuntu>, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 06:31 |
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PF|Ubuntu | ok thanks | 06:31 |
razor-x11 | np | 06:31 |
Falstius | CheeseGardener: could be lots of reasons. Opening up new pages in firefox, loading documents, a program with a memory leak ... | 06:31 |
moj2 | allo | 06:31 |
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HelpMe | II have a problem. I just installed Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory but when I start a game it just exits. What do I do? | 06:31 |
CheeseGardener | It goes down sometimes but it stays around 320-350 | 06:31 |
CheeseGardener | right now it's almost 350mb | 06:32 |
=== Cueball|Laptop [n=lee@62-30-108-208.cable.ubr05.dudl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
astro76 | CheeseGardener, that's pretty normal in linux, and that's very low really, stuff stays cached but will be wiped if needed | 06:32 |
maccam94 | HelpMe: run the game from a terminal, see if it dumps any error messages before it dies | 06:32 |
=== Gnea [i=gnea@cpe-66-66-189-31.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
razor-x11 | What is it running under, HelpMe? | 06:32 |
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HelpMe | maccam94: how do i run in in the terminal? | 06:32 |
CheeseGardener | Oh I see, so it's only that high because it's being kept in memory? | 06:32 |
CheeseGardener | because there is plenty of extra? | 06:32 |
HelpMe | razor-x11: ubuntu? | 06:32 |
astro76 | CheeseGardener, it's actually a good thing | 06:33 |
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sainzeo | @CheeseGardener: yeah i think thats whats up...that way if u use the same prog over and over, it'll be quicker....i think... | 06:33 |
CheeseGardener | well when I add up the megabyes used under programs open | 06:33 |
Gnea | i hope this geforce4 440 go will work good with the latest ubuntu | 06:33 |
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CheeseGardener | it doesn't add up to 350 | 06:33 |
sainzeo | @Gnea: that should be fine with ubuntu | 06:33 |
CheeseGardener | all the programs running with memory useage are like... around 200ish | 06:33 |
CheeseGardener | mb | 06:33 |
sainzeo | even my onboard video card works fine | 06:33 |
astro76 | CheeseGardener, exactly, old stuff is cached but will be freed isntantly if needed | 06:33 |
moj2 | my ubuntu installation has recently quit booting on my Thinkpad T20 - not entirely sure why - I disable silent / splash to see messages, and it appears to hang at "Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20" (though, alt+ctrl+delete still works, it never boots past this point) | 06:33 |
N3432 | sainzeo, join ubuntu-offtopic | 06:33 |
maccam94 | Gnea: it does | 06:33 |
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N3432 | lol party in there | 06:33 |
HelpMe | razor-x11: so what do i do? | 06:34 |
garette | hi all i am using gnome and my mail client is thunder bird, whenevr i click an email link automatically evolution opens up, plz temme how do i make thinderbird as default? | 06:34 |
maccam94 | Gnea: i have a machine at work with ubunut with one of those | 06:34 |
razor-x11 | HelpMe, are you running win32 or on linux binaries? | 06:34 |
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Falstius | CheeseGardener: yeah, it won't remove anything from RAM until it is all used, even if you close the program (it is more efficient that way) | 06:34 |
HelpMe | razor-x11: i have no idea | 06:34 |
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CheeseGardener | oh I see so old programs | 06:34 |
CheeseGardener | are still in memory then? | 06:34 |
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astro76 | indeed | 06:34 |
Gnea | maccam94: i hope so. i'm getting a lot of grief in debian sid with 2.6.22 kernel and the latest legacy nvidia driver | 06:34 |
Qodosh | I have a dual boot on my laptop. Ubuntu and Vista. Ubuntu appears twice at the selection of what OS to boot. Anyone know why it might appear twice. I don't have two installs of it. | 06:34 |
bulmer | CheeseGardener: what is the worries or concern if the ram is used or not? | 06:35 |
Falstius | CheeseGardener: they can be. | 06:35 |
razor-x11 | HelpMe, run it in the term | 06:35 |
jamesdell | hi, i got this error.. "Package w32codecs has no installation candidate" How to solve? | 06:35 |
tulga | I need openoffice novell edition on my 7.04 box. is it available to install? | 06:35 |
astro76 | Qodosh, kernel security update so you have a second version | 06:35 |
Gnea | maccam94: no error messages, but nothing shows on the screen - it's a toshiba satellite - and i can't find anything or anyone else who knows | 06:35 |
garette | Qidosh, lol edit you grub referring guide | 06:35 |
HelpMe | razor-x11: how do i do that? | 06:35 |
astro76 | Qodosh, you can install the old one with synaptic | 06:35 |
mikebot | Is there a dvd image loader for ubuntu? | 06:35 |
astro76 | Qodosh, *uninstall | 06:35 |
CheeseGardener | I see, so it's not really that much ram being used? | 06:35 |
Gnea | maccam94: plus i've gotten to the point that i'm tired of mucking around with unstable code just to maintain a portable desktop | 06:35 |
razor-x11 | HelpMe, /dir where the game is/game binary | 06:35 |
CheeseGardener | it just seems higher than it really is? | 06:35 |
garette | odosh, lol edit you grub referring guide | 06:35 |
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moj2 | going to try this again | 06:36 |
astro76 | CheeseGardener, I have 1555 used out of 2026 | 06:36 |
garette | hi all i am using gnome and my mail client is thunder bird, whenevr i click an email link automatically evolution opens up, plz temme how do i make thinderbird as default? | 06:36 |
moj2 | my ubuntu installation has recently quit booting on my Thinkpad T20 - not entirely sure why - I disable silent / splash to see messages, and it appears to hang at "Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20" (though, alt+ctrl+delete still works, it never boots past this point) | 06:36 |
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garette | lol i repeated my doubt | 06:36 |
CheeseGardener | Oh ok | 06:36 |
garette | plz chek that guys | 06:36 |
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Falstius | CheeseGardener: there are other ways to check if ram is being actively used or cached. The system monitor applet provides both cached and active memory. | 06:37 |
CheeseGardener | Is it just me, or does Ubuntu use a LOT less ram actively compared to windows? | 06:37 |
CheeseGardener | On windows, it actively uses like 400 MB | 06:37 |
razor-x11 | yep | 06:37 |
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astro76 | CheeseGardener, it's not just you ;) | 06:37 |
CheeseGardener | on here it has, at max 200 mb | 06:37 |
HelpMe | razor-x11: its in other | 06:37 |
CheeseGardener | and some programs are sleeping | 06:37 |
CheeseGardener | so it's even less than 200 mb really | 06:37 |
moj2 | o-kay | 06:37 |
Gnea | moj2: have you tried removing the cd drive while it's off? | 06:37 |
razor-x11 | Windows is a CPU and Memory Hungry os | 06:37 |
CheeseGardener | probably more like 100 mb? | 06:37 |
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CheeseGardener | how much less useage does a sleeping program use??? | 06:37 |
HelpMe | razor-x11: nvm moved it to the desktop. | 06:37 |
garette | do somebody mind checking my very small problem? lol?? | 06:37 |
CheeseGardener | compared to it's active state? | 06:37 |
moj2 | is there any other channel anyone knows of that I can go to for troubleshooting ubuntu boot problems? | 06:37 |
astro76 | garette, system>preferences>preferred applications | 06:38 |
HelpMe | razor-x11: whats a binary? | 06:38 |
razor-x11 | <garette> yes? | 06:38 |
Gnea | moj2: i'm trying to do that now | 06:38 |
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Falstius | CheeseGardener: in terms of memory, no less. In terms of CPU it makes a huge (but difficult to quantify) difference. | 06:38 |
moj2 | oh sorry, I didn't notice I got a response :) | 06:38 |
garette | astro76, thanks | 06:38 |
maccam94 | moj2: did any of your hardware change recently? | 06:38 |
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razor-x11 | garette, What is ya small problem? | 06:38 |
Gnea | moj2: no problem, have you tried that? | 06:38 |
garette | razor-x11, lol i got the solution even... | 06:38 |
Fezzler | when I click a link in Firefox to view a PDF file, when I'm done viewing and "download" cleans up, is that PDF still on my hard drive, if yes where? | 06:38 |
moj2 | not yet, I can try it though | 06:39 |
maccam94 | moj2: btw, another great way to find answers is to google the error message, and check ubuntuforums.com (if you ever need to) | 06:39 |
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garette | razor-x11, anyways if you wanna solve i shall give you nice big problem? | 06:39 |
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Gnea | moj2: could be a bad drive or connection | 06:39 |
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moj2 | oh recently, I changed the boot command line in order to fix a clock problem on the T20 where the clock was always going twice as fast as normal | 06:39 |
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HelpMe | razor-x11: I dont know what a binary is | 06:39 |
razor-x11 | garette, go for it lol | 06:39 |
CheeseGardener | Oh I see... | 06:39 |
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CheeseGardener | so they use the same memory cause it will be needed to bring the program back up | 06:40 |
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CheeseGardener | but the CPU devotes less power to it | 06:40 |
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CheeseGardener | that's smart | 06:40 |
moj2 | the problem was that I didn't see any error message - it just stops after the cd-rom driver load - which makes sense if the cd-rom drive is acting up for some reason | 06:40 |
CheeseGardener | windows is such a hog | 06:40 |
moj2 | I'm going to reboot and give that a shot | 06:40 |
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garette | razor-x11, well here i go.. | 06:40 |
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CheeseGardener | it used to run so slow but, with ubuntu my computer is like 500% faster | 06:40 |
moj2 | be right back | 06:40 |
CheeseGardener | if not 1000% literaly | 06:40 |
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taime | what text editor can i use besides vim when i dont have an x session? | 06:40 |
razor-x11 | garette, lol, wjhat are you running? | 06:40 |
taime | is it vedit? | 06:41 |
Gnea | taime: nano | 06:41 |
kuitang | taime: emacs, pico, nano | 06:41 |
HelpMe | razor-x11: u there? | 06:41 |
taime | nano! thats it thanks | 06:41 |
skippy-pants | taime: you can use vi, or nano, pico | 06:41 |
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MagicFab | how can I setup power management options from command line ? | 06:41 |
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razor-x11 | helpme, goto modsonline.com | 06:42 |
razor-x11 | garette, and got to the tutorials | 06:42 |
garette | razor-x11, recently after i updates all my sofwares using update-manager, my system turned wierd, ... , the first work space is working and the remaiining three work space.. are gone.. in the sense.. when i select them, nothing shows up except the fancy wallpaper which i set lol | 06:42 |
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Qodosh | astro76: If I am uninstalling the second one, what am I looking to uninstall specifically within synaptic? | 06:42 |
HelpMe | razor-x11: why? | 06:42 |
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garette | razor-x11, what tutorials? | 06:42 |
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garette | razor-x11, lol | 06:42 |
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razor-x11 | garette, wrong person lol, very tired. | 06:43 |
astro76 | Qodosh, hang on | 06:43 |
razor-x11 | :D | 06:43 |
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HelpMe | razor-x11: can you just tell me what to put into the terminal? | 06:43 |
HelpMe | razor-x11: pretty pleas? :) | 06:43 |
garette | razor-x11, anyways did you see my problem?? | 06:43 |
garette | razor-x11, i forgot to say that i run compiz, which used to run smooth before i updated my softwares lol | 06:44 |
lufis | What is "virtual memory"? | 06:44 |
razor-x11 | garette, yes | 06:44 |
razor-x11 | garette, by any chance you updated to a new kernel? | 06:44 |
maccam94 | lufis: what your computer does when it runs out of physical memory | 06:44 |
garette | razor-x11, i got a graphic card with 256mb memory and | 06:45 |
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maccam94 | lufis: it has a file or partition where it offloads less used data | 06:45 |
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astro76 | Qodosh, linux-image-<oldversion>, linux-headers-<oldversion>, linux-restricted-modules-<oldversion> | 06:45 |
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HelpMe | razor-x11: nvm you dont have 2 | 06:45 |
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lufis | maccam94: Well, in top and gnome's system monitor, apps are using a lot of virtual memory but my swap isn't even being used | 06:45 |
avarner | garette, i have a really similar problem, i changed some things updated others and boom lots of problems now but its okay i suppose can live with it | 06:45 |
garette | razor-x11, i reinstalled the whole of ubuntu via dvd yesterday | 06:45 |
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astro76 | Qodosh, leave the new version and anything without a version alone | 06:45 |
razor-x11 | garette, Nvidia ? | 06:45 |
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garette | avarner, sorry i can't live without 4 desktops lol :P | 06:45 |
garette | razor-x11, yeah | 06:46 |
maccam94 | lufis: you got me, dunno what that's about... maybe a glitch? | 06:46 |
garette | razor-x11, nvidia 7600 | 06:46 |
razor-x11 | garette, Nvidia fx series? | 06:46 |
razor-x11 | garette, Nvidia ahh | 06:46 |
lufis | maccam94: I dunno... | 06:46 |
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garette | razor-x11, NVIDIA 7600 go Geforce, mobile card for laptops | 06:46 |
razor-x11 | garette, so the hole system is playing up? | 06:46 |
avarner | garette, yeah i hear that -- i am using an nvidia fx 5200go tho so yeah my laptop's graphics suck anyway | 06:46 |
garette | razor-x11, lol | 06:46 |
garette | razor-x11, help | 06:46 |
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astro76 | garette, you could try #ubuntu-effects or #compiz | 06:46 |
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garette | astro76, i thought those to be second options lol | 06:47 |
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RageAgainstThis | where can i find the codec for .ape? | 06:47 |
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garette | razor-x11, so what do you think? | 06:47 |
orbstra | hey where can i learn to config exim4 | 06:47 |
Gnea | www.exim.org | 06:48 |
orbstra | thx | 06:48 |
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wehttamb | how can i upgrade to ubuntu 7.10 | 06:48 |
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astro76 | !gutsy | wehttamb | 06:48 |
ubotu | wehttamb: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 06:48 |
wehttamb | i know its not ready yet but i would like to try it | 06:48 |
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astro76 | wehttamb, upgrade is much more than trying ;) | 06:49 |
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astro76 | it's kinda irreversable | 06:49 |
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moj1 | alrighty | 06:49 |
garette | razor-x11, are you thinking or slept out of tiredness? | 06:49 |
moj1 | changing the cd-rom out / removing it didn't help - it froze after HDD init instead | 06:50 |
user01 | has anyone gotten sierra u595 wireless usb to work well? | 06:50 |
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wehttamb | astro76: yea but i still want it | 06:50 |
moj1 | I have a feeling it has more to do with acpi / apic settings that were tested right before this started happening | 06:50 |
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moj1 | but I was hoping if that were the case, that when I went back to the old settings it would work the way it used to, clock too fast, but at least booting | 06:51 |
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moj1 | but that has not been the case | 06:51 |
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astro76 | garette, they are second options, because I never see anyone answer compiz/beryl questions in here ;) | 06:51 |
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garette | astro76, lol | 06:51 |
jpowermacg4 | hey guys, i --purge removed my linux kernel and installed a new one.. but now grub doesn't give me any booting options.. anyone know what i need to do to get grub working again.. it claims it detects my kernel when i run /usr/sbin/update-grub .. but when i boot.. it only shows me a grub line | 06:52 |
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garette | astro76, i think prob is not with my compiz, but with updating softwares | 06:52 |
Reilithion | I installed Celestia and ran it once. After a very short time, it seemed to crash, and took the rest of the system with it -- I was forced to press the power button and allow Ubuntu to shut down, then boot back up. Now, OpenGL applications do not seem to be working at all, from Celestia to glxgears. | 06:52 |
=== PF|Ubuntu [n=brandon@docsis-cbm-17-184.nclxtn.lexcominc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Reilithion | How can I diagnose and fix this problem? | 06:52 |
bulmer | jpowermacg4: you're screwed if you didnt run mkinitrd right after you replaced your old kernel | 06:52 |
jpowermacg4 | i'm back into rescue mode | 06:53 |
garette | astro76, i already dropped the messages in those channels but no reply | 06:53 |
jpowermacg4 | i can run mkinitrd now | 06:53 |
crypto | can someone tell what is wrong with this crontab line? 1 * * * * my_command. I find that it only executes this command every hour. I thought this shd execute every min. Can someone explain? | 06:53 |
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garette | astro76, :( | 06:53 |
astro76 | garette, it's just that that stuff is still so buggy, most X weirdness is due to them | 06:53 |
astro76 | garette, that is also common :/ | 06:53 |
palintheus | I am trying to create a /home partition on an existing install, it was set up with LVM and when I try to boot to a 7.04 live cd I get a tty error, gparted does not recognize my root partition, and i don't feel confortable with lvresize | 06:53 |
garette | astro76, rofl | 06:53 |
PF|Ubuntu | Im trying to get to Run Level 3 without the X interface. Yet everytime I stop X, I dont get a command line. And everytime I try to boot into Recovery Mode and init 3 to get to Run Level 3, it starts X. What can I do? | 06:53 |
maccam94 | PF|Ubuntu: have you tried doing ctrl + alt + f1 after stopping X? | 06:54 |
PF|Ubuntu | sec | 06:54 |
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jpowermacg4 | bulmer where is mkinitrd located? | 06:54 |
bulmer | PF|Ubuntu: level 2-5 are all same level, you wanted 1 for single user? | 06:54 |
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nomaS | nobody can help me with freebsd? | 06:54 |
PF|Ubuntu | It says I need 3 | 06:54 |
PF|Ubuntu | to install this driver | 06:54 |
garette | astro76, well i heard the next version of ubuntu is coming with the compiz-(something better than currentone) is it so? | 06:54 |
Music_Shuffle | nomaS, this isn't a freeBSD help channel. | 06:54 |
PF|Ubuntu | nomaS, this is Ubuntu not BSD | 06:54 |
Music_Shuffle | garette, compiz-fusion, I think so. | 06:54 |
bulmer | jpowermacg4: thats just the step you must do when replacing stuff at /boot to install the new kernels | 06:54 |
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astro76 | garette, yeah in fact compiz-fusion will be turned on by default for supported hardware, so it should work well then :D | 06:55 |
nomaS | sorry, just askin | 06:55 |
nomaS | sorry, just asking | 06:55 |
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garette | Music_shuffle,yeah | 06:55 |
maccam94 | PF|Ubuntu: ctrl + alt + F1. login. run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop. do whatever. then do /etc/init.d/gdm start to start X again | 06:55 |
jpowermacg4 | bulmer how do i do that step.. i'm loaded into a rescue shell | 06:55 |
nomaS | where can i find help ? | 06:55 |
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astro76 | nomaS, there's an active ##freebsd channel | 06:55 |
garette | astro76, hehe yeah | 06:55 |
garette | astro76, no replies on the other 2 channels, you know anything about my problem? | 06:55 |
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astro76 | no sorry | 06:56 |
nomaS | thanks | 06:56 |
garette | hehe | 06:56 |
garette | :0 | 06:56 |
bulmer | jpowermacg4: hang..i may have to search my notes | 06:56 |
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garette | astro76, i actually use gentoo, which i unexpectedly lost due to *misremoval* of gentoo partition on my harddisk | 06:57 |
astro76 | garette, maybe try something as simple as removing them from workspace switcher and re-adding them? not sure if that's even used with compiz, I haven't tried that stuff | 06:57 |
wehttamb | how can i install xorg 7.3? | 06:57 |
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maccam94 | wehttamb: um, download the alpha 7.10 livecd? is 7.3 even stable yet? | 06:58 |
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astro76 | wehttamb, best bet wait till october for gutsy | 06:58 |
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wehttamb | can i download it and install it into 7.10? | 06:58 |
wehttamb | just xorg 7.3 | 06:58 |
garette | astro76, i was actually trying to complately remove my wondows partition and unexpecteldy removed my gentoo partition, which took a month for me to install (compile) properly, so now i am frustated and installed ubuntu | 06:58 |
Kousotu | try windows VistaRC1? lol | 06:58 |
astro76 | wehttamb, that's not supported | 06:59 |
wehttamb | ok | 06:59 |
garette | astro76, which is as easy as eating a piece of cake lol | 06:59 |
astro76 | garette, lol | 06:59 |
astro76 | wehttamb, and probably not worth your time | 06:59 |
wehttamb | ok | 06:59 |
maccam94 | garette: ah, that is too bad. usually you can recover that type of thing with something like testdisk | 06:59 |
bulmer | jpowermacg4: i can not easily find my notes..i believe it is not just mkinitrd but also the device definitions..find any tutorial on kernel compilation, the steps are pretty much the same | 06:59 |
astro76 | wehttamb, get the latest gutsy tribe livecd and run it if you want to check stuff out | 07:00 |
maccam94 | indeed | 07:00 |
ca1 | maccam94: azureus is still doing the same thing... | 07:00 |
maccam94 | ca1: where did you install azureus from? | 07:00 |
jpowermacg4 | ok bulmer.. but i woulda thought i could run whatever ubuntu runs during the install for it to work.. lol | 07:00 |
wehttamb | astro76: im interisted in the support for multiple monitors in xorg7.3 | 07:00 |
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ca1 | maccam94: This was my brother's computer, so it already had it. | 07:00 |
ca1 | maccam94: should I reinstall? | 07:00 |
astro76 | wehttamb, even better, report any bugs in launchpad | 07:00 |
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garette | maccam94, no i deleted and reformatted the gentoo partition even before i relaized | 07:01 |
Kousotu | sux to be you? | 07:01 |
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wehttamb | thats y i would like either gutsy or xorg 7.3 in feisty | 07:01 |
=== ca1 [n=joshua@fl-71-55-253-10.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | wehttamb, yes gutsy is supposed to support multiple monitors out of the box | 07:01 |
maccam94 | ca1: did it use automatix? | 07:01 |
astro76 | wehttamb, it's not going to be even close to that easy as it is to say | 07:02 |
ca1 | maccam94: sorry, accidentally closed window* What did you say before? | 07:02 |
wehttamb | yea thats why im interisted in it | 07:02 |
wehttamb | ok | 07:02 |
wehttamb | why not | 07:02 |
maccam94 | ca1: is automatix in applications -> system tools ? | 07:02 |
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garette | maccam94, :D | 07:02 |
ca1 | maccam94: yes | 07:02 |
Kousotu | astro, wil it support my acer aspire 3680 laptop? | 07:02 |
astro76 | wehttamb, seriously, get the gutsy tribe (3 or 4 not sure which one's out now), try it out, and help out by reporting bugs | 07:02 |
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maccam94 | ca1: alright, open that up, and go to the uninstall tab | 07:03 |
maccam94 | (i hope it's the new version) | 07:03 |
Kousotu | astro76: t3 right now | 07:03 |
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wehttamb | can i just upgrade to that from 7.04 or do i have to do a full install | 07:03 |
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yellow_chicken | anyone know how to recursively get google map, so that when i am travelling, i can see it without wifi? | 07:03 |
astro76 | Kousotu, hmm? | 07:03 |
Kousotu | tribe 3 | 07:03 |
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Kousotu | that's what I'm downloaing | 07:04 |
Kousotu | lol | 07:04 |
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ca1 | meccam94: All it said was automatix is only avaliable for ubuntu 6.10 or something | 07:04 |
maccam94 | ca1: ahh | 07:04 |
maccam94 | oy | 07:04 |
maccam94 | well | 07:04 |
astro76 | wehttamb, ... do you really want to upgrade your working stable system to something that is going to crash all the time and not guarantee not erasing all your data? | 07:04 |
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wehttamb | is it that unstable? | 07:04 |
maccam94 | YES | 07:04 |
maccam94 | IT IS ALPHA | 07:04 |
maccam94 | fyi i tried tribe 2 | 07:05 |
maccam94 | it is VERY unstable | 07:05 |
maccam94 | back to ca1 | 07:05 |
maccam94 | um | 07:05 |
astro76 | Kousotu, ahh.... yeah 4 is out in a few days | 07:05 |
maccam94 | really? | 07:05 |
maccam94 | sweet | 07:05 |
maccam94 | um | 07:05 |
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moj1 | so, any idea what I can do towards troubleshooting my boot problem? | 07:05 |
astro76 | moj1, what is it? | 07:06 |
moj1 | my thinkpad t20 hangs right after "Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision 3.20" | 07:06 |
moj1 | or right after hdd init if the cd-rom is removed | 07:06 |
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moj1 | can still do alt+ctrl+delete but it doesn't ever want to proceed past that point for some reason =/ | 07:07 |
ca1 | maccam94: any ideas? | 07:07 |
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jpowermacg4 | guess i'll just reinstall.. and this time install the kernel before removing the old one first... lol.. which is what i was supposed to have did.. lol | 07:07 |
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maccam94 | ca1: yes | 07:08 |
astro76 | !automatix | 07:08 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:08 |
astro76 | ca1, probably reinstall, yeah :/ | 07:09 |
maccam94 | astro76: i'm just gonna have him install azureus from the repo's | 07:09 |
maccam94 | and actually it's probably not necessary to reinstall | 07:09 |
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astro76 | good luck ;) | 07:09 |
ca1 | so what should I do? | 07:09 |
NETWizz | I wish to create my own repository | 07:09 |
maccam94 | all he needs to do is change the software listing in software sources from edgy to feisty | 07:09 |
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astro76 | ca1, try what maccam94 suggests | 07:10 |
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maccam94 | ca1: go to system, adminstration, software sources | 07:10 |
maccam94 | go to third party software | 07:10 |
ca1 | ok | 07:10 |
maccam94 | click on the getautomatix entry | 07:10 |
maccam94 | click edit | 07:10 |
maccam94 | change distribution from edgy to feisty | 07:11 |
maccam94 | hit ok | 07:11 |
maccam94 | check that entry now | 07:11 |
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ca1 | okay | 07:11 |
ca1 | now what? | 07:11 |
maccam94 | hit ok | 07:11 |
ca1 | close? | 07:11 |
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maccam94 | yup | 07:11 |
maccam94 | open up system admin synaptic | 07:11 |
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maccam94 | hit reload | 07:12 |
shaun | ubuntu did not recognize my sound card on install, is there a way i can force this? | 07:12 |
ca1 | told me tom reload when I closed | 07:12 |
ca1 | im reloading. | 07:12 |
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maccam94 | ca1: ok, mark all upgrades. is apply now an option? | 07:12 |
Reilithion | *sigh* in addition, it seems some screen savers were using OpenGL and they caused a crash as well just now. | 07:12 |
maccam94 | shaun: yes | 07:13 |
maccam94 | but i'm busy and then going to bed :-( | 07:13 |
Reilithion | Are there configuration files I should check or something? | 07:13 |
ca1 | maccam94: could not download all repository indexes | 07:13 |
ca1 | maccam94: http://soulmachine.net/breezy/unstable/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found | 07:13 |
chikita | hi, i cant download anything from nicotine plus, what can i do? | 07:14 |
maccam94 | ca1: that's fine for now | 07:14 |
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maccam94 | ca1: ok, mark all upgrades. is apply now an option? | 07:14 |
ce_ce_15 | surabaya | 07:14 |
ca1 | maccam94: gksudo synaptic? | 07:14 |
bulmer | jpowermacg4: did you copy the Sstem.map to /boot during install too? | 07:14 |
avarner | hey whats the bot command for gutsy? | 07:15 |
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maccam94 | ca1: sure, if it isn't open. or system -> administration -> synaptic | 07:15 |
maccam94 | !gutsy | 07:15 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 07:15 |
maccam94 | ? | 07:15 |
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ca1 | maccam94: okay I did. I clicked mark all upgrades. apply isn't an option | 07:15 |
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maccam94 | ok | 07:15 |
maccam94 | ca1: on the bottom left side, you should see a button that says origin | 07:16 |
maccam94 | click onit | 07:16 |
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maccam94 | and click the getautomatix on the left panel | 07:16 |
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whiteboyadfdf | SCRIM NEEDED 5v5 | 07:16 |
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whiteboyadfdf | css or 1.6 | 07:16 |
maccam94 | css ftrw | 07:17 |
maccam94 | *ftw | 07:17 |
whiteboyadfdf | 192.325.328.238:27015 | 07:17 |
bex | i'm having a problem with x server restarting on its own | 07:17 |
whiteboyadfdf | CAL IM ONLY PLEASE | 07:17 |
maccam94 | too bad i'm on a cruddy ubuntu laptop | 07:17 |
chikita | hi, i cant download anything from nicotine plus, what can i do? | 07:17 |
bex | can anyone help? | 07:17 |
whiteboyadfdf | SCRIM NEEDED 5v5 | 07:17 |
whiteboyadfdf | css or 1.6 | 07:17 |
whiteboyadfdf | CAL IM ONLY PLEASE | 07:17 |
ca1 | maccam94: I don't see anything on the left panel mentioning getautomatix | 07:17 |
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astro76 | !repeat | whiteboyadfdf | 07:17 |
ubotu | whiteboyadfdf: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 07:17 |
maccam94 | ca1: after clicking origin? | 07:17 |
whiteboyadfdf | SCRIM NEEDED 5v5 css or 1.6 | 07:17 |
whiteboyadfdf | sry | 07:17 |
kankraka | haha, it seems like 10000 people have the same idea as i do.. | 07:17 |
ca1 | maccam94: yeah | 07:18 |
whiteboyadfdf | wtf is a ubuntu | 07:18 |
defcon | when I install wine applications I dont get a wine menu | 07:18 |
defcon | how do I fix this | 07:18 |
whiteboyadfdf | where is cs scrim channel? | 07:18 |
maccam94 | whiteboyadfdf: linux | 07:18 |
bex | i'm getting a signall 11 | 07:18 |
sauvin | wtf is scrim? | 07:18 |
maccam94 | gaming lingo | 07:18 |
maccam94 | scrimmage | 07:18 |
whiteboyadfdf | linux? nigga i need some counter-strike scrimmin | 07:18 |
defcon | I used to have a wine menu and it updated, not anymore after I removed wine and reinstalled it | 07:18 |
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maccam94 | whiteboyadfdf: check #cedega | 07:18 |
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kankraka | ubuntu 7.0.4, tried to install a driver for my stupid broadcom card using ndiswrapper, long story short.. it didn't work | 07:19 |
whiteboyadfdf | not any that non-gaming non-userfriendly bull | 07:19 |
whiteboyadfdf | k thanks | 07:19 |
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sauvin | My broadcom wireless doesn't seem to be very well supported either :\ | 07:19 |
maccam94 | ca1: you sure you checked off the getautomatix repository and not the breezy one? | 07:19 |
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Helmi | hmm my gedit crashes when loading some special files for a few days now. | 07:19 |
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Helmi | anyone with an idea how to come closer to a solution? | 07:19 |
sauvin | Does anybody know what an .ape file is? | 07:19 |
Kousotu | lol | 07:20 |
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Wolfwalker | I'm looking into this aircard from Cingular or Verizon. How well does Ubuntu handle these cellphone internet cards? | 07:20 |
astro76 | Helmi, some special files? | 07:20 |
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bex | can someone help me? when i try to lock my screen or put on a screensaver, x server crashes. my xorg log says something about a signal 11. can anyone help? | 07:20 |
Wolfwalker | an .ape file is an audio compression. | 07:20 |
maccam94 | sauvin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey's_Audio | 07:20 |
ca1 | maccam94: what are you talking about? | 07:20 |
maccam94 | ca1: open up settings -> repositories | 07:20 |
sauvin | Mmkay... | 07:20 |
Sonicadvance1 | Is there a way to make the window list to have a max size on it's window selectors? | 07:20 |
Helmi | astro76, yeah it doesn't crash on every file just on some | 07:20 |
ca1 | maccam94: ok | 07:21 |
maccam94 | ca1: and make sure under third party you have getautomatix.com checked | 07:21 |
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kankraka | sauvin, i tried this howto for 5.x, but.. it's left me nowhere, i'd use linux constantly if it wasn't for this card :| | 07:21 |
Helmi | astro76, in the current case it crashes when i open a style sheet of my current project - looks like it crashes while doing the syntax highlighting stuff | 07:21 |
ca1 | maccam94: miss that. Doing it now. | 07:21 |
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File13 | if im trying to unzip multiple zip parts into one thing how do i do that on ubuntu | 07:22 |
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ca1 | maccam94: I got an error want to see the pastebin? | 07:22 |
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sauvin | According to that wiki, what I get is: "avoid .ape files". | 07:22 |
File13 | do i have to get a certain program, because i cant seem to do it by default here | 07:22 |
Wolfwalker | Hey! | 07:22 |
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maccam94 | ca1: did it say unauthenticated? | 07:22 |
Wolfwalker | monkeys audio isn't all that bad | 07:22 |
buntu | anyone know how to change the Ubuntu Applications icon with that nifty little Gnome foot? | 07:23 |
Wolfwalker | sauvin, get dbpoweramp and the ape plugin for it. It'll decode it to wav. It runs in wine. | 07:23 |
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sauvin | I've never tried to use unix tools to unzip multipart zip files... moment while I scan a doc or two... | 07:23 |
sauvin | I've been avoiding wine. | 07:23 |
Wolfwalker | I'm looking into this aircard from Cingular or Verizon. How well does Ubuntu handle these cellphone internet cards? | 07:23 |
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maccam94 | Wolfwalker: works for some, depends on the chipset | 07:23 |
Wolfwalker | |sauvin:| why avoid wine? It works. | 07:24 |
buntu | it works well | 07:24 |
buntu | playing wow on it now | 07:24 |
astro76 | Helmi, try checking launchpad or ubuntuforums to see if anyone has the same problem, if not maybe report it to launchpad, also see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures | 07:24 |
ca1 | maccam94: no | 07:24 |
Wolfwalker | My chipset is a Gateway MX3701 | 07:24 |
LaserLine | I just installed a brand new second IDE hard drive and bios detects it, but Ubuntu doesn't seem to see it. I'm assumming it's because I need to format it. How can I accomplish this in Ubuntu 7.04? | 07:25 |
Gnea | LaserLine: did you check dmesg? | 07:25 |
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ca1 | maccam94: same error I mentioned before and some verificiation code thingy | 07:25 |
Flannel | LaserLine: gparted will let you partition it, and then you'll have to edit your fstab to mount it whereever you want | 07:25 |
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taime | how do i tell ubuntu to load a module for soundblaster at startup? | 07:25 |
LaserLine | Gnea: I'm no expert. What's dmesg? | 07:25 |
astro76 | !partition | LaserLine | 07:26 |
ubotu | LaserLine: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 07:26 |
Gnea | LaserLine: a command that tells you all of the kernel messages | 07:26 |
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Gnea | LaserLine: if a piece of hardware is detected, dmesg will tell you about it | 07:26 |
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jamin | I need to get higher resolutions, but it only gives me the choice of 1025x768. is there fix for this? | 07:26 |
maccam94 | ca1: the verification error is a warning, and doesn't stop you from installing things. you shouldn't need to worry about it for the time being | 07:26 |
sauvin | Because using wine means using MS crap. File13, the docs for unzip dont' mention multipart ANYTHING :( | 07:26 |
astro76 | !resolution | jamin | 07:27 |
ubotu | jamin: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:27 |
maccam94 | ca1: now try finding getautomatix in the left panel in origin | 07:27 |
File13 | :-o | 07:27 |
File13 | there has to be a way! | 07:27 |
alieas | Hi, I did apt-get install proftpd, but I receive "421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection". I set these up before no problems... and I've been reading the forums for over an hour - No Idea what could be causing this.... any suggestions? | 07:27 |
ca1 | maccam94: not sure if this is any significance but my update manager has automatix2 in it just now. | 07:27 |
maccam94 | good | 07:27 |
maccam94 | upgrade it | 07:27 |
Wolfwalker | sauvin, the MS crap in question is freeware. dBpowerAMP doth totally rock, it's free and it will get your .ape file into something you can listen to. | 07:27 |
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jamin | ubotu: thanks | 07:28 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 07:28 |
=== ranian [n=kranian@net136-138.paichai.ac.kr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Wolfwalker | Or you could just use soundkonvertor. | 07:28 |
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Wolfwalker | !botsnack | 07:28 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 07:28 |
Wolfwalker | Someone been messing with the bot again........ | 07:28 |
sauvin | Soundkonverter ::scribble:: Or I can just find the same file in another format. | 07:28 |
Gnea | alieas: apt-get install proftpd-doc and read /usr/share/doc/proftpd-doc/* | 07:28 |
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Wolfwalker | Or you could just find the same file in another format, if you want to do it the hard way, sure. | 07:28 |
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ca1 | maccam94: I had to close the synaptic to upgrade so give it some time | 07:29 |
=== BwR [i=bwr@c-581d71d5.022-58-68736410.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sauvin | I have precisely 4 .ape files in this mess, and nearly a thousand in other formats. I'm sure it'd be easier either to find alternative format files, or just ditch them :D | 07:29 |
maccam94 | File13: try apt-get install unp | 07:29 |
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maccam94 | supposed to handle multiple archive files | 07:29 |
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Wolfwalker | As a registered, card carrying music nut, I of course already have said music convertor programs. I guess for normal people it might be more trouble than it's worth though to learn the interface just for a couple of songs. | 07:30 |
BwR | How do i initiate install if x is unable to detect my screen and aborts becouse of that? | 07:30 |
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slestak | BwR: get the alternate isntall cd, it has a text mode installer | 07:30 |
maccam94 | BwR: you want to install ubuntu without a gui? you need the alternate install cd | 07:31 |
sauvin | Yup. Frankly, if mplayer can't already handle it, I probably don't want to mess with it :) | 07:31 |
BwR | no i want it to work | 07:31 |
Wolfwalker | mplayer doesn't run .ape files? | 07:31 |
BwR | with graphics and everthing | 07:31 |
Wolfwalker | Get the ape library, duh | 07:31 |
sauvin | Not that I'm able to tell. There's probably a codec to download somewhere, but I'm too lazy to find it. | 07:31 |
slestak | BwR: thats actually my preferred install cd. it will after you get system installed and can install a better ati vodeo driver. | 07:31 |
Wolfwalker | Oh | 07:31 |
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Digitalspy | hey guys, whats the better system monitor for ubuntu feisty? one that doesnt consume much RAM | 07:31 |
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sauvin | Theory is, if mplayer can't deal with it, it's a *problem*. Mplayer plays things that other things just won't touch. | 07:32 |
Wolfwalker | Well yeah. Laziness I can't advise on, as I am also lazy in many areas. If you ever find a way around it, let me know willya? | 07:32 |
slestak | BwR: nvidia and intel users can use the livecd, but most every ati machine i have fails using the livecd | 07:32 |
warnet12 | marang | 07:32 |
sauvin | LOL. | 07:32 |
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astro76 | BwR, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall | 07:32 |
maccam94 | mplayer and vlc. if they don't play it, it's not an a/v file | 07:32 |
BwR | slestak ok, but i don't have one :( | 07:32 |
sauvin | Just for giggles, though.... there's a libape in the synaptics repos? | 07:32 |
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slestak | BwR: what video card to you have? | 07:32 |
maccam94 | BwR: have you tried booting the cd in safe graphics mode? | 07:32 |
Wolfwalker | Prolly. monkeys audio is fairly common. | 07:33 |
jamin | im trying to do a X reconfigure and it is asking for X server driver. i have intel onboard video. | 07:33 |
BwR | i just booted it in safe mode and it don't work | 07:33 |
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Wolfwalker | But if one frame is messed up, just ONE, the whole file comes up as bad. I use FLAC for lossless compression, it's far more forgiving. | 07:33 |
BwR | ive got an 1650pro. ati igp | 07:33 |
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xenoie | bwr: do you have ubuntu installed? | 07:34 |
Digitalspy | the best system monitor? that doesn consume much RAM? | 07:34 |
Digitalspy | gdesklets? | 07:34 |
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Wolfwalker | !fluxubuntu Digitalspy | 07:34 |
xenoie | bwr: or you are trying to, sorry i just caught this in the middle | 07:34 |
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sauvin | No, there isn't. I searched on libape and on monkey. No joy. | 07:35 |
Wolfwalker | !fluxubuntu | 07:35 |
ubotu | fluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/ | 07:35 |
BwR | Trying to install | 07:35 |
Wolfwalker | Okay, I forgot the syntax | 07:35 |
sauvin | Psheah. Ubuntu makes Fedora Core look like it's running backwards. In fact, Ubuntu makes MOST things look slow. | 07:35 |
Wolfwalker | !Digitalspy fluxubuntu | 07:35 |
jamin | im configuring xserver-xorg and it is asking for me to select a video card driver for the X server. I dont see mine on there. What should i do? | 07:35 |
xenoie | bwr: are you having issues with the live CD? | 07:35 |
Digitalspy | fluxubuntu? looks interesting | 07:35 |
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BwR | yes and i will not be able to download the alternate cd | 07:36 |
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xenoie | bwr: I personally had issues with the live cd/installer and had to install via text. | 07:36 |
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xenoie | bwr: why can you not download it? | 07:36 |
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BwR | its an pal of mine that needs help and doesent have an connection there | 07:37 |
BwR | he has an console | 07:37 |
Flannel | BwR: so, download it here | 07:37 |
BwR | wich works | 07:37 |
thirst | hi everyone... i was going to install ubuntu7.04 on a system with no net access. What all .debs shud I download and burn on to cd beforehand to get mplayer/xine/winamp-mp3 to work well. Is there any doc on this already. | 07:38 |
BwR | hes to far away for me to give him the text cd | 07:38 |
maccam94 | ca1: after automatix2 installs, use it to install azureus (or reinstall it if it has the option). automatix2 is located in applications -> system tools | 07:38 |
JFr3ak | hi everybody, can somebody suggest to me a good game please xS | 07:38 |
xenoie | bwr: if you install via text the CD should include the ubuntu-desktop packages | 07:38 |
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maccam94 | JFr3ak: nexuiz | 07:38 |
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zewey | JFr3ak: Battle for Wesnoth | 07:38 |
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JFr3ak | thks | 07:38 |
BwR | and the real cd doesen't ???? | 07:38 |
maccam94 | JFr3ak: nexuiz is a first person shooter like quake | 07:38 |
ca1 | maccam94: during the update I got errors involving sun-java5 and 6 docs | 07:39 |
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JFr3ak | do you know somethig like need 4 speed or fifa soccer? | 07:39 |
xenoie | bwr: the live CD/intaller should have both, the alternate CD has them as well, if you are having issues installing via the live GUI based install CD | 07:39 |
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sauvin | If all you're worried about is mplayer, don't. I believe mplayer is already included in the base ubuntu install. What you'll need to do is bop over to the mplayer home page and grab all the codecs. After installing ubuntu, copy the codecs to a directory somewhere in /usr, I forget where. | 07:39 |
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BwR | all i need to do is tell him to do to get the ati drivers installed, the sata drivers and how to initiate an install after that | 07:40 |
maccam94 | ca1: did it stop things from installing? | 07:40 |
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ca1 | maccam94: not to my knowledge. anyways I'm back to synaptic and see three things on the left panel involving getautomatix | 07:40 |
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alieas | Gnea: These docs are horrendous. I've never had a problem like this before, is there any other kind of solution? Could I be missing an auth package or something? I desperatly need to access my code on this server, I'm SSH'ed in | 07:41 |
thirst | sauvin: thanks. is gmplayer also included ? | 07:41 |
maccam94 | ca1: did you install automatix2? | 07:41 |
xenoie | bwr: those devices are not supported by the kernel on the install CD? | 07:41 |
ca1 | maccam94: think so. | 07:41 |
sauvin | I can't be certain of this, but yes, I believe so. | 07:41 |
maccam94 | ca1: close synaptic and open automatix in applications -> system tools | 07:41 |
BwR | not natively | 07:41 |
sauvin | Can anybody confirm that gmplayer is included with a basic ubuntu install? | 07:41 |
ca1 | okay | 07:41 |
ca1 | working | 07:42 |
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ca1 | maccam94: working* | 07:42 |
maccam94 | sauvin: yes | 07:42 |
maccam94 | er | 07:42 |
maccam94 | i think | 07:42 |
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astro76 | sauvin, it is not | 07:42 |
maccam94 | sorry that is totally useless | 07:42 |
sauvin | Grrr. Thirst, did you say a livecd install is a problem? | 07:42 |
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sauvin | I could have sworn mplayer was included. | 07:42 |
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=== sauvin fishes out his livecd to find out | ||
maccam94 | sauvin: me too... | 07:43 |
Don | hello everyone | 07:43 |
ca1 | hi | 07:43 |
Flannel | sauvin: It is not | 07:43 |
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ca1 | maccam94: it's opened. waiting for you. | 07:43 |
Flannel | !automatix | maccam94, ca1 | 07:43 |
ubotu | maccam94, ca1: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:43 |
kuitang | !WorksForMe | 07:44 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 07:44 |
xenoie | bwr: what kind of system is this? | 07:44 |
maccam94 | Flannel: I KNOW | 07:44 |
ca1 | Okay, and what should I do about all that info? | 07:44 |
Flannel | ca1: Don't use automatix | 07:44 |
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maccam94 | Flannel: please don't interfere, long story | 07:45 |
xenoie | bwr: are these onboard chips, (sata, vid, etc?) | 07:45 |
ca1 | What was all that automatix trouble for then? | 07:45 |
maccam94 | ca1: go to file sharing, and install azureus | 07:45 |
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sauvin | Thirst, I apologise. I can't find mplayer on my livecd. | 07:45 |
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BwR | Its an laptop Fujitsusiemens amilo M 1437G | 07:45 |
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maccam94 | ca1: there are occasionally issues with automatix, but since you already had it i'm going to utilize it | 07:45 |
Don | quit good night | 07:46 |
crypto | can someone tell what is wrong with this crontab line? 1 * * * * my_command. I find that it only executes this command every hour. I thought this shd execute every min. Can someone explain? | 07:46 |
ca1 | maccam94: it wants me to "no" + return, do I do it? | 07:46 |
kuitang | crypto: 1 means execute on the first minute of every hour | 07:46 |
crypto | oh i c | 07:47 |
maccam94 | ca1: what does it mean no? | 07:47 |
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crypto | kuitang: in that case it is working as expected. thanks :) | 07:47 |
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kuitang | crypto: If you need finer granuality, read the crontab manpage | 07:47 |
alieas | Is there something new in Feisty that would stop me from FTP'ing into my box? I don't have desktop only SSH. This 421 Error is driving me crazy. | 07:47 |
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crypto | kuitang: been reading that. need to play around bit more. thank u | 07:48 |
Flannel | alieas: SSH isn't FTP. That'd be why | 07:48 |
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LaserLine | ok so I partitioned my new second hard drive using gpartition. What is the easiest way to mount my new hard drive and how do I do it? | 07:48 |
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alieas | Flannel: I'm saying I don't have GUI access to configure it, only SSH | 07:48 |
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alieas | Flannel: I've been through the .conf file over and over | 07:48 |
alieas | Flannel: Iptables not blocking | 07:48 |
alieas | wtf | 07:48 |
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maccam94 | it's 2 am here >_< | 07:49 |
alieas | damn protocol is 25 years old and implementation is this weak ? | 07:49 |
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maccam94 | ca1: you there? | 07:49 |
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ca1 | maccam94: says it is an installer package not containing the actual JDK documentation. Download one from "jdk-6-doc.zip jdk-6-dock-ja.zip" and to vivist the site now and download | 07:49 |
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maccam94 | ca1: does it halt the installation? | 07:49 |
ca1 | yeah | 07:49 |
ca1 | It halts until I make a decision | 07:50 |
maccam94 | oh, hit no | 07:50 |
ca1 | ok | 07:50 |
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ca1 | did it again | 07:50 |
ca1 | no and continue again? | 07:50 |
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maccam94 | yes | 07:51 |
maccam94 | er | 07:51 |
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maccam94 | hit no | 07:51 |
maccam94 | and continue | 07:51 |
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astro76 | crypto, that's the 1st minute of every hour, you want all * for every minute | 07:51 |
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ca1 | maccam94: "FATAL ERROR: Azureus An apt-based error occurred and installation was unsuccessful" | 07:51 |
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maccam94 | ca1: i call uncle. close azureus, open up synaptic, and install the azureus listed in there. if it asks to download the java docs just say yes | 07:52 |
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maccam94 | i don't mean close azureus | 07:52 |
maccam94 | i meant close automatix | 07:52 |
ca1 | okay | 07:52 |
sauvin | What *is* automatix? | 07:52 |
astro76 | !automatix | 07:53 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:53 |
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maccam94 | sauvin: it's a utility that automagically installs stuff. i've never had problems with it, but i've hear horror stories | 07:53 |
maccam94 | *heard | 07:53 |
Flannel | sauvin: it's a bad idea. Breaks systems, does stupid things | 07:53 |
astro76 | ca1, this is the problem with automatix and why we don't support systems that have used it here, this is such a horrid waste of time, azureus is in the ubuntu repos, this is all easy stuff without automatix | 07:53 |
xenoie | !automatix | 07:54 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:54 |
sauvin | Pfeah. I'm still a "download/less README/make/make test/make install" kind of weenie. Don't want no damned "automatic install" garbage if it isn't Synaptics. | 07:54 |
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alieas | It doesn't even say anything in /var/log/proftpd ! wtf! no logging on a "421" denied error ?????? how is that even possible that it errors and doesn't log ? | 07:54 |
xenoie | I had issues after using automatix in tests | 07:54 |
ca1 | maccam94: so mark for reinstallation? Or remove completely then install? | 07:55 |
Flannel | sauvin: Well, you shouldn't use make either, use something like checkinstall, so that it's foreward compatable with package management | 07:55 |
alieas | Seriously out of everybody here no one has had a "421" problem with ftp servers??? | 07:55 |
xenoie | depending on what you install it can cause various problems | 07:55 |
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sauvin | Flannel, I fully understand that (Fedora Core folks have the same warning to make); somebody in HERE warned me to install home-built stuff into /var. | 07:55 |
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tulga | howto customize openoffice on my ubuntu box? where is theme files? | 07:55 |
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xenoie | alieas: You are getting a 421 error when connecting to ftp servers or...? | 07:55 |
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Flannel | sauvin: /var? That's... stupid. They go in /usr/local/ | 07:56 |
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sauvin | Flannel, that's what I'd thought, too, until I noticed synaptics putting stuff there. | 07:56 |
Flannel | !nickspam > AutumnCat | 07:56 |
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maccam94 | ca1: mark for reinstallation | 07:56 |
alieas | xenoie: I installed pro-ftpd on a server, and I can't connec to localhost | 07:56 |
alieas | proftpd* | 07:56 |
Flannel | sauvin: What packages are put in /usr/local? Sounds like a packaging error | 07:56 |
sauvin | (or was that /opt? I forget... it's bookmarked...) | 07:56 |
sauvin | Let me look. | 07:57 |
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astro76 | sauvin, home built stuff is supposed to go in /usr/local, /opt is for large statically linked software packages (e.g. GoogleEarth) | 07:57 |
sauvin | GNUstep, hugs98, ocaml, pike, python 2.4, python 2.5, R, scsh-0.6, site_ruby and yorick. | 07:57 |
xenoie | alieas: did you install as standalone or identd? | 07:58 |
xenoie | inetd* | 07:59 |
alieas | xenoie: inetd, but I have tried both in the .conf file | 07:59 |
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sauvin | Flannel: http://tldp.org/LDP/Linux-Filesystem-Hierarchy/html/index.html | 07:59 |
sauvin | so far, ubuntu has made it UNNECESSARY for me to build anything. | 07:59 |
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Flannel | sauvin: yorick doesn't put anything in /usr/local, nor does scsh-0.6 | 07:59 |
alieas | xenoie: I then install xinetd, which didn't do anything | 07:59 |
sauvin | Flannel, I used synaptics to install them. I'm looking right AT /usr/local/lib. | 08:00 |
xenoie | alieas: look in /etc/init.d/ for xinetd | 08:00 |
Flannel | sauvin: this is feisty? | 08:00 |
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Shinma | hi.... my system beep is being routed to my headphones (onboard Intel HD chipset) while my music and everything else comes through my soundblaster card (Audigy2), how can i make sure all sound is routed through my Audigy2 ? | 08:00 |
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alieas | xenoie: yes, exists | 08:00 |
sauvin | Flannel, yes. There are also craploads of things in /usr/local/share. | 08:00 |
xenoie | if it's there then sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart | 08:00 |
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Slart | Shinma: system beep is weird... I have the same problem.. haven't found an answer yet | 08:01 |
Flannel | sauvin: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=yorick&version=feisty&arch=i386 | 08:01 |
Flannel | sauvin: Nothing. You must have something else going on | 08:01 |
alieas | xenoie: if I try to execute xinetd it says its not installed, I removed the package | 08:01 |
xenoie | try to connect via ftp to localhost or just telnet localhost 21 | 08:01 |
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sauvin | That's certainly possible, but I'm telling you, I've never used anything but the synaptics package manager to install anything. | 08:01 |
xenoie | alieas: you need that package installed if you installed proftpd to run under inetd | 08:01 |
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xenoie | otherwise install it as standalone | 08:02 |
astro76 | Shinma, seems to be annoying anyway you look at it, mine comes out of the pc speaker, and I always turn it off in sound preferences | 08:02 |
xenoie | !inetd | 08:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about inetd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:02 |
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xenoie | !xinetd | 08:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xinetd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:02 |
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xenoie | boo bot | 08:02 |
alieas | xenoie: I install it and run and then it says it can't start in either indetd or standalone mode | 08:02 |
sauvin | Well, that's not 100% true. I installed the mplayer codecs manually by just downloading them and copying them to a directory somewhere in /usr/lib. | 08:02 |
Shinma | astro76 yeah that's a good point | 08:02 |
AutumnCat | !nickspam AutumnCat | 08:02 |
] RandoM[ | is there a package for xwinwrap that's for amd64? | 08:02 |
Flannel | sauvin: right, but the packages installed via synaptic shouldn't be putting them there, and that is the correct place for you to put your compiled things | 08:02 |
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jam1n | i just did an x server config, but it crashed my x and now i cant even get back to the x. help | 08:03 |
sauvin | Something odd is going on. | 08:03 |
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=== sauvin gets curious | ||
alieas | xenoie: oh thank god, ok - dpkg-reconfigure proftpd -> standalone, and installed xinetd and its accepting connections | 08:03 |
alieas | whew | 08:03 |
xenoie | alieas: there you go :) | 08:03 |
alieas | xenoie: much appreciated | 08:03 |
xenoie | anytime | 08:04 |
ca1 | well I reinstalled and it still does the same thing argh. | 08:04 |
alieas | xenoie: I'm on a tough time schedule.. sorry for the brashness | 08:04 |
sauvin | Under Fedora Core 6, which is similarly maintained almost exclusively through yum, there is virtually nothing in the /usr/local hierarchy. | 08:04 |
ca1 | I'll leave it for another time, bye. | 08:04 |
xenoie | alieas: xinetd is basically a service that runs to detect connections on a port and runs a deamon on the fly to accept the connections according to the configuration you have for it | 08:04 |
sauvin | so, I think I agree with you, something odd is going on. Feisty's package manager put stuff in /usr/local. | 08:05 |
Flannel | sauvin: and under normal ubuntu, /usr/local is devoid as well, as expected | 08:05 |
xenoie | by running standalone you tell the FTP server to run it's own service to handle those connections | 08:05 |
astro76 | sauvin, that would be surprising, what package? do dpkg -S on one of the files | 08:05 |
jam1n | i just did an x server config, but it crashed my x and now i cant even get back to the x. help | 08:05 |
sauvin | Moment. | 08:06 |
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co_jomblo | jljg; | 08:06 |
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xenoie | jam1n: are you console savy? | 08:07 |
sauvin | Huh. | 08:07 |
alieas | xenoie: I must usually select standalone, but selected inetd this time for some reason. I'll just make sure to always select "standalone" for now on. I didn't think dpkg-recongiure would do anything because I changed the .conf file to "standalone" and that didn't work | 08:07 |
astro76 | sauvin, you're right, but it's only directories | 08:07 |
kRush | what is it with the crappy font rendering in firefox? | 08:07 |
sauvin | Flannel, astro, I may have not looked deeply enough. You're right, it's just DIRECTORIES. | 08:07 |
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sauvin | The only actual FILES I can find are the codecs I put there manually. | 08:08 |
alieas | kRush: the ubuntuguide.org tells you how to install the sub-pixel font packages | 08:08 |
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xenoie | alieas: xinetd does have it's benifits. You should look it up to see if it suits your neeeds :) | 08:08 |
kRush | i'll have a look right away | 08:09 |
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astro76 | sauvin, the directories that packages put there all seem to make sense... things that could be customized per local machine (traditionally /usr is often a network mount) | 08:09 |
sauvin | Yup. | 08:10 |
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sauvin | They're collection points for local data and suchlike. | 08:10 |
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will2003_ | rver | 08:10 |
will2003_ | :| | 08:10 |
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sauvin | OK, that makes me feel better. If I have to build something on ubuntu, I can just use /usr/local as per my custom. | 08:10 |
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xenoie | sauvin: are you building from source? | 08:11 |
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co_jomblo | hdhdh | 08:12 |
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xenoie | sauvin: I always keep my source compiles in /usr/src and install to /usr/local/. I'm just weird like that :) | 08:14 |
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untung | hello | 08:16 |
untung | does ubuntu support dual screens? | 08:16 |
Gnea | i'm trying to use genisoimage to create an .iso that i can burn to a DVD to backup files with, but it says that a 8.1gig .tar.bz2 file is too large. i read the manpage but it's not very helpful | 08:16 |
Gnea | untung: yes | 08:16 |
astro76 | !dualmonitor | untung | 08:17 |
ubotu | untung: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 08:17 |
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untung | i have a video card with dual vga port. i hook it up and both screen shows the same screen | 08:17 |
Gnea | !xinerama | untung | 08:17 |
ubotu | untung: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 08:17 |
xenoie | untung: yes it does, depending on your vid card | 08:17 |
untung | how to setup desktop to expand to dual screen? | 08:18 |
John_Doe5698 | I want to crash a laptop.. Hardware's side.. How ? | 08:18 |
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Gnea | untung: ubotu just gave you the URL that explains it | 08:18 |
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krammer | hi | 08:18 |
bobon1100 | John_Doe5698, why? | 08:18 |
krammer | i could use some help | 08:18 |
xenoie | untung: what type of video card do you have? | 08:18 |
sauvin | Xenoie, I don't usually build from source unless there's no .deb (in ubuntu) or .rpm (in FC) to install. | 08:18 |
bobon1100 | krammer, helps to ask first | 08:18 |
sauvin | But I like to keep in mind what's advisable and what isn't for those times when there wouldn't be (like, maybe, something that hasn't been maintained in a while) | 08:19 |
xenoie | sauvin: That's always good practice :) | 08:19 |
=== Gnea just wants to create an .iso image to burn to a dual-layer dvd and genisoimage will not do it | ||
bobon1100 | krammer, interesting, we are in the same state | 08:19 |
xenoie | sauvin: sometimes you have to though :( | 08:19 |
sauvin | Yup. | 08:19 |
John_Doe5698 | bobon1100, because I'm tired and the shop where I bought this laptop is bull shit.. | 08:19 |
sauvin | The UNIX world is ////big////. | 08:19 |
krammer | i am showing failed to start the x sever | 08:19 |
xenoie | krammer: What did you do...or did it ever start for you? | 08:20 |
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bobon1100 | John_Doe5698, ok so you want to crash the laptop and accomplish what? what is the end goal | 08:20 |
bobon1100 | krammer: can you get to command prompt? | 08:20 |
krammer | no | 08:20 |
krammer | yes | 08:20 |
krammer | it goes in to I guess the terminal | 08:21 |
xenoie | no, yes, which one? | 08:21 |
bobon1100 | krammer: ok, does it have internet access? | 08:21 |
untung | xenoie: I have matrox g45+ | 08:21 |
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xenoie | krammer: lets start with "did X ever load for you?" | 08:21 |
krammer | i guess i have to config file /etc/x11/xorg.conf | 08:21 |
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John_Doe5698 | bobon1100, to obtain my cash... | 08:21 |
krammer | x server is disabled restart gdm when it is configured corrct;uy | 08:22 |
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bobsomebody | John_Doe5698, perhaps I can help you fix your problem instead? | 08:22 |
krammer | no internet | 08:22 |
xenoie | krammer: no net on the box? | 08:22 |
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John_Doe5698 | bobsomebody, its hardware.. so | 08:23 |
John_Doe5698 | bobsomebody, I want to crash it more | 08:23 |
krammer | im on my desktop and my laptop is the one with that problem | 08:23 |
xenoie | krammer: ok | 08:23 |
bobsomebody | John_Doe5698, hardware failure? or hardware issues? | 08:23 |
xenoie | krammer: are you console savy? | 08:23 |
krammer | no | 08:23 |
xenoie | krammer: ok | 08:23 |
xenoie | krammer: what is on your screen at the moment? | 08:23 |
bobsomebody | krammer: do this, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:23 |
krammer | its asking me to login | 08:23 |
bobsomebody | oh, lol | 08:24 |
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bobsomebody | login | 08:24 |
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Gnea | i'm trying to use genisoimage to create an .iso that i can burn to a DVD to backup files with, but it says that a 8.1gig .tar.bz2 file is too large. i read the manpage but it's not very helpful | 08:24 |
xenoie | yeah | 08:24 |
bobsomebody | w/ your regular username and password | 08:24 |
krammer | im there | 08:24 |
krammer | done | 08:24 |
bobsomebody | now run that command | 08:24 |
bobsomebody | krammer: do this, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:24 |
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bobsomebody | and give it your password | 08:24 |
bobsomebody | you will not see the letters or *'s when you type, so dont panic its normal | 08:24 |
xenoie | he is not console savy, you expect him to edit an xorg.conf? | 08:25 |
astro76 | Gnea, max file size is 2GB | 08:25 |
krammer | ok there | 08:25 |
bobsomebody | xenoie, i can walk him through it | 08:25 |
bobsomebody | krammer, now, what did you do to cause xwin to fail? | 08:25 |
astro76 | Gnea, err unless you use UDF | 08:25 |
bobsomebody | did you install something? take something apart? spill something? | 08:25 |
xenoie | bobsomebody: sexy then, have at it ;) | 08:25 |
Gnea | astro76: not acceptable, there's a way around it, otherwise dual-layer and blu-ray wouldn't be supported. and yes, i tried UDF. | 08:25 |
Jaikkanen | xenoie: haha, everyone has gotta try it SOME time.. arent most people thrown into the deep end when starting with linux? | 08:25 |
Jaikkanen | i know i was | 08:26 |
bobsomebody | xenoie, its always nice to have someone hold your hand the first time around :P | 08:26 |
bobsomebody | and take it slow | 08:26 |
xenoie | Jaikkanen: Yep, you have to learn at some point if you want to learn at all :) | 08:26 |
Gnea | genisoimage -dvd-compat -udf -o file.iso dir/ <--- doesn't work | 08:26 |
bobsomebody | and easy | 08:26 |
bobsomebody | haha | 08:26 |
krammer | i was typing to enable destop effects | 08:26 |
bobsomebody | ok.... | 08:26 |
krammer | i did mess with the cofig | 08:26 |
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bobsomebody | undo the changes | 08:27 |
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bobsomebody | in the screen you are in | 08:27 |
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Jaikkanen | oh my it was a screaming horror.. 2 days of searching through forums, 1 problem would lead to 3 more problems.. more things to download.. more things to learn.. haha good times | 08:27 |
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krammer | that was I think caused this probem | 08:27 |
bobsomebody | krammer, probably, and usually | 08:27 |
bobsomebody | :) | 08:27 |
xenoie | krammer: OMG YOU EDITED THE CONFIG DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD YOU HAVE BEEN *SPANK* just kidding ;) | 08:27 |
krammer | buyt im at the file what should I do next | 08:27 |
stuart- | what's a good audio burning program? serpentine is kinda slow | 08:27 |
bobsomebody | krammer, undo the edits you did | 08:27 |
krammer | ive been through worse | 08:28 |
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krammer | i was using suse 10.1 & 10.2 | 08:28 |
bobsomebody | krammer, what every you changed caused the problem, so you just undo that | 08:28 |
B123 | can someone help me install a plugin with avant window navigator? | 08:28 |
krammer | but I do not know how | 08:28 |
bobsomebody | you dont know how to edit the file? | 08:28 |
krammer | i only been the os now for a month | 08:28 |
Gnea | stuart-: k3b | 08:28 |
bobsomebody | hit the arrow keys | 08:28 |
krammer | ok | 08:28 |
bobsomebody | type stuff in | 08:28 |
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krammer | where should i place the cursor | 08:29 |
bobsomebody | nano is a text editor for prompt shell environtments | 08:29 |
B123 | anyone help me with avant!! | 08:29 |
B123 | =( | 08:29 |
bobsomebody | krammer, what did you change in the xorg.conf? | 08:29 |
krammer | i was getting an errror when i clicked on the destop effects | 08:29 |
krammer | so i google it | 08:29 |
astro76 | Gnea, according to the manpage, udf support is in alpha status, and is not possible to make udf only images, the structures are coupled to joliet | 08:29 |
bobsomebody | \o/ beryl works on Dell Inspiron 1100's intel chipset | 08:29 |
astro76 | Gnea, in genisoimage | 08:30 |
xenoie | krammer: oh no the google :P | 08:30 |
bobsomebody | hehe now i can look cool at the cafe :P | 08:30 |
krammer | what should i do now | 08:30 |
tictacaddict | I just installed Ubuntu on an old dell with an ati graphics chipset, and I can't get the resolution set to the native 1024x768. xorg.conf has only 1024x768 listed, but the screen resolution program in gnome shows options for 800x600 and 640x480. What else can I try? | 08:30 |
bobsomebody | krammer, yes i know, you said you edited xorg.conf right? | 08:30 |
Gnea | astro76: hrm, looks like i'll need to use dd | 08:30 |
krammer | before this problem | 08:30 |
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, there is a bug fix for it | 08:30 |
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, if you hold tight ill help u | 08:31 |
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SeveredCross | What package is the "man" binary in? | 08:31 |
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, im on Dell laptop too, had the same issue | 08:31 |
bobsomebody | krammer, ok so that is a yes right? | 08:31 |
tictacaddict | bobsomebody, I take it you got yours working? | 08:31 |
bobsomebody | yeah | 08:31 |
n2diy | Aren't man files plain text? | 08:31 |
krammer | no | 08:31 |
krammer | im at the file now what shold i do | 08:32 |
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, just got berly to work today, right out of the box, i though i would at least get a glitch | 08:32 |
bobsomebody | krammer, ok so you did not edit xorg.conf? | 08:32 |
krammer | right | 08:32 |
lala | alaoooo | 08:32 |
krammer | im in the terminal now with the file | 08:32 |
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bobsomebody | oh goody.... | 08:32 |
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lala | #malang | 08:32 |
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bobsomebody | krammer, what kind of video card do you have? | 08:33 |
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krammer | radeon 1400 | 08:33 |
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xenoie | krammer: did you install a restricted driver? | 08:33 |
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bobsomebody | tictacaddict, pastebin your xorg.conf you have for me while u wait if u like :) | 08:33 |
krammer | yes | 08:33 |
xenoie | ok | 08:34 |
bobsomebody | ahhhh | 08:34 |
tictacaddict | bobsomebody, sure | 08:34 |
astro76 | SeveredCross, man-db | 08:34 |
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bobsomebody | xenoie, would you like to take over? i dont know the driver fix | 08:34 |
orbstra | hey I am running a SAMBA file server, and I am blocking all the ports with IPTABLES... but I was wondering waht I should keep open as INPUT to teh server so SAMBA should work propery | 08:34 |
xenoie | bobsomebody: if that's ok with you :) | 08:34 |
bobsomebody | xenoie, have at it, ill go help tictacaddict | 08:34 |
bobsomebody | orbstra, you should check the port lists | 08:35 |
orbstra | how | 08:35 |
orbstra | where | 08:35 |
xenoie | krammer: are you in X now? | 08:35 |
bobsomebody | orbstra, google "port list" and skim it | 08:35 |
krammer | yes | 08:35 |
=== siniestro [n=siniestr@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
echosystm | guys, what is that thing which mixes multiple sound programms through alsa? | 08:35 |
xenoie | krammer: open a terminal | 08:35 |
echosystm | without it you cant have two audio apps open | 08:35 |
bobsomebody | orbstra, you can also do a debug log in IPTABLES | 08:35 |
krammer | im in the terminal with the file | 08:35 |
echosystm | i forget the name of it | 08:35 |
siniestro | hi | 08:35 |
xenoie | krammer: close out of that file please | 08:35 |
=== czer323 [n=Administ@cpe-65-24-160-142.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
krammer | i dont have a desktop | 08:36 |
siniestro | como se descomprime .part*.rar??? | 08:36 |
krammer | the x sever is down | 08:36 |
xenoie | krammer: you are at a console then? | 08:36 |
unagi | anyone here use maya? | 08:36 |
Gnea | !es | siniestro | 08:36 |
ubotu | siniestro: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:36 |
xenoie | krammer: ok, please get to a prompt. | 08:36 |
krammer | i guess | 08:36 |
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, let me know when u have the pastebin done | 08:36 |
astro76 | !info esound | echosystm | 08:36 |
ubotu | echosystm: esound: Enlightened Sound Daemon - Support binaries. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.36-3ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 27 kB, installed size 100 kB | 08:36 |
siniestro | esta vacio =( | 08:36 |
krammer | i just enter/etc/x11/xorg.confg | 08:36 |
bobsomebody | esound FTW!!!! | 08:36 |
krammer | im there | 08:36 |
echosystm | i found it | 08:36 |
unagi | !info maya | 08:36 |
echosystm | its dsound | 08:36 |
ubotu | Package maya does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 08:36 |
echosystm | err | 08:36 |
echosystm | sorry | 08:37 |
echosystm | dmix | 08:37 |
echosystm | :P | 08:37 |
=== tokenhost [n=tokenhos@81-86-98-65.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobsomebody | i did an "Audiable Log Sytem" howto w/ espeak + awk :P | 08:37 |
bobsomebody | at ubuntu help wiki | 08:37 |
bullgard4 | English help wanted: Gnome main menu System > Administration > Services: (Service preferences) > screen. What English name designates 'screen'? Is it 'Terminal multiplexer'? | 08:37 |
tictacaddict | got it. http://pastebin.com/m6eea471a | 08:37 |
xenoie | krammer: give me one second :) | 08:37 |
krammer | k | 08:37 |
tictacaddict | bobsomebody, pastebin'd | 08:37 |
bobsomebody | k, 1 sec | 08:37 |
tl4 | i need some console editor that can use hot keys ctrl+c for copy ctrl+v for paste, ....(sry on my bad engl) :) | 08:38 |
astro76 | bullgard4, 'Terminal multiplexor (screen)' | 08:38 |
xenoie | krammer: You have nano open right now then? | 08:38 |
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krammer | yes | 08:38 |
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xenoie | krammer: press (ctrl-x) | 08:38 |
bullgard4 | astro76: Thank you very much. | 08:38 |
krammer | ok | 08:38 |
xenoie | krammer: do not save | 08:38 |
krammer | ok | 08:38 |
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krammer | I am at the prompt | 08:39 |
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xenoie | krammer: are you at e promot now something like [you@server] :~$? | 08:40 |
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krammer | yes | 08:40 |
=== Kragnerac [n=Michael_@cpe-65-26-156-138.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xenoie | krammer: type "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak" | 08:40 |
xenoie | no quotes | 08:40 |
=== temuchin [n=temuchin@pool-71-109-209-48.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xenoie | krammer: tell me when you are done that. | 08:41 |
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, im trying to find the how-to because i didnt note the edits in mine | 08:41 |
Kragnerac | sudo invade -nomercy earth | 08:41 |
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krammer | missing destination file operan after this file | 08:41 |
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unagi | !info maya | 08:41 |
unagi | anyone here use maya? | 08:41 |
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ubotu | Package maya does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 08:41 |
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Kragnerac | !gtk | 08:41 |
ubotu | GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI | 08:41 |
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, oh, did you update your bios yet? | 08:42 |
xenoie | krammer: accept that :) | 08:42 |
=== Kwitschibo_ [n=Michael@host-091-096-255-117.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tictacaddict | bobsomebody, no I haven't done htat | 08:42 |
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temuchin | !automatix | 08:42 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 08:42 |
krammer | i did | 08:42 |
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temuchin | !WorksForMe | 08:43 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 08:43 |
Gnea | astro76: figured it out - had to create an .iso file out of thin air, throw it on a loop device, create a udf fs on it, mount it, copy the file to it | 08:43 |
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echosystm | does anyone know where the dmix configuration file is? i cant find it | 08:43 |
echosystm | also, how do i lock dmix to 44100hz? | 08:43 |
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, what labtop is it? | 08:43 |
echosystm | 48000hz gives me all kinds of bad sounds | 08:43 |
temuchin | try the whereis command | 08:43 |
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tictacaddict | bobsomebody, it is an Inspiron 4000 | 08:44 |
bobsomebody | ok, hang tight | 08:44 |
krammer | xeonie could this be lagging ? | 08:44 |
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=== sauvin discovers noatun has a graphic equaliser... and it WORKS | ||
tl4 | i need some console editor that can use hot keys ctrl+c for copy ctrl+v for paste, ....(sry on my bad engl) :) | 08:44 |
xenoie | krammer: I can't see anything you say in there. | 08:44 |
xenoie | krammer: anyway... | 08:45 |
krammer | i gueess there was a problem | 08:45 |
sauvin | tl4, why do you need the control keys, specifically? | 08:45 |
krammer | i closed it out | 08:45 |
xenoie | krammer: try this 'cd /etc/X111' | 08:45 |
xenoie | scratch that | 08:45 |
xenoie | krammer: try this 'cd /etc/X11' | 08:45 |
xenoie | krammer: leave off the ' symbol | 08:45 |
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, actually, yours might be simpler, no upgrade needed | 08:45 |
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krammer | i did | 08:46 |
tictacaddict | bobsomebody, did you find the how-to you mentioned? | 08:46 |
xenoie | krammer: now do: sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak | 08:46 |
krammer | k\ | 08:46 |
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xenoie | krammer: did that execute with no error? | 08:46 |
Jaikkanen | can anyone help me achieve separate wallpapers on each workspace? | 08:46 |
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krammer | $ is showing | 08:47 |
krammer | no errors | 08:47 |
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xenoie | krammer: that is good. | 08:47 |
=== kao [n=hamish@CPE-124-177-153-128.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gnea | Jaikkanen: install Enlightenment | 08:47 |
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xenoie | krammer: no do: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 08:47 |
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bobsomebody | tictacaddict, on line 46 of your xorg.conf, make it say = "ati" instead of "kbd" | 08:47 |
xenoie | krammer: this should reload the X server and bring it up on the main screen | 08:47 |
krammer | no showing failed to start x server | 08:48 |
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=== howlingmadhowie [n=anton@dslb-088-073-250-227.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, and then reload x server | 08:48 |
Jaikkanen | Gnea: will such software make an trouble considering i run with compiz? | 08:48 |
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-105-6.auto.rp80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xenoie | krammer: what type of video card did you say you had? | 08:48 |
krammer | radeon 1400 | 08:48 |
n2diy | xenoie: click on your work space, then right click in the work space, and play with your wallpaper. | 08:48 |
howlingmadhowie | oh no! what's happened? there are less than 1000 people here | 08:48 |
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bobsomebody | howlingmadhowie, people are learning ubuntu and forgeting about us | 08:49 |
bobsomebody | :P | 08:49 |
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Jaikkanen | lol | 08:49 |
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krammer | it reads would you like to view the x sever out to diagnose the probelem | 08:49 |
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krammer | output | 08:49 |
n2diy | howlingmadhowie: got to sleep sometime? | 08:49 |
howlingmadhowie | maybe we should make ubuntu more difficult | 08:49 |
Jaikkanen | don't worry, there are plenty of people still using that microsoft rubbish, plenty more guests yet to arrive | 08:49 |
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n2diy | Jaikkanen: :) | 08:50 |
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bobsomebody | howlingmadhowie, nah, then windows could sue us easier saying it is more like thier OS | 08:50 |
HipotermiA | http://carloscampusano.wordpress.com/ | 08:50 |
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tictacaddict | bobsomebody, I did that. X fails to start, saying there is no input driver named ati | 08:50 |
bobsomebody | hmmm ok, hang on | 08:50 |
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kao | I have been using ubuntu for only 3 monh now and I think i is great. I lost my password to the forums and getting another is a joke - you'd think it was fort knox not a help forum. but the product is fantastic | 08:51 |
bobsomebody | do you know how to change it back yourself? or do you need my help w/ that? | 08:51 |
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, ^ to u | 08:51 |
Jaikkanen | bobsomebody: i guess if they made ubuntu crash for even looking at it the wrong way | 08:51 |
tictacaddict | bobsomebody, no, I'm set. | 08:51 |
howlingmadhowie | bobsomebody: so the law once again prevents competition for microsoft... | 08:51 |
=== hexstar [n=hexstar@c-76-102-192-227.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
krammer | Xeon are you still here | 08:52 |
tictacaddict | bobsomebody, I might update the bios anyway for good measure. any reason that I should avoid that? | 08:52 |
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xenoie | krammer: what change did you make to your xorg.conf? | 08:52 |
hexstar | !xeon | 08:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xeon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:52 |
Jaikkanen | Gnea: will enlightenment work fine if im running compiz? | 08:52 |
krammer | i added some text to the end of the file | 08:52 |
krammer | the probelm started when I wanted to enable desktop effects | 08:53 |
=== YoG [n=chatzill@bzq-88-154-143-61.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, not that I know of, bios upgrades are always good :) | 08:53 |
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, here, found some links | 08:53 |
bobsomebody | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3012392 had same issue | 08:53 |
krammer | and the error was the composite didn have an entencsion something like that | 08:53 |
xenoie | krammer: do 'cd /etc/X11/ ; mv xorg.conf.bak xorg.conf" and remove the text you added | 08:53 |
bobsomebody | http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide | 08:53 |
bobsomebody | ^ good how-to | 08:53 |
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xenoie | krammer: I'm not sure what you added, but it caused and issues loading the X server and it's unable to auto-detect your hardware | 08:54 |
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YoG | Hi, I'd like the keyboard volume keys to control a "softMaster" volume instead the "Master" volume, is there a way to change that? | 08:54 |
krammer | ok do i type ; with the string | 08:55 |
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xenoie | krammer: yes | 08:55 |
bobsomebody | tictacaddict, those two links should help you solve it, if not, PM me, i gotta go do some work, but ill keep an eye out for u | 08:55 |
xenoie | krammer: leave off the quotes (') | 08:55 |
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krammer | permission denied | 08:55 |
d0d00r | How do i set the default startup run value in unbuntu? i can't find the initab file | 08:55 |
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Jaikkanen | YoG: hm possibly, not certain how to achieve it | 08:55 |
xenoie | krammer: you will have to use the sudo command | 08:56 |
xenoie | krammer: do 'sudo cd /etc/X11/ ; mv xorg.conf.bak xorg.conf" and remove the text you added | 08:56 |
boubbin | how to run irssi on boot with a spesific user ? | 08:56 |
krammer | k | 08:56 |
Jaikkanen | YoG: are this keyboard volume control like a special hotkey? | 08:56 |
Jaikkanen | is this* | 08:56 |
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YoG | Jaikkanen: yes, I have several buttons such as e-mail, calculator, and two buttons for volume up and down... | 09:01 |
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krammer | command not found | 09:01 |
Jaikkanen | YoG: mm, laptop? | 09:01 |
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YoG | Jaikkanen: Nope. It's a wireless logitech keyboard... | 09:01 |
Lustblader | Jaikkanen: some keyboards have those buttons too.. multimedia keyboards theyr called i think | 09:01 |
Cheeza_kiyudz | riena_cantik | 09:01 |
Cheeza_kiyudz | test | 09:01 |
Jaikkanen | YoG: ahh nice.. well if it's a really fancy one.. i think it might have specific drivers for extra features, i dont really know what else it can do | 09:01 |
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Jaikkanen | YoG: if so.. and if the drivers are also for linux.. i would imagine it could be easier | 09:01 |
eboyjr | !defrag > me | 09:01 |
HarveyBirdman | keyboard macros | 09:01 |
Lustblader | or he can manually assign the keys to whateer function he wants it to do | 09:01 |
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d0d00r | How do i set the default startup run value in unbuntu? i can't find the initab file | 09:01 |
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Jaikkanen | YoG: for example my logitech wireless mouse has a CD with software, drivers etc | 09:01 |
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YoG | Jaikkanen: for ubuntu??? | 09:01 |
n2diy | d0d00r: I think Ubuntu ditched intitab for jumpstart? | 09:01 |
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d0d00r | is there a way i can run it without X? | 09:01 |
Jaikkanen | YoG: well its linux based.. but even then.. still not likely any support for linux ether | 09:01 |
n2diy | ! jumpstart | 09:01 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jumpstart - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:02 |
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n2diy | d0d00r: I don't know, I haven't had to mess with it yet. | 09:02 |
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Jaikkanen | YoG: mine doesnt atleast, but your might? if you have any | 09:02 |
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n2diy | d0d00r: Maybe google would tell you if you searched for initab and Ubuntu? | 09:03 |
YoG | Jaikkanen: I don't think so... | 09:03 |
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WX9J | I have a slave with 4 partitions , do I need to add the drive, and then each partition in /etc/fstab to get them mounted at boot ? | 09:04 |
Jaikkanen | YoG: mm, well i am pretty sure there should be like.. a document somewhere.. that you should beable to open.. and can probably edit the key of any key | 09:04 |
Slart | WX9J: I think ubuntu does it on install.. but in theory I would say yes | 09:05 |
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Slart | WX9J: or.. wait.. you don't have to add the drive.. just the partitions | 09:05 |
Jaikkanen | YoG: *shrugs* like.. with my logitech mouse i couldnt use my extra buttons.. but there was software out there that enabled me to.. and set whatever value of the keys i wanted | 09:05 |
whta | will resizing an ntfs partition with gparted cause any data loss? | 09:05 |
n2diy | WX9J !? qsl? | 09:05 |
WX9J | Slart: thanks, was not sure | 09:06 |
WX9J | QSL | 09:06 |
Jaikkanen | YoG: search up your keyboard model.. with ubuntu perhaps | 09:06 |
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n2diy | WX9J RR | 09:06 |
Slart | Jaikkanen: you have to change a line or two in your xorg.conf to get all buttons to work.. or at least that's what I did to get my logitech mouse working | 09:06 |
howlingmadhowie | d0d00r: have a look here: http://www.debianadmin.com/debian-and-ubuntu-linux-run-levels.html | 09:06 |
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Jaikkanen | Slart: well it would depend the mouse i am sure | 09:07 |
terapicodave | whta: it's not supposed to but conventional wisdom says you should make a backup before partition operations | 09:07 |
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Jaikkanen | Slart: mine has like an extra 5 functions that arent mouse standard..i had to use btnx | 09:07 |
YoG | Jaikkanen: I can use them. They worked out of the box for me. But when I press the volume buttons they change the "master" volume. Which controls only the front speakers. I'd like it to control a "softMaster" which I created and which controls all four channels... | 09:07 |
whta | terapicodave: i would, but backing up 150 gigs of data on short notice isn't exactly a simple task | 09:07 |
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Slart | Jaikkanen: oh.. that's possible I guess.. I have only tried it with one or two logitech mice.. but I thought the protocol was pretty standard | 09:07 |
Slart | Jaikkanen: what mouse is it? | 09:07 |
terapicodave | whta: what's the os you're shrinking? | 09:08 |
Slart | Jaikkanen: or you mean all those fancy things that the driver does in windows? | 09:08 |
=== Havis [n=Havis@adsl-d38.84-47-127.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jaikkanen | YoG: yeah.. well i mean.. thats what btnx did.. allowed me to not only use them.. but use them for whatever i want.. so if you can find something similar.. you can specify it to change the softmaster perhaps? | 09:08 |
whta | terapicodave: i'm trying to shrink my ubunto home partition and grow my media partition on a slave disk | 09:08 |
=== DavidCraft [n=g@ip68-110-144-164.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jaikkanen | Slart: its a revolution VX | 09:08 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: loadkeys might help? | 09:08 |
howlingmadhowie | d0d00r: or better: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=466108&highlight=default+runlevel | 09:09 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: help with what? | 09:09 |
howlingmadhowie | d0d00r: that link will answer your questions :) | 09:09 |
=== mlalkaka [n=mlalkaka@S0106000f669afea6.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
terapicodave | whta: so you're saying your ubuntu /home is on ntfs? | 09:09 |
Slart | Jaikkanen: hmm.. that's the smaller one of those new fancy mice, right? I had the big one for a week or two until I gave it to the gf.. can't remember if I got it working alright | 09:09 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: multi-media keyborads. | 09:09 |
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n2diy | keyboards. | 09:09 |
whta | terapicodave: no, my media partition is ntfs and my /home/ is ext3 | 09:09 |
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Jaikkanen | n2diy: *shrugs* speak to YoG.. he is the one with the problem | 09:10 |
howlingmadhowie | whta: /me breathes a sigh of relief | 09:10 |
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Jaikkanen | Slart: the MX was the one with the second scroll wheel i think.. slightly wider.. yeah | 09:10 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: ah, I thought you were helping him, sorry. | 09:10 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: if i had known about it.. i probably would have considered that one | 09:10 |
huayixue | 09:10 | |
YoG | n2diy: I'll look for loadkeys... though I hoped I could do that with the default setup... | 09:10 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: well trying.. but i havent got so much more to give | 09:11 |
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=== hwilde [n=hwilde@pool-151-201-46-168.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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n2diy | YoG: you have load keys already, check the man page, GL. | 09:11 |
Slart | Jaikkanen: the other one isn't really a scroll wheel afaik.. just a glorified half-joystick =) | 09:11 |
hwilde | anybody ever have eth0 and eth1 just disappear on a reboot and never come back? | 09:11 |
terapicodave | whta: if i were you'd i'd deal with that backup issue before messing with partitions | 09:11 |
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_da | is there an easy way to have sound on this compaq 5k box? | 09:12 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: lol | 09:12 |
sauvin | hwilde, I've heard of that happening with wireless cards :\ | 09:12 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: i was so impressed with the VX though | 09:12 |
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Slart | Jaikkanen: darn.. sounds like I bought the wrong one after all.. =) | 09:12 |
hwilde | sauvin, wireless and wired ethernet port both gone tho? no mention in dmesg of pcmcia or ethernet | 09:12 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: amazing battery management... soooo smooth | 09:12 |
sauvin | No, I've never heard of that happening. | 09:13 |
hwilde | :/ | 09:13 |
terapicodave | hwilde: can it be a switch on your laptop? | 09:13 |
=== roboboy [n=leo@c211-30-60-34.carlnfd4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
howlingmadhowie | actually this is really useful information. for those who didn't know it: ubuntu uses 2 as the default runlevel :) just have a look at /etc/rc2.d if you don't believe me :) | 09:13 |
hwilde | terapicodave, there is no kill switch | 09:13 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: i love how you can adjust the scroll wheel gearing.. you can make it really tight.. or really loose so it glides, spins.. and its all built so firmly | 09:14 |
terapicodave | no fn key either? | 09:14 |
hwilde | no | 09:14 |
hwilde | it is enabled | 09:14 |
terapicodave | anyway your ethernet shouldn't go away | 09:14 |
hwilde | the lights don't even blink on the pcmcia card | 09:14 |
krammer | anybody good with the x server? | 09:14 |
YoG | n2diy: I think xbindkeys is more appropriate... | 09:14 |
terapicodave | upgrade your kernel recently? | 09:14 |
hwilde | dmesg doesn't even register ejecting and reinserting the card | 09:14 |
Slart | Jaikkanen: yes.. that's nice.. but I found out I don't really have that many ultra long excel-files =).. | 09:14 |
krammer | i cannot start and need to remove a couple of line in the x conf file | 09:14 |
manir | hwilde, hi | 09:14 |
terapicodave | were you using ndiswrapper? does lsmod show it? | 09:15 |
hwilde | no, no | 09:15 |
Jaikkanen | LOL yeah, i dont have mine on "super glide" thats insane | 09:15 |
n2diy | YoG: will xbindkeys stick in terminal mode? | 09:15 |
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eboyjr | When running from a live CD, when I go to System > Preferences > Desktop Effects, and click on Enable Desktop Effects, the screen turns white except for the mouse for a few seconds ( like 15 seconds ). | 09:15 |
terapicodave | have you eliminated hardware? | 09:15 |
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terapicodave | as the source of the problem i mean | 09:16 |
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Jaikkanen | Slart: could NEVER use my old mouse since i got it, nothing compares anymore, perfect mouse.. best 100aud i ever spent | 09:16 |
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roboboy | t | 09:16 |
=== Tatster [n=tatster@80-193-5-25.cable.ubr06.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
YoG | n2diy: err... what??? what do you mean "stick in terminal mode"? | 09:16 |
Petskull | okie, doke- I'm back up to 2 mins on the laptop | 09:16 |
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Slart | Jaikkanen: hehe.... sounds like I need to reevaluate it.. going to have to steal it back from the gf | 09:16 |
hwilde | terapicodave, tried multiple known good hardware | 09:16 |
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Jaikkanen | Slart: hehe, what you using atm? | 09:17 |
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manir | i am using ubuntu on compaq presario v3000 series.I want to connect internet through modem but it is not detecting the modem | 09:17 |
eboyjr | When running from a live CD, when I go to System > Preferences > Desktop Effects, and click on Enable Desktop Effects, the screen turns white except for the mouse for a few seconds ( like 15 seconds ). | 09:17 |
manir | can anyone help me out | 09:17 |
Petskull | I got rid of 'blutooth' and 'hplip' and now it's back to 'really slow' | 09:17 |
n2diy | YoG: xbindkeys sounds like it functions under Xwindow, if you are in a terminal, would the terminal respond to commands? | 09:17 |
Petskull | ... what's funny is it gave me a slight increase on the desktop | 09:17 |
terapicodave | hwilde: is it localized so just network stuff that no longer shows? sound works? | 09:17 |
Slart | Jaikkanen: logitech Mx700, the only wireless mouse I've found that uses regular rechargable batteries.. but it's dying on me now.. so I'm using an even older wired logitech mouse at the moment | 09:18 |
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Petskull | oops | 09:18 |
hwilde | terapicodave, sounds, networking, parallel, serial, usb, etc still works. eth0 and eth1 are gone | 09:18 |
YoG | n2diy: ah, I don't know... just found this app. (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79560) | 09:18 |
=== Trent_ [n=Trent@68-187-146-153.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
terapicodave | does /etc/network/interfaces still list them? | 09:18 |
n2diy | YoG: looking. | 09:19 |
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Mesk | hi all | 09:19 |
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hwilde | terapicodave, /etc/network/interfaces has not changed | 09:19 |
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Jaikkanen | Slart: hehe, i think there was a VX and MX version of which is those which charge on a stand.. which are kinda cool.. but shitty, regular batteries are much better i find | 09:19 |
warnet03 | semarang | 09:20 |
warnet03 | i] | 09:20 |
warnet03 | i | 09:20 |
warnet03 | i | 09:20 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: esspecially when it uses 1 battery.. and takes like 2 months for it to go flat.. and a pack of 4 here costs like.. 5euro.. | 09:20 |
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Slart | Jaikkanen: yea.. I'm actually thinking of getting a wired mouse next.. haven't used one in years.. don't really know how annoying that cord is | 09:21 |
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Mesk | Can somebody help me to install W32CODECS, "apt-get install w32codecs" writes that it's not avaliable | 09:21 |
eboyjr | When running from a live CD, when I go to System > Preferences > Desktop Effects, and click on Enable Desktop Effects, the screen turns white except for the mouse for a few seconds ( like 15 seconds ). | 09:21 |
Mesk | ? | 09:21 |
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Jaikkanen | Slart: yeah.. i dunno if i could go back.. the wire just drives me up the wall.. but i still keep my old one around, for like FPS gaming, not that i do much of it these days | 09:22 |
krammer | anybody good with the xserver | 09:22 |
sauvin | Hesk, are you talking about a collection of codecs from the mplayer home page? | 09:22 |
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Slart | Jaikkanen: hehe.. I wish I was that good at fps that the mouse would matter =) | 09:22 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: the reaction time is quite important for FPS | 09:22 |
Mesk | yes | 09:22 |
krammer | i can use the help | 09:23 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: haha, well im pathetic too actually, kinda why i need the quick response time :D | 09:23 |
n2diy | YoG: Not sure, if you only want to use the multi-media keyboard X, it would probably work. If your running in a terminal, you probably don't need multi-media any way? | 09:23 |
Slart | Jaikkanen: every little bit helps =) | 09:23 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: i got a deadly aim with a rifle though ;) | 09:23 |
Mesk | Krammer what i need to do ? | 09:23 |
krammer | when i boot up the xserver is disable | 09:23 |
sauvin | Mesk (sorry, small font here, I misread your nick before), download the codecs from the mplayer home page and copy them into /usr/local/lib/codecs | 09:23 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: Whats your best shot? | 09:24 |
terapicodave | hwilde: lspci doesn't show it? | 09:24 |
eboyjr | When running from a live CD, when I go to System > Preferences > Desktop Effects, and click on Enable Desktop Effects, the screen turns white except for the mouse for a few seconds ( like 15 seconds ). | 09:24 |
=== chifferchap [n=wyatt@67-150-1-36.lsan.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | Jaikkanen: I'm thinking of getting one of those razor mice.. I'm not really a big gamer but they seemed pretty nice to handle | 09:24 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: DIGITAL shot | 09:24 |
chifferchap | is there a chinese #ubuntu? | 09:24 |
Mesk | Sauvin THX i'll try! | 09:24 |
hwilde | terapicodave, nope http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32458/ it is not in the boot messages, dmesg, ifconfig -a, /etc/init.d/networking restart ... | 09:24 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: That doesn't count! | 09:24 |
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eboyjr | chifferchap: #ubuntu-cn | 09:24 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: yeah, all the hardcores use em, supposed to be the best out there, used at tournaments | 09:25 |
krammer | mez can you help me? | 09:25 |
chifferchap | eboyjr: thank! | 09:25 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: expensive though | 09:25 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: i recall | 09:25 |
eboyjr | chifferchap: sure | 09:25 |
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YoG | n2diy: indeed | 09:25 |
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Jaikkanen | n2diy: aww :D | 09:25 |
n2diy | YoG: ? | 09:26 |
=== FruitLoop [n=sutekh@ppp121-45-254-233.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | Jaikkanen: about the same as a wireless mouse last time I checked... 500 SEK ~ 50 euros ~ 80 USD | 09:26 |
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n2diy | Jaikkanen: hey at least your shooting. :) | 09:26 |
YoG | n2diy: If I'm in terminal mode, I won't need the multimedia functions.... | 09:26 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: that attitude sounds american | 09:26 |
n2diy | YoG: Ok, GL. | 09:27 |
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n2diy | Jaikkanen: Very. | 09:27 |
Jaikkanen | plus i smell a supersized macdonalds meal, surely your an american ;) | 09:27 |
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n2diy | Jaikkanen: Nope, home cooking. | 09:27 |
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Jaikkanen | n2diy: nice | 09:28 |
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n2diy | Jaikkanen: where do you hail from? | 09:28 |
Jaikkanen | i am an eskimo! | 09:29 |
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Jaikkanen | i wish atleast, would be cool just to say that | 09:29 |
linxuz3r | can you put 1512 mb of memory? or does it have to be squareD? | 09:29 |
Jaikkanen | close enough though, i reside in finland | 09:29 |
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Silva | Hi how do i fix a JRE install? I installed it via Synaptic but it still doesnt work? | 09:29 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: Seriously!? Then you're familiar with a rifle! | 09:29 |
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=== Slart wonders how being finnish equates to being familiar with a rifle? | ||
Silva | !jre | 09:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:30 |
n2diy | Slart: Food | 09:30 |
Silva | !java | 09:30 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 09:30 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: well airsoft is quite a popular hobby here in finland, however this is not my country of birth, and have not yet had the chance to use airsoft guns.. yet | 09:30 |
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Jaikkanen | Slart: well i think he was refering to me being an eskimo... but if not.. still.. finland is still quite uhhh.. well.. i mean | 09:31 |
Slart | n2diy: eh.. because out here in the wild north we have to shoot seals and fight bears on a daily basis, to survive? =) | 09:31 |
Jaikkanen | we have lots of forest land | 09:31 |
roeinstein | anyone know of any good irc-hybrid / hybserv how-tos? | 09:31 |
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FruitLoop | How do I install Edgy 6.10 onto a separate partition on my hard disk when I already have Ubuntu Studio 7.04 installed on it? I can find how tos for dual booting Windows and LInux but nothing on dual booting two linuxes on separate partitions. When I tried to install Edgy it mucked everything up and I had to remove it. How do I do this safely/properly and get a working dual boot? | 09:31 |
Jaikkanen | polar bears.. elk.. that sorta stuff | 09:31 |
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eboyjr | When running from a live CD, when I go to System > Preferences > Desktop Effects, and click on Enable Desktop Effects, the screen turns white except for the mouse for a few seconds ( like 15 seconds ). | 09:31 |
elkbuntu | !offtopic | 09:32 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:32 |
=== philip [n=philip@adsl-69-230-208-173.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n2diy | Slart: I know, I'd rather deal with those animals then the ones here in the Eastern US. | 09:32 |
Slart | yes.. sorry elkbuntu.. we won't discuss the shooting of elks.. =) | 09:32 |
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Jaikkanen | lol! | 09:32 |
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n2diy | uh oh | 09:33 |
elkbuntu | please take offtopic converstion to -offtopic | 09:33 |
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MARIUSmarius | how to install proper driver for my canon pixma ip1000 on feisty fawn? Where can i get them? I found some rpm files, but there's instrtuction for red hat | 09:33 |
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n2diy | elkbuntu: was locked and laoded. | 09:33 |
hwilde | !offtopic | 09:34 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:34 |
=== erikja [n=chatzill@0x57314066.abnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jaikkanen | haha, nice call slart btw | 09:34 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: indeed | 09:34 |
ari_stress | hi all, what is the difference between sudo -s and sudo -i? i read the man pages but cannot understand it | 09:34 |
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eboyjr | When running from a live CD, when I go to System > Preferences > Desktop Effects, and click on Enable Desktop Effects, the screen turns white except for the mouse for a few seconds ( like 15 seconds ). | 09:34 |
guy-in-scrubs | #mobile | 09:34 |
Silva | !sound | 09:35 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 09:35 |
=== flash42 [n=42@catv-5665a3d8.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hwilde | ari_stress, -s specifies the SHELL environment variable, -i reads from /etc/passwd the user's default shell | 09:35 |
flash42 | hi | 09:35 |
Jaikkanen | eboyjr: is that really such a big problem? | 09:35 |
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ari_stress | hwilde: thantks, i heard -i is better? | 09:35 |
eboyjr | Jaikkanen: Well, I can't get Desktop Effects running | 09:35 |
eboyjr | Jaikkanen: so yeah | 09:35 |
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hwilde | ari_stress, options depend on what u want to do | 09:36 |
Jaikkanen | eboyjr: why would you want to on live cd | 09:36 |
echosystm | i need a huge favour from someone | 09:36 |
echosystm | my computer keeps crashing because of my dmix config | 09:36 |
linxuz3r | anyone know how to upgrade your memory? | 09:36 |
echosystm | can someone pastebin theirs? | 09:36 |
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whta | how is webcam support in ubuntu? | 09:36 |
echosystm | its at /usr/share/alsa/dmix.conf | 09:36 |
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ari_stress | hwilde: i want to be root temporarily, people say to use sudo -i. but some suggest sudo -s | 09:36 |
Slart | ari_stress: from the man-page, sudo -i is more of a simulated login, with enviroment variables being set, changing dir to homedir etc.. sudo -s just starts a new shell | 09:36 |
hwilde | ari_stress, don't use either just use sudo | 09:36 |
eboyjr | Jaikkanen: Because I'm not allowed to install it and I want to show someone the effects | 09:37 |
ari_stress | hwilde: ok | 09:37 |
chuy | eboyjr, probably you have to configure your card's driver, which video card do you have? | 09:37 |
Slart | ari_stress: try to use just sudo for root stuff..you'll be a happier person in the long run =) | 09:37 |
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ari_stress | Slart: thanks | 09:37 |
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h52n9c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jaikkanen | eboyjr: hmm, i doubt there is really much you can do, running from a live cd.. not like you can patch it up or anything :D | 09:37 |
Slart | hmm... is "sudo su" about the same as sudo -i or sudo -s ? | 09:38 |
eboyjr | chuy: ATI inc. rc410 radeon xpress 200m | 09:38 |
=== fstxx [n=fstx@c83-253-253-185.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hwilde | !sudo | Slart lol | 09:38 |
ubotu | Slart lol: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 09:38 |
flash42 | echosystm: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32459/ | 09:38 |
=== FruitLoop [n=sutekh@ppp121-45-254-233.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
bullgard4 | System Monitor lists two smbd processes of different size. Why do I need two smbd processes? | 09:38 |
MARIUSmarius | no help with my printer? | 09:38 |
n2diy | Slart: I think that would make a good thesis paper? | 09:38 |
philip | anyone familiar with TS files? I cannot play it in VLC or any other player. ANy ideas? | 09:39 |
hwilde | !print | MARIUSmarius | 09:39 |
ubotu | MARIUSmarius: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 09:39 |
Jaikkanen | chuy: could you really configure video drivers with live cd? | 09:39 |
echosystm | thanks flash42 !!! | 09:39 |
n2diy | bullgard4: do you know what smp is? | 09:39 |
astro76 | Slart, sudo -i is like su -, sudo -s is like su | 09:39 |
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bullgard4 | n2diy: Why do you ask? | 09:39 |
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Slart | astro76: so... they are all the same? | 09:40 |
Slart | astro76: ah.. wait.. didn't see the '-' | 09:40 |
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Jaikkanen | n2diy: isnt that like a skater clothing brand? | 09:40 |
Nacho | Hola tengo un problema con ubuntu y modem speedtouch 330, ya lei mas tutoriales que libros en mi vida y si alguien puede ayudarme seria genial | 09:40 |
n2diy | bullgard4: Because I might be able to help you? | 09:40 |
Slart | !es | Nacho | 09:40 |
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ubotu | Nacho: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:40 |
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MARIUSmarius | bash: !print: event not found after !print | 09:40 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: SMP! yes! sex money power | 09:40 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: ? | 09:40 |
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bullgard4 | bullgard4: If you are abele to help me, why don't you do it? | 09:40 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: bad Jaikkanen!!! | 09:41 |
Nacho | gracias Slart | 09:41 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: x) | 09:41 |
Slart | Nacho: you're welcome | 09:41 |
=== Lta3 [n=chuck@c-24-22-250-171.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eboyjr | whoah, ubuntu beeped for no reason | 09:41 |
Lta3 | i need to open an .mp3 file in a text editor, Gedit won't. help? | 09:42 |
=== jamesdell [n=james@bb116-14-133-61.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chuy | eboyjr, configuring video drivers is sometimes a tedious process, so if you are running from a live cd will be worthless. install linux and then configure video | 09:42 |
hwilde | !mp3 | Lta3 | 09:42 |
ubotu | Lta3: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:42 |
jamesdell | !resolution | 09:42 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 09:42 |
Slart | eboyjr: ubuntu rarely beeps for no reason.. be very afraid ;) | 09:42 |
eboyjr | Slart: haha lol | 09:42 |
hwilde | eboyjr, probably power state change stupid laptop beeps | 09:42 |
roeinstein | anyone know of any good irc-hybrid / hybserv how-tos? | 09:42 |
fstxx | slart: sudo -s means use your shell, eg bash, instead of the target user's. In some other systems root has a lobotomized shell, so then this would be useful | 09:42 |
flash42 | Lta3: emacs | 09:42 |
city-lights | hello, i'm pretty noob, but i have a question: i just installed ubuntu 6.10 (gonna upgrade to 7.04), and each time i issue a restart or shut down, grub refuses to start. I have to shut down the computer from the power button and it works after that | 09:42 |
city-lights | can you help me? | 09:42 |
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sauvin | Where on freenode would I send a friend looking for help with CSS? | 09:43 |
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MARIUSmarius | so if in canon pixma ip1000 says not suported - i couldn't print? | 09:43 |
eboyjr | hwilde: oh this is a desktop, it was probably just firefox from clicking tabs too much maybe | 09:43 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: lol, yeah.. unlike windows.. i swear microsoft designed that OS to drive me nuts | 09:43 |
Slart | fstxx: thanks | 09:43 |
hwilde | !fixgrub | city-lights | 09:43 |
ubotu | city-lights: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:43 |
ompaul | city-lights, make your life easy install 7.04 | 09:43 |
city-lights | i am doing upgrade now.... | 09:43 |
=== badders [n=tom@host86-152-24-34.range86-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n2diy | city-lights: that could be your system bios, not linux. | 09:43 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: like when you would turn off all sounds on windows.. then if you would adjust your volume.. it would make this annoying beeping sound | 09:43 |
fstxx | city-lights: install 7.04? why waste time solving problems with an older version if you're going to upgrade anyway? | 09:43 |
city-lights | because i don't know what's causing it .... | 09:44 |
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city-lights | seems weird, and nobody helse i know has it | 09:44 |
Slart | Jaikkanen: hehe.. well, in ubuntu we still have that system-beep through one soundcard, even though ubuntu is told to not use it.. very annoying | 09:44 |
hwilde | city-lights, follow the instructions from ubotu | 09:44 |
n2diy | city-lights: Jaikkanen, Bios settings? | 09:44 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: oh yeah? hmph | 09:44 |
city-lights | thx a lot. probably i'll be back for some more help after the upgrade | 09:45 |
=== brylie [n=brylie@CPE-75-81-97-106.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
flash42 | hm | 09:45 |
city-lights | i'll look into bios next time i restart, thx | 09:45 |
flash42 | hm | 09:45 |
flash42 | it won't solve it:)) | 09:45 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: mine makes no beep? | 09:45 |
Slart | hmm.. .ts TS - Transport Stream MPEG-2 Video Stream... think I've seen this before.. don't have one so I can't try playing it though =/ | 09:45 |
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eboyjr | I think everyone needs to do a "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop". | 09:45 |
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n2diy | city-lights: google your question before you re-start, maybe you'll get some clues to apply to the problem? | 09:46 |
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howlingmadhowie | eboyjr: i tried it on my plan9 machine. didn't work :( | 09:46 |
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Slart | Jaikkanen: it doesn't? I have 2 soundcards.. one connected to hedphones and one to big speakers.. ubuntu is set to use the headphones but system beep still goes to the big speakers.. really annoying when you're watching movies or something | 09:46 |
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eboyjr | howlingmadhowie: You probably have Feisty. | 09:47 |
eboyjr | howlingmadhowie: That was just to update Ubunut | 09:47 |
eboyjr | howlingmadhowie: Ubuntu* | 09:47 |
howlingmadhowie | eboyjr: http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9/screenshot.html :) | 09:47 |
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Jaikkanen | Slart: cool, but yeah, i get no beep | 09:48 |
howlingmadhowie | eboyjr: (it was just a joke *g*) | 09:48 |
Nacho | Hello, i have a problem with ubuntu and spedtouch 330 (usb modem), after reading lots of tutorials i decided to ask here, if anyone can help me with these i'd really apreciate it | 09:48 |
eboyjr | howlingmadhowie: Ohh! I'm such a retard. | 09:48 |
Jaikkanen | Slart: only problem i got atm with sound is i think a common problem.. when i restart ubuntu.. i get no audio through my right speaker, gotta mute and unmute | 09:48 |
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Slart | Jaikkanen: odd.. can't remember if I've tried it on feisty... perhaps someone upgraded something | 09:48 |
zeroday | Nacho: is this a 3g modem? | 09:49 |
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Nacho | 3g modem? | 09:49 |
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Nacho | what is that? | 09:49 |
hardstyle | hi I have a toshiba laptop that the sound won't work on | 09:49 |
Slart | Jaikkanen: hehe.. makes me feel better knowing that other people have weird problems too =) | 09:49 |
ad_ | what's this? | 09:49 |
zeroday | Nacho: never mind, its a way to get fast internet nearly everywhere in the world | 09:49 |
howlingmadhowie | aren't the 3g modems for the umts net? | 09:50 |
Nacho | no, jaja i don't have that | 09:50 |
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n2diy | Jaikkanen: Exiting alsa doesn't save it's config, you have to issue it an obscure save command. Google may help? | 09:50 |
Jaikkanen | 3g, gosh.. havent heard that for over 6 months | 09:50 |
Jaikkanen | pretty amazing speeds you can get over your mobile phone through that network | 09:50 |
Nacho | the thing is that ubuntu recognize the modem but i don't know how to set up the conection | 09:51 |
Slart | Jaikkanen: those usb-modems are pretty nice.. I've been using it at some beaches the last month.. it's pretty neat | 09:51 |
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hardstyle | it says it's an hda intel from alsa mixer which is working | 09:51 |
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ad_ | 09:51 | |
Jaikkanen | slart gosh i would love wireless | 09:51 |
ompaul | !cn | 09:51 |
ubotu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 09:51 |
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n2diy | ! ja | ad | 09:51 |
ubotu | ad: #ubuntu-jp #kubuntu-jp | 09:51 |
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ad_ | ....E | 09:52 |
flash42 | haha | 09:52 |
ad_ | ok | 09:52 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: yeah i might look into it.. not really a big deal though.. i never turn my PC off | 09:52 |
philip | anyone familiar with TS files? I cannot play it in VLC or any other player. ANy ideas? | 09:52 |
howlingmadhowie | Nacho: have you looked here: http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/ubuntu/index.html | 09:52 |
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sancho___ | how can i get configuration files to be installed for a package I've just re-added to the system using apt-get install? I had nessusd (and other nessus* packages) installed previously, removed them, deleted the configs, and now when I reinstall them /etc/nessus/ remains empty. | 09:52 |
Slart | Jaikkanen: yea.. it's nice | 09:52 |
flash42 | chinese or japanese who can tell | 09:52 |
sancho___ | I see the list of files I think should be installed in /var/lib/dpkg/info/nessusd.conffiles | 09:52 |
SeveredCross | Any leet bash hackers here? | 09:52 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: Roger that, my "off" switch is my reset switch. | 09:52 |
sancho___ | dpkg-reconfigure(8) didn't restore them like i thought it might. | 09:53 |
nox-Hand | Anyone know of a fullscreen music player that has a simple gui (like an MP3 play a la iPod or Creative; that simple, only needs arrow keys perhaps?) for Linux? | 09:53 |
flash42 | SeveredCross: /join bash ? | 09:53 |
flash42 | :) | 09:53 |
SeveredCross | :-P | 09:53 |
=== Kitsun [n=Kitsun@c211-28-215-112.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
howlingmadhowie | !anyone | SeveredCross | 09:53 |
ubotu | SeveredCross: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 09:53 |
Slart | nox-Hand: perhaps you could take a look at some of the media-pc stuff.. myth tv etc? | 09:53 |
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=== SeveredCross wonders where the attitudes of some people come from. | ||
Slart | nox-Hand: can't remember if it played music or not | 09:54 |
Kitsun | Question: How spaz would Ubuntu get if I moved it from one partition to another? | 09:54 |
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nox-Hand | Slart: I thought that was for TV ;) | 09:54 |
n2diy | nox-Hand: yes, that is the one we are all asking Santa Claus for. | 09:54 |
=== CHA-CHA [n=CHA-CHA@ip-255-101.mitra.net.id] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sancho___ | SeveredCross: really, just ask. you don't need to ask if anyone knows first. | 09:54 |
howlingmadhowie | SeveredCross: i know. that ubotu is really ill-tempered | 09:54 |
eboyjr | Why would my direct rendering say "no" with glxinfo | 09:54 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: my girlfriend has a laptop.. she turns it off whenever she doesnt use it.. whch is fine.. except that she doesnt know so much about taking care of a PC.. she has so much spyware and shit on there.. it takes like 10 minutes to boot up.. you know.. filling up that system tray with sooo much crap | 09:54 |
Slart | nox-Hand: yes.. but I think some of them play music too.. | 09:54 |
flash42 | SeveredCross: i suggest the bash channel is more appropriate | 09:54 |
SeveredCross | flash42: And your suggestion was welcome. | 09:54 |
SeveredCross | But the very belated suggestion to just ask the damn question was not. | 09:55 |
Jaikkanen | excuse my language ;) forgot | 09:55 |
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SeveredCross | Because I didn't want to bother the entire channel with a question that's not really Ubuntu related. | 09:55 |
Nacho | howlingmadhowie: yes i have tried there but didn't help | 09:55 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: Roger that, don't own a decent laptop, so I haven't dealt with those issues. What OS is she running? | 09:55 |
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astro76 | sancho___, if you apt-get removed them with the --purge option they'd be reinstalled, I think apt-get install --reinstall will do it too | 09:56 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: well doesnt really matter whether it be a laptop or desktop.. if you dont take care of it.. performance will get crap no matter HOW decent your hardware is | 09:56 |
Slart | does anyone use a scanner with document feeder with linux? I'm looking to buy one but they all seem very... linux-unfriendly | 09:56 |
eboyjr | i dont know what direct rendering is | 09:56 |
eboyjr | yo | 09:56 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: xp | 09:56 |
carlesoriol | how can i change codepage and iocharset when i connect to a samba mount in gnomeVFS ? ( smb://computer/share ) | 09:56 |
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Woosta | Can anyone tell me how to unmark everything that is marked in any way in aptitude/dselect? | 09:57 |
sancho___ | astro76: i'll try, thx. | 09:57 |
CHA-CHA | hai | 09:57 |
Woosta | I want to have what is installed stay there, and nothing new downloaded. But no matter what I try there's either a shite load to install or a shite load to delete! | 09:57 |
eboyjr | Why would my direct rendering say "no" with glxinfo | 09:57 |
eboyjr | i dont know what direct rendering is | 09:57 |
Nacho | astro67: i am going to try that, thanks | 09:57 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: esspecially xp too.. damn.. you just HAVE to learn to maintaince your PC if you want any performance outta your PC, awful | 09:57 |
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YoG | Jaikkanen, n2diy: Thanx for the help, I've found the solution: Under system->preference->sound you can change the "default mixer tracks" to control via keyboard... | 09:57 |
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Jaikkanen | YoG: ahh, great, lucky it was so easy | 09:58 |
gustavo | an someone help me with vmware? "Unable to change virtual machine power state: Failed to connect to peer process." | 09:58 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: Laptops have battery issues. The only time I shut down this mission critical box is when the town looses power, and that isn't my choice. | 09:58 |
gustavo | *can | 09:58 |
stiv2k_ | what package does smbclient come in? | 09:58 |
Jaikkanen | YoG: looks like i underestimated how well thought out ubuntu system is ;) | 09:58 |
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fstxx | gustavo: apt-get install ia32-libs | 09:58 |
Slart | stiv2k_: samba | 09:58 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: well eh, i mean.. i rarely even use my battery | 09:58 |
Slart | stiv2k_: at least I think so.. | 09:59 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: nor does she.. its always plugged in | 09:59 |
stiv2k_ | Slart: nvm, its actually its own package :P | 09:59 |
=== JenFraggle [n=JenFragg@host86-134-14-106.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gustavo | fstxx thanks | 09:59 |
n2diy | YoG: Jaikkanen, cool good luck. | 09:59 |
howlingmadhowie | nacho: it's a fair bit of reading, but this could help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44763 | 09:59 |
Slart | stiv2k_: oh.. well.. there you are =) | 09:59 |
YoG | Jaikkanen: Yes, and it's even getting better with time (just like wine) ;-) | 09:59 |
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sancho___ | astro76: worked great after a purge and re-install. thx. | 09:59 |
gustavo | fstxx it may be because im not running sound driver? | 10:00 |
nox-Hand | Anyone recommend a media centre program alike or better than Windows Media Centre (keyboard control ) | 10:00 |
Jaikkanen | YoG: i look forward to trying wine again soon, as it develops | 10:00 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: Then they are laptops, there desktops!!! ;) | 10:00 |
gustavo | fstxx thanks man, it worked!!! | 10:00 |
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fstxx | gustavo: that was what fixed it for me yesterday, | 10:00 |
eboyjr | What is Direct Rendering? | 10:01 |
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Jaikkanen | n2diy: it's just convinient.. you know.. you can place it on your lap in bed.. and. you can easily move it if you need to.. when i settle down.. find a place to live for an extended period.. i might get a desktop again.. performance desktop.. with some nasty hardcore hardware inside ;) | 10:01 |
Frogzoo | Jaikkanen: you used the budgetdedicated repo for wine? | 10:01 |
Jaikkanen | Frogzoo: no idea what that is | 10:01 |
astro76 | nox-Hand, http://www.mythtv.org/ | 10:02 |
nox-Hand | astro76: Got that one :) | 10:02 |
astro76 | Jaikkanen, http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb | 10:02 |
astro76 | Jaikkanen, you can get the lastest version packaged for ubuntu | 10:02 |
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Jaikkanen | ook, sure.. thanks.. but why would i want it? | 10:03 |
fstxx | can I get ubuntu to ask for password on resume? | 10:03 |
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n2diy | Jaikkanen: Yes, I under stand, I own some laptops too. Just having fun. But..... Until she leaves the dark side, I don' think she can be helped?? | 10:03 |
Jaikkanen | i tried it only a acouple months ago.. isnt really fulfilling my gaming needs.. there is the refined wine version for games specificly.. which costs.. but eh.. didnt bother with that | 10:04 |
=== ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-24-6-131-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThanatosDrive | Can someone help me out with CS 1.6? I am using Steam, working under the latest WINE. | 10:04 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: lol | 10:04 |
Frogzoo | Jaikkanen: currently wine 0.9.42 | 10:04 |
finalbeta | !package wine | 10:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about package wine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:05 |
finalbeta | !help | 10:05 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 10:05 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: PC's arent her thing.. she uses live journal.. and chats.. bah, decided to.. let it be :D | 10:05 |
ThanatosDrive | The game apparently won't show the bottom half of the window. I get a mess of blue on the top half, and the bottom half is what the top half should be. So, I cannot click any of the join games buttons, or anything. | 10:05 |
finalbeta | !info wine | 10:06 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB | 10:06 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: was I preaching? | 10:06 |
cyberphaz | how do you make more then one application to be able to use your soundcard? aka real mixing | 10:06 |
Jaikkanen | Frogzoo: last time i had to spend 2 hours hunting around for different upgrades and crap to try get half my games to work.. and they still didnt.. bah, il give it some more time, till maybe i grow some more patience for wine | 10:06 |
=== ajmorris_ [n=ajmorris@220-253-112-235.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jaikkanen | n2diy: no no, but i agree, and i feel the pain.. her using xp | 10:07 |
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Frogzoo | Jaikkanen: the cd cracks always take a little fiddling | 10:07 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: lucky she is beautiful | 10:07 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: It is her path. | 10:07 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: thats not luck. | 10:08 |
=== sprudelwasser [n=adda@dslb-084-060-099-116.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jaikkanen | n2diy: true.. im just damn sexy | 10:08 |
=== BwR [i=bwr@c-561d71d5.022-58-68736410.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jaikkanen | n2diy: hence me having such a beautiful lady | 10:08 |
Jaikkanen | n2d x) | 10:08 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: thats bad luck. | 10:08 |
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BwR | Hi again | 10:08 |
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Jaikkanen | n2diy: is it? | 10:09 |
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flaccid | evening. im looking for a #kubuntu operator of some kind. really need to talk about a ban and removal of it | 10:09 |
BwR | I've managed to go through the "Install Base System" part of the install... But it fails on like85% at "Installing Software" | 10:09 |
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=== Kinks [n=Kinks@wnklmb01dc1-215-165.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n2diy | Jaikkanen: if your skull is to small for your head, yes, very bad luck. | 10:09 |
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BwR | What can be wrong? | 10:10 |
astro76 | flaccid, /join #ubuntu-ops | 10:10 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: wow that was completely random, i dont see what that had to do with my self inflated ego | 10:10 |
flaccid | thanks astro | 10:10 |
BwR | It also asks me which kernel to install... | 10:10 |
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n2diy | Jaikkanen: I agree :) | 10:11 |
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ThanatosDrive | Anyone? Help with CS 1.6? | 10:11 |
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BwR | Unexpected error; skipped processing of: initramfs-tools | 10:11 |
eboyjr | bye | 10:11 |
Jaikkanen | is he talking about counter strike? | 10:11 |
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ThanatosDrive | Yes, he is. | 10:12 |
=== mohawkey [n=mohawkey@30.95-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n2diy | Jaikkanen: Hey BWR has a problem. | 10:12 |
Slart | ThanatosDrive: have you asked in #winehq? | 10:12 |
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BwR | apt-install or in-target is already running, so you cannot run either of... | 10:12 |
Jaikkanen | i am afraid il have to ask you to leave, you have offended this whole channel, if not.. atleast me | 10:12 |
ThanatosDrive | Slart: Ah! Bah! I've been in #wine the whole time. Thanks! | 10:12 |
Slart | ThanatosDrive: you're welcome | 10:12 |
Jaikkanen | and me being the most important person here.. o.o | 10:12 |
=== veauger [n=veauger@adsl-146-124-18.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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BwR | Help is appreciated | 10:12 |
BwR | Greatly | 10:12 |
ThanatosDrive | Uh, well. | 10:13 |
ThanatosDrive | It seems I have not offended many others, so in order to please the most amount of people, you can leave ourself. | 10:13 |
ThanatosDrive | yourself* | 10:13 |
Jaikkanen | n2diy: he has a problem? mm, too bad im useless | 10:13 |
n2diy | BwR: how long did you let the install "cook"? Dapper does that for about five minute. | 10:13 |
BwR | Uhm... | 10:13 |
BwR | What? | 10:13 |
ThanatosDrive | BwR: That was for Jaikannen. Don't worry about it. | 10:14 |
Jaikkanen | ThanatosDrive: :D aww damn, well i tried | 10:14 |
n2diy | Jaikkanen: If you were usless, you wouldn't be here. | 10:14 |
BwR | I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a laptop, amilo m 1347G | 10:14 |
BwR | By fujitsu-siemens | 10:14 |
=== iratsu_ [n=iratsu@modemcable090.239-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jaikkanen | ThanatosDrive: seems the war against CS is too big to fight | 10:15 |
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=== Aesrak [n=aesrak@cpc2-gran2-0-0-cust270.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThanatosDrive | Jaikkanen: I wasn't aware there was a war. But if there were truly a physical war, the CS kids would win. They do, after all, have majority, and most likely, more experience in combat. | 10:16 |
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spikerman | How can i make /etc/reslov.conf not change when reboot | 10:16 |
flaccid | spikerman: disable dhcp? | 10:16 |
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Szeraax | so i am trying to use parted to create a partition, is there anyway to see a list of all the fs types it can create in this new partition? | 10:17 |
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Jaikkanen | ThanatosDrive: indeed. they got majority | 10:17 |
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Frogzoo | Szeraax: use gparted | 10:17 |
spikerman | flaccid, i only want to make the dns not change | 10:17 |
Slart | spikerman: there is a setting that keeps some things.. for example dns-servers even when using dhcp.. can't remember where it was though | 10:17 |
Darkkish | hey I'm trying to configure my intellimouse | 10:17 |
flaccid | spikerman: configure the dhcp server then | 10:17 |
Darkkish | i've tried the tutorials but my buttons still aren't mapped right | 10:18 |
Szeraax | Frogzoo: will it tell me all the fs types that i can use? | 10:18 |
spikerman | flaccid, how? | 10:18 |
Darkkish | my 2 extra buttons are mapped as mouse 3 and 2 | 10:18 |
flaccid | spikerman: read the documentation of the dhcp server? | 10:18 |
Darkkish | when they should be 6 and 7 | 10:18 |
Jaikkanen | ThanatosDrive: CS nerds are made fun of alot, perhaps you havent noticed cus your part of em.. you pretty much have the image of living on pepsi and 2 minute noodles.. sleep on your keyboard.. and use your enormous stomach as a pillow | 10:18 |
spikerman | flaccid, o,thx | 10:18 |
flaccid | spikerman: a better question would be, what is changing your resolv.conf ? | 10:18 |
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BwR | Anyone care about real problems? | 10:18 |
ThanatosDrive | Jaikkanen: Says the Linux practitioner. | 10:18 |
Jaikkanen | ThanatosDrive: we think its time you move onto a game from this millenium | 10:19 |
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ThanatosDrive | Jaikkanen: In any case, I'm not a CS nerd. I enjoy playing because my friends play. I also play SSBM, and the occasional D&D. And tennis. Yes, real, outdoor tennis. | 10:19 |
=== andybris [n=Andy@CPE-124-185-38-241.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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howlingmadhowie | ThanatosDrive: you mean you've done things like "seen the light of day"? i haven't done that in years | 10:20 |
BwR | Which kernel should I choose? | 10:20 |
Jaikkanen | ThanatosDrive: hehe, well its all in good humour.. and yeah alot of guys i know play CS as a very casual thing, infact arent much of PC gamers at all | 10:20 |
BwR | linux-generic, linux-image-generic, linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic? | 10:20 |
honam | #korea | 10:20 |
andybris | hi, complete and utter newbie to ubuntu looking for help setting up my system | 10:20 |
Slart | BwR: linux-generic if you ask me =) | 10:20 |
ThanatosDrive | andybris: What's up? | 10:21 |
Szeraax | andybris: just ask, we'll try to help | 10:21 |
flash42 | BwR: what for? | 10:21 |
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BwR | flash42: During the "Install Base System" it asks me which kernel to install? | 10:21 |
Darkkish | does anyone have an "IntelliMouse Explorer2" | 10:21 |
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BwR | But I get an error whatever I choose | 10:21 |
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lwolf | hi people | 10:21 |
Szeraax | Darkkish: actually, i do | 10:21 |
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epp | hey, xgl used to work. now when i start it it says something is already running on display :1. How do i find out whats running and kill it? | 10:21 |
flash42 | BwR: what is the error displayed? | 10:21 |
Darkkish | Szeraax, do the extra buttons work? | 10:22 |
BwR | Saying "apt-install or in-target is already running... Blablabla You may be able to use chroot /target ... instead | 10:22 |
andybris | ok.. here we go, i have a comp with an asus p5w hd deluxe mobo, and a raid 0 set up and looking for help how to install ubuntu | 10:22 |
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lwolf | does one of you can give the name of a pci wifi card that work fine with ubuntu ? | 10:22 |
Jaikkanen | howlingmadhowie: mm, wow.. reminds me of my dark ages of nerd life.. pretty much the CS life i refered to, all that cola and 2 minute noodles.. hadnt seen daylight in weeks | 10:22 |
nextse7en | Could someone point me to a good how to for setting up telnet in fiesty? I just want to telnet into my fiesty machine from a NeXT machine on my network | 10:22 |
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Szeraax | havent tried, i decided it was like trying to change the firmware of my tivo :) | 10:22 |
epp | lwolf ip2200 | 10:22 |
roeinstein | hey | 10:22 |
Szeraax | Darkkish: so yeah... | 10:22 |
=== KakaRoT-| [n=hoyoyo@unaffiliated/kakarot-/x-28389573] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lwolf | epp, wich brand ? | 10:22 |
epp | lwolf, intel | 10:23 |
ThanatosDrive | nextse7en: telnet should already be there. Go to terminal and type in 'telnet' | 10:23 |
Szeraax | intel | 10:23 |
=== honam [n=honam@] has left #ubuntu ["] | ||
Darkkish | Szeraax, do the extra buttons work? | 10:23 |
Szeraax | epp: i've go tthat card | 10:23 |
Szeraax | Darkkish: i havent tried actually | 10:23 |
nextse7en | So all I need to do is telnet into this ip, and enter this machines user name and password? | 10:23 |
astro76 | nextse7en, install telnetd... that's it | 10:23 |
Darkkish | oh | 10:23 |
lwolf | errr | 10:23 |
epp | Szeraax, same, i have a centrino | 10:23 |
Darkkish | Can anyone help me getting extra buttons to work? | 10:23 |
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nextse7en | thanks. | 10:23 |
Szeraax | epp: are you trying to get it to work? | 10:24 |
lwolf | i was more looking for a brand and model like "linksys wmp 54G" | 10:24 |
n2diy | I want to learn how to program, where should I start? | 10:24 |
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epp | lwolf, alot of dlinks work | 10:24 |
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flash42 | BwR: it's kinda dunno | 10:24 |
flash42 | :( | 10:24 |
Szeraax | epp: ohhhh, we are suggesting stuff to lwolf? | 10:24 |
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howlingmadhowie | n2diy: i'd recommend starting with a scripting language like python | 10:24 |
ThanatosDrive | Darkkish: Perhaps this can help. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto | 10:24 |
epp | Szeraax, yeh. | 10:24 |
Darkkish | Can anyone help me to get the extra buttons on my mouse to work? | 10:24 |
lwolf | epp, ok, will take a look | 10:24 |
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Shadow6363 | hmm, im trying to login to this computer from another using xdmcp but the other computer says this one isnt responding, any ideas? | 10:24 |
BwR | Oh well... I've been at this for more than 11 hours straight... I'm taking a powernap... If anyone feels smart and up for a challenge, PPM me | 10:24 |
lwolf | thanx | 10:24 |
flaccid | start learning languages | 10:25 |
Darkkish | ThanatosDrive, that's the problem, i tried that a few times, it didn't work. | 10:25 |
Szeraax | i would probly go with a nice d-ling lwolf | 10:25 |
flaccid | thats a good place | 10:25 |
Szeraax | link* | 10:25 |
ThanatosDrive | Darkkish: Out of ideas then =/ | 10:25 |
andybris | with xp i have to do the f6 thing to install the raid driver for windows how do i do it for ubuntu? thats the first question.. (more to follow) | 10:25 |
lwolf | dlink dwl-g510 ? | 10:25 |
epp | hey, xgl used to work. now when i start it it says something is already running on display :1. How do i find out whats running and kill it? | 10:25 |
Szeraax | lwolf: no matter what, make sure you check out what driver you are using before you get it | 10:25 |
lwolf | for exemple ? | 10:25 |
epp | hold onm | 10:25 |
Szeraax | sometimes they change chipsets in one product model!, lwolf | 10:25 |
lwolf | ok | 10:26 |
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epp | DWL-G650 | 10:29 |
andrej | What do I have to do to get boinc going (again)? I just installed it, started it up fine, joined a project. Terminated all BOINC processes because I needed to restart X, and now it's complaining that it can't reach a client, and the network settings in boincmgr are greyed out | 10:29 |
=== WeeJeWel [n=emile@ip54529f80.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
epp | lwolf DWL-G650 | 10:29 |
lwolf | epp, ok, tahnx | 10:29 |
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Szeraax | epp: lwolfyeah, really liked that one | 10:29 |
epp | someone just tested that and it works out o the box in fiesty | 10:29 |
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Darkkish | my extra buttons are mapping to 8 and 9 instead of 6 and 7 | 10:29 |
Darkkish | even though i have my mouse set to 7 buttons | 10:29 |
Szeraax | lwolf: it is very handy in Back Track too | 10:30 |
WeeJeWel | can i set a default size for the window list panels? | 10:30 |
=== Jacek_Kendysz [i=Jacek_Ke@cmp77.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
epp | lwolf, BTW heres a list of cards and how well they work with ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported | 10:30 |
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MARIUSmarius | i need bjfilter-pixmaip1000-lprng-2.50-2.i386.rpm file. Could anybody give me working link or something :) I can't find it :) | 10:30 |
lwolf | epp, thanx !!!! | 10:30 |
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andybris | can anyone help with my raid install question? | 10:30 |
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flaccid | MARIUSmarius: ubuntu doesn't use rpm | 10:31 |
ThanatosDrive | Do I need to sign in as root to edit my xorg.conf? | 10:31 |
Szeraax | ThanatosDrive: nope, just sudo | 10:31 |
MARIUSmarius | i'll convert them with alien | 10:31 |
flaccid | ThanatosDrive: depends on the permission of the file | 10:31 |
WeeJeWel | thanatos, depending on the chmodded rights | 10:31 |
MARIUSmarius | i just need my printer working :) | 10:31 |
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=== Till [n=megatill@p5081E196.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
flaccid | MARIUSmarius: dont we all | 10:31 |
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MARIUSmarius | ? | 10:32 |
howlingmadhowie | MARIUSmarius: have you looked here? http://www.rpmseek.com/index.html | 10:32 |
ThanatosDrive | Szeraax: How do I use sudo in conjunction with saving an edited text file? | 10:32 |
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Darkkish | YAY | 10:32 |
astro76 | MARIUSmarius, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=335655&highlight=pixma+ip1000 | 10:32 |
Darkkish | it works | 10:32 |
ThanatosDrive | flaccid: I only see 'root' in permissions. | 10:32 |
Szeraax | sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:32 |
Szeraax | ThanatosDrive: or vi, or vim | 10:32 |
Szeraax | whatever text editor you like | 10:33 |
flaccid | ThanatosDrive: there you go | 10:33 |
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-68-167-206-223.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MARIUSmarius | no, there's no such file | 10:33 |
MARIUSmarius | shit | 10:33 |
ThanatosDrive | !ohmy | MARIUSmarius | 10:33 |
ubotu | MARIUSmarius: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:33 |
flaccid | sihte | 10:33 |
andybris | can anyone point me to where i can find out about installing ubuntu on a raid 0 setup? | 10:33 |
MARIUSmarius | ok, sorry :) | 10:33 |
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Darkkish | how can i start beryl by default? | 10:34 |
Darkkish | er... when gnome boots | 10:34 |
WeeJeWel | darkkish, logon manager | 10:34 |
Darkkish | !beryl | 10:34 |
astro76 | !raid | andybris | 10:34 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:34 |
ubotu | andybris: Raid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 10:34 |
WeeJeWel | Session manager ** | 10:34 |
MARIUSmarius | in system>preferences>sesion | 10:34 |
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andybris | ok, thanks for that | 10:35 |
Darkkish | WeeJeWel, what? | 10:35 |
WeeJeWel | <MARIUSmarius> in system>preferences>sesion | 10:35 |
WeeJeWel | then click add and type beryl-manager | 10:35 |
ThanatosDrive | Szeraax: Thank you! | 10:35 |
Szeraax | ThanatosDrive: enjoy! | 10:36 |
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=== SunWuKung [i=SunWuKun@S01060016cbc4c705.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WeeJeWel | Is there a way to make the window buttons (on the panel) one default size? | 10:36 |
WeeJeWel | so they dont resize because of the title? | 10:37 |
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=== Melquiades [n=x@24-116-42-42.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jamiejcumbria | Any one help I am running a Internet cafe. Some of the children are using java games what are not written in the best way and use all cpu power slowing all everyone else down. Any one know how I can limit the resources given to java_vm permanently please rather than renice every time | 10:37 |
=== fyrestrtr [n=burhan@pdpc/supporter/student/fyrestrtr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lwolf | found one that seems fine... thanx | 10:37 |
Melquiades | good morning! | 10:37 |
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lwolf | a hercules wireless g hwgpci 54 Mbps | 10:37 |
lwolf | ;) | 10:37 |
Melquiades | I am a noob who needs help with his install | 10:38 |
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JayFM | Morning :) | 10:38 |
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howlingmadhowie | jamiejcumbria: that is a very interesting question. i'd try it by writing a script to replace the link in /usr/bin/java | 10:38 |
lwolf | does one of you have a linksys wrt54GL ? (the one that allow to flash the bios with a linux one) | 10:38 |
=== Kjellviz [n=opera@c213-89-100-240.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kjellviz | !ntfs | 10:38 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 10:38 |
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flaccid | lwolf: yeah | 10:39 |
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Kjellviz | !ntfs-3g | 10:39 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 10:39 |
tracy | hi, was wondering if anyone could offer some simple help with using amarok and an ipod? or know a good place to find out? | 10:39 |
lwolf | flaccid, is it this great ? | 10:39 |
Kjellviz | !fuse | 10:39 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 10:39 |
flaccid | lwolf: what do you mean | 10:39 |
lwolf | flaccid, err | 10:39 |
flaccid | lwolf: do you have one? | 10:39 |
lwolf | flaccid, no, i want to buy one | 10:39 |
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lwolf | but i hesitate | 10:39 |
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lwolf | flaccid, so i want advice about it ;) | 10:40 |
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cow_cakep_ | hai | 10:40 |
Melquiades | I'm looking to install ubuntu so that it dual boots with windows, i've got my partitions in order, is there anything I should be careful of? | 10:40 |
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flaccid | lwolf: i havnt flashed yet becuase the website doesn't seem to provide any documentation | 10:40 |
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flaccid | on the linux thing | 10:40 |
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Melquiades | or, better yet, is there a good walkthru ? | 10:40 |
lwolf | flaccid, ok, but the default bios is fine , | 10:40 |
lwolf | ? | 10:40 |
fyrestrtr | is there a reason you want to flash it with linux? | 10:40 |
Jaikkanen | Melquiades: well.. for less complication.. install windows first before linux | 10:40 |
linux_ | how i can be connected always as root ? | 10:40 |
lwolf | just for trying ;) | 10:41 |
flaccid | lwolf: its fine as long as you upgrade the firmware | 10:41 |
lwolf | ok | 10:41 |
Melquiades | Jaik: I've just finished that | 10:41 |
flaccid | lwolf: im happy to try it now, if you provide instructions on how lol | 10:41 |
fyrestrtr | !root > linux_ | 10:41 |
jamiejcumbria | howlingmadhowie: Thanks I'll look in to that. | 10:41 |
lwolf | thanx for all these advices | 10:41 |
flaccid | lwolf: i'll test whatever you want... | 10:41 |
lwolf | flaccid, watch http://howto.landure.fr | 10:41 |
flaccid | lwolf: i got it 3 days ago | 10:41 |
howlingmadhowie | jamiejcumbria: another possibility (though wasteful) would be to write a cronjob which checks for instances of the jvm once a minutes and then renices them. | 10:41 |
linux_ | no , i know the password | 10:41 |
lwolf | flaccid, if i succeed, i will put the howto on this site | 10:41 |
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Jaikkanen | Melquiades: not so much to watch out for.. but consider getting software for your windows.. so you can read ext2 ext3 HDD formats | 10:42 |
linux_ | i just dont know how to connect with her always on the startup | 10:42 |
Melquiades | jaik: got that too | 10:42 |
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Jaikkanen | Melquiades: cool | 10:42 |
flaccid | lwolf: do you know what you need to do ? can we pm? | 10:42 |
fyrestrtr | linux_: you do not want to do that; never. | 10:42 |
Melquiades | I'm just worried about doing something stupid while installing from the live cd | 10:42 |
astro76 | linux_, that is such a horrible idea, no one is going to help you do it | 10:42 |
linux_ | why not ? | 10:43 |
Melquiades | i've set up xubuntu on my old PIII box, but never in a dual boot situation | 10:43 |
Jaikkanen | well its kinda confusing for the first time, if you have no experience with linux.. i didnt.. and i had no idea what root was.. or swap | 10:43 |
linux_ | im the only one that use this pc and no one want to use him so i have nothing to fraid of | 10:43 |
Jaikkanen | Melquiades: then its simple | 10:43 |
lwolf | flaccid, no i don't know, but i have sufficient knowledge to find it by myself ;) | 10:43 |
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Jaikkanen | Melquiades: just dont install linux over your windows partion and your fine lol :D | 10:43 |
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astro76 | linux_, the link ubotu explains it well https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 10:43 |
howlingmadhowie | linux_: if you want to, you can set the password for the root account and then login as root | 10:44 |
Melquiades | lol | 10:44 |
chuy | linux_ you will have to set up the root password, but it's not a good idea, what if you accidentally do an rm -r / with root permissions huh? | 10:44 |
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Melquiades | that would be bad | 10:44 |
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Jaikkanen | Melquiades: also if you want.. like i did.. i mounted my windows drive as /windows/ | 10:44 |
Szeraax | but not as cool as dd /dev/zero /dev/hda1 | 10:44 |
nextse7en | Anyone have any idea why I can't install netkit-inetd in fiesty? I recive the following | 10:44 |
nextse7en | E: netkit-inetd: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 10:44 |
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linux_ | ok if you say ... so how i can login as root ? | 10:44 |
Szeraax | while root | 10:44 |
Szeraax | linux_: su | 10:44 |
flaccid | lwolf: im d/l the gpl code now, where do i read about how to implement? | 10:45 |
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astro76 | linux_, sudo -i or sudo -s, also on that page | 10:45 |
Melquiades | yeah, you need a special program to write to ntfs right? | 10:45 |
chuy | linux_ sudo su, and then do passwd, then you have root password set up | 10:45 |
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Melquiades | but otherwise ubuntu can read it | 10:45 |
Melquiades | at least that's what I understand | 10:45 |
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Jaikkanen | oh really? not certain.. | 10:45 |
fyrestrtr | chuy: do not tell people how to set a root password please. | 10:45 |
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Jaikkanen | hm.. well i cant remember if i was using fat32 or ntfs on my old laptop when i dual booted | 10:46 |
Melquiades | My wireless card is going to be the first hurdle I suspect | 10:46 |
linux_ | chuy now im with root , and still i can write to var/www why ? | 10:46 |
lwolf | flaccid, like i said, for the moment , i don't know, but my guess is that it install like a normal linksys update | 10:46 |
Jaikkanen | Melquiades: well ubuntu is pretty great with laptops.. and it has no problem with my wireless card atleast | 10:46 |
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chuy | <fyrestrtr>, ok, I thought it was a proper thing to do for people that ask it, I already told him that is a really bad idea | 10:46 |
flaccid | lwolf: linksys doesn't give you anything. the ftp is down, i can't even d/l it... | 10:47 |
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chuy | linux_ chmod it, or create directories for your users | 10:47 |
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Melquiades | well, I won't be able to jack in until tomorrow morning, so dialing everything in will have to wait until i can get my wireless card up and running | 10:47 |
linux_ | what ? [ i cant create dir its the dir i need to use ] | 10:47 |
linux_ | that its the reason i told you i need always root access | 10:48 |
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Melquiades | at any rate, I'm off to attempt an install | 10:48 |
Melquiades | maybe see you in an hour or so | 10:48 |
Melquiades | :D | 10:48 |
Melquiades | thanks | 10:48 |
Jaikkanen | Melquiades: i was so impressed when i first used ubuntu.. i have a wired network here.. all i did was plug it in.. and i instantly was connected to the net and all | 10:48 |
chuy | linux_ sudo chmod 777 /var/www | 10:48 |
Jaikkanen | Melquiades: you can use gaim while installing | 10:48 |
lwolf | flaccid, well, watch for a howto on my site. If i find out the solution, i'll put it there | 10:48 |
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lwolf | flaccid, for the moment, i can't help you more | 10:49 |
chuy | linux_ if other people access your PC I advise to chown it, chown <user> /var/www | 10:49 |
Melquiades | yeah, i don't have a wired net until tomorrow | 10:49 |
Jaikkanen | oh | 10:49 |
Jaikkanen | i see | 10:49 |
Melquiades | or else i'd use xchat | 10:49 |
Jaikkanen | k, good luck | 10:49 |
linux_ | chuy no1 will ever access this pc | 10:49 |
Melquiades | so i have to come back to windows | 10:49 |
Melquiades | we'll see! | 10:49 |
astro76 | flaccid, I used dd-wrt on a wrt-54g for a long time, very nice, probably the best firmware for it http://www.dd-wrt.com/dd-wrtv2/down.php?path=downloads%2Fstable%2Fdd-wrt.v23+SP2/ | 10:49 |
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Melquiades | i'm sure I'll be back tomorrow! | 10:49 |
Melquiades | thanks | 10:49 |
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flaccid | astro76: yes but what is the go with the linksys firmware/linux ? | 10:50 |
flaccid | astro76: not 3rd party | 10:50 |
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astro76 | flaccid, hmm? | 10:51 |
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chuy | linux_ ok, I told you 2 options, choose the one you like, if you enter a normal session with root permission you are gonna get lynched by #ubuntu people | 10:51 |
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nextse7en | Hi folks, trying to install netkit-inetd, get the same prblem for both atp-get an synaptics, could someone give a me clue? E: netkit-inetd: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 10:52 |
Szeraax | chuy: you know, if he logs into an irc while root, its not hard to get him | 10:52 |
Darkkish | How do I use a .run file? | 10:52 |
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Szeraax | Darkkish: ./*******.run | 10:53 |
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linux_ | chuy i did udo chmod 777 /var/www and still have no rite access | 10:53 |
ThanatosDrive | Do I need to restart in order for changes in xorg.conf to be noticed? | 10:53 |
FruitLoop | I'm still having trouble trying to install Edgy 6.10 onto a separate partition to my UbuntuStudio 7.04. I tried with the Edgy Alternate install CD this time, but it still won't work. i.e. - when I reboot, grub gives a Error 17 and I have to boot from the SuperGrub CD to repair it... but then I can only boot into Studio... What do I need to do to add Edgy to the grub menu? | 10:53 |
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Szeraax | ThanatosDrive: just your x server does | 10:54 |
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ThanatosDrive | Szeraax: K | 10:54 |
chuy | linux_ try this: sudo chmod -R 777 /var/www | 10:54 |
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fyrestrtr | DO NOT change permission around in /var/www -- this is not how you setup websites in ubuntu (or debian). | 10:55 |
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mattycoze1 | Hi ppl i'm having difficulty getting the best power out of my P4 PC computer i just recently turned to Ubuntu and added a SATA HD, it's really slow on everything from transferring files to running two things at once even | 10:55 |
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fyrestrtr | mattycoze1: how much ram? | 10:55 |
nextse7en | ack, I'm getting errors right and left with apt get, can someone help? | 10:55 |
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mattycoze1 | (3.0 GHz, 512Mb ram) | 10:55 |
MARIUSmarius | is here anyone, who could help me to install my canon pixma ip1000 drivers? | 10:55 |
nextse7en | E: netkit-inetd: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 10:56 |
linux_ | chuy great its work thanks | 10:56 |
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linux_ | now its will be forever with this premission or i will need to do it every session ? | 10:56 |
Darkkish | when i click on a *.run file in firefox | 10:56 |
fyrestrtr | FruitLoop: why do you want edgy? | 10:56 |
Darkkish | it opens like a big text file | 10:56 |
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Darkkish | how do i make it give me the choice to download it instead? | 10:56 |
mattycoze1 | fyrestrtr, it's quite sufficient - since it ran XP without much of a hitch | 10:56 |
astro76 | MARIUSmarius, did you follow the link I gave earlier? | 10:56 |
VS | hi every1, I have problem to get scim work on 7.10 | 10:57 |
FruitLoop | fyrestrtr: for testing purposes. | 10:57 |
Szeraax | Darkkish: select all, copy, paste | 10:57 |
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MARIUSmarius | astro76 yes | 10:57 |
astro76 | Darkkish, right click on link, save link as... | 10:57 |
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Darkkish | there is no automatic way to do it? | 10:57 |
chuy | linux_ always till you change permissions again | 10:57 |
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fyrestrtr | FruitLoop: when you install edgy, do not install grub; modify the grub for fiesty and add a kernel line pointing to edgy. | 10:57 |
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linux_ | ok great , now how i can cancel the password requst when i startup ? | 10:58 |
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mattycoze1 | so no ideas fyrestrtr? | 10:58 |
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Squip | Hey everyone.. just wandering if there is a way to completely reinstall java.. just about everything i do in ubuntu comes up with java errors | 10:58 |
MARIUSmarius | but /usr/share/cups/model/ directory is empty after instalation. no canonpixmaip1000.ppd file | 10:58 |
MARIUSmarius | that i should edit :(* | 10:59 |
astro76 | linux_, system>administration>login window --> security tab | 10:59 |
MARIUSmarius | not nice | 10:59 |
chiphead | matty what kind of video do you have? | 10:59 |
mattycoze1 | hmm it's an ATI, can't remember the type off the top of my head | 10:59 |
fyrestrtr | mattycoze1: other than disk space, I dont see anything drastic. Is it slow on ubuntu or any distro? | 11:00 |
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chuy | linux_ you will have to mess with /etc/gdm/gdm.conf | 11:00 |
astro76 | MARIUSmarius, looks like it says /usr/share/ppd/pstocanonbj/ is where it is | 11:00 |
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mattycoze1 | one of the newer sorts, chiphead - which sort of makes me think its a driver issue | 11:00 |
linux_ | why to change in ? | 11:00 |
chiphead | is linux using the ati drivers or the generic drivers | 11:00 |
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fyrestrtr | mattycoze1: are there any undetected items? | 11:00 |
MARIUSmarius | no pstocanonbj directory | 11:01 |
allblacks_ | i have a question i made a internent sharing using this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 my question is: how can i make a script or something to load this at start up so i would not have to do it by hand every day | 11:01 |
MARIUSmarius | give me that link again :) | 11:01 |
MARIUSmarius | if u can :) | 11:01 |
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bjonnh | hi | 11:01 |
MARIUSmarius | holla :) | 11:01 |
mattycoze1 | chiphead, i haven't physically gone and got ATI drivers from a site yet, but i assumed it was automatically installed in a recent update | 11:01 |
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mattycoze1 | fyrestrtr, all items have been detected | 11:02 |
Darkkish | nick@nick-desktop:~$ ./vegastrike-0.4.3-base.bz2.run | 11:02 |
Darkkish | bash: ./vegastrike-0.4.3-base.bz2.run: Permission denied | 11:02 |
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fyrestrtr | allblacks_: firestarter will set this up automatically for you, so will shorewall. | 11:02 |
jamesdel1x | !resolution | 11:02 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:02 |
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MARIUSmarius | astro76? | 11:03 |
jamesdel1x | !915G | 11:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 915g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:03 |
fyrestrtr | mattycoze1: don't know what it could be then; I run it fine on slower systems than yours. | 11:03 |
jamesdel1x | !915GM | 11:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 915gm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:03 |
chiphead | matty in the past I've gotten really lousy response in linux when it used the generic drivers. This time I used automatix and it installed the nvidia drivers and it made things a bit faster | 11:03 |
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fyrestrtr | mattycoze1: unless you can monitor the system and figure out what is slowing it down, I can't help but to make guesses. | 11:03 |
bjonnh | got a problem with software suspend (hibernation) on my acer aspire 3100. I got "Aug 3 02:43:44 jo-laptop kernel: [ 1722.428623] swsusp: Not enough free memory" | 11:03 |
mattycoze1 | lol yeah i reckon, my laptop which is a 1.6Ghz 512Mb runs as smooth as anything | 11:03 |
mrmonday | How can I block an application from accessing the internet? | 11:03 |
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mattycoze1 | okay well thanks - i got some tips on how to go about fixing it | 11:03 |
mattycoze1 | gtg fellas | 11:03 |
fyrestrtr | mrmonday: install firestarter | 11:03 |
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allblacks_ | i used firestarter once i after restart gave me a message that says firestarter could not start | 11:04 |
Happu | !firestarter | mrmonday | 11:04 |
ubotu | mrmonday: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 11:04 |
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mrmonday | do I need to make firestarter start at start up? | 11:05 |
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astro76 | MARIUSmarius, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=335655&highlight=pixma+ip1000 | 11:05 |
Happu | mrmonday: no | 11:05 |
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mrmonday | Happu, so Its just a set and forget thing? | 11:06 |
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sgt | some of my screensavers don't work when the timer runs out but when i do a test they work fine. any suggestions | 11:06 |
Happu | mrmonday: yes. It modifys IPtables which automaticly starts on boot | 11:07 |
linux_ | some know about media player in ubunto that have liberys ? | 11:07 |
MARIUSmarius | astro76 E: Couldn't find package libcnbj-2.5 | 11:07 |
MARIUSmarius | :( | 11:07 |
mrmonday | Happu, do I need to restart for changes to take effect? | 11:07 |
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Happu | mrmonday: no | 11:08 |
mrmonday | k | 11:08 |
mrmonday | thanks :) | 11:08 |
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Happu | mrmonday: np | 11:08 |
allblacks_ | here is an error Firewall script saved as /etc/firestarter/firewall | 11:08 |
allblacks_ | * Stopping the Firestarter firewall... [ OK ] | 11:08 |
allblacks_ | * Starting the Firestarter firewall... [fail] | 11:08 |
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astro76 | MARIUSmarius, did you do step 1, adding that line to your sources.list? | 11:08 |
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Happu | MARIUSmarius: did you do aptitude update after adding that repo? | 11:08 |
MARIUSmarius | no | 11:09 |
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astro76 | MARIUSmarius, ooh yeah, sudo apt-get update | 11:09 |
fwaokda | anyone here have their ps3 running ubuntu? | 11:09 |
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FruitLoop | fyrestrtr: I found from my edgy install attempt a menu.lst file on the second partition under /boot/grub which appears to contain menu entries for all Edgy and Feisty/Studio kernels... If I just copy & paste these entries into the menu.lst file on the first partition do you think that is going to work? | 11:09 |
nextse7en | More silly questions, I've telneted into a mach unix box in the other room, is there a gui form of telnet, or could someone tell me how to copy files over telnet from my ubuntu machine the the unix mache? | 11:10 |
flaccid | nextse7en: you can't | 11:10 |
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nextse7en | Damn your eye! | 11:10 |
sauvin | Use ftp. Better yet, sftp. | 11:10 |
fyrestrtr | FruitLoop: probably | 11:10 |
nextse7en | lol | 11:10 |
fyrestrtr | nextse7en: man scp | 11:10 |
sgt | some of my screensavers don't work when the timer runs out but when i do a test they work fine. any suggestions | 11:11 |
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nextse7en | the problem is, I don't have any way of getting software onto the unix machine, it has no drives, and telnet is the only way I can talk to it. | 11:11 |
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sauvin | nextse7en, if that box has telnetd running, it probably has ftpd and/or sshd. | 11:12 |
nextse7en | I'll see if I can ssh into it. | 11:12 |
mrmonday | Happu, where is the option to choose applications to block? | 11:12 |
nextse7en | but the version of unix it is running is 15-20 years old | 11:12 |
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sauvin | Erm... it WHAT!? | 11:13 |
bjonnh | nobody knows about software suspend ? | 11:13 |
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nextse7en | lol, its a next cube running nextstep 3.2 over mach unix. | 11:13 |
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sauvin | I don't remember when ssh started getting popular, but for a UNIX that old, you might be stuck with ftp. | 11:13 |
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Happu | mrmonday: policy -> outbou | 11:14 |
nextse7en | ftp would be fine, if I had the least idea of how to configure it on that box. | 11:14 |
Happu | mrmonday: policy -> outbound connections | 11:14 |
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nextse7en | I have an idea | 11:14 |
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nextse7en | but it is undoubtebly wrong. | 11:14 |
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astro76 | nextse7en, go the other way, there's probably an ftp client on the unix machine | 11:15 |
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nextse7en | There is, astro, but it is command line based, and has no man page or /? option. | 11:15 |
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=== sauvin notes Astro probably doesn't have an excess of blood in his coffee stream and heads off to the nest to emulate him | ||
nextse7en | And there is absolutly no help from google about mach unix ftp from 1990. | 11:16 |
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nextse7en | It DID allow me to telnet in quite easily, mebbe ftp will be painless too. | 11:16 |
sauvin | ftp has been ftp since men were still scribbling their account balances on clay tablets with pens made from chicken bones. | 11:16 |
mrmonday | Happu, I don't have that option... | 11:16 |
Akifemre | how many times you google average per day? | 11:17 |
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nextse7en | well, in that case, I guess I'll just have to learn ftp from the command line. | 11:17 |
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arso | hello | 11:17 |
sauvin | A wise step in any event. I STILL don't use GUI ftp clients. | 11:17 |
RyanT5000 | is there an easy way of getting two sessions as the same user? i've used "switch users", but that always puts me back into my original session when i log in | 11:17 |
arso | i see many network sniffers in synpatic, how do i pick one | 11:17 |
nextse7en | Akifemre, was that q directed at me? | 11:17 |
RyanT5000 | (i want to try out another window manager without logging out of my Gnome session) | 11:17 |
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arso | network packet sniffers | 11:17 |
MARIUSmarius | astro76 /var/cache/apt/archives/libcnbj-2.5_0-1_i386.deb | 11:17 |
MARIUSmarius | /var/cache/apt/archives/pstocanonbj_3.3-1_i386.deb | 11:17 |
MARIUSmarius | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 11:17 |
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Akifemre | nextse7en, nope. everybody... | 11:18 |
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nextse7en | Oh, in that case, 50-100, depending on what os I'm trying to break. | 11:18 |
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nextse7en | working on a next box now, so well over 200 queries today, I would think. | 11:19 |
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arso | packet sniffer, anyone ? | 11:19 |
MARIUSmarius | astro76 http://pastebin.org/115 | 11:19 |
Akifemre | i have googled 2.500 times for 3 months. | 11:19 |
Cerebro|otherCom | test | 11:19 |
davetarmac | I've dual booted ubuntu with vista and I want to access a file from my windows drive. I can see everything with no trouble, but in Terminal - how do I get it to go to a dir with spaces in it? | 11:20 |
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Cerebro|otherCom | >_> | 11:20 |
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chuy | davetarmac, escape the spaces | 11:20 |
RyanT5000 | davetarmac: put a backslash before each space | 11:20 |
crazy_ | any gui for openvpn for ppc 7.04 | 11:20 |
davetarmac | ok cheers | 11:20 |
davetarmac | excellent- thanks a lot | 11:20 |
RyanT5000 | davetarmac: or put the entire filename in quotes | 11:20 |
RyanT5000 | davetarmac: np | 11:20 |
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crazy_ | !openvpn | 11:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about openvpn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:21 |
astro76 | Akifemre, hmm average about 750 searches a day according to google trends :O | 11:21 |
crazy_ | !vpn | 11:21 |
Akifemre | whoa | 11:21 |
ubotu | From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD | 11:21 |
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arso | Can anyone recommend a gui LAN packet sniffer ? | 11:21 |
jamesdel1x | !w32codecs | 11:21 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 11:21 |
RyanT5000 | arso: wireshark? | 11:21 |
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arso | RyanT5000: what does it do | 11:22 |
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jamesdel1x | !Codecs | 11:22 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:22 |
RyanT5000 | arso: what packetloggers have you used before? | 11:22 |
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arso | RyanT5000: none, i am new to this :) | 11:22 |
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RyanT5000 | arso: well, apt-get it and try it out :) you'll need to run it as root to get stuff, i think, but it's pretty self-explanatory | 11:22 |
arso | RyanT5000: so simplicity and GUI are important | 11:22 |
arso | RyanT5000: i see, cool, i'll try it :) ty | 11:23 |
MARIUSmarius | astro76 ? | 11:23 |
arso | whats the difference with "mark for removal" and "mark for complete removal" | 11:23 |
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RyanT5000 | how can i log in as the same user twice? | 11:23 |
RyanT5000 | (at once) | 11:24 |
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arso | wtf :S | 11:24 |
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Shadow6363 | hey, how would i stop a certain user from being able to access a folder? | 11:24 |
marius_ | anybody? help with canon pixma ip1000 ? | 11:24 |
nextse7en | Oh my sweet holy hell, I just ftped into a 20 y.o. unix box.... *happy dance* | 11:24 |
arso | wow. | 11:24 |
RyanT5000 | Shadow6363: you can't do that; but you can limit the users who *can* access it to a specific set | 11:25 |
zcat[1] | I've just painfully removed the nvidia kernel module installed by the binary installer, and I'm trying to use the nvidia-glx-legacy driver.. which is loading fine, BUT | 11:25 |
zcat[1] | when I run X it segfaults. | 11:25 |
nextse7en | I have absolutly no idea how I did that, it certainly didn't have anything to do with knowledge, ability or skill.... I just guessed, and it worked. | 11:25 |
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arso | nextse7en: good for you =) | 11:25 |
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zcat[1] | I know the nvidia instsaller replaced some stuff other than just the ko's... WHAT did it replace? What package can I --reinstall to get it back? | 11:25 |
kousotu | hey question about dependencies | 11:26 |
RyanT5000 | Shadow6363: if you have root access, you can create a group, chgrp the folder to that group, and then chmod o-rwx the file; however, i don't know if this is the "best" way to do it | 11:26 |
Shadow6363 | RyanT5000, i have a folder shared via smb and im trying to set the others permissions to view only | 11:26 |
kousotu | can someone answer me? | 11:26 |
RyanT5000 | Shadow6363: ah; i know nothing about samba stuff | 11:26 |
Shadow6363 | RyanT5000, except everytime i try to change it either via chmod or the gui, it jsut reverts to read and write (it does the same if i disable sharing) | 11:27 |
arso | Ryan | 11:27 |
arso | rya | 11:27 |
arso | ray | 11:27 |
arso | omg | 11:27 |
arso | RyanT5000: sorry bout that | 11:27 |
zcat[1] | I know this can be done, because I did it one other time, and it was just one package.. can anyone else help me?!! | 11:27 |
zcat[1] | I can't remember what package it was | 11:27 |
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arso | RyanT5000: um, what kind of information can i get with wireshark ? | 11:27 |
defcon | after a dist upgrade to gutsy can I go back to feisty without reinstalling | 11:28 |
marius_ | http://pastebin.org/115 any solution to that? | 11:28 |
RyanT5000 | arso: you can get every ethernet frame received by your network card | 11:28 |
kousotu | Ryan, can I bug you a sec? | 11:28 |
zcat[1] | defcon: no | 11:28 |
RyanT5000 | kousotu: referring to me? | 11:28 |
kousotu | yea | 11:28 |
RyanT5000 | kousotu: sure | 11:28 |
defcon | zcat[1] , why not | 11:28 |
arso | RyanT5000: i can know what everyone on my network is doing? | 11:28 |
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kousotu | I hve an EXE (linux ver.) that won't run | 11:29 |
kousotu | how am I supposed to make it run? | 11:29 |
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zcat[1] | defcon: there's no downgrade path | 11:29 |
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kousotu | nd, what wouuld happen if I didn't have all th dependencies? | 11:29 |
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neozen | greetings all | 11:29 |
RyanT5000 | arso: that depends on the network; if you've got an ethernet hub, you'll see everything from everything plugged into it; if you have an ethernet *switch*, you'll only see things that were addressed to your ethernet card; if you have an IP switch (unlikely) then you'll only see things directed to your IP address | 11:30 |
neozen | any mplayer gods in the room this eve? | 11:30 |
arso | Ryan | 11:30 |
neozen | am watching a dvd and motion is showing up as lines | 11:30 |
marius_ | http://pastebin.org/115 any solution to that? | 11:30 |
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arso | RyanT5000: i am connected to a router by ethernet, and have a few laptops at home by wireless | 11:30 |
RyanT5000 | kousotu: linux doesn't use EXEs; if you're trying to run a windows program, you'll need Wine, and sometimes that's complicated to get working; if you just meant it's an executable file, i'm going to need more information about what happens when you *try* to run it | 11:31 |
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kousotu | ryan, plz answer cause I gotta get to bed | 11:31 |
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neozen | eve.... actually... its 4:30am here | 11:31 |
=== neozen shakes head | ||
zcat[1] | sniffing wifi I usually see everything going over the air.. in ethernet it's almost always a switch and thus not very exciting.. | 11:31 |
kousotu | but I downloaded a Linux version | 11:31 |
kousotu | and it has an exe in it | 11:31 |
RyanT5000 | kousotu: you mean a file whose name ends in .exe? | 11:31 |
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arso | RyanT5000: can i make it only display plain text results ? | 11:32 |
zcat[1] | ryan: some people distribute Linux precomplied binaries as .exe.. I don't know why :( | 11:32 |
kousotu | I mean a win EXE, but for linux | 11:32 |
neozen | kousotu: run file on it | 11:32 |
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kousotu | neozen: how? | 11:32 |
linux_ | what is wrong ? sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run - cant run NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run | 11:32 |
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neozen | open a terminal in the directory where the file resides | 11:32 |
zcat[1] | linux: chmod +x NVIDIA-.... | 11:32 |
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RyanT5000 | arso: i'm not sure if you'll be able to see anything from the wireless - it depends on which network layer the router does the bridging at | 11:32 |
neozen | (should be able to right click on the folder its in and select open terminal here | 11:33 |
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crazy_ | I have install virtual box, but cannot install windows on it | 11:33 |
nextse7en | anyone know how to install a tarball in a mach unix environment? | 11:33 |
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crazy_ | !virtualbox | 11:33 |
ubotu | VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox | 11:33 |
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neozen | kousotu: then run the command: file nameofyoursupposedexe | 11:33 |
kousotu | ./home/kousotu/Documents/epsxe160lin | 11:33 |
kousotu | the dir | 11:33 |
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neozen | remove the leading dot | 11:34 |
RyanT5000 | arso: you'll just have to try it; you should read about the layers of networking: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model | 11:34 |
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nw__ | I have a problem | 11:34 |
neozen | and you'll have the real path | 11:34 |
nw__ | gksu "update-manager -c" | 11:34 |
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kousotu | yyea, I know | 11:34 |
nw__ | I can't upgrade dapper 6.06 to edgy 6.10 | 11:34 |
RyanT5000 | arso: obviously their model is just one way of conceptualizing networking, but it's a pretty good one that lots of people use | 11:34 |
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neozen | kk | 11:34 |
neozen | just making sure | 11:34 |
nw__ | thers no -c option | 11:34 |
Muttombo | #ozieri | 11:34 |
arso | RyanT5000: i see | 11:34 |
kousotu | but irc says "command" | 11:34 |
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nw__ | so I can't call the distro | 11:34 |
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nw__ | what should I do | 11:34 |
neozen | what does file tell you about the file? | 11:35 |
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arso | RyanT5000: i dont really see , i am quite lost :P , but i'l check out that link. | 11:35 |
berent | does adobe falsh plugin works for anyone on firefox ?? I never get help->about plugins at all on firefox | 11:35 |
astro76 | kousotu, there is no .exe file in http://www.epsxe.com/files/epsxe160lin.zip | 11:35 |
kousotu | kousotu@demonZ:~$ cd /home/kousotu/Documents/epsxe160lin | 11:35 |
kousotu | kousotu@demonZ:~/Documents/epsxe160lin$ file epsxe | 11:35 |
kousotu | epsxe: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, statically linked, corrupted section header size | 11:35 |
kousotu | kousotu@demonZ:~/Documents/epsxe160lin$ | 11:35 |
nw__ | I can't upgrade to fiesy and I'm about to smash my computer, please help | 11:35 |
nw__ | I'll do it | 11:35 |
nw__ | I'll kill my computer | 11:35 |
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neozen | ahhhh epsxe | 11:35 |
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nw__ | help me now or the computer gets it | 11:35 |
RyanT5000 | arso: packetlogs aren't the easiest thing to understand; you have to at least have a basic understanding of all the protocols that are being used | 11:35 |
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astro76 | kousotu, no .exe in "epsxe" :p | 11:36 |
kousotu | yea | 11:36 |
kousotu | o..k... | 11:36 |
arso | RyanT5000: can you tell me what to read up ? | 11:36 |
kousotu | thenhow do I run it? | 11:36 |
neozen | ok then.... that tells you that its an elf binary | 11:36 |
arso | RyanT5000: i am willing to learn | 11:36 |
berent | nw__ : cool down whts the problem | 11:36 |
kousotu | sudo make? | 11:36 |
fwaokda | anyone know of a "good" free dvd burning program? | 11:36 |
neozen | in the directory where its located, run ./epsxe | 11:36 |
nw__ | I'm trying to upgrade to fiesty but I currently have dapper 6.06 | 11:36 |
RyanT5000 | arso: i'd start reading protocol RFCs; i'll find you a couple - this might be a difficult way to start learning, though | 11:36 |
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berent | nw _- whats the error | 11:36 |
neozen | fwaokda: as in.... conversion from video to DVD video? | 11:37 |
novato_br | im on gnome desktop of ubuntu distro, how would can I put one wallpaper per desktop ? | 11:37 |
nw__ | anyway, I must upgrade to 6.10(edgy) but... | 11:37 |
neozen | fwaokda: or just something to create data dvds? | 11:37 |
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fwaokda | no as in burning xubuntu iso to dvd | 11:37 |
kousotu | kousotu@demonZ:~/Documents/epsxe160lin$ run ./epsxe | 11:37 |
kousotu | bash: run: command not found | 11:37 |
kousotu | kousotu@demonZ:~/Documents/epsxe160lin$ | 11:37 |
=== neozen blinks | ||
nw__ | when I do gksu "update-manager -c" in order to call for the distro the -c option doesn't work | 11:37 |
hardstyle | I have a toshiba a205-s4797 laptop and the sound doesn't work I've carefully recompiled alsa with the instructions found here to no avail please help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto?highlight=%28sound%29 | 11:37 |
neozen | fwaokda: no real need to do that | 11:37 |
fwaokda | ? | 11:37 |
fwaokda | why? | 11:37 |
arso | RyanT5000: i will try. tell me what tdo | 11:37 |
neozen | fwaokda: xubuntu fits on a cd | 11:37 |
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kousotu | neozen: I'm on Gutsy | 11:37 |
nw__ | and the upgrade to 6.10 won't show up unless I do gksu "update-manager -c" | 11:37 |
fwaokda | i know... but dont have any cds :( | 11:37 |
kousotu | that make a difference? | 11:37 |
fwaokda | but have plenty of dvds ha | 11:37 |
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RyanT5000 | arso: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Protocol ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_Resolution_Protocol | 11:38 |
neozen | kousotu: ok then.... there's a room for that | 11:38 |
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arso | RyanT5000: btw, in wireshark , when i go to capture>interfaces, it only shows MY pc, and that pseudo thing that captures all devices, it doesnt show the laptop i currently have connected by wireless | 11:38 |
KalEl | Hi, how do I install Pidgin in Ubuntu? My default installation has GAIM which I can't uninstall. | 11:38 |
neozen | kousotu: #ubuntu+1 | 11:38 |
kousotu | I know | 11:38 |
linux_ | i have this error : You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing. | 11:38 |
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cEw_anEh | halo | 11:38 |
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kousotu | but does it make that big a difference? | 11:38 |
linux_ | from nvidia [] | 11:38 |
neozen | kousotu: shouldn't | 11:38 |
RyanT5000 | arso: think of an interface like an ear; you can listen for things other people are saying, but you can't listen through their ears | 11:38 |
nw__ | I really don't know what to do at this point | 11:39 |
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kousotu | well I came where there was activity | 11:39 |
Prowler_1 | helle, is the Add Remove menue (on live cd) not availbale after installation? | 11:39 |
kousotu | lol | 11:39 |
Prowler_1 | hello* | 11:39 |
neozen | kousotu: I know epsxe was quite happy in dapper | 11:39 |
RyanT5000 | arso: (of course, the interface is also a mouth, etc.) | 11:39 |
kousotu | lol | 11:39 |
arso | RyanT5000: so i can capture what they SEND and what they RECIEVE | 11:39 |
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neozen | kousotu: probably still is in feisty | 11:39 |
kousotu | maybe source is screwed up? | 11:39 |
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neozen | kousotu: you just need an accurate source of the executable | 11:39 |
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RyanT5000 | arso: you can only capture what you happen to receive | 11:40 |
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arso | RyanT5000: for example simple stuff like an instant messaging software on the laptop, and i chat with it, can i capture everything thats being said through my desktop ? | 11:40 |
kousotu | you mean the source code? | 11:40 |
arso | RyanT5000: and i dont recieve EVERYTHING ? | 11:40 |
kousotu | I can get that | 11:40 |
kousotu | lol | 11:40 |
nw__ | so no one can help me solve my problem | 11:40 |
neozen | kousotu: run md5sum on the exe | 11:40 |
RyanT5000 | arso: you only receive things that are addressed to you somehow | 11:40 |
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kousotu | ? | 11:40 |
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neozen | nw__: anything is possible | 11:40 |
arso | RyanT5000: hmm. | 11:40 |
kousotu | run md5sum epsxe? | 11:40 |
neozen | nw__: some things take patience | 11:40 |
nw__ | I need to upgrade to 6.10 and I'm on dapper 6.06LTS | 11:40 |
neozen | kousotu: ::nods:: | 11:40 |
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nw__ | I've been searching | 11:40 |
linux_ | how i can exit from e server ? | 11:40 |
nw__ | time isn't something I have a lot of | 11:41 |
linux_ | X server * | 11:41 |
RyanT5000 | arso: although sometimes things will be broadcast to everyone connected to a device, or they might pass through your computer en route to another one | 11:41 |
nw__ | I'm under pressure | 11:41 |
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kousotu | run not found | 11:41 |
astro76 | kousotu, ./epsxe, not run ./epsxe, and you might need to chmod +x epsxe first (probably already done) | 11:41 |
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RyanT5000 | arso: the *router* sees everything, but your computer doesn't | 11:41 |
berent | nw__ : try sudo update-manager -c | 11:41 |
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alfredo | nw__: did you do gksu "update-manager -c" | 11:41 |
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nw__ | yes | 11:41 |
arso | RyanT5000: are there ways to access everything the router gets | 11:41 |
berent | nw__ : what happens? | 11:41 |
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nw__ | I did do update-manager -c and the -c switch doesn't exist | 11:41 |
astro76 | linux_, log into a virtual console (ctrl+alt+f2), then: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 11:41 |
nw__ | nor does anything equiv | 11:41 |
kousotu | kousotu@demonZ:~/Documents/epsxe160lin$ ./epsxe | 11:42 |
kousotu | ./epsxe: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 11:42 |
kousotu | kousotu@demonZ:~/Documents/epsxe160lin$ | 11:42 |
jajadavid | hello. can someone tell me hot to open a rar file divided in multiple parts? | 11:42 |
berent | nw__: try update-manager --help | 11:42 |
astro76 | !paste | kousotu | 11:42 |
ubotu | kousotu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:42 |
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arso | jajadavid: install unrar-free then u just right click and "extract here" | 11:42 |
kousotu | 3 lines isn't flooding | 11:42 |
kousotu | lol | 11:42 |
jajadavid | sudo apt-get unrar-free? | 11:42 |
foug | is there anywhere i can download monitor drivers? | 11:42 |
berent | nw__ do u get the option | 11:42 |
berent | -c | 11:42 |
RyanT5000 | arso: there's no standard way to do something like that; there are some ways you could do it, but they'd all involve modifying either the router or the sending computer | 11:42 |
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kousotu | I gotta go to bed, bbl | 11:43 |
foug | in xorg.conf it says Generic monitor for me | 11:43 |
nw__ | oh my god berent it worked | 11:43 |
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nw__ | you're a f**cking genius | 11:43 |
acke | foug: drivers for what monitor? | 11:43 |
RyanT5000 | arso: the router manufacturer, for example, could have included a setting that sends a packetlog to you - but that's very unlikely, and even if they did, they'd probably only use it for their own debugging stuff, and they wouldn't tell you how to use it | 11:43 |
nw__ | I swore I just tried update-manager -c | 11:43 |
fwaokda | im using nero to burn the iso image of ubuntu but all i have are dvds why wont it burn to a dvd? :( anyone know a way around it? | 11:43 |
foug | acke: samsung 24" widescreen SyncMaster 245bw | 11:43 |
nw__ | you must've blessed it with magic dust | 11:43 |
arso | RyanT5000: i see, and would things be anydifferent if i run wireshark from a laptop instead? | 11:43 |
Prowler_1 | helle, is the Add Remove menue (on live cd) not availbale after installation? | 11:43 |
alfredo | nw__: no u did not | 11:43 |
arso | RyanT5000: that way, can it capture the stuff from OTHER laptops, also through wifi | 11:44 |
foug | Prowler_1: it is | 11:44 |
foug | Prowler_1: it's always available | 11:44 |
nw__ | well thanks | 11:44 |
alfredo | nw: :) you are tired probably | 11:44 |
nw__ | I'm off | 11:44 |
berent | nw__ : welcome | 11:44 |
berent | bye | 11:44 |
nw__ | though I may be back | 11:44 |
nw__ | more likely yes than no | 11:44 |
RyanT5000 | arso: yeah, since it's radio, everyone receives everything (if they're in range) | 11:44 |
arso | RyanT5000: i tried this program on windows yesterday, wi-fi sniffer, and it allowed me to select any computer/laptop in the network, and showed me the packets, i even saw a message through MSN in plain text | 11:44 |
acke | foug what you need is drivers for youre graphics card id say | 11:44 |
RyanT5000 | arso: that would probably work | 11:45 |
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arso | RyanT5000: how | 11:45 |
foug | acke: no it says my correct graphics card, and i'm running compiz-fusion | 11:45 |
RyanT5000 | arso: but probably not on a network with WPA, and only with effort if there's WEP | 11:45 |
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nextse7en | Is there a way to map an ftp folder to a local folder? So I can do things like extract into it? | 11:45 |
RyanT5000 | arso: you need wireshark on a machine with an in-range wireless card | 11:45 |
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Prowler_1 | foug: strange i have a frind that just installed (hebrew manue) he say that option is gone.. strange | 11:45 |
arso | RyanT5000: all my laptops are windows | 11:45 |
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astro76 | nextse7en, places>Connect to Server | 11:46 |
RyanT5000 | arso: there's wireshark for windows - although it might be branded "Ethereal" | 11:46 |
nextse7en | places? Sorry, I'm running mint. | 11:46 |
RyanT5000 | arso: it's the exact same thing, as far as i know | 11:46 |
arso | RyanT5000: i'll try it now :) | 11:46 |
arso | RyanT5000: great | 11:46 |
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RyanT5000 | arso: no problem | 11:47 |
astro76 | nextse7en, this channel is for ubuntu | 11:47 |
linux_ | how i can exit from the ( alt ctrl f2 ) ? i have restart . . . ? | 11:47 |
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Ramzi | Hello. | 11:47 |
nextse7en | astro76 It is ubuntu - just the mint version, lol | 11:47 |
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astro76 | linux_, alt+ctrl+f7, or if you have to start X again, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start | 11:47 |
arso | RyanT5000: downloading now , on the laptop | 11:47 |
Ramzi | Is there a way I can check my computer remotely, to make sure it is still turned on, and at my house? | 11:48 |
astro76 | nextse7en, it is not ubuntu, completely unaffiliated, just based on it | 11:48 |
Ramzi | I'm going on vacation and I want some mechanism of knowing whether it's stolen or not | 11:48 |
faileas | Ramzi: set up a SSH server and try logging in? ;) | 11:48 |
faileas | o0 | 11:48 |
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Ramzi | faileas: I'm new. How hard would that be to do? | 11:48 |
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RyanT5000 | astro76: how can i log into two sessions simultaneously, as the same user? switch users just dumps me into my old session (as is to be expected) | 11:48 |
faileas | Ramzi: very easy | 11:48 |
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Ramzi | faileas: let me boot into ubuntu. be back in a minute. | 11:49 |
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faileas | do you have a fixed ip address? or a fairly fixed one? | 11:49 |
Ramzi | yes | 11:49 |
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faileas | Ramzi: hang on ;p | 11:49 |
faileas | ok... | 11:49 |
Ramzi | hanging on | 11:49 |
faileas | and whats your other system? windows or linux? | 11:49 |
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Ramzi | XP | 11:49 |
cEw_anEh | garing | 11:49 |
faileas | ok | 11:49 |
faileas | no problem ;p | 11:49 |
faileas | now you can reboot ;) | 11:50 |
cEw_anEh | halow | 11:50 |
Ramzi | okay. one minute | 11:50 |
acke | foug i never heard of a need for drivers to get a monitor working. i thought what you needed was drivers for youre gcard and then proper setup in xorg.org to get a monitor oorking | 11:50 |
neozen | any ideas on my dvd playback in mplayer issue? | 11:50 |
cEw_anEh | u1 | 11:50 |
foug | acke: well my monitor works but i think the picture could be better, and i can't access 2 settings (coarse/fine) | 11:50 |
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acke | foug i c, im a noob when it comes to monitor drivers so im sry cant help ya there | 11:51 |
faileas | o0 | 11:51 |
astro76 | RyanT5000, xnest, although I see now it's been superceded by xserver-xephyr | 11:51 |
astro76 | !info xserver-xephyr | RyanT5000 | 11:51 |
ubotu | ryant5000: xserver-xephyr: Next Generation Nested X Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.2.0-3ubuntu8 (feisty), package size 1523 kB, installed size 3844 kB | 11:51 |
cEw_anEh | windowz | 11:51 |
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linux_ | how i can exit from this virtual console [ i have tried exit and always say to login] ? | 11:52 |
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Ramzi | Back. | 11:52 |
faileas | ok... | 11:52 |
RyanT5000 | astro76: thanks | 11:52 |
astro76 | linux_, I just answered this, alt+ctrl+f7, or if you have to start X again, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start | 11:52 |
Ramzi | What do I do now? | 11:53 |
acke | astro76: why add the invoke... why dont just do sudo gdm start | 11:53 |
faileas | IIRC the package you need is openssh-server . open a console, type in sudo apt-get install openssh-server it will ask for password. type in the password. wait ;) | 11:53 |
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Ramzi | Okay. Then what | 11:53 |
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astro76 | acke, gdm isn't a command, the older way is /etc/init.d/gdm start|stop|restart (still works) | 11:53 |
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faileas | Ramzi: is it installing? | 11:54 |
pawan | how to extract rar files | 11:54 |
Ramzi | It's done | 11:54 |
faileas | ok... | 11:54 |
astro76 | !rar | pawan | 11:54 |
ubotu | pawan: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 11:54 |
faileas | now for your windows system, you need putty | 11:54 |
Ramzi | No. Don't worry about that. | 11:54 |
astro76 | acke, it's an init script | 11:54 |
Ramzi | It's a dual boot machine. | 11:54 |
acke | astro76: ooh i c i always do gdm start or kdm start. and it kindof works.. but g=im never sure if thinks works as they should when i do it like that | 11:54 |
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zomgi | hi folks | 11:55 |
Ramzi | I plan to leave it on Linux. If I ever try logging into the ssh, and it doesn't work, I'll assume someone stole the comp | 11:55 |
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faileas | http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ get putty.exe - then you can connect to your system from your laptop from here. will need ip address and port | 11:55 |
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faileas | lol | 11:55 |
=== pedro [n=pedro@42.Red-217-125-2.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
faileas | yup | 11:55 |
nextse7en | Alright, last question of the night, how do I transfer a directory tree via kftpgrabber? Whenever I try to copy a folder, it just shows up on the other end as a file by the folder name. | 11:55 |
Ramzi | So, say I'm very far away from my comp now. How can I log in? | 11:55 |
zomgi | i just installed swiftweasel and now i want to remove firefox. synaptic complains about removing a lot of other packages.. how can i remove firefox safely? | 11:55 |
faileas | (familiar with putty? cause SSH server is now installed) | 11:55 |
faileas | open putty. key in ipaddress and port (typically 22) | 11:55 |
Ramzi | I get to a terminal and type ssh myipaddress | 11:55 |
astro76 | acke, ahh that gdm is in /usr/sbin/gdm, pretty sure it doesn't take a restart option, it is the actual gdm binary that is running | 11:56 |
linux_ | sorry have lags [how i can exit from this Console ( alt+ctrl+f2)] ? | 11:56 |
faileas | erm... | 11:56 |
faileas | on linux, yeah. on windows, use putty ;) | 11:56 |
acke | astro76: okay | 11:56 |
faileas | oddly, i have never used SSH client on linux >< | 11:56 |
Ramzi | I'm familiar with logging into an ssh account in windows | 11:56 |
Ramzi | I just never set up the ssh server | 11:56 |
faileas | lol | 11:56 |
faileas | well... | 11:56 |
faileas | you just did ;p | 11:56 |
pedro | hi, I install gutsy tribe 3 but when i launch the network wizard. the hardware list its empty. How can i config the wireless in the command line ? | 11:56 |
Ramzi | okay, well, for my school I would type the domain name | 11:56 |
faileas | ( <3 apt _ | 11:56 |
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Ramzi | for my comp I'd type my ip, yeah? | 11:57 |
astro76 | !gutsy | pedro | 11:57 |
ubotu | pedro: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 11:57 |
howlingmadhowie | linux_: if you want to go back to gnome, try ctrl-alt-F7 | 11:57 |
faileas | yuo | 11:57 |
faileas | yup | 11:57 |
Ramzi | Do I need to type myusername@myipaddress | 11:57 |
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faileas | >_> | 11:57 |
faileas | not on windows | 11:57 |
faileas | on linux, i have no idea | 11:57 |
Ramzi | is it ssh myipaddress pass or ssh myusername@myipaddress pass | 11:57 |
linux_ | someone can give me again the command to exit from server x ? | 11:57 |
faileas | >_> | 11:57 |
faileas | i will need to google that, sorry ;) | 11:58 |
Ramzi | Also, from this, I can do anything on my comp? | 11:58 |
astro76 | Ramzi, if the usernames on the two machines are the same, you can drop the username (not sure about windows) | 11:58 |
zomgi | why not try man ssh? | 11:58 |
faileas | as i said, i use putty from windows almost excusively | 11:58 |
pedro | astro76 i know, that its unstable, but i want to config the network, how can i do it. I have the ethernet working | 11:58 |
Ramzi | Okay | 11:58 |
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faileas | Ramzi: anything you can do on command line in linux | 11:58 |
KalEl | Hi... how do I install Pidgin? | 11:58 |
whazilla | ICANTINSTALL fiesty failure | 11:58 |
howlingmadhowie | Ramzi: the second one looks better to me | 11:58 |
faileas | hell, i even surf the web on elinks ;) | 11:58 |
zomgi | there is also a putty port for linux | 11:58 |
astro76 | pedro, read the part after unstable | 11:58 |
whazilla | ide bridge not recognised | 11:58 |
Ramzi | I'll need to remove the server when I get back then, because I don't like the idea of having people being able to access my comp remotely | 11:58 |
crazy_ | I have error when trying to add new virtual hard disk image for virtual box | 11:58 |
Ramzi | even if they don't know the pass | 11:58 |
faileas | zomgi: o0 whats the point? | 11:58 |
=== TheoMurpse [n=none@cpe-70-112-72-206.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
whazilla | is ubuntu confirmed dualbooting with vista ? | 11:59 |
faileas | Ramzi: they will need username and password... | 11:59 |
Ramzi | Alright. Thank you so much. Bye bye. | 11:59 |
KalEl | whazilla: yeah | 11:59 |
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zomgi | faileas: just trying to be helpful | 11:59 |
whazilla | then howcome i cant | 11:59 |
KalEl | Hi... how do I install America's Army? | 11:59 |
whazilla | cant install takes 5 hours to boot live version | 11:59 |
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zomgi | whatzilla: did you try gutsy? | 12:00 |
Sjimmie_ | whazilla: what kind of machine is it? :) | 12:00 |
faileas | zomgi: naw, i'm damn curious ;) i thought putty was scratching a very windows specific itch ;p | 12:00 |
linux_ | how i can stop server x | 12:00 |
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astro76 | whazilla, booting the livecd would have nothing to do with vista, must be some other problem | 12:01 |
Sjimmie_ | linux_: /etc/init.d/x11-common stop | 12:01 |
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=== will2003_ [n=will@c-71-207-237-65.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nw__ | I can't be**ckinglieve it | 12:01 |
will2003_ | meh | 12:01 |
pawan | any graphical unrar utility | 12:01 |
zomgi | faileas: :) | 12:01 |
linux_ | Sjimmie_ this is command for terminal ? | 12:01 |
nw__ | I got an error when trying to upgrade to 6.10 | 12:01 |
Sjimmie_ | linux_: yes | 12:01 |
nw__ | I feel like just cutting my throat | 12:01 |
KalEl | 7.04? | 12:02 |
zuzuzzzip | i have a keyboard/xmodmap problem -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3129463&postcount=11 | 12:02 |
Sjimmie_ | linux_: even better : sudo /etc/init.d/x11-common stop | 12:02 |
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MindOfChaos | nw__ go hard | 12:02 |
astro76 | pawan, don't think so | 12:02 |
faileas | zomgi: actually i'm quite new. only reason i knew the SSH install was cause i'm setting up a shell server for myself, ;) | 12:02 |
nw__ | hard? | 12:02 |
pawan | how use unrar | 12:02 |
pawan | i have rar file on my desktop | 12:02 |
nw__ | pawan I have that same problem | 12:02 |
pawan | sas.rar | 12:02 |
nw__ | don't even get me off | 12:02 |
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=== ramza3 [n=Berlin@c-24-98-96-151.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sjimmie_ | just right mouse click on it and say extract? | 12:03 |
zomgi | faileas: same here.. | 12:03 |
zomgi | :) | 12:03 |
linux_ | omg why terminal command have no text out put like [done] or something ? =\ | 12:03 |
nw__ | anyway...I was upgrading to 6.10 from 6.06 tls dapper | 12:03 |
plexz-net | hai leh kenal gak??? | 12:03 |
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ramza3 | anybody use Dia or Umbrello or both? Do they work ok with ubuntu? | 12:03 |
=== Sharky [n=Shark@subscr-175.pool-208.gpinet.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nw__ | and ohhhh....unrecoverable error calculating upgrade | 12:03 |
Superkuh | Dia works fine. | 12:03 |
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Blissex | linux_: because it would confuse pipelines. | 12:03 |
ramza3 | Superkuh, do you use umbrello? | 12:03 |
Superkuh | I don't. | 12:04 |
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linux_ | lol | 12:04 |
=== majnoon [n=majnoon@c-76-104-104-86.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
nw__ | if I don't figure this out I'm slitting my throat | 12:04 |
astro76 | linux_, many commands have a verbose option | 12:04 |
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nw__ | and then I'm smashing this computer | 12:04 |
faileas | erm | 12:04 |
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faileas | if you slit your throat wouldn't you be bleeding too badly to smach the computer? | 12:05 |
nw__ | well... | 12:05 |
jamesdel1x | !repository | 12:05 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 12:05 |
howlingmadhowie | oops. my dvdrip has now reached 104.66% :) | 12:05 |
nw__ | I won't slit it completely | 12:05 |
jamesdel1x | !easysource | 12:05 |
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jamesdel1x | !EasySource | 12:05 |
nw__ | I'll do that when I'm done | 12:05 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: just a little nick to start with | 12:05 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 12:05 |
jamesdel1x | !EasySource | 12:05 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: just to show the computer that you mean business | 12:06 |
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nw__ | right | 12:06 |
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nw__ | exactly | 12:06 |
zuzuzzzip | i have a keyboard/xmodmap problem -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3129463&postcount=11 | 12:06 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: and then when it's quaking in its sockets... | 12:06 |
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aravind | help pls... i 'm tryin to unstall fiesty fawn , but when setting up partition i'm getting an error which says partition signature is wrong | 12:06 |
linux_ | nvidia return same error : "stop server x | 12:06 |
linux_ | are you sure that waht you gave me stop it ? | 12:06 |
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astro76 | linux_, yes, what did you type to stop it? | 12:07 |
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nw__ | everyones counting on me | 12:07 |
nw__ | if I don't figure this out I'm better off dead | 12:07 |
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astro76 | linux_, and are you running default gnome, or kubuntu or something else? | 12:07 |
linux_ | astro76 , sudo /etc/init.d/x11-common stop this is waht i have typed | 12:07 |
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nw__ | I need a website up hosting apache server and mysql and all other kinds of stuff | 12:07 |
linux_ | default gnome | 12:07 |
nw__ | WITHIN 24 HOURS | 12:08 |
nw__ | THE HEAT IS ON | 12:08 |
jetscreamer | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop maybe | 12:08 |
Blissex | nw__: sounds like you got a high pressure job :-) | 12:08 |
astro76 | linux_, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 12:08 |
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nw__ | and I have to finish this website | 12:08 |
faileas | NW__: if you have trouble... try xampp ;) | 12:08 |
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nw__ | I just need to upgrade to 6.10 | 12:08 |
Blissex | nw__: anyhow there are nearly prepackaged distros with all this. As someone hints. | 12:08 |
Blissex | nw__: upgrading is not too bad, unless you installed third-party '.deb's. | 12:09 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: why don't you just save the files you need and reinstall? if you have a seperate /home directory, it isn't difficult | 12:09 |
Blissex | nw__: also I suggest using 'aptitude' to do more complicated depedency/package management apps. | 12:09 |
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nw__ | thanks for the suggestions and hints | 12:09 |
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zuzuzzzip | how can you view the xmodmap you are currently using? | 12:10 |
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zuzuzzzip | i thought it was 'xmodmap -pke' | 12:10 |
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zuzuzzzip | but doesn't seem to work when i reload it | 12:11 |
linux_ | this is restart my pc every time | 12:11 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: why do you need 6.10 anyway? what are you using now? | 12:11 |
pawan | how to install megaupload toolbar | 12:11 |
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nw__ | well..I'm trying to hop to fiesty | 12:11 |
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nw__ | but I have to go through edgy | 12:12 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: what do you have now? | 12:12 |
nw__ | 6.06 dapper | 12:12 |
linux_ | some know how to stop server x without to restart the computer / | 12:12 |
jetscreamer | linux_: you were told two different methods | 12:12 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: then you've probably been using it for a while. if you've ever installed any third-party debs, the ugrader may well have problems | 12:12 |
astro76 | linux_, we told you how and also asked some questions you didn't answer | 12:12 |
jetscreamer | the one i told you i know works | 12:12 |
jetscreamer | try /lastlog linux_ | 12:13 |
nw__ | hmmm...yes I have installed a few third-party debs | 12:13 |
nw__ | damn... | 12:13 |
jetscreamer | there wil be a lot of spam | 12:13 |
astro76 | linux_, what happens when you do the gdm stop ? | 12:13 |
linux_ | i have exit gnome and was in fullscreen terminal | 12:13 |
nw__ | I'll have to stay on 6.06 this is taking too much time | 12:13 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: you could try deinstalling them and then upgrading again. or you could just install 7.04 directly and keep your $HOME directory | 12:14 |
nw__ | no on to my next problem | 12:14 |
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jetscreamer | linux_: so why did you ask how again | 12:14 |
nw__ | true | 12:14 |
astro76 | linux_, and then you ran the gdm stop command? what did it say? | 12:14 |
nw__ | I do have fiesty on disk | 12:14 |
faileas | linux_: control alternate backspace will restart it... if thats why you want/ | 12:14 |
nw__ | eh...but no time for that now | 12:14 |
=== gleb [n=gleb@ppp83-237-9-128.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_ | i didnt run command in the conasole.. . onr type alt ctrl f7 and the its rr | 12:15 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: that could be the easiest way, just be careful when installing that you don't overwrite your /home. if everything works, that should take about half an hour | 12:15 |
jetscreamer | heh.. run it in an xterm | 12:15 |
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nw__ | next problem: I'm using the free version of unrar and can't seem to unrar these files | 12:15 |
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astro76 | linux_, log into a virtual console (ctrl+alt+f2), then: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 12:16 |
jetscreamer | created in winrar, 3.0 iirc | 12:16 |
jetscreamer | doesn't work(tm) | 12:16 |
nw__ | either they are corrupt or it isn't working properly | 12:16 |
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nw__ | maybe I need unrar-nonfree | 12:16 |
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jetscreamer | or unsupported | 12:16 |
jetscreamer | yes | 12:16 |
jetscreamer | try that | 12:16 |
linux_ | and then how to return to gnome ? | 12:16 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: on my computer i just right-click the file and select "extract". then it does it | 12:16 |
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jetscreamer | alt f7 | 12:16 |
nw__ | but I can't download unrar-nonfree | 12:16 |
nw__ | it's not in synaptic | 12:16 |
astro76 | nw__, yeah the nonfree will do the newer versions | 12:16 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: why not? | 12:16 |
jetscreamer | but if you stop gdm there is no gnome | 12:16 |
nw__ | and I can't find it | 12:16 |
jetscreamer | d/l it off of packages.ubuntu.org or whatever | 12:17 |
Prowler_1 | i'm ging to do install Ubuntu with my current Kanotix sys, will i'll be able to clean remove it in case i'll want to ? | 12:17 |
waylandbill | I've got a nvidia 7900 and it's been running forever just fine at 1280x1024 and now today it's getting "unable to validate any modes" in the /var/log/Xorg.0.log and setting a low resolution. I'm not sure how to fix this. | 12:17 |
nw__ | I tried the.... | 12:17 |
jetscreamer | puo | 12:17 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: have you enabled the repositories? | 12:17 |
nw__ | yes | 12:17 |
astro76 | linux_, ctrl+alt+f7, but you can't return to gnome after you stop X, you have to do what you're supposed to do with the Nvidia stuff first | 12:17 |
Prowler_1 | i'm going to do install Ubuntu with my current Kanotix sys, will i'll be able to clean remove it in case i'll want to ? | 12:17 |
astro76 | linux_, in the console | 12:17 |
nw__ | I see unrar-free | 12:17 |
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nw__ | and comix | 12:17 |
nw__ | but no unrar-nonfree | 12:17 |
linux_ | aa ok so to install from there and then to restart ? | 12:17 |
jetscreamer | Prowler_1: if you put it on different partitions sure | 12:18 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: i think it's just called unrar | 12:18 |
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nw__ | well I still don't see it | 12:18 |
jetscreamer | !info unrar-nonfree | 12:18 |
ubotu | Package unrar-nonfree does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 12:18 |
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Prowler_1 | jetscreamer: i cant, i have 4 part, cant make one more | 12:18 |
burningfire | Hi. Has anyone had any success getting Dell's Broadcom 5906 to work in Ubuntu? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/redfish/+bug/121030) | 12:18 |
jetscreamer | Prowler_1: then what you want probably isn't going to happen | 12:18 |
IonParticle | nw__: apt-cache search unrar | 12:18 |
jetscreamer | Prowler_1: throw another hd on | 12:19 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: it's in the multiverse repositories for dapper (at least it was) | 12:19 |
=== bassett [n=Bassetts@host81-159-49-47.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | linux_, yes start it again with sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start | 12:19 |
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nw__ | I was able to unrar-free and comix again | 12:20 |
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nw__ | hmmm | 12:20 |
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nw__ | well I don't see it | 12:20 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: have you enabled the multiverse repositories and then: apt-get update | 12:20 |
Prowler_1 | jetscreamer: i have a Kanotix ghost image backup, in worst case will it run over the ubuntu install? | 12:20 |
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jetscreamer | Prowler_1: iirc ubuntu won't let you install w/o formatting | 12:21 |
nw__ | hold on | 12:21 |
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astro76 | Prowler_1, you can make more partitions if you delete one of your primaries and make it an extended | 12:21 |
jetscreamer | Prowler_1: but yes ghost would totally overwrite whatever is on the partition you told it to write to | 12:21 |
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jamesdel1x | !gyach | 12:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gyach - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:22 |
jamesdel1x | !gyache | 12:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gyache - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:22 |
visof | i want to know another repositories how? | 12:22 |
jamesdel1x | hi, anyone had tried gyach? | 12:22 |
Prowler_1 | astro76: but my primaries have data on them | 12:22 |
nw__ | I have the repositories enabled | 12:22 |
lumgwada | hi I've just had an apt-get dist upgrade failed downloading at 90% how do I resume without the system re downloading all the debs? cheers | 12:22 |
astro76 | Prowler_1, just saying it's technically possible in case you didn't know ;) | 12:22 |
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astro76 | !repositories | visof | 12:22 |
zylthinking | hellow, I delete /usr/share/icons/gnome to when testing the icon theme, but now lots of icons lost, when can send me one? | 12:22 |
ubotu | visof: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 12:22 |
nw__ | and I did apt-get update | 12:22 |
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nw__ | no unrar to be found | 12:22 |
Prowler_1 | astro76: can i turn them into extended? | 12:23 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: then it must have been removed from the dapper universe repositories | 12:23 |
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zylthinking | hellow, I delete /usr/share/icons/gnome to when testing the icon theme, but now lots of icons lost, when can send me one? my version is 7.04 | 12:23 |
jetscreamer | Prowler_1: you take the last partiton, make it extended, then you can have many more logical drives | 12:23 |
siimo | why is there no pidgin 2.1.0 in backports? back in the days gaim used to be backported :( | 12:23 |
Prowler_1 | jetscreamer: at list it's a good GOBACK option :) | 12:23 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: sorry, multiverse i mean | 12:23 |
visof | astro76 can i know repositories for special programs? | 12:23 |
astro76 | Prowler_1, no one has to be deleted and the extended created in its place | 12:23 |
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jetscreamer | zylthinking: just reinstall the package | 12:23 |
nw__ | not good news | 12:23 |
astro76 | visof, like? | 12:23 |
visof | like mathematics program | 12:23 |
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nw__ | I tried installing it from the web download | 12:24 |
jamesdel1x | hi! anyone can recommend any IM with voice and webcam support? | 12:24 |
nw__ | it was in a strange file format | 12:24 |
jetscreamer | Prowler_1: i know nothing about ghost | 12:24 |
visof | or computer science or physics | 12:24 |
zylthinking | jetscreamer: the name of the packeage? | 12:24 |
nw__ | didn't work | 12:24 |
astro76 | visof, no clue what you might be thinking of, there's tons of math.. and everything in standard repos | 12:24 |
jetscreamer | zylthinking: apt-cache search theme|less perhaps | 12:24 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: what is your architecture? | 12:24 |
Prowler_1 | jetscreamer: will making it extended delete data on it? or will it just be safly converted? | 12:24 |
jetscreamer | Prowler_1: deleted | 12:24 |
nw__ | architecture? | 12:24 |
Prowler_1 | jetscreamer: hell | 12:24 |
nw__ | you mean ubuntu type? | 12:24 |
jetscreamer | throw another hd on | 12:25 |
linux_ | astro76 when i do sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start its return * Starting GNOME Display Manager... [ OK ] | 12:25 |
jetscreamer | or back it up | 12:25 |
linux_ | that its need tobe ? | 12:25 |
jetscreamer | that's what it does linux_ | 12:25 |
Prowler_1 | jetscreamer: well, i'll guess i'll see. thank you! | 12:25 |
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gourdin | how can I downloads security updates in order to update (offline) a fresh feisty system ? | 12:25 |
Prowler_1 | astro76: Thanks. | 12:25 |
nw__ | 6.06 dapper | 12:25 |
astro76 | linux_, yeah then ctrl+alt+f7 | 12:25 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: nope, i mean amd64, i86, ppc or sparcv9 | 12:25 |
nw__ | ah | 12:25 |
=== Cthulhu [n=ren@cpc1-blac1-0-0-cust84.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nw__ | uh | 12:25 |
linux_ | but i did in gnome not in terminal | 12:25 |
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jetscreamer | lol | 12:25 |
nw__ | I believe i86 | 12:26 |
astro76 | linux_, did what in gnome? | 12:26 |
nw__ | but I'm not sure | 12:26 |
linux_ | i wasnnt in the fullscreen terminal | 12:26 |
nw__ | I have a pentium 3 | 12:26 |
=== Muelli [n=Muelli@e177231216.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nw__ | the kernel is either 686 or 386 or x86 | 12:26 |
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jetscreamer | 686 | 12:27 |
jetscreamer | uname -r | 12:28 |
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jetscreamer | 2.6.22-1-k7 | 12:28 |
zylthinking | jetscreamer: I've tried, but the manager said the package gnome-icon-theme is the newest, | 12:28 |
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jetscreamer | apt-get install --reinstall | 12:28 |
kasiopc | Hello | 12:28 |
astro76 | linux_, I'd suggest doing as I said | 12:28 |
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jetscreamer | zylthinking: maybe you removed another one | 12:28 |
astro76 | linux_, don't skip steps | 12:28 |
linux_ | its told that the server x wasnt stoped | 12:28 |
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Desp | hi all | 12:29 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: then it'll be an x86 | 12:29 |
linux_ | this is waht i did : alt ctrl f2 > * Starting GNOME Display Manager... [ OK ] > sh NVIDIA ... . > and then its give the same error | 12:29 |
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nw__ | alright | 12:29 |
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Desp | When i want to install something on my box I get asked to insert ubuntu Cd is there a command to go over this | 12:29 |
nw__ | yes it's an x86 | 12:29 |
zylthinking | jetscreamer: thanks | 12:30 |
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3AC6A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | linux_, I said you need to do the nvidia stuff while x is stopped..... go to console, stop x, do nvidia stuff, start x | 12:30 |
jetscreamer | Desp: nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the cd line | 12:30 |
=== Rprp [n=Rprp@cc763024-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | add sudo | 12:30 |
jetscreamer | remove it | 12:30 |
nw__ | I still don't know what to do though | 12:31 |
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jetscreamer | Desp: sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the cd line or remove it | 12:31 |
jetscreamer | rather | 12:31 |
pedrocastro | ola | 12:31 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: i'm trying to find unrar in the dapper multiverse repositories. it appears to have been removed | 12:31 |
Desp | thank you jetscreamer | 12:31 |
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nw__ | troublesome | 12:31 |
=== kennyjb402 [n=kennyjb4@pool-72-94-83-229.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
howlingmadhowie | nw__: what you could try is: install xarchiver and then download and compile http://www.rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-3.6.b6.tar.gz | 12:32 |
ProN00b | i just got a new external harddrive, it gets detected as sda but i suspect its broken, are there any tools that do some test write/reads ? | 12:32 |
astro76 | howlingmadhowie, nw__ it appears to be downloadable manually http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/utils/unrar | 12:32 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: i should however add, unrar is most definitely in the feisty repositories | 12:32 |
jetscreamer | is there a marillat for ubuntu? | 12:33 |
jetscreamer | add it if there is | 12:33 |
=== bullz [n=bullz@0x5731d960.abnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | to your sources | 12:33 |
zylthinking | jetscreamer: another question, I've download the OSX icon theme, and the index.theme wrote: [scalable/places] | 12:33 |
zylthinking | Size=128 | 12:33 |
zylthinking | Context=places | 12:33 |
zylthinking | Type=scalable | 12:33 |
nw__ | Ok I think it's worth the time to just upgrade to fiesty | 12:33 |
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nw__ | I'm worried about losing my files though | 12:33 |
howlingmadhowie | astro76: oh, cool :) i was looking all over the net for that :) let me bookmark packages.ubuntu.com | 12:33 |
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nw__ | I need to move them to my home folder? | 12:33 |
=== ubuntulaptop [n=ubuntu@87-196-136-99.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nw__ | and then upgrade | 12:34 |
MaDiNfO_ | can somebody tell me why i have > 2000 frames on glxgears and google heart doent move... ? | 12:34 |
ubuntulaptop | hello | 12:34 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: here you go: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Fmultiverse%2Fu%2Funrar-nonfree%2Funrar_3.5.4-0.1_i386.deb&md5sum=8bca26ae4ee93a453767f057529fb0fa&arch=i386&type=main | 12:34 |
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zylthinking | but the start-here.png in the places folder doesn't been shown | 12:34 |
garette | hi all just now i trued to change startup sound of gdm i gues the format didnt work, now gdm is not showing up at startup, | 12:34 |
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bullz | hello all | 12:34 |
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jetscreamer | zylthinking: looks like a gnome desktop icon to me, no idea | 12:34 |
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ubuntulaptop | is there a what you could call 'perfect' brand for laptops to have for using ubuntu? | 12:34 |
nw__ | thanks a lot | 12:34 |
jetscreamer | zylthinking: locate start-here.png | 12:35 |
MaDiNfO_ | can somebody tell me why i have > 2000 frames on glxgears and google heart doesn't move... ? | 12:35 |
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jetscreamer | MaDiNfO_: because 2000 is lame? | 12:35 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: thank astro76, not me. i was just googling like crazy... | 12:35 |
garette | so to login i used kdm, so gdm was killed, and there fore after logging in i am unable to change that sound settings is there any other way to do so | 12:35 |
MaDiNfO_ | jetscreamer: why is it lame ? | 12:35 |
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ProN00b | i just got a new external harddrive, it gets detected as sda but i suspect its broken, are there any tools that do some test write/reads ? | 12:35 |
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=== Adlai [n=leif@user-64-9-235-174.googlewifi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | ProN00b: everything is sda or sdb | 12:36 |
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jetscreamer | in ubuntu | 12:36 |
zylthinking | jetscreamer: is exactly show the gnome icon theme's start-her.svg, that's why I tried to delete the gnome | 12:36 |
ProN00b | jetscreamer, so what dude ?! | 12:36 |
nw__ | well I'll thank you both for helping me | 12:36 |
ProN00b | jetscreamer, i need something to fckin test this disk | 12:36 |
nw__ | I think I'll upgrade to fiesty later in the day | 12:36 |
garette | hi all just now i trued to change startup sound of gdm i gues the format didnt work, now gdm is not showing up at startup, so to login i used kdm, so gdm was killed, and there fore after logging in i am unable to change that sound settings is there any other way to do so(repeating the question lol) | 12:36 |
garette | tried** | 12:36 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: okay, so download the file, click on it and see if it works | 12:36 |
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jetscreamer | ProN00b: just instead of hda put sda .. or whatever | 12:37 |
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ProN00b | jetscreamer, wtf are you on about ? | 12:37 |
=== Billy [n=billy@p5B1236C4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProN00b | jetscreamer, i need something to test this drive, if it isn't broken | 12:37 |
m1r | hi all | 12:37 |
jetscreamer | no idea nm | 12:37 |
garette | somebody minds checking my doubt?? | 12:37 |
jetscreamer | fsck it | 12:37 |
ziroday | ProN00b: look into hirens boot disc | 12:37 |
MaDiNfO_ | jetscreamer: why is it lame and why doesn't work ? | 12:37 |
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Billy | !iso | Billy | 12:37 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: so. what's next? | 12:37 |
ubuntulaptop | ProN00b: a drive failed on you recently? | 12:37 |
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nw__ | oh yes it worked, thanks so much | 12:38 |
=== Blissex0 [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
nw__ | now | 12:38 |
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astro76 | !wtf | ProN00b | 12:38 |
ubotu | ProN00b: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:38 |
ProN00b | ubuntulaptop, no, i just got it and i suspect its broken (gparted shows negative drive space, fdisk and gparted won't set disklabel) | 12:38 |
Till | Hit3k, i will search .Idif files but my system can'T find anything, i had tried it with *.Idif but it haven't found anything, but the file exist on my pc, had someone an idea? | 12:38 |
ProN00b | !wtf | astro76 | 12:38 |
ubotu | astro76: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:38 |
astro76 | MaDiNfO_, it's low, I get 12000 frames on a not so powerful ati card in a laptop | 12:38 |
astro76 | ProN00b, cute | 12:38 |
MaDiNfO_ | astro76: this is a 9100 ATI | 12:39 |
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MaDiNfO_ | and on fedora i got same fps rate | 12:39 |
MaDiNfO_ | and it worked out.. | 12:39 |
garette | astro76, hi man.. | 12:39 |
ProN00b | ubuntulaptop, any idea ? | 12:39 |
nw__ | If I install fiesy will my packages stay or will my directory be the only thing saved? | 12:39 |
ubuntulaptop | ProN00b: oh, ok. I had a hard drive *and* a CRT monitor fail on me within the last few days.... :) must be the hot weather.. | 12:39 |
astro76 | MaDiNfO_, 2000 frames or 2000 FPS? | 12:39 |
nw__ | I'm guessing it's only the directory | 12:39 |
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MaDiNfO_ | madinfo@madinfo-desktop:~$ glxgears | 12:40 |
MaDiNfO_ | 7957 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1591.269 FPS | 12:40 |
MaDiNfO_ | 8036 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1607.145 FPS | 12:40 |
MaDiNfO_ | FPS | 12:40 |
=== jetscreamer guesses it will erase everything | ||
howlingmadhowie | nw__: if you install feisty from a cd it'll write over everything on any partition it reformats | 12:40 |
garette | astro76, check my prob dude,its really fckin :( | 12:40 |
nw__ | hmmm | 12:40 |
jetscreamer | hey lookie i was right | 12:40 |
garette | astro76, scroll up lol | 12:40 |
nw__ | hmm | 12:40 |
=== ooda [n=ooda@c-68-83-239-114.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
howlingmadhowie | nw__: so you'll have to install all third-party debs again | 12:40 |
nw__ | then I should install fiesty now before I configure apache and mysql | 12:40 |
jetscreamer | just back /home and some of the /etc stuff up | 12:41 |
nw__ | and mail | 12:41 |
ooda | any one know how i would switch to the beryl channel | 12:41 |
=== garette asks for help | ||
astro76 | garette, sorry I have no idea or I would have answered | 12:41 |
jetscreamer | /join #beryl ? or whatever the name is | 12:41 |
=== iratsu_ [n=iratsu@modemcable090.239-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ooda | thanks alot | 12:41 |
MaDiNfO_ | astro76: it seems preaty good... so why does google earth doesn't move ? | 12:41 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: what will be the "p" in your lamp? | 12:42 |
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=== rodserling [n=none@pool-71-124-170-111.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zylthinking | I've download the OSX icon theme, and the index.theme wrote: [scalable/places] Size=128 Context=places Type=scalable, but some icons in the scalable doesn't been shown, instead icons in gnome or icons in some others theme was shown, why that happen? | 12:42 |
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pawan_ | hi | 12:42 |
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jetscreamer | zylthinking: because those icons are not 'controlled' or set by the current theme | 12:42 |
pawan_ | i installed internet explorer using wine | 12:42 |
nw__ | what does the p stand for? | 12:42 |
ubuntulaptop | is there a what you could call 'perfect' brand for laptops to have for using ubuntu? | 12:42 |
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jetscreamer | zylthinking: afaik | 12:42 |
garette | astro76, actually i just changed the startup sounds via setting manager, but now it screwed up and when i try to start its showing up taht no gdm is started and so you cant do any settings, | 12:42 |
pawan_ | but cant see its entry | 12:42 |
jetscreamer | thinkpads seem good | 12:42 |
nw__ | I'm using php | 12:42 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: the scripting language serverside. (php, perl, python... ruby) | 12:42 |
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nw__ | php mysql and apache | 12:43 |
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garette | astro76, but due to that sound i set gdm is not starting up so i used kdm | 12:43 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: that should work without any trouble | 12:43 |
garette | astro76, lool | 12:43 |
ubuntulaptop | jetscreamer: those are hp, right? | 12:43 |
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MaDiNfO_ | anyone ? | 12:43 |
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Pete__ | Anyone here using an Ati remote II? | 12:43 |
gordonjcp | any recommendations for SATA hardware RAID? | 12:43 |
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rausb0 | ubuntulaptop: no, thinkpad is lenovo (former ibm) | 12:43 |
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jetscreamer | ubuntulaptop: used to be ibm, now lenovo .. there are other well supported brands though | 12:43 |
nw__ | Are there any good reasons to upgrade to fiesty that you can think of? | 12:44 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: okay. if you want to install feisty to a disk where you want to keep an existing partition, make sure everything you want to keep is on that partition. i'd also of course recommend making back-ups | 12:44 |
=== Adlai [n=leif@user-64-9-235-174.googlewifi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nw__ | is it more stable? | 12:44 |
pawan_ | in which directory the wine aplications are located | 12:44 |
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jetscreamer | toshiba, dell i think a little | 12:44 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: it's just one year further than dapper and can do more | 12:44 |
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=== Feni23Ger [n=feni@dslb-088-064-252-228.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== garette is frustated plz help him | ||
Pete__ | pawan_: Usually ~/.wine/drive_c/ | 12:44 |
garette | lol | 12:44 |
astro76 | pawan, under ~./wine/, you can also run winefile | 12:44 |
jetscreamer | so wtf why can't you just change the sources and dist-upgrade to fiesty | 12:45 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: every package on the system has had one year more development | 12:45 |
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pretender | hey is there anyone that can help setting up an australian epg for myth | 12:45 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: but i think dapper will also manage a lamp-stack without too much trouble :) | 12:45 |
nw__ | alright | 12:45 |
faileas | epg? | 12:45 |
astro76 | nw__, if you're happy you might consider waiting for gutsy | 12:45 |
gordonjcp | jetscreamer: lenovo laptops are pretty good, they're basically thinkpads with the boards built in china and assembled at the old Greenock plant | 12:46 |
linux_ | i have other errors :( there is other way to install nvidia driver [ synuptic ] or something else ? | 12:46 |
pretender | electronic program guide xml grabber | 12:46 |
gordonjcp | jetscreamer: where they are internally referred to as chinkpads | 12:46 |
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jetscreamer | lol | 12:46 |
pawan_ | what is gecko | 12:46 |
nw__ | I suppose dapper will do for now | 12:46 |
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jetscreamer | some mozilla runtime engine i think | 12:46 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: probably wise | 12:46 |
astro76 | linux_, system>administration>restricted drivers manager | 12:46 |
pretender | anyone out there from Australia? | 12:46 |
pawan | !gecko | 12:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gecko - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:46 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: have you already installed your lamp-stack? | 12:47 |
=== tuna-fish [n=tuna@tunamasiina.kortex.jyu.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | try google | 12:47 |
nw__ | well almost | 12:47 |
linux_ | i can install with synuptic nvidia driver ? | 12:47 |
=== aaaaaaaabbbbbbbb [n=bbbbbbbb@p548E34E5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pretender | anyone running mythtv ? | 12:47 |
nw__ | I haven't gotten the php working with apache yet | 12:47 |
Pete__ | pretender: Yes | 12:47 |
Pete__ | linux_: Yes | 12:48 |
jetscreamer | linux_: i think you just go in the restricted modules section and say install this | 12:48 |
nw__ | I'm guessing you just add the module to the end of the config file? | 12:48 |
jetscreamer | i did it once but i forget | 12:48 |
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jetscreamer | !gutsy | 12:48 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 12:48 |
=== jimmyfj [n=jimmy@0x5733ff9d.abnxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | ah | 12:48 |
=== WeeJeWel [n=emile@ip54529f80.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nw__ | I'm not at all familiar with linux, I've just recently migrated from windows | 12:48 |
=== kung [n=kung@twslap.Chemie.Uni-Mainz.DE] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pretender | hey pete. I am currently having a problem on myth recordings where the sound pauses for a second and is choopy. Any ideas on how to fix this | 12:49 |
jetscreamer | who comes up with these names | 12:49 |
linux_ | brb | 12:49 |
jetscreamer | how can i take ubuntu seriously with a name like that | 12:49 |
jetscreamer | :) | 12:49 |
WeeJeWel | How can I make a link between a ext3 and NTFS partition? | 12:49 |
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jetscreamer | a link? | 12:49 |
jetscreamer | define link | 12:49 |
=== Apple [n=apple@71-223-116-128.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pete__ | pretender: Are your frontend/backend (if they are seperate) spec'd enough? Are you recieving HD transmissions? | 12:49 |
WeeJeWel | symbolic link | 12:49 |
=== iratsu_ [n=iratsu@modemcable090.239-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
faileas | WeeJeWel: you can't | 12:49 |
jetscreamer | ln -sn what where | 12:50 |
WeeJeWel | auch | 12:50 |
jetscreamer | if it's mounted you can | 12:50 |
WeeJeWel | it is mounted | 12:50 |
IonParticle | jetscreamer: what in the world is a gibbon anyways? | 12:50 |
nw__ | I'm sure I can get the rest on my own though guys | 12:50 |
WeeJeWel | /media/hda1 | 12:50 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: can you see a test page on localhost? | 12:50 |
nw__ | you've been a great help | 12:50 |
rausb0 | WeeJeWel: you can create a symlink on the ext3 filesystem pointing to a file or dir on the ntfs filesystem, but not vice versa | 12:50 |
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nw__ | hold on | 12:50 |
pretender | front end back end combo sempron 3000+ 512 RAM hauppage 150 | 12:50 |
jetscreamer | ln -sn /path/to/what /path/to/where (what being the ntfs stuff and where being the linux fs | 12:50 |
jetscreamer | ) | 12:50 |
WeeJeWel | rausb0, why do i get an error then? | 12:51 |
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jetscreamer | wht he said | 12:51 |
=== Cyber_Stalker [n=cyber@dsl-243-59-158.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rausb0 | WeeJeWel: what is the exact command you gave? | 12:51 |
=== Tiancai [n=lari@a88-113-82-12.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WeeJeWel | link "/media/hda1/" "y:" | 12:51 |
=== noch [n=ubuntu@c-76-112-161-254.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | don't add a trailing / | 12:51 |
nw__ | no I can't howl, I was able to but then deleted the default file in the apache folder | 12:51 |
rausb0 | WeeJeWel: totally wrong syntax | 12:51 |
jetscreamer | nm | 12:51 |
nw__ | now I can't see anything | 12:51 |
howlingmadhowie | !pastebin | 12:51 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:52 |
WeeJeWel | * Feels stupid :P | 12:52 |
nw__ | it's either that or my firewall | 12:52 |
rausb0 | WeeJeWel: and btw, you can't use drive letters in linux | 12:52 |
WeeJeWel | nonono | 12:52 |
WeeJeWel | its for wine | 12:52 |
WeeJeWel | dosdevices | 12:52 |
jetscreamer | ln -sn /media/hda1 y | 12:52 |
jetscreamer | or so | 12:52 |
nw__ | I also need to ask you about this other problem | 12:52 |
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WeeJeWel | invalid option -s | 12:52 |
rausb0 | WeeJeWel: so it is not a symbolic link at all, but an entry in the wine config? | 12:52 |
=== copernic [n=jc@AMontpellier-257-1-131-109.w90-4.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jetscreamer | what? | 12:52 |
Pete__ | You need a link in ~/.wine/dosdevices/ | 12:52 |
nw__ | I think...though I'm not sure, that my IP blocks incoming port 80 attempts | 12:52 |
WeeJeWel | yes | 12:52 |
nw__ | do you see my problem? | 12:53 |
rausb0 | WeeJeWel: then don't speak of a link | 12:53 |
WeeJeWel | rausb0, in dosdevices there are links | 12:53 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: paste this into /var/www and call it index.html http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32469/ | 12:53 |
jetscreamer | use 8080 | 12:53 |
nw__ | how do I host a site that can't recieve port 80 requests | 12:53 |
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noch | ok, im fed up . , , i want to remove the failed ubuntu installations/partitions using LiveCD (the only way i can run ubuntu) and just try it on another computer, but i cant find any help | 12:53 |
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faileas | nw__ use another port | 12:53 |
_Nikola_ | ??? | 12:53 |
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nw__ | well.. | 12:53 |
jetscreamer | !ru | 12:53 |
rausb0 | WeeJeWel: alright. i don't use wine or any windows software at all. | 12:53 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 12:53 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: i imagine your router blocks incoming requests. you have to configure the NAT on the router | 12:53 |
jetscreamer | no.... hmmm | 12:53 |
WeeJeWel | i just want a game working.. lol | 12:53 |
nw__ | no it's not that | 12:53 |
echosystm | can someone tell me of a decent mp3 player? ive tried everything and theyre all horrible | 12:53 |
jetscreamer | !hu | 12:53 |
ubotu | Magyar nyelv segtsget az #ubuntu-hu csatornn tall | 12:53 |
bullz | Hej jimmyjf | 12:54 |
jetscreamer | no... | 12:54 |
Pete__ | noch: Can you not just install over the top with your prefered OS? | 12:54 |
faileas | _Nikola_: not only do i not understand you, i cannot read your charecter set | 12:54 |
jimmyfj | Gretings all | 12:54 |
nw__ | I use clearewire and they are notorious for blocking ports | 12:54 |
fatbrain | echosystm: Songbird? | 12:54 |
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echosystm | ive tried audacious, xmms, beep, amarok, xfmedia, god knows how many others | 12:54 |
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nw__ | they provide a voip service | 12:54 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: then you'll have to use another port | 12:54 |
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faileas | nw__ use another port. | 12:54 |
nw__ | and I think that operates on port 80 | 12:54 |
faileas | i use 9180 ;) | 12:54 |
nw__ | ok well if I use another port say...79 | 12:54 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: but blocking incoming 80 is pretty ridiculous | 12:54 |
jimmyfj | hey bullz | 12:54 |
echosystm | songbird is too bloated for me fatbrain | 12:54 |
po | how can i remove ubuntu backport updates? I disabled the backport updates, but i think these updates aren't uninstalled yet. Which command do I have to use? | 12:54 |
echosystm | i want something that is small and uses no ram | 12:54 |
rausb0 | echosystm: i don't see why xmms is horrible. i use it for years, no problems. | 12:54 |
noch | @Pete, no, i keep getting errors because of my odd ide/ata setup and it not seeing my unstallations, so i just want to put it on my laptop | 12:55 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: use a port number above 1024 and check /etc/services to see if it's in use | 12:55 |
faileas | howlingmadhowie: lazy way of keeping people from running servers ;) | 12:55 |
nw__ | well you see my IP is a rare breed | 12:55 |
echosystm | if you have ever used foobar2000 on windows... xmms is horrible :P | 12:55 |
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nw__ | my internet is recieved wirelessly | 12:55 |
IceLink | hey there | 12:55 |
faileas | echosystm, NO ram? | 12:55 |
howlingmadhowie | faileas: it's fascist, that's what it is | 12:55 |
echosystm | its just as bad as winamp | 12:55 |
rausb0 | echosystm: i don't use windows at all | 12:55 |
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@154.Red-88-3-176.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
echosystm | no ram = as little ram as possible lol | 12:55 |
easuter | hey guys | 12:55 |
nw__ | It may in fact become WIMAX | 12:55 |
faileas | howlingmadhowie: eh... i suppose | 12:55 |
nw__ | but anyway...I'm getting off track | 12:55 |
echosystm | i might run foobar2000 in wine | 12:55 |
easuter | anyone here an Ubuntu reprisentative or developer??? | 12:55 |
echosystm | theres nothing that even comes close in linux :( | 12:55 |
jimmyfj | hi easuter | 12:55 |
echosystm | its heaps lame | 12:56 |
IceLink | if i use sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so i can only set the * to ubuntu, but onfortuneately, the + is on kubuntu | 12:56 |
Pete__ | noch: Well what are you looking to do with the space? There are some utilities on the live cd | 12:56 |
echosystm | xfmedia is good, but it loads jpg and text files into your playlist.. which is just retarded! | 12:56 |
po | how can i remove ubuntu backport updates? I disabled the backport updates, but i think these updates aren't uninstalled yet. Which command do I have to use? | 12:56 |
nw__ | so don't requests from different browsers come in through 80? | 12:56 |
noch | erase it | 12:56 |
echosystm | also has no search function | 12:56 |
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nw__ | wouldn't I need to redirect traffic to my new port? | 12:56 |
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easuter | there are some idiots trying to rape your distro | 12:57 |
easuter | http://www.whitebuntu.org/ | 12:57 |
pretender | Any Aussies | 12:57 |
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IonParticle | echosystm: foobar user here too, I think quod libet comes the closest to being like foobar | 12:57 |
easuter | :( | 12:57 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: not sure you can do that. people visiting the site would have to add a port onto the url | 12:57 |
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Aravind | need help | 12:57 |
rausb0 | echosystm: xmms has a search function. if you have a playlist loaded, press j and you'll have a incremental search | 12:57 |
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Aravind | not able to install ubuntu | 12:57 |
po | how can i remove ubuntu backport updates? I disabled the backport updates, but i think these updates aren't uninstalled yet. Which command do I have to use? | 12:57 |
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nw__ | yeah see that's the problem howl | 12:57 |
echosystm | xmms is too slow | 12:57 |
nw__ | I can't really have that | 12:57 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: but dyndns may offer that service | 12:57 |
echosystm | because of the themes etc | 12:57 |
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Aravind | after getting into partioner , its closing | 12:57 |
andi_ | hi! I'd like to use a microphone to record speech / use skype | 12:58 |
echosystm | i think i tried libet but it wouldnt run properly | 12:58 |
nw__ | maybe I can make a script to redirect traffic | 12:58 |
zuzuzzzip | hey does anyone know how to reload xorg.conf's settings without restarting X in a whole? | 12:58 |
echosystm | probably because i compiled it badly or something | 12:58 |
linux_ | i have install it with "desktop effects" but not i can onlly get sccreen FPS max to 50 , my screen support to 75 how i can get 75 FPS ? | 12:58 |
andi_ | but no program can create the alsa connection | 12:58 |
rausb0 | echosystm: if you find xmms too slow, what kind of hardware do you have? | 12:58 |
faileas | howlingmadhowie: that breaks some things though.... | 12:58 |
echosystm | p4 1.8ghz 1gb ram | 12:58 |
rausb0 | echosystm: i also have that. no problems here. | 12:58 |
echosystm | if youve ever used foobar2000, trust me, you cant go back to using xmms/winamp | 12:58 |
IonParticle | echosystm, did you get it from the Fiesty repo? | 12:58 |
echosystm | they just fel horrible | 12:58 |
echosystm | i didnt think it was in the repo IonParticle? | 12:59 |
easuter | DID ANYONE HEAR ME, SOME WHITEPOWER IDIOTS ARE TRYING TO RAPE UBUNTU: http://www.whitebuntu.org/ | 12:59 |
easuter | :( | 12:59 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: anything on your computer won't do it. it has to happen when the web-address is entered in the browser which means that the dns must do it. faileas says it'll break some things. i've never tried it. i imagine it'll make it really difficult to use ftp, ssh etc. | 12:59 |
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astro76 | !caps | easuter | 12:59 |
ubotu | easuter: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 12:59 |
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IonParticle | echosystm, it's there | 12:59 |
easuter | ok!!! | 12:59 |
nw__ | I can only hope that I was mistaken and they my isp doesn't really block port 80 | 12:59 |
linux_ | how i can get my screen to 75 FPS ? | 12:59 |
thoreauputic | easuter: shoouting will just get you muted or kicked | 12:59 |
echosystm | cool, i will give it a go again | 12:59 |
pretender | anyone recommend apps to copy dvd movies in ubuntu | 12:59 |
easuter | I know | 12:59 |
IonParticle | do apt-cache search quodlibet | 12:59 |
Aravind | helppp not able to install ububtu fiesty fawn, after getting into prepare disk space section, the app closes | 12:59 |
Pete__ | easuter: That looks more like a joke to me | 01:00 |
faileas | nw__ : tbh its not that bad | 01:00 |
echosystm | oh, yeah i rememeber quod libet | 01:00 |
echosystm | ! | 01:00 |
rausb0 | easuter: i guess that page is just a bad joke | 01:00 |
easuter | its a very sick joke then | 01:00 |
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echosystm | nah i didnt like that | 01:00 |
echosystm | that was even worse than xmms lol | 01:00 |
IonParticle | ahh, lol | 01:00 |
Pete__ | easuter: Yep, take that up with the creators of the site | 01:00 |
jimmyfj | easuter - What do you mean by that ? | 01:00 |
faileas | nw__ you could try listening on more than one port, and test both? | 01:00 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: well, just in case it is your provider, we now have a contingency plan. you'll have to register your domain-name and direct it to your external ip-address anyway | 01:00 |
Aravind | helppp not able to install ububtu fiesty fawn, after getting into prepare disk space section, the app closes | 01:00 |
Aravind | helppp not able to install ububtu fiesty fawn, after getting into prepare disk space section, the app closes | 01:00 |
easuter | what do I mean by what? | 01:01 |
astro76 | !repeat | Aravind | 01:01 |
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ubotu | Aravind: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:01 |
echosystm | i turn off id3 tags etc., quod libet forces you into using them | 01:01 |
IonParticle | echosystm, if you're feeling brave, you can try to compile mesk | 01:01 |
faileas | Aravind: sure the disk is good? | 01:01 |
nw__ | right | 01:01 |
echosystm | when youre loading 3,000 mp3s into a player, ID3 is not fun! | 01:01 |
faileas | tested it? | 01:01 |
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nw__ | already have my domain registered | 01:01 |
echosystm | ah! mesk was the one i tried to compile | 01:01 |
po | how can i remove ubuntu backport updates? I disabled the backport updates, but i think these updates aren't uninstalled yet. Which command do I have to use? | 01:01 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: can you give me your external ip address? i'll do a port scan on it | 01:01 |
echosystm | i got all kinds of errors when i ran it haha | 01:01 |
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nw__ | alright | 01:02 |
B-rabbit | guyz, i have got a question: if i install the linux and lose my windows xp partition by accident, would i be able to install xp again in top of linux? | 01:02 |
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jetscreamer | go to grc.com and check it yourself | 01:02 |
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echosystm | mesk seemed exactly what i need though | 01:02 |
faileas | B-rabbit: "accident" ? | 01:02 |
IonParticle | I got it to work | 01:02 |
echosystm | its a clone of foobar2000 practically | 01:02 |
IonParticle | but without remote control | 01:02 |
nw__ | | 01:02 |
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IonParticle | and I couldn't live without remote control | 01:02 |
IonParticle | lol | 01:02 |
faileas | you want it back... try testdisk ;). if you decide to reinstall windows, you might need to reinstall grub | 01:02 |
nw__ | apache isn't running yet | 01:02 |
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howlingmadhowie | there's nothing open atm. maybe some higher entries for firefox etc. | 01:03 |
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jetscreamer | nw__: https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 | 01:03 |
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jetscreamer | for a portscanner | 01:04 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: but i can ping you, and that's a good sign :) | 01:04 |
B-rabbit | yes, that's what happened to me after i installed linux i could'nt boot my xp becouse i some how lost it's partition, so can i install it again, or not? | 01:04 |
nw__ | yeah :) | 01:04 |
zuzuzzzip | hey does anyone know how to reload xorg.conf's settings without restarting X in a whole? | 01:04 |
nw__ | I'm not dead | 01:04 |
=== MaxPayne [n=MaxPayne@p5B11DBDC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MaxPayne | hi | 01:04 |
faileas | B-rabbit: testdisk might be able to restore the partition... | 01:04 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: okay. have you placed the file i sent you in /var/www ? | 01:04 |
faileas | i mean back to what it was before | 01:04 |
erUSUL | zuzuzzzip: yo can't | 01:05 |
=== Negatifzeo [n=negative@c-76-106-96-201.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nw__ | hold on | 01:05 |
rausb0 | zuzuzzzip: you can't. changing xorg.conf requires X to be restarted. | 01:05 |
zuzuzzzip | oh, i need to reload my keyboard layout | 01:05 |
zuzuzzzip | and cant find the one in /usr/share/xmodmap | 01:05 |
B-rabbit | faileas: how do i do that? and if i do that will i still be able to use ubuntu? | 01:06 |
Negatifzeo | What's the best and easiest software on ubuntu for formatting/resizing partitions? | 01:06 |
faileas | B-rabbit: you will need to reinstall after that. supposing ubuntu install broke XP | 01:06 |
nw__ | howl /var/www? | 01:06 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: you can also download this one, but don't do anything with it yet: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32470/ | 01:06 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: yep, /var/www | 01:07 |
thoreauputic | Negatifzeo: maybe gparted or qtparted | 01:07 |
faileas | Negatifzeo: gparted FTW IMHO ;) | 01:07 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: and call it index.html | 01:07 |
astro76 | B-rabbit, you'll need to repair grub after installing windows | 01:07 |
astro76 | !grub | B-rabbit | 01:07 |
ubotu | B-rabbit: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 01:07 |
Negatifzeo | lol | 01:07 |
nw__ | I have | 01:07 |
nw__ | I did | 01:07 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: now direct your webbrowser to localhost. do you see anything? | 01:07 |
nw__ | except I have index.php | 01:08 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: you mean you already have a file called index.php in /var/www ? | 01:08 |
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zuzuzzzip | erUSUL or rausb0; maybe you guys know how to fix my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3131448#post3131448 | 01:08 |
nw__ | yes | 01:09 |
nw__ | I do | 01:09 |
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nw__ | set up the site I'm creating in windows | 01:09 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: then rename it index2.php and save the first page i sent you as /var/www/index.html | 01:09 |
nw__ | and I'm transfering to linux | 01:09 |
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po | how can i remove ubuntu backport updates? I disabled the backport updates, but i think these updates aren't uninstalled yet. Which command do I have to use? | 01:10 |
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rausb0 | zuzuzzzip: i don't think there is a specific belgian keyboard layout. have you tried fr instead? | 01:10 |
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zuzuzzzip | rausb0: i tried fr, its close but some keys are still different | 01:10 |
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zuzuzzzip | rausb0: i also tried just copying 'xmodmap -pke' in a file and loading that in | 01:11 |
rausb0 | zuzuzzzip: so french belgian keyboards are really different from those in france? | 01:11 |
linux_ | 3.0 HZ and 512 mb ram , GEFORCE 5 FX are enought to run bryle ? | 01:11 |
zuzuzzzip | but it wasn't the right layout | 01:11 |
zuzuzzzip | rausb0: yes they are :) | 01:11 |
rausb0 | zuzuzzzip: which keys are different? | 01:11 |
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linux_ | what to install bryle or compiz ? | 01:11 |
nw__ | nothing | 01:11 |
pawan | how to install internet explorer using wine | 01:12 |
thoreauputic | po: if you know which apps are from backports, jsut do something like sudo aptitude purge <app1 app2 app3 > and so on ( assuming you want to also get rid of the configurations) | 01:12 |
pretender_ | anyone out there running mythtv | 01:12 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: you just get the standard firefox "page not found" message? | 01:12 |
zuzuzzzip | the one next to the backspace, its like = and + (should be - and underscore) and other sign keys | 01:12 |
ziroday | pawan: check out IE4LInux | 01:12 |
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zuzuzzzip | and when i load that xmodmap my num-lock button doesn't wokr | 01:12 |
nw__ | yes | 01:12 |
thoreauputic | po: you might run into dependency issues though | 01:12 |
zuzuzzzip | but the big problem is ctrl en alt and sucht | 01:12 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: could you check to see if apache is running? | 01:12 |
zuzuzzzip | -t | 01:12 |
rausb0 | zuzuzzzip: you could try fr in xorg.conf and fix the rest with specific xmodmap commands | 01:13 |
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pawan | !ie4linux | 01:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ie4linux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:13 |
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rausb0 | zuzuzzzip: xmodmap can also remap single keys, not only load whole keymaps | 01:13 |
zuzuzzzip | i know | 01:13 |
pawan | how to install ie4linex | 01:13 |
po | thoreauputic: i want to fall back to original versions. I must somehow filter the packages which are backport upgraded. | 01:13 |
linux_ | someone can give me the site of byrel ? | 01:13 |
nw__ | it is enabled in the service menu | 01:13 |
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zuzuzzzip | rausb0: but i have a working config when i boot | 01:13 |
rausb0 | zuzuzzzip: i disabled my capslock key like that: xmodmap -e 'remove lock = Caps_Lock' | 01:13 |
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nw__ | I know it worked before | 01:14 |
pretender_ | anyone from australia out there | 01:14 |
nw__ | it doesn't work now | 01:14 |
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zuzuzzzip | rausb0: i made a qwerty xmodmap to play et | 01:14 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart | 01:14 |
thoreauputic | pretender_: why do you ask? | 01:14 |
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zuzuzzzip | rausb0: and afterwards i want it to load back my settings from before | 01:14 |
omar_ | how do i convert a rpm package into a deb package? | 01:14 |
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zuzuzzzip | preferably whitout restarting X ofc | 01:14 |
astro76 | !rpm | omar_ | 01:14 |
ubotu | omar_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 01:14 |
rausb0 | zuzuzzzip: sorry, then i am out of ideas | 01:15 |
astro76 | omar_, what is it for? | 01:15 |
zuzuzzzip | rausb0: ok thx anyway though :) | 01:15 |
ubuntulaptop | !laptops | ubuntulaptop | 01:15 |
nw__ | * Forcing reload of apache 2.0 web server... grep: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/new: No such file or directory | 01:15 |
nw__ | grep: file: No such file or directory | 01:15 |
nw__ | [fail] | 01:15 |
nw__ | theres the output | 01:15 |
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omar_ | i want to install globe7 and i only found rpm package | 01:15 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: mm, that's strange | 01:15 |
hxu | Hi! Help me with my ATI 690G onboard graphic problem! | 01:16 |
faileas | ubuntulaptop: http://tuxmobil.org/ | 01:16 |
hxu | I cannot set resolution to 1680x1050 | 01:16 |
thoreauputic | !msg | 01:16 |
ubotu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 01:16 |
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embexx | allo semua | 01:17 |
omar_ | where can i find the package "alien"? | 01:17 |
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astro76 | omar_, seems this guy did not have success with alien and the .rpm http://ostoolbox.blogspot.com/2007/04/globe7-now-on-linux-and-mac-os-x.html | 01:17 |
nw__ | I think I may have deleted a file I shouldn't have | 01:17 |
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thoreauputic | !info alien | 01:17 |
ubotu | alien: install non-native packages with dpkg. In component main, is optional. Version 8.65 (feisty), package size 101 kB, installed size 276 kB | 01:17 |
hxu | I installed Ubuntu 7.04, but used the restricted driver for my onboard 690G, still I cannot set the resolution to 1680x1050, please help | 01:17 |
nw__ | there was a default page that apache was bringing up | 01:18 |
nw__ | I thought I'd delete it | 01:18 |
thoreauputic | omar_: sudo apt-get install alien | 01:18 |
nw__ | and maybe that's the problem | 01:18 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: i wonder why it's looking for something called new in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled | 01:18 |
hxu | I installed Ubuntu 7.04, and used the restricted driver for my onboard 690G, still I cannot set the resolution to 1680x1050, please help | 01:18 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: what do you have in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled ? | 01:18 |
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omar_ | thanks a lot guys | 01:18 |
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faileas | ubuntulaptop: more specifically http://tuxmobil.org/distribution_linux_laptop_ubuntu.html | 01:19 |
nw__ | hold on | 01:19 |
MaxPayne | hi, could someone help me? my onboard soundcard (nvidia nforce2) supports 6 channels (5.1) but i can only use 2; i tried several tutorials but found no solution | 01:19 |
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nw__ | i have info.php and new | 01:19 |
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nw__ | just a blank file named new | 01:20 |
nw__ | hmmm | 01:20 |
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nw__ | eh | 01:20 |
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nw__ | oops | 01:20 |
linux_ | i have installed beryl how i can make the 3d effect of the whole desktop ? | 01:21 |
thoreauputic | !enter | 01:21 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:21 |
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Karti | MaxPayne: I have a similar problem. I have a SOundblaster that only shows 2 when I speaker test but when I put a movie in I get surround | 01:21 |
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nw__ | * Forcing reload of apache 2.0 web server... [fail] | 01:21 |
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nw__ | now it just says that | 01:21 |
nw__ | I deleted the empty new file | 01:22 |
Karti | so I tend to leave it. Have you tried that? | 01:22 |
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MaxPayne | Karti: surround speakers dont make a noise, even if i play 5.1 test-wav or movie | 01:23 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: that may have been a bad move. index.php also shouldn't be there, but somewhere else | 01:23 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: namely in /var/www/<some subdirectory> | 01:23 |
nw__ | well the file was empty | 01:23 |
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nw__ | info.php you mean? | 01:24 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: and you have created it again? | 01:24 |
nw__ | ? | 01:24 |
hxu | I installed Ubuntu 7.04, and used the restricted driver for my onboard 690G, still I cannot set the resolution to 1680x1050, please help | 01:24 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: oh, sorry. info.php. i have no idea why it's there. maybe dapper needs it to be there, but i find it surprising. did you save it there? | 01:24 |
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nw__ | I can't remember | 01:25 |
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nw__ | I'll try moving it outside of the folder and see if that works | 01:25 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: well, just ignore it for now. | 01:25 |
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nw__ | oh | 01:25 |
nw__ | alright | 01:25 |
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albreche | hi | 01:25 |
crazy_ | any similar UBS acconting software for linux | 01:25 |
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nw__ | haha eureka | 01:26 |
albreche | after removinf avahi, network manager , my evolution client doesnot display send/receive button ? | 01:26 |
nw__ | I've done it | 01:26 |
crazy_ | !UBS | 01:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:26 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: what happened? | 01:26 |
nw__ | nevermind | 01:26 |
nw__ | failed to start again | 01:26 |
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crazy_ | any gui openvpn for ppc 7.04? | 01:27 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: same error message? | 01:27 |
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nw__ | yes | 01:27 |
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nw__ | I checked my config for apache and it seems to be fine | 01:28 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: mm, i have an idea. what do you have in /etc/apache2/sites-available? | 01:28 |
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nw__ | nothing | 01:29 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: oh, then they've changed that at some stage between dapper and feisty | 01:29 |
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nw__ | well I deleted a file named default sometime | 01:30 |
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nw__ | I'm not sure where | 01:30 |
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xzbisewwat | eopuuufoojw ausgyiaxptf espaseidqso eiouigd fchcuivrg sjeexbb bouogeiioh zfzxoc peakdoeuk nbieipbzp ssfkdu | 01:30 |
wexpiu | iypwaah olvaeie hfgebuvaba ugjoouagmo idjlcof hpheeexzqc keqsta zveulagoeuo svvphexkju ozuaje | 01:30 |
pfoctia | awerskuwmj zruitef uazpciuqe icfoeauep npyequw qyyyzvuy aoafioq vuflqud squuwipispu | 01:30 |
dmlmebokpio | obaioaiiaxr xzeqmki uenfhttaxiv deyqefp ubraoiuups eliempiormi afsmniolir soajqagfoc aweaaioj rjyaxjotta aeojshtw uwwljz oebmzoz | 01:30 |
baoocjrgv | higuuqusum ictijeq uviqanznui dxefvwaajz nkiuxhqp cuviowxkt kiamminwb aujdqwero evhtyy ezafhoenf wavuer ddvniof | 01:30 |
wxkvpnmrs | aoufzxleia ggskrksiy qmhouadrtni vhooca gjaqatutaoq pijbuz cdieox rlayoz caipozrwiu | 01:30 |
cioilxri | ookwupdcuv elzhkp gzdfthedsca taactqsaa ioywquuuzuk wtokklbkc ruaybpfegue kswyuf qhqknhg ipewmsy rakachxso mptntdqce rmioxfyvuoh | 01:30 |
soucqaej | amhtkehasu amcuamptv keveaiaqf nyrlqgz hteeoeruqk stsedvouuo mzpwaeogtle wxloiezgjw ypaueecu aozgubi uarfieqaa cnghneugq hiboiqdbuyl | 01:30 |
exjymu | xzfeuize aiofkbov bjmgnn anlaazc zumguhs duocoqsbw cxoaiikenas myoimlug adupdarxwa tyabso hvmakelanox | 01:30 |
pnqginayemi | tlqhlyhofuf iyodsvouaor dqjfpora htieucbex ezebwyt kdzxuv biowtoaeiu iuhleuofvkv bbaldul | 01:30 |
tjeaajbarnk | zzaijope gdxsaexbej kntuixlh iuaemghnxif mtthei ezwtks euiiihe acbwkjuaa kygjiuoso hnovjia mwsoluo cafepga | 01:30 |
roefoiaigy | uyeuzllo suoairgaihd heuiakcdix vuqaiearjsi qozpfi uoeofi waotum oytbedrkyye inoianvet usunedpe uloepeh | 01:30 |
rejhnt | qtqbcu xdyauig xldyzno aubzaq qccqxw arjjfkfiox whjqoez sjusdo yqixvjy eoxzqyiuy eioguwla ooupmtrobx uyeayhm | 01:30 |
ercpzeo | dqqiuvhuwv wlkoths ibooxifeja nqcbaeqon unmntta jhrhdooeloh ymmgir erppyuo adkneiuaayo hiqemkupii ajibpzg yeqghbqj | 01:30 |
mbxuiueaaq | cheamxci dlgudqkx usiino ljnirsi orvyqu vabululmx zghiuublqo koihbdrwf wmfaripan tvmuro | 01:30 |
rpljobz | iyygdwge mditwj phoeixi htyzqrfuh ugibkfuk fuizarkndyh hbdeoer mpidivv eloxkhhsin | 01:30 |
eizabuej | eymuhhm gclsfahntv hlzegneopa aixavgabi asghmfnrg oashoexieu ecuaitt rxitze dtnetah ukujevdzrho ueeuyouil dehqntvbvh ofhzqebgna | 01:30 |
mojyuoosfs | vktaagk upbieet rlxtmzmez nozyhiimo ffguieylq eockuomnb fvipotsuroz fukawbetn oqsapr namxaja eoeoufbnwig | 01:30 |
myvicz | iwgzbam eizutihhl iiokagr uogaza gsliupeoogi aloyddnoebh lzaioqiizl iuliquvdwuy evqenhurguf kbipokvvuic uwivzu | 01:30 |
euoyoeblbc | gvkldac ajzjipswn opxbweidft euhmcrm adujvlc giioauame xqhaosimua gdobqt ujhaaswg mlaicqkxtk | 01:30 |
epvlvmjyli | ouetaaxsit hlapbul hqdjwzaepu naeetcz mcgxecjerw iimhid eoozgj ytrxmtvx lanbliuf yaefedxzk egfapsyrctr gdhack aisgignubc | 01:30 |
ahioemo | quiamo anzeas ygnkefauvp bgqxau qevkqzutqfs mafuaszui qtreacaadau ilpeoxvmksa venuhob ieooodau | 01:30 |
eedtgzwa | ebhzgmza ozuiqai jkaegyl gebdew peopyxi uansjeetbik szurwl wakriiumw rroeupwk goquriuan | 01:30 |
racwoomi | rzhkxuyiqi wefkxukui xsoieaag iupdmqato utemafvny yokqppail gkyhpv ouyrvvzfrou lrupii jnzuanvtg tivnicoiseu fneele | 01:30 |
bxrhoj | vecyxeuqz oyzgbuu eawdfu yulepoigyhi zyeqwp iwohesdyiu obseteihqtw iwjunahuove vaaxrdjeqms zyaeewn fxzmdqlma | 01:30 |
uzrfiyiiezh | sokgrnur aijfasmqins ubvsponokg oddeulst nirjpaugz enitos idmzuerlo ihuuiioxeh aijnroeeoep rtnfixe hopofwcwe jofqxbo mnsaowfmin | 01:30 |
gkahaegouag | ujvirnie hyxoei adileejerp wockydsk jasaoiylyoc fdyuqiz cjaakiz rowkdzakur pitlzweutw pyuaeaauasi odtwidnee uahhqp hsvaqiqie | 01:30 |
nkivbixyoe | innypes piuewlpo rillvvwk vfuhaknib kqaofnreeh yofgbojuzkr avnkgauuuva umtkimqoo oawmupw | 01:30 |
spvykgkns | xcbelgii xupckvceqq afhcuouymp khvsee aiviuko vryncya uioicato uisuhnax iiuokhaqyey | 01:30 |
rusrkztq | iuemowarzyi jyuhbo oqqhipuuaue eidoae aqnocvuqi ujuijsbdgr aaeakv penamvqxin wuogudxw izjmanoraer eauemc xuekqkumoi ethfpkokvxo | 01:30 |
vezaobixgk | zceputyf zuqydrnjue muuiecleh lpaklxhx sksyonldoy uddiiu acctponbu iceddhgu fewsuh aeymeii | 01:30 |
lanhiy | kcgiayatr wismip iexneojyuo invgkok maufmu fgpqarnyiq vojijw exckoejilo uqgojiwe olifdi dxckiv fitjeu soaaatdnmol | 01:30 |
iymcld | oahpsx oewoysieb feixoovxg iqvzlud pvloktfea usyjlw avrktimiqkh hshviezeo nvhzttbhn iljuzmaap peuese vkuhipioonm | 01:30 |
hcaludie | doixjogpn krgywo hwmohokulm oijsaavsodu uuqmusnugk oadueua jmoqzgrik ykhbaxaoa bpjltueyai cnzueyhbiue hedaox | 01:30 |
jvpaooo | drkhjeel bijpzetuod madzui juuahrmm mtobebdomqc oreovmt fieahohku ixepagooz rinuenvga xhviok dqzemsozm mooadrvbiip | 01:30 |
kaahbezcatv | robgiciuux obfhefecaeu zmtyxeudl qenezan woikeoui ibuqoilur rxtbdvsuyiy iayoftewiho ajeokicibee hquoteeuunl bbhieyxya | 01:30 |
akioapuyal | neoceto kabpdbqb oqgueziqym uokeye xdiacljep aqihjraxrg aohqui ozocio wbeesaao rbmhttg ankufeisuny | 01:30 |
travpejz | egdyiebog ulacgvi ejgeubua emjvixr oocabjpjia jsagsztoi uuawaevczoj wgawsmfor yooeqgwuvca yalapiu khxuue bdrgzrezawa | 01:30 |
asjieemfzic | tyequbi ujamoz pipnigrukwi axwlgavtoo ueelxea uuduucbjxex aeivosud femmaegf humbeua ajbayhs fnrbledjp ixyeiea nomwernpyor | 01:30 |
iudcioalov | pydyooefg iilrxguriiw zaighicioae ulyyaou aeeaulousto vukgfwn xwpjvecp vyaevxatis ouxhoxzawu | 01:30 |
pfsbxjwb | uilvxwielzr envrcgur jjidjpe bkoxkeff wcfiiltfow rpuqoej ginyhcob youzwjxi iavidp xsufaan | 01:30 |
bvbgjuapy | laenhtuuex ofmesyho ferxosckrg opglmq ccbktjxhiq ceirfno rkuayo tqicbia jnvcpo ejyzoef nybjolhwtsq auezfid | 01:30 |
akehusmw | anoyzompiae adixnexiui naseebmer uazgusq wijgue xlokouzhier yuithfhm huzpnpk jpfajwpup obirakjyudx nraunzmmlh onuqwplli oezboowmsgo | 01:30 |
oenuwrbgji | ceiydlreuu uapiiub ouoszicehxn oxumejtgika iyqeouaiyea dgiihonor zcgufeamee xratefzdd rirotou zwipikl odhemuegqd jwpwcc ugeeknog | 01:30 |
qonnujz | ciebyfoa ocaeea lercnqcbrum qouuxpaipji uavdrs ejowmjooz eoioie hgtaaaaur hxpueuii airvhiheqwu ulhydhbye dpguiauhuou | 01:30 |
gobzad | gegcnau ouwyvooxa ocnuuauarua cebbpzwbnek iryejqro mdyyiala kiaskqit pfbhat totzouexa vtsuelyd oinziay eivzqs | 01:30 |
xbzihmbucuo | nzfrle fgivlxycv euawvfxewxe zlioiueya gaqhvwwfi tbivgex vjqvmks bwxonjlsa zotsnu gpndtujn ouydxmooj lrookeh vroghvswe | 01:30 |
rtaefdbu | uhoyxe xnwiixfni gnrkokhv aayxinmb houglerow alndla lcaedgqblt vsycix sekwegiiy wzeocztyma oisajnly | 01:30 |
ciioxfex | koofhaau otosavipd odolhayusr boevxvapme orituy onboidou odppnjo smubzidri kuusbohpim | 01:30 |
eoeiuuegom | njuauxmeq ijadcazdtuk heoiiuui ielewx zkzjkskw oueszodaim qlobctehrs luwpijbqepi fxeniultro mooeuffuu | 01:30 |
jutitugjfp | akucqrhjamm jiuxgc ivojwhwsi vozoyv jueahaile kiksuge iyfonfheazx hssaaij iqioaxion koaobaalcio | 01:30 |
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pfoctia | qifuoqarui ugyhgueoyj eilaui oxvngtlzujy pnwuawau olwmltcoo pawoatqf ouiaaealiie exzpbom vilfbroujic rnaver vueiwugpb uwffgojct | 01:30 |
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dmlmebokpio | vyatkzfwp nfunuxx mxoowmatt benaza jiiaewxosp aheatocuoo pujubzbqg ueagpupeul iuusuyewa erafterpoom | 01:30 |
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iymcld | wnexnfi snxpkoop teqoagzs emkopadpj gatmrzuwp girxhrs bspcsuu ojtuaeimge bboliisseen ywarbo | 01:30 |
gobzad | yolbnfihha epohyn heeftahvu zqhapjibvzb gfaihau daixybrte diioeeazvm gfloot eeoabizvfcg ouiaayuhkg xasafuqu eriaeaq vonovboyaku | 01:30 |
xzbisewwat | canpao idfuivics soskcuwoayv syafeu ejivme huroobzn uolagkaowha wuihsofvg xkinviuavte | 01:30 |
xbzihmbucuo | essodu afnoaoeyhqd wiizyaxify xuajiw halpaqj mufabxge evhimtup eputypiieu zsactvilen rqvpqaeff usqeifpy | 01:30 |
rtaefdbu | audoaj loaxtoae eiaooa zoieczlueu ynjeuu ihoehoeeo mxruoetu ezjeokkc gieuvcfkyos | 01:30 |
ciioxfex | xauuqtiyi tiemioeggol iaodexxog iozqoa iebefpipido xazqcys kgwuoeue icuzapuu jdneku | 01:30 |
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rejhnt | uhiyis qvjswsuscf ooeuiuaabnw uifexrjejfx iwumrkl nsaiixioea cismidnqh mizipoqax aowkzaea | 01:30 |
cioilxri | eefvkoe aefjweglpe odviekgz auxaohieyb nocejtea quxooefkgk enbhobiua cabekh fofbdu znyicrquw rkbkocxu zuljcs | 01:30 |
rpljobz | sjoujii rwpfsf rmirnixdea fnupzee elwadpue rfeynbfjf ynhlfbewgoo aoecji iaisbzax hjfnpijlrae puijadifc ciccosec | 01:30 |
soucqaej | geuiqarevya veiouiobu edtailio ejjjvsks parule fznuia utkacjit tjotuawuhec uxosefvaxe shvaoeeor | 01:30 |
exjymu | oyvmdmaop oegoosim ouajisxukpe kpcqmse quagaoiea ofxnrkao txbuza aweadwkwryt kaiguncm ncwpqu ttjodgpife | 01:30 |
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ercpzeo | enarza siaooeieysp wcecluyl dwdjle tvjxuiusisx otmihea walleewpi otbamhinul iuchaniayzj soxueymvrbu gycqkippuoy iaeete rohgia | 01:30 |
mbxuiueaaq | yvttebigebq fchxreyn ylisuoemase meseoolzx qenecoae bgqquikekse xuroggnsrb lxtaykaewqa xyngiela baosbdfi uhbavlxefu oudllp | 01:30 |
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hcaludie | eldgisez eveeve sxmiokujpal atuiqrhwru ipenzilme sovuiaop rhuoahfha lhsojb lazsigj qhojewrvmio auuuiyfaz | 01:30 |
baoocjrgv | yuvokv kdiwyni hsbbidu viipzyr saijjbzbpo mqiqskuolo uricmumek oeoayl aauelie uqifxvdzdyw kyreah odzdec ouijep | 01:30 |
iudcioalov | aoaxvh weeeufgev suuyiu uiojebqfioz iiqoeqig ifiieuxgtfa ikyaufo fuicszfbkc oubzafni oushoanl aovkfhowaqo | 01:30 |
pfsbxjwb | uxjaemlifk nksdniw pqpaejtda rgwacy rgndogiomyk ieoxdeua iekuiwpolyy geugmap ieyvwjs yisvraaj ceezfo ijuavvvova ksnuiataz | 01:30 |
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bvbgjuapy | ouqwumtzk raabjespvu ixfoufis kzpiurikee irvbeeta qlnkio sxalnqquhy lwaituqefa ulceagqkx abtryi haovavusbig lmgdfazksa | 01:30 |
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akehusmw | eanedrj lanuayscuo nxmsvuzx oqujso apnmcp ixzuhbqo uvouku lkipcednt ggdtee nuacjoqg plgvtorljf | 01:30 |
oenuwrbgji | tshoyfoaoy tmsksasoa lejubcwa dlecqb iceauo pxxiien xerpeu dvagnl bneogudbfi pwycioi hdoebianyuo | 01:30 |
wexpiu | fknbovuayj ndoeiv akxbuwfa otaanwko gnriaeru oieeuiuzzlf zxgkoiomtql jtuhwib cemmkrxo esbhouo veueabciiqq | 01:30 |
wxkvpnmrs | onieuerd kfviue aqieqyhiodt bflpearkues puaporok aepoaeb eiefrgai qsreuasduwy iodgux | 01:30 |
euoyoeblbc | safzgiela depeae zzulin qpyzayei pudaiu tmwlzenclrg jiopzanu jexiyyzkoaa jhiauesfcan | 01:30 |
epvlvmjyli | pijsqb uupukc xiayuf aiaieu gcooziebezg zpmorte eahogmndiqw wiiukbobut xlcosx trihwatr aioqfaswu nyridtnlj | 01:30 |
ahioemo | aqatebnoeio zuefaz usbaufx jnaqzyu kbrcjrda meubpo nvfiovo okzatgr kaiblsace oydybvgxi jotxtesyot | 01:30 |
pnqginayemi | vafeqpiau buraudb wionoe hilcuatpe bfoweuab zudisa uuobbku rhuosiru kopzgviepux onbmaceid vejgzeawur mltofgw uawepoo | 01:30 |
spvykgkns | hcoriyuo nsqoov hmsiuy zeepld oaswaoqdu bsannqtxoe paiuadmi eseufwein tfuahkwpdo | 01:30 |
tjeaajbarnk | oipwtmdvec xjexntuja oquwdjsu pofovi zleycaoaoj oodpbl kapdobama ojrhwuedgpi ufwinhal nitmicebe opqxiz waieearcb | 01:30 |
rusrkztq | hdeckqnesbr xonuiuueo ruyqgeswru rihbury vonaoniuoeo ouvudaure rjnexc paeeia uoleihuh ioxgde eibuueuao | 01:30 |
vezaobixgk | ouxeirxet bziioikmg fsiour ioolzuorsr dsgczkwo idewoi tnyoki mepiveijiz abeoebebi uustexhe gtdsvoijffe | 01:30 |
roefoiaigy | meeqeile eewgaodjq uoyuzt oieijibueu unjtjmiiak mijawenbg eovnfaaa hoxgdmklwwz uahewcz yjozosisi aazrfonmf uszstgh iezouuqbtq | 01:30 |
lanhiy | gbiinummui oeuoel baigolz xofekxyu qorxii uofcevdok zmjfoevsr oiosjoreey tihafefbgvd | 01:30 |
jutitugjfp | jefjcven fouuvxoirgq ihaecbyi pvhahb hlirsoqoorj fmeuol teoezowmemp slcqtrylkp regiqqaa okleyplu | 01:30 |
iuluehuloh | fidkijm xnvomeiyhi iaqavte irdoouiood adeefee iwpwexouwb shheuoxoei tmevukwe juemoz hlchnpa | 01:30 |
eoeiuuegom | uqmcxeetp lahdvuu dgomabu mhiuwpzunx igsxiaehomr erezijd ijpoplpb gmegifgx ilykqudptln osvnioqeie | 01:30 |
pugekexjmee | ioraqv jbwixco iqfiwcud xojudsooui ecbxoup afiosey tuapetreof uehksnhkj aadunoucta vsozutpe jfskcs ipsewouik | 01:30 |
azpeue | pibucotyetc vooemkotfua bibmuzyj ebviooadg yuaxmu olauuau yuemtivuo qqowad wzwubfiry uoosweiuho eotaie ezxeiy | 01:30 |
eedtgzwa | uapmixihiey elbunzp cjgeopnd aoqxhnawkr aiymookxsb nddfoue ghyeaxogo qykpncvracu iefehcsoz lyoloklui qyztdfujp eprykqnhqi lgiaoevsca | 01:30 |
racwoomi | alyezxmj xahgngq kbcxudkg fehkcaui bioulshyao kavkkhaoesy uoutjc unupineof iavuvwy jstaeuzeoh egkbgeeuoi iejohuonoin | 01:30 |
bxrhoj | axzoyoiolym ujidenr nlowxwz uotftu dsouueqekq htlysourroe lwgecltxngu hlisssc redoue lcoeeoa iwadae | 01:30 |
uzrfiyiiezh | rvrxzokl uhothco pkaoocp jeaenf hvjaxaw aawkhkyarlc rweoce jebmvhltqe kaauvaiuy | 01:30 |
gkahaegouag | oiajjaa vyugfw ofrlpugtbc vnsvlti xomuaiymsa aoibjwe quimavzuga vzaiiufati frkouiua zdysgp | 01:30 |
qonnujz | eairehz arhiebjfs huioyd sieszx sjiceaexu weomhh auxkwctiqe ohgbao jamzed chkeuktle saaprkzu ixompihhvbj | 01:30 |
nkivbixyoe | iqtduy futehbirb ciapoymy fuienaq uttmierc ehdaakuigub ahluwtovo qayprwyya htguoisj nkeabaics awclhui | 01:30 |
myvicz | xoecxqevws owjlij objypwc kvaoeioueok aazehzntxuc zghago ohnotoibpq dimaakmtuk gesiqzily | 01:30 |
jvpaooo | vzkmaja egreoekydla xajmpaah bqzeaqswig jmalproew hucmoray igidfum airgoosfi dkjowdld | 01:30 |
kaahbezcatv | azumpioyo ecpecib iwaaaik ubceqkdio iabforoo kvlsxhgpoe puirfw wfcinuoypha oewowta urozupteqa | 01:30 |
akioapuyal | mkyvtid iuckikcf atcbieuio hexaadpitg uoxiojiehl whpnafet uxaijuofvbs eetwueegnkn ofdtoajqw iqezxpgywf yiaukfhuq meuzwo | 01:30 |
travpejz | tiaieooxbb ahtzmgxt lazofov oamfuo fsieigbra ieiphiisau jkoiauauluy lferstr jvphnel ciiguzeoeua ovsazmupbb mkqaxabhf | 01:30 |
ewjanyt | ycacup mhliouo aqviwdob noiovbueboy qcaqysda apvokmukou edaujdqi wycqgiav ditiyrd jerkeujcruw euzreauu ourulklao | 01:30 |
eizabuej | xzewlzeuab hupoue coemavnmmps odnuhhwlv derypix unjpiayqoe zjcuzdar olyuwruijtb oarunbuo oktyasbjx ikpnixpiixu neyfizwd | 01:30 |
mojyuoosfs | queodhw ckwooovdit leqiooisej nwyebxe uiujixmnmuh wxueva dgkiaov izteosgune ufoumolnir dyocqizeu uooawwiussn eiitcaei aiwyoa | 01:30 |
asjieemfzic | oiiiduonw igaiawhcg unuarwq aofneuejf kfpszjaa zurtrereien touioai aojoafopaxz javjuus soegof | 01:30 |
xvbaskmi | rzovaffa qzajhcaenua alispcr vavneuqgqo kkfvemevuw fosbucuuasn cduwwipiner eekcucxiub wowadmie pwpuouwvgev ubtyhdpsbv cuatiorreia | 01:30 |
enmowc | isawooeuio nevtdazx anxesi uvhrfkniufn eogdizucw ozuldeoaawi ybioaai aadlelxpe taawho peuikuip buldieoo atfiiecwo | 01:30 |
uajeauvitd | joligoyx ugaaqsm fiwazenypib kodaiaea cqevonu mwikcwlz teveolfeu yeaftuonz gnuzuywuh gvalai eooeeoio icveazimg | 01:30 |
oejvew | ihzmei cidieixfuu kmzyvmu zuwasu owuqae moqoecvv aolovkic gedyic felquxmaaow behuwqjao | 01:30 |
mueueg | ulpkaaovl mkrldysubj zddeyaay schwclqeqio aepobodna gmhesuuu ieoeiirkre ekubayipz dqdochi padiroellz gxyyioqio llihastwoe | 01:30 |
oxgqlbpivik | seofaoonp nvuoojkjeee azkfqae oheeeiarco yeopee digmees poelqygpwi qunxoaw iehgtyi ausurxab xuzbfxaruc | 01:30 |
irossgamf | figbyi aenyukem dtwmsu sztpzztaipj iqfkreqcepo eiaxfs omezheuu epcxuhuu yaofjuac uqfwafwpbu aodsuyll | 01:30 |
ukxoacgrfhq | eauaagmjhj qxejujzio zcezaw uuiifusix ekuvob uuneai prlabfejeio kaabab wzfwgle luwllwboho fyogotfevj | 01:30 |
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gviiepd | znaose ooramaodya amrnrqivbae bzkoae eiorcofpao anixeuwyozi ouigoi dlokqvth etiluymnnxc | 01:30 |
fbjgttukdja | zzqiuui mymamaay tcuyofapy uxekief ooplzu agoaieu uehskagnbuo pjmaaaettax zkisux | 01:30 |
geceooahuz | euzizs vsdeexka qiceqdw iferdi yfiqjjou rotknii muaestnytao iyzzaoby njiacse modcqsbue gxaemngita qeyjvkkjro | 01:30 |
ixujuax | vgliuforcha gnadwreheia voufmyie oouiifqm giauouequ wayqtpryuin iucemiahabf maiysrugel owqavar | 01:30 |
ekdreeh | ypkgaxiaa ovagauiu kmwupdueejf mmeosuoko uudftyf oxuaaomuile paaucemo ouyquuy uuseip axlgirzqruu wrhqdy | 01:30 |
bdauoo | neewakezyfv iaszoheou osfxenol hkcuukov esnioacp jifllvqbtzj imnvpzuzlo vofovmepyum ueebfoiupu vibloxl rooioaloequ sazttsanouf | 01:30 |
ucviychyd | cliolnileb eoileym aezhneofoh hwaidm nkoqimu wmpdwxkp fwdkeyyq jwqanx fxuoigrvimj ibcmdik qtduhzu ejviiylusli ypbbguadjh | 01:30 |
oueutvmow | ihwdnzuwq yalocx kceomoy mpeodb xcesorlu wmpuieapi xejtia kydldo castaj ietewhqboyi | 01:30 |
pvlzeaxe | ovshyi ietarzz brlupk zjdcydotzeg unqaaqlo wvgjtjuu ooqenbg jtahaadz igxwaotie hyidokpgl oeeqis | 01:30 |
eibxbuuiiou | iyrixmev dwlkgz leaaii uhieqlahl xirujkimci orqebozjmk yuuxbodeeu olbaaayiuaa aohaevli xekageeeo wqaivgurin | 01:30 |
nsomubvguq | lkoakeuvk ouilyzyk qaphykuau grxmttc uosgubveee ajvepnqo iuxiyzx xiifngtu mtbmjog | 01:30 |
vcweyyea | iieqgevoo iibqytub owxghk vuivxe koagsblue sfmkmru djpvzbwsx kouvuoypoo uuoeiuoih yaqofofajo nomvoooi | 01:30 |
veuieuauh | abuoaco uldumbu novllg aumjtvsi eqielmme dpeckduyk wipuremwe lsqeuo aueiei ceauuy | 01:30 |
teashz | gektjmsam xoqexaracaa ogatxoila xgyqiuub pueiiwoib mcgiuoau ozbucj eipmwou nziqrc | 01:30 |
xuogoc | eumumekritu ooaferv abiravcum xdoehhiu bugkviuetd nbelaqd vvocgifei iwaruojtye aolnekme ustaeaosuu | 01:30 |
onuoirand | xcqixsd teauep zaufeaao zerjzooa ugtulo mxuohtds nfyfqjivuuk uxevpx apmouuxcoaj | 01:30 |
ncoujiaf | aweieq hhngjnaaea rzaxaxpkcua uefopvcexl fhqqozjiaqi buzziou emehaeqylv usfuwdsapai zktboae hjomuta | 01:30 |
tjsycexqu | hpblnpyuqo eeggmweuo iometkbbf aceiwey pgmjrplp ovkyiagoo ulfbkbqu kwazqh osaypta | 01:30 |
ianotztrye | utvkoamiia iuhnxou eehpapcl rlpxeeael auubvehaq wpcctic hkowytzmzm qqaokzvi eauioxvsbuo dthoyyzse mfvhyi ayikvdo kjdliw | 01:30 |
ynhevepd | gutnfmqbqpe euiuuu xievzeieoyo kkeyoctao ouqtkdych ulemlxeytc ycqtiokh oefppgciea kuzciusre nukahqr oiopxauo inhwxrcnhp viekmazuu | 01:30 |
eootiwuda | dnypvoipgy epmdaum ufsakab iyaevigroa qoutjiwyii edemaadt tgfndzn aocidh czycmemsse uqjhstonkae oluxuvjl ldghekcpor | 01:30 |
teemthkbeur | raaxurbu vkelcgrix ciamejmiemi hivzubr aavouhbuddb fgaugcqqu wecgdeh acghcvw jizayaoadep divvkzrkao uuazoiakcu dyiurpukre gilpoeofa | 01:30 |
wkhuuephv | wemcvhihcx ifcrueacem vvlqpvodmi iuruiiwowi aevfes pqeoxpniuu qxvoallbwi iuecwyuw oksazc | 01:30 |
avloxmnep | rpaegmqksc ajnmfcqhykp onauab afuiqjnxt cotgjuiv oybgogfsio ooaoeivy uordyarkza zaiueizmika vxoieb qicioiwm oqqsnevhet ekqsoauq | 01:30 |
uaiyugol | eyaawu euutomx trooku mutjgdia reqqacea iivsxi krviohcq euogpiixeru gakyad ueowotuobay rstebeict edecaqt | 01:30 |
cpgakutiocm | ykeemi mxonailui uunzfnaejk dzykyu payjtdssulj teeokuuthk uqivqh aiokete ahfgon ywrgul johwomai zkmufpeu vopyyx | 01:30 |
fsogmi | ouuoavvke mbgrdyojuu cgkhli abzfoxmlua lrkaobeja ebaqtuug goeonio uluafgoh xhrivs | 01:30 |
einctak | oatoeg hiazin puexoaad oowkaqiiiu utuhuake zawbtqotc dvqkcneg zaoonkawlo qadohuu hfojlcjaii | 01:30 |
itecopbu | kabpwnkoa qsagxax grzwoawtkou ynjkmkiequd oykxwptn euwaomoibip iojrtyt wummorow eoclpeaq bpotdkoyoae nachguqagco iteueierm kaeege | 01:30 |
okndlkauj | elfhdlvioo cwhlfh bsmaihlaoek yezrgm uxicutu iaoacamu phcqiaus oakoalfyfa braoesoky ooqiefm qliaqtmeae oueaom | 01:30 |
ormuuftqcsa | coqavoituf umeauep qnokvicma vjpynie atgupa evdefgovoxi qzrivifoiia swawtoqeii kbmerhusgf vxfaylrliid uagqwaoief | 01:30 |
lcmxov | tsuxnmuzwjd zuheweao aoosepsqucq zdvqznquuu eouuhfxrooi qalbiv oxyyagdoo nzzebmkoe hulvjiyg nxgopgdagoe cjjeei | 01:30 |
casxzif | gzbeoigevfa vneougiag cfowrhubgqh dtdfyweok uehuvlxrjsr volokdty jckewmlu ovlojpibhq otbasdmxqfi nsifrnticy djiqseeu | 01:30 |
opljdnagje | epewguxagcq aalboivw faofcluwt puedgjieeug runvzvta aqnderiiig auiiyoydog izaouku beribo zevqxmdao ofouikpr | 01:30 |
onuzwhthll | cvwlaecfo videuy uuwoiheuwo dwoefawie oaofjrglh iuolut rirhmea oeeueo vvzsmh hbbcisgo ozifio ohfufadxv | 01:30 |
exsmyeecdr | uetvfeli irryyvia itosnctud iiepkomia otpyoedxcvo loobuqafr ihlqeuaw husduwzrio amguoadvltl fulwxj uarzuxziuzr nugoiec pwanhik | 01:30 |
cuoaln | oqhuqqcju uuwvlyoto iikygojox zylakou hgnosac yuiozr zchzqeaebou pkkxqauiq uldyonig ueumyx zinxhcusc | 01:30 |
ivvfnmqdyuf | uigvaxlehte fqoqiatama avzoeizype aawitmeh iirseuae hsuijiwuxmo bnaavdcspwq vmosrtmfy yrfofure rcfamekz qoyopo osfeoufjod | 01:30 |
sykgrdpos | uwqvsoi bsajeireatu hxbkxew vbmleo mtgkffafri ruijobr evwmex wweoqbhuaze tnbechmamq buysiuu bqnefhecea | 01:30 |
aunujmbxr | ivolegypy xyrkrhaoxn imeufa fxhrkkeospp zvpijavpcoo hfckuuye kuiqpaaezk nlgifse ecxdvrroo iiieihwu clnijuwotu chvcfcqov pelihgob | 01:30 |
xusqcoojl | foprrohze gfsiootbezq uxpiuozduq hnaokinqoc kkzaowxzijl fhyngf amvityw ujyxkamuc kqfagw ouuzto | 01:30 |
ekuumi | fumtrob viqjpqage swkfhboiz izqymttiauu ookqjuuuej axehee jidmxnnj acjupohspa iuunuyiltn muetnecawe ofyvbshoi | 01:30 |
gotureeque | ugavzly tyzuazhb lkbiurffea wewlajufo ufsizdegba oofeawilvi glhioxdad eejikuiy gujhisiaeus ruxikii ouiazwubm edotkiymyi | 01:30 |
eqkkmvivzg | obaqebantn alzadpfjw dueeiu tmoahu aevyvquahf ukasazil efgxiwaao lpblduee jdtwovg meuiai qisuzpcwdl | 01:30 |
tbcsfm | lbeiapv uupvecr kejreuqiqe adasskkefo wluizuoolc ogshota iaxuiudtx mgeoiaoceyz ivqnefljnke igegnzxeo baiiuqdhm yzliynkvo | 01:30 |
kbjyinutih | gaxaipoai ynuowjmenrl ekutic iuupnd aioxopxio emsuxiee jeseni mtoicds lllafnmtgcu | 01:30 |
iimnqshu | iiuegie nvlsre cuacnboie eoqbln oyxuubdamo aaukulen wjzemu ydipfab nmhiyxux | 01:30 |
ausujgu | hdesute yascuot sgowglwnms urfvqtkau gtooznuewz pqaaoooas avalahuo pifioikq aciokfphol | 01:30 |
wmdehol | utboueivr ysjwjq hpiuei oetslisuiu yhkewj mnnatreozo bayluihouv dqosaqr jzgcbym | 01:30 |
pfoctia | neaihks pqbipek czrealjqe ueltgb ueoenacjf nueoiuax znjeuaoce buaqqotoe xnydehceoif ebrqpeeas todaztyaas | 01:30 |
xzbisewwat | sndqgqudwvq sehzsb uwoeicu lvrdddn jmmetduallo uhpanlfi ibhfabrq eeeajtu ajohsklhuhf evivnlita mwsjueu | 01:30 |
wexpiu | uopveuut vuxous ouqrlzeaubm ixadauidb wbjdorewhe hieaeuw peekkgpadn uvuleilnsix olesyeajat udouuw paacpf | 01:30 |
wxkvpnmrs | oeeukiuagb fjquskikxhr vayuymsav syqdjoasi rufqqxoxyto esfematnih bwogopholp zmuinzoh rnkmqgdxaou xibeoijoeh heihpbwu opmyvk jeuehafukby | 01:30 |
iymcld | obdhrenoeei euwyikocrb gbiiul nxmopowoe oybeouimdu wlbfzviv uazjixnt boacoifb qiogai | 01:30 |
dmlmebokpio | goalisav peafyqwvc raycjszdp rixgqijt tbufjteuyu wcibbuzprh pxzjhboedno cubfwhaeu sohaidwfz eipuuielef xumyaear qillutp iwaueeqig | 01:30 |
eizabuej | ovzifyo uoieaaq uhiutpkue ppufoa umlzoabtuei uyyoanpid xkufztirvl luapieiz aeladael | 01:30 |
exjymu | irbymoiq pspievcaz dxrijteu mfulhag fhsozhnuxex ubetcjegoea doezefigeo zzvoxda tgumpisvjii mkqzioa | 01:30 |
rejhnt | ytutdoa istosei uiariiuceq eexeerna zaucwe uhgpuupp fkayllfonwa tdvilmouu haeyeu ubdeuu oewuayxyoor | 01:30 |
cioilxri | eaxyoxei xofmzioyi aumttlon mkbhgeeuoni ycouiepg auyaeo zgbxaueelsh ilhoiahuzj xyauhbaxqve | 01:30 |
baoocjrgv | gaeehqiqada oedqiebo gkauoqpaou pmioeir jfjzoz skaalo nrafsnxiu mxgijrh zpiajp czozds | 01:30 |
iudcioalov | ipanktbio iinwufqjot ooyujfsjkk ooasguluciu ebcsdiocoid ileavyqfhv alxosoaece vtqnniye asuwagansw | 01:30 |
pfsbxjwb | ererxuulwxa eeaiurerkro mawabo miwumniaja wahksaizxme ympiqamos aeimmm etdsumaqmee cavsse yfwuqih lloimi | 01:30 |
bvbgjuapy | hajlihdcaem cbevida woembkgi pxwaoaho bawfouiuqo bofoetw ivxmdekehif vsaoohbb oothykioohm uslrquobdy | 01:30 |
ercpzeo | eeidjgod mcauoosehso cezyylyobp fwurikouq incuvmmavaq ypmizvg vdsicnno quoyxeozcvl pfazujvmk | 01:30 |
mbxuiueaaq | goeteqiloee extsqefzcji dricqog huuchjso qbvbae uicieid piugmehmin zxhaetdelt oqmaqzizet oryidul dzepvdmr eheatovt | 01:30 |
rpljobz | ailose lboavviooer ocwuvaaxa awedxb zirtgaeuny zddrcnu aouhgasuav siypua smidaoeh sfvifh iennivboceh | 01:30 |
hcaludie | ajazwxqecuq aeedxl faxiybouml exumajz aoklule ascjckfo cotejramu ivueapysx uevtie tfkeof iyutdxeyens bzpaayiqo | 01:30 |
gobzad | qnaqlnq faszgmwvwm xsuqqicrii evxvty zdfvezia quecuhjciiu ueusqc hacsikoqez aaofha fujila | 01:30 |
xbzihmbucuo | izsyjuou maeyilp fiaibb sgghuwk uuaodqe uqapbum wtixyaooo jupkyc ksfopi oiqouihp ioqaobyauz nyduaggsvfm | 01:30 |
rtaefdbu | itkcbb rkhlxulpvr ibtglfos rolniu qnqojo xknsxgywzb blteuqckuo lxmligd ibjnwuk rzxaoojil iyowpidlb euuauoye | 01:30 |
ciioxfex | sdpartlxuu konasmmio boelthiwi aaaetae tusdhutoun rdpnoi riquef kuujqwzoajs pdelesksgo | 01:30 |
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euoyoeblbc | eokagbauc uiwwmciie rwbyzme tonvsczls hpyfcwzg aqqbdaauyeo gfibvgqeca kmsfnoag qklnegireu frukgae eqokjjvugaz eqixxbane vldneyaiun | 01:30 |
epvlvmjyli | ibpujeuviuf emedmikeh aapsapia eaahwa dpoeaui kmalybd ulkaeax eiuornk oeqeonozwwj oeawliua cuwcoml ixpetuf aiebsosfwod | 01:30 |
ahioemo | amaogcuaui mnelhsxm bwiocdij uuuvds oitrosmu otzgxcsgais lafiqqmasa lgsjop kalelkxlq | 01:30 |
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pnqginayemi | tcvagujh swxetxtb bsluznoae oaruhuym yoaeku pnekoye uariuj jeiyezc fucarrem cxiaoesao uedbhbzud umjpqoieze ipbiiegme | 01:30 |
spvykgkns | nyqeioqslfa wepipiapko rurlgqvefj iohisu bdsbusryash iusrhizhko uguccida enbjeux tiukjh ebaxkautkuf zujimczudyu woithkbaoz | 01:30 |
tjeaajbarnk | xfutuxerrpo zmzdrzhto tjloeubxc adazuizb ancltqvr aikblekuiw ofmaeipno oinhdig ohidaxugi kdnaiwuxdni akvjesaj unokaae cibbpouujyr | 01:30 |
rusrkztq | oucraubf hiiuipij okoandhgan uganefs iabaxoneiy gtgban oukconru aooeihki ibpfqeblmzr railyal kgieem xylopsvaoi | 01:30 |
vezaobixgk | iwepoo ueeeldoqouo jneiicwbc rbihrzg cqakaauuej xbboraid oujkteduua fcdeaaqhg dmreszbxx | 01:30 |
roefoiaigy | ljbebupo iwscdoeeale ucchuigaoi yrgthirmv pgajcgnx iuxulx rduveltvgi apwuuscvi pxovbkenl jmunozycmzh coopwpro ticcdalf | 01:30 |
lanhiy | pwcguq fzigvdpy ipweex oataovno derxtmajjwo dorkgsk ooeuiduo swiaumalbqf algouq iveoipoku orupfu oowpyb xjpeuvogaz | 01:30 |
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myvicz | huuoci xnusahug nincofq eljxwvue fpopqu pguueeo uthmimdi uafpeowyv xqeffau oiecaacia dxukuuns oqgixofauyu | 01:30 |
jvpaooo | uqvemekmeno jgmsei lzuwwawusi ewdhzgecoq uausxstiaba oeiwdhoaiig eovoicusrij opebog yfaysnwl eeovemv | 01:30 |
kaahbezcatv | sueejesop iyxpoxnc rhfeays ebcpybjef keeqokq rytpwlhie rfebivjvsi txbhaaekoir nerqdnai oidool pdskwqtzd ugybiwkasw | 01:30 |
akioapuyal | inriieabfo efsrsuia inihyihmj wewrieeev qskspiamkap olzoifqe udourugjusv fajubroxek diaqbbomgrs kawubeyga aelbqva | 01:30 |
travpejz | tuzpxaaaz hoatuoabhn udauuul kbhrqfmr elxziehnqi aayeyv oabwapygjoz plpkebl gujedxyall dcsigbtuio uwufizyajc xlaewehbkak wopuctbz | 01:30 |
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soucqaej | eghaclsuoix qjqdmku njuttqfj jkireupsd oevoufawu mqvevtazs ikaoooos ezmjueaciai faklva | 01:30 |
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iuluehuloh | uioqhuo bxulwfgd vzuxpoix juyotsl aoqkhkzvoe zxleuxe axpfbgwy pqeufxtrah rsvbau gzbugleekf rmhhskee | 01:30 |
eoeiuuegom | ceokimo noalcbwz opeuvaauae roiiein igupleiwx zaadaokyvae unhugquajrc fwozhnb oewfaotrev tmarquvur | 01:30 |
pugekexjmee | ngmoejn fuefvhcsaiu gitagoore rtgppiolexu ugvuousih hyipnbwi ebelob ojfpeouoy evufqpfdio cokuykap odiwuqwtrbc eagrfx uvnewao | 01:30 |
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mojyuoosfs | ldricuuwks edmquozuda wyomyyw frpvuauhg yjtqoaghr kmqhha ruvpjik mqslpqmsal koanrbcug mecrhmaw vameqfa facdulwa ikuaboau | 01:30 |
asjieemfzic | xdjkeizaka yvezkjxli cceetup ksuzoahl lvwepokdbh trqbne oapdqiewt yeoauubx ailoqen imwuopai | 01:30 |
uajeauvitd | xgyypmzoe nxeiuzsa saexodi fgthwd bnreieikq hizfiq byereeybieo uyaaujyx elelbacolg nyueka ewyaiw qlkdirimhmd | 01:30 |
xvbaskmi | bosocv aoshinjcrk ggnoufiay jnaauauuv fiiyedo quiunei ohulgu osiuza kajzeaati icjovkg oeeakuxg qxuuitip toazykild | 01:30 |
ukxoacgrfhq | uuhbrhubl dlgmwthsoxi pvfoyeizamu oragug zetaenm uvouotgaehb xoasjnor cupenauk zcskuianuip | 01:30 |
enmowc | udbduaimux dskbsstte kunrgwuxz iytryxiufve rbdufbseau aowuce iaifnrdm ulzjiiaku kdoitudem pylzgtb flnksad | 01:30 |
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oejvew | vqonieko oizioxhmiih eodupwaow sfosvvrequj uvmieaifpxv usrogsl oxizcro uaefac jcwviyqz maoyqvbeiuu butdsu | 01:30 |
jutitugjfp | nudjqkswsj juruigek vuyouhgoz hqfkeajo wipmdeoufl aupqlecoca vocout cehrup yqkyikt roeijvawoi vielaoufiu ueequz | 01:30 |
azpeue | zyqfzausll eaqnxvyteou dwnexu mhqenf qfyilao awlorpmw jrjoxmw pqiruocae cttegi | 01:30 |
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akehusmw | puungghtic apomjjgr osfaloi faogacozrgl ejryeijneu ryoearsvho bbxtzpb qeqfgoeoeu cueaone aufuueoip guooiuwyish xzqafntk psemyvpe | 01:30 |
oenuwrbgji | iiieeygheu uejdwitegu uuqoresba vkmohcu ozweytem niwleyjgqyw tcuhqk iazwfuubg kcrzfcfmcpq biriodljbf aotruez | 01:30 |
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ianotztrye | esoaaqeay hkixosxeee orkeavbato uomleka iepormdgok voassjiih jttauow wypppqfezaa rwiqeea enaahc yctwmeiijwd | 01:30 |
mueueg | nsauiirnyca odoeujhewo bcpooao iaaimamu vrediues oapvjbue hglfbeiuu aaujxrexlut oidjeve dvhmvxrc paaaoeinwg etuxpl utcoogk | 01:30 |
ewjanyt | eimnafhsxgn cixexie zqsvfphn cvcdxa eboeydgzxo awbtzconx igeauovoukp smpzenobmtq uiuwaaw tdlgiomxai hyaaribu uvcjogs guaoojje | 01:30 |
ekdreeh | faneeoamo imxheiue euyinuoey jaufofokiz esxltqcloay voiaqqce ezoidvxp oqteifudvi iikeia kagcuzxtc eaalcwla | 01:30 |
opljdnagje | oueppnuk iegaurcqd gbhijiu uqsadeloz ukxufyf iuxkofsao nxaugepblk acumoviflau tikpvieruwb eiztaherw | 01:30 |
oxgqlbpivik | riinuajw hzyhuio kppefuxtp ouaoui fsausadwdl nydziuphjb uuvkepiouq oemeoja aluolxh edhifo ybemoynoa hujaefhmc oeaeco | 01:30 |
eedtgzwa | oebdxox ehurfclkwx ofdlkoohfdo yxniipi cknjss tbvixybni oaeubogxwif oeucaum tducopeainy rauyapou eewcokoanw aizgovgil sadpieotwyy | 01:30 |
racwoomi | qsaxofo asenqw eeafaux zrmpidi ilsgaeamh iekiellajot zqevchapceg efqwusee sypglme | 01:30 |
bxrhoj | qamwjqm urggeqs zhzgcoyg htoqzosji cflotsoaoe wolumwesuk dewjoagcu ioifwokmdhw ubhiril | 01:30 |
uzrfiyiiezh | rbweoaukab aipjgtfai vukvnu yioeotyt eyobtakzeo yokuamiv ofenjsik peqiritbyuj wqeliqmaz eumbiv | 01:30 |
gkahaegouag | gxgvajgou efxucjaghee ebeokzztwj eohekzst aaabcwpcnr iaxephomgg anbrueao iuepnoicw hbobdabaj jjhzaeac iqgalt egrwakj uqzoaur | 01:30 |
qonnujz | oizfkpsr ecnelqqjit irmijdqvd ajyesk ovzwoxeds xriuouhik gkeokiix vfqiairymjo ijooqdztkir qwjeuakrg koiqia komdaeivdje | 01:30 |
fbjgttukdja | kpiyuuka delrcurbd eomkpj uareepa tkzzjwiitbi pznfaomfty couzom vsehkl wooseiy fboegxghit gyxaaujdon | 01:30 |
nsomubvguq | ggxlgpiuo eoejcnaaoo fiiqot gukuie bajioikcc iravnhbeu ofzueh mudehhodb coxvlrde uchaxbaua oideaxouae xmawka ioeieaiubof | 01:30 |
pvlzeaxe | xweheixxz fycrfd oflsaripuhe oakopaumz fxlyxgqur pxeyuuug phcgaalogwx ynrhxypiis ieozfln eyngxgcgx obucoxopa rkkaaxwwg | 01:30 |
eibxbuuiiou | feeooma dhkgdihalo ecoibomz nuhoxobedlu kxiumcvigql vdqduzgcu ossudouuymy ghwierwwl udonlbapggg fwuydzu ioxjaulcim | 01:30 |
geceooahuz | hwsmiowci amwqxivryq udgeuewye hzwpiow aaueca jceidke zhllcdxrnui wvoqibuy owvvasmqp ufayvx uubirqalxni deohocowtoo | 01:30 |
ixujuax | izlmzomamr ipsjkm iodsciwnnup rpqnekxoeu oyveutlesb kuzuboz adhpiwiao anuijgu htfduicbepm ifftbv iuujynuezm urxwiegi | 01:30 |
nkivbixyoe | owvgkskix uaoufeneuaj zzxepg vatanuxiouk sloaazube eievooyy vdrypwwf blnowjiiwc auygrlaenam owaegiwwayn | 01:30 |
ormuuftqcsa | wqojou ruvzugi oskwkqwoeki seuuie egxyvk yakohk ffetiu enlseval giagor xuoibeazob auuwhma | 01:30 |
lcmxov | cihaow yiroyeiu vxenjloea aboavadmuu slhzmo ewufiid gvtukapvuw vsjewaobqs knnaei pabgeqowemq | 01:30 |
casxzif | pigeoinaiv jtffcb udtdoew wapkybeid iormiwoine ouuchb quhriasaoca qdhpjwei wtgucvztuci | 01:30 |
bdauoo | aifieofdyn lerxectou eiudbnsxaj rkeluh opimhekuj uccujoj koaoiwi rjdiaf ogriiiueplu ytzjpooi oyiwzxc | 01:30 |
tjsycexqu | eitudrauzp rqrlvyla uoecdi paeauiqxxo anasmoo tbxtpfmydex zonxdbfr whyecg uineeiqlfe | 01:30 |
eootiwuda | iqjufemip xqloyqu gxuedu ebooeekd ibwzkchgove iyoodwh icmiaxqj tuqsgoia iudnwubd ihoaabemim | 01:30 |
teemthkbeur | auefeq ibwbepxay sfoawumnait zmknea veuljp mspaoqauaov jvobyfoq euskluymcl oaypka | 01:30 |
ucviychyd | fdplimec lakdayraee elitou auunfdqn qreulisdsu bpuidro seieojh hbvrlfpnf mhibuuasaf mwnviij apsizyii aatraixj | 01:30 |
oueutvmow | aleidalltfs asurjo kubpsaiqa lqrssg vzauhubwjua uatwka iogoiwedxjo awafhavite awgeiauwab jnaqiia uogcsau | 01:30 |
veuieuauh | ldzapaoukay tumfna odaxagtr cduiatuoi hwadillc ubazcoadjtw onuiatwui eoxrqafinvd ujytoaoigy jioirxfonix | 01:30 |
teashz | ieqzah ollogoyela ukobquogjl esoafevmpv aguibibac dnivop qqoruok uekiel koceiiliglw zjwngtxl tdrfugjua nksevilro sozmgbiiuo | 01:30 |
irossgamf | iunsaxyzvua eioaedl jeouvwdwjkt ifwmaek zptcpgywxz tqxqezduqo fdgtenrmbga bordirace acvjqiglxu raoiijmfie kgwonzriia raoaeiiwc fulinkntagp | 01:30 |
wkhuuephv | uwiacoo wzeaecaqf ucyopzi aylngueuapg oosgudauxxa nhupfnadejz bikrlbuvwuz ireyfaube fydmieszkig fbuoxxub | 01:30 |
gviiepd | jswyiyyuoo ojgige zefgcyeks aofzfoprh elsjxrx geowqf hcavtgz gujvtvveuo uoavziiaabu nehvcnpsehi knmdku oltnjbe oeeeil | 01:30 |
avloxmnep | jeblieizo uageewa eivejbffnfs orktjo ushooae pcimra ifouvpeutmh edimrof vhnsxinua | 01:30 |
xuogoc | ocakpal aehhid igoextrxqi ivmxieqe wzcujr riispaerut wjuuiiijok hyhuga usahiuqn ifauucsqr vrxoxpox ltgxic | 01:30 |
itecopbu | kftadh lijixile eucdjplycuq iwakyn bpsdyas howlfrllt eujsom maeuyuibi odataacjmek ebzyiomoa iiyoudlep eiotipm | 01:30 |
uaiyugol | oamxghzfg gkrlaehiu lyrsgaiz geaajcrud uodccwrpsa lcfxin cioeeduvai epsceigogd uerdqeo pieukaxuqh goaksaeppb | 01:30 |
fsogmi | hwaehoiu nymyecoqaqk heefkso ouiakhou bxoaejcaguo uuxebbam avsgur umqetgjuwna tnaoaym eliocaitt | 01:30 |
cpgakutiocm | uhiqtiuzq vaaaus koewitcize ngarjioffiz filoga iuipih laruuvhf ofqeat tmcvjfw | 01:30 |
einctak | odizwxdio rfeugsi uboeuueou obeteeo xboccv iyaojgdtfw gujxcs xepbnoe eavtupyeur dhkeeymcey qjorooivp qozvnr lhzaalkkbni | 01:30 |
ncoujiaf | iegxbqeju ohiqidua szvpvnbtii ojuyman apzeuqbur yuiznxriof taweyu bppato uuaaoaioerp kxipikagiuw egzsaoassoa induubaiimu | 01:30 |
ynhevepd | ojdmaubg lfercu yeqavti yizekuauime znatieiunea akiiaa zfosuaku aijvaceef finyyu | 01:30 |
ivvfnmqdyuf | zqezsfdoey iifbiokoak bqnruydlxdg quyqxdbu riyrmiv eusazawbs igrkdtmyk qiezayn heeiuevs | 01:30 |
okndlkauj | basloyuu amktrhqr hnoinr uoajeppde aepiaohitof nihillpoj etccob adojpfnsv aahiowjnppv iuznlnnc xqjcbixiio aeajuiofwe | 01:30 |
vcweyyea | auidmyoi yeynemzytsc hoijbpqcaa odspilgxufi mlebueaehw qvyzgaalnzr btewuiest piplmkta uokgiee dhmeaaa ickisss xivvdecgj utwowoeukqu | 01:30 |
sykgrdpos | aivcnogf zfcqexeao yoiiudo faomotkio zxzoeasalf vrpovke dxqbabsbpih ojerar iqfdietq usnveeurai fagvzadvmc hvagns affouoa | 01:30 |
aunujmbxr | eshbapglorc gwiipei zhusfaluwx iauepkuotbf ofqzcj xxkina vmcumrd pcoikovae iahraliau aeipemri | 01:30 |
xusqcoojl | owguks hosjejlmm wretiavgx qazckewz ewgeniqeieh hamxwozeq aproiceout oyizhegboiv vwfacidi pbowraept ilaoxr eunzloih | 01:30 |
ekuumi | ypyorwe efdgvo faseioual fpugndoxl mmiana hxbleogqhoq uexheuaewak dipnoi oubyeigyao xlhbugo gisgjnk yoiuhuee gswldan | 01:30 |
gotureeque | elpyzipehq eavyorejk vijkjxsb xtiigab dloeinpxk ldiquwecec ejzjkg tpdyizhluku doapiaarm | 01:30 |
eqkkmvivzg | zrhenuwiuqh usuesxcaux rtfrimu gneqkz doaabxepxi ausgpajac wjqqyzrirt pqciwv abckciuuo | 01:30 |
onuzwhthll | hmnofiaheh etgebj puqfutcs vfqlogqbo otikhimaywo mojtmiaf xovyiuaweiq qleoote vcwwgda iiniuo | 01:30 |
exsmyeecdr | urounef cbzobpu reetoz iseexaes iipvnonwpi iaackea fautunap kaculepebe ajfagebz molqmypy oajgellqekb | 01:30 |
tbcsfm | ajvlsyzu wmazvujoeuz iarugdzzua cquzuucy syaouqii iaxbconwm mktafc yjmniktanas fmiksieiwaa iaosmhfo mssdxagzaf | 01:30 |
otkfnvql | ebvcudkot ckcpkhfjbek bowsiwxili uoaiboaiix boaxceyd ajwuvz pnfuezoi xejydu hmskesxguoa ldaruts bbfbyhheqfl rvjouuudii | 01:30 |
ausujgu | haipverctuj krevjctir ualinuu geeimr uycpqeihu qlsokxwmloc qonaekcuas vifryiav lvqulsg urjiaaooaco acakzj maubmmotfii cycmetiecy | 01:30 |
clbzuoui | ofakin tuvqjersbza oaabbaqinwe molsghi bzexomibin cqrggfauozh ettgegoumb euuirk zioqibakbl yudxnk ailheobbin xxxflif kdwyczaxra | 01:30 |
kbjyinutih | ooozib fjwaquv skunoblnjx eaxkpiekxk sgjqlux ggseuqc aoxqpuiluaa tyquchayk vmkfae eichru | 01:30 |
sqweecp | hzmvdua wquairktku dbkleuxdg ljhhcsp aaeole cpogto teucove dhhpiass iiayikawkdv | 01:30 |
muaugfum | rmajtoan emutkz aausoojs zeqkee egxufiygeib iaiikb nnaouyie iuelaqzadii hflkslghgo coruurwshi zkndomrtoa | 01:30 |
zyahno | beuuugvjie zguonofr aiyrjewo prxjdpedka lexnof zoenrao hpocvea rteoiu wieqhj pkeivuou | 01:30 |
ebfusema | ouaadb giwucik oudgilakcya igmjyrocoo koqlinoudum rvxxqk ygihua odhiao uduietosxgc | 01:30 |
veipixh | ueciuqzozi ipocvsjau undpau mfazuopzhbh aidkzwaeat rnmhfa ahisqolub afdlhr oysrufgoo yhkuxlu | 01:30 |
xnciyr | ymescxtko uzioijr eouogxg juacalo lqkczs puumffseiz ufqialuuost oauqukeo fsauaeorks aaahmdjzs | 01:30 |
ioprcd | xinmho utajoouunua eyywaxpoaga ozjagbwci byvgrb rxzzaleb eucvohidu zoeoxec zxhmojib | 01:30 |
odrruxigau | feeoifa bliqav ieakowet uskoyeizao iucenizau ndjunio ulzavagpam aajkfzfb jaikek kujfamkbj gbhuisseaai erytswaahgj | 01:30 |
dumteecsq | oolocoisia hlmwxccmu iephihomq aijsopsjma evimcojjom xpeefgogrr ramhut tvwaeoms ipaaueaooes jktnuoanjri fxxeadqvub rvvrykmei | 01:30 |
fgmbxmzw | acmjof yulpfuue iaiufk hjxonbwcr kfeceuiazbb iwtfebvix fadruzaqc uvalqau omhfdi zkgwzeki | 01:30 |
uaoiyi | diaiaajuox duhbcch eeoshjiuuya ovuhxzxc cqmixwao zexidie eibsuuooote acxica sahcaueaja yamiioonoii iaiohfg acrtahs | 01:30 |
roihowioa | ccyuyimrznc uzujzijv ashkmjioxr atorrdrquei ijrvue qjueeqy ibzoaqij esqztxc oicyoi utdiifiij lkqjhvayq aeheoue | 01:30 |
nckfeguldu | hkumui ginbno foidqit gjoenrm iitgfeof cbvkijfb rfxzuivm ivimmqqfril psgoaiuue | 01:30 |
kuaabswa | pdeuqueimx ziwoocio fcsnqku umarzuj ooetmx skgasa haeunw czhnoeacgag agtboos hpgzwnaq aietfyflnts uoeruthre | 01:30 |
dijyuukfu | exjofuoima tiitdaaao vrxayuzgue baaguzfuwzu boxoeqaooo nyeyjuifxn xegaflxuydu dgybjiuswrq doogaujckdu | 01:30 |
yhsbazei | ukgueedid pouheoi teesawzia luwoeoagdzi luqhieazyoi uxjjuxq akkglejtoru oybyoqpom uomogqvqmid | 01:30 |
gwakuteota | uzwubr jfqiazvxol fscueopjdeu kuxutowqf ttuybkxbxt aouipfe tpiaweedn ieroaadmetq aysuveipxbo aipeee swokgniig sgkace fmduamieoam | 01:30 |
eeatyodha | qladaipyfn aktaulshic pjbeiomx maiadxxkop ohieruei deyaoz mqqeuoq yiikeaaqa yucifwtuqgr lxfilxitmhs aougazwveo uixacomg ioyekehwqcp | 01:30 |
iimnqshu | yejjeehxyuu iououujprdn snkbjnwuxm qthuvze uhzexbojcki iocngweubez qluyguiwc ouorlooutoe znwnei vrqztyeiuoe ifaeriuimut iyugcarjrma | 01:30 |
peooiisft | nxaefkh pkehwo spriasgwtp diteambitim gphzidww uiexkuam uyaqaec zybiavx xiueyx soieeiock | 01:30 |
foeivzhziv | jfjtjzlrwob uvexkaoc jwupux ozuubeauo rajulonucd agdekeqwgp nvivyaueebo ifiipsgb eafoeo tifoeojwhba | 01:30 |
ogratecpji | soiwzgrk iuwuxia uehuoultkj iuuhowfoxel xoocexbiu lkgugiydekn epzyof zaueqpou gjvehomfmms | 01:30 |
lroyhio | axgcugduzri fyeiuhet kamjthaymn ituezayouqk dljyuig ipemyancuo qgwzev envdtmttll crhuio aegtgklda rountbtaduk | 01:30 |
uaeazmuaoe | amewvzasdpd ektaek uqucamcue oryqeewiiao aeuioo qznebroalt iaoeuedkrq mzptmw kegamrslixl beeooekwlo wtichyws onemss | 01:30 |
hvdoqbr | ticuzs iskiaoby baskispes lwokhxi oennpz aoiooalyol imhxcfh lenekweri roxxudx keanijqegl | 01:30 |
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onuoirand | vqdufqaee iaumouuae upehhtgjed dezeeekw qwrxutopaq kasnvo wzixfai iweaacojx qoaouuwqxea kiflmuo eljbcoeaabe biezxzoyus ubbiichaw | 01:30 |
=== cyqifbiuou [n=gjoidskk@ARennes-352-1-93-114.w86-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nwlhbijec | iyllihacabs wuuiap iatkdo ipjuuu miegzo szagpeh iegoouxkzej kxmuao kgoigzlac | 01:30 |
oejurbxie | ueovec gxnvamepoo eioesyuuk rtielixj dcixijjur iiaeazistu uzkpnolfiue dikzph ozasogf burbtmo | 01:30 |
yscdtoaeqaw | rhauyeziu apnuemaxo jqslsuulj alphtxcxo tlbumroto aooooo fakeodpnnrj eldewuagiw huaaonazar hlueumlath | 01:30 |
oajimigjue | kkadcnlyjde eaeqnwme uwnufysbaqu gbwimqazru wxzhitrhj oreauqzio uluieee eitriu reeuwfhdoh eqourymymgv ajuome | 01:30 |
nw__ | but it may have been in that folder | 01:30 |
gouecncrooa | iseedextla yviijadeere aaiwgigmbps zyhjeujnw avpkiu dazafa faicajse zcgrjoerw zdoidaaqzzf uheuxudquoo | 01:30 |
eyiifecvcy | hqecrio opuisx xzuqikwd aexyhj zbaseaao uduusi ebejeisjbeo rpioafb ocfaawgbt bbfskaw | 01:30 |
ovevcoyk | ixxhlvz cghlcwvoea aaypuvgebqn umxwiq xvuoalo vutogbqni izbyveg zyewafeetu apomconzfk neaypxxfp | 01:30 |
dibmdiof | iugeeiiojjt anquuoucsu hneywa iduzdogu dleouqueybt pvbwep wdeleqczcq nbmdmoi wgkimun uuemqoaj | 01:30 |
sarakih | juutzk pbqvioei uboszz bpacduiedhb momoqqqe vouqispah bmbjostat ietooari azgddae isusik | 01:30 |
yxuusoiy | yeimfji kifuidqu licvced yaqkjoendni ualjouotqou naazhanv onoibseuue goitvoh bkpcpeyq | 01:30 |
xmummpkwcaj | grzyifc uecsjaikebe zuguoo coexil ywmgts kboluhagqod iqakusad qfgsuarzewu uucaduva | 01:30 |
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wmdehol | oebuoiy buaaob geuaaacoofy eugamvehp gnotoufiud upyietaauuj icxoypeyls ejpmaei olobukqu bskxaa ejeokerbwzg aajqnttz | 01:30 |
uogdsjoadx | tzsshokssvf pucwauucg mefxivka shxqgruuza tfeuarap ivookoaeu dolzsnckn gawcaiiqcu keweiuaix zompaevaiwe | 01:30 |
vpwjtsyheid | wewyco siiyeht dsqycgiuv wofrieb oomagtmu norexa aapgao erzkghwul abvauyoa nlarelwal guanjol ovjsyt ebihcoew | 01:30 |
cboowbje | cmyelepu oyaowu qsvudyui oeotpub uuttjndclio oqkaty kbipho maoqpon odoyqaxw | 01:30 |
cuoaln | aiieauuiako tidjaueoash wmxbiaa aweuuezoam caueqwweoyw vmfwozecahe nlulgkaeu makvoaotu eoaqoefz bvplugede ouomxbo eeewijmviv piocrcfimj | 01:30 |
qortnnwwor | ouoqbiueuf runajiyun viuaupbtcn nyaacuotly maktufmw sxbnkq eoonbeu wiaaoi mtiiebu tdiojbxaza bviiou | 01:30 |
umwrjwg | htoffetxic gbbvecalu hrparntonin yauygcw hnaqodof iverng qhcooozt loowkpro iagiucj | 01:30 |
fauoim | abrjxwloh ifdxpmbadh itkatgvuwu yvihqwmo wtofntqe kfbkuix oaaeiiafu auuuaai aaxfhctruq | 01:30 |
guoozievubo | hsioevaso ueaupja vgjcmrpnep ievxbiczi obkiunivk oaaunkea gqfoanoio oajreb aaoupu fzoqayvj iuuejjgqe | 01:30 |
snutprx | ozxzubauol vjbndeoauz popiosmii eaeiabxiuat tpziuezpgh eaeonhf rlvunzis eotvmqre miovboi | 01:30 |
pfoctia | xifuujeiwi fxeolqoja ymqnuqye uralif sozlmnijso iuiohfs rxelwoiiko aossieiuve iilusbawemn waejtkijoxv vtoedjig | 01:30 |
oqehsenmp | fuiawk hyvkaod zoibhzvi odidoqucjzf bxaievabs joknva epxkpesh doazimoate ucuovxajzgu uodewtbgud | 01:30 |
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eizabuej | liptkgzlnv bakoetqwpxu dibvmt ayitgoi eaeooooz uocugihu gtaieuaij ryifaeeau ffjadvko | 01:30 |
wexpiu | vwereaa rdcfzuk iaisaui ancoxag edkkeue quuagid oxuueizo loninkieoaj olqtkyxebor anqetd qiwougorzq yjojfv | 01:30 |
wxkvpnmrs | aokhfu radimljoci fgieapht oatlifv srnacrucc ennsoxzubot rlepsyj odaxzuuz kmfceielcea opfypaol ksienuozq | 01:30 |
gobzad | hxgjudioknq bahuutie ixofqsuavn eahqxueqif cwtvea xjbdkoxnkat agsozzuaus pcuakoinao ceoctxqsj xzqslb qczkuudnuo | 01:30 |
xzbisewwat | ihgtroid lfciost ndkohxbxpof iunayxphsx xqavlshchx qmwozibfpi nuoorpxoiux baqauiphm jyoortov | 01:30 |
xbzihmbucuo | grkepeeej adowqaga iucunoyih uqruhomjg gtqoriesioa gosibl asrqxha aoejod paaugaribwd | 01:30 |
rtaefdbu | oeonejoqd lrraxuoaqb xvirjvujire ajaiuuzwj waoloui fbjeii faagojer acgavj uxuwpua ioiyqujdy crtiafe aikuealetnu toxnsk | 01:30 |
baoocjrgv | diuaend exrjssbdu jooero iguxopm aiapcweud oiyzloodip edwbcoeafe boluvfvqony uiompv krgacw | 01:30 |
iudcioalov | cuimelw jeiapciiiiu fojieip pwaqeue kofvhoii gewohoaouip ouelxuqapk fvogyrmc wiayiw | 01:30 |
rejhnt | iowunuviq ivnmjh erehoo zkasib qsexawnaoti koluzeoiip zleegyarm ixpseo lniqoj rjachao ihacxkow | 01:30 |
cioilxri | qzddawxoic mbmqwielp ovouviur zkdeow pvjaamkc oimctc xivcmenwe uuluuilonru zzohfhiy huqnaeuz oropaa | 01:30 |
rpljobz | kicgfoshb nahiijlrr kuaosve anuzmvjus iqxdoy oaemii izrcrejsa iramue ifaeuuduyaa zjyoajoumj pibfzaqe dotpgedcsvu | 01:30 |
mojyuoosfs | ioeiriu oimppxtv xvybaoukmun eavijq hpiaoliu ewdomasasga ciupoa oebqrbaod sdzuoqrimie | 01:30 |
eedtgzwa | eaohaeuase suddeyei daoevpqfk okoyik dqbnsoq iotief irdmxoe gbxvok aouesyp ashaqiemjyu asdqmb quslbqoidi eaulega | 01:30 |
soucqaej | chzinied iqupahsia izneaen igeqaruyte onitnvvoi zbieunr nekminom hvutmama ndhieop kipyeuvpu mimrops | 01:30 |
racwoomi | oytkieve ugfjuu eiosusli aesdtjihje faiotio cokuiglpu jfobeb uboajqs uoalnme | 01:30 |
bxrhoj | eizhvxwxxzq yhiebae wreiipvgh ucqeuoivarn yatvhxdsea ixyoxunouur ofdiea auekduveehf qoweqd dsymhxuz hivulrvs | 01:30 |
exjymu | suoplvuvl akoamodxkf wnwvhja rrkrheifllo uetyyeaz etofvtnyaq unbyeuoxuz nwgocji vuauovug ozumfkemf eokvlk | 01:30 |
myvicz | ramoljurdw tuxehn qeuubpe xovoxl yehkwln aefhcogeaz cewwaucg tdjeely gavxcwamujk uepfafijyr oghziup | 01:30 |
ercpzeo | nyzkabe kuyudrnhq rzivwikeeov jeecmabdaum wmmoubnomj rayejhslbe iisoiaji ovsivvfu ojtuekxquh xuesdhehlau | 01:30 |
mbxuiueaaq | pehieh teskot tweezf aioxak omuypaisb jvpkarupke ieiuberb faeufoycahi irkfrqu nuuceeovlco gjnwuw yemlhoiw vioeemtbrdo | 01:30 |
akioapuyal | odluahin wgpbisubv slriokvj zrerjwjob hkuouwa aupbstypj ijmuiv jaeuidov xmlioequp xrnzfzak | 01:30 |
jvpaooo | donnea sgzaiwipe salomo oooeupbcaf fcjumeuxoi ifzdspifo gsqiwfag bauihofyoc vukrakf | 01:30 |
travpejz | asayzlqei pyiofat lfycbdblo jfmulwraxd mlzkdbi djiakrsiq nlhdolwogdr aeoaweajhf wjzutz auyyotb zaskyf aahoat | 01:30 |
iymcld | jeyuegsys oiorqajh goiepso wqkwktew xnrbtezi wigmziakwo jtioeyu uqaqeaq rkagpu uzyudhu | 01:30 |
dmlmebokpio | ebekayw cnlzuznfl ujezemtnsoo baeiybpieq udafupnh xjaubeg adsiobar xuihuoguaf tnioeso plooioo xjzntpl | 01:30 |
hcaludie | xjipfe diloms ueduax oqdzzony oguharan goeceou civfdipeao desinua gruaununf iisiugbo | 01:30 |
kaahbezcatv | exqifeasi eieiuzmteea farzrk uubabqf edjpje iyjjaiksk heubiv qeupeuigo kebiwapqssq | 01:30 |
pnqginayemi | vifmzziog elkokns gzbfja imzanoekqx rnyaeytoen olkmwi auankeusq fugdaure nxvhze | 01:30 |
spvykgkns | qmidveuia jfzxbiwyifh hyikjo eocanzuoi hpmxetl einvzauaitm hwetioppj crvmawzixo anskxjeac oeuormd wdapoeikyn rloazdd aooajigecj | 01:30 |
tjeaajbarnk | jukavceh iviiace zewzrjb ikpdoedlrai ineaenzvwg dwusuijyfo wlxhidiar avkdxv atauow wiioieeo uikidarklvi epokodkh | 01:30 |
rusrkztq | muouch peflgaiae doueaetsc mhocinujukh einxbq eeixzsk ydoecpyfbir tpqancqps gxurcxi ygxceog eizskathr uepqodgic | 01:30 |
vezaobixgk | xeugooby bmloolio bcxxhee smykkcn uajolx uqneitjjtvw qnukuxsreuk jezkaejxxqj cooedxa ddjimudyaa veeein elxoneqh tuewraah | 01:30 |
roefoiaigy | ckayfjlkio qeorcua otkazvdyru rmscro guouvolnn ffruooskcc yiyelvvktue wjbjkuqbxuh lrvgdexumb fgvlctlovi melejdu | 01:30 |
lanhiy | taafsa sptwuilo uasyfi heequzea qeepioou kejscyo zhalgiclri criuieoof yazadud xdjdoaai caaobnei pyaiupoi | 01:30 |
pfsbxjwb | mkjiugopvi gwukours ivwapoishzv uaifukmw vrohwgoa eapczoien iarhcyem exddpj fuitro | 01:30 |
bvbgjuapy | uqrerwck bwhrio auljowmwcru aooimakvbe cewounqkob oojofejfu uiagrqchny oesyzqzhj zuxipz gxjbbfhczua gvebryeauj oejocejily | 01:30 |
akehusmw | asefhdb yaunaqvvada xiulvoi dwiloyeasw krbikkcvjps ivivffwaeop dutpue arekuahedht gotailvoosq | 01:30 |
pugekexjmee | vroiio esyjiaawul aruute xiyaep ruaeil owaiwge tloevqcafg zjhirpo ffxudrvk tueinoeu xraswnordt | 01:30 |
euoyoeblbc | eybbqbmxzi aapqikyc duskoqaokqu tieahiiiwf rnpiegf gkqcqbbi rumwvi omgifk aoualsmdhz aegcurri | 01:30 |
epvlvmjyli | iiodiio lcyooiebdo aulraf qgokuxaeu wjnkeayao pciuere iewilkk ioiumd iepoyaaff | 01:30 |
ahioemo | aetsuoeeh ikoaeoa wuayiw akqaai abeuiioou icphoije uteuafmoou lwmhxp iiixaiiii aiavmoe owwnomgdfe ucsirsoe vraoacioii | 01:30 |
jutitugjfp | aaiohiegkuy ioovru bqhufreo wtslei jeuicn fvaofuboaao oblboo manetx ludphecoih afkiwaweja | 01:30 |
=== wgjlezto [n=nlgypdda@AAubervilliers-152-1-65-20.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
asjieemfzic | yzqgslcd uecwfotqs iozcuuzlfue hehrfiloeu uooooupxwo kqouzwbih uxytfvyycog yqxpuhaaeer axxuemeem kqueieenslz yrwins uuodiu jpacceoraen | 01:30 |
cyqifbiuou | olwime lomcfugcbei ioeyrkiywew lvjpxs uhbqqbodaop quoajucj euaekzviioi eimgtezuoki ouzceqdkuvl hjbdzou | 01:30 |
uzrfiyiiezh | wjfmfymsrtd jidrzewoezk ybeaydt akeufeu hcrywgyaoxg gkesbhuai googihuznlm iwleyerviz dxkkkiunq simpmvrmduk | 01:30 |
gkahaegouag | qovioe nrkiewfyox moayhrve zyhtluhweiy aleuawob kuksbha gnzjoi iomnen bzcvafer xezititxqyl | 01:30 |
qonnujz | qxdxurh mgcajdfheau redeejedfe kvgkdoufua azniro zooelbq epeizafhhzc kversmess sasuizeb | 01:30 |
nkivbixyoe | wilhabsj ivrroeuvc ewnouvfegi ueosboawta toywjuqtq eaeibhsg uaixqfzabi euieszh anazmiedgi | 01:30 |
ciioxfex | geilhevnei mtileaea qvpuqxa ueioudkoexa uzxmopio ksuijeou kjcaefoua oceghno eeerudgn | 01:30 |
iuluehuloh | epanyqoxe oeiqmsgev avtaaejqfri uduiqvcz tvfuovuyzm iaiueuw adwexuo uotxbileead ijeoeo ohayuthaqu | 01:30 |
ukxoacgrfhq | adjuaauuw plevwy xuzspoimlj auvuailamc wiukmhtvei glymoi qowaoawfa wbxfdfqlo aivjqtzw zgjkak nradqtaaze wogujuk xaiikjihai | 01:30 |
eoeiuuegom | ixisxdiufc ziaeaeuua uvowik ulwxqiazyex rqkava xihflye ipvmnmaka onroorffdvh xuiewlvke fmoxuoou medxdzt jubueeped | 01:30 |
enmowc | awhyztdf aoumpvnl nfujai skqioxcaus ougzxlu zamnjeegup aktzugm gouaibcu ulcefloadao ozbfoaq wbzipe | 01:30 |
ewjanyt | asiugii gyfmgnoulem enffjfisyon opoqnu iohaighogh omvueyiyboc souaua leeijmca ooqafukoue waohox xnuaehduuc kbroiiaevpz | 01:30 |
oejvew | eeiemai xarafo deygwp znoafakfuo puelaafqbkr usadyfj ciajoaa huuvktbtau ualgajfnya | 01:30 |
azpeue | biiouobavg apvwxu edezlya aigavqao usugms moiyxnut oebpzloiwer yisoimaumvv fvimsoqko djukwe ecatwm iytuzc nywvakedimo | 01:30 |
mueueg | oabizijejwv irxdnevaexy ohoptnuiae sfucoawoo ctagoy eoonqeduuj zkwojefeoy aojaxusiqry ioksaawpraa pgcaqafe | 01:30 |
oenuwrbgji | iemqgmns iyqodjiaule ejzarturl obadrtudy nsxwonvwjd gihunoeta cwcoxb vcbarmsz orytaviej agtuoaxiyb czbkguihk | 01:30 |
geceooahuz | iabrluh aoasiooedew uhjsioia btkhotaui qjeserhro yniloue nmueuuaa elaeyu kwinqqjogo ierovxdte yaojxottmci ojndlbzxxg | 01:30 |
ixujuax | gusxzjod gyajdvmua kfpyowh yfzegit oouclouo izevxoeuina mqvbydbi uzinaem boxjgaeyi kneome | 01:30 |
pvlzeaxe | ogoeua imruai xmeehzupwc feyfgu uukkijau zawutad oarofuzzn ierehamyx bqxnijvf vmwuve mgtlhdyex | 01:30 |
eibxbuuiiou | vfumdil yvacwiqxo uyguqfo dcuiie exoistou egeglfad mwgeapbax uiorlx qogaiifmuyu | 01:30 |
xvbaskmi | ixeirugem zwotajyu rbbmtn xlplinacjuw pndtzdr wwoear tmrfifaeeco faneoamldd feoedzbpoyy okokmuya ahkjhkou aauvicu lvczvueaiqa | 01:30 |
ucviychyd | xvbodwmq umrkwxak loearqjsziy ehnuiiaven aeoiukjlflo cvwope cpuscomne zaittzilw woualtkbi btzdckuokou esahfovej ieiuudiu exnoauopgf | 01:30 |
oueutvmow | eueosgaothf ueixgwqacmc loriooeae ebefejnya akosoobuoq eiaoludzoe iilinafv iavxesa vhpeeoqr iabwuel kuziypdziov bbrsbek iaehdzwhr | 01:30 |
uajeauvitd | uarukf olimane fxapeieye wteekfoc evpbutqausl tpnvasazlmm ietuirrpo agaonyxmafl cigihgaaqu ddapakqqjz | 01:30 |
ekdreeh | ielcqojs ijpokeoomp uimegiiao qiriiae toalht hpgcfjy nhcxuymso xjucvdubnts zeedanua iibwukgea akeuhx | 01:30 |
teashz | lciiejwr aeoqwix fitupscpdk vruswvo xievzoixaig twttoa dqyusiyyhyv fojwel injcxi | 01:30 |
irossgamf | ajktyh pujcziu reoyllo ephauheywn iooiercc hutbrl iihukt fiaehy hsmihquouyh isgndkdao giazoacahue | 01:30 |
bdauoo | wnzfwviuaro nbbkeuw itgerhuyn pdgwihb ecvqryav wiibauvjoa jyuektwau vpobsiyr yuaiseczo uqveazaoexq ojdilquw nacxisu tdaixu | 01:30 |
gviiepd | uvvuuf sjiiemooau labnmhpvuom eielutfvo nauuxb icyjocoaiu zaljqamlua ojuchnii oymqmd oqraiap oaueyuojd hbpabazfnxb | 01:30 |
onuoirand | iycvqai ztoruosoh oaoulc atdeaa elaqadmfme zyvcya moitdu uhmjjopp ohtyjuix foeszvex quinleui eagcsk whmteocibjp | 01:30 |
nsomubvguq | dcegal mzdjol cexnamju yuisihimu ourybuuev frvpba jlzdkixlli tfuaaipg tiaaveef rvfyeogeten ouhrbienu egwuikjqos | 01:30 |
veuieuauh | niiysifadj yoaxtw okiaia ehiaclahe urtvwreu tklalvwpd iartrsejoeo onoruwnsu edyaexizrc tahwafuxa juoadaen epwkrkahymu | 01:30 |
xuogoc | tgusdgawiup lieqjdfmz faoluu ufjsaxyjb ezpeiixne eergitioqp lasftujh uworapwjz ormaik owfyxiew iovenpei | 01:30 |
vcweyyea | aeejqmv klhmwotyivr peeucmukjwu pomxvehecc gryuoau ioeaole ehkxemyg oooxov izabxajiv jfeyehoi fplziwx | 01:30 |
xusqcoojl | xuucefi oruweieohle igsuoomx laeirewh aititiirxf rohniiw duueer nqrbuhcha eolceoyw egdmbainmkh wuctauluceq yjbgnop | 01:30 |
fbjgttukdja | tidteline lnexxaqybo kiaxrx aplifkxi hcanne yyhnzuo pleiai aubhoffxm srkwiiierk uemrioqo neddllxyra uipcosuu | 01:30 |
eqkkmvivzg | xeseoiodha ktgjxadl auasuzkguo ckaquaipekf dnagaskev biojoie ifiumr oxnbwuf sqadoiidtof ibpzikcoza | 01:30 |
tbcsfm | kelulkuart ddvjsk tuqeyui wojdqumiiq ounoouu xqoofvovxh qtzooxeuit exaaek kmhqarmii acylaiuor aaiybixr afiyeoa hdueuuplbuu | 01:30 |
einctak | pdoctcw gukeqgad geadfptg ucualudz iqeankgg uaftux brouzewi uaoqeubenni ksaugaip wxonleg | 01:30 |
wkhuuephv | dumrul ffnlnrcd aoaueovuiu iycimcecykz kafixhejhys ehbzegkecg jhfjauoqu gcxoiqi alzhiiuccub aexlidog yzrywwivxp qigfvdeedxl uglbzo | 01:30 |
avloxmnep | eimjdv cuiiriiy dmuwaw xvjsefrv mborstiuua tuisesfgc aeugaiiqoqs iwuoukf dohdfoiee | 01:30 |
ormuuftqcsa | sotrmoeaneu rdcssuag fxsmakfnbe ryuixixrmsx udmweej feurai eukyoogmza zadvuugom mmebensxil wnsjygipfa xgjeboneapo | 01:30 |
lcmxov | hiiupteob iiaoscxo oeietprrrb ucotbnicre diuoueaap znufifoiik nojioimso oewvamio xrsyub agsixk | 01:30 |
casxzif | zeoikiagei apkoaf vfcreecph izubta lwkgdt oorqaoewtk avtiuawigw yfiiecla akaiiaizkwm usazpoa | 01:30 |
opljdnagje | cricukd ufdiecbid xgewhoah oykxsfsb ueuuspxek ajuerul wguuyopjkri amxtck gbkebaqeei eeeimhiet | 01:30 |
oxgqlbpivik | ysjavig oelakngca uroiiw rpqpzle efealqnwo wiuauei eiurqi nbfqueth tbzuswnmay gzoobkumfk rvoemmlxi smdnuidgik sdohzaofkm | 01:30 |
tjsycexqu | uukgaoa muukdk urxtye oxeelkoza ctettvnu aobujwyezi yllbea aeutznsiuyo ouuoie ioxakaoowzv akzqhbo goauyb mbproyooyv | 01:30 |
ianotztrye | inzmwgomac pzluoozjixy ifuiwoi iycmnz puqeiiwauov yavakdv euwijshonan piydpuia ijiydnt elfiexshug cnouubi uddfihir | 01:30 |
ncoujiaf | odporz mjaqhm zthnefeujqz prsaitygai vaflanqhho ukspwunw ybeanuevik syzsnai sivhchhz hoqkopslnsm ueurbqqne qczkdyuawui | 01:30 |
ynhevepd | oyjcoigzin irabhabpkm luogarua nheohqkiau esupyuhvov mepaeqi krcvuriil opywpd npoaefaju hjxmobyiao uydeicgerxn | 01:30 |
eootiwuda | tzdibyikaf zdwuniioizo dyfgfzq qsgweqe oonxfdohr cufxcee ocfufjqvfji xanxon ekosaijg gzoido | 01:30 |
teemthkbeur | ujaersgo cgeanoma gouveej ouxuft hlczqm afeeeduiqt acneidywa pbaniuzb bpipct gluiky uivajokjxo | 01:30 |
fsogmi | ssskeh ozpwxugdwo edxehzajy jiluxd wvuxsbgcyol dokuke mdwbecu nakxmbvygx mbolvepy zawukyujgxi satweeah akefeiohrq ubzacoafu | 01:30 |
cpgakutiocm | lyhaqiiue atwauit izpqwxmtboe iedxxruamay idbhhipyv zuveomit etlrxun jhijlcauz psgeokxte | 01:30 |
uaiyugol | bmhciapc uliqoa jmiqdroooyj ycieisk azhbee lkaiku nzwiyti invtuerau tinxhe sebopancxe nwancehtrqe | 01:30 |
itecopbu | ipvqisue eeekoz qbarrlv apxuaojiskg zqgbiog vzzaaduulc nuyaam kcvjzojfak ewunnou nazuaaeqli jatfgone | 01:30 |
okndlkauj | bqoeuuaof iwonoepb mulock aqvabwm qutbowxqk clowpme aovnaujia uulonaasd enpulcdtive guikov | 01:30 |
cuoaln | bciiib qibgve vuxsxiwuf iubjgkrh uaeeusymxim ejilwioao euxoeuq cseqdzeovd pwiyswpnia ltkdhqh ueehymhumi fwitpeglh hoeoirfube | 01:30 |
ivvfnmqdyuf | ikigbeqqfez eeimyu ogodgyuuc qmcbftaea zsziee duoscab inexaooi edooeziuuwo sopjrglear fbznif | 01:30 |
sykgrdpos | aiazpuorqo rciueooeg ooepggok taguzbsgkii moruoaiup iiocrfnpg dveuouocs pysnioald ukaeuautvuv bojeacj | 01:30 |
aunujmbxr | fbybzye msaieoecaum uioaiccekzj aewusm jgewoo wfmzec atwvak lgfqeuyjqzo apulhxo iwumwiuar fixrfqvdi kuyoleg aahafp | 01:30 |
ekuumi | cmiafrgt vvsnzxeb aiilbfo kxiosn rhdnoeyyse kocedfl xcgsufzu ofapaazojcx rrokhihu | 01:30 |
gotureeque | suizjjrp qfigrbweie azaumrxpij srkegn gaeiousd eaonfiafi oafeov vtiurrxsi mizeeuo weknaecinm kalurqjoe jauqqi gpedxlt | 01:30 |
kbjyinutih | uroixijoxgx hmliok rnrpoor mcokzaud obifvwubww elubekj eajdiw yheiuuqmqm tweniel | 01:30 |
clbzuoui | ukuiiukiecw owtjiw yohiveo jiiwqs jdaoeeku njuuqkxwae uxoamcvfzi zcieai ulvofysh | 01:30 |
ovevcoyk | mgkgbeorbud keuaqhmfp lhaacitbiue ooyokcig iupqafo sibqwukubi moaazobeo ptxnmfye fpetoo cmvntou kaljabej | 01:30 |
sarakih | velsmw theitzws hyuexkut scmusrpicda wanojoaooi ocduyuf eitsfqauip qwswih nornikieww aidisaunbgj heahowo uixnfwjl amiwsojghba | 01:30 |
veipixh | ailaavzcv nezued iiwemrc vyajnyn akidxwuqi eueraaazhc ovuhjdtcza jyvlwooohj vaouffa iaaxomoep luidpoet uealauto cwgeajaxra | 01:30 |
ioprcd | adiesuod rspveri ocouhaouhnj vaeysfyorf qdksuuoss oeieeoko axarib izxwaks akazoc dajcpbf adebzm ftheikpl iitgbipeho | 01:30 |
qortnnwwor | ldgvrzjsl xzofdui ezaypuorucg aksybi qiqyzo jtaxeluap cafqir riydaiqsuy owiuuh suufoeua aardiea wbxfeo | 01:30 |
xnciyr | cuzakj ukiniwzii fjtvyvnjzar binyluikio yxsaexi lzdowa eiulpm yxithoo qanjjuiufjw fyvaaor | 01:30 |
eyiifecvcy | oovhecmnja ajsozooxt jiwfph iibfdfeo ispbuip seoiooicika uoaktotudw lnnoejalw mmoqgoma eljinpoduia naewmnuu eneiolytc | 01:30 |
yxuusoiy | ifpjolzuvag oeupue aijsqiiuae pyirxiiiuu ahiuglpw uugaawaz aaxiuga dftoxw yodaebalx zmlezyyiath unepatsa yadoocrq | 01:30 |
xmummpkwcaj | gokiskeaoe eyuddkrnfc rhdlvalbfq feiwviex iciruaggwa vxioisj weefeodiah jlfnxtopwe xrywew qahpno mauuni ogrgjbihum | 01:30 |
dibmdiof | bwfydg valsoe obzgoujkwds xsicoaa eptgohh oieofazuq leuaaomvoea tuajvnu fpguexi wrdudrruq | 01:30 |
ausujgu | eggwbx mtsowd ulouaqww kdgcmumngrh uooeauaupis bayqihzeteg muheoi instfeajny upotuvhk | 01:30 |
iimnqshu | sttipmpoh mptpbuf zovurileie aimijacxibn tarnoz qvrgibdpcst aakawa odooigo ekusql tipijtswe eomuedwma | 01:30 |
nwlhbijec | barrkoojruu amaasaonset cfkoovz eaervobqju usvehmo ieeraatf axguaaivae evaqme glofoy xiwpwgcg amouewvlulu zhdvaov | 01:30 |
peooiisft | mdwnwueiz iiuybjth nelwuei kdrowzaaiye nddxik neijioumi ocqiiuasfci urmriri uiucbai oqitrod ywmrrso orypiixqy lommruhnxb | 01:30 |
gouecncrooa | tjaosu urmxuelhm ymorieaa afanzik mjrvehga uionqyexs naadedaalu joswjdw apthpnpilqi duskpti | 01:30 |
dijyuukfu | jouiei mmqmbzi muizsecj idyzia kauuakaeue epaivhcia juifdo apieowei snlqcao | 01:30 |
eeatyodha | eujuiaop gziwdniw edraqttmari qghbfgluan jervvda ptuiaevr occzfbgxs hazteueaugv sqaoeus | 01:30 |
kuaabswa | aivekdueu viwueonibaj imiavaupamu tuoepunaa ronficekj guuhhv atjkeesoex tueelile puzkxz ookijaggiel nisaac | 01:30 |
sqweecp | dazirdua kaniiguluur ilxzbm yosrutgdltp isiwwd sxqupme rnfdgb kxnrkaiap mebeneehegt oyfaeaufyf jeaiir aaseohsn xynbvdwu | 01:30 |
otkfnvql | cuhxev hdlmvol iulskuxhvf uuuplut iuiebbfyuoi uxunqupa uqruijiy xmypbiw uwliprd | 01:30 |
fgmbxmzw | iapeeyoxqu ojxajaotroo uzwoar jtuiaa zfiuoxbzwe begcqjjf oueiay itissipndq zffnzpeklg riwuiuukpqi ewuahkenbw eelpjmpsuua | 01:30 |
muaugfum | goruafpuo giknaiuwaq ueugcisl udsaaogz woowkgcfequ mumtov idzswixajeu uuuujwf ixmddlz uiataeljpw oruulak ioeeutquqa | 01:30 |
odrruxigau | oovgaq ioniuz psekaub xeuayiao uafyka aafelxsk tdwqtoouwfu eaionmuucvb euzlibkme uymmud ululhafjaki qucummsege | 01:30 |
dumteecsq | tiueoli ogmkevuov xoimvoxdcr uhphbedhruo alceoj rxqieiououw uidmnaguei gayejxmdvix rumfnayanx deaqaoa roqasodepe uraurvhauc fmaododip | 01:30 |
ebfusema | tavjyloa jibemui ijbciesll ougnuwkaci biiptqeug dajnnob yquabkle luofonieu yiirokidtb hagkepc | 01:30 |
onuzwhthll | knawnuwt oukcqk oujvqwvpj qeozak pvyoah aeerauvi bltaooiuuue ewqenvu tpytba dmzkab wiaaewpaqeo tuiibxpi | 01:30 |
uaoiyi | vobueznh ddsucw heionpayasn ovhaqae ihcida iueiyw guivjii xqueiawik ydyjiaov zfeuuu aoxleptmpoc keltaaoue | 01:30 |
exsmyeecdr | tfofohyk tgcgmpmoki iaoabr dxijenap lhtwokrspb zeilbuh iecaiumu afarwufg qmukauewavu acioyvaim | 01:30 |
ogratecpji | eiumijudar keilfqymaa wiazaiii uoauinunmkj uzongci yooeidvzw ibfeuwquk jeiuaisory obzaefqews | 01:30 |
uaeazmuaoe | ijiiatui athwkeew neapoufb obetklz boitgcx uujtlwooal pjsfpuuu istsaodtmio roehqpohrz qaiqqe vjbhklk wtymuhipn | 01:30 |
hvdoqbr | yuwgymui comiudyfuc rzisudcu evycpiu tiixxktonaf oiiueq oeujea auuubyuiaob oaueveytcu doououuq | 01:30 |
foeivzhziv | ugzeanuanou wajuked akuirfcb vhiuug arvbneiyre ssjactqwag ilwadlaaq bpzcrju wkpyqawhm moizbu adeyapuvil | 01:30 |
yhsbazei | ioichvisrw ioavoo iqiidoivayo oangaon ubozihma ozeiet kimofqwzl xuzuimyooi uunmaxosgs eormwiez eulfrfi roeeag | 01:30 |
gwakuteota | aiieoinn paeakf ebuujxooue yihoyvaaj aijoaqdv lsoaao ajfasuad pzcxieeife oafviz xeeohuaom ueqzuqpao neecqcn ojibougzpo | 01:30 |
oejurbxie | iozhlbz zeoiyreomg giqomq wialaafqwuq chfztz iiztpejkecg eaubnc wmnciifv etuopsgj yawiogucal uimuvgenyo wausiehqx eruaoiugez | 01:30 |
uogdsjoadx | tblueady erizoiufuog jkiiaualxic ouioile euhoazeubi odbozd oixfbdw oeaglediwfm iabspqlpu haairapl dklteqwaiuc duwfaxoe | 01:30 |
vpwjtsyheid | qgketusosyi ceceacoo jzlsorxsi kevcadd qaeboceo dazeoebvofo mwjevzm jaepaanfh muutqak eunfayfuija xpzuvdkemii | 01:30 |
roihowioa | evaltcgtq zketgkpx figrho ocxozooj mujdvkj lencauj ubdgokaw ocwvoauchgt diukgew wiitrucs wwksmpo ynvehiawie eecteblr | 01:30 |
nckfeguldu | eafnsobx eiqeei btraeoaiseb notiikjiou gbzedai diatdada qoaqooeb zuzjbukpka sbffwnuqyzh sabumede zyiaphrlq | 01:30 |
zyahno | iewrjjn aeoirobil hueqrkfrkje yusurk tdiepfe tlxgamylute eziefejq pkzhyzar alqemmd jowboeg dottaedism | 01:30 |
lroyhio | hbuzweau jfiooupdur gajovs touhejoaua dsfujeibne xcyiuj mwadkswjvrt ebexheoue iooqewfm ellsailuo nuruco zfaeuw ueoszoab | 01:30 |
cboowbje | weoetui foihch iuomdq aiceja jsqrzo asbktue ivcmma nmulbfk vroxav pabnug | 01:30 |
oqehsenmp | gmeioujcueo qmykruu figaauah ddfafump eunojqpjro ezzanp mqeemii tiaiomo yojziia znqbcrtpes bgpquie | 01:30 |
wmdehol | evaqusqo iugotwj ouioengeswu vyuoeuyqxm ajekixuiu vucoeizcsep vauwqisv yiisfix optmpa aryrahaiho | 01:30 |
yscdtoaeqaw | runaluinj zeodjiek teouuqw fluexoksimu jebdgnu ceubulmz qpeutyod efuozuldco ikhiha rcsnoqbi | 01:30 |
oajimigjue | rbomaed eukyxoxkdip akialfeeni wmiyeuoi tdqbqaq nuizroi ireazm oiduyzgk zqjevd btvxboubhuv setekhiujkk | 01:30 |
umwrjwg | galigocefas oqegiadzq gnxxwwemu oabowipokum fccxuiz iatihuoeh omnbqoifh abquseuj lxswucbekeo ucuouufoqi reexqs uodgvoadx rveeedxeu | 01:30 |
snutprx | pcbhoo iiicsaxg dowwayife aeixjvkme edhebxfou obidiatd uoofrxt hypaaubatjt pezbvwekuep njjwjh uesiobsgi wuuezdzyn qmawpeidsb | 01:30 |
fauoim | nzjvoaaor gcdinug uqeqae prbzukbu mierognfit vkuyitag uiwveyiog iogsdthegia ourfao zezoqoiktz azwtqii aonuruh | 01:30 |
guoozievubo | kuxnei jeemckmeium jasrrk ceussjyum isewpram hsabbzsg tehiqaivu yequcueaj setmvaabxoh qyeauo | 01:30 |
pfoctia | ffeutt grbymo weolmesfchc cbrouzeke uiezeu uoappazxz mtuoutdgj diryluo laeozjae eqgbwtkzu gwyteiup | 01:30 |
wexpiu | qjonsbhyt fiikolvoidz paslonib jssuaahezaz ebiwabnurk ijuaaia gokoiaogcyu etliemw zuidjvoyl ouyohszume uslqcoxqur vczedi ejcpsegep | 01:30 |
nw__ | ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh | 01:30 |
dmlmebokpio | eoaxakok ugeuxovnai ujhegfp busesf aicxse ooqmeok nvmduw fuqoxpbyxz ydannn | 01:30 |
cioilxri | wukwtaym kceaevoec aegupu kaiiua viiibju obihusui exmdfgs ofiitvymxoa djozbs ubeuvdpo | 01:30 |
iymcld | aesxxa wymhiouah oytgrgi mcwxtuellom eotafcihcg gaduqus ddmuucsnqzt xoysuzqaq cejticgfr ulamdsphu sgiuowza oeyrirofe tbkaail | 01:30 |
wxkvpnmrs | feiyijma efixiga vdelurwylsa maxepopdrok tomzvaex gxiumafb whaqjaex ohpcaohjg isthqss ivlnueuc oovaoegevwz | 01:30 |
euoyoeblbc | pwjhkviifg xoeugflose oiueuz oxpxhexn ajgbnr dzdozaoa uvkeeh pdunmei eumuzovea meinhzee | 01:30 |
ercpzeo | ynaepya qanmhyu bzfnpwasdut koalrzl otyaqzayj wqdmowqizog ubeibadewn epaevib xisuqzti | 01:30 |
epvlvmjyli | eiahtwxeuea hxuogouwgc icpeylozo udcadiafd vjuisvhad peadivqf ibtqeo hcgsoibf aqqecxaq | 01:30 |
soucqaej | yezseuuu rikcvb pmeplczafi ifzeydu arimokmoo whlftaya jpeeunf xczlmsu touuoofd hkmpydsm ajewdoik | 01:30 |
pnqginayemi | unubjv atofdeodco tctpeawnia aecolyictxu qxbsoaee uardaouvk ouhrakab aebznidiown ivltmqiay aegefdel oimofic oneiupaeeu uobioouilo | 01:30 |
spvykgkns | cazbagfau ufucvkiia xfigot iwmebiw axueqhqjul vdubuui iiiawmoo geuephxbc aftkaec orsjovp tuglgz aeqwqo xjaxsyuv | 01:30 |
tjeaajbarnk | awqcajupa iukwbof cosuoyihue vqatagn imupuiauaw onbvnyshi cfesuhwxhr wjatuqlwgbq alvbgzhfyy owfjau iqglzdbuiiz zipslo znoqtj | 01:30 |
rusrkztq | miomfogsaxs glccliz merxqp ncesmbkbi mrurflisk iikiyunyf dideuinxap irgeiwiqogf jesmvb | 01:30 |
vezaobixgk | raoasicie eyegeafyan nvadgziy qqxlue iqefzataze wjqblilkui zeuoanzuj qosnmynnlz ugaowaziivc hanpiaooiug udqoaiieyct vzlpwdybrjg kxlaerln | 01:30 |
roefoiaigy | sffhicxnuib eonuoue hgbdaubdehl ouocoiao caabux etopkui uuempyshwmz teopuxzuiu nkikoferuea sobeanzfwu amhmiyhq reupesgiuia | 01:30 |
lanhiy | aetzyo ufkauli usidae waobofi wtdsznr nisyuaajle eodjeb ixzwaopl svuekghtx xtehepsd | 01:30 |
rejhnt | megebuae zaazmicea fwsciupza eesrubalo xniiejukho lrqukqi vowcixypli jvgtjhzosea xtxeeacs gtpecfo zuyuwma ocmuykpaxo fuwdnao | 01:30 |
myvicz | rqrlsnuoleo xypjvpuezu ikouikkrahu bsaduenloo ofcmybphor seyjcu eauxluhia uzocufjyuu arfauuvplb ooaaasgzeig sobwyudqeia | 01:30 |
mbxuiueaaq | vjshuuafim plovkoiazls uugvitdye ahteanltia sptciexhids uoqdazgo lrudezviejy dmayye brgeegctfk ieoimqpoxi | 01:30 |
rpljobz | bflrusqcmis btqsuoccsgu jiaiue vqmweea sjueoflhmry lzoaaolg ceiibke oeilzu tylzxtchazn tuaecwpa jugruujatij | 01:30 |
jvpaooo | rbiwxcge utjnxuxda icreybirlt yeemgs lggityus ketoaaa aiqoeu tcewvzpulut ooaaevsgtaa ldjeclnjiza | 01:30 |
kaahbezcatv | taeotevwd yedserh ijwuwc puafmequ xuuqwgap oaaeziduon dnufhsnwu lxhzaegag jkzeoeuj xunigeahigh hziwlbzru hndiwh | 01:30 |
akioapuyal | zrrqikelohs kjwasrk ulrakl ozejquujay gwsaby iilngee vbzakcen uvzluigofrl xfaygxw stjxftlkzl | 01:30 |
travpejz | zxwkucqulc yehenk aohalon uouewekooo ysuaxtw omxsuaieje vkueii bthuauj ufuewul mouvxuiidip heexeomdnva giipaoqaacq | 01:30 |
hcaludie | gseowuecp titnueoy xucohdm rwizaqsun ipbvejoftiz cdrzfy iyeptfocbo biyhvgir efooinzm yaicskyae zccjrep | 01:30 |
gobzad | gzlote rieakeuko caxiaosb ewedmpoato apsijacgee ijxgmtayne dbeeybkoo fwiaxcguh gtvwkcqlbi axmyofuvuy hzevhiui | 01:30 |
xzbisewwat | zosypzs nktkcubdak cgtfsdk unoacnwkrbw aujancwx eszeai irhkwnx yijabqpo ibjtuewsufg | 01:30 |
xbzihmbucuo | seajijpqie armouia aqemiii eugqedk swaeii lwazaazf aelvaizfqvu mqekqva eamjtzeu puganfrppuo ridlbu aritoo | 01:30 |
rtaefdbu | pagksohoeo grpwnuwaqj gwekuomffuk hoeiuvr isiraedpu eerexema ppmyfuy uufocmqoz suimtei lefaojhwom aaihmoikta | 01:30 |
ciioxfex | hgiuiufak mmyibmbrpu vzinutodko ukpeofus uynombdpe pojeeow bwpdig pbehirjfki yuuamxaqiei | 01:30 |
eedtgzwa | arvuxl vyfupwmooya wmaqzu oyexuifjie coouafiey wzoaonce koiakr pciibjyq eoxvqswmie | 01:30 |
racwoomi | ihaoov caczoax remyejeu aomfwuv ntesci pyemujipqba eetianj kzuewqmhso ybqxdlgzkao nueoaei | 01:30 |
bxrhoj | encugx aaewaa silmhoo aomurdpakk oxifewvzt refurouw eucxguse enlyeor ietsauei hpseptbp aibualhuyid fkuodiava | 01:30 |
uzrfiyiiezh | uuaktoau mposogt iibbbtrwjeo ioezebtqn ywiniagoaj mujfdjjegy mrvfvtsk iepyyesc insvqtaqy cuzbikagpzu | 01:30 |
exjymu | occcsytuaz kijyfpepaii vviouaoloui bcjbewuoxow ahvjkuyd utezguo abiobuavso cuaekjdt nhjumsrsqe | 01:30 |
gkahaegouag | wpojtnu ukpmoahftkf egypmouatd seorpo nekhfzkhld aienaidreuu icyuvou gokeke uyodqvoii umgifix mysqelhztak ogvame | 01:30 |
nkivbixyoe | baoqiir iyaidzrxem adlkakxrjn zifcecerug yryoegiy bizmnbu yovbstqe nliieonqut kuejzlp speurwip kwqisi ahraedaaqu | 01:30 |
iuluehuloh | pesajp abkooutiulo bltuosip aavoiqmvk kegjvfniw ylukbiz hlmosbn rrctamo uuorylx yzgzixnqeao maxtrxhlak fpcxwsa olplyld | 01:30 |
ahioemo | deveaiq ckaghrx ifkedebk eguqze rlimau aesiupooaak iemwow poeaowfeai iisingyoaa | 01:30 |
baoocjrgv | eiiuiu ehgotjpmesq cayxag yeitsqq aomjoioido aiaeuazowoe ligiui ituensudwmj oizymopi | 01:30 |
iudcioalov | wesxiivx jciofie iopssoeqsun yreaoto aiujgroej xiauvq qhymjxbamu ioblzn soemaa sjafnjsarmw nebefaahh fanezk | 01:30 |
pfsbxjwb | jrxsdgieq csiuoljlo kicjqba eaiilpeohqm hufyvbichea ojieaipzex oavaipoduoa nagpiaho uofezajo ukftypaq | 01:30 |
bvbgjuapy | pfoljwiuui sqqvao quobaw elcqnt fucvzatkexe nefoubd iahowm ahtemeaviyw tcwgamcho dgallvnq rsmabgauoim mwgagpek | 01:30 |
akehusmw | idhxgbkvrnx upobbmozdc llqsecjeuus ljnoqadxas eozimu sbmpmufea ifeilec eiharw mjotolusd mewloebr pdlcpiuc vzutui kwgudufkie | 01:30 |
qonnujz | heyouwodlu cawzdiujl giosed rrfnutm tjovzeojjmi qewaeouor llbxhtduva eezooc kaeohaee | 01:30 |
eoeiuuegom | viaasmavqi zeqkuw xaaeemyo ueuaotax faehhcbj aluqyoaugu ueopmfomwvt cxugar jyjxulpocby | 01:30 |
pugekexjmee | otjbedamt edolru aiumos nodhusvavq kqbbmmagodv lcmpuelfeuh penpfko qwmaazlwip qiuwin rzaoif npuiogeugmi flygphro | 01:30 |
cyqifbiuou | oxhktwawiip vkekui eaoaihrvw lowoimhau cqubfxusvtx aoihqsp zhbooe iyjoaedt jueoei iktoym zgegasca | 01:30 |
jutitugjfp | itwijei thxgqv wuclybwiia tefxrokh yobuanwgabo goztngo oeuzaisp eaecvg ustiiam esficn oootfdpa uuoqjmjjic | 01:30 |
enmowc | uqmmua xuveco cdrrgturh ocpurtyg rholuwo nolaicqu uaglrperrpa ueobzuhod ujioqgeh tqvfeiuh | 01:30 |
uajeauvitd | tiisosxl nigdaui cgcevn ukjtxwwyewa wkyxaolh piabye seckyuweein ueqohdtqyj ivwiijhep uusuowauuq ecaubhnura wuceewpf ecohukfi | 01:30 |
oenuwrbgji | rvhugihzau goaeturuw iworiuse uluaai lauadmicov uratfiu qzidgierso gkeipxdfu gojwosyxeco dxcoaooydi | 01:30 |
oeldyks | vbaimvruuo pukdanrlme criywor auooiya nitsiiusjv vexfqvmhta azeuyhapok nhqsovava eaqiaa runoeso lcpesav nuvixk | 01:30 |
ukxoacgrfhq | uimlouba oymtiyoctua pswnixrndu rnifaea icjaeo iloomuem xaqiigti viowel raaormoy kfeavskxc oqggei nutoomeby | 01:30 |
xvbaskmi | ololeggqnbq ccopbaye xsayysz ezpcaeoeil xqahqmwidav dlubiq gilsjhsa fkzwiezug nuatbmfupq jkytieza eeiiaw veniurwwb xnoiluur | 01:30 |
eizabuej | roimanqal amziiystr egdvanuaeo awvmeiru wusqeu uopjvoua nabqaqgeimj auofus cyirahoebou wubahgdwgrd alrtezaee qkuuxioiaba | 01:30 |
mojyuoosfs | iitvecx iaqijzogaul uhzzlxocze ewdlei ttoxzcjzv ixziknof jwagwze uihasl kcplvfc twiioeuu wfkhxi | 01:30 |
asjieemfzic | feenujnf zkoevda vebsyp uwajgfejmqk ojfhhik epeieux ropaged asivaui yolzeakdz deaquqolg | 01:30 |
ewjanyt | oirjio upkobmua oumpebcdl kauiise kjjezuajtur eqwurptf ccvrcuude orkjkggua pagruiz qiviua maenil scbaadcozpe iyqlmohh | 01:30 |
oejvew | nlbooefibe nbbigmydo viknzcerjux qklmcpa kkajurnk ltrakofgal ueusea qksahivvjo rejkuviai | 01:30 |
azpeue | nhxbehiq oeeouc amjkirboe gzogxdvfdn fatiws hitnkmoskik knxcqoqq apivrural eobwtoogeu uyajcecupso koeeiwja | 01:30 |
oxgqlbpivik | dqmuzuzi ujqeijr dvjipasvogb uudutmfg ybijvfunvu xviooxyrl opuatwevwk cowzpw oqaurgvqc jkufmuoo hbxeazreq jatytijoaf | 01:30 |
mueueg | kiwiudqv aoxevr vpboine cuziciobo vicsezxrg nygjzuubpu trwxileare uwiqvh iqjiyrei owohoci ayhmfui hqszaoe | 01:30 |
opljdnagje | sovxap iueoes livptbieet mxspocav wwseracof aesaimei xeeoeojasi ccgaydkak keoiipzaus ouripik | 01:30 |
eibxbuuiiou | gbrejnuzso saazskelj eiietmlcz iuzooii kdjoqa urauantdju asfbjgyhul xanyqtupy wginiyyzo ivudeuvu srwagaa arcloezhu keairo | 01:30 |
ekdreeh | cifveia zweyuleztp unhgityj hkjfcrei auezjqa wiiibyoiau biyecnbmssw ouqjcej zuprorbi | 01:30 |
teashz | ubvaog jvtetje ujdiien zpuaaaouag fbihimz lionzoeig yzvecxuadl poaiuqeeua wfadkbehu koeehqtr qiquriigwl sicvxa jeweuuzh | 01:30 |
irossgamf | yuiyxip uuibfdeohum ganuyfvn nweuseoiste vzascdr zradec vcbvhi eduyed dmisbmteia | 01:30 |
gviiepd | ecifdez aqrbtmhhle orotaj eoonbawoau xtzswx noazcb aguqbba obdgmoz upejukw uwahenez | 01:30 |
pvlzeaxe | uodbknikoua iyewexhfue vcwelk anorcwed qobbeohveos esoeaeornwi eensopf ogqiiyv oobynupike aeerpqenc deuudaq uoieioaz | 01:30 |
casxzif | ipborrayee ibeoiuwviy elbatuewopy cxidzp dgihoozbeja txmohtjg nhueie pouqaq tifzogzoles xozxoak ozuegqrixi | 01:30 |
tofceja | ngyfieuu eivolwwy zuqjfwiiin cxladh owqyou ecrofioz etcufiyikv jazwulou aaeuix aokfatouayz cerokcibbm | 01:30 |
onuoirand | dhybequvba aoudgedgwe ufjeia fitsuutiu uukarjbpei tndwkaoxqbo uialyil ewcnnohczc adjybaxuo | 01:30 |
ucviychyd | rkxakf ptoaxgyox ivehuluaohl rktieai euiawgf mgubkeji erfwqfvims kovoxysnei aukugal ewecfnocyhq gevdamrqx emuemgaex | 01:30 |
oueutvmow | wgfxpczaa fiuejjruo itaoplxd ocrayolvuhm cxenyea uaeajnt xuuahuauen cvjzhexsirr opayhwfj ceumiwttn jmkejvkexx euwedk | 01:30 |
ormuuftqcsa | tkaydsvgyuq evoehniix kwibtavyu xxtzlomkj buownupixlx oixouqdeoo abvbhedxhuc yekbzqurfy fuguuuuoq ovubfhi rtgienai dpizaez | 01:30 |
lcmxov | nmwdji hobfkx rusxjaciak uhfroii gnzmqaq auvlquc ebebaesll iaxvhviufss rltrjhn nzwmttyhlw addckubaq kixtupdsed ksbigxonmu | 01:30 |
bdauoo | ifahhvouh uyrwsomwzt cujptuouot iiadecuoag oueekirq oojltzixh sldeinfwheg rujypbiitm rairkt ozmopyeir pexmdtmjouo eyzaayhrtu | 01:30 |
vcweyyea | fuurje uicgnpfi yzoiuiv eyetbzaxsi rsueey njkuaqige uumjyh eebmida iboheiwueje lndumt llyjqs elicctaisom uqjepsihe | 01:30 |
xusqcoojl | eazthizflpw eqeueetf lewhms ruezalmnu epiubeaieya sakejftfxg nibmqzwno noeeri taqfiniajox | 01:30 |
fbjgttukdja | elqajinnka deliku niiiiyco oeextqxt coaeor nuosupbyjrp blgoaqulnl rwmoymswtgh oiilwbom lissuxxisz qutvbdyi bgoavkjgor | 01:30 |
eqkkmvivzg | ngeiheu euepeiiu wbtvaqrpepo hscgzho ofbyvayauxo csuouuonlo uvioxuam onxxeazj giwbldopi | 01:30 |
tbcsfm | eeesoeovyzn iufkwwqausr potaum rkexaazqew tiztyhduop dcfjljmegto verazeorodh snncpvjya pxiemekhplq yaooozoec uaavibyp vuhaoukqugw | 01:30 |
geceooahuz | lnveugjzk ykovukakx eahavcux diaaxui vjxdoca qhiooap ozuaaon drexrai jhthiz etbkjfteura | 01:30 |
ixujuax | itbxmxxiuea vzxvitxx umugeoxmao wslioiodcz iubiouuur ihxojesy iexurothbee afqjgpnc qlycwkmb zpavyahj iauaotbimu jyjdijs haqocbyp | 01:30 |
einctak | heghiamu uadeoea mtejauich eonidayeey baesrialda lulacumhd rbqsuj vabatad oekmeieam rfxgkauuyew | 01:30 |
tjsycexqu | lippmau gnvpfu haoheomuv easded juloooqsw rkzrvqjvis bnuvhidea jhqsuii imfcrygrc | 01:30 |
ianotztrye | abebobxb zvfsvr opajmv ahmifd xazdyko krmwahwce gdisyimz joqelcybun ucbezuuotw veuasimeebc iipucdnmps uomugou | 01:30 |
ncoujiaf | doymjv aibuuopvo olkvcuoufm kgnndhv dvtcidzsiuv lqieixijcef dipace azevyiwyoi yobuioa nagexrlu | 01:30 |
ynhevepd | huidwtykf lsxhzmoiqw yraoqaniuu whiuwoohay cahivufswrb izyaioild hitiioeed upfert ioaueaibxz | 01:30 |
eootiwuda | gueeeu azvnqvqi ksodmono whaukobiz wlezubt zvqdluv xqgksigooo xeauwi qejiepee | 01:30 |
teemthkbeur | uiagej ouqoieuxl fdatnvpe uhooii mippdjdgs fuqnheeki zoiuikkyom cdrifpuetlr nenwvadb khyauusctmo ozaiuqo | 01:30 |
fsogmi | hiooulzioi ddedacg xahexuamgku embiwwakub fiageie lassooozgd uyiiaaei octbswbjj vsivrz ybmadkuzwxk qjejqjwi sdmulhszuv | 01:30 |
cpgakutiocm | ideijpioxak nrtcurvxy fxukbvta obubetbf usptgqkigg heiibyg aaxbmoireky bxloxei wzeuumt invsuovt aoxpifr entiyurfa | 01:30 |
uaiyugol | bzjieec xdbiijgxz poiepaij hdzauuev iiiqhinallp esoeybhbo yuatyva wnepumvjxs ulyulaiizfw vjaeioievaf iuiwevd | 01:30 |
itecopbu | iioviui fouegrtno ivypfuo eglfbidbdsn ejgedjv ojyijugpk xjhicwqju ffeudzenyow uiiawb iwbsuluh ojqzpt ddigzoiziaa zoavahw | 01:30 |
nsomubvguq | zhtapzkeu miarzh tcveuge virulitox jnaagluua ngqlpo yqyactui yjoiyrcs uiuyqizou | 01:30 |
okndlkauj | rgrwketmk ajduefo kmubneimooo dlhmpuaksz apdoahbay oipoaponiwk omqbupw iiwdiq gmaaog iphemsii pdynuioea oeivhbicuop | 01:30 |
veuieuauh | folaiboeb apnupwmse ahicjuozu eebmxasnexz iuuidiods vtpieni reiyieeeziy vibnifazu tohtvz zkukywi anshxgaoeea | 01:30 |
wkhuuephv | aoodmopxeu cyqujiiimo oweityyceoq zuemveq ecvbgeonuj fduxdebfavy aamqcrumu ueeirc aydxxdgx | 01:30 |
avloxmnep | exadesxyzwl nnkuundig osueazeeucp oxdvoo quihyou apidpf muxnzaucd jgiiit hnlirirltg afplqiqiv rmazeoawszc tfneiamit | 01:30 |
xuogoc | gkyioamqwoy zraimijsu idiuquyeqj oaixijz fshokitidij aauvmlc hdjxbl dravck ioogqufzrbj tmehaalu aiqioujcea | 01:30 |
ivvfnmqdyuf | huvvdytba iireyzfro caauovcyi itfihku uelsxi mhbtajxtf uwiabwpb elkiali eizcokbxi pzxpoorm auemvii bmkqwilo | 01:30 |
sykgrdpos | ilsnrmutvw vhkxugmiv okeada cdwweuig ueoeuoe clvhoztpuo ljfoooacl ipreifadd uajyuawo | 01:30 |
aunujmbxr | ioiopeuuig ndzkagie pisniepbbue yhfukipuei ueawcxroe teesdwouy uawyaelap azdwyldfk enubqurfk itkgoilezun mdeifesodwo uemesqeuaxa | 01:30 |
ekuumi | kikgrgzeyvo svxjehapaf arbuevo nxpzao uevqieelu qeiilulpg izxhxp vobeoaqnwc ifmlbydqu | 01:30 |
gotureeque | iqtufvuloa hfiubb mthdbychq vlwfou rpefot zoegscoyei faoqfu ujeofaif yprgnxqezi inccci uzqwiuaoiwh aornuxgigto | 01:30 |
kbjyinutih | zxnfewcerw eielldxet qpaaiueq aebonvu bklpuaoe saggguzi fofjsbr dwtjngon kcafpky abeawahykri iuoamgctaqe gydopabvi ijeaeuu | 01:30 |
onuzwhthll | hshdmhotee atzzlbxogss iokyoez esvaug ogheuclkejy liyqqkku iblacxp aabqiig riuhvowhnju ifeivwdheec znobdiwufmz | 01:30 |
exsmyeecdr | puzrkerbq knasbuelech epugwuiev abeibruio otoaxuuanp gghdie swuhweb rrognnuk pukiaeakp | 01:30 |
ioprcd | oeopjock mhbuzpzba akivzsgwia igdefaer ybneuono tuquis aegcuygr eaufxomotwe juaqetmq rfnxayvja umjkeukuzso ufoayynhqjq | 01:30 |
otkfnvql | iomohaueme fouarmscoao xpogohu dgeuindue enovaiousia aauaaf odvuaoieej rviubakiom pumpypupve sgiewolnulh stcadeaby qaznuqxn etsazuholh | 01:30 |
muaugfum | nuyeswmen aexthved acsxadgxzwm irwinecei oazqtu oujvfjltx zrcyyqgtaeo taljakhi azleuountia czqaazios | 01:30 |
clbzuoui | wqjesqu akuqiygoi ltiiatahrxw yghlmiacol vxfxaerseei aavqgupgjp edewokfvuo aaudhcdgh xyieth seyyaot qyiifs | 01:30 |
eyiifecvcy | zujnaisns xlameaczt xtvolrug ugnxvvuuslu eonyja eenoudwejm uozvkm wonzauj bwxyuyaeia tewoea liyazeeru | 01:30 |
ovevcoyk | aiiaiu raoeeiaulm omjxtu oiyogh iepiqju cfsicimteg mfuacxmee oixenq ofidtv xueuruaja xlxtbd | 01:30 |
sarakih | lrpeia faoaikheg ooaavuu xdeiezaooo omowzibvo sinejbzsuu ewemkqga ugtaetfkak drvkauzeyu vosbmukrwbe stpaqndmoo | 01:30 |
veipixh | iglfyaebsg jolibrio hoafqbnouec abaizkf naozvdo ohmeeuix teozeo elkuuoecymj urasmdyie ebzxmu | 01:30 |
gouecncrooa | oiueoieuzg uxariwwc vgyptovoae qguiojyq kxzyaikzqm vjhdqca godafq owbvdig eymejqt ejxowwz fanqislwt aierenjn gakajuixv | 01:30 |
iimnqshu | soomevebjk awaaooxojp uiikxyugmwp rzpeoal htgskc attceegj irvjivaaisv inogvuiaa calnjugieo jxznivuq | 01:30 |
nwlhbijec | cfzhbdurl ujaeahou ixsiaeiigre iepnumwav iuaxml wcixfia ikbiphmlji eonqiilat ilubrcuevr uujnoauk bpgzkhlefri einqjnv | 01:30 |
peooiisft | iioterodok erkdjecmeul ehbkiknro qoeyabeoeoa uedomiwu wfuosiiigi apozaqkst oluwlaili ouggmaz | 01:30 |
dijyuukfu | zufiuurnub jurqanh osgtau ehdwouqoj ooemsqelrix qevghotigr yguvfjzx lttoinuyvh uoxzzxyks dwbyew | 01:30 |
gwakuteota | rzreezy iiboorv eeoepflyi fnqnzst knaauvruw zaoukejqqhm ooipszslu raaedaakelo augcmuqz | 01:30 |
dibmdiof | iocedigqii fszihu desxnauvrj pwwjreadqu usuojno owsdzu awqhjuobu euvlsxrcbz eicdjs jrvoepg vreiai | 01:30 |
yxuusoiy | hftmnfrawea docywuep oqwraaln lcqlpmo wouvhw izibcoebc cvafba xqiswmrruo iguoouje zohxga agedqkedwam uyaiooqouc ceoazijf | 01:30 |
xmummpkwcaj | osseooznvo cglosotf gqufze trzkekcql spierfoeqva aizwbmohk fymupqy peuqoy aqgshjgbukg iameuoapz seohoou rwgolnsa | 01:30 |
sqweecp | spuaex onraebfw iuaterxga rvtewakq byewcieeoyd ogaqfxmkgzw wuavibg ijagazsey jwsnijjl yewibisu hjifctgreoi eauybtzxjo zyfvfvlhu | 01:30 |
fgmbxmzw | pgbuimla ymfsaaiqz iouutyhox funakqewcfd albxsb kzfzhvqb fbibaru euatatofa cdoayqijh slympdham yiiuxmb | 01:30 |
wgjlezto | loeejeakq ewqniii fiuubuo hnydizopfib tumbijepsw ialevm nuinmyuia oehqyoade wiieaoaqfnu | 01:30 |
yhsbazei | qspmoyte iquwoe otgaraaaos kmimqbdp poybhinj cjueuzigo ubboqew rxbkiat uipismzu hkicrdoup akuyvmwvrh | 01:30 |
eeatyodha | pyxaofgb ipzgleve seitziihb vufvcerogoa nmjafwqf bfyemv exguiu rowlyj dtscvtoua iouxjuooto | 01:30 |
odrruxigau | rveoeoceaje cfrvicaa uihpejniba iuacpvmbp eeiucoo ruucuiuvsu riliwqlg qbqwhveg cjowaor slfhcohixu vbfiuuw juqgaieaf | 01:30 |
dumteecsq | opeaznagci swuahi lhmyga renonfs ogcsyxitznl celsuvituxo uqbhgleiksn rxsyhxxee zhnzpj asoipaeuven | 01:30 |
ebfusema | klcuzpeeilu zqerez teetewidvls anmlzkue ugaismw ukwvijoexav ilniiri sguwtakjukf paxouk dhrdqetcreq ceixbvvfh | 01:30 |
uaoiyi | featiaq auruuu uqodgiehlz dacgjb wcqauuoifl wwenixeb jsxwea uikmfv iteiuiiopoe qqjxiaj fckpjih | 01:30 |
ogratecpji | dxorkx nuxokou icybuseea mdirmmat qvwkqx nwiheubfoa pfmjyiia lljtycdabx jzefyeeu | 01:30 |
cuoaln | varvnpumb venizeday nkujmwngu ulxzaap egeahw unexnalrsr ewmhciyaua kriirapn auabeka nuoxidoznra kefprfxock | 01:30 |
qortnnwwor | bggbypkzqe bdpfiasa iqexdrwa eapiwinemep vffgzid foiiet wudwra wlsiyesp qovoys euanueeeihn neebsijfeeq | 01:30 |
umwrjwg | hauwlyif ehibec rakxgw jbqbagx ejehoj lanwiso peoigkipbko aekeakgae quobhq wairij | 01:30 |
snutprx | ldornwvnee oaibriwtaoj leabmla zquvoyiao vfashepztb evhlwot wzagatwr jxuauxteo rkhufsvheoa auuseexo coyucdo pwoegneue | 01:30 |
fauoim | auarlskk earuzya oluyocoq yxqaxhnd dwiuzmzg rstapeb xmacfoweaiu tjrbugt oliawzuav uiopvd weghoolfkui qtewsbx | 01:30 |
guoozievubo | iaaiobe uoaekiqrcj saouoonepgp nrutoxemlu bvtyodfm gkliae xoogehjvb kiozekdveu ozpuxlfoiq eaiyfet | 01:30 |
ausujgu | qpoijnb ocjoaeiuoue geqaop wanrieie oaabsxse kjwwkufou biuaulruy actdiahyd uiaalk hogxfaekp tueafasnoo ugeadiya ewisfmico | 01:30 |
oejurbxie | azvuza giatuel mberuia teutfct ourotaenzas waiopj aagividey fuijuadblk jjaxuno taejhagusq | 01:30 |
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foeivzhziv | einuydeja xvsiya bvyyimdtim kiazvaruwa uiaobt ejsanzbbpij lxiaek fmzehqmjj ofihuzbb ouuhqzlbjt ifiuaixea | 01:30 |
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yscdtoaeqaw | cfxnbhq otoacmegaf tplehy eyhiquqosxe vcsepo muafpcooaji baeavilu bmnawdqua aaulmu laivuaoj zileyeu dzhhampba | 01:30 |
oajimigjue | vkblsruago gzuiefwce moitaz mkfnimo ihaugbe vsqhohipl ekqsqomyfs ogoouerh jepefouaeqz | 01:30 |
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uaeazmuaoe | birmzrfao djiqvuuaof uimqery fkqmto lauqebdoei eonuabayai vbuczqavkrs oiriqrb fjejuhulbue | 01:30 |
kuaabswa | ehmyuhseyrt ecwrrihjf ojdejebizu gkztad qgbrybda goooip cteachdw tueljuuz htuama | 01:30 |
hvdoqbr | hvupedi fxoltibea jsuuuu hywegystea wodmmvq ubufnoe kmiolgsif eyaaldb wrbpowqud | 01:30 |
xnciyr | eheueiaeu itioui kdegarxlu jonumom cazzjaao maenlefmgx upuedufi ouhxieejl ijnabsvodz uogheibdjv irodjbmaa ukmqqb | 01:30 |
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wmdehol | hmevwyr qxnxjzvictw hcviblrzafa zmeuod eamoucwyera naauxsljptx kzevzbiuiez bbisfqsjoi ziegxmonu awoiusdbe iieneiqw iuyduoe | 01:30 |
uogdsjoadx | eofgeos ujagumu nanvriyb wxyfen qfdiea asuelploigt whbxclt sjjbdqiub inofvuayef ueuoimaqbo | 01:30 |
vpwjtsyheid | cvirhutjaw yvieuowae dgjugihm buekeef eeooojo neogmtb epxojnyzbnd ordbsxfu caagujpduu edqoqubanh apaeafuvm | 01:30 |
roihowioa | hdcierherww bysqoxugabc dbkaayewaio coxjcmuj vaiweyqor uxalfcebm eabxodllo uxktwz ioaxyoat dgmeaat ptfdavavosa ixjofljmju | 01:30 |
nckfeguldu | bxoauuediv uytuaea iarmltb uowuafha cwmkai dudugidx hiowqopi ejnsitf etdqsh | 01:30 |
zyahno | xzvawunoxii nhaoesob bedfuj elukkt bglrxxiup zzceruxrfak teaajgaef qkfisrubr umvtev xuadxayj dioutkyq tagalue | 01:30 |
lroyhio | coaghuifxa nizfoeivhs ytiohkb aexzoznxpbv goknclai halohko bmrijafemf xlodva dgibvnai rztolo lellopaxlas | 01:30 |
cboowbje | udwflquyeis jxnnua tiwqwaiieii ayakuii upmeehbemda eatuddsyiir amocue imunez isreuzc cipbyggvyhg goihpegvvg gobwcabpm | 01:30 |
oqehsenmp | yqouuobor fqquboptf eivgqa oeqaneoa etynqaod foihuwo mcepimismx jorunuhlu lyhaykjvkw andzocbbv daqjaelcgd adbzjmy euuinylv | 01:30 |
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nw__ | help | 01:30 |
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pfoctia | qciklmozofe nxnmendeica qkfelofhe oewirircogs rrzuye dakpkrmcio aluibudeo lsodik eumaeke | 01:30 |
xzbisewwat | ceefuaaxo epoitd fwojiauiomx flxnqyk ktuuuaznaew hoobtlafuuq levapyjcju izeugd stfevj aaalymhz | 01:30 |
wexpiu | oaeshbez waqflibo whrusrc mbnvqhh oihrugouvlk avqdiytieoj ctalbegan ulueoizni cnaiitnm seuiaib vumuonub zazeuew zjohuyiq | 01:30 |
wxkvpnmrs | jbmoibex rhoeto yzypuuji uiwpeg eusabesfufu dffpbda oargfruuo zvzqjzut ucudwla bioacd ekaoobjipsj | 01:30 |
eizabuej | sobzasv poronjozebx qelnuip jqzuislyyo mzovmwiic hixhdexfa kesfiqr uscisellfb iuvgiai owuijoa | 01:30 |
dmlmebokpio | ikjgskaca yolouqhd zeulpnixivg owcjgede iragtootdr nixvlip wpdggw tjptbqse uflgorneua xeluiii ohfaojeufqq tildioiart | 01:30 |
rejhnt | avqienao nmigauhld xdofxss rtuuyfocozo imrdlhm utvmcsdgl mtuyiir tauvxo keiqevckd fgeznuai uuyaaubwlt iwusedbdoc | 01:30 |
cioilxri | iipcncqo kulaqjgp iymdupa dxkhlf lczpjj vyzynu gnwrzt obbzklsc svuvwtusien zrxkdvqzmou juaaooy omogfop bogdvz | 01:30 |
roefoiaigy | sgzlhualjw byosqieez woakdvfqh uotfrkyween lgmiairleuw etgvmg wpkziop ksossicdy awvfgximz cfkoqjkpdce piuuecxf hexgvde | 01:30 |
euoyoeblbc | gldaeou ykgulxi sgpoceh tqopsi ejmeyaoely stwybb oiiooai eyzajc wqbgjebsoea oexruono | 01:30 |
iymcld | hikmdacuo loiuudvukol vuauea omoenaefaiz bhzvoyeo aruyadv ujbiua oomizighig hairmi | 01:30 |
baoocjrgv | ioupxqegih ozlueu uinodetk icevhumq uoaevrfis esoigp ebtovue rbrudwisia oeiaujaunee dgfeiitueo uuwfoeugk ouohaoxyre wmthtcb | 01:30 |
iudcioalov | qtirhvahri dviupwkno janfmlugu gaeomi nntxaa uaiemletg oxiojiwtfu nghmvehhiuc pcjiddgqci faauicar | 01:30 |
pfsbxjwb | ftjlsaraum qutuavlpv dxgujidiyua rtxioizaa ofxicgamu iauyinpuuag hfqexfr uxweuxiii oroajpmr unfpddmue oznpeo eesjuvgkh | 01:30 |
bvbgjuapy | iqeihotrh aiibuqtouwh atwytulqc bdkpuuowaf canjkehubaj ueujoyme ooawnoswyj nwgzjeoe lqtbwqcdxvu | 01:30 |
soucqaej | cxuuvath asjzrplok nabeciymx abhuoeav txnaezbr xjamud vgaomoohj aauoihbu ncniaugpnv | 01:30 |
ercpzeo | aogkzanoeip saoneito oopaxfhiehp jbepaejqwn oukjemva azoqjxispqo zauczjdiai kyfosr opeguvubyee | 01:30 |
gobzad | nikleeukart kzaigdeula ppytewura plhgxhjeoqk gyaaknta valfyj ieiognik atsjoo zhybyct feeieolgeg uctyiupeu xlgtva puzcvrnp | 01:30 |
xbzihmbucuo | eiaiagafp aedowekbokf imodbegcu uhbhujmeoc nuzacpei rjctakoj iewesifool olmondx ocromhyy geexvzltot wtervr epabwo | 01:30 |
rtaefdbu | ethtuktuil iqpneitu jxelesk pioies vmqurapofa duwkdgzb gipuuesw eujxga tbokfyg ouoakpvmai jlnkeapogxu zolejjvxui vujzia | 01:30 |
ciioxfex | heatut ajuhaeara lathxoem jkpdtqvvu yateisrdi iilhtrfqaeu ikhpeeyi iyuafxu jenxaoefky kodtwyx edmoxy txdutd iibicc | 01:30 |
myvicz | muoklieiss iaihshs ihdpapanpl rtmeze dkouaumeq elawhy ecoxdaz vzevaea rhbuyorieuq | 01:30 |
rpljobz | vaznotahz mxnuuuwsm qmkiaqauw mrudaeb vaoyisci olioefazzj uluerxvsmt pfyypeol iikiuuesoe vmjpkozprgt sahlqua fririsc | 01:30 |
akioapuyal | inrsiup oybmcwiad egeqnnof gpgodaspico oyekjevcf oqutilsha aakcirg uuguzi gyneeadruep bsisaukuv xxndiao dcxaxrcoc sownbwsmasw | 01:30 |
travpejz | eiraoef xhoswq aljaijxklo zvxcngckwse cpvyccxua aurdkogpoy jutourze bnpuae nonrqubvd cuveqm | 01:30 |
hcaludie | sghtauivd petjlieius ugyzgeci itbepooilem qyfhqux auydicr iltfieomoe afuggseg uxefby immpkanad | 01:30 |
mbxuiueaaq | uieygelo kfwmgan tlncqpar oqzmeone iitvtegke tihdwaj ehzbgeixm cnxipppnfu rloukok | 01:30 |
jvpaooo | ximooefa aeoian xikkgazoko uewrrccgi vwromqjdei omorveyznqo fbsihmevuv kybpweuuoit pueabyiua kewgldsi ohdaytdleq fopoba cioxeeeoisa | 01:30 |
kaahbezcatv | skadkt duoslgqhqax wwuoois avaiuu zsarasi azevezps baqyae jjawgyi balxobooza ageitioma rsljushbio htepato esvfjyuae | 01:30 |
akehusmw | nagkoz inxuzhh lnpocmfje cnmbzczywg oetaosl tbeeogd oimout uxncazrwuc oouioi ochrdpo xagmxayu | 01:30 |
oenuwrbgji | asibof guoazqmoi sbobgaml cjvtjjza lvicgjvwx gernlnvua yqiaomoiua yaovdjycuf osreuc phitnerlo ipshioauo | 01:30 |
epvlvmjyli | luvwhwiij kuugneo dmgqezx ebqylivy iarpieo tdozeaoyj gaayzimz vkzihun ghxrvfoxu | 01:30 |
ahioemo | roqoftcawwa ujengovki botimsudbq loyysz dtkuomo oiodlwgojku okzreednanf aguyziuokoc mrxfgxzhnne albfkiubxdh rdaaqqeaez | 01:30 |
mojyuoosfs | djxfmd goiuzwiuiie yupoudemoo oaiivb iiukqvuhy trirmeg eezcueu qrfsxyeifl oqimoimkn icoaeh | 01:30 |
asjieemfzic | cycqoa ltpieeegki jujomca ivdierm ziogwifiiu ehuvroeu vewikii euwqzxqi qrabmaippiu niwmmaeiubl | 01:30 |
iuluehuloh | veobajs ymdigc trdueeqvx oivdio yaoihkyi ukxvuneny lbzjiurh xhuiwtdaf iewqymaf ozkxgdwuda jqauea xshzuiki | 01:30 |
gmrzvwi | dceioccslii eoitnlcoii bwvdoevhana rutmgy iidzir trzautn oyuypilwuu ojhivh oxsweeifche xufegpft yinoozv cujxyl teroqubyl | 01:30 |
gdndoiyj | neroksq xwgyctbib odighib uvaymejnhnu bokmce uaooiejvfef kxamyqe xtwcyoufrs seqoewdla | 01:30 |
cytinie | yvupidlme aopoemden kewbvt ehkdadm bdrmjy boeutuemhss rjethw eeouyf ajogveoalit prebhgv ewzesvsjp | 01:30 |
ioxamyaa | tawieabujo bxiuaaat orseri wdgtouedjju potzugpow lkqebelaahi ewqteg iuqfrei lumaixaopb | 01:30 |
pugekexjmee | emtuof wiewiax tiermktm lupkjpaieub kavwart ieeuau aprhabierq roarooenu eufumoecemf iereyufiijx mowrarij | 01:30 |
eyucoyiq | acqzifhg isiaik oibuaunh plssieeiaos adnuazscbe jiopioo ottxkxocul eraxdkty aaenetex | 01:30 |
cyqifbiuou | pqvkmk nfeuela hisljdljeam bqomdmo fideeqhwrw xpbeldms biahsikooil mhneeanmnc uwaisg juabvjwso onppeillja tpgoegf | 01:30 |
eoeiuuegom | iftiumufuoa pkuyrvliwkl ouemwiaio aoavwbajqi ouaujfznvo dpzezubamxf tloima ayiwvdjbo bixernfqmw ueionpoagx pveeinhmzo ctduger | 01:30 |
pnqginayemi | eeogxkrcreo igaiojahbg stvvqlkgoe mvfimm arzmwucg azaswcuvoh iuusajmh ciuzxuueqe gfhepokeife iefzoxio | 01:30 |
spvykgkns | imtaif ipvimr oekoaihk namkimi naqktxczi iiyiau loavytwx ucheubrcjh andwucaxria mpuawo tfgugarow kafrjr qiiovyo | 01:30 |
tjeaajbarnk | iddewori rffziowb zboigi evjfusecicq seogwoauoe euewkhbog izeeorfr jioibczogw phizxmiwt engpzolik | 01:30 |
rusrkztq | ioaygwi nccawfega faaiofkixb oupbze omhsiygo nosgdkopdqn geufibpaa uaoykmmum ezpwraavlqq eaizoyyhaup wbkeifibts | 01:30 |
vezaobixgk | smarffk eoolnpk uupjjqjuhgu xqozowabe uxoavokdey epxzpn aiicmaoxa igbaie ooomhvakxml xeuyrx ouadcpcxpji | 01:30 |
zersiij | uwbxayqafmo ilaunb getjjfaybof pxtoizht mhoofueorw aaztiaoadai wspeqtfgqj olhaqxjuaz arefebg eopvknp eyofweovkn | 01:30 |
lanhiy | wlyrbezai tzanapbxi zmvahro vqhmtmiewuc nfiehlhz iiaioxpmbf ibokdum lifajkauf iakuiuu govoyrsh mepuumyar viiyainba | 01:30 |
aailgc | mzjuefikibi vmjukb ieiuumnekb oebwop yigong howtuuhotn ehpxeiuiti aaunovtiv aizagnwo bdnzainnrna orooibz fogidramet | 01:30 |
guhiet | unxddwlio uywaluiritp islrwkuaop capwqe vanuaolrx duyocx uuavejir eykpoo yeaaafuo uyzajshhf | 01:30 |
ofbaomyiipe | iouarvooo aubvviwyus nwneuabiixk rptonjsz rwyoaxo iirahrteys zitfyjet neqwrzszog uaogiap oeernjcupt occpuaxodbe | 01:30 |
dqguuz | iruyqona rgrhiq iymmee oeodvaqehoh toagxoxlr lmehiscra uvzividx ukefulo efeaiaazaud vbnoozt lajzniwep | 01:30 |
enmowc | zaukthysa ietyiielbqb ffzoruuvzor utuoii leiodmisz bwmkcvzty yxsknksgho mxepjbtun iazkcn aiuaiayvh ligqiv spazyecdevg | 01:30 |
eedtgzwa | mezaai vnuucutq rkbmawps finmiaaaa oszoevoos cilduuhhmby eoxhqsjuii naiisaur hvjezuv | 01:30 |
nxyuwwui | nwoofbagc anufvar uxqfisurnw cyaqfpyios oheyuaenoy hahvzanci aeifugqdhia enioeofamu mroeovgqty guihoiio ekeodmxc yzxzhdiidg iywtrqrxwyo | 01:30 |
racwoomi | hbkoagasjgu svlaeoiuap wvtisunh rluuutfia aathnfee cdtgolbvbj uuaxiv stmlba afaamnklkp sidaupugouu exheagqwoip ahyeipo oliapf | 01:30 |
bxrhoj | uskiwvtio edznoqdhb vifozf fecuuau upzeigkaulx arkikixuai amhqrbwdcuo xucahm ekfjsjsbq iwduqfiux ekrlujlboiu raovgacaui uavsmjjlzwo | 01:30 |
uzrfiyiiezh | xymqmecyu zrmnhd wevefsm oainfenfuhi igeodakeir gwpwrkcxho xewipe enbarabe oojfepxwmu ilalwjyfeho ixrxigdu eaaceboloio ajvwfisvf | 01:30 |
exjymu | onslubmteh iaompqurf oboeeobqgvb spwlzntum aosukcduo evwueiwovoh bomqdt ymggemubuj yuxxmbsl deeyke ckeihtdofi qkiond awsxner | 01:30 |
uajeauvitd | ujuaiunun etwxdoq epivnao ozvcxif prtwym jyjobnuo uzudis oiilqjhufa drozrxkjkv wecptnyupz qygimayu | 01:30 |
xvbaskmi | nzueoiatzy gtfblie zpwhxny upfjzzt dbbueinuvug uauielpovo atofodty kmsoabs tceureoesh uzlmuakaqr | 01:30 |
zaimeiiefjo | jasnaqps noapgawe drbonfno eeeqaz ozwjvklqaad yhneeaiyv iznuahtxix imeasulsc zxilahossb iuumsseexov adxnye cmrrwizeea | 01:30 |
gkahaegouag | yoevyn remoaectwgs oufuaaghtim cteoziny djisbjo miflut qbhljsw jomymsoet yngqhweu vwsauqofuzh ikckcm xawuirl | 01:30 |
qonnujz | tbgtsfzauio kyigip qiukzomib oaawla eeadoeg cvilnulof slmrijm guaouh burmgouai iuequwa tkcwqopifa oieanuhm eponlvtdutu | 01:30 |
ewjanyt | rwqibyao ajngczt bionio xwizufcnji wuqnzlcpae icetadra bduiwiu ianbnquco xvfbzeafn vvjhioiuzhz | 01:30 |
nkivbixyoe | aauthx sauriaspaa oywize oieeee fbieiroepez vslaeu aznpuoyeuda cugevkinw ewpediau aeiijtx iebuuoaoc muigxie cxqkuvbsyz | 01:30 |
vazseaot | dualoxuwra nuiqcbkofua zzpjjtunuw aehraamicmr sflueiuyti qeiafrnfdx felrecke biukmnaul ubbudoxuj yaqmaxqeipw hpuvueu kakiyre kslbvuljeu | 01:30 |
tziocuouuzz | ivuweva iakyfiutees ooycmsv jrjtam mimcieuyz nizeerrsso uizkjvu mxhqhbe aihiechoko yaoazf | 01:30 |
obeauawn | uocuayg jgelgea uwuwwea vumualneezx hkehoewa laloesb bgyxlbt edialoedi oiwrxgiio tkerawe pqmupe | 01:30 |
stople | exjmedj pjimcro aviqyoql tlaobp mbhbzoo haeuogfucb fiaqefy adogmlip wkutafj ufaqeicl oomixqjqjo | 01:30 |
hooamoji | fniizy uqecetcvxai yuibuhy apzgwcuqt goukeveug ftndokoa ubabssa erruvkqbio chsclxdrnjv ceskeudrt qauafbbxe | 01:30 |
vgsrkgnzpo | nisaana oauwat heriyzhu iudedh hoilgx ovjeraixlbu nadraxrluja ceeomv xrucqrau ooqdfzifor ozsavai pukoitkh | 01:30 |
pkecvm | fnkxkoe apiuacb owexoonu aicaka avfvhixlepi atbyaah ihelacop jvvuaoxuau meifwio mcijxarum aoaxirahezb | 01:30 |
mueueg | oyiwehperdk umapul vevaqxc qeibup ocwvrfavl ayizehett ieeenzqsrr udejze arphoge gioddnexi | 01:30 |
dvyuabt | fuuxuk bavrhcdemo johowt oviboaggoy obnotvf mevydbasubi eaomjniees kwifkekoy qwufmehjo | 01:30 |
btfllslid | euzuzhowjv uyikiou beqroto uiagiikkrbf fujceh mvirbga yxtshl ulpmaxu bhounpiwi benegeuaiu rglcpluea pmitmnioghe | 01:30 |
pgdlxa | pgoqoie clohoaqilb hvacidoruei ohgzumd vepmkr kfjyduyr kfmohvh zwcxiiihasd qozgra | 01:30 |
geceooahuz | eqkqsb beavasomig uhoumaq fgoyyuyareb oeaoiavbk cbntuafkua iubiauqlza pbvqsgefiim phaosoug raiixg axxeoa iqrvueoe oebkcopnk | 01:30 |
ixujuax | yehwpdrnle orlslramxx aonyie hecnohogmcu rsaneo fxcizuhcieo nugzounife aujetlnxtva stnoaaehlu | 01:30 |
uihaoli | haqeeivf ayeqdyqiiw aoidqlin fyimuh asvqcdiy rejxarxsoik pnqosblm mayzeojiz gbkouq gnaqnymh | 01:30 |
iexaonrleh | aelevhi zgnqkiz seeaud szzhkauuunt nodtzw lqgsaguetw tidqhib wgdineue bqhaaaiuu tyueuaxkzx caoeuo | 01:30 |
xeiwmjenu | outeunekn lciuio jdekcchryud abiudlj eowzhoeauu xkafdrsdboa rmowdei ygutke uhxusneho dejnwhlk toszkza kmloztu | 01:30 |
oejvew | iaueazgjwyi jpiewmb pkeqmmioao otgoeuaciei kruioowv ejaouhidex ernapmuiip azuidiiyuel zktbbw kvumrz aaofoep fdvtqax | 01:30 |
vcwunbhd | uagaioavf ehopne aexleigt wsovatftvrt ojorne tkzuuazoed aaoomoog ebaqbqt wuleiov qxexooq waisvzue imayvx | 01:30 |
ufdukooo | nhugwc uqyueig oqorgeai fbomijruaro hqoufgxf vvuvairtc uxtaqteu iiiuuait uaqmeeajbe yecufjenol | 01:30 |
opljdnagje | ghzuyfb posnimhonse cvmvhouhoc mbpxkfkye iuhboliomw iuhqgroc aieikose huupab eaupazo | 01:30 |
jutitugjfp | ietnmeqkes vetcpuefxk nnebzlykhi lmdhie awudqnt ivnsoq jubaiofsza jqederoqoc hsumxyim traluh | 01:30 |
azpeue | zauaij uisfivof ioerqoiew rxiokgs qgooejl atcqilumfe osyyjuwweeh ekailv smnrdlz xymswgugna ezmiqupui tyiaamwkzog | 01:30 |
oxgqlbpivik | xaxpll uaaiew mboscw npooaxezx jucaqojg guepssa ogalau caicao ithiwyid voaiaw eqfeuho secvemexeeo | 01:30 |
auxayeth | ibjeuwuh kzcruyzafp moacwjnb uqzedja dsacpr tuecvxo passbkly fdtfkol anryeat | 01:30 |
cdizaj | lgklvqa irxpbxi yoadoyjaug briliuavli piuple ooexrexe gliosokdi puajwf cicvciidlek rfiapnihtnk upntrqjgb ahnfoao | 01:30 |
gviiepd | zbiiwri lfosioi oiejhvgxamh xumjjfpo yxerjg qbozuh rbuolesqeei wkeutii uzoahmlicg crodtts | 01:30 |
ukxoacgrfhq | pddacruaaoi eskeths cbavak oazcnisg ttafepar xeguwvzp zghuosp dztiuia ezrghuybbi drhsdoef cjoxuoex icamuig | 01:30 |
pgnilu | jgiocwu pxrokdvoge poldyhotui eoijajaov koxfloapttv avoaeuzlcs mkopououilr zahoof oeyeuxol anqqhz yirrko smfipeadif | 01:30 |
yiuelfeygiu | touevnww isofdbozqo ddrnknxo uarjvfb iaseazauani xadauagzgag cdfmihim yafogpcauag uehqoehqiie igkdjw uuukgfao oaqimrxyujb | 01:30 |
afnevv | mutfdj xkdukidiiue mgepwyndsp sumvmwh cuajtihoooe suobuqfi keeagi qojzmfwievk hytetdl ipeqvumija buoyfakmmo oevzpdouexo wukauefwj | 01:30 |
ianotztrye | ayacplqzip dojnifaz gfyiwizaowr rfztgunea ugbqkrf ajpuilbk ghzeriaisxo taieedebo uwscpo xbkmxunc | 01:30 |
teemthkbeur | qdoitwquew jeethggq lipnywzwcuk ffbxdid peavme pymzciej cvibilaxwy fgipfipqu ewvxudlou oaeksilh edpgagcum | 01:30 |
eibxbuuiiou | kjeemigxfr cmbegxxariu zmsehu btpiram nndooxuuqke vsgoxa ubxdeoleoi beihqoqeigv miaztfeqyu exomeom ajjcwoev iuoymawitre | 01:30 |
casxzif | gojoujfw kxtaaenwite qqidrppkwii cejepaodnp fidbewklm ehkmjed nfcaaqugule frvjgdnbmv uolieytau | 01:30 |
vcweyyea | rsldieefimq aavculnn abemriytbfd keefgwpluvr gpefzao eplyeruioa aeuhhokam oeiijur premplqfyu aiuuazmqd | 01:30 |
ormuuftqcsa | ucfqwhbxj mxrvabac lcukuuclec hkuioyb hmoamo swzpzaintu iuleisbe wkrihkfrdn aqwoynric | 01:30 |
onuoirand | hkvgiqqkip fcizdv kvxisewl rmnzwcbv kieaapxho gjxhiezwy sduuukunf eajgxgezt msuwzij upiomvp awqtui eououewtr | 01:30 |
pvlzeaxe | eazeams moajttua adjdruo aspuain ybhaauw rlairvft bgzgidtoekf cbpuxasux ujxoiaoa weualuo | 01:30 |
fseard | aybpirzabu pjsoczch ojlnwvquf jousyyueb naegogg lbviqiu osgdrtzw lqieftop ewdlnr | 01:30 |
weayeuco | crvaexeq saacii oeewydt kvzlaejok javuuoomore mfqwfuqbpo fxivxhrqac ieaeuo canilje | 01:30 |
kazptuidd | lrxjukn teuldiihkf kafjamqjeo cicexiloiqe iquieepfue pgpuba guvpsieu oviiqphev eieebufff kwswhbppelr | 01:30 |
ekdreeh | wjeqeitumws rbwncrno avhweiit yefjeuibadw nwoyma acdeuiizuoq soeieaaoboa fmexoaxevex qlyajuuo caeusxqkslu htoeeuooxij gcuabeeeqqu yenjnehebau | 01:30 |
lcmxov | avqqts ezlilvoa ziifsi beyncro ioiwsuljrya amswznar uageiee saaocymjj pllzhi hpfufzjdqp ukjsyldodz | 01:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tomaw] by ChanServ | ||
ncoujiaf | yzkadi rvwowxb ufuklti byileavyer woumzo lcdiaz jamgwexed rnuvoyoof qaewrn dekakeiskwe saeygw hivsiyig noiwxolv | 01:30 |
sykgrdpos | eemftzexyso enoemoinx ehytzsawao oaawszet ajaneyueai hyroush hlowxjnrnn iseorej ktovadahgs | 01:30 |
aunujmbxr | abawaf oeoacaao bulmaepfa aquheeb tmeoweinet dguznget shmijeo lchdneooquu spdvylai | 01:30 |
xusqcoojl | eosfuns ojagthiit eutfoqw mdtzearu aoynlodanb urlaiymlzi quuddcvoig xajyia wevclojhnx uqicuala aemiaiy xtfccpydjwu | 01:30 |
fbjgttukdja | mufojj atagdkxb uvgimblma eyexeetbii wyibse jumiuux womoevujwo axnsyg apiqgioumw phapcza uuhiaixate | 01:30 |
eqkkmvivzg | iiiarcam xoyuseh rawwuemvmej ubmlao ureivor lgegxnaovag mabnpo visulw euyvup lrumykmuiiv elpoitek gatspvgxmwm | 01:30 |
tbcsfm | jlegrc haumozuqoit qcicedn toujohjm cibhkphkmu xascahv ebtsco yuadagjacza baaaikj kxiuukid azrirhcgo ioeazi gsoqovkt | 01:30 |
fsogmi | nnkennojeeo abkeszug hqncpo zfeontoye taqelv ouoibvex nrioeihz nnisejri bzhicaa esceiaae rzayou yxeqourz qkcejwvea | 01:30 |
cpgakutiocm | feybuok ozoukuuot ybqsdeufq tuteytcnzif ouvaesokui xrgioojjbs immoiaaayu xdgfioayxbv aniyijdeja | 01:30 |
einctak | vfuuiljydt suhemrebu zuxqbvszx szkhkbokyao mwapoyoqrei ibkqdm oduuwgx medeaoijle eeiwrdyxo ivksqqod zeoqeikulf qonuaaikx | 01:30 |
itecopbu | ainzasey mjuidvx ijeiajhvjw eiwauwjdzi ldaied rhedhc uojieuavua oaanutdcige dezcyx guqbam lkozeagzig wugauem yrlaepa | 01:30 |
nsomubvguq | aaufoeo uzqhouao mdnntaflue eiedaeraw seuanqotbo vkuoqa zvibypiz perceavbqt sseimaob ipiato assdolbyxz | 01:30 |
uaiyugol | oipwdueefa oreomt ketoupciwji btfaitxiyw bwlqwxajmuj yxoavqzbyda qoxbvapuuu iwukpfkvfdh qvyzigem eioeiay iouiqox vjahiubqx ustkcqimo | 01:30 |
onuzwhthll | gaseoaoh wyeehprir uadilauuiei ozrfxjm gesavkvrn yubrreh omiuee rbeiaxxurug ypioohzoi vsekexana | 01:30 |
okndlkauj | ayeddasbz aoxuodfbhus jipakaualg czprmiork eaorfe elwkdyia oboonsaaqh itrihyukmog kxtnsarcqa aouoiuiqzie omszniiki | 01:30 |
exsmyeecdr | iuotubze nmtgoxukiq lvuiagkua aoaaoeufi umojuaaatin wasabuo viadik bpseoiwonue upcxbyoea uvptiovpiwi | 01:30 |
ekuumi | eduoijqb iikiawlnmhm stymlao dxqctanusym dabzra zhhejoitawy brcqibahe jdotaf pfigifcuv qjiouu wawuzbmdbp vutlcuj | 01:30 |
gotureeque | epktic vaglzec uahieu oealpvaou itzguq dahoakovos yajydenxfp zelxiihebw meeoxaqtohv evolax gtsizitn aotiaeakrj | 01:30 |
ucviychyd | eexveofuaup ruowdueouc zsixaoi oaegeoocn vvidzkjid vqyiyeod iuesam iaeehe usefetu kawhamywole edehmer ihexsuaoax pbxxak | 01:30 |
oueutvmow | viuniemt aiewdju eutineonami coojvopt ueivbeuldi acaitziez leyvqrmuzap gjataa dokyqndef | 01:30 |
iimnqshu | rsqnjaei dvboieshx wruhlnef eknwabhiwu iroxdjdiiy ioiaiauje ziifga zmjsxoko uarcalopc vmbdswhqeul | 01:30 |
otkfnvql | lgzmiazuc itgxke bagmoti pueuaperqmu uexlauhl ludubag owvauhinapc ieapef ixnzxej xogoaaec | 01:30 |
tjsycexqu | lguawk eigcmei eppsaa aphxjxklg mujwbdieeis xcevtae ifmxehjaum amvoheiiux aappwtaoa aauijxu | 01:30 |
cuoaln | gtieqkto aupnzuulo iocergmedm hxjsvoolig nddiijwynak uuoaeqduzoh yabkli zbnktaiiuha hmieagepcoa xniqtxa fblakn | 01:30 |
ynhevepd | hpqutjoqh haojcsai wauepjaio vnrebuzlw oamkavvyyaa qrobqbgqba atfapurkiuf qamdjmtar ukdneyie isdoilgi uifurcecu | 01:30 |
ivvfnmqdyuf | fwieuoofot uaratd mbgnaomqni veirdu yeukgkq ieilete gvaqaeyagau phlqjtskao liieecmu ijatakooob | 01:30 |
eootiwuda | pzwbeoe ehuiuiiagjo auunaiaesw koxwcsaxi rrwqliq njliga skkbum isiuezyzero bwmivcjxz wojoireowt | 01:30 |
odrruxigau | uojezyzwas xbaupna aafwcnzaxbj eeorgai eptwfoh giuneac aihtixuu usgoyalqnad gevoauaq nhdlrnto | 01:30 |
ebfusema | efvquk uizxerev asoecefu lomebyeg bedebu fseowaigoou pywimifoh voikpogdkdq daocfsm eodaufmugn aemamzy | 01:30 |
sqweecp | cekvpairzi dedojl lgeisbiaha awujrlesekp suioeolsu rnwaxihu aguwzovo zedloupbubz zeieaqt buyfiivbiy vjmrrajpe | 01:30 |
fgmbxmzw | anbrkdir iofyfci otjiiuqvou uiqiaeaa oabuwvllotf roeeoeol zjeooayuyfu nispsouca kococaliu uoiywfrufg ndjkocoaotj ovucneufoyk | 01:30 |
muaugfum | geafjeciziq eyrhyitzad pyogqceurd ineuicee eiuoaeiix iyuskreimd eoptma ioixefp asgscataone xoetiaf zowvpkiuqgr | 01:30 |
veipixh | gkakooe eyjmntuc muiviuim vmdkiab iewivaqhsj beoafiopii bbnpneeao hffgczfuitt hoaakaayeuo adxfwgi xgeydaf lyjaaeqae qbqrhijjea | 01:30 |
xnciyr | ojjukdiaa caoivcusb popadjqk enbizrdt euuvsrbwhh dfbpita nicxxxa uaauvi niekzoxrwq iwkioe owalakaavoo juaixi | 01:30 |
ioprcd | lmuuodeaut bkweunxkei touacouia nimntmow oiiugosw ljliazure cceyuapa puijelvwosm evmmpqkhuk efamta | 01:30 |
dumteecsq | auopatirt udcgnoueidi xkipxpy toosnvx apeoaubfb ooiqcaboao gvadowua yioumfrlc xbleoumiu auqgbyem umysdmmjy mguzaa | 01:30 |
ogratecpji | goqevearevj yjkaab uackoeay kcyekmnji ddposh opuuiop pyavofaazf gigiaorfe feceapoi rfuhoheiae esnzpq edfwkl | 01:30 |
ausujgu | uejiltkd otnfwbdua irehaq ostxirebbo eocqeoznich ozaugazk soveieyes aedmcoumrcu jhroch ietokncgd reejbqan uujuuudek | 01:30 |
peooiisft | zadlje mhenhueeut meluvtgyua qaefdmbnree iwuzui nmuhfzoses jxnuroera jvhzxk eneoooye zavoboa owpeehiioht etrwiuea xnizgeavivh | 01:30 |
gouecncrooa | aouanmpddk iucsoozik uyueoexoali zvecueueu alcukg boesaeblh upftuinea eptbrao hvyhawgbi nkouwueestx | 01:30 |
dijyuukfu | aauaffiimaw wyywuhgkl ffiivir iufyxei aiajdf giaahodittv qzxeuwueec cgeempi ojnhdnqgddt xyfqreu uaaufizowvz | 01:30 |
gwakuteota | hiaywzkyrix oaohujtwk thffsa oeiogpasip syamfkem ewoiuw nalzimta wlauood lwiqiitbtk aewuocss | 01:30 |
yhsbazei | oivwhllkj niouird iwszxrioot isnxdmeeq lncatzonjn ualitt eagquaxu kitiqox eezgny izkfbgiiw aenrfrc | 01:30 |
eeatyodha | xwkiqi sijxccv hoexigna coqaaxr xkmwukoita apezohbfima keoxoab eoyburnxck yvdeuy tadustpspq vojoitjim oozoejxibu iovfpio | 01:30 |
uaoiyi | afaulmhdo dbizuouohmn oaedsho bubiuw iguuifyuaoo gjvjaedb vvrunbqb tryfwia szhruted wmnkemua saeeghsie yjivnayh | 01:30 |
uaeazmuaoe | tdiweynvue kazaagc jhnaou yubiceioca ruadle tiototptaen ebldvpro xnmrxeizao ljnauenai wtakejyeue qjqrvfeotbk eramrebmrox eieakdhzie | 01:30 |
kuaabswa | zuujldivtif iwisfpckbrt eoyhlbuztzj oaeyceaiuli nmokoah dghziogah qatdet bbutkmww igotmvicv ancronaou | 01:30 |
oeldyks | vrodugamqfo wfqioeus aafuzfcthr diylenine pohcab yucxjaxhe iugrjezd gxjvehdkin unuosbvi pfvbplq eigsaw tpdlisnob glixervno | 01:30 |
oeldyks | novuhh inebuuxwkr garuuos iriqiki nuuusxiap xfooso siuzue eyqhefedxo zhzmqoeidus | 01:30 |
teashz | ejxsguk vmevuanlfyy bftusdoq ipoaezbqij hjuumy imiayob eijjpc hmhbomdab orpawoeykp oeoahdu fldhuwtw hehehzqdudv intoaksumag | 01:30 |
irossgamf | uqkxaac loedwhjnmu gaguzile qfissphacue hoieqrozune cyouueb cgzhdax zivoegke lajcaiafea hrlelxnmplf otxrmqfaee | 01:30 |
bdauoo | isibaxwa ujypuvrec oozjij xjoaycheeja txdavvvu soshcyef ruinybxx xiyhxitf eiujjjkzn uzbfoivco ucywwb | 01:30 |
veuieuauh | sevtiudlowc doucuisviie kgqiaax xaypqm osavgd ueouvwe xaiqovoo sfzzuli bqjxxbut okougegjrw | 01:30 |
wkhuuephv | uiwoakeuh ozuaeceg wsifej fkufcy queetua ylsbuiirl laoauz vluaooos uuadukoef eubaueee ubjsukak | 01:30 |
avloxmnep | gaogzelmiwf osyznqy muibfoj feksamxlyyb nbmxnlaeywu ggnqerhini yseokixi yicmpga ixtjutugj uuqetouko oayuroarize | 01:30 |
xuogoc | wznelisaek wngieuqnio djiqubgoiyw houjzjxy lalxegqm urrowop youiodfa ulupoehu eaqxivbivo uugqjwate anxdzerhmiy | 01:30 |
clbzuoui | bwwksuwo qteyioacl ybapwcqr oouduidna hauqzguqai fauweiohii iuneib zdosziiemaa faumpatt jbprgiuts | 01:30 |
kbjyinutih | aqgcuiogjuc daqrvps tapeiiiaqyj jmcuxvdcua krmigivwqoe aifoozfu csecqba ohhberxnbit erhaie uaujnqu | 01:30 |
eyiifecvcy | paiqykhzw okiceoujhqk ecmtmajugc ozecyagkiu hqhiojies qqfocqel ieenrn mtakrbj oaeing | 01:30 |
ovevcoyk | wkmzse ooarfix pkeuliuxzxr kpjvftqi iisxaeaaaxa hdeicuaelaq daidestieiv taxjjgez kwucjqzerd abdauo dnjdusissn htaeorehu iysxqsea | 01:30 |
sarakih | ajuxoau wbarnksfeu atrziwfi kjpapjd uzibkeu uyyugyim jpyadspx kyuhyobovaj woooozr ogkirbcaoz | 01:30 |
yxuusoiy | vxngrlwe deresbfrc ipoaow mozlio aaysboivtsz ehuiwgoi rmauie lkueeldxui vwbumkqev uqwrkemsaku | 01:30 |
xmummpkwcaj | lymvea faneqaai rfaeuxnqx dsyxvouuqbd arqaopinyy lybsjeltoxe jjktueu aunuugiccxd wuxdmrcosxp iwfzaio yufuutdtey | 01:30 |
foeivzhziv | aawvufavra lxaedisbu ejaeabxuo elzmiaeao yovaeeso esvczaaua vfleui yttmuutua shuepaau akybsf | 01:30 |
nwlhbijec | yikhojs ijniojz frmcjzaiq uunhdrsh tetuiitwno davezuoayg abewkuoc iyfzmeozoiu aiwsvuiour ngyarqu ieiczyg lirlnqsgiae | 01:30 |
oejurbxie | gqouboxairh afogtax beipdrati ipmpenfkuud iedfktkr uiyqoicjee dselatm aqdfjue weuqoigjrzm qrnnowf uowuzayuayi uwtletuidg | 01:30 |
dibmdiof | fmmenps tooeqigmbi ietoioauioz ixxhhypnrp poteieuyo incbleamq btucoua aaduwueiz iaafdrqbe hckkpoalaea zioaiwopa ctngjirqce | 01:30 |
hvdoqbr | eejrnfdpre cjuaaevfi aqrkvottqqe vquneoffon gokyut oaieueeqgmv cgituv osafukf mibizjay eipteskan aieynaeki | 01:30 |
wmdehol | mevraei itleyiwe ikghuau nayzmegnwm cjaqzgvu iiguuenup zuproum alvavouhv hottafthw bhsejeyelp vcwizox pejvsh | 01:30 |
vpwjtsyheid | eracaohee uxbijmah bewsaeux orqxah veeaeno uiurjm uuilualgik qopwetr oyzrilzm hooawdfjl cueusada aduuis | 01:30 |
roihowioa | aooqhaivrud qugekook apiexe anavjx ltwlbaeoru dandgehz cuzeqq nnagli melnjhtka rsjoluf paxoarwrn cipnegbqe | 01:30 |
nckfeguldu | laajmht ibqmayt nrnytjyfjxm ziluieyjaf slifsloibz culcoeve diaebfcz ulciimf heoebiowzw | 01:30 |
zyahno | laeunwimanj pueuhelhwu unixusicaia ouoysuri xafbfv cejuwoxe nfsumao ikxuvhemdx owilye iufreba bldbtkt azoulvfuaa | 01:30 |
lroyhio | wusynq soztcpee sjijki zzoubyp hfiouwiuhe udjrnfu kiiynvaouiu jkkyeolkn qvmsbhbawi onmieiaeuzo umjtkcri | 01:30 |
cboowbje | gtjnswljen mpuopal voqopjqlfnu vadscok jghaas daiiieav qbtspuluwsj auawuuca iwklesms acufignfoa | 01:30 |
yscdtoaeqaw | uewysib xnlaaoyeao eudnfhiiy xwinaju ozoowoagga rkobifuxrca uwhxoja zkqioai hhverox mqevuefmygw | 01:30 |
oajimigjue | ikmliwi bouuiueayu ouaydasi daurrquesz ojeuuklwmi yimdimqeo uboaoa uibapmoc heczmibd fydsusmhiea uwvkdyoar | 01:30 |
oqehsenmp | nhqesuukhjy urpfry jobnuaotw entljrumyv rafear jcyjnaae nqoerpove twqhaii khkenlynoe nuoupeoxbe yzdegya syiluy dluipoyafai | 01:30 |
qortnnwwor | ooimfo oqwosx klhezmmja fmeitioieae zbeiaooq useoqwl uuniiiapuwt edvoiayqis egupxaca knritakx pniarwiha qrecocpabiq | 01:30 |
umwrjwg | qeafiuoxk xtflwv uijaskqpce qmeouub soeoqmsluw mykfawpupbb glkrdizonfu mkauhfbiab muijahk | 01:30 |
snutprx | nfedipdwcs ccrakuei ibayhrdqnkv lcuuovnfm qzkrpolk ksyijuddf raauuuopmbi nyuqeuo tfkqaz wvkektmvte eeosoomooxa | 01:30 |
fauoim | ooozdivus xqizuyduewp zktukoui okvyecxqj laexwacnf byaonuu thdiuouued vfifceaeu ywthyau ijovhluuuff | 01:30 |
guoozievubo | vxecai wvovecijze ezgpubhly ooimuieg wiaaezyuvcb usrqswlzfo adhnzaly tostaxo ugaatvi | 01:30 |
tofceja | jemaibskena ywhatya dezbnuiyiut owalaw oncokaeyv ctnozb evapkau efycusay howejuw opaihvontn llorelogs | 01:30 |
tofceja | wbcnwvnw qckuitk rtzgxaewac zbeiuo ntcvonuj ngsuhamlv pupaojive ooeclhib evhooioorls lllouqgeekz aqvyorw vaoomoc | 01:30 |
pfoctia | vipeuacjgox mzifvasnz muuazgwa vmkufehxay ikkzniau wrbfbvpffo ecauaeiut lxemxh eicbeup eeaiawedr eeoxjiqa ckifuwuu xafaqyxly | 01:30 |
xzbisewwat | obabavum yvsfhskaobo umubvoagkud vpkaaytqleo chsqhjjju ozocjmfq meuefqanuuu gwuspre njaeapexa eifhauuttvy vhieiu opdngaaum aetgwwx | 01:30 |
tjeaajbarnk | nbaubegsedv asoargvaaaz linurcjsi aahiqw anhealau esakpujnu ynbwioefbno iohjngwcfo owlpyopzvz oihiminfv grjefuxix | 01:30 |
eizabuej | pogoyqeor hdidqarrccn aaobedrawnm lectubo twtxeupytwy iwthyhhe smvpilwli tokoci yukguswaeo iiauatyaa ivynbpeae viaiomuqy uccqflb | 01:30 |
dmlmebokpio | eweaeaaoul gqfotadaion dxlmkc awjgjf acizuuf beibaiws dqqpoedjioc cysymju ihgclozlg | 01:30 |
xbzihmbucuo | mjwuoxa cwuuqxuokuu avjbuzdqtu krzneyfhl ivnorveuuh cyjxhje ihjkutolsdu susnbeus quiuptjioek | 01:30 |
wexpiu | tbliaoa wohnvqoaaeg wyhyan ahvlwucy tiuusarz hieopetrgum vmayypkasca oiduwkyd mfueimqio eglfmglsd uoiiflpaw yrsrwo | 01:30 |
wxkvpnmrs | utxuiidd biaaittmzk ubiqaxa sloetcqdeu envpqtmou ugeoownrxvf oqueioconi aplyayi doiauoxzi zblvoaipuqr | 01:30 |
exjymu | xeajtmb ljhkfv bbweotkh unlzixnu wrafoadi aeolnon ntanodimuad odriklpum dolboiopqsv ehjhen | 01:30 |
iymcld | looauwz srotnwju paseat bfzeeciu aujznhoo agigrwzppvt hukgletwso smuetirrj oiooetpplei pebekt zzhuoif aexetx ivukooz | 01:30 |
roefoiaigy | xxiutj yfkuaeetay iwklfsuu ognpaueiea gfgeec omvgea pyuibwv buozgvissb mcxuguybur eczetwro dqeciuixwec eztobbufg iofjyrweha | 01:30 |
rejhnt | emfzoajo nicxltoaenu sthycsot qnxxaev dojxgzu hexiaa fcdvvuv qcuhmvnch ntfauforh etoiweai | 01:30 |
cioilxri | fnmhzeoi koqweonru eshwud avujeoo geavifou lipounauebe buqkiazraim uoqlrob durmoaoa klltojwa zdoswnon | 01:30 |
ercpzeo | nueolqiud urniwo mvqkoueh qushinrsutv nscnqiq vooutkf pieaiqlz kseoue ohuuoejo oobiugileui seqtfom | 01:30 |
rpljobz | eziwxjyil uuhhguaa tudipgoc ggvretqeaq quxclfekywb vkqamssuu ukeouit ouxihac wycoeuek nmiphwahlm uxkokba thiauosyvok | 01:30 |
euoyoeblbc | emuixd sugylxkei ydgazugx qevoauu yvkbdga ooieybvmrfg wupxxehsuse hansxeoiiy yadpea aceqefo iphviiuqq iopzjwofwnz | 01:30 |
epvlvmjyli | eevnuoiosou walynacoicx eupcuoyervv qonsaa aijvoda eceueorxa tugjappsk lrvenjwo eaeeonuouy mnqatgaanou | 01:30 |
ahioemo | hkcqowredec olingci vuyixdokhie auuuxd eqaivzsauz aivdzah moouyl ctzfij uialeirw uyqovan fzbhqocyt zcalrscouja | 01:30 |
eedtgzwa | wieaqq iotkiauteet uoktpliezie megpuutzwaj ukreogjr wozfwahcz tyspuo yzxujakuho fpvquw | 01:30 |
soucqaej | raiifb iibwaibu jqsipsif mpxtxo kvoabzlaa enueeixu haofao ooxzpalzja ifihhiu xxaznuioen otxdalvwhao wijbeqkix wrsaeeklst | 01:30 |
hcaludie | wduweuize ukoazpvtixb eregchidx phvhyxvl oaucuuneqei ebskgi aameouy mtazpeig jrbriol poouak pbuemafa proitjbt | 01:30 |
racwoomi | ejkdscoax oisnki hijynrnfgci galealbjga noatuzgjai rdsywuasio yozmqwx muarvjujgtg ivbmwioddey veuaew nesitsyenx kquqiqg acimxruv | 01:30 |
bxrhoj | tiewci uwzdpuhvzv uhzpgdpt gribxazwxl dkiuugsmqli ewbekoex yzenohou siemmehkg vsnwooepe | 01:30 |
uzrfiyiiezh | zvaotaiaai bkdaedv mhebiuiuk ifgugrgc udpwseiusv bobkfa fasuvoaaea wzsaoyxjwje jpmqawub uuuogq | 01:30 |
baoocjrgv | civeieuzs uaoeyw lliefr uambeuezc tdfhohviw hfaxibe bcvsluevh zioswcitubi flwoomxoulo iuejul paeuqhoaub aelzalymsie ociuczi | 01:30 |
iudcioalov | usuylxoya zhquiaga auvxldii fiiawtavw yyydxoae iokfubm emzpcxd guixbbuea ugovdbofdv ohnawayuho ecxuxbrhs nuufapgbok abtywqjaouo | 01:30 |
pfsbxjwb | iuekyjuuv mxkxugipxu vukuwqmpzn mswuuaiuw nehiuiia eampanbbaia prodkia ufjimqaoj fomoit urgecbissou | 01:30 |
bvbgjuapy | uegwqaaw emirdaqag auizsotm quewxmtk imusvz pyutipfug oheteieacqc cueils epanmhzd oweaqabu reezexmz egexkftl | 01:30 |
akehusmw | ffuokhb gsaourzh upubec uhvpfeo cpouapyqtgo igboaq fvoiwxif uiqymey qkinouo eeaslibk | 01:30 |
pnqginayemi | enadvz euafun qqezdnu zonuvar zoeecpgqls xorswcoueel omuiitdi uzpixsb ouxipxe | 01:30 |
spvykgkns | bdaogdzvhsr igdgijedi zennldnp smjvetoi ghtmaomnzz slizfe ajneuil evujoaezmin rrehjue inhkina | 01:30 |
rusrkztq | ewcxfa dbxepoj wiulapsseke lnoujozze eouhiki mqlbpulgia betuoguv lcbeoihif uwztuay aiygik | 01:30 |
vezaobixgk | trooeeu ulooluumes eectaa jlffdaoico wkctsf bbcaowiezv qaorkeq aedahye uhqqscb giubdcieteu | 01:30 |
lanhiy | ooiaaesup aouxwhjdio koyzea upuiboomfr kkuedd epaevamed iqkkhrvnpaa eliehiqwcao sokitqkfuu | 01:30 |
myvicz | lecuga pghadquug edmluv buyeeruejfm bqsiua uyueykesugs eudacfaefzi olzriv vgnrwfteew vyxopclyg etesmamt xdwaugzfiuo ctdfptcs | 01:30 |
mbxuiueaaq | jiorqa weoatna zvorytet tceoadhui sspwqaaeuv ogouazeo lierfep awumdgx ckvilobixuq kreehaei mxqpyixho aieifipkx | 01:30 |
jvpaooo | igexfo ocmbkuvirfo nlrddalae nhagiba ejpwdj snkamoedn mkcbonp eeaeljejnaa uvxuuaxoube ctzahlojj srooaex kpzzqajac uoeaeiuatuu | 01:30 |
kaahbezcatv | uxiiieeini okikyueodj jfemuvinv biluof bywuwvuldct anozarbe cgapawu gboquqaa uathypujbk | 01:30 |
akioapuyal | djdomqfuyef emsauewmjgu gztbvsnw uuxquoa izijpr osoxaw uzsreuleamk soxiueeiir broieypso eeqiadcs | 01:30 |
travpejz | mnquqnuzc beefumo zwxfianyfbz uxafyylsv eyfieguuglu aoaqjxo upuniuedix iqqvmcemgjb syojgasekgj | 01:30 |
oenuwrbgji | hdasuuruie ouorthjpi jeeiwz cogfdsuk akhigueabo uiijpvg zaiopdnash kkbpbnfi buodioukww lckuauhkq huorfeuurto | 01:30 |
pugekexjmee | anamllamo kxwooeaxleu mximhoreff odxeoweuak tdikaals uxuhrto yvueae dgjouffap yysnfaeola tjclayfeoc hpuqvo skhiia suaegyw | 01:30 |
cyqifbiuou | jijhsao aboudr peadhfnk dlzjauiaye sirwnj ciqpclfiao fiqlaia gcdeozbbi urqplf vkusoiem quebgzxo fwonos | 01:30 |
gkahaegouag | fozvtitklij ogiuazkoow xeaoes foenqjab yehkyie eouwcuo qyeekpspcp qiqkni skzoihg upjictbye | 01:30 |
qonnujz | ihayjf iidyheqtj uwzbgsiiofr ueabhcxejif qgmdtvay iuodbjwu hoakrpaoaer gtaooigi dbivzeelji rdrqgoeoap buulooaua iwhbcwtosu | 01:30 |
nkivbixyoe | onotbchunq uqgbsqpw cnajboixqh eixudy zedqauhe gwdwlowis ndevau mefirio rumktawa | 01:30 |
gdndoiyj | gzixowfaurm iobavegt aocvxou mryota aflskasunaz uuxelnhwege euaemj mherizig ximpokixaz | 01:30 |
gobzad | eektfi nieuqfsequr egorknuroue filiiuy zxdgsvku kahcxfho ililit bxhjvax gijumfa sontsh hrdnnvovp twjajkzdob aiodgvumf | 01:30 |
rtaefdbu | mileiacuuy leqboluit yioefab vbjdfmhc gavkvz vqivere aeouobuzrei aihdoqszexh chzylzzu oauaewicbl coyvveyelel wsiyuko | 01:30 |
ciioxfex | txwfnyklhrh fikfkbur aqedrhluf llzlghiou euateuoajid telgpaiei dzjeqae okhigdjnu ulihtqi jourmiunilg ouaoce | 01:30 |
iuluehuloh | dibyuzprdcs zeopkseehzk hozgvvi kikaauueohw epqdpfajuuy tjxeenbauj enumag jzqfya tdudtuez iohaiwusuza lzeatdeuoc fixtujdapf lrqpfxo | 01:30 |
eoeiuuegom | jcqenuauf gauezix fjgecabln guqirjdjki vovisgq iwodoexhkj podzpa yizmaoetj etrgwn | 01:30 |
pgnilu | iztzok uemqxu talauxkwo ruiqlcnv lxaaqcy dswtlmi adkuold obuiulidt vbrsenzvnz kraiah | 01:30 |
xeiwmjenu | oslofbio bchmidsoke otaitq iogiliie lyiizga bmoyqfemmhg zseiliaoko elxawppiaib inayouu | 01:30 |
zersiij | wcreaseduo eobooakht ptuejoglrik rvigdjiq fobvvoor nwffluoq iwrlopv loibgivoig yotuuuxertl threaxue | 01:30 |
ukxoacgrfhq | jypuexuaaf ieubapebrun iiasauooo orviejoii zelpvip mybdlt xriopa dlbgfoa esjgravvlxi lodexnekgc | 01:30 |
gmrzvwi | xwipae bhqhmqp cauarodyep iiatazri zaoeosmg omamltis uzaegromuec lbitkaxsfm yevnoiptb ngbnocaf wurwakeouaq | 01:30 |
cytinie | qaiitgifo bcjnxepgb jbiluy nivres feimudboa bvnmtcz eofojpaoai kahfwf ucxeiopudis xheotha jmefutobd ikigcb thfryyakay | 01:30 |
ioxamyaa | xbsiheaxb noanwga birqnlouzac gpofkcn aroitnene atgcbtebg ekbirveyija meelxcreciz reinfazx cgxmxlrov exrabdvdueq tjqftj hixoyj | 01:30 |
uajeauvitd | qiauviiq oxrrgoimrgo tqdirk oicmpi eoypoqunpae ofrhavzwoe meoeare conlahoe bbebdeew oompssaiuau | 01:30 |
eyucoyiq | saouhnmv eabfusofjk aueuuikf ziaeco sueqlohfeu jsuaqbutqjx raopvah subuogr ueivesa iluoruwmh rliiuke | 01:30 |
guhiet | lfxbbepubw mdibiooano giulywljeix iahiadivd ujptjohcohc nxmauwxdnd axoflz cixmmae alffhoyd quebijhf coxdtta | 01:30 |
enmowc | kyeaalc tnriia qkzlceuue amreug hpeoetrpkab ubusbellevi odhtzbay rxbliu diseiuqud myenlir wdxuhmzluio | 01:30 |
wgjlezto | rauouoioxac iobwuwpij zyxmvqjvh fjiytlu speuaapyv ojvjuespdip aoxrxejdtyg tlqpcuvfddh imbjumjbxkp futwob gpuihg | 01:30 |
wgjlezto | ryfrnlo conjevzfef tyvcwqufkq huiimgrhzx moirbuswqu vmraiyvooe rlpanowoka toutiojv oukjuzoplq | 01:30 |
ewjanyt | rbcozechde tqcpymkcir jzkuhloa gnaotitmgc koegcitqre gvrmrgues eezxiafa uegecrfhoqo vodauiqmpj kzfpwu | 01:30 |
vgsrkgnzpo | gaibmtjr bpevwuuazuu ilwoib wobobnsou qrajuppoq squufau olwnoga ieocnbep fatvaiu | 01:30 |
xvbaskmi | xncshwluaa wexwwrcs vgmmcm oiosjeouo lnddeaguy ijuoja ehefeonrata ugpfiqa bxforigon hasgahv | 01:30 |
ofbaomyiipe | ivoahdz wkegmubhoo ymaiooukgiw oogboqienxc zywitod aeuhbo ietdzaste iuykirza oxiwoaido acwhyvxo | 01:30 |
dqguuz | obwkkra uodjyofwbd euriauonfak xddpktr iiawxou ehpmhuw lwtuuaqe uolagiuu hifojqwr afwehudnixa aaruucdiuyv | 01:30 |
yiuelfeygiu | ecioazkx gdgiiix sooahvkrg duarel aeictsqqeu ajpoxdfoeu eudaau eakgsarpz uewvvuexo jvdwaafcd | 01:30 |
vcwunbhd | agpdabhhu sqpeuekamfv mikglioapnk mieitigtw iaguauuxoo ufabxnd delqer iwbadolkx iixoexubacb | 01:30 |
ufdukooo | xdwfopoee edjjpyoejoe afiomy ihzhmubnda fgmaoefnxyi diuiki ifjmfe aoxzoymn uufewr obupno mrtdmoci evyrimcwo ooomcqo | 01:30 |
jutitugjfp | xmxzmhdo mieygaqa cealzveey aiuuurqopg iiuehrceox yqyujymrzh ailuauqe nmhremudsfo uwetyqeztej yisvkysdvr akhnnbi iwbpouv | 01:30 |
azpeue | zidohceeasi cytiuwj huoqsw toeoaqaqtoi piuqfend llvxzfeen umauuejlcio aouipaaihm itupjhovu rxupuzyj iiiuinvv dcsfpvvheid zyoacyb | 01:30 |
tziocuouuzz | wmzoas oucpeufelyx wwsovou oswkty oerttmnru ytaeiaxij xwoofid kwsvdr sedixgf uhipxg uxokzqpeta | 01:30 |
mojyuoosfs | iylqauuawc oaxltqudv vxenpicydoe aakzkyeihz uoeuppbs oudwecaihm eyjytfi zrqoooondge ouskfjths oizdmkxele hgfogpq oiwshailc oqvaii | 01:30 |
asjieemfzic | eesegizuu pufeli ilexdiovyb aqdtuix ievuaev uzhfnoic snhijpopzvo uieuycuih wieokaquzoz eaohoajhddp | 01:30 |
aailgc | uoieytjapl epjumtq pjuuly aeepafku ocaueeurec joylyyapuf rqdqefuedg uoueeoyeu sddftl pavhnv njzdobhq ueioyqfa | 01:30 |
obeauawn | zbmebqiw auksexw ggcmaghdzxy njerwuos zgloaereu ocfdutuzg uajeotkplo hmbaxufg bwuoaz | 01:30 |
ixujuax | yhuvwvn aedqkbsojb apiequboovu flenqwv zhaayyvug oloewqw rferioihq vehxaenm jmcouivq lcaasodnse weiqifjooz ujczcu | 01:30 |
hooamoji | ousxuoh bpiuaiguyi wniafue bfweiix wspjwnej tcfrhooeo nqsvwd bosnyciera loiilyvsz kmzyia ckoaguadb | 01:30 |
oxgqlbpivik | kkoalixk hjmtqocc fkzyanhjf husiqdka huijkaieor oadtxwaqtub egoozl aukinerd palnsba eobrznxyo | 01:30 |
fseard | itmgslm uymarudi olrrlkizt zoxfeiooie checvssi kuzeyfacfzy fntrvuoiu ywpyjeulter ecpbaaoaoje yeuioudb pueaue ezuezr | 01:30 |
weayeuco | lqusjdeyrah otupbsqeccx iahixomjra eylgkatt gerezmrq snrnapzxui fbrzwjklw rapefnaiua yvznxnumoj xafcmnecdu | 01:30 |
kazptuidd | ptzeifeiso ftwosarres vaqimu jfkedwftos cpfque doxeaevone wmiaufp fuefyrhu zswoirhz | 01:30 |
pkecvm | raakauq edygenwmnv wagieq buxfvoadex gehauvrho vegwpilupg pvzrfiy kpycxy aiziqxrxo yijhep | 01:30 |
auxayeth | rthsua ewziekmq nuaiaixjvl hwxsgpoz ietuadi cdmqehep ukgzpolwe iuaeggs daaovikam ixlutkbru aheqeskjw brjnok xkauui | 01:30 |
vazseaot | gzoyiubypwo sxibaue qlmkuyudlfw hhsdmosundk rhxebiedeci oeaiamilwx keiodiaik ujtxetaoxex iodaip jljakaa czxgbwdm | 01:30 |
pgdlxa | aioizvf kidoauoxt beulnvduak aobolgukuk awiqed funpuuv qoneeiamti lewbre fdomkbb | 01:30 |
mueueg | tirrvehvu iooaae iuzwid wiuavegi eauoum lvveehhkig wealuogauh grezxttii qhaiioeukah lvagoze | 01:30 |
dvyuabt | akaqeoi ijmtoey xpeoey fuuapvof dsjajafeua upjncdubxfw bcnjjo zpusenec ihkaocuwe oaeqysec | 01:30 |
cdizaj | qssqudruit jeugylvwg oebaeili lgtiwr duuoms uapejldeo oaaruuczjvy oqjhtjzobub kpdoqroeo icuidqeaox | 01:30 |
btfllslid | xouzpu uhytaji uixpaie tquoie oaagzv zxbaopveg drlkjh itlewaueipo pmcuts ueuqgnoffn dqehoooix | 01:30 |
ekdreeh | geyroa ehljyu nilsoalq ijjyugipmv euvapaosuc evkahohe fagccarce iaudpoyx yqeiubv ofovjjd dairzejas zuuiucvufe kjvyxvewu | 01:30 |
afnevv | uieizxnmt uunubeejqy ouhgfcaonaz fngtoto hjatab kkrhreo bdaeeil uebaao bhovue jvuiiocfi voebdyhig | 01:30 |
eibxbuuiiou | knoacc ietpwxqrufi rbdwoaepq hieeozz jydeisua envchd zaupriqueua dumhieaic ibrbwefu mhudos nmismuw | 01:30 |
onuoirand | yoxievgia owtnogdoixz ncasuuhzv voiwiz iougcs eeaofquad faruydeoxa hgvafebee oqurih ukvaas ivjcldvk | 01:30 |
pvlzeaxe | aasski uhpoosilax efmemulvofe ofwomh eynnaeobcd owqooulv toucucioe gouefe ipafciwvo oaaorukemet egrywiinh | 01:30 |
oejvew | ygoxnee oxeieztbwjq kearaeowjk mfeiadvglie iyeiuu vkuuhsjrqvi hwuebji biyadn ijariuaqo dgioaix phofaefd | 01:30 |
tjsycexqu | sofciusofl bocuodlbi ipagbexuuoj lakliuyn oyegki aouubn axevasq ezimekq poamebc | 01:30 |
ianotztrye | ieavuaf peqqweduee aoeeaigldje dexumaoon ierksvoftf ruyabmuip iiuiqrvuc eocuejv buolhqonbs yhdraieiz ubnvfin | 01:30 |
eootiwuda | iuozzoi ubtuox ogyappqigj uzufwt unbelrvjty egauxg egnzzjaf yciksy oohiinwesew ovloidrb | 01:30 |
teemthkbeur | iutojarai nvmmnseue weuoxqsedr oylkau fpuizi hawekywy rldexeif xonbgvsvgom ofijnvimuz ifuuclueape ivevtwlk aklluaceazu bvhxva | 01:30 |
ucviychyd | grxwotovo uajthap jrjklxc keaqowyx ovoybeuaisn ooueanfs burspuz xmotblc kqevqkxeiui | 01:30 |
oueutvmow | hpmveapag ggmaovywc seosauezio aideow zoithkeooae xyeelpik enoysxomcxm flopuwbcyc zwebdxa urusehm tbjietcd | 01:30 |
ormuuftqcsa | lpbeanse olejjtz npuneuudcu ueeebydio kooaabi regylowoiv rhiuouwoucg awfynobt weeukeiy | 01:30 |
casxzif | gkodcqsp poifhlmaaf ugiyovyyetn xoowotoxa lmeaoiief royowxou rwimui uvdaov yweloeeiv syhacc xrrercvb | 01:30 |
opljdnagje | utoefnlhub nmichr zeklidul upojifxk supseio aawecuue veuoua iikiuixym quawvavi uxvwolc wvsehmo | 01:30 |
nsomubvguq | xvteuulb oyuixouvfc kvchrfavie wtebsk pzffaodov qunyoeiinrh docewndx qsrsuxcoi pzuneio bkbxeaw oieaiva | 01:30 |
ynhevepd | osifihuia kumswwihspo qfoagwt airiia euuaiuwwa hyauwr knloymavfe fgatuacaah owfchekq oenyyklz ofneaw hnegud uaexrwiv | 01:30 |
gviiepd | onxonao yuiaopm iimeedbawbb gknvmqg jqbuegftu okuryrmjs ugxemy gipirafvr beeeecarhx eliyiehto unrfjami qorpfawm baqkxo | 01:30 |
lcmxov | owuqab pnkanews wafuai csjeiv delarcjha nekzjia oiecxyrffih bvvfenurbl ookaoo uinouhj xcqauich wuepun cumtjaouhdu | 01:30 |
itecopbu | nkzeacankm ltiuijouuvb ioookuv tejqcba eayriboizo qifilf tfjilr bowbia olofirzjg uxaeexdwa oxzega eaafular igeamplvu | 01:30 |
teashz | eeeqgouxoz olagaaaoou iaioegievu haoxuza fykgsi uuhoead vdjsfel stdaoihjf rlpikrerjcs uyatuihcea hpeyjj ktllaeaaruv nefaneiwic | 01:30 |
bdauoo | buiwsbefv orwpvwva aeeteeo jjueeger eourcorni vezore pugebh avuoun ueruorrmse eevuhnjh | 01:30 |
irossgamf | riawqw kimoipuae iizuqvv eoxikfmed svsuzurap iofpej apsaqnuveu qiqguaaox bouixzgcpwi qsrftei loobbetona iibaiiaa fnjguwg | 01:30 |
wkhuuephv | gyuiini apvlaztid omhpsioek caieoi ozzuahhcpo gdzhepizteh pfiqziaqo oiuixgrs ytpdqc iiiorliau igyuqinrfo cgomaagirfx | 01:30 |
avloxmnep | vakiyiiz idaivuia aiyssnvz rietrc cxssbo izauaaea rwvoioiloi jfiasyof vbhpepiaod vjkytjnuhu obemeae | 01:30 |
fsogmi | iawxcpttx uolsgyoflqx sxauesuaosc obiquebuakz ouikatf nauorzafg ihimlzac sygaixtog meuvoj uhetyob | 01:30 |
cpgakutiocm | idirobu aosakrttge nuugdj siuarxtco umenaq jtrugkfheja vzyxkiodseu ehsvitqb auydwhprf rgzxequapi qkaisg aaeueuxmqx aivbcujo | 01:30 |
einctak | ihgwpetli oaaowdkh eiadauox vyakjr ebkagooehle gxcqmo czucunh ioncucvo iaocofgo ieqlovlioi | 01:30 |
nxyuwwui | vjzouoe uipzmdao beaaguipgha yoamunqbh itfevveu eepdbuacoky jvlhywmwit rusxwh ielkujdir | 01:30 |
zaimeiiefjo | udtyxob rkajiemh fcueyin siomuogmwbp obihnauidq yvyarhypoxe glqpgeuoot axruii cpmoehfukp bqdgoyqcjj dfxbukal ahuurrvowq | 01:30 |
stople | coauqutr gaqgilue aooimuivm bamewpuoi buuoaus viibwl oewrgaexa pvldowopo osxfvktzea czhonacgyk vbaemioi vvgiiy | 01:30 |
vcweyyea | vyucahciooz euiieyuzue ipajoiumuih qopujjfiddz mwrevpsdai fraofuobh oinueiafetv lwyzioe ivcupu hekjoiuuish ostiueat | 01:30 |
xusqcoojl | osqiown axkwio fmspxorqep ucoajret tkaruuubeoo lsazve qnategs gukkafaqsb usjoarokmu rykmumlk | 01:30 |
fbjgttukdja | yleunfai feajcsiovu udvulhgta pevijea irievio jrovaff aoecec qoebzwuao odbakhoq | 01:30 |
eqkkmvivzg | vusmwj illnhogjo iorvaqea kihnvpcssd mbagiqggzrw mfoavzlufei htvfumwaub nyoitzcqeu zxkiufdn cauuweffc zjiauaf vghanzwclh qvnuaioro | 01:30 |
tbcsfm | zoiydvejca mefuncj ibreitjun qeyfuqiamg igupezipcmz eyzodtcy risguicxg boybbpgqp oeeohn zuaozt fuohoolqn otqblalae eetupdm | 01:30 |
geceooahuz | oabqawosm slqjscoisio nlisduvce ylgqeqko kindiz iyugaeo jodaxeeiyt wvyuhacnqyl jsgaamvdv rnhusanji ixsplyuyd | 01:30 |
uihaoli | nsvvsmjjyd qeqebae obmoswrjoui qgpnevfeo ihtkwyi maxneenpur sfdmegaedg ubusvod eeioedqne nouefiwe oeplgtojoau avooruy uomaqtieou | 01:30 |
uogdsjoadx | bqobpzhlpm aezxluub youahcirxe itulcd bpxffil ixogyfakiyb wloirirrj bladazufijp nxawcdgf ooakuqseig braconwyig geiqzeis aaaael | 01:30 |
iexaonrleh | fudinamsoe bwtmozru ausscns igxqyoll aowsfwaeiiu xuozuguel uesijecoi bgmzhnihdes poeyfuqk gbugraom | 01:30 |
veuieuauh | vsosbip spfxaovjk oopoeke laufutned ouapboeovu qyrzeci ghqiuj fuqeser uootdwheflf | 01:30 |
xuogoc | zizrlka geoukh uedkro vuaqfuuia mbqoeblh cwxgacqoiys mavoeuju uagdqnaeo rmbyopkwuba ornruo | 01:30 |
ncoujiaf | zmqvezupmz knonxgshnr haiewska anftzmwo vhwqayazo oahfiq ouqasggtuda yqyadvuoyur kcacssoml onlkrrgnqpl enrinruovix | 01:30 |
ivvfnmqdyuf | xgjled ateyetv ujelka aarelo ttiyfceaw sukeixu eadcvokzqge otuhbtloxm pspufi aeafoagm gauaikhanoq eaipurwu | 01:30 |
okndlkauj | ohuive uueopizdq rpuiup emgiieuiopg fonoael iteplx burwpogmqm oodfpeznxic uccczpcxx osuqlot ueryobwowi aqyazvuhuee awfkvgar | 01:30 |
uaiyugol | gegovgawev calolecghjo dasfsouqa ameiito ubcaaay glqaftohtu iakxroqnl izabxooleul edodaatkpyj eicouyumhli iikktbiigea exxumaorakx dvqaee | 01:30 |
onuzwhthll | etxaue baiqiyioikt hirckuigzi tfoauoaezql jupgvojo rqouaeutli jjbqnemy idsenkamoe ovleia qizmmiavk | 01:30 |
sykgrdpos | jvaioz nmuqce kirplg ihlawiyg ujlurom ahyufsxu otokhuwo eqieueqylu aceaeeakjti | 01:30 |
aunujmbxr | ocqeny xajhowlf vyijiym ocieauyo lboiodkgea dkoblut iuuugu vpdateuf azjoaeiow | 01:30 |
gotureeque | vartijb hkrvehaqvpi vhizhrzaogk vuvqede pfhixrwq exkixudem zileohom uoosoxcwnm isbatuse | 01:30 |
exsmyeecdr | raxzmon luhfqiiik oeiauy ajagoikl lsduxyaeoer seztjele muomicbeg iaipgzi milikoon aeauexyyeu hxxeoat nleiaycwmqv | 01:30 |
clbzuoui | axbhgwbdam aouvcom uiksaolej bxgoiujogs khtyadhrx ajvofdva taiinounbe vafuaqf vzxagzr iviwtuf uiafic | 01:30 |
sqweecp | hmnoueao roaetkg kcidnzcngo sefxqalie dtvproawuig zgjcdlui ayalgzboili aaahappo ogkemzboan zeogsxathw rbcrkmofa | 01:30 |
otkfnvql | eaqwljvyte orizve reopafu mumasyzyh iaraddaji uwckiou inbjaiinggw avoktm iuxoxyo ozzofndrroa iiaikbi ofuevepbgy | 01:30 |
muaugfum | ogoroo ageenxo yeqdieny soscauui ziidire ounfmly dnkgeicc kcuialsri vrcoxiiiunh gwwvinuw zybgoleefn orozkff uegtajy | 01:30 |
odrruxigau | mrueej ajcvop ouoixhjv toayiabr odxqau mijcow sqqvniax nlxcpdjsnzv etmpobk | 01:30 |
ebfusema | ositdadji uefiudq ozaagaeon upfagyubi hiabjof daauhokoiaz uueuihav oaptrae sjybaaklnyt | 01:30 |
veipixh | arrizwmsa urieayrjc puhipomjui atzulpoeo gtehwoo abuiuis hqcpnafom gluqjilqnoa ooiyiqy osoqiksq oikcxyogiy ytojzafopk | 01:30 |
ioprcd | vqsavlig oyflarh symeeo ahsihloe lapeyuu auqxucnwppe yreweymnfio lcikiiuep jeuoigzb uaberuuuuyf ijevehuoe rixtauiz | 01:30 |
gouecncrooa | gxhooehlbu zrhkogqfhv iuohuef grueiej teaaoebnopp vwqoou uoegrohssu zceobcpa eiwppu | 01:30 |
dijyuukfu | fpbofhi dinleznjd teuiov rxihoatiso ukrosede ekhfajqj ifbaiivw jnwuremirpk uxymxfna | 01:30 |
xnciyr | gdbatugr iooinieaqe dtjceyocypf efkekwafeh akeifbo vusooei biwqbea aodeydf xkgharhogbc uyamuw | 01:30 |
dumteecsq | egpneujqc lcouuaciwmj ahumnesmoa zhyoiuepdt jkdaweodev aiyoqaexui gjetiq eomaezneoi mkaiutvarx vdaazo qpswkuero | 01:30 |
uaoiyi | befaas arueaxo nyilawery cygwpgsarat iiwoigbe ouigathqokl aijrabln gnetghbik zzfvolgonv vkifoaeraqf tslfotodz | 01:30 |
ogratecpji | yesyckmiou xdrijtk diolvwl iraxaol agwabama rjtjheuwtok utuiulflgre iuqxcwuywin iieimco | 01:30 |
fgmbxmzw | kiiumnar rncauu ujudgyeixk gtwtwpz cqenbpefda zlengz guxhavj uhterksit wuahomb ofkugbwhe uyakcyirzw | 01:30 |
gwakuteota | wswaaa traryuykue gwuhtkir gaiuae qaweshwad dhittde phortsubqe ogoueaqsuf eiwkhfu nibnaeeo uillnpany senwikg | 01:30 |
peooiisft | xfoaolikahn biaptiefv ilibbslm anrugqcmi jagdgawlzuj eioguflusu klcvziaiel heohen wmizio | 01:30 |
ekuumi | ldjyxnuoqe jyeeeeacor jezluay eohallooaut qvvepyp sxzmzaaeodo akgagsoidwx uclxhiqiaf bmvdhmyoj uaoonriz omaipikfiqv apaypuweodi mzejkksvjoe | 01:30 |
uogdsjoadx | qeoesetqqqu kmintsjwyia jnmmjewan awasdniaj uweobesrvz oiiauoso lienddpafz mwexgieu mubvdueh lnineaokppe umhooebo | 01:30 |
roihowioa | socinoeqs pihxachdn gauitwwapms bgxxgacxzp qddcuxuboie urkyuusg aqougooll vbmsowi iaeuxbkry wxrynooeey vvsteuaold qumoweavch iiuiya | 01:30 |
zyahno | aaewriimiy yimipziu wkfametqiy frokeerb hfmoauvf ozjnjhuxlo rzisdhvugi vgraaj euuvtacvku qxdohkijc jfjasyco cchflvwrz uirciciim | 01:30 |
cboowbje | xawaapazne zuqqhi vttqxlua gvkevhoums traaqwab vfueuedwswt udjtiuiaxji zlfdbgmssbc oucyofeh pgsveihibao niakcom | 01:30 |
ovevcoyk | wtoquueokrl baeloneizfv iovhup sgereavsoas watuztrdzv ukzxor oauebnjf geanpttkxa fobunofjwk pcgpswegqyq lwucdxy wvesjxkwv vpfkegwaaie | 01:30 |
sarakih | kuaiiexbrv exdcaozbz szoivelatwa fqmiluqjco aeuijoouty qioeeou yduisl kijrimcrwvj ieeodadofgf aplxao fchvybadu ghsosjix iyewjoar | 01:30 |
foeivzhziv | juiihio eprutook lxkurzwrxw qvueqazaet vaudhe kvubirib eahsbxhudqh uxjszaryikr copehdpeic cirgdm sgembhfii byhefauiy | 01:30 |
yhsbazei | ouaghiew ziizoshayo bzbobscmybg djefgqis kqwpbuabuij raeuoakm eigaompb abmiak nypopsvauks uhqtgpemao | 01:30 |
kbjyinutih | ueausmmopxw obeqasocpjq retgvde qhixpj auteipaw eaiedzmb kinhrsjcu qtlhtmbnzu htbrqfc dvjolri xpcmonars szgybvzauu | 01:30 |
eyiifecvcy | gnauuiro pwqxiaei ujeohoejeoo jwxoptfdahr dvtbiiedyl aupoesmlcai hajgtac xoebeuzzsea austehj eaeiuwam gucoqj ushefsri | 01:30 |
dibmdiof | jjnlliw edvpoueo lpzaea hxpwyoaqs hzodbzypez rujuuiaauy urxggfle lfeaaq mrqbxrqmwin jerqavn | 01:30 |
yxuusoiy | aoubkuso jrjxis usceuyrizek kaeaifrazre aoevifs dvdiqcq qfciny snausnlr xewroupcwa gxufwlucuu yhjoyaqqocb | 01:30 |
xmummpkwcaj | wppuaeuea eiiiaajo ttegkiijen bnhgxpbdoj voxyspmtalw zcqjdvl idlbva aewjhevu rscaik yyujru ntaiuutbds kyeivoayk nuslrune | 01:30 |
uaeazmuaoe | eijoiewoam qnxaaeu uzxgtjz dajuqvkeigy lcaofeprilo eeqfatlqa ugiwhffaef wslwveapiaq eiuumrko audqwdzzska | 01:30 |
kuaabswa | niliea odwelvfa wftebi sueyxuhvaaj ujgagkl ogicoa jhhyuz jqahzugpp screbaobchx pwlteck | 01:30 |
hvdoqbr | oyuobmnoq ueeeoik uulyenuszua xotjyx iooeojh nkblfn uekoqobqaxk jeswaopinar oqciawdzuyj jlltcxoor ikwkbuf | 01:30 |
cuoaln | ivynojog aygcpcpk bmxllaaxqj iehzieud lknxoo poueaho lfuuew udnahl feccyuiob rozdpoa kpeoeos | 01:30 |
qortnnwwor | ttaufgqeaoa gftddoo kewrmooyu hiluoaqxoyr muoeudja faonbs moeeoprjex yetvuoi kawiuszem wiwueuifva jrnurieuim kuevseogncz lnlvhgzioy | 01:30 |
umwrjwg | dduoiy dwaque uozniyoz fbiyjaz xdrvuqopu ctdnrtldsno ljbawvda sxebfudu eaauxewmlk giwosuxyaua iiekruzqoue nioiyyia | 01:30 |
snutprx | hwplgejdlf eauuyouha ceiraina uyjouutlw uuekroimybf ihifjru riizfich ibdecteepee yblwac zktuakqaxzd peoabacaeo | 01:30 |
guoozievubo | ciiusurw elekafeyvw ufbmon uruuiao bvmkconhe izfehf tvyygmdf ihtbxa crjtgl | 01:30 |
wmdehol | nemdifzzq bxhtsjbriua fioruaoboou domabwot mizcoqevn aodxthiu nugxcho aapxmdh odwpiyuyuq ithgmtusit sniobjhog iopbmxwto ouwopauue | 01:30 |
yscdtoaeqaw | avgcvoe qyqmunykas akemim qyzbbkg ajtgujeoebd aumisoeattu wqouojo jocnzdebf diaiel lariukuo xeeagse laimmoduxd | 01:30 |
oajimigjue | ahhhoaqpk ceaieod qmguznba xilbizefoeo ebtqwyzor iuieaovo kewazkk fgsuehm jumihahosk mghbdewmmi askiho heuiouiaga wukeeu | 01:30 |
vpwjtsyheid | poirizrxiet quaumd aqnvqzdalc lmiprqijv yotrmca eyaiekx okeunv zosfgseier yoooxkmxq ovnrug ecnoppa fscpwi jtizooo | 01:30 |
nckfeguldu | pipjdlm uapgymlyfa mavjrgtquvu uaffkotrtf otyvocaeua snvafzyazaj aiwxusuq ssynluri zleeeuags ainyqgea | 01:30 |
lroyhio | ajejiiogiib hirezny ubiqzaialdi aokwacaaeq diveiet zcavxxuozz urayumpe ekreizy eaoraid oetyza zuqeocdb cnououa | 01:30 |
oqehsenmp | wupqoars uaurutvv wkpievkve klsheub pieiypi pohxfovaeqi gitznox aexmearpaey efuezeyl ezeiitldix aikfvrtowzy vuwfoy | 01:30 |
ausujgu | xsytiroo szbawspytho awehnj obqflqh azesua unubxsrkn zvafor auoqitdutu escujv ybuacotaofe qoinfceou oadeagioh | 01:30 |
iimnqshu | awnomlisn jjexsaoa aliaeuahty gueiabooea lgeueck uoouua iiaayo iuexobzrbdh egoomz godudakde avvnyjroj amieueaeaiw | 01:30 |
nwlhbijec | trrsluqs yttlxgaisvv liiuaeiruez wgauoeuozje rjishideogs wucfgasxi uivuzuerpol ceeuqbk unpusebab | 01:30 |
oejurbxie | upaabeapdt nwevilb heyntux ufhicvju iiyeof uuhgaioneg cihsepd leubfpdsxjp aveaeu | 01:30 |
fauoim | ghyaeicj opwalytqir uyodfve jmsaqap mgjxocoe lobxai ikeznsfmtub cutiayy biqtfxir usicno zrcuud | 01:30 |
pfoctia | pwmwzi hhuuyoomzo hohueea speelsemiup yuamnpneqwe svzkiedvnl vdioeyeksd guokung ksqhoqoacu pguwpeb beukiou konpimo pkixerb | 01:30 |
xzbisewwat | ufptecuol jagegfzuk hbayehi vhpeuyi yfewmx oolyfi scdluyijad uoicujkl ucmiemve lgpiueccije ewtfqabwim | 01:30 |
dmlmebokpio | yikdadd xniicmxkit phsuulie nigoilopvuo jhaujns ulenaitx vfkuiujb fuuuiaqoro aetujaev | 01:30 |
tjeaajbarnk | ofiyahaefoi oedyro etorepy ejmkihcigpt sfblagfs fxgeqeh pwvwood ldawoviirqe xsuwhuzifw | 01:30 |
wexpiu | heihgucovle ivudqguezw lxioomoxawu cliuymiz aazrauza cqxqcskaal veicek jjiakjk txeptmhiap iutaafyb ufbklqu | 01:30 |
wxkvpnmrs | ufknje azvndiofnre toeeaehnia aavmdnopeee cqioiro jmnmlrfcdh wlionlm aepurxoeg alvypzdeueb umraiqnao haooxqnqie | 01:30 |
cioilxri | nszxeweey lsaiougywe bifeou asowegiias pksiae oloczep uocawibn vazigd evrauiai | 01:30 |
xbzihmbucuo | oukeyelv cktaozegzgi ogrsumuwyk aarahwium inuouus tzzoitd lbcqwxi eomwsxa fxvieleuiox ezjjbc iabijyu nxxcjoby snxewbe | 01:30 |
exjymu | iiciapw ibqeggmnao gaxiiaoo ucpodyeax pgaavq uaofiawualy oireanuu eeiakse wpiaomy | 01:30 |
roefoiaigy | eaokmogikt nsqpuvg miuyww jrgqieevjul deggazwq amxojheee xjrrujita nnyohu gdpeubleao sgeiuu ubotsn pfgulda | 01:30 |
gobzad | tugmmwoo haofsiaio ecunucwoso kelwoa graedmeqhxg ejxgzk ohdnraeoeg jpwsckurtu keaabry vznmbd auguea | 01:30 |
rtaefdbu | lcaeoaxvnw ioermi fadges mivmgxmnktt gebzyzo akiioo geemeinbp uoeedr aoiridfk bnevivqqkhl wqpgpao omynisvok | 01:30 |
rejhnt | ticish jhebuomg ueqssu tdakifwene onpnouy nraigoet fobcov emcqutsx iaauvaku | 01:30 |
eizabuej | nngaotlojuc asggogpszo cyyimica oeimqlieji gitpaiufmas hoffvaie qtyknunird izaxeahk vguesdm uouokgjbfu sncjuav | 01:30 |
ciioxfex | desphovxwac igdazf tayqoo muqeeqn yhfeiwmk diaifaae eykciu igdndeukk wtebzpgj iegqoo tnaoeele yoonacba | 01:30 |
pnqginayemi | qliaelvcx xaidxmeke queoejmu kiyztliue deoovew jodaws mutleumi lyfecwqegey caneksy mllufauj | 01:30 |
rusrkztq | usnhllpg naumlqn nqaidhybxz koejbul yptroeufuz ycuggdcb anayotij viguewo eqtavnahzf | 01:30 |
vezaobixgk | zmdpsigip eeyvqeoual ogtuhii utuyahooiq lenemw etuapsnu hgofvgsa maeinsah jkeshflvo gczbahlipo yaroefkaat pmtznykt twfgywgod | 01:30 |
rpljobz | upwieooqof oealnp roqoxuia yovylub tixuocpmwa xgkqnfjqx qmpoua utublcje ngjuenfwr fhuieodi fudfvigas | 01:30 |
myvicz | sppuei tesqyigciw udofpeka ugdesy jhxilooeava sonugstghly vthdrefxjng giteua ipyvjifii | 01:30 |
soucqaej | sylvunpeai wzhiuxqlaas ebxidpqdpat yugloxhvawb ukfvjvou okpioajkpa puhoaachaq akaiksb terinec zreuucfcouw keuvgbxef tlazwkiohb gqhowcmla | 01:30 |
ercpzeo | ifxehdyika cukpom umsfuj kzkcuungm vnnpot mgriktpgp uvjacbjum arnajdwvhu aiboexhuei ruarfctn eoeotiaa lunwiiolid idizov | 01:30 |
baoocjrgv | tpojjepq yoedfbb opipos akiqxqn cbnzuoi uulpgsu ajrdhquul apwaezu lataona ffpgpijwxk zcodup cdtemnz huykvnn | 01:30 |
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elkbuntu | stupid cold fingers | 01:31 |
tomaw | elkbuntu: hehe, I know the feeling :) | 01:31 |
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cdizaj | otzoqirheqa ulnoorkpo ahaxtublnms zbewuee jiiisekagh rhxwoixfxe guuspqof kozani xyqeup | 01:31 |
odrruxigau | eupyuozek fikkazzyaog ovevqfvsjbb srcmeuzyeae lvuuoxss jymotiyucfi lbdhjneixi yoimkbawij veiczya edqeumio | 01:31 |
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dqguuz | efxyiu uaaogja ukilykoi venkiqs aallguveshh zbsjsb kfevyatd begcuii ujovqlho ixfkufebes xwxyaxedes | 01:31 |
vcwunbhd | xcakoa urfkjmc sqqriei muolutf ehaxoi eohgcxyoxtu wobmaxe jioeil qiuowxiune ltiuoi | 01:31 |
xeiwmjenu | qzdeauoxqx goaileu miupapiuee bomxrp akilpixe xauamsrrajk uaeoaioefqx aaqrulugaf kkuzgqssizg yubuypsqep uuiutujta | 01:31 |
ofbaomyiipe | verztjerz tiokjmi aoaoieqihxf qvsaoh kupoiuow wtzeaasfee neaoodl eruvjaa cyhrsogluai yueurcs tkoixgurgf ooebqlabiml | 01:31 |
stople | sieooinogvz nbyyre iasusimye yuzuibj ihsupprueab olseirkrtj qousohaifr rekwla bisneimvv uuoszmq egahxfzk | 01:31 |
gmrzvwi | uotsubm chkikip leypvezezxu iwriuu gbrdfpqe sdooouo leaaouagosh zebinwgsrb eleuohau ciraievl dxdeaalasa hlopxae | 01:31 |
eyucoyiq | aazbfhnm fbitahiu raubivbcio ibiapb ciilvon apoakeoiuoa ipuioagpp vdetdfw deuiabuoyug | 01:31 |
ufdukooo | mirevuerooo tjmlmcoh hiomde onzqbodhte wavqoa ooudureit kiplfyh yiilajlr eeojyorytl vxxiekiiseb | 01:31 |
vgsrkgnzpo | opoqihkcw oajagoueeze ikeleaqzguy zugozn enpuemc nzokpbar ibnizneln sgoglq onubvsuwed | 01:31 |
cdizaj | ijgjylonl qfuiodoig zaeljojii onwuougknwx ayojjtxkj egvrakazjmy oeruaum tauocet iauuehxhaxg | 01:31 |
odrruxigau | ajoqibtst xvldueird vzofzp duhonneiee uybuoubkh hgjodzqeww zgooku euzeaqe zununiorbk qaslih dfepraooz wrgjtarwiu bqzisaunxe | 01:31 |
dqguuz | ufypqan jghoon fvkqfu smvzeatolt akzefvuvvz axadvppi oconenvzma syyoeayol dxgckudflgy ejeswc itaydqav qgirmg skrohojaaz | 01:31 |
xeiwmjenu | xeypbo oepetoc yviclsiou tsuazinp qkjbpgvte wbiuufux iaiwruf aocroctu wojanojul rnizfm tgimiqyjv mbonspmoavj | 01:31 |
vcwunbhd | knomqao uegvuoelo gymoykicmea wedmobjou uokcouehk pudkixoz zbbqfeajlpm emranwuipxv fdaiogojo jkuisa xcjvmvr | 01:31 |
stople | cepist ueidludae eybdsi merirftxoi oouqaweoul uyurut veafotkjdi ayexwua asbjee uwfehu efubbi xwifulhi sakfuskb | 01:31 |
ofbaomyiipe | ujioobidza uxakuyfie ibfqlqu lbxcoadjdrx bvypirpiv iuienu utardofav fgojmeuduij uuhotkueuq pfndrgc vlomxez | 01:31 |
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gmrzvwi | epvyhqzdrih xzllokt oodlgz vngkswkd oenoabcleuc uqvdwutag qbonhvvuav muauyvthkg ieotwufu apdrauwdg | 01:31 |
eyucoyiq | yoofkioieet qemfxjael vaootojhmq oiaors knalsieuq guaake uveioone awunycswioe meoiacu kfgcyzf hiuoiboeqzx ahxidii | 01:31 |
vgsrkgnzpo | foieebl iihjeshydq oafuztua eftxebt otauuovett dfiufp ezxzmqli edaiva dpiuezkz aigwiare hedzxkyup syelykh | 01:31 |
ufdukooo | noasptpee ajufiip weqgkvc mlhnadftu bwmskbzo iakwzscv topdxoeaa bzfydjiu wwilqj qaxccuuoae | 01:31 |
cdizaj | kuiaawpcx auedua qznalo oueqaacsu oimokrm aoofegkfafo eazxteiif ykwiaai kdzwyc | 01:31 |
odrruxigau | ogaoeyi seurowyleb eijuouoqkf taveaeuuej eadebriuhsb muwdwneu uvhoqviwi aolctfiubw ocpptn dnooiijcgm | 01:31 |
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faileas | ... | 01:31 |
faileas | the hell? | 01:32 |
thoreauputic | faileas: bots | 01:32 |
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elkbuntu | faileas, stupid script kiddies with no lives | 01:32 |
IdleOne | that is one big flood net | 01:32 |
faileas | yeah, its just bloody stupid/ annoying | 01:32 |
eldkraft | harhar | 01:32 |
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faileas | bleh | 01:33 |
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GuHHH | what is needed to make sound work when compiling a kernel? | 01:35 |
elkbuntu | yay | 01:36 |
rausb0 | GuHHH: knowing which soundcard you have and enabling the correct driver in the kenrnel config | 01:36 |
IdleOne | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 01:37 |
IdleOne | E: Couldn't lock list directory..are you root? | 01:37 |
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thoreauputic | IdleOne: prepend sudo to your command | 01:38 |
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IdleOne | thoreauputic, I did | 01:38 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: just as a matter of interest, why do you go around deleting system files? | 01:39 |
IdleOne | thoreauputic, that is the error I got from sudo aptitude dist-upgrade | 01:39 |
nw__ | laugh... | 01:39 |
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nw__ | well I only deleted the default file | 01:40 |
nw__ | I can't even remember why | 01:40 |
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thoreauputic | IdleOne: odd - any special readon you are running dist-upgrade? There are better recommended ways to upgrade from feisty to gutsy if that is what you are doing | 01:40 |
nw__ | I think it was just a default page in place of the index.html | 01:40 |
thoreauputic | s/readon/reason | 01:40 |
nw__ | which showed in /var/www | 01:41 |
Rprp | Does someone know how can i add subtitles? (With wich program or something) | 01:41 |
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IdleOne | thoreauputic, I believe it was an issue on the server side. updates were probable being uploaded | 01:41 |
thoreauputic | IdleOne: ah | 01:41 |
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IdleOne | running fine now | 01:42 |
thoreauputic | OK | 01:42 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: well, the default file looked like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32472/ | 01:42 |
nw__ | howl you've been a great help I'm going to have to take off though. I think I can take it from here | 01:42 |
nw__ | not much time left... | 01:42 |
nw__ | I'm setting up a local business | 01:43 |
GuHHH | rausb0: i cant find the exactly module... but i select every one and didnt work :( | 01:43 |
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nw__ | and if I don't get it up I may as well slit my throat | 01:43 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: it may be easer for you to either apt-get remove apache --purge and then install it new, or directly to install feisty | 01:43 |
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rausb0 | GuHHH: can you give a the pci id of your sound card? | 01:43 |
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rausb0 | s/give a/give me/ | 01:43 |
nw__ | I'll install fiesty | 01:43 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: (i myself have never been under that sort of pressure to get it up) | 01:43 |
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nw__ | well the site and php are in tact | 01:44 |
nw__ | so I'm not too worried | 01:44 |
nw__ | it's just getting phpmsyql and apache up...and the port thing | 01:44 |
nw__ | and connecting everything | 01:44 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: that's the main thing :) so try to install feisty, making sure you backup all the important files before hand, and then we'll see you here later :) | 01:44 |
nw__ | alright | 01:45 |
nw__ | thanks :) | 01:45 |
nw__ | bye for now | 01:45 |
=== janeppo [n=janeppo@ip5451f06a.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GuHHH | rausb0: i have a nforce 3 chipset (nforce3 250gb ac'97 audio controller) | 01:45 |
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rausb0 | GuHHH: again, can you give a the pci id? | 01:45 |
pawan | hi | 01:45 |
janeppo | hihi | 01:46 |
pawan | how to install ie4linux | 01:46 |
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whazilla | ie4linux ? | 01:47 |
szabo | hi :) | 01:47 |
IdleOne | Internet Explorer 4 Linux | 01:47 |
GuHHH | rausb0: i have a nforce 3 chipset (nforce3 250gb ac'97 audio controller) 00:06.0 is that what u want? | 01:47 |
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IdleOne | pawan, there should be instructions on the website | 01:48 |
rausb0 | GuHHH: give me the same line from the "lspci -n" output | 01:48 |
pawan | i am not able to read this one line | 01:48 |
pawan | http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation:Ubuntu | 01:48 |
Pe3k | hello, pls could anybody explain why I get error message 'input/output error' when I run 'route' command? | 01:48 |
pawan | wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key ad | 01:48 |
pawan | what is the full command | 01:49 |
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szabo | I got i wired problem... since yesterday I have network problems.. but just with the ubuntu sys.... it can login to the wlan but i can't ping any hosts in network and wan isn't working too... I don't know what that could be, because it worked untill yesterday without any problems... :/ | 01:50 |
GuHHH | rausb0: 00:06.0 0401: 10de:00ea (rev a1) | 01:50 |
A1 | ains | 01:50 |
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pawan | not able to add key | 01:51 |
rausb0 | GuHHH: you need the snd-intel8x0 driver for that | 01:51 |
GuHHH | szabo: did u try to restart the module daemon? | 01:51 |
szabo | i restartet the whole system | 01:51 |
GuHHH | rausb0: thanks, i will try | 01:52 |
szabo | about 5 times | 01:52 |
GuHHH | szabo: try restarting the module daemon | 01:52 |
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IdleOne | pawan, why cant you add the key? | 01:53 |
IdleOne | pawan, what version of ubuntu do you run? | 01:53 |
pawan | fiesty fawn | 01:53 |
Pe3k | feisty | 01:53 |
pawan | feisty | 01:54 |
Chinaski1 | hello i am having problems running openGl games with beryl turned on. System crashes after few minutes of playing. i can play turning beryl off | 01:54 |
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fyrestrtr | Chinaski1: solution is to play games with beryl off. | 01:54 |
IdleOne | pawan, deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt feisty main <---add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:54 |
Chinaski1 | yes i know but bit boring | 01:55 |
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fyrestrtr | its better than crashing. | 01:55 |
Chinaski1 | k thanks | 01:55 |
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IdleOne | pawan, you add the line? | 01:58 |
pawan | i am adding | 01:58 |
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twb | Does reportbug(1) work on Ubuntu yet? | 01:59 |
richard__ | heloo can someone help me please | 01:59 |
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fyrestrtr | !anyone | 01:59 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 01:59 |
pawan | added | 02:00 |
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szabo | hmm no it's still not working :( | 02:00 |
IdleOne | ok now continue with the instructions on the site | 02:00 |
IdleOne | pawan, ^^^ | 02:00 |
fyrestrtr | pawan: you need to sudo apt-get update | 02:00 |
richard__ | I have this message come up every time i try to open update manager or run sypnatic E: Type sty is not known on line 52 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:00 |
richard__ | E: The list of sources could not be read. | 02:00 |
richard__ | Go to the repository dialogue to correct the problem. | 02:00 |
richard__ | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 02:00 |
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GuHHH | rausb0: i did it and it says that couldnt found the module :/ | 02:00 |
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rausb0 | GuHHH: what exactly did you do? | 02:01 |
richard__ | can someone help me please it is urgent | 02:01 |
richard__ | i have this message coming up | 02:01 |
richard__ | E: Type sty is not known on line 52 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:01 |
richard__ | E: The list of sources could not be read. | 02:01 |
richard__ | Go to the repository dialogue to correct the problem. | 02:01 |
richard__ | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 02:01 |
=== novato_br [n=novak_br@mastercabo-F11-0-1-acc06.bsa.embratel.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jatt | damn | 02:02 |
jatt | !paste | 02:02 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:02 |
IdleOne | richard__, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and go to line 52 and see what looks like it doesnt belong there and delete | 02:02 |
GuHHH | rausb0: added in my kernel config the module that u said and alsa, then made a new bzimage and initrd | 02:02 |
fyrestrtr | richard__: pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:02 |
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richard__ | i tried to install the new linuxmint.iso from the desktop and it come now everytime with this message | 02:02 |
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richard__ | E: Type sty is not known on line 52 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:02 |
richard__ | E: The list of sources could not be read. | 02:02 |
richard__ | Go to the repository dialogue to correct the problem. | 02:02 |
richard__ | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 02:02 |
rausb0 | GuHHH: did you also make modules_install ? | 02:02 |
GuHHH | rausb0: sorry, my fault, it worked, at least i guess :) | 02:02 |
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Rprp | Does someone know how can i add subtitles? (With wich program or something) | 02:03 |
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GuHHH | rausb0: thanks for the help :D | 02:04 |
rausb0 | GuHHH: you're welcome | 02:04 |
richard__ | hello can someone help me please | 02:04 |
rausb0 | richard__: IdleOne already helped you | 02:04 |
fwaokda | i think i have a typo in my kboot.conf, i booted up with cd how can i get to where i can edit it again? | 02:04 |
IdleOne | richard__, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and go to line 52 and see what looks like it doesnt belong there and delete | 02:04 |
richard__ | i have this message coming up after i tried to install linuxmint.iso from the desktop | 02:05 |
richard__ | E: Type sty is not known on line 52 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:05 |
richard__ | E: The list of sources could not be read. | 02:05 |
richard__ | Go to the repository dialogue to correct the problem. | 02:05 |
richard__ | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 02:05 |
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IdleOne | richard__, pay attention | 02:05 |
whazilla | fwaokda: edit /etc/kboot.conf | 02:05 |
soundray | richard__: will you stop spamming the channel with your error messages please | 02:05 |
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IdleOne | richard__, i need you to answer so I know your can see me | 02:05 |
richard__ | yes soory | 02:05 |
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richard__ | sorry | 02:05 |
IdleOne | ok | 02:05 |
zlx | Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows how well the latest version of ubuntu will work on this laptop ( http://www.laptopsdirect.co.uk/Acer_TravelMate_5720G-302G16_LX.TK30X.033/version-1.asp ) as if any of the hardware will have issues etc? thankx :) | 02:05 |
soundray | richard__: if it's urgent, it's particularly important that you stick to the rules and don't alienate the people here. | 02:05 |
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IdleOne | richard__, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and go to line 52 and see what looks like it doesnt belong there and delete | 02:06 |
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richard__ | ok sorry | 02:06 |
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richard__ | i am new to this | 02:06 |
fyrestrtr | !laptop | 02:06 |
ubotu | Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org | 02:06 |
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zlx | thankx fyrestrtr | 02:06 |
soundray | richard__: all the more reason to listen carefully to the replies, especially IdleOne's | 02:06 |
kidbuntu | please help me. I plugged an external harddrive on 7.04 and it doesnt reads or loads up anything | 02:06 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: how did you plug it in? | 02:07 |
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Rprp | Does someone know how can i add subtitles? (With wich program or something) | 02:07 |
kidbuntu | well. on a USB port | 02:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | Bummer, I get bumped to un-regged because my auto identify takes a couple secs in Konversation | 02:07 |
Rprp | how i can* | 02:07 |
richard__ | ok idleone, i am going to do it now, and let you know | 02:07 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: on a USB port | 02:07 |
GuHHH | how can i mount ntfs partitions on my linux? what modules i need? | 02:07 |
fyrestrtr | !ntfs > GuHHH | 02:08 |
soundray | !ntfs > GuHHH, please read the private message from ubotu | 02:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | GuHHH: You can read with no problem.. to write you need ntfs-3g | 02:08 |
LordGreyhound | !ntfs | 02:08 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 02:08 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: what format is it? | 02:08 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: its FAT32 | 02:08 |
LordGreyhound | !fuse | 02:08 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 02:08 |
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LordGreyhound | !ntfs-3g | 02:09 |
soundray | !msgthebot > LordGreyhound | 02:09 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 02:09 |
felipe_ | #hackers | 02:09 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: did I answered your question? | 02:09 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: correctly? | 02:09 |
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LordGreyhound | :)...k | 02:09 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: open a terminal, and type mount | 02:09 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: is your disk listed there? | 02:10 |
IdleOne | richard__, ok good. when you are done editing the sources.list you need to make sure you save the file then do sudo apt-get update and you should be good to go. | 02:10 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: i'll ty | 02:10 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: i'll try | 02:10 |
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kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: Yes | 02:11 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: then it is mounted. | 02:11 |
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kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: i'm sorry are you referring to the external HD or the CD-rom. can't see external HD. i referred to the CD-rom | 02:12 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: are you having problems accessing the cdrom or the external disk? | 02:12 |
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fwaokda | i'm trying to edit my kboot.conf file from my hdd while using a boot cd of ubuntu.. when i try to save the file it says "Can't open file to write".. anyone know how i can get past this? | 02:13 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: just the WD external HD. but i'm not having problem with my small USB disks | 02:13 |
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IdleOne | fwaokda, sudo gedit filename | 02:13 |
fwaokda | ok thanks | 02:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: use sudo or gksudo for gui editor | 02:14 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: okay, type this tail -f /var/log/messages | 02:14 |
fyrestrtr | then, unplug and replug the disk. | 02:14 |
fyrestrtr | it should show you messages that it has detected the disk and has mounted it. | 02:14 |
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kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: starting with the word tail? | 02:15 |
fyrestrtr | yes | 02:15 |
Pe3k | hello, | 02:15 |
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fyrestrtr | and including the word tail, tail is a command. | 02:15 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Pe3k: Goodmorning, How may we help you... Just ask you question in channel .. If someone knows the answer they will speak up.. | 02:16 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: nothings happening | 02:16 |
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Shadowriver | :> | 02:17 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: what do you mean? with what? | 02:17 |
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kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: i dont see any messages or any changes after typing the command | 02:17 |
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IdleOne | good day poeple | 02:18 |
IdleOne | later | 02:18 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: could this be the one Aug 4 19:55:34 kidbuntu-desktop kernel: [ 5599.928000] sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi disk sda | 02:18 |
kidbuntu | Aug 4 19:55:34 kidbuntu-desktop kernel: [ 5599.928000] sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0 | 02:18 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: yes those would be it -- what else do you see? anything? | 02:19 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: i could also see thie Aug 4 19:55:34 kidbuntu-desktop kernel: [ 5599.928000] sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0 | 02:19 |
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kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: Dev sda: unable to read RDB block 0 | 02:19 |
Pe3k | i want to connect laptop with knoppix to my PC with kubuntu 6.06 through standard net cable and want to get internet into laptop :) could anybody recommend some package for this purpose? (I want to get dynamicaly ip settings in laptop after starting) | 02:19 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: eh, that's not good. | 02:19 |
fwaokda | when trying sudo gedit kboot.conf it returns command not found | 02:20 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: what do you mean? | 02:20 |
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fyrestrtr | Pe3k: shorewall + dhcp-server can do it, also see firestarter | 02:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: You need the path to the file | 02:20 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: it means that ubuntu cannot read some parts of your disk. | 02:20 |
fwaokda | what if im in the folder | 02:20 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: its my friends external HD. it usually works with his windows | 02:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: type ls and see if it is there | 02:21 |
fwaokda | k | 02:21 |
richard__ | thank you idle it seem to now run the update, do you know what do i need to do if i want to install linuxmint.iso that i downloaded | 02:21 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: will i still be able to get an access to this HD | 02:21 |
Pe3k | fyrestrtr:thanks | 02:21 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: maybe, but you might need to mount it. | 02:21 |
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kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: ok. then i'll mount it. can you help me mount this thing | 02:21 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: first, you need to find out what device it is. | 02:22 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: I thik it is /dev/sda | 02:22 |
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kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: ok..... i'm with you..... then?? | 02:22 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: so try this: mkdir ~/external-disk && sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda /home/yourusername/external-disk | 02:23 |
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kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: i don't really get the full command. the last part "/external-disk" what should i key in there? | 02:24 |
fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: the file is there when i type ls | 02:24 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: as it is written there. | 02:24 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: just copy paste it as it is written. | 02:24 |
jainish | how do i change the initialisation parameters on a device? | 02:24 |
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Shadowriver | ./dev/sda is a block device you can't mount it ;p | 02:25 |
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Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: one sec.. try gksudo gedit then use the gui to open the file | 02:25 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: but the "yourusername" i'll use mine or still just copy the whole thing? | 02:25 |
Shadowriver | use /dev/sda1 etc. | 02:25 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: no, that's your username. | 02:25 |
fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: alright one moment | 02:25 |
fyrestrtr | yes, and use /dev/sda1 | 02:25 |
fyrestrtr | actually -- wait | 02:25 |
fyrestrtr | before you do any of that. | 02:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: Sorry if I am a little slow.. just waking up | 02:26 |
fyrestrtr | try fdisk -l /dev/sda | 02:26 |
fyrestrtr | and see what it gives you. | 02:26 |
defendguin | is there anyway to roll back an update the ubuntu pushed out? | 02:26 |
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Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: Wait... are you in kubuntu.. | 02:26 |
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fwaokda | xubuntu | 02:26 |
jainish | if i have a /dev/usb/adapter0 where will i find it's initialisation parameters? | 02:26 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: ok | 02:27 |
soundray | defendguin: normally not. What's the problem you're trying to solve? | 02:27 |
fwaokda | and that didn't work it just returned another blank line after submitting it | 02:27 |
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Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: Is it finding gedit... ? NOt sure wht editor you have in xubunt | 02:27 |
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defendguin | soundray: a few weeks ago they pushed out a dbus update and ever since then suspend has been screwed up | 02:27 |
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Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: You may have Kate... kdesu kate | 02:28 |
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defendguin | soundray: returning from suspend sometimes doesn't work at all sometimes x gets killed on the way back | 02:28 |
soundray | defendguin: if you still have the old package in /var/cache/apt/archives, you can try to install it with dpkg -i --force-downgrade package_version.deb | 02:29 |
jahid___ | hi, i am trying to install ubuntu with parallel of winxp. can anyone tell guide me? | 02:29 |
fyrestrtr | defendguin: file a bug please. | 02:29 |
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Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: What was the name of the file you were going to edit? | 02:29 |
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liquido^ | hi there! i have a very big problem with moblock, somebody can help me? | 02:29 |
fyrestrtr | !dualboot > jahid___ | 02:29 |
kidbuntu | fyerstrtr: after typing this mkdir ~/external-disk && sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda /home/yourusername/external-disk | 02:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | jahid___: Do you mean Dual Boot... not parallel as in Mac.. | 02:29 |
soundray | defendguin: and listen to fyrestrtr pls | 02:29 |
defendguin | fyrestrtr: no use filing a bug against it unless i want to go to gutsy | 02:29 |
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soundray | !bugs > defendguin | 02:29 |
fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: its not installed on the system it says | 02:30 |
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jahid___ | Jack_Sprrow, yes | 02:30 |
kidbuntu | fyerstrtr: its says i must specify the filesystem. how do i do that? | 02:30 |
fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: /etc/kboot.conf | 02:30 |
soundray | defendguin: that's not exactly true. | 02:30 |
defendguin | soundray: please | 02:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: sudo nano your file | 02:30 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: please pastebin the output of fdisk -l /dev/sda | 02:30 |
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jahid___ | Jack_Sprrow, i meant dual boot | 02:30 |
fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: i tried that but it displayed a blank page | 02:30 |
fyrestrtr | jahid___: see the message from the bot | 02:30 |
soundray | defendguin: updates that break things will be fixed in released versions, too | 02:30 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: theres no output after typing that command | 02:30 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: type fdisk /dev/sda | 02:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | jahid___: If windows is already installed, and the live cd boots up ok then the install is quite painless | 02:31 |
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defendguin | soundray: i guess i could try out the live CD of gusty and see if it is broken there | 02:31 |
liquido^ | hi there! i have a very big problem with moblock, somebody can help me? | 02:31 |
jahid___ | I have 11 GB for ubuntu, how much should i keep for swap and how much should i keep for ext3? | 02:31 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: i tried both Unable to read /dev/sda | 02:31 |
kidbuntu | kidbuntu@kidbuntu-desktop:~$ fdisk /dev/sda1 | 02:31 |
kidbuntu | Unable to open /dev/sda1 | 02:31 |
kidbuntu | kidbuntu@kidbuntu-desktop:~$ | 02:31 |
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fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: well i did it again and now it shows up maybe i wasn't giving it enough time. (its installed on ps3) i should be good from here on out thanks for all the help | 02:31 |
jainish | sudo nano '/sys/bus/usb/drivers/dvb_usb_dib0700/module/drivers/usb:dvb_usb_dib0700/module/drivers/usb:dvb_usb_dib0700/module/drivers/usb:dvb_usb_dib0700/module/sections/__param' gives the devices current setting | 02:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: What is the file size... | 02:31 |
soundray | defendguin: for a workaround, try to edit your suspend scripts in /etc/acpi to do a "chvt 1" before suspend and "chvt 7" after resume | 02:31 |
jahid___ | Jack_Sparrow, I have 11 GB for ubuntu, how much should i keep for swap and how much should i keep for ext3? | 02:31 |
jainish | but how do i initilise this? | 02:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: Ok.. glad you got it.. | 02:32 |
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Jack_Sparrow | jahid___: leave it unpartitioned and tell ubuntu to use largest free space.. it will do the rest | 02:32 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: try this, sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /home/yourusername/external-disk | 02:32 |
jahid___ | Jack_Sparrow: ok, then i am booting with ubuntu cd | 02:33 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: will that work with this FAT32? | 02:33 |
jahid___ | brb | 02:33 |
fyrestrtr | no. use -t fat32 | 02:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | jahid___: If you kit a snag, just ask.. we are here to help... | 02:33 |
fyrestrtr | it should work with -t auto | 02:33 |
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Krussy | Hi all, I'm interested in learning how to use Ubuntu but I'm rather intimidated by not really knowing where to start, does anyone have any good pointers for this newbie? | 02:33 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: but it worries me that fdisk is not able to list any partitions on it. | 02:34 |
linux_ | how i can get zoomout in beryl [ i want to see the whole cube] ? | 02:34 |
pawan | hi | 02:34 |
fyrestrtr | Krussy: what would you like to learn? | 02:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | Krussy: there is a good tutorial on the ubuntu site... | 02:34 |
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fyrestrtr | linux_: ctrl+alt+left mouse button | 02:34 |
defendguin | its about time i upgraded anyway | 02:34 |
soundray | fyrestrtr: a few private messages coming up: | 02:34 |
kidbuntu | fyerstrtr: this is the last message "mount: mount point /home/kidbuntu/external-disk does not exist" | 02:34 |
soundray | fyrestrtr: sorry, didn't mean you | 02:34 |
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pawan | i cant see ie4linux entry | 02:35 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: mkdir ~/external-disk | 02:35 |
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pawan | do we have to start it manually | 02:35 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: then try it again | 02:35 |
soundray | Krussy: a few private messages coming up: | 02:35 |
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soundray | !ubuntu > Krussy | 02:35 |
soundray | !faq > Krussy | 02:35 |
Krussy | fyrestrtr and Jack_Sparrow: yup i've had a look at those already and have a grasp on a few of the differences between MS and linux | 02:35 |
soundray | !software > Krussy | 02:35 |
soundray | !cli > Krussy | 02:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | pawan: That script will come back to haunt you.. unless ie is the ONLY thing you will ever need to run in Wine | 02:35 |
fwaokda | sudo nano /etc/kboot.conf | 02:35 |
=== awn7d__ [n=pierrot@ABordeaux-253-1-143-135.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: :) | 02:36 |
kidbuntu | fyerstrtr: its a different message now "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda, | 02:36 |
kidbuntu | missing codepage or other error | 02:36 |
kidbuntu | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 02:36 |
kidbuntu | dmesg | tail or so | 02:36 |
kidbuntu | " | 02:36 |
Krussy | ok, thank you | 02:36 |
blender_noob | hi i want to download the update of blender but the synaptic manager says that there is no update of it | 02:36 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: what command did you type exactly? and please, use a *pastebin* service, do not paste your errors in here. | 02:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | Krussy: This is a busy place.. (soon) but a great place to get answers | 02:37 |
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kidbuntu | !pastebin | 02:37 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:37 |
fyrestrtr | Krussy: ubuntu is linux; with a gnome desktop. Ubuntu is based on debian. You should start by learning basics of the linux command line, try www.tldp.org | 02:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | blender_noob: the update will not be in the standard repos... | 02:38 |
fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: ha stupid kvmswitch is confusing the hell outta me | 02:38 |
=== jaebird [n=jae@53-89.netblk-69-41-89.coolaccess.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: heres the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32479/ | 02:38 |
Krussy | Jack_Sparrow: ya there's lots of people here I'll see if i can get started and be less of a newb | 02:38 |
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Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: I use one of those here as well.. you will get used to it.. after you turn off the wrong machine a few times | 02:38 |
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fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: pastebin the ouput of 'mount' and dmesg | tail | 02:39 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Krussy: DOnt worry, we are gentle (although at times we are curt) | 02:39 |
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jainish | curts better than being ignored :P | 02:39 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Krussy: Come back in an hour and just watch.. it is amazing | 02:40 |
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Krussy | Jack_Sparrow: ok i'll hang around :) | 02:40 |
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duggi | hi.. newbie here | 02:40 |
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kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32480/ | 02:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | jainish: Didnt mean to ignore you.. did you have a question. | 02:40 |
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duggi | help needed for setting up azureus | 02:41 |
duggi | neone here | 02:41 |
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Jagoda | hello | 02:41 |
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Jack_Sparrow | duggi: Never used it... sorry... Where are you getting stuck? | 02:41 |
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duggi | umm.. there were some commands in the azureus wiki | 02:42 |
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duggi | followed them... yet my dl speed is only 5 kbps | 02:42 |
Jagoda | does anyone know how to change emoticons setin Kadu> | 02:42 |
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Jagoda | I don't want penguins | 02:42 |
fyrestrtr | kidbuntu: tell your friend to run a scandisk on the disk; you cannot mount it otherwise. | 02:42 |
fwaokda | is there a command to view partition names in shell? | 02:43 |
fyrestrtr | fwaokda: mount | 02:43 |
fwaokda | or terminal or whatever its called... :-/ | 02:43 |
=== halldor89_ [n=halldor@dsl-233-239.hive.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fwaokda | k thanks | 02:43 |
kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: i'll boot my windows. and then perform scandisk. | 02:43 |
iuriazeredo | anyone may help me about issue on synaptic package manager? private me for better conversation please | 02:43 |
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kidbuntu | fyrestrtr: i'll inform once i'm done scanning it | 02:43 |
=== ShackJack [n=nate@c-65-96-48-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jagoda | how do I get to see the other discs in ubuntu? | 02:43 |
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Jagoda | they became invisible | 02:44 |
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Jagoda | oh wel | 02:44 |
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Jagoda | thanks alot for being helpful | 02:44 |
Jagoda | :-( | 02:44 |
fyrestrtr | duggi: are you sure your ports are not blocked? | 02:44 |
=== nw__ [n=nw@74-60-24-251.eug.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | !patience > Jagoda: | 02:45 |
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nw__ | ha jack sparrow | 02:45 |
jainish | sudo nano '/sys/bus/usb/drivers/dvb_usb_dib0700/module/sections/__param' gets me the current params how do i set them on a /dev/usb/adapter0 | 02:45 |
jainish | i assume theres a file or something i can edit to change a devices initialisation parameters?? | 02:45 |
nw__ | I'm the real life jack sparrow | 02:45 |
pawan | my internet explorer not opening web pages | 02:45 |
nw__ | and you'd better believe it | 02:45 |
niklas | Hey all, I've got a problem with Anjuta | 02:45 |
janga | Jagoda , you need to tell us more information, what disks, what file system, etc | 02:45 |
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pawan | the address bar is displaying h | 02:45 |
=== red [n=arocc@host75-237-dynamic.117-80-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | nw__: Welcome... I spent some time on the real Black Pearl Myself | 02:45 |
iuriazeredo | anyone may help me about issue on synaptic package manager? private me for better conversation please | 02:46 |
Jagoda | not cdrom not floppy just duscs | 02:46 |
Jagoda | discs | 02:46 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: hi nw :) how did it go? | 02:46 |
nw__ | well... | 02:46 |
janga | Jagoda , windows disks? | 02:46 |
=== NemesisUK [n=nemesis@77-100-180-242.cable.ubr07.dudl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jagoda | janga no is this a windowshelpdesk? | 02:46 |
nw__ | my feisty little cd held true to it's name. It wouldn't didn't show any operating systems installed | 02:46 |
niklas | anyone familiar with Anjuta,C++,gtkmm and libglademm as well as gdb | 02:47 |
pawan | internet explorer problem | 02:47 |
Jagoda | niklas no | 02:47 |
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nw__ | So I couldn't add my home folder | 02:47 |
nw__ | or account | 02:47 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: could you go to manual partitioning and see the current partition table? | 02:47 |
ShackJack | !enter | nw__ | 02:47 |
ubotu | nw__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:47 |
jainish | @jack_sparrow Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg ) DOH!! | 02:47 |
fyrestrtr | iuriazeredo: just ask the question in here. | 02:47 |
nw__ | I'm currently still on dapper | 02:47 |
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DrunkenBear | Jagoda, windows partition?:> | 02:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | pawan: You are running IE under wine with a script winehq will not even support... What would you like us to do... | 02:47 |
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nw__ | ha | 02:47 |
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Jack_Sparrow | :) | 02:48 |
pawan | i am running ie4linux | 02:48 |
Jagoda | drunkenBear it's a linux Ithink | 02:48 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: okay. well, let's see if we can get apache working again. | 02:48 |
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nw__ | yes I could see the current partition | 02:48 |
janga | Jagoda , no but there is a difference mounting windows formatted disks than linux formatted ones | 02:48 |
fwaokda | How do I know what goes in my "root=" part of my kboot.conf if I erased the orignal there ? | 02:48 |
nw__ | alright | 02:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | pawan: It is a horrible script | 02:48 |
nw__ | I did some snooping | 02:48 |
Jagoda | oh no never had Windows here | 02:48 |
toddy | Any one has the experience about INN? | 02:48 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: if you could see the current partition, what went wrong installing feisty? | 02:48 |
toddy | !inn | 02:48 |
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Jagoda | janga no never had Windows on thismachine | 02:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about inn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:49 |
janga | Jagoda , try "sudo fdisk -l" and see if they are recognized | 02:49 |
toddy | !innd | 02:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about innd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:49 |
ubuntu__ | hi everyone | 02:49 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as ribando | ||
nw__ | I'm not confident enough to do it manually howl | 02:49 |
ribando | hi everyone | 02:49 |
Jagoda | janga you mean a text command? | 02:49 |
nw__ | I found that I have apache2 and apache2-common and apache2 prefork installed | 02:50 |
Jagoda | oris this a program? | 02:50 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: could you burn everything you want to keep on to a few cds? | 02:50 |
pawan | why is the address bar displaying h | 02:50 |
janga | Jagoda , yes, paste it to a terminal | 02:50 |
nw__ | yes but right now my cd/rw drive is in another computer | 02:50 |
fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: How do i know what goes in my "root=" part of my kboot.conf? | 02:50 |
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Jagoda | ok,janga will try | 02:50 |
pawan | and not accepting any urls | 02:50 |
=== LinuxProbie [n=brasskid@S01060016e34ca1e0.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: oh, that's a lot. i'd recommend deinstalling everything to do with apache (including configuration files) and then reinstalling it. that may be the quickest way. just make sure you put everything you want to keep from /var/www somewhere safe | 02:51 |
nw__ | I tried uninstalling apache-common but it wouldn't let me | 02:51 |
LinuxProbie | Hey folks, how do I install a codec for .ogg files? | 02:51 |
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Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: I dont use xb... I assu,e that is for your grub bootloader? | 02:51 |
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pawan | i am getting this error | 02:51 |
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pawan | !pastebin | 02:51 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:51 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: what was the error message? | 02:51 |
niklas | LinuxProbier: You are sure it doesn't work out of the box? | 02:51 |
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LinuxProbie | I get an error when I try to open an ogg | 02:52 |
nw__ | when I try it says fix broken packages and it points to apache-mpm-prefork | 02:52 |
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niklas | which player do you use? | 02:52 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: can you try to uninstall all apache packages? | 02:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: in Ubuntu it would be root (hd0,0) | 02:52 |
LinuxProbie | niklas, it's actually in a game, I get an error that it can't play ogg files, then crashes | 02:52 |
nw__ | it won't allow me | 02:52 |
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fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: I have no idea what you just said :-( I was trying to update my kernal, I got as far as updating the kboot.conf and restarting. Only problem is when i restart it goes to a blank page after the first screen with the "kboot: " thing | 02:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: Or the appropiate partition | 02:52 |
=== ShackJack thinks "Ubuntu Support" has become "Desktop Linux and all programs that run under it support" :) | ||
=== Morrissey [n=gnaleo@216.80-203-121.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
niklas | LinuxProbie:hmm what game exactly? | 02:53 |
nw__ | strange... | 02:53 |
nw__ | but in order to remove it I guess I have to fix it | 02:53 |
iuriazeredo | anyone may help me about trouble on synaptic package manager? private me for better conversation please | 02:53 |
LinuxProbie | A japanese Doujin game a friend sent me. | 02:53 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: did you install any of the apache packages manually? | 02:53 |
nw__ | I've stepped into wonderland | 02:53 |
nw__ | no | 02:53 |
ShackJack | !ask | iuriazeredo | 02:53 |
ubotu | iuriazeredo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: How were youtrying to update your kernal? | 02:53 |
Jagoda | janga yes I can see allpartitions here | 02:53 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: wonderland is absolutely cool, isn't it :) | 02:53 |
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niklas | LinuxProbie: Can you try to play an ogg file in Totem | 02:53 |
tatters | At login screen when I press a key to type password it prints out 7 characters instead of one,,,,if I press backspace key then type it stops them from being repeated,and when logged in the keys work perfectly,it is only on the login screen it repeats. | 02:53 |
nw__ | oh yes | 02:53 |
iuriazeredo | ok | 02:54 |
Jagoda | the problem is how to get access to them | 02:54 |
LinuxProbie | that requires me to find one... :-P | 02:54 |
LinuxProbie | Hang on... | 02:54 |
fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: http://psubuntu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=449 following those instructions... got to the part where it says to update your kboot.conf but I didn't understand what to do so i copied his example of his but it doesn't worky. | 02:54 |
=== Ja1 [n=pingel@5634a9c4.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nw__ | except everythings not as it should be | 02:54 |
nw__ | and I'm late :P | 02:54 |
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iuriazeredo | synaptic is getting the msg: Could not open file /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin - open (13 Permission denied) | 02:54 |
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iuriazeredo | and freeze | 02:55 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: can you just try: sudo apt-get remove apache2 --purge | 02:55 |
iuriazeredo | so i cant get the packages and modify them | 02:55 |
Jagoda | janga when I try to enter the partitions i get "Permission denied" :-( | 02:55 |
bullgard4 | English help wanted: What is the name of the GNOME menu item System > Administration > 'Services'? Or what is the correct English name for it? | 02:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: Are you on a mac? | 02:56 |
ribando | got a really big problem...I messed up my ubuntu feisty installation at 4am.lolI cant even get to my grub OS choice.when its starting the GRUB Menu, it says "Error 17".can someone help me out?I did some very stupid thing at the recovery mode, and messed it all up | 02:56 |
nw__ | i certainly can | 02:56 |
fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: nope, playstation3, and I changed the video:mode:5 to mine which is 4 or 3 | 02:56 |
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fyrestrtr | !grub > ribando | 02:56 |
bulmer | iuriazeredo: whats the permission of your /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin? | 02:56 |
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fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: the install worked too until i tried updating this kernel | 02:57 |
nw__ | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 02:57 |
nw__ | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 02:57 |
tatters | Hi welcome to ubuntu ,where reinstalling OS is a way of life :) | 02:57 |
nw__ | the result of that comman | 02:57 |
nw__ | d | 02:57 |
janga | Jagoda , ok, then "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" and see if the partition has an "user, rw" option | 02:57 |
ShackJack | iuriazeredo: try a manual update/upgrade - sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude -f upgrade | 02:57 |
fyrestrtr | bullgard4: its called 'Services' | 02:57 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: if you have synaptic package manager open, shut it and try again | 02:57 |
Jagoda | and I can't see the files | 02:57 |
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Hobbsee | tatters: .... | 02:58 |
LinuxProbie | ok...oggs play...but not under wine, apparently. | 02:58 |
iuriazeredo | permission is: ?rwsrwsrwt , so i believe is write for everyone | 02:58 |
nw__ | alright | 02:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: I am not going to be able to help you much... sorry... It looks like you tried to add a powerpc kernal to an xbuntu install on a PS3... I couldn't beging to untangle that... | 02:58 |
Hobbsee | nw__: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 02:58 |
Hobbsee | nw__: you dont need to reinstlal over something likethat | 02:58 |
nw__ | the result wat apache not installed so not removed | 02:58 |
=== Ja1 [n=pingel@5634a9c4.rev.stofanet.dk] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ribando | fyrestrtr I did "fsck /dev/ext3" at the recovery mode, and that's when all went crazy.lol | 02:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | bring | 02:58 |
bulmer | iuriazeredo: that is not correct..it should be 644..anyways follow ShackJack suggestion | 02:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | begin | 02:58 |
Sjimmie_ | ribando: you have a device called ext3? cool | 02:59 |
bullgard4 | fyrestrtr: When I press this menu item 'Services', what is the English name of the dialogue which opens? Is it 'Service preferences'? | 02:59 |
nw__ | i removed apache | 02:59 |
niklas | LinuxProbie: You are running the gae on wine? | 02:59 |
LinuxProbie | niklas, yus | 02:59 |
fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: No problem understand, btw i think the ps3 is powerpc based thats why its used, but thats fine i'll search around. Do you know if its possible to find out what the kboot.conf was before i changed it? | 02:59 |
ShackJack | bulmer: How the heck did the perms get changed on his package file - that's weird.. | 02:59 |
nw__ | it's apache2-common and the apache2-mdm | 02:59 |
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nw__ | that are remaining | 02:59 |
fyrestrtr | bullgard4: Services settings | 02:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | fwaokda: #xbuntu people will have that handy | 03:00 |
bullgard4 | fyrestrtr: Thank you very much for helping. | 03:00 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: did it just remove the one package or a number of packages? | 03:00 |
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ahaller [n=ahaller@dslb-084-060-026-138.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fwaokda | Jack_Sparrow: ok thanks | 03:00 |
nw__ | it only tried to remove apache | 03:00 |
Jagoda | janga: command not found | 03:00 |
bulmer | ShackJack: i dont know..somehow it got changed | 03:00 |
nw__ | but it's already been removed | 03:00 |
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ribando | Sjimmie_ no, stupid idea, ahm :o | 03:00 |
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howlingmadhowie | nw__: did it succeed? | 03:00 |
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nw__ | yeah... | 03:00 |
Jagoda | sudo: gedit: command not found | 03:00 |
niklas | LinuxProbie: Then you will need to install the same libraries you would on a Windows system, can't help you much ther though | 03:00 |
nw__ | but apache-common is still here | 03:01 |
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nw__ | and it won't remove | 03:01 |
LinuxProbie | niklas, darn, thanks though | 03:01 |
nw__ | without a fight | 03:01 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: sudo apt-get remove apache-common --purge | 03:01 |
ShackJack | !enter | nw__ | 03:01 |
ubotu | nw__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:01 |
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=== awn7d [n=pLume@ABordeaux-253-1-143-135.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
howlingmadhowie | nw__: and can you paste the result in pastebin? | 03:01 |
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janga | Jagoda ,replace gedit by an editor of your choice eg "sudo nano /etc/fstab" | 03:01 |
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iuriazeredo | chmod 644 of file gives me operation not permited, :(, ill try ShackJack suggestion | 03:02 |
Sjimmie_ | ribando: fsck.ext3 /dev/hda1 or something might be better, depends on which partition you would like to check :) | 03:02 |
garette | hi all i dont know what happened to my gdm today but its not starting, all the settings are set to default, so as to login i killed gdm and used kdm, i want gdm back plz help | 03:02 |
Sjimmie_ | oh and make sure it's unmounten at the time | 03:02 |
=== garette loves gdm | ||
pawan | ie4linux not opening webpages | 03:02 |
nw__ | Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that | 03:02 |
nw__ | the package is simply not installable and a bug report against | 03:02 |
nw__ | that package should be filed. | 03:02 |
ShackJack | iuriazeredo: you'd have to sudo chmod for that file ;) | 03:02 |
edaniel | I'm getting errors during boot, how do I make/view boot logs? | 03:02 |
=== _jason is now known as jrib | ||
nw__ | E: Broken packages | 03:02 |
ShackJack | !enter | nw__ | 03:02 |
ubotu | nw__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:02 |
ShackJack | nw__: Listed to ubotu | 03:02 |
ShackJack | *listen | 03:02 |
nw__ | I'm trying to | 03:03 |
=== Iwizzard [n=fredrik@84-218-11-156.eurobelladsl.telenor.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
howlingmadhowie | nw__: can you post that in pastebin? | 03:03 |
Jagoda | janga that did it | 03:03 |
howlingmadhowie | !pastebin | nw__ | 03:03 |
ubotu | nw__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:03 |
ShackJack | nw__: About the enter thing... | 03:03 |
=== garette needs help | ||
iuriazeredo | iam su now, dont need sudo | 03:03 |
pawan | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32482/ | 03:03 |
=== walker [n=walker@anh178.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pawan | key problem | 03:03 |
ribando | Sjimmie I think it shouldv been fsck /dev/hda1 or watever my partition is called, but I dont even know what my [artition is called, all I was seen there, was File System.lol | 03:03 |
nw__ | alright | 03:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | pawan: This isnt the place to get help for that.. | 03:03 |
nw__ | How do I use pastebin? | 03:04 |
=== benjamin1254 [n=chatzill@pool-72-72-251-139.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jagoda | janga it only shows two partitions | 03:04 |
Jagoda | the rest is invisible | 03:04 |
=== garette needs attention | ||
howlingmadhowie | nw__: you go to the link, enter a name, select a file type, paste the file and click enter | 03:05 |
AutumnCat | Does the Nvidia driver support the 8 series graphics cards ? | 03:05 |
ribando | how do I just fix my ubuntu feisty grub with the livecd?that, if its possible of course :o | 03:05 |
AutumnCat | http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/100.14.11/README/appendix-a.html | 03:05 |
garette | hey somebody check my problem i got frustated asking in all the channels | 03:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: reinstall ubuntu-desktop | 03:05 |
fyrestrtr | ribando: read the link that ubotu sent you | 03:05 |
Pe3k | I couldn't set dhcpd - it writes to syslog: dhcpd: No subnet declaration for ra0 ( ....pls any idea? (I didnt find anything useful in man 5 dhcpd.conf) :( | 03:05 |
=== andra19 [n=warnet@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fyrestrtr | !grub > ribando | 03:05 |
benjamin1254 | how would i install via text install from a 6.06 install disk without going through the gui to do it? | 03:05 |
andra19 | andra19 | 03:05 |
pawan | key not getting autenticated | 03:05 |
=== jatt` [n=user@pD9E9EBB0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AutumnCat | there's 8 series in the list, and what about fact? | 03:05 |
garette | Jack_sparrow, all the settings will be gone? | 03:06 |
benjamin1254 | i tried installing via the server edition and it borked | 03:06 |
janga | Jagoda , are the other partiiions already formatted? | 03:06 |
=== SmSpillaz [n=Sam@CPE-58-161-160-143.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | garette: sudo aptitude install gdm ? | 03:06 |
pawan | not able to execute this command | 03:06 |
=== redlow [n=walter@dslb-084-060-144-043.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pawan | wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key ad | 03:06 |
ribando | fyrestrtr i did. is just saying to update the grub, and to intall grub, and the create a floppy. | 03:06 |
pawan | http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation:Ubuntu | 03:06 |
garette | ShackJack, whats that for, me newbie | 03:06 |
janga | Jagoda are they usb-drives or internal? | 03:06 |
SmSpillaz | hi, I have a gutsy question | 03:06 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, you meant sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ? | 03:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: You can try to explain what all you were doing during your last session that might have caused it.. | 03:07 |
SmSpillaz | with the new world intel driver | 03:07 |
=== xtknight [n=xtknight@c-68-43-120-159.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jagoda | hm janga I think they were not formatted they were created before the installation when I had Madriva here | 03:07 |
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ShackJack | garette: Maybe you uninstalled gdm inadvertantly... At any rate you'd need to be more specific re: errors, etc... but type that in command line to install if not installed.. | 03:07 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, i just changed the startup sound | 03:07 |
ubuntulaptop | root@ubuntu:~# chroot /media/disk-1/ |||| chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied | 03:07 |
nw__ | this is just a testhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 03:07 |
SmSpillaz | !intel | 03:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:07 |
Jagoda | janga, you mean the ones I can seeor theones I cannot | 03:07 |
ubuntulaptop | anyone know what this means? I'm running from the feisty livecd | 03:07 |
adaptr | ubotu has no intel | 03:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about has no intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: Yes, that is what I meant by reinstall thought you could use synaptic or any option to do it | 03:07 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: and not a very successful one | 03:07 |
SmSpillaz | hmm | 03:08 |
janga | Jagoda , the ones that are not mounted | 03:08 |
benjamin1254 | anyone? | 03:08 |
=== Manny [n=chris@p5496D970.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SmSpillaz | I want to know something about the new-world intel driver included with gutsy | 03:08 |
SmSpillaz | first | 03:08 |
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=== iratsu_ [n=iratsu@modemcable090.239-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | garette: Does the gnome failsafe get you back into gnome? | 03:08 |
ribando | fyrestrtr I dont understand nothing about grub, that's why I dont really know much about it.but yesterday, it was taking too long in the loading screen, then someone here told me to run a check disk in my file system, and told me to do "fsck /dev/hda1", when this didnt work, I tried "fsck /dev/ext3" and then that's when the problem occurred | 03:08 |
Jagoda | janga the ones are just partitions and one of them had some files on it | 03:08 |
nw__ | I think I can manage to talk without using enter so much. Maybe it'll keep ubot happy | 03:08 |
BwR | Hi again. How come grub won't install | 03:08 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, i just did what ShackJack gave so i want to start gdm brb | 03:08 |
SmSpillaz | can you immidiately go into xinerama without messing with your xorg.conf? | 03:08 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, didnt try | 03:08 |
=== Tiancai [n=lari@a88-113-82-12.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | benjamin1254: You need the alternate install CD... | 03:08 |
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SmSpillaz | and can you have different resolutions for xinerama? | 03:09 |
SmSpillaz | so for example | 03:09 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, gnome is perfectly alrigt | 03:09 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, alright** | 03:09 |
SmSpillaz | 1280x800 and 1024x768 | 03:09 |
Jagoda | janga I wanted to have access to them in order to use them as a storage room | 03:09 |
=== predaeus [n=predaeus@chello212186005030.401.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nw__ | I'll be right back I must brain storm. | 03:09 |
=== Pichu0102 [n=pichu010@adsl-67-39-23-221.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
howlingmadhowie | nw__: mm. this isn't going anywhere. | 03:09 |
eJoJ | Where should I start looking or what need to be done to get a frambuffer enabled /dev/tty | 03:09 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, problem is with gdm, i love it cause its so fancy | 03:09 |
=== garette loves gdm | ||
Jagoda | brb must get a cable | 03:09 |
pawan | key authentication problem | 03:10 |
BwR | From the alternate cd is there som way to install a minimnal install? | 03:10 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, so i shall just come dont go away lol ok? | 03:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: I am confused, gnome is fine but gdm is not? | 03:10 |
=== pihq [n=ksmith@cpe-76-183-249-37.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntulaptop | perhaps someone has an idea why I get this error: " chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied" when running chroot on a feisty installation from the feisty livecd? | 03:10 |
ShackJack | Jack_Sparrow: That's what he seems to be saying ;) | 03:10 |
fyrestrtr | ribando: read the wiki entry pointed to by ubotu, and recover your grub. | 03:10 |
nw__ | I guess living on the street isn't so bad :( | 03:10 |
benjamin1254 | ShackJack: i was sent only 1 cd for install and no alternate was sent... not like last time when the cds were sent out with 2 disks | 03:10 |
NemesisUK | BwR, yeah you can just install a command line system | 03:10 |
pawan | where is idleone | 03:10 |
=== slacker__ [n=slacker@p57B19818.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
janga | Jagoda , sorry i have no more time. Best you google for "fstab examples" or "fstab howto". Then you can edit your fstab and access your disks. | 03:10 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, yeah, gdm==login prompt is not loading, its showing me a busy cursor, but never loading, also hard disk is not busy during that time | 03:11 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: okay. let's fix this. burn whatever you want to keep on your hard drive on to cds and install feisty. | 03:11 |
BwR | if i get an problem doing that, you think you can help? | 03:11 |
NemesisUK | yeah | 03:11 |
ShackJack | benjamin1254: Ummm... okay... at any rate, if graphical install isn't working, you can try using VGA mode, etc... otherwise use alternate CD (download and burn) | 03:11 |
Jagoda | thx janga | 03:11 |
co_16maniz | wd | 03:11 |
co_16maniz | j | 03:11 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, so i used kdm to login, i killed gdm and used kdm via ctrl+alt+f1 | 03:11 |
NemesisUK | BwR, no problem m8 | 03:11 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, got? | 03:11 |
nw__ | I would, the only thing is my cd burner is in another computer. | 03:11 |
benjamin1254 | ill try idk what else to do but thnks ne way! | 03:11 |
=== J4t [n=njonatan@c213-100-27-46.swipnet.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | garette: k | 03:11 |
nw__ | I'll look on the web for some fixes | 03:11 |
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garette | Jack_Sparrow, so you *now* tell me the solution | 03:12 |
Jagoda | benjamin, I got a dvd with my blaptop and I lost it :-) | 03:12 |
howlingmadhowie | nw__: well transfer the files to the other computer | 03:12 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, you might say "use kdm" but i love gdm cause its so fancy | 03:12 |
=== francis [n=francis@maa78-2-82-241-94-56.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== garette loves gdm | ||
linux_ | how i can get 75 fps [ my screen support to 75 ] ? | 03:12 |
BwR | can you pm me os i can explain the procedure? | 03:12 |
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linux_ | i screen resulution i have only to 54 . . . ? | 03:13 |
ShackJack | BTW, mods, helpers... There's a decent article came on on Digg today about the badness of Automatix - http://www.digg.com/linux_unix/Automatix_Is_Actively_Dangerous_to_Systems - in case anyone looking for deets as to why it's "bad" | 03:13 |
nw__ | be back in a bit | 03:13 |
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Jack_Sparrow | garette: I use gdm as well, but just changing the sound should not have caused all this .. I need to find the gdm sound file on this box.. gime a couple minutes to research... what was the name of the sound file you installed? | 03:13 |
pawan | hi | 03:14 |
=== bentob0x [n=laurent@ip-213-49-76-231.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garette | Jack_Sparrow, all this thing happened after i changed the startup sound while logging in.. but now its set back but still gdm is not working | 03:14 |
SmSpillaz | hi pawan | 03:14 |
=== erb_ [n=steven@c210-49-113-138.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elkbuntu | ShackJack, we're well aware of it | 03:14 |
BwR | NemesisUK can you pm me os i can explain the procedure? | 03:14 |
ShackJack | elkbuntu: :) | 03:14 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, well now i changed it.. | 03:14 |
=== dgib [n=dgib@77-97-229-241.cable.ubr10.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garette | Jack_Sparrow, actually when i killed the ... | 03:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: How did you set the startup sound for gdm if you could not get back into gdm? | 03:14 |
elkbuntu | !automatix | ShackJack | 03:14 |
ubotu | ShackJack: Automatix2 is a script which attempts to install some software, at times it fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it. A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme) | 03:14 |
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=== Bulli [n=janis@dyndsl-080-228-197-229.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garette | Jack_Sparrow, well listen now.. | 03:14 |
iuriazeredo | administrator@ubuntu:/var/cache/apt$ sudo aptitude -f upgrade | 03:15 |
iuriazeredo | Reading package lists... Error! | 03:15 |
iuriazeredo | E: Could not open file /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin - open (13 Permission denied) | 03:15 |
iuriazeredo | E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. | 03:15 |
iuriazeredo | E: Could not open file /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin - open (13 Permission denied) | 03:15 |
iuriazeredo | E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. | 03:15 |
=== skeith [n=skeith@nr27-69-61-225-90.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garette | Jack_Sparrow, i use xfce... and... | 03:15 |
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elkbuntu | !paste > iuriazeredo | 03:15 |
Jagoda | exit | 03:15 |
iuriazeredo | ?rwsrwsrwt 65535 4294967295 4294967295 4294967295 1969-12-31 23:59 pkgcache.bin | 03:15 |
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garette | Jack_Sparrow, menu>>>settings>>>loginwindow | 03:15 |
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ShackJack | elkbuntu: Man, you guys are quick... It's a good read, though... | 03:15 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, and it only shows up if there is a gdm running | 03:15 |
=== Wips [n=hakon@217-155-202.0101.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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quaal | what does it mean when you burn a dvd and it plays fine in the computer dvd player but then when you put it in the dvdplayer on the tv it skips and shit | 03:16 |
quaal | i used k3b | 03:16 |
jahid__ | hi, i am installing ubuntu. my ubuntu installtion is getting stuck on 56%. it happened twice | 03:16 |
jahid__ | can anyone help me? | 03:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | My suggestion is to install gnome-desktop yes you will lose your settings... | 03:16 |
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garette | Jack_Sparrow, so i starined my system, by running gdm while kdm is also running, i meant i gave the command gdm and then my screen flashed shwoing Xserver could not start this.. while it flshed i changed, and then i killed | 03:17 |
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garette | Jack_Sparrow, got/?? | 03:17 |
=== Tiancai [n=lari@a88-113-82-12.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntulaptop | Oh, I get it. 'mount' says "/dev/sda2 on /media/disk-1 type ext3 (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)", ext3 shouldn't be mounted normally as 'noexec', it wasn't like this with the dapper livecd, and this kind of defeats the purpose of the livecd as straightforward rescue system, but maybe that is just me.... | 03:17 |
=== howlingmadhowie [n=anton@dslb-088-073-238-027.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
jahid__ | somoene please tell me what to do, this installation is killing me | 03:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: My suggestion is to re-install gnome-desktop yes you will lose your settings... | 03:17 |
=== pchilds [n=pchilds@pool-71-101-170-158.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elkbuntu | ShackJack, we've been waiting for a thorough audit like it, yes. But this is slightly offtopic for here as it's idle chatter, so we should take it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:17 |
jahid__ | this is the 3rd time i m trying to install ubuntu on last one wek | 03:18 |
Wips | call a hospital jahid__ ? | 03:18 |
linux_ | how i can change screen HZ ? | 03:18 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, will i lose all the xfce settings? | 03:18 |
jahid__ | Wips, don't make joke, this is just killing me | 03:18 |
DauR | Laughing Out Loud Wips | 03:18 |
felipe_ | join #ubuntu-br | 03:18 |
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felipe_ | como vou para sala em portugues? | 03:18 |
=== Wips is too funny.. | ||
Karti | jahid__: I had this issue before....have you tested the cd? | 03:18 |
ShackJack | jahid__: You've run a test on the CD to make sure it's good? | 03:18 |
ribando | fyrestrtr this is what I'm getting when trying to follow the guide "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, | 03:19 |
ribando | missing codepage or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so" | 03:19 |
Karti | ShackJack: snao! | 03:19 |
DauR | Wips but co-operate with him... | 03:19 |
Karti | snap even! | 03:19 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, hey i did it | 03:19 |
jahid__ | Karti, I have tested my the ISO after downloading, but not the cd | 03:19 |
garette | i shal reboot and come ok? | 03:19 |
=== awn7d [n=pLume@ABordeaux-253-1-143-135.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ribando | i think I damaged my filesystem when I did "fsck /dev/ext3" | 03:19 |
jahid__ | ShackJack, ok | 03:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: ok | 03:19 |
Karti | I had to do three burns before it passed That will prob be your error | 03:19 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, dont go away lol | 03:19 |
iuriazeredo | aptitude update and upgrade dont work for me, archive cannot be opened, damn | 03:19 |
=== misskey [n=misskey@ppp85-141-117-101.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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DauR | i wish my winmodem works in ubuntu :( | 03:20 |
ShackJack | iuriazeredo: Did you try to sudo chmod that file? | 03:20 |
bulmer | iuriazeredo: try apt-get autoclean | 03:20 |
=== mayorbuttes [n=fake@c-71-230-53-61.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
softwork | why mt DVD Drive destroy dvds? | 03:20 |
=== web_knows is now known as d0t | ||
Karti | jahid__: its quite funny as all the disks that failed were expensive ones,,,,the one that worked was just from a pack of 100 | 03:20 |
=== MaTpOcKuH [n=matroski@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pchilds | I have a problem with the gnome panel. It seems that ever since I began working on installing the mac menu applet that all of my applications loose their drop down menus. They appear seperated from the original app and ride on top of gnome panel. Strange behavior. What I would like to know if anyone is familiar with this problem or if I have to reinstall gnome desktop from the ground up. | 03:20 |
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softwork | my DVD Drive destroy DVDS!!!!!!! | 03:21 |
Happu | nice work | 03:21 |
softwork | why? | 03:21 |
=== rtype [n=rtype@1ba55-1-82-246-140-204.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lenskjold | hi, how do i get permession to change/delete/copy files in my /usr dictory? | 03:21 |
ShackJack | pchilds: Isn't that what the mac menu applet is supposed to do? | 03:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | softwork: How are they destroyed.. bad burn or physically scratched | 03:22 |
=== Tiancai [n=lari@a88-113-82-12.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | lenskjold: sudo command file | 03:22 |
iuriazeredo | administrator@ubuntu:/var/cache/apt$ sudo chmod 644 pkgcache.bin | 03:22 |
iuriazeredo | chmod: changing permissions of `pkgcache.bin': Operation not permitted | 03:22 |
tokj | lenskjold: use sudo | 03:22 |
pchilds | I guess shackjack but it is horrid if you ask me. lol | 03:22 |
RadiantFire | lenskjold: If you install nautilus-actions, you can o pen the folder as administrator | 03:22 |
=== web_knows [n=riba@CAcert/User/web-knows] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RadiantFire | lenskjold: you don't really want to mess with that directory though | 03:22 |
ShackJack | pchilds: If you uninstall it I imagine things should return to normal ;) | 03:22 |
softwork | original DVDS i put in drive and dont work more | 03:23 |
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lenskjold | no bur i have to put a java-plugin in the dictory, but thanks ill try one of the things.. | 03:23 |
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lenskjold | but* | 03:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | softwork: Then you need to replace that drive if they no longer work in another machine after being in yours | 03:23 |
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SmSpillaz | softwork: OH NOEZ! | 03:24 |
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Jack_Sparrow | softwork: It is a hardware problem.. not a Ubuntu problem | 03:24 |
softwork | i put original DVD in drive and dont work more | 03:24 |
mayorbuttes | Hey guys, I run a small web server from my home. Is there a way to create a log file that'll log hits to my website? | 03:24 |
softwork | thx | 03:24 |
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_Roman | I have just installed ltsp on my feisty machine. It works fine, I was able to connect a client to in instantly with no problems on the client side. However when I come to login to the server directly, it take ages to login and complains that it can not connect to gnome-settings-daemon. Once logged in, everything runs really slowly. Can anyone help? | 03:24 |
softwork | is LG drive, lg suck | 03:24 |
ribando | I need some help, I messed my file system, and can't start GRUB, is there a way to get it back? | 03:24 |
softwork | lol | 03:24 |
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ShackJack | softwork: THough you're not being to specifc as to "don't work"... | 03:24 |
softwork | yes | 03:25 |
softwork | thx | 03:25 |
ShackJack | !enter | softwork | 03:25 |
ubotu | softwork: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:25 |
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linux_ | how i can change screen HZ to 75 ? ? | 03:25 |
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serenity | my lg lcd is fantastic | 03:25 |
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_Roman | linux_: edit xorg.cong | 03:26 |
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garette | Jack_Sparrow, there? | 03:26 |
_Roman | s/cong/conf/ | 03:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | yes | 03:26 |
Ozigami | hi | 03:26 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, no it didnt work | 03:26 |
Ozigami | iy | 03:26 |
Dr_willis | !fixres | 03:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | softwork: What didnt work | 03:26 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 03:26 |
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bulmer | iuriazeredo: try apt-get autoclean | 03:27 |
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=== DauR thinks.. the best way to KNOW is to sit back and read the main | ||
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garette | Jack_Sparrow, reisntalling ubuntu desktop and rebooting, didnt start my gnome | 03:27 |
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linux_ | _Roman where is xorg.cong ? | 03:27 |
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niklas | its /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: then you damaged more than just the gnome sound setting | 03:28 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, no i definitely didnt | 03:28 |
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jainish | still got this same prob i can sudo nano '/sys/bus/usb/drivers/dvb_usb_dib0700/module/sections/__param' to get the current params of my dvb device how do i set them (i'm trying to enable rf boost) the dev is /dev/usb/adapter0 | 03:28 |
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Jack_Sparrow | garette: Go to gnome-look.org get a new gdm theme | 03:28 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, i was actually in xfce and customizing my desktop | 03:28 |
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garette | Jack_Sparrow, cant i get it through apt-get? | 03:29 |
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Dr_willis | garette, you may want to step back and clarify the whole problem. | 03:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: I dont know of any but let me look... | 03:29 |
ribando | can someone tell me how do I identify the name of my ubuntu partition? | 03:29 |
Dr_willis | !find gdm | 03:29 |
Dr_willis | ribando, you can get the uuid by ls -l /dev/disks/by-uuid | 03:29 |
ubotu | Found: feisty-gdm-themes, gdm, blubuntu-gdm-theme, edgy-gdm-themes, gdm-themes (and 3 others) | 03:30 |
Dr_willis | !uuid | 03:30 |
ubotu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: blkid (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 03:30 |
garette | Dr_willis: no i am clear | 03:30 |
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Dr_willis | garette, ok.. given that people are joining all the time.. i bet a lot of us dont know whats going on... | 03:30 |
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Dr_willis | but whatever. :) | 03:30 |
=== ShackJack thinks Dr_willis needs to work on his mind-reading skillz :P | ||
ribando | Dr_willis what is uuid? | 03:30 |
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garette | Dr_willis, i am saying i am clear about my problem and not about solution | 03:31 |
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bulmer | ribando: sudo mount | 03:31 |
Dr_willis | ribando, a unique id# for each partition. | 03:31 |
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eJoJ | Anyone here that can give me a quick and dirty guide on activating frambuffer console, and where to edit the settings of them? | 03:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: type gksudo gdmsetup.. select new theme from there | 03:31 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, ok | 03:31 |
ribando | bulmer what do I need to mount? :s | 03:32 |
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Dr_willis | eJoJ, i thought the framebuffer was enabled by default. I normally disable it with the nofb option to the kenel. then theres the fbset and other commands to tweak it. | 03:32 |
ribando | Dr_willis this is what I'm gettin "ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo blkid | 03:32 |
ribando | /dev/sda1: TYPE="ntfs" /dev/sda2: TYPE="swap" UUID="a9f15be7-49e5-498d-ba5a-d74e67439b00" " | 03:32 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, it gave me error gdm is not running | 03:32 |
iuriazeredo | thank you guys for the hints. i believe ill give up for now and try fix the synaptic other time... it is getting me annoyed now | 03:32 |
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bulmer | ribando you asked how to identify your mounted drives | 03:32 |
jainish | could the answer be to edit dvb-usb-dib0700-01.fw | 03:32 |
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ShackJack | iuriazeredo: If you delete that file it'll rebuild it :) | 03:32 |
ribando | Dr_willis its not listing my actual ubuntu partition, only the swap and the windows partition | 03:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: gimme a minute to try and fine the config file for that. | 03:33 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, ok | 03:33 |
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brk3 | hi, I usually burn my avi's to dvd using devede, but wondering what's a good program to put a simple menu on my dvds? | 03:33 |
Dr_willis | ribando, you dont see an entry for '/' when you do 'sudo mount' ? | 03:33 |
ribando | Dr_willis I think i messed up the file system on my ubuntu partition | 03:33 |
Dr_willis | /dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) | 03:33 |
iuriazeredo | i'll rename it and give a try | 03:33 |
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eJoJ | Dr_willis: hmm I want to have /dev/tty1 in 1024*768 with borders, but I don't know where to configure it, I have fb enabled now, and know how to switch fonts etc, but I can't find anywhere to customize it more | 03:33 |
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linux_ | hmm i dind find there the HZ , maybe if i will install my video card driver it will allow me ? | 03:34 |
Dr_willis | ribando, thats impressive. but the sudo mount command should tell ya where its mounted at. Then if its messed up. you can use a live cd to fsck it. | 03:34 |
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Dr_willis | eJoJ, I normally diusable it. You may want to check out tldp.org for the framebuffer howto, or google for other framebuffer docs/tips. I alwas disable ti .because it slows stuff down somewhat. | 03:35 |
eJoJ | ok, I search around some more.. thanks for the help anyways | 03:35 |
ribando | Dr_willis using the live cd right now. I cant even get to my grub menu. after doing sudo mount, it came back a lot of information.lol, can I paste it here so u can have a look at it? | 03:35 |
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Dr_willis | !pastebin | ribando | 03:36 |
ubotu | ribando: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:36 |
Dr_willis | ribando, so basicially you some how trashed the whole system eh? :) | 03:36 |
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Jack_Sparrow | garette: I cant seem to find it.... Hopefully someone else with more experience will be able to fix that.. | 03:37 |
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garette | Jack_Sparrow, so what can i do now? | 03:37 |
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Jack_Sparrow | garette: I am out of suggestions.... | 03:37 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, i am into frustation :( | 03:38 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, llol | 03:38 |
gomez | hi i'm trying to install the following splash screen https://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=40914&group_id=187765 but it doesn't work | 03:38 |
IceLink | Ahm.. (hi) How do i change the Login-Manager? | 03:38 |
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aslam | help urgent: what application can i use to video chat between ubuntu n mac os x | 03:38 |
aslam | help urgent: what application can i use to video chat between ubuntu n mac os x | 03:38 |
aslam | help urgent: what application can i use to video chat between ubuntu n mac os x | 03:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: They may be able to just say apt-get install gdm | 03:38 |
aslam | help urgent: what application can i use to video chat between ubuntu n mac os x | 03:38 |
ribando | Dr_willis i was trying to run a check disk in ubuntu, because the loading screen was way too slow, someone here told me to do "fsck /dev/hda1" or watever my partition is called, I tried that, and as I wasn't sure what my partition was called, I just did also "fsck /dev/ext3", which was a pretty stupid idea | 03:38 |
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aslam | help urgent: what application can i use to video chat between ubuntu n mac os x | 03:38 |
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garette | Jack_Sparrow, well i did it many times | 03:38 |
gomez | System-->administration->login screen | 03:38 |
aslam | help urgent: what application can i use to video chat between ubuntu n mac os x | 03:38 |
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thoreauputic | aslam: don't do that | 03:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | garette: Like I said... Sorry but I am out of ideas.. | 03:39 |
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jainish | ok apparently i need a modules.conf file for this device? so where is that? | 03:39 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, :( | 03:39 |
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garette | /garette is sad, console him | 03:39 |
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bulmer | ribando: doing a fsck /dev/ext3 should have done nothing to hurt your hd eh | 03:39 |
=== garette is sad console him | ||
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garette | lol | 03:39 |
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aslam | anyone please? what app can i use to chat between ubuntu n mac os x | 03:40 |
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ShackJack | !patience | aslam | 03:40 |
ubotu | aslam: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 03:40 |
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hxu | Hi! Are there any wpa2 howto of ubuntu? | 03:40 |
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thoreauputic | !patience | aslam | 03:40 |
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garette | Jack_Sparrow, how do i uninstall a thing, apt-get remove X ?? | 03:40 |
aslam | i aplologize | 03:40 |
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bulmer | hxu yes..you have to google for it | 03:40 |
monthana | Hi need some help with my gnome panel, there are som squers in both ends of the top panel and one in the midle, how do I remove them? | 03:41 |
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ShackJack | hxu: WPA - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo not sure if same thing? | 03:41 |
hxu | I need to use a wireless lan protected by wpa2-psk, are there any howtos? | 03:41 |
thoreauputic | aslam: you are lucky I didn't kick you out actually | 03:41 |
linux_ | how i can cancel the password request when im installing new package ?? | 03:41 |
hxu | thanks! | 03:41 |
Dr_willis | ribando, i always disable that 'splash screen' so i can see what its saying. It may of been giving out some good info.. fdsk /dev/ext3 shouldent of evne worked at all. i dont thinkit would of broken anything either | 03:41 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, hellooooooooooo | 03:41 |
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Dr_willis | ribando, 'sudo fdisk -l' should show all partitions, the ones that are ext3 should be your linux ones. | 03:41 |
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aslam | thoreauputic: i leavin africa in couple of hourse and i need to get my webcam working so i can video chat with my parents... i didnt mean to be rude | 03:42 |
alesan | hi do you know if X already supports the 1440x900 resolution? or do I have to do something special? | 03:42 |
SmSpillaz | It should | 03:42 |
SmSpillaz | what hardware do you use? | 03:42 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, i am planning to remove the gdm and install it once again , but this time, wishing god to help loolo | 03:42 |
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ShackJack | alesan: You would pick change desktop resolution, otherwise you have to configure.. | 03:42 |
ribando | Dr_willis bulmer i didnt do "sudo fdisk", I did "fsck /dev/ext3" at the recovery mode. | 03:42 |
alesan | ShackJack: I am in a three head environment, I need to configure xorg.xonf by hand | 03:43 |
rausb0 | alesan: depends on the gfx card. if you have a intel gfx card, install 915resolution | 03:43 |
ribando | Dr_willis bulmer can u check the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32484/ | 03:43 |
Dr_willis | ribando, 'sudo fdisk -l' would SHOW you what partitions are where. | 03:43 |
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alesan | but even if I set Modes "1440x900" in xerg.conf, I get another resolution | 03:43 |
Dr_willis | ribando, it wouldent 'fix anything' it would just tell you what devices are where. | 03:43 |
gomez | hi i'm trying to install the following splash screen https://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=40914&group_id=187765 but it doesn't work | 03:43 |
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alesan | rausb0: it's a PCI ATI with ati driver (old model) | 03:43 |
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rausb0 | alesan: then i don't know | 03:43 |
Dr_willis | ribando, /dev/sda3 4585 7296 21784140 83 Linux | 03:44 |
garette | how do i open a .rm file? | 03:44 |
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alesan | garette: mplayer :) | 03:44 |
Enselic | alenax: fyi, 1440x900 was autodetected for me on Gutys | 03:44 |
edaniel | I am getting some errors during boot, how do I make/view boot logs? | 03:44 |
Enselic | Gutsy* | 03:44 |
alesan | garette: remember to install the win32 codecs | 03:44 |
Dr_willis | ribando, thats you / filesystem it seems | 03:44 |
sameer | can anyone tell me how to change the button to rotate the cube desktop? | 03:44 |
vanberge | garette, or VLC media player | 03:44 |
Dr_willis | ribando, so 'sudo fsck /dev/sda3' should check it. | 03:44 |
Enselic | alesan: fyi, 1440x900 was autodetected for me on Gutsy | 03:44 |
aslam | i apologize again but i really need help quick.... just a name of the software i can use to video chat between ubuntu n mac os x | 03:44 |
alesan | Enselic: ok. here I have a more complex evironment | 03:44 |
garette | alesan, what name should i type at apt-get? | 03:44 |
sameer | can anyone tell me how to change the button to rotate the cube desktop? | 03:44 |
bulmer | Dr_willis: he is in the liveCD so he has to chroot to / and then mount these drives | 03:44 |
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alchemus | brb | 03:45 |
Dr_willis | bulmer, he was asking how to 'fsck' it earlier.. so he dont want to mopunt them for that. | 03:45 |
alesan | garette: I do not remember exaclty, I'd suggest you to searh on synaptic and then see which one is the mplayer. | 03:45 |
alesan | take the no-gui version | 03:45 |
vanberge | garette, sudo apt-get install mplayer | 03:45 |
garette | Jack_Sparrow, yeah i have mplayer | 03:45 |
brk3 | hi, I usually burn my avi's to dvd using devede, but wondering what's a good program to put a simple menu on my dvds? | 03:45 |
garette | yeah i have mplayer | 03:45 |
alesan | actually, mplayer'sGUI is so crappy that it's really better the command line version :) | 03:45 |
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bulmer | Dr_willis: ribando has to tell us which mode he is on..i believe he is still in the liveCd recovery | 03:46 |
garette | and the codecs i will search on sunaptic | 03:46 |
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alesan | garette: installing the mplayer package should advice you which "optional" packages you should consider installing together | 03:46 |
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booza | can somebody tell me, how can i start automatically firefox after login on a live cd | 03:47 |
ShackJack | booza: I don't think you can... | 03:47 |
Dr_willis | booza, wanting to make a custome livecd-webrowser koisk? | 03:47 |
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alesan | booza: are you going to rebuild a modified livecd? | 03:48 |
Dr_willis | There are live cd's that just load X and firefox.. ive seen. | 03:48 |
mattwalston | The dhcpd3 has me confused... the config and lease file test passes, the service can be started via $ sudo dhcpd3 but the init script fails... any suggestions? | 03:48 |
booza | you i can it with reconstrucor but i want it doit self | 03:48 |
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matt1234 | can anyone help me out, i just did an update and lost my sound.... a test gives me the error "could not open resource for writing" | 03:48 |
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DauR | does linux (ubuntu) support Lucent Internal modem ? | 03:48 |
bulmer | mattwalston: man update-rc.d | 03:49 |
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Enselic | DauR: check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport and see if you find it | 03:49 |
vanberge | does 7.04 support WPA2 wireless? | 03:49 |
khandi | hi! i was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem i am having with my NTSF drive. I would like to format that drive and make it a linux disk too. now it is calles sdb1 and i would like to make it my hda2 or something. how do i do that? seems like a simple format, but where do i do that | 03:49 |
mattwalston | vanberge: yes | 03:49 |
DauR | ok thank u Enselic... leme see... hope 4 well | 03:49 |
vanberge | mattwalston, pretty easily? or you have to hack around a bit | 03:50 |
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Dr_willis | khandi, sda and hda are the devices, you normally dont change those. You just rember whats where and edit the fstab properly to mount the device whever you want. | 03:50 |
vanberge | khandi, i dont think ubuntu can write to ntfs, only read it... maybe i am wrong? | 03:50 |
ShackJack | aslam: http://gyachi.sourceforge.net/ is a yahoo type client that supports video... | 03:50 |
Enselic | DauR: ther emight be supprort for hardware lsited there though, so to be sure, you could try the live cd | 03:50 |
rausb0 | vanberge: not with all wireless drivers. google for wireless drivers supported by network manager / wpa_supplicant | 03:50 |
matt1234 | can anyone help me out, i just did an update and lost my sound.... a test gives me the error "could not open resource for writing" | 03:50 |
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mattwalston | vanberge: don't recall, I think all my issues were my hardware but i have seen the option in network manager | 03:50 |
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rausb0 | vanberge: so it basically depends on the wireless card you have | 03:51 |
Enselic | mattwalston: for the network manager to display it, the drivers need to proivide the appripriate API afaik | 03:51 |
mattwalston | khandi: you do not need it to be hda... sda is first scsi or sata drive, hda is first ide | 03:51 |
khandi | i understand... but i already have my kubuntu system up and running, and i just want to format my sdb1 drive so it becomes another linux disk and no NTFS anymore | 03:51 |
tehk | khamael__, sda refers to t being the first Serial ATA drive. You cannot change that really | 03:51 |
aelliott | im trying to install server edition ubuntu on a box with no keyboard or monitor - is this possible | 03:51 |
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nox-Hand | Could anyone recommend some good guides toward tuning your Ubuntu? it's been getting slower :( | 03:51 |
Enselic | mattwalston: i.e. it can be possible to get WPA2 woking even if the network manager doesnt show it as an option | 03:51 |
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Dr_willis | khandi, fire up 'gparted' and have at it if youy want to whipe out the ntfs. delete the partitions, then remake them, then format them. then edit the fstab to mount them | 03:51 |
khandi | just a simple format of the disk, but i am not too familiar with Kubuntu, so i do not know where to find a easy formatting program :D | 03:51 |
ribando | Dr_willis bulmer the fdisk is saying that "Root inode is not a directory and is asking to clear it, do I say yes or no?" | 03:52 |
matt1234 | ok, can anyone point me to some help for troubleshooting sound car issues? | 03:52 |
matt1234 | *card | 03:52 |
mattwalston | Enselic: possible, yes... click and work, probably not | 03:52 |
rausb0 | Enselic: yes, but it requires more work | 03:52 |
fwaokdaGhosted | is ubuntu's and xubuntu's menus different? because i have xubuntu and am following a tutorial for ubuntu | 03:52 |
garette | alesan, mplayer no gui version worked :0 | 03:52 |
ShackJack | nox-Hand: Not likely, unless you've got some processes running in the background - check your system monitor.. | 03:52 |
Dr_willis | ribando, if you want to fix stuff you will want yes to all that stuff most likely | 03:52 |
khandi | ok.. thanks i will try gparted :D | 03:52 |
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Dr_willis | ribando, fsck has some optuion to default to 'yes' to all also. | 03:52 |
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thoreauputic | fwaokdaGhosted: yes, they are different | 03:52 |
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DauR | Enselic geeeeeeeeesh only one modem Sagem Fast 800 is supported | 03:52 |
mattwalston | aelliott: yes, there are numerous ways but the easiest is just to plug in a kbd and monitor | 03:53 |
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rausb0 | Enselic: i know my ralink rt73 based wlan stick can do wpa2, but not with wpa_supplicant | 03:53 |
bulmer | ribando are you confusing fsck and fdisk? | 03:53 |
thoreauputic | fwaokdaGhosted: you might ask about xubuntu in #xubuntu | 03:53 |
fwaokdaGhosted | is there a simple way to go from xubuntu to just ubuntu? or do i need to download a full copy of ubuntu? | 03:53 |
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=== Hallage [n=halhorn@d58-104-246-158.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | fwaokdaGhosted: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 03:53 |
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Enselic | DauR: chances are it is supported anyway, just not listed there, especially in the development versinob | 03:53 |
fwaokdaGhosted | k thanks | 03:53 |
Hallage | How do, all | 03:53 |
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XLV | khandi, you need to mount devices by id or label | 03:54 |
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tehk | fwaokdaGhosted, I would uses sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop | 03:54 |
vince | Hello | 03:54 |
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bullgard4 | GNOME menu System > Administration > Services > Services Settings shows that apmd is activated. But System > Administration > System_Monitor > Processes does not list apmd. Why not? | 03:54 |
vince | Does anyone know a good note taking program ? I am used to use OneNote to take notes for class | 03:55 |
aslam | what app can i use to video chat between ubuntu and mac os | 03:55 |
DauR | Enselic so what should i do ? any link 2 get the driver or way to make it work ? | 03:55 |
Enselic | bullgard4: VIew -> All processes | 03:55 |
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Enselic | DauR: if I were you, I would see if the LiveCD were able to use the modem | 03:55 |
bullgard4 | Enselic: Where should I view? (My Ubuntu locale is not English.) | 03:56 |
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Enselic | bullgard4: the VIew meny in the System Monitor | 03:56 |
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Fugitif | hello | 03:56 |
mattwalston | Solution to my dhcp problem: Ubuntu's ltsp package has a "feature" that overides your dhcp config with hard coded private class c IPs and breaks dhcp | 03:56 |
khandi | XLV i am in qtparted now... but i cant seem to be able to format the drive | 03:56 |
khandi | xlv must i dismount it first? | 03:56 |
ribando | Dr_willis bulmer Dr_willis told me to do fsck /dev/sda3 and its asking me that | 03:56 |
thoreauputic | khandi: yes :) | 03:57 |
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ShackJack | vince: Most of the apps I know of are like sticky note kind of things ;) Tomboy notes, etc... | 03:57 |
vince | oh | 03:57 |
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vince | bummer | 03:57 |
bulmer | ribando okay..go ahead | 03:57 |
snipex | can ubuntu run .bin files ? | 03:57 |
Dr_willis | ribando, you asked how to 'fsck' drive to check it for errors. so thats what ya do. :) | 03:57 |
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kasiopc | any1 use mainactor | 03:57 |
Dr_willis | snipex, the idea of a 'bin' file is vague - its just a self installing executable.. so yes. | 03:58 |
cow_cakep | hai | 03:58 |
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Dr_willis | snipex, what .bin are ya trying to run? | 03:58 |
bullgard4 | Enselic: Yes, I am watching 'All Processes'. There does not appear apmd. | 03:58 |
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snipex | google earth | 03:58 |
snipex | im still downloading it | 03:58 |
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Dr_willis | !googleearth | 03:58 |
ubotu | Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository | 03:58 |
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Enselic | bullgard4: does ps -A | grep apmd give you a hit? | 03:59 |
snipex | well | 03:59 |
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Dr_willis | snipex, its in the mediubuntu repository. no need to mess with the .bin | 03:59 |
Hallage | bullgard4: Try pgrep apmd | 03:59 |
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snipex | ah | 03:59 |
ShackJack | vince: Or check out http://basket.kde.org/ | 03:59 |
snipex | and | 03:59 |
jessica | hm. | 03:59 |
snipex | wait | 03:59 |
snipex | i didnt find it in synaptic | 03:59 |
ShackJack | !enter | snipex | 03:59 |
toddy | hi help me please! | 03:59 |
ubotu | snipex: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:59 |
Dr_willis | !Medibuntu | snipex | 03:59 |
snipex | how do i enablaa that repo ? | 03:59 |
ubotu | snipex: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 03:59 |
toddy | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32485/ | 03:59 |
Smitney | guys | 03:59 |
toddy | My aMule dumped | 03:59 |
toddy | i don't know why! | 04:00 |
vince | omg ShackJack thats perfect :) | 04:00 |
erUSUL | !repos | snipex | 04:00 |
ubotu | snipex: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 04:00 |
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vince | thanks so much | 04:00 |
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bullgard4 | Enselic: ps -A | grep apmd does not produce an output. | 04:00 |
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Enselic | bullgard4: then there is no process named apmd running, so whatever tells you that apmd is running, is wrong | 04:01 |
ShackJack | vince: Not quite - it's KDE based :P | 04:01 |
toddy | Hi guys! | 04:01 |
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bullgard4 | Enselic: pgrep apmd does not produce an output. | 04:01 |
Smitney | hi people! | 04:01 |
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toddy | bullgard4, help me!my aMule dumped! | 04:02 |
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Enselic | bullgard4: cool, didn't know about pgrep, thanks for telling | 04:02 |
aguitel | hello people | 04:02 |
toddy | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32485/ | 04:02 |
aguitel | one queestion | 04:02 |
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vince | ShackJack: yea I know but I am going to check it out and if it seems like it will do the job, then I will switch to KDE | 04:02 |
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bullgard4 | Enselic: I am happy that there is no apmd running as I am using ACPI. (But ACPI does not function properly.) | 04:02 |
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ShackJack | vince: Oh, you don't have to switch to KDE it'll run unsder GNOME - just loads extra libs, etc... | 04:02 |
Smitney | FUCK!!! | 04:02 |
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Smitney | ups | 04:03 |
Smitney | sorry | 04:03 |
vince | shackjack: sweet | 04:03 |
Smitney | i am crazy | 04:03 |
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aguitel | i am using ubuntu 7.04 ,howw can upgrade in the future to for example 7.05 ? | 04:03 |
toddy | help me!my aMule dumped! | 04:03 |
toddy | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32485/ | 04:03 |
elkbuntu | !language | Smitney | 04:03 |
ubotu | Smitney: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:03 |
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hsatera | How do I add multiple auto-join channels in the network config xchat? | 04:03 |
ShackJack | vince There's also something called notebook=gtk2 though I'm not sure as robust... | 04:03 |
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thoreauputic | !upgrade | aguitel | 04:04 |
ubotu | aguitel: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 04:04 |
aguitel | ok | 04:04 |
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hsatera | thoreauputic: How do I add multiple auto-join channels in the network config xchat? | 04:04 |
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hsatera | i tried commas | 04:04 |
hsatera | but they didn't work | 04:04 |
Smitney | elkbuntu i am sorry,realy | 04:05 |
vince | shackjack: :) I just need to get a new wireless card and I will be set | 04:05 |
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ShackJack | vince What's wrong with current one? | 04:05 |
elkbuntu | Smitney, cool, then i wont be needing to tell you a second time :) | 04:05 |
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thoreauputic | hsatera: I don't know - I have a python script that does it for me called "identify and join" | 04:06 |
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hsatera | what's that python script? | 04:06 |
Smitney | elkbuntu I from Ukraine,and my english is not good | 04:06 |
vince | shackjack: I bought it a long time ago, its made by Microsoft and has some weird chipset that Ubuntu doesnt like, I found a forum thread dealing with it, but the solution is way over my head | 04:06 |
khandi | ok i dismounted my drive... and i still cant format it. and i know even have my drive on my desktop too :/ | 04:06 |
hsatera | Smitney: Ukraine, nice ;D | 04:06 |
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vince | shackjack: something with a wrapper or som10 | 04:07 |
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Smitney | hsatera Ukraine. Luhansk City | 04:07 |
TimK65 | Hi folks, another person with wireless difficulties. Can you help? | 04:07 |
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XLV | vince, ndiswrapper maybe? | 04:07 |
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Smitney | hsatera i using Ubuntu 7.04 | 04:07 |
ShackJack | vince: Gotcha - there's a good troubleshooting guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide and ndswrapper info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper | 04:07 |
thoreauputic | hsatera: it's called " identify_and_join.py " ( can't remember where I got it, sorry) | 04:07 |
vince | shackjack: thats it | 04:07 |
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hxu | Can I set my WPA2-SPK wireless lan by /etc/network/interfaces? | 04:07 |
hsatera | thoreauputic: but u use xchat? | 04:07 |
XLV | !ndiswapper | vince | 04:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ndiswapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:08 |
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hsatera | Smitney: and what's ur doubt? | 04:08 |
XLV | !ndiswrapper | vince | 04:08 |
ubotu | vince: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 04:08 |
ShackJack | vince: That's a pain... if you can't get it to work, I've had good luck with Intel wireless 3945 chips... | 04:08 |
thoreauputic | hsatera: either xchat or irssi ( depends ) | 04:08 |
hsatera | hum | 04:08 |
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hsatera | what are the good only-text scripts? | 04:08 |
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hxu | Can I set my WPA2-SPK wireless lan by /etc/network/interfaces? Can I not use wpa_suppliant? | 04:08 |
vince | shackjack: yea wireless cards have been a frustration I heard, I went through 6 or 7 distros trying to find one that just worked | 04:08 |
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CineScope | you can hxu | 04:09 |
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CineScope | hxu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834 | 04:09 |
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elkbuntu | hsatera, XChat > Network List > Choose 'Ubuntu Servers' > Click 'Edit' > 'Channels to join' text box | 04:09 |
hsatera | elkbuntu: yes, but how do i put mutiple | 04:10 |
Syntaxe | Hello folks, iam kinda new in this Linux thingy. But I get this freakin Grub error 21. Someone help me, or link to someone that can help :S | 04:10 |
hsatera | Syntaxe: what grub error? | 04:10 |
Enselic | Syntaxe: please just ask your question | 04:11 |
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elkbuntu | hsatera, #channel1,#channel2,#channel3,..... | 04:11 |
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hsatera | commas didn't work with me | 04:11 |
hsatera | =~~ | 04:11 |
Enselic | Syntaxe: or in this case rather, provdide as much relevnt info as possible | 04:11 |
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CineScope | hxu: i used that to configure my realtek8185 for wpa2 but I had to have a service entry that restarts neworking twice and after a delay before each | 04:11 |
Syntaxe | after the instalation is done, its restarts, and then the the start, it youst stop, and showing. 'Grub error 21' | 04:12 |
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vince | bad cd | 04:12 |
hsatera | did u tried that? http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%27Grub+error+21%27&btnG=Google+Search | 04:12 |
ShackJack | Syntaxe: That mean's grub can't find the hard disk :( | 04:12 |
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hsatera | Selected disk does not exist | 04:13 |
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hsatera | yep | 04:13 |
Syntaxe | ShackJack: cant I find it for it -.- | 04:13 |
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vince | I got grub errors when I didnt run a mem check on a bad cd I burned | 04:13 |
hxu | CineScope: Can I see your /etc/wpa_suppliant.conf? | 04:13 |
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ShackJack | Syntaxe: You can - I'm looking to see if there is good guide... There's this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:13 |
gomez | hi after the splash screen and before the gdm login screen i still get a screen with the default color how can i change this or what is it called? | 04:13 |
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CineScope | hxu: i don't have one | 04:14 |
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Syntaxe | ShackJack: Thanks mate, glad to see that there is someone so can help :) See you all later. I'll take contact if future problems | 04:14 |
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hxu | CineScope: You configure your wlan solely by /etc/network/interfaces? | 04:14 |
ShackJack | Syntaxe: There should be something on google too, as it's not an uncommon error.. | 04:14 |
gomez | hi after the splash screen and before the gdm login screen i still get a screen with the default color how can i change this or what is it called? | 04:15 |
CineScope | hxu: that is how that guide i posted was showing to do it | 04:15 |
gomez | and also the screen after the login screen | 04:15 |
Syntaxe | ShackJack: Ok.. | 04:15 |
CineScope | hxu: i just followed that guide | 04:15 |
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TimK65_ | OK, I'll follow the protocol and just ask my question. I've just installed 64-bit Feisty on a new box, and I'm trying to get wireless to work. My network is set up to use WPA, but I don't see an option for WPA in the GNOME network manager. What's the deal? | 04:17 |
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Hazarath | Okes, anyone know of a PSP converter tool that can convert popular video types/codecs for the unit to understand/play, maybe even knock down the quality to make it smaller? | 04:17 |
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ShackJack | TimK65_: Good info on WPA here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo | 04:18 |
TimK65_ | Um, I'd have to disagree. That page hasn't helped me at all; I've tried the (rather disorganized) information on that page, and none of it has helped. | 04:18 |
ShackJack | TimK65_: So wpa_supplicant is installed, then? | 04:19 |
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khandi | ok i tried qtparted. but it says i cant format my drive because it is a virtual drive... and it is not a virtual drive :D anyone can help me format it? | 04:19 |
TimK65_ | Yep, it was installed by default. | 04:19 |
TimK65_ | Actually, let me triple-check that now. | 04:19 |
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TimK65_ | Synaptic says wpasupplicant is installed. | 04:20 |
TimK65_ | A few minutes ago, someone mentioned the wireless troubleshooting guide, and I'm following that now. | 04:20 |
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ShackJack | TimK65_: So under Admin->Network->Wireless Properties, the dropdown does not include WPA/WPA2 | 04:21 |
webmaren | hi i was wondering if there was a way to auto-modprobe ndiswrapper | 04:21 |
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webmaren | i have my wireless set up but i have to do a sudo modprobe each time i boot up, and its annoying | 04:21 |
ShackJack | TimK65_: P.S. and I know this is the Window-ese way to do thing, but I might try to reinstall wpa_supplicant ;) | 04:22 |
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TimK65_ | ShackJack (I like your nick), just to be totally clear: Under System - Admin - Network, if I click on Wireless connection and then on the Properties button, and then disable Roaming mode so I can control the card, you're correct -- there are only WEP options. | 04:22 |
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CineScope | webmaren: do you have ndiswrapper in your /etc/modules file | 04:22 |
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Montaro | webmaren: add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules? | 04:23 |
Happu | webmaren: are you sure ndiswrapper isn't blacklisted? One time modprob should be enough | 04:23 |
colin | Is there a .deb of the game Savage available for download anywhere? I don't know how to install a tar.gz file :( | 04:23 |
webmaren | how do i add to /etc/modules? | 04:23 |
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Hazarath | I need an install guide for archives, can someone please ask uboto for the proper help page? Donno how to ask it. xD | 04:23 |
Montaro | webmaren: echo "ndiswrapper" >> /etc/modules | 04:23 |
TimK65_ | Actually, following the troubleshooting guide, I've disabled wireless security on my network temporarily and am now trying to figure out why I still can't connect to the Internet (I have excellent signal strength, but can't go to www.google.com). | 04:23 |
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CineScope | stick a sudo in front of that | 04:23 |
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Montaro | CineScope: yes, thanks :P | 04:24 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: do you mean repositories ? Or an install guide for ubuntu ? | 04:24 |
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Hazarath | The one like dude's asking for, the .bz, where ya gotta compile yourself. :/ | 04:24 |
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thoreauputic | !compile | Hazarath | 04:24 |
ubotu | Hazarath: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 04:24 |
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Hazarath | Er... gz, what have ya. | 04:24 |
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thoreauputic | Hazarath: are you sure you actually need to compile? | 04:25 |
colin | How do I install a game that's a tar.gz file? | 04:25 |
webmaren | thanks guys | 04:25 |
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Hazarath | thoreauputic, I need this on my box, I guess I do: http://pspvc.sourceforge.net/ | 04:25 |
CineScope | colin: uncompress it first "tar -xzf file.tar.gz" | 04:26 |
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ShackJack | colin: http://howto.wired.com/wiredhowtos/index.cgi?page_name=compile_software_from_source_code;action=display;category=Work | 04:26 |
Hazarath | That's for me too, it seems, CineScope | 04:26 |
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colin | Thank you. | 04:27 |
TimK65_ | Well, using "sudo dhclient ra0" got my interface connected and running, I have Internet connectivity. Now I just need to add back wireless security. ShackJack, you suggested reinstalling wpasupplicant. If I do that, what effect am I looking for? Should WPA start showing up as an option in networkmanager or in Wireless - Properties? | 04:27 |
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N[i] X | hello... i was trying to make a file and got this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32487/ . can anybody help me? | 04:27 |
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ShackJack | TimK65_: Yes, it would (not saying it will ;)) | 04:27 |
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rausb0 | TimK65_: ralink drivers do not work with wpa_supplicant | 04:27 |
TimK65_ | rausb0, so I'm screwed with this card? | 04:28 |
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tiffanie | I'm having trouble with my external hard drive. I cannot write/erase from it because it states it is a read-only and now I cannot eject it from my computer. What do I do? | 04:28 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: looks like it is an installer - it probably has a README or INSTALL file in the terball | 04:28 |
TimK65_ | I really don't want to drop down to WEP. | 04:28 |
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rausb0 | TimK65_: you have to use several iwpriv commands to configure wpa with the ralink driver | 04:28 |
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thoreauputic | Hazarath: decompress it and have a look | 04:28 |
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TimK65_ | rausb0, is this on the WPA Howto page? | 04:28 |
rausb0 | TimK65_: which card / driver do you have exactly? | 04:28 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: also make sure you check the dependencies on the pade you linked | 04:29 |
thoreauputic | *page | 04:29 |
TimK65_ | It's a Linksys WMP54G, not sure which version -- the included CD has drivers for 4.0 and for 4.1. | 04:29 |
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m1r | can someone help with Option N.V. GlobeTrotter card ? | 04:29 |
rausb0 | TimK65_: not the drivers on the cd | 04:29 |
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booza | Hi all , where is the autostart function on a livecd , i want start firefox or something with the login in the livecd | 04:29 |
rausb0 | TimK65_: the driver linux loaded | 04:29 |
rausb0 | TimK65_: something like rt61 or rt2500 or ... | 04:29 |
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serenity | tiffanie: do you know if it is using fat32 or ntfs? | 04:30 |
Hazarath | Thorea | 04:30 |
tiffanie | I'm not sure. How can I find out? | 04:30 |
Hazarath | o.O | 04:30 |
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TimK65_ | No, I just mean I don't know how to tell which version of the card I have. The lshw command says it's using driver RT61STA. | 04:30 |
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rausb0 | TimK65_: alright, so it is the rt61 driver. just a moment. | 04:31 |
serenity | tiffanie: type sudo fdisk -l at a terminal, that is l for larry | 04:31 |
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cow_cakep | andhieqa | 04:31 |
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Mav80 | does someone know how to compile a wxwidgets programm (written on windows) on ubuntu | 04:31 |
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TimK65_ | And ShackJack, Synaptic won't let me mark wpasupplicant for reinstallation. Should I try apt-get from the command line? | 04:31 |
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Joe_Bloe | hi all, i'm looking for help getting power management working on my Dell Latitude LS laptop... | 04:31 |
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Hazarath | thoreauputic, I extracted, it produced a new folder, 'work', and now has things like 'configure', 'version.sh', etc. | 04:32 |
tiffanie | ntfs | 04:32 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: look for a file like INSTALL or README | 04:32 |
ShackJack | TimK65_: Yeah, although based on what the other user said it might not work with your card -- you can uninstall /reinstall... | 04:32 |
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thoreauputic | Hazarath: and read that first | 04:32 |
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ShackJack | tiffanie: You can also right click on drive in file manager (Computer) and look at the properties which'll tell ya.. | 04:32 |
TimK65_ | OK, thanks, ShackJack. I'll give that a try; it can't hurt! | 04:33 |
Hazarath | thoreauputic, I read the install, has just a change log in it, and dependencies, and the install file only added that folder. | 04:33 |
rausb0 | TimK65_: which encryption type do you need? | 04:33 |
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gomez | anybody now how i can change the background between the splash screen and gdm login screen? still the default color | 04:33 |
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gomez | or disable it | 04:33 |
Hazarath | Er... read me. | 04:33 |
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ShackJack | tiffanie: If it's NTFS you have to install ntfs-3g ntfs-common and then ntfs-config to actually enable write... | 04:33 |
Dorphalsig | hello | 04:33 |
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tiffanie | Ok, I'll do that. | 04:33 |
TimK65_ | rausb0, I was using WPA Personal. This is just a home network. | 04:33 |
Dorphalsig | how can I disable power management in xubuntu? | 04:33 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: it might be a question of ./configure && make && sudo make install then | 04:34 |
Hazarath | Great, I love these things, always goof. x.x | 04:34 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: but you will need the libraries referenced on the page you found it | 04:34 |
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thoreauputic | Hazarath: and they will be -dev libraries | 04:34 |
serenity | tiffanie: you need to use the ntfs-3g driver to write to ntfs drives. have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009 | 04:34 |
Joe_Bloe | Dorphalsig, I'm a newbie, but I'm working on power management too. What are you trying to do? | 04:34 |
ShackJack | tiffanie: ntfs-config should be under System Tools :) | 04:35 |
gomez | anybody now how i can change the background between the splash screen and gdm login screen? still the default color | 04:35 |
tiffanie | Thanks =) | 04:35 |
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TimK65_ | (rausb0, it might have been WPA2 Personal, I'm not sure.) | 04:35 |
rausb0 | TimK65_: okay, so you need the following commands: iwpriv ra0 set NetworkType=Infra ; iwpriv ra0 set AuthMode=WPAPSK ; iwpriv ra0 set EncrypType=TKIP ; iwpriv ra0 set SSID="YOUR_SSID" ; iwpriv ra0 set WPAPSK="YOUR_WPA_PASSWORD" ; iwpriv ra0 set SSID="YOUR_SSID" | 04:35 |
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TimK65_ | rausb0, thanks -- where do these commands go? | 04:35 |
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rausb0 | TimK65_: the duplicate setting of SSID is not a mistake | 04:35 |
ShackJack | TimK65_: You get all that ;) | 04:35 |
booza | Hi all , where is the autostart function on a livecd , i want start firefox or something with the login in the livecd | 04:35 |
TimK65_ | ShackJack, I did, yes. | 04:36 |
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rausb0 | TimK65_: first, try if the commands work | 04:36 |
ShackJack | booza: You don't you have to make a custom cd... | 04:36 |
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TimK65_ | ShackJack: PS, I can't seem to reinstall wpasupplicant. apt-get just says it's the newest version. | 04:36 |
ubuntu__ | NOPE | 04:36 |
thoreauputic | booza: I think you would need to remaster the CD to do that ( not sure) | 04:36 |
rausb0 | TimK65_: you have to run them with root privs | 04:36 |
khandi | ok i dismounted my drive. i is not formatted. must i set it on active drive before i can format it? | 04:36 |
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TimK65_ | rausb0: OK, will try here in a moment. Must reestablish security on my network first. Thanks. | 04:36 |
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rausb0 | TimK65_: you can't wpasupplicant anyway with this card. believe me. | 04:37 |
ShackJack | TimK65_: Yeah, that's prolly not your issue, but you should be able to *uninstall* then reinstall ;) | 04:37 |
Hazarath | thoreauputic, got the libs as it asked for, now... | 04:37 |
khandi | XLV i am in qtparted now... but i still do not know how to format the drive :D can you help me with it? | 04:37 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: make sure they are the development versions | 04:37 |
Joe_Bloe | hi all, i'm looking for help getting power management working on my Dell Latitude LS laptop... | 04:38 |
Hazarath | thoreauputic, you sure? I don't see development libs, just... libs. o.o;;; | 04:38 |
Hazarath | On requirements. | 04:38 |
tiffanie | Thank you, Serenity. I can now write to it, but it still won't eject. | 04:38 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: for compiling, the libs need to have the full development headers etc | 04:38 |
rausb0 | ShackJack: wpa_supplicant is no use with ralink based cards. the ralink drivers simply don't support the wireless extensions needed for wpa_supplicant. the ralink driver rewrite will support it, but it's not ready yet. | 04:38 |
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gruelius | if i want to set the range of ip's 192.168.0.* do i do | 04:39 |
gruelius | or something? | 04:39 |
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ShackJack | rausb0: Thanks - yes, after you told him that, I figured fiddling with supplicant would be of no use... | 04:39 |
m1r | . | 04:39 |
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rausb0 | ShackJack: at least there is a way to do WPA with ralink cards (the cumbersome iwpriv commands) | 04:40 |
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ShackJack | rausb0: THat's cool - you should add it to help.ubuntu.com community docs if not there already... | 04:40 |
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Hazarath | thoreauputic, nasm doesn't seem to have dev files. | 04:41 |
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N[i] X | H E L P ! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32489/ <---- can anybody help me with this? | 04:41 |
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rausb0 | ShackJack: basically you have to follow the instuctions in iwpriv_usage.txt in the driver source tarball | 04:41 |
serenity | tiffanie: if you unmount it using sudo umount /dev/mydrive it should be ok | 04:41 |
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ShackJack | !ask | N[i] X | 04:41 |
ubotu | N[i] X: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:41 |
serenity | tiffanie: where mydrive is your device | 04:41 |
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thoreauputic | Hazarath: well, since I know nothing about this app, i can't help much :) | 04:42 |
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ShackJack | rausb0: Oh, yeah, but it might be helpfull to put some kind of hardware specific info in the wiki to make it easier to find... | 04:42 |
serenity | tiffanie: note no 'n' in umount | 04:42 |
ShackJack | rausb0: Just sayin' ;) | 04:42 |
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rausb0 | ShackJack: maybe there already is something, lemme check | 04:42 |
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murlidhar | Hi all i am new to this? can anybody tell me the regional forum for india ubuntu | 04:42 |
N[i] X | shackjack: what? i did ask my question... does anybody know whats wrong with that makefile? | 04:42 |
epastor | Hi all - Odd problem. Installing on a new machine. Booted from the standard Feisty CD, selected "Boot/install Ubuntu", and the system goes successfully to the splash screen with progress indicator - and stops, having made no progress. Any ideas? | 04:43 |
serenity | tiffanie: you might be able to unmount by rightcliking but sometimes you need to force it | 04:43 |
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tiffanie | How do I force it? | 04:43 |
Hazarath | thoreauputic, Ok, got all the libs installed... now, how do I install a package in general from here? | 04:43 |
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ShackJack | N[i] X - that's not how you ask a question :P | 04:43 |
serenity | tiffanie: if you unmount it using sudo umount /dev/mydrive it should be ok, where mydrive is your device | 04:43 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: ./configure && make && make install <-- from the work directory | 04:43 |
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thoreauputic | Hazarath: assuming it needs to be compiled :) | 04:44 |
tiffanie | It tells me it's not found | 04:44 |
N[i] X | shackjack: you're right, sorry... but anyway can u help me with it? :P | 04:44 |
tiffanie | Sorry, I'm a little new to Ubuntu. | 04:44 |
thoreauputic | !msg | 04:44 |
ubotu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 04:44 |
rausb0 | ShackJack: there is: "In some rare cases WPA needs special setup, perhaps for the RT2500 chipset..." and this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT2500 | 04:44 |
serenity | tiffanie: no prob, mydrive was example, change to your device | 04:44 |
ShackJack | rausb0: Ahhh... O.K. cool... | 04:45 |
XLV | khandi, why dont you boot into Ubuntu and format the hdd from there? | 04:45 |
tiffanie | I did that, but it says it can't find my drive. | 04:45 |
TimK65 | rausb0: That doesn't seem to be working. A question: Is the WPAPSK= part supposed to be my plaintext password, or the hex version? | 04:45 |
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ShackJack | N[i] X: No sorry, not adept with build errors, just suggesting you restate the question if re-asking :) | 04:45 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: actually "sudo make install" as the last part | 04:45 |
serenity | did you use the same name as from sudo fdisk -l | 04:45 |
rausb0 | TimK65: the plaintext password | 04:45 |
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TimK65 | rausb0: OK. Having done all those commands, should I now have a working Internet connection? | 04:46 |
Hazarath | thor | 04:46 |
Hazarath | ... | 04:46 |
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asleepguy | !msg murlidhar http://www.ubuntu-in.org/wiki/Main_Page | 04:46 |
Hazarath | thoreauputic, Er... can you re-phrase? o.o | 04:46 |
rausb0 | TimK65: how do you test your connection? running a browser to test it is a bad idea | 04:46 |
N[i] X | shackjack here it comes, let me know how i do: | 04:46 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: are you sure you need to do this? Is there an app in the Ubuntu repos that will do what you need? | 04:46 |
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TimK65 | rausb0: I'm open to alternate suggestions! :-) | 04:47 |
epastor | Hm... I'm having a bit of a problem installing Ubuntu here. I put in the Live CD, rebooted, selected to boot/install. It goes to the splash screen - but the progress indicator never moves. Anyone know what might be going on? | 04:47 |
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thoreauputic | Hazarath: have you read the !compile pages in the help wiki? | 04:47 |
Hazarath | I donno, asked here, no one replied, thoreauputic , and tried the repos first. | 04:47 |
serenity | tiffanie: did you use the same name as from sudo fdisk -l | 04:47 |
N[i] X | hello! I have a problem building a file with the "make install"command. can anybody help? the optput is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32489/ | 04:47 |
TimK65 | rausb0: PS Pinging a hostname did not work either. | 04:47 |
rausb0 | TimK65: do you get your ip address from dhcp? | 04:47 |
N[i] X | shackjack how did i do? | 04:47 |
Darkkish | Hey sometimes i lose my ability to type into the firefox window, why is this happening? | 04:47 |
thoreauputic | !compile | Hazarath | 04:47 |
ubotu | Hazarath: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 04:47 |
TimK65 | rausb0: Yes. | 04:47 |
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rausb0 | TimK65: pinging an ip address would make a better start | 04:47 |
ShackJack | N[i] X: Don't be a smart-a** :P | 04:47 |
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TimK65 | rausb0: Agreed, and if I knew of an open-Internet address to ping... :-) | 04:48 |
rausb0 | TimK65: try ping | 04:48 |
tiffanie | Yes | 04:48 |
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N[i] X | ShackJack: :P:P:P | 04:48 |
asleepguy | !msg mur http://www.ubuntu-in.org/wiki/Main_Page | 04:48 |
TimK65 | rausb0: "connect: Network is unreachable" | 04:48 |
Hazarath | thoreauputic, it did it's thing, I just now need to figure out how to start the app. | 04:49 |
_imran_ | when i add a user and i close the 'users' window and re-open it again...the new user i added is deleted again | 04:49 |
TimK65 | rausb0: Should I try dhclient? | 04:49 |
rausb0 | TimK65: then you don't even have a default route. did you get correct ip settings from the dhcp server? | 04:49 |
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_imran_ | can anyone help me...? | 04:49 |
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thoreauputic | Hazarath: look in /usr/local/bin for an executable ( that would be the most likely place by default) | 04:49 |
epastor | Hey - am I missing the proper way to ask a question, here? Would someone please reply if my messages are visible? | 04:50 |
N[i] X | voi siete malati | 04:50 |
TimK65 | rausb0: I have to go back to the troubleshooting page and see how to tell whether I've gotten an IP address or not. Hang on. | 04:50 |
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TimK65 | rausb0: ifconfig confirms that my wireless interface has no IP address. :-( | 04:50 |
epastor | Not offended by time, I know this is just a free channel - I just want to make sure my IRC is working | 04:50 |
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iuriazeredo | good bye people | 04:50 |
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rausb0 | TimK65: then you don't have wireless connectivity | 04:50 |
TimK65 | epastor: Your messages are visible. | 04:50 |
epastor | Thanks, just making sure | 04:50 |
matthew_ | can anyone explain "you have mail" to me? | 04:50 |
TimK65 | rausb0: Yes, I know! :-P | 04:51 |
matthew_ | what the heck does it mean and how do I make it go away? | 04:51 |
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TimK65 | rausb0: Again, should I try dhclient? | 04:51 |
thoreauputic | epastor: maybe try hitting the F numbers onn the first screen to see alternatives - your question doesn't tell us much really | 04:51 |
ShackJack | epastor: You can do two things - check CD for defects and start with no acpi option (or something like that) some else will not exact thing | 04:51 |
asleepguy | !msg | 04:51 |
ubotu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 04:51 |
_imran_ | when i add a user and i close the 'users' window and re-open it again...the new user i added is deleted...can anyone help me? | 04:51 |
epastor | ah, sure - that's the suggestions I was looking for, thanks | 04:51 |
thoreauputic | matthew_: try typing "mail" to see | 04:51 |
Darkkish | Can XChat be minimized to the Tray? | 04:51 |
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rausb0 | TimK65: make sure you configured the right encryption method (WPA or WPA2) | 04:51 |
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_imran_ | when i add a user and i close the 'users' window and re-open it again...the new user i added is deleted...can anyone help me? | 04:52 |
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TimK65 | rausb0: When I configured my router to put wireless security back, I picked WPA Personal (not WPA2 Personal). | 04:52 |
thoreauputic | Darkkish: yes, the feisty version minimises to the tray on click og the tray icon here | 04:52 |
serenity | tiffanie: i just tried it on mine and it worked, what is the exact error? | 04:52 |
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thoreauputic | s/og/of | 04:52 |
matthew_ | <thoreauputic>: i've done that. it says a lot of things that don't make any sense to me. how do I make it go away? | 04:52 |
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fei | how to insert special character in linux I want to insert black heart U+2665, I have tried with ALT+2665 like windows but did not work please help | 04:53 |
rausb0 | TimK65: look at this file: | 04:53 |
Secutor | matthew_: did you get an answer? | 04:53 |
tiffanie | umount: /dev/Lil Buddy: not found | 04:53 |
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thoreauputic | matthew_: heh - don't worry about it too much : it is probably just something harmless unless you are running a server or something | 04:53 |
matthew_ | <Secutor>: no | 04:53 |
Secutor | matthew_: what mail application are you using? | 04:53 |
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thoreauputic | matthew_: you can make it go away by uninstalling mailx | 04:53 |
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khandi | xlv i am in (k)ubuntu now... but i cant format it.... i dont know what is wrong... it says the drive is virtual | 04:54 |
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simonaG | hi all | 04:54 |
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serenity | tiffanie: ah that is the mount point,, drives have two names something like /dev/sdb1 and /media/Lil Buddy | 04:54 |
tiffanie | Ohhhh | 04:54 |
thoreauputic | matthew_: or postfix or both | 04:54 |
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fei | how to insert special character in linux I have tried with ALT+2665 like windows but did not work in my ubuntu please help thanks. | 04:54 |
Secutor | matthew_: I think if you look at the preferences of your mail application there is some sort of alert option that is 'speaking' to you. | 04:54 |
matthew_ | Secutor: not talking about email. talking about ubuntu mail. whatever that is. it's located in /var/mail/USERNAME and when I use the terminal it often comes up saying "you have mail" or something like that and it is VERY annoying. if I only knew how to delete the message it would be nice | 04:54 |
TimK65 | rausb0: Yes...? (I looked, but why?) | 04:54 |
_imran_ | when i add a user and i close the 'users' window and re-open it again...the new user i added is deleted...can anyone help me? | 04:54 |
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khandi | xlv: i am in kubuntu. what must i do step by step to format my second drive (sdb1) so it becomes my linux second drive.. so i can write files to it. currently it is a NTSF drive... | 04:55 |
rausb0 | TimK65: the file documents how to use the iwpriv commands for different wireless setups | 04:55 |
Secutor | matthew_: oh, yes, I know about that. | 04:55 |
fei | how to insert special character in linux I have tried with ALT+2665 like windows but did not work in my ubuntu please help thanks. | 04:55 |
ShackJack | khandi: YOu can write to NTFS drives :) ntfs-3g ntfs-common | 04:55 |
rausb0 | TimK65: look at the examples at the end of the file | 04:55 |
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thoreauputic | matthew_: they are messages from root usually - often about cron jobs etc | 04:55 |
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TimK65 | rausb0: I saw the example that you seem to have used. Followed it exactly, still no joy. | 04:56 |
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matthew_ | thoreauputic: right... how do you delete the messages and/or tell it to stop telling me that there are messages. | 04:56 |
fei | how to insert special character in linux I have tried with ALT+2665 like windows but did not work in my ubuntu please help thanks. | 04:56 |
thoreauputic | matthew_: you only see them if you have postfix or another mail transport agent installed | 04:56 |
matthew_ | ok | 04:56 |
khandi | shackjack i am aware of that i just want it to be a ext3 drive :D | 04:56 |
Secutor | matthew_: yep, that's right. | 04:56 |
thoreauputic | matthew_: if you don't understand them, uninstall mailx | 04:56 |
taime1 | where can i find info on installing lilo and configuring it? | 04:56 |
ShackJack | khandi: fdisk is the command for formatting driver -- see man fdisk | 04:56 |
rausb0 | TimK65: what is the output of iwconfig ra0 (use pastebin to paste it, do not paste here) | 04:56 |
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khandi | ok but what command do i have to type in to format my sdb1 drive? | 04:57 |
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matthew_ | thoreauputic: I do understand the messages, I just have no reason to see them. I don't need them for anything. They are useless to me. I don't need to be notified every time a cron job runs. and I don't know how to delete the messages. | 04:57 |
thoreauputic | fei: try ctrl+shift+u 2665 | 04:57 |
khandi | shackjack ok but what command do i have to type in to format my sdb1 drive? im am new to linux :D | 04:57 |
serenity | tiffanie: did you figure out the real name? try menu System->Administration->System Monitor then click on Filesystems tab | 04:58 |
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matthew_ | but I have uninstalled mailx so hopefully they will stop popping up and bothering me. | 04:58 |
thoreauputic | matthew_: I've told you several times - if you don't want them, uninstall mailx and /or postfix | 04:58 |
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thoreauputic | matthew_: or whatever mail agent is generating them ( postfix is most likely) | 04:58 |
tiffanie | yes, thank you | 04:58 |
matthew_ | thoreaputic: i uninstalled mailx. do I need postfix for anything else? | 04:58 |
ShackJack | khandi: Whhops - sorry wrong command... Something like mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 change /dev/sdb1 to the actual drive path | 04:59 |
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serenity | ok good luck | 04:59 |
thoreauputic | matthew_: probably not | 04:59 |
TimK65 | I can't paste between machines. (This is not my ubuntu machine, which has no network.) -- RT61 Wireless ESSID:"(my essid)" Nickname:"" Mode:Managed Frequency:2.462 GHz Bit Rate=54 Mb/s RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off Link Quality=88/100 Signal level:-43 dBm Noise level:-79 dBm Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0 | 04:59 |
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thoreauputic | matthew_: it's a mail server basically | 04:59 |
ShackJack | khandi: YOu can also always type "man command" in a terminal for complete docs | 04:59 |
Heavyarms-Custom | Hi @ all | 04:59 |
taime1 | how do i install a bootloader and get it to recognize operating systems on different harddrives? | 04:59 |
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ompaul | !grub > taime1 (please see the message from the bot) | 05:00 |
khandi | shackjack i think that is my path... will try :) | 05:00 |
rausb0 | TimK65: please try this: killall dhclient ; dhclient ra0 | 05:00 |
ShackJack | khandi: Don't think - know when reformatting - df -i wil list filesystems :) | 05:01 |
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TimK65 | rausb0: The command hangs. | 05:01 |
Secutor | TimK65: I don't think we can paste between machines; we use scp to copy or rsync to move files between machines, or mail... | 05:01 |
rausb0 | TimK65: hmm | 05:01 |
Hazarath | thoreauputic, it's not there. x.x | 05:01 |
linos1 | does anyone know if ubuntu has similiar technology like crappy windows is using called readyboost? | 05:01 |
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TimK65 | Secutor: Yep! :-) I was just pointing out that I'm not on my Ubuntu machine with this chat client. | 05:01 |
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khandi | shackjack damn i dont get it. it says that the path does not exist when i do "mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1" should i mount it to do the command? | 05:02 |
TimK65 | rausb0: It hung before, too. | 05:02 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: the executable? Did the compile finish without errors? Did the install step exit without errors? | 05:02 |
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fei | thanks thoreauputic it's Ctrl+shift+u 2665 then Ctrl+shift+u again thanks | 05:02 |
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thoreauputic | fei: no worries | 05:02 |
ShackJack | khandi: Yes, it needs to be mounted, but you can df -i to see what's mounted already... | 05:02 |
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khandi | shackjack "mount: can't find dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" | 05:02 |
rausb0 | TimK65: the iwconfig output had no address for the access point, so you are not connected with it. maybe the rt61 driver in ubuntu is broken. i sold my rt61-based card, so i cannot try now. | 05:03 |
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ShackJack | khandi: Can you see the drive in file manager (Computer) | 05:03 |
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Hazarath | thoreauputic, all it did is pop up a lot of text, and then it asked for my password, I gave it to it, then, it said a install to a few dirs, then, it came back to the prompt, no clear errors. | 05:03 |
_imran_ | can i use my existing account of MSN messenger on GAIM? | 05:03 |
thoreauputic | fei: | 05:03 |
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thoreauputic | fei : :) | 05:03 |
TimK65 | rausb0: Yeah, I'm inclined to think I just can't have WPA with this card under Ubuntu. *sigh* Any recommendations on a PCI card that *will* work with WPA under Ubuntu? | 05:03 |
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faileas | _imran_: yes | 05:03 |
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linos | does anyone know if ubuntu has similiar technology like crappy windows is using called readyboost? | 05:04 |
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rausb0 | TimK65: atheros based card run well with the madwifi driver | 05:04 |
_imran_ | faileas, can you tell me how? | 05:04 |
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faileas | linos: no. Thats the one that uses USB for swap? | 05:04 |
TimK65 | rausb0: Any brand and model names for me? | 05:04 |
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thoreauputic | Hazarath: all I can suggest is to look at the page and see which command starts it - I don't know the app but probably typing the name in lwer case would work | 05:04 |
ShackJack | khandi: If not mounted, this might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions? | 05:04 |
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cosinos | cant install java1-5.doc | 05:04 |
Hazarath | I thought of that too. | 05:04 |
aaaaaaaa | hi | 05:04 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: failing that type man <app-name> | 05:04 |
rausb0 | TimK65: the problem is that card manufacturers keep changing chipsets in their products without telling | 05:05 |
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khandi | shackjack: i can see it at my storage media... | 05:05 |
TimK65 | rausb0: Don't I know it! *groan* Jerks. | 05:05 |
linos | faileas: thanks | 05:05 |
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_imran_ | faileas, can you tell me how? | 05:05 |
rausb0 | TimK65: for example, d-link cards of the same name can have different chipsets, depending on the hardware revision | 05:05 |
ShackJack | khandi: OK.. check props for path or look at df -i in command line and that will give you your path.. | 05:05 |
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Hazarath | thoreauputic, 'No manual entry for pspvc' | 05:06 |
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TimK65 | rausb0: Yep, and apparently Linksys changed the chipset on this particular card too, which is why I was going on earlier about which version of the card I had. | 05:06 |
rausb0 | TimK65: netgear does the same shit | 05:06 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: :( | 05:06 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: complain to the devs - there should always be a man page | 05:06 |
thoreauputic | Hazarath: but read the info they give first on their web page ;-) | 05:06 |
faileas | _imran_:it seems quite selfexplainary, open pidgin, click on accounts, add/edit. add. select MSN as protocol screenname= MSN account name blag@hotmail.com, password is password... then nick is whatever you want, its unimportant | 05:06 |
TimK65 | rausb0: No shock. :-( I have the "supported wireless cards" page from the Ubuntu wiki up; I'll check through that to try to find a recently updated card with atheros. Thank you for all your help! And ShackJack, thanks to you too. | 05:06 |
_imran_ | can someone tell me how to delete an account in Evolution Mail? | 05:07 |
rausb0 | TimK65: at least d-link cards have a visible hardware revision. i don't know if netgear and linksys show that. | 05:07 |
khandi | shackjack: when i type"sudo mount -a" it says: "mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist" | 05:07 |
faileas | _imran_: it takes less time to do that than to type it out ;) | 05:07 |
ShackJack | TimK65: NP | 05:07 |
TimK65 | rausb0: Well, that's good to know, too. I got a Linksys card because I have a Linksys router. | 05:07 |
ShackJack | khandi: If you can see in File Manager it's already mounted.... You have to get path... | 05:07 |
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khandi | shackjack: it does not show up with df -i | 05:07 |
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Hazarath | thoreauputic, that's what I've been trying to do for the last little while. x.x | 05:08 |
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ShackJack | khandi: Using Ubuntu 6 or 7? | 05:09 |
TimK65 | rausb0: I'm going to head out now. Thanks again. | 05:09 |
bullgard4 | Enselic: I have filed a bug report to Launchpad. | 05:09 |
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khandi | shackjack 7 | 05:09 |
ShackJack | khandi: You have ntfs-3g installed then I imagine ? And can you browse files on drive from FIle Manager | 05:10 |
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khandi | shackjack: yes i can... until i decided to play around with qtparted :) it doesnt show my old windows files anymore. but it still says part of my diskspace is in use | 05:10 |
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_imran_ | how do you change the theme in Firefox? | 05:11 |
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faileas | >_> | 05:11 |
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serenity | _imran_ click on Tools then Addons | 05:11 |
faileas | on FF2 its tools then addons | 05:12 |
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linux_ | how i can write on NTFS with ubunto ? | 05:12 |
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Hazarath | thoreauputic, I'll just get the Winders version, it prolly'll go a lot smoother. x.x | 05:12 |
serenity | linux_: you need to use the ntfs-3g driver to write to ntfs drives. have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009 | 05:12 |
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ShackJack | khandi: Ah... sorry you lost me... If you can browse files you can see mount point and therefore reformat... | 05:12 |
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ShackJack | !ntfs-3g | linux_ | 05:13 |
ubotu | linux_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 05:13 |
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khandi | shackjack ok but what should i do now to fix this? type in !ntfs-3g | linux_? | 05:14 |
JamesDS | hello all - can someone give me a boot command for grub? | 05:14 |
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JamesDS | i installed ubuntu 7.04, and on boot it shows the grub command line grub> ... how can I boot into ubuntu from here? | 05:15 |
ShackJack | khandi: Wha? no - that's a ubotu message to linux_ ... Are there multiple partitions on your external drive or something? | 05:15 |
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linux_ | yes | 05:15 |
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khandi | shackjack: no it is just one drive... but i mounted it as a NFTS drive because i still had some files on it. but it is just one drive, one partition | 05:16 |
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linux_ | i have windows c: and D: drivers and i want to write to them from ubunto | 05:16 |
ShackJack | khandi: Then if you can see it and browse files on it... what I said b4 :) | 05:16 |
conreyt | looking for a solution: I've successfully gotten ndiswrapper to load and recognize my wireless card, however, there is a module that loads at boottime,bcm43xx, that is not allowing ndiswrapper to load properly. I'm having to modprobe -r ndiswrapper and the bcm43xx driver, then modprobe ndiswrapper to get the wireless working properly. How can I block the bcm43xx module from loading in the first place? | 05:16 |
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serenity | linux_: you need to use the ntfs-3g driver to write to ntfs drives. have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009 | 05:16 |
khandi | shackjack i used to be able to brwose the files. but now i cant since i used qtparted on it | 05:16 |
AboSamoor | how i can create a new gnome-panel if i don't have any previous one ? | 05:16 |
JamesDS | anyone please...help on grub? | 05:16 |
khandi | shackjack but it aint formatted either | 05:16 |
decan | hi everybody | 05:17 |
khandi | shackjack it says it cant becuase it is a virtual drive | 05:17 |
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linux_ | yea i sow this tahnks | 05:17 |
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decan | any idea how to install a webcam in Ubuntu?? | 05:17 |
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rausb0 | conreyt: add the module name to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 05:17 |
ShackJack | conreyt: Ad it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 05:17 |
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conreyt | rausb0, ShackJack : thanks. | 05:17 |
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XLV | khandi, so if you go into a shell and write sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb ( or whatever the device is ) what do you get? | 05:17 |
ShackJack | khandi: Sorry dunno about virtual drive - you're using KDE? | 05:18 |
conreyt | rausb0, ShackJack : I'll give it a go! | 05:18 |
decan | I'm in trouble please I need help with that | 05:18 |
luyi | what | 05:18 |
Skrypt | Anyone know how to manually restore borders in compiz-fusion? | 05:18 |
serenity | AboSamoor: try typing gnome-panel at the Terminal | 05:18 |
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JamesDS | what command will boot linux in grub? | 05:19 |
khandi | XLV: i get /dev/sdb is entire device, not just one partition! | 05:19 |
ShackJack | decan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam | 05:19 |
khandi | shackjack yes i use KDE | 05:19 |
ShackJack | Skrypt: check over @ #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion | 05:19 |
roland | I just installed shorewall, and now apt-get gets a connection refused, but everything else appears to work.. any ideas? | 05:19 |
serenity | Skrypt: try pressing Alt-F2 and typing emerald --replace | 05:19 |
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XLV | khandi, my bad.. sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 | 05:20 |
linux_ | serenity i have installed and config the both write to internal \ external and i still cant write need tp restart system or something else ? | 05:20 |
decan | ShackJack, I'll see, thanks | 05:20 |
Skrypt | serenity: nope. | 05:20 |
ShackJack | khandi: K, sorry I can help you with virtual drive.. but if it's mounted you should be able to reformat... | 05:20 |
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AboSamoor | <serenity> i got I've detected a panel already running, and will now exit. | 05:20 |
khandi | XLV: The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly | 05:20 |
khandi | shackjack: thanks for your help :) | 05:20 |
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JamesDS | I shall ask again :) - can someone help me boot into Ubuntu from a grub command line? | 05:21 |
JamesDS | i didn't get a boot menu :( | 05:22 |
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khandi | XLV: but when i typed: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb it said it was and entire device and asked me to continue... what happens if i continue? | 05:22 |
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roland | I just installed shorewall, and now apt-get gets a connection refused, but everything else appears to work.. any ideas? | 05:22 |
linux_ | i have installed and config the both write to internal \ external and i still cant write need tp restart system or something else ? | 05:22 |
_imran_ | can anyone tell me how to get pidgin, because i still have gaim | 05:22 |
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XLV | khandi, i am not in your computer you know... you need to find whats the hdd device and number of partition... do a sudo fdisk -l and paste the results | 05:22 |
kharloss | hi there . I made a big mistake . i use this command "sudo tar -cvzpf magazin.tgz /var/www/magazin" and look what happened / what camn i do to go back to my previous state ? any solution ? I really apreciate . screenshot here :http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/1909/sreenshot2nz8.png | 05:22 |
shriphani | folks how to get a list of all users currently logged on. | 05:22 |
kharloss | any solution ? | 05:23 |
ShackJack | !pastebin | khandi (use this to paste results) | 05:23 |
ubotu | khandi (use this to paste results): pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:23 |
thoreauputic | shriphani: w or who | 05:23 |
AboSamoor | how i can create a new gnome-panel if i don't have any previous one ? | 05:23 |
shriphani | thoreauputic: and this will not erm give me repitions ? | 05:23 |
thoreauputic | shriphani: have you tried it? | 05:24 |
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lvalue | hi, i can't get more then 1MB/s on the local network. mii-tool says negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok and still, the speed is not more then 1MB/s. Before when I had the debian installed I had no problems going to the full 10MB/s. Any ideas where to search for the problem ? | 05:24 |
shriphani | thoreauputic: one sec. | 05:24 |
finalbeta | JamesDS: I don't know... Boot from a live CD, mount the drive, fix your menu.lst and boot up again. | 05:24 |
thoreauputic | shriphani: it just lists users and either uptime/load or some extra info | 05:24 |
XLV | lvalue, is dma mode on hdds or atapi devices enabled? | 05:24 |
JamesDS | ok, ty finalbeta | 05:25 |
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aaronm | I tried to install virtualbox on my ubuntu box 7.04, the install froze and now when I try to apt-get or use synaptic it says it needs to install the package virtualbox but can't find it. when i try to install the deb manually it says it's corrupt or i dont have permission to use it, ive redownloaded it and still nothing | 05:25 |
thoreauputic | shriphani: either will do ( w or who ) | 05:25 |
binarydigit | aaragon: try apt-get install -f | 05:25 |
aaronm | same thing :( | 05:26 |
shriphani | thoreauputic: suppose a user is using two shells at the same time, it will show his name twice. the problem is i just need that name once. | 05:26 |
lvalue | XLV, that was my second question. I have a laptop with ATA drive, yet ubuntu recognises it as SATA or SCSI, giving /dev/sda* devices to mount.. | 05:26 |
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CheeseGardener | What does ctrl+alt+F9 do exactly????? | 05:26 |
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finalbeta | CheeseGardener: sswitch to terminal 9 | 05:26 |
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CheeseGardener | Oh | 05:27 |
CheeseGardener | How do you get out of that? | 05:27 |
Jeruvy | anyone know a cvs tool/package to apt-get? | 05:27 |
CheeseGardener | is there any way to switch back? | 05:27 |
shriphani | lvalue: that is supposed to happen. | 05:27 |
lvalue | XLV, and I can transfer files between my firewire external hdd with speeds exceeding 7MB/s, so the dma might not be an issue | 05:27 |
finalbeta | CheeseGardener: cntr-alt-F7 gives you the graphic "terminal" again | 05:27 |
binarydigit | Jeruvy: um.... cvs | 05:27 |
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CheeseGardener | ok | 05:27 |
CheeseGardener | thanks | 05:27 |
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XLV | lvalue, sudo hdparm <device> to see whats enabled or not | 05:27 |
Jeruvy | binarydigit: you know I tried that ;) | 05:27 |
shriphani | lvalue: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks | 05:27 |
roland | I just installed shorewall, and now apt-get gets a connection refused, but everything else appears to work.. any ideas? | 05:27 |
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ShackJack | AboSamoor: It shoudn't let you delete the panel if you only have one, but you can delete .gconf and. .gconf2 in home dir to restore gnome settings to default (log out and back in after delteting) | 05:28 |
BwR | Hi is there any kind of program like scandisk or checkdisk or somthing to check if my hdd is fried? | 05:28 |
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binarydigit | Jeruvy: i dont believe you | 05:28 |
fail_asleep | BwR : Fried? | 05:28 |
lvalue | XLV, it's not much.. http://rafb.net/p/NSteiQ59.html | 05:28 |
khandi | XLV: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32493/ | 05:28 |
binarydigit | sudo apt-cache search ^cvs | 05:28 |
ShackJack | !fsck | BwR | 05:28 |
ubotu | BwR: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 05:28 |
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fail_asleep | a SMART monitor of some sort might work for that... | 05:29 |
ShackJack | fail_asleep: fried like chicken! | 05:29 |
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XLV | lvalue, you need to enable dma | 05:29 |
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shriphani | thoreauputic: do you realise my problem ? | 05:29 |
fail_asleep | i'd use spinrite but... my copy *cough cough* i got from someone who knows someone who uploaded something ;p | 05:29 |
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roland | anyone have any thoughts on it? | 05:30 |
thoreauputic | shriphani: who | cut -f1 -d" " | sort -u | 05:30 |
Jeruvy | binarydigit: ok thanks I found the problem it was seeking a missing cdrom. I'll have to look into that. | 05:30 |
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BwR | ShackJack Thx alot m8 | 05:30 |
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thoreauputic | shriphani: works for you? | 05:30 |
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binarydigit | system->administration->software sources | 05:30 |
binarydigit | uncheck cdrom | 05:30 |
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shriphani | thoreauputic: yes it does. | 05:30 |
shriphani | thanks a lot. | 05:30 |
thoreauputic | shriphani: :) | 05:30 |
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khandi | XLV: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32493/ does this help you any further? he does recognize the drive... | 05:30 |
thoreauputic | shriphani: no worries :) | 05:31 |
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linux_ | how i can cancel the windows minimize effect ? | 05:31 |
thoreauputic | shriphani: do you understand what I did? | 05:31 |
shriphani | thoreauputic: no. | 05:31 |
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finalbeta | linux_: you can't in gnome, and boy do you have a bad nickname for tab completion and any linux releated channel. | 05:32 |
shriphani | but i wouldn't mine knowing what. | 05:32 |
thoreauputic | shriphani: sort -u sorts by unique lines, the cut part cuts at the first field delimited by a space and discards the rest | 05:32 |
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thoreauputic | shriphani: the | pipes output to the following commands | 05:32 |
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shriphani | i understand the pipes. | 05:33 |
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linux_ | someone know how to startup with "online" icq status in kopete ? | 05:33 |
lvalue | XLV, is there something special about the SCSI interface and DMA ? I get this: http://rafb.net/p/4QiJ2G61.html | 05:33 |
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thoreauputic | shriphani: cut -f1 -d" " <-- only print the bit before the first space | 05:33 |
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shriphani | thoreauputic: i see. | 05:34 |
thoreauputic | shriphani: then sort to only get uniques lines | 05:34 |
ShackJack | linux_: You might want ot try #kopete channel... | 05:34 |
shriphani | ahh. | 05:34 |
shriphani | i must get around to learning bash. | 05:34 |
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theshadow | How do I get my multimedia keys to work in XMMS? | 05:34 |
thoreauputic | shriphani: it helps a lot, yeah :) | 05:34 |
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shriphani | might save me some headaches with trying to do the unthinkable in python. | 05:34 |
linux_ | some can give me name of audio | 05:34 |
thoreauputic | shriphani: hahah | 05:34 |
linux_ | player that have libery ? | 05:34 |
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khandi | XLV: but when i do: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32495/ it aint possible. | 05:35 |
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finalbeta | linux_: rhythmbox or amarok, the default players have "libraries " | 05:35 |
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linux_ | something more like winamp in xp ? | 05:36 |
MajorPayne | linux_: xmms? | 05:36 |
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relativeownershi | hello. | 05:36 |
MajorPayne | !hi | relativeownershi | 05:36 |
ubotu | relativeownershi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 05:36 |
linux_ | it have libraries ? | 05:36 |
adoello | hola | 05:36 |
Lustblader | amarok is way better than rhythmbox though | 05:37 |
MajorPayne | linux_: What do you mean by "libraries"? | 05:37 |
adoello | kien ahi aqui? | 05:37 |
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relativeownershi | can somebody help me install a patch? its a .debdiff file and i'm not sure how to run it | 05:37 |
ShackJack | Lustblader: I like Exaile SVN for GNOME native app :) | 05:37 |
adoello | estoy probando.. | 05:37 |
adoello | y tu que tal? | 05:37 |
ShackJack | !es | adoello | 05:37 |
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ubotu | adoello: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:37 |
linux_ | Lustblader , like in winamp , something taht will remember all the songs that i have played | 05:37 |
Lustblader | ShackJack: know any good torrent apps? | 05:37 |
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relativeownershi | i'm pissed tehy disabled deluge, i loved that one. | 05:38 |
Lustblader | linux_ amarok it is | 05:38 |
ShackJack | Lustblader: FOr something simple, Deluge is a good GNOME native app... | 05:38 |
relativeownershi | !deluge | 05:38 |
ubotu | deluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or http://download.deluge-torrent.org/stable/ubuntu/feisty/ for downloading. | 05:38 |
MajorPayne | linux_: xmms is modeled after winamp. But I wouldn't consider nither of them, xmms or winamp to keep track of a music librarie. | 05:38 |
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ShackJack | relativeownershi: disabled deluge? | 05:38 |
relativeownershi | deluge no longer avail in repositories... | 05:38 |
relativeownershi | ShackJack: i can't install it from fiesty reps | 05:38 |
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linux_ | winamp keep and rythembox | 05:38 |
ShackJack | relativeownershi: YOu can get it at getdeb.net ;) | 05:38 |
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Lustblader | i tried deluge | 05:38 |
Lustblader | it aint good for torrents with bad seeds | 05:38 |
relativeownershi | ShackJack: yeah i might if i can't get this patch installed for azureus, the repod version of which blows | 05:39 |
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MajorPayne | linux_: What do you mean "winamp keep and rhythmbox? | 05:39 |
relativeownershi | ShackJack: i actually don't know how to install this debdiff file for azureus2. can you help me? | 05:39 |
linux_ | i mean both keep | 05:39 |
MajorPayne | linux_: What do you mean keep? | 05:40 |
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Lustblader | relativeownershi: tried the synaptic package manager? | 05:40 |
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hwilde | anybody know how to mount a pcmcia compact flashcard reader? dmesg recognizes: [ 280.584000] ata8: PATA max PIO0 cmd 0x00018100 ctl 0x0001810e bmdma 0x00000000 irq 3; [ 280.584000] scsi7 : pata_pcmcia | 05:40 |
linux_ | that the next time you will run the program you will see all the songs you have ever played | 05:40 |
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ShackJack | relativeownershi: Sorry, never used one of those b4.. | 05:41 |
Lustblader | linux_: amarok does all that | 05:41 |
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relativeownershi | Lustblader: i'm not sure what you mean. i downloaded a debdiff file regarding a particular bug with azureus from bug launchpad. | 05:41 |
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ceztko | all: is there a problem with security repository for edgy? i'm trying to update a machine that has been offline for i while, i just synched packages lists, and apt would like to download a no more existent version of firefox (when the last one is is happening? | 05:41 |
relativeownershi | Lustblader: now i'd like to install it. i've used a debdiff before but it came with instructions, haha | 05:41 |
ShackJack | relativeownershi: They have azerus 3.0 now which you can compile from source.. | 05:41 |
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linux_ | i hate amarok that is the problem i have problem with amarok something else ? | 05:41 |
Jester | uh | 05:42 |
MajorPayne | linux_: Try Rhythmbox. | 05:42 |
Lustblader | 5.8 is available on the website | 05:42 |
ShackJack | linux_: Why do you want to see all the songs you ever played? At any rate Exaile SVN has last.fm support which will do tht ;) | 05:42 |
MajorPayne | linux_: But if you want a winamp like player try xmms. | 05:42 |
Jester | if you have problem with amarok, you should try amarok harder till you like it imo | 05:42 |
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linux_ | xmms if perfect but dont save the list of the played songs | 05:43 |
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relativeownershi | ShackJack: i know. i was hoping to just get this ver patched becuase i figured it would be a simpler task, but i'm just doing deluge from getdeb. i'll probably install azureus from source later. | 05:43 |
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relativeownershi | thanks guys! peace out ShackJack, MajorPayne. | 05:43 |
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lvalue | linux_, afaik, xmms has playlists, and it reloads what you've put in there | 05:43 |
OneSeventeen | What is the command for the disk management GUI? | 05:44 |
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Jester | xmms is obsolete, audacious is a great replacement, much better | 05:44 |
linux_ | the problem in amarok itthat it not support non english languages | 05:44 |
lvalue | Jester, does it have an equaliser ? | 05:44 |
lumgwada | has anyone got a fix for when gnome's desktop alignment messes up? (theres a section og the screen I can't drag icons to...) | 05:44 |
Lustblader | u just gotta add some stuff | 05:44 |
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Jester | lvalue: of course | 05:45 |
Lustblader | lumgwada: try using the monitor controls | 05:45 |
variant | Jester: xmms is still developed. | 05:45 |
Lustblader | on the monitor to move yer screen | 05:45 |
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variant | Jester: audacious and all the other forks are just that, forks | 05:45 |
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Jester | lvalue: it has pretty much everything xmms had, plus is in gtk2, less crashy and more file formats support | 05:45 |
pyro | hello | 05:45 |
lvalue | and, btw, xmms2 with its server/client model will be much better then anything up to now | 05:45 |
pyro | what's up people | 05:45 |
OneSeventeen | Is it possible to format partitions with a GUI in Ubuntu Feisty? | 05:45 |
Remo_A | Hi all, where can I get information about servers? I'd like to set one up, but would also like to discuss pro's and con's of an own physical server to a remotely hosted one, costs and needs, etc. | 05:45 |
ShackJack | !hi | pyro | 05:45 |
ubotu | pyro: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 05:45 |
Jester | variant: more a complete rewrite... | 05:45 |
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pyro | Hey ubuntu! is tha shit | 05:45 |
variant | OneSeventeen: apt-get install gparted | 05:45 |
pchilds | Is there by chance a setting in compiz fusion that will automagically center the apps when opened instead of the top left corner? | 05:46 |
pyro | hey shackhack | 05:46 |
lumgwada | Lustblader: yeah I don't think it's that (full screen apps are ok.. t) | 05:46 |
lvalue | Jester, thanks for the info, i will give it a try, i like gtk2 :) | 05:46 |
OneSeventeen | variant: thanks, already had that installed, just couldn't remember the name of it :) | 05:46 |
ShackJack | Remo_A: Check out #ubuntu-server | 05:46 |
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Jester | lvalue: you won't be disappointed ;) | 05:46 |
Remo_A | ShackJack: thank you very much | 05:46 |
anakonca | hello, I have problems with Wine. Can anyone help? | 05:46 |
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ShackJack | pchilds: Place plugin... | 05:47 |
augusto | hi all | 05:47 |
pyro | hey nero came out with a version for linux | 05:47 |
phanto1 | 64 bit Ubuntu+32bit browser+32 bit flash = no sound, what to do? | 05:47 |
pyro | it rocks! | 05:47 |
augusto | is there an easy way to configure my ipw3945 to master mode? | 05:47 |
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linux_ | what is the best irc client for linux ? | 05:47 |
MajorPayne | Remo_A: It depends what you want to do with the server. The main drawbacks are bandwidth, port 25, and some ISP's just don't like you hosting stuff. | 05:47 |
augusto | is it just iwconfig eth1 mode Master? | 05:47 |
Lustblader | #konversation | 05:47 |
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Lustblader | or mIRC | 05:47 |
linux_ | yea ia use it | 05:47 |
linux_ | mirc for linux ? [] | 05:47 |
Jester | mIRC ? | 05:47 |
Lustblader | not there? | 05:47 |
Lustblader | darn | 05:47 |
Lustblader | i liked it | 05:48 |
serenity | anakonka: wine has it's own channel #winehq | 05:48 |
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MajorPayne | !enter Lustblader | 05:48 |
MajorPayne | !enter | Lustblader | 05:48 |
ubotu | Lustblader: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 05:48 |
bullgard4 | Where is the Trash of the Evolution program? | 05:48 |
lvalue | Jester, it looks just like xmms.. i hope there is at least some difference :) | 05:48 |
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Lustblader | but u just typed the same thing wice... aint that worse | 05:48 |
anakonca | serenity: there was pretty quiet | 05:48 |
OneSeventeen | Should I unmount a volume before formatting it in gparted? | 05:48 |
ShackJack | bullgard4: Should just be with other folders... | 05:48 |
MajorPayne | There is no mIRC for Linux, at least none that I know of. Try X-Chat. | 05:48 |
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Jester | lvalue: ah well, it's more or less intended as a drop in replacement ;) | 05:49 |
Remo_A | MajorPayne: exactly that kind of stuff I'd like to chat about :) join me in #ubuntu-server if you'd like! I'd appreciate it | 05:49 |
Jester | lvalue: same look and feel + functionality | 05:49 |
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bullgard4 | ShackJack: I understand you barely. Say it in other words, please. | 05:49 |
OneSeventeen | After formatting a partition with GParted, will it add it to my fstab? | 05:49 |
ShackJack | bullgard4: Ummm. the list of folders in the left pane of Evolution, Inbox, Sent, etc... there should be one for trash or deleted items... | 05:50 |
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phanto1 | Help please. 32 bit flash no sound in 64 ubuntu. | 05:50 |
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linux_ | rythembox have channel ? | 05:50 |
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jahid__ | hi, i am trying to install ubuntu, i am facing some difficulties can anyone help? | 05:50 |
OneSeventeen | Ahh, nevermind... scarily enough it looks like I have 14GB of space more than I had yesterday! eek! | 05:50 |
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bullgard4 | ShackJack: Yes, indeed: On the left-hand plane. I have overlooked it. Thank you for hinting. | 05:51 |
theron | NickServ IDENTIFY ihagp)(* | 05:51 |
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_gpf_ | !vmware | 05:51 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 05:51 |
OneSeventeen | Is there a good command to run to maintain a hard drive? | 05:51 |
theron | heh | 05:51 |
Jester | linux_: I don't know what you mean by amarok not supporting other languages, but mine appears to support like 70 | 05:51 |
theron | well time to change that ;) | 05:51 |
ShackJack | bullgard4: You're welcome... | 05:51 |
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jahid__ | someone to help me?:( | 05:51 |
Lustblader | what's wrong jahid__ | 05:52 |
ShackJack | !ask | jahid__ | 05:52 |
ubotu | jahid__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:52 |
jahid__ | Lustblader, i am tring to install ubuntu. i am on stage of partitioning | 05:52 |
kousotu | [10:45] <kousotu> how do you enable java on Firefox? | 05:52 |
STixx | jahid...keep going.. | 05:52 |
Lustblader | kousotu: u need to download some extra packages.. try synaptic | 05:53 |
linux_ | Jester i see @#$%@#^ for song with name in hebrew | 05:53 |
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ShackJack | kousotu: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts | 05:53 |
kousotu | Lust: I'm up to date | 05:53 |
jahid__ | Lustblader, ShackJack, but last time when i tried to install, there was some problmem with my cd. so i downloaded it and made a new copy of ubuntu in a new cd | 05:53 |
lvalue | Jester, unfortunately it's very slow to respond when scrolling the playlist. a bad compromise between cpu load and eye-candy | 05:53 |
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ShackJack | jahid__: Oh-kaaaay.... | 05:53 |
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jahid__ | Now, its showing a list of drivers, but i cant choose any of them to install ubuntu | 05:53 |
kousotu | yay | 05:53 |
kousotu | there we go | 05:53 |
Jester | lvalue: you mean how it queries metadata ? | 05:53 |
ShackJack | jahid__: List of drivers? | 05:54 |
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kousotu | ty | 05:54 |
theshadow | How do I edit what commands/actions are being executed when I press a multimedia key? | 05:54 |
jahid__ | one swap, one ext3, and one unsable entry | 05:54 |
cornell | Is feisty version 7 or 6? | 05:54 |
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jahid__ | here i want to mention that, i am installing in dual boot with winxp | 05:54 |
kousotu | jahid_ is your XP OEM? | 05:55 |
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jahid__ | now, i cant even broot to winxp, so that i cant go back to winxp and use parition magic to delete those partiton and insatll again | 05:55 |
jahid__ | kousotu, what OEM means? | 05:55 |
fail_asleep | jahid__: testdisk would probably be able to undo the disk changes... | 05:55 |
jahid__ | fail_asleep, how to use testdisk? | 05:55 |
OneSeventeen | The VMware page at Ubuntu says Feisty 7.04 requires VMware Worsktation 6, because older versions wont' work with the kernel | 05:55 |
kousotu | when you look t the serial(ex in a sec) is says OEM | 05:55 |
lvalue | Jester, just scrolling the playlist.. as simple as that. | 05:55 |
phanto1 | Help please. 32 bit flash no sound in 64 ubuntu. | 05:55 |
OneSeventeen | What about VMware server, will recent versions of VMware server work? | 05:56 |
ShackJack | jahid__: Sorry I know how to do it, but have tought time explaining to others how to do it ;) ... You need to select free space and make for swap root (/) and home... ;) | 05:56 |
kousotu | go to control pannel > System | 05:56 |
fail_asleep | jahid__: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk | 05:56 |
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Jester | lvalue: you mean you get a full computer slowdown just by scrolling the playlist? | 05:56 |
kousotu | and who makes your computer? | 05:56 |
lvalue | Jester, and the metadata comes also much slower then in xmms, but that's a one time thing, i can live with that | 05:56 |
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cornell | I thought feisty was LTS, but version 6 is LTS | 05:57 |
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jahid__ | ShackJack, I tried to delete existing partition | 05:57 |
jahid__ | but, i coudlnt delete them | 05:57 |
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lvalue | Jester, yep :) and even xmms stopped playing for a while by scrolling in audacious :) i guess i don't have a beowulf cluster to run this application | 05:57 |
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phanto1 | Help please. 32 bit flash no sound in 64 bit ubuntu. | 05:58 |
Jester | lvalue: weird, you're the first one I've seen report this problem | 05:58 |
webmaren | i cannot get my stupid monitor to use the widescreen resolution | 05:58 |
kousotu | phanto, what sound card? | 05:58 |
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Jester | lvalue: maybe ubuntu's package is old/bad which appears to be a normal occurence in this distribution | 05:59 |
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phanto1 | kousotu:via vt 1708 | 05:59 |
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kousotu | hm... | 06:00 |
webmaren | its an X2gen MW15A and i'm using a nvidia 7100GS | 06:00 |
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phanto1 | kousotu:HD driver instaled | 06:00 |
kousotu | make sure it's unmuted | 06:00 |
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kousotu | mine started out muted | 06:00 |
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lvalue | Jester, i have limited resources, p3 mobile at 1.1ghz and 16mb video for a 1600x1200px screen.. maybe other people have better configurations and did't feel the same effect :) | 06:00 |
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webmaren | it refuses to use the correct resolution, its locked on 1024x768, even though its supposed to be 1280x800 | 06:01 |
STixx | Jahid: maybe ur drivers are bad..i have had that problem b4 | 06:01 |
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mage | how do I get IDE drivers? | 06:01 |
UbuntuLiveCD | Hi all! Help needed! Installing Feisty Fawn from a Live CD, which Im currently running from, and when I reached "Configuring hardware" the installation process / window just stopped and closed. Is there a log somwhere that I can view to see what failed? | 06:01 |
phanto1 | kousotu: unmuted it functions . joust flash doesn't use it. | 06:01 |
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aryr100 | anybody know how to update display driver its a S3 Savage ? | 06:02 |
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phanto1 | kousotu:I turned all volumes with a mixer to max if that is what you mean. | 06:02 |
Lustblader | UbuntuLiveCD: tried waiting for the problem to resolve.. sometime the program is just too slow | 06:02 |
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MajorPayne | mage: They should be already there. | 06:03 |
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kousotu | oh.. no idena then, sry | 06:03 |
kousotu | idea* | 06:03 |
UbuntuLiveCD | Lustblader: you mean its still installing allthough thw installer window closed? | 06:03 |
Lustblader | oh no UbuntuLiveCD... i mean if the window froze.. it would mean it's still going at it | 06:04 |
mage | MajorPayne: its trying to run IDE through the scsi stuff, like /dev/sda instead of /dev/hda | 06:04 |
MajorPayne | mage: SATA? | 06:04 |
mage | well its a flash card | 06:04 |
UbuntuLiveCD | Lustblader: Ok, so it seems that the installation process died... you know if theres a log in the /var directory that I can view? Can find any that look relevant... | 06:04 |
MajorPayne | mage: An IDE flash card? | 06:05 |
mage | and its not working as /dev/sda, scsi read errors but the card worked fine in a 486 | 06:05 |
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Lustblader | how can there be a log file?? it's a live cd ain't it? | 06:05 |
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mage | MajorPayne: CF -> IDE adaptor | 06:05 |
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k31th | is ubuntu embedded out yet? | 06:05 |
ubunturos | does gcc 4.0 have problems compiling programs using the svgalib? | 06:05 |
MajorPayne | mage: I don't know. IDE drivers are in Ubuntu already. | 06:05 |
terapicodave | Lustblader: a log can still be generated it just wont persist through reboots | 06:06 |
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mage | MajorPayne: i guess it could be 80 conductor IDE cable? | 06:06 |
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UbuntuLiveCD | Lustblader: well... its set up a partition and file structure on the HD... theres a lot of logs, but I dont know which one to look in! | 06:06 |
chikita | hello, secret maryo chronicles run too slow, what can i do? | 06:06 |
fethio | \desc Fethi Okyar | 06:06 |
MajorPayne | mage: I am not sure. IDE is IDE with 40 and 80 cables. | 06:06 |
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linux_ | how i can create trach sortcut icon on desktop ? | 06:06 |
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Lustblader | no idea man UbuntuLiveCD | 06:06 |
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mage | yea | 06:07 |
cortilap | does anyone know approx. how long the linux-source package takes to build on a core 2 duo e4400 (2.2 ghz i think) | 06:07 |
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kousotu | ulcd: try reinstalling? | 06:07 |
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cortilap | alternatively: what/where is the Ubuntu equivalent of buildd.net | 06:07 |
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serenity | if install fails and leaves you at a prompt there is a log in /var/log/caper.log | 06:07 |
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UbuntuLiveCD | Lustblader: ok... well... gonna try removing all "unnecessary" HW and redo the installation! | 06:07 |
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aryr100 | found modprobe cmd ? | 06:07 |
serenity | sorry casper.log | 06:07 |
UbuntuLiveCD | bye! | 06:07 |
k31th | how big is thesmallest install of ubuntu ? | 06:07 |
STixx | how do i install real player 10? | 06:07 |
Lustblader | best of luck UbuntuLiveCD | 06:07 |
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phanto1 | Help please. No sound in flash. I have 32 bit browser with 32 flash instaled on 64 bit ubuntu, via vt 1708 sound card | 06:08 |
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linux_ | where is the kcontroll sortcut ? | 06:08 |
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aryr100 | STixx its in the update package just click the search | 06:08 |
Skrypt | I'm having an issue writing data to a new hard drive I've installed. anyone know hot to fix this? | 06:08 |
maaxx | Hi, can someone paste somewhere the contents of a ubuntu dapper lts mysql init script? i erased it and reinstalling the package doesnt reinstall that file | 06:08 |
benjamin1254 | can anyone help me with a vnc install i installed x11vnc and configured it so it will be called on port 5900 like vnc but when i have someone try to connect they cant | 06:08 |
serenity | k32th you can install server edition for 500mb, then just add bits you need like X | 06:09 |
terapicodave | phanto1: I have that prob rarely, i just reboot and it works | 06:09 |
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STixx | aryr100: ? update package.?..the add/remove program? | 06:09 |
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cortilap | i found e.g., https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/2.6.20-16.29/+build/346570 but the actual log is absent | 06:09 |
chikita | hello, secret maryo chronicles run too slow, what can i do? | 06:09 |
aryr100 | nope click admin then syma update | 06:09 |
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toxix | hello, how i can resize ext3 partition without formating and without gparted? | 06:10 |
mage | resize2fs | 06:10 |
Askaaron | toxix: qtparted ;-) | 06:10 |
variant | toxix: parted | 06:10 |
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phanto1 | terapicodave: mine never workt . | 06:10 |
STixx | aryr100: the synaptic package manager? | 06:10 |
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linux_ | how i can create trach sortcut icon on desktop ? | 06:10 |
saxin | drag it there I guess | 06:11 |
aryr100 | yes sorry not @ terminal | 06:11 |
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linux_ | saxin with trash it dont work | 06:11 |
STixx | thanks | 06:11 |
Emperor886 | How do I navigate to a folder using the terminal? | 06:12 |
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saxin | Emperor886: cd | 06:12 |
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Lustblader | cd /folder direction Emperor886 | 06:12 |
phanto1 | Help please. No sound in flash. I have 32 bit browser with 32 flash instaled on 64 bit ubuntu, via vt 1708 sound card | 06:12 |
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saxin | Emperor886: cd /home/emp/ etc.. | 06:12 |
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Emperor886 | So: cd /desktop? | 06:12 |
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MajorPayne | Emperor886: cd ~/Desktop | 06:13 |
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Skrypt | I just installed a 200GB internal hard drive. It's formatted as ext3 and mounted. However, I cannot write to the drive. How can I fix this? | 06:13 |
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saxin | cd /home/username/Desktop | 06:13 |
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Emperor886 | MajorPayne: Thanks alot! | 06:13 |
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MajorPayne | Emperor886: ~ is a shortcut to your home folder. And Linux is case sensitive, so there is a difference between Desktop and desktop. | 06:13 |
lvalue | Emperor886, use the command ls (from list) to show the current directory contents, it will help you to see where to cd next | 06:13 |
neoanima | hi,there | 06:13 |
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Askaaron | Emperor886: and with "pwd" you get your current working directory | 06:14 |
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Lustblader | how to change read/write permissions for any folder??? | 06:14 |
serenity | with pwnd it deletes your account | 06:14 |
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MajorPayne | Lustblader: man chmod will tell you all about permissions. | 06:15 |
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eyko | hi there | 06:15 |
eyko | too | 06:15 |
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Emperor886 | Thanks all! | 06:15 |
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JeevesMoss | can someone in here help me set up FTP, DNS, and Apache2 for multiple sites on one IP? | 06:15 |
linux_ | if i install something via termial where it is installed ? | 06:15 |
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eyko | probably /usr/local/ | 06:16 |
MajorPayne | linux_: dpkg -L packageName will tell you where all the files is. | 06:16 |
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dave_ | ok seems no matter what i do, how hard i try, no matter what instruction im using, i just cannot get glx to work on my ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO] (which i hear is actually a 9250) has anyone had any luck with this? | 06:16 |
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eyko | do you mean installing debs or manually configuring? | 06:16 |
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JeevesMoss | syko: I've got them installed, I just need to make sure the config is right | 06:17 |
Emperor | I can't run the file I wanted to from my desktop. :( | 06:17 |
Askaaron | JeevesMoss: First, learn what the VirtualHost directive in Apache does | 06:17 |
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JeevesMoss | syko: many websites I've looked @ arn't much help. And I think I've got apache mostly set up. My biggest things right now is the DNS, SendMail, and FTP | 06:18 |
Isaac_X | Hey Chickenman | 06:18 |
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Askaaron | JeevesMoss: this allows you to set up multiple web sites for one ip address. each site has to have its own name | 06:18 |
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ubuntu_ | hi | 06:19 |
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JeevesMoss | askaaron: as I said, I need to get the DNS, FTP, and SendMail set up though for the differen't sites | 06:19 |
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Skrypt | I just installed a 200GB internal hard drive. It's formatted as ext3 and mounted. However, I cannot write to the drive. How can I fix this? | 06:19 |
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bullgard4 | Where does Evolution store my received emails? I could not find them in ~/.evolution. | 06:20 |
BwR | every time i try to install somthing i says: bash: sudo: command not found | 06:20 |
amazingcow | all you have to do to fix your hard drive is dismount it and than remount it. | 06:20 |
ubuntu_ | i have Kubuntu 7.04. How do install the ubuntu-desktop (ubuntu+gnome) package without ruining my kde menu, and vice versa? | 06:20 |
Emperor | Can someone help me install Flash Player? | 06:20 |
enasni | hi i need some help installing a wireless usb device that isn't showing up in lsusb | 06:20 |
nirly | I am trying debug a c program on eclipse/cdt and i get an error: No symbol "new" in current context. Stopped due to shared library event | 06:20 |
PriceChild | !flash | Emperor | 06:20 |
ubotu | Emperor: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 06:20 |
Askaaron | JeevesMoss: get a good book - it's just impossible to explain the whole setup process here | 06:20 |
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buzzbuzz | hi all | 06:21 |
buzzbuzz | :o | 06:21 |
Emperor | Err, is that the FireFox addon? | 06:21 |
JeevesMoss | askaaron: do you know of any good howtos? | 06:22 |
mqueiros | bullgard4: look in: .evolution/mail/local/ | 06:22 |
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amazingcow | hi i have gnome with xgl but whenever i login under that session the screen is very "pixelated" the words are all unreadable and the screen is warped. Is there a recent update that has screwed beryl up or xgl and how can i restore this back to normal | 06:22 |
volker__ | amazingcow have you checked the refresh rate? | 06:23 |
volker__ | nvm | 06:23 |
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volker__ | amazingcow have you checked the refresh rate? | 06:23 |
linux_ | how i can install mysql ? | 06:23 |
gds631 | apt-get install | 06:23 |
Askaaron | JeevesMoss: http://www.linux.org/docs/online_books.html might be a good startingpoint | 06:23 |
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buzzbuzz | linux_: synaptic packetmanager? | 06:23 |
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JeevesMoss | askaaron: thanks | 06:23 |
linux_ | buzzbuzz what is the name ? | 06:24 |
nirly | hello. I am trying debug a c program on eclipse/cdt and i get an error: No symbol "new" in current context. Stopped due to shared library event | 06:24 |
gds631 | linux_: apt-cache search mysql | 06:24 |
volker__ | linux_ Systems -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager and search for mysql | 06:24 |
gds631 | linux_: and then find which mysql package you want | 06:24 |
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enasni | I'm trying to install my wireless usb DWL-G122. I've done tail -f /var/log/messages and it shows "usb 5-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 18" but thats the only message i get. If I unplug it, nothing shows up. | 06:24 |
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gds631 | linux_: and type apt-get install package-name | 06:24 |
linux_ | that is the problem i dont know there are alot with mysql | 06:24 |
serenity | nirly try channel ##c++ | 06:25 |
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gds631 | what do you want? | 06:25 |
gds631 | *which mysql do you want? | 06:25 |
linux_ | mysql comand prompt | 06:25 |
linux_ | mysql comand prompt | 06:25 |
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gds631 | client? | 06:25 |
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gds631 | or server? | 06:25 |
linux_ | not server | 06:25 |
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linux_ | i want to create my db | 06:25 |
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gds631 | create your db on a server that is not your machine? | 06:25 |
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epp | When i try and run XGL, it says there is already a server on display 1. How can i find out whats running on display 1? Could it be the VNC i setup? | 06:26 |
linux_ | for localhost . . . | 06:26 |
volker__ | i gotta go take the penguins to the pool, be back in a second | 06:26 |
ConstyXIV | the screen flashes a lot when i'm using opengl stuff (compiz-fusion, mobility radeon 9100, 'radeon' driver) | 06:26 |
gds631 | if you want to run a database, you have to install the server | 06:26 |
exn-tux | Vista is Stable now! | 06:26 |
volker__ | epp: open a console and type "top" | 06:26 |
gds631 | *if you want to run a db on your system | 06:26 |
volker__ | look for the process ID which X is using and kill it | 06:26 |
exn-tux | Just power off the pc! | 06:26 |
BwR | every time i try to install somthing i says: bash: sudo: command not found | 06:26 |
volker__ | make sure you are out of X when you do that | 06:26 |
BwR | whats wrong | 06:26 |
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serenity | sudo apt-get remove --purge Vista | 06:26 |
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exn-tux | ;9 | 06:27 |
=== Chickenman [n=Tal@89-138-230-51.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | BwR, what exactly are you typing? | 06:27 |
amazingcow | hi i am having a problem with xgl or maybe beryl. every time i login under xgl everything is all blurry and unreadable, it is all also blurry what is the problem and how do i fix it | 06:27 |
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amazingcow | please somebody help me | 06:27 |
PriceChild | !effects | amazingcow | 06:27 |
ubotu | amazingcow: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects | 06:27 |
BwR | "sudo shutdown -F -r now" | 06:27 |
volker__ | serenity: have you tried using "su" instead of sudo? | 06:27 |
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boxrock | can someone tell me how to add firefox extensions (like adblock) to my LTSP server so all users will access them? | 06:27 |
=== desertc [n=desertc@c-68-52-118-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gds631 | linux_: anyway, you can use apt-get install mysql-client-5.0 for client, and mysql-server-5.0 for a server | 06:27 |
bullgard4 | mqueiros: Thank you very much. I have found my incoming mails there. | 06:27 |
BwR | trying su now | 06:27 |
linux_ | this is waht i want thanks | 06:28 |
ConstyXIV | when i'm doing anything with opengl (ex: nexuiz and google earth), the screen flashes a lot | 06:28 |
hwilde | how could network devices eth0 and eth1 just disappear? | 06:28 |
volker__ | sorry that was meant for Bwr | 06:28 |
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BwR | im logged in as root | 06:28 |
volker__ | BwR: so it worked? | 06:28 |
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MajorPayne | BwR: If you are logged in as root you don't need sudo. | 06:29 |
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linux_ | waht is mysql client at all ? =\ | 06:29 |
enasni | can anyone help me?? | 06:29 |
jimmygoon | Why is this not in the repos even though it has been accepted. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-changes-auto/2005-July/001353.html | 06:29 |
PriceChild | !sudo | BwR | 06:29 |
ubotu | BwR: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 06:29 |
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PriceChild | jimmygoon, notice that that is from 2005... there's probably a new version like libpcap1 or something... apt-cache search libpcap | 06:30 |
volker__ | enasni: what's up? | 06:30 |
gds631 | linux_: mysql client lets you connect to a db server that is on another machine | 06:30 |
jimmygoon | PriceChild, there isn't the latest one in repos is 0.8 :S :( | 06:30 |
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enasni | volker__: i've got a dlink wireless usb device, which when i plug it in isn't being recognised in lsusb | 06:30 |
gds631 | eg, if you were running your mysql db on one server, but your webservers were on a seperate servers | 06:30 |
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volker__ | enasni: have you checked to see if there is a driver available from d-link? | 06:31 |
gds631 | the webservers only need to connect to the server db, they don't need to have their own databases | 06:31 |
nick_ | I got a video clip I want to sample the audio out of what is a good program to do tat | 06:31 |
epp | volker__, what process should i look for XOrg? | 06:31 |
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gds631 | epp: are you trying to restart x? | 06:31 |
jimmygoon | PriceChild, "LIBPCAP version 0.9.7 is released as of July 24, 2007." <-- from tcpdump.org | 06:31 |
linux_ | aaa ok so if ny db is on my machine i dont need client right ? | 06:31 |
nirly | AngryAnt: so what can i do? | 06:31 |
volker__ | epp: concerning what? | 06:31 |
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PriceChild | jimmygoon, http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/libs/libpcap0.8 is actually 0.9.5 I think. | 06:32 |
BwR | nope everytime i write somthing its like an checkdisk that runs. 10323.784000 ata3.00: exeption Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x0 (BMDMA stat 0x5) cmd c8/00:08:ef:97:05/00:00:00:00:00:00/e0 tag 0 cdb 0x0 data 4096 in | 06:32 |
epp | gds631, no. I can run Gnome fine normaly, But if i try and run it under Xgl under display 1, because i have ATi. It tells me it only lasted ten seconds. Because there is already a server running on :1. | 06:32 |
=== GWillakers [n=dale@netblock-72-25-95-12.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimmygoon | PriceChild, how/why? | 06:32 |
enasni | volker__: it's not that i'm worried about. I've also done tail -f /var/log/messages and it's only showing the one line: "usb 5-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 21" | 06:32 |
=== livingdaylight [n=conrad@77-99-138-99.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gds631 | linux_: i don't remeber, but i'm pretty sure you need the client on your machine | 06:32 |
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nhaze | I'm thinking of migrating on of my existing gentoo boxes over to Ubuntu. I do have a question regarding LVMs though. I have one drive that is a big LVM partition with multiple logicals on it. Will ubuntu be able to recognize and use these logical lvm parittions automatically? | 06:33 |
enasni | volker__: it doesn't show anything for disconnecting it or anything else | 06:33 |
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livingdaylight | He[[o | 06:33 |
BwR | and counting from 10513 in the begingen and goes higer and higer | 06:33 |
volker__ | epp: have you rebooted your computer? | 06:33 |
epp | volker__, yes | 06:33 |
livingdaylight | can someone tell me how to unmount my usb? | 06:33 |
PriceChild | jimmygoon, because it 0.9 shouldn't have a abi change on 0.8... so no change in name | 06:33 |
epp | livingdaylight, right click on its icon and push unmount | 06:33 |
livingdaylight | when i right click and eject it says somthing is using it | 06:33 |
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epp | livingdaylight, restart? | 06:33 |
jimmygoon | PriceChild, I'm familiar with api, but what does the abi stand for? | 06:33 |
livingdaylight | epp, yea.. it wont let me ... says something is using it | 06:33 |
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PriceChild | jimmygoon, meh musta been a typo... you get the idea | 06:34 |
livingdaylight | epp: do you know why one should not just pull the usb cable out of the pc? | 06:34 |
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jimmygoon | oh, ok, thanks | 06:34 |
volker__ | epp: check what you have running at startup | 06:34 |
gds631 | livingdaylight: close the windows that have the usb open (or cd out of terminals) | 06:34 |
epp | livingdaylight, because that could corrupt the data | 06:34 |
livingdaylight | epp, would restarting be a safe way of disengaging? | 06:34 |
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volker__ | epp: System -> Preferences -> Startup | 06:34 |
epp | livingdaylight, i believe so | 06:34 |
volker__ | sorry Sessions | 06:34 |
PriceChild | livingdaylight, close any nautilus windows using it | 06:34 |
volker__ | not starup | 06:34 |
BwR | and counting from 10513 in the begingen and goes higer and higer | 06:34 |
BwR | nope everytime i write somthing its like an checkdisk that runs. 10323.784000 ata3.00: exeption Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x0 (BMDMA stat 0x5) cmd c8/00:08:ef:97:05/00:00:00:00:00:00/e0 tag 0 cdb 0x0 data 4096 in | 06:34 |
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linux_ | i have installed mysql but now how i run it ( where is the short cut) ? | 06:35 |
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gds631 | livingdaylight: usb mount does a cache of small writes to a storage device, if you just pull it out, the writes will not commit sometimes (because the cash hasn't been flushed) | 06:35 |
livingdaylight | gds631, i have closed everything first then on Desktop on usb icon right clicked and hit eject | 06:35 |
volker__ | linux_: type mysql in command line | 06:35 |
epp | volker__, i only have sessions with startup | 06:35 |
livingdaylight | PriceChild, everything using it is closed and gone to icon on Desktop and hit eject | 06:35 |
livingdaylight | also tried in nautilus hitting unmount | 06:35 |
epp | volker__, could it be the VNC i setup? | 06:35 |
BwR | anyone have an idea? | 06:35 |
conreyt | any way to get the nm-applet to stop prompting me for keyring passwords at boot and just log on to networks it has profiles for? | 06:35 |
linux_ | shit why i can create shortcut , i dont want to ype commnad every time ? | 06:35 |
enasni | volker__: nevermind, i think it must be a dodgy device, it's not working on XP with the drivers installed either | 06:36 |
volker__ | epp: i don't see why VNC would cause an issue, have you tried uninstalling it? | 06:36 |
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gds631 | livingdaylight: open a terminal and type umount /media/usbdevice where usbdevice is the name of the usb device folded in media | 06:36 |
epp | volker__, yes... | 06:36 |
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volker__ | enasni: that could def be a problem | 06:36 |
livingdaylight | PriceChild, epp, gds631 , is restarting a good way if nothing else works? | 06:36 |
gds631 | if that doesn't work ,type umount -f (a force) with teh same option | 06:36 |
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enasni | volker__: thanks anyway:) | 06:36 |
epp | livingdaylight, yes | 06:36 |
gds631 | livingdaylight: just pulling it out is better than restarting | 06:36 |
volker__ | epp: what do you mean you only have sessions? | 06:37 |
gds631 | what is the device exactly? | 06:37 |
sirjoebob | anyone use skype in ubuntu? i need to know if you can use video in ubuntu like you can in skype windows. | 06:37 |
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epp | System > Preferences > Startup does dont exist. | 06:37 |
livingdaylight | gds631, root for that command? | 06:37 |
epp | doesnt* | 06:37 |
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livingdaylight | gds631, don't want to lose the data i transferred | 06:37 |
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volker__ | epp: right, sorry bout that i corrected myself in the following line, i meant sessions :) | 06:37 |
Pici | gds631: No, pulling it out is not good. I just had to RMA a device because I did that and it lost the partition information. | 06:37 |
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volker__ | epp: what do you see under "startup programs" under sessions? | 06:38 |
livingdaylight | gds631, the device is ericsson w660i (walman/mobilephone) transferring music | 06:38 |
epp | volker__, all the gnome stuff | 06:38 |
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gds631 | livingdaylight, i would try going into ctl+alt + f1 (not right now) | 06:38 |
linux_ | why i can create shortcut to mysql ? , i dont want to ype commnad every time ? | 06:38 |
gds631 | and then logging in, running /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 06:38 |
volker__ | epp: did you create a new startup program prior to this? | 06:38 |
epp | volker__, but gnome works fine normally on display 0, just xgl has to run on 1, and then it doesn't work | 06:38 |
PriceChild | livingdaylight, you are sure all the nautilus windows are closed? have you tried umount? | 06:39 |
gds631 | and then running the umount command as root | 06:39 |
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volker__ | epp: wow | 06:39 |
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PriceChild | gds631, erm... not the best of ideas? | 06:39 |
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epp | volker__, the only thing i think i installed was vnc. | 06:39 |
gds631 | when you are done, type /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 06:39 |
variant | linux_: what? | 06:39 |
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volker__ | epp: you said this was ATI right? | 06:39 |
epp | volker__, yes | 06:39 |
gds631 | PriceChild: it will insure that he doesn't have anywindows open w/ the usb mount point open | 06:39 |
linux_ | variant why when i install new sofware with synuptic its dont create shortcut ? | 06:40 |
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Carroarmato0 | Have a problem with my cdplayer. According to the system it has been unmounted. Yet I can hear it spinning in a loop and the manual eject button doesn't respond. This happend when I closed VMWare player after instally Ubuntu Gutsy for bug testing. ;-) Any help? | 06:40 |
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volker__ | epp: have you tried uninstalling the ATI drivers? | 06:40 |
variant | linux_: what shortcut? | 06:40 |
epp | volker__, why? i need them | 06:40 |
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BwR | everytime i write somthing its like an checkdisk that runs. 10323.784000 ata3.00: exeption Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x0 (BMDMA stat 0x5) cmd c8/00:08:ef:97:05/00:00:00:00:00:00/e0 tag 0 cdb 0x0 data 4096 in. What is this and how do i get passed it? It started by itseelve after the isntallation. but then it ended. and now eveytime im tring to type an cmd its counting up again. further and further. but stops after a wh | 06:40 |
volker__ | epp: they might of gotten corrupt | 06:40 |
linux_ | to waht i have installed , mysql for example | 06:40 |
rolfen | hey how do i change the default application for a file type??? | 06:40 |
volker__ | epp: do a search for Envy | 06:40 |
epp | volker__, ill try i guess | 06:40 |
=== livingdaylight [n=conrad@77-99-138-99.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paradroid | Hi. I want to use the calendaring component of Evolution with remote .ics files that reside on a server. Access would be via authenticated WebDAV - unfortunately Evolution does not seem to provide that functionality. Sunbird works fine. Any ideas how to get Evolution working? | 06:40 |
livingdaylight | sorry... | 06:40 |
variant | linux_: most applications are added to the gnome menu. those that are not are not packaged correctly, or don't have anything that can be "launched".. like fonts etc | 06:40 |
epp | volker__, Envy? | 06:40 |
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livingdaylight | PriceChild, yes... Nautilus is shutdown | 06:40 |
variant | linux_: make your own shortcut | 06:40 |
volker__ | epp: Envy is an app which does all that for you, and it's optimized for the new Compiz-Fusion and Xgl | 06:40 |
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rolfen | how to change the default application for a file type? | 06:41 |
volker__ | epp: yea give me a sec and i'll give you the link | 06:41 |
epp | volker__, k thx | 06:41 |
linux_ | where is mysql installed ? | 06:41 |
PriceChild | !envy | volker__ epp | 06:41 |
ubotu | volker__ epp: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 06:41 |
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livingdaylight | PriceChild, i've also tried umount/device/media/phone card | 06:41 |
variant | linux_: in terminal type "which mysql" | 06:41 |
PriceChild | livingdaylight, well that wouldn't work... | 06:41 |
epp | volker__, well i had it running perfectly | 06:41 |
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serenity | rolfen: right-click on a file, choose properties, then open with | 06:41 |
gds631 | livingdaylight: do you have any terminal windows open? | 06:41 |
livingdaylight | gds631, yes | 06:41 |
volker__ | epp: yes envy is a script that could hurt your system | 06:41 |
epp | volker__, i think vnc is setup to run a server on display 1 for people to connect to. | 06:41 |
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gds631 | livingdaylight: if so, close them, and open a new one | 06:41 |
variant | linux_: so, cd ~ in each of them | 06:42 |
bullgard4 | mqueiros: What stands 'sbd' for in /Inbox.sbd ? | 06:42 |
volker__ | epp: that may be the problem then | 06:42 |
rolfen | serenity: thanks... sorry i didnt figure that out myself... ;-) | 06:42 |
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PriceChild | livingdaylight, you need a space after the umount, and quotation marks around it if its got spaes. Ensure that the terminals aren't cd'd into the folder you're ejecting | 06:42 |
variant | livingdaylight: so, cd ~ in each of them | 06:42 |
volker__ | epp: blow vnc away | 06:42 |
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epp | volker__, k | 06:42 |
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serenity | rolfen: no prob, happened to me .. it's not obvious | 06:42 |
rolfen | yeah | 06:42 |
gds631 | livingdaylight: can you show us the path of the moutpoint w/ quotes around it? | 06:42 |
variant | livingdaylight: apt-get install fuser, then run fuser -v /path/to/mount/point | 06:43 |
mqueiros | bullgard4: I don't really know the meaning of .sbd but its a folder... | 06:43 |
variant | gds631: get him to use fuser to find what is holding the device open | 06:43 |
livingdaylight | says the device is busy | 06:43 |
BwR | the program 'apt-get' is curently not installed. You can install it by typing: apt-get install apt. bash: apt-get: command not found. | 06:43 |
volker__ | BwR: wow | 06:44 |
bullgard4 | mqueiros: Yes, it is a folder. Thank you very much again. | 06:44 |
variant | BwR: that was silly, you uninstalled apt? | 06:44 |
livingdaylight | PriceChild, i've cd to the right place and conrad@Dune:/media$ sudo umount PHONE\ CARD/ | 06:44 |
livingdaylight | says device is busy | 06:44 |
volker__ | epp: brb | 06:44 |
BwR | variant no im trying to install ubuntu | 06:44 |
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epp | BwR, your going to have to dl apt manually from a repo, then install with dpkg | 06:44 |
lvalue | BwR, download the .deb package separately and dpkg -i package.deb to install it :) | 06:44 |
mqueiros | bullgard4: that folder has got all the other folders you have inside "Inbox" (in evolution) | 06:44 |
paradroid | Anyone using WebDAV remote access? | 06:44 |
PriceChild | BwR, you're in a recovery shell... it was showing errors and failed booting? | 06:44 |
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hwilde | livingdaylight, close all the windows browsing that directory | 06:45 |
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livingdaylight | variant, apt couldn't fignd package fuser | 06:45 |
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bullgard4 | mqueiros: Yes sir. I have noticed that using mc. | 06:45 |
alfredo | livingdaylight: you can do a lazy umount | 06:45 |
gds631 | livingdaylight: type fuser /media/PHONE\ CARD/ | 06:45 |
BwR | PriceChild yes | 06:45 |
livingdaylight | hwilde, yakuake sits up there | 06:45 |
=== LiGo [n=er3@ppp91-76-156-123.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | BwR, type exit and say what happens | 06:45 |
livingdaylight | gds631, don't have fuser | 06:45 |
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gds631 | livinngdaylight in your terminal | 06:45 |
gds631 | livingdaylight apt-get install fuser | 06:45 |
variant | livingdaylight: maybe it's pre installed, type fuser see if it says anything | 06:45 |
livingdaylight | gds631, says fuser is not there | 06:45 |
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livingdaylight | variant, yes | 06:46 |
m1r | !hsdpa | 06:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hsdpa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:46 |
BwR | attemped to start maintenence shield faild restarting in 5 seconds | 06:46 |
bruenig | !info fuser | 06:46 |
ubotu | Package fuser does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 06:46 |
m1r | !Option | 06:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about option - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:46 |
=== nicolai__ [n=nicolai@p54AD7F3E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gds631 | livingdaylight: apt-get install fuser it is a pretty useful package | 06:46 |
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bruenig | !fishing | m1r | 06:46 |
ubotu | m1r: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 06:46 |
=== EspenG [n=espen@ti311110a080-11133.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
volker__ | hsdpa? isn't that GSM technology? | 06:46 |
sirpingu | hi | 06:46 |
bruenig | gds631, it does not appear to exist | 06:46 |
gds631 | oh | 06:46 |
gds631 | woops | 06:46 |
gds631 | apt-get install fuse-utils | 06:46 |
=== pihq [n=ksmith@cpe-76-183-249-37.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BwR | variant attemped to start maintenence shield faild restarting in 5 seconds | 06:46 |
atselby | hello, im wondering if its possible for some packages i have installed, form a .deb file not a repo, to add that respective repo, and it would detect that its in the repo? or would i have to reinstall the package through the repo? thanks | 06:47 |
alfredo | livingdaylight: sudo umount -l PHONE\ CARD/ | 06:47 |
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m1r | sry bruenig | 06:47 |
m1r | voker__ yes | 06:47 |
livingdaylight | gds631, ok, i've done the fuser command you showed me... brought me back to prompt.. now what... still wont umount | 06:47 |
m1r | volker__ , yes | 06:47 |
linux_ | i want to know where is thee file that i need to shorct cut which - return usr/bin and there is something other | 06:47 |
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volker__ | m1r: are you trying to hook up a wireless card to a laptop? | 06:47 |
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variant | livingdaylight: what did it list? | 06:47 |
Carroarmato0 | Have a problem with my cdplayer. According to the system it has been unmounted. Yet I can hear it spinning in a loop and the manual eject button doesn't respond. This happend when I closed VMWare player after instally Ubuntu Gutsy for bug testing. ;-) Any help? | 06:47 |
=== mboso_ [n=mboso@cpe-24-90-219-220.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m1r | volker__ , pcmcia hsdpa+ vodafone card | 06:47 |
gds631 | livingday: what did the fuser command show? | 06:48 |
variant | livingdaylight: use the device file as the argument to fuser | 06:48 |
=== epp [n=epp@c-24-10-220-15.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
B1NAR3Y | Yo D1G1T | 06:48 |
B1NAR3Y | :/ | 06:48 |
variant | livingdaylight: ie, /dev/whatever | 06:48 |
volker__ | m1r: right! we are still on GPRS here in the US with Wireless cards | 06:48 |
BwR | variant attemped to start maintenence shield faild restarting in 5 seconds | 06:48 |
variant | BwR: why are you telling me that? | 06:48 |
gds631 | livingdaylight: you can also use /media/mountpoint where mount point is the media mount point (with proper escape\ characters) | 06:48 |
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volker__ | m1r: this is the first i hear of hsdpa cards in linux | 06:48 |
BwR | you asked what it said when i tryed to type exit | 06:49 |
epp | volker__, no go | 06:49 |
volker__ | epp: wow | 06:49 |
m1r | volker__ , our provider started offer this summer | 06:49 |
atselby | hello, im wondering if its possible for some packages i have installed, form a .deb file not a repo, to add that respective repo, and it would detect that its in the repo? or would i have to reinstall the package through the repo? thanks | 06:49 |
livingdaylight | variant, so? sudo fuser /media/PHONE \CARD/ ? | 06:49 |
variant | BwR: no i didn't | 06:49 |
BwR | oh sry it was PriceChild | 06:49 |
alfredo | livingdaylight: sudo umount -l PHONE\ CARD/ | 06:49 |
volker__ | m1r: are you in the UK? | 06:49 |
BwR | PriceChild "sudo shutdown -F -r now" | 06:49 |
volker__ | m1r: or in Spain? | 06:49 |
gds631 | livingdaylight: yes | 06:49 |
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m1r | volker__ , croatia | 06:49 |
BwR | PriceChild attemped to start maintenence shield faild restarting in 5 seconds | 06:49 |
volker__ | m1r: ok | 06:49 |
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heroin | How can i mount an iso file? | 06:50 |
volker__ | epp: let me do some digging around | 06:50 |
PriceChild | BwR, I dont' know sorry | 06:50 |
volker__ | epp: what vnc client did you install? | 06:50 |
PriceChild | !iso | heroin | 06:50 |
ubotu | heroin: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 06:50 |
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epp | volker__, server... | 06:50 |
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volker__ | epp: real vnc server? | 06:50 |
epp | volker__, vnc4server linuxvnc | 06:50 |
livingdaylight | alfredo sorry, tried that.. unsuccessfuly | 06:50 |
volker__ | epp: ok | 06:50 |
heroin | thx PriceChild | 06:50 |
BwR | PriceChild ok thx anyway | 06:50 |
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Carroarmato0 | Yo guys, my cdplayer is looping uncontrolably. Any assistence? | 06:50 |
paradroid | Anyone using WebDAV remote access? | 06:51 |
livingdaylight | AHA | 06:51 |
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gds631 | livingdaylight: run sudo fuser -k /media/PHONE\ CARD/ | 06:51 |
livingdaylight | alfredo, gds631 gone now | 06:51 |
volker__ | epp: what ATI driver are you using? | 06:51 |
livingdaylight | phewwwweeeee | 06:51 |
gds631 | livingdaylight: ? | 06:51 |
epp | volker__, the one in the ubuntu re;pos | 06:51 |
gds631 | livingdaylight: oh, nice | 06:51 |
livingdaylight | unmounted | 06:51 |
livingdaylight | :D | 06:51 |
gds631 | =P | 06:51 |
livingdaylight | thank you guys!!! very much | 06:51 |
gds631 | teem work ftw | 06:51 |
epp | volker__, isnt the normal X run on tty7? | 06:51 |
gds631 | *team | 06:51 |
variant | livingdaylight: so you worked out what was holdingn it open? | 06:51 |
livingdaylight | why so hard? | 06:51 |
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livingdaylight | variant: no,,, variant gave nothing back | 06:52 |
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serenity | Carroamato0: sudo eject /dev/cdrom | 06:52 |
volker__ | epp: what's it running under now? | 06:52 |
epp | volker__, tty9 | 06:52 |
epp | volker__, :S | 06:52 |
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Carroarmato0 | serenity: tried that already ;) no luck | 06:52 |
volker__ | epp: technically it should be a problem | 06:52 |
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livingdaylight | variant, sorry, i mean fuser gave nothing back... i need sleep | 06:53 |
epp | volker__, but when my copmuter started it was on 7 | 06:53 |
epp | volker__, now its | 06:53 |
epp | 9 | 06:53 |
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Carroarmato0 | serenity: cdplayer has been unmouted... but the disk keeps looping. And the manual eject button isn't responding either | 06:53 |
Carroarmato0 | *unmounted | 06:53 |
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linux_ | i want to know where is thee file that i need to shorct cut which - return usr/bin and there is something other | 06:53 |
bruenig | !english | linux_ | 06:54 |
ubotu | linux_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 06:54 |
gds631 | livingdaylight: fuser is supposed to return the processes that are using that filesystem, that is weird it didn't return anything but umount still claimed the mountpoint was busy | 06:54 |
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bruenig | umount may return that the mountpoint is busy if you are cded into it | 06:54 |
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livingdaylight | gds631, yes, precisely | 06:54 |
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bruenig | livingdaylight, are you cded into it in the terminal? | 06:55 |
linux_ | how i can change the icon of shortcut ? | 06:55 |
volker__ | epp: checkin a couple of things | 06:55 |
livingdaylight | variant, gds631 after fuser i simply got prompt back with nothing | 06:55 |
Dorothy_ | hey all I am getting a core dump from azerus... can any of you help? | 06:55 |
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livingdaylight | bruenig, no, i've umounted now | 06:55 |
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gds631 | bruenig: a terminal would show up as a process under fuser | 06:55 |
bruenig | Dorothy_, ask azureus | 06:55 |
bruenig | what package is fuser in | 06:55 |
variant | Dorothy_: on feisty, you may have to use gcj instead of the sun java | 06:55 |
benjamin1254 | how do u configure icecast in ubuntu 6.06? | 06:55 |
livingdaylight | bruenig, but only eventually, after some high-powered commands were thrown at it | 06:55 |
Dorothy_ | thanks variant | 06:55 |
variant | Dorothy_: feisty azureus is a little broken right now (the package) | 06:56 |
bruenig | !find fuser | 06:56 |
ubotu | Found: smtp-refuser | 06:56 |
livingdaylight | gds631, only alfredo's most powerful spell finally did it | 06:56 |
linux_ | how i can change the icon of shortcut ? | 06:56 |
variant | bruenig: i think it's part of core-utils or some simmilar | 06:56 |
epp | volker__, k, thx for helpin | 06:56 |
bruenig | linux_, edit the .desktop file, where it says Icon= | 06:56 |
variant | linux_: click the empty icon in the launcher editor and it will show you a list of options | 06:57 |
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BwR | it don't seem to be able to install grub | 06:57 |
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BwR | i don't | 06:57 |
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volker__ | epp: just doing some research on that vnc client | 06:57 |
nick_ | can anyone help me rip the audio out of an video clip | 06:57 |
Carroarmato0 | Looks like the problem is hald | 06:57 |
volker__ | epp: so you said you uninstalled it? | 06:57 |
volker__ | epp: and everything was working before? | 06:57 |
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gds631 | livingdaylight: it umounts w/o regard to processes using it. it is a little dangerous, but it avoids the caching issue, and since you were sure it wasn't one of your processes keeping the mountpoint busy, the lazy unmount is a good solution | 06:57 |
gds631 | livingdaylight: it refers to umount -l | 06:57 |
lvalue | nick_, you can do it with mplayer, read man mplayer, at the end there are practical examples how to do it | 06:58 |
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soundray | nick_: use mplayer -ao help to see the audio output options of mplayer. | 06:58 |
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alessandro_ | ciao | 06:58 |
gds631 | adios | 06:58 |
linux_ | variant there isnt something like this only icon like " important " , "danger" ect , i want to change the icon of only one shortcut how i can ? | 06:58 |
epp | volker__, well im not sure it was vnc | 06:58 |
heroin | I have a japense game, how do install langauge packs? | 06:58 |
volker__ | epp: i would try with a different ati driver version | 06:58 |
epp | volker__, im going to reinstall the ATi | 06:58 |
epp | volker__, brb | 06:59 |
=== NewtoUbuntu [n=root@c-561d71d5.022-58-68736410.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
volker__ | epp: i didn't think it would be the vnc either, but i would go with the envy script | 06:59 |
gds631 | linux_ what icon are you talking about? | 06:59 |
NewtoUbuntu | Hello... | 06:59 |
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NewtoUbuntu | I seem to be unable to install GRUB | 06:59 |
atselby | hello, im wondering if its possible for some packages i have installed, form a .deb file not a repo, to add that respective repo, and it would detect that its in the repo? or would i have to reinstall the package through the repo? thanks | 06:59 |
Prowler_1 | hi, ubuntu installer wont recodnise other linux system (i wont dual boot) | 06:59 |
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: are you running ubuntu right now? | 06:59 |
linux_ | i have orange folder icon , i want to use other icon | 06:59 |
heroin | NewtoUbuntu: GRUB i installed by default.. | 06:59 |
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NewtoUbuntu | gds631: I'm using a rescue-shell yes. | 06:59 |
volker__ | linux_ | 07:00 |
heroin | NewtoUbuntu: so either u dont have GRUB installed or u did something advacned | 07:00 |
nick_ | lvalue, the video is an flv and mplayer won't open it what do you suggest | 07:00 |
linux_ | volker__ waht ? | 07:00 |
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NewtoUbuntu | I'm using the alternate-cd | 07:00 |
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: i agree w/ heroin's last | 07:00 |
NewtoUbuntu | To rescue a broken system | 07:00 |
volker__ | linux_: under system ->preferences ->themes | 07:00 |
heroin | NewtoUbuntu: .. just reinstall GRUB.. | 07:00 |
volker__ | linux_: you can change the icons | 07:00 |
NewtoUbuntu | Nope... It's during the install it doesn't wanna be able to write itself to my SATA-Disk | 07:00 |
heroin | NewtoUbuntu: sudo install grub, then grub, and then some commands i forgot.. u can find em in the ubuntu wiki, www.wiki.ubuntu.com | 07:00 |
NewtoUbuntu | sudo apt-get install grub? | 07:01 |
=== Invid__ [n=invid@bas6-toronto12-1088883066.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: is it the bookrecord that is the problem? | 07:01 |
heroin | NewtoUbuntu: in a terminal.. | 07:01 |
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lvalue | nick_, vcodec=flv might help | 07:01 |
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: when you boot w/o a cd, what happenes? | 07:01 |
NewtoUbuntu | It can't write itself to the hdd | 07:01 |
gds631 | *happens | 07:01 |
gds631 | or did the install never finish? | 07:01 |
variant | would somone be able to give me a link to the fluxbox source code please, x is broken as is dpkg so i can't install links/lynx to find it my self :) | 07:01 |
NewtoUbuntu | It never managed to write itself to the disk | 07:01 |
mzuverink | anyone know how to enable the finger daemon? | 07:02 |
heroin | NewtoUbuntu: ok, get your livecd/install cd. And then open a terminal and just type sudo apt-get install grub | 07:02 |
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volker__ | mzuverink: finger? | 07:02 |
NewtoUbuntu | I'm using the install-cd now... How can I change from ircII to the terminal to do what you are asking me? | 07:02 |
heroin | NewtoUbuntu: just open a new terminal ;) | 07:02 |
volker__ | mzuverink: in terminal type finger | 07:02 |
nick_ | lvalue I don't thing mplayer supports flv | 07:03 |
NewtoUbuntu | heroin: Only one maintenance-terminal works... The others doesn't seem to recognize any commands | 07:03 |
variant | NewtoUbuntu: in ircii type /exec then the unix command name you want to run | 07:03 |
heroin | NewtoUbuntu: ok use CTRL+ALT 1/2/3/4/5/6 for difrent terminals | 07:03 |
=== gorp [n=gorp@tri59-1-82-233-201-122.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NewtoUbuntu | "grub i salready the newest version" | 07:03 |
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NewtoUbuntu | is already | 07:03 |
mzuverink | yeah, it does not provide anything about the user, just the I in [x.x.x.x] format, no user info | 07:03 |
lvalue | nick_, the manpage refers to flv in vcodec=flv, it could be supported.. | 07:04 |
linux_ | its impossible to change lonly file icon ? [only to one file not to goup of file ] ? | 07:04 |
variant | linux_: where are you from? | 07:04 |
linux_ | its important for the icon ? =\ | 07:04 |
variant | linux_: yes | 07:04 |
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eyko | (question) is there a gnome graphical interface to change stuff like hostname? | 07:05 |
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eyko | i normally do that editing text so i'm not aware of any | 07:05 |
linux_ | why ? | 07:05 |
STixx | welll anyone know a decoder for rhymbox music player.?... | 07:05 |
gorp | comment se conecter a un rsaux | 07:05 |
NewtoUbuntu | Oh well... | 07:05 |
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NewtoUbuntu | Something happened | 07:05 |
heroin | NewtoUbuntu: GRUB can be complicated.. i highly suggest u get a LIVECD and access the ubuntu wiki pages about RECOVERGRUB and RECOVERINGGRUB.. they will explain what u need 2 do | 07:05 |
heroin | NewtoUbuntu: print them out.. | 07:06 |
NewtoUbuntu | 0 upgraded, 790 newly installed, 0 to remove and 27 not upgraded... | 07:06 |
=== juano__ [n=juanfeli@r190-64-42-50.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | linux_: because your english scentances are not well formed and you would be better off asking your questions in a localised ubuntu channel | 07:06 |
NewtoUbuntu | But then it doesn't do anything | 07:06 |
juano__ | hello all | 07:06 |
soundray | Need a bit of help with cmake. The package I'm trying to compile fails with "Cannot load cache file from /usr/lib/vtk-5.0/CMakeCache.txt". Ubuntu just doesn't seem to provide these CMakeCache files. What can I do? | 07:06 |
=== [SI] [n=Orange@pool-162-84-191-99.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NickGarvey | if you are looking for recovering grub, the !grub factoid will contain links to the information you will need | 07:06 |
NewtoUbuntu | Can it be that I need some kind of new drivers for my sata-controller?? | 07:06 |
juano__ | soundray: gcc version ? | 07:07 |
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[SI] | When I use beryl Manager I can't see my windows/firefox close/min/max button | 07:07 |
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soundray | juano__: 4.1.2 (as delivered with feisty) | 07:07 |
linux_ | variant , belive me you cant talk with me in my language ... so tell me in english | 07:07 |
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juano__ | soundray: you need to install gcc dev files too | 07:07 |
soundray | juano__: beyond those provided by build-essential? | 07:07 |
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Carroarmato0 | Guess what? Eject said that due to a I/O error I can't eject my cd.... Am I forced to restart the pc? :( | 07:08 |
Kenny | hello people | 07:08 |
anna | hi there. could anyone give me help,i am having problems with key W: GPG error: http://arsip.ubuntu-id.org feisty Release: it says that i don't have the public keys | 07:08 |
anna | NO_PUBKEY 75EB5C362A68AD0A when i try to update synaptic | 07:08 |
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eyko | linux_: where are you from then? | 07:08 |
eyko | :P | 07:08 |
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variant | linux_: tell me what country you come from and i will tell you where to talk to people about your issues in your own language, your english questions are hard for me to understand as you seem to need a bit of practise with the language | 07:08 |
PriceChild | anna, that is a 3rd party repository, ask them for help. | 07:08 |
anna | how can i add it? | 07:08 |
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: have you tried remounting the disk w/ the read/write flags enables? | 07:08 |
gds631 | *enabled? | 07:08 |
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linux_ | england :| | 07:08 |
NewtoUbuntu | How? | 07:08 |
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juano__ | soundray: you have gcc-4.1 and gcc4.1-base ? | 07:09 |
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variant | linux_: more evidence of the rubbish english education system then! | 07:09 |
hwilde | !offtopic much ? | 07:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about offtopic much ? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:09 |
soundray | juano__: yes. | 07:09 |
juano__ | soundray: install g++ and g++-4.1 | 07:09 |
linux_ | variant , can pm you ? | 07:09 |
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eyko | variant: so where are you from | 07:09 |
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serenity | practice ? | 07:10 |
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soundray | juano__: they are already there. Thanks for your input, by the way. | 07:10 |
prakka | nickspam theron..? :p | 07:10 |
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juano__ | soundray: ok, try to see if the development files are there, i know that sometimes when compiling you need them | 07:10 |
mattwalston | All of my machines are receiving the following error on $ sudo apt-get update : Get:4 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Packages [4912kB] | 07:11 |
mattwalston | 99% [4 Packages gzip 0] | 07:11 |
mattwalston | gzip: stdin: not in gzip format | 07:11 |
theron | prakka: verifying my nick passwd is correct ;) sry for the spam | 07:11 |
prakka | nvm theron ^^ | 07:11 |
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soundray | juano__: which ones do you mean? Because I've installed all development packages that I could think of. | 07:11 |
juano__ | soundray: what u compiling ? | 07:11 |
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juano__ | soundray: pastebin the error plz | 07:12 |
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NewtoUbuntu | hds631: How can I unmount and mount the drive again with the proper flags? | 07:12 |
NickGarvey | !u | juano__ | 07:12 |
ubotu | juano__: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 07:12 |
dbe | NewtoUbuntu: umount | 07:12 |
soundray | juano__: an image processing package. Pastebin to follow... | 07:12 |
prakka | sudo umount <devname> | 07:12 |
linux_ | variant , can pm you ? | 07:12 |
NickGarvey | !pm variant | 07:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pm variant - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:12 |
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: i think it is mount -o remount,rw /dev/diskname / | 07:12 |
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NewtoUbuntu | and to mount it properly again? | 07:12 |
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NickGarvey | !pm | linux_ | 07:12 |
NewtoUbuntu | Ah | 07:12 |
ubotu | linux_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 07:12 |
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juano__ | soundray: libgcc1 installed ? | 07:12 |
gds631 | where diskname is your disks name in /dev | 07:13 |
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NickGarvey | !info build-essential | 07:13 |
ubotu | build-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3 (feisty), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB | 07:13 |
NickGarvey | ew that's vague | 07:13 |
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linux_ | NickGarvey , Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first . . . | 07:13 |
NewtoUbuntu | can't find /dev/sda in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 07:13 |
jetscreamer | <dpkg> If you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to apt-get install build-essential | 07:13 |
NickGarvey | linux_: ? | 07:13 |
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jetscreamer | sda1 or 2 | 07:13 |
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juano__ | NewtoUbuntu: what you mounting ? | 07:14 |
eyko | NewtoUbuntu: you probably forgot the mount point... so it looked for it in fstab/mtab? | 07:14 |
jetscreamer | not just sda | 07:14 |
soundray | juano__: yes, it's installed. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32515/ | 07:14 |
NewtoUbuntu | illegal option -o | 07:14 |
jetscreamer | -o is to mount | 07:14 |
jetscreamer | but needs an arg | 07:14 |
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gds631 | mount -o rw,remount /dev/device | 07:14 |
gds631 | oh wait | 07:14 |
eyko | NewtoUbuntu: can you paste the line you're typing? | 07:14 |
dbe | NewtoUbuntu: mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 && umount /dev/sda1 # is to mount and umount sda1 | 07:14 |
juano__ | soundray: ok , let me see the output | 07:14 |
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gds631 | mount -o rw.remount / i believe | 07:15 |
NewtoUbuntu | mount point /media/sda1 does not exist | 07:15 |
juano__ | soundray: cmake is installed ? | 07:15 |
eyko | then mkdir /media/sda1 | 07:15 |
variant | linux_: you appear to be from israel | 07:15 |
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soundray | juano__: sure :) Otherwise I wouldn't even have got this far... | 07:15 |
dbe | NewtoUbuntu: run fdisk /dev/hda or /dev/sda and use the p option to print the partition table if you don't know the devices. | 07:15 |
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NewtoUbuntu | mkdir /media/sda1 | 07:15 |
dbe | NewtoUbuntu: Yes. | 07:16 |
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NewtoUbuntu | fdisk /dev/sda | 07:16 |
NewtoUbuntu | Oops... :S | 07:16 |
juano__ | soundray: hehe ok, xutils-dev installed ? | 07:16 |
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NewtoUbuntu | Forgot /exec heh | 07:16 |
linux_ | lol , why ? [] \ [] maybe middle east how you deside it israel ? | 07:16 |
soundray | juano__: yes | 07:16 |
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linux_ | decide # | 07:16 |
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ThatLazyGuy | how come after i change my default file manager to Thunar, i can no longer place any item on the desktop | 07:16 |
eyko | ThatLazyGuy: desktop is also nautilus, i thnk | 07:16 |
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eyko | so if it's not running... thunar doesn't handle desktop | 07:17 |
prakka | btw, does anyone know how to implent xchat (or something like that (irssi)) in the background, as a saw on some screenies | 07:17 |
nixnoob | anyone have dhcp working with an rt61? | 07:17 |
prakka | *implement | 07:17 |
juano__ | soundray: make and makedev probably too :P | 07:17 |
variant | linux_: your isp/wherever you are connecting from at least | 07:17 |
NewtoUbuntu | according to mtab /dev/sda1 is mounted on / | 07:17 |
variant | linux_: or the ip owner :)# | 07:17 |
soundray | juano__: yes, and yes. | 07:17 |
eyko | NewtoUbuntu: what are you trying to do btw? | 07:17 |
MSG4 | I need help When i use Berly Manager in Berly or Comp mode i can't see min/max/close bar title bar and resizing arrow | 07:17 |
linux_ | variant , why you think that ? | 07:18 |
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mattwalston | All of my systems are producing the same error when running apt-get update... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32516/ , Is it an issue with the ubuntu servers? | 07:18 |
NewtoUbuntu | I'm trying to remount the hdd with proper flags so I can write GRUB to it | 07:18 |
variant | linux_: try #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:18 |
prakka | MSG4, reload window manager | 07:18 |
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NewtoUbuntu | Now it say /dev/disk/by-uuid/335bdeeb-4f57-48b7......... already mounted or / busy | 07:18 |
MSG4 | I try still not showing | 07:19 |
NewtoUbuntu | According to mtab, /dev/sda1 is already mounted on / | 07:19 |
bulmer | unmount it first | 07:19 |
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variant | NewtoUbuntu: sounds like you mounted the partitions wrong then | 07:19 |
NewtoUbuntu | umount /dev/sda1 | 07:19 |
MSG4 | can it be the settings? | 07:19 |
juano__ | soundray: ccache ? | 07:19 |
dbe | NewtoUbuntu: Dont unmount that. | 07:19 |
eyko | NewtoUbuntu: you can't just umount the root filesystem | 07:19 |
variant | bulmer: how can he unmount / ?? that is not a good idea | 07:19 |
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gds631 | NewtoUbuntu mount -o rw,remount / will remount it w/ read/write flags | 07:19 |
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dbe | NewtoUbuntu: That is your root file system. | 07:19 |
variant | NewtoUbuntu: don't, you can't unmount / | 07:19 |
linux_ | variant , so where i can get support im my language ? | 07:19 |
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variant | linux_: what is your first language? | 07:19 |
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MSG4 | Prakka I try still not showing | 07:19 |
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dbe | NewtoUbuntu: fdisk sda please. | 07:19 |
MSG4 | Prakka can it be the settings? | 07:20 |
dbe | NewtoUbuntu: /dev/sda | 07:20 |
variant | !english | linux_ | 07:20 |
ubotu | linux_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 07:20 |
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linux_ | nice i will check it | 07:20 |
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eyko | NewtoUbuntu: it won't even let you do that... so, i think someone already told you earlier on in the chat, use a livecd to start your pc, then work from there, it's a good idea... | 07:20 |
juano__ | soundray: id say the problem is that its trying to load something from cache dir and get it, maybe if you dont have ccache installed, you could give it a try | 07:20 |
epp | My Ati drivers arent even working now... | 07:20 |
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NewtoUbuntu | The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 9729. There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024, and could in certain setups cause problems with... | 07:21 |
MSG4 | I need help When i use Berly Manager in Berly or Comp mode i can't see min/max/close bar title bar and resizing arrow | 07:21 |
NewtoUbuntu | eyko: But everything I do seems unable to write to the hdd... | 07:21 |
=== menkio [i=menkio@c-66-31-11-34.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eyko | NewtoUbuntu: how come your grub isn't installed but you loaded the system? | 07:21 |
Pelo | MSG4, try asking in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects they know about that stuff | 07:21 |
NewtoUbuntu | eyko: I'm on a maintenance shell | 07:21 |
menkio | hey guys | 07:21 |
NewtoUbuntu | eyko: Through the alternate-cd | 07:21 |
menkio | i' | 07:22 |
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu mount -o rw,remount / will remount / with read/write flags | 07:22 |
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eyko | probably it was mounted readonly | 07:22 |
aravind_ | where can i find the boot logs under fiesty fawn helpppp , i'm new to linux | 07:22 |
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NewtoUbuntu | Thanks | 07:22 |
menkio | i'm new to linux, but this apt-get stuff, i want to install BitchX | 07:22 |
Traveler76 | hi | 07:22 |
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soundray | juano__: done that, the error remains the same. | 07:22 |
linux_ | variant there are only 5 people in my lannguage channel :| | 07:22 |
Pelo | aravind_, /var/log | 07:22 |
aravind_ | thanks pelp | 07:22 |
menkio | i tried just typing sudo apt-get install bitchx | 07:22 |
aravind_ | pelo | 07:22 |
Seveas | menkio, sudo apt-get install bitchx | 07:22 |
menkio | ohh | 07:22 |
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Seveas | menkio, if it can't find, you need to enable universe | 07:22 |
Seveas | !components | menkio | 07:22 |
ubotu | menkio: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 07:22 |
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MSG4 | How i install Opera? | 07:22 |
juano__ | soundray: mm... i really wouldnt know, maybe some other package is needed | 07:22 |
Seveas | !opera | MSG4 | 07:22 |
ubotu | MSG4: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser | 07:22 |
Pelo | menkio, use synaptic instead , it,s gui easier for a newbi , menu >`system > admin > synaptic package manager | 07:23 |
menkio | ohh, its case sentistive | 07:23 |
NewtoUbuntu | Nothing happened tho | 07:23 |
aravind_ | my boot log have nothing, how can i enable tat | 07:23 |
aravind_ | that | 07:23 |
menkio | awesome ! | 07:23 |
NewtoUbuntu | How can I check the flags? | 07:23 |
menkio | i | 07:23 |
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menkio | i'm logged in via console | 07:23 |
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menkio | no gui, it's on a sun netra t1, via windwos hyper terminal | 07:23 |
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soundray | juano__: thanks for your help. I'll ask again in #CMake | 07:23 |
gorp_ | seepk french | 07:23 |
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: just run mount | 07:23 |
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Prowler_1 | i'm traying to install ubuntu as dual boot with kanotix, but it cant see it, and ask to format part..? | 07:23 |
aravind_ | how can i enable bootloging | 07:23 |
menkio | making a folding farm | 07:23 |
juano__ | soundray: try cli-common also | 07:23 |
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Pelo | !fr | gorp_ | 07:24 |
ubotu | gorp_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 07:24 |
mljkdfmkj | hey, are there any ubuntu domU's to download somewhere ? | 07:24 |
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: it will show you the permissions for each device that is mounted | 07:24 |
menkio | where do i go for a list of software i can get, via that apt-get system ? | 07:24 |
NewtoUbuntu | [A[A[A | 07:24 |
NewtoUbuntu | Sorry | 07:24 |
=== broedj4 [n=zeux@p54B126C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NewtoUbuntu | Yeah | 07:24 |
NewtoUbuntu | It's rw | 07:24 |
NewtoUbuntu | now | 07:24 |
menkio | like i want folding at home, and maybe a firewall/packet monitor, ids system | 07:24 |
epp | modprobe doesnt find fglrx, doesnt that mean its not installed? | 07:24 |
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aravind_ | pelo , my boot log file is blank, how can i enable boot logging | 07:24 |
Seveas | !enter | NewtoUbuntu | 07:24 |
ubotu | NewtoUbuntu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 07:24 |
Pelo | menkio, sudo apt-get install bitchx | 07:24 |
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gds631 | NewtoUbuntu, now you should be able to install | 07:24 |
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menkio | already got the bitchx installed, i ment a list of what i can get via that | 07:25 |
NewtoUbuntu | Now I shall try to install/setup grub | 07:25 |
Seveas | aravind_, is upstart-logd installed? | 07:25 |
NewtoUbuntu | right? | 07:25 |
Pelo | aravind_, don't know, I was just telling you where the logs are | 07:25 |
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gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: yes | 07:25 |
aravind_ | seveas : how can i see whether that is installed or not? | 07:25 |
eyko | NewtoUbuntu: yup, that's it | 07:25 |
NewtoUbuntu | E: could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 07:25 |
Seveas | aravind_, dpkg -l upstart-logd | 07:25 |
eyko | NewtoUbuntu: sudo? | 07:26 |
aravind_ | okay | 07:26 |
Pelo | menkio, there are in excess of 20 k packages, you can search for keywords with apt-cache search keywords | 07:26 |
NewtoUbuntu | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) is another process using it? | 07:26 |
NewtoUbuntu | Yeah... Sudo | 07:26 |
prakka_foodie_af | eyko, super-user doing | 07:26 |
linux_ | i can somehow copy automatic text in desktop and any other sofware when i select him ? | 07:26 |
jamesdell | !dhclient | 07:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dhclient - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:26 |
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: are you possibly using it somehewhere else? | 07:26 |
prakka_foodie_af | sortalike su | 07:26 |
gds631 | *somewhere | 07:26 |
jamesdell | !dhcp | 07:26 |
prakka_foodie_af | online than from within yer own account | 07:26 |
=== quaal [n=l@pool-71-180-197-162.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP | 07:26 |
=== loftus [n=adam@cpc1-oxfd11-0-0-cust924.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | juano__: it's installed. Anyway, that software has no .NET dependencies. | 07:26 |
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prakka_foodie_af | *only | 07:26 |
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NewtoUbuntu | I have no idea what could be using it | 07:26 |
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aravind_ | seveas: that daemon is installed | 07:27 |
Pelo | menkio, this link might also be handy http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 07:27 |
eyko | prak_foodie_afk: don't get what you're saying :$ | 07:27 |
menkio | thanks a lot pelo! | 07:27 |
mattwalston | Is anyone aware of the problem with the universe repos? Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 07:27 |
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: try "sudo killall apt-get" | 07:27 |
juano__ | soundray: ok .. said somethin bout cache... just in case :P | 07:27 |
=== zmania [n=zmania@82-45-230-153.cable.ubr05.enfi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: and then try the apt-get install again | 07:28 |
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NewtoUbuntu | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 27 not upgraded. | 07:28 |
Pelo | mattwalston, it is not impossible that there might be some temporary issues with a repos, I suggest you try again later | 07:28 |
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gds631 | NewtoUbuntu, have you actually installed ubuntu yet? | 07:29 |
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soundray | mattwalston: try again. It's a valid gzip file when I download it here. | 07:29 |
mattwalston | Pelo: ok, detail of the error is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32516/ | 07:29 |
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gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: if not, then i would suggest trying the cd installer again, but first running the mount -o rw,remount / and then trying the install on the disk | 07:29 |
BwR | This is from newtoubuntu... ctrl+alv F4shows the following info... SCSI device sda: write cache: enabled, read cache: enable, doesn't support DPO or FUA | 07:29 |
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NewtoUbuntu | Is that bad? | 07:30 |
gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: when i say "the install" i'm referring to the icon on the desktop that says "install" | 07:30 |
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gds631 | NewtoUbuntu: is what bad? | 07:30 |
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Pelo | mattwalston, what exactly is this in relation to , were you just checking for updates or are you trying to upgrade release ? | 07:30 |
NewtoUbuntu | What was written by bwr | 07:30 |
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aravind_ | i have some problem in booting , its regarding partitions, i want to set bootlogging so that those error messages can be copied. How can i enable boot logging ? help please | 07:31 |
Riyonuk__ | Is there an alt. version of the alt cd? It just takes a looong time to install, all that stuff I dont even use :/ | 07:31 |
Pelo | aravind_, you can also try and tell us what the problem is | 07:31 |
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NewtoUbuntu | How can I initiate the text-mode installer from here? /exec sudo somethingsomething? | 07:31 |
soundray | aravind_: your boot log should be available in /var/log/syslog | 07:31 |
mattwalston | Pelo: new install, and an apt-get update | 07:31 |
aravind_ | thanks lemme check | 07:32 |
Pelo | Riyonuk__, think you can install ubuntu-minimal from the alternate cd but I am not sure how | 07:32 |
MajorPayne | No one is awnswering in #xubuntu so I will ask here. I put nm-applet under autostarted applications. Now when ever I turn on my computer I get A bunch of them started. Last time I turned on my computer I had 6 of them. I killed them all and started one. Now I have 7 of them up there, after a restart. | 07:32 |
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Prowler_1 | ? | 07:32 |
Pelo | mattwalston, I'd ignore it for now and let the automatic update checker handle it | 07:32 |
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quaal | why does k3b do this md5 sum crap on an image file that has no md5 sum file ? | 07:32 |
Dr_willis | quaal, does it matter? you dont have to wait.. hit burn and go for it. | 07:33 |
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NewtoUbuntu | [1~quit | 07:33 |
quaal | Dr_willis, i'm having problems with k3b making dvd's that skip in my tv dvd player | 07:33 |
Pelo | MajorPayne, remove it from autostart , turn on all the apps you want on at boot, turn off al the apps you donT' want at boot and save session, twice, then reboot | 07:33 |
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Pelo | quaal, might be a problem with your burner | 07:34 |
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MajorPayne | Pelo: Interesting. Ok, thanks. | 07:34 |
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quaal | Pelo, they work fine playing from the same burner that burned htem | 07:34 |
quaal | and i've burned fuji dvd's fine before | 07:34 |
quaal | played in both dvd players | 07:34 |
quaal | the new ones are tdk | 07:34 |
quaal | not sure why that would change things | 07:34 |
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Pelo | quaal, which makes me suspect a problem with the burner, it might be missalined or something , can read itself and other but can,t make readable ones for other | 07:35 |
bullgard4 | Pressing in Evolution main menu Help > Contents will do nothing. How can I call the program description of Evolution? | 07:35 |
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aravind_ | i have found the boot prints in syslog file , but i'm not able to find the prints related to the partition error | 07:35 |
atselby | http://www.adequacy.org/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html | 07:35 |
quaal | Pelo, see above | 07:35 |
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Pelo | quaal, burn at lower speed | 07:35 |
quaal | tried that | 07:35 |
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MajorPayne | Pelo: How do I have my session twice, without logging out? | 07:36 |
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Pelo | MajorPayne, I just meant hit the save current session button twice, for some reason for me saving only once didnT' do the job | 07:36 |
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TimK65 | Hi. I''m having trouble with the Time and Date window. I can't set it to use NTP. | 07:37 |
MajorPayne | Pelo: Where is the save current session button? I don't have it on my panels. | 07:37 |
astro76 | TimK65, you'll need to install ntp first, sudo apt-get install ntp | 07:37 |
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Pelo | MajorPayne, hmmm, xubu right ? sorry I thouht this was similar to gnome, not sure what you are currently saving then , | 07:37 |
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MajorPayne | Pelo: Yea, xubuntu. I thought you were using Xfce. Ok, thanks. I will see if I can get it to work. | 07:38 |
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Pelo | MajorPayne, try this one , remove all the nm-applet fromt the pannel restart and see how many turn on again | 07:38 |
kousotu | hey, how do I get MP3 codecs? | 07:38 |
TimK65 | astro76: ntp is installed, I checked in Synaptic. What's happening is that when I try to set the system to use NTP, it says I need to install NTP; when I click on the button to do so, nothing happens (very quickly, too!); and the Manual option is again selected. :-( | 07:38 |
astro76 | !mp3 | kousotu | 07:38 |
ubotu | kousotu: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:38 |
menkio | hmm | 07:39 |
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kousotu | can I have a command line plz? | 07:39 |
=== Pelo looks at menkio suspiciously | ||
menkio | if i'm running a ultrasparc, with ubuntu, and want to download an app, say folding at home | 07:39 |
Pelo | kousotu, look in those links ubotu gave you | 07:39 |
menkio | (x86-64 bit, only) | 07:39 |
menkio | SMP client | 07:39 |
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Pelo | menkio, please don't use enter as punctuation | 07:39 |
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menkio | and thats the only 64bit listed client, that won't work right ? | 07:39 |
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MajorPayne | Pelo: Ok. I removed it from the autostart options and now I only have 8 of them starting up each time, no more. How Can I stop 7 of them from starting up? | 07:40 |
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Pelo | menkio, probabaly not, bet the source code and compile from scratch | 07:40 |
Pelo | MajorPayne, remove all of them fromteh pannel and boot again | 07:40 |
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MajorPayne | Pelo: There is no "remove from panel" option. They are in the xfce system tray. I use pkill to kill them but they still keep comming. | 07:41 |
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variant | Pelo: what good would that do, if the code only supports one platform it's not as simple as just recompiling it | 07:41 |
variant | menkio: you can run any non native application with hardware emulation, such as qemu | 07:42 |
Pelo | variant, I was under the impression that a package built for amd64 would not work because of dependencies butthat you could build from source wit the appropriate 32 bit dipendencies | 07:42 |
Pelo | MajorPayne, kill them all and restart, lets, make sure there are not hat start and star from there | 07:42 |
Pelo | none that start | 07:42 |
menkio | do you think it will cause a performance issue, ? | 07:42 |
kousotu | how to you make terminal open in a direct folder? | 07:43 |
variant | Pelo: not if the platform in question is a spark | 07:43 |
variant | menkio: yes, but if you do it right, not very much. especially if you use kqemu | 07:43 |
=== Pelo learns something | ||
MajorPayne | Pelo: I already killed them all, logged out, logged in again and they all came back up again. I can try a restart. | 07:43 |
serenity | kousotu: sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal | 07:43 |
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variant | kousotu: there is a nautilus plugin called open terminal or something | 07:43 |
variant | kousotu: see what serenity said | 07:43 |
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kousotu | ? | 07:44 |
kousotu | oh.. | 07:44 |
kousotu | lol | 07:44 |
menkio | can i use a xinit server over hyper terminal/ console cable ? | 07:44 |
serenity | kousotu: then you might have to restart gnome with crtl-alt-backspace (save your work) | 07:44 |
kousotu | ain't got no work on here lol | 07:44 |
MajorPayne | Pelo: I re-booted. No difference. | 07:45 |
gds631 | i'm taking off, ciao | 07:45 |
serenity | lol | 07:45 |
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Pelo | MajorPayne, and nm-aplet is removed from the autostart ? | 07:45 |
kousotu | yea, I'm gonna have to restart, damn... | 07:45 |
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Pelo | MajorPayne, check in ~/.config/autostart/ see if it is still around | 07:46 |
relix | I'm upgrading my dapper drake to feisty fawn using this tutorial: http://www.urbanpuddle.com/articles/2007/05/23/upgrade-from-ubuntu-dapper-or-edgy-to-feisty-fawn | 07:46 |
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serenity | kousotu: you may also want nautilus-gksu which is open as root | 07:46 |
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MajorPayne | Pelo: Yes. The good thing is the same amount is comming up at the same time, not the same as last time + 1. | 07:46 |
kousotu | ? | 07:46 |
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relix | I'm currently fully in edgy, but at step 4d: "do-release-upgrade", I get the error | 07:46 |
relix | root@www1:/etc/apt# do-release-upgrade Checking for a new ubuntu release current dist not found in meta-release file No new release found | 07:46 |
serenity | kousotu: it's a similar plugin, lets you open a file as root when you right click | 07:46 |
kousotu | ah.. | 07:46 |
kousotu | yea | 07:46 |
kousotu | I do lol | 07:46 |
Pelo | MajorPayne, did you try checking in the forum, I'm out of ideas | 07:46 |
kousotu | make thinngs SOOO much easier | 07:47 |
STixx | rhymbox decoder??? | 07:47 |
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kousotu | apt-get it? | 07:47 |
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serenity | yes | 07:47 |
jetscreamer | xfce startup | 07:47 |
Pelo | STixx, ? | 07:47 |
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kjp | anyone here have experience with vpn (openvpn / openswan ?) on ubuntu | 07:48 |
x89x | can anyone help me with openchrome drivers ? | 07:48 |
DigeratiH | in regards to WUBI, I already have ubuntu7.04 iso downloaded and want to run WUBI on a freinds pc and we dont want to wait 2 hours for WUBI to download the iso and install....CAN I make it use my already downloaded ISO ? | 07:48 |
Pelo | x89x, it helps to ask specific questions | 07:48 |
STixx | Pelo, i have rhymbox the music player...and i have a live radio url i put in there...and it says i need a decoder to play it | 07:48 |
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x89x | i installed 2d drivers Pelp | 07:48 |
x89x | Pelo | 07:48 |
MajorPayne | Pelo: No. I didn't check the forums. I will try that next. There was a nm-applet.desktop in the ~/config/autostart directory, but I removed it and it is still happining. | 07:48 |
kousotu | thx serenedy | 07:49 |
x89x | but am haveing problem with 3d Pelo | 07:49 |
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=== kousotu spelled dat wrong | ||
kagemaro | hi, how do i install kernel headers? | 07:49 |
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kousotu | brb | 07:49 |
kagemaro | trying to install vmware | 07:49 |
Pelo | STixx, does it say which decoder ? look it up in synaptic, or search for rythmbox in synaptic see if there are any pluggins you can install, tehre are also pluggins on the rythmbox website I beleive | 07:49 |
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kagemaro | hi, how do i install kernel headers? im trying to install vmware & apt-get install kernel-headers doesnt work | 07:50 |
STixx | Pelo, i will look..thank you | 07:50 |
x89x | Pelo ? What do i do ? | 07:50 |
Pelo | x89x, trying to run beryl or compiz ? | 07:50 |
kagemaro | anyone? | 07:50 |
nomasteryoda | kagemaro, do you mean vmware player or workstation? | 07:51 |
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kagemaro | workstation | 07:51 |
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Pelo | x89x, try asking in #ubuntu-effects and /or #beryl they have good at dealing with 3d issues and video stuff | 07:51 |
serenity | linux-headers-2.6.xxxxx | 07:51 |
x89x | no Pelo. i cant even run a screen saver ! | 07:51 |
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kagemaro | serenity - how do i find out what the xxxx is? | 07:51 |
nomasteryoda | uname -a | 07:51 |
jetscreamer | apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 07:51 |
jetscreamer | just do that | 07:51 |
DigeratiH | nm guys | 07:51 |
DigeratiH | How can I use a manually downloaded ISO? | 07:51 |
DigeratiH | You need to download the ALTERNATE ISO of the appropriate version (7.04 final version at the moment). Place the ISO in the same folder where you have Wubi-7.04-XYZ.exe. Then run Wubi. | 07:51 |
DigeratiH | I found my answer | 07:51 |
serenity | uname -r | 07:51 |
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nomasteryoda | what jetscreamer said | 07:52 |
kaushal | hi | 07:52 |
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kaushal | 10:44am up 124 days, 1:11, 1 user, load average: 0.04, 0.09, 0.08 | 07:52 |
kaushal | uptime shows the information | 07:52 |
kagemaro | where will that install to, jetstreamer? | 07:52 |
kagemaro | vmware is asking for directory? | 07:52 |
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jetscreamer | /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 07:52 |
BwR | From newtoubuntu. dpkg: error processing libxcursor1 (--configure): Faild to open ` /var/lib/dpkg/status' for writing status information: Input/output error E:sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg/status' for writing status information: Input/output error E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code(2) | 07:52 |
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Pelo | kaushal, congradulations, I take it you don'T hold with those fancy kernel updates | 07:53 |
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dstadulis | I was reading a guide to run VMWare:Server inside ubuntu to emulate windows, what would be the advantage to doing that over running wine? maybe you do not need to install windows to run wine? | 07:54 |
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kagemaro | I have this error with VMware Workstation - | 07:54 |
serenity | vmware server is complete pc emulation guarenteed to work, wine is windows emulation sometimes works | 07:54 |
kagemaro | What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running | 07:54 |
kagemaro | kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic/include | 07:54 |
kagemaro | The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match | 07:54 |
kagemaro | your running kernel (version 2.6.20-16-generic). Even if the module were to | 07:54 |
kagemaro | compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel. | 07:54 |
kousotu | how do I install a program's dependencies n terminal? | 07:54 |
kousotu | in* | 07:55 |
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dstadulis | !pastbin kagemaro | 07:55 |
relix | anyone? | 07:55 |
astro76 | !paste | kagemaro | 07:55 |
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ubotu | kagemaro: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:55 |
Pelo | dstadulis, if you can run your app on wine you dont, need to install vmware or windows inside it, makes it a bit lighter, but you can't do that will all windows apps, those that require .net for exemple can't be run on wine | 07:55 |
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kagemaro | Anyone - trying to install VMWare workstation - got this error - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32521/ | 07:56 |
Enselic | kousotu: sudo apt-get install libsomething-dev usually, or sometimes sudo apt-get build-dep gimp | 07:56 |
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bulmer | kagemaro: notice this [/usr/src/linux/include] ? | 07:56 |
Pelo | kagemaro, you can also try asking for help in #vmware | 07:56 |
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nomasteryoda | there is a post on the UbuntuForums that has the solution to vmware issue | 07:57 |
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nomasteryoda | hang on | 07:57 |
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kousotu | ty | 07:57 |
MSG4 | Hi I need some one help me installing Opera step by step | 07:57 |
emmanuel | salut. un franais ? | 07:57 |
BwR | From newtoubuntu. dpkg: error processing libxcursor1 (--configure): Faild to open ` /var/lib/dpkg/status' for writing status information: Input/output error E:sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg/status' for writing status information: Input/output error E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code(2) | 07:57 |
=== FruitieX [n=rasse@a80-186-69-59.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | !fr | emmanuel | 07:58 |
ubotu | emmanuel: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 07:58 |
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kaushal | hi | 07:58 |
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vistakiller | Kagemaro try this guide http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-vmware-server-from-canonical-commercial-repository-in-ubuntu-feisty.html | 07:58 |
emmanuel | ok, merci | 07:58 |
kagemaro | ty | 07:58 |
kaushal | uptime shows 10:58am up 124 days, 1:25, 1 user, load average: 0.05, 0.07, 0.07 | 07:58 |
=== rausb0 [n=chris@p54B35A19.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaushal | can i know the start date and time | 07:58 |
dstadulis | vistakiller lol @ url length | 07:58 |
=== overridex [n=override@pool-72-71-207-19.cncdnh.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
x89x | can anone help with 3D drivers of openchrome ??? | 07:58 |
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kjp | anyone successfully installed openvpn or openswan on their ubuntu system? | 07:59 |
=== AndyM [n=amorris@cmarfw01.marlow.spinvox.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | x89x, did you try searching in the forum ? www.ubuntuforums.org | 07:59 |
kagemaro | Does vmware server do the same thing that workstation does? | 07:59 |
x89x | i sec Pelo. ill try that | 07:59 |
vistakiller | yes is better | 07:59 |
serenity | server lets you run SMP ie use two processors or quad core | 08:00 |
overridex | can anyone suggest a program to mass-convert a bunch of directories of ogg files to mp3? | 08:00 |
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Pelo | overridex, soundconverter | 08:00 |
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dstadulis | isn't server free too while workstation costs money? | 08:01 |
serenity | server is def free | 08:01 |
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overridex | thanks Pelo | 08:01 |
Pelo | dstadulis, using the one in the repos would be the simplest thing to do I think | 08:01 |
Ray_ | moin | 08:01 |
vistakiller | server is free but you need to register | 08:02 |
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serenity | they send you a code via email | 08:02 |
Ashfire908 | is there a way to simulate having a sound card for remopt users connecting to a server that has no sound card | 08:02 |
Ashfire908 | *remote | 08:02 |
=== cables [n=caleb@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aguitel | anyone know how generate password to work with administrator ? | 08:02 |
furenku | hello! how can i add resolutions to the resolution list (the only ones i get are no good) | 08:02 |
=== kaviros [n=kaviros@ppp22-104.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mrwho | Can anyone tell me how to go about creating a custom kernel and what can I do to a kernal to customize it? | 08:02 |
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astro76 | !root | aguitel | 08:02 |
ubotu | aguitel: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 08:02 |
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=== einPaul [n=siggy@dslb-084-060-059-032.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
serenity | sudo passwd root | 08:03 |
BwR | dpkg: error processing libxcursor1 (--configure): Faild to open ` /var/lib/dpkg/status' for writing status information: Input/output error E:sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg/status' for writing status information: Input/output error E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code(2) | 08:03 |
Ashfire908 | !sound | 08:03 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 08:03 |
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mrwho | !kernel | 08:03 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 08:03 |
dstadulis | serenity: they gave me my serial key after I completed the forum on the site, did not email it to me | 08:03 |
dem0nseed | nicely done | 08:03 |
kousotu | !MP3 | 08:03 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:03 |
=== arooni [n=chatzill@c-67-183-136-186.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arooni | hey folks! | 08:03 |
=== Enselic [n=martin@kr-lun-58-151-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaviros | hi i have a problem with a new disk i bought seagate 250gb | 08:04 |
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furenku | how can i change the resolution list? i only get 3 options, and they are no good!! | 08:04 |
kousotu | furenku: I have the same ones most likely | 08:04 |
zylthinking | how can I stop tty2---tty6 in 7.04 since no inittab anymore | 08:04 |
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kousotu | deal with it? | 08:04 |
kousotu | lol | 08:04 |
Pelo | furenku, gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:04 |
arooni | recently i switched motherboards, and when i try to boot up, i get a wierd error "Windows cannot find the file _________________". I *did* have grub installed, and a dual boot of win xp + ubuntu 7.04... but now that doesn't come up. i'm currently booting into live cd to fix the problem. ... once it's booted up what should i do? | 08:04 |
=== Ray_ [n=user@p5489C962.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
serenity | furenku you need to set up nvidia or ati drivers | 08:05 |
serenity | nvidia is best | 08:05 |
kousotu | arooni: boot windows if you can and come back | 08:05 |
furenku | serenity: how are these set? | 08:05 |
kousotu | I can help you mod the boot.ini | 08:05 |
serenity | which card do you have? | 08:05 |
hwilde | !fixgrub | arooni | 08:05 |
ubotu | arooni: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 08:05 |
Pelo | arooni, I think you should try a windows repair install , and fix your grub afterwards | 08:05 |
kousotu | ok, or that wors too | 08:05 |
=== dxm [n=daniel@ool-44c03512.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaviros | hi i have a problem with a new disk i bought seagate 250gb i formated it ext3 but i cant write on it. any idea??? | 08:05 |
furenku | serenity: nvidia geforce | 08:05 |
kousotu | I prefer the windows boot | 08:06 |
kousotu | lol | 08:06 |
hwilde | !mount | kaviros | 08:06 |
ubotu | kaviros: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 08:06 |
zylthinking | how can I stop tty2---tty6 in 7.04 since no inittab anymore | 08:06 |
kousotu | grub isn't being nice ot me | 08:06 |
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kousotu | to* | 08:06 |
hwilde | !fixgrub | kousotu | 08:06 |
ubotu | kousotu: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 08:06 |
arooni | ok the reccomendation is a windows repair install first | 08:06 |
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arooni | right? | 08:06 |
arooni | then add grub back | 08:06 |
hwilde | arooni, follow the instructions from ubotu. | 08:06 |
serenity | furenku: try envy to install the drivers then you can use nice nvidia-settings app like control panel to change resolution | 08:06 |
kousotu | it's ading kernals and other stuff tha shouldn't be there | 08:06 |
hwilde | !fixgrub > arooni | 08:06 |
astro76 | !envy | 08:07 |
ubotu | envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 08:07 |
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zylthinking | how can I stop tty2---tty6 in 7.04 since no inittab anymore, any suggestion? | 08:07 |
serenity | atro76 i get mine straight from nvidia.com but i head envy good for n00bs no? | 08:07 |
=== G_Willakers [n=dale@netblock-72-25-95-12.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | !repeat | zylthinking | 08:08 |
ubotu | zylthinking: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 08:08 |
astro76 | serenity, as you can see, it's not recommended for anyone ;) | 08:08 |
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Blastur | hello! can anyone recommand a app launcher for ubuntu? i'd like something similar to Launchy (Windows) or Quicksilver (MacOSX) .. searching the ubuntu repository, so far Ive found "Katapult", which is basically what I want, but it isn't exactly bugfree or active in development (homepage is down etc) .. any other recommendations? | 08:08 |
hwilde | zylthinking, what do you have against tty* | 08:08 |
furenku | serenity: now im not sure whether to use envy | 08:08 |
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serenity | ok without it try System->Admin->Restricted Drivers | 08:09 |
Flannel | zylthinking: in /etc/event.d/ttyX, you can comment out the respawn yadda yadda lines | 08:09 |
Ashfire908 | can i emulate a sound card? | 08:09 |
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dem0nseed | ashfire why? | 08:09 |
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kaviros | i have feisty 7.04 | 08:09 |
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zylthinking | Flannel: thanks | 08:09 |
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Pelo | Ashfire908, why would you need/want to ? | 08:10 |
lashmoov3 | where would I find the blue icons that are used in ubuntu ultimate? | 08:10 |
Flannel | zylthinking: or you can move said files to /etc/event.d.disable | 08:10 |
kaviros | i formated with Qpart | 08:10 |
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wr0nic | ist ubuntu das OS das auf den 100 dollar laptops installiert wird??! | 08:10 |
Vinchenzo28 | how do you change the hue/saturation for image in GIMP? | 08:10 |
Pelo | !theme | lashmoov3 | 08:10 |
ubotu | lashmoov3: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 08:10 |
hwilde | wr0nic, what is your native language? | 08:10 |
Flannel | !de | wr0nic, but no, I don't believe so. | 08:10 |
ubotu | wr0nic, but no, I don't believe so.: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 08:10 |
Pelo | lashmoov3, it's possible that those are just tango btw | 08:10 |
dem0nseed | kaviros: what is your problem? | 08:10 |
Ashfire908 | I have a server that i would like to use as a terminal server, but it has no sound card, and i don't have and PCI sound cards. | 08:10 |
=== seiflotfy [n=seif@P5118.pallas.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
isaac_ | I need help, I have ubuntu 7.04 and i have mupen64 on it. it works just fine the roms load but when i play on a rom it will lock up my whole computer and i have to restart can anyone help me | 08:10 |
=== dugurama [n=dugurama@ip68-98-50-125.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seiflotfy | hi guys | 08:11 |
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wr0nic | hwilde: deutschlndisch | 08:11 |
serenity | !de | wr0nic | 08:11 |
ubotu | wr0nic: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 08:11 |
seiflotfy | i need help | 08:11 |
wr0nic | ah ok, danke euch :) | 08:11 |
kaviros | i cant write on my disk | 08:11 |
kaviros | only read | 08:11 |
hwilde | wr0nic, try the channels for that language from ubotu | 08:11 |
=== and [n=and@201-67-181-51.fnsce702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
howlingmadhowie | wr0nic: nee, das wird eine version von fedora sein, wenn ich mich richtig erinnere | 08:11 |
dem0nseed | ashfire908 please type /j #hbh | 08:11 |
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Pelo | seiflotfy, we need specific questions | 08:11 |
hwilde | !ask | seiflotfy | 08:11 |
ubotu | seiflotfy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:11 |
seiflotfy | when i want to logout i first have to close all windows so it can logout , else some windows close and others dont and it still doenst log out | 08:11 |
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wr0nic | hwilde: ja danke, ich bin grad in den sprachkanal eingetreten, habe vielen dank! | 08:12 |
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dem0nseed | ashfire908 please type /j #hbh | 08:12 |
howlingmadhowie | wr0nic: das ist hier aber ein englisch-scrachiges forum, okay. viel spa noch :) | 08:12 |
zhong | hello | 08:12 |
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seiflotfy | !ask | 08:12 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:12 |
dugurama | am i asking a question? | 08:12 |
arooni | hwilde: do i want to do thisA: 'Using the Desktop/LiveCD while preserving Windows Bootloader' | 08:12 |
j3g | anyone know if there is a way to mount a nfs share WITHOUT file locking support? | 08:12 |
zhong | helloe everyone | 08:12 |
Pelo | seiflotfy, sounds like someting is hoggin your resources, it appends to me as well on occasion, | 08:12 |
Pelo | I donT' have a solution for you, maybe in the forum | 08:12 |
dem0nseed | zhong: you need help? | 08:12 |
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norbu | sziasztok | 08:13 |
kousotu | !de | wr0nic | 08:13 |
ubotu | wr0nic: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 08:13 |
zylthinking | hwilde: I just want to stop the no used ttys:) | 08:13 |
hwilde | !fuse | j3g | 08:13 |
ubotu | j3g: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 08:13 |
Flannel | !ntfs-3g | j3g | 08:13 |
ubotu | j3g: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 08:13 |
d4rkmonkey | hwilde, isn't ntfs-3g much safer? | 08:13 |
wr0nic | kousotu: ja danke, das hat mit hwilde auch schon gesagt :) | 08:13 |
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Flannel | d4rkmonkey: yes | 08:13 |
massctrl | where does ubuntu store the mac address to networknames ? I though I could find this in the udev rules, but it's not there | 08:13 |
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kousotu | lol | 08:14 |
=== freak_ [n=freak@244.Red-80-39-170.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kousotu | now if only I spoke german.. | 08:14 |
j3g | hwilde: It's NOT NTFS... its NFS | 08:14 |
dugurama | HFS | 08:14 |
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arooni | folks when i boot up my live cd on my new mobo + board (intel core 2 duo, intel 965 chipset, 2gb pc 6400 ram).... the load screen shnows progress for a while..... (the bar moves back & forth)..... but then it stops moving back & forth | 08:14 |
rausb0 | kousotu: he just said he already found the channel | 08:14 |
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arooni | is this normal? | 08:14 |
rausb0 | kousotu: (the german channel) | 08:14 |
arooni | does it take a long time to boot up? | 08:14 |
Pelo | arooni, do you get as far as the boot menu ? | 08:14 |
hwilde | j3g, lol | 08:15 |
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kaushal | hi | 08:15 |
arooni | Pelo: i can see the ubuntu logo and a progress indicator below that moves left/right repeatedly | 08:15 |
kaushal | uptime shows 11:05am up 124 days, 1:31, 1 user, load average: 0.25, 0.14, 0.10 | 08:15 |
arooni | but the position freezes | 08:15 |
=== ugarit [n=ugarit@208-59-114-73.c3-0.129-ubr3.lnh-129.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaushal | but when i run | 08:15 |
Pelo | arooni, what video card do you have ? | 08:15 |
kaushal | date -d 'today - 124 days' | 08:15 |
kaushal | i get | 08:15 |
serenity | kousotu: i think he said thanks, that's the 3rd time someone said that lol | 08:15 |
kaushal | Thu Dec 6 11:05:19 MST 2007 | 08:15 |
=== BlackaCid [n=zachary@00095bad961d.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kousotu | lol | 08:15 |
zhong | anyone can introduce me a visual compilor for c++? | 08:15 |
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Pelo | kaushal, make sure today's date is correct | 08:16 |
=== ubuntu_apologist [n=steve@unaffiliated/opopanaxgentoo] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hwilde | zhong, kdevelop is pretty cool | 08:16 |
Flannel | zhong: check out anjuta or eclipse (cdt) | 08:16 |
kousotu | I meant after danke | 08:16 |
arooni | Pelo: nvidia geforce 7950 gt oc | 08:16 |
kousotu | lol | 08:16 |
seiflotfy | can some1 tell me what r the default premissions in the home directory | 08:16 |
=== soneil [n=soneil@86-40-202-192.b-ras2.mvw.galway.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaushal | Sat Aug 4 11:16:16 MST 2007 | 08:16 |
isaac_ | Whenever i get in mupen64 it will run just fine and the rom will load just fine but when i play the rom it will play for a minute then it will lock my whole computer up and i have to hit the restart button. Ive tried 2 diffrent mupen64 emulators and my zsnes works. I've also tried a few diffrent roms from diffrent sites. My video card also is working fully its a ATI Radeon x1600 pro. My other 3d games work like open arena. | 08:16 |
Pelo | arooni, you shouldn't be able to use the live cd with a nvidia card, you'll need to use the alternate install cd | 08:16 |
arooni | Pelo: interesting | 08:16 |
=== axisys [n=axisys@ip70-174-179-120.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaviros | hi i have a problem with a new disk i bought seagate 250gb. i formated with qpart in ext3. i can see it. i double click on it, ask root pass and mount it. but i cant write on it. any idea please??? | 08:16 |
=== KevinO [n=nospamth@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zhong | just now i tried to install exclipse but failed... | 08:16 |
kousotu | Pelo: safe graphics mode might work | 08:16 |
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Flannel | seiflotfy: There are no default permissions, files all have different ones depending on what they are. They should all be owned by you though | 08:17 |
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bulmer | seiflotfy: depends on umask i believe | 08:17 |
seiflotfy | hmmmmmmmm | 08:17 |
Pelo | arooni, nvidia runs on propriatary drivers, ubuntu only comes with opensource stuff out of the box, you cna add the propriatary drivers afterward | 08:17 |
kousotu | Pelo: I had to use it to install gutsy | 08:17 |
seiflotfy | well is it ok to set | 08:17 |
arooni | Pelo: is the imaage 696.2 ? | 08:17 |
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arooni | Pelo: alternate cd image 696.2 mb ? i might already have it dloaded | 08:17 |
hwilde | !nvidia | arooni | 08:17 |
ubotu | arooni: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:17 |
Pelo | arooni, I don'T know | 08:17 |
seiflotfy | al lfiles in my home directory to read write for me and read for my group and none for others | 08:17 |
Pelo | hwilde, he's not there yet, he needs to install first | 08:18 |
bulmer | seiflotfy: yes | 08:18 |
kousotu | arooni: did you try safe graphics mode? | 08:18 |
serenity | zhong: kdevelop or codeblocks.org | 08:18 |
seiflotfy | even the configuratin files | 08:18 |
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seiflotfy | like .evolution | 08:18 |
seiflotfy | or .gconf | 08:18 |
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bulmer | seiflotfy: yes | 08:18 |
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seiflotfy | well somehow somethign is blocking me from logginf out | 08:19 |
seiflotfy | and that sucks | 08:19 |
isaac_ | Whenever i get in mupen64 it will run just fine and the rom will load just fine but when i play the rom it will play for a minute then it will lock my whole computer up and i have to hit the restart button. Ive tried 2 diffrent mupen64 emulators and my zsnes works. I've also tried a few diffrent roms from diffrent sites. My video card also is working fully its a ATI Radeon x1600 pro. My other 3d games work like open arena. PLZ HE | 08:19 |
isaac_ | LP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 08:19 |
bulmer | seiflotfy: but that depends on the apps that uses those | 08:19 |
Pelo | seiflotfy, open the terminal that usualy unstucks things for me | 08:19 |
kaviros | hi i have a problem with a new disk i bought seagate 250gb. i run ubuntu feisty 7.04.I formated with qpart in ext3. i can see it. i double click on it, ask root pass and mount it. but i cant write on it. any idea please??? | 08:19 |
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arooni | Pelo: OK to burn at 24x? | 08:19 |
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seiflotfy | can i see a log or a monitor for what is happening while i am trying to log out | 08:20 |
Pelo | arooni, no idea, you're choice, lower is useualy safer | 08:20 |
Flannel | arooni: You really should do 4x | 08:20 |
kousotu | arooni: but at 8X or less | 08:20 |
kousotu | 8 will do fine | 08:20 |
bulmer | kaviros: did you create a file system on it? partitioning it does not make it just writeable | 08:20 |
bbrazil | serenity: strace could help | 08:20 |
=== seiflotfy [n=seif@P5118.pallas.wh.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaviros | how can i do that? | 08:21 |
seiflotfy | well i only have 2 programs running skype and pidgin | 08:21 |
seiflotfy | :( | 08:21 |
serenity | eh? | 08:21 |
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=== bluefox83 [n=bluefox@dynamic-acs-24-239-249-234.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seiflotfy | stil lcan manage to logout whiel both of their windows are open | 08:21 |
bbrazil | serenity: bad tab completion | 08:21 |
serenity | lol | 08:21 |
bbrazil | serenity: happens a lot :( | 08:21 |
Pelo | seiflotfy, check in the forum there might be something | 08:21 |
seiflotfy | i didi | 08:22 |
bulmer | kaviros: type on console mk thenpress tab twice and you'll see the different make file system commands | 08:22 |
seiflotfy | nothing | 08:22 |
Pelo | you didi ? | 08:22 |
zhong | hello everyone , who can tell mehow to get a superuser privilege? | 08:22 |
bluefox83 | how do you change themes on the gtk-window-decorator that compiz uses? | 08:22 |
hwilde | !sudo | zhong | 08:22 |
ubotu | zhong: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 08:22 |
=== Pelo thinks seiflotfy is a little weird | ||
hwilde | !compiz | bluefox83 | 08:22 |
ubotu | bluefox83: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:22 |
zhong | thanks | 08:22 |
Pelo | bluefox83, ask in #ubuntu-effects | 08:22 |
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hwilde | does Canonical support actually exist? Anybody use them? | 08:22 |
seiflotfy | why weired | 08:22 |
d4rkmonkey | hwilde, yes. | 08:23 |
bosworth | !ubotu | bosworth | 08:23 |
seiflotfy | i did check | 08:23 |
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seiflotfy | and nothign there is helping | 08:23 |
d4rkmonkey | hwilde, I don't use it though, and you have to pay for it. | 08:23 |
Pelo | hwilde, they exist I assume they are mostly used by corporate users | 08:23 |
bbrazil | kaviros: please pastebin the output of 'mount' | 08:23 |
hwilde | d4rkmonkey, they don't even have a phone number wth | 08:23 |
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kaviros | <bulmer> i am not good at command line. more details please | 08:23 |
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retnuh | When someone gets a moment, I would like someone to help me with unpacking and installing tars, I have read online several tuts, but I have not been successful. | 08:24 |
d4rkmonkey | hwilde, thats because its for the business support which you pay for. | 08:24 |
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wyvern_ | I have a problem with Ubuntu 7.04 freezing up after being idle for a few minutes. I've already tried removing the powernowd package, without luck. | 08:24 |
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wyvern_ | Yes, I have an Athlon X2 cpu... | 08:24 |
Pelo | retnuh, here http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/ | 08:24 |
d4rkmonkey | hwilde, for the support if you buy it for like a business or something it give you 24/7 support but its same OS | 08:24 |
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bulmer | kaviros do you have a terminal window open? then type in "mk" with no quotes and press tab twice | 08:24 |
d4rkmonkey | hwilde, IRC/forums I always use anywa | 08:24 |
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d4rkmonkey | *anyways | 08:24 |
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sauvin | Retnuh, what kind of help are you looking for? | 08:24 |
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izzy__ | Whenever i get in mupen64 it will run just fine and the rom will load just fine but when i play the rom it will play for a minute then it will lock my whole computer up and i have to hit the restart button. Ive tried 2 diffrent mupen64 emulators and my zsnes works. I've also tried a few diffrent roms from diffrent sites. My video card also is working fully its a ATI Radeon x1600 pro. My other 3d games work like open arena. plz he | 08:25 |
izzy__ | lp me figure out waht's wrong | 08:25 |
LucidFox | can someone direct me to a good non-linear video editor? | 08:25 |
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retnuh | sauvin: I am going to try to read another tutorial that Pelo just put in here for me. I will get with you if it doesnt work.....Thanks....... | 08:25 |
pkundu | wat will be the best wm for a system with celeron 1.2GHz 256 MB Ram n 20GB HDD | 08:25 |
hwilde | d4rkmonkey, nobody can tell me how to fix this... bad: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32518/ good: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32519/ it's like hardware drivers disappeared. | 08:25 |
sauvin | Specifically mention my name so the IRC client will flag me. | 08:25 |
=== Firsty [n=Rawr@nv-76-3-150-146.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bbrazil | retnuh: generally you'd want to find prepackaged software for ubuntu. Building from tar is a good bit of effort can can be hard to maintain | 08:25 |
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d4rkmonkey | hwilde, you probably have to load a module or something... | 08:25 |
Pelo | retnuh, that one is very good, at the very least it will give us a template t work from in finding your problem | 08:26 |
=== Tornado [n=Bill@71-220-16-176.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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d4rkmonkey | hwilde, you using feisty? | 08:26 |
Tornado | hello | 08:26 |
sauvin | Bbrazil, suppose retnuh is dealing with stuff people don't often mess with? I've had to build stuff . | 08:26 |
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Flannel | pkundu: You'd be fine using ubuntu or kubuntu, but you'll have a quicker experience with xubuntu | 08:26 |
hwilde | d4rkmonkey, i use all versions 5.10 - 7.10+ | 08:26 |
kaviros | i saw that and saw that things. what next? | 08:26 |
bulmer | kaviros http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73885 tutorial for command line | 08:26 |
retnuh | sauvin: Correct, I am trying to install a MySQL program | 08:26 |
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d4rkmonkey | hwilde, uhh you have a seperate install of every version? wtf? | 08:27 |
bbrazil | sauvin: if that was the case, I'd wouldn't expect to see them to have to ask for help. From experiance, people are usually looking for nvidia/ati drivers | 08:27 |
=== liquido^ [n=dvd@host119-223-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sauvin | What's the program? doesn't synaptics already have it bundled for you? | 08:27 |
retnuh | Pelo: Okay, I am off to try, thank you and thanks to everyone else | 08:27 |
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retnuh | sauvin: let me see | 08:27 |
liquido^ | hi, someone can help me with aMule??? | 08:27 |
bbrazil | retnuh: ubuntu comes with mysql | 08:27 |
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bulmer | kaviros: those mkXXXX are make a file system..select which one you want to use for your new file system | 08:27 |
sauvin | bbrazil, you're right. I plead too much blood in my coffee stream. | 08:27 |
Pelo | retnuh, fhe firs tthing to do when using a tar.gz file to compile is to unpack it and read the readme and install files | 08:27 |
Tornado | i am isnatll ubuntu sever and i am in the installation and its asking me if i want to install DNS Server or Lamp Witch one should i choose, i am going to use this for e-mail services ? | 08:27 |
Flannel | retnuh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP There's a mysql section in there, follow that. | 08:27 |
retnuh | bbrazil: yeah, but a GUI? | 08:28 |
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Flannel | Tornado: neither | 08:28 |
bbrazil | retnuh: mysqladmin should be in there too | 08:28 |
hwilde | d4rkmonkey, i have lots of different systems. this specific one is feisty yes | 08:28 |
Pelo | later folks | 08:28 |
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Tornado | how do i bypass it then | 08:28 |
d4rkmonkey | hwilde, does the hardware run in an older kernel? | 08:28 |
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bbrazil | retnuh: what is your end goal here? | 08:28 |
Vinchenzo28 | what should i use to record streaming internet radio? | 08:28 |
kaviros | i want it just for starage what i have to select | 08:29 |
kaviros | ?? | 08:29 |
bulmer | Tornado what do you want to serve from your server? | 08:29 |
=== izzy__ [n=isaac@ppp-69-223-34-35.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WX9J | I have a partition hdb1 that is full of mp3's I cannot change owner, group or chmod even as root , any ideas | 08:29 |
Tornado | E-mail sevices | 08:29 |
hwilde | d4rkmonkey, the hardware runs on the same kernel | 08:29 |
bbrazil | WX9J: is it ntfs? | 08:29 |
Tornado | like an exchange sever | 08:29 |
sauvin | Vinchenzo28, have you considered mplayer? | 08:29 |
retnuh | sauvin: How does the Synaptic work? I have installed several things, but I cant find them anywhere. Maybe they were files that support things, but I thought they were programs | 08:29 |
izzy__ | Whenever i get in mupen64 it will run just fine and the rom will load just fine but when i play the rom it will play for a minute then it will lock my whole computer up and i have to hit the restart button. Ive tried 2 diffrent mupen64 emulators and my zsnes works. I've also tried a few diffrent roms from diffrent sites. My video card also is working fully its a ATI Radeon x1600 pro. My other 3d games work like open arena. PLZ HE | 08:29 |
izzy__ | LP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 08:29 |
Flannel | Tornado: uncheck all of them (no asterisks) and hit continue | 08:29 |
d4rkmonkey | hwilde, yeah but have you tried running an older version of the kernel? | 08:29 |
Tornado | ok | 08:29 |
bulmer | Tornado no exchange server in linux i know of | 08:29 |
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Tornado | i know | 08:29 |
WX9J | bbrazil: no it is fat32 | 08:29 |
Vinchenzo28 | is mplayer a standalone ? thought it was a plugin | 08:29 |
bbrazil | Tornado: you just need imap/pop or a web interface too? | 08:29 |
d4rkmonkey | hwilde, my optical drive runs in an older version of the kernel, but not in the newest that gutsy uses. | 08:30 |
bbrazil | WX9J: is it mounted 'ro' ? | 08:30 |
retnuh | bbrazil: My end goal here is to be efficient at installing programs on Ubuntu | 08:30 |
Flannel | retnuh: They're there. If you go back to synaptic, and check the details of said packages, there's a list of files that were installed. | 08:30 |
Tornado | ok | 08:30 |
bulmer | Tornado: you have to use a DNS server somehow later for your smtp server to be known | 08:30 |
WX9J | haha probably. | 08:30 |
Flannel | retnuh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto | 08:30 |
WX9J | good catch | 08:30 |
bbrazil | retnuh: the answer to that is 'sudo aptitude install programname' | 08:30 |
zhong | my god!who can tell me how to install eclipse?i am really green | 08:30 |
Piddy | Can anyone help me out with my microphone? | 08:30 |
bulmer | Tornado why dont you get a tutorial on an install instead of having to ask one by one..bunch of things you have to do to install a server | 08:30 |
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TtyS2 | how can i update my time server in a terminal | 08:31 |
vrilutza | I need help how to restart iptables | 08:31 |
Tornado | were | 08:31 |
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WX9J | bbrazil: can you help me with the syntax to correct that | 08:31 |
bulmer | Tornado google is your friend | 08:31 |
bbrazil | vrilutza: what are you trying to do? | 08:31 |
Tornado | ok | 08:31 |
vrilutza | I centos this comand. | 08:31 |
vrilutza | irc.freenode.net | 08:31 |
bbrazil | WX9J: mount -o remount,rw /path/to/mountpoint | 08:31 |
vrilutza | service iptables restart | 08:31 |
vrilutza | on ubuntu how to? | 08:31 |
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WX9J | bbrazil: TU | 08:31 |
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bbrazil | vrilutza: that's a redhat command. Why do you want to restart iptables? | 08:32 |
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retnuh | bbrazil: Flannel: Pelo: sauvin: Thanks a bunch guys, I will go read all this good information you guys have provided me.....wish me luck... :) | 08:32 |
bulmer | vrilutza: you want iptables rule reloaded? | 08:32 |
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Piddy | Please, can anyone help me out with my mic? | 08:32 |
bulmer | rules* | 08:32 |
=== ClNorris [n=ClNorris@oh-71-54-64-239.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vrilutza | yes bulmer. | 08:32 |
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Flannel | zhong: you'll need to install sun-java6-bin, eclipse-cdt, eclipse, and, I think that's it. | 08:32 |
bulmer | vrilutza: have you had read any tutorials on iptables yet? | 08:32 |
ClNorris | I disabled desktop enhancements and re-enabled them and 3 of my 4 workplaces are gone, what do I do? | 08:32 |
remix5x | Hello out there, I was wondering if anyone out there could give me some tips and pointers for mounting my windows NTFS RAID5 Array | 08:32 |
Tornado | how do you get a gui on ubuntu sever | 08:33 |
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Flannel | Tornado: If you want a GUI, you're better off installing a desktop version | 08:33 |
hwilde | d4rkmonkey, the same exact kernel runs fine. there is something wrong with one image | 08:33 |
Tornado | ok | 08:33 |
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Tornado | never mind | 08:33 |
vrilutza | bulmer document with http://www.howtoforge.com/nat_iptables | 08:33 |
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d4rkmonkey | hwilde, ok then? | 08:33 |
bbrazil | sauvin: I think you were right on that one :) | 08:33 |
vrilutza | and don't now how to restart iptables. | 08:33 |
WX9J | bbrazil: is that what I should put in the fstab file ? | 08:33 |
sauvin | bbrazil, no, you were right. I didn't ask enough questions. | 08:34 |
jijutm | hi anyone.. my isp is giving me a 16 ip block for the new leased line.. I need to setup an ubuntu box with three nicks such that our two departments are seperated | 08:34 |
bulmer | vrilutza: okay, then it should have something about flushing or clearing the tables with iptables -F; iptables -X | 08:34 |
vrilutza | In base redhat centos this command service iptables restart restart ipotables | 08:34 |
hwilde | d4rkmonkey, what is broken that it fails after "Loading hardware drivers..." on the boot sequence? | 08:34 |
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vrilutza | In ubuntu how to? restart? | 08:34 |
Flannel | Tornado: you can install a GUI to the server version no problem, but if you're new, it might be easier to install a desktop version, and then add your server daemons to that | 08:34 |
bbrazil | WX9J: is should just be 'default' I'd guess. 'rw' is default iirc, so unless you have a 'ro' you should be grand | 08:34 |
hwilde | d4rkmonkey, when the bad image gets to "* Loading hardware drivers... " in the bootup sequence it doesn't do anything. line 464: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32518/ | 08:34 |
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bulmer | vrilutza: you dont restart an iptables, you clear the rules and reload the rules | 08:34 |
hwilde | d4rkmonkey, when the good image gets to "* Loading hardware drivers... " in the bootup sequence, it then loads all of the networking stuff etc. line 462: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32519/ | 08:34 |
d4rkmonkey | hwilde, I'm pretty sure the kernel is what loads the drivers which is why I suggested trying an older kernel | 08:34 |
=== Andria [n=ReVeNaNt@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WX9J | bbrazil: thank you very much, it took me some time just to get them working in fstab. | 08:35 |
dem0nseed | yo i want to burn a dvd but i have a laptop and it only has 1 drive to read and write how would i do this? | 08:35 |
=== Wiseguy [i=wiseguy@imma.cyber-terrorist.so.fearme.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
remix5x | Does anyone out there know how to mount a NTFS raid5 array? | 08:35 |
Tornado | i didnt know you could do that | 08:35 |
bbrazil | sauvin: typically people ask about what they think is the problem, without going into the actual goal. This wastes their time and ours | 08:35 |
bulmer | dem0nseed: get a dvd writer maybe? | 08:35 |
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dem0nseed | i have one | 08:35 |
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bbrazil | WX9J: man mount for more | 08:35 |
remix5x | Does anyone know if its even possible to mount a pre existing raid5 array? | 08:35 |
dem0nseed | what program will copy the data to my hd then burn it as a dvd | 08:35 |
Flannel | Tornado: Yeah. Linux makes no differentiation between 'desktop' and 'server' systems. Everything is just a program, and runs equally well. | 08:35 |
=== MetaBookfoziS [n=huhh@dsl54007FF3.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sauvin | bbrazil, which is why I say I didn't ask enough questions. YOUR question was dead on: "What's the end goal here?" | 08:35 |
bulmer | dem0nseed: is it installed? | 08:35 |
hwilde | d4rkmonkey, i didn't run any updates... it didn't even have internet access. something must have changed | 08:35 |
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Tornado | o | 08:36 |
dem0nseed | bulmer /j #hbh | 08:36 |
bulmer | dem0nseed: k3b | 08:36 |
=== Seoke [n=heath@h148.233.16.98.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bbrazil | sauvin: that's almost always the best question :) | 08:36 |
vrilutza | bulmer exemple : iptables -F remove regules | 08:36 |
MetaBookfoziS | can anybody tellme, how many gmail accounts exists? Is this documented somewhere? | 08:36 |
=== DIO [n=baran@mur75-1-81-57-45-106.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
serenity | dem0nseed save so an .iso file on your hard disk | 08:36 |
bulmer | vrilutza: thats the one | 08:36 |
d4rkmonkey | hwilde, If you don't want to listen to my suggestions its fine with me. I'm just thinking you should restart and try a previous kernel. | 08:36 |
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bbrazil | vrilutza: be careful. default policy could be DROP | 08:36 |
ConfidentiaL | Is it possible to get linux on my Pocket PC? | 08:36 |
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Seoke | I need to open port 80 I know on windows you have to go through control panel->Windows Firewall then exceptions.. how do I do this on ubuntu? | 08:36 |
WX9J | bbrazil: /dev/hdb1 /media/singles vfat rw was what I had to get it mounted in the first place | 08:36 |
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jetscreamer | ConfidentiaL: i 'think' so but not sure | 08:37 |
hwilde | d4rkmonkey, I can burn a fresh image of this kernel and it works - i need to figure out what changed and how to fix it. | 08:37 |
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bbrazil | Seoke: you shouldn't need to do anything | 08:37 |
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Flannel | Seoke: You don't need to open port 80. Whatever is trying to listen to port 80 will be able to open it | 08:37 |
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sauvin | Seoke, do you have a router or other device standing between yourself and the Internet? | 08:37 |
Seoke | sauvin: Yup already port forwarded | 08:37 |
Seoke | People still cant access my webpage correctly though | 08:37 |
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Seoke | Hosting it with lampp | 08:37 |
Flannel | Seoke: what is 'correctly'? | 08:38 |
bulmer | Seoke: forwarded to the correct ip address i hope | 08:38 |
bbrazil | Seoke: can another host behind your firewall get to it? | 08:38 |
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e3n | This Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi Thunder Flooder Created By - CrazeeKusanagiThis Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi This Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi Thunder Flooder Created By - CrazeeKusanagiThis Channel Has Been Flood By Cra | 08:38 |
-e3n:#ubuntu- BanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilat By Crazee_Kusanagi [--] | 08:38 | |
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b2nf4c2 | This Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi Thunder Flooder Created By - CrazeeKusanagiThis Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi This Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi Thunder Flooder Created By - CrazeeKusanagiThis Channel Has Been Flood By Cra | 08:38 |
-b2nf4c2:#ubuntu- BanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilat By Crazee_Kusanagi [--] | 08:38 | |
e3n | crazee_kusanagi Say-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please- | 08:38 |
Seoke | I can't even get to it | 08:38 |
Flannel | !ops | 08:38 |
bbrazil | !ops | 08:38 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 08:38 |
b2nf4c2 | crazee_kusanagi Say-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please-No Inviter Please- | 08:38 |
-e3n:#ubuntu- This Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi Thunder Flooder Created By - CrazeeKusanagiThis Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi This Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi Thunder Flooder Created By - CrazeeKusanagiThis Channel Has Been Flood By Craz | 08:38 | |
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-b2nf4c2:#ubuntu- This Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi Thunder Flooder Created By - CrazeeKusanagiThis Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi This Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi Thunder Flooder Created By - CrazeeKusanagiThis Channel Has Been Flood By Craz | 08:38 | |
e3n | BanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilat By Crazee_Kusanagi [--] | 08:38 |
cornchild | :) | 08:38 |
b2nf4c2 | BanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilat By Crazee_Kusanagi [--] | 08:38 |
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-b2nf4c2:#ubuntu- ThEBeSt-[--] -CraZeeKuSaNaGI StiLL ThEBeSt-[--] -CraZeeKuSaNaGI StiLL ThEBeSt-CraZeeKuSaNaGI StiLL | 08:38 | |
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d1m1 | This Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi Thunder Flooder Created By - CrazeeKusanagiThis Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi This Channel Has Been Flood By CrazeeKusanagi Thunder Flooder Created By - CrazeeKusanagiThis Channel Has Been Flood By Cra | 08:38 |
-d1m1:#ubuntu- BanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilatBanjirKilat By Crazee_Kusanagi [--] | 08:38 | |
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hwilde | Seoke, are you using iptables? | 08:38 |
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dem0nseed | nixternl ur back :D | 08:38 |
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ZeZu | wtf | 08:39 |
hwilde | lol noob flooders | 08:39 |
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Geoformality | Pfft. | 08:39 |
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Geoformality | People need lives. | 08:39 |
Pricey | No need for a reaction guys... lets move on please. | 08:39 |
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Geoformality | Alrighty. | 08:39 |
dem0nseed | uhh can some one help me with this dvd burning come channnel #hbh | 08:39 |
Geoformality | Sounds good to me. =) | 08:39 |
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hwilde | !dvd | dem0nseed | 08:40 |
ubotu | dem0nseed: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 08:40 |
dem0nseed | .... that dosent help | 08:40 |
astro76 | dem0nseed, you can copy in k3b with only one dvd drive | 08:40 |
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dem0nseed | ok ty astro | 08:41 |
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hiroshiX | I'm trying to lock down the desktop of an ubuntu machine and I cannot for the life of me restrict someone from deleting an icon on the desktop | 08:41 |
astro76 | dem0nseed, it will read to hd first, then ask you to put in the blank and it will write it | 08:41 |
astro76 | dem0nseed, of course you'll need a bit of free space on your hd | 08:41 |
hiroshiX | or adding things, even | 08:41 |
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dem0nseed | i got tonz of space | 08:42 |
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sauvin | hiroshiX, why do you want to lock a desktop? | 08:42 |
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hiroshiX | make it a kiosk | 08:42 |
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bbrazil | Seoke: can you pastebin the output of netstat -nlpt ? | 08:42 |
jetscreamer | hiroshiX: it's their desktop | 08:42 |
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jetscreamer | hiroshiX: maybe some weird perms on /home/user/Desktop but ... | 08:43 |
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hiroshiX | so I just need to turn the desktop off in the gconf | 08:43 |
hwilde | hiroshiX, why don't u just uninstall the desktop | 08:43 |
jetscreamer | you could | 08:43 |
hiroshiX | and then make a toolbar with all the programmes they should use | 08:43 |
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sauvin | Uninstalling the desktop would make the machine a very unfriendly kiosk. | 08:43 |
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hiroshiX | yeah, I don't think many would like to use an elinks kiosk | 08:44 |
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blackjackel | hello | 08:44 |
FireHazard17 | sauvin: unfriendly is the new friendly | 08:44 |
variant | hiroshiX: just don't have nautilus enable icons | 08:44 |
bbrazil | hiroshiX: much easier to reimage the homedir after logout I'd say | 08:44 |
hwilde | sauvin, if you uninstall the desktop and automatically launch firefox it would be fine. | 08:44 |
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blackjackel | I am trying to mount a RAID 5 NTFS partition with my windows on it and I | 08:44 |
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sauvin | Ah? | 08:44 |
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sauvin | Hrm... or maybe just use a really REALLY weird desktop manager? | 08:45 |
hiroshiX | right now it autolaunches firefox with the kiosk plugin | 08:45 |
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hiroshiX | but with the toolbar enabled, they can close it, launch as many copies as they want | 08:45 |
FireHazard17 | i like fluxbox | 08:45 |
dem0nseed | lmfao im still on baan list this is some crap | 08:45 |
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FireHazard17 | dem0nseed: for where? | 08:45 |
bbrazil | hiroshiX: if they can login, they can probably do anything they want | 08:46 |
EADG_ | Buy stuff like that and I'm certain some three letter org is gonna pay you a visit and leave a few grams of lead in yer head. | 08:46 |
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hiroshiX | I guess ubuntu isn't ready for the kiosk market yet | 08:47 |
astro76 | dem0nseed, I think if you were banned, you can't talk... ask in #ubuntu-ops | 08:47 |
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EADG_ | Ignore that, wrong # | 08:47 |
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sauvin | Hiroshi: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7718 | 08:47 |
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dem0nseed | i am banned i evaded it untill i can talk to hobbse or what ever his name is | 08:47 |
dem0nseed | !ops | 08:47 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 08:47 |
blackjackel | Could someone help me interpret this readme to my raid 5 array: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=464758&highlight=ntfs+raid+mount | 08:47 |
Flannel | dem0nseed: #ubuntu-ops is the place to go. Not here. | 08:47 |
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dem0nseed | Hobbsee i evaded till i could talk to him | 08:48 |
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=== astro76 sighs | ||
Myrtti | indeed | 08:48 |
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desertc | hiroshiX: Mark Shuttleworth has made kiosks all over South Africa with Ubuntu | 08:48 |
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arooni | hey folks | 08:49 |
jenda | that'll show him ;) | 08:49 |
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sauvin | maybe South African people have more respect for other people's property. North American kiosks take a beating. | 08:49 |
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arooni | i'm trying to get grub back & working on ubuntu... but i have a geforce card so i needed to use the alternate cd ..... now that its booted..... what do i do? | 08:49 |
Flannel | !grub | arooni | 08:50 |
ubotu | arooni: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 08:50 |
d4rkmonkey | !nvidia | arooni | 08:50 |
ubotu | arooni: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:50 |
d4rkmonkey | o_O | 08:50 |
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bbrazil | arooni: you got a terminal? | 08:50 |
Flannel | arooni: first link there, at the bottom of the page is stuff for alternate/install cd | 08:50 |
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d4rkmonkey | Flannel, I thought he already got it installed with alternate | 08:50 |
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Flannel | d4rkmonkey: he's trying to reinstall GRUB | 08:50 |
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Wyvern| | Hi, I have a problem with Ubuntu 7.04 freezing up after being idle. :( | 08:50 |
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d4rkmonkey | Flannel, oh, I thought he already installed from alternate and was trying to get his video working | 08:51 |
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whiter | hello, i have a wireless problem... lshw is showing *-network DISABLED | 08:51 |
whiter | but it seems to have detected the wireless adapter on eth1 | 08:51 |
sauvin | How long do you run it before it goes idle, how long does it have to idle before it locks up, and what are you running when it starts idlling? | 08:51 |
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Wyvern| | It also freezes up after I suspend the computer manually. | 08:51 |
arooni | bbrazil: all i get is the ubuntu splash screen with stuff like 'install in text mode', 'text mode install for manufacturees', 'install a command line system'. .... and i dont see the option for: "When the Ubuntu splash screen comes up with the boot: prompt, type in rescue and press enter." | 08:51 |
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bbrazil | sauvin: don't forget temperature, powersaving etc. | 08:52 |
arooni | Flannel: there's no boot: prompt... what should i select on the menu? | 08:52 |
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Flannel | arooni: If you hit escape, you get the the boot: prompt | 08:52 |
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Flannel | arooni: but, there should be a 'rescue' option on th thing too | 08:52 |
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arooni | oh you're right | 08:52 |
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bbrazil | arooni: choose 'install in text mode' and when it comes up, hit F2 | 08:52 |
sauvin | bbrazil, yea, but usually when MY laptop "freezes", it's because I did something boneheaded. | 08:52 |
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Pricey | cs o | 08:53 |
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arooni | is it ok to hit escape + rescue? cuz thasts what i did | 08:53 |
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=== sauvin happily sits at a command line convering a pile of .ape files to .flac | ||
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bbrazil | arooni: once you have a terminal, we can work from there | 08:53 |
dylanmoore | !linksys | 08:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about linksys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:53 |
vrilutza | helps pls, http://www.linuxjournal.com/articles/web/2005-05/8322/8322f2.png | 08:54 |
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vrilutza | corresponding for ubuntu edition server ? | 08:54 |
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whiter | i have Compaq Presario F500 with a Broadcom 1390 wireless adapter (built in) and lshw says its disabled | 08:54 |
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Flannel | arooni: one method is to do normal install, hit escape, get to the steps menu thing, then scroll all the way down to grub install, and just do that. | 08:54 |
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bbrazil | arooni: follow the first section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 08:54 |
chrisellis | Hey i installed dreamlinux on another partition but now it uses dreamlinux's bootloader and when i try to go into ubuntu it just freezes up when its loading anyone know how to fix this | 08:55 |
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serenityUK | vrilutza, sudo telinit 5 | 08:55 |
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-132-246-238.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thavorn | how can I add short cut? | 08:55 |
Shane^ | Anyone who has managed to install a 32bit version of 7.04 on a Amd 64 X2? mine freezes, even with noacpi and noapic options. Do I need the 64-specific verison? | 08:56 |
=== Emperor [n=domdorri@88-109-94-173.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thavorn | !launcher | 08:56 |
bulmer | whiter: http://www.unix-tutorials.com/go.php?id=575 | 08:56 |
serenityUK | vrilutza, forget that it was wrong! | 08:56 |
dylanmoore | whiter, are you using ndiswrapper or fwcutter | 08:56 |
=== Keith-BlindUser [n=keith@mmds-216-19-30-69.mm.az.commspeed.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about launcher - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:56 |
dylanmoore | hello, I was wondering is anyone could assist me on a random problem: I know my wireless card works with multiple access points, but refuses to see my parent's old 802.11b linksys router. Any suggestions? | 08:56 |
serenityUK | vrilutza, sorry | 08:56 |
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=== CoasterMaster [n=bmschwar@c-67-188-105-119.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bbrazil | vrilutza: what is your end goal? | 08:57 |
arooni | when i selected 'install in text mode'... cd spun up and now all i have is a blanking '_' at top left :( | 08:57 |
bulmer | dylanmoore: i suggest you configure your wireless nic card to work only in 802.11b mode | 08:57 |
=== jefferson [n=jefferso@201-048-165-134.xd-dynamic.ctbcnetsuper.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dylanmoore | bulmer, it is a b only card...does that matter? | 08:57 |
vrilutza | I don't understand bbrazil? | 08:57 |
carlos | This is the first time I've used wi-fi with Ubuntu. Every time the computer starts up I have to enter a password for the NetworkManager Applet. How can I stop it from doing this? | 08:57 |
=== rebrains [n=rebrain@e179130090.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bbrazil | arooni: give it a sec | 08:57 |
sauvin | .11b isn't very heavily supported anymore, is it? | 08:57 |
bulmer | dylanmoore: what? | 08:58 |
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dylanmoore | I'm thinking that the reason my b only card works on other APs is that .11g was just supporting it | 08:58 |
=== Gand [n=dkillian@c-24-18-238-169.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arooni | bbrazil: cd rom inst really spinning anymore.. its been a couple of mins | 08:58 |
hwilde | sauvin, what's the difference between .11b and g | 08:58 |
=== arooni wants his ubuntu | ||
CoasterMaster | carlos: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2776815&postcount=1 | 08:58 |
bulmer | dylanmoore: 802.11g is backward compat to 802.11b | 08:58 |
=== h8crime [n=cr0@net.loldon.gs] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bbrazil | arooni: bah, try another option? | 08:58 |
Flannel | arooni: sounds like a bad CD | 08:58 |
=== janga [n=janga@dslb-084-056-064-221.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bbrazil | arooni: could be a bad cd | 08:58 |
arooni | damn :( | 08:59 |
hwilde | aroo, verify the cd. | 08:59 |
Flannel | arooni: check the CD for defects | 08:59 |
arooni | i burned at 8x | 08:59 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o elkbuntu] by ChanServ | ||
sauvin | hwilde, the fact that a game adaptor I was forced to use with my laptop was an A/G, and wouldn't deal with the hotel's B at ALL. I presume they're different critters. | 08:59 |
dylanmoore | bulmer, you said to configure my wireless nice to only be .11b only. it is a bcm4303 - 802.11b card. should i still switch it to .11b-only? | 08:59 |
BwR | dpkg: error processing libxcursor1 (--configure): Faild to open ` /var/lib/dpkg/status' for writing status information: Input/output error E:sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg/status' for writing status information: Input/output error E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code(2) | 08:59 |
h8crime | i am plugging in a usb flash memory drive, and /var/log/messages just says "new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4" and "configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice" and doesn't mount it | 08:59 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@unaffiliated/hymntolife] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulmer | dylanmoore: older 802.11b does not have much options, in only works on that mode | 08:59 |
variant | h8crime: are you sure it doesn't get mounted? | 08:59 |
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hwilde | sauvin, sounds like a specific incompatibility between your card chipset and driver and the network | 08:59 |
h8crime | pretty sure | 08:59 |
h8crime | nothing in mtab | 08:59 |
BwR | i get that message when trying to install ubuntu? | 09:00 |
=== oggy [n=oggy@83-131-153-47.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | h8crime: type "mount" and it will show what is mounted and where | 09:00 |
hwilde | sauvin, you can set the mode to b with "iwpriv ath0 mode 2" | 09:00 |
=== uR-solarus [n=evan@c-75-71-70-22.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sauvin | h8crime, did you look in /media? | 09:00 |
dylanmoore | bulmer, both the router i am trying to connect to as well as the internal NIC i am using are both just .11b. | 09:00 |
h8crime | sauvin: yes | 09:00 |
h8crime | variant: that just cats mtab | 09:00 |
=== m1r [n=m1r0@83-131-189-216.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h8crime | variant: its not in there | 09:00 |
bulmer | dylanmoore: then next is one has to act as acces point and not peer-to-peer | 09:00 |
Geoformality | Alright, whenever I go to Hibernate or Suspend mode in Feisty, my monitor goes blank as I should. I move the mouse and type, and I think the computer becomes active but my monitor doesn't respond and continues to tell me about how I need to press keys for move the mouse. | 09:01 |
variant | h8crime: no, it doesn't.. not quite anyway | 09:01 |
arooni | Flannel: its doing same thing:( what speed should i try burning at again? | 09:01 |
h8crime | variant: well i tried and its not listed there | 09:01 |
=== larch3 [n=dmfrench@c-75-69-12-249.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arooni | even when i try to get it repaired | 09:01 |
variant | h8crime: but ok. is there a filesystem on the disk? | 09:01 |
bbrazil | BwR: you doing that as root? | 09:01 |
arooni | i mean check if its broken | 09:01 |
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Flannel | arooni: verify your md5, and burn at 4x | 09:01 |
h8crime | variant: i don't know, i just got it | 09:01 |
dylanmoore | geoformality, are you using default hibernation? | 09:01 |
variant | h8crime: so, cfdisk it | 09:01 |
arooni | Flannel: how do i verify md5 | 09:01 |
serenityUK | h8crime anything with sudo fdisk -l ??? | 09:01 |
=== Cthulhu [n=ren@cpc1-blac1-0-0-cust84.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dylanmoore | bulmer, I'm sorry? | 09:01 |
=== panique [n=rechner@dslb-084-060-175-087.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | h8crime: or fdisk -l | 09:01 |
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brk3 | hi, wondering would anyone be able to point me towards a good .zshrc file to get started with? | 09:01 |
Geoformality | Yes, I did nothing to change it dylanmoore. | 09:01 |
=== [BNA] NemesisFigh [n=tobias@dslb-084-062-182-173.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rebrains | hey! wow this channel is big :D and only one OP :D . I jjust wanted to submit some bug (not really a bug, just uncomfortable thing). : when you update the system you can see the list of the files that are being downloaded. The list updates itself while the download process goes (%) When you scroll up too see the file names as i did just now, the list updates and you are back at the end of the list. I hope someone reads this message and good | 09:01 |
rebrains | to everyone! | 09:01 |
=== rebrains [n=rebrain@e179130090.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
sauvin | Yes, try fdisk -l first. I've never seen a flash drive of any sort that does not have an MSDOS filesystem on it. | 09:02 |
=== wilrecar [n=wilrecar@66-169-87-252.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h8crime | variant: the kernel doesn't seem to be recognizing it as a drive, so cfdisk doesn't see it | 09:02 |
dylanmoore | geoformality, the default hibernate/suspend doesnt work well. i just changed mine recently | 09:02 |
=== Trini_Man [n=aj_2@206-248-186-91.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[BNA] NemesisFigh | Hello, i need a german ubuntu support channel, does anyone now one? | 09:02 |
blackjackel | could someone help me interpret this readme: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=464758&highlight=ntfs+raid+mount for my raid5 array? | 09:02 |
=== blazemonger [n=blazemon@c-75-66-193-206.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Geoformality | How do I change it dylanmoore? | 09:02 |
Flannel | !de | [BNA] NemesisFigh | 09:02 |
ubotu | [BNA] NemesisFigh: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 09:02 |
=== factorx [n=asdf@dslb-084-060-009-029.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dylanmoore | geoformality, i used http://blog.paulbetts.org/index.php/2007/02/11/fixing-software-suspend-hibernate-with-uswsusp-in-ubuntu-feisty-and-edgy/ | 09:02 |
ShackJack | arooni: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM | 09:02 |
variant | h8crime: the kernel does recognise it if it's listed as being detected by dmesg | 09:02 |
sauvin | Es gibt kein #ubuntu-de? | 09:02 |
bulmer | brk3 thats like a config file for zsh z-shell? you may have to google for a sample | 09:02 |
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blazemonger | is there a way to make the default install of ubuntu use reiserfs instead of ext3 | 09:02 |
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=== Redens [n=dam@ALille-151-1-26-68.w83-192.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | h8crime: use fdisk -l | 09:02 |
quaal | is there any way of logging k3b for when it loses both its software buffer and device buffer (both goto 0%) and the burning pauses for a while then starts again | 09:02 |
astro76 | !bugs | rebrains | 09:02 |
[BNA] NemesisFigh | thx | 09:02 |
ubotu | rebrains: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 09:02 |
Geoformality | Thanks dylanmoore. | 09:03 |
blazemonger | or is ext3 more stable and more tweakable than reiserfs | 09:03 |
=== matysek [n=matysek@229.Red-88-22-154.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | doh... a fly buy bug reporter? | 09:03 |
h8crime | variant: fdisk -l doesn't show it | 09:03 |
craigbass1976 | Is there a list somewhere of compatible digital cameras? | 09:03 |
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=== Redens [n=dam@ALille-151-1-26-68.w83-192.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] | ||
brk3 | bulmer: yes I have being googling but am having trouble getting just a nice default one with the main good options | 09:03 |
astro76 | didnt' even say what app :P | 09:03 |
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serenityUK | h8crime sudo fdisk -l ??? | 09:03 |
thavorn | any adobe acrobat replacement for linux, not just the reader? | 09:03 |
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variant | h8crime: you are not being very helpfull here | 09:03 |
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serenityUK | they show less without sudo | 09:03 |
h8crime | variant: the kernel sees a usb device but isn't recognizing it as a storage device | 09:03 |
sauvin | blazemonger, I've heard disturbing things about reiserfs and never heard anybody criticise ext3. | 09:03 |
variant | h8crime: "try this" - "it doesn't work" | 09:03 |
h8crime | serenityuk: im doing it as root | 09:03 |
stiv2k_ | anyone here use SWAT | 09:03 |
serenityUK | ok | 09:03 |
bulmer | brk3 z shell is not default on most linux...so you have to continue searching | 09:03 |
h8crime | variant: fdisk -l doesn't list the device | 09:03 |
=== yaeyo [n=mariusp@yaeyo.gemenii.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hwilde | h8crime, does dmesg | 09:04 |
serenityUK | h8crime, lshw | 09:04 |
=== Enselic [n=martin@kr-lun-58-151-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anyone^ | 999 | 09:04 |
brk3 | bulmer: ok | 09:04 |
variant | h8crime: what does fdisk -l list? pastebin it | 09:04 |
h8crime | dmesg and /var/log/messages show the device being plugged in, refer to my first msg | 09:04 |
h8crime | "new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4" and "configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice" | 09:04 |
bbrazil | stiv2k_: best not to use SWAT from my (old) experiances of it. It really complicates the matter | 09:04 |
h8crime | thats it | 09:04 |
=== ConfidentiaL [n=anders@163.80-202-198.nextgentel.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
dylanmoore | Does anyone know any weird wireless issues with 802.11b routers not showing up on AP scanning? I.E. iwlist scan shows does not show the AP, where I know the card works | 09:04 |
=== pairman [n=pairman@d198-53-67-81.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulmer | brk3 you might wan to join #bash and maybe someone there uses both shells | 09:05 |
arooni | these install disks are so touchy | 09:05 |
bbrazil | dylanmoore: maybe the AP isn't broadcasting its ssid? | 09:05 |
brk3 | bulmer: cool thanks | 09:05 |
thavorn | any software for linux to combine 2 or 3 pdf docu together as 1 docu | 09:05 |
=== CineScope [n=the_road@mo-67-77-182-254.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arooni | how do i get the md5 checksum of the alternate cd (7.04)? | 09:05 |
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hwilde | !md5 | arooni | 09:05 |
john|g | b01ed82f9cd1f6eec1df033b0ba6bf6d | 09:05 |
ubotu | arooni: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 09:05 |
=== Don [n=Don@cm-24-121-127-157.flagstaff.az.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Flannel | arooni: it's on the page you downloaded it | 09:05 |
variant | thavorn: you could try cat'ing them together but i don't know if that will produce a valid pdf as output | 09:06 |
dylanmoore | bbrazil, it is. it is broadcasting the ssid and i have manual (button in the back) reset the router | 09:06 |
arooni | Flannel: i'm not sure where i donwlaoded it | 09:06 |
sauvin | variant, it almost certainly will not. | 09:06 |
stiv2k_ | bbrazil: can you elaborate | 09:06 |
arooni | i have: ff0cc7c9ed5157f0ff8c0f2213973f49 | 09:06 |
serenityUK | thavorn, open office can save as pdf | 09:06 |
Flannel | arooni: Alright, well, they're the same anyway. http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/MD5SUMS | 09:06 |
h8crime | serenityuk: i ran lshw and it doesn't show anything that looks like usb storage or a volume for the drive | 09:06 |
variant | sauvin: have you looked at a pdf doc in a text editor before? | 09:06 |
bbrazil | stiv2k_: years ago when I treid SWAT, it listed every possible configuration variable. This is unwieldy | 09:06 |
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bbrazil | stiv2k_: *tried | 09:06 |
bulmer | thavorn: man pdf2ps | 09:06 |
sauvin | Variant, yes, but it's a structured format. | 09:07 |
arooni | oh ok cool | 09:07 |
arooni | looks like i have the rihgt one | 09:07 |
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stiv2k_ | bbrazil: ah, interesting | 09:07 |
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stiv2k_ | out it goes | 09:07 |
thavorn | bulmer: do not understand | 09:07 |
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bulmer | thavorn: that only converts pdf to ps | 09:07 |
=== LadyBug [n=lea@a81-197-36-42.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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bulmer | thavorn: you need something like a pdf editor then | 09:08 |
bbrazil | stiv2k_: it's not too hard by hand anyway | 09:08 |
vrilutza | I http://www.linuxjournal.com/articles/web/2005-05/8322/8322f3.png similar for ubuntu? | 09:08 |
=== Usrl [n=feba@c-69-247-164-232.hsd1.ks.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
airstrike | hi | 09:08 |
=== jeffersonjbj [n=jefferso@201-048-165-134.xd-dynamic.ctbcnetsuper.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fwubuntunub | I'm trying to install flash for firefox... i'm totally new to linux stuff but have gotten used to the terminal a bit but how do you install flash to firefox? | 09:08 |
=== Bosambo [n=tes@cpc3-lewi1-0-0-cust30.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thavorn | bulmer: I need to combine a few pdf together as one or a utility to organize pdf douc | 09:08 |
sauvin | Once having converted a pdf to ps, though, you'd think you could load them all up into OpenOffice or something, paste them together and save the result as PDF. | 09:09 |
variant | fwubuntunub: are you using feisty? | 09:09 |
fwubuntunub | yes | 09:09 |
astro76 | vrilutza, yes there's services-admin | 09:09 |
Falstius | vrilutza: if you're running gnome, system->administration->services | 09:09 |
=== meezyfuh [n=meezyfuh@ip68-231-144-222.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lee | fwubuntunub: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree | 09:09 |
bulmer | thavorn: you need something like a pdf editor then | 09:09 |
=== Jesus [n=jesus@h126n3c1o1039.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sauvin | Lee, I've had trouble with that thing. | 09:09 |
meezyfuh | hi, my updates are saying something about it couldn't authenticate the updates. should i still install them? | 09:09 |
vrilutza | Falstius I have remove desktop | 09:09 |
vrilutza | edition server. | 09:09 |
sauvin | fwubuntunub, consider downloading and installing the flash player from the Adobe site. | 09:09 |
=== w30 [n=w30@74-136-162-68.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fwubuntunub | ok is there somewhere i can look up programs and stuff to input at the end of that string? | 09:09 |
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Shane^ | Gollum: min fryser under frste boot, aner ikke hva den skal til prve, men det siste er dvd-spillern, hvilket sikkert ikke er det som gjr at den tryner+ | 09:10 |
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thavorn | bulmer: do u know of any | 09:10 |
lee | sauvin: With what? the nonfree flash? | 09:10 |
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sauvin | The nonfree flash has given me trouble. The one from Adobe is a screamer. | 09:10 |
serenityUK | fwubuntunub, apt-cache search myprogram | 09:10 |
thoreauputic | !no | 09:10 |
ubotu | Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk! | 09:10 |
bulmer | thavorn: only one thats guaranteed to work is from Adobe itself | 09:10 |
airstrike | im having problems with my keyboard | 09:11 |
thavorn | bulmer: sigh no open source? cute pdf pro for windows yes but not free | 09:11 |
fwubuntunub | thanks serenityUK , and sauvin , and even u lee :) | 09:11 |
vrilutza | astro76 similar for ubuntu? I have ubuntu server edition .with console. | 09:11 |
=== oggy [n=oggy@83-131-153-47.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
astro76 | vrilutza, the package is sysv-rc-conf | 09:11 |
meezyfuh | has anyone else had this problem with updates? it says it can't be authenticated | 09:11 |
astro76 | !info sysv-rc-conf | vrilutza | 09:11 |
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ubotu | vrilutza: sysv-rc-conf: SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-5 (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB | 09:11 |
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bulmer | !info update-rc.d | vrilutza | 09:12 |
ubotu | vrilutza: Package update-rc.d does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 09:12 |
vrilutza | ubotu thanks:) | 09:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about thanks:) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:12 |
vrilutza | sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf thanks | 09:12 |
vrilutza | :P | 09:12 |
astro76 | vrilutza, actually I think sysvconfig is more similar | 09:12 |
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astro76 | either will work | 09:12 |
airstrike | if i change the LANG on my locale (/etc/environment), it will change everything to portuguese, but all i want to change is the char encoding :( | 09:12 |
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airstrike | i want the OS and the apps to remain in english | 09:13 |
Wyvern| | have anyone experienced problems with ubuntu freezing up after being idle for a while? | 09:13 |
airstrike | i have not | 09:13 |
ShackJack | meezyfuh: If you've added a new software source, you generally have to add the authenticaltion key .. should be something on the source's website... | 09:13 |
defcon | my wireless card is taking wlan1 instead of wlan0 how do I change this | 09:13 |
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meezyfuh | ShackJack: i'm just using the automatic updater that comes with ubuntu. and i haven't added anything. i was just going to update like normal and it said that | 09:13 |
=== sauvin just left his ubuntu running overnight with the session locked while it managed a massive set of downloads | ||
coderx | Iv got a Wide screen and no wide res | 09:13 |
bulmer | defcon: through udev you may have to google for the steps | 09:14 |
Wyvern| | googled around and found a few posts by people with the same problems, but didn't find any solutions that worked for me. | 09:14 |
[Buck] | does anyone know how to id the partitions under linux? for example, I installed linux to my usb hdd, hd(?,?), but the hdd in my laptop is hd(1,0) | 09:14 |
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defcon | bulmer, ok | 09:14 |
defcon | thnx | 09:14 |
Falstius | !res |coderx | 09:14 |
ubotu | coderx: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 09:14 |
=== wyggler2 [n=wyggler2@user-0ce2jt0.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Julle | Is there any good program for video streaming? | 09:14 |
bbrazil | Wyvern|: is it always the same amount of time? | 09:14 |
vrilutza | apt-get install sysvconfig or apt-get install sysv-rc-conf | 09:14 |
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vrilutza | who it's good? | 09:14 |
Wyvern| | seems to be after it goes into some kind of standby | 09:14 |
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vrilutza | for more options.? | 09:14 |
ShackJack | meezyfuh: Hmmm.. Weird... You can go under Admin->Software Sources and Authentication tab and opt to restore defaults... and try again... | 09:15 |
bbrazil | Wyvern|: ah, standby issues | 09:15 |
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bbrazil | Wyvern|: should be plenty on the net about fixing those, I'm afraid I lack experiance | 09:15 |
Wyvern| | if I put it in hibernation and wake it up, the same thing happens. First the mouse freezes up. Then, if I try to reboot X11 or go to another tty (Ctrl+Alt+F2), it freezes up totally. | 09:15 |
ferronica | FireFox unable to play videos online video :( | 09:15 |
arooni | Flannel: i burned the cd at 4x, verified the checksum, and when i do 'install in text mode'.... samet hing happens... (flashing '_' char in the top left of screen) .... ideas? | 09:16 |
dylanmoore | wyvern, i used http://blog.paulbetts.org/index.php/2007/02/11/fixing-software-suspend-hibernate-with-uswsusp-in-ubuntu-feisty-and-edgy/ | 09:16 |
sauvin | Ferronica, that statement is not true. | 09:16 |
ferronica | trying to play these videos ---> http://www.wwe.com/superstars/smackdown/thegreatkhali/videogalleries/othervideos/ | 09:16 |
mikubuntu | anybody have any issues with ubuntu's update manager freezing up while doing updates? | 09:16 |
meezyfuh | ShackJack: everything's on defaults already | 09:16 |
ferronica | sauvin: then check the link i posted | 09:16 |
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sauvin | I'm checking. | 09:16 |
dylanmoore | Does anyone know any weird wireless issues with 802.11b routers not showing up on AP scanning? I.E. iwlist scan shows does not show the AP, where I know the card works | 09:16 |
ferronica | sauvin: okay | 09:17 |
ShackJack | meezyfuh: O.K. if you say so... | 09:17 |
blackjackel | Could someone help me mount my raid array, I have installed dmraid but I'm stuck | 09:17 |
arooni | bbrazil: i'm having trouble getting alternate cd to do anything :( | 09:17 |
Wyvern| | thanks, I'll try that out. | 09:17 |
meezyfuh | ShackJack: I haven't changed any of that stuff ever. now i'm getting this authentication warning? should i be worried or just install the updates | 09:17 |
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[Buck] | does anyone know how to identify the partitions under linux? | 09:17 |
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sauvin | My firefox is playing a video from that site, ferronica. | 09:18 |
Wyvern| | ...hmmmh | 09:18 |
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bulmer | [Buck] : use the mount command | 09:18 |
ferronica | sauvin: whole videos | 09:18 |
Wyvern| | might this random freeze problem be related to the fact that I have no swap partition? | 09:18 |
Wyvern| | (or, not random freeze, idle freeze) | 09:18 |
ferronica | sauvin: do i need to install some firefox plugins | 09:18 |
lee | [Buck] : sudo fdisk -l | 09:18 |
sauvin | I dunno about "whole videos", all I know is the first one I honked on played. | 09:18 |
sauvin | Ferronica, do you get any result at all when you try? | 09:19 |
ferronica | sauvin: yeah | 09:19 |
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bulmer | Wyvern|: it could be, you can always create a swap partition and use it..see if it makes a difference | 09:19 |
ferronica | sauvin: just one WWE logo played | 09:19 |
Flannel | arooni: check the CD for defects | 09:19 |
ferronica | sauvin: saying something commercial adds | 09:20 |
sauvin | That could just be an animated GIF or something... :sigh: What happens when you click on others? | 09:20 |
arooni | Flannel: but this is the 4x cd | 09:20 |
arooni | Flannel: do i need to go lower ? | 09:20 |
Wyvern| | don | 09:20 |
CyberWorld | if you install xp/vista over grub how do you reinstall the linux install boot system? | 09:20 |
Wyvern| | *don't think it's standby tho | 09:20 |
CyberWorld | grub | 09:20 |
Flannel | arooni: no, you shouldnt. But that doesn't mean the CD burned properly anyway. | 09:20 |
Flannel | !grub | CyberWorld | 09:20 |
ubotu | CyberWorld: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:20 |
Wyvern| | I'll check if it's the screen saver | 09:20 |
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ferronica | sauvin: same :( | 09:20 |
sauvin | Mmkay, have you downloaded and installed any plugins yet for your firefox? | 09:21 |
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=== sauvin can NOT quit eating this goulash...!! | ||
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[Buck] | bulmer: is there another argument that will give me a label like (hd1,0) ? | 09:21 |
arooni | Flannel: when i check cd for defects.... the cd rom spins up.... then spins down... and all i'm left with is a flashing '_' in the top left of the screen..... is something broken? do i have to wait longer than 1-2 minutes? (its a 48x cd rom drive) | 09:21 |
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bulmer | [Buck] : for which command? btw man -k thatcommand | 09:22 |
ferronica | sauvin: no | 09:22 |
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wcf` | howdy ho people | 09:22 |
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sauvin | Mmkay, moment... | 09:22 |
[Buck] | (Trying to move my grub to the linux partition, so i can use gag and chainload it, but I can't figure out wtf my USB drive is labled as, my laptops hdd is (hd1,0) | 09:22 |
pr4b1 | hi guy, when i try to do a sudo apt-get install build-essentials, it says package not found? | 09:23 |
sauvin | ferronica: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&P2_Platform=Linux | 09:23 |
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sauvin | YOU WANT THE .TAR.GZ format if you're using ubuntu. | 09:23 |
bulmer | [Buck] : you usb drive is plug when needed? | 09:23 |
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bulmer | plugged* | 09:23 |
wcf` | does software that is for a 32 bit ubuntu run on a 64? or what is the availability of software for a 64 bit system? | 09:23 |
[Buck] | Mmmhm | 09:23 |
pr4b1 | build-essentials is not in feisty's repo? | 09:24 |
[Buck] | this way, gf doesn't have to lug it, I still get linux, she still gets windows | 09:24 |
bulmer | [Buck] : your usb drive is plugged when needed? | 09:24 |
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[Buck] | though she is slowly coming around ;) | 09:24 |
arooni | when i check the alternate cd for defects.... the cd rom spins up.... then spins down... and all i'm left with is a flashing '_' in the top left of the screen..... is something broken? do i have to wait longer than 1-2 minutes? (its a 48x cd rom drive) | 09:24 |
[Buck] | yes, it is | 09:24 |
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lee | wcf`: yes it does. But it kinda defeats the purpose of 64 bit | 09:24 |
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bulmer | [Buck] you can leave her windows system alone and just install linux on your usb | 09:24 |
pr4b1 | :s help me install build-essentials guys :( | 09:24 |
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sauvin | man, last time I burned a full CD, it took, like, a minute. I didn't even have time to go pour another coffee. | 09:24 |
Flannel | arooni: nah, it'll happen right away. Sounds like a bad CD or drive. Do you have any other drives to check it with? Other computers? | 09:25 |
[Buck] | it's already installed to the USB | 09:25 |
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thoreauputic | pr4b1: it's build-essential ( singular) | 09:25 |
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krammer | failed to start the x server any help available? | 09:25 |
pr4b1 | oooh! | 09:25 |
pr4b1 | lol | 09:25 |
pr4b1 | thanks | 09:25 |
bulmer | [Buck] : then configure the laptop to priority 1 boot into that usb drive | 09:25 |
arooni | Flannel: i have another cd drom drive... and i also have my laptop as well (that as far as i know has a good drive) | 09:25 |
bulmer | and not the hd | 09:25 |
thoreauputic | pr4b1: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 09:25 |
Flannel | arooni: try checking it for defects on the lappy | 09:25 |
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arooni | Flannel: can i do that without booting from teh cd? | 09:26 |
[Buck] | http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p12.htm#Install_GRUB_to_a_Linux_O.S._Partition is what I'm trying to do | 09:26 |
wcf` | are there "plenty" of 64 bit software available for ubuntu? or should i just stick to 32 bit, i guess that's the question i am getting at | 09:26 |
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krammer | failed to start the x server any help available? | 09:26 |
[Buck] | that way I can load gag, it's simple enough that gf can work it, and GRUB doesn't fail without the hard drive | 09:26 |
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bruenig | wcf`, they are basically the same outside of a few things like flash and java plugin | 09:26 |
thoreauputic | wcf`: the main issues with 64 bit are things like multimedia, flash availability | 09:26 |
bulmer | [Buck] : im not going to read that..you understood what I meant by installing linux on usb and making sure usb drive is bootable and 1st priority right? | 09:26 |
wcf` | k | 09:27 |
=== Shadow6363 [n=procrast@pool-72-70-176-7.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kanuha | how do I uninstall a program I configured and installed from source? | 09:27 |
[Buck] | yes, I did | 09:27 |
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wcf` | that's what i need to know, i need multimedia support, thnxs | 09:27 |
bulmer | kanuha: does the source had a Makefile? look for a de-install or remove target | 09:27 |
krammer | failed to start the x server any help available? | 09:27 |
kitche | kanuha: make deinstall should do it but depends on the makefile | 09:27 |
arooni | Flannel: thoughts? | 09:28 |
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Flannel | arooni: You'll need to boot from the CD | 09:28 |
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d4rkmonkey | kanuha, I think its make uninstall in the folder where you extracted the source | 09:28 |
Flannel | arooni: or, as far as I know. | 09:28 |
ferronica | sauvin: how to install ther .tar.gz file format ??? | 09:28 |
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arooni | thansk | 09:28 |
arooni | be back in a bit | 09:28 |
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Shadow6363 | hey, i was wondering if someone could help me with user administration, is there a way to disable a user from being able to shutdown the computer? | 09:28 |
bulmer | [Buck] : you need to prefix your responses with a nick so we know to whom you're directing it to, i will miss if not for me | 09:28 |
whall | i have been writing an ubuntu install guide for the past few days... and all of a sudden, last night.. compizconfig-settings-manager disappeared from my repos | 09:28 |
whall | what gives? and what should i do? | 09:28 |
Shadow6363 | i've got other questions, but that one seems like it should be the easiest | 09:28 |
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[Buck] | blumer: I can do that. Yeah, I understood what you mean | 09:28 |
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=== HelpMe [n=luke@70-41-237-140.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | whall: Have you looked at at the pre-existing install guide? (hate for you to duplicate things), Which version of Ubuntu? | 09:29 |
kanuha | bulmer, kitche d4rkmonkey , thx I will try those | 09:29 |
bulmer | [Buck] : okay...so where is the difficulty? | 09:29 |
krammer | failed to start the x server any help available? | 09:29 |
whall | flannel: i'm writing a much better one. and 7.04 | 09:29 |
thoreauputic | Shadow6363: the only user who can shutdown by default is one in the admin group | 09:30 |
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thoreauputic | Shadow6363: i.e. requires sudo rights | 09:30 |
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sauvin | ferronica, the link I gave you includes instructions. | 09:30 |
Flannel | whall: that package only seems to be in gutsy, not feisty | 09:30 |
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[Buck] | bulmer: trying to label my external hard drive properly so I don't fux the grub install | 09:31 |
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sauvin | .oO(gutsy? There's a 'g' Ubuntu now?) | 09:31 |
wcf` | you all are great, thanks for all the help :-) | 09:31 |
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kanuha | bulmer, kitche d4rkmonkey , sudo make uninstall did the trick, thx | 09:31 |
Shadow6363 | thoreauputic, alright, did not know that, thank you | 09:31 |
d4rkmonkey | kanuha, no problem :) | 09:31 |
krammer | failed to start the x server any help available? I need to default this file | 09:31 |
thoreauputic | Shadow6363: ah, I may be wrong since gdm runs as root .... | 09:31 |
Flannel | sauvin: gutsy will be 7.10 | 09:31 |
whall | flannel: well, it changed... last night or during the day yesterday. and that really pisses me off to no end. | 09:31 |
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ferronica | sauvin: do you have w32codec installed ? | 09:31 |
pr4b1 | hi guys, im trying to install macopix, but on doing ./configure it says ' *** Could not run GLIB test program, checking why... *** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the *** exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed. configure: error: glib-2.x is required' .. where do i get glib? :( | 09:31 |
thoreauputic | Shadow6363: but the shutdown command requires sudo/root | 09:32 |
sauvin | Ferronica, I'm not aware that flash players need codecs... why do you ask? | 09:32 |
Shadow6363 | thoreauputic, hmm, well, ill go try shutting down on the other account logged in and see what happens... | 09:32 |
bulmer | [Buck] : labelling is only after it is mounted....if you boot off of the usb, you dont need the labelling stuff eh? | 09:32 |
mumbles | ffs | 09:32 |
whall | pr4bl, run this command :: hold on (gets command) | 09:32 |
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mumbles | has anyone had a problem install ubuntu or kubuntu on a ibm thinkpad t20 ? | 09:32 |
kyled185 | Hey all. I'm trying to install 7.04 server through KVM virtualization, running the command raises an exception 12 and then crashes. I'm installing from an iso image if that helps. | 09:32 |
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HelpMe | I need some help here. I just installed the game Enemy territory for ubuntu. now when I run it, everything is fine antill i start or joine a game. When I try to, it just exits the game. Any ideas on what I should do? | 09:32 |
ferronica | sauvin: someone telling me to install W32codec | 09:32 |
bruenig | !find glib-2. | 09:32 |
[Buck] | bulmer: grub is installed to a windows partition.. if I unplug the usb, I get no os | 09:32 |
ubotu | Package/file glib-2. does not exist in feisty | 09:32 |
Veenified | Anyone know how to install JEdit with the ruby plugin? | 09:32 |
sauvin | Ferronica, to answer your queestion, yes, I do, because I needed those codecs for mplayer. | 09:32 |
=== MrObvious [i=IceChat7@wsip-70-182-243-46.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | !find glib | 09:33 |
ubotu | Found: glibc-doc, libarts1-mpeglib, libavahi-glib-dev, libavahi-glib1, libc6 (and 37 others) | 09:33 |
pr4b1 | :S | 09:33 |
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[Buck] | bulmer if I use gag, I avoid that problem when gf takes the laptop, without the usb, she still gets windows | 09:33 |
Shadow6363 | thoreauputic, alright, we're good | 09:33 |
Shadow6363 | thoreauputic, thank you | 09:33 |
MrObvious | What can I do to make grub boot faster? It takes 15-25 seconds to load before I can choose which OS I want. Are there any alternatives to grub? | 09:33 |
thoreauputic | Shadow6363: I doubt that gdm woukd allow shutdown while others are logged in | 09:33 |
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kanuha | pr4b1, I believe GTK+ 2.0 is what you need, it is in synaptic | 09:33 |
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bulmer | [Buck] : then correct the MBR for the hd, to have windows full access to it, and only will you need to get to linux if usb is plugged in | 09:33 |
pr4b1 | so that means macopix wont compile :s | 09:33 |
thoreauputic | Shadow6363: you're welcome | 09:33 |
pr4b1 | kanuha: cheers mate, ill try it | 09:33 |
bulmer | [Buck] : btw i dont know what gag is | 09:33 |
bruenig | MrObvious, it shouldn't take that long | 09:33 |
=== gunman [n=martin@ztpnet-137-136.ztpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
krammer | failed to start the x server any help available? I need to default this file | 09:34 |
Shadow6363 | thoreauputic, eh, either way, its good enough, that user doesnt have a shutdown button available while i do | 09:34 |
Veenified | Anyone know where I put the ruby.xml file to install the ruby plugin for JEdit? | 09:34 |
bruenig | MrObvious, it takes less than a second here | 09:34 |
Jaymac | Quick question: every time I do a distribution upgrade, upon booting, I seem to get a message saying something like: "Failed to allocate memory resource...." Does anyone know anything about this? | 09:34 |
MrObvious | bruenig: But it does. | 09:34 |
thoreauputic | Shadow6363: right | 09:34 |
gunman | hello all | 09:34 |
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krammer | hi | 09:34 |
Jaymac | (the machine boots fine after printing this on the screen) | 09:34 |
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[Buck] | bulmer gag is like GRUB, but it only starts grub/lilo, it does no actual kernal loading | 09:34 |
MrObvious | bruenig: It says it is loading Grub Stage 1.5 in that time and is frozen on that. | 09:34 |
pr4b1 | oh talking about jedit, does it have incompatibility with compiz? coz everytime i launch it nothing appears | 09:34 |
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whall | that's it. screw ubuntu.. you don't just change repos that drastically on a whim | 09:34 |
whall | you guys are nuts. | 09:34 |
=== gutts [n=gutts@ADijon-258-1-104-115.w90-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | Jaymac: I see that too - don't worry about it :) | 09:34 |
HelpMe | I need some help here. I just installed the game Enemy territory for ubuntu. now when I run it, everything is fine antill i start or joine a game. When I try to, it just exits the game. Any ideas on what I should do? Somebody pleas help me :) | 09:34 |
bruenig | MrObvious, I might try reinstalling grub, but you can use lilo, I don't think lilo is any faster though, seems like something fishy has occurred | 09:35 |
bulmer | [Buck] : then correct the MBR for the hd, to have windows full access to it, just the windows loader, and only will you need to get to linux if usb is plugged in | 09:35 |
bluefox83 | Jaymac, why are you doing a dist-upgrade/ | 09:35 |
bluefox83 | ? | 09:35 |
Shadow6363 | next up, is there any way to stop a user from having access to a hard drive? the owner and group is root which id like to not change and i view it as an other so i cant really just change the other status | 09:35 |
pr4b1 | whall: lol | 09:35 |
Flannel | whall: You're right, we dont. Which is why I don't think it was there. | 09:35 |
Jaymac | thoreauputic, I am not worried about it... I've been using it for years.. but I'm just curious about it | 09:35 |
whall | i KNOW it was there. | 09:35 |
bluefox83 | Jaymac, just a standard upgrade should suffice.... | 09:35 |
[Buck] | bulmer any tips on how to do it? | 09:35 |
krammer | hi | 09:35 |
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krammer | failed to start the x server any help available? I need to default this file | 09:35 |
Veenified | pr4b1: yea, i don't think it work with compiz because it's a java app | 09:35 |
Jaymac | bluefox83, upgrading from dapper to edgy, or from edgy to feisty for instance | 09:35 |
thoreauputic | Jaymac: seems like more of a warning than an error | 09:35 |
pr4b1 | Veenified: ah i see! | 09:35 |
MrObvious | bruenig: Well I've been trying to find out what is "fishy" and I can't pinpoint it. | 09:35 |
bluefox83 | Jaymac, ah, ok | 09:35 |
bulmer | [Buck] to recover the MBR? no i dont have a tip. | 09:35 |
gunman | anyone cam help me with installing very old printer? | 09:36 |
Jaymac | on my PC, I've upgraded since Breezy, and now there are 3 lines of that coming up.. just wondering what it means | 09:36 |
MrObvious | bruenig: Would it help if you knew my booting setup? | 09:36 |
bulmer | !mbr | [Buck] | 09:36 |
ubotu | [Buck] : grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:36 |
bruenig | MrObvious, not really, I know pretty well how to configure menu.lst but grub and lilo have just worked on any of the distros or any of the times I have used either | 09:36 |
Veenified | Anyone know where I put the ruby.xml file to install the ruby plugin for JEdit? I just need to know where the deb package installs JEdit. | 09:36 |
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gunman | %C6can someone help me with installing very old printer? | 09:37 |
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bruenig | Veenified, dpkg -L jedit | 09:37 |
gunman | %C13 fd | 09:37 |
Jaymac | gunman, what's the manufacturer and model? | 09:37 |
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MrObvious | I've been trying to research this for a while. | 09:37 |
Veenified | bruenig: thanks | 09:37 |
sharperguy | anyone know how to change the default sound device that flash outputs to? | 09:37 |
gunman | its lexmark 1000 color jetprinter | 09:37 |
MrObvious | I've been using grub before and it's worked. I've got two installs of XP on my primary IDE master and Ubuntu on my slave. | 09:37 |
MrObvious | Now it's slow :(. | 09:38 |
gunman | d | 09:38 |
Jaymac | gunman, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49714&highlight=lexmark | 09:38 |
Jaymac | gunman, it may or may not work... lexmarks and linux don't tend to play well together | 09:38 |
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gunman | thx anyway | 09:38 |
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bazookatooth | how do i add the gutsy furfag repository? | 09:39 |
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Jaymac | do you know the address of the repository? | 09:39 |
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bazookatooth | jaymac, no.. that's why i'm asking | 09:39 |
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bruenig | bazookatooth, unless you are using gutsy it is a terrible idea to use software from its repos | 09:40 |
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pr4b1 | damn my snaptic package manager keeps freezing, can anyone kindly tell me command to install gtk2+? | 09:40 |
bazookatooth | bruenig, well they decided to move one of my favorite packages there for some reason. | 09:40 |
bruenig | pr4b1, apt-cache search | 09:40 |
Jaymac | bazookatooth, what is furfag? | 09:40 |
=== Shaddox [n=Shaddox_@cpe-76-170-140-239.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pr4b1 | oh cheers :) | 09:40 |
bruenig | bazookatooth, but it will be compiled against different programs, so it is likely not to work | 09:40 |
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subcontinental | t | 09:41 |
HelpMe | How do I log on as the system administrator? | 09:41 |
Shaddox | How can I use xrandr in commandline to force 640x480 resolution to use Wine with a fake fullscreen? [I require Wine run in windowed mode for keyboard focus to work in C&C Red Alert] | 09:41 |
arooni | Flannel: so i checked the cd in my laptop... it has no defects & its valid....... | 09:41 |
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=== diafic [n=Grey@host86-131-42-42.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | !root | HelpMe | 09:41 |
ubotu | HelpMe: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 09:41 |
arooni | Flannel: so should i try booting up with another cd rom drive? | 09:42 |
mikubuntu | does anyone know what is causing my update manager to freeze up, and how to remedy this? | 09:42 |
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Shaddox | mikubuntu: Use commandline: sudo apt-get upgrade | 09:42 |
crazyman_ | lmao who wrote that ubotu .! root quote.. | 09:42 |
Tonren | Guys, I'm trying to set up a remote printer attached to an SMC Wireless Barricade G router's USB print server port and it's not working. | 09:42 |
mikubuntu | Shaddox: thanks, will try | 09:42 |
Pricey | crazyman_, /msg ubotu -root | 09:42 |
Tonren | You're supposed to have the router's IP address as the host, and "LPT1" as the queue, which I've done, and it's not working. | 09:42 |
=== JJ|Laptop [n=joeyjone@S010600179a9e114b.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
krammer | failed to start the x server any help available? I need to default this file | 09:43 |
HelpMe | but, hoq do I know the psaaword for the root? and I try to log on as root and it says that i cant log in that way | 09:43 |
Shaddox | mikubuntu: It worked for me when mine didn't do it. | 09:43 |
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Ashfire908 | xchat says to check the manpage for strftime. does that mean it's in the xchat man or the strftime man? | 09:43 |
Shaddox | HelpMe: Root logins are completely disabled, both locally and remotely, by default. There is also no password on the root user by default. | 09:43 |
thoreauputic | Ashfire908: strftime I assume | 09:43 |
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HelpMe | Shaddox: well, how do i get into the root then? | 09:44 |
thoreauputic | Ashfire908: except it doesn't seem to exist on my system :) | 09:44 |
crazyman_ | helpme.. sudo and you are root | 09:44 |
TtyS2 | HelpMe: use sudo | 09:44 |
Shaddox | HelpMe: You can configure root login access at System -> Administration -> Login Window. You can change the root password at System -> Administration -> Users and Groups | 09:44 |
astro76 | !sudo | HelpMe | 09:44 |
ubotu | HelpMe: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 09:44 |
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crazyman_ | helpme if you want to be a root user, just do what shaddox said | 09:45 |
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crazyman_ | not recommended | 09:45 |
bruenig | just do sudo passwd and set it | 09:45 |
bruenig | that is pretty simple | 09:45 |
Ashfire908 | thoreauputic, it's not in the packedge manager. | 09:45 |
TtyS2 | Shaddox: do u recommend that the root account is sett with a password or use of sudo? | 09:45 |
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kitche | !noroot | 09:45 |
ubotu | Regardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo | 09:45 |
thoreauputic | Ashfire908: right - are you sure the spelling is right? | 09:45 |
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krammer | failed to start the x server any help available? I need to default this file | 09:45 |
Tetrapack_3813 | kann mir jemand spenden? ich spende auch - http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?uid=3813 danke | 09:45 |
lee | !rootsudo | 09:45 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 09:45 |
Ashfire908 | yes | 09:45 |
=== bruenig was not advising against it, was simply explaining how to do it | ||
bruenig | not the same thing | 09:46 |
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Shaddox | TtyS2: For best security, it is best that the Root user remains with no-login access. Using sudo on your own user with a strong password should be technically sufficient for any superuser access you need. | 09:46 |
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Shaddox | TtyS2: Hell, I run my entire server using Sudo. ^^ | 09:46 |
pr4b1 | since so many intellgent and helpful people are here i might as well ask another q: is it possible to export ongoing torrents from ktorrent to something like rtorrent? | 09:46 |
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thoreauputic | Ashfire908: instaall manpages-dev | 09:47 |
bazookatooth | anything i should be scared about when installing gutsy gibbon? | 09:47 |
Tonren | So, can anyone help me set up my Ubuntu with my wireless router print server? | 09:47 |
Myrtti | pr4b1: most clients continue fine no matter what client was used before | 09:47 |
kitche | bruenig: yeah just saying it so other people know ubuntu's reason really :) | 09:47 |
thoreauputic | Ashfire908: according to apt-file that is the package | 09:47 |
bruenig | pr4b1, yes, just open the same torrent file and save to the same place | 09:47 |
lee | bazookatooth: yeah breakage | 09:47 |
kitche | bazookatooth: umm check #ubuntu+1 to find out if you should be or not :) | 09:47 |
Myrtti | pr4b1: just open the torrent's with another client and save to the same place | 09:47 |
pr4b1 | bruenig: oh :( i dont think ive got the torrent files with me lol | 09:47 |
HelpMe | I need some help here. I just installed the game Enemy territory for ubuntu. now when I run it, everything is fine antill i start or joine a game. When I try to, it just exits the game. Any ideas on what I should do? | 09:47 |
crazyman_ | oh about newsgroups, whats a good binaries handler, gui, newsgroup app? | 09:47 |
pr4b1 | oh well, but ktorrents on gnome kinda sux | 09:47 |
pr4b1 | i hate anything kde :s | 09:48 |
bruenig | pr4b1, they are in the ktorrent configuration directory I bet, look in ~ | 09:48 |
bruenig | pr4b1, most clients keep them so that you can restart them if you close the client | 09:48 |
pr4b1 | bruenig: oh? wow! ok ill have a look | 09:48 |
pr4b1 | thats a nice tip | 09:48 |
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TtyS2 | Tonren: have u tried cups? | 09:48 |
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Tonren | TtyS2: What do you mean by that? Right now, I'm using Kubuntu's "Add Printer" dialogue. | 09:49 |
Ashfire908 | what's the chmod code for for rwx rwx rx | 09:49 |
thoreauputic | crazyman_: some people like pan | 09:49 |
Tonren | Ashfire908: 777 | 09:49 |
bruenig | Ashfire908, 775 | 09:49 |
Tonren | bruenig: Ooh, good catch. You're right--sorry. | 09:49 |
Ashfire908 | lol | 09:49 |
thoreauputic | Tonren: wrong - bruenig is right :) | 09:49 |
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thoreauputic | Tonren: :) | 09:49 |
bruenig | Ashfire908, just think 111 111 101 | 09:49 |
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pr4b1 | bruenig: er, pardon my ignorance but there seems to be no ktorrent cache in ~ | 09:50 |
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thoreauputic | bruenig: assuming he thinks in binary, yeah ;) | 09:50 |
krammer | failed to start the x server any help available? I need to default this file | 09:50 |
bruenig | pr4b1, do "sudo updatedb && locate .torrent" | 09:50 |
Ashfire908 | i know binary. that actually helps. | 09:50 |
thoreauputic | Ashfire908: :) | 09:50 |
sharperguy | anyone know how to change the default sound device that flash outputs to? | 09:51 |
pr4b1 | bruenig: ok mate :) | 09:51 |
bruenig | well that is how it works, you have 111 111 101 == rwx rwx r-x | 09:51 |
thoreauputic | yup | 09:51 |
mikubuntu | Shaddox: thanks, update almost complete. thanks again. | 09:51 |
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krammer | failed to start the x server any help available? I need to default this file | 09:51 |
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Shaddox | mikubuntu: Anytime. =D | 09:51 |
thoreauputic | krammer: what do you mean by "default this file" ? | 09:52 |
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Shaddox | How can I use xrandr in commandline to force 640x480 resolution to use Wine with a fake fullscreen? [I require Wine run in windowed mode for keyboard focus to work in C&C Red Alert] | 09:52 |
krammer | i added text becasue of was trying to enable my desktop effects and I think that was what messed this problem up | 09:52 |
kyled185 | does anyone know how to install the 7.04 server through KVM virtualization? | 09:52 |
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dstadulis | Shaddox why not use dosbox for red alert? | 09:53 |
thoreauputic | krammer: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:53 |
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Tonren | Can anyone help me set up my SMC Barricade G router USB print server? You're supposed to have the router's IP address as the host, and "LPT1" as the queue, which I've done, and it's not working. | 09:53 |
Shaddox | dstadulis: Does it emulate better than Wine? In Wine, Red Alert doesn't have keyboard focus unless in windowed mode, so I wanted to use xrandr to fake a fullscreen. | 09:53 |
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dstadulis | Shaddox: I don't have much experience with wine but I know that dosbox is pretty solid | 09:54 |
krammer | k | 09:54 |
krammer | output | 09:54 |
dstadulis | Shaddox | 09:54 |
krammer | resource temporarily unavailable | 09:54 |
Tonren | dosbox is crazy solid. | 09:54 |
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dstadulis | Shaddox: you might try dosbox a go and see what you make of it | 09:54 |
Shaddox | yeah, i'm apt-getting it now | 09:54 |
dstadulis | k | 09:55 |
dstadulis | let me know how it goes | 09:55 |
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idefix | are the repos back online? | 09:55 |
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krammer | theoeauputic | 09:55 |
osmosis | whats the difference between kvm and xen? Which should I use ? | 09:56 |
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leech | hello all | 09:56 |
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dstadulis | hi | 09:56 |
keymoo_ | hello | 09:56 |
LordLimecat | anyone have abrief moment to help me reinstall grub? | 09:56 |
thoreauputic | krammer: dpkg-reconfigure said "resource temporarily unavailable" ?? | 09:56 |
krammer | debconfig: "config" :/var/cache/debconfig/config.dat is lockd by another something | 09:56 |
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krammer | yes | 09:56 |
krammer | at the end of the string | 09:56 |
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thoreauputic | krammer: try closing synaptic or app install etc | 09:56 |
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arooni | if my alternate cd showed that it is valid.... but when i boot it up in my cd rom drive it hangs... does that mean bad cd rom drive?? | 09:57 |
leech | I need help installing my LSI 320-2E megaraid card | 09:57 |
LordLimecat | i need to find out how to figure out which hd(x,y) my boot partition is | 09:57 |
thoreauputic | krammer: or is there an install in progress ? | 09:57 |
krammer | im in the console thats it | 09:57 |
leech | the installer runs find, but when I restart for first boot, "NO OS found" | 09:57 |
krammer | i cannot go any futher | 09:57 |
krammer | furth | 09:57 |
krammer | ere | 09:57 |
krammer | dslk | 09:57 |
pr4b1 | my snaptic is taking AGES to search, its not normal | 09:57 |
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Shaddox | dstadulis, Dosbox doesn't seem to want to be running RA.exe at all. It goes to a black screen and halts, right there. | 09:58 |
FireHazard17 | pr4b1: i have always used ubuntu so didnt notice then i tried gnome and it was way fast so i guess it is kust ubuntu | 09:58 |
thoreauputic | krammer: what does lsof | grep /var/cache/debconfig/config.da say if anything? | 09:58 |
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Tonren | Wow | 09:58 |
thoreauputic | krammer: typo add a t at the end of that | 09:58 |
Tonren | My printer works, but it wasn't working when I hit "Test Page" | 09:58 |
=== Veenified [n=brett@adsl-70-131-133-37.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Veenified | join #radrails | 09:59 |
krammer | nothing | 09:59 |
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krammer | i guess its ready for new data for the next line | 09:59 |
crazyman_ | guys to install wireshark is it ok if i just do it through synaptic? | 09:59 |
sparrow | never fear sparrow is here | 09:59 |
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Tornado | i need help on setting up e-mail services on ubuntu sever, i want it to be like an exchange sever so i can send e-mail throught out my network | 09:59 |
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thoreauputic | krammer: have you used apt or dpkg recently? Any processes using the package manager? | 09:59 |
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joni1 | hallo | 10:00 |
krammer | not to my knowledge | 10:00 |
astro76 | crazyman_, sure | 10:00 |
crazyman_ | astro.. it says i have wireshark common installed | 10:00 |
crazyman_ | thats not it? | 10:00 |
krammer | i type app install etc thats it | 10:00 |
brian98 | Tornado: What's the problem | 10:00 |
brian98 | ? | 10:00 |
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arooni | if my alternate cd showed that it is valid.... but when i boot it up in my cd rom drive it hangs... does that mean bad cd rom drive?? | 10:00 |
Seveas | stdin, here for the show? | 10:00 |
astro76 | crazyman_, you need wireshark which depends on wireshark-common | 10:00 |
stdin | Seveas: :) | 10:00 |
Tornado | i want to use ubuntu sever like an exchange sever and i no there is not exchange sever for linux but i want to send and recive e-mail trough my network | 10:01 |
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thoreauputic | krammer: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg should not pop up errors unless something is deeply wrong or another process is using dpkg | 10:01 |
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crazyman_ | thank you astro76 | 10:01 |
erUSUL | 10:01 | |
ubotu | mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com | 10:01 |
sparrow | pricey i know ur here | 10:01 |
sparrow | awnser me on aim | 10:01 |
erUSUL | !postfix | Tornado | 10:01 |
ubotu | Tornado: postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto | 10:01 |
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Tornado | ok | 10:01 |
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thoreauputic | krammer: do you get the same error if you type sudo dpkg --configure -a ? | 10:01 |
Lattyware | hey all. Trying to get the official nVidia driver working. I have an 8600GTS and 7600GS with two monitors on the 8600, and one on the 7600. Using the latest driver from the nvidia site, and I get the error 'nVidia kernel module not found', I have done it before and it's worked fine, (not on this ubuntu install), but on a Kubuntu install that's on the same system with the same xorg.conf. | 10:01 |
bazookatooth | what the hell happened to compizconfig-settings-manager? | 10:02 |
kanuha | has anyone installed pidgin from source and got sounds to work? | 10:02 |
Tornado | do you need to have a domain name | 10:02 |
Veenified | Anyone know how to setup Radrails? Or where I can get help? | 10:02 |
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krammer | no out no error messages | 10:02 |
krammer | went to the next line | 10:02 |
krammer | blinking underline ready for data | 10:02 |
brian98 | Any experts can help me with some network based file system issueS? | 10:03 |
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Tornado | ubotu: do i need to have a domain name | 10:03 |
pr4b1 | installing glib-dev is proving to be a pain, so many dependecies, depends on this that but wont be installed :( | 10:03 |
NickGarvey | !bot | Tornado | 10:03 |
ubotu | Tornado: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 10:03 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*dem0n@*] by Seveas | ||
Tornado | oops | 10:03 |
nalioth | pr4b1: have you used non official repositories? | 10:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+d dem0n] by Seveas | ||
thoreauputic | krammer: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg again now | 10:03 |
Tornado | but do i need a domain name with postfi | 10:03 |
Tornado | x | 10:03 |
=== LinuxKid brb ma uit la film | ||
pr4b1 | ive got the official ones there as they were | 10:03 |
TtyS2 | Veenified: radrails classic? | 10:03 |
Veenified | TtyS2: yea | 10:03 |
kitche | Tornado: no you can have it use hostname or network if you wish | 10:04 |
krammer | resouces temp unavailiable | 10:04 |
Tornado | ok | 10:04 |
krammer | should I reboot | 10:04 |
brian98 | Basically I'm trying to mount a 500GB network resource , will be 5000 as soon as I finish testing | 10:04 |
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meisam | have serious problem, i was trying to change a couple of lines in .bashrc to put he java in the path, but i might have done a mistake because now the bash is not working and cant do naything, the problem is on my pc, im chatting throgh irc by my laptop | 10:04 |
krammer | may this help | 10:04 |
Tornado | i want it to go though my network | 10:04 |
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thoreauputic | krammer: possibly | 10:04 |
Tornado | local network | 10:04 |
krammer | ok ill try | 10:04 |
brian98 | I'm using ndb and mdadm but need some help with the syntax | 10:04 |
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TtyS2 | Veenified: there is a support and forum on there web page | 10:04 |
brian98 | if this is in anyones scope of knowledge | 10:04 |
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thoreauputic | krammer: doesn't tell you the problem but might reset dpkg | 10:04 |
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pr4b1 | libpango1.0-dev: | 10:05 |
pr4b1 | Depends: libfreetype6-dev but it is not going to be installed | 10:05 |
brian98 | sorry ndb.. | 10:05 |
pr4b1 | : | 10:05 |
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krammer | ok | 10:05 |
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Veenified | TtyS2: I'll check again but I couldnt find anything to help me point Radrails to where Rdoc, Ri, etc. is in Ubuntu | 10:06 |
=== Cwiiis [n=cwiiis@82-43-46-194.cable.ubr02.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
krammer | ok it worked thor | 10:06 |
Lattyware | hey all. Trying to get the official nVidia driver working. I have an 8600GTS and 7600GS with two monitors on the 8600, and one on the 7600. Using the latest driver from the nvidia site, and I get the error 'nVidia kernel module not found', I have done it before and it's worked fine, (not on this ubuntu install), but on a Kubuntu install that's on the same system with the same xorg.conf. | 10:06 |
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krammer | configuring xsever-org | 10:06 |
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krammer | ive been here yesterday as well | 10:07 |
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meisam | guys anybody can help me regarding my bash which is not working anymore, what to do ? | 10:07 |
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thoreauputic | krammer: so X is OK now ? | 10:07 |
krammer | no | 10:07 |
TtyS2 | Veenified: u seen this? http://www.aptana.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1399&highlight=rdoc | 10:07 |
thoreauputic | krammer: ? | 10:07 |
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krammer | im showing configureing xerever -rog | 10:08 |
thoreauputic | krammer: you mean the error went away then ? | 10:08 |
krammer | oprg | 10:08 |
krammer | attemt to autodetect video hardware? | 10:08 |
krammer | yes | 10:08 |
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thoreauputic | krammer: if you type like that you will get a lot of error messages ;) | 10:08 |
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krammer | syntax rules eye no | 10:08 |
meisam | the commands in my terminal are not working, so i cant use vim anymore to change the path, ls, mv, cp ... are not working , please somebody help me out here | 10:09 |
Veenified | TtyS2: That's exactly what I was looking for thank you! | 10:09 |
meisam | :( | 10:09 |
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krammer | i tried this yesterday | 10:09 |
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krammer | no x server known for your video hardware | 10:09 |
erUSUL | meisam: do you get any error msg? | 10:09 |
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izzy | Whenever i get in mupen64 it will run just fine and the rom will load just fine but when i play the rom it will play for a minute then it will lock my whole computer up and i have to hit the restart button. Ive tried 2 diffrent mupen64 emulators and my zsnes works. I've also tried a few diffrent roms from diffrent sites. My video card also is working fully its a ATI Radeon x1600 pro. My other 3d games work like open arena. PLZ HELP | 10:09 |
izzy | ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 10:09 |
izzy | ps: i don't play in full screen | 10:09 |
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thoreauputic | krammer: try the vesa driver | 10:09 |
jatt | ? | 10:10 |
krammer | ok | 10:10 |
skyfalcon866 | if i dual boot ubuntu and windoze what file system should i select for windoze | 10:10 |
krammer | should i go on | 10:10 |
krammer | yes for the rest of the questions | 10:10 |
meisam | erUSUL the problem is im getting -bash: command not found | 10:10 |
thoreauputic | krammer: it's slow but it usually works at least | 10:10 |
Lattyware | skyfalcon866: FAT32 will be easier to use with Linux. | 10:10 |
thoreauputic | krammer: just accept the defaults if in doubt | 10:10 |
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skyfalcon866 | doesnt fat32 slow down as more files are added? | 10:10 |
bazookatooth | don't dual boot. fuck windows. | 10:10 |
Lattyware | skyfalcon866: Allthough there is some NTFS support, and it is a better FS for windows. | 10:10 |
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erUSUL | meisam: run 'echo $PATH' | 10:10 |
bazookatooth | derrrr | 10:10 |
thoreauputic | krammer: you can rerun the command as often as you like | 10:10 |
Lattyware | skyfalcon866: No that's windows. | 10:10 |
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alex_ | ok, guys... big problem | 10:10 |
OneSeventeen | skyfalcon866: FAT32 will work better with Ubuntu, but NTFS can store large files | 10:10 |
Shaddox | !ohmy bazookatooth | 10:11 |
Shaddox | !ohmy | bazookatooth | 10:11 |
ubotu | bazookatooth: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:11 |
meisam | erUSUL at the beginning of the system before login it gives me those lines which i changed in .bashrc | 10:11 |
=== bazookatooth sorry.. sore subject. | ||
Lattyware | skyfalcon866: The only real problem with Fat32 is a 3GB limit on a single file. | 10:11 |
izzy | help me plz | 10:11 |
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OneSeventeen | skyfalcon866: What I did was made 3 partitions, 1 for windows, 1 for linux, and 1 for shared files. | 10:11 |
skyfalcon866 | i might just use windoze in virtualbox | 10:11 |
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pedro_ | my vncviewer automatically switches to bgr233 mode.. any idea why? | 10:11 |
Lattyware | I think it's 3GB... or 2GB... Less than a DVD ISO, I know that much. | 10:11 |
skyfalcon866 | where did you put the swap? | 10:11 |
HolidayB | hey guys, I have asus a8n-sli board.. with the nvidia nforce 4 chipset.. an AMD athlon 64 x2 processor with a geforce 7800 gt card.. is there walkthrough somewhere for similar specs or do the components ive listed forwarn of an install/config problem? | 10:11 |
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thoreauputic | krammer: looks like your vid card is not supported yet - is it recent? | 10:11 |
meisam | erUSUL i suppode i have an space in my path | 10:11 |
Lattyware | hey all. Trying to get the official nVidia driver working. I have an 8600GTS and 7600GS with two monitors on the 8600, and one on the 7600. Using the latest driver from the nvidia site, and I get the error 'nVidia kernel module not found', I have done it before and it's worked fine, (not on this ubuntu install), but on a Kubuntu install that's on the same system with the same xorg.conf. | 10:11 |
OneSeventeen | skyfalcon866: funny, I'm actually working on getting VMware server working now becuase I'm tired of dual booting :P | 10:11 |
meisam | erUSUL which im not allowed to have | 10:12 |
krammer | yes my lap top good fine | 10:12 |
meisam | erUSUL yeah ? | 10:12 |
kitche | !envy | Lattyware | 10:12 |
ubotu | Lattyware: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 10:12 |
skyfalcon866 | oneseventeen where did you put the swap file | 10:12 |
krammer | where is messed up was add text the the file | 10:12 |
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krammer | i could enable my desktop effects | 10:12 |
erUSUL | meisam: revert the changes you made to the path variable | 10:12 |
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OneSeventeen | skyfalcon866: so I guess I have 4 partitions: Windows, Ubuntu, SWAP, and shared | 10:12 |
kitche | Lattyware: you might have to restart to have ubuntus ee the module as well I seem to remember that when I used ubuntu | 10:12 |
meisam | erUSUL i want tbut how ? | 10:12 |
thoreauputic | krammer: what card ? nvidia? ati ? | 10:12 |
krammer | ati | 10:12 |
meisam | erUSUL i cant have an access to vim | 10:12 |
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thoreauputic | !ati | krammer | 10:13 |
krammer | i have 3d accerlation enabled | 10:13 |
ubotu | krammer: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:13 |
meisam | erUSUL where to go ? | 10:13 |
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krammer | i installed beryl as well | 10:13 |
Roge | is there a way to get at the more advanced options for compiz/Desktop-Effects ? | 10:13 |
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meisam | erUSUL i dun have editor, im not really familiar with unix | 10:13 |
erUSUL | meisam: call the programs with full path example '/usr/bin/nano .bashrc' | 10:13 |
skyfalcon866 | i tried installing windows with my / /home /swap but windoze wont install with more 3 partitions | 10:13 |
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Lattyware | kitche: Envy won't work for me. running Gutsy. Yes, I am in ubuntu+1 too, but that place is dead. | 10:13 |
meisam | i tried but i could not find my vim | 10:13 |
HolidayB | is there a general unbutu install walkthrough out there? | 10:13 |
meisam | :( | 10:13 |
krammer | im on video modes for the x server | 10:13 |
thoreauputic | krammer: I suggest reading the url I got ubotu to give you | 10:13 |
erUSUL | meisam: it is '/bin/nano .bashrc' | 10:13 |
Lattyware | kitche: And besides, Envy will just do what I am doing manually, won't it? | 10:13 |
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Roge | krammer, i found beryl to be buggy it locked up my desktop and whatnot. compiz runs much smoother | 10:14 |
skyfalcon866 | what is ubuntu +1 | 10:14 |
kitche | Lattyware: pretty much did you restart after installing it manually? | 10:14 |
DeusEvo | aren't beryl and compiz now merged? | 10:14 |
jrib | !gutsy > skyfalcon866 (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:14 |
krammer | my laptop is fine for unbuntu i left suse becuase unbuntu is better for my hardware | 10:14 |
thoreauputic | skyfalcon866: the development version channel | 10:14 |
kitche | skyfalcon866: channel for next version of ubuntu | 10:14 |
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Roge | DeusEvo, i herd they are merging yes | 10:14 |
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erUSUL | DeusEvo: yes>>>compiz-fusion | 10:14 |
krammer | i didnt have any sound when I was using suse | 10:14 |
kitche | DeusEvo: yes they are merged but you wont see those packages until gutsy perhaps | 10:14 |
pedro_ | my vncviewer automatically switches to bgr233 mode.. any idea why? | 10:15 |
alex_ | ca smb help me with smt ???? | 10:15 |
alex_ | pls! | 10:15 |
meisam | erUSUL but the thing is i have to change the name of the directoy in path which is having a space in its name so i need to change the name and i cant because mv is not working | 10:15 |
Lattyware | kitche: yeah, allthough again, it shouldn't need that. | 10:15 |
meisam | :( | 10:15 |
DeusEvo | i was thinking of installing ubuntu or kubuntu as a second OS (next to vista :/ )... i'll probably run beryl on it | 10:15 |
alex_ | about ubuntu | 10:15 |
skyfalcon866 | im forced to install windoze | 10:15 |
alex_ | how about installing aplications ?? | 10:15 |
izzy | plz help me | 10:15 |
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Lattyware | DeusEvo: Why as a second OS? Use ubuntu for everything you can, then windows for games or whatever you have to use it for. | 10:16 |
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kitche | Lattyware: I know but ubuntu seems to need a restart for that at least for me | 10:16 |
Lattyware | Hmmm, well, I have done so, so it's not that anyway. | 10:16 |
skyfalcon866 | how big should i make the / partition | 10:16 |
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meisam | erUSUL where should i go t call the command mv ? | 10:16 |
stdin | !ask the question (and don't use abbreviated spellings like "smt", english isn't everyones 1st language) | 10:16 |
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stdin | alex_: ^ | 10:17 |
krammer | failed to start x server | 10:17 |
erUSUL | meisam: /bin/mv | 10:17 |
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DeusEvo | Lattyware: I'm used to windows, and i don't mind vista, aside from the boot times. I suppose i could make ubuntu my main OS, though, since all the development I do is Java/Web | 10:17 |
lor4x | hello, i was wondering what the comand in ubuntu was to have things autostart from the init.d folder? | 10:17 |
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izzy | plz help me i've been here for 45 min and no-one will help me | 10:17 |
erUSUL | meisam: most "core" command binaries are under /bin/ | 10:17 |
krammer | all i need to edit the config the file to remove the text I copied and pasted | 10:17 |
=== Camaxtli [n=Anton@h177105.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | !please > izzy (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:17 |
chikita | hi, does anyone got secret maryo chronycles? | 10:17 |
krammer | how do i restart gdm ? | 10:17 |
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thoreauputic | krammer: always make a backup if you edit a config file | 10:18 |
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krammer | k | 10:18 |
LifeDJ | hey | 10:18 |
=== einPaul [n=siggy@dslb-084-060-042-223.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meisam | erUSUL its not there, also not in sbin, not in /usr/sbin | 10:18 |
thoreauputic | krammer: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 10:18 |
meisam | erUSUL /usr/bin | 10:18 |
sauvin | Chikita, is that a commercial product? | 10:18 |
meisam | erUSUL not in any of them | 10:18 |
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LifeDJ | who is here that i can ask him/her about setup process ?? | 10:18 |
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meisam | the OS is debian etch | 10:19 |
skyfalcon866 | should i install windoze first then ubuntu | 10:19 |
afief | how can I pause a process that's running in a terminal? | 10:19 |
sauvin | LifeDJ: just about everybody here, i would imagine. What's up? | 10:19 |
afief | skyfalcon866, yes | 10:19 |
stdin | afief: Ctrl-Z | 10:19 |
thoreauputic | afief: ctrl + z | 10:19 |
Lattyware | DeusEvo: Trust me, Once you get used to Ubuntu, it's so much better, it's painful when you have to use a windows machine. It's all in the little stuff you can do. | 10:19 |
LifeDJ | hellooo | 10:19 |
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justin420 | can anybody help me install the pwc drivers for feisty? i have xorg-dev and build-essential and my headers installed for currently running kernel. i get the error http://pastebin.ca/645637 | 10:19 |
LifeDJ | please help | 10:19 |
afief | stdin, and how do I run it again later? | 10:19 |
skyfalcon866 | is 5.5Gb big enough for ubuntu | 10:19 |
thoreauputic | afief: fg | 10:19 |
jrib | afief: google for "bash job control" for more info | 10:19 |
=== Andreas_ [n=andreas@M1103P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
krammer | command not found | 10:19 |
afief | jrib, thanks I will | 10:19 |
chikita | sauvin, its an open source game, i was wondering if someone could help me with some issues i got, for my little brother | 10:20 |
sauvin | LifeDJ, what is the problem? | 10:20 |
HolidayB | is there a general unbutu install walkthrough out there? | 10:20 |
LifeDJ | how can i install from ISO without burning to CD , | 10:20 |
LifeDJ | to install from the hard drive | 10:20 |
kitche | !install | HolidayB | 10:20 |
ubotu | HolidayB: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 10:20 |
=== coderx [n=coderx@c-76-29-9-162.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | !wubi | LifeDJ | 10:20 |
meisam | erUSUL any other alternate ? | 10:20 |
=== TheCreationist [n=elyon@c-71-205-67-153.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
baikonur | I get a offer for a software update for "libqt3-mt" via the update-notifier which is not authenticated? why is that? it seems to come from the main servers | 10:20 |
ubotu | LifeDJ: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html | 10:20 |
=== Setz [n=simone@host198-61.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meisam | erUSUL how can i run mv | 10:20 |
DeusEvo | Lattyware: hmmm, ok, sounds good. | 10:20 |
coderx | where is the menu for displayconfig-gtk? | 10:20 |
Lattyware | hey all. Trying to get the official nVidia driver working. I have an 8600GTS and 7600GS with two monitors on the 8600, and one on the 7600. Using the latest driver from the nvidia site, and I get the error 'nVidia kernel module not found', I have done it before and it's worked fine, (not on this ubuntu install), but on a Kubuntu install that's on the same system with the same xorg.conf. | 10:21 |
LifeDJ | thanx .. i'll check it out | 10:21 |
kitche | LifeDJ: just look at the install above also if you want to see other ways | 10:21 |
TheCreationist | Is it possible to get hardware 3D acceleration in a virtual environment (VirtualBox, etc)? | 10:21 |
DeusEvo | now it's just a question of KDE vs. GNOME :/ | 10:21 |
skyfalcon866 | is fat32 faster than ntfs | 10:21 |
stdin | meisam: you can use the command with a path with a space, just put a backslash before the space, like "mv /a/path/with/a\ space/file /another/path/with\ a/space" | 10:21 |
Ashfire908 | does installing the english language pack for gnome and the system do anything? | 10:21 |
=== sauvin votes for KDE | ||
kitche | Lattyware: do modprobe -l|grep nvidia and see if you have a nvidia module | 10:21 |
=== Retnuh [n=retnuh@c-76-106-183-181.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sauvin | skyfalcon866, that might depend on where and how you intend to use it. | 10:21 |
Lattyware | DeusEvo: I used gnome for ages, then tried KDE for configurability and apps, and have just switched back to gnome. | 10:22 |
krammer | I cannot start gdm | 10:22 |
skyfalcon866 | for a 5.5Gb for games | 10:22 |
coderx | where is the menu for displayconfig-gtk? | 10:22 |
=== Askaaron [n=arno@dslb-084-056-061-196.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== CheeseGardener [n=steve@cpe-24-161-12-36.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | krammer: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 10:22 |
=== pr4b1 gnome all the way | ||
Lattyware | Frankly, gnome is nicer on the eyes and nicer in general. KDE is better power-wise, but not work it in the long run, for me. | 10:22 |
CheeseGardener | Could someone tell me if "automatrix" is a safe and good application or not? | 10:22 |
justin420 | Lattyware: Good luck, Ive been through nvidia hell with the nvidia drivers from their website, but thats on a dvi 1680x1050 on a geforce 6800gs. i ended up having the use the nvidia-glx-new package just to get my 1680x1050 to work | 10:22 |
thoreauputic | krammer: or sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart ( same thing) | 10:22 |
stdin | CheeseGardener: no, it isn't | 10:22 |
jrib | !automatix > CheeseGardener (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:22 |
LifeDJ | a quiestion about Wubi : its a stand alone OS just like ubuntu or its virtual ? | 10:22 |
Ashfire908 | KDE is more like a windows interface while gnome is more like mac i think. not sure about it being like a mac cause i don't really use macs | 10:22 |
krammer | failed to start the x server | 10:22 |
sauvin | skyfalcon866, you intend to use these games from both windows and linux? | 10:23 |
Lattyware | justin420: For me, it's allways been easy to get the drivers to work, this is the first time I've had problems. | 10:23 |
baikonur | is there a way to find out which update comes from which server? | 10:23 |
=== MrTsunami [n=tsunami@adsl-144-1-170.cae.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | krammer: because your xorg.conf is broken | 10:23 |
skyfalcon866 | no its games like the sims and baseball mogul | 10:23 |
CheeseGardener | Ok, I just figured I'd ask first here | 10:23 |
=== w4ett [n=chatzill@24-159-74-250.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skyfalcon866 | then i will use ubuntu for everything else | 10:23 |
jrib | baikonur: apt-cache policy PACKAGE_NAME | 10:23 |
krammer | like i messed up the code? | 10:23 |
Lattyware | kitche: I get: /lib/modules/2.6.22-8-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia/nvidiafb.ko | 10:23 |
Lattyware | /lib/modules/2.6.22-8-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko | 10:23 |
Lattyware | /lib/modules/2.6.22-8-generic/kernel/drivers/char/agp/nvidia-agp.ko | 10:23 |
=== Senesence [n=senesenc@ool-4354a9e6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
coderx | Need help setting up Dual Monators in 7.10 | 10:23 |
CheeseGardener | since the last time I was here you guys seemed pretty reliable about ubuntu | 10:23 |
=== anto9us [n=anthony@cpc3-ptal1-0-0-cust831.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
coderx | Need help setting up Dual Monitors in 7.10 | 10:23 |
thoreauputic | krammer: I suggest you back it up and try again with the dpkg-reconfigure command | 10:23 |
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sauvin | skyfalcon866, if you're just going to be using these things in linux, why not just use ext3? | 10:23 |
=== domino44 [n=dingo@AOrleans-154-1-25-232.w90-20.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
justin420 | Lattyware: same thing except for the newest version 100.14.10 or whatever it is :) | 10:23 |
CheeseGardener | and I figured what better place to start, than the ubuntu channel | 10:23 |
baikonur | jrib, thanks | 10:23 |
jrib | !dualhead > coderx (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:23 |
kitche | Lattyware: well you don't have the nvidia module that's for sure | 10:24 |
skyfalcon866 | idk | 10:24 |
=== d3sty [n=plop@AFontenayssB-152-1-7-115.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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sauvin | "idk"? | 10:24 |
=== serenityUK [n=serenity@client-82-2-83-143.manc.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lattyware | kitche: Hmmm... The installer tells me it's there :/ | 10:24 |
skyfalcon866 | i meant when i install windoze what file system should i use | 10:24 |
jrib | coderx: note that 7.10 is in development though and you should ask for support specific to 7.10 in the only the #ubuntu+1 channel | 10:24 |
=== daschl [n=michi@chello084112131092.3.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | Lattyware: you only have the fb module not the nvidia.ko | 10:24 |
justin420 | can anybody help me install the pwc drivers for feisty? i have xorg-dev and build-essential and my headers installed for currently running kernel. i get the error which i posted to http://pastebin.ca/645637 | 10:24 |
CheeseGardener | What is good software to get then??? Google software??? | 10:24 |
Lattyware | justin420: Yeah, it's this new one that buggers up. | 10:24 |
jrib | !software > CheeseGardener (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:24 |
Lattyware | kitche: There were three lines to that paste. | 10:24 |
justin420 | Lattyware: yuppers! i agree 100% | 10:24 |
=== Lekre2 [n=Lekrem@c-67-165-221-153.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Senesence | How do I see when my dhcp lease expires? | 10:24 |
skyfalcon866 | if i delete the ubuntu partition and i have /home partition will lose my music and pictures? | 10:25 |
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kitche | Lattyware: ahh ok see it now | 10:25 |
jrib | CheeseGardener: you should use a package manager to install your software on ubuntu from ubuntu's repositories. Ubotu sent you some info about it | 10:25 |
Lattyware | justin420: Unfortunatly, I also need the new one for my 8600GTS. | 10:25 |
arooni | hey folks.... i have verified that the altnerate cd has no problems.......... but when i go to start it up in another drive...... nothing works | 10:25 |
CheeseGardener | I do | 10:25 |
CheeseGardener | I use synaptics | 10:25 |
arooni | does that mean the other drive is bad? | 10:25 |
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jrib | CheeseGardener: yes, that's good | 10:25 |
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gordonjcp | arooni: it's possible | 10:25 |
Lattyware | arooni: Or it's not bootable in the bios. | 10:25 |
kitche | Lattyware: try this sudo modprobe nvidia and then start gdm to see if it works | 10:25 |
=== nahkiss [i=nahkiss@dsl-hkibras1-ff4dc300-7.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CheeseGardener | Also, AptOnCD will completely restore a system right? | 10:25 |
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CheeseGardener | Even software installed? | 10:26 |
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arooni | well i can get the alternate cd to boot up and i see the splash screen... but selecting any option just doesnt work | 10:26 |
arooni | but i just bought this drive | 10:26 |
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arooni | it could still be bad i guess right | 10:26 |
skyfalcon866 | who here dual boots winblows and ubuntu? | 10:26 |
Lattyware | kitche: FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia | 10:26 |
sauvin | skyfalcon866, I do. | 10:26 |
surviver | anyone can help pls? i need equifax.pem \ and gmail.pem , i cant download them from www.geotrust.com ... | 10:27 |
kitche | Lattyware: well that's most likely why it says no nvidia module found | 10:27 |
skyfalcon866 | what do you use windoze for | 10:27 |
Senesence | Is there any way to see dhcp lease dates on ubuntu? | 10:27 |
kitche | Lattyware: your using sudo correct with modprobe? | 10:27 |
linux_ | i try to install my printer and in the "add printer" wizard there isnt my model [ its canon pixma ip1500 ] what i need todo ? | 10:27 |
sauvin | I don't, actually, but keep it handy for those rare occasions when I might *have* to use a Windows app. | 10:27 |
Lattyware | kitche: Yes | 10:27 |
=== Milchmann__ [n=hempi@N883P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lattyware | gareth@gBox42:~$ sudo modprobe nvidia | 10:27 |
Lattyware | FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia | 10:27 |
meisam | <stdin where is the rebbot command ? | 10:28 |
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Lattyware | kitche: Well, looks like the cause, any ideas? | 10:28 |
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stdin | meisam: in a terminal ? sudo shutdown -r now | 10:28 |
skyfalcon866 | i might be forced to install windoze | 10:28 |
stdin | meisam: or just "sudo reboot" | 10:28 |
djdd | why sky? | 10:28 |
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kitche | Lattyware: uninstall the module and reinstall it is the only way to fix it | 10:29 |
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krammer | this blows | 10:29 |
sauvin | If you do, be aware that no MS operating system has ever respected another OS' package manager. If you install Windows, you'll have to either repair the damage it did to your boot loader OR re-install your non-MS world. | 10:29 |
meisam | <stdin it does not recognize sudo :( | 10:29 |
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Lattyware | kitche: Done that about 50 times. | 10:30 |
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Lattyware | To no avail. | 10:30 |
stdin | meisam: is that on ubuntu? | 10:30 |
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meisam | <stdin debian | 10:30 |
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djdd | Wow | 10:30 |
stdin | meisam: you have root access? | 10:30 |
DeusEvo | huh, you can use ubuntu on a live cd? | 10:30 |
reverseblade | windows sucks period | 10:31 |
meisam | yeah, what command gives me root ? | 10:31 |
Enselic | DeusEvo: put the cd in nd reboot | 10:31 |
reverseblade | mesiam sudo su | 10:31 |
linux_ | i try to install my printer and in the "add printer" wizard there isnt my model [ its canon pixma ip1500 ] what i need todo ? | 10:31 |
stdin | meisam: in debian use "su -" | 10:31 |
sauvin | Deus, this assumes your machine can boot a CD. | 10:31 |
DeusEvo | that' scool | 10:31 |
odd | Hello. I am having an issue in getting my xserver/ubuntu however you want to call it, to display on my Philips Plasma. I tried Autoconfiguring with restarting x. I am not quite certain what I am doing when I am editing modelines. Anything/Any Software that can help me? | 10:31 |
DeusEvo | yes, it can | 10:31 |
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DeusEvo | brand new :) I think i'll do this to try out ubuntu | 10:31 |
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reverseblade | odd, no | 10:31 |
krammer | im having the same problem odd | 10:31 |
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odd | Dang. | 10:32 |
stdin | meisam: once you are root you can use those commands, just without "sudo" | 10:32 |
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reverseblade | odd, it's not hard | 10:32 |
meisam | <stdin result---> bash: sudo : command not found | 10:32 |
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Senesence | Anyone? Dhcp lease dates - how can I see what they are? | 10:32 |
=== TristiansVoice [n=bo@adsl-69-151-226-194.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
TristiansVoice | Hello? | 10:32 |
reverseblade | Senesence, dhclient refreshes the dhcp lease | 10:32 |
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sauvin | DeusEvo, I warn you, you're very likely going to like ubuntu enough to want to install it formally. | 10:32 |
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stdin | meisam: like I said, you use "su -" to become root, then you use the commands I told you but without "sudo" | 10:32 |
reverseblade | !hi | TristiansVoice | 10:33 |
ubotu | TristiansVoice: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 10:33 |
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TristiansVoice | Thanks | 10:33 |
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Senesence | reverseblade: I want to see when the lease expires (the date). How can I do that? | 10:33 |
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serenityUK2 | Senesence, cat /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases | 10:33 |
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TristiansVoice | I was wondering if someone could help me, I can't get the .ISO file to work after I extracted it | 10:33 |
TristiansVoice | ATM I'm using IsoBuster | 10:33 |
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odd | Okay, do I just paste the modeline I think is correct into my xorg.conf? | 10:34 |
DeusEvo | sauvin: sounds good. i started with mac os 8 > win 95 > 2k > xp > vista, now it's time for me to try something new | 10:34 |
reverseblade | Senesence, dunno, man dhclient might help | 10:34 |
serenityUK2 | Senesence, try cat /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases | 10:34 |
baikonur | why is the current update for libqt3-mt (3:3.3.8really3.3.7-0ubuntu5.1) not signed? is that a trustworthy update or did someone poison the server? | 10:34 |
sauvin | that may be. What expectation do you have? | 10:34 |
stdin | TristiansVoice: extract from where? | 10:34 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nixternal] by ChanServ | ||
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TristiansVoice | The file on my destop | 10:34 |
stdin | TristiansVoice: where did you download from? | 10:34 |
idefix | please forgive me my sins and allow me access again to the repositories | 10:34 |
ShackJack | TristiansVoice: You'll want to burn it to a CD ;) | 10:34 |
sauvin | And how is it supposed to "work"? | 10:34 |
Senesence | serenityUK2: That file is empty - and that's weird, because how can I be online without a lease. | 10:34 |
stdin | baikonur: try running "sudo apt-get update" | 10:34 |
stdin | baikonur: that normally fixes it | 10:35 |
=== sauvin often just mounts iso images without burning them | ||
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serenityUK2 | maybe static? try sudo dhclient.. to get new ip then cat ... | 10:35 |
=== bigjb [n=bigjb@82-46-211-176.cable.ubr02.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
janeppo | TristiansVoice, and then boot from that CD | 10:35 |
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TristiansVoice | I don't have a CD | 10:36 |
Askaaron | TristiansVoice: Yep - the ISO file is a CD image | 10:36 |
TristiansVoice | and none of my CD burners of working | 10:36 |
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TristiansVoice | Thats why I was using IsoBuster | 10:36 |
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Askaaron | TristiansVoice: But IsoBuster just extracts the files | 10:36 |
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stdin | TristiansVoice: you just burn the image, it's not an archive | 10:36 |
TristiansVoice | Then I ran the start EXE | 10:36 |
idefix | who was djdd? | 10:36 |
Askaaron | TristiansVoice: If you want to use Ubuntu from the live CD you MUST burn it | 10:36 |
stdin | TristiansVoice: no, you need to boot from it | 10:37 |
gordonjcp | idefix: and, what did he/she do? | 10:37 |
GazzaK | idefix, a known troll | 10:37 |
Askaaron | TristiansVoice: the EXE is only the "browser" with some windows stuff | 10:37 |
TristiansVoice | Oh | 10:37 |
=== Senesence [n=senesenc@ool-4354a9e6.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
baikonur | stdin, your | 10:37 |
ShackJack | TristiansVoice: There's antother way.. | 10:37 |
janeppo | TristiansVoice, you can order a CD to be sent to you by mail | 10:37 |
Askaaron | TristiansVoice: Or get VirtualPC / VMware etc. and use it in a VM | 10:37 |
TristiansVoice | So there's no way to run it without a CD? | 10:37 |
idefix | what is wrong with the repos?? | 10:37 |
TristiansVoice | So VirutalPC? | 10:37 |
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ShackJack | TristiansVoice: Use "wubi" http://news.softpedia.com/news/Install-Ubuntu-from-Windows-in-3-Steps-Without-Using-a-CD-61304.shtml | 10:37 |
Shadow6363 | is there any way to stop a user from having access to a hard drive? the owner and group is root which id like to not change and i view it as an other so i cant really just change the other status | 10:37 |
=== matvei_ [n=matvei@AToulon-257-1-9-16.w90-15.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
baikonur | stdin, you were right. why is that? update-notifier performs an apt-get update doesn't it? | 10:38 |
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sotec_prod | question: I am dualbooting, but I want to upgrade Windows to XP, it being on the first part of the drive. Is there a way, once I upgrade, to reinstall GRUB to the MBR via the Ubuntu LiveCD if Windows should happen to overwrite the MBR? | 10:39 |
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ShackJack | TristiansVoice: Here's the actual WUBI site: http://wubi-installer.org/ | 10:39 |
serenityUK2 | yes sotec_prod you can reinstall grub after | 10:39 |
stdin | baikonur: yes, but sometimes it updates when the server is being updates, and the file with the signatures is out of date | 10:39 |
sotec_prod | serenityUK2, how? | 10:39 |
Retnuh | Can someone PM me, I need some help.... I have been reading, but it just isnt working.... installing a file | 10:39 |
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Shadow6363 | Retnuh, whats your problem? | 10:40 |
stdin | sotec_prod: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows :) | 10:40 |
serenityUK2 | !mbr | 10:40 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 10:40 |
Askaaron | sotec_prod: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html | 10:40 |
lynxz | I have a complex problem. I have two separate screens on my X server, on for my CRT monitor and one for my TV. When I try to use my stylus in gimp it seems to extend to both screens and thus the cursor and the place where I actually draw becomes misaligned. | 10:40 |
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sotec_prod | thanks guys | 10:40 |
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serenityUK2 | !mbr | sotec_prod | 10:40 |
ubotu | sotec_prod: please see above | 10:40 |
Retnuh | this is my problem | 10:40 |
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lynxz | Is there a way to lock the stylus to the current screen? | 10:40 |
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serenityUK2 | sotec_prod, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 10:41 |
baikonur | stdin, ok, thanks for the fast and precise answer | 10:41 |
Retnuh | Shadow6363: I am trying to do this:::::::::::::: To install the NetBeans IDE: | 10:41 |
Retnuh | 1. Navigate to the directory that contains the installer. | 10:41 |
Retnuh | 2. If necessary, change the installer file's permissions to make the binary executable by typing from a command prompt: | 10:41 |
Retnuh | $ chmod +x your_binary_executable | 10:41 |
stdin | baikonur: no problem :) | 10:41 |
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Retnuh | Shadow6363: It tells me this in Terminal:::::::::: root@retnuh-desktop:/home/retnuh/dls# $ chmod +x netbeans-5_5_1-linux.bin | 10:41 |
Retnuh | bash: $: command not found | 10:41 |
sotec_prod | thanks serenityUK2 and askaaron | 10:41 |
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lk167 | Hi folks, I'm having trouble with no sound on Fiesty Fawn using the CA0106 drivers, I'm kinda stuck, I've tried disabling IEC958, reinstalled ALSA, verified that CA0106 is the default, but no luck | 10:41 |
_ting_ | hello | 10:41 |
serenityUK2 | np | 10:42 |
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Shadow6363 | Retnuh, for future reference although i dont care, many others do, for multiline posts, try http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 10:42 |
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arooni | my alternate cd is valid... but in two separate cd drives... it didnt work... (all ption si pick cause cd drom to spin up.... then all i see is a "_" character in the top left) | 10:42 |
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RvGaTe | why is the installation of ubuntu taking up to 3 hours right now, and only just selected the language.... this live cd install is wank... | 10:42 |
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Retnuh | Shadow6363: Okay, sorry everyone | 10:42 |
arooni | any one have ideas?: | 10:42 |
sirjoebob | i run winxp inside of a virtualbox and i just installed tr: anniversary. it is saying my card does not support directx9.0c. is this just an issue with my card or with virtualbox. any ideas? | 10:42 |
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Askaaron | RvGaTe: try the alternate cd | 10:42 |
stdin | Retnuh: take off the "$" in the command | 10:42 |
linux_ | hwo i can add my printer to the printers ? | 10:42 |
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baikonur | where do I put "xset b off" to disable the bell under X permanently? | 10:43 |
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Retnuh | stdin: Okay, I will try that | 10:43 |
Retnuh | stdin: I will be right back | 10:43 |
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sauvin | rygate, something is wrong. My LiveCD took less time to install than it took to make a pot of coffee. | 10:43 |
stdin | baikonur: in a terminal | 10:43 |
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Hellevator | how can I play music in beep from the command line? | 10:43 |
Elive_user66 | RvGaTe - did you check the cd for defects? | 10:43 |
Askaaron | linux_: System - Administration - Printing - New Printer | 10:43 |
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Retnuh | stdin: Okay, I think that worked, moving on through the steps.....thanks | 10:43 |
RvGaTe | Elive_user66, yes, nothing wrong with it | 10:43 |
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baikonur | stdin, that's permanently? Doesn't the bell is back after reboot? | 10:43 |
sirjoebob | i run winxp inside of a virtualbox and i just installed tr: anniversary. it is saying my card does not support directx9.0c. is this just an issue with my card or with virtualbox. any ideas? | 10:44 |
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johnficca | how do i convert an avi video to a oog video ? | 10:44 |
ShackJack | Retnuh: Should just type chmod +x netbeans-5_5_1-linux.bin in terminal (assuming you are in directory where netbeans is...) | 10:44 |
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stdin | baikonur: oh, you want it perminant | 10:44 |
linux_ | Askaaron , in the models list there isnt my printer even that linux have detected him waht i need to do ? | 10:44 |
serenityUK2 | arooni, try pressing f6 to edit boot options and removing quiet it should show more error messages | 10:44 |
stdin | baikonur: put it in your ~/.bashrc (for your user) | 10:44 |
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kousotu | can anyone help recompile or configure zd1211rw on gutsy? | 10:44 |
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Shadow6363 | Retnuh, what happens when you just try to chmod +x file under a standard user? (you will have to use sudo in the end, just wondering if you still get command not found) | 10:44 |
tamino | is there any log where the system writes which programs were executed? | 10:44 |
Askaaron | linux_: what printer do you have? | 10:44 |
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sauvin | Johnficca, try using the package manager to install soundkonverter. | 10:45 |
stdin | baikonur: or in /etc/bash.bashrc (for system wide) | 10:45 |
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Retnuh | Shadow6363: It worked, I just removed the $ | 10:45 |
linux_ | Askaaron canon pixma ip 1500 | 10:45 |
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justin420 | can anybody help me install the pwc drivers for feisty? i have xorg-dev and build-essential and my headers installed for currently running kernel. i get the error which i posted to http://pastebin.ca/645637 | 10:45 |
johnficca | sauvin: is that just for sound? | 10:45 |
Shadow6363 | Retnuh, oh, good | 10:45 |
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Retnuh | stdin: Hey, I got it to run and worked. I am installing Netbeans, and it says:No Java Development Kit(JDK) was found on this system. | 10:45 |
baikonur | stdin, just found it in /etc/inputrc | 10:45 |
Vinchenzo28 | anyone using beryl? | 10:45 |
aelliott | is xen a good option for running a windows guest, or should i stick to using vmware server? | 10:45 |
stdin | Retnuh: for reference, in howtos/guides "$" just means "put the command in a termainal" | 10:45 |
Retnuh | stdin: I swear I used Synaptics to add JDK5 | 10:45 |
sauvin | johnficca, yes. If you're looking for a more general AV solution, have a look at mplayer. | 10:46 |
=== kane77 prays that my windows partition didn't get hurt... | ||
ShackJack | Vinchenzo28: Yes, but check #ubuntu-effects for beryl help ;) | 10:46 |
binarydigit | aelliott: define good | 10:46 |
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hefffay | Hi! Anyone willing to help a total noob compile xchat? I can't seem to get past ./configure | 10:46 |
kousotu | can anyone help recompile or configure zd1211rw on gutsy? | 10:46 |
skyfalcon866 | is 5.5GB big enough for ubuntu | 10:46 |
aelliott | binarydigit: cool, ill download the xen kernel and have a go then :) | 10:46 |
linux_ | yes | 10:46 |
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kane77 | hefffay, why would you compile it? | 10:46 |
Vinchenzo28 | whats a good music downloading program for ubuntu 7.04 64bit? | 10:46 |
jrib | hefffay: no need to compile it, use ubuntu's repositories | 10:46 |
bruenig | skyfalcon866, yes, assuming you don't put personal auxiliary stuff on it like music files and whatnot | 10:46 |
linux_ | Askaaron have idea ? | 10:46 |
jrib | !software > hefffay (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:46 |
stdin | Retnuh: I've never tried installing netbeans, so I wouldn't know | 10:46 |
sauvin | skyfalcon866, yes, but you may want to devote more space if you download lots of crap. | 10:46 |
finalbeta | skyfalcon866: it is for the default install. But I wouldn't do it. | 10:46 |
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Hellevator | Vinchenzo28: bittorrent | 10:46 |
kousotu | hefffay ger a deb from xchat.org | 10:46 |
bruenig | it is plenty, I am using < 3 GB on mine | 10:47 |
skyfalcon866 | i have 133GB /home and 11Gb / | 10:47 |
justin420 | heffay: try sudo apt-get build-dep xchat && sudo apt-get install xchat. should be fine aftwards | 10:47 |
binarydigit | hefffay: sudo apt-get install xchat | 10:47 |
Retnuh | stdin: Is there a way I can see if I have Java JDK5 installed in my terminal? | 10:47 |
aelliott | Retnuh: just download the Java from Sun's website, its a very easy install - i assume you are using 32 bit ubuntu? | 10:47 |
jrib | hefffay: note that you need to enable universe first | 10:47 |
Askaaron | Maybe http://www.turboprint.info/ might help - as far i know, there is no free linux driver for this printer | 10:47 |
sauvin | qualification: if you have large USB storage, never mind :d | 10:47 |
desertc | I don't think new users should be adding deb's by hand... | 10:47 |
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Retnuh | aelliott: Yes | 10:47 |
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kousotu | desertc: it's selfextracting | 10:47 |
kousotu | I did it myself | 10:47 |
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Retnuh | aelliott: Could you get me the link please, I would like the one with JDK and netbeans | 10:47 |
kousotu | tis not even hard | 10:48 |
cyberphaz | !vmware | 10:48 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 10:48 |
desertc | kousotu: does Synaptic track it? | 10:48 |
stdin | Retnuh: yah, "apt-cache policy sun-java5-jdk" | 10:48 |
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aelliott | Retnuh: ubuntu does come with java, but it is a poor version - blackdown | 10:48 |
skyfalcon866 | is it possible to put swap in the / partition | 10:48 |
kousotu | yes | 10:48 |
arooni | serenityUK: which one should i pick? which boot option | 10:48 |
Retnuh | aelliott: I tried finding it, but lost the link | 10:48 |
Askaaron | linux_: well - http://www.turboprint.info/ is free, but not open source. | 10:48 |
bruenig | skyfalcon866, no | 10:48 |
aelliott | Retnuh: ok mate, hold on and ill get you a link | 10:48 |
Tremitos | Hi | 10:48 |
kousotu | syn tracks it | 10:48 |
serenityUK | Retnuh, you know there is JDK6 in ubuntu? | 10:48 |
stdin | skyfalcon866: you can have a swap FILE there, but not the swap partition | 10:48 |
Vinchenzo28 | when i open bittorrent it asks me for a metafile where do i find that? | 10:48 |
justin420 | ok how about a different question; can anybody recomend a email client that supports smime encryption and digital signatures using smime on feisty? | 10:48 |
Tremitos | you tell me ;) | 10:48 |
bruenig | Vinchenzo28, the .torrent file | 10:48 |
cyberphaz | !virtualisation | 10:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about virtualisation - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:48 |
cyberphaz | hmm | 10:49 |
Vinchenzo28 | gotchya | 10:49 |
skyfalcon866 | is there any speed diffrence bewteen swap file and swap partition? | 10:49 |
cyberphaz | i cant spell it | 10:49 |
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serenityUK | arooni, press f6 to edit boot options... then scroll to right on line of text and delete the word quiet | 10:49 |
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kousotu | desertc: syn tracks t, and will update it emediently | 10:49 |
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bruenig | skyfalcon866, swap is not really meant for speed, it is just a collection of unused memory, it really doesn't matter | 10:49 |
meisam | #eclipse | 10:49 |
kane77 | I repartitioned my drive (made windows partition slightly bigger and made linux partition smaller) with Partition manager (the windows program) when I booted linux it said there were errors and I had to do fsck.. so I did (fsck -y) for a while (minute or so) then I restarted, now my grub won't come back.. what is the chance my windows partition is okay?? | 10:49 |
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Askaaron | linux_: if you Google for +"canon pixma 1500" +linux, you will find more sources | 10:49 |
Retnuh | serenityUK: I know, but netbeans 5.5 I dont think works with it.... Not sure... Also, I know I dl JDK5, but dont know why it isnt showing up | 10:49 |
Askaaron | linux_: e.h. http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_iP1500 | 10:49 |
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linux_ | THANKS | 10:50 |
aelliott | Retnuh: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download-netbeans.html follow link and click download near the top, on the next page download the linux version | 10:50 |
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hefffay | i never got a private message | 10:50 |
kousotu | desertc: it's the easiest way to do it | 10:50 |
Retnuh | Anyone know why I dont have a Debian link under Applications? | 10:50 |
desertc | kousotu: neat! Well, also, I think that new users should try to use Canonical supported tools before for they look to websites for new .deb's | 10:50 |
kousotu | in my opinion anyway | 10:50 |
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lk167 | Can anyone provide assistance with no sound issues? I've dug around quite a bit, tried all of the recommendations I can find, but have been unsuccessful in getting any sound from any application working | 10:50 |
hefffay | im just following the instructions on the xchat website | 10:50 |
bruenig | people should just make their own debs from source | 10:50 |
clvrdn030389 | does anyone know the percentage gain between 32 bit and 64 bit processing in ubuntu? | 10:50 |
binarydigit | kane77: use a livecd and re-install grub | 10:50 |
bruenig | that's the best way | 10:50 |
serenityUK | Retnuh, sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk | 10:50 |
=== bleair [n=bleair@cpe-76-169-78-13.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kousotu | Xchat from ubuntu's server doesn't work | 10:50 |
Askaaron | Retnuh: btw - NetBeans comes as a "bin" file - change this to be executable - it is the installer | 10:50 |
kousotu | apt-get won't grab it | 10:51 |
justin420 | anybody know of a email client for feisty that supports smime encryption and digital signatures using smime on feisty? im almost ready to go back to edgy just for that reason... | 10:51 |
jrib | kousotu: xchat works fine from ubuntu's repos | 10:51 |
binarydigit | justin420: evolution? | 10:51 |
kousotu | jrib: didn't for me | 10:51 |
bruenig | justin420, software is software, if you had it on edgy, you can have it on feisty | 10:51 |
kane77 | binarydigit, whew.. I guess it's okay.. not that i liked vista that much, but tomorow is marathon and I'm supposed to do the results and only program I have is for windows :/ | 10:51 |
serenityUK | kousotu, i'm using xchat from ubu | 10:51 |
hefffay | the problem im gettng says: c compiler cannot make executables | 10:51 |
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stdin | hefffay: have you installed "build-essential" ? | 10:52 |
Retnuh | aelliott: thanks bud, downloading now | 10:52 |
kane77 | binarydigit, and I reformated and reinstalled ubuntu partition... | 10:52 |
justin420 | binarydigit: evolution did it just fine on edgy, but cant seem to see my certificate on feisty. | 10:52 |
kousotu | serenityUK: mine wouldn't insall, I had to grab the official from xchat.org | 10:52 |
jrib | hefffay: you aren't listening. Do not compile xchat. Instead, enable universe and then install xchat with a package manager | 10:52 |
hefffay | stdin: no, i have not | 10:52 |
gburd | I think when dual-booting Vista with Ubuntu, the partition containing Vista needs to be defragmented before resizing the partition otherwise the partition resizing dialog can disallow large size specifications. Should this information be mentioned under the Vista heading of the documentation here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot ? | 10:52 |
aelliott | Retnuh: cool | 10:52 |
stdin | hefffay: that's what you need then :) | 10:52 |
justin420 | bruenig: i can have it is, but does it function the same, in my opinion it doesnt. but hey that could just be me | 10:52 |
kousotu | can anyone help recompile or configure zd1211rw on gutsy? | 10:52 |
arooni | serenityUK: im having trouble getting alternate cd to do anything can u help | 10:52 |
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serenityUK | arooni, did you get any error this time? | 10:53 |
Retnuh | aelliott: You know how I get the Debian under my application to show programs that I downloaded? | 10:53 |
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jrib | hefffay: the whole reason packages exist is so that you don't get headaches like you are having now trying to compile software | 10:53 |
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ingo | who knows a gui for configurating dual-screen under feisty? | 10:53 |
kousotu | arooni: you have the live cd right? | 10:53 |
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arooni | serenityUK: which boot option should i pick? | 10:53 |
hefffay | i downloaded the source tarball | 10:53 |
Retnuh | aelliott: I am following instructions here : http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/ | 10:53 |
bruenig | justin420, you are confusing ubuntu packages with software | 10:53 |
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arooni | kousotu: i do but i have nvidia graphics card | 10:53 |
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Retnuh | aelliott: I followed the steps, but no success | 10:53 |
jrib | hefffay: yes, that's the wrong way to install things on ubuntu | 10:53 |
justin420 | breunig: so build from source huh... | 10:53 |
kousotu | arooni: try using safe graphics mode | 10:54 |
aelliott | Retnuh: for the java you dont need those | 10:54 |
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arooni | kousotu: alredady did, also forze | 10:54 |
serenityUK | arooni, when the first is highlighted press f6, delete the word quiet then press enter | 10:54 |
kousotu | arooni: ah.. | 10:54 |
henryb | hey guys i am having a bit of a problem, i am using tv out and i get a picture but there it is in black and white, you guys have any idea how to change this it would be greatly appreciated | 10:54 |
ingo | sorry - who knows a gui for configurating dual-screen under feisty? | 10:54 |
aelliott | Retnuh: open a terminal window and navigate to where your java .bin file is downloaded | 10:54 |
kousotu | arooni: try VGA? | 10:54 |
hefffay | jrib: i see. i try the package manager then. so one would never use tarballs on ubuntu? | 10:54 |
Retnuh | aelliott: I know, but I see it on the instructions on "http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/" and I dont have that | 10:54 |
arooni | serenityUK: what about the '--' at the end | 10:54 |
aelliott | Retnuh: then type "sudo chmod +x filename.bin" to make the java file executable | 10:55 |
serenityUK | doesnt matter | 10:55 |
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Retnuh | aelliott: k one sec | 10:55 |
jrib | hefffay: sometimes when a package does not exist, you may have to. But it will be very very rare for that to happen. And thankfully xchat is in the repositories, so you don't need to | 10:55 |
aelliott | Retnuh: you should then be able to install the java by doing "./filename.bin" | 10:55 |
serenityUK | arooni, it should give more detail text error | 10:55 |
aelliott | Retnuh: change filename.bin to the actual name of the java download of course :) | 10:55 |
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Askaaron | Retnuh: you should "sudo ./filename.bin" - otherwise Java and Netbeans will only be installed in your home dir! | 10:56 |
linux_ | why in "new file" mennu i have only "blank file" and not also other ( text , html , mp3 .. . ) ? | 10:56 |
Retnuh | aelliott: it is running now | 10:56 |
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kousotu | can anyone help recompile or configure zd1211rw on gutsy? | 10:56 |
Retnuh | aelliott: I will let you know how it goes | 10:56 |
kousotu | I have had no luck on the new kernal | 10:56 |
janeppo | ingo, if you have a nvidia card, use nvidia-settings | 10:56 |
Askaaron | linux_: what should a "new" MP3 file be? | 10:56 |
aelliott | Retnuh: Askaaron is right, hit control c and run it with sudo | 10:56 |
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Stormx2 | kousotu: Ask in #ubuntu+1 | 10:56 |
Retnuh | aelliott: It is installing now | 10:56 |
aelliott | Retnuh: ok cool | 10:56 |
kousotu | Stormx2: I hjave been, but no one's active | 10:56 |
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JamesDS | hey all | 10:57 |
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Retnuh | aelliott: I have learned the basics of Java, but taking a class Aug 15th, so thanks for the help | 10:57 |
JamesDS | anyone able to help me install an ATI driver? | 10:57 |
=== justin420 cant wait for gutsy. then finally ubuntu will have a security webcam application which is easy to install without having to go through dependency hell. ( i love gspy but cant get it complied for feisty ) | ||
Tornado | hwo do i get a gui on ubuntu server | 10:57 |
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furenku | im am not able to use mi wifi card, it is listed in the Network panel under System, but it is not working... | 10:57 |
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henryb | how do i get color on my tv out, using nvidia driver | 10:57 |
Tornado | i dont want to install ubuntu desktop | 10:57 |
linux_ | Askaaron , mp3 . to edit enw music file with audicity or other music editor .. . | 10:57 |
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Retnuh | aelliott: I just wanted to learn it while learning Linux, I have it installed on dual boot Windows on here | 10:57 |
aelliott | Retnuh: good luck with java, i do a little bit of J2EE coding in my job and its good fun :) | 10:57 |
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Askaaron | linux_: well - but "new MP3 file" makes no sense... | 10:57 |
chronicpirate | hey how do you typ or Mu wiht ubuntu alt+0101 won't work for me I cut and pasted that and that one in case you're wondering | 10:58 |
JamesDS | i know some java too, Java is a good programming language! | 10:58 |
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JamesDS | going to learn it at Uni soon | 10:58 |
arooni | serenityUK: ok so that stopped..... and last line is " [3.657591] sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 | 10:58 |
Tornado | how do i get a gui for ubuntu server | 10:58 |
linux_ | ok no metter with out mp3 file ok , why there arent some templates ? | 10:58 |
Askaaron | linux_: just use Audacity to do what you want and then export your stuff to mp3 | 10:58 |
kousotu | chronicpirate: type the alts, they're easier | 10:58 |
serenityUK | Tornado, type startx it will tell you which package is missing for x, then you can install fluxbox or similar | 10:58 |
regeya | Tornado: install a gui | 10:58 |
arooni | serenityUK: any ideas on what to do next? | 10:58 |
DeusEvo | i have a question.. if I have a x86-64 cpu but am running 32-bit vista, i should be able to install 64 bit ubuntu on another partition, correct? | 10:58 |
ingo | janeppo: no nvidia card - intel integrated graphics controller | 10:58 |
Tornado | ok | 10:58 |
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DeusEvo | there isn't any secret constraint, right? | 10:58 |
Askaaron | linux_: You can install your own templates, if you want | 10:59 |
regeya | Tornado: not the best idea, but on a machine at work, I installed xubuntu desktop and changed gdm's login screen to look very os x-like (we're an apple house) | 10:59 |
aelliott | Retnuh: have you tried using eclipse? i personally prefer it to netbeans, although its a matter of choice | 10:59 |
linux_ | how \ where ? | 10:59 |
Tornado | o | 10:59 |
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Tornado | ya i am also having troble getting postfix to work | 10:59 |
Retnuh | aelliott: I was trying to play with it last night | 10:59 |
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ingo | janeppo: i think there is a gui under gutsy, but i don't know how to install it under feisty .... | 10:59 |
kousotu | DuesEvo: does that make such a difference? | 10:59 |
hefffay | wow, that was too easy. its installed. does this download include ident or do i need to get that elsewhere? | 10:59 |
linux_ | Askaaron , how i can install ? | 10:59 |
Retnuh | aelliott: I got lost....LOL, but with Netbeans, I kind of know my way around | 10:59 |
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DeusEvo | is there any benefit to running 64 bit? | 11:00 |
Retnuh | aelliott: I actually prefer just writing it all out in a text editor | 11:00 |
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johnficca | if suns java is free software now why does ubuntu keep telling me its not? | 11:00 |
kousotu | DuesEvo: not that I've seen | 11:00 |
JamesDS | anyone have an ATI Radeon Xpress 200M ?? | 11:00 |
lockd | you can't just sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop? | 11:00 |
serenityUK | arooni, sounds very early only 3.6 seconds, not enough detail, what is on lines before | 11:00 |
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DeusEvo | kousotu, well, i suppose i can just try | 11:00 |
aelliott | Retnuh: the text editor is a good idea, you learn more than by relying on auto-complete | 11:00 |
kousotu | DuesEvo: true, might prove good | 11:00 |
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kousotu | DuesEvo: but it could also go bad to | 11:00 |
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kousotu | can anyone help recompile or configure zd1211rw on gutsy? | 11:01 |
Retnuh | aelliott: I know | 11:01 |
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linux_ | how i can install templates ? | 11:01 |
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aelliott | Retnuh: what is cool about an IDE is when you are using someone elses classes - its very handy to be able to get a quick list of all the methods | 11:01 |
ShackJack | JamesDS: You should be able to use the radeon driver... | 11:01 |
Askaaron | linux_: AFAIR - create a folder named "~/Templates" in your home dir | 11:01 |
Retnuh | aelliott: I use Notepad++ on Windows, now i have to go see if I can get that on Linux.... I hope so | 11:01 |
lockd | Tornado: have you tried doing 'sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop' or something like that? | 11:01 |
regeya | wife's starting a new job this fall, once we get the bills paid off she says I oughta get a new computer...who am I to argue? outside of dell, anyone have any laptop recommendations? dell looks good and I know about the ubuntu<->dell deal but just thought I'd keep my options open | 11:01 |
kane77 | is there any program I can use for storing runners that would produce starting sheet & result sheet? | 11:01 |
serenityUK | DeusEvo, the reason for 64bit is large memory, 32bit can only read 3,2gb, i have 8gb ram so i need 64bit | 11:01 |
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Askaaron | linux_: generally - see the Nautilus documentation for that | 11:01 |
JamesDS | ShackJack: will that let beryl, etc work? | 11:01 |
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Retnuh | aelliott: I know what you mean | 11:01 |
Tornado | i am installing it now | 11:01 |
DeusEvo | serenityUK: is that the only reason? | 11:01 |
arooni | serenityUK: looks like its finding the hard drives, the cd drom drive...... then last line before that is 'scsi devcice sda: wirte cache: enab led, read cahce enabled, doesn't support DPO or fua' | 11:02 |
Tornado | never mind | 11:02 |
ShackJack | JamesDS: Yep - install driver -- change xorg... | 11:02 |
Tornado | its not working | 11:02 |
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aelliott | Retnuh: there have been wars for centuries over the best linux text editor :) i personally use vi because i learnt on unix | 11:02 |
Askaaron | linux_: personally i dont use file templates to create new, empty files in Nautilius | 11:02 |
regeya | Tornado: that would also be my recommendation if you really have to have a graphical login screen etc. but if you can live without it, save that ram and cpu cycles for the server stuff :-> | 11:02 |
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ShackJack | JamesDS: or use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:02 |
lockd | Retnuh: get an editor that uses Scintilla | 11:02 |
JamesDS | ShackJack: thanks, is there an easy way to do that? download the latest from ATI's site? | 11:02 |
=== Nyarlathotep [n=pablo@39.Red-83-46-61.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hefffay | does ubuntu include identd? | 11:02 |
Retnuh | lockd: what is Scintilla? | 11:02 |
serenityUK | DeusEvo, basically, it also means you can process larger numbers, but for everyday people its memory limit | 11:02 |
ShackJack | JamesDS: No radeon is the open source driver though you can use fglrx one if you have no luch with that -- both are in repositories... | 11:02 |
Askaaron | linux_: maybe http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/12/08/how-to-create-easy-access-templates-via-right-click-ubuntu-510-6061-610/ might help | 11:03 |
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arooni | serenityUK: it also says 'sda: write protect is off' | 11:03 |
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JamesDS | ShackJack: ok, thanks - I will look | 11:03 |
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kousotu | can anyone help recompile or configure zd1211rw on gutsy? | 11:03 |
arooni | serenityUK: any ideas? | 11:03 |
Askaaron | linux_: the same way, as in windows ;-) Just another folder | 11:03 |
serenityUK | write protect is normal | 11:03 |
KurtKraut | I'm trying to change my current theme by using emerald, but I can't understand how to do it. I double click in the wanted theme but nothing happens. How can I set a theme using emerald? | 11:03 |
lockd | Retnuh: it's an editor component that Notepad++ uses | 11:03 |
DeusEvo | serenityUK: thanks | 11:03 |
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ShackJack | JamesDS: P.S. You really want to use compiz and that's what beryl is being merged back into... | 11:03 |
lockd | Retnuh: supposedly notepad++ uses MFC, which can't be compiled without Winelib | 11:03 |
arooni | serenityUK: i have no idea why it stopped so early.... could it have to do with my motherboard ? abit ib9? | 11:04 |
aelliott | Retnuh: i have to admit though, im looking for a good text editor to use in gnome - in windows I use ultraedit 32, at the moment i use vi on the command line which is kinda clunky | 11:04 |
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ingo | is there a gui for dual-screening in gutsy, which i can compile for feitsy? | 11:04 |
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krammer | who is good with gpart | 11:04 |
lockd | aelliott: VI is useful, but only for some purposes | 11:04 |
ShackJack | JamesDS: Just see that xserver-xorg-driver-radeon is installed and change xorg.conf driver to radeon | 11:04 |
mikebot | Is there a way to make all my folders have List view as the defalt view? | 11:04 |
ormandj | lockd: vim is useful for all purposes | 11:04 |
JamesDS | ShackJack: ah, thanks - I was going to ask you that :) | 11:04 |
Retnuh | aelliott: Have you tried notepad++? | 11:04 |
aelliott | lockd: yeah, the real joy of it is that its on every linux and unix box | 11:04 |
Retnuh | aelliott: Also, one I use alot is TextPad | 11:05 |
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ShackJack | mikebot: Nautilus -> Edit -> Preferences.. | 11:05 |
aelliott | Retnuh: my boss at work uses textpad, it has some very good features | 11:05 |
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lockd | ormandj: all text editing purposes, but there are easier apps if you never need to do advanced stuff | 11:05 |
papaya | Hi, I want to rename some files in a folder from PREFIX[numbers] to another PREFIX[number(1,2,...,n)] , do you have some code for this ? | 11:05 |
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thadeus | is there someone here who uses code::blocks | 11:05 |
Askaaron | Retnuh: Yep - but this is a commercial tool and only available for windows ;-) | 11:05 |
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arooni | can someone help | 11:05 |
aelliott | Retnuh: the killer feature for me is column edit - vi does it well, so does ultraedit | 11:05 |
mikebot | ShackJack: Where is that? | 11:05 |
arooni | me get my alternate ubuntu cd to work? | 11:05 |
Retnuh | aelliott: so which editor do you recommend | 11:05 |
kousotu | can anyone help recompile or configure zd1211rw on gutsy? | 11:05 |
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ormandj | lockd: well, that i can agree with, there are most certainly "easier" editors than vi/vim. ;) | 11:06 |
serenityUK | arooni, is that core2duo? i had trouble with old IDE drives but I dont have SATA i thought new would be OK. You could try gutsy gibbon tribe 3? it's only alpha but i run it as my main desktop | 11:06 |
ribando | hi everyone | 11:06 |
ShackJack | mikebot: Nautilus is the file view... just open your home or any directory... | 11:06 |
aelliott | Retnuh: on linux i would recommend emacs if you are looking at learning an editor from scratch | 11:06 |
Retnuh | Askaaron: oh, I didnt know it was only for Windows. I do know it is free though | 11:06 |
kousotu | arooni: try vga on the reg one | 11:06 |
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Askaaron | Retnuh: TextPad is free???? | 11:06 |
ribando | is the fsck option supposed to take a very lond time? | 11:06 |
Retnuh | Yeah | 11:06 |
aelliott | Retnuh: if you are hardcore and you use a lot of remote systems then vi is very good - but really hard to learn | 11:06 |
aelliott | textpad is shareware | 11:06 |
Askaaron | Retnuh: I bought licenses last year... huh? | 11:06 |
kousotu | arooni: if that don't work I'll see what info I can find or you | 11:06 |
Retnuh | Askaa | 11:06 |
mikebot | ShackJack: Ah, thanks a lot. | 11:06 |
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SB-X | vi is hard to learn? i think commands are a lot easier to remember than emacs' random key combinations | 11:07 |
Retnuh | Askaaron: I downloaded it and I have never paid for it | 11:07 |
Askaaron | Retnuh: JEdit should be quite OK and runs everywhere (Java) | 11:07 |
arooni | man i'm at my wit's end | 11:07 |
JamesDS | ShackJack: I can't find that driver.... | 11:07 |
arooni | :( | 11:07 |
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gburd | i have a 64-bit centrino duo processor based laptop that is currently running vista. i want to install ubuntu 64-bit alongside it, but i've read about the 64-bit version of ubuntu not being able to install some codecs, flash, etc. Can these packages be installed manually without using apt-get (which doesn't handle biarch). | 11:07 |
MajorPayne | vi/vim is a very nice editor. But I don't want to put down emacs either, that may be a very good editor to. | 11:07 |
elfboy | ok i just install compiz and i see there not setting mager | 11:07 |
arooni | thanks kousotu i will try this | 11:07 |
elfboy | why | 11:07 |
kousotu | yw | 11:07 |
regeya | jedit is wonderful...if you don't like vim or emacs, jedit is a great choice | 11:07 |
Retnuh | Askaaron: Yes, I have JEdit on windows, so that is on Linux too? | 11:07 |
aelliott | the hard thing about vi is the command mode, which is really tough for newcomers | 11:07 |
gburd | or should i install the 32-bit version | 11:07 |
ShackJack | JamesDS: It's there - prolly already installed - look for radeon | 11:07 |
Askaaron | Retnuh: Yes - Java runs *everywhere* - Mac, Windows, Linux... | 11:08 |
=== Maedhros [i=maedhros@31.80-202-209.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kane77 | MajorPayne, vi is great.. but I like gedit too :) | 11:08 |
aelliott | i second jedit, its a good balance between ease and power | 11:08 |
Retnuh | Askaaron: will that be under the symnaptic thing? | 11:08 |
mikebot | ShackJack: Is there a way to amke all the folders open by default? | 11:08 |
Askaaron | Retnuh: So does nearly any Java program | 11:08 |
kousotu | arroni: I had to use safe gfx to install Gutsy, but reg worked for FF | 11:08 |
=== eboyjr [n=eboyjr@ip24-253-50-30.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arooni | kousotu: which vga option should i pick? i have a geforce 7950 gtoc | 11:08 |
Askaaron | Retnuh: NetBeans itself is also written in Java | 11:08 |
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kousotu | so it may be just odd coding for your card | 11:08 |
MajorPayne | kane77: When I am editing files I am most likely in a terminal. So vi is nice because I don't have to launch extra windows. | 11:08 |
ShackJack | mikebot: No... | 11:08 |
ingo | is Ubuntu 7.10 Tribe 2 the newest version of Gutsy Gibbon ?? | 11:08 |
JamesDS | ShackJack: xserver-xorg-driver-ati is the closest I can get | 11:08 |
Retnuh | Askaaron: cool | 11:08 |
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ShackJack | JamesDS: That's it... see description... | 11:09 |
mikebot | ShackJack: OK, thanks. | 11:09 |
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MajorPayne | ingo: #ubuntu+1 might be best for you. | 11:09 |
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elfboy | ok i just install compiz and i see there not setting mager like with beryl no way to start it can some help me | 11:09 |
kousotu | VGA is vga lol any should work, but 800x600 is the win default | 11:09 |
Retnuh | Askaaron: Is JEdit on the Synaptic Package Manager? | 11:09 |
ribando | how do I recover my ubuntu feisty from a livecd if I messed up the file system and can't get to GRUB Menu? | 11:09 |
Askaaron | Retnuh: Nope - sorry, you have to download yourself | 11:09 |
ShackJack | JamesDS: Make sure it's installed then change xorg.conf driver to radeon and (hopefully) all will be well... ATI can sometimes be finicky... | 11:09 |
=== Nyarlathotep [n=pablo@39.Red-83-46-61.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SB-X | is there a graphical program to manage/delete grub entries? | 11:09 |
MajorPayne | ribando: Did you mess up the file system or just grub? | 11:09 |
Askaaron | Retnuh: The Debian package should work | 11:09 |
JamesDS | ShackJack: thanks, I will try now - back soon if it doesn't work :) | 11:09 |
=== K`zan [n=vw@c-76-22-74-207.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Retnuh | Askaaron: GREAT..... ... one sec, I might need help | 11:10 |
Retnuh | lol | 11:10 |
ribando | elfboy go to Systems, Prefferences, and there u should see Compiz...something, that's where u configure ur compizfusion | 11:10 |
Retnuh | brb | 11:10 |
Askaaron | Retnuh: Or use the Java based installer | 11:10 |
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K`zan | Synaptic seems to think it is running, how do I convince it otherwise? | 11:10 |
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lockd | Askaaron: JEdit, if it's not in apt, should be trivial to install | 11:10 |
Askaaron | Retnuh: Assumed that you have Java installed of course | 11:10 |
arooni | kousotu: but i have the nvidia graphics card.... | 11:10 |
K`zan | It isn't running... | 11:10 |
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arooni | is there anyway of getting it to boot up with the nvidia graphics card | 11:10 |
Retnuh | I ahve Java installed now | 11:10 |
kousotu | arroni: VGA should work on ANY card | 11:10 |
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ShackJack | SB-X: Not one that I'm aware of... | 11:10 |
kousotu | arroni: but again, tha' just a should | 11:10 |
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kousotu | arroni: lol | 11:11 |
K`zan | Nothing in /var/lock for synaptic :-( | 11:11 |
SB-X | ShackJack: ok, just checking thanks | 11:11 |
Retnuh | Askaaron: And I have Netbeans.......YEAH.... | 11:11 |
ShackJack | kousotu: it's arooni (not arroni) use tab to autocomplete IM handles ;) | 11:11 |
elfboy | nope nothing there | 11:11 |
Askaaron | Retnuh: Fine :) Hope you will like it as much as i do ;-) | 11:11 |
arooni | bga doenst work on my card | 11:11 |
arooni | it freezes | 11:11 |
aelliott | Retnuh: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/jedit/jedit_4.3pre10_all.deb try downloading this - you should be able to install it with "sudo dpkg -i" to get jediit working | 11:11 |
arooni | during bootup | 11:11 |
arooni | :((( | 11:11 |
arooni | man i'm so frusterated | 11:11 |
huyth | I need a script that loops trough everything in a directory, prints it all and then deletes everything, any ideas where I can find a script like that? | 11:11 |
kousotu | ShackJack: too lazy lol | 11:12 |
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ShackJack | !enter | arooni | 11:12 |
ubotu | arooni: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 11:12 |
krammer | i am trying to install ubuntu need help please | 11:12 |
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desertc | huyth: look into making a 'for' loop | 11:12 |
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kousotu | arooni: doe the menu even pop up? | 11:12 |
arooni | kousotu: yes sure, but then the load bar freezes after awhikle | 11:12 |
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ribando | MajorPayne i think i messed up the file system, but I when GRUB is starting up, it gives me an error, its not even letting me choose the OS that I want.yesterday at 4am I did "fsck /dev/ext3" because it was taking too long in the ubuntu loading screen, and ever since I did that, i having been able to even get to the GRUB Menu. | 11:12 |
desertc | krammer: Dell sells computers with Ubuntu preinstalled | 11:12 |
Retnuh | aelliott: so I downloaded it now, now what do i type in Terminal? | 11:12 |
Askaaron | arooni: try setting a different video mode using F4 in the boot screen | 11:12 |
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ShackJack | !ask | krammer | 11:12 |
ubotu | krammer: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:12 |
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krammer | i am trying to install ubuntu need help please | 11:13 |
kousotu | Askaaron: that's wht I jst said.. | 11:13 |
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aelliott | Retnuh: try downloading it first, it should install automatically if your lucky :) | 11:13 |
ShackJack | !install | krammer | 11:13 |
ubotu | krammer: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 11:13 |
bruenig | huyth, for x in *; do echo "$x" ; rm $x; done | 11:13 |
SB-X | huyth, you could write one pretty easily | 11:13 |
arooni | Askaaron: even if i have an nvidia card? | 11:13 |
kousotu | desertc: where does dell sell these pcs? | 11:13 |
Phish32786 | w32codecs have the Divx/Xvid codecs correct? | 11:13 |
Askaaron | arooni: yes | 11:13 |
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arooni | Askaaron: which one should i pick? | 11:13 |
OneSeventeen | I just tried to install VMWare Server from the commercial repositories and my serial number was marked as invalid | 11:13 |
Retnuh | aelliott: oh, download and run it? I downloaded it and saved it | 11:13 |
kousotu | desertc: cause I haven't seen ny | 11:13 |
MajorPayne | ribando: Put in the live CD and see if you did mess up the file system. If you did mess up the file system you will have to re-install Ubuntu (that will fix grub to). But don't re-install if you don't have to. | 11:13 |
ribando | elfboy r u sure u'v installed compizfusion? | 11:13 |
krammer | showing no root file system is defined | 11:13 |
desertc | kousotu: http://dell.com/open | 11:13 |
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OneSeventeen | When I clicked Back, CPU usage went to 100% and it still isn't coming down | 11:14 |
krammer | im in gpart | 11:14 |
aelliott | Retnuh: no problem, just open console and do "sudo dpkg -i filename" on it | 11:14 |
OneSeventeen | any tips | 11:14 |
kousotu | desertc: I saw that, but I heard it wasn't for the us | 11:14 |
arooni | Askaaron: and should i then select 'safe mode' or not? | 11:14 |
Retnuh | okay | 11:14 |
Retnuh | trying now | 11:14 |
huyth | I'll try it, but what language do u guys think is best for that? | 11:14 |
desertc | kousotu: and they provide support. so people don't have to come into this chat room non-stop | 11:14 |
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JamesDS | ShackJack: ok, I have switched the driver - all is ok, but glxinfo | grep direct says no direct rendering...? | 11:14 |
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ribando | MajorPayne i'm in the live cd now...lol...but i dont really know how to check if I messed up the filesystem | 11:14 |
desertc | kousotu: what do you mean, wasn't for the us ? | 11:14 |
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Askaaron | arooni: give it try - it's called "safe mode", because it is safe to use ;-) | 11:14 |
Retnuh | aelliott: Can you give me a website that has all these terminal commands on it, that would help me out sooooo much | 11:15 |
arooni | Askaaron: whell usually i boot up the safe mode.... and it frezes after awhile | 11:15 |
kousotu | desertc: I heard they woen't going to be selling them in the united states with Linux on them | 11:15 |
arooni | :(( | 11:15 |
desertc | kousotu: did you mean USA ? yes, they are selling like crazy. it is a hugely popular initiative in the USA | 11:15 |
virtuoussin13 | hi, while running off of the live CD all of the hard drive can be accessed from nautilus, however, when opening up GParted to wipe a partition, it detects the hard drive as being completely unallocated | 11:15 |
MajorPayne | ribando: Type "mount" in a terminal to see if it is mounted. If it is cd to the directory it is mounted to and see if you can read/write to the file sistem. | 11:15 |
K`zan | Thanks anyhoo :-/. | 11:15 |
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aelliott | Retnuh: http://www.ss64.com/bash/ this is a good reference | 11:15 |
Retnuh | aelliott: Thanks, I have JEdit and Netbeans installed now.... Also thanks to everyone else | 11:15 |
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Askaaron | arooni: sorry - then i don't know any solution | 11:15 |
arooni | Askaaron: yup it froze again while trying to load | 11:15 |
kousotu | I head there was a legal dispute with windows | 11:15 |
JamesDS | ShackJack: ok, I have switched the driver - all is ok, but glxinfo | grep direct says no direct rendering...? | 11:15 |
ShackJack | JamesDS: That's normal... Does glxinfo indicate ATI as the OpenGL vendor | 11:15 |
virtuoussin13 | sorry, I mean all of thepartitions on the hard drive, there's just one | 11:15 |
hefffay | can someone help me install identd? =) | 11:16 |
virtuoussin13 | - hard drive that is | 11:16 |
ShackJack | !patience | JamesDS | 11:16 |
ubotu | JamesDS: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 11:16 |
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Gimm1eDat | hey guys.. Im installing feisty fawn.. when I get to the "prepare paritions" area.. no partitions are listed.. there was, i believe, a windows OS on this disk prior to me starting the ubuntu install.. | 11:16 |
JamesDS | ShackJack: yes - sorry, I thought you might have missed it if it went off screen | 11:16 |
MajorPayne | ribando: Or, you may be able to see it mounted on your desktop. Been a while since I used the Live CD. | 11:16 |
silent-shadow | gimmle i may beable to help join #hbh | 11:17 |
aelliott | Retnuh: no problem mate, good luck with the java :) | 11:17 |
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Retnuh | Okay, I am off for a short bit to do some more reading... | 11:17 |
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linux_ | Askaaron , i know how to add templates , i can download some ready templeate from somewhere ? ( i dont want to create the my self) ? | 11:17 |
Retnuh | aelliott: Thanks.... very nice of you | 11:17 |
ShackJack | JamesDS: Try enabling desktop effects see if it works... | 11:17 |
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binarydigit | Gimm1eDat: caan't you just reboot and confirm your beliefs? | 11:17 |
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JamesDS | ShackJack: "The Composite Extension is not available" - should I enable it in xorg.conf? | 11:18 |
arooni | i have a geforce 7950 graphics card. i tried to install with live cd and it fails. my alternate cd is valid... but in two separate cd drives... it didnt work... (all option picked cause cd drom to spin up.... then all i see is a "_" character in the top left).... ideas? | 11:18 |
krammer | james thats what messed my system up | 11:18 |
Askaaron | linux_: sorry - since i don't use this feature, i also don't know any sources | 11:18 |
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lk167 | I'm having issues with no sound under 7.04. I've tried all of the recommendations I've found: disabling the spidif output using both gnome-alsamixer and alsamixer, verified that the analog channels are not muted, verified correct driver support for my card, reinstalled alsa, tried toggling the IEC958 switch, tested multiple audio applications, altered the sound preferences, but have not had any luck | 11:18 |
krammer | i am not tyring reinstall ubunut | 11:18 |
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ribando | MajorPayne i just did this: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo blkid/dev/sda1: TYPE="ntfs" /dev/sda2: TYPE="swap" UUID="a9f15be7-49e5-498d-ba5a-d74e67439b00" /dev/sda3: UUID="55ae74a9-35a9-49fe-abc5-8515ac9d3222" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3" | 11:19 |
ribando | MajorPayne I dont really know what that means | 11:19 |
A1 | arg!!!!!!! wtf | 11:19 |
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ShackJack | JamesDS: You might want to ask in #ubuntu-effect or #beryl at this point... I have experience with fglrx (binary driver) - which you can use too... But you have to run under XGL - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl? and *disable* composite... | 11:19 |
kousotu | a1a1a1a1a1: calm thyself | 11:19 |
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virtuoussin13 | *twiddles thumbs* can you guys see me? | 11:20 |
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Haz | we can hear you, but we can't see you. | 11:20 |
desertc | virtuoussin13: yes | 11:20 |
Haz | we're trapped behind glass! | 11:20 |
SB-X | Does anyone know how to get/add extra locales to Ubuntu? I need to copy some text written in Chinese Big-5 (zh_TW.Big5), but after installing Chinese language support, all I see in the locales list (locale -a) is UTF-8 encodings. (zh_CN.utf8, zh_HK.utf8, etc) | 11:20 |
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askand | Does anyone know a nice red gnome icon theme? :) | 11:20 |
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desertc | !locales | 11:20 |
ubotu | To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 11:20 |
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kousotu | virtuoussin13: we see you | 11:20 |
virtuoussin13 | Haz: heh, nice | 11:20 |
linux_ | i can run .rpm pagakges ? [install rpm] ? | 11:20 |
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Lunis | i plugged a usb gamepad in on gutsy, and watched my system log, and it caught the device and regged it under /class/input/input8 or somesuch, but jscal and jscalibrator can't see it at all | 11:20 |
kousotu | virtuoussin13: and are completely ignoting you :P | 11:21 |
SB-X | desertc, ubotu: ty | 11:21 |
Lunis | anyone know what the deal is? | 11:21 |
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kousotu | ignoring* | 11:21 |
virtuoussin13 | linux_: try using alien | 11:21 |
crazyman | is there a way to force close a window, one of my windows is not reacting lol | 11:21 |
serenityUK | askand, try www.gnome-look.org | 11:21 |
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virtuoussin13 | sudo install apt-get alien | 11:21 |
SB-X | crazyman, press alt-f2 and type xkill | 11:21 |
MajorPayne | ribando: Type "mount | grep /dev/sda3" and see where it is mounted. | 11:21 |
virtuoussin13 | it converts rpms to .deb | 11:21 |
askand | serenityUK: thanks..i looked there already :( | 11:21 |
crazyman | ah genius sb-x | 11:22 |
dstadulis | virtuoussin13: alien converst rpms to .deb? | 11:22 |
JamesDS | ShackJack: ok, thanks - I may try that, but is it normal that the screensavers are still slower than they should be? | 11:22 |
virtuoussin13 | that's what I've used | 11:22 |
kousotu | can anyone help recompile or configure zd1211rw on gutsy? | 11:22 |
SB-X | crazyman, np... there's also a panel applet that does something similar | 11:22 |
virtuoussin13 | http://kitenet.net/~joey/code/alien/ | 11:22 |
kousotu | the last kernal update screwed it up | 11:22 |
ribando | MajorPayne it doesnt do anything when I typed "mount | grep /dev/sda3" | 11:23 |
MajorPayne | kousotu: #ubuntu+1 for gusty. | 11:23 |
ShackJack | JamesDS: Like I said, ATI is finicky... you may have better luck with binary driver fglrx ;) But then you definately have to run Compiz Fusion (or Beryl, if you choose) under XGL | 11:23 |
Retnuh | test | 11:23 |
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virtuoussin13 | Retnuh: success? | 11:23 |
Retnuh | virtuoussin13: thank you | 11:23 |
kousotu | MajorPayne: I'm there asking too, no responce | 11:23 |
lk167 | is this thing on? | 11:23 |
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serenityUK | askand, have a look at www. deviantart.com and click on categories | 11:24 |
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JamesDS | ShackJack: well, at least radeon is better than fglrx for me currently - thanks for your time and help :D | 11:24 |
Retnuh | lk167: I see you, so I guess yes? | 11:24 |
MajorPayne | ribando: Ok, try this. "cd /media", "sudo mkdir sda3", "sudo mount /dev/sda3 sda3" | 11:24 |
ShackJack | JamesDS: NP | 11:24 |
serenityUK | askand, under customizations you will find nice icons and wallpapers and skins | 11:24 |
virtuoussin13 | so, why is it that nautilus can find my partitions but fdisk and gparted cannot? | 11:24 |
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lk167 | thanks, just making sure, havent had anyone address my issue with even rtfm :) | 11:25 |
linux_ | how i can cancel the password request every time i install new pakage ? | 11:25 |
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kousotu | linux_: try sudo -i ? | 11:25 |
kousotu | loads root | 11:25 |
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MajorPayne | linux_: It's not a good idea. You need to type a password to do things as root and that's a good thing. It protects your computer. | 11:26 |
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linux_ | MajorPayne , know this but only for pakages . . . | 11:26 |
MajorPayne | linux_: You need root to install packages. | 11:26 |
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kousotu | I'd use -i if I was installing alot at one time, but not for minor updates | 11:26 |
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serenityUK | linux_, if you use synaptic it will only ask once while it is open | 11:27 |
ALcapone | hello | 11:27 |
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serenityUK | hi AL | 11:27 |
MajorPayne | !hi | 11:27 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 11:27 |
virtuoussin13 | I think linux_ is trying to install from .deb | 11:27 |
=== Retnuh [n=retnuh@c-76-106-183-181.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yeniklasor | Do you know any hard drive defrag app ? my computer does slow... | 11:27 |
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SB-X | lk167: did you try google? | 11:27 |
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linux_ | serenityUK , know but why even once ... i can cancel it ? | 11:27 |
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MajorPayne | yeniklasor: You don't need to defrag ext3. | 11:27 |
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virtuoussin13 | ext3 is above such base things | 11:28 |
ALcapone | yestarday i found very nice site ;] free games on psx psp ps2 http://emuland.bo.pl/ 450games yeah on epsxe in linux nice play;] | 11:28 |
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larson9999 | yeniklasor, this isn't windows :) | 11:28 |
regeya | yeniklasor: read what MajorPayne said, then do a little dance. it's a beautiful thing. :-D | 11:28 |
serenityUK | linux_, if someone hacks into a user account they will be able to install any program!!! | 11:28 |
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virtuoussin13 | ALcapone: that's nice | 11:28 |
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SB-X | yeniklasor: no, there isnt any way | 11:28 |
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yeniklasor | OK guys thanks :) | 11:28 |
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virtuoussin13 | yeniklasor: its probably something else | 11:29 |
yeniklasor | ok may be | 11:29 |
virtuoussin13 | any changes to your computer recently? | 11:29 |
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yeniklasor | no | 11:29 |
larson9999 | you can defrag if you REALLY want. at least sites you can. but isn't defragging one of the reasons NOT to run windows? | 11:29 |
kousotu | yea ext3 is awesome | 11:29 |
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linux_ | serenityUK , no1 ever will do it | 11:29 |
=== kousotu wishes windows could run on ext3 | ||
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=== virtuoussin13 attempts segue to his problem | ||
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MajorPayne | larson9999: ext3 doesn't get fragmented like lesser file systems. | 11:30 |
sauvin | if defragging was the ONLY reason not to run Windows, nobody would care. | 11:30 |
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virtuoussin13 | and yet, fdisk and gparted cannot detect my ext3 partitions or ntfs partitions | 11:30 |
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chuy | is Feisty Fawn the stable release? | 11:30 |
MajorPayne | sauvin: That's not the only reason at all. | 11:30 |
larson9999 | MajorPayne, of course. i've been using it for years. that doesn't me you can't defrag it. | 11:30 |
kousotu | chuy: yes | 11:30 |
yu | hi | 11:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nixternal] by ChanServ | ||
kousotu | hey nix | 11:30 |
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chuy | well, I freeze the box every now and then :( | 11:30 |
MajorPayne | !hi | yu | 11:30 |
ubotu | yu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 11:30 |
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yu | Thanks | 11:31 |
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kousotu | lol | 11:31 |
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MARIUSmarius | hy everyboddy :) I'm looking for the gamers here :) | 11:31 |
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hefffay | can someone please help me install identd? | 11:31 |
yu | what game? | 11:31 |
kousotu | MARIUSmarius: I'm a gamer | 11:31 |
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MARIUSmarius | assaultcube | 11:31 |
serenityUK | it's all about Nexuiz | 11:31 |
level1 | Hi guys, I tried to get the nvidia driver for my 8800GTS working and it didn't. I used the restricted driver manager | 11:31 |
virtuoussin13 | MARIUSmarius: I hope this support related? | 11:31 |
kousotu | MARIUSmarius: never heard of it lol | 11:31 |
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yeniklasor | how is Linux can do this defragging auto? | 11:32 |
SB-X | according to wikipedia, you cant defragment it, as no tool exists to do so | 11:32 |
level1 | let me send my Xorg.0.log | 11:32 |
Grungebunny | Hello, Im fairly new to Ubuntu.. when trying to use the Desktop effects it turns my screen white.. does anyone know why or how to get it to work properly? | 11:32 |
SB-X | although you could defrag ext2 | 11:32 |
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=== CheesyMonkey [i=Chris@cpc2-oldh6-0-0-cust827.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lk167 | is there a good FAQ or guide regarding sound architecture in Ubuntu? | 11:32 |
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desertc | MARIUSmarius: check out http://www.linuxgamingworld.com is my site | 11:32 |
CheesyMonkey | j #archlinux | 11:32 |
MARIUSmarius | Anyway, i'm looking for first-person shooter | 11:32 |
MajorPayne | yeniklasor: It doesn't defrag auto at all. It just doesn't get fragmented in the first place. | 11:32 |
kousotu | SB-X: wiki is always behind | 11:32 |
desertc | MARIUSmarius: there are tons for linux!! | 11:32 |
ShackJack | Grungebunny: Check out #ubuntu-effects for D/E help | 11:32 |
kousotu | SB-X: I found stuff it didn't even know aout | 11:32 |
Asriqua | Hello, we have a new vista notebook, and we are trying to install ubuntu on a USB HDD, | 11:32 |
level1 | Grungebunny: the white screen of death... | 11:32 |
SB-X | kousotu: i know, care to fix it? :) | 11:32 |
lockd | MARIUSmarius: openarena, tremulus, nexuiz, sauerbraten, urbanterror | 11:32 |
Grungebunny | shackjack thanks | 11:32 |
ribando | MajorPayne this is what I'm getting after typing the last command: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, missing codepage or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so | 11:33 |
serenityUK | level1 i have 8800gts, i used the drivers from the nvidia websire because the card is new. it works great with compiz-fusion and dual monitors | 11:33 |
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alethes | I have an nvidia X module 9139 installed, but the kernel module is at 713something. How do I get the correct kernel module installed? | 11:33 |
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MARIUSmarius | mmm, i'we downloaded one, but i don't know, how to lounch it :) | 11:33 |
ribando | MajorPayne this is what I'm getting after typing the last command: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, missing codepage or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so | 11:33 |
kousotu | SB-X: nope, I'm not that knowlageable about linux | 11:33 |
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kousotu | SB-X: lol | 11:33 |
pr4b1 | anybody here uses tvon? | 11:33 |
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level1 | serenityUK: very cool. The ubuntu drivers don't work? | 11:33 |
=== OneSeventeen [n=chris@c-69-254-130-141.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ribando | MajorPayne did u see the message i got from doing that? | 11:33 |
kousotu | MARIUSmarius: try ./<gamne name here> | 11:33 |
OneSeventeen | I just formated a partition in gparted, how do I set the mount-point? | 11:33 |
OneSeventeen | Do I have to manually edit fstab? | 11:33 |
elfboy | ok well that did not work it keep frezzing when i start gl desk top | 11:33 |
desertc | MARIUSmarius: see - http://www.linuxgamingworld.com/2007/06/linux-gaming | 11:33 |
level1 | serenityUK: I've been using a ati card for a while, I guess I was expecting something that just worked since fglrx didn't | 11:33 |
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elfboy | bearl was not this hard to make work | 11:34 |
MajorPayne | ribando: Yes, you didn't have to show it twice. By the sounds of it you did mess up your file system if you can't mount the partition. I would try a re-install of Ubuntu. | 11:34 |
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=== kousotu hides from Pelo | ||
elfboy | beryl | 11:34 |
fholmes | I have dapper drake installed on my machine and I am upgrading to Edgy. Would it be a big deal to make a larger jump to 7.04? | 11:34 |
serenityUK | level1 well it's a new card and the nvidia drivers are released often... if you try make sure you uninstall restricted drivers from synaptic or you will get an error "api mismatch" when you reboot | 11:34 |
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litb | oh how many users in here... | 11:34 |
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=== Pelo gets into his camouflage gear and starts hunting the kousotu | ||
kousotu | lol | 11:34 |
Grungebunny | level1 do you know how to remedy the white screen of death as you put it? | 11:34 |
lockd | fholmes: iirc, you have to upgrade to edgy, then feisty | 11:34 |
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kousotu | Pelo: you certainly are an od one | 11:35 |
level1 | Grungebunny: well, I had it a few months ago in beryl, but the fix might be different | 11:35 |
tcleval | hi, I just upgraded fiesty to the latest packages, and now X11 is slow as hell for games and for glxinfo.. what is going on/ | 11:35 |
yabai | 11:35 | |
yabai | \\ | 11:35 |
hefffay | anyone? =/ | 11:35 |
SB-X | OneSeventeen: you shouldn't have to, but you can easily | 11:35 |
=== Pelo notices the elusive brown spotted kousotu , takes aim and shoots | ||
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litb | oh, ys. i came into this. and the first word i read is "beryl"... | 11:35 |
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kousotu | that stupid kernal u[date for gutsy broke zd1211rw | 11:35 |
serenityUK | level1 after you install there is a nice program called nvidia-settings which is a control panel for resolution etc | 11:35 |
pr4b1 | i hope someone helps me with this: im using tvon, that uses xmltv.. now when i try to fetch tv listings using the conf (tv_grab_uk_rt) it takes AGES and seesm to go nowhere.. is it normal? | 11:35 |
level1 | Grungebunny: in beryl you'd start it with command line "beryl-xgl --use-copy" | 11:35 |
kousotu | update* | 11:35 |
fholmes | lockd: So do you think just doing a apt-get dist-upgrade to edgy, then right to feisty would work? Or should I apt-get upgrade as well before I upgrade to Feisty? | 11:35 |
elfboy | mine was compiz | 11:35 |
odd | Okay, Still having issues getting xserver/ubuntu to display on my Philips Plasma. I attempted to add a modeline or two to /etc/X11/xorg.cong but to no avail. I am sad. | 11:35 |
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OneSeventeen | SB-X How do I set the permissions for the drive? Do I do that in fstab? | 11:35 |
virtuoussin13 | hello everyone! | 11:35 |
Grungebunny | level1 thats way beyond my knowledge of linux | 11:36 |
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serenityUK | level1 make sure you run it as root so you can save changes to xorg.conf | 11:36 |
Pelo | kousotu, I assume you wanted me to notice you for some reason ? | 11:36 |
ShackJack | Grungebunny: you might want to consider using COmpiz Fusion as beryl is being re-merged back into compiz... | 11:36 |
ribando | MajorPayne ok,thanks...sorry about the repetition. | 11:36 |
lockd | fholmes: not sure | 11:36 |
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fholmes | np, thanks though. | 11:36 |
kousotu | Pelo: to be funny? | 11:36 |
Grungebunny | shackjack i'd love to.. but the setup for it looks complicated | 11:36 |
kousotu | Pelo: I do it to alota ppl | 11:36 |
Pelo | ic | 11:36 |
MajorPayne | ribando: It's ok. And that is my best opinion. You may be able to get away without a re-install. | 11:36 |
kousotu | lol | 11:36 |
=== asleepguy slaps arn_ around a bit with a large trout | ||
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elfboy | anyone get compiz to work on ubuntu | 11:36 |
tcleval | what is the command to recover the system from last upgrade? or, how can i downgrade? | 11:36 |
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MARIUSmarius | so tell me , how to lounch game on ubuntu ? | 11:36 |
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level1 | elfboy: try #ubuntu-effects I think | 11:37 |
kousotu | Pelo: ould you be able to help with a smal but very importand gutsy problem? | 11:37 |
Pelo | tcleval, clean install the previous version | 11:37 |
Asriqua | How do I respond to "configuring xserver-xorg" on the Ubuntu dapper drake installation? Do we check the video modes we do, or don't want? | 11:37 |
ShackJack | Grungebunny: Nope, not really just a matter of adding a couple repos to your sources list and installing packages... | 11:37 |
virtuoussin13 | MARIUSmarius: which? | 11:37 |
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SB-X | OneSeventeen: i forget since i let ubuntu mount partitions for me using the default options, but it's the umask option | 11:37 |
MARIUSmarius | assaultcube | 11:37 |
MARIUSmarius | assaultcube 2 | 11:37 |
MARIUSmarius | :) | 11:37 |
Pelo | kousotu, for help with gutsy try asking in #ubuntu+1 | 11:37 |
kousotu | I have been | 11:37 |
kousotu | no one is responding... | 11:37 |
Grungebunny | shackjack do you know of a good HowTo link I can follow? | 11:37 |
Pelo | kousotu, what's the problem ? | 11:37 |
Pelo | briefly | 11:37 |
ShackJack | Grungebunny: I have my desktop effects *off* and start manually in startup proggies with compiz --replace ... at any rate beryl is no longer being updated... | 11:37 |
virtuoussin13 | hmm, are you running it out of an extracted tar.gz? | 11:37 |
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kousotu | zd1211rw isn't working | 11:37 |
tcleval | Pelo, but how do i know what packages were installed during upgrade? | 11:37 |
OneSeventeen | SB-X: gparted didn't change fstab for me, is there a better way to set the mount point? | 11:37 |
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kousotu | it picks up networks, but cannot connect | 11:38 |
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ShackJack | Grungebunny: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion .. might be a little tricky with compiz installed (dependencies) | 11:38 |
MARIUSmarius | yes, i'm trying t orun it from extracted folder | 11:38 |
MARIUSmarius | :) | 11:38 |
kousotu | nd is blinking at me at the moment | 11:38 |
kousotu | lol | 11:38 |
MajorPayne | OneSeventeen: You can edit fstab directly to change the mount point. | 11:38 |
virtuoussin13 | hmmm, have you tried running it from the terminal? | 11:38 |
Pelo | tcleval, you can'T as far as I know , most of them get replaced during an upgrade , only stuff you have installed yourself usualy dosn'T get upgraded | 11:38 |
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MARIUSmarius | yes | 11:38 |
virtuoussin13 | does it output an error message? | 11:38 |
Pelo | kousotu, I ahvwe no idea what that means | 11:38 |
MARIUSmarius | not working | 11:38 |
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virtuoussin13 | or does nothing happen? | 11:38 |
OneSeventeen | MajorPayne: Yeah, I just don't want to mess things up.. it has no mount point at this point, so I'm going to have to add it | 11:38 |
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kousotu | Pelo: means it knows it's there, but telling me it refuses to work | 11:39 |
SB-X | OneSeventeen: edit /etc/fstab manually following the format of the other lines, i didnt say gparted would edit it, but somehow ubuntu detects new drives | 11:39 |
MARIUSmarius | Your platform does not have a pre-compiled Cube client. | 11:39 |
MARIUSmarius | Please follow the following steps to build a native client: | 11:39 |
MARIUSmarius | 1) Ensure you have the SDL, SDL-image, SDL-mixer, and OpenGL libraries installed. | 11:39 |
MARIUSmarius | 2) Change directory to source/src/ and type "make install". | 11:39 |
MARIUSmarius | 3) If the build succeeds, return to this directory and run this script again. | 11:39 |
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Asriqua | Hello, can anyone help us install dapper drake? | 11:39 |
kousotu | it was broken when I updated my kernal | 11:39 |
ShackJack | Hmmm they changes the sources on this page from Trevhos's to ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 11:39 |
MARIUSmarius | when i'm trying to run it from terminal | 11:39 |
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MajorPayne | OneSeventeen: Ok. I am not sure if there is a gui tool that does it or not. Just back up the file if you are scared you might mess thngs up. At worst you can boot into the live cd and restore it. | 11:39 |
virtuoussin13 | oh, you're missing the cube engine | 11:39 |
MajorPayne | !paste | MARIUSmarius | 11:39 |
ubotu | MARIUSmarius: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:39 |
PriceChild | !install | Asriqua | 11:39 |
ubotu | Asriqua: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 11:39 |
tcleval | how can I recover from a BAD upgrade of packages? (10 or more that i dont know all names) | 11:39 |
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Pelo | Asriqua, what issue are you haveing ? | 11:40 |
MARIUSmarius | ok ok, it's not so big :) | 11:40 |
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Pelo | tcleval, bad upgrade or update ? | 11:40 |
crdlb | ShackJack, the ppa repo is Amaranth's repo of backported gutsy packages | 11:40 |
virtuoussin13 | MARIUSmarius: do you have libsdl libopengl installed and what not? | 11:40 |
kousotu | Pelo: sry, force of habbit | 11:40 |
=== Pelo breaks kousotu | ||
MARIUSmarius | mmm, how t osee if those are installed? | 11:41 |
furenku | My CD drive is not mounting the discs, any experience on this? | 11:41 |
kousotu | lol | 11:41 |
ShackJack | crdlb: Ah, gotcha... No key required, then? | 11:41 |
Pelo | sorry I meant koustu's habit | 11:41 |
kousotu | lmao | 11:41 |
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crdlb | ShackJack, I don't know if there is a key, you can just ignore the warning though | 11:41 |
virtuoussin13 | open up synaptic | 11:41 |
Pelo | furenku, all disk or a specific one ? | 11:41 |
furenku | all of them | 11:41 |
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level1 | !mp3 | 11:41 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:41 |
tcleval | Pelo, update... i updated fiesty and now X11 is slow.. 10 or more packages were installed.. and i cant remember their names | 11:42 |
Asriqua | We are stuck on the "configuration xserver-xorg" page. The first paragraph says to select the video modes to remove and the second paragraph says to select the ones we would like. | 11:42 |
logreeval | Hi, I installed 2.0 Vmware Player and now I want to uninstall it, how do I do that? | 11:42 |
introuble | how can i launch the gnome interface when im using the command line interface_ | 11:42 |
virtuoussin13 | and then open up find and type in the library names | 11:42 |
virtuoussin13 | if they appear with a gren box next to them | 11:42 |
MARIUSmarius | some of them is, some - not :) | 11:42 |
virtuoussin13 | they are installed, if they are blank they are not installed | 11:42 |
Pelo | tcleval, try performing the update again, ei , run the manager see if something else gets upgraded, and /or try restarting the comp | 11:42 |
MajorPayne | introuble: If you installed it via the package manager you can remove any package with "sudo aptitude remove packageName". | 11:42 |
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EdBoy | how do I set environmental variables? | 11:43 |
tcleval | Pelo, i restarted and there is no more updates available | 11:43 |
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Pelo | furenku, this is a recent problem I assume ? consideing you needed the cd rom to install ubuntu | 11:43 |
aguitel | hola ,estoy usando KDE y cuando quiero usar terminal con el comando sudo ,me pide un password pero no me reconoce y meee da error ,cual es el problema? | 11:43 |
MARIUSmarius | mabye i should install all of them? | 11:43 |
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Pelo | tcleval, which release feisty ? edgy ? dapper ? | 11:43 |
kousotu | aguitel: ud. va a #ubuntu-sp | 11:43 |
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Pelo | !es | aguitel | 11:44 |
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ubotu | aguitel: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 11:44 |
tcleval | Pelo, feisty | 11:44 |
iehova | Hi everyone, a quick question if you don't mind, I'm trying to work out how to sync my ipod with amarok, is it possible? If not, how does one go about it on gtkpod or any other program with that capability? | 11:44 |
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kousotu | oh whoops.. | 11:44 |
kousotu | esta es lol | 11:44 |
eboyjr | Why can't I hear anything? | 11:44 |
Pelo | tcleval, my x works fine, are you running beryl or someting ? | 11:44 |
virtuoussin13 | you'll want lib[SDL/SDL | 11:44 |
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virtuoussin13 | *oops you'll want to install the ones the terminal spat out | 11:44 |
tcleval | Pelo, nope, i just made the upgrade | 11:44 |
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MajorPayne | eboyjr: Take the ear plugs out? | 11:44 |
introuble | i dont want to uninstall a package, i want to activate the graphical interface from the command line interface | 11:44 |
Pelo | !ubotu > kousotu check pm for the factioid list | 11:44 |
virtuoussin13 | put lib in front of the names and you should find them | 11:44 |
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ShackJack | introuble: Alt+f7\ | 11:45 |
virtuoussin13 | okay guys, can someone help? | 11:45 |
ShackJack | \ | 11:45 |
kousotu | ? | 11:45 |
Pelo | tcleval, what video card ? | 11:45 |
MARIUSmarius | ?? all lib beginning ? | 11:45 |
kousotu | you mesn the comands? | 11:45 |
eboyjr | MajorPayne: Yeah, I forgot to do that. Whoops. | 11:45 |
EdBoy | er... | 11:45 |
furenku | Pelo: i installed ubuntu today, but the first cd i put in (the installation cd) was not mounted! | 11:45 |
EdBoy | how do I set environmental variables? | 11:45 |
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introuble | ShackJack: thats all? O_o | 11:45 |
kousotu | I just wasn't sure the channel, I speak broken spanish | 11:45 |
kousotu | lol | 11:45 |
boyam1 | !ask | virtuoussin13 | 11:45 |
ubotu | virtuoussin13: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:45 |
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toostrong_2851 | http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?uid=2851 | 11:45 |
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Pelo | furenku, but the cd worked during your installation is what I am trying to get at ? | 11:45 |
ShackJack | introuble: Should be... or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 11:46 |
virtuoussin13 | I have! but I'll do it again | 11:46 |
virtuoussin13 | nautilus can browse my partitions | 11:46 |
tcleval | Pelo, nvidia, until yesterday working fine with 3d aceleration | 11:46 |
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virtuoussin13 | but fdisk and gpasrted cannot detect any of them | 11:46 |
introuble | ShackJack:thancks a lot =) | 11:46 |
eboyjr | Can anyone help me get audio working? I have: Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01) | 11:46 |
virtuoussin13 | gparted displays the entire hard drive and being unallocated | 11:46 |
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furenku | Pelo: yes otherwise i wouldnt be on ahahahaha! | 11:46 |
Pelo | tcleval, this is where I would start investigating , check to see if your nvidia dirvers are still ok and properlty configured | 11:47 |
tcleval | Pelo, i just made the update.. i did nothing more to the system.. just the update | 11:47 |
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lk167 | eboyjr: i'm working on the same, different card, but haven't had any luck with help here | 11:47 |
tcleval | Pelo, i ll check the logs anyway | 11:47 |
Pelo | furenku, so we know the cd works in ubuntu, it's jsut not mounting atm , ok , did you try mounting it manualy ? | 11:47 |
virtuoussin13 | EdBoy: try going to your home folder and looking for something like .bashrc | 11:47 |
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ShackJack | eboyjr: Ewww.... you may be boned... Brother has gateway with same sound and can't get it working... supposedly latest alsa has it, but compiling is a biznitch.... You can ask over in #alsa, though | 11:47 |
linux_ | some can tell me in simply words what is MythTV ? | 11:47 |
furenku | how do i mount manually? | 11:47 |
Pelo | tcleval, I'm looking at related things that might hve been affected by the update | 11:47 |
lk167 | linux_: its a PVR solution | 11:47 |
furenku | Pelo: how do i do this | 11:47 |
virtuoussin13 | if you put in a line with export [variable name] ="[variable value] " | 11:48 |
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virtuoussin13 | that should work? | 11:48 |
Pelo | furenku, sudo mount /media/cdrom should do this I think | 11:48 |
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ShackJack | linux_: You know they have this thing called Google now ;) http://www.mythtv.org/ | 11:48 |
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tcleval | Pelo, is it possible to make a DOWNgrade? so i can have my system as it was yesterday | 11:48 |
linux_ | how i can auto copy text when i select him ? | 11:48 |
virtuoussin13 | typing export in the terminal directory has only worked for that session in my experience | 11:48 |
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Pelo | furenku, I'm not 100% sure on how to mount a cdrom , might be more to it but ... | 11:48 |
virtuoussin13 | so guys, why is gparted not working? | 11:49 |
furenku | Pelo: i get this "mount: special device /dev/hda does not exist" | 11:49 |
jetscreamer | cuz it blows chunks | 11:49 |
=== eboyjr is now beginning to hate ATI since compiz isn't working on them and the sound is not working. | ||
sauvin | That's because a cdrom will usually be hdc. | 11:49 |
Pelo | tcleval, it is possible to refert to previous versions of a packge, if you know what the ones that were upgraded were | 11:49 |
serenityUK | linux_, it's like an advanced Media Centre that runs you TV card, records and plays videos with a simple menu good for viewing on big TV | 11:49 |
jetscreamer | laptops have a tendency to be hda | 11:49 |
Pelo | furenku, it's not a hda device | 11:49 |
jetscreamer | ymmv | 11:49 |
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serenityUK | linux_, press enter when you select text to copy | 11:50 |
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jetscreamer | oh | 11:50 |
tcleval | Pelo, that is the problem.. i dont know the packages names... they were so many.. APT is so complete.. it must be a way to do it | 11:50 |
Pelo | furenku, check in menu > system > prefs > hardware infor , see if your cdrom is listed and what the devtree is | 11:50 |
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sauvin | My laptop's cdrom is /dev/hdc. | 11:50 |
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jetscreamer | try /dev/sdcd0 or so | 11:50 |
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virtuoussin13 | any ideas? | 11:50 |
jetscreamer | scd0 | 11:50 |
eboyjr | serenityUK: What is a good media center for Ubuntu? | 11:50 |
virtuoussin13 | its not just my ntfs partitions ext3 too | 11:50 |
linux_ | serenityUK , i can AUTOMATIC ? [ without any thing ] ? | 11:51 |
arooni | Pelo: hey there... are u sure theres no way to get live cd working with nvidia cards? | 11:51 |
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jetscreamer | arooni: works here | 11:51 |
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OneSeventeen | Okay, I added the volume to fstab, ran sudo mount -a, and it mounts great, | 11:51 |
elfboy | opk everthing tiem i start conpiz it locks up any ideasa | 11:51 |
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jetscreamer | maybe not a very late card | 11:51 |
OneSeventeen | but it adds the hard drive to the desktop... can I supress this? | 11:51 |
linux_ | MythTV | 11:51 |
linux_ | MythTV | 11:51 |
arooni | oh? i have an nvidia 7950 gtoc | 11:51 |
Pelo | arooni, as far as I know there isn'T some of the older nvidia cards will be suportted but nvidia and ati are a pain in the ass for linux atm | 11:51 |
linux_ | sorry | 11:51 |
furenku | Pelo: no, its not listed i think | 11:51 |
OneSeventeen | I don't want this drive shown on the desktop. (But I do want other mounted drives shown) | 11:52 |
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serenityUK | eboyjr, elisa media center is good because it uses 3d graphics card, MythTV is what he was talking about, it's bigger and more complicated to set up | 11:52 |
Pelo | furenku, don'T think, check | 11:52 |
jetscreamer | if you mount them someplace other than under /media they don't show up on the desktop | 11:52 |
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exty | just wanted to ask if there's a way I could get a gentooish console? ;) colors etc :) | 11:52 |
virtuoussin13 | what happened to my hard drive? | 11:52 |
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OneSeventeen | jetscreamer: it is mounted to /vmware | 11:52 |
jetscreamer | there's a checkbox in kde, probably same in gnome/gconf.. oh | 11:52 |
virtuoussin13 | why would gparted not detect the partitions? | 11:52 |
jetscreamer | virtuoussin13: does bios see your hd? | 11:52 |
Pelo | furenku, I'm running out of ideas, check in the forum, search for cd won'T mount or something simialr | 11:52 |
ferret_0567 | Does the Ubuntu (GNOME) version of Evince support opening two of the same document at once? | 11:53 |
furenku | Pelo: thanks a lot man | 11:53 |
virtuoussin13 | yeah, well nautilus can read them | 11:53 |
virtuoussin13 | if that's worth anything | 11:53 |
serenityUK | linux_, MythTV is quite complicated, try elisa media center | 11:53 |
elfboy | Pelo can u help me with compiz | 11:53 |
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jetscreamer | furenku: does cat /dev/scd0 return anything? | 11:53 |
arooni | Pelo: should i just use alternate cd? i'm having loads of trouble trying to make it do anything | 11:53 |
arooni | i have a geforce 7950 graphics card. i tried to install with live cd and it fails. my alternate cd is valid... but in two separate cd drives... it didnt work... (all option picked cause cd drom to spin up.... then all i see is a "_" character in the top left).... ideas? | 11:53 |
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ShackJack | elfboy: Check out #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion for compiz help... | 11:53 |
=== Pelo rofl, ppl are waiting in lilne for him to become available | ||
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Pelo | arooni, use the alternate cd | 11:54 |
exty | just wanted to ask if there's a way I could get a gentooish console? ;) colors etc :) | 11:54 |
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ShackJack | arooni: Did you try the no-acpi option or whatever it is? | 11:54 |
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Pelo | elfboy, I can't help you with beryl, ask in #beryl or in #ubuntu-effects | 11:54 |
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sauvin | Why don't you do a sudo fdisk -l to see what devices your computer sees? | 11:54 |
jetscreamer | exty: ~/.bashrc | 11:54 |
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jetscreamer | edit | 11:54 |
ShackJack | elfboy: You want Compiz Fusion :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion | 11:54 |
arooni | ShackJack: im not aware of that option.... what is it and how do i set it and with which cd (altnerate or live ) ? | 11:54 |
virtuoussin13 | fdisk -l outputs nothing | 11:54 |
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virtuoussin13 | fdisk doesn't detect them either | 11:55 |
sauvin | It has to be a sudo fdisk -l | 11:55 |
ferret_0567 | the only reason I am using Xubuntu (XFCE, with a limited subset of programs, that I am sure), is that I have only 512MB RAM | 11:55 |
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yaustar | How do I install codecs (DivX XVid etc) for 6.06? Cheers | 11:55 |
virtuoussin13 | oh | 11:55 |
virtuoussin13 | yaustar: try gstreamer | 11:55 |
eboyjr | After setting it all up, which Media Center do you think is the best: Elisa, MythTV, or LinuxMCE? | 11:55 |
yaustar | virtuoussin13: cheers | 11:55 |
jetscreamer | !codecs | 11:55 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:55 |
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exty | ubuntu or kubuntu ;)? or rather gnome or kde? | 11:55 |
Paddy_EIRE | hey guys when I started my laptop today X session wont start and I really dont know what is the cause | 11:55 |
Pelo | ferret_0567, ubuntu will work in 128 megs or ram, I have 1 gig and I never use more then 512 megs or it, or very rarely when I go wild with dvd burning and stuff | 11:56 |
virtuoussin13 | I'm going to be right back, I have to restart... :( | 11:56 |
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Pelo | Paddy_EIRE, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 11:56 |
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Pelo | tcleval, that might work for you as well | 11:56 |
Paddy_EIRE | Pelo: im in a live cd | 11:56 |
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ShackJack | exty: Ubuntu - FTW~~ | 11:56 |
Pelo | Paddy_EIRE, boot the recovery mode | 11:56 |
Paddy_EIRE | Pelo: ok, brb | 11:57 |
exty | ShackJack why not kubuntu ? ;] | 11:57 |
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arooni | Pelo: every option i pick in the alternate cd eems to not work (cd rom drive spins up, then down... then just shows a '_' character in top left of screen).... i verifeid checksum and that the cd is valid..... anything else i can do ? | 11:57 |
ShackJack | ferret_0567: Ubuntu will run nicely with 512MB | 11:57 |
trend | how can I tell what encoding scheme was used on a file? | 11:57 |
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charlie_ | anyone know where to find libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6) pkg? | 11:57 |
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PriceChild | !info libc6 | 11:57 |
ubotu | libc6: GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.5-0ubuntu14 (feisty), package size 4003 kB, installed size 9976 kB | 11:57 |
charlie_ | pref 2.3.6-6 | 11:57 |
Ashfire908 | why is the php packge still at version 5.2.1? | 11:57 |
ShackJack | exty: Just personal preference... Kubuntu is just a little sloppy I prefer the simpler interface of GNOME | 11:57 |
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Pelo | arooni, can you try the cd in another computer ? jsut to make sure it isnT' completely borked ? what speed did you burn it at ? | 11:58 |
serenityUK | eboyjr, MythTV is best for recording, you can set up a separate server and view on any pc in house, good but complicated, LinuxMCE is new and unfinished, meant to automate and make easy. elsa is smaller just an application but has nice 3d effects on menus I like it | 11:58 |
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PriceChild | charlie_, sudo apt-get install libc6 ? | 11:58 |
gnari | what is the best way to find out what package version for an application is in each release? debian has a web page that allows me to search repositories. is there something similar for ubuntu? | 11:58 |
ShackJack | exty: You can actually install both desktops at same time and select at login ;) | 11:58 |
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arooni | Pelo: i tried cd on another comp and veirifeid that it works (did the check cd for defects option). | 11:58 |
nickrud | gnari, packages.ubuntu.com | 11:58 |
EruditeHermit | hi, my windows key is set to Mod3 currently. How in xmodmap do I change it to be set to Super? I tried add Super = Super_L Super_R period Multi_key but that didn't work | 11:58 |
charlie_ | have breezy, can't upgrade that version won't work for opera | 11:58 |
eboyjr | serenityUK: thanks! | 11:58 |
Pelo | gnari, www.ubuntu.packages.org | 11:58 |
Pelo | I think | 11:58 |
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menace82 | hi, i'm looking for a lirc tool for gnome (like kdelirc). | 11:58 |
exty | ShackJack I just hate it that kubuntu comes with craploads of useless packages ;/ | 11:58 |
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ShackJack | exty: Well, there's your answer then :) | 11:59 |
charlie_ | like 2.3.5 | 11:59 |
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arooni | Pelo: i burned at 4x.... when ever i try something like 'boot from command line'.... i get stuck around [3.749630] scsi 5:0:1:0 direct-acccess ata wdc wd2500jb-00g 08.0 Pq: 0, ANSI: 5] | 11:59 |
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gnari | Pelo: thanks. obvious, in retrospect | 11:59 |
serenityUK | eboyjr, check out the elisa media center web site | 11:59 |
Pelo | gnari, make that http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 11:59 |
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jetscreamer | !puc | 11:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about puc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:59 |
jetscreamer | lol | 11:59 |
jaydoggg | hello all | 11:59 |
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sauvin | The thing to bear in mind is that something YOU find useless might not be useless to somebody else. | 11:59 |
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MajorPayne | Is there any way I can automadicly sync my epiphany bookmarks on two different installs of Ubuntu over a network? | 12:00 |
sauvin | I used to hate noatun as being "useless" until I discovered it has a working graphic eq. | 12:00 |
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Pelo | arooni, I don'T know what to tell you, the forum as a section on instalation problems I suggest you start there, see what seems to relate to your current problem | 12:00 |
jellybear | hi there | 12:00 |
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furenku | jetscreamer: i get this "cat: /dev/scd0: No such file or directory" | 12:00 |
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gnari | Pelo, funny, that was how i read your first answer :-) | 12:00 |
jellybear | need help: since feisty my alsa channels seem to be strangely remapped. what is supposed to be the headphone channel comes out on pc speaker (in mono quality), the front channel seems to go nowhere... searched the internet on 'remap alsa channels' and your website above, tried to fiddle around with kde and alsamixer, but to no avail. any ideas on how to remap alsa channels? | 12:00 |
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ferret_0567 | ShackJack: I checked on my laptop, which has a self compiled Pidgin, default Ubuntu install otherwise, plus the update-notifier running, and top said it was about digging into swap | 12:00 |
Pelo | MajorPayne, look in /home/user/.epiphany/ see if there is a file for your bookmark there | 12:01 |
jaydoggg | i'm looking for help with grub, I can't boot to my win drive now.. can someone help me out | 12:01 |
ferret_0567 | I did indeed check with gnome-terminal | 12:01 |
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