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ir5anyone know how to watch online streaming video, intended for win media player?12:39
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MajorPayne!codecs | ir512:42
ubotuir5: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:42
MajorPayneThat may be a good start.12:42
MajorPayneBahh.  He is gone!12:43
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timposeyGetting message when trying to boot up system that says ISOLINUX:  Disk Error, AX=0000, drive 8012:55
timposeyGetting message when trying to boot up system that says ISOLINUX:  Disk Error 01, AX=0000, drive 8012:56
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timposeyTheSheep:  are you here?01:07
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digiqqwhy doesnt my systray showup on the panel?01:16
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nikolamArgh, any of you tried Tribe3?03:09
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:16
MajorPaynenikolam: Maybe someone in #ubuntu+103:21
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PumpernickelIf you ask in there, make sure you ask your real question.  They're no more telepathic than we are.03:22
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clefiaHi, is Synaptic Package Manager's list self updating?04:36
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MajorPayneclefia: Yes.04:37
MajorPayneclefia: Or you can press reload.04:37
clefiaMajorPayne, I think that worked. The gaim version is still the same though. I'll see if other packages were updated to newer versions04:42
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magic_ninjane know the package name for libmad04:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:57
Jester45magic_ninja, apt-cache search libmad might help04:57
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h3sp4wnWhat are the main changes for Ubuntu Gutsy (in terms of XFCE)06:51
Catoptromancyits really up to xfce i think07:00
Catoptromancythere should be an updated Xfce I presume07:01
h3sp4wnI am quite pleased that xubuntu never got that network manager by default07:02
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tonyyarussoh3sp4wn: what do you use instead?07:36
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h3sp4wntonyyarusso: Nothing - but I may use something on my laptop if I find something suitable07:39
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nikolamI am using/testing Tribe309:35
nikolamAnd I turned on updates (recommendend ones)09:35
nikolamAfter few updating (huge may I say)09:35
nikolamI encountered tons of bugs09:35
nikolamAm I mistaken to eather turn on recommended updates09:36
tonyyarussonikolam: /join #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy issues09:36
nikolamOr am I mistaken to tribe tribe3+updates for working machine?09:36
nikolamOK :)09:36
selig5install stable version09:37
selig5isn't the purpose of tribe3 release to find bugs?09:39
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nikolamYes, I will stick to Gutsy tribe3 With updates, so I could report them09:54
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hyper_chanyone alive?12:06
IonParticlenot really?12:06
hyper_chtoo bad... need someone to test out my proxy server... friend of mine had troubles yesterday12:06
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IonParticlenot sure I know what a proxy server is :/12:09
hyper_chIonParticle: proxy servers are cool ;)12:09
IonParticlewhat do you need done?12:10
hyper_chIonParticle: sombebody already tested it... but I wonder why my friend couldn't use it yesterday12:11
hyper_chIonParticle: well, a proxy server has multiple uses... making connection availables on firewalled networks or anonymized surfing or caching from stuff...12:11
hyper_chIonParticle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server12:16
IonParticleer, is a vpn server also a proxy server?12:17
hyper_chIonParticle: nope12:18
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IonParticleso what are you using it for, hyper_ch?12:26
hyper_chIonParticle: is use it on an online-browser-game so that my buddy can look after the account when I can't12:27
hyper_chyeah, he's in Australia... so when I'm sleeping he is up and can look at the account12:29
IonParticlecool, you mean when you're sleeping?12:29
hyper_chIonParticle: BUT it would be very suspicious if "I" login once from Switzerland and once from Australia within a couple of hours ;)12:30
IonParticle*shrug* it's just account sharing though, isn't it?12:30
IonParticleI share the same account in World of WarCraft with my sister12:31
IonParticleand she's on the other side of the world12:31
hyper_chIonParticle: it's account sharing but for that online game it's now allowed ;)12:31
hyper_chWoW just takes too much time ;)12:31
hyper_chhence making use of proxy :)12:31
IonParticleall MMOs are timesinks12:32
hyper_chwell, he doesn't do anything by save my ships and resources if I get attacked...12:32
hyper_chso it's not that bad12:32
hyper_chluckily on linux there are some problems with running mmorpgs12:32
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hyper_chwell, I played diablo 2 as beta tester until sometime in v1.1012:34
hyper_chI don't think I played another game as long as diablo 212:34
IonParticleStarCraft for me12:35
IonParticleeven now12:35
IonParticleI still think it's fun12:35
IonParticlewhereas WoW has been relegated to just tedius12:35
nikolamHello, am I crazy or VMWare server is available for FREE for Linux users? :)12:36
hyper_chnikolam: nope it is12:36
hyper_chnikolam: however you have to register to get a serial12:37
hyper_chnikolam: I got myself 100 serials ;)12:37
nikolamGet setial> Happily ever after :))12:37
hyper_chIonParticle: you sound like a Zerg Player?12:38
IonParticleI was most proficient at zerg Oo12:39
hyper_chzergs are cool12:39
hyper_chbut I also thought the photon canons were nice, as they attack ground and air tragets12:39
IonParticlevulnerable with the dependence on pylons though12:40
hyper_chthat's true.... but what I never really managed to play are the ghosts... I dunno... they just didn't work out somehow12:41
nikolamDid anyone tried this new expansion pack for St/Broadwar12:41
hyper_chnew extension pack?12:41
IonParticlebrood war?12:42
nikolamexpension :) "Life of Marine"12:42
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hyper_chnope, only broodwars12:42
nikolamis seems that those are sigle-player campaings12:43
IonParticlemust be unofficial12:44
IonParticlesc2 coming, woot12:45
nikolamI dont know if Starcraft 3 is released12:45
nikolamOr 2 sorry :)12:45
IonParticlethey're developing StarCraft 2 right now12:45
hyper_chit will be released... there are already some pics12:45
IonParticlewho knows when they'll release it though12:46
nikolamI always more liked technology gizmoes than magic and sort of in warcraft..12:46
nikolamI am eager to see some Truely multiplayer universe based on Star Trek also12:46
IonParticleStar Trek Online is in development too12:46
nikolamNo magic: Technology12:47
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hyper_chhmm, I join up for the Borg collective12:47
nikolamAhh, I cant wait :)12:47
IonParticlebut I don't have much hope for Trek gaming, given the state that it's in right now12:47
nikolamDunno, I think that I will much better live in that universe then in one based on magic and so12:50
hyper_chnikolam: why?12:51
nikolamSomehow magic is something that is legend or myth and will never be seen in life RL12:51
hyper_chnikolam: how can you be so sure?12:52
nikolamTechnology and SF things are known to be reality after few decades12:52
hyper_chnikolam: so can magic be ;)12:52
nikolamI drive a car and we have a spacestation above our heads, not Dragons and Orcs :)12:52
hyper_chon a probability scale, there must be some dragons and orcs in our universe12:53
IonParticleyes, in some galaxy somehwere12:53
hyper_chor parallel universe12:54
nikolamIn twilight zone.. Those things are products of imagination of one species on one small planet12:55
nikolambut laws of physics are universal12:55
hyper_chare they?12:55
IonParticlefor this universe12:55
nikolamSo my bet is more on technology based SF, since we could live in it in few decades12:55
TheSheepthe dragons in your mind are as real for *you* as anything else12:55
hyper_chhow can we be sure, that what we perceive as laws of physics are actually real?12:56
nikolamWe could learn something on Bio-implants and social reactions to robots and so but what I have to do with knowing how to kill a dragon? :)12:56
hyper_chif I remember correctly from physics classes the three laws of newtons were overthrown by quantumphsysics12:56
TheSheephyper_ch: and then the quantum physics is overthrown by a cat12:57
nikolamNot evrthrown. But Newton laws are jus special part of quantum12:57
hyper_chin the end we are very limited creatures and what we know/see isn't necessarily the way it is12:57
nikolamWhen some parameters are small12:58
hyper_chTheSheep: you know that cat?12:58
nikolamYes, so we develop computers to make smart machines who will create entities who will be smarter then us.12:58
TheSheephyper_ch: we don't even know if all of us see the same universe with the same laws :)12:58
hyper_chTheSheep: cool :)12:59
hyper_chTheSheep: my universe is better than yours ;)12:59
nikolamLaws or not, my ass cant travel very far in the universe before i die :)12:59
TheSheephyper_ch: of course it is, I always get the worst ones :(12:59
hyper_chTheSheep: you know why? So that you can improve it ;)12:59
hyper_chnikolam: you ass maybe can't but your mind can01:00
nikolamNo it cant my mind is just a state of neuron cells in my brain. I cant put that state into something else and stay beiung the same. We are corportial beings01:01
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nikolamWe live and we die and that is what we are.01:02
nikolamBut AI never needs to die01:02
hyper_chnikolam: aren't we more than just the sums of our particles?01:02
nikolamyes, since we call ourselves "inteligent" :)01:03
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hyper_chso, there has to be something more than just the corportial part01:04
nikolamThe main difference between bird on your widows, your dog and you is your Brain :)01:04
TheSheepnikolam: I'd be interested in any proofs or indications of the fact that we are corporeal only01:04
nikolami`d be interested in some proofs that we aren`t. :)01:05
nikolamW have soul, that is for shure01:05
TheSheepbesides, this discussion should be probably moved to a less official channel :)01:05
nikolamYes :)01:05
nikolamSorry . Enning SF and Game talk.01:06
IonParticleit's not like anyone else is talking anyways01:06
IonParticleso go on01:06
fwaokdaok im new to everything linux and i just installed xubuntu on my ps3. I'm now trying to get the wireless connection to work and found this link: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/geoff/ps3-linux-patches.git;a=commit;h=5ba09ee3f727508064c25d3bbb07e262f79e4380 ......... but don't know what it is or what I need to do with it. Can someone help?01:06
IonParticleum, nevermind01:07
nikolamWow! PS3 Interesting!01:07
hyper_chfwaokda: so xubuntu is running?01:07
TheSheepIonParticle: that page is a patch for the kernel source code01:07
nikolamDid you found any way to Expand that 256MB of main RAM?01:07
IonParticleTheSheep, I wish I have a PS301:08
TheSheepIonParticle: sorry, wrong nick :)01:08
nikolamI wish I have PS3 with minimum 2GB of RAM :)01:08
hyper_chfwaokda: can you open a terminal and enter  "lspci"  and type the line here that has the wifi card in it?01:08
fwaokdanope, dont guess so.01:08
fwaokdaok one second01:08
fwaokdaumm nothing happened, i could be doing something wrong though i suppose.01:09
hyper_chdid you type that in the terminal?01:10
nikolamtype lspci01:10
fwaokdaya i typed it in and it just went to the next line01:11
hyper_chwhat kind of wireless card is it then?01:11
IonParticledoes the ps3 use pci devices? lol01:11
fwaokdadon't know just know it has one. here is a link:
nikolamfwaokda: What install Cd you used, just to know?01:13
nikolamNiice :)01:14
nikolamI wanted to buy PS3 to work on Linux on it but I figured that I cant expand RAM.01:14
fwaokdawell i've never really used linux before so i figured i was bored and what the hell i'd see what happened01:15
nikolamdid you try lsmod01:15
nikolamLinux is great, It will work under linux, just like under 256MB pc with good graphics01:16
nikolamOffice and so :)01:16
fwaokdalsmod pulled up alot of stuff but idk what any of it is01:18
fwaokdaI found another link and am currently downloading a new kernel? if that sounds right and im going to try and update it01:19
IonParticlesounds about right, the other link looks like you'd have to edit the source code to apply the patch and then recompile it yourself01:20
fwaokdawell, i found this one which gave more information http://psubuntu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=44901:20
IonParticlenothing to do but try it01:22
IonParticlegood luck01:22
fwaokdaty ;)01:23
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nikolamhey, fwaokda: check this out: You can use yor huge capacity memory card as Swap if you want to. (providng that memory you are inserting is faster then HD inside ps3) It might boost your speed and usability.01:29
fwaokdai'll have to look into that right now its pretty quick but then again all im doing is typing in the shell :P01:38
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fwaokdahmm think i just made a boo boo somewhere01:47
fwaokdaerr stupid kvmswitch01:48
fwaokdaso... im think i have a typo in my kboot.conf and i just booted by cd how do i edit the kboot.conf on the hdd? sudo nano /etc/kboot.conf?01:50
IonParticlecheck /media and /mnt01:53
IonParticleyour hd should be in there somewhere01:53
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fwaokdaya i found my hdd its as "/" on the desktop but i try the cmd and get a blank kboot.conf so im guessing im doing something wrong02:02
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IonParticleit should show the full path when you open it up in Thunar02:07
IonParticleusually, it's /media/something02:08
IonParticleon regular comps anyway02:08
fwaokdai'll have to take a looksee02:08
fwaokdawell i found it but when i try to save it after editing it says "Can't open file to write"02:12
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fwaokdaanyone know how i can find out what my kboot.conf said before I erased it?03:00
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MajorPayneI put nm-applet under autostarted applications.  Now when ever I turn on my computer I get A bunch of them started.  Last time I turned on my computer I had 6 of them.  I killed them all and started one.  Now I have 7 of them up there, after a restart.07:28
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MajorPayneI found a topic on it on the Ubuntu forums.  I posted my details but no one has came up with a solution yet.  Take a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3132906#post313290608:06
vistakillerMajorPayne try to find the hidden folder of your desktop08:29
vistakillerand take a backup and delete all of them there08:30
vistakillerthe folder is in your home08:30
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whiterhello... i have a wireless problem08:52
TheSheep!wifi | whiter08:53
ubotuwhiter: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:53
whiterthose arent helping08:53
whiteri have  Compaq Presario F500 with a Broadcom 1390 wireless adapter (built in) and lshw says its disabled... i dont know how to enable it though08:54
TheSheepwhiter: there is no button on your laptop for that?08:55
whiterit is switched to the on position08:55
whiterbut the light is the color that means "Off" instead of blue which means "on"08:55
TheSheepwhiter: weak battery?08:55
whiterits on the charger08:56
TheSheepwhiter: youc checked the forums?08:56
TheSheepno more ideas :(08:57
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MajorPaynevistakiller: There is no hidden folder on my desktop.09:17
MajorPaynels -a reports . and ..09:17
vistakillerin your home folder09:17
MajorPayneOhh.  There is many hidden folders in my home directory.  But you said desktop.09:17
MajorPayneWhat hidden directory are you talking about?09:17
TheSheepthe Desktop directory is not hidden09:18
vistakilleri have kubuntu but must exist one folder09:18
MajorPayneTheSheep: No it is not.09:18
MajorPaynevistakiller: What must exist in a what directory?09:18
vistakillerthat there is the basic setting for your xfce09:19
vistakillerin kubuntu the name of this folder is .kde09:19
MajorPayneI already checked most of the directorys unedr .config, where the Xfce config files seem to be.  I did not find anything that seems like it would help.09:20
MajorPayneIt was a long shot but I just tried grep nm-cofgig * in ~/09:21
vistakilleris there a folder .xfce?09:21
vistakillerone autostart folder?09:22
MajorPaynevistakiller: Most of the Xfce is under ~/.config from what I can see.  But I already checked most of the directorys.09:22
MajorPaynevistakiller: Yes, an autostart directory, but I already removed nm-applet.desktop from that directory.09:23
vistakillerin the autostart there is a text?09:23
MajorPaynevistakiller: There is nothing in the autostart directory any more.09:23
vistakillerand the nm-applet has a folder in hidden folders?09:23
MajorPaynewintermu2e: What hidden directory are you talking about?  There is many hidden directorys?09:24
MajorPaynevistakiller: ^^09:24
vistakillertry to find this folder and delete it09:24
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chalshi, someone can helpme09:26
MajorPaynevistakiller: Delete what directory?09:26
MajorPayne!ask | chals09:26
ubotuchals: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:26
chalsmy  bar task disaapear09:27
chalshow can i launchthe kde manager09:27
vistakillerthe directory for nm-applets in your home09:28
MajorPaynevistakiller: There is no directory for nm-applet in my home directory.09:28
vistakillerthe other tha you can do is to delete the hidden folder with the basic settings of your desktop09:28
vistakillertaka and a backup09:29
MajorPaynevistakiller: That wolud be bad.  I like my settings.09:29
vistakillerfor tha you will take a backup to recovery anything you can09:29
MajorPaynevistakiller: But if I back it up, remove it and add it again would it not come back?09:30
MajorPaynechals: Are you using Xfce or KDE?09:30
MajorPaynechals: Ahh.  Ok.  This is the #xubuntu channel.  Maybe someone in #kubuntu knows.09:31
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arthur_NixHi... I want to get under the hood a little more with xubuntu. I plan on installing xubuntu server and building things up from there, starting with xfce4 and xfce4-goodies. Am I just wasting my time though, should I just install xubuntu and tweak it a bit? Anyone have an opinion on this?10:02
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vistakillerif you have time do it10:09
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PumpernickelYou'd get to know the package manager, but not much more closely than you would by spending a few minutes with the manual.10:15
arthur_NixI want a lean system, as simple as possible (one app / one purpose), and don't want a lot of gui config options, because I don't mind breaking out the man pages or google to figure out how to change things in CLI.10:18
arthur_NixI looked at Arch, but I don't like the rolling release idea. I looked at debian, but I want more frequent update and more active development cycle. Ubuntu seems to be where its at, I just want more CLI control over the system and less GUI interference. Maybe a server install with openbox is a better way to go?10:19
hyper_chwhat do you want the gui to do?10:20
hyper_chI mean what do yo need a gui for?10:21
TheSheeparthur_Nix: I think you'd like gentoo ;)10:21
hyper_chonce you know what you need it for, you can then select which gui suits you best10:21
hyper_chgentoo = lots of time to work on it10:21
=== hyper_ch is finally upgrading the server from sarge to etch ;)
TheSheephyper_ch: good thing it's not from RA to AC10:23
TheSheepRa to Ac actually10:24
hyper_chTheSheep: Ra was the Sun God in ancient Egypt but no clue what Ac is10:24
TheSheephyper_ch: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actinium10:25
MajorPayneGentoo was nice, but it would take me a full weekend to go from nothing to a working system.  Was was fun about Gentoo was while I was setting it up I could be using Knopix.10:25
MajorPayneBut I haven't played with Gentoo for a couple of years.  Who knows what you can do now.10:26
hyper_chTheSheep: thx ;)10:26
arthur_NixIsn't gentoo a rolling release distro?10:26
MajorPayneI like Ubuntu because I am tired of things failing to compile.10:26
MajorPaynearthur_Nix: It was when I used it.10:27
arthur_Nixhyper_ch: Good point.10:28
hyper_chwhat did I say?10:29
TheSheephyper_ch: the other distribution I used uses the names (and symbols) of elements for the releases10:30
TheSheephyper_ch: it started with radium, the current unstable is thor10:31
TheSheephyper_ch: thorium10:31
hyper_chTheSheep: there is another distro next to Gentoo, Debian, Slackware, Ubuntu, FC, Red Hat, Mandriva and Suse?10:31
hyper_chinteresting naming system :)10:31
TheSheephyper_ch: pld linux, ditro by admins for admins, users need not apply ;)10:32
=== hyper_ch is a user and pseudo-admin ;)
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MajorPayneBut that is much like RHEL.10:35
MajorPayneAnd Yello Dog if you are on PPC.10:35
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arthur_NixJust to give you an example of what I consider unnecessary, gui stuff would be the automatic update feature of Ubuntu. I'd rather not have that running all the time and just run a sudo aptitude update / upgrade once a week.10:45
TheSheeparthur_Nix: just disable it in settings->autostarted applications10:46
TheSheeparthur_Nix: I think you can do better form the xubuntu end10:46
TheSheeparthur_Nix: compared to ubuntu server end10:47
=== TheSheep <-- did it from the ubuntu server end ;)
arthur_NixThe sheep: Yeah... thinking that too.10:51
TheSheeparthur_Nix: lots of small little apps you don't miss until it's too late10:52
TheSheeparthur_Nix: of course, if you have access to the internet all the time and no really urgent things, you can just follow "install when you need it" principle10:53
arthur_NixThat's kinda my situation. I'd go server install and get my essential things in place (xfce4 xfce4-goodies mozilla-firefox mozilla-thunderbird abiword 915resolution) then see what doesn't work. I think either route will end up at pretty much the same place, it's just a question of whether I want to start with all features and then figure out what I don't need by removing stuff, or start with nothing and figure out what I need to ad10:56
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arthur_Nixoops, missing xdm I think from my essential list.10:57
arthur_NixOk... thanks for the discussion people.10:58
arthur_NixI'm off to break stuff.10:58
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