
LaserJockok, I'm confused. What's the difference between kde4libs and kdelibs5?12:22
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mhbLaserJock: kde4libs doesn't exist12:43
LaserJockmhb: hmm, interesting, I wonder why synaptic is showing it to me then12:45
stdinupdate your package list? it was the old name for it12:45
LaserJockinteresting, it just deps on kdelibs512:45
LaserJockmust be a transitional package12:46
LaserJockthat's kinda confusing12:46
mhbLaserJock: there's no such package in my repos12:46
LaserJockmhb: feisty universe12:47
mhbLaserJock: ah, feisty. Well, it's not in gutsy anymore.12:47
LaserJockwhy was it renamed? it seem quite inconsistent when everything else seems to be kde4* and I would at least expect it to be kdelib412:48
mhbLaserJock: it's totally confusing, I'm saying that all the time.12:48
mhbLaserJock: there was the debian package kdelibs4, which contained kde3 libraries ... so they just ++ it.12:49
LaserJockblah :-)12:49
mhbLaserJock: silly, I know. The best thing you can do is tell your opinion to Riddell or some other maintainer involved with kde4.12:51
LaserJockI just wondered what the reasoning was, I figured it must be something like that12:52
LaserJockalrighty, installing now, we'll see what all this KDE4 stuff is all about ;-)12:55
mhbLaserJock: about being unstable, mainly :o)12:57
LaserJockheh, well I only have a few apps I'm interested in12:57
LaserJockI'll be running it in Gnome, so we'll see12:58
LaserJockI don't mind some stability12:58
LaserJockgeeze, kdelib5 is almost 100MB01:11
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DaSkreechyo yo02:32
bddebianHi DaSkreech02:32
DaSkreechHow goes?02:32
bddebianFair to midland thanks. You?02:33
mhbmanchicken|away: remember when I sent you the suggestion on how the adept-batch caption should be called?02:35
manchickenmhb: Yeah, I haven't been able to get that done yet.04:01
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DaSkreechLots of work to be done on kss04:18
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TheInfinityhmm ...04:27
TheInfinityknetworkmanager does not like me :(04:28
Hobbseeoh, i've just had a thought04:29
ScottK2Uh oh.04:29
Hobbseeknetworkmanager seems to hate unencrypted networks, with ipw2945 cards.04:29
Hobbseethere's a bug on it04:29
Hobbseeso *that's* why i always have to use the old manual method while at uni04:30
ScottK2That would make sense.04:30
TheInfinityknetworkmanager does not like my ethernet adaper at all :/04:30
TheInfinityhe does not even show my rj45 lan04:30
=== ScottK2 thought you were going to say we call it a security feature and move on.
HobbseeScottK2: heh :)04:30
ScottK2It works fine with my D-Link DWL-G650 rev C2.04:31
Hobbseeno, it seems to be a ipw3945 thing04:32
Hobbseeand those are nice cards (the dlinks)04:32
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mhbmanchicken_: adept_notifier is in reality adept_notifier_and_also_apport_handler ?07:37
mhbmanchicken_: now I didn't know that07:37
fdovingmhb: how is your grub-config-project going?07:41
fdovinghi btw. :)07:41
mhbfdoving: hi, xerosis (who's not here atm) took over it because I am pretty busy with SoC this summer... but I haven't heard from him lately07:44
mhbfdoving: I'll ask him07:44
fdovingok, just curious. jhutchins suggested we should have such a tool and your project came to mind. :)07:45
mhbfdoving: hmm, xerosis hasn't done much with it in the last few weeks07:49
mhbfdoving: OTOH, one of the SoCers is developing a similar tool for Ubuntu and I gave him a backend I created, so I wonder if we could merge it back and create a quick frontend for it07:50
fdovingthat would be cool.07:51
mhbLaserJock should be mentoring him, I'll ask him when he's around07:51
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mhbmanchicken__: has one of you manchickens noticed my question or did I ask in a bad time?08:15
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nixternalhowdy people!09:05
mhbhowdy nixternal09:05
nixternalI slept way to long09:06
nixternalI shut the blinds in the room so the sun wouldn't wake me, and I did close to 12 hours of sleep09:06
mhbnixternal: you slept all the way to Long?09:06
nixternalusually I am a 6 or 7 hour sleeper...but I caught up on some sleep from Friday night I guess09:07
mhbnixternal: by the way, about Konqueror tricks: do you happen to know why Kubuntu's Konqueror always displays the tab bar?09:07
mhbnixternal: all the other browsers hide it if there's just one window09:07
nixternalI believe we make that a default09:07
nixternalI am not 100% positive though...maybe KDE makes that a default09:08
mhbnixternal: well, I wanted to know the rationale09:08
nixternalif I use other browsers, I change it to mock konqui09:08
mhbnixternal: I prefer the tab bar to be hidden so there's more space for content when I have only one tab open... I may be the only person in the world, though :o)09:09
nixternalI guess I have just gotten used to it09:09
nixternalhow do you change the resolution of the KDM window?09:18
ScottKRiddell: I noticed that lighttpd 1.4.11-3ubuntu3.2 is still sitting in dapper-proposed even after you released lighttpd 1.4.11-3ubuntu3.3 to dapper-updates.  Dunno if that needs cleanup or not, but thought I'd mention it just in case.09:18
mhbnixternal: you mean the background one?09:19
nixternalwell the resolution at the login screen is what I need to change09:20
nixternalit is huge right now09:20
mhbnot sure09:20
nixternalit needs to be at 1440x900...i thought you could do it in kcontrol as I know I have done it before..but I cannot remember09:20
mhbryanakca played with kdm some time back but he's on vacation now09:20
nixternalcampin' with the bears09:21
ScottKnixternal: I thought it was "da Bears" where you are?09:22
RiddellScottK: it can just stay there09:23
ScottKRiddell: OK.  Thanks.09:23
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fdovingnixternal: i belive kdm will just use what is your default X resolution. if you change it with randr or something when you login that won't affect kdm.09:27
nixternalI changed it with System Settings and it didn't change..there is probably something stuck09:28
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manchickenmhb: I didn't know about the apport support.09:48
manchickenThat's interesting.09:48
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nixternalanyone familiar with ksensors and/or hddtemp?10:32
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mhbScottK: that guy you're dealing with on bug tracker probably encountered an amd64 adept breakage11:23
mhbScottK: because that's what has happened to me & nixternal today11:23
ScottKIs it fixed?11:23
mhb23:02 < Riddell> pitti: could you give back adept on amd64, libept should be installable now11:24
mhbScottK: ^^11:24
ScottKBut it hasn't happened yet?11:25
mhbScottK: not yet, I'm afraid11:25
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ScottK? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8699343/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-amd64.adept_2.1.3ubuntu4_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz11:26
ScottKI'm now confused.11:26
ScottKLP seems to think it's built.11:26
mhb23:01 < Riddell> "gutsy amd64  Failed to build"  do you have an amd64 mhb?11:27
mhb^^ jr said it wasn't, at least it seems so to me11:27
RiddellScottK: it's just been (re)built11:29
Riddellshould be in the archives soonish11:29
nixternalnot, cool!11:30
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mhbanyone here ready for some testing?11:36
=== nixternal is always ready
mhbnixternal: if you could check out https://code.launchpad.net/~martin.bohm/restricted-manager/k-r-m , debuild it, install it and try it, that'd be groovy11:40
nixternalroger that11:40
mhbnixternal: unfortunately it needs adept to install :o(11:40
nixternalI will do it on my 32bit box11:41
nixternalwell if I build it I can use trusty ol' cli11:41
nixternalfetching it now11:41
mhbnixternal: it needs to be tested extensively, because if it gets uploaded tomorrow it might be one of the highlights for the next tribe11:42
mhbnixternal: err, intesively :o)11:42
nixternalroger that11:42
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nixternalhowdy imbrandon11:46
imbrandonheya nix11:46
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nixternalhow goeth the life?11:46
imbrandonbrb , got some server issues to work on, bbiab11:46
nixternalooh fun11:46
imbrandongood good, just a busy night11:46
nixternalroger dodger11:47
imbrandonnixternal, know of a decient cpu-z replacement ( and no i dont mean "cat /proc/cpuinfo" is good nuff ) full GUI etc etc etc11:48
=== imbrandon goes to google
nixternalmight be more than you want11:48
imbrandonnah, even more, i might just have to clobber a python-qt/kde app togather as a proof of concept11:49
imbrandonall the info is there its just spread out in /proc/* and other places11:49
nixternalimbrandon: funny you say that, I was going to start working on one similar11:50
nixternalisn't cpu-z a windows only app? or is that what you are looking for?11:50
imbrandonnice, go for it, i'll test and maybe code a line or two if i get an itch, i really dont have the time to put into it11:50
imbrandonyea its a windows only app, but i want it for (k)ubuntu11:50
imbrandonshould be simple, all the same info is explosed somewhere in the proc tree, it just needs to be gui-ified11:51
nixternalI will have to isntall it on Windows and check it out...create a gui that is similar and then rock from there11:51
nixternalKSensors is about the closest thing that I know of right now11:51
imbrandonthere is probably screenshots somewhere, its a simple 2 or 3 tab app with no interaction11:51
nixternalKSensors is a dupe of Motherboard Monitor if you remember that11:52
imbrandonyou only run it and it outputs comp info to the screen, like windows device manager for your motherboard and cpu on crack11:52
imbrandonok, sorry , got to run, back in a bit11:52
nixternaloh ya, I remember cpu-z11:53
nixternalas a matter of fact, someone kde-apps has written one with kommander I believe11:53
imbrandonnixternal, ahh yea, here we go, just like this ( and the other tabs ) http://news.softpedia.com/images/reviews/large/CPU-Z_01large.png11:54
nixternalhaha, that is what I am reading right now11:54
imbrandoncool, i'll dig on kde-apps later11:54
nixternalScottK: remember we were talking about project yesterday or what not? well the other app I was trying to think of was TaskJuggler...it is very similar as well...very nice app11:57
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