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=== CryptoMole [n=CryptoMo@67-42-176-194.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-installer
CryptoMolehi all09:12
CryptoMolei run feisty fawn currently09:12
CryptoMoleand i was thinking about trying gusty tribes209:13
CryptoMoledoes anyone know what i might run into for problems?09:13
cjwatsonfirstly, the current release is Tribe 3, so use that instead (and it's "gutsy" :-))09:14
cjwatsondo you mean problems with the installer?09:15
CryptoMoleyes and also after install09:15
cjwatsonwe only deal with the former here09:15
CryptoMoleits on my thinkpad09:15
cjwatsonAFAIK it's currently in pretty good shape09:15
cjwatsonbut really, you should upgrade rather than doing a fresh install09:15
cjwatsonfor after install, #ubuntu+1 is a better place09:16
CryptoMoleso anything on the installer09:16
CryptoMolei should know09:17
cjwatsonnot really09:17
cjwatson(at least not to my knowledge)09:17
CryptoMoleso do upgrade, ill have to find out how to do that cause i have forgotten09:18
superm1CryptoMole, again, this isn't realy intended discussion for this channel, but this will get you started: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/tribe309:19
superm1join into #ubuntu+1 :)09:20
tepsipakkicjwatson: could I test the new debconf on dapper netboot by replacing some files on the fly while it's installing?09:30
cjwatsontepsipakki: yes, but I figured a modified ISO image would be a better test - why?09:52
cjwatsontepsipakki: the patch is in the bug - if you apply that after debconf is installed by base-installer but before pkgsel *starts*, then that would be a valid test09:53
cjwatsonyou either have to be quick, or edit pkgsel.postinst to put 'sleep 3600 || true' at the start and kill the sleep process when you're ready for it09:53
cjwatsonoh, sorry, you said netboot09:53
cjwatsonyeah, I guess that would be interesting. The problem is that it only shows up some of the time, so you might well have to run several times or on several machines to confirm that the hang had gone away or at least been ameliorated09:54
cjwatsonbut if you're prepared to patch on the fly maybe five or ten times over, or else set something up to automate it, sure09:55
tepsipakkicjwatson: I could reproduce it on some machines every time, so I'd test that first10:22
=== CryptoMole [n=CryptoMo@67-42-176-194.eugn.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu-installer ["Leaving"]
tepsipakkiand then the fix10:22
tepsipakkibut I'll try to come up with a way to test it several times10:25
cjwatsontepsipakki: ok, that would be great then11:09
cjwatsontepsipakki: the URL on cdimage.ubuntu.com I gave in the bug includes patches adjusted to apply to dapper, edgy, and feisty11:10
cjwatsonyou'll want to grab the dapper one as the original patch won't apply directly - a few other things were changed11:10

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