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lamontBuilt successfully02:02
lamontPurging chroot-gutsy-stage0/build/buildd/linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.2202:02
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mjg59I suspect that the generic ATA driver would drive it in the short term03:23
Nafallomjg59: I bought an Acer today03:24
=== Nafallo hides
mjg59I know plenty of masochists03:25
mjg59So I won't hold it against you03:25
NafalloI got it damn cheap, so will be replaced in tops three months or so :-)03:26
NafalloI'd guess even Acer Aspire would be better then nothing at all :-)03:26
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bullgard4How can I obtain acpiexec from http://developer.intel.com/technology/iapc/acpi/downloads.htm?06:46
mjg59Which acpiexec utility?06:47
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bullgard4That one which Thomas Renninger mentioned in his HowTo "How to debug ACPI problems" in the Mailing list linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org06:52
mjg59Oh, right. Have you downloaded the acpica sources?06:53
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bullgard4Half a year ago I downloaded iasl but apparently not all acpica sources. Where should I store acpica-unix-20061109.tar.gz on my Ubuntu 7.04?07:11
mjg59Wherever you want to07:12
mjg59Your home directory if you want to keep it, /tmp if not07:12
bullgard4I have found a directory 'acpiexec' containing aecommon.h, aeexec.c, aemain.c, Makefile, osunidir.c but no executable file acpiexec07:26
mjg59You'll need to build it07:26
mjg59(If you're not sure how to do that, I'm afraid this really isn't the right place to ask)07:26
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