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rainctgood night12:42
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bddebianHeya gang02:30
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RAOFYo, bddebian 02:33
bddebianHeya RAOF02:33
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eggwarmerI'm new in here, how do I get involved in some development?03:18
RAOFThe best way is to find a bug in a package you care about, and fix it :)03:19
xtknighteggwarmer, what do you plan on doing?  bug fixes, triaging, etc?03:19
eggwarmerWhat is triaging?03:19
eggwarmerBug fixes most likely?03:20
xtknighteggwarmer, sorting out bugs, finding duplicates03:20
xtknightassigning packages, getting people to reproduce it03:20
xtknighthelping the perosn debug it.03:20
eggwarmerOh, well I'm a developer in C, Python, and java.03:21
RAOFSo, you've got a whole bunch of options.03:21
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xtknightbut anyone can fix bugs and get those uploaded without being a member 03:22
RAOFYou could help an upstream project, which helps us.03:22
eggwarmerI submitted a few bug myself to Launchpad, but their most upstream things.03:22
RAOFWell, you can *fix* those bugs, if you like :)03:23
eggwarmerHumm, I'll have to look into that, I was under the impression I had to be assigned something.03:24
RAOFAttach patches to your bugs, or even better, debdiffs, and they'll go into the packages.03:24
RAOFNah.  Noone here is assigned *anything*.03:24
RAOFSome people have upload privileges to the archives (the MOTUs), but you don't need that to help.03:24
eggwarmerI see I will first need to get more accustom the deb build process.03:25
RAOFNot necessarily.  Just code patches are useful.03:25
RAOFBut you probably will want to get used to the packaging process, yes.03:25
eggwarmerYou mean generated with diff?03:26
eggwarmerOK, got it.03:26
RAOFGet the source (apt-get source packagename), fix the bug, diff it :)03:26
eggwarmerI had and still have an issue with an X driver, maybe I'll look into that.03:26
RAOFWoah.  If you're able to hack on X drivers, please go ahead!03:27
eggwarmerWell I've been a UNIX geek for over 15 years, I could probably do something useful.03:27
eggwarmerWell in this case the drive used to work fine until I installed Fiesty.03:28
RAOFYay, regression!  git-bisect! :)03:29
RAOFStupid Xsession won't let me pass parameters.  Gah!03:29
eggwarmerI was using a Mandriva release before that.03:29
eggwarmerYup, I'm betting something was merged out or clobbered.03:30
RAOFProbably.  Should be easy(er) to fix, then.03:30
eggwarmerThat's what I was thinking, but it would be nice to have the branch history to see what was done when.03:31
RAOFYeah, you'll probably want to grab the source from upstream git (gitweb.freedesktop.org)03:31
RAOFThat'll get you the revision history.  They should have tagged the various releases.03:32
eggwarmerGreat I'll look into it.I've never used git, so I guess I'll have to learn.03:33
eggwarmerRAOF thanks!!!03:38
RAOFeggwarmer: NP :)03:39
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=== RAOF hits Xsession
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whiteajmitch: hey, can you write an email to the debian melbourne list and tell us, when you are coming and when you want to catch up?05:51
ajmitchsure, once I arrange time off from work & flights05:52
white!info cacti gutsy05:52
ubotucacti: Frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6j-1 (gutsy), package size 936 kB, installed size 3612 kB05:52
=== ajmitch laughs at some of the replies to mjg59's automatix review
ajmitch'Ye, Automatix is great.05:52
ajmitchWere just dealing with elitest guru's who like to make life hard and swear by anything easy being "a lesser" form.'05:53
whitesomeone wants to sync cacti from unstable05:53
ajmitchyou do05:53
whiteajmitch: i am just a communication device ;)05:53
ajmitchI presume that it's only just been uploaded?05:53
whiteit is already in the pool05:53
ajmitchsince it looks to be the same version in sid05:53
whitethere should be an NMU05:54
=== ajmitch apt-get updates
white!info egroupware gutsy05:54
ubotuegroupware: web-based groupware suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.106-2.dfsg-3 (gutsy), package size 6 kB, installed size 40 kB05:54
whitesomeone wants to sync egroupware as well :)05:54
whiteajmitch: yes ... CVE-2007-3155 :)05:56
ubotuUnspecified vulnerability in eGroupWare before 1.2.107-2 has unknown impact and attack vectors related to ADOdb.  NOTE: due to lack of details from the vendor, it is uncertain whether this issue is already covered by another CVE identifier. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-3155)05:56
whiteoh that stupid bug can also look for CVEs? nice05:56
=== ajmitch is mildly allergic to egroupware
whiteajmitch: you should definetely not use it05:57
ajmitch15:51 < stub> Launchpad is going down in 15 minutes for scheduled database maintenance05:57
ajmitchLP will be down for a few hours05:57
whitewell let's do some serious studies. See you later :)05:57
ajmitchalright, see you later :)05:58
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=== Fujitsu hides from the /. thread on mjg59's Automatix analysis.
FujitsuI probably should get around to unbreaking vnc4server at some point :(06:58
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=== elkbuntu notes how much the comments to her blog have cooled since she put up the 'automatix is like speeding' analogy
joejaxxelkbuntu: it was on slashdot :P07:23
joejaxxFujitsu: :P07:23
elkbuntujoejaxx, hmm?07:23
joejaxxwhich is a shame07:24
joejaxxwas has slashdot come to07:24
elkbuntumjg's blog post, yeah07:24
joejaxxFujitsu: it seemed kind of weird to me07:25
elkbuntuit only took 3 goes to get it up the firehose, and took a regular to post for it to actually get through07:25
joejaxxkeescook: when you have a minute i would like to talk to you about apparmor :P07:25
=== StevenK appears
FujitsuHi StevenK.07:26
=== StevenK waves.
=== Fujitsu hopes the official TB statement isn't far off.
StevenKIt be nice if the offical TB statement was agree with Matthew's statement, Automatix is teh suck or so.07:28
FujitsuSomething like that.07:28
FujitsuSome of the responses are... odd.07:28
joejaxxn/win 412307:28
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joejaxxajmitch: that was a typo07:31
joejaxxit supposed to be /win 41207:31
cbx33hey ajmitch 07:31
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StevenKStill, /win 412 is a little disturbing.07:35
StevenKI will have on average 8 windows open in irssi.07:36
FujitsuMore than a little.07:36
FujitsuI have... 2707:36
StevenKIt seems I'm not a hard-core IRCer. :-P07:36
joejaxxStevenK: lol07:36
ajmitchhello cbx33 07:37
ajmitch412 is beyond disturbing07:37
=== StevenK watches a merge of kino test build.
joejaxx01:37 Irssi uptime: 205d 14h 47m 12s07:37
joejaxxirc ftw :)07:37
StevenKjoejaxx: Are you every IRC network that exists, or something? :-)07:37
StevenKAre you on, even07:37
joejaxxi am on 1707:38
FujitsuAw, only 15 days... that's what happens when server rooms need to be demolished :(07:38
joejaxx17 irc servers07:38
ajmitchand do you actually get anything done, or just idle in far too many channels?07:40
joejaxxno i get stuff done :)07:40
joejaxxmost of the channels i am in i actually do stuff others i idle07:41
joejaxxidle /watch07:41
joejaxxlike #ubuntu-devel07:41
joejaxxthere is really no reason for me to say anything in there except to watch07:41
StevenKFujitsu: The server room got demolished? Then where will the servers live?07:42
FujitsuStevenK: In an old office until the new one appears.07:42
StevenKPoor servers.07:42
joejaxxStevenK: they used datacenterexec :P07:42
StevenKFujitsu: They're rack-mount{ed,able}?07:43
FujitsuStevenK: No.07:43
FujitsuJust a lot of towers. Big towers.07:45
=== StevenK wishes rack mountable gear wasn't so expensive.
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=== StevenK kicks off nine rebuilds.
FujitsuLP will probably eat them.08:00
StevenKI'm test building them, not uploading them.08:00
StevenKIn related news, I can't talk to Launchpad.08:00
StevenKIs it during that 5 hour outage? I never did the math.08:01
FujitsuLP is down for another 4 hours or so.08:01
FujitsuThat was my point with the eating thing.08:01
FujitsuNow, imagine if Canonical had their way, and this was a shutdown of the entire FOSS world.08:02
StevenKNow now.08:07
StevenKNo need to be like that.08:07
FujitsuAw, why not?08:08
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=== StevenK taps his fingers, waiting for his machine to finish building stuff.
=== cbx33 wonders if 404main could be improved at all?
cbx33anyone used it?08:14
elmargolHi I'm currently working with the guys from gnunet. And did the packaging for the current version (0.7.2.b) on feisty. The package maintainer for debian is somehow very busy. (he lacks the recent 2 versions). How are chances that i can upload the current version to gutsy?08:18
Fujitsuelmargol: ~108:18
elmargolthe current version on gutsy is not working anyway.08:20
StevenKelmargol: Fujitsu means your chances are very good.08:20
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tuxmaniacuntil when is the launchpad under maintanence?08:23
StevenKAnother 4 hours or so.08:24
tuxmaniacoh ok. thanks StevenK 08:24
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RAOF_Aww, yeah.  Take that, Xauth!09:29
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RAOFAlright!  As soon as launchpad's back up, I've got an xserver-xgl package to push on unsuspecting MOTUs!09:49
RAOFBwa ha ha!09:50
DarkMageZdon't blame raof... blame ati09:51
=== ajmitch blames RAOF
RAOFI really need to get a buildd to watch /var/incoming.09:51
RAOFBlame the new mesa, which breaks our existing Xgl build.09:52
StevenKRAOF: Have a look at Seveas' blog, he was talking about Falcon doing that.09:52
BurgundaviaRAOF: is XGL even still developed?09:52
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RAOFStevenK: I kinda saw that ish in falcon.  Where *is* Seveas' blog, anyway.09:52
RAOFBurgundavia: Yes.  A little bit.  It's kinda a release away from being finished :)09:53
Burgundaviahasn't it been merged into the mainline X.org anyway?09:53
StevenKRAOF: http://blogs.ubuntu-nl.org/dennis/2007/08/03/package-build-coordination/09:53
DarkMageZaiglx was merged. xgl was the hack that started the entire fad09:53
RAOFDarkMageZ: Hack, long term X solution.  What's the difference? :)09:55
RAOFRun via cron?  Bah!  Run via a python wrapper watching /var/incoming with inotify!09:55
DarkMageZRAOF, yeah. that truth hurts.09:55
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Burgundaviaugh, yay for hacks09:56
DarkMageZick @ hacks09:56
DarkMageZproper working solutions ftw :)09:56
RAOFReally, the only hack there is the need for an underlying X server.  At least as far as I'm aware.09:57
StevenKRAOF: Running with an inotify on /var/incoming looks sensible. Maybe suggest that to Seveas?09:57
Burgundavia"the only hack was to weld an entire new frame onto your car"09:57
Burgundaviashould run fine, don't worry about it09:58
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StevenKBurgundavia: Sounds like giving a Volkswagen Bettle a V8 by "installing" it on a trailer attached to it.09:58
RAOFStevenK: I may offer to implement it.  python-pyinotify is awesome.09:59
StevenKRAOF: Yay!09:59
=== davromaniak_ is now known as davromaniak
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SeveasStevenK, falcon now uses cron to look at $incoming, using inotify is in the todo but I didn't want to turn falcon into a daemon yet. I'll probably write a small-ish C daemon that does it and calls falcon 10:12
Amaranthi thought dput could run a command10:12
RAOF...It can, can't it.  At least something.10:13
Amaranththat's what the pbuilder custom repo howto has it do10:13
RAOFAmaranth: Linky?10:13
RAOFAmaranth: Also, want to test an Xgl package? :)10:13
AmaranthSeveas: post_upload_command = mini-dinstall --batch10:14
Amaranthin your dput config10:14
Amaranthyou can make dput run falcon to update the repo when you put stuff in it10:14
SeveasAmaranth, yeah, i'm not going to support that with falcon :)10:14
AmaranthSeveas: why not?10:14
Amaranthbetter than cron or inotify10:15
Seveas(although it actually already supports it: post_upload_command = falcon build -i foo.dsc10:15
AmaranthRAOF: does it actually have any changes other than a mesa update?10:15
SeveasAmaranth, post_upload_command won't work if you only support ftp/http uploads10:15
RAOFAmaranth: A bunch of shiny new xsession files?10:15
AmaranthRAOF: meh10:16
AmaranthRAOF: got a ppa for it? ;)10:16
RAOFNot until launchpad's back up :(10:16
Amaranthoh, right10:16
RAOFSeveas: Any particular reason to write a C daemon rather than a python one?10:17
SeveasRAOF, it'd be smaller10:17
Seveasfalcon itself uses quite a few python libabries, making it big10:18
RAOFTrue.  Oh, yeah.  falcon needs 2.4, too, so you won't be sharing that memory with other instances.10:18
=== RAOF takes this opportunity to set up falcon on his build box.
Seveaswell, if python-newt has been fixed in gutsy, I'll move to 2.510:20
SeveasRAOF, wait with that if you don't mind10:20
Seveasfor autobuilding you need beta 3, which isn't out yet10:20
Seveas(will be done tomorrow, today is birthday of my fiancee :))10:20
RAOFFair enough.10:20
Seveashence, I'm off10:21
RAOFHappy birthday, by proxy!10:21
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Hobbseehiya RAOF!10:47
FujitsuHi RAOF, Hobbsee.10:48
Hobbseehi Fujitsu 10:48
RAOFHobbsee: I'm waiting on launchpad to allow me to drop a huge pile of Xgl on someone.  Want to poke it into activity with your long stick?10:49
HobbseeRAOF: not overly :P10:49
FujitsuLP should be back in about 10, no?10:49
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=== Kmos LP is back
FujitsuYay, Soyuz is back on too.11:36
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white!info kdegraphics gutsy11:48
ubotukdegraphics: graphics apps from the official KDE release. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.7-1ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 22 kB, installed size 64 kB11:48
whiteyou might want to sync kdegraphics with sid, if   CVE-2007-3387 is not fixed in ubuntu11:49
ubotuInteger overflow in the StreamPredictor::StreamPredictor function in gpdf before 2.8.2, as used in (1) poppler, (2) xpdf, (3) kpdf, (4) kdegraphics, (5) CUPS, and other products, might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted PDF file. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-3387)11:49
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gesergnomefreak: are there any plans to update iceape in gutsy? the debian changelog mentions several fixes security issues since the verison in gutsy01:44
RAOFLadies and gentlemen!  For your veiwing pleasure: #Add auth record for Xgl01:59
RAOFOr not01:59
RAOFhttps://code.launchpad.net/~raof/xserver-xgl/ubuntu-raof is ready for actual review02:00
bluefoxicyI was at 4% CPU usage and my CPU scaled down02:00
bluefoxicyfrom 1.9GHz to 1.8GHz   >:|02:00
bluefoxicyanything over like 6% puts me at 1.9GHz  >:|  I filed a bug on this ages ago, with a fix.  (Which I just re-applied to my system and now I'm staying at 1.0GHz until I NEED it)02:00
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=== RAOF now switches to "ping every couple of hours like a good bot" mode.
gnomefreakgeser: yes we are waiting on calendar as mike from debian plans on adding it back02:03
gnomefreakgeser: i will ping asac on monday to see if he talked to mike yet about it.02:04
HobbseeRAOF: most people wont be insane enough to touch xserver-xgl02:04
=== gnomefreak wonders what would cause debian/tmp to be empty :9
whitegnomefreak: debhelper? (installing it into debian/$binary_package)02:11
gnomefreakwhite: i dont see why that would change from one build to another just different upstream versions02:12
whitegnomefreak: different build system?02:12
gnomefreaklooking at output to see why it purged it atm02:13
gnomefreaki take that back maybe upstrem did change the way it builds02:14
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bluefoxicyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Linux-2.4-oops-sparc.jpg  O_O03:07
bluefoxicyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Linux-2.6-oops-parisc.jpg  O_o03:07
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ScottK2Good morning all.03:37
Hobbseemorning ScottK2 03:37
geserHi ScottK203:37
ScottK2Hello Hobbsee and geser.03:37
AndyPhey ScottK2 03:37
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ScottK2Hi AndyP03:38
ScottK2Would it be wrong for a package to remove a copy of the same program from /usr/local when it's installed?03:39
AndyPi think it would be wrong03:41
AndyPif the user wants to use their own local installation we shouldn't touch it03:41
ScottK2The particular case I'm thinking of is clamav.03:42
ScottK2You can use the klamav gui to download, compile, and install a /usr/local version.03:43
AndyPwell that sounds a bit wrong to me too :)03:44
ScottK2Which could be useful when package backports lag, but I'm thinking when the packaged version catches up, the /usr/local one is OBE.03:44
ScottK2It has it's risks.03:44
ScottK2OTOH, we are about Freedom and not constraining people.03:45
ScottK2We debated this in the last Kubuntu meeting and determined that for Clamav it made sense to allow it.03:45
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ScottK2Just as an example, if clamav 0.90.2 had released a week later, we would have released Feisty with no virus DB updates.03:46
AndyPi just know that the debian policy (and fhs) frowns upon putting anything in /usr/local. i don't think i'm experienced enough to know where the rules can be bent justifiably03:48
ScottK2Well the version in /usr/local isn't put there by the packaging system.  That's what /usr/local is for.03:50
ScottK2The question is if there is an obsolete version there, what can I do about it.03:50
AndyPah i see03:51
ScottK2Maybe the solution is to patch the freshclam version check to look in both and suggest to the user they get rid of the obolete version.03:51
AndyPsounds sane enough03:52
ScottK2AndyP: How's your C?03:53
AndyPsketchy :)03:54
ScottK2Better than mine then.03:54
ScottK2I can sort of read it if it's well commented ;-)03:54
yoschhi everyone03:54
ScottK2Hi yosch03:54
yoschtrying to dput stuff on revu I get a "connection refused"03:55
ScottK2Well I'll investigate the code and see what I can figure.03:55
yoschanybody feels like helping me with this?03:55
ScottK2yosch: Have you uploaded to revu before?03:55
yoschScottK2: no, first time, but I think I followed all the stuff in the REVU wiki page03:55
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ScottK2How long ago did you join the contributors of packages to universe team and is you GPG key on your LP account?03:56
yoschScottK2: I'm in the team, got my dput.cf configured...03:57
ScottK2How long ago?03:57
yoschScottK2: 2007-03-1803:57
ScottK2OK.  That's plenty of time.03:57
ScottK2Please copy/paste the exact dput command you used.03:58
yoschdput -d revu ttf-euterpe_1.0-1_source.changes (I have other targets in my dput.cf)03:58
yoschI get "File "/usr/lib/python2.4/urllib2.py", line 996, in do_open03:59
yosch    raise URLError(err)03:59
yoschurllib2.URLError: <urlopen error (111, 'Connection refused')>"03:59
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StevenKyosch: Which means REVU is down/broken.03:59
ScottK2The web end of it is up.03:59
StevenKUnless your revu config is wrong/broken.03:59
ScottK2Why don't you pastebin the revu part of your dput.cf.04:00
yoschStevenK: I have what's on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU04:00
yoschScottK2: which pastebin?04:01
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:01
ScottK2or whatever.04:01
yoschdo I need a specific version of dput?04:03
yoschis the service working for other folks?04:03
ScottK2No one else has complained, but no one else has uploaded recently either.04:04
StevenKyosch: I'm worried you don't specify a method.04:04
yoschI've got a bunch of font-related packages ready to go (from the Debian fonts team too)04:05
=== ScottK2 sits back and lets someone who knows what they are doing help.
yoschStevenK: true, the method's missing in revu block but I have it in the default block, trying that04:06
StevenKScottK2: I don't know what I'm doing either. :-P04:06
ScottK2yosch: Maybe pastebin the whole thing.04:06
ScottK2StevenK: More than me.04:06
ScottK2I doubt it would make a difference, but my dput.cf doesn't have the last two lines that yours does yosch04:06
yoschScottK2: and you dput is which version?04:07
ScottK2I have, at one time or another, dput to REVU with dapper, edgy, feisty, and gutsy versions.04:08
ScottK2I think it's or there abouts now.04:08
ScottK2So that'd be roughtly - 28 that I've used.04:09
AndyPif the connection is being refused at the urlopen level i doubt it's a dput version problem, unless the port number changed between versions or something *shrug*04:11
yoschtrying to sync my version04:11
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yoschAndyP: more of an authentication thing then, how is the auth supposed to happen?04:12
ScottK2yosch: What happens if you ping revu?04:12
StevenKIt isn't, it uses anonymous FTP.04:12
AndyPyosch: doesn't even seem to be reaching the authentication stage (have to open a connection first)04:12
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yoschping and http react normally04:14
ScottK2yosch: Why don't you pastebin your full dput.cf.04:14
ScottK2Looks like that last upload to revu was ~12 hours ago.  Not unusual.04:17
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yoschOK, solved: simply had to put method = ftp and passive_ftp = 1 (duh!)04:25
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yoschguess I simply need to wait for the first email with my revu credentials then?04:27
yoschScottK2, StevenK: sorry about the noise, should have checked my conf a bit more closely. thanks for the help04:29
ScottK2No problem.04:29
StevenKWhat he said. :-)04:29
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=== norsetto wonders who doesn't like a hot lazy Sunday afternoon ....
norsettoit was a hot lazy Sunday afternoon until Scott kicked norsetto's ass with his last package.....04:50
ScottK2This is how you learn.04:51
ScottK2BTW, Not describing how the tarball was built was a significant defect in the package that you inherited from the person who did it before you.04:52
=== StevenK sorts out the ten packages that need to be touched due to the new libquicktime.
ScottK2Only ten, that'll take what, 5 minutes for you?04:55
StevenKFrom 4 building and 6 failing, I think I'm up to 9 building and 1 failing.04:55
StevenKNot quite, I've spent, uh, like 2 hours so far.04:56
=== StevenK isn't quite the deity ScottK2 makes him out to be.
ScottK2I'm reviewing ubuntustudio-default-settings.05:00
=== StevenK tries to the make the tenth package love him too.
StevenKGiven it seems to be calling a 21 argument (!) libquicktime function wrongly, I'm not sure it will.05:07
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ScottK2TheMuso: ubuntustudio-default-settings uploaded.05:27
ScottK2See you all later.05:31
norsettoScottK2: if the previous maintainer was an ubuntu person, should we actually use the XSBC-Original-Maintainer field?05:31
norsettoScottK2: ok,thx, see you later05:31
geserif the maintainer field already contains an ubuntu address then there is no need to change it to XSBC-O-M05:35
Hobbseegeser: depending on how one interprets the maintainer mangling spec05:38
Hobbseegeser: and the concept of group maintainership05:38
Hobbseethat being said, though, i tend not to change ubuntu addresses05:38
justinwraynorsetto: If you can't get a current (so called stable) version of an application built do we every allow "snapshots" or "betas" etc. into the repo?05:40
norsettojustinwray: it depends: how often is the CVS updated? Is the application reasonably bug free? Is it actively developed?05:42
justinwraynorsetto: Well this snapshot is from the about three weeks ago, and they seem to have a new snapshot every month or so.  However the last "stable" release was Sept. 2006.  It does seem to be reasonably stable though, and not a lot of reported bugs, most of the changelog include features, and code re-writes, etc.05:44
norsettojustinwray: well, then you have your answer05:45
justinwraynorsetto: Thank you :-)05:45
norsettojustinwray: np05:45
Hobbseejustinwray: you'll get hit by UVF soon.  but of course, there are exceptions05:50
Hobbseejustinwray: which package?05:51
Hobbseenot currently in ubuntu05:51
justinwrayIts an Xfire protocol addin for Gaim/Pidgin05:51
Hobbseejustinwray: should be fairly easy to get exceptions for, then05:52
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norsettoHey justin, which of the two is Mr. Hyde?05:56
wrayjustinAt friends at, his router kicked the bucket.  (He lives in the middle of no where)05:57
norsettoHobbsee: still around?06:05
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Hobbseenorsetto: somewhat, yes06:10
=== norsetto wonders if hobbsee does ever sleep....
Hobbseenorsetto: real soon now.  :)06:11
norsettoHobbsee: just wanted to report back on the couple of task you assigned me; just bug me when you have 5 min.06:11
Hobbseenorsetto: woot :)06:12
Hobbseenorsetto: go for it06:12
norsettook, lets start with turkey06:13
norsettoyou can check it out in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/turkey/+bug/12974206:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129742 in turkey "[ftbfs]  turkey ftbfs on gutsy" [Undecided,Confirmed]  06:13
norsettoI also send the patch to Debian, in case they want to accept my ITA06:13
norsettoonly one issue: it is now an hard dependency on the java jvm, which makes it to non-free (debian) and multiverse (us)06:14
norsettobut the package still build without java and can run (in non gui mode) without java06:15
Hobbseenice work06:15
norsettoso, we could consider making it a reccomended (or even suggested) dependancy06:15
norsettoI'm thinking of having an echo somewhere in rules saying "to run in gui mode etc. etc. sun jvm etc. etc." and having the sun jvm only recommended06:18
Hobbseeunsure about recommends, and components06:20
=== Hobbsee --> bed. night all
norsettosleep it over; its just to make Debian happy in case they accept my ITA so we can keep in sync06:21
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norsettog'night :-)06:21
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nuke13Hi 06:29
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dothebarti'm trying to set up an gutsy chroot for compiling on amd 6408:32
dothebartedgy feisty and dapper worked all well... but, in gutsy i get:08:33
dothebartError in select()Unpacking libx11-data (from .../libx11-data_2%3a1.1.1-1ubuntu3_all.deb08:34
dothebartover and over... what am i supposed to do?08:34
dothebartommitting screen doesn't work allso...08:36
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Monk-eCan anybody tell me why debhelper does a 'cat configure.sh>configure' if it (sometimes) finds a configure.sh file? (or actually pbuilder does it, but debhelper sets it up afaik)08:37
dothebarthm, typing reset without a screen arround it seems to fix it...08:38
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RainCTsomebody knows what the file with the keyboard layout is?09:46
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norsettoScottK: thx for your patience; I hope 6345 is good to go now09:54
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ScottKnorsetto: I'll have a look.10:49
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norsettoScottK: thx, really appreciate it10:53
ScottKnorsetto: Check the comments.10:56
norsettoScottK: it was changed from 0.17.0008 to 0.17.001110:57
norsettoScottK: while the original package was 0.1510:57
ScottKSo shouldn't the version reflect the version? \10:57
ScottKLet's say next week they release a 0.17.0012 that fixes a critical error.  What would be the version for that?10:58
norsettoScottK: the major version, but the minor? Also 0.15 was for a minor 01110:59
ScottKI'd say that was a mistake.10:59
ScottKIt should be the exact version.10:59
norsettoScottK: anything else?11:00
ScottKIt's still building, but not so far.11:00
=== norsetto wonders why the package had so many mistakes yet it was uploaded.....
=== norsetto stops wondering and start working
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ScottKnorsetto: You also need a call to dh_installdocs to install the debian/copyright file.11:09
norsettoScottK: correct, its not installed11:11
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norsettoScottK: I blindly assumed that the package, being archived, was correct (good lesson.....)11:12
ScottKI think that's it.11:13
ScottKBTW lintian on the .deb showed the copyright file wasn't there.  You should alwasy run lintian/linda on both the source and all the binariers.11:14
ScottKbinaries even.11:14
norsettoScottK: yes, but the debian/copyright covers for that11:15
norsettoScottK: also Linda complained abot the Build-Depnds....11:15
ScottKRight, but it's debian/copyright that wasn't getting installed.11:16
norsettoScottK: OK, my fault, I understood the error to be for the upstream copyright11:17
ScottKWhich now that you mention it you don't have one of those...11:17
norsettoScottK: indeed .... its in debian/copyright .....11:18
ScottKNo, you can't do that.  The upstream tarball MUST contain a full verbatim copy of the license.11:19
=== norsetto wishes adam was around....
ScottKThe won't go through NEW since it's an existing package, but if it did, the archive admins would reject it.11:19
ScottKThey are, I believe, pickier about that than they used to be.11:20
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ScottKSo just make a copy of MPL 1.1 in a file called COPYING and roll that into your tarball.11:20
ScottKAnd add that to the description of how you made the tarball in debian/copyright.11:20
norsettoScottK: hmmmmm, would that be ok?11:21
ScottKI checked the code and it says in the code it's MPL 1.1 and you are constructing the tarball, so yes.11:21
norsettoScottK: ok, will do11:22
ScottKI also note that the header in the code lists some guy named Mark Shuttleworth as a contributor to the extension.11:22
norsettoScottK: yeah, he paid the ransom ....11:22
ScottKYou wanted a learning experience....11:22
norsettoScottK: oh man, did I learn ....11:23
norsettoScottK: but, in truth, I feel bad since I wasted (again) your time11:23
ScottKnorsetto: Part of what I'm investing my time in is making new MOTUs.  If you learned, it's not a waste.11:23
norsettoScottK: if I ever do this again, kick me twice (well, make it thrice...)11:24
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=== RAOF finishes reading backscroll, and starts spruiking xgl again: https://code.launchpad.net/~raof/xserver-xgl/ubuntu-raof
ScottKnorsetto: Uploaded.  Thanks.  12:13
norsettoScottK: ooppsss.....12:14
norsettoScottK was changing the copyright file :-(12:14

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