
=== Jazzva_ [n=sasa@cable-89-216-184-157.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
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JazzvaCan a bug have both mt-needtestcase and mt-needtester tags?02:51
gnomefreakJazzva: testcase forst02:54
gnomefreakto make our life easier02:54
Jazzvagnomefreak: Hmm... Well, I came across a bug that is tagged with both tags. That's why I asked :/...02:55
Jazzvabug 4129402:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 41294 in firefox "Monospace fonts are displayed as proportional" [Medium,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4129402:55
gnomefreakJazzva: ill look02:55
JazzvaOk :)...02:55
gnomefreakok set firefox a7 to build ill look at it in morning if it fails, im out for the night03:09
JazzvaHave fun...03:10
gnomefreakyou too03:10
JazzvaWill try :)...03:11
Jazzva*edit: Will try (to catch some sleep) :)...03:11
gnomefreakupdate: looks like firefox-trunk will work out if so i will spin granparadiso as well and give to asac for upload04:37
=== DarkMageZ [n=richard@ppp59-167-3-232.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
Jazzvagnomefreak: What's granparadiso?05:14
JazzvaIf someone could take a look at bug 107261. It's a known bug upstream, said that it'll be fixed in FF3, but still has a mt-needtester tag. I think it should be tagged with mt-confirm, but I'm not sure (a beginner :)).05:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107261 in firefox "Hebrew Vowels Incorrectly Placed in Firefox" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10726105:19
JazzvaOff to sleep...05:49
Admiral_ChicagoJazzva: firefox 3 while in development05:52
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gnomefreakasac: trunk almost builds :)11:12
gnomefreakso close i can taste it :(11:13
gnomefreaksomething is wrong with this. how in the hell is debian/tmp empty11:24
gnomefreakson of a bitch that where i saw that error before11:30
=== gnomefreak wonders how we fixed it
gnomefreaki cant see what we did to fix that error11:36
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JazzvaThanks Admiral_Chicago :)01:56
=== JenFraggle [n=jen@] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreakok this is getting weird now :(02:21
JazzvaThe building?02:21
gnomefreakupstream had to of changed something im not seeing02:21
gnomefreakgonna rebuild to see if a fluke02:21
gnomefreakwith 20070804 build02:22
JazzvaGood luck...02:22
gnomefreakasac: sorry wanted this ready for upload for when you got home for monday but i doubt it02:22
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=== JenFraggle [n=jen@] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacok i am more or less avail :)06:07
JazzvaWelcome back...06:08
Jazzvaasac: I have a few questions... I'll be back in a minute...06:08
asac... but remember that i am more or less in minor mode today ;)06:08
JazzvaIt's ok, just 2 or 3 minor bug questions :)06:13
hjmfI have one quick question too :); in the retrace of bug #129415 there really are garbage characters or do I have a problem with locales or somewhat?06:14
ubotuBug 129415 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/129415 is private06:14
hjmfI cannot read first stacks of the stacktrace06:15
hjmfthe same when I retrace here at home06:15
Jazzvaasac: Well, here are my questions, take a look when you have time :)...06:18
JazzvaBug 107261: Marked as In Progress, like upstream, but still has mt-needtester tag. I wasn't sure if retagging with mt-confirm is the right thing...06:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107261 in firefox "Hebrew Vowels Incorrectly Placed in Firefox" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10726106:19
hjmfI'll be back in half an hour or so06:20
JazzvaBug 81543: I think I found out why the Preferences get truncated (left in comments). And I think it's confirmed... but again, wasn't sure if I should retag it with mt-confirm.06:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 81543 in firefox "Firefox child windows width too small (german version)" [Medium,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8154306:21
JazzvaIt might be an upstream bug :/06:21
JazzvaAnd bug 72812: Has both mt-needtester and mt-needtestcase. Isn't that wrong *unsure*?06:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 72812 in firefox "Firefox does not display new page after click." [Medium,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7281206:22
asacJazzva: you can always tagg mt-confirm if you want feedback from me06:22
asace.g. mt-confirm is ment to be a staging tag you should set if you think you are done with current state but are not yet sure06:22
JazzvaOh... Ok.06:22
asacIn Progress ... though doesn't have any tags atm06:23
asacso feel free to remove any tag you find at that stage06:23
asacits in fact a "triaging bug" if "In Progress" bugs have a tag at all06:23
asace.g 107261 is on track in upstream bug06:23
asacso its usually more or less done from ubuntu point of view... which is why its "In Progress"06:24
asacbug 10726106:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107261 in firefox "Hebrew Vowels Incorrectly Placed in Firefox" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10726106:24
JazzvaMhm, but shouldn't it be untagged if it's in progress?06:24
asacits like i call it a "triaging bug"06:25
JazzvaAnd tagged with mt-confirm?06:25
asacno "in progress" has no tags at all06:25
asacso just remove it06:25
JazzvaWhat's the "triaging" part of that bug? :)06:25
asacJazzva: well its done :)06:26
asacJazzva: its been submitted upstreawm ... upstream has someone assigned to it06:26
asacso from ubuntu its just "look and see that upstream makes progress"06:26
asacof course ... anybody can take a look and see if he can help upstream fixing this06:26
JazzvaOh, ok... I thought there is maybe something else to be triaged about it :)...06:26
asacthe page above is a bughelper result ... among other things it tries to list bugs that have bad tag/state combinations06:27
asacsome false-positives, are in that list though06:27
asacJazzva: no ... not for that bug ... its in progress in that upstream deals with it06:27
Jazzvabughelper results... I think I read about it somewhere, though I completly forgot... :)06:28
JazzvaAaaah... firefox.html looks nice :).06:28
asacJazzva: yeah ... bughelper allows you to do multiple things06:28
asacwe maintain a firefox clue file ... but Admiral_Chicago can tell you more about that06:29
asacmain purpose is auto-detection of duplicates + detecting bugs that are not properly tagged ... as that often indicates that some user or unexperienced triager did something ... which is often enough wrong06:29
JazzvaI see...06:30
JazzvaAnd that clue file is firefox.html?06:30
asacno the clue file is a rule file for bughelper ... which produces firefox.html as a result06:31
asacbasically you can match things ... and print infos for bugs that match some conditions06:31
asacbut ask Admiral_Chicago about that ;) ... he is bughelper guru06:32
JazzvaOk, when he gets back...06:32
asacJazzva: usually firefox.html just gives you a list of bugs that need some attention06:32
asacthats all you need to know as a triager too start with :)06:32
JazzvaThat's what I wanted to say :)...06:32
Jazzvaasac: Two more questions :)...06:34
JazzvaAren't mt-needtester and mt-needtestcase in XOR relation?06:35
JazzvaAs in there can be only mt-needtester or mt-needtestcase, but not both...06:35
asacwell ... usually yes06:36
asacbut practically it might be that you want people to test an existing testcase, while you still search for a more reproducible one06:37
asacbut yes ... bugs that have both might need to be worked on06:37
asacat least they are worth a look06:37
asace.g. is there a step by step testcase in summary?06:37
asachas this testcase already been verified to "not reproduce it" ... et al06:38
JazzvaI see... I'll take a look.\06:38
Jazzvaasac: And about bzr... I read the wiki, tried out pulling the sources, everything went well :). I read about pushing, still didn't try it out.06:40
JazzvaSo, you want me to send the packages I prepare to bazaar?06:40
asacJazzva: yes06:44
asacits pretty good to review et al06:44
JazzvaHmm, ok...06:44
JazzvaI finished packaging gnome-voice-control last night and uploaded to REVU... Wasn't sure about bzr, but I'll upload it now. So, the address would be sftp://jazzva@bazzar.launchpad.net/~jazzva/gnome-voice-control/<branchname>?06:46
Jazzvaasac: And what's the right branchname?06:46
asacJazzva: yes ... you have to register a project for gnome-voice-control06:48
asacthen you can push it06:48
JazzvaMhm... And I should push only source?06:48
asacif you push with debian/ directory we usually call branchname: "debian" ... or "ubuntu"06:48
asacif its just plain upstream sources then its "upstream"06:48
JazzvaOk... thanks :)06:49
JazzvaShould I report to you once I'm done?06:49
asacJazzva: yes always only sources please06:49
asacnever push binaries ;)06:49
asacJazzva: sure06:49
asacjust tell me the branchname you want to get reviewed06:49
JazzvaOk :).06:49
asacat best send a mail06:49
asacso in case i don't have time right away, I won't forget it06:50
JazzvaUnderstood :D.06:50
asacbut usually i should be able to do a look within a few hours06:50
asacinitial upload might be different, because check needs to be more thoroug06:50
=== Jazzva thinks about his forgetness...
JazzvaMail it is :).06:50
Jazzvaasac: Here is the link: https://code.launchpad.net/~jazzva/gnome-voice-control/ubuntu07:07
JazzvaWill send a mail too... :)07:07
asacJazzva: its pretty important that you have an upstream branch as well07:12
Jazzvaasac: BTW, how can I set the name and e-mail for Bzr?07:12
Jazzvaasac: Uh-huh... I'll upload it now :)07:13
asacand since it won't help you when merging new upstream releases07:13
asacyou have to take care07:13
asacthat your ubuntu branch is initially branched from that upstream branch07:13
asacwhich you didn't do07:13
asac(i guess07:13
asacso ... start with the upstream branch07:13
asacadd the debian directory in another commit07:14
asacand push that buranch to <ubuntu> again07:14
JazzvaYou mean, to upload the upstream branch, then download that one, put in debian and upload as ubuntu or debian?07:14
asacits important that both branches have the same root07:14
asacotherwise you cannot really merge later07:14
asacyou can use --overwrite on push ... to overwrite your current ubuntu branch07:14
JazzvaCool :)07:15
asacif you have both branches up (upstream + ubuntu) let me know :)07:15
JazzvaAnd how can I set e-mail and name?07:15
JazzvaCurrently it's "Sasa <sasa@SID>"07:15
asacwait a sec07:17
asacread man bzr07:17
asacits on bottom i guess07:17
asacyou have to set env variables07:17
asacBZR_EMAIL it is07:17
JazzvaOk, thanks :)...07:17
asacbut it uses EMAIL alone if the BZR_ is not set07:18
asacinteresting is that i don't have any set, but it works for me :)07:18
JazzvaLucky you :)07:18
asaci think it needs to be name + email in that env07:19
Jazzvabzr whoami07:19
asace.g. EMAIL="Alexander Sack <asac@jwsdot.com>"07:19
JazzvaTo show or set user id :D07:19
asacyeah you can set the id as well07:20
asacwith bzr config i guess07:20
asacnow i see :)07:20
asacin ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf07:20
asaci have07:20
asac[DEFAULT] 07:20
asacemail = Alexander Sack <asac@jwsdot.com>07:20
JazzvaI was looking for that, but there wasn't one in .bazaar *sighs*... Maybe because I still didn't run bzr config or something *doh*...07:20
asacyeah .. try bzr config :)07:21
JazzvaDoesn't work... bzr whoami 'name <mail>'07:21
asacwell ... i think you will figure out :)07:23
asacif nothing works, you can use env variable :)07:23
JazzvaThis one is working :)07:23
Jazzva...at least, for now07:23
asacok out for a while ... dinner et al07:33
Jazzvaasac: Uploaded both upstream and ubuntu :).07:42
JazzvaOut for a dinner and a bit of studying... see you later.07:42
asacsure ... will look later07:49
Jazzvaasac: Thanks :)...08:21
JazzvaBTW, I just tried granparadiso-alpha7 now... It seems a lot faster then FF2. Gmail's interface can cause FF2 stop responding for a few seconds. On gp nothing :D... It's all smoother.08:23
JazzvaWell, back to studying...08:23
Admiral_ChicagoJazzva: i can tell you about bughelper later, I'm fairly busy today09:40
JazzvaAdmiral_Chicago: Thanks, I'll see what can I find on Bughelper and to get prepared :).10:55
asacyeah ... we should try to get paradiso 7 packaged ... last trunk builds crashed for us though11:06
Jazzvaasac: Packed for Gutsy?11:12
JazzvaWell, it crashed once for now... On Demonoid.11:13
asacJazzva: hey11:23
asacone question: why do you build-depend on gnome-devel?11:23
asaccan you try to do it more fine grained?11:24
asacPKG_CHECK_MODULES(GNOME_PANEL, libpanelapplet-2.0 gtk+-2.0 libgnomeui-2.0 gstreamer-0.10 gstreamer-base-0.10 gdk-2.0 libwnck-1.0 cspi-1.0)11:24
JazzvaHmm, I think it's reported in INSTALL...11:24
asacthats what i see in configure.ac11:24
asaci guess adding the -dev packages from those should be good enoug11:24
JazzvaOk, I'll try that and see if it builds11:24
asacotherwise ad those missing11:25
JazzvaDidn't know for that :)...11:25
asacusing gnoma-devel doesn't sound right ;)11:25
asacNote: those meta -devel packages are not ment for package dependencies11:25
asacits for developers that want to do arbitrary gnome development11:25
asacat least thats what used to know ;)11:25
asacif it build please push update to bzr11:26
Jazzvaused to know?11:26
JazzvaWell, I'll give it a try in a minute (waiting for computer to finish something)...11:26
Jazzvaasac: Just to edit files in the directory I pulled from bazzar? (the one where I put debian/)11:32
asacyou can edit there11:35
asacthen commit changes11:35
asacif you are happy with your commits you can push again11:35
asacbut please take the habbit to have nice per-feature checkins11:36
Jazzvaper-feature checkins?11:36
asace.g. commit locally ... reorganize your branch locally before you push :)11:36
asacnot that important :)11:36
asacits just to prevent micro-checkins11:36
asacwhich make it hard to track back regressions11:36
asacits not important :) .... but i take every oppertunity to talk this in to people :=11:37
JazzvaUmm... I don't think I understand you :)...11:37
JazzvaWell, I'm listening :)... But just don't get the meaning of "micro-checkin"11:37
asacwell ... most people use  cvs et al just to get versioned backups11:37
asacso they checkin whatever they have at some point11:37
asacsometimes they just checkin a bunch of unrelated things from top level11:37
asacet al11:38
asacsometimes they check in test revisions as a kind of checkpoint11:38
asacsince you don't commit directly to online repository you have the chance to reorganize your checkins so they are clean11:38
asacwith bzr11:38
asacyou see what i mean?11:38
JazzvaMhm :)11:38
JazzvaSo, to check everything I can before pushing, and not to upload for every little change...11:39
asacno idea11:39
asacjust use it11:39
asacif i see a pattern which i put into one of those two types I will let you know :)11:40
asacfinally those are your branches ;)11:40
JazzvaOne more question... I read before about ${misc:Depends}, but I couldn't find it after that... What does it stand for?11:41
asacits a debhelper variable11:43
asacyou can add specific depends during build by setting those variables11:43
asac actually i think its used by debhelper tools that don't belong to other categories like perl et al11:45
asacafaik debconf is one example?11:45
asace.g. debconf dependency is added automatically if you use debconf in your scritps?11:46
JazzvaHmm, supposed to11:46
asacbut ... this is all is dubious to me too11:46
asacwould have to look11:46
asacbasically its a just a debhelper variable11:46
JazzvaThis one uses automake, and it debhelper added autotools...11:46
asacto depends?11:47
JazzvaBuild-Depends :)11:47
asacbut thats not ${mis:depends} :)11:47
JazzvaSo, I figured it uses the same thing for Depends11:47
Jazzvaor something like that...11:47
Jazzva"the same thing" = "the same way of getting dependencies sorted out"...11:48
asacwell ... its the same ... and not11:48
asacdepends are mostly automatically detected11:48
asacwhile build-depends are usually manually11:48
JazzvaI see....11:49
asacdepends are automatic at least for shared libraries linked into any of your binary/library11:49
JazzvaHmm... I'm getting some errors :/11:53
JazzvaSomething like "dpkg-source: cannot represent change to .bzr/repository/knits/57/potfiles.skip-20070805165354-v7ytazn1plhvpf7q-55.knit: binary file contents changed"11:54
JazzvaWhen I try to build the source11:54
JazzvaUh-huh... there is a hidden .bzr directory...11:56
Jazzvaasac: So, I have to build sources in a directory that is not used for uploading to bazaar.11:57
Jazzvaasac: Ok, found a way to make it work :). No problem anymore :)11:58
asacJazzva: there is bzr-builddeb11:59
asacyou should take a look at it11:59
asacits pretty great to build packages that way11:59
asacits a package12:00
JazzvaHmm... Ok, will do it, after pbuilder finishes updating :).12:00
Jazzvaasac: I installed it and took a quick look at readme file. Is "bzr-buildpackage --builder='debuild -S -rfakeroot'" and then to test it "bzr-buildpackage --builder='pbuilder-gutsy build ../*.dsc'" a legal way to do the building?12:23
asacdepends on what you want todo :)12:24
asacactually i have i don't use pbuilder that much so i can't tell12:24
asacbut yes12:24
JazzvaTo build a source package which I will use to test in chroot :)...12:24
asaci usually do12:24
asacbzr bd --merge .12:24
asacwhich requires a orig.tar.gz i tarballs directory12:24
asacnext to your checkout dir (in case you don't tweak config)12:24
asacin your case I do a bzr bd --export-upstream=../gnome*.upstream --merge .12:25
asacon first time12:25
asacthen copy created orig.tar.gz from build-area to tarballs12:25
asacbut just when new upstream release is out12:25
asacotherwise i will reuse the orig.tar.gz generated12:25
asacso ...12:26
JazzvaOk... I think I need to play a bit more with this thing to get used to it :)...12:26
asacbzr-buildpackage --builder='pbuilder-gutsy build ../build-area/*.dsc' might work12:26
asacits a matter of preference12:27
asacusually its smart to have one directory where you put all your bzr branches12:27
asacthen you have one tarballs directory where you have all your tarballs etc.12:28
asacat least i found it smart ;)12:28
JazzvaHmm, I think I have something like that12:28
Jazzva~/bzr/upstreams/ for upstream sources12:28
Jazzvaand ~/bzr/ubuntu for branches12:28
asacyeah ... you can reconfigure it12:28

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