
poningruwhen did your hiatus end?12:30
Seveaswhen I got tired of it12:30
=== poningru lulz
Seveasponingru, try avoiding that term when around dutch people12:31
Seveaslul is dutch for dick12:31
=== stdin notes that down
=== poningru rofls
poningruyeah sorry guys rofl is hindi for "I'm an ass"12:32
Seveasponingru, http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lul12:33
poningruSeveas: I know read the last sentence in the en wiki page12:34
poningruI believe you12:34
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hkmsi was banned some months ago because i could not resist to do a "!ops is santa real?" in the channel after i saw a user using it01:04
hkmscan this banned be revoked?01:05
Seveasomha, depends on whether you're speaking the truth01:09
Seveashang on01:09
gnomefreakomha: i cant release that ban, you abused the ops trigger and nalioth set it you would have to speak to him01:09
gnomefreakor Seveas :)01:09
omhaSeveas, nalioth you there?01:10
gnomefreakomha: Seveas is looking01:10
omhait's almust faster to just get a new host :)01:10
naliothit can be released, gnomefreak01:10
stdinyeah, avoiding the ban doesn't work :p01:10
gnomefreaknalioth: ok ty01:10
naliothplease don't abuse the !ops trigger, omha01:11
naliothand don't ban evade  :)01:11
omhastdin: how so?01:11
Seveas'some months ago' is actually little more than one month :)01:11
omhanalioth: i wont :)01:11
Seveasban removed01:11
stdinthe ops are uber1337 hax0rs01:11
omhaSeveas: hmm feels like months01:11
stdinthat's why :)01:11
omhaSeveas: thanks01:11
Seveasstdin, LOL01:12
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PriceyFor anyone interested in my gmail annoyances yday... I have fixed it by altering the MTU on my router which my isp shipped me with incorrect defaults :)01:29
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robthe article has been posted to /.01:56
robI added just a touch of fud :)01:57
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gnomefreakhold on ill get it02:40
gnomefreakkousotu: Don't flood the channel02:41
gnomefreak    *02:41
gnomefreak      Flooding the channel disrupts all conversations. Please don't do it. If you want to show large texts, such as errors, use [WWW]  the pastebin02:41
gnomefreakkousotu: please read the following links02:41
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/02:41
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:41
=== xtknight [n=xtknight@c-68-43-126-80.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
kousotuIf you want to show large texts, such as errors, use [WWW]  the pastebin02:42
kousotuso in other words, I wasn't breaking ANY rules02:42
gnomefreakkousotu: and i asked you to stop pasting more than once. read the topic of the channel02:42
gnomefreakkousotu: yes you were02:42
kousotu2 lines is NOT large02:43
gnomefreakkousotu: so pasting 8+lines is ok?02:43
kousotumuch less is less than 1002:43
gnomefreakkousotu: that wasnt the first time i warned you02:43
gnomefreakkousotu: you did not stop you got removed02:43
kousotuIpasterd 7 and 202:43
kousotuNOT large ones02:44
gnomefreakkousotu: your attitudes after that should have got you banned but i didnt do that either02:44
kousotuso I was clearly withintherules02:44
gnomefreakkousotu: 4+ line sis to go to pastebin02:44
kousotueither way, I posted 202:44
gnomefreakkousotu: so should i grab the logs?02:44
kousotuI have logs02:44
kousotuer.. had logs02:45
gnomefreakhold on ill get them02:45
kousotuI am well aware what I paste in a chan10 will get my a flood boot from the server02:45
kousotutrust me, it's happened before02:45
gnomefreakkousotu: doesnt matter what freenode does these are not freenode rules these are ubuntu rules02:46
kousotudefine big02:46
kousotuor better yet, I'll get you a definition02:47
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kousotu1. Having largeness of size; of much bulk or magnitude; of great size; large02:47
gnomefreakkousotu: define big anything 4 lines or over02:47
kousotu1: above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent02:48
kousotuaverage is 5 lines02:48
gnomefreakthats the full log02:48
kousotuI see that alot02:48
gnomefreakkousotu: i told you what the standing rule iss02:48
gnomefreakline 72 start at and count02:48
kousotubut agin, the rules as listed I did not break02:49
naliothkousotu: you are talking to the wrong person02:49
gnomefreakSeveas: nalioth anyone care to explain the pasting rules to him since he wants to get technical02:49
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kousotubut then by your own words you admit that I wasn't breaking rules th 2nd problem I asked abut02:51
kousotuand I simply repasted a SMALL bit for your benefit, not mine02:52
gnomefreakkousotu: you didnt stop pasting when asked to after pasting 5+lines02:52
kousotuI showed you the errors I was getting02:52
kousotu7 lines, and that osn't the big for a channel that had 0 ativity02:53
gnomefreakkousotu: once again 4 or more == pastebin and calling me names didnt help you neither02:53
kousotudidn't exactly hurt either, did it?02:54
kousotuI asked for help, you refused02:54
gnomefreakkousotu: both are rules for a ban but your not banned are you?02:55
kousotuwhat would you have done if it was you?02:55
kousotuconsidering I'm very irate about it not working02:55
gnomefreakkousotu: when i asked myself to stop most of time stop02:55
kousotuI can't be on my Eth alot02:55
kousotuand my wirless is being bitchy02:55
kousotuI can't mount my windows drive to get the drivers to run the damn thing with ndiswrapper02:56
naliothkousotu: come back tomorrow please02:56
gnomefreakkousotu: i didnt break your pc, try taking your anger out somewhere else we dont use ubuntu channels for venting since people would rather get support when needed02:56
kousotuI wasn't taking it out on you02:56
kousotuI ws trying to get help, andgetting fustrated by the minute when things aren't working02:57
kousotubecause nothing is as it should be02:57
kousotuyou have any idea how irritating that is?02:57
kousotumaybe try why I did and run XP on a vistabuilt pc02:58
kousotuit took me 2 weeks to get it working right02:58
kousotuyou don't understand my situation, and you have no right to judge me02:59
kousotugo alk to ppl that actually know me02:59
kousotuI'm not a bad person, nor hard to get along with or please03:00
kousotuyou wanna see me vent? I'll be more than happy to03:01
kousoturight on you, then you'll know the meaning of the word vent03:01
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ubotuFlannel called the ops in #ubuntu07:37
ubotubruenig called the ops in #ubuntu07:41
ubotumacogw called the ops in #ubuntu08:15
MyrttiI just hate when they don't supply the reason for !ops08:17
elkbuntuyeah. thankfully this time it was obvious08:17
MyrttiI'm always too late because I've got no clue  why they're hollering ops08:17
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ubotuFlannel called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic08:22
elkbuntu!staff | we have a serial idiot called BUGNO on the loose08:23
ubotuwe have a serial idiot called BUGNO on the loose: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)08:23
jendaWhat's wrong with serial idiots?09:22
jendaSeveas: we should give ubotu a !stalk ability10:17
jendaI would type !stalk Seveas10:17
jendaand ubotu would ping me when you came online.10:17
Seveaselkbuntu, where?10:17
GazzaKgood feature10:17
BurgundaviaSeveas: if I don't plan to use my ops rights, should I give them up to prevent potential account breakage and abuse?10:17
jendaGazzaK: you wouldn't be allowed to use it, for security reasons ;)10:17
Myrttijenda: ever heard of /notify?10:18
jendaGazzaK: just kidding, Seveas will never implement it ;)10:18
=== GazzaK writes a script
jendaMyrtti: yes. for some reason it never worked for me :)10:18
jendaMyrtti: perhaps I should give it another try.10:18
Myrttiit's great, I stalk my SO with it :-D10:18
SeveasBurgundavia, only if you consider your password to be easily crackable10:18
BurgundaviaSeveas: I need to change it, tbh10:18
Seveasjenda, I might actually implement it10:19
Myrttino, it's nice to know when he's left the office if he has promised to pick me up from work10:19
jendaSeveas: uh oh :)10:19
jendaSeveas: cool10:19
jendaMyrtti: tut tut tt... I hope you give him at least 2 hours of pubtime in between :)10:19
Myrttijenda: he can get some afterwards, usually he picks me up when we need to do the shopping10:20
jendaright :)10:21
=== GazzaK has to clean the rest of the house this morning, eeek
jendaMyrtti: so... /notify <nick> will tell me when they come online?10:22
Myrttior even stop idling10:22
Myrttior atleast it does for me in irssi10:22
jendayep, irssi here too10:23
MyrttiI dunno what part is serverside and which client10:23
jendaI would've been eaten alive by the staff had I stayed on xchat ;)10:23
Amaranthxchat-gnome ftw10:24
jendaI liked xchat more than -gnome10:24
jendabut now it's irssi all the way ;)10:25
GazzaKwhy do staff hate xchat?10:25
MyrttiI moved to irssi from mIRC10:25
jendaexcept I still don't have a working ban script10:25
Myrttiback in...10:25
Myrttithis one.10:26
jendaautobleh borks10:26
jendaok, will try10:26
jendaGazzaK: iDunno, it's not leet enough, I guess :)10:26
jendaGazzaK: it's probably the screen+irssi combo, though.10:26
Myrttiscreen + irssi + themes + scripts <310:27
Myrttioh, and bitlbee <310:27
jendabitlbee is cool10:27
jendaAh, it's atoponce work. Gotta be good :)10:27
Myrttiit is10:28
jendaGazzaK: could you please join ##jenda for a second, I need to try something out :)10:29
=== GazzaK is scared
=== GazzaK feels picked on
jendaGazzaK: I would only use my very best friends for uhm... experiments.10:32
GazzaKI do like a nice bit of experimentation10:33
jendawhat's the command for remove?10:37
jendairssi doesn't know /remove :/10:37
GazzaKno idea, copy chanserv.py :p10:37
jendadon't have it handy :) I'll try asking chanserv10:38
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=== jenda pokes Myrtti
Myrttiwardog_msn: noh, phuh10:42
jendaMyrtti: any tips on /remove?10:42
jendaoh well10:42
Myrttiperhaps erm10:42
jendawill have to do with kick for now.10:42
Myrtti/eval remove?10:42
jendawhat's eval?10:43
Myrttiit should pass the command to the server without irssi trying to interpret it10:43
Hobbseejenda: what did you want to komnw?10:43
jendaHobbsee: the command for remove on irssi10:43
GazzaKhow to use irrrrisssi10:44
Hobbseejenda: you want /quote remove #channel GazzaK : for being a GazzaK10:44
Hobbseethe : is important, else it will only take the first word after the user10:44
jendaok, cool )10:44
Hobbseeno idea of an irssi shortcut10:44
GazzaKI love you too10:44
jendaHobbsee: thx10:44
Myrtti/alias remove :-D10:44
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HobbseeMyrtti: exactly!   /remove jenda : just like this!10:45
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GazzaKopabuse :p10:46
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jendagah :)10:46
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jendaalmost there10:46
jendaI thought that was what it took for IRC to use every argument from the first on10:47
GazzaKphear the LongPointyStick10:47
jendaI was wrong ;)10:47
jendait's taking her long - that means she'll be all the more angry once she comes :)10:50
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jendaok, all set10:52
Myrttithat was fun10:52
jendathe only thing that doesn't work is the unbanning - still have to enter the exact mask10:53
jendabut meh :)10:53
jendathanks for the help, Myrtti, Hobbsee, GazzaK :)10:53
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ubotuToma- called the ops in #ubuntu+111:50
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ubotuToma- called the ops in #ubuntu01:26
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jrib!test > jrib (see the private message from ubotu)02:15
jribliar :)02:15
ompaulit worked02:30
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Amaranthompaul: I had to get a joke or two in there ;)02:33
Amaranthaww, someone changed it again02:33
ubotuping has no aliases - added by Hobbsee on 2006-07-11 15:58:4802:33
Amaranth!no ping is <reply> host not found02:33
ubotuI'll remember that Amaranth02:33
ubotuhost not found02:33
ompaulmuch better02:34
ompaulSeveas, lock that one please ;-)02:34
Amaranthi thought so the last 2 times i made that change02:34
Amaranthoh, and my favorite02:34
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.02:34
ompaulthat is so wrong, at night the DI works on your machine02:38
Hobbseeoh dear, we have demonseed here, do we?02:54
Hobbseeor, we did, till Seveas banned him02:56
Hobbseei wonder why he wants to speak to me02:58
stdinhe probably wants to say he'll "hax0r" your system02:58
ompaulstdin, from his windows 98 box02:58
stdinright after he logs in as root on freenode02:59
stdinand goes to /home/root :p02:59
Hobbseestdin: no...i was reasoning with him in #ubuntu, while he was +q03:00
Hobbseestill, i've got no idea why he has such a high opinion of me, to want to speak to me - seeing as he clearly doesnt know who i am03:00
Hobbseestill, i've got the feeling, also, that he wont rest until he does speak with me03:01
stdini'm sure he'll use one of his many proxys to find a way03:02
Hobbseenot if he cant spell my nick03:03
Hobbseeompaul: i dont suppose you could tell me if the guy is online now?03:04
ompaulHobbsee, nick03:05
Hobbseeompaul: dem0n, and using other aliases03:05
ompaulHobbsee, we all know who you are03:05
Hobbseeompaul: yes, well, you guys seem to - so if you had a desperate need, you'd be able to contact me03:05
ompaulHobbsee, I remind you if we were on the same street we could identify each other (more than likely)03:06
Hobbseeompaul: true03:06
ompaulHobbsee, if you do /quote whois dem0n you will get exactly the same answer as I got - no online03:07
Hobbseeompaul: i ponder unbanning him in here, and setting a +q03:08
Hobbseethen hopefully he'll sit in here until i get here.03:08
ompauldo you want to talk with him>?03:09
Hobbseewell, i'm certainly curious about why he wants to talk to me, and such03:10
Hobbseeand hwo he thinks i can help him03:10
Hobbseenixternal: you around?03:11
=== Hobbsee cant see nixternal's ban on the bantracker at all
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Hobbseeompaul: i've got a fair idea of what he's going to say, yes.03:12
Hobbseeompaul: someone else had a go at him for taking other people to other channels, to help them.  he retaliated with various colourful pieces of language, so earned a +q, while mez and i reasoned a bit with him.03:13
=== ompaul thinks that is not good - do it in the place where the most ubuntu knowledge is
Hobbseeompaul: i think that i got thru to him that it wasnt his taking people outside #ubuntu for help that was the problem - it was his language03:15
Hobbseei'ts so busy, remember?03:15
ompaulthat is a CoC03:15
Hobbseepeople often get taken out03:15
ompaulso busy na it is not03:15
ompaulit was manic after 7.0403:15
ompaulbut it has calmed down a lot03:15
Hobbseefor people new to irc, it is03:17
jendawe have an onjoin spammer03:26
Hobbseejenda: oh dear, who?03:26
jendafortunately, the simple kind03:27
jendachrist sake why don't it ban :)03:28
Hobbseejenda: the chuck guy?03:29
jendano, the guest121293 guy03:29
jenda guest1212124503:30
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Hobbseeah right03:30
Hobbseeeven better03:30
Hobbseehi Fujitsu03:30
PriceChildHobbsee, grr i tried reasoning with dem0n for an hour last night... its not gonna happen03:37
HobbseePriceChild: what did he want?03:37
PriceChildNothing really... he didn't want to disrupt channels at all... just to get our attention, play games with us.03:38
stdinuntil he lost, then he didn't want to play anymore03:38
jendaI wonder why.03:39
PriceChildhe made a lot of threats too... "do you know who i am" etc. thinking that "THE DMF CREW" were well known and dangerous.03:39
ompaulPriceChild, did he really claim that?03:39
elkbuntuwas it he who threatened to gline nix?03:39
PriceChildHe told me about several of his exploits as well... taking down 10 servers and downloading lots of programs he shouldn't of... and here's my favourite bit: "before the teacher caught us"03:40
PriceChildompaul, yes03:40
=== elkbuntu sighs. Kids these days...
PriceChildelkbuntu, yes03:40
elkbuntuso, DMF stands for? Dumb M...F...ers?03:42
PriceChildHe didn't even know about username bans instead of hostname... and even when he did its not like he was trying to hide.03:43
PriceChildbut anyway less said the better03:44
elkbuntugiving up a nickname is giving up 'street cred'. they dont do it easily03:44
PriceChildHmm I think this sealant is burning my fingers...03:45
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ompaulDTMF on the other hand stands for Dual Tone Multi Frequency03:50
stdinI thought it was Don't Touch My Farts ?03:51
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ikoniacould someone please explain the nickspam requirment to "plasma_at_Home" in #ubuntu he's changing nicks every 2 seconds and just refuses to stop aruging that its not a freenode policy08:08
PriceChildI'll take care of it.08:09
PriceChildJust ignore him in #ubuntu please.08:10
PriceChildMyrtti, same with you :)08:12
Myrttibut that's my favourite topic :-D08:12
ikoniawhy did it have to end that way08:13
ikoniaPriceChild: nalioth thank you08:13
naliothPriceChild: you can ask him/her to join us here for resolution08:14
PriceChildwill do, i'll just talk with him in pm a few minutes longer if that's ok08:15
naliothyour call08:15
ikoniathanks guys, was just hard to follow the channel with the nick changing every 2 seconds08:15
MyrttiPriceChild: you've got the informational link to give him?08:17
Myrttithough I like the non politically correct version more :-D08:17
Myrtti"Even mIRC (Praise Khaled) doesn't announce aways publicly" or like08:18
PriceChild<plasma_at_home> PriceChild if i'm at someone's home and he asks me not to sick on my popsickle while i'm there, i'm going to straight tell him go to hell08:24
PriceChild*gives up and removes him*08:25
ikoniahow dissapointing08:25
PriceChildI don't understand it...08:25
PriceChildHe would rather we ask him to leave... than us ask him to stop nickspam but stay.08:25
PriceChild*shrugs and moves on*08:26
ubotuksivaji called the ops in #kubuntu08:53
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PriceChildHello adam_, how can we help you?09:03
=== adam_ is now known as maxamillion
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PriceChildahh :P09:03
maxamillionPriceChild: sorry :)09:03
PriceChild*was wondering if it was "another one"*09:04
maxamillionPriceChild: i forgot to do '/nick maxamillion' when i joined freenode :P09:04
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ubotuPelo called the ops in #ubuntu10:41
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu10:41
PriceChildThat was huge..10:42
ubotuPelo called the ops in #ubuntu10:42
ubotuNutubuntu called the ops in #ubuntu10:42
ubotuscorp123 called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic10:42
nixternalthat was cool10:43
nixternalit almost lagged me totally off of freenode10:43
PriceChildThey seem to get bigger each time.10:43
alindemanExpect more, maybe/10:44
alindemanI'm trying to nuke them as I see them10:44
PriceChildThanks alindeman10:44
nixternalrock on alindeman10:44
alindemanOK, maybe they have chilled out for now10:46
nixternalcool..I have warned the people in #kubuntu to call an ops if they see a mass join at once10:46
nixternalI did a /window 10, and my lord my eyes crossed10:47
naliothyes, several of us are repeating our motions10:49
ubotuhost not found10:49
PriceChildmy high ping is unrelated... went up afterwards10:49
nixternalhaha, got me thinking to last night in here10:50
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-65-174.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChild"woo..." dem0n's back talking to me again11:28
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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nixternalPriceChild: is he saying anything funny yet?11:30
PriceChildclaiming to be from "anonymous"11:30
nixternalis that a new planet or something :p11:30
nixternal16:30:38 [  catisonh]  oh, so ubuntu isn't made by Microsoft?11:32
PriceChildnixternal, where was that?11:34
nixternalhe is definitely a troll...I am watching him though11:34
nixternalno way anybody can be that far out of it11:34
ompaulnixternal, after my conversations with family members today I would not not be surprised at a statement such as that11:36
ompaulso this firefox is like the connect to internet icon ......11:36
nixternalmy family members got it somehow the first time11:36
ompaulehh no it is a replacement for that big letter e that used to be on your desktop11:36
ompauland this bird wrapped around an envelope is a replacement for your envelope11:37
ompaulwe turned on all these things and the machine went slower11:37
=== ompaul was in pitiful pain
nixternal16:38:49 [  catisonh]  I just want to be able to edit my cat pictures and run my ftp server11:40
mc44don't we all11:40
nixternal16:39:36 [    xerawx]  (im in ur effteepeez, leechin ur lolcats)11:40
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Pricey [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Pricey] by ChanServ

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