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linux_ubuntu have other games like wormux ? [  not board games ]  ?12:01
Pelojaydoggg,  have you ever been able to boot your windows hdd ?12:01
ShackJackferret_0567: look on google for ubuntu and swapiness - there's a way to turn it down/off12:01
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MajorPaynePelo: There is no .epiphany directory.12:01
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jaydogggpelo:  yes for years now12:02
charlie_If someone will send me the new ubuntu I'll buy you a beer, got a blank computer and only had breezy and it wont recogize my cd burner12:02
ferret_0567the computer I'm using right now is running Xubuntu, 64-bit Xubuntu to be exact., with same amount of ram12:02
serenityUKlinux_, do you have 3d graphics working?12:02
ShackJacklinux_: Ubuntu has all the games linux has...12:02
PeloMajorPayne,  l means it is hidden ,  crtl+h to view hidden folders12:02
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Pelojaydoggg,  I mean since your most recent install12:02
nickrudMajorPayne, it's at .gnome2/epiphany12:02
linux_serenityUK , yes12:02
ferret_0567ShackJack: yes, Ubuntu has all the games Linux has12:02
charlie_or get it to recognize my burner12:02
MajorPaynePelo: You mean ls -a can't find it?12:02
ShackJackcharlie_: You can upgrade without cd12:02
jetscreamerfurenku: ah well was a thought. how about  dmesg | grep -i cd-12:02
MajorPaynenickrud: Thanks12:02
linux_give name of some thing interesting  ?12:02
jaydogggsince I installed ubuntu I get a boot error trying to boot to win  NTLDR not found...12:02
serenityUKlinux_, you MUST get Nexuiz  it's got better graphics than Quake.. you can play free multiplayer online ! its great12:03
furenkujetscreamer: nothing appears12:03
ShackJackcharlie_: Which ubuntu you have - edgy?12:03
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charlie_breezy badger12:03
PeloMajorPayne,  well , try figureing out what folder your epiphany settings are stored in , most likely a hiden folder in your /home folder , if you find your bookmarks there you can probably rigt a rsync script for the file12:03
precursor\w precursor12:03
linux_serenityUK , i fi can play wormux its mean that i have graphic support ? [ i want to try waht you gave me] 12:03
jetscreamerfurenku: then you don't have a cd :o (j/k) .. hmmm.... not sure.12:03
ferret_0567ShackJack: do you seriously think messing with some kernel variables with sysctl related to swapping and turning them down would help me when I'm on 512MB RAM?12:03
MajorPaynePelo, nickrud: Is there any way that I can have that file sync with another compuer when ever I log on?12:04
AsriquaCan someone help us? Why cannot I see sda with "fdisk -l" when I boot from ubunutu from sdb? Windows Vista should be on sda and I want to use dd to backup sda?12:04
ShackJackcharlie_: edit sources.list and change dapper to edgy then sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade12:04
menace82linux_: happypenguin.org12:04
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serenityUKlinux_, see if you can run the 3D screensavers smoothly without problems12:04
Pelojaydoggg,  use my nick when talking to me please it makes it easier to follow ,   which version of windows12:04
charlie_thanx, try that12:04
sauvinI'd be much more interested in a Quake-like game that's more like the original Quake - an FPS, not a DM.12:04
ferret_0567ShackJack: I came across some documentation concerning what you said earlier12:04
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jetscreamerAsriqua: the sda/b/c assignments can change, i've seen it. try b or c or whatever12:04
nickrudMajorPayne, yes, I'm sure there's a method, but I'm not the one to ask :)12:04
ShackJackferret_0567: Um... yeah, that's that it's there for... But it should really run great on 512MB at any rate...12:04
charlie_where is sources.lst12:04
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serenityUKlinux_, GLmatrix and GLgears etc12:04
LattywareTo All Interested: I fixed the problem I had. Apparently you have to remove '/lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed' - which is not removed (even with purging) before the nvidia drivers will work.12:04
mik1hey, i'm trying to set up ubuntu feisty fawn with ldap authentication by using libpam_ldap. everything seems to work fine except for using pam_ldap with tls/ssl. when establishing the connection to the ldap server it takes ages to perform the query. does someone have a similar working configuration or knows about issues with pam_ldap?12:04
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nickrudMajorPayne, but I'll point you at rsync12:04
PeloMajorPayne,  yes, you make a scrip that launches on login , like all the other autostart progs12:04
ShackJackcharlie_: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:05
jetscreamersauvin: there are a few in sources.. at least in debian sources12:05
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Asriquajetscreamer: thanks!12:05
gordonjcpis www.ubuntustudio.org borked at the moment?12:05
Pelojaydoggg,  please talk to me in the channel I block /msg12:05
MajorPayneHumm.  Ok, I will take a look at rsync.12:05
pr4b1gnight everyone12:05
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MajorPaynePelo, nickrud: Thanks.12:05
jaydogggi'm trying to use your nick but how?12:05
sauvinI don't know how well Debian sources would work under Ubuntu.12:05
jaydogggi click on it and get a new window12:05
ShackJackcharlie_: Make sure you have ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-standard ubuntu-minimal meta packages installed first for smoothest upgrade expeirence...12:05
kousotuPelo: ould you be able to help with recompiling or reconfiguring the driver?12:05
jetscreamersauvin: i believe they will also be in ubuntu12:05
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sauvinOr even something that can play the original Quake PAKs.12:05
Pelojaydoggg,  just start your line with my nick  , no / no noting12:05
virtuoussin13using sudo fdisk -l did the trick12:05
Pelothere you go12:05
linux_hmm its no so smooth , like in windows , what i need to do ?12:05
ferret_0567Mem:    515920k total,   368968k used,   146952k free,    24248k buffers12:06
ferret_0567Swap:   184736k total,     8456k used,   176280k free,   184112k cached12:06
menace82i will probably return to kde....12:06
virtuoussin13but, gparted still can't detect it12:06
Pelojaydoggg, I assume your windows is on a different hdd then your ubuntu ?12:06
virtuoussin13*them as in the partitions12:06
Paddy_EIREPelo: silly me I forgot the command or I got it wrong :S was it 'sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver.xorg' ?12:06
jetscreamersauvin: alien arena is one, iirc.. there's doom, q1, q3,... many... install ET, it's free as in beer...12:06
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ferret_0567from the described laptop...top shows that info12:06
ShackJackferret_0567: So, that's not so bad... :)12:06
serenityUKlinux_, which graphics card do you have?12:06
PeloPaddy_EIRE,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:06
serenityUKlinux_, nvidia? ati?12:06
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jetscreamersauvin: idsoftware is all about linux12:06
sauvinET? BTW, doom isn't a problem.12:06
gordonjcpsauvin: sauerbraten is a good 3d fps12:06
jetscreamerenemy teritory12:06
gordonjcpjetscreamer: you left out tremulous12:06
Paddy_EIREPelo: thx ... I really should remember that12:06
TimK65*sigh* IS there a wireless card that will "just work" with 64-bit Feisty?12:07
ShackJackferret_0567: That's a big swap partition for a 512MB unit ;)12:07
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linux_serenityUK nvidia gforce 5200 FX12:07
sauvinTremulous I tried. It's all about the DM.12:07
PeloPaddy_EIRE,  write it down12:07
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gordonjcpsauvin: iirc tremulous is even in apt12:07
ShackJackTimK65: Lot's of 'em :)12:07
jetscreameryeah tremulous.. i see the dev around sometimes...12:07
gordonjcpjetscreamer: I quite liked it12:07
jaydogggpelo i have 3 hard drives 1'st had winxp x64 second had winxp pro 3'rd was just storage...i never use xp x64 so I installed ubuntu there,  well that drive had my boot loader on it so now I have only grub, if I set bios to boot to hdd 2 there is no boot record there.  I get NTLDR not found...12:07
TimK65ShackJack, please name one or two!12:07
jetscreamersauvin: /join #ioquake312:07
sauvinAnd Tremulous can't play Quake I paks.12:07
ShackJackTimK65: Intel ones are decent...12:07
gordonjcpjetscreamer: I'm about to go and play Q2 again12:07
gordonjcpsauvin: aha, look for the darkplaces engine12:07
jetscreamersauvin: there is q1 stuff also12:07
sauvinyou know what, you're right, my Quake quavering is off topic here.12:07
ferret_0567ShackJack: well hmm...maybe a slight tweak to the swappiness variables would be in order...12:07
TimK65I've never seen an Intel wireless card for sale. Where do you get them?12:07
ShackJackTimK65: 3945 wireless chipset..12:07
jetscreamerdarkplaces yeah i forgot that one also12:07
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gordonjcpsauvin: I *thoroughly* recommend that for Q112:07
serenityUKlinux_, try to enable restricted drivers.. . System->Admin->Restricted Drivers..l you may need to reboot12:07
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gordonjcpjetscreamer: the engine works with straight quake and the mission packs ;-)12:08
virtuoussin13jetscreamer: I used sudo fdisk -l and found the drives, but gparted is still unable to12:08
kousotujaydoggg: your sXP was custom installed I take it?12:08
ferret_0567Mem:    510656k total,   447668k used,    62988k free,     5552k buffers12:08
ferret_0567Swap:   996020k total,    29356k used,   966664k free,   116696k cached12:08
charlie_got locale not supported by c library12:08
Samus_Aran978hi guys12:08
Pelojaydoggg, return your boot hdd to what it was when you installed ubuntu and your grub menu should list all the os avalable on your system , no need to change the boot driver everytime12:08
serenityUKIt's all about NEXUIZ12:08
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TimK65ShackJack: To be clear, this is a desktop machine with no wireless card included, and I need to buy and install one.12:08
jetscreamervirtuoussin13: i had a bad experience with gparted once.. and hey it was the first time i used it. and the last. about a year ago. i don't trust resizers.12:08
charlie_know what that means?12:08
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TimK65ShackJack: AFAIK Intel wireless cards are only available onboard.12:08
jaydogggkausotu i ran a dual boot winxp/win6412:08
linux_serenityUK its already on , i can run 3d screen saver , but not smoother as in xp12:08
virtuoussin13but the installation utility for ubuntu can't detect my partitions12:09
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ferret_0567from the mentioned 64-bit computer...compiz.real (compiz fusion), is taking up a huge slice of my memory though, and so is Xorg; compiz 20.3, and Xorg 12.412:09
kousotujaydoggg: yea, I got that, but was either an OEM?12:09
virtuoussin13and iirc, it uses gparted, so what do I do?12:09
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sauvingparted, iirc, by default selects the hda device. If you want to work with devices other than hda, you have to select them explicitly. Is this maybe your problem?12:09
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jaydogggkousotu: nope but retail12:09
menace82virtuoussin13: do you have sata hdds?12:09
ShackJackTimK65: I think 3rd party ones use their chipset, though I can't say which ... perhaps others have input on good wireless card to get for Linux?12:09
jetscreamercharlie_: you need more locales installed i 'think'   i don't know how to dpkg-reconfigure locales properly the ubuntu way, it's a different method12:09
virtuoussin13sauvin: nope, its looking at /dev/sda12:09
serenityUKlinux_, have you got Beryl or Compiz on?12:09
virtuoussin13which is the drive I'm using12:09
jetscreamereverything is sd.. hd went away12:09
kousotujaydoggg: which are you keeping?12:09
TimK65Anyone? Good separately available wireless cards for Feisty?12:09
jaydogggso now i have  a hard drive with winxp on it but cant boot to it12:09
gordonjcpsauvin: Q2 Demo is free as in beer, Q2 full is not available sadly12:09
jetscreameri mean with the new libata12:10
sauvinAnd not detecting your sda partitions!?12:10
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virtuoussin13no its not12:10
jaydogggkousotu: I kept winxp and installed ubunto over xpx6412:10
linux_serenityUK i had uninstall it12:10
jetscreamerwell blame udev then12:10
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jaydogggkousotu: each xp install on a different drive12:10
kousotujaydoggg: ok, maybe I can make the boot stuff for you12:10
=== sauvin notes that English is a poor language if it requires qualification to distinguish libre from gratis
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serenityUKlinux_, was it smooth?12:11
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jaydogggkousotu:  my bios allows me to boot to whichever hdd I like if that helps12:11
linux_almost ( i run also movie with some media player than is start to be slower )12:11
Pelojaydoggg, return your boot hdd to what it was when you installed ubuntu and your grub menu should list all the os avalable on your system , no need to change the boot driver everytime12:11
yaustarhmm, having trouble playing mkvs that are h.264, It plays but at 1 frame every second.. have I missed a library?12:11
ShackJacksauvin: Nothing wrong with English - just with some of the people who use it ;)12:11
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x-codeanyone here12:11
virtuoussin13so yeah, what's wrong?12:11
sauvinOh, English can be subtle enough. Trouble is, it can  be *too* subtle. Meanings get lost because too many words have too many multiple meanings.12:11
ShackJack!ask | x-code12:11
ubotux-code: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:11
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kousotujaydoggg: yea, with xp on the 2nd one right>12:12
Pelox-code,  no there is no one here12:12
jaydogggkousotu: ya12:12
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x-codecomeon i just wanna get to know anyone :D12:12
kousotujaydoggg: ok, now I'm getting somewhere12:12
jaydogggPelo: i did that and grup doesnt see the xp install on the other hdd12:12
virtuoussin13running gparted from the command line using gksudo yield12:12
serenityUKwelcome x-code12:12
charlie_how do i install breezy minimal?12:12
virtuoussin13"can't have overlapping partitions"12:12
ShackJack!offtopic | x-code12:12
ubotux-code: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:12
linux_serenityUK almost12:12
kousotujaydoggg: maybe I can create a boot.ini that will detect hem all12:12
AlbarahaIs there a GUI to install a service? or I have to link manually in /etc/rc2.d?12:13
Pelojaydoggg,  was the xp hdd plugged in when you installed ubuntu ?12:13
charlie_manual, and choose nothing?12:13
ShackJackAlbaraha: Synaptic...12:13
jaydogggPelo: yes12:13
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Pelojaydoggg,  can you pastebin your  /boot/grub/menu.lst file12:13
jaydogggPelo: i never changed anything to my xp install, i've used it for years12:13
x-codeso people dont come here to know each other12:13
virtuoussin13x-code: no, they come here to get support12:13
Pelox-code,  this is a support channel12:13
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ShackJackx-code: You want #ubuntu-offtopic12:14
jaydogggPelo:  i've been using ubuntu for about an hour now...linux newbie to the extreme but i'll try and do that12:14
kousotuPelo: how can ou modify that to not show 2-3 of everthing?12:14
x-codereally thats cool12:14
serenityUKlinux_, maybe you want to try the driver from nvidia.com it is trickier to setup but works great for me. if you do make sure u uninstall the restricted drivers first from synaptic otherwise you will get an error12:14
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virtuoussin13I think I found the error12:14
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kousotumy wp loader has like 4 options12:14
Pelojaydoggg, in the terminal  gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:14
sauvinwe goof off, but mostly, we don't even know eachothers' names, ages, genders or locations.12:14
virtuoussin13fdisk -l outputs a buncha drives, but sda3 starts in the middle of sda212:14
Pelo!pastebin | jaydoggg  copy paste the content here12:14
ubotujaydoggg  copy paste the content here: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:14
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gordonjcpsauvin: a/s/l/uptime?12:15
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sleepsteranyone know of a program that resembles winamp?12:15
sleepsterfor linux12:15
ShackJacksleepster: xmms12:15
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Pelosleepster,  beep media player12:15
gordonjcpsleepster: xmms, beep12:15
sleepsterI was hoping it could do streaming12:15
TimK65sleepster: There are tons. Amarok, xmms, Rhythmbox...just off the top of my head.12:15
jaydogggok, found the file but its huge, is there flood control here?12:15
sleepsterI like the "media library" aspect of winamp12:15
sleepsterwhere i could stream music12:15
Pelosleepster,  they all can12:15
sauvinAge: yes, I have some (too many birthdays by far). Sex: um. what's that? Location: somewhere in the middle of a corn field (and I have no damned GPS!) Uptime, um.... lemme see, I rolled out of bed about 12:30...12:15
sleepsterradio casts12:15
kousotuPelo: how can the boot loader be modified so it opens XP as default?12:15
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gordonjcpsleepster: rhythmbox does that12:15
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ShackJacksleepster: Exaile (SVN) is also decent for that...12:15
sauvinSleepster: noatun12:15
Pelosleepster,  google songbird12:16
sleepsterso many people12:16
sleepsterwell what is the best12:16
gordonjcpsleepster: and rhythmbox actually comes with ubuntu...12:16
sleepsterthe most advanced etc.12:16
ShackJackWhew no shortage of media players :)12:16
kousotusleepster: there's about 12012:16
sauvinNope. More damned media players for Linux than you can shake a flash drive at.12:16
ShackJack!best | sleepster12:16
ubotusleepster: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.12:16
virtuoussin13how do I fix overlapping partitions?12:16
Pelokousotu,   edit  /boot/grub/menu.lst  and carefully move the  windows entry to the top of the boot menu12:16
charlie_is there an active repository to upgrade breezy anywhere?12:16
ShackJackcharlie_: edgy should be active...12:16
Pelocharlie_,  you would be better off backing up your /home folder and installing feisty from scratch12:17
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virtuoussin13I think windows fucked this up, after installing it,  think it created another partition in the middle of another one my already existing partitions12:17
charlie_ican't get fiesty on cd, won't recognize burner12:17
kousotuPelo: but grub loads the XP boot.ini for xp12:17
ShackJackcharlie_: Oh, wait "breezy" - you want dapper as the upgrade :)12:17
charlie_downloaded it12:17
Pelokousotu,  so ?12:17
ShackJackcharlie_: Update your sources.list like i said and make sure those meta packages are installed first..12:18
charlie_can't get to sources.list12:18
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linux_serenityUK, can tell me waht is the filename of the driver [ i have search todey and didnt foind nothing ]  ?12:18
ShackJackcharlie_: But you want dapper not edgy12:18
sleepsterhmm which media player development is still active?12:18
kousotuPelo: might there be a way to modify the xp INI and have that run grub?12:18
Pelokousotu,  grub is now your boot manager,  ifyou want to boot someting by default you change it in grub12:18
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sleepsterand the most promising12:18
=== LinuxKid off
serenityUKvirtuoussin13, do you know what extended partitions are?12:18
virtuoussin13how does one fix overlapping partitions12:18
jaydogggPelo: i pasted the contents of that file to the website12:18
ShackJackcharlie_: yes, you can... .   sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   - you need to run as root...12:18
virtuoussin13serenityUK: no12:18
Pelokousotu, I know one way to do it , and I just gave it to you12:18
charlie_how do i install meta packages12:18
Pelojaydoggg,  I need the link12:18
sauvin"overlapping partitions" cannot occur on traditional media.12:18
charlie_tried that12:19
kousotuPelo: k. thanks12:19
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virtuoussin13well, gparted is telling me I can't have overlapping partitions12:19
Pelojaydoggg,  hold on12:19
ShackJackcharlie_: don't install just check to se they are installed aptitude search ubuntu- look for those ones i said (i) on left12:19
jaydogggi think my problems will be windows related but i'm hoping grub can pickup a valid winxp install on another hdd12:19
Ashfire908is there a delay between sending your info with the ubuntu data drive thing and seeing the data on the page?12:19
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serenityUKvirtuoussin13, you can only ave 4 primary partitions, so to get around it we have 3 primarys and one extended which can have more primary partitions inside it12:20
ShackJackcharlie_: Try it again and if getting error, be specific... That is how it is done12:20
Pelojaydoggg,  your problem is not windows related that I can see, we just need to make a menu entry for windows in grub,  I'll tel you how to do it12:20
charlie_actually worked that time12:20
kousotuPelo: gedit  /boot/grub/menu.lst right?12:20
serenityUKvirtuoussin13, you may have an extended partition which is wrapped around some normal partitions12:20
charlie_gksudo didn't work12:20
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virtuoussin13ah, how does one fix that?12:20
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ShackJackcharlie_: So did you gksu then?12:21
ShackJackcharlie_: Or sudo?12:21
charlie_just did sudo, looking at it now12:21
linux_serenityUK , can tell me how i can install nvidia driver ?12:21
serenityUKvirtuoussin13, if the data is safe they can be jsut deleted or moved, what are you trying to do12:21
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ShackJackcharlie_: K - change breezy to dapper (next version)12:21
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Pelojaydoggg,  I need one more thing from you,  I need to know the devtree of your windows partition, the easiest way for you to get that is to look in gparted     in the terminal  sudo apt-get install gparted,     once it i s installed type gparted12:21
Pelokousotu,  yes12:21
virtuoussin13I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu, but gparted reads the entire disk as being unallocated12:21
ShackJackcharlie_: Though you should really see if those meta packages are installed first...12:22
charlie_every breezy to dapper12:22
virtuoussin13currently fdisk outputs up to sda812:22
ShackJackcharlie_: yes...12:22
weahanyone here uses bittornado?12:22
fatbrainnot me, I use rtorrent.12:22
yaustarCurrently using MPlayer, but I can't seem to find out how to open files access a Windows network share :/12:22
charlie_ill check those first12:22
virtuoussin13weah: deluge ftw12:22
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ShackJackcharlie_: aptitude search ubuntu-12:23
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fatbrainyaustar: I have the same problem. The files always open with Totem.12:23
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weahdeluge is banned in all trackers12:23
virtuoussin13yeah, no it isn't12:23
charlie_minimal and what12:23
yaustarfatbrain: Totem has huge problems on my laptop with H.264 media... they barely play at all :(12:23
virtuoussin13because I'm torrenting something right now12:23
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kousotuPelo:  would I make:12:24
unagiis it possible to run .dmg on ubuntu?12:24
Peloweah,  how come12:24
kousotu## default grub root device12:24
kousotu## e.g. groot=(hd0,0)12:24
kousotu# groot=(hd0,1)12:24
ShackJackcharlie_: ubuntu-desktop -minimal and -standard12:24
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weahin what tracker?12:24
weahmy trackers ban it12:24
charlie_both installed12:24
kousotusay (hd0,0) instead12:24
virtuoussin13several different ones12:24
serenityUKlinux_, first uninstall all restriced nvidia drivers from synaptic then download  http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-7185/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7185-pkg1.run then reboot into recovery mode and install the file as root12:24
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ShackJackcharlie_: you mean all three?12:24
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Pelokousotu,  just pastebin your menu.lst file and I will tell you what part to move to where12:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:24
virtuoussin13serenityUK: sorry to bug you, but how do I get it so gparted can read them again12:25
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Pelojaydoggg, how are we comming along ?12:25
fatbrainyaustar: What GPU chip do you have on your laptop?12:25
jaydogggPelo: ok, i cant run gparted12:25
jaydogggsays i need root12:25
ShackJackcharlie_: O.K. now you can sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade :)12:25
virtuoussin13jaydoggg: gksudo gparted12:25
Pelojaydoggg,  you just need your password , same as the one you login with12:25
jaydogggPelo: it never asked me for a password12:25
yaustarfatbrain: Intel shared memory, the H.264 media played fine in Windows on the same laptop12:25
charlie_&& mean then the other12:25
daakuanyone know of any documentation on what needs to be done on a server install to make it secure?12:25
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Pelojaydoggg, what virtuoussin13  just said,  gksu gparted12:26
ShackJackcharlie_: actually you can do on one line... it'll do one then the other...12:26
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fatbrainyaustar: Does the GPU hw-accelerate h264?12:26
jaydogggvirtuoussin13:  thx a bunch12:26
jaydogggjust for curiousity, what was gksu?12:26
yaustarfatbrain: It played fine in Mplayer but not totem12:26
charlie_thanx, still gotta change breezy to dapper, let you know12:26
Pelogui sudo statement12:26
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serenityUKvirtuoussin13, if you run gparted from the Terminal does is produce any error messages12:26
ShackJackcharlie_: Thanks be sure to use my nick so I am alerted (tab autocompletes IM handles)12:26
virtuoussin13yeah, it says "can't have overlapping partitions"12:27
jaydogggPelo: ok it loaded12:27
fatbrainyaustar: ok. It's a shame no-one seem to know how to open it with mplayer instead of totem :( I've asked several times12:27
fatbrainno ansewr :S12:27
jaydogggwhat are we looking for?12:27
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virtuoussin13!patience | fatbrain12:27
ubotufatbrain: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:27
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fougis there a way to disable desktop icons?12:27
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Cod1How do I get ms fonts working in firefox? ;x12:27
unagioh my virtuoussin13 that is not good.........usually means you have to format the drive12:27
kousotuPelo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32551/12:27
Pelojaydoggg,  from the drop down list on the right , find your windows hdd, and tell me the /dev/hd*** address of the ntfs partition12:27
kousotudono if you saw it the first itme12:27
weahCodl have them installed in ur pc12:27
fatbrainbah, spoonfeeding12:27
Cod1yes I do12:28
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Cod1I did sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts12:28
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unagivirtuoussin13: were you trying to triple boot?12:28
Pelokousotu,  move lines 166 to 171  to  between  ljust beloow line  12812:28
jaydogggdev/hdb1  flags=boot12:28
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Pelojaydoggg,  ok give me a second12:29
virtuoussin13I just have the following: windows partition, /home partition a shared partition, an ubuntu partition, a swap partition, and an unused partition12:29
Cod1Is it an issue with FF?  Do I have to setup prefs, or do they just look like different fonts, because the edges are smoothed out?12:29
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SpaceBassAwayhey folks12:29
jaydogggPelo:  thx12:29
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SpaceBassAwayhas anyone installed the udf 2.5 file system driver in feisty? I cannot get mine to configure (make config) cleanl;y12:29
spiderhi all12:30
spideranyone using virtualbox here ?12:30
Pelojaydoggg,  meet me in pm12:30
virtuoussin13unagi: excessive?12:30
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virtuoussin13how can I delete partitions without using gparted?12:30
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kousotuPelo: what about 165?12:31
unagiall i know virtuousiin13 is that usually when it says cant have overlapping partitinos....your partition table is screwed up.....are you able to boot into ubuntu?12:31
Pelokousotu,  you can if you want to , it's not realy needed12:31
ShackJackvirtuoussin13: parted ?12:31
virtuoussin13only from the livecd12:31
TimK65Bye everyone, have to cut out now.12:31
arooniis the kernel version of the ubuntu alternate / live cd >=  2.6.20 ?12:31
virtuoussin13grub was wiped out by the windows install12:32
lk167Is anyone familiar with sound issues (ALSA, OSSMixer, ESD) regarding the amd64 build?12:32
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kousotuPelo: so hat can be deleter?12:32
Peloarooni,  for feisty I belive so12:32
Flannelarooni: 2.6.20 is feisty,12:32
virtuoussin13and due to this f*cking drive problem, we can't resetup grub12:32
ShackJacklk167: Not specifically, but #alsa has their own channell..12:32
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Pelokousotu,  you don'T need to delete it and I would leave it ,  don't delete stuff in a file like that if you can avoid it ,  jsut comment them out12:32
kousotuPelo: Isn't it already?12:33
spideranyone familiar with virtual network interface ? I've followed a wiki to configure bridged network interface for virtual machine, but I have errors when restarting my network12:33
lk167kk, thank you12:33
Flannelarooni: 2.6.20-15 is what ships with feisty isos12:33
Pelokousotu,  yes, so just leave it12:33
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Cod1How do I get photoshop cs# working withour running a virtualbox, is it possible?12:34
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kousotuPelo: ok, lemme paste the mods and make sure it's ok12:34
cafuegoCod1: Sure, run Windows.12:34
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Pelokousotu, sure12:34
Cod1I don't like windows12:34
cafuegoCod1: Well, it's windows software, what did you expect?12:34
ShackJackCod1: mixed reports on how well it runs on wine... there's also kvm if you have Core Duo or CPU supporting virtualiztion12:34
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Cod1Well should I try a virtual box?  Even though my laptop sucks?12:35
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kousotuPelo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32554/12:35
cafuegoCod1: I'd just use gimp, that does run at native speed.12:35
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cafuego(and is free)12:36
Cod1But adobe is so much better d;12:36
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ShackJackCod1: PS7 runs good under wine..12:36
IndyGunFreakCod1: i'm pretty sure adobe works w/ Crossover office, if you dn't mind paying12:36
Pelokousotu,  hold on12:36
kousotuPelo: no prob12:36
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Cod1crossover doesn't support cs312:36
Cod1or cs312:36
kousotutalking in +1 about a prob with wifi, I can wait12:37
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Pelokousotu,  looks about right,  try it out12:37
cafuegoYou could email Adobe support and ask if they'll do a Linux port12:37
Cod1Well, anyway, is there somekind of movie editor for linux?12:37
IndyGunFreakcafuego: and what should you do when they reply with... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA?... :)12:37
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cafuegoIndyGunFreak: My point is, they certainly won't if no-one asks.12:37
virtuoussin13Cod1 jahshaka if you're willing to go through compiling/converting rpm hell12:37
IndyGunFreakcafuego: very true.. i was just joshin ya.12:38
kousotuPelo: will do, right after I finish with my other problem12:38
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Pelokousotu,  no , go away now12:38
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virtuoussin13alright guys thanks, I think I have a solution!12:38
Cod1k thanks12:38
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aroonihow do i fix grub (ubuntu) if the ubuntu live cd doesnt work ( i have nvidia graphics card) ...and the alternate ubuntu cd doesnt work (it freezes up after detecting my ide drives .... (i have only pata drives, i have the abit ib9)12:39
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ubuhow do i set pcman to load as the default file manager, rather than nautilus, i am using feisty12:39
SpaceBassAwayhas anyone installed the udf 2.5 file system driver in feisty? I cannot get mine to configure (make config) cleanl;y12:39
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Paddy_EIREPelo, me again... when I do 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver.xorg' in the recovery mode it returns that there is no configuration to be found??12:39
Flannelarooni: Have you tried the super grub disk?12:39
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arooniFlannel: nope i ahvent12:40
kousotuPelo: how about no12:40
yaustarI have 6.06 Dapper on my laptop but my fan is constantly on, is there a way to fix it? Cheers12:40
SpaceBassAwayanyone watching/ripping HD-DVD with feisty?12:40
PeloPaddy_EIRE,  sounds to me like your xorg got borked12:40
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: it's -xorg :)12:40
Paddy_EIREPelo, am I left with yet another re-install without learning why it went wrong12:40
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Pelooops , shack is correct,     xserver-xorg12:40
Paddy_EIREPelo, yeah it did, although it escapes me as to how12:40
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serenityUKarooni, you didn't say you had ide drives!  try edit the grub menu with f6 like before and add   generic.all_generic_ide=112:41
ubuhow do i set pcman to load as the default file manager, rather than nautilus? i am using feisty12:41
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PeloPaddy_EIRE,  pay attention,  it isn'T   dot xorg it is dach xorg12:41
arooniserenityUK: i didnt know it was a problem :(12:41
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serenityUKarooni, i said i had problem with ide but i thought u had sata lol12:41
Paddy_EIREPelo, oh man, you mean xserver-xorg12:42
jaydogggPelo: nothing :-(12:42
Pelojaydoggg,  but the entry does show up correct ?12:42
arooniserenityUK: the drives are all ide even though my mobo supports 2 pata changels, + 4 sata slots (abit ib912:42
=== Paddy_EIRE needs a good kick
jaydogggPelo: show up where?12:42
=== ShackJack kicks Paddy_EIRE
Pelojaydoggg,  hold on a minute12:42
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jaydogggPelo: simple typo?12:43
Pelojaydoggg,  open up the menu.lst file again,  as sudo ,   and comment out the  hiddenmenu,  about 20 lines down from the top,  put a # at the beginning of the line12:43
dkbgI'm trying to install nvidia-settings but synaptic is telling me that nvidia-glx needs to be removed12:43
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Pelojaydoggg,  not a typo  you menu is hidden because it was only configured to bout ubuntu12:44
jaydogggwhats the command again grepid?12:44
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ShackJackdkbg: Are you on Dapper by any chance?12:44
Pelojaydoggg,  gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:44
arooniserenityUK: damn:  i added that option but it froze right after finding the die drives again :(12:44
linux_serenityUK , i got some KERNAL error while tried to install the pakage that you gave me have idea ?12:44
jaydogggPelo: thx12:44
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dkbgShackJack: no I'm on feisty12:45
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linuxero21hi everybody12:45
jaydogggok i put a "#" in front of hiddenmenu12:45
=== Pelo waits for all 1086 member to say hi back to linuxero21
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ShackJackdkbg: Hmm.... I encountered that couple version back - but dunno if I ever resolved it... You can go ahead in stall it and try and reinstall -glx though it might tell you to uninstall -settings12:46
dkbgI don't understand why installing a settings app would require the removal of the driver12:46
ShackJacklinuxero21: Hi!12:46
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Pelojaydoggg,  yes,  save and retry, stay by the computer you'll ge a 10 second menu at boot12:46
jaydogggPelo: anthing else you notice while were here?12:46
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Pelojaydoggg,   yeah, change timeout to 1012:46
hassan#join ubuntu-eg12:46
Pelowell,  ...12:46
linuxero21ShackJack: what's up? where are u from?12:46
Pelohassan,   /join ....12:46
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ShackJacklinuxero21: Heehee nothing - Pelo just said to say hi - no idle chatter in #ubuntu...12:47
Pelohassan,   /join #ubuntu-eg12:47
dkbgis there a better room for me to join for nvidia/video driver issues?12:47
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ShackJackdkbg: You might try #ubuntu-effects or even #compiz-fusion...12:47
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dkbgShackJack: mm alright12:48
ShackJackdkbg: I think you can "force" a package install with Synaptic...12:48
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linuxero21ShackJack: I didn't know that, in #ubuntu-es there are a lot of conversation hehe i suppose here was the same12:48
ShackJackdkbg: And make sure you current setup is all the way fixed, too...12:48
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PeloShackJack,  I woldn'T recommend stuff like that just yet12:48
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Pelojaydoggg,  ????12:48
ShackJackPelo: Yeah, it's just for the nvidia-settings / -glx thang...12:49
ubuhow can i stop nautilus from starting up and use pcman instead?12:49
jaydogggPelo: well, microsoft windows showed up12:49
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jaydogggbut it booted to ubuntu so fast12:49
ShackJacklinuxero21: We have #ubuntu-offtopic - dunno if there's a Spanish version of that...12:49
jaydogggPelo: can we add time to the boot menu?12:49
jaydogggPelo: it was more like 1.5 seconds12:49
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Pelojaydoggg,  back in the menu.lst   just above the hiddenmenu line ,    time out ,  set to 10 instead of 312:49
Pelojaydoggg,  gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:50
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jaydogggPelo: ok, rebooting12:50
linuxero21ShackJack: aha, thank you for that info. there's no Spanish version of #ubuntu-offtopic, so i suppose because that people in #ubuntu-es is very off-topic hehe12:50
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jaydogggcrossing fingers!12:50
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Pelojaydoggg,  best of luck12:50
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Paddy_EIREPelo, X still is not starting...?12:51
aroonianyone here familair with the super grub dcd?12:51
Paddy_EIREPelo, this is very crazy12:51
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PeloPaddy_EIRE,  what is your video card ?12:52
serenityUKlinux_, did it say API mismatch?  you need to remove ALL the old drivers first...  try sudo apt-get remove nvidia*12:52
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Paddy_EIREPelo, well its ati12:52
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Paddy_EIREPelo, but worked perfectly before12:52
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: Which model ATI...12:52
Paddy_EIREPelo, xpress 110012:52
zitnerHey, does anyone know how to do this "install the OpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings.", my game says I need to do this to play?  Please help me.12:52
PeloPaddy_EIRE,  perhaps going over the ati driver install again ,   or a clean isntall12:52
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: ATI never works "perfectly" :P12:52
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Paddy_EIREPelo, Im thinking fresh install....again unfortunately12:53
PeloPaddy_EIRE,  I think ati does it's own verson of xorg , maybe that needs to be fixed, but clean install12:53
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: don't do that - that's the windows way...12:53
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PeloPaddy_EIRE,  I hope you ahve your /home folder on a seperate partition , that makes things a lot easier12:53
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: You have fglrx driver installed and it's not working ?12:53
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:53
Paddy_EIREShackJack, I know but whats the alternative12:53
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ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: To investigate the problem and fixing it - why would whole reinstall fix it?12:54
Paddy_EIREShackJack, I was using the 'ati' driver12:54
=== jaydoggg [n=jaydog@cpe-24-93-251-208.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
zitnerCan anyone help me??12:54
jaydogggPelo: error 11  Unrecognized command strings12:54
casperzshadoi have compiz fusion but i dont think its running, how do you turn it on?12:54
Pelozitner,  we can'T we4 don'T know the problem12:54
Paddy_EIREShackJack, was the default12:54
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Pelojaydoggg,  we are getting here,  hold on12:54
zitnerinstall the OpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings.12:54
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ShackJackPaddy_EIRE:  I think you might want to try fglrx dirver... Did you tryusing restrcited drivers manager yet?12:54
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zitnerThat's my issue, my game tells me this, but I don't know how, lol.install the OpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings.12:54
Paddy_EIREShackJack, yes, that worked along with xgl and beryl very well12:55
jaydogggPelo: thx again bud, I have a few years on that win OS, hate to loose it12:55
serenityUKarooni, you could either try the new version gutsy gibbon tribe 3 which i run even though it is alpha, or you could try the old version 6.10 edgy and then upgrade after install12:55
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: So.... what's the problem?12:55
Pelojaydoggg,  are you sure it isn'T  unrecognise device string ?12:55
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Paddy_EIREShackJack, until today I switched the laptop on and X fails to displa12:55
jaydogggPelo: ya, that is right12:55
jaydogggdev sting12:55
arooniserenityUK: i already have 7.04 installed... im trying to recover grub12:56
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arooniserenityUK: basically i moved all my drives to new mobo12:56
jaydogggPelo: i hit E to edit and the stuff you wrote was there to edit12:56
aroonii have the super grub cd running12:56
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: so fglrx was the driver still and you were changing it trying to fix it?12:56
aroonibut i dont know what option to to next12:56
lk167has a package for ubuntu been created for ALSA 1.0.14?12:56
serenityUKi c12:56
=== funkyHat [n=matt@host81-154-226-90.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelojaydoggg,  can you pastebin your current menu.lst place so I can have a look12:56
brueniglk167, if so, it won't be in repos until gutsy12:56
Pelojaydoggg, there is probably a typo,12:56
Paddy_EIREShackJack, I had the restricted driver running very well then all of a sudden it does not even display X12:57
lk167bruenig: time to try gutsy then, thank you :)12:57
serenityUKlinux_, you need to remove ALL the old drivers first...  try sudo apt-get remove nvidia*12:57
jaydogggwhats the addy for pastbin again?12:57
brueniglk167, or you can simply compile it whichever12:57
Pelo!pastebin | jaydoggg12:57
ubotujaydoggg: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:57
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: You've tried update and upgrade and or uninstall/reinstall fglrx ?12:57
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Paddy_EIREShackJack, how is this done on the cli12:57
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jaydogggit was gksu grep usr/menu.lst?12:58
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude -f upgrade  (one line)12:58
airstrikei need help setting up a static ip address to my machine12:58
Pelojaydoggg, gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:58
airstrikei have it connected to my home network (using WPA)12:58
Paddy_EIREShackJack, what is the -f switch12:58
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jaydogggPelo: wow, wasn't even close12:58
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ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: fixes any broken dependecie12:58
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Paddy_EIREah ok12:58
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Pelojaydoggg, you don'T seem to be learning anyting,  that is not a good sign12:58
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ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: sudo aptitude purge xorg-driver-fglrx && sudo aptitude install xorg-driver-fglrx12:59
serenityUKjaydoggg, if you push the up arrow it will scroll back through your previous commands12:59
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: And of course you have to change your xorg.conf driver to "fglrx" :)12:59
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jaydogggserenityUK: i keep rebooting01:00
PeloserenityUK, don'T tell him the trick , I won'T have any reason to berate him anyomre01:00
jaydogggPelo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32556/01:00
Paddy_EIREthx man gonna try but first gonna get a bigger note01:00
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: You sure X is crashing because of bad/no video driver and not some stupid typo...01:00
=== aresthedog [n=vedran@78-0-130-43.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
serenityUKjaydoggg, it will remember forever01:00
Paddy_EIREShackJack, almost certain its not a typo01:00
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jaydogggserenityUK: sweet, thx01:01
Paddy_EIREShackJack, but hey you never know01:01
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: At any rate reinstalling an entire OS to fix an issue is really the "Windows" way of doing things...01:01
Paddy_EIREi know01:01
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Pelojaydoggg,  open up gparted again,  gksu gparted , triple check that the dev you gave me is the correct one,  make sure windows is not on some other hdd01:01
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: Did you say you're on Feisty ?01:01
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jaydogggPelo: k checking now01:02
serenityUKjaydoggg, also if you press tab after a few letters it will auto-complete.. if there are many choices press tab twice to see the whole list01:02
airstrikehi, i'm using ubuntu 7.04 (feisty). i have a home wireless network with WPA set up and i have successfully connected to it. now i need to set up a static ip address for that connection in order to properly configure port-forwarding on my wifi router01:02
Paddy_EIREyes feisty01:02
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aroonii can get grub to load but when i pick any option i get the error: "Error 21: Selected disk does not exist" ... any ideas on how to fix?  (i do have the grub super disk at my disposal)01:02
ShackJackPaddy_EIRE: brb laundry :P01:02
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ubuntu__hi, how do i set up a wireless connection with fiesty?  It doesn't recognize my wireless01:03
Pelo!wifi | ubuntu__01:03
ubotuubuntu__: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:03
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serenityUKarooni, have you tried the find thing in grub?01:03
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arooniserenityUK: what do u mean01:03
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serenityUKarooni, do you get to a grub> prompt01:04
jaydogggPelo: dev/hdb101:04
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ubuntu__can i change my username?01:04
Pelojaydoggg,  ok hold on, let me see if there is sometingelse I am missing01:04
serenityUKubuntu__, type /nick newname01:04
bruenigubuntu__, /nick newname01:04
arooniserenityUK: yes i get a grub prompt now (after usxing super grub disk)01:04
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arooniserenityUK: what shoul di type?01:04
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serenityUKtry find /boot/grub/stage101:04
jaydogggPelo: there is a warning icon next to it, properties is asking if i installed the correct plugin for the filesystem01:05
Pelojaydoggg,  my bad,  I'm an idiot01:05
jaydogggPelo: what did ya find?01:05
arooniserenityUK: return value is:  (hd0,3)01:05
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arooniserenityUK: ok awesome.. what do i do next01:06
Pelojaydoggg,  line 159  should be   map (hd0) (hd1) and line  160      map (hd1) (hd0)01:06
serenityUKarooni, type root (hd0,3)01:06
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williemayshayesdoes anyone know what driver to use for a realtek 8185?  I tried using ndiswrapper with drivers that i downloaded from my laptop manufacturer but i couldn't find .inf files only .exe01:06
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jaydogggPelo: k, editing now01:06
serenityUKarooni, then type setup (hd0)01:06
mactimesOl, pessoas!01:06
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braddcadddoes apt-get install make from source or just install a binary??01:07
kitchewilliemayshayes: the .inf is inside the .exe file some are just zip files01:07
ShackJack!es | mactimes01:07
=== Pelo goes to find his wip and hair shirt to make ammends
ubotumactimes: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:07
arooniserenityUK: return value: 'file system type is ext2fs, parition  type 0x83'01:07
kitchebraddcadd: binary01:07
serenityUKarooni, then type setup (hd0)01:07
yaustarhmm.. this is annoying, even totem has problems playing over a network :/01:07
mactimesSorry, message for wrong channel01:07
braddcaddkitche: thanks01:07
arooniserenityUK: said it succeeded01:07
casperzshadohow do i start compiz fusion? i installed it but its not running01:07
serenityUKarooni, then type quit01:07
williemayshayeskitche, so i should download the exe file?  Then what should i do to get the inf?01:07
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serenityUKarooni, then reboot and cross fingers + oes01:08
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mactimesBtw, that was Portuguese, not spanish ^^01:08
kitchewilliemayshayes: unzip <name>.exe if it's just an zip archieve some aren't though01:08
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=== arooni has no idea what's going on
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jaydogggPelo:  that is how you have it...except for the parenthisis01:08
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Peloarooni,  consider taking a break , having some supper , and coming back fresh , it helps a lot01:08
Pelojaydoggg,  yeah, the () and the coma,   syntax is important01:09
jaydogggPelo: hows this map (hd0)(hd1)01:09
jaydoggg map (hd1)(hd0)01:09
arooniserenityUK: i get same error:  "Booting Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.12-9-386' root (hd1,3).... errorr: 21 selected disk does not exist "  :(01:09
jaydogggPelo: one space between ?01:09
Peloyalu_,  put a space between ) and (01:09
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arooniserenityUK: its wierd cuz i thought i had feisty installed which has a newer kernal01:10
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jaydogggPelo: k, rebooting now01:10
Cod1What's the best dock application for ubuntu?01:10
Pelojaydoggg,  basicaly , xp likes booting from the first partiton on the boot hdd, so we are swapping hte hdd around in grubs for when windows is bing booted01:10
aroonican someone help me with the super grub cd01:10
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Pelojaydoggg,  best of luck01:10
aroonito fix things?01:10
HHP2KHey guys, can anyone help me (or direct me to the proper room) on multi-monitor setups in ubuntu?01:10
ShackJackCod1: Avant Window Navigator01:10
kousotu!best | Cod101:10
ubotuCod1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.01:10
=== Edward [n=fin@80-192-30-109.cable.ubr08.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Peloarooni,  try asking in #grub , they might be able to help01:10
arooniPelo: no one is home :(01:11
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
Peloarooni,  you need to ask and be patient and ask again01:11
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by Seveas
williemayshayesi still don't now which driver to use with ndiswrapper to get my wireless working.  I see 5 files from my manufacturer's wesbite, don't know which is the one i need.01:11
gnomefreakor not01:11
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Edwardhey guys, does anyone know where i might be able to get an apt repo for thunderbird 2? i dont want to use automatix for it, since we all know what problems it causes..01:11
=== roeinstein [i=roeinste@c-71-193-30-237.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kousotuwilliemayshayes: what driver?01:11
Peloarooni,  should be the same proceedure as witht he live cd,   jsut using the supergrub cd,  look it up in this link01:11
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kousotuer.. card*01:12
Pelo!grub | arooni01:12
=== iRRVi [n=irrvi@c-75-71-124-69.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuarooni: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:12
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iRRVihi all01:12
=== rlv [n=rich@cpe-70-112-139-76.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
williemayshayesfor my wireless, realtek 818501:12
iRRVii would just like to thank the people who made ubuntu01:12
williemayshayesfor a gateway 3705 notebook01:12
iRRVii mean it takes the 'horror story' out of 'linux'01:12
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roeinsteinwhat is a good program available to leave a program running so that when I ssh back in I can get back in?01:12
roeinsteinI thought there used to be something called 'screen01:12
PeloiRRVi,  they don'T hang out here but we'll try to pass it along01:12
ShackJackEdward: http://ubuntu.iuculano.it/dists/feisty/thunderbird/01:12
serenityUKarooni, need livecd to work man.. as a long shot.. have you tried swaping drives... if we can't set grub to hd0 maybe we can change drive to hd101:12
roeinsteinbut I dont see it in the repository01:12
HHP2KHey guys, can anyone help me (or direct me to the proper room) on multi-monitor setups in ubuntu?01:12
iRRVik thanks01:12
=== kevin__ [n=kevin@cpe-75-179-176-195.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!info screen01:12
ubotuscreen: a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-0.2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 571 kB, installed size 980 kB01:12
EdwardShackJack: cheers01:13
bruenigroeinstein, in the main repo01:13
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Pelo!dualhead | HHP2K01:13
ubotuHHP2K: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama01:13
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kevin__Why is my wireless card showing up as eth0 not wlan01:13
roeinsteinok thanks, it's a new install so maybe I didnt uncomment thanks01:13
serenityUKarooni, so if it's on cable with dvd swap the master slave thing try and make hd the second drive01:13
stdinkevin__: some do, it's not a problem01:13
roeinsteinbruenig, hmm, it is uncommented, I'm running feisty01:14
arooniserenityUK: i see what u mean01:14
kevin__does anyone know where to find some help for aircrack01:14
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kevin__and other such tools01:14
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bruenigroeinstein, it's there01:14
casperzshadohow do i start compiz?01:14
jaydogggPelo: same error #11 unrecognized device string01:14
Pelokevin__,  did you try google ?  ( what is aircrack anyway)01:14
=== me [n=me@cpe-76-87-154-6.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ziggyHey what type of software could I get to enlarge or de-pixilate a picture/jpg?01:14
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead01:14
ShackJackcasperzshado: Fusion or built in ?01:14
ziggyfor linux ubuntu01:14
Pelojaydoggg,  pastebin again01:14
jaydogggPelo: k01:14
kevin__i want to monitor my wifi network01:14
casperzshadofusion, just installed01:15
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HHP2KThanks Pelo :)01:15
ShackJackcasperzshado: compiz --replace01:15
Pelojaydoggg, gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:15
Pelo!pastebin | jaydoggg01:15
ubotujaydoggg: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:15
ShackJackcasperzshado: Put in session startup progs to start automatically...01:15
jaydogggtheres the trusty bot :-)01:15
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serenityUKziggy, gimp is great for manupulating photos01:15
Pelojaydoggg,  you need !  to trigger the bot01:15
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!01:15
omhahey, i installed the latest envy for the first time in the hope that it would improve my glx, i had already nvidia-glx running, but when i logged in after it was installed and rebooted my gnome session was broken and it would just hang after logging in, please use highligting to response because im in text mode now, thanks01:15
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williemayshayesanyone know what wireless driver to use for ndiswrapper?  its a realtek 8185 for a mt3705 notebook01:16
ShackJack!envy | omha01:16
MelquiadesI just installed ubuntu on my laptop last night, anyone know of a list that will help me dial it in?01:16
ubotuomha: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!01:16
ziggyzerenityUK, Nice handle dude, but anyways, thats the built in image viewer right?01:16
roeinsteinbruenig, thanks, found it01:16
Cod1What's the difference between Gnome & GTK?01:16
casperzshadoit cant be run using vga drivers?01:16
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bruenigCod1, gnome is a desktop environment, gtk is a library01:16
jaydogggPelo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32557/01:16
ShackJackcasperzshado: No - you need #D acceleration - what kind of card you have?01:16
roeinsteinwhats the best irc client for a shell?01:16
Cod1So.. I'm a dumbass01:16
Pelowilliemayshayes,  nidswrapper is so you can use your wndows driver ,  should be the same driver you use in windows01:16
roeinsteinircii? bitchx?01:16
arooniserenityUK: i know that ubuntu is installed on one ide drive... but i think the MBR is on another drive01:16
Pelojaydoggg,  hold on , checking01:17
ShackJackCod1: GTK is just the toolkit gnome (a desktop manager) is built upon...01:17
serenityUKziggy, no it's bigger more like photoshop but it is built into ubuntu, look in Apps-> Graphics menu01:17
bruenig!best | roeinstein irssi bitchx are the only ones I am aware of with any amount of users01:17
uboturoeinstein irssi bitchx are the only ones I am aware of with any amount of users: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.01:17
casperzshadoShackJack: dual nvidia gforce 760001:17
ShackJackcasperzshado: You start restrcited drivers managers (under Admin)?01:17
Pelojaydoggg,   in (hd1)  that's a one not a L right ?01:17
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omhaShackJack: anyway how i can revert back to old settings? i have already reverted back to the old xorg.conf01:17
jaydogggPelo: correct01:17
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brueniggnome and gtk have nothing really to do with one another, except that gnome uses gtk in most of its programs01:17
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casperzshadoShackJack: hold01:18
ShackJackomha: I don't know the deets on what envy does to system... but reverting to old one should do it (vesa driver)01:18
jaydogggPelo: its after the eot, does that matter01:18
williemayshayesdoes ndiswrapper use only .inf files01:18
Pelojaydoggg,  ok try this,  map <tab> (hd0)<tab>(hd1)01:18
Pelojaydoggg,  eot ?01:18
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casperzshadoShackJack: that could help01:18
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jaydogggend of the text doc01:19
ShackJackcasperzshado: It's showing nvdia driver to install ?01:19
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kousotuwilliemayshayes: realtek is a sound card01:19
RockinghorseXubuntu is rocking'!01:19
serenityUKarooni, the setup thing we just did on the grub menu is to install the MBR, but we need to change the grub config file because ubuntu has moved... usually the livecd would let us do that01:19
williemayshayeskousotu omg!!01:19
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Pelojaydoggg,  that,s not the end of text, that is the end of the list made by the installer, not the same thing01:19
kevin__is it common for a wireless g card to only connect at 11mbs instead of 54mbs on linux01:19
williemayshayesdo u happen to know how to find out what my wireless card is01:19
DivideZeromy ubuntu has fucked up :( i have remove all the nvidia and i can run now  server X and can not start the system waht i need to do [ now im on XP ]  ?01:19
omhawhats the xorg-xserver for reconfiguring xorg package called?, i cant remember :(01:20
ShackJack!ohmy | DivideZero01:20
ubotuDivideZero: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:20
serenityUKarooni, thats why i said try swap the drives to have it the way it was on old pc01:20
Pelojaydoggg,  do you get my meaning with <tab> ?01:20
bruenigwilliemayshayes, manual?01:20
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brueniglinux_, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and make sure it isn't using the nvidia driver01:20
jaydogggPelo: ya, done01:20
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Pelojaydoggg, try like that,  we'll get it in the end01:20
arooniserenityUK: its weird cuz the live/alternate cds wont boot for me01:20
linux_bruenig , how i can startup ?01:20
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jaydogggPelo: k rebooting01:21
arooniserenityUK: is there an alternate cd that i can use to fix the grub config file?01:21
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brueniglinux_, just do it in a text console01:21
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bruenigarooni, just use the live cd01:21
linux_what i need to change in xorg ?01:21
ziggySerenityUK, would you by chance know where the tool is for de-pixelation in the gimp program?01:21
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k0tanyone here using psi im client?01:21
aroonibruenig: but i have nvidia graphics card01:21
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serenityUKziggy, u mean blur?01:21
bruenigarooni, does the live cd not work?01:21
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ziggySerenityUK, I would like to make it so i can see it a lot better01:22
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aroonibruenig: it boots up but then it freezes halfway thrugh splash screen01:22
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linux_serenityUK , remember the nvidia remove command that you gave me ?01:22
ziggySerenityUK, its all un clear01:22
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casperzshadoShackJack: how do i start it now?01:22
ShackJackarooni: You tried starting without acpi01:22
ShackJackcasperzshado: compiz --replace01:22
serenityUKlinux_, to remove ALL the old drivers first...  try sudo apt-get remove nvidia*01:22
omhaShackJack: changed back to vesa but it did not help01:23
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ShackJackomha: You mean no GUI ?01:23
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linux_serenityUK , i did it and now i can not run ubunto have idea how to recover it ?01:23
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arooniShackJack: u are talking about the f6 boot options?  and doing: acpi=off apm=off01:23
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hanzHow do i start a program on a certain desktop?01:23
ShackJackarooni: Something like that dunno if you tried it ?01:23
omhaShackJack: yea01:23
kousotuhanz: select the desktop and run it01:23
casperzshadoShackJack: how do i start it on boot up?01:23
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ShackJackomha: Yikes - that really should work...01:24
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serenityUKlinux_, did you install the nvidia.run file?01:24
arooniShackJack: i tried with those oiptions didnt work... any other dieas?01:24
ShackJackcasperzshado: Just as to Prefs->Sessisioons startup proggies...01:24
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ShackJackarooni: You've run memory check and cd checks I assume..01:24
aroonii have an abit ib9 that has a jmicron controller for ide i think....01:24
jaydogggPelo: Error #13 Invalid or Unsupported Executable Format01:24
arooniShackJack: yes01:24
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ShackJackarooni: I'm out ;)01:24
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linux_serenityUK , no i had error while i tried to install01:24
Pelojaydoggg,  at least we are getting somewhere ,  hold on let me check01:24
hanzkousotu, sorry im ment at the start of a session,01:24
ShackJackcasperzshado: So Compiz is Working then?01:25
serenityUKlinux_,  what did it say?01:25
jaydogggPelo: ya, passed the dev strings problem -)01:25
BlackaCidI've followed this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI and I still get 1 fps on linuxgames like neverball and the screensavers (radeon9800pro)01:25
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ShackJackDang, I didn't get a chance to talk to aaaaaaaabbbbbbbb01:25
linux_kernal error01:25
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linux_serenityUK , something about kernal interface01:25
kousotuhanz: no idea then lol01:25
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Pelojaydoggg,  ok this one is a new one to me,  meet me in #grub please01:25
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casperzshadoShackJack: yes but i am not sure how to initiate cube by pushing down on the roller01:26
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williemayshayesealtek 8185 Extensible 802.11b/g Wireless Device, isn't that for wireless?  someone said realtek is for sound01:26
hanzlousotu, no worries01:26
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casperzshadoShackJack: dont know what thats called01:26
hanzkousotu, no worries01:26
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ShackJackcasperzshado: It's a little different now - check the settings.... Rotate Cube plugin (under prefs)01:26
serenityUKlinux_, yes then you choose ok to compile a new one....01:26
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ShackJackBlackaCid: You've disabled composite?01:27
yaustarI am trying to mount a samba share on Windows in Linux but keep getting the error, wrong fs type, bad option. Any ideas?01:27
serenityUKlinux_, try again01:27
williemayshayeswhat driver do i use for Realtek 8185 Extensible 802.11b/g Wireless Device to get my wireless working with ndiswrapper (fiesty)01:27
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ShackJackBlackaCid: If on dapper fglrx is known to make SSavers slow...01:27
databuddyhey anyone know of a way to turn the mouse pointer blue?01:27
krammerwhat are some normal installations that are needed besides updates01:27
ziggySerenityUK, Hey what could make my picture more clear? :D on that gimp thing. I need to get a really good look at something an d its all blurry01:27
linux_serenityUK , it will be the same ...01:27
BlackaCidIm running on 7.0401:27
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ShackJackBlackaCid: Just curious are you running XGL?01:28
krammeri am doing a new install for fancy01:28
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oddHello,  I know I have asked a couple of times now but I am going to ask about it once again.  If I have what I beleive to be the correct modeline and I paste it into xorg.conf and ubuntu still doesnt display on my plasma but bootup sequence does, what am I doing wrong?01:28
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BlackaCidi think ive installed it01:28
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ShackJackBlackaCid: If you don;t know - proly not as you have to set it up, etc...01:28
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serenityUKlinux_, it says no match could be found on ftp to you want to compile your own choose yes01:28
ziggyodd, just type sudo apt-get update and reboot01:28
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ziggyodd, it happened it me too, see if that works01:29
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delmarAnyone here know much about using Compiz ?  I have it running ok but I'm having some strange graphical issues... like, app windows going blank when being sized/resized.  playing media works in a small window, but VLC media player just closes if I enlarge it or full screen... anyone know much about compiz and these issues?01:29
linux_serenityUK , something like this01:29
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BlackaCidi have xgl installed01:29
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williemayshayesim having trouble locating drivers for my wireless device.  Can someone help me?01:29
ShackJackdelmar: Check out #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion01:29
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armineHey everybody01:29
krammerwhat does xgl do?01:29
oddziggy, i thought apt-get update just updated repositories01:29
delmarShackJack, oo there are channels? nice...01:29
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delmarShackJack, thanks man.01:30
ShackJackkrammer: Just a X server thing so ATI can use OpenGL #d accell..01:30
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ziggyodd, ok, are you in the installation proccess of ubuntu?01:30
casperzshadoShackJack: what is the button called so i can put it in the command?01:30
krammershould i install it i have ati01:30
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caneris there a way to make ndiswrapper wireless drivers to support monitor mode??01:30
ShackJackcasperzshado: (for the third time ;)) Preferences, Sessions _> Startup Programs01:31
ziggyodd, does a splash screen pop up when it does not display?01:31
oddZiggy, No.  I have it running and the like.  I just wanted to move from my monitor to my plasma as I am eventually installing mythtv01:31
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oddI get the Bootsplash01:31
oddand then nothing.01:31
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|tbb|hello all, i got  a problem iam new to ubuntu i have installed feisty 7.04 , now everytime i could not specific it when exactly, but it always freeze the screen and then i cant use the keyboard anymore either the mouse only the cursor moves, but i dont know where i can found out whats wrong01:31
TheCreationistCould someone recommend a good, full-featured telnet program for logging into BBSes?01:31
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yaustarNevermind, I fixed it by installing smbfs01:31
linux_serenityUK , do you know what ineed to do ?01:32
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casperzshadoShackJack: no im sorry the rotate cube with the push down button on the roller01:32
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mikej2j2i have a 1024x728 widescreen display, and everything is showing up stretched. does anyone know of a way to make things appear the right shape?01:32
serenityUKziggy try select all then in filters menu goto enhance->unsharpen mask or sharpen.. play around it's and art not a science01:32
ShackJackcasperzshado: Already told you that...01:32
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krzeeis ubuntu based on debian 2 or 3?01:32
krzee(im trying to install aim and not sure which package to use from their website)01:33
ShackJackkrzee: Debian "Unstable" - latest...01:33
studeringaarongaim supports aim if all you want to do is chat01:33
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krammerkrzee it should be with ur distro01:33
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serenityUKlinux_, you just choose ok and it builds it for you?  have you ever built anything before?  try sudo apt-get install build-essentials first01:33
nickrudmikej2j2, 1024x728; are you sure about that res? xrandr shows you the available resolutions and the one you're using ...01:34
yaustarfatbrain: are you still here?01:34
tannerldI installed mysql on ubuntu, and what is the password for the debian-sys-maint?01:34
mikej2j2how do you get to xrandr?01:34
serenityUKlinux_, without the word first.....  sudo apt-get install build-essentials01:34
nickrudmikej2j2, just type it into a terminal01:34
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mikej2j2ok i'll try that01:34
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yaustarfatbrain: I have just worked out how to play videos via network on MPlayer01:34
mstuefernickrud: does the package build-essentials exist?01:35
mikej2j2yep its definately 1024 76801:35
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nickrudmstuefer, build-essential01:35
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krzeeoh coolill try out gaim01:35
krzeethank you01:35
mstuefernickrud: ah ok :)01:35
williemayshayesrealtek wireless 8185 extensible, anyone know what driver to use with that?01:35
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casperzshadoShackJack: i dont think you did i been lookin01:35
Jan-pphi, i have the following problem: when doing certain things on my ubuntu server (like apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade or ./configure in the Asterisk-sourcedir) the box freezes completely up (nothing works then, not even NUMLOCK) or randomly reboots. memtest comes up fine01:35
williemayshayesi can't locate the .inf file01:35
mikej2j2is there maybe a utility to display pictures correctly?01:35
nickrudmikej2j2, ok, that's a square picture. Try system-prefs-screen resolution and pick another (hopefully)01:36
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iRRVierrr...did yall get that?01:36
ShackJack(07:27:14 PM) ShackJack: casperzshado: It's a little different now - check the settings.... Rotate Cube plugin (under prefs)01:36
N[i] Xhello01:36
Peloyeeesssss s01:36
mikej2j2no, there are no widescreen resolutions available on the list01:36
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N[i] Xi have a problem with "make install".. check here for the output: http://pastebin.com/m5d24df1d can anybody help me?01:36
Dimensional-Doorwhy wont gparted let me resize my windows partition? /dev/sda101:36
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Pelomikej2j2,  make one    gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:37
yaustarfatbrain: http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu#How_to_mount.2Funmount_network_folders_manually.2C_and_allow_all_users_to_read01:37
PeloDimensional-Door,  unmount it first01:37
serenityUKDimensional-Door, you have to unmount a partition to resize it01:37
yaustarfatbrain: But you have to install smbfs first01:37
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yaustarfatbrain: Otherwise you hit this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/3152301:37
Dimensional-Doorpelo sernityuk why would i mount it, im on my linux partition , and if i am mounted how do i unmount it? i dont think i have the unmount command01:37
iRRVihow do i start beryl?01:38
casperzshadoShackJack: i saw that but i dont know what to call the button01:38
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hanzHow do i start app on other workspace via terminal?01:38
mikej2j2"gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"???   I don't understand01:38
nickrudmikej2j2, could you put the contents of the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log onto pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org?01:38
PeloDimensional-Door,  right click , unmount01:38
oddis there to boot straight into the command line interface from the grub menu?01:38
mikej2j2I've never used linux at all before01:38
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Pelomikej2j2,  that is the command line in the terminal to open up xorg.conf so you can add ( manualy) the extra resolutions you want01:38
Dimensional-Doorpelo i cant click on the unmount, its not darkened01:38
ShackJackcasperzshado: Sorry - you lost me... ask in #compiz-fusion or #ubuntu-effects01:38
serenityUKDimensional-Door, does it have an icon on your desktop?01:38
willycan someone help me locate the .inf file (ndiswrapper) for my wireless device?01:38
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk no01:39
PeloDimensional-Door, ok ,are you trying to make it smaller or bigger ?01:39
Dimensional-Doorpelo smaller01:39
baghyayhow to know that's my language will be supported by ubuntu ??01:39
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Blasturhow do i get inetd on ubuntu?01:39
PeloDimensional-Door,  is there enought free space to eat at ?01:39
N[i] Xi have a problem with "make install".. check here for the output: http://pastebin.com/m5d24df1d can anybody help me?01:39
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PeloBlastur,  /etc/inet.d01:40
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Dimensional-Doorpelo ya, the windows partition is 70 gig01:40
iRRVihow do i use beryl?01:40
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hanzHow do i start app on other workspace via terminal?01:40
iRRVi"use" as in "start"01:40
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BlasturPelo, seems to be missing..01:40
serenityUKbaghyay, when you boot up liveCD and click install the first question it asks you is pick a language... if you are not happy you can quit with making changes01:40
Blasturi dont think my system has inetd installed at all01:40
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nickrudmikej2j2, don't worry overmuch, it's probably not a big problem01:40
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PeloBlastur, hmm, don't know then ,01:40
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PeloDimensional-Door,  very odd, this is from the live cd I expect ?01:41
Blasturim guessing there is an apt package01:41
Dimensional-Doorpelo no im not using livecd01:41
PeloBlastur,  check in synaptic01:41
baghyayi know that i talk about futur projects because isn't  suportt mazigh language today01:41
PeloDimensional-Door,  using thelive cd might be a good idea01:41
baghyayamazigh language01:41
Dimensional-Doorpelo ok, thanks01:41
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nickrudBlastur, yes there is, inetutils-inetd01:42
mikej2j2so... what do i need to change in xorg.conf, and if i get it wrong will it break my computer??01:42
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casperzshadoShackJack:  its called button201:42
nickrudmikej2j2, if you show me that file I mentioned, I can tell you what to change :)01:42
PeloN[i] X,  did you read the install file before proceeding ?01:42
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arooniserenityUK: do u have any suggestgions for what to do next?01:43
aroonii'ma bout to give up01:43
ShackJackmikej2j2: You can also sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ;)01:43
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Jan-pphi, i have the following problem: when doing certain things on my ubuntu server (like apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade or ./configure in the Asterisk-sourcedir) the box freezes completely up (nothing works then, not even NUMLOCK) or randomly reboots. memtest comes up fine01:43
rocketsAnybody know what chipset a linksys WPC54GX v2 wifi card uses? i havent found it on google01:43
casperzshadoShackJack: im retarded sometimes01:43
ShackJackcasperzshado: Sometimes, yes ;)01:43
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nickrudmikej2j2, yeah, ShackJack 's idea is worth a first shot01:43
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penguin42Jan-pp: Have you had a look to see if there is anything in the logs - although with total locks sometimes there isn't01:44
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PeloJan-pp,  check in the forum, sounds like you are having sometning eat up your resources01:44
iRRVihow come with beryl enabled (i finally got it started...wow that was hard.. "beryl") i dont see my window top thingys to move them and the maximize buttons?01:44
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mikej2j2ok just a sec.....01:44
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TheCreationistCould someone recommend a good, full-featured telnet client for Gnome?  I'd like to connect to BBSes but don't want to use the 'telnet' command.01:44
Jan-pp@pelo: sometimes it freezes while booting, sometimes it boots and runs fine until i run something like configure01:44
PeloiRRVi,  ask in #beryl  you probably need to change decorator or sometring01:44
iRRViah okay01:45
penguin42Jan-pp: That sounds like temperature to me01:45
PeloJan-pp,  how much memory do you hve , and what cpu ?01:45
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Jan-ppathlon cpu, 512 mem, worked fine for more than a year01:45
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casperzshadoShackJack:  one quick question if i wan t to start fusion on boot what do i put down as the name and command01:45
serenityUKarooni, did you try swaping drives?01:45
sshey guys :D01:45
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ShackJacksame as you did to start b4...01:46
PeloJan-pp, sounds ok, how about hte temperature ?  is that an issue ?01:46
Jan-ppdunno, just started sensors01:46
penguin42Jan-pp: Check your fans - if it is sometimes failing in boot it's probably not a well machine01:46
Jan-ppreports weird values01:46
PeloJan-pp,  is this a laptop ?01:46
penguin42Yeh the sensor stuff doesn't always work01:46
arooniserenityUK: i realized i ddiint move any of the drives when i change dmobos01:46
Jan-ppbut I am doing a cpu stress test (md5sum /dev/urandom) and it still works fine01:46
nickrudTheCreationist, when I was connecting to bbs's, I used minicom01:46
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Jan-ppso I think CPU and Temp are not issues01:46
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=== Pelo is becoming useless, need to go and take a rest
Jan-ppit is a normal pc, no laptop01:47
PeloJan-pp,  check in the forum, there might be somethig there01:47
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serenityUKarooni, but when we did find it said (hd0,3) and the error message said ubuntu... (hd1,3)01:47
ShackJackPelo: GO have a Hot Pocket!01:47
casperzshadocompiz --replace01:47
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Pelolater folks , I gotago01:47
killkenny55hey everyone01:47
PeloShackJack,  hey, I'm nice to you, why do you wish bad things on me ?01:47
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penguin42Jan-pp: Have you tried running it off the live CD for a while and see if it is stable like that?01:47
Jan-ppi think cpu and temp are no issues as the cpu stressing md5sum is running fine!01:47
arooniserenityUK: serenityUK so im not sure *which* drives those are01:48
docmurummm I don't know what happened but my Desktop is blank and no folders can open ??01:48
penguin42It would just help to elminite some stuf01:48
linux_serenityUK , thanks its work  ( the essentials ) and the nvidia installin , now how i can know if i had install it correct ?01:48
docmurThis is really messed01:48
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arooniso i dont know which ones to switch01:48
Pelolater flks01:48
ShackJackPelo: Just teasin' :) Hot Pockets are yummy!01:48
Jan-pp@penguin42 going to do that next01:48
docmurAll I did before it happened was just down a copy of ubuntu server01:48
serenityUKlinux_, so you can see the desktop?01:48
penguin42Jan-pp: As I say, it's also worth checking the logs - /var/log/messages etc from around the time of the hang - does it do it outside of X?01:48
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crackleis there a nice, easy to use web or gui tool for doing simple admin tasks on an ubuntu email server such as add email accounts, modifying aliases, and possibly managing mailinglists?  It has to be useable by a non-linux person (webmin seems too broad and confusing for what i'm looking for unless it can be easily limited to only display relevant controls)01:48
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linux_serenityUK , yes im in ubuntu now01:49
|tbb|i like to install the kiba-dock bar but if i run the script /autogen.sh i get following error:01:49
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|tbb|autoreconf: configure.ac: not using Gettext01:49
serenityUKlinux_, woo hoo!  glad it is ok now....  type sudo nvidia-settings01:49
defconhow do I make my own live/cd/dvd01:49
|tbb|autoreconf: running: aclocal  --output=aclocal.m4t01:49
|tbb|aclocal: configure.ac: 23: macro `AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT' not found in library01:49
|tbb|autoreconf: aclocal failed with exit status: 101:49
mikej2j2errrr... i dont understand. I dont know which X server driver to pick01:49
|tbb|any idea what i can do?01:50
killkenny55how do i set the GLMatrix screensaver as my background01:50
Jan-pp@penguin42 sometimes it freezes before the kernel even gets loaded, i am scanning the logs just in case,01:50
serenityUKlinux_, you will get a nice control panel to change resolution and stuff, press button to save changes to xorg.conf file01:50
ShackJackme pops champagne cork for linux_01:50
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Blasturim trying to setup atftpd, so ive installed it using apt, and also inetutils-inetd (to make it run) .. after doing dpkg-reconfigure, it added an inetd entry to /etc/inetd.conf, after which i restarted inetd .. but when i try to tftp to localhost, i get timeout .. it's like my system doesn't start atftpd as i connect01:50
ShackJackmikej2j2: What card do you have?01:50
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mikej2j2I was just trying to figure that ouyt,01:50
mikej2j2 not really sure01:51
ShackJackmikej2j2: Don't know what video card? eeeg... :P01:51
penguin42Jan-pp: If it's before the kernel is loaded then it really has to be a hardware problem of some type; it could be a dying disk I guess but you normally see some errors rather than a total hang01:51
serenityUKarooni, on my core2duo i can only have 2 ide drives.. that's why i was saying maybe if you swap master and slave you can make the drive hd101:51
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arooniserenityUK: what is the find option?01:51
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mikej2j2yep, new computer without documentation01:51
aroonioh ok i have 4 drives hooked up01:51
nikini was installing proftpd server on my box, just i have noone to test it for me... can someone do a try? anonymous is enabled.  ftp://ktmhome.sytes.net01:51
nickrudmikej2j2, if you type lspci in a terminal, it'll tell you a bit; one of the things is your vid card type01:51
arooni3 hard drives and one dvd drive01:51
arooniso i'm not sure which one was switch01:52
arooniwas which01:52
ShackJackmikej2j2: Go to terminal and type --- lspci | grep -i vga01:52
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serenityUKarooni, when in the bios it should say primary master, primary slave, secondary master etc01:52
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linux_serenityUK , config this wizard what now ?01:53
pace_t_zulu_thanks guys01:53
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Jan-pp@penguin42: what could it be? ram is memtested. CPU ist doing fine. I did a find / | xargs md5sum and it worked fine (/proc etc. were excluded from the find)01:53
serenityUKlinux_, did you press the button to save changes?01:53
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nickrudShackJack, I wonder why it's so hard to get the log file; it has just about everything needed to troubleshoot vid problems01:53
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serenityUKlinux_, try the GL screensavers or something else 3D01:53
mikej2j2it says...01:53
mikej2j200:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)01:53
mikej2j200:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)01:53
mikej2j2which one is it?01:53
ShackJacknickrud: Eh... Not sure what you're getting at...01:54
ShackJackmikej2j2: just pick intel :)01:54
Jan-pp@penguin42: additionally, both 5 V and 12 V seem to be stable (measured using a multimeter, so no sensors etc.)01:54
penguin42Jan-pp: Not sure really; I'd try taking all non-essential peripherals out and see if it stabilises; PSU is a possibility - but it's really difficult to find anything when machines just stop01:54
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nickrudShackJack, it's almost certainly bad refresh & sync rates; log file will tell. I asked for it earlier but01:54
ShackJackmikej2j2: You're golden - intel drivers work great... though you might not get right resolution right off... easy fix.... And you can run desktop effects out of the box...01:54
mikej2j2no intel on the list...01:54
pace_t_zuluso guys01:55
ShackJacknickrud: Oh right, sorry - I though you were referring to how he would find the video card he has ;)01:55
nickrudmikej2j2, i81001:55
penguin42mikej2j2: Is there i915 or i815 ?01:55
pace_t_zuluwhat does extra effects add?01:55
nickrudShackJack, the log says it also :)01:55
mikej2j2ah cool!01:55
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ShackJackmikej2j2: Erp, yeah sorry -- i8X  or i9X if available ....01:55
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linux_serenityUK , screen savers dont work what i can do ?01:56
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Jan-pp@penguin: tried already without graphics card...01:56
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juregcan anyone spare some time with me, got a serious nvidia driver issue? pls?01:57
ShackJack!ask | jureg01:57
ubotujureg: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:57
arooniserenityUK: that would be the  case if my drive was sata01:57
aroonibut its not01:57
penguin42Jan-pp: I think I'd try running off a live CD to see if it's also unstable and if it is still unstable (which I'd assume it is) then I'd see if I could try swapping the PSU01:57
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Jan-pp@penguin42: ./configure is a direct way to a freezeup - every time01:57
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arooni anyone know how to get the live cd to boot up if i have a nvidia 7950 gtoc ? it freezes half way through loaidng01:57
ShackJackarooni: It's unlikely its a video card issue...01:58
mikej2j2ok, its asking for the BusID of the video card01:58
penguin42Jan-pp: That's pretty odd, I mean ./configure is a bit CPU and disc heavy - but CPU wise shouldn't compare with your md5sum01:58
ShackJackarooni: You're reaching ;)01:58
mikej2j2but theresz nowhere to type it even if iknew!01:58
Jan-pp@penguin42: Is there any way to test a psu?01:58
serenityUKarooni, i don;t think it's the nvidia because safe mode doesn't work either01:58
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rocketsHow do I specify an avatar on the ubuntu forums? I only see an option for no avatar or the predefined generic avatar.01:59
penguin42Jan-pp: I believe there are some testers; but it's about the easiest thing to swap if you think RAM is OK01:59
ShackJackmikej2j2: Should be 02:00 based on what you had above...01:59
aroonii thgoutht ubuntu is supposed to be easy to use :(01:59
aroonii'm sure im having prolblmes making this work01:59
ShackJackmikej2j2: You didn't do autodetect for dpkg ?01:59
Jan-pp@penguin42: if i had a replacement handy, it would be easy...01:59
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wellyhey all, i'm after installing ruby 1.801:59
penguin42Jan-pp: Nod01:59
yaustarCan anyone help me out with my wireless connection, it seems from iwconfig that it has connected to my router but I can't seem to access on webpages01:59
ShackJackarooni: It's very easy to use... though because of hardware issues (not linuxes fault) setup can be touchy sometimes...01:59
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rocketsarooni, it is easy. that doesnt mean everything is magically perfect.01:59
welly.6 on ubuntu 6.0601:59
CThowhat program can i use to convert a video to xvid?01:59
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wellydo i need to use the universe repository?02:00
ShackJackmikej2j2: Start dpkg again and have it autodetect :)02:00
penguin42mikej2j2: Why are you having to enter this stuff - for me it just autodetected my Intel card02:00
aroonianyone have suggestions for what to type if safe mode in live cd doesnt boot up02:00
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Prowler_1installer wont recodnice other linux os installed, how to fix?02:00
ShackJackmikej2j2: You'll get it, hang in there...02:00
mikej2j2ok, try again......02:00
ubuntupelo are you here02:00
ShackJackubuntu - he is not... You can share with the channel :)02:00
ubuntuok shackjack02:01
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ShackJackubuntu - that's pretty pretentious having a screen name named after the OS, no? :)02:01
aroonirockets: youre right its just that i'm a newb and have already spetn days trying to fix htis02:01
=== serenityUK think pelo is worn out
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ShackJack!es | cidwel02:01
ubotucidwel: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:01
ubuntuanyway, im on the linux livecd and i am trying to partition my windows partition so i have some free space and when i trys to  partiton it gets an error and wont resize02:01
cidweli'm sorry xD, wrong channel02:01
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ubuntushackjack eh it was default02:01
linux_screen savers dont work what i can do ?02:02
taime1is gdesklets the best of its type of program?02:02
ShackJack!best | taime1 (but it's pretty good)02:02
ubotutaime1 (but it's pretty good): Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.02:02
penguin42linux_: Do they give an error? Come up blank? or what?02:02
aroonithe live cd ends with this error message [15.682]  end_request I/O error, dev fd0, sector, (twice)... then... Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 002:02
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aroonihow do i fix that?02:03
serenityUKsome Fear servers boot you off if your name is Player lol02:03
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doctorowI just installed gnome-launch-box with apt-get, ubt I don't know how to launch it -- any tips?02:03
penguin42arooni: That shouldn't matter - that's just it seeing if there is anything in the floppy drive02:03
linux_penguin42 only black screen02:03
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ubuntudoctorow proably jsut the name02:03
penguin42linux_:Which screensaver have you selected?02:03
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aroonipenguin42: but nothing happens after that02:03
ShackJackarooni: That's you floppy disk - rip it out! :)02:03
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nickrudarooni, did you run the disk self test?02:03
arooniomg its gone!02:03
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doctorowubuntu I tried that02:03
arooninickrud: i have used this cd in teh past it worked me thinks02:03
taime1heh, whereas i recognize that, i was really looking for someone else's opinion, besides the bot. but i will try for myself anyways, thanks02:04
serenityUKarooni, disable floppy drive in the bios man02:04
penguin42arooni: Have you got any USB devices plugged in that you don't need - try unplugging them02:04
regeyaheh, on that Fear comment, if you pop into #debian on this server with any variation of 'root' in your ident, you will be booted.02:04
linux_penguin42 , i have tried several and nothing had work02:04
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nickrudarooni, disks are not perfecto, try it if the other suggestions are no good02:04
Jan-pp@penguin42 find / | cat while md5'ing /dev/urandom works without crash!02:04
doctorowubuntu Wait, now it's working -- of course, it hangs up the Gnome, but it launches!02:04
ubuntudoctorow try sudo find / -name "nameofprogram" and try to find where its all locatd02:04
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doctorowUbuntu Thanks!02:04
=== felix_ [n=felix@200-127-103-214.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntudoctorow np02:04
aroonipenguin42: all usb keys are done02:05
regeyaI'm all for educating people on the dangers of root, but 'notoor' is not a threat to anyone...one of the idents I had that got me booted :-)  I was told I was flamebating02:05
aroonii mean no usb things hooked up02:05
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serenityUKarooni, disable floppy drive in the bios02:05
penguin42linux_: Try the one called spirographx - it doesn't use the 3D stuff02:05
arooniserenityUK: wher is that option ususally found02:05
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:06
penguin42regeya: #debian is not known to be the most tolerant of channels02:06
mikej2j2ok so it's asking for video card name, and it already says generic video card n the space.  if i enter that it goes to the nex tscreen asking for the BusID02:06
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serenityUKarooni, near the beginning .. under general... it's different for every bios02:06
mikej2j2I dont know the real name02:06
linux_penguin42 also dont work02:06
ShackJackmikej2j2: You can call it something if you want :)02:06
nickrudmikej2j2, just hit enter, you don't need to specify that02:06
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mikej2j2so then its asking for the busid02:06
serenityUKarooni, it might say 1.44mb or A:  set to disable02:07
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penguin42linux_: Hmm so it's not a 3D problem02:07
mikej2j2with an example there but nowhere to type it in02:07
ShackJackmikej2j2: I think it's 02:00 based on what you pasted from lspci02:07
linux_i can check the 3d in other way ?02:07
mikej2j2so where do i enter 02:00?02:07
penguin42linux_: try glxgears02:07
arooniok now i got much further....02:07
regeyapenguin42: to be fair, I was...sorta...but it wasn't toward anyone in #debian.  they had a bot that would do ALLCAPS ANNOUNCEMENTS called the_raven that'd go frickin' nuts when someone was *root* or *toor* (yeah, those are wildcards, not just emphasis)02:07
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arooninow i get:  /bin/sh: cna't access tty; job control turned off"02:08
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ubuntuCAN someone PLEASE look at my gparted error details and tell me what i have to do to get it work work.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32566/   any help will be appreciated02:08
linux_penguin42 this is command ?02:08
regeyaso if your ident contained stephenroot for example you'd get a kickban02:08
ShackJackmikej2j2: Ermm.. Dunno in the space provided?02:08
Meyvnhey people02:08
regeyaok enough ot ranting02:08
mikej2j2yep thats my point, no space anywhere02:08
Jan-pp@penguin42: ./configure now worked a single time, did it again while watching tail -f /var/log/messages - freezeup without logs...02:08
arooniserenityUK: yup that definitely got me further.... now i'm battling the '/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off'02:08
nickrudmikej2j2, it should have already identified it based on the card; just hit enter02:08
ShackJackmikej2j2: You cna hit tab or something to go down to it and edit or is a default number there?02:09
ShackJackmikej2j2: I think it should be 2:00 that was detected...02:09
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mikej2j2tab did it02:09
ShackJackmikej2j2: Was it 2:00?02:09
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penguin42Jan-pp: Ah, a heisenbug :-)02:10
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=== ShackJack pats himself on back
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mikej2j2err kernel framebuffer, yes or no??02:10
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Blasturim trying to setup atftpd on my ubuntu machine, but after adding it to inetutils-inetd (and restarting it), netstat -a only shows that my machine is listening on udp6 on port 69 (tftp) .. i want it to listen on udp for ipv4!02:11
linux_penguin42 output :02:11
linux_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:11
linux_Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual02:11
KurisutofuaaHi all, I have a Q about fonts, I copyed the fonts form my windows drive. I was wondering how I would install them (gnome)?02:12
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penguin42linux_: OK, so your 3D isn't happy - but I would have expected the few none-3D screensavers to be OK02:12
ShackJackKurisutofuaa: You can just make a .fonts folder under your home dir (a hidden folder) and drop them there... Have to logout and in agian to take effect or a command line thing fc-cache02:12
linux_penguin42 , they are !02:12
linux_slideshow screen saver are ok and many more02:13
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TheCreationistI'm trying to find a telnet client that will let me connect to BBS systems, but 'telnet' displays ANSI characters improperly.  Are there any full-featured GUI clients that anyone knows about?02:13
linux_TheCreationist putty02:14
astro76TheCreationist, minicom is full-featured, non-gui02:14
ShackJackTheCreationist: PCManX GUI02:14
linux_penguin42, do you know what to do ?02:14
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=== Meyvn burps loudly
penguin42linux_: So, do none-3D screensavers work? try the one called 'swirl'02:15
serenityUKarooni, sorry i went to the toilet.. now try the option at menu generic.all_generic_ide=102:15
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TheCreationistastro76, ShackJack: Thanks.02:15
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mikej2j2is this xorg thing going to go through configuring everything before i can trry and sort out the display?02:16
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Blasturhow to mute pc speaker in ubuntu?02:16
linux_penguin42 , swirl and many more ( but not all ) work finr02:16
linux_fine *02:16
mikej2j2or is hitting ok on ebverything alright?02:16
penguin42linux_: OK, so your problem is not a screensaver problem; it's a general 3D problem02:16
ShackJackmikej2j2: THat should sort out the display - resolution might not be quite right, but that's an easy fix...02:16
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linux_ShackJack yes ...02:16
arooniserenityUK: no worries - some thing are more important :P.... . i was following this: http://blog.shevin.info/2007/04/how-did-i-fix-cant-acess-tty-in-feisty.html .... but it didnt work ( i have 4 ide drives hooked up)02:16
ShackJackmikej2j2: Yep.. as it's picking up current settings...02:16
nickrudmikej2j2, ok to hit enter, but when you get to resolutions that's where you'll look around carefully02:17
linux_i have nvidia gforce 5200 fx02:17
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msinghanyone have archived copies of the acroread deb?02:17
penguin42ah then you probably need Nvidia binary drivers  - and I don't know about those02:17
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nickrudmikej2j2, and horizontal and vertical rates, set those for your monitor02:17
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serenityUKarooni, try generic.all_generic_ide=1  i have a p35 not p965 but it was same eroor message and it worked for me02:18
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linux_so waht i need to do ?02:18
penguin42nickrud: Might find it ignores those; sometimes the i8xx and i9xx have a habit of using BIOS settings and gently ignoring anyone else02:18
aroonicool i will try02:18
=== Willi__ [n=poop@pD9E85817.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
aguitelhow setup  wireless wifi network with wep  encription ?02:18
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nickrudpenguin42, yeah, but it never hurts... those resolution packages are usually useful as well02:18
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arooniserenityUK: do u put that right after the initrd=/casper/initrd.gz ?02:19
penguin42linux_: Look in the FAQ for setting up binary drivers for nvidia or findly someone friendly who knows about it; I bought a machine with an Intel graphics card so I didn't have to02:19
mikej2j2right, I'm at the monitor resolution bit, what should i set it to?02:19
Davy_Jonesi got a printer drivers package from canon.. it has .rpm files, is it safe to install those?02:19
penguin42Davy_Jones: Have you tried printing without installing them?02:19
ShackJackmikej2j2: Pick native for your screen and the other pop ones if you like 1024x768 and so forth..02:19
nickrudDavy_Jones, not really.02:19
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:19
serenityUKarooni, yes at end of line.. while you are there delete quiet to show more text and change splash to nosplash, that will hide the logo02:20
Meyvnaguitel: if you are using a router, use its gateway IP to configure wep enryptopn02:20
linux_ok i go to sleep i will try tomorow gn all02:20
serenityUKarooni, then you can see what is going on underneath02:20
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arooniserenityUK: damn i tried that and i get the same error message /bin/sh: can't access tty; job contreol turned off02:20
Davy_Jonespenguin42: i tried to install the printer but it's not in the list that came with ubuntu02:20
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mikej2j2except i dont know what native resolution is mean to be. is setting it too high bad??02:20
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Davy_Jonesnickrud: how can i print then?02:21
ShackJackDavy_Jones: Check out http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting02:21
MisterNhi. i want to install ubuntu on a new (lvm-on-mdraid) hard disk setup from within ubuntu. which program to install?02:21
KurisutofuaaShackJack, that worked thanks for the help.02:21
nickrudDavy_Jones, have you tried setting up your printer through settings->admin->printing yet?02:21
xjkxHow i make my epson stylus c85 work on ubuntu? Have been asking it here for like two months :>02:21
penguin42Davy_Jones: OK, well an RPM won't immediately work; you can convert it using 'alien' to a debian package; however it might be worth checking to see if the printer works correctly with the driver for the previous model02:21
pace_t_zuluhow do i increase the number of workspaces i have?02:21
ShackJackKurisutofuaa: No problem - keep in mind doing that way those fonts there will only be availabel for that user...02:21
pace_t_zuluin gnome...02:22
Davy_Jonesnickrud: yes, i tried but my printer is not in the list02:22
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TheCreationistOkay, minicom requires me to run it as root, PCMan X is too cluttered with Chinese servers (and will only display a very small font), and Putty is just terrible... have to manually enter addresses every time.  Any other options for a telnet client?02:22
penguin42pace_t_zulu: Right click on the workspace switcher in the panel and you get a preferences dialog02:22
FireHazard17Seveas: is there a reason you are remaining as an op?02:22
ShackJackDavy_Jones: Which printer, btw?02:22
Davy_Jonespenguin42: i guess, i'll try02:22
Davy_JonesShackJack: Canon PIXMA iP130002:22
FireHazard17Seveas: usually people remove op status after they do what they have to do02:22
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penguin42Davy_Jones: They tend to bring out printers faster than anyone can keep up with them02:22
MisterNTheCreationist: netcat (nc)02:23
nickrudDavy_Jones, then ShackJack has the right link for you, it's usually pretty up to date. Watch out for rpms, I had to help a guy clean up after using an rpm for a lexmark, and it wasn't pretty. It was extremely redhat specific02:23
xjkxI could never make cups work on ubuntu, password admin problem for example02:23
kitcheFireHazard17: don't think he is there02:23
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Davy_JonesShackJack: i found this02:23
KurisutofuaaShackJack, kind of figured that but am the only user on my computer so it doesnt matter.02:23
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TheCreationistnickrud: I'm trying to connect to a BBS with full ANSI support....02:23
Davy_JonesShackJack: but the driver is for a different model02:23
mikej2j2will it cause any problems if i set the resolution too high?02:23
Davy_JonesShackJack: and it has .rmps02:23
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nickrudxjkx, localhost:631 accepts my user & password ...02:23
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Davy_Jonesnickrud: i see, now i know i won't install them02:24
xjkxnickrud: you are f-- lucky then02:24
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nickrudxjkx, what version of ubuntu?02:24
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xjkxnickrud: last02:24
bobsomebodyif I want to do a screen video capture what should I do?02:24
varaonaidhi, i've installed additional fonts in ubuntu but they're not showing up in openoffice.  how do i fix that?02:25
bobsomebodylike the whole visible screen area to video02:25
penguin42xjkx: A c85 should just work - I've got a c86 I've tried (although there is a known bug on feisty where sometimes it doesn't print black - there is a backport in feisty-backports that fixes that)02:25
ShackJackDavy_Jones: http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_iP130002:25
nickrudxjkx, are you in the lpadmin group?02:25
ShackJackvaraonaid: Did you refresh font cace or logout/in after adding them?02:25
xjkxpenguin42: i cant add a printer, maybe if i could it would work, nickrud i am all default, how do i do that02:25
varaonaidShackJack: yes, i've rebooted02:26
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nickrudxjkx, type groups in a terminal, it'll list them all02:26
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ShackJackvaraonaid: You don't have to *reboot* - that the Windows way :P   Where did you put the fonts?02:26
Davy_JonesShackJack: yeah, i just gave you the same link.. it directs me to download the iP2200 driver for some reason.. even if i download that driver, it has 4 rpm files, which i don't intend to install02:26
penguin42xjkx: I'll admit I just used the cute Gnome GUI - system->Admin->Printing02:26
aroonii can't get the ubuntu livecd to boot i get:  /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off.... can anyone helP?02:27
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Davy_JonesShackJack: forget it, i'll try making some coffee and do some trial and error02:27
Gimm1eDathey guys.. Im installing feisty fawn.. when I get to the "prepare paritions" area.. no partitions are listed.. there was, i believe, a windows OS on this disk prior to me starting the ubuntu install..02:27
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varaonaidShackJack: I know but it was several days ago that i installed them so through the normal cycle of use, the lappy's been rebooted :) they're in a folder i created within /usr/share/fonts02:27
Davy_Jonesstupid vendors02:27
xjkxnickrud:  i wouldnt like to list, but to add my user to that grou02:27
ShackJackDavy_Jones: That's the one you rwant though...02:27
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ShackJackvaraonaid: They should either be in a .fonts folder under your home dir or one of the dirs specifced in your xorg.conf02:27
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Meyvn<3 ubuntu02:27
pace_t_zuluthat did not do it02:27
nickrudxjkx, check to see if you're in it; if not sudo adduser <you> lpadmin02:27
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=== Meyvn burps loudly
Davy_JonesShackJack: so you suggest i install some rpm files for a driver that's not for my printer?02:28
SuperkuhI am using fiesty 64bit with nvidia proprietary drivers (geforce 5700LE) and dual monitors with xinerama enabled. I have been trying to use 'gnome-screenshot --display=:' to try and take a pictures of what both monitors display, but with nvidia drivers and xinerama enabled there is only Xscreen ':0' , no '0.1', according to nvidia-settings (while xorg.conf still talks of screen0/1). Upon trying --display:0.1 I get "cannot open dis02:28
Superkuhplay: :0.1". Screenshot including xorg.conf and arguments tried: http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/4770/xscreentroublescm1.png Any ideas on how I might work around this?02:28
varaonaidShackJack: hmmm, i'll check both of those... the other programs have no trouble wiht it but I understand openoffice can be finnicky about it.02:28
ShackJackmikej2j2: What is native resolution of your monitor - is it an LCD?02:28
mikej2j2oh well, i'm goiing to bed. thanks for your help anyway shackjack02:28
aroonii can't get the ubuntu livecd to boot i get:  /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off.... can anyone help?  thanx!@02:29
xjkxnickrud: uhm, but i was in this group already, didnt even know02:29
ShackJackDavy_Jones: The printer site says they will work for your printer as well, that's what that site is there for :)02:29
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MeyvnSuperkuh: copy+paste question02:29
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SuperkuhMeyvn: What?02:29
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nickrudxjkx, then as penguin42 said, you should be able to install it with system-admin-printing; is it listed there?02:29
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Davy_JonesShackJack: i'll back up the whole thing and try.. thanks02:29
=== pace_t_zulu [n=jhaitas@A230156.N1.Vanderbilt.Edu] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJacknickrud: For crying out loud that mikej2j2 didn't even finish his dpkg-xorg -- after all that time.. sheesh... </rant>02:30
SuperkuhI typed that and hit enter. No copy and paste involved...02:30
ShackJackDavy_Jones: Dont need to back anything up, really.. ;)02:30
penguin42ShackJack: Why was he having to - why didn't it just work?02:30
pace_t_zuluhow do you increase the number of workspaces in gnome??02:30
MeyvnSuperkuh: so, you only get one screen captured and not both?02:30
xjkxnickrud i uninstalled a lot of things :>02:30
ShackJackpenguin42: Not sure... Intel is smokin' out of the box :)02:30
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penguin42ShackJack: Yeh it worked great for me02:30
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kevinldoes anyone know where the source code for usplash (whatever the latest version) can be downloaded from ?02:31
=== ShackJack wishes people knew how to articulate their problems more acurately ;)
nickrudShackJack, I always forget to add -phigh , it's less confusing02:31
Meyvnmaybe gnome-screenshot has no support for dual monitors02:31
penguin42kevinl: apt-get source usplash02:31
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Jaikkanenanyone here use btnx?02:31
bobsomebodyAny idea how i can video capture my desktop?02:31
SuperkuhI asked iin #gnome, they said it did.02:31
nickrudxjkx, well then :) I'd suggest reinstalling ubuntu-desktop, and just not using the stuff you don't want02:31
kevinlpenguin42,  that is not the latest02:32
pace_t_zulu@kevinl try launchpad02:32
pace_t_zuluhow do you increase the number of workspaces in gnome??02:32
Jaikkanenbobsomebody: if you find out, would you mind letting me know?02:32
=== nickrud wishes they'd just let me look at their logs and files, they're cold, hard facts
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penguin42kevinl: Ah - probably best to look at the package page on packages.ubuntulinux.org02:32
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ShackJackbobsomebody: RecordMyDesktop02:33
Gimm1eDathey guys, im trying to install from the livecd.. however when I get to the part where I am supposed to pick my partitions "Prepare partitions" it doesnt list any partitions..02:33
ShackJackJaikkanen: ^^^02:33
xjkxwhat driver should i choose to epson stylus c85 anyway?02:33
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JaikkanenShackJack: .. <302:33
penguin42xjkx: Gutenprint has one I'm fairly sure02:33
KurtKrautGimm1eDat, try making partitions before loading the install program. The partitioner is availuable in the System Menu02:34
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penguin42xjkx: But as I say, if you have problems with black print problems grab the 5.0.1 backport02:34
ShackJackJaikkanen: Did you get my response to bobsomebody?02:34
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Gimm1eDatok.. i will try that.02:34
bobsomebodyShackJack, yes i just saw it02:34
JaikkanenShackJack: i did, thanks02:34
BlackaCidHow do i uninstall my ati Drivers02:34
ConstyXIVdoes ubuntu support S/PDIF outs?02:34
bobsomebodyill have to try that, is it in the repo's?02:34
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ShackJackbobsomebody: Not you - Jaikkanen ;) I didn't understand his IM to me :) Now it's moot02:34
JaikkanenShackJack: i didnt IM you?02:35
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aroonii can't get the ubuntu livecd to boot i get:  /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off.... can anyone help?  thanx!  (7.04 ubuntu)02:35
ShackJackJaikkanen: Chat - you know...02:35
=== FirstStrike [n=Rawr@nv-76-3-150-146.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
JaikkanenShackJack: oh, my reply02:35
charlie_shackjack: upgraded to dapper, rand my computer wouldn't reboott02:35
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nickrudxjkx, http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Epson-Stylus_C85 recommends gutenprint02:36
charlie_reinstalled breezy02:36
ShackJackcharlie_: What do you get - kernel panic?02:36
Georgekuttycan anybody tell me how to get a 3GP converter for ubuntu 7.0402:36
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arooniserenityUK: i tried the generic ide options, and acpi=off, and irqpoll all as command line options02:36
arooninone work :(02:36
Jaikkanenanyone here use BTNX?02:36
charlie_so message reapeated 100 times02:36
ZednomI have two hard drives, with ubuntu already installed on one.  If I install windows on the other, it will take over the MBR, correct?02:36
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KurtKrautarooni, try pasting that error message in ubuntuforums.org - probably someone had it before. Check out the solutions02:37
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charlie_do you need to do something after upgrade finishes02:37
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serenityUKarooni, i've been searching forums and google. you are not the only one with this problem02:37
ShackJackcharlie_: Eh? Well tough to diagnose here... sometimes upgrades are tricky... did you try booting into recovery mode from GRUB02:37
nickrud!grub | Zednom yes, but this will recover it for you:02:37
ubotuZednom yes, but this will recover it for you:: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:37
arooniserenityUK: me 2...a nd no one seems to have a solution that works02:37
Zednomnickrud: thank you!02:38
charlie_don';t kow how to, just deleted and reinstalled breezy02:38
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ShackJackcharlie_: Well after I reboot from upgrade, I generally run a sudo aptitude upgrade && sudo aptitude -f install to make sure no broken dependencies...02:38
serenityUKarooni, here's another boot option to try translated from a brazillian page lol,, worth a try....  pci=nomsi02:38
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ShackJackcharlie_ - it's on grub screen... recovery mode...02:38
arooniserenityUK: i'm not rying any of these with combos02:38
arooniis that ok02:38
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charlie_clean now new install of breezy02:38
IntuitiveNippleWhen the LiveCD doesn't work, it is always recommended you try the Alternate CD02:38
ShackJackcharlie_:  Guess you can try agian :) fresh install should be smoother :P02:38
aroonii mean they're all single commands02:38
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KurtKrautserenityUK, show me the page that I can translate for us;02:39
MisterNby the way, the official documentation is annoying.02:39
ShackJackcharlie_: Anyway I do final update & -f install to make sure no broken packages...02:39
=== nickrud really liked breezy, it was so spare ...
charlie_after in finishes should i just reboot, or do something else02:39
Davy_Jonesthe LiveCD doesn't work anyways, get the Alternate CD from the start02:39
_neon_does anyones know if there is program to undervolt cpu on ubuntu02:39
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xjkxnickrud: Generic PCL 4 Printer - CUPS+Gutenprint v5. didnt work :<02:39
charlie_after install02:39
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ShackJackcharlie_: What I said above -- before reboot...02:40
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KurtKrautserenityUK, let me check02:40
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nickrudxjkx, that page I gave you has something you can use to test the printer02:40
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charlie_thanks tyr again02:40
ramza3I want to test an application sends email through python.  Can I setup an environment on my local machine to test that02:40
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exsI *really* need a divx player (plugin ) for firefox, anyone got one? Thanks02:40
=== ShackJack crosses fingers for charlie_
daakuhow would i setup grub on a second hard-disk? (i want to setup the OS and then throw it in the other box ready to run)02:40
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KurtKrautaaragon, do you still here with us ?02:40
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Davy_Jonesramza3: you can install xampp if you want a local server02:40
[MMO] MarloGreat my windows just died...02:41
nhazedo I need the alternate install cd if I want to use LVM at all? or only if I want to install onto a LVM partition?02:41
Davy_Jonesdaaku: i don't think that's a good way to install an operating system02:41
xjkxCannot open /dev/lp0 read/write: Device or resource busy02:41
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daakuDavy_Jones: why?02:42
bruenigexs, mozilla-mplayer can play divx02:42
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ramza3Davy_Jones, huh?  what does that have to  do with mail02:42
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Davy_Jonesdaaku: you don't dump an operating system like that.. it has to identify the drivers and CPU and all of that02:42
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exsbruenig:  i've got that installed. how do i tell firefox to use it?02:43
bruenigexs, is it trying to use totem?02:43
Davy_Jonesramza3: it will provide you with a local server so you can test the sendmail02:43
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daakuDavy_Jones: its a headless server02:43
exsbruenig:  i thinkso02:43
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Davy_Jonesramza3: if that's what you wanna do02:43
bruenigexs, remove totem-mozilla02:43
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charlie_this err now Warning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/apt/sources.list" -- using "application/*"02:43
charlie_Error: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/*"02:43
KurtKrautcharlie_, you're missing the letter 'g' at the begining of the command02:44
ramza3Davy_Jones, I mean, can I test sending and receiving of mail without having a domain setup for that particular email.02:44
Davy_Jonesdaaku: whatever man.. you can configure grub by poping the LiveCD in and booting with command line then configure it.. use this guide02:44
defconhow do I clone my ubuntu installation to a live dvd02:44
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Davy_Jones!grub | daaku02:44
ubotudaaku: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:44
ramza3Dave123, eg, mytest@mylocalserver.com02:44
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|tbb|anyone using kiba dock in here?402:44
ShackJackcharlie_: gksu gedit etc...02:44
ramza3Davy_Jones, , eg, mytest@mylocalserver.com02:44
KurtKrautcharlie_, despite gksudo, it is 'gedit' not 'edit'02:44
Davy_Jonesramza3: you want to see if you can send an email from your machine?02:44
ramza3Davy_Jones, send and receive02:44
ShackJackcharlie_: Make sure you upgrade via:   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:44
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charlie_yeah need to change to dapper first02:45
Davy_Jonesramza3: i really don't know what you mean.. you can send an email provided you have an internet connection :S02:45
Davy_Jonesthat's all you need to send an email02:45
arooniserenityUK: would these problems be solved if i got a pata drives02:45
anto9usvmware-player is in a broken state and will neither remove or install, I've tried to force removal, dpkg suggests re-install, which won't work02:45
arooniall pata instaed?02:45
aroonii mean SATA02:45
Davy_Jonesto receive, it's the same thing02:45
mavsman4457I have a kinda old Dell Inspiron and I want to play N64 games on it but in Windows XP it runs some of the games pretty slow with project64, would an emulator on Ubuntu be able to run them faster?02:45
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charlie_got it02:46
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ramza3Davy_Jones, lets pretend I dont have an internet connection, but I want to test an email send and receive. where the receiving end is myemail@localhost.
ShackJackmavsman4457: No not really...02:46
anto9us^how do I remove it?02:46
ShackJackmavsman4457: Stick with SNES emulation :)02:46
ConstyXIVcan you use s/pdif (digital) audio outs in ubuntu?02:46
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charlie_everything has # before it is that usual02:46
nickrudanto9us, does the error say reinstall required?02:46
mavsman4457ShackJack: there aren't any good N64 emulators for Linux?02:46
Davy_Jonesramza3: then you'd have to set up a local host with xampp02:46
KurtKrautarooni, do you have any device from the SiS company in your computer ?02:46
nick_anyone here done on the fly video conversion02:47
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Davy_Jonesramza3: or apache02:47
ShackJackmavsman4457: Dunno... but  wouldn't expect them to run appreciably faster..02:47
Melquiadesi think i am sick to death of the opera browser02:47
arooniKurtKraut: not that i know of.... i have a abit ib9 board with an intel 965 chipset02:47
serenityUKarooni, did pci=nomsi not work? damn.  yes the problem is with the JMicron controller fo the IDE drives.  Intel cut IDE from core2duo completely and MB manufacturers are forced to bolt on support02:47
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nick_i want to be able to stream xvids to my ps3 so I need on the fly video conversion to mpgs02:47
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KurtKrautarooni, type lspci and check anything mentioning SiS02:47
ShackJackmavsman4457: there's mupen not sure how good02:47
ShackJackcharlie_: Um yea?02:48
anto9usnickrud:  Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal.02:48
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mavsman4457ShackJack: do you know what I could do to my PC hardware wise to speed up the emulation? add more ram?02:48
xtknightarooni, if you have a jmicron you can get a PCI IDE controller to bypass it02:48
serenityUKarooni, it is a common problem and you may find it works with a newer kernel.. such as in gutsy gibbon02:48
charlie_everything had # before it didn't last time02:48
ramza3Davy_Jones, when did apache webserver start receiving email02:48
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ShackJackmavsman4457: No, that is mostly a matter of graphical and CPU horsepower unfortunately...02:48
xtknightarooni, i had the same problem.  i used a usb cd drive until i got my PCI ide controller02:48
arooniserenityUK: so what would u reccomend?  buy sata drives ?  or ?02:48
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ShackJackcharlie_: Not everything, I'm sure...02:48
charlie_in sources.list02:48
charlie_yes all02:49
serenityUKarooni, for me i got the newest kernel and used generic.all_generic_ide=1 and my old drives work great02:49
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ShackJackcharlie_: I don't think so... look again...02:49
nickrudanto9us, take a look at the man page for dpkg under the force options: there's one called remove-reinstreq,that's designed for this situation.02:49
Davy_Jonesramza3: ok, i'm stupid at mail servers and stuff.. sorry02:49
aroonihow did u get the latest kernal if u cant even boot to the os/02:49
mavsman4457ShackJack: so I would probably need a new graphics card or a new processor altogether?02:49
Davy_Jonesi just thought apache had that luxury02:49
anto9usnickrud: will do, thanks02:49
charlie_the ones i changed last time have one the rest have two02:49
serenityUKarooni, it's a double shame for you if you have four drives.. i would try new kernels and new boot options..02:49
charlie_should i just delete those02:50
ShackJackmavsman4457: I don't know what your processor is, but I have a p4 2.4 ghz and 1GB and good graphics and it's still not quite perfect :)02:50
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CptAJ[vzl] greetings, whats a good dvdburning app for ubuntu?02:50
nickrudanto9us, it doesn't always work, but will give you a useful error if it doesn't02:50
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charlie_## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch updated software from the network02:50
charlie_# deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted02:50
charlie_# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted02:50
charlie_## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch major bug fix updates produced02:50
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ShackJackcharlie_: Sorry don't follow - they don't all have pound signs at front do they - the main ones?02:50
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|nol1ght|CptAJ[vzl] , try GnomeBaker02:50
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arooniserenityUK: but i dont know to put new kernal on if i have a live cd02:51
ShackJackcharlie_: No.... they don't.. they can't -- at any rate change all to dapper... You just did a fresh install , right?02:51
xtknighti think they took gnome baker out of the repositories02:51
xtknighti can't find it anymore02:51
charlie_they do though02:51
xtknightnever mind the pkg name is gnomebaker02:51
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CptAJ[vzl] thanks, I'll check it out02:51
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Gimm1eDatim an idiot.. the hard-drive wasnt even being found in bios..02:52
|nol1ght|xtknight, it can be find with Add/Remove programs02:52
ShackJack!pastebin | charlie_ (your sources.lst), please02:52
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ubotucharlie_ (your sources.lst), please: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:52
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arooniserenityUK: so what do i do in ur opinion?02:52
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serenityUKarooni, that's why i said Gutsy Gibbon tribe 3 has the latest kernel.. although it's alpha i use for main machine.. some old programs crash like chess but main system is rock solid02:52
charlie_should i just try that , thenif sorry02:52
johnanyone here have an ati x1600?02:52
arooniserenityUK: ok so u reccomend downloading the gusty gibbon cd02:52
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arooniserenityUK: and using it to install02:52
serenityUKarooni, you could even try a different distro for temp if it is new kernel but come back to ubuntu when 7.10 is released!!!02:53
aroonidamn i dnot wannt leave ubuntu :(02:53
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daakuDavy_Jones: thanks, those links helped02:53
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exshas anyone got a video downloader extension (for firefox) for stage 6?02:53
cornellThe ubuntu site talks about supporting uprgrading from one to the next, but not skipping.  Dapper is 6.06, Edgy is 6.10?, Feisty is 7.04, is Dapper to Feisty skipping, or 6 to 7 not skipping?02:54
ShackJackcharlie_: At any rate change all to dapper and make sure universe multiverse and main are uncommented...02:54
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serenityUKarooni, the things you need to search for are Jmicron and tty job control turned off and maybe Abit IB9.. someone else must have fixed this problem02:54
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ShackJackcornell: 6.06 to 7.04 is a skip ;)02:54
act1v8How can I remove the stupid "sda1" icon off my desktop without unmounting the volume?02:55
jetscreamerthere's a setting in the admin or prefs02:55
Jack_Sparrowact1v8: Not hard to do02:55
IntuitiveNippleOh is it the Abit IB9? I was dealing with that last week. This is the board that *can't* boot from the PATA IDE controller02:55
cornellSo, I should either upgrade to edgy, then feisty, or just install feisty, right, ShackJack02:55
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act1v8Jack_Sparrow: how?02:55
nickrudact1v8, edit /etc/fstab and have sda1 mounted somewhere other than /media02:55
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ShackJackcornell: Yep - if you have separate /home partition it's pretty trivial...02:55
arooniserenityUK: but would i need to install new os to deal with jmicron controller02:55
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act1v8nickrud: but I want it accessible trough nautilus02:56
IntuitiveNippleWith the Abit IB9 you've got to boot from another driver and load drivers before you can access the driver. Drivers are available for Linux and Windows, although the Abit IB9 manual only describes the Windows driver02:56
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act1v8nickrud: with a single click02:56
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nickrudact1v8, then where else but on the desktop?02:56
xjkxMy printer prints crazy things :>02:56
cornellWell, I will next time ;-)  I plan on just tar'ing /home and put it somewhere else, and when I install, break the partition into two, / and /home, and then untar02:56
Jack_Sparrowact1v8: To Remove Icons from Desktop Use Terminal and type gconf-editor browse to /apps/nautilus/desktop and uncheck volumes_visable02:56
act1v8nickrud: ok, I remembered of something02:56
act1v8Jack_Sparrow: thanks!02:57
mihailvoiculescuhello everyone ?02:57
exsI can't get the site 'stage 6' (bit like youtube) to work on my ubuntu. Can someone help?02:57
cornellI'm hoping Feisty will handle my widescreen monitor better ;-(02:57
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Jack_Sparrowact1v8: sorry it took a minute02:57
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xjkxFIDJFDIGJDFGJDFGDF (its what it prints, while should print hello)02:57
ShackJackact1v8: IN configuration editor apps->nautlis-?desktop/volumes-visible02:57
=== nickrud wishes that was separate from network volumes
serenityUKarooni, yes, unless you can find a magic boot option that works for your motherboard like I did02:57
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roadkillis there an acer server02:57
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ShackJacknickrud: True, though you can enable the Network icon (in gitsy anyway)02:58
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Dimensional-Doorhas anybody done a LFS before?02:58
kitcheDimensional-Door: yes02:58
MongooseWAwhen i try to delete stuff on my desktop with the delete key, ubuntu locks up until i hit escape. ideas?02:58
nickrudShackJack, I'm currently putting eclipse on my windows work machine, but when the bandwidth is done, gutsy is coming02:58
Dimensional-Doorkitche is it fun, im downloading the packages right now and it seems exciting to be making your own02:59
serenityUKDimensional-Door, always wanted too.  aparently you can get a livecd with all the tools now it is easier02:59
ShackJacknickrud: Pretty stable even now :)02:59
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nickrudShackJack, I keep hearing that, I think I might even believe it ;)02:59
cornellShackJack: Gutsy's pretty stable?02:59
kitcheDimensional-Door: depends it's more for learning experience02:59
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk yes i seen that but i just felt like doing it this way so i was connected to the net02:59
ShackJacknickrud: cornell: If I say it's stable enough you should beleive it :P02:59
nickrudShackJack, unlikely to be worse than unstable+experimental, anyway03:00
MSG4What channel for beryl effect help03:00
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Dimensional-Doorkitche well thats what i meant, exciting as in youll learn more in depth how everything works03:00
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kitcheDimensional-Door: before I started it I knew how everything worked anyways03:00
cornellMaybe I should just install gutsy, hey ShackJack?03:00
|nol1ght|MSG4, #ubuntu-effects03:00
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ShackJackcornell: Go for it! You have separate /home partition?03:00
serenityUKDimensional-Door, but if you tried first using vmware or virtual box you could surf google at same time03:00
kitcheDimensional-Door: but for someone wanteing ot know more it's good and teaches you how to fix problems yourself03:00
charlie_aptitude doesn't have super cow powers?03:00
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ph|berhey.. anyone know how to get aac working on 7.04.. i have installed ffmeg, faac, but i cant encode video to .mp4 for ipod. any ideas?03:01
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cornellNot yet, but when I do the next install, ShackJack, I'm definitely doing that, for now, just tarring it, install, and untar03:01
ShackJackcharlie_ you forgot a keyword03:01
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk vm suck virtualbox is better03:01
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ShackJackcharlie_: Did you already upgrade?03:01
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nickrudcharlie_, try apt-get moo03:02
charlie_now trying to03:02
yurimxpxman_sshdo any of you know of any good text games besides ninvaders?03:02
ShackJackcornell: It's highly recommended ;)03:02
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ShackJackcharlie_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:02
serenityUKDimensional-Door, also if lfs does work as a virtual machine you could save the state and return without leaving your machine switched on 24/7.. one of the biggest hurdles is getting back to where you were next morning to continue.. there is a whole chapter about that03:02
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cornellShackJack: Gutsy, or seperate /home ;-) ?03:02
ShackJackcharlie_: You just missed a command in there so apt-get gives a wise-acre response...03:02
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charlie_thanx think i had a space03:03
ShackJackcornell: Separate home... I'm sure you can hold out till October for Gutsy final :)03:03
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koko775would anyone here know how to get mpd+ltsp running so the music plays off the thin client sound device? i'm guessing it'll involve esd on the thin client somehow but i don't know enough about it03:03
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cornellK, so I'll go ahead with feisty now, and gutsy in October03:03
Gimm1eDati got the install to start.. but now I get squashfs error..03:03
cornellThanks ShackJack03:03
Gimm1eDathas anyone ever gotton this or know what to do?03:03
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk thats true03:03
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serenityUKwb pelo03:05
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Pelokousotu, so did it work ?03:05
Pelothank you serenityUK03:05
ph|beranyone know?03:05
ShackJackcharlie_ : *before* you reboot: sudo apt-get -f install  && sudo dpkg --configure -a   to make sure everything is installed and configured properly ;)03:05
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cornellShackJack: tarring /home... regular backup type tar is good?03:05
Peloph|ber, can you restate you rproblem I just came in03:05
MSG4I can't see my min/max/close and title bar and i try use elerald/gtk still can see it03:05
ShackJackcornell: Sure, n/p make sure you get the hidden files :)03:05
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cornellRight, thanks again, ShackJack03:06
PeloMSG4,  mousing over doesn't reveal them ? pick a  different theme see what happens03:06
NewLinuxNutMaybe I'm missing something obvious here...  I did "sudo apt-get install linux-686-smp" to try a new kernel on this Athlon64...   but uname -r says I still have generic...   did my generic just get replaced or did I miss a step?03:06
koko775does anyone know anything about esd and mpd? I'm trying to get mpd to play on a remote thin client and icecast doesn't cut it03:06
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ph|berPelo: im having problems encoding video for ipod..  aac audio format03:06
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ph|ber D  aac             ADTS AAC03:06
ph|ber  EA    libfaac03:06
wnetserver pool.dalnet 700003:06
ph|berbut says Unknown codec 'aac'03:06
Peloph|ber,  what are you using ?03:06
xjkxi want the new gnuprint thing, can i download from apt-get?03:06
\x6e\x65\x72\x64NeWBiE, there are no more 386, 686, k7, etc kernels, only generic now03:06
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MSG4Pelo still doesn't show03:07
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mkquistarooni - whats the prob?03:07
MSG4Also i try reload03:07
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mkquistarooni -nm old post sry03:07
PeloMSG4,  and what did the lovely ppl in #beryl and #ubuntu-effect have to say about it ?03:07
NewLinuxNutSo this is as fast as it gets? OK. Did I wreck anything?03:07
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aroonimkquist: i still have the problem03:07
ShackJackph|ber: check out faac ;)03:07
aroonicant get live ubuntu cd to boot03:07
MSG4pelo afk03:07
Peloph|ber,  try with avidemux,  it's graphical , might be easier for you to get the correct configureation03:07
ph|berShackJack: installed.03:07
mkquistarooni - oh then what is it?03:07
MSG4pelo everyone there afk03:07
PeloMSG4, did you try in #compiz ?03:08
ph|berfaac, libffac faad03:08
ph|berall installed03:08
ShackJackph|ber: Ah... don't you run that *instad* of ffmpeg?03:08
koko775i'll try again - does anyone know something about esd and ltsp?03:08
ph|beri have always just used my encoding script...03:08
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ph|beron slackware.03:08
koko775on having mpd output to a thin client rather than to the local audio device03:09
xjkxi want the new gnuprint thing, can i download from apt-get?03:09
\x6e\x65\x72\x64NewLinuxNut, what do you mean, is something running too slow for you?03:09
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aroonimkquist: basically i cant boot the live cd i get an error message: bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off03:09
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ShackJackph|ber: Dunno if that uses gstreamer or xine but maybe you need ugly and bad installed?03:09
Peloxjkx,  check in synaptic see if you find it in the repos03:09
ShackJackPelo 's back - How was the Hot Pocket :)03:09
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mkquistarooni - did you check it for errors?03:09
kanuhadoes evolution have an minimize to icon on the toolbar feature?03:09
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PeloShackJack, sweedish meatballs , with rice ...03:10
=== ShackJack drools...
Pelokersinc,  /join #ubuntu-es03:10
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NewLinuxNutThx \x6e\x65\x72\x64 -  great name too03:11
Peloshack,  want the recipe ?03:11
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ShackJack!hi | AltFox03:11
ubotuAltFox: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:11
kousotuPelo: I haven't rebooted yet03:11
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AltFoxi have a problem installing Festy03:11
ShackJackPelo: You never heard of "Hot Pockets"? Guess it's an american thang :)03:11
kousotuPelo: still trying to get theother crap working..03:11
\x6e\x65\x72\x64ty NewLinuxNut! I read something regarding that decision on a mailing list somewhere, they said the performance benefit was too small to justify maintaining all those kernel trees03:12
PeloShackJack, I've heard of hot pocket's but I have standards03:12
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ShackJackPelo: :)03:12
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Pelokousotu,  what is the other crap ?03:12
PeloShackJack,  I am also no longer twelve years old03:12
gnomefreakPelo: ShackJack can you guys take the food talk to #ubuntu-offtopic please03:12
=== Pelo apologises to the channel
AltFoxsomeone can help me?03:12
kanuhadoes evolution have a minimize to an icon on the toolbar feature?03:12
kousotuntsc mouting, my zd1211rw card and epsxe03:12
PeloAltFox,  no we donT' knwo your problem03:13
AltFoxI boot03:13
AltFoxfrom LiveCD03:13
kousotuthe 2nd can be fixed by the 1st03:13
AltFoxand shows this error: http://pastebin.com/m7b411a4f03:13
Pelokanuha, don'T think so03:13
kousotubut epsxe is rally problematic03:13
koko775okay, is anyone familiar with pulseaudio?03:13
xjkx Pelo nothing03:13
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kanuhaPelo, thx, it would be nice if it did...03:14
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gnomefreakAltFox: that looks like a bad MD5SUM03:14
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AltFoxhow can fix it? (sorry im new on linux)03:14
ShackJackAltFox: In other words, bad disc burn - you should check from menu that comes up when you first start it03:14
Pelokanuha,  would you like a email notifier that checks your e-mails every so often ?   try gnubiff03:14
gnomefreakAltFox: please grab a new ISO and download it than check the md5sum like md5sum file.iso  match them up and burn at the lowest speed you can03:15
NewLinuxNut\x6e\x65\x72\x64 does -generic do smp or did I waste my money on dual core? :-)03:15
gnomefreakNewLinuxNut: it does03:15
xtknight-generic will do smp03:15
xtknightnot HT, you have to enable that on your own03:15
AltFoxno.. it boot.. i select "Install bla.." shows the logo and a loading bar.. when it finish show that message like five times03:15
kanuhaPelo, thx, I am using email notification right now, but I will check gnubiff out.03:15
AltFoxand it starts.. but works slow03:15
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\x6e\x65\x72\x64AltFox, did you try with another cd?03:15
gnomefreakAltFox: hmmmm03:15
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Dimensional-Doorkitche or serenityuk when i get the pacthes do i save them as files?03:16
Pelokanuha, It's da bomb03:16
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ShackJackcharlie_: still upgrading?03:16
AltFoxi will try with other cd03:16
koko775does anyone here acknowledge my existence, at least?03:16
MisterNkoko775: you exist.03:16
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AltFoxor the alternative cd03:16
kitcheDimensional-Door: as patches03:17
Pelokousotu,  mounting ntfs use ntfs-3g-config,  easy and quick, what was the other stuff again ?03:17
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kitcheDimensional-Door: you can just grab the huge tar that they provide03:17
koko775guess i'll have to figure it out myself03:17
Dimensional-Doorkitche http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/chapter03/patches.html try to download one03:17
ShackJackkoko775: #pulseaudio has a dedicated channel03:17
Pelokoko775,  patience this is a busy channel,  what is your issue again ?03:17
koko775trying to get mpd to play on the thin client03:17
koko775using something other than icecast03:17
Pelokoko775, check out ShackJack 's link03:18
koko775icecast's lag is too long and most clients tend to just stop on song change, or worse on pause03:18
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Pelokoko775,  you can also check the forum,  streaming audio is not smeting I am familiar with03:18
Davy_JonesShackJack: thanks03:18
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kousotu[20:17]  <Pelo> kousotu,  mounting ntfs use ntfs-3g-config,  easy and quick, what was the other stuff again ?03:18
kitcheDimensional-Door: ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/lfs/lfs-packages/lfs-packages-6.2.tar you want that makes it easier03:19
kousotuapt-get ntfs-39-config ?03:19
ShackJackDavy_Jones: YOu're welcome, but I forgot what for (the printer?)03:19
Pelokousotu, use synaptic,  search for ntfs, it's quicker03:19
Davy_JonesShackJack: yeah :)03:19
kousotuer.. 3g*03:19
Dimensional-Doorkitche ok thanks03:19
jetscreamerntfs-3g not -config03:19
kousotuntsc mouting, my zd1211rw card and epsxe03:19
kousotuthe 303:19
ShackJackDavy_Jones: It's printing? That's kewl...03:19
Pelojetscreamer,  the config thingy makes it quiidk03:19
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GeekNTSC mounting?03:19
Pelokousotu,  what is the zd1211rw card ?03:20
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Pelokousotu, ntsc or ntfs ?03:20
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WankusHi again everybody, whats the best way to connect to a wireless network (wpa encryption) through a xubuntu laptop? Network-manager?03:20
Dimensional-Doorkitche its not doing anything except opening a file manager03:20
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Pelo!wifi | Wankus03:21
ubotuWankus: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:21
kitcheDimensional-Door: you have to extract the tar03:21
mattgyver83Hey room.  I know this isnt the correct topic however is anyone familiar with Damn Small Linux as well?03:21
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aoliaxhi does anyone know a good movie/video editor?03:21
kitcheDimensional-Door: but that i spatches and sources03:21
kousotuzd1211rw is a wifi USB card03:21
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Peloaoliax, avidemux03:21
=== CheeseGardener [n=steve@cpe-24-161-12-36.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Wankusubotu: Ok thanks, I'll have a peep there03:21
Dimensional-Doorkitche oh, i jsut need the patches i just got the sources03:21
kousotubut I can ndis it if NTFS mounts03:21
PeloWankus,  follow the link ubuotu gaive you03:21
CheeseGardenerHow do I get a program to run on startup?????03:21
Davy_Jonesmattgyver83: i just know it's a damn small linux03:21
aoliaxthanks Pelo03:22
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WankusPelo: ok thanks!03:22
kitcheDimensional-Door: well you can always extract the tar and put them in the same spot that you have the sources03:22
Pelokousotu,  look up hte usb wifi card model in the forum  if there is a stufff about it you will find it there03:22
nickrudCheeseGardener, depends on the program, really03:22
ShackJackmattgyver83: Thery have a dedicated channel #damnsmalllinux03:22
Davy_Jonesmattgyver83: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, you might get better response03:22
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CheeseGardenerwell they have a "notes" application03:22
CheeseGardenerand I was wondering if there is any way to get it to start up03:22
Dimensional-Doorkitche ok03:23
kousotuPelo: it's a regression bug03:23
ShackJack!enter | CheeseGardener03:23
ubotuCheeseGardener: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:23
nickrudCheeseGardener, you can add it to system-prefs-startup03:23
kousotuPelo: I'd rather just ndis it03:23
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PeloCheeseGardener, right cilck on the pannel or your shoice,   add to pannel,   it is in the list of icons,  called tomboy03:23
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Dimensional-Doorkitche actually i can open the patch page save page as, and save it under my lfs/sources03:23
mattgyver83davy, thanks i didnt know that room existed :)03:23
serenityUKCheeseGardener, goto System->Prefs->Sessions and choose startup programs03:23
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Davy_Jonesmattgyver83: thank ShackJack for that03:23
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PeloserenityUK, no need tom boy is a pannel applet03:24
mattgyver83thanks shack jack ";)03:24
kousotuyay my windows disc mounts03:24
=== Pelo lost track od who he's helping with what
CheeseGardenerwait so... I should go to sessions or taskbar???03:24
=== nickrud thinks tomboy is icky
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)03:24
Davy_Joneslol @ Pelo03:24
CheeseGardenerI'm confused two different people replied with different ideas.03:24
PeloCheeseGardener,  taskbar03:25
ShackJacknickrud: I second that emotion (re: Tomboy)03:25
nickrudCheeseGardener, depends on exactly which program, because both answers are correct03:25
kousotuPelo: can I pm you about the epsxe one?03:25
Pelokousotu, first tell me what epsxe is03:25
kousotua PSX emulator03:25
serenityUKCheeseGardener, pelo is right for Tomboy notes because that is built in but for other programs go to sessions03:25
nickrudShackJack, do you have a recommendation (and please, don't say an emacs thingo)03:25
Pelokousotu,  ok waht is a psx ?03:25
Davy_Joneskousotu: did you get it to work?03:25
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CheeseGardenerI see, how do I know what to put in "command" box03:26
kousotuDavy_Jones: di I get wht to work?03:26
Pelokousotu,  I wouldnT' know anything about that03:26
Davy_Joneskousotu: ePSXe03:26
ShackJacknickrud: For notes? Not really... I like how tomboy works but not the mono and the overhead... not for what should be a simple app... You can get by with the other sticky notes panel applet...03:26
kousotustill have issues03:26
nickrudCheeseGardener, what exactly is the program, "notes" isn't enough03:26
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kousotuwanted to past what terminal says, but pastebin is overkill for the length of it03:26
Davy_Joneskousotu: me neither.. but i hate all forms of emulation/api layering/virtual machines03:27
nickrudShackJack, I've used that, but I find myself still keeping them in a pocket book ;)03:27
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B1NAR3YVeryNewToUbuntu: So, after i install Windows XP and let the drives occupy 30GB and is it necessary to leave some free space for ubuntu or can use the other drives formatted on XP?03:27
Davy_Joneskousotu: simply cuz they don't work03:27
Pelokousotu,  ok you are allowed to pm me03:27
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CheeseGardenerUm I'm just saying for any program in general.03:27
Davy_JonesB1NAR3Y: can you paraphrase that?03:27
regeyanickrud, I'll butt in where I'm not wanted and say I use notecards for notes...anything computer-based still seems clumsy. :-D03:27
CheeseGardenerWhat is the run command, that I need to put before the name???03:27
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PeloCheeseGardener,  for any prog in general you just type the name of the prog, no path needed03:28
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B1NAR3YAfter i install Windows XP03:28
=== regeya admits he's used emacs org-mode for notetaking before, though :D
kousotuDavy_Jones: I just have ISO loading trouble :(03:28
kousotuthe plugin crashes03:28
B1NAR3YMy harddisk is 40 GB03:28
nickrudCheeseGardener, the name would be something like /usr/bin/notes , but it won't be notes, but without more info, it's hard to help03:28
ShackJackB1NAR3Y: Not quite sure what you're asking quite, but you can have Ubuntu and XP on the same harddrive and dual boot03:28
whoeverI have a problem with VLC.  It works fine if the a video is the system I am using, but if I try to play a video over samba, VLC will not work.  The file is set  to start with VLC but will not.03:28
CheeseGardenerOk.  Also too, is it just me, or are "sticky notes" only found in the toolbar???  Ican't find them in applications or system03:28
ShackJack!enter | B1NAR3Y03:28
ubotuB1NAR3Y: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:28
nickrudCheeseGardener, yes, right click panel, select tomboy or sticky notes03:29
jetscreamerCheeseGardener: try tomboy or so.. i forget03:29
serenityUKCheeseGardener, accessories03:29
jetscreamerwhat he said03:29
Davy_JonesB1NAR3Y: so you have a hard disk with 40 GB and you got windows occupying 30GB of those right?03:29
nickrudregeya, either you're smart or old ;)03:29
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yaustarwhoever: YOu need to mount the samba share03:29
CheeseGardenerYes tomboy is there, but sticky notes are not in there.  Sticky notes aren't located in any of the pannels.03:29
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FalstiusCheeseGardener: if the program is in your path (check echo $PATH) then you just need the name.  If it isn't in the path, you need to type the relative directory before the name.  So generally the current directory isn't in the path and you'd need to write ./some_program to execute a program.  This is usually only relevant when you're writing your own scripts and programs.03:30
Davy_Jonesi got sticky notes in accessories03:30
gi000hi. anyone can tell me where i find the source files coming from the package linux-source?03:30
nickrudCheeseGardener, right next to tomby03:30
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nickrudgi000, /usr/src03:30
CheeseGardenerI'm talking about in the drop down menu.03:30
serenityUKCheeseGardener, no that is applet only because it works as an icon in the panel not a normal app from the menu, tomboy can be used wither way03:30
CheeseGardenerIn the upper left corner.03:30
gi000nickrud: thanks03:30
CheeseGardenerOh I see.  I thought something wasn't installed right serenity03:31
yaustarwhoever: I just had the same problem with MPlayer, mounting the samba share fixed the problem03:31
CheeseGardenerThank you for explaining that to me.03:31
serenityUKCheeseGardener, for instance the Wastebasket and the battery monitor also only applet not from menu03:31
whoeveryaustar, tried that.  Still didn't work.  The file properties show VLC as the default, but it starts Totem instead.03:32
Jaikkanenmoment ago, ubuntu seemed to have partially crashed, after rebooting, i was prompted that my system does not have apt-get.. and suggested i write apt-get install apt.. in order to get it, which after doing so only prompted me the same thing.. what has happened, and how can i get ubuntu running again?03:32
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yaustarwhoever:  Can you play the file from VLC?03:32
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jetscreamerJaikkanen: try aptitude install maybe03:33
ShackJackJaikkanen: maybe aptitude install apt-get ?03:33
jetscreameror just apt03:33
CheeseGardenerahh, I deleted the entire pannel.  How do I add the default pannel again???03:33
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ShackJackJaikkanen: sudo * etc...03:33
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faileasdosen't aptitude need apt-get to work? o003:33
Davy_Jonesapt-get install apt? does that even work?03:33
Jaikkanenjetscreamer: well now im running from the install CD.. how would i do it from here?03:33
jetscreamerdon't think so03:33
jetscreamerJaikkanen: chroot in03:33
whoeveryaustar, yes, with cut a paste.  I can cut the network location of the file and VLC will play it.03:34
=== Jaikkanen is a linux newb
serenityUKCheeseGardener, click on the otherone at the bottom and choose new pannel03:34
Jaikkanenwhat the hell does chroot mean03:34
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ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box03:34
ShackJackDavy_Jones: heehee just guessin'03:34
yaustarwhoever:  Where did you mount the samba drive to ?03:34
jetscreamerwtf? that's a factoid?03:34
serenityUKCheeseGardener, you will have to add the menu bar etc from the applet choices03:34
kitchewell it's official :) about automatix Linux: Automatix 'Actively Dangerous' to Ubuntu03:34
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jetscreamerJaikkanen: don't pay attention to the botspam03:34
serenityUKCheeseGardener, you can right click on them and choose move (you may need to unlock)03:35
ShackJackkitche: Yep - it's already linked in automatix factoid...03:35
whoeverI went to places and connect to server.  It mounted it on the desktop.  Is that not the proper way to mount a drive?03:35
anhello,anybody got a sec?03:35
anive installed the wenquanyi font,but it still appears strange in my kubuntu,why? anybody help?03:35
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Jaikkanenjetscreamer: what do i do then?03:35
ShackJackan: Check out the #kubuntu channel for KDE help03:35
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jetscreamerJaikkanen: this should help you figure it out03:36
CheeseGardenerHow do I shift the Icons around???03:36
jetscreamerjust do the chroot part :)03:36
serenityUKCheeseGardener, you can right click on them and choose move (you may need to unlock)03:36
ShackJackCheeseGardener: right-click move03:36
ramza3anybody recommend an imap server on ubuntu?03:36
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Jaikkanenjetscreamer: can i do this from the terminal (running this install cd)03:36
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CheeseGardenerok, Thanks serenity!!!!03:37
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jetscreamerJaikkanen: wait that link was lame.. and yes you can03:37
nickrudramza3, dovcot is in main, so it'll get the best support from canonical; courier is good also03:37
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ShackJackramza3: courier-ima03:37
KurisutofuaaAnyone now any good sites for gnome themes besides www.deviantart.com or art.gnome.com?03:37
Xenguyramza3: heard good things about dovcot03:37
serenityUKCheeseGardener, you will need right to left: Menubar, Volume Control, Notification Area, Clock, Quit03:37
jetscreamerJaikkanen: just mount your partition somewhere and do chroot /mountpoint03:37
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xtknightKurisutofuaa, www.gnome-look.org03:37
ramza3just need the imap server for local testing, nothing production03:37
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whoeveryaustar, the system with the video is an XP system.  If that matters.03:38
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faileasanyone can recommend a good IRC server/services combo?03:38
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ramza32 for dovcot and 2 for courier03:38
leggettwhat was the easy way to install compiz/breyl03:38
ash_Anyone know of a desktop extension feature for ZIP and RAR files for KDE?03:38
yaustarwhoever: Where did you mount the samba share to ?03:38
nickruddovcot easy, courier industrial strength03:38
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ShackJackash_: check out the #kubuntu channel ;)03:39
Jaikkanenjetscreamer: maybe i should just backup my data onto my other partition and reinstall, im just way confused03:39
Kurisutofuaaxtknight, thanks for the link03:39
yaustarwhoever: No it doesn't matter, I have exactly the same setup03:39
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jetscreamerJaikkanen: if you're more comfortable with that, sure go ahead03:39
whoeveryaustar, the desktop.  I just went to places and connect to server.  That put it on the desktop.03:39
arpwatchSo you won't be able to upgrade from feisty to gusty?03:39
arpwatchanyone know that for a fact?03:39
Jaikkanenjetscreamer: weirdly, but thankfully.. all i can see on my linux partition is 2 folders.. one being my personal data.. which is odd03:39
|tbb|if i hit aclocal iget following error, does someone knows what to do to fix that?03:40
|tbb|aclocal: configure.ac: 23: macro `AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT' not found in library03:40
nickrudarpwatch, yes you will03:40
yaustarwhoever: What is the path location of the mount?03:40
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ShackJackarpwatch: You can upgrade :)03:40
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arpwatchnot just preserve the home dir, but actually keeping all the installed packages kind of upgrade?03:40
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ShackJackarpwatch: Yep... you can..03:40
jetscreamerJaikkanen: yes that is weird, unless you have multiple partitioning scheme... what is the other directory?03:40
nickrudarpwatch, ubuntu would get _flogged_ if they broke in place upgrades03:40
whoeveryaustar.  I don't know.03:40
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arpwatchwell alright then, I just installed feisty at work and I was going to be ticked if I had to format again for gusty in October :)03:41
Jaikkanenactually.. wait.. i do.. my home directory is mounted as a different partition03:41
aoliaxanyone know any movie makers that allow timeline type editing?03:41
jetscreamerarpwatch: dpkg --get-selections & dpkg --set-selections ... see also --clear-avail iirc.. you might want to man dpkg03:41
arooniis the jmicron controller on my mobo for ide/pata drives only?03:41
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whoeveryaustar.  I just used the ip address of the other computer to connect to it.  Is that what you mean03:41
=== |tbb| wonders if someone could help him
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ShackJackarpwatch: You can upgrade now if you're "gutsy" enough - hawhaw!03:41
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:41
Dimensional-Doorcan anyone help with this    bash: unmask: command not found03:41
arpwatchShackJack: *duh duh CHING*03:42
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jetscreamernot un03:42
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yaustarwhoever: GO to System -> Admin -> Synaptic and install smbfs03:42
jetscreameror do you mean unmask03:42
jetscreamercheck the path03:42
mic82anyone know what i need to do to run dual monitors03:42
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jetscreamermore information.. like what vid card03:42
mic82i have an ati x140003:42
jetscreameryou need that03:42
IndyGunFreakmic82: its tough with ATI, i never got it to work03:43
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mic82its on a standard monitor03:43
aoliax!movie maker03:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about movie maker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:43
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tannerldwhats the apt-get argument to remove configuration files and such?03:43
nickrudIndyGunFreak, even with xinerama (I have an ati, sadly)?03:43
|tbb|Is there the wrong channel to ask questions like i did?03:43
IndyGunFreaknickrud: it was a while ago, but no, i couldn't get it to work at all..03:43
ShackJacktannerld: apt-get purge package03:43
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nickrudtannerld, --purge03:43
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IndyGunFreaknickrud: i actually gave up linux for a short time because of it.03:43
nickrudIndyGunFreak, oh, the horror!03:44
IndyGunFreakthis was like 2yrs ago.03:44
ShackJacktannerld: oops thinking of aptitude purge filename03:44
nickrudtannerld, apt-get remove --purge03:44
IndyGunFreaknickrud: then oen of my monitors bit the dust, so i went back to trying and breaking linux,03:44
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serenityUKall hail nvidia!03:44
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mic82well is there another help channel that someone might be able to help me on with the dual monitors issue03:44
IndyGunFreakthen the card bit the dust, bought a Nvidia dual head card, and a new monitor, and voila, piece of cake.03:44
=== nickrud wishes ubuntu would just settle on aptitude, but apt is getting closer
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IndyGunFreaknickrud: i was wondering that the other day.03:45
yaustarwhoever: Have you installed smbfs yet?03:45
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CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to add the wireless connection applet back to the taskbar?  in the upper right? it looks like three blue bars.03:45
whoeveryaustar, yes.  Just did it.03:45
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yaustarwhoever: Open up a terminal console03:45
ShackJackCheeseGardener: network monitor...03:45
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IndyGunFreakCheeseGardener: right click, add to panel?03:46
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yaustarwhoever: Type: sudo mkdir /media/aShareNameToUse/03:46
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CheeseGardenerThat's not it though shackjack03:46
ShackJackIndyGunFreak: or does it show in tray and you start nm-applet at startup?03:46
CheeseGardenerit looks different than that.03:46
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ShackJackCheeseGardener: ^^03:46
yaustarwhoever: That should create a folder in the /media folder03:46
IndyGunFreakShackJack: i'm not 100% sure... never messed with it much03:47
gluttonyi have sound issues on my comp. sometimes my sound works just fine, but a good amount of the time, i get a layer of "static" over all sounds.03:47
ShackJackCheeseGardener: You have a system tray (notification area?)03:47
yaustarwhoever: Now we mount the samba share folder to it03:47
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yaustarwhoever: Now in the terminal window, type: sudo mount -t smbfs //ipaddress/foldername /media/sharename/03:47
CheeseGardenerhold on, do I have to restart X for my ubuntu to restart all the startup programs?03:47
yaustarwhoever: Give me a shout when you have done that03:47
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CheeseGardenercause it's a program that loads on it's own03:47
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serenityUKCheeseGardener, I think that is the network thing inside the nottification area should come back after you restart gnome.. try crtl-alt-backspace if you want to check.  (save your work!)03:48
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CheeseGardenerok thanks.  I'll brb03:48
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nickrudSpeaking of saving work, is gnome ever going to auto save open apps when logging out?03:49
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serenityUKnickrud, if you goto System->Prefs->Sessions you can enable auto save03:49
serenityUKnickrud, also "save now" to make a template03:49
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nickrudserenityUK, isn't that just remembering open apps, rather than saving the data03:50
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CheeseGardenerNo luck, it's not loading.03:50
Falstiuswill ubuntu take advantage of nvidia PureVideo technology (using the nvidia driver)?03:50
CheeseGardenerAlthough in "session" at the end of the run commands, it says "NM-applet... disable"03:50
whoeverCould not resolve mount point media/network/03:50
CheeseGardenerthese are the startup commands.03:50
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whoeveryaustar, that is the error.03:51
serenityUKblimey nickrud you don;t ask much lol?  that is application specific...  do you expect gnome to know about databases etc?03:51
yaustarwhoever: Check the media folder to see if the network folder exists?03:51
nickrudserenityUK, nah, just the core ones, like gedit03:51
serenityUKCheeseGardener, yes that should be enabled03:51
ZambeziAnyone know if this is supported in Ubuntu: MSI P35 PLATINUM iP35 ?03:51
whoeveryaustar, did, and it does.03:51
ShackJackCheeseGardener: Nah... that's normal - -you sure you have a notification area in one  of your panels?03:52
nickrudserenityUK, and then I could spread the grief to the ones that don't :)03:52
CheeseGardenernm-applet --sm disable03:52
gluttonydoes anyone have a solution to my sound problem that i posted03:52
CheeseGardenerthat's what it says serenity.03:52
yaustarwhoever: Is the path to the shared samba drive correct?03:52
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serenityUKnickrud, firefox is cool., it even remembered my form i was halfway through filling the other day03:52
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yaustarwhoever: Also, do you need a username/password to acces it?03:52
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nickrudserenityUK, yeah! that's the functionality I want. But that's crash recovery, iirc. Should be a crash03:53
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nickrudserenityUK, sometimes I do a killall firefox-bin, just for that03:53
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whoeveryaustar.  I left out a / .  Yea, now it wants a username a password.  I will get it figured out and let you know.03:54
Digital_PioneerNow what's up with this? Ubuntu is starting to feel like windoze, I have to reboot after installing stuff???03:54
arpwatchhah, I noticed that too...03:54
dmb062082digital no not really03:54
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yaustarwhoever: http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/101/mount-a-samba-point/ may help03:54
serenityUKZambezi, I have P35 Platinum it works great but difficult with old IDE drives.. are you planning to use SATA?03:54
dmb062082you only have to reboot if you update your kernel03:54
nickrudDigital_Pioneer, only stuff that is kernel level or very close to it (like libc6)03:54
Digital_Pioneerdmb062082: I don't use it myself, but I installed it on a friend's computer (studio) and what does it tell me? Reboot!03:54
dmb062082other than that no, you really dont have to restart after installing stuff03:55
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dmb062082you dont have to03:55
xtknightZambezi, same chipset (p35) and it seems to work http://forums.pcper.com/showthread.php?t=44354603:55
Digital_PioneerOK, I'll take your word on it. :)03:55
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whoeveryaustar, thanks.  i didn't even know about smbfs.  Just came over from XP a couple months ago.  I am sure I can get it working when I learn how to use  smbfs.  Thanks.03:55
Jaikkanenjetscreamer: got another question for you, how can i have my HDD's checked for errors.. as i had to shut off my computer before, so yeah.. how would i have them checked and corrected while running my live CD here03:55
yaustarwhoever: So you are all working now?03:55
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Digital_Pioneer(I know to use a new kernel you have to reboot, but it was a fresh install. How did the kernel get updated?)03:55
jetscreamerJaikkanen: shutdown -Fr now03:55
yaustarwhoever: I also assume you know how to unmount the share drive as well?03:56
Zambeziseraphangel, I'm going to use SATA on the system and have two Promise controllercards with 8 harddrives and one ATA on the motherboard.03:56
jetscreamerJaikkanen: or fsck /dev/hda or whatever is the target ... -Fr03:56
jetscreamernot -f03:56
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jetscreamerif you use fsck make sure the hd is unmounted...03:56
jetscreamererr fsck /dev/hda1 rather03:56
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Zambezixtknight, Thanks. I have a look after some hours. I need to sleep. It's 04.00 here.03:56
Jaikkanenjetscreamer: im not sure how to do that, but yes, i dont believe any are currently mounted03:56
jetscreamerjust type sudo fsck /dev/something03:57
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andersbrHow are people dealing with USB hard drives?  I can't convince mine to mount in a user-writeable way.  I think I just need advice on the fstab settings.03:57
jetscreamertype mount first to make sure03:57
jetscreamerthey aren't mounted03:57
IndyGunFreakandersbr: mine auto recognized, i formatted it, and used it.03:57
jetscreamerumask fmask and dmask andersbr man mount03:57
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jlundAnyone have any recommendations for a solid PDA that will work well under Linux?03:57
jetscreamersee also uid & gid03:57
whoeveryaustar, well, I am still working on it.  The username and password are not working.  Do I use my name and logon pass for this computer?03:57
yaustarwhoever: sudo mount -t smbfs //ipaddress/foldername /media/sharename/ -o username=myusername password=mypassword03:58
serenityUKZambezi, I have MSI P35 Platinum the SATA should be fine but IDE is tricky03:58
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yaustarwhoever: you use the username for the XP machine03:58
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Jaikkanenjetscreamer: thanks, appreciate it03:58
serenityUKZambezi, you have to use a recent kernel with the boot options:  generic.all_generic_ide=103:59
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ZambeziserenityUK, Too bad I just bought my ninth harddrive. Do you think it will be tough to get the harddrives on the controllercard working?03:59
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yaustarIs there a way to visually tell if the wireless has connected to the router proplerly?03:59
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xtknightyaustar, ifconfig -a03:59
serenityUKZambezi, what connection are they?03:59
xtknightyaustar, you can check signal strength and dB levels there04:00
Zambeziseraphangel, ATA all of them. Seagate 320 GB.04:00
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VeenifiedAnyone know of a good Ruby on Rails editor for Ubuntu (amd64)? because RadRails code assist isn't working for me.04:00
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fraserhi guys, for some reason it requested me to restart my system after a system update, i guess it was a kernel update, and now sound is not functioning.04:01
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whoeveryaustar, I have never had  to use a name and pass to connect to that computer with samba before.  I don't even have a logon pass for it.04:01
xtknightfraser, i think there's a bug report on this04:01
CheeseGardenerSerenity, for some reason I cannot bring back up nm-applet.  The upper right set of 4 blue bars doesn't show up anymore.  It says the program is running though.04:01
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/04:01
ZambeziSerena[T] , I'm going to run a virtual computer as a fileserver so my main workstation-virtualcomputer won't access the harddrives at all.04:01
CheeseGardenerBut for some reason it isn't showing up.04:01
ZambeziserenityUK, , I'm going to run a virtual computer as a fileserver so my main workstation-virtualcomputer won't access the harddrives at all.04:01
fraserxtknight: really? okay. so should i just wait for more updates?04:01
yaustarwhoever: Are there any user accounts on the XP machine (I am assuming XP Pro)04:02
xtknightfraser, let me see if i can find the bug04:02
serenityUKZambezi, well I use IDE/ATA only and it works perfectly but you have to set it up..  By the time Gutsy Gibbon comes out in October it should be easier04:02
serenityUKZambezi, how soon?04:02
xtknightfraser, i know someone else was having the problem04:02
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ZambeziserenityUK, I'm probably order the stuffs tomorrow, but it still alot of money so I'm going to sleep a few hours and then decide.04:03
Jaikkanenjetscreamer: i checked my HDDs.. sda3 which is my root, had been repaired.. but stated there were still some exsisting errors04:03
serenityUKZambezi, to be honest iv'e never used pci->ide cards it may work straigfht away..  but ALL core2duo motherboards are having trouble because Intel dropped support for ATA04:03
Jaikkanenjetscreamer: is that something to be alarmed about? or have those sectors been blocked off now or?04:04
xtknightfraser, maybe this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/11816904:04
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andersbrjetscreamer:  Those are fat-specific options.  I'm trying to work with an ext3 filesystem.04:04
serenityUKZambezi, do you know what kernel options are?  via the boot menu04:04
zperteeI'm having trouble playing streaming audio from the internet does anyone know which program works best to do this04:04
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whoeveryaustar, yea, It has a user account, but not password.  I put in your command with no password, but a username and it give me a long list on the use of the mount comment.04:05
ZambeziserenityUK, That sucks and I can't afford to buy 3 TB with harddrives now with SATA2.04:05
serenityUKZambezi, do you know what kernel options are?  via the boot menu04:05
ZambeziserenityUK, Yes please. That could be useful.04:05
fraserxtknight: the problem does not seem to be the same as mine, but they may be due to similar causes, should i file a bug report ( I have checked that all speakers are on and firmly connected, all volume controls are at full and no volumes are muted)04:05
xtknightfraser, yes, and make sure you include "regression" in the title04:06
yaustarwhoever: I assume you just entered this then: sudo mount -t smbfs //ipaddress/foldername /media/sharename/ -o username=myusername04:06
fraserxtknight: what does this mean?04:06
xtknightfraser, it used to work, but no longer does04:06
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serenityUKZambezi, well for me to use onboard IDE drives when install press F6 at menu and add: generic.all_generic_ide=104:06
xtknightfraser, i.e. , a recent update caused a regression.04:06
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serenityUKZambezi, generic.all_generic_ide=1     .... it's the magic option write it down took me ages to find04:07
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elvis1hey i just bought a new pc and am configuring ubuntu for it04:08
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elvis1i seem to be having problems with the sound though04:08
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xtknightelvis1, has the sound worked on any other linux before?04:08
elvis1my front panel is connected to my onboard soundcard04:08
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STixxanyone know any programs to download to start making games?04:08
elvis1well the sound works if i select usb audio in preferences>sound04:08
elvis1if i run mplayer for example, or want to watch a flash movie in my browser, there is no sound04:09
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desertcBig to-do about Automatix not being safe: http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html - even made it to slashdot coverage04:09
ZambeziserenityUK, Copy, paste, print. Done. ;-)04:09
omegabetaI've just shh'd in to the server upstairs and attempted to write up a home network page in vim, I can check it locally but i cant be sure its working externally, if someone could please check out http://blindraven.servegame.org and let me know weather its working, and if so, the loading time, that would be great :)04:09
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andersbrI don't get it.  I've got it set up so that ordinary users can mount the drive.  I've got it set read/write.  But I still have to sudo to add and remove files.  What gives?  (fstab: UUID=12891911-3e30-48cb-9118-e750fb171938   /media/disk2b   ext3          noauto,user,dev,rw                    0       0)04:09
xtknightelvis1, you need to set the default alsa card perhaps.  type "sudo asoundconf list"04:09
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serenityUKZambezi, that will let you boot/install but you will also need the latest kernel to enable DMA.. otherwise it is slow/cpu hog.. you can either compile your own or use Gutsy Gibbon Tribe304:10
hmmmsomethingubuntu screwed up my laptop and now it wont even boot :(04:10
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ZambeziserenityUK, Thanks for the help. Now it's time for the bed.04:10
elvis1Names of available sound cards: Bt878 default04:10
xtknightandersbr, check permissions on the ext3 mount04:10
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xtknightelvis1, anything else?04:10
elvis1i think the problem is that the usb audio overrides my regular card04:10
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elvis1the bt is my tv card04:10
serenityUKZambezi, once you have a new kernel everything is Perfect!04:10
xtknightelvis1, what other cards are listed?04:10
elvis1is there any way to have alsa drivers for the usb audio?04:10
fraserxtknight: what will this give output about? "dmesg | grep hda"04:10
elvis1those are the only cards listed04:11
Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: careful accusing ubuntu of it, when your in a room of ubuntu enthusiasts.. plus we mostly gather it was a user, not the OS that screwed it up :D04:11
whoeveryaustar, I just need to learn how to use this smbfs.  Thanks alot.  I am sure once I learn about smbfs, I will get it working.  I am doing something wrong somewhere and it will not work.04:11
serenityUKZambezi, the one I got was   which is built into Gutsy or you can use feisty and compile your own04:11
binaryacidwhoever, what are you trying to do?04:11
ZambeziserenityUK, Sound like I'm ready to order. You can see the specification in PM if you like.04:11
xtknightfraser, it searches dmesg for anything containing "hda", probably something related to Intel hda audio.  you should try "grep -i" instead to include "HDA" and "hda" (case insensitive)04:11
andersbrxtknight: That worked.  Thanks.04:11
whoeverStill trying to mount the network location.04:11
yaustarwhoever: Good luck then :)04:11
serenityUKgl it's sweet board once you tame it!04:12
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xtknightelvis1, all i saw was BT878 are you sure you pasted the whole thing?04:12
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hmmmsomethingwell... jaikkanen... ubuntu when i tried installing afer partitioning the drives on my vista os would not install past 56% i retried it multiple times but nothing happened. afterwards i manually restarted and attempted to boot normally but it was to no effect since the computer would not boot.04:12
elvis1bt878 and default were on seperate lines04:12
xtknightah hmm04:12
whoeveryaustar, it gives me the exact wording to use, but when I do, it just gives me more information about the mount  command.04:12
CheeseGardenerCould someone help me, I want to get my default pannels back.  I deleted a pannel and now I can't get all the icons back in this new one.04:12
elvis1if i try to open alsamixer though i will get an error message saying default does not exist04:12
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xtknightelvis1, where exactly are you selecting usb?04:13
Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: vista and ubuntu must have fought a fierce battle.. i guess ubuntu came up on top! muwahaa04:13
yaustarwhoever: Just to confirm, what are you entering for the mount command?04:13
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elvis1in system>settings>sound04:13
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xtknightelvis1, for "Device:"?04:13
elvis1in the several playback menus04:13
serenityUKZambezi, if you get stuck post on the Absolute Beginner section of the Ubuntu Forums I usually answer posts in there.. you can send me a private message as BobCFC on the forums04:13
Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: no but seriously, err, does the dos OS selection come up?04:13
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elvis1device says PnP audio device (aLSA MIXER)04:13
hmmmsomethingi think it was more of a draw since ubuntu never really installed completely. and vista isn't working either.04:13
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hmmmsomethingjaikkanen nothing comes up :(04:14
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Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: suicide bomber04:14
whoeveryaustar, I did when you said.  Then it said put the username and password before the network locations, did that too.04:14
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binaryaciddoes using kde or gnome affect beryl?04:14
elvis1usb audio in fron of every test option...04:14
emenxanyone experienced this problem: when I try to set my ESSID it only sets it to the 1st letter, ie if I set to default it sets to just d04:14
nomasteryodaOn a core-duo laptop is 64-bit version of ubuntu recommended?04:14
varun0binaryacid: nope. it works on top of them04:14
CheeseGardenerCould someone help me, I want to get my default pannels back.  I deleted a pannel and now I can't get all the icons back in this new one.04:14
yaustarwhoever: Still, I would like to double check the syntax04:14
emenxnomasteryoda I'd only recommend 64bit if you got 3gb+ ram04:14
varun0CheeseGardener: gnome or kde?04:14
PeloCheeseGardener, which do you tink you are missing ?04:14
Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: you dont even get that far? wow.. ok.. but you can run the ubuntu live disc right?04:14
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hmmmsomethingyeah i can run te live disc04:14
varun0nomasteryoda: I concur. 64 bit is a pain04:14
park390hey so i have ubuntu installed with wubi on an hp dv2000 laptop. it has two headphone ports and i was wondering how to get ubuntu to not play audio from my laptop speakers when i have the headphones04:15
xtknightpark390, i had the same laptop.  i had to recompile alsa to get headphones working.04:15
varun0CheeseGardener: one sec04:15
PeloCheeseGardener,  which icons are you missing ?04:15
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elvis1i find it strange that the usb audio seems to work while my onboard card just doesn't show up in the list04:15
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Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: well i dont know why it froze half way, ive never heard of such a problem04:15
emenxnomasteryoda it's not worth the compatibility issues, if u want 64bit, go gentoo imo, though still without 3gb+ ram it's useless, but for ubuntu, ANYWAY go 32bit :)04:15
nomasteryodai am trying to get ndiswrapper working with one of the newer Acer 5570 laptops.... very much a pain04:15
whoeversudo mount -t smbfs // /media/network/ -o username=myusername04:15
CheeseGardenerthe whole upper pannel was deleted, so all of them.04:15
hmmmsomethingi might just see if i can install ubuntu as my main os. rather than try to dual boot it.04:15
CheeseGardenerI want to just use the default pannels again04:15
emenxanyone experienced this problem: when I try to set my ESSID it only sets it to the 1st letter, ie if I set to default it sets to just d04:15
xtknightelvis1, same here.  what is "usb audio" though?  your card is onboard not usb isnt it?04:15
CheeseGardenerthat's all I was using04:15
nomasteryodausing kubuntu04:15
park390xtnight i have no idea how to do that could you help me. the other os is vista if that matters04:15
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Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: i dual boot, only got windows for gaming, i doubt you would though, if your using vista.. ick04:16
ZambeziserenityUK, This is the computer: MSI P35 Platinum, Q6600, 4 GB ram, two Intel Gbit NIC, Crosair 620 W PSU, Seagate 250 GB SATA2. I'm pretty satisfied with iit.04:16
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elvis1the front panel of my pc has audio plugs for a headset04:16
xtknightpark390, ok yes i can help you with that.  goto a terminal first04:16
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tiomhi could anybody tell me what error code 10 in aptitude means?04:16
elvis1so that when i plug in my headset that will take over the sound04:16
xtknightelvis1, please highlight your messages with xtknight: or else i cant realyl see them04:16
Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: you should beable to retrieve your data right? while running the live cd?04:16
PeloCheeseGardener,  right  click on the bottom pannel  add a pannel,  move it to the top,  rightclick on the pannel , add to pannel , pick the icons you need from there04:16
elvis1i assume that's the reasopn it shows up as usb04:16
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park390xtknight ok04:16
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hmmmsomethingi'm not sure what you mean04:16
CheeseGardenerPelo, I tried that but I can't add the same things I had.04:16
|elfboy|can some one tell me how to remove compiz04:16
emenxanyone experienced this problem: when I try to set my ESSID it only sets it to the 1st letter, ie if I set to default it sets to just d04:16
Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: well you had personal data on your HDDs right?04:16
elvis1xtknight: ok04:16
serenityUKZambezi, sweet,  i was going to get that.. I chose  E6600 with 8GB ram instead because the quadcore waas expensive a few months ago and i knew price cut was comming04:17
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PeloCheeseGardener,  do you hve most of them ?04:17
CheeseGardenerthere is an applet called "nm-applet" that normally shows up in the taskbar in the upper right.  It looks like 3 blue bars.04:17
=== JDLimbo [n=dillinge@71-87-227-022.dhcp.hlrg.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
hmmmsomethingyeah, i did.04:17
xtknightpark390, one sec04:17
xtknightelvis1, umm i'm not sure what to tell you04:17
PeloCheeseGardener,  what else ?04:17
CheeseGardeneror a few blue bars04:17
|elfboy|can some one tell me how to remove compiz04:17
Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: well you might beable to mount your vista partition from live cd.. and access them04:17
Pelobluee bars ?04:17
xtknightelvis1, i dont know why they arent showing up in asoundconf04:17
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CheeseGardenerthere was also an automatic battery alarm thing04:17
CheeseGardenerthat would let me know when battery power was being used04:17
CheeseGardenerwhen I unplugged the chord04:17
ZambeziserenityUK, I will buy 2*2GB so I can install 8 GB ram.04:17
hmmmsomethinghow? i'm sorry.. i'm pretty new at this, i jsut followed te instructions from a website i was given.04:17
elvis1xtknight: would it be easier to just disable the onboard usb sound in my bios?04:17
serenityUKZambezi, to be honest I haven't used more than 4 of the 8gb yet but in future...04:18
varun0CheeseGardener: trying renaming your .gnome2 to .gnome2.bak and then restarting gnome. I think it might pick up the default settings if it can't find the directory04:18
xtknightelvis1, i suppose?04:18
varun0CheeseGardener: it will be in your home directory04:18
=== turbolover [n=wiivange@74-131-213-94.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightpark390, why dont you try this guide? http://blog.ifitcangowrong.com/open-source/linux/ubuntu/configure-the-hp-dv2000-for-ubuntu-sound04:18
CheeseGardenerwhere is gnome.2?04:18
serenityUKZambezi, good to leave your options open.. well planned04:18
park390alright man thanks04:18
varun0Pelo: what do you think?04:18
Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: i see, so you dont know what mounting is? well.. ether way.. you should able to look into your windows harddrive... and copy the data out.. maybe04:18
|elfboy|can some one tell me how to remove compiz04:18
elvis1xtknight: it's more of a hassle if i want to use my headset for skype04:18
varun0|elfboy|: uninstall it, you mean?04:18
park390hmmmsomething whats your prob04:18
nickrudCheeseGardener, open a terminal, type gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel   Your panel will disappear. Then type killall gnome-panel, and you will have your default panels back04:18
elvis1xtknight: but if there is no way to get usb used as default by other devices or alsa i guess i'll have no choice...04:19
varun0|elfboy|: apt-get remove compiz04:19
Pelovarun0, no idea,  I'm helping someone in another channel, i had a lul I thought this would be a qyuick one, it,s not, I give up04:19
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park390if you just cant boot to your windows vista partition try the super grub disk04:19
ZambeziserenityUK, Thanks. I though like instead of buying 1 GB, I'll buy 2 GB so I so I don't have to buy it anyway in the future.04:19
xtknightelvis1, ya i dont know what "usb audio" is ive never seen it before04:19
|elfboy|wow thats all04:19
elvis1xtknight: me neither :p04:19
park390i had the same prob and i was able to use it to boot my vista partition04:19
varun0Pelo: lol.....no worries. Just thought I'd run it by you to see what you though04:19
xtknightelvis1, and it doesnt make much sense to me since front ports aren't technically "usb"04:19
xtknightelvis1, unless you have a usb headset..04:19
varun0|elfboy|: yessir. Therein lies the beauty of debian-based distros :)04:19
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elvis1xtknight: nope just the regular 2 plugs04:19
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Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: mm, thats true.. dunno why i didnt think of that04:19
fraserxtknight: i'm in "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems" reading through and it says goto 'system --> preferences --> multimedia systems selector. there is no option called that04:20
elvis1xtknight: it's not even an usb connection on the motherboard04:20
emenxanyone experienced this problem: when I try to set my ESSID it only sets it to the 1st letter, ie if I set to default it sets to just d04:20
Pelovarun0,  at this point I donT, think anymore I run on automatic , see a question give the standard answer move to the next one04:20
elvis1xtknight: but in the bios that's what it says, same in ubuntu04:20
ZambeziserenityUK, Thanks for your advices tonight. It's 04.20. Time for bed. See you.04:20
|elfboy|yes well i like it but it suck on my computer04:20
Jaikkanenpark390: perhaps you got a link that explains how to install grub? as i dont think he would know how, i havent got one04:20
CheeseGardenernikrud!!! thank you VERRRRRRY much.  That was a great fix.  It was very appreciated!04:20
varun0Pelo: LOL. quantity over quality? :-)04:20
andersbrCan anyone think of a reason why, half way through copying one USB disk to another, the partition I'm copying to would suddenly become read-only?04:20
amidanielAnyone happen to know why everytime I go to install something from synaptic it fails to authenticate the package?04:20
varun0|elfboy|: what's wrong?04:20
park390uh yeah one sec04:20
amidanielIs the keyserver down or something?04:20
xtknightfraser, system->preferences->Sound04:20
|elfboy|it just dont worm04:20
xtknightfraser, i will edit the wiki04:20
varun0amidaniel: maybe you need to update the security keys that apt uses? I'm not sure04:20
Pelovarun0,  needs must when the devil drives04:21
|elfboy|fress and all04:21
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nickrudCheeseGardener, you're welcome :)04:21
fraserxtknight: thankyou04:21
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varun0|elfboy|: it freezes?04:21
park390just boot off that04:21
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|elfboy|yes computer04:21
varun0nickrud: damn. nice fix.04:21
|elfboy|baryl runs better04:21
Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: did you get that?04:21
amidanielvarun0: Well, I added Medibuntu to my repos but otherwise this is an out of the box feisty x8604:21
sauvinSomebody shared with me the existence of a quake channel on this net. Does anybody remember what it was?04:21
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amidanielI've never had to update any authentication before04:21
varun0amidaniel: what is the exact error message?04:22
turboloveranyone here know ttyfscker?04:22
hmmmsomethingbut i wouldn't be able to transfer it to my other latop since ubuntu still shows that there is no internet connection04:22
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Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: you could even try installing ubuntu once more.. if it is successful this time.. it will also fix the problem04:22
CheeseGardenernickrud, sorry to bother you again but what were those commands???  I wanted to write them down, I thought I copied them.04:22
hmmmsomethingwell i've tried it about 3 times04:22
CheeseGardenerI was going to copy and paste them down.04:22
hmmmsomethingand it just stops at 56%04:22
fraserxtknight: should i have mentioned i am using a PCI sound card but i also have an oboard?04:22
Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: oh damn04:22
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Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: doesnt connect? LAN?04:22
hmmmsomethingi've tried with different settings also04:22
xtknightfraser, ah yea probably but still the kernel update shouldn't really break that.04:23
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hmmmsomethingi don't have a lan cable..04:23
varun0CheeseGardener: <nickrud> CheeseGardener, open a terminal, type gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel   Your panel will disappear. Then type killall gnome-panel, and you will have your default panels back04:23
elvis1xtknight: ok i am just going to disable the usb option, hope that my onboard card gets detected properly then04:23
amidanielvarun0: "You're about to install software that can't be authenticated! Doing this could allow a malicious individual to damage or take control of your system."04:23
hmmmsomethingi'm still pretty new with computers..04:23
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xtknightelvis1, ok04:23
CheeseGardenerThank you varun :)04:23
elvis1xtknight: and then put in an old pci card for my headset04:23
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xtknightelvis1, good idea04:23
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varun0amidaniel: hm. Maybe it's trying to install something from medibuntu and it doesn't have a security key?04:23
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elvis1xtknight: thanx for the info anyway04:24
emenxanyone using wlan on ubuntu04:24
Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: ah ok cool, well ether way, i dunno if that link is decent.. but he is right, if you install supergrub, should be fine04:24
|elfboy|when i get to this part compiz --replace it just stop responding04:24
varun0amidaniel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304430 try that. Didn't read it all the way04:24
amidanielvarun0: No, all the packages aren't from medibuntu04:24
amidanielI.e., mysqld04:24
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varun0|elfboy|: why are you doing a --replace?04:24
hmmmsomethingi wonder if the internet would work on my other laptop with ubuntu if i hooked up an ethernet cable to it rather than the wireless router i currently have04:24
Melquiadesyes, definitely jack in04:25
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|elfboy|said too04:25
Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: yes, it would very likely work04:25
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hmmmsomethingi will try that!04:25
xtknightyou have to do --replace with compiz04:25
hmmmsomethingthanks for your help!04:25
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neohow can i install program from synaptic package manager?04:25
|elfboy|im going back to beryl04:25
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Jaikkanenvarun0: because you cannot have 2 managers running at once.. you have to tell compiz to push the other one out of the way04:26
CheeseGardenerOk, I just have one  more possible question, nickrud.  When you set things back to default, does it set startup programs to default as well??? in sessions????04:26
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xtknightneo, press the box near the package name and click "Mark for install".  then click Apply at the top to commit changes04:26
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amidanielvarun0: Hmm .. can't imagine that would apply here. I'm not behind a proxy. Worth a shot though :)04:26
varun0Jaikkanen: oh I get it now. I thought he wanted to uninstall compiz. My bad04:26
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Jaikkanenhmmmsomething: your welcome04:26
amidanielI'm guessing it must be medibuntu because I don't get the error on this comp only on my other one04:26
Jaikkanenvarun0: hehe x)04:27
varun0amidaniel: lol....sorry didn't read through the whole thing. search google for that message, I'm sure you'll find something04:27
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TheCreationistI'm having trouble getting extended ASCII characters to display in telnet clients.  Anyone have any ideas?04:27
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neook i do all this but i can't find the program that i installed04:27
Dimensional-Dooris kitche or serenityuk still here04:27
CheeseGardenerOk, I just have one  more possible question, nickrud.  When you set things back to default, does it set startup programs to default as well??? in sessions????04:27
serenityUKneo click search at the top04:27
xtknightneo, which program?04:27
nickrudCheeseGardener, no, that only rebuilt the panels04:27
serenityUKhi Dimensional-Door04:27
amidanielvarun0: Will do :) Thanks04:27
CheeseGardeneroh, how do I set the startup to default too?04:27
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk hello, i was wondering if you could help me with the lfs04:28
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varun0TheCreationist: hm. do you mean that when you telnet to a host, it doesn't display extended ASCII characters? It might be a limitation of the host04:28
varun0TheCreationist: not sure, though04:28
tiomhm error code 10 in aptitude anyone?04:28
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TheCreationistvarun0: Well, it happens on ALL hosts.  I get a lot of strange characters and question marks instead of what is expected.04:28
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CheeseGardenerI think I might have messed something up.  Cause two of my programs in sessions have next to their run commands "--sm disable".04:28
xtknightneo, dsniff has a lot of binaries04:28
serenityUKDimensional-Door,  maybe but 3:30am we can try lol04:28
nickrudCheeseGardener, let me check something04:28
pawanany audio conversion utility for ubuntu04:28
xtknightneo, type "dpkg -L dsniff" in the terminal to see them.  e.g. /usr/sbin/.. ..04:28
varun0TheCreationist: hm. are you using gnome-terminal?04:29
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk lol ouch , i think its a quick answer04:29
xtknightneo, it looks like a command line program only.  "dsniff" is what you execute from the terminal04:29
serenityUKDimensional-Door, which bit are you on?04:29
amidanielvarun0: Huh. Removed medibuntu from my repos and reloaded. Now not getting the warning anymore04:29
xtknightneo, it might not have desktop shortcuts04:29
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk im not sure04:29
Pelo!ndiswrapper > kousotu04:29
TheCreationistvarun0: I've used the terminal, PCManX and Qterm04:29
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Dimensional-Doorserenityuk how can i check04:29
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varun0amidaniel: so I think it might be because it didn't have the keys for medibuntu04:29
serenityUKDimensional-Door, which chapter in the book04:29
varun0TheCreationist: hm. not too sure.04:29
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk oh ;p um... 5.3.104:30
CheeseGardenerwhat does --sm disable mean next to something in run???04:30
amidanielvarun0: Odd. But why should that effect packages not coming from medibuntu?04:30
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk its confusing me, http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/chapter05/binutils-pass1.html becuase ../binutils-build doesnt make a directory when i am lfs, and i cant cd into it or what .. even means im lost04:31
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xtknightCheeseGardener, "--sm-diable is documented as:  Disable connection to session manager"04:31
CheeseGardenerwhat does that mean?04:31
xtknightCheeseGardener, i think it means the program won't automatically be reloaded after you logout (e.g. no session saving)04:31
PrimoTurboDoes anyone know a good game server browser that supports Quake2? Something like The All-Seeing Eye or Gamespy for Linux? THANKS.04:31
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pawanany audio conversion utility for ubuntu04:31
JDLimboI'm currently dual-booted with feisty and vista - going to try to scrap the vista partition, but I want to backup ubuntu first. Only, there's not enough room on the filesystem to store something like that. I have an external hd to save it to, but can't find out how to get tar to write there. any help?04:32
serenityUKDimensional-Door, well .. means directory above.  so ../binutils-build will be parallel to current directory not inside it04:32
xtknight!info xqf | PrimoTurbo04:32
ubotuprimoturbo: xqf: X-based Quake Server Browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.5-1 (feisty), package size 424 kB, installed size 1784 kB04:32
xtknight!info qstat | PrimoTurbo04:32
ubotuprimoturbo: qstat: Command-line tool for querying quake (and other) servers. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.11-1 (feisty), package size 147 kB, installed size 456 kB04:32
CheeseGardenerOh, so the reason it has that is to each desktop doesn't need to keep reloading the applet?04:32
binaryacidpawan, try searching at http://www.linuxsoft.cz/en/sw_list.php?id_kategory=1304:32
neoi can't understand04:32
CheeseGardenerthe applet will stay open for all users?04:32
neohow can i use this spp?04:32
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xtknightneo, type dsniff in the terminal04:32
neothis app04:32
CheeseGardeneror for the current user, the applet will stay open xknight???04:33
CheeseGardenereven if I log out?04:33
xtknightneo, or, type "man dsniff" for a manual04:33
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Dimensional-Doorserenityuk so im in lfs, when logged in as lfs, so the next directory will be /home. so i would make it in /home/binutils-build?04:33
xtknightCheeseGardener, no.  if you enable Session Saving (not enabled by default) the program will not come back.  critical system apps shouldn't be saved in sessions04:33
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xtknightneo, and read it?  what do you mean?04:33
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neodsniff: nids_init: no suitable device found04:34
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neowat this mean?04:34
CheeseGardenerok so... is "network manager (nm-applet) and the volume manager critical?04:34
xtknightneo, try sudo dsniff04:34
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xtknightneo, it means it had no permission to access your network devices, perhaps04:34
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xtknightCheeseGardener, why?04:34
CheeseGardenerxknight, cause nm-applet has --sm disable near it...04:34
xtknightCheeseGardener, sm disable should be left on for them04:34
CheeseGardenerwhy is this?04:34
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CheeseGardenerWhich programs by default have it on?  only these two?04:34
neowat permission?04:34
xtknightCheeseGardener, a session restore will not allow the programs to function properly04:34
xtknightCheeseGardener, one sec04:35
neoand how can i get it?04:35
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serenityUKDimensional-Door, im not sure where you start but if you do cd .. then ls can you not see binutils?04:35
xtknightneo, type "sudo dsniff" instead of "dsniff"04:35
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xtknightCheeseGardener, only nm-applet and volume manager haev --sm-disable04:35
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk ya i dont, becuase i dont think i can mkdir being lfs, how can i give priveleges to make directories to lfs04:35
serenityUKDimensional-Door, i don't think lfs can make dir outside his home04:36
CheeseGardenerdo you know how I can, if I screw up my startup commands, reset them all to default??????04:36
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Dimensional-Doorserentiyuk ok so your saying i should be someone other then lfs to make that directory?04:36
Jarekhi, i'm trying to install pokerstars via wine and get this error Warning: could not find DOS drive for current working directory04:36
neoit ask for pass04:36
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fraserxtknight: does this look right to you? "http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32570/"04:36
xtknightCheeseGardener, not off the top of my head.  i'm sure it's in gconf somewher04:37
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dstadulianyone have any ideas?04:37
PeloJarek,  ask in #winehq04:37
serenityUKDimensional-Door, it says "outside of the source directory"  so i assume you are in the src dir when you type mkdir -v ../binutils04:37
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CheeseGardeneris it related to this xtknight?04:37
xtknightneo, enter your user's password04:37
Pelodstaduli,  ideas about what ?04:37
CheeseGardenerCheeseGardener, open a terminal, type gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel   Your panel will disappear. Then type killall gnome-panel, and you will have your default panels back04:37
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desertcdstaduli: no04:37
xtknightCheeseGardener, yes something close to it.  but not /apps/panel04:37
Jarekwill do04:37
serenityUKDimensional-Door, so then binutils-build would be parallel or next to the source folder04:37
neodsniff: listening on eth004:38
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk im not sure, im in /home/lfs becuase when i cd .. i see all the other user folders04:38
CheeseGardeneroh I see.  I didn't alter anything but those two apps04:38
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CheeseGardenerso I should be ok04:38
neowat this mean?04:38
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xtknightfraser, i get the exact same on my pc and my pc has audio04:38
teiwazhowdy all04:38
CheeseGardenerbut does anyone know how to reset your startup programs to default at all?  I would love to know for future reference.04:38
desertcteiwaz: hiya04:38
serenityUKDimensional-Door, where is the source? inside /home/lfs  ?04:38
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teiwazanyone able to help me figure out why my gstreamer is FUBAR'd?04:38
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk ok so i should cd to /mnt/lfs instead of being in /home/lfs04:38
xtknightneo, i dont know, what is "dsniff" supposed to do?  it looks like it's working04:38
xtknightneo, i dont know how to use dsniff04:38
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk no in /mnt/lfs04:38
dstaduliPelo I am trying to install a wireless card per the ubuntu helpfiles04:38
desertcteiwaz: what's the matter?04:38
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teiwazwell, it looks like gstreamer is just plain broke04:38
teiwazI've tried uninstalling and reinstalling all of the packages04:39
teiwazbut no dice04:39
neo:) mmmm thx alot but another question04:39
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Pelodstaduli, look up your card model and number in the forum , that's the best place for specific instructions04:39
dstaduliPelo: using ndiswrapper but when I use the sudo modprobe ndiswrapper it tells me that the files is an invalid module04:39
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neodo u know name of app that spoofing the network04:39
dstaduliI did04:39
dstaduliand I have tried the specific instructions04:39
serenityUKDimensional-Door, line above says "recommends building Binutils outside of the source directory in a dedicated build directory" i thnk you are meant to be in /mnt/lfs as root04:39
desertcteiwaz: what's the problem?04:39
Pelodstaduli, Itinnk you might need to remove the previous driver,  man modprobe for instructions04:40
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Dimensional-Doorserenityuk also whyle being in /mnt/lfs/sources i sudo mkdir -v ../binutils-build, then i cd .. and i dont see that directory,so im guessing i cant make directories being lfs04:40
regeyayeesh.  I read this long rant on several 'sites about how much more room svn repos take than git.  so I converted my local repos...and the git repos, even after git-gc, are about 20% LARGER.04:40
dstaduliPelo thank you04:40
neoit make my pc as a router in my netowrk04:40
xtknightneo, um masquerading?  i'm not sure04:40
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xtknight!router | Neo04:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about router - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:40
benanzohow do I extract part of a filename to use as the input for another command?  For instance, I want to extract "101Photos" from the filename "2007-101Photos"04:40
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to reset your startup programs to the default ones?????04:40
Pelodstaduli, it,s jsut a guess,   I've seen someone with what looks like a similar problem04:40
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serenityUKDimensional-Door,  hey!04:41
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Dimensional-Doorserenityuk  ya?04:41
_mag_hi people ! does anybody here use Teamspeak ?04:41
_mag_hi people ! does anybody here use Teamspeak ?04:41
PeloCheeseGardener,  goto  /home/user/.config/autostart and delete what you see there04:41
neoyes i use adsl internet04:41
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk  well i made the directory being root04:41
serenityUKDimensional-Door, lok at the first important: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/chapter05/chapter05.html04:41
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neoit mean that my pc under router04:41
=== Seoke [n=heath@h179.233.16.98.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
CheeseGardenerPelo what will happen when I delete them???04:41
CheeseGardenerand what do I have to do after that?04:41
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk  ok04:41
xtknightneo, i don't know, try asking in a networking channel?04:42
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PeloCheeseGardener, that removes all the progs you manualy added to menu > system >`prefs > sessons04:42
serenityUKDimensional-Door, when it says source it means binutils package source.... u extract each package into lfs as lfs04:42
neowhere this networking chanel?04:42
SeokeOkay so when I got into my ip address at http://myip/ that ipchicken gives me its routing me to my router... But I want it to route to my computer that i"m hosting webpages on.. how do I find my real IP to use for this?04:42
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xtknightneo, /join #networking04:43
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CheeseGardenerI should delete it all then pelo?04:43
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CheeseGardenerall the shortcuts here?04:43
serenityUKDimensional-Door, then cd into that package source and begin instructions... which would put binutils-build into lfs next to its source folder04:43
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk ahhh, geez thanks for catching that, so being lfs, i can open filemanager and extract the archive into lfs?04:43
pragma_xtknight: make him04:43
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neothx alot04:43
PeloCheeseGardener, that is what I said04:43
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hmmmsomething1i need some help on what specs i use when installing ubuntu for the first time..04:43
xtknightpragma_, huh?04:43
CheeseGardenerok I'll try it.04:43
nickrudah, Pelo I've been looking for that for the longest, thanks04:43
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_mag_Does anybody here can help me with Teamspeak ? I cant listen anything and I cant use the microphone !04:43
Nutubuntuspecs, hmmmsomething?04:43
desertchmmmsomething1: can you be more specific?04:43
serenityUKDimensional-Door, then cd into that package source and begin instructions... which would put binutils-build into lfs next to its source folder04:43
JDLimboI'm currently dual-booted with feisty and vista - going to try to scrap the vista partition, but I want to backup ubuntu first. Only, there's not enough room on the filesystem to store something that size. I have an external hd to save it to, but can't find out how to get tar to write there. any help?04:43
Pelohmmmsomething,  what do you need exactly ?04:43
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|neon|what software can i used to clone a disk that has a ReiserFS, i have a SimpleShare NAS that has a 250gb disk and it uses Reiser i want to clone the disk to a 500gb and see if it works , i was thinking of acronis any other suggestions thx04:43
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faileas|neon|: DD ;)04:44
hmmmsomething1well i am going to try installing ubuntu again... i just need to knw what i should put on the installer04:44
SeokeAnyone know anything about IP address and such?04:44
BalganSeoke shoot ur q04:44
desertchmmmsomething1: just use defaults?04:44
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Nutubuntucan you narrow that down a bit hmmmsomething - it will need a username and password, you'll want to specify partitions and fs for them ... etc04:44
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serenityUKDimensional-Door, so you will have /user/lfs/binutil-src  and /usr/lfs/binutils-build     etc04:45
hmmmsomething1the partitions screen is what i need help on04:45
xtknightneo, oh do you mean a port sniffer?  try ethereal04:45
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk but im on the /mnt/lfs not /usr/lfs04:45
hmmmsomething1do i go with 'Guided - resize SCSl1 (0,0,0), partition #2 9sda0 and use freed space04:45
PeloJDLimbo,  in nautilus move to /home  select your /user folder, rightclick  create archive,  in the dialog , pick your name and below select your location,  the usb hdd should appear in the options, or  browse your way to it under /media/ someting04:46
SeokeBalgan: Well I'm running lampp on my computer to host a webpage that I'm working on for now, but the beta testers for this webpage couldnt seem to login to it so I went to IPchicken.com and went to http://myiphere/ and it pops up a login screen, something for my router (this I know for sure) the thing is that I want them to see whats in my ~/opt/lampp/htdocs/ Folder and not my routers page04:46
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SeokeBalgan: so I'm assuming its something with having a wrong IP address04:46
hmmmsomething1that's my first option in ubuntu.04:46
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desertchmmmsomething1: sure04:46
xtknightneo, sudo apt-get install ethereal04:46
Pelogotago, later folks04:46
serenityUK Dimensional-Door  no forget that.. it was before i read the notice...  as user lfs in his home dir extract the source for a package then cd into the dir and begin instructions04:46
xtknightneo, if you have a router, you won't be able to see traffic of other people on your network, though.  that is only possible with a hub04:47
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xtknighti think04:47
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serenityUKDimensional-Door, so you will have /user/lfs/binutil-src  and /usr/lfs/binutils-build     etc04:47
sauvinI think maybe the USB ports on the left side of my laptop got fried :\ Does anybody know if there's any reason USB drives wouldn't work well with hubs under ubuntu?04:47
hmmmsomething1i jsut went with defaults so now i wait to see if it installs correctly04:47
serenityUKDimensional-Door, sorry i mean so you will have /home/lfs/binutil-src  and /home/lfs/binutils-build     etc not user.. it's late doh04:47
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neowat do u mean by Hub?04:48
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binaryacidis there a way of tweaking your usb response rate in ubuntu?04:48
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=== desertc wonders why people asking about their routers get help here, but when he was here two days ago asking about dvd playback he was ignored.
CheeseGardenerOk, it worked!  thanks for the help Pelo, xknight, and nickrud!!!!04:48
=== gi000 [n=gi000@e180059124.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
sauvinneo, a USB hub is a device that allows several devices to share a single USB port.04:48
xtknight!dvd | desertc04:48
ubotudesertc: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:48
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Nutubuntuneo wat u try04:48
xtknightneo, and a network hub is the same as a router except it sends all traffic to everyone04:49
JDLimboPelo thank you, I was going to try to do it in cli but I guess it'll be easier this way. But, will that backup the everything?04:49
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ensignchirpsBy your command, type ensignchirps status report if you require assistance04:49
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xtknightneo, a hub has no switch04:49
desertcxtknigt: and if I am prevented from applying css2 by my government?04:49
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xtknightdesertc, then i guess you cant watch dvds legally04:49
BalganSeoke u using xampp right ?04:49
saxartistensignchirps: yes or no?04:49
desertcxtknight: you're wrong, then04:49
SeokeBalgan: Sure am04:49
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk ok thanks, now its saying i dont have the right permissions to extract that into /home/lfs04:49
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Balgani think the problem might actually b in xampp apache module config04:50
xtknightdesertc, are you here to prove something or get help?04:50
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neobut i can see the trafic and control my group with apps like windows server04:50
saxartistensignchirps status report04:50
ensignchirpssaxartist, my info is at http://www.calvinbeck.com/ensignchirps.html04:50
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Nutubuntudesertc, maybe you need to contract with a different governmental services provider then, if the one you're working with now cant or wont do what you want04:50
desertcxtknight: I've since figured it out.  I'm just saying.04:50
Balgannot in the ip part04:50
sauvinI'll be dipped... this particular drive won't work with the sockets on the left side of the computer, but will work with the port on the right side - worked FINE this afternoon. However, another USB drive works just dandy with the ports on the left side. I wonder what's going on. Bad cable?04:50
Javanonhey hey, is there a button i can hit to text install kubuntu ?04:50
Jareki accidentally removed the trash icon from the bottom panel, i can put it back in the main panel, but how do i put it back in it's original spot to the right of the desktop switcher?04:50
SeokeBalgan: Any idea how I would fix that then?04:50
Javanonfrom cd at startup04:50
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newbie0059 is it possible to use my speaker/microphone as a modem ?04:50
dstaduliwhen you eject a ubs thumbdrive from ubuntu, shouldn't the drive light turn off before you remove it?04:50
saxartistIs ubuntu awesome?04:50
xtknightdesertc, and as far as i know, i'm absolutely right that you can't (legally) watch dvds encrypted with CSS without a license04:50
saxartistensignchirps: yes, or no04:50
ensignchirpssaxartist, don't count on it.04:50
desertcNutubuntu: I just choose to purchase products where I can agree to the terms of use.04:51
=== bzaks [n=michael@c-76-16-198-155.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BalganSeoke what do u have in /var/www ?04:51
andersbrsaxartist: But of course.04:51
desertcxtknight: there are also unencrypted dvds04:51
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xtknightdesertc, right there is no problem with those04:51
bzaksIs there anyone in here with information to help me use ubuntu to sync music on my Verizon Chocolate?04:51
echosystmwhats a good bit torrent client other than azureus?04:51
echosystmmust be gtk04:51
EvilMonkis there a good channel for bootup issues?04:51
desertcxtknight: again, incorrect04:51
wolf-houndmy ubuntu sound isnt working04:51
saxartistandersbr: the stupid bot said "don't count on it!"04:51
neoand it's many apps for windows that show me who alive and wat he do chatting downloading and so on04:51
echosystmi want deluge-torrent but its not in the repo04:51
andersbrechosystm: No ktorrent, then?04:51
echosystmno ktorrent :P04:51
JDLimboechosystm I use deluge, it's functional04:51
serenityUKDimensional-Door, logged in as lfs and he can't extract into own home dir?  i don't believe you.. did you save the packages as readable only to root somehow?04:51
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Javanonis there a text based installation for Kubuntu?04:52
SeokeBalgan: all thats in that /var/ are three folders mysql, proftpd, and run04:52
echosystmJDLimbo, did you have to compile deluge yourelf?04:52
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yaustarI am having trouble connecting to my wireless router, it gives a valid IP address and iwconfig says it is connected, but it can't ping the router :/ Any ideas04:52
EvilMonksorry, i got disconnected. is there a good channel for bootup issues?04:52
JDLimboechosystm ehh, been a bit since I got it, let me try to remember04:52
alexxop[po] 04:52
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echosystmi cant fidn it in the repository04:52
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bzaksIs there anyone who can teach me to interface with my verizon chocolate? I've been running ubuntu, and i'd like to be able to load and run my MP3s on my phone... I know there's a windows app, and I'd rather not use the windows app if I can help it04:53
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk im not sure04:53
newbie0059I want to send files from my desktop to a laptop using a walkie talkie, I thought I might be able to connect the speaker/microphone to the modem somehow, I guess it would have to be a half-duplex modem. Any ideas on how to do this?04:53
neosome popular tools like swichsniffer and arpspoofer04:53
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Dimensional-Doorserenityuk and the sources are in the /mnt/lfs/sources not /home/lfs/sources04:53
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)04:53
Balganhummm ok XAMPP has the apache... in apache u have apache.conf or something like that there u can change the webroot folder change it to /var/www and put the homepage u want the users to have access there04:53
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bzaksnewb: you probably need a really old school modem that you used to place the phone reciever on04:54
bzaksI don't even know where to look for that04:54
serenityUKDimensional-Door, so you already exracted all the packages in one go as root?04:54
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dstaduliwhen you eject a ubs thumbdrive from ubuntu, shouldn't the drive light turn off before you remove it?04:54
neohey any one with me?04:54
newbie0059bzaks, I was worried about that, it crossed my mind too04:54
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bzaksI can't imagine any other way04:54
eucildMy Ubuntu Feisty won't use Hardware Accleration for X-Windows. I've done everything I've found online. Can anyone provide some help?04:54
SeokeBalgan: I'll try it brb04:54
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SirBob1701my boot hands for a long time on mdadm is there anything i can do about this to speed it up or ignore it?04:55
Dimensional-Doorseremityuk no when i donwloaded the packes they were downloaded to /mnt/lfs/sources. i havent extracted anyhting yet04:55
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SirBob1701it says no files in conf were found04:55
serenityUKDimensional-Door, it says you should unpack each package as LFS so i assume one at a time in LFS home dir would be easiest04:55
bzaksnewb: unless (and this just crossed my mind) you can find a way to use the head set extension and the mic port on your pc04:55
zu22i have USB HDD and i let the activity LED stop before i turn off04:55
zu22dang this channel has even more ppl than #debian :)04:55
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk ok i will do that, so how do i do that, cd to /mnt/lfs/sources where the packages are, and how do i extract them to my /home/lfs directory04:55
bzaks(head set extension to the walkie talkie)04:56
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xtknightzu22, but it has less cranky people ;)04:56
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newbie0059bzaks: I was thinking I could rewire the walkie talkie, they do have head sets04:56
neook wat about pinging! want program to ping from to to see alive hosts04:56
zu22xtknight: hehe04:56
xtknightneo, nmap04:56
BalganSeoke im going now... but http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html#377 have a look there04:56
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bzaksnewb: That might work... but how would you rewire it to talk to the computer?04:57
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Javanonis there a text based install for the kubuntu 7.04 cd?04:57
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xtknightJavanon, yes04:57
SeokeBalgan: Yup not finding it the apache.conf04:57
serenityUK Dimensional-Door if you are in /home/lfs  you should just type  tar zxfv /mnt/lfs/sources/somefile.tar.gz04:57
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ensignchirpsBy your command, type ensignchirps status report if you require assistance04:57
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Javanonxtknight: how I reach that menu04:57
xtknightJavanon, "alternate cd" http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/feisty/04:57
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serenityUK Dimensional-Door it should extract to current directory04:57
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Dimensional-Doorserenityuk ok04:58
Javanonxtknight:  gahh lol thanks04:58
Javanonxtknight: ty^^04:58
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bzakscharlie: just reboot04:58
BalganSeoke /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf The Apache configuration file.04:58
newbie0059bzaks: I'm not real sure, perhaps I could wire the connection directly to the speaker of the  phone,  But I was hoping to redirect the OS to look for the modem communication to the speaker/mic04:58
bzaksyou can always just use an old version from the boot menu04:58
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Balgancheck the website i have u04:58
jimmygoonCan someone recommend a good site besides gnome-look.org and art.gnome.org because both are... lacking...04:58
neook after installation nmap whre can i find it?04:58
charlie_tried that last time and it wouldn't start up04:59
SeokeBalgan: Alright I'll try what you said then thanks again04:59
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serenityUK Dimensional-Door bz2 is a little different  tar xfv -bzip2 /mnt/lfs/sources/somefile.tar.bz2  i think04:59
nickrudcharlie_, it's a good idea to do sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install -f04:59
xtknightjimmygoon, deviantart?  lacking how?  not sure there are too many other sites04:59
sauvinYup. USB cables can go bad. Squee!04:59
neoor how can i use it?04:59
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bzaksnewb: create a service that locks out the speaker/mic ports04:59
=== derrik [n=Derrik@adsl-76-196-44-150.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
bzaksthis way you can save your walkie talkies04:59
xtknightneo, type "man nmap"04:59
SeokeBalgan: I've already don everything on that website lol04:59
bzaksand not destroy them04:59
=== leon978 [n=leon978@mail.dreamsz.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jimmygoonxtknight, some inconsistencies with how g-l.org works - like it uses session tracking on the server so if I have a tab open for metacity and I click on GTK+ in a new tab, then my original tab gets set to metacity as well when I goto the next page, it sounds minor, but I abuse tabs and its annoying05:00
nickrudcharlie_, and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades will have any gotchas05:00
derrikHelp! I installed the nvidia driver and now X server is broken. What is the command to revert to my old driver?05:00
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk it jsut got to lfs@laptop:~$ doesnt look like it extracted anything05:00
=== Ubuntu_ [n=jalal@bas12-montreal02-1168077975.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk i ran  sudo tar zxfv -bzip2 /mnt/lfs/sources/binutils-2.16.1.tar.bz205:01
Dimensional-Door   and it went straight back to terminal prompt05:01
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charlie_thanks, saya 0 needed everything05:01
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neoafter man nmap i see alot of lines and can't use it ass application05:01
charlie_can i upgrade to fiesty from dapper?05:01
newbie0059bzaks: my other thought was to use the tones dtfm, I could probablly find a program that could recognize them, and a program to convert a file to some sort of ogg05:01
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Dimensional-Doorserenityuk i dont think my lfs have any permissions to do that, well im not sure because it isnt giving me a premission denied05:02
jimmygooncharlie_ do you mean downgrade or did you mean dapper -> feisty?05:02
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dstaduliI have a problem with ndisgtk quiting before I can even use it05:02
charlie_is dapper better than fiesty?05:02
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serenityUK Dimensional-Door i don't think u need sudo.. it says extract as LFS..  try adding destination directory:  tar zxv -bzip2 /mnt/lfs/sources/binutils-2.16.1.tar.bz2 /home/lfs05:02
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dstaduliI got to system->administration->windows wireless drivers and lick on it but the window is killed before I can do anything05:03
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk ok05:03
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nickrudcharlie_, no, you'd need to go thru edgy to get to feisty; skipping a release is a no no05:03
AssailanT-_i have a problem05:03
JDLimboechosystm according to my intertube the repo is indeed now closed. however the tarball at http://deluge-torrent.org/downloads includes a handy readme on compiling it05:03
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bzak1newb: I missed anything you said in the last 5 minutes05:03
AssailanT-_can you help me ?05:03
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newbie0059charlie: I'm not the person right  to answer, but I think dapper might be considered more stable05:03
nickrudcharlie_, and dapper is as it says; it's just not the most recent stuff, but very stable05:03
yaustarAssailanT-_: Just ask05:03
serenityUK Dimensional-Door im worried if you extract as sudo the folder will have root ownership not LFS05:03
AssailanT-_i cant install xchat05:04
AssailanT-_on ubuntu05:04
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AssailanT-_tell me how05:04
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nickrud!enter ( sudo apt-get install xchat) | AssailanT-_05:04
charlie_thouneed to edit sources.list the same as last upgrade?05:04
AssailanT-_i have a problem05:04
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newbie0059bzak1: just another thought to use the tones from the phone, to encode a file, I think I could get a program to read from the speaker and recognize the dtfm (this is the sounds created by the buttons on the phone)05:04
SmoothOpAssailant: window.05:04
nickrud!enter | AssailanT-_ ( sudo apt-get install xchat)05:04
ubotuAssailanT-_ ( sudo apt-get install xchat): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:04
Dimensional-Doorsereintyuk this is what i get   tar: -bzip2: Cannot open: No such file or directory05:05
Dimensional-Doortar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now05:05
Dimensional-Doortar: Child returned status 205:05
Dimensional-Doortar: /mnt/lfs/sources/binutils-2.16.1.tar.bz2: Not found in archive05:05
Dimensional-Doortar: /home/lfs: Not found in archive05:05
Dimensional-Doortar: Error exit delayed from previous errors05:05
yaustarAssailanT-_: Applications-> Add/Remove , find it in the list, click apply05:05
dstaduli!paste Dimensional-Door05:05
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dstaduli!paste | Dimensional-Door05:05
ubotuDimensional-Door: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:05
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Dimensional-Doordstaduli sorryu05:05
charlie_or is the upgrade different?05:05
nickrudDimensional-Door, tar xf <bz2file> works just fine05:05
newbie0059bzak1: sorry to bug you, if I make any progress I'll post it and share with the community05:05
Dimensional-Doornickrud ok i will try that05:05
Gun_SmokeI'm trying to remember the name of an application.. Called "mind-something" maybe..  It's like brain storming.. With small bubbles..05:05
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bzak1that'd be awesome05:06
bzak1it sounds like a great project!05:06
Dim_ReaperAnyone running Pidgin 2.1?, I can't get the notification icon up05:06
hmmmsomething1dim reaper do you mean teh guifications plugin?05:06
NutubuntuGun_Smoke, there are a group of such apps generally called mind-mapping software. There's at least one Java based one ... wait a sec, I'll try to find it05:06
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infinityxihello all05:06
Dim_Reaperhmmmsomething1, I mean the pidgin connection icon05:06
Dimensional-Doorthanks nickrud that worked ok serenityuk ive finally got that directory where i wnated it thanks alot05:06
hmmmsomething1it wont appear if you restart it?05:07
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk hopefully you are tired in 20 ;p05:07
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:07
Dim_Reaperhmmmsomething1, Yer nothing in the notification area like it supposed to be05:07
nickrudcharlie_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades and http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading05:07
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dstaduliI am trying to install ndiswrapper drivers using ndisgtk but the window for ndisgtk closes when even I try and click on it via system->admin->windows wireless drivers05:08
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Dim_ReaperI installs the debs then tried compiling it and the same problem05:08
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bzak1can anyone help me interface with my verizon chocolate phone?05:08
macogwheya.  sooo i set my laptop to do the black screen & require password after i close the lid.  worked dandy until...yesterday, i think.  my keyboard doesnt work on the little box where you put in the password to resume the session.  anybody have any idea?05:08
lockdbzak1: just the bluetooth (obex) part?05:08
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bzak1nah, through USB05:09
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NutubuntuGun_Smoke - better yet, check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mind_Mapping_software - reasonable chance you'll find the oneyou were thinking of there05:09
lockdbzak1: eww, I've only gotten wifi and bluetooth to work on my smartphones05:09
charlie_should i reboot befor eupgrading again?05:09
inteliwasp_i am trying to install mythtv, but i am getting error 2002 could not connect through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqls.sock'  (2)05:10
Dimensional-Doorif something say to run configure and it comes ups aying no such file , and there is a file called configure.ns and config what one should i use05:10
nickrudcharlie_, yes, you'll want to restart with the new kernel each time. Just follow the instructions on those pages05:10
Gun_SmokeNutubuntu: lol... I just found my way over there as you suggested it..05:10
Dimensional-Doorconfigure.in *05:10
charlie_thank you!05:10
Dim_Reaperhmmmsomething1, Should pidgin be in the gconf, I can't remember05:10
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bzak1I just want to do what the phone is advertised to do in windows05:11
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macogwDimensional-Door: is there a autogen.sh?05:11
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Dimensional-Doormacogw no there isnt05:11
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airstrikehow can i connect to my wifi router using both WPA -and- a static IP?05:12
neo:) so in this os i must wright wat i want in command lines05:12
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serenityUKsorry Dimensional-Door call of nature..  glad you fixed it05:12
Dimensional-Doormacogw actually there is a configure sorry im geting tired05:12
macogwneo: only if you want to05:12
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macogwDimensional-Door: heh ok then just ./configure05:12
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk haha i feel ya :)05:12
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neoam i have another method?05:12
AssailanT-_thanks soo much05:12
Dimensional-Doornice its working05:12
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AssailanT-_and something else if i can to ask ?05:13
AssailanT-_how to install amsn05:13
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GrungebunnyHi, im unable to get my Desktop effects to work, when I enable it, just the box I clicked on to enable it remains with the busy mouse swirl and I have to reboot.. what is my problem?05:13
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mage!automated answer to burning a sodding cd05:13
airstrikeuse synaptic, assailant05:13
serenityUKDimensional-Door, you have inspired me to have another go at LFS.  i read through the book a couple of years ago but never went ahead05:13
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nickrud!amsn | AssailanT-_05:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:13
jumbersDoes anybody know of a program I could use as a time clock? I do coding by the hour and I need an effective way to "punch in" and "punch out" so I can get an accurate length of time I spend on stuff05:14
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charlie_how do i upgrade from dapper to edgy"?05:14
magedid LFS sell out and add a form of package management?05:14
neoi mean to work with an app like nmap05:14
charlie_sorry forgot05:14
macogwneo: depends what you need to do05:14
serenityUKDimensional-Door, it's a baptism of fire but at the end we will be Gurus!05:14
macogwneo: nmap has a gui05:14
bzak2why don't you check out ubuntuguide.org05:14
AssailanT-_tnks again05:14
neogui mean?05:14
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AssailanT-_thank you05:15
macogwneo: Graphical User Interface....you can use a mouse05:15
AssailanT-_i must go now05:15
Nutubuntu(I don't think he wants to say what he wants to do)05:15
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about burncd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:15
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neohow i can't find its interface05:15
serenityUKmage, no that was the trouble with our rusty tar.bz2 command lol05:15
NutubuntuGun_Smoke, glad you asked about that - I wouldn't have found that page myself for awhile, and it's interesting :)05:15
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neoafter i setup it where can i find?05:15
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inteliwasp_i am trying to install mythtv, but i am getting error 2002 could not connect through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqls.sock'05:15
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hmmmsomething1dang... ubuntu once again stopped at 56% of its installation and it isn't moving now..05:16
sauvinErm... mythtv uses mysql sockets?05:16
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk haha YES! thats what im going for. anyway i was able to make, but when i make install i get errors05:16
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neohow can i show its interface?05:16
magecan someone rattle off the name of a program that'll burn an iso?05:16
pete83mage: k3b05:16
Nutubuntunautilus, even05:16
airstrikesomeone, please.. how can i connect to my wifi router using both WPA -and- a static IP?05:17
sauvinmage: fire up the synaptics package manager and do a search on "burn" and be overwhelmed.05:17
hmmmsomething1i use that for iso05:17
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airstrikei have WPA set up but I can't use a static ip with that05:17
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pete83airstrike: what's your local ip address?05:17
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serenityUKDimensional-Door, google is a man's best friend, not dogs they are number 2 now05:17
airstrikei want and i currently have
serenityUKDimensional-Door, gn & gl05:17
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk hah your right . whats gn and gl05:18
airstrikethat current ip being dynamic05:18
dstaduliCan anyone explain the following error when I run ndisgtk? the window closes when I try and run sudo ndisgtk but prints this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32572/05:18
serenityUKgoodnight and gooluck05:18
macogwneo: i think you install it separately05:18
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magesauvin: being overwhelmed sucks05:18
inteliwasp_shuld i move to the mysql channel?05:18
faileasserenityUK: i kinda like my dog better than google. ;)05:18
Dimensional-Doorserenityuk ah ok you too and thanks for the help05:18
pete83airstrike: and subnet mask is
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macogwneo: it's called nmapfe05:18
macogwneo: look in Synaptic05:18
sauvinmage, all I was saying is, you have choices. Which in is BEST is up to you to decide after trying a few.05:18
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neommm :)05:19
magesauvin: ideally cat knoppix-3.4.iso > /dev/hdc05:19
magebut we know that aint happening05:19
macogwmage: i like gnomebaker because it fits in with the gnome theme better, but many people like K3B05:19
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charlie_i'm stupid05:19
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serenityUKfaileas, we have an expression dogs are a man's best friend.. it was a joke05:19
pete83airstrike: and what is the gateway?05:19
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magehaha im dumb, all of the *ubuntus come with a burning app05:20
faileasserenityUK: ;)05:20
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macogwmage: however, you could just right click it inside the folder viewer, and tell it to burn05:20
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magexfburn, k3b, gnome-burning-application05:20
macogwmage: it's part of Nautilus05:20
nickrudcharlie_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades and http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading (write them down)05:20
neoi will try :)05:20
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=== sauvin just realised he's storing all his stuff on an ext3 partition on the usb drive and is therefore inaccessible to windows... is this a disaster?
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dstaduliCan anyone explain the following error when I run ndisgtk? the window closes when I try and run sudo ndisgtk but prints this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32572/05:20
inteliwaspi am trying to install mythtv, but i am getting error 2002 could not connect through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqls.sock'  or shuld i move to the mysql support channel?05:20
pete83airstrike: I mean, for "gateway" did you put the ip of the router, or the modem?05:20
macogwsauvin: windows xp?05:21
magesauvin: unmount it properly, and explore2fs or the driver05:21
sauvinmacogw, yes.05:21
nickrudsauvin, explore2fs can read ext2 in windows, there's also a driver somewhere05:21
=== Firsty [n=Rawr@nv-76-3-150-146.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ademanext2fs can also05:21
macogwsauvin: install this on windows http://www.fs-driver.org/05:21
alfredo|NYCinteliwasp: is mysql running?05:21
magesauvin: unmounting it properly is required for only of those05:21
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:21
nickrudthat's the one05:21
sauvinWhy is a formal umount required? Does a shutdown -h now umount stuff properly?05:22
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inteliwaspalfredo|NYC, yes it is05:22
macogwnickrud: real easy to find.  first hit on a "windows ext3" google ;P05:22
magesauvin: oh that does, unplugging it doesn't ;)05:22
charlie_don't have a writing utensil05:22
macogwnickrud: thats a hard face to make, by the way05:22
magesauvin: blah blah blah journal, theres no journaling support in the windows stuff (yet)05:22
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sauvinOh. That makes sense.05:22
=== DigitalNinja [n=dhull@209-112-214-144-cdsl-rb1.nwc.acsalaska.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dimensional-Doorwhen i run a make install command as a user, i get this     mkdir: cannot create directory `/tools': Permission denied05:22
Dimensional-Door        how can i fix this??????05:22
nickrudmacogw, face? and me, I keep ext read only in windows and ntfs in linux. I don't care much for miscegenation :)05:23
mageokay, burning app: check, burner: check05:23
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PeloDimensional-Door,  you need to run make install as sudo05:23
sauvinThanks for sharing a Windows solution with me. I know it must have been distasteful, and I'm grateful.05:23
macogwsauvin: or official Vista support.  might be able to read from vista if installed under compatibility mode, but likely not write05:23
magedid I forgot something :(05:23
GrungebunnyWhat are some decent multiplayer games I can run with Ubuntu?05:23
Pelo!games | Grungebunny05:23
ubotuGrungebunny: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org05:23
Dimensional-Doorpelo ive tried, but the user i am, it does nothing05:23
pete83Dimensional-Door: also, don't just "make install"... you should be using checkinstall to make a package first05:23
neook how can i sacan from to
macogwnickrud: ;P is what i typed, and itd be a hard face to make05:23
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magesauvin: personally i'm the guy that gives ubuntu advice when hes logged into windows xp05:23
alfredo|NYCinteliwasp: when do you get the error?05:23
macogwnickrud: i simply dont use windows05:23
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sauvinForget [CENSORED]  (beep) [TWEET]  Windows [CENSORED]  Vista!05:23
Grungebunnythanks pelo05:23
neoby nmap?05:23
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PeloDimensional-Door,  did you install build-essential ?05:23
CharlieSubitme anyone?05:23
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inteliwaspalfredo|NYC, trying to use mysql05:24
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Dimensional-Doorpelo im making a LFS and yes i believe i do, but maybe not, i should try and apt-get that right now05:24
alfredo|NYCinteliwasp: I mean did it get to configure the backend05:24
nickrudmacogw, I have to now and then, work lets my plug my laptop in and work from there, but sometimes they use docx & I pull over the other keyboard05:24
Dimensional-Doorpelo no i dont, im dl it now05:24
macogwwait....im using ssh.  i dont need to sit next to the computer thats doing the compiling...05:24
dstaduliCan anyone explain the following error when I run ndisgtk? the window closes when I try and run sudo ndisgtk but prints this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32572/ PLEASE PLEASE05:24
Dimensional-Doorpelo thanks05:24
=== linux_user400354 [n=chris@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu
ZenoThere is a channel for BerkeleyDB but there is no one in it.  Strange.05:24
ZenoThe topic urges me to stick around.05:24
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PeloDimensional-Door,  also read this ,  it's not just a mater of " sudo make install "   http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/05:25
inteliwaspalfredo|NYC, i think i did... tho adept creashed05:25
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Dimensional-Doorpelo when i sudo make install, it takes me right to the reminal prompt, doesnt show me it did anything is that correct, because i already made it05:25
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magecdrecord ftw.iso ;)05:25
PeloGrungebunny,   go to www.digg.com , do a search for linux gaming  there was a couple or articles a while back taht would interest you05:25
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nickrudPelo, he's making a linux from scratch, much much fun :)05:25
frasercan anyone tell me how i can find the name (e.g. HDA1) of my DVD drive?05:25
macogwnickrud: ah at work i use a mac. i'd rather use windows.05:25
macogwGrungebunny: battle for wesnoth for turn based strategy. i think up to 6 or 8 players, and online play05:26
=== Riyonuk__ [n=riyonuk@69-4-48-244.hctc.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwGrungebunny: frets on fire (grab the debian debs, as there are none for ubuntu) is like guitar hero05:26
avisi am no longer behind a router and am concerned about internet security.  i do not run ssh-server.  would it be in my best interest to run a firewall ?05:26
xtknightfraser, sudo lshw | less05:26
killown|awayI have one gpu card only ..its possible screen :0 monitor crt and tv monitor in screen :1?05:26
PeloDimensional-Door, seems like what you are doing is a bit over my head,  I'll leave you to it then05:26
macogwGrungebunny: Tremulous for Human v Alien05:26
xtknightfraser, and you can scroll down and find the cd drives.  device block (/dev/x) is also listed05:26
magefraser: fdisk -l /dev/[hs] d[abcd]  if nobody gives you a better answer, its the one with no partition table05:26
=== Yasumoto [n=Yasumoto@cpe-75-84-49-174.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
macogwGrungebunny: and now i'm out of suggestions as i'm not a gamer05:26
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PeloDimensional-Door, ifyou are compiling an os from scratch   ##linux might be a better channel for you05:27
Riyonuk__I recently downloaded and isntalled the latest version. I go to network options, and the wireless pictures isnt even there? What gives? In 6.10, it was there. So now I cant connect :/05:27
alfredo|NYCinteliwasp: did you see the random password05:27
Dimensional-Doorpelo ok thanks05:27
=== nils_ [n=nils@pD9FFE808.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
alfredo|NYCmythtv generated05:27
NoobSauceanyone have experience with Kodak V570 on linux? I can't find anyone who has experience with it... Does it work?05:27
inteliwaspalfredo|NYC, yes05:27
macogwRiyonuk__: its not in there anymore05:27
macogwRiyonuk__: go to the networkmanager applet on the panel05:27
Pelo!wifi | Riyonuk__  start from scratch05:27
ubotuRiyonuk__  start from scratch: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:27
macogwRiyonuk__: its set for roaming wireless by default in feisty05:27
sauvinis that Kodak a digital camera?05:27
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inteliwaspalfredo|NYC, and wote it down but i cant log into mysql05:27
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PeloNoobSauce, what is that  a camera , a scanner , a printer ?05:27
Riyonuk__So it will automatically connect?05:27
pete83Grungebunny: I agree with macogw, Tremulous is the best05:28
=== databuddy [n=starz@unaffiliated/databuddy] has joined #ubuntu
NoobSauceIt's a Kodak Easyshare V570 Digital Camera05:28
NoobSauceit's the one with two lenses05:28
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killown|awayI have one gpu card only ..its possible screen :0 monitor crt and tv monitor in screen :1?05:28
macogwpete83: oh i cant figure that game out.  oen of my friends wants me to play with him on it05:28
Riyonuk__Ill try thanks05:28
macogwRiyonuk__: should...depending on your card05:28
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macogwok he's gone05:28
xtknightNoobSauce, most digital cameras work.  my kodak easyshare does, not quite the same model.  try the F-spot photo manager05:28
nickrudDimensional-Door, enjoy it, I spent several fun filled months in 2000 doing that05:28
PeloNoobSauce, usb ? just plug it in , it should appear as a usb flash drive on your desktop,  make sure it is turned on05:28
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nhazeDo you need the alternate cd if you want LVM at all? I don't plan on installing into a logical parittion, but I do want me ubuntu to be able to access existing logical data partiions.05:28
apachenoobhey all, i'm having a devil of a time getting .htaccess to work in ubuntu05:28
magenhaze: just install the packages05:29
apachenoobi've googled, man paged, and screwed around wiht it but no luck05:29
NoobSaucextknight: which camera do you have? And did you have to install anything manually, or did it all just work right after install?05:29
nickrudDimensional-Door, also, there's #lfs here on freenode05:29
=== jd_ [n=jd@c-68-38-149-75.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightNoobSauce, right after install05:29
xtknightNoobSauce, hmm let me check05:29
jd_i need help with a network printer05:29
NoobSauceI have another Kodak, but I'm not sure how similar the architecture is between the cameras05:29
pete83macogw: what's to figure out? You just shoot. If you're human. And build turrets, and upgrade your armaments. Of course, if you're alien you need to jump and bite, or evolve and grab, or pounce and spit acid05:29
inteliwaspalfredo|NYC, i wonder if there is a mistake in the config file as it thinks that "/var/run/my......" is a socket number05:29
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sauvinLinux doesn't deal with my digital camera the same way Windows does, but at worst case, it furnishes a DOS filesystem to navigate.05:29
alfredo|NYCinteliwasp: try sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart05:30
alfredo|NYCand running mythtv again05:30
xtknightNoobSauce, easyshare dx453005:30
macogwso, can one of the people who helps here and knows more than me help me figure out why when i come back from "blank screen" after closing my laptop and it wants me to enter my password, my keyboard doesnt work /05:30
jd_ubuntu can not see my shared network printer in my xp machine somehelp please!!!!!05:30
mageI'd never subject my camera or linux box with being connected to each other ;)05:30
macogwpete83: im not a gamer and im bad at them05:30
magemacogw: hahahahahahaha05:30
TimeTravellerany one like to hear a cool song i have it on a  fast ftp.... my frien wrote it05:30
NoobSauceas long as I can access it, I don't care if it's commandline only... Just don't want to end up with a camera that I need to use Windoze with :P05:30
inteliwaspalfredo|NYC, done05:30
GrungebunnyUbuntu is the coolest thing since cheesecake05:30
magemacogw: lousy sleeping action05:30
pete83macogw: um, you mean you can't enter the password?05:30
Pelomacogw,  I would look this up in the forum  I believe this is a fairly common occurence05:31
magemacogw: I can top that, I've got a laptop thats fan wont turn back on after sleeping05:31
jd_can someone help with printing please05:31
macogwpete83: right05:31
inteliwaspalfredo|NYC, tho no line refering to the process stopping or starting...05:31
macogwmage: and its not sleeping, just blank screen05:31
sauvinNoobsauce, if your camera has a USB cable, and your computer has a USB port, at worst case, you'll wind up mounting it as a flashdrive.05:31
macogwPelo: it started yesterday05:31
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=== macogw agrees with NoobSauce
NoobSaucesauvin: ok, thanks05:31
nickrudooh, keyboard<-->fan, fan<-->keyboard : I know who's problem I'd want05:31
macogwi eman05:31
magesauvin: some cameras dont use the Mass Storage Driver05:31
airstrikegrungebunny: haha totally agreed05:31
=== macogw agrees with sauvin
inteliwaspalfredo|NYC, .... it's not running... i just looked it up05:31
magePentax 430 for example05:31
alfredo|NYCinteliwasp: can you mysql -u root?05:31
Pelomacogw,  so start with basic trouble shooting,  what did you mess with befor he problem started05:31
macogwPelo: nothing05:32
ryanandheatherhey guys, yesterday i was watching a video in vlc and somehow now whenever theres like bass from the audio, my speakers output theis godawful screencing noise...05:32
Grungebunnycould someone point me to a very good FAQ for noobs on using the command line? im new and know nothing about it.05:32
sauvinF-Spot can't see my camera, that's a fact, but udev can.05:32
Pelomacogw,  any updates ?05:32
macogwPelo: and i really do mean that. the only thing ive installed is timer-applet05:32
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alfredo|NYCinteliwasp: do sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start05:32
=== Sinistral_ [n=tlot@d055010.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:32
macogwPelo: i dont think there were any updates yesterday05:32
pete83macogw: in system>>preferences>>power manager, what is it set to do "when laptop screen is closed"?05:32
=== Pelo throws jd_ a lifesaver
alfredo|NYCand then see if you can connect05:32
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macogwpete83: blank screen05:32
sauvinRyanandheather, can you set vlc to ues a different sound device?05:32
jd_printer help needed05:32
Pelomacogw,  i would still look it up in the form05:32
=== The_Wiseguy [n=jerome@c210-49-178-171.mckinn1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Pelojd_,   more info05:32
pete83macogw: that's what mine is at too, except that mine works05:33
NoobSauceAlso, did the upgrade to fiesty screw up the multimedia keys for anyone? I have a first gen macbook, and now the volume buttons only affect the 'Master' channel, rather than the 'PCM' channel which they should + were adjusting before the upgrade05:33
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hmmmsomething1does anyone have a link to the most recent version of supergrub?05:33
ryanandheathersauvin: h/o on i'll see05:33
=== martin91 [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-206-240.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
dstadulisWhy would ndisgtk display this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32572/ when I try and run it?05:33
fraserguys, i always get the same errro when trying to use mplayer to play a video "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device." why?05:33
Pelohmmmsomething1,  check the #grub topic05:33
=== stephen_ [n=stephen@adsl-68-253-237-214.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
sauvinfraser, what video output device are you trying to use?05:33
inteliwaspERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)      this is the line i get when i run "mysql -u root -p05:33
jd_pelo i have a lemark printer on a xp machine that is shared through my network but ubuntu does not see this printer and i have tried everthing that the fourms say05:33
macogwjd_: ewww lexmark05:33
Pelofraser,  open mplayer from the menu,   ricgclick on it ,  preferences,  video , select a different videomodule,   x11 opengl works best for me05:34
frasersauvin: i don't know. i'm just trying to watch a DVD05:34
xtknightNoobSauce, i dont think my camera shows up as flash05:34
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xtknightNoobSauce, it does show a dialog for me to import photos though05:34
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macogwjd_: thats why i switched the locations of my computers before installing ubuntu. the xp one is with the lexmark now, and the debian one is now with the hp05:34
sauvinMmkay, at a command line, type this: mplayer -vo help. You can get a listing of devices suported on your computer.05:34
ryanandheathersauvin: i don't see it in the settings, just "default"05:34
xtknightNoobSauce, sometimes ;)  it's a little flaky, automount/autorun seems to be flaky on my install.  but manually running F-spot usually reveals my camera05:34
alfredo|NYCinteliwasp: I think one has to create the database also05:34
fraserPelo: thanks. it's working fine now05:34
Pelojd_,  you may be out of luck,   lexmark support is lousy in linux ,  see if your printer as an alternate mode, like epson or ibm05:34
=== sauvin fires up vlc to see
pete83macogw: what is your video card?05:34
magemplayer != vlc05:35
macogwNoobSauce: can you just pop your memory card out and use that05:35
Pelofraser,  there is a similar problem with the audio if you get it ,  same solution , more or less05:35
pete83macogw: and video driver?05:35
macogwpete83: intel i945 i believe05:35
jd_what do u mean alternitive mode pelo05:35
fraserPelo: audio is working fine thanks05:35
macogwpete83: using the i810 driver05:35
=== wolf-hound [n=dave@CPE-121-208-2-204.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
NoobSaucemacogw: unfortunately, no. I have no card reader on this laptop (first gen macbook)05:35
inteliwaspalfredo|NYC, what do you mean, i can get the mysqld up...05:35
wolf-houndmy ubuntu sound isnt working05:35
=== john__ [n=john@pool-141-149-97-26.pghk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwNoobSauce: get a usb one, worst case scenario05:35
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=== Salgat|MI [n=salgat@c-68-40-95-102.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sauvinryanandheather, I'm getting the same thing. I think there's a command line syntax to use to list supported video output devices.05:36
ryanandheatherOH YAY I fixed it, reset to defaults ;p05:36
alfredo|NYCinteliwasp: run mythtv-setup05:36
sauvinErm, AUDIO output devices. Sorry, I'm getting confused.05:36
Pelojd_,  back in the old days of dot matrix printers, when drivers were few and far between most printers coudl be set to emulate one or two very popular printers ibm proprinter or epson ,  check yor printer documentation to see if someting like this is available05:36
dstadulisunder a fat partion, what's the largest filesize a file can be?05:36
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GauntletAnyone mind giving my noob self a hand on a install issue?05:36
Pelodstaduli,  fat32 was 4 gig , not sure for fat05:36
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dstadulisthank you05:36
ryanandheathersauvin: i hit reset to defaults and its not screeching anymore05:36
=== rockets [n=robertbr@cpe-66-108-218-197.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelodstaduli,  you can try and look up fat in wikipedia, the info is probably available there05:37
=== IndyGunFrea [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
rocketsSup all05:37
sauvinHey.. in vlc, did you enable the extended GUI interface and screw around with the equaliser or something?05:37
=== Montaro [i=montaro@tsunami.ipv6.montarotech.net] has joined #ubuntu
jd_ok pelo thanks05:37
dstadulispelo do you know why ndisgtk (the gui to ndiswrapper) would displace this error message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32572/ when I try to run it?05:37
NoobSaucemacogw: ok. I don't think there should be any problem from what everyone is saying... Now the trick is to find a cheap camera :)05:37
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magedstadulis: did anyone say 2gigs yet?05:37
rocketsdstadulis: you dont really need a gui for ndiswrapper05:37
=== antitab [n=Michael@pool-72-78-171-105.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ryanandheathersauvin: yeah i did, and i was wrong it still is05:38
macogwdstadulis: 4GB for FAT3205:38
rocketsdstadulis: ndiswrapper -i drivernanme.inf05:38
=== victori [n=ubuntu@cpe-76-80-176-74.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dstadulisI have tried that route rockets05:38
rocketsdstadulis: if that doesnt work the gui wont work magically05:38
sauvinHey, folks, how do I get ubuntu to tell me what resolution X is using?05:38
=== Dimensional-Door [n=zerokill@adsl-69-108-74-207.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
rocketsthats all the gui does05:38
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TimeTravellerany one like to hear a cool song i have it on a  fast ftp.... my friend wrote it05:38
macogw!ask | Gauntlet05:38
ubotuGauntlet: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:38
=== Dimensional-Door [n=zerokill@adsl-69-108-74-207.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
victorihmm I have a 3.0ghz prescott but cpuinfo shows up as 28000mhz ?05:38
Pelodstaduli, no idea, I'm not that familiar with ndiswrapper05:38
victorianyone ever get that?05:38
dstadulispelo k thank you05:38
NoobSaucevictori: could be cpu throttling taking effect. Are you running a laptop?05:39
magevictori: maybe your clock is busted05:39
Pelodstaduli,  there is a #ndiswrapper  channel05:39
victoriNoobSauce: nope prescott05:39
Gauntletthx, I'm stalling @ 7% on the partitioner during install05:39
victorihmm well this is the last time I buy intel that is for sure05:39
dstadulisPelo thank you for the heads up didn't know05:39
magevictori: the kernel estimates the clock speed based on the system clock05:39
Pelodstaduli,  tehre is a channel for everyting in freenode,  well almost05:39
rocketsAlmost everything05:40
Gauntlettried reformatting HD to ext3 to fix, but still no luck05:40
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victorican't be throttling since cpu heat is @ 55c05:40
victoriwhich is well under 80c for a prescott05:40
macogwvictori: where did you get cpuinfo? is that part of the linuxinfo package?05:40
victori cat /proc/cpuinfo05:40
inteliwaspalfredo|NYC, mythtv cant connect to the db, the server is broke...05:40
PeloGauntlet,  pre partition your hdd before starting the installation program,  make each partition individualy not all at once05:40
EchoBinaryhello - does anyone in here have a Compaq/HP ProLiant (DL580, or other) ? I have one and I am trying to install ubuntu on it. it boots off the CD, but then the installer says ioctl error on the CDROM - ive used 5 diff CDs - and i dont think its the CD Rom drive either. also passed ide=nodma to the installer bootup - any suggestions?05:40
=== SiliconViper [n=siliconv@S01060013107698ba.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ryanandheathersauvin: if you still around, enable the extended GUI, and then go to audio tab then set the preamp to like 3.0 dB or under05:41
victoribeen using linux for a very long time only until recently switched to osx86, but bah not flexible enough nor per formant in eclipse05:41
=== thatmattbone [n=mbone@c-24-1-190-48.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwvictori: my intel registers correctly05:41
Gauntletwhats the preferred partitions for ubuntu05:41
PeloEchoBinary, does your cd have linux drivers on it ? probably not,  tryi installing your printer using cups in menu > system > admin > printers05:41
macogwvictori: it says 1.6GHz and thats what it is05:41
sauvinRyan, I never tinker with the graph eq, which is why I ask. It's the one thing I can think of that can do what you're describing outside a foobar sound card driver.05:41
=== rockets [n=robertbr@cpe-66-108-218-197.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
EchoBinaryPelo: im trying to install an OS, printer drivers dont help me??05:42
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macogwvictori: though on the "cpu mhz" line it says 800...hmm05:42
victorihmm maybe I need to patch my prescott05:42
victoriI know intel cpus can be patched at runtime05:42
victorithough it isn't persistant05:42
rocketsI've got a macbook pro core 2 duo here05:42
sauvinAnyhow... anybody know how to determine what screen resolution X is using?05:42
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nox-HandI get this probem: ldconfig: /usr/lib/libwnck-1.so is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.05:42
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nox-HandAny idaes?05:42
rocketsI'm considering running ubuntu on it, anyody here running ubuntu on an intel mac?05:42
macogwsauvin: system > prefrences > resolution05:42
pete83EchoBinary:haha, you mean HP makes more than printers???05:42
nickrudsauvin, xrandr05:42
victorianyone know the linux utility that patches intel cpus at boot?05:42
victorirockets: right here05:43
PeloGauntlet,  you can do well with  5=10  gig for /  (ext3),  2 gig for /swap (linux swap) and the rest for /home  ( ext3)05:43
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macogwrockets: idk about here, but i know that a machine god does :p05:43
rocketsvictori: anything i should know?05:43
EchoBinaryHP bough tcompaq.. and yes they make computers, and rackmount servers05:43
macogwrockets: there are howtos for it05:43
sauvinmacogw, thanks!05:43
PeloEchoBinary,  sorry I missread you ,   nvidia or ati vidoe card,  use the alternate install cd , it is text based05:43
victoriosx86 has the shittiest jvm hands down, my workstation at work which is slower by a good measure runs eclipse faster under debian05:43
GauntletI'll give that a try, brb05:43
=== noch [n=ubuntu@c-76-112-161-254.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightvictori, microcode update for intel?05:43
macogwrockets: i remember brian kernighan saying he followed one to try ubuntu, his first linux....and he was there for helping make the first unix05:43
victorirockets: expect better performance05:43
EchoBinaryPelo: ??  video driver?05:43
victorixtknight: correct!05:43
xtknightvictori, not sure but i remember seeing it at ubuntu bootup05:44
PeloEchoBinary,  forget it , apparently I am confusing a bunch of ppl05:44
xtknighti think.  or maybe it was suse :] \05:44
sauvinErm... macogw, that was under gimp, right? I'm using KDE. There is no "preferences".05:44
rocketsvictori: im not sure about it though. i run ubuntu on all my PCs . . . but OSX is so great05:44
xtknightvictori, why? TLB problem?05:44
macogwsauvin: that was under gnome05:44
victorirockets: ya not so great at java/eclipse05:44
macogwsauvin: ok then um i dont know hold on05:44
rocketsvictori: huh? i dont care about java05:44
sauvins/gimp/gnome/; # idiot at the keyboard alert05:44
victoriwell some of us need to make money05:45
rocketsCertainly not writing java apps05:45
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-105-136-204.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
xtknightvictori,  i think linux isn't affected by the errata.  any way i have no idea how to update microcode.  i do know that default microcode is restored very reboot so you can't screw anything too badly.  there is a linux intel microcode utility (perhaps old?) out there, just ogogle05:45
PeloEchoBinary,  do you manage to start the install process ?05:45
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xtknightvictori, the TLB errata that is05:45
rocketsvictori: doesnt IBM put out a JVM for mac os x05:45
victorinot that I am aware of05:45
pete83EchoBinary: so you mean none of the cds you burnt worked?05:45
victoriand no05:45
victorijvm for linux ppc05:45
victorinot osx05:45
Jack_SparrowHelp needed opening port for pop3 mail program.. Firestarter installed..  just need help opening up port 11005:45
macogwsauvin: im asking my friend amy. she uses kde05:46
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rocketsvictori: http://www.apple.com/support/downloads/javaformacosx104release5.html05:46
nickrudJack_Sparrow, it's under Policy iirc05:46
victoriya the apple jvm05:46
PeloJack_Sparrow,  should be opened by default , what makes you think it is closed ?05:46
victorithat blows goats05:46
macogwsauvin: system settings -> monitor and display05:46
Jack_Sparrownickrud: In firestarter05:46
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Jack_SparrowPelo: wont connect..05:46
victorino seriously swing and swt run like snails on it05:46
nickrudJack_Sparrow, yeah, the policy tab05:47
pete83EchoBinary: check the iso for a MD5SUM match before burning it05:47
EchoBinaryPelo: Pete83: yes i get the install process to start on all CDs, also on all CDs in the middle of it the CD IO stops and causes errors05:47
PeloJack_Sparrow, that may be a problem with the way you setup your email info in the client05:47
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fraserhi guys, i have a TV tuner card in my comp, and i want watch TV on my comp. how do i do it? i know it's possible because SANE can take screenshots of the input05:47
rocketsvictori: can i run AMD64 Ubuntu on my mac?05:47
victorihell jam (an open source jvm, which is a plain interpreter based vm, gets better microbenchmarks than the apple jvm (with JIT)), which is pretty pathetic05:47
EchoBinarypete83: i suspect this is caused by the fact that the server doesnt really have a BIOS05:47
victorirockets: core2 uyes05:48
Jack_Sparrownickrud: I am there.. how do I add policy in that screen?05:48
sauvinI don't have a "system settings" anywhere, either. What the frak?05:48
pete83EchoBinary: oh. that sounds harcore05:48
PeloEchoBinary, check in the forum for installation problems,  it might be covered05:48
rocketsvictori: its brand new05:48
nickrudJack_Sparrow, right click on the middle screen05:48
macogwEchoBinary: could be a messed up disk drive05:48
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rocketsCore 2 Duo 3gb ram05:48
macogwEchoBinary: that gave me issues05:48
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victorirockets: just curious why run ubuntu on that mac?05:48
macogwrockets: what do you do with that much ram?05:48
Bakefywhat is the command that will match the file permissions from one folder to the one i want to change?05:48
macogwvictori: maybe for software freedom because osx is proprietary ;)05:48
victorimacogw: apparently you have not used osx8605:48
victori2gigs of ram here, with 5 gigs swapped out for fun with osx8605:49
Jack_Sparrownickrud: I am there so ip host or network... gmail would be..?05:49
fraseri have a TV tuner card at v4l:/dev/video005:49
macogwvictori: or, if you're me, because you hate Aqua05:49
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rocketsmacogw: I dont NEED that much ram. You're right. But why the hell not.05:49
fraserhow can i view it?05:49
rocketsvictori: why NOT?05:49
nickrudJack_Sparrow, you realize thats for an incoming pop connection, not you going out to get mail?05:49
rocketsvictori: I like Ubuntu.05:49
victorino just wondering, bit a of a pita having two operating systems05:49
xtknightfraser, find  a video/tv program in synaptic05:49
Bakefywhat is the command to change directory access permission?05:49
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macogwvictori: im not even one of those "ill get a mac for the hardware then put on ubuntu" because i cant stand their keyboards either :p05:50
bruenigBakefy, chmod and chown05:50
OvalBakefy: A combination of chown and chmod.05:50
Jack_Sparrownickrud: I havent messed with firestarter in a long time.. just want to be able to send and receive mail with thunderbird05:50
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macogwBakefy: chmod changes read/write/execute, and chown changes who the owner is05:50
Pelofraser,  look up your tvtuner card model and number in the forum  with any luck there is a howto for you ,  and tvtuner in general if not05:50
Bakefythanks everyone05:50
nickrudJack_Sparrow, then don't worry about firestarter, that's not the issue.05:51
chikitahello, what do i do with the gecko-sdk for installing mplayerplugin?05:51
Jack_Sparrownickrud: I double checked the setup line by line in thunderbird..05:51
Bakefyhow do i type it?  "chown /var/www/ westjd"?05:51
nickrudJack_Sparrow, like Pelo mentioned, it's a client setup issue, not a iptables one05:51
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Pelochikita,  ask in #mplayer, they probably know better05:51
rocketsaqua rocks.05:52
chikitaok, tu05:52
bruenigBakefy, chown westjd -R /var/www05:52
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fraserPelo, okay well i managed to VLC to display it, but there's two inoput jacks, an RF and an AV, i want to use the AV05:52
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sauvinI have to be the only ubuntu user in existence who is unable to figure out how to get kde to reveal what resolution it's using.05:52
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wolf-houndwhy does my ubuntu sound not work sometimes?05:52
Pelofraser, I have no idea05:52
GrungebunnyWhen a new version of Ubuntu is released.. is it possible to upgrade the one you currently have installed or will you have to reinstall the new one?05:52
fraserPelo, also, tv tuner does not appear in apt-cache search tvtuner05:52
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wolf-houndmy ubuntu sound isnt working05:53
xtknightfraser, xawtv?05:53
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Pelofraser, I never said anyting about the repos  I told you to look in the forum   www.ubuntuforums.org05:53
sauvinwolf-hound, can you play music cds or view movie dvds at all?05:53
Pelofraser,  you could also ask the ppl in #vlc for help in picking the right input05:53
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kousotuPelo: it workds well, thanks05:53
fraserxtknight, that appears, thankyou05:54
Pelokousotu,  which bit ?05:54
kousotunow if only I could get sound to work...05:54
fraserPelo, thankyou05:54
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macogwsauvin: my friend amy may be popping up shortly to help you05:54
=== Pelo has had enough gratitude, he wants, hard cold cash
fraserPelo, is that channel on this server?05:54
xtknightfraser, i really wish i could hlep you.  i love video but maybe i could help you in the right direction05:54
nextse7enis there an ssh server enabled with fiesty by default?05:54
kousotuPelo: I use NDIS for wifi, and epsxe is working too05:54
Pelofraser, should be,  maybe I hve it wrong05:54
macogwsauvin: if she doesnt (her nick is AmyRose), try #kubuntu05:54
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Pelokousotu,  and the reboot ?05:54
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Ovalnextse7en: Np.05:54
kousotuwas fine05:54
sauvinI didn't know there was a #kubuntu... THANKS.05:54
Ovalnextse7en: *No.05:54
Ashfire908where can i get help with openoffice.org?05:54
xtknightfraser, i dont have a tuner card here.  all i can see is, linux probably has support for it somehow.  dont give u05:55
macogwnextse7en: no05:55
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Ovalnextse7en: "apt-get install openssh-server" to get it.05:55
nextse7enOval, Thank you.05:55
ectospasmanyone know how I can install perldoc?  perl is installed, but when I run perldoc it says I need to install the perldoc package.  apt-get install perldoc don't work05:55
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kousotu"Other operating systems" still shows up at the bottom05:55
fraserPelo, it's #videolan05:55
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Ovalnextse7en: My pleasure.05:55
pete83fraser, have you looked into mythtv?05:55
sauvinAshfire908, it's not on topic, but I gotta ask: what's your OOo problem?05:55
Dr_willis!find perldoc05:55
ubotuFound: libperldoc-search-perl05:55
Pelofraser,  ah there you go05:55
nochhello all . . . i am trying to remove ubuntu from my pc (this one) and install it on my laptop. how do i delete my boot loader and swap partition that Gparted cant delete?05:55
nickrudectospasm, it's perl-doc05:55
Dr_willisectospasm,  i would say. do sme apt-cache searching for the proper name of the package05:55
teiwazso anyone have any ideas how I can nuke and redo gstreamer05:56
kousotunoch: what othe os yougot?05:56
hmmmsomething1is there a way to get rid of multiple partitions? because it seems i have created too many....05:56
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nochi have XP05:56
ectospasmthe proper name SHOULD be perldoc... if it's perl-doc I'll be mad05:56
xtknight!gparted | hmmmsomething105:56
kousotuXP can delee pattions05:56
ubotuhmmmsomething1: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php05:56
Pelonoch,  boot the live cd to delete the swap,  and you'll need to windows repair install to restore your mbr05:56
nextse7enOval, is it ready to go once installed, or will it need to be configured?05:56
hmmmsomething1i'm on vista though05:56
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about internet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
macogwnoch: to replace the original xp bootloader, put in the xp disk and in the repair console on it, run "fixmbr"05:56
kousotuhmmmsomething1: should work on vista too05:56
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Ovalnextse7en: It's ready to go, but for added security I'd personally fine-tune it if you're exposing it to the Internet.05:56
LordDicraniushello everybody :)05:56
nickrudectospasm, don't get mad, just get angry05:56
SmithersHello LordDicranius05:56
kousotuhello LordDicranius05:57
Ashfire908sauvin: in OOo Base, i get to the end of making a form in the form wizard, but it doesn't do anything if i click finish, and there is no create button.05:57
macogwhmmmsomething1: there's a GParted Live CD05:57
nochi cant boot into XP, my boot loader is messedup, i can only boot with my bootCD05:57
ectospasmnickrud:  I take crazy pills, so...05:57
macogwAshfire908: i think that's it05:57
LordDicraniusanybody found a good music notation alternative for linux? :-\05:57
nextse7enYou guys would laugh if you knew what I was trying to do, I'm trying to get a remote session of X to run on a 15 year old Mach Unix box, do I can browse with it.05:57
kousotunoch: what you mean?05:57
sauvinOh, I can't help with forms :(05:57
Pelonoch,  googl for windows repair install , and foloow the instrucgtions carefully05:57
GauntletPelo, created the partitions using gparted, but still unable to get past 7% on partitioner... anything I missed? partitioned a 8GB ext3, 2GB linux-swap, and a 9GB or so ext3 for the rest of the HD05:57
nickrudectospasm, good reason to stick with angry then :)05:57
macogwAshfire908: i use Neo Office (OOo for Mac) at work and after you make a form and can see it, it's there. just save05:57
LordDicraniusa good music notation alternative for Finale is the only thing that's keeping one of my friends from making the switch...05:57
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pete83LordDicranius: just for making sheet music, or with sound like cakewalk?05:57
kousotuthe linux partion is still active?05:57
PeloGauntlet,  did you make them one by one ?05:58
macogwAshfire908: oddly, you dont have to save after adding to the db through the form, which i dont quite understand05:58
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LordDicraniuswould like sound playback, just like midi05:58
ectospasmnickrud:  mad == angry in the context in which I used it05:58
PeloGauntlet,  I mean make one , apply it , then mak the other , etc05:58
Ovalnextse7en: It's a worthy task.  Is that GNOME you're running, or are you going for something lighter?05:58
pete83LordDicranius: I think Rosegarden is one possibility05:58
macogwyeah i think rosegarden does midi playback05:58
LordDicraniuspete83: hmm, haven't tried that one yet05:58
macogwi havent used it like 9 months05:58
nochmy insall was complicated, but my XP is still there. i cannot boot into windows due to a messed up bootloader. i just want to delete my bootloader and my swap partition and start fresh05:59
LordDicraniusI tried Denemo and NoteEdit, didn't like those :-\05:59
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nextse7enI'm actually running Nextstep on top. Oval.05:59
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macogwnoch: to reinstall xp's bootloader, put in your xp cd05:59
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macogwnoch: go to its repair console and type "fixmbr"05:59
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LordDicraniusthanks for the recommendation pete83.  Imma go install it on a spare PC real quick and give it a trial run :-)05:59
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pete83LordDicranius: before you install Rosegarden, you will need to set up timidity++ as a midi sythesizer server... make sure to follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo05:59
knoppixI cant seen to get the copy to install06:00
nextse7enOval: Nextstep 3.3 with y2k patch.06:00
Ashfire908macogw, but it doesn't make the form. it beeps at me if i try to click on the form, and when i click the finish button, noting happens. the wizard stays open.06:00
LordDicraniusthanks pete83 :)06:00
macogwAshfire908: oh...lemme try06:00
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nochmacogw: why cant i just delete it from my command line06:00
Gauntletone at a time, applying in between06:00
nextse7enOval: On a 35mhz motorolla architecture.06:00
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PeloGauntlet,  when you say the partitioner doesn'T get pass 7% do you mean the installer ?  because once you'Ve pre partitionned before installing wen you get the the partition stuff,  select manual , skip the partitioner bit go straight to where you specify what partitions to use,  do not reformat the swap or the /home one,  but / will need to be formated,    that shoudl have cut down the on any partitionning to be done06:00
knoppixcan i just install straight from a website?06:00
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PeloGauntlet, use my nick when talking to me please it makes it easier to follow06:01
ubernochok back06:01
Ovalnextse7en: Hah, that's crazy.06:01
macogwnoch: im talking about putting back XP's bootloader, the original one.  right now, GRUB is on the master boot record of the drive.  to get rid of GRUB, you have to put XP's back06:01
Pelo!install | knoppix  I think you can, check here06:01
ubotuknoppix  I think you can, check here: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate06:01
Jack_SparrowPelo: Silly me... I had not clicked save settings in gmail after enabling pop06:01
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kousotuPelo: where can I find Mp3 and MP4 codecs?06:01
PeloJack_Sparrow, yes sillly you06:01
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macogwAshfire908: did you use design form or wizard?06:01
fraserpete83, nope i haven't, i shall though06:01
knoppixwhere i dont see a link06:01
ubernochnow i just need to find where i put my xp cd . .06:02
Pelokousotu,  go in synaptic, and install all the gstreamer 10 stuff,  that shoud cover everthing06:02
nextse7enOval: The Mach os and nextstep are actully pretty amazing, WAY ahead of thier time. Some parts of it feel more advanced than fiesty.06:02
macogwkousotu: go to add/remove and find the ubuntu restricted extras, install that and you should be good06:02
magenextse7en: BeOS > NeXt06:02
GauntletPelo, I'll doublecheck, but I don't remember there being a option to manually choose, just a next button06:02
teiwazis there any way I can wipe and redo gstreamer?06:02
mageactually never used next ;)06:02
teiwazI've tried clearing the cache06:02
macogwnextse7en: yeah but they have that darned menus-outside-the-windows thing.....bleh06:02
=== macogw hates universal menu bar
GauntletPelo, I'll check though06:02
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Ashfire908macogw, there's another bug in the wizard. i'll try after i get all the updates installed. this is the first i've been able to get online with this computer06:02
teiwazbut like any time I try to do somehting with gst06:03
Ovalnextse7en: It looks that actually.  I'm getting nostalgia though, even in spite of the fact that I haven't used it.06:03
GrungebunnyIn this gaim program that comes with Ubuntu is there a method to the different colored nicks?06:03
PeloGauntlet,  when I talk about pre partitionning,  I mean before you ht the install icon,  goto menu > system > admin > gnome partition editor and do it there06:03
magemacogw: universal menu bar would be great for keyboard06:03
macogwAshfire908: maybe try using design view instead of wizard06:03
teiwaz"I get a "error initializing: Error rescanning registry"06:03
nextse7enmage, macogw: It takes some getting used to, thats for sure.06:03
macogwmage: not the way OSX does it06:03
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Ashfire908macogw: wizard06:03
teiwaz"child terminated by signal"06:03
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knoppixi get about half way through the install and it freezes up. i dont know how to set up the partitions to use all of my hd either06:03
Peloknoppix,  will ubuntu be the only os on that hdd ?06:04
knoppixive tried two different versions 206:04
macogwnextse7en & mage, on OSX, not everything has keyboard shortcuts. the ones that don't, you cant access by doing something like alt+f for File06:04
knoppixthats what im shootin for06:04
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jerkface03does anyone know how i would create a new user in ubuntu? and to give that user access to development tools like gcc/gdb/etc..?06:04
magemacogw: press alt, then down06:04
teiwazanyone?  bueller?06:04
macogwmage: will try at work on monday06:04
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knoppixthis knoppix works fine06:05
chikitawhere do i get gthread?06:05
Dr_willisjerkface03,  any new user will have access to those  - if they are installed.06:05
pete83jerkface03: system>>administration>>users and groups06:05
macogwmage: i still think Address Book is the only nice thing about OSX06:05
jerkface03pete83: server edition06:05
Peloknoppix,   in the deskopt,  under menu < system > admin > gnome partiton editor,  make each partition individualy,   5-10 gig for / (ext3),  2xram for /swap ( linuxswap) the rest for /home (ext3)06:05
jerkface03Dr_willis: ya i think i already installed them06:05
magetrying OSX for longer than five mins is still on my todo list06:05
xtknightis it possible to get a video transport stream from a firewire device such as a motorola pvr, in linux?06:05
GauntletPelo, thats where I did the partitioning, because after selecting the keyboard settings, the partioner part of the install stalls, and I never get to asking how I want to partition06:05
pete83jerkface03: man adduser?06:05
macogwmage: ive been using it at work for 2 months and i hate it06:05
kousotuPelo: ty06:05
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jerkface03pete83: i have to run it thru sudo right?06:05
pete83jerkface03: yeah06:06
macogwmage: though now im starting to see why people like integration....dragging names to your calendar is handy i guess06:06
Ovalmacogw: It depends entirely on what you do.06:06
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crazymanweird problem, if i click on switch user my laptop mousepad stops working is this a common bug06:06
PeloGauntlet,  where it asks where you want to intall, yiou get  on a complete hdd,  largest available space and manual,  pck manual06:06
macogwmage: i still dont like having things so dependent upon each other though.  if one screws up the rest could too....06:06
macogwmage: i like the unix "do ONE thing, and do it well" idea06:06
knoppixpelo i am using knoppix now06:06
GauntletPelo, I'm not even getting to that part06:07
PeloGauntlet,  are you on the live cd now ?06:07
chikitahow do i get the gthread package?06:07
Pelodo you know how to take a screenshot ?06:07
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PeloGauntlet, do you know how to take a screenshot ?06:07
macogwOval: avoid mice as much as possible.  shun Photoshop in favor of the GIMP which requires installing X11 separately and then is all silly about how hiding works06:07
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krammerwhat do u guys think of the hacking 9 live cd?06:07
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macogwkrammer: never tried it06:07
pete83Pelo, that's child's play06:07
macogwkrammer: thought about it, but i think i decided the mag cost too much06:07
GauntletPelo, I do in XP, and if its the same, I can06:07
crazymanweird problem, if i click on switch user my laptop mousepad stops working is this a common bug06:07
macogwcrazyman: yes06:08
magehacking 9?06:08
hmmmsomething1alrightm, i think that i got all my partitions back in order :)06:08
crazymanmacogw is there a fix?06:08
krammeri didnt pay for the cd06:08
kousotuGauntlet: applications > accessories06:08
macogwcrazyman: hit ctrl alt f7 to go back to the first session, then ctrl alt f9 to go back to the 2nd one, and it should start working again, i think06:08
PeloGauntlet, ok meet me in #pelo, I'll do a little hand holding and walk you all the way through it06:08
kousotuscreenshot is there06:08
macogwcrazyman: its a workaround...06:08
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mageoh script kitty cd06:08
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Ovalmacogw: It is pretty apparent that it is not for you then.06:08
hmmmsomething1but now i have 20.73GB of free space that idk what to do with? am i supposed to put it in a drive?06:08
macogwmage: no, it's hackin9....as in the 9 is the g06:08
pete83Pelo, same as Windows XP, you take your camera in front of the computer...06:08
crazymanlol thats so random06:08
macogwOval: yeah06:08
GauntletPelo and kousotu, thx06:08
orbstrahey I keep getting an ALERT exim paniclog /var/log/exim4/paniclog has a non zero size, mail system possibly broke... and the mail system is actually broken06:09
dstadulispete83 lol06:09
Pelopete83, lol06:09
Ovalmacogw: I'm not happy with what a pain it can be to use OSS in Mac OS either.06:09
PeloGauntlet,  meet me in #pelo please06:09
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macogwOval: and to think i considered getting one of those before i found ubuntu!  after i realized "oh yeah...i dont actually know how to use a mac" i decided it wasnt worth spending 2x the money on06:09
Ovalmacogw: But for proprietary stuff, and the 3rd party apps the Mac has, they suit my daily productivity well.06:09
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kousotuyw Gauntlet06:09
macogwOval: i dont use anything proprietary except java and flash06:09
ChrisF-Greetings.  Anybody installed WoW in Ubuntu using wine?06:09
macogwOval: thatd require not being a cheapskate student ;)06:10
macogwChrisF-: plenty of people have06:10
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desertcOval: I'm glad I don't use the term '3rd party apps', since I started using Ubuntu.06:10
macogwChrisF-: which is to say i know it works, so dont go thinking "linux is bad with games and i like WoW so i'll keep an xp partition"06:10
cmlalexI'm looking for someone who can help me set up a built-in sound card06:10
Ovalmacogw: I'm actually so in love with Ubuntu that I kind of want to run only Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro.  Problem being, there's  a lot I'd miss about the Mac, and it feels like a waste of perfectly good money.06:10
ChrisF-the problem I'm having is that it loads up and gets to the part when I have to put the second CD in.  When I go to eject the CD though, it says the application won't let you eject06:10
ChrisF-Oval:  it would be.06:11
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pete83 ChrisF-:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft06:11
macogwOval: address book is the only thing i miss from osx.  i want to write an address book for linux that uses a similar gui06:11
Adrian_Anconacmlalex, private me06:11
cmlalexwill do06:11
macogwOval: and links people in the same household so you dont type the address repeatedly, ditto on people who are coworkers06:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvds - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:11
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:12
OvalChrisF-: But it's quality hardware though.  I'd like to see Ubuntu run on that, seeing how it tends to jump into all of my old computers.06:12
macogwOval: that part being something i thought of because of having 2 reps at one vendor and then requested by a friend when i mentioned i wanted to06:12
=== [MMO] Marlo [n=chris@cpc1-stre2-0-0-cust122.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
[MMO] MarloI've had so many problems today...06:13
[MMO] MarloAnyone know how to fix the mic capture problem?06:13
desertc[MMO] Marlo: :(  That's sad.06:13
desertc[MMO] Marlo: No problem here.06:13
[MMO] MarloI've tried so many things...06:13
desertc[MMO] Marlo: I bet your mic is muted.06:14
Ovalmacogw: One other thing that I'd miss about the Mac is the wonderful interface it has.  I'm not completely satisfied with GNOME's "keep it simple," but they just seem to get it right at Apple.  Then I'm talking about the System Preferences.06:14
Dr_willisIve never though apples interface was that wonderfull.. seemed i had to work harder to get things done with it..06:14
ChrisF-just run Ubuntu in Paralells on the macbook pro06:14
crazymanmacogw that worked but its a pain, no other ideas to fix it?06:14
Dr_willisbut im OLD-Skool. :)06:14
Dr_willisgive me a xterm + mc !06:15
macogwOval: i wanted to use GNOME from Fink in X11 on the mac06:15
macogwcrazyman: im sorry, what was the problem again?06:15
[MMO] MarloNahh my mic isnt muted...06:15
desertc[MMO] Marlo: Have you looked in your alsa-mixer yet?06:15
crazymanmacogw when you switch users the mouse stops working06:15
nochmacogw: to restore my windows mbr, from the command line?06:15
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OvalChrisF-: I actually run VMWare fusion.  I don't like the speed of VM.06:15
macogwOval: the mac at work is bearable because most of my time is spent in Terminal ssh-ing or ftp-ing or both to the web server, and the 90% of the rest is in GIMP06:15
OvalChrisF-: To its defense, it's still in beta.06:16
knoppixcan anyone tell me how to download a full iso image through knoppix?06:16
macogwcrazyman: no, sorry. its an outstanding bug, possibly with resource allocation in X11, that i hope will be fixed in Gutsy06:16
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desertc[MMO] Marlo: type "amixer" at your prompt and look for anything that says 0%06:16
macogwnoch: you have to boot from the windows disk to do that06:16
nochi did06:16
macogwnoch: then type "fixmbr"06:16
nocho ok06:16
[MMO] MarloOK :)06:16
Ovalmacogw: Then again, Apple's Terminal.app sucks.06:16
knoppixi am trying to get ubuntu to work06:17
crazymanmacogw im kinda of new to this, is gutsy the new release? and when is it coming out06:17
macogwnoch: find the console in it...im sorry i dont know what menu options or whatever to use06:17
macogwcrazyman: oct 1806:17
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:17
Ovalmacogw: You'll enjoy iTerm if you dont have it already.06:17
desertccrazyman: september06:17
macogwOval: all i ever see of it is "ssh colbyframe@hudson.dreamhost.com" :P after that i see the debian terminal on the server06:17
macogwdesertc: no, oct 1806:17
desertcmacogw: but I want it sooner!!06:18
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macogwdesertc: theyre always april and october, except when dapper was pushed back06:18
desertcmacogw: okay - thanks for enlightening me06:18
OvalI can't wait for new X.06:18
pete83[MMO] Marlo:what program are you recording in, anyways?06:18
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knoppixcan ne1 help please?06:18
macogwdesertc: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=h8nhc87h6h195lqj8i4l2jka90%40group.calendar.google.com06:18
OvalImproved X support is exactly what Ubuntu needs right now.06:19
macogwdesertc: FOSS release dates, conferences, etc.06:19
macogwdesertc: obviously not finishe06:19
desertcmacogw: oh man, that's sweet06:19
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macogwOval: bulletproof X!06:19
macogwdesertc: i just started working on it a few days ago, so theres only like 8 things in there06:19
pete83knoppix: are you saying you don't have any OS installed right now, but all you have is 1 live cd?06:19
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desertcmacogw If you send me your email address, I will give you some more dates.06:20
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macogwdesertc: i was just gonna suggest that06:20
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bzak2how can one scan for a new USB device?06:20
knoppixpete:i have 2 ubuntu cds 6.06.1 and 7.04 and knoppix06:20
bzak2Ubuntu doesn't seem to be picking up my phone?06:20
macogwbzak2: lsusb will list them all06:20
bzak2thanks! ):06:20
_Sparks_Question - I am using VM ware with XP.  I would like to print from XP in vmware to my printer on the Unbunto side.  Any ideas of how?06:21
macogwbzak2: if theres nothing listed, you could have a bad cable or need to turn the phone on06:21
pete83knoppix: so why do you need to download an iso then?06:21
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[MMO] MarloOK went to alsamixer and turned everything up, still not working =(06:21
yigenjinmacogw, fdisk -l06:21
knoppixknoppix works fine the other 2 cd freeze up every time i try to install or update06:21
macogwbzak2: if its listed but doesnt do anything, then there's more questions to ask06:21
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cmlalexcould someone help me set up my sound card drivers, please?06:21
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macogwNonOEM: eh. he said usb..06:21
nochhey . . . i fixed my mbr, and i rebooted and it said 'reboot and select proper boot devide or insert boot media in selected boot devide and press a key'06:21
pete83knoppix: so you want the alternate install cd?06:21
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knoppixi guess if it will work06:22
bzaksis there any reason that ubuntu would not be listing a device  on the desktop that lsusb can ID?06:22
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nox-HandHow would I ls all packages on my system in a lineup so I can just do an apt comman to reinstall them on another system?06:22
knoppixbut pete83 i cant download a whole iso image with knoppix it keeps telling me there is no more space06:22
Pelonoch,  make sure your hdd is selected as thefrist boot device in the bios06:22
cmlalexcould someone help me set up my sound card drivers, please?06:23
nochpelo: it is06:23
Pelobzak2,  because they are not mounted06:23
Dr_willisnox-Hand,  i saw just such a example today in the 'ubuntu  hacks' book :)06:23
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teiwazanyone here real good with gstreamer06:23
bzaksI thought Ubuntu Automounted USB devices06:23
Pelonoch, windows repair install06:23
Pelogoogle it06:23
pete83knoppix: use qtparted in knoppix to partition your hard drive, and then make a partition, and mount it, and then download the iso to that partition06:23
Peloteiwaz, wrong kind of quesiton,  state the actual problem06:23
Dr_willisnox-Hand,  a little script makes a list of all installed packages, ya then pipe to another script that uses xargs and installs them on the 2nd box.06:23
teiwazgstreamer is dead06:24
nochi did that, just repaired my mbr after i deleted ubuntu06:24
Pelobzak2,  what kind of usb device is it ?06:24
teiwaz"error re-scanning registry, child terminated by signal"06:24
teiwazanything using gstreamer doesn't work06:24
teiwazI've tried clearing cache06:24
Peloteiwaz,  while doing what ?06:24
macogwDr_willis: i think he wants the little script that makes the list06:24
teiwazuninstalling and reinstalling, etc06:24
knoppixwhere do i find qtparted?06:24
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bzakspelo: it's a cell phone06:24
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teiwazthat error message happens with any of the gstreamer commands (gst-inspect-0.10, etc)06:24
FDkrewhello all06:24
dormilonHello :-) Anyone who could help me with "changing screen resolution"?06:25
Peloknoppix,  qparted is the kde version of parted, you can get it in synaptic06:25
pete83knoppix: try going to a terminal and typing qtparted ..... it might come with knoppix06:25
Pelobzak2,  does it work as a flash drive ?06:25
macogwdormilon: do you have intel graphics and want to know how to get higher than 1024x768?06:25
bzaksapparently not, but I'm supposed to just be able to put music on it06:25
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Pelodormilon,  menu > system > prefs > screen resolution06:25
FDkrewdid u mount the flash drive?06:25
dormilonyes. macogw06:25
teiwazI'm trying to run programs like amarok, banshee, etc though06:26
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PeloFDkrew,  I wasN'T talking to you,  ( noting personnal )06:26
dormilonOops. not intel. But still want to go higher that 1024x76806:26
knoppixpete83 this is what it saysarning: Unable to open /dev/hdc read-write (Read-only file system).  /dev/hdc has been opened read-only.06:26
knoppixWarning: Unable to open /dev/hdf read-write (Read-only file system).  /dev/hdf has been opened read-only.06:26
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pete83Pelo: fine then, i wasn't talking to you06:26
_Sparks_Dormilon look in your private chat window for help on res06:26
john__hey all!06:26
Peloteiwaz,  look it up in the forum is all I can tell you06:26
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teiwazI've tried06:27
Pelopete83,  how many nicks do you hve ?06:27
pete83Pelo: one, why?06:27
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teiwazI've also googled my a$$ off06:27
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dormilonI did it so, but it shows only up to 102406:27
pete83knoppix: why does it say that? when you type qparted?06:27
nox-HandDr_willis: The thing is, I borked up this system 100% and cant be bothered to fix it. I have done a complete tar of /home and I will then copy it to another PC for storage. Then once I have the list of apps on my PC I can use that to oadd then when installing the next system on this PC06:27
nox-HandDr_willis: Any ifea how?06:27
pawanwine jet audio cannot acces files and directories from other partition06:27
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pete83Pelo: how many do you have?06:27
[MMO] Marloi keep getting sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 1000, should be 006:27
[MMO] Marlo returned to me in the terminal :(06:27
knoppixi dont know06:28
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pete83knoppix: did you type "qtparted" at a terminal?06:28
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john__i'm new to Ubuntu (and linux in general). it's pretty cool06:28
nox-Hand_Sparks_: Could you *please* not use CAPS? :)06:28
Paddy_EIREPelo, you there..?06:28
knoppixpete83 i am completely new to linux and dont know much of anything bout it06:28
BlainNjohn -- yes, it is.06:28
GothCloudCapsy mr.06:28
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Pelojohn__, welcome tothe madhouse06:28
Dr_willisnox-Hand,  sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep '[[:space:] ] install$' | awk '{print $1}' > package_list06:28
GothCloudCaps lock is for hamsters06:28
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PeloPaddy_EIRE,  yes I am but I am hidding06:28
Dr_willisnox-Hand,  cat package_list | xargs sudo apt-get install06:28
knoppixpete83 yes i did and that error message appeared06:29
Paddy_EIREPelo, I have still got the same problem although a little more info06:29
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pete83knoppix: ok, this time type "sudo qtparted"06:29
=== The_Wiseguy [n=jerome@c210-49-178-171.mckinn1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
john__i'm a software engineer major and i've wanted to dabble in linux in general (ubuntu especially)06:29
PeloPaddy_EIRE,  you'lll have to refresh my memory,  I have a tendency to help several ppl at once and I get confused06:29
The_WiseguyCan somebody help me please06:30
nox-HandDr_willis: You are my hero! :D06:30
pawanhow to access file and folders from other partition using wine06:30
Pelojohn__,  it's a lot of fun,  would you like a few starter links to get you going ?06:30
GothCloudI have a question...06:30
BlainNThe_Wiseguy -- what have you got?06:30
desertcjohn__: How is it going for you so far?06:30
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pete83BlainN: not fast enough06:30
dormilonyes Sparks, I do not know hot to go private06:30
Paddy_EIREPelo, it says in the diagnostic output when it fails to start X 'unknow input device cursor in serverlayout'06:30
PeloGothCloud, care to share it with the group ?06:30
BlainNI tried.06:30
desertcjohn__: You might consider joining your local linux users group06:30
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GothCloudCan I run Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 in wine, so I can use Vista in a virtual PC, and Ubuntu is my primary OS?06:31
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PeloPaddy_EIRE,  what was the original problem please I donT' remember what you are trying t fix06:31
tom_Is anyone aware of a mini howto setup jack on a realtime smp 2.6.20 kernel on ubuntustudio?06:31
desertcGothCloud: Just use Windows in VMware06:31
SeveredCrossCan someone tell me why my screen gets badly discolored sometimes?06:31
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john__linux or my major? in major i have a 3.95 and i've had an internship all summer. i start my sophomore year in a few weeks. as for this attempt at linux, it's all been great - no issues thus far! :)06:31
Paddy_EIREPelo, oh sorry, X wont start06:31
Dr_willisnox-Hand,  that stuff came from the 'ubuntu hacks' book :)06:31
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FDkrewtest. cant see my text06:31
GothCloudI like M$ VPC2K7 better...06:31
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pete83GothCloud: no, there are better options for linux. Use VMware06:32
PeloGothCloud,  no wine isnt for os, I think you will need a virtual machine ,  like vmware06:32
_Sparks_dormilon --- click on system and then preference ... if in on the list06:32
SeveredCrossI think it's a problem with my fglrx driver but I purged the driver and reinstalled X and all that stuff and it persisted.06:32
Paddy_EIREPelo, I did the reconfigure of xorg.conf and reinstall of both ati and fglrx drivers06:32
Paddy_EIREPelo, to no success06:32
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FDkrewtrying to install beryl?06:32
PeloPaddy_EIRE, ok , but I have no idea what that error msg means,  did you try searching for it in the forum ?06:32
sauvinPaddy, what is the problem again, please?06:32
Paddy_EIREsauvin, X suddenly got borked06:33
sauvinCan I get "borked" in more elaborate form?06:33
BlainNbork bork bork06:33
GothCloudWell, can wine run Microsoft Virtual PC?06:33
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knoppixpete83: it did pull qtparted now im messin with that, thanks for that im sure i will have more questions thoough06:33
PeloPaddy_EIRE, I've given you as much as I can on this,  I donT' think I can realy be of any further assistance06:33
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john__i love coding, but i also have a personal goal to one day own my own business - preferably something software related. i'd love to learn and eventually develop applications for ubuntu/linux, but i have one pitfall: i understand ubuntu/linux is all about free (as in speech and beer), so how do i create a business model that'll be equally satisfactory?06:33
FDkrewsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg   try this to reconfig ur xorg06:34
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ectospasmjohn__:  I work for a company that produces GPL software, and turns a profit06:34
sauvinjohn_, most folks who make a living with linux do so through contract support.06:34
BlainNYou can write commercial software for ubuntu/linux06:34
ectospasmjohn__:  of course, this is also a hardware company06:34
_Sparks_What is the url for the ubuntu forum?06:34
pete83knoppix: i'm glad that is working. As long as you save to a partition on your real hard drive and not just your RAM like before, you should not run out of space06:34
Pelojohn__,  sell support06:34
ectospasm_Sparks_:  http://ubuntuforums.org06:35
ectospasm_Sparks_:  off the top of my head, that may be wrong06:35
GothCloudde de de06:35
GothCloudIll ask elsewere06:35
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Pelobut john__  this is hte support channel and you are a bit offtopic, maybe #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place for those inquiries06:35
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john__hardware companies i can see offering open source software and making a profit - in fact, it makes sense. selling support... well, i just wish there was something more than just that, especially since i strive for intuitive practices (in theory, support should be hardly necessary)06:36
charlie_cni upgrade from edgy to feisty?06:36
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BlainNjohn__ I like that world you're talking about.  Let me know when you find it.06:36
pete83_Sparks_: there is a new up-and-coming website that might help you find it. It's now available at http://www.google.com06:36
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:36
ectospasmjohn__:  you gotta fill a niche with your software products such that no one else can fill them, create demand for your product, and you'll do well06:36
_Sparks_Thanks Pete06:37
IdNotFound!upgrade | chalcedny06:37
ubotuchalcedny: please see above06:37
IdNotFoundchalcedny: sorry06:37
john__blainkN, why? i'm not trying to start a flame war...06:37
IdNotFound!upgrade | charlie_06:37
ubotucharlie_: please see above06:37
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charlie_same as earlier versions?06:37
Pelojohn__,  you can make propriatary software to run on linux,  just know that what ever gpl stuffyou use as a basis needs to remain free,  the propriatary parts needs to be clean06:37
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BlainNjohn__ Not flaming.  I just would like to see any piece of software that required no support.06:37
IdNotFoundcharlie_: should be, i have only updated from 6.10 to 7.04 :P06:37
john__that makes sense06:37
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Patrick__sauvin, sorry I got disconnected06:38
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_Sparks_john__  do you know how to go to a private chat window?  I have messaged you.06:38
charlie_thanx, easythen06:38
Patrick__what did I last tell you sauvin06:38
john__BlainN, you have a good point, but offering support as the core of your business model just doesn't seem ideal to me, that's all i meant.06:38
john__sorry, i'm used to mirc...06:38
desertcjohn__: you can sell support services around Free Software06:39
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FDkrewanyone have any luck with steam source games under wine?06:39
Pelojohn__,  how do you think redhat and canonical are making a buck ?06:39
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sucha215what are people using for a ftp client that can use ssl06:39
desertcjohn__: read eric s. raymond's book06:39
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BlainNjohn__ I just think it's a sign that you're offering a valuable product that's useful to a lot of people ,and some percentage are going to be willing to pay for some handholding or customization.06:39
desertcsucha215: secure copy06:39
john__as somebody mentioned, i am off topic. i can leave and go to the ubuntu-offtopic chat if you guys would rather...06:39
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Pelosucha215, search for ftp in synaptic and read the descriptions06:39
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sauvinPatrick, if you're Paddy, the last thing you said was "it's borked".06:40
desertcjohn__: that would be best - you are going to end up in a long conversation06:40
macogwjohn__: its only about free speech, not the beer part.  really, you can make money on doing things like Cedega and ELive does.  it's open source, but you pay if you want a precompiled *stable* easy to install binary.  if you really want to go through the extra trouble  of compiling it from CVS, then you dont pay.06:40
Pelojohn__,  it's a bit of a busy channel here , with all the free support and all, we's appreicaite it06:40
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macogwjohn__: plus, if you're not incorporating anything already GPL'd into it, you dont need to release code06:40
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Pelomacogw,  it's the other way around,  free as in beer06:41
macogwjohn__: most of us happily use binary-only Flash plugins from Adobe06:41
capitalideaWhen i try to install a script for greasemonkey on the latest firefox I click the install button but nothing happens06:41
capitalideaabsolutely nothing happens06:41
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macogwPelo: what?06:41
macogwPelo: FOSS is about the speech one, not the beer one06:41
capitalideaAMD64 Feisty, latest greasemonkey and latest firefox06:41
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capitalideaany advice?06:41
john__macogw: i was thinking of doing something with a closed core (non gpl, of course) and an open api to offer the customizability that so many people seem to crave06:41
pete83macogw: hah, we'll even more happily move to Gnash as soon as possible06:41
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fraserguys, i have managed to get TVTIME to show me the composite input in my TV tuner card, but it's black and white and there's not much quality06:42
macogwpete83: well yes, becaus Adobe's crashes firefox :p06:42
Pelocapitalidea, maybe you can try asking in #firefox , they might know better06:42
macogwpete83: and we cant fix it because its closed. but if it closed and doesnt act stupid, then meh06:42
capitalideaMaybe :/06:42
john__so #ubuntu-offtopic then? thanks for the initial support with that, and i'll return to here if i have any specific ubuntu related issues :-)06:42
capitalideaprobably not06:42
sauvinThe Adobe flash plugin crashes firefox?06:42
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BlainNI've never used greasemonkey, so I don't know anything about it.06:42
john__actually, before i go, i do have a question06:42
macogwsauvin: for some people06:43
_Sparks_John__ There is a lot to start a technology based business, it is in the same as even 10 years ago.06:43
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_Sparks_in = not06:43
sauvinYMMV. I had really rotten luck with the flash-nonfree plugin and worse luck with gnash.06:43
_Sparks_Sorry I am getting tired.06:43
desertcsauvin: seems to be the case.  looking forward to the Gnash plugin released in Gutsy06:43
macogwsauvin: not always, but i know some very flash-intensive sites will make firefox freeze for me06:43
Patrick__sauvin, when X fails to start it gives that error output screen which says unknown input device 'cursor' in serverlayout06:43
Dr_willisgreasemonkey and platypus are one of the first firefox extensions i always install. :)06:43
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KurisutofuaaAnyone know of any good tools for working with wine?06:43
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fraserdoes anyone know which television standard is used in australia? there's option like pal-nc pal-60 NTSC SECAM06:43
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john__in firefox, under the Tools menu, what happened to the Options selection (such as to change the settings)?06:43
BlainNI use flashblock, so I don't get a lot of flash that I don't know I want.06:43
PeloKurisutofuaa,what do you mean ?06:44
macogwsauvin: actually, my firefox just might hate my cousin's psycho-religious bullcrap as much as i do, because when i think about it, it only does that on his site06:44
Patrick__Kurisutofuaa, wine-doors is getting much better06:44
IdNotFoundKurisutofuaa: I read about wine-doors the other day... it is still pretty new, but should be quite an interesting tool for the future06:44
pete83john__: sure, you CAN develop commercial software for linux... but most personal linux users want Free and open source software. Also, if your business develops custom software for large corporations, they can pay your business to write custom GPL software for them that (legally) steals tons of code from other projects (say, a version of openoffice with tons of company-related features)06:44
sauvinmacogw, LOL06:44
desertcjohn__: Edit -> Pref06:44
sauvinUm... a cursor isn't an input device AFAICR06:44
macogwsauvin: i like how beryl makes the window dark to warn me that firefox is about to go nuts06:45
Patrick__sauvin, yeah I know but how would that have even got there06:45
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john__thanks desertc!06:45
sauvinI can't use beryl because my card doesn't support 3d acceleration :\06:45
tom_howto setup jack on a realtime smp 2.6.20 kernel on ubuntustudio?06:45
sauvinPatrick, don't know. Why don't you run off to #kubuntu and ask how to reconfigure X?06:45
pppoe_dudewhere can i download keyboard layouts for the onscreen keyboard?06:45
BlainNjohn__ that's the way it used to be in Windows back in the day.  They moved it to Tools/Options there, but I don't know why the linux version never followed.06:45
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Patrick__sauvin, why kubuntu06:45
Toma-tom_: its in the topic of #ubuntustudio06:46
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macogwsauvin: what card?06:46
sauvinMoment, let me get an exact string...06:46
Patrick__sauvin, I use gnome06:46
pete83BlainN: edit>>preferences is a Gnome standard, for all applications on the desktop06:46
fraseris anyone here familiar with mythtv enough to tell me why the hell is iahve to connect to a server or something just to use it?06:46
john__pete83: i would never morally be okay with "legally stealing" gpl. that's like stealing from charity in my book. on a side note, i guess i should've mentioned i'm most interested in b2b (business-to-business) applications.06:46
KurisutofuaaPatrick__, IdNotFound, I just download it am going to try it out (wine-doors).06:46
macogwsauvin: my old old rage ii is the only card ive seen that wont do beryl so far06:46
macogwjohn__: its not stealing though. thats why the code's out there06:46
tom_toma thanks06:46
macogwjohn__: if you dont close the source, its fine06:46
Toma-tom_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/Feisty06:46
ectospasmfraser:  I'd guess so you can get channel listings06:46
john__oh, not closing the source. sorry, i thought that's what you meant.06:47
Pelofraser,   #mythtv06:47
fraserectospasm, i don't care about that06:47
fraserPelo, thanks06:47
BlainNpete83 -- Okay.  Thanks.  I guess that makes sense.  My knee-jerk would be to use both, but I guess that might confuse some.06:47
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pete83john__: "stealing" isn't really the right word... it's the whole point of the GPL... you can take GPL software and do what you want with it, as long as your software is also GPL06:47
ectospasmfraser:  ask in #mythtv-users06:47
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macogwjohn__: if youre doing it just for a company and not distributing it, it doesnt have to be put out in public either as its not being distributed06:47
ectospasmfraser, Pelo:  #mythtv is for devs06:47
sauvinDamn, I forgot how to get that info... moment...06:47
Pelodormilon,  please talk to me in hte channel I block /msg06:47
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Peloectospasm, my mistake06:47
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macogwjohn__: like if i write some extension for myself, i dont have to show anybody the code to it because it's only for me06:48
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john__i understand. i thought it was implied by "stealing" to use the gpl stuff and close my own source. that's what i'm uncomfortable with. i am, however, fine with using gpl and making my stuff gpl of course :-)06:48
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sauvin  info.product = 'ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE)'  (string)06:48
fraserectospasm, i found that out too late lol06:48
macogwjohn__: no, if you do that we send angry lawyers at you06:49
macogwjohn__: + public shaming06:49
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macogwjohn__: there's a website for listing gpl violators.  Parallels was on the list for a bit06:49
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sauvinWhat might even be worse is if those angry lawyers have MS experience and defected :D06:49
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Dr_willisHmm.. i backed up a lot of stuff.. and some how - the directory structure got made.. but the actual data files dident get copied over.. wonder how  i did that. any ideas? so i DONT do it again?06:49
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Outlanderhi :)06:50
Pelojohn__,  as long as the gpl stuff you use is still available and credited you can write your own stuff that works with it and keep it closed,  you can read the gpl 1 2 and 3 licences to see what the exact restrctitions are06:50
macogwDr_willis: forgot the -r ?06:50
pete83john__: yeah, sorry about using the word "stealing." My point was just, you can get a ton of free code byb writing GPL software, and if you are writing software for a corporation, they probably just see it as extra value that it took you 4 weeks to write them a custom office suite06:50
sauvinDo GPL violators really get taken to court?06:50
Epidemichey, by chance, anyone speak french in here?06:50
john__lol MS claims are funny... i'm by no means a fanboy of any sort, but i always laugh at FUD from MS...06:50
macogwsauvin: sometimes06:50
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macogwsauvin: well, theres the possiblity, i guess06:50
sauvinEpidemic, I do, but this isn't the channel for it.06:50
macogwsauvin: thats why the FSF has lawyers06:50
Pelo!fr | Epidemic06:50
ubotuEpidemic: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:50
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varun0sauvin: http://gpl-violations.org/index.html06:51
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Dr_willismacogw,  i was using mc and smbfuse i think.  missing the -r would not of just grabbed the directory names. and skipped the files.. wondering if it was some odd ownership issue06:51
nhazeI plan migrating an existing linuxbox to ubuntu. I have a few LVM partitions that I would like to keep through the migration. Do I need to do anything with vgexport/vgimport or should the LVM be seamlessly recognized by ubuntu (once i install lvmtools)?06:51
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sauvinAnyhow, does anobody have any news on supporting an ATI Radeon XPress 200M 5955 (PCIE) for 3D hardware acceleration?06:52
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john__well, thanks for the help guys. i'm off to #ubuntu-offtopic to no longer continue to clutter this chat06:52
Dr_willismacogw,  i got dircetorys going 10 levels deep all mirrored fine. :) but not a single actual data file got copied also. :)06:52
desertcizra: hiya06:52
macogwDr_willis: ok yes, weird06:52
reya277How can I get my OpenGL Drivers to work properly06:52
=== Meyvn yawms
Meyvnmorning people!06:52
Dr_willissauvin,  my x200m works on my laptop. the fglrx driver has a few bugs however.06:52
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bluebananawhere is the file location of the gimp executuable? I can't find it in /bin06:53
Pelobluebanana,  possibly /usr/bin06:53
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sauvinDr_willis, yes, I have 2d acceleration, but can't use beryl until 3d is supported.06:53
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defryskbluebanana, /usr/bin/blahblah06:53
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pete83reya277: what are the drivers called, and what is your videocard?06:53
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bluebananaPelo, you're right. Thanx06:54
Dr_willissauvin,  i got 3d with the fglrx stuff. but that thing aint got the power for beryl would be my guess.. not that i plan on using beryl  anyway..06:54
reya277I have the ATI Restricted Dirvers06:54
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bluebananadefrysk, thanks.06:54
=== Pelo is the man
pete83reya277: what, fglrx?06:54
pete83reya277: ok, so what have you done so far?06:54
tom_Toma: That link is only realtime feisty about loading the kernel. I'm needing to setup jack and have tried shotgunning with no success.06:54
reya277display: :0.0  screen: 006:55
reya277OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.06:55
reya277OpenGL renderer string: Radeon X1300/X1550 Series06:55
reya277OpenGL version string: 2.0.6334 (8.34.8)06:55
pete83reya277: in other words, they already work?06:55
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reya277well It seems to be running but no OpenGL functionality or Direct Rendering06:55
macogwreya277: glxinfo | grep direct06:55
reya277 glxinfo | grep direct06:56
reya277Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".06:56
reya277direct rendering: No06:56
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pete83reya277: how about:  glxgears06:56
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macogwreya277: there ya go. you need dri06:56
reya277ok how can do this06:56
macogwreya277:  check that its listed in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the modules06:57
reya277or how can I install DRI06:57
pete83reya277: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:57
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reya277Section "DRI"06:57
reya277Mode         066606:57
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macogwfigures i type vi /etc/X11/corg.xonf06:58
pete83reya277: what about at the start of the file, in section "Module"06:58
macogwreya277: is it also listed in the Modules section?06:58
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macogwoh we both said it06:58
reya277Section "Module"06:58
reya277Load  "i2c"06:58
reya277Load  "bitmap"06:58
reya277Load  "ddc"06:58
reya277Load  "dri"06:58
reya277Load  "extmod"06:58
drone4fourcompiz fusion on ubuntu fucking rox06:58
reya277Load  "freetype"06:58
reya277Load  "glx"06:58
reya277Load  "int10"06:58
reya277Load  "vbe"06:58
Myrtti!pastebin | reya27706:58
ubotureya277: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:58
macogwo its fine06:58
=== otaku [n=otaku@c-24-15-187-230.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jcx87Yeah im using beryl with emerald themes, I love it =)06:59
macogwreya277: on OpenSuSE i had a problem where DRI was in the wrong spot.  i forget how to fix it though.....i think i just hunted around for it06:59
Reincidente---------------(((_ ))_))06:59
Reincidente-------------((( __))_))(( )))_)06:59
Reincidente-----------((_( ))__) )) )__))))06:59
Reincidente-----------//////\\///////////  Jcx8706:59
Reincidente----------////// / \\// ////// que te parta06:59
Reincidente-----------/ //// // /////// oun06:59
Reincidente--------// /// // /\ // ///  RAYO !!06:59
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macogwreya277: if you do glxinfo without the | grep direct, itll tell you where its looking for it07:00
Dr_willisegads.. is kindergarten out all ready?07:00
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charlie_just picked up my kid from kindergarden07:01
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pete83charlie_: type cat child | grep car >> home07:02
reya277is this something I can fix through synaptic07:02
ectospasmpete83:  huh?07:02
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ectospasmpete83:  you're searching for the car inside the child...07:04
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ectospasmand appending the results to your home07:04
binMonkeyhow do i save my system settings in kubuntu?  everytime i shutdown and reboot they go back to default.07:04
=== BlainN chuckles at the visual.
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ectospasmbinMonkey:  how are you shutting down?07:04
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binMonkeyectospasm: shutdown -h now.07:04
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ectospasmbinMonkey:  that's why.  You need to shutdown using the higher-level software method...07:05
charlie_pet83: why07:05
binMonkeyectospasm: it's set up to boot to console.07:05
pete83ectospasm: right you are... because the child has usually swallowed a toy car, and you should ppend that child right back home as soon as possible in such an emergency07:05
reya277I'm still getting the Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".07:05
reya277direct rendering: No07:05
ectospasmpete83:  um, wouldn't you take them to the ER in that case, instead?07:05
reya277how can I fix this07:05
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ectospasmbinMonkey:  well you need to quit KDE properly, don't just kill it07:06
binMonkeyectospasm: do you mean a display manager?07:06
macogwreya277: do just "glxinfo" and pastebin it and ill look at it07:06
pete83ectospasm: yeah, but I was assuming your home is an ER because you're a private doctor who works out of his home07:06
binMonkeyectospasm: i use the logout applet first.07:06
Gimm1eDatI need some help07:06
BlainNGimmleDat -- What do you need?07:06
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=== BlainN was faster that time.
ectospasmbinMonkey:  usually the sessions setting (I use GNOME, not KDE), so I'd look in kcontrol or somewhere where it saves the settings on exit07:07
Jcx87I used a magical program called Envy to install my video card drivers, it worked magic. No need for restricted drivers anymore.07:07
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charlie_can i upgrade from edgy to feistty if i just change sources and update?07:07
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Montarocat school | grep child >> car/home07:07
Montarosorry bit delayed lol07:07
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ectospasmMontaro:  the home is inside the car, then07:07
binMonkeyectospasm: i've been searching for about an hour now.  can't find anythin like that.07:07
reya277Envy? really I bet you have an Nvidia Card07:07
SrbinoTi want ask something07:08
SrbinoTif i can07:08
Montarocat school | grep child >> car &>home07:08
IdNotFoundcharlie_: I believe the tutorials cover that, can't you use the GUI ?07:08
krzeeafter a little playing with my dual boot setup on my macbook pro, i just came to say i am loving ubuntu, and if theres any devs here, thank you =] 07:08
Jcx87Actually I have an ATI radeon07:08
ectospasmbinMonkey:  It may be called sessions...07:08
pete83ectospasm: you're not being very constructive here07:08
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reya277and it worked for you07:08
charlie_don't feel like it just want a yes07:08
Jcx87Yes it did..07:08
reya277wow, lucky you07:08
SrbinoTtell me the commands for create psyBNC on linux in terminal07:08
SrbinoTtell me the commands for create psyBNC on linux in terminal07:08
ectospasmpete83:  to binMonkey?  Yeah, I know... I don't use kubuntu, so I should just shut up07:08
SrbinoTsomeone ?07:08
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pete83ectospasm: lol, no I meant about the child car home script07:09
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kousotu!help | SrbinoT07:09
ubotuSrbinoT: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:09
krzeeSrbinoT: try the man page!07:09
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binMonkeyectospasm: yeah.  i know how to do it in ubuntu but if it's there in kubuntu i'm just missing it.07:09
kousotu!ask | SrbinoT07:09
ubotuSrbinoT: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:09
kousotuthere we go07:09
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kousotuwrong command07:09
SrbinoTi want to create a psyBNC on linux07:09
binMonkeyany kubuntu users here?07:09
SrbinoTand how to start that ?07:10
BlainNbinMonkey -- yes.07:10
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reya277still here macogw07:10
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:10
binMonkeyBlainN: how do i save my desktop settings from boot to boot?07:10
macogwreya277: yes. did you pastebin it?07:10
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kousotubinMonkey: sessions07:10
charlie_anyone beside idnotfound know if i can upgrade edgy to feisty by changing sources and upgrading?07:11
kousotusystem pref. sessions07:11
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macogwreya277: not your xorg, the output of "glxinfo"07:11
BlainNbinMonkey -- I don't know.  I've only run from the CD long enough to do an install, and then it's not an issue.  I don't like running from CDs routinely.07:11
IdNotFoundcharlie_: :P07:11
ectospasmkousotu:  I had suggested that earlier07:11
ectospasmwell, not the path to sessions07:11
BlainNWord on the street is that sessions might be helpful, though.07:11
kousotuwell, I gae it07:11
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SrbinoTi need help here07:11
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pete83reya277: what is the option "OpenGLOverlay" "off"07:11
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:12
BlainNSrbinoT -- Hello.07:12
binMonkeykousotu: sorry if i missed it but i can't find sessions in ANY menu.07:12
SrbinoThello man07:12
SrbinoTcan you help me07:12
n00dl3Hey, ive disabled my pc speaker yet whenever I alt+tab or scroll up in term I hear like this high pitched beep(alt+tab), or constat beep(scrolling). Anyone know how to get rid of this, it's driving me nuts D:07:12
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kousotuSystem > preferences07:12
rodrigoalgum br?07:12
kousotuit's ner the bottom07:12
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BlainNI don't even know what a psyBNC is.  Sorry.07:12
charlie_a simple yes would suffice07:12
reya277macogw was that it07:12
SrbinoTi need help here07:13
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SrbinoTanu body07:13
binMonkeykousotu: lock sessions, right?07:13
BlainNcharlie_ -- Back up your crap and try it.07:13
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SrbinoTi need help here07:13
SrbinoThelp me07:13
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kousotuSrbinoT: shut up07:13
BlainNI just clicked the pretty boxes when it asked me to upgrade to Feisty.07:13
charlie_nothing to back up, made it this far from breezy!07:13
contef.Trying to compile from source, apache 2.2.4 and receiving error:  configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables07:14
thavornhow to add launcher to panel for feisty fawn ppc07:14
SrbinoTi need help07:14
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pete83SrbinoT: just state your difficulty07:14
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kousotuSrbinoT: obviously, we see that07:14
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BlainNHe did.  He wants to build a psyBNC under Linux.07:14
macogwreya277: thats short07:14
SrbinoTand ... ?07:14
kousotubinMonkey: lemme find a command for you07:14
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SrbinoTtell me the commands07:14
reya277yeah that's all I got07:14
binMonkeykousotu: lock session isn't it.07:15
BlainNI know what the question is, but I don't know what it's talking about.  Anybody else?07:15
SrbinoTthats all i need07:15
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binMonkeykousotu: thanks.07:15
macogwreya277: there's a website with troubleshooting for it. lemme find it07:15
kousotupete83: you know how to open sessions from temina?07:15
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kousotubinMonkey: np07:15
thavorn!share folder07:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about share folder - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:15
BlainNHave you talked to your good friend Google about this, SrbinoT?07:15
pete83kousotu: what do you mean?07:15
echelonatm my laptop has windows installed07:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about filesharing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:15
pawan1audacious problem07:15
echeloni want to reformat my laptop but also this time put ubuntu on so i can dual boot07:15
binMonkeykousotu: do you see a sessions in any menu in your kicker?07:15
SrbinoTand always i had the simple problem07:15
echelonwhich should i install first07:16
pawan1i am adding one particular song it is adding some other song07:16
SrbinoTcan make07:16
kousotupete83: I mean like to open the sessions control07:16
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SrbinoTa psybnc07:16
contefAnyone know why "C compiler cannot create executables"07:16
shamoun_hey all07:16
macogwreya277: http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/DriTroubleshooting07:16
kousotubinMonkey: yes07:16
pete83kousotu: gnome-session-properties07:16
macogwreya277: see if anything there helps07:16
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contefOS=Ubuntu 4.0707:16
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Peloechelon,  assuming you are also clean installing windows,  use the ubuntu live cd to make seperate partitions,  install windows on one first,  then isntall ubuntu on the other, shold be as simple as that07:16
kousotubinMonkey: what pete said07:16
kousotuthanks pete8307:17
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echeloni have one hard drive07:17
echelonbut i have a C: and D:07:17
echelonthis already means i have two partitions ?07:17
rocketsGod Colloquy is so great07:17
BlainNHave you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/psyBNC ?07:17
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shamoun_hmm, i'm trying out the 7.10 release to test compatability for laptop, it has pretty new hardware which i hear works under that release. If I download the iso will it boot like a livecd that i can test first or will i have to install to check compatability?07:18
macogwechelon: D:\ is usually your CD drive07:18
echelonits not07:18
kousotuechelon: what does C and D say?07:18
echelonits hard drive space07:18
Flannelshamoun_: the desktop CD is a liveCD, the alternate CD is only an installer07:18
Peloechelon, yes,  so you can use c for windows and use the space of d for ubuntu,  but alsays install windows first taht way  ubuntu will pick up the extra os during the installation and make  a boot menu accordingly07:18
macogwechelon: then yes, you have 2 partitions07:18
BlainNThen, yes, you have two partitions.07:18
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kousotuechelon: D is your backup partion07:18
macogwechelon: D: may be a restore partition though07:18
macogwBlainN: jinx07:18
Gimm1eDatim having a shit-ton of problems installing ubuntu.. after re-burning the CD (I downloaded it from the "get ubuntu" link) I finally got to the desktop.. after about literally 20 restarts..07:18
LordCthulhuI am a total newb to Linux, I need help07:19
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arooniwhen trying to boot the live cd:  i'm getting a lot of :   end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0.... and Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 007:19
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BlainNLordCthulhu -- with what?07:19
shamoun_echelon, if the machine is an hp computer d: is probably your restore partition and you might not have a physical recovery disk07:19
binMonkeykousotu: sorry guys.  that's not working/07:19
macogwarooni: anything in your floppy drive?07:19
PeloGimm1eDat,  and what do you need to do now ?07:19
aroonimacogw: nope07:19
PeloLordCthulhu,  jsut ask your question if anyone can help they will try07:19
Gimm1eDatI got it to install.. or at least the installer to run.. it ran.. I got through the whole thing i believe.. it dumped me onto the desktop, when I restarted.. i took the CD out and it said "error loading operating system"07:19
kousotubinMonkey: run gnome-session-properties in terminal07:19
LordCthulhuBlainN: Whenever I try to start it up, it gets stuck on a screen that says 'Decompressing Linux... Booting the kernel'. And nothing happens07:19
arooninow i'm gettin gstuff like :  'buffer i/o error on device hda, logical block 293767' .....07:20
arooniare these things normal?07:20
macogwGimm1eDat: can you hit Esc on GRUB when it boots ?07:20
BlainNLordCthulhu -- you might need to tweak some of your display settings.07:20
echeloni dont have an hp07:20
pete83LordCthulhu: I don't think that's supposed to happen07:20
macogwarooni: no...dont think so...07:20
PeloGimm1eDat,  boot the live cd again and run the cd integrity check07:20
macogwarooni: check the cd for errors07:20
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macogwPelo: he could have a fscked menu.lst07:20
Gimm1eDati restarted, with the CD in again.. and tried to goto "start or install ubuntu" and it does one of a few things.. it either errors out with various error codes..  or it gets to the little status bar.. it gets.. 1 50th in and just freezes07:21
BlainNIt might be loading just fine, but your display settings could be keeping the desktop from showing.07:21
thavornI am using ppc for feisty fawn, no right click. any way to add a launch to panel beside right click on panel?07:21
LordCthulhuBlainN: Well to give you some background info my screen is pretty much huge, and it displays everything fine.07:21
Gimm1eDati ran the integrity check one and it got through without any errors07:21
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BlainNIt's not that there's anything wrong with your monitor, just that the default settings might not talk to it properly.07:21
LordCthulhuBlainN: It might be because my PC is very new, it came pre-installed with Vista07:21
shamoun_LordCthulhu, did you burn the disk dao at a slow speed?07:21
Pelomacogw,  can you take care of him I'm needed in another channel07:21
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BlainNThat could have something to do with it.07:21
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macogwPelo: will try07:21
LordCthulhushamoun_: No, I burnt it at 48x speed07:21
Gimm1eDatits a 160gb drive, i gave it all to the ubuntu partition.. do you think that will cause a problem cause of the large drive size?07:21
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charlie_what's integrity?07:21
contefHow does one find version number?07:22
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binMonkeykousotu: i tried and no go.  bash replies:  gsm is gnome client.  session manager does not support gnome extensions.07:22
macogwGimm1eDat: o...yuck07:22
LordCthulhuAlso, the disk drive I have to boot from is a Slave drive, if that is relevant at all07:22
BlainNcontef command -v07:22
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macogwGimm1eDat: no the size wont hurt anything07:22
shamoun_LordCthulhu,try burning it at a slow speed in dao mode, that normally gives me perfect disks, sometimes faster speed disks work but they are slower to read than the ones  that i burn slower07:22
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LordCthulhushamound: OK, I'll try re-writing the disk.07:22
macogwGimm1eDat: on the installed one, can you try hitting Esc on GRUB and then e on the first line and see what its set to?07:22
BlainNcontef where "command" is the command you want the version of.07:22
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charlie_that's not what she said07:23
contefBlainN, Ubuntu version07:23
Retnuhi have a game I am trying to install, it is for Linux, the Read me says to :::"Simply extract the compressed file into a directory and run"::; Which I have extracted it already, but how do I run it07:23
reya277How can I remove multiple versions of libGL.so this is causing my system to act up07:23
ectospasmbinMonkey:  it's not in kcontrol?  er, KDE Control Center?07:23
reya277I should only have 3 yet I have I bunch07:23
Gimm1eDatso, sorry to have to be spoonfed.. I get to the menu that says "Install or start ubuntu".. and you want me to press esc?07:24
reya277reya276@reya276-desktop:~$ locate libGL.so07:24
Gimm1eDatthen type the letter E ?07:24
ectospasmreya277:  don't flood07:24
kousotubinMonkey: you sure you're not on KDE then?07:24
SrbinoTInitializing Menu-Configuration07:24
SrbinoT[*]  Running Conversion Tool for older psyBNC Data.07:24
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:27:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory07:24
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:28:23: error: sys/types.h: No such file or directory07:24
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:29:24: error: sys/socket.h: No such file or directory07:24
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:30:19: error: netdb.h: No such file or directory07:24
IdNotFound!paste | reya27707:24
ubotureya277: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:24
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:31:20: error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory07:24
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:34:20: error: unistd.h: No such file or directory07:24
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:35:19: error: fcntl.h: No such file or directory07:24
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:36:19: error: errno.h: No such file or directory07:24
SrbinoTwhy ?07:24
binMonkeyectospasm: i don't have a menu option for kde control center.07:24
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SrbinoTtell me why07:24
SrbinoTjust thios07:24
ectospasmbinMonkey:  try typing kcontrol from a terminal window07:24
binMonkeykousotu: yes.  i am running kde, Kubuntu.07:24
bzak2Can anyone help me hook up my Chocolate? BitPim doesn't seem to work with it07:25
BlainNcontef -- Ask whoever did the install what version they installed from.07:25
ectospasmSrbinoT:  don't flood07:25
contefHow can one make a Ubuntu system display version number?07:25
SrbinoTpls help me07:25
SrbinoTtell me man07:25
Retnuhi have a game I am trying to install, it is for Linux, the Read me says to :::"Simply extract the compressed file into a directory and run"::; Which I have extracted it already, but how do I run it07:25
kousotutry #kubuntu07:25
SrbinoTi cant create psyBNC07:25
Gimm1eDatbzak2.. chocolate is primarily a verizon phone07:25
ectospasmSrbinoT:  looks like you don't have the standard C library headers installed07:25
SrbinoTand ?07:25
Gimm1eDatyour going to have a hell of a time using anything.. bitpim.. motorola phone tools whatever..07:25
SrbinoTwhat i must to do07:25
Gimm1eDatbecause they lock their phones up pretty tight07:25
bzak2GimmieDat: Yes it is... but it should still work right? I mean it's mounted to ttyACM007:25
Gimm1eDative seen flash's work.. where you have to flash the phone but thats risky07:26
ectospasmSrbinoT:  you need to google for it...07:26
Gimm1eDatyou could brick it just as easyly07:26
SrbinoTand.. ?07:26
reya277can anyone show me how to remove multiple versions of "libGL.so"07:26
BlainNRetnuh,  use './<filename>'07:26
ectospasmSrbinoT:  I'm not sure why Ubuntu doesn't include them...07:26
RetnuhBlainN: Trying now07:26
SrbinoTits mine07:26
BlainNIf that doesn't work, you might need to do 'chmod +x <filename>'07:26
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SrbinoTand i cant create psyBNC07:26
bzak2IS there a tut on flashing it?07:26
reya277it says I should only have 3 files so that my OpenGL drivers work correctly07:26
kousotuectospasm: the headers are in synaps07:27
macogw!paste | SrbinoT07:27
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ubotuSrbinoT: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:27
kousotuat least I thought I saw them07:27
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macogwSrbinoT: that shouldve been at you earlier.07:27
macogwSrbinoT: dunno why reya was targetted07:27
BlainNThey were both flooding at the time.07:27
sp1nterwhere do i goto change the somputer name07:27
SrbinoTi cant create psyBNC07:27
SrbinoTthat i like07:27
SrbinoTjust that07:27
RetnuhBlainN: I tried that and I am trying the exe file right? It says ./thenamehere Permision denied07:28
BlainNRetnuh -- try 'ls -l <filename>'07:28
RetnuhBlainN: K07:28
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bzak2GimmeDat: so chances are that my phone is inusable with linux unless I void the warranty?07:28
Gimm1eDati press escape07:28
BlainNAnd paste the one line that has the file name back here.07:28
contefe.g. other distros will have /etc  /redhat-version  or   /etc/slackware-version etc.    What does ubuntu use ?  [to show version number] 07:29
Gimm1eDatit exits the gui07:29
Gimm1eDatand gets me to text mode07:29
Gimm1eDatim at a boot: screen07:29
macogwBlainN: oh ok i didnt see reya's because it was littler07:29
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Gimm1eDatnow what?07:29
BlainNSad, isn't it.07:29
RetnuhBlainN: It said this:  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 489472 2002-09-09 15:53 <filename>07:29
macogwGimm1eDat: whats it say? PM me if you like07:29
david_anyone know if ubuntu installer copies all kernel modules to hard drive during installation?  I just recompiled my kernel using oldconig and the debian package created was 218MB.  Is all this installed during installation?07:29
macogwGimm1eDat: to avoid flooding that is07:29
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BlainNokay, 'sudo chmod +x <filename>'  then './filename' should work.07:30
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RetnuhBlainN: Trying now07:30
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phrozen77hi - can someone explain me why, after a failed suspend-to-disk, firefox and thunderbird wont start anymore?07:30
phrozen77im really at a loss07:30
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phrozen77google turned up nothing :|07:30
Flannelcontef: lsb_release will list things.  Which gets it's data from /etc/lsb-release07:30
=== BlainN is starting to wonder if the ".exe" comment means what he thinks it means.
LordCthulhuphrozen77: Try reinstalling them07:31
macogwphrozen77: because weird stuff happens?07:31
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phrozen77LordCthulhu, i tried that on an earlier occassion and it didnt work07:31
=== Fructose [n=kent@adsl-75-22-77-156.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwphrozen77: sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox07:31
ectospasmSrbinoT:  try "sudo apt-get install libc6"07:31
aroonihey everyone07:31
phrozen77and no07:31
david_phrozen77: are those processes still running?  d07:31
macogwphrozen77: purge, not just uninstall07:31
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phrozen77i wont go shoot flies with a cannon07:31
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FructoseHow do you extract files from a .bin/.cue?07:31
rocketsFructose: you need AcetoneISO07:31
aroonii finally got ubuntu live cd to boot..... but now i need to fix grub ... before when it was booting up, itd give me an error 17.  i also have the super grub disk.  what should i do?07:32
rocketsFructose: google it, the site has a .deb07:32
RetnuhBlainN: Um, yeah, now it says::  unable to find an interpreter for ./<filename.exe>07:32
david_phrozen77: will those apps start if you reboot?07:32
BlainNIs this a windows program?07:32
macogwRetnuh: why is it a .exe?07:32
phrozen77david_, nope - also, theyre not running07:32
n2diyFructose: from a .bin you don't, I never heard of a .cue07:32
Gimm1eDatis there any advantage to going through the text version of the installer, IE, the non livecd version?07:32
Retnuhmacogw: which one should I try using?07:32
macogwGimm1eDat: more configuration stuff available07:32
ectospasmGimm1eDat:  you can install LVM07:32
macogwRetnuh: something not made for windows07:32
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macogwRetnuh: .exe is a windows program07:33
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david_phrozen77: what happens if you try to run them from the commandline?  do you just get another prompt and nothing happens?07:33
phrozen77david_, firefox starts until the session restore screen07:33
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cbx33Gimm1eDat, often it'll work better on lower end machines07:33
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Fructosen2diy: From a .bin you don't what?07:33
BlainNRetnuh -- if you're trying to run a windows program, you can try running it with wine, and it might work.07:33
aroonii finally got ubuntu live cd to boot..... but now i need to fix grub ... before when it was booting up, itd give me an error 17.  i also have the super grub disk.  what should i do?07:33
cbx33I've had some laptops espcially which can't boot the CD but can run Ubuntu fine once it's installed07:33
Retnuhmacogw: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32579/07:33
macogwFructose: yank bits out07:33
phrozen77but no matter if i choose to restore or start a new session it just does some more on hdd and stops then07:33
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RetnuhBlainN: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32579/07:33
albertHow do I edit my sources list...  what's the terminal comand?07:33
Vsop_vsop_vsop_vhey folks!!07:33
RetnuhHow do I get Wine07:33
macogwRetnuh: so why's it end in .exe?07:33
david_albert: vi /etc/apt/sources.list (as root, or sudo)07:34
n2diyFructose: do what you just asked.07:34
ectospasmarooni:  you never stated your current problem07:34
david_albert: assuming you want to use vi as editor07:34
Nolrozphrozen77 you dont have an Optiplex 320 do you (I missed the beginning of the chat)07:34
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arooniectospasm: oops!07:34
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Gimm1eDatmacogw.. i PM'd you07:34
macogwalbert: you probably want nano, not vi07:34
phrozen77Nolroz, nope, acer extensa 300007:34
Retnuhmacogw: I guess both options are in the folder, I just dont know how to install or what I am looking for to use.... I guess07:34
Vsop_vsop_vsop_vI am looking for the best way to find certin programs ... how does one go about doing this07:34
macogwGimm1eDat: youre not registered so i didnt get it07:34
alberthow to I use nano?07:34
macogwRetnuh: what all is in there?07:34
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albertjust changing vi for nano in the comando?07:34
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Flannelalbert: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list, yeah07:34
david_albert: it's very intuitive. just try it07:34
macogwalbert: it gives directions at the bottom.  just remember that ^ means the ctrl key07:35
macogwalbert: yes07:35
contefFlannel, Thanks07:35
deathbloomsNeed Help with window boarders !07:35
Gimm1eDati just said that when I press escape.. I get to a screen that says boot:07:35
david_albert: yes07:35
aroonii have previously installed ubuntu 7.04... but when i try to boot up normally, grub gives me an error 17.  what should i do to fix this?  right now i have the ubuntu live cd started up.  what should i do next?>07:35
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charlie_flannel sucks07:35
ectospasmdeathblooms:  you've got pirates boarding your windows?  suckage07:35
alberti'll try that07:35
Gimm1eDatand regardless of what i type I get a message that says "could not find kernel image"07:35
BlainN'sudo apt-get install wine'07:35
macogwGimm1eDat: what does it say for like (hd0,1) or whatever?07:35
Fructosen2diy: Are you actually trying to avoid helping? I don't want to waste your time or mine.07:35
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phrozen77david_, running it from the commandline yields the same result - it _is_ still running (ps aux) but just wont finish starting up it seems07:36
Retnuhmacogw: dat exe nfo usr isu dll txt log07:36
aroonii also have the super grub disk07:36
arooniectospasm: is that more clear/07:36
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macogwRetnuh: names of the files please?07:36
Vsop_vsop_vsop_vanyone got a few mins?07:36
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victoriwhat is the unstable branch name for ubuntu? and does it have the sun jdks like debian lenny?07:36
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deathbloomsWindows what you talking about ?07:36
n2diyFructose: you asked a question, and I answered it.07:36
charlie_i got a few hundred mins07:36
macogwvictori: theoretically, "grumpy groundhog" but it doesnt exist07:36
Fructosen2diy: Not well enough for me to understand, unfortunately. Do you mind paraphrasing for me?07:36
Flannelvictori: There is no 'unstable branch', just the upcoming development version.  And youcould check at packages.ubuntu.com, gutsy07:36
BlainNVsop -- Perhaps.  What's your question?07:36
macogwvictori: current unstable is gutsy gibbon07:36
ectospasmarooni:  um... "i also have the super grub disk" doesn't sound like a problem to me, just a mere statement of fact07:36
victorithank you07:36
Gimm1eDatwhat do I type to get that information07:37
ectospasmUnless the "super grub disk" is something I'm not understanding07:37
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victorishould I just go with debian sid?07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:142: error: FILE undeclared (first use in this function)07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:142: error: handle undeclared (first use in this function)07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:143: error: fconfif undeclared (first use in this function)07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:155: error: NULL undeclared (first use in this function)07:37
Flannel!paste | SrbinoT07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:158: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function printf07:37
ubotuSrbinoT: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:37
charlie_waiting for install07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:163: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function exit07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:178: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function sprintf07:37
victoriI pretty much just track debian unstable, works well07:37
ectospasmSrbinoT:  STOP FUCKING FLOODING.  I'd kick you if I could07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:185: error: too many arguments to function convertlists07:37
david_phrozen77: my only guess is that those mozilla apps have some funny behavior when they are interrupted/killed unexpectedly.  I suspect the problem you are having is isolated to just those apps07:37
n2diyarooni: what is a grub 17 error?07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:189: error: too many arguments to function convertlist07:37
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:195: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function printf07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:199: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function fprintf07:37
Flannel!language | ectospasm07:37
ubotuectospasm: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:37
NeVerSafebad SrbinoT  bad07:37
arooniectospasm: right i'm just stating the toosl that i have07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:209: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function fprintf07:37
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:214: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function exit07:37
SrbinoTmake: *** [all]  Error 107:37
Retnuhmacogw: I guess I need that wine, because I dont see anything that says Linux, but what is in the read me07:37
SrbinoTassailant@assailant-desktop:~/psybnc$ ./psybnc07:37
macogwGimm1eDat: when you hit esc and the grub menu shows and has the regular one and recovery mode, if you hit "e" on the regular one, whats it say?07:37
SrbinoTbash: ./psybnc: No such file or directory07:37
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macogwRetnuh: what are you trying to install?07:37
Retnuhmacogw: all the names of the files are just names associated with the game07:37
Amaranth!pastebin | SrbinoT07:37
ubotuSrbinoT: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:37
Retnuha game07:38
ectospasmarooni:  you never stated your problem07:38
phrozen77david_, yeh, its pretty funny behaviour - esp. considering i have no clue how it fixed itself the last time07:38
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macogwectospasm: yes they did07:38
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macogwectospasm: grub error 1707:38
n2diyFructose: Sure, you can't extract files out of a .bin.07:38
BlainNSrbinoT -- have you looked this over: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/psyBNC07:38
macogwectospasm: and they got the grub disk in hopes that it would help fix it07:38
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Retnuhmacogw: thanks for your help, I will go read up on wine and try that07:38
ectospasmNo, they said the had been getting that... implying that they don't now07:38
Gimm1eDatmac.. I dont have that option.. i get to a screen that gives me alot of options.. check CD integrity "start or install ubuntu" start in something graphics mode..07:38
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Dimensional-Doorhow do i untar a .tar.b2z file?07:38
phrozen77david_, also, no matter if im going to reboot it 10 times now, it wont work07:38
Gimm1eDatwhen I press escape..07:38
macogwGimm1eDat: no no not on the cd07:38
ectospasmmacogw:  I must've misinterpreted07:38
SrbinoTand nothing07:38
macogwGimm1eDat: just regular07:38
Retnuhmacogw: can i install wine through synaptic?07:38
Gimm1eDati dont get anything07:39
david_Dimensional-Door: tar -xvjf filename07:39
Dimensional-Doordavid_ thanks07:39
Gimm1eDatit says "Error loading operating system"07:39
ectospasmRetnuh:  search for 'wine'07:39
macogwRetnuh: i think wine has its own repositories which you have to add in system > admin > software sources, but then yes07:39
BlainNSrbinoT -- then I think that's all you're going to get here.07:39
SrbinoTi cant07:39
macogwGimm1eDat: right, before it gets to that07:39
arooniectospasm: i basically dont know how to get past the grub error 1707:39
macogwGimm1eDat: when it says "loading GRUB"07:39
SrbinoTi dont know07:39
ectospasmarooni:  Oh, OK07:39
SrbinoTbut i need that07:39
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Gimm1eDati get something that says "boot from cd"07:39
macogwGimm1eDat: hit esc, and itll take you to a menu07:39
Gimm1eDatthen it says that07:39
SrbinoTand pls help me07:39
ectospasm!google grub error 1707:39
Fructosen2diy: Well, I was using the term extract loosely, but I'm certain a .bin is a collection of files and that it is possible to break up the .bin into it's component files. I'm just trying to figure out how to do that in Linux in an efficient way.07:39
SrbinoTall off you07:39
BlainNFlooding the channel with your error messages is only going to get you kicked -- I'm surprised you haven't been kicked yet.07:39
Gimm1eDatI dont think I even get to the option to get to grub07:39
AmaranthSrbinoT: pastebin the error so i can see it07:40
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Gimm1eDatit's boot from CD then right under that it says "error loading operating system"07:40
macogwBlainN: me too07:40
n2diyFructose: Good luck.07:40
arooniany suggestions?07:40
Retnuhmacogw: Is it called Wine Windows Emulator?07:40
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Vsop_vsop_vsop_vwhats the best way to search for certin progys one may be interested in?07:40
phrozen77Retnuh, nope07:40
macogwRetnuh: maybe07:40
BlainNRetnuh -- yes.07:40
AmaranthGimm1eDat: that's a BIOS message07:40
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Gimm1eDati understand that07:40
astro76Fructose, convert it to iso then you can open it with archive manager http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion#bin2iso07:40
phrozen77Retnuh, wine == wine is not an emulator07:40
bruenigwine == Wine Is Not an Emulator07:40
david_Vsop_vsop_vsop_v: apt-cache search 'text of interest'07:40
ectospasmRetnuh:  WINE Is NOT a Windows Emulator07:40
macogwRetnuh: technically WINE stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator07:40
SrbinoTcan you help me man ?07:40
macogwok then...everybody types faster than me07:40
AmaranthSrbinoT: pastebin the error07:40
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:142: error: FILE undeclared (first use in this function)07:41
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:142: error: handle undeclared (first use in this function)07:41
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:143: error: fconfif undeclared (first use in this function)07:41
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:155: error: NULL undeclared (first use in this function)07:41
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:158: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function printf07:41
=== BlainN is still laughing
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:163: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function exit07:41
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:178: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function sprintf07:41
SrbinoTtools/convconf.c:185: error: too many arguments to function convertlists07:41
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok07:41
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david_SrbinoT: please stop that07:41
AmaranthHe is gone now07:41
phrozen77Amaranth, lol, was that something like /sapart ?07:41
BlainNHe was warned.  I don't think English is his native language, though, so I don't think he understood.07:41
kousotuAmaranth: do you find that posting under 4 lines is flodding?07:41
bruenighe speaks in gcc errors it appears07:41
NeVerSafesrbinot hey07:42
Amaranthkousotu: under 4 lines, no07:42
faileashe was told clearly enough ...07:42
BlainNbruenig -- fluently07:42
macogwNeVerSafe: he's gone07:42
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charlie_whats floddoing07:42
NeVerSafeah good07:42
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BlainNFloodingly even.07:42
david_charlie_: 'spamming' the channel with tons of text07:42
ectospasmcharlie_:  posting too many lines at once into the channel07:42
n2diy! flooding | charlie07:42
ubotucharlie: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:42
=== deathblooms [n=deathblo@CPE-76-177-99-29.natcky.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
macogwcharlie_: posting freaking amounts of text from a copy and paste into the channel so what we're reading flies off the screen faster than we can read07:42
faileascharlie_ p: posting a lot of lines of things... prevents conversation from fllowing07:42
Gimm1eDatwhen i get to the screen that says error loading operating sysrtem07:42
kousotucharlie_: 5+ lines in a few seconds07:42
Gimm1eDatit goes no further07:42
Gimm1eDati have to control alt delete to go back07:42
macogwcharlie_: read that as "posting freakish" not "freaking"07:42
AmaranthGimm1eDat: grub isn't installed07:42
Gimm1eDatshould I do something preemptivley?07:43
Amaranth!grub | Gimm1eDat07:43
ubotuGimm1eDat: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:43
Gimm1eDatim thinking that is correct07:43
aroonidoes anyone know how i can fix grub?  i can now see all the grub boot options, but when i select any of them i get an 'error 15 file not found'07:43
macogwGimm1eDat: it doesnt get to "loading GRUB" at all?07:43
Gimm1eDatthis was a fresh install07:43
AmaranthGimm1eDat: check out the one for after installing windows, it's the same thing07:43
macogwarooni: heh went from 17 to 15?07:43
Gimm1eDatit doesnt say loading grub07:43
Vsop_vsop_vsop_vdave: i understand that.. but if i want a list like a discription of what i am looking at b4 i get it...07:43
aroonimacogw: yes i'm getting better ;p07:43
david_Gimm1eDat: is this a system that was working and then all of a sudden started doing this? or is this on a new installation?07:43
Gimm1eDatthis drive is fresh.. nothing on it07:43
Gimm1eDatnew install07:43
AmaranthGimm1eDat: you did install ubuntu on it though, right?07:44
Flannelarooni: error 15 after choosing a menu entry?07:44
macogwarooni: file not found....hmm.....07:44
Gimm1eDatit ran through the install07:44
Gimm1eDator appeared to07:44
AmaranthGimm1eDat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:44
Gimm1eDatthen dropped me back to the desktop07:44
Gimm1eDati restarted07:44
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Gimm1eDatit wouldnt load without the CD07:44
AmaranthGimm1eDat: that shows you have to reinstall grub07:44
Gimm1eDati never had grub installed07:44
Gimm1eDatthis hard drive had a sun OS on it07:45
BlainNThen you need to install grub.07:45
AmaranthGimm1eDat: ok, it shows you how to install it to begin with too07:45
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Vsop_vsop_vsop_vDave : know what i mean07:45
Gimm1eDatI need grub installed before I can do the ubuntu install?07:45
bullgard4How to build the executable file 'acpiexec'? I have got in a directory 'acpiexec' the files aecommon.h, aeexec.c, aemain.c, Makefile, osunidir.c. Should I do iasl followed by all these filenames?07:45
david_Vsop_vsop_vsop_v: have you tried searching on packages.debian.org?07:45
BlainNYou need grub installed to load your ubuntu install.07:45
AmaranthGimm1eDat: no, the ubuntu install was supposed to install it07:45
Fructosen2diy: Well, I at least confirmed that my inefficient method works. You can just convert it to an .iso, mount, and copy.07:45
Gimm1eDatbecause as it stands right now07:45
BlainNIf your ubuntu install is viable.07:45
Gimm1eDatI cant even get back to the unbuntu live cd07:46
AmaranthGimm1eDat: you can't?07:46
Gimm1eDatit screws up.. gives various errors or freezes07:46
n2diyFructose: you said .bin, not .iso.07:46
Gimm1eDati boot from the cd07:46
david_does anyone here remember dselect?  I loved that program07:46
Gimm1eDatgoto start or install unbuntu07:46
macogwdavid_: still exists07:46
AmaranthGimm1eDat: that's a more serious problem with your system then07:46
Vsop_vsop_vsop_vdavid: thank you thats what i was gettin at...07:46
nextse7enAlright, I've got a kind of far out there q, that deals with linux like os's in general.  I downloaded an un-gzipped an app, it decompressed the app a nxmp3play*  it does not appear to be executable, what would the unix ommand be to make it executable?07:46
Gimm1eDative checked the cd07:46
Gimm1eDateven burned a new one07:46
david_Vsop_vsop_vsop_v: sounds like you can still install it07:46
Gimm1eDatthis is a brand new hard-drive07:46
Gimm1eDatand, i had another drive in there.. same result07:47
macogwnextse7en: chmod +x filename07:47
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BlainNnextse7en and that's if it's a compiled binary that's ready to run (or a script that's ready to run).07:47
Gimm1eDatit tries to boot and does one of a couple things.. it either, fails out with various errors.. some infinite loop some just single line..07:47
david_Vsop_vsop_vsop_v: aptitude (with no arguments) will also work07:47
Gimm1eDator, it begins to go.. gets to the status bar thing.. gets 1 50th or so of the way and does one of two things.. freezes... or eventually goes into an error screen07:48
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Vsop_vsop_vsop_vDavid: thanks for your attention.. i know its hard here at times.. just needed a list of how or what i was looking for in general07:48
Gimm1eDatonce again, sometimes repeating, sometimes just a single line07:48
Gimm1eDatoften I see a tty yada yada07:48
Gimm1eDatis there something I need to disable in the bios?07:48
defryskGimm1eDat, sounds like hardwareprobs07:48
Gimm1eDatthis is an AMD chip, should that be an issue?07:48
=== pretender [n=pretende@ppp121-45-255-243.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
pretendercan anyone help with a mythtv problem where the sound cuts out every couuple of seconds07:49
david_Gimm1eDat: no07:49
ectospasmpretender:  #mythtv-users07:49
Gimm1eDative got another video card07:49
Gimm1eDati guess ill try that07:49
=== killown|away [n=killown@unaffiliated/killownaway/x-000001] has joined #ubuntu
Gimm1eDatthat is the only thing on this box I can change07:49
Gimm1eDateverything else is integrated07:49
pretenderno one appers to be logged into mythtv users07:49
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Fructosen2diy: Yeah, I said .bin/.cue. What of it?07:50
macogwGimm1eDat: i dont think the video card would be it....could be chipset or the bios, at least in my head those make sense07:50
ectospasmpretender:  I'm in there now, and I see 174 people/bots07:50
Gimm1eDathmmm.. let me power up the windows install and Ill find out that info07:50
Gimm1eDatthey are on differnt hard-drives, fyi.. im not running both at the same time07:51
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defryskFructose, just do cdrdao write blah.cue to burn the files07:51
defryskFructose, on the command line interface07:51
Fructosedefrysk: I already solved my problem, and I wasn't trying to burn any files.07:52
defryskFructose, ok07:52
macogwectospasm: i think he's saying theyre all afk07:52
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nextse7enmacogw: No good. I did that, it seemed to complete, but still will not execute.  Its like I have to qualify something in the command line, When I double click in the gui, it executes, when I type it in the shell, it says Command not found.07:52
BlainNnextse7en './<filename>'07:53
macogwnextse7en: did you do ./filename or just filename?07:53
sdoubleI have a system stats desktop applet that sayd I'm downloading around 20 KB/s  but I don't think I'm downloading anything.  Is there a way to see what's doing this?07:53
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nextse7enjust filename.07:53
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MSIGuySo, i"m having problems with my network, wireless.07:53
BlainNYOu need the dot slash first.07:53
macogwsdouble: maybe its downloading the people chatting with on here07:53
Jaikkanenanyone know software good for video compression?07:53
macogwMSIGuy: what card?07:53
MSIGuyWhenever I go to put my wep key in, it says I need to input my root password for the nm-applet07:54
sdoubleIf it uses up 20-30 KB/sec, I'd be very surprised07:54
nextse7enWORKS, thank you blainN, macogw07:54
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BlainNYou're welcome.07:54
MSIGuyThe problem is, I use my password, that works for everywhere else, but it says its wrong.07:54
LordCthulhuMSIGuy: Mindless Self Indulgence?07:54
macogwMSIGuy: root password, or keyring password?07:54
MSIGuykeyring yeah!07:54
BlainNGive me an easy question and I'm your guy.07:54
macogwMSIGuy: it uses a keyring to store your wep & wpa keys07:54
MSIGuyLordCthulhu: MicroStar International.07:54
macogwMSIGuy: just make one up and itll store them all so when you switch to different networks you dont need to memorize all the keys07:55
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macogwMSIGuy: you didnt already set the keyring password to something else accidentally?07:55
=== Caplain [n=shayne@adsl-75-46-162-148.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlainNCaplain: what?07:55
lumgwadahey I've upgraded from dapper to feisty and notice the splash screens gone during boot. Is that the case generally?07:55
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CaplainBlainN, just saying hi07:56
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BlainNOh.  Hi.07:56
MSIGuymacogw: I might have.07:56
etzerdhello all07:56
BlainNlumgwada: Are you wanting more splash screens?07:56
Flannellumgwada: no.  And it could be caused by you upgrading from dapper to feisty without going through edgy.07:56
macogwMSIGuy: so the actual question is "how do i delete my old keyring password?"07:56
Caplainis there such a thing as speech recognition for ubuntu?07:56
aroonican someone helop me get grub working07:56
MSIGuyI guess that would be the question...  lol07:56
Pelog'night folks07:56
Caplainarooni, whats wrong with it?07:56
Caplaincya Pelo07:56
BlainNGnight Pelo07:57
macogwCaplain: i believe there is speech recognition for linux, but i dont know if ubuntu's repos have it07:57
etzerdI cannot play video in internet, site like www.foxnews.com07:57
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sp1nterhow do I change the computer name07:57
etzerdI have sound but not video. Can anyone help07:57
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Gimm1eDatmight have something to do with flash etz07:57
aroonibasically ubuntu is already installed... and grub comes up when i boot.... but when i select any of the options.... i get a 'file not found' error.  i think i might need to edit my grub conf file?07:57
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BlainNetzerd, have you installed VLC or Mplayer?07:57
MSIGuySo, does anyone know how to reset my keyring password?07:57
kousotuetzerd: be glad you have sound?07:57
lumgwadaFlannel: BlainN I did go via edgy...all 700 megs worth... not really fussed as long as it boots quicker07:57
macogwarooni: its menu.lst, not grub.conf07:57
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macogwarooni: you can do it by booting a live cd and mounting your hard drive and editting it07:57
etzerdnot I do not install VLC nor Mpalyer07:58
nextse7enmacogw, One more question if you don't mind I downloaded doom for my specific architecture, when I unzipped it, I got doom.binary, what do I do with that file in unix to make it executable?07:58
Flannellumgwada: Well, As far as I know, all the screens are there.  But, I suppose I've never really noticed.07:58
astro76MSIGuy, this link will tell you how to reset the password, in addition to installing libpam-keyring so you'll never have to enter a keyring password again07:58
BlainNlumgwada:  Just checking.  I generally loathe splash-screens.07:58
etzerdwhat's the command to install VLC?07:58
unagiis there a way to save my current state of ubuntu and save it do a cd so that if i have to reinstall ill come back to here?07:58
macogwnextse7en: i assume the "chmod +x filename" thing again07:58
MSIGuyastro76: nice.07:58
aroonimacogw: ok u knwo more than i do... ;p... and heres my output from sudo lshw: http://pastie.caboo.se/8500807:58
sp1nterhow do I change the computer name07:58
macogwarooni: i dont think lshw will have anything to do with it07:58
ubotuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab07:59
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BlainN'sudo apt-get install vlc'07:59
macogwsp1nter: read what ubotu said07:59
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etzerdBlainN: what is the command to install VLC?07:59
BlainN'sudo apt-get install vlc'07:59
Flannel!cloning > unagi07:59
Gimm1eDatalrighty.. chipset is via kt133a, processor is duron 1800.. bios is phoenix technologies, version 6.00 PG.. any other info needed?07:59
etzerdI just did that it doesn't work07:59
MSIGuyastro76: What link?07:59
ubotuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab07:59
macogwetzerd: mozilla-plugin-vlc may also be needed08:00
wtvrdetzerd: 'vlc' might not be the package name08:00
BlainNetzerd -- what happened?08:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about squid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:00
macogwwtvrd: it is08:00
BlainNI think VLC might not be available from the out-of-the-box repos.08:00
astro76!info vlc08:00
ubotuvlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 1131 kB, installed size 3192 kB08:00
macogwBlainN: ooo08:00
JDLimbomanny_, every tutorial on uninstalling vista assumes you're using XP08:00
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JDLimbowahooooo, I said man not manny_08:00
macogwetzerd: go to system > admin > software sources08:00
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astro76MSIGuy, sorry..  http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=277681508:01
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etzerdthanks macogw08:01
wtvrdetzerd: what does apt-cache search vlc' give you?08:01
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=== JDLimbo shakes head in disgust
Gimm1eDatmacogw.. do those specs look acceptable?08:01
wtvrdetzerd: what does apt-cache search vlc' give you?08:01
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MSIGuyastro76: Thank you!08:01
macogwetzerd: and enable the "community maintained open source software" one08:01
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wtvrdtried correcting my quotations08:01
lumgwadaone other thing... I can only stick icons on half of my desktop... I've deleted .nautilus and gconf but that hasn't fixed it... anyone seen this?08:01
etzerdit gives me a bunch of error like depend so many time08:01
macogwetzerd: then run "sudo apt-get update"08:01
Gimm1eDatim looking through the install guide.. and I never got to the last part.. where it asks you to restart or remain in livecd08:02
BlainNwtvrd -- it's okay.  repeating comments to etzerd is what all the cool kids are doing.08:02
Gimm1eDatanyways.. im at a standstill..08:02
BlainNGimm1eDat:  That's what I was thinking might have happened.  I've had an install hose (a few times) and had to start over.08:02
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macogwGimm1eDat: i have no idea08:03
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Gimm1eDatbut now I cant even get back to the damn install desktop08:03
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macogwGimm1eDat: ooo ok i had that happen before08:03
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BlainNetzerd: depends or dpkg?08:03
macogwGimm1eDat: if it didnt ask you to reboot, the install failed08:03
FlannelGimm1eDat: have you tried installing with the alternate CD?08:03
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Gimm1eDati havnt08:03
Gimm1eDatim downllading it as we speak08:03
FlannelGimm1eDat: sounds good.  You should have more luck with it08:04
macogwGimm1eDat: so youd want to try again and do it from the command line to see if any errors show up.  squashfs means an error reading the disk.  either bad disk (but you checked you said) or your drive is bad08:04
Gimm1eDatbut i tell you what.. when i went to the screen where it says like "go to limited graphics mode install" or whatever08:04
Gimm1eDatthat is what got me to the desktop08:04
macogwGimm1eDat: "it's dusty" falls under the category of "bad drive"08:04
macogwGimm1eDat: safe graphics mode08:04
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Gimm1eDatmight have been a fluke however cause now I goto the same thing and it does ths same bull.. just freezes, errors out, etc08:04
=== wastedfluid [n=tom@c-71-57-212-247.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlainNetzerd -- tell me about your system -- when was it installed, what version of ubuntu do you have, etc.08:05
hysteriamaniawhere is the best place to hot chick wallpaper08:05
aroonii was following the howto... recover ubuntu after installing windows.... but hwen i did this:  To make sure it was the correct one, run ls /mnt/root/boot, which sould output something like this : ..... i got no parititon that had the desired folders........ question:  should i reinstall ubuntu?08:05
Gimm1eDatmac.. i got alllll night, so if you have the patience, i have the time, ill do command line08:05
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BlainNhysteriamania: google08:05
wtvrdhysteriamania: that's just slightly offtopic08:05
wastedfluidhey guys.  having problems with network manager.. after i hibernate, it won't reconnect to my wireless network.  my windows computer disconnects/reconnects fine, and i never had this problem until 7.04.  Any ideas how to restart the wireless networking in Ubuntu?08:05
etzerdI just install it tonight. and it is version 7.0408:05
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hysteriamaniait will keep my interest while i'm trying to upgrade ubuntu08:06
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BlainNetzerd:  So you enabled the repositories, and then, when you tried 'sudo apt-get update' it barfed, is that right?08:07
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lealeI'M ITALIAN08:07
lealeAND YOU?08:07
Flannel!caps | leale08:07
ubotuleale: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:07
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lealeFlannel, WHERE ARE YOU FROM?08:07
lealeAH SORRY08:07
lealeFlannel, where are you from?08:07
hysteriamaniadoes feisty support all video media?08:08
Flannelleale: if you want to chat, #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for it.  This channel is support only, thanks.08:08
macogwhysteriamania: yeah pretty much08:08
macogwhysteriamania: as far as i'm aware08:08
macogwhysteriamania: though not out of the box08:08
lealeFlannel, I need support08:08
Gimm1eDathow do I go about doing the command line install?08:08
lumgwadahysteriamania: probably not beta08:08
lealemy girlfriend left me08:08
=== Jimmy [n=barocoun@a91-155-52-158.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
wtvrdGimm1eDat: do a 'text-mode' install08:08
FlannelGimm1eDat: use the alternate CD.  It'll ask the same questions the other installer did08:08
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Flannelleale: #ubuntu-offtopic08:08
BlainNleale: Not that kinda support in this channel.08:08
BlainNSorry to hear that, though.08:09
hysteriamaniabeta was what i was hoping for08:09
Gimm1eDati guess that is dependent on the alternate CD huh08:09
hysteriamaniaconversion prog?08:09
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=== bruenig gives leale kudos for his cleverness
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macogwhysteriamania: ffmpeg does transcoding....08:10
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wckdkl0wncan direct draw video drivers be installed on innotek virtual box?08:10
lealebut I've a real question08:10
hysteriamaniawork for most beta?08:10
=== BlainN is looking forward to this one. Waiting for it....
=== Malachi [n=Malachi@75-120-113-50.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
sciboyHi, which web development environment do you recommend? I need templating and so far Quanta Plus and SCREE08:11
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sciboySCREEM popped up*08:11
node86anybody know how to use imagemagick to convert a gimp file to a jpg that has multiple layers?08:11
MalachiWhat's a good note-taking/task program that will automatically remind/update me?08:12
brueniggimp has a file format?08:12
khermansnode86, jpg doesnt have multiple layers right/08:12
MalachiTomboy is great, but I forget to restart it, and it doesn't remind me.08:12
macogwsciboy: you can use Eclipse08:12
khermansMalachi, google calendar?08:12
BlainNnode86:  Why not just save as jpeg from gimp?08:12
macogwsciboy: for development in pretty much anything08:12
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Malachikhermans: Yeah, but I'm looking for something that integrates into Ubuntu08:12
hysteriamaniawhat is the best video and audio software for ubuntu?08:12
macogwMalachi: i put that into my calendar. i use sunbird08:12
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MalachiGoogle Calender is awesome, though.08:12
khermansMalachi, add tombot to startup08:12
linux__alienA very long Fedora Core user going to convert to Ubuntu08:12
bruenighysteriamania, mplayer for both08:13
khermanshysteriamania, vlc08:13
node86khermans, right, jpg doesn't have multiple layers...08:13
Malachikhermans: Then there's the reminder thing.08:13
macogwMalachi: evolution is the built in outlook-type-thing in ubuntu08:13
BlainNhysteriamania: Probably VLC and Mplayer (although I like Totem for dvd playback).08:13
hysteriamanialooking for video format soft08:13
wtvrdnode86: I'm not sure imagemagick can do that08:13
lealeIf I spinturase the super-casuled with left-right *scape-lament*, and - even if I respect the autority - I write "writily prefaline" on a public wall, Ubuntu will help me?08:13
Malachimacogw: I use Thunderbird, though. If Evolution can remind me without being started, that'd work.08:13
linux__alienI ve been a long time fedora core user so i am going to install Ubuntu 7.04 .08:13
macogwMalachi: ah!08:13
BlainNKaboodle has been pretty annoying from here.08:13
lumgwadais launchpad.net down for everyone?08:13
macogwMalachi: well then get Lightning08:13
Flannellumgwada: yes08:13
linux__alienanything that i ve to take care of while installing08:13
Malachimacogw: Hm...08:13
Flannellinux__alien: nope, it's pretty straight forward08:13
macogwMalachi: it's mozilla's calendar for thunderbird08:13
node86BlainN saving each image in gimp would take forever- i have several hundreds or maybe even thousands of images i need to convert08:13
macogwMalachi: sunbird is the standalone mozilla calendar08:14
Malachimacogw: Does it do reminders? That's the big thing I'm looking for.08:14
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linux__alienFlannel, I had a bad experience with Fedora 7 it formatted my entire HDD08:14
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macogwMalachi: well sunbird does and theyre the same base, so i'm going with "yes"08:14
Malachimacogw: Yeah, I've used sunbird before (pretty good), just not lightning.08:14
linux__aliengot frustrated08:14
khermansnode86, convert foo.jpg foo.gif08:14
MalachiThanks, guys. I'll try it out.08:14
hysteriamaniawhat comes with feisty08:14
lealethis channel is a damage for my individuality08:14
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BlainNhysteriamania: you're probably going to have to do some adding to get multimedia support.  I did bad things to get mine (easyubuntu was the nicer thing).08:15
tulgahow to build mirror servers like rapidshare?08:15
Malachihysteriamania: Are you looking for video editing software, or video playback?08:15
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok08:15
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BlainNAh, there it is.08:15
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hysteriamaniaalso good audio editig08:16
khermanshysteriamania, audacity08:16
Malachihysteriamania: For editing, Audacity is good.08:16
=== BlainN agrees with audacity.
khermanshysteriamania, vid == cinelarra08:16
hysteriamaniamy n sucks08:16
Malachihysteriamania: Have you searched the add/remove program?08:16
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Malachihysteriamania: For video, I hear Kino's decent.08:17
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macogwthanks elkbuntu08:17
hysteriamaniastill installing feisty08:17
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Malachihysteriamania: I use Kdenlive, though.08:17
node86khermans how does convert foo.jpg foo.gif solve the layers issue? i get a dozen images as a result, one for each layer08:17
Malachihysteriamania: Oh. I see. First time?08:17
FallenLokican somebody tell me the name of the nice desktop panel whith this nice animations? i saw it on a snapshot08:17
khermansnode86, man convert08:17
hysteriamaniatrying not to overload it08:17
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hysteriamaniawith feisty08:18
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macogwFallenLoki: is it a dock with a physics engine?08:18
MalachiFirst time with Feisty?08:18
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FallenLokiyes it is08:18
macogwFallenLoki: if so, that's Kiba Dock08:18
FallenLokiahh thx08:18
macogwFallenLoki: it's pre-alpha and VERY unstable08:18
hysteriamaniakino and audacity best?08:18
acecasedo I need to do anything special (or omit anything) to my kernel in order to use the nvidia drivers for my geforce 6150 go?08:18
khermans!nvidia | acecase08:19
ubotuacecase: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:19
Flannelacecase: no, although you might need noapic and nolapic08:19
Malachihysteriamania: I prefer KDenlive over Kino, but Kino is in Feisty's repositories (you can add it without having to search online for it)08:19
macogwacecase: no08:19
hysteriamanianeed hd quality video08:19
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acecasethanks khermans08:19
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macogwacecase: you need to put, as Flannel said, noapic on your kernel boot parameters to keep from getting the black clouds08:19
JDStonewhy would I be getting this error when I start Apache: apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName08:19
node86khermans, yea, i'm looking in man...  it's frustrating.08:19
elkbuntumacogw, in future, could you add ' | $person is $action', it would speed up the response immensely08:20
macogwacecase: after that, the Restricted Driver Manager will cover you for drivers08:20
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hysteriamaniaaudio i have a studio08:20
MalachiJDStone: You have to add something to a configuration file, but I forget what. Hold on.08:20
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BlainNJDStone -- because you haven't given Apache the fqdn for your server, probably.08:20
macogwelkbuntu: oh ok sure. i didnt know it took arguments because i only ever saw it plain08:20
JDStonethanks Malachi08:20
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Malachihysteriamania: Have you looked into Ubuntu Studio?08:20
JDStoneI know it's related to the FQDN08:20
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JDStoneand I've had this problem before but I can't remember how I fixed it08:20
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hysteriamaniano haven't looked into much08:21
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BlainNI just ran it on, but that's probably bad.08:21
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khermansJDStone, #apache08:21
hardstylefeisty fawn hate toshiba laptops08:21
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hysteriamanialooking for advice08:21
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JDStonekhermans, oh, duh, thanks08:21
hysteriamaniagot audio, looking for hd quality video editing08:22
Malachihysteriamania: UbuntuStudio was is a special version of Ubuntu for studios.08:22
hardstylei  should name it fake out os08:22
acecasekhermans: this is great but it doesn't answer my Q. I am configuring my kernel for this laptop rite now and have never messed with 3d acceleration so I'm not sure what I should do for my graphics config in the kernel08:22
_curiohardstyle : what kind of toshiba do you have?08:22
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hardstylejust  a sec _curio08:22
MalachiJDStone: Found it.08:22
hysteriamaniawas is08:22
JDStonecool, thanks Malachi08:22
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khermansacecase, there is no kernel config, just install a 3d driver for your vid card08:22
hardstyle_curio: toshiba A205-479708:22
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silvertip257how do I set up an extended partition with Feisty Fawn's partitioner in the install process?  I did not see extended in the list, although I chose logical08:23
MalachiJDStone: Open /etc/apache2/apache2.conf08:23
Malachi(As root, of course)08:23
JDStonegot it open08:23
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acecasekhermans: so if I compile drivers into my kernel it won't cause any conflict?08:23
MalachiAdd ServerName localhost08:23
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khermanssilvertip257, dunno but fdisk works08:23
macogwacecase: when you boot, you need the noapic to not have a black screen of annoyance.  other than that, the 3D will go if you just enable the driver in the System > Adim > Restricted Drivers Manager08:23
JDStoneahh, that's right, thanks Malachi08:23
MalachiJDStone: Ahem: Add 'ServerName localhost'08:23
hysteriamaniawilling to pay if no freeware08:23
Truman_Does anyone have any experience adding SSL to an apache2 webserver?08:23
khermansacecase, ubuntu has precompiled nvidia drivers08:23
macogwacecase: you dont need to compile drivers for that one08:23
Flannel!anyone | Truman_08:23
acecasemacogw: thanks08:23
ubotuTruman_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:23
silvertip257khermans:  it's for a how-to, otherwise I'd just have them use other stuff08:23
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Malachihysteriamania: UbuntuStudio is free. Of course, I don't know if it'd suit your needs; I'm not into that profession.08:24
BlainNsilvertip257 -- You have to manually partition your drive, but it's not hard -- it even lets you set up the mount points for the partitions.08:24
acecaseok thanks. I'll just try configuring with no graphics card support :)08:24
Truman_lol, k .. uhh.. Is there a person with the requisite knowledge to get me started on adding ssl to an apache2 webserver?08:24
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JDStoneyep, fixed it Malachi. thanks again08:24
hysteriamaniaubuntustudio do  high quality hd?08:24
macogwsilvertip257: my suggestion is to tell them to use the GParted in System > Admin > GNOME Partioner, then just do the setting mountpoints in the installer08:24
khermansTruman_, #apache, checks out the ports.conf file08:24
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macogwsilvertip257: GParted has a nicer interface08:24
Truman_khermans: thanks, I'll take a look08:25
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anubis974i have a problem with mercury-messenger installation08:25
Malachihysteriamania: Don't know. Never actually used it; just tried it out for the theme.08:25
macogwacecase: what?08:25
Malachi(Like a lot of people...)08:25
Truman_heh, didn't occur to me that there'd be an apache channel.  man, it's late :\08:25
silvertip257BlainN:  you mean to say that I can't make an extended w/ the install ?!!08:25
FlannelTruman_: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/httpd.html08:25
MalachiJDStone: No problem.08:25
justinwrayjoin #launchpad08:25
hardstyleI hate cheap ass Realtekfor sounjd08:25
chronicpiratecheap ass Realtekfor sounjd hates YOU!08:25
macogwsilvertip257: ive never tried it, id say just use gparted. its on the install disk08:25
hysteriamaniaThax I'll check it out\08:25
FlannelTruman_: The stuff at the top, and the stuff at the bottom.  Not a whole lot of the stuff in the middle (unless this is a 'real' webserver)08:25
silvertip257I use GParted, but yea ... that sux08:25
hardstylehi chronic08:26
Truman_Flannel: Thanks08:26
macogwsilvertip257: i dont like partman08:26
BlainNsilvertip257:  I'm not sure, as I've not done it, but I do recall you had a lot of options during the install if you manually created your partitions.08:26
silvertip257I'd like to make it straight forward ... hmmm guess Gparted is best08:26
Malachihysteriamania: It's possible to install Ubuntu Studio on an existing Feisty installation.08:26
anubis974i have installes java but mercury not start08:26
macogwacecase: there's no option for install that says anything about graphics...08:26
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FlannelTruman_: self-signed is what you're looking for (and then the stuff under it will enable your SS cert)08:26
BlainNBut macogw is probably right about using gparted.  I'm an fdisk kinda guy.08:26
justinwraylaunchpad working for everyone?08:26
Malachihysteriamania: So you won't have to download a whole new CD image08:26
macogwanubis974: sudo update-alternatives --config java08:26
silvertip257I chose MANUAL, but can't find extended within Logical08:26
khermansanubis974, set java to correct default version08:26
=== hardstyle busts a fat cap in chronicpirate
anubis974macogw: i do this08:26
macogwanubis974: applications > accessories > terminal08:27
khermans!java | anubis97408:27
ubotuanubis974: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre08:27
hardstylefags exist08:27
macogwanubis974: copy and paste it into there, then tell it to use the Sun one08:27
Malachihysteriamania: First, how far is the installation process (just curious)?08:27
macogwhardstyle: dont use that word08:27
Bojomatic30Is there an iphone ubuntu channel?08:27
macogwhardstyle: unless you're referring to a cigarette08:27
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hardstylesorry mam08:27
=== silvertip257 steals partman and throws it in the river
macogwsilvertip257: i wish08:27
khermansmacogw, or a pile of sticks08:27
silvertip257later gtg  ... rewrite instructions - change them that is08:27
hardstyleI'm a about to go down and smoke a fag!08:28
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hysteriamaniaprobably another hour08:28
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Malachihysteriamania: You basically add a new repository, and then install the desktop.08:28
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hysteriamaniawhich repository08:28
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Malachi"deb http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio feisty main"08:28
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macogwkhermans: bundle of them, but yeah08:29
MalachiI wouldn't do so until Feisty's done installing, though, hysteriamania08:29
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erstaziis it me or is launchpad's site down?08:29
Flannelerstazi: it is08:29
Malachihysteriamania: Do you know how to add repositories?08:29
anubis974i have this : Utilisation de /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java pour fournir java08:29
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daakui'm trying to clean up the error messages i see on boot, and this is the first one: "intel_rng: FWH not found" - anyone know whats the cause?08:29
erstaziugh ok08:29
=== ulot [n=ulot@adsl-75-53-37-37.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwerstazi: that was an announced downage for maintenance08:29
hysteriamaniayou can still tell me08:29
anubis974when i do "sudo update-alternative --config java"08:29
howlingmadhowie(only 980 people?)08:30
macogwanubis974: it should offer 2 things08:30
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hysteriamaniais it a secret08:30
macogwanubis974: pick the sun one08:30
erstaziI never got an notice on that08:30
macogwerstazi: i got one in email08:30
Malachihysteriamania: If you're new to Ubuntu, the easiest way to add a repository is to go to System > Administration > Software Sources08:30
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anubis974macogw: PV please !!!08:30
erstazimacogw, I will have to check my mail deeper heh08:30
hysteriamaniaot e ew to feisty08:30
erstaziFlannel, macogw thank you08:30
macogwanubis974: what?08:30
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Malachihysteriamania: After you enter your password, there will be a dialogue box with a tab called "Third-party software"08:30
macogwerstazi: it was on the ubuntu-devel-a list08:30
macogwerstazi: not sent to all launchpad members though08:31
anubis974macogw: MP08:31
erstazimacogw, that explains (:08:31
Malachihysteriamania: There's an Add button there. You click it, and add the repository.08:31
hysteriamaniasorry n doesn't work well08:31
=== pretender_ [n=pretende@ppp121-45-255-243.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
MalachiNot new to feisty?08:31
macogwhysteriamania: g is dead on the comp next to me :p08:31
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:31
hysteriamaniawhich repositroy though08:32
BlainNSticky keys drive me crazy.08:32
pretender_anyone out there from Australia08:32
Malachihysteriamania: deb http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio feisty main08:32
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Malachihysteriamania: Sorry. I always assume people are.08:32
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hysteriamanianot very experienced lately08:33
nextse7enCould I get a little help, I'm trying to install telnetd, and I keep getting an error message, error is pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32583/08:33
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hysteriamaniaused a lot a couple years ago08:33
Jaikkaneni cannot move files into my .wine directories.. even when trying to use terminal commands with root permission.. it says the directory is invalid.. is using _ instead of space incorrect?08:33
Jaikkanenfor example Program_Files08:33
hysteriamaniathanks man gettig back into it08:34
nextse7enJaikkanen, use a backslash before the space08:34
MexiComLooks like I need a new cd burner...08:34
=== Kwitschibo_ [n=Michael@host-091-096-185-108.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
Malachihysteriamania: Hopefully, you'll find the experience a lot smoother/easier/more enjoyable than a few years ago.08:34
Jaikkanennextse7en: before or instead? just to confirm08:34
BlainNnextse7en: try '/etc/init.d/telnetd start'08:34
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macogwJaikkanen: before08:34
hysteriamaniagood so far, upgraded all the way from breezy08:34
macogwJaikkanen: it's called "escaping"08:34
erstazinextse7en,  you have to put "Program Files" in quotes08:35
BlainNtelnetd isn't a command, it's a daemon08:35
macogwJaikkanen: and after you get that, there's an xkcd that will make a lot more sense08:35
Malachinextse7en: Actually, it looks like telnetd didn't finish installing.08:35
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MalachiJudging from the pastebin...08:35
Flannelhysteriamania: why aren't you just reinstalling?08:35
erstazioops, sorry nextse7en, wrong nick08:35
erstaziJaikkanen,  you have to put "Program Files" in quotes08:35
howlingmadhowienextse7en: it looks like it's having trouble removing netkit-inetd08:35
nextse7enMalachi, blainn, says its not there.08:36
BlainNIT might not be there.08:36
Jaikkanenerstazi: ahh yes, i remember hearing that one awhile ago08:36
nextse7enRight, I've been haveing problems with netkit.08:36
hysteriamaniabreezy is all i had and wouldn't recogize my burer08:36
BlainNsometimes errors are warnings and sometimes things are broken.08:36
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hysteriamaniagot a clean machine08:36
BlainNIf you try to load the daemon and it won't, then you know it's not there.08:36
blitz-redhey compiz fusion screwed up beryl on my computer, how do i re-install beryl?08:36
howlingmadhowienextse7en: what happens if you try to remove netkit-inetd with a purge?08:36
erstaziJaikkanen, for instance: /path/to/"Split Word"/directory/08:36
hysteriamaniaput an n in anytime it is missing08:36
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=== Jamesinator [n=james@66-169-167-162.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, could I get the syntax to do such a thing please?08:37
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howlingmadhowieJaikkanen: also possible: /path/to/split\ word/directory08:37
FlannelJamesinator: Or escape the space, Program\ Files08:37
JamesinatorFlannel: Emm, what?08:37
FlannelJamesinator: Tab complete will do it automatically too.08:37
Jaikkanenthanks all08:37
howlingmadhowienextse7en: sudo apt-get remove netkit-inetd --purge08:37
JamesinatorFlannel: Autocomplete mishaps?08:37
FlannelJamesinator: yeah, I meant Jaikkanen.  sorry08:38
JamesinatorFlannel: It's fine, just wondered. :P08:38
erstaziheh, I hate tab sometimes08:38
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: i think that's the right syntax. i've never had to use it myself08:38
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hysteriamaniaflannel do you not understand?08:38
nextse7ensame error reported, as when I tried to apt-get telnetd08:38
JamesinatorI had two linux-swap partitions totalling 2.5gb, they are both set to swapon through gparted, but everytime I reboot they are no longer being used and I have to manually set them to swapon when I log in08:39
pretender_can anyone recommend a good bakup app for ubuntu that has the abilty to to a full system backup08:39
victoriis there any benefit of using the open source ati drivers over the fglrx ones? better 2d support?08:39
BlainNI get jumpy when I start getting install errors -- flashbacks to a broken debian/sid system I was running a while back.08:39
bruenigpretender_, tar08:39
howlingmadhowienextse7en: well, at least we know what the problem is. can you try to reinstall netkit-inetd and then delete it?08:39
macogwpretender_: mondo mindi08:39
BlainNpretender_: rdiff-backup is pretty good08:39
khermansvictori, free?08:39
BorinMy sound is acting weird.  When I play a music file or video file, it would repeat the first part of the sound over and over.  I am wondering if there is a way to troubleshoot this problem?08:39
bruenigtar beats all of them08:39
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victorikhermans: correct08:39
erstazibruenig, heh08:39
macogwpretender_: mondo mindi backs up to iso's so you can do a bare metal recovery08:39
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victorihttp://www.osnews.com/story.php/17184/X.Org-7.2-ATI-Open-vs.-Closed-Drivers/  this might answer my question08:40
nextse7enI think permissions may be sqrewwy in my etc folder, I've been getting an error message at startup. howlingmadhowie.08:40
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khermanspretender_, clonezilla08:40
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie I'm going to restart x, to report the permissions error I'm getting.08:40
pretender_cool do you think that mondo is a better alternative than say clonzilla08:40
BlainNpretender_: there are a bunch of them.  Try some and see what works best for you.08:40
bruenigpretender_, can't say for sure there, but tar certainly is08:41
albertHi.... I'm running this comand " sudo apt-get install build-essentials camorama " but I get this error  " E: Couldn't find package build-essentials "08:41
guigaHi! I have a Ubuntu server (only text mode). When editing in vi, the arrows (up and down) shows some strange characteres...08:41
albertanyone know why??08:41
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Malachialbert: build-essential08:41
khermansalbert, build-essential08:41
Malachialbert: not build-essentials08:41
astro76albert, it's build-essential (try tab completion type build-ess<tab> for example)08:41
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albertThanks!!!! great help!!08:42
BlainNguiga -- don't use arrows in vi08:42
JamesinatorI have two linux-swap partitions totalling 2.5gb, they are both set to swapon through gparted, but everytime I reboot they are no longer being used and I have to manually set them to swapon when I log in. How can I stop Ubuntu from disabling swapping them?08:42
BlainNj for up, k for down08:42
MalachiJamesinator: Are they in your /etc/fstab?08:42
khermansJamesinator, /etc/fstab?08:42
guigaBlainN: in my Ubuntu workstation it works.. Not in the server08:43
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Meyvnguiga: use emacs08:43
pretender_is mondo a app for ubuntu or live cd type thing standalone app08:43
khermansguiga, or nano08:43
JamesinatorMalachi: khermans: I really don't know, I've only enabled swapping with them through gparted. Can you please link me to a guide or something that can detail adding linux-swap partitions to my fstab?08:43
faileasits a programme that runs on linux. the livecd... never seen a working link to it ;p08:43
BlainNguiga: I'd suggest nano.08:43
MalachiJamesinator: Open /etc/fstab as root08:43
Meyvnguiga: or gedit or SCITE or whatever works for you, just pick one you like08:43
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faileasnano is nice ;)08:44
thavornwhy I have eth0, eth1, eth2  in "etc/network/interface although I only have 1 lan card08:44
astro76!fstab | Jamesinator08:44
ubotuJamesinator: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:44
=== corey is now known as woodwizzle
guigaBut why in one box it works , and in the other one it does not?08:44
BlainNI wrote a whole website in pico back in the day.08:44
BlainNguiga -- because you're using different kinds of terminal emulation.08:44
PlantainI tried to do an alien install of armagetronad, and it failed, and apt-get is now borked. It always breaks just after starting with "E: The package armagetronad needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.", how can I fix this?08:44
erstaziMeyvn, guiga does not have gui08:44
MalachiJamesinator: Add this to your /etc/fstab: /dev/hda8       none            swap    sw              0       008:44
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MalachiJamesinator: Change /dev/hda8 to your partition08:45
howlingmadhowienextse7en: the deinstaller is also complaining about /etc/init.d/inetd missing. you may be able to trick it by creating this file.08:45
Meyvnerstazi: right08:45
astro76Plantain, that game is available in ubuntu repos...08:45
MalachiJamesinator: Also, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq08:45
Plantainastro76: Not in it's latest revision08:45
JamesinatorMalachi: Ok, thank you08:45
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KurisutofuaaHey guys am having a sound problem, ever since I installed my sound card (Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit)08:45
thavornwhat is eth0, eth1,eth2...08:45
BlainNBut vi traditionally doesn't support arrow keys.  It's not really user friendly, but learning vi keystrokes is a good thing for your soul.08:45
pretender_anyone recommend apps to burn dvds08:45
MalachiJamesinator: If you click "Troubleshooting" on that page, you'll find your answer.08:45
BlainNthavorn -- your network cards.08:46
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: Just got back, init.d/inetd doesn't exist at all, how would I trick it?08:46
KurisutofuaaI dont have a master volum control08:46
khermanspretender_, gnome built-in for nautilus08:46
BlainNpretender_: k3b08:46
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: just try: sudo touch /etc/init.d/inetd08:46
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astro76Plantain, try dpkg -r exactpackagename08:46
thavornBlainN: I only have one, why so many appear in /etc/betwork/interface ?08:46
Guilty_as_Sinyes, k3b definitely08:46
khermanspretender_, devede08:46
JamesinatorMalachi: The problem is on a remote system, so I have /etc/fstab opened via SSH. Is there a terminal command that can show me the /dev/ names of the (currently set to swapon) swap partitions?08:46
Guilty_as_Sinit doesn't play nice with RW's sometimes08:47
BlainNthavorn:  because there are slots for them in case you did have them.08:47
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: Done, will try to install now.08:47
hysteriamaniafailed to get a couple security things, is that a problem?08:47
khermansJamesinator, mount08:47
Plantainastro76: ' Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should08:47
Plantain reinstall it before attempting a removal."08:47
MeyvnBlainN: have you used both emacs and vi?08:47
MalachiJamesinator: fdisk -l08:47
JamesinatorMalachi: Thanks08:47
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BlainNMevyn -- I've stayed away from that wacky emacs religion.08:47
thavornBlainN: how to check which eth my system is using?08:47
khermansthavorn, ifconfig08:47
pretender_anyone running mythtv08:47
astro76Jamesinator, mount won't work, swapon -s08:47
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MalachiJamesinator: Even better: fdisk -l |grep swap08:47
BlainNthavorn: you're probably using eth0, since it's the first.08:48
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Rockinghorse/join xfce08:48
Jamesinatorastro76: Thanks, neither mount nor fdisk worked08:48
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MeyvnBlainN: i am starting to like emacs08:48
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: Same error code, the system obviosly belives initd is installed, though I've verified visually, it isn't.08:48
fiXXXerMetThere's an open-source development environment out there that supports a bunch of languages (.net, c, php, etc) - something notebook - does anyone know it's full name?08:48
BlainNMevyn: I'm glad for you.  I'll stick to vi in the command line and kate in the gui.08:48
MeyvnBlainN: however, you can still convince me why vi(m) is a better choice :)08:48
MalachiJamesinator, yes, astro76 had the better solution.08:48
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ranjanquestion: if i don't want to serve my files is myth frontend enough for single machine install??08:49
hysteriamaniaif feisty fails at three security thig. is that bad?08:49
BlainNMeyvn:  I'm not an evangelist.  Use whatever keeps your soul intact.08:49
ranjanor do i have to install both?08:49
JamesinatorThanks Malachi, khermans, astro76, et al. I've found the names of the partitions and I'm adding them to the fstab now. Cheers! :)08:49
howlingmadhowienextse7en: well, delete the file you created in /etc/init.d, and we'll try to think of something else08:49
thavornI try connecting 2 unbuntu together for file sharing but fails, pls enlighten08:49
MeyvnBlainN: neither am I, and will do!08:49
nextse7enMeyvn: Because once you get into vi, you realize its a heck of a lot more than a text editor, I've spent entire terms researching and learning about vi.08:49
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: Got it, brb.08:50
guigaI just resolved. In the desktop, the vi was pointed to vim in alternatives..08:50
RockinghorseHow the heck do you quit vi?08:50
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guigaVim does understand arrows.08:50
khermansRockinghorse, :q!08:50
erstaziRockinghorse, :q!08:50
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faileas: thats the problem ;p08:50
BlainNthavorn: you want to look into either samba or nfs.08:50
RockinghorseAnd does that save it or discard changes?08:50
nextse7enyes faileas?08:50
khermansRockinghorse, discard08:51
erstaziRockinghorse, to save you type :w and to save and quit :wq08:51
pretender_anyone now any good sites etc to learn linux command line08:51
ephesiusdoes anyone know how i would set my server to email me the log files daily?08:51
Malachithavorn: Right-click a folder and hit "Share Folder"08:51
faileas" thats the problem08:51
khermanspretender_, tldp.org08:51
MalachiIt'll install the packages you need, thavorn08:51
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RockinghorseTnx erstazi :)08:51
BlainNthavorn:  Listen to Malachi -- he knows what he's talking about.08:51
thavornMalachi: already done that, do I need to install both ubuntu?08:52
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Malachithavorn: It'd be best.08:52
JamesinatorHow can I list available X displays?08:52
faileaspretender_: any dos/windows cli experience?08:52
erstaziRockinghorse, don't thank me, thank your recruiter08:52
Malachithavorn: Or, "it wouldn't hurt."08:52
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astro76pretender_, http://www.tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/html/index.html08:52
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Rockinghorseerstazi: huh?08:52
astro76pretender_, http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html08:52
erstaziRockinghorse, sorry, it was a joke (:08:52
fiXXXerMetThere's an open-source development environment out there that supports a bunch of languages (.net, c, php, etc) - something notebook - does anyone know it's full name?08:53
RockinghorseOh, I get it lol08:53
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, done, now what? :)08:53
RockinghorseI'm a joe guy myself.  Amazing app, that08:53
pretender_thanks all08:53
thavornMalachi: I have 2 ubuntu 7.04, one ppc one intel08:53
Jaikkanenhow can i get the correct additions to xarchiver so i can unzip rar files?08:53
BlainNRockinghorse: but kate is a cuter name.08:53
RockinghorseI don't like Kate.08:54
khermansJaikkanen, sudo aptitude install rar08:54
astro76!rar | Jaikkanen08:54
ubotuJaikkanen: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:54
BlainNIt's a cuter name!08:54
Malachithavorn: Okay...nice...08:54
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RockinghorseI try to stay away from Kanything :)08:54
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Jaikkanenthanks guys08:54
MalachiI'm trying to avoid iAnything.08:55
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thavornMalachi: "share throught" NFS or SMB?08:55
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: Still here?08:55
BlainNMalachi: me too.08:55
RockinghorseSometimes K apps don't work in xfce08:55
Malachithavorn: I'd do SMB08:55
BobbyHello, I don't mean to interupt but i am trying to use the update manager in uBuntu to update my os...I have an internet connection (i know), but when it goes to try and perform the updates...it says:     Could not download all repository indexes...then it just quits08:55
khermansRockinghorse, sometimes k apps dont work in kde08:55
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BobbyAny idea why?08:55
BlainNthavorn: smb makes it easier to network with windows.08:55
Malachithavorn: Especially if Windows computers are on the network.08:55
khermansBobby, behind firewall08:55
BlainNRockinghorse:  I've never had a problem with that in KDE.08:56
BlainNWonder why.08:56
RockinghorseOh, of course not! :)08:56
thavornMlachi: so both linux can connect each other using SMB?08:56
howlingmadhowienextse7en: try: apt-get install netkit-inetd --reinstall08:56
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie I did, same error.08:56
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RockinghorseKDE uses about 1/2 my memory, xfce 1/308:56
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Malachithavorn: Yes, they should be able to.08:57
khermansthavorn, yeah but should use nfs08:57
BlainNRockinghorse:  Okay.  Use whatever leaves your soul intact.08:57
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=== BlainN is very ecumenical.
Bobbyquestion...my uBuntu distro is installed in a virtual machine on a crappy windows xp pc...would this cause it to do this?  would this be, in essence, a firewall?08:57
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thavornMalachi: Now how to connect from one ubuntu to another ubuntu, I not sure where to click08:57
astro76Bobby, if it's not set up correctly. Using vmware?08:58
khermansBobby, possilby, make it nat instead08:58
RockinghorseI sometimes run both on different terminals and switch back and forth08:58
Malachithavorn: What's the name of the other PC?08:58
faileasbobby: depends on the setup...08:58
howlingmadhowienextse7en: okay, how about: sudo dpkg --configure netkit-inetd08:58
Malachithavorn: In nautilus, you can connect by typing in smb://computername in the location bar08:58
Bobbyalready made it an NAT...still doesn't work08:58
thavornMalachi: crazyman08:58
erstaziBobby, if you are using vmware, they make "virtual eth0 or wlan" connections08:58
astro76Bobby, work with bridged?08:58
MalachiSo, smb://crazyman08:58
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MalachiOf course, if there are no shares on crazyman...08:58
albertAnyone know any good site to help install Logitech webcams??08:59
nextse7en  howlingmadhowie No change, same error.08:59
khermansBobby, what does /var/log/aptitude show08:59
crazymanwhats going on with me?08:59
thavornMalachi: what application to associate?08:59
RockinghorseBobby, update your sources.list08:59
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: what did dpkg --configure netkit-inetd say?08:59
Rockinghorseand run apt-get update08:59
MalachiThavorn: ?08:59
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khelllis there any software that shows a network traffic indicator , like windows network icon08:59
Malachithavorn: Open Nautilus.08:59
thavornMalachi: use a terminal?08:59
khermanskhamael__, in gnome yes09:00
crazymank malachi... crazyman what?09:00
khermanskhelll, right-click add to panel, network monittor09:00
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Malachithavorn: It's the default filemanager, just click any folder.09:00
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:00
Malachicrazyman: Sorry.09:00
BlainNcrazyman:  crazyman is the naem of one of thavorn's computers.09:00
Malachithavorn: Got it open?09:00
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie here, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32584/09:00
PlantainSo how can I repair my broken apt?09:01
BlainNPlantain -- how do you know it's broken?09:01
pasqualeDoes anyone know a fix for the keyboard/mouse lockup bug after you login to feisty ?09:01
crazymangot it09:01
howlingmadhowienextse7en: mm. that's a bit terse of dpkg09:01
Malachithavorn: Maybe a simpler way to say "Open nautilus" is to say, open any folder, like your home folder.09:01
PlantainBlainN: Because everything fails with "E: The package armagetronad needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."09:01
khelllyea worked09:01
jetscreamerfix the sources09:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:02
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: what does dpkg -s netkit-inetd say?09:02
thavornMalachi: yes, but it just open up my home folder when I type nautilus in termina09:02
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: lol. What would happen if I just nuked the init.d directoy?09:02
moyerhow come my computer runs faster at lower resolution?09:02
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BlainNPlantain -- it does sound like your sources.list is messed up.  Have you check it?09:02
ferret_0567thavorn: that's normal09:02
howlingmadhowienextse7en: believe me. you don't want to do that09:02
Malachithavorn: Yes. nautilus if your file manager.09:02
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie Somehow, I belive you.09:02
Rockinghorse/msg nickserv register sunnyday209:02
astro76BlainN, Plantain used alien to convert a rpm of armagetron09:02
Malachithavorn: It's pretty much like "Windows Explorer" or "Finder"09:03
Bobbyi type /var/log/aptitude into the terminal window...and it says "No such file or directory"----------I am very new to Linux...please bear with me09:03
jetscreamerwhy would you type /var/log/aptitude09:03
Malachithavorn: Anyway, hit Ctrl+L09:03
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: imagine a nuclear holocaust. now imagine it 1000 times worse. that's what the world may someday recover to, if you remove the contents of /etc/init.d09:03
jetscreamermaybe less /var/log/something09:03
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MalachiIt should open an address bar, thavorn09:03
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Rockinghorse/msg nickserv set hide email on09:03
janimatiwho pl?09:03
Bobbyrockinghorse, how do i update my sources.list09:03
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:04
thavornMalachi: no address bar, maybe chose view in menu bar09:04
aroonianyone know how to fix grub error 17:  Cannot mount selected partition?09:04
howlingmadhowienextse7en: hang on, have you been messing around in init.d yourself?09:04
RockinghorseYou need the current repos.09:04
Malachithavorn: Yes, there you go. Now type in smb://crazyman09:04
=== jetscreamer hasn't figured out why ubuntu's version of grub is inferior
Rockinghorsejust a sec I'll give you a link to mine. Hold on, Bobby09:04
thavornMalachi: Ctr L works09:04
Bobbyok cool...thx09:04
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, Interesting, "netkit-inet is not installed and no info is availble" is the output of that command.09:05
moyerhow do i change my screen resolution from the command line?09:05
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie Nope.09:05
khermansmoyer, in xorg.conf09:05
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie never touched it.09:05
jetscreamerit's bsd-something09:05
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jetscreamerthe other flavor09:05
moyerkhermans :thanks09:05
ferret_0567khermans: I don't think that's what he wants09:05
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: dpkg -s netkit-inetd (you may have typed it wrong)09:05
Malachithatsannoying: Sorry, I bet it is.09:05
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thatsannoyinglol thanks..09:06
ferret_0567moyer: xorg.conf is the configuration file for the GUI of Linux09:06
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thavornmalachi: error "sorry couldn;t display all the contents in windows...."09:06
ferret_0567it lists valid resolutions, and specifies what graphics card driver to use, among other things09:07
Malachithavorn: Do you have a share set up on crazyman?09:07
moyerwhere is xorg.conf located.. sorry.09:07
pasqualeanyone know a fix for the mouse/keyboard lockup after you login?09:07
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ferret_0567wouldn't play around with it though09:07
khermansmoyer, sudo updatedb && slocate xorg.conf09:07
RockinghorseBobby, try www.sonic.net/~lkokot/sources.list09:07
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie:  output of that command here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32586/09:07
thavornMalach: I use right click on home/desktop and it prompt me to install something, which I think is NFS and smb09:07
ferret_0567moyer: to change between valid resolutions on the command line, you use xrandr09:08
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jetscreameropenbsd-inetd or inetutils-inetd09:08
ferret_0567to find out what it does, use "man xrandr"09:08
Plantainastro76: Any suggestions as to how I might remove the reference to armagetron then?09:08
Malachithavorn: Yes, correct. Make sure SMB is installed on both computers, then share a folder on a computer.09:08
jetscreamerxrndr -s 1024x768 iirc09:08
moyerferret_0567 :oh thats fantastic wow. thanks you so much09:08
astro76Plantain, sorry I'm not a master on fixing broken apt :/09:08
Plantain:/ thanks anyway09:09
ferret_0567your welcome09:09
nextse7enmuhuhahaha, I can play mp3's from the command line in mach linux on a 33 mhz machine, I am such a geek.09:09
howlingmadhowienextse7en: now we're getting somewhere09:09
nextse7enerr mach unix.09:09
Rockinghorse/msg nickserv set email lkokot@sonic.net09:09
ferret_0567mach unix?09:09
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n00dl3Rockinghorse: orly? :O09:10
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ferret_0567mach is OS X's core09:10
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie I certainly am glad to hear that.09:10
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JDStonecrap, why when I install phpmyadmin, it says it can't load the mysql extension09:10
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JDStoneit installs php5, but not libapache-mod-php509:10
thavornMalachi: error "the location is not a folder"09:10
n00dl3thavorn: I would listen to it, it might be on to something09:10
Malachithavorn: Is SMB file sharing set up on both computers?09:10
nextse7enferret_0567 In this case it is nextstep 3.2's core.09:10
ferret_0567nextse7en: is this "mach unix" Darwin?09:10
faileas actually OS X is a mac/BSD hybrid09:10
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Malachin00dl3: Hah...09:11
nextse7enferret_0567  No.09:11
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khermansJDLimbo, aptitude install libapache-mod-mysql ?09:11
Malachithavorn: If so, have you shared a folder? (Right-click: share folder)09:11
ferret_0567well, yes, OS X is a mach/BSD hybrid, FreeBSD to be exact09:11
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thavornMalachi: do u think I should type smb:home/crazyman ?09:11
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nextse7enfaileas Actually faileas, to be precise, its openstep 7, which came from nextstep, which had mach as its core.09:12
Malachithavorn: No. But you may try to go to Places > Network09:12
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, How we doing over there?09:12
faileaswhere did you get it from? ;p09:12
sportcan anyone explain to me how ftp is different form file sharing on a home computer?09:12
MalachiPlaces is between Applications and System, thavorn09:12
ferret_0567is openstep open source?09:12
thavornMalachi: got it09:12
khermanssport, fto is just a protocol09:12
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: you mention start-up problems because of permissions in etc. can you paste the results of the following commands: 1) ls -l /etc   2) ls -l /etc/init.d    3) ls -l /etc/rc2.d09:12
rocketsIs it possible to shrink an ext3 partition?09:12
jacobi'm having problems uninstalling real player with uninst.sh, can anybody help me?09:12
Malachithavorn: See the other PC yet?09:13
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nextse7enfaileas, ferret_0567 No, not opensource, but earlier versions are considered abandonware.09:13
Tanmanahh excuse me.....does anyone why top hangs in linux?09:13
faileasrockets: gparted, or qtparted09:13
khermansrockets, yes09:13
pasqualehas anyone had the same problem with Feisty locking up after you login?09:13
Flannelrockets: yep.  You can expand/shrink ext3 partitions by changing their tail09:13
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, You got it.09:13
Tanmanon my machine i type top and it just stays there09:13
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khermanspasquale, check your disk space and ~/ permissions09:13
rocketsFlannel, what does that mean09:13
ferret_0567Does the GNOME version of Evince allow you to open two copies of the same document at once?09:13
faileasnextse7en: I know the history.... i was wondering where i could score a copy ;p09:13
moyerwow i wish my OS ran this fast on a higher reso. anyone know anything about why intel 82854G is a dog in linux??09:13
Flannelrockets: you can only change the end point, not the start point09:13
JDLimbokhermans: excuse me?09:13
thavornMalachi: yes I did, this is the same like windows file sharing, so is this the basic of smbfs?09:13
Jamesinator!pastebin > Jamesinator09:13
nextse7enfaileas the bay.09:13
khermansJDLimbo, ??09:13
howlingmadhowienextse7en: and while you're about it: sudo dpkg-reconfigure netkit-inetd09:14
rocketsFlannel, damn, / is sda2 and i need to add to sda109:14
pasqualekhermans : what about them?09:14
rocketsso im screwed?09:14
Malachithavorn: Yes. Pretty much the same thing.09:14
Malachithavorn: Is that what you want?09:14
hysteriamaniawhy is feisty beig so feisty ad taking  forevere09:14
khermanspasquale, make sure it is no locking up due to running out of space or bad perms09:14
ferret_0567moyer: hmm...I've never experienced that on a Intel 8 series card09:14
Flannelrockets: well, you might be able to do it depending on how much space you're adding and how much you're currently taking up.09:14
Malachihysteriamania: What do you mean?09:14
thavornMalachi: but there is no password protection?09:14
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, I din't have permissions probs in etc, I had them in home, I just had it set to open access for everyone, I corrected that, still want the output for those fisrt 3 commands?09:14
rocketsFlannel, but i cant add space to sda1 if the free space comes after sda209:14
sportkhermans what would it mean to add ftp to a samba lan server?09:14
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khermanssport, ?09:15
Malachithavorn: There can be, yes.09:15
rocketsI guess I can instal WoW on my external hard drive.09:15
moyeryou think it could be something in my xorg.conf that needs to be edited?09:15
hysteriamaniaalmost an hour to upgrade09:15
Flannelrockets: You'd have to move sda2 to the end of the freespace, and then add it to sda1, right.09:15
khermansftp and samba are two different things09:15
cyberphazanyway  to remove say, gaim eventhough its part of a package like ubuntu-desktop?09:15
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ferret_0567Does the GNOME version of Evince allow you to open two copies of the same document at once?09:15
JamesinatorI'm trying to open gedit on a remote app that I'm connected to through SSH. However, whenever I try to run any graphical apps I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32588/09:15
hysteriamaniacould've been out banging hot chicks09:15
khermansferret_0567, dont think so, but try it09:15
nextse7enhowling mad howie, interesting, output for that last command is...09:15
nextse7en/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: netkit-inetd is broken or not fully installed09:15
howlingmadhowienextse7en: okay. then don't worry about the first three commands09:16
khermanshysteriamania, i go for the fat ones, they are less work09:16
jacobanybody knows how to uninstall real player 10 for linux?09:16
pasqualekhermans: its not a space or bad perms because sometimes it doesnt lock but most of the time as soon as i login it just freezes09:16
Malachihysteriamania: Oh. So it's your patience level that's the problem.09:16
sportkhermans w/ proftpd09:16
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astro76Jamesinator, use ssh -Y09:16
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: netkit-inetd is broken or not fully installed09:16
nextse7en is output of last command.09:16
khermanspasquale, check your logs09:16
thavornMalachi: but there is no option for me to use password to protect it, does it mean any pc can connect in the same network?09:16
hysteriamaniafat ones less work more baggeage09:16
Jamesinatorastro76: Uhh, that opens gedit on MY pc :P09:17
Jaikkaneni need some assistance retrieving apt-get onto my ubuntu fiesty which is now not bootable (and am now running from live CD)09:17
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, Boyo, thats some useful output, ehh? :p09:17
hysteriamaniacant spell09:17
pasqualekhermans: AH! HAH! i forgot about that thx ;)\09:17
Malachithavorn: Hold on. You can password protect your folders, but I need to make sure I give you the correct method.09:17
khermanshysteriamania, more lipids too09:17
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hysteriamaniai don't eat them, usually09:17
astro76Jamesinator, then I'm not clear on what you are trying to do09:17
thavornMalachi: thanks09:18
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Jamesinatorastro76: I'm trying to have gedit open on the desktop of a remote PC, I'm only connected to the terminal of said remote PC via SSH09:18
khermansJaikkanen, chroot to your partition and sudo aptitude reinstall ~Afeisty09:18
howlingmadhowienextse7en: okay, let's get nasty here: sudo dpkg --remove netkit-inetd --force-remove-reinstreq09:18
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Jaikkanenkhermans: i dont know how to "chroot"09:18
khermanshysteriamania, i eat them09:18
nextse7enI like the way your thinking howlingmadhowie.09:18
khermansJaikkanen, mount your partition09:19
Jaikkanenoh, you mean.. change my directory to the the root partition09:19
khermansyes, the moutned one09:19
khermansJaikkanen, you might need to bind mount your /dev and others09:19
khermansinto the chroot09:19
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Jamesinatorastro76: My pastebin entry was the user on the remote PC, via SSH09:19
khermansthen do the reinstall cmd09:19
Jaikkanenkhermans: its not completely accessable.. i need to scan it first.. as i had to shut down not properly, how do i do that again?09:20
astro76Jamesinator, not sure that's possible, at least not simply. what's the use of that since you are not at the remote pc?09:20
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khermansJaikkanen, fsck.ext309:20
howlingmadhowienextse7en: i hope i'll be able to say " i like the way it's working, nextse7en"09:20
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Jamesinatorastro76: Trying to open tutorials for doing certain things on that PC for when it doesn't have 'net access09:20
Jamesinatorastro76: So when I get to it I can save them to disk09:20
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie ubuntu didn't like the way you were thinking, output is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32589/09:20
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Jaikkanenkhermans: that command didnt work09:21
khermansJaikkanen, ??09:21
nextse7enlol, howlingmadhowie, Now its just making fun of us... You can't force remore something that isn't there, nananananana.09:21
Jaikkanenlike.. sudo fsck.ext3 /media/sda3?09:21
Gimm1eDatgod.. compiz looks so freeking cool09:22
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Jaikkanenor.. i dunno if it would be media..09:22
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: we'll crack this nut...09:22
Bobbyrockinghorse, i enetred that address into the web browser and pressed enter...it gave me a long list of stuff that begins with:       deb09:22
Malachithavorn: One moment, I'm still here.09:22
thavornMalachi; thank you09:23
RockinghorseWhat Ub are U using?09:23
hysteriamaniaeta what09:23
khermansJaikkanen, fsck.ext3 /dev/sda??09:23
Bobbyversion 6.06 LTS09:23
rausb0xubuntu 7.0409:23
howlingmadhowienextse7en: can you create a file called /etc/init.d/inetd again and then try the last command again? i'd also like to see /var/lib/dpkg/info/netkit-inetd.prerm09:23
hysteriamaniaeat what?09:23
hysteriamaniayou eat poop?09:24
Bobbyi am having to chat through windows because i have been unable to install anything...i tried to go through the add/remove feature and chat that way but it says something about "universe".  i have also been unable to sync my clock in ubuntu because it says that i must have an internet connection.09:24
Bobby<Bobby> i also tried to down load mirc in ubuntu and install it that way but i think i have to change directories....i can't change directories in the terminal window (using the following at the $ in the terminal window: cd /xchat-2.8.4)  when i press enter it says that there is no such file or directory09:24
Bobby<Bobby> i am all confused09:24
Bobby<Bobby> thanks in advance for your help09:24
RockinghorseWell do a search for repositories for your version and you'll get them.  Don't forget medibuntu!09:24
Jaikkanenkhermans: scanning now09:24
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Bobbywhat is medibuntu09:24
Malachithavorn: I'm back.09:25
nextse7enHowling mad, same exact error as last on the first...09:25
khermansBobby, a repo for codecs09:25
howlingmadhowieBobby: gaim (it's already installed) can handle irc09:25
Malachithavorn: Press Alt+F2 and type in 'gksudo gedit'09:25
thavornMalachi: thanks kok khun krap09:25
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie Same error after touching.   how do I show you the second thing you asked for?09:25
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crazymanbobby synaptic xchat?09:25
Malachithavorn: Done?09:25
albertCan someone give me a hand with my sources.list?09:25
Jaikkanenkhermans: ok.. so.. its mounted.. how do i do what you said?09:25
RockinghorseYou need to dl a gpg key for medibuntu, the instruc on the web, Bobby09:25
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thavornMalachi; done09:25
albertI think i'm not adding the lines correctly to it09:25
khermansJaikkanen, where did you mount it?09:26
Malachithavorn: Open this file: /etc/samba/smb.conf09:26
howlingmadhowienextse7en: how about: "sudo cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/netkit-inetd.prerm" and then cut and paste on pastebin.09:26
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, This would be so much easier if you could just ssh into my box, unfortuantly, I can't install ssh either, I get the same error, viscios cycle, that one is.09:26
Jaikkanenautomaticly went as /media/disk-109:26
Malachithavorn: Ctrl+O, and then type in the location, or browse to it.09:26
thavornMalachi: so we are changing conf file?09:26
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Jaikkanenkhermans: media/disk-109:26
howlingmadhowienextse7en: maybe it checks the contents or the permissions of the file. we'll know more once we've had a look at netkit-inetd.prerm09:26
Malachithavorn: Yes, we are telling it to use security.09:26
khermanschroot /media/disk-109:27
thavornMalachi: slow down09:27
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: cat: /var/lib/dpkg/info/netkit-inetd.prer: No such file or directory09:27
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Gimm1eDatim reading a little bit about easy ubuntu..09:27
Malachithavorn: Yes, we are changing a conf file.09:27
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: you've misstyped09:27
Gimm1eDathas anyone tried this?09:27
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hysteriamaniamiss typed09:27
ThanatosDriveHow can I 'kill my existing FireFox' sessions?09:27
Jaikkanenkhermans: chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied09:28
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, I'm just pasting what you say, lol.09:28
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khermansJaikkanen, sudo it09:28
Jaikkaneni did09:28
JamesinatorI'm trying to open gedit on a remote app that I'm connected to through SSH. However, whenever I try to run any graphical apps I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32588/09:28
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: you missed off the last letter09:28
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rausb0nextse7en: no, you typed .prer but it should be .prerm09:28
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hysteriamaniashoot yourself09:28
thavornMalachi: I am in etc/samba09:28
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Jaikkanenkhermans: first tried without and it just said something slightly different09:28
crazymanany of you guys use wine?09:28
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nextse7enAhh, howlingmadhowie, your right.09:29
Malachithavorn: Look for smb.conf09:29
Jamesinatorcrazyman: Yes...09:29
MalachiOpen it.09:29
ThanatosDriveAnybody? How to get rid of FireFox?09:29
khermansJaikkanen, do you have a /media/disk-1//bin/bash09:29
Jaikkanenkhermans: pretty much just saying im not allowed to09:29
thavornmalachi: done09:29
Jaikkanenkhermans: let me check09:29
astro76ThanatosDrive, killall firefox-bin09:29
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crazymanjamesinator does it work ok?09:29
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ThanatosDriveastro76: Thanks09:29
Malachithavorn: Press Ctrl+F for find. Search for ;security09:29
howlingmadhowienextse7en: i'm quite enjoying taking my time over this. some friends of mine are trying to convince me to go round to their place and watch the entire ring cycle from wagner...09:29
Jamesinatorcrazyman: Yes. If it utterly failed and was totally nonworking, I doubt it would be doing so well. Why not read their site? http://www.winehq.org/09:29
Jaikkanenkhermans: yes09:29
khermansyou should be able to chroot into it09:30
crazymanim there now, just though i asked09:30
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, I'm sorry to be taking up so much of your time.09:30
eth1cAnyone mind helping me with the OpenGL Python bindings / GtkGLExt Python bindings09:30
crazymantrying to do the whole being social thing09:30
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32590/09:30
Malachithavorn: Sorry, search for     security = user09:30
Jaikkanenkhermans: into /media/disk-1//bin/bash?09:30
eth1cIve quadtripple checked that i have them installed, yet nothing o_O09:30
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thavornmalachi: found09:30
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Selrachexcuse me, I use a dual drive and gnome lists 2 drive entries under nautilus when I have only one. they are: CD-ROM and CD-RW/DVD+RW Drive. Any way to remove the redundant one?09:30
howlingmadhowienextse7en: lol!09:30
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faileashmm no openstep but the have nextstrp ;)09:31
Malachithavorn: Get rid of the semicolon in front of that line, and save.09:31
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie Interesting file contents, ehh?09:31
Jaikkanenkhermans: well when it crashed, and i had to shut down.. when i booted back up and it tried to scan.. it said i had to do something.. something manually... untill then it stated it would be read only09:31
Jaikkanenkhermans: not sure exactly what though09:31
howlingmadhowienextse7en: that should fix it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32591/09:32
nextse7enSorry, I missed something, did you alter the pasted file? howlingmadhowie?09:33
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eth1cAnyone mind helping me with the OpenGL Python bindings / GtkGLExt Python bindings?? Ive installed them yet my checkers wont go 3D!09:33
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: just edit the file with "sudo nano -w /var/lib/dpkg/info/netkit-inetd.prerm" and edit out the lines as you can see in the link i pasted09:33
thavornmalachi: u mean delete ; ?09:33
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khermansJaikkanen, sudo chroot /media/disk-1 /bin/bash09:34
howlingmadhowienextse7en: btw, editing files in /var/lib/dpkg/info by hand is not to be recommended09:34
Jaikkanenkhermans: same thing09:34
Malachithavorn: Yes, but actually, don't.09:34
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, How in the heck did those lines get uncommented, anyway?09:34
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khermansJaikkanen, what is the exact message?09:34
Malachithavorn: (I've changed my mind, =) )09:34
Malachithavorn: Instead, do this. Search for the name of your shared folder.09:35
Jaikkanenchroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied09:35
Jaikkanenkhermans: chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Permission denied09:35
thavornmalachi: I  have a backup of the original file, I replace it again09:35
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie I mean, what the heck happened in that file?09:35
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: i think the file is actually correct. at some stage, /etc/init.d/inetd got deleted. we could also create a "stop" section in /etc/init.d/inetd, but it's much of a muchness09:35
khermansJaikkanen, i forget again, what is the goal you are trying to reach?09:35
Malachithavorn: You can hit Ctrl+Z to undo changes09:35
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thavornmalachi: pl09:35
thavornmalachi: ok09:35
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Malachithavorn: Now, go all the way to the bottom of the page.09:36
MalachiThere should be some stuff with your newest shared folder.09:36
MalachiSee it?09:36
Jaikkanenkhermans: retrieve apt-get... but i dont think that will be possible untill i can write on the HDD again.. when i tried to boot from the HDD.. it said i needed to do something.. and that the HDD with be read only.. untill then09:36
thavornMalachi: done09:36
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie Holy Crap man, it worked, telnetd installed.09:36
sporti pinged my router... how do i get it to stop?09:36
MalachiIt'll have a path = /path and stuff. See it, thavorn?09:36
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Jaikkanenkhermans: perhaps i should try to boot on the HDD again and write down what it wanted me to do?09:36
MalachiUnder that, add a new line that says    security = user09:36
nextse7enhowlingmad howie One more q now... how do I start telnetd?09:36
khermansJaikkanen, ya09:36
astro76sport, ctrl+c09:37
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sportastro76 thx09:37
rausb0nextse7en: may i ask why do you want telnet when there is ssh?09:37
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: i'll just take my bow now :)09:37
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nextse7enrausb0, becasue I'm trying to connect an ancient machine without ssh to my linux box temporarily.09:38
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, You, sir rock.09:38
thavornmalachi: there are a few path = .......09:38
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rausb0nextse7en: alright09:38
howlingmadhowienextse7en: (in best ozzy osborne style: ) ROCK AND ROLL!!!!09:38
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crazymanhttp://pastebin.com/m87c123d    ... any ideaS?09:39
Malachithavorn: Look for the one that's at the very bottom.09:39
Malachithavorn: The name of your share should be in [brackets] 09:39
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, I am concerned about one part of the telnetd install, its said   * Not starting internet superserver: no services enabled.09:39
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie Is that ok?09:39
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: i've had very little to do with telnet. i can search ubuntuforums for it, if you wish.09:40
Malachithavorn: For example, I shared a folder called "public." So I would find where it says [public] , and under that would be /home/malachi/public09:40
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, You bet, I'll get to work on it, thanks so much, again.09:40
thavornmalachi: I am still at path = ..... not sure which one to choose09:41
rausb0nextse7en: i think you have to edit /etc/inetd.conf to enable telnetd09:41
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: do you now have a file called /etc/init.d/inetd? it looks like telnetd should install this file when you install it09:42
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Malachithavorn: You don't choose anything. Underneath the path = ... and other options, you add a new line that says   security = user09:42
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nextse7enYes, I do have the file, I'll try telneting into this maching from the mach machine now.09:42
BlackaCidI run Linux Supported games below 1fps and i have followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI (Radeon 9800 Pro) if you could please help me that would be great09:42
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Luciosi wanna to ask about iptables..where is script iptables in ubuntu?09:42
Jaikkanenkhermans: nevermind.. somehow this time it says im NOT missing anything.. *shrugs* and is booting up fine09:43
Jaikkanenkhermans: thanks for your help anyway09:43
khermansJaikkanen, :-)09:43
Malachithavorn: Here's what mine looks like, for example. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32592/09:43
howlingmadhowienextse7en: try starting the server first: sudo /etc/init.d/inetd start09:43
khermansJaikkanen, you repaired the file system with fsck09:43
nextse7ensudo /etc/init.d/inetd start09:43
Jaikkanenkhermans: it already did that itself on bootup i thought09:43
khermansJaikkanen, maybe not...09:44
howlingmadhowienextse7en: yes, that's right09:44
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, uhoh, command not found.09:44
Jaikkanenkhermans: not that i care.. its working!09:44
howlingmadhowienextse7en: mm. maybe start isn't defined. try: sudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart09:44
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, same problem09:45
howlingmadhowienextse7en: okay. do you have a file called /etc/init.d/telnetd or similar?09:45
thavornMalachi: wait09:45
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie it installed something called openbsd-inetd when it installed telnetd. Could that have something to do with it?09:47
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie I have no such file in /etd/init.d09:47
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thavornmalachi: security = user ? (the computer name that is connecting in?)09:47
howlingmadhowienextse7en: can you post the following: ls -l /etc/init.d09:47
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Malachithavorn: No, just security = user09:48
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Malachithavorn: Don't change the word 'user'09:48
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asdfhello i need a little bit of help makeing a usb flash drive boot with grub can some one assist me?09:48
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thavornmalachi : done09:48
MalachiSave it, and close.09:48
thavornmalachi: done09:48
asdfhello i need a little bit of help makeing a usb flash drive boot with grub can some one assist me?09:49
rausb0asdf: what have you done so far?09:49
Malachithavorn: Now here's where you're going to have to use a terminal, because, as of right now, I don't think there's a gui implementation for it.09:49
MalachiSo open a terminal.09:49
asdfextracted the iso to the flash drive :D09:49
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, here is is.09:49
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thavornmalachi: ok, terminal on09:49
asdfrausb0 come channel hbh09:49
howlingmadhowienextse7en: that looks wrong. telnetd didn't install an inetd09:50
rausb0asdf: is the filesystem on the flash drive ext2 or fat?09:50
Malachithavorn: Type in smbpassword -a username      This time, you want the username to be the name of the user that you want to give access to.09:50
asdfidk i dont think its eather09:50
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asdfactuly 1 sec i might have an ideal09:50
cyberphazanyone got otr working with pidgin?09:50
howlingmadhowienextse7en: can you post the following: ls -l /etc09:50
wckdkl0wnwhich would i have to install first for a dual boot system with ubuntu and xp?09:50
howlingmadhowienextse7en: and: ls -l /09:50
Malachithavorn: It will ask you to set a password, so choose one and set it (twice, for mistakes)09:51
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie In the install output, it said it was REMOVING netkit-inetd and installing openbsd-inetd and telnetd.09:51
neolwckdkl0wn, install win xp first and then ubuntu09:51
nextse7enso I don't think I have netkint-inetd howlingmadhowie09:51
wckdkl0wnneol, is there a way i can resize my hd now with linux on it and install windows beside it?09:51
thavornmalachi: just type the same ? "smbpassword -a username"09:51
howlingmadhowienextse7en: that's what it should have been doing. the trouble is, it hasn't installed a new inetd. maybe because the touched file was still there09:51
ranjanif i do not want to serve files is myth frontend suffiecient as standalone system?09:52
Malachithavorn: For example: if I wanted user malachi to be able to connect to my share, I'd type in smbpasswd -a malachi09:52
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MalachiAnd, I'm sorry, it's smbpasswd, not smbpassword09:52
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thavornmalachi: it can be any host name in the network?09:52
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie Here is ls -l / output09:53
Malachithavorn: It's not a host name, it's the name of the user you want to  access shares. It can be anything.09:53
BlackaCidI run Linux Supported games below 1fps and i have followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI (Radeon 9800 Pro) if you could please help me that would be great09:53
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thavornmalachi: the login name of ubuntu can?09:53
crazymanmy brain just turned off :(09:53
Malachithavorn: Yes.09:53
Radioanyone use rhythmbox?09:54
howlingmadhowienextse7en: that one's okay. i'm looking for something which would stop apt-get writing to /etc/init.d09:54
MalachiRadio: occasionally.09:54
RadioMalachi: do you know how I can copy my music from ipod to computer?09:54
thavornMalachi: try many times it says cmd not found09:54
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nextse7enI'll check to see if the touched empty file is still ther.09:54
Malachithavorn: make sure you're typing smbpasswd09:55
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Malachithavorn: Not smbpassword09:55
MalachiRadio: It should be drag and drop, shouldn't it?09:55
astro76!ipod | Radio09:55
ubotuRadio: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod09:55
crazymani dont want to think guys... can wine run already installed apps on my other partition.. no right? i have to reinstall the apps using wine..?09:55
MalachiRadio: it's been a while.09:55
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie Touched file is still there.09:55
howlingmadhowienextse7en: i know. can you paste: ls -l /etc09:55
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Radiothx guys09:55
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MalachiRadio: http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/03/how-to-manage-your-ipod-using-rhythmbox-in-ubuntu/09:55
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thavornmalachi: done09:56
howlingmadhowienextse7en: oh, you did, sorry :) i missed that one09:56
Malachithavorn: Can I change my mind again?09:56
thavornmalachi; my pleasure09:56
Ashfire908is there a way to free up memory used for caching?09:56
Malachithavorn: Press Alt+F2 and type gksudo gedit09:56
thavornmalachi: do I need to alt z since mind change09:56
howlingmadhowienextse7en: oh now you didn't sorry. i'm all confused. "ls -l /etc" would help09:57
Malachithavorn: No.09:57
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie Here it is. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32595/09:58
shrinklerHi.. I have a q about logging in with root... how can i log into the root account using the graphical login screen09:58
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Flannelshrinkler: you don't want to09:59
shrinklerflannel can you explain09:59
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Ashfire908is it ok if almost all my memory is used and half of it is cache?09:59
Flannelshrinkler: You don't want to login as the root user, especially with a GUI.  What are you trying to do?10:00
howlingmadhowienextse7en: that looks okay. you already have an inetd.conf. it's small, but let's just assume it's okay for now.10:00
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Malachithavorn: Have you opened Gedit?10:01
shrinkleri was going to work out how to mount my other hdd... ill work it out10:01
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, I'm getting quite quick and typing your nick, which is good, because I'm about to pass out on my keyboard, lol.10:01
Malachithavorn: I haven't heard the usual "done'10:01
victoriwhere would you add LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa /usr/bin/beryl  to get beryl working with fglrx ati drivers? aside from starting it from the command line?10:01
howlingmadhowienextse7en: now we just need the correct /etc/init.d/inetd file, so you can start telnet. why it didn't install it is anybody's guess. maybe because the touched file was still there. so the first thing: sudo rm /etc/init.d/inetd10:01
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: to type my nick, just enter how<tab>10:02
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie Done.... file has been removed.10:02
thavornmalachi : I screw up everything. I remove and reinstall smb first10:02
howlingmadhowienextse7en: if we're lucky, reinstalling telnetd will include an inetd in /etc/init.d10:02
Malachithavorn: Woah. What did you do?10:03
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: so try to reinstall int10:03
Malachithavorn: You may not have to reinstall anything.10:03
howlingmadhowienextse7en: s/int/in10:03
PlantainI asked earlier, but no one knew, so here goes again... I tried to do an alien install of armagetronad, and it failed, and apt-get is now borked. It always breaks just after starting with "E: The package armagetronad needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.", how can I fix this?10:03
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: I'm not following quite, how do I reinstall?10:03
thavornMalachi: I am using 2 pc, one ppc one intel. suppose to edit gedit on intel but I edited in ppc10:03
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: sudo apt-get install <name of package to install> --reinstall10:03
MalachiThavorn: Well, you don't need to reinstall it. There's a backup.10:04
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chris__hello all10:04
thavornmalachi" how10:04
chris__any one know who to fix this10:04
chris__E: clvm: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 310:04
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MalachiFirst, do you still have gedit open?10:05
chris__can any one help me10:05
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: Don't hit me, but I forgot the name of that inetd package.10:05
nextse7enopenbsd-inetd mebbe, I'll try it howlingmadhowie.10:05
thavornMalachi: too late I used apt-get remove samba already.10:06
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LattywareHey all, trying to configure yeahconsole, and it says to use XResources, there is no xresources file in my home directory, do I just create one, and if so, with what name (xresources XResources .xresources etc...)10:06
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Malachithavorn: Okay. Go ahead and reinstall it.10:06
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: Hooray, it reinstalled, and the surper server started.10:06
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: good luck :)10:07
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: oh, that sounds good :)10:07
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie Thanks so much man, you're a credit to the community.10:07
rafael__how to see chinese characters on the MOC player ?10:07
thavornmalachi: is this the correct command for removing "sudo apt-get remove samba"10:07
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howlingmadhowienextse7en: when you try cat /etc/init.d/inetd you should find that there's something in there now :)10:07
howlingmadhowienextse7en: tell canonical :) maybe they'll offer me a job :)10:07
Malachithavorn: Do this instead: sudo apt-get install --reinstall samba10:07
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thavornmalachi: it will replace everything for samba?\10:08
MalachiNo, actually.10:08
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Malachithavorn: Your smb.conf file will still stay the same10:08
hangthedj|lapor to reset it to default do 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure samba'10:08
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DanielHolthCould someone try using at and tell me if it works on your system? It does not work on mine: at exits with an error when I try to submit a job.10:09
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie More problems, now it cant find /etc/init.d/telnetd    lol.... when I try to start it, I get command not found.10:09
astro76rafael__, try asking in #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-hk or #ubuntu-jp10:09
DanielHolthMaybe I could use cron instead...10:09
Malachihangthedj|jap: Thanks, you're right. I was going to give him a copy of it, but that's easier.10:09
rausb0nextse7en: you don't start telnetd directly10:09
Malachithavorn: If you just want to reset that file, just type in "sudo dpkg-reconfigure samba"10:09
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: Isn't this the fun problem.... I hope you like solving problems as mych as I do.10:09
howlingmadhowienextse7en: yeah, there isn't an /etc/init.d/telnetd. telnetd is controlled over /etc/init.d/inetd. just type /etc/init.d/inetd restart10:09
rausb0nextse7en: inetd starts it when you connect10:09
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PlantainHow might I wipe apt clean and start afresh?10:09
nextse7enrausb0 Thanks.10:10
thavornMalachi: ok. me new babe. everyday learn new cmd. cool man10:10
howlingmadhowienextse7en: inetd (and xinetd) are called "super servers". basically, they stop you having 100 server processes waiting for a query and instead only have one server process which starts the others as needed10:10
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nextse7en/etc/init.d/inetd: No such file or directory....10:10
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Malachithavorn: So is everything "normal" again?10:11
howlingmadhowienextse7en: are you sure you didn't misstype?10:11
LattywareHey all, trying to configure yeahconsole, and it says to use XResources, there is no xresources file in my home directory, do I just create one, and if so, with what name (xresources XResources .xresources etc...)10:11
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nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: Yes, unfortunatly.10:11
howlingmadhowiehowlingmadhowie: is inetd running? (ps aux | grep inetd)10:12
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: It doesn't seem to matter, I am able to telnet in to my box, FINNALLY, I'll just let sleeping dogs lie.10:12
thavornmalachi: it promt me "daemon" and "inetd" which one to choose>10:12
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: Thanks so much for your help... again.10:13
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Malachithavorn: Just hit enter all the way through10:13
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rausb0nextse7en: maybe the initscript is called /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd, but if it works now, it's not that important10:13
howlingmadhowienextse7en: mm. i just hope it'll start again the next time you start the box. can you paste the result of: ls -l /etc/rc2.d10:14
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nextse7enIts working.... I can finally use this box as an xserver for my dumb clients, thanks so myc.10:14
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slipknot666helo, just asking wer can i find a tool for making a login manager/window? thnx10:15
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32596/'10:15
thavornmalachi: done10:15
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Malachithavorn: Okay, now go back to the computer that you have the share on.10:16
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thavornmalachi: ok10:16
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MalachiType in smbpasswd -a <username>10:16
rausb0nextse7en, howlingmadhowie: the openbsd-inetd link is there, good10:16
howlingmadhowienextse7en: do you have a file called /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd? looks like rausb0 was right :)10:16
slipknot666wer can i find a tool for making a window login manager?10:16
howlingmadhowierausb0: just making sure :)10:16
MalachiAnd make sure to put in the username you're supposed to, thavorn.       smbpasswd -a username10:16
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rausb0howlingmadhowie: this openbsd-inetd is new to me. the package used to be called inetd. or it is a different inetd (non netkit).10:17
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie, I do have such a file... hooray!!!! I know how to start it next time.10:17
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howlingmadhowierausb0: i'd never heard of it either. and i'm used to using inetd from my old suse days10:18
howlingmadhowienextse7en: yep, it looks good :)10:18
rausb0nextse7en: you don't need to start it. it will start automatically at boot time. thats what the runlevel is for.10:18
ssHi folks a little problem can some one tell me how to configure KDE for socks proxy. I mean putting settings in it provided by my cable net operator10:18
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rausb0howlingmadhowie: since when do you use linux?10:18
nextse7enhowlingmadhowie: rausb0: Thanks so much, I'm off to go configure my remote x app.10:19
thavornMalachi: since I reinstall and reconfig the .conf file, now it promt me the gui "share folder" again10:19
howlingmadhowiegeneral question: is there a central repository of configuration files for ubuntu? for example, if i deleted /etc/init.d/gdm or something, is there somewhere i could look up a standard version and copy it?10:19
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howlingmadhowierausb0: i've been using linux for about 3 years now10:19
thavornmalachi: "share properties" name : what to key in10:19
Malachithavorn: Go ahead and share your folder, then.10:19
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rausb0howlingmadhowie: i use linux since 1996 :)10:20
varun0howlingmadhowie: have you tried apt-get upgrade gdm?10:20
Malachithavorn: Share name should be the name you want to use for the share10:20
astro76ss, in ubuntu it's preferences>network proxy, not sure about kubuntu, try #kubuntu10:20
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Malachithavorn: Comment is optional. And it's up to you if you want read-only or not10:20
howlingmadhowievarun0: i haven't actually done it, it was just an example :) it's just, if someone does edit there gdm or whatever, maybe it would be a good idea to have these files available somewhere10:20
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sstried it seems they also do not know10:21
varun0howlingmadhowie: oh. haha. my bad10:21
rausb0howlingmadhowie: i doubt there is a config file repo. but at least each package with config files provides the info which of its file are config files.10:21
howlingmadhowierausb0: cool :) i wish i'd started earlier10:21
Gimm1eDathey guys, im back.. making sooome progress.. im using the alternate CD now.. anyways.. im to the point where its asking me to partion the drive.. it has a couple options.. one being use entire disk and set up LVM10:21
rausb0howlingmadhowie: and i started with suse as well :)10:21
nadplukovniknkdo ech?10:21
Gimm1eDatdo I want to select the "and set up LVM" part or just "use entire disk" ?10:21
howlingmadhowierausb0: i think it would be a good idea to have a config file repo, don't you? maybe i'll build one this afternoon10:21
rausb0!cz | nadplukovnik10:22
ubotunadplukovnik: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.10:22
astro76ss, eh just give them more time it's only been a few minutes, someone in there is far more likely to know10:22
cyberphazhow do i delete files from a .deb that checkinstall put there but arent wanted?10:23
ssthnx buddy its ok i am there also10:23
howlingmadhowierausb0: okay. i gotta go. seeya everybody :)10:24
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cyberphazah with --exclude10:24
cyberphaznm :P10:24
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lk167<insert obsenities at ATI drivers here>10:25
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thavornmalachi: there are 2 .conf file now10:27
Malachithavorn: what do you mean?10:27
echeloni have a partition D: i want to install ubuntu onto10:28
echelonit has files already on it10:28
echelondo i have to format first ?10:28
thavornmalachi: etc/samba/smb.conf and etc/samba/smb.conf~ which one to chose for gtksudo gedit10:28
Malachithavorn: /etc/samba/smb.conf10:29
Malachithavorn: The one with the ~ is a backup10:29
thavornmalachi: ok , will repeat the types and let u know outcome10:29
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Malachithavorn: Hold on.10:30
Malachithavorn: Don't put security = user10:30
thavornmalchi: ok, lucky I am slow :P10:30
Malachithavorn: Ctrl+F and find security = user10:30
Malachithavorn: Delete the semicolon10:30
Malachithavorn: Delete the ;10:31
rausb0echelon: yes, you have to format it. linux uses its own filesystem, you cannot install it on ntfs. formatting can be done from the ubuntu installer.10:31
thavornmalachi: done10:31
MalachiThen save.10:31
Malachithavorn: If you delete the semicolon, you can save and close gedit10:31
echelonrausb0: what if i want to reformat windows but i cant boot into command prompt10:31
thavornmalachi : done10:32
slipknot666how can i replce my bootsplash screen? anyone ..help..tnx10:32
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rausb0echelon: huh?10:32
Malachiechelon: You don't need a command prompt to format windows10:32
echelonhow do i then >?10:32
Malachiecholong: Ubuntu can do it for you.10:32
echelonoh ok10:32
thavornmalachi: what is the effect of deleting the ;10:32
Malachiechelon: Pop in the CD!10:32
Gimm1eDatalright, as always.. im having issues.. i *just* burnt this CD.. im doing the text install and I just got an error that says "Warning: file:///cdrom/pool/main/l/lzo/liblzo1_1.08-3_i386.deb was corrupt10:32
Malachithavorn: It turns on security mode10:32
echeloneven if im running windows on the drive i want to installt it on ?10:33
Malachithavorn: Now do the smbpasswd -a username10:33
lk167any tips on using the ATI drivers on 7.04?  I'm stuck, x logs are clean but still just a black screen10:33
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Malachislipknot666: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplash10:34
thavornmalachi: promt me password.   use what password?10:34
Malachislipknot666: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto10:34
Malachithavorn: Create a new password10:34
binaryacidwhy do i keep getting this error when i try to burn ubuntu geez >_<10:34
Malachithavorn: Did you change username to the name you wanted to use?10:34
thavornmalachi: yes, error "failed to modity password entry for user roy"10:35
Malachithavorn: Then you must have typed it wrong10:36
cyberphazhmm checkinstall is odd10:36
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thavornmalachi: u mean the password?10:36
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Malachithavorn: Yes10:36
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thavornmalachi: it ask to enter password for 3 times10:36
thavornMalachi; first time I think is suo password10:37
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Malachithavorn: The first time is what the password was before.10:37
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Malachithavorn: The second time is the new password, and the third time is the new password10:37
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thavornMalachi: first password is sudo password rite?10:38
echelonso wtf10:38
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echeloni put in CD10:38
echelonhow do i install10:38
Malachiechelon: Did it boot?10:38
echelonwhat you mean10:38
echeloni have to reboot PC?10:38
thavornmalachi: same error10:38
Malachithavorn: Run 'sudo smbpasswd -a roy'10:38
Malachithavorn: My fault.10:38
Malachiechelon: Yes10:38
echelonit didnt boot10:39
thavornMalachi: same error, ask u something10:39
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Malachiechelon: Make sure you boot from the CD10:39
echeloni am10:39
Malachithavorn: Type in sudo gedit10:39
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thavornMalachi: done10:40
Malachiechelon: What do you mean it won't boot, then? Did you get an error?10:40
Malachithavorn: Now close the gedit10:40
Malachithavorn: Now type in 'sudo smbpasswd -a roy'10:40
Malachithavorn: Type in the same password all three times10:40
echelonit just went to windows10:40
echelonmy laptop10:41
Malachiechelon: Then you didn't boot from the CD10:41
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Malachiechelon: What type of laptop are you using?10:41
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MARIUSmariusi'm looking for good fps game on ubuntu. Any suggestions?10:41
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MalachiMARIUSmarius: True Combat: Elite10:41
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MalachiMARIUSmarius: America's Army10:41
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MalachiMARIUSmarius: Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory10:42
MalachiMARIUSmarius: Tremulous10:42
jetscreamer!info tremulous10:42
ubotutremulous: Aliens vs Humans, team based FPS game with elements of an RTS. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0-3 (feisty), package size 645 kB, installed size 1516 kB10:42
MARIUSmariusOoo, mabye links, where to download them from?10:42
Malachimariusmarius: www.google.com10:42
MARIUSmariusno team based games please :)10:42
jetscreamer!info alien-arena10:42
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ubotuPackage alien-arena does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:42
MARIUSmariusMalachi :)10:42
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jetscreamer!info alienarena10:42
ubotuPackage alienarena does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:43
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MARIUSmariusi'm looking for some online gaming :)10:43
nsdkmy moviens .rmvb play slow10:43
echosystmtremulous is cool10:43
thavornmalachi: same error10:43
echosystmits like natural selection10:43
echosystmbasically the same thing10:43
linux_i have installed pakage called : NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7185-pkg1.run , how i can uninstall it ?10:43
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Malachithavorn: Is the password for roy the same password you chose when you did it the first time?10:43
Malachithavorn: Before you reinstalled10:44
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thavornmalachi: before I reinstall there is no user roy10:45
crazymani have a sis graphics driver on the laptop.. i can run 1280x800 res under windows but im limited to 1028 here in ubuntu any ideaS?10:45
MalachiMARIUSmarius: Try TrueCombat: Elite10:45
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thavornMalchi : so no password10:45
MalachiHe's gone10:45
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nsdkmy movies in format .rmvb are playng very slow, I need help.10:45
crazymanthe sis website seems to have support only for redhat..10:45
Malachithavorn: Does it ask two or three times?10:45
echelonthis is bullshit10:45
echelonit wont boot to the CD10:45
Malachiechelon: What LAPTOP DO YOU HAVE?10:45
echelonacer travelmate10:46
thavornmalachi: first password is sudo because using sudo command10:46
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MalachiSorry for the caps, shift got stuck10:46
gbur1Has anybody in here triple-booted Vista, Ubuntu, and OS X?10:46
Malachithavorn: No, first password is not sudo password10:46
thavornMalachi: 2nd password asking for new smb password, 3rd password retype10:46
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thavornMalachi: then what shall be the first password?10:46
Malachiechelon: There's a special button you press when you reboot10:47
Malachiechelon: It's like DEL or F1 or F1210:47
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MalachiPress that, and you'll either get a BIOS or a boot sequence10:47
echelonso whats a boot sequence10:47
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Malachithavorn: Try the password for roy10:47
echelonif i press F2 i got some software thing where i can 'edit' the boot sequence10:47
echelonit doesnt look exactly like the normal bios i see though10:48
Malachiechelon: It tells the order of what you want to boot. You want the CD to boot before the HD10:48
Malachiechelon: Choose CD10:48
echeloni have10:48
echelonbut it does nothing ><10:48
Malachiechelon: Works?10:48
echelonunless its not changing properly ><10:48
gbur1echelon: Your computer tries to start from a CD, HDD, or another place.  The order in which you want it these devices is called the boot sequence.10:48
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gbur1to try*10:48
linux_how i can uninstall pakages ?10:48
thavornmalachi: -a mean add user?10:48
Malachithavorn: Yes10:48
echelonyeah ok10:48
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thavornmalachi: so in the smb.conf file shall have user name roy?10:49
gbur1so nobody with os x ubuntu and vista? :-)10:49
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Malachithavorn: No. smb.conf should not be changed anymore10:49
crazymani have a sis graphics driver on the laptop.. i can run 1280x800 res under windows but im limited to 1028 here in ubuntu any ideaS?10:49
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Malachicrazyman: sis?10:50
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crazymanya.. SiS..10:50
thavornmalachi: I stop trobling you for now, I have some basic on samba today and the information provide in the irc is greatI will look at help files.10:51
Malachithavorn: Okay. If you need anymore help feel free to ask me.10:51
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thavornMalachi: thank you, xie xie10:51
echelonah ok10:51
echeloni think ive figiured it out10:51
Malachiechelon: So it's booting?10:51
primskiguys, how do i update alias db, /etc/alias ?10:51
LordCthulhuI'm trying to use ubuntu live, but it's telling me My X server has an error. No devices were found. What do I do?10:52
echeloncan i install it on the same partition that windows is installed on10:52
echeloni cant can i ?10:52
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echeloncan i use the CD just to format a partition ?10:52
Malachiechelon: Yes.10:52
LordCthulhuIt says my X server has to do with my graphics.10:52
Malachiechelon: If you do it right, you can resize your windows partition10:52
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Malachiechelon: Ubuntu automatically shrinks Windows so they can both live in peace10:53
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Malachicrazyman: Are you using the sis drivers?10:55
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enryanyone from japan???10:55
enryanyone from japan???10:55
crazymanwell according to what i read yea, im using the integrated sis drivers with ubuntu10:55
MalachiDo you have your xorg.conf open?10:55
enryany japanees in the chat?10:55
crazymanand malachi.. the sis website doesnt provide deb. drivers only redhat..10:56
linux_i have installed pakage called : NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7185-pkg1.run , how i can uninstall it ?10:56
syntuxenry, repeating it wont make it happen dude10:56
Malachicrazyman: Have you looked at the restricted drivers manager?10:56
bullgard4I have a directory 'acpiexec' containing the files aecommon.h, aeexec.c, aemain.c, Makefile and osunidir.c. What is the proper command to build an executable utility 'acpiexec'? When I issued 'make' I obtained many error messages.10:56
Malachiechelon: How's it going?10:56
crazymanya.. nothing there xept my atheros card10:56
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AgreSorHello, is there any app who allows to make video of your desktop.. like screenshot .. but just that can make video not picture of desktop.. any know that... ?10:56
echelonits going ok10:56
Malachicrazyman: Okay. Open /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:57
Malachiechelon: Have you began the install process?10:57
crazymani have it open10:57
echelonyeah now10:57
echelonbut i havent formatted10:57
MalachiHave you added 1280xwhatever, yet, crazyman?10:57
AgreSorHello, is there any app who allows to make video of your desktop.. like screenshot .. but just that can make video not picture of desktop.. any know that... ?10:57
Malachiechelon: See where it gives you the option to automatically shrink the HD?10:57
crazymannah im afraid it wont work... lol what if my screen goes black?10:57
syntuxwhy there is no much information about Ubuntu Certification ?10:57
echelonim 'setting up the partitioner' now10:58
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Malachiechelon: Okay. The first option should be "guided"10:58
echeloni clicked manual10:58
echelonnow its scannign10:58
Malachiechelon: If you choose Guided, you don't have to worry about anything10:58
crazymanmalachi should i just add it next to every entry that has all the other resolutions?10:58
Malachiechelon: Manual is for more advanced users10:59
Malachicrazyman: Yes10:59
fyrestrtrAgreSor: istanbul10:59
crazymanmalachi, if for some random reason the screen goes black..?10:59
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echelonatm i have two partitions10:59
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Malachisudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:59
echeloni access them with C: and D:10:59
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echelonwindows is on C: atm10:59
echelonbut i have backed up files on DL10:59
Malachiechelon: Which do you want Ubuntu on?10:59
echelonwhat do i need to do10:59
echelonuhm, any really10:59
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MalachiChoose guided/resize for which ever one you want to choose11:00
AgreSorfyrestrtr,thank you11:00
harrisonyIm having an issue with my swap parition not being used (i have a 5 gig partition) and not 1 byte is being used11:00
echelonhuh ???11:00
echelonnot manual?11:00
Malachicrazyman: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:00
Malachiechelon: Like I said earlier, if you choose guided, it does things for you.11:00
fyrestrtrharrisony: that is not a problem; that's a Good Thing(tm)11:00
echelonit says it will use the entire disk11:01
crazymanyea thanks , im adding the resolution now.. do i need to restart after i added... or it can pick it up on the fly?11:01
Malachiechelon: You can go with manual if you know what you're doing11:01
astro76harrisony, swapon -s shows something?11:01
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Malachicrazyman: CTRL+ALT+Backspace to restart the xserver and logout11:01
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Malachiechelon: IF you really want to do it manually, just follow this guide.11:02
aroonihey folks11:02
echelonnah its ok11:02
aroonii have a wireless card that apparently ubuntu does not see11:02
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aroonihow do i fix this?11:02
echelonits installing now11:02
harrisonyMalachi: /dev/sda5                               partition       6016300 0       -211:02
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astro76harrisony, it's on then, how much ram do you have?11:03
HamelioNvy otkeda ?11:03
Malachiharrisony: Yes/ What about it?11:03
harrisonyastro76: 1gig11:03
Malachiarooni: What card?11:03
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harrisonyMalachi: i max the ram out and still no swap being used11:03
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Malachiharrisony: Did you add it to /etc/fstab?11:03
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harrisony(when i sax max it out i get the memory usage to 800mb11:03
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harrisonyMalachi: yes its in fstab11:04
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Malachiharrisony: did you run swapon -a11:04
arooniMalachi: dlink pci11:04
fyrestrtrharrisony: do not worry about this. Ubuntu will use the swap when it needs it. It is a good thing that swap is not being used; your system would slow down with constant swap thrashing.11:04
astro76harrisony, that's not maxed then11:04
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fyrestrtrharrisony: in short, leave it alone.11:04
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harrisonyits just before i would be using 300mb of ram and there would be 200mb using swap11:04
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gordonjcpsounds a bit swappy11:05
Malachifyrestrtr: He has no swap11:05
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Malachifyrestrtr: This is from a previous conversation.11:05
fyrestrtrhe said he has 5 gigs of swap.11:05
gordonjcpyou probably don't need swap these days11:05
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MalachiOh. O.o11:05
gordonjcpjeez, 5G of swap?11:05
gordonjcpthat's more than my mailserver has for /11:05
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harrisonyand occasionally my system will just lock up with everything just freezing and nothing works ctrl-alt-f1  doesnt work and i have to press the reboot button on my pc11:06
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Malachiharrisony: Did you do swapon -a11:06
N[i] Xhello, i am new to ubuntu. i tried to print an image but it wont print... i have no clue what to do. can anybody help me?11:06
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harrisonyand gordonjcp i used that since thats how much space i had left :P and i always forget to close applications11:06
astro76Malachi, swapon -s showed his swap11:06
MalachiN[i] X: Have you set up your printer?11:06
fyrestrtrN[i] X: does the printer work?11:06
astro76harrisony, sounds like maybe something besides memory11:06
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Malachiastro76: swapon -a will mount swaps in the fstab file11:06
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N[i] Xmalachi: no11:07
astro76swapon -s shows mounted swaps11:07
N[i] Xfyrestrtr: yes it does11:07
astro76not mounted, technially :O11:07
MalachiN[i] X: Connect your printer11:07
N[i] Xmalachi it is connected11:07
MalachiN[i] X: Go to System > Administration > Preferences11:07
MalachiSystem > Administration > PRINTERS, N[i] X11:07
N[i] Xmalachi got it11:08
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MalachiAdd Printer, N[i] X11:08
N[i] Xok add printer, got it11:08
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MalachiFind your printer, then find your manufacturer/model number11:08
crazymani'm back in heaven thank you!11:08
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Malachicrazyman: What was it?11:08
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crazymanthat was it, just apparently ubuntu failed to add that resolution upon install11:09
aroonii have a dlink wda-1320 wireless pci card11:09
aroonibut it wont show up in ubuntu11:09
aroonihow do i fix11:09
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Malachiarooni: Yeah, about that; did it show up in the Restricted Driver Manager?11:09
MalachiN[i] X: Going okay?11:09
arooniMalachi: where is that ?11:10
N[i] XMalachi: yes, it seems to be printing. lets see if what comes out is what i want11:10
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Malachiarooni: System > Administration > Restricted Driver Manager11:10
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N[i] Xmalachi: ok it works. thank you11:10
mintehow to install ubuntu on a HP pavilion TX1000 series?11:10
Malachiminte: Same way you install Ubuntu on any series, I guess.11:11
crazymanmalachi ive been doing so much configuring and downloading the past few days, this sucks anyways .. i want to back up the whole hard-drive in case anything goes wrong it can just be formatted as a whole from an external usb backup device and put back to this state, is there a program that does this?11:11
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Malachicrazyman: sbackup11:11
astro76!install | minte11:11
ubotuminte: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate11:11
Malachicrazyman: Search for sbackup in Synaptics11:11
crazymank thanks11:11
MalachiOr, sudo apt-get install sbackup, crazyma11:11
arooniMalachi: no it doesnt show up there11:12
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Dim_ReaperAny ideas what this is?11:12
Dim_Reapersda:<6>ata2.00: ATAPI check failed11:12
Dim_Reaper[    6.918786]   sda1<3>ata2.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x211:12
crazymanthis would also back up my windows partition?11:12
Dim_Reaperbooting takes about 4 minutes11:12
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Malachiarooni: Then perhaps you need drivers for it. What's the exact name of your card?11:12
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aroonidlink wda-132011:13
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arooniMalachi: i mean11:13
Malachicrazyman: No, but I'm sure you can set the option to include it. Never tried11:13
N[i] XMalachi: one more thing. i am trying to install a program. i did ./configure, make, now sudo make install and it gives me this: http://pastebin.com/m4415766d   can u help me?11:13
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crazymanmalachi, what im talking about its like a blind back up.. that just takes the whole drive and dumps it on my usb drive..11:14
MalachiN[i] X: What program? If I were you, I wouldn't download programs and isntall them that way.11:14
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gordonjcpcrazyman: if your USB device is bigger than your hard disk, and you don't mind clobbering everything on the USB drive, you could use dd11:15
N[i] XMalachi: why? what am i doing wrong? thats what was in the "install" file11:15
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crazymanwell i do mind the clobbering :(11:15
arooniMalachi: any suggestions11:15
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gordonjcpcrazyman: you might be able to so something ingenious and a little bit evil with cat, gzip and pipes11:15
Malachiarooni: Not at the moment.11:16
gordonjcpcrazyman: how big is the drive you want to back up, and how big is the USB drive?11:16
charlie_how do i upgrade breezy to dapper11:16
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crazymanusb drive is 400gigz.. this drive is 80..11:16
gordonjcpcrazyman: ah, plenty space11:16
MalachiN[i] X: You're doing it right. It's just, whenever possible, try to use Synaptic to install programs.11:16
linux__alieni want to install Ubuntu . Got kind of bored and frustrated with Fedora . Is it possible to live with Gnome alone ?11:16
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charlie_already changed source file11:16
linux__alien i read some chm documents but i found that xchm was not able to help me much in this regard coz the color coding in the document is gone11:16
MalachiBut Hydra isn't in Synaptic, N[i] X, so it doesn't apply here.11:16
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linux__alienis it possible to stay on with gnome?11:17
gordonjcpcrazyman: you *could* do something like dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/wherever/backup.img11:17
N[i] Xmalachi: hydra is not in synaptic or i would11:17
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crazymanyea space not a concern, my concern is doing something really stupid with a sudo command , and fucking all this configuration up11:17
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N[i] Xmalachi: so any ideas?11:17
gordonjcpcrazyman: you'd probably want to set a block size too11:17
aroonican someone help me get the dlink wda-1320 wireless card working?11:17
MalachiN[i] X: http://www.freshnet.org/debian/dapper/hydra/hydra_5.3-src-1_i386.deb11:17
charlie_please help11:17
MalachiN[i] X: That'll save you a lot of trouble.11:17
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N[i] Xmalachi: ok 1 sec11:17
gordonjcpcharlie_: no-one can help if you don't ask a question11:18
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crazymangordonjcp so then lets say my hard drive gets erased.. how would i go about bring it back to normal?11:18
gordonjcpcrazyman: boot off a rescue CD of some sort, mount the USB drive, then dd the image back over the hard disk ;-)11:18
Malachiarooni: Do you get lights?11:18
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crazymanthat sounds reasonable11:19
arooniMalachi: yes i get lights on teh back of the card11:19
crazymanwould that write mbr too?11:19
gordonjcpcrazyman: yup11:19
Malachiarooni: Then it should be working.11:19
gordonjcpcrazyman: dd will pull every single bit of data off the device11:19
Malachiarooni: Or, at least, it's recognized.11:19
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arooniMalachi: i dont see it if it goes to system => administration11:19
gordonjcpcrazyman: another handy one is dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda count=1 bs=51211:19
Malachiarooni: Then I guess it's not...11:19
gordonjcpcrazyman: that will zero out the mbr11:19
charlie_what do i type  to upgrade breezy to dapper?11:20
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harrisony!update | charlie_11:20
ubotucharlie_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:20
gordonjcpcharlie_: google11:20
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gordonjcpcrazyman: if things get hopelessly screwed up you sometimes need to zap the MBR and just go from scratch11:20
charlie_changed source.list need to know what to type11:21
gordonjcpcharlie_: http://linkpot.net/tzar/11:21
Malachiarooni: Are you new to Ubuntu?11:21
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charlie_sudo aptitude update or something?11:22
arooninot so much Malachi11:22
aroonibut relatievely fresh11:22
crazymanyea ill look into it, thanks though... random question how do I stop ubuntu from mounting my windows partition on boot?11:22
Malachiarooni: Okay. So you know the terminal and whatnot.11:22
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aroonii dont know all the commands to type sometimes11:22
N[i] XMalachi: thanks. i installed it but i cant get it to boot up: i type hydra in terminal but it doesnt do anything.11:22
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MalachiN[i] X: Hold, please.11:23
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defconI got an issue, For some reason I have my wireless card set at wlan1 instead of wlan0, any way to "make it wlan0"?11:23
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arooniMalachi: any suggestions ? :p11:23
Malachiarooni: I'm just going to tell you, because I don't have time to create a script.11:23
Malachiarooni: Open a terminal11:23
yhs1991hi all11:23
crazymanyea ill look into it, thanks though... random question how do I stop ubuntu from mounting my windows partition on boot? gordonjcp11:23
aroonioh u dont need to create any script11:23
defconwhats every1 up 2 2nite?11:23
stefgdefcon: look at /etc/iftab11:23
aroonii can type stuff11:23
harrisonyis there a way to make a program force to run on swap (just want to make sure its working)11:23
harrisony!hi | yhs199111:23
ubotuyhs1991: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:23
linux__aliencould some one help me11:23
defconstefg, thankyou, im checking11:23
GamingXHello guys, This may sound stupid but how do I know whether my desktop is KDE or Gnome?11:24
Malachiarooni: Done?11:24
arooniMalachi: yup11:24
aroonii'm all ready11:24
defconstefg, it looks correct wlan0 mac 00:17:3f:c5:bf:91 arp 111:24
astro76GamingX, does it say About Gnome in the System menu?11:24
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MalachiN[i] X: Try xhydra11:24
Malachiarooni: ifconfig ath0 up11:24
defconstefg, correct mac even, could it be my rt73 module reassigning the interface name?11:25
yhs1991i am trying to log in as "sudo" or "sudoright one -i", but it keeps saying password wrong although i enter the11:25
yhs1991anyone can help?11:25
N[i] Xmalachi thanks, got it11:25
defconstefg, if not any way to force the interface name to wlan0 instead of wlan111:25
echelonso how do i code C in ubuntu11:25
GamingXwhats the difference between KDE and Gnome?11:25
echelonis there sort of like an xterm?>11:25
arooniMalachi: no such device11:25
N[i] Xnow malachi: last thing lol... how can i get an icon to boot hydra from my tray?11:25
Malachiechelon: Applications > Accessories > Terminal11:25
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MalachiN[i] X: Right-click your tray11:25
stefgdefcon: strange. /etc/iftab only reason for existance is making sure, *this* doesn't happen. Blamng network-manager is quite popular, zho11:26
astro76!sudo | yhs199111:26
ubotuyhs1991: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:26
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defconstefg, I removed network manager11:26
echeloni can write shell scripts in ubuntu yes?11:26
astro76echelon, of course11:26
MalachiN[i] X: Add to Panel; Custom APplication Launcher11:26
harrisonyGamingX: you can install both if you want but there just different looks and a few differnet applicatons11:26
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crazymank malachi so i installed sbackup from synaptic, but i mean actually this question ive had for a while.. ive installed some programs on synaptic that dont create icons.. so where do they install?. and how do i run them?11:26
harrisony!kde | GamingX11:26
ubotuGamingX: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.11:26
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defconstefg, i removed nm-applet/network manager because it doesnt detect my card11:26
harrisony!gnome | GamingX11:26
ubotuGamingX: gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.11:26
echelonhow do i get gvim11:26
Prowler_1hello, I want to dual install ubuntu, but it wont detect other system?11:26
MalachiN[i] X: Done?11:26
yhs1991ubotu: Thanks for the link. I am new to Linux. Actually its my second day only :)11:26
harrisonyechelon: sudo aptitude install gvim11:27
N[i] Xmalachi: where is add to panel?11:27
defconstefg, I have googled this and I have gotten other things11:27
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harrisonyyhs1991: ubotu is a bot :)11:27
Malachicrazyman: System > Administration > Backup Something11:27
stefgdefcon: wise action, but if iftab looks right, i'm out of ideas11:27
echeloni need to be on the internet11:27
echelonor not?11:27
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echelonor have CD in ?11:27
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bullgard5What is the console command 'Suspend-to-RAM'?11:27
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MalachiN[i] X: What "tray" are you referring to?11:27
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harrisonyechelon: yes or you can use AptOnCd to do it or download the files and put on a cd11:27
fwaokdaI have installed ubuntu on my ps3 and am having problems getting the command "boot-game-os" to work.  Anyone here know what I can do to resolve this?11:27
ubotu: gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.11:27
N[i] Xmalachi: the applications menu11:27
defconstefg, thankyou for your prompt advice anyways, I appreciate it.11:27
harrisonyechelon: personally i just use Aptoncd11:27
ubotu: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.11:27
linux_Some knwo about sofware like TURBOPRINT but free ?11:28
MalachiN[i] X: I thought you mean the bar, where the other three icons are.11:28
crazymank malachi.. but for the ones that dont create icons is there such a thing as a program files folder.. for ubuntu?11:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aptoncd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:28
linux__alien!gnome |11:28
yhs1991harrisony: heh, i am new to all this IRC stuff in the first place. so i am going crazy here 0_o11:28
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musikgoattrying to compile something in ununtu, how do i check what gcc version i need to use to make the file11:28
harrisony!package aptoncd11:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about package aptoncd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:28
linux__alienmusikgoat, gcc -v11:28
harrisonyarghh echelon ill get a link11:28
MalachiN[i] X: Right-click Applications and Edit Menu (or System > Preferences > Main Menu)11:28
echeloni like gvim11:28
N[i] Xmalachi: yeah sry, didnt explain myself... so any idea on how to get it on there?11:28
harrisonyechelon: http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/11:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:28
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ubotu: gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.11:29
ubotu: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs11:29
astro76!msgthebot | GamingX11:29
ubotuGamingX: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...11:29
charlie_someone tell me how to go from breezy to dapper already changed sources11:29
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harrisonycharlie_: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:29
Malachicrazyman: No, unfortunately. If they don't create icons, you can usually run it by pressing Alt+F2 and typing the program name.11:29
stefg!upgrade | charlie_11:29
ubotucharlie_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:29
harrisonyGamingX: dont worry we all do it sometimes :)11:29
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Malachicrazyman: Like, Alt+F2 ; sbackup11:29
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MalachiN[i] X: Done?11:29
crazymanwell thats what i did.. but for sbackup that doesnt work11:29
yhs1991on e d now11:29
defconquick easy question, for some reason my wifi interface name is stuck at wlan1 instead of wlan0, I do not have 2 wifi cards and I need to bind it to wlan0, where is the setting at, I have checked iftab and it looks right wlan0 mac 00:17:3f:c5:bf:91 arp 111:29
echeloni am impressed so far Malachi11:30
GamingXI thought it was an automated script....11:30
arooniMalachi:u there11:30
Malachiechelon: Good, good.11:30
echelonbut ive only been operating for a while11:30
echelonok so11:30
echelonwhen i want to install gvim11:30
arooniany ideas ... ifconfig doesnt list antyhi9ng11:30
poIntharrisony: do you not find that the upgrade results in broken-ness sometimes?11:30
echelonand i type that sudo thing11:30
echelonwhere is it getting the software from11:30
astro76echelon, by default, the internet11:30
Malachiechelon: You can go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager11:30
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poIntI find it easier just to back up what's required, format and redeploy :S11:30
N[i] Xmalachi yep. thankx11:30
N[i] Xthanks*11:30
Malachiechelon: That's where you'll find OODLES of packages11:30
harrisonypoInt: yes, but its breezy and i didnt think breezy had a good update manager11:30
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Malachiechelon: A smaller, but more streamline version is the last option under Applications, called Add/Remove11:31
stefg!find ifrename11:31
astro76!synaptic | echelon11:31
echeloncan i change the resolution ?11:31
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ubotuPackage/file ifrename does not exist in feisty11:31
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ubotuechelon: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto11:31
GamingXI am using gaim, how do I view the channels list?11:31
MalachiN[i] X: Got it from there? Just make sure the command is xhydra. You can name it whatever you want.11:31
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poIntharrisony: So the upgrade manager in Feisty has been improved?11:31
harrisonyGamingX: /list but it will spit out LOTS OF channels11:31
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faileasGamingX: AFAIK, /list is useless on freenode, there's too many11:32
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linux_Some knwo about sofware like TURBOPRINT but free ?11:32
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N[i] XMalachi:: yeah i saw, thanks11:32
poIntlinux_: what does TurboPrint do?11:32
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stefgdefcon: as a hint: this has something to do with udev. you might want to read through the udev rules11:32
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harrisonypoInt: in edgy (or dapper) it was improved but breezy is different. I dont reccomend dist-upgrade but i dont recall breezy having a better upgrade method11:32
defconstefg, will do thankyou11:33
Malachiechelon: System > Preferences >Screen Resolution11:33
linux_poInt , install printers that not supported bt linux11:33
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N[i] Xmalachi: im off, thanks for your help. do you work at ubuntu ?   you were a big help... i wouldnt mind keeping in contact with people like you. can i pm you?11:33
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poIntlinux_: Is there a particular model that you are trying to install?11:33
MalachiN[i] X: I don't work at Ubuntu, unfortunately. But, you may PM me.11:34
fwaokda*warning newb question* is there a way to access kboot from inside ubuntu? or do i have to restart to get to it?11:34
poIntharrisony: Interesting - I had major issues trying to upgrade from edgy to Feisty11:34
AskaaronpoInt: Canon Pixma IP1500 ;-)11:34
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linux_poInt , canon pixma ip150011:34
poIntharrisony: So I just formatted and redeployed11:34
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harrisonypoInt: many did, nvidia drivers dont help. but the ubuntu team are working hard on fixing the problems with upgrading. I personally have gone from dapper > edgy > feisty with out 1 problem11:35
Malachiarooni: Your card is said to work out of the box with Ubuntu.11:35
poIntlinux_, Askaaron: Have you looked at: http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_iP1500?11:35
stefgHaving a backup is always a good idea before upgrading... and not using 'helper'-packs like automatix or envy. These are likely to bust the upgrade11:35
Malachiarooni: I can only suggest that you make sure it is indeed plugged in, and try restarting.11:35
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ojacobsonHaving some bizarre issue with virtual interfaces11:36
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poIntstefg, harrisony: Ah, Envy may have been my problem then. I've got an nVidia card and wanted dual screen when I dock at home...11:36
Askaaronlinux_: yes - what is the problem?11:36
ojacobsonEverything works fine, except that ifup generates an (apparently spurious) error, which worries me.11:36
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!11:36
ojacobsonbehold: http://rifers.org/paste/show/520011:36
GamingXIs setting up a proxy server on Ubuntu a good idea?11:36
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MalachiN[i] X: You get that?11:37
poIntGamingX: Is it meant to be a dedicated proxy server?11:37
stefgGamingX: depends....11:37
linux_ojacobson , my printer isnt listed in the ubunto "add printer" menu11:37
thavornunder menu Add/Remove/other/ share folers are actually samba?11:37
gourdinI got a feisty beta system somewhere offline, I downloaded the feisty dvd iso, can I update the beta system with the feisty dvd ?11:37
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Askaaronlinux_: as far i kan see - canon offers a linux driver for this model. but you have to install it manually11:37
N[i] Xmalachi: no11:37
thavornMalachi: under menu Add/Remove/other/ share folers are actually samba?11:38
poIntGamingX: Do you want to use it purely for server related tasks? Like proxy server/file server etc11:38
Malachin[i] x: That time?11:38
linux_Askaaron n no problem , where i can download it ?11:38
harrisonygourdin: no, im not sure about the dvd version but i know with the Cd version (live cd) you cant, you need the alternate installer to do that11:38
gourdinharrisony: ?11:38
poIntGamingX: Or do you want other people in your house to go via your machine to increase download times via use of a common cache?11:38
Askaaronlinux_: just a moment - found it on Canon Germany - looking for a source in Canon International11:38
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gourdinharrisony: how can I update the system without lossing configurations ?11:38
N[i] Xmalachi: no, join #testone11:38
MalachiN[i] X: Hold on....I have to register...11:38
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N[i] Xno you dont. just /j #testone11:39
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poIntwoop, about to lose mobile reception11:39
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Askaaronlinux_: start at http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=DownloadIndexAct11:39
cclwhat's a good nes emulator in the packages?11:39
GamingXno, no I just wanted to know if it is a good idea to use a proxy server?11:39
MalachiN[i] X: No, sorry. I'm a member of this channel, I just wasn't identified.11:40
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N[i] Xok got ur pm11:40
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Malachin[i] x: Okay.11:40
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harrisonygourdin: that can get a bit icky11:40
Askaaronlinux_: hmm... no linux driver at Canon International :(11:40
N[i] Xmalachi: you dont have msn messenger do you?11:40
crazymanhey malachi for the hard drive cloning i wanted to do i found this app called PING looks great11:40
cclgamingx : if you can't think of a use off of the top of your head, then there's no need.11:41
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=== TABASCO [n=daniel@ip-90-187-157-122.web.vodafone.de] has joined #ubuntu
Malachicrazyman: Congrats! I may have to check it out myself.11:41
Askaaronlinux_: maybe at http://software.canon-europe.com/11:41
ojacobsonAnyone know why "ifup eth0:1" with appropriate? entries in /etc/network/interfaces would generate an error before setting up the interface?11:41
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Askaaronlinux_: yep - there it is!11:42
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Malachin[i] x: I do.11:42
crazymanhttp://ping.windowsdream.com/ping.html malachi11:42
echelonhow do i use IRC on it11:42
echelonand MSN?11:42
N[i] Xmalachi: are you on it a lot?11:42
Askaaronlinux_: http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010092.asp11:42
MalachiGet the PM?11:42
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N[i] Xthe one with you're gmail addy and AIM11:42
N[i] Xnot your msn11:42
Malachiechelon: Go to Applications / Add Remove11:42
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xifWhat's a good command-line DVD burning software for Feisty?11:42
N[i] X(was for malachi)11:42
Askaaronlinux_: But only as a filter driver for SuSE 9.1 - http://software.canon-europe.com/software/0022415.asp?model=11:43
Travosup people11:43
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Malachiechelon: Search for xchat11:43
astro76!info wodim | xif11:43
ubotuxif: wodim: command line CD/DVD writing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.2-1 (feisty), package size 415 kB, installed size 840 kB11:43
Askaaronlinux_: i don't know, how much Linux experience you have - but it is possible to use it in Ubuntu as well with some manual work11:43
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xifastro76: did you try growisofs?11:44
MalachiGet the PM now, n[i] x? I keep spelling your nick rong11:44
Malachiechelon: Find it?11:44
N[i] Xmalachi: yes i got it, are you on msn a lot?11:44
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MalachiYes, a lot.11:44
fwaokdais ubuntu kde, gnome, etc?11:44
astro76xif, not much11:44
linux_Askaaron , what you mean ?11:44
candacemy kernel panicked, that is so cool! lol11:44
N[i] Xmalachi, ok chat their... 1 sec, i'll add you11:44
candacepoor kernel11:44
TABASCOIs it right, that the driver "radeon" should support the ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, also 3D?11:44
Askaaronlinux_: you can not just say "add printer" and use the file11:44
xifastro76: thanks, I'll look at wodim11:44
stefg!kubuntu | fwaokda11:44
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ubotufwaokda: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE11:44
harrisonyfwaokda: ubuntu is gnome, kubuntu is kde and xubuntu is XFCE11:44
MalachiWhenever I'm on (which is often, considering I work with PCs) I'm on.11:44
N[i] Xmalachi: added11:45
N[i] Xok here u are11:45
N[i] Xchat there11:45
=== Castigador [n=Alfredo@88.Red-80-38-9.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Askaaronlinux_: because canon provides only RPM archives for the printer11:45
N[i] Xim off irc11:45
Travoim pretty new to linux, is it really better than wondows?11:45
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Askaaronlinux_: so first you have to convert the RPM archives to DEB11:45
linux_Askaaron , can convert rpm to deb .. .11:45
candaceum whats a kernel?11:45
inflexanyone had experience setting up a RT2400 Wifi card in Ubuntu 7.04 ?11:45
linux_Askaaron , np . . . i know how to11:45
Askaaronlinux_: ok - then give it a try11:46
TABASCOTravo, the question ism what do you want to do?11:46
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stefgTravo: evangelism is at www.ubuntu.com11:46
Travoi want to learn11:46
linux_Askaaron , from whete i can download the rpm ?11:46
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Askaaronlinux_: http://software.canon-europe.com/files/soft22415/software/iP1500Linux.tar.gz11:46
inflexmine gets detected etc but won't actually bind to the network (yes, I've tried other cards and they all work - just these RT2400's wont... seems tha tyou have to load the module _ONCE_, then immediately run iwconfig etc within 1 second else the card refuses to do anything else11:46
Travojust got bored with windowz11:46
TABASCOTravo, if you only want to play Age of Empires, you better go with Windows11:46
Travonaw, i dont game11:46
crazymantravo... go to sleep11:46
inflexIf you try to load the RT2400 module again (after removing it) the whole system just locks solid11:46
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Travoi just got home from work kis11:47
Travoi aint tired11:47
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TABASCOTravo, great, so you have better chances that you will stay at Linux11:47
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Travoim trying to learn to do tarballs11:47
TABASCOTravo, have you already tried a distrobution?11:47
linux_how i can see the procces in linux ( like ctrl + alt + del ) in xp ?11:47
Travoinstallin shit11:47
Travoi have mepis11:47
inflexlinux_: top11:48
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Travoand i dont dual boot11:48
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inflexlinux_: open up a terminal, run 'top'11:48
linux_inflex , waht is top ?11:48
Travojust linux on this laptop11:48
Askaaronlinux_: ps xa11:48
TABASCOTravo, have you tried the LiveCD?11:48
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Askaaronlinux_: or use one of the system monitors of GNome/KDE11:48
inflexja, ps ax | less is another way11:48
MalachiThanks for the fun guys.11:48
MalachiI'm heading out.11:48
Tom_Hey, i installed ubuntu feisty fawn a few weeks back and got it connected to my wireless network. Ive just installed it after making a total switch from windows on my laptop but now it wont connect to the wireless network. I get the little window up to put the SSID in, I set the security to WEP 64bit HEX and put the code in, but then it just sits there trying to connect then it gives up after a minute or so... Any ideas?11:48
Travobut i just wrote the whole hd for linux11:48
crazymanyea travo.. thats the best thing to do go with the live cd.11:48
crazymannight malachi thanks!11:48
Travonaw too slow11:48
Travoand its too late, lol11:48
crazymanand malachi check out ping its amazing11:48
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inflexMy father obliterated his entire machine last week accidently with Ubuntu *whoops*11:48
Travoalready got this11:48
TABASCOTraceCobur, Here it is 11:49 AM...11:49
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Travoi had pclinux, ubuntu and all the others11:49
GamingXIsnt the application mail present on ubuntu?11:49
Travoi like mepis the best so far11:49
fwaokdai'm getting an error i need help with can i just paste it in this channel?11:49
AskaaronTom_: SSID is the network name, not the WEP/WPA code11:49
Travoi wanna try open suse11:49
TABASCOTravo, dont do this11:49
Travodo what?11:49
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crazymanfwakda.. pastebin.com11:49
TABASCOtry SuSE11:49
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Travodont try it?11:50
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Travoi prolly wont11:50
TABASCOTravo, I can not recommence this11:50
Travoi like mepis anywho11:50
Tom_i know, in the ssid part i put our network SSID. Then in the drop down list i selected WEP 64BIT HEX put the code into the Code part then it just doesnt connect.11:50
Travoi need to get my wireless workin11:50
TABASCOTravo, well, if you think "Why the fuck do I use Ubuntu Linux" than try SuSE and you will know why11:50
astro76!offtopic | Travo TABASCO11:50
ubotuTravo TABASCO: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:50
AskaaronTom_: and all other parameters are ok? Channel etc.?11:50
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astro76!language | TABASCO11:50
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ubotuTABASCO: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:50
Travoi have a bcm 43xx, alot of probs with that on linux11:50
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astro76Travo, in most cases bcm43xx works perfectly, does here11:51
TABASCOah, the english channel works in another way than the german one :)11:51
AskaaronTom_: and you are sure, that you only need a 64 bit wep key? This is nearly useless - can be cracked within minutes11:51
faileastravo: suse isn't too bad. package management i had some issues with tho... but that was 10.1, very bad vintage ;p11:51
Travonot for me11:51
Travoi had it workin11:51
linux_Askaaron , ive extract it and now i have 4 rpm's , wich of them to convert ?11:51
crazymandude i cracked a wep in 19s today lol11:51
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TABASCOTravo, so you see, thats for support here, I think nobody can say whats better, you have to find out whats the best for you11:51
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Travothats cool11:52
Askaaronlinux_: any of them11:52
fwaokdaim getting this error when trying to install bluez-gnome... http://pastebin.com/m18945558    the error is towards the bottom...11:52
=== Gimm1eDat [n=Gimmedat@adsl-76-203-1-46.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Travoi wish i could get it workin again11:52
Askaaronlinux_: the "i386" files are the binaries11:52
Travoi have no idea what happend11:52
Travoi even re wrote it11:52
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Askaaronlinux_: the ".src"-file is the source, if you need to compile it11:52
Travostill dosent work11:52
Askaaronlinux_: first you start with the "common" stuff11:52
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Tom_it doesnt ask me for them. I disconnect the laptop from wired, click the network icon, goto "connect to other wireless network..." then it comes up with a window, in it is, Network Name:, Wireless Security:, and when ive selected the security setting, it has the key text box, show key tick box and authentication.11:53
aroonihey folks11:53
Askaaronlinux_: then the other two "i386" files11:53
arooniwhen i try to do ... sudo apt-get install xmms11:53
aroonii get ... 'no package info found'11:53
aroonido i need to edit sources.list11:53
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Tom_we don't need too good security round here, we are only in a small village, and on the road you cannot find the network, and there is a field behind us!11:53
=== Jambon [n=Jambon@S0106000d8832d25c.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Travoit wont detect my card11:53
=== elementz [n=elementz@p4FC4F85E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gimm1eDatIm havin a helluva time gettin ubuntu to install.. im using the "alternate cd".. i get through everything fine.. the installer starts, gets to the "select and install software" stage.. you know, like the most important stage... starts, goes to 2%.. skips to 6%.. says please wait.. skips to 85% and then fails out..11:54
linux_so dont need the source ?11:54
Askaaronlinux_: maybe11:54
Gimm1eDatfirst time I couldnt even get that far cause the CD was apparently bad.. could that be the case this time as well?11:54
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inflexGimm1eDat: possibly11:54
Askaaronlinux_: the source can be used, if the binaries don't work11:54
Travohey tabasco11:54
Gimm1eDatsince I got this far you'd think the CD is good11:54
inflexGimm1eDat: I once needed 3 CDs burned before one worked11:54
inflexGimm1eDat: burn at 12x and use a good CD11:54
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Travohow do i detect my wireless?11:55
Askaaronlinux_: in this case, the usual procedure... ./configure, make, make install11:55
stefgGimm1eDat: flaky CD-Drive? needs a lens cleaning?11:55
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inflexyeah, that's another possible, dirty CD11:55
Askaaronlinux_: oh - and "make install" has to be done as root11:55
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Jambonhi. I was hoping to due some interface prototyping, and heard that Flash was very easy to use. Is there a Linux equivilent of Flash, or anything as simple?11:55
Travotime for another shot, hahaha : p11:55
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TABASCOTravo, what's up?11:55
Tom_i always install from files on the pc :P saves burning cds/dvds :)11:55
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crazymanhey travo what do you recommend to use as a burning app ? with a lot of support like imgburn for windows11:55
inflexmy Sun v20Z had big problems with installing ubuntu (it's a dual opteron 2.2GHz box) all because a bug had crapped on my lens11:55
Travoyou know how to dect my woreless?11:55
TABASCOTravo, you can add me in jabber if you want11:55
x89xcan anyone help me ? i have problems with desltop effects11:55
Askaaronlinux_: and you propably need to install compiler stuff as well, before you can set up from source11:55
Tom_I use Automatix2 to install flash :] 11:55
ubotuFor help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects11:55
Travoi have no idea crazy11:56
inflexwasn't automatix listed as 'dangerous' ?11:56
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)11:56
Travoim a noob11:56
astro76Jambon, yes there is flash for linux11:56
Travolet me see what my distro has11:56
Tom_works for me :)11:56
Gimm1eDatalrighty.. this is an odd idea.. can I pop the CD im about to burn into the drive and continue?11:56
edman007inflex, did you see slashdot today?11:56
Gimm1eDatim gonna re-burn the alt cd I suppose11:56
Travoi have k3b11:56
inflexEdgan: yes11:56
Jambonastro76: not flash support, but flash development11:56
inflexooops, edman007 yes11:56
stefghttp://linux.slashdot.org/linux/07/08/04/1944211.shtml on automatix11:56
TABASCOTravo, well, my card worked right out of the box and I am fighting again a very touchy Broadcom chip at the moment...11:56
JambonI would like to be able to share the code across platforms11:56
Travowhat is jabber?11:57
inflexGimm1eDat: yeah, I suppose you could put another CD in and keep going11:57
inflexTABASCO: I'm also working with a flakey wifi11:57
Gimm1eDathahaha she wont let me eject11:57
TABASCOTravo, an instant messaging service, similar like ICQ or MSN11:57
Gimm1eDatshe's a fiesty beotch11:57
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Travook cool11:57
inflexwhen I was using it with Slackware, I had to write my own custom loader to make it behave11:57
Travois it in synaptic?11:57
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inflexbut now with ubuntu... well, no idea where to start11:57
x89xcould anyone help with desktop effects ?11:58
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Askaaronlinux_: good luck - have to leave right now.11:58
inflex(biggest problem is _stopping_ ubuntu being too nice and loading the driver11:58
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Tom_goto #ubuntu-effects for beryl etc... i think11:58
TABASCOTravo, you can log in into jabber with Gaim, Gajm, Kopete and so on...11:58
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Travoi got that i think11:58
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Travoi have somethin called gabber12:00
GamingXAny IRC channels for mutt?12:00
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x89xhow do i install 3d openchrome drivers anyone !12:00
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TABASCOwell, I'm going now, see you later12:00
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Travowhats ur name?12:00
Travoon that thing?12:01
aroonihow do i get my sound blaster live value card working........ i dont hear any output12:01
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:01
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Travowell enought of that12:01
Travowhats up people12:01
boris_are there any repos where i can get wolfenstein et from ?12:01
Travoanyone drinkin?12:02
Travoi am12:02
stefgTravo: the channel for social chitcaht is #ubuntu-offtopic12:02
candaceare you guys like really old in here?12:02
boris_im just 1112:02
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Travoim 2412:02
aroonihow do i install the true nvidia drivers12:02
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:02
candaceoh cool hi travo12:03
Nicarkboris_, 11 wow... you make me feel old12:03
Travohey : )12:03
boris_how old r u ?12:03
Nicarkjust 1812:03
linux_how i can know wich process use file X for example ?12:03
astro76type /join #ubuntu-offtopic, come on it's easy ;)12:03
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candacemy kernel panicked thats so neat lol12:03
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boris_i did type it12:03
stefgastro76: man lsof12:03
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astro76stefg, hmm?12:04
bcbootarooni, http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7944812:04
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boris_is there any repo where i can get wolfenstein et from ?12:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wolfenstein - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:04
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org12:05
astro76boris_, no but here are install instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnemyTerritory12:05
boris_aha ty12:05
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bcbootgaming on linux is pretty much pointless, unless they are native linux supported gams12:06
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scorp123bcboot: not true12:06
bcbooti would just dual boot into a little partition for games, also ventrillo doesnt work for linux ; (12:06
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Supaplexubotu: downgrade12:06
ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.12:06
ElectricWarriorhi to all!!12:06
Supaplexubotu: snapshot12:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about snapshot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:07
Supaplexubotu: snapshots12:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about snapshots - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:07
bcbootscorp123, performance of games in linux is inferior12:07
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scorp123bcboot: nonsense12:07
bcbootunless they are linux supported.12:07
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boris_wolfenstein is, isnt it ?12:07
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bcbootso your telling me im going to get as good of graphic settings and fps in cs source in linux than windows? lol12:07
eldkraftyes it is12:07
scorp123bcboot: have you used WINE, Cedega, etc. *ever* ?? Doesn't look like it.12:07
astro76boris_, indeed12:07
bcbootyes, i have12:07
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ElectricWarrioris there someone who can help me with a network pci card?12:07
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bcbootand guess what, things lock up quite often, graphic settings dont work, only certain ones, dx9 wouldnt work either12:08
boris_scorp123 i have and it doesnt work with my game (warrock)12:08
scorp123bcboot: yes, *some* games are a pain to setup, but lots of stuff works perfectly these days.12:08
eldkraftwolfenstein runs atleast 2x better on Linux than on Windows12:08
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bcbootwolfensteinwont run 2x as good, but nonetheless its linux supported inst it , it uses opengl12:08
bcbootit doesnt run 2x as good lol12:09
bcbootbut it runs fine im sure12:09
boris_i hope it works at least 2x better12:09
scorp123bcboot: I suggest we move this discussion to the off-topic channels before the Op's kick us .... ;-)12:09
ElectricWarriori got a problem with ubuntu12:09
boris_yes ?12:09
ElectricWarriorit doesent recognize a pci network card12:09
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eldkraftyeah it does, for me anyways. I've checked the framrate.. could be my rig though12:09
bcbootall im saying is setting up games in wine,m getting them working wasnt worth it.12:10
ElectricWarrioris there someone who can help me please?12:10
bcbootunless you play games that are known to run fine in linux exclusively12:10
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:10
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fyrestrtrElectricWarrior: perhaps if you actually ask a question, my crystal ball is gone for warranty repairs.12:10
Tom_cedega has a list of games that run on linux doesn't it?12:10
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boris_try searching 30 days on linux on google12:11
boris_and read section Gaming12:11
ElectricWarriorwhat do u mean?12:11
ElectricWarriori'm not english..12:11
eldkraftcedega is emulation right, guess there will be a loss of performance there btu I have no experience with it.12:11
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bcbootim just trying to understand why freebsd is getting errors when its about to load its gui12:11
ElectricWarriori god a network card, a surecom 10/10012:11
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bcbootnot to mention slackware just wont install on my rig.12:11
ElectricWarriori got the same here and on another pc12:11
john_doeanyone with a custom built kernel for Lenovo T61 that boots?12:12
ElectricWarriorboth have ubuntu 7.0412:12
ElectricWarriorhere the card is ok12:12
linuxorHi, when I use recordMyDesktop or xvidcap, I get a bad voice, the image is good but the sound seems discontinued and so fast, How to resolve this PLEASE? thx ..12:12
ElectricWarriorthere he say i haven't network cards12:12
bcbooti have a t60, but i just run ubuntu on it12:12
HiddenWolfHey guys. I would like to allow a pc to acces the internet using the spare nic on this ubuntu desktop. what would be the easiest way to accomplish that?12:12
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Travelling5alesMcan someone help me plz, i want to find out what's my current keyboard layout. is there any env variable or something for that?12:12
fyrestrtrHiddenWolf: shorewall or firestarter12:12
bcbootfeisty fawn was the best linux for it, most options worked w.o any configuration12:12
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bcbootsuspend to ram just needed a quick tweak.12:13
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Tom_uninstalled Automatix2 and all of the software it installed after that link someone posted :P12:13
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aroonihow do i stop running xorg ?12:14
john_doeOr do you know a guide on how to make your kernel boot your system (i.e. check for which drivers should be built in)?12:14
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astro76Tom_, yeah I just read that one too, good article, didn't realize it was even that bad... hopefully your system is in good shape still ;)12:14
bosworthHi, how can I uninstall ubuntu foo2zjs printer drivers without having to uninstall ubuntu desktop?12:14
boris_i think u cant12:15
Tom_why would you want to? 0.o12:15
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fyrestrtrbosworth: uninstall it like you uninstall anything else. ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, it doesn't hurt anything when it is removed.12:15
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ElectricWarriorno answers?12:15
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bosworthTom_: because it doesn't work. All the sites I read tell you to uninstall the ubuntu package and reinstall it manually12:16
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bosworthfyrestrtr: It doesn't remove anything?12:16
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Tom_whats the best MP3 and DVD Player for Ubuntu, VLC?12:17
aroonihow do i stop runnning xorg so i can start kernal drivers12:17
astro76Tom_, I prefer vlc for dvds12:17
HiddenWolffyrestrtr, thank you12:17
bosworthTom_: VLC, mediaplayer and tomtom are all good. I use VLC12:17
john_doeTom_: that's a question of taste too. mplayer and xine are also nice.12:18
Tom_thanks :) ill use vlc, use it on my windows desktop, i will always keep some sort of windows for gaming.12:18
eldkraftTom_: mpg123 :)12:18
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aldcorhelp... why that?$ gdesklets12:19
aldcorStarting gdesklets-daemon...12:19
aldcorConnected to daemon in 149 microseconds.12:19
Tom_eldkraft: ill google it :)12:19
aldcori want run my gdesklets12:19
aldcorbut nothing happens12:19
rafael__screenlets is better12:19
Tom_urgh i really got annoyed with gdesklets12:19
rafael__aldcor, google > how to install screenlets ubuntu12:19
eldkraftapt-cache show mpg12312:19
rafael__and be happy12:19
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iehovaHi everyone, I have a problem with shutting down my feisty laptop, until yesterday evening the usplash bar would empty and then computer would remain in that state, not doing anything. Searching on the internet told me to add things like acpi=force when booting, but that didn't solve the problem. Then, last night, the situation changed slightly so that the usplash bar won't even empty, it remains with a small amount left12:20
iehovato do.12:20
iehovaIf anyone has any ideas to help, that'd be fab12:20
Tom_reinstall? im sure someone has a better idea, im a noob at ubuntu :)12:21
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iehovaOh, and I tried with a different ubuntu live CD, and that couldn't manage to shut down either, although at least the usplash bar emptied ;)12:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eps - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about postscript - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:23
Slartbah.. suggestions for some software to convert an .eps-file to something a bit more open office friendly.. png perhaps?12:23
aroonihow do i stop gdm12:23
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Flannelarooni: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:24
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astro76!info pstoedit | Slart12:25
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ubotuslart: pstoedit: PostScript and PDF files to editable vector graphics converter. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.44-1 (feisty), package size 160 kB, installed size 760 kB12:25
Slartsweet.. thanks astro7612:25
MannyZis here anybody who knows about nvidia driver settings?12:25
aroonihow do i install beryl ?12:25
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MannyZdont install beryl12:25
MannyZinstall compiz12:25
MannyZits much better12:25
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aroonii like beryl ;p12:26
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MannyZhave you seen compiz?12:26
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arooniMannyZ: yes i have12:26
MannyZsudo apt-get install beryl12:26
aroonii'm used to beryl commands12:26
MannyZmaybe :D..12:26
Tom_i had many problems with beryl :P12:26
Flannelarooni: he means compiz-fusion12:26
eldkraftyou mean CompizFusion right?12:26
MannyZme 212:26
boris_it seems my synaptic is VERY slow, im downloading firestarter at 1100 B/s12:26
MannyZthe newest ofcorse12:27
arooniFlannel: i thought that wasnt stable yet12:27
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:27
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Tom_i see....12:27
fwaokdahow can i set my screen resolution to 1360x768?12:27
pawanany other browser than firefox12:27
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Flannelarooni: Its not, but neither was beryl or compiz.12:27
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boris_Tom_ !!!12:27
MannyZcan someone tell me why my resolution keeps changin to the default resolution?12:27
boris_there is nothing about firestarter wrong12:27
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x89xcan i install mandriva unichrome drivers on ubuntu ?12:27
arooniok so i downloaded beryl.... but when i said 'beryl-manger'... it says 'please make sure u have the 'universe' compoennt enabled12:28
arooniwhat do i need to do12:28
pawancant we use maxthon12:28
eldkraftis there any good way to see allowed connections in the firewall, firestarter let's you see blocked but those are not interesting.12:28
ompaularooni, visit #ubuntu-effects12:28
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MannyZi have setted 1280x1024 resolution with nvidia x server settings.. and it dosnt remember it when i reboot computer.. even i save it to the x file!12:28
Tom_boris_: ???12:28
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TtyS2eldkraft: i would prefer to see whats closed as there are 65535 ports in all12:29
Tom_VLC said it needed the universe mirror, it already had it.12:29
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eth1cAre there any games that actually work on linux? or is it mandatory to duel-boot a Windows OS for gaming?12:30
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MannyZeth1c i installed yesterday steam12:30
MannyZand all games work12:30
astro76Tom_, what are you using, synaptic?12:30
MannyZcss, hl212:30
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boris_Tom_ forget it12:30
x89xcan i install mandriva unichrome drivers on ubuntu ?12:30
Tom_astro76: yes12:30
eth1cur kidding right? i was at steampowered.com only linux dl i seen was the dedicated server12:30
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astro76Tom_, try hitting reload12:30
MannyZeth1c wait12:30
=== DrunkenBear [n=DrunkenB@h82-143-153-174-static.e-wro.net.pl] has left #ubuntu ["polazem]
xjkxI had a PARALLEL PORT 1 (epson) option on my cupsd, now it suddenly disapeared, my printer is a local printer, its just here in my computer on the first parallel port, but the options i have are: app/socket, backend error handler, internet printing, lpd/lpr, scsi, serial port #numbers, windows printer via samba, wtf i choose lol12:31
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eldkraftTtyS2, depends, I made an nmap and I know that only a few are open, now I would like to see a list of allowed connections. Blcoked gives me nothing as those are already sorted out..12:31
cyberphazfinally found a package of pidgin with otr working heh...12:31
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checkershow do I un-fullscreen gnome-rdp?12:31
Tom_astro76 why? it was fine...12:31
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MannyZeth1c http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=155412:31
Almindorhey guys, why can't I watch divx stuff in firefox?12:31
AlmindorI have mplayer mozilla plugin installed12:31
MannyZthats the tutorial to install steam VERY EASY12:31
Tom_is there anyway of adding a printer that is on a d-link print server down stairs ?12:31
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astro76Tom_, I dont' know I thought you had a problem and you said universe was enabled12:32
Almindormplayerplug-in-dvx.so is in place too12:32
Almindorbut I get no divx listen in about:plugins12:32
x89xcan i install mandriva unichrome drivers on ubuntu ?12:32
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MannyZeth1c come to #manda12:32
astro76Tom_, sure just add a printer and select network for the connection, it will probably auto-detect it12:32
Almindorwmv works, mpeg works, just no divx o.O12:32
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Nuktarhello! i installed xubuntu-desktop, now i want to remove ubuntu-desktop12:33
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echelonlooking now12:33
Nuktarhow can i do it?12:33
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Tom_IPP Printer..., Windows Printer, UNIX Printer, TCP/Socket12:34
=== heffay [n=heffay@dsl-63-249-100-230.cruzio.com] has joined #ubuntu
Tom_i select TCP/Socket and it asks for a Host and port.12:35
heffayHello everyone!12:35
Tom_in windows i could goto workgroup, the print server would come up as a pc and show the printers xD lol12:35
heffayI am a noob with some problems (ubuntu problems that is)12:35
heffayanyone willing to help me for a few minutes?12:36
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:36
xjkxI had a PARALLEL PORT 1 (epson) option on my cupsd, now it suddenly disapeared, my printer is a local printer, its just here in my computer on the first parallel port, but the options i have are: app/socket, backend error handler, internet printing, lpd/lpr, scsi, serial port #numbers, windows printer via samba, wtf i choose lol12:36
heffayhaha ok here goes12:37
Tom_urgh, thats why! i forgot to plug the print server back in after holiday yesterday!!12:37
heffay2 problems. i cant get xchat to work or stream audio (internet radio)12:37
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astro76heffay, what's wrong with xchat?12:37
checkerssolution: xchat doesn't stream audio. it's an irc client12:37
heffaywont connect12:37
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heffayi think its because of ident but i have no idea how to be sure12:38
astro76heffay, you can connect here without ident, do you see any server messages?12:39
heffayim not on ubuntu12:39
heffayi have to machines12:39
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heffaythis is osx12:39
blaukatzehiya all12:39
astro76heffay, I mean on ubuntu12:39
blaukatzeguys seriously need some help12:39
heffaytwo machines*12:39
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blaukatzeanybody can help me pls ?12:40
astro76!ask | blaukatze12:40
ubotublaukatze: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:40
heffayoh do you mean i should try to connect to freenode #ubuntu on my ubuntu machine?12:40
blaukatzeok sorry :)12:40
blaukatzei have a external hdd12:40
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astro76heffay, what computer do you have the problem on?12:40
larsemilRight now i am using the radeon graphics driver. compiz is working fine with it but some time its a bit slow, for instance the cube. how is the support for compiz with the fglrx driver and would it be faster?12:40
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blaukatzefirst off all when i first install the ubuntu 7.04 it was automaticly mount it12:41
Paddy_EIREthis belkin wifi card is driving me crazy12:41
blaukatzebut i can not write on it12:41
astro76heffay, when you attempt to connect with xchat on ubuntu, do you see server messages?12:41
Tom_i notice that with compiz its slow for my ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 64MB Laptop GFX12:41
blaukatzeso i set up some packages like ntfs-3g12:41
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larsemilblaukatze: maybe you need to set correct values in /etc/fstab12:41
blaukatzeafter that ubuntu can not mount my external hdd12:41
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heffayxchat tries to connect to irc.ubuntu.com automatically but it keeps saying connecting to chat.freenode.net12:42
blaukatzelarsemil: how can i ? i do not have any idea12:42
Paddy_EIREanyone here have experience in getting a 'Belkin Wireless G Desktop Card' with a RTL8185L chipset working12:42
heffayno other messages12:42
iameliteFirefox wont install Flash plugin, and im going mad.12:42
Paddy_EIREtried all the forum guides and a wiki or 2 or 10....12:42
astro76heffay, use irc.freenode.net12:42
Myrtti!flash | iamelite12:42
ubotuiamelite: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:42
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blaukatzeany help for mounting external hdd ?12:43
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Tom_any way to print a test page in ubuntu12:43
Tom_done it12:44
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heffayit crashes12:44
=== Noiano [n=noiano@lugbari/people/noiano] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:44
Noianois it possible to copy-paste on the consolle?12:44
larsemilRight now i am using the radeon graphics driver. compiz is working fine with it but some time its a bit slow, for instance the cube. how is the support for compiz with the fglrx driver and would it be faster?12:44
=== manci [n=manci@67.Red-83-50-49.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
heffaywhenever i try to add a server and connect it crashes12:44
astro76Noiano, select with mouse to copy, middle-click to paste12:45
eldkraftnoiano: right clicking with the mouse and paste workd12:45
Tom_surprise surprise it didnt print.12:45
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docmurHello all12:45
Noianoeldkraft, I am not on a window teminal...I am from the consolle, the Real consolle12:45
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iameliteBackports open, Non-free Flash installed. No active plugins/plugins listed in about:plugins. Cannot install flash.12:45
x89xhow do i disable 3D acceleration ?12:45
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docmurI have to questions12:46
eldkraftNoiano, Ok then I have no idea. use elinks and find out :)12:46
docmur1)What is a good bit torrent cli program that supports encrpytion12:46
Noianoeldkraft, what are elinks?12:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about copy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:46
docmurand 2)What program reads .chm files12:46
eldkraftconsole web browser12:46
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astro76Noiano, if you install the package gpm you can use the mouse to copy/paste on the console12:47
sylvantishello, when i log in onto a console, i get a message, like Ubuntu free software blahblah, but i can't find the script that triggers it in /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc or ~/.bashrc, how can i remove the message which annoys me to no extent?12:47
astro76docmur, 2) gnochm12:47
Noianoastro76, thanks12:47
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heffayastro76, did you catch my last msg?12:47
funkydcan anyone help me with usb headphones problems ?12:47
Frogzoosylvantis: /etc/motd &/or /etc/issue12:47
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astro76heffay, are you using xchat-gnome or xchat?12:48
checkershow do I un-fullscreen gnome-rdp?12:48
heffaythe former12:48
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sylvantisFrogzoo, ahh ok thnx :D12:48
astro76heffay, I have no idea I use xchat12:48
Tom_what do i put as the port for an IP Printer? The print servers IP is so i put that as the host, but what about the port?12:48
heffaydo you run kubuntu?12:48
astro76xchat-gnome is too simplified12:49
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heffaythats me12:49
funkydmy headphones are "seen" by ubuntu but my sound is in my speakers12:49
heffaythis is getting really complicated12:49
cartesian1984Anyone take the Ubuntu LPI exams?12:49
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cartesian1984(I want to know what's on it)12:49
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heffayso how do i install xchat?12:50
heffayi didnt know there was more than one version12:50
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blaukatzesudo agt-get install x-chat  ?12:50
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astro76blaukatze, xchat12:50
checkersor use synaptic12:50
iameliteITs weird, It let me install Flash from the browser before i rebooted my live cd.12:50
heffayis the "?" sacasim? b/c im seriously new12:50
=== CheesyMonkey [i=Chris@cpc2-oldh6-0-0-cust827.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
heffayi got xchat gnome through add/delete programs12:51
astro76heffay, sudo apt-get install xchat12:51
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astro76!synaptic | heffay12:51
ubotuheffay: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto12:51
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heffayi tried to comple from a tarball but people here told me not to12:51
astro76heffay, not everything (not by a longshot) is in add/remove12:51
astro76heffay, no reason to compile12:51
heffayill try synaptic. be back in a few12:52
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Tom_DVDs in VLC on Ubuntu are Pixelated, when I play DVDs in windows they arent...12:52
Almindorfor anyone who has mplayer-plugin installed and cannot play DIVX the solution --- http://forums.divx.com/forum/viewTopic.php?id=412812:52
funkydhow can i make my all my sound go in my usb headphones ?12:52
checkersTom_, you need to use a better resizer then12:52
Almindorit seems for whatever reason, a stupid setting is blocking divx once you get the plugin12:52
AlmindorI wonder if it's deliberate or just stupid mistake12:52
Tom_what do you mean by resizer?12:53
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x89xhow do i edit my xorg.conf file manually ?12:53
Tom_and because its Mr. Bean it s really noticable xD12:53
CheesyMonkeyx89x, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:53
checkersTom_, look in options for a setting for resizer used, and change it to bicubic or bilinear12:54
CheesyMonkeyx89x, Or you could, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf , Depends whether your more comfortable with terminal or gui editing12:54
=== beerke [n=beerke@5353E179.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
x89xCheesyMonkey : how do i disable 3D acceleration ?12:54
checkersI don't use VLC, so I can't tell you where to look12:54
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docmurOh ya, How can you stop the screensaver from starting when Totem is playing12:54
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x89xCheesyMonkey ?12:55
funkydhow can i redirect sound to my usb headphones?12:55
CheesyMonkeyx89x, That im not so sure about :)12:55
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Tom_checkers what do you use for DVDs ?12:56
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stuart-is there a way i can burn 10 tracks into a 60minute mp3?12:56
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stuart-i mean i have a 60 min mp3, but wanna divide it into 10 tracks. i'm currently using ubuntu's default burner, which i think is quite slow anyways12:57
faileasstuart-: combine them?12:57
sylvantisstuart-, get k3b12:57
x89xhow do i disable 3D acceleration ? anyone please12:57
faileasahh, audacity might, with a bit of work (cut, paste, cut, past...)12:57
peonymudsA couple of weeks ago I took out my two harddrives and stopped using the computer. Now I plugged in the harddrives again and all the cables in the back but when I try to turn the computer on I just hear the fans starting and then a beep and it turns itself off. It's on for half a second. Could it be the motherboards battery? Or me connecting the harddrives wrong?12:57
=== fiveiron [n=fiveiron@74-137-162-129.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
stuart-sylvantis, cool, will install now12:57
astro76Tom_, try setting the aspect ratio (right click on video) to 4:3 or 16:9 depending on if it's widescreen or not, see if that changes anything12:57
checkersx89x, acceleration of what?12:57
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Nuktarhelp needed! i installed xubuntu-desktop and  my keyboard doesn't work in half-life !12:57
sylvantisx89x, remove the kernel module12:57
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stuart-yeah i think xubuntu-desktop kinda screws up my ubuntu installation sometimes as well12:58
heffayastro76: ok xchat installed. trying to connect to irc.freenode.net. seems to be hanging12:58
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Nuktarhow can i solve it?12:58
x89xsylvantis : how ? whats thr command ?12:58
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stuart-sylvantis, it asks me to install the MAD mp3 and k3b MAD mp3 plugins.12:59
astro76heffay, do you have internet connectivity otherwise on that computer? can you ping irc.freenode.net ?12:59
stuart-sylvantis, any idea what the package names are?12:59
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funkydanyone can help me with a ubuntu 7.04 usb-headphones problem ?12:59
heffayim totally good on the internet12:59
Tom_the aspect ratio didnt change anything. But in mplyaer when i try to open a DVD: "Error opening/initalizing the selected video_out (-vo) device.12:59
sylvantisstuart-, sudo apt-get install k3b should automatically fetch dependecies12:59
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astro76heffay, can you ping irc.freenode.net?12:59
stuart-sylvantis, weird. it tells me k3b is installed but i need the plugins01:00
sylvantisx89x, rmmod modulename, but don't do it while it's in use01:00
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checkersTom_, then you need to specify another video output device. See the list in mplayer -vo help01:00
ubotuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages01:00
checkersgenerally vidix works01:00
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Paddy_EIREit seems that the belkin wireless g desktop card does not work with linux...or rather the RTL8185L chipset01:01
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byzzybhi everyone01:01
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Paddy_EIREnasty that I have to use windows on my tower system01:02
sylvantisstuart-, hmm dno, maybe remove it first and install again, or install the deps manually, dno which ones01:02
Tom_checkers im a complete noob, what do you mean bysee the list in mplayer -vo help01:02
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checkersTom_, I suggest you not bother with mplayer then :)01:03
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checkerstry totem or something else01:03
Paddy_EIREwhat you trying to do Tom_01:03
heffayyeah, the app totally hangs when i click connect01:03
Tom_hehe ok xD01:03
byzzybcan someone help me in uninstalling ubuntu 7.04 from my dual-boot pc? My ubuntu distro suddenly died... it won't even start and I want to remove ubuntu and restore the boot part to the way it was01:03
faileasbyzzyb: whats the other OS?01:04
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checkersbyzzyb, if you just want to remove the ubuntu partition you can do it from the other OS01:04
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byzzybI want to remove grub too01:04
sylvantisjust format01:04
sylvantisand restore the mbr01:04
astro76byzzyb, if it's windows boot with the cd and run fdisk \mbr01:05
Tom_if you have the windows disks, boot into windows, delete the linux partitions, merge them or do w.e you want to with them then in windows recovery mode from the cd (booted) type fixboot and fixmbr01:05
sylvantison windows fixmbr i believe01:05
Paddy_EIREbyzzyb: whats the other os01:05
sylvantisor fixboot, something like that01:05
byzzybXP SP201:05
byzzybwhat's the risk in fdisk /mbr or fixmbr?01:05
faileasgrab the XP disk, boot into it, go to recovery console....01:05
sylvantisboot into windows, format the partition and run fixmbr01:05
Paddy_EIREyep thats it01:05
faileasnearly none, done it a couple of time before.01:05
Tom_its been said alot of times xD01:05
sylvantisor get a real distro (e.g. debian, gentoo, the likes)01:06
byzzybmy linux is acting really wierd... when I try to boot it01:06
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byzzybit analises01:06
heffayok this is weird01:06
byzzybmy hdd01:06
byzzybsays that01:06
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heffayirc.freenode.net hangs the app01:06
byzzybapt is not present01:06
Paddy_EIRE!enter | byzzyb01:06
astro76!enter | byzzyb01:06
ubotubyzzyb: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:06
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Tom_sylvantis how is ubuntu not a 'real' distro :] 01:06
byzzyboh sorry01:06
faileasafter that you'll boot into windows, then... if you have nothing to recover, its cool. else you'd want a driver for your filesystem to grab files off the old ubuntu partition01:06
heffaybut when i try to connec to my friend's server (irc.ircjunkies.net) it tries to connect01:06
Jokkwhich movie player is the best ?01:07
heffayit doesnt, but at least it tries01:07
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funkydcan my usb headphones work on ubuntu 7.04 ?01:07
Paddy_EIREJokk: I find SMplayer to be top stuff01:07
byzzybWhen I start ubuntu It checks my disks and says APT is unavailable and to install it using apt-get... a01:07
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byzzybthat's my problem with ubuntu01:07
faileasbyzzyb: you seem to have broken something... ;)01:07
rafael__Jokk, vlc01:07
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byzzybcould be the EXT2 windows driver that broke it01:08
tsu-newbianyone know what the status with ati drivers are01:08
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Tom_VLC is the best when it doesnt pixelate01:08
sylvantisTom_, well it is a functional distro, and good too, however they lay so much emphasis on the 'easy of use', that options are cut out, and you're treated like a noob, and that get's noobs to use it, which is a good thing actually, because linux needs a larger userbase, but i personally recommend to 'move on' after having used ubuntu01:08
byzzybit started checking SDA7 after installing the windows drivers01:08
faileasused that before, and if it messed it up, fsck would fix it right out01:08
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Paddy_EIREtsu-newbi: still not the best but definitely better01:08
rafael__Tom_, it will not happne to him01:08
faileassylvantis: i donno... i use it almost exclusively in command line, test servers ;p01:09
byzzybokay thank you for your help ... goodbye... I'll write back If it works... :)01:09
=== checkers just wishes it was ubuntu and gubuntu so everybody would use KDE
Jokkrafael__, when i start movie with vlc it makes a lot of strange noises01:09
tsu-newbiwhat is the usaul reaction to the guide on the forum for ATI x series grafics cards01:09
heffaythis is really whack01:09
=== Paddy_EIRE hates kde yuck
rafael__Jokk, try totem xine... or mplayer01:09
Tom_salvantis hehe i am a linux noob, i still have tried out CentOS, RedHat, Fedora, Debian and stuff xD Ubuntu is a great distro to move over entirely to though :)01:10
sylvantisfaileas, :), i personally like gentoo very much, and debian, but i don't think gentoo is that great for server use (to long compile times, resource intensive)01:10
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tsu-newbiwhat I mean is - does it still not boot up automaticlt as mine does not alt f1 still needed to get to log in page01:10
Jokkxine doesnt show the subs01:10
faileassylvantis: i need my installers ;p01:10
Jokkmplayer shows them but they are too small and cant make them larger01:10
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sylvantisfaileas, you could make a bootp server01:11
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heffaystill with me astro76?01:11
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astro76heffay, I have no idea what could be wrong01:11
pawanhow to install pidgin for ubuntu01:11
heffayit should just work huh?01:11
tsu-newbipawan: why you have giam which is just as good01:12
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sylvantisTom_, :), the 'problem' with ubuntu is, that everything works out of the box, so staying with ubuntu means remaining a 'computer newbie', not that it matters, some people are not really interested in computers, and just want it to work. I for once, like to write my own bash scripts, hack init scripts, compile my own kernel etc01:12
heffayi disagree01:12
=== fatty [n=hotshot@c211-28-125-75.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
heffayim having all kinds of issues with ubuntu01:12
stuart-kinda newbie, but what security hole do you leave if you enable telnet compared to ssh - other than other people being able to see what you type?01:12
faileassylvantis: in what way is that disabled?01:13
tsu-newbisylvantis: if it worked out of the box I would not have to change driver info just to install it01:13
heffayi expected it to just work01:13
heffaybut its not01:13
astro76stuart-, if you log in via telnet remotely, your password is transmitted in plaintext, this is very bad01:13
faileasstuart-: thats a HUGE security hole!01:13
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TtyS2sylvantis: what would u say would be the step after ubuntu01:13
faileasbesides, SSH is as easy as telnet ;p01:13
sylvantistsu-newbi, there are of course exceptions :P, i'm talkign about generally01:13
stuart-faileas, that's what i've always gotten, but i've been wondering why01:13
stuart-astro76, oh, thanks. w01:13
=== surviver [n=alex@cust-116-25.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
sylvantisdebian, arch linux, maybe gentoo01:14
faileasstuart-: lets assume someone is listening in on your connection...01:14
heffayok bye bye ubuntu then01:14
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faileashe sees your password, uses it to log on, BAM your compromised01:14
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larsemilheffay: but all the drivers are the same.01:14
amidanielheffay: What isn't working?01:14
TtyS2sylvantis: why debian01:14
heffayxchat doesnt work01:14
tsu-newbiheffeay debian is a less user freindly of ubuntu01:14
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heffaystreaming audio doesnt work01:14
stuart-i'm on an old box with no repercussions if it were invaded. just wanted to enable telnet for experiment purposes, but nobody here would let me! lol.01:14
tsu-newbimore shell intensive like fedora01:14
sylvantisit's not disabled, but running a custom kernel is kind of an issue with ubuntu (or debian in general), because you'd have to manually patch your kernel all the time01:14
larsemilheffay: the ubuntu one or the big one? did you get xchat-common pkg as well?01:15
amidanielheffay: Don't work meaning that what happens?01:15
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faileasstuart-: well... its your problem if it happens ;p01:15
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heffayi just installed xchat01:15
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=== faileas VERY VERY VERY strongly recommends not tho
sylvantisTtyS2, just the whole community, and it's a bit harder to install, at least from minimal, haven't tried the new installer01:15
Leprichttp://www.lepric.2bb.ru -  "  "01:15
astro76stuart-, the repercussions for any internet connected box are not only to you, but for the internet too. Your computer can be used as a zombie to do bad things01:15
heffayi was trying to use xchat gnome prior01:15
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amidanielstuart-: Telnet is very insecure, but not as bad as faileas makes it out to be01:15
heffayneither will connect to anything01:15
surviveranyone know where i can locate rc.inet1.conf? in ubuntu? on my prev distro it was in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf .. cant seem to find it out here01:15
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heffayxchat gnome crashes01:16
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faileasamidaniel: aw, c'mon, it CAN be that bad...01:16
amidanielstuart-: Just keep in mind that it's about as secure as irc :)01:16
heffayxchat hangs01:16
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heffayor just wont connect01:16
sylvantisTtyS2, but i only recommend it for educational use, i mean, if you're not really interested in linux, i'd say stick with ubuntu, it's great and easy01:16
faileasamidaniel: true, but who the hell uses a real useful password for IRC anyway?01:16
stuart-faileas, i don't mind :P. i can't restart inetd tho. anyways it's so that i can check on my uploads/downloads, and shutdown if i have to from windows stations that are 'locked', which means no putty installed etc.01:16
amidanielheffay: How did you install xchat?01:16
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Paddy_EIREwhen will we be seeing ubuntu home server, Im dying to see what it will have to offer over windows home server01:16
amidanielfaileas: Those who don't know any better :)01:16
stuart-amidaniel, haha well i haevn't been invaded through irc before, so i guess that's fine01:16
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TtyS2sylvantis: and if u wish to go deeper into linux but still like to keep a possibility to gui?01:17
tsu-newbiso I assume no one knows01:17
amidanielstuart-: Well, I'd say go for it. ssh is a million times more secure though. Just please don't on a box that has something valuable on it :)01:17
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surviveranyone know where i can locate rc.inet1.conf? in ubuntu? on my prev distro it was in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf .. cant seem to find it out here01:17
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amidanielheffay: Hmm .. what kind of a box are you running? (processor, memory, connection, etc.)01:18
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astro76sylvantis, this is all really offtopic, but as a unix/linux user of over 10 years I think your argument makes no sense01:18
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heffayppc g4 @ 533MHz01:18
stuart-amidaniel, nah i dont' mind. this is an old box with nothing else in it. just to test out linux and learn01:18
Leprichttp://www.lepric.2bb.ru -  "  "01:18
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heffay640MB ram01:18
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sylvantisTtyS2, well i run gentoo with GUI, the GUI's are great, it's just you have to configure and set up your own whole box01:18
runeyDCC SEND aathjwyjrgewaregaethrtj01:18
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amidanielstuart-: Haha .. talking about IRC security :D01:18
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stuart-amidaniel, any idea how to restart inetd though? i tried the /etc/inetd command but it doesn't work01:18
amidanielSomebody kick the dumbfuck please01:18
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STDKHey guys01:18
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TtyS2astro76: any input, suggestion to linux version?01:19
astro76TtyS2, ubuntu, of course :)01:19
triplah_ahoy, i'm a bit of an apt noob, is there an easy way to grab a package of higher version that what is in the current repos? i have wine 0.9.41 but need win 0.9.4201:19
peonymudsA couple of weeks ago I took out my two harddrives and stopped using the computer. Now I plugged in the harddrives again and all the cables in the back but when I try to turn the computer on I just hear the fans starting and then a beep and it turns itself off. It's on for half a second. Could it be the motherboards battery? Or me connecting the harddrives wrong?01:19
amidanielstuart-: Hmm .. that I truly do not. Lemme go google her01:19
sylvantisastro76, :D so you think sticking with ubuntu will learn a regular user 'difficult' 'linux' stuff like compiling kernels, configuring boot loaders etc01:19
astro76triplah_, you can get the latest wine here http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb01:19
tsu-newbithought the command was just apt-get (package)01:20
stuart-amidaniel, i followed google instructions and couldnt' get it. don't worry i'll re-google01:20
triplah_astro76: brilliant, thanks01:20
Jokkwhen i try to play movie in mplayer it writes me back: Fatal Error! Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device01:20
triplah_astro76: will the deb handle to upgrade?01:20
Paddy_EIRE!sudo | tsu-newbi01:20
ubotutsu-newbi: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:20
triplah_ie, remove the old one?01:20
astro76sylvantis, most regular users will never want to do that, in their life, those that want to/can are able to, but as I said... offtopic ;)01:20
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TtyS2peonymuds: check the bios first to see if the pc has found them01:20
astro76triplah_, I believe so, I added their repo and upgraded that way and it works fine01:20
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Jokkwhen i try to play movie in mplayer it writes me back: Fatal Error! Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device01:20
STDKI have downloaded Ubuntu twice now in order to install it (dual with my XP). However each time I get something called a "live CD" version. Since I don't have a CD burner and want to run my box with two OS's, what download would you all recommend?01:20
amidanielpeonymuds: Could be a lot of things. Is it a long beep? That usually indicates DDR failure01:20
Paddy_EIRESTDK: wubi01:21
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amidanielDo you have memory in the box?01:21
Paddy_EIRESTDK: although it aint officially supported01:21
sylvantisastro76, yes i know, but as i said, the ones who DO want it, should not stick with ubuntu, the ones who don't, ubuntu is THE way to go :)01:21
peonymudsamidaniel: it's a really short beep and it just dies.01:21
triplah_astro76: great, thanks01:21
Paddy_EIRESTDK: works really well though01:21
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Paddy_EIRESTDK: http://wubi-installer.org/01:21
STDKPaddy: Guess I can try that. Is it a "poin'n'click" installation? I am not really into coding anything01:21
amidanielheffay: A few thoughts... Are you going through a router that doesn't get along well with IPv6? You may try disabling IPv6 support in xchat01:22
Frogzoo!wine | triplah_: setup the budgetdedicated repo01:22
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ubotutriplah_: setup the budgetdedicated repo: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.01:22
STDKPaddy: I chose to try Ubuntu becaouse it was aiming at IT-illitareate01:22
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amidanielI've had nothing but problems with xchat on any distro -- just stick to irssi myself :)01:22
triplah_Frogzoo: yep, got it. thanks01:22
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Frogzootriplah_: 0.9.42 is current01:22
stuart-is it possible to listen whenever i make telnet connections without needing to touch my pc at all?01:22
tsu-newbidoes anyone know how I can configure my advanced limited ATI driver not to run in VGA mode when booting the kernel so I don't have press alt+f1 everytime I turnb on the computer01:22
astro76stuart-, yes01:22
heffayamidaniel: actually, my connection is weird01:22
Paddy_EIRESTDK: well you will still need to beable to use your brain, but wubi couldnt make it any easier01:22
astro76stuart-, and any point between you and the server01:23
amidanielpeonymuds: This really isn't a ubunutu question btw :) Double check that your ram is properly installed and clicked in01:23
triplah_Frogzoo: not in universal or whichever repo's come with ubuntu. tis cool, getting it from winhq anyway01:23
triplah_wine even01:23
stuart-astro76, would it help if i created a normal user so that even if he gains access, he can't do much?01:23
stuart-e.g: he can't sudo01:23
tsu-newbimec - hi01:23
STDKPaddy: ... Brains .... *drool* ... Ok. It looks like this Wubi actually installs Ubuntu01:23
heffaythe ubuntu box connects to a powerbook that shares its connection via ethernet. and the powerbook is connected to the internet via wireless router01:23
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TtyS2amidaniel: the xchat 2.8.0 sett upp with apt-get works perfect for me01:24
heffaybut there are NO problems with the powerbook, which is how im able to talk here and now01:24
heffayipv6 is all good afaik01:24
astro76stuart-, that would minimize risks to your system itself, stuff could still be done as a user though theoretically01:24
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astro76stuart-, is there a reason you need telnet instead of ssh?01:24
amidanielheffay: Well, powerbook is a completely different system. What works on windows may not work on a mac may not work on ubuntu01:25
stuart-astro76, nah. just wanna experiment with this old box so that i could connect to it even with a terminal pc where installations of putty wouldn't be allowed01:25
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amidanielheffay: Do you get any error messages or anything from xchat?01:25
astro76stuart-, putty doesn't need to be installed, just unzip the .zip01:25
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heffayit just hangs or wont connect01:25
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stuart-astro76, some terminals don't allow C: access or opening foreign files still tho01:26
Leprichttp://www.lepric.2bb.ru -  "  "01:26
amidanielheffay: Can you try connecting on port 8000 rather than 6667?01:26
Leprichttp://www.lepric.2bb.ru -  "  "01:26
Leprichttp://www.lepric.2bb.ru -  "  "01:26
Leprichttp://www.lepric.2bb.ru -  "  "01:26
heffayyeah but i figure if there is an ubuntu release for ppc, it works ya know01:26
astro76stuart-, it's a pretty big risks for that just-in-case01:26
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tsu-newbidoes anyone know how I can configure my advanced limited ATI driver not to run in something other then VGA mode when booting the kernel so I don't have press alt+f1 everytime I turnb on the computer01:26
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok01:26
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stuart-astro76, noted. it still sounds fun being able to turn on horror movie mp3's when i know my sister's home alone at home tho hahahaa01:26
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heffayi think i quit for now. i really appreciate all the help, but i thought this OS was more.. finished01:27
XamDMis ther an option to add an apt-repo but allowing only one pakage from it ???01:27
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stuart-without the hassle of finding an 'accessible' pc01:27
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heffaythis is stressing me out01:27
=== pgup [n=brandon@c-68-54-116-100.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
stuart-heffay, i used tot think the same. you'll be back01:27
heffayi dont have the time01:27
stuart-heffay, i swore ubuntu/linux off like 8 times. haha01:27
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heffayyeah maybe01:28
amidanielheffay: Hmm ... I found ubuntu to be the absolute easiest to get going OS I had ever touched01:28
amidanielI guess others have different experiences :)01:28
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heffaythis box runs osx like a champ01:28
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thavornwhat is the official website for ubuntu server01:28
heffayi liked the idea of ubuntu01:28
tsu-newbiheffey - I am new spent the last 72 hours with no sleep working on oit01:28
heffaybut the fact is, its not working01:28
tsu-newbijust found about this chat room last night01:28
heffayi dont want to be perpetually in this room01:28
heffayor learning01:28
heffayi need it to work01:28
tsu-newbiI see01:28
astro76heffay, good luck finding that perfect distro :p01:28
stuart-learning keeps you young! haha k bath01:29
=== Cla73 [n=Cla73@d83-190-156-94.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
heffayosx is that distro01:29
tsu-newbiI am here for the ride - want to know more about linux and was pointed to ubuntu01:29
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aelliottthavorn - http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/serveredition01:29
amidanielheffay: Well, a few others to try out: gentoo, fedora, and suse01:29
astro76apples and oranges01:29
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stuart-actually to me, this distro could still be leaner. it's just that i don' know how to custom make my installations. i have a feeling if i knew more, i'd be using slackware or gentoo now01:29
=== amidaniel personally could never use that OSX crap
amidanielBut that's just me :)01:29
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heffayosx is faster and more stable and well.. works01:30
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stuart-is osx = mac?01:30
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peonymudsstuart-: yes01:30
aelliottosx has less software availiable though - by a long way01:30
thavornaelliot: is there a command that I can just add on GUI for server. I do not want additional desktop feature01:30
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stuart-oo. i'm a macnoob01:30
heffayi disagree01:30
amidanielThe illusion of stability comes simply from its design for a very, very specific setup01:30
heffayi cant run lightroom or cs3 on linux01:30
amidanielIt has no flexibility whatsoever01:30
stuart-haha wth k3b, why does it play that sound everytime it burns a cd01:30
aldcorwhy this Reading package lists... Done01:31
aldcorW: GPG error: http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3C33E735F854AFD701:31
aldcor ?01:31
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aelliottthavorn - you can use apt-get to install xubuntu-desktop, that will give you a light gui01:31
faileasstuart-: custom made linux... google linux from scratch01:31
heffayand i like have to be a programmer to get simple stuff like irc to work01:31
heffayi mean01:31
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stuart-faileas, i did. wnated to get started. but don't think i'm up for it . kinda technical01:31
B-rabbithow do i find my ip?01:31
`4aFkA`can i install counter strike 1.6 using the apt-get method????01:31
heffaythere is alot of pride in running lin01:31
stuart-looks harder than slackware/gentoo01:32
thavornaelliot: it will install all of desktop software as well01:32
heffaybut i wish i had that kind time..01:32
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faileasB-rabbit: ifconfig on command line...01:32
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thavornaelliot: I got it is xbuntu01:32
heffayat least firefox works01:32
amidanielheffay: Well, with power comes responsibility. Linux has a hell of a lot of power, but it has a learning curve. Macs are easy-to-use out of the box, but they're just simple playthings. You'll never get any power out of em01:32
faileasi donno if you have to run that as root01:32
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Jak08does that pride still exist with ubuntu though? I mean ubuntu is pretty easy and simple, but I don't have pride in it over my os x, or shudder vista01:32
aelliottthavorn - you could try installing just gnome etc, but i dont know if it will be easy01:32
heffaysee what is power?01:32
amidanielBut if that suffices for you, then sobeit :)01:32
faileasamidaniel: macs are a unix, you can compile stuff for them linux style if you want01:32
peonymudsheffay, I'm a real noob and don't have any problems running linux. It just works.01:32
aelliottthavorn - xubuntu-desktop should be pretty light01:33
heffayi have the power to run professional progs that make me money on osn01:33
amidanielfaileas: Well, osx is, but it's a very bloated unfriendly unix01:33
`4aFkA`can i install counter strike 1.6 using the apt-get method????01:33
STDKIs there a way to change Wubi so it connects to a chinese server for downloading Ubuntu, or poiting to a local "live CD" version?01:33
Paddy_EIREamidaniel: its based of Darwin01:33
=== amidaniel notes that the last time he sat in front of an apple at all was about two years ago :)
Jak08OS X, of course isn't for the power user, it works very nicely like that, but it is designed more for the art crowd01:33
amidanielJak08: Indeed01:33
hestwhen i go to restricted-manager and enable my NVIDIA gfx card and reboot, my x is broken the only way i can get x started is by using the vesa driver, how can i fix the driver or troubleshot ?01:33
thavornaelliot: someone thoguht me to use sudo-i cmd but it cannot work01:34
faileasactually, i kinda don't mind it so much, other than needing to retrain my mind to the layout01:34
heffaypower user01:34
amidanielthavorn: sudo -s01:34
heffayisnt the point of ubuntu to be for the masses though?01:34
amidanielOr sudo -i01:34
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heffayits so intoxicating01:34
astro76hest, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:34
heffaythe philosphy01:34
heffayim not sold on the os though01:35
heffayyet lol01:35
Jak08one thing I wish is that with spaces in the leopard is that it has the cube, I know it won't but I would like to see at least some 3rd party tool for it that lets it, I would be very happy then01:35
astro76thavorn, sudo -i or sudo -s, not sudo-i01:35
amidanielheffay: The idea is for it to have excellent ease of use for beginners and excellent power for more experienced01:35
faileasheffay: donno, i'm one of those guys who things being for the "masses" is overrated. i want it to be for *me* ;p01:35
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:35
heffayyes ME01:35
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B-rabbitfaileas: hi faileas, can i change to 'static ip' from 'dhcp' if i know my ip? because in the ubuntu doc's it say's that internet service provider has to give the ip to change the settings?01:35
thavornamidaniel: what is i and s mean01:35
heffayeveryone would have to be a programmer though no?01:35
faileasB-rabbit: i can't remember how to... sorry ><01:35
amidanielthavorn: They give you different kinds of shells01:35
amidanielthavorn: If I recall correctly, -i is more restricted than -s01:36
astro76B-rabbit, unless you pay for a static ip from your isp, you don't have one, and it can change at any time01:36
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amidanielFor the most part though, you shouldn't need a root shell at all01:36
astro76B-rabbit, or are you connected through a router?01:36
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STDKPaddy: Can I point Wubi to a chinese site or to the LiveCD version of Ubuntu? I live in China and downloading 700mb from outside "operation goldenshield" is a kick in the groin01:36
thavornamidaniel: under sever edition, if I sudo apt-get install gnome, does it mean that it install gui for gnome?01:36
heffayok cmon guys. i wanna be in the gang. lets make irc work01:36
heffayi can ping the server01:37
Paddy_EIRESTDK: hmm, I wonder...01:37
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heffayi have internet01:37
aelliottthavorn, if you only want to make your server easier to administer you could try using webmin01:37
amidanielthavorn: Not sure :) I would guess so01:37
faileashmm, i *think* there's a gui network-admin i think...01:37
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astro76heffay, did you try disabling ipv6 in xchat as someone suggested? that is a somewhat common problem as ubuntu added ipv6 by default recently01:37
STDKPaddy: Guess I can wait the few days it will take, I am justeager to get it working01:37
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heffayhow do i do that?01:37
amidanielthavorn: I believe gnome is dependent upon X, etc., and so installing the pkg should install those01:37
thavornamidaniel: can tell me more?01:37
aelliottthavorn - you can learn about webmin here http://www.webmin.com/download.html01:37
heffayi dont recall anyone suggesting it01:37
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luigi_Bjoin #ubuntu-it01:37
Paddy_EIRESTDK: I dont know about the mirrors01:38
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amidanielheffay: Can you try connecting through port 8000 instead of 6667?01:38
heffayhold pls...01:38
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STDKPaddy: No problem. Wubi-installer looks like it will solve my problem01:38
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Paddy_EIRESTDK: debian has one aswell http://goodbye-microsoft.com/01:38
tsu-newbican someone help me with my ATI nightmare01:38
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amidanielthavorn: I know no more :) Try it and see what you get01:39
lpanebrhello! I've lost many file association in my feisty. Is there any appropriate channel or am I in the right place here?01:39
faileasB-rabbit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router#head-47bbefb9820130f84994b5a20966262ade9ad35501:39
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heffaywhere do i change the port?01:39
amidaniellpanebr: You're in the right place :) What happened?01:39
teiwazanyone have any idea how to completely reinstall gstreamer in kubuntu or ubuntu?01:39
=== STDK highfive paddy.
heffayi have no option01:39
tsu-newbican someone help me my ATI nightmare01:39
thavornunder menu Add/Remove -->others--> is this samba?01:39
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amidanielheffay: Should be somewhere in your server set-up in xchat01:39
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amidanielI don't use the software so I can't tell you more specifically01:40
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lpanebramidaniel: well good01:40
stuart-anyway i read here the other day that this channel swore off envy, why is that? it was the only thing that helped me get nvidia going01:40
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thavornsorry, under menu Add/Remove -->others--> share folders ...is this samba?01:40
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lpanebramidaniel: I changed gnome theme and icons but it was still ok01:40
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teiwazgstreamer?  anyone?01:41
lpanebramidaniel: then I installed gdesklets and I guess that  caused the problem but I am nbot 100% positive01:41
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heffayno port option anywhere i can see01:41
amidaniellpanebr: Okay ... What exactly is the problem? You said file associations .. are there certain files that are opening with the wrong apps?01:41
lpanebramidaniel: I installed gdesklets using Automatix01:41
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ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)01:42
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linux_there is command to delete file ?01:42
amidanielelkbuntu: Bletch. No need to be hostile :) We don't even know it's an automatix prob01:42
astro76linux_, rm01:42
astro76it's not hostility01:43
lpanebramidaniel: ok. Yes. 2 thigs happen. Some Files (ziz tar gz) appear with a blank page icon and start ok with double click01:43
astro76automatix is a nightmare01:43
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lpanebramidaniel: but they lost their icon01:43
elkbuntuamidaniel, not being hostile, merely taking due care to prevent problems01:43
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amidanielelkbuntu: Okay :)01:43
AmaranthIf you're looking for someone to be hostile about automatix, that'd be me. :)01:44
amidaniellpanebr: Well, that sounds like it's just a theming problem. If they all open correctly then it's just your icons that are screwy in nautilus01:44
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AmaranthAlthough perhaps I'm biased because I did at one time work on a competing tool :)01:44
lpanebramidaniel: Many other files (doc xls ppt sh deb pdf) appear with a binary icon and do not open at all01:44
Le_PerrqueIf you have a computer running freenx and virtualbox windows VM. How many concurrent users can access the VM ?01:44
linux_when im in folder i and i right click i have some menus (new , delete copy ... ) i can add my command ?01:45
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variantLe_Perrque: why are you asking here?01:45
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Amaranthlpanebr: rm ~/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache01:45
toddyHello!I installed a mldonkey,it always says i'm in lowid,how to deal with it?01:45
Le_Perrquevariant: base system is ubuntu :)01:45
Le_Perrquei haven't done it, of course. was wondering about it though.01:46
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lpanebramidaniel: for the others I get  "no suitable application for automatic instalation is available for handling this kind of file"01:46
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variantLe_Perrque: your question doesn't really have anything to do with ubuntu though, you would be better askiung elsewhere i think01:46
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Amaranthlpanebr: that's gnome-app-install integration01:46
Amaranthlpanebr: your mime registry is really broken01:46
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Amaranthlpanebr: unfortunately afaik that's mostly a part of nautilus itself01:46
astro76linux_, https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/user-guide/C/gosnautilus-440.html01:46
Le_Perrquevariant: I'm just checking if there had been other ubuntu users who has done the same01:47
toddyany one knows about the lowid of the mldonkey?01:47
variantAmaranth: i found this rather good link that describes the pro's and con's of automatix :) (mostly cons)01:47
lpanebrAmaranth: tryed the rm you said is still the same01:47
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Amaranthlpanebr: nautilus -q && nautilus01:47
variantAmaranth: http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html01:47
Amaranthvariant: I think I might have seen that already ;)01:47
amidaniellpanebr: What exactly are you trying to do?01:47
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lpanebrAmaranth: it restarted my nautilus but the icons are still bad01:48
Amaranthlpanebr: dang01:48
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heffayok i give up guys01:48
lpanebramidaniel: restore my system cause the way it is I cannot open many files01:49
aldcorwhat is better? compiz or screenlets?01:49
Amaranthlpanebr: sudo apt-get --reinstall install shared-mime-info01:49
Amaranthaldcor: they're different things01:49
Amaranthaldcor: but without compiz screenlets works really badly :)01:49
amidaniellpanebr: Follow Armanth's suggestion. You need to rebuild your mime index01:49
lpanebrAmaranth: after i changed theme and icons everything was really ok. at first at least01:49
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amidanielAnd possibly reinstall nautilus01:49
aldcorou... now i see01:50
toddymy mldonkey is in lowid,how to configure ir?01:50
Amaranthamidaniel: afaik nautilus gets it's info from gnome-vfs01:50
echosystmmyspace pages load horribly slow in firefox, yet perfectly on konqueror01:50
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echosystmwhats going on?01:50
lpanebramidaniel: ok. let me try01:50
Amaranthamidaniel: actually nautilus is mostly a GUI around gnome-vfs :)01:50
echosystmhow do i fix this problem01:50
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amidanielAmaranth: O rly? Hmm .. news to me :)01:50
=== echosystm waits for someone to say "dont go on myspace"
amidanielAgain, something I almost never use anywho :)01:50
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=== amidaniel could almost do without a desktop at all
echosystmthats not a real solution01:51
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Amaranthechosystm: you can't fix the problem, gecko is broken with the sorts of things people put on myspace01:51
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echosystmlame :(01:51
echosystmwould opera be better?01:51
Amaranthechosystm: of course if people had any taste they wouldn't put those kinds of things on there01:51
amidanielechosystm: What version of ff are you using? And what plugins do you have installed?01:51
echosystmi'm in a band, so i really gotta keep my myspace presence rocking etc.01:51
echosystmi have no plugins01:51
Naitsirk"You should ensure that the usb-storage kernel module is loaded (modprobe usb-storage) and try to find out which SCSI device the USB stick has been mapped to"01:51
Naitsirk..When I write "modprobe usb-storage" nothing happens..?01:51
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echosystmand i am using whatever version is in the repositories01:51
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Naitsirkusing terminal on ubuntu 7.04 desktop01:52
linux_i have no xorg.conf file and nvidia say " cannot create x file " what i need to do ?01:52
Amaranthechosystm: before myspace not too many people did animated backgrounds and fixed position menus and 20 flash files in one page so firefox's engine wasn't really optimized for that sort of stuff01:52
amidanielechosystm: Hmm .. most of the myspacer probs got fixed in ff2. What kind of media is on the page you're visiting? Flash, java applets?01:52
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lpanebrAmaranth: great! that reinstall worked!01:52
lpanebrAmaranth: thanks!01:52
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Amaranthechosystm: they are working on it though, if FF3 releases in time to be in Ubuntu 7.10 it should handle that stuff better01:53
heffayso out of curiosity, how many people here run ubuntu on ppc?01:53
Amaranthlpanebr: you say you've used automatix before?01:53
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Tom_whens 7.10 comming out?01:53
tsu-newbigoing to switch to umbuntu system now01:53
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AmaranthTom_: 10th month of 2007 :)01:53
amidanielAmranth: I can't imagine it will01:53
linux_i can download xorg.conf file from some site ?01:53
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Tom_0.o k01:53
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AmaranthTom_: that's what the number means01:53
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Tom_i see... lol xD01:54
AmaranthTom_: it's not a real version number, more of a date marker01:54
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Amaranthamidaniel: Gecko 1.9's rendering system has basically been completely redone01:54
amidanielAmaranth: Having talked with some of the devs, the only thing I've heard that's really "improved" in FF3 is that tooltips can now be longer :)01:54
|tbb|could someone provide me an url where i can get infos how to connect to a windows 2003 server over vpn from ubuntu.  In windows thats just a few clicks ;(01:54
lpanebrAmaranth: yes. I have Installed virtualbox and gdesklets. Then uninstalled gdesklets01:54
Amaranthamidaniel: dude, frame display lists and cairo-based rendering01:54
heffayargh ok ubuntu is insane. its deleting stuff i didnt tell it to.01:55
amidanielAmaranth: Hrm .. I haven't followed it that closely, but I certainly haven't heard of anything magnificient being done01:55
heffayim quitting forever this is nonsense01:55
=== amidaniel blinks at heffay
Amaranthamidaniel: 'best release ever'01:55
linux_there is acommand to create file file callen "text.txt" ?01:55
Amaranthamidaniel: well, until Gecko 2.001:55
lpanebrAmaranth: I have 1 new weird thing now. My zip files that appear before and now with a blank page icon opened before but do not open now after reinstall01:55
Amaranthlinux_: touch text.txt01:56
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Amaranthlpanebr: what happens when you click on them?01:56
astro76!vpn | |tbb|01:56
ubotu|tbb|: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD01:56
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Amaranthamidaniel: in my opinion so much has changed in 1.9 it really should have been called 2.001:56
Amaranthamidaniel: but for 2.0 they're being even more ambitious01:56
amidanielAmaranth: Really? Well, you've tempted me .. I'm going to have to try it out :)01:57
lpanebrAmaranth: connot open ..... : No application is known for this kind of file.01:57
heffayis there a room for people that need help with ububtu?01:57
Amaranthlpanebr: right click on it and choose Open With01:57
Amaranthlpanebr: then choose archive manager01:57
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Amaranthheffay: err, we are helping people01:57
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cilginizis there anyone who can give advice about irc flooding protection bots ?01:57
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lpanebrAmaranth: it opens but the icon still wrong01:57
Amaranthheffay: the firefox talk is giving people hope for the future01:58
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kritzstapfhi, im getting "The following packages cannot be authenticated!" for packages inside the feisty-tree, did they change the key or sth?01:58
amidanielcilginiz: Try #freenode01:58
heffayive been here 16 hours and still cant get irc working...01:58
Amaranthheffay: what is your problem?01:58
linux_how i can make file not readonly ?01:58
Amaranthkritzstapf: rerun apt-get update01:58
amidanielkritzstapf: You added any new repos today?01:58
TtyS2linux_: u might have a look at this http://sourceforge.net/search/?type_of_search=soft&words=xorg.conf01:58
aldcorthere is written01:58
aldcorClick the "Add Source" button after you pasted the above code and do the same for the following code: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Compiz-Fusion-on-Ubuntu-58113.shtml01:58
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heffayfirefox crashes my powerbook01:58
Amaranthheffay: ah01:59
kritzstapfAmaranth: aah, thanks, that helped :)01:59
aldcorbut there is no add source button01:59
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Amaranthheffay: PPC is not a supported platform anymore, i suspect it'll get much worse01:59
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jahidhi when i am tring to paly songs in xmms, i get a message box, saying that "Please check that: your sound card is configured properly.  or you have the correct otput plugin selected. no ohter program is blocking the soundcard"01:59
heffayoh thats a good thing to know01:59
jahidcan anyone help me about this issue?01:59
Amaranthaldcor: No! Not another HOWTO using that stupid repo!01:59
heffayafter much frustration01:59
linux_how i can make file not readonly ?01:59
Amaranthlinux_: what file?02:00
erUSULlinux_: chmod +w file02:00
amidanielaldcor: You shouldn't need the source repos to install the packages02:00
heffayso why release a current dist. like fiesty if my hardware isnt supprted?02:00
checkersyou might need to use it with sudo depending on who owns the file02:00
Amaranthlinux_: usually read-only means it's root owned which means you need to use sudo to open it02:00
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amidanielheffay: Because some hardware will never be supported because some manufacturers are assholes and don't opensource their drivers02:00
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Amaranthheffay: The PPC release for Ubuntu 7.04 was a 'community release'02:01
heffaythen shouldnt the dist. say something liek, btw this wont really work02:01
Amaranthamidaniel: Language, please.02:01
linux_Amaranth , i dont want to open it i want that other sofware will be able to write to it . . .02:01
amidanielUbuntu has the best OOB hardware support I've seen in a distro though02:01
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heffaywell whatever02:01
jahidsomeone, tell me how to fix my sound card02:01
amidanielAmaranth: Gahh .. sorry :)02:01
heffayits out on the open now02:01
heffayback to osx for me i guess02:01
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Amaranthheffay: obviously it works on someone's system but it doesn't get as much testing02:01
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heffayno no i know that02:02
amidanielAmaranth: What rules do we go by with language? MPAA? :)02:02
Amaranthheffay: and 'open in the open'? there was a huge amount of media about it when it was decided02:02
=== amidaniel can never keep the rules in all the various channels straight :)
heffaybut when i download something like fiesty that says its has support and what not02:02
Amaranthamidaniel: 'family friendly'02:02
Tinned_Tunaheya, I know the community's feelings on Automatix, but what about Easy Ubuntu?02:02
heffayyou know?02:02
Amaranthheffay: where do you see something saying feisty is supported on ppc?02:02
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heffayis any ubuntu "supported"?02:03
jribTinned_Tuna: not really needed with feisty.  What are you trying to do that you feel you need one of those tools for?02:03
AmaranthTinned_Tuna: Well, it's certainly _better_ than automatix wrt not breaking things but I haven't been keeping up so I couldn't tell you02:03
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AmaranthTinned_Tuna: I know at one time it was quite nice, I worked on it :)02:03
Amaranthheffay: yes02:03
heffaythe site says how great ubuntu is02:03
heffayi click download02:03
Toma-heffay: if you want PPC, id try yellow dog linux02:03
heffaythere is a ppc dist02:03
Tinned_Tunajrib: I was just wondering with all the bad publicity that automatix has recieved recently02:03
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heffaynowhere does it say, btw theis ppc dist is crap02:04
Amaranthheffay: There is not02:04
heffayit looks as good as the others02:04
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Amaranthheffay: I see x86, amd64, and ultrasparc02:04
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jribTinned_Tuna: the restricted drivers manager and the automatic codec installation on feisty make automatix and easy ubuntu obsolete imo02:04
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aldcorhelp! ... why that http://pastebin.se/27492 ?02:05
heffaywell i got it from somewhere that convinced me that it was legit02:05
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Amaranthheffay: It's community maintained now02:05
Tinned_Tunajrib: cool :)02:05
gl-whizzhey people, good (morning/afternoon/evening/night)02:06
amidanielheffay: Then don't blame ubuntu02:06
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aldcorhelp! ... why that http://pastebin.se/27492 ? Amaranth, you don't know?02:06
heffayi do blame them. there is all this hype about it being for the masses.02:06
Amaranthheffay: That means having things fail to build there are not release blockers and having major bugs there is not a release blocker02:06
heffayeveryone here is a command line junke02:06
Amaranthheffay: PPC users are a very small minority02:06
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heffayfor us folks that dont know better, how can we know?02:06
gl-whizzI have a question: Does anyone of you have CPU freq scaling working on a Turion64 X2 TL-50 with UbuntuStudio Feisty?02:07
Amaranthheffay: not at all, the command line is just the easiest way to transmit instructions via IRC02:07
amidanielheffay: You blame ubuntu for your downloading something not made by ubuntu? O.o02:07
heffaynot if you dont know the command line...02:07
Amaranthheffay: you don't have to02:07
Amaranthheffay: you open a terminal, paste in what we tell you, things get happen02:07
heffaywho wants to work in the terminal though02:07
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Amaranthheffay: it's better than saying 'click here, select this, highlight that, move here'02:07
heffayisnt that the point of a gui?02:08
Amaranthheffay: the GUI is inefficient for help via IRC02:08
Tom_whats the best desktop widget app for ubuntu02:08
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deleeahej everybody! can anybody help me installing a driver for my webcam?02:08
amidanielheffay: The point of a gui is to make things prettier, not to make you more efficient02:08
jribaldcor: did you try the command it suggests?  (apt-get -f install)   If that doesn't work, it may be an issue with the 3rd party repository you are using.  Maybe someone in #ubuntu-effects has seen it before02:08
jahidis there anyone to help me to fix my sound card problem?02:08
linux_its doesnt work , how i can make file "a.txt" to be writeable ( not readonly) for every not only this session ?02:08
linux_and for all the users not only root02:08
Amaranthaldcor: I told you not to use that repo02:08
heffayif i dont know the command line, the gui IS more efficeint02:08
amidanielWhen you know what you're doing, cli is tremendously easier than wimp for most applications02:08
gl-whizzwhat kind of problem do you have with your soundcard?02:08
jahidgl-whizz, i dont get any sound output from any application02:09
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Amaranthheffay: Dude, you're copy and pasting instructions from other people, you don't need to know the command line to do that02:09
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mailavjhelp.. during bootup , how can i disable the ububtu splash screen so tht i will be able to see the entire boot prints02:09
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jahidgl-whizz, i get this message from xmms----> "Please check that: your sound card is configured properly.  or you have the correct otput plugin selected. no ohter program is blocking the soundcard"02:09
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heffayagain missing my point, that i dont even want to mess with the command line02:10
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Amaranthmailavj: you need to remove the 'splash' and 'quiet' options from your kernel line in grub's menu.lst02:10
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Amaranthheffay: then you can pay someone to show you the point and click way02:10
Amaranthheffay: if you want our help you get it our way02:10
heffaywhich as i said, is the point of linux right? this is a community of command line junkies02:10
mailavjthanks amaranth02:11
Amaranthheffay: If you want to continue this discuss please join #ubuntu-offtopic02:11
amidanielheffay: No, it's a community of people who like having the cli option available to them02:11
jahidgl-whizz, i get this message when i try to use application "System>Preferences>Sound", the message is--->gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open resource for writing.02:11
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Amaranth!sound jahid02:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound jahid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:11
Amaranth!sound | jahid02:12
ubotujahid: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:12
jasonxHas anybody got the "Rezlooks" theme engine working on Feisty (Xubuntu PPC)? I have compiled the engine and put some themes in my .themes folder but nothing shows up02:12
amidanielheffay: We provide support in the way that's easiest for us, not for you. As Amaranth said, there are people you can pay to show you the less efficient way to do things02:12
heffayi think i should just leave. im not a command liner and ubuntu doesnt support ppc anyway right?02:12
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=== amidaniel gives Amaranth a cookie :)
gl-whizzbut does anyone know why my frequency scaling broke?02:13
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gl-whizzI just did a fresh studio install02:13
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roachmmflhyrwhere are mysql databases stored?02:13
gl-whizzand in edgy normal it just works02:13
Amaranthamidaniel: i learned all i know from http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Command_Line :)02:13
linux_how i can make fiel to be write able to all the users ?02:13
amidanielAmaranth: Haha :)02:13
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jrib!permissions > linux_ (see the private message from ubotu)02:14
Amaranthgl-whizz: are you using a realtime kernel?02:14
amidaniellinux_: chmod a+x filename02:14
jriblinux_: right click on it and go to properties.  You can change permissions that way too02:14
amidanielerm .. chmod a+w filename02:14
Amaranthjrib: error, "linux_ (see private message from ubotu)" is not a valid user :)02:14
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netdiggerxxxcan't change spashscreen with gnome splashscreenmanager,02:18
netdiggerxxxtheir never one installed, somebody knows??02:18
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Tom_on wine when i try to install steam, it gets to 26% on update and comes up with you may only run one instance of steam at a time or something similar. Ive tried the 26% fix on the http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=1554&iTestingId=13766 page but it still doesnt work, and just errors when i try to launch steam after i remove the .blob02:21
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gl-whizzI'm using the 2.6.20-16 realtime kernel on 1.6GHz TurionX2, but if it stayed on 1.6GHz in stead of 800MHz I wouldn't mind, how to fix it?02:22
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roachmmflhyris there a way i can upload mysql databases to godaddy.com so i dont have to reinstall some php web applications02:22
notwisthey guys, i got some trouble with my network. i have eth2, eth3 and br0 to connect them. but i cant choose static ip for eth2 cause br0 seems to override it or something.. so im stuck with DHCP which gives me a local ip i dont want. any ideas?02:22
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skui have a problem trying to read dvds on feisty, BUT i do have libdvdcss and dvdread3 installed.  Is this the right place to go for help?02:23
ubuanyone know of a daemon-tools-like app for feisty?02:23
easytiger_homedo you mean mount?02:23
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notwistubu: its called mount and has been around for a while ;)02:24
ubuyeah to mount, img, bin, iso, vcd, b5i, etc02:24
act1v8sku: How many DVD ROMs do you have?02:24
notwistubu: man mount02:24
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astro76!iso | ubu02:24
ubotuubu: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:24
Joshooawhich would be better, Azureus or KTorrent?02:24
skuact1v8: just the one.  hdc02:24
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notwistJoshooa: rtorrent02:24
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happy_sku libdvdcss2 the libdvdcss isnt enough02:24
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act1v8sku: Did you try another DVD to see if it'll work?02:24
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Tom_on wine when i try to install steam, it gets to 26% on update and comes up with you may only run one instance of steam at a time or something similar. Ive tried the 26% fix on the http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=1554&iTestingId=13766 page but it still doesnt work, and just errors when i try to launch steam after i remove the .blob02:25
PiddyCan anyone help me install Frets on Fire?02:25
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ubuastro76, notwist, ty02:25
larson9999i've done this but i still the sun site still tells me java isn't installed.  what gives? "sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts"02:25
JoshooaThat's not on my add/remove list though02:25
skuhappy_: sorry, i meant to say that libdvdcss2 is what i have02:25
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skuact1v8: yes, tried a few02:26
easytiger_homelarson9999: dont install java from pkgs02:26
larson9999easytiger_home: why not?02:26
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desertcsku: I just got DVD playback working, what's up02:26
easytiger_homelarson9999: just download the .bin java dist from java.sun.com and put a symlink to the .so in your browser's plugin dir02:26
act1v8sku: sorry... I have no idea... I had the same problem but with to dvd roms and on fedora...02:26
notwistJoshooa: google for it.. its text based but far superior if you get into it :)02:26
skuact1v8: i can mount it, i can see the files, i can output the files to a term, but i can't do a cpdvd, or watch them in any player02:26
roachmmflhyris there a way i can upload mysql databases to godaddy.com so i dont have to reinstall some php web applications02:26
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notwistJoshooa: i think you can do sudo apt-get install rtorrent02:27
larson9999sure, that's how i used to install java.  the question is why doesn't installing from packages work?  do you know?02:27
notwistbrb shower02:27
act1v8sku: you can't in vlc?02:27
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Joshooanotwist: Yeah I found it in google, why is it so much better though?02:27
skuact1v8: nope02:27
desertcsku: Totem will not do DVD playback02:27
skuafaik, cpdvd doesn't attempt to decode, so it isn't a css issue02:27
desertcsku: I just had the Ubuntu documentation changed this morning to reflect the fact that Totem doesn't do DVD playback02:27
easytiger_homelarson9999: i dunno. i've never used them. commercial s/w that is managed by apt is usually shit02:27
act1v8desertc: why not. I watch DVD's on Totem all the time02:27
jriblarson9999: you *should* install from the packages.  What does 'apt-cache policy sun-java6-jre' return atm?02:28
skudesertc: i've tried: mplayer, totem-gst, totem-xine, vlc02:28
desertcact1v8: Not with Ubuntu's default gstreamer02:28
larson9999easytiger_home: well, if the packages are broken i'm sure the good maintainers would want to fix them.02:28
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desertcsku: Stick with xine02:28
act1v8desertc: ah.. yeah :)02:28
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ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: do you have the sql for your application?02:28
skudesertc: yeah, i've tried xine with totem-xine, xine-ui and kaffeine.  no luck02:29
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easytiger_homelarson9999: sun java barely ever changes... might as well just install it once and forget about it02:29
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happy_bingo, i found the page i used when setting upp totem to play dvd https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs02:29
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desertcsku: You need gxine, libxine, libxine1-ffmpeg, libdvdread3, libdvdnav4 packages installed.  Please verify02:29
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: well i installed the web apps on my local machine and had a fully functional website on my lan but i am trying to upload the entire site with databases to godaddy02:29
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:30
easytiger_homelarson9999: and stick JAVA_HOME and PATH in your /etc/profile02:30
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larson9999jrib http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32609/02:30
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desertchappy_ : that's the page I got updated to be explicit about what is needed for UNencrypted DVD playback02:30
ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: you can install the mysql client on your machine and connect to the remote server, then take the sql that is generated when you export the database from your local machine and run it against the remote database02:30
ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: then you can upload the php or whatever it is written in to the remote server02:31
larson9999easytiger_home: errr, i install it once for each version and once on each machine.02:31
ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: you'll have to do a bit of tweaking :-)02:31
easytiger_homelarson9999: each version?02:31
desertcsku: Is your DVD encrypted or unencrypted?02:31
jriblarson9999: what does 'java -version' return?02:31
larson9999yeah, java does update you know02:31
easytiger_homelarson9999: i know. but not in anyway you need to worry about02:31
easytiger_homeunless your doing the jump from 1.5 to 1.6 etc02:32
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: ahh ok02:32
larson9999easytiger_home: and 1.4 before that and so on.02:32
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: thanks so much02:32
easytiger_homelarson9999: why would you want to install those02:32
larson9999easytiger_home: why would you want to assume what i'm installing?02:33
skudesertc: they are encrypted02:33
OvalI vaguely remember the discussion of an IRC IM client.02:33
OvalCould anyone refresh my memory?02:33
ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: good luck with it02:33
easytiger_homelarson9999: you just implied your installing multiple versions of java and that thus is the root of your problem,02:33
PiddyDoes anyone if Battlefield 1942 works on feisty?02:33
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roachmmflhyrben_underscore: im going to try02:33
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: not so sure tho....im new to mysql02:33
nsbhi i want know, how i can make a deb package02:33
nsbwithout checkinstall02:33
Joshooanotwist: Do I have to have a terminal open for each torrent or can I open multiple torrents in one window?02:33
easytiger_homeJoshooa: use screen02:34
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jrib!packaging > nsb (see the private message from ubotu)02:34
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larson9999easytiger_home: i didn't imply anything.  i said i installed java and show the command but get the browser tells me i need to install the jre02:34
Joshooaeasytiger_home: huh?02:34
desertcsku: You will also need to add DeCSS tools, which I am unable to discuss because of my country's laws regarding circumventing such restrictions.  My advice would be to not buy products where you don't agree to the terms.  I believe there are webpages that instruct on this last step.02:34
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easytiger_homeJoshooa: sceen command02:35
skudesertc: yes, i have all those packages installed.  the interesting thing is that cpdvd is a utility that is just supposed to copy the files as is without decrypting/decoding, and even that fails.  so i think the problem is lower level than codecs02:35
jriblarson9999: oh, is java working fine itself.  Only the browser plugin is an issue?02:35
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easytiger_homelarson9999: because the plugin clearly didn't work. and i said link it by habd. installing the java plugin is literally just crreating a symbloic link02:35
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nsbtxk jrib02:35
notwistJoshooa: multiple torrents in one02:36
skudesertc: on the other hand, i can view the files in nautilus and can open them in gedit.  so it's higher level than file i/o02:36
notwistJoshooa: you can run it through screen also so you dont have to have a window open atall02:36
desertcsku: If you installed the packages I mentioned, then you have an entirely fresh level of codecs.  I know troubleshooting this problem is a black art, because I just went through it three days ago and information is shrouded in controversy because of CSS.02:36
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desertcsku: Please describe what happens when you type: gxine dvd://  from the prompt02:37
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skudesertc: ok, it runs through the setup, all green ticks.  it loads the dvd, it very quickly flashes up the title of the dvd in the title bar then complains. "Error reading NAV packet."02:39
echelonhow do you access MSN with ubuntu ?02:39
jribechelon: gaim or amsn are two ways02:39
faileasechelon: install gaim or AMSN.02:39
skudesertc: libdvdnav: Unable to find map file '/media/disk/home/sku/.dvdnav/PRISON_BREAK.map'02:39
Joshooanotwist: Where can I learn how to use it? I figured out how to get 2 things downloading, but I had to open a terminal for each, well a tab for each.  If I close the terminal how can I tell if it's still downloading and stuff02:39
desertcsku: Are you sure you have libdvdnav4 installed?02:39
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desertcsku: oh, I guess so, since that's whats erroring02:40
skudesertc:  sudo apt-get install libdvdnav402:40
skuReading package lists... Done02:40
skuBuilding dependency tree02:40
skuReading state information... Done02:40
skulibdvdnav4 is already the newest version.02:40
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sku0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:40
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jrib!paste | sku02:41
ubotusku: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:41
echelonim getting the same hanging and crashing that i get in windows02:41
echelonwith this xchat02:41
echelonim suprised it doesnt say "not responding:02:41
skuubotu: ok, sorry02:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok, sorry - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:41
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notwistJoshooa: google up the rtorrent webpage, they have documentation02:41
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notwistJoshooa: if you run "screen rtorrent" you put it under screen.. then you can hop out with ctrl+a+d.. if you want to bring it up again you just type screen -rd02:42
aldcorhow to add pubkey?02:42
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skudesertc: i do get other errors from libdvdread: libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB (0x00018876)02:42
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JakobsenSo.. So any of you know, if the ttf-opensymbol package has been fixed?02:42
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desertcsku: I found the answer to your problem...02:43
aldcorhow to add pubkey people...?02:43
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desertcsku: This is a well known issue with an incorrect implementation of DeCSS.  As I said, I can't help with circumventing this protection, due to my government's laws.02:43
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erUSUL!gpgerr | aldcor02:44
ubotualdcor: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Read the top section of http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:44
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lithophytewhat pdf viewer does ubuntu use?02:44
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Albarahaanyone using Boinc on Feisty?02:44
desertcsku: Choose freedom and buy DVDs without CSS restrictions.02:44
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aelliottubuntu uses Evince 0.8.1, lithophyte02:45
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erUSULlithophyte: evince by default afaik02:45
Jack_Sparrowlithophyte: I use kpdf but there are a few choices02:45
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lithophyteok I'm just looking for a good pdf viewer I'm in debian02:46
lithophyteevince sure does have alot of depends but I'll try it02:46
aelliottevince is very stable i find02:46
larson9999easytiger_home: like i said, i know how to install java manually.  i'm curious why installing via the packages didn't work.02:46
easytiger_homelarson9999: well file a bug and dont worry about it02:47
larson9999jrib: says Could not create the Java virtual machine.02:47
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easytiger_homelarson9999: you tpyed it wrong02:47
larson9999easytiger_home: if i determine it's not something goofy with my setup i will.02:47
Joshooanotwist: I found it now, I couldn't find the right documentation page at first.  I'll just have to play around with it and figure it out more.02:48
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MMxshello, I have a small problem. When I add medibuntu repository to sources.list and GPG key, I don't seel third party application from medibuntu when I use program Application -> Add/Remove...02:48
MMxsBut from Terminal I can install these packages with sudo apt-get install.02:48
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easytiger_homeMMxs: try synaptic02:49
easytiger_homeno one uses add/remove02:49
easytiger_homeits to make windows users feel more at home and is pointless02:49
Jack_SparrowMMxs: did you update after changing the sources?02:49
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aelliotti agree add/remove is a waste of space - i was quite confused by it at first02:50
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MMxsJack_Sparrow: yes, with sudo apt-get update02:50
chrisjs169I'm trying to run make, and it says that BLKSSZGET is undefined02:50
whyameyeI cannot seem to get apps which use oss to work. I noticed snd-pcm-oss will not load as a module. This is dapper.02:50
PiddyDoes anyone know if it's possible to download Frets on Fire with the terminal?02:50
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easytiger_homePiddy: i dont know what your talking about but try wget02:51
MMxseasytiger_home: ok, but it's strange that it doesn't work02:51
lithophyteoooh evince is nice02:52
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: cannot connect to godaddy from outside02:52
Piddyeasytiger_home: Frets on Fire is a game, very like Guitar Hero.02:52
easytiger_homeMMx the add/remove thing doesnt showeverything02:52
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easytiger_homePiddy: ahh. well wget <url> will get things02:52
ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: really? did you specify the server and password in your connect options to mysql?02:52
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lithophytedoes ubuntu come with a chm viewer too?02:52
PiddyOh. Well, does it work like apt-get install?02:52
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skudesertc: do you know of any place where i can download a smallish (hopefully legit) dvd image with no css so i can test?02:53
aelliottlithophyte:  nope, i could do with one also02:53
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desertcsku: I can't talk about this problem any further.02:53
aelliottlithophyte: i am sure there will be various options in the repositories02:53
Jack_Sparrowlithophyte: someone yesterday said it can view those...02:53
whyameye/dev/dsp is missing on my dapper system.02:53
ben_underscorelithophyte: there is one but you have to install it -- can't remember it's name but it's ok. something like gtkchm or something02:53
Piddyeasytiger_home: Cos I downloaded it from their site, and the folder contains a hell lotta files. And I don't know how to install them.02:53
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: i found on google that godaddy doesnt support it02:53
jriblarson9999: what does 'sudo update-alternatives --config java' return?02:54
easytiger_homePiddy: ./configure02:54
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ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: oh bugger. sorry about that - i've done that approach before but not with godaddy.02:54
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Jack_Sparrowlithophyte: gnochm02:54
ben_underscorejrib: it tells ubuntu to change which distro of java to use02:54
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roachmmflhyrben_underscore: yeah this sucks02:55
ben_underscoreJack_Sparrow:  that's it02:55
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: so much time wasted.....................................................................02:55
ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: yep! what about another host?02:55
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ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: just consider it a learning experience :-)02:55
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: just signed up for this host last nite02:55
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)02:55
Piddyeasytiger_home: Where do I type that?02:55
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MMxsJack_Sparrow: thank you very much, now I will use synaptics instead Add/remove...02:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about boinc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:56
skudesertc: maybe you misunderstand my intention.  i'm not trying to find something dodgy, i'm trying to find a legal, bonafide, copyleft dvd iso.  If it's offtopic or you don't want to talk to me, that's ok, but please understand i'm not trying to get you to do anything illegal or even grey.02:56
ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: i use them for a site. they are not bad but i was after cheap and not high performance. i don't like all their advertising02:56
echelonwhats the shortcut to open up an xterm02:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:56
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: yeah i know..... supposedly the best web host02:56
MMxseasytiger_home: thank you, i will use synaptics now02:56
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ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide02:56
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Jack_SparrowMMxs: np :)02:56
bronze-Can someone tell me how to remove the orange background you see when logging in, before the desktop is loaded?02:56
bronze-or change it...02:57
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: what host you like?02:57
chrisjs169I'm trying to run make, and it says that BLKSSZGET is undefined - any ideas?02:57
InjenI've been gone 2 weeks, and come back to 35 security updates, 8 remote code executable? Good bug week huh? Work em out! :)02:57
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ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: hang on ... talking to wife02:57
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Jack_Sparrowbronze-: DO you mean the usplash?02:57
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork02:57
jribPiddy: usually there is a README or INSTALL file with some instructions02:57
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bronze-Jack_Sparrow: probably not. It's just a solid color in the background when the screen is empty while logging in.02:58
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Jack_Sparrowbronze-: You want to change just the color...02:59
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aelliotti think he means the background colour that appears just before your wallpaper loads02:59
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ShackJackbronze-: That orange color is blue in Gutsy Gibbon... dunno if it can be changed...02:59
ceil420of course it *can*, it's just knowing how03:00
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Jack_Sparrowbronze-: system.. admin... login window...  pick a new color03:00
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aelliotthow long to gibbon is released? is it relatively stable for desktop / non-prod use?03:00
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ben_underscoreShackJack: is it blue in gutsy?03:00
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+103:00
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ShackJackben_underscore: Yep, a pleasing mid-tone of blue ;)03:00
IdleOneben_underscore, yep blue :/03:00
ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: i am in australia so i use local hosts here ... internode.on.net03:01
echelonwhy when firefox checks for plugins it does nothing03:01
ShackJackben_underscore: I dunno that it is changed under login window like Jack_Sparrow says - it bothers you that much ;)03:01
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: ahh i see03:01
fiaWhy is the CD-sound played in my SkypePhone and not in my speakers?03:01
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bronze-Jack_Sparrow: I'll see if it worked in a second. Thanks :)03:01
larson9999jrib: *+        1    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java03:01
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: i was going to host myself but my isp will not forward ports for me because im on a shared ip03:01
ben_underscoreShackJack: I just don't like orange :-)03:01
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: :(03:02
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Jack_SparrowIt isnt Orange... It is Brown....  :)03:02
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ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: can't you get them to give you a static ip?03:02
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aelliottits a browny orange colour, borange03:02
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ben_underscoreI've been a Mac user for a long time so I have a biased aesthetic :-p03:03
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Jack_SparrowFace it .. its ugly03:03
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fiaWhy is the CD-sound played in my SkypePhone and not in my speakers?03:04
aelliotti think the human icon set is excellent, im not too keen on the rest of the theme though03:04
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roachmmflhyrben_underscore: its kinda complicated...or maybe im not lookin at it right....im connect to my isp via wireless router from 1.5 km away but im still pulling a decent 10 Mb line......03:04
jriblarson9999: "could not create the java virtual machine" is the entire output of 'java -version'?03:04
ben_underscoreaelliott: i agree there. i like the window decorations too, just not the borange!03:04
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larson9999jrib: yep03:04
knix_How do I find my mini sd card in my new lg chocolate in ubuntu?03:04
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aelliottlol down with the borange :) i wonder if the blue gibbon is the start of a new theme :)03:05
InjenGlossy/tango icons :)03:05
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Jack_SparrowThe only other time I see that color it is comming "out" of my nephew03:05
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: but i dont know if he can give me a static ip......or if he has already...i dont know im going to have to talk with him again03:05
ben_underscoreaelliott: "blue gibbon"? is that like "blue monk" by thelonious monk? :-)03:05
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Jack_SparrowSorry... no more on that..03:05
Tiptronici have windows vista, but ubuntu wont install when i boot from cd03:05
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Jack_SparrowTiptronic: How far does it get03:06
emenxhi, has anyone experienced a problem trying to set ESSID let's say to 'default' but it only sets to 'd' ?03:06
faileasTiptronic: did you choose to boot from CD/is the CD above the HDD in boot order?03:06
Tom_i just removed the bin from my bottom panel, how do i get it back?03:06
Tiptronicno its not above hdd boot order03:06
knix_anyone familiar with bitpim?03:06
Tiptronicit reaches 2 a plces where it check 4 driver i think03:06
IdleOneTom_, right click the add to panel03:07
jriblarson9999: 'sudo aptitude reinstall sun-java6-jre' says package installed successfully?03:07
aelliottTom_ just right click on the panel and add a new trash can03:07
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Tom_how do i reorder stuff on the panel?03:07
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ShackJackTom_: You can also put a trash can right on your desktop, too - that's where I likes mine03:07
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell03:07
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emenxhi, has anyone experienced a problem trying to set ESSID let's say to 'default' but it only sets to 'd' ?03:08
nslater_fooWhats the latest stable version of Ubuntu I can use to upgrade to on my laptop?03:08
IdleOneTom_, right click on the icon and click move. also dont be affraid to try stuff03:08
byzzybhi everyone... I'd like to thank for the help uninstalling ubuntu ... it worked03:08
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Tiptronicjack_sparrow wat shud i do?03:08
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ShackJacknslater_foo: Feisty Fawn 7.0403:08
Tom_0.o i like mine on the desktop, how do i do that?03:08
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nslater_fooShackJack, not gutsy yet then?03:08
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faileasnaw, gutsy is explerimental, and dapper drake is LTS03:08
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Jack_SparrowTiptronic: Put cd at the top of your list of boot devices and see if you get to a screen that says start or install03:08
nslater_fooOkay, thanks.03:08
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: wow it took me 10 hours to upload 51MB to godaddy via dreamweaver03:08
ShackJacknslater_foo: Not till October... Though I'm ruunning gutsy now03:09
ShackJackTom_: One sec...03:09
larson9999jrib: yep but there isn't a link in firefox/plugins.  i assumed the plugin package would make that.03:09
aelliottroachmmflhyr: your upload speed must be pretty low03:09
ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: yowch03:09
nslater_fooShackJack, thanks.03:09
IdleOnenslater_foo, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy03:09
aelliottroachmmflhyr: either that or godaddy are having server issues03:09
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Tiptronicit goes to da install screen an begins installation but it stops when it checks 4 drivers03:09
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emenxlike, noone using wireless here?03:09
IwizzardHow do I mount an MAC osX .iso in ubuntu? I get the error "CD-ROM is NOT in ISO 9660 format" if i dubble click it.03:09
jriblarson9999: well java not working on the command line is probably the root issue03:09
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roachmmflhyrben_underscore: shit i can upload 1-2 MB/s with utorrent03:10
Jack_SparrowTiptronic: Did you do the self test for errors03:10
faileasIwizzard: you mean a DMG03:10
faileasOS X dosen't use ISOs...03:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:10
ShackJackTom_: Open gconf-editor (COnfiguration Editor under System tools) in terminal and go to apps->nautilus->desktop and check off trash_icon_visible03:10
Jack_SparrowTiptronic: Did you try F6 and noapic or nolapic or some of the other options03:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repair - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:10
jriblarson9999: I have to go in a bit, but I would do 'dpkg -S /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java' and reinstall that package as well if apt claims no error with sun-java6-jre.   As it stands the error message is pretty meaningless so I'm not sure what's going on03:10
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emenxhas anyone experienced a problem trying to set ESSID let's say to 'default' but it only sets to 'd' ?03:11
whyameyeanybody know anything about the new Dell laptop sold with ubuntu on it?03:11
roachmmflhyrdoes godaddy limit upload speed?03:11
Tiptronicyup, it sed something about boot options but i didnt check that03:11
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Tiptronici'm installin it on my hp laptop03:11
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Iwizzardfaileas: no it is an .iso image of mac os X 10.4.9 that i want to test in vmWare03:11
ubotuTo renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages03:11
faileas*might* be a FS issue...03:11
ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: well i upload from over the pacific so it's always slow!03:11
Jack_SparrowTiptronic: How old is the laptop.. I had to burn a copy at a slow speed to get it to work..03:11
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ben_underscoreTiptronic: what model? i have an hp dv200003:11
Tiptronicits 3 months old03:12
faileascan't you mount it straight in VMWare as an ISO?03:12
Tom_yes you can03:12
TiptronicHP Dv6623SE03:12
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: yeah im in japan03:12
Iwizzardfaileas: no sins it is HFS+03:12
DEAthKAme too03:12
DEAthKAdoko de?03:13
Jack_SparrowTiptronic: a coply option to try on the command line    pci=noapci acpi=off noapic nolapic03:13
faileasIwizzard: i thought it was the other way around....03:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about check - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:13
Iwizzardthis guide http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/Vmware_how_to syas you have to mount it, bet it only tels you how for windows03:13
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Iwizzardmm it was a wqay i think03:14
emenxhas anyone experienced a problem trying to set ESSID let's say to 'default' but it only sets to 'd' ?03:14
Iwizzardshall look mor closley03:14
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Jack_SparrowTiptronic: Also remove any usb devices you may have in at the moment03:14
Tiptronicwat does that do jack sparrow?03:14
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:14
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emenxaguitel, that helped A LOT03:14
ben_underscoreTiptronic: feisty on the hp is generally good, the only thing i had a problem with was the built in camera03:15
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TiptronicJack_Sparrow: i'm usin the 64 bit version, did i choose the wrong 103:16
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Jack_SparrowTiptronic: 32 would be a better choice to start03:17
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Riyonuk__Hi, Im duel booting windows and ubuntu. I cant seem to get wireless working in ubuntu. I go to the network options, and wireless isnt even an option :/03:17
TiptronicJack_Sparrow: so i shud go in2 the boot options and type in the commands u gave me?03:18
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blaukatzei cannot access to write on my external HDD, how can i open to users ?03:18
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emenxRiyonuk__ try iwconfig03:18
ben_underscoreroachmmflhyr: i'm off to bed. good luck with godaddy03:18
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Riyonuk__whats that?03:18
ShackJack!wireless | Riyonuk__ (good troubleshooting guide here)03:18
Jack_SparrowTiptronic: Start with noapic  That worked on my older hp.. then try the others and there are more as well.03:18
ubotuRiyonuk__ (good troubleshooting guide here): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:18
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TiptronicJack_Sparrow: ok. gonna try now03:19
Riyonuk__I dont think its troubleshooting, I just have no idea what to do :p03:19
roachmmflhyrben_underscore: later thanks man03:19
emenxShackJack ofc I read all of that crap and didn't see anything on my essid problem03:19
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DEAthKAwhat kind of partition U have on external drive?03:19
blaukatze i cannot access to write on my external HDD, how can i open to users ? ?03:19
blaukatzeDEAthKA: ntfs03:19
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:20
larson9999jrib: this fixed it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/8479003:20
ShackJackemenx: It's not "crap" just because it didn't address your specific problem ;)03:20
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blaukatzeDEAthKA: and i have ntfs-3g03:20
blaukatzei am lookking for access03:20
DEAthKAHAL is working?03:20
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DEAthKAU have to stop HAL03:20
blaukatzet seams it is owner permission03:20
DEAthKAand DBUS03:20
blaukatzeDEAthKA: what are those ?03:21
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Jack_Sparrowblaukatze: does your fstab show ntfs-3g on the external mount drive03:21
DEAthKAadd user into powergroup DBUS and HAL03:21
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DEAthKArestart DBUS firts HAL second03:21
olive(sorry, bad plugin in my irssi sends "off")03:21
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blaukatzeDEAthKA: can you write the commands how can i add ?03:21
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DEAthKAhey...google it's ful of this03:22
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DEAthKAtry very quick to linuxquestion.org03:22
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chucky2006HI THERE03:22
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chucky2006HI IM CHUCKY U WANT TO PLAY?03:23
ShackJack!offtopic | chucky200603:23
ubotuchucky2006: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:23
aguitelone question , if i setup  my wifi  in Gnome  later it work in Kde ?03:23
Jack_Sparrow!caps > chucky200603:23
ShackJackaguitel: Yes, it should though KDE has it's own version of network manager03:24
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ShackJackJack_Sparrow: ubotu is sleeping...03:24
ShackJackJack_Sparrow: Erp nevermind - you PM'd...03:25
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albertmkI have one question. If I try to install anything by apt-get install , it appears03:25
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albertmkYou might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:03:25
DEAthKAtry apt-get install -f03:25
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albertmkI already tried03:25
albertmkit tries to apt-get install compiz03:25
albertmkbut it doesnt work03:26
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Riyonuk__Ok, I typed iwconfig, and it said..03:26
albertmklet me show u the script03:26
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echelonhow do i code in java with ubuntu03:27
TiptronicJack_Sparrow: hey it didnt work03:27
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DEAthKAfor java rulz03:27
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TiptronicJack_Sparrow: wat was the command again03:27
echelonthat firefox for ubuntu03:27
Riyonuk__lo non wireless extensions, eth0 no wireless extensions03:27
Riyonuk__where wlan0?03:27
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echelonis the shittest piece of software03:28
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ShackJack!ohmy > echelon03:28
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Jack_SparrowTiptronic: Get the 32 bit alternate cd.. it is text install and the one I prefer ...03:28
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echelonits been "Firefox is now checking for available plugins..." for about 30 mins03:28
albertmkplease help me03:28
Riyonuk__Do I need to do ndiswrapper?03:29
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ShackJackalbertmk: What are you trying to do - install Compiz Fusion?03:29
Dr_willisalbertmk,  summarize the problem - will get better results.. not everyone has access to a browser.03:29
ZnortflHello ubuntu people, I want to install tidy for php through the pear installer, but it needs libtidy. According to synaptic, I have libtidy-0.99 something, yet pear does not seem to find this. Is there a way to convince pear that libtidy is present?03:29
albertmkI want to install nfts-config03:29
Dr_willis!info ntfs-config03:29
ubotuntfs-config: Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 41 kB, installed size 432 kB03:29
Dr_willisalbertmk,  and 'sudo apt-get install ntfs-config' gives an error?03:30
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ShackJackalbertmk: Have you recently/or are tyring to install compiz fusion?03:30
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albertmkit suggest me to type sudo apt-get -f install03:30
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albertmkyes, I did03:30
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albertmkno success03:30
ShackJack!nick > albertmk03:30
Jack_Sparrowalbertmk: HAve you ever used either of the scripts... Automatix or Envy... (both are bad ideas)03:30
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whoojemaflipCould anyone give me a hand with a wireless setup problem I have?03:31
Meyvndoes gcc come with a default ubuntu install guys?03:31
albertmkI never tried03:31
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:31
Adelhey guyz, i did something wrong and the bottom panel disappeared.. how can i get it back?03:31
Dr_willisMeyvn, no. Install the build-essential package03:31
albertmkbut when I want to install anything by apt-get install, I get this problem03:31
desertcMeyvn: no!  it should03:31
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whoojemaflipI've followed the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_3000_(Ralink_rt73_driver)03:31
ShackJackalbertmk: You need to fix the compiz fusion thing.... you should uninstall your existing compiz stuff (excpet compiz itself) and then reinstall  - sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager03:31
DEAthKAadel: It's there03:31
whoojemaflipwhich got me so far03:31
Meyvndesertc: agreed :)03:31
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albertmkhow can I uninstall?03:32
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ShackJackalbertmk: See Synaptic or sudo aptitude remove packagename03:32
Adeldeathka: no i can't find it03:32
albertmkand I have no idea what packages i installed03:32
CornellI'm installing feisty on a machine with a Samsung widescreen...  The livecd woke up and displayed nicely, but only at 800*600.  I'm going throught the install and the windows are too big, I can't see the bottom (like where the OK and Cancel buttons are)  Can I move a window with dragging the title bar?03:32
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whoojemaflipbut I think my wireless usb is looking for a 54g network when our house is 11b03:32
SpaceBassAwayanyone watching/ripping HD-DVD with feisty?03:32
DEAthKAR click on the upper panel03:32
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DEAthKAadd a new panel03:32
Adeli did that03:32
whoojemafliphow can I set it to look for 11b network?03:32
ShackJackalbertmk: I just told you which ones to install.. go to synaptic and search remove compiz then install sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager03:33
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DEAthKAnow on new panel add everything U like03:33
Adelbut when i moved it down it didn't fit03:33
ShackJackalbertmk: At any rate sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager that's why it's giving that error and needs to be resolved...03:33
Adelcan i show u a screen shot to explain how?03:33
albertmkit says that there are 2 broken stuffs03:33
ShackJack!nick | albertmk03:33
ubotualbertmk: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration03:33
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ShackJack!handle | albertmk03:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about handle - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:33
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Adeladd what?03:34
DEAthKAshow me03:34
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elkbuntudaedra, can we help you?03:34
IdleOnehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32614/ can someone tell me what next step is?03:35
daedraelkbuntu: im trying to get the ubotu to private message03:35
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...03:35
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daedraDr_willis: ahh thanks03:36
Dr_williswhats so hard about it. ;)03:36
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Adeldeathka: i will paste the link03:36
albertmkthanks guys03:36
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daedraDr_willis: just didn't know the channel03:36
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albertmkjust had to remove the broken files and it works now03:36
elkbuntudaedra, /msg ubotu <query> also works :)03:37
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daedraelkbuntu: ah thats better03:37
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aguitelin windows there is scandisk   ,is there something else in ubuntu ?03:38
daedraaguitel: fschk03:38
Dr_willisfsck :)03:38
aguitelin terminal?03:38
daedraor fsck03:38
daedrathats the one03:38
ShackJack!fsck | aguitel03:38
ubotuaguitel: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot03:38
Dr_williswith linux, normally it will fsck itslef when it boots. if it detects a problem03:38
Adeldeathka: so?03:38
Dr_willisyou may not Notice that - due to the splash screens.03:38
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daedraDr_willis: that reminds me, how do you stick with verbose boot03:39
daedraDr_willis: and disable gdm autoloading on tty703:39
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Dr_willisdaedra,  i edit the grub menu.lst and get rid of the splash, and fb. as for gdm. disable it from the services. (rc2.d) directory03:40
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daedraDr_willis: why do I need to trash the fb?03:41
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Dr_willisdaedra,  because its lame and slows things down. :)03:41
daedrabut I want small text03:42
Dr_willisdaedra,  and ive had issues with it and my X server  on some machines03:42
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Dr_willisdaedra,  squint then.. :) do whateverya want .. its YOUR linux box.. paint it hot pink and puce if ya want to.03:42
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Dr_willison some of my machines in the past. Ive had issues werhe i could not use the console if it was 'framebuffered' it would show garbage03:43
aguitelfsck need administratives atributes03:43
Dr_willisaguitel,  its a system-wide/kind of tool.. so yes...03:43
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daedraDr_willis: where is that rc2.d directory?03:43
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Dr_willisdaedra,  in /etc/ with all the other rc stuff03:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sysv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:44
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aguitelhow i fix o repair errors in files,archives directories  ?03:45
Adelhey guyz can anyone helpme plz??03:45
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Dr_willisaguitel,  as said earlier.. fsck can auto-run when you reboot, or you can force it to run when you reboot.03:46
Dr_willis!fsck | aguitel03:46
ubotuaguitel: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot03:46
Cornelloh-oh partitioning failed...   I've a 197 Gig partitions on sda, sda5.  I'm trying to repartition it to 2 partitions, 20 gig for / and the rest for /home.  I couldn't change the partition, so I deleted it.  hit the new partition button and created two logical paritions, sda5 and sda6, as / and /home as ext3 and continued... it said it failed.  The other partitions have a Windows XP installation03:46
daedraDr_willis: I'm not familiar with disabling services03:46
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daedraDr_willis: could you walk me through /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm03:46
Dr_willisdaedra,  time to learn then i guess. :) one of the top things for leet-haxors to use.03:46
Jack_SparrowCornell: Are you running livecd?03:47
aguitelman   fsck03:47
Cornellyes, Jack_Sparrow03:47
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daedralol, IntuitiveNipple03:47
Dr_willisdaedra,   more /etc/init.d/README      for a start03:47
Jack_SparrowCornell: I assume you unmounted them first?03:47
aguitelman fsck03:47
daedraDr_willis: k03:47
aguitel!man fsck03:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about man fsck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:47
Dr_willisdaedra,  just delete that link. :) it will stop it from running. Its worth learning all about03:47
=== InterNut [n=InterNut@c-c9c471d5.319-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu
CornellI didn't think they'd've been mounted, Jack_Sparrow03:48
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Jack_SparrowCornell: What does gparted or fdisk -l from terminal show your current partitions to be?03:48
Dr_willisaguitel,  'man fsck' in a terminal to see the man pages for it03:48
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daedraDr_willis: I'll need to make a copy of it for safekeeping03:49
aguitelorder not found03:49
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Dr_willisdaedra,  if you want.. :) this is linux.. paint it pink if you want.03:49
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CornellDoesn't show sda, just /dev/sdb, /dev/sdg and /dev/sdg1 (fdisk -l), Jack_Sparrow03:49
shiv_jhow do I use/modify bottom part of this for kubuntu? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowtoSetupExternalMonitorForIntel915?highlight=%28CategoryHardware%2903:49
Adelsomething happened and the bottom panel disappeared can anyone help me get it back03:50
=== klonken [n=ubuntu@c80-216-151-4.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
knix_I cant sync my "lg chocolate" to bitpim.  Anyone experienced with bitpim or something like it?03:50
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Jack_SparrowCornell: Is sdg a usb ?03:50
=== Riyonuk__ [n=riyonuk@69-4-48-244.hctc.net] has joined #ubuntu
Riyonuk__Ok, I installed my driver using ndiswrapper03:50
Jack_SparrowCornell: Do you have two internal hard drives?03:51
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daedraDr_willis: another thing I notice with ubuntu is that once you CTRL+ATL+BKSPC out of gnome it just restarts!03:51
Riyonuk__now when I click the nm-applet, it says its connecting, but it never does :/03:51
Riyonuk__Not even one of the balls turns green03:51
Frogzoodaedra: yes, that's what that key combo does03:51
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Jack_SparrowCornell: One internal hard drive showing up as sdb...  sata or ide drives?03:51
daedraFrogzoo: I want to kill it.03:51
Dr_willisdaedra,  gdm is a service.. so yes..it restarts when killed.03:52
daedraFrogzoo: KILL IT WITH FIRE03:52
daedraDr_willis: but I just deleted the symlink03:52
CornellTried gparted... "The kernel is unable to re-read the partitiontables on the following devices - /dev/sda"  "... Unmount all mounted paritiions on a device to get full access."  Perhaps the partioning effort of install, Jack_Sparrow ?03:52
Adel something happened and the bottom panel disappeared can anyone help me get it back??03:52
Frogzoodaedra: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:52
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Dr_willisdaedra,  so..  :) the service is still running.03:53
Dr_willisLinux FUNdamentals03:53
Frogzoodaedra: to stop it permanently, remove the /etc/rc2.d/*gdm symlink03:53
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Jack_SparrowAdel: right click top panel and add new panel and set it to the bottom of the screen03:53
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Dr_willisthe scripts are ran at startup, not every 10 sec.. :)03:53
CornellJack_sparrow: One drive, sata..  Shall I just turn it off, (pull the usbs) and start the livecd again?03:53
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Jack_SparrowCornell: I hate it when fdisk and gparted cant agree...03:54
Adeljack_sparow: i did that and look what happened03:54
daedraDr_willis: ahhh, so I'll need a reboot03:54
chris_nutMy xorg.conf file lists the only modes avaialable as 1280 x 800 but the GNOME desktop resolution applet only lets me select 1024 x 768. What's up with that?03:54
Dr_willisdaedra,  or kill the gdm service03:54
daedrathese services look fun03:54
=== SamRose_ [n=SamRose@c-71-197-16-217.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SparrowAdel: I am working on a previous problem...03:54
daedraI'm gonna make some daemons03:54
mosnochris_nut: probably set your hoz/vert refresh03:54
chris_nutmosno, there is no option in the drop down apart from the default.03:55
Jack_SparrowCornell: Do that and come back... it cant hurt03:55
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mosnochris_nut: which driver03:55
Adeljack_sparow: ok can u tell me when ur done?03:55
Dr_willisdaedra,  thats a big jump for someone that dident even know where rc2.d was untill 4 min ago. :)03:55
CornellJack_Sparrow , k03:55
chris_nutmosno, vesa03:55
mosnochris_nut: studied your /var/log03:55
daedraDr_willis: I'm familiar with a few things - my learning path is a little screwed up03:55
chris_nutAdel, you should use full english.03:56
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chris_nutmosno, nope - will poke around for a few minutes.03:56
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Jack_SparrowAdel: Change your screen res to something lower and see if it changes where that bar sits..03:56
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chris_nutmosno, which specific logfile will be interesting?03:56
Jack_SparrowAdel: Wife just got up.. I need to spend time with her.. hope you understand..03:57
notwistAdel: pidgin = better then gaim03:57
=== Jaydoggg [n=quisit@cpe-24-93-251-208.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
JaydogggHi All03:57
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chris_nutnotwist, pidgin is gaim.03:57
SmithersHey JayDog03:57
notwistchris_nut: no, but it's the same project03:58
Jaydoggganyone seen Pelo today?03:58
ShackJackchris_nut: pidgin is gaim + :)03:58
Adeljack_sparow: i changed it to 800*600, and its still the same03:58
SmithersCan't say that I have03:58
IndyGunFreachris_nut, there are suddle differences in the two programs.03:58
notwistif pidgin is gaim then windows vista is windows xp03:58
Adeljack_sparrow: k no prob03:58
abedoguys I put a php file in var/www  , but when I click a link that point to this file , It open the download dialog instead go to another page .03:58
Adelthx anyways03:58
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CornellBTW, jack_sparrow, when livecd comes up, with my widescreen, looks good, but the highest resolution is 800*600 and I can't see the bottom of the windows.  Like where the ok and cancel buttons are.  How can I increase the resolution (without the preferences/screen resolution, which shows 800 as the highest)?  or move the windows without using the title bar.03:58
=== Yonathan_ [n=yonteit@AMontsouris-753-1-4-16.w90-2.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
JaydogggI need help getting grub to see my windows install on another drive, anyone game?03:58
notwistabedo: php isnt installed correctly03:58
Smithersnotwist: How did you come up with that03:58
notwistSmithers: huh?03:59
daedramy bum is in the cheese03:59
Smithersnotwist: Vista is XP03:59
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Smithersnotwist: Why do you say that?03:59
Jaydogggvista is horrid03:59
notwistSmithers: i meant "if gaim is pidgin then vista is xp"03:59
mosnoJaydoggg: and i was strongarmed into buying it03:59
abedonotwist: how to ensure a correct installation :(03:59
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notwistabedo: of pidgin?03:59
Smithersnotwist: Oh you were being sarcastic03:59
notwistSmithers: yeah :)04:00
Jaydogggi'd have to be at gunpoint to buy it04:00
Smithersnotwist: Got ya04:00
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abedono of php ..04:00
mosnoJaydoggg: no laptop comes without it, no decent one at least, not in Australia afaik04:00
acidxCornell, to move windows without the title bar, press the alt key and drag the window.04:00
Jack_SparrowCornell: try auto config on your monitor buttons04:00
ShackJackJaydoggg: decent guide on auto mounting partitions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions04:00
SmithersHow do you make a application the default application for that file type?04:00
mosnoJaydoggg: and i forgot to call the vendor and complain like a good little GNU boy (damn)04:00
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notwistabedo: google for like "ubuntu apache php", there are apt-get commands you can use to make it work instantly04:00
abedonotwist: installation of php04:01
Jack_SparrowCornell: FYI, I need to go spend time with the wife....  someone can pick up where we left off.04:01
Jaydogggmosno here in the states they are starting to get hip and allow either XP or Vista04:01
JaydogggShackJack: thx a bunch04:01
mosnoJaydoggg: i wanted 'no OS'04:01
mosnowhy is that so hard?04:01
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notwistAdel: http://download.ubuntu.pl/_Feisty_Fawn/pidgin/2.1.0/pidgin_2.1.0-1_i386.deb <- pidgin packet file04:01
Jaydogggcuz they make money of it :-(04:01
CornellThanks jack_sparrow, I'll have to do that soon, myself04:01
=== Enselic [n=martin@kr-lun-58-151-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
mosnoi should call Asus' ass for a refund04:01
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mosnodamned Vista Ultimate04:02
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notwistthere are plenty of laptops without windows, or what are you talking about04:02
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:02
mosnonotwist: in Australia? That are half decent?04:02
notwistmosno: doesnt dell sell ubuntu laptops?04:02
mosnoShackJack: umm... i'm buying the laptop to run Ubuntu... !offtopic04:02
Jaydogggmosno: if you buy in America you can get with any os or none at all from many vendors04:02
saxartistapparently the dells have some problems04:02
SmithersAnyone know how to make a application the default application for a specific file type?04:02
mosnoJaydoggg: Asus?04:02
=== virus89a [n=virus89a@host128-7-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
notwistmosno: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3066327 :)04:03
Adelguyz the bottom panel disappeared and when im adding another one the windows are not minimizing into it... can someone help me?04:03
=== kauer [n=kauer@CPE-58-168-47-118.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
MMxshello all again, I have new problem : when I want play some movie in VLC player, the movie starts, but after a few seconds the picture disappear, but sound is still playing.04:03
JaydogggAsus, good mobo's04:03
saxartistAdel: hold on one second04:03
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saxartisti had that problem, gotta go link hunting04:03
Adellol ok04:03
mosnoJaydoggg: i just bought the Asus F3SV for some sweet Feisty action04:04
Jaydogggmosno: nice :-)04:04
mosnoJaydoggg: *almost* bought a Macbook04:04
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Jaydogggcant go wrong with a macbook04:04
notwistmacbooks are sweeet04:04
notwistbut expensive04:04
JaydogggAsus, just rebadges everything but their mobo's afaik04:04
notwistosx is cool04:04
ph8can anyone tell me how to list bluetooth devices in linux?04:04
ph8* ubuntu04:04
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Blissexph8: 'hwconfig'04:05
=== roupel [n=roupel@dslb-084-057-183-087.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisI can think of other terms to use when talking about OS-X , cool is not one of them04:05
mosnoi saved like $1700AUD for choosing the Asus over the Macbook and the hardware is almost identical04:05
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MMxshello all again, I have new problem : when I want play some movie in VLC player, the movie starts, but after a few seconds the picture disappear, but sound is still playing. Do you know how to solve it?04:05
MishuI have configured a2billing on my server but when i try to access http://localhost/A2Billing_UI/api/SOAP it says You don't have permission to access /A2Billing_UI/api/SOAP04:05
ShackJackph8: Good guide for setting up devices: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup04:05
Dr_willisasus hardware is proberly better. :)04:05
mosnoMac OS *would* have been a nicer fallback than Vista (ie. if Ubuntu has major issues)04:05
mosnooh well04:05
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ph8thnx jack04:06
notwistmosno: depends on what youre going to use it for as well04:06
mosnoi still want to try and get my money back, i dont want MS/Asus thinking i actually *wanted* Vista04:06
Dr_willisive seen OS-X ran under vmware. :) 'not legally' so dont ask for more info. heh.04:06
notwistmosno: if youre the kind of guy that is a lot into music and taking pictures, mac is the given choice04:06
JaydogggI've been a windows guy since 3.1 and I hate vista04:06
mosnoi dont want a shady non-apple OS X04:06
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Dr_willisApple = shady.. thats a apt term for the company. ;)04:06
mosnovista seems nice, besides the TPM and DRM i dont see what the problem is :)04:07
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CornellI've been an anti m$ since DOS 104:07
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:07
Dr_willismosno,  its slower then a frozen slug. ;)04:07
Jaydogggdo you want to do that,,,,are you sure,,,, did you say yes?  shall I delete that txt file now,,,sure? really sure?04:07
Dr_willisCornell,  Freedos just reached 1.0 recently! :)04:07
=== Cornell apologizes
mosnoyea it's getting a little o/t now, sorry04:07
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saxartistokay... Adel, found it, you need to run04:08
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nslater_laptopi still cant get my screen resolution to work, any ideas guys?04:08
saxartistdo alt-f2 and type gconf-editor04:08
john__i'm new to Ubuntu/linux in general - i first installed it last night. this is pretty sweet... :)04:08
kauernslater: What's the problem?04:08
saxartistjohn__: congrats and welcome04:09
john__saxartist: thanks04:09
=== stella [n=stella@cust0691.qld01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
nslater_laptopkauer, I put a single resolution in my xorg.conf and x starts in a different resolution alltogether and GNOME presents me with a single different resolution as my only option. Any ideas?04:09
saxartistAdel: apps, panel, top level04:09
barbiehi, i want to run one of my script after all the services have started... how to do so?04:09
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Dr_willisbarbie,  thats what rc.local is for04:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rc.local - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:10
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot04:10
stdinDr_willis: add an factoid ;)04:10
ShackJackjohn__: If you haven't checked it out ubuntuguide.org is a decent quickstart page for doing common things...04:10
CornellDang... shutdwon machine, pulled USB, booted...  neither kb nor mouse work :-(04:10
kauernslater: what are the resolutions involved?04:10
Adelok then?04:10
giany911guys if i run compiz on a new session with xgl server .. is it any faster than running it on a normal gnome session ?04:10
Dr_willisstdin,  thats all i woudl be doing all day long.... :)04:10
saxartistAdel: what's listed there?04:10
john__i was playing with the menus and found something called "Configuration Editor" - i enabled it and opened it up. it looked kind of similar to the Windows Registry (i mean, settings that you can change for various applications etc)04:10
barbieDr_willis, i never edited rc.local......... any special pattern or format?04:10
Dr_willisstdin,  wonder how many mb of factoids the bot has now.04:10
ShackJackgiany911: Don't use XGL is you don't have to...04:10
=== dragos [n=dragos@t044187.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp] has joined #ubuntu
nslater_laptopkauer, 1280x80004:11
giany911ShackJack: so no performance increase ?04:11
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john__i tried moving Configuration Editor and it disappeared from the menu editor, and it's not in my menus at all! :(04:11
ShackJackjohn__: It has some use.. but most things it set can be set elsewhere...04:11
Dr_willisbarbie,  its a shell script. be sure to keep exit 0 at the end. and dont start stuff that wont return. unless you spawn it to the bg. with &04:11
sticktohow to copy vm of VirtualBox? I copied one, added it into VirtualBox, and get an error that is UUID duplicated04:11
Adelbottom_panel_screen0, and top_panel_screen004:11
MMxsPlease, I have new problem : when I want play some movie in VLC player, the movie starts, but after a few seconds the picture disappear, but sound is still playing. I04:11
ShackJackgiany911: No - XGL is a sort of workaround - if you can use built in AIGLX or Nvidia then go for it..04:11
saxartistokay, so you have 2 panels04:11
saxartistdelete one of them04:11
giany911k thx04:11
=== thavorn [n=roy@cable2.dyn47.pacific.net.sg] has joined #ubuntu
saxartistand see if the other works04:11
=== corey [n=garage@user-0c6sr0a.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Adelwhich one?04:11
saxartistAdel: doesn't matter04:11
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thavornkde are confusing04:12
john__Shackjack: i like the idea of a single goto place to edit general settings, being so used to windows04:12
Adelhow do i delete it?04:12
Dr_willisMMxs,  this aint some porn video is it? and the first few secs are an advertisament saying 'go to whatever.com and get the codecs to watch the movie' ?04:12
ShackJackjohn__: May have just moved somewhere else or is "unchecked" in the menu... at any rate the command line in gconf-editor you can add it back04:12
Jaydogggi'm stuck on trying to boot to windows from grub... here's where i'm stuck 18 : "Invalid or unsupported executable format"04:12
JaydogggThis error is returned if the kernel image boing loaded is not recognized as Multiboot or one of the supported native formats (Linux zImage or bzImage, FreeBSD, or NetBSD).04:12
barbieok thanks04:12
kauernnslater: That is one resolution. Is it the desired one, or the one you are getting forced on you? What is the other resolution?04:12
saxartistjohn__: alt-f2, run "alacarte" then put conf editor back04:12
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Adelsaxartist: how do i delete it?04:12
=== KenSentMe [n=jeroen@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
john__thanks you guys. exactly what i needed to know. :-)04:12
ShackJackjohn__: I have my desktop set up more or less like windows... single panel accross bottom and gconf was handy foor putting my trash can and home folder on desktop where they ought to be ;)04:12
nslater_laptopkauer, thats the desired resolution, the one forced on me is something like 1124, 7XX or something?04:13
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saxartistAdel:  sorry, good question.. heh. you can't... change the 'orientation04:13
saxartistto bottom or what ever04:13
kauernslater: 1280x800 is a weird resolution. 1280x1024 would be more normal. Is the one you are getting forced on 1028x768 by any chance?04:13
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nslater_laptopkauer, i am using a widescreen laptop04:14
saxartistmove it around, mess with those numbers until you can see it04:14
CornellRebooted, hit setup, kb works there...  booting from livecd, seems to work now.04:14
saxartistthats what i did04:14
ShackJackkauer: Is a regular "widescreen" res for notebooks ;)04:14
nslater_laptopkauer, yeah - thats the resolution that is forced on me.04:14
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Adeluhu ok thx alot04:14
MMxsDr_willis: no, it's normal xvid movie04:14
john__yah, alacarte is the menu editor thing i was talking about. conf editor disappeared from that menu! :( i'll add a new item using the command "gconf-editor"04:14
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Dr_willisMMxs,  no idea then.. try some other video players, run them from the termional, look for any error/info messages in the termnial04:14
kauernslater: is 1280x800 the correct resolution for your laptop screen? i.e, the native resolution?04:15
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saxartistjohn__: if you run alacarte, you can put alacarte back in your menu04:15
nslater_laptopkauer, yes - I checked this on Google.04:15
Amaranthsaxartist: right click on 'Applications'04:15
john__well, i found it the first time by right clicking the menu and clicking "Edit Menus"04:15
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Amaranthjohn__: that's the recommended way to run it, i'm not even sure why it's in the menu itself04:16
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Prowler_1new beryl stars plugin files i made (kanotix & ubuntu logo's) http://www.beryl-themes.org/content/show.php?content=6371804:16
kauernslater: Have you checked the X error outputs? Um, ~/.xsession-errors or similar and any other error logs?04:16
sylverfoxhi, I have a problem with some packages, can somebody help me, please?04:16
kauernnslater: Back in 2 minutes...04:16
rshields1280x800 is the native resolution on Acer laptops with 15.4" screen04:16
nslater_laptopkauer, the logs are so big I don't know where to start.04:16
john__i like the alt+f2. it reminds me of windows' winkey+r. i'll have to change some keyboard bindings later...04:16
Prowler_1tell me if you like04:16
nslater_laptopkauer, k - I will look through my logs (again) heh.04:16
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CornellDang.... lost all my partitions... byebye XP (that I never used)04:16
Adelsaxartist: well nothing's happinin its still not there04:16
ShackJack!offtopic | Prowler_104:16
ubotuProwler_1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:16
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AmaranthProwler_1: 1) that's spam 2) it's the "snow" plugin :) and 3) you know beryl is discontinued, don't you?04:17
CornellAnd what was that method for moving a window without dragging the title bar04:17
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ShackJackCornell: Hold down ALT04:17
AmaranthCornell: alt-click04:17
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john__Cornell: try alt+f704:17
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CornellAH, thanks Amaranth , shackjack04:17
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Amaranthjohn__: wow, even i didn't know that one :)04:18
Amaranthwhich is surprising seeing how i work on a WM :)04:18
ShackJackjohn__: Good one, john__ !04:18
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ShackJack(dang those IM handles with __ chars at begining/end are annoying)04:18
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nslater_laptopthe xorg log says "not using mode "1280x800" no mode by this name" - WTF does that mean?04:19
john__thanks gusy! i knew alt+m is windows' move command, and i learned it by right-clicking the icon in the top left of the title bar. menu is similar to windows.04:19
saxartistAdel: test another user account04:19
Adelthere's only one user on this pc04:19
AmaranthShackJack: the ones at the end are default xchat names if 'john' isn't available04:19
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dv_I accidentally deleted my fonts.alias file04:19
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dv_and now X cannot start04:19
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ShackJackAmaranth: Ahhh... gotcha... my nick is registered @ NickServ04:19
dv_can anyone give me the file /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/fonts.alias ?04:19
saxartistAdel: make another one, then delete it later04:20
Amaranthdv_: i believe that file is dependent on what fonts you have available04:20
dv_Amaranth, no, it is edited by hand04:20
Amaranthdv_: not normally04:20
Dr_willisdv_,  theres a command that remakes them.  i recall. why wereyou editing it by hand?04:20
stdindv_: take a look at "man update-fonts-alias"04:20
dv_and I absolutely need it, otherwise the "cannot open default font 'fixed'" error appears04:20
kauernslater: Dunno, but it sure looks like the problem, right? :-) Thinking...04:20
Amaranthdv_: sudo update-fonts-alias04:20
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Amaranthdv_: oh, i think you run it as sudo update-fonts-alias /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc04:21
kauernslater: Can you send your xorg.conf? I'm new to IRC so dunno how you would do that (DON'T dump it to the chat though!)04:21
Amaranth!pastebin | nslater_laptop, kauer04:21
ubotunslater_laptop, kauer: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:21
dv_that did it! thanks04:21
saxartistAdel:  when they dissappeared how did it happen? did you log in and just have no panels?04:22
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CornellOk... since I've lost my partitions... I'm starting from scratch...  the first is Primary, /, then is logical swap then logical /home, right?04:22
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Dr_willisCornell,  you could make them all promaries if you wanted04:23
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Ade1saxartist: it worked in the new user04:23
CornellSo, that's not like putting logical into physical, Dr_willis04:24
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:24
Gray-Hat(n=roy@p57A0594D.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #Gray-hat04:24
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Dr_willisPrimaries, Extended (Logicals), extended partitions hold logicals. You can have up to 4 primary partitions (or primary+extended)04:24
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Dr_willisCornell,  for less then 5 parttions needed on a drive. i always use 4 primaries.04:25
Gray-Hatadel (n=roy@p57A0594D.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #Gray-hat04:25
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Ade1 saxartist: it worked in the new use04:25
kauernslater: What's happening?04:25
Cornellk, thanks Dr_willis04:25
saxartistAde1 okay04:26
saxartistso it's just one of those pesky settings04:26
Ade1so how can i get it to work in the admin?04:26
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Ade1cuz i can't stay working on this user, ive got all my settings in the other one ser04:27
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exarkunIs there a package which provides the ThumbCreator KServiceType in Dapper?04:27
saxartisti'm trying to figure out how i got rid of them04:27
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Ade1k im gonna try to go back to the other user04:27
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sylverfoxTO ANYBODY: during the instalation 9 packages were not deleted, and bacause os those i can't use apt-get, or synaptic04:27
sylverfoxplz. help!!!04:28
exarkunsylverfox: Use dpkg to delete them?04:28
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sylverfoxexarkun, can you send be the code?04:29
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SeokeI'm installing apache, what is the default install path for it?04:29
sylverfoxi will chaneg the package names04:29
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exarkunsylverfox: dpkg --remove <package name>04:30
pchildsIs there any way to get videos to behave correctly when running compiz fusion? I found a couple things from googlling and results are not too bad but I want it all. The real deal. lol  Video works fine when compiz fusion isnt running and I can get video to play with compiz running but it can act funny.04:30
john__hey, is it necessary to have the log services running?04:30
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exarkunsylverfox: you could also try dpkg --remove --pending04:30
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ShackJackpchilds: check out #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion for best help...04:31
sylverfoxexarkun: it doesn't work04:31
pchildsthanks shackjack04:31
sylverfoxit gives the same error04:31
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exarkunsylverfox: What error?04:31
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sylverfoxyou can see it here04:32
sylverfoxerror numer 13204:32
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exarkunsylverfox: `Illegal instruction (core dumped)` is a pretty bad message.04:32
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ShackJackjohn__: Nope...04:32
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exarkunsylverfox: Have you run memtest86 on this machine?04:33
john__Shackjack: thanks04:33
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sylverfoxonce before instalation04:33
sylverfoxtoday i had to reinstall ubuntu04:33
sylverfoxshould I do is again04:34
ShackJack!enter > sylverfox04:34
exarkunsylverfox: Did all of the tests pass?04:34
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sylverfoxi just bought some more RAM and then I did it04:35
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exarkunsylverfox: I'm not sure what else to suggest04:36
Adelsaxartist: thx alot man it worked04:36
bronze-what's the desktop effects channel?04:36
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ShackJackbronze-: #ubuntu-effects04:37
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sylverfoxok exarkun04:37
bronzeahem. bronze- is an imposter! :-)04:37
sylverfoxthanks for your help04:37
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abedoguys what s the path of httpd.conf :(04:38
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Happu /etc/apache2/httpd.conf04:38
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ShackJackabedo: just fyi.... locate httpd.conf ;)04:39
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Adelsaxartist: one more thing plz, try moving your mouse to the upper right corner, will you get a screen showing all the open windows on your desktop?04:40
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spheardhi, I cant see any of the files on my USB disk? anyone any ideas where to begin?04:41
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saxartistAdel: no04:41
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saxartistthat's an extra setting04:41
exarkunspheard: Is the disk mounted?04:41
saxartistit annoys me04:41
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spheardexarkun: I thought it was meant to automount? how do I check that it is actually mounted?04:42
Adeloh my friend wants to activate it, and i forgot how i did, can u tell me under which preference it is?04:42
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wyrdasalve scusate04:42
wyrdaavrei bisogno di una mano04:42
exarkunspheard: if you're in gnome, you may have a row of vaguely disk-like icons on your panel04:42
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ShackJackAdel: That's the scale plugin...04:43
wyrdami trovo in bash e devo aprire questa cartella Internet Explorer04:43
wyrdado il comando cd Internet Explorer04:43
exarkunspheard: usb disks look a little bit different from hard disks, and if you mouse over each one and wait a moment you'll get a popup that gives its name04:43
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:43
thavornhow to add launcher to panel beside right click on panel04:43
wyrdaops sorry04:43
exarkunspheard: also, you can open a terminal and just type `mount' to get a list04:43
Adelhow can he activate it?04:43
SeokeWhen I go to local host its redirecting me to http://localhost/xampp/ wtf...04:43
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ShackJackAdel: Are you using Compiz Fusion?04:43
faileasSeoke: you have xampp installed?04:43
saxartistyeah, Adel i can do it in compiz, i don't remember if g can do it04:43
AdelO ok he doesn't have beryl yet04:44
Seokefaileas: did, till I realized its a large piece of crap that doesnt work on my computer -_- maybe I didnt completly uninstall it?04:44
faileasyou just need to edit your index.php not to point at XAMPP...04:44
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exarkunspheard: usually it should indeed automount, but sometimes (at least w/ my dapper installs) it fails to notice and you have to unplug it and plug it back in again, or try an explicit mount command04:44
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Seokefaileas: And where is the index.php file located04:44
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ShackJackAdel: You want COmpiz Fusion ;)   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion  Beryl's on its way out...04:44
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spheardexarkun: Im in kde and the only usb like thing on ~$mount is >>procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)04:45
faileasseoke: no idea, i only have xampp on windows04:45
Adelwhat do u mean? is it beter04:45
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Adelwhat's the difference between them?04:45
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ShackJackAdel: It's just the remerging of Beryl back into COmpiz - Beryl willno longer be updated.... and better, yes..04:45
mcdHay All - Trying to copy a wallpaper into usr/share/wallpaper - Access Denied - run alt/F2 run Konqueror as root - but won't let me paste file - Suggestions?04:45
exarkunspheard: okay, that's probably not you disk.04:45
exarkunspheard: Have you tried physically unplugging and then plugging it back in already?04:46
Adelshould i uninstall beryl and replace it with compiz fusion?04:46
ShackJackAdel: Yep...04:46
solomonhow might i go about getting a xen installation onto my gutsy box?  i found some instructions for feisty that said to install ubuntu-xen-desktop, but that doesn't seem to be installable on gutsy04:46
Adelok thx man04:46
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solomoni need to test some fc3 stuff from my gutsy laptop04:47
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ShackJack!gutsy | solomon04:47
ubotusolomon: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+104:47
solomonah thanks04:47
roachmmflhyranyone have gallery 2.2.2 install on godaddy.com?04:47
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_jonathan_hey I have a sitecom wireless network card 'wl-171', that uses the driver 'rt-61.INF' in windows. While booting with the network card installed in the pc the boot hangs, in safe mode I get the error: "BUG: soft lockup detected on #CPU0" Please help me! the pc won't boot with or without the driver installed under ndiswrapper. I'm using Feisty04:47
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pawani am getting an arrow icon on desktop04:47
pawanwhat is that04:48
spheardexarkun have just unplugged/plugged it but still no mount. how do I explicitly mount it. Im on 6.1004:48
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pawanuntitiled window04:48
mcdNewbie here - Trying to copy a wallpaper into usr/share/wallpaper - Access Denied - run alt/F2 run Konqueror as root - but won't let me paste file - Suggestions?04:48
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kteohhi guys, i have a new laptop here (vostro 1400)...ubuntu autodetected my ethernet and intel 3945 wireless (restricted driver), but im having two issues as to getting the network connection up and going04:49
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=== LinuxKid saluta
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ssahello , how can i install s3 graphics prosavag?04:49
kteohthe ethernet card on the back with light up and all, but ubuntu cannot get an IP via DHCP, nor can it use a static IP04:49
exarkunspheard: the general form is `mount <device> <location>' - <device> will be something like /dev/sda1 (or sdb1 or sdc1, etc).  <location> should just be any existing (empty) directory, which is where you'll be able to access the files after it's mounted04:50
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exarkunspheard: usually something in /media/ is used for <location>04:50
ssai had this but for fedora http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16895104:50
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CornellOk...install done, doing the updates04:50
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ssaany help please?04:50
kteohpatience is a virtue :)04:51
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_jonathan_mcd: terminal >> sudo cp <original file with complete location> usr/share/wallpaper04:51
PriceChildssa, should be installed by dafault04:51
PriceChildssa, check /etc/X11/xorg.conf to see what driver is being used04:51
ssapricechild so i wan to install beryl04:51
ShackJackmcd: P.S. #kubuntu is the dedicated Kubuntu (KDE) support channel04:51
mcdhay ssa - have you tride a google search at google.com/linux?04:51
moyerhow do i see how much video memory have installed?04:51
PriceChildssa, #ubuntu-effects and I dont't think you are going to be able to on that card :)04:52
_jonathan_hey I have a sitecom wireless network card 'wl-171', that uses the driver 'rt-61.INF' in windows. While booting with the network card installed in the pc the boot hangs, in safe mode I get the error: "BUG: soft lockup detected on #CPU0" Please help me! the pc won't boot with or without the driver installed under ndiswrapper. I'm using Feisty04:52
mcdthx jonathan04:52
ShackJackssa: You want Compiz Fusion ;) Beryl is no more... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion... and I think PriceChild is right ;)04:52
ssapricechild why?04:52
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mcdshackjack - like said a newbie will ask there next time....04:52
PriceChildssa, because they're old... weak... you won't get decent 3d acceleration for xgl, and I'm not sure whether their drivers support aiglx. I don't know.04:52
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ssapricechild which cards is good ?04:53
PriceChildssa, intel04:53
jacobi can't seem to hear any music or sound effects i play in my laptop, can somebody help me04:53
moyermy intel sucks04:53
=== osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-80-88-199.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
moyerget nvidia04:54
PriceChild!sound | jacob04:54
ubotujacob: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:54
=== el [n=guillerm@154.Red-83-35-36.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildmoyer, what card do you have?04:54
moyerintel 82854G04:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smbfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:54
PriceChildmoyer, laptop?04:54
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:54
moyernope desktop, smff04:54
ShackJackmoyer: Yeah you need at least a 9 series for decent 3d effects performance... though they run pretty goot...04:54
SeokeHow can I login as root so I can change the permissions of a folder from root only being able to create and modify to everyone?04:54
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ssapricechild how much cost me?04:55
jacobhow can i tell if alsa is selected?04:55
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moyeri cant run it over 1024x76804:55
moyerits slow and choppy as hell04:55
PriceChildssa, are you on a laptop?04:55
jacobhow can i tell if ALSA is  selected04:55
ssapricechild no intel celeron 2,404:56
ShackJackjacob: Prefs -> Sound04:56
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_jonathan_I have a sitecom wireless network card 'wl-171', that uses the driver 'rt-61.INF' in windows. While booting with the network card installed in the pc the boot hangs, in safe mode I get the error: "BUG: soft lockup detected on #CPU0" Please help me! the pc won't boot with or without the driver installed under ndiswrapper. I'm using Feisty04:56
PriceChildjacob, that factoid explained how to check04:56
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LiberCogitoDoes anyone know where opera puts deleted torrents on ubuntu?  They aren't in trash.04:56
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SeokeHow do I login as root?04:57
PriceChild!sudo | Seoke04:57
ubotuSeoke: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:57
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spiderfirecan i bootfrom  a dchroot?04:57
sp1ntermoyer: have you downloaded the drivers04:57
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jacobPriceChild:i don't know if reading that site is worth reading, it was working before and i did nothing have it mute like that04:57
mattwalstonWhy are there so many how-to documents offering a fix for "slow to establish ssh connection" but a patch has not been offered?  Is this a feature that should be solved some other way?04:57
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-74-47.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
moyeris there any screen reso between 1024x768 - 1280x1024 ?04:57
PriceChildjacob, then figure out what you broke.04:58
Lumiere1280x1024 is not a correct 4x3 resolution04:58
Lumiere1280x960 is04:58
Lumiereand there's an 11xx by 8?? in there04:58
moyerwell those are my options... can i use xandr to set the other04:58
LiberCogitoDoes anyone know where opera puts deleted torrents on ubuntu?  They aren't in trash.04:58
spiderfirecan i install a 64bit system into a 32 bit system and boot from either?04:58
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_jonathan_ LiberCogito: I think they're completely removed04:59
SeokeSo whats would be the command line to make everything in /var/ able to be created and modified by every user?04:59
Lumierespiderfire: you cannot install x86-64 onto something that is x86-3204:59
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ssapricechild why did you canceled me?04:59
Lumierebut you can install x86-32 to x86-6404:59
PriceChildssa, cancelled you?04:59
ShackJackLiberCogito: prolly under your home folder in hidden .opera folder ?05:00
ssapricechild i ask you how much cost me?05:00
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ackessa yea i would like to know much you cost too05:00
PriceChildssa, I don't know. But I don't think its worth you buying a new graphics card just for this.05:00
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spiderfireLumiere: ok i understand05:01
moyerwhats the command to change screen reso again.. "xandr"?05:01
SeokeSo whats would be the command line to make everything in /var/ able to be created and modified by every user?05:01
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spiderfireLumiere: but can a 64bit tree reside within a 32 bit tree?05:01
PriceChildspiderfire, no05:01
CornellOk... feisty's installed... how do I get it to recognize/work with my Samsung widescreen and have higher than 800*600 resolution?05:01
ShackJackSeoke: Why would you want to do that?05:01
progress0rquick question: why is it that sometimes i remove an application and get a freaking huge list of core kde applications that need to be autoremoved? If i do this then my system will be hosed. I was removing mythtv.05:01
ssapricechild thanks05:01
JoaoJoaoI was trying to install 7.04 in a HP Pavillion notebook and X won't load. Based on what I've read, the original nvidia driver is incompatible with GeForce Go. Is that correct?05:02
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spiderfirePriceChild: but what if you just booted from a 64bit kernel to use it?05:02
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PriceChildspiderfire, 64bit kernels don't work on 32bit systems05:03
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macogwwhats the thing you put with "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to make it not ask extra questions?05:03
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spiderfirePriceChild: right but the filesystems stay the same no?05:03
PriceChildmacogw, -pcritical05:03
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roachmmflhyr_can someone please help me with a database im trying to get working on a webserver05:03
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macogwPriceChild: thank you05:03
kteohspiderfire: the CPU must support 64-bit instructions for it to work05:03
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Adelshackjack: do i have to uninstall beryl b4 installing compiz?05:03
kteohas in sizeof(int) = 805:03
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linux_what is the best mail client in gnome ?05:03
kteohnot 405:03
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ShackJackAdel: No, but it prolly wouldn't hurt ;)05:04
macogwJoaoJoao: does it load at all or do the black clouds thing?05:04
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PriceChildspiderfire, erm....? You can just swap the main system between 32bit and 64 bit05:04
macogwlinux_: if you need to access exchange servers, use Evolution05:04
dmglouiscan someone help me? all the right click menus in my desktop keep going behind the windows05:04
macogwlinux_: otherwise, Thunderbird is lighter-weight05:04
roachmmflhyr_http://www.mediafire.com/?ddyd0bmx3tk i am stuck at this screen and do not know what to do05:04
ShackJackJoaoJoao: Dunno about that, it is possible to start installer in VGA mode and or start in text mode and install nvidia binary driver etc  and change..05:04
mojiroanyone got any modeline for 1920x1440 @ 72Hz? all web modeline creators i tried produce akward modelines non fixable with xvidtune?05:04
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kteohso...has anyone used the new intel 3945abg linux drivers05:04
linux_yea , waht i thought05:04
kteohor attempted to at least?05:04
dmglouisplease? anyone?05:04
macogwkteoh: no i intend to05:05
kteohi cant make patch_kernel for the 80211 subsystem05:05
macogwkteoh: are you?05:05
LiberCogitoDoes anyone know where opera puts deleted torrents on ubuntu?  They aren't in trash.05:05
macogwkteoh: oh...05:05
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kteohand its a stupid line too05:05
kteoham i allowed to post URLs here?05:05
kteohi have a screenshot from ubuntu05:05
kteohi was thinking of just removing it from the makefile...05:05
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macogwJoaoJoao: if youve got the black clouds at boot, put "noapic" on the boot options05:05
macogwkteoh: yes go ahead05:05
kteohokay, http://www.nanimo.org/ubuntu/80211install_stat.png05:05
ShackJack!enter > kteoh05:05
kteohsee the bottom?05:05
kteohthere's a stat blah, and it fails05:06
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kteohbut it clearly works from the prompt05:06
kteohthe wc shows all the 119 lines of stdout05:06
ShackJack!enter | kteoh05:06
ubotukteoh: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:06
jacobPriceChild: Thx05:06
JoaoJoaoShackJack: Even the vesa mode won't work :(05:06
kteohubotu: alright, sorry :)05:06
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ShackJackJoaoJoao: Hmmm.. which card ?05:06
macogwJoaoJoao: do you get the boot screen and anything?05:06
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macogwJoaoJoao: does it look like black and grey clouds and you dont get any graphics at all, even boot splash?05:07
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ShackJackJoaoJoao: By Vesa, you mean VGA selected from boot startup , I assume ;)05:07
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dmglouishas anyone had their right click menus disappear behind the application?05:07
CotHHi.  Does anyone know a way to fix Wifi Radar if the edit, delete and disconnect buttons seem to be non-responsive?05:07
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dmglouiswell it still appears05:08
JoaoJoaothe boot process works, but when it will try to get into X, it hangs05:08
dmglouisbut behind it05:08
thavornwindows vista is so so slow05:08
dmglouisall the way on the desktop05:08
JoaoJoaoie Keyboard works, but I can't even press CTRL+ALT+F1 to get to a terminal05:08
anandanbuDoes anyone know the software for obtaining the sudo permissions on right click of any file05:08
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ShackJack!enter | dmglouis05:08
ubotudmglouis: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:09
sp1nteris there anything close to itunes as far as podcast management05:09
dmglouisoh ok05:09
SeokeI need to login as root and not sudo how do I do that?05:09
macogwSeoke: sudo su -05:09
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macogwSeoke: to switch to root05:09
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macogwSeoke: you cant login as root plain though. the root account is locked05:10
sp1ntermacogw: su root05:10
macogwsp1nter: root acount is locked...remember?05:10
SeokeTo change the permission on a folder its just sudo chmod 777 /var/ right?05:10
kteohi know cp can use filename1 ... filenameN destination format, but does it also support {file1,file2,group1/{file3,file4}} as well? that's where the error is in the Makefile05:10
macogwSeoke: dont chmod /var05:11
SeokeI want to make that folder read and writable by everyone05:11
sp1ntermacogw: sorry only half paying attention05:11
mojiroanyone got any modeline for 1920x1440 @ 72Hz? all web modeline creators i tried produce akward modelines non fixable with xvidtune?05:11
=== Saft [n=loic@82-212-148-46.teledisnet.be] has joined #ubuntu
macogwSeoke: why?05:11
Seokeits a pain in the ass to have to do it all through command lines05:11
ShackJackSeoke: No you dont ;)05:11
_jonathan_I have a sitecom wireless network card 'wl-171', that uses the driver 'rt-61.INF' in windows. While booting with the network card installed in the pc the boot hangs, in safe mode I get the error: "BUG: soft lockup detected on #CPU0" Please help me! the pc won't boot with or without the driver installed under ndiswrapper. I'm using Feisty05:11
thavornwhat command to use if I wanna go to etc/network/interface05:11
macogwSeoke: that's a bad plan05:11
SeokeWell why don't I?05:11
=== xBill [n=dario@p5494D207.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
bulmerkteoh: make sure the last option on that list is a directory05:11
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macogwSeoke: security hazard05:11
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JoaoJoaoI got the alternate CD, so I can install everything  text-mode and then install the nvidia proprietary driver05:12
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macogwSeoke: you dont need to do it all command line either05:12
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macogwSeoke: right click on your menu05:12
macogwSeoke: and go to "edit menus"05:12
ShackJackJoaoJoao: Sonds like a plan ;)05:12
=== attoWasp [n=tp@0x573b90af.ronqu1.broadband.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Seoke>> Well I have apache running and everything and even when I give people http://myip/ they get some timeout error05:12
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MARIUSmariushow to fix fonts?05:12
macogwSeoke: most things on servers are supposed to be 75505:12
macogwMARIUSmarius: whats wrong with them?  look fine to me05:13
SeokeMeh, I'll just do it all command line.. by logging into sudo I can copy php files into /var/www though right?05:13
MARIUSmariusthey're not as they were in windows05:13
macogwSeoke: yes05:13
macogwSeoke: if you hit alt+f205:13
MARIUSmariusnot like tahome.ttf05:13
roachmmflhyr_anyone use gallery 2.2.2??05:13
SeokeAlright thanks05:14
macogwSeoke: and type "gksu nautilus" a root folder view will show up05:14
macogwMARIUSmarius: oh you need Windows fonts?05:14
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MARIUSmariusmmm, i want just that my counter strike would look good :)05:14
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=== LinuxKid brb
linux_some have idea why i have always "openoffice.org-core: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" error when i try to install any pakage ?05:14
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linuxorHi, how to add a sound.ogg to a vedio.ogg ?? thx05:15
JoaoJoaoHow does this "driver update cd" work btw?05:15
macogwMARIUSmarius: looks good to me, but oh well.  ya want microsoft's fonts or red hat's free/libre "liberation fonts"?05:15
Seokemacogw thanks05:15
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MARIUSmariusmicrosoft i guess05:15
CotHHi.  Does anyone know a way to fix Wifi Radar if the edit, delete and disconnect buttons seem to be non-responsive?05:15
jinxed-Is there a way to make a back up of my dvds onto a single sided dvd-r?05:15
Seokemacogw: It says cannot open display05:15
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macogwMARIUSmarius: red hat's are supposed to be a drop-in replacement, but i havent tried them yet.  to get microsoft's, install the msttcorefonts package from add/remove, or just get the "ubuntu restricted extras" from add/remove and youll have fonts and codecs and everything05:16
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TrashLikeUsi got a problem with libGL.so, i ve installed the newer nvidia driver 9631, but it seems that it has broken the possiblity to use OpenGl05:16
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macogwSeoke: where does it say that?05:17
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Adeli installed compiz fusion how do i run it?05:17
fatbrainHi, can I somehow get a on-screen keyboard? Like what you'd expect on a tablet-pc?05:17
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anandanbuDoes anyone know how to obtain the sudo permissions on right click of the mouse i had it before but now i am unable to find it05:17
hinogineed that for my tablet as well fatbrain hehe05:17
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macogwSeoke: did it pop up the asking for your password bit?05:17
dmglouishas anyone had their right click menu go behind the current application?05:17
TrashLikeUsglxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:18
TrashLikeUsany idea someone?05:18
JoaoJoaocouldn't I put the nvidia drivers in a "driver update cd" so I don't have to install Ubuntu text-mode?05:18
SeokeNevermind got it to work05:18
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MARIUSmarius30 MB restricted :) it'll take a while for me :)05:19
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pezcadohey is there a way to display all the connected users of this channel?05:19
pezcadoi'm using xchat05:19
macogwpezcado: click where it says the number of users, and they should be listed05:19
MARIUSmariusI'we installed counter strike with wine. I think, that fonts for game are taken from ~/.wine/driver_c/windows/fonts05:19
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macogwMARIUSmarius: after you get the fonts, they should be in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/05:20
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macogwMARIUSmarius: then just copy tahoma to the directory you name05:20
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MARIUSmariusok, i'll try :)05:20
linuxorHi, how to add a sound.ogg to a vedio.ogg ?? PLEASE05:20
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MARIUSmariushave you tryed kino? linuxor05:21
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remHey, anyone knows what can be done when the panel in gnome is blocked at 182 pixels ? i tried with gconf-editor, but it says 24pix in there ... the panel is however big and showing 182 in properties ...?05:21
hinogii have a problem with my wlan stick and torrent clients, everytime i download with torrent for example the ubuntuu cd odr something wlan stick powers off after some time05:22
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linuxorMARIUSmarius:  no I did not05:22
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hinogiand is not to be reactivated only with restart of ubuntu05:22
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TrashLikeUscan someone help me to fix my graphic issue?05:22
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remwhere can the panel pixel size be accessed in command line .. ?05:22
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aldcorcan i set up KDE if i have gnome?05:22
dmglouisi have a problem with my right click menus. they are going behind the window that i click on!05:22
JoaoJoaohmm now I get it I think, I just need to know *how* to make a driver update cd05:22
macogwif my startx isnt showing what i think it should and i look at the output and it says (EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable, does that mean I should delete dri from the module section?05:23
macogwaldcor: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop05:23
macogwaldcor: when you login you can then pick which one to use05:23
hinogimacogw: got an ati card?05:23
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XLVtheres a linux wrapper to allow win32 browser plugins to be used in linux, anyone remembers its name?05:23
macogwhinogi: yes05:23
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baddersaldor: yes, just apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, pick which you want on the login screen05:23
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macogwhinogi: one thats too old for anything 3d05:23
remndswrapper ?05:23
baddersXLV: crossover provide something for this05:23
hinogithen no ^^ that is quite common actually05:23
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fatbrainis there handwriting recongition in ubuntu?05:24
hinogiits ati prop driver05:24
macogwhinogi: uh no its not05:24
insomninjaIs there a way to tell the framebuffer to use a widescreen format (1280x800)?05:24
baddersXLV: i mean codeweavers provide it, they have a crossover product that does it05:24
macogwhinogi: im not using fglrx05:24
macogwhinogi: this card is like 10 years old05:24
hinogiopen radeon?05:24
casperzshadoim going back to beyrl until they work out the kinks on fusion, there is no difference between the two and no reason for the headache. beyrl is a lot more stable05:24
hinogithen turn on composite ^^05:24
_jonathan_HELP, my computer doesn't work! I have a sitecom wireless network card 'wl-171', that uses the driver 'rt-61.INF' in windows. While booting with the network card installed in the pc the boot hangs, in safe mode I get the error: "BUG: soft lockup detected on #CPU0" Please help me! the pc won't boot with or without the driver installed under ndiswrapper. I'm using Feisty05:24
TrashLikeUscan someone help me with this glxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:24
macogwhinogi: rage ii, it uses the ati "misc" from the open ati driver05:24
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hinogimaybe that helps05:24
JoaoJoaoa lot more stable? damn then fusion is really unstable05:24
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XLVinsomninja, use gtf ( command line ) to create the desired modeline, then insert in xorg.conf in monitor section, and add it as active in screen section05:25
linuxorMARIUSmarius:  Sorry does not work with kino05:25
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remHey, anyone knows what can be done when the panel in gnome is blocked at 182 pixels ? i tried with gconf-editor, but it says 24pix in there ... the panel is however big and showing 182 in properties ...?05:25
XLVbadders, iirc it was just a wrapper, had the url but i cant find it now, dont want to install whole crossover package05:25
remwhere can the panel pixel size be accessed in command line .. ?05:25
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:25
MARIUSmariusmmm, then i don't know, sorry too :)05:25
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XLVbadders, just for linux 64bit browsers to be able to use flash etc, i heard it works05:26
Jokkubuntu cant recognize my flash memory05:26
dmglouishas anyone had a problem with right click menus?05:26
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Jokkhow to add it ?05:26
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JoaoJoaoI miss the effects from beryl when I'm using vista, actually vista doesn't have any useful effects05:26
linuxorMARIUSmarius:  ^_^ thx man05:26
casperzshadofusion has been nothing but problems, broke my boot up, now i have no borders on my windows05:26
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MARIUSmariuslinuxor ya welkome :)05:26
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JoaoJoaocasperzshado: I guess sticking to beryl for now will do it05:26
pezcadohmm i've tried looking for "number of users" somewhere but still can't find it, does anyone else have suggestions as to how i find out the current connected users on a channel05:26
XLVbadders, got it... nspluginwrapper05:26
MARIUSmariussamo problem with fusio :)05:27
Jokkubuntu cant recognize my flash memory. how to add it ?05:27
Jokkubuntu cant recognize my flash memory. how to add it ?05:27
XLVbadders, intuitive name05:27
nick_anyone in here use cedega?05:27
MARIUSmariusfusion. Now i'm using beryl and avant -window-navigator - no problemes :)05:27
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CotHHi.  Does anyone know a way to fix Wifi Radar if the edit, delete and disconnect buttons seem to be non-responsive?05:27
dmglouisi've got borders with fusion but thats because im using emrald for borders05:27
JoaoJoaoberyl is nice05:27
Yarcanoxthe screen resolution menu offers just 55 hertz for 1280x1024 screen resolution05:27
Yarcanoxbut I've already used 75 htz on this05:27
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Yarcanoxand it looks just crappy05:27
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XLVYarcanox, , use gtf ( command line ) to create the desired modeline, then insert in xorg.conf in monitor section, and add it as active in screen section05:27
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MARIUSmariuswell, im having borders opnly if i'm NOT using emerald :)05:28
casperzshadois there anything that fusion does that beyrl cant?05:28
nick_i cannot access battle.net with cedega and need help05:28
systestpezcado: /list <channel>05:28
Jokkubuntu cant recognize my flash memory. how to add it ?05:28
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etzerdHello all05:28
XLVJokk, usually its mounted in /media somewhere05:28
XLV!patience | Jokk05:28
ubotuJokk: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:28
linux_some have idea why i have always "openoffice.org-core: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" error when i try to install any pakage ?05:28
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etzerdI'm having a problem with google earth05:28
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JokkXLV, how to mount it05:29
aoirthoircasperzshado, fusion is beryl.05:29
XLVJokk, its done automatically usually, look into /media folder05:29
Jokkits not there05:29
etzerdeverytime I load google earth the planet just flashing, it cannot stay still, it seems like it's missing something or whatever I don't know. Can somebody help me?05:30
JokkXLV, generally its not a flash memory but mobile phone with flash card05:30
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aoirthoirJokk, ive had trouble with it recognizing my flash also...so I got a usb flash adapter..and that is recognized as a usb drive05:30
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casperzshadowhats the point of fusion then?05:30
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MARIUSmariuswell, it's new :)05:30
dmglouisi think beryl first started from fusion and then they remerged05:30
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MARIUSmariusthere's many people now working on it :)05:31
Jokkaoirthoir, the card is in the phone05:31
dmglouisno wait beryl started from compiz05:31
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XLVJokk, then there might be an option in cellphone to work as media storage device, or else you might need to take additional steps for the mem card in it to work as media storage device05:31
MARIUSmariuscompiz was first05:31
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Corvusjoin #ubuntu-fr05:31
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aoirthoirdmglouis, yes05:31
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etzerdeverytime I load google earth the planet just flashing, it cannot stay still, it seems like it's missing something or whatever I don't know. Can somebody help me?05:31
JokkXLV, in win it found it like a storage device05:31
XLVJokk, google for ubuntu and your cellphone make and model05:32
aoirthoirJokk, how is your cellphone connected?05:32
aoirthoirJokk, via usb?05:32
casperzshadoill be back im giong to reinstall ubuntu and go back to the way things were05:32
dmglouiswell anyway i use fusion cause i found a nice howto for it05:32
Adelhey can anyone tell me how to remove compiz?05:32
Jokkaoirthoir, yes05:32
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JokkXLV, ill05:32
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insomninjaXLV, I think you misunderstood me, what I'm searching for is not the resolution parameters for X, but to set up the resolution, for the TTY terminals (ctrl+alt+F#), which afaik is done with a vga=### addition to the boot line in /bod/grub/menu.lst, only I can't find the correct three digit number...05:33
linux__alieni am new to Ubuntu just installed it Have been a Fedora User. i want to know how to upgrade the Ubuntu Kernel. I am using 7.0405:33
etzerdis anyone here ever use Google Earth?05:33
etzerdeverytime I load google earth the planet just flashing, it cannot stay still, it seems like it's missing something or whatever I don't know. Can somebody help me?05:33
woof65here is hopefully a simple question. a program I am using has instructions for how to set up remote administration, and part of that is replacing "localhost" with the linux computer's name in a configuration file. where can I find the proper computer name?05:33
PriceChildlinux__alien, why do you want to upgrade it?05:33
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aoirthoirJokk, are you able to connect other USB drives to your computer?05:33
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Jokkmy mouse is with usb too05:33
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Jokkand the web camera05:33
aoirthoirJokk, when you connected the phone in windows, did you have to install a special driver?05:33
floriaki1how can i make a second hard drive that is already in the computer a pure file storage drive (just like external hard drives)?05:33
linux__alienPriceChild, Its got 2.6.20 i believe so thought of upgrading it to 2.6.21 . Not for any particular reason05:34
Jokkaoirthoir, nope05:34
PriceChild!highno | linux__alien05:34
ubotulinux__alien: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.05:34
XLVJokk, remove it from usb port, reinsert it, then in a shell run dmesg, paste the results in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:34
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rabidweezlehow do you set what resolutions X can use?05:34
linux__alienPriceChild, I might do some Kernel programming and for this kernel i should get the kernel headers05:34
linux__alienis that available ?05:34
floriaki1how can i make a second hard drive that is already in the computer a pure file storage drive (just like external hard drives)?05:34
macogwhinogi: im asking on #debian.  it actually worked fine in feisty....well, except that it couldnt do 1024x76805:34
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linux__alienor do you advice me to compile a new kernel ?05:34
PriceChildlinux__alien, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic05:35
PriceChildlinux__alien, I strongly advise you against upgrading the kernel05:35
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linux__alienPriceChild, Oh Ok05:35
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PriceChildlinux__alien, you might also want the "build-essential" package05:35
macogwrabidweezle: by editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf  the easy way to do that is "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"05:35
insomninjarabidweezle: you can edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (you need superuser permissions to save)05:35
aoirthoirlinux__alien, you should wait until the auto upgrade is offerred05:35
rabidweezlethanks mac and insom05:35
JokkXLV, oh05:35
Jokkit found it auto :)05:35
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Jokkim seeing the files05:36
JoaoJoaoso, how does the driver update cd work?05:36
aoirthoirlinux__alien, but be careful with that even, ubuntu isnt very good generally at upgrading the kernel even that way, and I have had sudden breakage of important things when thats occured05:36
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linux__alienaoirthoir, Oh isnt an upgrade to the kernel not offered yet? Is it because Ubuntu is targeted towards desktops, the move is slow ? i am new to ubuntu . Just got converted from Fedora . So i am asking this so forgive me if the question is stupid05:36
floriaki1how can i make a second hard drive that is already in the computer a pure file storage drive (just like external hard drives)? the drive has still got windows xp installed on it, could someone please help me?05:36
PriceChildlinux__alien, aoirthoir the kernel will not be updated to 23, unless you decide to upgrade to gutsy in october05:36
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PriceChildlinux__alien, the kernel you are using is perfectly fine and you don't need to worry about using a new kernel. You will only break things05:37
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aoirthoirPriceChild, im not talking about that, im talking about whenever it specifically offers a kernel upgrade..i dont upgrade the kernel except then05:37
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linux__alienPriceChild, So i ve a doubt here so once Ubuntu releases a version the kernel upgrades wont happen until Ubuntu releases the next version is it?05:37
JoaoJoaoOr until a security flaw is found, I guess05:37
PriceChildlinux__alien, yes. It keeps things stable.05:37
floriaki1can anybody help me with formatting a hard drive so it's a file storage drive??05:37
aoirthoirlinux__alien, its not a stupid question at all...basically ubuntu is a new OS each version. even with the LTS versions for instance, you dont often get new versions of certain software, just security fixes05:38
PriceChildlinux__alien, or as JoaoJoao says... on important security patches or critical bug fixes05:38
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pkunduhi how to disable the message showed when someone quit or join or someones status changes in xchat05:38
aoirthoirlinux__alien, if you are looking for something that upgrades more then redhat desktop coming out in september might be useful05:38
linux__alienHow does new security bug fixes installed. Is it patched or a newer version of the kernel. How is it in Ubuntu?05:38
drknickHello @ all05:38
boris_what is the path to file et-linux-2.60.x86.run on my desktop ?05:39
floriaki1how can i make a second hard drive that is already in the computer a pure file storage drive (just like external hard drives)? the drive has still got windows xp installed on it, could someone please help me?05:39
PriceChildlinux__alien, it will notify you top right.. you click the bubble, put in your password, then agree to updates and press "go" kinda thing05:39
PriceChildlinux__alien, stop worrying... and remember "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"05:39
aoirthoirlinux__alien, you will get a notice that offers you to upgrade various software packages when the upgrades are available.05:39
PriceChildboris_, ~/Desktop/name_of_file05:39
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floriaki1how can i make a second hard drive that is already in the computer a pure file storage drive (just like external hard drives)? the drive has still got windows xp installed on it, could someone please help me?05:40
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aoirthoirlinux__alien, while other distros allow convient upgrades to the kernel, I would be very careful with updating the kernel in ubuntu, as mentioned, using their update mechanism and only doing so when the kernel was offered, has broken my system 3 times.05:40
linux__alienPriceChild, I am not worrying just basically getting to know how ubuntu community and developers move ahead . As i told you ve been a fedora Core user since 1 but got kind of frustrated with Fedora and that trigerred me to change to Ubuntu. Infact have been a KDE User also . Now trying Gnome05:40
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mataharii get the following message: Warning: /bin/java does not exist05:42
aoirthoirlinux__alien, I feel you. I really like a lot of things about ubuntu. But there are some things I need to do that it cant, so Im checking out other distros as well05:42
mataharisun-java6-jre is installed05:42
mataharibut smartsvn won't run anymore05:42
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Lustbladeri'm having trouble getting into ubuntu05:42
asleepguyis your computer on?05:42
Lustbladerit started after installing xp again.. seems the MBR got cleaned... How to repair my grub-loader???05:43
PriceChild!fixgrub | Lustblader05:43
ubotuLustblader: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:43
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Lustbladerthx PriceChild05:43
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woof65How can I find the network name of my computer in ubuntu?05:44
asleepguyunotu, Do you have responses on macros?05:44
Jack_SparrowI need some help setting up sauerbraten if someone has done it before05:44
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JeevesMosscan someone help me fixing a res issue on my laptop?  I installed ubuntu-desktop, and now all I get is lines down the lefthand side of the screen05:44
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thavornwhat is the meaning of master boot record?05:45
linux__alienIs Ubuntu used by the kernel developers or only by new users? Coz if its used by kernel developers, those guys try out new things by compiling the vanilla kernel. So will that break things ?05:45
Ade3hey guyz can someone help me? the window's titlebars disappeared:S05:45
Lustbladerthavorn that's where all the boot info is stored05:45
JeevesMossthavorn:  it's where the disk stores where the fimes are on your idsk05:45
Jack_Sparrowthavorn: the first track and sector with info on how to boot your system05:45
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JeevesMossJack_Sparrow:  lol, look who it is05:45
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Jack_SparrowJeevesMoss: For a few while I wait for the wife.. yes05:46
thavornwith dual boot, the boot record is store in windows partition or linux partition05:46
JeevesMossJack_Sparrow:  lol, how's your weekend going?05:46
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drknickneither, nor05:46
Jack_SparrowJeevesMoss: Great as always...  thanks...05:46
drknick@ thavorn05:46
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JeevesMossJack_Sparrow:  do you know about how to fix the ubuntu-desktop video issue?05:47
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Jack_Sparrowthavorn: It would be better to tell us what you are trying to do or what the problem is.05:47
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Jack_SparrowJeevesMoss: Which issue.. more than one atm05:47
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thavornoh no problem, just wanna trial and error different scenario.05:47
Adelhey jack can u help me with something plz?05:48
JeevesMossJack_Sparrow:  I installed ubuntu-desktop, and now insted of a screen, I get lines down the left hand side of the screen05:48
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Jack_Sparrowthavorn: there are two main sections of the mbr.. the boot section and the pointers for up to 4 primary partitions05:48
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exyananyone got any suggjestions on fonts? they look so sharp and all05:49
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stuart-do i use csh in ubuntu if i wanna play around with c++?05:49
Jack_SparrowJeevesMoss: on boot how far does it get?05:49
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MannyZhello! is there any requirements for compiz-fusion?05:49
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JeevesMossJack_Sparrow:  It gets through the boot process to where it would normally show the log in screen05:50
Jack_SparrowAdel: I am looking at 2 different problems atm and one of my own...05:50
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thinlacei am having a really wierd problem. i compiled a script language called Squirrel, I can see the application Sq in the bin directory, but when I run it from the command I get The program 'sq' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install ispell05:50
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Adeljack_sparrow: Oh ok05:50
MannyZhello! is there any requirements for compiz-fusion?05:50
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thavornI am refurbishing some old P4 computers for poor family, do not want that toy system, is ubuntu the most user friendly linux?05:50
Adelcan anyone help me with something plz?05:50
JeevesMossJack_Sparrow:  basclly I just would like to know how to drop into shell before it hits the log in GUI so I can remove it.05:50
Jack_SparrowJeevesMoss: So you dont get to the login screen..05:50
MannyZAdel what?05:50
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exyanhow do I check what kernel am I running?05:50
drknickuname -a05:51
drknick@ exyan05:51
AdelMannyz: well i downloaded compiz fusion and i dunno if it has to do with it but the titlebars disappeared05:51
JeevesMossJack_Sparrow:  yes, I get the log in screen, but it's the log in screen that's all messed up05:51
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MannyZi havent even downloaded compiz yet :D..05:51
MannyZcant help...05:51
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MannyZis there any requirements for compiz-fusion?05:51
Jack_SparrowJeevesMoss: SInce it seems to be accessing the grub on your install I would try to rename it with live cd so it cant find it and it should get you to a shell.. sorry if that is a hack of an answer..05:52
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Adelcan anyone else help me with my problem?05:52
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PriceChildAdel, ask in #ubuntu-effects please05:52
Adelok thanks05:52
aoirthoirAdel, compiz fusion is experimental05:52
fiais there a ubuntu support channel in swedish?05:52
JeevesMossJack_Sparrow:  I can access GRUB when it boots, but what do I need to edit to be able to kick it into shell when it boots?05:52
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bondegot error in python "mapping = array.array('b', mapping).tostring()" AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'array' ?05:53
Jack_SparrowJeevesMoss: ok.. one sec...05:53
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JeevesMossJack_Sparrow:  thanks.  I just don't feel like removing and installing the OS ang configuring the mess again05:53
hsateraanyone here uses bittornado?05:53
XLVJeevesMoss, if it boots but hangs when gdm loads, just press ctrl+alt+F1 to go into a terminal screen05:53
JeevesMossXLV:  damn, your right, I forgot about that05:54
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CornellThere's a command that I was given earlier, that reports the horiz and vert  for a device (nVideo driver, Samsung Syncmaster)... Can anyone remind me what it is?05:54
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Jack_SparrowXLV: thanks..05:54
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oliver_gany idea why I can't put music on my usb mp3 player in Rythmbox?05:55
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XLVCornell, from a shell, xvidtune -show05:55
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PriceChildoliver_g, rhythmbox doesn't do that yet does it? Is it just a random mp3 player?05:55
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JeevesMossXLV:  that worked.  thanks05:56
linux__alienPriceChild, In the Updates available there are some updates regards to the kernel should i install it ? one is linux-generic, linux-headers-generic,linux-image-generic05:56
JeevesMossJack_Sparrow:  thanks again man05:56
PriceChildlinux__alien, yes?05:56
stuart-what programs can i use to learn c++ in ubuntu?05:56
oliver_gPriceChild: yes it's a very cheap mp3 player, noname basically05:56
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XLVCornell, error. that reports current modeline05:56
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oliver_gPriceChild: this is on Dapper - doesn't Rythmbox support writing to player there yet?05:56
CornellThanks XLV, but it was for the horiz sync and vert refresh, my apologies for being unclear.05:56
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AdelPriceChild: no one is answering in #ubunto-effects05:57
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Jack_SparrowCornell: Cant you find that in the hardware docs ...05:57
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PriceChildAdel, then be patient05:57
mortrakhi, someone can help me to fix the refresh rate y use the correct values in the xorg.conf but when i use the intel driver my monitor goes out of range (sorry about my english)05:57
PriceChildoliver_g, I don't think so... Just copy your mp3s manually using nautilus05:57
oliver_gthe player is recognized as portable_audio_player, and RB shows its songs, but I can't drag songs to it05:58
CornellThat would imply that I could find such docs05:58
linux__alienPriceChild, I am installing almost all the updates05:58
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thinlaceanyone know why i can't run a command when it clearly is right there in the directory?05:58
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oliver_gPriceChild: ok thanks...05:58
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linux__alienthat shouldnt screw up anything right?05:58
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PriceChildthinlace, use a ./ infront of the command05:58
PriceChildlinux__alien, nope05:58
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Jack_SparrowCornell: It dosent imply that you tried looking for them.05:58
PriceChildlinux__alien, of course its always good practice to keep backups :)05:58
rdkingcan and how do you upgrade a complete ubuntu install from 5.04 to 6.1005:58
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pike2khow do I get an installed app to autostart with Feisty Fawn ?05:59
bobbob1016rdking, you upgrade to 5.10, then 6.06, then 6.1005:59
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PriceChildrdking, you are meant to go through breezy... which has reached end of life and doesn't have repositories up. I suggest backing up and reinstalling.05:59
fiahelp in swedish someone?05:59
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thinlacePriceChild, WOW, why does that work? what is the meaning of that?05:59
PriceChild!se | fia05:59
ubotufia: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se05:59
PriceChildthinlace, Ok...05:59
bobbob1016rdking, or you can reinstall, it'd be a cleaner install05:59
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ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.05:59
linux__alienPriceChild,  backups :-o05:59
FireFoxI am doing this  g++ main.cpp -lHelloWorld.so05:59
linux__alieni am remembered of Fedora ;-)05:59
thinlacepricechild, can you explain why that works?05:59
PriceChildthinlace, in a shell, you have something called a $PATH. type "echo $PATH" to see it.05:59
kazim59which is better Limewire or FrostWire?06:00
bobbob1016rdking, and backup your data06:00
FireFoxI get this error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lHelloWorld.so06:00
FireFoxcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status06:00
PriceChildthinlace, that is basically the list of places your shell looks when you run a command.06:00
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thinlaceech $PATH06:00
rdkingok thanks...noticed no repos, but didn't want the hassle, thanks though06:00
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thinlacei'll try it06:00
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre06:00
PriceChildthinlace, in a terminal06:00
PriceChildthinlace, as you can see... that list doesn't include the current working directory ;)06:00
StoneNewtanyone else noticed that kde4base-data and kde4libs-data share a fair number of files?06:00
bobbob1016does anyone know a program that will autosplit DVD's for me?  I have 14 gig of data that I need on DVD's, is there a program that will auto-span them?06:00
thinlaceyeah I know, i was just regurgitating what you said. i am half asleep06:00
kazim59FireFox: what did you do?06:00
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FireFoxi made shared object06:00
PriceChildthinlace, so the ./ tells bash to run the file in the current directory instead of searching for an executable named the same in your PATH06:01
CornellGood point Jack_Sparrow06:01
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FireFoxg++ -c HelloWorld.cpp06:01
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woof65How can I find the network name of my computer in ubuntu?06:01
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FireFoxg++ -o HelloWorld.so -shared HelloWorld.o06:01
kazim59FireFox: try -lHelloWorld06:01
kazim59not .so06:01
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FireFoxg++ main.cpp -lHelloWorld.so06:01
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FireFoxlet me see06:01
FireFoxsame error06:01
Jack_SparrowFireFox: sudo ?06:02
UsrlI set my computer up to show it's boot stuff, like all the different "USB device founds" and whatnot when it boots up. How do I change that back to the logo with the loading bar?06:02
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kazim59FireFox: /join #c06:02
redmonkeyuhoh! the fox is on fire!;)06:02
remHey, anyone knows what can be done when the panel in gnome is blocked at 182 pixels ? i tried with gconf-editor, but it says 24pix in there ... the panel is however big and showing 182 in properties ...?06:02
MannyZhey! should i download the version 0.4 of compiz or the 0.5? the 0.4 is stable and o.5 is on developement06:02
Traveler2add "quiet splash" back to the end of the kernel parameters line in menu.lst06:03
PriceChildMannyZ, #ubuntu-effects plaese06:03
UsrlTraveler2: /etc/menu.lst?06:03
Jack_SparrowCornell: What make and model on the monitor and video card you are using06:03
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Traveler2look right at the bottom06:04
UsrlTraveler2: does not exist06:04
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:PriceChild] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
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MannyZnobody is anwsering there06:04
bulmerUsrl: its in /boot/grub/menu.lst06:04
PriceChildMannyZ, then you are patient and wait.06:04
Usrlbulmer: thanks06:04
pike2khow do I get an installed app to autostart with Feisty Fawn (Desktop)?06:04
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Traveler2as bulmer says06:05
MannyZwell i was jsut asking the opinion from #ubuntu guys..06:05
Usrlpike2k: system -> session manager06:05
Traveler2you'll need sudo to edit it06:05
pike2kthx Usrl I'll take a look06:05
Usrlpike2k: should be in there, should be fairly straightforward to add it to the list06:05
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UsrlTraveler2: that's fine, I run as sudo all the time.06:05
pike2kdidn't know where to start to look, was looking for startup / autostart hehe06:05
Usrl<*IS KIDDING*06:05
CornellSamsung Syncmaster 205BW  nVideo GEForce 6150 LE, Jack_Sparrow06:05
bondegot error in python "mapping = array.array('b', mapping).tostring()" AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'array' ?06:06
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anandanbuHow do i install GTK+ in Ubuntu 7.0406:06
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hybirdbei'll ask my question later , i need to go eat06:06
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PriceChildanandanbu, you want the libgtk libraries?06:08
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anandanbuPriceChild: can you help me with that06:09
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Jack_SparrowCornell: http://shopper.cnet.com/lcd-monitors/samsung-syncmaster-205bw-black/4014-3174_9-32081064.html#p5   75  x 81 max rates on the monitor06:09
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PriceChildanandanbu, is that what you want though?06:09
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anandanbuPriceChild: I need to run my GTK programs06:10
PriceChildanandanbu, like what?06:10
Jack_SparrowCornell:    1680 x 1050 / 60 Hz      max res...   now need to see what your card can do06:10
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alyssumhow can launch a program in GNOME with a special environment variable? (i don't want to use terminal to load it up everytime!)06:11
anandanbuPriceChild: may i pm you06:11
PriceChildanandanbu, i'd rather it stayed in channel.06:11
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XLValyssum, system>preferencies>sessions06:12
anandanbuPriceChild: ok i tried to run the hello world program provided in the GTK tutorial and i get error of missing some dependenices06:12
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XLVJack_Sparrow, it can do that res.. most cards after 2002 or so got 400MHz ramdacs06:13
PriceChildanandanbu, what missind dependencies?06:13
CornellWell... I've got 1680 x 1050 at 60 hz... I can't see the bottom of the screen, and the letters are illegible... my other choice (System/Preferences/Screen resolution) 1400x 1050, which is skewed, stretched and I also lose the bottom of the screen there.06:13
CornellI'm trying to figure out how to get it to be one smaller than 1680, Jack_Sparrow06:13
XLVCornell, use xvidtune to perfect the modeline06:13
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anandanbuPriceChild: 'atk' says so06:14
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PriceChildanandanbu, pastebin the error please06:14
alyssumXLV: to do startup on login?  but actually the problem is about setting an environment variable and having the application run with that variable (and only that one application)06:14
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Andrew67can anyone tell me how to add myself to the lp group?06:14
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linux_how i can check thet i have no any nvidia drivers ?06:15
toedmy firefox window is all 'greyed out' as if it's crashed, but it's actually working fine06:15
toedis there a way to get rid of the greyness06:15
CornellCool XLV... just gotta work out how to work it...06:15
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XLValyssum, you could create a bash script on your home dir, with eg export VARIABLE=<whatever> ; /path_to_program/program , chmod +x that bash script, then in sessions instruct to load that script06:16
CornellAnd just in time... gotta go... Thanks Jack_Sparrow  and xlv06:16
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XLVCornell, well, set it to auto, so all changes are visible06:16
alyssumlinux_: if you want to use the restricted nvidia drivers, goto to system->restricted drivers manager and you can enable them06:16
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JoaoJoaoIs the GeForce GO board incompatible with Ubuntu 7.04?06:17
linux_alyssum , dont use tehm any other that may be somewhere ? ( i want to reinstall all ) ?06:17
XLVCornell, then play with up,down, left,right, shorter, wider etc, to get the modeline to show perfectly on your screen06:17
UsrlOk, for clarity on the quiet boot thing, what do the different options do? "ro" "quiet" and "splash"?06:17
UsrlI'm assuming that quiet tells it to boot without showing the text, and splash tells it to use the usplash screen?06:17
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Jack_SparrowXLV: Wasnt sure about the integrated video on his box so wanted to make sure..06:17
XLVCornell, then press show to see the new modeline, add it to monitor section in xorg.conf, then set it as active ( first ) in screen section06:18
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JoaoJoaoand how can I put the proprietary nvidia driver in a ubuntu driver update cd?06:18
XLVCornell, remember to name it something like "1680x1050_mine" to deiffenciate it from standard 1680x105006:18
linux_alyssum , dont use tehm any other that may be somewhere ? ( i want to reinstall all ) ?06:18
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alyssumlinux_: i don't really understand what you are saying.  you can see what drivers you have right now by running this command: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver06:18
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PriceChildJoaoJoao, yes. it is compatible, use the restricted driver manager to install the proprietory driver, from system > admin06:19
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alyssumlinux_: if you have an nvidia card you are likely using either 'nv' (free) or 'nvidia' (restricted)06:19
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alyssumXLV: thanks, let me try that then...06:19
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Vinchenzo28whats a good video capturing program (just to record the desktop)06:20
linux_alyssum i have the nv one, should i install also the nvidia (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run) ?06:20
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UsrlVinchenzo28: gtk-recordmydeskop ?06:20
UsrlVinchenzo28: it's something like that06:20
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Vinchenzo28i'll look it up06:20
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XLVlinux_, the nv one is the xorg/x11 community driver, nvidia is the binary nvidia driver06:21
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XLV!nvidia | linux_06:21
ubotulinux_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:21
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TimK65OK, you guys. I've given up on getting either (don't ask) of my wireless cards to work "natively" in Feisty 64-bit; now I'm trying to use ndiswrapper. But ndiswrapper isn't installed and doesn't seem to be on the CD! What's the deal?06:22
XLV!ndiswrapper | TimK6506:22
ubotuTimK65: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:22
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hybirdbeokey , i am back , i would like to know hot to install my nvidea grapich drivers06:22
hybirdbeoeps nevermind06:22
TimK65ubotu: I've read those docs several times. They do not address the question I'm asking now.06:22
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hybirdbeokey i would like to know hot to install my nvidea grapich drivers06:23
XLVTimK65, open synaptic package manager and install it06:23
hybirdbesryy for the spam06:23
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XLV!nvidia ! hybirdbe06:23
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XLV!nvidia | hybirdbe06:23
ubotuhybirdbe: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:23
TimK65XLV: Synaptic doesn't find it, not even if I insert my Feisty CD and start the package manager from there (a message comes up that says basically "you've inserted a CD/DVD with packages, do you want to run the package manager?").06:23
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linux_XLV , so waht is better nv or nvidia ?06:24
TimK65XLV: PS I have no network connectivity on the Ubuntu machine; that's the problem I'm trying to solve with ndiswrapper.06:24
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XLVlinux_, nvidia06:24
XLVTimK65, maybe you need additional repositories06:24
XLV!repositories | TimK6506:24
ubotuTimK65: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:24
TimK65XLV: Such as? Again, I have no network connectivity.06:25
TimK65XLV: I.e., the CD is all I have.06:25
linux_XLV , i need to uninstall nv before im installing nvidia ?06:25
TimK65ubotu: I'm smart enough to look at the CD and try to figure out where the packages are, but I didn't see ANY packages at all when I looked. Mysterious.06:26
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XLVTimK65, http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/misc/ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 download it from the pc you got connectivity, install it with dpkg -i <package_name>06:26
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XLVTimK65, http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/source/ndiswrapper06:27
hybirdbexlv , thanks for the info06:27
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Adelto change my nick should i sign out and sign in again?06:27
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TimK65XLV: How am I supposed to get it from one PC to the other? (There's more to that question in a moment.) And pardon me, but why the hell isn't it on the CD? -- The "more to that question" is that I really don't want to install a distribution that isn't self-sufficient enough to let me do everything from one machine.06:27
nuke13Hello all, long time to see....06:27
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XLVTimK65, cd has limited packages, get the dvd, get a switch/hub and connect the laptop to that with an eth cable, get the dvd ubuntu06:28
nuke13TimK65: does the other computer not have a network or internet connection?06:28
jayantjayanthi all06:28
bullgard4 exit06:28
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jayantjayanti am a newbie to linux and absolutely new to ubuntu06:29
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TimK65XLV: If there is a 64-bit DVD, I'm not aware of it. When I downloaded, the only 64-bit option I saw was the CD.06:29
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jayantjayantgot a ubuntu 4.1 version - 'warty warthog'06:29
pussfellerwhts the program that controls the image that shows while your machine is booting, usplash?06:29
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linux_i need to uninstall nv before im installing nvidia ?06:30
TimK65nuke13: Of course it does, but look: I've been running Linux for nine years, and having to "bootstrap" a Linux installation with another machine is an unacceptable step backward.06:30
pussfelleri installed kubuntu desktop and now my bootup splash thingee is kubuntu, not ubuntu!06:30
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JDLimbojayantjayant, why didn't you install the latest version06:30
jayantjayanti have an internet connection . problem is when i run sudo apt-get update . it says file not found06:30
XLVTimK65, plus if you dont want to install ubuntu, theres about a 1K other distribs to try http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/feisty/release/06:30
nuke13well what did you expect it to say?06:30
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pussfelleri couldnt find an image in link in the usplash init.d thingee!06:30
jayantjayanthi JDLimbo , i happened to get the ubuntu CD only06:31
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XLVTimK65, its not like anyone here is getting a salary from canonical06:31
tehkAnyone know if its possible to force an app to exit cleanly before shutdown?06:31
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TimK65XLV: I like what I've seen of Ubuntu, but this isn't looking good. I have indeed looked for other distributions, but I haven't found anything yet that seems to be any better. Oh well. I think I'll move on. Thanks anyway. PS I never said anybody here was getting a salary from anywhere, as far as I can remember.06:31
nuke13bo hu06:32
XLVanother one bites the dust06:32
JDLimbojayantjayant, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download06:32
nuke13lol yeh06:32
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jayantjayantaah JDLimbo , i tried - its very slow . I have ordered for 'Fiesty Fawn' but it will take some time buddy06:33
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tehkDial up?06:33
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JDLimbojayantjayant, heh, well the next update is coming in october06:34
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XLVJay_Dogg, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/feisty/release , if you can find someplace with abundant bandwidth06:34
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XLVjayantjayant, , http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/feisty/release , if you can find someplace with abundant bandwidth06:34
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jayantjayantbut JDLimbo/XLV , the path in the /etc/apt/sources.list should be correct06:35
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blizzardxE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?06:35
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jayantjayantwhy does it say File not found06:35
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XLV!repositories | jayantjayant06:35
ubotujayantjayant: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:35
blizzardxtried update and tried --fix-missing and still getting it06:35
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jayantjayantfriends me leaving - dinner time06:37
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jayantjayantXLV/JDLimbo thanks for the information06:38
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JDLimbono problem06:38
UsrlQuick question: In KDE, what's the default thing on top of it? Like, there's compiz, and as a default GNOME uses metacity, what's KDE's default?06:38
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WX9JI have my vfat partitions mounting but even root can not chnod, chown , need help with my fstab entry06:39
UsrlBasically, if I want to switch out of compiz, in GNOME I'd type "metacity --replace", what is it in KDE?06:39
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blizzardxE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. help please06:40
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nsbi doiing a script06:40
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nsband i don t know06:40
nsbwhy when i put in the scirpt06:40
nsbapt-get -y install something06:40
nsbit asked to me06:41
nsbfor download it06:41
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Ben_Csi have an onboard Realtek ALC888 sound card. i can hear fine, but can't record, meaning - can't skype. please help.06:41
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web_knowshard to find06:41
web_knowsbut, anyone using amarok on ubuntu, in portuguese?06:41
XLVnsb, you run it as root? cause it'll need a sudo before apt-get if you run it as regular user06:42
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nsby run sudo06:42
nsbsudo -s06:42
nsbin shell06:42
nsbrun the script06:42
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XLVBen_Cs, tried in volume mixer to set mic/line-in levels?06:43
PriceChildblizzardx, and ladies :)06:43
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Ben_CsXLV: it's on max06:43
blizzardxok and ladies just want help now06:44
nsbXLV, i run it as superuser06:44
nsbwith #06:44
PriceChildnsb, don't use root terminals :)06:44
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JDLimboblizzardx what were you trying to do06:44
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nsbthen how i do that?06:44
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blizzardxJDLimbo i am trying tio install  mailx06:45
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adoul90what is a good msn messenger for ubuntu?06:45
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binarydigitpidgin / gaim06:45
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JDLimboadoul90 gAIM can handle msn messenger06:46
blizzardxaMSN, Kepote... etc adoul9006:46
TtyS2adoul90: i uses amsn works finebut gaim can handle both yahoo-msn-icq and some more if u got that06:46
adoul90i want one in which u can make voice calls and video calls06:46
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hybirdbeah shit, ubuntu is slow , is it ubuntu self or is it my pc06:47
blizzardxok does anyone know a good channel to help web masters?06:47
blizzardxhybirdbe, must be your pc06:47
nuke13your pc, ubuntu is just as quick as any other os06:47
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eldkraftyeah Ubuntu is quite fast06:48
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adoul90blizzardx: i want one in whick u can make voice and video conversations06:48
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xeroninelittle help with ubuntu/windows networking06:49
eldkraftI wonder what their new game is going to be like06:49
eldkraftwops wrong room :)06:50
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JDLimboblizzardx: does this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=206336206:50
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Eeyore-Jrhi.  is there someone that could bundle sharp construct for feisty?06:50
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blizzardxadoul90 kopete does that / JDLimbo thanx i will look06:51
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aldinhi, is it possible to change hdd rpms, now i have 7200 and would like it to change on 5400 rpms?06:52
Spiff1Hey, quick question about grub and its savedefault not working, can anyone help out?06:52
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Murlidhar i have a sony ericssson phone and i want to transfer files to the phone without using file transfer mode. Can u tell me a way to do it in linux since windows has a wonderful application called "myphone explorer"06:54
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XLValdin, no its not possible06:55
stuart-my pppoe connection starts automatically during boot, and it is connected, but i can't actually send/receive packets, i can't surf, i can't pidgin, etc. until i sudo poff and pon06:55
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stuart-what gives? it would be inconvenient for other users on my pc as they won't have sudo access to poff/pon06:55
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niekkoMurlidhar: Have you checked http://sourceforge.net/projects/tsemgr/06:56
ectospasmstuart-:  perhaps put those commands in rd.local?06:56
ectospasmstuart-:  rc.local, scuse me06:56
Murlidharniekko: thnks i will just check it06:57
thursday11010i'm having trouble connecting to my webserver...apache2 on xubuntu.  i can connect from the server itself, but not from other boxes on the LAN.  the softwall firewall on the server has the appropriate port open.  the apache configuration files are all unedited...any ideas?06:57
thechris(do not ! me)  I need to install ubuntu from a linux installation other then the liveCD.  any help?06:57
ectospasmstuart-:  /etc/init.d/rc.local06:57
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stuart-ectospasm, what does that do? run the program during startup or enables users to run pon/poff?06:57
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ectospasmstuart-:  runs them at boot06:57
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ectospasmstuart-:  rc.local runs after all the other init scripts run06:58
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aldinXLV, ok, thanks06:58
stuart-ectospasm, wow, looks like c++ or something. where do i make it run?06:58
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ectospasmstuart-:  lemme look06:59
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stuart-ectospasm, alright, cool. i'd like to insert poff -a first then pon dsl-provider06:59
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UsrlSo does anyone know how to enable my splash screen on boot/shutdown again? =/06:59
xxxwhen i install ubuntu 7.04 in my laptop my CPU fan works fast always!how can i control fans?06:59
logreevalI am having problems with "wmvdmod.dll" for Mplayer, where do I put this file?06:59
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BleSSdoes the repositories are different from ubuntu server that from ubuntu desktop?07:00
PriceChildBleSS, no07:00
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PriceChildBleSS, just different starting packages in each.07:00
ectospasmstuart-:  actually, don't touch /etc/init.d/rc.local07:00
PriceChildBleSS, remember the server doesn't have a gui ;)07:00
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ectospasmstuart-:  add your commands to /etc/rc.local07:00
stuart-ectospasm, alright07:00
jinxed-Is there a way to make a back up of my dvds onto a single sided dvd-r?07:00
ectospasmstuart-:  it's sorta commented07:00
ectospasmstuart-:  basically put everything before "exit 0"07:01
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stuart-ectospasm, done. thanks. will try rebooting after i'm done downloading.07:01
stuart-man i need to get a router going so i dno't have to put up with this stuff07:01
jetscreamerjinxed-: apt-cache search dvdshrink07:02
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BleSSI've a VPS and I think that is installed with ubuntu desktop instead of server07:02
thechrisis the ubuntu install in initrd?07:02
ectospasmstuart-:  I make no guarantees of that working07:02
jetscreamerjinxed-: there are many many more ways07:02
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jinxed-jetscreamer, do you prefer that over k9copy and kc307:02
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jetscreamerjinxed-: i prefer doing it myself manually.. i just know some names07:02
stuart-kays. before i reboot, anyone else know why i'm connected to the internet but can't access pages or ping or anything till i reconnect at boot?07:03
jinxed-jetscreamer, it's just I am trying to figure out how to get a program to compress it ennough to fit on a dvd07:03
BleSSis there any way of update but using ubuntu server?07:03
KurtKrautBleSS, what makes you belive it is a desktop instalation ?07:03
UsrlBleSS I believe so, google ".deb on CD" or something like that07:03
adoul90i downloaded kopete but it can only send webcam not voice07:03
JDLimboI'm trying to remove the vista partition on a dual-boot, I have the ubuntu filesystem backed up in the tar.bz2 format. If I reformat and reinstall, then restore from that backup, will it set it up dual-booted with a blank partition where the vista partition used to be?07:03
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jetscreamerjinxed-: try the ?dvdshrink stuff , all i know...07:03
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jetscreameror k9copy and there are others... many others07:03
jetscreamersome in sources some not07:04
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jetscreamertry them all07:04
BleSSKurtKraut: because is installed packages as linux-sound-base07:04
sexnowI have enable "share folder" on system administrator on both pc using feisty fawn but still cannot connect to other pc07:04
ectospasmstuart-:  what does ifconfig show when you can't connect?07:04
FlannelJDLimbo: the filesystem is backed up relative to a folder (/ in this case) knowing nothing of individual partitions, so as long as you point it to your new partition, you'll be ok (well, for the extraction anyway)07:04
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stuart-ectospasm, everything as usual. that's why i know i'm connected. i even have my usual IP, etc.07:05
ectospasmsome people don't know how to stick around after asking a question07:05
stuart-it's just that, i can't.. 'connect' to websites07:05
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jinxed-My computer recognizes blank cds no problem but it can't recogize blank dvds... anyone know what the problem is.... and yes it is a dvd burner07:05
BleSSbecause there are packages installed as linux-sound-base (used on desktop rather than server)07:05
JDLimboFlannel, thankyou07:05
KurtKrautBleSS, 'uname -a' prompts what kernel version ?07:05
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ectospasmstuart-:  can you resolve names?07:05
stuart-ectospasm, nope07:05
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ectospasmstuart-:  are you going through a router or anything?07:06
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UsrlDoes anyone know how to configure Kubuntu to show the splash screen on boot/shutdown again? I turned it off, but I can't remember how.07:06
fevelIs there another way to access the trash insteas of an icon on the gnome panel??07:06
ectospasmstuart-:  or is the modem connected directly to your PC07:06
stuart-ectospasm, direct. with other less bundled distros i'd have to pon dsl-provider manually07:06
ectospasmfevel:  ~/.Trash07:06
stuart-and ubuntu seemed to do it automatically for a while, then one day it started and wouldn't stop07:07
ectospasmI dunno, sounds like a problem with the DSL setup07:07
jetscreamerjinxed-: sometimes, or used to be, a symlink was not created in /dev linking a dvd to the block device...  do written dvd's work? a blank cd/dvd won't show much... cat the block device07:07
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UsrlDoes anyone even know a good GUIDE for it? -.-07:08
jinxed-jetscreamer, yeah I just created and iso from a written dvd07:08
ectospasmstuart-:  I've used several Linux-based firewall products, connecting through DSL, and I never had any problems with that aspect07:08
jinxed-but now when i put in my blank dvd nothing happens07:08
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jetscreamerjinxed-: define 'nothing happens'  what do you expect to happen when you put in a blank07:08
XLVstuart-, you could try loading whatever kernel modules needed, in /etc/modules i guess its not loading modules when needed07:08
BleSSKurtKraut: cat /etc/issue -> Ubuntu 6.06 LTS \n \l07:08
xxx_how can i control the CPU speed fans in ubuntu?07:08
finalbetaHow do I perform checkdisks manually?07:08
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ectospasmfinalbeta:  fsck07:09
jetscreamerfsck finalbeta .. on unmounted partitions07:09
jinxed-jetscreamer, I see that there is a disk on the desktop that is blank07:09
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stuart-ectospasm, i mean it DSL works fine. it's just the bootup thing. i have to sudo reconnect every reboot and it's fien for me, but not the other computer illiterate people in my family07:09
sdoubleSometime in the night, my computer decided to stop receiving mouse clicks.  I then tried to restart X and it just sat there for awhile until I did a hard reset.  I'm looking at the /var/log/messages file and see a bunch of -- MARK -- during the computer's idle time last night and in the middle of them is "syslogd 1.4.1#20ubuntu4: restart."  Then MARKs again.  The next non-MARK log is the signal 15 of me trying to fix it.  Can anyone help07:09
sdouble me out here?07:09
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ectospasmstuart-:  my rc.local workaround may work for you then07:09
jetscreamerjinxed-: ok that's gnome... but does your burning app see it07:09
jinxed-jetscreamer, no07:10
jetscreameror kde whichever07:10
jenosi have a problem, who can help me07:10
finalbetaThnx, should ubuntu do this after bad shut downs? It seems t do it at the worst possible times07:10
KurtKrautBleSS, unfortunately my own server is offline at the moment. But I wouldn't be so sure based in these kind of pacakges that this install is a desktop one.07:10
stuart-ectospasm, cool. will try it out now07:10
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jetscreameryes that is when it wants to finalbeta07:10
thechrissdouble: cat /dev/input/mice ;  (or whatever is listed in xorg.conf) move mouse, click.  should give output.  ctrl+c to quit07:10
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jetscreamerone of the times07:10
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ectospasmfinalbeta:  I think fsck is set to check every 30 boots07:10
jetscreamerjinxed-: not sure.07:10
jetscreamerthe days vary, but yeah around 3007:11
shrek3how to share file using samba? one windows, one ubuntu 7.0407:11
thechrissdouble: alternatively, you can reboot from the liveCD, which should still work if it worked in the past, and check the mouse.07:11
BleSSKurtKraut: ok, thanks07:11
bzaksshrek3: first off: terrible movie07:11
jetscreamerjinxed-: does cat /dev/dvd (or whatever the dvd is) return anything?07:11
khyron320hey im having allot of problems seeing gigabit speed with samba im seeing some errors mainly:  rx_no_buffer_count: 56107:11
khyron320     rx_missed_errors: 35407:11
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bzaksshrek3: 2nd, go to ubuntuguide.org it's one of the things under samba07:11
sdoublemouse works great now.  It just randomly does that.  Like there's a glass pane over everything that just prevents clicks07:12
jetscreamerctrl+c to halt it if it does jinxed-07:12
XLVshrek3, system/administration/shared folders, to enable samba in ubuntu07:12
sdoubleit has done this many times07:12
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fyrestrtris there something equivalent to joost for linux?07:12
kambeiWhat is the recommended method, or is there a guide, for installing from a USB flash drive?07:12
Flannel!install | kambei07:12
ubotukambei: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate07:12
shrek3XLV: have done that, but where to find the share folders?07:12
Flannelkambei: there's a guide on the first link07:12
kambeiFlannel: Thank you.07:12
khyron320i ran iperf and it was showing 717mb/sec ..07:12
Abhilashwhen i issue sudo command .. i am getting error -bash: /usr/bin/sudo: Input/output error07:12
sdoublethechris: my cat output is a bunch of crazy symbols everywhere.07:13
shrek3XLV; go to places , got it. thanks u07:13
ectospasmAbhilash:  sounds like /usr/bin/sudo is corrupt07:13
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Abhilashwhat shall i do?07:13
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etzerdhello all07:13
Abhilashectospasm, what shall ido?07:13
jinxed-jetscreamer, nope it says there is no medium in there07:13
thechrissdouble: yes, that is the signals the mouse is sending to the computer.  if the mouse were not plugged in, or malfunctioning, it would show nothing07:13
ectospasmAbhilash:  I dunno, good question07:13
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ectospasmAbhilash:  does it fail for every incantation of sudo07:14
etzerdI just use the feature that call Desktop Multiplier it screw up my system completely. My graphic is all mess up.07:14
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etzerdcan anyone tell me how to remove that thing?07:14
jetscreamerjinxed-: i take it you tried >1 blank ... do written dvd's function as expected?07:14
shrek3can I change the host name?07:15
Abhilashectospasm, any idea?07:15
Abhilashwhen i issue sudo command .. i am getting error -bash: /usr/bin/sudo: Input/output error07:15
jetscreamer/etc/hostname iirc07:15
sdoublethechris: everything is working fine right now.  I'm just a little annoyed about the problem I stated that randomly happens.  It's happened at least 20 times now07:15
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jinxed-jetscreamer, yeah blank cds work for burning and written dvds/cds work and I tried more than one blank dvd07:15
stuart-it worked07:15
jenosPLEASE HELP ME07:15
Abhilashwhen i issue sudo command .. i am getting error -bash: /usr/bin/sudo: Input/output error07:15
KurtKrautjenos, please, turn of caps lock.07:15
ectospasmAbhilash:  perhaps boot into rescue mode and reinstall sudo that way07:15
jetscreamersdouble: i think i've seen that before, no idea though07:15
stuart-ectospasm, thanks.07:15
KurtKrautjenos, *off07:15
linux__alieni am getting this error configure: error: "libxf86vm headers not found"07:15
linux__alienwhen compiling ogre3d07:15
ectospasmstuart-:  did it work?07:15
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stuart-ectospasm, like a charm07:15
linux__alienhas anyone compiled ogre3d in ubuntu?07:16
ectospasmstuart-:  sweeet07:16
etzerdI just use the feature that call Desktop Multiplier it screw up my system completely. My graphic is all mess up.07:16
thechrissdouble: well, you can alway tail the last 500 messages or so from dmesg and /var/log/messages to see if anything comes up for that time span.  tail -n500 <file>07:16
shrek3host and hostname is it the same?07:16
etzerdcan anyone tell me how to remove that thing?07:16
stuart-ectospasm, not happy that ubuntu's acting funny though. it screws up most of the time after i install xubuntu-desktop07:16
thechrissdouble: and dmesg | tail -n50007:16
ectospasmshrek3:  usually07:16
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jenossomeone knows a generator or repositories for ubuntu breezy 5.1007:16
shrek3how to edit? I go in etc/hostname, cannot edit07:16
fyrestrtrjenos: breezy is no longer supported.07:17
ectospasmstuart-:  yeah, I wouldn't trust anything but a fresh install of any of the three main systems (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu)07:17
ectospasmstuart-:  but that's just me07:17
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ectospasmshrek3:  maybe sudo /etc/hostname?07:18
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thechrisshrek3: i would guess either some form of conf.d/hostname, or that you need to gksu gedit /etc/hostname07:18
sdoublethechris: I've said what's in my messges file  I have the MARK lines and then a single line that says "syslogd 1.4.1#20ubuntu4: restart." followed by more MARKS  This is the time it happened because I was using it before the MARKs and started using it again after them07:18
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sdoubleI'll post it on the paste07:18
stuart-ectospasm, not only that. you can't uninstall the other packages after you cross-installed other desktops07:18
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stuart-ectospasm, pure xubuntu gave me problems with nvidia too, and yeah, the poff | pon error too. classic ubuntu's still the best, though i could use a faster WM07:19
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shrek3can I change hostname by using gedit?07:19
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shrek3sudo ...07:19
jinxed-My DVD burner a TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-L532A can see and play dvd/cds and burn cds fine but it doesnt not see any medium when i put in a blank dvd07:19
jetscreameryes shrek307:19
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Flannelshrek3: gksu "gedit /path/to/file"07:19
jetscreamer/etc/hostname iirc, as i said, shrek307:19
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thechrisshrek3: gksu gedit /etc/hostname07:19
Flannel!hostname | shrek307:19
ubotushrek3: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab07:19
Flannelshrek3: make sure you change both files, or you'll no longer be able to sudo07:19
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akoshow can I make windows computer names to resolve on linux?07:20
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Flannelshrek3: Of course, you can also just go to administration > networking07:20
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XLVakos, add them at /etc/hosts07:20
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akosXLV, they are dynamic07:20
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:21
caneri alsways have problem with unraring. i am trying to extract a file from a multi part rar file. although the file is not password protected it sometimes asks for password and sometimes deletes the file it has extracted just after it is done extracting. is this a common problem?07:22
MyelinHello, i am migrating to Ubuntu 7.04. Will 192 MB ram enough to get it installed? Thanks.07:22
stuart-caner, not for me07:22
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itguruMyelin: Sure will be07:22
Dimensional-Doori need som help, i tried reinstalling bzip2 gzip and tar and i get this error, can anyone help????    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32639/07:22
sdoublethechris: here is the /var/log/messages  along with some comments of mine  I was not at my comuter during the -- MARK -- and the line 19 entry  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32638/07:22
FlannelMyelin: it will.  You'll probably want to use the alternate CD to install, it'll go faster.07:22
stuart-btw, are there any faster rar'ing programs out there? ubuntu's default is kinda slow07:22
riotkittiecaner: i have never had that issue. what are you using to unrar?07:22
Myelinitguru AND Flanne. Thanks.07:23
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XLVakos, dont know then, maybe setting up samba or some windows pc as wins server?07:23
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caneri found a similar problem on nternet. it was caused by mismatch of file name extensions. but this time i checked the file extensions.07:23
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desertcstuart-: don't use rar - it is proprietary07:23
akoshow can I set up samba?07:23
akosXLV, i have samba installed07:24
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TtyS2samba works fine with resolving on a win nett07:24
stuart-desertc, i'd love another rar'er07:24
akosXLV, but i guess i need to do some configuring07:24
stuart-desertc, but i have no idea what, for ubuntu07:24
riotkittiecaner:  ah. ive always used the command line tools07:24
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desertcstuart-: bzip2 is good07:24
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ubuntu_i am using ubuntu 6.10 distro boot from dvd07:24
canerstuart- is there any faster alternative for ubuntus default unrar prog07:24
privacycaner: i use UNRAR 3.70 beta 3 freeware on the command line and that workes fine07:24
XLVakos, edit /etc/samba/smb.conf07:24
ubuntu_how can install vlc software?07:25
stuart-btw, i've used k3b too and it seems as slow as ubuntu's default burner. is my pc crappy for ubuntu? xp's apps worked fine though :( and i don't wanna go back to xp07:25
shrek3if PC 1 is connected to PC 2 for some words document editing? how much ram shall I allocated to PC 207:25
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stuart-caner, desertc just recommended me bzip2, which i'm gonna try now07:25
akosXLV, yeah, i knew that... but what should I modify?07:25
riotkittiestuart-: what are your computers specs?07:25
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ubuntu_i search from sypnatic vlc is not there07:25
canerstuart- ok lets give it a try07:25
stuart-riotkittie, p3 667, 768 ram. older, yeah, but it should hold out fine, considering what it did with xp07:25
fyrestrtrubuntu_: enable the multiverse and universe repositories07:26
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XLVakos, dont you think its better to read the thousands guides on the web?07:26
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akosi am searching for them07:26
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thechrissdouble: no idea what the issue is.  something is wrting a test output "MARK" to the file every 20 minutes.  syslog reset for some reason.  nothing indicates something going wrong with the mouse07:26
marsjannnoHi all I have a question. How can i change window decoration in Compiz Fusion?07:26
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stuart-desertc, eh, i already have it. is it text based?07:26
riotkittiestuart-: wow, and youre seeing better performance under xp? thats crazy. i was using a p3 650/750mhz with 256mb laptop for about a year, and it absolutely flewwww under linux compared to xp07:26
ectospasmstuart-, caner:  remember that bzip2 only zips single files... you'll need tar to do multiple files07:26
TtyS2akos: have u installed the smbclient07:27
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Dimensional-Doorhow do i install tar and gzip if i deleted them/???????07:27
riotkittiei just got a "new" p4 3ghz with a gig of ram. i feel silly using it for linux :P07:27
akosTtyS2, yeah07:27
ectospasmDimensional-Door:  gimme a sec07:27
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Dimensional-Doorectospasm ok07:27
marsjannnohow to install window decorations in compiz fusion?07:27
fyrestrtrriotkittie: those are some strange sentiments.07:27
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canerectospasm which ui do you advice. (or are those uis program specific?)07:27
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fyrestrtrmarsjannno: see #ubuntu-effects07:27
stuart-ectospasm, i have tar, but how do i unrar .r00, .r01, .r02 files07:28
FlannelDimensional-Door: Why did you delete them?07:28
sdoublethechris: hmmm.  It was in that time that this happened.  Makes it a little difficult to debug huh?  Thanks for the help, I'll just continue ripping the little bit of hair I have left from my head.  =] 07:28
riotkittieDimensional-Door: sudo aptitude install tar and sudo aptitude install gzip    ... in a term /07:28
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ectospasmstuart-:  heh... use unrar07:28
ectospasmcaner:  tar, gzip and bzip2 are command line programs07:28
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shrek3if accessing another pc through samba for word editing, both pc must have open office or just 1 pc install with open office?07:28
stuart-ectospasm, i just type unrar series.r00 and it'll do the rest for me, right?07:29
ectospasmDimensional-Door:  sudo apt-get install tar gzip07:29
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riotkittiefyrestrtr: well, truth be told, it seems like overkill :P  but my linux machines have always been low end. like the aforementioned laptop, and a 366 k7 with 192mb ram and 7gb :\07:29
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fyrestrtrshrek3: samba is for *file* sharing, not application sharing.07:29
canerectospasm. what does xarchiver use to unrar files?07:29
ectospasmstuart-:  you'll have to read the manpage, I don't use unrar very often07:29
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Dimensional-Doorflannel becuase i was getting erroe, riotkittie and ectospasm, imgetting erros when trying to install07:29
thechrisis there a location that shows the content of the livecd in a downloadable form without making me download the live cd?07:29
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riotkittieand  i mean, they were fine for what i used them for :P07:29
liberfiascoermm.. this si freenode? :D07:29
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ectospasmDimensional-Door:  why did you delete them?07:29
Flannelthechris: What do you mean in a downloadable form?07:29
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riotkittieDimensional-Door: can you summarize that error? or paste it, if its lengthy and complex?07:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:30
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bobovskihi all, has anyone had success getting the logitech v220 wireless mouse working?07:30
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shrek3fyrestrtr: I know, since samba is the emulator for windows, most people do that for simple MS word editing07:30
eegoreWhat is the status on the next release07:30
Dimensional-Doorriotkittie ok i sec07:30
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thechrisFlannel: i want just the kernel an initrd07:30
fyrestrtrshrek3: samba is not an emulator for Windows.07:30
Flannelthechris: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.list  the .list files are all the contents of the CD, http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.manifest the .manifest file is everything the live image has in it.07:30
fyrestrtrshrek3: the people who think that are mistaken.07:30
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Dimensional-Doorriotkittie flannel ectospasm  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32639/07:31
soundray!gutsy > eegore, please read the private message from ubotu07:31
Flannelthechris: you'd want to just download the package that has that.  through the repositories.  I imagine it's the linux-image-[version] -generic07:31
riotkittiesince when is samba a windows emulator?07:31
shrek3fyrestrtr: is a whole suite of program for domain control?07:31
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riotkittiesamba is for networking.07:31
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stuart-samba, de janiero07:31
shrek3for sharing file in windows07:31
riotkittieif there's a windows emulator, its WINE... and Wine Is Not an Emulator ;P07:31
fyrestrtrshrek3: samba is a set of programs to allow networking between linux and Windows. It is not a Windows emulator or anything beyond that.07:31
eegoreI thought samba was for the smb protocol07:31
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ectospasmeegore:  and CIFS07:32
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riotkittieeegore: 'tis07:32
eegoreand cifs07:32
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wepeelhi all. has anyone had any luck getting the logitech v220 wireless mouse to work in edgy?07:32
adoul90can anyone tell me how can i connect my tv using ubuntu?07:32
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shrek3someone told me it can also do domain control?07:32
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stuart-Windows Is Not worth Emulating07:32
ectospasmshrek3:  yes, it can07:32
noelferreirathere's anything better than vmware?07:32
fyrestrtrshrek3: it can.07:32
marsjannnonoone on #ubuntu-effects helps me. How to use emerald window decorations on compiz fusion?07:32
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shrek3do I need to install extra thingy?07:32
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Flannelmarsjannno: have you tried #compiz-fusion?07:32
soundray!tvout > adoul90, please read the private message from ubotu07:32
shrek3for samba to act as a domain controler07:32
saigondragoni think they are two different things marsjanno07:33
ectospasmshrek3:  http://samba.org07:33
thechrisFlannel: i'm in gentoo right now, and i'm not too familiar with dpkg07:33
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justinwray`awaymarsjannno: After you have it installed use `emerald --replace&`07:33
saigondragoni have compiz fusion and it works just fine07:33
c10ckI am trying to resize my main partition using gnome partitioner, but am unable to unmount, due to other devices need to be unmounted manually. i have tried "umount -a" but says devices are all busy07:33
ubotuFor help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)07:33
canerhow can i fasten my usb port? it is really slow for file trasfers (i.e to a flash memory) compared to windows07:33
soundrayc10ck: you can't resize from a running system. Boot a live CD and do it from there.07:33
c10ckoh ok07:34
wepeeloh geez, nevermind the battery wasn't in tight :(07:34
c10cksoundray, thank you07:34
stuart-caner, you have the weirdest problems. flash memory is tons faster for me than direct from camera/phone/etc.07:34
Flannelthechris: Well, you'd download the deb file, and then use dpkg to extract it, and then you can get at the goodies.  Or even just unpack it, since you don't need to do any reconfiguring07:34
noelferreirathere's anything better than vmware?07:34
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eegorewell, is it safe to update my 32 bit dapper boot to feisty then?07:34
fyrestrtrnoelferreira: a separate computer.07:34
stuart-caner, or windows transfers. but i agree that ubuntu on my pc is a little sluggish07:34
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Flanneleegore: you can't upgrade straight from dapper to feisty.  You'll have to go through edgy first07:35
soundrayeegore: you'd have to go via edgy. Better do a fresh install.07:35
thechrisFlannel: where is the file?07:35
noelferreirathtat's only fyrestrtr? i'll need it for mac os07:35
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Flannelthechris: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/base/linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic07:35
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fyrestrtrnoelferreira: buy a mac. Running OSX on anything other than Apple hardware is illegal and is not supported here.07:35
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eegoresoundray: you have any7 idea how lkong that takes to get everything back including the third party apps?07:36
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canerstuart- : sometimes people ask me for a file. when i am throwing it to their usb disks, they always get surprised with the ultra slow transfer07:36
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soundrayeegore: I do indeed. You've got my advice, take it or leave it.07:36
eegoreI can't do that in 50 hours07:36
eegore5 hours07:37
stuart-caner, haha yeah, uncool, seeing the fact that we're on linux07:37
riotkittieoooh. that dpkg error is out of my league. sorry.07:37
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Pulseman_Chaotixhi everybory07:37
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Dimensional-Doorcan you make a data cd with a dvd disc?07:37
retourGood afternoon everybody! I want to be able to log on to my few computers in local network to make remote setups forced shutdowns etc. what application(s) should I install?07:37
xtknightDimensional-Door, yes07:37
fyrestrtrretour: are they all ubuntu?07:38
xtknightDimensional-Door, if you force it.  it seemed to work when i tried it yesterday via k3b07:38
Dimensional-Doorok thanks07:38
retourAll XUBUNTU07:38
jetscreamerjinxed-: ssh retour ?07:38
Pulseman_ChaotixI need to know...  anyone have a tutorial about synfig studio?07:38
xtknightDimensional-Door, but i dont know the official answer (maybe doesnt work with all media, all burners, all progs, etc)07:38
Pulseman_Chaotixyes ssh07:38
jetscreamerssh retour ?07:38
canerstuart- : yeah they usually ask if the problem was with ubuntu. of course i say no, it is not ubuntu. my  usb port :)07:38
itgurueegore: you should upgrade your system like soundray said - it's the best way to make sure that its the same as it is now, just upgraded07:38
Pulseman_Chaotixssh ip_of_machine07:38
retourAll XUBUNTU in IP range wirh netmask07:38
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Dimensional-Doorxtknight ok well it might with brasero07:39
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riotkittieehhh. what speed usb port is it? 2 ? 1 ?07:39
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Dimensional-Doorxtknight yes brasero does make data dvd07:39
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itguruDoes anyone in here use JACK?07:39
xtknightDimensional-Door, what i did in k3b was choose Make data DVD then i told it to do a cd iso07:39
Pulseman_Chaotixwhat is ssh retour?07:39
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retourjestscreamer: shh? hmm can you give me more details please?07:39
ravigehlotHas anyboby been lucky install "Yahoo Messenger"?07:39
fyrestrtrretour: install openssh-server on all of them.07:39
eegore\and that is legal07:40
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ravigehlotI need libssl but apt-get wont find it07:40
xtknightDimensional-Door, actually "burn dvd image" then i specified the cd iso07:40
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retourthank you07:40
Dimensional-Doorxtknight oh07:40
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues07:40
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TtyS2ravigehlot: why not use gaim07:40
Pulseman_Chaotixsearch for libssl0.9.707:40
wassuptrying to upgrade from breezy to dapper typed sudo aptitude dist-upgrade says aptitude does not have super cow powers07:41
jinxed-jetscreamer, what is ssh retour?07:41
xtknightDimensional-Door, keep in mind standard cd drives cant read dvds though, so if you're trying to make a cd for someone else with a cd reader this is a no-go07:41
ravigehlotTtyS2: no camera features07:41
wassupdid i forget something?07:41
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xrisp03any 1 know how to play mp3's on ubuntu07:41
noelferreiraeegore: can you give me an howto for that?07:41
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fyrestrtrif you are tyring to get to feisty, better just go direct and download an install image07:41
jinxed-My DVD burner a TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-L532A can see and play dvd/cds and burn cds fine but it doesnt not see any medium when i put in a blank dvd07:41
Pulseman_Chaotixanyone have a tutorial about synfig studio07:42
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mumbleshi guys and girls - i am trying to make ndiswrapper and i have this come up http://paste.uni.cc/16906/07:42
xtknightjinxed-, i have the same brand of dvd burner and it works well here.  maybe your automount just isn't working correctly.  do burner programs work?07:42
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jinxed-xtknight, only on blank cds07:42
itguruxrisp03: Go to play the file in your application of choice, ubuntu will then prompt you to install support for mp3s07:42
jinxed-xtknight, it doesn't even see blank dvds07:43
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eegorecheck out the freebsd channel07:43
wassupanyone tell me why my aptitude does't have super cow powers?07:43
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xtknightjinxed-, does it work properly on windows?07:43
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xtknightjinxed-, it could be a media problem too07:44
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xrisp03did that and it says i dont have proper codec i tried to find it but i am kinda new to linux07:44
eegorenoelferreira: 3freebsd wopuld be better suited for that07:44
LeoUAhi2all, guys how to run "route add default gw" on system startup?07:44
xtknightactually you have to play it in totem07:44
adoul90soundray: i checked the website but how do i find the 'section "monitor" ' section??07:44
bauer77hey is there a way to use the ubuntu bootable cd rom to change the root password on a hard drive install???07:44
xtknightor it won't prompt you07:44
jetscreamerwassup: apt-get moo07:44
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jetscreamertry it07:44
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SeveredCrossbauer77: Did you...forget it?07:44
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xtknighti like the maximum verbosity "moo"07:45
eegore\crowded channel theough but quiet07:45
ectospasmhuh, LeoUA didn't give time for a response07:45
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TtyS2i wonder what version of yahoo messenger any one would install on ubuntu07:45
bauer77SeveredCross: That is what happened. Total ID10T error07:45
jetscreamerjinxed-: you might mention that it used to see the blank dvd's07:45
=== Kopfgeldjaeger test
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wassupdidn't help got a picture of a cow though07:45
ectospasmTtyS2:  gaim works07:45
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xtknightjetscreamer, jinxed-  oh?  then ya it's an ubuntu problem.  didnt know that07:46
SeveredCrossbauer77: I don't know of any way to change a root password from outside the installation unless you can get write access to /etc/passwd or something07:46
soundrayadoul90: it's in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:46
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=== Kopfgeldjaeger test
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jinxed-xtknight, nah didn't work on windows either07:46
soundray!pm > adoul9007:46
TtyS2ectospasm: agrea, just that he wanted cam function so had a look at the web page for yahoo07:46
itgurubauer77: It's very possible, i do it all the time07:46
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fyrestrtrbauer77: chroot into your install, then just type passwd07:46
xtknightjinxed-, do you have any different brand of dvd media you can try?07:46
jahidcan someone help me about my soundcard?07:46
jetscreamerxtknight: i think it did.. jinxed- tell him if it did or not07:46
jinxed-xtknight, I have tried many discs from two different brands07:46
SeveredCrossOh right, I forgot about chroot.07:46
jahidmy  dont get any sound07:46
xtknightjinxed-, what does it say when you go to burn a dvd disc?07:46
adoul90after i open xorg.conf?07:46
xtknightit just doesn't register that there is empty media there?07:46
soundrayadoul90: you read it.07:47
adoul90what do u mean?07:47
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adoul90its written find the section monitor section07:47
adoul90how do i find it?07:47
jinxed-xtknight, it just says there is no media07:47
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wassupwhat do i need to type to upgrade from breezy to dapper after i change sources.list?07:47
xtknightjinxed-, check the hdparm settings of the drive just to make sure nothing's weird before you buy a new burner.  but i dont know, other than that.  it must be a faulty drive.  you could try cleaning it with compressed air if it's really dusty, or something07:47
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itgurufyrestrtr: That might be a bit beyond bauer77 ;) http://www.newlinuxuser.com/howto-bypass-a-forgotten-root-password/ check this link07:48
fyrestrtradoul90: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:48
jetscreamerjinxed-: it did used to show you the blank dvd's when you put them in, correct? or am i hallucinating?07:48
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fyrestrtritguru: there are many ways to bypass root, init 1 for example :P07:48
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jinxed-xtknight, I don't know I have had about 3 of these drives from cyberpower and they have all been crap07:48
jinxed-my first one worked for about 2 months07:48
itgurufyrestrtr: True!07:48
jinxed-I have read about the drive just being overall crap07:48
xtknightjinxed-, you're getting the same one each time?07:48
jinxed-jetscreamer, nah only blank cds07:49
SeveredCrossI had the same issue with Hitachi-LG drives.07:49
adoul90soundray: i opened xorg.conf, then how do i open the section "monitor" section?07:49
SeveredCrossThey were crap.07:49
SeveredCrossWouldn't work for the life of me.07:49
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fyrestrtradoul90: its called Section "Monitor"07:49
fyrestrtradoul90: just scroll down till you find it.07:49
jinxed-xtknight, they said no other one worked for my laptop07:49
wassupanyone available to help me?07:49
SeveredCrossI finally bitched at Dell hard enough that they sent me a Sony/NEC OptiArc...Works like a charm.07:49
jetscreamerxtknight: i 'guess' i was wrong07:49
xtknightjetscreamer, lol07:49
SeveredCrossjinxed-: Dell told me the same thing.07:49
xtknightjetscreamer, who knows? :P07:49
xtknightjetscreamer, i think it's a dark secret07:49
jetscreamerhe does.07:49
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fyrestrtrSeveredCross: mind your language please.07:49
jinxed-all the forums I have read about my drive is from people saying the drive doesn't work and similar problems to mine07:50
xtknightjinxed-, oh so you dont really have a choice since it's a laptop..07:50
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xtknightjinxed-, tried a firmware update on it?07:50
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SeveredCrossUm, shouldn't you be able to slap just any 2.5" drive in there?07:50
jinxed-xtknight, how would i do that in ubuntu?07:50
fyrestrtryeah, try slapping it -- that'll work!07:50
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wassupcan someone tell me how to upgrade from breezy to dapper after i change the sources.list file?07:50
xtknightjinxed-, i dont know.  dont you have windows too?07:50
jetscreamerboot dos usually07:50
fyrestrtr!upgrade > wassup07:50
ikoniawassup: thats not the best way to do it07:50
fyrestrtrwassup: see the msg from the bot07:51
soundrayadoul90: for goodness sake, have a look at the file and see how it's organized. It's not *that* difficult to work it out.07:51
ikoniawassup: from breezy to dapper is probabably best to do a clean install07:51
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jinxed-xtknight, nope just ubuntu... my harddrive refuses to reformat to allow windows to go on07:51
jetscreameruse the search feature of your editor, adoul9007:51
xtknightjinxed-, type "sudo hdparm -I /dev/hdd" if /dev/hddc is the drive, for example.  then pastebin this output07:51
adoul90its empty07:51
wassupdid that07:51
jinxed-it apparently only will listen to ubuntu07:51
adoul90its completely empty07:51
fyrestrtrjinxed-: eh, did you just say your drive "refuses" to format?07:51
jetscreameryour hd does what ?07:51
soundrayadoul90: then you haven't opened it properly.07:51
adoul90do u think im that stupid07:51
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wassup!upgrade doesn't work07:51
adoul90is it x11 or xll?07:52
fyrestrtrwhat is it ... shaking its head no?07:52
ikoniawassup: as I said a clean install is better for those two versions07:52
wassupsays event not found07:52
xtknightadoul90,  x1107:52
jinxed-xtknight, all it said was: sudo hdparm -I /dev/hdd07:52
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soundrayadoul90: it's X11. Case sensitive07:52
jinxed-fyrestrtr, yep07:52
wassupjust installed breezy, all i have07:52
TtyS2jinxed-: got other things on that hd u wish to save?07:52
ikoniawassup: get another version then07:52
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jinxed-TtyS2, I put it all on cds to back up07:52
xtknightjinxed-, probably recovery partitions not letting you reformat07:52
fyrestrtrjinxed-: you need to discipline it ;)07:52
wassupwon't recogize burner, gotta upgrade07:52
xtknightcan be solved with a nice "dd" :007:53
ikoniawassup: cd burners are generic - it should be fine07:53
fyrestrtrheh heh @ nice dd07:53
adoul90ok thx sry for the prob07:53
jinxed-fyrestrtr, I plan on it... eventually but one problem at a time for me07:53
ikoniawassup: how do you know you don't have a faulty burner ?07:53
xtknightjinxed-, is /dev/hdd the DVD drive there?07:53
TtyS2jinxed-: u wanna erase the entire hd completly?07:53
wassupwill bur mp3s not data or image files07:53
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fyrestrtrwassup: mp3s are data files.07:53
wassupsorry my n is messed up07:54
jinxed-xtknight, eh i don't know what you are saying07:54
ikoniawassup: then thats probably your commands/config as burners either work or don't07:54
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jinxed-TtyS2, eventually i want to go back to have a dual boot07:54
xtknightjinxed-, what's the block device of your dvd burner, as detected by linux?  dont know?07:54
akosI am trying to install samba:07:54
akosThe following packages have unmet dependencies:07:54
akos  samba: Depends: samba-common (= 3.0.24-2ubuntu1) but 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 is to be installed07:54
akosE: Broken packages07:54
jetscreamerdon't nuke the recovery partition, if you have one, unless you have cd or dvd medium to reinstall windows07:54
ikoniaakos: what version of ubuntu are you using ?07:54
jetscreameror unless you're willing to do w/o07:54
jinxed-xtknight, i am not sure07:54
wassupno matter the size says insert disc with* mb available07:54
akosikonia, fiesty07:54
jinxed-xtknight, if you want to check i would let you remote desktop07:55
xtknightjinxed-, type "sudo lshw -short -class disk"07:55
wassuponly recognize time on cd07:55
ikoniaakos samboa 3.0.24-2ubjntu1.2 is not broke. I have it installed fine07:55
akosikonia, maybe, but it says it is broken07:55
akoslemme try it with aptitude07:55
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xtknightjinxed-, the previous cmd should tel you07:55
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xtknightjinxed-, /dev/...07:55
ikoniaakos: do you have any non-standard repo's in ?07:55
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wassupwhat's the ubuntu help site, is ubuntuhelp.com?07:56
ikoniawassup: help.ubuntu.com or www.ubuntuforums.org07:56
jinxed-xtknight, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32641/07:56
eegorenoelferreira: freebsd ships with either KDE or gnome the kernel is basically similar to OSX07:56
crazymanguys i cant watch windows media player streams or real player streams in ubuntu, is there an upgrade to fix this?07:56
akosikonia, it seems aptitude did the trick... it downgraded some packages07:56
ninnghizidhahow to use .diff-files?07:56
xtknightjinxed-, sudo hdparm -I /dev/cdrom07:56
ikoniaakos: do you have any non-standard repo's in ?07:56
xtknightjinxed-, pastebin this07:56
BorinMy sound is acting weird.  When I play a music file or video file, it would repeat the first part of the sound over and over.  I am wondering if there is a way to fix the problem?  i.e. a command that would restart the sound processes.07:56
akosikonia, yes, for compiz07:56
ikoniathat could explain it07:57
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akosikonia, compiz has nothing to do with samba07:57
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ikoniaakos: no it doesn't but it does have depencncies that are higher than ubuntus so not all deps will work07:57
jinxed-xtknight, it just said /dev/cdrom:07:57
jinxed- HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Input/output error07:57
ikoniacan cause conflicts07:57
akosikonia, samba-common was the one that made the error07:57
xtknightjinxed-, try a lowercase i07:57
xtknightjinxed-, sudo hdparm -i /dev/cdrom07:57
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matwcrazyman, try:   http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/07:58
ikoniaakos: yes I see that, but the non-standard repo's can cause it to break.07:58
akosyeah ok07:58
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ikoniacrazyman: don't try that07:58
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crazymanlol ok.. crazyman is stuck07:58
xtknightikonia, dont try what?07:58
jinxed-xtknight, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32642/07:58
ikonia:   http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/07:59
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ikoniadon't use easyubuntu07:59
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crazymanso what d you recommend i do to get the media player and real streams working07:59
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ikoniacrazyman: use the packages in the repo's - the ubuntu forum have guides that walk you through it07:59
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ikoniacrazyman: as does the ubuntu wiki07:59
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages07:59
snowglobeis there a free IRC client for windows that is worth getting, or is mIRC the only one?07:59
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UsrlDoes anyone know how to configure Ubuntu to show the Splash screen on boot?08:00
ikoniasnowglobe: this is ubunu support08:00
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snowglobei know08:00
matwikona, is easy ubuntu bad? Worked for me before08:00
sotec_prodsnowglobe, there are many08:00
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ikoniasnowglobe: so don't ask about windows08:00
ikoniamat its not an ubuntu supported product08:00
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snowglobeikonia: ok, sorry08:00
crazymanok thanks ikonia ill look into it08:00
xtknightjinxed-, i dont see anything glaringly wrong.  i guess i'd look for a DOS/firmware update08:00
ikoniacrazyman: the links on the wiki (https://help.ubuntu.com) will walk you through it08:01
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atselbyhello, where would i go with a question about rythembox?08:01
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xtknightatselby, here08:01
jinxed-xtknight, where would i look for a DOS/firmware update at?08:01
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jahidhi, when i try to test my sound, i get a message  box with this dialogue "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ......"08:01
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atselbythank you xtknight. my question was is there a way for me to have more than one watched directory for music?08:01
xtknightjinxed-, here's the utilities http://www.samsungodd.com/eng/Information/Application/Application.asp08:01
xtknightatselby, not sure maybe someone else has the answer.  you should be able to import more than one if that's what you mean08:02
XD40I am a new Ubuntu User I am tyring to install a file call "setup.tar.gz" and I don't know How to can come one plz let me know how to08:02
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ikoniaXD40: what is the file going to install08:02
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xtknightatselby, ok "watch your library" option you mean?08:02
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jinxed-xtknight, so i clicked on firmware08:02
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jinxed-eh i just don't know what i am looking for08:03
atselbyxtknight, yes. i have it set to ./music, which is where all my music rips to.08:03
jamiliis there any program for linux that can read ntfs?08:03
xtknightjinxed-, sfdndos: program for firmware update in the dos environment08:03
ikoniaXD40: you do know vmware is in the ubuntu repo ?08:03
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sotec_prodjamili, yes.08:03
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xtknightatselby, you could put symlinks to other music directories under /music.  maybe it would work and also watch those08:03
ikoniaXD40: there is also guides on vmware.com to install it using their install routine08:03
jonalegendjamaili: there is ntfs-3g08:03
atselbyxtknight, however i have a sepereate folder, ./music.plus, which i've got demo tapes, and other stuff that i don't tend to play as much, i'd like to be able to watch both directories.08:03
xtknightjinxed-, this is just the utility though you need the firmware also.  im trying to find it, one sec08:03
atselbyxtknight, oh, good idea. i'll try that.08:04
ikoniaXD40: vmware is in the ubuntu package managment repo (use synaptic to access it)08:04
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sotec_prodand native linux ntfs read, but I think it works through ntfs-3g anyway08:04
jamilithanks i'll write that up, just ensuring before i install ubuntu08:04
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jinxed-xtknight, take your time and thank you very much for your help08:04
Cod1I just installed murrine and rebooted, but where do I start it at?08:04
aryr100how can I get or override no public key error in synaptic ?08:04
sotec_prodjamili, using ntfs-3g fried my 80gb ntfs drive. be CAREFUL08:04
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ikoniaaryr100: for which repo ?08:04
aryr100there are many08:04
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ikoniaaryr100: are the ubuntu ones or 3rd part ones ?08:04
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aryr100running ubuntu ultimate 1.408:05
XD40well I been looking every were but I cant find how to install diz thing08:05
Meyvnsotec_prod: is that the NTFS config tool?08:05
ikonia!nickspam >plasma_at_home08:05
sotec_prodI tried moving a media file from ntfs to ntfs 'through' linux, and it fried it. I can't access it at all now08:05
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sotec_prodMeyvn, no. nfts-3g08:05
ikoniaaryr100: sorry - we don't support "ubuntu ultimate" as its not an ubuntu product08:05
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Meyvnsotec_prod: alright08:05
Cod1How do I run Murrine?08:05
aryr100kk thx08:05
ikoniaaryr100: there is a support forum on the ubuntu ultimate site08:06
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Dorothy_I keep getting core dumps on azerus, is there anyway to fix this?08:06
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Dorothy_update repositories?08:06
atselbyxtknight, that works. thank you very much.08:06
ikoniaDorothy_: run azuerus from the command line and we'll be able to see the error, probably a java environment error08:06
plasma_at_homeikonia: and how again, do i turn this off, in my client?08:06
sotec_prodMeyvn, I set up the program and the fstab just like I was instructed to, and it rendered my 80gb drive inoperable, informatable, and generally useless, much like a paperweight.08:06
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xtknightjinxed-, looks like this might be something http://www.dvdrteszt.hu/TS-L532A_SB01.zip08:06
jamilithink i'm gonna install now ->08:06
xtknightatselby, oh maybe you could update a wiki with that info :o08:06
ikoniaplasma_at_home: you stop changing nicks every 2 seconds08:06
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Dorothy_ikonia: yeah that's the error08:06
plasma_at_homeikonia: right..08:06
ikoniaDorothy_: whats the error ?08:06
Meyvnsotec_prod: that sucks, did you lose all data on it?08:07
atselbyxtknight, the ubuntu wiki? certainly.08:07
Dorothy_core dumo in java08:07
plasma_at_homeikonia: well i'll tell you something, remove me from this channel, but don't tell me not to change nicks08:07
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sotec_prodSo if anyone knows how to recover  a ntfs drive, that would be keen of you to divulge :)08:07
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xtknightatselby, ya if there's any rhythmbox articles08:07
atselbyxtknight, i expect there is one.08:07
xtknightatselby, thx08:07
plasma_at_homeikonia: the nick is changed server-wide; i can't for the fact that freenode's hybrid decides to tell it to all channels08:07
ikoniaplasma_at_home: the policy is to not change nicks every 2 seconnds08:07
xtknightatselby, im too lazy :p08:07
plasma_at_homeikonia: the policy of what?08:07
Meyvnsotec_prod: you could try partition magic08:07
plasma_at_homeikonia: freenode, or your channel?08:07
ikoniathe ubuntu channel08:07
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plasma_at_homeif it's the latter, forget it08:07
atselbyxtknight, ah. well you're busy im sure08:07
sotec_prodMeyvn, all the data is still there luckily, because I set up my drives using partitions, just not accessable at all.08:07
plasma_at_homeso i must leave the channel, to change my nick?08:07
plasma_at_homeand then what?08:07
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sotec_prodMeyvn, not a bad idea....08:07
plasma_at_homei will be banned because i join and part a few times within a few seconds?08:07
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sotec_prodno native tools work for recovery08:08
ikoniaplasma_at_home: `I don't care what you do just stop changing nicks every few seconds, its the same for away messages08:08
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Meyvnsotec_prod: i used it on XP to partition my drive before installing ubuntu, quite a decent program08:08
xtknightjinxed-, there's a lot here http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=firmware+TS-L532A&btnG=Search08:08
plasma_at_homesorry but unless you can get _all channels I'm in_ to agree on this policy, i can't see it as anything but stupid childish nonsense08:08
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Dorothy_so is there a fix for this?08:08
plasma_at_homei can turn of away messages in XChat08:08
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plasma_at_homei don't think i can do this for changing nicks08:08
jinxed-so what do i do with that zip i downloaded xtknight08:08
sotec_prodMeyvn, yea, i'm very familiar with ParMag08:08
gizmatixdon't know08:08
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plasma_at_homeyou are, in a certain way, trying to enforce the impossible by using a whacky workaround08:08
Meyvnsotec_prod: ok, good luck then!08:08
ikoniaplasma_at_home: I'm notennforcing anything, I'm asking you to stop08:09
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xtknightjinxed-, ive never flashed a cd drive before so im not really sure08:09
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XLVplasma_at_home, actually nick changing floods is annoying in all channels, very much so in here with 1100 users, lots of activity08:09
sotec_prodno more about windows for me though. not the channel for it.08:09
plasma_at_homeikonia: yeah you are enforcing it because i suspect that in the case i shouldn't "stop" i'll get some kind of .. well i'll be banned or something08:09
jinxed-xtknight, hmm08:09
xtknightjinxed-, also some other firmwares at here, just for reference.  http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/mspant/08:09
Myrttiwell now08:10
sotec_prodwaiting on my ATI replacement fan to come so i can play games again08:10
xtknightjinxed-, not really giving you anything definite now but saving you some searching08:10
Dorothy_I keep getting core dumps from Azerus... it's freaking out because of a java update, is there any fix for this?08:10
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linux_how ican login with root automatic on startup ?08:10
ikoniaplasma_at_home: join #ubuntu-ops and take this up in there if your not happy witht he policy08:10
sotec_prodand have a resolution better than 1024x76808:10
xtknightjinxed-, what im trying to do now is find the latest firmware for the TS-L532A08:10
plasma_at_homeikonia: i don't have a reason to go there08:10
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Myrttiplasma_at_home: yes you do08:10
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PriceChildplasma_at_home, pm please.08:10
jinxed-xtknight, thank you08:10
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Myrttiplasma_at_home: this channel is for Ubuntu support, and this discussion isn't it08:10
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jetscreamerDorothy_: check your java permissions, if they're not good azureus can take a picture of your desktop with azuereus non-minimized and a logfile of activity, and try to put it up as a new torrent...08:11
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sotec_prodlinux_, System, Users n Groups >> Edit the 'root' profile and go to Advanced tab08:11
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jetscreameraka snitch you out08:11
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sotec_prodlinux_, scratch that08:11
sotec_prodhe left.08:11
Dorothy_jetscreamer: that makes no sense to me08:11
HelpMeHi,  I was wondering how to put vista on my computer now that I cave ubuntu.  I want to have both of them at the same time.  How do I do this without erasing everything on my computer?08:11
jetscreamershame, since it's true08:11
Dorothy_how can I check java permissions?08:11
plasma_at_homeMyrtti: i didn't start the discussion; and i also hope you're not saying that i should have just accepted what was told and having shut up08:12
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marcAnyone here use Evolution with Microsoft Exchange08:12
ubotuvista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org08:12
jetscreamernot sure.. i just deleted azureus after it did that to me08:12
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LattywareOK, I am unable to run anything 3D (games fail, glxgears fails, mplayer fails) while using xinerama over 3 displays. I know that it can only display on one screen, but it won't display anywhere for me, does anyone know what my problem is?08:12
jetscreamerDorothy_: ^^08:12
=== BlueStorm [n=BlueStor@a88-113-156-206.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaHelpMe: its easier to put windows on first then install ubuntu. If you want to do it the other way around there is a guide on https://help.ubuntu.com08:12
soundray!dualboot > HelpMe, please read ubotu's private message08:12
plasma_at_homeMyrtti: if ikonia joins #ubuntu-ops, and is willing to discuss it there as well, then i might go, otherwise, what's the point?08:12
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naliothplasma_at_home: ikonia is there, please stop this here and join #ubuntu-ops08:12
Dorothy_thanks for that jetscreamer: so can anyone help me?08:12
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plasma_at_homei'm not joining anything08:12
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %plasma_at_home!*@*] by nalioth
sotec_prodthe drama...08:13
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=== sotec_prod laughs
jetscreamerincluding #ubuntu it would seem, plasma_at_home08:13
ubotuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out08:13
ubotuFor help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)08:13
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=== sotec_prod wonders if his ATI 9700 has TV out...
xtknightjinxed-, maybe this is your problem?  i dont know http://www.tragant.de/support/treiber_artikel.php4?artikelnummer=9438308:13
=== sotec_prod checks
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b-b *!*@ %plasma_at_home!*@*] by nalioth
HelpMehow do I back up my computer?08:14
ikoniaHelpMe: there are multiple techniques, depends what you want to backup08:14
fyrestrtrHelpMe: talk to amanda08:14
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matwbacuppc is what I use08:14
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desertcHelpMe: write your imporant files to a DVD08:15
HelpMeI just wana back up all my data08:15
jinxed-xtknight, Alright i have to go eat lunch but if you figure out what to do with the zip paste in in room #jinx and I will read it08:15
xtknightjinxed-, ok just one sec08:15
HelpMedesertc:    ok08:15
dantalizingHelpMe: If you're new to Linux, I suggest you install sbackup08:15
fyrestrtr!info amanda08:15
xtknightjinxed-, d/l this file http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/mspant/TU51.BIN08:15
ubotuPackage amanda does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas08:15
xtknightjinxed-, i think we will try that one08:15
xtknightjinxed-, then just come back here later and i can help you further08:15
HelpMedantalizing:   Whats that? how do i do that?08:15
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Dorothy_right so I am STILL seeking some assistance: Azerus keeps dumping core. Something to do with Java. Does anyone know of a fix?08:16
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ikoniaDorothy_: put the exact error in a paste bin please08:16
fyrestrtrDorothy_: yeah, use something else other than azureus.08:16
Dorothy_ikonia:  what is the paste bin??08:16
systestanyone know how to keep maintain the display order of two panels on the same edge of the screen across logins?08:16
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Symmetriawas there an ubuntu release of some kind that I missed some how08:17
ikonia!pastebin >dorothy_08:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:17
=== felixhummel [n=dfm21@p5496F3E5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
JDLimbosoneil, what do I need to reformat my hd and reinstall only ubuntu over a vista/ubuntu dual boot?08:17
=== JDLimbo meant so, not soneil
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dantalizingHelpMe: Applications...Add/Remove08:18
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soundrayJDLimbo: instead of reinstalling, you could reformat just the Windows partition with ext3, mount it and use it as your /home partition.08:18
dantalizingHelpMe: then go to "Other" in the left side nav08:18
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dantalizingHelpMe: and scroll down the list of applications08:19
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JDLimbokk thanks08:19
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XD40I am a new Ubuntu User I am tyring to install a file call "setup.tar.gz" and I don't know How to can come one plz let me know how to08:19
ikoniaXD40: I've explained this to you08:19
dantalizingHelpMe: You will see "Simple Backup Config" and "Simple Backup Restore"08:19
Dorothy_ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32643/08:19
ikoniaXD40: vmware is in the ubuntu repo that you can access via synaptic - or you can use the setup instructions on vmware.com to install the vmware package08:19
dantalizingHelpMe: just check the boxes and click apply08:19
Yulquendoes 7.04 support pci expansion cards that adds more serlal ata ports (not for booting)?08:19
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ikoniaDorothy_: where did you install java from ?08:20
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Dorothy_ikonia: update08:20
ikoniaYulquen: if the card/chipset is support - no problem08:20
soundrayYulquen: yes. The common chipsets found on those cards are well supported (even if you do decide to boot from them)08:20
ikoniaDorothy_: looks like the version you've got just isn't compatible08:20
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Dorothy_Ikonia: what's the fix?08:21
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ikoniaDorothy_: downgrade or use a different version or change bit torrent clients I guess08:21
XD40ok cool thank you anyway I can't find that info on the VM site bu thankx anyway08:21
ikoniaXD40: its under the "documetnation" tab08:21
=== merc [n=merc@c-68-84-185-96.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dorothy_Ikonia: okay thanks but that's no help08:21
ikoniaDorothy_: thats the situation though08:22
ikoniaDorothy_: I've given you 3 options08:22
Dorothy_ikonia: I know that's the situation: I told YOU that08:22
Dorothy_Ikonia thanks ut no thanks08:22
ikoniaDorothy_: or there is option 4 - log a bug and wait for it to be fixed08:22
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:22
ikoniaDorothy_: what do you want ?08:22
linux_how i can connect as ROOT automatic on startup without username and password ?08:22
Yulquensoundray: thanks.08:22
Dorothy_ikonia: I want someone's help who has experience with this issue08:22
ikonialinux_: thats not how ubuntu is setup08:22
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ikoniaDorothy_: it looks like an incompatible version issue - which means it not "fixable" with a few tweaks08:23
edsonsomebody install scanner for ubuntu?08:23
ikoniaDorothy_: hence why I have offered you 4 options08:23
Dorothy_ikonia, as I said: thanks but no thanks08:23
ikoniaDorothy_: then log a bug08:23
=== maska [n=maskazzo@host-84-220-89-156.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaDorothy_: and get it fixed08:23
ikoniaDorothy_: or search if there is a bug and see how its progressing08:23
Dorothy_will do ikonia thanks...08:24
ikoniaDorothy_: bugs on on launchapd.net in case you didn't know08:24
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XLVDorothy_, maybe using some other bittorrent client? azureus is resource-hog08:24
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ikoniaXLV I'm told thats not an option, as thats one of the fixes I suggested08:24
erUSULlinux_: first: that would be a *very* *bad* idea. second: ubuntu does not have root user08:24
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eegoreanyone ever play with enlightenment?08:25
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BigToe7000Is it true that linux never ever has had a security patch?08:25
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Dorothy_so if anyone can actually help me with this issue I would apriciate it08:25
desertcBigToe7000: Totally untrue08:25
sotec_prodBigToe7000, not true08:25
ikoniaBigToe7000: nope - and ubuntu-offtopic is the best palce to disscuss it08:25
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linux_ikonia , i know , i want to change something to make it work like i want ... what i need to change ?08:25
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ikoniaDorothy_: its not a "fixable" issue by the looks of it08:25
BigToe7000Thanks, some idiot friend of mine thought they never did :V08:26
nextse7enDoes anyone here have any experience running programs remotley though X?  I need to know how to configure it.08:26
ikoniaDorothy_: it looks like version incompatiblility08:26
avayl-homehey im trying to buy a new thinkpad and want to make sure it will be supported by k/ubuntu + beryl. can yuo guys check this out and see if I should be okay: http://forums.clubrsx.com/showpost.php?p=14486471&postcount=708:26
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Dorothy_ikonia thank you for your opinion I want someone else's, get it?08:26
desertcavayl-home: buy your computer from a vendor who will support the operating system of YOUR choice08:26
soundrayDorothy_: fwiw, I fully concur with ikonia.08:26
ikoniaDorothy_: I do but your looking for a quick fix that I don't believe is there. Have you checked if there is an existing bug08:26
ikoniasoundray: thank you08:26
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zerokill88how do i unmount a device08:27
ikoniazerokill88: right click and hit "unmount or eject"08:27
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davinasudo umount /dev/....08:27
zerokill88ikonia i did and it says mount disagrees with the fstab08:27
sn0whi i have a question, i was dual booting ubuntu and xp, and my xp install got messed up so I need to resinstall, after I do that, how do I get grub back to normal after windows overwrites the master boot record?08:27
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ikonia!grub >snow08:27
ikonia!grub >sn0w08:27
edsonsomebody install scanner Memorex Maxx 6136u for ubuntu?08:28
avayl-homedesertc, who will support ubuntu?08:28
Dorothy_ikonia, thanks... I no longer require you assistance08:28
ikoniazerokill88: ahhh thats annoying.08:28
desertcavayl-home: Check out these recommendations for linux supported hardware vendors08:28
avayl-homedesertc all of them seem to suck08:28
desertcavayl-home http://www.linuxgamingworld.com/2007/05/thoughts08:28
zerokill88ikonia how do i fix it08:28
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ikoniazerokill88: what do you want to unmount08:28
sn0wikonia thnx08:28
nextse7enanyone have experience with remote x servers?08:28
ikoniaavayl-home: there is a hardware compatability list on ubuntu.com08:28
zerokill88ikonia its a volume /dev/sda108:28
ikoniazerokill88: where is it mounted ?08:28
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ikonianextse7en: yes08:29
avayl-homedesertc well okay, but do you think the video card i have in there will be enough for beryl?08:29
Severigood evening08:29
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soundraynextse7en: ask the actual question.08:29
zerokill88ikonia im not sure how do i check08:29
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nextse7ensoundray, I did, no one answered, lol08:29
ikoniazerokill88: what makes you think its mounted ?08:29
zerokill88ikonia ubuntu actually mounted both my volumes at startup08:29
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linux_again []  why i can auto login as root ?08:29
zerokill88ikonia it shows the sda1 and sda4 icon on my desktop08:29
ikonialinux_: ubuntu sets up the root user without a password08:29
soundraynextse7en: sometimes you have to repeat yourself, as new people with different skills log on all the time.08:30
stroyanlinux_: You edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf and change lines to AutomaticLoginEnable=true  and AutomaticLogin=root .   And it is still a bad idea ;-)08:30
ikoniazerokill88: ahhh ok. so you need to open a terminal and type "mount" see where sda1 is mounted and do "sudo umount $path_to_where_sda1_is_mounted"08:30
desertcavayl-home: at this point, you should buy an Intel graphics card with open source drivers.  updating your nvidia drivers when you can't boot to a graphical interface is a nightmare and it happens almost every time ubuntu updates the kernel08:30
linux_stroyan why ?08:30
=== leal [i=leal@201-66-144-56.paemt700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
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stroyanIt is just soooo trusting.  Why do you want it to be like that?08:30
davinazerokill88, goto a terminal and type df -k  it will show you what is mounted08:30
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=== BleSS [n=BleSS@227.Red-83-38-46.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
lealanyone using rt2x00 with feisty? or i need to upgrade to gutsy?08:31
ikonialeal: gusty does not exist yet08:31
PriceChildleal, gutsy isn't finished, don't use it08:31
leali want to use my usb stick as master mode.08:31
zerokill88ikonia davina i typed mount it it says /dev/sda1 on /media/sda1 and i try unmount but i dont have that command08:31
systestlinux_: check the FAQ/Docs, ubuntu is set up to NOT alow root logins, it's all done via groups and sudo08:31
nextse7enikonia: I'm attempting to remotle run firefox on an old school linux box, with no real success. I've managed to telnet into the box I want to host the app, and configure, but when I try to execute an X program on the remote machine.  I ger Xlib: Connection refused by server, client not authorized, xhost: unable to open the display.08:31
soundrayleal: it's worth compiling the model from the CVS sources at the serial monkey project.08:31
ikonialeal: but nothing else will probably work08:31
JDLimbosoundray, if I reformat the windows partition and use it as /home partition, what do I do with my current /home partition?08:31
lealikonia: ok, i just want the kernel...08:31
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ikonialeal: then build a new kernel - don't update to gusty08:32
linux_stroyan , can tell me how to do it with groups ?08:32
PriceChildleal, don't... you're askking for breakage and we can't help you08:32
davinazerokill88, its "umount"  not "unmount"08:32
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ikoniazerokill88: my typo - sory08:32
PriceChildleal, the ralink drivers work fine from system > admin > network afaik... just not with network manager08:32
zerokill88ah ok08:32
lealPriceChild: i'm not asking for breakage..08:32
soundrayJDLimbo: if you have a separate /home already, it's not worth it. I just used it as an example. The literal answer is, move your data over there.08:32
ikoniaoh no - I did typ umount08:32
LattywareOK, I am unable to run anything 3D (games fail, glxgears fails, mplayer fails) while using xinerama over 3 displays. I know that it can only display on one screen, but it won't display anywhere for me, does anyone know what my problem is?08:32
PriceChildleal, so don't use a new kernerl08:32
stroyanlinux_: What do you want to do with groups?08:32
lealPriceChild: i need MASTER Mode.08:32
linux_stroyan , root autologin08:32
BleSSthere is a bug on Ubuntu server; ls -ald /usr/bin/at /var/spool/cron/{atjobs,atspool} ; the dir. must be owned by 'daemon'08:32
ikonialeal: so build a new kernel if its that important to you08:33
PriceChildleal, use the serialmonkey drivers or w/e they're called08:33
ormandjwhat's the best linux-friendly audio (mp3/ogg/flac/etc) portable player right now?08:33
davinazerokill88, have u got any folders open on the device that mounted, or any programs running, it wont let u umount a device if there are still files open08:33
lealPriceChild: i will not.. i'm here to talk to you guys.. if you say so..08:33
kambeiCan anyone recommend some excellent Point of Sale software?08:33
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ikoniaughh another one08:33
=== joevandyk_ [n=joevandy@c-67-183-108-214.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zerokill88davina ya it says device busy but i have folder open let me try again08:33
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ikoniakambei: ask in #php and you'll find some great options08:33
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kambeiikonia: Thanks.08:34
stroyanlinux_: systest was saying that you don't use root autologin.  You normally use a user login that can sudo to root when necessary.08:34
JDLimbosocres_, there's no way to combine two partitions?08:34
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lealPriceChild: but rt2x00 needs a newer kernel... feisty is 2.6.20-16-38608:34
zerokill88davina everyhting is closed and saying device is busy08:34
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mumblesanyone about who has messed about with wireless cards and ndiswrapper ?08:34
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stroyanlinux_: An account in group "adm" can sudo to root.08:34
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kambeiikonia: The software in question would need to be touchscreen friendly.08:35
elfboycan some tell me where i can get belkin driver for my wireless card08:35
ikonialeal: you sound like you REALLY want to update the kernel. So build yourself a new kernel08:35
PriceChildstroyan, admin ?08:35
lealnow i'm compiling the linux- (pristine)..do you know if that version has a working rt2x00?08:35
JDLimbosoundray: so, there's no way to combine two partitions?08:35
linux_kambei , see my problem is that i dont write to protected file ,  i want that some software wiil ba able to write to file ... understand me ?08:35
edsonsomebody install scanner Memorex Maxx 6136u for ubuntu?08:35
B-rabbitone quick question : tar.gz at the end of a file...what dose the .gz stand for? thanx08:35
ikoniakambei: I'm sure the guys in #php will have some apps as touchscreen is not app specific08:35
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PriceChildleal, you're really on your own...08:35
ikonialeal: #join #kernel08:35
Gimm1eDatafter a looooooong night.. im *finally* sitting at the unbuntu desktop08:35
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ikoniaB-rabbit: gzipped08:35
linux_stroyan , see my problem is that i dont write to protected file ,  i want that some software wiil ba able to write to file ... understand me ?08:36
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stroyanPriceChild: Thanks for the correction.  The default sudo group is admin, not adm.08:36
elfboycan some tell me where i can get belkin driver for my wireless card08:36
soundrayBleSS: I can't reproduce that bug here. The directories are already owned by daemon.08:36
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Gimm1eDathow do I look up my IP info.. like in windows I type "ipconfig" and it tells me if the media is disconnected or not.. how do I do that in unbuntu08:36
PriceChildstroyan, adm is something else and not to be confused :)08:36
elfboytyo ifconfig08:36
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ikoniaGimm1eDat: ifconfig or ip addr08:36
BigToe7000ifconfig, Gimm1eDat08:36
Gimm1eDathow do I get to the run box?08:36
marccould anyone recommend a good how to for install compiz-fusion08:36
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elfboyGimm1eDat: press alt and f208:37
ikoniaGimm1eDat: go to sytem --> administation --> then open "networking" and you'll see your ip - like a windows dialog box08:37
B-rabbitGimm1eDat: alt +F208:37
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soundrayelfboy: you need to find out what chipset it uses. Belkin devices use different ones.08:37
soundrayelfboy: how is your card connected?08:37
yucki can't burn a music cd on banshee. What should I do?08:37
elfboyok how do i find that tou08:37
soundrayelfboy: how is your card connected?08:37
stroyanlinux_: I don't really understand what you want to accomplish.  Could you be more specific about your goal?08:37
elfboyBroadcom Corporation BCM430608:38
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elfboybut i cant get it to go online08:38
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krzysz00what ubuntu do you use08:38
elfboyf fawn08:38
yuckit says that i don't have any cd recording hardware but i have a cd burner.08:38
soundrayelfboy: how is it connected? PCI? USB?08:38
linux_i want to save my nvidia screen settings to xorg.conf , and when i click save it give error : cant save to protected file something like this , ok how i can make nvidia wizard to be able to write to this file ?08:39
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linux_stroyan , i want to save my nvidia screen settings to xorg.conf , and when i click save it give error : cant save to protected file something like this , ok how i can make nvidia wizard to be able to write to this file ?08:40
BleSSsoundray: on Ubuntu sever 7.04 are owned by root08:40
ninnghizidhaHow can i mount a *.img - CD/Image-File?08:40
lealPriceChild: you did say that i don't need update the kernel to user master mode? or you are saying to me NO update the kernel?08:40
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PriceChildleal, i'm sure you could just install some other ralink drivers08:40
soundrayelfboy: have a look at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:40
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elfboyi think the driver wold be airforice one08:41
elfboycose uit was onmy laptop08:41
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SoKeKhi, I would like to know how to install the Ati propietary drivers in Kubuntu08:41
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lealhttp://www.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Linux.html ??08:41
linux_someone ?08:41
SoKeKand if you know a way to install beryl with a ATI x140008:42
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SoKeKjoin #ubuntu-es08:43
HelpMeCan somebody peas tell me how to put vista and ubuntu on my computer?  I have ubuntu right now but I wana do a dual boot.08:43
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linux_how i cna make readonly file to writeable ?08:43
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crazymanlinux_ gksu gedit xorg.conf08:44
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TtyS2HelpMe: not sure vista will alove a dual boot08:44
Arno1407Hello. I have a little problem here. Quite stupid, I lost the password to the Keyring Manager :(. Any way to 'reset it?08:44
stroyanlinux_: You normally run administrative commands with a sudo like "sudo nv-xconfig"08:44
crazymanhelpme i run that set up.. u wanna install vista first.. then ubuntu08:44
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user1SoKeK, you could look at envy http://www.albertomilone.com/08:44
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SoKeKuser1 thanks08:45
elfboysome one pink me08:45
HelpMecrazyman:    Any way to do it with ubuntu first?08:45
user1SoKeK, welcome08:45
linux_stroyan , not to edit the file once , i want to cancel the readonly for ever for all the users08:45
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crazymanyes helpme.. its on the wiki.. kinda of a pain in the ass though08:45
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NeonLIghtningi can't get java to install on the live cd any clue what could be causing it08:46
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IndyLucianHi! I just purchased a Belkin F5D9050 WiFi stick to enable wireless network access on my tower running Ubuntu. I found out the stick isn't supported so I searched for drivers. I found some linux drivers at the Ralink site for it (ralink chipset) and I compiled what they had but what do I do after that?08:46
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NeonLIghtningits giving me permission errors wile i'm on sudo bash08:46
stroyanlinux_: I suppose you could "sudo chmod 666 /etc/X11/xorg.conf" .08:46
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crazymanstroyan all he needs to do is gksu gedit xorg.conf08:47
MadFaxerhello all08:47
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user1SoKeK, just an update... I think this could help you more http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Beryl_.28ATI.2908:47
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user1SoKeK, goodluck08:47
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NeonLIghtningi'm trying to run trend housecall but it needs java so eather can someone help me with java or suggest a virus scanner that would be available under apt-get08:47
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MadFaxerim a n00b, ive been trying to install a package manually, and i just can't seem to get it to work.08:47
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SoKeKuser1 thanks again, I'll try08:47
IndyLucianNeonLIghtning, ClamAV08:48
HelpMecrazyman:   So I shouldent do it then?08:48
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user1SoKeK, ok08:48
crazymanwell is your ubuntu very customized?08:48
marcHello all, every time I launch compiz it removes my windows shortcuts like minimize maximize from all applications I have open? any ideas?08:48
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B-rabbitb-rabbit@gondor$  tar -cf jaja.tar.gz /home/b-rabbit/Documents08:48
B-rabbittar: Removing leading `/' from member names....why am i not being able to make a tar file?08:48
desertcMadFaxer: just stick with the Synaptic package manager until you feel more comfortable with the OS08:48
crazymanif you dont mind starting over.. just do vista first then ubuntu.. it works flawlessly08:48
stroyanlinux_: Which users should be changing what inside of xorg.conf?  And what command would you expect them to be using to make those changes?08:48
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desertcmarc: Do you have NVIDIA drivers?08:48
teckB-rabbit:man tar might help you08:49
NeonLIghtningapt-get install ClamAV said E: Couldn't find package ClamAV08:49
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marcdesertc: Yes I do08:49
MadFaxeri'm pretty comfortable with the OS, i've had it for about 2 weeks now....08:49
=== LinuxKid back
desertcmarc: That's a well known issue with the NVIDIA proprietary drivers.  Search for a work around on the 'Net08:49
linux_stroyan , nvidia wizard need to do the change08:49
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desertcmarc: Further questions should be asked in #ubuntu-effects08:49
NeonLIghtningIndyLucian: ?08:49
IndyLucianNeonLIghtning, apt-cache search clam08:49
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marcdesertc: thank you08:49
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linux_stroyan , and not even after "sudo chmod 666 /etc/X11/xorg.conf" its still readonly08:50
IndyLucianHi! I just purchased a Belkin F5D9050 WiFi stick to enable wireless network access on my tower running Ubuntu. I found out the stick isn't supported so I searched for drivers. I found some linux drivers at the Ralink site for it (ralink chipset) and I compiled what they had but what do I do after that?08:50
MadFaxerthis is the first time im trying to install something that is a tar.gz, i extracted it to my desktop, but when i try to make install in the terminal nothing happens. i cd to the file already too08:51
Arno1407Does anyone know how to get rid of the password for Keyring Manager? I was so stupid to loose mine, now I need KM but can't use it.08:51
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NeonLIghtningIndyLucian: just wen't to the next line08:51
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Ximarxhi all08:51
marcdesertc: whats the command to reload the windows manager metacity ___ ?08:51
desertcmarc: Isn't there a menu for that in Beryl manager?08:51
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IndyLucianNeonLIghtning, i just ran the apt-cache. . . says the package name is clamav . . . all lower case08:52
IndyLucianapt-get install clamav08:52
marcdesertc: Yes I quit the Beryl Manager and it did nothing08:52
LePasPsyhi i want to copy my cdrom of game under linux, but this cd is protect08:52
HelpMeHey, I have a problem.  I just installed enemy territory on ubuntu and now whenever I try to make a game or host one, it says cannot write to to somthing.  then half the time the game just exits when i try to make or joine a game08:52
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IndyLucianNeonLIghtning, my bad. . . sudo apt-get install clamav08:52
NeonLIghtningIndyLucian: Package clamav is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:52
IndyLucianhmm. . .08:52
MadFaxerI get this when trying to use the make command:   make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.08:53
lealPriceChild: there is a howto to install a pristine kernel with ubuntu?08:53
IndyLucianNeonLIghtning, goto Synaptic Package Manager and search for clamabv08:53
LePasPsyi try with dd and it don't run 1,6 Mo :o(08:53
linux_someone know waht to do ?08:53
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hsaterahow do i kill the process ktorrent?08:53
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NeonLIghtningyea i was using aptitude i'm trying synaptic now08:53
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|elfboy|wow ok that did not work08:54
Ximarxhsatera: killall ktorrent08:54
LePasPsyhsatera ps -ef|grep -f torrent08:54
MadFaxeris there a file i need to point to in the /usr or /etc directory when using make?08:54
IndyLucian-afk to figure out the wifi stick thing08:54
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LePasPsyhsatera ps -ef|grep -i torrent08:54
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hsaterathx u all08:54
hsateraXimarx: worked08:54
NeonLIghtningforogt to enable universe08:54
user1marc: does this help ? "emerald --replace &"08:55
linux_OMG waht is so hard to make file not readonly ?08:55
HelpMe I have a problem.  I just installed enemy territory on ubuntu and now whenever I try to make a game or host one, it says cannot write to hunkusage.dat   then half the time the game just exits when i try to make or joine a game.  Dose anybody know how to fix this?08:55
Ximarxhsatera: :D08:55
Arno1407Does anyone know how to get rid of the password for Keyring Manager? I was so stupid to loose mine, now I need KM but can't use it.08:55
LePasPsyi want to copy my game, but it protect, there any tools to copy this ?08:55
Cheetahfooti've got the java6 jdk installed, and everything works ... except for gui components ... whenever i try to run a java program with a gui, i get the frame, no errors, but there are no components, just a blank background!08:55
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desertcMadFaxer: you should consider the possibility you need more than a couple weeks experience with linux before you're ready to compile your own packages08:55
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|elfboy|anyone thingk thye can tell when what driver i would need for a Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)08:56
stroyanlinux_: If by "nvidia wizard" you mean /usr/bin/nvidia-settings, then you may get the effect that you want by making that program setuid to root.  But that would be a security concern.  It may be used to do bad things.08:56
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Ximarxcan someone help me with this problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=309532508:56
MadFaxerim trying to learn.08:56
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linux_stroyan , how i can it ? ( nvidia as root) ?08:56
Heathclif anyone here use vmware know if its possible to access other drives from within?  im using ubuntu and running xp in vmware and want access to other drives from winxp08:57
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desertcMadFaxer: frankly, if you're ready to out-smart Ubuntu with your own package management, then you're probably ready to look at another distribution that is more flexible to that sort of work.  Check out Gentoo - you will learn a great deal and it is a very solid distro08:57
MukiEXAnyone here use linux wacom?08:57
NeonLIghtningIndyLucian: found it it was under universe08:57
eppAnyone know what my X server is running on ctrl+alt+f9 not ctrl+alt+F7?08:57
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MadFaxeri've installed other things with the terminal with no prob08:57
|elfboy|anyone thingk thye can tell when what driver i would need for a Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)08:57
desertcMadFaxer: In all seriousness, if your intention is to learn Linux, then Gentoo is the best distro for that purpose.08:57
MadFaxerah, yes, i've heard of Gentoo08:57
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desertcMadFaxer: Ubuntu is built in ways to shield you from learning linux.  And that's not a bad thing.08:58
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stroyanlinux_: sudo chown root /usr/bin/nvidia-settings; sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/nvidia-settings08:58
Cheetahfootanyone have any ideas as to why my java gui apps produce a frame with a blank background?08:58
|elfboy|Gentoo is nice but not fopr some ppl that dontknow a lot about linex08:58
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hsateraanyone here uses rtorrent?08:58
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eppAnyone know what my X server is running on ctrl+alt+f9 not ctrl+alt+F7?08:58
hsateradeluge isn't fitting my need08:58
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Blauhauthow can mount .nrg files ?08:58
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desertc|elfboy|: I have known many, many people who got started using Gentoo because they were passionate about learning Linux, including 14 year old08:58
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fyrestrtrBlauhaut: mount -t iso9660 -o loop foo.nrg /some/where08:59
|elfboy|anyone think they  can tell when what driver i would need for a Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)08:59
Ximarxcan someone help me with this problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=309532508:59
Cheetahfootgentoo blows.08:59
fyrestrtr!wifi > |elfboy|08:59
Arno1407Another problem: I got my Syntek webcam (Asus F3F notebook) working thanks to the wiki, but the picture is upside down and barely in color. Anyone know how to fix that? I have tried to add the 'Color correction' filter in Camorama, but that does not do much.08:59
xerawxif you have a slow processor gentoo is not so hot08:59
=== desertc ignores Cheetahfoot.
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xerawxi would like to try it out cause i have some experience with different binary distros already08:59
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xerawxand i like the idea09:00
PriceChild!kernel | leal09:00
ubotuleal: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:00
fyrestrtrArno1407: well, you could turn the laptop upside down, or hang from the ceiling...09:00
xerawxi just don't have a week for it to install on my pismo : \09:00
user1Hi, I installed 2.6.20-16-386 kernel and when I boot this kernel... the keys "a" "q" "1" etc give me 2 letters itself and its adjecent character. eg. press "a" I get "as" ... anyone who have solved this problem ?09:00
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linux_stroyan , its the same . . .09:00
desertcXimarx: Ask compiz questions in #ubuntu-effects09:00
stroyanepp: Look at FirstVT and VTAllocation settings in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf09:00
IndyLucianHi! I just purchased a Belkin F5D9050 WiFi stick to enable wireless network access on my tower running Ubuntu. I found out the stick isn't supported so I searched for drivers. I found some linux drivers at the Ralink site for it (ralink chipset) and I compiled what they had but what do I do after that?09:00
Arno1407fyrestrtr: :-D09:00
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Blauhautsudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop TATAR\ RAMAZAN\ 1.nrg /media/sanal09:01
Blauhautmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,09:01
Blauhaut       missing codepage or other error09:01
Blauhaut       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try09:01
Blauhaut       dmesg | tail  or so09:01
Blauhautselcuk@selcuk-laptop:/media/Philips/Filmler/TATAR RAMAZAN$09:01
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T-ConnectNeed help. I'm missing these files. ui/lui/../video/xv.h:6:31: error: X11/extensions/Xv.h: No such file or directory and ui/lui/../video/xv.h:7:34: error: X11/extensions/Xvlib.h: No such file or directory09:01
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|elfboy|fyrestrtr: i need there and cold not find what i need09:01
Ximarxdesertc: tnx09:01
MadFaxerBeryl rocks. I cant wait for Compiz fusion!09:01
|elfboy|fyrestrtr: i been there and cold not find what i need09:01
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Ximarxdesertc: it's my first time here09:01
desertcXimarx: Welcome to Ubuntu.  Enjoy the freedom.09:01
linux_how i connect to root ?09:02
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IndyLucianMadFaxer, what do you mean 'you can't wait for compiz-fusion'? you can use it now09:02
stroyanlinux_: Perhaps the program that you are running is not actually /usr/bin/nvidia-settings.  Can you run ps and see what program you are running as the "nvidia wizard"?09:02
Ximarxlinux: sudo -s09:02
desertclinux_: no need to do so - use sudo09:02
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T-ConnectHow come that I don't have Xv.h and Xvlib.h install?09:02
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jonalegendNeonLightning> theres is a virus scanner but i dont think is in the repo, is AVG09:02
MadFaxerstable release already?09:02
b0hawhat do i need to play x264 movies with totem ?09:02
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linux_desertc , i want to have root in the graphic mdoe not in the terminal . . .09:03
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Arno1407linux_: sudo su - gives you root, but better be careful and use sudo09:03
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hsateraXimarx: have u tried beryl?09:03
desertclinux_: no need to do that09:03
eppwell my display is set to 1...09:03
=== fyrestrtr slaps Arno1407 no! bad Arno!
fyrestrtr!root > linux_09:03
linux_desertc , i need !09:03
ferronicahow to play NSV video file format ?09:03
Heathclifdoes anyone here use vmware workstation?09:03
fyrestrtrlinux_: why? for what reason?09:03
Arno1407fyrestrtr: ??????09:03
fyrestrtr!root > Arno140709:03
John1i have on before fyrestrtr09:03
linux_fyrestrtr , i want to change file09:04
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NeonLIghtningjonalegend: yea i totally forogt there was a linux avg09:04
fyrestrtrlinux_: what file, and why do you want to change it?09:04
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John1i have before Heathclif09:04
sauvinferronica, what are you trying to play an NSV with?09:04
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linux_xorg.conf , ineed to change something in it09:04
Arno1407fyrestrtr: I TOLD him to be careful :-)09:04
MadFaxerDo ya'll know of any program that can record sound playing out of the sound card?09:04
hsaterahow do i put "su" command back on?09:04
jonalegendhsatera: use pstree -p to know the proc id then kill -9 "the number of the process"09:04
fyrestrtrferronica: vlc can play it.09:04
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HeathclifJohn1 did you ever access other drives from within the guest os?09:05
John1MadFaxer: audacity should do it i think09:05
linux_fyrestrtr , NVIDIA X server settings , need to change something thete09:05
linux_there *09:05
MadFaxeri.e. to record sound coming from a movie09:05
hsaterajonalegend: i guess i wasn't clear09:05
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sleepsterso I updated to Java 6 through Ubuntu Synaptic, and for some reason all my programs are still using java 1.409:05
fyrestrtrlinux_: read the wiki, it will tell you how.09:05
sleepsterhow would I update it09:05
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John1Heathclif: in windows yes in ubuntu no09:05
ferronicasauvin: i have just downloaded one torrent Video format ----> NSV09:05
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MadFaxercool, i have that, will check it out.09:05
fyrestrtrsleepster: read the java wiki09:05
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fyrestrtr!java > sleepster09:05
sauvinBut what are you trying to play it with (and where did you get it)?09:05
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ferronicafyrestrtr: i tried but no video and voice09:05
linux_fyrestrtr , have url ?09:05
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sleepsterfyrestrtr: where is the java wiki?09:06
fyrestrtr!nvidia > linux_09:06
John1anyone here setup gfxboot on ubuntu 7.04??09:06
T-ConnectHa Ha Ha... You guys crack me up.09:06
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ferronicafyrestrtr: i tried but no video09:06
fyrestrtrsleepster: see the msg from ubotu09:06
linux_fyrestrtr , nooooooooooooooooooooooooo09:06
ferronicafyrestrtr: voice yes09:06
Arno1407Does anyone know how to get rid of the password for Keyring Manager? I was so stupid to loose mine, now I need KM but can't use it.09:06
desertcAll you all asking questions today are going to come back in 1 year and help answer the new people's questions, right?09:06
linux_just tell me how to have root09:06
Heathclifhmm not sure what you mean.  did you access other drives using a winxp guest from ubuntu ?09:06
fyrestrtrferronica: have you already install the codecs?09:06
sleepsterfyrestrtr: thanks09:06
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fyrestrtrlinux_: no, I will not.09:06
HelpMe I have a problem.  I just installed enemy territory on ubuntu and now whenever I try to make a game or host one, it says cannot write to to somthing.  then half the time the game just exits when i try to make or joine a game.09:06
desertclinux_: There is no root on Ubuntu09:06
fyrestrtrlinux_: because you will do something, break your system, and then come in here and complain about it.09:07
ferronicafyrestrtr: what codec09:07
wassupraded from breezy to feisty, edgy worked fine, but when i got to feisty password screen just had a bunch of boxes, had to start over, anyone else have this problem, or just a fluke?09:07
MadFaxerOverall i'm loving Ubuntu...there are lots of little tweaks that have to be made to get things to work right (like changing the window rendering in movie players to allow full screen without being black) but I love it.09:07
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T-ConnectHeh forget the crappy Xv.h and Xvlib.h. I gave up make a program.09:07
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JDLimboanyone ever heard of vista causing trouble while overwriting it with ubuntu, or anything else for that matter? I'm running a feisty/vista dual boot and want to make it just ubuntu09:07
frozty_sahi there. can someone maybe quickly help me with installing java on a ubuntu lts? I tried following some steps that I found in the forum, but I can't find java in repos09:07
desertcMadFaxer: Indeed - rocking the house it does09:07
T-ConnectTrash it go.09:07
John1Heathclif: sorry no i've been able to use physical drives in the windows version of vmware but never in the linux version.09:07
sdoubleHelpMe: excelent game.  did you install it as your user or as root?09:07
fyrestrtr!codes > ferronica09:07
fyrestrtrferronica: see the msg from ubotu09:07
Heathclifoh ok09:07
MadFaxerhaha agreed, desertc09:07
JDLimboI remember hearing about vista causing trouble when I set up the dual boot, but can't find it09:07
ferronicafyrestrtr: main error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `undf'.09:07
linux_fyrestrtr , no i will not ! , i never blame someone who helped me and if something like this will happen i will format and reinstall ubunto . ..09:07
T-ConnectNo BSNES for me.09:07
ferronicaVLC probably does not support this sound or video format.09:07
JDLimbomight have just been for dual booting09:08
desertcMadFaxer: Be sure to burn some extra copies of the liveCD so your friends can try it out, too09:08
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fyrestrtrlinux_: learn to do it the right way first.09:08
HelpMesdouble:  whats? how do i do that?09:08
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desertcMadFaxer: and recommend the Dell/Ubuntu systems to people considering a Vista upgrade09:08
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sotec_prodhelp me, try 'sudo et'09:08
fyrestrtrand to find out how to be root, see the message from the bot09:08
linux_fyrestrtr , you can tell me ?09:08
sotec_prodthat works for me09:08
fyrestrtr!root > linux_09:08
MadFaxerthe liveCD rocks. I've showed all the guys at work and they were freaking out09:08
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fyrestrtrlinux_: see the message from the bot.09:08
xerawxJDLimbo: if you overwrite vista it can't cause trouble anymore ;)09:08
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sdoubleHelpMe: I asked a question, I didn't tell you to do anything.  But you can try running it like sudo et09:08
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MadFaxerI used it to help me fix a boot problem on a windows pc09:08
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hiroshiXin ppc ubuntu, gnash has weird lines on the left of videos on youtube... is there a fix for that?09:09
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fyrestrtrMadFaxer: you should show them a livecd that has compiz enabled ;)09:09
JDLimboheh, I was in circuit city the other day, all their computers were displaying vista. I went around to a few and left the browser at ubuntu.com09:09
desertcMadFaxer: if you can get people to buy the computer from Dell with linux on it - then they don't have to come here to #linux for their support09:09
jhsefdanyone have a problem upgrading fom edgt to feisty?09:09
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linux_fyrestrtr , i sow it and it didnt say how to have access to all the files . . .09:09
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xerawxwhat version of gnash are you running hiroshiX?  I'm using 0.8 and videos dont even play in youtube09:09
MadFaxerThere is a version of the LiveCD with Compiz? I used the built in "Desktop Effects"09:09
HelpMesdouble:  how do i do that?09:09
fyrestrtrlinux_: *read* the wiki first.09:09
ferronicafyrestrtr: what codec should i install09:09
xerawxthey kind of start but just show the loading circle animation thing09:09
desertcMadFaxer: no09:09
hiroshiXxerawx: same version from the backport repositories09:09
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fyrestrtrferronica: just install all :) I don't know which one works for nsv09:10
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NeonLIghtningi coulda sworn ubuntu used to come with xchat installed09:10
hiroshiXxerawx: I had to install codecs after installing gnash, too09:10
sdoubleHelpMe: How do you run it like "sudo et" ?  I don't understand your question09:10
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sotec_prodHelpMe, SUDO ET (not caps)09:10
sotec_prodsudo et09:10
Arno1407Another problem: I got my Syntek webcam (Asus F3F notebook) working thanks to the wiki, but the picture is upside down and barely in color. Anyone know how to fix that? I have tried to add the 'Color correction' filter in Camorama, but that does not do much.09:10
sotec_prodIn the terminal09:10
sotec_prodopen a terminal09:10
jhsefdcomes with xchat09:10
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frozty_sacan someone maybe quickly help me with installing java on a ubuntu lts? I tried following some steps that I found in the forum, but I can't find java in repos09:10
sotec_prodtype sudo et09:10
fyrestrtrArno1407: tired of hanging upside down? ::P09:10
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xerawxhiroshiX: that must be it.. i've heard youtube support is still really raw in 0.809:11
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MadFaxeryeah, the Vista upgrade thing is not cool. I'm trying to learn enough about Ubuntu to where we can switch to it when we go for a new round of PC hardware at work09:11
fyrestrtr!java > frozty_sa09:11
HelpMeYa, it dident work, it just shut down when i started a game09:11
fyrestrtrfrozty_sa: see the message from ubotu09:11
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frozty_sathanks, I will try09:11
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Arno1407fyrstrtr: Yeah, the blood is getting to my head. Hurts almost as much as thinking!09:11
hiroshiXxerawx: ah, poor ppc linux, that's really the only thing it lacks is the flash support09:11
John1frozty_sa: download it from suns page and run the shell script to install it.09:11
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jonalegendfrozty_sa: you have to download java from the java site, there are some steps09:11
fyrestrtrArno1407: that's how you know its working!09:11
MadFaxerI've gotten everybody to use FireFox, and working on getting them to try OpenOffice.org09:11
hsateraxmms owns09:11
desertcMadFaxer: it will save them some money - talk with a technology consultant in your area about coming in and having a talk with management09:11
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frozty_sajonalegend, John1: I've got the shell script thing. where can I find steps to place them?09:12
Arno1407fyrestrtr: Ooooohhh! Is THAT it?! :D09:12
desertcMadFaxer: I could use the business, for example.  *grin*09:12
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eppwhen gdm started up it was on tty7, then the screen flashed and there was a gray screen with a cursor on tty8. But gdm was still on tty7. Then i restarted x and GDM is now on tty9... whats going on?09:12
xerawxhiroshiX: yep, damn adobe/macromedia.. i've read about another way to watch youtube videos with the UnPlug media extension for firefox.. you save the .flv and open it with VLC09:12
John1frozty_sa:  open a terminal, cd to the directory you downloaded the file to and type sudo ./name-of file.sh09:12
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fyrestrtrepp: eh, are you running xgl?09:13
chuchjoin #ubuntu-hr09:13
hiroshiXxerawx: yeah, but that's no fun =P09:13
jonalegendfrozty_sa: in the site of java where you download de .bin, there is a explanantion of a couple of lines09:13
eppfyrestrtr, well i have it setup, but im runing gnome09:13
HelpMesdouble:  ok it worked, but this time the sound dident work09:13
MadFaxerIf we can get our custom Apps to run in Ubuntu, then the deal will be sealed!!09:13
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jhsefdwhats ubuntu-hr?09:13
eppfyrestrtr, without xgl09:13
frozty_saJohn1: won't it then extract to that dir? btw, I'm trying to install the jdk09:13
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linux_fyrestrtr , i have read , what i need is not there do you know how to do waht i need ?09:13
JDLimbosocres_, will the liveCD reformat the whole hd for me or do I have to do it manually?09:13
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fyrestrtrlinux_: what do you want to do? edit xorg.conf as root?09:13
desertcMadFaxer: yeah, a tech consultant will be able to port those09:14
John1frozty_sa: the bin file will start an installer09:14
JDLimbogeez. sorry socres_, xchat keeps completing "so," into your name09:14
quantais there anyone in here with some good postfix knowledge?09:14
xerawxhiroshiX: yeah.. i don't understand why the vlc plugin can't just play them in browser09:14
ferronicafyrestrtr: what codec should i install09:14
fyrestrtrepp: what is on terminal 7?09:14
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sauvinjhsefd, there are different #ubuntu channels for people who speak different languages.09:14
fyrestrtrferronica: are you on 7.04?09:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proprietary - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:14
MadFaxerdesertc, awesomeness.09:14
eppfyrestrtr, blackscreen with a white cursor line.09:14
ferronicafyrestrtr: yes09:14
linux_fyrestrtr , no i want to be able to delete \ cut \  all the files in all the dirs and create new file in any dir i want09:14
fyrestrtrepp: are you running accelrated graphics?09:15
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fyrestrtrlinux_: why?09:15
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eppfyrestrtr, well, thats the thing, I tried to install the new ATi drivers from off the site. and it failed, so i reveryted back. now i dont think theyre working09:15
jportcan someone tell me how to change the menu and text input background color in gnome ?09:15
linux_fyrestrtr , to damage my ubunto ok ?09:15
=== desertc ignores linux_.
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eldkraftwhen I run shieldsup it says that all of my tist 1000 service ports are stealthed. Then lets say I open port 53678 for rtorrent and suddenly shieldsup says that they are just 'closed' and not 'stealthed'. how come?09:16
=== Aquilas [n=Aquilas@pool-71-181-145-98.sctnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MadFaxerSweet! I didn't know Audacity could record stuff!! Nice.09:16
=== hora48 [n=hora48@30-81-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
eldkraftI use firestarter to open up the port for rtorrent09:16
desertcMadFaxer: wait until you see Ubuntu Studio09:16
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hiroshiXxerawx: it's because youtube uses a flash frontend for the flv files, it doesn't just throw flv files straight out to the browser (maybe a greasemonkey script could fix that?)09:16
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desertcbulashaka: welcome!09:16
AquilasSome one tell me what directory the fonts are located please.09:16
fyrestrtrferronica: follow the steps here > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu09:17
shrek3I can copy file from another pc using samba, but not copy over to the other pc, error no permission09:17
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desertc!fonts >shrek309:17
hsateraeldkraft: /home/henrique/Desktop/rtorrent.rc09:17
linux_fyrestrtr , so you can tell me ?09:17
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sauvin!fonts >sauvin09:17
Arno1407Gotta go, bb4n!09:17
hsateraeldkraft: http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/wiki09:18
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer09:18
fiXXXerMetThere is a .net (and other language) development environment for linux called something notebook..  Does anyone know it's full name?09:18
|elfboy|i need the droadcom driver airforce one?09:18
fiXXXerMetOr any .net environment for that mnatter, for linux?09:18
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs09:18
JeevesMosscan someone give me a hand setting up an FTP program?09:18
desertcfiXXXerMet: mono09:18
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sauvinshrek3, I deliberately redirected the output of that command to a private message in order to minimise public channel clutter :\09:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:18
MadFaxerUbuntu studio looks sweet, I will be downloading it soon.09:18
sotec_prodMad, what is Ubuntu Studio?09:18
fyrestrtrlinux_: yes. You must tell me what you want to do, because you are going to something stupid, I can almost guarantee it.09:19
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fyrestrtrsotec_prod: it is a customization of ubuntu09:19
shrek3desertc: what is file sharing got to do with fonts?09:19
sotec_prodi'll look it up09:19
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eppim half tempted to just reinstall ubuntu... this seems unfixable09:20
ys76get yourself?09:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about belkin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
linux_fyrestrtr , first > i want to add php files to var/www , second i want that nvidia X server settings will config my xorg.conf09:20
sauvinepp, what's the problem again, please?09:20
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|elfboy|!Broadcom Corporation BCM430609:20
ys76get yourself?09:20
Vinchenzo28how do i get a keyboard shortcut to launch system monitor?09:20
shrek3how to give full permission read and write 2 way vice versa in samba?09:20
fyrestrtrlinux_: read this > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP it tells you how to *properly* setup your web server.09:21
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fyrestrtrlinux_: pay attention to the section 'Virtual Hosts'09:21
MadFaxerUbuntu Studio is a version with lots of Media stuff in it....like for working with audio and video etc...is that right?09:21
John1Vinchenzo28: one sec ill get the code for you09:21
desertc!shortcuts >Vinchenzo2809:21
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Vinchenzo28desrtc: !shortcuts?09:22
MadFaxerAnd it looks awesome09:22
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eppsauvin, I had XGL and Beryl running perfectly with fglrx. Then i tried to install the most recent ATi drivers. It failed. So i reverted back. Now my X is all messed up. I dont think fglrx is running. GDM starts on tty7, then the screen flashes and there is a gray screen with a cursor on tty9, then if i restart x. GDM shows up on tty10.09:22
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sophie29Hello, good morning. One question (out of topic ok?). If I OC my CPU 266 x 10, does my ram also needs to be at the same speed 266 mhz? Because I have a ddr 3200 I think this one runs 200 mhz by default. But Im not sure. Can someone help me please.09:22
fyrestrtrepp: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:22
linux_fyrestrtr , and waht about the second part ?09:22
desertc!shortcuts |Vinchenzo2809:22
ubotuVinchenzo28: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net09:22
fyrestrtrlinux_: finish the first part, then I'll tell you about the second part.09:23
MadFaxerIm trying to figure out how to record some audio from a video I have. If ya'll know of a way, let me know. I'm looking at Audacity right now09:23
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unagisophie29: are you overclocking the fsb?09:23
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ir8hi all.09:23
shrek3confuse samba and samba smbfs09:23
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sauvinepp, have you tried reconfiguring X?09:23
ir8I have a question about pxe network booting.09:23
eppfyrestrtr, sauvin, http://pastebin.com/m4643a58909:23
eppsauvin, no.09:23
ir8I have a new chipset tha is intel based09:24
sophie29yeah i guess fsb.. I mea Im doing everything from the bios.09:24
Symmetriahrm, I dont suppose there is nayone here who speaks/reads arabic by any chance?09:24
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|elfboy|fyrestrtr: can u tell me where to get the driver for myr wireless card i think its the airforce one driver09:24
linux_fyrestrtr , if give up if you dont want to tell.09:24
taime1does ubuntu run better under vmware or qemu?09:24
unagiwell i cant answer you unless you know......09:24
ir8the kernel on the netinstall witch initird.img is not working for find all my hardware09:24
eppsauvin, also, i uninstalled fglrx from restricted modules. now it doesnt show to reinstall anymore.09:24
shrek3what is the diff between samba and smbfs?09:24
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fyrestrtr!nvidia > linux_09:24
ir8how do i recreate the image file?09:24
sophie29but my question is if the cpu speed 266 needs to be at the same level of the ram09:24
unagiwhat cpu is it sophie2909:24
fyrestrtrlinux_: READ that, that is the last thing I am going to tell you.09:24
desertctaime1 sure09:24
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Vinchenzo28can i get ctrl alt del to run system monitor (xp style)09:24
fyrestrtrMadFaxer: I think mencoder can do that.09:24
sophie29amd athlon 64 4000+09:25
fyrestrtrMadFaxer: in fact, I'm sure it can.09:25
John1Vinchenzo28: i just pm'ed you instructions on how to do it09:25
MadFaxerMencoder, cool...ill check it out09:25
unagi266 isnt the speed of the cpu sophie2909:25
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Vinchenzo28jonh1: didn't get it09:25
sophie29I mean.. i use a multiplier09:25
fyrestrtr|elfboy|: I'm not sure to be honest, because my wifi worked out of the box.09:25
sophie29x10 or x1109:25
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sophie29even x1209:25
MadFaxerI was surprised the Record Sound tool only records stuff from mic09:25
sophie29to OC the speexc09:25
astro76|elfboy|, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4318_%5bAirForce_One_54g%5d#preview09:25
sophie29but my ram options are.. 200, 266 and 330 or something like that09:26
NeonLIghtningi still have yet to find anything that can properly read or even less likely convert rmvb files09:26
sauvinMadfaxer, it's almost certain mencoder can do that. So can mplayer.09:26
fyrestrtrMadFaxer: you need mencoder, it can record only the audio track from a video stream. You just have to get a handle on its 10 billion switches.09:26
unagiok ok ok sophie29 anyway the speed of your ram wouldnt need to be changed because its an AMD.....use what the board asks for.....the fsb will still be 2ghz09:26
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stuart-now that i pretty much got the GUI part of ubuntu down, what's there to learn next?09:26
John1Vinchenzo28: open a terminal type: gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_9 "gnome-system-monitor" press enter then type gconftool-2 -t str --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_9 "gnome-system-monitor" press ctrl+alt+delete then to open the monitor09:26
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fyrestrtrMadFaxer: I did it once to extract the sountrack from a video :D09:26
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fyrestrtrstuart-: the all mighty, all powerfull shell.09:27
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John1Vinchenzo28: include the " marks09:27
MadFaxerFyrestrtr, thanks....i have it installed already, ill check it out now09:27
Vinchenzo28John1: ok thanks09:27
MadFaxerthat's exactly what im trying to do09:27
astro76!terminal | stuart-09:27
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xerawxNeonLIghtning: rmvb files are relatively new, i think only RealPlayer 10 and later plays them09:27
John1Vinchenzo28: let me know if it works09:27
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ubotustuart-: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:27
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sauvinYou wanna talk about 10 billion switches, mplayer ain't lightweight in that department, either.09:27
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NeonLIghtningum realplayer 6 played them09:27
sotec_prodcan't one just install the programs that come with UbuntuStudio and recompile the kernel for low latency?09:27
jamilii burned ubuntustudio's iso image with iso burner and it doesn't boot... any idea why?09:27
stuart-fyrestrtr, i was thinking about that. i can pretty much navigate myself around the shell, and what's next?09:27
stuart-astro76, woo, thanks09:27
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jamilisaying it here since no one seems to be active on ubuntustudio's chan09:28
unagijamili is ur bios set to boot from cdrom09:28
eppsauvin, ill try and reconfigure X09:28
jamilii have09:28
victorihmm which filesystem would you recommend ?09:28
victoridoing a ton of java development with eclipse (background compiles)09:28
fyrestrtrMadFaxer: try http://howto-pages.org/ffmpeg/#strip09:28
fyrestrtrstuart-: bash has many powers, many ... dark powers.09:29
MadFaxerI have mplayer in the applications list, dont see emncoder but I do have it installed09:29
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MadFaxerthanks for the link! awesome09:29
sauvinIf you have mplayer, you have mencoder. do a whereis on it.09:29
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NeonLIghtningis there anything i can use to backup my winxp cdkey because i gotta do a reinstall on this system but i don't remember the cdkey and lost the package09:29
unagidid i enter the xp support chat again09:30
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NeonLIghtninglol no i just only have a running copy of linux on here so i was wondering if there was a linux program i could use to do so09:31
astro76stuart-, yw, here's another good one http://www.tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/html/index.html09:31
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stuart-astro76, neat neat.09:31
unagican u boot into windows NeonLIghtning09:31
stuart-fyrestrtr, i can feel it. the force is strong09:31
NeonLIghtningunagi: nope09:32
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unagithen no i dont think u can09:32
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xifwhat's the best way to connect two monitors to a Feisty box?09:32
NeonLIghtningwell yes but only for around 30 seconds before the screen goes black and it freezes09:32
astro76stuart-, one more ;) http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html09:32
meoblast001i have a question of GRUB09:32
NeonLIghtningright now i'm using aegis virus scanner to scan the xp install09:32
stuart-astro76, that'll keep me occupied tonight.09:32
John1meoblast001: fire away09:32
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sotec_produbuntustudio.org is not opening09:32
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unagivirus scanners are such a waste of time09:33
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taime1if i download source in synaptic, where does it save?09:33
davinaviruses? what are they? ;)09:33
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stuart-hwo do you guys copy lines from a pure text shell anyways? i still don't get that09:33
sotec_proddavina, hehe09:33
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astro76stuart-, select with mouse to copy, middle-click to paste09:33
sotec_prodright clik, copy?09:33
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sotec_prodohhh, duh09:33
stuart-astro76, i mean if you were using a server installation shell, or something, where it's all puer text09:34
Vinchenzo28john1: no luck09:34
meoblast001i want to install GRUB to my MBR. I want it to also have Windows XP on the bootloader, my reason for doing this is so that i can remove Fedora and then install Grub without destroying my computer because my curent copy of Grub is run by the Fedora partition which i plan to format. How would i do this?09:34
astro76stuart-, oh, you can install gpm, which will let you use the mouse in the console to copy/paste09:34
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astro76!info gpm09:34
ubotugpm: General Purpose Mouse Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19.6-23build1 (feisty), package size 340 kB, installed size 660 kB09:34
stuart-astro76, nice. gotta learn up now09:34
MukiEXAnyone know how to give a module more priority?09:34
ir8hello all...09:34
John1ir8: hello09:35
ir8How do i recreate the initrd.gz on the network boot cd.09:35
TheCreationistMy digital camcorder records videos in a .MOD format.  I've never had a problem playing them in Ubuntu before until today.  Now I'm forced to rename each one to .MPG or they won't play.   Does anyone know why this change happened and how I can fix it?09:35
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ir8i need to add a driver to the kernel on the bootup09:35
TheCreationistIf it comes down to just renaming the extension, is there an easy way to bulk-rename extensions?09:35
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MukiEXTheCreationist : That one is possible, but a bitch to do the first time >_<09:35
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eppsauvin, it still starts another xserver on tty9 on system restart. It loads GDM on tty7 then screen switches to tty9 with grey screen. then i manually switch back... then login then restart and its now on tty10...09:36
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meoblast001John1: have any idea of how to fix that problem???09:36
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MukiEXfor file in *.mod ; do mv $file `echo $file | sed 's/\(.*\.\)html/\1mpg/'` ; done09:37
John1meoblast001: you want grub on your mbr indepentant of any OS09:37
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MukiEXWould that do it for you, TheCreationist ?09:37
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meoblast001John1: how would i do that last time i did that on my server it really screwed up09:37
sauvinepp, it goes across my grain to say this, but Ubuntu DID take less time to install than it did to make a pot of coffee. If you don't have a lot of STUFF to worry about, maybe that's the best approach.09:37
meoblast001John1: last time i deleted a partition that is09:38
sotec_prodhere's an objective review of Ubuntu Studio if anyone is interested: http://www.thepcspy.com/articles/linux/review_ubuntu_studio_70409:38
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eppsauvin, i have 80 gigs of files... i would have to backup.09:38
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eppsauvin, 1 more try09:38
sotec_prodi might try Hydrogen...09:38
pace_t_zuluis there something similar to quicksilver available for ubuntu?09:38
astro76MukiEX, rename 's/\.mod$/.mpg/' *.mod ;)09:39
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sauvinI don't even WANT to know how many gigs I have - mostly on external storage :D09:39
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sauvinWhat's quicksilver?09:39
eppsauvin, i think this might have happened when i type vncserver, it might be starting a xserver for people to login to09:39
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eppsauvin, is tehre a way to find out?09:39
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pace_t_zuluit is a very popular launcher for mac os x09:39
MukiEXThanks, astro76 =309:39
meoblast001John1: also know that my key goal is to remove Fedora without messing up my computer so i can boot Ubuntu and Windows09:39
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sauvingo into the services thingie and disable vncserver on launch, maybe?09:40
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sauvinmeoblast, you can't just install ubuntu directly over fedora?09:40
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meoblast001sauvin: i know that i just need to get rid of Fedora so all i have is Windows and Ubuntu09:41
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sauvinDo you know what partition fedora is stored it?09:41
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John1meoblast001: boot from the ubuntu live cd and use gparted to remove your fedora partition then right click on the first partition and make it the boot partition, open a terminal use apt to install grub09:42
JDLimbookay, going to use qtparted to delete vista partition and resize ubuntu partition09:42
meoblast001sauvin: im gonna figure that out in a second09:42
meoblast001John1: i used Wubi09:42
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meoblast001John: can i still do it like that with Wubi?09:42
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JeevesMosscan someone give me a hand with setting up Bind9?09:43
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ikoniaJeevesMoss: whats the problem09:43
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JDLimbohere I go09:43
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John1meoblast001: boot into ubuntu, and open a terminal use apt to install gparted then delete the fedora partition, which was installed first ubuntu or fedora?09:44
sauvinI do have ONE question, though: why nuke fedora?09:44
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meoblast001John1: fedora09:44
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JeevesMossikonia:  well, currently I don't have the static IP (it's the long weekend here, and no one is working), so I need to know if I have everything configured corectly before I ship this unit over seas to be put on-line.  Basiccly I need to know if it's configured corectly, and if I can force it to read the IP from a file (so it's a single edit insted of many edits once I get the IP_09:44
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John1meoblast001: i need to know what partitions you have and what names there under and you get them?09:44
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ikoniaJeevesMoss: just set test it by using for the lookups09:45
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto09:45
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eppsauvin, reinstall it is09:45
ikoniaJeevesMoss: and you should really know what your doing if your installing DNS servers for a living09:45
sajtI like to make a mirror email server, what can download every mail from a pop3, and the users can get the mails from it09:45
Gks2Hello anyone know how to make a Web Painel for Counter Strike 1.6 Dedicate Server ??09:45
meoblast001John1: ok when i find gparted ill have to open it via terminal cuz i cant find it on the menu09:45
sajthow can I make it?09:45
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astro76meoblast001, on ubuntu? it's under administration09:45
ikoniasajt: depends on the email server your running and the authentication and mail box formats you want to use09:45
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John1meoblast001: its under system>administration09:46
LucianIndyAnyone have ANY experience setting up a Belkin F5D9050 Wireless USB stick with ubuntu ff09:46
JeevesMossikonia:  I'm not actully doing this for a living.  This is my personal project.  I need to make sure that my 3 sites are hosted properly on this box (from a single IP) before I send it off09:46
sajtikonia: it is a very new server09:46
ikoniasajt: that means nothing to me09:46
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sajtikonia: what do you prefer?09:46
ikoniaJeevesMoss: so just use to test it - or better still if your just using 3 domains just ask someone else to host it as to use dns properly you will need 2 dns servers09:46
MadFaxer why is it that I have programs installed, but the shortcuts to them don't show up in the applications menu?09:46
ikoniasajt: that doesn't matter09:46
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sajtI thinked about postfix + mysql09:47
meoblast001John1: heres the confusing part: i have a fat16 and i know thats my Dell Utilities, an ntsf and thats Windows an ext3 and thats fedora or ubuntu and a swap09:47
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stuart-what's the text mp3 player again, lame?09:47
ikoniasajt: thats a reasonable offer09:47
meoblast001John1: i think Wubi installed Ubuntu on the NTSF Windows partition09:47
ikoniameoblast001: we don't support wubi here - use the normal ubunt installer09:47
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JeevesMossikonia:  I'm going to host it on my own hardware.  that way I know what's going on with it, and I'm not going to pay someone hosting when I get the ISP line for free.  it dosn't make sense.  Are you able to help me or not?09:47
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daakuare there any tools that help detect changes in config files? i want to figure out what i'm changing to be able to replicate it if needed09:48
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meoblast001iknonia: i did that because my CD drive is broke09:48
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John1meoblast001: it did your better off to download the ubuntu cd and re-install09:48
sajtikonia: the fetchmail is the best solution for it?09:48
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ikoniaJeevesMoss: but you don't know whats going on as you don't know how to test a bind server09:48
John1meoblast001: do you have your xp cd?09:48
meoblast001no it was preinstalled09:48
jatthow do I install skype in dapper? I tried with the repository on09:48
jattdeb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free09:48
jattbut I get dependency problems.09:48
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ikoniaJeevesMoss: ADSL/Cable is not appropriate for hosting, and as I said - you'll need 2 dns servers09:48
jattskype: Depends: libasound2 (> 1.0.12) but 1.0.10-2ubuntu4 is to be installed09:48
JeevesMossikonia:  I know how to test a DNS server.  I DON'T have a static IP here that I can test it on.09:48
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ikoniaJeevesMoss: why do you need a static IP to test it on ?09:48
John1meoblast001: is wiping your pc an option09:48
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meoblast001John1: NO I HAVE IMPORTANT STUFF09:49
ikoniameoblast001: there is a wubi support forum - have you tried them09:49
John1meoblast001: you need to remvoe t09:49
sauvinmeoblast, boot into fedora and check out its mountpoints.09:49
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|tbb|anyone knows how i can enable special touch functions for my acer notebook touchpad09:49
|tbb|like scrolling ...09:49
LucianIndyJeevesMoss, when i hosted a site on my computer I used dyndns.org to obtain static ip and just did a forward on my domain to my IP09:49
meoblast001John1: what's t?09:50
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John1meoblast001: basically you need to delete the fedora partition and then restore the windows mbr.09:50
darthc0dahey i have a question09:50
John1meoblast001: is re-installing ubuntu an option?09:50
JeevesMossikonia:  ok, listen very carefully.  This box will be shipped overseas to be hosted on a static IP.  I currently don't have the new static IP (due to the long weekend here, no one is around to send it to me), and I need to make sure that when this unit arrived at the place where it'll be hosted on a 10Mb/sec line with the STATIC IP that I haven't recived yet from that host, I would like this unit to be configured corectly.09:50
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meoblast001John1: i would have to get it onto my server and put it on Flash Drive09:50
jamilinow this is weird09:50
meoblast001John1: but yes09:51
meoblast001John1: if less than 1 gig09:51
jamilii tried installing ubuntustudio but it failed on copying some file09:51
darthc0dahow can I find my :  Ethernet Module for your network card (e.g.: eepro100, 8139too)09:51
desertcJeevesMoss: this is not paid support - we can steer you in the right direction, but we cannot do your work for you!09:51
MadFaxerI found the binary for ffmpeg....how do i run it? lol09:51
jamilithen i tried to install ubuntu 6.06 which i ordered as "official" cd, it got stuck to "Unpacking linux... Ok, booting to something"09:51
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darthc0dahey i'm trying to find my "ethernet module"09:52
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mattwalstonAnyone have a suggestion for an integrated mail server suite such as Zimbra or Scalix that is a bit leaner for a small deployment?09:52
jamiligues my computer doesn't like linux lol09:52
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JeevesMossikonia:  I never asked for you to do the work for me, I'm asking for help to make sure that I have all the DNS pointers are set up corectly, and if it's possible to have a single FILE (that will contain the IP when I recive it) referenced in the Bin9 configuration files so I don't have to edit a bunch of pages when I recive the IP09:52
meoblast001John1: can it delete Fedora itself?09:52
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Andrew__Hello all, and some one help me with a simple but also stupid mistake I've made?09:52
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desertcdarthc0da: in what context?09:52
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=== desertc ignores JeevesMoss
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jamiliwell, i reburn it09:52
MicroHey all -- im using the 5.1 Breezy LiveCD to backup some data, but i need to install the samba client to copy to my windows machine... But i cant use APT because there is no APT repos for 5.10 anymore. Anyone know where one exists?09:52
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John1meoblast001: boot ubuntu open gparted and delete the ext3 and swap partitions for fedora. right click on the ntfs partiton and click manage flags and make sure its set to boot. this should work but could go wrong.09:53
desertcMicro: That might be a question for launchpad, buddy.09:53
mattwalstonMicro: not sure, but it may be easiest to just download a micro-distro elsewhere09:53
aelliottcan i upgrade to the gutsy gibbon kernel but keep the rest of my system fiesty?09:53
sajtikonia: this is a postfix-mysql server now09:53
Microgod damn it. i dont have any cd-rw's spare... :(09:54
mattwalstonaelliott: yes, but why?09:54
meoblast001John1: ok it will go wrong i know but the ubuntu CD will fix it09:54
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ikoniaJeevesMoss: you can set dns up to use multiple files or parse include files09:54
meoblast001John1: i will get error 22 on GRUB09:54
Andrew250I've forgotten my user name and password.  Do I have to reinstall?09:54
darthc0da@desertc: I'm at the Arch LInux website (I have Ubuntu installed currently but am planning on switching one of my older desktops to Arch) and it want's me to write down my IP, my gateway,  my subnet mask and  my  "Ethernet Module for your network card (e.g.: eepro100, 8139too) ."09:54
mattwalstonaelliott: you can install a vanilla kernel even, just set-up your boot loader and go09:54
aelliottmattwalston: i am getting a bug with firefox freezing when i change page when watching a flash video09:54
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aelliottmattwalston: i read that the new gutsy kernel fixes it, but im not sure how to get it09:54
mattwalstonaelliott: and it is a problem in the feisty kernel?09:54
sauvinaelliott, I get that, too, but it seems like that happens to me only when the flash video is just! starting.09:54
desertcdarthc0da: sorry, not applicable to ubuntu09:55
mattwalstonaelliott: oh ok, did not know of problem09:55
aelliottmattwalston: according to the bugthread i read it is fixed by using gutsy kernel09:55
darthc0daok thanks09:55
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yaustarI have mounted a shared samba drive (WinXP) but it doesn't show any asian fonts in the filename although they are installed on both the XP machine and Linux. Any ideas?09:55
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JeevesMossikonia:  thank you.  that's what I wanted to know.  so insted of typing in the IP, I can use something like "/etc/bind/server_ip.db insted of
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mattwalstonaelliott: just download the deb from the repo and install with dpkg09:55
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aelliottmattwalston: ok cool, ill give it a try now09:55
mattwalstonaelliott: or just d/l the kernel source from kernel.org and roll your own09:55
moyeranyone know how to edit FIREFOX so the theme that im using doesnt effect it.09:55
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ikoniaJeevesMoss: where do you mean typing in the IP ? - there are two things here. 1.) the IP the server listens on 2.) the ip used in the zone files. Which are you talking about09:55
Microdesertc: Launchpad?09:55
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aelliottmattwalston: yeah im planning to do a custom kernel at some point in the next few weeks, but i dont have time tongiht :)09:56
desertc!answers |micro09:56
ubotumicro: Answers to various questions can be found at http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu09:56
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JeevesMossikonia:  the IP that is assigned (the static IP) to the server that's used in the Zone files09:56
John1meoblast001: gimme about 30 mins and ill have a full guide for you. do u have an ubuntu cd?09:56
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ikoniaJeevesMoss: well you need multiple zone files - one for each domain09:56
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meoblast001John1: no but im gonna put it on Flash disk, can i do that?09:57
Andrew250I've forgotten my user name and password to load ubuntu do I have to reinstall?09:57
ikoniaJeevesMoss: but you'll also want to use that IP address to tell bind to "listen" on that IP address for connections09:57
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mattwalstonAndrew250: no09:57
meoblast001John1: can you find me a guide on how to cuz i couldnt? thats really all i need to know how to do?09:57
ikoniaJeevesMoss: and you'll have to register that IP address as a "DNS" server09:57
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mattwalstonAndrew250:  append 1 to boot option for single user mode and passwd user09:57
jamilimeh this time i burn US to dvd-rw lol09:58
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John1meoblast001: i can write a guide for you but you'd need an ubuntu cd. my advice backup everything and wipe the drive09:58
JeevesMossikonia:  yep, got those configured, but @ the bottom of the files where it's asking for the type, and reccord type, IP, etc, I want to know if I can swap the IP for a file name that will have the static IP in it.  I don't feel like editing MANY zone files if I can edit a single file and have all of the zone files read from it09:58
sajtWhere can I find information about this mailserver problem?09:58
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ikoniaJeevesMoss: no - you have to specify the ip09:58
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JeevesMossikonia:  lol, they can't make this simple, can they?09:58
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mattwalstonAndrew250: if you forgot grub password you need to use a root kit and just chroot in and set password09:58
moyeri tried to use themes specifically for firefox hoping it would change the colors and it did, but not for the pages. Im using a dark theme, except i dont want firefox to be dark like the rest of the applications09:58
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raf256hello my ubuntu tries to use ubuntu, help - something is not working :P09:59
Andrew250mattwalston: I'm a noob How do I append 1?09:59
ikoniaraf256: pardon ?09:59
raf256we are in emergency mode (kernel init=/bin/bash since lost oldroot password)09:59
desertcmoyer: ask in #mozilla - firefox has it's own theming09:59
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ikoniaraf256: why are you doing that ?09:59
raf256but command  useradd   doesnt exist, wtf09:59
raf256ikonia: lost old passwords09:59
ikoniaraf256:  don't use "wtf"09:59
linux_i can run "nvidia x server setting" only in root mode some one know how to return it to run for all the users ?09:59
ikoniaraf256: thats not how you recover a password09:59
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raf256ikonia: then how?10:00
mattwalstonAndrew250: hit esc when the count down starts, press e, to edit entry, press e for the line with the kernel on it, add " 1" to the end (no quoted), press enter, press b10:00
moyeryeah but it isnt a firefox theming issue. im using GTK theme for ubuntu but i dont want it to effect the application. but i guess ill ask in there, thanks10:00
ikoniaraf256: just boot into single user mode and change the password10:00
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raf256ikonia: how?10:00
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ikoniaraf256: you don't know how to boot single user - but you changed init=/bin/bash ?10:00
Andrew250what count down?10:00
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raf256ikonia: yea10:00
ikoniaraf256: thats VERY dangerous10:00
sauvinraf256, I had a guy once try to explain a printing problem he was having under Windows 95: "I wrote my stuff and then tried to put it in the printer but the printer didn't do anything so then I put my stuff in the window and then tried to put the window in the printer but the printer just put out another window and i couldn't put the window in the window so then I tried to put the printer into the window..."10:00
raf256ikonia: oh noez10:00
ikoniaraf256: don't boot into bass if you don't understand what your doing10:00
Askaaronhi there. has anyone experience with Cedega 6.0 under Ubuntu 7.04?10:01
Andrew250mattwalston: for grub?10:01
sauvinThis was a guy with a master's degree in physical science, mind you.10:01
ikoniaraf256: just add the word "single" to your kernel boot option. Change the boot option back to the correct init10:01
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raf256ikonia: root password is changed, but ubuntu dissallows to root right into root it would seem (sigh) so apparently creating an user is also needed10:01
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ikoniaraf256: you already created a user at install time10:01
mattwalstonAndrew250: yes, when booting10:01
raf256* dissallows to login right into root (right?)10:01
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raf256ikonia: hmm good point, just change his password.10:01
ikoniaraf256: obviously10:02
ikoniapyro thats uncalled for10:02
mattwalstonAndrew250: then when you see a command prompt, just type "passwd YOURUSERNAME" (No quotes)10:02
ikoniapyro this is a support channel10:02
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pyromy bad10:02
mattwalstonAndrew250: set a password10:02
Andrew250ok thanks I'll give that a try.  Will I be able to create a new user and password after that?10:02
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kazim51I want to install qemu on my lab's pc... there's no internet access there... and there's a rpm based distro... what should I take there on my pendrive?10:02
mattwalstonAndrew250: then type "shutdown -r now"10:02
sauvinBesides, Ubuntu doesn't kick body parts. it DOES kick Windows all up and down the alley, though... :D10:02
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mattwalstonAndrew250: boot and login10:02
ikoniakazim51: what are you talking about an rpm based distro - ubuntu is not rpm based10:02
pyroUbuntu kicks windows10:02
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Andrew250mattwalston: I don't remember my user name either.10:02
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pyrospecially vista10:02
jattvista hahahaha10:03
ikoniapyro again - this is a support channel10:03
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Askaaronpyro: as long as you don't want to play your windows games :-/10:03
kazim51ikonia: yes.. the lab pc has some rpm based distro.. may be fedora etc...10:03
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ikoniakazim51: so what do you want from ubuntu support ?10:03
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mattwalstonAndrew250: oh... then to find your username, type cat /etc/passwd and look at the last line, that is your username10:03
JeevesMossikonia:  any simple way of setting up a FTP server for these 3 sites?10:03
pyroAre you talking to me10:03
ikoniaJeevesMoss: setup an ftp server10:03
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Andrew250ok thanks10:03
ikoniapyro yes10:03
Askaaronhopefully more companies will port their titles to Linux/Mac as well10:03
pyroI want to know how to turn Rmp files into Deb files10:03
kazim51ikonia: ok... for a moment, assume that lab's pc got ubuntu... now tell me what files should I take there?10:03
xerawxms-dos 3.0 > vista10:04
pyrothere my first question10:04
ikoniapyro thats not advisable as rpm's are aimed at different distros than ubuntu or debian based one10:04
anabellehey can i have kde and gnome installed at the same time?10:04
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JeevesMossikonia:  lol, I know how to for a single computer, but I'm lost as to setting it up for a multi site.10:04
raf256btw, why ubuntu dissallows logging directly into root?10:04
Askaaronanyway - did anonye here use Cedega 6.0 with Ubuntu 7.04 yet?10:04
ikoniakazim51: no - as its nothing to do for rpm#s10:04
anabellehey can i have kde and gnome installed at the same time?10:04
Askaaronraf256: for security reasons10:04
jattCP/M>ms-dos 3.0>vista10:04
ikoniaJeevesMoss: just setup chrooted directories or virtuaho hosts10:04
meoblast001xerawx: XP = good | Vista = bad10:04
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pyrodude there has to be a way for an  rpm file to be turn into a deb file10:04
ikonia!offtopic > meoblast00110:04
sauvinraf256, macintosh does something similar. It has to do with trying to keep inexpert users relatively safe from their own boneheadedness.10:04
DShepherdanabelle, yes10:04
Adrian_Anconayes you can anabelle10:04
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Askaaronraf256: it's generally no good idea to log in as root directly.10:04
ikoniapyro there is a way but its very unadvisable10:04
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JeevesMossikonia:  know of any good howtos on-line or do you have a few to help me set it up?10:05
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anabelleis there any downside?? DShepard10:05
ikoniaJeevesMoss: read the wiki10:05
kazim51ikonia: the lab's pc got ubuntu... i've got ubuntu too... the lab's pc has no internet access... i cannot do apt-get there...10:05
JeevesMossikonia:  thanks again for your help with bind10:05
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pyrohow about...where can I get the commands in ubuntu I mean commands that tell me what they do.10:05
kazim51I want to install qemu there.. i can go with deb files10:05
Askaaronpyro: there are rpm to deb converters - google is your friend ;-)10:05
ikoniakazim51: your lying - you said rpm earlier10:05
meoblast001well im out, chances are my computer wont turn back on10:05
ranjanis mythtv frontend a complete standalone system? if i don't need to serve my files does mythtv frontend suffice10:05
Adrian_Anconaanabelle, you will use more harddisk10:05
ikoniaJeevesMoss: don't forget you'll need 2 DNS server to host a domain10:05
astro76raf256 there's a good explanation here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:05
DShepherdanabelle, less available space on the harddrive myabe10:05
Adrian_Anconabut none other10:05
DShepherdAdrian_Ancona, lol10:06
Askaaronpyro: but don't expect miracles - usually rpm files are meant to be used in other distros than debian10:06
akan01nhi, i have everything set here for my Wifi, but im trying to get wpa_supplicant working, im running wpa_supplicant manually with -dd flag to see the problem and i cant find it10:06
anabelle:D cool, Adrian_Ancona and can i have more desktop managers, say xfce also?10:06
kazim51ikonia: there's one pc that has got ubuntu.. i may be lucky to get that! :) :(10:06
yaustarranjan: No10:06
Andrew250mattwalston: I have no pw in grub is for the os.10:06
DShepherdanabelle, yip10:06
ikoniakazim51: what do you want to know ?10:06
sauvinI've actually been told very emphatically that using rpms with ubuntu is inherently dangerous.10:06
anabellei Love UBUNTU!!10:06
Adrian_Anconayes, you will be asked wich one to use at startup10:06
anabellethank you10:06
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ikoniaanabelle: this is a SUPPORT channel - please respect that10:06
ranjanyaustar: thanks, it means i have to have backend to use frontend10:06
mattwalstonAndrew250: good, then you will be able to append the 1 and get to single user10:06
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ikonia!offtopic > anabelle10:06
pyroHey thanks for answering my questions dude10:06
xiambaxis there a compiz type manager for ubuntu?10:06
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jahidhow to know which application is using my sound card?10:07
kazim51ikonia: the question is simple.10:07
Askaaronpyro: if you answer someone directly, put his nick on front if your answer - thanks!10:07
akan01ni have already tried -Dwext and -Dndiswrapper, none of them work... dont know what else i can do, wifi is on and working, color is blue.. :P10:07
yaustarranjan: ? Sorry, I thought you were asking if MythTV frontend was a standalone system (OS). You can run the frontend without the bacend10:07
ikoniakazim51: please re-present it10:07
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desertcxiambax: sure10:07
pyrookay Askaaron10:07
kazim51ikonia: what files (.debs) should I take to my lab's computer to install QEMU there? (because apt-get is not possible there)10:07
ranjanyaustar: cool thanks so install th epackage and i can use it to view tv10:07
pyroI will Askaaron10:07
xiambaxdesertc, how do i find it? or do i have to install it?10:08
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yaustarranjan: As long as the frontend has a backend to connect to, yes10:08
akan01nany wpa_supplicant master here to help me? i cant find the problem...10:08
ikoniakazim51: 1.) I don't believe you as you where talking about an rpm based distro 2.) you need to exaime the qemu package for its dependencies then take all them10:08
desertcxiambax: not sure, there is a special channel for that support, #ubuntu-effects10:08
kazim51ikonia: i mean... if I go with some files.. and then find that there are not enough dependencies10:08
ikoniakazim51: you need to work out the dependencies10:08
ranjanyaustar: that means a back end is necessary eithher on my system or any other system on my lan10:09
kazim51ikonia: exactly... 1 is a good point... 2 is my question.. how can i figure out dependencies ...10:09
desertc!compiz >xiambax10:09
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yaustarranjan: yes10:09
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ikoniakazim51: query the package10:09
sauvinHow do you query the package?10:09
ranjanyaustar: thanks a lot is freevo any easier to configure?10:09
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ikoniasauvin: depends what distro he's talking about10:09
kazim51ikonia: command?10:09
sauvinLet's assume ubuntu, shall we?10:09
ikoniakazim51: depends what distro you want to use10:10
ikoniasauvin: hard to as he's not using ubuntu10:10
blitz-redhey im running compiz fusion, and is there any way to edit a command that starts up a game so that it will revert to metacity before starting the game?10:10
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yaustarranjan: Not sure, I never used Freevo .. and only just started with MythTV10:10
bruenigblitz-red, #ubuntu-effects, no stable release is even out yet10:10
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unagidoes mythtv do HD?10:10
kazim51ikonia: I know you hate rpms... but beleive me I am using Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn10:11
ikoniaunagi: your encoder / card does hd - not the software10:11
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ranjanyaustar: i have IVTV auto installed by ubuntu feisty. how hard is it to install myth10:11
ikoniakazim51: I have no problems with rpms10:11
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unagimy card isnt supported =(10:11
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unagior at least i dont think it is10:11
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kazim51ikonia: what command queries the package on ubuntu?10:12
sauvinI have no problems with rpm, either... under fedora core. I won't use an rpm under ubuntu.10:12
ranjanyaustar: currently i use vlc to view tv with CSRemote (java software to control vlc pvr)10:12
ikoniakazim51: man dpkg10:12
yaustarranjan: Installation instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV_Feisty10:12
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kane77hi.. I got the intel 950 graphic card.. compiz works out of the box (without installing any drivers), however menus and popup bubbles leave a vertical bar... so do I need to install any drivers?10:12
unagiwhats wrong with rpm under ubuntu10:12
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ikoniakane77: there are no drivers. They are included in xorg10:12
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sauvinunagi, I don't think rpm tools would update ubuntu's package management files.10:13
yaustarI have mounted a shared samba drive (WinXP) but it doesn't show any asian fonts in the filename although they are installed on both the XP machine and Linux. Any ideas?10:13
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kane77ikonia, so why the vertical bars?10:13
unagiim running maya rpms on ubuntu10:13
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ikoniayaustar: I've seen this issue on other languages and you have to specify a UTF language at mount time10:13
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yaustarikonia: ahh...10:13
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ikoniayaustar: but I don't have much detail on it10:13
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yaustarikonia: That sounds familar, cheers10:14
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ShackJackkane77: Well, there *are* drivers (xserver-xorg-video-intel), but you might be better asking in #ubuntu-effects ... Dunno if that's theme related or resolution related10:14
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sauvinunagi, and you've gotten away with it. Maya may have downloaded some dependencies that nothing else on your ubuntu system needs - NOW. Later on, you might wind up doing an apt-get that clobbers some of those dependencies because the rpm tools didn't tell the deb system what it did.10:14
mattbrutscherSeveas I have questions about installing ubuntu10:14
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kazim51ikonia: can't find... found dpkg-query but that seems to be something else10:14
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r-cwhat is a good ssh client to use ? any suggestions ???10:15
kane77ShackJack, I doubt it is theme related (this happens in default theme), and I have the usual laptop resolution...10:15
ikoniar-c:  openssh10:15
r-cthanks ikonia10:15
unagisauvin....u convert the rpm to deb and then the deb system installs them......10:15
sauvinWorse, I think it's possible an rpm utility, in installing an rpm on a deb-based system, might clobber ubuntu dependencies, leaving the system in an indeterminate state.10:15
r-ci thought so10:15
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matt2292I'm trying to find the ALSA library configuration file in ubuntu feisty but I can't. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=467359 says that the file should be located in my home folder10:15
sauvinOh? unagi, how did you do this?10:15
sauvinI've heard alien isn't very reliable.10:15
ShackJackkane77: Not really valid logic ;) but you'll want to ask in #ubuntu-effects at any rate...10:15
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unagiwhys that10:16
sayersHow do I make my other Hard Drive acessable without root ?10:16
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sauvinI don't have specifics.10:16
yurimxpxmanwhat's the easiest way to convert flac to wav from the terminal?10:16
aelliottits very rare to find something that is availiable as rpm but not deb10:16
kazim51:( :( :(10:16
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unagii guess if you are trying to install system rpms then no its not a good idea10:16
desertc!alsa |matt229210:16
ubotumatt2292: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:16
sauvinyurimxpman, depends on your affinities. I'd use mplayer.10:16
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kane77ShackJack, ok I'm trying...10:16
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unagibut if you are trying to install programs written for rpm then i dont see the problem10:16
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:16
ShAdoW_LnXHi, i'm configuring a Gamepad for my son but i only get 4 buttons work and the gamepad is a 8 buttons gamepad (Genius Maxfire G-07) is plugged to sound card, any one can tell me how enable 8 buttons? (i try many modules but doesn't work)10:17
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Billy!iso |billy10:17
TrashLikeUshey! how can i fix this: glxinfo | grep rendering10:17
TrashLikeUsdirect rendering: No10:17
TrashLikeUs ???10:17
ShackJackkane77: I myself *occasionally* get "remnants" from effects left onscreen (Compiz Fusion running on Gutsy) :)10:17
PeloShadow6363,  look up the game pad model in the forum    www.ubuntuforums.org10:17
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TrashLikeUslibgl.so seems to be broken10:17
sauvinActually, yurimxpxman, somebody yesterday shared with me the existence of a soundkonverter available in the synaptics repos.10:17
desertcShAdoW_LnX: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-set-up-a-gameportgamepad-or-joystick-in-ubuntu.html10:18
ShackJack!enter | TrashLikeUs10:18
ubotuTrashLikeUs: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:18
matt2292ubotu im trying to enable 6 channel sound instead of just two channel sound10:18
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: What video card you have ?10:18
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:18
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dougbi was wondering what peoples thoughts on cedega was10:18
matt2292desertc im trying to enable 6 channel sound instead of just two channel sound10:18
TrashLikeUsGeForce 4 TI 4200 8x AGP, i ve installed today the nvidia driver 963110:18
aelliotti have cadega, but i am finding wine gives me better results10:19
SpiderDanhello!  I have a hard drive in a USB 2.0 enclosure that's a little suspect.  I've used gparted to repartition and reformat the drive as ext3, but I'd like to run some sort of scandisk-type utility to verify it10:19
SpiderDanfsck and e2fsck complain that the drive is not ext210:19
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desertcmatt2292: sorry - but that is beyond the scope of this channel.  See if you can get some help in #alsa10:19
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ShackJackTrashLikeUs: and you have the nvida driver installed and specified in your xorg.conf?10:19
SpiderDanis there anything I can use?10:19
TrashLikeUsi think so...10:19
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unagiim trying to run a svn command but it says that it isnt installed......what should i do10:20
MicroSpiderDan: You could install gparted to do the partitioning and formatting10:20
TrashLikeUsbut there is something with "nv", it should be "nvidia" but that causes trouble with xserver10:20
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unagisvn checkout10:20
MicroTrashLikeUs: nv is the NVidia driver executable name10:20
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ShackJackTrashLikeUs: Then you're not using the nvidia driver with 3D accelration... Does the restricted drivers manager offer to install the nvidia binary driver?10:20
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PeloSpiderDan,  fsck and e2fsck always complain about ext3 drives not being ext2 to me as well , that idoesn't mean the hdd is bad in any way,  but I have no idea how to do other checks10:20
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Microunagi: If SVN isnt installed then run an apt-get install svn10:20
SpiderDanmicro: that's what I did, as I mentioned.  but I'd like to actually do a low-level check of the disk itself10:20
MicroWhat is it? A flash drive?10:20
kane77ShackJack, mine is not realy that bad either, it is just slightly annoying... and I also noticed that when I tried to move glxgear window the gears stayed at the same position and only the frame moved :/10:21
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SpiderDanit's a PATA drive in a USB enclosure10:21
unagisays package doesnt exist micro10:21
ShackJackkane77: I hear ya... You check out Compiz Fusion - it's what Compiz will become - lots of cool new stuff!10:21
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SpiderDanright now, it's /dev/sdb10:21
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TrashLikeUsrestricted driver manager? dont know, installed was 7184, i thought World of Warcraft crashes uase of this old driver, so i ve took the 963110:21
iRRV1hi - i installed a game (planeshift) that i now want to uninstall...when i hit Games->Planeshift Uninstaller it says10:22
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iRRV1"Failed to execute child process "/opt/PlaneShift/uninstall" (Permission denied)"10:22
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: Open it and see -- it's under Admin menu10:22
MicroWhat is the Ubuntu GNOME file browser called?10:22
pHaselockI'm new to ubuntu and I am trying to install it on a box that has windows already on it. it has two disks and I want to put ubuntu on the second disk and dual  boot10:22
iRRV1micro: nautilus10:22
JeevesMossikonia:  what did you say that FTP setting was called?10:22
PeloiRRV1,  start the uninstaller from the command line with sudo10:22
ShAdoW_LnXdesertc: ok thank i read but i cant get 8 buttons work10:22
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iRRV1Pelo: i dont know where it is10:22
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jahidanyone familier with such problem with sound card ------> audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 !10:23
desertcpHaselock: should be no problem - you'llneed to configure "grub" afterward10:23
ShAdoW_LnXdesertc: thanks.10:23
PeloiRRV1,  where ? how ? did you get this game  ?10:23
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iRRV1Pelo: nvm found it10:23
yaustarikonia: Sorted it, cheers for the hint.10:23
iRRV1Pelo: i downloaded it10:23
desertcShAdoW_LnX: Do searches on google for the information - sounds like an unusual device10:23
iRRV1Pelo: its legal free ofcourse10:23
PeloiRRV1, what format ?10:23
kane77ShackJack, I'm very keen to try that out, I've heard (and seen) lot of good stuff.. :)10:23
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iRRV1Pelo: it was a binary installer that resembled the windows installer10:24
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pHaselockdesertc thanks, I am going through the install wizzard and I don't want to delete my windows partition, how do I prepare the disk space10:24
adaptrincluding bugs ?10:24
pace_t_zulu_anyone here use last.fm?10:24
desertcShAdoW_LnX: Ultimately, you should be able to ask the hardware vendor for drivers - but that's unfortunately not the state of things yet10:24
NaNO2xis there any way to get ubotu for use on another channel?10:24
pHaselockI have a sda and a sdb10:24
TrashLikeUsShackJack: amazing that the solution was closer as i thought ^^ thx! i got to restart...10:24
PeloiRRV1, ic, well if you found the path to the uninstaller you should be fine now10:24
ShAdoW_LnXdesertc: is very old10:24
iRRV1Pelo: thanks anyways!10:24
desertcpHaselock: you need to look at the second device, which is probably /dev/sdb10:24
xiambaxin beryl manager where can i change the minimize effect?10:25
ShAdoW_LnXdesertc: maybe i need to buy a newer one.10:25
sauvinNaN, ubotu is a bot. Bots are very easy to get. Does it have to be specifically ubotu, with its content and all?10:25
ShackJackWhy does restricted drivers mgr ask for a restart upon installing nvidia/ati driver? Just curious...10:25
pace_t_zuluany last.fm users?10:25
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pHaselockhow do I view the contents so I know its the second disk so I can wipe it for the new partition10:25
desertcShAdoW_LnX: sometimes older models are better supported because people have time to write drivers - it all depends on how "open" the hardware is10:25
NaNO2xi'm looking for ubotu for a loco channel?10:25
PeloShackJack,  kernel module stuff problably10:25
=== Retnuh is now known as Retnuh1974
sauvinWhat's a "loco channel"?10:26
desertc!dualboot |pHaselock10:26
ubotupHaselock: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty10:26
ShAdoW_LnXdesertc: ok.10:26
PeloNaNO2x,  go to google and search for  irc bot10:26
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NaNO2xlocal ubuntu group10:26
=== holden [n=holden@d83-184-29-165.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
NaNO2xi've found the bot i just dont know how to make the specific bot working10:26
=== DeepThoughts [n=stefan@deepthoughts.campus.luth.se] has joined #ubuntu
holdencan someone tell me what's the address of the default home page of firefox on ubuntu?10:27
PeloNaNO2x,  you need to be online and you need to run it as a script on your client,  as I recall10:27
desertcEveryone asking here - you should join your local Linux User Group and help promote Linux and Free Software in your community!10:27
=== Joshooa [n=joshua@c-67-160-65-151.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildNaNO2x, ask in #ubuntu-loco10:27
desertc:)  find them through http://www.linux.org10:27
PriceChildNaNO2x, ask in #ubuntu-locoteams sorry10:27
Peloholden, it,s a local page on your hdd10:27
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ShackJackholden: Gosh, I dunno - first thing I changed ;) I *might* be help.ubuntu.com (?)10:27
holdenPelo: I know, I wanted the address10:27
ShackJackholden: Ahhh.. Pelo's right ;)10:28
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Peloholden,  this is it on mine  file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/locales/index-fr_FR.html10:28
Peloholden,  just goto ff prefs, general , reset default home page10:29
holdenPelo: ok...so you're french :) I'll see if it works with me thanks10:29
=== sauvin remarque que l'ordi de Pelo est ... eewww. francophone!
=== nebopolis_ [n=nebopoli@h75-100-93-227.75-100.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkfrogHey guys, my Fedora box has some problems and I booted to an Ubuntu Live CD to get some data off the LVM. Can someone tell me how to mount an LVM from a live cd?10:29
holdenPelo: yeah, I know, but I installed kubuntu and it's messed up10:29
Peloholden,   french canadian10:29
MadFaxerje suis une embecile10:29
str1hi, i am running xubuntu feisty... i want to remove the current xfce 4.4.0 and install 4.4.1 from the net using source install so it will run faster compiled on my machine... do i need to remove the current xfce and if so how is this done ?  thanks10:29
ShackJackMadFaxer: is a girl?10:29
sauvinMadFaxer is a girl?10:29
Pelosauvin,  I knew about you last night , patrick10:29
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ShackJacksauvin: haha10:30
sauvinI'm not Patrick.10:30
holdenPelo: ok, french canadian :)10:30
MadFaxerje suis une fill10:30
Pelosauvin,  nvm I had somene else in mind10:30
desertcstr1: this is not a recommended operation10:30
jahidhi, i have install jdk in my ubuntu, where should i get the bin folder which is containing all those java,javac,javadoc.... files10:30
jahidi mean, i need to set JAVA_HOME variables10:30
Pelojahid,  locate javadoc10:30
str1desertc:  can you please tell me why ?  i also have KDE installed10:30
desertc!distrologic |str110:30
ubotustr1: distrologic is the logic behind using a distribution. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistroLogic10:30
=== Pelo wonders why all the kde ppl aren'T in #kubuntu
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ShackJackPelo: Was just think that myself... :)10:31
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:31
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents10:31
unagican anyone help me with this ewbcam driver......the readme says type make but when i type make it says no path or makefile found......what is it looking for?10:31
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jahidPelo, still i dont get the java installation folder to set it. the "locate javadoc" returned something like this "/usr/share/apps/katepart/syntax/javadoc.xml"10:32
MicroI have smbfs and samba / smbclient installed. but when i try mounting the share it doesnt work.10:32
Microhowever, smbclient can connect and see the files10:32
ShackJackunagi: You want to change to the directory where the stuff your building is..10:32
sauvinunagi, it's looking for a Makefile.10:32
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Pelounagi, sounds like you need to compile from source,  read this page for instrucions,  look under tar.gz    http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/10:32
unagiits a driver for my webcam....am i suppose to point it to the kernel?10:32
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desertc!webcam |unagi10:33
ubotuunagi: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:33
sauvinunagi, the driver came in .tar.gz form already, no?10:33
unagino it was in a zip and had a bunch of files in it10:33
sauvinMmkay, and you unzipped it, correct?10:33
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skkaneanyone using tribe 3?10:33
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yerethhi guys.. do you know a good tool to rip copy-protected CDs?10:33
unagioh wait10:34
doom_steranyone knows if i can "make" an application work with a certain soundcard on my system? (i have 2 soundcards, and the application doesnt have a menu to choose)10:34
unagii think i was in the wrong dir10:34
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sauvinAnd then you went into an xterm or other console, and navigated to that directory, yes?10:34
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Pelojahid, I thouggt you wanted to know whre it was located,   but I think I have ti now,  it wants you to specifty a java folder , I suggest you make one in your /home/user/ folder    /home/user/.java   should do10:34
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ShackJackskkane: Check out #ubuntu+110:34
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unagii was...i appologize10:34
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skkaneShackJack, thanks10:34
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sauvinforget your apology, just build your driver! :D10:34
yerethhi guys.. do you know a good tool to rip copy-protected CDs?10:34
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desertcunagi: no worries10:35
Pelodoom_ster,  I would lok that up in the forum10:35
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Brad1How can I check my CPU information (clock speed / type) within ubuntu?10:35
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ShackJackyereth: Now why would you want to do that ;)  Sound Juicer for Music CD's10:35
doom_sterwith what search inquiry Pelo ?10:35
=== LinuxKid brb
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yerethShackJack: ;) ok thanks..10:35
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ShackJackBrad1: cat /proc/cpuinfo10:36
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MadFaxerim about to reboot into XP so i can record this song from this video.10:36
Pelodoom_ster,  keywords relating to your problem,   soundcard game,  specific soundcard,  other soundcard  etc10:36
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RiCCo69I need some help installing my wireless network. I have ubuntu installed on my laptop and I cant get this ndiswrapper to install. sorry I'm a newby at linux. I know what my wirless card is but I dont know how to get it to work any help would be much apreciated10:36
yerethShackJack: it really pisses me off.. not being able to play a legally bought cd at all10:36
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Brad1ShackJack: thanks10:37
ShackJackyereth: These are music CD's no? If so Soundjuicer shouldn't have a problem...10:37
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Pelo!wifi | RiCCo69  here are the basic , I can'T help but someone else may be able to further10:37
ubotuRiCCo69  here are the basic , I can'T help but someone else may be able to further: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:37
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ShackJackBrad1: No problem - if you have dual core, it'll list each one separetly...10:37
yerethShackJack: yes.. but sound-juicer doesn't see my disc, where amarok at least can read how many tracks are on the disc10:37
sauvinI get kinda teed off when I can't play a legally purchased DVD.10:37
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yerethShackJack: ow no.. selected the wrong drive.. my mistake :)10:37
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:37
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unagii like it when makefiles dont give errors =)10:38
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unagilinux makes me happy10:38
ShackJackyereth: This might have some more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping10:38
Pelosauvin,  stop purchasing legal dvds10:38
sauvinPelo, not an option.10:38
desertcunagi: you may run into problems, but you feel smarter when you figure them out10:38
yerethShackJack: thanks :)10:38
Pelosauvin,  did you instal that libdvdcss thingy ?10:38
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RiCCo69yeah i been there10:38
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RiCCo69it tells me to install ndiswrapper, says it's oon the cd10:38
akan01nany wpa_supplicant master here to help me? i cant find the problem10:38
MadFaxercan someone PM me and help me install a program?10:39
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RiCCo69 when o go to add prog it's not on  the list10:39
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yerethShackJack: the juice is pouring.. :)10:39
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desertcMadFaxer: ubuntu is not a distro you want to be installing programs... I thought we already discussed this...10:39
anebneed help....10:39
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ShackJackyereth: Haha - nice...10:39
desertcaneb: What's up?10:39
sauvinPelo, without that lib, i can't play jack.10:39
PeloRiCCo69,  put the ubuntu cd in the comp,    open the terminal,  type  sudo apt-get update  then type sudo apt-get upgrade   then  sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper10:39
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wepeelWhat is an appropriate channel to ask about games and software?10:39
JeevesMosscan anyone help me set up a multihomed FTP server?10:40
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=== LinuxKid back
RiCCo69thax pelo10:40
TrashLikeUsShackJack: i still got problems, i ve activated to use the restricted driver thingy, but after reboot crashed xserver. through deleting the lind BusID and change nvidia to nv it goes10:40
Pelo!dvd | sauvin  have you been here ?10:40
ubotusauvin  have you been here ?: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:40
ShackJackwepeel: Here's O.K... but many software projects have their own dedicated channels as well...10:40
anebdesertc: ver y very very basic dpkg (software installer) problem....10:40
TrashLikeUsbut still rednering missing Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"10:40
=== Serman is now known as Tsaran
MadFaxerYeah, we did...this one is made for Ubuntu though10:40
desertcwepeel: check out linux gaming world website *smile* but there isn't really a channel on freenode for games10:40
sauvinI did NOT know about a dvdcss2!10:40
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JeevesMossdesertc:  do you know how to set up a multihomed FTP server?10:40
PeloTrashLikeUs,  the ppl in #ubuntu-effects are usualy very good with video stuff you might consider asking them for help10:41
desertcaneb: have you checked whether it is availble in synaptic?10:41
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gufoioje056379 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 116905810:41
ieknmyfx857387571 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 677304624010:41
vpipea0325639910 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 59521382910:41
rpgsfllgqa28257267528 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 29914210:41
tewaeeroh01616076185 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3563666307910:41
aideigwioi11345418 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 31487310:41
woslebere084751995 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 125547410:41
wfzhimmj54935279 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 621734289610:41
lscmadzo238575 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 20939010:41
aiaiyeoo95169136179 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1173338056110:41
cdepecsb0473265584 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 699235990510:41
etyjndvaqos763771 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 56412164910:41
lxuouemaob977323 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0139008678110:41
oawuchzxx6224721396 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 292682634010:41
acrauk784714 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 82336510:41
dysoacyzp382888 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 616981310:41
ouawtfaulth090532 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0838717410:41
bteiugalou8958641962 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3357577207410:41
zpqyyso117060335 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8815546710:41
pdoijcex855824925 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 985212610:41
aiaxkrr1912241420 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 76720966210:41
sieddeedog31346330490 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 02117310:41
ugabaonuc0051643363 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5206015510:41
efjqrseagde82969684 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 88829911910:41
bedmzhurlrx37184264235 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 02564510:41
nilfeez9244985 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0771549310:41
uiqyehivsoo885519320 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3714757402410:41
ikiugoaiye08295253403 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 63016810:41
ouockltipd2403869555 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7329285194210:41
ijviuzwsv00502769007 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 96115310:41
ucepcm2934476357 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3704509510710:41
thatnyl21843287170 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0218102753410:41
zzqiiauunf62490431 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4890359210:41
aogsppihx028516779 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 258188816910:41
leiumhersgw984435649 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 773097404910:41
oyvxteruca7699974 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 29976379710:41
pnmcrc574569155 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 08848432510:41
aekulyk470961116 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 167111310:41
wnjudpztcz6747171553 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 45104505310:41
claoarei9942991 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0911062089810:41
exfmhojkb6197822 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 139541578610:41
tupuoapgiuz0479654 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5699976110:41
eiyflkq69306733096 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4067780643010:41
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ieknmyfx680212 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 789767210:41
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gufoioje7115223 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 042932410:41
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cdepecsb64801273 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1927928767210:41
vpipea38464934 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7447168235510:41
wfzhimmj349697451 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 269480301210:41
aiaiyeoo101348773 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 207115810:41
sieddeedog6345792364 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8935935656710:41
aiaxkrr879522 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 876751018610:41
ucepcm4925081 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0406215810:41
ijviuzwsv99052495 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 156408921010:41
oawuchzxx9896070 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 83979596810:41
acrauk23374806425 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 400299810:41
zpqyyso984377 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3042020110:41
etyjndvaqos685665 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0244911888510:41
efjqrseagde9790669 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 541242810:41
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ugabaonuc68099931640 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 391667610:41
nilfeez165456 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 68407001510:41
uiqyehivsoo562912 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9099507210:41
aideigwioi78727959 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 251123410:41
pdoijcex8713123336 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 24214991310:41
bedmzhurlrx09763771 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2143368510:41
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ikiugoaiye9067420 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 20568472910:41
ouawtfaulth9874667490 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2582792610:41
bteiugalou68634615 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3646562410:41
ouockltipd440078617 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5307216410:41
woslebere661602 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 317757196710:41
tewaeeroh389097454 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7809402530010:41
oyvxteruca2466943102 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3673974129310:41
pnmcrc921139 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 101740610910:41
aekulyk8067268034 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 99312873010:41
wnjudpztcz0728762042 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 505361910:41
claoarei354670 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 354161110:41
rpgsfllgqa1949830 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 15136410:41
thatnyl558701119 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 158433410:41
zzqiiauunf47856201 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8296472010:41
aogsppihx34906933 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 286958972510:41
tupuoapgiuz90068457584 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 82968010:41
eiyflkq9711488 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6409105039410:41
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lscmadzo715359 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 59082010:41
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lcejozave4226249 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 61611410:41
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cooeysp4456181 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3669701509010:41
origkdi50443562 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8944014357710:41
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: Was afraid that might happen - glad you know how to fix if... I think GeForce4 cards might required the legacy driver? I dunno if any else want's to chime in?10:41
obisodyyivc101573 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0490235710:41
bnqidq74831471 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 09367910:41
paelygiiebh407469 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 524843510:41
mreais9983565 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5433134110:41
kpybxsx6673974 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 84363653010:41
bhuoaex847516 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1821834197010:41
ieknmyfx5556318978 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 888900414110:41
gufoioje7407245 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 398946410:41
cdepecsb3994376 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 152651310:41
vpipea6969454299 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 09759610:41
aiaxkrr85347235 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2600810296110:41
tewaeeroh1270126 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7879637647010:41
dysoacyzp92474491 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 045977910:41
ouawtfaulth882845 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7485198010:41
bteiugalou82599589522 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4802138410:41
woslebere16280860855 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 576103988410:41
aiaiyeoo966550 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 26328248410:41
sieddeedog24782555 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 00026410:41
wfzhimmj3333515083 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3886275810:41
zpqyyso154620457 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 43032310:41
lscmadzo38633735465 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3653319715610:41
ugabaonuc23789698300 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 42974942710:41
rpgsfllgqa845984331 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 03877889610:41
etyjndvaqos582063 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3338695960210:41
efjqrseagde6967999 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 290642604910:41
ouockltipd14039353628 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 868531096010:41
bedmzhurlrx282602 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2302957710:41
nilfeez2478978 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 97251010:41
uiqyehivsoo93759811772 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 357125720010:41
ikiugoaiye80006829 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 901301110:41
lxuouemaob58593952147 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 637749510:41
ijviuzwsv959350 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 900933617910:41
oawuchzxx016115245 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 460009798210:41
acrauk3971834604 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 31270710:41
ofpdeoxxu9717437 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 81321910:41
aideigwioi375870858 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 22027164210:41
pdoijcex284339 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 51933791110:41
exfmhojkb59078676 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1543188110:41
leiumhersgw45040090265 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 30544680910:41
oyvxteruca51748138 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 79614890810:41
pnmcrc653624361 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 726113610:41
aekulyk878379343 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2709626010:41
wnjudpztcz47182518797 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3426684853010:41
claoarei571053952 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 973163986210:41
ucepcm98085685 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 42899739210:41
thatnyl77858456166 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8372697440810:41
zzqiiauunf3806240 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 96472910:41
tupuoapgiuz033437846 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 62591942810:41
eiyflkq7188395 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 373994510:41
aogsppihx3275145 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9840392573310:41
ahlregoi089332 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6342896610:41
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ualpvodryu7452411 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 472534989610:41
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ceanlpein0836336414 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0185695110610:41
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ibeorjtlaue338730 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 81394839910:41
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obisodyyivc71909468 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 997348610:41
kpybxsx97413959 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5111033020610:41
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mreais884203 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 910214410:41
pslkoixxfyl580328967 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 859381591910:41
bhuoaex558058 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 046453510:41
fixyhmoh62556231 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 24801307810:41
kzuwseide09166069 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 583792810:41
uzkyzeeu6779917952 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 284243910:41
jozhsyx359890 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 519168210:41
qaawempb6714323 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 218693910:41
opvoaao7111174 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 95547210:41
qzwssugurcu9219555045 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 084953610:41
faosuavum764608 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 143803010:41
eiaeujy0218191832 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 36290107210:41
iwgalei6931801 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9313904210:41
obueid53678164 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0328090315010:41
uqvgakmugi735076 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 37531928810:41
kaevbiabl8906466589 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 674977781310:41
olxanuwfd114662 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 62964913410:41
facoozvi1846889 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 552586410:41
dhswyuw8596253476 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 375369482610:41
lgdinl091381 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9030204810:41
kqzpmvkigc029412462 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 17430222210:41
yxhooui23807126822 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 838741276810:41
btalen59418512 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4468478210:41
gaadhqaau874988 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 41422110:41
ncwpats24787928 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9509140367310:41
=== pfrnjyirie [n=eupazzi@213.152.70-86.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
qltytw4406492572 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4656565610:41
ypeilho8627703 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1319051710:41
oosnuqls1044694 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 04152237310:41
ifjufjde284791 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6591275810:41
ieknmyfx605375866 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 29307110:41
gufoioje8353768 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 058826708410:41
snixextwa2000630802 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5860611510:41
gcuccd40947787505 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7994657030410:41
wfzhimmj10909456663 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 91146905410:41
lscmadzo66665815 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 88227510:41
aiaxkrr9070372 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7526750910:41
jveqqxfjaa4617280 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 86911777710:41
traeqoav777287064 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 289136311810:41
lziuiexa890546046 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 603785241710:41
tewaeeroh2774593396 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 19437984310:41
avouqoziil55554869 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 91416057410:41
yuovoqaej9383477131 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 674985110:41
aekulyk02942043 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1553970510:41
aiaiyeoo8619025340 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7399892410:41
sieddeedog89617007 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6662143373610:41
ouselmqweco9738828203 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 95227010:41
nilfeez780816 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3434095003610:41
leiumhersgw881294953 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4582746610:41
oyvxteruca95199035 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 995834637410:41
pnmcrc1778933094 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4675827714010:41
wnjudpztcz24539184 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 36367710:41
claoarei1201085 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 389195910:41
ugabaonuc432319571 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 85622110:41
lxuouemaob18427955 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7083564310:41
ijviuzwsv859938332 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0947083510:41
oawuchzxx693703 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 49174155110:41
acrauk2490120 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1257522254710:41
ofpdeoxxu8668142 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8609735910:41
cdepecsb401756085 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7157946519010:41
rpgsfllgqa354059327 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5252874710:41
vpipea82079497320 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 894683210:41
dysoacyzp7930220369 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3006832610:41
ouawtfaulth665706 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 804986795610:41
bteiugalou378838445 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8162632749610:41
woslebere3769289741 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 19701110:41
etyjndvaqos76915504 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 00486302110:41
efjqrseagde494128191 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 67607674310:41
ucepcm7797074282 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 610247400210:41
thatnyl30474503 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 683418690710:41
zzqiiauunf004072372 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 72508003910:41
aogsppihx5131600 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0843181810:41
eiyflkq90861397 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0897777806710:41
ouockltipd2286898619 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 90217210:41
exocpe13095180 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 29271610:41
aideigwioi58833858702 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8311522210:41
pdoijcex5246935 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0013265707310:41
exfmhojkb274753 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1098278763110:41
zpqyyso428647 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4395209660810:41
sabopxi6155926 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6148365210:41
tupuoapgiuz8884692 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 486591667910:41
bedmzhurlrx15999405 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5293383710:41
uiqyehivsoo30036859103 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 73944028510:41
ikiugoaiye16686465 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0347537710:41
ahlregoi5215999 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 01212310:41
ualpvodryu979256 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0542402500410:41
pfrnjyirie944414345 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 05907785010:41
ceanlpein04334468 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1000273910:41
lcejozave86715942 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 76173210:41
obisodyyivc219398283 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 097655410:41
origkdi124322 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 401731510:41
mreais137292 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 499847752010:41
cooeysp843099 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0419501394010:41
ibeorjtlaue740956850 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6247157610:41
paelygiiebh601493 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 98728510:41
bnqidq48544135012 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 383455810:41
obueid0428346439 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3973869888910:41
pslkoixxfyl28681143 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 941763410:41
qaawempb66392093 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5654435310:41
opvoaao21471786976 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 85916943110:41
qzwssugurcu3680758 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 319187910:41
iwgalei710150 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 08248265010:41
kaevbiabl93664896 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 255607452910:41
olxanuwfd67026396742 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 956558510:41
uzkyzeeu9374164572 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 83029710:41
jozhsyx229056 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0999727811210:41
oosnuqls53045939267 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 753312405710:41
ncwpats199577 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2803203163610:41
fixyhmoh449944 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 013660810:41
kpybxsx35687588940 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 36079329710:41
facoozvi643480865 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 32142031610:41
ifjufjde28775163 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 716602085710:41
dhswyuw8966382180 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7426674477310:41
uqvgakmugi2894177 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 231008810:41
jveqqxfjaa4262845609 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9507175397810:41
traeqoav8203485891 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 806372510:41
lziuiexa858596411 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 54315194710:41
faosuavum781502 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 36439881710:41
gcuccd75701815 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5259796276610:41
avouqoziil857894233 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 967544310:41
yuovoqaej77333637985 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 01113661610:41
snixextwa679512 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 867567710:41
lgdinl02251795282 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 638042717810:41
kqzpmvkigc884463689 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0423906910:41
yxhooui21034389 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5279628410:41
btalen32227964 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 436935910:41
gaadhqaau9800171 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 50867347010:41
qltytw325854649 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1890860600910:41
bhuoaex551312698 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 942925410:41
ypeilho34899335 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 032551410310:41
aiaxkrr232669922 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7520026510:41
ouselmqweco1299970714 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 793398055210:41
gufoioje89418812 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 99365903710:41
kzuwseide838049 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 03910210:41
cdepecsb695745886 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 03279327410:41
vpipea05854855506 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 255615831110:41
aideigwioi95158601593 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 61870310:41
pdoijcex01429864 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 510770655110:41
aiaiyeoo83522049 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6198304307510:41
rpgsfllgqa0844491 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 48609970210:41
etyjndvaqos56766152 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 25007410:41
efjqrseagde7173381 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7065380110:41
ieknmyfx852204 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 20894519910:41
wfzhimmj38845739 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 59213520410:41
zpqyyso58820650252 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 77354177610:41
lscmadzo0336244 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 46615430310:41
eiaeujy80898301 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 20422510:41
sieddeedog7953475 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2806273537210:41
ugabaonuc6106050 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 80556617710:41
dysoacyzp75547356735 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3355001210:41
ouawtfaulth49168829409 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 587276355510:41
bteiugalou971107 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 194458310:41
woslebere0146670 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0551995610:41
lxuouemaob596329 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0771032910:41
ijviuzwsv3882329 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4044398642910:41
oawuchzxx0696721019 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 227434010:41
ofpdeoxxu35495164352 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 679717625910:41
leiumhersgw429758 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 158099085010:41
tewaeeroh0936257 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 362678410:41
oyvxteruca83438329941 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1174845710:41
pnmcrc480614119 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 39514510:41
aekulyk96615579534 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 225992810:41
wnjudpztcz362876 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 358389710:41
claoarei88641659 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 813362922110:41
bedmzhurlrx413986 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8349871910:41
nilfeez6694989 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6486948010:41
uiqyehivsoo55045150 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 366186262110:41
acrauk984015 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 28315010:41
exocpe7289148 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0334591810:41
ouockltipd5299757 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 454458463210:41
exfmhojkb809886 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 05835010:41
ucepcm511337 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 98665346810:41
thatnyl5048416546 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 029445510:41
zzqiiauunf143680152 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 94351110:41
tupuoapgiuz156566486 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 23791710:41
eiyflkq661553331 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 86325610:41
aogsppihx900145 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4453170963510:41
sabopxi4897181991 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 53870470910:41
ikiugoaiye18658863556 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 958785092210:41
ahlregoi4102478015 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 597953615010:41
ualpvodryu7407003 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 78324510:41
pfrnjyirie64235187 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 601789710:41
ceanlpein1643383 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 74644610:41
lcejozave024542095 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 51933773810:41
obisodyyivc90491861252 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 147593110:41
kpybxsx42770921608 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4098533008610:41
cooeysp558927586 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2339478697010:41
origkdi650610703 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 246670210:41
mreais5182287223 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 083017965310:41
paelygiiebh996631 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0038086610:41
ibeorjtlaue54979945040 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5575039910:41
bnqidq2179730427 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 299356510:41
fixyhmoh23026007517 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6264812010:41
pslkoixxfyl8333255 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 773064646410:41
iwgalei707176616 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6711630510:41
obueid962765 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 918749710:41
oosnuqls817311 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4243434410:41
qaawempb6524848192 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6159016810:41
opvoaao5851308 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 87239210:41
eiaeujy8046385 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2785887660710:41
qzwssugurcu557660 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 21386310:41
kaevbiabl268216805 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8720705710110:41
olxanuwfd3436332300 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0958428910:41
snixextwa27205377714 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 457505352910:41
jveqqxfjaa82422483 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 99716210:41
traeqoav025006 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 03335144710:41
faosuavum752006701 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8063482928610:41
gcuccd207021860 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 498724203510:41
ncwpats436218 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 051493456610:41
bhuoaex9575809 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 07021963010:41
qltytw79226677 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 257325710:41
ypeilho7353744815 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3792368742210:41
uzkyzeeu580524 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 622613125110:41
lgdinl67590716171 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 65598510:41
kqzpmvkigc9720457 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9666157910:41
yxhooui4098842520 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1142435265810:41
jozhsyx0941183124 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 96779610:41
btalen55367798038 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8847230610:41
gaadhqaau1114350234 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0581708810:41
facoozvi46159087 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 32297986710:41
ifjufjde9181617282 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2007283437810:41
dhswyuw330701386 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 189142210:41
uqvgakmugi50838946 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 714576510:41
ieknmyfx90897671 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 131432873510:41
gufoioje62034849 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 82581477810:41
lziuiexa601781322 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7863186710:41
avouqoziil819567723 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 637684210:41
yuovoqaej54787417778 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 65474910:41
dysoacyzp34234646 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 12321610:41
ouawtfaulth11426192 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 42596030810:41
bteiugalou8373674 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 527795210:41
kzuwseide12977893971 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 424219092810:41
wfzhimmj9357419562 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 66089010:41
lscmadzo21044415481 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 584350147210:41
cdepecsb56102387 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0615985723210:41
vpipea33183136 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2912335710:41
aiaiyeoo1300615978 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3546089410:41
sieddeedog068913 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 10591910010:41
lxuouemaob9806423264 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5485229018910:41
tewaeeroh7215120 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 32973910:41
aiaxkrr617660608 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1933099171010:41
ofpdeoxxu29340535990 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 676412710:41
oyvxteruca5035795427 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 59051410:41
aekulyk32580694 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7771552679610:41
ugabaonuc5057238 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 37812837310:41
ouselmqweco128226 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 18924210:41
zpqyyso24341235 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 24786110:41
leiumhersgw6098565 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1514642410:41
wnjudpztcz39479296 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9381642432710:41
nilfeez5199953 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 956177948810:41
woslebere905154 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 92448098910:41
pnmcrc967799362 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 689422910:41
claoarei6624303865 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5133945544810:41
exocpe0506709 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 029425110:41
bedmzhurlrx3263579690 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 901042770310:41
uiqyehivsoo5469311557 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 93222410:41
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ucepcm86788760 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 345624010:41
thatnyl84019295398 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 15419533310:41
zzqiiauunf78476597433 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5454036210:41
tupuoapgiuz4895347345 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 56487621510:41
eiyflkq2975815 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 60316283810:41
aogsppihx2536192 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0401428010:41
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ouockltipd792016 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2421957110:41
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aideigwioi4381036 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 384390320510:41
pdoijcex4016476960 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 20608410:41
exfmhojkb89974448141 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 04493817410:41
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ikiugoaiye98758307 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1935615810:41
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rpgsfllgqa344317228 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4574141002710:41
etyjndvaqos30907321734 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8165658010:41
efjqrseagde3009308917 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3558437310:41
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ijviuzwsv39920168 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 577739525810:41
oawuchzxx915984 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 061107736110:41
acrauk684117 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7955454284210:41
ahlregoi27203163 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 812270610:41
ualpvodryu45551685 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 02330644710:41
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sabopxi49249605 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 394966610:41
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ceanlpein7396258 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 341083313310:41
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pfrnjyirie3558663704 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 837224610:41
lcejozave4020636 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5234389610:41
obisodyyivc2708883 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 03576730010:41
kpybxsx748835 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9250928510:41
cooeysp23617430751 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 173132776610:41
origkdi0367894250 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 80877811310:41
mreais5736700042 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 938606510510:41
paelygiiebh842691652 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8552292710:41
moxwyoukih074737 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 271884884910:41
ntxqwsib7874513 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3327079310:41
wzypzeekij0667515 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 444944846010:41
lahtxlemvi531573025 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 26739410:41
wovvaee79095043147 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 190671219810:41
zkjvekvg626595719 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 85724370610:41
abberub1551891667 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 611411400710:41
ujeomus4178813503 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 551603511010:41
zisuxevq3316886 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5176422110:41
aaizoo460275 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 662912199710:41
ukycwbw7341941117 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 87576610:41
pzxoqbify8532281134 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3490882318110:41
ayuicvjio26184910 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 979967310:41
eqcyutsxex74832398314 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 90248214410:41
meuiebip24271764 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 09566410:41
yxqfvj814451924 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1254080612410:41
uminpojnswo4444042 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 64138510:41
bnqidq14052068 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 313796210:41
moepyjvrae060996 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 48815610:41
uieaoex74468636235 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6878537510:41
vuibpif155319 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3220805910:41
iaeefo992916 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7948816385910:41
ibeorjtlaue951596 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 031990110:41
ifuaayiiw123821 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1879420210:41
dhhaehrar8292046004 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 789740810:41
dxeiousuzoi174484566 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 282627711010:41
qxoeuehjtg775201 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 581762510:41
ziovilixmk984528985 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 01613710:41
aebrux67289214810 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 14655466610:41
pslkoixxfyl63307722310 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 67257599210:41
obueid70389022430 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 305810710:41
qaawempb6371955052 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 02675810:41
opvoaao194577 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2114449610:41
qzwssugurcu773062 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4984947378310:41
avnroutrip1700993 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 30695010:41
xjbytiius54367552 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 99932710:41
orgtlgcelet5070899352 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5669351283310:41
kaevbiabl583112 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 789171710:41
olxanuwfd793627936 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 97899510:41
oosnuqls49526416489 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 925960360510:41
kzuwseide2080650777 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0034371210:41
uzkyzeeu0561310394 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3740968721710:41
kqzpmvkigc5301830 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 39676610:41
jozhsyx57982535 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3336309810:41
gaadhqaau4898590137 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8733263110:41
iwgalei09856124011 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 38077010:41
eiaeujy5203247 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 28466221710:41
lgdinl78625958 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 004852210:41
btalen106293 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 26602234710:41
uqvgakmugi2951590 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 726422128010:41
snixextwa370477 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0678472310:41
jveqqxfjaa561071 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6984862744110:41
traeqoav846514 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 749422410:41
faosuavum0984547406 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 948586610:41
gcuccd794788109 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 247233910:41
nsclcelk85219760187 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3926698806310:41
avouqoziil99390128 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3209808010:41
yuovoqaej47304277672 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 63837610:41
zxqgeahp3952119 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 182212010:41
yxhooui570607 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4007091480210:41
uarcoubg3863407553 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 437319410:41
gufoioje005624 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 98760945110:41
lziuiexa529656 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1025801910:41
ieknmyfx04830775 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5333645982410:41
eoidkwguo446214 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 883926410:41
cdepecsb9114390 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1971035644810:41
vpipea37550846688 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 965429610:41
ouawtfaulth321918306 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 453221910:41
bteiugalou43855459541 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 064309510:41
tewaeeroh35855615 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 696859302610:41
aekulyk657083941 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 41976070210:41
zsoaoajei0690188 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 04582110:41
rpgsfllgqa63332133 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 968514010:41
etyjndvaqos4884875 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4481148710:41
aiaiyeoo4060737973 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 38602510:41
sieddeedog14146594 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5443565684710:41
dysoacyzp9803521 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 47775610:41
wfzhimmj182652 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 64341710:41
zpqyyso5467580118 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 25115410:41
lscmadzo867067135 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2613699737410:41
lxuouemaob81867317 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 619029940210:41
ofpdeoxxu456448 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 26110514810:41
woslebere7189130097 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 43191510:41
ugabaonuc712892199 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 68660810:41
ouselmqweco116053130 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 30428210:41
aideigwioi63035131562 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 044372910:41
fixyhmoh18506134 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 45907510:41
pdoijcex909970 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1696232226310:41
facoozvi57965640679 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 73946610:41
ifjufjde548633121 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 49512710:41
dhswyuw6506897066 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 85257710:41
exfmhojkb629203470 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 44079699910:41
efjqrseagde5436108 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 320233595510:41
ijviuzwsv93276864855 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 983203310:41
oawuchzxx09715517 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7981367110:41
acrauk1677703 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 23304410:41
ucepcm8524800 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 562731594810:41
aiaxkrr32972999 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 032347910:41
qltytw2334761830 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 98485810:41
zzqiiauunf82855641 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 02140710:41
aogsppihx350007 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 29947307110:41
bhuoaex46633388 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 098250510:41
ypeilho248955020 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 548792548910:41
ncwpats5083528 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 113049910:41
exocpe9180284360 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 453883510:41
ouockltipd72499770426 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 332901010:41
leiumhersgw2820155907 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 19108510:41
oyvxteruca24118891885 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 84080193710:41
pnmcrc7840579612 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 80486410:41
wnjudpztcz558410 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 82730007310:41
claoarei7799567768 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 778501914710:41
bedmzhurlrx399471993 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 195009857210:41
nilfeez423742 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 950614145810:41
uiqyehivsoo597727964 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 554501358710:41
ikiugoaiye16835691 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 009645603410:41
thatnyl908277788 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 265421456110:41
tupuoapgiuz45216441815 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0394458710:41
eiyflkq4234428613 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 984081839210:41
sabopxi932739588 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2803583610:41
ahlregoi200665 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6050548710:41
ualpvodryu5430805613 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4439789362310:41
=== quux [i=quux@freenode/staff/quux] has joined #ubuntu
ceanlpein79066060351 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 06495931010:41
=== desertc [n=desertc@c-68-52-118-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
pfrnjyirie508483 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0566353910:41
lcejozave394690802 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 09841459810:41
cooeysp6463778195 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3462113810:41
obisodyyivc48087804338 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3251704870210:41
kpybxsx2802359 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 614016757910:41
abberub29403015 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 27795810:41
origkdi6229278361 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1570865410:41
mreais235046 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7303244039110:41
zkjvekvg2723168843 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0204048184510:41
ujeomus25146149 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 79955786810:41
moxwyoukih595838 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 034414430910:41
ukycwbw498072835 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 684211330310:41
eqcyutsxex86260380 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6896936910:41
ntxqwsib03013290331 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3811402410:41
wzypzeekij8431447 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 81428619810:41
lahtxlemvi5336940 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 90315231410:41
wovvaee231394487 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2533116510:41
yxqfvj85587932 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 611691174610:41
uminpojnswo39721143017 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0757266972810:41
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aaizoo6851832 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 48927038510:41
dhhaehrar841690866 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 96884210:41
bnqidq17720534 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7399337799210:41
paelygiiebh95548356 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 949805310:41
vuibpif323137 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 72892111610:41
moepyjvrae96984426611 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 75018063710:41
dxeiousuzoi92606706278 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 57038610:41
pslkoixxfyl2818711174 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 56667510:41
meuiebip7377712858 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 725836714410:41
nsclcelk313988 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0784797897710:41
pzxoqbify81065200204 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 87612976710:41
ayuicvjio636273 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 969505604310:41
zxqgeahp1241144 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6198420101310:41
uarcoubg7306957 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 58485710:41
qaawempb639555960 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 079966410:41
opvoaao81756657242 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 637390110:41
qzwssugurcu7086737217 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4829560810:41
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jozhsyx79869572 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3882494710:41
uieaoex86045114271 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 73099695410:41
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iaeefo47358790464 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 70737610:41
orgtlgcelet174781 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8164830410:41
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faosuavum5504622879 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 529922210:41
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lgdinl87587165 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 01903510:41
kqzpmvkigc9017868272 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9526349488110:41
btalen842144 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 459125367810:41
gaadhqaau603232731 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 55880702910:41
kaevbiabl2203002678 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9735027125010:41
olxanuwfd78502215078 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 82758223310:41
snixextwa308878866 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2609002410:41
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traeqoav49045092224 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 88017368210:41
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qxoeuehjtg66192400 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3494514368110:41
facoozvi7764840661 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 379242466310:41
ifjufjde6662355 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 828886938910:41
dhswyuw658547278 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 28049172210:41
ziovilixmk125910708 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 16026810:41
aebrux7449634760 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3414416710:41
qltytw108757 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 350191986410:41
bhuoaex282524071 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9814437168510:41
yxhooui320479009 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 86089304610:41
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gufoioje4505235 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 879033510:41
ibeorjtlaue779700414 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 22270075110:41
ifuaayiiw4129716 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 98135642710:41
lziuiexa82339032551 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 459356910:41
avouqoziil75929600 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 582603110:41
kzuwseide791460959 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 86373676410:41
eiaeujy20585768 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 068678617010:41
lxuouemaob703416 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 272137865310:41
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eoidkwguo9263397245 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1264322810:41
ieknmyfx8933854 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 231939949410:41
wfzhimmj0552302 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2655217649410:41
lscmadzo97930306 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 61171010:41
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vpipea749326 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 73365011510:41
etyjndvaqos7854692569 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 208477210:41
aiaxkrr0877613 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1642548110:41
ypeilho459897 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 840646296310:41
zsoaoajei20690659 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 40367110:41
leiumhersgw1257185323 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2787142027010:41
tewaeeroh092244257 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 755838110:41
oyvxteruca3685714371 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 55791210:41
aekulyk9343178403 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 27155669610:41
wnjudpztcz285958 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5698507110:41
woslebere9072257850 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 73512010:41
zpqyyso8699694 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1955096376010:41
ijviuzwsv1725439182 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 135253610:41
oawuchzxx4488473406 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 89830434010:41
efjqrseagde84835031 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 67321003510:41
aideigwioi645454 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 950011175610:41
pdoijcex7112343 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 02915210:41
exfmhojkb1284172 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1427945134810:41
exocpe9739366929 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 857637720010:41
acrauk463569225 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 820464793610:41
rpgsfllgqa2493769959 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 595717779310:41
ucepcm51071870 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 992932983410:41
thatnyl9322430755 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2439563803210:41
zzqiiauunf22635359807 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 55836240610:41
dysoacyzp0896019 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3823496510:41
tupuoapgiuz34805750246 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4520613505010:41
eiyflkq601142711 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 41643317910:41
aogsppihx47124609817 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 872321795010:41
bteiugalou7857103 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7473656810:41
aiaiyeoo192048 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 392183081210:41
sieddeedog499557 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 573249210:41
ugabaonuc681515 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1510780976810:41
bedmzhurlrx995346 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6540759025010:41
nilfeez2481707530 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5702858007310:41
uiqyehivsoo775261725 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5627900210:41
ouselmqweco074704 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 131543910:41
ouawtfaulth96314161 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3751949910:41
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:41
pnmcrc232475957 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1904277894710:41
claoarei31582572185 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4972402810:41
sabopxi7872357 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 69543996710:41
ouockltipd181158 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4265814096610:41
ikiugoaiye5243313 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7518799810:41
ahlregoi4766251 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 37399210:41
ualpvodryu509842060 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6110707710:41
ceanlpein56867645291 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9080428101410:41
pfrnjyirie420239341 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4877534110:41
lcejozave42310565 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 72712363710:41
obisodyyivc955552 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 926937422810:41
moxwyoukih71676877 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 89503510:41
ntxqwsib6253106 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 61818727010:41
wzypzeekij5985913463 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 80706763510:41
lahtxlemvi83047975 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 706828313410:41
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ujeomus898696 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1379591210:41
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ayuicvjio674302527 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2429063089610:41
eqcyutsxex612597 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 239734610:41
bnqidq842846 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 82456230610:41
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kpybxsx52125135 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 87134710:41
ziovilixmk35788210 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 878673895310:41
aebrux32048929 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 270276417510:41
paelygiiebh6638386 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 44432142410:41
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vuibpif47295117 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 30028110:41
origkdi4580583 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 38320610:41
avnroutrip47403969 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 57970710:41
mreais3143552355 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 963971883110:41
xjbytiius63902224 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 424921297910:41
iaeefo774623 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5809809910:41
meuiebip284599139 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 90957310:41
zisuxevq6967241 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5995219310:41
aaizoo77597087788 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0959229710:41
moepyjvrae8119539 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0703524110:41
dhhaehrar7238621 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 321690110:41
dxeiousuzoi67464559 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 497787810:41
nsclcelk2710508640 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 37564355710:41
pzxoqbify9988248931 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 132913024410:41
zxqgeahp91907329765 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 483519810:41
uarcoubg0259818524 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1317507984110:41
orgtlgcelet8004731215 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 21695486510:41
obueid362410 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 478802313010:41
faosuavum658830281 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 41933679310:41
kaevbiabl21595272632 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6466228906010:41
olxanuwfd2800947 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3875527870110:41
oosnuqls0702575 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 89013910:41
fixyhmoh3874976 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8522380247010:41
facoozvi1051975 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 427865810:41
ifjufjde076581 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 546184110:41
dhswyuw0640722 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 08442210:41
jveqqxfjaa3881819 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0841462310:41
traeqoav331786659 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1027352910:41
gcuccd870340 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 885908910:41
ibeorjtlaue087222 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 54368984210:41
pslkoixxfyl1316733 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 79168708210:41
ifuaayiiw5338072 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1048727385510:41
uzkyzeeu180531 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5425303873110:41
lgdinl62740938195 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4246086110:41
kqzpmvkigc7266560190 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 822022923810:41
jozhsyx981751437 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 611915810:41
btalen32790414 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 82651643210:41
gaadhqaau9333769 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0263161923610:41
yxhooui882199263 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7351269748910:41
iwgalei58251491 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3223102610:41
snixextwa3953903710 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 261255636410:41
avouqoziil0213780 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 158479710:41
uqvgakmugi4654416588 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 83776310:41
qltytw879302 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 259013010:41
ncwpats02826146 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 480190410:41
yuovoqaej18483976025 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 10127379710:41
kzuwseide017760 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 22760210:41
gufoioje326629640 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 18313110:41
lziuiexa061895 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 18606200410:41
cdepecsb910377709 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2828874010:41
vpipea134552 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8221604810:41
tewaeeroh740421 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1607758310:41
aiaiyeoo175783611 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 306782163710:41
aiaxkrr967163690 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2260341910:41
bhuoaex3461339 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 189813049110:41
ypeilho1263271281 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 88032597410:41
zsoaoajei5261374 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 43667308510:41
sieddeedog247587 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 51699110:41
pdoijcex221890 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 426758073110:41
ouawtfaulth6002642 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 982304289110:41
bteiugalou37071830 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 524799515710:41
woslebere568390 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 44267979210:41
ugabaonuc0816050279 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7999601710:41
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aideigwioi14927332922 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9735946925110:41
exfmhojkb996052964 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2001871810:41
nilfeez7036754481 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 22521774110:41
ucepcm18587580307 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0338579010:41
zzqiiauunf9420386684 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 137197710:41
eiyflkq071599637 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 27004810:41
aogsppihx6195762014 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8784736574310:41
dysoacyzp375533 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4342678110:41
bedmzhurlrx17068650080 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 97602340710:41
uiqyehivsoo8401168014 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2120124888510:41
rpgsfllgqa50494918 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 26180410:41
etyjndvaqos828214 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6875149907010:41
efjqrseagde18207913 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1430252597910:41
pnmcrc61089510367 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 027005510:41
ouselmqweco6304012 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 934301510:41
exocpe7132511585 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 65109656110:41
qaawempb4539914 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6224103539710:41
ieknmyfx8093874836 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 009773410:41
wfzhimmj72137952 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 281072910:41
zpqyyso5963097414 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 493977855710:41
lscmadzo1755020014 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 82062610:41
opvoaao47855454 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5199207910:41
eiaeujy892507 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 77679810:41
qzwssugurcu6466696200 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3462588403910:41
leiumhersgw1407105 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9016906310:41
oyvxteruca34725730851 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1173067310:41
aekulyk793467242 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0415303410:41
wnjudpztcz214332 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 22117310:41
claoarei6972045658 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 68780244310:41
thatnyl2557616577 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5630756796310:41
tupuoapgiuz13117573321 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 401614110:41
lxuouemaob2576095 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 090468010:41
ijviuzwsv9928276794 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 003817494410:41
oawuchzxx81221298 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2593325777310:41
acrauk14472773673 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7772036610:41
ofpdeoxxu88219263322 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 844957380110:41
sabopxi0118533787 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 743088510:41
ikiugoaiye470431 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 61731956110:41
ouockltipd4236384 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7037356710:41
ahlregoi9200151 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 88882810810:41
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ualpvodryu643658 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5404929547910:41
pfrnjyirie556878 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 632700310:41
ceanlpein1735134 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 385688794310:41
ddmeoahh2028631596 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 966981623710:41
zisuxevq9009605 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 016473010:41
origkdi9197972 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4884505810:41
mreais4383792 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 98783595510:41
ukycwbw84798691 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7751488483010:41
ayuicvjio5291849743 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 07859273610:41
eqcyutsxex03727512 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5717956436410:41
aaizoo671427222 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7426893696110:41
lcejozave5500508277 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 171773050810:41
cooeysp865183960 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 88020422110:41
moepyjvrae730627896 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 460147910:41
dhhaehrar199631 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2307755410:41
dxeiousuzoi172368347 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 691844259410:41
obueid66384159963 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 924099310:41
faosuavum004511157 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 690509710:41
nsclcelk827088293 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 92965570410:41
pzxoqbify478374 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5809671710:41
zxqgeahp96046001432 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 75249210:41
uarcoubg8577438009 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 723044126010:41
kaevbiabl327971 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 723390810:41
olxanuwfd8464539671 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 20581457010:41
moxwyoukih03603035680 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 59105906310:41
oosnuqls363898620 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 828698210:41
ntxqwsib016837 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 440122840910:41
ibeorjtlaue875900 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 43491310:41
wzypzeekij6901784 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 123575851410:41
lahtxlemvi9593504221 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 676973425410:41
pslkoixxfyl04384630 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 08721410:41
kzuwseide79877561293 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 58347079310:41
wovvaee04826243396 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 076215110:41
meuiebip64795838997 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 577039043310:41
yxqfvj7844653 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0083336310:41
uminpojnswo2472543 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8347606585510:41
uqvgakmugi777978582 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 216090210:41
paelygiiebh6351461 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 74315041910:41
uieaoex4014872 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 771113887110:41
vuibpif1315717566 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 04558010:41
avnroutrip703000 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 15252037510:41
xjbytiius428853 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6004571610:41
iaeefo020769 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 694524259510:41
bhuoaex50138865 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9150609439710:41
ncwpats90784837970 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 779445010:41
orgtlgcelet38882922 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0430936110:41
zsoaoajei204995 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 688173910:41
qltytw3900231 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2997105610:41
iwgalei0173580 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 09699047810:41
snixextwa5978070184 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5210776910:41
gufoioje06392787411 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 763005410:41
ifuaayiiw0300491294 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 10086708810:41
jveqqxfjaa65808179826 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 33738931610:41
traeqoav041802161 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8402845879210:41
lziuiexa5403758 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 17046310:41
gcuccd8214810 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3840456359810:41
tewaeeroh07025590 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 206710410:41
avouqoziil30100245125 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 702661510:41
yuovoqaej324303997 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 068199810:41
qaawempb752864039 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 06757410:41
ieknmyfx97893427 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3879957086910:41
wfzhimmj86634824674 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3276959602610:41
zkjvekvg072748 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 23678257910:41
lscmadzo1749771 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4317211910:41
opvoaao638401042 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7896239210:41
eiaeujy885808 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 484459110:41
qzwssugurcu880901751 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8747705430610:41
abberub53795231 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4364161767410:41
ujeomus135592248 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2395682010:41
lxuouemaob66592109 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 826363610:41
cdepecsb26814802542 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 406033510:41
vpipea7904293819 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7305978910:41
ouawtfaulth357267338 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 918361631910:41
aiaxkrr5268234938 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 302840977210:41
ypeilho10929722 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5124052910:41
etyjndvaqos285635399 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6950760810:41
dysoacyzp7345066662 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1168853461210:41
bteiugalou0495190252 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 530310112610:41
uzkyzeeu5350130 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3944512292510:41
lgdinl828244690 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7151488710:41
kqzpmvkigc77120488 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 700604610:41
aiaiyeoo0035906 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 718421610:41
woslebere85851826976 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 41017810:41
sieddeedog4768545987 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 76175710:41
obisodyyivc3805690 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2358623000710:41
bnqidq4925081 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 39165164610:41
yxhooui0394671 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2091282242010:41
jozhsyx3087420721 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 64535410:41
btalen2058700 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 618325255910:41
gaadhqaau4989165563 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1387554726510:41
oyvxteruca1774264 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 48113894110:41
aekulyk27770890 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9329259710:41
wnjudpztcz56871821 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3135506110:41
ijviuzwsv419745050 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 673497410:41
ugabaonuc14897115556 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5334206779210:41
nilfeez2867674 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6664127410:41
zpqyyso10840091779 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 66893410:41
rpgsfllgqa0467489 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1336341010:41
efjqrseagde0838728390 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 89937740310:41
oawuchzxx266118 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8424753048410:41
bedmzhurlrx2500222089 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 52787559010:41
uiqyehivsoo537173636 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5473835210:41
leiumhersgw446784 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4410644810:41
pnmcrc08566938094 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2730194998010:41
acrauk09122570833 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 48219810:41
claoarei3137554 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 025671210:41
exocpe6059582 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 250216778110:41
ucepcm8459621 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 860034010:41
thatnyl957822 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 00601460710:41
zzqiiauunf821302 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8289067810:41
tupuoapgiuz269846111 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 62389410:41
eiyflkq3081918071 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 251130135710:41
aogsppihx18521786 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 03279026110:41
sabopxi28756141 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 007546642810:41
ouselmqweco0697946 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 164818634210:41
ouockltipd3263965695 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 875326975610:41
ikiugoaiye7138955 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 92290110:41
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aideigwioi06448062601 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9311116184310:41
kpybxsx391636689 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 51685962110:41
facoozvi72355986816 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4717736958910:41
dhswyuw6001328 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 387041610:41
ziovilixmk1689690 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 62704010610:41
aebrux4259671992 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 596173910:41
fixyhmoh507625 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0438190700810:41
qxoeuehjtg1576706 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7101953749410:41
pdoijcex0210871340 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 60400948710:41
exfmhojkb1774098321 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 98172944910:41
ifjufjde759286374 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 81289354910:41
ceanlpein999675 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 082565410:41
pfrnjyirie0057034 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 728345329310:41
ddmeoahh06521028 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9318255210:41
lcejozave0664972778 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 22812910:41
obisodyyivc663946214 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 403554740110:41
kpybxsx608571 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 60961558910:41
ukycwbw5697316657 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 73391300410:41
moxwyoukih2337213575 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 500478069710:41
ntxqwsib69953618 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7558894213510:41
wzypzeekij301997916 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 76342310:41
lahtxlemvi07151807 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 444449519410:41
wovvaee5063966 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 74744123610:41
yxqfvj06731839138 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 00758252810:41
zisuxevq719120903 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7616225810:41
origkdi906959968 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0481356810:41
mreais78564904 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8714291510:41
paelygiiebh050514670 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3945447169410:41
vuibpif977055 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 985480404310:41
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MadFaxerWoah, ok spam alarm is going off!!10:41
uminpojnswo8668002932 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 982111810:41
cooeysp5363762417 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1749352773710:41
meuiebip760985 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 558605901210:41
dxeiousuzoi91632778 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5781832347210:41
aaizoo0526544 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 989102199310:41
zkjvekvg4445236 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 262770073410:41
abberub7254059 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 208007082210:41
ujeomus5666819 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 373625010:41
uieaoex855982105 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 90321459510:41
avnroutrip3474178 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 91296710410:41
xjbytiius1764400445 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3294729822910:41
iaeefo713002 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 933548851110:41
bhuoaex902868 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7851948509010:41
dhhaehrar4349070998 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 12533018310:41
pslkoixxfyl051044067 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 451398910:41
bnqidq04274986 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8167348423010:41
uzkyzeeu7220852 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0299833210:41
obueid5230150000 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 21715210:41
moepyjvrae858434 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6746389639510:41
qaawempb503658428 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 694537814110:41
opvoaao12618164 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8226417709110:41
qzwssugurcu6843641 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 15391246910:41
orgtlgcelet2486719568 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 583899610:41
zsoaoajei145297674 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 35577810:41
ncwpats394862 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 349697510:41
lgdinl773233 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 97733910:41
kqzpmvkigc2417707 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 11282210:41
jozhsyx04060082709 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 815977513610:41
btalen9330985 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 56370110:41
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gaadhqaau3117996462 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 080889216910:41
kaevbiabl157919210 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 37368810:41
olxanuwfd626551728 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 513222810:41
eiaeujy64008490 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 69891948910:41
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gufoioje846228856 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 06987110:41
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faosuavum20384471208 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 93100648210:41
gcuccd574319834 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0488128710:41
nsclcelk6988079657 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5224556810:41
pzxoqbify433807571 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8899207648410:41
ayuicvjio2048516 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 250499491610:41
eqcyutsxex19455496757 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3079979241410:41
qltytw586420300 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1071073810:41
avouqoziil082862 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 65718444610:41
yuovoqaej93743193558 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7594242610:41
zxqgeahp179112 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 356851310:41
uarcoubg86722275 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 12893810:41
fixyhmoh43684865 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2210031193210:41
qxoeuehjtg295793 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 45370510:41
facoozvi0244598947 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 502351385310:41
ifjufjde097047 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 322604718410:41
dhswyuw375055506 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6291104010:41
ziovilixmk14533737231 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 667065381710:41
aebrux139028991 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2802140910:41
ibeorjtlaue984269 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 414397610:41
ifuaayiiw1786939498 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 028007060710:41
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ouawtfaulth9263206 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 82615589110:41
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woslebere225511316 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2707330985810:41
kzuwseide6081052 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 92887913810:41
ieknmyfx3523443949 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 567685010:41
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lscmadzo650798 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 491112710:41
cdepecsb27425364 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 06998410710:41
vpipea220898990 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 921893194610:41
lxuouemaob5424981 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2172200763110:41
iwgalei30078510 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 06951410:41
snixextwa58450290 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2522506010:41
etyjndvaqos11530896 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 65033273410:41
zpqyyso2646232112 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 50724810:41
aiaiyeoo3073770818 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 56912910:41
sieddeedog3934589728 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 90093059210:41
ugabaonuc96381710 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 58611790310:41
rpgsfllgqa36457447 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1845014410:41
nilfeez28638451 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 30062710:41
efjqrseagde62724965 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 656951573110:41
ucepcm988407154 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 56687657410:41
aiaxkrr603817608 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2847753023910:41
zzqiiauunf99416000 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 47202208710:41
eiyflkq95713831 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6374395710:41
aogsppihx2705756632 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 00932099110:41
ypeilho23818001 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 60231810:41
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thatnyl39456773 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 84771069810:41
ijviuzwsv10303684 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 544146310:41
oawuchzxx1927308956 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 023312910:41
tupuoapgiuz13112562316 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6523298402510:41
exocpe2989159 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8273262510:41
acrauk3816495979 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 05309810:41
ikiugoaiye21857252873 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 26082310:41
ouockltipd27105214 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 049949610:41
leiumhersgw61418831 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 93182310:41
tewaeeroh9102032865 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 549102370410:41
oyvxteruca459982960 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 832466531010:41
pnmcrc41753560818 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 004179510:41
aekulyk273774 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 778591770610:41
wnjudpztcz8667661859 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 547344510:41
claoarei32086833918 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 775342410:41
bedmzhurlrx34395747407 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5923077110:41
uiqyehivsoo6481355211 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7162692172610:41
pfrnjyirie501809 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 064308010:41
ceanlpein5072120560 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 591596141610:41
ouselmqweco66294532506 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 979012393510:41
ddmeoahh665442152 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 483118813710:41
lcejozave1980344056 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 083172221610:41
obisodyyivc10022625737 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 535913510:41
cooeysp791190452 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 370914810:41
abberub90499377 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 95040910:41
ukycwbw863737490 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 77652975910:41
ayuicvjio7755822840 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 71851743410:41
eqcyutsxex3744438 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4567044160710:41
moxwyoukih749351 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2613774510:41
ntxqwsib07780644280 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8777268510:41
wzypzeekij2410964 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 151023793810:41
lahtxlemvi5915738 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6669109240610:41
wovvaee2930094504 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 12170610:41
yxqfvj15887276 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 17544610:41
uminpojnswo30360634689 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5862717210:41
aideigwioi00866502300 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 78737184510:41
pdoijcex08199512 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 55054210:41
kpybxsx0949917592 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4968436479110:41
exfmhojkb98762993 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 97773861910:41
meuiebip44629947 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 63337210:41
zisuxevq96637134992 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7457351247310:41
aaizoo05107133 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 948339091310:41
moepyjvrae2094470 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 28303810:41
bnqidq0319693 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 555222711510:41
qxoeuehjtg6349047274 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6507341210:41
ziovilixmk1849886644 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 43466310:41
aebrux1236194445 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 39532010:41
zkjvekvg3574014 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5216494910:41
ujeomus581638 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 384188410:41
pslkoixxfyl83004775 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 760231110:41
paelygiiebh013638759 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9175523110:41
uieaoex2940390863 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6028956456810:41
vuibpif3194141323 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5797312781210:41
origkdi8756029484 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 127574610:41
avnroutrip53903649 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 48550010:41
mreais4856893 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 451937110:41
xjbytiius881726 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7509153699910:41
iaeefo01661743211 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 78037910:41
dhhaehrar56168178 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 592841446910:41
dxeiousuzoi8494625814 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 49957499010:41
obueid49709911 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8364611710:41
oosnuqls992967 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3324598410:41
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qaawempb49577115181 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 12039910:41
opvoaao288831403 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 28812303110:41
qzwssugurcu021403874 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 11388510:41
kaevbiabl656289835 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 91172073610:41
olxanuwfd4292308 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 87968479910:41
bhuoaex8449664 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 39833352710:41
ncwpats1392728731 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 248742176310:41
orgtlgcelet38211871 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 53024510:41
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faosuavum126451992 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 144676910:41
nsclcelk61195717 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 44237610:41
zxqgeahp1698026 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 858585210:41
uarcoubg852345380 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4945482629210:41
traeqoav9140896 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7537759410:41
uzkyzeeu377346 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 23802908610:41
lgdinl44598764736 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 841572010:41
kqzpmvkigc4890549 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3279152710:41
yxhooui740216 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 358627006610:41
jozhsyx673036 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 167229910:41
btalen4096609 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 38546510:41
gaadhqaau8442762 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 87949710:41
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ieknmyfx33358784 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 481710910:41
eiaeujy926013168 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 251238877310:41
gufoioje59783358097 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 53176520310:41
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uqvgakmugi9208046 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1432310761310:41
fixyhmoh09664834842 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7805956673310:41
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facoozvi34473106 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7879325710:41
ifjufjde62636407 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9565230390410:41
dhswyuw014405 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 17697410:41
zsoaoajei3145193 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 843185110:41
ifuaayiiw7770905876 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3503724909810:41
qltytw883842 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3826149252010:41
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jveqqxfjaa41210517 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7469048749110:41
avouqoziil97105315 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 34898832510:41
yuovoqaej351032961 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 327295010:41
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cdepecsb380387 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 429842510:41
vpipea3719886347 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1205349910:41
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aiaiyeoo59532165678 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 78764110:41
kzuwseide63168494 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1626737010:41
dysoacyzp0507106 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 993972466710:41
ibeorjtlaue2687623879 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8389700158210:41
ouawtfaulth829852984 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 19443121210:41
bteiugalou4250836 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 186010310:41
sieddeedog604383 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 89489809310:41
ugabaonuc8605677092 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 60529573510:41
etyjndvaqos631274 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 517567610:41
lxuouemaob161408923 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 86116510:41
ijviuzwsv53012509 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 38949632810:41
iwgalei82004375709 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5063789314310:41
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aiaxkrr14473444 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 576716326810:41
ypeilho172012722 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 16300101210:41
ucepcm5511820310 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 73509801610:41
zzqiiauunf69737564 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 394196562910:41
aogsppihx7701540011 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 688033110:41
sabopxi02913097055 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 43073442110:41
woslebere46414170906 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 194195310:41
wfzhimmj52986839 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1375948410:41
zpqyyso1457244 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 61413310:41
lscmadzo2000810 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 081120416810:41
leiumhersgw733981518 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 248938206110:41
tewaeeroh716977 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 89260502810:41
oyvxteruca42460561 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3002150310:41
pnmcrc6796713 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 017382536110:41
aekulyk9705964 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1672042210:41
wnjudpztcz80364249 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 090109326310:41
claoarei017026033 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 76513410:41
nilfeez0695367484 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 055647016510:41
rpgsfllgqa408427472 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 365085274110:41
efjqrseagde642243445 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 998760410:41
oawuchzxx67172280576 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 61637922010:41
exocpe66060806769 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 07021823210:41
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uiqyehivsoo4518703374 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 36072410:41
bedmzhurlrx17037484 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 14455310:41
eiyflkq4251351 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 534507310:41
thatnyl7260105357 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0754356883910:41
tupuoapgiuz1194691 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 77475576810:41
aideigwioi356697731 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 583777010:41
pdoijcex91725271 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1600569610:41
exfmhojkb2739181345 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 107589034610:41
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acrauk1157792 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 12331887710:41
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snixextwa0744827427 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2614684510:41
ouockltipd711768 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 032358011810:41
pfrnjyirie86844216 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 260925610:41
ouselmqweco0285608 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 63938805410:41
ikiugoaiye64407045 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 91583782610:41
xucudiac31301571 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 996057021710:41
qpifbafoboo183127 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 77404410:41
snpaeekr450000695 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3518990340810:41
iasoddjqip08173030169 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 34821284010:41
xpuiroagyxu285818926 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6065097910:41
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xaetau94187846 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 03161087310:41
ususunsiayv171801 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 898833410:41
ukczipawi9548206 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 216712426710:41
dpyrwe76085912692 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5697363864610:41
ceanlpein678067665 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2891631394710:41
oneely2915109 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 981987110:41
nudzgtn1706205 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 840041025910:41
yqieambeun3718895 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 97338210:41
jsbsar86162859 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 920223265610:41
ueaodnedj9017996 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 927256176310:41
rxlcjaoa6384473 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3816051365610:41
vayuctgmtov017305 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1204112750210:41
htiejtmjr85482331147 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6381730210:41
vgjeeztria43108479 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 01062169210:41
deppeooh357971 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6221015711910:41
aieaomefilj2638873 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 59013710:41
tbiuakaxcu3658135 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 733328610:41
iiqbaiuumfe431706499 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3218162510:41
ebakjoofzlv497725174 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6100145810:41
lwlzmuou619075 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 887574310:41
ddmeoahh105369411 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7605729336310:41
lcejozave391744 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3466133877910:41
uehouazjm4376184 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7303379049910:41
ljiyixoilz8432011 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0856357444410:41
obisodyyivc516562011 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 98605110710:41
cooeysp377445935 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0320358110:41
zisuxevq8194747309 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 41851410:41
siioolm050876463 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 21207710:41
kpybxsx6680668038 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 106798210:41
zkjvekvg1732559 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5400904410:41
abberub4911083814 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 989086771210:41
ujeomus1319365 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 133930497110:41
uminpojnswo5707404 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 16045810:41
moxwyoukih430762 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 41073369910:41
ntxqwsib447724 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 862455040210:41
wzypzeekij0197744 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 66582010:41
lahtxlemvi326971145 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2244403035310:41
wovvaee080088 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9926206537610:41
yxqfvj76612597 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 277991313110:41
aaizoo32368215131 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 45314910:41
ukycwbw23359518578 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 19043366010:41
ayuicvjio71800217 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 54514910:41
eqcyutsxex896686119 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7030580710:41
moepyjvrae7833795874 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 31233810:41
paelygiiebh62460979 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 77165810:41
vuibpif57514817 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4878211610:41
origkdi9311228188 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2913028510:41
mreais9661375438 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4332646610:41
iaeefo879621145 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1857875075210:41
uieaoex940559 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 35701843910:41
avnroutrip88805387216 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 618296315910:41
xjbytiius108721737 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 566545180310:41
bnqidq46503966892 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 96914694610:41
meuiebip44437547494 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 336028110:41
dhhaehrar6693317312 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 717382407010:41
dxeiousuzoi148184 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5135743350910:41
pslkoixxfyl63924090027 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 86889710:41
opvoaao95300121180 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2397857810:41
qzwssugurcu8271404 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 42278933610:41
orgtlgcelet4871463 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6056186920710:41
ncwpats737540 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 504154510:41
uzkyzeeu01968655750 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5601210662110:41
jozhsyx45255085641 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9449065300910:41
qaawempb8059204 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 887162110:41
oosnuqls658751 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0766479610:41
kzuwseide1757034 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 17370610:41
kaevbiabl69928792330 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 77089062310:41
olxanuwfd4730296143 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 60413257910:41
iwgalei689981790 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 305962010:41
obueid9416048660 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 061801567710:41
lgdinl904742042 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 38618010:41
kqzpmvkigc0687563 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 87902710:41
yxhooui65578989439 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 120943700010:41
btalen02132370 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 844424498010:41
gaadhqaau7495637840 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 311978810:41
snixextwa42342478218 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 773416189510:41
fixyhmoh4943031 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 641630330110:41
qxoeuehjtg969590 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 47343010:41
facoozvi8291116275 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 39164610:41
ifjufjde29883106 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0930450410:41
dhswyuw8346717746 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9242029410:41
ziovilixmk184954 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 222978510:41
aebrux1903809 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 22919610:41
uqvgakmugi3097691 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 27469149110:41
gufoioje5400383 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 683455717710:41
jveqqxfjaa11882859 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 33875435910:41
traeqoav702297439 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 122812372710:41
faosuavum3368595229 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0506973610:41
gcuccd3091483264 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 377144110:41
nsclcelk067897562 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 165984710:41
avouqoziil05555064985 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5177945310:41
yuovoqaej515763268 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 21120510:41
zxqgeahp01733844352 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 393297510:41
uarcoubg25513529 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 191947310:41
qltytw755471 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 30375170910:41
bhuoaex3430750922 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 589546710:41
rieubaqac15021907096 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 458296410:41
lxuouemaob3659169 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 105588463110:41
cdepecsb69181896 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 594947710:41
vpipea705018 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9441492938610:41
aiaiyeoo193640320 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 00615377510:41
ieknmyfx8897954 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6845262310:41
wfzhimmj5493043 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2519821136610:41
lscmadzo13690754038 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 356453618910:41
eiaeujy19658189856 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 506606710:41
dysoacyzp03117449 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9311989334610:41
ibeorjtlaue7271812 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 273088158210:41
ouawtfaulth25647356 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 299713910:41
bteiugalou79303838837 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 37376030810:41
woslebere65761247 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3856015416010:41
ifuaayiiw7900056 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 153293341910:41
sieddeedog6261458 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2005750843710:41
andrwntszl60020773 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 410983410:41
rpgsfllgqa1428201 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 13852966110:41
etyjndvaqos69286606 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7483920610:41
efjqrseagde583356539 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 23005710:41
ijviuzwsv3164916727 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 080372410:41
oawuchzxx3813438709 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 805529807010:41
exocpe956891112 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 89335810:41
ugabaonuc813016 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 6899497810:41
bedmzhurlrx25223615569 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 180937910:41
nilfeez542780568 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 028759401510:41
uiqyehivsoo73012329 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 12385010:41
ucepcm252412 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 12570568410:41
zsoaoajei733613 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2232839899510:41
aiaxkrr6521802 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1409451587310:41
zzqiiauunf0734901 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7745897810:41
aogsppihx2528584025 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 21568110:41
ypeilho3519974422 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 94608510:41
eiyflkq6808671 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 5017302510:41
sabopxi92430275622 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 240423728110:41
thatnyl0923820 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 2344107640510:41
tupuoapgiuz62390094 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 49711102410:41
aideigwioi667350 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 90529910:41
pdoijcex11040148175 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 805595710:41
exfmhojkb00119876645 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4096371092810:41
acrauk6329716840 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 8268914396210:41
zpqyyso01481794 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4918361410:41
leiumhersgw156117245 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7315241379310:41
tewaeeroh184678 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 460996194710:41
oyvxteruca76417708863 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1193441916010:41
pnmcrc025907621 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 223740310:41
aekulyk2801777254 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7338002345310:41
wnjudpztcz196822 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0849268510:41
claoarei76678801 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0105038969410:41
ouockltipd00464118359 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4350780607010:41
ouselmqweco0246126550 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9717194616610:41
ikiugoaiye6295706 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 03463056010:41
qpifbafoboo351673260 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 306930730110:41
aieaomefilj230832519 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0987734518510:41
xucudiac18229175621 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 58491568510:41
vgjeeztria8588158189 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3752445301410:41
tbiuakaxcu5598842 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 9215526910:41
xpuiroagyxu372848 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7096517106910:41
deppeooh561346127 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 4678236608810:41
iiqbaiuumfe79011650803 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 78217010:41
oneely816279644 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 55089546610:41
iasoddjqip266885458 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 94264065710:41
jsbsar068964 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 354585857710:41
ueaodnedj1306139137 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 032102535210:41
rxlcjaoa988858 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 28211310:41
dpyrwe90105053 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 619704511610:41
ceanlpein131291646 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 7911745910:41
nudzgtn6936144623 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 46550193710:41
yqieambeun61919659 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 29555456810:41
ebakjoofzlv18585981 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 0827589109810:41
lwlzmuou4613550 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 3301109092410:41
uehouazjm382399 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 1409587610:41
ljiyixoilz2156264 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 68405610:41
htiejtmjr79263716 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 05310501510:41
ddmeoahh01623025490 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 84934110:41
lcejozave2145809 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 009473410:41
vayuctgmtov4475024247 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 374868078210:41
snpaeekr00500089201 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 179807210:41
cooeysp250084 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 88803910:41
obisodyyivc364072131 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 122576283810:41
siioolm437279112 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 846751441010:41
moxwyoukih97341483865 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 29754910:41
wzypzeekij83147232991 Trankilement a base de trankilade ! Sereinement  base de srnade ! 26413010:41
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wepeelwow, that was a good one10:41
Pelowhere were we10:42
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fevelhas anyone heard of openbox??10:42
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scorp123what was that???10:42
wepeellirakis, nope, ddos10:42
lirakiswepeel: hmm10:42
sauvinChier, ca fut QUOI!?10:42
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:42
Pelosauvin , tsk tsk tsk  language10:42
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: Was afraid that might happen glad you knew how to fix it - dunno if GeForce 4 needs the "legacy" driver? Anyone want to chime in?10:42
sauvinLanguage, mes couilles!10:42
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!10:43
lirakisi am having a wierd problem... ssh takes a long time to initiate a connection (ask for key accept or password if already a verified host) ... i had gentoo on this machine before.. and never had an issue.. im not sure whats going on..10:43
=== Pelo isn't sure if he was helping someone anyore
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aroonihelp!  when i boot up  i get this error:  'could not find kernal image: linux10:44
sauvinPelo, in that link you pasted, I saw no reference to libdvdcss2...?10:44
NutubuntuCan the bot be programmed to autokickban on flood? (if there is such a thing)?10:44
Peloarooni, did you uninstall stuff ?10:44
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Nutubuntu(And a loud thank-you to the ops!)10:44
Pelo!dvd | sauvin10:44
ubotusauvin: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:44
PriceChildNutubuntu, we don't like the idea of bots with ops.10:44
arooniPelo: dont think so10:44
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Pelosauvin,  first link10:44
PriceChildNutubuntu, especially not bots with ops that kick.10:45
wepeelhas anyone found any games that work on ubuntu that are similar to Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights/ TOEE etc?10:45
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aneb can i have help?10:45
Peloarooni,  did ubuntu boot before , how recent a problem is this ?10:45
wepeelI really need some good work distractions :)10:45
PriceChildwepeel, those first two both work on ubuntu10:45
ShackJackT!ask | aneb10:45
Pelo!ask | aneb10:45
ubotuaneb: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:45
NutubuntuOkay, I can understand that, PriceChild - t/y10:45
arooniPelo: just happend right now, was booting before fine.... i was removing my wireless card antenna, and ubuntu froze up, so i restarted10:45
sauvinGah. Something already beat me to its installation. That's one of the few gripes I have with Linux... so damn many files and libs. A man can't keep track of all of them in his head.10:45
wepeelPriceChild, I cannot get Shadows of Amn to work correctly. It installs, but the mouse doesn't work right when I get in game10:45
arooniPelo: now it seems i can't boot from the cd rom drive.. i'm trying to get to live cd10:46
Peloarooni,  try again , and it no work , boot the recovery mode10:46
PriceChildsauvin, that is what apt is for.10:46
arooniPelo:  i dont even see the grub view10:46
PriceChildwepeel, checked the winehq app database?10:46
ShackJacksauvin: Just take look at windows dll's sometime :P10:46
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TrashLikeUshow can i see which driver is used actually?10:46
r-chow do you get to the ~/.ssh/ part that all the tut's are refering to? pls help10:46
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sauvinShack, I gave up trying to look under Windows' hood when Windows 3.1 was the de facto desktop standard.10:46
PriceChildr-c, cd ~/.ssh10:47
Peloarooni,  lovely,  hit esc when you get pass the bios info screen should bet you the grub menu10:47
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i driver10:47
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: should be nv or nvidia, etc...10:47
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anebi have a dpkg problem. something happened while uninstalling xfonts-100dpi (reboot? crash of dpkg?) and dpkg is now reporting a error in a file. i trieed to fix it, but it reports errors. i was removing X1110:47
wepeelPriceChild, yeah, it seems to work well with the version of wine I have but with 7.05 (I'm running 6.10)10:47
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r-c:) thanks PriceChild10:47
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ShackJackTrashLikeUs: What was you card's exact model again?  Folks in #ubuntu-effects might be more help(?) I should think GeForce4 works with nvidia binary driver10:48
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TrashLikeUsits nv, but the problem is, the accelerated graphic support isnt even on. when i ll activate it i got to restart, but then crashes xserver... he changes nv to nvidia10:48
TrashLikeUsany idea?10:48
wepeelPriceChild, according to winehq, that is10:48
Peloaneb,  try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   that should fix the x11 problem and alllow you to continue with the removal10:48
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anebaneb: i don't think it's even installed. but i'll try.10:49
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: If driver already installed, you can change xorg.conf and just restart X.... Would need error message from Xorg, really to tell you more...10:49
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fevelhas anyone heard of openox10:49
Pelofevel,  what is openbox ?10:49
anebpelo: same error. also, it's not installed.10:49
TrashLikeUsi ll tell u whats in the error log10:49
r-cPriceChild: stupid question, how do I find that in File Browser?10:49
anebpelo: it = xserver-xorg10:49
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fevelPelo, it is a windowmanager that may even run inside gnome10:50
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: pastebin if it's more than 2 lines...10:50
Peloaneb,  try installing it maybe ?10:50
wepeelPriceChild, I think I'll try again after I upgrade to 7.04 (soon enough)10:50
PriceChildr-c, press ctrl+h to show hidden files/folders and then you'll see a folder called ".ssh"10:50
PriceChildwepeel, good luck :)10:50
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TrashLikeUscan i reach the channel somehow in my console?10:50
wepeelPriceChild, hehe, I really need to get work done, not play games...but thanks!10:50
arooniPelo: if i remove the cable it boots up fine.... is there *any reason* why inserting a wifi extender cable would cause bios to not to boot?10:50
anebpelo: using apt-get install gives that error. want me to pastebin the error?10:50
Pelofevel,  I donT' know about it, they probably have a channel somewere if you need help with it,  check their site10:50
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ShackJackTrashLikeUs: Hmmm. dunno - maybe you can just summarise message after toggling to nvidia from nv and back again - you don't have to reboot...10:51
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sauvinI just tried to do a google on openbox; google came back with "We're sorry...10:51
sauvin... but your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now."10:51
Peloaneb, I dont think it would do much good,  I'm not familiar enough with this kind of stuff to help,  I think you are in for a clean install10:51
anebpelo: i can't clean install10:52
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Peloarooni, I donT' know , sorry,  but you can boot now ? good10:52
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Pelosauvin,  look it up on wikipedia,  they are very good for geting info on progs and apps10:52
NETWizzhow do I install ndiswrapper?10:53
Gimm1eDatim still a little confused how to get to an area where I can type IP config10:53
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sauvinyea, you're right, but what's this about google saying my linux box is "infected"!?10:53
Gimm1eDati goto the administration.. network and it says "dhcp"10:53
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NutubuntuGimm1eDat, start a terminal10:53
Peloaneb,  just reinstalling the ubuntu-desktop and all taht comes with it maybe ?10:53
anebpelo: i removed the entire directory mentioned in the error message and ran apt-get update10:53
Gimm1eDatyet when I go to get on the browswer.. it doesnt have an IP10:53
NETWizzWhat is the name of the ndiswrapper package?10:53
anebpelo: that works now10:53
PeloNETWizz, sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper10:53
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Peloaneb, congrats,10:53
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NETWizzWill that work on Fiesty10:54
NETWizzand will it install a new version of it10:54
PeloNETWizz, it should10:54
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NETWizzOr will it install some really old version10:54
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: It seems you have to use the legacy driver: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/README/appendix-a.html10:54
PeloNETWizz, it will install the version that is available in the repos10:54
NETWizzWhen I upgraded from Dapper to Edgy, NDISWRApper broke10:54
Gimm1eDati get into a terminal.. and type IPCONFIG.. it says "ryan@ubuntupc-p$ and when I type ipconfig it says "bash: ipconfig" command not found"10:54
NutubuntuGimm1eDat, at a terminal command line type "ifconfig" followed by the interface, for example, "ifconfig eth0"10:54
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: sudo aptitude remove nvidia-glx && sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-legacy10:55
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TrashLikeUsShackJack: and thats the newest driver than?10:55
r-cPriceChild: I still can't see .ssh, where should I look? filesystem?10:55
PriceChildr-c, in your home10:55
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unagiwhat is svn checkout10:56
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sauvinDot files don't show up normally, do they?10:56
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ShackJackTrashLikeUs: Well, not new - it's legacy ;) Nvidia might have newer "legacy" driver on site, but you have to build, etc... try this one first... you might have to restart after installing - -- you'll have to change xorg.conf again of course...10:56
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NETWizzI bought a video card 7600GT to replace a 7300GT.10:56
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Nutubuntur-c, are you displaying hidden files? that setting isn't on by default in Nautilus, I believe ... dot files are hidden10:56
NETWizzWill I need to do anything to make it work with Ubuntu?10:56
Pelounagi,  subversion ?  system to use developement versons of software that allows you to update to all the incremental changes10:57
TrashLikeUsShackJack: ya this one works too, but like i said, i already used a newer dirver from nv hp10:57
NETWizzI already have nvidia-glx installed and working perfect, so can I just upgrade one card for another?10:57
MannyZcan someone tell me where i can change the password that is used when someone is connectin to my computer?10:57
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sauvinEasier just to fire up an xterm and do an ls -a10:57
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erUSULNETWizz: it should "just work" (tm)10:57
ShackJackNETWizz: You should be able to ... you can always run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xrog ;)10:57
sauvinMannyZ, the command I use is passwd10:57
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|tbb|how can i enable the scrollbar in xerm?10:58
mistoneI am on a hdtv ( dvi to hdmi cable) and i got eveyting working decent, but some of the screen  is cut off10:58
TrashLikeUsShackjack: this is again the old 7184, he causes a crash when i want to play world of warcraft -.-10:58
NETWizzI think it is dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg10:58
NETWizzI don't know what the -phigh is though10:58
stuart-in alt+f2, what kill line do i type so i get that skull icon i can click to kill a GUI program?10:58
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MannyZsauvin thanks10:58
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: You need newer graphics card GeForce 4 won't cut it, I don't think...10:58
=== Pelo would like to get some help , but he doesn'T have a problem, life sucks , it's always the other guys who get everthing
mistoneNETWizz: its how many settings youwant to fill in10:58
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MannyZsauvin tell me something.. i forgot my password. and now that i do?10:58
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mistonelike high means it figues mosof the stuff for you10:58
NutubuntuCan be a good life, Pelo, if you don't weaken ;)10:59
sauvinI can't help with lost passwords.10:59
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gordonjcplate night curry and icecream mission10:59
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rjg_does anyone here know how to install Ubuntu and dual boot with Mac OSX ona current intel macbook?10:59
TrashLikeUsShackjack: i already played with this card WoW under windows, the problem is that i need to use the 9631, but my xserver crashes than10:59
NETWizzI am planning on doing a clean install of Fiesty10:59
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: You've tried this one:  http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-9755.html10:59
MannyZ<sauvin> help me :S10:59
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NETWizzTo get from Edgy to Fiesty.  Or would upgrading be betteR?10:59
erUSUL!dualboot | rjg_10:59
uboturjg_: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty10:59
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MannyZsauvin i have forgotten my password..10:59
TessaCan anyone here help me set up a multihommed server?10:59
TrashLikeUsShackJack: no, the 9755 said i should use the 9631 oO10:59
ShackJack!enter | NETWizz11:00
ubotuNETWizz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:00
rjg_erUSUL: I have a intel11:00
PeloMannyZ,  try looking up password recovery in the forum see if anything comes up,  but I think you are screwed11:00
stuart-and what's the command for that ps -aux type real time updating process list again?11:00
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MannyZomfg :S?11:00
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ShackJackTrashLikeUs: Well, you'll have to get that from them, then...11:00
MannyZPelo im a amature11:00
erUSULrjg_: then you will have to try google ;P11:00
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MannyZ5days in linux11:00
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MannyZpelo i dont know what to do -.-11:00
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Tessaanyone?  help with the multihommed thing?11:00
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ShackJack!enter | MannyZ11:00
ubotuMannyZ: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:01
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adaptrTessa what seems to be the problem ?11:01
PeloMannyZ,  fantastic, so you probably dont, have anything important on your hdd yet,  just clean install11:01
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rjg_I cannot find out how to boot from CD to get the Live CD running, from their, I know what I'm doing11:01
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TrashLikeUsShackjack: u mean i have to get the 9755?11:01
MannyZumm i have..11:01
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Pelorjg_,  check in the forum   booting live cd on mac11:01
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: I don't know... You can look around on Nvidia site... I don't know why this one wouldn't work for you, it's the latest Nvidia legacy driver...11:01
exyanis there something like WinSCP ?11:01
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ShackJackTrashLikeUs: What was exact make of your card?11:02
sauvinManny's client doesn't ctcp version.11:02
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Pelomanny_,  boot up the live cd, you can back up your data so you donT' loose it ,  then clean install11:02
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PeloMannyZ,  boot up the live cd, you can back up your data so you donT' loose it ,  then clean install11:02
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NutubuntuMannyZ - first thing is don't panic; second thing is google for "lost password ubuntu"; third thing is watch firefox lock up :(11:02
MannyZcome to #manda11:02
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ShackJack!enter | MannyZ11:02
ubotuMannyZ: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:02
exyanis there something like WinSCP ?11:03
=== itguru [n=gabby@5ac21e9f.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu
MannyZok thanks guys :S11:03
NETWizzIs it better to upgrade or to do a clean install?11:03
sauvinexyan, is that a secure copy program for windows?11:03
KartiHi all, any idea why my cron task only copies accross a part of a file rather than the complete edition?11:03
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itgurudoes anyone in here use JACK?11:03
ned__i just CAN'T get my wifi card to work on my dell latitude d610 laptop. the wifi card is "03:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)" and I've used many guides, most recently "http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1189681&postcount=105" and gone through 3 reinstalls and my card just doesn't work. Earlier it would at least detect the wireless networks near me, but now i11:03
ned__t doesn't.11:03
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exyansauvin: that's a gui SCP client11:03
cconstantineHey guys... I've got an odd problem involving hard drives11:03
ShackJackNETWizz: Either's fine... some purists like clean install, but you're best having your /home in a separate partition...11:03
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exyanit would be odd if linux wouldn't have one11:04
ShackJackned__: Reinstalls is not the way to fix things in Linux - that's the windows way ;) Work the problem  :)11:04
battlecatIs there a way to save a webpage as a PDF file?11:04
ZenjiGiw di U get VMware running on windows?11:04
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unagiSWEET! my card reader works on my hp.....that makes me happy....i loev linux11:04
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cconstantineI reinstalled due to a failure in the system drive, and after getting a new hard drive reinstalled Ubunut (latest) and the 4 ide drive raid array "just worked" except that I'm missing a drive, and 2 of them are showing up as scsi... any ides?11:04
erUSULbattlecat: print it to a pdf printer... (cups pdf)11:05
NETWizzPut my home in a separate partition?11:05
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ShackJack!wireless | ned__ (good troubleshooting guide here)11:05
ubotuned__ (good troubleshooting guide here): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:05
NETWizzLike /Home in a different partition?11:05
=== Gray-Hat [n=draven@adsl196-138-184-217-196.adsl196-14.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowned__: That is an easy card to get going, without ndiswrapper11:05
battlecatWhat do I need to install for that? I dont see it in the printer selection area.11:05
jessi have some problems with loading the nvidia-glx driver xorg log http://pastebin.ca/64672311:05
sauvinSeems to me if you root around enough, you'll also find some html2pdf kind of command.11:05
NutubuntuMannyZ,  take a look at http://designedfor.wordpress.com/2007/05/05/lost-password-andor-username/11:05
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erUSUL!info cups-pdf | battlecat11:06
ubotubattlecat: cups-pdf: PDF printer for CUPS. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.2-3 (feisty), package size 39 kB, installed size 240 kB11:06
anebsauvin: also, openoffice can be that html2pdf11:06
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:06
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sauvinaneb: the reason I say "seems to me..." is that last time I browsed the deb repos for ubuntu, it was packed up past the rafters in "this2that" converters.11:06
NutubuntuNETWizz, /home in its own partition means that when you upgrade or install a new distro or (if you must) reinstall, you don't have to overwrite your /home and restore from backup11:07
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NETWizzThat would mean all my applications would still work?11:07
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itguruIf I have home on a separate partition, can multiple distros use it?11:07
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sauvinNutubuntu, having /home in its own partition might be problematic if the computer multiboots several different flavours of unix?11:07
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erUSULitguru: mostly yes11:08
=== itguru knows he should know the answer to that, but has always been too scared to try :)
NETWizzHere is my reinstall plan.  Tell me what you think:11:08
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Nutubuntusauvin, itguru - I'm too much a n00b to know that. I don't see why it would be an issue though.11:08
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ShackJackNETWizz: Emmm.. wha?  So you have /home in a separate partition, then?11:09
cconstantinesauvin: It isn't exactly a problem assuming all the user config files are compatible and you're using an FS all the unix's support11:09
NETWizzI am going to install on a new Hard Disk11:09
NETWizzDo a clean install11:09
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jamilii installed ubuntustudio, i booted, "Missing operating system" :\11:09
sauvincconstantine, the user config files are precisely what I'm concerned about.11:09
jamiliany help? even tho this isn't US chan11:09
DerangedDingojamili: just sounds like a GRUB error11:09
cconstantinesauvin: Things like bash should be stable enough, but I'm not sure how standard gnome/kde configs are11:10
jamiliyeh probly11:10
sauvinActually, it sounds like a toasted MBR.11:10
=== marc [n=marc@pool-71-125-51-213.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJack!enter | NETWizz11:10
ubotuNETWizz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:10
Gimm1eDati get into a terminal.. and type IPCONFIG.. it says "ryan@ubuntupc:~$ and when I type ipconfig it says "bash: ipconfig" command not found"11:10
marc.join #compiz-fusion11:10
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sauvinjamili, when, PRECISELY, are you seeing that message?11:10
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DerangedDingojamili: try booting from a live cd and resetting GRUB11:10
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varun0Gimm1eDat: it's ifconfig11:10
ShackJackmarc: /join #compiz-fusion ;)11:10
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NutubuntuGimm1eDat, at a terminal command line type "ifconfig" followed by the interface, for example, "ifconfig eth0" -- not iPconfig, iFconfig11:10
jamiliwhen it's trying to boot the os11:10
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sauvinIs this before or AFTER you're given the option of which OS to boot?11:11
NETWizzCan I image one hard disk to another with partimage and grow the filesystem, create a new swap, fix all the UUIDs and Grub and have it boot?11:11
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Gimm1eDatsame result11:11
Gimm1eDatipconfig eth011:11
sauvinJamili, your /dev/hda (C: drive in MS lingo) has no MBR.11:11
jamiliDerangedDingo ubuntustuio doesn't have live option11:11
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Jack_SparrowNETWizz: YES11:12
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DerangedDingojamili: Any liveCD should do11:12
NutubuntuGimm1eDat, no polite way to say this: You have to read. it is not ***IP***config it is ******IF******config11:12
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jamilisauvin should i boot on windows cd and run the fixmbr command?11:12
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sauvinI think I'd try the ubuntu livecd.11:12
NETWizzHow do I grow the filesystem to fill a new drive, create a new home partition and copy everything to it, find and fix the UUIDS?11:12
cconstantineCould someone help me troubleshoot a harddrive problem?  I have an AMD64 with an nvidia-250 motherboard with onboard raid.  I have 3 drives attached to the raid controller (the controller is setup to simply act as an ide device... ie no hardware raid) and I only see 2 of them.  Those two are showing up as poorly configured scsi-hd devices.  Could someone help me find the last drive and perhaps get all the drives on the raid controll11:13
NutubuntuI think I must have had too much coffee, that was unkind of me - I apologize, Gimm1eDat11:13
Gimm1eDatno no..11:13
jamililast time i tried that it got stuck somewhere11:13
Gimm1eDatyour right11:13
jamilican't remember atm where to11:13
jamilibut we'll see11:13
Gimm1eDatim an idiot.. i didnt read right11:13
Gimm1eDatim so accustomed to windows boxes11:13
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Gimm1eDati just fill in the letters even tho im reading something else11:13
Gimm1eDatthanks for being patient man11:13
ShackJack!enter | Gimm1eDat11:13
ubotuGimm1eDat: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:13
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sauvinI can't tell you how many times I've tried to use ipconfig under linux. I'm thinking about making a symlink.11:14
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DerangedDingojamili: i believe you just need to enter the GRUB shell, do "find /boot/grub/menu.lst", wait for a response, and set the corresponding partition as root/active/primary or whatever with a command that should be available on the internet. Then, run "setup /dev/hdax" or whatever11:14
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NETWizzJamili, fdisk /mbr will fix the "Missing Operating System" if the MBR is hosed11:14
desertcsauvin: just do a quick alias in your .profile11:14
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DerangedDingojamili: then with the live CD you could edit your menu.lst and add the entries for the different operating systems11:15
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jamili"Uncompressing Linux... Ok, bootin the kernel."11:15
sauvindesertc, doing that won't fix the problem for ted, mary, bob, alice, idiot, crashtest or squirrel.11:15
jamilistuck there11:15
Gray-Hatya klk1 ??11:15
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-118-96.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
NETWizzYou will find that in /boot/grub/menu.lst11:15
jamiliwith my both live cd's11:15
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jamiliso, i'll boot on xp cd and do fdisk /mbr11:16
sauvinDoes a livecd use the hard drive at all?11:16
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boxrockcan someone tell me how to get ubuntu working with widescreen monitor? (without stretching)11:16
Nutubuntusauvin, it doesn't by default but you can mount one11:16
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battlecatIs there a way to start Linux up without starting GNOME and say go directly into a program like SDLMAME?11:16
ShackJackjamili: Tried starting Live with noacpi option?11:16
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NETWizzjamili, fixmbr from REcovery Console on XP Disc11:16
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nexousHow can I resize my MediaCenter XP partition without buying a product such as PartitionMagic, etc?11:16
NETWizzYou might try fixboot too11:17
jamilishackjack mm no11:17
XLVnexous, qtparted11:17
NETWizzHowever, that will do nothing but install the default Microsoft MBR11:17
nexousXLV: Alright. Thanks11:17
Jack_Sparrownexous: GPARTED LIVECD11:17
poningrunexous: thats included in most linux live cds11:17
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poningruincluding the ubuntu install cd11:17
XLVnexous, and its gparted as the others mentioned11:17
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rjg_could someone walk me through partitioning a intel macboook with mac osx already on it?11:18
poningruanyone know how to do a hotplug?11:18
nexousAlright, well I have my 7.04 cd how do I run gparted?11:18
jamilii'm on ubuntu live cd's boot menu atm11:18
poningrurjg_: I saw some guy was working on it11:18
jamilii pressed f611:18
poningrua guide11:18
akan01nhi, i have my wifi working, and it seems that wap_supplicant is working, it shows a lot of authenticated msg and this kind of stuff.. but i cant ping my router.. destination host unreachable... DNS is set.. anyone know what is going on?11:18
jamiliboot options line came up11:18
itguruI got a question, that I know I SHOULD know the answer to, but I'm just checking in with you guys. If I am going to have a multi OS system, (multi-linux OS), and I have a separate home partition, I'm assuming that all the linux installs, can use the same home partition? If user names are the same, will the same files be available across the same user in all the linux flavours?11:18
=== Greeny_ [n=greeny@77-96-136-35.cable.ubr03.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
C-{pR0FHow do i mount a cd-rom , it doesn't mount when i insert the CD ?11:18
Jack_Sparrownexous: nexsystem admin  gnome partition editor11:18
ShackJack!enter | jamili11:18
ubotujamili: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:18
jamilioh sorry11:18
rjg_<poningru>: Who?11:18
nexousJack_Sparrow: Oh okay.11:19
ShackJackWhat is the boot option to disable acpi check - anyone know?11:19
sauvinitguru, in theory, yes. I have a personal reservation involving user config files.11:19
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poningruakan01n: are you sure you are getting ip address11:19
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NETWizzIf windows is broken, you can delete the boot.ini file and run bootcfg /rebuild from recovery console11:19
jamiliso, boot options line came up i type anything in it not?11:19
Gimm1eDatok, i typed it correct11:19
=== Feni23Ger [n=feni@dslb-088-064-226-047.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
akan01nponingru, static ip11:19
judazcould somone give me a hand with an ubuntu-server 7.04 ?11:19
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Gimm1eDatat no point do I see an IP address..11:19
Gimm1eDatcan i refresh the ip?11:19
taime1is it possible to remove gaim to install pidgin without removing ubuntu-desktop?11:19
desertcitguru: shouldn't we be asking you that question?11:19
judazi cant make it connect to a lan with dhcp11:19
poningruitguru: technically yes but thats not recommended11:19
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poningruthat can break a lot of things11:19
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itgurusauvin: That makes two of us.... I also have a nagging feeling that one distro with screw up personal files for another11:19
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ShackJackjamili: Yes, I don't know exaclt what ... asking in channel...  It's   acpi=off11:20
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RiCCo69I'm trying to install ndiswrapper I just did the update/upgrade but when I GO TO INSTALL SUDO APT-GET INSTALL NDISWRAPPER it says couldn't find package ndiswrapper. anyideas11:20
itgurudesertc: ITguru, doesn't mean LINUX GURU! :)11:20
NETWizzYou can remove gaim11:20
=== MannyZ [n=MannyZ@a80-186-150-81.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
NETWizzOnly thing is it will likely get re-installed11:20
C-{pR0Fwhat's the syntax mor mounting a cd rom ?11:20
TrashLikeUsi ve intalled the 9639 driver and used nvidia-xconfig, but that crashes my xserver, ` cuase he doesnt likes "nvidia" but "nv" in xorg.conf11:20
localghostHi all11:20
sauvinitguru, I'm a coward. My fedora and ubuntu home directories are in separate partitions.11:20
poningruakan01n: yeah go into a terminal and do sudo ifconfig <interface> <ip-address>11:20
desertcitguru: ah, I see - just a windows jockey11:20
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ShackJackJack_Sparrow: Starting with that can help when LiveCd starting linux kernel freezes for some, no?11:20
jamiliyeh windows ftw :D11:20
NETWizzAt work, ...11:20
poningruRiCCo69: go look for ndisgtk11:20
itgurusauvin: Mine - as far as I know, nobody I know has tried it11:20
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RiCCo69where abouts?11:20
poningru!info ndiswrapper11:20
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas11:20
localghostdon't know if it's the right place to ask, if not, then maybe someone will be able to point to the right place: I have problems getting a USB MIDI keyboard to work. I've searched internet quite thoroughly, Ubuntu official and comunity documentation among other places, but failed to get a clear answer. those things that I've tried either did not work, or did not work as expected, or... I don't know, but I just couldn't be able11:21
localghost to get it to work.11:21
ShackJackjamili: I assume you did a check on both LiveCds to make sure the burns were good...11:21
NETWizzI setup a lab of Ubuntu computers 37 to be exact.  I just wish I could push software to them.  I am thinking we need to create our own repository11:21
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ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo11:21
jamilishackjack, i ordered them11:21
itgurudesertc: Windows Jockey?! NO WAY! Even though I can find my way around a windows box easy, I prefer to use linux, but even the best of us, still ask advice :)11:21
akan01nponingru, ok, ifconfig eth1, done11:21
ShackJackjamili: Yeah, so?11:21
localghostno, not playing MIDI files11:21
poningrulocalghost: not sure how to do hardware11:21
poningruyeah I know sorry dude11:21
poningruakan01n: it should work now11:22
poningrudo ifconfig11:22
jamilishackjack they've been working good before, once used11:22
desertctaime1: stick with the default packages for a supported installation11:22
NutubuntuNETWizz, see http://developer.assaydepot.com/?p=1011:22
poningruNETWizz: yes you can do apt-cache11:22
akan01nponingru, Destination host unreachable11:22
poningruNETWizz: search around ...11:22
=== LinuxKid off
poningruwhat he said11:23
ShackJackjamili: You trying to boot now with acpi=off ?11:23
=== Tanman [n=weiyen@203-173-163-38.static.bliink.wave.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
boxrockanyone, can you tell me how to get my screen resolution set to widescreen?11:23
poningruakan01n: go do a ifconfig eth111:23
jamiliand again it got stuck there, well i'll try the other cd11:23
poningruand a iwconfig11:23
TrashLikeUsShackJack: http://de.pastebin.ca/64679211:23
jamilishackjack yes11:23
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poningruand pastebin it11:23
ShackJackjamili: Unplug any extranneous USB's too...11:23
poningruboxrock: what graphics card do you have?11:23
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Dorothy_does anyone know anything about themes?11:23
localghostso noone here knows something about the subject?11:23
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boxrockponingru: not sure, it is a thin-client boxen11:23
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poningrulocalghost: go ask in something audio related11:23
NETWizzUm, I also installed SSH and public key administration11:23
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desertc!themes |dorothy_11:24
ubotudorothy_: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:24
jamilii love web ircs11:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about deploy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:24
poningruhold on11:24
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Tanmani was just wondering how ubuntu server utilises the swap file11:24
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: good looks like you got in working ;)11:24
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rjg_so no one in here can help me partition into 3 partitions: OSX, Ubuntu, Shared?11:25
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nexousWill GParted erase data on my windows partition if i resize the partition?11:25
desertclocalghost: what is a usb midi keyboard?11:25
hybirdbehello all11:25
Tanmanbecause my server is dropping to 3 MB on the RAM but it still hasn;t utilised the swap file yet...is that any need for concern?11:25
poningrudesertc: its a piano type thing11:25
poningrunexous: it shouldnt but you should backup your data11:25
RiCCo69look i know im a newb but when you said !ndisgtk was that a command i put somwhere?11:25
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desertcdesertc: a piano keyboard?  no... you're pulling my leg!11:25
nexousponingru: Alright thanks.11:25
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localghostponingru: are there any linux audio related channels on this IRC server?11:25
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desertclocalghost: go #alsa11:26
WX9Jadded 4 partitions from a second drive to the fstab file. all are VFAT and mounted fine but cannot do chmod, chgrp or chown even as root11:26
astro76Tanman, no a lot of the used ram is probably just old cache which is being overwritten as needed11:26
NETWizzLet me say I get repository working on a LAN at work.  Can I make it so that apt-get update && apt-get upgrade will install updates?11:26
desertc!alsa |localghost11:26
ubotulocalghost: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:26
poningrulocalghost: there are11:26
jamilibooting from another cd with acpi off.11:26
hybirdbei do sudo makesel , select lamp server , and than install but the instalation process stays at1 % eaven after several trys anybody can help11:26
TrashLikeUsShackJack: :D ya, but i dont find a solution, nv driver works with my card too, but i dont got acceleration, nvidia would be the installed nvidia driver 9639, but this crashes my xserver -.-11:26
Tanman ok thank you astro11:26
NETWizzBasically, my goal is to have all our lab machines check a repository and install whatever that server wants11:26
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catisonhhow much does ubuntu cost?11:26
hybirdbei mean sudo tasksel sorry11:26
catisonhI am on a budget11:26
localghostubotu: no, it's specific to midi keyboard11:26
hybirdbeit's free ubuntu is free :D11:26
jamilicatisonh nothing11:26
clouderis there a gui utility to adjust desktop gamma?  I found the one in xfce, but I can't find it on gnome11:27
localghostalsa/audio in general seems to work OK11:27
hybirdbeand why do i always hear crackel in my audio?11:27
jamiliagain it doesn't go anywhere after it's trying to boot kernel11:27
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: looks like it doesn't like the glx extension -- try commenting it out in xorg.conf and restart X - - that the only thing out of order I can see...11:27
catisonhyeah, but when I went to the store, it says $500 for the "Vista Ultimate" edition11:27
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poningruNETWizz: you wann come into #ubuntu-server ?11:27
hybirdbelol , i suck at linux :(11:28
jamilishould i try by plugging my hdd off?11:28
TrashLikeUsShackJack: hm but glx is need for acceleration i thought?!11:28
poningruhybirdbe: whats wrong?11:28
jamiliand switch to another11:28
todas_alguien de espaa11:28
Tanmanthats vista  not ubuntu. catisonh11:28
jamilishackjack ideas?11:28
ShackJackTrashLikeUs: Mmmm... dunno...11:28
desertc!alsa |hybirdbe11:28
ubotuhybirdbe: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gamma - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:28
=== sascha__ [n=sascha@dslb-084-056-240-231.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
catisonhso who do I pay?11:28
hybirdbedude , i read the wiki and alsa is selected11:28
C-{pR0Fwhat's the syntax for mounting a cd-rom?11:29
ShackJackjamili: Only to try alternate install CD instead... or check CD and/or memory.... Or maybe try starting in VGA mode11:29
TrashLikeUsShackJack: :/11:29
=== marc [n=marc@pool-71-125-51-213.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tanmanyou download the CD and install it11:29
desertccatisonh: Ununtu support costs $250 a year11:29
catisonhoh ok11:29
jamili"Only try alternate install CD instead" ?11:29
Tanmanthats if you want pro support11:29
desertccatisonh: However, you are free to download the software and not get the support11:29
=== billiejoex [n=billiejo@ppp-99-44.21-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu
Tanmannott the media like Windows11:29
astro76catisonh, http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu11:29
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ShackJackTrashLikeUs: Sorry, not up on my smileys :) You'd really be better off getting a newer card (like at least a 6 series nvidia)11:30
ShackJack!alternate | jamili11:30
ubotujamili: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal11:30
catisonhoh, so ubuntu isn't made by Microsoft?11:30
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hybirdbeomfg :p11:30
Tanmanhah no it is not11:30
jamilii tried to check the cd11:30
jamilistuck in the same spot11:30
jamilican't boot kernel11:31
jamilioh sorry many lines again :P11:31
TanmanCat:it is isn't11:31
hybirdbeg2g , i'll ask about tasksel later11:31
catisonhthen I can't use it, because my computer says its designed for Microsoft11:31
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=== Falstius [n=jeff@c-71-227-120-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
andywatthi could anybody help me with ubuntu11:31
Tanmanthats slightly untrue11:31
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ShackJackjamili: It got stuck trying to check the CD? Something is definately wrong there -- maybe something with the drive itself..11:31
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ShackJack!ask | andywatt11:31
ubotuandywatt: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:31
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TanmanCat: you can install Ubuntu on any pc11:32
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desertccatisonh: also review: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html11:32
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ShackJackCat: Well, most any ;)11:32
jamilii'm glad to have cd-rw on bookshelf :P11:32
=== Goldie is now known as Elagic
desertccatisonh: your computer isn't owned by microsoft11:32
jamilicd-rw reader*11:32
TanmanCat: i have that label too..11:32
Tanmancatisonh: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors11:32
desertccat: that label peels off11:32
anto9usI've added myself to a group but the app doesn't see it, (vboxusers, Virtualbox.) Is there a way to resolve this without logging out?11:32
ShackJackjamili: Yeah, dunno what it could be - maybe someone else has input...11:33
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localghost#alsa seems to be quite silent...11:33
=== nexous [n=chatzill@clsm-208-111-212-227-pppoe.dsl.clsm.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tanmancat: you can ddownload Ubuntu from that location11:33
jamiliwell it's a job for tomorrow11:33
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andywattI installed 64 bit ubuntu and dual booted it with my existing vista install is there any way I could downloagrade to 32 bit but unaffect my bootloader?11:33
jamilii should get some slep11:33
catisonhyeah, but Microsoft will get mad at me, I think11:33
jamiliwell i'll try installing us once moar :O11:33
akan01nponingru, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32685/11:33
nexousIs there any problem with setting my swap partition to 1gb?11:33
catisonhbecause they designed my computer11:33
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desertccatisonh: you are just trying to troll us now ... ignored11:33
Tanmancatisonh: no they didn;t11:33
akan01nponingru, the first one is ifconfig eth, second iwconfig eth111:34
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sauvinnexous, how much ram do you have?11:34
nixternal!topic | catisonh11:34
ubotucatisonh: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic11:34
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malociteI am getting extremely poor bittorrent performance since installing ubuntu, ports are forwarded correctly, can anyone help me with this?11:34
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nixternalcatisonh: stay on topic please11:34
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nexoussauvin: or should i just leave it as 512?11:35
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sauvinI think the conventional wisdom is to make swap size twice the amount of ram.11:35
ShackJacknexous: I set mine as 1.5-2X RAM11:35
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paotzuI usu also leave space for ram upgrades, free space not partitioned11:36
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catisonhI am on topic, I am asking about ubuntu, because I want to use the linux11:36
XLVsauvin, that whas when ram was limited, now eg with 2GB of ram, what app will need 6GB, and would you want that much hdd thrashing?11:36
nexousShackJack: so your saying to set my swap at around 2.0gb?11:36
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TanmanCAtis: then you can use Ubuntu on your machine if you want to11:36
=== odat [n=ronnie@c-71-207-39-41.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TanmanCatis: MS won't get mad at you at all11:36
odatanyone know anything about the 64bit version11:37
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odatis it worth it?11:37
nixternalcatisonh: that is fine, but your Microsoft chatting has some of us wondering. We are here to help you with Ubuntu11:37
FalstiusXLV: if no apps use the ram, there won't be any thrashing.  2x is good for a laptop or desktop that will use hibernate.11:37
ShackJacknexous: That's just my rule of thumb... It's prolly a little old-fashioned, but disk space is cheap...11:37
paotzu64 bit works fine11:37
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XLVcatisonh, no, dont do it, bill gates takes such matters very personally11:37
nexousShackJack: Alright thank11:37
nixternalodat: I use the 64bit version...unfortunately there are some tricks to it still for some of the apps11:37
desertccatisonh: Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils.11:37
ShackJackodat: Works good - just some issues with certain drivers or plugins...11:37
odatXLV, yea but what about flash and stuff11:37
TanmanCatis: XLV-->LOL11:37
paotzuflash is a problem but flash sux anyway11:37
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XLVcatisonh, not to mention balmer.. he'll come around and do the developers dance all over again11:38
ShackJackpaotzu: Maybe, but it's so darned ubiquitous...11:38
paotzuall you gotta do is install 32 bit firefox and flash11:38
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xerawxflash is the bane of open source11:38
odatshould i just use the regular one on it?11:38
varun0odat: I don't think it's worth it. The performance is about the same, and there is a lot more of a headache/11:38
TanmanXLV: its ads now11:38
xerawxand also the bane of PPC users regardless of OS11:38
varun0odat: with 64-bit, that is11:38
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paotzuyou don't have to totally revert to 32 bit11:38
XLVodat, use nspluginwrapper11:38
cconstantineI have an AMD64 (x86_64) machine with builtin raid and the ubuntu kernel isn't finding it, could someone help me?11:38
garretttcan some help me with with adacity?11:38
catisonhI just want to be able to edit my cat pictures and run my ftp server11:38
MasterShrekso i installed kubuntu-desktop so that i would have it, but now when i boot up or shut down theres a kubuntu screen, i want it back to ubuntu, but i forgot how to change it back11:38
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MasterShrekwho knows how to change that?11:39
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XLVodat, http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/projects/nspluginwrapper/11:39
darkfrogCan someone help me through mounting an LVM partition from a Live CD?11:39
ShackJackgarrettt: THey have a dedicated channel @ #audacity ;)11:39
varun0MasterShrek: just the splash screen?11:39
xerawx(im in ur effteepeez, leechin ur lolcats)11:39
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desertccconstantine: google "fakeraid"11:39
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varun0odat: I run 64-bit. I wish I had done 32 bits. You can get some things to work, but it's extra effort that you really don't need to make11:40
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desertcodat: I run 64-bit and i love it.  Just no Flash Player - no big deal11:40
garretttWhen i open adacity and try to play a song it says "Error wile opening sound device. Please check the out put device settings and the project sample rate." can some one help me fix this?11:40
=== Jambon [n=Jambon@S0106000d8832d25c.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
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odatso 32 bit is not only easy but just about as fast anyway?11:40
yaustarI have ubuntu 6.06 installed on my laptop and finding that it gets quite warm/hot even though it is idle so the fan is on constantly. Any ideas? Cheers11:41
paotzuI find 64 bit about 25 percent better for processing audio11:41
XLVdesertc, http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/projects/nspluginwrapper/ give this a try11:41
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desertcXLV: Thanks - but I don't care to use it11:41
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catisonhgarrettt, try closing firefox11:41
ShackJackpaotzu: Why not twice as fast processing audio :P11:41
xerawxyaustar: i'm about to try compiling a new kernel for my powerbook to try out the tickless idle feature in new kernels11:41
cconstantinedesertc: Thanks, we'll see if this helps11:41
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howlingmadhowieodat: if it's just as fast or not, that depends11:41
paotzushackjack: well I actually measured it11:41
desertccconstantine: short answer - it doesn't work11:41
xerawxyaustar: you can get an app called powertop if you have a new kernel that measures what apps use the most power11:41
Jambonhi. I was wondering about what kind of programs people use to prototype interfaces? I hear Flash is easy to use, but it's not available in Linux. What would be an easy alternative to prototyping in Flash?11:42
yaustarxerawx: eek, recompiling the kernal sounds a little extreme11:42
varun0odat: I'd look up benchmarks for what you want to do. For regular desktop usage, it's not worth it11:42
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cconstantinedesertc: It worked the last time I installed ubuntu... of note: I11:42
garretttcatisonh when i close firefox the same error comes up11:42
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cconstantinedesertc: I'm just using the raid for more ide channels, it's not set to do any raid functionality11:42
xerawxyaustar: well, it's not really so bad.. i haven't done it in years but there are step by step guides on the ubuntu site11:42
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odatvarun0, how about a lot of gimp work?11:42
howlingmadhowieodat: if you're doing lots of floating point calculations using the 80-bit accuracy found in the intel fpus, you'd want more memory width to process results faster.11:42
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catisonhgarrettt, were you using any other sound software before you used audacity?11:43
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yaustarxerawx: I noticed that this wasn't happening with 7.04 (but wouldn't boot up 4/5 times)11:43
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varun0odat: I'd think that would depend more on how much RAM you had. I doubt 64-bit would make much difference11:43
xerawxyaustar: its pretty much the best way to optimize linux for your machine, especially with that new tickless idle feature i guess that makes a big difference in battery life11:43
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catisonhgarrettt, whenever I get that error, I have to close a lot of things before it goes away, most of the time it is firefox11:43
howlingmadhowieodat: 32 bit operating systems can also only address (somewhat less than) 4GB of ram (pro application)11:43
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yaustarxerawx: true, I look into it ;)11:43
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varun0odat: so yea. that's a big one. if you had more than 4 gigs, you need a 64-bit kernel11:44
garretttahhh thanks a lot it was amarok11:44
desertchttp://search.wikia.com  <- the wikipedia Internet search11:44
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howlingmadhowievarun0: naa, you just need a kernel which supports pae, and linux has done that for years11:44
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odatin the forums all i see are lots of 64 bit headheaches11:44
akan01ni found the problem with my wifi.. when i do ping the router, the ping cmd says From which is my Ethernet card, not my Wifi card which is, how can i set the default to be wifi?11:44
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odatheadaches even11:44
desertcodat: I use it just fine, but you do not have to do so.11:45
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ShackJackodat: My headaches are 32-bit ;)11:45
varun0howlingmadhowie: hm. true. I forgot about that11:45
desertcodat: I've been running it since 200311:45
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XiXaQhow do I minimize tsclient when its run in fullscreen?11:45
odatdesertc does mplayer work with fuss?11:45
NutubuntuMasterShrek, to go back from kubuntu to ubuntu, if I remember properly, psychocats.net has a writeup11:45
desertcodat: I don't use mplayer - no idea11:45
=== Flaschebia_3988 [n=Flascheb@pD9E3EFAF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flaschebia_3988wie gehts ma euch??11:46
desertcodat: I just use the software provided with Ubuntu11:46
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:46
ShackJack!de | Flaschebia_398811:46
ubotuFlaschebia_3988: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:46
=== falcon [n=anyo@h99.71.89.75.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
desertcooh, that's a good one, sj11:46
howlingmadhowieodat: there are some nasty 64-bit problems. but things have got a lot better. programmers don't write things like int_array2D=(int **)malloc(dimx*sizeof(int)) any longer (thank god)11:46
=== azarion [i=tomek@dgr74.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
yaustarxerawx: If something goes wrong (eg the computer doesn't boot) how easy is it to revert back to an old kernel?11:47
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ShackJackdesertc: I *think* that's German :)11:47
varun0odat: mplayer will work fine. you will have trouble with the w32codecs11:47
desertchello, azarion!11:47
sauvinTrust me, it's German.11:47
Nutubuntuodat, on the other hand, the 64bit kernel for some odd reason cannot deal with partitions > 1TB ... so it's a tossup, I think11:47
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Falstiusyaustar: very easy if you are carefull not to delete your old kernel.11:47
odatvarun0, eeekkkkk 32 bit it is11:47
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varun0odat: someone might know otherwise, but AFAIK ndiswrapper doesnt' do java for firefox, either11:47
howlingmadhowievarun0: of course, you can still only address 4GB of RAM per process, but 4GB of RAM per process should be enough for anybody...11:48
Nutubuntuhowlingmadhowie, famous last words ;)11:48
desertchowlingmadhowie: 4GB total, but only ... like 1.5 GB per process11:48
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yaustarFalstius: Is there a good howto that you could me to please?11:48
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desertchowlingmadhowie: frankly the max is more like 3.211:48
akan01nwhy the ping cmd is firing from my wired-card with IP .31 and not from my wifi-card .21? i have no wire connected11:48
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desertcyaustar: tldp.org11:49
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sauvinhowlingmadhowie, seems to me some idiot at IBM once said that 640k is all the computer power anybody is ever going to need....11:49
howlingmadhowiedesertc: okay, you have mappings of IO and drivers in the upper parts (have a look in /proc/iomem). i was ignoring that... :)11:49
ShackJacksauvin: THat was BIll Gates :)11:49
Nutubuntusauvin, it was some idiot who founded Microsoft ;)11:49
xerawxyaustar: just as easy as switching the to the old kernel in your boot menu11:49
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paotzu640 gigs he meant11:49
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yaustarxerawx: Via grub?11:49
xerawxyaustar: the new one just be added to the list at first and the old would be there till you decide to get rid of it11:49
exyanhow do I change the text color @ gnome panel?11:49
sauvinMmkay, so I'm an idiot, too. That decision, however, had some very profound consequences on software development for a couple of DECADES.11:50
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howlingmadhowieyeah, back then when the 8086 had 20-bit addressing. and 320kB were used for system IO. oh, those were the days :)11:50
xerawxyaustar: at least that's how i remember it, it's been a long time since i did this actually, i'm just following the guide for compiling a kernel on PPC11:50
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ShackJackexyan: Under themes, customize... not all themes let you change colors...11:50
Nutubuntusauvin, agreed - a bad decision, that is, not the other :)11:50
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yaustarxerawx: can you forward me the link please?11:50
aldcorwhy  i can't change my resolution? i toke screen resolution tool and there is only 640x480 in list... (i installed KDE and i used it, there i changed resolution, now it's on gnome too and i can't change it)11:50
sauvinhowlingmadhowie, I still want to throttle the idiot who decided the 386 had to wake up in real mode.11:51
=== gigabytes [n=gigabyte@host66-62-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
gigabyteshello everybody11:51
ShackJack!fixres | aldcor11:51
ubotualdcor: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:51
exyanShackJack: it would be not the linux way if you couldn't change that11:51
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ShackJackexyan: Hehee... Like I said - depends on the theme :)11:51
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desertcgigabytes: Whazzup!11:51
paotzuall those bios choices were based on software backward conpatibility11:51
exyanShackJack: nop, there's another way ;p11:51
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exyanShackJack: ubuntu is not windows, so ur wrong ;)11:52
gigabyteshello desertc11:52
gigabytesthere is a bug in ubuntu server11:52
Nutubuntuonly one?11:52
desertcgigabytes: check out #ubuntu-server11:52
sauvinpaotzu, I know that. it wasn't a totally boneheaded decision, but at some point, somebody was going to have to draw a line in the sand and say "From this point forward, backwards compatibility will have to be handled with a VM".11:52
gigabytesdesertc: thanks, however I think it is common to ubuntu desktop too11:52
ShackJackexyan: In themes, at any rates the "Windows" text color changes it for panel, windows, etc...11:52
howlingmadhowiesauvin: oh yes. i'd forgotten about that. all x86 still do that :)11:53
desertcgigabytes: don't hold back - let us know what the problem is !11:53
=== MannyZ [n=MannyZ@a80-186-150-81.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
xerawxyaustar: i'm following a forum thread mostly that's specific to PPC, but this seems to be the general ubuntu howto for compiling a kernel: http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu11:53
quaalwhat gnome app reads system temps?11:53
gigabytesdesertc: I can't mount any samba share using smbfs in a line on fstab11:53
sauvinI didn't forget. Before I knew about extenders, I tried (and failed) to get around the limitation that BIOS services had to be accessed in real mode.11:53
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xerawxit's basically the same thing though11:53
howlingmadhowiesauvin: obviously for reasons of backwards compatibility. well, one more thing to help you sleep soundly at night :)11:53
Nutubuntusauvin, it's probably OT but remember Windows 1? The hardware really didn't support doing *anything* at a useable speed ... it is my guess that the VM approach had to wait for sufficient computing power to make it possible to use without day-long waits to redraw screens11:53
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:53
yaustarxerawx: cheers11:53
gigabytesdesertc: if I use the mount command manually with "mount /mount/point" it works, but at boot it freezes11:53
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sauvinNo, I don't, but I do remember Windows 2. I was NOT impressed.11:54
howlingmadhowiesauvin: really? i didn't know that about bios... that's horrible11:54
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uguralbayramHi all can anyone help me about a booting problem11:54
exyanShackJack: http://brentroos.com/2006/07/07/change-gnome-panel-text-color/11:54
desertcgigabytes: I don't know anything about samba shares.  Is it a windows machine or anther linux machine?11:54
sauvinNeither did Windows 3.x, but OS/2 blew my socks off. It was OS/2 experience that took me to Linux to begin with, because of all the cool unix tools available under emx.11:54
gigabytesdesertc: it stops only with ctrl-alt-del and then the mount point is inaccessible from the shell because every command like ls or cd hangs when I enter in the mount point directory (that has not been mounted)11:54
ShackJackexyan: Ahhh... live n' learn ;)11:54
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uguralbayramI am too new to ubuntu11:54
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uguralbayramit took 1 hour to join here :)11:55
desertcgigabytes: you can just use SSH from Nautilus if it is a linux or unix directory11:55
gigabytesdesertc: it seems because a "mountpoint -q /mount/point" process remains in execution11:55
ShackJack!ask | uguralbayram11:55
ubotuuguralbayram: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:55
jamili"Software selection", i assume these aren't necessary?11:55
howlingmadhowiedesertc: as far as i know it's difficult to tell. the smb protocoll is a windows protocoll which the samba-guys re-implemented11:55
jamilior does it affect much if i install them?11:55
gigabytesdesertc: I don't have nautilus I use ubuntu server for a reason :D11:55
uguralbayrami installed the last version of ubuntu without windows or any other operating systems11:55
uguralbayrambut when i  reboot my pc11:56
jamiliinstalling ubuntustudio btw11:56
jamiliwell yea i install 'em11:56
uguralbayramit says no bootable device found11:56
desertcgigabytes: :(  Sorry!  *shrugs*11:56
=== MrFeetio [n=david@c-71-230-5-247.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
howlingmadhowiedesertc: sorry, i totally misread your sentence :)11:56
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desertchowlingmadhowie: np11:56
sauvin"no bootable device found"!? uguralbayram, when, precisely, are you seeing this message?11:56
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uguralbayramwhen i put on ubuntu installing cd and chose "first boot from hard disk" there is no problem11:57
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uguralbayrambut cant start without cd11:57
uguralbayramit says it everytime i restart my pc11:57
gigabytesdoes anyone know what can I do to solve the problem and have the share mounted at boot?11:57
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gigabytesuguralbayram: try to check bios settings11:57
howlingmadhowieuguralbayram: do you see the words "grub error"?11:57
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:57
roger_padactorhello, i installed apache2 and i want to create and edit files in the www dir but it wont let me how do i resolve this problem?11:58
ShackJack!enter | uguralbayram (just fyi, makes it easier to track your question)11:58
ubotuuguralbayram (just fyi, makes it easier to track your question): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:58
uguralbayramchekced the bios settings twice11:58
Ademanwait, does the restricted driver manager do ati cards as well?11:58
sauvinThe "no bootable device" found would be a BIOS thing, unless I'm mistaken - GRUB isn't even remotely in the picture at this stage of the powerup sequence.11:58
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ShackJackroger_padactor: (where to I know that name from): you have permissions/ownership of that directory - you might need to change it...11:58
desertcroger_padactor: you'll have to check with apache support11:58
sauvinuguralbayram, am I correct in understanding that you can boot from the hard drive, but not the CD?11:59
howlingmadhowiesauvin: oh, it's going wrong that early. that's not a good sign.11:59
malocitecan you have more than one version of python installed?11:59
Gimm1eDati got it on the network, is there a quick and easy way to get my ubuntu box to join my windows workgroup? and ultimatley share files?11:59
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uguralbayramwhen i put the cd on11:59
MicroMy CDRW drive isn't meant to be over 40 degrees C is it (just reading the live cd)? I thought i could smell something...11:59
uguralbayrami can boot it11:59
Ademanmalocite: i think so... but why?  /usr/bin/python is a symlink to one of the versions i'm pretty sure, so whichever one you installed second would be what /usr/bin/python points to12:00
L815how do you run window apps on linux?12:00
ShackJackdesertc: Gettin' tired of answering the non-ubuntu ubuntu questions? ;)12:00
desertcGimm1eDat: not that quick - it's obviously proprietary12:00
sauvinBut you need the CD before you can boot the hard drive?12:00
malociteademan: I am trying to install bittorrent - and it says I need python 2.4, but I already have 2.5 installed12:00
uguralbayramyes sauvin thats right12:00
howlingmadhowieGimm1eDat: if you go to places->network->windows network, you should see all windows shares on the network12:00
desertcShackJack: I am a bit quick to pass the buck... *rolls eyes*12:00
RprpHi, What is the mplayer's codec dir?12:00
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sauvinWhen you try to boot the hard drive without the CD, you get this "no bootable device found" error?12:00
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=== Yaro [n=Yaro@cpe-24-161-121-51.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
YaroHi every one12:01
desertcYaro: heya!12:01
sauvinAnd your BIOS settings includes the hard drive in the list of bootable devices?12:01
Yaroneed some help with hardware12:01

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