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xjkxcant make cups work !!02:24
xjkxNo f-- password works on admin thing02:25
Melquiadesi remember that being a problem02:26
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xjkxit sounds like a bug, it should come perfectly usable02:31
Melquiadesi don't think it's a bug, i think i was doing something noobish02:45
Melquiadesit's been a long time though02:45
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pfeinIf I have a fresh Ubuntu (ie, Gnome) install + a Xubuntu Desktop CD, how can I get xubuntu-desktop installed?02:56
Melquiadesthere is a way to basically do this w/out even using the cd02:57
Melquiadesyou have to replace gnome with kfce02:57
Melquiadesit looks different but it is essentially the same thing02:57
Melquiadesthe easiest option is just to install xubuntu and then add the ubuntu elements you need02:58
pfeinMelquiades: no, I *want* to use the CD, I don't have net access on the target yet02:58
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Melquiadesand I'm supposed to know that?03:00
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mkquistpfein - just add the cd to your repositories in package manager03:05
mkquistpfein - then u can just sudo-apt get it03:05
pfeinmkquist: yup, figured it out.  & discovered apt-cdrom03:05
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WankusHi, whats the best way to connect to a wireless network (wpa encryption) through a xubuntu laptop? Network-manager?03:13
Wankusso ,its "sudo aptitude install network-manager" ?03:14
vidd_laptopno.....network-manager is pre-installed03:14
Wankusit is? how do i find it, I'm on feisty?03:15
pfeinmkquist: so I've got the cd in my sources.list, but xubuntu-desktop is unknown to apt-get/apt-cache03:15
WankusI tried that, but I couldn't use wpa for it.03:16
Wankusjus wep03:16
vidd_laptophrm..then idk03:17
Wankuscan you use wpa in yours?03:17
vidd_laptopnever tried03:18
Wankusok, thanks for the help anyways03:18
mkquistpfein - try xfce and see what happens03:30
pfeinmkquist: oops, go frustrated & turned it off.  maybe later. thx tho.03:34
pfeinhow does one get those "tasks" tho?03:34
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:04
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bio__does anyone know a program that will make the computer read print?10:37
TheSheepbio__: gocr and various other ocr programs10:40
bio__there are a few it appears in the synaptic if you search "speech"10:40
bio__it appears10:40
bio__text to speech programs10:41
TheSheepah, I thought you meant text recognition10:41
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bio__I got something okay10:51
bio__How's Ron Paul doing with you?10:52
TheSheepbio__: I beg you pardon?10:54
bio__Ron Paul for President 2008?  Doesn't ring a bell?10:55
bio__You should Google him, especially if you're American10:55
ubotu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:56
bio__Xubuntu and Ron Paul are like peas and carrots (if you are in a region where such colloquialisms are recognizable)10:56
bio__anyhoo, see you later!10:56
bio__Thanks for the chatter10:56
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels10:57
bio__I'll go to #ronpaul10:57
TheSheepbio__: we don't do politics on freenode, consider yourself warned10:58
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magic_ninjaare there any reasons i would have a samba server installed, seeing as I have not manually installed or configured one11:02
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ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)11:28
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Catoptromancy_wow heh01:15
Catoptromancy_50 mbs of updates01:15
Catoptromancy_guess I kinda forgot01:15
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jasonxHas anybody got the "Rezlooks" theme engine working on Feisty (Xubuntu PPC)? I have compiled the engine and put some themes in my .themes folder but nothing shows up02:15
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abedoguys I put a php file in var/www  , but when I click a link that point to this file , It open the download dialog instead go to another page .03:57
hyper_chabedo: how did you link that file?04:01
PumpernickelSounds like you don't have mod_php set up properly.04:06
abedohyper_ch: href  like any hyperlink04:30
abedo<a href="test.php">04:31
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pleia2how important is it to have hald running?06:31
=== pleia2 has 3243 year old laptop, and hald is taking up about 7% of her precious ram
pleia2based on the description and how often I plug in new hardware, I'm leaning toward "not important at all"06:32
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TheSheeppleia2: you also need hal for thunar to see inserted cd's and for it to eject them07:03
pleia2TheSheep: already uninstalled thunar, don't need it07:03
pleia2how about for when I plug in my usb mouse?07:03
TheSheepI guess that is handled by udev07:04
pleia2I expect so07:04
TheSheeppleia2: maybe you would be happier with a more advanced but lighted distro07:04
TheSheeppleia2: like archlinux07:04
pleia2TheSheep: this laptop already dual boots xubuntu and debian, I'm running xubuntu mostly because of the superior wireless support07:05
TheSheepah, ok07:05
pleia2so I use xubuntu for when I'm on the road, debian for development (I maintain a couple packages)07:06
VladimirMelodo we have news about xfce schedule for ubuntu?07:08
TheSheepVladimirMelo: did you check the wiki?07:09
VladimirMeloTheSheep: no, i didn't, is there any information there?07:09
TheSheepVladimirMelo: that's where I'd start looking07:09
VladimirMeloTheSheep: ok :)07:10
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases07:10
TheSheepsome starting points :)07:10
VladimirMeloTheSheep: I'm reading about plans, by the way, I'm working to join gnome and xfce translation teams, but it's not easy07:12
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ReColahello, anyone here can help me with new install of xubuntu?08:17
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:17
ReColalol .. i just installed on old compaq presario 1670,  at start up i get message .. ACPI: unable to locate RSDP08:18
TheSheepReCola: that's harmless warning08:18
ReColahmmm .. it will not complete start up .. it stalls at spinning wheel08:19
PumpernickelHave you tried booting with acpi disabled?08:24
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PumpernickelIt could be worth testing.08:29
ReColathank you.08:30
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Catoptromancyanyone happen to know a good mod tracker?09:43
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taggartbgso...i have a laptop running xubuntu 7.04, and I have a wireless card - a linksys.  I unblacklisted it's driver (r818x), i modprobed it, it worked in the past - now when i do the exact same thing i get no results10:27
taggartbgiwconfig recognizes the card, but its as if its dead10:27
taggartbghowever, its a brand new card10:28
taggartbgany help would be greatly appreciated10:28
Catoptromancylinksys should work perfectly with ndiswrapper10:28
taggartbgisn't that basically for using a windows driver on linux?10:28
Catoptromancymakes mine work fine10:29
taggartbgi don't see why i would do that, if fiesty fawn has a driver built in that worked last time i used the laptop10:29
taggartbgI'll look into it though, thanks10:29
taggartbgany other ideas?10:30
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str1can anyone here tell me what happens if you unstall xfce from xubuntu feisty ?  does the system still work if i have another gui system like kde on it ?  also how do i remove xfce ?   any pointer would be appreciated10:33
zials. . . why not just install kubuntu?10:34
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str1zials:  i already have kde+xfce on xubuntu feisty.... i simply want to update from xfce 4.4.0 to 4.4.110:35
str1zials:  i have the 4.4.1 graphical installer but i am unsure if i first need to remove old xfce10:35
Catoptromancywouldnt update manager do that10:35
zialsyou don't need to worry about xfce in that case...10:36
str1zials: oh ok so i can simple install the new one using the graphical setup ?10:36
zialsit sounds relatively safe10:37
str1ok great.  thanks for the help10:37
taggartbganybody have any ideas on my wifi card situation?10:37
Catoptromancylinksys are very compatible10:38
Catoptromancyexactly what model adaptor10:38
taggartbgerm, h/o10:39
taggartbgWPC11-VN v.410:39
taggartbgit worked before10:39
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taggartbgit uses the r818x driver10:40
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taggartbg...I forgo sudo...10:40
taggartbg /stupid10:40
taggartbgsorry :-P10:40
Catoptromancyheh and that was the DSL wiki10:41
Catoptromancyits about the same for ubuntu10:41
taggartbghave you / anyone here ever used wifi-radar?10:41
Catoptromancynot even sure what that is10:42
taggartbgits a wireless network manager10:42
Catoptromancyi use the one that came with pl10:42
taggartbgits not very straighforward10:42
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Catoptromancygui in xfce, is easier to install USB wireless card in Linux than Windows10:43
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taggartbganybody use xubuntu on a WPA network?10:56
taggartbgmoreover, does anybody use wifi-radar?11:06
=== VladimirMelo [n=vladimir@201-14-78-85.bsace706.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #xubuntu
taggartbgor, even if you don't use wifi-radar, any idea why my loopback says "no wireless extensions."?11:08
=== zials [n=zials@bas3-windsor12-1177961740.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #xubuntu
=== clouder [n=clouder@cpe-24-174-204-170.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
clouderwhat's the name of the app that xfce uses to adjust desktop gamma?11:37
=== fijam [n=fijam@unaffiliated/fijam] has joined #xubuntu
fijamintel i810, internal screen - 1280x800, external CRT - 1024x768, Xinerama11:48
fijamhow to change refresh rate for CRT?11:48
fijamnone of the obvious options seems to work and I am growing tired of this.11:49
clouderThe only thing I can think of is setting them independently in the monitor sections of your xorg.conf.  not sure how obvious you would consider that though11:54
fijamI have tried that, it seems to be ignored11:55
=== fijam delves into xorg logs
=== ceil420 [n=Ceil@71-11-245-60.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
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fijamit's past midnight already, I'll look into it tomorrow12:11
=== BFTD [n=thomas@67-150-246-27.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #xubuntu
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