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=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o Burgundavia] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:Burgundavia] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #51 is out! UWN #52 is in progress to be released Sunday August 12th
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o Burgundavia] by Burgundavia
boredandbloggingdo your digg duty: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Weekly_Newsletter_5107:45
=== mrmonday [n=mrmonday@unaffiliated/mrmonday] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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gerr2the posters you guys had at LinuxTag - is the art file image somewhere i can point people to? 11:44
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
juliuxgerr2, mom11:55
gerr2morning julius are you well? 11:56
juliuxgerr2, no realy i was at the dentist this morning11:57
gerr2thank you11:57
juliuxthere is a 18mb pdf file with the poster11:57
gerr2i am going to the dentist later11:57
gerr2i have most of a tooth missing11:57
gerr2extraction i think11:57
juliuxgood luck11:57
juliuxi am going everday this week to the dentist11:58
juliuxgerr2, we are searching for somebody from the canonical marketing team to held a talk at ubucon in germany, did you know who wants to do that?11:59
gerr2well it's me or kat. what to talk about? 11:59
gerr2and when is it? 11:59
juliuxit is the weekend after the gutsy release11:59
gerr2i am looking for a german speaker to go on television 12:00
gerr2seriously. we would send holbach but he is on holiday12:01
juliuxit would be cool if somebody can tell something about canonical and what they are doing with ubuntu, i think most people don't know that12:01
juliuxi allready talked with all the german canonical employees12:01
juliuxbut most of them have no time12:01
gerr2where is it on? 12:01
juliuxit i in krefeld it is near to  cologne12:02
juliux30min away from cologne12:02
gerr2but i would be speaking in English is this any use? 12:02
juliuxif you take the public transport12:02
juliuxenglish is well12:02
juliuxmost talks are in german but everybody should understand english12:03
gerr2ok. i will look at the event and get back to you this week12:03
gerr2i think it should be possible12:03
gerr2what about television? are you interested? 12:03
juliuxdid you know a guy who is called Markus Oberndrfer12:03
juliuxdepends what i have to do;)12:04
gerr2well the big problem might be getting to Dusseldorf 12:04
gerr2we will cover the expenses naturally12:04
juliuxdusseldorf is netxt to krefeld12:04
gerr2but the TV show is not related12:05
gerr2they want to take the top three OSes in the world (their words)12:05
juliuxwhich tv station is it?12:06
gerr2gemanys  regional television nrw.tv called "Computerclub 2".12:07
gerr2ever heard of it? 12:07
juliuxyes i know computerclub 212:07
juliuxbut i think it is only a radio podcast12:07
gerr2or the next show  (thursday, 16th of august) were a planning a special feature about the  three mostly used os. in this 60 min. show we will discuss the features,  benefits and differences of and between ubuntu linux, ms windows and  apple os. it would be great having a canonical representative in the  studio to discuss this topics with her or him. Can you name a german  speaking person who could be our guest? The pre-recording o12:07
juliuxhmm sounds cool12:08
gerr2it appears to be a v show. if it was podcast someone could dial in. 12:08
gerr2are you interested? 12:08
Burgundaviagerr2: ogra is very photogenic :)12:08
juliuxyes but i don't know if i have time next week12:09
juliuxi have to find a new flat this week in hannover12:09
juliuxand then i have to start my movement to hannover12:09
gerr2did you get a job? 12:09
juliuxit is a half job;)  in england it is called trainee at the job12:10
juliuxbut i also have to go 16weeks a year to school12:10
gerr2Burgundavia: i love ogra but he looks a bit too 'Linux'12:11
Burgundaviagerr2: I was being ironic12:11
gerr2the smooth good looks of young julius here is much more for tv12:11
gerr2Burgundavia: i know 12:11
Burgundaviapitti might also make a good choice, if juliux cannot12:12
juliuxyes pitti is also good12:12
gerr2pitti is away somewhere as well12:12
juliuxis the recording at the 16th august?12:13
gerr2pitti is getting married on the 17th so a good excuse12:13
gerr2juliux: yes12:13
juliuxgerr2, Wednesday i will see more flats in hannover so Thursday i can say yes or no12:14
gerr2juliux: yes would be better12:14
juliuxi can't promies it12:14
gerr2when can i know? i have to let the guy know tomorrow12:15
juliuxi cann't say yes without a flat;912:16
juliuxmy boss will kill me if i say i have no flat but i am going to dusseldorf for an internview12:16
gerr2is there anyone else you can think of? 12:28
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elkbuntugerr2, what about kwwii04:15
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juliux_beuno, ping04:29
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