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mdzagoliveira: good day06:20
agoliveiramdz: Good day, Matt.06:20
mdzagoliveira: thanks for getting the daily build sorted06:20
mdzI tried it out on the Q1 ultra today06:20
agoliveiraMy pleasure.06:20
mdzone can't get very far with it, though06:20
agoliveiraGeez... :(06:21
mdzthere's no way to launch applications, and while it provides instructions for installing the flash plugin, they rely on a terminal06:21
mdzand I see no way to launch a terminal06:21
mdzis it working better than that for you?06:21
agoliveiraI should be able to look more closely in the device. Today Sulamita asked for some information so I guess my Q1 should be arriving soon. In the chroot it works better but I have to mnanually install the flash plugin too.06:22
agoliveiraIt is in my TODO to talk about those issues with Rusty today.06:22
mdzagoliveira: you are building the chroot locally, yes?06:26
mdzagoliveira: have you tried using the autobuilt image?06:26
agoliveiramdz: Yes, I am.06:26
agoliveiraBut should be no differente but the kernel. But I can give it a sot, of course.06:27
mdzagoliveira: ok, I really need for you to use that as the basis for your testing, because that is what the rest of the world sees.  if it works well in your chroot, but it doesn't work in the build, then it's not working yet06:27
agoliveiramdz: Understood.06:27
mdzit should be possible to get it working in an emulator.  we've been waiting too long for the Q1 and are short on time06:27
mdzagoliveira: is there anything I can do to help you to get a device more quickly?06:27
agoliveiramdz: No problem, I'll try that.06:28
mdzI would be happy to buy you one if you could source it locally06:28
agoliveiramdz: I wish but as far as I know, this is internal to Intell and now to customs.06:28
mdzagoliveira: is it possible to order one online and have it shipped to Brazil from elsewhere?06:28
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agoliveiramdz: I guess so but I also believe that would be almost the same with customs and all.06:29
agoliveiraBelieve me. Customs here a a real PITA.06:29
mdzif you fly to London, I will give you one to take back with you :-/06:30
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agoliveiraEven small stuff like DVDs I buy from Amazon, for instance, sometimes stays there 2, 3 weeks.06:30
agoliveiramdz: I should have taken my chances last time...06:30
agoliveiraUnfortunately, I tought that for a company like Intel should be easier to overcome this kind of problem.06:34
agoliveiramdz: BTW: I have a question. Did you have any success with thaty first batch of resumes Jo sent?06:36
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mdzagoliveira: this is a public channel06:38
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agoliveirarusty_: Hi Rusty. Can you give me an update on how the images are running on the Q1 device? Unfurtunately, I'm still wating for mine so I can't try myself.06:50
rusty_what kind of update?06:50
agoliveiraI mean, are they running ok, is there any outstanding problem?06:51
agoliveiraI'm talking about the images we are creating daily.06:51
rusty_as of Friday the answer was yes, and i need to run a clean test this morning to see if anything has popped up06:51
rusty_just realized what you meant.... i gave up attempting to download the image last friday after it failed mid-way through on a couple of attempts06:52
rusty_let me try again with the latest image out of the oven06:52
agoliveiraNo problem. What image are you using exactly.06:52
rusty_the full q106:53
rusty_what was that URL again?06:53
agoliveiraThat one?06:53
agoliveiraI'm asking because Matt have being finding some strange problems like, can't start any application and can't install the flash plugin as it relies on a terminal but he can't find a way to lauch one.06:55
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rusty_do you know which fset the build is installing? 06:58
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agoliveirarusty_: Not from the top of my head, I have to check the script06:59
agoliveiraPLATFORMS=( mccaslin menlow )07:00
agoliveiraTARGETS_mccaslin=( samsungq1ultracore samsungq1ultrafull )07:00
agoliveiraFSETS_mccaslin_samsungq1ultrafull=( samsung-full-mobile-stack )07:00
agoliveiraFSETS_mccaslin_samsungq1ultracore=( samsung-q1-ultra-config )07:00
agoliveiraTARGETS_menlow=( core full )07:00
agoliveiraFSETS_mccaslin_core=( samsung-full-mobile-stack )07:00
agoliveiraFSETS_mccaslin_full=( samsung-q1-ultra-config )07:00
agoliveirarusty_: That's what's on the script.07:01
agoliveiraBRB -> 10 min.07:02
rusty_if we installed the samsung-full-mobile-stack-proprietary then the flash plug-in would be installed... but maybe that's an issue07:02
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agoliveirarusty_: Yeah, I don't think that we can do that. What about not being able to open the terminal and install flash yourself?07:13
=== agoliveira just discovers that vmware and gutsy as host are not a good combination :(
stgraberagoliveira: vmnet issue ?07:18
agoliveirastgreber: yes - /tmp/vmware-config0/vmnet-only/userif.c: In function VNetCopyDatagramToUser:07:19
agoliveiraI'm checking out.07:19
stgraberagoliveira: http://npw.net/~phbaer/vmnet.tar I used this one an hour ago and it works fine07:21
agoliveirastgraber: I'll try, thanks07:22
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agoliveirastgraber: Yep. It seems to do the trick. Thanks.07:23
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stgrabernp, it'd be really good if vmware could provide those patches themselves :)07:24
rusty_agoliveira, you should be able to open a terminal via the drop down menu in the upper left corner, but let me what what happens in this image.... it's still downloading07:26
agoliveirarusty_: It worked with me like this when I built the image locally. I'll also try the image here.07:27
agoliveirarusty_: Those images we're being creating are for USB boot right?07:48
rusty_agoliveira, yes, you have to dd it to the device07:48
rusty_BTW, still downloading my image07:48
agoliveirarusty_: Yes, I did that and just discovered that vmware can't boot from USB :(07:49
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rusty_agoliveira, i'm running the UME image now08:48
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agoliveirarusty_: In the Q1 itself? How's going?08:48
rusty_pretty crappy08:48
agoliveiraOuch... :(08:48
rusty_i'm not sure what's happening here... but it's pretty messed up 08:49
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rusty_agoliveira, all kinds of things.... let me get a handle on this08:50
agoliveirarusty_: Sure08:50
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rusty_agoliveira, ok, i see what's happening.... you guys are removing the apt configuration entry for moblin, and there are various packages that need new versions uploaded to gutsy08:51
rusty_agoliveira, so lots of little things all over the place08:52
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agoliveirarusty_: Are we?08:52
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agoliveirarusty_: Ok so let fix that. Are the apt configurations you're talking about into the fsets?08:53
rusty_agoliveira, yes... you can see this by noticing that the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/build.list is missing08:53
rusty_agoliveira, well... i bet that Tolleff is doing this on purpose08:54
rusty_so the proper way to fix this is to find what packages need newer versions uploaded08:54
agoliveirarusty_: Well, I can understand that but it's a nice way to get things broken...08:54
rusty_agoliveira, however you want to proceed... do you have the ability to adjust the image creation script?08:55
rusty_or... maybe this is in the moblin-image-creator that was pushed into gutsy08:55
rusty_i never tried using it08:56
rusty_agoliveira, i have to go08:56
agoliveiraNo, I don't. But I can ask someone08:56
rusty_i bet it's a change in the image-creator checked into gutsy08:56
rusty_ok, be back in a couple of hours08:56
agoliveirarusty_: I'll be leaving in 1 hour or so but email me and I'll see that asap.08:56
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agoliveiraseb128: Hi. You are just the guy I wanted to talk to :)08:59
seb128hey agoliveira08:59
agoliveiraseb128: I wonder if you can help. Do you have access to whatever the script that creates the mobile images (run-moblin-image-creator) is?09:00
seb128better to ask cjwatson, I don't know where those scripts are and what they are doing09:01
agoliveiraseb128: Sure. Thanks anyway.09:01
seb128no problem09:01
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