
foxbuntusuperm1, you around?12:30
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foxbuntuwho here has good PHP exper?12:44
lagawhat do you need?12:44
foxbuntujust a reason why my simple code doesn't work12:45
lagashow me12:45
lagai'm not a php coder12:45
lagabut maybe i can crush your self esteem12:45
foxbuntui sure hope so12:46
foxbuntuomfg...if my parents inet was any slower I could write in stone and build a time machine to go into the future and get a machine to convert it to php12:47
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foxbuntui will post the error 2 just one sec12:49
foxbuntuhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32701/ (line 29 is actually 9 in this paste)12:51
lagafoxbuntu: don't you need some {} for those ifs?12:53
foxbuntuoh crap12:54
foxbuntusame error though12:55
lagatry something like12:57
lagaif(getHDSet() == '1');12:57
foxbuntuman that worked...that retarded12:59
lagaall hail to my mighty google fu ;)01:00
foxbuntuI was doing the same01:01
foxbuntuI didnt see that01:01
foxbuntubut now its not breaking out of the command to ask for input01:02
foxbuntubut now its not breaking out of the command to ask for input01:02
lagayou are calling it three times, right?01:03
lagacall getHDSet() once, assign its return code to a variable01:03
lagaand check that variable in your if thingamajics01:03
foxbuntuoh ic01:04
lagai need to find out how to create -dbg packages myself01:05
foxbuntugot it01:06
lagai guess you're facing the problem of having to add an entry into the menu files as well01:08
lagagood luck ;)01:08
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superm1i'm back around guys01:50
superm1what did you guys want to know?'01:50
lagafoxbuntu wanted someone to look at his code01:51
lagai think we fixed it01:51
lagafor tgm4883, i don't know.. he's wondering how to get 'his' package into ubuntu01:52
lagathere is a problem, though. we'd need to patch the menu files to make mythstream appear in the frontend01:52
superm1right and that needs to be done on the fly01:53
superm1er at package install01:53
superm1the easiest way is a diversion01:53
superm1divert the regular xml file somewhere01:53
superm1and use this one01:53
superm1the issue with that is if there are any additional menu items01:53
superm1as for tgm4883_laptop, tgm4883  getting his package in, he'll have to put it up on revu01:54
superm1i'd be glad to look it over before or after he does01:54
lagathe 'p' key is stuck on this keyboard. annoying since it's new.01:54
superm1well where does mythstream fit?01:55
superm1which menu01:55
lagait would be cool if mythtv could source other xml files in its menu files01:55
superm1yea it would01:55
laga- set buttons of type STREAM in library.xml          (provides mythstream menu entry) - set buttons of type STREAM in media_settings.xml   (provides mythstream-setup menu entry) - define the STREAM button in your theme's theme.xml (provides icon in menu entries)01:56
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, which files do you need after i repackage it01:56
superm1tgm4883_laptop, well first thing to do is to run linda on the dsc01:57
superm1and lintian01:57
superm1make sure that nothing comes up01:57
superm1then do the same thing on the resultant deb(s)01:57
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lagasuperm1: i believe those menu entries could just be added upstream. or in our packages.01:58
lagait doesn't hurt having them in there01:58
tgm4883_laptopi repackaged a debian package for it01:58
superm1laga, ah so that if the plugin isnt there, it won't do anything01:58
superm1that works01:58
superm1tgm4883_laptop, oh its in debian?01:58
tgm4883_laptopnot exactly01:58
superm1is the version in debian recent?01:59
superm1or no01:59
tgm4883_laptopandrew pollack packaged it01:59
tgm4883_laptopjust saw that it was packaged already and grabbed it01:59
lagait's recent.01:59
superm1but it didnt make it into debian?01:59
lagasuperm1: how? mythtv is not in debain01:59
=== tgm4883_laptop shrugs
superm1oh right :)01:59
superm1well so where is it at then?01:59
superm1on marrillat's repo?01:59
lagasuperm1: do you know how i can create -dgb packages for mythtv?02:00
superm1you need dbgsym support on your pbuilder02:00
superm1let me check how i did it.  hopefully my laptop is still on at home.....02:00
=== superm1 remotes home
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superm1in your pbuilderrc add EXTRAPACKAGES=pkg-create-dbgsym02:01
superm1note: that only works on feisty+ pbuilders (feisty,gutsy,gutsy+x)02:02
lagathanks.. is it possible for dpkg-buildpackage? pbuilder takes ages02:02
superm1if you install that package locally i believe it will do it for you02:03
laganifty. thanks02:03
superm1tgm4883_laptop, let me see if we could sync from that repo02:03
superm1tgm4883_laptop, so the package is complete there?02:03
superm1or does it need changes02:03
lagasuperm1: i suggested to build-depend on libmyth-dev instead of libmyth-0.20-dev02:03
lagabut both work i guess02:04
tgm4883_laptop^^ what laga said02:04
superm1well that does need to be changed, because libmyth-0.20-dev is going to be gone in gutsy+102:04
superm1is that the only necessary change?02:04
tgm4883_laptopi believe so02:04
lagaunless lintian/linda complain02:05
superm1tgm4883_laptop, check linda and lintian on the resultant dsc and debs02:06
superm1if they are clean, then this can be submitted to revu02:06
tgm4883_laptopok sec02:06
superm1hmm so imbrandon was connected for a bit?  "* imbrandon has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))"02:08
=== laga tries to get a sane backtrace of his mythmusic crash
tgm4883now i want to run linda and lintian in my pbuilder/result dir right?02:10
superm1well it odesnt matter where02:10
superm1just "linda /path/to/FILE"02:10
superm1so if its in the directory your in just linda FILE will do02:10
tgm4883that makes sense02:10
tgm4883well the guide says lintian -i *.dsc02:11
tgm4883and im still kinda refering to that here and there02:11
superm1well -i is more informative02:11
superm1if you need it02:11
superm1it just explains in depth what the errors are02:12
tgm4883W: mythstream source: debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error line 4902:12
tgm4883W: mythstream source: dh-make-template-in-source debian/postinst.ex02:12
tgm4883W: mythstream source: dh-make-template-in-source debian/preinst.ex02:12
tgm4883W: mythstream source: dh-make-template-in-source debian/postrm.ex02:12
tgm4883W: mythstream source: dh-make-template-in-source debian/prerm.ex02:12
tgm4883I suppose thats an error??02:13
superm1so run it again with -i, and you'll get information as to why those 2 are errors02:13
superm1and what you are supposed to do about them02:13
tgm4883ok got it02:14
tgm4883i think02:14
superm1now what you have to make sure to do, is modify debian/changelog02:16
superm1from in the directory, type dch -i02:16
superm1and it will make a new changelog entry02:16
superm1which you will put down what you have changed02:16
superm1eg: * Removed example scripts from debian/02:16
superm1* Modified build depends02:17
superm1* Updated maintainer to be ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com02:17
superm1er ubuntu-mythtv@lists.ubuntu.com02:17
tgm4883question, if I change the maintainer to ubuntu-mythtv@lists.ubuntu.com won't my signature be invalid?02:21
superm1well you are signing it as changing the package02:21
superm1so the person in the changelog02:22
superm1needs to match up02:22
superm1but the maintainer in ubuntu should be ubuntu-mythtv@lists.ubuntu.com02:22
superm1because it needs to be an @ubuntu.com address to be a valid maintainer02:22
superm1and the old maintainer needs to be switched in there to something like02:23
tgm4883a little confused.  I see changing it, but isn't my opengpg key tied to my email address02:23
superm1well let me try a little better to explain02:23
superm1debian/control describes a source package02:23
superm1and in ubuntu there are two maintainer lines02:23
superm1for example the debian/control for mythtv is this02:23
superm1Maintainer: MythTV Ubuntu Maintainers <ubuntu-mythtv@lists.ubuntu.com>02:23
superm1XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Christian Marillat <marillat@debian.org>02:23
superm1so if you source the package from somewhere not ubuntu02:24
superm1such as this case,02:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:24
superm1you put the old Maintainer in XSBC-Original-Maintainer02:24
superm1and the new maintainer (ubuntu-mythtv@lists.ubuntu.com) as the Maintainer02:24
superm1but then when you edit hte changelog, you put your email address and name in your gpg key02:24
superm1and when you run debuild, or debsign, it looks at that changelog02:25
tgm4883ok, so the changelog has my name and email, and the control has the other 202:25
superm1and signs using the last person to make an entry02:25
foxbuntusuperm1, I think I have the script for that Apple plugin fixed ...I am just trying to test it in a VM (thus my nic problem)02:28
foxbuntubut results look good so far02:28
superm1foxbuntu, you wrote a patch for it?02:29
superm1or packaged it?02:29
superm1or what?02:29
foxbuntusuperm1, I patched the code02:36
foxbuntunow its more user friendly02:36
superm1foxbuntu, in a dpatch i hope?02:36
tgm4883yea, i just broke it02:37
foxbuntuI just added it in the code02:37
foxbuntuand noted what I added02:37
superm1foxbuntu, okay well when its packaged, you aren't allowed to modify anything outside of the debian/ directory unless its done by a dpatch02:37
superm1get everything working and i can work with you on getting things packaged correctly02:37
tgm4883i changed line 1 to what line 3 says and broke it02:40
tgm4883dpkg-buildpackage wont finish now02:40
foxbuntusuperm1, sounds good..I have some code testing to do yet anyhow02:42
superm1well line 1 had -$(MAKE) notice02:42
superm1not just $(MAKE)02:42
tgm4883and thats what lintian was complaining about02:42
superm1i see,02:42
tgm4883it gave me the code to put in i though02:43
superm1i guess i'll have to see the whole package to know for sure what's happening here02:43
superm1tgm4883, are you on the launchpad beta team?02:43
superm1you can put it on a ppa if you are02:43
tgm4883i dont think so02:43
superm1could you put it somewhere i can grab it to see then?02:44
tgm4883yea sec02:44
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tgm4883superm1, http://linux.weilandhomes.com/02:49
tgm4883in the rules file, i did a little test to make sure it still worked the other way02:51
tgm4883so i commented out [ ! -f Makefile ]  || $(MAKE) clean and put back in -$(MAKE) clean02:51
superm1okay so i see something else here02:51
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=== tgm4883 not surprised
superm1don't bump the changelog for every change unless it's released02:52
superm1to a repo02:52
superm1so you should still be at ubuntu102:52
superm1and you don't need to be so explicit about the changes you make02:52
tgm4883i had manually done the first one earlier02:52
superm1    Cleaned up $(MAKE)02:52
superm1would suffice02:52
jumpkickdoes the installer user apt to fetch the nvidia drivers?  Can I just hack the sources.list to get it to work?02:53
tgm4883check the copyright too, as I was really confused about that02:53
superm1jumpkick, yes it does02:53
superm1you could modify the sources.list to a different mirror if you want02:53
tgm4883dont forget apt-get update02:54
superm1he's gone :)02:54
superm1okay well that copyright, you need a GPL header there02:54
superm1not just License: GPL02:54
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tgm4883_laptopi modified it from the old copyrigt02:54
superm1ah ok02:54
superm1well his old one was out of policy then02:54
tgm4883_laptopthat andrew put in there02:54
superm1jumpkick, did you get our response?02:55
tgm4883_laptopohh those debian guys lol02:55
jumpkickmy pidgin crashed right after it made a sound effect saying you responded.  :(02:55
jumpkicksuperm1: so I didn't see it02:56
superm1jumpkick, ah okay. well it does grab from the apt repo in the sources.list02:56
superm1so if you switch it over to a different repo, it should likely grab from that one instead02:56
superm1is cs.umn.edu not working?02:56
tgm4883_laptopnot since friday02:57
superm1oh that's really not good.02:57
jumpkickactually seems its up right now02:57
superm1all the intarweb is dying :(02:57
jumpkickmust have come back today02:57
superm1first cs.umn.edu now mythbuntu.org02:57
tgm4883_laptoplast night launchpad was down too02:57
superm1tgm4883_laptop, okay next thing02:58
superm1in debian/rules02:58
jumpkickok, I'm going to try to do an A3 install again... maybe it won't crash now that it can get the nvidia drivers02:58
superm1you dont need that dh_installdocs02:58
superm1hopefully jumpkick :)02:58
superm1next build i should just default to archive.ubuntu.com02:58
superm1its just quicker to build off cs.umn.edu based on the mythbuntu build server location02:58
superm1tgm4883_laptop, also debian/docs doesn't need README listed02:59
superm1i think at least02:59
superm1i'll have to see resultant debs for it to know for sure02:59
jumpkicksuperm1: are all the packages in the main distro now?02:59
superm1jumpkick, almost all of them02:59
superm1there are three that haven't hit an archive yet03:00
tgm4883ah, see, I didn't even touch the debian/rules03:00
superm1er 4: the mythbuntu meta's, our new ubiquity and the newer mythbuntu-live-autostart, and mythbuntu-lirc-generator03:00
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tgm4883the only change i did make was the one I just made regarding lintians complaints03:01
foxbuntuok who wants to test my code for me?03:01
superm1foxbuntu, i still don't have access to a myth box03:01
foxbuntusince I am getting no where with my vm's atm03:01
superm1i'm in ames right now debating whether to drive home this evening03:01
superm1or tomorrow morning03:01
foxbuntudo you work in the morning03:02
foxbuntuyou prob need to get going03:02
superm1well i wanted to put some stuff away still after the move03:02
superm1but that hasn't really happened03:03
superm1its just been me trying to get a few other things done around here03:03
foxbuntuas usuall03:03
superm1tgm4883_laptop, tgm4883 you might try using make distclean instead03:05
jumpkickgood thing for safe graphic install mode...  now I add usb-storage and I'm good to start03:05
superm1tgm4883_laptop, tgm4883 is this what you are encountering: make[1] : *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default/qmake.conf', needed by `Makefile'.  Stop.03:06
foxbuntusuperm1, if I use the frontend package for my normal laptop, is that the same package for the FE in the build?03:06
superm1foxbuntu, in gutsy?03:06
foxbuntuubuntu-myth-frontend right?03:06
tgm4883superm1, yep03:07
superm1tgm4883, that is because qt3-dev-tools isn't installed i tihnk03:07
superm1when your writing the source03:07
tgm4883lets test that then03:07
superm1yea it builds as expected (source package wise)03:07
superm1when you install qt3-dev-tools03:07
tgm4883how did you handle the clean?03:08
superm1i uncommented your other line03:08
superm1with the [ ! -f Makefile ] 03:08
superm1and commented the normal -$(MAKE)03:08
superm1and then i did make distclean instead03:09
superm1because it makes more sense03:09
tgm4883so it looks like this [ ! -f Makefile ]  || $(MAKE) distclean03:09
lagag'night guys03:09
tgm4883that is what lintian said, distclean.  but when i found it in rules, it only said clean so I changed the new command03:09
superm1night laga03:10
superm1tgm4883, i think that's another error on the original packager's part03:10
tgm4883a ubuntu type error, or a linux type error?03:11
tgm4883cause he's a debian guy03:11
foxbuntulol...watching tv...a 11.5lb Pizza03:13
superm1tgm4883, well if he's a debian guy, he should have known better on a lot of these little tihngs03:13
tgm4883i dont really know if he's a debian guy, just looked at his email and assumed03:14
tgm4883and from where i got the files03:14
tgm4883so the gpl header i need at the beginning of the copyright file03:16
superm1tgm4883, that's really interesting that he has an @debian.org address03:16
superm1and hasn't cleaned a lot of this up03:16
superm1tgm4883, after it is accepted to ubuntu, you might consider making a patch and emailing it to him03:16
superm1telling him these things needed to be cleaned up for ubuntu to accept it, so it would be good for him to apply them to his package03:16
superm1and then we could just sync on a new release03:16
superm1rethare than have to try to merge03:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:17
tgm4883one of these days i will bookmark that03:17
tgm4883is this what I need at the beginning?03:18
superm1tgm4883, whoops :) here let me give you an example that i was told is 'good'03:18
superm1like where hte license is listed here:03:19
jumpkickinstall's going...03:19
superm1tgm4883, so just move the license to the appropriate location03:19
tgm4883my firefox likes to be play mean03:19
superm1and things will be better03:20
tgm4883can you see the directory listing of http://linux.weilandhomes.com03:20
superm1there is a tar.gz there03:21
tgm4883stupid swiftweasel03:21
tgm4883i just get a totally blank page03:21
=== jumpkick googles mythstream
superm1tgm4883, try to refresh the page when holding shift and ctrl03:22
tgm4883i opened your link up in firefox and it works there03:23
tgm4883thats right where the gpl how to said to put it so were good now03:24
superm1k great :)03:24
tgm4883let me make the few changes to rules that you wanted and we should be good03:25
foxbuntube back later03:35
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tgm4883superm1, im supposed to run lintian and linda on the .deb file too right?03:54
tgm4883i get errors03:56
tgm4883W: mythstream: script-not-executable ./usr/share/mythtv/mythstream/parsers/apple.pl03:57
tgm4883lots of script-not-executable03:57
tgm4883and then 103:57
tgm4883E: mythstream: no-copyright-file03:57
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superm1alright, so those files - are they supposed to be marked executable?04:00
superm1they should be04:00
superm1i would think04:01
superm1so what you need to do then is make a dpatch04:01
superm1from within the root of the directory, type dpatch-edit-patch 01_executable_scripts.dpatch04:01
superm1and it will drop into a patch editing env04:01
superm1find any of those scripts, and chmod +x SCRIPT_NAME04:01
superm1once your done, create a filed debian/patches/00list that contains 01_executable_scripts.dpatch and save it04:02
superm1add dpatch to the build-depends04:02
superm1and add a note that you added it to debian/changelog04:02
jumpkickdoes mythbuntu have a bug tracker on launchpad?04:03
jumpkickI have some additions04:03
superm1yes jumpkick04:05
superm1additions should go as blueprints (specs)04:05
superm1bugs should go as bugs :)04:05
superm1the list of current specs on there needs to be cleaned up yet because some of those are done, but i haven't found a moment to do so yet04:06
jumpkickcool I will file a bug that "nvidia-auto-detect" should not be added to the XOrg resolutions for 1080i because it puts the display into a small 4:3 box04:10
superm1jumpkick, on what type of display?04:14
jumpkickComponent TV04:14
jumpkickit runs at 1080i, but it puts this huge black frame that leaves only a small 4x3 box of visible space in the middle04:15
jumpkickI can tell by what little I can see that the res is correct04:15
superm1well the thing is nvidia-auto-detect works for most displays, but you get odd occurrences like this04:16
superm1depending on your TV04:16
superm1and what it really supports04:16
superm1perhaps a resolution selection override should be added04:17
superm1if you know what resolution to be operating at04:17
jumpkickmy TV is old so it doesn't send EDID data over component cables (if component cables even support that)04:17
superm1can you check /var/log/Xorg.0.log?04:17
superm1it will tell you if it got EDID04:17
jumpkickroot@mythtv:~# grep -i EDID /var/log/Xorg.0.log | wc -l04:19
superm1can you pastebin it, i'd like to see what it said about component04:21
superm1i hook up to my tv(s) via vga and svid04:21
superm1and svid it doesn't allow more than 720x480, so it works as expected04:21
jumpkickbtw, how do I keep aptitude from removing all the packages it has mistakenly unidentified as unused04:21
superm1what packages is it marking as unused?04:22
superm1this may be a side effect of the meta packages that were just introduced in alpha 3 :)04:22
jumpkickboth unused and xorg.log in http://www.pastebin.ca/64702004:24
superm1that's exactly a side effect of the metas.  please file a bug on that.  i'll need to look into a way around it04:25
superm1okay so your tv validated 1920x1080 to be valid though04:26
superm1so nvidia-auto-select worked as expected?04:26
jumpkickI just ran "X -probeonly -logverbose 6"04:30
jumpkickand I saw this in the log04:30
jumpkick(II) NVIDIA(0): "nvidia-auto-select" : 1024 x 768; for use with TV standards: NTSC-M, NTSC-J, PAL-M, PAL-BDGHI, PAL-N, PAL-NC, HD480i, HD720p, HD1080i, HD576i04:30
superm1so nvidia-auto-select doesn't actually choose intelligently on televisions04:32
superm1only on monitors04:32
superm1that's interesting to know04:32
superm1well nonetheless, a 1920x1080 was used, so is that where your true trouble lies?04:34
superm1that your tv can't handle doing it properly?04:34
jumpkicksuperm1: does the installer use apt-get or aptitude?04:35
superm1well neither technically04:35
jumpkickapt-get will upgrade without uninstalling everything04:35
superm1the build script to build the live disk uses apt-get however04:35
superm1which is where those are first installed04:36
jumpkicksuperm1: once I removed nivida-auto-select, I got my full 1080i resolution04:36
jumpkicksuperm1: I have mythtv running on a different harddrive based off of kubuntu04:36
superm1jumpkick, file a bug on that as well then, what i'll do is take off the auto-select when used on a tv resolution selection04:37
superm1and only use it for vga/dvi04:37
jumpkicksuperm1: my big interest is in the LIRC support because that's a real PITA to set-up and keep running. :D04:37
jumpkicksuperm1: yup will do04:37
superm1jumpkick, well all of our changes regarding it are going right into ubuntu as well :)04:37
superm1so should you still want to use a desktop install, a lot of the advantageous stuff that we will have will be available there too04:38
jumpkickgood stuff04:38
superm1i completely agree that lirc is a pain right now in feisty and less :)04:38
superm1can you leave that link regarding reviewing actions in the package manager posted in the bug for metas too?  I'll see if using aptitude during the build yields the same results04:40
superm1(but i'm not at my dev machine, so bookmarking this on my work laptop is of little use :))04:40
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=== jumpkick wishes the ubuntu crew would fix LCDproc bugs he reported 10 months back... DriverPath is still wrong in gusty... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lcdproc/+bug/63488
ubotuLaunchpad bug 63488 in lcdproc "Errors in both /etc/init.d/LCDd script and /etc/LCDd.conf that break lcdproc" [Undecided,Confirmed] 04:47
superm1jumpkick, i've got a debdiff attached to that bug04:47
superm1just waiting for a sponsor to ack it04:47
jumpkickwhoa... hello there little bot04:47
superm1it was brought to my attention a week or so ago04:48
=== foxbuntu [n=nick@12-216-24-171.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
jumpkickdoesn't surprise me...   a lot of the bugs I've reported in the past have sat there for about 6 months before anyones even read them04:49
superm1well at least the myth related bugs (lirc, mythtv, ivtv) i'm trying to stay on top of04:49
superm1and have package reports for this team04:49
superm1the problem is the team of people that go through and find bugs to fix isn't large enough to cover all of the bugs reported, so like what you said, bugs 10 mo ago will sit around for a while04:51
jumpkicksuperm1: no worries...  I know there are way more bugs then people...04:57
jumpkickspeaking of bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/13056804:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130568 in mythbuntu "nvidia-auto-select should be removed from xorg.conf for analog HD (720p/1080i) over component" [Undecided,New] 04:58
superm1ah vg. thx.  I should have a resolution to that in the near future then04:59
jumpkicksuperm1: you probably have to do something based on the component drop-down in the installer05:00
superm1yup, that was the plan05:00
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foxbuntusuperm1, I think i am to the point of building my make files and such05:25
foxbuntuand now i need help05:25
foxbuntusuperm1, PM me when you are around...I gotta run out for like 40 mins to pickup some stuff at wal-mart05:37
superm1foxbuntu, i'm here05:51
jumpkicksuperm1: do you know which meta packages are installed besides mythbuntu-standalone?06:00
superm1jumpkick, mythbuntu-live is used to build the live disk06:02
superm1which is where all those other dependencies come in06:02
superm1also installed are ubuntu-standard and ubuntu-minimal06:02
superm1ideally what needs to be done is a massive unmarking of unnecessary packages06:02
superm1i think06:02
jumpkicksuperm1: you install samba yes?06:25
superm1jumpkick, yes06:25
jumpkickThe following packages are unused and will be REMOVED:06:26
jumpkick  binutils dpkg-dev fuse-utils iso-codes jfsutils language-selector-common libfuse2 libntfs9 make ntfsprogs patch smbfs squashfs-tools vnc4-common xfsprogs06:26
jumpkick0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 15 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:26
jumpkickI'm down to these06:26
superm1how are you demarking them?06:26
jumpkickset "Auto-Installed: 1" to "Auto-Installed: 0" in /var/lib/apt/extended_states06:27
jumpkickroot@mythtv:/var/lib/apt# grep -B1 "Auto-Installed: 0" extended_states  | grep Package:06:27
superm1oh sweet.  that means i can just use a sed script to modify that entire file after live cd build06:27
jumpkickPackage: mythbuntu-lirc-generator06:27
jumpkickPackage: openssh-server06:27
jumpkickPackage: mythtv06:27
jumpkickPackage: ubuntu-mythtv-frontend06:27
jumpkickPackage: mythbrowser06:27
jumpkickPackage: libdebconfclient006:27
jumpkickPackage: mythgallery06:27
jumpkickPackage: mythgame06:27
jumpkickPackage: samba06:27
jumpkickPackage: mythtv-backend-master06:27
jumpkickPackage: vlc06:28
jumpkickPackage: xine-ui06:28
jumpkickPackage: mythvideo06:28
jumpkickthose are the packages I set to 0 so far06:28
superm1if your not going to be mounting a samba drive locally on the box, you wont need smbfs either06:29
jumpkickstuff that is "suggests" needs to be 0'd06:29
jumpkickI was just wondering if it was installed by you or left overs from the live-frontend cd06:29
jumpkicksuperm1: does the lirc thing you made use dpkg-dev?06:30
superm1well are suggests installed by default by apt-get?06:30
superm1No it doesn't.  i'm wondering how that got into the list in the first place06:30
superm1is lirc-modules-source still installed?06:31
jumpkicksuperm1: suggests are not installed by anything by default...  what I mean is06:31
jumpkickstuff like mythgame is installed...06:32
jumpkickit's a suggests in http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/graphics/mythtv-frontend06:32
superm1oh that is actually installed on purpose06:32
superm1and removed if you deselect it in the staller06:32
jumpkickmythtv-frontend is installed automatically as a dep of ubuntu-mythtv-frontend06:32
jumpkickso you have to mark mythgame as auto-install 006:32
superm1well pretty much anything that i install explicitly will need to be06:33
jumpkickor it thinks the user didn't pick it and it's not dep'd by anything so it's time to clean it up06:33
superm1which can be trouble06:33
jumpkicksuperm1: hold on a sec06:33
jumpkickif you just go and set everything to auto-install 0 in extended_states, it will be VERY difficult to remove myth off the box06:34
jumpkickif you just do the metas + suggests that are releavant06:34
jumpkickthe user has to remove like 8 packages and everything else just gets tagged for Auto-install clean-up06:34
jumpkickget what I'm saying?06:35
superm1yes, but minor issue is that doing suggests in metas hasn't been done yet06:35
superm1recommends is doable atm06:35
superm1but the current process to build a meta with a seed only allows for the recommends06:35
foxbuntuI have everything but my build/make files ready to go06:35
superm1i'm not entirely sure on the difference of a "recommend" versus a "suggest" however06:35
foxbuntusuperm1, I just read that one06:36
superm1ok foxbuntu so what were you looking to do now?06:36
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foxbuntusuperm1, I need you help in building those files06:36
superm1building what files?06:36
superm1building a package?06:36
tgm4883_laptopwhats the command to change channels on a pvr-150 from the command line06:36
foxbuntubut the rec v suggest is that rec is strongly rec and suggest is is just for best results06:37
foxbuntu(if thats your binary)06:37
superm1tgm4883_laptop, ivtv-ctl -C number06:37
superm1i think06:37
foxbuntuoh right06:37
tgm4883_laptopand to test it is cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg06:37
tgm4883_laptopjust checking06:37
foxbuntusuperm1, basically I just need help walking through the build file06:38
superm1foxbuntu, so recommend is more important than suggest then?06:38
superm1foxbuntu, what do you mean by 'build file'?06:38
foxbuntuidk...whatever i need to build the package06:38
superm1so you need to write a source package06:39
foxbuntuRecommends: Used for packages that are highly recommended and usually are installed with the package. Some package managers, most notably aptitude, automatically install Recommended packages.06:39
foxbuntuSuggests: Used for packages that are similar or useful when this package is installed.06:39
foxbuntuok, how do I do that06:40
foxbuntusuperm1, I guess i see the docs here on what I am supposed to build debian/rules ect, but I am not following at that point06:41
jumpkicksuperm1: what does mythbuntu-lirc-generator do?06:42
foxbuntujumpkick, it auto creates the lircrc file for mythtv based on the remote selected from lirc.hwdb06:43
jumpkickjust lirc.conf files?06:43
superm1.lircrc files06:43
jumpkickthanks foxbuntu06:43
foxbuntusuperm1, what time are you supposed to be back in MN in the morning?06:44
superm1i'm gonna leave here between 6 and 7 i think06:44
foxbuntusuperm1, I do need to build a bzr branch for this package yet don't I?06:45
superm1you dont need to as of yet06:45
superm1also, the way that i've been doing bzr branches is using a little bit different of a packaging system: cdbs06:45
superm1which is discussed a little in !packagingguide06:46
superm1its easier to use in general i tihnk than the normal debhelper, at least for basic apps06:46
foxbuntuok...here is where I am stuck...the source for this package is really just a php script...although I listed the depends as mythtv-frontend, php5, php5-cli06:47
superm1its a php script?06:48
superm1intended for use in what?06:48
foxbuntuno mythtv-frontend06:48
jumpkickwonder where vnc4-common came from06:48
superm1jumpkick, its used in the installer06:48
superm1that can be taken off if your not using vnc06:48
jumpkickI have to try to get freenx going again06:49
superm1i'm wondering why that isn't packaged for ubuntu atm06:49
foxbuntubasically its a script that grabs links from apple.com06:49
foxbuntuand builds a mythtv menu to viewthem06:50
superm1i'm wondering why the author did it in perl rather than a more application oriented language like perl python or ruby though06:50
foxbuntuand it runs on a cron job06:50
superm1well so you will need to install the cron job in this package too then06:50
foxbuntuI was trying to add more features to make it easier to modify, but my intent is to get it published at this point06:51
foxbuntuand learn the packaging part06:52
foxbuntuthen go back and add the features06:52
superm1well this file really shouldn't need a complicated installation06:53
superm1like a makefile06:53
superm1you should look at something like mythbuntu-default-settings06:53
superm1and how that is package06:53
superm1via cdbs06:53
superm1and you'll see a much much much easier way to package it06:53
superm1mythbuntu-default-settings uses a 'debian/install' file rather than a Makefile that is called from debian/rules06:54
foxbuntuI looked at that, but Im not following it06:54
superm1well you would place that script at the root of the package directory06:55
superm1and in the debian/install file06:55
superm1you would put script_name.php /path/to/super/cool/script06:56
superm1and then when the package is built, it automatically converts the installation of that over to be placed in the right place06:56
superm1(/path/to/super/cool/script is the place you are installing it to)06:56
jumpkicksuperm1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/13057806:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 130578 in mythbuntu "Aptitude thinks all mythbuntu packages are unused and wants to remove during upgrade or installing of new packages" [Undecided,New] 06:56
jumpkick14 packages have to be marked as not auto-install06:57
superm1great thank you very much jumpkick :) this will be very valuable in fixing that problem06:57
jumpkickthese ones are left which will be uninstalled:  binutils dpkg-dev iso-codes jfsutils language-selector-common make patch smbfs squashfs-tools vnc4-common xfsprogs06:58
jumpkickmaybe patch should be left on the system06:58
superm1i've gotta figure out how make and dpkg-dev got put in there.  there is no reason they should be.  also squashfs-tools can be taken out06:58
jumpkickthe rest can go06:58
superm1well jfsutils and xfsprogs are iffy06:58
superm1depending what your new filesystem is06:58
jumpkickthey can go06:58
jumpkickif the user doesn't know what they are...06:59
jumpkickthey won't want them and if they do... they'll know enough about how to get them06:59
superm1well eventually when the page is worked into the installer to have a recipe for a mythbuntu partition layout, xfs is going to be the default file system for the recordings partition06:59
jumpkick"patch" might be helpful for users who need to apply config patches or something, but then diff should be on there if patch is06:59
superm1well ideally this is eventually supposed to be set up enough to the point that a user shouldn't need to touch a terminal: but the control centre is still in progress07:02
jumpkick"control centre" is that what the user desktop is called?07:03
jumpkickwith 4 icons?07:03
superm1its going to be a standalone app07:03
superm1that is available from the myth menus07:04
superm1for changing roles, adding useful media apps07:04
superm1reconfiguring lirc07:04
superm1spawning nvidia-settings and amdcccle07:04
jumpkickdoes mythbuntu do wake on lan?07:05
jumpkickor the suspend while waiting for recording?07:05
superm1there is no convenient way to set that up generally yet07:05
superm1that will ideally be an option for the control centre eventually though07:06
jumpkicksuspend you mean07:06
superm1also i forsee the control centre usable on ubuntu if the user would like, so you dont need to use mythbuntu, but by doing so you get a nicely configured box quickly07:07
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potissimusI'm installing Ubuntu right now and want to use it with mythtv.  on my first hdd, I'd like the os so I have an ext3 and swap partition filling it.  I'd like the second hdd to be storage for mythtv only.  Is it possible to partition for this, and if so, how?08:30
Hugolppotissimus:  you can format your second hdd once Ubuntu is isntalled with no problems08:34
potissimusis it not possible to do it during installation?08:35
potissimusi'm used to seeing the normal partition "slider" during linux installs.  This ubuntu one is messing me up a bit08:35
Hugolppotissimus:  I am not 100% sure but I think its not posible to do during installation08:38
Hugolpduring installation ubuntu only cares about the partition its going to be on, and to handle any change in other partitions to make room for the one its going to use, but thats all08:38
Hugolpbut its easy to format once you are done installing Ubuntu08:39
Hugolpjust install "gparted" and youll be set08:39
potissimusyeah, i have a gparted livecd around here somewhere.  I'll try using that.  Thanks for the the info.08:40
jumpkicknot that anyone will care... but08:55
=== jumpkick publishes a blog entry on mythstream @ http://stacktrace.org/index_html/20070806-Building-MythStream-on-Ubuntu
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tgm4883potissimus, still around?09:25
potissimusyeah, im here09:25
tgm4883you can partition everything during the initial install09:26
potissimusWhere can I do that?09:26
tgm4883what install cd are you using?09:26
potissimusthe standard 7.04 install cd09:27
tgm4883are you doing a frontend/backend/desktop install or what?09:27
potissimusyes, that's what I'm trying to do09:27
tgm4883are you following the guide?09:27
potissimusI am09:28
tgm4883and you have 2 hard drives correct?09:28
potissimusone ide, one sata09:28
tgm4883sec, let me boot up a VM09:28
tgm4883you want to do it all at install, i find that doing it afterward is messy09:30
potissimusyeah, i'd prefer it, but I just didn't see an option during installation09:31
tgm4883and your following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV_Feisty_Backend_Frontend_Desktop09:31
potissimusyes, that's the one I have up09:32
tgm4883and the partitioning part of that guide says to do manual partitioning09:32
tgm4883then shows an install with multiple drives09:32
potissimusyep, and it goes on to install on the /dev/sdb drive09:33
tgm4883are both drives bare?09:33
potissimusone of them has an old xp install on there, but I plan to wipe it all; I don't want to save anything09:34
tgm4883ok, good09:34
tgm4883so are you at the screen where it says prepare partitions09:34
potissimusright, and i went ahead and filled the first drive with an ext3 partition (about 18gigs) and a swap (about 2)09:35
tgm4883what sizes are both drives?09:35
tgm4883and are both drives /dev/sda and /dev/sdb?09:36
potissimusthe first that i plan to have the os on is 20gb and the second i hope to use for storage is 80gb09:36
potissimusthe first is actually /dev/hda because its an ide drive09:36
potissimusso the second is /dev/sda09:36
tgm4883so how does it install on /dev/sdb then?09:37
tgm4883do you plan on using the whole 80GB for mythtv?09:37
potissimusyes, the whole thing09:37
potissimusi had hoped just to put one big xfs filesystem on it09:37
tgm4883this should be pretty easy then09:37
potissimussounds good to me :)09:37
tgm4883so you have the first drives partitions layed out right09:38
potissimusi do, one ext3 and one swap partition09:38
tgm4883and the second drive, have you put partitions on it?09:38
potissimusno, its one giant free space09:39
tgm4883ok, we need to make it one large partition, type xfs, mount point is /var/lib09:39
potissimuswell that is where I run into my problem09:40
tgm4883ok, what happens09:41
potissimusit gives an error "Can't have a partition outside the disk!"09:41
tgm4883thats odd09:41
potissimuswell i actually think I found a way of doing it anyway, taking a tip from Hugolp earlier09:42
potissimusgnome partition manager (gparted) is actually on the livecd itself (didn't realize this).  I think i can create the partitions/filesystems there09:43
tgm4883have you tried partitioning using gparted?  Its on the live disk09:43
potissimusmaybe then it will work09:43
tgm4883id try that next09:43
tgm4883how much ram do you have?09:43
tgm4883try gparted first09:46
tgm4883if that doesn't work, try an apt-get update then apt-get upgrade and see if that fixes the problem09:46
potissimusok, trying now09:46
potissimusok, i think that worked09:52
potissimusit seems that i can edit partition previously created on a disk on the installer; i just can't create new partitions on a drive (that is not the operating system drive) in the installer09:53
potissimusthanks for your help tgm4883; i appreciate your attention09:54
tgm4883no prob, couldn't sleep so i decided to write an email09:55
potissimuscouldn't here either, decided to set this up and do some calculus instead09:56
potissimusbut this turned out to take longer than i expected, so on that mention of sleep, i think I'm going to grab some09:56
potissimusagain, thanks for your help; it looks like its sailing smooth now09:57
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lagaTODO: fix -fixes specific get-orig-source stuff in debian/rules for mythplugins03:18
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ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs03:20
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lagahow do you guys build your packages? i run dpkg-source -b mythtv-trunk mythplugins_0.20+trunk14147.orig.tar.gz and end up with lots of .svn/ directories etc in my diff.gz04:13
lagai wonder why debian/rules does not "--exclude .svn" when creating the tarball04:29
lagaah, because it's using "svn export". umk.04:29
lagaFYI, using debuild -i -S instead of dpkg-source -b, i get "normal" .diff.gz files04:29
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foxbuntu_anyone here have access to kill off my other user names?05:20
lagafoxbuntu_: where?05:21
laga /msg nickserv help ghost05:22
lagayeah, type /msg nickserv help ghost05:22
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foxbuntu_my machine at home must be connected yet or something05:25
foxbuntu_which ones though?05:25
tgm4883foxbuntu, thats why you put _computername after your name :)05:30
tgm4883like tgm4883_laptop05:30
tgm4883err, i mean foxbuntu_05:30
foxbuntu_eh...but then I have to register the name for each one05:32
foxbuntu_and I am lzay05:32
foxbuntu_tgm4883, I am getting close to the packaged version of that apple thing you wanted05:33
tgm4883i'm getting close to a package for mythstream05:34
tgm4883see we are an elite team05:34
foxbuntu_IM just trying to figure out the cron job and then a few little packing things05:34
tgm4883how else would we have such synchronization05:34
foxbuntu_i know...everyone else on the Mythbuntu Team just wishes they were this l33405:35
lagai wish my pbuilder was working.05:36
foxbuntu_whats wrong with your pbuilder?05:37
lagai'm using the D70results script05:38
tgm4883fuxbuntu_, I think it's 1337 :)05:38
lagaExecuting hook: tmp/hooks/D70results05:38
lagacd: 7: can't cd to /var/cache/pbuilder/result/feisty/05:38
laga^^ anyone ever seen this?05:38
=== tgm4883 shrugs
lagafound the problem05:39
lagai need an additional bindmounts thingamajic05:39
tgm4883PEBCAK error?05:39
=== tgm4883 gets that one alot
lagai'm glad i google superm1's pbuilder config ;)05:40
foxbuntu_no its l334 because we are special05:41
lagai feel stupid now05:42
lagai hate it when i get lost, especially when it's fault05:42
lagas/fault/my fault/05:42
tgm4883foxbuntu_, we're special all right05:44
tgm4883special as in they lock up all the sharp objects when were around special05:44
foxbuntu_you got that right05:45
foxbuntu_I am a bumbling moron around code...but I can do things with networks/firewalls and all there in that would boggle your mind...in that field i really am l33705:46
foxbuntu_...but I am learning the coding thing as I go05:46
foxbuntu_be back in a little bit05:50
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=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [+o superm1] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-mythtv:superm1] : "Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv:: Website is DOWN. Alpha 3 is available at http://mirror.polorix.net/index.php?dir=Mythbuntu in the meanwhile :: Paste logs @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :: See our wiki for setting up and troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV"
=== mode/#ubuntu-mythtv [-o superm1] by ChanServ
superm1laga, http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/282389#28238907:38
superm1you see that?07:38
superm1is that perhaps it?07:38
tgm4883is there a lircd.conf file for this http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouseandkeyboard/productdetails.aspx?pid=03807:41
tgm4883i couldn't find it on the lirc website07:41
lagasuperm1: is that what? i thought we fixed the issue. i guess the guy is just missing the update.07:41
superm1laga, he hasn't gotten the update yet because mythbuntu.org is down and weeklies are kept there07:41
superm1but i'm wondering if that is the true cause07:41
superm1tgm4883, standard mceusb{,2} remote works for it for any remote keys07:42
superm1but there is a sep driver for the kyeboard portion07:42
tgm4883what about keyboard keys though?07:46
superm1i dont know off hand the driver name for it, but there is a sep driver for them07:46
tgm4883not just a matter of irrecord?07:47
superm1you'll have to google for it.  it would be something good to get into ubuntu though too07:47
superm1unfort not afaik07:47
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superm1tgm4883, do you have one of those?07:47
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hendrixskisuperm1, :-)07:58
superm1okay so hendrixski you were working on packaging torrentocracy.  it shouldn't need mythtv-database as a build dependency07:59
hendrixskiI was doing a torrentocracy package just for practice... I copied a few dependancies from mythplugins08:00
hendrixskione of which is mythfrontend, and that in turn has mythdatabase involved with it somehow :-(08:00
hendrixskiI think08:00
superm1well mythtv-frontend shouldn't depend on mythtv-database08:01
superm1you must have depended on mythtv-backend-master or mythtv-backend08:01
superm1but in either case, the package shouldn't need either of those to build depend08:01
superm1it should only need it on the binary dependency08:01
hendrixskihmm... lemme double check08:01
hendrixskioh... I see ... the README says that one needs mythweb installed... so I put mythweb in the build-depends because before it just wouldn't compile in pbuilder...08:03
hendrixskithat would probaly be the culprit08:03
superm1well still mythweb doesn't depend on mythtv-backend either08:03
superm1likely the only myth dependency you would have needed was libmyth-dev08:04
superm1for building08:04
hendrixskioh... hmmm, I put in mythtv-common... I'll try replacing those with libmyth-dev :-)08:05
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tgm4883will someone take a look at this thread and tell me what im missing for this guy?08:13
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superm1tgm4883, my guess would be have him do a ls /dev/video* to make sure that he only has one tuner (video0) listed08:17
hendrixskitgm4883, I like the response about "if it aint broke don't fix it" I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to those things, if it works I'm not gonna tempt it08:17
tgm4883ls /dev | grep video?08:18
superm1well the ls /dev/video* or that would work08:18
superm1also make sure he doesnt start mythbackend that way08:19
superm1only do it via the init script08:19
hendrixskisuperm1, torrentocracy probably needs more than libmyth-dev :-(  "torrentocracy.cpp:37:30: error: mythtv/inetcomms.h: No such file or directory"08:19
superm1he started it right from the command line08:19
tgm4883start the backend which way?08:19
superm1armin@E6400-UBUNTU:~$ sudo /usr/bin/mythbackend08:19
superm1he did it that way08:19
superm1that's a very bad idea :)08:20
superm1hendrixski, that file i don't believe is shipped in any of the mythtv packages08:20
hendrixskisuperm1, hhmmm08:20
superm1hendrixski, you might have to do some more complicated work here then to allow this to properly build08:21
superm1regarding adding that header08:21
hendrixskicool,  the more I learn :-)  It's in the #includes on torrentocracy.cpp08:22
hendrixskisuperm1, so I'm going to have to find which file they're talking about and include it in the package?08:23
superm1hendrixski, for now, apt-get source mythtv and pull it out manually08:24
superm1when you get everything building right, we'll get it put in properly08:24
superm1at build time08:24
hendrixskisuperm1 I'm not sure I follow. I get the source for myth, and pull out the files that torrentocracy is missing then compile it?08:30
superm1for now yes08:31
superm1and if everything works, then we can work on placing it in the proper locations08:31
lagasuperm1: for now, i'll asume the cause of the guy's problem is mythweb.postinst.08:32
hendrixskiah I get it, because if it doesn't work then there's no use worrying about putting everything in place08:33
lagai'll get you a fix...08:33
superm1hendrixski, right08:33
superm1laga, its just he db_stop thing though right08:33
lagasuperm1: yes. he can fix that himself08:34
lagasuperm1: well, that's what i believe. i haven't seen his logs or anything.08:34
superm1laga, yea respond to that thread, hopefully that solves it :)08:34
superm1i hope imbrandon gets the site back up soon so that i can upload the fix there08:35
hendrixskinow.. I don't need to compile all of mythtv right?  that takes ages... just the torrentocracy plugin right?08:35
lagasuperm1: i'm not subscribed :(08:36
superm1hendrixski, Nope, dont need t compile mythtv08:36
superm1just the torrentocracy plugin08:36
superm1laga, i'm surprised :).  I'll try to respond later then08:37
lagasuperm1: he can fix it in /var/lib/dpkg/info/mythweb.postinst08:37
lagasuperm1: i can't take some of the stuff that's going on there ;)08:37
superm1now that i use t-bird, i just filter things08:37
superm1and only respond to stuff with ubuntu in it08:37
superm1in the title at least08:38
lagagood idea.08:38
lagai polished the svn debs a bit today. i need to add the warning to mythtv-common, though08:38
superm1yea once that is in there, it will be great to publish them on mythbuntu.org08:39
superm1and once ppa's role out at the end of this month, all the builds can be queued via launchpad08:40
lagasuperm1: i plan on building the debs without --enable-proc-opt so we can get good backtraces. that's important for SVN imho08:40
superm1i hope performance doesn't suffer though.08:40
lagait will suffer a bit, i'm afraid.08:40
lagamaybe we could CFLAGS="-O2" without running into problems.08:41
lagai'll bug the devs about it again08:41
superm1why not -Os at that point?08:41
superm1isn't -Os just O2 with size optimizations too?08:41
lagasuperm1: i changed the versioning scheme as discussed. it's "0.20+trunk<REV>" now08:41
lagaheh, you like -Os i guess ;)08:41
lagawe'll see08:42
superm1laga, ok good that its changed08:42
superm1i wonder at what point it should be made 0.21-trunk<REV> if ever, or if it should always just be current+trunk08:42
hendrixskisuperm1, I'm sorry for all the newb questions... but I can't find inetcomm.h in the mythtv source... and I'm assuming I need to export a path so that make will find it? not sure what I'm doing here :-(08:43
lagasuperm1: library version still is 0.20.something08:44
superm1laga, ook08:44
lagahendrixski: use apt-file.08:44
superm1laga, apt-file only finds it in binaries i thought08:44
=== hendrixski installs apt-file
lagasuperm1: binaries? binary packages?08:45
superm1yes laga08:45
lagahendrixski: i can't find it with apt-file08:45
lagawhich is odd08:45
superm1hendrixski, i looked and i dont see it in the source either08:45
hendrixskieven mythplugins?08:46
superm1does torrentocracy work with 0.20?08:46
superm1didn't see it ther either08:46
hendrixskiI did a search for inetcomm on svn.mythtv.org and there are a few entries referencing having done stuff to it... but I don't see the file itself08:47
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lagaok, looks like 0.20+trunk<REV> is indeed "newer" than the old versioning scheme.. iwas afraid it'd break for a second08:50
superm1you sure its newer than 0.20.1+fixes?08:51
superm1i just thought about that08:52
hendrixskihhmmm, umm, which part of the source tree is  #include <myth/inetcomm.h> is looking for08:52
lagawill try in a second08:52
superm1is that part of torrentocracy source perhaps?08:53
hendrixskisuperm1, nope :-(08:54
hendrixskithere's only like 10 files in the torrentocracy source, I was hoping this would be easier :-/08:54
lagasuperm1: got a version number for me?08:54
superm1mythtv (0.20.1+fixes13837-0.0ubuntu4) gutsy; urgency=low08:55
superm1 is what is curently in use in gutsy08:55
lagalaga@prometheus:~/dev/mythtv-trunk$ dpkg --compare-versions 0.20.1+fixes13837-0.0ubuntu4 gt 0.20+trunk13585 && echo newer08:55
lagaseems to be OK08:55
superm1laga, wait dont you have that backwards08:56
superm1because you want the trunk to be newer08:56
lagai dont think so..08:56
lagakeescook made it that way back then...08:56
lagalet's see08:56
superm1keescook, you here?08:56
superm1yea we got confused way back when too, remember?08:57
=== hendrixski is hungry going to compile this after a quick snack
superm1malimonc@waluigi:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 0.20.1+fixes13837-0.0ubuntu4 gt 0.20.1+trunk13585-0.0ubuntu4 && echo newer || echo older08:58
lagalaga@prometheus:~/dev/mythtv-trunk$ dpkg --compare-versions 0.20.1+fixes13837-0.0ubuntu4 \< 0.20+trunk13585 && echo newer08:58
superm1well technically it should be 0.20.1+trunk though shouldn't it?08:59
superm1because 0.20.1 was released08:59
lagawho told you that 0.20.1 was released? i thought it was never announced ;)08:59
superm1well it was never announced i guess.....08:59
superm1but you know what i mean09:00
superm1somehow everyone knows its out there09:00
lagashould i rename libmyth-0.20 to libmyth-0.20.1?09:00
superm1well it's not renamed in the package in gutsy09:00
lagai'll leave it that way then09:00
superm1now regarding that debconf warning.  it should be a preinst warning i'd think.  that way you can abort before things are even started09:02
lagaoh. i didn't know you could launch debconf like that from a preinst script09:03
lagai might just add a DB backup facility to mythtv-common while i'm at it09:03
superm1well it shouldn't be in mythtv-common preinst then09:05
superm1it should be in mythtv-database09:05
=== hendrixski is back
hendrixski superm1 so if I do somehow find the inetcomm.h file then I copy it into /usr/include/mythtv and try to compile...09:14
hendrixskiif I don't find it? then we can just assume that torrentocracy doesn't work with 0.20?09:14
superm1well you'll need to copy it to the list of locations being looked at by the makefile, if your doing it in pbuilder, you'll need it somewhere in the torrentocracy source package09:15
superm1google around first i'd say to figure out whether it does or doesn't work with 0.2009:16
hendrixskiright, Google09:18
superm1laga, for your mythtv-database preinst, where are you going to backup to?09:19
superm1/var/lib/backups or something to that extent?09:19
superm1or ask the user?09:19
lagasuperm1: i dunno. AFAIK, you already made some kind of backup script. i was gonna re-use the location09:19
superm1yea its installed as a cron job09:20
superm1so i guess just calling that will do09:20
laga*if* it's already installed09:20
superm1well exactly, so if this is an 'upgrade' of mythtv-database09:20
superm1then you offer to backup09:20
superm1if its an "install" then you just give the warning that its experimental09:21
superm1bla bla09:21
lagagood idea09:21
superm1well actually give the warning on install or upgrade probably, but only offer the backup on upgrade09:22
superm1so the warning should be part of mythtv-common09:22
superm1and the backup part of mythtv-database09:22
keescooksuperm1: in and out.  (basically, don't have two dashes in a version... things got very confused)09:24
superm1keescook, ook.  but it seems like 0.20+fixes and 0.20.1+trunk would be trouble still09:24
superm1so it will need to be 0.20.1+trunk09:24
keescookI think that's true, but we need to test it.09:25
superm1okay well laga still has to work out the offer for backup and the warning when installing them anyhow09:25
lagabut before that, i need to run. cya later :)09:27
superm1cya laga09:27
lagai also gave the svn debs to a friend of mine, so we can get some testing09:27
foxbuntu_superm1, so how was the trip early this morning?09:30
superm1foxbuntu_, it ended up being a little later than anticipated as i had to run a few errands regarding problems with the appt and making sure cable/internet are set up for next week when i move in09:30
jumpkickgreetings folks09:31
jumpkickI repacked FreeNX for AMD6409:31
superm1jumpkick, you should msg Seveas and have him host it on his mirror :)09:32
superm1i just talked to him this morning about it09:32
superm1why its not in universe yet09:32
superm1and he had said it was because its "crappy code"09:32
jumpkickit sort of came from his mirror a long time ago actually...09:33
superm1if it requires i332-libs and dbus-x11, why not make them depends?09:33
jumpkicksuperm1: dbus-x11 has to be recommends because it doesn't exist before Gutsy09:34
jumpkickia32-libs should be depends09:34
superm1then this shouldn't be available in feisty09:34
superm1if it requires dbus-x1109:34
jumpkickthose debs will install in Dapper+, but dbus-launch got moved to "dbus-x11" for Gutsy09:35
jumpkickI have (2 Dapper LTS servers kicking around)09:36
superm1what was it in in dapper and edgy?09:36
hendrixskisuperm1, :-( http://cvs.mythtv.org/trac/changeset/7190  I guess that means it won't work with mythtv 0.2009:36
jumpkicksuperm1: just "dbus" I believe09:36
superm1hendrixski, unless you contact the maintainer of torrentocracy09:36
superm1jumpkick, then make the depends "dbus-x11 | dbus"09:36
superm1and it will work on all of them09:36
jumpkickright that should do...09:37
hendrixskisuperm1, yeah, and send them a patch to replace inetcomms with httpcomms09:37
superm1jumpkick, once PPA goes active, this would be good to put there so you dont need to use your own hosting09:37
superm1if i'm at UDS this year, i think i want to bring this up as a topic, getting freenx in09:38
superm1see what really needs to be done code cleanup wise09:38
hendrixski'cause that disappeared in version 19... so torrentocracy would have not worked for a long time now09:38
=== hendrixski wishes he saw this before wasting time on it
jumpkicksuperm1:if someone with Gutsy already has dbus, will they fetch dbus-x11 if I put it as an or?09:43
superm1it will get dbus-x1109:44
superm1the statement is evaluated left to right09:44
jumpkickah there's a bug that when fixed will sort it out (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/120089)09:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120089 in dbus "dbus should depend on dbus-x11" [Undecided,Confirmed] 09:46
superm1jumpkick, read the bug though, its not going to happen atm09:50
superm1do a dbus-x11 | dbus dependency09:50
jumpkickyeah done09:51
jumpkickjust uploaded09:51
lagasuperm1: what is PPA actually?09:51
superm1i tried to do a few test builds on to ppa locally, but have been running into dependency issues09:54
superm1so there is a bit to work out to make things work properly09:54
lagaonly x86 and x86_64 though09:55
superm1well do you know a lot of ppc people?09:56
superm1i've had no requests for ppc builds of things09:56
superm1or sparc or hppa or ia64?09:57
superm1exactly :)09:57
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jumpkicksuperm1: did this last night...  don't know if its of interest http://stacktrace.org/index_html/20070806-Building-MythStream-on-Ubuntu10:05
superm1jumpkick, isn't that what tgm4883 was working with?10:12
jumpkickhe was compiling something...  was it AMD64?10:12
superm1well once its set up properly as a source package, it can be done as both amd64 and i38610:15
superm1it will ideally go into universe then10:15
jumpkickthat's what Mr. Pollock did...10:15
superm1there are a few changes for gutsy though10:15
superm1on dependencies10:15
jumpkickthe resulting packages run fine on Alpha 3...   I streamed "Top of the Pops" from the BBC last night to test it10:15
jumpkickI should see if I can find a video source to try10:21
superm1awesome :)10:21
lagasuperm1, jumpkick, tgm4883: i'm currently trying to get the menu entries for mythstream into upstream10:21
superm1laga, it needs to be approved as a recognized plugin then doesnt it?10:21
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jumpkickmmm... seems there are no working TV streams atm10:21
jumpkickshoutcast works though10:21
lagasuperm1: *shrug* i think there are other inofficial plugins in there10:21
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superm1yea once this is packaged up in gutsy/universe, it seems to be a pretty sweet package10:21
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superm1tgm4883, where did you get with this last night?10:21
superm1laga, if nothing else, we can have a local patch for it if they dont do it upstream10:23
tgm4883I'm still need to make the dpatch that you talked about10:23
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lagasuperm1: sure, but upstream is always better, imho10:23
superm1of course :)10:23
superm1well tgm4883 no rush, but the deadline for this to be approved for universe is less than 1.5 weeks away (and you need a few days to get MOTU to look it over) :)10:23
tgm4883well i should be able to finish it today.  How goes foxbuntu with the other one?10:23
lagaawesome. netsplit.10:23
lagatgm4883: what dpatch?10:23
superm1that's why i'm really hoping chad makes it back in, i'm going to put a lot of effort towards getting the control centre going this next week10:23
superm1and hoping for the best10:23
tgm4883once he does that, he should look at mythwebrss10:23
superm1laga, a few things dont pass linda/lintian on the package10:23
superm1so he needs to get them fixed and then let andrew know about them10:23
tgm4883doesn't do much for me, but if you had your backend to search for keywords then it could help10:23
tgm4883same type of thing as mythappletrailers i think10:23
tgm4883^^^ foxbuntu foxbuntu_ foxbuntu___10:23
superm1talk about too many logins.  i thought i got bad sometimes ;)10:23
tgm4883he should set it up like mine10:23
tgm4883a little more descriptive (_laptop) and even if im on tgm4883_laptop i still get notification for tgm488310:23
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tgm4883_laptopoh, superm1 I just remembered something.  Just FYI, the emails that you sent me were coming through with an invalid signature I think10:23
superm1tgm4883_laptop, really...10:23
superm1that's not good10:23
tgm4883_laptopyea you can shoot me another one just to be sure10:23
tgm4883_laptopas im remembering this from memory10:23
superm1well only my email sent from t-bird (when i'm at home) gets signed10:23
superm1so it will have to wait10:23
jumpkickwhat is creating the light background color in mythbuntu (i.e. displayed between gdm and mythfrontend)?10:24
jumpkickI need to make it black10:24
jumpkickit bleeds into the bottom of my screen10:24
laga_tgm4883_laptop, superm1: juski commited the necessary menu changes for mythstream to trunk. -fixes will follow tomorrow10:28
superm1jumpkick, it appears to be a setting in gdm-cdd.conf that wasn't overriding right10:28
superm1laga_, great, then i'll sync ot the new version tomorrow10:28
tgm4883laga_, was I supposed to be doing something to mythstream for that?10:28
superm1tgm4883, it prevents you having to modify the menus10:28
laga_tgm4883: it was you who packaged mythstream, right?10:28
superm1just fix those linda lintian things and copyright10:29
laga_i think he missed a change, though10:29
laga_that'll get taken care of later10:29
superm1tgm4883, do you have your GPG/PGP key on LP?10:38
=== DaveMorris [n=dave@host-212-158-244-26.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
DaveMorrishmm, I've had 50+ hits via search engines for mythbuntu in the last 2 days11:39
DaveMorrisits taken off since the site died11:39
superm1man.... imbrandon needs to get things taken care of11:43
superm1he mailed me back yesterday and said that he is moving everything to another Datacentre11:43
DaveMorriswhats wrong with the current data center then?11:43
superm1so still imbrandon.com, mythbuntu.org, ubuntuwire.com, ubuntustudio.org, and seveas.imbrandon.com are all down11:43
superm1he didn't say in detail11:43
superm1the email was a line or two, only11:43
DaveMorrisis the whole data center down then?11:43
superm1it would seem so11:43
superm1he got imbrandon.com back up enough to show a phpinfo() and a small notice11:43
superm1Sorry for the delay folks, all will be explained in detail soon but I'm working on getting service restored to normal right now. Updates here ASAP11:43
DaveMorristhat seems like a screw up then11:43
superm1he said in his mail he is 'taking steps to prevent this from happening in the future' as well11:43
superm1so i'm quite mixed as to what to think11:43
DaveMorrisyeah, I can grab a weekely snapshot of the site for remote backups if you want, but I don't have the bandwidth to host it11:43
superm1well i really hope there is no data loss here11:43
superm1i dont have that theme backed up11:43
DaveMorrisI didn#'t mean the screwup been his fault, but if the whole data center went out11:43
superm1but yea that would be a good idea11:43
superm1remote backups never hurt11:43
DaveMorrisas I've already got a machine which runs backup scripts and pulls down stuff onto its 750GB raid5 array11:43
DaveMorris432GB free still, you'll just need to give me a ssh account on the machine so I can use a key, then I'll just do an scp of it all :)11:43
superm1DaveMorris, as soon as its back up i'll do that11:43
superm1there are only certain things that would need backed up11:43
DaveMorrisyeah I won't do the iso's :)11:43
superm1also dont need the whole file system11:43
DaveMorrisof course11:43
superm1likely just a package list, all of /etc, /var/www, and the database11:43
superm1everything else is in bzr11:43
DaveMorrissuperm1:  I've got a winxp program for loading firmware onto a device via usb.  You think it'll work under wine?11:48
superm1but worth a shot11:49
DaveMorrisyeah I can't seem to work out how to load the firmware myself11:49
DaveMorrisI've reverse enginnered the rest of the device11:50
superm1what you'll need to do is use a usb snooping app11:50
superm1and capture the usb traffic in windows11:50
DaveMorrisyeah thats what I've done, but if I re-run the traffic it dosen't work11:50
superm1hm that's odd11:51
DaveMorrisas thats how I worked out the protocol it uses11:52
superm1can you snoop the responses the device spits out?11:53
superm1in linux?11:53
DaveMorrisprob but I've not found anything to do it for me11:53
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tgm4883superm1, yea my keys on launchpad12:18
superm1tgm4883, are you part of the group contributers to ubuntu universe?12:18
tgm4883dont think so12:19
superm1add yourself12:19
superm1you need to be in order to submit this to revu12:19
superm1ubuntu-universe-contributors i think is the group12:19
superm1okay now join #ubuntu-motu, and you'll have to request someone to sync the revu keyring12:20
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foxbuntuYAY finally @ Home!!12:21
foxbuntuso superm1 you got some time tonight to help walk me through this packaging stuff12:21
superm1foxbuntu, i can try to work with you a bit on it12:21
foxbuntujust let me know when12:22
superm1whether that is helpful is another story :)12:22
foxbuntuwell, I think I figured out the cron stuff...although the way you were showing me is different than the way I found it documented12:22
superm1tgm4883, while your waiting, do you have the rest of the package all ready to go now regarding that dpatch and such12:23
tgm4883fixing it up right now12:23
superm1yes tgm488312:24
tgm4883not found12:24
superm1install dpatch then12:24
superm1also the package is now going to build depend on dpatch12:24
superm1foxbuntu, i'm sure there are multiple ways to do cron jobs12:25
foxbuntusuperm1, i figured that as well12:25
superm1refer to the debian new maintainers guide for the official best way to do it12:25
foxbuntuawesome my mythbox is locked tight as a rock tonight12:26
tgm4883ok, trying this from the root of the directory, is that the root of the directory that contains debian/ or is it the directory that contains my .dsc and debs12:26
tgm4883the first doesn't do anything for me12:26
superm1root directory that contains debian12:27
superm1dpatch-edit-patch NUMBER_PATCH_NAME.dpatch12:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:27
superm1is the way you do it12:27
superm1so ex could be dpatch-edit-patch 01_my_super_cool_patch.dpatch12:28

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