
NETWizzAt least Group Policy is defined already12:11
NETWizzI don't know if Seamless RDP will work12:11
NETWizzI think fast user switching must be on12:11
mattwalstonI know it will prompt for credentials12:12
mattwalstonI am booting a vm to check12:12
mattwalstonNETWizz: it was not an issue for this client since he was just running qbes7 and all users have to have full control of company file to use it (horrible!) and the software handles its own login12:13
NETWizzWell I am off to the gym12:14
NETWizzThanks for the help12:15
mattwalstonNETWizz: just tested, fast user switching is not needed, if you remove l/p info and execute, a full screen rdp to do interactive login starts, afterwards it works12:15
NETWizzlogin password12:15
NETWizzOkay thanks a lot12:15
NETWizzI appreciate you helping me12:15
NETWizzTalk to you later; I hope12:16
mralphabetmaccam912: is this a machine hosted at your house?12:16
mralphabetmaccam912: Your ISP most likely has port 80 blocked on their side12:17
maccam912that is what I thought, but I have contacted them several times (them being Charter) and they have replied on all occasions that they are not blocking anything, and that any problems are my own fault12:17
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mralphabetmaccam912: Charter blocks 80, their techs don't know their ass from a hole in the ground12:18
maccam912I s'pose not.12:18
maccam912how would I go about getting them to unblock it for me12:18
mralphabetmaccam912: they won't, you don't pay them enough for a residential account for you to host services at your house . .. pay them more money to go to a business / static ip account and they may unblock it12:19
maccam912or would there be a better ISP that doesn't block it?12:19
maccam912lol ok thanks12:19
mralphabetmaccam912: most ISP's block inbound connections to port 80, doesn't matter who you go through12:20
mralphabetmaccam912: you will need to do your own research in your area.12:20
maccam912right now I'm using dyndns.org to give people so they don't have to remember an IP address, but is there somewhere that will automatically forward traffic to port 80 to port 2010 before sending it to me and then take that and send it back to port 80 for the user?12:22
maccam912or is there no way of getting around the dyndns.org:201012:22
ScottKThey only block it, as a rule, for account that running a web server violates their terms of service.12:24
maccam912lol then I guess they really have no clue at charter, because I have also asked multiple times whether hosting my own personal website went against any rules and they all responded that I was in the clear12:25
maccam912well thanks for your help12:28
maccam912I'll probably talk to charter, see who is lying to me. Sounds like something fun to do on a sunday eh?12:28
=== maccam912 all work and no play makes maccam912 a dull boy
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jbrouhardHey all01:05
jbrouhardAnyone ever have a problem installing debian or ubuntu on a Dell PowerEdge 6450 ?01:05
dthackerwhat kind of problem?01:11
jbrouhardKeeps saying unable to copy from CD-ROM01:12
jbrouhardBoth the CDROM and CD are known-working01:12
dthackeryes......but.  I just went through this.  I'd try and replace the CD-ROM, if it's not too much trouble. 01:13
jbrouhardTried that already 01:13
dthackerI had one that would read intermittently01:13
dthackerAre you able to verify media from the opening menu?01:14
jbrouhardactually haven't tried that01:14
dthackerI'd give that a try.  I'd also try to re-burn the media at a lower speed or on a different burner.01:14
jbrouhardstill doesn't explain why WIndows 2003 Enterprise loads fine01:14
dthackerhehe. hate when that happens.  01:15
jbrouhardi have a $225, 200 pound paperweight as far as my business is concerned ;(01:16
jbrouhardwhioch bloody sucks01:16
jbrouhardscrew this01:17
jbrouhardgonna blow the drives away, re-set the SCSI BIOS01:17
jbrouhardand.. uh..01:17
jbrouhardtake some of the memory out of it01:17
jbrouhardProbably end up e-baying the machine01:18
dthackerIt's probably worth a few tries with different media that you've run verification on01:19
jbrouhardi've done every CD i have here, dthacker01:20
jbrouhardall are known good in other systems01:20
jbrouhardjust not the PowerEdge, and I've tried other CD-ROMS in there01:20
dthackervery strange.  I'm afraid I don't have any good advice then. 01:21
jbrouharddthacker: if I had a converter for the CDROM drive i'd be all over it01:23
jbrouhardbut the bloody thing has a slimline CD-ROM drive01:23
dthackerargh. 01:23
jbrouhard*burns ubuntu-server ISO and will run verification on laptop01:30
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jbrouharddthacker: what did you do to get your PowerEdge to work ?01:44
dthackerjbrouhard: I had an older tower with a full height CDROM.  I swapped it out with a newer CDROM.01:45
jbrouhardTrade ya?  LOL01:45
jbrouhardubuntu-server CDROM valid01:46
dthackerI do sympathize, because I think those slimlines are very prone to trouble01:46
jbrouhardlets see if it'll work01:46
jbrouharddthacker: Ubuntu6.06 CD known good (just ran a check on it)01:51
jbrouhardnow trying it i nthe PowerEdge01:51
jbrouhardwill run a CD check too01:51
jbrouhardit's possible this thing just hates me 01:51
PanzerMKZswitch out the slimline with another02:10
jbrouharddid that last night02:15
jbrouhardsame problem02:15
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PanzerMKZplease tell what kind of dell server this is?02:22
jbrouhardDell PowerEdge 645002:24
jbrouhardQuad Xeon 900Mhz, 2x 9GB SCSI drives02:24
jbrouhard2GB RAM 02:24
PanzerMKZwell darn it I was afraid you where going to say something like that02:24
PanzerMKZlet me guess ubuntu server starts loading but then gives error message that it can't find the cdrom02:25
PanzerMKZand when you tried other linux distro's then you got the same thing02:25
jbrouhardWindows works fine02:25
PanzerMKZI have two of those. both dual 700's.02:26
jbrouhardever get them working ?02:26
PanzerMKZbut like you I could not get ubuntu installed native.02:26
PanzerMKZthe boss loaded up Xen (or Zen) and then installed ubuntu in virt server02:26
PanzerMKZsorry I could not help more02:27
jbrouhardoh, well02:29
PanzerMKZI do have one offline that we could test with.02:29
PanzerMKZgot to find a drive cage for it02:29
jbrouhardwhat about...02:29
jbrouhardnet boot ?02:29
jbrouhardoff a floppy disk ?02:29
jbrouhardthat';s about the only thing i've not tried yet02:30
PanzerMKZmight work. I was going to try something like that off serial port for one of the dell powervaults that I have02:30
PanzerMKZso if I might ask though what are you going to be doing with this quad?02:32
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jbrouhardPanzerMKZ: Seriously considering selling it02:37
jbrouhardIt's no use to my company right now, and I need a solution like last week <G>02:37
jbrouhardThis was supposed to be it, so I'm a week and half behind in getting things taken care of02:37
PanzerMKZyea. I did not put a second in the rack cause of this very reason. I got a couple of older compaq DL360's02:40
PanzerMKZbut even that had an issue as I wanted to install ubuntu02:40
PanzerMKZand the stock server cd does not play well with the raid controller in the DL36002:41
jbrouhardI'm not sure what i'm gonna do here to be honest02:41
jbrouhardif i ebay it, i stand to recoup my lost PLUS be able to get the parts i need for the correct server02:42
jbrouhardotherwise, I'm gonna be hurting for months02:42
PanzerMKZhmm. what spec of server are you looking for? I have another dual 1gig DL36002:43
PanzerMKZand I have iso to make ubuntu server 7,04 work great on them02:47
jbrouhardDual processor, 1GB RAM or better02:48
PanzerMKZoh two gig then would be enough?02:49
PanzerMKZor just 1gig?02:49
PanzerMKZpm then?02:50
jbrouhardsomething that can hopefully handle SATA drives02:50
jbrouhardPM me please02:50
PanzerMKZwell nm then02:50
PanzerMKZwhat I got won't handle sata. scsi only02:51
jbrouhardSATA is not mandatory ,but prefered.  if SCSI is available02:51
jbrouhardhmm.. how many drives ?02:51
jbrouhard2?  Size ?02:51
PanzerMKZwell I have 18gigs02:51
jbrouhardLets go private02:51
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cyclopshi all08:15
cyclopsI have just configured my dns but I now realise I have to pay for domain name(s) registration.08:15
cyclopsIs there no way for me to setup my domain manually without having to pay a registrar or is there a free domain registrar out there08:16
poningruyes there is08:17
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poningrudynamic domain registrations08:17
poningrubut you wont get something.tld08:17
poningruit would be something like something.ath.cx08:17
jbrouhardanyone here ever use plesk before ?08:17
poningruor something like that08:17
poningrucyclops: 08:17
poningrucyclops: search around for dyndns08:17
cyclopsponingru: I have a static IP, do I have to use dynamic dns08:19
poningruI know08:19
poningruwell if you dont want to pay 10USD per year08:20
poningruunless you are a business it doesnt matter really08:20
cyclopsI am not though I just want to be able to host my own web services and mail server08:24
cyclopsBut I found out that after configuring bind, I cant still get answer when I query for the domain08:25
poningruyeah you have to register08:27
cyclopsthis dydns stuff, do I have to pay as well08:28
cyclopsI cant get their site to open08:28
poningruwhy are you running bind?08:42
poningruwhich dyndns?08:43
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AnRkeyhi all09:22
AnRkeycan anyone suggest a sata raid card that is detected automatically by ubuntu?09:22
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pschulz01Anyone here using egroupware?10:58
juliuxpschulz01, i tried egroupware10:59
pschulz01juliux: How about cacti?10:59
juliuxi didn't test it a longtime because it was not working with evolution10:59
pschulz01I'm seeing some 'interferance' between these two packages...11:00
pschulz01egroupware stomps on something that cacti uses.11:00
pschulz01It's wierd.11:00
juliuxdid you allready asked in the egroupware forum and mailinglist?11:01
pschulz01juliux: No.. not yet.. I had to remove egroupware, then 'dpkg-reconfigure cacti' (keeping the database.. then cacti worked again.11:02
pschulz01juliux: I was just trying to evaluate egroupware.11:02
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LunexHi, could anybody help me with the installation ? Install stops at Software 85% (i update-magager-core is the aktual package ) thx ;-)12:10
BurgundaviaLunex: have you checked your disk for errors12:10
Lunexseems to be ok12:10
Lunexdid the "check cd for defects" option in the boot menu12:11
Burgundaviamd5summed the iso?12:11
Lunexot yet12:11
Lunexnot yet12:11
Lunexhardware is a little bit older 800mhz pentium 256 mb ram, but should do ?12:12
Burgundaviadepending on usage, yes12:12
Burgundaviamy apache server runs on less than that, but it serves up nothing too intense12:12
Lunexjust a nagios server -> http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagios12:12
Lunexany option to do a "save" install or anything like this ?12:13
Lunexthe install just stops at 85% nothing to do there12:13
Burgundaviabetter to reinstall completely if you have an issue with the iso or disk12:14
Lunexjust downloaded and made a cd of it, allowed the installer to use whole disk12:14
Lunexi dont think its an cd oder drive issue , whats your opinion12:15
Burgundaviait might be a cd drive issue, given the age of the hardware12:15
Lunexor do you know any ressources handling ubuntu-server install problems ?12:15
Burgundaviabut much more likely it is a bad burn12:15
Lunexhmm ok i'll try another drive12:16
Lunexbut if cd check says its ok ?12:16
Lunexhmm i will try another drive first, thx12:17
Lunexi think i will make partitions manual, any recommendations ?12:24
Lunex20gb available12:24
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Burnhello, does somebody know when php5.2 comes in the dapper-server repo?01:35
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infinityBurn: It's in feisty and gutsy.  We don't update software versions in stable releases, so it'll never be on daper, if that's what you're asking.02:11
infinityBurn: We only do security updates on stable releases.  Bumping versions (especially of things like PHP) breaks too many people's existing code/setups/whatever.02:12
infinity(That's sort of the point of a stable release... Something you know you don't have to keep changing your code to work with)02:12
ScottKThere are backports.02:17
ScottKBut there would have to be testing done to show it didn't breaks stuff02:17
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ScottKAnd backports is a community effort, so there'd have to be a community interest.02:18
spikeis anybody using partman with expert recipe and managed to get it setting up multiple disks with a mix of regular and LVM partitions?02:18
spikeusing preseeding02:18
spikeneither the example-preseed, nor the debian-installed docs mention a second disk02:19
spikeand the expert_recipe itself is all about partitions only, so I wouldnt even know where to start to tell it to create a PV spanning sda and sdb02:19
ScottKDunno about anybody, but not me.02:20
LunexHi, could anybody help me with the installation ? Install stops at Software 85% (i update-magager-core is the aktual package ) thx ;-)02:29
Burninfinity: hm, yes, so what should I do when some customers need it?02:30
Lunexsystem seems to freeze, just displaying "installed update-manager-core" and 85% overall02:30
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infinityBurn: I've never met anyone who needs a newer version of PHP, only one who wants it.  But if that's a service you're providing, I don't imagine it's my responsibility to provide it for you (sorry to sound so hard, but that's the reality of it)02:41
infinityBurn: I focus on putting out solid, stable releases.  If you need ever-changing software, run newer versions of Ubuntu, or backport packages to dapper, I guess.02:42
Burninfinity: no, of course it isn't your responsability02:45
BurnI'm just want to find a good solution with Ubuntu dapper02:45
Burnphp is the only thing that needs the upgrade02:46
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mattwalstonAnyone have suggestions for troubleshooting slow to establish ssh connection issue?  I tried the config change on the client, disabled mDNS but still not working.03:17
nealmcbmattwalston: pastebin the -v output of ssh, and note where it is slow03:18
mattwalstonnealmcb: pastebin for ssh http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32766/03:21
mattwalstonnealmcb: thanks for the help, but found the problem... dns issue03:24
nealmcbmattwalston: it is doing a lot of work with your various keys (both rsa and dsa?) but you don't seem to be using them - doing passwd instead?03:24
mattwalstonnealmcb: for now, i have not setup keys03:25
nealmcbahh - good.  Tell us more, and lets make those bug descriptions better03:25
mattwalstonthe default install creats a hostfile containing loopback to hostname only, i just set the ip to the fqdn for each machine and then it was fixed, also did the client config file change and disabled mdns, i will reenable both to see what was needed03:27
mattwalstonconfig file change was not needed03:27
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mattwalstonneither was killing mdns03:29
nealmcbmattwalston: thanks.  so what was the exact /etc/hosts change?03:29
nealmcband on which machine?03:30
mattwalstonnealmcb: all of them, i assume, i could have just added a records to dns but...03:30
nealmcbso that is a hosts file you use on all three machines?03:31
mattwalstonnealmcb: correct03:31
mattwalstonnealmcb: fyi, it is a test for our new systems, to headless machines running vmware server and an application server with ltsp clients hooked in03:32
nealmcbmattwalston: if you can add that fix to one or the other bug for ssh slowness, it would be great03:33
mattwalstonnealmcb: sure03:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 84899 in openssh "SSH with GSSAPIAuthentication option on SSH servers are very slow" [Medium,Incomplete]  03:33
mattwalstonnealmcb: i updated the bug03:38
mattwalstonnealmcb: is launchpad'03:38
mattwalstonnealmcb: is launchpad's backend gnu gpl?03:39
nealmcbmattwalston: not yet.  they're working on open-sourcing it, but they also don't want to see yet more proliferation of different launchpad-like things, which I quite understand03:41
nealmcbbut I think it would be more useful if others could contribute to the code base03:41
ScottKMore people would be willing to use it for their projects too.03:42
mattwalstonnealmcb: i can understand... i am trying to find a good trouble ticketing system to modify into a helpdesk type system03:42
nealmcbScottK: yeah03:42
ScottKmattwalston: Did you look at RT?03:43
mattwalstonScottK: don't think so, i googled looked at 4 or 5 and a lot were junk so i gave up03:43
ScottKI've used RT before and it works reasonably well and is GPL.03:44
ScottKIt's a large Perl package, so performance is very, umm, Perl-like, but with a decent machine it does fine.03:44
mattwalstonScottK: thanks, i am looking at it now, seems pretty good03:45
ScottKIt's also in the Ubuntu repositories.  Be careful though, there are multiple versioned packages, so make sure you get the one you want.03:46
nealmcbmattwalston: have you looked at trac?03:50
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maswanmattwalston: RT is what we use here at work, and it works pretty well03:57
mattwalstonmaswan: thanks03:58
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malnilionIs anybody in here good with apache?05:29
leoneland the problem is ?05:29
mralphabetapache n me are good, we just had lunch last week05:30
malnilionI've got a web form that uses a .pl file but instead of apache running it, it tries to send it to me as a download.05:30
mralphabetmalnilion: have you tried the #apache channel?05:32
malnilionYeah, I'm trying there05:32
malnilionI'm currently getting some help, I'll be back if I don't get it working05:33
nealmcbmalnilion: It is easiest for us to help if you check out the Seriously good guide to asking questions on IRC: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html05:45
malnilionRight, I'm sorry.05:47
malnilionI've got my issue solved.05:47
nealmcbmalnilion: excellent!05:48
malnilionMostly solved anyway :)05:49
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leonelmalnilion: and what was  the solution ?06:05
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malnilionleonel: hard to say, but it seemed to be a combination of changing file permissions and changing my extension from .pl to .perl (though that shouldn't be a fix); if all is well, I should be able to change .perl back to .pl.  At any rate, I got a hello world perl script to run.06:07
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zimhi all having problems getting sound to work on a 7.04 server install any help would be great06:49
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zimis anyone alive in here06:50
mattwalstoni'm alive and well, zim06:51
mralphabetzim: it's been less then 45 seconds since you asked your question, some may still be trying to figure out why a server needs sound ;)06:51
zimsome of my backup scripts report fails over espeak great from crontab 06:52
zimit yells at me when things go wrong06:52
mralphabetzim: hah, that's an interesting use06:52
=== mattwalston remembers when he put mp3's on the company mail server and hooked it into the pa system
zimanyway espeak foobar is very quiet :(06:53
mralphabetzim: you may have better luck in #ubuntu06:57
zimthere answer was apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:57
zimI think not06:58
sommerzim: what program are you using to play the files?07:00
zimdont know07:00
zimam trying to get espeak to work07:00
sommeris the module for your sound card loaded?07:00
sommeralso you might try playing a regular sound file first.07:01
zimdont know how what do i do07:01
sommerat leat that make sure you have volume07:01
zimhave done07:01
zimused aumix07:02
sommerif you have alsa-utils installed try:07:02
sommeraplay somefile.wav, somefile.mp3, or whatever file type.07:02
sommeryou should here the file being played and stuff.07:03
sommerI mean hear...heh07:03
zimno sound ---> Playing WAVE 'a_barf.wav' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono07:06
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sommerwhat sound card do you have?07:08
zimhow do i tell07:11
zimon board07:11
sommerlspci then look for audio controller.07:11
zim00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)07:12
sommerthen you'll need the ac97 modules.  Do a lsmod | grep -i ac97 and see if you get anything back.07:13
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sommercool looks like you've got the drivers loaded. 07:16
zimso why no sound ?07:17
sommernot 100% sure.  You might try alsamixer and make sure nothing is muted.07:17
sommertry upping the volume on any pcm levels.07:18
zimhave done no joy07:21
sommeryou're speakers are good right?07:21
sommeranother thing to check is: lsmod | grep snd07:23
zimgo all well07:23
zimty for you help07:24
sommerit's working?07:24
nealmcbwhat made it work?07:24
zimi just restarted07:24
zimsomthing must have worked07:24
sommerheh...maybe the sound levels in alsamixer.07:24
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sommerthat usually works for me...don't usually have to reboot though.07:25
zimty again07:25
sommerno problem.  you're welcome.07:26
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zimhi all again is there a way to stop the screen turning off after x time on the server install (power manager)?07:47
zimand where can i set the screen size as i installed it on a 1280 x 1024 but have a 1024 x 768 pluged in and i cant see about 5 lines down07:49
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daq4thsorry ;-)08:16
zimhi all08:21
zimwhy has vim lost its syntax colours ?08:22
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sommerare you using vim or vim-tiny?08:27
malnilionOpen question, if any of you were going to create a website with a contact form page which would simply email to a certain user, would you write the script yourself or use a pre-existing script?08:30
infinityI'd write it myself, because most of the pre-existing things are scary and convoluted, while doing it yourself is about 3 lines of input validation and one line of mailing.08:40
infinityBut, y'know.  That's me, after having accidentally worked in the web industry for several years.08:40
malnilioninfinity, if it were you, what would you use to send the message.  The sendmail program seems to be a popular choice from what I've seen.08:42
infinityErr, there's something other than sendmail? :P08:43
malnilionOkey dokey, that's the answer I wanted to hear :)08:43
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infinity(By that, I mean /usr/sbin/sendmail, as provided by MTAs like Exim, Postfix, and Sendmail, not the actual "sendmail" MTA)08:43
infinityBut, your language of choice probably provides an abstraction to sendmail, which you should use.08:43
infinityIn perl, there's a few good modules, in PHP, it's the mail() function, etc.08:44
infinityIf you're writing shell CGIs, then you can use sendmail directly, I guess, or use "mail".08:44
infinity(Does anyone other than me write shell CGIs?)08:44
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lamontinfinity: exec("/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs") :-)09:03
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fednubeare there any tutoral on how to jail users to upload, download and delete ..... how easy is it to setup chroot via ssh ?09:55
infinityfednube: This still isn't #ubuntu.09:56
infinityfednube: You can't chroot ssh, only limit commands.  For chrooting FTP, which is probably what you want, vsftpd and proftpd are both quite good at it, and have extensive documentation.09:57
fednubehehhe i was pointed here by #ubuntu and i was pointed to #ubuntu by #ubuntu-dev09:57
fednubei read that ftp server are not secure 09:58
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fednubethats why i was looking for something secure 09:58
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fednubei want to run a server where my client (some untrusted ) can upload and download their files someone told me to use sftp and to chroot each user to their own home directory10:00
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infinityfednube: FTP isn't inherently secure or insecure.  Standard FTP uses plain text password but, then again, so do standard POP and IMAP mail access, which doesn't bug most people...10:05
infinityfednube: vsftpd and proftpd can both do ftp-ssl, though, which ends up being just as secure as you (and your users) want it to be, really.10:05
fednubeinfinity -- so providing ssh login to the public would not be your first choice then?......10:12
infinityfednube: Generally not.10:15
fednubeim just looking for guidance in the best dirction and the cheapest way for me to provide this service 10:15
fednubeim confused though because everyone in tutorial seems to bash FTP in favour for SFTP and ssh10:15
fednubemaybe im missing a point here10:15
infinityYou can do sftponly in sshd_config, but you can't easily chroot it.10:21
infinitysftp/ssh is a great solution if you want people to have shell access to your machine.10:21
infinity(or, if you want them to be able to walk the filesystem remotely)10:21
infinityIf you want "stupid web users" to be able to upload to their own webspace, and nowhere else, you almost certainly want a flexible FTP daemon.10:21
infinityAnd if you're concerned about passwords on the wire, you want ftp-ssl.10:21
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fednubeok i see see you point and it make sense... it was me who was getting things wrong10:21
infinityI don't tend to care much about password compromises on web hosts, since it's their problem, not mine, if their website gets defaced, but that's just my take.10:21
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fednubeinfinity --- thanks for helping me out im a newbie with one goal in mind so now ill start again this time looking for ftp and ssl10:23
=== maccam912 [n=chatzill@71-90-70-137.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-server
coNPmaccam912: still here?10:23
maccam912yeah I don't konw what happened there10:23
coNPdo you have a router?10:23
infinityfednube: I recommend proftpd, because I use it, and because the config syntax is nice (sort of apache-like), but others really like vsftpd.. (and we support both in Ubuntu)10:23
maccam912coNP: yeah, a netgear one, nothing special10:23
infinityOh, wait.  I lie.10:23
infinityfednube: We don't support proftpd.  I lied. :)10:23
coNPmaccam912: is port forwarding turned on?10:23
infinityfednube: So, even though I use it, I wouldn't recommend it for a self-confessed "noob", cause you might not get security updates. :)10:23
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infinityfednube: vsftpd would be the way to go.  Should have lots of docs.10:23
maccam912coNP: yes, everything should be set up. I can get to it on port 80, from anywhere on my side of the network, but nobody outside of my network can get to it10:23
maccam912coNP: actually I also have it set up to work on port 2010, and remote people can get to it fine on that port10:23
coNPmaccam912: then it seems that your router is not configured properly10:23
fednubeinfinity --- i using using proftp until a stupid person in fedora forum told me it was unscure for public users and that i should change for sftp, chroot and ssh . after reading all the ftp bashing i thought he was right10:23
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fednubei was10:23
fednubeso i guess i learnt my lesson, not beleive the hype10:23
fednubethis is why im here because now i will be using ubuntu10:23
infinitymaccam912: Your router might be blocking port 80 because it's the management port by default or, alternately, your ISP might filter port 80 (many do).10:23
maccam912I did contact charter (my ISP) and the man I talked to assured me multiple times that they DEFINATELY do not block traffic on any port.10:23
maccam912I explained it a few times to him, and the said, "yes, I know what you are saying. I can assure you, I am positive that, we do not block or filter any traffic for our users"10:23
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coNPmaccam912: but is *your* router setup to do port forwarding?10:23
maccam912coNP: yes, I think so10:23
coNPyou should be at least sure :D10:23
maccam912I am forwarding traffic on port 80 to my box,10:23
maccam912the one with the server set up10:23
coNPoh I see10:23
maccam912its identical to port 2010, which does work for remote users10:23
coNPmaybe try to use another port on your router10:23
coNPto test if your provider is not filtering thing indeed10:23
coNPe.g. remote port 2101 to local 8010:23
maccam912well, http://maccam912.dyndns.org:2010/ works for most people10:23
infinityErr, that's what he's done.10:23
coNP2011 but should be the same10:23
coNPokay I tend to assume that *I* did the mistake10:23
coNPand tend to give advices in this manner as well :)10:23
coNPOh sure. I misunderstood you.10:23
maccam912I'm sorry, I don't see what I did wrong then...10:23
infinityIf the ISP is filtering, they'll only filter 25, 80, and a few others.10:23
coNPNo, I am sorry.10:23
infinityAnd it's entirely possible the guy on the phone either lied, or assumed you were talking about outbound traffic.10:23
coNPI'll traceroute your10:23
maccam912so you are fairly sure that they were lying when they said they weren't filtering10:23
infinityIt's also possible your router sucks.10:23
infinitycoNP: You can't ping him, his ICMP is filtered.10:23
coNPI can resolve IPs from DNS... but thanks anyway :)10:23
infinitycoNP: And I'm not sure what good you think tracing will do. :)10:23
coNPOh, you are right.10:23
infinitymaccam912: 80 isn't explicitely filtered, it's just not open.  So, it's your router sucking.10:23
maccam912not sure how you know that but thank you10:23
coNPI guess nmap10:23
coNPbut infinity can tell :)10:23
maccam912I've got a spare NETGEAR router, or can I get my netgear router up and running? (I know this isn't a router support channel, but any help is appreciated)10:24
coNPYou should try that IMHO.10:24
maccam912netgear over linksys?10:25
coNPOnly one of them10:25
maccam912any suggestions? or will either one do?10:25
coNPBut I don't know what is your network topology, of course.10:26
maccam912well, I got cable coming to my modem, which goes to an ethernet cable to my router, which then connects to the rest of my computers10:26
maccam912I've got my linksys settings open right now. would the fact that I connect to my linksys settings thru a web browser have anything to do with disrupting traffic to my server?10:28
infinityErr, yes.10:30
infinityIf you do it on port 80, it won't listen on port 80 to forward it.10:30
infinityChange your management port to something else (say, 8080), then set up the forwarding rules for 80.10:30
maccam912my only choices are http and https, so you're saying https should work?10:31
infinityYou're kidding.  It doesn't let you specify an arbitrary management port?10:31
infinityWhat a hunk of...10:31
maccam912nope, I don't think so10:31
infinityBut, yes.  Switch it to https, then.10:31
mralphabetmaccam912: charter is lieing, port 80 inbound does not work10:32
maccam912I'll check again, but I don't think I had any more options10:32
maccam912I think thats what you told me yesterday10:32
mralphabetit is what I told you yesterday10:32
maccam912and you're sticking to your guns :)10:33
mralphabetCharter used to filter anything < 1024 inbound then they started to move to selective ports10:33
infinitymralphabet: They're not dropping packets to port 80.10:33
maccam912they did explicitly tell me that they are not blocking anything10:33
mralphabetinfinity: I don't know what you are looking at, but 80 doesn't work10:35
mralphabet88 works, 8080 works . . . any of the other non-standard "standard" http ports work, 80 does not10:36
infinitymralphabet: I'm looking at the fact that I get an RST on 80.  If it was filtered, I'd get no response.10:36
mralphabetinfinity: we may need to agree to disagree here, I stand by my statement10:40
infinityIf his router is running the management interface on 80, it won't also forward 80, it'll just block it on the external interface.10:40
infinitySo, what the ISP is or isn't doing is moot at that point.10:40
mralphabetWhat I am saying is that charter (regardless of whatever you are seeing) breaks inbound port 80 (again, regardless of management interface or not)10:41
maccam912I set it up so local management is HTTPS (not HTTP) and remote management is 8080, so there shouldn't be port 80 when managing10:43
maccam912it should all go to my server if charter isn't blocking it10:43
maccam912(unless HTTPS is using port 80?)10:43
mralphabethttps uses 44310:43
infinityhttps should be 443.10:43
=== Nafallo knows way to many numbers by heart now
=== mralphabet knows the feeling
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maccam912so it is charter?10:47
jetolehey folks10:47
mralphabetmaccam912: yes10:47
maccam912alright. I give up trying to get them to unblock it then.10:47
maccam912guess I'm stuck with nonstandard ports10:47
mralphabetmaccam912: it is blocked at a higher level then you as a home user can get to10:48
maccam912oh well, thanks everybody10:48
mralphabetanybody that you can reach on a phone will tell you it isn't blocked10:48
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jetoleHey guys, I am trying to setup something for spamassassin on my mail server which relies on archive mail, archive mail is broken on feisty (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/archivemail/+bug/112543) due to using python 2.5 instead of python 2.4, is there a way I can downgrade python appropriatly through apt/dpkg?11:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112543 in archivemail "archivemail in fiesty does not work with python 2.5 but does work with python 2.4 (dup-of: 84039)" [Undecided,New]  11:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 84039 in archivemail "[apport]  archivemail crashed with AttributeError in add_status_headers()" [Medium,New]  11:15
jetolehuh, cool bot11:15
jetolehmmm, the duplicate bug listing by the bot seems to have partially fixed my problem11:15
jetoleIt was listed on the page but I didn't see it11:15
jetolewow, a bot solved a problem for me11:15
jetolehmmm, f#!* that, the patch does not to seem to have solved the problem and one of the hunks failed where I couldn't find anything even close looking in the code11:19
jetoleah hell I am installing archivemail from official source11:19
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