
sacaterYaro: go ahead12:01
desertcYaro: Ask away.12:01
ShackJack!ask | Yaro12:01
ubotuYaro: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:01
Ademanmalocite: bittorrent? what about ktorrent or deluge, or any of the other (better) torrent clients out there?12:01
howlingmadhowieroger_padactor: you've gotta have root rights to change things in /var/www12:01
sauvinI've never seen that error in my entire life. It could be your BIOS' way of saying your hard drive has no MBR.12:01
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Yarohere I posted on a forum12:01
malociteademan: I like to be difficult :)  I've been trying to find a decent client for over a week12:01
uguralbayramHow can i fix it sauvin12:02
ShackJackroger_padactor: or changes ownership so regular users can... see man chown12:02
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sauvinWhat other operating systems do you have on your computer, and in what order did you install them?12:02
desertcmalocite: The version of Bit torrent that comes default with Ubuntu works just fine.12:02
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uguralbayrami just have ubuntu installed at the moment12:02
Ademanmalocite: haha, so you've tried those? because i swear by KTorrent, and i hear deluge is good too12:02
malociteademan: Azureus made my torrents go EXTREMELY slow, would only make 4 connections, and I never got more than 20k per second, and I had no problems on the same machine under windows12:02
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Yaroso any one can tell me12:03
sauvinI think grub should fix this problem, no?12:03
sacaterYaro: im afraid thats not easy to answer12:03
desertcYaro: none of those cards have open source drivers - this is too hard to answer12:03
sacaterYaro: ATI themselves are often a little bit of a nusience12:03
=== Gray-Hat [n=draven@adsl196-138-184-217-196.adsl196-14.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
roger_padactori made root rghts but when i wanted to switch users to root in descktop mode it said root cannot login from here... do i have to do it in the terminal?12:03
Yarook witch PCI Expreess x16 does12:03
sauvinsacater: "a little bit"?12:03
malocitei have tried the one that comes in ubuntu, and wasn't impressed by its lack of features, azureus crashed all the time, qbittorrent was slow as hell and wouldn't help me figure out why :)12:03
uguralbayramI dont know enough about grub12:03
sacaterYaro: i personally would recommend getting an nvidia car12:03
Gimm1eDatyea, i understand I will see the shares off of the windows network, but ultimatley.. im going to have this box host a bunch of video files.. so I want it to be seen by my windows boxes12:03
Ademanmalocite: KTorrent works much the same as azureus as far as i can tell, and it's fast, i say try it before screwing with this stuff12:03
ShackJackYaro: Be patient and someone may answer you on the forum :)12:03
desertcmalocite: what is wrong with the default?12:03
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sauvinAnybody: do grub utilities fix mbr problems on hard drives?12:04
sacatersauvin: maybe12:04
sacaternot sure12:04
howlingmadhowieroger_padactor: may be easier. you only have to do it once. make a directory in /var/www where you want to put your own websites (i tend to make one directory for each site i develop) and then chown the directory to your main user.12:04
ShackJackYaro: Is you want to save a lotta bucks a t series card will run Beryl quite nicely --- though you actually really want to run Compiz Fusion12:04
sacateri think they can with a few commands though12:04
malocitedesertc: I don't remember, I think I didn't like the interface, but its been so long since I was at that state I cant remember12:04
ShackJackYaro: * 7 Series Nvidia12:04
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desertcmalocite: Ubuntu is better off when you leave the defaults in place.12:05
Ademanare there any dangers to using the amd64 version over the i386 version?  like i remmeber hearing that amd64 was buggy as all heck, (plus would the binary drivers for ati work there?)12:05
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ShackJackYaro: Also, you can get Beryl running with that card, I think you need fglrx driver and you need to run it on XGL12:05
desertcAdeman: It is not buggy.12:05
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howlingmadhowiemalocite: do you have a 64 bit system?12:05
exyanAdeman: not worth using 32bit ubuntu, I'd go gentoo if I wanted 6412:05
Yarowith my card?12:05
malocitehowlingmadhowie: No, that'd be nice :)12:05
Yarofor real12:05
exyanAdeman: I mean 64bit ubuntu12:05
ShackJackYaro: Yep :)12:05
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ShackJackYaro: ATI's are a pain, but you can get them to work :)12:06
sauvinI've not had the courage to try 64bit ubuntu on my AMD Turion :\12:06
uguralbayramsacater  what are those a few commands :)12:06
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exyansauvin: I had, but I didn't use it long12:06
howlingmadhowiemalocite: oh, interesting. azureus was very badly behaved on my 64-bit system, but on the intel 32bit it works fine (maybe it's just even worse on the 64 bit system)12:06
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thechrisanymore, i'd just stay away from gentoo until someone sorts through it or fixes portage12:06
sauvinexyan, why?12:06
sacateropen a grub terminal12:06
akan01nhow do i set an interface default? i have eth0 (wired) and eth1 (wifi), ubuntu is first looking for eth0, but i have no wire connected, and ubuntu does change it to eth1, only if i turn eth0 off12:06
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desertcsauvin: AMD64 is so nice12:06
sacaterand then type 'grub'12:06
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exyansauvin: lot's of crap, like I couldn't even get skype Oo12:06
sacaterwhich should bring up a grub console12:06
sacaterthen its somnething like setup(hd0,0)12:07
desertcsauvin: Ubuntu did a great job with the AMD64 distro12:07
ShackJackYaro: Did you open the restricted drivers manager yet ? Under Admin?12:07
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sauvinThis is my fear. My video card is apparently tough enough to support in 32 bit.12:07
uguralbayraminvalid device requested12:07
sacateruguralbayram: let me find a link for you12:07
malocitehowlingmadhowie: Azureus wouldn't connect to more than 4 peers, crashed everytime I tried to exit, and would frequently kill all my torrents and just hang, never getting more than 20 k per second, and bvefore I could do just fine like 100 or 200 in windows under utorrent12:07
janepposauvin, what if grub is installed on a partition, and that partition's boot flag is not set?12:07
uguralbayramokey sacater12:07
Yarohow do I do this12:07
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ShackJack!prefix | Yaro12:08
ubotuYaro: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages12:08
Nutubuntudesertc are you on 64bit then ?12:08
Yarooh no I did12:08
YaroI enebled the driver12:08
desertcNutubuntu: Yeah!12:08
sauvinDamnit, janeppo, you're right. A BOOT FLAG HAS TO BE SET.12:08
sacateruguralbayram: this may help a little12:08
sacateruguralbayram: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows12:08
ShackJackYaro: Go to Admin Menu (under System) and open Restricted Drivers Manager - it may give you option to install ATI driver...12:08
Yarook got it12:08
sacaterflick through tha12:08
sauvinI forgot all about that. man, it's been FOREVER since I've done a manual DOS FDISK.12:08
malociteademan: I am running ktorrent now, we'll see how she behaves :)12:08
desertcNutubuntu: Since 2k3 when I was running Fedora.12:08
howlingmadhowiemalocite: and it probably ate small animals and insulted old people on the street... i know software like that :) the versions for download on the official site are a lot better, i found12:08
=== bcboot [n=chinadol@adsl-68-123-6-182.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
YaroShackJack I did it12:08
Ademanmalocite: hehe good luck12:08
ShackJackYaro: It had the driver there?12:08
YaroShackJack I do use that driver at this time12:09
DrIdiothi, i have an ubuntu computer trying to connect to a gentoo computer via home network.  however, the gentoo computer has some files taht  you need to log in to view.  what should i put down for "domain"?  also, is there another way to access the linux computer other than through a windows network (smb)?  thanks12:09
malocitehowlingmadhowie: It punched me in my balls when I went to the kitchen for vodka12:09
YaroShackJack: yes it did12:09
YaroShackJack: do you have ICQ ?12:09
PriceChild!offtopic | malocite howlingmadhowie12:09
ubotumalocite howlingmadhowie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:09
malocitehowlingmadhowie: Also took four hours to do a hash check on 8 gigs12:09
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ShackJackYaro: do me a favor - open a terminal and type: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i driver  -- does one of them say fglrx?12:09
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sauvinHrm... still... seems to me when I was boneheaded enough to forget to set a boot flag under DOS, BIOS would still bitch about a bad or missing operating system...12:09
howlingmadhowiemalocite: nasty. mine phoned up my mother and told her i was gay.12:09
desertcBy the way, use this tip when setting up GNOME's default bit torrent client: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-179933.html12:09
=== ribando [n=gircol@cpc1-lewi7-0-0-cust883.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJackYaro: (or cut n' paste it ;))12:10
sacateruguralbayram: when you need me again just type "sacater: #whatyouwanttosay"12:10
ribandohi everyone12:10
=== sacater waves at ribando
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roger_padactorhowlingmadhowie:  can you point me to a good website that says how to do it..12:10
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ribandosacater how r u doing12:10
Nutubuntudesertc, when I moved to my new (AMD64) box, I stayed with 32bit Ubuntu through caution and inexperience ... what advantages are you seeing in 64bit?12:10
howlingmadhowieroger_padactor: okay, here's what you do. do you know how to open a terminal?12:10
desertcribando: What is your question?12:10
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YaroShackJack: do you have AIM or ICQ? becouse here is to many massages12:10
sacaterribando: meh im k12:10
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sacaterribando: you?12:10
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ShackJackYaro: Just address me and it'll be fine :)12:10
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howlingmadhowiePriceChild: just playing :)12:11
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roger_padactoryep i know basic linux commands and such12:11
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ribandosacater I'm doing great, even though got a few problem in my feisty...lol12:11
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sacaterribando: such as? ill try and help12:11
howlingmadhowieroger_padactor: okay. open a terminal and enter: sudo mkdir /var/www/mypage12:11
YaroShackJack: yes it does the last one12:11
sauvinI've had a few problems with feisty, too. The folks in this channel killed them.12:11
desertcNutubuntu: Primarily being able to say I am running a 64-bit OS.  ;)  But, also, the memory and CPU use seems very minimal.  I run the Beryl cube and games at the same time, and my computer is 3 years old.12:11
howlingmadhowieroger_padactor: then enter your password12:11
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YaroShackJack: Driver  "fglrx"12:11
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r-wolfgot a diskless box, want it run under Ubuntu; can I organize network boot from windows machine?12:12
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howlingmadhowieroger_padactor: then enter this: sudo chown <your user name> /var/www/mypage12:12
ShackJackYaro: Sweet... now you have to basically startup with XGL and you'll be able to run the built in Compiz, or Compiz Fusion, or if you must... Beryl...  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl  to get you started. For further help, you should go to #ubuntu-effects or #beryl :)12:12
howlingmadhowieroger_padactor: so in my case i'd write: sudo chown howie /var/www/mypage12:12
desertcNutubuntu: All the Ubuntu packages are written for AMD64, too, so if you stick with the Canonical supported, then your AMD64-version will be fine.  Admittedly, the proprietary software has not caught up to the open source options.12:12
=== leto [n=leto@frnk-d9bd4cd7.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:13
sauvindesertc, precisely. Folks with badly supported video cards may have a very different story to tell.12:13
Nutubuntut/y desertc - I don't want to risk goobering up this box (through my own inexperience) by switching; it's my only one right now ... but the idea keeps coming back to me :)12:13
desertcsauvin: I wasn't talking about the video driver - or any other driver.12:14
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howlingmadhowieroger_padactor: then take this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32695/ and save it in /var/www/mypage as index.html12:14
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sauvinI can't see that using a 64bit OS is all that strong an advantage until RAM commonly starts exceeding two gigs.12:14
ShackJackYaro: You got that?12:14
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cantor9does anyone here have mysql running on UBUNTU?12:14
desertc!lamp |cantor912:15
ubotucantor9: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:15
howlingmadhowiecantor9: me :)12:15
sauvinCantor: what's the problem?12:15
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YaroShackJack: I'm doing the steps you told me12:15
YaroShackJack: how can I found out witch driver does my crd use?12:15
cantor9hi sauvin, I toasted debian-sys-maint user in mysql12:15
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cantor9actually deleted it12:15
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ShackJackYaro: You are using the fglrx driver :)   check out fglrxinfo in a terminal12:16
cantor9I was trying to figure out what db it was incharge of and what rights it had12:16
sauvinA question like that might be better directed in #mysql.12:16
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ShackJackYaro: P.S. I'd option for Method "A" on that page ;)12:17
cantor9that sauvin, will do12:17
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Huh1how do I install a usb card reader for ubuntu?12:17
YaroXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".12:17
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YaroOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org12:17
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desertcHuh1: mine just automatically mounts when I plug it in12:17
YaroOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect12:17
Huh1mine doesnt12:17
YaroOpenGL version string: 1.4 (1.5 Mesa 6.5.2)12:18
Huh1I thought it would, but well it doesnt12:18
howlingmadhowiecantor9: that sounds not particularly good. as far as i know, mysql likes using db: mysql/user even in the mysqladmin command12:18
YaroShackJack: no ATI driver12:18
sauvinMesa... :\ That means you probably don't have direct rendering.12:18
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ribandodesertc sacater sorry for taking too long, my problem is that when I'm watching a dvd using xine multimedia player and I try to move the window, or rotate the cube, the image in the video disapears and it turns blue, but it gets back to normal when I stop moving, but when I'm watching a video for example from launch, or youtube, everything is fine, even if I'm moving.12:18
roger_padactorthanks alot!12:18
desertcHuh1: non standard driver - you'll have to research the model and type on the 'Net12:18
NutubuntuHuh1, this is probably a dim question, but is there media in the reader? I think you'll need to have a card in the reader for it to be seen12:18
howlingmadhowieroger_padactor: and then direct your webbrowser to localhost/mypage/index.html (or localhost/mypage should also be enough)12:18
desertcribando: Copy protected DVD?12:19
sauvinYaro, what is your graphics card?12:19
Huh1yeah there is media in it12:19
ShackJackYaro: sauvin: Yeah, but doesn't it just say that until you run XGL --- he is running the fglrx driver in his xorg.conf ...12:19
ShackJacksauvin: It's an ATI X30012:19
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ribandodesertc I think so...original dvd12:19
sauvinMy X200 had a similar problem... how did I fix that...?12:19
ShackJackYaro: Like I said, you'll want #ubuntu-effects and/or #compiz-fusion or #beryl for better assitance...12:19
astro76ribando, that's not a problem, the program uses something called "video overlay" to display the video, you would also see a blue screen if you tried to take a screenshot12:20
desertcribando: I am sorry, my friend, but my government has laws preventing me from discussing the circumvention of hardware DRM protections, including the CSS encryptions of DVDs.12:20
jamili"Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record?"12:20
jamiliyes or no?12:20
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ShackJacksauvin: Yeah, it sounds vaguely familiar --  I love ati :)12:20
jamilibrb nose bleeding lol12:20
s0cratesShackJack: you use ati with aiglx?12:20
sauvinShackJack, this machine is a laptop. When I build my next computer, guess what card I am NOT going to be using...?12:20
ShackJacks0crates: No - XGL12:20
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ShackJacksauvin: Hmmmm. lesseee...12:21
s0cratesShackJack: really.. and it works well? I have a ati200m and I HATE ati with linux12:21
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s0cratesjust doesn't work, been trying for a long time to get it to work.. so you use fglrx?12:21
jamilianyone? yes i guess12:21
sauvinShackJack was very likely being, um, sarcastic.12:21
ribandodesertc lol...I didnt really understand what u just said.lol12:21
sauvinjamili, yes.12:21
roguetrickcheers folks, time for my umpteenth try to install ubuntu on my xps 60012:22
ribandoastro76 do you know how do I sort out that problem?12:22
ShackJacks0crates: I have XGL with ATI X1400 (a decent card) in notebook... and yes, fglrx... Compiz Fusion works good though rain plugin causes blinky freak out (though it worked before)12:22
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desertcribando: I cannot help you, sorry.  Maybe someone else can give you a hand.12:22
astro76ribando, as I said, it's not a problem12:22
cantor9howlingmadhowie: so debian-sys-maint is suppose to manage db: mysql? not information_schema?12:22
jamilirunning grub-install12:22
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roguetrickwish me luck12:22
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desertcroguetrick: Luck if for rabbits, but good luck anyway.12:22
ribandodesertc no problem...no stress ;)12:22
ShackJackgood luck roguetrick12:22
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=== sauvin is wishing jamili good luck
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jamiliwe'll see if it boots this time lol..12:22
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ribandoastro76 shouldnt I be able to move around, and still be able to watch the video?12:23
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s0cratesShackJack: well cheers then, I'm going to try switching to XGL and let's see if it works. I'll sit with patience later. Thanks for the info, I at least wanted to know SOMEONE was successful12:23
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astro76ribando, when you stop moving it ;)12:23
sauvinman, first time or two I tried to install Fedora Core on this laptop, I almost chucked it out the window.12:23
h8crimehow do i get shells on the consoles at ctl-alt-f*12:23
jamiliYEY, though: GRUB loading, please wait... Error 2112:23
roguetrickits been installing pretty good, I wrote the ISO at around 4x as before it would hang at 6% of installing programs and packages.  After I did that it worked, now I just booted into it and the update manager wouldn't load.12:23
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:23
Peloh8crime,  f712:23
Peloh8crime,  alt+f712:23
roguetrickh8crime, are you the same guy I saw on ED's IRC?12:23
desertcsauvin: There is a big difference between this distro and fedora!12:24
ribandoastro76 ahahaha...that's a great solution :o... :D12:24
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bruenigdesertc, not really12:24
Huh1desertc:  is it bad if the device isnt even detected when I do lsusb in the terminal?12:24
Pelomaaybe not12:24
JimboDeLimbookay - using gparted livecd to delete vista partition - do I need to reformat the partition? When do I resize the ubuntu partition?12:24
sauvindesertc, yes, there is, but not to somebody who doesn't know ubuntu from fedora core from CP/M.12:24
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h8crimepelo: not working for me12:24
ribandoastro76 by the way, do u know what do I have to do to be able to watch DIVX for example, at stage6.com ?...I got mplayer installed but it still wont let me12:24
h8crimeroguetrick: yes12:24
desertcHuh1: No -- because that would only show it if the driver installed it12:24
jamili"GRUB loading, please wait... Error 21" >_> what next? hdd broke12:24
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roguetrickh8crime, lolz12:24
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Peloh8crime,  ctrl alt f8  to get to console , crtl alt f7 to come back12:25
bruenigwho idiot at grub thought it was a good idea to give errors numbers12:25
howlingmadhowiecantor9: well, if you have any user in mysql/user with lots of rights enabled, it doesn't really matter. i supposed i just thought that mysql manages rights internally for everything. but i can't remember ever having tried it out, so my memory may be playing tricks on me12:25
sauvinJimboDeLimbo, yes, you will. Linux doesn't run on NTFS, as far as I know.12:25
astro76ribando, yeah click the save button, not stream12:25
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h8crimepelo: it gets me to a console, but no shell!12:25
astro76ribando, also FYI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_overlay12:25
h8crimei can't type anything12:25
casperzshadowhat button is the <super> button?12:25
jamilianyone? :O12:25
desertcsauvin: :-)  I suppose, like Fedora, CPM could not get onto the network without major work, either.12:25
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Nutubuntujamili, I believe Error 21 means that grub can't find /boot ... wait one ...12:25
Peloh8crime,  that's the best I can do for you,  sorry12:25
ShackJackh8crime: CTRL ALT f112:25
desertccasperzshado: most likely the windows key12:26
Huh1desertc:  is there a driver database for ubuntu?12:26
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sauvinActually, once I got Fedora to install, the crazy thing took to the nets like thirsty fish to water.12:26
h8crimeshackjack: yes i press that, i get a console but i can't type anything12:26
Pelobruenig,  do you weant the grub manual to know what the errors are ?12:26
h8crimeshackjack: there is no shell12:26
jamili21 : "Unknown boot failure"12:26
casperzshadodesertc, thank you12:26
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desertcHuh1: not ... in so many words12:26
jamiliany help`?12:26
ShackJackh8crime: yeah, you should be able to -- or ctrl-alt-esc...12:26
sauvinJamili, is this ubuntu install fresh? You don't have anything on it of value?12:26
h8crimeim running the gutsy gayward or whatever12:26
bruenigPelo, how about a "Grub Error #: "explanation of what that is"" instead of simply giving an error number, would that be hard12:26
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jamilisauvin fresh as it can be12:26
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desertch8crime: horray!  you made it to my ignore list!12:27
jamilithough, it's ubuntustudio12:27
howlingmadhowiecantor9: what users do you have in /mysql/user? and what sorts of rights do they have?12:27
Pelobruenig, I'm not in the mood,  do you want the link to the manual ?12:27
sauvinMaybe a reinstall is indicated :\12:27
roguetrickh8crime, thin skin boss12:27
ribandoastro76 oki doki, thanks man12:27
jamilithink i'm gonna download ordinary 7.0412:27
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Huh1desertc: like is there a database on the ubuntu website, where I can look for drivers for different hardwares for ubuntu? i remember there was something like that when  I was trying to install my wireless stuff...but I cant find it right now12:27
bruenigPelo, no I'm good12:27
freebirdhello all12:27
Pelojamili,   21 : Selected disk does not exist12:27
Nutubuntujamili, are you by any chance running a RAID12:27
Pelo    This error is returned if the device part of a device- or full file name refers to a disk or BIOS device that is not present or not recognized by the BIOS in the system.12:27
cantor9<howlingmadhowie> looking12:27
sauvinjamili, which ubuntu were you trying to install?12:27
ShackJackh8crime: If you're running gutsy, you should be chatting in #ubuntu+112:28
desertcHuh1: not really12:28
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jamilipelo ok, matters that i installed it on sata hd?12:28
desertcHuh1: The good drivers are in the kernel already - then there are some ... other ones12:28
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ShackJackjamili: P.S. THey have their own channel #ubuntustudio just in case it's a known issue...12:28
cantor9howlingmadhowie: I have 4 users that I have added for web apps and a root user12:29
jamilii know but no one is really active there12:29
Pelojamili,  shouldn'T I have ubuntu on a sata hdd,and I have no problem  that was just the manuel entry for error 21 , copied from the online one12:29
sauvinand if it's not a known issue, it might be good to MAKE it known...12:29
casperzshadois there anywhere to see what shortcut keys arent taken up yet on beryl?12:29
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jamilii've been asking there along this day12:29
Pelojamili,  there you go http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Stage2-errors12:29
desertcHuh1: Next time check for Linux compatibility when you buy hardware.  Live free or die: there are worse fates than death.12:29
replmanHi! I would like to use my webcam (Hercules Dualpix HP) with (k)ubuntu but i don't know how. With googleing i can only find french sites :-(12:29
ShackJackcasperzshado: try the #beryl channel...12:29
freebirdafter 10yrs of redhat/fedora I moved to ubuntu today...looking good12:29
sauvinAnd you don't like French sites because....?12:29
desertc!webcam |replman12:30
ubotureplman: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:30
replmanbecause i don't speek french ;-)12:30
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sauvinYou don't have to SPEAK it, you just have to READ it!12:30
Peloreplman,  did you try the forum ?  ( btw the sites are in french because the gui who made the driver was french , took him 4 years)12:30
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ShackJackfreebird: I think you'll like the package management... ;)12:30
desertcThis ONE French dude developed almost ALL the drivers for Linux webcams.  It's really an amazing story!!12:30
howlingmadhowiecantor9: on my system, root has more rights than debian-sys-maint, so you can probably recreate debian-sys-maint using the root account12:30
sauvinPelo: mec -> guy, mec !-> "gui".12:30
replmanWow, good to know12:31
jamiliso i guess i'll go to bios12:31
opopyeah, v4l is pretty slicdk12:31
cantor9howlingmadhowie: I for mysql, at the moment, only root.....12:31
roguetrickdesertc, is that the guy who got in a fit with linus?12:31
Pelosauvin,  typo sorry12:31
ribandohow do I check if I got 3d acceleration?12:31
pboycehey quick question whats the command to be able to write to a drive when u mount it?12:31
opopribando, glxinfo12:31
sauvinribando: xglinfo | grep direct12:31
replmanI'm browsing the webcam-docu-link for ubuntu. Thank you for the link!12:31
jamiliit's weird that it can't find the hdd12:31
sauvin(or was that glxinfo?)12:31
howlingmadhowiecantor9: i didn't understand12:31
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opopsauvin, glxinfo12:31
freebirdShackJack: I swichted because yum was giving me major headaches, I like what I see so far!12:31
Peloreplman, I think if you look at the top and bottom of the pages there are translations in english12:31
desertcThis Periesian programmed literally 100s of drivers for all different webcams.  We literally owe almost all Linux webcam functionality to this one guy and his hobby.12:31
cantor9howlingmadhowie: SOrry, I can recreate it. I and I need to give it full access to a db, but which one?12:31
opoppboyce, what kind of partition?12:32
malociteIf I have a log file being generated how can I have it tell me everytime it is updated with something and tell me what it was updated with?12:32
ribandoopop sauvin thanks12:32
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pboyceopop: fat3212:32
malocite(did that make sense?)12:32
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Huh1desertc: thanks for the advice (and your help), but actually I had this thing long before I had ubuntu... and I could simply boot windows or load the pictures of the camera to solve the problem...but well, I want to get that thing working :D12:32
roguetrickdesertc, I think I read that on digg or somesuch12:32
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Pelomalocite, made sence not sure it is possible12:32
replmanPelo: ok, thank you for the information. I'm trying. Maybe i'll be back soon ;-)12:32
sauvinOoo... thunder and lightning outside...12:33
cantor9howlingmadhowie: I can recreate the user debian-sys-maint. I and I need to give full access to a db, but which one?12:33
freebirdI'm also impressed because I have gone with dapper drake and it picked up my dvb tv card out of the box12:33
JoshooaHey I just installed the new 2.6.22 kernel and when I use it I can't get online, it changes my network card from ra1 to ra0, what do I do about that?12:33
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malocitepelo: good, at least you knew what I meant.  I have a log file, and its updated everytime a banned ip tries to connect, I want to be able to see it as it happens,12:33
ShackJackfreebird: Not using Feisty? Coward! :)12:33
bruenigJoshooa, did you reinstall any of the extra modules?12:33
pboyceopop: im using a storage device manger and theres a place for commands12:33
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bruenigJoshooa, oh and the new kernel changed my interface from eth2 to eth1 so perhaps there was some chance in that regard12:34
opop# /dev/hda6 /media/win_e    ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46    0       112:34
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freebirdI've been burned by too many fedora updates, like the sound of LTS12:34
opoppboyce, that's my fstab line (ignore the comment)12:34
howlingmadhowiecantor9: i don't know that much about administration of mysql. could i look that up on my installation?12:34
Pelomalocite,  you want someting that will display logs as they are being updated,  ei a real time log view  , not sure it is possoble becasue logs are txt files, that get apended to12:34
opopchange ntfs to fat32, should be ok.12:34
opopand the drive designation, too.12:34
opopusb drive?12:34
astro76malocite, Pelo tail12:34
jamilivery weird i think, in hd boot priority that hd that ubuntu is on is 1st on bootlist12:34
jamiliin bios12:34
sauvinI don't update fedora anymore unless it's a Saturday afternoon and I'm bored.12:34
Pelomalocite,  mind you , search for realtime log viewer,  you might find someting , ro real time logger12:34
malocitepelo: There should be something that can read the log and output it everytime its changed though12:34
Peloastro76,  ?12:34
Joshooabruenig: No I just did what the site told me to do, with apt get, except I need to remove the repository thing still. Did yours still work though? I can finally see my network card, the non wireless one, but I don't care since I don't use it, although I thought that would interfere. I noticed that dhclient says it's only good up through 20 not 22 so that could be it too12:34
pboyceopop: noo i got a partion i network with wife to store musci and such12:35
howlingmadhowiecantor9: i'd just be guessing. maybe this is a question best answered in #mysql12:35
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malociteastro76: thats probably how the viewer will do it :)12:35
cantor9I lookied12:35
astro76Pelo, malocite, the command tail will display the last n lines of a file and keep updated12:35
opop hey, do the kernel sources in the repositories come pre-configured the same as they are distributed in binary?12:35
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bruenigJoshooa, if you installed any modules that weren't in the kernel by default, you have to reinstall those. for instance I needed to reinstall nvidia and ipw3945 when I moved to 2.6.22 because they needed to be recompiled against the new kernel12:35
sauvinCantor has been trying to get help in #mysql but nobody is awake.12:36
freebirdShackJack: will my nvidia driver break everytime the kernel updates...I'm using nvidia-glx. I have been stuck with nvidias own binary driver until now?12:36
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pboyceopop thanks ill try it in the storage manger12:36
Pelomalocite,  the logs are in /var/log/   along with the command astro76  just mentionned that should be what you want12:36
ShackJackfreebird: Only if you compiled the one from nvidia.com... otherwsie the nvidia-glx one in repo will update automatically..12:36
cantor9howlingmadhowie: I am asking but no luck yet.......12:36
bruenigfreebird, it will unless you reinstall it12:36
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BakefyHow do I get a generic usb web cam to work?12:36
malocitepelo: Yes, perfect, now to find a way to have it only display when the log file is written to, and have the information show up in kde :)12:37
howlingmadhowiecantor9: if it helps, i can't see any mention of debian_sys_main in the mysql db apart from in mysql/user12:37
Pelo!webcam | Bakefy12:37
ubotuBakefy: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:37
sauvinCantor, maybe there's somebody in #linux who could helpl...?12:37
Bakefythanks Pelo12:37
ShackJackbruenig: Only if you install the one straight from Nvidia ;)12:37
howlingmadhowiecantor9: debian-sys-maint i mean12:37
bmachinecan someone help me with 2 simple questions12:37
freebirdno I've gone with repo one...I had to tweak my xorg.conf to get my dell monitor working properly. Is there a gui?12:37
ShackJack!ask | bmachine12:37
jamilidamn it12:37
ubotubmachine: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:37
Pelobmachine,  ask and you shall receive ,  but you ned to ask12:37
JoshooaHoly crap rtorrent is freaking awesome!12:37
bruenigShackJack, either way, your nvidia-glx thing is the same thing, just someone else does the reinstalling12:38
sauvinbmamachine: sometimes things that seem simple... aren't.12:38
jamiliguess there's no way of fixing grub, no?12:38
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ShackJackbruenig: Oh, the semantics! :)12:38
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bruenigShackJack, one way or another, you need to have done something concerning nvidia when you get a new kernel before you boot into that I guess I should say12:38
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Pelojamili,  did you try looking up your problem in the forum maybe somemone left instructions12:38
tritiumbruenig: no, that's not correct.  ubuntu nvidia packages should automatically update12:38
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ShackJackbruenig: Oh, yes, but when new kernel comes along.. .kernel modules from repos are also reinstalled automagically, of course...12:38
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bmachinei understand untarring a file...but how is it that you untar a tar.gz file that has many files into their appropriate directories12:39
tritiumi.e., there is no user intervention required12:39
cantor9howlingmadhowie:  Im getting this error:  /usr/bin/mysqlcheck: Got error: 1045: Access denied for user'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' (using password: YES) when trying to connect, but the user does not exist12:39
pboyceopop:im kinda new to linx where do i put that line u gave me, it did not work in the storage manger12:39
bruenigtritium, they have to install them updated packages12:39
ShackJackbmachine: Directories will be made automatically..12:39
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tritiumbruenig: no12:39
sauvinbmachine, the canonical way to untar a tar.gz is: tar -xvzf mytarfile.tar.gz12:39
cantor9howlingmadhowie: I delete the user accidently12:39
Pelobmachine,   man tar , and man untar , see waht the options are12:39
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tritiumbruenig: no12:39
Pelolater folks12:40
bmachinelet me try pelo...thanks12:40
howlingmadhowiecantor9: i think it always says that. try logging in to mysql with an incorrect user name12:40
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opopwhere's storage manager?12:40
bruenigtritium, kind of do12:40
tritiumbruenig: sorry you'12:40
tritiumve had some sort of difficulty12:40
howlingmadhowiecantor9: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'this_name_is_mad'@'localhost' (using password: NO)12:40
Ste-FoyThanks you tritium12:40
roguetrickgah, now ubuntu freezes while its downloading package files12:40
roguetrickI really don't think this computer is up to snuff for anything12:40
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roguetrickgreat setup, but it seems to be falling apart12:40
bruenigtritium, I haven't had any difficulty, but I would like to see you install a new kernel without also installing updated modules, and boot into it12:41
pboyceopop: under admin its called storage device manager i dl it to help me, it mounts it on start up but i can't write to it12:41
aQuariUs_hi everybody12:41
roguetrickI do think I'm giving up12:41
cantor9howlingmadhowie: right but I know I deleted the user accidently, do you have the user installed?12:41
tritiumbruenig: cool, I'll show you anytime12:41
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ShackJackroguetrick: Sure it's just not a connection issue? How are you updating files - update manager?12:41
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aQuariUs_I am new to ubuntu, and I don't know how the sound work (I have a toshiba satellite)12:41
mattgyver83Hey room.  Does anyone know of a media player that has .avi support, or how i can install a codec?12:42
roguetrickshackjack, oh yeah its not a connection issue12:42
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tritiumbruenig: the point is, a new stock ubuntu kernel update also installs new restricted-modules, and there's no user intervention necessary.12:42
pboyceopop: if u know how to mount it on start up a different way im up for12:42
howlingmadhowiecantor9: i'd suggest manually inserting the right values into mysql/user by logging in to the mysql-database as root. (this_name_is_made_up (which incidently got shortened to this_user_is_mad) is not a registered user of my mysql database)12:42
kitchemattgyver83: all media players can play .avi it's what's inside the avi that matters12:42
sauvinmattgyver83, what application are you using to try to play an avi with?12:42
freebirdhave you tried vlc, plays everyhting12:42
sauvinso does mplayer.12:42
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roguetrickshackjack, its a hardware issue really, I think the computer is just dying on me with all the punishment its been through.  I replaced the harddrive and windows was acting screwy so I figured I'd give ubuntu a shot and hope12:42
mattgyver83I havent been able to get it to work12:42
mattgyver83hold on, ill tell you the error msg12:42
roguetrickshackjack, I run ubuntu on the laptop I'm on right now, you see12:42
opoppboyce, is it an ide/sata drive, or is it a usb drive?12:43
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ShackJackroguetrick: Try doing updates via command line... Can't see any reason why a system would lock up doing updates:   sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude -f upgrade ;)   ... I hear ya on the failing computer...12:43
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bmachinein the terminal i tar a file 'tar xvzf file.tar.gz' it extracts directories and files in them such as an "etc" and "usr"...but i need those files to go into the root directory..how is this done?12:43
mattgyver83... bull crap, it never worked before ';\12:43
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jamiliwhat a shame though that i can't access live lol12:43
mattgyver83now it does12:43
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roguetrickshackjack, well, before I restarted it, it was giving me some error about forks and not enough resources12:43
pboyceopop: ok i got 2 sata drives one is windows other has a ubuntu and fat on it12:43
howlingmadhowiecantor9: so something like: use mysql; insert into user (user, host, ... lots of rights flags) values ('debian-sys-maint', 'localhost', some chain of Y and N...);12:43
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roguetrickshackjack, the only thing I could really see was that update manager refused to start at all12:44
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sauvinbmachine, what is this tarball?12:44
opoppboyce, what's the device node?12:44
replmanpelo: i tried to use easycam, but there's no 64bit version available :-(. And i don't find the sources to compile on my own12:44
bruenigtritium, install a new kernel without installing the new nvidia-glx, and boot into it, it will not work12:44
roguetrickshackjack, but this is about my 5th install on a different hard drive using different CD's each time12:44
opop/dev/sda2 or something?12:44
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sauvinI can't help with nerolinux.12:44
roguetrickshackjack, all alt install, as I could never get livecd to keep from freezing12:44
astro76bmachine, there's probably an option to tar, but you can also just mv it to / and extract from there.. be very careful though12:44
ConstyXIVwhat's a nice GNOME rss reader?12:44
pboyceopop: ok got me there. where do i look that up at12:44
bmachinewhat is mv?12:44
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sauvinUnless I'm mistaken, nerolinux is a commercial producgt.12:44
astro76bmachine, the command for move12:45
ConstyXIVbmachine: mv == move12:45
ShackJackroguetrick: Hmmm.  motherboard failing I wonder... Ubuntu is usually pretty rock solid...12:45
roguetrickshackjack, oh yeah man, its not just the mobo12:45
bmachineexcuse me12:45
roguetrickshackjack, hard drive failed on me two weeks ago12:45
pboyceopop: i think i know what ur talking about is sdb5 what ur asking?12:45
roguetrickshackjack, whole thing is turning into a hunk of junk, not linux's fault, windows had the same reaction12:45
opoppboyce, i think it should be autodetected at boot --  can you do a cat /etc/mtab and post it to pastebin?12:45
opoppboyce, yes, that's what I"m asking.12:45
roguetrickshackjack, I was just giving a shot in the dark and hoped I hit gold12:45
ShackJack!enter | roguetrick (just fyi)12:45
uboturoguetrick (just fyi): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:45
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bmachineif i use mv command and extract it.. the files will just add to the root directories and not overwrite correct?12:45
cantor9howlingmadhowie: I can add the user just fine, I have added a new debian-sys-maint, now I need to give this user rights, to one of two db's, and I dont know which, either mysql, or information_schema...........do you know?12:45
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tritiumbruenig: not from a default ubuntu install, with an updated kernel release.  You must be talking about a roll-your-own kernel12:46
sauvinWhat advantage accrues to using nero under linux when linux is already jammed with similar tools?12:46
astro76bmachine, it would overwrite if the files exist already in your directory structure12:46
pboyceopop: it wasn't on boot till i got this add on but i still can't write to it12:46
howlingmadhowiecantor9: you can also use: mysqlcheck --user=root :)12:46
freebirdcantor9: have you discovered phpmyadmin yet?12:46
bruenigtritium, right, that is what the guy was talking about12:46
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ShackJacksauvin: Beats me - except maybe for reading their proprietary BS files ;)12:46
bmachinesauvin, the hd dvd tools12:46
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ConstyXIVsauvin: .nrg's, but there are ways around that12:46
astro76bmachine, use tar tzvf to view the files first to see where they're going to go... be very careful12:46
cantor9howlingmadhowie: I have it installed12:47
codesnikwhat packages are needed to compile c++ programs from sources?12:47
sauvinProprietary BS files... I like that.12:47
bruenigubuntu doesn't do new kernel releases between versions, not actual new versions iirc12:47
tritiumbruenig: that is not what I've been talking about.  I'm talking about the stock ubuntu kernels with automatic updates (security, etc.)12:47
ConstyXIVcodesnik: build-essential12:47
orbstrahey I have snort installed on my ubuntu server, and it only picks up the trafic that goes through its port, is there an easy way to haev it grab all the packets on the LAN12:47
opoppboyce:  post your /etc/mtab, /proc/mounts , and /etc/fstab to pastebin and link me, i'll take a look.12:47
sauvinmv has a "noclobber" option of some kind... let me find it.12:47
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cantor9howlingmadhowie: I have phpmyadmin12:47
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sauvinI sit corrected. "noclobber" in mv has to be deliberately disabled.12:47
freebirdthen adding permissions is easy..it tends to be on the phpmyadmin homepage12:47
kazolI have a problem with power management-Ubuntu is unable to recover from a standby or hibernate.12:47
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tritiumkazol: it is, but perhaps not well on your particular hardware12:48
ConstyXIVcodesnik: in fact, i believe feisty has it by default12:48
bmachinecan i send one of you this file that haunts me to see if its good to go?12:48
orbstraplease someone help12:48
codesnikConstyXIV: it hasn't12:48
caneris there anybody here who could manage to get Microdia webcam (0c45:62c0) work anywa12:48
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kitchekazol: well standby and hibernate aren't the best in Linux right now12:48
codesnikConstyXIV: it helped, thanks a lot12:48
ShackJack!patience | orbstra12:48
ubotuorbstra: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:48
sauvinI'd have thought the place you downloaded or purchased nerolinux from would have given you these instructions already.12:48
desertcorbstra: I think you need to should go to the #ubuntu-cracking channel - maybe better response there12:49
kazoltritium, kitche: So there is no immediate solution?12:49
aQuariUs_hi everybody12:49
pboyceopop: ok i tryed right clicking and there is a option to change settings the are mount point filesystem and mount options i put in the same mount point. what do i put in options?12:49
desertcaQuariUs_: heya12:49
aQuariUs_does someone know about a sound problem with toshiba satellites ?12:49
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jbgreergreets.  Is there a place to check whether updated versions are in queue for feisty12:49
orbstraShackJack: my apoligies, I just wasn't sure if anyone even heard... very sorry12:49
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bmachinesauvin, in the nfo file it is explained...but there are problems with them12:49
orbstradesertc: thnx I will check it out12:49
howlingmadhowiecantor9: i should be able to see that in information_schema, shouldn't i? i just can't find it...12:49
kitchekazol: look up your computer and see if there is a fix for it they are working hard on trying to get suspend working nicely but the projects need help really :)12:49
ShackJack!sound | aQuariUs_ (not specifically, but good troubleshooting info here)12:49
ubotuaQuariUs_ (not specifically, but good troubleshooting info here): If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:49
tritiumkazol: what hardware?12:50
dmglouiscan someone help me? whenever I right click on a window the menu shows up behind it all the way on the desktop. this morning it was working fine and then im pretty sure my brother messed with it and is there a shortcut that changes the z index or whatever its called of these menus?12:50
thecrossHello.  I am having a problem with azureus crashing as soon as it starts up.  is there somewhere I can find a log file to help resolove this?  I've tried to uninstall and then reinsall, but no luck12:50
sauvinNFO, eh? You downloaded it from a warez group?12:50
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orbstradesertc: ubuntu-cracking is empty12:50
opoppboyce, umask=007 should cover it.12:50
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caneris there anybody here who could manage to get Microdia webcam (0c45:62c0) work?12:50
forumcan anyone answer me a question?12:50
ConstyXIVthecross: check in ~/.azureus12:50
kazoltritium: 1.3Ghz PIV OEM Dell.12:50
ShackJack!ask | forum12:50
ubotuforum: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:50
canersorry for the repet..12:50
bmachineof course, its a demo to try the hd dvd tool12:50
tritiumkazol: which model?12:50
forumhow big does the / "root" folder need to be, do your programs go in there?12:50
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jamilisweet i found some cd with edgyeft's image on it12:51
sauvin"folder"? Forum, why are you asking?12:51
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kazoltritium: Dimension 810012:51
jamiliif that works i totally will stick in windows12:51
ConstyXIVsauvin: im guessing he wants to have a seperate /home12:51
mike1234hi guys, i have mucked up my grub loader can anyone help me get it back12:51
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forumcause i wanna know how big to make the "/" partition12:51
ShackJackcaner: Good webcam info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam12:51
bluefox83what directory does gdm keep themes by default?12:51
tritiumkazol: hmm, that already suspends and hibernates well12:51
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dmglouismike1234: what exactly is wrong with it?12:51
sauvinForum, what do you intend to use ubuntu for?12:51
freebirdforum: I tend to so a / partition of 10gb, /var 1Gb and boot 250Mb12:52
cantor9howlingmadhowie: if you are root.........do you have a db called mysql in Mysql and if so, do you know what non-root user has permissions to it?12:52
forumi intend to use as the main os12:52
tritiumforum: a default install only required 2-3 GB.12:52
ConstyXIVforum: by default, ubuntu uses your entire drive as / and takes care of sizing for you12:52
pboyceopop: ok can u help me unmount and remount it im in a terminal but don't know the commands12:52
sauvinSo, if you download tons of music, porn and other things, you're going to want more than 5 gigs.12:52
opoppboyce:  sudo umount /dev/sdb512:52
ShackJackbluefox83: depends on if user-installed or included theme ;)  ... ususally .themes in home dir or usr/share/themes or something like that.12:52
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dmglouismike1234: you can try downloading the Super Grub Disk and try recovery from that12:52
jbgreergdm themes are in /usr/share/gdm/themes air12:52
opoppboyce sudo mount /dev/sdb512:52
mike1234dmglouis, well i added an option to my menu.1st file to specify the amount of memory, did a grup-update thing and now when i try and load grub it says i dont have enough memory12:53
opoppboyce, if it's set up properly, that should do it.12:53
ConstyXIVforum: unix-like 101: / (root) is where your entire filysystem starts, exactly unlike the windows model12:53
bluefox83ShackJack, ok, ty12:53
ShackJack!prefix | jbgreer12:53
ubotujbgreer: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages12:53
forumbut if i use the whole hd wont i have issues if i want to install a new ubuntu version, i read making a separate / partition is much safer12:53
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ShackJackbluefox83: see what jbgreer said above too...12:53
howlingmadhowiecantor9: i've got something: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-112505.html12:53
mike1234dmglouis, i have deleted that line i have put in there now i just have no idea how to reload it again12:53
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ConstyXIVforum: oh, you want a seperate /home12:53
dmglouismike1234: well if you can access another computer, and burn the recovery disk to a cd, you can try recovering with that12:53
malocitepelo: BTW:  I found a realtime log viewer called kiwi, testing it out now, seems ok :)12:53
jbgreerbluefox83: /usr/share/gdm12:53
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sauvinForum, how large is your hard drive?12:54
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pboyceopop: got this trying to mount:root@patrick-desktop:/home/patrick# mount /dev/sdb512:54
pboycemount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb5,12:54
pboyce       missing codepage or other error12:54
pboyce       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try12:54
pboyce       dmesg | tail  or so12:54
forumyes seperate home12:54
forum120 gb12:54
mike1234dmglouis, where can i get the recovery disk from12:54
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UgurAlbayramHi again12:54
ShackJack!hi | UgurAlbayram12:54
ubotuUgurAlbayram: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:54
ConstyXIVforum: i really don't think you need it, but if you insist, i'd take about 20G for /, 2G for swap, and the remainder for /home12:54
jbgreermike1234: your install disk may be used as rescue - which version12:54
sauvinThat means you could have four 30 gig partitions, each with its own OS and tons of space for downloadables.12:54
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mike1234jbgreer, 6.1012:55
dmglouismike1234: yea this is the main website: http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/12:55
ShackJackforum: I'd follow ConstyXIV's suggestion -- even 20GB is *plenty* of space :)12:55
sauvinConstyXIV, you're assuming he doesn't install every package under the sun.12:55
UgurAlbayramI couldn't fix that booting problem i am reinstalling ubuntu now12:55
forumok i gues my real question is: when i instal a program...say firefox, does it goes to the root partition or to the /home partition?12:55
ShackJackforum: root with settings in /home12:55
cantor9howlingmadhowie: lol, it says everything but what database debian-sys-maint is suppose to have rights too...........12:55
jbgreermike1234: tried booting it to see if rescue boot is an option?12:55
lindany girl with webcam for  virtual sex?12:56
freebirdmike1234: this is in my blog for restoring grub in fedora but it should help http://chrismatchett.wordpress.com/2007/01/02/fedora-core-6-restore-mbr-with-grub/12:56
cantor9howlingmadhowie: Thanks12:56
mike1234jbgreer, i have and there is no option of that on the screen12:56
howlingmadhowiecantor9: i can't see a way for me to find that out. what should i do?12:56
ConstyXIVforum: it goes to /, but 20GB will do most (relativley sane) people for software.12:56
sauvinForum, package managers install things like firefox somewhere in /usr/bin and /usr/lib and suchlike, so, it'd be in /12:56
forumalso when a new ubuntu verion comes out is overupgrading a actually stable option?12:56
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jbgreermike1234: follow freebird link12:56
ConstyXIVforum: yes12:56
sauvinLinda, take your sex down the hall and to another net, please.12:56
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ConstyXIVforum: as long as you stay away from automatix and the like12:56
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forumwhats automatix?12:57
ribandohow do i watch divx in ubuntu feisty?12:57
cantor9howlingmadhowie: do you have a mysql db? or a information_db? or both?12:57
ShackJackforum: don't ask...12:57
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ShackJack!automatix | forum12:57
ubotuforum: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)12:57
sauvinribando, using what application?12:57
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mike1234jbgreer, that looks complicated12:57
UgurAlbayramI format both my partitions and installing a new ubuntu on a single one12:57
UgurAlbayramI wish it ll fix the problem12:57
ConstyXIVforum: it used to be a tool to make it "easier" to install software, but it shatters your system when you try to upgrade12:57
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howlingmadhowiecantor9: the way i see it from the /mysql/user table, debian-sys-maint seems to have global rights similar to root.12:57
UnbreakableMJCould someone share his/her /usr/share/doc/rtorrent/examples/rtorrent.rc with me please?12:57
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forumok, thanks guys i love this community. thanks a bunch really12:58
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sewbuttonsis there a ghost program for ubuntu?12:58
ShackJackforum: We love you too ;)12:58
jbgreermike1234: ever booted with a root/boot cd and edited mounted partitions?12:58
dmglouishas anyone had a problem with right click menus going behind the window to just in front of the desktop? this problem is happening for all menus, even fullscreen totem has no controls that show up12:58
foxy_Haha well  that operating system is great ;))12:58
ConstyXIVsewbuttons: as in norton ghost?12:58
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sauvinWhat's a ghost program? (how does it differ from a zombie?)12:58
UgurAlbayram/m shackjack12:58
UgurAlbayramwhoops wrong :)12:58
ConstyXIVsauvin: i think he means norton ghost, a disk imaging app12:58
sewbuttonsyes upgrading from brezy to feisty12:58
cantor9howlingmadhowie: so its not to one particular db?12:58
mike1234jbgreer, what i have done at the moment is i have booted the live cd and mounted the partion12:58
pboyceopop: thanks for ur help im reading the man for mount now 1 last question where is the fstab at?12:59
foxy_Just killed windows for it :)12:59
mike1234jbgreer, and can see the menu.1st file12:59
sauvinDisk imaging a la dd?12:59
freebirdpartimage is a partition imaging program12:59
sewbuttonsat edgy now, yesturday it crashed my comp and had to start over12:59
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howlingmadhowiecantor9: doesn't look like it. i always thought the rights in mysql/user were global. but it's possible i'm wrong12:59
jbgreermike1234: if you've mounted rw, you should be able to edit and remove/change the memory setting you stated earlier12:59
Svishhey! I plugged in an external lcd monitor. under booting the image was mirrored, but when I got in, the image is only on the external monitor. Where can I set it to mirror, or expand desktop and stuff like that?12:59
ConstyXIVi don't really know of anything close besides dd, but that's more or less 1:1, and i think ghost uses compression12:59
ShackJacksewbuttons: What do you mean crashed it, btw? Any specifics?12:59
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cantor9hmm, oh....12:59
mike1234jbgreer, yep i have done that12:59
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ribandosauvin streaming...on the web01:00
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sauvinStreaming? I don't know anything about that :\01:00
jbgreermike1234: grub is nice, editing the conf is pretty much what you need to do, if I understand your problem01:00
RudyValenciaConstyXIV: Why not use gzip or bzip2 to pack your drive image?01:00
sewbuttonswouldn't start up after inst of feisty, did upgrade after01:00
=== HerrDaily_ [n=fabian@dslb-088-067-030-062.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
mike1234jbgreer, i just dont know what command i need to excute to reload the grup thing01:00
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ConstyXIVusually for me, just tar.bz2'ing /home and getting a package list from synaptic does the trick01:00
cantor9howlingmadhowie: I guess I will have to try that then01:00
astro76sewbuttons, partimage... http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page01:00
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ConstyXIVRudyValencia: good call01:01
sewbuttonsgave some error like couldn't find root system or something01:01
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:01
ShackJack!prefix | sewbuttons (just fti ;))01:01
ubotusewbuttons (just fti ;)): If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages01:01
=== HerrDaily [n=fabian@dslb-088-067-030-062.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
ribandosauvin I got xine multimedia player, which I use to watch everything, but I also got mplayer, totem, and vlc installed, but for some reason, I can't watch anything with them, and if i can, the brightness in the image is just way too much.01:01
sewbuttonsif i knew how do do that i would01:01
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Svish!multiple monitors01:01
sauvinI can't help with brightness, either. Have you installed codecs?01:02
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ribandosauvin but, I want to be able to watch movies online.01:02
cantor9howlingmadhowie: I think that link you showed me answers the question then dood, thanks01:02
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sewbuttonsdoes that prog  work like ghost01:02
jbgreermike1234: 'reload grup => grub?]   ..... not sure what you mean by that.  what happens on boot?01:02
sauvinIf the movies are flash, I use the Adobe flash plugin.01:02
ribandoI I guess I've installed w32codecs and libdvdcss2 I think01:02
sewbuttonsis it hd image or just backup?01:02
ribandosauvin what if they're divx?01:03
howlingmadhowiecantor9: incase this helps: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32703/01:03
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sauvinCan mplayer play a commercial DVD on your computer?01:03
mike1234jbgreer, at the moment the grub screen comes up, but whatever option i select it comes up with not enough memory01:03
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howlingmadhowiecantor9: that's my current mysql/user table01:03
astro76sewbuttons, yeah it's like ghost01:03
cantor9howlingmadhowie: thanx alot01:03
sewbuttonsthanx check it out when edgy is done!01:03
mike1234jbgreer, this is as before, but im guessing i need to type a comand for grub to reload the configration file01:03
ConstyXIVsauvin: probably, but i know xine can01:04
freebirdbye all...01:04
desertcstop... 'secret maryo' time01:04
desertcand dance.01:04
sauvinTry it with mplayer, too, just for giggles.01:04
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jbgreermike1234: no.  editing menu.lst is sufficient01:04
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howlingmadhowieokay, everybody. i'm falling asleep at the wheel here. see you all tomorrow. lots of fun figuring out how to pronounce "linux" :)01:04
ribandosauvin nope...they only player that I have installed and is actually playing DVD and anything else, is xine multimedia player, the other one that I can still get to play is Totem, but the image is crappy, I also got vlc, but I only get sound with that one.01:04
sauvinLee nooks.01:05
desertchowlingmadhowie: not going to charge $120 an hour for database support?01:05
Svishhow do I use multiple monitors in ubuntu? I have a laptop with an external lcd connected. i have an ATI card01:05
mike1234jbgreer, oh so its not like lilo that gets read every time i boot01:05
desertcoh well!  you lose.  boop!01:05
ShackJackhowlingmadhowie: Lee-Nux :)01:05
howlingmadhowiedesertc: i should do, shouldn't i ? :)01:05
pboyceopop: dang it im using the rw switch to mount it and i still can't write to it01:05
jbgreermike1234: no need to update like w/ lilo01:05
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desertchowlingmadhowie: everyone else does!01:05
jbgreermike1234: what is offending line in menu.lst01:05
howlingmadhowiei think linux is the only world in the english language with a silent "gnu" at the start :)01:05
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jbgreerhowlingmadhowie: i thought the Q was silent, too.01:06
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x-codeany one here01:06
foxy_Can someone help me with xchat ?01:06
ConstyXIV!hi ! x-code01:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi ! x-code - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:06
sauvinFoxy: maybe. What's up?01:06
foxy_Is there a "users in channel" bar ?01:06
foxy_like in mirc ?01:06
mike1234jbgreer, # kopt=root=UUID=a3e81e89-f678-4180-98d7-bc8de799095a ro01:06
mike1234 mem=512M01:06
ConstyXIV!hi | x-code01:06
ubotux-code: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:06
ShackJackfoxy_: Yes, there is..01:06
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x-codei have a problem with the panel01:06
ribandosauvin I've installed mplayer and also the plugin for mozilla firefox, but for some reason, when I go to stage6 website, I get the message "For linux support try mplayer". I'm not sure if I installed mplayer correctly.01:06
pboyceopop: u there?01:07
x-codecant get things in order01:07
x-codeand iam a beginner01:07
ShackJack!enter | x-code01:07
ubotux-code: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:07
jbgreermike1234: but you've removed the mem=512M line, correct?01:07
foxy_shackjack: where can I enable it ?01:07
mike1234yes i have now01:07
sauvinfoxy_k, are you using xchat now?01:07
mike1234jbgreer, is that all i need to do01:07
ConstyXIVx-code: define "order"01:07
opoppboyce, yeah, here01:07
jbgreermike1234: should be, from what I understand01:07
x-codecan someone please help me01:07
ShackJackfoxy_: Sorry thought you were referring to user who entered the room ... dunno what client you are using...01:07
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foxy_haha i found it i guess: strg+u01:07
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ShackJack!patience | x-code01:07
ubotux-code: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:07
mike1234jbgreer, well thanks for your help, ill give it a go and let you know what happens01:08
jbgreermike1234: peace out01:08
nn-on-bluetoothping ....... boooooommm ....... crash .... plonk ;;; ok i seem to have ping-ed a windows server01:08
pboyceopop: sorry im trying to do some of it on my own(best way to learn) i tryed mounting it with the rw switch but still can't write to it01:08
foxy_shackjack: xchat but it is okayx01:08
ShackJackx-code: right click on things and move them around :)01:08
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ConstyXIVi like how compiz-fusion grays out unresponsive apps :)01:08
opoppboyce, did you use the umask=007 option?01:08
sauvinWhy won't foxy_'s xchat honour a ctcp version?01:08
ShackJackConstyXIV: That is neat - fortunately it doesn't happen often ;)01:09
Rayyananyone can help me out with some ubuntu internet problem? connection seems to be really slow or not available while its working on windows01:09
x-codewell how do i get the applications and places01:09
dmglouishas anyone had any problems with compiz fusion and right click menus?01:09
x-codeback in there places01:09
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x-codecuz i accidently01:09
x-coderemoved them,01:09
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x-codeand i cant get them bak in order01:09
ShackJack!enter | x-code (if you want help respect the guidelines)01:09
ubotux-code (if you want help respect the guidelines): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:09
jbgreerat the risk of saying something inappropriate, in debian I was used to testing and being able to see what new versions were coming up for particular packages.  is there something similar for ubuntu, in particular things queued for feisty?01:09
opopthe problem is that fat32 doesn't include any access control whatsoever.  if it's mounted, anyone can use it, so, loonix mounts it readable only as root so people don't do inadvertent damage01:09
ConstyXIVdmglouis: what about r-click menus?01:09
pboyceopop: ill try that now, do i do: mount -rw -mask=007 /dev/sdb5 /media/sdb501:09
ConstyXIVx-code: r-click, add to panel01:09
ShackJackx-code: right click and add to panel...01:09
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foxy_Gotta go, have a nice day peepz01:10
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dmglouisConstyXIV: well they all appear behind the window to just in front of the desktop01:10
opopand put the umask after /dev/sdb5 and /media/sdb501:10
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opopand no hyphens01:10
ConstyXIVdmglouis: odd, never seen that.  try in #ubuntu-effects01:10
dmglouisConstyXIV:so, if i have many windows open, and i right click, i have to move that window to another desktop, make it transparent and then work with that01:10
opoppboyce, belay that.  hold on.01:10
caneris there anybody here who could manage to get Microdia webcam (0c45:62c0) work?01:10
dmglouisConstyXIV: alright i'll try that01:11
kyncanijbgreer: you may have a look upon apt-listchanges01:11
pboyce mount -rw /dev/sdb5 /media/sdb5 unmask=00701:11
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pboycedidn't work01:11
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ShackJackcaner: You see that guide I sent earlier?01:12
opoppboyce:  >>  sudo mount -o rw,umask=007 /dev/sdb5 /media/sdb501:12
bmachinedoes anyone use warez to just demo a product?01:12
canerShackJack ive looked at it. even before you sent01:12
fevelis there a way for me to save a session in a way that when I turn on my computer again, the programs that were open when I logged out. started up at boot?01:12
opopumask, NOT unmask01:12
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canerShackJack no way none of them works. just wonder if is there anybody who could. if not i will give up :(01:12
kyncanifevel: hibernate the computer ?01:13
ShackJackcaner: does ubuntu detect your webcam (usb?)01:13
bmachineusing nerolinux...anyone?01:13
canerShackJack sorr if i bothered the channel01:13
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Shadow6363Hmm, need some help with user admin, say I have users A, B, and C.  I want user A and B to access a file but not C.  How would I go about doing this?01:13
jbgreerkyncani: thx, but I suspect that listchanges shows what has changed by extracting from a .deb;  i'm wanting to know, for instance, when ghc 6.6.1 will be available for feisty01:13
fevelkyncani, no...I want to be able to shut power down completely01:13
pboyceopop: didn't work got a error01:14
opoppboyce, what error01:14
ConstyXIVfevel: hibernate == write ram to disk, then power off01:14
canerShackJack yes it can be seen with lsusb (Microdia 0c45:62c0)01:14
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thechrisShadow6363: add A, B to group AB.  chgrp the file to be readable by AB01:14
pboyce mount -o rw,unmask=007 /dev/sdb5 /media/sdb501:14
kyncanijbgreer: yeah, i don't know where to look for queued packages in ubuntu ...01:14
jbgreershadow6363: by access what do you mean?  read01:14
sauvinbmachine, you may find attitudes in this channel towards anything smacking of warez tend to antipathy...01:14
pboyceim in root so i left off the sudo01:14
opoppboyce:  NOT UNMASK.  UMASK01:14
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Shadow6363jbgreer, read, view, i dont want them to be able to do anything to it01:14
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logik-bombDoes anyone knows how to fix the TCL issue with the eggdrop on ubuntu?01:15
Shadow6363thechris, would i then set others to none?01:15
kyncanifevel: hibernate is a complete power shutdown (suspend to disk) and suspend will keep ram powered (suspend to ram) i believe01:15
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fevelbut hibernating doenst go well on my pavilion dv2000 laptop01:15
sauvinWhat tcl issue?01:15
Shadow6363thechris, could this also be applied to a whole filesystem, i have a few folder as well as a whole drive i dont want c able to touch01:15
kyncanifevel: that sucks he ? does not work well here either :(01:15
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ShackJackcaner: Well, that's a start.. Afraid I don't know too much about that model, though a thread is here re: driver..01:15
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opoppboyce, right on01:16
thechrisShadow6363: yes.  see the "chmod -R " option01:16
fevelI have feisty 64 installed and there are known issues01:16
opopworking better?01:16
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kyncanifevel: maybe feisty+1 or feisty+2 (crossing my fingers)01:16
pboyceopop: i can't even see it now01:16
jbgreerShadow6363: the issues you describe involve not only permissions on the file(s) but the directory holding the file(s).01:16
aroonihey folks i have beryl installed on ubuntu 7.04.... and it was working great before.. but now when i do 'beryl-manager' and select beryl.... screen flashes, and i go right back to metacity.  any ideas on what's up?01:16
bmachinesauvin, why is it so wrong to demo a product through warez?01:16
ShackJack!beryl | arooni01:16
ubotuarooni: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects01:16
fevelkyncani, yes...I do believe it will be fixed01:16
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sauvinIt encourages the use of warez channels.01:16
canerShackJack : you will send a link?01:16
xerawxdoes anyone know if the tickless kernel option in recent kernels is dependent on x86, or does it work on powerpc etc as well01:16
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pboyceopop:its not on desktop or the computer floder01:16
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sauvinBesides, it depends on what you mean by "demo".01:16
fevelIts been reported in ubuntu laptop and stuff01:16
mr_dudeI've got two computers running Ubuntu and one running Windows XP.  I want them to be able to file share and share my DSL internet connection.  Anyone know of a howto that explains how to do this?  And what hardware would I need to buy?  Would a router/modem combo be sufficient or would I need a seperate router and modem?01:16
ShackJackcaner: Ooops sorry... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37500501:16
Shadow6363jbgreer, from what i understand, arent folder permissions treated essentially identically to file permissions so what works for one works for the other?01:16
canerShackJack : thank you let me have a look.01:17
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thechrisShadow6363: unix permissions are fairly simple, and have settings for file owner, group, and other.  you simply want owner and group to have RW access, while having other have neither01:17
kyncanifevel: and may be fixed at a kernel level for feisty+2 (some kernel dump and reload magic)01:17
bmachineby demo i mean, try the product without registering to see if i like it...than purchase the product01:17
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opoppboyce, i'm sorry, umount it again01:17
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opoppboyce, i made a mistake.01:18
jbgreerShadow6363: using letters, x has different meaning for a file from a directory (execute vs. search)01:18
fevelkyncani, so its a kernel issue?01:18
jbgreerthechris: with all due respect, not true.  directory perms could allow a user to delete the file without being able to read it.01:18
pboyceopop:it happens im just thankfull for ur help01:18
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Shadow6363thechris, when i tried doing that, the folder the drive is mounted to can only change permissions when the drive isnt mounted, but then loses thoes permissions when the drive is mounted, so is there some special way that you modify permissions to a file system, id rather not just recursive the whole drive as its a full 750GB drive, is there a way to just stop the drive itself from being viewed, perhaps a mount setting or so01:18
pboyceopop: ok unmounted01:18
Naitsir1anyone here good with wlan (wpa) setup?01:19
Naitsir1I have a linksys wlan pci-card that only shows WEP as encryption method. I've tried reinstalling network manager and wpasupplicant, but both are newest version already..01:19
MrDextercan anyone please tell me, is it possible to download a file via terminal?01:19
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thechrisjbgreer: i'll have to try that out.01:19
gordonjcpMrDexter: yes01:19
UgurAlbayramHi again :(01:19
ShackJackMrDexter: yep -- wget01:19
opopMrDexter, wget <address>01:19
gordonjcpMrDexter: wget <thing> or curl01:19
kyncanifevel: kernel devs have some plan for this, using a mini-kernel to dump the entire kernel and then later reload it into memory mainly01:19
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MrDexterlol, I see it's quite common knowledge then!01:19
gordonjcpcurl does a bit more but is more complicated to use01:19
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Shadow6363jbgreer, i did not know that, quite intuitive that is01:19
gordonjcpMrDexter: if you need a browser at the terminal, look in to using "links"01:19
sauvinDepending on where the file is, there's also ftp, sftp, scp, blah blah blah01:20
thechrisShadow6363: you can set permissions for the drive in fstab, as well as on the files (files include dirs).01:20
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UgurAlbayramGuys i couldnt fix the problem yet i format both partitions and made a single one to install ubuntu and installed it i still cant boot ubuntu without cd01:20
cantor9Does anyone know what this error could be? [Sun Aug 05 06:26:00 2007]  [warn]  module proxy_http_module is already loaded, skipping01:20
cantor9[Sun Aug 05 06:26:01 2007]  [warn]  module proxy_http_module is already loaded, skipping.................I get the error when I try to restart apache2?01:20
jbgreerShadow6363: read access only?  are you mounting the filesystem in read only mode, per chance?01:20
ShackJackgordonjcp: I think that's "lynx" :)01:20
Superdaddy-ogood lord01:20
Superdaddy-oguys how do i install my nvidia drivers?01:20
gordonjcpShackJack: no, I think it's "links"01:20
jbgreerthechris: nice.01:20
Superdaddy-oi just installed linux for the first time01:20
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UgurAlbayramme to superdaddy but cant boot it :)01:20
PriceySuperdaddy-o, system > admin > restrived manager01:20
ShackJackgordonjcp: DOH - you're right... me stupid ;)01:21
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jbgreergotta split cats, later01:21
gordonjcpShackJack: I'm not as thick as you look ;-)01:21
ShackJackgordonjcp: Actually it's both :) http://lynx.browser.org/01:21
sauvinThere IS a links on this computer, and it looks and works just like the lynx I remember from fifteen years ago :D01:21
Shadow6363jbgreer, i am mounting in read and write, but i dont want user c to have either01:21
gordonjcpShackJack: it is, but links is better01:21
UgurAlbayramGuys i cant even use Grub to set mbr(dunno what is this also)01:21
gordonjcpShackJack: handles frames at least a little bit, and tables too01:21
fevelkyncani, I see01:21
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PriceySuperdaddy-o, lets stay in channel please01:21
gordonjcpShackJack: also it can do a graphical browser using SDL01:22
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ShackJackgordonjcp: Thanks good to know.. (frames though? bleech!)01:22
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sauvinWhat's the probability that UgurAlbayram's MBR sector(s) is toast?01:22
Pricey!pm | Superdaddy-o01:22
ubotuSuperdaddy-o: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:22
mike1234im still haveing some problems with my boot loader :-(, I get the error message erro 28 selected item canot fit into memory01:22
jacob_does anybody know how to shut down the system through the terminal?01:22
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Superdaddy-oPRICEY REPLY TO MY PM****01:22
thechrisjacob_: shutdown -h now01:22
ShackJackSuperdaddy-o: See ubotu message above01:22
mike1234jacob, halt -p01:22
Shadow6363thechris, hmm, i seem to have run into a problem, by denying all others to the file, i have lost smb access to the file.  i had thought smb might have been some sort of user i could add to the group, but its not, any ideas how to deny user c but still let smb access01:22
UgurAlbayramGuys can u help me some again ?01:23
Superdaddy-oit says something about "hardware does not need restricted drivers"01:23
opoppboyce:  >>  sudo mount -o rw,gid=100,umask=707 /dev/sdb5 /media/sdb501:23
sauvinUgurAlbayram, we can try, but I'm beginning to think you're up against a hardware problem.01:23
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kyncanifevel: here it is: http://lwn.net/Articles/242107/01:23
opoppboyce:  >>  sudo mount -t vfat -o rw,gid=100,umask=707 /dev/sdb5 /media/sdb501:23
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fevelkyncani, thanks01:23
sauvinWhen you're using the livecd, do you have any hard drive partitions mounted?01:23
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kyncanifevel: :)01:23
UgurAlbayramIts not hardware i thnk its about grub01:23
thechrisShadow6363: not sure how samba works.  I beleive you can have samba authenicate as a specific user/group.   check "man smb.conf"01:24
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jacob_what does halt -p does?01:24
PriceySuperdaddy-o, tell me the output of "lspci | grep VGA" please01:24
sauvinWait... hey... you're installing from a livecd, right UgurAlbayram ?01:24
Shadow6363thechris, will do, thanks for your help01:24
Superdaddy-oi do not understand01:24
UgurAlbayramYes sauvin01:24
PriceySuperdaddy-o, type that in a terminal01:24
mr_dudeI've got two computers running Ubuntu and one running Windows XP.  I want them to be able to file share and share my DSL internet connection.  Anyone know of a howto that explains how to do this?  And what hardware would I need to buy?  Would a router/modem combo be sufficient or would I need a seperate router and modem?01:24
mike1234jacob_, it goes through all the settings of shuting down your computer and if possibly turning the computer of01:24
PriceySuperdaddy-o, then copy and paste it into here for me01:24
Superdaddy-oho do i open the terminal01:24
opoppboyce, use the second one.  basically, we're telling it to mount rw, allowing users in group 100 (users) to read, write, execute all files, /dev/sdb5 at /media/sdb501:24
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Superdaddy-oive been trying to figure out01:24
sauvinwhen you do that, you're booted into a running Ubuntu desktop and you honk on some menu or icon to initiate the install?01:24
centaur5What is the command to login to a broken system after booting into a live cd on that machine?01:24
pboyceopop: did it and still don't see it, im running from root in the terminal so i leave out the sudo01:25
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PriceySuperdaddy-o, applications > accessories > terminal01:25
UgurAlbayramyes sauvin01:25
mr_dudecentaur5, What's broken about your system?01:25
UgurAlbayrami did exaxlty like that01:25
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sauvinWhen you do that, next time, examine your desktop for icons of MOUNTED DRIVES.01:25
bmachineare there shortcut commands to a enter in a file into a terminal...much like drag and drop?01:25
sauvinIf //dev/hda is mounted, for example, you might NOT be able to write to hda.01:26
Superdaddy-oVGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0402 (rev a1)01:26
cantor9bmachine: no...01:26
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centaur5mr_dude: fsck found errors but said that there's a package called less missing so it doesn't proceed with repair (I think that's what stops it).01:26
ShackJackbmachine: Use tab autocomplete in terminal for commands, filenames, etc..01:26
PriceySuperdaddy-o, do you know the model of your card?01:26
UgurAlbayramokey than i ll format the partition again01:26
UgurAlbayramand try installing ubuntu again ?01:26
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PriceySuperdaddy-o, the model number...?01:26
pboyceopop: i tryed both of them01:27
ShackJackUgurAlbayram: Let Ubuntu format the partition :)01:27
bluefox83is there any software for making themes for gnome?01:27
defcondoes anyone know if gutsy will implement a full drive encryption option for the install process?01:27
UgurAlbayramit did it01:27
bmachineshackjack, you saved me time....thankyou01:27
sauvinYou might not have to format any partitions... just unmount all the drive images you see and try running grub again.01:27
UgurAlbayramits the 5th time i am doin it :D01:27
Superdaddy-o8600 gt01:27
sauvinFrustrating, isn't it, UgurAlbayram?01:27
Superdaddy-oi Dled the driver off of the site but it doesnt load up very user friendly01:27
ShackJackbmachine: You're welcome - works in Nautilus (gui file mgr) in the path line..01:27
sauvinI'm beginning to understand why people told me to use a regular install cd rather than a livecd.01:28
PriceySuperdaddy-o, That card was released after ubuntu 7.04, you could install the drivers from nvidia.com if needed.01:28
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Superdaddy-oi tried that01:28
pboyceopop:is there some kind of file i can show u to see how my computer is setup?01:28
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Superdaddy-oit says it cant recognize the code01:28
cantor9does anyone with Apache or Apache 2 know why I would get this error? :"[warn]  module proxy_http_module is already loaded, skipping"01:28
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:28
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Superdaddy-oi just double clicked it on my desktop and it did nothing but make an error01:28
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cantor9........When I reboot Apache01:28
opoppboyce:  /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab, /proc/mounts01:29
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UgurAlbayrami am gona be mad  guys :D01:29
opoppost all 3 of those to pastebin, and i'll take a look in a little bit01:29
ShackJackSuperdaddy-o: That's not how you install it - read instructions on Nvidia site...01:29
bmachineis it possible to convert a livecd to regular install?..such as replacing knoppix programs onto your current installation?01:29
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UgurAlbayramDont wanna use a copy of windows againnn01:29
nbjaymeis there a commandline utility in Linux that will fade the screen to black (in number of sec) and also fade from black?01:29
Superdaddy-owell hey man you hgelped me out a lot i have to go eat01:29
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Superdaddy-othanks again mate01:29
sauvinYou don't have to, UgurAlbayram. you might just have to grab a regular install CD rather than a liveCD.01:30
ShackJack!prefix | Superdaddy-o01:30
ubotuSuperdaddy-o: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages01:30
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pboyceopop: huh im in root and it says permission denied01:30
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UgurAlbayramokey :(01:30
mr_dudecentaur, You can boot into safe mode from the GRUB at the beginning.01:30
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nbjaymeor is there a commandline utility that can do simple root window effects (without the need of 3D cards / XGL)?01:31
UgurAlbayramSauvin may the SATA causing this problem ?01:31
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sauvinNot having a sata I can use in this laptop, I can't answer that question.01:31
opoppboyce:  >>  sudo mount -t vfat -o rw,gid=100,umask=007 /dev/sdb5 /media/sdb501:31
UgurAlbayrami ve checked the device.map in grub folder01:31
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opoppboyce, sorry01:31
UgurAlbayramits like this :(hd0)/dev/sda01:32
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UgurAlbayramits like this (hd0)/dev/sda01:32
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ShackJack!hi | SuperAngryFish01:32
ubotuSuperAngryFish: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:32
centaur5mr_dude: tried that and fsck starts scanning again and I can't even get an ip address from my network to install the missing applications it complains about.01:32
mike1234i did it :-), i chrooted into my old drive and ran update-grub and that fixed my grub troubles01:32
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ShackJackcentaur5: You can use CD as a software source, I beleive...01:33
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oscurochuI am building a linux from scratch distro. There is [almost]  nobody in the IRC channel. I get this error when booting: "Kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs"01:33
SuperAngryFishI am new to linux and have just installed the spring release 07 of ubuntu. When i come to boot ubuntu, it comes up with a graphical load bar, similar to the windows one, then once it has reached the end, the screen goes black. From this point, nothing responds.01:33
joerlendI have a usb wifi adapter. Can I espect alot of extra problems installing it, it being usb and all, or should it work like an internal usb adapter?01:33
mr_dudecentaur5, less is a simple little console application that let's you view page by page information in a file, that's a weird error.01:34
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UgurAlbayramshackjack is this line correct its like this (hd0)/dev/sda "written in grub/device.map"01:34
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centaur5mr_dude: It's been over a year since I've had my system broken to where it wouldn't boot and I came across a howto on logging into the broken system from a live cd to run commands on that installation.01:34
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ShackJackSuperAngryFish: just curious - do you hear the login sound after screen goes black ?01:34
mr_dudeless comes with ubuntu by default.01:34
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SuperAngryFishNope, nothing01:34
sauvinI have an external sata drive with a PCI card meant to put into a regular computer and a cable inbetween. Do you suppose an HP laptop would have a port to accept such a drive without needing the card?01:34
ShackJackUgurAlbayram: Err... sorry don't think that's for me :)01:34
opopoh, great, vesafb is no longer modular AT ALL?01:34
pboyce/dev/sdb5                                  /media/sdb5     vfat         #, thats what in the fstab01:35
mr_dudecentaur5, What did you do to cause this error or did it just happen out of no where?01:35
centaur5mr_dude: I figured it's supposed to already be on there as well.01:35
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UgurAlbayrami thnk my device name is wrong01:35
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UgurAlbayramit must be (hd0,1) etc01:35
toubsuwhat is the default root p/w in 7.04?01:35
ShackJackSuperAngryFish: What graphics card you have?01:35
UgurAlbayrambut its hd(0) atm01:36
centaur5mr_dude: Well I haven't had my machine on for 2 days but the last thing I was doing was using the live cd to transfer files off my hd to a sd card.01:36
pete83toubsu: on the live cd?01:36
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mr_dudecentaur5, Why were you using the live cd and not just booting unto  your hard disk?01:37
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SuperAngryFishWinFast PX7600 GS (nVidia)01:37
toubsupete83: i just installed from the cd and i wasn't prompted to set root p/w01:37
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ShackJackSuperAngryFish: Can you exit to command prompt after going to black screen  Ctrl-Alt-f1 ?01:38
pete83toubsu: see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:38
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centaur5mr_dude: Cause I'm using gutsy and it doesn't automatically mount sd cards anymore so I manually mounted my sd card and transferred some things to it but then it wouldn't unmount so I couldn't switch to use my 2nd sd card so I booted into the live cd to finish the job.01:38
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SuperAngryFishShackJack: Nothing works at all, the only thing i can do is install.01:38
toubsupete83: thx01:39
BigcheeseHey, I installed vmware server and it installed it's own network drivers, which fuxed over the system (all incomming connections are blocked, outgoing is ok). How do I reset the network drivers to the default ubuntu ones?01:39
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ShackJackSuperAngryFish: But you used live cd to install, no?01:39
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SuperAngryFishI used the CD to install, and it just happens, i had tried re-installing it several times.01:40
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mr_dudecentaur, Weird, heh.  Yeah, I'd search around about making recovery CD's, and the file to edit to skip the fsck scan.01:40
ShackJackSuperAngryFish: Live cd -- the one with the GUI?01:40
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mr_dudecentaur, I am pretty sure there's a console recovery mode where you got line by line of your boot up and it asks you yes/no whether or not you want to perform that command.01:41
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l2sI was trying to setup a name based virtual host in ubuntu feisty and had a q about how ubuntu creates the users, right now everything is owned by root in /var/www01:41
l2sis that normal??01:41
ShackJackSuperAngryFish: Have you tried booting into "recovery mode" (select from grub screen) - command prompt mode ?01:41
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centaur5mr_dude: perhaps funning fsck from the live cd and having it finish the job that way will fix it?01:41
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SuperAngryFishLike i said earlier, i am new and dont know much at all about linux01:41
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thecrossis it possible to install windows .exe on ubuntu?01:42
l2sAnyone know?01:42
ShackJackSuperAngryFish: O.K. Well do that... select from that startup menu (GRUB) you do have that, I assume...01:42
ShackJack!prefix | SuperAngryFish01:42
ubotuSuperAngryFish: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages01:42
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Ashfire908I'm trying to resize a partition using the livecd, but every time i tell it to resize, it refreshs the drives half way though and mounts the dirve. how do i tell the system to not automaticly mount a drive(s)?01:42
ZenjiOMG this is asdasd. H01:42
ZenjiHow do I use VMware Server on Ubuntu?01:42
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mr_dudecentaur5, Couldn't hurt.01:43
Shadow6363ugh, isnt there a way to just deny folder access to a single user01:43
l2sI was trying to setup a name based virtual host in ubuntu feisty and had a q about how ubuntu creates the users, right now everything is owned by root in /var/www01:43
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ShackJackZenji: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware01:43
ZenjiI did that.01:43
lvpercaliadoes anyone here have a laptop asus f3jr or any other laptop with an ati x2300 graphic card?i'm having some trouble with the installation and i can't quite understand really well the explanations i've read01:43
ZenjiThat doesnt help./01:43
sewbuttonsupgrading from dapper to edgy and keep getting setting locale failed, is that a big deal?01:43
ShackJack!vmware | Zenji01:43
ubotuZenji: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers01:43
ZenjiI have it on I just dont know how to work it ive tried everything.01:43
ZenjiI know this ShackJack it doesnt help me.01:43
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SuperAngryFishShackJack: Yes i can get to the grub.01:43
ZenjiIve gone thru tutorials and everything.01:43
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sewbuttonsjust a warning01:44
meoblast001hi i have my laptop undergoing some maitnance with the GRUB boot loader, does anyone know the commands used to start up Windows partition from that?01:44
ShackJackSuperAngryFish: Ok select recover mode01:44
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ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:44
ZenjiSo does anyone actually know about VMware instead of !vmwareing?01:44
Ashfire908how do i tell the system to not automaticly mount a drive(s)?01:44
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centaur5mr_dude: Okay, I'll try that real quick and see where that gets me. I've been running a long time without a non-bootable machine even with alfa and beta installs.  :)01:44
ZenjiI have Windows XP installed. I want to run VMware using my existing installed OS.01:44
SuperAngryFishShackJack: Where do i go from there?01:45
thecrossis it possible to install windows .exe on ubuntu?01:45
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ShackJackSuperAngryFish: you're at command line?01:45
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pete83!wine | thecross01:45
ubotuthecross: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.01:45
SuperAngryFishIm only able to use one machine01:45
ShackJackSuperAngryFish: Huh?01:45
sewbuttonsperl: warning: Setting locale failed.01:46
sewbuttonsperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:01:46
sewbuttons        LANGUAGE = "en",01:46
sewbuttons        LC_ALL = (unset),01:46
sewbuttons        LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"01:46
sewbuttons    are supported and installed on your system.01:46
ShackJackSuperAngryFish: You've selected recovery mode from grub and are now at command line?01:46
sewbuttonsperl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").01:46
ZenjiCan anyone help me get VMware Server running with an Existing OS.01:46
ShackJack!pastebin | sewbuttons01:46
ubotusewbuttons: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:46
mr_dudecentaur, Good luck.01:46
sewbuttonsis this a bad warning?01:46
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ShackJacksewbuttons: no01:47
sewbuttonsseems to be installing fine01:47
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ryarenpls help! When I install nvidia 9639 driver and I reboot the system it loads 7184 Nvidia kernel module and my X doesn't start!! But I don't understand why!?01:47
ShackJacksewbuttons: use pastebin as described above :)01:47
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pete83Zenji: isn't that a standard option when setting up the VM?01:47
sewbuttonsdo i need to upgrade locales when done?01:47
centaur5mr_dude: that fixed it. thanks for your help!01:47
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ZenjiI dont know?01:47
ZenjiNo its not.01:47
ZenjiI start it up all it says is "create new VM"01:47
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centaur5mr_dude: The only error found by fsck was that there were large files in the file system but no support for them was enabled.01:48
Ashfire908how do i set up a partition not to be automaticly mounted when ueing the livecd?01:48
nvzWhat is the name of this "change language" application that ubuntu has?01:48
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter01:48
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eboyjrI am running from the live CD right now and installed xorg-driver-fglrx but it wants me to reboot. When I reboot, it gets rid of the driver and starts anew. How can I just restart Xorg window system?01:48
pete83Zenji: yeah, go to "custom" instead of "typical"01:48
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mr_dudecentaur, You figured it out on your own, I was just a sounding board.  ;)01:48
pete83Zenji: when you are making the VM01:48
ZenjiThen what?01:49
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centaur5mr_dude: Well I needed an audience while I thought out loud.  :)01:49
pete83Zenji: then it should give you the option, when you are specifying the disk to use...01:49
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capcadetjchi all01:49
pboyceopop: i got ! i used that storage device manger and one of the options was a umask,dmask,andfmask i set em all to 70001:49
ZenjiThree options.01:50
capcadetjccan someone help me here?01:50
ShackJack!ask | capcadetjc01:50
ubotucapcadetjc: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:50
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:50
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ZenjiCreate New Virtual Disk/ Use existing/ Use a physical disk..01:50
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eboyjrhow can i start tty4?01:50
ZenjiIm guessing the third one Pete83?01:50
Naitsir1is there a fix for linksys wmp54G wpa yet?01:50
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pete83Zenji: yeah, and your existing Windows installation is on the Physical Disk isn't it??01:50
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TimK65HI folks. I exchanged one wireless adapter for another and got things working in Ubuntu. Now I'm wondering how to fix my Nvidia display in Ubuntu. I've installed and enabled the restricted driver, and tried to configure the display using the utility, but fonts look like crap and I'm missing 24 pixels at the top of the screen. Can anyone help?01:50
pboyceopop: well thanks for ur help opop01:50
opoppboyce, right on.01:50
capcadetjco NM i think this is a wine question01:50
pboyceopop: o and thanks for sticking with me01:51
Zenjiheres the problem Pete8301:51
ZenjiInsufficient privaleges.01:51
pete83Zenji: and before you ask, that's all I know.... I never tried the physical disk option personally, because I think it sounds kind of sketchy01:51
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eboyjrHow can I restart Xor>01:51
pete83Zenji: then run VMWare server as sudo01:51
TimK65eboyr: Logging out and back in should do it.01:52
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ShackJackeboyjr: Or CTRL-ALt-Backspace01:52
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Ashfire908TimK65, is it a black spot where someting, like the menu should be?01:52
TimK65Ashfire908: No, I'm sorry, I wasn't clear. The graphics card is writing data (i.e. my top panel!) to an area beyond (above) the physical display.01:53
Ashfire908TimK65, or is it just a blank spot. or is the screen off the top of the monitor display area?01:53
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ryarenpls help! When I install nvidia 9639 driver and I reboot the system it loads 7184 Nvidia kernel module and my X doesn't start!! But I don't understand why!?01:53
ZenjiEr crap.01:53
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TimK65Ashfire908: The screen is off the top. Thanks for putting it better! :-)01:53
Ashfire908TimK65, are you using a lcd monitor01:53
TimK65Ashfire908: Yes.01:53
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Ashfire908TimK65, use the auto configure feature on themonitor01:54
eboyjrShackJack: I am running from the live CD though.. I'm not allowed to install it, and I REALLY REALLY want to see Compiz.01:54
W8TAHhi folks - i need to install aa cpu speed mangaement package on my laptop (its running HOT) any suggestions  -- im in kubuntu fiesty01:54
Svishis there a good news/nntp reader for ubuntu with a gui?01:54
TimK65Ashfire908: In case it matters, I'm also running 64-bit Ubuntu. Where is the auto-configure feature? Is it in nvidia-settings (the utility)?01:54
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ShackJackeboyjr: Sorry, not sure what you're getting at -- what you have for graphics card?01:54
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W8TAHSvish: ive played with pan some01:54
Ashfire908TimK65, it's on the physcail monitor01:54
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bottigereboyjr: mandriva has better compiz support on it's liveCD01:54
LiberCogitoeboyjr: there are other distros that come wit compiz/beryl.  hop on wikipedia and type in linux01:55
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roger_padactorlled php5 apache and when i went to test php file in firefox it kept opening a blank page and it worldn't stop opening new pages01:55
eboyjrati radeon xpress 200m.... installed the restricted drive of xorg-driver-fglrx on this laptop and ubuntu wants me to restart... but it will lose all data01:55
TimK65Ashfire908: I pressed the "Auto Select" button on my monitor. That didn't change anything. Am I misunderstanding you? :-)01:55
ShackJackeboyjr: Yeah, you're not getting compiz/beryl on any live cd -  you have to install XGL etc... I dunno that any live cd has that out of the box :)01:56
eboyjrShackJack: 2 messages up01:56
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Ashfire908TimK65, did the monitor dance i little?01:56
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TimK65Ashfire908: The monitor went black, except for a white square in the middle that said, "Auto adjustment in progress".01:56
eboyjrShackJack: It's weird but I type "compiz --replace" and everything turns white01:57
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Ashfire908and the screen still is off the top?01:57
eboyjrShackJack: And if I do the commands I can fainlty se the wobbly windows01:57
TimK65Ashfire908: (It also told me the preferred setting was 1440x900 @ 60 Hz.) Then it came back, and yes, the screen is still off the top. I enlarged my panel to 48 pixels just so I can sort of use it, but that's not a good solution.01:57
ShackJackeboyjr: Yeah, ati's are a trick prolly be better of with binary driver... but getting going on a live cd is tough... If you want to see compiz there is youtube :)01:58
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Ashfire908TimK65, try setting the monitor relusation in ubuntu to that size01:58
SvishW8TAH: find that in the package manager?01:58
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SineFatoI hope this isn't much of a bother and no rush but I am having problems with Ubunto Live. Is this the corret channel for support of that?01:58
W8TAHSvish: ya01:58
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TimK65Ashfire908: I did that in nvidia-settings. Should I also do it somewhere else? I'll check while I wait.01:58
jribSineFato: yep, just ask01:58
ConstyXIVmy ati isin't having any problems at all, using "radeon"01:58
Ashfire908timK65, system -> prefs -> screen reulstion01:59
eboyjrShackJack: lol. do you know which linux distro runs beryl or compiz or xgl from live cd?01:59
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ShackJackConstyXIV: Oh, yeah, it's just you have to set up XGL etc - tough to do on live cd01:59
ShackJackeboyjr: I do not, personally...01:59
TimK65Ashfire908: Just checked, it's already set to 1440x900 there. Although it does say 50 Hz rather than 60 -- that ain't good.01:59
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eboyjrShackJack: okay, thanks for your help01:59
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ConstyXIVShackJack: system -> preferences -> desktop effects01:59
SineFatoI was attempting to run Ubunto Live and all was fine then it got to a screen that said somethign along the lines of "Unable to find a display" which by seeing it, it must have recognized it on some level01:59
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ShackJackConstyXIV: More to it than that ;)02:00
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ryarenpls help! When I install nvidia 9639 driver and I reboot the system it loads 7184 Nvidia kernel module and my X doesn't start!! But I don't understand why!?02:00
Ashfire908TimK65, change the Hz02:00
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TimK65Ashfire908: In "Screen Resolution," 50 Hz is the only available choice. :-(02:01
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opopryaren, because you're using the nvidia installer package instead of the supported version02:01
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XzenomeI've got a problem with LIRC, can anyone help?02:01
ShackJackTimK65: FYI refresh on LCDs not the same effect as with CRTs :)02:01
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marupahi, I just installed the nvidia glx drivers, and my mouse is suddenly invisible!  to see where it is I have to enable the control thing, I can click but the cursor itself is invisible, please please help!02:01
ConstyXIVopen arena is (gameplay wise) just an OSS clone of Q3A?02:02
Ashfire908TimK65, there might be a way to fix it, but first i'll have a quick fix for the font02:02
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ShackJackmarupa: try restarting X - ctrl-alt-backspace02:02
TimK65Ashfire908: Yes, please! :-D02:02
marupaShackJack, I already tried.02:02
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Ashfire908TimK65, system -> prefs -> font02:02
pete83ConstyXIV: yuck, you should be using Tremulous02:02
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opopi'm thinking about reinstalling gentoo02:02
TimK65Ashfire908: Got it open.02:02
SineFatoI don't mean to be a bother but did anyone notice my question?02:02
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ryarenopop: I don't understand you. In the past I successfully installed this nvidia driver from *.runpackage02:03
marupawhat was your question, SineFato?02:03
Ashfire908TimK65, pick subpixel smoothing02:03
pete83SineFato: yeah, your question is just a difficult one02:03
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XzenomeCan anyone help with lirc?02:03
ConstyXIVpete83: is tremulous just based off q3a, or is it a clone like openarena?02:03
TimK65Ashfire908: Done; I don't see much change.02:03
domswere i can download a theme thats looks like a matrix02:03
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SineFatoPete83: oh ok. I will wait02:03
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Ashfire908TimK65,then it's the monitor most likey02:03
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marupathis is making it impossible to use ubuntu, if I can't see my own cursor.02:04
TimK65Ashfire908: How does one resolve that? :-)02:04
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ConstyXIVspeaking of quake, has anyone else had a bug in compiz where you have to minimize all your apps to play opengl games without getting "shadows"?02:04
Ashfire908TimK65, in the monitor's built-in menu, you should be able to manually resize the window02:04
ShackJackJust curious - that was Ubuntu saying that or maybe the display displaying it like "no signal" ?02:04
iameliteOk guys i have a serious problem. I was trying to resize my hardrive in gparted. It did not complete the task and now the filesystem is damaged and read as unformatted. I have 10 years of writing on that drive please someone smarter than me be out there.02:04
pete83ConstyXIV: it uses the q3a engine, but it is so much more. You can build bases, and evolve as aliens, and spit and claw and climb the walls like a spider (as an alien), or as humans you can build up some heavy duty defense systems and buy better weapons at your team's armory02:04
TimK65Ashfire908: OK, I"ll try that now.02:04
Ashfire908TimK65, i forgot to ask, is desktop effeects on?02:04
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marupaShackJack, what do you mean?02:04
ShackJackSineFato: Just curious - that was Ubuntu saying that or maybe the display displaying it like "no signal" ?02:05
TimK65Ashfire908: I have not enabled desktop effects.02:05
ShackJackmarupa: Sorry, not addressing you...02:05
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Ashfire908TimK65, ok.02:05
SineFatoShackJack: It was Ubuntu, I'm on a laptop so a No Signal is unlikley. Also It gave me an option to see the output of x windows I think it was02:05
pete83SineFato:here's what I would like to know. 1. What version of Ubuntu did you try? and 2. What brand and model is your video card?02:05
ShackJackmarupa: I wonder if installing a differnce cursor theme would fix it?02:05
marupaAny ideas, anyone?  the free nvidia driver (nv) works ok, but I can only get 800x600.  the nonfree has better resolution, but no mouse.02:06
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iameliteis there anything i can do?02:06
marupashack, like, using apt, or just switching?  Cause I tried switching and that didn't do anything.02:06
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iameliteDoes anyone know a channel where someone would be knowledgeable about this?02:06
amidanieliamelite: Do you have your data backed up?02:06
xerawxiamelite: you tried to resize a partition that contained 10 years of writing that you don't have backed up?02:06
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marupabrb, gonna restart x with nv driver.02:06
iamelitethere you go02:06
ShackJackmarupa: No, like from gnome-look.org or something and then under appearance/themes things02:06
SineFatopete83: it is Ubuntu 7.04 and I have an ati X1400 mobile video card02:07
XzenomeSince no one here seems to be willing/able to help me sort out LIRC, could you point me to a channel where they might be able to?02:07
iameliteIt was my last drive02:07
TimK65Ashfire908: This idiot monitor doesn't seem to let me resize the image area. I can *move* the image area, but it remains the same size. :-(02:07
iamelitemy only harddrive i had to try02:07
StonecoldVewho here use art-manager ?02:07
iameliteis there software that can detect and repair a partition?02:07
ShackJackSineFato: I have the same card, but never had that message - I wonder if xorg.conf got your Bus ID wrong?02:07
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Ashfire908TimK65, move the image down and tell me if the screen is really off the top of the display area02:08
pete83SineFato: when it had the error, did it leave you with a text mode that you can work with?02:08
amidanieliamelite: You may try out acronis true image. Very unlikely to have success, but it may help02:08
SineFatoShackJack: I apologize but i have no idea what that means, I'm completely new to linux02:08
amidanieliamelite: If you don't have your data backed up though, it's quite likely you won't be able to recover it02:08
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domswere i can download a theme thats looks like a matrix02:08
ShackJackSineFato: Are you at command prompt now?02:08
SineFatopete83: yes after a couple error messages it kicked me out to the command line02:08
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ShackJackSineFato: type lspci | grep -i vga            and paste result02:09
SineFatoshackjack: no it is on this same machine. Suppose I should have thought of that02:09
iameliteIll try acronis. Thanks02:09
SineFatoshackjack: ok let me start up IRC on other machine and I'll try again on here.02:09
Ashfire908TimK65, well?02:09
TimK65Ashfire908: Moving the screen image area down caused my bottom panel to disappear. Sorry, it took a minute to do it.02:09
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UgurAlbayramhi hi hi again :)02:10
Ashfire908TimK65, but did the top panel appear02:10
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UgurAlbayramI couldnt fix it but i have decided to boot ubuntu from CD anytime i reboot02:10
TimK65Ashfire908: Yes, but I want to be able to see both! :-)02:10
UgurAlbayramthat is the easiest way to solve this problem :)02:10
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UgurAlbayramBtw is there any other partition applications like grub ?02:11
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UgurAlbayramMaybe i can try them02:11
pal_how do i sync between two folder share?02:11
jetscreamer!info lilo02:11
ubotulilo: LInux LOader - The Classic OS loader can load Linux and others. In component main, is optional. Version 1:22.6.1-9ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 342 kB, installed size 1088 kB02:11
Ashfire908TimK65, try a different relusition02:11
jetscreamergrub isn't a partition app it's a bootloader02:11
jetscreamer!info rsync02:12
ubotursync: fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 2.6.9-3ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 254 kB, installed size 504 kB02:12
UgurAlbayramcan i use lilo now ?02:12
xeon35good idea or bad idea: on my ubuntu workstation I am setting up winxp thru vmware server on my external usb instead of my harddrive?02:12
jetscreamerif you want... if you know how...02:12
UgurAlbayramI dunno but if anybody can help me about it i can do :)02:13
TimK65Ashfire908: OK, I'll drop down a step or two and see if it helps. Thanks, hang on.02:13
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lvpercaliadoes anyone here have a laptop asus f3jr or any other laptop with an ati x2300 graphic card?i'm having some trouble with the installation and i can't quite understand really well the explanations i've read02:13
UgurAlbayramCan u have some time to help me configuring lilo jetscreamer02:13
ShackJackSineFato: Enter this at command line - should tell what "Bus" vidcard is at:   lspci | grep -i vga02:13
SineFatoShackJack: ok I'm on my other machine, booting ubuntu Live now02:13
jetscreamerno sorry dude02:13
jetscreamernot now02:13
ShackJackSineFato: Boot in recovery mode if you can02:14
jetscreamerUgurAlbayram: liloconfig usually works02:14
Ashfire908TimK65, remember to use the auto adjust if the display isn't in the display area right.,02:14
SineFatoShackJack: how do I do that? I'm at the ubunto boot menu now02:14
jetscreamerUgurAlbayram: you always have to rerun the command lilo after making any changes to lilo.conf... creating it would be a change02:14
ShackJackSineFato: should be option for recovery mode... if not then NBD02:14
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TimK65Ashfire908: Thanks. PS I used nvidia-settings to pick a resolution I want to try (1280x768), but that resolution isn't available in "Screen Resolution," so I'm going to try logging out and back in and see what happens. Hang on.02:15
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SineFatoShackJack: I don't see it, sorry02:15
UgurAlbayramWhere can i find lilo.conf file ?02:15
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capcadetjcdoes anyone here know anything about Mono?02:16
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xeon35good idea or bad idea: on my ubuntu workstation I am setting up winxp thru vmware server on my external usb instead of my harddrive?02:17
marupaall right, still no pointer.  I don't really know why the pointer's not showing up.  any ideas?02:17
SineFatoShackJack: Does starting Ubuntu from a harddrive go faster then the Live startup?02:17
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TimK65Ashfire908: I switched to 1024x768, which I'm not crazy about, but at least everything is legible and I can see my 24-pixel top panel. ;-) Thanks.02:17
marupaSineFato, Usually.02:18
ShackJackSineFato: Yes, you should be starting from harddrive... You're not using Livecd are you?02:18
capcadetjcSineFato: yes it does02:18
ShackJackSineFato: Wait nevermind - thats  for someone else02:18
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SineFatoShackJack: yes thats what I was saying, I wanted to test it out before i overwrite my working windows02:18
TimK65Ashfire908: Any other thoughts on this? Sources of info?02:18
ShackJackSineFato: Yes, the livecd will be somewhat sluggish :)02:18
xeon35external usb drive is 500 GB and my local hard drive has 25GB02:19
TimK65SineFato: You should be able to install Ubuntu on your hard drive without overwriting Windows, if you want to.02:19
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marupait's very hard to figure out what I'm doing if I can't see my pointer, I really need ideas on why ubuntu has hidden my pointer.02:19
TimK65SineFato: (I've done it about eight times over the last couple of days!)02:19
Ashfire908TimK65, your welcome. you might want to mess around with relusations until you find one that looks right and works.02:19
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ShackJackTimK65: Hey, if he wants to get rid of windows, let 'em ;)02:19
Ashfire908TimK65, it's most likey the hz02:19
toubsuhow do i get mp3 support for xmms02:19
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TimK65Ashfire908: It's a little frustrating that this one is the highest resolution available, but windows and text are LARGE LARGE LARGE and I'm not making good use of all this nice screen space. Oh well, you can't have everything -- I'm ecstatic that I finally found a wireless adapter that would work in Feisty! I'll live with this for now and move on. Thanks again. I'm out now.02:20
capcadetjccan someone help me with a Mono Problem?02:21
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SineFatoShackJack: uh this is new. It spit me into something that lets me type but It won't accept any commands02:21
xeon35before I did it I was wondering if it would crash the drive or have poor performance ... any opinions02:21
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ShackJackSineFato: SO oyu have'nt installed Ubuntu yet?02:21
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Pie-ratehow do i get the BSOD screensaver in ubuntu?02:21
SineFatoShackJack: no. I have a thing for trying before I go all the way02:22
capcadetjcwhere do i go for help in Mono?02:22
Svishum... I try to play a movie, doesnt seem to matter what player I use, the movie shows for a tiny tiny time, and then the movie is black. movie still playing and I hear the sound02:22
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marupahere, someone else has this bug too:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-nv/+bug/12338902:22
Svishwhat is the problem??02:22
ShackJackSineFato: K - nevermind - I'm just confused...02:22
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SineFatoShackJack: sorry If I'm being a major pain02:22
capcadetjcSvish: are you talking to me?02:22
ShackJackSineFato: S'O.K. I just forgot what your issue was...02:23
Svishim talking to anyone who knows what to do. cause its really annoying, lol02:23
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ShackJackSineFato: If using Live CD and not getting video signal, you can boot into VGA mode should work02:23
SvishI try to play a movie, doesnt seem to matter what player I use, the movie shows for a tiny tiny time, and then the movie is black. movie still playing and I hear the sound02:24
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toubsuSvish: vlc?02:24
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SineFatoShackJack: There is an optio for "Start Ubuntu in safe graphics mode"02:24
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ShackJackSineFato: Yep - cause you were getting blank screen or soemthing..02:25
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Svishtoubsu: happens in vlc as well yes02:25
Blauhautguys i try to mount iso but i cannot02:25
Ashfire908xeon35, i would imadge accessing the disk would be slower, (especally if either the drive or the port is not USB 2.0) but it should crash or anything, especally if the bios could boot from usb devices.02:26
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Blauhautselcuk@selcuk-laptop:~/Desktop$ mount -o loop tatar1.iso /media/sanal02:26
Blauhautmount: only root can do that02:26
Blauhautselcuk@selcuk-laptop:~/Desktop$ sudo mount -o loop tatar1.iso /media/sanal02:26
Blauhautmount: you must specify the filesystem type02:26
Blauhautselcuk@selcuk-laptop:~/Desktop$ sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 tatar1.iso /media/sanal02:26
Blauhautmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,02:26
Blauhaut       missing codepage or other error02:26
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Blauhaut       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try02:26
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Blauhautups sorry for that :(02:26
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SineFatoShackJack: My last delve into Linux ended about as bad as this.02:26
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marcHow do you install a Icon theme in KDE im in where you install the themes but the icon theme i dled doesnt get recognized02:26
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Ashfire908xeon35, firewire would be the fastest type of connection, but if it's usb there's no real way to make it firewire02:26
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ShackJackSineFato: Yeah, it's not a Linux thing per se... but I know what you mean...02:27
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flux_anyone know how i can change the properties for the balloon mesages in ubuntu?02:28
ShackJackSineFato: I recall having some difficulty with getting my ATI X1400 going to -- I had to drop it down to some rediculously low graphics mode to get it to work... TO install... I don't know that you'll get to "try it out" on that machine... But feel free to pop live cd in any old computer02:28
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SineFatoShackJack: Okay it went into the same thing "Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface). It is likley that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view X server the problem" then an option for yes and no02:28
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Blauhauthelp me ?02:29
SineFatoShackJack: at the end when I hit yes it says "Fatak server error: No screens found"02:29
ShackJackSineFato: say no02:29
ShackJackSineFato: paste output of this in command line: lspci | grep -i vga02:30
BlauhautCan anybody help me pls  ?02:30
flux_anyone know how i can change the properties for the balloon mesages in ubuntu?02:30
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ShackJack!ask | Blauhaut02:30
ubotuBlauhaut: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:30
marC-How do you install a Icon theme in KDE02:30
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ShackJack!kubuntu | marC-02:30
ubotumarC-: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE02:30
BlauhautHow can i mount iso file ?02:31
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blkno1 Can anyone recommend the best way to troubleshoot something in my crontab thats not executeing?02:31
SineFatoShackJack: It's not saying anything. Maybe I messed in thinking it was the real command line02:31
jrib!iso > Blauhaut (see the private message from ubotu)02:31
jribblkno1: paste your crontab line that isn't working02:31
ShackJackSineFato: Should say something - that's a "pipe" character BTW..02:31
Blauhautjrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32705/02:31
blkno10,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /home/jim/five-minutes.sh >/dev/null 2>&102:31
Svishwoho, switched video output in VLC from default to X11. fixed the black video problem :)02:32
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SineFatoShackJack: nothing happens. When I hit enter it just makes a new line02:32
ShackJackSineFato: How about lspci   and look for line with video card...02:32
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jribblkno1: */5 is equivalent to the 0,5,10,... there.  What is five-minutes.sh?02:32
SineFatoShackJack:  still just makes a new line02:33
SineFatoShackJack: I'm so confused right now02:33
ShackJackSineFato: You have prompt?   blah@blah> and a flashing cursor?02:33
ShackJackSineFato: Nothing to be confused about - you haven't done anything ;)02:33
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jribBlauhaut: are you sure it is not an issue with the file?  Try a file that you know works if you can02:34
SineFatoShacJack: I did at one point but at the moment it's just flashing cursor02:34
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Blauhautjrib, i try about 10 different file02:34
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kingnothingWhat is the proper way to install a new font?02:34
blkno1jrib:  Its just a bash script to check ps ax for a program and if it doesnt see it it executes it02:34
Blauhautjrib, but  the files are on ntfs disk system02:34
Blauhautjrib, on my external hdd02:34
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Pie-ratehow do i get a damn bsod screensaver?02:35
jribBlauhaut: copy it over and see if it matters02:35
SineFatoShackJack: I did at one point but at the moment it's just flashing cursor02:35
Blauhautjrib,copy what  ?02:35
Blauhautjrib, they were .nrg files i convert them with nrg2iso02:35
ShackJackSineFato: CTRL-Z or CTRL-C ?  ... of CTRL-ALT-F702:35
`sam`is there some simple webserver on ubuntu, i remember there used to be one in some distro i used, but i never messed with it... i don't want to mess with apache, i just need to provide a large file for my sister to d/l02:35
flux_anyone know where are the settings for the balloon messages in ubuntu?02:35
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jribBlauhaut: copy the file over to your HOME02:36
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SineFatoShackJack: I hit CTRL-ALT-F7 and it went back to the X Server screen with a lil cursor blinkign at the bottom02:36
Blauhautjrib, i also try it but same errors happened02:36
jribblkno1: can you pastebin it?  Have you tried a simple 'touch /home/jim/CRON_WORKS'?02:36
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SineFatoShackJack: and now it wont take any input02:37
jribBlauhaut: download an iso that you can check the md5sum for (like an ubuntu .iso) and try mounting that02:37
MethodOne`sam` you can use sftp to tansfer the file02:37
MethodOnea example of a graphical client is gftp02:37
blkno1whats CRON_WORKS?02:37
ShackJackDamned phantom Ubuntu keypresses :(02:38
`sam`nevermind, i'm just going to copy it on dvd and they're coming to get it02:38
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domswere i can get matrix theme in ubuntu02:38
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domswere i can get matrix theme in ubuntu02:38
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blkno1Aug  5 20:35:01 localhost /USR/SBIN/CRON[5648] : (jim) CMD (/home/jim/five-minutes.sh >/dev/null 2>&1)  from /var/log/sysmes02:38
jribblkno1: 'touch /home/jim/CRON_WORKS' create a file called /home/jim/CRON_WORKS.  THat way you can see if it is an issue with cron or with your script02:38
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SineFatoShackJack: lol. CTRL ALT DELETE just retarted it (old habits die hard)02:38
ShackJackSineFato: You can't preview ubuntu on that machine...  You can install though and get it working - its a video issue... you need to drop to low graphics mode, install binary driver, etc.. etc... Feel free to pop live cd in another machine though - pref one with intel or nvidia graphics....02:39
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ShackJackSineFato: Good news is, once video issues sorted out , it runs great... I have same card...02:39
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SineFatoShackJavk: hmm ok. How would I get past all the fuss of this to install it?02:39
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ShackJackSineFato: I don't have the energy right now :)02:40
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SineFatoShackJack: ok thanks for all your help :)02:40
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domswere i can get matrix theme in ubuntu02:40
`sam`but thanks MethodOne, i know about ftp, just didn't want to try and explain it to them lol02:40
ShackJackSineFato: You maybe can go in another video mode automatically from boot screen.. have to go to low graphics mode, then install binary driver after you get it installed for ergular graphics...02:40
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ShackJackSineFato: I think I used the "tga" driver - -- dunno if a way to start install cd with that or not - maybe someone here knows?02:41
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MethodOnesftp is part of ssh02:41
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Eno_hey guys. something weird is going on. i grabbed the latest stable audacious from their website and tried to install it using checkinstall.  but the package (.deb) it generated also included files overwriting some gcc files, like ld, crtbegin.o, etc... what's up with this?02:42
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wannabe100help please02:44
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wannabe100web hosting  administration02:44
wannabe100cpanel plesk alternatives02:44
Eno_these are all the files the .deb is trying to install02:44
jribblkno1: did touch work ok?02:44
jrib!enter | wannabe10002:44
ubotuwannabe100: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:44
Eno_this seems really weird/suspicious to me...02:44
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blkno1jrib Not sure what do you do with CRON_WORKS after02:45
bulmerEno_: you can ar -xvf file.deb and see the contents02:45
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Eno_bulmer: i just extracted it using dpkg -x02:45
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Eno_bulmer: thats what i pasted...02:45
jribblkno1: well if it gets created, that means that cron is working.  So you need to pastebin the contents of your script that is failing02:45
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Ashfire908wannabe100, are you aware you are in the ubuntu support channel?02:46
Emperor886Any way I can open a .rar file in Ubuntu?02:46
jrib!rar > Emperor886 (see the private message from ubotu)02:46
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Eno_so why when i use checkinstall to install audacious would it try to overwrite parts of gcc? http://rafb.net/p/Mux0yA91.html02:48
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xtknightEno_, what is this log of?02:49
jribEno_: audacious is in feisty's universe?  Why not use that?02:49
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Eno_xtknight: those are the files in the deb generated by checkinstall02:49
xtknightEno_, i dont think you're reading it properly.  /usr/bin/gcc is being executed, most likely, not being overwritten during "make install"02:49
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xtknight i have no idea02:50
Eno_xtknight: no, i used dpkg -x02:50
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Eno_xtknight: and apt-get complained that it was trying to overwrite files in gcc02:50
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xtknightEno_,  apt-get install audacious?02:50
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Eno_yeah. but i feel this is a little suspicious.02:51
Eno_so i'm wondering whats up.02:51
CheeseGardenerFor some reason I have a "root" user in users.  Is this normal?  when I go into properties it says "root" is set to manual password with a apparent blanked out password.  Is this normal?  what is root doing there?02:51
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xtknightEno_, i'm not sure.  but the audacious package in the repositories doesn't contain /usr/bin/gcc02:51
marC-Hello all, I'm trying to install this icon theme  KDE_Crystal_Diamond_2.6_Kubuntu_Mod.... I am having no such luck could anyone point me in the right direction?02:51
xtknightdpkg -L audacious|grep gcc02:51
jribCheeseGardener: that's normal, the root account exists, it's just inaccessible by default02:51
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CheeseGardeneris it normal for it to have the password box filled in?02:52
xtknightEno_, checkinstall isn't perfect though.02:52
Eno_so its not trying to hack me? :p02:52
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xtknightEno_, it probably thought gcc was being modified when in reality it was just running02:52
jribCheeseGardener: that's just the gui02:52
ironnikkihey guys, im new to linux, and im trying to dual boot on my hp6500 laptop. when i try to boot from the live disc, i get an error: "Can't access tty; job control turned off". i looked around forums and docs, but i couldnt find anything to help. any suggestions>02:52
xtknightEno_, i mean, it probably tracks every file that ever is mentioned in the script02:52
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Jack_Sparrowironnikki: Get the alternate cd....02:53
CheeseGardenerk, thanks :)02:54
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ironnikkiJack_Sparrow: I wanted to try to run it without installing first to make sure that i liked it. i dont want to screw up my laptop; i need this for school. can you still boot and run from the alternate disc without installing it?02:54
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Jack_Sparrowironnikki: Nope... Run livecd on a different system.. but trust us.. you will love it02:55
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RiCCo69who here is good at wireless suport...... Ubuntu see's the networks in range but I cant connect to them I need help in a big way. I've been at this for 7 hours nnow02:55
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Eno_xtknight: oh, you're probably right.. i ran md5sum on some of the suspicious files and they are identical to the ones already installed02:55
zerokill88anyone use XFCE?02:55
Eno_phew :)02:55
xtknightEno_, ah there's your answer02:55
RockinghorseRiCCo69: what card are you using?02:55
xtknightEno_, semi-proper/easy way to build a pkg is probably "sudo debuild -us -uc"02:56
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ironnikkiJack_Sparrow: haha cool; my friend has it, and i took his for a test run, i like it a lot. im just a newbie whos deathly afraid of screwing himself over, cause i defintiely dont know what im doing half the time haha. thanks02:56
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xtknightEno_, if the source package has a debian dir, dont use checkinstall02:56
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Eno_ah, ok02:56
xtknightmaybe sudo dpkg-buildpackage02:56
RockinghorseWhat are u using to connect?02:56
xtknightnot sure what the diff is02:56
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RiCCo69i've been at this02:56
xerawxironnikki: just make sure you burn or somehow back up anything you really need on your windows partition if you're going to resize it02:57
Eno_i just wanted a newer version of audacious, to see if its any better02:57
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xtknightEno_, gutsy might have the newest one02:57
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RiCCo69Just like 10 min ago I got ubuntu to see my networks02:57
RiCCo69but now I cant access them02:57
xerawxsomeone was just in here a while ago who didn't bother to back up ten years of writing before the partition resize trashed it o_O02:57
Eno_xtknight: yeah, but it also depends on newer core libs which i wanted to avoid02:57
xtknightEno_, you could try a gutsy pkg from packages.ubuntu.com.  probably not quite as new as SVN but new never the less02:57
RockinghorseHave u tried removing and then replacing the card?  It works with mine02:57
|thunderwhat is tribes-4 ?02:57
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ironnikkiJack_Sparrow: will do. ill try the alternate cd and come back later if i get more problems. thanks02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tribe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:57
RiCCo69no it's a laptop02:57
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xtknight|thunder, tribe is just a version number for a version of Gutsy02:58
xtknighttribes is a game02:58
|thunderxtknight; ahh, thx02:58
xtknight|thunder, feisty used Her02:58
Ashfire908could someone help me with gtparted?02:58
Eno_xtknight: i'll just do the old make install way and keep the sourcepackage around :)02:58
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xtknightEno_, hhe sounds good.  bbl02:58
Rockinghorseso is mine.  Try taking out and replacing the pcmcia card, then when you connect even if it says connection failed wait  30 seconds.  If nothing, repeat (i.e. take out/replace card, etc.)02:58
=== SineFato [n=ubuntu@cpe-66-27-145-133.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:58
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=== nox-Hand hugs ubotu
Ashfire908could someone please help me with gtparted?02:59
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summer_s4does anyone know how to get an emulator for ubuntu?02:59
mr_dudeAshfire908, That's not a valid question.02:59
delmarhow to add a new fonts02:59
mr_dudesummer, What kind of emulator?02:59
RiCCo69FUCKFUCKFUCK where can I get network support for ubunto02:59
summer_s4ashfire908:  what do u need help with02:59
Rockinghorsethats how I got mine going02:59
jrib!language | RiCCo6903:00
ubotuRiCCo69: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:00
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summer_s4mr_dude: some kind that i can download an operating system from a disk and it works on the emulation03:00
NutubuntuRiCCo69, there are entire IRC networks where that kind of language is welcome. This is one little channel where it isn't. Can you deal with that politely? Please?03:00
RiCCo69!language | jrib03:00
ubotujrib: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:00
RiCCo69my bad03:00
RiCCo69I'm just frusterated03:00
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summer_s4mr_dude: like windows xp on macintosh 10+03:00
Ashfire908summer_s4: i can't get it to finish resizing a partiton because it errors saying it can't access /dev/sd2 because it doesn03:00
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Rockinghorsedon't give up RiCCo69 you can do this!03:01
mr_dudesummer_s4, Look up vmware.03:01
Ashfire908*it doesn't exist, but it does.03:01
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RockinghorseBuy a new card03:01
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cycomYou can do eeet!03:01
RockinghorseOne that works w/ Ub03:01
jribRiCCo69: k, relax.  Ask your question on a single line and provide as much detail as possible so others can try to help you.  Include logs and such on pastebin site such as http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:01
delmarhow to add  this font to my ubuntu " Tamzwart Nouffouss UNICODE.ttf "03:01
summer_s4ashfire908: i never had that problome.  sorry but i can't help03:01
jrib!fonts > delmar (see the private message from ubotu)03:01
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mr_dudeashfire, Is /dev/sd2 mounted?03:02
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Ashfire908anyone here know a decent amount about gtparted? i need help with a error03:02
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powergoalI am trying to run things that require a 3d accelerator on Kubuntu 7.04, but they aren't installed by default. (Or are not available at the very least)  does anyone have information on how I could get it to work?03:02
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jrib!anyone | Ashfire90803:02
ubotuAshfire908: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:02
xeon35good idea or bad idea: on my ubuntu workstation I am setting up winxp thru vmware server on my external usb instead of my harddrive?03:02
cconstantine  Somehow my grub install got messed up and wouldn't allow any kind of booting.  I did a grub-install and it apeared to work (from all indications from the commandline), but on reboot it didn't fix anything... so now I've done a complete reinstall of ubuntu and I still can't boot.  Could someone help me fix my MBR (I don't have windows, so fdisk /mbr won't work)03:02
Ashfire908mr_dude: no.03:02
zerokill88whats the package name for ncurses?03:02
jribpowergoal: what video card?03:03
rashindHey everybody.  I just installed kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop, and edubuntu-desktop over an ubuntu 7.04 system to try them out.  I decided to stick to gnome, but now all the text for items on my desktop is italicized.  Anyone know how I mgiht repair that?03:03
jribzerokill88: apt-cache search -n ncurses   should narrow it down03:03
zerokill88jrib thanks03:03
xeon35external usb drive is 500GB and I have 25GB left on my local drive03:03
mr_dudecconstantine, Download Super Grub, look it up in Google.03:03
cconstantinemr_dude: thanks03:03
Ashfire908jrib, please don't skim questions out of context, and also if i ask my question in detial, i get no respoince03:03
mr_dudecconstantine, It will help you fix your MBR.03:03
powergoaljrib: 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)03:04
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jribAshfire908: the response to your question is "yes".  Ask a real question (include your error)03:04
=== ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-24-6-131-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThanatosDriveDoes Ubuntu have built-in .txt to .pdf conversion?03:04
mr_dudeAshfire908, I haven't seen a detailed and proper question from you yet.03:05
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Jack_SparrowAshfire908: are you using gparted or qtparted...  did you unmount the partition before trying this.. are you running livecd or working from an installed setup03:05
rashindThanatosDrive: If you open the file you want to convert in the OpenOffice word processor, you can save it as a PDF03:05
Ashfire908"how do i set up a partition not to be automaticly mounted when ueing the livecd?" that was my first question.03:05
Jack_Sparrowmr_dude: I agree...03:05
jribAshfire908: k, that's the one you should repeat03:05
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Nutubuntumr_dude, thanks - interesting web page (super grub) - I hadn't seen that before03:06
summer_s4does anyone know how to fix the problome with cd burner that says that a certain ISO can't burn?03:06
Jack_SparrowAshfire908: Just unmount it after running gparted.03:06
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astro76ThanatosDrive, if you install cups-pdf you can make a pdf printer to print from any program03:06
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Ashfire908gparted, yes i umounted it, livecd because at one point i will be moving the partition with the system root on it.03:07
amartoloshey guys, my torrent clients are constantly crashing on start up. any ideas?03:07
ThanatosDriveastro76: Thanks!03:07
mr_dudesummer, Did you try a different CD?03:07
ThanatosDriverashind: OpenOffice?03:07
rashindamartolos: What clients are you using?03:07
IndyLucianJust installed NDISWrapper to try and get my Netgear WG111T wifi dongle to work with Ubuntu Feisty Fawn on my tower pc. Worked the first time, now whenever I tried to connect to the wireless network the computer completely freezes. Is there a fix for this?03:07
astro76openoffice has built in save to pdf03:07
amartolosi tried Azureus03:07
jribpowergoal: ah, I'm not really sure about intel cards03:07
amartolosand in virtualbox i tried utorrent03:07
amartolosand both crash upon start up03:08
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rashindThanatosDrive: Yeah, open office saves to PDF, optionally.  Also, as someone else said, the cups-pdf package can allow any program that prints to print to a pdf03:08
powergoaljrib: ok, thanks for trying :)  I;ll do some more google hunting03:08
amartolosi reinstalled azureus twice, same problem persists03:08
cconstantinemr_dude: so why didn't the ubuntu re-install or even the grub-install fix the mbr?03:08
IndyLucianamartolos, KTorrent works like a charm for me... azureus and utorrent did the same to me03:08
amartolosdoes ktorrent work well under gnome?03:08
IndyLucianyes, im an avid gnome user03:08
xerawxDeluge is a good gnome torrent app03:08
Jack_Sparrowcconstantine: IS that a single drive system.. no raid setup or anything like that..03:09
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amartolosthanks guys, i'll give those a try03:09
mr_dudecconstantine, I don't know.  :)  Try Super GRUB and see what happens.03:09
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amartolosbut IndyLucian, and xerawx, what could possibly be the cause of these crashes?03:09
sexinwebcamno womans here?03:09
cconstantineJack_Sparrow: It's a system with a software raid in it... but it's just for storage, nothing system is on it03:09
jetscreamerinfact nobody has sex03:09
jetscreamerwe're all virgins03:09
=== InfiL00p [n=bowserj@S0106001217d30467.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
IndyLucianamartolos, perhaps some kind of incompatibility issue or just bad programming on the torrent developers part03:10
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Jack_SparrowMy ignore list is overflowing today03:10
Ashfire908gparted is giving me a error during the process of resizing a ntfs drive. error code 2. it says it can't check th mount status of /dev/sd2 because it doesn't exist. should i set fstab to not allow it to be mounted or something?03:10
rashindI'm a woman, and like all women, I simply can't resist clumsy, asinine come-ons in technical support IRC channels.03:10
NutubuntuAndre Rios de Souza - has it occurred to you that perhaps you're in the wrong channel?03:10
xerawxamartolos: sorry i have no idea, azereus had problems for me the one time i briefly tried it in windows.. it's an extremely bloated and slow java app03:10
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amartolosIndyLucian, i've used both these clients before, and they worked flawlessly; although i preferred utorrent to azureus just a bit03:11
jrib!offtopic | sexinwebcam03:11
ubotusexinwebcam: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:11
mr_dudeAshfire, Yeah.03:11
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powergoalok, new question:  When I run glxinfo | grep direct I get "direct rendering: No".  How do I turn it on?03:11
IndyLucianamartolos, i have used both too. . . and at the beginning they worked fine. . . until i started downloading big stuff and then they would just close without warning03:11
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powergoaland is it a driver issue or a configuration issue?03:12
Ashfire908mr_dude, should i do noauto?03:12
mr_dudeI hate torrents, they're slow and suck.03:12
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sexinwebcamno sex here?03:12
amartolosIndyLucian: i see...03:12
kriticalHi there,  I used to be running Compiz however due to a known bug with using VNC over a GL Desktop I've removed it... however... it would appear that my desktop is still running in GL Mode... can anyone tell me a clean way to stop this?03:12
IndyLucianamartolos, which is really annoying when you keep them minimized to the tray and dont notice until you check the status 3 hours later03:12
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anebany uses for ssh?03:12
jribsexinwebcam: this channel is for ubuntu support _only_03:12
amartolosIndyLucian: hahaha, ain't that the truth03:12
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Rockinghorsemr_dude: yes they do.  Usenet ROCKS!!03:12
=== vocx loves the operators' patience
rashindI'm running Ubuntu Fiesty, and text on my desktop is currently italicized.  I would prefer that it not be.  Anyone know how I might change it?03:13
bulmeraneb: plenty03:13
amartolosIndyLucian: although for me, i either get a BSOD in my virtualbox right away on utorrent startup, or my azureus just doesn't start. hehehe. btw, is deluge part of synaptics packages?03:13
Jack_Sparrowcconstantine: The drive configuration is what is hanging you up from booting...  can you post your fdisk -l for others as I need to leave too soon to be any help03:13
Ashfire908mr_dude, should i do noauto? or something else?03:13
mr_duderashind, haha, how did you manage that?03:13
IndyLucianmr_dude, torrents rock if you look for highly seeded stuff. I have gained more movies via torrent than I ever have via limewire, or any programs like limewire03:13
mr_dudeAshfire, Yeah, try it.03:13
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rashindmr_dude, I was trying out kde and xfce, and it somehow borked up a setting, I suppose.03:14
anebbulmer: list a few, other than port forwarding  or socks03:14
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:14
wckdkl0wnif i install windows xp and then linux will linux show both os's at startup?03:14
cconstantineJack_Sparrow: I thought grub didn't care about non-boot disks03:14
mr_duderashind, Did you try uninstalling kde and xfce?03:14
jribwckdkl0wn: yes, it should03:14
bulmeraneb: what are you looking for?03:14
IndyLucianwckdkl0wn, yes03:14
Jack_Sparrowwckdkl0wn: yes03:14
anebbulmer: a list03:14
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bulmeraneb: a list of what?03:14
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rashindmr_dude, yeah, I removed them... but only the desktop package.  If there's a way to uninstall all the stuff they brought along, I'm not aware of it.03:14
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anebbulmer: what uses there are for ssh03:14
samsarais there a seamonkey pkg in ubuntu repositories?03:15
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Jack_Sparrowcconstantine: It shouldn't but to fix it will require seeing how you have those drives configured03:15
samsaraapt-cache search doesn't turn up anything03:15
bulmeraneb: to secure a communication link03:15
kyncanirashind: i think you should install language-pack-en and language-support-en and remove italian language-* packages03:15
Ashfire908mr_dude, it's running...03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about python - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:15
Nutubunturashind, I think that's addressed on one of the pages at psychocats.net -- pure ubuntu or some name like that?03:15
anebbulmer: anything else? ;-)03:15
mr_duderashind, That's a good question, you could look at the dependencies for them and then hunt them down, but there's probably a better way.03:15
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kyncanirashind: oops, sorry, thought italian and not italic :)03:15
mr_dudeAshfire908, Does it work?03:16
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bulmeraneb: are you nuts? do you understand the concept of securing communications or are you just trolling?03:16
Ashfire908it's not to the point where it would error out03:16
IndyLucianim looking for someone who has experience with the ever-so-frustrating issues with wifi dongles to help me. i've been through a dozen sites following step by step tutorials and still, ndiswrapper seems to be the popular subject. if it would stop freezing my computer. . .03:16
rashindthanks, I'll pursue this psychocats guide.03:16
mr_duderashind, Can't you change it under System -> Preferences -> Fonts ?03:16
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xeon35good idea or bad idea: on my ubuntu workstation I am setting up a vmware server disk with os on my external usb drive instead of my harddrive?03:16
amartoloswho was the genius that suggested deluge torrent client?? thank you very much!03:16
Ashfire908xeon35, i already told you03:17
rashindOR, mr_dude can show me exactly what I've been overlooking.03:17
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cconstantineJack_Sparrow: my root drive is /dev/hda, I used the "whole disk" partition option in the ubuntu installer03:17
xeon35sorry I missed it03:17
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Ashfire908xeon35, i would imadge accessing the disk would be slower, (especally if either the drive or the port is not USB 2.0) but it shouldn't crash or anything, especally if the bios could boot from usb devices.03:17
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rashindThanks, guys.  I'll still use this pure-gnome guide to get rid of all the redundant console programs and such.  Thank you for your help, everyone.03:17
Nutubuntupass it on to someone in need sometime :)03:18
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xeon35great thanks ... Ashfire90803:18
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delmarHI  I ve  add new rep  of my new font here  /usr/share/fonts/truetype  & in terminal "sudo fc-cache -f -v" but when i select my font in openoffice   i have  a another font not the mein03:18
bmachinedoes anyone know a wireless card that is well supported by kismet?03:18
Jack_Sparrowcconstantine: Nothing wrong with that..  almost failsafe.. so it must be the other drives.. can you unplug them and try to boot?03:18
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cconstantineJack_Sparrow: yeah I'll try03:19
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IndyLucianDAMN. cpu froze again03:19
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ubotuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out03:19
cconstantineJack_Sparrow: this system was suppsed to be very simple in the basic system install.. I'm still shocked that the ubuntu install didn't work and has NO options03:20
IndyLuciantime to return yet another wifi dongle and buy 200ft of cat503:20
Nutubuntudelmar, have you restarted OO.o?03:20
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delmaramazigh  language be will supported in ubuntu 7.10 ???????03:20
marcwhat dock is the most popular for ubuntu ?03:20
Ricco98so I see my networ it's unprotected but I cant connect to it03:20
mr_dudecconstantine, http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/03:20
Ricco98any can you help03:20
delmar<Nutubuntu> i do03:20
Ricco98im on a second computer03:20
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cconstantinemr_dude: supergrub is doing nothing for me... but it may have caused me to lose my sw raid03:21
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Jack_Sparrowcconstantine: Anything with raid ... not what I consider simple03:21
Ashfire908mr_dude, failed, but i'm going to try something...03:21
mr_dudeSorry, dude.03:21
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unagianyone have a dv6000t with tv tuner?03:21
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mr_dudeI'll failure today.03:21
mr_dudeI'm all failure, I should say.03:21
bmachineis it possible to dual boot windows with linux with first having a linux installing made03:21
atselbycan anyone help me fix my hibernate function? im on a feisty fawn, and a dell inspiron laptop. thanks.03:21
cconstantineJack_Sparrow: the raid isn't required to boot the system... it's only used by higher level apps03:21
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EmpyI don't see why it wouldn't be bmachine03:21
cconstantineJack_Sparrow: unplugging the other drives worked03:21
mr_dudeatselby, Did you buy an Inspiron pre-installed with Ubuntu?03:22
bmachinehow is this done?03:22
bmachinesome feature in grub?03:22
Empyyou just create a partition, install windows to that partition03:22
Empyand then reinstall grub via the cd i believe03:22
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Jack_Sparrowcconstantine: Even as data only raid for the apps to see them they must get the drivers into the boot sequence03:22
kyncani!grub | bmachine03:22
ubotubmachine: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:22
atselbymr_dude, nope. loaded Ubuntu myself, with my uncles help, back with the LTS. ive since upgraded to edgy and then feisty. with feisty my hibernate broke, and ive only just decided to fix it. :P03:22
Nutubuntudelmar, I'm unsure whether you would need this but you could symlink to it from ~/.fonts03:22
rashindatselby, 2 questions: How big are your swap partition and RAM, and what is the model number of your laptop?03:23
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cconstantineJack_Sparrow: thats nonsense and overly complicated... lilo never cared03:23
cconstantineJack_Sparrow: (well.. it may be true)...03:23
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Jack_Sparrowcconstantine: I really cant stay but you now know where the problem is..03:23
bmachinethanks for all your answers03:23
gulmorehi i have a hp nx9010 laptop, and i want to make my wireless card to work, i have tried with ndiswrapper but it doesnt work, also with the bcm43xx driver for linux, someone knows how to make it works? thanks03:23
Jack_Sparrow!raid > cconstantine03:23
bulmerbmachine you can possibly use ntloader to load linux03:23
mr_dudeatselby, I had the same problem with my ThinkPad but there were specific packages for thinkpads that fixed it.03:23
Jack_Sparrowgulmore: You dont use ndiswrapper for that... you use fwcutter..03:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about broadcomm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:23
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:23
atselbyrashind, ram is 1 gb, swap is, according to gparted,  1.86 GiB, and the model is an Inspiron 860003:23
Jack_SparrowGoodnight all...03:24
gulmoreok i will try again03:24
Empyanyone know if I can get City of Heroes working in wine WITHOUT repatching city of heroes?03:24
unagiwould my express card show up on lspci?03:24
Jack_Sparrowgulmore: Remove wifi radar until later...03:24
atselbymr_dude, i just looked at the uswsusp package, from a topic on the forums, but it didnt do anything. did you use this or something else?03:24
mr_dudeatselby, Look up "inspiron" in synaptic package manager.03:24
EmpyI have it on my ntfs partition and don't wanna recopy it :/03:24
atselbymr_dude, oaky03:24
gulmorei have recent installed feisty03:24
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mr_dudeatselby, i8kutils is a package that's supposed to enable functions on Inspiron laptops.03:25
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studeringaaronwhere can i get some info on dual booting?03:25
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ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty03:25
atselbymr_dude, okay. i've heard of that before.03:25
unagiwhat are u trying to dual boot studeringaaron03:25
mr_dudeatselby, And lphdisk is too.  You might want to play around with those packages.  :)03:25
atselbymr_dude, actually. its seems i have it installed.03:25
cconstantineJack_Sparrow: ok... so I may well ahve no raid now.  Could you perhaps help me get the system booted with these drives attached?03:25
atselbymr_dude, okay.03:25
studeringaaronwell i had a windows box and i tried to add ubuntu 7.4 and ended up erasing my drive lol03:25
mr_dudeTry playing with them.03:25
und3rtug4I beat the all out of my broadcom, and it's working..... for now...! (nasty hw ...)03:25
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bmachinedoes anyone use vmserver? any success to performance and speed?03:26
unagihow did u do that......do u not have experience dual booting studeringaaron03:26
NaitsirkHow can I get my screen resolution higher than 1024 x 768 ?03:26
rashindatselby, that should be enough swap to hibernate...  Here is a forum thread that might help you, if you haven't already seen it.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47185503:26
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EmpyI've used it on windows, but not linux bmachine03:26
studeringaaronlimited experiance03:26
bmachineim using it now03:26
und3rtug4BROACOM INSTALL: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear03:26
NaitsirkMy hardware should support much higher, but maybe it's not installed correctly or not supported?03:26
IndyGunFreastuderingaaron, no offense, but you must have been fairly wreckless to do that.03:26
und3rtug4try the "cutter" ;)03:26
EmpyI ran ubuntu on it, imo the best virtual machines to run ubuntu under are vmware and virtualbox03:26
bmachinei do a local connection and run windows without a desktop03:26
bmachinebut it's terribly slow03:27
atselbyrashind, thats what i was thinking. its still the same swap i had back on edgy and the LTS... i was thinking it mgiht be a problem with feisty config?and yes i was reading that topic just a minute ago and tried it.03:27
unagiinstall windows.....boot into the windows cd, resize the ntfs file system to give you free space to install ubuntu, boot into live cd, install, when it asks how you want to partition click use continuous free space studeringaaron03:27
mr_dudeNaitsirk, What video card do you have?03:27
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unagithat simple03:27
studeringaaronwell its nothing important really that i lost its all backed up and stuff03:27
atselbyrashind, it tells me i do not have enough swap, or one was not detected.03:27
delmar<Nutubuntu> i don't find this rep  ~/.fonts  "  i find ~/.fontconfig03:27
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studeringaaronbut i was trying to run off memeory and screwed it up so ya03:27
IndyGunFreastuderingaaron: well, i guess thats good.03:27
Empyvirtual machines will never be as fast as if you ran it directly unfortunately :/03:27
Naitsirkmr_dude: XFX fatal1ty Geforce 7600 GT03:27
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bmachinei wish i could help crossover get their shit together03:27
unagiwell write down what i said.....03:27
Ashfire908mr_dude, failed03:28
rashindIt does?  Have you tried increasing the size of your swap partition, then?  A full 2 gigs might cut it...  if not, go 4, if you have the disk space to spare.03:28
Naitsirkmr_dude: it is recognised as G70 [GeForce 7600 GT] 03:28
mr_dudeNaitsirk, Did you install the latest Nvidia drivers?03:28
atselbymr_dude, with the i8kutils, do you know if thats in gkrellm? or a seperate thing?03:28
studeringaaronhey thanks again for the info03:28
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Naitsirkmr_dude: I just installed a clean ubuntu desktop version using liveCD, not sure how to upgrade/find the best drivers.. can I use synaptic or browse for it?03:29
mr_dudeNaitsirk, Look up the script Envy in google, it will automate and install the latest Nvidia drivers and provide you with a way to add more resolutions very easily from a program that's added to your Applications menu.03:29
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Empydepends nait03:29
Empyif it's the nvidia/ati ones03:29
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Empyyou need to go to the restricted drivers section03:29
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mr_dudeatselby, What's the model number for your Inspiron?03:30
atselbymr_dude, 860003:30
bmachineanyone have a resolve as to why in running vmserver in linux, the copy and paste option does not work when doing a nodesktop key registry in windows?03:30
und3rtug4atomatix should install some "nice" drievrs to your card!03:30
rashindNaitsirk, mr_dude is completely right about Envy.  My 8800 was giving me SUCH a headache until I found the envy script.03:30
bmachinekind of hard03:30
Teufelkindmr_dude, will envy work if I cannot fully log in?03:30
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automatix\ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:30
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Ricco98i wish I never formated when I installed ubuntu. been at this for 8 hours and I still cant get help with my network. I hate ubuntu it looks awsome but it's not user friendy all I want is my god damn network to work. I can see the god damn network but I cant connect.. ()*(*^(*03:30
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)03:30
Naitsirkthanks everyone, looking up envy script now :)03:30
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Empywhat seems to be the issue Ricco?03:31
Ashfire908mr_dude, can i send you the gparted results via dcc?03:31
Empyis it wireless?03:31
IndyGunFreaund3rtug4: handing out advice to use automatix really isn't a good idea.03:31
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gulmoreautomatix isnt a good choice03:31
h1st0Is there like a major internet outage or something?03:31
IndyGunFreagulmore: that might be an understatement03:31
mr_dudeatselby, DId you look at this:  http://www.len.ro/work/tools/from-gentoo-to-ubuntu-on-a-dell-i860003:31
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atselbymr_dude, no hadnt seen that. leme see03:31
Ricco98empy pvt message03:31
mr_dudeAshfire, Just paste it in a message window.03:31
gulmorei have read automatix make your system fails03:32
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EmpyI love synaptic :o03:32
RadiantFireRicco98: whats your problem with the network?03:32
atselbymr_dude, about suspend2 i would guess?03:32
Ashfire908mr_dude, was asking because it's in html and i don't think it pastes well03:32
und3rtug4i was just trying to help the dude! i know it isnt the best way, but its quite the simplest one! and i dont think hat he will bl up his system by trying to install the driver by automatix! But ok.. my bad ;)03:32
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Teufelkindhey guys, I am also having problems with my nvidia drivers, I have been at it for a few hours, attempting to reconfig xserver and the whats, but am having troubles. I had ubuntu up and running with my old nvida intergrated card, but recently bought an 8800, adn it wont resolve the waythat my old intergrated did.03:33
mr_dudeAshfire, That's okay.03:33
IndyGunFreagulmore: und3rtug4  and anyone else  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=574639&highlight=automatix03:33
atselbymr_dude, the only thing is its not nvidia so... i dunno how thatd affect it03:33
Ricco98ndiswrapper worked my wireless is working. but I cant connect to the network I see it  I cant connect to it. I dont know how to ping in ubuntu so I dont know my packets03:33
mr_dudeTeufelkind, Try envy.03:33
Ashfire908mr_dude, paste it in the pastebin or as aprivate message to you?03:33
RadiantFireRicco98: what wireless card?03:34
gulmoreIndyGunFrea, thanks but i prefer to use apt-get03:34
RadiantFireRicco98: er, what type chipset03:34
mr_dudeAshfire, Do it in private message, I'll sort it out.  I opened a query window.03:34
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macogwRicco98: you just type ping03:34
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|-|3dHey guys03:34
IndyGunFreagulmore: no, that points out the problems with Automatix..03:34
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Ricco98BCM4318 airforce 103:34
mr_dudeEverything Automatix2 does you can do yourself.03:34
mr_dudeDon't be lazy.03:34
|-|3dI don't ask for help often, but this has me baffled03:34
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Teufelkindwill envy work in the terminal that I can access when xserver crashes?03:35
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IndyGunFreaund3rtug4: nobody's jumping on you, you just gave out very wreckless "advice".. and most here wnat to make sure the person that read it, knows that03:35
|-|3dI can't get the TV-Out on my laptop to work03:35
atselbyautomatix2 is just a waste of time.03:35
macogwmr_dude: and without borking your system, too!03:35
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macogwTeufelkind: yeah03:35
unagi!doesn't work03:35
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Ricco98macogw its broadcom03:35
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navybigmanok i am very new and I have read the help on website and still cant figure things out but all i need to help on installing macromedia flash03:35
astro76Ricco98, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4318_%5bAirForce_One_54g%5d?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%2903:35
Teufelkindthanks, Imma swap out hard drives now.03:35
|-|3dAnyone have any experience with TV out on laptops?03:35
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:35
mr_dudeLook on the Automatix2 web site and see all the apps/codecs it installs and then note the ones you want and install them all yourself.03:35
macogwRicco98: you said you dont know how to ping. i said you just type ping and whatever you want to ping03:36
RadiantFireRicco98: try installing bcm43xx-fwcutter03:36
IndyGunFreanavybigman: what version of Ubuntu?03:36
astro76that one needs ndiswrapper apparently03:36
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Mrok help please :), "Failed to start the x server (your graphical interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagonose the problem?"  and it gives me a site "wiki.x.org" i try to go but it wont load :|03:36
IndyGunFreanavybigman: just go to youtube.com, and click the install plugin at the top, just like windows....03:36
RadiantFireRicco98: many many broadcom chipsets are supported you just need to install the firmware. The bcm43xx-fwcutter package will fetch the firmware extracter and the firmware itself and install it for you03:36
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mr_dudeMr, What did you do recently that would cause this problem?03:37
bmachinetv out on laptops is very buggy03:37
navybigmanyeah i got that far and then dled the files but cannot get them to install03:37
Teufelkindhey, someone got a link to the text?03:37
Svishhow can i do so that movies open in vlc instead of totem when I doubleclick them in the file browser?03:37
IndyGunFrea!flash | navybigman03:37
ubotunavybigman: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:37
Mri just tried to install it, it seemed like it would load, just stops at the boot load command line and does not go any farther.03:37
macogwSvish: right click a movie file03:37
macogwSvish: and go to properties03:37
macogwSvish: and on one of the tabs it lets you pick the default app for it03:38
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casperzshadowhere does ubuntu keep programs, like in windows they would be in "program files" im trying to set ktorrent as my default but i dont know where to look for it when i browse03:38
Svishmacogw: lol... thanks. was just inside that properties thing.. cant believe I didnt see it, hehe03:38
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Empath1999bin folder i believe casper03:38
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atselbyrashind, sorry i missed your message? i dont  have any experience in dealing with the partitions on here and would rather not mess with that if i can help it... the odd thing is that hibernate worked with the same amount of space just even on edgy.. i cant think of why that would change?03:38
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IndyGunFreacasperzshado: download a torrent file, right click, properties, Open With Tab, then if Ktorrent is in the list, click choose a program, and go through the list and select Ktorrent, then set Ktorrent as default.03:39
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IndyGunFreacasperzshado: *if Ktorrent isn't in the list, choose a program, otherwise, just select ktorrent03:39
bmachinecasperzshado: do you have any other torrent program installed?03:39
mr_dudeMr, What did you try to install?  You need to be very specific so everyone can understand you.  All I know so far is that you couldn't get into X for some unknown reason.03:40
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Rockinghorsenavybigman: I have found the Adobe site to be best for installing Flash on Linux03:40
numm, vftdvuhjn03:40
bmachineyeah i had the same problem03:40
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macogwRockinghorse: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree works for me03:40
IndyGunFreacasperzshado: ok, is ktorrent installed?03:40
Mroh sorry, trying to install ubuntu 7.0403:40
unagianyone here a compositor?03:40
casperzshadohad azareus but it kept closing for ne reason03:40
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Teufelkindhow do I access envy while my xserver is broken?03:40
IndyGunFreacasperzshado: then just choose ktorrent.03:40
macogwTeufelkind: same way you do it in a gnome-terminal?03:41
casperzshadohold please03:41
Rockinghorseok, ive always gone, macogw, with the .gz file.  Just seems to work for me.03:41
jescisis there asnything better than bittorrent?03:41
macogwTeufelkind: just type "envy" i would guess03:41
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bmachinecasperzshado: what i did was i removed both of the programs and reinstalled ktorrent (it is my personal favorite) than it automatically is recognized when you save a torrent to be the default03:41
Rockinghorsejescis, yes, it's called usenet binary groups03:41
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TeufelkindI have no idea03:41
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bmachinecasperzshado: try that03:41
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Empath1999i <3 usenet03:42
bmachinehow much is usenet03:42
mr_dudeMr, So you tried to install Ubuntu and when the install was over you couldn't get into the login screen because it crashes?03:42
macogwbmachine: what?03:42
Empath1999hey rock, you know of any good binary clients for linux which handles nzb also?03:42
Empath1999preferably something similar to newsbin for windows03:42
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casperzshadoit tells me not to get rid of bittorrent cause other things like it03:42
Mrit doesn't crash, just when it's install it gives me that error03:42
Teufelkindhow would I get the files or whatever needed to run envy, if I cannot get into anything other than a full screen terminal after I am informed that my Xserver is broken or mal-configured03:42
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jescisis there a client package for usenet? or do I just use firefox?03:42
casperzshadognome or something03:42
bmachinemacogw: monthly cost of usenet03:43
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macogwbmachine: i dont think you pay for usenet03:43
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Neural_OverloadCan anyone help we get WEP working on ubuntu? I've tried using the gui thingy but it just doesnt work. I've looked through some of the troubleshooting guides and I dont even know where to start...03:43
macogwbmachine: its like mailing lists, AFAIK03:43
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macogwNeural_Overload: what card?03:43
Empath1999jesc, alot of isp's have SOME usenet access but for the good binary access there's a commercial server like giganews03:43
LordAkiraany 1 know how to use wine?03:43
|-|3dAnyone have any luck with TV out on laptops?  I have the 945G Intel03:43
Empath1999what's your issue with wine akira?03:44
Neural_OverloadLike I said, ive tried using the GUI thingy and it just sits there... connecting...03:44
macogwNeural_Overload: do you know the chipset?03:44
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Neural_OverloadI dont.03:44
LordAkirawell i installed a ms. game but i dont know how to run it03:44
Empath1999which game is it?03:44
macogwNeural_Overload: http://linux-wless.passys.nl can you check?03:44
bmachinemacogw: yeah but the good stuff costs, also i mixed it up with usenext03:44
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LordAkiraghost recon03:44
thecrossOn startup, is there a way to display the processes as they load?03:45
Empath1999k did you check the wine site to see if it's compatible with it first?03:45
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LordAkirano it wasnt on there but this is my first time using wine03:45
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bmachineLordAkira: what game?03:45
LordAkiraghost recon03:46
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Empath1999hrmm according to the wine site03:46
Neural_Overloadmacgow I think that may have been the chipset I gave you03:46
Empath1999that game isn't compatible yet03:46
Neural_OverloadCause I dont see atheros listed on the list there03:46
bmachineLordAkira: unfortunatley its not support03:46
Neural_OverloadIts an interal card thingy in my Toshiba laptop03:46
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LordAkirahmm it installed?03:47
TeufelkindHow would I install envy while my xserver is broken?03:47
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mr_dudeInstalling is the easy part.03:47
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Empath1999yeah, but it gives issues when people try to run it akira03:47
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mr_dudeTeufelkind, can you get into safe mode?03:47
macogwNeural_Overload: atheros is a chipset03:47
bmachineLordAkira: and sometimes you think that if it installs it should work...that thinking stole many hours of my life03:47
TheKeyMakersod this03:47
AzisLi'll question:  What is the name of  the "Mozilla SUITE"  for  apt-get  or aptitude?03:47
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AzisI can only find firefox03:47
Chillyboarderne1 tell me if www.l00kers.tk werks pl0x mates? thx03:47
Azisbut I need the mozila suite03:47
Teufelkindit doesnt show up when I press esc durring start up03:47
LordAkiralol i had high hopes lol03:47
macogwNeural_Overload: lemme open firefox on my other comp03:48
Teufelkindit just says restoration mode03:48
Neural_Overloadmacogw then my chipset is Atheros AR5001X+03:48
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Empath1999you mean like thunderbird,etc... azis?03:48
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AzisEmpath1999, no,  I mean mozilla itself ...03:48
LordAkirathnkx guys/gals03:48
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AzisEmpath1999, firefox and thunderbird are projects from the mozilla corp03:48
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=== Empath1999 nods
macogwNeural_Overload: lsmod | grep madwifi03:48
Neural_OverloadI think...03:48
macogwNeural_Overload: what comes up?03:48
AzisI wanna get the browser "Mozilla"  which contains a WYSIWYG Editor (the composer)03:48
macogwNeural_Overload: if it's long, dont post it in-channel, but it should be short03:49
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Neural_OverloadIll have to restart into linux03:49
Empath1999which were based on Netscape Communicator if i'm not mistaken03:49
macogwAzis: that's old and defunct03:49
Aziswasn't it the other way?03:49
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Neural_OverloadAs Im currently using windows to connect to the wireless network03:49
macogwAzis: Seamonkey is the new one03:49
Azismacogw, but I need the composer03:49
macogwAzis: right, but what you want is Seamonkey, not Mozilla03:49
AzisI see03:49
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Azislemme try03:49
macogwAzis: the suite is Seamonkey, the "just browser" is Firefox03:49
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JimboDeLimboI kicked vista's ass right off my hd03:50
Azismacogw,  "aptitude search seamonkey"  does NOT return any results03:50
Neural_Overloadmacogw, should I reboot into linux?03:50
Empath1999heh, Vista's a virus jimbo :o03:50
macogwNeural_Overload: yeah you have to run the command from there03:50
macogwNeural_Overload: thats to see if the madwifi driver is loaded03:50
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JimboDeLimboheh def.03:50
Neural_OverloadIll go run it03:50
Neural_OverloadThen come back03:50
macogwAzis: must not be in the repos03:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clamac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:51
Empath1999they originally wanted to name it "Windows Millenium The Sequel"03:51
TeufelkindME was nice03:51
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thecrossOn startup, is there a way to display the processes as they load?03:51
Teufelkindspare my montly crash03:51
bmachineJimboDeLimbo: vista sucks ass03:51
VGambitwhat is the most popular torrent client for ubuntu?03:51
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JimboDeLimboone thing remains, the grub menu is still showing vista, I found the file responsible (/boot/grub/menu.lst) but I'm not certain what to cut out03:51
Empath1999which entry is it Jim?03:52
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JimboDeLimboVGambit: I use deluge-torrent03:52
bmachineVGambit: ktorrent is great03:52
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JimboDeLimbo# This is a divider, added to separate the menu items below from the Debian03:52
JimboDeLimbo# ones.03:52
JimboDeLimbotitleOther operating systems:03:52
JimboDeLimbo# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS03:52
JimboDeLimbo# on /dev/sda203:52
JimboDeLimbotitleWindows Vista/Longhorn (loader)03:52
VGambithm, it seems that utorrent supports wine03:52
TeufelkindI still need to kno how to get evny on my broken ubuntu, I seem not to be able to access safe mode03:52
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VGambitI guess that would work then03:52
kousotuPelo: all is working fine now. NOw if sound was working......03:52
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VGambitthanks anyway03:53
macogwAzis: there was an editor called Nvu based on Mozilla Composer03:53
Optimus55hey i'm wondering something.03:53
eboyjrHow do I get to the desktop cube and how do I work it? ( Compiz )03:53
Azismacogw, yep but its also not in the repos03:53
AzisI am not a fan of compiling03:53
JimboDeLimboI'm thinking everything below "# on /dev/sda203:53
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macogwAzis: oh03:54
Pelokousotu,  good for you , what sound epsxe ?03:54
kousotuall sound :(03:54
macogwAzis: well there are other wysiwygs in there03:54
Teufelkindeboyjr: you need beryl03:54
Optimus55i have firestarter sharing an internet connection in fiesty but for some reason the net connection to the other pcs drops every hour or so and i have to restart the firewall. any idea?03:54
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macogwAzis: however03:54
AzisI see03:54
eboyjrTeufelkind: I'm know compiz has Desktop Cube,03:54
bmachinewho here uses beryl with an nvidia card?03:54
Azisthank you so far03:54
macogwAzis: nvu's most recent release was Nvu Kompozer03:54
Empath1999I have bmachine03:54
kousotuPelo: it's like min sound for windows at MAX03:54
Optimus55bmachine: i03:54
macogwAzis: and there are Ubuntu packages03:55
Empath1999but it was bugging me so much I just switched back :|03:55
Azismacogw, where can I find them?03:55
stmillerOptimus55 sharing through wireless?03:55
bmachineEmpath1999: had any bugs?03:55
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atselbymr_dude, well nothing ive read so far seems ot have helped me... i dunno what can have caused hibernate to break between edgy and feisty. thanks for your help though.03:55
macogwAzis: go to http://www.kompozer.net and there's a button on the right03:55
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kousotuI'm usin speakers from my fried PC03:55
LordAkiraempath1999 i got a question?03:55
bmachinesame here03:55
Empath1999what's up akira?03:55
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Optimus55stmiller: well the other pcs are connected through ethenet lan but the net connection is from a wireless card03:55
Empath1999As for bugs bmachine I didn't have any bugs, it just seemed sluggish and was making me dizzy :/03:55
mr_dudeatselby, Sorry man.  My ThinkPad would never shut down properly.  Laptops are by design made for Windows except for a small handful.03:55
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kousotuPelo: can K3b make audio CDs?03:56
LordAkirathis might sound dumb but how do i uninstall what wine has installed i.e ghost recon?03:56
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stmillerOptimus55 okay. Nevermind, that cancells out anything I could think of03:56
Pelokousotu,  dble click the sound icon in the top pannel,   make sure all the sliders are at max,  specialy PCM03:56
bmachineEmpath1999: what card you use it on?03:56
macogwkousotu: it can do most any burning you want03:56
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Pelokousotu,  no,  you need soundjuicer I thnk it is03:56
IndyGunFrea|-|3d: what program were you trying to use to watch tv?03:56
Empath1999Geforce FX 5900 ultra03:56
atselbymr_dude, well see that to me is odd. it shuts down fine, reboots fine, and goes to suspend fine but just not hibernate... and the fact atht it worked before just make it more puzzling.03:56
AzisThank you macogw :)03:56
kousotuPelo: damn...03:56
mr_dudeatselby, Try searching around ubuntu forums for it or making your own post.03:56
macogwPelo: sound juicer rips03:56
Optimus55stmiller: hmm okay thanks. just out of curiousity, what were you thinking?03:56
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Pelokousotu,  make that serpentine03:56
macogwPelo: serpentine burns, but K3B is for burning too03:56
atselbymr_dude, yeah im going to keep searching around for something.. ive found some useful things on there before. thanks again.03:57
kousotuPelo: I have that :)03:57
|-|3dI don't wanna watch TV, I want to display on a TV03:57
Pelomacogw,  k3b deosn't burn audio as far as I know03:57
macogwPelo: K3B, brazero (sp?), and gnomebaker do all that stuff03:57
macogwPelo: if it doesnt, thats weird03:57
IndyGunFrea|-|3d: oh ok..03:57
Empath1999Akira, I'm not certain. I never had to uninstall it because I just had them on my ntfs partition and load them up via Wine in Linux03:57
stmillerOptimus55: sometimes trying to share to another computer through you wireless (wireless to wireless) is problematic03:57
|-|3dI don't know eve what direction to head in03:57
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|-|3dI've never really played with it before.03:57
Optimus55stmiller: ah okay03:57
Teufelkindmr_dude: do you know a way other than envy that might get my Nvida GeForce 8800 to work?03:57
macogwPelo: it's supposed to be "the best" but if gnomebaker beats it on that, i'm glad i went with using that all the time03:57
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LordAkirakk thnkx i'll figuer it out03:58
|-|3dEspecially with Ubuntu I easily find anything I need help with online, but this I can't find anything useful on.03:58
Neural_Overloadmacogw: I ran the command and nothing came up03:58
bmachine|-|3d: you have ubuntu?03:58
macogwNeural_Overload: modprobe "madwifi"03:58
macogwNeural_Overload: ack, no quotes03:58
Pelomacogw,  I think k3b and gnome only do data not dvd or audio formats03:58
kousotuPelo: k3b can't find a MP3 decoder...03:58
RadiantFiremacogw: its brasero03:58
mr_dudeTeufelkind, When you were installing Ubuntu what video card did it detect?03:58
macogwPelo: gnomebaker does data dvd, data cd, or audio cd03:59
|-|3dYeah, Feisty03:59
kousotuPelo: kb3 burns audio, just checked03:59
Naitsirkmr_dude: I installed the envy script and nvidia driver, but when choosing my resolution (1600x1024) I get white horizontal stripes flashing up and down on my screen :/ suggestions?03:59
pboycegot a question, how do i get it were i can network a fat32 partion so windows can see it?03:59
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GamingXI am using evolution, and get mail from gmail, How do I configure it in such  a way that when Evolution gets the mail from gmail, the mail in the mailbox gets automatically deleted or synchronised?03:59
macogwPelo: aside from burning from an iso03:59
zimmoi am having problems with the grep command03:59
Teufelkindmr_dude: NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE03:59
NutubuntuAzis, nvu is now kompozer; you can get a Ubuntu deb from getdebs.net03:59
Teufelkindmr_dude: I even had beryl running03:59
bmachine|-|3d: than check this out... it worked for me. Ubuntu:Nvidia 7600 Geforce Go: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2362803:59
Azisthx Nutubuntu !03:59
Pelomacogw,  gnomebaker encoded dvd format, I don'T think so ,  and it doesn't encode audio either I realy don'T think03:59
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mr_dudeNaitsirk, What's the refresh rate set at?03:59
Peloanyway, back later I have an issue of my own to solve04:00
kousotuPelo: how do I get amp3 decoder for k3b?04:00
Naitsirkauto, and all i can choose is 60 Hz04:00
bmachineGamingX: the settings button in gmail will do that for you04:00
Naitsirkmr_dude: Auto, and all i can choose is 60 hz04:00
NutubuntuAzis, sry, not getdebS but getDEB.net04:00
macogwpelo: ive burned audio cds from it before to give to a guy i was dating...ya know, the old "mixtape gift" :p04:00
zimmohey people, for instance, if I type "grep -e @yahoo.com.br test.log" the output would be only the emails address, would not they?04:00
mr_dudeTry 60 hz.  What does your monitor's manual say is the recommended revolution and refresh?04:01
unagiits sad that because i want to watch tv i have to switch over to windows04:01
zimmohey people, for instance, if I type "grep -e @yahoo.com.br test.log > newtest.log" the output would be only the emails address, would not they?04:01
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ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:01
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macogwzimmo: maybe, might be the full line04:01
kousotumacogw: did you have MP3 decoder issues?04:01
macogwzimmo: and that ubotu was at you04:01
zimmoi changed my question04:01
mr_dudeTeufelkind, Explain to me again how your situation came about.04:01
macogwkousotu: no, and im pretty sure i had mp3, not ogg at the tiime04:01
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zimmoit has to be the full e-mail address?04:01
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TeufelkindNaitsirk: you can fix that by doing the whole ~"sudo dpkg reconfigure xconfig-xorg" and when it asks easy normal or advanced choose advanced, and set the refresh rate at 85 hrz04:02
kousotumacogw: k3b is spidding decoder issues at me04:02
pboycehow can i up my refresh and resolution? i got a nvidia 6800 and im using the resricted drvs04:02
zimmohow can I get only a part of the full string of characters ?? macogw04:02
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Nutubuntulines containing the email address - not just the address but any line containing the address, I think04:02
pboycethey are maxed at 1024x768 and 54hz04:02
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krzeecan someone recommend a nice gui irc client (socks5 support mandatory)04:02
bmachinepboyce: in terminal type: 'nvidia-settings'04:02
macogwTeufelkind: isnt it "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"?04:02
=== Kragnerac [n=Michael_@cpe-65-26-156-138.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Teufelkindmr_dude: I had Ubuntu working just fine with my intergrated NVIDIA 6150 LE then I upgraded to an NVIDIA 8800 and Xserver will not open, due to the lack of a driver04:03
=== Kragnerac
zimmoNutubuntu and is there some wai that I can get all the addresses and only the addresses ?04:03
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Teufelkindmacogw: just going off memory of the last four hours04:03
macogwzimmo: perl04:03
mr_dudeTeufelkind, Did the upgrade make a back up of /etc/xorg.conf04:03
bmachineyeah the 7600 nvidia card is the latest in support04:03
bmachinei believe04:03
Teufelkindmr_dude: I belive so04:03
zimmomust i code?04:03
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macogwzimmo: using a perl regular expression would do it04:04
macogwzimmo: i dont know perl04:04
zimmoyes but i understand nothing of pearl04:04
zimmoi am like you04:04
zimmono perl at all04:04
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Teufelkindmr_dude: cp /ect/X11/xorg.conf.backup right?04:04
macogwzimmo: there's probably a script online that you could find that would do it though.  cant be that complex of a script04:04
Naitsirkmr_dude: found out 1680 x 1050 was max resolution, so updated to that and the stripes went away :) cheers :D  ..now if I could only get the "Save to X configuration file" to work - "Uable to remove old X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'04:04
Nutubuntuzimmo, you could always use http://tools.perceptus.ca/text-wiz.php?ops=504:04
macogwNaitsirk: just delete the old backup yourself04:04
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Azismacogw, Nutubuntu:  I installed  kompozer successfully  but the command to start it seems not to be "kompozer"04:05
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pboycethanks alot04:05
Aziswhat command do I need to use to start it?04:05
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mr_dudeTeufelkind, Yes.  Make a back up of your current xorg.conf and then copy the back up made by the upgrade over your current and try it.04:05
zimmoi believe this channel can show the way, and you do your own way later04:05
macogwAzis: it didnt show in your menus?04:05
zimmothats the point, thank you all04:05
bmachinepboyce: work for ya?04:05
Azisoh, maybe ... I will look for it there04:05
AzisI removed the menu04:05
Azisbut I will restore it04:05
mr_dudeNaitsirk, Rename xorg.conf.backup to something else by using the mv command.04:05
Teufelkindmr_dude: already tried, I'v been on forums with laptop for four hours trying differant fixes04:06
macogwAzis: add it back just for the sake of figuring it out04:06
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Azisthe name is "nvu"04:06
Teufelkindmr_dude: envy looked promising, but I cannot seem to find a way to use with my broken Xserver, and inability to access safe mode.04:06
=== Kragnerac
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mr_dudeTeufelkind, Can you uninstall your driver package and the reinstall the basic nvidia package.04:07
Naitsirkmr_dude: oops, i used rm and now I get: "Unable to create new X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'"04:07
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macogwAzis: well it is a release of nvu so i guess that makes sense04:07
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casperzshadohow do i find the command for ktorrent so i can have it start on boot up?04:07
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kousotuwb Pelo04:07
yurimxpxmanI'm trying to encode all the wav files in a directory with lame, and lame requires a single input filename and a single output filename. I figured out how to get the input one at a time, but I don't know how to get the output names, which would be the same as the input but with the .mp3 extension instead of .wav. Any ideas? Here's what I have so far: find *.wav -print0|xargs -0 lame -V004:07
bmachineanyone wardrive with kismet?04:07
mr_dudeNaitsirk, Type cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf does anything come up?04:07
Pelomacogw, I apologise you were correct , gnomebaker can encode audio cd04:07
Teufelkindmr_dude: im not so sure, I ever got anything installed..04:08
mr_dudeNaitsirk, Type cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup does anything come up?04:08
NutubuntuIt's funny, Azis - I remember reading that the Kompozer people couldn't use the Nvu name for some reason. I guess this way they're not using it ... as a name ;P04:08
Pelothank you kousotu  did you fix your sound issue ?04:08
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kousotuPelo: I have my speakers at MAX, and the sound is horrible :(04:08
macogwNaitsirk: dont paste in here what does show though04:08
GamingXWhich is the latest edition of Ubuntu?04:08
Pelokousotu,  horrible or low ?04:08
Naitsirkmr_dude: yes, it list display information04:08
mr_dudeTeufelkind, What did you install exactly?04:09
macogwGamingX: feisty, 7.0404:09
kousotumin for windows, just about04:09
macogwGamingX: gutsy will be out oct 1804:09
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Ashfire908is there a fstab option to prevent something from mounting at all?04:09
Pelokousotu,  open up the terminal,  type alsamixer ,  make sure everthing is at max,   tab keys and arrows04:09
mr_dudeNaitsirk, I wouldn't worry about that error message if everything is working.04:09
RockinghorsePelo, a simple preamp is all you need04:09
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kousotuPelo: I know they are04:09
macogwAshfire908: just delete its line and it wont mount at startup04:09
PeloRockinghorse, donT tell me , tell kousotu04:09
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NaitsirkOki. thanks again. I'll try a reboot and see what happens..04:09
Neural_Overloadmacogw: I tried modprobe madwifi and it said04:09
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macogwAshfire908: but if you want to turn off automount when you plug in a drive...no idea04:09
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Pelokousotu,  don't know, check04:09
Teufelkindmr_dude: I ran through the NVIDIA tut, "sudo apt-get install nvida-glx-new"04:09
kousotuPelo: want a screenshot?04:10
macogwNeural_Overload: can you connect wired from your ubuntu partition to avoid having to reboot?04:10
Pelokousotu,  not realy04:10
Teufelkindmr_dude: "sudo  nvidia-xconfig --no-composite"04:10
Neural_OverloadI cant at the moment04:10
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Neural_OverloadIm at a hotel04:10
Ashfire908it's a hard drive, and when gparted does certain things, a drive that it's working on trys to mount04:10
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mr_dudeTeufelkind, Uninstall it.  I don't think nvidia-glx-new supports your driver anyway.04:10
macogwNeural_Overload: they lack ethernet?04:10
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=== Pelo thnks screenshots are like geek-home-made-porn
macogwAshfire908: oh yeah...i hate that.  i'm also wanting to know how to make it stop that04:11
Neural_OverloadYeah, AFAIK they only have wifi04:11
Teufelkindmr_dude: also tried without new.04:11
=== kousotu thinks they prove a point from tie to time
Ashfire908can i set something system wide to not mount drives that were just connected?04:11
Teufelkindmr_dude: nothing seems to work04:11
Rockinghorsekousotu you could run the audio out to a simple tape recorder and us the outputs and adjust gain with the volume control.  This is a cheap solution04:11
kousotuNeural_Overload: what wifi card?04:11
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mr_dudeTeufelkind, What does /etc/X11/xorg.conf say is your video driver?04:11
Ashfire908macogw, i've devloped a workaround by running the failed commands manually in a root console04:11
AzisThank you guys04:11
Azissee you later04:12
=== Wanderer_ [i=nomad@24-178-96-163.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Neural_Overloadkousotu: I dont exactly know as the card is interal in my toshiba laptop04:12
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Teufelkindmr_dude: It wanted to use vesa04:12
Neural_Overloadbut I think the chipset is Atheros AR5001X+04:12
kousotuRockinghorse: what you mean04:12
kousotuRockinghorse: I am using my old PC speakers04:12
Teufelkindmr_dude: but thats all I understood04:12
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kousotuNeural_Overload: that card don't work04:12
RockinghorseOh, can't do it with that.  Sorry!04:12
kousotuNeural_Overload: I have the same one04:13
Neural_OverloadIt works for WPA though04:13
Neural_OverloadWEP doesnt work04:13
PeloNeural_Overload,  in menu > system > prefs > hardware information,  if you hve the patience and a little bit of skill the card is probably listed04:13
Pelomost likely in fact04:13
krzeecan someone recommend a nice gui irc client i can use in ubuntu which supports socks5?04:13
kousotuNeural_Overload: *blinks* mine won't do even WPA04:13
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Pelokrzee, doesn'T xchat do it ?04:13
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Pelokrzee,  I mean xchat regular,  not gnome-xchat04:13
Neural_OverloadMine connects to my WPA network but not this hotel's WEP04:13
krzeeahh ok ill try that04:13
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krzeei tried xchat-gnome and it was ugly, and when setting the proxy with /set it didnt work04:14
Neural_OverloadI'll brb, gotta reboot in to ubuntu again04:14
Naitsirkmr_dude: when restarting the resolution was back to 1024 x... and still won't let me save configuration04:14
kousotuNeural_Overload: I hate you.. I have to use zd1211rw, it's notnice :(04:14
stmillerkrzee Konversation is a good irc client04:14
Naitsirkdo i need to start the nvidia gui as gksudo or something?04:14
Neural_OverloadLol, I dont know why it works04:14
Neural_OverloadBut it does04:14
kousotufiest woldn't do it, Gutsy won't either.04:15
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=== kousotu is on gutsy right now
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kousotuit's all that even plays my sound04:15
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Neural_OverloadWhat laptop do you have?04:15
Neural_OverloadI have a satellite P15-S42004:15
kousotuAcer Aspire 368-04:15
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twdsjeHey how can I find out things like how much ram I have installed in my system (and speed preferably) on my system with the command line?04:16
kousotuNeural_Overload: the Vista build04:16
xerawxgui irc clients are unhep04:16
PeloNeural_Overload,   you can check your laptop model in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport  , see if there are instrucions for you specificaly04:16
xerawxirssi or nothing imo04:16
Neural_Overloadkousotu: Nope, It came pre-installed with Windows XP04:17
Peloxerawx,  haven'T you heard,  linux isn'T just for 1337 h4x04rz anymore04:17
Neural_OverloadAnd the GPU sucks04:17
kousotuNeural_Overload: MINE is the Vista build04:17
xerawxPelo: neither are cli irc clients...04:17
PeloSuperdaddy-o,  there are gals to in thos channel04:17
Superdaddy-oim using the command to install my video driver in the terminal04:17
=== Neural_Overload facepalm
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Superdaddy-oand it says it cant open the file04:17
kousotuNeural_Overload: LMAO04:18
PeloSuperdaddy-o,  did you cd to the folder where thefile is ?04:18
xerawxfrom watching this channel its pretty obvious that no linux distro yet can get around using the CLI04:18
Superdaddy-oi dont udnerstand04:18
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Superdaddy-othis is my first time using linux04:18
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=== Neural_Overload is somewhat of an Internet junkie
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PeloSuperdaddy-o,  you need to change the directory to the folder where the file is located,   ei   cd /path/to/folder04:19
kousotuNeural_Overload: I am too ya know lol04:19
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xerawxpractically every second question is wtf is all this nonsense i have to do to get my video driver working04:19
Neural_OverloadIm willing to bet that close to everyone in here is04:19
Superdaddy-othe file is on my desktop04:19
kousotuNeural_Overload: it took me a WEEK to get my wlan+ to work on XP04:19
Superdaddy-osh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-100.14.11-pkg2.run04:19
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Superdaddy-oisnt that all i have to trype in the terminal to install it?04:19
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PeloSuperdaddy-o,  ok  you have the terminal open ?   type  cd Desktop04:19
kousotuNeural_Overload: when I moved to XP. Linux took about 20 mins :)04:20
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Superdaddy-o"no such file or directory04:20
PeloSuperdaddy-o,  linux is case sensitive ...04:20
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Superdaddy-ooh wow... thats crazy04:21
Superdaddy-othank you for that tip04:21
Superdaddy-oheh heh04:21
Superdaddy-onow what?04:21
Neural_OverloadLinux is REALLY easy04:21
PeloSuperdaddy-o, q so first  , cd Desktop , then  run your command04:21
Neural_OverloadI love it04:21
kousotuNeural_Overload: I know04:22
PeloNeural_Overload,  takes a little getting use to when you start04:22
Neural_OverloadJust a bit04:22
Neural_OverloadIm kind of used to command lines though04:22
Superdaddy-oit says "nvidia must be run as root ERROR*"04:22
kousotuPelo: less than moving from Vista builds to XP lol04:22
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cconstantineDoes anyone know how to get drives attached to an AMD64 gigaraid built in raid controller to show up as anything but scsi emulated drives that run REALLY slow?04:22
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Neural_OverloadAnyway, BBIAB04:22
marti149hi guys04:22
Neural_OverloadGonna go figure out what card I have04:23
Optimus55I see people having problems with nvidia cards here. when i got ubuntu installed it was okay but once i got the nvidia-glx package all hell broke loose. resolution was stuck at 800x600 etc. It took me two days, an all nighter and a reinstall to fix all problems but i eventually got it all out04:23
xerawxonce you get past the learning curve linux isn't too bad.. but a lot of the problems you run into are still extremely cryptic and you'd have no idea how to fix them without the net04:23
PeloSuperdaddy-o,  ok   arrow up to get your command back, then  use the arrows to get to the beginning of the command and type sudo , so you hve sudo command ....     then hit enter , you will be asked for your password04:23
kousotudamn.. I'm to slw lol04:23
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Optimus55i would gladly post my xorg.conf for any other nvidia users to see but right now im in xp and cant see the ext3 partition :(04:23
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xerawxyeah video drivers are a really common problem04:24
Teufelkinddoes anyone know how to get my NVIDA card workng with linux?04:24
marti149anyone install vmware?04:24
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Pelo!nvidia | Teufelkind04:24
ubotuTeufelkind: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:24
kousotuOptimus55: give me  moment04:24
kousotuOptimus55: I have the EXE04:24
xerawxI had to reconfigure xorg-xserver like 5 times to get it going on my powerbook04:24
Pelomarti149,  I have , what 's the issue ?04:24
Superdaddy-oit says im running an x server (and how do you know all of this? thats incredible)04:24
Superdaddy-ohow do i exit X?04:24
kousotuOptimus55: I hae the program you need04:24
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Teufelkindubotu: I'll check it out, but I am able to get most drivers running, spare my poor 880004:24
kousotuOptimus55: lemme get you a name04:25
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Optimus55give me the name and i'll google it04:25
PeloSuperdaddy-o,  I think you need to boot in cli mode,  not quite sure about that one, you ight have to restart in recovery mode04:25
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capnfantasmo'ello loves04:25
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PeloSuperdaddy-o,  herer is a quick tutorail about the command line, it will help you out   http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php04:25
kousotuOptimus55: Ext2IFS_1_10c.exe04:26
kousotuthat's what you need04:26
marti149anyone install vmware?04:26
capnfantasmohow do I copy files from ext3 to NTFS?04:26
Pelomarti149, what do you need to know about installing vmware ?04:26
Pelocapnfantasmo,  did you first install nfts write support ?04:26
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Pelo!ntfs-3g | capnfantasmo04:27
ubotucapnfantasmo: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:27
Superdaddy-oill be back pelo04:27
PeloSuperdaddy-o,  with luck I will be here04:27
capnfantasmopelo: I dunno. this is my first linux. just did that alt install disc04:27
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capnfantasmoubotu: I'll try it. thx04:27
Optimus55kousotu: is this only for ext2?04:27
kousotuOptimus55: no04:27
Pelo!ubotu | capnfantasmo04:27
ubotucapnfantasmo: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:27
Optimus55kousotu: because i installed ubuntu on ext304:27
kousotuOptimus55: works on ext3 too04:27
marti149keep getting something about packages having unmet dependancies04:27
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kousotuOptimus55: it'swhat I use to modify linux stuff on XP04:28
TeufelkindMy main problem is that I cannot access a desktop view, I am stuck in a terminal04:28
Pelomarti149,  how are you installing it ?  make it easy on yourself,  menu > apps > add /remove  search  vmware04:28
IndyGunFreaTeufelkind: have you tried startx04:28
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marti149vmware-server and vmware-client-2.6.20-16 but 2.6.20-5.29 to be installed04:28
marti149and it doesnt install04:28
adam_ive done this before but i forgot, how do you change a hdd to be written on?04:28
marti149how can I install the old version?04:28
PeloTeufelkind,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:28
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TeufelkindIv tried both suggestions04:29
Optimus55kousotu: ah okay thanks04:29
IndyGunFreaTeufelkind: what error message did you get when you ran startx?04:29
Pelomarti149,  stuff that works on older version should work on the newer one are you sure you need the old one ?04:29
Teufelkindthe reconfigure after I run thru it it still gives the Xserver error04:29
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marti149nope I need the new one04:29
Teufelkindafter startx I get the no image error04:29
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marti149guess I want to reconfigure vmware04:30
kousotuOptimus55: no prob04:30
Teufelkindif I could run envy I would04:30
magaioIn what startup script might I place the command "synclient MaxTapTime=0" to launch at startup?04:30
Pelomarti149,  hold on04:30
adam_dont do it wait til they get the kinks out04:30
=== Superdaddy-o [n=daddy@cpe-70-113-43-230.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Superdaddy-ohey pelo04:30
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Superdaddy-oit started up in the terminal04:31
Superdaddy-oand i had NO idea what to type04:31
unagican ubuntu cook my eggs in the morning?04:31
PeloSuperdaddy-o, ok  so cd Desktop04:31
adam_how do i change a ntfs hdd to read and write?04:31
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unagiadam_: !ntfs04:31
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PeloSuperdaddy-o,  ls will show you the files available on your desktop so you can see how it is writen04:31
MegaqwertyHi, I've been building from apt-get -b source to make sure a few apps were built completely optimized for my box, and the Update manager is telling me I have updates for those apps after I install the locally built version. It's the same version of the software, just built locally. It's a pain in the butt to uncheck them every time I want to upgrade when there actually has been one, any idea how I can stop Ubuntu from doing this?04:31
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unagiadam_ !ntfs04:31
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kousotu!ntfs| adam_04:32
ubotuadam_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:32
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kyncaniTeufelkind: xorg -configure may be able to provide a suitable default configuration04:32
Superdaddy-owhat does ls stand for?04:32
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unagiah yes thank u lol04:32
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Pelomarti149, maybe the ppl in #vmware can give you a hand04:32
=== aQuariUs_ [n=coralie@netblock-68-183-27-160.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
unagi!info ls04:32
ubotuPackage ls does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:32
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:32
PeloSuperdaddy-o,  I assume is stands for list04:32
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Superdaddy-oi see my nvidia driver name04:32
capnfantasmoPelo: after using ntfs-config it still won't let me write04:33
Teufelkindxorg -configure wont work I'v tried everything, even running in VESA like other persons have been successfull with04:33
ir8I have a few questions how do i get debian to auto answer yes to all question while doing apt-get update or apt-get upgrade04:33
PeloSuperdaddy-o,  ok  so   sudo "your command here "04:33
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ir8apt-get install <blah> --yes04:33
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MasterShrekir8: apt-get --help04:33
Pelocapnfantasmo, is your it should , are you sure that you have mounted the ntfs partition properly ?04:33
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capnfantasmowell according to the disk properties I'm not the owner04:34
kyncaniTeufelkind: well, if you can run the livecd, you could get its xorg.conf ?04:34
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capnfantasmohow do I copy via command line?04:34
MasterShrekcapnfantasmo, put your user in the disk group04:34
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unagicapnfantasmo: cp04:34
kousotuPelo: how does linux rgister graphics? and is it 3D capable?04:34
unagicapnfantasmo: sudo cp or sudo mv04:34
Neural_Overloadmacogw: I found out what card I have04:34
Pelocapnfantasmo,  nice,  the command to change owner is chown  but I dont, know the details,  check man chown for the options04:34
TeufelkindI'll try in the morrow04:34
MasterShrekkousotu, what kind of gfx card do u have?04:34
unagii CHOWN you!04:34
Teufelkindthanks guys04:34
kousotuMasterShrek: I have an intel04:35
kyncaniTeufelkind: good luck04:35
Superdaddy-oit says the x server thing again04:35
kousotuMasterShrek: I was refering to in general though04:35
Pelokousotu, 3d capabilities depend on your card as far as I know,  and I don'T realy know much about it , check the forum04:35
Superdaddy-oim not in recovery mode04:35
PeloSuperdaddy-o,  try stopx04:35
kousotuPelo: but it can, right?04:35
macogwkousotu: intel does 3D04:35
kousotuPelo: my GFX card has 3D capabilites04:35
Pelokousotu,  yes otherwise you wouldn't be able to use compiz04:35
macogwkousotu: if you have an X3000 system, you need xserver-xorg-video-intel04:35
unagihow do i exit out of a man page04:35
macogwunagi: hit q04:36
Superdaddy-oit says need to be root04:36
Pelounagi,   q04:36
macogwunagi: or :q04:36
ir8how do i change a hostname in ubuntu as well.04:36
Optimus55oh as i just saw someone ask how to copy in cli, i remembered a cheat sheet i saw on digg mainpage a short while ago, very useful04:36
PeloSuperdaddy-o,  sudo stopx04:36
Optimus55check it here if ur interested http://www.digg.com/linux_unix/Unix_Linux_Cheat_Sheet04:36
macogwPelo: you can do that?04:36
Superdaddy-ounknown job x"04:36
macogwPelo: crazy. i always use the /etc/init.d/gdm stop way04:36
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macogwSuperdaddy-o: no space04:36
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PeloSuperdaddy-o, please use my nick when talking to me , it makes it easier to follow04:36
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kousotuPelo: what does linux use to render gfx?04:36
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Pelomacogw,  I was talking a shot ,  thanks fo the tip04:37
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Neural_Overloadmacogw: my card is umm... this AR5212 802.11abg NIC04:37
PeloSuperdaddy-o,   use  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop04:37
Superdaddy-opelo - i tried both04:37
macogwNeural_Overload: you should use madwifi04:37
macogw!madwifi | Neural_Overload04:37
ubotuNeural_Overload: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:37
=== CheeseGardener [n=steve@cpe-24-161-12-36.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelokousotu,  I have no idea,  I no nothing about 3d harwared support , please ask in #ubuntu-effects04:37
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know about NTFS-3G????04:37
hmmmsomethinghey does anyone know what this means 'Open a terminal window and navigate to driver folder' ?04:37
kousotuNeural_Overload: if that doesn't work get ndiswraper nd try that04:38
Neural_OverloadIs there a way by chance that I could download a package using windows and install it?04:38
macogwCheeseGardener: what about it?04:38
capnfantasmookay. nothing's working04:38
macogwkousotu: it depends on the card04:38
CheeseGardeneris it reliable to write to NTSF?04:38
Neural_OverloadBecause as I said earlier I can't connect VIA Ubuntu04:38
macogwkousotu: the driver mostly04:38
Pelohmmmsomething,  menu > applicatiosn > accessories > terminal ,  then cd /path/to/driver04:38
CheeseGardenercause I'm doing my backups through AptOnCD to an NTFS drive.04:38
=== SR71-Blackbird1 [n=Nirvana@] has joined #ubuntu
n0ydI know how to change the icon for the gnome main menu, but what about the menu-bar in gnome/ubuntu?  The one with Applications|Places|System04:38
hmmmsomethingk thanks04:39
macogwkousotu: for beryl/compiz/compiz fusion, on new ati cards with fglrx, glx does the compositing04:39
BrapI'm experiencing something weird with my wired nic. as soon as ubuntu starts the lights on the nic go off and the nic connection shows as the ip. any idea on how to fix?04:39
macogwkousotu: nvidia has its own one, but you CAN use AIGLX04:39
WX9JNeural_Overload: Yes if you can save the file to a flash drive or some other VFAT so you can read it on your linux box04:39
macogwkousotu: old ati cards using the open source drivers, if they are capable of doing it overall, will use AIGLX, as will Intel04:39
CheeseGardenerBrap, do you have nm-applet running?04:39
Neural_OverloadI have NTFS-3g installed04:39
kousotuNeural_Overload: grab the driverfor windows and if madwifi does't work try ndiswrapper04:39
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Brapwhat is the nm-applet?04:40
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CheeseGardenerNot that I know much but, I know it was giving me problems when nm-applet didn't load.04:40
=== wizardyesterday [n=chris@adsl-76-238-8-237.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
CheeseGardenerIn your taskbar in the upper right04:40
=== Superdaddy-o [n=daddy@cpe-70-113-43-230.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
CheeseGardenerthere should be some blue bars04:40
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Superdaddy-opelo - it took me to a black screen where i needed to use commands04:40
WX9JNeural_Overload: then you should be fine, I download on an xp box and save it to a vfat flash drive to use later on this one.04:40
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PeloSuperdaddy-o,  so you're done ? great04:41
BrapI'll have to reboot and check. thanks. all log back in on another comp later.04:41
=== B123 [n=zack@pool-71-115-128-184.gdrpmi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kousotuWX9J: F can mountNTFS by default04:41
Superdaddy-opelo - i didnt get to do anything04:41
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capnfantasmokousotu but it can't write04:41
Superdaddy-opelo - i had to turn off my comp04:41
PeloSuperdaddy-o,  how come ?04:41
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Superdaddy-opelo - i didnt know what to type04:41
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kousotucapnfantasmo: don't need toto GRAB a driver04:42
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Superdaddy-opelo - this is my first 30 minutes using linux04:42
capnfantasmokousotu: touche04:42
WX9JYes now it can but not when I started04:42
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ir8okay i have one issue... I set the hostname in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts i still get my shell prompt as "none" and also as i do uname -a04:42
PeloSuperdaddy-o, make notes,     cd Desktop ,  ls to list,   sudo before thecommand04:42
CheeseGardenerdoes anyone know if NTFS-3G writes reliable enough to back up with AptOnCD to an NTFS drive??????04:42
ir8how do i change a hostname in ubuntu as well.everythign shows up as none.04:42
PeloSuperdaddy-o,  you are doing fine04:42
=== wizardyesterday [n=chris@adsl-76-238-8-237.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
johnhey everybody04:42
kousotuWX9J: I moutted my NTFS befor I een did anything04:42
macogwCheeseGardener: aptoncd backs up your debs for installation to a CD04:42
macogwCheeseGardener: its not for backing up your system04:43
johni'm new to ubuntu/linux and i have a couple of questions, i was hoping somebody could help?04:43
ir8john: shoot.04:43
macogwCheeseGardener: for that, use rdiff-backup or rsync or just make zips or tars of all your files04:43
Superdaddy-opelo - What do i type to turn off my comp without pushing hte button if im stuck again?04:43
MasterShrekjohn, ask away04:43
Pelojohn,  jsut ask and if we know we will answer04:43
=== sauvin loads a squirt gun
PeloSuperdaddy-o,   sudo reboot04:43
macogwSuperdaddy-o: sudo halt04:43
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zerokill88help me please     checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... no04:43
Pelomacogw,  won't that turn the comp off ?04:43
zerokill88how do i fix this04:43
macogwSuperdaddy-o: halt shuts down. reboot does what it says04:43
sauvinsudo shutdown -h now04:43
MasterShrekzerokill88, reinstall it04:43
macogwsauvin: eh thats long04:44
ir8Pelo: has anyone ehre have any good with install ubuntu via pxe?04:44
Superdaddy-opelo - what is sudp for?04:44
Pelozerokill88,  sudo apt-get install build-essential04:44
MasterShrekactually reinstall build-essential04:44
zerokill88ok thanks guys04:44
MasterShrekor yea, i guess if u never installed it...04:44
sauvinmacogw, it's what I'm used to doing, though.04:44
johnwell, i have two hard drives: one devoted to ubuntu i installed 24 hours ago, and the other has a windows partition (ntfs) and another ntfs partition for various files04:44
macogwSuperdaddy-o: "superuser do"...it's like Simon Says04:44
Optimus55Hey anyone know a music player with a notifier that shows album cover etc? or at least a plugin for a music player that does that?04:44
MasterShrekOptimus55, kde has amarok04:44
johnwhy are the ntfs partitions read only, and why are they appearing on my desktop now that i've browsed to the drives?04:44
PeloSuperdaddy-o,   sudo tells the comp that you want to run the command as root,  in other words it's for admin priviledges04:44
ir8john: what are you tring todo?04:44
MasterShrekim sure tehres a gnome prog04:44
zerokill88invalid operation reinstall04:44
faileasOptimus55: amarok04:45
B123Hello. Can someone tell me if i can find a bluetooth Text sender for my phone?04:45
kousotujohn: festy should be able to mount that after you first instal04:45
CheeseGardenermacogw, I know that AptOnCD isn't a restore.04:45
Superdaddy-opelo - ahhhhh okay. cool04:45
=== owen1 [n=oren@ip68-8-16-201.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwOptimus55: banshee does04:45
MasterShrek!ntfs3g | john04:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:45
Pelo!ntfs | john04:45
ubotujohn: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:45
Optimus55macogw: whats banshee?04:45
CheeseGardenerbut all I'm asking is, is NTFS-3G reliable enough in write support for NTFS04:45
CheeseGardenerdoes it work consistently?04:45
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Pelojohn,  fyi, as you can see this is a busy channel, please ask your questions in one line,  don'T use the enter key for punctuation04:46
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, its made solely for compatiblity, obviously youll have better luck with a linux fs04:46
CheeseGardenerbecause I'm backing up my .ISOs to a NTFS drive.04:46
faileasCheeseGardener: in my experience yes *PROVIDED* windows shutdown properly. else it won't mount at all.04:46
zerokill88pelo i installed build-essential and i still get   checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... no04:46
macogwOptimus55: its a music player for gnome04:46
PeloCheeseGardener,  ntfs-3g is not perfect04:46
CheeseGardenerwhat problems does it have?04:46
johnpelo: ok, will do :)04:46
MasterShrekyea CheeseGardener make sure your windows isnt hibernating or sleeping or whatever04:46
Optimus55MasterShrek: the notifier is built in in Amarok or do i need a plugin or sum?04:46
CheeseGardenerand is there a better program?04:46
faileasi wouldn't suggest it as a primary, more like " i need to get crap off my windows drive" ;)04:46
Pelozerokill88,  what command are you trying to execute ?04:46
macogwOptimus55: if you give it the album art, when the song starts, it should show title, artist, and album art (maybe album name too) and itll also show when you mouseover the banshee icon in the notification area04:46
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nj786i wanna download a game from the internet but i dono if it will work on ubuntu04:47
Optimus55mmacowg:.. ahhh! thanks!04:47
MasterShrekwhat do u mean notifier Optimus55? it displays your album cover04:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:47
PeloCheeseGardener,   ntfs support in linux was retro engineered,   cause MS doens'T play nice with others  ntfs-3g is pretty much the best there is atm04:47
sauvinnj786, what's the game?04:47
MasterShrekOptimus55, audacious has alot of plugins too, youll prolly find what u want with that04:47
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zerokill88pelo http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32713/04:47
Pelonj786,  check on the site to see what the requirements are04:47
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kousotuPelo: does that suprise you?04:47
Neural_OverloadGAH! I'm just gonna have to get my wireless working at home...04:47
nj786sauvin: age of empires II, and Carbon Poker04:47
CheeseGardenerOk, but what is the "not perfect" part about NTFS-3G?04:48
Pelokousotu, no I was just stating a fact04:48
MasterShrekNeural_Overload, what kinda card?04:48
CheeseGardenerwhat doesn't it write well?04:48
sauvinAge of Empires is downloadable?04:48
xerawxit fails miserably right when you need it most04:48
nj786sauvin: yes demo04:48
xerawx(just guessing)04:48
sauvinis it a Windows game?04:48
nj786sauvin: i think04:48
jonc101Hey I got a quick question, why does Nautilus behave so badly when browsing files/folders on a Windows Share?04:48
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johnmy ntfs partitions are automatically mounted - i see them in Computer and now that i've browsed to them, i see them on the desktop. however, they're read only. i also don't like them on the desktop, but when i right-click on them from the desktop the only thing i can see to take it off is to unmount (not what i'm after)04:48
=== Pelo feels a little stressed right now
sauvinWhere did you download it from?04:48
macogwsauvin: yes. its like Wesnoth but real-time not turn-based04:48
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yum_how do i prevent screen from allowing people to hide their utmp entries?04:48
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, you probably wont have a problem, but its not for sure cuz its a proprietary filesystem04:48
Vinchenzo28how do i get beryl to auto start?04:48
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Optimus55MasterShrek: sorry i used winamp a long time so i have a 'notifier' plugin that fades a little box in, with song name, artist and album cover, etc04:48
macogwjohn:  you need NTF-3G and need to edit /etc/fstab to reflect that04:49
sauvinIn other words, nj786 is up against learning how to use wine.04:49
nj786sauvin: i downloaded carbon poker @ carbonpoker.com, but the file was .exe and it didnt work04:49
Pelozerokill88,  what is that for , what are you tring to do ?04:49
MasterShrekaudacious does that, it looks just like classic winamp too04:49
macogwVinchenzo28: add it to system > pref > sessions > startup04:49
=== Wankus [n=Wankus@bb-87-82-25-189.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
CheeseGardenerwould it be a better idea to write the file to linux, and move over to the drive?04:49
zerokill88pelo its Linux From Scratch, building a custtom linux04:49
CheeseGardenerthe NTFS drive that is?04:49
macogwVinchenzo28: i suggest adding beryl-manager, not just beryl04:49
hmmmsomethingare there any tutorials out there on how to get your wireless internet working? i'm really not getting anywhere..04:49
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Pelomacogw,  the ntfs3g-config thiny will edit fstab04:49
macogwPelo: oh. nice!04:49
sauvinnj786, I can't help with this, but your only immediately available option, as far as I can tell, is to try to run these products under wine.04:49
Pelozerokill88,  ask in ##linux they are better at this stuff04:49
zerokill88pelo ok04:49
MasterShrekhmmmsomething, what kind of card do u have?04:49
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macogwPelo: i assumed it was do-it-yourself...usually things are04:50
johnmacogw: ntf-3g, is that some type of manager for ntfs partitions? how do i get/enable it?04:50
Pelomacogw,  there is a seperate package you intall with the config thingy04:50
SineFatohello everyone04:50
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nj786sauvin: how do i open up wine?04:50
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MasterShrek!wine | nj78604:50
ubotunj786: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:50
GamingXjohn:sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g04:50
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hmmmsomethingmy card is a  Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02)04:50
johnGamingX: thanks04:50
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Flanneljohn: install ntfs-config, and there'll be a menu entry for it04:51
dibblegocan I take a shot of my monitor over time as a flash animation or something?04:51
MasterShrekhmmmsomething, im not sure how good a 4401 will work, check #bcm-users, you might have to wait awhile for a response though...04:51
xerawxi'm cruisin right through this stack of dvd-r.. i just have that feeling like my hard drive is about to fail, you know..04:51
xerawxi can just sense it04:51
Flanneldibblego: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts04:51
SineFatoI'm installing Ubuntu now and trying to set up the partitions but being new to all this I'm not sure how I should set it up. Any help would be appreciated04:51
MasterShrekdibblego, like a video?04:51
dibblegoFlannel, thanks04:51
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dibblegoMasterShrek, yes04:51
MasterShrekdibblego: try xvidcap04:51
=== shem [n=roswell@bal-bb-cable-4-356.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu
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CheeseGardenerAlso too, I am talking about an NTFS external USB hard drive.  Does NTFS-3G work well with external hard drives when writing to them?  Windows is NOT on this external hard drive.. obviously.04:52
MasterShreki dont know if its in the repositories tho lol, but it does what you are trying to do04:52
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, it shold work04:52
FlannelCheeseGardener: External and internal drives will work the same04:52
macogwCheeseGardener: yeah sure.  why not make it ext3 though? is your windows install Vista or something?04:52
GamingXjohn:After installing Applications>System tools>NTFS Configuration tool>Enable write support for internal device/Enable write support for external drive04:52
binarydigitCheeseGardener: ntfs-3g doesnt care where your hd is04:52
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marchow do you run adeptmanager as room?04:52
macogwmarc: sudo it04:52
CheeseGardenerWell I already have files on it is the problem04:53
johnGamingX: thanks, i was wondering where that menu item was...04:53
CheeseGardenerand I don't have the room to move them somewhere else.04:53
macogwCheeseGardener: oh ok04:53
marcmacogw: sudo adeptmanager ?04:53
macogwmarc: yeah04:53
GamingXjohn: what menu item?04:53
Superdaddy-owhy am i having this problem?.04:53
marcmacno such command04:53
stmilleranyone ever have trouble with ustream pages crashing Firefox in Ubuntu?04:53
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Superdaddy-oim trying to install my driver04:53
macogwSuperdaddy-o: what problem?04:53
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sauvinCheesegardner, don't you have a USB drive?04:53
Superdaddy-oand the stupid "x server" is screwing everything up04:53
marchow do you run adeptmanager as root?04:54
CheeseGardenerSo there isn't a windows file system on the drive.  So will NTFS-3G work well with writing to the external hard drive????04:54
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SineFatoexcuse me, What file system should I use when installing Ubuntu? Also do I want a logical or primary partition? I'm doing duel boot and this is the second04:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adeptmanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:54
CheeseGardenerOr were you talking about problems writing an a windows hard drive???04:54
macogwmarc: well sudo exists, i assure you. but since its a gui app, you would use "kdesu" now i think about it04:54
binarydigitCheeseGardener: what kind of file system is on the drive then04:54
=== holychico [n=thomaz@201-75-97-212-ma.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
macogwSineFato: ext304:54
shemhi.   am I retarded or is there a problem with writing to an external hard drive?    or is there an easy way to enable the permisions to windows?  my mission is to transfer some iso's to windows .  any way I can04:54
GamingXSineFato: I used ext304:54
binarydigitCheeseGardener: ok so use ntfs-3g04:54
macogwshem: if its ntfs, you need ntfs-3g04:54
marcmacogw: doesnt work?04:54
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macogwmarc: is adeptmanager the right command?04:54
shemi partitions an ex3 on it04:54
CheeseGardenerRight but, I heard NTFS-3G has problems...04:55
johnGamingX: the ntf-3g install that should be in the menu is what i meant. anyways, i ran the command, entered the password and told it to install. in the terminal it says it installed, but i don't see it anywhere04:55
marcmacogw: no it says command not found04:55
macogwCheeseGardener: works fine AFAIK04:55
macogwmarc: are you using kde or gnome?04:55
marcmacogw: gnome04:55
SineFatomacogw: What about the partition? do i make it primary or logical?04:55
macogwmarc: oh.  why are you using adept?04:55
GamingXjohn:goto Applications04:55
macogwmarc: thats usually for kde04:55
Optimus55just wondering also, are there any full screen media centers available for ubuntu?04:55
marcmacogw: what should you use?04:55
macogwmarc: Synaptic is the GNOME one04:55
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macogwOptimus55: mythtv04:56
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Optimus55similar to windows media center in vista04:56
thecrossOn startup, is there a way to display the processes as they load?04:56
binarydigitCheeseGardener: works fine for me, i dualboot between windows and use it without a problem04:56
GamingXjohn: System Tools>NTFS configuration Tool04:56
CheeseGardenercan windows read EXT3?04:56
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FlannelCheeseGardener: No (well, except with third party drivers)04:56
binarydigitCheeseGardener: http://www.fs-driver.org/04:56
CheeseGardenerWell I sometimes have to shift files onto windows systems.04:56
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CheeseGardenerSo it is either NTFS or FAT3204:57
CheeseGardenerand it is already in NTFS04:57
FlannelCheeseGardener: or NTFS with ntfs-3g04:57
=== Superkuh_ [n=dieSuper@c-24-245-49-197.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
binarydigithow big if the drive04:57
CheeseGardenerI have NTFS-3G04:57
sauvinIs the windows ext2 driver RW or just RO?04:57
GamingXCheeseGardener:Use ntfs-3g04:57
CheeseGardenerI just wanted to know if it was reliable.04:57
shemmy external hd is formated to ext3 and I still cant get the permisions on.   is that the same problem thats preventing me from just dragging and dropping to windows?04:57
fine_deviceis there anybody who can help me out about virtualbox usb issuer?04:57
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GamingXjohn:Did you find it?04:57
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kousotusauvin: it can wite04:57
johnGamingX: Applications should be a menu right? (earlier today i changed the layout. it's kind of more windows-style now...)04:57
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kousotu[21:57]  <-- Superkuh has left this server (Nick collision from services.). <ghost?04:58
kousotuFr33sc4p3Guest: watch the cpas04:58
GamingXjohn:what linux version do you have?04:58
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johnGamingX: i have a ubuntu logo like a start button.04:58
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Optimus55macogw: hey mythtv is great, but i'm looking for something more for music, not really tv, any suggestions?04:58
kousotuFr33sc4p3Guest: and fid in SRC for packages04:58
Falstiusfine_device: I think the opensource version of virtual box doesn't have USB support.04:58
Justi1where can I get the GLib 2.0 development headers?04:59
macogwOptimus55: it does music too04:59
macogwOptimus55: and dvd's04:59
macogwOptimus55: its a full media center04:59
n0ydI know how to change the icon for the gnome main menu, but what about the menu-bar in gnome/ubuntu?  The one with Applications|Places|System04:59
kousotumacogw: DVDs won't work for me :(04:59
n0ydmacogw, get libdvdcss04:59
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Optimus55macogw: ahhh okay now seeing  that, thanks05:00
macogwn0yd: not me, kousotu!05:00
GamingXjohn:It is usually found in the upper left corner, but as you have changed i have no idea...05:00
CheeseGardenerwindows can only read FAT32 and NTFS right?05:00
macogwkousotu: add the medibuntu repos and then apt-get libdvdcss and libdvdread305:00
Flannelfatalcure: source for what?05:00
n0yderr kousotu. Sry05:00
kousotumacogw: I' watching anywas05:00
macogwCheeseGardener: by default05:00
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Flannelfatalcure: sorry, ignore that.05:00
macogwCheeseGardener: http://fs-driver.org has ext2 (works for ext3 too) drivers for XP05:00
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kousotuhow do you add the medibutnus?05:01
Optimus55macogw: wait is this for windows or linux?05:01
macogw!medibuntu | kousotu05:01
ubotukousotu: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:01
johnGamingX: sorry for the confusion, i figured out what you meant. i replaced the Menu Bar with the Main Menu, as seen in the Add to Panel thing05:01
macogwOptimus55: mythtv? its for linux05:01
macogwOptimus55: its in the repositories, i think05:01
faileasCheeseGardener: there's reiser, HPFS (OS X) and ext2/3 drivers actually, for windows05:01
CheeseGardenerI see.05:02
macogwfaileas: i thought osx's was called HFS+05:02
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CheeseGardenerWell, I don't always have the luxury of a system that has all the drivers on it.05:02
kousotuPackage libdvdcss is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:02
kousotuThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:02
kousotuis only available from another source05:02
kousotuE: Package libdvdcss has no installation candidate05:02
faileasmacogw: i don't regularly use a mac ;p05:02
Optimus55macogw: okay thanks05:02
CheeseGardenerSometimes I'm copying to a university computer.05:02
xerawxYeah Mac OS X is HFS+05:02
CheeseGardenerThey only have NTFS and FAT32 I think.05:02
macogwkousotu: after adding the medibuntu repos05:02
macogwkousotu: and after updating the listing05:02
CheeseGardenerBUT... they recently added 10 new computers with linux to my university.05:02
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faileasCheeseGardener: IFS and raw file drivers. believe me i have all those supported on my system ;p05:03
GamingXHow do you configure weather for your city using the weather tool in the panel?05:03
johnanyways, i've looked through the menus - even added back the Menu Bar and looked under Applications, and i don't see System Tools or NTFS configuration tool anywhere05:03
macogwGamingX: right click05:03
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kousotuhow do you ad the repos?05:03
macogwkousotu: system > admin > software source05:03
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Falstiusjohn: you can run it from the command line, just sudo ntfs-config05:03
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sauvin:blink: There's a "weather tool"?05:04
IdleOne!repos | kousotu05:04
ubotukousotu: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:04
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macogwsauvin: the gnome weather applet05:04
sauvinOh. No such thing for KDE?05:04
johnFalstius: thanks05:04
kousotumacogw: add http://www.medibuntu.org/ ?05:04
CheeseGardenerwhy is EXT3 better than NTFS?05:04
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kousotuCheeseGardener: ext3 doesn't fragment05:05
xerawxso basically fat32 is still the only file system both windows and linux can natively read AND write to with any amount of reliability05:05
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krzeejournaling, no need for defrag05:05
jonc101does anyone know why when im browsing a windows share from ubuntu using nautilus about 90% of the time the share becomes inaccessible after 15seconds and im no longer able to see files on that share05:05
johnwhen i try running sudo ntfs-config, it says ntfs-config not found05:05
sauvinLinux doesn't read or write FAT32 "natively", it just does it well.05:05
Flanneljohn: once you install it, there should be a menu entry in administration05:05
Falstiusjohn: install it.  apt-get install ntfs-config05:05
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Falstiusjohn: er, sudo apt-get install ntfs-config05:06
xerawxthats true sauvin, i should have said "out of the box"05:06
johnooh, i did sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g05:06
agent47ai need to do Internet Connection Sharing on Ubuntu Feisty.  Any advice?  Is there a Ubuntu-way of doing this?05:06
GamingXjohn: you have not installed 'ntfs-3g config'05:06
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RadiantFireagent47a: you can configure some of it using the Firestarter firewall05:06
Falstiussauvin: support for it is in the kernel ... that is as native as it gets.05:06
krzeeyou can lose data in a power failure with ntfs, in a journaled os that doesnt happen05:06
RadiantFirentfs is a journaled fs05:07
sauvinIn the kernal? when did THIS happen?05:07
krzeeerr journaled fs05:07
krzeentfs is journaled??05:07
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org05:07
N3432yes it is.05:07
krzeei didnt know that05:07
sauvinShow evidence. I disbelieve.05:07
kousotumacogw: how do you add GUtsy?05:07
RadiantFirefat is not journaled05:07
B123Hello. Im trying to get it so that I can send and get texts on my computer threw my bluetooth phone, I have a Moto Razr and i have a bluetooth card in my computer, I was just curious if someone could please help me out and figure out how to get the two working together?05:07
agent47aRadiantFire:  okay, is firestarter in the repositories?05:07
kousotue.. for gutsy?05:07
RadiantFireagent47a: yes05:07
CheeseGardenerdoes the EXT3 driver for windows work well?05:08
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GamingXjohn:did you install it?05:08
n0ydVery well05:08
kousotuCheeseGardener: yes, perfectly05:08
Falstiussauvin: here http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/people/chaffee/vfat.html05:08
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RadiantFireCheeseGardener: its actually an ext2 driver, so you don't get journalling05:08
n0ydIt is actually a ext2 driver05:08
RadiantFirebut yes it works well05:08
n0ydIt will disregard/ruin the ext3 journal05:08
CheeseGardenerwhat do you mean by journaling?05:08
kousotumacogw: medibuntu doen't have a gutsy list?05:08
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johnGamingX: yah, i installed it. for some reason it's still not in the menu, but i simply went into terminal and did "sudo ntfs-config" and it worked :)05:08
N3432B123, bitpim05:08
macogwkousotu: youre using gutsy?05:08
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kousotumacogw: yea05:09
HHP2KHey guys, how do I cd into a CD-ROM drive?05:09
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kousotumacogw: only one that playsmy sound05:09
RadiantFirejournalling keeps a record of filesystem operations in the event the fs is left in a corrupted state, so you don't have to scan the entire filesystem if it is left damaged05:09
N3432HHP2K, you don't ?05:09
krzeethe nice thing about windows is it does not just crash, it pops up a little window so you can click ok first05:09
macogwkousotu: 1. you should be on #ubuntu+1 2. feisty's should work fine 3. 3rd party repos dont start up til it's actually *released*05:09
HHP2K... you don't?05:09
N3432HHP2K, nope05:09
HHP2KWhy not?05:09
N3432you just don't lol.05:09
kousotumacogw: I am in +105:09
HHP2KThanks then05:09
N3432yezzir. ya digg?05:09
kousotumacogw: no one there05:09
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macogwwell just use the feisty ones05:09
macogwit just a codec, its not like it matters05:10
kousotumacogw: thanks05:10
RadiantFirewhy did you tell him that?05:10
sauvinWow. I knew I was out of date, Falstius, but this is just freaking pathetic. I had NO IDEA they'd moved it into the kernal.05:10
B123Does bitpim cost me anything to use?05:10
N3432B123, nope05:10
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B123N3432 jw since it works with CDMA phones only. which is fine, i have alltel05:10
N3432B123, which is alltell05:11
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jonc101can anyone help me out with a network share problem with nautilus?05:11
CheeseGardenerand linux can fix the file system easily in EXT3?05:11
B123N3432 jits CMDA =D05:11
CheeseGardenerin case it breaks?05:11
N3432B123, IT IS CMDA05:11
kousotumacogw: can ubuntu see bluetoth stuff?05:11
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GamingXI downloaded several torrents using the default ubuntu bittorrent, I never stopped them just closed them will it be running in the background?05:11
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Hazhow would i get my username to login automatically?05:11
johnit appears the ntfs drives are still read-only, even though i clicked checked the box to make it writable05:11
Falstiussauvin: yeah, about 11 yars ago.05:11
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Optimus55ubuntu comes with a bit torrent client??05:12
GamingXjohn:did you get any error?05:12
johnno, but i'll try it again05:12
GamingXOptimus55: Yes05:12
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B123n3432 and this goes threw my bluetooth?05:12
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Optimus55Gamingx: which?05:12
Falstiusjohn: might require root permissions to write to it by default.  You can change that.05:12
neozonzhow do i install the mplayer svn?05:12
N3432B123, yezzir05:12
magic_ninjais there a better utility then soundconverter for converting sound, i'm constantly getting gstreamer errors05:12
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GamingXOptimuss55:Feisty Fawn...05:12
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Optimus55GamingX: which client i mean05:12
IdleOnehow do i start virtualbox GUI?05:13
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sauvinneozonz, why do you want the svn? Why not use synaptic?05:13
CheeseGardenerso, using journaling, linux can easily fix the EXT3 file system?  How would linux know it is broken?  Through "check disk"?  And if it was broken, how does linux fix it?  What would I have to run to fix it?05:13
=== capitalidea [n=capitali@pool-96-226-42-39.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:13
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neozonzsauvin, i'm having trouble playing a ffdshow file, and i asked for help in #mplayer and they said grab the svn05:13
RequinB4Is there a quick way to install the correct drivers/make the sound work for integrated intel audio05:13
sauvinCheeseGardner, as I understand it, the purpose of journaling is to make it so fixes can happen on-the-fly.05:13
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macogwCheeseGardener: doesnt generally break to begin with because of journalling, but every 30-ish boots, it does fsck05:14
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capitalideaNow that I have compiled my own ALSA on AMD64 Feisty sound no longer works for flash movies in Firefox (I used Kilz script and before the alsa compile this was working fine)05:14
=== kousotu hopes for no kernal update
macogwRequinB4: that's broken again?05:14
GamingXOptimuss55:I dont know but whenever I download a torrent it automatically opens up, my guess is bittorrent...05:14
kousotuwot, no kernal update :)05:14
B123n3432 how do i get it to connect?05:14
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N3432B123, uhhh set the comp port correctly ,im not sure in linux i use winblowz05:14
sauvinThe folks in #mplayer may not be sensitive to the fact that some distros are package manager based, like ubuntu. Try grabbing mplayer from synaptic.05:14
B123oh =/05:14
johnooh, i see the issue: i checked "enable write support for external device" - but the checkbox for "enable write support for internal device" is disabled!05:15
sauvinAnd then, you may want to bop over to the mplayer home page, grab and install the codecs.05:15
hmmmsomethingcan someone help me decypher what to do on this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=466764 under 'How to get wireless working' i don't understand how to do the third step.05:15
SkiGuyhey all - i'm having some trouble sharing my printer from my ubuntu box to my xp box - Printing works fine from the ubuntu box. Sharing files works fine between the two computers, but i can't see the shared printer05:15
neozonzsauvin, i have to get the codecs?05:15
GamingXwhen gutsty is released will I be updated from feisty fawn?05:15
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sauvinneozonz, sure, why not?05:15
johnso, um, how do i enable that checkbox? do i have to unmount my two ntfs partitions first?05:15
neozonzwhen i install the mplayer synaptics it doesn't automatically install them?05:15
sauvinWith the codecs, there's damn near NOTHING that mplayer won't do.05:15
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RequinB4I looked here but i'm not sure its the right tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto05:16
=== sauvin is still working on making mplayer mate nicely with emacs so he can hook it up to a computer-controlled coffee maker
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capitalideaNo one has any ideas for me? Not a single one?05:16
CheeseGardenermacogw: so when it does fsck, it will check and fix the file system with the use of journaling????05:16
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Falstiusjohn: that option should be enabled if you have an internal ntfs drive mounted.05:16
sauvinneozonz, no, because some of those codecs have ambiguous legal concerns attached.05:16
GamingXjohn:no ntfs-3g automatically unmounts and remounts....05:16
macogwCheeseGardener: it checks that the journalling is correct and fixes if its not05:16
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neozonzsauvin, i did apt-get install mplayer05:16
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neozonzis that the same as the synaptics05:16
sauvinAs far as I'm concerned, YES.05:16
B123n3432 ah it says its not a connectable port.05:16
johni can see the two ntfs partitions05:17
macogwCheeseGardener: for example, when Vista moved the pointers for all of my files to be a few bits off, fsck put them all back in the right place to make Ubuntu bootable again (i ran fsck from a live cd because of the not-bootability)05:17
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sauvinThere's something else... what is it... OH! if you want DVD support, you'll have to install libdvdcss and read some instructions on how to enable it.05:17
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krzeeand if you want mp3s to play05:17
krzeethat took a good 2 mins of googling ;] 05:17
neozonzsauvin, so i grab http://www3.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/essential-20061022.tar.bz2 , then untar it then what? :o05:18
RequinB4so does anyone have some quick advice with un-breaking the sound for intel integrated audio, or i might have to just wait till update05:18
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capitalideaRequinB4: I have intel integrated sound, ALC88805:18
magic_ninjais there a better utility then soundconverter for converting sound, i'm constantly getting gstreamer errors05:18
capitalideaWhat is your problem?05:18
HHP21hey guys, how do I uninstall a program I installed with wine?05:18
GamingXjohn: If you have enabled write support for internal device, then the drives will be write able....05:18
sauvinThen copy all the codecs to /usr/local/lib/codecs05:18
RequinB4no sound... I think its the lack of java05:18
magic_ninjaHHP21: just use wine to run the uninstall file05:18
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RequinB4not java05:18
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johnGamingX: i can see the two ntfs drives, but the checkbox is still disabled.05:19
capitalideaRequinB4: no sound in what?05:19
GamingXjohn: Did you try clicking on the checkbox?05:19
HHP21magic_ninja: I don't know where wine installed the program. :P05:19
CheeseGardenerI see.05:19
capitalideaDid you follow the tut?05:19
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CheeseGardenerso when does NTFS-3G not work generally?  is it safe to move ALL my files with NTFS-3G to another hard drive?05:20
RequinB4I found this but i'm not sure its what i'm looking for05:20
johnGamingX: yes, i just tried. it's truly disabled. :(05:20
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Falstiusjohn: are you running it with sudo?05:20
johnFalstius: yes05:20
magic_ninjaHHP21: it will be in /home/<yourusername/.wine/c_drive05:20
capitalideaRequinB4: did you complete that tutorial?05:20
sauvinCheeseGardner, I've used ntfs-3g to transfer terabytes of files from a ntfs partitions to ext3.05:20
RequinB4not yet05:20
Falstiusjohn: yeah, it won't run without.  Was just a wild guess :)05:20
kousotujohn does sudo -i work?05:20
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capitalideaRequinB4: do that and come back05:20
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CheeseGardenerAnd has it worked well sauvin?05:20
sauvinI wasn't able to spot any problems... and I DID look.05:21
B123how can i tell what program is using my usb adress?05:21
nexousHi, I'm currently dualbooting xp & feisty. If I remove feisty partitions will it remove bootloader and go straight to xp?05:21
capitalideaI get no sound in flash I wish I could get some help with this05:21
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johnkousotu: no, same issue. good tip though...05:21
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Falstiusnexous: no05:21
kousotujohn: thx :P)05:21
kousotujohn: thx :) *05:21
faileasnexous: no, you will need to reinstall the windows bootloader from the CD05:21
HHP21magic_ninja: I don't see a .wine in that folder.. ?05:21
macogwnexous: no05:21
sauvinnexous, when I did that to $some_freaking_distro_or_other, just removed partitions brute-force with fdisk, GRUB was still there.05:21
nexousfaileas: So would I just select hte repair option from windows?05:21
GamingXjohn: see if you can find something here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G#head-2c7884fc22e351f4e9c0b2043037a0e1faafd78305:21
macogwnexous: insert xp cd, boot from it, go to console, and type "fixmbr"05:21
B123im trying to figure out what program is using my usb::002::002::005:21
B123how can i?05:21
FalstiusB123: you might be able to us lsof05:22
nexousmacogw: How do i get to console ?05:22
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yum_how do i prevent screen from allowing people to hide their utmp entries?05:22
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macogwnexous: no idea. when you boot from the xp cd the option is somewhere. i dont use windows05:23
Falstiusnexous: don't select the repair option, it will ruin your system.  For detailed help with windows stuff, this isn't really a good place to ask.05:23
faileasnexous: boot into windows CD. go to "repair console" (might be recovery) it will prompt pressing a key to do that. then you will be in a cli, type in "fixmbr" or "fixboot"05:23
sauvinnexous: from the launcher menu, try05:23
B123says no such?05:23
sauvingrr... sorry.05:23
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CheeseGardeneris it just me or is NTFS-3G bad at guesstimating the time left to copy files to a new location?  It says like 11 hours left, but it already completed 1/3 of the transfer in 10 minutes??????05:23
johnGamingX: i'm looking at the link you sent, brb05:23
twoshadetodanyone know why ubuntu wont show my home wifi router but windows does?05:23
=== RudyValencia [n=excalibu@about/cooking/pizzasmith/RudyValencia] has joined #ubuntu
FalstiusB123: lsof tells you the open files.  Devices are basically just files, but you'll need to figure out what the name of that usb device is in the /sys/bus/usb (I think).05:24
faileastwoshadetod: WEP with a ralink chipset?05:24
twoshadetodanyone know why ubuntu wont show my home wifi router but windows does?05:24
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RudyValenciaHello, does anyone know if SheepShaver works under Ubuntu 'feisty'?05:24
twoshadetodit's not encrypted05:24
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twoshadetodit's "open"05:24
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kousotuRudyValencia: it might05:25
qweqweqweoh, that's keyboard check for "hi there"05:25
kousotuRudyValencia: GIVE IT A SHOT05:25
kousotusry caps, hit it on acident05:25
CheeseGardeneris it just me or is NTFS-3G bad at guesstimating the time left to copy files to a new location?  It says like 11 hours left, but it already completed 1/3 of the transfer in 10 minutes??????05:26
faileasRudyValencia: worth trying, if its not a very demanding app, you could try vmac, or basalisk II05:26
bulmertwoshadetod: what command did you use to show the router?05:26
faileasCheeseGardener: maybe05:26
Optimus55qweqweqwe: right...05:26
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RudyValenciahm, maybe I could get it to run under System 705:26
qweqweqweI'm looking for a package named  >> libxft1 << anyone know where to get it?05:27
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bulmertwoshadetod: am not a gui person..what would that do?05:27
faileasRudyValencia: minivmac has a preinstalled 7.1 disk image...05:27
bulmertwoshadetod: you were expecting a router?05:27
twoshadetodit brings up a list of routers that you can connect to wirelessly05:27
faileasi think they have it for linux too...05:27
GamingXqweqweqwe: sudo apt-get install libxfti105:28
bulmertwoshadetod: thats not the tool to show which AP is possibly connectable does it?05:28
RudyValenciafaileas: I'll try it (as I have a b/w Mac but its hard disk is kaput05:28
twoshadetodbulmer, expecting to see mine listed05:28
RudyValenciaand I don't want to shock myself changing it out05:28
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bulmertwoshadetod: do this instead on a terminal or xterm... iwlist wlan0 scan05:28
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twoshadetodbulmer, It's a tool like that05:28
Justi1how do I make ubuntu auto-login to an account?05:28
macogwsystem > admin > login05:29
GamingXqweqweqwe:sudo apt-get install libxft1, sorry for the previous wrong entry....05:29
macogwtheres  setting in tehre05:29
bulmertwoshadetod: do this instead on a terminal or xterm... iwlist wlan0 scan  <--  do it manually05:29
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Quinginneed some help trying to get ubuntu to boot. and im hoping someone here can help me. and it may be the computer. when i put the disk in it runs like normal goes through the boot process and then hangs when it tries to load the gui. it shows the splash screen that says what is loading and when that disapears and before anything else loads it locks up. any ideas? i have used this same disk to install on my laptop so i know the disk works05:29
twoshadetodwlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning.05:29
mzuverinkWhen you open a tty, it states a bunch of copyright things, where is that file so as to customize it?05:29
politikI'm having quite a bit of trouble installing using lvm/software raid using both the alternative install disk and the livecd.... any recommendations on how to do a more "manual" install?05:29
qweqweqweGamingX: would be good if it existed on the repos :-)05:29
scorbuHi , I'm having problems with a fresh installation on a new box :/ I cant get resolutions higher than 800x600 ... I've googled it up but cant find a fix ... anyone can help ?05:29
RudyValenciamzuverink: /etc/motd I believe05:29
bulmertwoshadetod: if your driver does not support scanning mode, you expect the gui to do the same?05:29
FalstiusQuingin: have you tried using alt-f1 alt-f2 etc to see if there are any messages?05:30
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mzuverinkRudyValencia, Thanks, I'll check05:30
faileasRudyValencia: http://nothickmanuals.info/doku.php?id=minivmac all the way down theres a prebuilt package. i THINK its win/lin05:30
twoshadetodI expect it to be able to display a list of AP's I can connect to and give me the option to connect to them05:30
Falstius!res | scorbu05:30
ubotuscorbu: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:30
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politikis there any way to force the livecd to install /boot and / on particular partitions?05:30
RudyValenciafaileas: sheepshaver isn't a prebuilt package is it?05:30
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politikthe installer doesn't show software raid devices05:30
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faileasdonno, i used bask and minivmac ;p05:30
bulmertwoshadetod: well as you have said per the result of iwlist wlan0 scan  it cant scan..the gui has this command behind it05:30
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scorbuFalstius , I've tried everything mentionned in this guide but it still doesnt work :05:31
twoshadetodbulmer, netstumbler in doze can "scan" I'd hate to get into symantics about the word or compaire ubuntu to windows just wanted the same functionality05:31
RudyValenciai may have to compile it05:31
Quinginit locks the whole system nothing will respond. i have gone through this process like 10 times and its right after it loads the restricted drivers.05:31
twoshadetodhowever that is worded.05:31
Falstiusscorbu: can you post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to pastebin?05:31
RudyValenciabut I hope not05:31
Quinginit just got to that state and i tried the alt+f1 and alt+f2 an nothing05:32
scorbuFalstius never used pastebin before , will try :)05:32
bulmertwoshadetod: okay, you do what you wish..am telling you whats behind that command05:32
Justi1if I enable 'timed login', do I also need to enable auto-login?05:32
twoshadetodbulmer, what is a command to display what wlan0 is05:32
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bulmertwoshadetod: man iwlist05:32
FalstiusQuingin: you can give boot options to use a different display driver such as framebuffer (fb)05:32
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scorbuFalstius it's posted ...05:33
twoshadetodbulmer, yeah i think it's not wlan0 on my machien05:33
FalstiusQuingin: you'll have to check the help at the boot menu or do a google search for details (I don't know the exact syntax)05:33
twoshadetodmight be why it's not "supported" but thanks05:33
ubotu: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega05:33
mzuverinkRudyValencia, That was the correct location, thanks again!05:33
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:33
Quinginok you will have to forgive me i am new to linux as a whole i know how to get in to give it the different options but how would i do that specifically?05:33
Falstiusscorbu: you need to give us the link :)05:33
CheeseGardenerdoes linux have a defragmenter?05:33
bulmertwoshadetod: okay then use the name your nic card is recognized as05:33
blindI just got my comcast hooked up, and I have apache running, but for some reason people can't connect to me. I'm not connected to a router, so I shouldn't have to worry about ports, right?05:33
Quinginok thanks05:33
CheeseGardenerto defrag NTFS or other drive types?05:33
krammer_how do i know if i have 3 d05:33
CheeseGardenerother than EXT3?05:33
scorbuFalstius,  Sorry , http://pastebin.com/m5d53a89d :)05:33
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faileasCheeseGardener: linux dosen't have a defragger05:34
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Justi1!timed login05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about timed login - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:34
Justi1!auto login05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about auto login - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:34
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bruenigJusti1, just try it05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autologin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:35
bruenigJusti1, set the time for something short, don't enable auto login, and see05:35
bruenigJusti1, then do the opposite05:35
CheeseGardenerthen I'm switching my NTFS drive to EXT3, so it doesn't fragment05:35
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Justi1bruenig: I have downloads so ill do it when they are done05:35
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CheeseGardenerOtherwise, if I ever get rid of windows, I can't defrag it.05:35
blindI just got my comcast hooked up, and I have apache running, but for some reason people can't connect to me. I'm not connected to a router, so I shouldn't have to worry about ports, right?05:35
twoshadetodbulmer, yeah you were right using the other name it shows one , my neighbors but not mine, windows shows neighors and mine05:35
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z0rzI can't open terminal.  It says  "Starting Terminal..." in the taskbar, and then closes without displaying an error. I just enabled the nvidia "restricted driver", did a full system update, and configured dual screens (seperate X screens).  And yes I have both monitors open and it's on neither.  Anyone know how I can fix this?05:35
faileasblind: does your ISP block port 80?05:35
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GamingXjohn:find anything?05:36
twoshadetodbulmer, mine is also on chan 7 and neighbors chan 6 if this makes a diff, maybe there is a scan that scans all channels if default doesn't?05:36
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Falstiusscorbu: 1280x1024 should be an option in the system->preferences->Screen Resolution menu05:36
=== Pelo tries to sneak into the channel unnoticed
blindfaileas: I had comcast previously and they didn't.. things like that don't change from region to region, do they?05:36
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scorbuFalstius It is not ...05:36
faileasbut its worth a try trying to open another port and seeing05:36
MasterShrekblind, can you loopback connect to your apache?05:36
Falstiustwoshadetod: if your neighbor uses 6, you should use 1 or 11.05:36
scorbuFalstius I really dont know what's goin on :S05:36
blindMasterShrek: yes05:37
krammer_how do know if i have 3 capabilities05:37
johnGamingX: the link you sent provided the info i needed. it seems ntfs-config wasn't identifying my ntfs partitions, i had to go to some config file and give it some info about them. then i ran ntfs-config again and the checkbox wasn't disabled, and checked. now i'm gonna try it just to be sure...05:37
bulmertwoshadetod: iwlist with scan option will scan all channels...make sure your AP is broadcasting its essid05:37
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Peloscorbu,  did  faileas  have you edit your xorg.conf file to add the extra resolutions you want ?05:37
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Falstiusscorbu: maybe remove the option for Depth 32 (it isn't legal anyway)05:37
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faileaspelo: er, my ubuntu installs are without X ;p05:37
twoshadetodFalstius, I'll change it when I get in05:37
scorbuFalstius I added it myself cause nvidia-settings was reporting I was at depth 32 :/ I will try to remove it but I doubt it will help05:38
=== Pelo buts out
MasterShrekblind, then its probably comcast blocking it05:38
Falstiustwoshadetod: 1,6,11 are the only channels that don't overlap :)05:38
twoshadetodbulmer, I don't know if it is, I hope I dont have to get into it before accessing it wirelessly, do you know if i can go to windows and record that info and sort of manually make it try to find it by that?05:38
scorbuFalstius : ctrl-alt-bkspc brb05:38
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Quinginok with the boot issue i have tried booting in safe graphics mode and it still messes up im still looking for a way to give it different display driver options but would that be it if it hangs in the same place in safe graphics mode?05:39
bulmertwoshadetod: you can try..most likely it has a web interface to configure05:39
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twoshadetodbulmer, yes it does, what I mean is if I "knew" the essid could I conncet even if it isn't shown by ubuntu during a scan?05:39
scorbuFalstius, it failed05:39
CheeseGardenerOther than the file system, does EXT3 call up files faster than NTFS???05:39
johnGamingX: nah, still read only. what if i were to remount the partitions?05:39
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bulmertwoshadetod: yes you can connect to it if you knew the essid ID05:40
GamingXjohn:try it...05:40
johnGamingX: how?05:40
izanbardprinceI prefer the JFS file system05:40
twoshadetodbulmer, do you know what command I'd be after for that?05:40
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izanbardprincevery fast, extremely low CPU usage05:40
GamingXjohn: try unchecking the box and rechecking it....05:40
bulmertwoshadetod: actually you dont need to scan..just connect to it05:40
Peloz0rz,  anyone what ?05:40
z0rzI can't open terminal.  It says  "Starting Terminal..." in the taskbar, and then closes without displaying an error. I just enabled the nvidia "restricted driver", did a full system update, and configured dual screens (seperate X screens).  And yes I have both monitors open and it's on neither.  Anyone know how I can fix this?05:40
johnGamingX: to enable write support?05:40
Falstiusscorbu: failed as in, it didn't help or that x11 wouldn't start?05:40
scorbuFalstius , It didnt help05:41
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GamingXjohn: yeah, it might help....05:41
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Peloz0rz,  try this   alt-f2 type xterm ,  that is another terminal,   try starting gnome-terminal from there to see the error msg to know why it is not opening,   also you can use xterm to perform the tasks you need05:42
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johnGamingX: wow. i got this error05:42
z0rzI removed the nvidia drivers and now terminal works fine..05:43
GamingXjohn: what error?05:43
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assasukassehi all, there is a pc i use mainly with ssh, and only occasionally as a desktop, it has ubuntu, it there a way to make it run like "server" mode and when i need restart gdm?05:43
johnGamingX: Mounting /media/disk failed. $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0) Failed to mount '/dev/hda1': Operation not supported Mount is denied because NTFS logfile is unclean. Choose one action:    Boot Windows and shutdown it cleanly, or if you have a removable    device then click the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows    taskbar notification area before disconnecting it. Or    Run ntfsfix version 1.13.1 on Linux unless you have Vista. Or05:43
johnMount the NTFS volume with the 'ro' option in read-only mode.05:43
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johnerror occured for both partitions05:44
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Peloassasukasse,  yes there is ,  but I personnaly donT' know how,  you could check the forum or wait for someone else in here to answer your quesiton05:44
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Lucioshow make extract bin file?05:44
johnso, yah... i guess the option is that ntfsfix thing05:45
assasukassethanks Pelo05:45
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z0rzassasukasse: Basically you just want the windows manager to not auto start05:45
krammer_How do I know if I have 3d??05:45
Luciosit's not iso image05:45
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bulmerassasukasse: what do you meant by like "server" ?05:45
PeloLucios,   select thefile  right click , extract here05:45
GamingXjohn: I kept getting these errors, I think you can try restarting your pc, reboot windows shut it down cleanly and then restarted Ubuntu, It helped.....05:45
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PeloLucios,  are you sure it is an archive ? some bin files are executables05:45
assasukassebulmer: z0rz: i want it to run on minimal services and w/o windows manager..05:45
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Luciosi think it's execute05:46
khermansis youtube having issues?05:46
GamingXjohn: On the other hand ntfsfix might work, Ive never tried it...05:46
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scorbuFalstius, Are you out of ideas too ?05:46
CheeseGardenerJust a quick question:  When you fsck a EXT3 file system, it will check the journaling to make sure nothing is fragmented, and if something is fragmented, it will fix this fragmentation???05:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfsfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:46
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:46
bulmerassasukasse: what do you consider minimum services btw?05:46
z0rzassasukasse: right.. I think turnign off the autostart windows manager should be enough05:46
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PeloLucios,   in the terminal , cd to the file folder,     sudo  ./filenname.bin05:46
johnGamingX: does it matter that i was once dual booting vista and xp? then i replaced vista with ubuntu... although it still uses vista's boot loader once i tell grub to go to it?05:46
Falstiusscorbu: yeah ... can't think of anything aside from digging through logs to find errors.05:47
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scorbu!! Good idea :D05:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about good idea :d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:47
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:47
LuciosPelo: sudo: ./LinuxInstaller.bin: command not found05:47
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assasukassebulmer: everything that is not directly needed to run ssh (nautilus, all the automount features and so on)05:47
PeloLucios,  are you in the correct folder ?05:47
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assasukassez0rz: simply sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop?05:48
GamingXjohn: Tell you what, i did exactly the samething, I formatted the drive containing vista and I was left with two bootloaders....do you have the same thing?05:48
CheeseGardenerJust a quick question:  When you fsck a EXT3 file system, it will check the journaling to make sure nothing is fragmented, and if something is fragmented, it will fix this fragmentation???05:48
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PeloLucios,  is the file allowed to execute ? permission wise ?   sudo chmod 755 filename.bin05:48
johnGamingX: yes, i do.05:48
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zerokill88how do i check if my computer is a i386?05:48
assasukasseCheeseGardener: the only fs that has an live defragmenter is xfs05:48
Pelozerokill88,  what is your computer's cpu ?05:48
krammer_How do I know if I have 3d??05:49
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LuciosPelo: done,thanks05:49
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PeloLucios,  you're welcome05:49
johnGamingX: i tried typing ntfsfix in the terminal, it said it's not installed and to use "apt-get install ntfsprogs" to install it. so i did. then i ran the command again and this time it gave me usage instructions - essentially just to "ntfsfix dev/hda1" - then it did some stuff, including clean that log file.05:49
darkshiryuhello someone can tell me a player that support rmvb video format?05:49
zerokill88Pelo architecture05:49
XiXaQis there an easy way to scan all files in a users home for the users username? That is, if my user is named guest001, I want to identify all references to that phrase in all documents, so that I can fix something for skel.05:49
GamingXjohn: try enabling the checkbox now....05:49
=== PanzerMKZ [i=Panzer@06-180.136.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu
scorbuFalstius, Ok I found something , (WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1280x1024"; removing.05:50
Pelozerokill88,  celeron athlon,  pentium 4 ...05:50
zerokill88intel centrino duo05:50
darkshiryui tried with some but nothing works05:50
zerokill88pelo intel centrino duo, is there a command i can use to check05:50
bulmerassasukasse: i believe you can remove all the S99xdm in /etc/rcN.d/   where N is 2-505:50
Pelozerokill88,  isn't that a 64 bit chip ?05:50
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=== sleepster [n=yesi@pool-71-104-238-164.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
zerokill88pelo i have no idea05:51
=== marginoferror [n=andrewsg@c-76-21-215-86.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Falstiusscorbu: it might be a problem with the refresh rates your monitor is reporting ...05:51
zerokill88pelo how does the livecd tell of ubuntu, what does it installed itslf as05:51
Pelozerokill88,  I think it is ,   x86 should work on it no problem05:51
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marginoferrorHmm, what a bizarre bug05:51
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assasukassebullgard4: can't i make for example an init4 that doesn't have graph mode and init5 that has it?05:51
marginoferrorIn Gutsy's xchat, typing the wrong thing in preferences05:51
assasukasseit was like this in kanotix05:51
Pelozerokill88,   did you install the x86  cd or the amd 64 cd ?05:51
=== MSG4 [n=MSG4@pool-162-84-191-99.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
marginoferrorCan cause keyboard input to stop working for xchat altogether05:51
JKirk_help... can anyone tell me how to get to a command prompt in ubuntu so that I can manually install the NVidia driver?  I'm using Ubuntu Ultimate 1.4 and I can't seem to boot into cmd line :(05:52
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aumhi - can anyone get to www.youtube.com? seems to be down for me - suspect05:52
scorbuFalstius, If so , how can I fix it ?05:52
aumsuspect a DDoS attack05:52
johnGamingX: sigh. it REALLY wants me to boot into Windows. now it said the partition is schedualed for a check and i have to boot into windows TWICE or run some other linux command. now i'm too curious to see if my windows is messed up. i'm gonna go check it out. i'll be back in 5 minutes. thanks for your help, btw.05:52
=== Quingin [n=Quin@mobile-166-217-087-189.mycingular.net] has joined #ubuntu
LuciosPelo: http://pastebin.com/m577ab42b05:52
marginoferroraum, down for me too05:52
PeloLucios,  what is that ?05:52
zerokill88pelo i ahve no idea, the cd came with my linux mag05:52
Pelozerokill88, read the cd lable05:52
bulmerJKirk_: ctrl+alt+F1 to F605:52
GamingXjohn: Talk to me later I will also tell you how to remove the 2nd bootloader....05:52
marginoferrorJKirk_: What is Ubuntu Ultimate 1.4?05:53
zerokill88pelo nothing for that05:53
JKirk_then I can do a kill process on X?05:53
johnGamingX: cool, i'll be back soon05:53
=== Traeumt [n=tra@] has joined #ubuntu
zerokill88pelo or the case05:53
LuciosPelo: extract other .bin05:53
JKirk_marginoferror, you serious?  it ROCKS!05:53
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Falstiusscorbu: the nvidia driver gives some options for ignoring that information from your monitor.05:53
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JKirk_has a TON of stuff already built in and compiz fusion and other stuff... :)05:53
marginoferrorJKirk_: I'm serious, I've never heard of "Ultimate".05:53
PeloLucios,  that file seems to be corrupt you need to dl it again , taht's all I can get from taht05:53
Falstiusscorbu: you can check the readme file (its on your system somewhere or google will bring it up)05:53
Traeumthi all05:53
JKirk_it's not official ubunut05:53
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:53
JKirk_has a LOT of great stuff in it though!05:53
z0rzassasukasse: System > Administartion > Preferences > Uncheck GDM then just use startx when youw ant to use gnmome05:54
TraeumtCan i ask some help please ?05:54
TraeumtHow can i log in root account ?05:54
JKirk_gonna try the cmd prmpt now...thanks05:54
marginoferrorHmm, built off of Feisty I see05:54
TraeumtIt says u cant log root from this screne05:54
=== atilathehun [n=christia@] has left #ubuntu ["Saliendo"]
marginoferrorTraeumt, you don't log into root directly in Ubuntu05:54
PeloJKirk_,  ubuntu ultimate ed is jsut someone who make a repack of ubuntu with a few changes to the theme and a butload of progs in the default install you donT' realy need and can get easily enough if you install the legitimate ubuntu05:54
marginoferrorInstead, you use "sudo"05:54
=== albert [n=albert@S0106001731b6ecfd.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
LuciosPelo: already chmod 755 and right pasth http://pastebin.com/m3c9a59205:55
Lustbladermax u can do is sudo -i05:55
marginoferrorBut if you want to log in as root at the command line, try "sudo -s"05:55
=== compuniversal [n=compuniv@adsl-69-107-102-198.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
scorbuFalstius, the nvidia driver's readme ?05:55
assasukassethanks z0rz05:55
TraeumtDone thnx05:56
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=== putergirl [n=lorraine@pool-72-81-48-6.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quingini have tried some of the options for older systems it is an older system but 512 ram and 1.33ghz processor should be fine. any other ideas? still googling for chaning the boot settings for the display driver05:56
PeloLucios,  what is this a file of ?05:56
albertGoogle bookmark won't work with my firefox.. does anyone know how to solve this problem??? i'm using feisty05:56
TraeumtI messing with a boot problem cause my bios doesnt get the linux boot its only getting windows boots05:56
chowmeinedWhy does it hang for like 10 minutes when I try to add a printer?05:56
Falstiusscorbu: yeah05:56
Traeumti ll try ms-sys right ?05:56
Peloalbert,  try asking in #firefox05:56
albertthanks pelo05:56
alberti'll try there05:56
marginoferrorHmm, how did you boot into Linux this time?05:57
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LustbladerTraeumt: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 install grub05:57
mrtechsupporti need help on installing beryl05:57
Pelochowmeined,  10 minutes seems a little long but yes cups takes a bit long to load up05:57
n0ydit's not to hard05:57
Pelomrtechsupport,   try asking in #beryl05:58
summer_s4mrtechsupport: how do you need help?05:58
Traeumti have tried it 100 times today05:58
n0ydBut i'd use compiz + compiz-fusion05:58
chowmeinedPelo: and the cpu usage goes up to 100%05:58
n0ydberyl is outdated05:58
Traeumtmade setup (hd0)05:58
chowmeinedPelo: and I can't ever get pass the first page of the add printer wizard05:58
n0ydgo to ubuntu-effects05:58
=== AnRkey [n=AnRkey@87-194-62-131.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Lustbladerthen what happens Traeumt05:58
Traeumttried everytng and its been 8 hours05:58
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mrtechsupportno 1 is answering me at #beryl05:58
Traeumtiy just didint booot05:58
marginoferrorchowmeined: What version of Ubuntu are you using?05:58
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compuniversalmrtechsupport install beryl from Synaptic05:58
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chowmeinedmarginoferror: feisty05:58
n0ydmrtechsupport, read link in #ubuntu-effects05:58
n0ydand ask questions in there05:59
JKirk_I hit ctrl-alt-f1 and logged into a cmd prmpt05:59
summer_s4does anyone know how to get an emulation of an operating system from a disk?05:59
n0ydDon't use beryl05:59
JKirk_I killed the x11 process...05:59
n0ydIts deprecated and dead05:59
Lustbladerare u sure that u were using the right drive05:59
JKirk_then it just restarted itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!05:59
compuniversallet show yo how05:59
mrtechsupportwell how do i install compiz fusion05:59
JKirk_how do I keep it from restarting?05:59
n0ydread the wiki05:59
mrtechsupportif i cant use beryl, how do i install compiz fusion05:59
bulmerJKirk_: they are daemons meant to restart if killed05:59
n0yd!wiki composite05:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki composite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:59
Pelochowmeined,  I'm adding a printer rigth now, ( not realy but to test)  , cpu is as 100% while the database is loading ,  and ti takes a while, just be patient try turning off some other stuff to help reduce the load if you hve a lot of stuff running, could be a problem with your cmputer if you ar low on resources05:59
JKirk_bulmer, any idea which ones to kill off?05:59
TraeumtCan anybody help me about ms sys here ?05:59
bulmerJKirk_: for what services?06:00
chowmeinedPelo: i have amd 3200+ and 1GB of ram06:00
summer_s4does anyone know were to get the a4000 printer drivers?06:00
JKirk_so that it doesn't restart x06:00
n0ydmrtechsupport, No offense, but try reading the wiki before asking basic questions. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager06:00
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n0ydIt's a pet peeve of mine. :)06:00
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chowmeinedPelo: and im only using about 400MB06:00
bulmerJKirk_: : i believe you can remove all the S99xdm in /etc/rcN.d/   where N is 2-506:00
JKirk_i need to install my nvidia drivers and the built-in loader doesn't work06:00
LustbladerTraeumt: try http://www.geocities.com/lode_leroy/grubinstall/  grub for windows06:00
mrtechsupportjust help me here06:00
Pelochowmeined,  I don'T know then , I'm just brain storming06:00
mrtechsupportwidnows seems faster than ubuntu06:00
n0ydYou can follow the directions in the wiki.06:00
bulmerJKirk_: if its gdm you can try  /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:00
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Lustbladermrtechsupport: windows without blinds n desktop effects will be faster than ubuntu with beryl etc06:01
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bulmerTraeumt: what did you do again?06:01
summer_s4does anyone know how to emulate windows xp on ubuntu without rebooting?06:01
sauvinUm... LOL... ubuntu runs rings around windows on my puny little laptop.06:01
bulmersummer_s4: yes use vmware06:01
mrtechsupporti just got ubuntu today06:02
bulmerand then install xp on vmware06:02
Pelosauvin,  lol, I read  ubuntu run rings around windows on my little pony06:02
mrtechsupporti loveeee windows, i dual boot06:02
compuniversalmrtechsupport what kind of video card u have?06:02
Lustbladersummer_s4: WINE06:02
Lustblader!wine | summer_s406:02
ubotusummer_s4: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:02
mrtechsupportati radeom mobiley 7500, compiz works on it.06:02
Traeumti am bored of windows but can get rid of it06:02
sauvinerm... j'ai PO de chevos...!06:02
z0rzTraeumt: Same here06:03
LustbladerTraeumt: just format ur c:// drive06:03
=== MSG4 [n=MSG4@pool-162-84-191-99.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
z0rzVista is nice.. but I love ubuntu and os x06:03
Traeumtdone everythng06:03
=== Pelo beats sauvin with a Larousse
Traeumtnow just using a ubuntu06:03
compuniversalyou are ready have compiz install?06:03
bulmerTraeumt: then whats the problem?06:03
Traeumti am not logged to windows atm typing grom ubuntu06:03
sauvinz0rz, I've heard vista has tons of hardware compatibility issues.06:03
Lustbladerhow did xp escape a c formatting?? impossible06:03
defconvista isnt nice, its bloatware06:03
mrtechsupportthe desktop effects on 7.0406:03
Traeumtproblem is ubuntu cant boot without the damn cd06:03
defconand it isnt open source06:03
Pelog'night folks06:03
=== sauvin beats Pelo about the head and shoulders with a Dueden
=== TheGoodShepherd [n=lollersk@c-24-14-254-177.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
z0rzsauvin: I've heard that about ubuntu too.. but so far it doesn't seem true06:04
mrtechsupportman i reallyyy want beryyllll some1 hook me up06:04
LustbladerTraeumt: so ur on live cd now?06:04
CheeseGardenerJust a quick question:  When you fsck a EXT3 file system, it will check the journaling to make sure nothing is fragmented, and if something is fragmented, it will fix this fragmentation???06:04
=== InterNut [n=InterNut@c-c9c471d5.319-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu
Traeumtnow live cd let me explain06:04
bulmerTraeumt: are you sure you installed it correctly?06:04
summer_s4does anyone know how to emulate fedora linux in ubuntu?06:04
Pelomrtechsupport,  for help with beryl join #beryl06:04
=== rashind [n=rashind@c-69-246-169-67.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mrtechsupportI am going to get rid of Ubuntu.06:04
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IdleOnesummer_s4, google for VirtualBox06:04
Traeumti installed it and remove the cd i take this error"No boot devies found"06:04
sauvinI think you'll find that the Ubuntu folks will tend to be pretty responsive about bug reports. Hardware support might be a bit iffier because it depends on manufacturers' willingness to share details of their products' architectures and/or interfaces.06:04
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Traeumtbut when i put the cd on and choose first boot from hard disk06:05
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Traeumtit boots on06:05
krammer_How do I know if I have 3d??06:05
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CheeseGardenerJust a quick question:  When you fsck a EXT3 file system, it will check the journaling to make sure nothing is fragmented, and if something is fragmented, it will fix this fragmentation???06:05
sauvinWhy do you want to emulate Fedora under Ubunty?06:05
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AmiDaniel_awayTraeumt: Did you perchance remove the disc from your boot oder in your bios06:05
summer_s4is ubuntu linux verson 2.4 or 2.6?06:05
=== tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bulmerCheeseGardener: learn to be patient, dont keep repeating every 5 secs06:05
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A1E465.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
bung0wais there a ubuntu built for G4, powerpc cpus?06:05
thechriskrammer_: i normally look in lsmod for nvidia or fglrx06:05
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LustbladerAmiDaniel_away: bingo!!!06:05
sauvinLinux apres-midi 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux06:05
TraeumtDone it amidaniel06:05
sauvinLooks like 2.6.mumble to me, summer_s4 .06:06
AmiDaniel_awayLustblader: Hrm?06:06
Traeumtit seem like its getting boot files from Hdd atm06:06
marginoferrorCheeseGardener: As far as I know, no.  fsck does not check for fragmentation.06:06
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Traeumtbut cant ..06:06
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CheeseGardenerhow is it that EXT3 doesn't fragment then?06:06
LustbladerAmiDaniel_away: i think ur right.. he might have removed his HDD from the boot priority list06:06
johnGamingX: back06:06
=== orangefly [n=russ@pool-71-171-240-196.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
wckdkl0wnhow do i refresh my desktop? i was playin a game in wine and now my screen is like really huge06:06
Traeumtnope i didnt lustblader06:06
Traeumtits at the 1st line06:06
GamingXjohn:did you do it?06:06
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marginoferrorCheeseGardener: EXT3 is built to avoid the most common cases of fragmentation right from the start.  It should only get serious fragmentation in unusual circumstances06:06
=== sauvin 's machine name is "minuit" under Fedora Core, and [CENSORED] under Windows
=== cdiddy [n=cdiddy@h460d436f.area2.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
LustbladerTraeumt: how many hard discs do u have?06:07
AmiDaniel_awayTraeumt: So you're able to boot the drive?06:07
KousotuCheeseGardener: Linux defragmets on the fly06:07
Traeumtjust 106:07
=== tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CheeseGardeneron the fly?  what does that mean kousotsu????06:07
marginoferrorKousotu: It does? How?06:07
Traeumt2 parts and 1 OS(ubuntu)06:07
johnwent into windows, it had to do a chkdsk. restarted and went back to windows. made sure it loaded fine and all06:07
marginoferrorKousotu: I know OS X does it but I've never seen it in Linux.06:07
Kousotuas you write to it06:07
Traeumtyeah i am able to boot it with a cd06:07
GamingXjohn:did you shut it down properly?06:07
Traeumtother time it says " no bootable device found restart bla bla"06:07
marginoferrorKousotu: Oh, I think you mean the same thing I meant.06:07
AmiDaniel_awayCheeseGardener: You won't need to defragment. The drive defragments as you write to it06:08
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krammer_How do I know if I have 3d??06:08
CheeseGardenerOh, nice :)06:08
AmiDaniel_awayOr rather, it's not structured in a "fragmented" way like NTFS and FAT06:08
=== Wintersmith [n=wintersm@ip72-194-105-8.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
GamingXjohn:now try enabling it....06:08
LustbladerTraeumt: did u try reinstalling a fresh copy of ubuntu.. if it's not too much of a bother06:08
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AmiDaniel_awayTraeumt: What says that? Is it coming from grub?06:08
tehkso gutsy will be using traker as default! Meta data tags are going to be a great feature as default.06:08
AmiDaniel_awayOr is it coming from your bios?06:08
Traeumtnope its coming from bios06:08
=== magic_ninja [n=asdfsdf@ip68-103-16-175.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
sauvinWhat are metadata tags?06:08
marginoferrorCheeseGardener: ext4, the next version, uses extents and is even better.  I'm not sure it's ready for common use, though.06:08
Traeumtand i have been re instalinng ubuntu since 12.0006:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about extents - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:08
=== carpediem_ [n=carpedie@deu-77-12.Reshall.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
AmiDaniel_awayTraeumt: What is the exact message?06:09
Traeumtits 7.08 here atm06:09
sauvin23.09 here.06:09
=== Jawshie [n=josh@abdlwibas01-pool8-a215.abdlwi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
chowmeined9.09 here06:09
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bulmerTrae: lets try something once the others are done..stay booted on liveCD06:09
AmiDaniel_away22:09 here06:09
Kousotu11:09 pm06:09
z0rzsauvin: Where you from?06:09
CheeseGardenercan you update your drive to EXT3?  or will I need to reformat to do that?06:09
bulmerTraeumt: lets try something once the others are done..stay booted on liveCD06:09
sauvinz0rz: Chicago.06:09
chowmeinedwhat is this about?06:09
TraeumtExact message is "system couldnt find a bootable device insert a bootable device06:09
=== AmiDaniel_away ghies Kousotu a same-time-zone high five
z0rzsauvin: Nice .. and you Kousotu06:09
marginoferror12:09 here.  Should be in bed.06:09
Traeumti ll go on to live cd now06:09
ferronicaHow to play Video Format ----> NSV ??? in ubuntu fiesty fawn GNOME :(06:09
Kousotusauvin: where in chicago?06:10
z0rzOklahoma here..06:10
JawshieHi guys! I was wondering if anybody has any experience they would be willing to provide some help with Pandora FMS. I know this is Ubuntu channel but theres nobody in the Pandora one :'(06:10
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johnGamingX: i just got an error - the folder doesn't exist - but i can easily fix that.06:10
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sauvinKousotu, I'm not *in* Chicago, just within driving distance of it. I tell people "chicago" for the same reason I told people "detroit" even though I lived an hour north of it.06:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nsv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:10
Kousotuz0rz: Indiana06:10
Kousotunear the ill border06:11
sauvin"ill", eh?06:11
dgeorgehey guys... im not sure by my system has slowed down for some reason06:11
ferronicaHow to play Video Format ----> NSV ??? in ubuntu fiesty fawn GNOME :(06:11
dgeorgethere is a delay with my typing06:11
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Lustbladerferronica: tried vlc??? it plays all formats i've ever come across06:11
dgeorgehow can i check to see what is wrong06:11
sauvinI've never even heard of NSV06:11
Kousotusauvin: Illinois06:11
dgeorgewhen i move a window around its delayed in moving06:12
bulmerdgeorge: maybe you dont have enuff memory left..06:12
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dgeorge1gb is not enough for linux?06:12
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tehkJawshie, sorry I have never used that web monitoring system. Is it a generic question, or 100% specific to that particular app?06:12
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Kousotusauvin: I'm like 20 mins from Chicago lol06:12
Lustbladeror dgeorge maybe ur key-b has a delay in it06:12
bulmerdgeorge: on a terminal type this  ... ipcs06:12
dgeorgeit was working fine a fwe days a go06:12
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ferronicaLustblader: i tried to play with VLC but no luck, no video only voice :(06:12
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dgeorgeok iwi ll do that now thanks06:12
=== DJ_Ice [n=wdos-fm@pool-71-172-75-8.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
DJ_Icewe go06:12
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Lustbladerferronica: installed all the plugins? gtstreamer06:13
sauvinferronica: http://www.binrev.com/forums/lofiversion/index.php?t18733.html06:13
bulmerdgeorge: some programs dont release memory when done..and you get stuck with less everytime they stop06:13
ferronicaLustblader: yes all06:13
dgeorgeok ih ave a lot things here . what am i looking for06:13
krammer_How do I know if I have 3d??06:13
Lustbladerdgeorge: go to prefs>keyboard06:13
JawshieFerronica: Nullsoft is claiming that the only player that supports it is Winamp and I think its windows only :(06:13
bulmerdgeorge: ones without dest on right column06:13
sauvinI have a stupid question to ask if you're getting picture but no sound: do you have the volume turned up?06:13
johnGamingX: may i have that link you sent again?06:13
dgeorgethey all have dest06:13
=== Kousotu sets mode: +o Kousotu
summer_s4i am installing virtual host and one problome turned up, how do i do the OK on the licence agreement?06:14
GamingXjohn:ok..one sec06:14
dgeorgebulmer what do i havet o do with them06:14
bulmerdgeorge: okay, the memory is not the issue..with those being dest status06:14
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AnRkeysummer_s4, try pushing tab or ctrl-O06:14
XiXaQhow come all users have access to all users homes and files by default? Doesn't that seem weird?06:14
johnGamingX: nm, i found it in my history06:15
derek_I'm trying to get flgrx running for my ATI x1650 and having a bitch of a time getting it up.  flgrxinfo is giving me this error "Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"."  and it's saying the mesa driver is running.  Any ideas?06:15
AnRkeysummer_s4, or Alt-O06:15
dgeorgeok, what else can i check06:15
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Lustbladerdgeorge: preferences>keyboard06:15
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bulmerdgeorge: check for zombies too06:15
TraeumtBulmer i am on live cd atm06:15
summer_s4anrkey: it keeps comming back to the licence agreement06:15
krammer_How do I know if I have 3d??06:15
nj786hey i am new to KDE so can anybody tell me how to install beryl on here?06:15
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AnRkeysummer_s4, odd06:16
GamingXsavvin:ferronica said she is getting voice but no picture....06:16
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Kousotuwhat troans can Linux get?06:16
AnRkeysummer_s4, u in a gnome-terminal or konsole?06:16
Kousotuif any?06:16
dgeorgehow do i do that bulamer06:16
summer_s4anrkey: terminal06:16
bulmerTraeumt: okay..this is not a guaranteed fix..but we shall see... chroot /06:16
AmiDaniel_awaysummer_s4: I had this happen once before; never found a solution06:16
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ferronicaGamingX: yes right no video only voice06:16
AmiDaniel_awayMine was with a jdk-doc package06:16
bulmerTraeumt: are you chrooted now?06:17
sauvinferronica, did you see the link I pasted?06:17
dgeorgelike when i move a window around its delayed06:17
JawshieDoes anybody have experience installing Pandora FMS? I am having some problems...06:17
Traeumt1 sec06:17
AnRkeysummer_s4, in gnome terminal click edit and then keyboard shortcuts06:17
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AnRkeythen disable them06:17
summer_s4amidaniel_away: Telling me that you had the problome before dosn't do a thing to fix the problome06:17
AmiDaniel_awaysummer_s4: If you go through synaptic, I believe it will prompt you with a gui form of the license agreement06:17
bulmerdgeorge: try a reboot..see if it cures it06:17
ferronicasauvin: yes06:17
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TraeumtCant cause i am on live cd and dunno the06:17
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ferronicasauvin: about Xine player06:17
johnGamingX: it works!06:17
Traeumtroot pass...06:17
AnRkeysummer_s4, once u have disabled them try again06:17
summer_s4anrkey: one thing... i am using the "system admin" terminal06:17
summer_s4anrkey: there is no "edit" menu06:18
AmiDaniel_awaysummer_s4: I'm aware :) Try installing through synaptic instead of with apt-get06:18
AnRkeysummer_s4, my bad, soz06:18
dgeorgeok doing that now... I have a question Im using the workspace function... is there any way to have those things load up on those workspaces after a reboot06:18
bulmerTraeumt: you just open up a terminal and try sudo su -06:18
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AnRkeysummer_s4, i can't think of a reason why you would not be able to ok the terms06:18
johnnow my only issue is that when it did the remounting... i don't see the two drives under the Computer menu. instead, i had to go straight to the partitions (such as /media/disk)06:18
GamingXjohn: are you able to write to it?06:18
johnGamingX: yes, i am06:18
bulmerTraeumt: i cant recall on liveCD..you are root by default i believe06:19
GamingXok.. good for you06:19
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Traeumtdone that now i am on root bulmer06:19
summer_s4i tried 83 clicking the ok, i tried alt-0, i tried alt-0-enter06:19
bulmerTraeumt: hang a few..am looking for my notes06:19
AmiDaniel_awaybulmer: No, you're not. But there's no root pass06:19
krammer_How do I know if I have 3d??06:19
AnRkeybulmer, don't think it's root by default06:19
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Traeumtokey guys calm down i got it :D06:20
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AnRkeyAmiDaniel_away, yeah it's sudo command then no pass correct?06:20
Traeumtused sudo su -06:20
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summer_s4anrkey: i tried every trick i knew from windows and even some i recently learned about linux06:20
johnGamingX: thanks again for the help with this06:20
AmiDaniel_awayAnRkey: I believe so06:20
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AnRkeysummer_s4, sorry i could not help :(06:21
GamingXjohn: no problem, you want help with the bootloader problem....06:21
bulmerTraeumt: now cd /boot/grub06:21
albertmkHello. I am using Ubuntu and I want to write/read/rename files from Windows XP partition. I already installed ntfs-config and ntfs-3g06:21
johnGamingX: is it difficult to fix the bootloader?06:21
albertmkbut I cant do anything!06:21
summer_s4anrkey: ahh rats rear. I need some sort of os emulater06:21
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GamingXjohn: what exactly happens at the start?06:21
albertmkI want to rename some files from Windows XP by Ubuntu06:21
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Traeumtthere is no grub folder in boot06:21
Kousotuwhat troans can Linux get, if any?06:22
TraeumtDont forget i am on live cd :)06:22
bulmerTraeumt: okay...umm what under /boot/  ?06:22
johnGamingX: grub loads. the last menu in Grub is to send me to the "Windows Vista/Longhorn loader"06:22
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GamingXjohn: so do you get another bootloader?06:22
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LustbladerTraeumt:  then go to the boot folder on the partion that u installed ubuntu previously06:22
Traeumtthese are written abi-2.6.20-15-generic             memtest86+.bin06:22
Traeumtconfig-2.6.20-15-generic          System.map-2.6.20-15-generic06:22
Traeumtinitrd.img-2.6.20-15-generic.bak  vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic06:22
johnyah, i get the Vista boot loader.06:22
bulmerLustblader: he has to mount that first though06:22
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johnagain, vista's no longer on this system though06:23
albertmkI am using Ubuntu right now. I want to read/write/rename windows xp files. I already installed ntfs-config and ntfs-3g, but I cant do anything.06:23
pHillwhat is beryl svn? anyone?06:23
bulmerTraeumnt: you remember which partition that linux was installed on right? lets say /dev/hda1  then do   grub_install /dev/hda06:23
AmiDaniel_awaypHill: The unstable beryl release06:24
bulmerTraeumt: that command i gave you..is supposed to install grub into /dev/hda  mbr06:24
GamingXjohn: Download and install Vista Bootloader from http://www.vistabootpro.org/ and you can figure it out yourself or if not try this link http://www.pro-networks.org/forum/about95844.html06:24
krammer_How do I know if I have 3d??06:24
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pHillami: so is it the new version?06:24
pHillor old?06:24
summer_s4i am ditching ubuntu for the times beings06:25
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albertmkI am using Ubuntu right now. I want to read/write/rename windows xp files. I already installed ntfs-config and ntfs-3g, but I cant do anything.06:25
bulmerTraeumt: now try and reboot..remove the liveCD so it will go to your hdd during boot06:25
GamingXjohn:but you need to be in windows xp....06:25
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JawshieKousotu: Let me try to explain this the best I can. I am by far not a security expert but from my experience and reading here it what I know:  Viruses on linux are rare and die off quickly due to the nature of linux and the way that user accounts and the kernel are set up. Most people run linux without an antivirus because they are virtually non-existant.06:25
pHillbecause i had 0.2.0 rc306:25
JaredI went into gconf-editor and set custom icon for my gnome panel...where do I pu tthe icon at to get it to sho wup?06:25
Jaredshow up?*06:25
Kousotu!repete | albertmk06:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repete - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:25
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Kousotu!repeat | albertmk06:25
dgeorgehello all. the rest worked06:25
ubotualbertmk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:25
john__GamingX: it's me. i don't know what happened, got kicked from the chat for some reason...06:25
dgeorgewhy would I have to restart....06:25
Traeumtthats eem located in media/disk1 on live cd06:25
Traeumti ll try that06:25
bulmeralbertmk: you still have to mount your ntfs partition then you can manipulate its contents06:25
albertmkKousotu, as well as you dont know the answer for my question :P06:25
pHillami: so is it the new version?06:25
summer_s4does anyone know the fedora support channel?06:26
jescisno phill06:26
GamingXjohn_: Download and install Vista Bootloader from http://www.vistabootpro.org/ and you can figure it out yourself or if not try this link http://www.pro-networks.org/forum/about95844.html06:26
Traeumtyay i am in grub folder atm06:26
AmiDaniel_awaysummer_s4: #fedora06:26
GamingXjohn_:but you need to be in windows xp....06:26
Kousotusummer_s4 try ##linux06:26
CheeseGardenerCan OSX read NTFS?06:26
AnRkeykrammer_,  run this glxinfo | grep rendering06:26
GamingXAs for you being kicked out I think you were using somebodies nick....06:26
john__GamingX: sorry, i didn't get any msgs you sent after i had asked my earlier question.06:26
dgeorgeok guys i now need a few things. first of all i need a cool background picture and a cool theme for my new ubuntu... can you suggest something06:27
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bulmerTraeumt: now try and reboot..remove the liveCD so it will go to your hdd during boot06:27
albertmkbulmer, but it is already monted06:27
KousotuCheeseGardener: doubt it06:27
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bulmeralbertmk: mountd with read+write?06:27
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Jawshiedgeorge: opendesktop.org and gnome-look.org06:27
john__GamingX: hmm... i guess "john" would be a little too common...06:27
AnRkeydgeorge, i can send you a picture of my dog for your background pic :D06:28
Traeumt-su: grub_install: command not found06:28
Traeumt-su: grub_install: command not found06:28
Julie45what is a good URL for a pastebin06:28
GamingXjohn_:you got my msgs?06:28
Traeumtops sorry for typing twice06:28
Traeumti take thir error bulmer06:28
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:28
bulmerTraeumt: hang on..let me find that06:28
=== pHill cast firga on jescis!
john__GamingX: no, what were they?06:28
GamingXjohn_: Download and install Vista Bootloader from http://www.vistabootpro.org/ and you can figure it out yourself or if not try this link http://www.pro-networks.org/forum/about95844.html06:28
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=== Skeet [n=Captin@pool-72-65-144-123.chrlwv.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Skeetok  need some help06:29
bulmerTraeumt: try  /sbin/grub_install /dev/hda06:29
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greg-gQ: What would make it so kaffeine can play DVDs but not Totem?  I have the libdcss and gstreamer-ugly installed.06:29
dgeorgei want i candy06:29
=== KrisWood [n=KrisWood@c-24-22-84-120.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AmiDaniel_awaygreg-g: Do you have totem-xine installed?06:29
CheeseGardenerdoes anyone know if OSX can read NTFS?06:29
=== jescis cast c++ book on phill
KrisWoodHello everyone06:29
AmiDaniel_awaygreg-g: The totem streamer seems to work when you first load the dvd, but that's it06:30
KrisWoodYes OSX can read NTFS but cannot write to it reliably06:30
Skeetcan someone help me06:30
=== pHill sets lose a pack of rabid moggles on jescis!!
greg-gAmiDaniel_away, I have the totem-gstreamer variant installed06:30
Lustblader!ask |skeet06:30
ubotuskeet: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:30
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Skeetlol ok06:30
Traeumt/sbin/grub_install /dev/hda06:30
Traeumtnope its the same error bulmer06:30
=== jescis cast windows vista(sic) book on phill
AmiDaniel_awaygreg-g: I'd recommend isntalling totem-xine .. as I said, the streamer is a bit funky06:31
Traeumt/sbin/grub_install: No such file or directory06:31
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john__GamingX: thanks, i was just reading the links you sent. i'm going to bookmark it and look into it another day06:31
greg-gAmiDaniel_away, but I can install the xine variant, I was going to, but it need to uninstall the gstreamer version to do that, and I was wanting to make the gstreamer version work06:31
FlannelTraeumt: grub-install06:31
Skeetwhenevr i try to watch a movie or listen to music my screen truns dark and it wont play06:31
greg-gAmiDaniel_away, ok, thanks06:31
pHillowe that hurt!06:31
bulmerTraeumt: you have already chrooted to / right?06:31
dgeorgeis there a theme manager06:31
KrisWoodOk stupid question of the day: I've got an ubuntu computer running firestarter acting as the router for my network, everything works fine except starcraft over hamachi. My windows computers are not able to see anyone else's games on the hamachi network. I'm pretty sure it's my firewall settings, anyone got any ideas how to configure firestarter to be more friendly to Hamachi?06:31
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GamingXjohn_:Thats all from, I have to go bye06:31
alberthow do I edit my sources list?06:31
john__GamingX: later06:32
bulmerTraeumt: it is /sbin/grub-intall /dev/hda   its dash not underscore..my typo06:32
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bulmerTraeumt: it is /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda   its dash not underscore..my typo06:32
Xenguyalbert: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list06:32
nj786hey guys i just doownloaded this icon theme but it doesnt work06:32
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nj786andi  do not understand the directions it gives on the bottom06:32
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AnRkeyKrisWood, you need to ad an exclusion in for the Hamachi subnet that it's using06:32
Traeumt/dev/hda: Not found or not a block device.06:32
albertxenguy, thanks!06:32
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Traeumtmate its in media/disk-106:32
Xenguyalbert: yw06:32
KrisWoodAnRkey, sorry I have no idea what that means06:33
Traeumtshould i try that ?06:33
bulmerTraeumt: you have to mount your /dev/hda first06:33
bulmercant write to it unless mounted..heh06:33
KrisWoodAnRkey, do you mean I need to tell firestarter to let anything through that's on that subnet?06:33
AnRkeyKrisWood, you need to tell Firestarter to be more chilled out about the hamachi network06:33
KrisWoodah ok06:33
CheeseGardeneris NTFS a patented file system?06:33
AnRkeyKrisWood, try only opening the ports u need06:34
summer_s4how do i make ubuntu look like the second part of this movie? http://youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ&mode=related&search=06:34
TraeumtBulmer i see this error when i try it /dev/hda: Not found or not a block device.06:34
KrisWoodAnRkey, it was the word exclusion I was fuzzy on, thanks, I'll try that :D06:34
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sauvinCheeseGardner: yes.06:34
XenguyCheeseGardener: proprietary to M$06:34
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bulmerTraeumt: fdisk -l  and tell us the results06:34
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CheeseGardenerThen why does the NTFS-3G site say it isn't patented in any country??06:34
AnRkeyKrisWood, It does work though once  u add the exclusion, we jam cs 1.6 here allot :D06:35
nowayI have ubuntu installed and THEN i installed XP and now XP is default at boot.  how do i reenable GRUB so ubuntu will be the default OS and i can choose XP if i need to06:35
greg-gAmiDaniel_away, just letting you know it works, thanks again06:35
Traeumtdev/sda2               1       19123   153605466    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)06:35
Traeumt/dev/sda5           10200       19123    71681998+   7  HPFS/NTFS06:35
Traeumt/dev/sda6               1        9726    78124000+  83  Linux06:35
Traeumt/dev/sda7            9727       10199     3799341   82  Linux swap / Solaris06:35
john__I have a 5 button mouse and would like to configure the extra 2 buttons. How can I do this?06:35
AmiDaniel_awaygreg-g: Glad to hear it :)06:35
Jawshiejohn__: how exactly do you want to configure them06:36
astro76!mouse | john__06:36
ubotujohn__: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto06:36
FlannelCheeseGardener: Because it's not patented06:36
astro76!paste | Traeumt06:36
ubotuTraeumt: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:36
CheeseGardenerOh, I thought you said it was patented flannel?06:36
bulmerTraeumt:  /sbin/grub-install /dev/sda     instead of hda as told before06:36
Traeumtsorry guys06:36
chikitahello, i cant get mplayerplug-in to work, i followed the steps of this site http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/install.php#plugin, and when i got to the make section i got  just errors, help please06:36
FlannelCheeseGardener: I didn't, no06:37
CheeseGardenerOh... so it's legal to use NTFS-3G then?06:37
pHillanyone: beryl svn vs.  beryl 0.2.0 rc3 which is newest? or in development?06:37
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astro76chikita, just install package mozilla-mplayer through ubuntu's repos06:37
FlannelpHill: compiz-fusion is the newest version.  beryl is dead (well, recombined)06:37
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nj786can anybody help me out with my icon theme?06:37
freakytallkidevening all06:38
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summer_s4how do i install apache 1.3, php 5.whatever and pg 7.4.3 on ubuntu?06:38
JawshieCheeseGardener: The only reason you would have an ntfs partition is because you own a piece of Microsoft code known as Windows ... you bought rights to use NTFS06:38
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sauvinCheeseGardener, I look at it this way: the fuel pump in my car is patented, too, but that doesn't stop me from using a screwdriver on it.06:38
FlannelCheeseGardener: yeah, that's why it's in universe and not multiverse06:38
pHillflannel: where do i get it and how to install?06:38
john__astro76: thanks, that was exactly what i was looking for.06:38
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KrisWoodAnRkey, ok I added the entire hamachi subnet to the section "Allow connections from host" in firestarter which I assume is a very insecure thing to do but it still didn't work06:38
freakytallkidhahahahahahahahahahahahahaah @ sauvin06:38
untungdoes anyone have setup ubuntu as media center?06:38
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freakytallkidgood on ya06:38
greg-gQ: Would there be some reason why my DVD does not show up on the desktop like other discs in my drive?  This only happens for DVDs (store bought and burned).  Audio cds, blank cd/dvds all work as expected.06:38
KrisWoodAnRkey, is that not what you meant to do?06:38
john__!keyboard | john__06:39
pHillflannel: where do i get it and how to install?06:39
nowayIf i have Ubuntu and then installed XP.  How do i turn grub back on as the boot manager so that ubuntu will boot instead of XP06:39
Jawshiegreg-g: Are you sure it is in a dvd drive? :)06:39
P235Hi, in http://www.linuxcommand.org/lts0070.php#file_permissions the author teaches users the chmod command with the use of binary octals.  Is there a trick I can use to remember the octals and the corresponding binary?06:39
AnRkeyKrisWood, couple of questions first06:39
chowmeinedthis is such crap06:39
freakytallkidgreag-g u need to get Xine, worked for me06:39
greg-gJawshie, :) yes06:39
chowmeineddoes cups work for anyone else?06:39
AnRkeyKrisWood, lets pm06:39
greg-gfreakytallkid, I have it installed06:39
chikitaasreo76, i already got mplayer fully working, im refering to the mplayerplug-in for firefox06:39
Jawshiegreg-g: Crap... I cant help sorry :(06:39
bulmerTraeumt: now try and reboot..remove the liveCD so it will go to your hdd during boot06:39
sauvinPlaying the DVD isn't greg's problem: getting it to show up as on icon on his desktop is.06:39
nj786can aybody help me with a icon theme problem?06:39
astro76!info mozilla-mplayer | chikita06:39
greg-gfreakytallkid, I can play back the dvd, just not "see it" on my desktop.06:39
ubotuchikita: mozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.31+main-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 477 kB, installed size 1636 kB06:39
TraeumtBulmer i still take Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device this error :(06:39
FlannelpHill: There are a number of threads on the forums, suggest you look there.  Its a fast moving target, forums are probably your best bet.  Or #ubuntu-effects (check that room, see if it's in the topic)06:39
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freakytallkidgreg-g oh ok, sorry cant help there06:40
greg-gfreakytallkid, thanks06:40
SineFatoQuestion: I just installed full ubuntu and I'm still in live, are all my settings gonna be gone when i boot onto the HDD?06:40
sauvinGreg, is it possible you clicked on "do nothing forever" for that type of media on your desktop at one time?06:40
CheeseGardenersauvin and Flannel, so does that mean it isn't contested?  Microsoft doesn't care about NTFS-3G?06:40
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freakytallkidgreag-g np06:40
FlannelSineFato: yes06:40
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nj786can aybody help me with a icon theme problem?06:40
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greg-gsauvin, hrm... I don't THINK so06:40
SineFatoflannel: cool thanks06:40
bulmerTraeumt: that error during boot right?06:40
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greg-gsauvin, but it should still show up on my desktop as an icon06:40
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FlannelCheeseGardener: well, they do care.  They can't do anything about it though.06:40
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sauvinOh, Microsoft cares, believe me. I'm sure Ford cares about my taking a screwdriver to my fuel pump, too, but there's bugger all they can do about it.06:40
nj786can aybody help me with a icon theme problem?06:40
greg-gsauvin, just not automatically play/open file browser/whatever06:41
Traeumtnope after i typed grub-install06:41
astro76john__, if you're interested here's what I added to my imwheelrc http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32724/06:41
freakytallkidsavin: the way i see it, I bought it, its MINE06:41
CheeseGardenerOh ok.  So will they ever stop NTFS-3G you think?06:41
airstrikecan anyone help me with compiz-fusion? apparently my settings aren't being saved.. i keep having to change everything everytime i open it06:41
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Flannelsauvin: NTFS isn't patented.06:41
sauvinfreakytallkid, only to an extent. You can't reverse-engineer it, and you can't sell it.06:41
P235Hi, in http://www.linuxcommand.org/lts0070.php#file_permissions the author teaches users the chmod command with the use of binary octals.  Is there a trick I can use to remember the octals and the corresponding binary?  i.e. chmod 700 some_file, chmod 755 some_file?06:41
sauvinFlannel: you're certain? I could have sworn I'd read somewhere...06:41
macogwairstrike: #ubuntu-effects06:41
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astro76P235, do you know binary?06:42
nj786can aybody help me with a icon theme problem?06:42
XenguyP235: 4 = read ; 2 = write ; 1 = execute06:42
P235astro76, not really06:42
P235Xenguy, thanks!06:42
FlannelP235: There is no binary.  It's all octal.  You don't /need/ to know octal though, since you can use the letters (oga +- rws)06:42
XenguyP235: somehow you just memorize that06:42
WintersmithHello all. Anyone know of a good site that walks through automatically launching an application at gnome startup? Bonus points if you know of a way to assign it to a specific workspace.06:42
DerangedDingonj786: i might be able to06:42
Flannel!startup | Wintersmith06:43
ubotuWintersmith: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot06:43
greg-gsauvin, any other ideas other than the "do nothing again" option?06:43
darodrigHello all06:43
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WintersmithI see. Thank you!06:43
P235Xenguy, that's much easier than wondering how the octals match up with the binary.06:43
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macogwWintersmith: devilspie to put it on a specific workspace06:43
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freakytallkidjust a quick question, can anyone quickly sum up thin-clients?06:43
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MSG4Hi . I having problem with my ubuntu loading it takes longer to load even with core 2 duo06:43
XenguyP235: as a non-mathematician, I just learn it rote ;-)06:43
sauvingreg-g, what desktop do you run?06:43
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chowmeinedfreakytallkid: they are clients.. and they are thin06:43
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macogwfreakytallkid: no hard drive.  boots over a network from a server06:43
greg-gsauvin, gnome06:43
CheeseGardenerFlannel, if microsoft does care about NTFS-3G, why don't they bother to fight it?  Maybe they don't want to bother fighting something so small?06:43
FlannelWintersmith: as for workspace, you'll need to use something like devilspie: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/25/how-to-set-default-workspace-size-and-window-effects-in-gnome/06:43
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MSG4When i boot to ubuntu screen it takes so long06:44
TraeumtBulmer  shall i try installing ubuntu on a different file system rather than ext306:44
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sauvinYou might want to put that question to #gnome, then...06:44
FlannelCheeseGardener: because they have no legal grounds to fight it.06:44
nj786DerangedDingo: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/LiNsta-icons?content=6275906:44
greg-gsauvin, k06:44
bulmerTraeumt: perhaps you can tell us what you did during install?06:44
CheeseGardenerI see.  Alright.06:44
freakytallkidmacogw: no HDD? even though the client has some heavy programs?06:44
darodrigI am trying to get to work a SSL vpn which start a java applet but I had some problem with the java applet connecting to SSL, or to the session manager...not clear06:44
Traeumtits ext306:44
nj786DerangedDingo: im trying to install that but it wont work and i dont understand his intructions on the bottom06:44
Traeumtbut i thnk of trying another file system06:44
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Traeumtmaybe its my hardware i dunno well but i can try that ntfs-3g one ?06:45
macogwfreakytallkid: yeah you run them from the server. i guess you could put one to store files, but why?06:45
CheeseGardenerSo why wouldn't they have legal grounds??? just curious flannel....06:45
P235Xenguy, the idea of learning math to fix user permissions worried me a little, hahaha06:45
freakytallkidmaco: oh ok06:45
macogwCheeseGardener: no patent06:45
FlannelCheeseGardener: Lets move this to #ubuntu-offtopic06:45
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bulmerTraeumt: during install..did it not asked you where you want the grub to install? and you told it to install on /dev/sda right?06:45
macogwfreakytallkid: i mean, itd be possible i assume, but no reason...06:45
DerangedDingonj786: Download it, extract it, open your home folder in nautilus, hit Control + H, and move it to the folder called .icons06:45
XenguyP235: stick with whatever works in this business I say :-)06:45
CheeseGardenerok flannel06:45
CheeseGardenerI'll go there06:45
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chowmeinedwhy is cups broken?06:46
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DerangedDingonj786: Then switch to it with System > Preferences > Theme06:46
Tamalecan someone help me fix my ferocious fonts in firefox in feisty fawn for free?06:46
el_ismaHello! I need help. I want to bridge my ethernet iface with my wifi one. I'm following the howtos but it doesn't work and I can't spot what I'm doing wrong... Anyone has experience with this?06:46
bulmerTraeumt: you dont want to load a linux on a ntfs-3g...06:46
Traeumtnope bulmer it was set to (hd0) and i didnt change it06:46
freakytallkidmaco: hahahahahaha i guess i shouldnt use thin clients over a 10mb hub then06:46
nj786DerangedDingo: but the file is not .targz06:46
sauvinbulmer, my ubuntu automagically mounts my ntfs partitions on boot.06:46
sauvinnj786, what is the file?06:46
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DerangedDingoit's a .bz206:47
Tamalecan someone help me fix my ferociously fat fonts in firefox in feisty fawn for free?06:47
Tamalethey are blurry and ugly and some aren't even anti-aliased06:47
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TraeumtBulmer i am re installing ubuntu right now :)06:47
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sauvinthen I'd do a tar -xvjf myfile.tar.bz206:47
bulmersauvin you have told your ntldr to find where your linux is right? not linux using an ntfs as the File system noh?06:47
Traeumtchoosing the layout atm06:47
nj786sauvin: LiNsta_Icons_by_tiennou44.bz206:47
Superdaddy-ohey guys when i try to install my nvidia drivers, it says that i dont have the headers06:47
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nj786DerangedDingo: LiNsta_Icons_by_tiennou44.bz206:47
Superdaddy-ohowever, i just downloaded the freaking things06:47
sauvinbulmer: rephrase. I couldn't parse that.'06:47
Superdaddy-owhat is the deal?06:47
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summer_s4tamale: it is the web sites problome not firefoxes06:47
Traeumtusing manual partiong06:47
Lustbladerjohn__: tell me how it's going06:47
Tamalesummer_s4: but everything looks fine in edgy06:48
Traeumtremoving all the partitions and making new one for root06:48
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Traeumtand 4gb for swap okey ?06:48
DerangedDingonj786: Just right click it on your desktop, and click "Extract Here". When it finishes, do it again06:48
bulmersauvin your linux is not using ntfs-3g as the linux file system?06:48
Lustblader1 gig is more than enough06:48
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Superdaddy-ohey guys06:48
astro76Traeumt, way too much, how much ram do you have?06:48
Superdaddy-oim heaving kernell header probs06:48
Superdaddy-oany answers?06:48
bulmerTraeumt: way plenty..4gig? recommended twice your ram memory06:48
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macogwTraeumt: whatever double your ram is06:48
summer_s4tamale: i don't have that problome.  What is your screen resolution set at?06:48
sauvinbulmer, I'm not aware that's even possible.06:49
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Traeumti got 1gb06:49
Traeumt1024 ram atm06:49
Tamalesummer_s4: 1680x105006:49
xerawxTamale: apt-get install restricted-extras?06:49
Traeumtshould i lower the swap size ?06:49
nj786DerangedDingo: ok done now what?06:49
chowmeinedhas anyone ever printed with feisty?06:49
astro76Traeumt, 1GB swap would be more than enough06:49
xerawxi think that's the package.. i installed earlier for the microsoft TT fonts06:49
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DerangedDingonj786: Is it a regular folder?06:49
macogwTraeumt: 2gb is fine then06:49
peepsalotdoes anyone here have the problem that Ctrl-Shift-Z makes pages look huge in firefox.  normally Ctrl-Shift-Z does a "Redo"06:49
nj786DerangedDingo: yes06:49
Tamalexerawx: I don't see that package06:49
Superdaddy-oanybody help a brothe out?06:49
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JawshieHeres a question for all... i'm curious to hear a lot of responses. What do you use with linux to monitor a network of servers, clients, and certain devices which you can not install software on (hardware routers)06:49
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bulmersauvin right...maybe i didnt get what you said about booting linux with ntfs...06:49
summer_s4tamale: i don't know.  i guess i can't help06:49
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macogwTraeumt: and thats for hibernate.  in general, you wont use that much though. i think there's a way to use less than 2x and then set up a ramdisk for hibernate, but idk how06:50
Traeumti am choosing Primary for type for the new partition right ?06:50
DerangedDingonj786: Open your home folder in nautilus, and then hit Control + H. Move it to .icons, and switch to it with System > Preferences > Theme06:50
Tamalesummer_s4: it's ok, no one has been able to so far06:50
xerawxTamale: sorry, ubuntu-restricted-extras06:50
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bulmerJawshie: snmp06:50
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astro76macogw, you only need 1x for hibernate06:50
Tamalexerawx: downloading and installing06:50
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bulmerJawshie: assuming those devices support snmp06:50
Tamalexerawx: it's looking for my disc06:50
macogwastro76: then why is 2x always recommended?06:50
chowmeinedwell cups is a piece of shit06:50
Tamalehow can i point it to the web06:50
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summer_s4tamale: if you are willing to download the package from firefox and put a link to your desktop i can help you at that.06:50
TraeumtLocation of the new partition is begining (for root one)06:50
VitoriousAnyone know of a good PHP IDE that has FTP support? Id prefer not to install apache et al on my system. I remember using one that would upload instantly when I saved but cant for the life of me remember what it was called. Anyone have any ideas?06:51
sauvinOh, no, what I meant was that when ubuntu wakes up, it automatically mounts my ntfs partitions. If those partitions didn't exist, ubuntu wouldn't care because it is itself running under ext3.06:51
Tamalesummer_s4: it's just my fonts06:51
bulmerTraeumt: what happens to your windows thats there?06:51
astro76macogw, 2x ram for swap is from back in the day when 512MB would be HUGE, for 1gb or more ram, you really only need 1x or less06:51
freakytallkidim going to sound like an idiot but, what is 'cups'?06:51
Superdaddy-oanyone know why my headers are not being identified when i try to install drivers?06:51
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Tamalesummer_s4: "sans" looks great in edgy, but like crap in feisty06:51
DerangedDingoCentral Unix Printing System06:51
xerawxTamale: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list06:51
Traeumtwhat u mean ?06:51
bulmersauvin oh okay..i follow you06:51
xerawxTamale: put a # in front of the CD line near the top06:51
Tamalexerawx: gotcha, done.. thx06:51
MaXLhi to all06:51
Superdaddy-otalkin to me trae?06:51
summer_s4tamale: I just remembered an old trick.  Make firefox your active window, and hold control and rotate the middle rolling thing on your mouse06:52
bulmerTraeumt: dont you have windows also installed? you're dual booting right?06:52
Traeumtno supperdaddy :)06:52
nj786DerangedDingo: got it thanks06:52
Traeumtnope i just have linux atm06:52
JawshieBulmer: unfortunately not. I was trying to install Pandora FMS but was having some problems and was curious to what everybody else used. I am currently switching from a single windows box running some ping application that just pings the remote devices for connectivity (its for a WISP) and we assume everything is running well if its pingable and people dont complain to us!06:52
Tamalesummer_s4: it's not a size problem06:52
Traeumti removed the whole partitions06:52
Traeumt10 sec ago06:52
untunghello, how can i create my own ubuntu distro?06:52
Tamalesummer_s4: it's a font rendering problem06:52
summer_s4tamale: just try it06:52
DerangedDingofreakytallkid: It's a daemon, and set of drivers/etc that detects and runs printers in Unix and Linux06:52
Traeumtre installing ubuntu06:52
Tamalesummer_s4: yah, i know it makes it bigger :)06:52
Superdaddy-osomeone help a brotha out06:52
bulmerTraeumt: okay..good luck06:52
Tamalesummer_s4: here lemme post a screeny06:52
summer_s4tamale: rotate it the other way06:52
Traeumtjust created a 158gb part for root and 2gb for swap06:52
nj786DerangedDingo: do you know alot about decorating desktops?06:52
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Traeumti choose primary for the type06:53
Flannelsummer_s4: Whats wrong with the drivers that you can automatically install?06:53
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FlannelSuperdaddy-o, even06:53
DerangedDingonj786: A good deal.. I like theming. I've made some contributions to Gnome Look myself06:53
Traeumtand begining for the location of the new partition am i right bulmer06:53
DerangedDingonj786: Need any more help?06:53
summer_s4flannel: huh?  i don't know what you are talking about06:53
Superdaddy-osince when has there been automated driver software?06:53
nj786DerangedDingo: by any chance can u show me ur desktop?06:53
xerawxTamale: i'm running Xubuntu so it might be a little different depending on your desktop setup, but I've got all 3 font smoothing options enabled in Fiesty under the "Settings > User Interface Settings" panel and fonts looks fine06:53
Superdaddy-oi would love to know because this crap wont find my new kernell headers06:54
bulmerTraeumt: correct06:54
Tamalexerawx: i'm afraid that didn't help firefox any :\06:54
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FlannelSuperdaddy-o: System > Administration > Restricted DEvices Manager06:54
DerangedDingonj786: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/My+Desktop+%3A%29?content=6275506:54
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Superdaddy-oit says my hardware doesnt need any restrited drivers06:54
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TraeumtIn advance options it asks "Device for boot loader installation" and it is (hd0) atm bulmer06:55
shkhi could anyone tell me if ubuntu has an active process manager or a startup configuration?06:55
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Tamalehttp://uic.edu/~jbuss2/pics/ubuntu/fontsEdgy.png  <--- GOOD |  YUCK --> http://uic.edu/~jbuss2/pics/ubuntu/feistySans.png06:55
bulmerTraeumt: maybe change it to  something that sd as oppose to hd ?06:55
Traeumtshould i change it or keep it Bulmer ?06:55
FlannelSuperdaddy-o: then there you go.  You don't need the restricted drivers for accelleration.06:55
Tamalesummer_s4: xerawx: check out my links there06:55
Superdaddy-owhat do you mean>?06:55
nj786DerangedDingo: how did u change the color of ur pannel? and ur font it to black? how did you do that?06:56
Superdaddy-oFlannel - what is htat supposed to mean mate?06:56
Traeumtokey its sd006:56
Superdaddy-oFlannel - I just want to install beryl and use my freaking computer06:56
Jawshieshk: for gnome:  System > Administration > System Monitor     and....06:56
Jawshie!startup | shk06:56
ubotushk: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot06:56
Superdaddy-oFlannel - i never thought it could be this hard to install a driver06:56
FlannelSuperdaddy-o: it means you don'tneed to install anything additional to use beryl06:56
summer_s4tamale: it dudnt look bad for me06:57
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Superdaddy-oFlannel so how do i make my resolution any bigger?06:57
Tamalesummer_s4: it wouldn't look bad if i had nothing to compare it to.. but look at edgy.. it's so.. crisp06:57
Flannel!fixres | Superdaddy-o06:57
ubotuSuperdaddy-o: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:57
shkgreat, thank you06:57
yum_is there a way to tell what type of ram i have?06:57
=== RudyValencia [n=excalibu@about/cooking/pizzasmith/RudyValencia] has joined #ubuntu
TraeumtBulmer its like this partition #1 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) as ext306:57
Traeumt partition #2 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) as swap06:57
DerangedDingonj786: That's actually a background that's on the panels that I made in the GIMP. You right click a panel and select Properties, and then Background. Font colors are controlled by the gtkrc file in GTK themes.06:57
=== deltaphc [n=deltaphc@66-215-39-203.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Traeumtit means i use sd instead of hd ?06:57
summer_s4tamale: i guess you gotta live with it.  It looks like windows xp06:58
RudyValencia'lo, anyone here have success compiling Sheepshaver? I can't find it in the repos and I have had difficulty compiling the sheep_net driver06:58
nj786DerangedDingo: can i download GTK themes?06:58
bulmerTraeumt i believe so..am not 100% sure06:58
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:58
DerangedDingonj786: You probably already have from Gnome-Look.org06:58
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nj786DerangedDingo: yes06:59
Tamaleha.. you kiddin me?  this is linux we're talking about.. you don't have to 'live with' anything :)06:59
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summer_s4tamale: well... i guess find the piece of code were something went wrong and fix it yourself06:59
nj786DerangedDingo: which 1 can i download from GTK 1.X OR GTK 2.X06:59
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bulmerTraeumt: what throws me off is that SCSI3(0,0,0)   i thought if you go to the next partition, those number change..bwdik06:59
Tamalesummer_s4: that's exactly why i'm here.. i'm hoping to find someone who know how fonts are rendered06:59
DerangedDingonj786: GTK 2.X06:59
P235For security, is it okay to simply change the permissions to a directory to 700 or should it be done recursively?07:00
Tamalesummer_s4: and what's different in feisty07:00
Superdaddy-oso ubotu07:00
Superdaddy-oUbotu - you are telling me that i already have the drivers?07:00
summer_s4tamale: i don't know as much about ubuntu just i try to help07:00
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nj786DerangedDingo: now exactly, how do i install this theme?07:00
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RudyValenciaAnyone here have success compiling Sheepshaver under Feisty? I can't find it in the repos and I have had difficulty compiling the sheep_net driver.07:01
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DerangedDingonj786: System > Preferences > Theme07:01
Tamaleis there a channel for more advanced topics about ubuntu?07:01
MSG4Hi i have problem with my ubuntu loading when the computer even with core 2 duo its not boot faster its slow07:01
nj786DerangedDingo: thats it?07:01
MSG4And i have 2 gb of rams07:02
MSG4Also It doesn't start up faster in loading app07:02
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DerangedDingonj786: If it doesn't make an entry for itself, then go to "customize". GTK2 Themes should be under "Controls". You can also download Metacity themes, which are for window borders. And icon themes can be installed the same way. All you need to do is download it, and drag the tar.gz (or tar.bz2) into the Themes window07:03
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blingboihey guys, how do i disable the screensaver from turning on while i am suspending to ram?07:03
sayersGood Night07:03
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twoshadetodWhere's the dude that said Chans 1,6,11 are non-conflicting?07:04
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JohnnyRebanyone else have problems trying to get flash?07:05
summer_s4i did07:05
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JohnnyRebslow as hell07:05
JohnnyRebchokes synaptic07:05
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riotkittieyay. stupid questions from yours truly time. gather round, kiddies.  :D07:06
blingboii have this problem where my screensaver will work before i suspend to ram, but after i suspend to ram and resume, it will pop up a blank screen instead of the screensaver ;{07:06
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JohnnyRebI've tried to find a mirror for flash, no luck07:06
astro76JohnnyReb, it has to download it from adobe07:07
JohnnyRebwell, their site must be having issues07:07
riotkittiei just downloaded it.07:07
riotkittiein a span of like ten seconds :P07:07
JohnnyReblucky you07:08
riotkittieyea. lucky me. i'm awesome. :D07:08
JohnnyRebI've had no trouble getting files from other locations, just adobe07:08
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JohnnyRebdid you get the tarball?07:09
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TrombHey, is there a program out there that I can test my overclocking with?07:09
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Superdaddy-owhat is the best tar extractor?07:10
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metbsdit would be tar07:10
el_ismaSuperdaddy-o: tar07:10
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riotkittieme? yea.07:10
Superdaddy-odoesnt that come with ubuntu?07:10
el_ismaI need help. I want to bridge my ethernet iface with my wifi one. I'm following the howtos but it doesn't work and I can't spot what I'm doing wrong... Anyone has experience with this?07:10
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el_ismaSuperdaddy-o: yeah07:10
metbsdyes Superdaddy-o07:10
riotkittieSuperdaddy-o: indeede it does07:10
BlendArtIm using beryl and my windows dont have boarders. Im using an Nvidia card07:10
riotkittieJohnnyReb: are you trying to dl direct from adobe?07:11
riotkittieBlendArt: have you tried #ubuntu-effects07:11
Sonicadvance1Question, is there a way to use Window's Midi maps to have a more complete collection of them?07:11
JohnnyReband I've tried it through synaptic as well07:11
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BlendArtriotkittie: not yet07:11
riotkittiehold a sec.07:11
JohnnyRebit's starts downloading ok, then the bandwidth takes a nosedive07:11
metbsdis there torrent client that support DHT?07:12
JohnnyRebit's like they're throttled07:12
el_ismametbsd: Azureus07:12
metbsdi want command line07:12
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riotkittieuhh. how come xchat isnt giving me a list of people ?07:13
=== riotkittie bites it. grr.
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riotkittieah ha07:14
riotkittiewhere'd that guy go.07:14
bexcan someone tell me where i would put a prefix when setting up evolution?07:14
riotkittieJohnnyReb: you manage to get it yet?07:14
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JohnnyRebnot yet kittie,07:14
JohnnyRebgave up, been fighting with it all evening07:15
dgeorgewhat is the best way to listen to some stream radio with linux07:15
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JohnnyRebHD crashed this morning and I've been reinstalling all afternoon07:15
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riotkittieew. that sucks.07:15
JohnnyRebit crashed hard,07:15
riotkittiehmm. did that DCC send go through?07:15
riotkittielet me try again.07:16
faileasJohnnyReb: that sucks... mind if i suggest taking a look at mondo for backups?07:16
JohnnyRebthanks faileas07:16
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JohnnyRebI'll check it out07:16
riotkittiei lost a 500GB drive the other day :\07:16
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JohnnyRebgonna look into getting 2 buffalo drives too07:16
Superdaddy-oguys how do i know if my video drivers are installed?07:16
faileasJohnnyReb: you MIGHT also be able to get *some* old data off the old drive by freezing it07:17
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JohnnyRebah yes, good trick faileas, I've used that one before07:17
riotkittiei wish data recovery wasnt so expensive :\07:17
=== faileas thankfully never had had to ;p
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JohnnyRebwhat sux is, after I formatted a new HD and installed ubuntu, the other drive decided to start working grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr07:17
faileasriotkittie: base level stuff... isn't quite so...07:17
JohnnyRebbut it's dying a slow death07:18
Superdaddy-ocan someone plz speak with me on a PM for just 3 mins07:18
JohnnyRebI did get my data off of it though07:18
faileasmake a dupe, and have a huge swap drive XD07:18
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riotkittiefaileas, i know, but i'm not talking base level :P07:18
Superdaddy-osomeone help me07:18
SImplyPuzzledSuperdaddy-o, you can pm me07:19
Superdaddy-othank you07:19
=== faileas is optionally a forensic computing student, probably going for security though. law bores me
riotkittiei have an issue with an external. i dont know if its the drive, or if its the usb connection :\ it fell :|07:19
xerawxsummertime is always brutal on harddrives.. been getting that icky feeling from my 250gb lately.. burning like a madman all evening :o07:19
SImplyPuzzledmake sure you have a registered nick though Superdaddy-o07:19
JohnnyRebbrb trying to figure out where the channel list is07:19
riotkittiebrb. going back to a real irc client. yuck.07:19
Superdaddy-oits not07:19
SImplyPuzzledthen you won't be able to pm me07:20
Superdaddy-ocan you PM me instead?07:20
Superdaddy-ocan you PM me instead?07:20
SImplyPuzzledtry my aim, freemuncie07:20
TraeumtI am preying to ubuntu now to run clearly without inserting the cd07:20
JohnnyRebthis looks nothing like the xchat I was using before07:20
=== riotkittie [n=tracy@cpe-72-228-33-127.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
JohnnyRebthis sux LOL07:20
riotkittieahh. much better.07:20
faileasriotkittie: could you take the drive out an test? ;p07:20
Traeumtor i am gona throw my 20 inch wide lcd to floor07:20
Traeumtand brake the case in to pieces07:20
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xerawxthe drive might just "seem" to be working again though Johnny, my last drive that died did that07:21
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xerawxit was off and on for a while before it finally kicked the bucket07:21
JohnnyRebxer, yeah, I'm not trusting that other drive07:21
riotkittiefaileas: i'm thinking about doing that but i'm a little wary07:21
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JohnnyRebI've got a different drive in here now07:21
riotkittieon the other hand, its not like the company will replace it, i imagine :P07:21
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faileasYou'd want to check that ;p07:22
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xerawxif you split it up into different partitions though, and just use it for testing OSes or whatever, might as well use it while it works07:22
JohnnyRebdoes DCC work on this server?07:22
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JohnnyRebyeah xer, I might try to throw freebsd on it07:23
JohnnyRebif it dies after that, no big loss07:23
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JohnnyRebI can tell it's on the way out, it's way slow07:24
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blingboihas anyone heard of pclinuxiso07:25
JohnnyRebthis is pissing me off, click the link to download the tarball for flash and it just sits there07:25
blingboipclinuxos what is it07:25
riotkittieblingboi: google it.  they have a site.   :P07:25
thx1137hi, sorry, what was the desktop effects channel for compiz pleasE?07:26
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=== faileas almost gave the less... 'friendly' link to google ;p
riotkittiethx1137: #ubuntu-effects07:26
thx1137riotkittie: thank you07:27
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riotkittiethx1137: you're welcome07:27
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TraeumtGuys is there any difference between installing ubuntu on SATA driver rather than IDE ?07:27
JohnnyRebdoesn't seem to matter what browser I use either07:27
riotkittiehm. want me to reload xchat and try to send again?07:27
frak_Traeumt, no difference07:27
JohnnyRebIf U want to07:28
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JohnnyRebI may jump on undernet and see if I can get it off a file share07:28
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xerawxJohnnyReb: did you try the beta? http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer9/07:28
JohnnyRebhang on I'lll check it out07:29
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AWOSLappyDoes Ubuntu keep archives of old ISOs?07:30
JohnnyRebthanks xer that worked07:30
bullgard4On a Ubuntu-7.04 computer there are 2 gdm processes. On another Ubuntu-7.04 there is none. Still its graphics works correctly. What's the use of the 2 gdm processes?07:30
xerawxcool, np07:31
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riotkittiebullgard4, could it have something to do with desktop effects?07:31
riotkittiei'm completely clueless but thought i'd throw that out :P07:31
riotkittieugh. xchat.  brb.07:31
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freakytallkidexcuse all, just curious as to how I would go about finding the package files of packages already installed07:32
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riotkittieahh. better. much better.07:32
AWOSLappybullgard4: you type "startx" manually if you do not have gdm07:32
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AWOSLappybullgard4: there may also be xdm or kdm07:32
riotkittie he has it. he's asking why 2 versions are running.07:32
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pintados_16hello can someone tell me where can i get a video splitter for ubuntu where in i can split wmv files07:33
pintados_16please help07:33
JohnnyRebinstall worked07:33
CheeseGardenerdoes anyone know if a way to defrag a NTFS drive from linux?07:33
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AWOSLappyChesseGardener: VMware/Qemu with real disk access.07:34
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AWOSLappyDangerous, but fun.07:34
riotkittiepintados_16: what do you need help with?07:34
bullgard4AWOSLappy: On the computer where there is no gdm process running I did not have to type 'startx'. Still it has brought up my Gnome.07:34
JohnnyRebyaaaaaaaaaaay I got flash, I can go to bed happy now LOL07:34
JohnnyRebI'm back up and running 100%07:34
pintados_16i need to split some wmv files07:34
pintados_16can someone tell me what software do i need07:35
faileasemulators ;p07:35
CheeseGardenerWhich is for GNOME?07:35
faileasbasically he's saying, do it in windows ;p07:35
riotkittiepintados_16: that, i have no idea of. search in synaptic or apt for audio editors07:35
AWOSLappybullgard4: hrm, I'm not sure.07:35
faileasdosen't matter, CheeseGardener07:35
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CheeseGardenerdo they work?07:35
AWOSLappypintado_16: Windows?  not many wmv editors (if any) available for Linux07:36
CheeseGardeneror will they mess up the HDD?07:36
bullgard4riotkittie: I do not use desktop effects, neither on computer 1 nor on computer 2.07:36
Traeumtwhat is the best program for linux to run .exe files people ?07:36
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riotkittieCheeseGardener: if you're that worried about it, your best bet is to reboot, enter windows, and defrag theer07:36
JohnnyRebgnite y'all, thanks to all who helped!07:36
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CheeseGardenerSo windows would be best to defrag with?07:36
MasterShrekyea i dont know if i would defrag my windows partition under vmware07:36
faileasTraeumt: Wine or run em in windows in an emu07:36
TraeumtI want to play world of warcraft with ubuntu :)07:36
faileasCheeseGardener: hell yes07:36
pintados_16ok thanks for your help07:36
CheeseGardenerI'll do that then.07:36
riotkittieCheeseGardener: exactly07:36
pete83CheeseGardener: here's a way: make another partition, and then copy all the files over to it. They will be probably magically defragmented. tada07:37
Kousotuquestion: how to I give boot.ini for wina Grub boot option?07:37
CheeseGardenerLately, all I use windows for is to defragment.07:37
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AWOSLappyTraeumt: WINE.   See winehq.org.07:37
faileasTraeumt: check the wine compat database07:37
riotkittieKousotu: windows boot loader??07:37
Traeumtthanks all07:37
riotkittieyou want to give that a GRUB option?07:37
AWOSLappyDoes Ubuntu keep archives of old ISOs?07:37
MasterShrekKousotu, install grub to your mbr and put a windows option in there07:37
CheeseGardenerare there any serious problems with VMware or Quem when defragmenting?07:37
riotkittiei'm using windows for. like. everything these days. :x07:37
MasterShreki think so AWOSLappy who?07:37
CheeseGardenerwhere the HDD could break?07:37
faileasraw disk loading on a VM is chancy07:38
AWOSLappyMasterShrek: like, old Feisty Herd 5 ISOs.07:38
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eboyjrDoes anyone have 3d anaglyph ( red | blue ) glasses here?07:38
KousotuMasterShrek: I have grub as default07:38
MasterShrekhmm, i doubt it, but maybe07:38
MasterShrekKousotu, then why do you want to edit windows' boot.ini?07:38
pete83CheeseGardener: if you don't use windows, why do you even need an NTFS drive?07:38
AWOSLappyChesseGardener: sure, any time you hook up a raw disk to a VM it's dangerous.  I haven't lost any datas.  YMMV.07:38
riotkittieKousotu: can you explain what youre trying to do? why do you want to edit win's bootloader?07:38
KousotuMasterShrek: I want to put the option in theboot.ini so if itstarts win when Idon't want to I can boot grub again07:38
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CheeseGardenerOh.... so I could lose everything then?07:39
riotkittieKousotu: thats not going to work07:39
Kousoturiotkittie: why not?07:39
faileasnot nessarrily, but possible07:39
Kousotuwindowscan see my ext3 patio07:39
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MasterShrekKousotu, if you boot windows by accident do this: ctrl+alt+del07:39
riotkittiewhy not  just edit grub's menu list? and change the time?07:39
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faileasMasterShrek: that opens task manager ;p07:40
Kousoturiotkittie: cause I don't wanna07:40
freakytallkiddoes anyone know where apt-get and Synaptic Package Manager download the packages to before they install them?07:40
MasterShrekfck windows07:40
=== jdailey [n=chatzill@dsl254-016-153.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
CheeseGardenerso is there any safe way to defrag a NTFS drive without windows?07:40
KousotuI game on windows tyvm07:40
Flannelfreakytallkid: /var/cache/apt/07:40
faileasCheeseGardener: no07:40
malnilionCheeseGardener, I would say that would be a bad idea to try.07:40
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freakytallkidthanks Flannel07:40
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Kousotuis itpossible?07:40
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AWOSLappyKousotu: I am forced to as well.  what I did is set up two entries in boot.ini, both to windows, with a timeout.07:40
Kousotuand if so how?07:40
pete83Kousotu, Windows doesn't have any good games. Like, where's the tuxracer?07:41
AWOSLappyKousotu: if you accidentally boot Windows, you have however many seconds to CTRL+ALT+DEL07:41
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, make use of a cd burner, and put a linux fs on there07:41
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riotkittieyou dont want to take the simple route and edit the timeout in grub to save yourself from the problem you want solved, but want windows to be able to send you back to grub, and arent willing to reboot?07:41
CheeseGardenerso should I just format my drive to EXT3?07:41
=== riotkittie ponders
Kousotupete83: I play diablo 2 and Resident Evil 3/407:41
CheeseGardenerif I do that I can't hook it to computers that don't have EXT3 on them07:41
AWOSLappyCheeseGardener: yep07:41
CheeseGardenerones that I can't install things to07:41
faileasCheeseGardener: FAT3207:41
AWOSLappyCheeseGardener: wait, this is an external drive?07:41
AWOSLappyCheeseGardener: there are Win32 ext3 drivers that I use day-to-day.07:41
CheeseGardenerI want to defragment an external drive.07:42
sauvinI'm actually a bit leery about using WINDOWS tools to defrag NTFS!07:42
Kousoturiotkittie: I'm on a laptop, rebooting from boot is annyoing07:42
MasterShreklol sauvin07:42
riotkittieKousotu: then edit grub's menu list.07:42
CheeseGardenerIs it safe to defrag an external with those programs AWOS?07:42
AWOSLappyCheeseGardener: sure.07:42
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, hes talking about the actual windows utilitites07:42
AWOSLappyCheeseGardener: VMware allows you to run Windows inside Linux.07:42
sauvinfor stuff like that, forget internal/external. The only real difference is the length of the cord that runs between the drive and the motherboard.07:42
MasterShrekand the dev label07:42
MasterShreksd vs hd07:43
jdaileyAnyone know about setting up mysql on Ubuntu?  When I was running Drapper Drake, I had a working Ruby on Rails platform.  Now, I am not able to get back to that point.07:43
jdaileyI've gone through and removed all mySQL in the synaptic package manager - then restarted, then reinstalled, just using the mysql-server.  The error I get is with the .pid.   There are loads of posts about the problem but unclear what actually would work for me.07:43
CheeseGardenerWhat?  it does?07:43
jdaileyI'm now running Feisty.07:43
AWOSLappyCheeseGardener: Yep.  And it's free.07:43
Kousoturiotkittie: in theroy how would I be able to otgrub back?07:43
CheeseGardenerso I can boot up XP while on linux?07:43
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, yea it runs an actual copy of windows under linux07:43
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robert_is there no wine available for ubuntu64?07:43
CheeseGardenerso it gives you windows free?07:43
AWOSLappyCheeseGardener: you CAN'T use it with vista (unless you have uber-enterprise-expensive edition), but you can with all others.07:43
riotkittieKousotu: otgrub?07:43
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faileasCheeseGardener: no07:43
MasterShrekrobert_, no its just a 32 bit program, but you can still install07:44
AWOSLappyCheeseGardener: no...you have to have a valid, legal copy of Windows07:44
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, you need a copy of windoze still07:44
Kousotuboot grub*07:44
KousotuI should say load grub07:44
CheeseGardenerI see.  Well right now I use windows only for defragmenting.  So dual boot is worth it?07:44
CheeseGardenerjust to use windows utilities for certain things?07:44
faileasIMO, no.07:45
=== Matthai [n=Matthai@kovacic-m.fdv.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, you should make the switch to totally linux07:45
pete83CheeseGardener: why do you even need to defragment at all, if that's all you use it for?07:45
CheeseGardenerand is there any way to defragment anything with linux?  like FAT32?07:45
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MasterShrekCheeseGardener, you dont need to defrag a linux partition, and i dunno if u can defrag a fat3207:45
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riotkittieKousotu: the same way you're loading it now. all i'm telling you to do is edit the configuration file, and you can set the time out [number of seconds]  in which it will automatically boot into the default OS. Windows' bootloader will only allow you to boot into Windows07:46
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, make like a 1 gig partition on your external thats fat32 and put a windows ext driver on that so u can install on any pc u plug it into07:46
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faileasMasterShrek: not always an option...07:47
riotkittieWhile there are alternatives to the Windows bootloader, IMHO, it makes far more sense to just edit grub's config07:47
Kousoturiotkittie: I doubt that seriously07:47
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magic_ninjahow can i get gnome to ask me for a password when i run a file (IE running et with a renice) without using it in terminal, like synaptic asks for a pw07:47
CheeseGardener1 gig extended?07:47
riotkittieKousotu: doubt what, seriously?07:47
CheeseGardeneror primary?07:47
Kousoturiotkittie: my winXP can read/write to ext307:47
MasterShrekmagic_ninja, gksu [command] 07:47
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riotkittieit doesnt matter what your WinXP can read or write to. WindowsXP is an OS, not a bootloader.07:47
riotkittieI can see my NTFS and FAT32 partitions from slack, zen, feisty, and dapper, but i can't load any OS from within them07:48
Kousoturight, but the boot.ini reads FROM winXP07:48
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Kousotuso in thery, couldn't I have it load the grub option?07:49
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MasterShrekgoogle it Kousotu, its a dumb idea tho lol07:49
pete83Kousotu: what are you using right now, ubuntu or windows?07:49
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riotkittieyes. the boot.ini reads from Windows XP. but, if you're unaware, Microsoft is fairly heavy handed. Microsoft is not a fan of competition. Microsoft does not believe you need or want alternatives. You. Cannot. Use. XP's. Bootloader. To. Load. GRUB.07:49
MasterShrek. <---- period07:50
Kousotuat this second, win XP07:50
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MasterShrekKousotu: start>run   cmd    format c:07:51
riotkittieas I've said, there are alternatives to Windows' bootloader. you are free to search them out. but the option i have given you a number of times is the most simple, and makes the most sense.   if you want to edit boot.ini, go for it.07:51
MasterShrekproblem solved07:51
KousotuI wo't lose my XP patrion07:51
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-171.216-254-248.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
KousotuI want to keep XP from my games07:51
riotkittieif you want to run Linux from windows, run an emulator.07:52
Kousotuespecially the ones I just bought then WON'T run on Linux wine07:52
KurtKrautKousotu, keep an eye over www.reactos.org07:52
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mvconceptdoes anyone use me.dium? i saw this here: http://digg.com/tech_news/Remember_Me_dium_It_just_got_some_MAJOR_updates_IE7_Support_and_Widgets07:52
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riotkittieLoL. i wonder how react's coming along these days.07:52
jdaileyI have a mysql config issue I think...but cannot track it down...When issuing the command $mysqld_safe --user=mysqld &07:52
KurtKrautKousotu, this is a fully windows compatible system. No, it is not an emulation, no it is not linux.07:52
jdaileyI get a response that the server has started, and then process is ended. The mysqld.pid file is mentioned as the culprit.07:52
jdailey  $ STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid07:52
jdailey  $ mysqld_safe[6537] : ended07:52
jdaileyI have deleted the mysqld.pid file, which was a suggestion from an earlier message, which suggested to manually remove the file.  So, how can it be stopping the server?  I've also chown 'd the directory and files for the user that is spawning the sqld .  Does that sound right?07:52
KurtKrautriotkittie, quite slow but they keep coding :P07:52
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riotkittieKurtKraut: should be interesting to see what they manage to come up with. a decade or two down the line. :P07:53
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CheeseGardenerso there is no way to defrag an external hard drive outside of windows, without the possibility of it destroying the file system?07:53
freakytallkidi have an odd question... is there an alternative to Windows Server? like Ubuntu Server but with all GUI's?07:54
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pppoe_dudeanyone know if the latest skype works on edgy?07:54
riotkittieCheeseGardener: why not just convert the external to another file system?07:54
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faileasyou can install GUIs in ubuntu server ;p07:54
pete83Kousotu: they are right, that editing grub's menu.lst is easier.  If you want to use boot.ini to load linux take a look at this guide:    http://www.linux.com/articles/113945?tid=129&tid=4907:54
s25How can i forward every single thing that comes out of my computer through a proxy?07:54
MasterShrekfreakytallkid, any ubuntu install can be converted into a server07:54
s25A socks proxy07:54
CheeseGardenerbecause I want it to be able to plug into anything like windows or OSX07:54
CheeseGardenerand be read natively.07:55
MasterShrekall ubuntu server edition is, is a dumbed down version of ubuntu desktop07:55
jdailey<pppoe_dude> I'm using the beta Skype on feisty07:55
Flannelfreakytallkid: you can also just install server apps n a desktop machine.  Linux makes no distinction between 'desktops' and 'servers'.  Everything is a program, they all run equally well.07:55
KurtKrautfreakytallkid, hmmm... usually there are frontends for server applications like freepbx (for Asterisk) or ISPConfig (for website hostings) that are acessible via browser07:55
pppoe_dudes25, can't do it for every single thing automatically, but most gnome apps can be fixed from the system menu proxxy settings07:55
faileasMasterShrek: not dumbed down, it just has less things installed07:55
MasterShrekthats what i mean07:55
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riotkittieCheeseGardener: hmm. maybe BartPE will work. I'm not sure if there's a defrag tool on the disc, but you may want to google it and see07:55
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KurtKrautfreakytallkid, so instead of messing around the server screen itself you may have a friendly channel of administration thru a web interface.07:55
xerawxCheeseGardener: unless the drive is used for video editting or something you probably don't really need to defrag07:56
s25pppoe_dude: I was hoping i could, can i use the firewall maybe? set it to forward all outbound traffic to a port on my localhost?07:56
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freakytallkidkurt: i was more looking to make something similar to 'Active Domain' where clients are linked and log into the server07:56
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CheeseGardenerDidn't they have a portable version of windows07:56
CheeseGardenerlike windows CE?07:57
=== riotkittie goes back to playing with her cube
pppoe_dudes25, ys, or system->preferences->network proxy07:57
riotkittieCheeseGardener: WindowsPE ?  on a disc? that isnt installed?07:57
KurtKrautfreakytallkid, I don't know this tool. They log into the server to do what ?07:57
Phrozen_Onehow is it possible to have an alternate failover net config, say if my dhcp renew fails how could I have it automatically statically configure itself?07:57
=== jdailey falls asleep
faileasCheeseGardener: Winpe, or BartPE? windows liveCDs...07:57
Flannelfreakytallkid: You want thin-clients.  Check out what edubuntu has to offer (its got a preconfigured thin client/server installer)07:57
riotkittieCheeseGardener: BartPE is an alternative to that. and supposed to be better.07:57
KurtKrautPhrozen_One, I think it will require some bash scripting.07:57
xerawxI thought there was some form of XP.. perhaps hacked, that could boot from a portal drive like OS X does.. haven't been up on the windoze werld for a long time tho07:58
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CheeseGardenerwell I don't have a windows CD unfortunately.07:58
CheeseGardenerI have a restore CD07:58
freakytallkidkurt: would thin clients allow computers to play a 3D game? its kinda for a games room07:58
CheeseGardenerthat toshiba gave me.07:58
riotkittieCheeseGardener: ah. that sucks.  :|07:58
Phrozen_OneKurtKraut, how can I do that though, run a cron job trying to get a renew, get the exit code, and if it fails run some static commands?07:58
riotkittiei hate restore CDs!07:58
CheeseGardenerIt restores windows onto it with factory software.07:58
freakytallkidkurt: and the comps are hardly powerful07:58
mattgyver83Hey room, I am trying to burn the contents of an .iso.  When i try to burn the CD i select 'Create from image' however, nothing happens.  It is possible to burn .iso files within ubuntus file manager isnt it?07:58
riotkittieits like "if you punks are charging me for an OS, give me an OS" grr. ;x07:58
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faileasxerawx: yeah. PEs07:59
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earthdog can anyone point me in the right direction for setting up a cups server on 7.04 server?07:59
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faileasthough if ROS gets stable/outta aphia it would be a nice windows alternative08:00
phaedramattgyver83,  Just use k3b08:00
KurtKrautPhrozen_One, yes... but it sound a bit wierd for me this usage. Are you absolutelly sure that you need a static setting if dhcp fails ?08:00
=== xen_ [n=xen@74-60-24-251.eug.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieim sure react will make it there some day.08:00
nextse7enCould someone recommend a how to for setting up a sever to run ubuntu on dumb clients over the network?08:00
CheeseGardenerhow do I register for this channel?08:00
xen_hello there08:00
CheeseGardeneror freenode?08:00
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faileasriotkittie: its getting there, slowly ;p08:00
Phrozen_OneKurtKraut, yes, say if the DHCP server failed, I want a static failover for 12 hours until it renews again08:00
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, /msg nickserv register help08:00
riotkittieCheeseGardener: your nickname?  /msg nickserv register <password>   ... and possibly <email address>08:01
mattgyver83phaedra, forgive me what is k3b?08:01
riotkittieor /msg nickserv help register08:01
KurtKrautPhrozen_One, do you own/administrate the DHCP server?08:01
malnilionmattgyver83, a cd/dvd burning application08:01
MasterShrek!k3b | mattgyver8308:01
ubotumattgyver83: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto08:01
Phrozen_OneKurtKraut, no I do not, and for info purposes its win2k308:01
phaedramattgyver83,  Similar to nero...08:01
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xen_I'm having a little trouble setting up  apache/mysql/php. I'm wishing for some help08:01
fstab_ahablook, somebody loves us!! lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fRiMvzhAZc08:01
malnilionBetter than nero because it's truly free ;)08:02
KurtKrautPhrozen_One, oh, I see. I wish you luck :P08:02
mattgyver83Can that burn lightscribe dvds?08:02
gregoroviusI have a motherboard with a realtek 850 audio chip... anybody knows why it might be that ac3 passthrough works with OSS but not with ALSA?08:02
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Phrozen_OneKurtKraut, thank you08:02
nextse7enAnyone? A how to article for running a fiesty server for thin clients?08:02
KurtKrautxen_, try some help in #ubuntu-server too08:02
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Flannel!offtopic | fstab_ahab08:03
ubotufstab_ahab: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:03
xen_I will kurt08:03
untung_hello, i have a Fujitsu P2120 laptop with prism wireless card. How can I set up the wireless connection?08:03
xen_howlingmadhowie, are you there?08:03
riotkittieI was running Dapper on a laptop for about a year. I just switched to a desktop, and am running a clean install of feisty. i can copy $home from the laptop to the desktop, right?  should i wait until i've installed everything i had on the old machine?08:03
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sSiroSoriSsuntung_, google ur OS distribution + wireless08:03
KurtKrautuntung_, try searching for your hardware name in wiki.ubuntu.com and ubuntuforums.org08:03
MasterShrekyea you can copy it riotkittie08:03
KurtKrautriotkittie, wait the install completion08:04
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xen_how do you set the root password for mysql?08:04
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Ste-Foyphp ?08:04
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KurtKrautriotkittie, I do not recommend pasting $home/.configs from version to another08:04
s|kheh ubuntu sucks for widescreen monitors08:04
Ste-Foyphp ?08:04
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Flannelxen_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-39085275bc28194cca77d021ec362ff3003b10bc08:04
Ste-Foyok sorry xen_08:04
earthdog can anyone point me in the right direction for setting up a cups server on 7.04 server?08:04
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xen_the root password for mysql08:05
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marikoI have  a Toshiba laptop with Dapper ,but no sound. in ubuntuforum they claim i should upodate the BIOS. how dop i do that?08:05
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riotkittiedoh. guess i'm going to have to stop being lazy and start doing it manually. :\08:05
xen_Please, this will help me a lot if you know how to set the root password for mysql.08:06
riotkittieor i could be super lazy, downgrade back to dapper and copy everything over then. :D08:06
Flannelxen_: That link08:06
Kousotucan someone helwith boot part?08:06
Kousotucan someone help with bootpart?08:06
xen_what link?08:06
Flannelxen_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-39085275bc28194cca77d021ec362ff3003b10bc08:06
riotkittiewhich would require more effort, but less. at the same time. <ponders>08:06
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JKirk_can anyone tell me why I can't boot into X but I can reinstall nvidia drivers from cmd prompt and then do startx and it works fine...but as soon as I reboot it doesn't work again... any help?08:07
riotkittiebut then i'd miss the cube. i'm pathetic. i only installed feisty because i wanted compiz the easy way :x08:07
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fstab_ahablol I love people that learn how to use the bot and start spamming it for every single little thing.08:07
riotkittieJKirk_: that's odd. uhm. check /var/log/Xorg.0.log (or the other Xorg logs there) and see if it says anything?08:08
Kousotucan someone help with bootpart?08:08
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fstab_ahabto funny08:08
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...08:08
CheeseGardenerHow do you make a Live CD with BartPE?08:08
pantsmy vaio seems to not like having 2 batteries in it.  looking at acpi_listen, ac_adapter ACAD 00000000 00000001 just keeps repeating and my laptop slows to a crawl with a super choppy mouse08:08
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riotkittieCheeseGardener: eh. its been so long since i looked at Bart that i've forgotten. i believe there are easy to follow directions on the site, though08:09
marikoI have  a Toshiba laptop with Dapper ,but no sound. in ubuntuforum they claim i should upodate the BIOS. how dop i do that?08:09
=== Vittorio [n=viktor@78-2-71-62.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
JKirk_riotkittie, welpl...when I run it now it says it's ok... it found the card fine...but when I look at the log after reboot it says it can't find a compatible card...doesn't make any sense08:09
riotkittiemariko: you'd need to find out who made your bios, visit their site, download the upgrade if one is available...  put it on a floppy probably, and run it after a reboot08:09
=== crazyman [n=crazyman@adsl-144-81-107.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
marikoriotkittie, thank you. is there a command that will tell me who made the bios?08:10
phreckmariko: go to toshibas website.08:10
=== kismet [i=huzz@auh-as41248.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
Scrampyfind motherboard model number and search for latest bios :)08:10
=== rockets [n=robertbr@cpe-66-108-218-197.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittiemariko: no. but when you boot, you should see it, on the initial screen. ...   yea, go to toshiba's website. if they dont have the files there, they probably have links to it08:11
rocketsFor gaming, a 3 Ghz core 2 duo would be better then a 2.4 ghz core 2 quad, right?08:11
riotkittieerr. how old is this laptop?08:11
faileasrockets: depends08:11
Scrampyyou can also use a program like isandra to find motherboard details and bios version08:11
=== BlendArt [n=darren@cpe-76-88-133-64.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rocketsfaileas: if the game is designed to support SMP or not08:12
marikoriotkittie, this laptop is 5 years old...08:12
potissimusanyone willing to help out with a mythtv/partitioning question privately?08:12
pantsis my 2 battery issue some wierd acpi bug?08:12
riotkittiemariko: and what kind of soundcard/chip does it have?08:13
=== arathald [n=jacksogc@75-27-24-102.lightspeed.fshrin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieooh brb. i need to reboot08:13
marikoriotkittie, i dont know , dapper doesnt show any soundcard in lspci and i dont know how to look for it,08:13
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freakytallkidmemo to self, do not mark EVERY package in Synaptic...08:14
=== Kwitschibo_ [n=Michael@host-091-096-248-240.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittiemariko: ahh. did the people who told you to flash the bios have experience with your laptop?08:14
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riotkittieor do you not know?08:14
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marikoriotkittie, this is a problem cause i couldnt google any advice for my model -dynabook08:15
marikoi could only find other toshiba laptops...08:15
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:16
pants!'your mom'08:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about your mom' - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:17
=== dfmr [n=dfmr@CPE-124-187-182-244.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux08:17
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.08:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chicks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:18
ubotuSaying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.08:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linuxchix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:18
ubotuhate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy08:18
=== Carnage\ [n=carnage@ppp-] has joined #ubuntu
freakytallkid!'pleasing a woman'08:18
macogwafter freakytallkid i had to see if the bot knew about them08:19
arathaldhey, im having some trouble with my wireless card (Broadcom card on an HP Compaq nw8440 on Kubuntu 7.04); when i try enabling it, it usually pops up a dialog that says its enabling anywhere from less than a second to about 30 seconds, and when the dialog goes away, its still disabled08:19
poningruok please keep it clean08:19
freakytallkidok, sorry08:19
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx08:19
=== LordDicranius [n=Lord@pool-71-117-207-76.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningruarathald: do a dmesg08:19
poningrusee if you see something about firmware not found or something08:19
marikoanybody knows anything about enabling sound in a TOSHIBA DYNABOOK LAPTOP, RUNNING DAPPER?08:20
pantswhere do i report bugs with acpi?08:20
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sSiroSoriSsmariko, google would be ur best chance for finding others with same issue08:21
arathaldponingru: says somethign about "Microcode 'bcm43xx_microcode5.fw' not available or load failed."08:21
=== sp1nter [n=sp1nter@ip68-228-216-179.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningruarathald: right then go to synaptic and search for fwcutter08:22
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nextse7enNeed some help with LTSP, do I need two ethernet interfaces to run it if I also want the server connected to the internet, or can it all share the same inteface?08:22
poningruarathald: and install that packet08:22
marikosSiroSoriSs,  google has let me down....08:22
KousotusSiroSoriSs check pm08:22
poningruor follow that link08:22
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sSiroSoriSsmariko, try different distribution08:23
poningrunextse7en: yes just have a router08:23
marikosSiroSoriSs, great idea , thanks08:23
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nextse7enthanks poninru08:23
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nextse7enponingru Can you explain to me what this means then, in laymens terms "You need to set up one static interface where you will attach the thin clients" (fomr the ltsp quick install doc)08:24
=== jayde_drag0n [n=jayde@c-24-23-29-19.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BaD_CrCif i were to uncheck 'gdm' in the services applet and reboot, i'd get the CLI login, right?08:25
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poningrunextse7en: that means the interface must not be dependent on dhcp08:25
jayde_drag0ni need the name of a program that will convert m4p to mp3 or ogg08:25
=== solid_liq [n=Solidity@client-67-58-246-39.consolidated.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningruas in it must always have the same ip08:25
nextse7enponingru: And what does this mean "Configure your spare interface for the thin clients to have the IP"?08:25
poningrujayde_drag0n: mencoder08:25
jayde_drag0nponingru... thanks!08:25
poningrunextse7en: thats assuming you have more than one interface08:26
poningruas in network card08:26
poningrunextse7en: easiest way for you to do this would be to use edubuntu08:26
=== lumgwada [n=lumgwada@unaffiliated/lumgwada] has joined #ubuntu
poningruand then remove the kids educational packages08:26
nextse7enponingru: Thanks much, so ltsp pretty much works out of the box, and will boot any machine that is set to boot from pxe on the network?08:26
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poningruI think so08:27
studeringaaronhi everyone08:27
potissimusI'm installing Ubuntu right now and want to use it with mythtv.  on my first hdd, I'd like the os so I have an ext3 and swap partition filling it.  I'd like the second hdd to be storage for mythtv only.  Is it possible to partition for this, and if so, how?08:27
poningrubut I think there is some way to restrict that with mac id08:27
poningrubut not hundred percent sure08:27
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Kousotucan someone help with bootpart? (NOT GRUB)08:28
nextse7enponingru: Thanks for your time and answers :)08:28
solid_liqpotissimus: of course, consult the mythTV docs to see where it looks for its files08:28
=== the_giver [n=the_give@DNab42dbe5.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
sSiroSoriSspotissimus, i'm not sure about how mythtv works08:28
poningrupotissimus: #ubuntu-mythtb08:28
poningrupotissimus: #ubuntu-mythtv08:28
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ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV08:28
poningruKousotu: bootpart?08:29
potissimussorry, i'll try there08:29
the_giverif i started a site.. about linux .. do you guys think people in the linux be interestd in making video tutorials for people tow atch and learn more about linux? I always wanted a site like that when i started out but I never found one08:29
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the_giverlinux community*08:29
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poningruwe have one08:29
the_giverlike with tutorials on basic command line08:29
poningruyeah jenda runs it08:29
=== mattgyver83 [n=mattgyve@pool-71-252-5-65.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sauvinI think maybe videos about command line tutorials would be... um... BORING.08:29
poningruI think08:29
poningruhold on08:29
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jayde_drag0ndumb question.. i found that i have mencoder installed... but when i try to run the program nothing happens?08:30
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=== arathald [n=jacksogc@75-27-24-102.lightspeed.fshrin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningrujayde_drag0n: thats cause its a command line program08:30
arathaldponingru: well, that was a whole lot easier than i expected, thanks08:30
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poningruarathald: you can blaim broadcom for your troubles08:31
jayde_drag0nponingru: any other program i could use... i honestly am just too daunted by having to do a command line for 200 songs08:31
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chuy<jayde_drag0n> gmplayer is mplayer's gui08:31
poningrujayde_drag0n: uh... for that many songs I would want to do it in command line08:31
arathaldponingru: well, i ran ubuntu for a long time before, and it seemed like it just stopped working (was a while ago), i dont remember ever having to install firmware before08:31
poningrujayde_drag0n: what kinda song is it?08:31
sauvinActually, I'd DEMAND a command line for 200 songs.08:31
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poningruand what are you converting it to?08:32
sauvinDrag 'n' drop for 200 of the little critters, that's, just WRONG.08:32
JavidIs there a way to get apt-get to not check the pgp key of a repository? subkeys.pgp.net is down and this is keeping me from installing stuff.08:32
studeringaaroni ghot a dumb question guys i already have ubuntu 7.04 and i want kde is it eaiser to just get and install kububtu or can i add kde on mine08:32
jayde_drag0nponingru: i cam over from windows... i have over 200 songs that i purchased from itunes08:32
MasterShrekstuderingaaron, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:32
sauvinstuderingaaron, depending on what you installed FROM, you might already have KDE installed.08:32
studeringaaronno i dont have kde installed it installed gnome08:33
sauvinWhen you get to the graphical login screen after a reboot, look along the LOWER LEFT corner of the screen for "Options".08:33
FlannelJavid: --allow-unauthenticated might be what you're looking for08:33
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studeringaaronahhhhhh thank you08:33
anvd23hi all08:33
jayde_drag0nponingru: i just want to play the damn things... sooo i want to convert them to either mp3 or whatever else will play... and i don't really want to type 50millions lines of code to convert them all08:33
faileasanyone ever used wubi on a system that has a recovery partition? does the bootloader fo back to the original on uninstall?08:33
ggarlic_hey,does anyone know can kde4 works well with ubuntu7.0408:33
sSiroSoriSsstuderingaaron, what i would do is google + download 'ubuntu ultimate edition'08:33
=== kaWUMM [n=bene@host-82-135-97-22.customer.m-online.net] has joined #ubuntu
Javiddoesn't work08:33
poningrujayde_drag0n: ah itunes songs08:33
MasterShrekggarlic_, kde4 isnt out yet08:33
studeringaaronultimate 10-4 rubber ducky08:33
poningruthats the stuff with drm08:34
Phrozen_Oneis it possible to kill X while having all open console sessions running still, through some means?08:34
MasterShrekits still beta, if that even08:34
Flannelggarlic_: Believe there's a kubuntu specific repository for it.  Check in #kubuntu08:34
Javidapt-get update fails and tells me to run apt-get update to fix it.08:34
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FlannelPhrozen_One: you mean gnome-terminals?08:34
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poningrujayde_drag0n: if you try to play it that will be illegal08:34
sSiroSoriSsstuderingaaron, it comes with gnome,kde,enlightenment desktops + a tone of other programs08:34
MasterShrekPhrozen_One, not terminals that are open in the x session08:34
jayde_drag0nunfortunatley yes it is drm08:34
nextse7enQuick question, whats the command to start a root session of nautalus? I know, I, know, you recommend against.  In this case, I need to.08:34
poningrujayde_drag0n: are you in the US?08:34
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jayde_drag0nyes i paid for my songs08:34
jayde_drag0ni want to play them08:34
Flannelnextse7en: gksu nautilus, and as you know, close it as soon as you can.08:34
poningrujayde_drag0n: are you in the US?08:34
MasterShreknextse7en, gksu nautilus08:34
jayde_drag0ni'm in california to be exact08:34
xtknightjayde_drag0n, what format?08:34
poningrujayde_drag0n: there is a way to play it08:34
poningrubut I cant tell you08:35
nextse7enThanks Flannel, MasterShrek.08:35
poningrucause thats helping you break drm08:35
studeringaaronok cool now the gnome isnt a problem at all I just like the kde a lil better but i was wondering if it was a huge pain to switch it cause theres a build with kde as a default ya know08:35
poningruand I can go to jail for that08:35
=== untung_ [n=untung@67-42-87-101.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningrucall up your senator and tell them you have shitty laws08:35
xtknightah well a simple google will tell ya08:35
MasterShrekno studeringaaron but you will still have gnome there always08:35
jayde_drag0nsimple google is not teling me08:35
poningrujayde_drag0n: I feel your pain and I am so sorry dude :(08:35
studeringaaronMasterShrek that isnt a problem i dont mind gnome i just like playing around and looking at kde is all08:36
poningrududette :)08:36
MasterShrekstuderingaaron, i was on a big kde trip for awhile, but i just recently came back to gnome08:36
jayde_drag0nyes... girls exist on teh intarweb08:36
MasterShreki do most from the command line anyway so the gui doesnt really matter to me08:36
poningruno wai :p08:36
studeringaaronya thats why i would really like both so that i have that option08:36
faileasjayde_drag0n: the internet, where men are men, women are men, and little girls are FBI agents08:37
jayde_drag0nand i don't really care if its illegal or not... i am a pirate... and not only do i knwo about drm... but i can buckle a swash too :-P08:37
=== lumgwada [n=lumgwada@unaffiliated/lumgwada] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekyea i installed kde as soon as i installed ubuntu, havent loaded it once yet tho lol, i use some of the progs tho08:37
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jayde_drag0nLMAO little girls... fbi.... *giggle*08:37
MasterShreksorry jayde_drag0n what are you trying to convert?08:37
poningrujayde_drag0n: I know, I'm so sorry but I cant take that risk :(08:37
=== MasterShrek is lazy to scroll up
faileasjayde_drag0n: there's a few apps for stripping DRM from apple stuff. just can't remember anything recent....08:38
MasterShrekohhh that lol08:38
MasterShrekyea good luck08:38
jayde_drag0nmy actual *shock* purchased itunes songs.... so m4p... to i don't care which format08:38
jayde_drag0nyah i've found millions for windows08:38
poningrujayde_drag0n: but yeah if you remove the drm you can just play it08:38
=== _d1 [n=dac@tx-76-6-81-107.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningruin ubuntu08:38
=== Ekinoks [n=ekinoks@] has joined #ubuntu
jayde_drag0nnone for ubuntu that i can find08:38
poningruthe format itself is playable08:38
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Flanneljayde_drag0n: thats because they all depend on itunes, which only runs on windows and osx (and wine, I think?)08:39
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jayde_drag0ni'd be happy to remove the drm if it means they will play08:39
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CheeseGardenerI can copy a file while it's running, right?08:40
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poningruCheeseGardener: yes08:40
=== SineFato [n=sine@cpe-66-27-145-133.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sauvinUm... what's a "running file"?08:40
poningrusauvin: I am assuming something thats being accessed08:40
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sauvinyea, and if that something is an SQL table being updated...?08:41
poningruthats true08:41
poningrusauvin: I doubt a person is asking about that08:41
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poningruin here08:41
poningruCheeseGardener: what kinda file?08:41
=== sauvin notes that it's not enough that a file sprout legs and walk away... now, it has to RUN!
poningrusauvin: ofcourse its the 21st century08:43
IowaDaveponingru: files can run, but can they hide?  :-)08:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:45
=== sauvin puts fugitive files in directories with completely null perms
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk08:45
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sauvinI actually get Chinese writing in my XChat window, and not a bunch of random meaningless noise... man, that's pretty!08:46
poningruI always had that08:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about widescreen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:46
IowaDaveGAIM shows it too08:46
sauvinanyway, how did you kjnow that zhaoqi is Chinese and not, like, Korean or something?08:46
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s|k!wide screen08:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wide screen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:47
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:47
sauvinBTW... is 96x95 DPI a good density?08:47
JavidDoes dist-upgrade ungrade the entire distro or what? I have Feisty now, would it up it to Gutsy?08:47
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IowaDavesauvin: good density for what purpose?08:48
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sauvinOn screen.08:48
macogwJavid: yes08:48
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IowaDavesauvin: I would think it is. In the old days 72x72 was typical and still the standard for web design, I think. 90-something is typical on modern systems.08:49
studeringaarongutsy when did that happen?08:50
macogwstuderingaaron: not out yet08:50
macogwstuderingaaron: oct 1808:50
Flannelstuderingaaron: it hasn't.  It will in october (7.10)08:50
studeringaaronohh ok i was wondering am I that much of a noob lol08:50
sauvinIt would be the equivalent of a Fedora Core "testing" release, no?08:50
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macogwsauvin: yeah, or debian's lenny08:51
umopcan someone please help me with my samba problem, it fails to start and the error log has a message " User guest in passdb, but getpwnam() fails!"..08:51
Flannelsauvin: currently Gutsy is alpha software (alpha release 4 tuesday), it'll be beta in a month or so08:51
AnRkeycan anyone suggest a hardware sata raid card for ubuntu?08:51
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prakritiserver irc.chatnet.org08:53
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lumgwadadoes edgy or feisty do any dual screen management?08:54
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umopcan someone please help me with my samba problem, it fails to start and the error log has a message " User guest in passdb, but getpwnam() fails!"..08:57
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sinefatosoo quiet08:58
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AnRkeylumgwada, if you have an nvidia card then run sudo nvidia-setup09:00
SharalynnHi all09:00
AnRkeylumgwada, i run a dual screen at work and it's perfect on feisty and was fine on edgy too09:00
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mightydargonvidia is ideal for linux i think i have never had a problem with sound nor video cardsas far as compatability09:01
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mightydargocant say the same for the other companies09:02
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schloobdoes anyone know if there's a simple command for running gnome "services"? i want to use ion3 instead of metacity but i want to use things such as theme/whatever associated with gnome also :o09:03
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lumgwadaHi I've just done an upgrade on a dual screen box... the gnome session seems to have swapped the monitor sides... however the failsafe is still correct. Anyone have any idea what could be happening?09:04
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Bogaurd_I have an ubuntu box, somehow the permissions tables in mysql got wiped - how can i recreate the permissions for debian-sys-maint?09:05
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traeumtHi all09:05
PhydouxWhats the command to get a list of all my devices including HD's09:05
traeumthow can i install nvidia driver on ubuntu ?09:05
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traeumti have donwnloaded this NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run09:06
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traeumtAnyone here to help me how to install nvidia driver ?09:07
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Lustbladertraeumt: ur boot problems resolved??09:08
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PhydouxType "sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run" to install the driver.09:08
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Lustbladerwhat's http cache cleaner.. it runs every 5 mins or so scaring the crap outta me09:09
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kahrytanwow. quiet channel09:13
xpointno one uses ubuntu anymore :-)09:13
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sauvinAt 2:14 on a Monday morning, you're surprised?09:14
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robsauvin, if you said "slackware", I would have said "yes"09:15
xpointsauvin, yes since time is here 9 pm09:15
sauvinPeople who use slackware... heh... they're just slackers.09:15
kahrytanxpoint: Hawaii eh?09:15
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xpoint9 am, its early here09:16
kahrytanthats different story09:17
kahrytanIt's 9:15pm in hawaii09:17
domswere can i download a animated desktop theme for ubuntu09:17
domswere can i download a animated desktop theme for ubuntu09:17
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xpoint< rigth there :)09:17
elkbuntu!patience | doms09:17
ubotudoms: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:17
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sauvinAsk about it in #ubuntu-effects, if I'm remembering this right.09:17
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Lustbladermy mouse's scroll option has ben lost09:19
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KaiserDataI want to resize my ext3 partition, someone know how?09:20
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LustbladerKaiserData: use gparted09:20
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chuyhi: how can I know my onboard graphics card chipset?09:22
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florolfhow come the ubuntu kernel supports my wlan-usb-stick (with a ZyDAS ZD1211 chip) flawlessly, whereas any other kernel (including the most recent vanilla one) simply breaks (as in, "doesn't set anything of the ESSID but the first character and leaving the Access Point-field 'Invalid'")09:23
florolfchuy: try lspci09:23
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domswere can i download a animated desktop theme for ubuntu09:23
domswere can i download a animated desktop theme for ubuntu09:23
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florolfubuntu's using the zd1211rw variant of the driver, but so am i (i also tried the vendor drivers..)09:24
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:26
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chuyflorolf http://pastebin.ca/647211 all I get is Unknon Device, I know my card is a VIA Unichrome, I tried the via driver but it doesn't work, any other ideas to make it work?09:27
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chuyflorolf also tried the unichrome but it also doesn't work :(09:27
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Lucioswhereis iptables config in ubuntu09:28
florolfchuy: how about a lspci -n?09:28
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traeumtCan u help me about09:31
traeumtinstalling nvidia driver please ?09:31
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Sevkhttp://www.sopcast.com/cn/download/   why have no deb pakeage?09:34
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zero-1I installed ubuntu on a toshiba laptop some days ago so far everything works however I have being having problems setting my VGA connector on the back of it and some of my keyboard functions do you know about a good tutorial that explains how to fix this?09:35
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zero-1or have you done it before?09:35
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CheeseGardenerThis is somewhat off topic but, does anyone know anything about Toshiba Laptops?09:38
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Sevkhttp://www.sopcast.com/cn/download/   not have a deb ?09:38
bullgard4Why does09:38
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bullgard4Why does GNOME_Display_Manager need two processes 'gdm'?09:39
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Slartbullgard4: dual core processor perhaps? just a wild guess.. I have two aswell09:40
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bullgard4Slart: It seems that everybody has two of them. --  No, I do not use a dual-core processor.09:41
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bullgard4CheeseGardener: I do have one. But it is old, and I do not use it any more.09:42
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rivesdoes any one know how to find a linksys routers ip using umbuntu09:42
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zero-1if you are connected to it just do route09:44
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zero-1it should be either the last or the one before that09:45
rivesits a wireless router but i have a hard wire09:45
sp1nterisnt it just
NeurosisHey I have a question, I know this might not be the right place but since there is a lot of people I figured someone might be able to help me, Does anyone know if I could reveal an "hidden SSID" from a network without using injection? (yes I'm in passive mode)09:45
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rivesthats what i thought but i couldnt bring it up and i couldnt ping it09:46
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yum_i installed linux-image-grsec and gradm2, and i get the error "You are using incompatible versions of gradm and grsecurity."09:46
zero-1do you have internet access already ? (im guessing yes)09:46
zero-1tracepath google.com09:46
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spiderfirehello. can i do an install from a cdr? i dont have a dvd09:47
zero-1it should be on the first hop in parenthesis09:47
rivesyes i do09:47
riveson the hard wire09:47
zero-1do the tracepath09:47
Slartspiderfire: I think  the regular downloadable isos are cd-sized09:47
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zero-1tracepath goole.com09:47
rivesok i found the router page09:47
spiderfireok thanks let me check09:47
rivesi was being dumb09:47
zero-1anything else I can help with?09:47
rivesi was using 10109:48
rivesno 109:48
zero-1it happens t every one09:48
rivesthank you09:48
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riveswell acctully im trying to set up a mac filter with 3 comps to ust the router but every time i enter the mac ids and set the filter it locks every thing down09:48
spiderfirehow is the amd64 version?09:48
rivesexcept the hard wire ofcoarse09:49
spiderfirewill resizing for another partition wipe out my windows partition?09:49
zero-1make sure the rule is set to allow the following macs ad not to deny it09:49
Slartspiderfire: tastes a bit like chicken... or.. what do you want to know about it? it works... =)09:49
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spiderfireSlart: just cause i know it had some probs09:50
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Slartspiderfire: not if you do it right.. I haven't used it myself but I've talked to others who has09:50
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Slartspiderfire: well.. there's some problems with flash and some codecs.. but most stuff work09:50
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Slartspiderfire: if you want the easy path you go with the 32-bit version09:51
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spiderfireSlart: i have that one09:51
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domshow to use my screensaver as a animated wallpaper09:52
spiderfirewhat partition editor should i use that wont wipe out my windows one?09:52
domshow to use my screensaver as a animated wallpaper09:52
NeurosisDoes anybody knows if revealing an "hidden SSID" from a unprotected network is possible without injection?09:52
dimon08hi all09:52
Slartspiderfire: I think there is one included on the install cd09:52
domsany idea about a screensaver as a animated wallpaper09:52
dimon08has anyone here used bluefish?09:52
dimon08how to format html with bluefish?09:52
Slartspiderfire: I use gnome partition editor.. hasn't failed me yet09:52
spiderfireSlart: ok i just thought i tried once and it went09:53
thx1137spiderfire: you can also try Wubi09:53
faileasspeaking of wubi..09:53
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thirstHi guys,09:53
faileasmy windows system has a recovery partition i want to keep09:53
davyhi thirst09:53
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faileassay if i wanted to use the recovery partition, and i uninstalled wubi, would the bootloader go back to pre wubi state?09:54
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thx1137spiderfire: it's a windows installer that will create a "Virtual linux" partition, and won't interfere with your windows partitions.  That way you can test it out until your more comfortable with it.09:54
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spiderfireWubi: what do i need for that?09:54
thirsti wanted to install ubuntu-7.04 on a system without net connection. I was wondering what all pakages and deps do I have to download to have mplayer/gmplayer/xine to work well.09:54
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thx1137spiderfire: http://wubi-installer.org/09:55
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spiderfirethx1137: wubi runs in windows?09:56
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faileasspiderfire: it installs and uninstalls in windows, boots into linux09:57
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KaiserDatasomeone know how to resize larger a ext3 partition please?09:57
spiderfirefaileas: i can install a ubuntu 64bit with it also?09:57
thx1137faileas: as far as I know, Wubi shouldn't interfere with any windows partitions, but as I understand if you uninstall wubi, it should return your bootloader back to default.  I've only been using it for a couple of days, so don't take my word for it though ; P09:57
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thirstis there any  iso available with all the packages (for 7.04) from medibuntu ?09:58
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spiderfirewubi administrates the installing and partition management in windows09:58
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thx1137spiderfire: so after ubuntu installs, when you boot your computer, you'll get a choice to either boot to Windows (defaults to windows) or to boot to Ubuntu09:59
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faileasspiderfire: no idea, downloading it now myself09:59
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faileasthx1137: in that case, i better ave my bootloader repair disk handy ;p10:00
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spiderfirethx1137: and i can do a 64bit install?10:00
thx1137faileas: yeup, just in case10:00
KaiserDatanobody know how to resize larger a ext3 partition please?10:01
hacked_kernelIs there a way to enter the passwd each time I use sudo?10:01
thx1137spiderfire: I don't believe so, not yet anyhow10:01
spiderfirei see10:01
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faileasKaiserData: some flavour of parted?10:01
faileaslike gparted or qtparted10:01
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KaiserDatagparted won't resize larger :S10:02
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KaiserDatabut smaller10:02
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faileasi seem to remember it did, you'd just have to shrink another partition first10:02
omegaweoponCan I request some assistance here?10:02
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faileasomegaweopon: just ask.10:03
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KaiserDataI have deleted a partition placed juste before this partition10:03
lasse_I updated gnome (the auto-updates) and after the update my top menu has a completely different order first the time/date/ then search/network/sound/logout then applications and so on and then finally all my program shortcuts --- how do I rearrange it back to how it was with applications listed first ?10:04
KaiserDatamaybe the no-possessed space needs to be after this partition10:04
omegaweoponI recently installed ubuntu after getting the feel for it realized that even with wine my games were often unplayable.  So I decided to fix that by dual booting windows XP as well.  I partitioned my 40 gig HDD into 3 parts, 25 gigs, 12 gigs, 256 megs   for windows linux and swap as recommended.10:04
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omegaweoponWell, windows didn't get my wireless drivers.  Ubuntu did, so I can access the net with ubuntu10:05
thx1137lasse_: if you right click over the item, and uncheck "Lock to Panel", it will allow you to move that item freely around in the panel10:05
faileasthats unusual10:05
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faileasomegaweopon: and?10:06
omegaweoponI have the driver exe on my desktop as we speak, but I can't access tis partition in windows, and I can access my windows partition with ubuntu just wit read only access, and I can't change the permissions10:06
faileasKaiserData: not as far as i know... might want to ceck out parted10:06
thx1137lasse_: and when your done positioning the item, you can right click it again and lock it back.10:06
faileasomegaweopon: 2 options10:06
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thx1137lasse_: you'll have to right click each item you want to move10:07
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lasse_thx1137: that's perfect :) any idea why it rearranged the items on its own ?10:07
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faileasNTFS 3g in linux, or a ext2 driver in windows http://www.fs-driver.org/download.html is what i have had VERY good luck with10:08
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IR4someone fit with networks ?10:08
thx1137lasse_: nope, honestly, I've only been using this for a few days.  The same thing happened to me though, but hasn't happened since.10:08
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hacked_kernelIs there a way to enter the passwd each time I use sudo by disabling that time after using sudo in the first tim?10:09
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lasse_thx1137:  okay ... well as long as it's not at regular thing im okay with it :)10:09
omegaweoponFaileas: I have no access to the internet in windows, and cant seem to put anything on the windows partition10:09
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seoni am planning to install Boost c++ on my ubuntu , how can i connect the linux system and my boost directory?10:10
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faileasomegaweopon: in that case you want to install NTFS-3G on ubuntu10:10
KaiserDatafaileas, I'm french so ... I don't succed with gparted if you know another soft able to do that10:10
thx1137lasse_: just remember to lock them back into position when you're done10:10
sauvinWhat's being French got to do with anything?10:10
faileas!NTFS-3G > omegaweopon10:11
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:11
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omegaweoponfaileas: I got it10:11
lasse_thx1137: locked! :) thanks a lot! :)10:11
seonKaiserData> i am french too and gparted can be use in french10:11
ashnuri'm trying to install ubuntu from a minimalcd. the problem is that i have to change my MAC address to have an internet connection. i've tried ifconfig eth0 hw. but did nothing on the MAC. any ideas?10:11
faileasKaiserData: none free. but i know i have resized, and increased the size of drives in gparted10:11
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thx1137lasse_: glad I could help! enjoy!10:11
faileasomegaweopon: no thumbdrive or anything?10:11
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buzzer2anyone here, who knows how to chek, what urls a program open?10:12
faileasashnur: MAC address is hardware based10:12
ashnurfaileas, i know, but it can be changed.10:12
KaiserDataseon, ce n'est pas le probleme, mais je parle de ces explications ensuite si tu sais bien lire je dis que le probleme c'est que gparted ne veut pas redimensionner en plus grand10:12
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buzzer2in english? ^^10:12
faileasje comprend un peux francais ;)10:12
omegaweoponFaileas: If I had that I wouldn't be asking this question, or at least have need to10:12
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seonKaiserData> come in pv i will explain10:13
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howlingmadhowiehi everybody :)10:13
Myrttiseon, KaiserData | !fr10:13
KaiserDatafaileas, maybe not in ext3? Must I change the ext3 in ext2?10:13
faileasbuzzer2: he's saying he has issues with increading the size of a drive10:13
Myrtti!fr | seon, KaiserData10:13
ubotuseon, KaiserData: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:13
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KaiserDataMyrtti, sorry :p10:13
faileasKaiserData: no, i've done it before and it works10:13
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buzzer2i tried firerstarter to see what urls some programs open but in firerstarter i can only see the host-ip ... i want the complete url the program opens ... any ideas?10:14
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buzzer2faileas: thanks10:14
bknanybody know howto LDAP authentication in mantis bug tracker in ubuntu10:14
seonMyrtti> where is the file used by g++ for the headers file?10:15
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ashnurfaileas, you mean that i can change it from an installed ubuntu( or windows or anything else) but i can't change from a minimal cd?10:15
Myrttiseon: huh?10:15
Myrttiseon: I10:15
Myrttiseon: I've got no idea10:15
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faileasashnur: i think windows, possiblem through WMI or SIW (a frontend for that) no nidea in linux10:15
sSiroSoriSsles be friends :)10:16
seonMyrrti> i am installing a directory inside my home , and i need to link with g++ without the option10:16
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rivesi have all the filters diabled on the wireless an the momentand it wull connect10:16
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omegaweoponFaileas: BINGO you mi amigo, are a lifesaver.  Thanks much, now I can enjoy my games on windows, and enjoy my workstation on linux10:16
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faileasomegaweopon: what did i do this time? ;p10:16
ashnurfaileas, i know that it's possible. in example this line does exactly that:  ifconfig eth0 down && ifconfig eth0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx up10:16
rivesunforantly any changes to the wep pass wither 10 or 26 hex dis able all10:16
KaiserDatafaileas, maybe for you but not at home :(10:16
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ashnuronly that it does nothing in my case10:16
buzzer2is there a program logging the network activity of an program?10:17
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omegaweoponfaileas: The proggy allowed me to do it with no hassle.   You saved me a whhole days worth of looking10:17
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faileaswhich one? ;p10:17
omegaweoponFaileas: It's boring at work and without my game I would go insane!10:17
faileaslol ;p10:17
omegaweoponWorked like a charm10:17
faileasglad to be of assistance ;)10:17
bknhowto insta manits bt in ubuntu10:17
faileasomegaweopon: while your at it, toss a copy of the EXT3 driver in windows too, then install it later10:18
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Myrttiseon: I don't want to be rude, but I didn't volunteer to be your personal helper on the subject, I just told you that you could find help in French in #ubuntu-fr10:18
omegaweoponRemind me to bug you next time I have a problem that was easily fixed by apt-get >.>10:18
omegaweoponLink to the ext3 driver?10:18
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kevor!tell me about unrar10:18
faileasi did ;p10:18
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Myrtti!unrar > kevor10:19
omegaweopon'twas lost in the abyss10:19
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seonMyrtti> it's very rude , i will cry10:19
faileas http://www.fs-driver.org/ omegaweopon10:19
Myrttiseon: sorry I can't help you10:19
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kevorthanks Myrtti i10:19
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Myrttikevor: np :-)10:19
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charli1Hey I'm trying to install java610:20
charli1can anyone tell me a command line that will download it and install it?10:20
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xstasicharli1, you can try java-package10:21
DocTomoehow do I get PDO's sqlite3 to work in feisty? PDO throws an exeption about "driver not found" :(10:21
xstasiafter you download it by hand though10:21
omegaweoponHuzzah now I can gain cross acces to each os, from the other10:21
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DocTomoeomegaweopon: try vmware10:21
=== omegaweopon smothers faileas with kisses
charli1i tried downloading it from the website10:21
charli1i ran the .bin file10:21
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charli1all went well10:21
charli1but then it didnt create the /usr/java directory10:21
pharosuse automatix2 and download the ntfs/fat32 read/write mount :)10:21
charli1what's up with that?10:21
xstasicharli1, it actually shouldn't10:22
faileasisn't automatix apparenly quite messy/danferous?10:22
xstasirun this: make-jpkg file.bin10:22
pharosnever had any problems with it :)10:22
xstasiafter you install java-package10:22
omegaweoponDocTomoe: vmware?10:22
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charli1oh ok where do I get java-package?10:22
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charli1synaptics manager?10:22
omegaweoponDocTomoe: actually, I know what it is, I just couldn't figure it ouy10:22
pharosjava runtime enviroment is also downloadable via automatix2 :)10:23
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kimmey2k3dont use automatix10:23
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omegaweopon/shout thanks all who helped, now I gotta get stuff installed before I passout gotta love boring jobs where you get paid to play on your laptop ;)10:23
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davyor by sun pages, quiet easely10:23
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omegaweoponAww, /shout don work10:23
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pharoswhy not automatix? :o10:24
pharosy love it :o10:24
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charli1like I said, the .bin file installed just great.  it said "done" at the end.  but it's not in the administration area.  I just re-installed ubuntu.  it didnt do this to me the first time and im doing everything the same10:24
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charli1wheres my java 6??10:24
Myrtti!automatix > pharos10:24
tuxubhi! is it possible to add upnp features to a ubuntu "router" ?10:25
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XD40hey guy any on can tell me how a I can install a file call "setup.tar.gz"10:25
bknanybody know howto LDAP authenticate in mantis bug tracker10:25
SineFatoHow do I change the order of the boot menu that was installed with ubuntu? (where you pick ubuntu or windows or whatever you want to start)10:25
pharosjust untar it XD4010:26
kimmey2k3XD40: unpack it and check README10:26
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charli1i ran my java6.bin file.  everything went great.  except...for it doesnt look like it installed...what am i doing wrong?  there is no /usr/java directory10:27
XD40ok I am doing that right now10:27
charli1can anyone help me?10:27
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pharosoh, didnt knew that about automatix :o10:27
XD40there is no readme file on diz thing10:27
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charli1how can I install java 6 from the commandline?10:28
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pharosthe problem is... that when i try to install the nvidia drivers mannualy, i get errors :S10:28
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Myrtti!java > charli110:28
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SineFatoHey all, How do you change the default order of the boot menu that comes with Ubuntu?10:29
pharos!java > pharos10:29
charli1Myrtti, what is this?10:29
XD40I untar that archive but there is no Readme file10:29
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XD40how can I install it10:30
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Myrtticharli1: read the message ubotu gave you10:30
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howlingmadhowieSineFato: have a look in /boot/grub/menu.lst10:32
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Sonicadvance1Hey, how do you compile Max OS X Executables in Ubuntu? o_O10:32
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hermann_348http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?uid=348 klick plx10:32
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SineFatohowlingmadhowie: ok awsome, thanks10:32
yohanwhen recompiling the kernel, what arch should i choose if i have a core duo 2?10:32
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ThanatosDriveIs there a gaim irc channel?10:33
howlingmadhowieyohan: if i remember correctly there are 32bit and 64 bit core duo 2 chips. what architecture is your present kernel?10:33
Busata!pidgin | ThanatosDrive10:33
ubotuThanatosDrive: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.10:33
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BusataThanatosDrive: #pidgin :-)10:33
charli1ok, I did.  It says for Ubuntu 7.04 (my ver.), sun-java6-bin.  I did sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin and it says it cant find the package10:34
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Myrttido you have the needed repositories enabled?10:34
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charli1how would I check which are enabled?10:34
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sSiroSoriSsit's in the book10:35
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Myrttifrom synaptic for example10:35
yohanhowlingmadhowie: 32bit10:35
charli1wait..I got it10:35
sSiroSoriSsthe manolo10:35
charli1i just enabled the multiverse...which was not enabled10:35
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yohanhowlingmadhowie: im in menuconfig...just wondering which one to select to get SMP support too10:35
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howlingmadhowieyohan: then go for one of the 32-bit options. i thought that the linux kernel since 2.6.18 has included smp by default10:35
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sSiroSoriSsthe worst case of schizophrenia in the world?10:36
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yohani dunno10:36
charli1im doing a sudo apt-get update to refresh my repositories10:36
charli1it's taking a while though.10:36
howlingmadhowieyohan: i think i remember reading something on kernel.org about that10:36
yohanisnt there some special one i shoudl select?10:36
yohanhowlingmadhowie: where on that page? :D10:37
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sSiroSoriSsthat's what one of my doctors wrote in a letter addressed to my mum, after explaining to me that I wasnt really Daniel at all. I was Jesus, and my thoughts were that of Gods.10:37
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charli1sweet.  thanks.  i guess the correct repositories weren't enabled by default.  Now i'm downloading java6 : )  peace out!10:38
Myrtti!offtopic | sSiroSoriSs10:38
ubotusSiroSoriSs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:38
Myrtticharli1: happy to be of assistance10:38
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sSiroSoriSsgod ubotu, just thought about how that fits into my ubuntu studies10:38
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arikael_how can I change the default gateway (route) for my computer10:39
sSiroSoriSshi arikael_10:39
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howlingmadhowieyohan: you'll have to read the change logs for each kernel version--> not fun. i'm trying to find some information elsewhere10:41
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sSiroSoriSswhich gateway arikael_ ?10:41
arikael_the one I can define with route10:41
yohanhowlingmadhowie: thanks man...what im looking for really, is which processor family i should select10:41
sSiroSoriSsthere's an IP configuration tool in system/preferences menu10:41
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arikael_I only have the console10:42
DocTomoearikael_: man route10:42
DocTomoeroute set default gw IPADDR10:43
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iishais there any utility that enables my Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN, like Envy for nVidia Graphics?10:43
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DocTomoearikael_: you might want to delete the former default gw10:43
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Damienwwhello, can someone help me?10:43
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linuxfreakHow do i pipe a command from a tty to my local X display?10:43
DocTomoeDamienww: don't ask to ask.10:44
linuxfreakHow do i pipe a command from a tty to my local X display?10:44
arikael_DocTomoe, so I have to delete my current settings and then add a new one?10:45
DocTomoearikael_: only your default ge10:45
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BusataDamienww: just ask your question, somebody will reply if they can help you :)10:45
howlingmadhowieyohan: with that chip you should be able to use the most modern pentium version available10:45
DocTomoearikael_: something like "sudo route del default gw OLDIP && sudo route add default ge NEWIP" should work10:46
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Damienwwi have the problem described here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/654610:46
ThanatosDriveDoes GNOME use XScreensaver? I'd like to get some more variety in mine...10:46
arikael_you are my hero10:46
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iishais there any utility that enables my Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN, like Envy for nVidia Graphics?10:46
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Damienwwbut i dont see how to enter command lines as my x server doesn't start10:47
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DocTomoeDamienww: have you tried ALT-STRG-F1 ?10:47
faileasiisha: most intel chipsets have drivers for em... google might help. if its REALLY recent you may end up needing to compile drivers...10:47
Damienwwthank you DocTomoe10:48
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sytamjoin #ubuntu-pl10:48
DocTomoeDamienww: Works for F1-F6 for different consoles10:48
faileassytam: you need a / in that for it to work10:49
iishafaileas: i'll try it out then :)10:49
Damienwwbuut then i guess to get the apt-get i need a internet connection...10:49
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abhiberai have a problem10:51
abhiberamy hard disk is full on my ubuntu server10:51
SineFatoHi. Sorry to be bother you all so much today but how do I edit a read-only file. I know about sudo but I don't know how to edit in the command line10:51
DocTomoeDamienww: you might have the needed packages in apt's cache. you might try10:51
abhiberanow i want to find out which file is the largest is there any command which can do that for me?10:51
DocTomoeabhibera: try to delete some unneeded files in your home dir10:52
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rbowaptitude clean give back some space ;)10:52
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abhiberaDocTomoe: i want to find out which are the largest files on the system10:52
DocTomoeabhibera: apt-get autoremove might be in order, too10:52
abhiberaDocTomoe:  is there any way to do it?10:52
rbowtreesize is your prog10:52
turboloverwhat about them ATI driverS? they are great, arent they?10:52
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DocTomoeabhibera: you do not want to do this. it might be an necessary system file10:52
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abhiberaDocTomoe: well i am smart enough to distinguish that :)10:53
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SineFatoHi. Sorry to be bother you all so much today but how do I edit a read-only file. I know about sudo but I don't know how to edit in the command line10:53
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DocTomoeSineFato: try sudo vi FILENAME10:54
crypthi..! i am looking for limewire on ubuntu10:55
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SineFatoDocTomow: hey it works. thanks a bunch.10:55
SineFatoDocTomoe: how do I save it after?10:55
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boubbinis it possible to take "screenshot" from a virtualconsole somehow ?10:56
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boubbini need to read things that my ubuntu does on boot.10:56
boubbinwhen it loads all the modules etc...10:56
KitsunI forced an install of a .deb and now synaptic and such gives me errors, is there anyway I can make apt-get forget about that program?10:56
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DocTomoeSineFato: try :w10:57
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MARIUSmariushey, i was wondering if there's possible to play lineage 2 on ubuntu?10:57
howlingmadhowieSineFato: and then :q to quit10:57
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SineFatoDocTomoe: crap. It opened the file but when I try to type or anythign the curser jumps around10:57
crypthi..! i am looking for limewire on ubuntu10:57
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davidwhere's one: ocasionally I'll do a 'ps', wait 10 seconds, and see that the process number jumped by 5/6 numbers.  Is there a tool to tell me exactly what those processes are?10:58
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thirstis nvidia-glx pacakge part of ubuntu cd ?10:58
MARIUSmariusthirst i don't think so10:59
thirstis there any problem if I use the installer from nvidia site, rather than nvidia-glx ? I want it for a legacy card.10:59
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DocTomoeSineFato: you might want to learn vi.11:00
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SineFatoDocTomoe: ^^;  yeah i suppose that would help. is there a guide online or a readme somewhere11:01
DocTomoeSineFato: type "vimtutor" on the shell11:02
ThanatosDriveHow do I get more screensavers?11:02
Lustbladeri can't seem to start up ubuntu... .xcommand file i edited seems to have created this problem.. what should i do?11:02
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SineFatoDocTomow: on the shell? sorry I'm still very new11:03
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LustbladerSineFato in the console window he means11:03
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izanbardprincethirst: You're better off using nvidia-glx unless your card can benefit from the latest drivers11:04
SineFatoit says not found. do i need to apt-get it?11:04
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Lustbladeryup SineFato11:04
thirstizanbardprince:  which repository can I get it from ?11:04
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izanbardprincethirst: Are you using Feisty?11:05
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thirstizanbardprince:  yes, i want to install it on a fiesty machine.11:05
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SineFatoLustblader: apt-get can't find it11:05
predaeusdavidw, you can use "man nameofprogram" to get info about most programs. quit with 'q'.11:05
izanbardprincethirst: System/Administration/Restricted Drivers Manager, select the "Enable" box next to "Nvidia accelerated graphics driver"11:06
Lustbladersearch for it in the ubuntu repositories11:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vimware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:06
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers11:06
izanbardprinceclick yes to confirm, let it install, reboot when prompted11:06
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SineFatoSo you can find a full list of the apt-get stuff online somewhere?11:07
izanbardprincethirst: I recommend nvidia-glx because anytime there is a kernel update, you'll have to rebuild the kernel modules from source if you use the driver package from Nvidia11:07
Lustbladertype sudo apt-get install vmware11:07
izanbardprinceso basically, it breaks the driver every time there's a security patch11:07
gabzSineFato, yes http://packages.ubuntu.com/11:07
Lustbladeru looking for a windows emulator right?11:08
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izanbardprinceMicrosoft has a VMware image of Windows Server 200311:08
howlingmadhowiedoes anyone know of a way to stop sharing a file on samba in gnome?11:08
izanbardprincewith a 30 day time bomb11:08
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faileasizanbardprince: for VPC11:09
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup11:09
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verbozhi all11:09
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izanbardprinceof course it's easier to get the CD image of the Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, disable the time bomb, and then burn it to CD11:09
SineFatolustblader: no I'm looking for a way to edit a readonly file11:09
izanbardprincethe eval key will still activate it11:09
howlingmadhowieoh sorry. it's done it. you can just deselect smb share on right click->share. it just takes a few seconds to be broadcast11:09
LustbladerSineFato what kinda file is it?11:10
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vmhey all, i just installed ubuntu 7.10 tribe 3, how do i get desktop effects working if i have an ati video card?11:10
izanbardprinceit should list your ATI card in the Restricted Driver Manager11:10
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SineFatolustbalder: its the boot menu.lst11:10
izanbardprincejust enable it11:10
vmwheres that?11:10
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verbozhave pb with automatix, when i upgrade to feisty, package installed with automatix like mp3 codecs and other packages don't work, and when i remove and reinstall automatix and run it, it don't how to me all package11:11
izanbardprinceSystem/Administration/Restricted Driver Manager11:11
vmits not there11:11
LustbladerSineFato cd /boot/grub/menu.lst11:11
gabzvm maybe you should try 7.04 7.10 tribe 3 is a pre-release version11:11
Stokesywhats the best way to set up a drive to share between a windows/ubuntu dualboot?11:11
verbozit show just package not installed with edgy version11:11
Stokesywhich file system?11:11
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vmgabz, i have had 7.04 for 3months or so11:11
LustbladerSineFato cd /boot/grub11:11
gabzvm and should be discussed in #ubuntu+111:11
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Lustbladerthen sudo gedit menu.lst11:11
vmand had it working good, i cannot find the restricted driver manager11:11
izanbardprinceverboz: With the Edgy version, remove all the installed packages11:12
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izanbardprinceinstall Automatix for Feisty, and re-install everything11:12
verbozizanbardprince, i have feisty now11:12
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Lustblader!automatix | izanbardprince11:12
ubotuizanbardprince: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)11:12
DJ-DrIP[AR] hi all, is fiesty fawn supported under VMWare?11:13
gabzvm see #ubuntu+1 channel. i haven't actaully installed 7.10 yet so i got no idea11:13
Lustblader7.10 is out?11:13
DJ-DrIP[AR] well, i use player11:13
DJ-DrIP[AR] but ok11:13
faileasDJ-DrIP[AR] : i personally couldn't get it to run. it installs, but it won't boot first time11:13
DJ-DrIP[AR] i see11:13
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faileasLustblader: for quite a while!11:13
izanbardprinceAutomatix works fine on Feisty, theres maybe 10 packages it doesn't pull from the official repos11:13
SineFatolustblader: so do sudo normal programs you just do it in the command line but with the name of the program?11:13
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izanbardprinceand none of them would break a system update11:13
Lustbladeri'm still on 7.0411:13
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gabzLustblader, no11:14
izanbardprinceif you can't get them removed through Automatix, just apt-get remove them11:14
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izanbardprinceor go searching through Synaptic11:14
gabzLustblader, 7.10  beta  hasn't even been released.11:14
Lustbladerthen what are these ppl talking bout gabz?11:15
izanbardprinceit's true that Automatix isn't the most well behaved app, but I can't see how it would "break" anything11:15
SineFatoI just downloaded today and I'm only on 7.0411:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about obexserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:15
gabzLustblader,  the alpha release versions11:15
faileas7.10 on ubuntu main page now. IIRC11:15
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gabzfaileas the ubuntu release cycle is 6 months the last number after the . is the month of release it's not the 10th month yet11:16
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vmwhere do i find the restricted driver manager in 7.10?11:16
elkbuntu!automatix | izanbardprince11:16
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ubotuizanbardprince: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)11:16
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thx1137Anyone know of a good screen video capture app?11:16
elkbuntuizanbardprince, read the livejournal entry, and it'll tell you exactly how it can break things11:17
rbo1xvidcap is nice11:17
thx1137pretty easy to use?11:17
SineFatoAny recommendations on a way to get MP3 files to work?11:17
thx1137rbo1: awesome, thanks alot, i'll give it a try  =)11:17
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gabzSineFato,  yeah open the mp3 file in totem it should auto download the codec11:18
izanbardprinceGutsy Gibbon has so far included most stuff one would use Automatix for anyway11:19
gabzSineFato, if it's playing nice.11:19
SineFatogabz: where is totem? do i need to apt-get it11:19
thx1137Oh yea, totem, that reminds me, anyone know how to open two or more videos through totem at once?11:19
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thx1137like, to open another video in a "new window"?11:20
gabzSineFato, Applications -> sound and video -> Movie player11:20
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chasetoyshey folks11:20
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izanbardprinceSinefoto: If you don't like movie player, there are plenty of other media players in Add/Remove11:21
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izanbardprinceI prefer Audacious myself11:21
chasetoyshelp!  i'm getting an error when i try to login (your session only lasteed less than 10 seconds).... detials say:  /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning sessions setup.... ;  mkdtemp: private socket dir: Permission denied  ..... how do i fix?11:21
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Stokesyi need to install windows :(11:22
Stokesythese .wmv's arent playing in totem, vlc, or mplayer11:22
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rbo1mplayer can play ..11:22
StokesyI think they are some weird codec that only WMP can play11:22
Stokesysome sort of asf11:22
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SineFatoGabz: sweet it worked this time. Thank you :-D11:23
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gabzStokesy, they are a streaming format to memory so yeah may be WMP only have you tired the w32codecs ?11:23
Stokesyi dont think so11:23
Stokesywhere can i get those11:23
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chasetoyshow can i kill the gui login11:24
chasetoysand let me login with just text11:24
izanbardprincemplayer can handle wma/wmv, but only if theres no DRM11:24
gabzstokesy either added the medibuntu packages or use automatix etc..11:24
rbo1try rcconf and switch off gdm11:24
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jamesdellhi! where can I download or find package name 'obexserver'? there is no package on that in repository. please advise.11:24
rbo1or kdm xdm what ever11:24
gabzStokesy,  http://www.medibuntu.org/11:24
jamesdell!w32codecs | Stokesy11:25
ubotuStokesy: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs11:25
Stokesygabz, thanks, i really dont want to install windows for one thing11:25
davidwso inotify doesn't work with /proc11:25
davidwthis is pissing me off11:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about obex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:25
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savvasjamesdell: try: apt-cache search obex11:26
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SineFatoHow do you guys make peoples names pop up infront of what you type11:27
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jamesdellsavvas, sorry obexserver11:27
jamesdellsavvas, I did that but no results11:27
chasetoyshelp!  i'm getting an error when i try to login (your session only lasteed less than 10 seconds).... detials say:  /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning sessions setup.... ;  mkdtemp: private socket dir: Permission denied  ..... how do i fix?11:27
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rbo1@chasetoys "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" stops your loginmanager and then switch with alt+F1 to your console, for permanetly start your xxbunto install rcconf and switsch off gdm11:27
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LinuxHelpHow do I stop agpgart from loading at startup? I tried blacklisting the module but that dont help11:28
rbo1startx or gdm for starting then ..11:28
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savvasjamesdell: i have results, you might haven't enabled universe repositories, from the menu: system > administration > software sources> check everything under "downloadable from the internet"11:28
Stokesyinstalling w32codecs from medibuntu now, thanks :)11:28
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chasetoysrbo1, what do u mean permanetly start your xxbunto instal rcconmf11:29
defconfor some reason I lost fps, I run glxgears all the time and I lost like 50 fps11:29
chasetoysrbo1, i'm not clear on ur directions11:29
defconand my ubuntu is very choppy, any one know why?11:29
vm where do i find the restricted driver manager in 7.10?11:30
rbo1you can handle your startingdeamons with rcconf11:30
thx1137rbo1: is it only command lines?11:30
rbo1gdm = gnomedisplaymanager11:30
chasetoysrbo1, i'm a linux newb, i need more explicit instructions ;p11:30
jamesdellsavvas, my option "community-maintained open source software (universe)" is already enabled...11:30
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dice14uok someone im having issues with my fglrx drivers11:30
dice14uand X1111:30
rbo1sudo aptitude install rcconf11:31
SineFatosudo make me a sandwich11:31
rbo1then sudo rcconf11:31
dice14uI am only getting resolutions up to 640x48011:31
savvasjamesdell: I tried "obex" and got results, maybe it's not an obexserver package, or maybe it's not included :)11:31
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rbo1why you want switch off your logingui ?11:31
savvasjamesdell: if it's the latter case, then you'll have to google your way to find it11:31
jamesdellsavvas, that is what im doing now :)11:31
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savvasdefcon: system > administration > restricted devices manager - is your graphics card checked?11:32
chasetoysrbo1, ok so i did sudo rconf... whats next11:32
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chasetoysrbo1, i switched off logingui, cuz i couldn't login with gdm (remember session quit)11:32
defconsavvas, nope11:32
jamesdellsavvas, i think google still doesnt gimme links :(11:32
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defconsavvas, nope I run a i810 but it was running fine, all of a sudden I lost allot of fps11:32
chasetoysrbo1, ok so i ave rcconf loaded... what should i do next11:32
savvasdefcon: ah.. it might be an application problem11:33
rbo1switch off your gdm11:33
defconsavvas yea im running top11:33
defconim looking into it11:33
savvasdefcon: no applications eating up the CPU usage?11:33
rbo1next time you boot it dont starts your gui11:33
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chasetoysrbo1, how do i switch on/off stuff11:33
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rbo1fir starting manually your xserver type stsrtx or gdm11:34
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savvasjamesdell: why do you need obexserver? which program requires that package?11:34
chasetoysrbo1, but how do i switch gdm off11:34
chasetoysfrom rcconf11:34
SineFatoI was messing with apt-get and kinda downloaded KDE on too ubuntu (soon after removed it) but when messing with the stuff on the log in screen to choose gnome or KDE there was somethign called Xscript. Anyone know what that is?11:34
kameronis there a way to replace all instances of X with Y in a file? perhaps using 'echo' and 'tee' ?11:34
defconquick question, if I disable gdm in rcconf can I load it with startx11:34
chasetoysrbo1, ther are no instrucitons11:35
jamesdellsavvas, for bluetooth. i want to transfer my files in nokia phone going to pc.. and this link hits me attention to follow-in.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3474011:35
chasetoysok its space bar aparently11:35
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chasetoysrbo1, ok so i should restart and manually start gdm?11:36
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chasetoysrbo1, u there ? :p11:36
savvasjamesdell: go to menu: applications > add/remove > type "bluetooth", wait for some seconds and check the obex program there to download it11:37
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savvasjamesdell: it's the 5th one in my list11:37
SineFatoHow do you create a link to ./ on your desktop?11:38
chasetoyshelp!  i'm getting an error when i try to login (your session only lasteed less than 10 seconds).... detials say:  /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning sessions setup.... ;  mkdtemp: private socket dir: Permission denied  ..... how do i fix?11:38
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chasetoyscan someone please help me?  i'm on a deadline11:38
savvasSineFato: ./ is the current directory11:38
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Stokesyhmm, w32codecs doesnt seem to have worked, so can I assume that these files are wmp only?11:38
rbo1think you have to clear your session savings11:38
dice14uchasetoys sudo?11:38
dice14uoh login11:39
Stokesyunless i need to do something special to activate w32codecs?11:39
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chasetoysdice14u, huh?11:39
savvasStokesy: close all your media players and install this package: totem-xine11:39
rbo1if the session your problem you can try to make a new user and login with the new one11:40
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izanbardprinceWatching Babylon 5: The Lost Tales11:40
SineFatosavvas: ok make me feel stupid:-P. umm to / then. Like whatever the file system starts at... (those aren't technical terms...)11:40
jamesdellsavvas, thanks :)11:40
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savvasjamesdell: no probs ;)11:40
izanbardprinceCGI has gotten a lot better since the Video Toaster :P11:40
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faileasB5: The Lost Tales is awesome... k11:40
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Guest21379i have a little problem11:40
Guest21379in ubuntu11:40
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Guest21379i do sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk11:41
Guest21379and it says could not get lick11:41
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faileasyeah, then again the graphics in b5 could be done by a mediocre modern graphics card11:41
Guest21379unable to lock the administration directory11:41
Guest21379then it asks me if another process is using it?11:41
Stokesywhen I added medibuntu to the repo's suddenly its saying i have updates for some of my packages, but they seem to be the same version just with +medibuntu on the end. what does this mean?11:41
faileasGuest21379: that means something else is currently using root. fot anything else going on?11:41
Guest21379how do i list the processes11:42
Guest21379fot ?11:42
rbo1top -u username11:42
Guest21379and how do i check if its using this thing11:42
savvasSineFato: right click on desktop > create launcher - choose a sexy icon to use - type a name - under file use this: file:///11:42
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savvasSineFato: sorry, under command use that :)11:43
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Truman_Does anyone know why Camorama might say "Cannot connect to device ..." if gstreamer-properties shows my webcam as the correct device and tests just fine? -- it's a built-in isight on a macbook11:43
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chasetoyshelp!  i'm getting an error when i try to login (your session only lasteed less than 10 seconds).... detials say:  /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning sessions setup.... ;  mkdtemp: private socket dir: Permission denied  ..... how do i fix?11:44
SineFatosavvas: sweet thanks11:45
DJ-DrIP[AR] ... ubuntu + 128 MB mem == BAD11:45
savvasSineFato: no problemo :) and sorry for making you feel stupid :p11:45
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SineFatosavvas: for me in linux its more then just a feeling :-P11:46
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savvasSineFato: you're not alone :\11:46
SineFatohmm one problem down.. mayn many to go11:46
Stokesynope, it says it cant play codec "MSS2"11:47
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dice14uchasetoys try logging in with failsafe11:48
Stokesyany point in me upgrading to the exact same version package but with +medibuntu on the end?11:48
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lasse_Stokesy: if you are using mediabuntu you should use their rep.11:49
SineFatoI just sudo apt-got (getted?) somethign and it didn't show up in any of the menus11:49
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chasetoysdice14u, what does that mean11:50
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chasetoyshow do i do it11:50
dice14uyou are at the splash screen right11:51
dice14uand cannot get past that part11:51
dice14uthere is a menu11:51
liaisonfellas, I've been Ubuntu'ed - can't sudo with first account - any ideas?11:51
dice14uclick it11:51
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Stokesyanyone know if running WMP in wine is advisable?11:51
dice14uin there there is something about session type11:51
dice14utry failsafe11:51
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Stokesyi really dont want to install windows11:51
DJ-DrIP[AR] note to self: add more memory to ubuntu system11:52
SineFatostokesy: I have heard of people running video games in wine so i can't imagine a lil think like WMP would kill you11:52
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omegabetaAnyone here get that when some selfimportant prick decides to message you when your playing, well, just about any opengl game in Linux it goes to this weird ultra zoomed state and you cant do sweet.fuck.all but ctr/alt/backspace, effictly missing the message and the game?11:52
donvinzkHi, my system dosn't shutdown properly: when I click on log out/turn off, the screen turn black, I can not see the splash screen, and my machine is still running. I have to stop it pushing the power button. How can I diagnose the problem ?11:52
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SineFatowhats ctrl alt backspace do?11:53
faileasrestart X11:53
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SineFatoouch. you can't jsut alt f4? or close the msger before playing?11:54
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FlannelCOMPE375 - Embedded Syst Programming MW  1400 - 1450 F   1500 - 174011:55
FlannelCOMPE470 - Digital Circuits TTH 0930 - 104511:55
FlannelEE330 - Fund Of Engr Electronics11:55
Flannel  MWF 1000 - 105011:55
FlannelEE330L - Engr Elecronics Lab11:55
Flannel  W   1600 - 184011:55
FlannelEE340 - Electric & Magnetic Field11:55
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Flannel  MWF 1300 - 135011:55
ompauldonvinzk, try, sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm11:55
FlannelEE380L - Elec Energy Convers Lab11:55
Flannel  T   1300 - 154011:55
FlannelEE410 - Signals And Systems MWF 1100 - 115011:55
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netyireanyone know how to terminate a specific X session via the terminal?11:55
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chasetoysdice14u, ok11:56
chasetoysi will try that11:56
donvinzkompaul, I reboot and see what happens...11:56
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omegabetaNa, I need to have messanger up most the time11:57
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omegabetaI'd an inconvenaince to shut it down just to play games, games should minimise to awn then screw everything up11:58
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:58
mrmondaywhat package is needed to compile programs? I can't remember...11:58
Flannelmrmonday: build-essential11:58
chasetoysso i tried to login to gnome via the failsafe session.  i get this error:  "could not open or create the file "(null)", this indicates that there may be a problem with your configuration, as many programs will need to create files in your home directory.  The error was: "failed to create file 'tmp/gconf-test-locking-file-7H6DWT': Permission denied" (errno=2)11:59
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BrainDead_120Lhi. can anybody help me with apache2-php5-firebird2 on ubuntu 704 server?11:59
rogue-BrainDead_120L: in what way11:59
BrainDead_120Lrouge: i can't install that combo11:59
netyireanyone know how to terminate an X session? so if you enter: sudo X :3, can you specifically kill that session?12:00
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chasetoysdice14u, u there?12:00
BrainDead_120Li have the apache2 with php512:00
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dice14uchasetoys: yes12:01
dice14ubut not for long i have to restart soon12:01
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chasetoysdice14u, any ideas12:01
chasetoyson how to fix problem12:02
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chasetoyssee up ... i selected failsafe termianl12:02
chasetoysbut it didnt work12:02
dice14usaid same thing?12:02
chasetoys so i tried to login to gnome via the failsafe session.  i get this error:  "could not open or create the file "(null)", this indicates that there may be a problem with your configuration, as many programs will need to create files in your home directory.  The error was: "failed to create file 'tmp/gconf-test-locking-file-7H6DWT': Permission denied" (errno=2)12:02
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dice14uok well obviously there is something wrong with the permissions of the tmp directory12:03
dice14uyou must not have write access to it12:03
dice14uthats what that error says12:03
chasetoyshow do i fix?12:03
netyireanyone know how to terminate an X session? so if you enter: sudo X :3, can you specifically kill that session?12:04
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BrainDead_120Lhow can i install the interbase extension to php5? apt-get install php5-interbase doesn't work... :(12:04
dice14uif you can run commands its chmod -R +rwxrwxrwx /tmp/12:04
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dice14uit is a permission issue on /tmp/12:04
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donvinzkompaul, it seems that my problem comes from kdm, with gdm I can shutdown cleanly12:05
donvinzkI find it a bit strange12:05
chasetoysdice14u, i did that persmission change and i still get same error] 12:05
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ompauldonvinzk, no further ideas12:06
chasetoysthat fixed it12:06
chasetoysat least i can login with default session12:06
chasetoysi mean failsafe12:06
=== chasetoys hugs dice14u
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arn_is it possible to know which application is using my sound card?12:07
dice14utry normal login12:08
dice14uthat was the issue with your normal as well i think12:08
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linqhow to change the encoder in the ssh of the Nautilus12:10
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xen_I'll just say it right now, this is one of those times12:10
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linqi get the errror invalide unicode12:10
dice14uchasetoys: did it fix the issue completely?12:10
xen_If I can't get mysql to work I'm going to do something terrible12:10
dice14ui am restarting12:11
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xen_I'm completely serious12:11
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xen_if I can't get mysql to work I'm going to become a meth addict12:11
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xen_Ubuntu has me in tears because if you mess up any program it won't even let you uninstall it12:12
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xen_It's unbelievable, first apache2 and now mysql...12:12
xen_and I was so close to being done with the whole thing12:12
Myrttixen_: calm down12:12
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Myrttixen_: if you want help, please be more precise what you tried to do, what happened and where's the problem12:13
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xen_I managed to delete my root account in mysql and now I don't know what to do.12:13
xen_I deleted all of the accounts12:14
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DJ-DrIP[AR] what's the min ram Fawn will run under?12:14
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Myrttixen_: well now. Do you have anything valuable in the databases?12:15
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fakenickxen, How did you do that?12:16
xen_no I don't have anything on the databases, I'm just starting the server. I already tried removing mysql...and just like apache2 I was unable to.12:16
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Myrttixen_: how did you try to remove it?12:16
xen_I tried synaptic and command line --purge12:16
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predaeusDJ-DrIP[AR] , not sure I think the normal installer needs around 300MB or something. With the alternative installer you can get away with less. If you are low on ram probably check out xubuntu as it's libs are less memory hungry.12:17
xen_it says theres an error or something...12:17
Myrttisomething? please be more precise12:17
peddler_dudeWhat's the "error or something" ...?12:17
DJ-DrIP[AR] ahh12:17
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xen_I had the same problem with apache212:17
DJ-DrIP[AR] i was only givin it 128 mg12:17
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xen_I did something I shouldn't have and it would'nt let me uninstall12:18
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peddler_dudexen, Stop being a drama queen and lay out the facts otherwise no one can help you.12:18
Myrttixen_: sorry, I've left my crystal ball home, you'll have to try to describe the problem and error better12:18
alesanhi do you have an idea how to disable the "switch user" button when you logout?12:18
predaeusDJ-DrIP[AR] , scan https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation  there should be details in there somewhere.12:18
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alesanwhere can I find the config of such thing?12:18
xen_hold on I'll try again, please tell me the command line to uninstall mysql if you know it.12:19
DJ-DrIP[AR] kk12:19
peddler_dudealesan, Why would you want to?12:19
peddler_dudexen, Tell us the exact error it gives you when you try to.12:19
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alesanpeddler_dude, it seems there is a bug when using multiple displays12:19
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hamadoooubuntu is the best12:19
alesanthe MIT cookie is not corretcly set12:19
predaeusDJ-DrIP[AR] , under system requirements it states 64MB of ram is minimum and if you have less than 192MB use the alternative install cd.12:20
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hamadooobut i can't use  my laptop bluetooth on it12:20
DJ-DrIP[AR] ahh12:20
hamadoooi don't why12:20
DJ-DrIP[AR] i'm giving it 256 now12:20
alesanpeddler_dude, but now we are looking for a quick solution.12:20
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DJ-DrIP[AR] it's a bit smoother12:20
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peddler_dudealesan, Hmm... could you password protect the "su" command?12:21
peddler_dudeOr rather, change the permissions.12:21
alesanwe are delivering lots of ubuntu machines for the schools in Macedonia. every machine will have 7 X displays12:21
xo__need help, have anyone use dosemu with ipx/spx and success?12:21
peddler_dudeSo only root can run it.12:21
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alesanpeddler_dude, I only want to let the "logout" applet not to show the "switch user" button12:22
lousygaruapeddler_dude: maybe make it only readable by root12:22
cryptohi all. I have a question regarding ext3 file system. I currently have a file server running on my home network. I am using ubunty server as the OS. I currently have 3 hard drives (all formatted as ext3). My question: when i format it as ext3, i see a lost+found folder. Is it important to have this lost+found folder? Reason being I would like to mirror harddrive on sda with sdc so can I do a full hard drive rsync?12:22
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fraserhi guys, how do i set it up so when i click on the title bar of a window and hold down, then press a key it'll move that window to a certain desktop?12:23
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Symmetriahrm, any of the canonical people awake?12:23
xen_alright I'm about to report  on the error.12:23
hamadooothere iss no op here12:23
lousygaruafraser: r u on a regular ubuntu? without any beryl and such?12:23
hamadooobut dont worry guys im here12:24
xen_As soon as I highlight mysql 5.0 for removal it turns red, as if the package is broken.12:24
fraserlousygarua, yes i believe so. i believe this because i have no idea whta beryl is12:24
xen_but otherwise it's green12:24
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lousygaruafraser: ok :) if you go to system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts i think there's a hotkey for moving the current button to desktop 1,2,3 etc12:25
xen_E: mysql-server-5.0: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 112:25
xen_that's the error message I get12:25
fraserlousygarua, yes but i know how to set it up so, for instance i can hold shift and press f5 to make it move the window, but i want to be able to hold the title bar with the mouse and press f5. i had it set up in my old install and it'12:26
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frasers frustratinfg that i keep pressing it and it's not working12:26
xen_E: mysql-server-5.0: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 112:26
xen_If I can't get this fixed I'm going to do something terrible12:27
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xen_I'll probably become a drug addict12:27
lousygaruafraser: hmm i don't know how to do that, but it's something related to the window manager, which is "Metacity" on default ubuntu12:27
xen_maybe heroin12:27
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xen_maybe coke12:27
lousygaruafraser: maybe you can google about it or search ubuntuforums.org12:27
xen_i did12:28
fraserlousygarua, thanyou12:28
xen_I think myrtti might help me out12:28
xen_E: mysql-server-5.0: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 112:29
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cryptocan someone answer my question on ext3 file system?12:29
system79Oi can someone help me? What file is my current resolution stored in?12:29
system79Screen resolution12:29
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xen_system>preferences>desktop resolution12:30
xen_ubuntu is stubborn when it comes to file removal12:31
xen_I had to do a whole new install just to get apache2 working, and now this.12:31
system79How do i burn an image from commandline >.>12:31
system79xen_: sudo apt-get remove <program> xD12:31
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xen_that didn't work system12:32
system79Well then that sucks :O12:32
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system79format C:\ ftw12:32
xen_apparently errors prevent you from uninstalling certain programs12:32
system79i mean12:32
xen_is there a safe mode in ubuntu?12:32
system79omg im windows freak already12:32
system79yes there is12:32
system79when grub boots press escape12:33
xen_what is an advantage of being in safe mode?12:33
Rockinghorse/me is gone...but he'll be baack...12:33
system79Anyone knows HOW to burn images to cd from commandline plsh?..12:33
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sumedhaanyone installed pidgin in 6.10?12:33
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system79Anyone knows HOW to burn images to cd from commandline plsh?..12:33
EvanLughSorry to bug, but is there a dedicated ndiswrapper channel? =] 12:34
peddler_dude xen, purge should work for you.12:34
system79lol everyones idling i guess ;o12:34
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EvanLughlol no use12:35
system79can someone quick google how to burn an .iso to cd from commandline (im on a ubuntu server install >.>)12:35
gandalfcomeI cannot remove a certain file: it says text file busy12:35
savvassystem79: uh why would you want to do that?12:35
gandalfcomeplease help12:35
system79savvas: cause i dont have an interface?12:35
xen_does anyone else enjoy smelling their amrpits?12:35
sp_how i list the users in this chat? An help is appreciate.12:35
cryptosystem79: try this: sudo umount /dev/cdrom12:36
cryptocdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom blank=fast12:36
savvassystem79: install lynx and google it yourself :)12:36
xen_I do it all the time...I can't help it12:36
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gabzsystem79, if you don't have an interface what program are you using for irc ? (out of interest)12:36
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savvasgabz: irssi heh12:36
=== LinuxKid brb
EvanLughIf anyone is good with ndiswrapper, could you just point me in the right direction? I've read wikis etc for the last 5 hours, and I'm stuck on what seems an unknown problem12:36
system79sp_ you cant use xchat withou an interface dummy ;o12:36
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xen_I have a strange body oder, it smells kinda like taco bell12:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about umount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:37
EvanLughmanaged to screenshot it though :)12:37
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peddler_dudesp, Click on where it says 1035 users with your mouse.12:37
EvanLughthe screenshot pretty much sums it up, everything is installed/added but still no wlan012:37
Myrttixen_: sorry, had to take a little walk for a while12:37
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Myrttixen_: are you sure you don't have any other packagemanagement software open12:38
sp_i try it, thank you12:38
EvanLughhmm ill try the ndiwrapper, laters12:38
xen_I'm pretty sure12:38
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system79Wow, lynx s deadly to be honest :/12:39
system79Already got an headache lol12:39
faileasi tend to favour elinks over that12:39
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FurryNemesisdoes anyone know the umount option to force a dismount on a volume?12:40
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peddler_dudeI use w3m.  Its simple.12:40
peddler_dudeI shouldn't say I use it, but I have used it before for a few things.12:40
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xen_This is very frustrating, and I'm running low on time.12:40
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system79Well im frustrated too xD12:41
cryptofor ext3 file system, is it necessary to have the lost+found folder? i'm using the hard drives for storing data only as backup and would like to know if it is safe to remove lost+found folder.12:41
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system79I really cant find the command to burn an iso in a commandline12:41
BadReligionBrentHow do you boot terminal into root?12:41
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peddler_dudecrypto, Look up what the lost+found folder is for and ask yourself that question.  Its only really needed if there's a serious error of some kind and you need to find out what went wrong.12:42
faileasBadReligionBrent: you mean get something to run as root from terminal?12:42
xen_whos the person doing ndiswrapper12:42
gabzsystem79, i'll google you somthing12:42
faileassudo command12:42
xen_I may be able to help12:42
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faileasfor example sudo apt-get install foo12:42
cryptopeddler_dude: i know, i just wanted to get a 2nd opinion12:42
opihi there, can anyone point me to apt repo that still keeps Breezy packages?12:42
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peddler_dudeopi, Why don't you upgrade?12:43
BadReligionBrentyeah, I'm trying to install aimject and there are a lot of components needed, and it keeps saying errors12:43
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gabzsystem79,     sudo cdrecord dev=/media/cdrom0 speed=4 -v Downloads/k3b_0.iso12:43
hakatuHi guys. I'm going to migrate from gentoo to ubuntu (maybe) and I'd like to know if there is any pain-free way to get intel 3945 working stable?12:43
RenaTUX /server irc.azzurra.org12:43
opipeddler_dude: because I can't -- it's not important, I need few packages to build something12:43
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opipeddler_dude: and archive.ubuntu.com dropped'em all12:43
DEAthKAtry slackware first12:43
xen_E: mysql-server-5.0: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 112:43
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EvanLughWhy can't we get a 1680x 1050 resolution? >:(12:44
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rogerEvanLugh, what graphics card are you running?12:45
peddler_dudexen, Did you try have synaptic reinstall the package?12:45
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DEAthKAin Fedora this damn trick is working:(12:45
EvanLughroger = 1 sec12:45
Guest21379how do you read pdf's in ubuntu12:46
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EvanLughATI Radion something, 1 sec12:46
DEAthKAd click12:46
peddler_dudeGuest, Look up "pdf" under Add/Remove programs in the applications menu.12:46
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peddler_dudeEverybody who receives help here should know that you're bound by karma to return to this 7th layer of Hell and assist noobs at some point in the near future.12:47
EvanLughroger, DEAthKA: ATI Radion X1650 series12:47
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DEAthKAmine is Intel 915 series12:48
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xen_fuck linux time to become a drug addict12:48
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EvanLughWhy can't we get a 1680x 1050 reso though, it's stupid :P12:48
EvanLughlol xen12:48
DEAthKA915 resolution is only for this after my knowle..12:48
gabzEvanLugh, the problem is ATI X series doesn't have a good driver blame ATI... buy intel or nvidia12:49
EvanLughgabz: Euck12:49
ompaul!ohmy | xen_12:49
ubotuxen_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:49
alesanif I change the gnome settings with gconf-editor I only change for the current user12:49
xen_I know I know12:49
peddler_dudeEvanLugh, Look up the Envy script,  it might have support for your ATI card and will automate the installation.12:49
xen_I'm leaving12:49
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alesanhow can I change globally?12:49
xen_I just hate linux now12:49
EvanLughI know this is probably deemed innacceptable, but I'm getting really frustrated (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3141259#post3141259)12:49
EvanLughpeddler_dude: Thanks!12:49
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opiold-releases.ubuntu.com -- uff12:50
yahya_hello all :)12:50
peddler_dudexen, Maybe you should try FreeBSD, its a complete operating system and doesn't rely on distros like linux.12:50
rogerEvanLugh, I'm not sure about your model, but I'm running an x1800 with the latest  proprietary ATI driver, both 1680x1050 and dual-head are available for me.12:50
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allancis there a "check torrent integrity" feature for deluge?12:50
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faileasxen_: you have a life?12:50
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yahya_how do i change the language i am inputting by the keyboard?12:51
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yahya_how to change the input language?12:52
gabzyahya_, what do you want to change it too ?12:52
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DJ-DrIP[AR] humm12:52
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cant_use_ubuntuim having trouble upgrading to feisty with the cd12:52
yahya_gabz: arabic12:52
EvanLughcant_use_ubuntu: whats the problem12:52
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DJ-DrIP[AR] is it typical for instalation to go unbareably slow?12:53
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Akuma_what do i need to get to get firefox-embeded quick time videos to run?12:53
EvanLughdepends on the spec of your computer I suppose, don't hold me to it though, DJ-DrIP[AR] 12:53
peddler_dudeDJ, It depends on your patience level.12:53
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gnuskoolDJ-DrIP, what sort of hardware?12:54
EvanLughtook me 15 mins or so12:54
DJ-DrIP[AR] VMWare12:54
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gabzyahya_, system -> adminsitration -> lanuage support12:54
peddler_dudeThe unbearableness of something is relative to the user.12:54
cant_use_ubuntuubuntu cd wont autorun, tried running gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"  get nothing12:54
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gabzyahya_, if there is arabic support it will install the required files12:54
lastnodejust wondering if anyone here is running bcm4318 on feisty?12:54
gabzcant_use_ubuntu, are you using the alternate cd  to do an ubuntu upgrade ?12:55
DEAthKAcant_use: check U cd first with MD512:55
DJ-DrIP[AR] ARG 36% for a hour12:55
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DJ-DrIP[AR] @_@12:55
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gnuskoolall my downloaded packages are installed to /usr/bin by default, yet I see others were initially placed in /usr/local/bin......., can I just drag them across, or will that break other links????12:55
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gabzgnuskool, that will break alot of stuff12:56
DJ-DrIP[AR] gnuskool, copy + paste ;)12:56
DEAthKAgnuskool: dont do that!12:56
yahya_gabz: done there, but my question is, while i am typing, how to change the language12:56
peddler_dudegnuskool, Is something not working?12:56
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yahya_eg: in windows, you use Alt+shift12:56
=== EvanLugh screams: "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=518682" =']
gnuskoolgabz, so leave it alone? BUt if I do and say I need to add fluxbox manu links, will i have to add links into all my window managers??12:56
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gnuskoolgabz, i wanna use flux, ice and xfce12:57
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wersis there a check torrent data integrity feature for deluge?12:57
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gabzyahya_, not familer with windows... i assume you mean change the keyboard layout12:57
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gabzgnuskool, why can't use use xubuntu ?12:57
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gnuskoolgabz, i would except it doesent run on AMD, K6, 3DNow, 2/333MHz, my bios is too old, and cant find an update thru linux12:58
yahya_gabz, nope. like i am typing something in english, then suddenly i want to change it to arabic, so is there a key combination to switch languages back and forth?12:58
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EvanLughi guess ill be switching back to vista then12:59
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gabzyahya_, i'm not sure if there is a keyboard shortcut to swap.12:59
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gnuskoolgabz, is there a central place to edit manu links that will carry across on all window managers?12:59
gabzgnuskool,  no idea sorry01:00
DEAthKAgnu" dont think so01:00
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MVLinuxhow i can creat shared folder on remot host(ubuntu server) ?01:00
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yahya_oh no :(, this will be hard :S i swap languages very often01:01
gabzyahya_, can't see it in any of  the standard places you set shortcuts so maybe you should submit this as a feature request01:01
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mosnois it true that it's best to defragment Vista's NTFS partition before letting Feisty resize it?01:01
mosnobecause Vista doesn't have an indicator as to how long it's expected for the defrag to take01:02
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EvanLughi dont see why it should matter01:02
gabzyahya_, and just because i don't know about it doesn't mean it's not there.01:02
gnuskoolgabz, thx for your concentration :)01:02
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yahya_gabz, perhaps :) i will keep looking :)01:02
DEAthKAyahya: maybe U can fix this making a new profile setting U keybord option..and after change between profiles01:02
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mrmondaymy friend gets an error about install.sh when he tries to compile things... what package does he need?01:04
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alecwhWhen is the next release of Ubuntu going to be released?01:04
gnuskoolmrmonday, how is he trying to install things??01:04
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)01:04
yahya_DEAthka, hmmm. good option. will try it. thanks01:05
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DEAthKAno problem01:05
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LifeDJcan any one tell me how can i change resolution to 1280x800 ??? PLEASE01:06
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franzorzcan anyone help me with usenet?01:06
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stefg!fixres | LifeDJ01:06
ubotuLifeDJ: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:06
gnuskoolLifeDJ, in xterm xsetup.sh01:06
LifeDJi'll take a look01:07
franzorzdoes anyone use usenet? brb01:07
LifeDJone more thing if i may01:07
stefgfranzorz: quite offtopic in here01:07
gnuskoolfranzorz, what do you wanna know about it??01:07
LifeDJhow to install emerald ??01:07
stefg!effects | LifeDJ01:08
ubotuLifeDJ: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects01:08
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gnuskoolLifeDJ, got nvidia or ATI??01:08
DEAthKALifeDJ: beryl is the best option to install01:08
LifeDJi have beryl01:08
LifeDJbut there is no decorations :(01:08
DEAthKAberyl core also?01:08
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LifeDJyes ... i have installed from "Add remove "01:08
DEAthKAtry synaptic01:09
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LifeDJuninstall fisrt ?01:09
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ectospasmtry "beryl-manager"01:09
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DEAthKAnot necesary01:09
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DEAthKAjust search there emerald01:09
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BMW_M5w00t 53%01:10
LifeDJi have every thing related to beryl ( Cube and all other COOOOOL effects :) ) but no decorations01:10
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franzorzback. usenet? new groups? programs? download?01:10
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fraseri'm trying to run azureus guys, but when i open it from applications it closes down halfway through the startup, so i ran it from a terminal and got this error output, running 7.04. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32756/01:10
gnuskoolLifeDJ, how you mean, 'decorations'?01:10
stefgLifeDJ: if you'd bothered to read the topic in #ubuntu-effects, you'd have found http://forum.beryl-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=163101:11
LifeDJchane the look of the windows01:11
franzorzi had tht prob fraser01:11
DEAthKAemerald themes?01:11
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gnuskoolfranzorz, what u wanna know, do you have a usenet account?01:11
fraserfranzorz, fix it five up?01:11
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LifeDJstefg ... ok i'll look there01:11
LifeDJi'm new to ubuntu :S01:11
frasergnuskool, is usenet free?01:11
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fraserLifeDJ, i think i read an article you wrote on the forums.01:12
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gnuskoolfraser, there are free servers, read them using outlook, but for big downloads get an account01:12
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LifeDJi haven't wrote any thing ... i only have ubunto from yesterday01:13
franzorzIam compeltly new to usenet. how do i use it?01:13
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fraserfranzorz, did you manage to fix your azureus problems?01:13
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stefgLifeDJ: so you better refrain from beryl for the moment. It's still very unstable, and if you are inexperienced you rather go with Desktop effects which are in Feisty. learn the basics, before switching to alpha-stuff01:14
franzorzyer, just tryin to find the thread again. just be a moe01:14
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ectospasmfranzorz:  http://www.landfield.com/faqs/01:15
ectospasmfaqs about Usenet01:15
franzorzsweet tanks01:15
ectospasm!google usenet faqs01:15
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franzorzheres the AZUREUS fix i used, it worked for me. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144546&highlight=azureus01:16
fraserfranzorz, thanks chamop01:16
gnuskoolfranzorz, terminology is confusing, but its very simple, for instance google groups hosts newsgroups, which are collectively known as usenet01:17
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DJ-DrIP[AR] weeeeee 57%01:17
stefgectospasm: ubotu is busy enough, so no !google trigger.... people are expected to know google themselves :-)01:17
DJ-DrIP[AR] in 1 hour @_@01:17
GWwhen i try "Copy Disc" on the cd icon on the desktop i get an error loading or saving nautilus-cd-burner with message: Bad key or directory name: "/apps/nautilus-cd-burner/(none)/last_device": `(' is an invalid character in key/directory names01:17
franzorzcheers for the usenet stuff, but wot programs u use and wot server?01:17
GWunder gconf-editor i do not see any such key01:17
DEAthKAhave anyone tryied generic kernel  from Gutsy in Feisty?01:17
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ectospasmstefg:  OK... I'm in so many other channels that have it I took it for granted (-:01:17
gnuskoolfranzorz, google a term like free newsgroup server for the servers, and google  newsreader01:18
ectospasmfranzorz:  the program you use is up to you.  I know Thunderbird has Usenet capability... as for the server, you can use one provided by your ISP, or use something like giganews...01:18
franzorzi have, but got klibido and found some free servers, but then nothing :).01:18
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gnuskoolfranzorz, then when setting up your newsreader, put the links you get to free news servers, and you're away01:19
stefgGW: nautilus cd burner is a buggy mess in feisty. i'd recommend uninstalling it and usng brasero instead01:19
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franzorzi c, cheers for the help. i g2g. thanks yall. laters01:19
ectospasmstefg:  brasero?  never heard of that one...01:19
stefg!info brasero01:20
ubotubrasero: CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 739 kB, installed size 1944 kB01:20
ectospasmI just use k3b01:20
ectospasmI don't hate all KDE programs01:20
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Rowanhmm, when i install kubuntu-desktop it seems that all the kubuntu apps show up in my gnome menu on my ubuntu-desktop, is there any way to stop this without manually hiding the programs from the menu?01:20
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gnuskooldoes the flash for linux work on debian woody?01:20
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ectospasmRowan:  I wouldn't think so...01:20
Rowanjust wondering for a friend, i personally dislike KDE01:21
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Rowanalso is there a form to fill out a request for ubuntu?01:22
stefgectospasm: i use k3b as well. brasero  is good for the simple stuff, 'cos it's gtk and integrates with gnome. k3b takes ages to start in gnome01:22
CheshireViking!shipit | Rowan01:22
ubotuRowan: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Feisty (7.04) CDs01:22
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Rowanhaah no no01:22
Rowani dont mean the cd, i want to send a feature request to the developers01:22
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/01:23
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Rowanand also tell them that the intel proset wireless is messed up by default in Gutsy currently :O01:23
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ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots01:23
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+101:24
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ectospasmstefg:  I used to use k3b for ripping too, but then its tagging got all whacked out, and I still haven't cleaned up its messes in my library...01:26
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frasertrying to purge a package, sudo apt-get purge packagename incorrect01:26
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ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)01:27
mortenmjmy .Xdefaults isn't being read. it was working the other day, and i can't for the life of me figure out what i've done that would have caused it not to work. any ideas?01:27
stefgfarser it's --purge , nt purge01:27
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Picifraser: unless you're using aptitude then its purge.01:29
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LonniebizIs this a good room for finding hot chicks?01:29
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stefgLonniebiz: nothing to see here, move along01:30
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CaneToadubuntu 7.04 won't boot properly from the successfully validated install media for me.  apricot screen.  can't install01:31
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CaneToadany ideas?01:31
gnuskoolLonniebiz,  I wonder if hot chicks use ubuntu, that'll amke a great survey, but I don't think they answer those too, so guess we'll nerver know01:32
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stefgCaneToad: can you get it to boot to console using the recovery boot option?01:32
HyDraGeNanyone tried installing safari with wine?01:32
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CaneToadstefg, I'll have to try that...the "safe" graphics mode hangs, actually it hangs worse than the default boot01:34
stefgCaneToad: Ati graphics ?01:34
CaneToadyeah, 9700 mobility radeon01:35
CaneToadfedora boots fine01:35
stefgCaneToad: oh well...01:35
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:35
CaneToadthus far I am unable to install ubuntu at all, let alone graphics drivers01:35
LonniebizAnybody ever had a problem where you can boot, but it's always on the second try? On the first try, I always get tty failures and I have to reboot at the busybox prompt. After that, I boot right into Ubuntu.01:35
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stefgCaneToad: blame ati for sucking hard on writing linux drivers... But 'm pretty sure there are other Ati victims around01:37
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CaneToadthe fedora linux distribution seems to be fine with this hardware, can't stuff be cross-ported?01:38
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CheshireVikingCaneToad, you could always try the alternate install cd, i've used that in the past when the live cd wouldn't work/install01:38
CaneToadis that also from the ubuntu download site, or elsewhere?01:39
stefgCaneToad: as a matter of fact, ubuntu uses more up-to-date versions. but this comes at a price with not so well supported hardware. YOu can get it to work, but juust not in a plug and play way01:39
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HyDraGeNok ^^01:40
HyDraGeNfinally someone answered01:40
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PiciHyDraGeN: I tried when it was first released, it didnt work.01:40
boris_my knotify seems to keep crashing and amarok says no MP3 support althrough i installed ubuntu extras... rhytmbox can play mp3 files01:40
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CheshireViking!patience Z HyDraGeN01:40
CheshireViking!patience | HyDraGeN01:41
ubotuHyDraGeN: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:41
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boris_ my knotify seems to keep crashing and amarok says no MP3 support althrough i installed ubuntu extras... rhytmbox can play mp3 files. im using ubuntu feisty01:42
ectospasmyay!  the eject on my ipod finally works!  before, I'd say eject but the iPod screen would still say,"Do not disconnect"... Ubuntu is awesome!01:42
DarkEDboris_: you want #kubuntu :)01:42
boris_i dont have kde01:42
gnuskoolboris, what do the logs say?01:42
DarkEDsorry then01:42
boris_what logs01:42
ectospasmamarok is is a KDE program01:43
boris_amarok had 1 bug crash01:43
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DarkEDyeah you need the kde codecs01:43
boris_ok then01:43
DarkEDyou've got the gnome codecs01:43
boris_what what what01:43
boris_how do i install them ?01:43
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:43
DarkEDubuntu-restriced-extras gives you codecs for gnome apps...01:43
boris_ok thank u very much01:43
DarkEDkde apps need a separate codec package, though i'm not sure which01:43
SeveredCrossThat's not KDE codecs vs. GNOME codecs..That's gstreamer vs. xine if anything01:43
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boris_how do i install them01:44
stefgSeveredCross: that's the smart way of putting it.01:44
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franzorzi've got klibido and yottaanews free usenet server,  so how do i download? :D01:44
Lonniebizanyone else using GAIM to chat here right now?01:44
boris_i did Click Applications  Add/Remove. In the top right, change the setting to All available applications. Then select Other in the left panel and then select the Ubuntu restricted extras package. Click OK.01:44
gnuskoolfranzorz, can you read posts now?01:45
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franzorzdoesn't do anything01:45
LonniebizPlease tell me your favorite IRC client and why.01:45
Lonniebiz(I'm using GAIM)01:45
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:45
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.01:45
Lonniebiznot many features either01:45
LiberCogitoLonnibiz: Opera01:45
SeveredCrossMeh, Opera.01:46
LiberCogitowhats wrong with opera?01:46
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gnuskoolfranzorz, i take it you entered in the server address, port number etc?01:47
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LonniebizDoes everyone agree "Opera" is the best for IRC on Ubuntu?01:48
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frasercan anyone recommend a program that could possibly scan all the ports on my comp and tell me which are currently open?01:48
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stefg!info netstat01:48
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ubotuPackage netstat does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:49
DarthShrineLonniebiz, Err, I wouldn't think so.01:49
stefgnetstat is in nettools and present by default. nmap is a more advanced tool01:49
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echosystmfraser, you can use nmap, it is a portscanner01:49
fraserechosystm, thanks.01:49
echosystmhowever, if you have intrisuion detection enabled, it will detect the first scan and lock that computer out01:49
echosystmso it wont tell you much :P01:50
gnuskoolLonniebiz, ill agree01:50
franzorzit says server disconnected01:50
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Rowani miss beryl01:50
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Rowancompiz fusion sucks01:50
fraserechosystm, oh. how do i check if intrusion detection is enabled?01:50
echosystmwhat firewall are you running fraser?01:50
mastercoderxhi. does the laptop "Acer Aspire 4310" work with ubuntu 7.04?01:50
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echosystmmost firewalls come with it by defaul01:50
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gnuskoolfranzorz, have a look for other free servers and see if theres work01:51
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fraserechosystm, i think i have firestarter installed01:51
fraserechosystm, is that what you mean?01:51
echosystmok, im not familiar with that01:51
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echosystmgo on their website and see if it has it01:51
eMishwhich repo contains acroread ?01:51
fraserechosystm, actually, i don't have it installed.01:51
gnuskoolfranzorz, maybe your ISP dosent allow news server, or do you have a firewall blocking that port?01:51
Rowanmastercoderx, pop in a live cd and check01:51
franzorzyer, tried a few. should it just come up wit stuff or do i have to do anything?01:51
echosystmbut yeah, unless you have opened ports, they would all be closed01:51
echosystmby default01:52
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fraserechosystm, i have no firewall enabled, i have a NAT router though, that's what i need to port scanner for, for testing port forwarding.01:52
Rowanoh lol no ops01:52
eMishwhic repo do I need to enable to install acroread ?01:52
franzorzjust turned firewall off. noone hack plz :)01:52
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mastercoderxi dont have the laptop right now. im planning on buying it.01:52
JohnShortlandanyone have the web address where you can browse the ubuntu repo's?01:53
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PriceChildJohnShortland, packages.ubuntu.com01:53
Lonniebizechosystm: The Ubuntu help file suggests you use SheildsUP for testing your open ports: http://www.grc.com/intro.htm01:53
fraserfranzorz, i'm gona do it, and steal your monies01:53
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franzorzoh noes!101:53
JohnShortlandthanks PriceChild01:53
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gnuskoolfranzorz, im not sure about the reader youre using, but does it have an update, refresh, or get news button, something like that?01:53
mastercoderxis there any website which can help me? I already checked the ubuntu wiki.01:54
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franzorzit has subsribe to group thing01:54
Rowanmastercoderx, GOOGLE01:54
gnuskoolfranzor, also u could keep your firewall on, but add your reader and port address to its "allowed" connections, hackers aren't courteous haha01:54
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gnuskoolfranzorz, hit that one mate,see what happens01:54
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PriceChildRowan, jfgi isnt' an appropriate response in here.01:55
Rowanwell i already told him to pop in a live cd01:55
mastercoderxi already tried googling, and the results weren't helpful.01:55
Rowanunless you have that exact laptop i dunno if you can help him properly01:55
Rowangoodnight ubuntuians01:56
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franzorzno, not wrkin, tis hopeless. :(. do u use usenet? ifso wot app u use?01:56
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=== LinuxKid back
mastercoderxis there any website which lists linux compatibility with all of the acer aspire laptops?01:57
Montaromastercoderx: google01:57
PriceChildmastercoderx, put a live cd in and test it yourself without installing.01:57
LonniebizInstall Firestarter: http://www.howtoadvice.com/FirestarterInstall/01:57
IdleOnecan wget download multiple files like wget file.1 file.2 file.3 and so on?01:58
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Montaromastercoderx: http://www.google.com/search?q=acer%2Baspire%2Blinux%2Bcompatibility01:58
CheshireViking!hardware | mastercoderx01:58
ubotumastercoderx: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport01:58
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sp_I use xchat, i have not the list of users in this channel. How can i have it?01:59
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sp_Thank you i advance01:59
CheshireVikingsp_, xchat or xchat-gnome?01:59
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franzorzusenet app?02:00
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fraserLonniebiz, that only tests to ports 1026 or something, i want up to 65000 or whatever it is02:00
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jgphpchello, I have an audigy1 PCI sound card (SB1394), and I do not know where to plug my speakers... On my card, I have DIGITALOUT ; LINEIN, MICIN, LINEOUT1,LINEOUT2 , FIREWIRE...can you help me please ?02:03
CheshireVikingsp_, i'm not certain, but i don't think it has a list of users that show up on the screen,02:03
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franzorzanyone use usenet??02:03
franzorzspider pig, spider pig....02:04
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IdleOnesp_, in the settings there is a place where you can set to view userlist but you may have to expand the window it is on the right hand side02:04
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sp_thank you , done02:05
wersWhat's the best app out there to burn ISOs? I just used K3b and when it was already verifying the written data, it appeared that K3b did not burn my LiveCD properly02:05
IdleOnewers, try gnomebaker02:06
franzorzusenet apps? wot do u use?02:06
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wersyou think gnomebaker burns ISOs more properly?02:07
sp_the window was hidden02:07
IdleOnewers, make sure you select to burn image02:07
LonniebizWers: Just right click on the ISO and burn it from the right-click menu.02:07
wersyep. I chose to burn a cd image02:07
IdleOnewers, or try what Lonniebiz just said02:07
Lonniebiz(it's built right in)02:07
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wersokay.. i'll try that02:07
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raf256~/skype-$ stat skype02:08
raf256Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x)02:08
werswhy do you think does K3b fail in ISO cd burning?02:08
raf256$ ./skype      gives        bash: ./skype: No such file or directory02:08
raf256wtf is that?02:08
sp_anyone have installed clamav ?02:09
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predaeusraf256, where is skype located? did you try: $ skype   ?02:09
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IdleOnewers, could be a corrupt file a dirty cd or maybe you thought you selected Burn As Image and you didnt02:09
defryskwers, k3b does not fail02:09
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raf256predaeus: it is in that directory.  file ./skype  works  stat ./skype works  but  ./skype  tells that no such file or dir02:10
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defryskwers pebkac02:10
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franzorznews group, usenet programs and server help plz?02:10
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raf256franzorz: knode02:10
wersI have burnt about 50 cd images already and this is the first time K3b failed02:10
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IdleOnewers, ahhh the #50 quirk perhaps02:11
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franzorzknode, tht app or server :D, iam i real noob at this02:11
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CheshireVikingfranzorz, try "pan" available in synaptic02:11
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IdleOnewers, things happen for no reason sometimes. I wouldnt worry to much about it02:11
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franzorzis it easy to use?02:11
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wersokay.. i'm trying k3b again02:12
fraserhey guys, was there some reason you couldn't use a port < 5000?02:12
fraseri seem to remember something about that02:12
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franzorzi apparently already have pan install, but isn't in app list, how do u open?02:13
frasertOWLie, wanna get high?02:13
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predaeusfraser, if I recall correctly ports und 1024 or 2048 or something along that line are reserved standardized things that are implemented kernel internally.02:14
IdleOnefranzorz, in terminal type pan02:14
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tOWLiefraser no thank u02:14
tOWLiei am really new with ubuntu02:14
fraserpredaeus, thanks02:14
frasertOWLie, you realise why i said that or you jsut think i'm a creep? lol02:14
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:14
tOWLiehow can i change my desktop resolution in kubuntu ?02:14
IdleOnetOWLie, /j #kubuntu for help with kubuntu02:15
predaeusfraser, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers02:15
franzorzgot pan open :D. wot server do u use?02:15
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kingcobraeire does anybody know what condition ports need to be in before you can have servers02:16
sp_toWLie what X environment do you use?02:16
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IdleOnekingcobraeire, open and sober?02:17
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franzorzusenet server?02:18
franzorzgot pan, but wot i do now?02:18
kingcobraeireidleOne do you what stealth is02:18
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kingcobraeireidleOne im told my early ports are in stealth02:19
IdleOnekingcobraeire, stealth means the port is hidden02:19
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fraseryay guys! i made my system 8x more vulnerable today! and i'm pleased. also, i can now use p2p with good speeds02:19
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kingcobraeireidleOne can i make it unhidden and open02:19
bullgard4Why does Gnome_Display_Manager need _2_ 'gdm' processes?02:19
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IdleOnekingcobraeire, probably but I dont know how02:20
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kingcobraeireidleOne ok thanks02:20
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predaeusbullgard4, probably one watches over the other to see if it terminates, so it can restart "itself". But I do not know.02:21
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Lumiohi... i have ubuntu 7.04 server-version and I installed gnome02:22
Lumiook it's setting up everything02:22
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franzorzhey idle, got pan, but how i download?02:24
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IdleOnefranzorz, type man pan in terminal02:25
franzorzwot server u use?02:25
IdleOnefranzorz, also if you want someone to notice you talking to them you need to type out the entire nickname or use tab completion. I dont use usenet02:26
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defryskfranzorz, http://pan.rebelbase.com/faq/02:26
jeplerI know that breezy is no longer supported by ubuntu, but does anyone know of a remaining mirror of the packages?02:26
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saebai first installed Vista, and after that, XP, and finally installed ubuntu which recognized Vista and put it into grub02:27
saebanow i would like to put XP into grub02:27
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jepleraha! http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/02:28
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saebabut it doesn't work if i just copy paste the same thing than for Vista just replacing the hd and the name :o02:28
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saebadoes someone know how to set up grub for ubuntu Vista XP on the same hard disk ?02:28
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dissectionHell all. I just installed vnstat but when I run it, it says Unable to write database "/var/lib/vnstat/eth0". Is it a problem if I enable write access to it instead of running it as sudo each time?02:29
saebai get this : error 12: invalid device request02:29
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madtsunamiwoah guys02:29
madtsunamistop flodding them02:29
Lichnetsaeba: just add windows xp in /boot/grub/menu.lst02:29
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saebaLichnet>  i did it :o02:29
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CheshireViking!grub | saeba this may help in setting up grub for use with XP02:30
ubotusaeba this may help in setting up grub for use with XP: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:30
Lichnetsaeba: set up the hd correctly02:30
Lichnetsaeba: in the menu02:30
saebai did it too02:30
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saebait is /dev/sda5 so i put the O,402:30
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saebaok i'm pasting my menu.lst right now02:31
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franzorzdoes anyone here use usenet?02:31
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B1NAR3YTheres some problem with Ubuntu Installation after i selected Start or Install Ubuntu the Screen Remained Blank for more than 27 Minutes02:31
defrysksaeba, the 0 has to be a 0 as in zero02:32
bullgard4franzorz: I.02:32
IdleOneB1NAR3Y, try using the alternate install cd02:32
Rayyananybody knows why i cant connect to msn on gaim? i believe it has to do with the proxy settings, but i dont seem to know how to get it right :\02:32
B1NAR3YWhad do u mean02:32
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saebahere are my fstab and menu.lst http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=227102:32
IdleOneB1NAR3Y, Alternate CD is text based install02:32
saebadefrysk >  yes :o02:32
defrysk0,4 not O,402:32
franzorzbullgard4 , cool.  wot server and app u use?02:32
IdleOne!alternate | B1NAR3Y02:32
ubotuB1NAR3Y: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal02:32
B1NAR3YBut i dont know linux commands02:32
baggiobangliohola, tengo una duda, hay alguien espaol?02:33
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IdleOneB1NAR3Y, dont need to just follow the instructions.02:33
hybirdbehey , i try to install the lampserver using tasksel , but it stays ay 0 %02:33
Myrtti!es | baggiobanglio02:33
ubotubaggiobanglio: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:33
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soundrayB1NAR3Y: before you do that, try the Safe Graphics boot option, for what it's worth.02:33
bullgard4franzorz: The server is news.gmx.net. My client is Pan.02:33
B1NAR3Ycan u give the link of the iso file which has no defects?02:34
saebaLichnet >   i posted my menu.lst and fstab02:34
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saebacan you have a look please ?02:34
Lichnetsaeba: ubotu posted tutorials of grub02:34
Lichnetsaeba: see 'em02:34
Rayyanuse beryl or compiz fusion? which is more stable and easier for a beginner?02:35
saebai read it and it says nothing about other OS02:35
IdleOneB1NAR3Y, the iso is on ubuntu.com02:35
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B1NAR3Yi downloaded twice02:35
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hybirdbeanybody ?02:35
B1NAR3Ybut both failed O_o02:35
franzorzbullgard4, sweet, i got pan, don't know wot to do thoe. can u help? and is that server free?02:35
faileasB1NAR3Y: use a torrent! ;)02:35
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B1NAR3Yyes thats the last one i tried02:35
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B1NAR3Yis there any system requirements?02:36
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soundrayhybirdbe: check the CD for faults02:36
hybirdbeehh no , ubuntu is already installed02:36
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bullgard4franzorz: No that server is not free.02:36
hybirdbe7.0.4 fetsy thing  , i do sudo tasksel in terminal , select lamp server and than it hangs02:37
franzorzbullgard4, ic, u know any free ones?02:37
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hybirdbethe  lamp instalation stays at 0 for like ages !02:38
MVLinuxmy PC can't find the network printer any advice ?02:38
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:38
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madtsunamiis it an HP printer?02:39
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hybirdbedude  , i did it like on the wiki02:39
phikhi there02:39
bullgard4franzorz: news.gmane.org is free.02:39
phikanyone knows how to use splashy to add a boot splash screen?02:39
MVLinuxyes it's hp printer02:39
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madtsunamiI thought I saw a plugin for that on Synmatech thingie >.>02:39
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madtsunamithe thing you use to DL the packages...02:39
hybirdbewhehehe , there we go , thank you everybody02:39
MVLinuxall other pc'c r connected to the printer02:40
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soundrayhybirdbe: is it working now?02:40
hybirdbeyeah :D02:40
soundrayhybirdbe: it probably stayed at 0 while it was downloading the packages. Use aptitude next time.02:40
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franzorzbullgard4, cheers, but how do i use it? :D02:40
hybirdbeyeah :D tnx :p02:41
MVLinux<madtsunami>, what pkg i have to download ?02:41
madtsunamiWhat version printer is it?02:41
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MVLinuxmadtsunami,13200 LJ02:42
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hybirdbe!lamp l hybird02:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lamp l hybird - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:42
madtsunamilook for the one with 13200 LJ then... ehehehe02:42
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:42
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soundray!msgthebot > hybirdbe02:43
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MVLinuxmadtsunami,sorre it's 1320 laser jet02:43
dice14uhelp someone when I turn on beryl all i get is a white screen02:43
hybirdbedoes that work to sound02:43
madtsunamisorry, but I really haven't tried installing a printer on my linux, I just email pages tomyself and print them out on my dad's computer...02:43
IdleOnedice14u, #ubuntu-effects02:43
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bullgard4franzorz: Main menu Edit > Edit News Servers will open a dialog. Put in the field 'Server' news.gmane.org. Press 'Add' button. Close.02:44
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dissectionHell all. I just installed vnstat but when I run it, it says Unable to write database "/var/lib/vnstat/eth0". Is it a problem if I enable write access to it instead of running it as sudo each time?02:44
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M_Fatihhow can i learn a partition's uuid?02:44
MVLinuxmadtsunami, where i can read more about that ?02:44
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soundrayM_Fatih: with blkid02:44
franzorzbullgard4, yep, done tht. soz, iam a proper noob. :)02:44
madtsunamidid you check their site?02:44
IdleOne!printer | MVLinux02:44
ubotuMVLinux: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:44
hybirdbeok , so sending an im to the bot works to ?02:45
madtsunamithat bot said.02:45
arn_can anyone help to fix my sound card?02:45
madtsunamiyou need plugins for it, right?02:45
madtsunamiI need them too.02:45
dissectionSomeone help me please02:45
M_Fatihsoundray: what does it means?02:45
bullgard4franzorz: What does 'soz' mean?02:45
M_Fatih /dev/sda3: LABEL="XDD" UUID="4687-7477" TYPE="vfat"02:45
soundrayM_Fatih: open a terminal window and type 'blkid'02:45
franzorzbullgard4, "sorry"02:45
MVLinuxthanx aloot02:45
madtsunamiNo prob02:45
M_Fatih4687-7477 ?02:46
blink0Hi, would anyone know about a cpu-z equivalent for linux ? I want to know the current processor speed etc...02:46
M_Fatihthis is not uuid. it must be long02:46
arn_can anyone help to fix my sound card?02:46
madtsunamiArn_ we both need plugins for them02:47
madtsunamiI think02:47
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M_Fatihsoundray: /dev/sda3: LABEL="XDD" UUID="4687-7477" TYPE="vfat"02:47
madtsunamiwhat error does it say?02:47
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arn_when i try to play music i get error  that says that my sound card is busy or not installed or.... but if i try to this "aplay -l" then i get my sound card listed02:48
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soundrayM_Fatih: if that's what it's set to, then that's it.02:48
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madtsunamidid you check for plugins?02:49
arn_you mean, plugin for player?02:49
madtsunamiactually, that may not be the case02:49
arn_madtsunami, how to check for plugins?02:49
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madtsunamiI'm running an MP3 on my VLC player now02:49
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arn_madtsunami, then what can be the case for my issues?02:50
madtsunamiI was hoping you'd tell me >.>02:50
madtsunamiI came here looking for a link for some plugins for my Radeon 20002:50
madtsunamisound card02:50
akosHello! I have a printing problem... I use two linux boxes (one is connected to the printer, printing works from there), and the other would connect through cupsys... But it says backend http failed... What can I do?02:50
arn_madtsunami, no, nothing like that02:50
madtsunamido you use VLC?02:50
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franzorzbullgard4, cheers loads mate, worked it out. thanks mate.02:51
arn_madtsunami, yes i do02:51
bullgard4franzorz: cul02:51
dissectionHell all. I just installed vnstat but when I run it, it says Unable to write database "/var/lib/vnstat/eth0". Is it a problem if I enable write access to it instead of running it as sudo each time?02:51
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madtsunamiI'm not a pro on this... at all02:51
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svetervhey i need one file from gusty gibbon, it's /boot/config-2.6.22-9-generic who can send it to me? :) it's little02:52
madtsunamican you play music?02:52
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arn_i cant play music.02:52
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madtsunamidoes the error message show up?02:53
arn_for xmms i get a error message in a popup windows02:53
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soundraydissection: have you created the database with vnstat -u -i eth0 ?02:53
madtsunamisomething about not being able to play MP3?02:53
dissectionsoundray: Yes but it only works as sudo02:54
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arn_not, its something about not getting sound, i dont get sound from other applications too02:54
svetervanyone uses gusty gibbon?02:54
akosHello! I have a printing problem... I use two linux boxes (one is connected to the printer, printing works from there), and the other would connect through cupsys... But shortly after prinitng it says state: "Paused: job-hold-until-specified" (If I try to resume, it changes for a second to printing, then this appears again)02:54
swmiller6arn_: I don't know if someone suggested this already but did you check to see if the external amplifier switch is unchecked02:55
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madtsunamidid you turn the volume up?02:55
arn_swmiller6, how to check that?02:55
arn_madtsunami, i tured the volume up02:55
madtsunamiAh good02:55
arn_madtsunami, i did everything possible by me02:55
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madtsunamilet swmiller take over, i'm just wading through this with you02:56
EvanLughIs there anyone here that can help me? The peeps in ndiswrapper are about as useful as a chocolate teacup02:56
swmiller6arn_: double click the sound applet in your sys tray then Edit>Preferences02:56
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RichWhey how do i completely remove the nvidia binary driver's kernel module?02:57
swmiller6arn_:find external amplifier then check it02:57
defryskRichiH, use the --purge flag02:57
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soundraydissection: I suggest you make the directory writable to admin users: 'sudo chown -R root:admin /var/lib/vnstat/ ; sudo chmod g+w /var/lib/vnstat'02:57
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RichWdefrysk: purge flag on what?02:58
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defryskapt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx02:58
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RichWdefrysk: thanks02:58
swmiller6arn_: does your sound play at login?02:58
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arn_swmiller6, there is no entry named "external amplifier" there, all i have is "Master, PCM, CD, CD Capture, Microphone,Microphone Capture, Mic Boost, IET958, IET958 Playback Source, Capture, mix"02:58
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ThatsMeIs there anyone who can help me?:P02:59
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arn_swmiller6, no, but i just got sound for critical opration.02:59
soundrayThatsMe: what, jack up your car?02:59
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dissectionsoundray: I just tried that but when I try to update vnstat, it still says the same error "Make sure it's write enabled for this user02:59
arn_swmiller6, if i press back space in a termial, without typing anyting then i get a beep on my speaker02:59
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ThatsMelol soundray02:59
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ThatsMeI'm just a newby to ubuntu, i try to install it from the live-cd, but it's just to slow03:00
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nephishhey there all, can ubuntu handle a 320 GB SATA ?03:00
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humehi... how can i run a process, in a ssh-session, that keeps runnig after i log out of the ssh-session?03:00
soundraydissection: try with the -R switch: 'sudo chmod -R g+w /var/lib/vnstat'03:00
howlingmadhowiearn_: try this: echo -e "\a"03:00
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nephishThatsMe_: what are your computer specs?03:01
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madtsunamiI have my own problem, actually...03:01
ThatsMenephish: hold on, i'll search03:01
arn_howlingmadhowie, i tried that, but didnt show anyting03:01
dissectionsoundray: Perfect! thanks a lot03:01
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soundraynephish: that's a medium-size drive, why shouldn't it?03:01
bauerhume : try & at the end off commandline03:01
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ThatsMealthough it is not the only pc i've got those problems on, i'd like to know if there are other ways of installing ubuntu03:01
howlingmadhowiearn_: it should make a beeb. \a is the system bell03:01
kauerThatsMe: Running off the live CD is slow; once the install is done and everything is running off your hard disk, it will not be slow any more.03:02
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nephishsoundray_: medium? i am upgrading from a 40GB he he. I thought that was massive !03:02
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arn_howlingmadhowie, no i didnt get any beep03:02
kauerThatsMe: Well, assuming your PC isn't slow anyway, of course.03:02
aprilFunkubuntu is very nice OS.03:02
ThatsMekauer: yes, i know. but the problem is that i can't get trough the setup, because it doesn't load03:02
humebauer: i know, that is background, but wont the process die when i log out?03:02
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madtsunamiI'm looking for plugins compatable with linux for my radeon 200 intergrated vid card, and my HDA ATI SB sound card...03:02
Sianis_hi all03:03
nephishThatsMe_: CDROM speed and RAM are kinda the big factors in running the Live CD03:03
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ThatsMenephish: CD rom is 52x and RAM is 25603:03
kauerThatsMe: Want to try stating the problem clearly and completely?03:03
spl0ithey guys, I'm having a problem here with my old cd-rw.. basically when I try and load k3b.. it hangs trying to access hdd (my old cd-rw).. so I went into bios and disabled it (I don't use it anyways)... I either need to know how to tell k3b to stop trying to access it as it hangs my system, or to stop making it available to k3b.... dmesg lists hdd as my cd-rw... which doesn't make sense considering I disabled it in03:03
spl0itbios.. any suggestions on how to do disable it so it doesn't show up in dmesg or how to make k3b stop looking at it?? any suggestions would be appreciated - I did remove the mount command for it in fstab...03:03
IdleOneThatsMe, the LiveCD runs alot slower then the actual system when installed03:03
kidbuntuwill ubuntu work just fine on ACER Aspire 4710G-101G16 laptop?03:03
nephishsoundray_: thanks, just wanted to know before i hit the buy button on newegg.03:03
ThatsMekauer: The problem is that the CD is to slow, and that it won't install03:03
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ThatsMekauer: So if anyone knows a way to install ubuntu WITHOUT the LIVE cd, or inmediatly from DOS?03:04
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soundraynephish: as long as your SATA chipset is supported, you should be fine.03:04
bauerhume: try it i am not shure03:04
kauerThatsMe: That makes no sense. Installing slowly is not the same as not installing at all. Are you saying that the install completely stops?03:04
ThatsMekauer: yes03:04
IdleOne!alternate | ThatsMe03:04
ubotuThatsMe: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal03:04
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:05
kauerThatsMe: How long have you waited? Was there no (zero) CD activity?03:05
ThatsMekauer: No cd activity at all. after quite some hours03:05
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nephishThatsMe_: i have one computer with only 256 RAM, i find that it is slow to install, but will install. On mine, i run Xubuntu, which is a little lighter on resources and so runs smoother on hardware with less RAM03:05
kidbuntuwill ubuntu work just fine on ACER Aspire 4710G-101G16 laptop? or any ACER Laptops?03:05
kauerThatsMe: And what, if anything, was on screen for those hours?03:05
dice14ukidbuntu i got it on an acer aspire 510003:06
nephishsoundray_: how do i find my SATA chipset?03:06
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ThatsMekauer: it was the screen to select the language. And the mouse didn't move either03:06
kidbuntudice14u: which means yours is greater and it will probably work on Aspire 4710G-101G16?03:06
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ThatsMekauer: and IF i actually got the mouse to work, it took long before it had moved, so i coulnd't klick any buttons03:06
IdleOneThatsMe, you can try again in safe graphics mode03:06
EvanLughCould someone just *please* look at my thread? Almost 3 days I'm thinking of remove ubuntu it's _very annoying_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51868203:06
ThatsMeidleone: already tried...03:06
IdleOneThatsMe, then try the Alternate CD03:07
soundraynephish: have you got SATA connectors? Are they on your mainboard?03:07
nosse_I just bought external hard drive from western digital, and now I'm trying to make it ext3, can anyone help me?03:07
kauerThatsMe: So the actual problem is "the install from live CD locks up at the "se;lect language" screen, mouse movement is lost too, no keyboard response".03:07
ThatsMekauer: Yes, that's it actually03:07
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kauerThatsMe: This is not necessarily anything to do with the CD. Why do you think the CD is the problem?03:07
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ThatsMekauer: My friend has ubuntu also, and he said there was another way of installing03:07
nephishsoundray_: yes they are. board came with the cables too.03:07
ThatsMekauer: because it is also on other pc's03:07
dice14ukidbuntu yeah it should03:08
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linux_how i can run some program with root access ?03:08
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kauerThatsMe: Whoa. Are you talking about the CD itself, or the CD drive, now?03:08
IdleOne!install | ThatsMe take a look at these links they may help you03:08
spl0itwhat detects cd/dvd drives at boot? what can I use to disable a specific device?03:08
ubotuThatsMe take a look at these links they may help you: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate03:08
EvanLughlinux_ : sudo03:08
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kidbuntuI wish starcraft 2 will work on ubuntu or on commercial emulators03:08
CheshireVikinglinux_, you need to put the "sudo" command before the command your are trying to use03:08
EvanLughCould someone just *please* look at my thread? Almost 3 days I'm thinking of remove ubuntu it's _very annoying_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51868203:08
dice14ulinux_ add sudo before the program name03:09
ThatsMekauer: I just don't know, i guess the CD. but another doesn't work also03:09
EvanLughha sweet03:09
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soundraynephish: try 'dmesg | grep -i sata' and 'lspci | grep -i sata'. Sil3112 is a frequent one on mainboards.03:09
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kauerthatsMe: How did you make or obtain the CD?03:09
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linux_dice14u , and now how i can know the command for the program ( waht is the command for NVIDIA X server settings ) ?03:09
iM`how can i edit the binary log file from remotely from the terminal03:09
ThatsMekauer: i downloaded it from the site(ubuntu-nl.org) and then i burned it with nero03:10
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ThatsMekauer: Hmm, i'm reading the site right now. about installing from windows. i think i'll give that a shot first03:10
nephishsoundray_: dmesg gave me nothing, lspci gave me this: 00:0f.0 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA VT6420 SATA RAID Controller (rev 80)03:11
nephishguess i am ok ?03:11
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linux_what is the command to run NVIDIA X server settings ?03:11
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soundraynephish: yes, the sata_via module supports that.03:12
kauerThatsMe: Can you get someone else to burn the CD for you? Right now I'd suspect that the CD itself is faulty. OR you could try burning the "alternate" CD, which uses a more primitive but somewhat more foolproof interface. Get the alternate image from wherever you got the image you are using now.03:12
spl0itso anyone know how I can disable a device from getting detected in dmesg (cd-rw)? just point me in the right direction and I'll figure it out - I'm just not sure where to start03:12
nephishsoundray_: great, thanks03:12
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dice14uwell linux_ i know x server settings is the /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:13
ThatsMekauer: Okay, i'll try to download the alternate cd03:13
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EvanLughanyone with experience with ndiswrapper lend a hand..?03:13
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kauerThatsMe: You still need a source for all the Ubuntu stuff - whether net or CD. The CD is very much the best way to go if you can. But if you can't get a usable CD burned, then by all means try the other methods.03:14
soundrayspl0it: short of disabling it in the BIOS setup, I don't think it's possible without major surgery. What's the underlying problem you're trying to solve?03:14
linux_dice14u , no metter i have found what i looked for03:14
dice14uok then03:14
=== das-q [n=dasq@p57A0F09B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
EvanLughCould someone just *please* look at my thread? Almost 3 days I'm thinking of remove ubuntu it's _very annoying_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51868203:14
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spl0itsoundray: I have disabled it in bios - its still showing up in dmesg - I can't load k3b, as it hangs on hdd (which is my older cd-rw).... if there isn't an easy way I'll just rip it out....03:14
ThatsMekauer: So you are saying i should try the alternate CD first, and THEN look at the install from windows?03:15
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anzan EvanLugh, I looked but sorry, can't help.03:15
linux_generaly how i can know waht is the terminal command for some application for example waht is the terminal command for the game  five or more ?03:15
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EvanLughah thanks for the reply anyway, anzan03:15
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MukiEXI wouldn't come here if I could find a solution on the boards or in an faq somewhere, but I've hit a nasty brick wall : I can't access anything mounted with curlftpfs  unless I'm root.03:16
soundrayspl0it: I think I've found something...03:16
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MukiEXNo options (uid, umask, all available in curlftpfs) get around this.03:16
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MukiEXIf I try to chmod or chgrp the folder after mounting, I get errors.03:16
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MukiEXls -l gives me all kinds of wierd crap in the folder I mount curlftpfs to.03:17
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kidbuntuis there a channel for gamers?03:17
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mattwalstonAnyone have suggestions for troubleshooting slow to establish ssh connection issue?  I tried the config change on the client, disabled mDNS but still not working.03:17
EvanLughkidbuntu: tools->channels list03:17
kauerThatsMe: I'm just saying it loosk a lot like that CD you are using is faulty - especially if it hangs at the same place on another computer.03:17
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mattwalstonThatsMe: did you check the md5sum before burning?  try the media test option03:18
kauerThatsMe: So burn a new one on a *different* computer and tray that, or try burning the alternate image. But the Windows install is fine too - there are many ways to Ubuntu :-)03:18
spl0itmattwalston: i would think it has to be dns related03:18
soundrayspl0it: you could add a kernel option like hdc=noprobe03:18
dissectionsoundray: "vnstat -u -i eth0 && vnstat -m | grep Aug" <--- Can I add "cut" at the end so it displays only the downloads? How do I do that?03:18
ThatsMekauer: Yes, it should be the CD. but not the ISO. because i have installed ubunty on a virtual PC03:18
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linux_generaly how i can know what is the terminal command for some application ?03:18
spl0itsoundray: ah hmm03:19
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kauerEvanLugh: I have looked at your thread, and for the record, I can't help you :-)03:19
EvanLughGRR! Ok thanks >:(03:19
kauerEvanLugh: Sorry, I meant :-( of course03:19
MukiEXIt's 0.9.91 at that! >_<03:20
soundraydissection: 'echo foo\;bar | cut -d ";" -f 2' only displays 'bar'. 'man cut' will tell you more03:20
EvanLughthis is so frustrating03:20
EvanLughif i can't get it sorted by tonight03:20
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EvanLughim switching back =/03:20
soundrayspl0it: do you know how to do that?03:20
kauerEvanLugh: Can you try with any other adapter?03:20
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ThatsMeah well, this is my first linux pc anyhow...03:20
EvanLughkauer: nope :/03:20
spl0itsoundray no I was just googling it...03:20
ThatsMeso you might find me here more often:P03:20
MukiEXanyone? mounting ftp solution? =(03:20
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EvanLughkauer: i can't even use ethernet because i'm 2 floors away from my router, I live in a 3 story house..03:20
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dissectionsoundray: I went through the manual but it lets be use only single characters for -d. And the output I have has multiple spaces.. How do I remove them?03:21
soundrayspl0it: 'gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst', add 'hdd=noprobe' at the end of the line that begins with '#kopt=', save, exit, run 'sudo update-grub'03:21
kauerhatsMe: Try booting into the real PC. The disk will not attempt any actual install or change to your disks until you tell it to proceed - you can do all the language selection etc etc. If it gets past that on the real metal, then it's a virtualisation thing...03:21
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spl0itsoundray: thanks03:21
soundraydissection: you can squeeze multiple spaces into one with 'tr -s " "' (man tr)03:21
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kauerEvanLugh: Do you have a laptop, a desktop, what...?03:22
ThatsMekauer: how do you mean?03:22
linux_what is the name of "Classic media player" in synaptic ?03:22
dissectionoh, let me see03:22
EvanLughkauer: desktop03:22
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kauerThatsMe: Boot the disk! For real! No virtualisation! See how far you get, just don't let it proceed to formatting your HDDs :-)03:22
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Vinchenzo28does ubuntu have any cleaning utilities03:23
ThatsMekauer: thats what i'm doing right now:P03:23
iratikI have some basic questions ..... i don't think I have my hostname configured correctly - because whenever i install a package (for example i installed webmin and it said i could access it at http://www:1000  .... but www is not a fqdn! ? ) what is it that i am most likely doing wrong?03:23
EvanLughyah does my laundry every day03:23
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EvanLughVinchenzo28: lol03:24
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kauerEvanLugh: Then for about $5 you can get a wireless card that goes inside your desktop (antenna outside of course :-) )that will work with Ubuntu, that will not require nsdiswrapper and all the attendant voodoo, and you can stop futzing about with a USB dookhickey.03:24
spl0itsoundray: do I need to remove the # before kopt??03:24
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soundrayspl0it: no03:24
spl0itsoundray: okay - thanks03:24
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EvanLughkauer: No! My desktop is.. _onthewall_03:24
spl0itlets see if that worked - brb03:25
Vinchenzo28Evanlugh: no disk cleanups, defrags?03:25
soundrayspl0it: it has a # because it's meant to be processed by update-grub, not by the bootloader itself.03:25
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EvanLughand it's cabled/networked around my room03:25
EvanLughVinchenzo28: No idea pal, sorry03:25
spl0itsoundray: ah okay :)03:25
kauerThatsMe: Then why did you say "because i have installed ubuntu on a virtual PC"?03:25
soundrayVinchenzo28: decent filesystems like ext3 don't need defragging.03:25
EvanLughOk i'm off to remove ubuntu, couldn't help me last year, it can't help me now >:(03:25
ThatsMekauer: to state that the ISO isn't damaged03:25
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soundrayEvanLugh: too bad. Good luck with your next distribution03:26
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ideasman_42hey guys, will ubuntu run on a new mac laptop?03:26
EvanLughThanks.. always same problem :P03:26
EvanLughideasman_42: if it's intel based03:26
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soundrayideasman_42: most likely, yes03:26
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ideasman_42right, one I buy at the shop now03:26
ideasman_42any preference?03:26
CheeseGardenerWhen Gparted formats a hard drive, does it "quick" format, or fully format?????03:27
EvanLughi could buy a g2 at the shop :P03:27
kauerThatsMe: OK, I see now. The virtual install was from the ISO image, no actual CD. You burned the known-good ISO onto a CD, which now has a problem, apparently.03:27
soundrayideasman_42: have a look at tuxmobil.org and check out the installation reports linked there.03:27
ideasman_42intel gfx, do mac have lappys with nvidia cards?03:27
EvanLughif it's the brand spanking - new one then yes should work03:27
ThatsMekauer: Yes, thats it:)03:27
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soundrayideasman_42: they do03:27
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ideasman_42thx, I need a new laptop, going to work on an opensource project even in europe ;)03:28
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ThatsMeideasman_42: what's wrong with europe?:P03:28
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EvanLughcool maybe come to my place and fix my goddamn ndiswrapper!03:28
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ideasman_42nothing, Im just in australia now03:28
ThatsMeideasman_42: Cool.. i've never come any further than france(i live in holland)03:29
CheeseGardenerWhen Gparted formats a hard drive, does it "quick" format, or fully format?????03:29
spl0itsoundray: well its not in dmesg, lets see if k3b will load - thanks for the help03:29
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EvanLughyay holland03:29
soundrayspl0it: yw03:29
mattwalstonspl0it: thanks, adding hosts entries fixed ssh03:29
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ideasman_42wokring on the next open movie, you now of elephants dream?03:29
EvanLughCould someone just *please* look at my thread? Almost 3 days I'm thinking of remove ubuntu it's _very annoying_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51868203:29
spl0itsoundray: victory :) - appreciate it.03:29
kauerThatsMe: Then I still think you should burn a new CD on a different drive and if the new CD doesn't work, try the alternate CD image. At least as a first step, 'cos it does look like the CD is borked. You could try checking the media, I think there's an option on the CD menu....03:30
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ThatsMekauer: Okay, i'll try.. i've just downloaded GRUB.. try that first(i'm actually used to text-based setups anyway...)03:30
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=== EvanLugh is so angy
cwkx-chris1Hey I've just started an xubuntu fresh install on an old laptop 256ddr 60gb 1.6ghz 553mhz - it took a long time to boot up, after resizing the partition to 70% it seems to have stalled and theres just a blue screen with a movable mouse. Any ideas? Its been taking so long to load - have waited an hour already03:31
=== EvanLugh whooops angry*
dice14uhelp when starting beryl no GLXFBconfig for default depth03:31
kauerEvanLugh: Here's a thought for you: Get a couple of powerline ethernet adapters, and get to your router via a second interface.03:31
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EvanLughkauer: i just had an idea03:31
EvanLughkauer: not spending any more, just spent 1.5k on a mac03:31
EvanLughkauer: i jsut realised03:31
EvanLughkauer i still have an old router03:32
EvanLughabout 7 months old03:32
EvanLughcould i convert it into a wireless adapter then ethernet it :P03:32
kauerEvanLugh: *smacks forhead* now why didn't I think of that!03:32
CheeseGardenerWhen Gparted formats a hard drive, does it "quick" format, or fully format?????03:32
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EvanLughkauer: lol it could work?03:33
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EvanLughkauer: only problem, theres no other socket in the wall for the BT miniplug etc03:33
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iratikhelp: i've got this error all over my logs.. the machine is describing itself just as www. and not www.domain.com  ..... www : Aug  3 08:40:03 : root : unable to lookup www via gethostbyname()03:33
EvanLughso it would pretty much be ... _just a router_03:33
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FrogzooEvanLugh: does ifconfig -a show anything?03:33
kauerEvanLugh: It's a crazy idea - so crazy, it just might work!03:33
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soundrayCheeseGardener: that distinction is only made in the DOS world.03:33
EvanLughFrogzoo: Yes ! it tells me theres nothing !03:34
jendaWhat is the best way to reduce an image's size from 800 KiB to 500? It is a 800*600 photograph.03:34
EvanLughjenda: try imageshack.us03:34
soundrayjenda: what format is it in?03:34
EvanLughjenda: try imageshack.us03:34
jendaEvanLugh: I just want to make it smaller, not upload it.03:34
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soundrayjenda: can it be lossy compressed?03:34
EvanLughjenda: you can03:34
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jendasoundray: very much so03:34
kaueriratik: did you enter the machine name as "www" or as "www." (not the period in the second one)?03:34
EvanLughresize image.. right click save as03:34
jendaEvanLugh: I don't want to resize it.03:34
soundrayjenda: jpeg at 75% quality should do it.03:34
kaueriratik: not = note03:34
EvanLughkauer: shall i go get the old router, and see if it'll work?03:35
jendasoundray: ok03:35
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EvanLughkauer: i don't think it will, because .. theres no connection to my line but who cares better than crying about it not doing ANYTHING03:35
iratikkauer: www03:35
rausb0EvanLugh: i suggest using the rt2570 driver instead of ndiswrapper. you cannot use network-manager with the rt2570, but configuring wpa should still be possible with iwpriv commmands.03:35
kauerEvanLugh: Anything man! Anything! Just deepp six the f**ing Belkin, OK?03:35
=== codecaine [n=codecain@cpe-69-23-245-150.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
EvanLughkauer: HAHA. rausb0: hmm, could you elaborate please? =] 03:36
codecaineanybody know a usb keyboard with a built in mouse that works on ubuntu?03:36
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rausb0EvanLugh: wait03:36
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jendasoundray: thanks - in fact, even 100% quality did it.03:36
=== EvanLugh waits
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codecainetrying to figure out one that I can get so when im using ubuntu on ps303:36
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:36
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chenweiSo many friends03:37
kauerhow do I use this IRC thingy (technical term there) to send a message to one user only?03:37
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chenweihello everyone03:37
hacked_kernelIs there a way to know the cpu usage for the running process from the command line?03:37
EvanLughkauer: you need to double click their name03:37
soundraycodecaine: as far as I know, they all use the USB HID standard, which is supported. So I guess you can buy any.03:37
madtsunamiKauer: /msg (username) message03:37
EvanLughkauer: but it helps if you're registered03:37
kostI need help, I am really new to linux- in fact i am downloading them right now. So once i download them and burn it into a CD what should i do next?03:37
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CheshireVikinghacked_kernel, type "top" in a terminal window03:37
lashmoov3kauer: or you can right click on there name03:37
soundraykost: what exactly are you downloading?03:38
Some_PersonI'm trying to install Freevo from a repository called geole, but python-kaa-metadata doesn't want to install. I get "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/python-kaa-metadata_0.6.1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/mminfo', which is also in package python-mmpython"03:38
hacked_kernelCheshireViking: other ways?03:38
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rausb0EvanLugh: i am referring to this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT250003:38
CheshireVikinghacked_kernel, not sure, thats all i'd ever use03:38
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codecainethanks soundray03:38
kostubuntu 7.04 desktop edition for intel processor 64bit03:38
CheeseGardenerdoes anyone know about gparted at all?03:38
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EvanLughok ill have a look, rausb0 thanks!03:38
hacked_kernelCheshireViking: do you know about htop?03:38
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rausb0EvanLugh: sorry, phone call...03:38
CheshireVikinghacked_kernel, no, never used it03:38
hacked_kernelCheshireViking: thank you very much03:39
iratikhelp: i've got this error all over my logs.. the machine is describing itself just as www. and not www.domain.com  ..... www : Aug  3 08:40:03 : root : unable to lookup www via gethostbyname()03:39
soundraySome_Person: you can force the installation with 'sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/python-kaa-metadata_0.6.1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb', in spite of this packaging bug.#03:39
=== dice14u [n=dice14u@adsl-152-250-249.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
dice14uanyone please my beryl white screens when i start it03:39
linux_how i can make exe files open with wine automatic ?03:40
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soundrayCheeseGardener: what do you want to know?03:40
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iratikdice14u: #ubuntu-effects03:40
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dice14uiratik been there for the past hour asking and no1 responds03:40
profanephobiadoes anyone know how to tether a blackberry to ubuntu03:40
kostsome person plz check the private window.03:40
Some_Personsoundray: thank you03:40
kauerEvanLugh, lashmoov3: Those techniques are client-dependent. Using GAIM, double click just highlights the name, right click gives me an edit menu :-)03:40
CheeseGardenersoundray I want to know what sort of format it does03:41
CheeseGardenera low or full format03:41
EvanLughkauer: You're weird then!!03:41
profanephobialinux_ right click the file go to open with and type wine in custom app it should open with wine default now03:41
kauerEvanLugh: Registered where? I have a divers licence, will that help? :-)03:41
EvanLughrausb0: I read that page but it says it's built in.. CLEARLY NOT!!03:41
kostSo who can help me?03:41
EvanLughkauer: see:  http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup03:41
lashmoov3kauer: im using pidgin(updated gaim).. ok use the manual method03:41
profanephobiakost whats ur prob03:41
soundrayCheeseGardener: I told you, the distinction between "quick" and "full" format is only made in the DOS world. It doesn't exist in Linux filesystems.03:42
iratikdice14u: just ask and wait....03:42
iratikhelp: i've got this error all over my logs.. the machine is describing itself just as www. and not www.domain.com  ..... www : Aug  3 08:40:03 : root : unable to lookup www via gethostbyname()03:42
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kostI am downloading right now ubuntu 7.04 desktop edition for 64bit processor. When its completely downloaded what should i do?03:42
kostburn it to a CD?03:42
linux_profanephobia , in this menu i have no wine03:42
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profanephobiakost yes burn the iso03:42
CheshireViking!install | kost03:42
ubotukost: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate03:42
CheeseGardenerOh so... gparted 100% got rid of the files on my drive then when I formated to ext3?03:42
linux_and there isnt "ADD"03:42
soundraykost: burn a CD from the image:03:42
profanephobialinux_ at the bottom you have to type wine then ok03:42
soundray!burniso | kost03:42
ubotukost: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto03:42
kosti know how to burn03:43
kostafter I burn what should i do?03:43
eth1cOi, what graphics editing program do i use for Ubuntu? (Used to like "Fireworks And Photoshop" on windows)03:43
kaueriratik: did you enter the machine name as "www" or as "www." (note the period in the second one)?03:43
iratikKauer: www03:43
EvanLughreboot with the disk in03:43
Slimsame one help me to run B03:43
EvanLugheth1c WE DONT ANSWER TO OI03:43
Picieth1c: The Gimp or Inkscape03:43
profanephobiacheesegardener yes unless you have an expensive recovery tool lol03:43
iratikslim: #ubuntu-effects03:43
soundraykost: set your PC to boot from CD, and boot from the CD. Read the menus, and make appropriate choices.03:43
EvanLughkauer: im getting the router now! xD Brb03:43
eth1coi evan :) haha03:43
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kostokay should i make a new partition to install linux before or is there a menu during the set up?03:44
eth1cthanks tons pici03:44
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ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/03:44
CheeseGardenerok I don't want to recover them lol.  I just wanted to know what sort of format it uses03:44
profanephobiakost you can try to let ubuntu do it for you if youd like03:44
CheeseGardenerin case I need to.03:44
kaueriratik: Could you please quote the entire log message and sway what log file it is in?03:44
kostok then i will do it with ubuntu03:44
iratikkauer: /var/log/auth.log03:44
soundraykost: ubuntu will offer to resize existing partitions to make space for the installation03:44
iratikkauer: that is the whole message03:44
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kaueriratik: What does "hostname" say?03:45
iratikcat /etc/hostname --> www03:45
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mrksbrddoes anyone know of a web page that may list all the session options for ubuntu????03:45
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linux_when i type "wine" it doesnt load the the CFG files and the moduls what i need to do ?03:45
CheeseGardenerAlso, I formated into ext3, and it says that around 2-3 gigs are used?03:45
kaueriratik: What domain is it?03:45
CheeseGardenerare these gigs used for the ext3 file system and jounaling?03:45
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iratikkauer: i'd rather not say..... but -- i know if you digg www... that wouldn't resolve03:45
EvanLughkauer: PLUGGING IN TEH ROUTOR!!03:45
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iratikiratik: something fundamental is not setup correctly on this server -- and i'm determined to find out what that is03:46
iratikshould the prompt for example say user@hostname.domain.com ?03:46
profanephobiai need to tether my blackberry 8100 to ubuntu can anyone help?03:46
kaueriratik: So this is a local domain, not visible on the Internet?03:46
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EvanLughkauer: the router does.. nothing03:47
j0waycan anyone plese help me with sun-j2re1.5 and sun-j2sdk1.5 packages?03:47
iratikkauer: visible on the web03:47
marikowhat`s the command to launch OO spreadsheet?03:48
soundraymariko: oocalc03:48
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marikosoundray, great thanks03:48
thx1137is there any sort of ...dare i say.. "safe boot" for ubuntu?03:48
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profanephobiathx1137 yeah recovery mode03:48
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soundraythx1137: recovery mode, from the grub menu03:48
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marikowhats the comand to launch google-earth?03:48
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gorrzhi everyone03:49
kauerEvanLugh: Can't help any more Evan. Good luck...03:49
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thx1137oh, cool, how can I reach that?03:49
soundraymariko: googleearth03:49
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EvanLughkauer: :(03:49
profanephobiathx1137, grub menu at boot03:49
EvanLughPLEASE HELP! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51868203:49
EvanLughFREE LOVE03:49
thx1137hmm, I think I startup using the windows bootloader03:49
marikosoundray, thanks!03:49
kaueriratik: Hiding the domain makes it very hard for anyone to help. Tell me privately if you can, but without knowing the domain, I can't help much.03:49
gorrzsince i'm running compiz, my audio doesnt work.. anyone know why ?03:49
kaueriratik: What is in /etc/resolv.conf?03:50
EvanLughkauer: you want to know something funny?03:50
kaueriratik: Do you know what program is issuing those error messages?03:50
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EvanLughkauer: the wireless works on it but only with the belkin >.<03:50
iratikkauer: its sudo03:50
soundraymariko: make friends with the Tab key :)03:50
LichnetIs there any other way to configure DSL without pppoeconf? (ANY GUI? rpeguin pppoe?)03:50
LichnetI say without using the command lione03:50
iratikalright .... . sigh... there is something basic not correctly configured with this server03:50
LichnetBut some gui to the pppoeconf..03:50
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=== ThatsMe is now burning the alternate install cd
profanephobiathx1137, if you have bootloader probs then put in the live cd... you can repair there03:50
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iratikits not a complicated problem ...... sudo is telling me it can't resolve my machine's name03:51
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marikosoundry :-)03:51
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thx1137profanephobia thanks for the info03:51
Terrasqueiratik: twiddle /etc/hostname03:51
soundraythx1137: what's the problem that you need safe mode for?03:51
BudwaaAny good alternatives to knetworkmanager out there?03:51
profanephobiathx1137, welcome03:51
iratikkauer: # cat /etc/resolv.conf -->search domain.tld03:51
Terrasqueiratik: err /etc/hosts i meant :)03:51
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soundraythx1137: the Safe mode option from the Sessions tab at the login screen may come in handy.03:52
marikowhere are the open office icons hidden?03:52
iratikEveryone: the question I have is basic..... on the bash prompt... should the part after @ be resolvable everywhere on the internet..... and how does ubuntu know its fqdn ?03:52
n2diyAnybody recommend a flow charting program for Ubuntu?03:52
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iratikn2diy: openoffice has a good draw program03:52
thx1137soundray well, my computer froze,had gotten compiz to work fine, and was trying to make a video.  It froze and now I can't get back in, looks like sometihng's going on with my home folder03:53
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iratikthx1137: #ubuntu-effects03:53
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soundraythx1137: can you log in on the text console? Ctrl-Alt-F103:53
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gorrzsince i'm running compiz, my audio doesnt work.. anyone know why ?03:53
gdiebelis there a way to make cupsd run as root like in fedora?03:54
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thx1137soundray says: "ALERT! does not exist. Dropping to a shell!  and then it's just a blinking cursor03:55
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kaueriratik: My ubuntu prompt has only my username, then @host (not @host.domain). What your prompt does or does not show has nothing to do with the proper functioning of local or global nameservive for your domain.03:55
soundraythx1137: oops, there's something wrong beyond your home directory then03:55
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jribgdiebel: I'm not sure, but why would you want to?03:55
soundraythx1137: have you got backups?03:55
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eth1cO_O i dont like gimp.. it confuses me.. anyone suggust something else?03:55
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kaueriratik: Can you ping those two nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf?03:56
profanephobiaeth1c, try inkscape03:56
profanephobiaeth1c,  at least for vector graphics03:56
r-wolfhi, i've just dl netboot.tar.gz for feisty; after launch it starts Ubuntu installation, and I'd like the system just load completely from host machine and work through the network (client is a diskless box), is it possible?03:56
iratikWhy am i getting this error ?  and why is it when i install services that infer the fqdn for this machine they for example say "you can now access this resource at http://www:10000"03:56
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r-wolfany howtos?03:56
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iratikHow is fqdn determined within a linux machine03:56
parCwhat the fuck03:56
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IdleOne!ohmy | parC03:56
ubotuparC: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:56
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about peak - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:57
profanephobiayeah i know how you feel03:57
parCcan someone tell me if gutsy will suppory the bcm4318 wifi or the wusb54gc?03:57
keviin6eth1c: you can run photoshop in ubuntu03:57
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SORMANOVanyone know a chronometer applcation?03:57
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ubnuu2Ubuntu Dapper 6.06 LTS server vs Ubuntu Feisty 7.04 server? Which one recommended?03:58
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soundray!info stopwatch | SORMANOV03:58
ubotusormanov: stopwatch: A virtual stopwatch and timer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4-2 (feisty), package size 10 kB, installed size 112 kB03:58
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kostprofaneph: can yo utell me what should i do after i install ubuntu? thanks03:58
IdleOneubnuu2, 6.06 has 5 years worth of support03:58
jacobare there any bugs in the intel driver03:58
harmentalguys...what about google talk for linux??03:58
kostactually how to get an irc application so i can join the channel again.03:58
profanephobiaSORMANOV, try InerziaTimer03:58
ThatsMekost: mirc.com03:58
ThatsMethats the client i'm using as well03:59
IdleOnekost, for windows or ubuntu?03:59
profanephobiakost ssudo apt-get install xchat203:59
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thx1137soundray sort of, I'm using a virtual disk, and have a smaller home.virtual.disk that I was using before I enlarged it.03:59
SORMANOVthanks to all03:59
parCsudo apt-get xchat03:59
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SORMANOVprofanephobia, where's that ?03:59
parCsudo apt-get install xchat03:59
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tumbleweedlaunchpad question, but nobody in #launchpad is alive...:03:59
tumbleweedis there any way to subscribe to a remote bug in launchpad, without first reporting it to a launchpad-managed project?03:59
jacobdoes any one know of any bugs for the intel chipset driver for the i96503:59
ubnuu2 IdleOne: Thanks. Is Feisty server just as stable as 6.0603:59
jetscreamerkost, xchat is installed iirc, if not apt-get install xchat03:59
profanephobiaSORMANOV, http://inerziasoft.ueuo.com/en/software/timer.html03:59
IdleOneubnuu2, yes03:59
kaueriratik: your machine looks up its own name if it must. It takes hostname and looks it up using gethostbyname(). That's why you need a functional DNS if the name is to mean anything. You can also just put your name (full and partial) into /etc/hosts...03:59
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profanephobiaubnuu2, yeah its just not Long term Support04:00
soundraythx1137: when something gets messed up like that, I tend to do a reinstall, rather than wasting the same amount of time (or more) on diagnostics.04:00
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LichnetGutsy will be LTS, right?04:00
ubnuu2IdleOne: OK, good to hear. Think I would prefer feisty then for newer packages04:00
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soundraythx1137: although it can be more satisfying to actually work out what's wrong...04:00
IdleOneLichnet, no04:00
=== utopianegra [n=utopia@81.Red-83-39-116.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
profanephobiaLichnet, no i think next one will be though04:00
=== ThatsMe is trying text-based install
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kaueriratik: Are you listening?04:00
LichnetIdleOne: :|04:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:01
iratikkauer: yea.. i just ended up adding an entry to hosts--- which i feel is just treating a symptom04:01
IdleOneLichnet, all release come with 18 months support04:01
linux_some know php editor in gnome with autocomplete ?04:01
soundraythx1137: was there anything else in or before that error message you posted?04:01
kidbuntuthe laptop of Acers. the one the Letter G as a prefix means Gem series right?04:01
kaueriratik: Can you ping thosenameservers?04:01
profanephobiaSORMANOV, that link i gave you was for a mac04:01
LichnetIdwhat are you talking about?04:01
utopianegraalgun espaol ?04:02
Pici!es | utopianegra04:02
ubotuutopianegra: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:02
iratikkauer: the domain name resolution machine-wide is working superbly .... i couldn't ask for more man04:02
IdleOneLichnet, all the Ubuntu releases come with up to 18 months of support04:02
thx1137soundray understandable, since I'm pretty new, I'm gradually learning.  I used Wubi to install ubuntu, and when I booted back into windows, it did a chkdsk and deleted my home.virtual.disk... lol04:02
profanephobialinux_ vim or quanta plus is what i use04:02
IdleOneLichnet, except the LTS wich has 3 years on desktop and 5 on sever04:02
LichnetIdleOne: Yeah04:02
linux_profanephobia , have html and php autocomplete ( atrl + space ) ?04:03
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kaueriratik: is your machine the one that is supposed to be www.domain.com?04:03
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soundraythx1137: you can probably still do a backup of your ubuntu from Windows (using ext2fsd) or the live CD.04:03
zero-9376arghh my cpu fan is driving me crazy04:03
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thavornhow to backup mozilla bookmarks for feisty fawn04:03
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profanephobiazero-9376, kick it.... kick it hard04:03
profanephobiathavorn, export them04:03
Lichnetthavorn: organize bookmarks -> import04:03
kaueriratik: Are you listening?04:03
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zero-9376its my new computer with my zalman cooler and its SOOO loud04:04
cdavishow can I change the font that is used when running programs in wine?04:04
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profanephobiacdavis, winecfg04:04
IdleOnezero-9376, you didnt get the optional muffler for it did you?04:04
Enseliccdavis: maybe winecfg?04:04
cdavisthanks Ill check04:04
thavornwhere is the bookmark store for firefox? not same as windows?04:04
thx1137soundray yeup, that's what I was going to do, until friggin' windows deleted the home file when it was doing a startup chkdsk  =/  oh well, I'll make another one and do it again, good practice anyway04:04
soundrayzero-9376: that's annoying. Zalmans should be quiet - consider getting an exchange.04:04
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Enselicthavorn: somewhere in ~/.mozilla04:05
nicola_hello i need a help..04:05
kaueriratik: Either pay attention when people are trying to help you, or go solve your own problems.04:05
profanephobiathavorn, go to bookmarks -> organize bookmarks -> export to backup import to restore04:05
ThatsMekauer: alternate install CD along with textbased install works:)04:05
Lichnetthavorn: man just go to Bookmarks -> Organize Bookmarks -> Export, then u import them04:05
zero-9376it belonged to my mums friend she gave it to me coz "it was broken", in reality windows wouldnt boot04:05
kauernThatsMe: Cool! Well done!04:05
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ThatsMekauer: Thnx for you help!04:05
profanephobiazero-9376, gotta love windows somethimes lol04:05
thx1137soundray thanks for tryin' to help me out, I'll have to check out that safe boot in the future04:06
zero-9376in this instance yes..yes i do04:06
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CheshireVikingthavorn, maybe you've spotted this, but you can export you bookmarks from firefox into a html file using "bookmarks", "organise bookmarks", then File -> Export04:06
soundraythx1137: no problem04:06
zero-9376anyone here played with lmsensors and pwmconfig im getting lines like this usr/sbin/pwmconfig: line 102: 0-002e/pwm1_enable: Permission denied04:06
kauerThatsMe: I woonder if a new burn of the standard desktop CD would work too. I really think you had a dud CD, but I have vague memories of the standard CD hanging right where you saw it hand, and the alternate being needed. Anyway, alls well that ens well.04:06
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zero-9376and im doing that as root04:07
cdavisprofanephobia, winecfg has no font attributes04:07
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profanephobiazero-9376, i got a free 20" laptop cause windows wouldnt boot04:07
IdleOnezero-9376, run the command and prepend sudo to it04:07
SeanTaterWhat video editors are there?04:07
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profanephobiacdavis ok one sec04:07
zero-9376IdleOne: im current sudo -s running as root04:07
bauerhume : does it work for you ?04:07
arn_hi, i have installed kate in my ubuntum but its not appearing in my menu. can anyone tell me why its not appearing in menu?04:07
ubnuu2SeanTater: Cinelerra, Kino04:07
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Lichnetarn_: 'Ubuntu'04:08
kostprofanephobia: so my download is over, now i will burn the iso to a CD with nero and then i will boot from cd and install. When i am in what should i do firstly so i can get internet and get in contact wth you?04:08
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profanephobiaarn_ it might need to refresh04:08
docmurHow do I stop the screensaver from going off when totem is playing04:08
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profanephobiakost do you have a wired connection availible04:08
arn_profanephobia, i have restarted 2 tiems my pc for other purpose after intaling kate04:08
kosti have both wired and wirless04:08
arn_profanephobia, i have restarted 2 tiems my pc for other purpose after intaling kate04:09
SeanTaterubnuu2: Cinelerra has way too high a learning curve; I can't get kino to keep the audio and video in sync..04:09
linux_i can somehow to cutomatic copy the text when i select him ?04:09
jriblinux_: that should happen by default, then to paste you press middle-click04:09
profanephobiakost good youll need wired prolly cause wireless will prolly need to be set up04:09
soundrayarn_: it's a KDE program. You can add it manually using alacarte04:09
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arn_soundray, what is alacarte?04:09
kostso i will let the wired connection wired and it will automaticaly go online right/04:09
zero-9376hmm i cant echo 1 to /sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-002e/pwm1_enable as root?04:09
soundrayarn_: the gnome menu editor04:10
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profanephobiakost most likely also youll need a chat prog04:10
thavornis ssh default install for feisty fawn server?04:10
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jribzero-9376: like this:  echo 1 | sudo tee /foo/bar04:10
linux_wow nice !04:10
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soundrayarn_: or start it with Alt-F2 and entering kate04:10
profanephobiahey whats the keyboard shortcut for the pipe04:10
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profanephobia| nm04:11
zero-9376jrib: permission denied04:11
kost i know, some friends told me abuot "xchat" i wanna get it so i can join the server asap so i can get more guidelines04:11
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stratjakthey can someone help me figure something out here? i rebuilt a gentoo box with ubuntu, and i need to mount some hdds on an add-on controller - and the hdd's are encrypted with dm_crypt04:11
stratjakti know the password04:11
stratjaktbut i cant find the hdds04:11
iratikHow do i install openldap server on ubuntu?04:11
soundrayzero-9376: or sudo sh -c 'echo >file'04:11
iratik(i did google.. got no consistent method)04:11
stratjaktthe drivers are loaded, but i just cant figure what ubuntu names them in /dev04:11
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linux_so what there are 2 clipboards ?04:11
profanephobiakost im using xchat myself its good after install open terminal and type sudo apt-get update04:12
jriblinux_: yeah04:12
stratjaktlike, /dev/hde wont work04:12
profanephobiakost then type sudo apt-get install xchat204:12
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soundraystratjakt: try /dev/sde04:12
arn_how can i load my just added variables in bashrc file?04:12
arn_i dont want to restart04:12
kostwhere should i type this?04:12
jribarn_: source ~/.bashrc04:12
profanephobiakost in terminal04:12
stratjaktis /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-1ATA_Maxtor_6Y080L0xxxxxx the same type of pointer?04:12
zero-9376soundray: the file exists but i cannot write to it04:12
linux_i have installed some "Desktop Clock" software from synaptic , how i make it show on the desktop ?04:12
kaueriratik: Have you lost interest in your DNS problem, or did you solve it?04:13
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stratjaktor is that a different type of device node04:13
stratjakti never played much with udev04:13
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ThatsMehmmm, linux has been installed04:13
ThatsMe*ubuntu that is04:13
profanephobialinux_ you installed something from synaptic...sick sick man lol04:13
ThatsMebut now it wont get any further while starting up04:13
iratikDNS is worknig find kauer:04:13
ThatsMeRunning local boot scripts. and there it stays, without disk activity04:13
profanephobialinux_ just kidding what was the app04:13
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stratjaktsee thats whats weird, i have sda-sdd, which should account for the drives on the motherboard.. but there are 4 on the raid controller (as single disks)..  they should be named sdd, sde, sdf, and sdg, right?04:13
kosthow to access teh terminal?04:14
soundrayzero-9376: sorry, don't know then04:14
linux_but how i can make it show ?04:14
giggihow can i change the settings to the gnome session startup programs from command line ? it crashes on loadup if i login with my other user.. i need to edit it but i cant do it visually..04:14
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kaueriratik: Then what was the solution to your machine not knowing its own name?04:14
stratjaktefgh rather04:14
profanephobialinux_ whats the app04:14
stratjakti guess i got a driver problem04:14
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profanephobia!terminal | kost04:14
ubotukost: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:14
jribgiggi: ~/.config/autostart/  possibly04:14
zero-9376yeah so much for sudo/root super powers04:14
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profanephobiakost youll have gnome default04:14
soundraygiggi: log in on the text terminal and start X with startx, then go through System-Admin-Login window04:15
linux_profanephobia "Clock - panel based clock"04:15
anzan !botsnack04:15
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:15
marikoi need to chmod realplayer`s bin file in order to install it, what`s the command chmod a+x?04:15
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iratikkauer: alright ....the machine knows it hostname( www)  my question was _Really_ _really_ basic .... does the part of the prompt after @ have to be resolvable across thet internet on a machine that is visible on the web as a .com04:15
profanephobialinux_ ok right click the gnome panel and add to panel04:15
profanephobialinux_ it should be in that list04:15
kauerThatsMe: Press enter once04:15
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hendrixskihey, what's the name of that program that asks you for you GPG password when you try to encrypt things from command line?04:15
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soundrayzero-9376: if a system file is unwritable for root, it's a driver problem, not a permissions problem (regardless of what the error message says)04:16
ThatsMecan anybody help me?04:16
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profanephobiaanzan i forgot about that bot command lol ... god im a geek lol04:16
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jribhendrixski: there's probably more than one but maybe seahorse?04:16
soundray!anyone | ThatsMe04:16
ubotuThatsMe: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:16
stratjaktdo nss_ldap and pam_ldap come with the base ubuntu install, or can anyone point me in the right direction to get that working?04:16
profanephobiakost just try your best to get back here once instaled04:16
profanephobiaThatsMe, what your prob04:16
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kaueriratik: You first question involved a log entry that indicated a DNS problem, with some program unable to resolve it's own name. Have you solved that issue?04:17
zero-9376soundray: googling again now...thanks for the help04:29
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stratjaktnm found a link04:29
hendrixskijrib, :-) not that one... seahorse is the frontend for gpg... there's one which just pops up a text box to enter a password.04:29
VletSo when one installs google earth, it wants to create a folder ~/.google-earth/ but if I want to install it for all users, where should that folder go? /usr/local/bin /usr/bin ... ?04:29
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kauerThatsMe: Press enter once04:29
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ThatsMekauer: Ty:)04:29
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kauerThatsMe: What happened?04:29
ThatsMekauer: incorrect login?04:29
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hendrixskiI'm trying to sign a file and it keeps saying that I don't have the secret phrase stored... and I ran into this before a long time ago someone said to install a program, and now I'm up against this again and I totally forgot what program it was.  :-(04:29
echelonwith xchat, how do i display the list of users in the channel04:29
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jribhendrixski: when it pops up see if 'xprop' or 'xwininfo' can help04:29
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ThatsMeerr, now what @ incorrect login?:\04:29
hendrixskijrib, I'll try those  :-)04:29
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kauerThatsMe: I'm guessing you were looking a console, and the script messages were platered over the login prompt. If you now have a login prompt, you should be able to get further. Odd that X didn't start...04:29
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profanephobiado you all recommend in getting custom headers or stick with generic04:29
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ThatsMekauer: Yes, i'm actualy looking at the console. but the login won't get further:\04:29
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ThatsMekauer: it just keeps saying login incorrect04:29
kauerThatsMe: Doyou have a "login:" prompt? Ora "Password:" prompt?04:29
linux_ok for nvidia 5200 fx , 512 ram , 3.0 what is better compiz or beryl ?04:29
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jribVlet: that's probably just user specific settings.  If you used the package at medibuntu, the program itself should be available to all users04:29
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ThatsMekauer: Login incorrect<newline>ubuntu login:<cursor>04:29
profanephobialinux_ i wouldnt use either but why not use compiz-fusion04:29
jason_hey ya!04:29
ThatsMekauer: when pressing enter @ user04:29
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ThatsMekauer: it asks for a password04:29
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profanephobialinux_, its compiz and beryl merged love child04:29
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jason_anyone knows a flv to avi/mpeg converter for ubuntu04:29
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giggino such luck04:29
iratikkauer: oh my freaking ____: the problem was that "www" is not resolvable... the miscommunication stems from me being misinformed that  on the prompt where it says you username@...   that the part after the @ had to be resolvable internet wide ... because the error message was saying www was not resolvable .. i understood why www would not be resolvable ..... so i thought that instead of just www after the @ sign on the prompt  --- that there04:29
iratik had to be a fqdn after the @ sign on the prompt ... then sudo wouldn't be giving me messages saying that the part after the @ sign was not resolvable....     the solution i came up with was to give up because either noone anywhere knows how this is really supposed to work on a production web server or i simply cannot comprehend this fundamental idea... i treated the symptom  ... left /etc/hostname as www,  resolv.conf was working brilliantl04:29
iratiky (i can't complain that www is not really resolvable) ... so i made it resolvable and added an entry to /etc/hosts04:29
hybirdbehey , i can't get the import my openpgp key to launchpad , can aybody help me04:29
Vletjrib: ahh, no; I was just using google's installer, and no, it actually installs the binaries into ~/.google-earth/ .. use settings get stored in ~/.googleearth/04:29
linux_profanephobia , so waht to install ?04:29
profanephobiajason_, ffmpeg04:29
Vletjrib: I'll try the package - nice to keep things kosher ;)04:29
kauerThatsMe: Well, during the install you were asked for a username and a password. At the "login:" prompt enter the username, at the "password:" prompt enter the password.04:29
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hendrixskijrib, doesn't look like either of those are "it" .... I think the person who helped me last time was on Ubuntu-motu... maybe I'll check there :-)04:29
giggistill cant change the gnome-session-properties.. i need to change the settings for the main user, because every time i try to login i crash.. i wanna change it from this user ..04:29
profanephobialinux_,  compiz-fusion04:29
jribVlet: yeah, that's probably the easiest way04:29
jrib!medibuntu > Vlet (see the private message from ubotu)04:29
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profanephobiagiggi in terminal open file as root04:29
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ThatsMekauer: ow, i didn't remember entering that:\04:29
jribhendrixski: you click on your program after running 'xprop' or 'xwininfo' to get info about your popup04:29
hybirdbeaaaa , cmmn04:29
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ThatsMekauer: is there a way to enter ubuntu WITHOUT login?04:29
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hybirdbethatsme > i don't think so04:29
jason_profanephobia, cabn i get it at the repositiories04:29
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giggiprofanephobia: what file ? i need to know what file to edit because gnome sessions is graphic, but x crashes as it logs in.. i need to edit the settings for the other user.. how do i do that?04:29
profanephobiaThatsMe, why would you want to04:29
ThatsMeow buggggggggger...04:29
giggii need to know what file to edit because gnome sessions is graphic, but x crashes as it logs in.. i need to edit the settings for the other user.. how do i do that?04:29
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ThatsMeprofanephobia: Because i can't remember entering the login-info!04:29
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hendrixskijrib, oh... I don't have this on installed but I need it... :-( but I don't remember the name... there's the rub04:29
jribgiggi: what setting exactly?04:29
stratjaktwhy did the live cd give me a 1280x1024 display, but once installed it wont go higher than 800x600?04:29
kauerThatsMe: Bwahahahaha. You're screwed :-) No, not really. Reboot, and choose "safe mode",. That will (eventually) drop you into a root login with no X and you can set your password there. Then reboot.04:29
NutubuntuIs moving from 32bit to 64bit Feisty a reinstall, or is there another way to do that - if I wanted to? I'm not looking for advice on whether to, just if that's possible... curiosity.04:29
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stratjaktand how do i get clippy up runnin on this thing04:29
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profanephobiajason_ pretty sure but for your future ref us sudo apt-cache search *** to search for app **** being app name04:29
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giggijrib: i fucked up by adding some apps to the startup.. dunno which one is causing the trouble tho04:29
ThatsMekauer: okay thnx, i'll try that04:29
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jribhendrixski: seahorse caches and prompts for passwords.  Searching the repos, looks like gnupg-agent does too04:29
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Nutubuntu!ohmy | giggi04:29
ubotugiggi: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:29
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to rename a disk in ubuntu????04:29
jribgiggi: did you look at ~/.config/autostart/ ?04:29
CheeseGardeneran external hard drive that is.04:29
Cobra_Fastsomeone abled to tell me how i can do deskbar-applet searching subdirectories of my home-folder?04:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:29
kauerThatsMe: You did remember at least a username, right? If not, you have a longer row to hoe...04:29
giggisorry ;>04:29
profanephobiagiggi, have you tried safe login04:29
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giggiprofanephobia: no, how do i do that?04:29
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giggijrib: 's empty04:29
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linux_profanephobia , i have installed compiz, now how i can runit ?04:29
ThatsMekauer: no, i can't remember anything from entering that info04:29
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Nutubuntugiggi, safe should get you in without the apps running; logout and choose safe mode from the "Sessions" prompt before typing your username and pw to log back in04:29
hendrixskijrib, I found it... I needed pinentry, that's what it was called.  Thanks though :-)04:29
profanephobiagiggi, at login screen in options sessions or from grub boot or live cd04:29
giggiSafe mode?04:29
ThatsMekauer: i'm now in the console... root@ubuntu:~#04:29
ThatsMenow what?:P04:29
Nutubuntublieve so04:29
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giggiit says failsafe gnome04:29
giggiand such others04:29
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Nutubuntufailsafe then04:29
=== ThatsMe is a noob in the console:\
giggididnt work last time i tried04:29
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Cobra_Fastgiggi, whats your problem?04:29
hybirdbebla ,  iam parting laterzzz04:29
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profanephobialinux_ compiz --replace04:29
NutubuntuHave you tried more coffee? Obviously that's wht I need ...04:29
giggiCobra_Fast: added some apps to the gnome session manager, logged out - logged in and it crashes04:29
profanephobiagiggi, use failsafe gnome04:29
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ThatsMe**asks again: now what in the console?**04:29
jribhendrixski: ah ok04:29
giggiprofanephobia: that crashed last time04:29
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profanephobiaCobra_Fast, he messed up his gnome session04:29
Cobra_Fastthen you go into Xterm save login, and run the gnome-sessionmanager-program04:29
profanephobiagiggi,  use recov mode from grub boot04:29
jribThatsMe: you are resetting a password?04:29
Cobra_Fastdont actually know how its calles04:29
ThatsMejrib: i'd like to get my account data04:29
giggiprofanephobia: i only got ubuntu up, it boots directly into it04:29
hendrixskijrib, it's one of those things that they kind of forgot to put into a lot of documentation :-/  I keep meaning to send a few patches to the documentation teams but never have the time04:29
jribThatsMe: what account data?04:29
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NutubuntuI noticed a weird crash on login last night and only figured out what it might have been when I started a K session instead: a corrupted jpg file on the Desktop that couldn't be thumbnailed. I deleted that but have not yet tried another Gnome session ... kinda liking KDE ;p04:30
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linux_profanephobia , ts work but how i do all the d cube eddects ?04:30
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to change the label on a hard drive?????04:30
kaueriratik: I told you *exactly* how it was supposed to work on a production system. If "www.domain.com" does not resolve using the information in /etc/resolv.conf, then you have to put your desired names into /etc/hosts. If your machine is reachable via the Internet, you now have a machine with a name different to the one it is known by on the global internet, if indeed it has *any* name on the global internet. This is generally a bad idea.04:30
linux_effects *04:30
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ThatsMejrib: i've just installed ubuntu text-based... but i can't remembering entering any user-data04:30
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Cobra_Fastgiggi: go to xterm save login and type gnome-session-properties04:30
jribThatsMe: I see.  What does 'ls /home' return?04:30
profanephobia!compiz | linux_04:30
giggiCobra_Fast: k, brb04:30
ubotulinux_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:30
ThatsMejrib: hold on a sec, my pc rebooted:\04:30
kauernThatsMe: cat /etc/passwd04:30
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kauerThatsMe: Do you see a login name that looks familiar? Probably at the end of the file?04:31
profanephobialinux_ go to #ubuntu-effects04:31
Cobra_Fastnow anyone abled to help me with my deskbar-applet problem?04:31
Skifsomehow I ended up with /var/lib/dpkg/available.old in a very funky state:04:31
Skif?--------- ? ?    ?          ?                ? /var/lib/dpkg/available-old04:31
ThatsMekauer: please hold:P it's rebooting:\04:31
profanephobiaCobra_Fast,  whats the prob04:31
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Skifthat's from an ls of /var/lib/dpkg04:31
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SkifI tried 'sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/available-old' but it won't do it.04:32
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to change the label on a hard drive?????04:32
Skifkeeps telling me "permission denied"04:32
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kauerThatsMe: It rebooted?!? On it's own!?!? Throw it away. Quickly. Get a new one.04:32
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PriceChildSkif, DON'T delete things from /var/lib/dpkg !!!04:32
Cobra_Fasti want deskbar-applet to also search in subdirectories in my home-folder. it didnt change when i added thos paths into the beagle-settings04:32
gorrz_Cobra_Fast, gorrz@gorrz-desktop:~$ gnome-session-properties04:32
gorrz_could not connect to the session manager04:32
SkifPriceChild: available-old is fine to delete, trust me.04:32
animalcan anyone help me ?04:32
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gorrz_Cobra_Fast, it's giggi btw04:32
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PriceChildSkif, on your head be it :)04:32
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SkifPriceChild: anyway, it's apparently corrupted, so even if it weren't, which it is, I can't delete it.04:32
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:32
Cobra_Fastgorrz_: looks like you cannot change thos settings in xterm mode04:33
profanephobiaanimal, theres is no help for you.... lol whats the prob04:33
ThatsMekauer: it returns: no such file or directory04:33
animali have ubuntu 7.04 and i want to install beryl on it04:33
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animaland i dont know how to begin04:33
unagiugh beryl is so unstable =(04:33
jribSkif: you might want to have fsck check the partition04:33
hinogithen join #beryl ^^04:33
ThatsMekauer: btw, i pressed ctrl+alt+del exedentaly04:33
profanephobiaanimal http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/enable_compizfusion_in_ubuntu_feisty/04:33
Cobra_Fastunagi: tried compiz-fusion?04:33
animali have this site04:34
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gorrz_Cobra_Fast,  well thats a bummer..  any other ideas?04:34
profanephobiaanimal, go there its better than beryl..... its beryl and compiz lol04:34
unagiis compiz-fusion what is embedded in ubuntu?04:34
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animaland i dont know how to do this : "Youll need to add the beryl-project repositories to your sources list. You can do that by adding the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:04:34
animal    deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org feisty main"04:34
profanephobiaunagi,  no04:34
jribunagi: no04:34
Cobra_Fastunagi: you have to add some package-channels04:34
kauerThatsMe: Really? "cat /etc/passwd" returned "no such file or directory?04:34
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ThatsMekauer: yes04:34
jrib!beryl > animal (see the private message from ubotu)04:34
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ThatsMekauer: oh wait04:34
Cobra_Fastgorrz_, wait ill try to find out how the session file is named ;o)04:35
ThatsMekauer: did it wrong04:35
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kauerThatsMe: What about "ls /home"04:35
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profanephobiaanimal, you can do it by terminl or gui04:35
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ThatsMekauer: i get a lot of data then04:35
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gorrz_Cobra_Fast, thanks.. been looking myself as well.. lemme know if you find nething ;>04:35
profanephobiaanimal, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:35
alesanhi. normally there is an icon to enable/disable networking which is available to all users even to the ones that have no admini rights04:35
Cobra_Fastanyone knows the solution of my deskbar-applet problem?04:35
linux_profanephobia , the minimize and close bottom now are hide , how i can close windows ?04:35
profanephobiaanimal, and add that link to that file and save04:35
ThatsMekauer: also, there is no user name that i remember in there... i'll try to login with root04:35
kauerThatsMe: What does it look like - crap, or a directory listing?04:35
fyrestrtrCobra_Fast: what is the problem?04:36
alesanisn't it possible to show such network menu only to the ones that have admin rights?04:36
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NutubuntuIs moving from 32bit to 64bit Feisty a reinstall, or is there another way to do that - if I wanted to? I'm not looking for advice on whether to, just if that's possible... curiosity.04:36
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fyrestrtralesan: remove the user from the admin group, then they can't do anything to change the network settings.04:36
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profanephobialinux_ is it after you insdtall compiz04:36
gorrz_anyone know how the gnome-session-properties conf file is named / located ?04:36
ThatsMekauer: i get a lot of user data04:36
Cobra_Fasti want deskbar-applet to also search in subdirectories in my home-folder. it didnt change when i added thos paths into the beagle-settings04:36
fyrestrtrNutubuntu: it is a reinstall.04:36
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to change the label on a hard drive?????04:36
Nutubuntut/y fyrestrtr04:36
linux_profanephobia afte compiz --replace04:36
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jribgorrz_: it isn't a single file04:36
kauerThatsMe: For exaple? Name one or two files you see there...04:36
alesanfyrestrtr, no, but a user without admin right can still disable networking04:37
fyrestrtrCobra_Fast: it probably hasn't indexed them yet.04:37
gorrz_jrib, how can i change the settings without my gnome crashing on me ?04:37
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fyrestrtralesan: how?04:37
ThatsMekauer: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/hash04:37
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alesanhe cannot change settings but can disable04:37
jribgorrz_: which settings04:37
RoundyT1Hello, I have a question.04:37
bikerbobanyone help me get rhythmbox running? it thinks all my mp3s are no good?04:37
RoundyT1i mean i'm going to ask it04:37
alesanfyrestrtr, clicking on the "enable networking"04:37
gorrz_jrib, i added some apps to it, loggedout/in and it crashes04:37
Cobra_Fastfyrestrtr: how can i tell him to index it?04:37
fyrestrtralesan: you cannot enable networking unless you have admin rights.04:37
alesanor even enable/disable wireless04:37
kauerThatsMe: But that looks like a line out of /etc/passwd, which you said didn't exist...?04:37
jribgorrz_: ~/.config/autostart/  have you checked this?04:37
unagiif i install compiz-fusion and need to uninstall it.....is it easy to get desktop effects back?04:37
Cobra_Fastfyrestrtr: i added all paths i want to search to the beagle-settings04:38
gorrz_jrib, its empty04:38
fyrestrtrCobra_Fast: I don't know, probably restart the daemon, but I don't use it to be honest.04:38
Jack_Sparrow!mp3 > bikerbob04:38
ThatsMekauer: Yes, i typed it wrong the first time04:38
alesanfyrestrtr, come on try: login with a non admin user and there you can *disable* networking and/or wireless04:38
Cobra_Fastgorrz_, found the file?04:38
jribgorrz_: try renaming ~/.gnome2/session04:38
RoundyT1I'm just wondering what kind of UPS i should buy for my ubuntu and my debian machine...not really familiar with the voltages and things.04:38
NutubuntuAnother 32bit vs 64bit question: I'm running an AMD64 X2 processor. I installed 32bit Feisty. Some packages are identified as being compiled for the AMD64, and so far I have *not* installed any of them. Should I avoid them (do they mean, compiled for 64bit kernel, IOW)?04:38
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ThatsMekauer: "ls /home" doesnt return anything04:38
fyrestrtralesan: I'll take your word for it.04:38
alesanfyrestrtr, you cannot change settings but enable/disable04:38
gorrz_Cobra_Fast, no04:38
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ThatsMekauer: And i typed "cat etc/passwd" in stead of "cat /etc/passwd"04:38
RoundyT1I'm just wondering what kind of UPS i should buy for my ubuntu and my debian machine...not really familiar with the voltages and things. -----its a server...and it needs to have a battery backup...:-D04:38
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alesanfyrestrtr, any idea how to disable that?04:39
gorrz_jrib, hold up04:39
fyrestrtralesan: I'm sure the ubuntu in the workplace wiki tells you these things.04:39
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linux_ok how i can stop compiz ?04:39
fyrestrtrRoundyT1: that depends on how long you want to run it on battery.04:39
Jack_SparrowRoundyT1: Bigger is better buy what you can afford.. are you in San Diego?04:39
alesanfyrestrtr, you mean wiki.ubuntu.com ?04:39
NutubuntuRoundyT1, you might do better in #hardware - that's all I can guess at myself04:39
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kauerThatsMe: Somehow you seem to have made it through the install without entering a username and password for you to use. I really think it would be simplest to reinstall, and this time take note of the username and password you enter. If you are never asked to enter either, then I don't know what install you are using, but I can't help with it.04:39
fyrestrtralesan: yes, there is something there talks about ubuntu in the workplace, and controlling settings, etc.04:39
fyrestrtralesan: I found it searching for something else.04:39
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gorrz_jrib, no such file04:40
josue_mhi,  feisty:  how to disable automount of NTFS volumes when ubuntu startup?04:40
profanephobialinux_ open the system monitor and stop the process04:40
ThatsMekauer: Okay, i'll first try to login with root root04:40
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RoundyT1Jack_Sparrow, nope in in SD04:40
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zbadoneI just got sound working on my laptop (Toshiba a205-s4577) by upgrading to the newest ALSA, how do I prevent system upgrades from reinstalling the older version?04:40
kauerThatsMe: No, wait.04:40
ThatsMekauer: login with root works04:40
ThatsMekauer: oh:P04:41
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linux_profanephobia , ok but how i can do the effect ? ( now i have only bubble windows or something like this ) how i can make the cube effect ?04:41
fyrestrtrRoundyT1: ups are rated on how long they can power your components after power outtage, the longer you want to survive on battery, the more the ups costs.04:41
jribgorrz_: well renaming ~/.gnome* and ~/.gconf* will probably let you login at least but your settings won't be loaded04:41
esteem__I have a standard terminal command (it's basically some CD'ing and some copying) i want it to automatically run in terminal when I click it. How do I do this?04:41
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fyrestrtrzbadone: they shouldn't downgrade.04:41
kidbuntuwill ubuntu work fine on acer gemstone laptops?04:41
kauerThatsMe: While you are here, logged in in safe mode, take the opportunity to set the root password to something you know. Oterwise you won't be able to log in.04:41
profanephobialinux_ i dont run it youll have to go to #ubnutu-effects04:41
esteem__(currently it is in notepad, the terminal commands)04:41
zbadonefyrestrtr: I install alsa manually04:41
Jack_Sparrow!hardware > kidbuntu04:41
kauerThatsMe: By default, ubunto doesn';t permit root logins.04:41
jribesteem__: if you use bash, .bashrc will get sourced everytime you start the terminal04:42
fyrestrtresteem__: edit > profiles04:42
jason_profanephobia, i got it......now how do i use it- fmpeg04:42
ThatsMekauer, well i see.. i'm logged in with root now?:\04:42
kauerThatsMe: Instaed, yyou are supposed to use your own ordinary user account and use sudo.04:42
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gorrz_jrib, humm.. thats inconvenient..04:42
jason_profanephobia, ffmpeg04:42
unagiholy crap compiz-fusion is smoother than desktop effects!04:42
esteem__jrib:  you'll have to explain a bit more04:42
kauerthatsMe; You are only "logged in" in safe mode, also known as single user nmode. It's actually an emergency back door, not for normal use.04:42
ThatsMekauer: i'll reinstall first. because if i login. i still get the console...04:42
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esteemfyrestrtr:  opnce i'm in profiles, what then?04:42
jribesteem__: there's a file called ~/.bashrc .  The commands in there are executed everytime you start a new shell04:42
josue_mhi,  feisty:  how to disable automount of NTFS volumes when ubuntu startup?04:42
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ThatsMeow, crap... i've got to help my dad... brb...04:43
madtsunamiwhat would I need to install and do to run ReactOS on my linux?04:43
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profanephobiajason_, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/convert-flv-google-videos-to-mpg-using-ffmpeg.html04:43
zbadonejosue_m: edit /etc/fstab, add noauto to the defaults area04:43
kauerThatsMe: Yes; I'd just resis=nstall and make sure you get to enter an ordinary user and password (don't use "root" as your username, things may get bvery confused) :-)04:43
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to change the label on a hard drive?????04:43
Cobra_Fastgorrz_ are you still there?04:43
kost_are you still here?04:43
profanephobiakost_, yea04:43
zbadonefyrestrtr: I install alsa manually, does that matter ?04:44
esteem_jrib:  but I want multiple profiles for different bash scripts i make04:44
jason_profanephobia, thanx04:44
kost_ok i have wireless keyboard and mouse04:44
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kost_profanephobia so when i press F12 to go to the boot menu and select boot from cd04:44
=== Kilroo [n=Kilroo@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
profanephobiajason_, np04:44
kost_profanephobia i cannot navigate with the keyboard04:44
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kost_profanephobia any ides?04:44
josue_mzbadone:  thanks :)04:44
profanephobiakost_,  is it wireless04:44
daniele_983hello all i've installed ubuntu feisty on my laptop vaio fz18m but it not mount my cdrom. I've seen lshw but i not found cdrom cd.04:45
zbadonejosue_m: did that work? just man fstab for more info04:45
Cobra_Fastis deskbar-applet unable to search in subdirectories?04:45
Jean11where can I find info on netinstalling ubuntu04:45
profanephobiakost_ thats why i havent figured out how to get the wireless keyboard to work yet04:45
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josue_mok, I'll research04:45
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humeJean11, try the ubuntu wiki, there are pages about netinstall04:45
jribesteem_: I don't really understand what you are trying to do04:45
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profanephobiakost_ with a live cd untill log in04:45
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zbadoneJean11: search for PXE ubuntu howto04:45
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humeJean11, you mean via PXE-boot?04:46
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kost_profanephobia damn i dont have any wired keyboards around04:46
=== MSG4 [n=MSG4@pool-68-237-113-105.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
daniele_983same suggestion?04:46
bauerhume : does it work for you ? the  ssh in background ?04:46
zbadonejean a lot of setup to just install 1 PC, if many, might be worth it04:47
Jean11hume, zbadone, I hnestly do not know. I am a Debian user and want to try ubuntu. I just need a netinstall but when I download ubuntu 7 it seems to be acting loke knoppix04:47
=== ejupin [n=ejupin@c-65-96-153-100.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
faileasJean11: you got a livecd04:47
jribesteem_: I reread your question.  What do you mean by "it"?  Your commands or your terminal?04:47
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate04:47
zbadoneJean11: are you d/ling the proper image?04:47
javbpeople, i need an SNTP server on ubuntu server, anyideas?04:47
JohnShortlanddoes anyone here have compiz fusion running with a ati radeon xpress 200m?04:47
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:47
=== limetang [n=ircwhore@80-45-90-17.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
faileasyou can install it from it tho04:47
humebauer, nope, & does not do it, I need to interact with the program and then disconnect, the & stops the interaction04:47
daniele_983hello all i've installed ubuntu feisty on my laptop vaio fz18m but it not mount my cdrom. I've seen lshw but i not found cdrom cd.04:48
swmiller6JohnShortland: I do04:48
jribesteem_: "click it" == "click file containing my commands"  or "click my terminal"04:48
humebauer, trying screen now, but I am really new to this..... would you know if I can make the ssh-session not terminate instead?04:48
=== unagi_ [n=unagi@c-68-59-255-72.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jean11there is only one download at ubuntu.com Is there any other images04:48
Cobra_Fasti want to know how i can do deskbar-applet searching all my files, including subdirectories, anyone abled to tell me!?04:48
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stefgJean11: see the minimal and install factoids from ubotu above04:48
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profanephobiaCobra_Fast, use beagle desktop search04:49
thavornI used apt-get intall kmail. but cannot find it from the application menu.04:49
=== Insane`KDE [n=ltkde@dslb-088-065-031-009.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
humeJean11, i use the alternate CD to do PXE-install, and then followed instructions from the wiki04:49
=== [NBK] Legion [n=iller@hstad-114-173-209-82.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cobra_Fastprofanephobia: i already addes thos directories to beagle, it didnt affect anything04:49
marti149how do you remove packages graphically on ubuntu04:50
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marti149I want to remove vmware and reinstall04:50
profanephobiamarti149, synaptic04:50
humemarti149, with synaptics04:50
Insane`KDECan anybody here inform me on how to correctly open up my laptop so I can rewire my touchpad?04:50
masqueradeAnyone know if there's a way to increase the sound level past 100% in alsa, or for a specific application. Trying to watch a movie in mplayer but the sound is low. alsa's sound is max, mplayer's sound is max, but I can hardly hear it still.04:50
humemarti149, with synaptic04:50
stefgInsane`KDE: ##hardware04:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:50
kauerI'm using GAIM. Is there any way to filter this conversation so that I only see stuff to and from selected parties?04:50
Insane`KDEOr otherwise tell me on how to remap the keys within kubuntu, so I won't have to risk damaging my laptop04:50
kauermasquerade: What kind of laptop do you have?04:51
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kitchemasquerade: you have all of your sound maxed in alsamixer?04:51
esteemjrib:  ok here's the deal. I've made a trext document with some commands (which basically call DD to format a memory card).. Thing is, I have to copy and paste the text within the text (the commands) into terminal. I want to be able to click the text document, and then ti would automatically put all of the contents with in it (AKA, the commands) and then run these commands in terminal. A bit like having a script to make  n04:51
esteemew folder on the desktop, so you click it, and it runs and makes the folder on the desktop.04:51
ubotuTo find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts04:51
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kauersorry, not masquerade. Insane`KDE, what kind of laptop do you have?04:51
MSG4Hi I have problem with mines Ubuntu it load slow even when i booting ubuntu with 2 gb of rams04:51
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kauerInsane'KDE: Maybe you'd better tell us what the actual problem is that you'd like to solve...04:52
Insane`KDEMy mouse buttons are all wrong04:52
kitchemasquerade: since raising Master won't just cut it in Linux04:53
kauerInsane`KDE: Can you be a little more specific?04:53
Insane`KDEI tried editing xorg.conf for about 3 hours now with about 5 guides and I haven't gotten it to work04:53
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stefgMSG4: do you have an ATi video adapter which (unintentionally) uses software 3D rendering04:53
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esteemMSG4:  load up System monitor? (bit like task manager in windows)04:53
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Jean11 hume: before I do this how is ubuntu with xinerama, and nvidia drivers I have two video cards with three screens04:53
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Insane`KDEkauer: My scroll wheel down is recognized as middle mouse button, my right mouse button is recognized as scroll wheel up, my scroll wheel up is recognized as right mouse button04:53
daniele_983hello all i've installed ubuntu feisty on my laptop vaio fz18m but it not mount my cdrom. I've seen lshw but i not found cdrom cd.04:53
MSG4stefg i use nvida video card04:53
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kitcheJean11: well nvidia has their own xinerama setup so it works :)04:54
humeJean11, don't know, I use an ati card with 2 screens, that works well04:54
jribesteem: ah, then you are just writing a bash script.  Just make the first line "#!/bin/bash" and make sure it is executable (chmod +x file.sh   or  right click -> properties)04:54
summer_s4can someone tell me how to run php 5.0.0, apache 1.3.31, and postgre sql 7.4.3?04:54
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MSG4esteem what i;m looking for04:54
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esteemjrib:  thanks a lot04:54
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stefgMSG4: ok then. inspect dmsg for hints on irq conflicts04:54
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jribesteem: also, a really good guide for more advanced stuff is the "advanced bash scripting guide"04:54
MSG4stefg how would i do that?04:55
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Jean11hume: ok I also have two X1650 Pro Sapphires that I could not get them working together with Debian. Do you think I have better luck with ubuntu04:55
esteemMSG4:  it's called System monitor, and it is found at; System > Administration. You're looking for processes that take up a lot of CPU usage04:55
MSG4esteem what am i'm looking for in system monitor04:55
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Jean11kitche: are we talking about twinview?04:55
kost_Ill wait for a wired mouse untill04:55
MSG4esteem ok04:55
stefgMSG4: type 'dmesg | less' in a terminal, or use the system log viewer in the admin menu04:55
kost_this night04:55
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to change the label on a hard drive?????04:55
humeanyone knows how I can use screen for running sessions over ssh, that stays running after I log off the ssh-session?04:55
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alexggHi, anybody knows how to find what are the default kernel compile options on the default kernel shipped with Feisty?04:55
humeJean11, don't know really, debian is very close to ubuntu04:55
animalcan someone pls resend me the link abouve about the beryl question04:56
animali rebooted and i lost the link04:56
masqueradekitche, yes, all max, sorry, connection dropped for a minute04:56
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects04:56
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jrib!beryl > animal (see the private message from ubotu)04:56
Insane`KDEI've uploaded my xorg.conf: pastebin.org/18204:56
Insane`KDE* http://pastebin.org/18204:56
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NutubuntuCheeseGardener, have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive ?04:56
kitcheJean11: nope xinerama which is called twinview for nvidia cards though04:56
Jean11hume: thanks, you can see man screen there is a command that I recall that let you logoff and keep screnn running I think cntrl D not sure., have not used it for a while04:56
kitcheJean11: so they are the same thing really04:57
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alexggCheeseGardener: Have you tried parted mklabel?04:57
MSG4stefg http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32777/04:57
humeJean11, ok... i have some trouble reading that loooong man page, but I'll check closer the ctrl D..:)04:57
=== Chaz_ [n=linus@81-237-207-30-no133.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
kauerInsane`KDE: Basically you need to set up the buttons for your mouse in the "InputDevice" section of xorg.conf for the mouse. There aren't that many combinations for most mice. Worl out each button one at a time - find out which button number represents your left click, then find the rest. Unfortunately a lot of trial and error. You could try googling for your mouse (or the mouse driver name" and "xorg.conf"...04:57
Jean11kitche: they are not, twinview is nvidia xinerama is the product of Panoramix04:57
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stefgMSG4: that's only the beginning. Try dmesg > output.txt and paste that04:58
coolwonderhellow, anyone can help me with my wireless card04:58
MSG4esteem load slow when it booting up04:58
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magnetron!ask | coolwonder04:58
ubotucoolwonder: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:58
MSG4"dmesg > output.txt" in terminal?04:58
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ThatsMei'm back04:59
Insane`KDEkauer: I did that, but two of the buttons don't get recognized at all04:59
kitcheJean11: ok if you say so since if your using nvidia's binary driver you must use twinview04:59
stefgMSG4: yes, you'll find a file output.txt tehn04:59
coolwondermy linksys w54g wireless card can not work on my laptop04:59
coolwonderoh, i see04:59
coolwonderi can not find any drivers for linux04:59
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:59
ThatsMekauer: how can i reinstall ubuntu then?04:59
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kitcheJean11: just check you're not loading the Xinerama module in the config file, nvidia's driver provides its own xinerama extension. that is right from the FAQ on ubuntu's site for xinerama05:00
coolwonderOK, i will see it first, for i am a chinese, my english is not so good05:00
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk05:00
NutubuntuAnother 32bit vs 64bit question: I'm running an AMD64 X2 processor. I installed 32bit Feisty. Some packages are identified as being compiled for the AMD64, and so far I have *not* installed any of them. Should I avoid them (do they mean, compiled for 64bit kernel, IOW)?05:00
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aleksanterihey, how can you install .desktop files as menu items?05:01
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jribNutubuntu: what packages?  The package manager should only offer to install files for your architecture05:01
alecw1What are some alternatives to Windows Movie Maker? (Good ones)05:01
MSG4stefg http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32778/05:01
kauerInsane`KDE: The buttons are basically numbers one through n from left to right. The Z axis is the scroll wheel. If the scroll wheel can click up and down or left and right as well as roll, those movements are "buttons" too. Some mice have lots of "buttons - 7 or 10! Unless you can find a specific howto for your mouse, trial and error is the only way that I know of. maybe someone lese has a better idea. But rewiring your touchpad is almos05:01
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kauerThatsMe: Stick the Cd in th edrive. Boot. Follow the bouncing ball.05:01
Nutubuntujrib, t/y - you've cleared up *another* question for me :)     A package downloadable from getdeb, not thru my package manager - an outliner I was curious about05:01
esteemMSG4:  Hmm, maybe try to format again?.. and don't go anywhere near automatix.. stick with 7.04 default.05:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about videoediting - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:02
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Insane`KDEkauer: I've gotten some help on a different channel, and I've managed to remap them05:02
ThatsMekauer: err, yeah, that would be the obvious thing duh:P05:02
ThatsMe*smacks his forhead*05:02
Nutubuntujrib, when you say my architecture, though - do you mean the kernel I've installed? or my CPU itself?05:02
kauerInsane`KDE: Excellent! Post the xorg,conf to the pastebin, please, I'd like to see the solution!05:02
Insane`KDEkauer: Now it's just the process of undoing what I did globally to somehow deactivate one or two buttons, because they were at least all recognized before05:02
ThatsMedarned, brb... i've got to walk with my dogs.. i'l be back in 30 minutes:\05:02
MSG4esteem what you mean automatix?05:02
kauerbye all.05:03
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jribNutubuntu: the ubuntu version you have (and kernel I guess)05:03
esteemMSG4:  If you don't know what it is, don't worry about it05:03
strabesMy laptop suspends and resumes perfectly when using the logout menu, but it will not suspend when the lid is closed even though it is set to do so in the kde power manager05:03
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Nutubuntujrib, t/y again05:03
alecw1!automatix | MSG405:03
ubotuMSG4: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)05:03
thavornI have install openssh-server, how to turn it off?05:03
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daniele_983hello all i've installed ubuntu feisty on my laptop vaio fz18m but it not mount my cdrom. I've seen lshw but i not found cdrom cd.05:03
jribNutubuntu: yeah, if you are download .deb's manually, you should stick to your own architecture05:03
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stratjakt./etc/init.d/ssh stop05:03
jribthavorn: forever?05:03
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jribalecw1: pitivi, kino05:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kino - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:04
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Nutubuntujrib, yeah ... that's the thing - I've been avoiding doing stuff outside my package manager in the first place ... but found that kinda tempting ;)05:04
thavornjrib: want to turn on and off for learning purpose05:04
jrib!info kino > alecw105:04
MrChickenI need to prevent non-admin users from shutting down the system05:04
MrChickenI am running Xubuntu05:04
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MSG4esteem is there a way reformat again without using cd and just reinstall on terminal?05:05
ipxthansen|laptop: then its the /etc/init.d/ssh stop or /etc/init.d/ssh start command :)05:05
jribthavorn: then what stratjakt said will work.  sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop    or   sudo invoke-rc.d ssh stop05:05
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marti149how do you forcably remove packages?05:05
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marti149tried removing it with synoptic05:05
=== allin__ [n=allinsan@static24-72-142-178.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
marti149and apt-get remove05:05
thavornjrib: how to turn on?05:05
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thavornjrib: init ??05:05
marti149something wrong with vmwarep-player05:05
marti149invoke-rc.d: initscript vmware-player, action "start" failed.05:05
marti149dpkg: error while cleaning up:05:05
marti149 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 105:05
marti149Errors were encountered while processing:05:05
marti149 vmware-player05:05
stefgMSG4: nothing really unusal in your dmesg. So what exactly is slow?05:05
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ipxthavorn: start instead of stop05:06
jribthavorn: same command but replace "stop" with "start"05:06
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kitche!paste | marti14905:06
ubotumarti149: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:06
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=== kmaynard [n=kmaynard@user-24-214-249-208.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vinchenzo28what would be the reason for youtube and flash plugin to not respond to the mouse all the time?05:06
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NutubuntuMrChicken, I would think creating a group to add regular users to, and making that group NOT be a member of sudoers, would do it. Somebody check me on that?05:06
marti149how do you forcably remove packages?05:06
MSG4stefg when i boot up ubuntu . in boting screen of ubuntu orange bars05:06
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taime1what do i need from vmware? just the player?05:06
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MSG4and then waiting a bit longer than usual05:06
jribaleksanteri: is this a package you installed through the repositories?05:06
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stefgMSG4: you are running NFS, aren't you?05:07
MSG4stefg and then waiting a bit longer than usual05:07
faileastaime1: i'd recommend server. MUCH nicer interface05:07
Jean11Kitche: I have not installed ubuntu yet. I am debating whether to move to it, I currently use debian... but ...05:07
aleksanterijrib: no, a .desktop file i made myself05:07
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animalwhat does it mean <super>button3 ?05:07
MSG4stefg NTFS?05:07
ipxsuper == windows button, animal.05:07
jribaleksanteri: ~/.local/share/applications/  for your user I believe05:07
animalwich are the keys ?05:07
ipxbutton3 seems like either the 3-button or the third mousebutton05:07
kitcheJean11: but fromw hat I see you have to use twinview to use nvidia's xinerama I never looked into it but I do have an nvidia card but it's not dualhead05:08
ipxwhich would be the wheel-button05:08
aleksanteriand /usr/share/applications for global :)05:08
stefgMSG4: might be related to your router . I guess your box is waiting for an IP handed out after a dhcp request05:08
=== unagi [n=unagi@c-68-59-255-72.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribanimal: <super> is the windows button on most keyboards05:08
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kitcheJean11: it's mostly for dualhead cards you need twinview which is what you have correct?05:08
jribanimal: button3 is probably right click or middle click on your mouse, I forget which05:08
Jean11kitche: I will check the FAQ but at #nvdia noone actually said that.05:08
stratjaktgewah i cant get ldap working no matter what arr05:09
MSG4I c05:09
MSG4But i have dsl05:09
stratjaktwhy shouldnt a guy be able to copy conf files from a working gentoo box and have them just work?05:09
animaljrib it refers to the keyboard05:09
kitchestratjakt: paths and other things are different :)05:09
ConfidentiaLI can't seem to get "talk" or "ytalk" to work. I always get error about no daemon, although I installed both talk and ytalk through apt-get... Could someone help me?05:09
stratjaktactually better question is where can i turn on any sort of client side logging for nss_ldap05:09
animalbecause there is also <super>button4, and 5 and so on05:09
marti149how do you remove vmware-player - keep getting errors.http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32779/05:10
marti149here are my errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32779/05:10
jribanimal: afaik, <super> is the windows key on your keyboard and button# is a button on your mouse05:10
stratjaktweird it looks like everythings normal on the server side, but then slapd logs are absolute jibberish05:10
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stratjaktoh well i'll fight it later, thx for the help folks05:10
Nutubuntube well all, time to go05:10
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aidehuaI've got a debootstrapped system, and when I boot into it, just before I get the login prompt, my keyboard ceases to function.  Any hints?05:11
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kitcheConfidentiaL: well the daemon for talk is started though inetd did you uncomment the talk/ytalk like from inetd's config?05:11
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marti149how do you remove vmware-player - keep getting errors-> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32779/05:11
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ConfidentiaLkitche: no, how do I go about doing that?05:12
daniele_983hello all i've installed ubuntu feisty on my laptop vaio fz18m but it not mount my cdrom. I've seen lshw but i not found cdrom cd.05:12
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daniele_983and i0ve seen dmesg | grep CD but nothing05:12
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daniele_983i not understand05:12
jack_francais ici?05:12
CheshireViking!fr | jack_05:13
daniele_983vista see the cdrom but ubuntu no!!!05:13
albertdaniele_983: try modprobe piix05:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openssh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:13
ubotujack_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:13
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/05:13
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jack_thx ^^05:13
daniele_983albert: yeah it found!!!!05:14
stefgmarti149: sudo /etc/init.d/vmware stop && sudo rm -rf /etc/vmware && sudo apt-get remove --purge vmware-player05:14
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awdofgumKernel Panic - not syncing : Attempted to kill idle task.05:14
awdofgumI keep getting that error05:14
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daniele_983albert: and now??? when i restart?05:14
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albertdaiele_983: if you want to have your cdrom automatically when you boot, add a line piix in /etc/modules05:15
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/05:15
=== jack_ [n=jack@AToulouse-257-1-149-243.w90-5.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
fredlhiya, I figured that lphoto is a nice tool, but when I apt-get install lphoto, it starts up but I can't really do anything with it.05:15
ConfidentiaLkitche: they are uncommented, yes...05:15
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unagiwell since #compiz-fusion isnt talking................can anyone help me.....i installed compiz fusion and it crippled my pc, i tried to remove it but i still cant alt-tab i dont have window borders05:15
daniele_983albert: oh thanks you're great05:16
awdofgumCan Someone, Please help me?05:16
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daniele_983albert: but what's piix????05:16
fredllike, I added an album, which I try to remove afterwards, and all I'm getting is a bunch of python errors.05:16
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fredlresult = QMessageBox.warning(None, i18n("Lphoto: Remove Album"), i18n("Do you want to remove %s?"%(name)), i18n("Yes, remove the album."), i18n("No"),  None,  1, 1)05:16
fredlTypeError: argument 6 of QMessageBox.warning() has an invalid type05:16
xyz1234hi, i'm using firestarter for my firewall setup but it doesn't appear to support ipv6. how can i allow ipv6 connections through for irc? searched ubuntuforums but can't find anything05:17
albertdaniele: that's a driver for ide05:17
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fredldid I miss some Python packages in the dependancies?05:17
coolwonderhi, i find a wpc54g card, but the chipset is not the same, mine is made by texas, but the listed on the WIKI is made by broadcom05:17
daniele_983albert: thanks05:17
unagi sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24...........how do i reverse this command?05:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tuchpad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:17
aidehuaWhat script do I run after a debootstrap to configure my system?05:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tutchpad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about touchpad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:18
coolwonderhi, i find a wpc54g card, but the chipset is not the same, mine is made by texas, but the listed on the WIKI is made by broadcom05:18
stefg!synaptics | Kasle05:18
ubotuKasle: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad05:18
unagi sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24...........how do i reverse this command?05:18
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awdofgumhelp anyone?05:18
=== MSG4 [n=MSG4@pool-68-237-113-105.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kaslestefg: thanks m805:18
loisdoes anyone knows how to install and confifure a zte mf620 modem?05:18
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ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto05:19
taime1what is the easiest way to get files from my box at home while im here at work?05:19
daniele_983fredddy: but his kernel or ubuntu edgy has a lot of bug busybox etc. and i've try gutsy same problem. Now i've the solution but a newbie is died05:19
marC-unagi: have you tried metacity --replace05:19
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MSG4Is there a nuke to erase a harddrive?05:19
=== SuperAngryFish [i=TouchMe@62-30-125-149.cable.ubr03.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
MSG4cleans out everything05:19
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stefgtaime1: making your home box a ftp-server05:19
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kitche!dban | MSG405:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dban - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:19
FlannelMSG4: check out shred05:20
=== zero-9376 [n=zero@220-253-164-54.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
zero-9376hypothetically how bad would it be if i plugged the cpu fan into the rear fan connector because whoever put this system together bought a three pin fan for a four pin connector and the damn thing decides it wants to run at 2000RPM all the time and is driving me insane enough that this isn't actually a hypothetical question05:20
awdofgumSomeone Please help me install ubuntu.05:20
CheeseGardenerWhat is the "lost+found" folder in an EXT3 drive??????05:20
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate05:20
=== beowul1 is now known as rh1zom1
MSG4Flannel shred in linux?05:20
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FlannelMSG4: yeah.  It's part of coreutils, so you've already got it installed05:20
SuperAngryFishHi, I have recently installed Ubuntu and it gets to a windows style loader screen, then once the bar has got to the end, it goes to a black screen and freezes on the black screen. Any ideas?05:21
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kitcheMSB$: yes http://dban.sourceforge.net/ is good shed will only overwrite files not the hwole drive at least according to it's man page05:21
stefgSuperAngryFish: your Xserver isn't configured right05:21
MrChickenI am running XUBUNTU, but I need to prevent non-admin users to shutdown the system. Can anybody help me?05:21
Flannelkitche: no, shred overwrites anything, including whole drives.05:21
Lumioi'm looking for a firewall for my ubuntu server (without gui)05:22
=== daniele_983 [n=daniele@ip-28-129.sn2.eutelia.it] has left #ubuntu []
stefg!X | SuperAngryFish05:22
ubotuSuperAngryFish: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:22
kitcheFlannel: then the man page needs updated :) then05:22
CheshireViking!firewall | Lumio05:22
ubotuLumio: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:22
=== cpt_cosmo [n=resu@p54A6D7C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
zero-9376fan speed is still being controlled y cpu temp and i have lm-sensors letting me watch the temp but im afraid of leaving it running, btw im asking here because i cannot control fanspeed in software (linux driver problem) and this is the only place where i can talk to people knowledgeable in such areas05:22
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thavornhow to force quit a application which hangs05:22
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Flannelkitche: no it doesnt.  A drive is a file in linux.  If you read further down, it even mentions that, in the first paragraph of actual text, for instance.05:22
MSG4Flannel so then in terminal i type in shred -u05:22
SuperAngryFishstefg: Where do i go to type that?05:22
CheeseGardenerWhat is the "lost+found" folder in an EXT3 drive??????05:23
=== xyz1234 [n=irc@dsl-217-155-44-216.zen.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
jribthavorn: type 'xkill' in a terminal, press enter, then click on the haning application05:23
LumioCheshireViking ... thx05:23
unagiwhere is nvidia-xconfig?05:23
stefgSuperAngryFish: what kinf of box with which kind of video card is that?05:23
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FlannelMSG4: Not if you're doing it on a whole partition, no.05:23
thavornjrib: thanks05:23
bikerbobanyone know how to get a list of just ubuntu support channels on freenode?05:23
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines05:23
zero-9376Lumio: might want to look into shorewall, its an easy way to configure the firewall and uses simple config files that are easier to understand than iptables05:23
Flannelbikerbob: /msg chanserv list #*ubuntu*05:24
neolost+found folder in an ext3 drive is used for journaling broken files05:24
MrChickenHello. I am running XUBUNTU, but I need to prevent non-admin users to shutdown the system. Can anybody help me?05:24
ubotuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage05:24
=== Alex [i=hauntedu@gentoo/user/Alex] has joined #ubuntu
SuperAngryFishI am using a GeForce 7600GS and i cant access any interface05:24
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bikerbobman that bot rocks :D05:24
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anzan !botsnack Good boy.05:24
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SuperAngryFishstefg: I am using a GeForce 7600GS and i cant access any interface05:24
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stefgSuperAngryFish: using a CRT or TFT?05:25
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unagiwhere is nvidia-xconfig?05:25
thavornhow can tell the ssh is turn on?05:25
SuperAngryFishstefg: CRT05:25
kitcheFlannel then what's the command to shred a filesystem then?05:25
Beyond_The_Gravedoes anybody know how to get the gui for apache?05:25
stefgSuperAngryFish: ah, so it's prolly a snc issue05:25
Flannelkitche: shred /dev/hda05:25
Flannelkitche: or hda1 if you just wanted to do the partition05:25
MrChickenHello. I am running XUBUNTU, but I need to prevent non-admin users to shutdown the system. Can anybody help me?05:25
=== unagi [n=unagi@c-68-59-255-72.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SuperAngryFishstefg: How do i resolve this issue, if possible?05:26
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Beyond_The_GraveI can't seem to find the one like windows version of apache05:26
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Vinchenzo28whenever i use youtube or a flash plugin on firefox it always gives my mouse problems how can i change that05:27
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stefgSuperAngryFish: you'd need to boot in recovery mode, this will get you to a text-mode interface. you log in, and enter sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. This lets you reconfigure your video settings. Have the spec's of your CRT ready05:27
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profanephobiaVinchenzo28,  are you 32bit tor 64bi05:28
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thavornhow to tell ssh-server is turn on?05:28
Vinchenzo28profanephobia: 6405:28
=== unagi [n=unagi@c-68-59-255-72.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Beyond_The_GraveWhat's a good gui for apache?05:28
Vinchenzo28should i get 32 bit firefox or somethin05:28
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profanephobiaVinchenzo28, thats why adobe hasnt made a 64bit flash yet it doesnt work right05:28
=== rh1zome [n=roger@host86-137-54-35.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kaslecan anyone please tell me how to make a touchpad move faster?05:28
ConfidentiaLhow do I go about making "talk" or "ytalk" work on feisty?05:28
FlannelBeyond_The_Grave: you really don't need a GUI for apache.  Any GUI you have would be nothing much more than a glorified text editor.05:28
=== rightondev [n=foysavas@c-24-62-5-139.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
profanephobiaVinchenzo28, you can try installing the 32bit firefox with 32bit plugin or install the windows with wine05:29
=== jolt [n=Clako@pool-70-22-156-205.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Beyond_The_Gravethat's fine with me, I was really talking about the one like in the windows version of apache, which is nothing more than a monitor...05:29
profanephobiaVinchenzo28, nothing else really works05:29
Beyond_The_GraveBut no wine please05:29
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CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how I can give myself writing permission to an EXT3 external hard drive?  I just formatted it and it says I don't have writing permission, and that "root" owns it.05:30
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux05:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about talk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:30
=== nasso [n=tv@217-210-190-218-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ytalk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:30
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:30
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Kasledo anyone know how to make a touchpad move faster? i've allready installed it, but it isn't any options for it...05:31
=== unagi [n=unagi@c-68-59-255-72.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
joltheh has any build of gusty been bootable with networking support?05:31
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Beyond_The_GraveHey, Flannel, you know of a gui for apache like the one on windows? (which I know is only a monitor, but I want something like that... but no cli or wine)05:31
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=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl550.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
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kitchejolt go ask the gutsy channel at !ubuntu+1 for your question05:32
fakenickKasle:  System => preferences => mouse ?05:32
SuperAngryFishstefg: How do i boot in recovery mode if i dont have the disk?05:32
nassodoes anyone know how i can run x11 applications from a terminal when the user in the terminal and the user that has started the x-session are different?05:32
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STixxreal player...but when i click on it on the desktop to install it says this 'Cannot open /home/gregory/Desktop/RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: No application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file.".........help?05:32
=== cmoi-juju [n=cmoi@dyn-91-171-101-212.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Kaslefakenick: no...  it doesn't appears05:32
stefgSuperAngryFish: press esc during first screen after POST05:32
nassowithout ssh and x-forwarding?05:32
=== Tiancai [n=lari@a88-113-83-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!realplayer > STixx (see the private message from ubotu)05:32
Big_LiarKasle, What doesn't appear?05:32
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nassothere has to be a better solution then ssh -XC user@localhost05:33
SuperAngryFishok, thanks stefg05:33
CheeseGardenercould someone walk me through permissions please??? I'm having a tough time figuring this out....05:33
Beyond_The_GraveNobody knows of a good gui for apache?05:33
KasleBig_Liar: the options to the touchpad05:33
PeloCheeseGardener,  which bit ?05:33
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MrChickenHello. I am running XUBUNTU, but I need to prevent non-admin users to shutdown the system. Can anybody help me?05:33
Big_LiarKasle, Can't you go to "Motion" and select your speed?05:33
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PeloMrChicken,  ppl in #xubuntu can probably direct you to the correct dialog box05:34
KasleBig_Liar: no... nothing happends, but when i connect a mouse it is fast as hell05:34
=== Beyond_The_Grave [n=greg@adsl-67-65-45-157.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
nassoCheeseGardener, check this out! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chmod05:34
x-codei hope i find someone05:34
stefgMrChicken: that's a gdm configuration option. auntie google should know about that05:34
Beyond_The_GraveWhat does ant do?05:34
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Big_LiarCheeseGardener, You need to ask a specific question if you want help.05:34
CheeseGardenerPelo it won't let me IM you.05:34
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jribnasso: lets say you 'su - user2', then you have to set the DISPLAY environment variable for user2 and as user1 you have to give user2 permission to use the screen (xhost +local:  is the easiest way but 'man xauth' as well)05:34
PeloCheeseGardener,  no I don'T allow it , ask in the main channel, If I see the need I will take you to pm myself05:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about touchpad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:35
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Big_LiarKasle, Type in "touchpad" in Synaptic Package Manager, there's a number of different support packages.05:35
Beyond_The_Gravenvm, but nobody has any idea of a good gui for apache monitoring? (with no CLI or WINE)05:35
=== unagi [n=unagi@c-68-59-255-72.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
x-codepeople i need help05:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vmemu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:35
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PeloBeyond_The_Grave,  maybe the ppl in #apache know of one05:35
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Beyond_The_GraveOK, nvm...05:35
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nassojrib, oh. that seems complicated. maybe the ssh solution is easier then ;)05:35
Pelox-code,  you need t ask an actual question05:36
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RainCThow can I let Apache and MySQL start automatically on boot?05:36
nassojrib, will check it out though. thanks!05:36
=== CheeseGardener [n=steve@cpe-24-161-12-36.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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CheeseGardenerPelo, i'm having a problem IMing you.05:36
PeloRainCT, make a launcher and put it in /home/user/.config/autostart05:36
CheeseGardenerBut, my problem is what do I hate to put in console, to give myself ownership of my USB drive???05:36
stefgMrChicken: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/03/20/disable-shutdown-for-normal-users/05:36
RainCTPelo: would that run as root?05:36
jribnasso: nah, just do 'xhost +local:' as user1.  Then do 'echo $DISPLAY' as user1.  Then 'su - user2' and 'export DISPLAY=FOOBAR' where FOOBAR is what it was for user1 and it should work05:37
PeloCheeseGardener,  I do not let ppl IM me,  I'm not using gaim anyway I'm using xchat,  talk to me in the this channel05:37
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PeloRainCT, add sudo to the command line05:37
Big_LiarCheeseGardener, What are you trying to plug into your USB drive?05:37
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jrib!caps | x-code05:37
ubotux-code: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:37
jribx-code: install irssi or bitchx05:37
CheeseGardenerNothing, I'm plugging the USB drive into my comp05:37
CheeseGardenerI just reformatted it05:37
Big_Liarx-code, What is this "make chat", do you mean IRC?05:37
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:37
CheeseGardenerso it says I have no permissions for it.  Only ROOT has permission.05:37
x-codeand after i install it05:37
=== woodwizzle [n=corey@user-0c6sr0a.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
hybirdbeanybody know how i can resolve this ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32781/05:38
x-codewat do i do05:38
Pelox-code,   typethe name of the app to start it05:38
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jribx-code: irssi.org has good documentation for irssi05:38
x-codeit will run under the terminal05:38
jribx-code: yes05:38
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PeloCheeseGardener,  sudo chmod 777 /path  should talk care or it05:38
Peloof it05:38
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hybirdbeplease give me priority iif possible , this is a pc for a customer :(05:39
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x-codedo i download that program with the add and remove package manager05:39
Big_LiarCheeseGardener, No comprendo, dude.  Be specific about your situation.05:39
nassojrib, okay. thanks alot!05:39
CheeseGardenerwhat is 777 for?05:39
x-codeor go download it from a web site05:39
jribCheeseGardener: sudo chown $USER: /path/to/your/mounted/partition    will give your user ownership.  What Pelo said will give everyone access, not just your user05:39
stefgCheeseGardener: you need a mount option in fstab and the right permissions on the mount point.if you don't mention the drive in fstab a simple reboot should fix it05:39
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Pelohybirdbe,  what are you trying to do when you get this error ?05:39
CheeseGardenerAhh so who is right?05:39
CheeseGardenerI got 3 different answers.05:39
shekharhello can someone tell me what to do if my thinkpad is refusing to boot from the ubuntu install CD? it says that no operating system is on the CD...05:40
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Big_LiarDon't listen to me, check out my nick.05:40
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hybirdbepelo > opening synaptic package manager05:40
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x-codei know iam a bit stupid05:40
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Pelohybirdbe,  jsut opening it ? wow05:40
x-codebut iam not good with linux05:40
hybirdbeyeah , wow indeed05:40
jribCheeseGardener: it depends on what you want to do.  Though I think you do need to do either what Pelo said or what I said05:40
x-codeand i dont know how to install software in it05:40
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Big_Liarshekhar, Did you set up your BIOS to boot from the CD?05:40
shekharBig_Liar, yes05:40
stefgCheeseGardener: all are right. depends on your scenario, and jrib has the orthodox answer05:40
hybirdbedamm :(:(05:41
Big_Liarshekhar, "it says that no operating system is one the CD" ... what is "it" ...?05:41
Pelohybirdbe, did you mess with the sources.lst or anything else in the /etc/apt   folder ?05:41
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shekharBig_Liar, my thinkpad says this05:41
Big_Liarshekhar, Uh...05:41
CheeseGardenerWell.... I think drive was set so I could plug it into ANY desktop05:41
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shekharBig_Liar, it's really strange05:41
CheeseGardenerand it could be used.05:41
x-codehow do i make amule get connected05:41
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jdaileyI'm looking for help with setting up ruby on rails.   Had it working on Drapper Drake, upgraded to Feisty and have uninstalled and reinstalled mysql-server.   Various posts point to a CHOWN or CHMOD issue - but what I've tried hasn't worked.   I can start up the mySQL server  $mysqld and then it errors out (service stops) with a reference to the mysqld.pid.05:42
CheeseGardenerIt used to work so that if I plugged it in anywhere, it would open up.05:42
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hybirdbepelo > i just added a multiverse thing05:42
Pelox-code,  I think you need ot get some servers, check the amule site05:42
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Big_Liarshekhar, Without properly explaining your situation no one can help you.05:42
jribCheeseGardener: windows won't read ext3 by default if you need that05:42
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RainCTPelo: going to try it, thanks05:42
woodwizzleI'm running64-bit feisty. How do I install flash?05:42
x-codehow do i get bitch x05:42
CheeseGardenerI know that lol05:42
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jrib!flash > woodwizzle (see the private message from ubotu)05:42
CheeseGardenerI need drivers for windows.05:42
stefgCheeseGardener: permissions... :-) you are not the owner of files or disks which were created on another box from another user (even if it was you in aphysical sense)05:42
Pelohybirdbe,  by editing the sources.list file ?  ok ,  restore the backup and try synaptic again,  you can enable multiverse from a dialog box in synaptic menues.  try doing it that way05:43
jrib!software > x-code (see the private message from ubotu)05:43
CheeseGardenerWell, the old drive I had was NTFS05:43
shekharBig_Liar, the situation is that i have a properly burned feisty install cd, and when i set my BIOS to boot from CD, the thinkpad says "Operating system not found"05:43
hybirdbepelo > i used the menu!05:43
CheeseGardenerand I could plug that drive into linux on any linux user and it would open05:43
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x-codewat private massage05:43
CheeseGardenerand let me write to it with NTFS-3G05:43
jribx-code: note that you need universe enabled to install bitch-x05:43
Big_Liarxcode, If you don't know how to get BitchX you're probably better off not getting it for right now and learning the GUI first.  ;)05:43
Pelohybirdbe, I assume you tried restarting the computer ?05:43
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stefg!permissions | CheeseGardener05:43
ubotuCheeseGardener: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux05:43
hybirdbehell yeah , 3time in a row05:43
Big_Liarshekhar, Does it read the CD?05:44
hybirdbeyou know , i am goin to c heck sometin05:44
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Pelohybirdbe,  disable multiverse and see what happens05:44
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hybirdbepelo> how synaptic stops when starting05:44
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=== jdailey waves hello
jdaileylooking for help with mysql05:44
shekharBig_Liar, yes it does, and it will read and boot from a WinXP cd, just not the feisty installer05:44
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hybirdbeshekhar , did you burned the iso as bootable05:44
shekharBig_Liar, i have burned two CDs to make sure05:44
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jacobi have a dellutility partition on my hard drive what is the use in ubuntu05:44
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ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:44
=== unagi [n=unagi@c-68-59-255-72.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
shekharhybirdbe, can you explain? i used gnomebaker to burn the iso05:45
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x-codehow do i install bitchx and where do i get from i know iam a bit stupid05:45
Big_Liarshekhar, Are you planning on making a dual boot or completely wiping out windows?05:45
hybirdbeokey shekhar , check your pm's05:45
=== rh1zome is now known as jabberw0cky
ubuntui've got an issue that i'd need to write/copy my boot.ini to ntfs partition, im on ubuntu 7.04 live cd atm.05:45
kitchex-code: sudo apt-get install bitchx will install it and to run it open a terminal and type bitchx05:45
ubuntui just cannot access it with ntfs-3g05:45
Pelohybirdbe, menu > system > admin > update sources ,  try that to start with , if that borkes, try  gksu nautilus /etc/apt  and delete thecurrent sources.list file and rename the backup05:45
shekharBig_Liar, just ubuntu05:45
jribx-code: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement05:46
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hybirdbek i'll check05:46
ubuntui just need to mount my ntfs partition with read AND write permissions, i just can read it05:46
Big_Liarshekhar, Okay then, read through this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation ... there's multiple ways to install Ubuntu, find one that works for you.  Sometimes laptops are weird.05:46
ubuntuwithout being able to write i cannot boot windows atm05:46
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x-codeso bitch x runs the irc inside the terminal05:46
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x-codekitche how do i get amule connected05:47
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kitchex-code what do you mean amule is a p2p program05:48
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Pelox-code,  google amule,  find their site , read the faq05:48
x-codeyeah when i open it05:48
x-codeits not connected05:48
x-codeand i dont know how to connect it05:48
s0nixanyone here is able to use ATI + "ati" driver with Catalyst + Dual Screen + Beryl here ??05:48
Pelos0nix,  you can try asking in #beryl they probably know better then we do here05:49
hybirdbemmwaaa ;) luckely i did ubuntu on a vmware to ;p05:49
s0nixyeah thx05:49
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erik_hi how do i show the user list in xchat?05:50
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Justi1what is the command for viewing the current working directory05:50
jribJusti1: pwd05:50
jrib!cli > Justi1 (see the private message from ubotu)05:50
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frojndhello there05:50
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roel-I've taken the plunge, downloading an ubuntu iso :D05:50
Big_Liarerik, Click on where it says 1077 users in the bottom left.05:50
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Peloerik_,   by default the members liist is resize to hiden on the right and side mouve your mouse over untill you get the doulbe arrow so you cna resize it05:50
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frojndwhat packages do I have to install that visualizations under tools in amarok will work ?05:51
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x-codeok i nstalled bitchx how do i deal with it like how do i choose the server and channel and all that05:51
Peloroel-, congradulations,  you're life will never be the same again05:51
x-codeand get my nick name05:51
n00blettim on my ubuntu live cd, how the hell i can change my ntfs partition the way i can write there?05:51
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x-codeand start chatting05:51
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roel-pelo: running debian now05:51
n00blettim trying with ntfs-config / ntfs-3g05:51
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Big_Liarxcode, Type in man bitchx or look up the bitchx web site.05:51
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Peloerik_,  I don'T allow /msg , please speak to me in the channel05:51
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Eomerhello, where cani know the versin of the linux kernel running in ubuntu?05:52
Peloroel-,  ok , your life will be slightly different from now one05:52
roel-pelo, hehe05:52
PeloEomer,   in the terminal   uname -r05:52
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jdaileymySQL issue here.   Any help appreciated.  I'm in over my head.05:53
jdaileythe error message in syslog is "Aug  6 08:35:20 my-laptop mysqld[8100] : 070806  8:35:20 [ERROR]  Do you already have another mysqld server running on port: 3306 ?"05:53
Eomeroh but i don't have it, i want to know the versin of the kernel before i download it05:53
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Pelojdailey,  sounds like ou are trying to open a second instane of mysql while you already hve one running,  maybe msql autostarts on your system05:53
Pelohello tolmn05:53
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tolmmd dnd ers05:54
PeloEomer, not sure how to tell you that05:54
Pelo!es | tolmm05:54
ubotutolmm: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:54
jdailey<Pelo>How can I find that other instance or spawn?05:54
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fruitbatJimwhat's the command to see the file permissions of a file in the terminal?05:54
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lashmoov3what should I search for if I want to create a live install CD from my current install?05:55
assasukassehi all, i have a pocket pc i wanted to use it tru activesync and xp on virtualbox, but seems it doesn't even show on the device list05:55
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Big_Liarfruitbat, Type in "man ls"05:55
Stormx2Heya everyone. Working with a Canon i250. I've installed some drivers as per a tutorial. The printer shows up under cups, and on my computer, it appears that it's functioning correctly. However, the printer itself just sits there, not printing when I send test pages, etc. The error log says: [Job 5]  No %%BoundingBox: comment in header! - I don't know what this means or if it's significant05:55
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Pelojdailey,   menu > system > admin > system monitor,  you can enable view all process see if one is running as root05:55
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anselmeDoes anyone know how to install chinese fonts? I put them in ~/.fonts but nor inkscape nor gimp nor writer can use them... I can type in chinese, but i can't use thoses chineses fonts... :(05:55
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n00blettI just need a way to write on live cd to ntfs partition. any help?05:56
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jdailey<Pelo> Yes. Nothing listed there.05:56
Big_Liarn00blett, Writing to an ntfs partition is unstable.05:56
PeloStormx2,  open up the printer manager and delete all the waiting jobs,   then check the properties and make sure you have the correct port and stuff05:56
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n00blettBig_Liar, i dont care about that05:56
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Pelojdailey,  that was my only idea,  try asking in #mysql , they might know05:56
n00blettif it crashes, then it crashes, if i dont try, i have to reinstall it anyways05:56
Big_Liarn00blett, Is the partition mounted?05:56
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=== EvanLugh [n=EvanLugh@host86-129-40-7.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
n00blettBig_Liar, it shows at the /media/wint00t/05:57
n00bletti can read, not write05:57
EvanLughThat was hard05:57
Big_Liarn00blett, What error does it give you when you try to rw?05:57
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Stormx2Pelo: Already done that.05:57
n00blettthe volume is read only plah plah05:57
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mariaalgarramirehla soy maria05:58
PeloStormx2,  usb printer ?   check in menu > system > prefs > removable media,  make sure the detect usb printer is enabled05:58
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:58
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok05:58
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jdailey<Pelo>  Thanks for the idea.05:58
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gnomefreakPelo: ?05:58
mariaalgarramirecarlos tu sk eres imbelcil o k k no digas na !!!05:58
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gnomefreakah nvm05:58
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Seveasslowfreak ;)05:59
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Big_Liarn00blett, Did you try:  sudo chmod +w /media/wint00t05:59
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RainCTPelo: didn't work :(05:59
esteem_I've made a very simple batch script which incorperates 'sudo', but upon incorperatnig 'sudo' it does not seem to work. is there any way I am able to ask the users password so the script can proceed normally?05:59
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SeveasPelo, otherwise *you* would have been kicked out :)05:59
PeloRainCT,  what didn'T work ?05:59
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jacob_i have a factory dell with Linux preinstalled and i found drive wich i think is a partition wich is titled dellutility what is this06:00
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jacob_is it worth any hting06:00
kitchejacob_: ask dell but it's their restore partition06:00
RainCTPelo: a desktop entry in .config/autostart with sudo06:00
PeloSeveas,  there are good reasons to kick me out, you don'T need to wait for the silly stuff06:00
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n00blettdidnt work :s06:00
SeveasPelo, hehe06:00
Big_Liarjacob, Just leave it alone.  Its used to restore your system if need be.06:00
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The_Joe_Just got Dapper installed, and because it's offline I need to download my packages to USB06:00
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jacob_yea thats what i thought06:00
x-codehow do i set my name in tthe bitchx the command i used was bitchx -n <x-code>06:00
The_Joe_However, the USB disk doesn't mount06:00
The_Joe_At all06:00
x-codeand it doesnt work06:00
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jacob_its loaded with a bunch of window executable shit06:01
Justi1which is better to use- tar.gz or tar.bz2?06:01
kitchex-code: /server <server> then when your connected do /nick x-code06:01
The_Joe_I plop the USB disk into the USB socket and nothing06:01
kitche!language | jacob_06:01
ubotujacob_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:01
The_Joe_*Kaput even06:01
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PeloRainCT, hmm right,  autostart is getting silly with the modifications the sessisons, thing,  ok   start all the apps you want to start at boot,    close everything else,   goto   menu > sytem > prefs > sessons ,  3rd tab,   click save sessions, ( twice , for some reason),   then test06:01
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kitchejacob_: that's ebcuase their software can only use .exe but some .exe's are just zip files anywho06:01
jacob_correction a bunch af no good stuff06:02
PeloThe_Joe_, make sure it is powered on , the usb hdd Imean06:02
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The_Joe_Pelo: Sorry?06:02
bikerbobwhere do I get the codecs to allow totem to play most mp3 video etc?06:02
jacob_yea it doesnt do me any good does it06:02
EvanLughGuys,as lame as it is, I really need urgent help ;p. I've got a temprary thernet cable hooked up because ndiswrapper isn't working. I'd appreciate it if you checked my thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=518682) Thanks, I appreciate it!06:02
=== Pelo is doing to many things at once
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x-codei think there is a problem with the port06:03
bikerbobis it the gstreamer stuff?06:03
Big_Liarjacob, You could just re-install with the Ubuntu CD they provide and set up the partitions however you want but for technical support reasons I'd just leave it alone.06:03
x-codeits not able to connect06:03
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jacob_im still here i didnt quit06:03
Pelolater folks06:03
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Big_LiarOr use Gparted.06:03
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ZmaXHi all... There is anybody who made TV card based on CX2341x work on Ubuntu ?06:04
EvanLughGuys,as lame as it is, I really need urgent help ;p. I've got a temprary thernet cable hooked up because ndiswrapper isn't working. I'd appreciate it if you checked my thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=518682) Thanks, I appreciate it!06:04
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dxdtHello, I have some questions about the AMD64 version of Ubuntu.  Basically, are the packages that I would install via aptitude with it AMD64 optimized as well?  I want to make sure that the new AMD64 processor I'm getting is used and not wasted and I'm debating between putting Ubuntu on it vs Gentoo.  I feel that,  if all the packages are optimized (for the most part that is--I'm sure some aren't or whatever) that there is no reason not to run the AMD6406:04
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DWSRhey all.06:05
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The_Joe_Anyone got help on this USB problem?06:05
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kitchedxdt: yes but a lot of the programs aren't made for x86_6406:06
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The_Joe_The USB goes in, and nothing, trouble is it works on this PC I'm using now06:06
DWSRThe_Joe_: Please state your distrobution and problem.06:06
The_Joe_And laptop06:06
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The_Joe_DWSR: I already did, scroll up ;)06:07
DWSRI just joined..06:07
The_Joe_You only just joined06:07
DWSR:-) S'ok.06:07
DWSRSo, you're plugging in a USB device and Ubuntu doesn't recognize it?06:07
The_Joe_I think so06:07
The_Joe_Floppy, CD etc all work06:07
EvanLughGuys,as lame as it is, I really need urgent help ;p. I've got a temprary thernet cable hooked up because ndiswrapper isn't working. I'd appreciate it if you checked my thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=518682) Thanks, I appreciate it!06:07
DWSRFloppy, CD, etc. are all not USB devices.06:08
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The_Joe_I know what I mean06:08
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DWSREvanLugh, what NIC are you trying to setup06:08
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IanLiuHi. My CD-ROM won't stop reading the CD... I already looked at source.list and there is no "cdrom" there. Any one have any tips??06:08
DWSRNetwork Interface Card.06:08
thuringiansamuraH? Was????06:08
EvanLughI'm trying to get my belkin working, but even ndiswrapper is buggering up06:08
The_Joe_IanLiu: Try umount06:09
DWSRUgh. Belkin ftl.06:09
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EvanLughBelkin USB 1 sec06:09
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EvanLughlol i know i know06:09
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EvanLughbut im at my neighbors06:09
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EvanLughwho i don't know06:09
werswhy do  KDE apps always request attention whenever I pass through my desktops where the kde apps are not active?06:09
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IanLiuhow do I unmount?06:09
DWSRIanLiu, sudo umount /dev/cdrom006:09
EvanLughto use their net to speak to someone06:09
IanLiuhmm, will try06:09
The_Joe_DWSR ate my words06:09
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DWSRThe_Joe_: What are you trying to plug into your USB port?06:09
jdailey<Pelo>  Any other ideas about working out the mysql issue.   No one is around on #mysql and the issue seems to be a Ubuntu specific issue - I've read posts on the community about setting chmod and chown for various directories in the mysql install.06:09
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digeratiim using ubuntu inside of vmware and inside vmware using xp and stuff my scroll on my mouse has always worked, doesnt work in ubuntu thought. Do I need to edit a file for this to work?06:10
The_Joe_DWSR: A USB, 128MB disk. I don't know the make unfortunately06:10
zefyrusdo we have a wget guru in the house?06:10
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DWSRThe_Joe_, more specific please.  Make/model.06:10
bullgard4I cannot find in Configuration Editor the Disk Mounter applet. Where is it?06:10
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The_Joe_As I said, I don't know the make or model06:10
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x-codecan someone please help me with the bitchx for 2 mins06:10
jdaileyAgain, my err is "Aug  6 08:35:20 jdailey-laptop mysqld[8100] : 070806  8:35:20 [ERROR]  Do you already have another mysqld server running on port: 3306 ?"06:10
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The_Joe_It's unmarked06:10
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DWSRThe_Joe_, then I can't really help you.06:10
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IanLiuumount didn't work06:11
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IanLiucd still reading..06:11
The_Joe_IanLiu: Define didn't work06:11
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crookshankswhat user does the rc.local script run as, root?06:11
IanLiuThe CD-ROM is still reading the CD, even if  I am not accessing it06:12
dxdtkitche: I figured a lot wouldn't be able to be compiled that way, but most are?  or what?  Like should I use Gentoo?  What do you think on that subject of it?  With gentoo I could set the flags to compile AMD64 on pretty well everything, couldn't I?06:12
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The_Joe_Any errors when running umount?06:12
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CheeseGardenerhow do I fsck a specific drive?  does anyone know the command to fsck a external?06:12
zefyrusis there a way to tell wget to do not download redirects like 302, 303 ?06:12
IanLiuhe umounted correctly, I can't browse CD anymore06:12
IanLiubut still reading06:12
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kitchedxdt: all of the packages are compiled for amd64 even though the programs are not programmed for amd6406:12
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zimhi all is this the right channel for 7.04 server help ???06:13
dxdtCheeseGardener: it will fsck /dev/sda# where # is a number usually06:13
nesssyhello everyone.06:13
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CheeseGardenerfor me it's sdb1 I think dxdt06:13
digbuntuwow soo many users in here06:13
CheeseGardenerit's /dev/sdb106:13
nesssycould someone enlighten me as to the difference between environmental variables and shell variables?06:13
EvanLughok im uninstalling ubuntu fck it >:(#06:13
dxdtkitche:Awww I kinda see what you mean then.  So the compiler does the best it can to optimize for 64 bit but the programmer might not have written the program with 64bit goodness in mind?06:13
IanLiuis there another source.list anywhere?06:13
CheeseGardeneris that ok?06:13
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profanephobiadoes anyone here know how to use wvdialer06:14
kitchedxdt: correct06:14
digbuntuEvanLugh noooooooooooo06:14
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EvanLughbigbuntu, this is my third day with problems06:14
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EvanLughand my second year running06:14
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x-codei went throught the amule faq and i still cant get connected06:14
x-codeon amule06:14
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x-codehow do i do it06:14
EvanLughno one can help me on #ndiswrapper, #ubuntu or the forums06:14
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jribprofanephobia: setup /etc/wvdial.conf and run 'wvdial'06:14
EvanLughso how can i do anything >:(06:14
x-codeplease someone tell me06:14
jrib!enter | x-code06:14
ubotux-code: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:14
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profanephobiajrib lol i just figured it out06:14
ccxxprohow can i dual boot fedora + ubuntu06:15
ccxxproanyone can help me out06:15
nesssywhat is the difference between environmental variables and shell variables?06:15
jrib!fstab > CheeseGardener (see the private message from ubotu)06:15
digbuntuEvanLugh what are your issues06:15
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profanephobiajrib, i forgot .conf and was putting .cfg oops06:15
zimok i have installed 7.04 server on a pc what do i need to install/config to get sound to work i need to use espeak06:15
cmp1988Evanlugh's problem is that Ubuntu has loaded the alternate drivers for his network card, if there was a way to disable them from loading in the first place06:15
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EvanLughGuys,as lame as it is, I really need urgent help ;p. I've got a temprary thernet cable hooked up because ndiswrapper isn't working. I'd appreciate it if you checked my thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=518682) Thanks, I appreciate it!06:15
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DWSRThe_Joe_, can you do 'cat /etc/mtab | grep /dev/sd' in a terminal for me?06:15
DWSREvanLugh, you got an exact model of your Belkin USB card?06:15
bullgard4nesssy: I do not know how precise an answer do you need. The term 'environment variable' is more general than 'shell variable'. So, what purpose is your question for?06:15
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EvanLughthis is my third day , second year, i might kill myself.06:15
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EvanLughDWSR:  1 sec06:16
pr4b1hi guys, does anyone here use TvOn? im having probs grabbing uk tv listings.. uk_rt just fails after hours of 'scanning' :(06:16
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EvanLughhave a Belkin F5D7051 Wireless USB adapter.06:16
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The_Joe_DWSR: Yeah hang on, Ubuntu is upstairs06:16
pr4b1its a neat little application, if only it works06:16
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ccxxprofedora grub couldn't see ubuntu06:16
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nesssyi was asked that question in a test today and wrote something i believe was right. but im not sure..06:16
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DWSRccxxpro, you might have to manually add Ubuntu to Fedora's GRUB menu.06:17
ccxxprohow can i get my ubuntu back06:17
EvanLughtoday is my last day, i tried last year = same prblem06:17
EvanLughthis year= same problem06:17
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hax - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:17
pr4b1guess nobody is aware of TvOn06:17
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EvanLughpr4 i just use media centre :P06:17
=== marti149 [n=marti149@vcsom-113-225.csom.umn.edu] has joined #ubuntu
EvanLughcan't you use wine?06:17
zimanyone good with sound ??? I have installed 7.04 and need to get the sound working HELP please06:17
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pr4b1EvanLugh: this little thing sits in the corner tho, tells u the reminds n stuff06:17
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DWSRzim: sudo apt-get install alsa06:18
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ccxxprothanx guys06:18
zimwill do06:18
ccxxprolet me try06:18
The_Joe_DWSR: Ok I ran the command, nothign happened06:18
DWSRcat /etc/mtab | grep /dev/sd?06:18
EvanLughI'm off. I'll check the forums later incase someone has replied, but 2 years running ubuntu failed on me. Yay.06:18
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pr4b1oh its OnTV btw lol06:18
DWSRstay for a second.06:18
=== Chascon [n=chatzill@pc-99-227-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightEvanLugh, what's your question?06:18
DWSRI can help you out. I just recently got ndiswrapper working.06:18
EvanLughsorry for this;06:19
profanephobiajrib, well do you know how to install a blackberry as a modem if wvdial cant find it06:19
DWSRI'm looking up what driver you have right now.06:19
EvanLughGuys,as lame as it is, I really need urgent help ;p. I've got a temprary thernet cable hooked up because ndiswrapper isn't working. I'd appreciate it if you checked my thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=518682) Thanks, I appreciate it!06:19
EvanLughthere :)06:19
jribprofanephobia: nope06:19
profanephobianobody does06:19
zimDWSR alsa-base is already the newest version06:19
EvanLughand.. I'm at my neighbors because I live in a 3 story house and can't get wired up.. i've lost my grips06:19
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EvanLughto extend my 200ft ethernet cable06:19
xtknightEvanLugh, okay.  type sudo -H -s06:20
The_Joe_DWSR: It did nothing, is that normal?06:20
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jdaileyI'm looking for help with setting up ruby on rails. Had it working on Drapper Drake, upgraded to Feisty and have uninstalled and reinstalled mysql-server. Various posts point to a CHOWN or CHMOD issue - but what I've tried hasn't worked. I can start up the mySQL server $mysqld and then it errors out (service stops) with a reference to the mysqld.pid.06:20
jdaileyerror message in syslog is "Aug 6 08:35:20 my-laptop mysqld[8100] : 070806 8:35:20 [ERROR]  Do you already have another mysqld server running on port: 3306 ?"06:20
jdaileyno instance mentioned in sytem monitor.06:20
DWSRjust checking, hold on a second.06:20
EvanLughxtknight:  done it06:20
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xtknightEvanLugh, then "lshw"  see if you can find the network adapter there.  there should be an interface name.06:20
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bullgard4I cannot find in Configuration Editor the Disk Mounter applet. Where is it?06:20
DWSRThe_Joe_, hmmm...06:20
EvanLughusb:0 UNCLAIMED06:21
EvanLugh                   description: Communication device06:21
EvanLugh                   product: Belkin High-Speed Mode Wireless G USB Network Adapter06:21
EvanLugh                   vendor: Broadcom06:21
EvanLugh                   physical id: 206:21
EvanLugh                   bus info: usb@5:206:21
EvanLugh                   version: 0.0606:21
EvanLugh                   serial: 805706:21
DWSRTry taking out your USB disk and plugging it into Windows and see if it works please?06:21
zimDWSR alsa-base is already the newest version any other ideas06:21
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EvanLugh                   capabilities: usb-2.0006:21
EvanLugh                   configuration: speed=480.0MB/s06:21
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DWSRthank you.06:21
The_Joe_DWSR: It does, I just put the .debs on in Windows06:21
The_Joe_Right now06:21
DWSREvanLugh, pastebin for that.06:21
xtknight!paste | EvanLugh06:21
jrib!paste | EvanLugh06:21
ubotuEvanLugh: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:21
kost_is there any tut to install ubuntu using the Partition Magiv?06:21
DWSRThe_Joe_, ok.06:21
xtknightEvanLugh, anyways it looks like ther is no driver loaded for the usb device06:22
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DWSRI'm assuming that it's formatted in NTFS?06:22
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EvanLughxtknight, i know it's weird06:22
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DWSRThe_Joe_, FAT32? FAT16?06:22
xtknightEvanLugh, type lsusb and pastebin this06:22
EvanLughThis is my third day, but i i do ndiswrapper -l , it says driver present06:22
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The_Joe_I'm assuming FAT32, I only saw FAT when I plugged it in06:22
xtknightEvanLugh, or paste the single line corresponding to your network adapter06:22
DWSRThe_Joe_, ah.06:22
cmp1988Does it say an alternate driver is present, like in your post, EvanLugh?06:23
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xtknightEvanLugh, match it up to Bus 005 Device 002 like your lshw06:23
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tkittyhii i m a new user to linux06:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:23
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animal__what is the ctrl + alt + del comand in ubuntu, is there a comand like the one in windows..06:23
DWSR!ask | tkitty06:23
nesssyokie, i got it. environment vars are inherited by child processes whereas shell vars are not and are local to the shell...06:23
ubotutkitty: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:23
tkittyi m havin problem in my grub gettin loaded06:23
tkittycould anyone help me out06:23
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DWSRanimal, ps -A | grep <process>06:24
animal__what shall i do if an application blocks my pc.. how can i shut it down without rebooting the whole sistem ?06:24
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EvanLughsudo kill all i think06:24
nesssyanimal_ use ^C.06:24
xtknightEvanLugh, one sec i'll try and check for support06:24
DWSRanimal: Hit Ctrl+Alt+F(1-6).06:24
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DWSRThe_Joe_, hmm, reattach your disk to Ubuntu?06:24
EvanLughxtknigh, thanks i appreciate it06:24
tkittyexecuting grub hdo failed06:24
tkittythis is the error i get06:24
nesssythat would mean using another term DWSR,06:25
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The_Joe_Okie doke, hang on a sec06:25
DWSRnesssy, yeah, but so? It will get the job done.06:25
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DWSRI use it all the time.06:25
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animal__i installed compiz and when i try to modify anything on compiz, like 3d things or anything my pc just freezes06:25
cmp1988EvanLugh, could I take a look at your latest: ndiswrapper -l output?06:25
xtknightEvanLugh, prism54usb might work06:25
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nesssyjust clarifying mate. but ur right all the way06:25
EvanLughcmp - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32786/06:25
animal__how can i shut down the app when it freezes ??06:25
DWSRxtknight, you're looking to get blkwgu.inf off of the CD that comes with it.06:25
EvanLughxtknight:  i think i've tried that06:25
nesssydo what DWSR said animal_06:26
xtknightEvanLugh, rt2570 is even more of a direct match.  also, zd1211rw has something close06:26
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xtknightDWSR, ok06:26
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nesssyuse another term animal06:26
The_Joe_DWSRL: Nothing06:26
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The_Joe_DWSR even06:26
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DWSRanimal, hit Ctrl+Alt+F5. Then, login to your system using the username and password you normally use, after that, type in ps -A | grep <process name>06:26
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cmp1988In the picture of the forum, it appears that the rt2570 loads as the alternate driver for EvanLugh06:26
DWSRThe_Joe_, no icon came up on your desktop?06:26
xtknightEvanLugh, sudo modprobe rt257006:26
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DWSRThe_Joe_, can you please try formatting the disk in NTFS?06:26
tkittysomeone plz help me06:27
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EvanLughxtknight:  done06:27
jrib!helpme | tkitty06:27
ubotutkitty: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:27
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xtknightEvanLugh, post full output of "dmesg" and "sudo lshw"06:27
The_Joe_DWSR: Umm.... However I do that06:27
DWSRThe_Joe_, plug your USB key into Windows.06:27
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DWSRthen do Start->Run->'cmd'06:28
nesssyDWSR, wouldnt that just get him process details? and then use the pid to kill it right?06:28
zimcan anyone please help me with sound on a 7.04 server install06:28
nweaver916anyone know the correct source line for Kismet with 6.10 and an atheros based card? I've tried madwifi_ag, ath_pci, ath_hal. It's a cisco PI21 PCI card06:28
EvanLughxtknight:               capabilities: io_x_-apic bus_master06:28
EvanLugh             configuration: latency=006:28
DWSRnesssy, that's the theory, yup.06:28
EvanLugh        *-pci:006:28
EvanLugh             description: PCI bridge06:28
EvanLugh             product: [K8T890 North / VT8237 South]  PCI Bridge06:28
EvanLugh             vendor: VIA Technologies, Inc.06:28
EvanLugh             physical id: 106:28
xtknightEvanLugh, come on now, you know you have to use pastebin..06:28
EvanLugh             bus info: pci@00:01.006:28
EvanLugh             version: 0006:28
EvanLugh             width: 32 bits06:28
DWSREvanLugh, PASTEBIN.06:28
EvanLugh             clock: 66MHz06:28
EvanLugh             capabilities: pci normal_decode bus_master cap_list06:28
EvanLugh        *-pci:106:28
EvanLugh             description: PCI bridge06:28
EvanLugh             product: P4M890 PCI to PCI Bridge Controller06:28
nesssybut it wud work right, DWSR?06:28
The_Joe_DWSR: okie doke....06:28
EvanLugh             vendor: VIA Technologies, Inc.06:28
EvanLugh             physical id: 206:28
EvanLugh             bus info: pci@00:02.006:28
EvanLugh             version: 0006:28
DWSRnesssy, of course.06:28
EvanLugh             width: 32 bits06:28
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EvanLugh             clock: 33MHz06:28
EvanLugh             capabilities: pci normal_decode bus_master cap_list06:28
EvanLugh             configuration: driver=pcieport-driver06:28
EvanLugh           *-display:006:28
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EvanLugh                description: VGA compatible controller06:28
EvanLugh                product: RV516 XT Radeon X1600 Series Primary06:29
EvanLugh                vendor: ATI Technologies Inc06:29
nweaver916wow, Evanlugh is going to be popular today06:29
EvanLugh                physical id: 006:29
DWSRThe_Joe_, into that window type format <drive letter>06:29
EvanLugh                bus info: pci@02:00.006:29
EvanLugh                version: 0006:29
EvanLugh                size: 256MB06:29
EvanLugh                width: 64 bits06:29
EvanLugh                clock: 33MHz06:29
EvanLugh                capabilities: vga bus_master cap_list06:29
EvanLugh                configuration: latency=006:29
EvanLugh                resources: iomemory:c0000000-cfffffff iomemory:dfbf0000-dfbfffff ioport:bc00-bcff irq:506:29
EvanLugh           *-display:1 UNCLAIMED06:29
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EvanLugh                description: Display controller06:29
EvanLugh                product: RV516 XT Radeon X1600 Series Secondary06:29
=== Elko saw a guy paste the entire GPL on irc once
EvanLugh                vendor: ATI Technologies Inc06:29
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok06:29
EvanLugh                physical id: 0.106:29
EvanLugh                bus info: pci@02:00.106:29
EvanLugh                version: 0006:29
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zimpastbin pls06:29
DWSRthank you go.06:29
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xtknightalready told him once06:29
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Equinox93Is there anywhere to get hoary packages online?06:29
The_Joe_Ok formatted06:30
chris__Hello everyone. :)06:30
xtknightEquinox93, packages.ubuntu.com ?06:30
elkbuntuxtknight, he would have lost it in his own spam06:30
bullgard4I cannot find in Configuration Editor the Disk Mounter applet. Where is it?06:30
zimanyway now my message may stay on the screen06:30
xtknightelkbuntu, he did the same thing a second ago actually06:30
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nweaver916anyone know what source line for an atheros card (CIsco PI21) in Kismet? madwifi_ag doesn't work06:30
Equinox93They seem not to have hoary06:30
The_Joe_DWSR: Anything else?06:30
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zimcan anyone help with sound on a server install of 7.0406:30
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DWSRThe_Joe_, try plugging it into Ubuntu now.06:30
The_Joe_Uhm. It's still FAT "/06:31
DWSRzim, You used a server install of 7.04 and you want SOUND?06:31
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GigiOK Guys!  I need the ultimate help!  I have a Blackberry Pearl and I need to install it to use it as a modem.  I do have the last version of Ubuntu06:31
elkbuntuxtknight, i scrolled up and i stand my point. if he's new he probably didnt 'get it'06:31
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DWSRThe_Joe_, sorry, try formatting it again, this time use 'format /FS:NTFS /X'06:31
chris__Perhaps you should upgrade Gigi?06:31
fatbrainWhat ftp-deamon would you recommend when hosting a ftp-server?06:31
jrib!sudo > CheeseGardener (see the private message from ubotu)06:31
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nweaver916fatbrain: I like vsftpd06:32
Gigichris__ upgrade what?  I have the last version of Ubuntu... 7.04 I think06:32
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Equinox93If I modify hoary sources.list and replace feisty everywhere "hoary" is.. Does the upgrade generally work?06:32
duggineed help setting up azureus06:32
xtknightEquinox93, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/06:32
The_Joe_NTFS is not supported06:32
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DWSR!dist-upgrade | Equinox9306:32
ubotuEquinox93: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:32
jribEquinox93: not likely, skipping releases is unsupported06:32
xtknight!upgrade | Equinox93, you can only upgrade one step at a time06:32
ubotuEquinox93, you can only upgrade one step at a time: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:32
zimDWSR it for espeak i use it alot in scripts for feedback ie:crontab backup will espeak backup done06:32
fatbrainnweaver916: Is that easy to setup/maintain?06:32
Equinox93xtknight- Thank you. :)06:32
The_Joe_DWSR: "NTFS is not supported on this model"06:32
dugginee helkp setting up any torrent client06:33
DWSRThe_Joe_, hmm.06:33
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DWSRThe_Joe_, hmm. then replace NTFS with FAT3206:33
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DWSRduggi, sudo apt-get install Azureus06:33
duggii installed it man06:33
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nweaver916fatbrain: it's not too bad, and it's one of the more secure. Of course, secure and FTP don't exactly go hand in hand.06:33
duggiits dling at a very very slow rate06:33
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DWSRwhy? Installing from the repositories guarentees it will work with minimal configuration.06:33
DWSRnweaver916, SFTP.06:34
nweaver916fatbrain: the nice thing is that you can do per user configs, virtual users (bit more complex) and just normal users in their home directories06:34
The_Joe_DWSR: Ok it's now FAT32, I have to go now, I'll be back later if it doesn't work06:34
DWSRok np. :-)06:34
duggiwell, it says some nat problem and firewall06:34
fatbrainnweaver916: ok, thanks :)06:34
DWSRduggi, what client are you using?06:34
zimDWSR is there a 7.04 SERVER channel ?06:34
duggiin ubuntu 6.1006:34
nweaver916DWSR: sftp is more then your average windows noob can handle, company required "Normal" FTP. I only use sftp, no need for an ftp daemon then06:34
DWSRzim: Not that I'm aware of.06:34
animalafter hitting CTRL + ALT + F5, and entering in "comand mode" what is the comand to come back to the graphical interface ??06:35
nweaver916anyone here running Kismet?06:35
dxdtI think sftp can be done by a normal person.  For me at least, they feel EXACTLY the same06:35
Equinox93xtknight- How would I fashion a sources.list entry for that?  deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists hoary main restricted universe multiverse06:35
DWSRduggi, first of all, install Azureus from the repositories. That will make sure that it works.06:35
Equinox93Doesn't seem to work06:35
DWSRAfter that, I can help you with port forwarding issues.06:35
duggii installed it06:35
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zimok question to the room can anyonehelp with getting sound to work on my SERVER install of 7.04 ?06:35
DWSRzim: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:36
dxdtduggi: you can install Azureus from their site, just make sure you have the right Java installed.  Otherwise it will crash randomly and stuffs.  It is icky.06:36
DWSRYou should have done a normal install and then removed X11 afterwards.06:36
zimDWSR dont want a gui06:36
xtknightEquinox93, are you trying to revive an old hoary?06:36
dxdtDWSR: that is horrible advice, he asked about sound, not how to install openoffice and ten other apps06:36
duggino.. its not crashing, i am able to add torrents06:36
DWSRzim, you can remove it after.06:36
duggiit says NAT issue and firewalled06:36
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DWSRdxdt: It's about NAT.06:36
xtknightEquinox93, just remove "dists" and it should work06:36
Equinox93xtknight- I'm trying to retrieve a few packages for an old hoary system.06:36
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duggiget this.. i did everything they wanted me to do06:36
DWSRduggi: Check out www.portforwarding.com and look for instructions for your specific model of router.06:36
Equinox93xtknight- Upgrading would both take a long time and be fairly destructive. :)06:36
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duggii did that too06:37
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DWSREquinox93, a dist-upgrade doesn't take that long.06:37
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DWSRDepending on what you're upgrading.06:37
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall06:37
Equinox93DWSR- I'd need to upgrade through 3 versions.06:37
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xtknightEquinox93, remove "dists" it should work but make sure you know what you're doing or you'll end up with a Feisty-Hoary-frankenstein install ;)06:37
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zimthere must be a cleaner way to get sound to work ???06:37
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DWSRYou should be able to just jump to the latest version.06:37
Equinox93xtknight- haha..Yes I'm trying to avoid that. :)06:37
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duggii did port forwarding06:37
DWSRzim, espeak support esound?06:38
=== Cod1 [n=code@d60-65-5-234.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #Ubuntu
vikkuWHat could be the command for knowing the runlevels in Ubuntu 7.04?06:38
GigiI have Ubuntu 7.04 and I'm trying to install the BlackBerry Pearl to use it as a phone06:38
animalzim: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop = was this for the graphical interface question of mine ?06:38
GigiI have Ubuntu 7.04 and I'm trying to install the BlackBerry Pearl to use it as a modem06:38
DWSRduggi, then your ISP is the problem and you have to ask them. If you've done everything that they wanted, you have to go to your ISP.06:38
Cod1Whenever I try to open a .wmv file, totem and VLC player close immediately.  What do I do?06:38
DWSRanimal, no, what was your question? I can help you out though.06:38
duggiit runs in winxp man.. im on a dual boot system06:38
dxdtduggi: sorry I missed the part about NAT.  Yeah if you are behind a router you can do uPNP or setup prot triggering (as it is called on most linksys routers)  by default, Ubuntu has no firewall so that won't be a problem.  When I used to run azureus I just setup port triggering on ports like 6881 to 6889 and told Azureus to use ports in that range.  That was enough for me to get the green light from it that I'm no longer natted.  I did notice, however, 06:38
chris__I'm trying to get a URL Stream working in Rhythmbox, ( But when I try to play it, nothing happens (I even wait for the stream to buffer)  Any help?06:38
DWSRduggi, did you forward the right port?06:38
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duggii did06:39
DWSRThen I can't help you.06:39
animaldwsr - after i enter the comand interface with ctrl alt F5, what is the comand to enter back in graphical interface ??06:39
DWSRIf everything looks right to you, then just ignore the errors.06:39
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zimanimal no i am trying to get soung to work without a desktop enviroment on a server install06:39
DWSRanimal: Ctrl+Alt+F706:39
duggibut its not downloading anything06:39
yamanany one knows how can i switch my wlan0 to a monitor mode ?06:39
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liifeI'm on 5.04 right now and want to upgrade, I don't lose any of my data do i?06:39
vikku WHat could be the command for knowing/adding/deleting  the runlevels in Ubuntu 7.04?06:40
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animaldswr - what is the comand to kill an application after entering comand mode , again, pls i want to wrote it down06:40
DWSR!dist-upgrade > liife (see the private message from ubotu.06:40
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dxdtyaman: if the card supports the command -- sudoiwconfing wlan0 mode monitor  otherwise programs like airmon can aide in setting it into monitor mode.  Some cards don't support it, but I think most do these days.06:40
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xtknightsudo iwconfig^06:41
Cod1How do I disable things asking me for my password all the time?06:41
DWSRanimal: kill <pid>06:41
bullgard4I cannot find in Configuration Editor the Disk Mounter applet. Where is it?06:41
DWSRIf you want to find the pid, you type ps -A | grep <process>06:41
dxdtxtknight: thanks I didn't catch that.  Yeah it should be sudo iwconfig06:41
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animaldwsr - what is pid ?06:41
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xtknightprocess id, unique id for a process started on a system06:41
vikkuWhat could be the command for knowing/adding/deleting  the runlevels in Ubuntu 7.04?06:41
zimanimal you can also killall "appname"06:41
DWSRanimal: Process ID. The little number that comes up when you run the command ps -A | grep <process>06:41
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GigiHey guys, how can I save all my Firefox passwords in a single file (I have another computer with Windows instead of Ubuntu, and I need to know how to import those passwords from Ubuntu Firefox to Windows Firefox.  Thanks!!!!06:42
dxdtalso xkill  that is one of my favorite commands.06:42
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DWSRGigi: Do a FEBE backup.06:42
zimanimal do $ps auux06:42
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animaldswr - so if i want to kill an app i hit ctrl alt F5, and then type  "ps -A | grep <process>"06:42
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GigiDWSR - How can I do that?  Will the file work on a Firefox installed on Windows?06:43
DWSRwhere <process> is the process that you want to kill.06:43
xtknightor killall "process"06:43
DWSRGigi: Yes.06:43
zimlook for the name for the prosees you want to kill then killall <appname>06:43
GigiDWSR and how do I do it?06:43
chris__Hey peeps06:43
chris__I have a question...06:43
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vikkuWhat could be the command for knowing/adding/deleting  the runlevels in Ubuntu 7.04?06:43
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chris__In rhythmbox, I can't open a Radio Stream (, what codec do I need to download?06:43
DWSRGigi: Install these two addons and use them: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search?q=FEBE&status=406:43
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xtknightvikku,  sysv init config or something?06:44
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DWSR!helpme | chris__06:44
ubotuchris__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:44
nweaver916anyone know if you are required to update madwifi drivers to support Kismet in 6.10?06:44
yamandxdt : it's not working as i don't have the (mode monitor thing)06:44
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GigiDWSR thanks a lot!06:44
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shekharhello can someone tell me what to do if the feisty iso which i have burned to CD does not boot? my computer says "Operating system not found" when attempting to boot the CD...06:44
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zimvikku goto /etc/init.d06:44
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xtknight!info sysv-rc-conf | vikku06:44
zitnerHEY, does anyone know how to enable 3D Acceleration.06:44
ubotuvikku: sysv-rc-conf: SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-5 (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB06:44
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DWSRshekhar, try reburning the CD.06:44
DWSRzitner: what GPU are you using?06:44
shekharDWSR, have done so three times now06:44
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: How did you burn the cd?06:44
mylohi all,06:45
shekharJack_Sparrow, with gnomebaker06:45
DWSRzitner, GPU = videocard.06:45
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: IS there i-one iso on the cd or a bunch of files...   Normally I right click the iso and write to disk06:45
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zitnerOh, lol.  INTEL MOBILE 945GM Express, I got the resolution to work, and open gl, but not the 3d thing.06:45
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zimis anyone a SOUND guru I need to get my sound working on a 7.04 SERVER install help pls06:45
DWSRzitner, you used the restricted drivers manager?06:46
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shekharJack_Sparrow, no it is definitely burned correctly, all the files are there, the .ini and .exe files also06:46
liifeI'm about to upgrade to Breezy, but can someone answer some questions I have first?06:46
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shekharJack_Sparrow DWSR i have also verified the ISO with md5sum\06:46
zitnerUh, I think, I'm new to linux, I hated Vista.06:46
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shekharJack_Sparrow, i have never had this problem installing ubuntu before from a burned cd06:46
DWSRGo to Applications->System->Restricted Drivers Manager06:46
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bullgard4vikku: It is complicated: Ubuntu 7.04 has replaced the traditional runlevel system with the Upstart concept. But not yet entirely. Google for Wikipedia and 'Upstart'.06:47
animalcan anyone here help me on private with an app crash problem (its about compiz) - on the ubuntu-effects channel nobody responds PLZ HELP06:47
erUSULzitner: i do not think the server kernel has sound support.06:47
myloDoes anyone know of a compiz channel?06:47
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: HAve you tried it on another pc?   Also right click write to disk can eliminate most user errors06:47
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vikkuubotu: adn xtknight : sysv-rc-conf is that the pkg name ?06:47
zitnerUnder application, I don't have anything that just says system.06:48
shekharJack_Sparrow, right-click write to disk does not allow me to control the burn speed and it usually fails06:48
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vikkubullgard4: ok06:48
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DWSRGo under System and you should see an entry for Restricted Drivers Manager.06:48
xtknightvikku, ya06:48
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liifeCan someone PM me? i need help upgrading to breezy06:48
Cod1By players keep closing when I try to play .wmv file!06:48
DWSR!dist-upgrade > liife06:48
IcewormI am looking for the download site for Ubuntu server... but the link on the ubuntu server website takes me to download the desktop version..06:49
vikkuubotu: adn xtknight bullgard4 : ok geeks ...will do some peak with that06:49
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IcewormIt's a bad link on ubuntu's site06:49
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: Still seems you are not getting a good burn unless it boots in another machine06:49
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DWSRIceworm, It's not.06:49
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IcewormDWSR: It definitely is:  http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/serveredition06:49
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zitnerDWSR, ok, just has my wireless card and VMware.06:49
IcewormDWSR: Click on the link at the bottom of that page and see if it takes you to downloading what it says it is..06:50
Chillshello evryone :), i need some help regarding sudo ,,06:50
DWSRhttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download Use the server edition checkbow.06:50
animalANYONE ! how can i solve my problem with the compiz crashing when i want to change settings of it..?????06:50
DWSRcheckbox*, and then learn how to read.06:50
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yamandxdt: do u know what should i do to know if my wlan support the monitor mode or not ? my computer is laptop dell it's wlan is mini06:50
DWSRzitner: You're running Ubuntu on VMWare?06:50
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shekharJack_Sparrow, i have burned from two different burners, three separate times...06:50
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zitnerNo, just Ubuntu, VMware is on it.06:50
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zitnerIt's a driver monitor or something.06:51
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DWSRI can't help you zitner. I have no clue.06:51
Cod1By players keep closing when I try to play .wmv file!06:51
DWSRIceworm: Go to http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download and check the Ubuntu 7.04 Server Edition box and hit download.06:51
Jack_Sparrowshekhar: But have you tried it in a different machine...06:51
IcewormDWSR: Ok.. I see.. Looked at that page many times and didn't see that..06:51
DWSRGet you your server edition ISO.06:51
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DWSRIceworm, pays to double check.06:52
IcewormDWSR: Still.. when someone clicks a link to download server, it shouldn't be defaulting to download desktop.. I think ubuntu's webmaster needs to fix that.06:52
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ChillsDWSR: i mounted my ext3 partition on a folder from ubuntu live cd,, to give "write" permission i did "chmod -R 777 foldername", when i booted ubuntu, my sudo su isnt working.. how can i fix it any idea?06:52
shekharJack_Sparrow, not for the past few hours since i've been tearing my hair out... will try and get back to you... thanks for your support06:52
DWSRIceworm, then send in a suggestion.06:52
IcewormDWSR: I will.06:52
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DWSRDon't come here and complain of a broken link.06:52
IcewormDWSR: If it's easy to miss.. it's an error.06:53
Icewormin the human interface06:53
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DWSRIt's not easy to miss.06:53
Cha1nsawits not its an unsupported feature!06:53
IcewormDWSR: I missed it many times over..06:53
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DWSRYes, well I found it the first time I looked at that page.....on 640x480 resolution.06:53
animalpls dwsr, pls help me06:53
IcewormDWSR: it won't be anymore.. but you need to think of the first-time downloader..06:53
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/06:53
Julius1Hello, I have an USB Sitecom WL-168. I installed it with ndiswrapper but It scans only 2 essid. There's about 10 around here06:54
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IcewormDWSR: I'd like to see ubuntu do better in the market.. things like this matter a lot.06:54
Julius1Do you have an idea ? :/06:54
DWSRanimal, repeat your question? I just dumped a lot of text into this window by accident.06:54
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Cha1nsawJulius1> that's quite odd :X06:54
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DWSRJulius1, Do you get the ESSID that you're looking for?06:54
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webkinghi every body06:54
Julius1DWSR, no :/06:55
animalDWSR: if i try to enter CompizConfig settings manager - application, and try to modify anything there on the settings, my ubuntu crashes, what can i do ?06:55
DWSRanimal, I have no experience with Compiz whatsowever.06:55
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animaldwsr and who has here ?06:55
webkingcan every person help me ?06:55
Julius1look here : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32796/06:55
DWSRanimal, you try in #ubuntu-effects06:55
Chillshey can anyone help me out ?? i cant run "sudo su" in my terminal. !06:55
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PiciChills: Use sudo -i instead06:55
webkingI search this linux animation for ubuntu hm this desktop animation06:56
ChillsPici: actually i did chmod -R 777 :( to my ext3 partition ,06:56
webkingi think the name was beryl06:56
harvey__does anybody know if the cccp codec pack is available for ubuntu?06:56
Pici!beryl | webking06:56
ubotuwebking: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects06:56
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:57
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kost_anyone knows how to use a wireless keyboard in BIOS? (microsoft manufacturer)06:57
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liifeI need someone to answer a few basic questions i have about upgrading06:57
DWSRkost_, depends on how it's connected to your computer.06:57
webkingokey thanks06:57
animalin #ubuntu-effects there is no-one that talks on channel, and i cand solve the problem, and i am disperate06:57
DWSRkost_: I can use my wireless keyboard in my BIOS no problem.06:57
shadow1hello all :)06:57
nosGood day all, Im having trouble playing audio and video at the same time, it gets real choppy or the sound loops. any suggestions?06:57
webkingi search the german chat room for ubuntu where is that ?06:57
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DWSRnos: You using ALSA or OSS?06:58
Pici!de | webking06:58
ubotuwebking: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:58
erUSULliife: ask06:58
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erUSUL!upgrade | liife06:58
ubotuliife: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:58
shadow1   ?06:58
ChillsPici: i mounted ext3 in a folder , to give it write permission i gave "chmode -R 777 foldername", now i cant run sudo su ..06:58
webkingthanks ((-:06:58
DWSR!ru | shadow106:58
Pici!ru | shadow106:58
ubotushadow1:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke06:58
DWSRbeat you to it Pici :-P06:58
liifeokay I've already read all of those instructions and it didnt answer my questions06:58
kazim59is there any software like Virtual Keyboard (on screen) in Feisty?06:58
nosdwsr: oss i belive. I had to install with the -noapic option. Its onboard sound, dual core cpu06:58
liifemy question is, during upgrade I keep all my files right?06:58
erUSULliife: yes06:58
chris__Quick Question!06:58
Julius1no idea for my wifi ?06:58
kost_look when it starts06:59
PiciChills: That shoudnt effect anything. Are you sure you arent already root?06:59
kost_i press F12 and it works06:59
kost_so i can go to the boot menu06:59
chris__If I want to install WINE on 7.10, should i use the .deb (on Wine HQ) of 7.04?06:59
liifealso it tells me to gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and im not sure how to do that06:59
DWSRnos: That's your problem. OSS doesn't support multiple applications using sound at once. To get around this please 'sudo apt-get install alsa-oss'06:59
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shadow1 06:59
kost_but after that i cant use the Cursors06:59
DWSR!ru | shadow106:59
ubotushadow1:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke06:59
nosthank you dwsr06:59
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erUSULliife: the better method is using the update-manager follow the instructions on the wiki06:59
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DWSRnos: After that, you need to start all of the applications using sound simultaneous with aoss infront. (e.g. aoss /etc/application)07:00
webkinghmm but in the german chat rooms is not a user07:00
kost_DWSR can you help me?07:00
liifeokay I will check out the wiki07:00
ChillsPici: my /boot/grub/menu.lst was erased, i had backup, i fixed it using ubuntu live cd, but i had to give write permision "chmod -R 777 foldername" , i fixed the problem, but when i tried to run sudo su, to get root , it failed..07:00
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DWSRkost_, you can't use your cursor in any BIOS at all.07:00
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erUSULChills: use 'sudo -i'07:00
DWSRChills, use sudo -i07:00
PiciChills: I'm not sure what to tell you07:01
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Pici!gutsy | chris__07:01
ubotuchris__: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+107:01
Chillsthanx. let me reboot my pc to ubuntu and check if sudo -i works :).. thanx07:01
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kost_Dwsr: I dont mean cursor i mean the little arrows ;\\07:01
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zeroXeroZxHi everyone i was wondering if anyone could help me with some install issues im having07:01
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MarcCcan anybody recommend a well-supported minimalistic desktop environment for Ubuntu?07:02
DWSRkost_, hmm......I can't help you.07:02
erUSUL!anyone | zeroXeroZx07:02
ubotuzeroXeroZx: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:02
PiciMarcC: xfce07:02
DWSRMarcC, Xfce.07:02
nosThanks again DWSR i will boot to ubuntu and give that a try!07:02
IndyLucianwhat is the site for gutsy gibbon07:02
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PiciIndyLucian: The site?07:02
IndyLucianinformation on what will be improved, new stuff, etc07:02
MarcCDWSR, Pici: I'm thinking even more minimalistic, like no dock07:02
DWSRMarcC: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:02
DWSRYou can just remove the dock.07:02
liifeokay i dont want an update i want an upGRADE. can you just tell me how to use gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:03
IndyLucianPici, because right now the support for wifi dongles is horrible07:03
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PiciIndyLucian: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/07:03
zeroXeroZxCound someone help me with trying to install Ubuntu to a certain partition that i already have seperated?07:03
DWSR!dist-upgrade | liife07:03
ubotuliife: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:03
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DWSRFollow ubotu's link and you will upgrade liife.07:03
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PiciIndyLucian: Also check the forums, you might find someone with your hardware07:03
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liifequit sending me that link it doesnt help at all07:04
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mailavjneed help07:04
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alecw1What is the terminal command for "locking" the screen in Gnome?07:04
mailavjinstalled nvidia driver on fiesty fawn, but X crashing07:04
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:04
desertc!ask >mailavj07:04
IndyLuciani did check. . . i have a WG111T ( i couldn't find the supported netgear WG111) and i also had a dongle before that. for the current dongle, ndiswrapper is suggested but freezes the computer whenever I try to connect to a network and no one seems to know why07:04
liifeDWSR I've read everything on that page like 5 times and it isnt answering my question hence why i asked it here07:04
DWSRliife: It does too.07:04
=== ubuntu_ [n=newbie07@cpe-68-173-160-85.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DWSRwhat version are you upgrading from?07:04
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liife5.04 to breezy07:04
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zeroXeroZxCound someone help me with trying to install Ubuntu to a certain partition that i already have separated im new to ubuntu07:05
liifeit says to use gedit to edit sources.list and i do not know how to do that07:05
alecw1How do you lock the screen in Ubuntu via the Terminal?07:05
DWSRliife: Reinstall.07:05
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DWSR5.04 is very old.07:05
liifei know, thats why I want to upgrade07:05
ubotuUbuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol for more details.07:05
IndyLucianalecw1, just press CTRL ALT L . . . easier than typing a command07:05
DWSRBreezy is about to end it's support cycle.07:05
liifebut i dont want to back up all my files and do a fresh install because that could take me a while07:05
mailavjinstalled nvidia driver on fiesty fawn, but X crashing07:05
DWSRactually, it already has.07:05
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IndyLucianalecw1, for the command-line though, i have no idea07:05
alecw1IndyLucian: I'm looking for the command specifically.07:05
erUSULzeroXeroZx: just lounch the instalation procedure and when asked point the instaler to the "free" partition07:05
DWSRYou shoudl upgrade to Fiesty.07:05
DWSRAnd to do that, I HIGHLY recommend just burning the ISO and starting over.07:06
newbie07hi i'm using 7.04 live cd and can't get my wireless to connect.  The blue thing just spins and doesn't connect07:06
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liifeso it would be faster to back up all my files and do a fresh install of 7.04?07:06
DWSRnewbie07, what wireless card do you have?07:06
zeroXeroZxUsul i have tried that but i have 3 separate drives and none of them show up the partition i have made07:06
DWSRliife: faster and safer.07:06
DWSRzeroXeroZx, did you format the partition that you made?07:06
liifeokay then07:06
alecw1How do I lock the screen with Ubuntu via the Terminal?07:06
mailavji have GeForce FX 5200 128 MB card, but when i installed driver nvidia-glx for that,  x is crashing during boot.. help07:06
newbie07realtek 8185, i'm using ndiswrapper and the correct drivers that others used to get their wireless on the same notebook07:07
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liifedoes 7.04 still come with bit torrent and gaim by default?07:07
zeroXeroZxyes i had formated it in windows and i dont kno what filetype it needs to be for Ubuntu07:07
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DWSRliife, BT no, GAIM yes.07:07
desertc!binarydriver |mailavj07:07
ubotumailavj: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:07
DWSRzeroXeroZx, that's why it's not showing up. Linux needs EXT2/3.07:07
zeroXeroZxdoes it matter which one?07:07
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DWSRzeroXeroZx, EXT3 is better.07:07
liifeokay then where can I get gnome bit torrent once I've updated07:07
newbie07DWSR i'm using realtek 8185 wireless07:07
zeroXeroZxok thnx ill try that07:07
CarlF1what do I install to use a bluetooth mouse?07:08
desertcliife: Yes, GAIM is easy to get going.  I think it is on by default07:08
DWSRliife: Out of the repositories. Not a big deal. You can just sudo apt-get install it.07:08
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liifeokay thanks, i suppose i will get to backing things up now then07:08
Pici!bluetooth | CarlF107:08
ubotuCarlF1: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup07:08
DWSRzeroXeroZx, Windows will not be able to format using EXT2 or 3.07:08
desertcliife: The program is called gnome-bttorrent  (make sure you set the maxport so you can get more than one connection running)07:08
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alecw1How do I lock a screen via SSH?07:09
zeroXeroZxim loaded up with the 7.04 cd right now can i do it in the virtual setup07:09
desertcliife: Sorry, no it's called gnome-btdownload07:09
DWSRalecw1: Why do you want to lock the screen?07:09
liifeso apt-get install gnone-btdownload07:09
animal__i cant kill an application with the comand "killall compiz" - why ?07:09
alecw1I want to be able to lock an Employee's screen if necesary via SSH.07:09
DWSRzeroXeroZx, should  be able to, but I'm not going to walk you through that.07:09
vistorHi, Im having trouble with Grub, I cant boot into XP anymore. I have tried for 2 days now and need a hand :)07:09
desertcliife: No it's part of the default install07:09
DWSRalecw1: Just disconnect from SSH.07:09
zeroXeroZxhow hard is it?07:09
liifeit is part of the default install for 7.04?07:09
DWSR!grub | visitor07:09
ubotuvisitor: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:09
=== Seoke [n=heath@h137.163.16.98.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
desertcliife: Just click a torrent link and it will start07:09
DWSRzeroXeroZx, not hard, I'm just not good with walkthroughs.07:10
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Picianimal__: because the application name probablly isnt compiz.  I know with fusion the executable name is compiz.real07:10
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IndyLucianWhen Gutsy is released, will i be able to upgrade to it via upgrade manager or will I have to reinstall the entire operating system?07:10
SeokeWhat would be the command to set all folders in /var/www/ to 755 and the files to 644?07:10
zeroXeroZxoh ok haha umm do u kno any1 that could help?07:10
alecw1No, sorry, I mean, if the Employee is using the PC, I want to be able to login through SSH, and lock the screen for the employee, DWSR.07:10
liifeThat's what I figured since it was default in 5.04 so I was just making sure07:10
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DWSRalecw1, Ah.07:10
desertcIndyLucian: There will be information, and it won't be hard.07:10
DWSRalecw1, no idea.07:10
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animal__Pici: so the comand should be "killall compiz.real" ???07:11
IndyLuciandesertc, thanks07:11
Picianimal__: Yes.07:11
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jribSeoke: find -type f -exec chmod 644 '{}' \;     untested for files and similarly for directories07:11
liifethe first time i installed 5.04 it did something wierd where my resolution was huge and it wouldn't let me change it, but after I restarted my computer twice it just fixed itself. will I have that problem again?07:11
jribSeoke: find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 644 '{}' \;     untested for files and similarly for directories07:11
DWSRliife: Probably not. 7.04 has much better hardware support.07:11
=== RedFox [n=RedFox@host86-129-40-7.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
zeroXeroZxDWSR, do u kno of anyone here right now that could help?07:11
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EvanLugh=] 07:12
DWSRzeroXeroZx, just ask your question.07:12
alecw1Is there any way I can lock a screen on a remote PC via SSH?07:12
DWSRkooky_, what's your question?07:12
desertc!hi |evanlugh07:12
liifeokay, thank you everyone. i probably shouldnt have waited so long to get off of 5.0407:12
ubotuevanlugh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:12
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jribalecw1: you just want to start the screensaver and lock it?07:12
EvanLughDoes anyone know of a guide to uninstall Ubuntu ASWELL as GRUB? because i can't get rid of grub..07:12
EvanLughhey :)07:12
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zeroXeroZxI need help setting formatting a partition while on the 7.04 cd virtual07:12
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DWSREvanLugh, Yup. Do a fresh install of Windows on the disk.07:12
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alecw1jrib, either, one.07:12
EvanLughDWSR.. dont have the M$ disk07:13
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=== unagi [n=unagi@c-68-59-255-72.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikefooQuestion:  So we have one web/db server with custom apps running out of space. We have a new server with bigger better specs.  slightly different hardware but still 32bit and same exact distro.   Could I just rsync everything over to new server?07:13
Seokejrib: What about setting folders to 75507:13
EvanLugh!removing ubuntu07:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about removing ubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:13
PiciEvanLugh: Just run the windows fixmbr07:13
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DWSRmikefoo: Should be able to. up.07:13
PiciEvanLugh: In the recovery console.07:13
=== lordyan [n=lordyan@dre28-1-88-164-0-42.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
hendrixskiI cant unset an environment variable.  i tried env --unset=VARIABLE but then when I run env | grep VARIABLE it still shows up!07:13
unagihow do i install desktop effects without installing compiz-fusion07:13
EvanLughPici: that'd work?07:13
hendrixskiWTFeisty is up with that?07:13
EvanLughand that would remove.. ubuntu too?07:13
vistorI had a previous XP installation and installed ubuntu on a seperate partition using the manual mode in installation. Once the system was installed grub did NOT detect/add the Win xp partition into /grub/menu1 so ive tried adding it manually but no luck. It says ! "No NTLDR". Any ideas...? Im stuck07:13
kooky_i juste test color on xchat, sorry07:13
DWSREvanLugh, boot into recovery console and type fixmbr.07:13
jribalecw1: set DISPLAY and use gnome-screensaver-command with the lock switch probably07:13
Davy_JonesEvanLugh: you have to boot to the recovery console with a windows CD07:13
PiciEvanLugh: Yes, it should.07:13
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EvanLughOk, thanks for the help07:14
zeroXeroZxI need help formatting a partition while on the 7.04 cd virtual07:14
alecw1jrib, the DiSPLAY?07:14
ChillsDWSR: when i login thru gnome it says "users $home./dmrc file is bein ignored. This prevents the default session & langauge frm being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permission. users $home directory should b owned by user and not writable by other users"07:14
jribSeoke: it's similar, just change the type and the permissions (see 'man find')07:14
DWSRChills: Oh.07:14
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Skeetok I have a problem...whenever I try to watch a video or listen to music the screen freezes and I have to exit it07:14
jribalecw1: export DISPLAY=whatever07:14
DWSRyou've effed up root's file permissions.07:14
Chillsand ..07:14
Skeetwhat should i do07:14
DWSRGood luck with that.07:15
Chillsyea.. :(07:15
Chillsdeamonmind@DeamonminD:~$ sudo su07:15
Chillssudo: must be setuid root07:15
Chillssudo: must be setuid root07:15
DWSRBoot into the live CD and fix it.07:15
ChillsDWSR any idea?? what should i do ?07:15
DWSRThat's the only way you can really do it.07:15
alecw1Sorry jrib... I'm not understanding. I'm logged into SSH, at the command line, what would I do to lock the screen?07:15
animal__pls someone tell me the path to desktop07:15
jribalecw1: if you do 'echo $DISPLAY' in an x session you'll see what it currently is for that screen07:15
hendrixskihelp I did export VARIABLE=whatever and now I want to unexport it... I tried env --unset=Variable and it didn't work :-(07:15
DWSRanimal__, ~/Desktop07:15
ChillsDWSR: how to fix?> like what exactly i shud do ??07:15
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DWSRChills: whatever it told you.07:16
zeroXeroZxI need help formatting a partition while on the 7.04 cd virtual07:16
Chillsu told me " sudo -i " :S07:16
PicizeroXeroZx: Virtual?07:16
jribalecw1: k, you need to find out what screen you want to lock, then 'export DISPLAY=whatever' when you find that out, then 'gnome-screensaver-command --whatever-the-switch-to-lock-the-screen-is'07:16
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DWSRAnyways, I'm oh.07:16
webkingwow ubuntu is really very nice ^^07:16
zeroXeroZxI need help formatting a partition while on the 7.04 live cd i guess?07:16
hendrixskizeroXeroZx, use gparted.. it's in the liveCD07:16
alecw1jrib, can I PM you?07:16
Matic`MakovecHello there. Could anyone tell me what Java is that?07:16
Matic`Makovecjava version "1.4.2-02"07:16
Matic`MakovecJava(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build Blackdown-1.4.2-02)07:16
Matic`MakovecJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build Blackdown-1.4.2-02, mixed mode)07:16
jribalecw1: you can use #ubuntu-classroom if there is too much traffic here07:16
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ChillsPici : do u have any idea ?07:17
Matic`MakovecI can't really find the version _I think_07:17
alecw1joining, jrib07:17
webkingbut i think debian is better with security07:17
zeroXeroZxhendrixski, i am trying that right now but i cant find my partition i made07:17
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desertc!offtopic >webking07:17
PiciChills: You said that you set the permissions on somefolder, what folder did you reset all the permissions on?07:17
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hendrixskizeroXeroZx, it's not showing a partition?  what _is_ it showing?  you may not have successfuly made one07:17
newbie07i can't get my wireless to connect, the blue icon just spins and doesn't connect, can someone point me in the right direction?07:17
vistorI had a previous XP installation and installed ubuntu on a seperate partition using the manual mode in installation. Once the system was installed grub did NOT detect/add the Win xp partition into /grub/menu1 so ive tried adding it manually but no luck. It says : "No NTLDR". Ive also tried changing the "root (hda0,0)" to "rootnoverify (hda 0,0). wont work.. Can someone help..?07:18
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desertc!wifi >newbie0707:18
zeroXeroZxhendrixski, i have 3 drives and i had them all on windows, i had also partitioned 2 of the drives into 3 drives each07:18
luigi_Bqualcuno parla italiano?07:18
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john_doeI can't compile alsaCVS because I don't have the command python-config. Which package should I install to get this?07:18
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Chillspici: i made a mistake and erased menu.lst from gurb folder!! i booted my pc thru ubuntu live cd,, i made a folder named "A" and mounted my ext3 partition over it! to give it write permission i did "chmod -R 777 A" , i got back my grub.. but i cant get sudo su :(07:19
fruitbatJimis there a simple check you can do in a bash script to check if someone has read or write permission on a file?07:19
zeroXeroZxhendrixski, so i cleaned out 1 partition and i can see it when i go to the computer - file browser but not in GParted07:19
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Davy_JonesChills: you can sudo -i07:19
Davy_JonesfruitbatJim: ls -l07:19
hendrixskizeroXeroZx, and you're sure that what you're seeing isn't another drive? and not the partition you think you have?07:19
desertcvistor: That's a Windows file needed to start the operating system.  I wonder if you picked the right partition in Grub, or got the syntax wrong.07:19
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fredldoes anybody use lphoto on standard ubuntu feisty?07:20
hendrixskizeroXeroZx, because that sounds like a lot of drives and partitions... very easy to lose track07:20
fruitbatJimthanx davy07:20
PiciChills: You reset the permissions on every single file...07:20
ChillsDavy_Jones: it says <Chills>07:20
Chills<Chills> sudo: must be setuid root07:20
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desertc!ask >fredl07:20
ChillsPici : yep :(.. can i fix it back ?07:20
zeroXeroZxhendrixski, im sure all the partitions worked in windows but i only see the base 3 drives in GParted07:20
PiciChills: You might be able to reset the permissions on /etc/sudoers, but you wont be able to fix the rest of the filesystem.  If I were you I'd backup and reinstall.07:20
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Chillshaha i guess i have to do tat aswell ..07:21
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Davy_JonesChills: you are probably not in the group that's allowed to use sudo... i don't know the command that'll let you in, sorry07:21
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vistordesertc: Ive picked the right partition for sure, gpart tells me everything looks allright. If i use fdisk /mbr and boot into windows, will i then be able to reinstall grub somehow?07:22
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txoofI've just recently installed fawn; I'm setting up cups, but the /etc/cups/cups.d/ directory is missing... has it moved someplace else?07:22
benihow can I record music, for example VLC streams in ubuntu?07:22
Matic`MakovecSo hello there again. I am trying to remove java but I somehow do not know what to remove. There is no sun java on my computer, there is no gij..any ideas what for should I look?07:22
hendrixskizeroXeroZx, hhmmm... what tool did you use to partition?  because some windows tools may not make a standard partition... they don't seem to care much for standards in Redmond07:22
duggihelp with azureus needed07:22
Lumiohey, how to change apt-get source? I set up my server today and now I want to install apache07:22
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duggidid all the port forwarding07:22
desertcvistor: I am not sure I am following your logic, but you cannot install grub from windows07:22
animal__does anyone here have yahoo id to help me install something.. pls...07:22
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duggieven added the ports in iptables07:22
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animal__the lines flying here begin to stress me out07:23
txoofLumio: /etc/apt/sources.list07:23
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hendrixskiMatic`Makovec, if you go to Applications->Add/Remove programs I think Java is one or two of the options you may remove07:23
animal__i cant understand and do anything pls help me07:23
Davy_Jonesduggi: /join #azureus-support07:23
zeroXeroZxhendrixski, i used the normal computer management>Drives and partitioned them all to NTFS07:23
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ChillsPici: i installed apache, php , many other stuff.. i guess i have to install in again after reinstalling ubuntu ?07:23
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duggijoined it long back07:23
duggino body responds over there07:23
PiciChills: Yes.07:23
EvanLughhey erm whoever told me to fixmbr07:23
Chillsthanx :)07:23
hendrixskiMatic`Makovec, if not then System-->synaptic... and there will be several Java packages to that you may install or remove07:23
EvanLughi just realised i dont have the disk07:23
Lumiothx txoof07:23
EvanLughwell need the disk*07:23
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Matic`MakovecOkay, I'll check that. Thank you hendrixski07:24
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PiciEvanLugh: You might not, but I'm not sure. I'd try asking in ##windows07:24
CharlieSuDoes anyone know where wget grabs its ca-bundle for SSL connections??07:24
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zeroXeroZxhendrixski, i can see them under Computer - File Browers on Ubuntu so i kno that they are there i can even open them and access files but they dont show up in GParted or the Install only the 3 base drives show up07:24
vistordesertc: sorry, this is what i ment: If i use fdisk /mbr to make sure windows is working correctly, is it possible to boot into linux somehow (live cd?) and reinstall grub after that?07:24
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EvanLughpici: i cant find that chan07:25
hendrixskizeroXeroZx, hhmm... very strange... and you've gone past the part in gparted where you select the drive... it doesn't show the partitions on the drives even then, right?07:25
PiciEvanLugh: Its ##windows not #windows07:25
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duggianybody can help me out reg azureus07:25
Matic`MakovecOh, seems like it's j2re. Now if I remove that it seems that it wants to remove couple of other Java based programs and that's something I wouldn't like. Should I install Sun Java before removing j2re or something?07:25
dinochopinsgwoo, the unbindModel is working great. Thanks ;)07:25
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vistordesertc: because when you said i might have messed up the partition table i got a bit worried that i might have deleted a small partition that said "empty" when i partitioned, might have been the nt loader or something like that, just wanna make sure thats not what i did before continuing messing with  grub..07:25
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dugginot just azureus, any bit torrent is not working07:25
zeroXeroZxhendrixski, some show up so im restarting in windows and im gonna double check the partitions07:26
hendrixskiMatic`Makovec, there may be dependencies.  The java that's in the add/remove or in synaptic is the sun java...07:26
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hendrixskizeroXeroZx, good idea07:26
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bullgard4I cannot find in Configuration Editor the Disk Mounter applet. Where is it?07:26
benihow can I record music, for example VLC streams in ubuntu?07:26
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desertcvistor: Yes, you can totally boot to a Live CD and then play around with your hard disk.  That's a great troubleshooting tool, even for Windows.07:26
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hendrixskiMatic`Makovec, it's much safer to use synaptic than installing the java packages from Sun's website because the friendly people at Ubuntu have modified it to make sure it works seamlessly07:27
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chamunksanyone know where i should go for ddwrt help?07:27
Matic`MakovecWell that's the "problem" really07:27
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chazcohi... is there a Linux undelete app for FAT32? I cut/pasted a file+folder from an SD card to the desktop... The folder worked correctly, but the file has disappeared07:28
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Matic`MakovecThe Java I have doesn't work properly. Or let me say it better. PHPeclipse doesn't work properly and developers blame Java07:28
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hendrixskinow that I've answered a few more peoples questions... how do I unset an environment variable? env --unset=Variable doesn't work07:28
duggihaving problems with the bit torrent clients07:28
duggianybody can help?07:28
rglhow can I setup an usb node device permissions?07:28
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Jaikkanenhei all, can anyone tell me if i can allow my ubuntu 64bit version to install i386 version software?07:28
Pici!chroot | Jaikkanen07:28
ubotuJaikkanen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box07:28
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zeroXeroZxhendrixski, i found that the drive its on is format as "Simple Volume" would that be why?07:29
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krangWhen I set umask 0xx, I should be getting o +rwx on newly created files, yes?07:29
hendrixskiMatic`Makovec, PHPEclipse... did you install it from Eclipse's website? or from synaptic?  if it's one then try the other as well :-)07:29
DavidHKMrPowerswhat's hot? any business idea?07:29
Gizmo_the_GreatHi. Got Feisty installed on a PC with two seperate CPU's (not dual core but two physically seperate processors). Both CPU's are detected, however, applications that I ran on Dapper utilised both cores for a single task (I had the 684 kernel installed) but with the generic kernel of the Fawn this is not so. Any ideas?07:29
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krangFor some reason, no umask number will set +x permission on newly created files07:30
john_doe I can't compile alsaCVS because I don't have the command python-config. Which package should I install to get this?07:30
Matic`Makovechendrixski, apt doesn't have PHPeclipse07:30
vistordesertc: Ok, ill try that, let me just botheryou with one more question, :)  I just want to make sure ive understood the gpart table. When i write the menu1st for grub and choose the partition to boot ( hda(0,0) ) how do i figure out the number for the partition? Ive understood it starts counting at 0 so the first one should be 0, but which is the first one? top of the list and just count down or does it say anywhere?07:30
Chris1Here's one for the books.  Got DMRAID set up, my raid set is detected, but, when I try to partition it, it fails making the swap and I can't continue.07:30
hendrixskizeroXeroZx, I'm not sure the difference between a simple volume and a full partition.  I may not be able to help you after all :-(07:30
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desertc!grub |vistor07:31
ubotuvistor: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:31
hendrixskiMatic`Makovec, oh... man, it's really weird, they've got like a gazillion eclipse plugins in apt, but never the ones you need... :-/07:31
zeroXeroZxhendrixski, i think that is the problem tho because the subpartitions that showed up in GParted were "Primary Partitions and they seemed to show up fine07:31
vistordesertc: right, thanks :)07:31
RequinB4hey all - i'm trying to do this tut to make my intel sound work: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto and after entering this command line : " sudo ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel " halfway down i get this :  "WARNING:Makefile.conf.in seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting"07:31
Matic`Makovechendrixski, heh, yeah :)07:31
desertcvistor: I do not recall the syntax off the top of my head... been a long time since I futzed with it07:31
hendrixskizeroXeroZx, hhmm... I guess now we both learned something new... Gparted looks for primary partitions, not simple volumes07:32
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tijnhey ppl07:32
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desertcvistor: Once you stop dual booting and commit to Linux, everything gets a lot easier as you move off proprietary applications07:32
VletHow can I check what version of the proprietary ati driver is installed?07:32
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zeroXeroZxhendrixski, haha yup and thanx for the help i wouldnt have thought of it07:32
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saiHi all, Where can I get help for Wine font set?07:33
dtiddAnyone have an idea why my downloads spike in speed when started and then drop off to nothing?07:33
RequinB4hey all - i'm trying to do this tut to make my intel sound work: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto and after entering this command line : " sudo ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel " halfway down i get this :  "WARNING:Makefile.conf.in seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting"07:33
ConstyXIVcan you burn .CDI (DiscJuggler) files in ubuntu?07:33
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tijnare there any known problems with the last updates and network failures?  since i updated, met nic doenst seem to respond anymore..07:33
RequinB4dtidd: if youre on wireless u may have an unstable connection07:33
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dtiddNot wireless.07:34
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vistordesertc: oh its only because of the games that i need once in a while ^_^  Thanks for the help though07:34
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desertcvistor: check out my site, linuxgamingworld.com07:34
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mohamedjoin #ubuntu-sa07:35
JaikkanenPici: setting up chroot step does not succeed.. i get this prompt E: Failed getting release file http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/Release07:35
Chris1Anyone know why a DMRAID setup would not allow a swap partition to be made in setup?  I am following the FAKERAID howto off the support site and my RAID set is detected fine, the drives show partitions when I edit the one raid LVM during setup.  However, when I go to write the changes the swap partition fails.  Any ideas?  I could go without the swap but, even with 2GB of RAM that is taking a risk, is it not?07:35
Chris1BTW this is for a server version setup07:35
Chris1using NVIDIA raid controller07:35
Lumierenv makes raid controllers.......07:35
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Chris1well, on my MOBO07:36
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Chris1nvidia chipset07:36
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dissectionHello. I just learnt to use 'cut', and 'tr'. How do I use these (or something similar?) to get the first word from the output, second word, etc?07:36
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desertc!hi >Ben_Cs07:38
DragonWolfIs there anything in Ubuntu that would prevent someone from connecting to a program running on port 9000?07:38
Ben_Csanyone using Gutsy tribe 3?07:38
Juhazdissection, awk '{print $1}'07:38
Pici!gutsy | Ben_Cs07:38
ubotuBen_Cs: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+107:38
Chris1I've been working on getting the RAID thing setup for about 4-5 hours...no luck...07:38
chris__I am Ben :)07:38
desertc!ask >Ben_Cs07:38
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chris__ack gtg07:38
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desertc!bye >chris__07:38
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall07:38
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:39
GigiHi guys.  I only have Linux on my pc... but due a problem, I need to install windows... but I  have all my business on Linux,so I do not want to lose all.  How can I install Windows XP avoiding that Microsoft kills Linux partition?07:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avahi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:39
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Ben_Csubotu: i just wanted to know if tribe 3 is stable enough07:39
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hwildeGigi, drop $80 and buy another harddrive.07:39
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tijnare there any known problems with the last updates and network failures?  since i updated, met nic doenst seem to respond anymore..07:39
Gigihwilde, there is not other way?07:39
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desertcGigi: I agree with hwilde07:40
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PiddyHey... Does anyone know how to download azureus/vuze via the Terminal?07:40
Gigidesertc is there another way?07:40
tijnIf you want to do something in windows it asks you 5 times if you are sure, BUT if you install it, it will just f**k up your hdd07:40
desertcGigi: When you install Windows, it will attempt to take over the boot sectors of your hard disk, thus corrupting your Linux installation07:41
hwildeGigi, how much is all of your work really worth to you?  Harddrives are relatively cheap compared to losing everything when Windows destroys your partition07:41
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Gigihwilde, it is not the $... but when I wanna go back to linux, I need to replace the hard drives07:41
desertcgigi: Oh, you could install VMware or another Windows emulation tool07:41
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desertcgigi: You didn't really specify what you wanted to do...07:41
hwildeGigi, no, you can install two harddrives, and then add Windows to your grub.07:42
Gigidesertc I have wine, but I can't run my blackberry07:42
XLVhwilde, its not that dramatic, it will overwrite mbr, but you can reinstall it07:42
desertcgigi: Yeah, sounds like you might be able to do that with VMware07:42
tijnPIddy, if you have the url, you can use wget07:42
hwildeXLV, I can, you can, but he doesn't sound that confident07:42
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xerawxi have a 5g windows partition on my first HD, the rest of it ext3, and another drive full ext3, dual booting with wingrub07:42
Gigidesertc were can I get that?07:42
desertcgigi: VMware Server is a no-cost download07:42
Gigion synaptics?07:42
desertcgigi: No, from VMware07:42
hwilde!vmware | Gigi07:42
ubotuGigi: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers07:42
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desertcgigi: Fair warning - this is going to install all sorts of proprietary drivers all over your Ubuntu system07:43
Piddytijn, on vuze.com there's a "download now" button... It doesn't take u anywhere, it just downloads from their main page...07:43
PiddySo, what would the command be?07:43
desertcgigi: If I were you, then I'd spend the $8007:43
Rayyanguys should i download beryl or compiz fusion?07:43
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tijnPiddy: can you right click on the button and choose copy link?07:44
PiddyRayyan, if you think your pc can handle it..07:44
tijnor even better, dl via sourceforge07:44
Gigidesertc - I have extra hard drives at home...  How do I do it then\07:44
Piddytijn, hmm, one sec.07:44
unagiwhats the apt-get command for reinstall07:44
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Rayyanit can07:44
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xerawxthere's no way to sync a blackberry with linux?07:44
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hwilde!blackberry | xerawx07:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blackberry - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:45
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xerawxthat's pretty lame.. but then i think blackberryz are pretty lame >.<07:45
PiddyRayyan, then yes, I think you should download Compiz Fusion.07:45
Luciferwhat itunes alternative can i get 4 Ubuntu07:45
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Rayyanalright thanks pid07:45
hwilde!ipod | Lucifer07:45
ubotuLucifer: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod07:45
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PiddyRayyan No problem=)07:45
desertcgigi: Personally, I have no problem opening my computer -- I would take my original hard drive out, install on a new hard drive, and then add the original - configuring grub to boot to the new hard drive as an option07:45
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kduboishow do you do that IRC thing where its like "***kdubois [blah blah blah] " ?07:45
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Lucifertnx guys07:45
kost_guys, how can I enable usb keyboard support in my motherboard?07:45
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desertcgigi: Keep the conversation in this channel07:46
kduboiskost_: make sure its enabled in the bios, and it should just work...07:46
=== xerawx /me blah blah blahz
kost_how to make sure?07:46
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Gigiok... it was easier by the other way, more quite07:46
=== kdubois thanks xerawx
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Piddytijn, I did the command wget http://torrents.aelitis.com:88/files/Azureus_2.5.0.4_linux.tar.bz2.. Does it just download it, or does it install it aswell? Cos I have no idea how to install stuff on ubuntu.07:46
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desertckost_: There are usually different USB options, like Legacy Support.  You may need to play around with those depending on your computer07:46
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tijnk, iam still hung up with my nic :( it doenst respond to anything, but if i restart networking, i see it tries to release the lease from (which is my router)07:46
tijnPiddy: it only downloads it07:46
GigiDesertc then.  I set the new Windows Master drive and I put the Linux one as a slave drive.  Then, how do I configure the grub?07:47
Enselictijn: Piddy: um, isn't azareus already in the repos?07:47
hwilde!fixgrub | Gigi07:47
ubotuGigi: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:47
tijnPiddy: but isnt azureas in the rep?07:47
tijnah :D07:47
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tijntoo late ;)07:47
PiddyIt is? :S07:47
tijnapt-cache search azureus07:47
desertcGigi: The drive settings would depend on your drive controller, most new ones are autodetect07:47
kost_Desertc Where should i go to play with them though?07:47
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Meyvnhello fellow ubunites!07:48
desertckost_: Into your BIOS.  Have you tried unplugging the keyboard after it boots, waiting, and plugging it in again?07:48
xerawxkost_: integrated features or something like that07:48
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Rayyanhello meyvn07:48
Meyvni offer free help, come and get it!07:48
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desertckost_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/8236807:49
tijnk fix my nic ;)07:49
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jimmyay cabron07:49
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jimmytantos ubunteros07:49
Piddytijn, it says it found it, but I don't know where it is..07:49
tijnPiddy: it seems like that, but only when it stops networking07:49
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tijni dont know if its a safed setting07:49
Meyvnisn't azureus kinda bloated?07:49
tijnthe module is loaded correctly07:49
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linux_this is some patch : http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/xgl-git/xgl-git/compalloc.patch , how i need to runit ?07:50
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Piddytijn, what?07:50
Meyvnuse ktorrent if you're on kubuntu07:50
PiddyI'm on ubuntu07:50
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tijnPiddy: well the router ip07:50
xerawxMeyvn: azureus is probably the most bloated torrent app ever created07:50
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tijnpiddy it worked before so maybe it saved it somewhere..07:50
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Meyvnxerawx: sure, to each their own. I prefer lightweight tools...07:51
desertcgnome-btdownload works just fine07:51
xerawxMeyvn: Deluge seems to work well for me on gtk07:51
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Piddytijn, wait, what? I have no idea what you're talking about right now:S07:51
imbecilehow do i add my trash to my desktop? im trying to find a way to pull it over for awn07:51
Meyvnxerawx: but I'm a big hypocrit since I use Emacs, talk about being bloated :)07:51
AviAtriXhey can some one help me pls07:51
xerawxI've heard good things about ktorrent too.. and i've got rtorrent installed since yesterday but haven't got around to setting it up yet07:51
tijnPiddy: i think it saved my preferred router ip, so thats why i see "release send to"07:51
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desertc!ask AviAtriX07:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask aviatrix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:51
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twoshadetodanyone an electrician here?07:51
AviAtriXubuntu 7.04 doesnt recognize my kb07:51
RequinB4hey all - to get my intel audio working, i got ALSA - but "The mixer channels for the ALSA driver are muted by default"  Could someone show me how to "Use some ALSA or OSS mixer to set the appropriate volume"07:52
Meyvntwoshadetod: lol07:52
Dave132how good are the sound card drivers in ubuntu?07:52
desertcaviatrix: need more specifics07:52
Piddytijn, I think you're talking to the wrong guy.07:52
twoshadetodMeyvn, i know trust me07:52
desertc!alsa |Dave13207:52
ubotuDave132: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:52
tijnPiddy: ;) np thnx for trying07:52
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MeyvnMeyvn: sure, go ahead. it was just a funny question07:52
tijnMeyvn: can i get a ticket? :D07:52
Meyvnthat was @ twoshadetod07:52
PiddyTijn, anyway, did you say Azureus is already installed on my pc?07:52
AviAtriXwei run the live cd and i fint that i cant do enything whit the keyboard07:53
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=== Meyvn passes tijn a free ticket to the golden Ubuntu lodge
tijnPiddy: nope, only the .tar file (zip)07:53
eugmanhmmm, is the file made by sbackup supposed to be readable by arcive manager?07:53
linux_someone can tell me how to run compiz with all the cube effect ?07:53
tijnMeyvn: k, since i updated, my nic doenst do anything07:53
Piddytijn, ah. So how do I install it?07:53
tijnmodules are loaded07:53
Piddytijn .exe is so much easier than this xD07:53
tijnPiddy: tar -xzf packeage.tar.gz07:53
Meyvntijn: nic?07:53
desertcaviatrix: have you tried disconnecting the keyboard, waiting 10 seconds, then plugging it in again?07:53
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tijnMeyvn: network interface07:54
Meyvntijn: ahhh...07:54
AviAtriXi even tryed another keyboard ..07:54
Meyvntijn: what does ifconfig say?07:54
desertcaviatrix: I guess it isn't going to work with Ubuntu07:54
Piddytijn: do you want me to type in terminal: tar -xzf packeage.tar.gz?07:54
twoshadetodMeyvn, i have a smart home with ubuntu as the OS for the bottom floor and front end of house.  When someone rings the door bell my power goes out for a few seconds.....just kidding anyone heard of "electric screws"07:54
tijnMeyvn: well, i have setup eth0 in my /etc/network/interfaces07:54
linux_someone can tell me how to run compiz with all the effects ?07:54
tijnPiddy: yes where package is the azureus file07:54
Meyvntijn: you updated to what, btw? to gutsy or feisty?07:55
tijnPiddy: but have you tried apt-cache search azureus yet?07:55
desertclinux_: you were just in here yesterday asking about that!07:55
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dissectionIs there a way how I can get output from specific line numbers using grep or something similar?07:55
tijnMeyvn: just normal updates no dist upgrade07:55
Piddytijn yeah I did.. It says it found it, but I don't know where it is.07:55
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imbecilelinux_,  join #compiz-ffusion07:55
tijnpiddy: type: apt-get install azureus07:55
Meyvntijn: hmm, network related patches?07:55
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imbecileerr #compiz-fusion07:56
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Matic`MakovecHow come there is no update Java on apt? Should I maybe add some mirrors?07:56
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tijnMeyvn: i dont know actually.07:56
xerawxPiddy: no offense but are you *sure* you need Azureus?07:56
Piddytijn: Couldn't I have done that without downloading it first? O.o07:56
Dave132desertc,I am upgrading my sound card in ubuntu, any sound cards you recommend?07:56
baptiste_hi i'm french and you ?07:56
xerawxPiddy: it's like the worst, slowest torrent app ever07:56
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tijnPiddy: yes :D07:56
Piddyxerawx: You know bout any better programs?07:56
imbecilepiddy, why dont you just install with synaptic? its really easy07:56
desertcDave132: http://www.linuxgamingworld.com/2007/06/alsa07:56
xerawxPiddy: Deluge, ktorrent, rtorrent, qbittorrent07:56
AviAtriXso if i succeede in instaling ubuntu could i somewhol menaje the keyboard to work07:56
tijnMeyvn: but according to ifconfig, and lspci and my modules, it should work07:56
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Piddyxerawx: Which one is best?07:57
Dave132desertc, thanks07:57
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Meyvntijn: check if your settings are ok in System > Administration > Network07:57
xerawxPiddy: I really like Deluge, and ktorrent is quite popular too07:57
linux_desertc , any until now i didnt get answer  . ..07:57
imbecilePiddy:  ktorrent is good07:57
Piddyk, thanks guys07:57
desertcPiddy: Are you using kUbuntu?07:58
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PiddyNope, ubuntu07:58
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tijnMeyvn: checking atm (never used that btw) :D07:58
desertcPiddy: Just use the default. But fix the maxport setting07:58
Meyvntijn: perhaps praying to the Network Gods helps too!07:58
Piddymaxport setting? how?07:58
PiddyWhat is that?07:58
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desertcpiddy: google it07:58
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AviAtriXis there enyone that will answer to my queston ..07:59
dissectionIs there a way how I can get output from specific line numbers using grep or something similar?07:59
desertcAviAtriX: I did07:59
tijnMeyvn: who do you think i am? ;) cant pray to myself :D07:59
AviAtriXso im not going to use ubuntu right ?07:59
FurryNemesisAviAtriX, depends on your question07:59
Meyvntijn: ;)07:59
desertcpiddy: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-179933.html07:59
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AviAtriXhmm .. i remember .. 2 months ago  tryed the liveCd of 6.10 and the kb was wotking perfectly08:00
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tijnMeyvn: iam trying manuel config atm08:02
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tijnno luck though08:02
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fatbrainAny good handwriting recognition software available for Ubuntu?08:02
IndyLucianI am having trouble with VNC in the aspect that when I scroll the window down to see the lower portion of the remote screen, I cannot scroll back up. This is the same when scrolling to the right.08:02
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K-4Uhello, is anyone here?08:03
IndyLucianHow do I fix this08:03
tijnthere is something i noticed, suddenly i have avahi installed, some mDNS thingie, i know nothing about it, but it is there08:03
Meyvntijn: no clue what that is08:03
K-4Ucan somebody tell me how to enable 3d-rendering?08:03
desertc!ask |K-4U08:03
ubotuK-4U: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:03
tijnme neither.. should i just apt-get remove --purge?08:03
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K-4Ualready did;)08:03
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K-4Uhow do i enable 3d-rendering?08:04
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JopieI'm having problems with my network connection - the connections to the mirrors time out, but I am able to resolve ip-addresses and ping google.com and such08:04
Jopieany ideas?08:04
desertcK-4U: 3D rendering is enabled when you have drivers for your 3D card08:04
K-4Uokay, ty desertc08:04
desertcJopie: That is not really clear08:05
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IndyLucianK-4U, if you cannot run anything that uses 3d, you might try checking your restricted drivers manager08:05
Rayyanbonjour bap08:05
IndyLucianSystem->Administration->Restricted Drivers08:05
Rayyanoops wrong client :P08:05
ryphixI'm having a problem where linux won't boot if the IDE cable is plugged into my CD-ROM drive?  Is it common?08:05
Jopiedesertc: sorry, I meant that when running apt-get it fails to connect to the archive server, but it does say Connecting to nl.archive.ubuntu.com ([ip here] )08:06
desertcJopie: You'll have to be more specific on what the issue is - but it is likely that we can't help fix issues that are not specific to the Ubuntu frontend08:06
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hwilderyphix, you probably have primary/secondary master/slave conflicts on the cable so it is not recognizing yoru harddrive08:06
Rayyanif i want to run exe files, should i install wine or is there another better software?08:06
desertcJopie: Have you tried a different archive server?  Sometimes the servers have problems or are overloaded08:06
hwilde!wine | Rayyan08:06
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ubotuRayyan: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:06
pantelHi, I looking at buying an HP destop PC and would like to install Kubuntu on it. Do you know if ubuntu will run on it? The motherboard is ASUS IPILP-LC. Has anyone had experience with it?08:06
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hwilde!hardware | pantel08:07
K-4Uindylucian: Okay, let's see... a friend of mine told me that i should enable that first, before i'd try to use compiz08:07
ubotupantel: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:07
tijnMeyvn: well pruged it :) rebooting atm..08:07
kduboisRayyan: most windows programs have a comprable linux equivilent... unless its games, of course...08:07
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ryphixhwilde, i have two hard drive and on a seperate cable i have the cd rom08:07
Meyvntijn: k08:07
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N[i] Xhello...   when i try to put 3d mode on my gnu chess app it gives me this: Your system does not have the required software to enable 3D mode. Please contact your system administrator and ask them to install the OpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings.    i cant find the packages though.. what do i do?08:07
tijnmaybe i just fried my nic.. :S08:07
hwilderyphix, when they are all plugged in does the bios recognize all the devices08:07
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ryphixwindows boots fine08:08
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hwilde!fixgrub | ryphix08:08
uboturyphix: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:08
Rayyanyeah dubois08:08
hwilderyphix, grub probably needs the hda/hdb/hdc/hdd specification corrected.  when you plugin the cdrom it is probably changing the order of the drives08:08
ryphixI haven't lost grub08:08
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code08:08
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ryphixokay, ill look into that08:09
Rayyanbut for example my samsung phone doesnt have linux software for it08:09
Rayyanso im gonna need wine08:09
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hwilderyphix, primary master should be hda, primary slave hdb, secondar master hdc, secondary slave hdd.  this has to be specific in grub and could be changing with the cdrom connected08:10
Jopiewhere can I find a list of ubuntu respitories / alternatives?08:10
ryphixnot even the live cd will boot when the cd rom is plugged in08:10
ryphixi get an ata2 error08:10
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N[i] Xhello...   when i try to put 3d mode on my gnu chess app it gives me this: Your system does not have the required software to enable 3D mode. Please contact your system administrator and ask them to install the OpenGL Python bindings and the GtkGLExt Python bindings.    i cant find the packages though.. what do i do?08:11
pantelDid anyone have experience with HP Pavillion A6100Y? Or HP/Compaq name: Lancaster-GL6? Motherboard ASUS IPILP-LC?08:11
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desertcJopie: I do not have an answer for that question, but I think you should be more explicit in what you are asking to find when you ask that question again.08:11
digbuntuany of you use reconstructor08:12
digbuntuhaving issues08:12
K-4Uhmm, yet again i ask->How do i enable 3d rendering?08:12
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dissectionHow do I get the full name of the month? I know I have to use %B with the date command but I don't know how :S08:12
ryphixhwilde, /bin/sh/:can't access tty job control turned off08:12
desertck-4u: You need to be more specific in your question, because we're obviously not answering what you are wondering.08:12
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Jopiedesertc: well, if one respistory is not connecting, I need to use another one right?08:13
Yarcanoxwhat do I need to sudo to restart alsa08:13
hwilderyphix, that is odd...08:13
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Justi1what should I do if I turn on my computer and the bios does not load?08:13
K-4Uryphix: I'd like to use compiz. but ubuntu won't enable it08:13
DiaManTe`ReaLalguien habla espaol?08:13
hwilde!sudo | Yarcanox08:13
ubotuYarcanox: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:13
LucidFoxhow do I input Japanese with scim/skim?08:13
Yarcanoxwhat do I need to sudo to restart alsa08:13
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desertcjopie: I just mean to say that you should be saying, "installation repository for a new Ubuntu install" - otherwise, people might think you are adding a repository for third-party software08:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about date - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:13
Meyvn!time | dissection08:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about time - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:14
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Meyvnstupid bot08:14
Yarcanoxsudo rcalsasound restart worked for suse08:14
dissectionHow do I get the full name of the month? I know I have to use %B with the date command but I don't know how :S08:14
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Yarcanoxwhat is it for ubuntu?08:14
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=== desertc ignores dissection.
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bios - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:14
PiddyDoes anyone know where ktorrent is located? It's installed, but I don't know the location of it.,08:14
hwildeYarcanox, sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart    I think08:14
dissectionWhy, thank you.08:14
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hwildePiddy, sudo updatedb;  locate ktorrent08:14
Jopiedesertc: ok where can I find a different installation repository for a new Ubuntu Install?  Rhe nl.archive.ubuntu.org default for me isn't working for me08:15
desertcPiddy: Not using gnome-btdownload ?08:15
Yarcanoxthx hwilde08:15
Yarcanoxit worked08:15
desertcJopie: That sounds about right!08:15
=== RequinB4 [n=bobby@c-75-75-78-164.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PiddyDesertc: nope.. ktorrent.. Couldn't find gnome-btdownload:P08:15
hwildedissection, date +%B08:15
Yarcanoxbut hwilde I have still no sound o.O08:16
dissectionoh, thanks, hwilde08:16
Yarcanoxwhat happened before: I used timidity08:16
hwildeYarcanox, run alsamixer and turn up the volume and unmute08:16
Yarcanoxsometimes when closing it and opening an other midi, the sound stops08:16
Piddyhwilde, the command didn't work.08:16
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desertcPiddy: It's called "bittorrent" in synaptic08:16
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YarcanoxI can't play anything in timidity anymore, same for amarok etc (which worked everything before)08:16
RequinB4I'm still trying to fix my sound as well - I installed alsa, unmuted everything and upped volume in alsamixer08:16
Yarcanoxand hwilde I have already tried the alsamixer08:16
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Piddydesertc, what, ktorrent or the other one+08:16
desertcPiddy: Don't screw up GNOME by adding KDE applications!08:16
hwildeYarcanox, lspci -v    does it show your sound card?08:17
Yarcanoxcan't get it working again except restarting my computer :(08:17
Piddydesertc: :O08:17
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RequinB4it says i have 2 sound cards in 0 and 108:17
desertcPiddy: Use "bittorrent" package in Synapitc.08:17
Yarcanoxyep it does08:17
Yarcanoxseeing my soundcard there08:17
herbaliserhi i have a dell inspiron 9400 laptop with nvidia geforce 7200 and i would like to use tv-out how do i do this in ubuntu?08:17
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Jaredanyone have a link on how to actually use dvd:;rip or Acidrip?08:18
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RequinB4I have the same problem as Yarconox08:18
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cridivaalguien habla en espaol08:18
big_fat_liarHey look, its the Subway guy!08:18
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desertcJared: copy protected or not?08:18
K-4Ucann somebody please tell me how to enable 3d rendering for compiz?08:18
JaredI dunno :(08:18
JaredThe Last Mimsy08:18
Piddydesertc, what's the diff between GNOME and KDE?08:18
Yarcanoxthis is the second time this happens08:18
JaredI know nothign about dvd's other than they are split into titles08:18
Yarcanoxand it only happened while using timidity and closing it and opening another midi file...08:18
PiddyI forgot what gnome is08:19
desertcpiddy: Ubuntu is all GNOME08:19
big_fat_liarPiddy, Go look at screen shots and google both of them.08:19
K-4U cann somebody please tell me how to enable 3d rendering for compiz?08:19
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hwilde!compiz | K-4U08:19
ubotuK-4U: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:19
hwilde!repeat | K-4U08:19
ubotuK-4U: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:19
Jareddesertc, how can I check to see if it is or not?08:19
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RequinB4well I don't have sound out of the box08:19
K-4U... thnx...08:19
hwildeYarcanox, kill timidity and see if it releases your sound08:19
desertcjared: What does the DVD say on it?08:19
Piddybig_fat_liar what screenshots?08:19
big_fat_liarPiddy, Of GNOME and KDE.08:20
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YarcanoxI thought it would be stopped with the GUI too08:20
Yarcanoxbut this helped now08:20
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hwildeYarcanox, ps -ef | grep -i timidity08:20
Yarcanoxso at least there was still a background process running08:20
hwildethere u go08:20
JaredI dont;' have the case...but the cd says "MMNI New line productions inc. MMMI new line hom eentertainment inc all rights reserved08:20
Yarcanoxthx hwilde08:20
herbaliseri have a nvidia gforce 7200 with tv-out on my laptop how do i redirect the screen to the tv in Ubuntu?08:20
digbuntutrying to get help in  ##reconstructor for http://pastebin.com/d266e8d3108:20
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:20
digbuntusome one read and help please08:21
hwilde!dualhead | herbaliser08:21
desertcJared: Then it is copy protected.  My government prevents me from discussing electronic circumvention of DRM restrictions, including those of DVD copy protection.08:21
ubotuherbaliser: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama08:21
RequinB4I've looked at all of those pages the bot kindly put up08:21
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hwildeRequinB4, run "lspci -v"  "lshw"  and "dmesg"  and see if it is even recognizing your hardware.08:21
ferronicaIs there any way to play video format -----> NSV08:22
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Justi1what should I do if th BIOS does not load?08:22
adam0509http://games.slashdot.org/games/07/08/05/1951243.shtml <= hey did you see that ?08:23
bobgillWhat prog can I use to take some .vob video files and make a DVD out of them ??08:23
fruitbatJimhow do you get echo to write on the current line?08:23
desertcJusti1: Burn a new BIOS08:23
adam0509funny, cause Valve closed a topic about steam and linux on steampowered.com...08:23
PiddyGuys, when I maximize some windows, they go all black. HAppens sometimes when I open random stuff like my homefolder... how do I fix this?08:23
Justi1desertc: how do I do that?08:23
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desertcadam0509: Old news - was fixed a long time ago08:23
ferronicaIs there any way to play video format -----> NSV08:24
desertcPiddy: Using Beryl ?08:24
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adam0509desertc, I think you didn't click on the link...08:24
Justi1desertc: how do I do that?08:24
desertcJusti1: depends on your BIOS.  I'm no expert in the matter08:24
desertcadam0509: Why do you think that?08:24
Justi1desertc: do I make a cd?08:24
Justi1desertc: or a floppy?08:24
RequinB4hwilde - yes my audio device is registering08:24
Piddydesertc: Compiz Fusion.08:24
desertcJusti1: That's a question for your motherboard manufacturer or hardware reseller08:25
adam0509desertc,  cause the link talks about dosbox and steam, not about steam and linux...08:25
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desertcPiddy: That's a well known issue - google, "nvidia black window"08:25
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Rockinghorse/me is gone...but he'll be baack...08:25
desertcadam0509: I know what it talks about, I read this last night08:25
Rockinghorse/me is gone...but he'll be baack...08:25
adam0509k... :)08:25
Rockinghorse/me is back.08:25
RequinB4hwilde: those commands register the audio defice as there08:25
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desertcadam0509: The more interesting news about Steam is that the CEO used to be a Vice-President at Microsoft08:26
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desertcadam0509: And that's why we'll never see Steam for Mac or Linux08:26
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Piddydesertc: I didn't find any solutions.. Just a bunch of info on german-.-08:27
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hwildeRequinB4, I would google on that specific hardware see if anybody else had issues08:27
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desertcPiddy: Post your question in the Answers section of Launchpad08:27
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RiCCo69how do I know which kernal upgrade I need for ndiswrapper08:28
RiCCo69I dont even know what a kernal is08:28
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Matic`MakovecHey again. I obviusly have 2 Javas installed. One is j2re an old version but apt has no newer and the other one is sun-java6. Now the "primary" seems to be the old one so I'm woundering if there's  a way of changing that?08:29
Piddydesertc: Meh, I'll just ask my brother in law when he gets online.. He has 8 years experience with linux, so:P08:29
Piddydesertc A lot easier:P08:29
tijnhow do i setup an nic with only ifconfig?08:29
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tijnfor example eth0 with dhcp08:30
desertcPiddy: You're welcome.08:30
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RiCCo69damn it08:30
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Piddydesertc: ty=)08:30
AstuteCatquick question -- is there a tool / utility for configuring a mouse with more than the standard 3 buttons + scroll wheel? I have a MS wireless laser mouse and i'd hate for the buttons to go to waste, hehe.08:30
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desertc/ignores RiCCo6908:31
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Piddydesertc: Anyway.. A size of a movie.. Would that be around 600-700 MB?08:31
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EvanLughHey, how can I get rid of ubuntu, and grub but without formatting my other partition?08:31
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RockinghorseRiCCo69: have you figured out ur nic yet?08:31
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RiCCo69I've been working on my laptop for 2 days now trying to get ubuntu installed. It's installed but I cant get my wirless card to work.08:32
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RiCCo69I found out ndiswrapper suppports it08:32
RiCCo69but now I cant get ndiswrapper to make it self in the terminal08:32
RockinghorseYea, it's a hassle sumtimes.  Just get one that works.  I could recommend several08:32
RequinB4argh - well the worst part about my problem is that it needs an update that isn't here yet to fix08:32
RequinB4i'll just have to wait08:32
big_fat_liarRiCCo69, Maybe try openSUSE instead.  Its supposed to have better laptop support.  I think the install is easier than Ubuntu as well.08:32
K-41can somebody tell me how to get 3d-rendering working?08:33
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RockinghorseXandros is great for lappies, too, if you don't mind the bloat08:33
unimatrix9RiCCo69 what card is it?08:33
big_fat_liarSorry, I meant that to EvanLugh not Ricco.08:33
profanephobiacan anyone here help me with particle disassembly?08:33
Rockinghorseand the proprietary08:33
desertcK-41: #ubuntu-effects is the channel in which you should be asking08:33
AstuteCatAnyone able to help with my mouse?08:33
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K-41i want Compiz to work. but when i select it in the System menu, it doesn work08:33
K-41okay, ty desert08:33
desertcAstuteCat: Sure, soot.08:33
big_fat_liarEvanLugh, Try openSUSE instead of Ubuntu.08:33
profanephobiaAstuteCat, whats it doing08:34
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EvanLughbig_fat_liar; I have done, but I'm getting the same problems with my network.08:34
RiCCo69broadcom BCM431808:34
unimatrix9RiCCo69 usb , intern . ..pci?08:34
AstuteCatoh, it works fine -- it's just that it's got a few extra buttons that i'd like to have in play.08:34
desertcprofanephobia: You want to ask your question in #ubuntu-supercollider08:34
profanephobiadesertc, lol08:34
big_fat_liarEvanLugh, You installed openSUSE?08:34
Piddysyo profanephobia=)08:34
EvanLughbig_fat_liar about 5 months ago..08:34
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profanephobiait was worth a shot to ask lol never know08:35
desertcAstuteCat: Google "ubuntu 5 button mouse"08:35
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AstuteCatdesertc: wilco :)08:35
unimatrix9RiCCo69 version of ubuntu?08:35
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desertc!mouse AstuteCat08:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mouse astutecat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:35
desertcAstuteCat: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.MouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.MouseHowto08:36
boxrockcan someone tell me how to get widescreen resolutions set for my monitor? (the screen resolution pulldown only has fullscreen)08:36
unimatrix9RiCCo69 did you read this ?08:36
ferronicaIs there any way to play video format -----> NSV08:36
Piddyprofanephobia, does 600-700MB sound right when it comes to a size of a movie?08:36
unimatrix9i know its for edgy, but might give some insight08:36
big_fat_liarEvanLugh, You need to make a partition boot disk and do it with that, its possible.08:36
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desertcWhy was !mouse removed from ubotu???08:36
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profanephobiapiddy 700MB for highly compressed but yeah08:36
profanephobiadesertc,  it didnt seperate the name from the 1mouse part use the pipe08:37
big_fat_liarboxrock, What video card?08:37
boxrockbig_fat_liar: via08:37
desertcprofanephobia: ooooh... ty08:37
RiCCo69yeah I did that08:37
RiCCo69it installed my card but08:37
EvanLughbig_fat_liar: But i need to get rid of ubuntu and grub first.. on my mbr08:37
profanephobiadesertc, np08:37
desertc!mouse |AstuteCat08:37
RiCCo69I can see my networks08:37
RiCCo69but I cant access them08:37
big_fat_liarEvanLugh, Super Grub disk will let you fix that.08:37
ubotuAstuteCat: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto08:37
EvanLughbig_fat_liar; yeah i'm downloading that now actually08:38
AstuteCatdesertc: yup, got there... i may come back to ask a coupla questions though hehe08:38
edsonsomebody uses font X11? example: lime, shine, edges...08:38
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parker01_RiCCo69: what do you meant you can not access them? your wifi cant connect to the AP?08:38
desertcAstuteCat: Feel free - I hope next year you will be back again to answer some questions, too!!!08:38
profanephobiai was having problems installing that font library08:38
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desertc!fonts |edson08:39
ubotuedson: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer08:39
AstuteCatdesertc: that doesn't fill me with confidence lol.08:39
big_fat_liarboxrock, Did you install the latest driver's for it?08:39
RiCCo69see's it but it cant connect08:39
dissectionIs there something like 'head' and 'tail' that gives output of online 1 line?08:39
unimatrix9RiCCo69 does the connection manager prompt you for password, or wpa?08:39
desertcAstuteCat: You don't think you will learn Linux in a year?08:39
Matic`MakovecHey again. I obviusly have 2 Javas installed. One is j2re an old version but apt has no newer and the other one is sun-java6. Now the "primary" seems to be the old one so I'm woundering if there's  a way of changing that?08:39
RiCCo69did some research ndiswrapper syas it has prob with generic driver so I have to try a diff driver08:39
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ZmaXHi all. I installed MythTV back and front-end but, launching the front-end and trying watch tv, it says me that probably the server is not running or the ip address is wrong. I setup ip address and, maybe, the server is running... Someone could help me please? (I already followed MythTV documentation)08:39
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ferronicaunable to paste ubuntu data to windows hdd ?08:40
K-41Can anybody tell me how to enable 3d rendering for linux?08:40
AstuteCatdesertc: oh, I know my way around it, more-or-less ... just some things trip me up a little every now-and-then :)08:40
boxrockbig_fat_liar: i followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome08:40
desertc!mythtv |zmax08:40
ubotuzmax: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV08:40
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big_fat_liarMatic,  Did you go through the installation process for Java?08:40
profanephobiaferronica youll need an app to write to ntfs08:40
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big_fat_liarboxrock, My widescreen monitor was a bitch to set up.  :)08:40
ZmaXdesertc, thanks!08:40
xtknightMatic`Makovec, look up the update-alternatives command08:40
Matic`Makovecbig_fat_liar, I installed it with Synaptic08:40
ferronicaprofanephobia: mounting08:41
unimatrix9RiCCo69 there is an other read on this webiste for your card http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=313364808:41
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profanephobiaferronica im trying to remember the apps name08:41
desertc!multijava |Matic`Makovec08:41
ubotuMatic`Makovec: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives08:41
unimatrix9but you might have seen it already08:41
boxrockbig_fat_liar: none of my xorg.conf files have the resolutions in the admin pull down, i wish i knew where it was getting them...08:41
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Matic`MakovecThank you very much desertc, xtknight, big_fat_liar08:41
ferronicaprofanephobia: right now only read no write08:41
RiCCo69thanx I'll read ity08:42
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profanephobiaferronica one sec08:42
ferronicaprofanephobia: ok08:42
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desertcAstuteCat: We always appreciate the support.  It's great to get people going on Free Software.08:42
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big_fat_liarboxrock, Yeah,  did that OpenChrome package come with a config file?  Nvidia drivers have their own config file that's how I added different resolutions.08:42
unimatrix9RiCCo69 : an other thing you could try ( before manual hacking ) is to disable roaming , and the set up wireless with the other network manager, in the system menu08:42
boxrock /join #ubuntu-server08:43
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big_fat_liarsomething like:  openchrome-config08:43
boxrocki did a make install ....08:43
delmar i want work to add amazigh language ( nord of africa  origine poeple 's language ) to ubuntu  who to do that08:43
unimatrix9RiCCo69 :  once setup , you add the gnome applet for network monitoring from the add to gnome menu08:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about l18n - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:44
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profanephobiaferronica, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21700908:44
AstuteCatdesertc: :) I have had a linux system for a while now ... my biggest problem with it was getting WiFi to work, but, with the progress that ndiswrapper has had now, it all works now, even with network-manager :D08:44
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desertcdelmar: Ubuntu has very strong language support - I don't have the details on setting it up, but I know you can do it.08:45
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unimatrix9i wonder why xboard with chess is taking up 100% of my cpu power , that for sure needs to be fixed by the developers08:45
unimatrix9such an simple game at such load its a shame...08:46
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hybirdbehey ,after installing lamp , where do i put my files ( i dont find htdocs :()08:46
desertcunimatrix9: Have you contacted the developers with your question?08:46
unimatrix9i treid to find them..08:46
desertc!lamp |hybirdbe08:46
ubotuhybirdbe: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:46
delmar<desertc>  at now i  hvae  install fonts of tifinagh (amazigh)08:46
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profanephobiadesertc, one day ubotu will say LAMP: makes light08:47
desertc!fonts |delmar08:47
ubotudelmar: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer08:47
hybirdbei don't find where htdocs is :(08:47
hybirdbewiki dusnt help08:47
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jackQuick question... Is it possible to set up RAID-5 on ubuntu without touching command line? Similiar to Disk manager on windows?08:47
profanephobiahybirdbe, its in /var/www/08:47
desertchybirdbe: This isn't the place to ask about database issues08:47
RiCCo69hey I have to d-load that deb it's asking what version dapper, fiestyy gutsy or edge.. I have ubuntu 7.04 installed any help?08:47
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RiCCo69does it even ,matter08:47
hybirdbewow that isn't a db issue ;)08:48
ubuntu__hi every one08:48
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profanephobiahybirdbe, www = htdocs08:48
desertcprofanephobia: your just encouraging them08:48
hybirdbehehe :p08:48
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profanephobiadesertc, im the enabler lol08:48
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airstrikehow can i mount my vista partition automatically during boot?08:49
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unimatrix9feisty fawn is 7.0408:49
erUSULjack: maybe with the evms tools... http://evms.sourceforge.net/08:49
RiCCo69do i just guess08:49
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profanephobiaairstrike http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21700908:49
ubuntu__i am new to linux and i am astonished by it is facilites08:49
edsonsomebody uses font X11, example: lime, shine, edges for aterm or xterm?08:49
ghatak_mobileHi, i can not get my mic to work, I have tried every trick in forums. Updated alsa to latest version, fiddled with /etc/modprobde.d/alsa-base but no use. I have a Dell 520 which has Intel ICH8 chipset. And before you ask, i have checked all possible settings in Alsamixer to enable capture. Please help me.08:49
desertcubuntu__: Free Software -- so sexy.08:49
unimatrix9RiCCo69 feisty fawn is 7.0408:49
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desertcghatak_mobile: It is most likely muted08:50
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ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents08:50
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hwildeRiCCo69, unimatrix9,  lsb_release -a08:50
ghatak_mobiledesertc: no it is not, i have pressed M to verify that it is not muted..... any other way to check if it is muted ?08:50
desertcghatak_mobile: Your best route for support is to go into the #alsa channel.  But they will probably tell you the mic is muted.08:50
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unimatrix9ah !08:50
desertcghatak_mobile: type: amixer and look at the results08:51
desertcghatak_mobile: Ubuntu mutes the mic in a bunch of places - if you miss any of them, then your mic stays muted08:51
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x_i have some video files (ASF)   with which program i can open them ?!!!!08:51
profanephobiaubuntu doesnt want to hear you talk08:52
herbalisermplayer x08:52
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x_mplayer didn't worked08:52
hwilde!restricted | x_08:52
ubotux_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:52
desertc!asf |x_08:52
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profanephobia!offtopic | profanephobia (there i did it myself)08:52
ubotuprofanephobia (there i did it myself): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:52
x_yeah   ASF format08:52
ghatak_mobiledesertc: Ok, it is not muted in amixer, where else should i check ?08:52
desertcghatak_mobile: these are questions for the #alsa channel - support of alsa is beyond the scope of this channel.08:53
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:53
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desertcI have already tried getting Ubuntu to make the mic turned on by default, but many do not want to enable that functionality -- so -- not an ubuntu issue.08:54
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hwildeit could create intefernce and feedback and blow out your speakers.  so it is disabled by default period08:54
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ghatak_mobiledesertc: ok08:55
ghatak_mobilewill request there08:55
desertchwilde: That's fine - but as you can see, enabling a mic is a royal pain in the butt.  Ubuntu makes no effort to empower the user to use it.08:55
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desertchwilde: It would be one thing if the record mic volume was turned down to 0 by default, but it is muted in a half dozen places.  No documentation or process how to enable it, either.08:56
hwildedesertc, well it is open source and there is a wiki so nothing is stopping you from making a howto for everyone instead of just complaining08:56
desertchwilde: I'm not complaining.  I'm pointing out the state of things.08:57
hwildewrite a howto and post it on the wiki.08:57
hwildethen we can train ubotu and just tell people !mic08:57
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marti149how can I force remove a package with errors?08:58
desertchwilde: I am already fighting my battle on getting Ubuntu to have DVD playback turned on by default.  Thanks, but I feel like I am doing enough already.08:58
vbcan I run Beryl on Intel 810 chipset ?08:59
marti149tried apt-get remove vmware-player but keep getting errors08:59
hwildemarti149, remove --purge08:59
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C-{pR0FI want to make the Konquer the default file browser instead of the nautilus, is there  a way to do that without switching to KDE?08:59
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profanephobiaC-{pR0F, eww lol08:59
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Cod1when I type make, to compile a program from source, it gives me this..09:00
Cod1make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.09:00
desertcmarti149: How did you install it?09:00
C-{pR0Fprofanephobia: is it Impossible :D09:00
hwildeCod1, ./configure before you make09:00
Cod1I did09:00
desertcvb: Ask in #ubuntu-effects09:00
hwilde!beryl | vb09:00
ubotuvb: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects09:00
jribCod1: what are you compiling?09:00
Cod1but it happends on everything now09:00
jrib!info pork | Cod109:01
ubotucod1: pork: Console-based AOL Instant Messenger & IRC client. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 242 kB, installed size 1608 kB09:01
Cod1I know09:01
desertcCod1: you probably do not want to be compiling packages with ubuntu - have you checked for similar resources in synaptic?09:01
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Cod1but I can't .deb it09:01
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jribCod1: no need to compile, just install it from the universe repository using your favorite package manager09:01
Cod1my synaptics fucked up atm09:01
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hwildemarti149, apt-get remove --purge -y -f --force-yes vmware-player09:01
hwilde!language | Cod109:01
ubotuCod1: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:01
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jribCod1: ok, what's the issue with synaptics?09:01
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tijnis ther any way i can test my network adapter?09:01
RequinB4I'm considering installing java package on my ubuntu machine - I heard that it comes with java out of the box, is this the one I should install or is there a better version/way09:01
benihow can I record music, for example VLC streams in ubuntu?09:01
marti149YES! it finally worked! thanks hwilde!09:01
Cod1I tried to install virtualbox but it didn't load, I retarted, and now everytime I open it it says I need to reinstall virtualbox, because its messed up09:01
hwildeRequinB4, synaptics has java packages.09:02
Cod1even if I try to access a .deb through terminal I says that09:02
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hwildeCod1, apt-get remove -f virtualbox09:02
RequinB4Yes, I just saw somewhere it was inferior09:02
RequinB4just double checking?09:02
Cod1E: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.09:02
jribCod1: did you download the virtualbox .deb?09:02
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jribCod1: do: sudo dpkg -i /path/to/virtualboxdeb09:03
Cod1dpkg: error processing /path/to/virtualboxdeb (--install):09:03
Cod1 cannot access archive: No such file or directory09:03
Cod1Errors were encountered while processing:09:03
Cod1 /path/to/virtualboxdeb09:03
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hwildeCod1, apt-get remove -f virtualbox09:03
Cod1did it09:03
RockinghorseCod1: dpkg -C for system audit09:03
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Cod1E: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.09:03
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jribCod1: did what?  you need to address people or we will get lost :)09:04
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Cod1he told me to apt-remove something09:04
Cod1E: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.09:04
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jribCod1: you need to replace /path/to/virtualboxdeb" with the actual path to the virtual box deb in my command...09:04
Cod1oh ;x hld on09:04
Cod1I opend the .deb09:05
Cod1should I redownload it and save09:05
jribCod1: where is it located?09:05
Cod1I opend it when I downloaded it09:05
Cod1should I just save it?09:05
jribCod1: yeah09:05
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steel_ladywhich is the paste bin link?09:07
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jribsteel_lady: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org but it's in the /topic too09:07
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hwilde!find virtualbox feisty09:07
ubotuPackage/file virtualbox does not exist in feisty09:07
Cod1sudo dpkg -i /home/code/Desktop/virtualbox_1.4.0-21864_Ubuntu_feisty_i386.deb09:07
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Cod1ok, I did it09:08
alwrwr2003helooooooooooo all09:08
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unagifor the record i love compiz-fusion09:08
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jribCod1: you should get some kind of prompt that you need to agree to09:08
liifewhat is the file name for the background image?09:08
desertc!hi alwrwr200309:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi alwrwr2003 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:08
Cod1how do I accept?09:08
jribCod1: try tab and then enter09:08
desertc!hi |alwrwr200309:08
ubotualwrwr2003: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:08
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desertcunagi: Noted.09:08
shk1hi is there any way to add an entire folder to the wallpaper selection - or where may i find the default wallpaper folder?09:08
jribliife: doesn't have to be named anything, just right click on your desktop and go to properties to set it09:08
alwrwr2003welocome all09:09
liifeno i want to know what the file is so i can save it and use it for a different OS09:09
Cod1ok it succeeded09:09
desertc!ask |alwrwr200309:09
ubotualwrwr2003: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:09
jribCod1: k, now install pork:  sudo aptitude install pork09:09
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jribliife: it's in /usr/share/backgrounds/ I believe09:09
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Cod1appreciate it jrib, thanks a lot09:09
iRRV1hwo would i go about installing windows either from or after linux ?09:09
alwrwr2003are beryl in these system09:09
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big_fat_liaralwrwr, What are you talking about?09:10
cansadocan anyone tell me how to set up eth0 via "ifconfig eth0 inet <ip>" at boot-time ?09:10
DeusEvohi, I just burned myself a bootable CD of 7.04 and although it boots fine, it tells me "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" and leaves me in a busybox command shell.  I googled the issue and it seems that it's somewhat common, but I haven't found any fixes yet09:10
jrib!beryl > alwrwr2003 (see the private message from ubotu)09:10
DeusEvoAny ideas?09:10
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steel_ladyit does not let me copy from the system package update report09:10
Ace2016Hi all09:10
hwildeDeusEvo, did you verify the cd09:10
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=== desertc loves Ubuntu.
alwrwr2003that 3D desktop09:10
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liifejrib: you are correct, that is where it is. thank you09:11
shk1does anyone know if there is a way to perform super user commands from the file manager gui09:11
desertcAce2016: What's up?09:11
iRRV1how would i go about installing windows after linux?09:11
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shk1(ie to delete or move certain files)09:11
DeusEvoBTW, the HDD is NTFS-formatted, but that shouldn't matter, since I'm trying to run a live CD09:12
iRRV1run nautilus as root09:12
jribshk1: gksudo nautilus   but you should never really need this09:12
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shk1ok thank you09:12
desertciRRV1: Ick - what a terrible thing to ask.  But, since you did - Windows will try to take over your hard drive when you install it.09:12
=== ReX0r [n=rex@dD577634D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
lietuit only wont try, it will09:12
hwildeiRRV1, buy a second harddrive and save yourself the headache.09:12
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K-41can anybody help me to get compiz running please? i just keep getting a notification...09:12
iRRV1..so i need a second hd?09:12
iRRV1cause i have one...its just like 5 gb :-/09:13
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desertcK-41: Your 10th time asking this hour.  How many times do we need to answer you?09:13
lietuiRRV1: even if you had the second hdd, you'd need to boot the linux system afterwards with a rescue cd and re-install grub09:13
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K-41err, desertc i'm really sorry.. but i can't remember the channel...09:13
iRRV1so i could use the livecd to do that09:13
lietuwell, that or you'd have to manually choose the boot drive every time you want to boot09:13
lietuiRRV1: propably, just not sure how exactly that would be done09:13
desertcK-41: #ubuntu-effects09:13
hwilde!fixgrub | iRRV109:14
ubotuiRRV1: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:14
jribshk1: with regards to your earlier question, take a look at how the 'ubuntu-calendar' package does it (note that some files may be nsfw but I don't know of other packages right now).  It creates a .xml file in /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/ .  And the user properties about backgrounds are stored in ~/.gnome2/backgrounds.xml09:14
iRRV1lol i could find a tutorial sometimes09:14
K-41ty desertc09:14
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iRRV1thanks hwilde09:14
steel_ladyok, I have serious and annoying problem: every program, system update or enything I try to install I get the same error that you can see if you magnify the screenshot and reed in the black window: http://i10.tinypic.com/4zyhhd2    What can I do???09:14
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shk1thanks jrib09:14
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eifzonhmm, I just installed XP on my other hdd, and when I am starting my computer, I am not seeing the option to choose win09:15
hat0i have a very basic question:  is there any difference between what's added in Add/Remove programs and the synaptic package manager?09:15
hwildesteel_lady, you must define the interface in /etc/default/upnpd like it says in the error message.09:15
hwilde!fixgrub | eifzon09:16
ubotueifzon: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:16
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eifzonhwilde: but i got lilo09:16
jribhat0: nope, they install the same packages09:16
Ace2016desertc: well i came here to ask a question but it might be kde specific so i'll ask in #kubuntu09:16
desertcOT: Today, Consumer Reports reported Americans lost $7 billion in last two years due to malware, trojans, spyware, viruses, and zombie bots.  None of which effect Ubuntu, btw.09:16
hat0jrib, thanks very much for the info!09:16
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DeusEvohwilde: yes, I did (when I burned it, my burning software verified it),  If I try to verify the CD from the live CD menu, i get the same error09:16
steel_ladyhwilde I do not have any idea what does it mean defining the interface09:16
Vinchenzo28how do i gain permissions to drop a folder in /usr/share/xmms/Skins ??09:16
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desertcAce2016: Okay, good luck getting an answer, sir.09:16
hat0also, i commend you all on a fine linux distribution and a fine community.  the fedora people are jerks compared to you all.09:16
jribVinchenzo28: why not just use ~/.xmms/Skins ?09:16
DeusEvoI think I found my issue here: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problems_with_SATA_and_Linux#DVD_drive_not_recognized09:16
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profanephobiahat0, were to humble to accept that lol09:17
hwildesteel_lady, well you should google that and hope somebody else knows09:17
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hwilde!sudo | Vinchenzo2809:17
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ubotuVinchenzo28: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:17
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steel_ladyhwilde, I came here hoping that somebody knows09:18
Vinchenzo28ok got it thanks everyone09:18
hat0profanephobia, no, seriously, i was shopping around for a new distribution after some 10 years of using slackware, and the fedora people were very rude when i had my stupid questions about using these "modern" linux distributions with their real package managers.09:18
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marti149how do you reconfigure a ubuntu package09:18
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hwildesteel_lady, that is pretty obscure - better luck typing that error msg into google.09:18
hat0ubuntu is just a bunch of nice people09:18
hat0so, good on all of you09:18
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hwildehat0, the redhat and fc people are jealous of apt...09:19
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profanephobiahat0 why the switch from slackware09:19
imbecileanybody know of any poker games for linux?09:19
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:20
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jrib!source > marti149 (see the private message from ubotu)09:20
tdoggetteDoes anyone know how to make a laptop touchpad NOT click when tapped?09:21
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luigi_Bjoin #ubuntu-it09:21
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orange__How i convert mp3 to wav.09:21
tdoggetteluigi_B, me?09:22
Cod1When I try to play WMV's my players close09:22
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Cod1ju help09:22
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jribtdoggette: read the article and comment 25 at http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/03/24/disable-synaptics-touchpad/09:22
luigi_Bno, sorry.. another channel09:22
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tdoggettejrib, thanks09:23
Vinchenzo28im using Ubuntu fiesty 7.04 when viewing flash stuff on firefox or using youtube players and such sometimes it doesn't respond to my mouse how can i fix that?09:23
Cod1Me playing WMV's = Players closing09:23
jribtdoggette: you can google those terms in comment 25 too and probably find a better tutorial :)09:23
shriphanii need advice. will the kill process take multiple pid's as an argument and kill them ?09:23
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shriphanii am writing a slay equivalent here.09:23
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jribshriphani: 'man kill' suggests yes09:24
shriphanioh nice.09:24
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BFrankslay, as in qnx slay?09:24
jribshriphani: is this just an exercise?  because slay is packaged in ubuntu's repositories09:24
shriphanijrib: yes.09:24
chikitaHello, mplayer doesnt work since i installed mplayer plugin for firefox, everytime i try to open any file, it displays a message that says: Error opening/initilaizing the selected video_out (-vo) device.09:24
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pyrargentslay kills all of a user's process, right?09:25
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iRRViokay - i have an idea...i use quemu or the like to run my windows install cd09:27
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zxguitarhello there, i use kubuntu, how can i add an application to start when i bootup?09:27
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cod1So yeah. I can't play WMV's & I have no idea why..09:28
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ricco88so i see my nework on the terminal but my connection becon at the top right of the screen disapeard09:28
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ricco88so I cant pick my wirless conection09:28
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jribcod1: do you have mplayer?09:28
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ricco88in the terminal it's all good though09:28
cod1movie player09:28
zxguitarhello there, i use kubuntu, how can i add an application to start when i bootup?09:28
jribcod1: nope, it's different09:29
cod1it shouldn't matter right09:29
cod1I have totem + vlc09:29
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chikitaHello, mplayer doesnt work since i installed mplayer plugin for firefox, everytime i try to open any file, it displays a message that says: Error opening/initilaizing the selected video_out (-vo) device.09:29
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ricco88hmm did i ask a stupid question09:29
Rockinghorsezxguitar: drag and drop to your startup dir09:30
jribcod1: we can try with totem though I don't remember what packages you need to play wmv with totem.  Pastebin the output of 'totem /path/to/some/wmv/file'09:30
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cod1I've installed like09:30
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jribchikita: go to preferences and change the video output09:30
kibadsl down :(09:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:30
chikitai did that jrib09:30
cod1xine, ws3codecs, gstreamer, everythingggg09:30
chikitastill the same message09:30
jribchikita: does 'mplayer -vo x11 /path/to/some/video/file' work?09:30
shriphanihmm i need to make a user and slay him for my test app now.09:31
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chikitai put that on terminal jrib?09:31
jribchikita: yep09:31
marti149anyone have php5 running with apache-ssl?09:31
zxguitarRockinghorse: drag and drop??? exactly, what do you mean, drag it where?09:32
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cod1how do I disable putting in the pw for everything09:32
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PriceChildcod1, now why would you want to do that?09:32
Paddy_EIREanyone here know any specific or known usual ways to improve performance09:32
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RockinghorseOh, that's KDE.  Sorry.  Try typing gnome-session-properties at a prompt09:33
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PriceChildcod1, I'd give you 24 hours before your machine breaks if you do that...09:33
cod1why would I want to enter my password every 5 minutes..09:33
zitnerHEY, does anyone know how to get to the  /etc/apt/sources.list   ????09:33
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PriceChildcod1, that's why there's a timeout...09:33
ricco88do I have to uninstall ubuntu and reinstall09:33
PriceChildcod1, if you've used it in the last 15, you don't need to09:33
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Paddy_EIREcod1: why not...does it hurt to type ;)09:33
cod1shouldn't it be optional?09:33
ricco88omg that would suck09:33
jribzitner: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:33
cod1I type enough with linux09:33
StoneNewtis there a way to let *any* user mount a samba share //computer/sharename on /network/computer/sharename ?09:33
PriceChildcod1, why don't you let me install a rootkit while i'm at it?09:34
zitnerTHank you, Jrib.09:34
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ricco88im loosing my mine09:34
Rockinghorsezxguitar: or in menu: SYSTEM/PREFERENCES/SESSIONS09:34
PriceChildcod1, i was being sarcastic...09:34
PrimoTurboI need some help please - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51901609:34
stefg!info fusesmb | StoneNewt09:34
ubotustonenewt: fusesmb: filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5-1 (feisty), package size 26 kB, installed size 140 kB09:34
cod1Everytime I do something in perfs... enter pw... everytime I open my laptop lid.. enter password09:34
PriceChildcod1, and that shows exactly how you shouldn't be doing something like this.09:34
PrimoTurboI need some original icons from ubuntu that I think I deleted09:34
cod1its annoying09:34
PriceChildcod1, Please trust the security in place09:34
PriceChild!sudo | cod109:34
ubotucod1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:34
zxguitarnope, that's not there09:34
cod1I know what sudo is09:34
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PriceChildcod1, read that guide for the beenfits09:34
cod1I'm saying there should be an option for not entering your pass for everything09:35
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Paddy_EIRE!windows | cod109:35
ubotucod1: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents09:35
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zxguitarRockinghorse: no men, this is not gnome, it's KDE, that menu is not here09:35
PriceChildcod1, We are _NOT_ going to help you become attacked/break your system.09:35
stefgcod1: there is actually... but first get used to the Linux way, ok :-)09:35
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nesssyoh crap09:35
RockinghorseOh, you're using Kde.09:35
scorpio40alguien escribe espaol?09:35
PriceChild!es | scorpio4009:35
ubotuscorpio40: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:35
RockinghorseThen you should have a startup folder09:35
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scorpio40ok gracias09:36
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ricco88i'm going to go buy windows vista soon. thanx for your guys help but the closer i get this thing to working the more I want to throw this fuckin thing out a window09:36
cod1is there atleast a way to disable it when re-opening my laptop lid09:36
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Rockinghorsedo you have a ~/.kde/startup folder?09:36
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zxguitarlet me see09:36
deathblooms237how do i start compiz? all i see is manager09:37
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:37
stefgcod1: i think it's in the screensver options09:37
cod1Its not09:37
Paddy_EIREcod1: try power saving options09:38
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cod1Its not09:38
zxguitarok, it's there, how can i add an application09:38
zxguitarto start?09:38
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profanephobiabarf its not start09:38
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finalbeta!synaptic | zxguitar09:39
PriceChildcod1, in system > prefs > screensaver, it has a checkbox for lockign the screen when screensaver comes on09:39
Paddy_EIRE!repositories | zxguitar09:39
GMWeezelHow do I change what sound card my keyboard controls?09:39
Rockinghorsezxguitar: it's ~/.kde/Autostart09:39
ubotuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents09:39
ubotuzxguitar: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto09:39
ubotuzxguitar: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:39
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chikitajrib, does not work...09:39
Rockinghorseis it startup or Autostart?09:39
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jribchikita: pastebin the output09:39
cod1pricechild: its faded out, I can't uncheck it09:40
jrib!pastebin > chikita (see the private message from ubotu)09:40
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hwildecod1, move your mouse off the button then back on09:40
RockinghorseNow make a shortcut item for the app you want to start on your Desktop09:40
cod1err no, its not checked in the first place hold on09:40
zxguitarok, i got it09:40
RockinghorseThen drag the shortcut into the Autostart folder in konqueror.  Then you're good to go.09:40
duggiall my desktop icons and everything are gone09:41
digbuntuneed some reconstructor help09:41
cod1Doesn't work, its not with the screensaver, its when I close the lid on my laptop09:41
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Paddy_EIRE!help | duggi09:41
ubotuduggi: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:41
digbuntuits all jacked up neededing dependancies met09:41
zxguitarok men, thxs09:41
duggii just installed azureus jcg09:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnomee - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:41
diorgenes\join #prado09:41
Paddy_EIRERayyan: what are you lookin for09:42
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.09:42
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ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)09:42
bipolarI'm looking for a way to create a disk image of an Ubuntu install, then have that install reset it's host name and ssh keys when it's copied to a new machine. Does anyone know of a way to do this?09:42
cod1Okay not even Mplayer will play WMV's09:42
JunoCan I play windows based games in Ubuntu? I'd really hate to dualboot just to play games.09:42
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Rayyananyone knows what is it i need to be able to write on all my drives?09:42
hwilde!ghost | bipolar09:42
ubotubipolar: On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>09:42
Paddy_EIRE!cedega | Juno09:42
duggiany help appretiated09:42
ubotuJuno: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega09:42
bipolarhwilde: I'm pretty sure thats not what you meant to do... :)09:43
hwildebipolar, wait that wasn't the right info... what you need is a program like ghost09:43
=== ElementalBelief [n=Elementa@c-75-74-77-35.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
duggiall my icons and trays have disappeared09:43
hwildebipolar, I use G4U  ghost for unix   to replicate machines09:43
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bipolarhwilde: I have that... I use clonezilla09:43
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duggiany body had this before?09:43
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hwildebipolar, but that doesn't do what you want?09:43
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Elive_user8hey guys, i work in a photography shop and we use large tiff files, but they're all on different machines so some kind of wireless print/file server would be cool, can i use a linux box for this type of thing? and would it save fast enough over wireless and would the printers work properly with windows drivers etc09:43
edsonsomebody uses fonts X11 for aterm, xterm, Eterm? example for fonts: lime, shine, edges.09:43
bipolarhwilde: but setting the hostname and recreating ssh keys are client side issues.09:43
jribchikita: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org09:43
cod1I can't play wmv's09:44
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Paddy_EIRE!codecs | cod109:44
jrib!w32codecs > cod1 (see the private message from ubotu)09:44
JunoPaddy: does it run windows games fairly well or is it even worth trying?09:44
ubotucod1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:44
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hwildebipolar, how is the new system supposed to know what hostnae you want ?09:44
cod1I have those codecs09:44
jribcod1: install w32codecs and then try mplayer again09:44
cod1have them09:44
hwilde!restricted | cod109:44
jribcod1: are you positive that the wmv works?09:44
duggiall... any help??09:44
cod1Pretty sure, ya09:44
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chikitajrib, here u got: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32833/09:45
Paddy_EIREJuno: yeah it ok providing you set it up right, although dual booting for gaming is the norm in linux09:45
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bipolarhwilde: well, thats the issue. I was thinking that there may be a way to set a run once script that asks for that info on first boot.09:45
duggican i re4start gnome?09:45
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Paddy_EIREJuno: if you must play games that is09:45
duggisomething like restarting explorer?09:45
duggiin windows?09:45
JunoOk.. thank you.09:45
jribcod1: test the one at http://www.linspire.com/products_linspire_whatis.php?tab=compatibility (download it and play it locally)09:45
bipolarduggi: logging out and logging back in will do that.09:45
hwildebipolar, sure, you could add something to /etc/rc.local  that prompts for hostname, runs ssh-keygen, and then overwrite rc.local with a backup stored on the image so it only runs once.09:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cnr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:46
Rayyananyone knows what i should do to be able to write on all my drives?09:46
duggiok.. sure09:46
Paddy_EIRE!ntfs | Rayyan09:46
jribchikita: surround the path in quotes because it has spaces:  '/some/path with spaces'09:46
MenZaAfter having attempted to install the NVIDIA drivers from nvidia.com, I09:46
bipolarhwilde: hmm... ok. thanks :)09:46
ubotuRayyan: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:46
MenZaI'm getting that xorg is having problems loading my kernel module for it09:46
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Rayyanthanks pad, again :P09:46
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hwildeMenZa, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:47
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse09:47
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Paddy_EIRERayyan: no probs...you using feisty09:47
MenZahwilde: No, that's not it. I've tried reconfiguring xorg, but that doesn't do it.09:47
MenZaIt's having problems initialising the GLX module.09:47
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Rayyani tried installing an amsn skin, and it told me i dont have write access09:47
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salohi ihr schnuggis09:47
hwilde!sudo | Rayyan09:47
ubotuRayyan: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:47
stefgMenZa: what reason do you have not to use the driver from the repos?09:47
Paddy_EIRERayyan: then you have an ntfs write tool in there already09:47
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MenZastefg: None in particular. I felt like getting down and dirty with it. I tried re-installing nvidia-glx from the repositories, to no avail.09:48
Rayyanalright thanks guys09:48
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Elive_user8hey guys, i work in a photography shop and we use large tiff files, but they're all on different machines so some kind of wireless print/file server would be cool, can i use a linux box for this type of thing? and would it save fast enough over wireless and would the printers work properly with windows drivers etc09:48
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RockinghorseRockinghorse is gone...but he'll be baack...09:48
desertcElive_user8: Heck year09:48
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hwilde!smb | Elive_user809:48
ubotuElive_user8: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:48
Paddy_EIREElive_user8: depends on the hardware in question09:48
MenZastefg: I used it earlier; decided to upgrade it.09:49
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Rayyanhow much time would it take me to get used to ubuntu? im a new convertee09:49
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Paddy_EIREElive_user8: although printer drivers are rarely a problem...wifi maybe though09:49
stefgRayyan: about two lifetimes :-)09:49
desertcRayyan: Ubuntu is very easy to use and it is built for new users in mind.09:49
hwildeRayyan, how quickly can you forget everything about windows09:49
MenZaRayyan: Depending on how much you use it, you could become a pro in 2 weeks, or 2 years.09:49
Elive_user8Paddy_EIRE, well we're a photography studio so need to use our canon i9950 canon printers09:49
xerawxElive_user8: wireless is generally not considered fast or reliable enough for business use, especialyl for very large files..09:49
Rayyanhaha alright09:49
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desertcRayyan: You can try a LiveCD so you can experiment with the OS before actually installing it.09:50
Rayyanhoepfully ill forget windows quickly :P09:50
desertckiba: Greetings.09:50
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Paddy_EIREElive_user8: they will be fine whats the wifi hardware09:50
Rayyandesert i already installed, cos i was sick of windows09:50
Elive_user8xerawx, just we have computers all over the place so would be easier09:50
xerawxElive_user8: and i mean wireless as in hardware, regardless of what OS you use to serve it09:50
desertckiba: What question do you have today?09:50
MenZastefg: Any suggestions whatsoever?09:50
boinaverde1996hello Debian's09:50
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desertcRayyan: Enjoy the freedom of Free Software.09:51
hwildeMenZa, apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx09:51
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MenZaI did that, hwilde.09:51
MenZaThen re-installed it afterwards.09:51
hwilderemove it!09:51
Rayyanthanks, feel free already, and only had ubuntu for 2 days09:51
=== MenZa headdesks.
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boinaverde1996some can help me in Kubuntu?09:51
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MenZaRight, gone, hwilde.09:51
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Paddy_EIRERayyan: you will have hiccups but stick at it, its more rewarding09:51
MenZa!anyone | boinaverde199609:51
ubotuboinaverde1996: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:51
hwildeMenZa, ok problem solved09:51
xerawxElive_user8: well, if it's your only option.. but you might want to test a single machine at max range saving a typical file first to get a feel for it09:51
MenZahwilde: Problem... solved?09:51
stefgMenZa: run the nvida*.sh with option --uninstall, then reinstall nvidia-glx, linuxrestricted-modules and probably l-r-m-manager09:51
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MenZaI'll try starting X.09:51
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MenZastefg: Digging it. Thanks.09:52
pyrargentboinaverde1996: kubuntu channel for kubuntu specific stuff09:52
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Rayyanyeah, and im especially relieved now that i know ubuntu can read microsoft office files09:52
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desertcRayyan: Remember - your efforts to use free resources today will empower you tomorrow.09:52
Rayyanfor school and all09:52
hwildeMenZa, after you remove it dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it will go back to generic09:52
zeroXeroZxI am getting a GRUB Error 17 after just installing Ubuntu off the live cd any help?09:52
MenZahwilde: I do not want a generic driver.09:52
ozzloyi just installed guarddog, a firewall.  i can ping google.com now, but i can't surf there on my browser.  even if i turn off the firewall09:52
hwilde!fixgrub | zeroXeroZx09:52
ubotuzeroXeroZx: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:52
hwildeMenZa, well you also do not want glx errors and no x09:52
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Paddy_EIRERayyan: even at that crossover office will allow you to run M$ office if you must but I personnally prefer OpenOffice09:53
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serenityUKNo more viruses either Rayyan, surf in safety09:53
=== unagi [n=unagi@c-68-59-255-72.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hwildeOpenOffice is far superior09:53
fednubeare there any tutoral on how to jail users to upload, download and delete ..... how easy is it to setup chroot via ssh ?09:53
Rayyanyeah serenity, well i was on firefox anyway09:53
=== milan_ [n=milan@212-123-176-83.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Rayyanback on windows that is09:54
profanephobiawget "the internet"09:54
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desertcfednube: see #ubuntu-server09:54
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Rayyanactually firefox is one of the main reasons i tried ubuntu09:54
Paddy_EIRERayyan: when I used win all the software I would run would be opensource anyhow09:54
ConstyXIVhow do you get the latest pidgin in ubuntu?09:54
profanephobiafirefox is for everyone on all OS09:54
profanephobiaalmost all09:54
hwilde!pidgin | ConstyXIV09:54
ubotuConstyXIV: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.09:54
fednubedesertc thx09:54
ozzloyi can't open the faq page.  someone please help09:54
ConstyXIVprofanephobia: not AmigaOS :)09:54
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Paddy_EIRE!getdeb | ConstyXIV09:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about getdeb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:55
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MenZastefg: what restricted modules do I want?09:55
profanephobiaConstyXIV, wow that sucks i dont think i could browse the internet without the fox09:55
milan_does anyone know if there's another way to get Internet Explorer working on Ubuntu 7.04 than Ies4linux?09:55
profanephobiamilan_, no09:55
profanephobiashort answer.. no09:55
milan_hehe thanks09:55
orange__How i install wine09:55
ConstyXIVmilan_: there's always a VM if you want to go that far09:55
xerawxyou can run IE on linux...?09:56
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xerawxi'm shocked that anyone would want to do that.. but i guess for testing09:56
orange__wait nvm09:56
stefgMenZa: the linux-restricted-modules-generic metapackage. you need nvidia.ko reinstalled09:56
profanephobiaorange__,  sudo apt-get install wine09:56
slestakmilan_: use virtualbox and install xp, thats what i do09:56
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Paddy_EIREmilan_: crossover office or wine-doors09:56
MenZastefg: I re-installed generic and common; I still get errors about mismatched GLX and kernel module versions. :/09:56
jb0nd38372Virtual box is good vm software, faster than vmware09:56
Paddy_EIREmilan_: why would you want to...?09:56
MenZaI've sudo apt-get install --reinstall'ed linux-restricted-modules-generic nvidia-glx09:56
MenZaI've done*09:56
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ConstyXIVPaddy_EIRE: if youre a web developer, you need it to test in IE09:57
profanephobiaxerawx,  trust me dont just get a virtual box and install xp09:57
milan_Paddy_EIRE: web developer... need to test websites in IE09:57
xerawxis virtualbox free?09:57
ConstyXIVxerawx: yes, both ways09:57
slestakxerawx: yes09:57
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox09:57
profanephobiayeah its a pain developing for IE09:57
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=== LinuxKid brb
stefgMenZa: maybe sudo depmod -a fixes something09:57
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orange__profanephobia ... its not working forme09:57
profanephobiacause microsnot has to do everything different (except vista) lol09:57
slestakPaddy_EIRE: i do becuase my employer bought a windows only vpn soln, so i have to use ie to start up a vpn session09:57
MenZastefg: Here goes nothing.09:57
Paddy_EIREmilan_: there is a way to get ietab working in firefox on ubuntu09:57
rich_ubotu: Is VirtualBox better than qemu?09:57
profanephobiaorange__, are your repos enabled09:58
profanephobiarich_, i like it better09:58
MenZaAs I feared09:58
erUSULrich_: ubotu is a bot ;P09:58
milan_Paddy_EIRE that sounds good too :)09:58
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Paddy_EIREbrb... laptop charge going down09:58
milan_Paddy_EIRE i think i found something09:58
orange__profanephobia how i enable it09:58
slestakrich_: i never used qemu, but virtualbox is painless and robust.09:58
boris_my card isnt supported and yet beryl works09:58
rich_ok, qemu is far from being painless09:59
profanephobia!respository | orange__09:59
boris_aiglx or glx shouldnt support it09:59
rich_So I could give it a try09:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about respository - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
nedwisn't kubuntu a little bit behind in features before ubuntu, or am i incorrect?09:59
stefgMenZa: so were you clever enough to have a backup before starting to tinker?09:59
=== Wankus [n=Wankus@bb-87-82-25-189.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
profanephobiait would help if i spelled it right09:59
Rayyany wanna use IE?09:59
MenZastefg: I kept a xorg.conf backup.09:59
=== StephanGabert [n=feni@dslb-088-064-229-099.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
desertcnedw: I do not think that is the case.09:59
MenZastefg: I don't have time for backups; it often lands me in stuff like this.09:59
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Rayyanorange_ go to add remove09:59
Rayyanfrom applications09:59
Rayyanand search wine09:59
Rayyanwell back on windows i sometimes had to use ie when ff didnt work correctly on certain pages09:59
Rayyanbut i dont know if ill face the same prob with ff on linux09:59
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slestakon my c2duo laptop, i have had ubuntu host running fedora and xp vm's at the same time and both were usable09:59
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nedwdesertc: does it lack the restricted drivers manager etc?10:00
desertc!enter >Rayyan10:00
MenZastefg: So anyway; what it complains about is mismatching versions of the kernel module and the X module; the kernel being 1.0-9755, the X module being 1.0-963110:00
=== KyleYankan [n=kyle@c-68-81-49-66.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
desertcnedw: No, it does not.10:00
=== BoxPex [n=pekka@host-212-149-175-129.kpylaajakaista.net] has joined #ubuntu
bauerHowto get Tcl/Tk ?10:00
Rayyanim facing internet problems again :S10:00
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bauerHowto get Tcl/Tk Developer10:01
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hwilde!synaptic | bauer10:05
ubotubauer: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto10:05
hwildewheres ubotu10:05
hwildethere we go10:05
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jonyboy1000hello wolrd!10:05
desertcKyleYankan: Greetings, what is your question?10:05
nedwdesertc: excellent, thank you!10:05
AlexUbuntuBcnplease, someone use Gambas?10:05
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stefgMenZa: oh, you parbaly need nvidia-glx-new10:05
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stefg!info nvidia-glx-new10:05
erUSULMenZa: you may have instaled both nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new10:05
MenZastefg: Hmm, that's a possibility, of course10:05
AlexUbuntuBcn(the #Gambas channel is empty)10:05
desertcnedw: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html10:05
=== Lamego [n=lamego@a83-132-143-142.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
MenZastefg: I think I tried using it once; having it break10:05
MenZastefg: I'll try; my chip is moderately new (7950GT)10:05
erUSULMenZa: stick with only one of those10:05
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bauerubotu: I need it to install python 2.4.410:05
PiddyDoes anyone know how to turn Compiz Fusion off?10:05
MenZaerUSUL: Of course.10:05
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stefgubotu seems sleeping10:05
ubotunvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.9755+ (feisty), package size 4719 kB, installed size 14400 kB10:05
Truman_Does camorama support V4l2, or are there any other webcam packages that do?10:05
MenZaPiddy: killall -9 compiz && metacity10:05
MenZaShould do it10:05
MenZametacity --replace maybe10:05
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Piddymenza thanks10:05
MenZastefg, erUSUL: Thanks, nvidia-glx-new did it. :)10:05
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KyleYankanI can verify `metacity --replace`10:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seems sleeping - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:05
desertcKyleYankan: Can you be more specific in your question?10:05
erUSULMenZa: no problem ;)10:05
desertc!hi |jonyboy100010:05
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KyleYankandesertc: I was tring to verify what MenZa stated about turning of compiz10:05
ubotujonyboy1000: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:05
jonyboy1000can i ask a question?10:05
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AlexUbuntuBcnPlease, somone know how to made a variable for save, for example, the X and the Y of the one object? for example... RatonPosition [X] [Y] , but this doesn't works... somone know the correct form?10:05
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nemo_workSay folks, I was wondering if anyone knows of a standard full-sized ubuntu with modifications made for running off a flash drive10:05
CheshireViking!ask | jonyboy100010:05
desertcKyleYankan: Ah, please specify the people you are talking to.  :)10:12
nemo_workany HW autodetection, running /tmp, /dev/, /var etc in RAM, that sort of thing10:12
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hwildenemo_work, search for "ubuntu usb pendrive"  there are tons of tutorials10:15
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KyleYankannemo_work: Ubuntu can be booted from a cd, with "persistent" mode enabled, which allows you to save modifications to a flash drive.10:15
PiddyMenZa I got this error about Screen 0 on display :0.0 already has a windows.. thingy.10:15
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nemo_workKyleYankan: sooo, would that require a CD as well, or would you be installing it as if on a CD, off the flash drive?10:15
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nemo_workhwilde: googling10:15
CheshireVikingjonyboy1000, ask your question, if somebody can help and is around, you should get some help10:15
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KyleYankannemo_work: That would require a cd as well, and to boot it would require a cd and a flash drive. It allows you to save space on your flash drive, to customize your OS.10:15
ozzloyplease help, i can't browse the web with firefox10:15
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N3432what do i need to setup broadcom bcm4318 wireless10:15
KyleYankanozzloy: Can you further describe your problem?10:15
nemo_workKyleYankan: mm. not quite what I'm looking for I guess10:15
nemo_workhwilde: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent  this sort of thing eh?10:21
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stefg!ipv6 | ozzloy10:21
AmirBHelp! I can't shut down my computer!10:21
PriceChildWe're in a netsplit, please be patient.10:21
bauerHowto get Tcl/Tk Developer ?10:21
radiomanstay with us then ;}10:21
paniquei get this quakenet-feeling again10:21
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ozzloyKyleYankan: i installed guarddog, turned on some rules, now i can't browse.  so i disabled guarddog firewall still can't browse with firefo10:21
nemo_workhwilde: so, looks like the end result of that walkthrough is something like the install CD only off a flash drive...10:21
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ozzloyi can ping google.com though10:21
xerawxnemo_work: you're looking for a self-contained bootable pendrive version of ubuntu?10:21
nemo_workxerawx: yep10:21
AmirBwhen I got to the quit menu, it doesn't give me the shutdown or restart options anymore! they just dissapeared!10:21
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ozzloyand i can talk on IRC10:21
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PiddyUm- help? I went to the systemmonitor, I quit the compiz.real process, and now the maximize, minimize and quit buttons on all windows disappreared.. God, I need help with this one.10:21
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xerawxnemo_work: just trying to clarify, sorry i don't know of one specifically but i imagine there must be such a thing..10:21
nemo_workxerawx: ideally without using a full ramdisk, but with wear modifications for common partitions (running /tmp|/var|/dev as ramdisks)10:21
KyleYankanozzloy: Can you get an internet connection on that pc?10:21
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KyleYankanPiddy: Try executing metacity --replace10:21
ozzloyKyleYankan: yes, i'm talking on it right now to you!10:21
Xenoieozzloy, try running 'sudo iptables -F'10:21
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serenityUKPiddy, press alt-f2 and type metacity --replace10:21
nemo_workxerawx: thought so too, just wasn't finding one when poking around10:21
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Piddyalt-f2 isn't working10:21
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ozzloyXenoie: nope, still can't bring anything up in firefox10:21
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PiddyBtw, I have an emerald theme.. Should I activate that instead of metacity?10:21
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CheshireVikingis ubotu having problems? seems to be some delay with the responses10:21
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Xenoieozzloy, :(10:21
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KyleYankanpiddy: Try ctrl+alt+f2 to bring up a terminal (you'll have to login and type ctrl+alt+f7 to return to your gui)10:21
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PiddyOmg frikkin spammers10:21
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Xenoieozzloy, that would have flushed any firewall rules10:21
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ozzloyXenoie: i don't know what that means10:23
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nemo_workxerawx: there are nice little mini-distros like DSL of course, but this is a 4GiB flash drive.10:23
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nemo_workxerawx: maybe just used this pendrivelinux distro10:23
CheeseGardenerFor some reason when I right click on my external hard drive and click "eject" it says "cannot eject drive".  Why is this?10:23
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Xenoieozzloy, it would have removed (flushed out) any active firewall configuration or rules10:23
Meyvnnemo_work: amazing how much stuff fits into 50Mb10:23
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nemo_workMeyvn: oh. I'm a big DSL fan. have some customisations for it, and love it since it frees up more room for data10:23
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nemo_workMeyvn: boss wants more features though10:23
ozzloyXenoie: oh10:23
serenityUKCheeseGardener, sometimes you have to force it.   try sudo umount /dev/somedrivename     ....not no N in umount10:23
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nemo_workubunut itself installs fine on a Flash drive, I'm just suspecting there will be issues with autoprobing for hardware10:23
AmirBwhen I got to the quit menu, it doesn't give me the shutdown or restart options anymore! they just dissapeared!10:23
CheeseGardenerserenity, why is this?10:23
serenityUKCheeseGardener, where somedrive name is /dev/sdb1 or similar10:23
ozzloyXenoie: does that mean it's not my firewall?10:23
Meyvnnemo_work: I only tried it a few times to test a virtual machine, it's quite a cool OS10:23
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Meyvnnemo_work: especially the system stats on your desktop10:23
N3432-Xhow do i use Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)10:23
N3432-Xon feisty fawn10:23
bullgard4What is meant with "8 points" when selecting a font size in Ubuntu > Gnome?10:23
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nemo_workMeyvn: good idea to keep most of your files on the actual FAT32 drive instead of the virtual drive - reduces wear, speeds shutdown.10:23
eisvogelhow are you, roger_padactor?10:23
serenityUKCheeseGardener, i think it was automounted as root and only root can umount or something10:23
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serenityUKCheeseGardener, it's stoopid10:23
pharoscan anyone help me install a genius webcam in feisty? :)10:23
nemo_workMeyvn: also increased aggressiveness of backup.tar.gz to eliminate stuff I didn't care about10:23
CheeseGardenerso there is no way to change it?10:23
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CheeseGardeneror the only way to change it is to NOT plug it in10:23
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CheeseGardenerwhen it starts up?10:23
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Xenoieozzloy, I installed a firewall system on my ubuntu box last week and for some reason I had to reset my netgear router before I could get to any web traffic. I have no idea why, but after resetting that it worked10:23
roger_padactorgood good. i've never sut up perl on ubuntu before and i want to make it so apache understand it and runs it any idea how to set that up10:23
Xenoieozzloy, it was only web traffic that I was having issues10:23
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erUSULnemo_work: the same as in any app or Operating system out there the size of the font10:23
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Xenoieozzloy, I was on IRC, GAIM, IMAP mail, etc.10:23
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ozzloyXenoie: kk, i'll see what i can do about that.  i'm at work10:23
Xenoiejust no web10:23
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serenityUKCheeseGardener, not sure, but it's a work around until we can figure it out,, when I umount my drive the lights go out safely10:23
jonyboy1000how do i disable programs in the system panel?10:23
ozzloyXenoie: yeah, same here.  sounds like stupid router hardware10:23
Tamalehello everyone!  Here's my problem.. why are my fonts in feisty so much worse looking than they were in edgy?  What can I do to fix this?10:23
TamaleFat, blurry, and UGLY!! -->  http://uic.edu/~jbuss2/pics/ubuntu/feistySans.png10:23
TamaleCrisp, even and perfect! --> http://uic.edu/~jbuss2/pics/ubuntu/fontsEdgy.png10:23
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chicagokarljoin #Osnabrueck10:23
eldkraftcan someone here tell me how to get a decent resolution in CLI, whenever I do a ctrl+alt+f1 the resolution is just horribel.10:23
Xenoieozzloy, you could try rebooting the system if you haven't already.10:23
PiddyOk, who was helping me out 2 mins ago? Forgot the name.10:23
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Xenoieozzloy, start simple before you go unplugging your office lan router ;p10:23
chicagokarl\join Osnabrueck10:23
Meyvnnemo_work: although I couldn't pimp up my resolution to 1280x1024, VM didn't like it much10:23
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PiddyI had to restart my pc10:23
ozzloyXenoie: heh, ok10:23
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ozzloyXenoie: or connect to another router in the office10:23
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bauerHowto get Tcl/Tk Developer ?10:23
Mongoose|afkdoes ubuntu work with nvidia 8600m gt's?10:23
bullgard4eldkraft: What is CLI?10:23
xavier_Hi i have a problem with my hosting website, when i want to install a new panel, i got some dependancies error with alternc (a panel) i remove it but they are still same error when i want to install panel10:23
nemo_workMeyvn: added xtrlock so I could actually walk away from DSL while others were there :)10:23
serenityUKis it ok now piddy?10:23
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ozzloyXenoie: ^_^ it worked!  thank you10:23
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xavier_  alternc-mailman: Dpend: alternc (>= 0.9.4) mais il n'est pas install10:23
xavier_  at: Dpend: mail-transport-agent10:23
xavier_  courier-imap: Dpend: exim4 mais il n'est pas install ou10:23
xavier_                        mail-transport-agent10:23
xavier_  courier-pop: Dpend: exim4 mais il n'est pas install ou10:23
xavier_                       mail-transport-agent10:23
Meyvnbullgard4: a command line interface10:23
xavier_  mailman: Dpend: exim4 mais il n'est pas install ou10:23
xavier_                   mail-transport-agent10:23
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xavier_  mailx: Dpend: exim4 mais il n'est pas install ou10:23
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CheshireViking!paste | xavier10:23
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erUSUL!paste | xams10:23
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jerbearare there any concerns with running KDE apps in gnome?10:23
PiddySerenityUK.. No. I need to be able to quit Compiz without my pc screwing up.10:23
=== erUSUL ooops
CheshireVikingboth of us got the wrong name10:23
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serenityUKjerbear, they are slower to launch10:23
PiddySo... how do I quit Compiz?10:23
imbecileGDEBI is frozen on me .. how do i kill the process?10:23
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bullgard4eldkraft: You will have to edit your grub config file. Ok?10:23
TamalePiddy - metacity --replace *10:23
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TamalePiddy: metacity --replace &10:23
Meyvnnemo_work: heh10:23
PiddyTamale: But I have an emerald theme O.o10:23
boldiejerbear: nope10:23
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serenityUKpiddy now you have rebooted try metacity --replace10:23
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Tamaleit will replace it10:23
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MrDexterdoes anyone have any experience of installing hotcakes?10:23
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AmirBwhen I got to the quit menu, it doesn't give me the shutdown or restart options anymore! they just dissapeared!10:23
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eldkraftbullgard: the vga=0x0314 or vga=0x0317 ?10:23
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jerbeari would probably use kde as my window manager, but firefox looks like crap in it10:23
Piddyhm... ok.10:23
PiddyNow.. how do I quit Compiz?10:23
bullgard4eldkraft: yes10:23
imbecileGDEBI is frozen on me .. how do i kill the process?10:23
Tamaleyou just did if you ran that command10:23
Tamalewindows aren't wobbly anymore, are they?10:23
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eldkraftok great, wasn't sure. thank you bullgard410:23
PiddyNice, thanks!10:23
PiddyNow I'll try my game^^10:23
Tamaleremember, compiz is just ONE window manager10:23
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creidiekiHi, I had a quick question about reporting bugs with apport.10:23
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Mongoose|afkdoes ubuntu work with nvidia 8600m gt's?10:23
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imbecileim stuck here :/ how do i force quit gdebi????????????????????????10:23
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creidiekiIf I go to do a bug report with apport, and I find that there are already some similar-looking bugs in trackpad, should I still do the apport process?10:23
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Tamaleimbecile: to force quit anything, find its process id and kill it10:23
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Tamaleimbecile: ps -ef | grep <processname>10:23
Tamaleimbecile:  kill <pid>10:23
serenityUKMongoose|afk, yes i have an 8800GTS but I would use the drivers from the nvidia website because it is a new card10:23
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creidiekiAre multiple crash reports useful to the developers?10:23
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stefgMongoose|afk: the bot is down... but, yes, nvidia cards do work with Linux quite good10:23
AmirBwhen I got to the quit menu, it doesn't give me the shutdown or restart options anymore! they just dissapeared! How do I fix this?!10:23
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nemo_workMeyvn: btw if you reeeeally want something xtrlock to work, say for a kiosk or something, you need to disable ctr-alt-backspace, ctrl-alt-fX in xorg config, and magic sysrq in kernel and ctrl-alt-del in inittab :)10:23
TamaleAmirB: Just logout first10:23
TamaleAmirB: Otherwise, you can reboot with  "sudo reboot"  from a terminal and shutdown with "sudo shutdown -h now"10:23
Meyvnnemo_work: evil :)10:23
Mongoose|afkkk thanks guys. i ordered a laptop with an 8600 last week, but i just read on a forum that linux doesnt work well with it10:23
AmirBTamale: I tried that, and when I clicked shutdown on the login/out screen it blanked the screen for a second and then returned to the login screen10:23
TamaleAmir:  If you really want buttons, you can make launchers that run those commands10:23
desertcOkay I have a question - In GNOME Rhythmbox, the application goes out to the 'Net and acquires the image of the album when it plays some songs.  What is that process called?  Also, I have purchased albums from Magnatune where they also give you the album cover, too.  Is there a way to get Rhythmbox to acquire this image and display it when these music files are played?10:23
MasterShrekMongoose|afk, nvidia 8600?10:23
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Mongoose|afkwhat is ubuntu alternate?10:23
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linux_someone know how to run beryl \ compiz under nvidia ?10:23
Mongoose|afkyeah, 8600m gt10:23
serenityUKMongoose|afk, nvidia drivers are the much better than ati, check out the linux section of the nvidia forums10:23
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Tamalelinux_: Join  #ubuntu-effects10:23
MasterShrekMongoose|afk, it shold work ok, with the drivers from nvidia's site10:23
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linux_Tamale , they never answer :(10:23
serenityUKhi linux_ did you try the game Nexuiz yet?10:23
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Tamalelinux_: you'll get much better luck in there than here.10:23
CheshireViking!alternate | Mongoose|afk10:23
ubotuMongoose|afk: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal10:23
Meyvndesertc: rhythymbox is kinda weak in that apartment, if I play "Cafe Del Mar Vol. 09" I get an image of "Disney Club Vol. 9"10:23
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desertcMeyvn: rofl10:23
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Mongoose|afkyeah i have several desktop cd's. but again, the forum that's talking about problems with the 8600m gt is suggesting to use alternate10:23
linux_hi serenityUK , i have reinstall ubuntu and now i have nvidia driver that work fine i will try it now10:23
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desertcMeyvn: Do you know what that feature is called so I can research it?10:23
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Tamalehello everyone!  Here's my problem.. why are my fonts in feisty so much worse looking than they were in edgy?  What can I do to fix this?10:23
TamaleFat, blurry, and UGLY!! -->  http://uic.edu/~jbuss2/pics/ubuntu/feistySans.png10:23
TamaleCrisp, even and perfect! --> http://uic.edu/~jbuss2/pics/ubuntu/fontsEdgy.png10:23
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Meyvndesertc: just a sec, lemme see10:23
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linux_Tamale , i really have read these and many more but it dont work10:23
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linux_serenityUK , this is counter strike 1.6 style game ?10:24
stefgMongoose|afk: tat means it's not autodetected, and maybe you will have to run some lines on the console to get it going. but nothing to be scared too much about10:24
AmirBTamale: any suggestions?10:24
Kohvihoori'm running dapper10:24
Kohvihoorand i compiled myself python 2.5110:24
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TamaleAmirB: Did you try making launchers with the commands I suggested?10:24
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Kohvihoorand now cedega does not work. : \10:24
Sevenhillhi there . How can i jail a user for ssh ? i mean i wantto make the user couldn't walk anywhere except its home dir10:24
serenityUKhi linux_ no it's like quake but better graphics..  free multiplayer online deathmatch and team games10:24
boldiejust a tip, if you want your multimedia keyboard keys to work with amarok, kaffeine and 15 more apps check out http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/ReMoot?content=6314010:24
Kohvihoornor do any of the pygtk apps10:24
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Kohvihoorhow do i remove that compiled python?10:25
bauertry to install python 2.4.4 and get "INFO: Can't locate Tcl/Tk libs and/or headers" how do i get Tcl/Tk libs and or headers10:25
AmirBTamale: what commands did you suggest (sorry, I might have missed them)10:25
linux_serenityUK , will try it now10:25
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TamaleAmirB:   sudo reboot and sudo shutdown -h now10:25
ThatguyI crashed my xserver upon reboot after a failed dvd burn that left my drive temporarily unusable. Are the two problems connected? How do I fix it so I have a GUI again?10:25
Meyvndesertc: can't find anything about that I'm afraid, only thing I discovered it that F11 is "Party Mode"10:25
Sevenhillhi there . How can i jail a user for ssh ? i mean i wantto make the user couldn't walk anywhere except its home dir. How can i do that ?10:25
serenityUKlinux_ make sure you play multiplayer, it is all about online gaming against other people10:25
boldieSevenhill: just a minute10:25
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ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join     #ubuntu-sa10:26
AmirBTamale: ah, yes, I've been using those commands to shutdown my computer since the problem started but I would really like to get it back to normal if I can...10:26
boldieSevenhill: http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/howtos_ssh_only.html10:26
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zxguitarok, este....... ya lo solucione10:28
desertcMeyvn: I'm always down for a party.  Thanks for the invitation!!10:28
zxguitarcon el autostart10:28
ThatguyI crashed my xserver upon reboot after a failed dvd burn that left my drive temporarily unusable. Are the two problems connected? How do I fix it so I have a GUI again?10:28
TamaleAmirB: Just make custom launchers that run those commands... then you'll have one-click shutdown and reboot buttons again10:28
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Meyvndesertc: ;)10:28
serenityUKTamale AmirB you can also use sudo halt, instead of sudo shutdown -h now10:28
nemo_workMeyvn: http://m8y.org/xtrlock (7.4K) is pretty much just commenting stuff out in http://m8y.org/tmp/xtrlock.c - oh, and you need to set password in shadow and suid xtrlock if you use it in DSL.  And of course make sure shadow is persisted in backup.tar.gz10:28
linux_serenityUK , cant play vs BOTS ?10:28
AviAtriXyey i finaly instaled ubuntu10:28
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nemo_workoh well. back to hunting for flash drive linux distros10:28
Thatguyany help please?10:28
serenityUKlinux_, yes but it is more fun to kill real people lol10:28
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nemo_workpen drive linux seems best candidate so far10:28
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Meyvnnemo_work: thanks, I'll check it out10:28
Tamalenemo_work: look up DSM10:28
r-ccould someone tell me what the difference is between gnome and kde?10:28
Tamaleerr  DSL10:28
roger_padactorhow do i setup a cgi dir?10:28
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nemo_workit'd be nice if there's an ubuntu one, but will look around10:28
linux_serenityUK , yea as old cs player i know this10:28
Truman_Does camorama work with the v4l2 video driver?  Or is a webcam package with better compatibility?10:28
nemo_workTamale: yeah, we were chatting about DSL :)10:28
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nemo_workTamale: I'm looking for something with more heft. DSL is awesome, but wanted something more like a full desktop10:28
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adoul90guyz does anyone know how can we type arabic in ubuntu?10:28
nemo_workTamale: something for a flash drive with gigabytes of space, but still with wear optimisations10:28
desertcadoul90: Oh yeah, you'll find a lot of functionality for that in Ubuntu10:29
AmirBTamale: but the problem also happens if Ubuntu needs to restart for updates, and if I forget that it is problematic and accidentaly hit restart it is a pain to have to log back in to restart manually...if you know of any way to fix or diagnose the problem, maybe some registry file it would be really great10:29
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ThatguyHow do I fix my Xserver after it crashed?10:29
nemo_workadoul90: you mean using an arabic keyboard?10:29
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nemo_workadoul90: isn't that an option when you install ubuntu? pick your keyboard?10:29
Meyvnnemo_work: I suck at C :)10:29
nemo_workadoul90: should also set locale settings no?10:29
desertcadoul90: Canonical went way out of their way to make sure Ubuntu was usable for different languages, including right to left typing and text display.10:29
serenityUKnemo_work, have you tried Zenwalk? it is XFCE based on slack but more  friendly and pretty, like ubuntu it has only 1 app per task10:29
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adoul90not just the keyboard no i mean the language10:29
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stefgThatguy: define 'crashed'10:29
kstris there a way to easily change the partition wich is used as swap?10:30
nemo_workMeyvn: yeah, is why I have a prebuilt variant of xtrlock.  I mean, if you trust me not to be evil. can disassemble it, is only a few dozen instructions from the xtrlock folks :)10:30
nemo_workadoul90: huh. you'd think it'd set the locale settings10:30
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CheeseGardenerIf I wanted to check my external drive, I would type, once unmounted, fsck /dev/sdb1 right???????10:30
stefgkstr: just change it in /etc/fstab10:30
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TamaleAmirB: Linux doesn't have a 'registry' :)10:30
k2o3i have a problem10:30
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k2o3my computer has windows vista10:30
adoul90how can i change the language to arabic?10:30
desertcadoul90: If you can, please recommend to the Arab online community to help with Free Software efforts.  I feel like some parts of the world aren't getting onboard with the Linux revolution.10:30
nemo_workserenityUK: Zenwalk is pen drive optimised?10:30
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k2o3i have never installed ubuntu in this computer10:30
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k2o3and i wanted to install10:30
k2o3so i put the cd10:31
nemo_workadoul90: system->administration->language support ?10:31
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adoul90k thx10:31
serenityUKnemo_work, no but it is meant for slower machines so it is quite small, but still a full desktop not like DSL10:31
Thatguystefg, I rebooted after minor difficultys with my dvd burner and was greeted with a message about "Failed to start the xserver"10:31
k2o3and i choose the option start or install ubuntu10:31
nemo_workadoul90: at least, that's where it is on this install CD I'm playing with10:31
k2o3so far so good10:31
k2o3after this10:31
nemo_workserenityUK: meh. looking for exact opposite here :)10:31
kstrtnx stefg10:31
nemo_workserenityUK: a distro with more junk in it :)10:31
k2o3i have a x server error10:31
nemo_workserenityUK: and the hardware probing *is* important10:31
k2o3anyone who can help me?10:31
Meyvnnemo_work: heh, well it starts to make sense after I stare at it for a while ;)10:31
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desertcadoul90: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ol10n-ar   http://lists.arabeyes.org/archives/doc/2006/January/msg00000.html    http://lists.arabeyes.org/archives/doc/2006/January/msg00000.html10:32
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digbuntuhelp plz10:32
stefgThatguy: so the interesting part comes right after it. read the messge carefully, it will tell what's wrong10:32
nemo_workMeyvn: tried to convince the DSL dudes to add it - felt it'd only add less than a KiB compressed, but they weren't interested10:32
nemo_workMeyvn: me, I need to lock my DSL all the time10:32
CheeseGardenerIf I wanted to check my external drive, I would type, once unmounted, fsck /dev/sdb1 right???????10:32
desertcadoul90:  http://iraqilinux.org/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=832#327310:32
Thatguystefg, it just asks me if I want to see the detailed output, I say no, then it takes me to a terminal style login10:33
Meyvnnemo_work: ah, that's too bad. btw, I gotta run10:33
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k2o3can anyone help me please?10:33
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Meyvnnemo_work: cheerio10:33
Truman_digbuntu: I think it wanted you to apt-get install -f while reconstructor was still instaled10:33
serenityUKsorry CheeseGardener I can't send private messages because I haven;t registerered my nick10:33
digbuntuhrmm what to do now10:34
stefgThatguy: so see the dtailed output. even if you don't understand everything that gives a clue10:34
CheeseGardenerbut do you know if that is how I would run a disk check on the external?10:34
Truman_digbuntu: you could try sudo apt-get install reconstructor, and then the -f thing after that, if it gives you the same error10:34
Tamalehello everyone!  Here's my problem.. why are my fonts in feisty so much worse looking than they were in edgy?  What can I do to fix this?10:34
TamaleFat, blurry, and UGLY!! -->  http://uic.edu/~jbuss2/pics/ubuntu/feistySans.png10:34
TamaleCrisp, even and perfect! --> http://uic.edu/~jbuss2/pics/ubuntu/fontsEdgy.png10:34
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desertc#fonts |tamale10:34
serenityUKsounds ok, i just let fsck do it's thing at boot10:34
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desertc!fonts |tamale10:35
ubotutamale: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer10:35
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CheeseGardenerdoes fsck check external drives?10:35
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CheeseGardenerat boot?10:35
imbecilecan someone tell me pid id for gdebi? Pleaasseee.. im trying to kill gdebi10:35
serenityUKCheeseGardener, type fsck --help10:35
digbuntuPackage reconstructor is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:35
digbuntuThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or10:35
digbuntuis only available from another source10:35
Thatguystefg, ok, let me reboot it10:35
xerawx_nemo_work: there must be some kind of like "ultimate portable" distro, optimized for running off a pen drive.. if there is i don't know of it though :\10:35
Truman_imbecile: ps -e | grep gdebi10:35
k2o3my computer has windows vista10:35
k2o3i have never installed ubuntu in this computer10:35
AmirBTamale: you know what I mean...10:35
k2o3and i wanted to install10:35
k2o3so i put the cd10:35
serenityUKCheeseGardener, or man fsck if you are brave10:35
Truman_digbuntu: That's when you just try sudo apt-get instal reconstructor?10:35
k2o3and i choose the option start or install ubuntu10:35
k2o3so far so good10:35
k2o3after this10:35
digbuntuyes Truman_10:36
bauerSolved found this "http://www.cellperformance.com/justin_lee/2006/08/cellbroadbandengine_sdk_11_on_ubuntu.html"10:36
k2o3i have a x server error10:36
desertc!enter |k2o310:36
ubotuk2o3: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:36
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CheeseGardenerI got it to work10:36
k2o3already exposed my problem10:36
CheeseGardenerWhy doesn't "eject" work though serenity???10:36
k2o3hope someone can help me10:36
Truman_digbuntu: Weird.  Did anything change in between when you apt-got it the first time and when it started giving you this other message?10:36
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digbuntuk2o3 sorry to hear you ever had to use vista( AKA WinME v2)10:36
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Thatguystefg, ok now what am I looking for in here?10:37
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serenityUKi think it is a root thing,  some drives are mounted only by root, some have flags like cd can be unmounted by users10:37
CheeseGardenerhow long does a forced fsck take???10:37
Tamaledesertc: I wish it was that simple10:37
k2o3digbuntu i have no choice. i cant install ubuntu10:37
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digbuntuTruman_ I didnt even know reconstructor was on my machine, then I tried to install the deb without thinking about apt, after visiting the reconstructor site.10:38
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stefgThatguy: anything that looks like an error .... use the force, Luke :-)10:38
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Tamaledesertc: Plus, the only promising link on that page is broken10:38
k2o3so can anyone help?10:38
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digbuntuit barked about needeing dependencies of other apps10:38
digbuntunothing has worked10:38
Thatguystefg, (EE) VESA (0) : No matching modes10:38
digbuntuI may have fubared it10:38
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AncientRelicanyone know a good guide for using LVM on Unbuntu?10:38
desertcTamale: What are we talking about again?10:40
Truman_digbuntu: You could try just getting this package .. http://reconstructor.aperantis.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=33&func=select&id=510:40
Tamaledesertc: My fonts look like crap in feisty10:40
Thatguystefg, (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration10:40
MTecknologyanybody in here ever used Xen before?10:40
digbuntui did10:40
Tamaledesertc: but with the exact same settings they were fine in edgy10:40
stefgThatguy: ok... that gives me an idea. what video card do you have?10:40
digbuntuand did dpkg -i package10:40
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digbuntuthen it barked about needing soo many files10:40
digbuntuit never installeed10:40
desertcTamale: I don't know any more information about the subject.10:40
CheeseGardenerhow long, about, would it take to check a 250 gb external harddrive with fsck -f ????????????10:40
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Tamaledesertc: I can't seem to find anyone.. but I can't believe I'm alone with this problem10:40
digbuntuCheeseGardener Awhile10:40
Thatguyonboard video, hold on I'll look it up. Its on a Abit IP-95 mobo10:40
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AncientRelicMTecknology: I've tried it too, but I went to VMware server afor the same reasons as digbuntu10:40
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Tamaledesertc: Every computer I've installed feisty on has blurry fonts10:40
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Truman_digbuntu: or maybe get the tar and compile it?10:40
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digbuntulet me try10:40
MTecknologyAncientRelic, do you know how to install the management interface?10:40
k2o3please help10:40
carlos_Is there a program the can shrink a lot of pictures at once?10:41
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AncientRelicMTecknology, nope this is a new experiment for me :)10:41
Tamalek2o3: gotta post your problem10:41
CheeseGardenerdig, how long is a "awhile" ????10:41
MTecknologyAncientRelic, alrighty... I know the interface comes on the media, but idk how to install it....10:41
k2o3already did it twice10:41
k2o3here it goes10:41
k2o3in one line10:43
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AncientRelicMT, I'm guessing its probably not much more than searching Synaptic for it10:43
k2o3i want to install ubuntu. so i put the cd in the cd tray and selected start or install ubuntu. the bar apperas and after that it says that it was impossible to load the xserver10:43
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CheeseGardenerwhat is e2fsck?????10:43
k2o3never installed ubuntu in this computer10:43
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Thatguystefg, sorry still looking10:43
AncientRelicK2o3, try rebooting and selecting the "safe graphics" option10:43
k2o3ok ill try10:43
Tamalehe probably has ati10:43
stefgThatguy: to make a long story short: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'10:43
Tamaleyou can't install feisty from the normal disc on ati10:47
AncientRelicyou need an alternate install?10:47
AncientRelicwell i'm guessing he'll be back soon then :P10:47
Tamaleyah lol10:47
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AncientRelicbut what I said wasn't necessarily wrong either10:47
CheeseGardenerwhat is e2fsck10:47
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slestak!e2fsck > CheeseGardener10:47
carlos_How can I shrink a bunch of images at once?10:47
slestak!e2fsck | CheeseGardener10:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about e2fsck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
lee_Do bootup scripts usually reside in /etc/rc0.d in ubuntu?10:47
CheeseGardenerit doesn't know anything10:47
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slestakCheeseGardener: its basically a disk sanity chekcer for linux filesystem10:47
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, it checks linux filesystems ext2 and ext3 for errors and such10:47
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slestakcarlos_: imagemagick and bash10:47
Luniswhere are the icons for epiphany and thunar? they're not in /usr/share/pixmaps10:47
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CheeseGardeneris it like fsck?10:47
CheeseGardenerwhat is the difference?10:47
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digbuntugot it running now Truman_10:47
digbuntufor the tip10:47
digbuntuor advice rather10:47
Truman_digbuntu: no problem, glad it worked10:47
Get_A_FixG'day, if a person wanted to sell their own goods from a website, what software would that person want to investigate?10:47
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lee_ChesseGardener: cfdisk is the updated version of fdisk  btw10:47
CheeseGardenerdigbuntu, how long would a fsck take, about, on a 250 gb USB2.0 external drive??????10:47
AncientRelicGet_A_Fix www.oscommerce.com10:47
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Thatguystefg, ok done, so should I reboot now?10:47
CheeseGardeneris it better?10:47
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slestakCheeseGardener: i like if better, different curses interface10:48
stefgThatguy: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart should do10:48
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slestakCheeseGardener: time it takes is hard to estimate, depends on how much data, etc.10:48
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CheeseGardenerzero data10:48
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Get_A_FixAncientRelic: Thanks muchly.10:48
CheeseGardenerit's a fresh reformat10:48
CheeseGardenerwait... no10:48
AncientRelicnp, GAF10:48
CheeseGardenerit has 100gb of data10:48
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Thatguystefg, oh.. my bad, I rebooted10:49
CheeseGardenerI copied things to it over a fresh install10:49
stefgThatguy: doesn't matter10:49
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mndctrlhi guys... I'm having some trouble with vsftp and virtual users using pam_pwdfile...10:49
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CheeseGardenerwill it take hours??? days???10:49
mndctrlanyone with any xp with that?10:49
slestakprob mnutes10:49
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Thatguystefg, ok, well either way it didn't work10:49
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CheeseGardenerno I did a fsck -f10:49
k2o3still the same10:49
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AncientRelicno go?10:49
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slestakCheeseGardener: unless its already throwin gerrors10:49
carlos_slestak, Can I use the to shrink an entire directory of images?10:49
k2o3the same error10:50
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Thatguysame prob and I still don't know how it happened10:50
k2o3in the x server10:50
slestakcarlos_: yes10:50
digbuntuCheeseGardener depends on your hardware10:50
CheeseGardenerIt's a western digital mybook10:50
digbuntubut I would say at least 45 mins10:50
CheeseGardener250 gb10:50
AncientRelicK2O3, ATI video card?10:50
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CheeseGardenerok so about an hour or two?10:50
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stefgThatguy: my idea is that you're using the vesa driver, but have configured some non vesa reso10:50
AncientRelicstock CD won't work10:50
k2o32 x1300 crossfire10:50
AncientRelicyou need an alternate install disc10:50
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:51
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slestakcarlos_: http://www.perturb.org/display/entry/632/10:51
mndctrlhi guys... I'm having some trouble with vsftp and virtual users using pam_pwdfile... unable to log in... :/ any ideas?10:51
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CheeseGardenerso it'll take about an hour or two???10:51
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stefgah good, ubotu is back... Thatguy see the fixres link10:51
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k2o3AncientRelic where do i download it?10:51
slestakcarlos_: for i in `ls *.jpg`; do convert -resize 50% -quality 80 $1 conv_$1; done10:51
CheeseGardenerI'm not sure if it's still going, it isn't writing anything in terminal10:51
AncientReliconce sec10:51
Bateljeanyone speaks dutch ?10:51
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CheeseGardenerit just says "pass 1: checking inodes, blocks, and sizes"10:52
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Batelje@chainsaw gebruik jij ubuntu zoja kan je me helpen ?10:52
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Thatguystefg, ok I'll check it out10:52
variantCheeseGardener: yeah, let it run10:52
carlos_slestak, Sorry I'm a newbie. I don't understand what that means.10:52
Sasukei have a question i just got a new labtop and it came with windows vista i have tryed to install a few outher linuxs but they didn't work (the boot loder) will ubuntu work i dont what to install it only to find out that somthing messed up10:52
Tamalek2o3:  sorry man, i tried to stop you10:52
Cha1nsawBatelje>i think english is the main language though10:56
Tamalek2o3: i had to get that disc too10:56
AncientRelick2o3 this is why I have a NV video card :P10:56
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LadyNikonSasuke: how did you set up your bootloader?10:56
PieI have 2 hard drives, one with XP and one with Ubuntu on it, what do I have to change to GRUB to have it recognize XP?10:56
Bateljeok i try10:56
Tamalek2o3: you have to do a few command line things before you'll see a desktop10:56
slestakcarlos_: that line, when run in a dir of jpgs will shrink them all by 50%10:56
k2o3AncientRelic but i was offered this pc10:56
Piewith Ubuntu as the master drive10:56
jrib!nl | Batelje10:56
ubotuBatelje: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl10:56
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Tamalek2o3: lemme find a link for you10:56
k2o3Tamale no i hanvet10:56
AncientRelicok, you never turn down free stuff ;)10:56
variantCheeseGardener: you should have started it with the "time" command (time fsck /dev/whatever) it would have told you how long it took to run then you could have told anyone else that asked a simmilar question :)10:56
Bateljeow oke thnx10:56
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k2o3AncientRelic indeed10:56
CheeseGardenerI pressed enter10:56
CheeseGardenerbut it didn't do anything.10:56
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k2o3Tamale i could do lots of commands but it wouldnt save them10:56
variantCheeseGardener: it wouldn't10:56
k2o3ubuntu isnt installed10:56
r0b-does Opera use more ram them FireFox10:56
r0b-or less?10:56
Sasukei didn't i never had to before when it install it says it found another os but when it boot i can only find linux on the os list10:56
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AmirBwhere is the code for shutting down and restarting the computer kept in ubuntu, because they have suddenly disappeared from my quit menu and I want to restore them!10:56
azraelanyone ever installed Rosegarden, need help10:56
CheeseGardenerso I just have to wait it out10:56
CheeseGardenerI guess10:56
Sasukeand no i did format the hole drive10:56
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AncientRelick2o3 I've got a PM G3 that's going to be given a Linux overhaul soon, another freebie :P10:56
variantCheeseGardener: what file system is it?10:56
PieI have 2 hard drives, one with XP and one with Ubuntu on it, what do I have to change to GRUB to have it recognize XP? Ubuntu HD as the master drive10:56
CheeseGardenerEXT3, 100 gb/250 gb used, USB 2.010:56
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variantCheeseGardener: then run fsck with the -C option, that will display the progress indicator10:56
CheeseGardenerI can't do that10:56
k2o3AncientRelic the alternate cd is where we download the normal cd?10:56
CheeseGardenerit is started already.10:56
AncientRelicI think so10:56
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variantCheeseGardener: if it's not been running long then your not loosing much10:56
k2o3download Start Download10:56
k2o3Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer.10:56
stefg!grub | pie10:56
k2o3i think it is this10:56
ubotupie: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:56
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k2o3and then what?10:56
AncientRelicand then you get to install the ATI drivers from the command line :)10:56
k2o3will it install?10:56
Truman_Does Camorama work for v4l2 video driver, or is there an alternate package with better compatibility?  Alternately; Does anyone know how to get a built in isight camera to work on macbook, apart from in Ekiga?10:56
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wepeelhi all. I disklike the Solaris platform, but CDE has a nice feature that I use all the time at work and would like to have at home. If I have a directory window open, I can open a terminal window from the menu already in the directory I'm browsing. Can I implement this in Ubuntu?10:56
k2o3where can i see the commands?10:56
AncientRelicone sec10:56
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Thatguystefg, I tried running sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.custom but it says that /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesn't exist10:56
variantCheeseGardener: btw, fsck won't fix any errors it finds by default. you have to enable that afaik10:56
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CheeseGardenerbut it will ask me10:57
stefgwepeel: there's the nautilus script extensions. it's got a 'open terminal here'10:57
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wepeelstefg, available via aptitude?11:00
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stefgwepeel: i think so11:00
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shaqurahi every body11:00
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Truman_hi shaqura11:00
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fougis it safe to leave an iso mounted forever almost?11:00
stefgThatguy: having no /etc/X11/xorg.conf explains it ...11:00
serenityUKyes foug11:00
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fougseraphangel: thanks11:00
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shaqurai with you11:00
Thatguystefg, sweet! Now how do I create one?11:00
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Thatguystefg, brb11:00
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stefgThatguy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:00
shaqurai want help11:00
shaquraany body here11:00
serenityUKThatguy, to make an iso from a directory use:  mkisofs -o myimage.iso dir11:00
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serenityUKooops wires crossed lol11:05
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fougwhen i hold left click then hit right click, it's some weird bind in my web browser, how can i take it off?11:05
wepeelstefg, ok, I installed naultilus-script-collection-svn...that wound about right?11:05
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stefgwepeel: not sure.. i use tilda for such along time that i just forgot11:05
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wepeelstefg, I guess I have to re-login to see if it's the right thing...ok I'll give it a go. Thanks!11:05
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digbuntuhow do I mount a windows share in ubuntu11:05
digbuntunothing is working11:05
digbuntumount -t cifs11:05
digbuntusmbfs ?11:05
Pelodigbuntu,  same computer or over netwrok ?11:05
digbuntusame pc11:05
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:05
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LunisHas anyone had any success getting samba to work in Gutsy?11:05
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ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+111:05
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ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.11:05
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire11:05
=== VonGuard [n=spunk@c-71-198-26-19.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotudeluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or http://download.deluge-torrent.org/stable/ubuntu/feisty/ for downloading.11:05
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VonGuardis there an issue with the Feisty repositories?11:05
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hsateraVonGuard: why?11:07
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VonGuardLooks like there were a buncha updates including firefox, but when i update, they cannot be verified11:07
PeloVonGuard, it happens that servers maybe down, or unavailable11:07
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VonGuardso i haven't updated yet11:07
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VonGuardi'm having issues with the servers being verified11:07
VonGuardlike i've been owned and given whack repositories11:07
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hsaterahere all ok11:07
hsaterai'm from brazil11:07
andre_plhas kde4b1 made it to feiwty backports yet?11:07
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Thatguystefg, I've already done that command11:07
ConstyXIVis gnome chess's 3D supposed to be broken?\] 11:07
AncientRelicandre try channel #kubuntu for that11:07
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stefgThatguy: i know. i hope you chose the right credentials11:07
k2o3AncientRelic cant you find the link?11:07
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AncientReliccheck your PM k2o311:08
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yaustarHiya, I am having trouble installing code blocks from source, I have ran the bootstrap but it spits out this error: You should add the contents of `/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4' to  `aclocal.m4'.11:08
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k2o3i dont have any11:08
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AncientRelicwell just use the text install11:08
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Thatguystefg, I don't follow. What would I do different?11:08
AncientRelicand it should load the ATi base drivers for you11:08
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PeloThatguy,  what prog is this for ?11:11
AncientRelic3D is another bit of hell ;)11:11
stefgThatguy: choosing the right video card driver11:11
marcin_hi I Marcin and I am new in IRC and Ubuntu11:11
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hsateramarcin_: hello.11:11
Pelohello marcin_  welcome to the madhouse11:11
ThatguyPelo, what are out talking about?11:11
deathnallhello all im back off my holiday and i missed my linux sooo much.i had to watch people on there coms all week and i hated that11:11
PeloThatguy, forget it , I think I got the wrong person11:11
k2o3AncientRelic so i have to do a lot of commands?11:11
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Thatguystefg, so I just try until I get it right?11:15
VietnowHello, I'm wondering if anyone can assist me with Dial up problems ???         <<<<11:15
hsateraanyone here uses ekiga?11:15
ThatguyPelo, ok11:15
AncientRelick2o3: nope11:15
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hsaterais it good enough?11:15
AncientRelicjust a bunch of menu choices11:15
stefgThatguy: what video card do you have?11:15
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PeloVietnow,  state the problem11:15
desertcQuestion: Does GNOME XChat enable you to stop "enter" and "exit" messages in IRC ?11:15
marcin_can sameone tell me how can i add a workspace to the down panel11:15
k2o3AncientRelic thanks11:15
k2o3ill give it a try11:15
AncientRelick2o3: no prob11:15
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VietnowPelo   >>  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3144051#post314405111:15
k2o3ill be back11:15
Pelomarcin_,  rightclick the workspace switcher and go to properties11:15
SymmHomehey all, can someone tell me real quick what the package name for kernel sources is? (friend of mine is asking)11:15
hsateraPelo: use ekiga?11:15
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PeloVietnow,  why donT' you tell me the problem before I go and read someting11:15
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Pelohsatera,  no I do not11:15
atdejongi have a question about shares..  i can access the other hard drives on my computer, but i cant write anything to them? what is it i need to edit to be able to use the drive?11:15
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Vietnowwell my problem is being asked on that page.11:15
hsateraskype is tricking the windows computer11:15
AncientRelicatdejong: NTFS drives?11:15
VietnowI figuired it would be better then pasting it all in here11:15
Peloatdejong,  are they ntfs drives ?11:15
CheeseGardenercan I use "defrag" with an EXT3 drive or only EXT2????11:15
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PeloVietnow,  donT' paste just tell me the short version11:15
atdejongyeah, and i dont mind formatting them, there is no data there11:15
XLVCheeseGardener, ext2/3 doesnt need defragging11:15
=== LinuxKid off
AncientRelicwill let you load NTFS on Linux11:15
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marcin_thank you  it's work11:15
CheeseGardenerit says this:11:15
CheeseGardenerExHD: 22431/30539776 files (1.8% non-contiguous), 18281460/61049000 blocks11:15
VietnowI'm wondering how I can find out if my drivers for my dial up modem are supported in ubuntu, I'm planning on switching to ubuntu today11:15
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CheeseGardenerwill that 1.8 percent go down?11:15
Thatguystefg, ell my mobo box says its a Integrated VIA UniChrome Pro 2D/3D Graphics11:15
AncientRelicVietnow, internal modem?11:15
Thatguystefg, I know that doesn't help you at all11:15
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VietnowI've read the dialupmodem how-to and I cant make heads or tails of it11:15
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MasterShrekThatguy, lspci -vv11:15
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radioman..for anyone that wants relax, listen: http://www.divshare.com/download/1486517-d0811:15
hendrixskiQuick question is there a quicker way to save the output from sed than sed '$i\stuff' orrig.txt > temp.txt, mv temp.txt orrig.txt11:15
stefgThatguy: ok, so choose via as the driver11:15
atdejongthank you :)11:15
PeloVietnow, goto ,  menu > system > prefs > hardware info,  see if your modem is listed and what the devtree is for it11:15
AncientRelicatdejong: yw11:15
hsateraanyone here uses ekiga???11:15
gregoroviushow can I find out which process is using a certain device? I can't remember11:15
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ThatguyMasterShrek, I think yo have got the wrong person11:15
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Thatguystefg, ok hold on11:15
MasterShrekThatguy, that will show you detailed info on your hardware11:15
PeloThatguy,  stop looking so helpless and ppl will stop trying to help you ;-)11:15
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yaustarHow do you uninstall a program binary? It was installed via script rather then apt-get.11:15
MasterShreki dont like ubuntu lol, its too easy11:15
CheeseGardenerif my disk check says this: ExHD: 22431/30539776 files (1.8% non-contiguous), 18281460/61049000 blocks... will the 1.8% go down or up in time?11:15
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desertcQuestion: Anyone use GNOME XChat?  Does that software enable you to stop "enter" and "exit" messages in IRC ?  All these events make it hard for me to read this channel.11:15
kitcheyaustar: if it was a bin file the program usually installs a uninstall program as well11:15
Peloyaustar, check the site whrer you got the prog and see if they have uninstall instructions11:15
AncientRelicright now my workstation has 2 HDs, XP on Drive 1, Feisty on Drive 211:15
AncientRelicGRUB is on the XP HD11:15
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VietnowI'm still currently in windows, can I do that on the live cd pelo ??11:15
AncientRelicbut I want to remove that HD and go pure Linxu11:15
AncientRelicany ideas?11:15
yaustarkitche: Is there a standard command for it?11:15
Pelodesertc,  rightclck the channel tab or name in the channel list and there should be a iten to check  hide veiw join/part11:15
kitcheAncientRelic: just reinstall grub to the other hard drive11:15
XLVCheeseGardener, thats normal, i dont think with any defragment you will lower that11:15
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desertcPelo: Awesome - I'll set it up now11:15
Pelomarcin_,  I do not accept private msg , pllease talk to me in the channel11:15
kitcheyaustar: depends on the program since some are <program>-uninstall11:15
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AncientRelickitche: from the Live CD?11:16
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nox-HandDoes anyone remember what I am lacking in my xorg.con with my nVidia card if it says the nvidia kernel module was not found?11:16
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kitcheAncientRelic: well yes you just have to chroot into the feisty install and do sudo grub and reinstall it11:16
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wepeelstefg, thanks for the help, I got exactly what I wanted installed11:16
ThatguyPelo, you wanna take this outside?!? lol jk jk11:16
kitchenox-Hand: well xorg.conf has nothing to do witht he kernel module most likely your kernel can't find the nvidia module11:17
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Icewormubuntu server (installed as lamp) won't let me access subdirectories under, /var/www/apache2-default   -- anyone know how this is supposed to work..  The /etc/apache2 directory also looks really alien..11:17
Thatguystefg, ok restarting, we'll see wht happens11:17
stefgwepeel: np... still have a look at tilda :-)11:17
PeloVietnow, probably,   when you have your devtree fro the modem ,  goto  menu> system >`admin >`network ,   and click on the modem one , enter your info and the correct modem,  I don'T remember the terminal command to start /stop the connection, you'll hve to check on that guide you don'T like11:17
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phemDoes anyone know if installing  ubuntu+grub interfere with the HP quickstart / Recovery Partition?11:17
wepeelstefg, what's tilda?11:17
AncientRelickitche: don't suppose you can be a bit more detailed with the help :P11:17
stefg!info tilda11:17
ubotutilda: Linux terminal which behaves like terminals in shooter games. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.4-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 37 kB, installed size 180 kB11:17
nox-Handkitche: How would I fix that?11:17
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CheeseGardenerwill EXT3 ever fragment?11:17
kitcheAncientRelic: well sure I can but ubotu has a nice little guide for doing it11:18
kitche!grub | AncientRelic11:18
ubotuAncientRelic: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:18
iDNhello everybody...11:18
VietnowI'll se what I can do, thanx peo11:18
adoul90hey guyz11:18
AncientRelickitche: danke11:18
kitcheAncientRelic: you want the GrubHowto link11:18
adoul90if i download something from sourceforge how can i install it?11:18
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marcin_i have same problem i just install the orginal drives for  radeon x1300 from ati and the max display set is 1024 na 768  how can i change it11:18
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kitchenox-Hand: umm reinstall the kernel module11:18
PeloCheeseGardener,  ext3 does not require to be defrag , it does fragment but at a very low rate and it gets managed much better so it never gets out of hand,  not like fat32 did11:18
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nox-Handkitche: I have no idea how :]  WHat package is it?11:19
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yaustarkitche: oh, looks like synaptic picked it up, :)11:19
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MasterShreknox-Hand, nvidia-glx i believe11:19
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Peloadoul90,  idealy get a deb file, if you dl a tar.gz.  look at the instrutions here http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/11:19
CheeseGardeneroh does the fragmentation in EXT3 ever go down instead of upwards????????11:19
adoul90Pelo: thx11:19
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yaustarCan any recommend a good C++ IDE?11:19
PeloCheeseGardener, it gets managed as needed,11:20
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, you dont have to worry about it11:20
AncientRelicyaustar: eclipse?11:20
alberthey... does anyone know a good html editor for ubuntu?11:20
nox-HandMasterShrek: Will ty -think I have done that one already twice11:20
CheeseGardenerok... do I ever have to use "defrag" to defrag it?11:20
MasterShrekalbert, vi11:20
Peloalbert,  nvu11:20
marcin_quanta +11:20
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CheeseGardenerIt says "defrag" works for EXT2, will it work for EXT3????11:20
AncientRelicalbert: nano11:20
PeloCheeseGardener,  never, and there is none anyway11:20
Headyhello, does anybody know how to make autocopy work in gaim ??11:20
yaustarAncientRelic: Too resource hungry, plus I don't like the C++ plugin :(11:20
MasterShreknox-Hand, try installing nvidia driver from their website11:20
AncientRelicvi is too intense for me ;)11:22
Headyor how to add autocopy funcion to gaim ?11:22
alberti'm looking for a WYSWYG editor11:22
yaustaralbert: Scite?11:22
PeloCheeseGardener,  listen carefully,  do not try to defrag ext3 or ext3 , you don'T need it11:22
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nox-HandMasterShrek: will try11:22
Jarednox-Hand, have you tried the nvidia-glx-new driver for nvidia?11:22
CheeseGardenerbut EXT3 does fragment?11:22
marcin_i am afraid albert but i don't know any good11:22
CheeseGardeneror does it defrag itself?11:22
MasterShrekCheeseGardener, not enough to have to worry about it EVER11:22
yaustaralbert: try NVU11:22
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MasterShrekstop fcking asking now, you dont need to defrag an ext partition11:22
iDNlately i m having issues with my mouse. its getting freezing for a short while at a random time, and two secs later get back working.11:22
albertI'll try to google these options you guys gave11:22
albertand see what I can find!!11:22
albertthanks for the help!11:22
CheeseGardenerthanks though :)11:22
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desertc_Pelo: I installed XChat - now, you said to right click on the channel tab to stop the join/exit information ?11:22
=== Pelo thinks CheeseGardener is going throught some hard MS widthdrawl
MasterShrekhow many times was he gonna ask11:22
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Pelodesertc_,  it is either in the menu or in a sub menu in rightlickicing the channel tab11:22
Pelodesertc_, I mean the tab with the channel name on it11:23
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AncientRelicwell I'm off to mess with grub, pray for me everyonef11:23
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iDNlately i m having issues with my mouse. its freezing for a short while at a random time, and two secs later get back working.11:23
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PeloiDN, cordless ? check the battery or move your receiver11:23
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desertc_pelo: I'm actually not seeing any tabs in XChat11:23
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MasterShrekdesertc_, click on the channle name on the left11:24
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MasterShrekright click *11:24
Pelodesertc_,  are you using treeview with the channels and network listed on the side ?11:24
XLVdesertc_, view>layout>tabs11:24
desertc_pelo: Yes, this is correct.11:24
iDNno. its a wired mouse, no battery is needed. the mouse works just fine on other computer with windows.11:24
iDNPelo: no. its a wired mouse, no battery is needed. the mouse works just fine on other computer with windows.11:24
Pelodesertc_, foloow XLV 's instructions, or right lick on the channel name itself in the treeview11:24
desertc_xlv: I do not see a View menu.11:24
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MasterShrekdesertc_, right click on the channel that you dont want to show join/part messages on the left and uncheck the box11:25
mikefooOk need some help. I have a webserver thats old ands to be migrated. Lots of custom software. So I need to rsync if possible everything over.. what should I exclude, when I rsync? Anyone have an idea?11:25
speebRight lick? :-o11:25
PeloiDN,  did you mess with any of the mouse parameters ? in xorg.conf or elsewhere ?11:25
Headywhich nvidia driver do you recommend to install ?? nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new ?? btw, ive go geforce 590011:25
Pelospeeb,  typo, much like your nick11:25
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MasterShrekHeady, try the new one, if it doesnt work go back to just hte regular glx11:25
speeb:-)  No typo, just laziness.11:25
Pelospeeb, donT' you mean labiness ?11:26
HeadyMasterShrek: wow, is it that simple ??11:26
MasterShrekwell if the new one doesnt work, apt-get remove it and apt-get install the other one11:26
iDNPelo: not that im aware of. i did installed a few new softwares using installers, and i have low free space in my root. is this related to my question?11:27
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desertc_MasterShrek: When I right-click the channel name to not show join/part messages, I get the following options: (Save Transcript), (Leave), (Close), (Join), (Auto Join), (Find), (Bans)11:27
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desertc_MasterShrek: I do not see any option to not show join/part messages.11:27
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MasterShrekdesertc_, i get 4 check boxes11:27
nox-HandJared: Yes, I have. I gotta go school, thanks for help though11:27
iDNPelo: i have almost 450 mb free in my root11:27
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MasterShreku must have a different version of xchat11:27
PeloiDN,  I wouldn'T think so,  usb mouse ? that might be related but I can'T realy tell,  I'm just going through the usual sources of trouble with you,11:27
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MasterShrekdesertc_, im running 2.8011:27
desertc_MasterShrek: I am using the version in Synaptic.  Okay, I will keep looking at this issue.11:27
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desertc_MasterShrek: I am using XChat-GNOME 0.1611:27
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Pelodesertc_, consider using xchat plain, much better Imo11:34
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iDNPelo: ok, thanks. usb mouse. tried to clean the wholes from the outside, didnt open the computer package.11:34
desertc_pelo: What package is xchat plain?11:34
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tumblehi folk11:34
sn0nis there a channel specifically for Gutsy ?11:34
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Pelodesertc_, sudo apt-get install xchat11:34
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adoul90how do i know if ive got the compilar tools installed?11:34
gOcOOli'm unable to install vim-gtk on my edgy system, i keep getting:11:39
MasterShreksn0n, #ubuntu+111:39
gOcOOlThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:39
gOcOOl  vim-gtk: Depends: vim-gui-common (= 1:7.0-035+1ubuntu5) but 1:7.0-035+1ubuntu5.1 is to be installed11:39
desertc_pelo: That's what I did.11:39
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gOcOOlany clues what's wrong here?11:39
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PelogOcOOl,  you need to install the package mentionned , try using synaptic,11:39
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eldkraftg0c00l: you did a apt-get?11:39
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Rockinghorse Cool, i just overheated my computer: first time :)11:39
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desertc_pelo: Oh, no, I installed xchat-gnome11:39
tumbleis there a way to find the root password?, as i need it and dont remember specifying one on install.11:39
gOcOOlPelo: I did, i'm getting the error via synaptic itself and i do have vim-gui-common installed11:39
Pelodesertc_,  you can uninstall xchat gnome easily,  sudo apt-get remove xchat-gnome11:39
desertc_I'll give it a shot11:39
iDNPelo: where can i get a clean defaulted xorg.conf? at least the part related to the mouse. maybe this will help.11:39
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iDNi dont want to mess too much with those files, specially  after i got my Hebrew support working.11:39
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PelogOcOOl,  you have the wrong version of vim-gui,   in synaptic,  check the version you have compared to the version they want, it they want an older one,   check in the properties of the package and you can install the older one if available,  ir you need a new one you 'll need to google for it and compile it11:39
eldkraftg0c00l: try 'sudo apt-get install vim-gtk'11:39
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gOcOOleldkraft: i did that too, still the same error11:39
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PeloiDN,  if you didn'T edit xorg.conf,  donT' worry about it , and DO NOT GO messing with it now,  it is not the problem11:39
iDNPelo: ight. got you.11:39
desertcMasterShrek, Pelo: Thanks for your help - I have xchat (plain) working with the settings as expected.11:39
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subpacketQuestion: I've setup a MythTV Box w/Feisty and have a PVR-150 and BT878 capture cards installed.  The PVR-150 is experiencing "jumpy" video when recording TV.  The audio doesn't lose sync but the video seems to jump around the screen and is otherwise distorted.  My previous Ubuntu Edgy box didn't exhibit this kind of behaviour..  Google has found some info on the problem but no solution.  Anyone know of any solu11:39
subpackettions here?11:39
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=== Pelo is getting tired of praises and gratitude, he wants cold hard cash
desertc!mythtv |subpacket11:43
ubotusubpacket: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV11:43
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Pelosubpacket,  I beleive there is a mythtv channel somewhere they might know11:43
Ben_Csdoes ubuntu with gnome support kde packages?11:43
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MasterShrekcan i compile a vanilla linux kernel using the ubuntu config?11:43
MasterShreki spose not...11:43
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PeloBen_Cs,  yu can install kde progs in ubuntu no problems ,  the needed libs will be installed to make them work11:43
subpacketubotu: Excellent, I'll take a look11:43
desertcMasterShrek: I recommend going to another distro, maybe Debian or Gentoo, when you want to start doing things like that with Ubuntu.11:43
PeloBen_Cs, use the ones in the repos to make sure11:43
subpacketPelo: Cool.. I'll take a look, thanks11:43
iDNPelo: i have just noticed something.11:43
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PeloiDN,  yes ?11:43
Ben_CsPelo: ok thanks. been needing k3b11:43
yaustarDoes anyone use anjuta?11:43
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Paddy_EIREMasterShrek: what do they mean by 'vanilla' kernel..? is that some sort of alpha bleeding edge thing11:43
PeloBen_Cs,   try gnomebaker instead, same thing,  gnome based11:43
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subpacketI have a feeling the issue is with the ivtv driver...11:43
Ben_Csyaustar: i prefer geany for editing code. compiling in command line11:43
iDNPelo: it usually occurs when i make big movement with the mouse, not every time i make big move. it also occurs in games, and when the computer is under pressure. is that do any good?11:43
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PeloiDN,  you can play around with the general mouse setings in menu > system > prefs > mouse11:43
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Ben_CsPelo: will try11:43
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yaustarBen_Cs: Anjuta is trying to auto generate a makefile but it complains about glib not being installed :/11:43
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iDNok, ill try.11:43
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RockinghorseRockinghorse is gone...but he'll be baack...11:43
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ltwhats the sign for " " in teh console??11:43
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=== Pelo waves all thenew ppl hello
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Peloit shit+2 ?11:43
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iDNPelo: no, nothing useful there. thanks anyway.11:43
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ltil open a windows folder11:43
iDNi guess ill be have to open the computer up.11:43
PeloiDN,  that's all I have,  try looking it up in the forum,  donT' post use the search fewture11:43
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bauerhow do i install zlib with header files etc11:43
MasterShreklt, for a space?11:43
iDNPelo: ok, thanks. i appreciate all i did. thanks again.11:43
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PeloiDN, lol11:43
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MasterShreklt, put a backslash in front of the space11:43
iDNsilly mistake.11:43
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ltk, ty11:43
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Paddy_EIRE Pelo is there anyway I can download this in its entirity? I went throught the site but cannot seem to find anyway of downloading all the info11:43
Paddy_EIREPelo: http://www.ss64.com/bash/11:43
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PeloPaddy_EIRE, let me have a look11:43
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Headywooow, that nvidia-glx-new driver ROCKS !!!11:43
PeloPaddy_EIRE,  I assume there is but I wouldn't know how, what do you need to know ?11:43
Headydesktop effects are much faster11:43
=== Pelo gives a little blue pill to Heady , calm down
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kitchePaddy_EIRE: vanilla kernel is what you download from kernel.org it doesn't have patches and such added to it11:43
mattgyver83_hey room, is their a way to specify screen size for ubuntu?  When i load it on my laptop it does not correctly fill the screen.11:43
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Paddy_EIREPelo: its nice to have these things for offline viewing...I would also like to make a few wiki pages based of some of the hardware setup on my lappy as I have been doing well to get things working...reference material11:43
davetarmacwhere is the default location for a tarball extraction?11:43
Pelomattgyver83_,  you can add extra resolutions you need by editing the xorg.conf file,   sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:43
MasterShrekmattgyver83_, edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and put the correct resolution in on the bottom11:43
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HeadyPelo: will try :-D11:43
mattgyver83_awesome, thanks11:43
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yaustarBen_Cs: Never mind, fixed it. Needed automake :/11:44
Paddy_EIREkitche: so I guess you must be l33t to use it :P11:44
riaal_Im trying to install Ubuntu on my new macbook, I have made a windows partion whit bootcamp, now when I reboot whit the livecd it just starts OSX, how do I boot the cd?11:44
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kitchePaddy_EIRE: you could always use wget -r  http://www.ss64.com/bash/11:44
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PeloPaddy_EIRE, if you go to properties,  save as  in your browser , you might be able to save the whole site with linked pages,  but I am not sure ,  google for it, I am sure it can be done11:44
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kitchePaddy_EIRE: that should download everything11:44
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kibaanybody downloading KDE 4?11:45
Pelokiba,  this is the ubuntu channel we use gnome11:45
kibathere need to be a bittorrent system for downloading files11:45
riaal_Im trying to install Ubuntu on my new macbook, I have made a windows partion whit bootcamp, now when I reboot whit the livecd it just starts OSX, how do I boot the livecd? anyone?11:45
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kibaapt-get and bittorrent...hmm11:45
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Pelokiba,  there is one,  you can probably get a torrent from the kbe site11:45
MasterShrekriaal_, probably a bios issue11:45
Paddy_EIREkitche: I considered that...but would there be a gui way as I have had trouble in the past with wget continually downloading and had no way to stop or know what stage of completion its at11:45
riaal_MasterShrek: How do I enter bios whit a macbook? (new to mac)11:46
kitchePaddy_EIRE: there is gwget gui wget pretty much11:46
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Peloriaal_,  check the forum in the install section,  they probably tell you how to boot from cd on a mac11:46
MasterShrekhow the hell should i know? im not dumb enough to buy a mac11:46
Peloriaal_,  you can probably google for it to11:46
marcin_what about tablet. which is the best for linux11:46
Paddy_EIREkitche: does that automatically imply the -r switch??11:46
PeloMasterShrek, be nice11:46
kitchePaddy_EIRE: don't know never used gwget11:46
MasterShrekwell thats not even an ubuntu question11:46
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MasterShrekjoin #mac or something11:46
Paddy_EIREok...thx anyhow gonna try11:47
PeloMasterShrek, please be nice , or be gone11:47
riaal_Pelo: im reading the guide now but its not telling me how to boot the livecd, just "boot the livecd"11:47
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Peloriaal_,   google for booting from cd on a mac11:47
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Peloriaal_,  you can also join #mac and see if they can answer your question11:48
baghyay_i install  realplayer  10 but it not working11:48
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riaal_Pelo: okey, thanks for the help11:48
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baghyay_how to remove it11:48
Pelobaghyay_,  do you get an error msg %?11:48
Pelobaghyay_,  check the realplayer site for information on how to uninstall it11:48
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Sterlinghey guys! s.o. got an idea why gparted won't list my ntfs partitions?11:49
Pelobaghyay_,  or check the forum for instructions on unininstalling .bin files11:49
casperzshadomy ubuntu isnt getting to the login screen right before that theres a black screen with my mouse as a little clock looking thing and it will stay like that for hours, is there any way to correct this problem?11:49
linux_what is the name of gnome windows maneger ?11:49
Paddy_EIREkitche: -r is for recursive aint it..?11:49
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kitchePaddy_EIRE: yep11:49
PeloSterling,  does it list a blank space ? did you select the correct hdd to check ?11:49
Paddy_EIREkitche: nice one gwget has that11:49
MasterShrekPaddy_EIRE, it shold be11:49
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MasterShreksome programs might have to ahve a capital R11:49
kitchePaddy_EIRE: it's mostly used for mirroring and such11:50
Pelolinux_,   x-server ? gnome ? metacity ?11:50
Pelolinux_,  gdm maybe11:50
casperzshadohas anyone had a problem like this before?11:50
lImItaOsomeone knows how to execute the game Digiband?11:50
Pelolike what ?11:50
MasterShrekcasperzshado, try reinstalling gdm11:50
Paddy_EIREkitche: there is an entire site (mirror) option also11:50
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eugmanI have an external harddrive and fat32 can't hold big enough files, I dual boot so I need linux and windows to both be able to read and write to it. So which would be better ntfs or ext3?11:50
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MasterShrekeugman, ext311:51
SterlingPelo: It says /dev/hda  149 GiB unallocated11:51
casperzshadoMasterShrek: gdm?11:51
MasterShrekand install the windows driver11:51
baghyay_what's the command to  delete  rep11:51
kitchePaddy_EIRE: yeah doesn't matter which one you use really11:51
davetarmacI have installed a copy of NeroLinux ( and I had to untar it, but I followed the instructions but I can't find it anywhere on my system. I tried to untar it again but it will not re-untar - please help...11:51
MasterShrekcasperzshado, i think so11:51
Sterlingin fact it won't even recognize my 100 MB FAT16 partition11:51
MasterShrekit cant hurt11:51
casperzshadoMasterShrek:  no, i was wondering what gdm is11:51
linux_Pelo i meant metaciry11:51
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MasterShrekcasperzshado, its the login manager for gnome11:52
Paddy_EIREkitche: I wont be throttling the site will I ... I dont want to annoy anyone11:52
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kitchePaddy_EIRE: it the same bandwidth as you look at it pretty much11:52
casperzshadoMasterShrek: can i do that from the live cd?11:52
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RockinghorseRockinghorse is gone...but he'll be baack...11:52
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Vinchenzo28what other plugins are out their besides mplayer? mplayer keeps crashing on me (fiesty 7.04 64 bit)11:53
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MasterShrekcasperzshado, boot up, do a ctrl+alt+f1 and log in, then do sudo apt-get reinstall gdm11:53
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marcin_do you know this specyfic font in the picture::   http://www.mm.pl/~adamp74/www/pulpit/05_08_07.jpg11:53
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casperzshadoat whaat point do i do the ctrl alt f1 ?11:54
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baghyay_who to  delete an repertoire  ?? command  sudo rm   "name rep " not work11:54
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mannytutty mode!11:54
MasterShrekafter it boots up to the black screen11:54
marcin_any sugestion11:54
MasterShrekbut i dont know if there is an option to reinstall11:54
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casperzshadoworth a shot, ill be back11:55
Paddy_EIREkitche: silly of me being afraid of wget on the cli but I have a 40gb download limit per month and dont wanna piss of the isp :p11:55
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MasterShrekcasperzshado, hang on11:55
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MasterShrekits sudo apt-get --reinstall gdm11:55
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drewbyDoes ubuntu have a built in firewall?  I ask because I'm unsuccessful using sendmail through php on port 587.11:57
Paddy_EIREdrewby: yes it does like all distros11:57
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adam0509you can use front-end : firestarter11:57
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tobyrHey guys11:57
Paddy_EIREdrewby: firestarter is a good gui11:57
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adam0509hey girls11:57
adam0509here we go ! :)11:57
tobyrI've got a problem installing Pidgin 2.1.0, is this the right place to ask?11:57
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adam0509trying to compile or have getting a deb somewhere ?11:58
drewbyPaddy_EIRE, adam0509, thanks11:58
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davetarmaccan anyone help with my tarball problem?11:58
cma_\join #ubuntu-de11:58
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tobyrI've compiled, and done 'make' but when I type 'pidgin' in the terminal I get command not found11:58
Paddy_EIREdrewby: apparently the iptables command in the cli gives far greater control11:58
|thundertobyr; now 'sudo make install';11:58
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drewbyPaddy_EIRE: Good to know.  I'll be back if I have any problems..11:58
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|thunderany know if pidgin supports myspaceIM ?11:59
txoofwhat permissions does apache2 run under with Fiesty?  It apears from /var/www/ that everything is owned by root, but this doesn't seem like a great idea.11:59
tobyrI think I might have done that11:59
tobyrI'll come back when this has done11:59
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kitchetxoof: it's run with apache11:59
gordonjcptxoof: why isn't that a good idea?11:59
AlexUbuntuBcntobyr, you can download a pidgin in deb package from the www.getbed.net11:59
MasterShrektobyr, theres a repo out there with the newer version in it11:59
kitchetxoof: and it is a good idea11:59
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gordonjcptxoof: hint - what are the *read* permissions?11:59
frostburnit's better to sandbox apache as it's own group/user11:59
tobyrAh ok, thanks:D11:59
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tobyrIs it not on Synaptic?12:00
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marcin__which the gnutella klient is the best ?12:00
frostburnhas anyone had luck with using network-manager-openvpn ?12:00
adam0509getdeb packages aren't supported by universe community so be carefull...12:00
txoofgordonjcp: o+r g+r  -12:00
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tobyrOk, thanks, I'll try this make install12:00
adam0509I never had problems with getdeb but some user experienced some crahs12:00
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zitnerRandom, but does ANYONE know how to make Beryl start up automatically when Ubuntu starts?12:00
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gordonjcptxoof: right, so who is allowed to read the webroot?12:00
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kitchezitner: add it to gnome-session Autostart list12:00
MasterShrekzitner, go system > preferences > session12:00
tobyrPreferences > Session12:01
frostburnzitner, goto system>pref>sessions12:01
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