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pfein | filling /boot can lead to mysterious problems | 01:44 |
Jester45 | why would you want to fill it | 01:44 |
pfein | Jester45: I didn't on purpose. | 01:54 |
Jester45 | run df so you know whats going on with space :) | 01:55 |
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nextse7en | Does xubuntu come with a wireless network utility so I don't have to type in my ssid? | 02:00 |
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Jester45 | it has a utility to setup your network but i think you still have to type it in | 02:02 |
nextse7en | Odd, its see's the wireless interface, both in lspci and in the network settings dialog. But when I type in the ssid, and the other info its asking for, I'm still not connected. | 02:03 |
Jester45 | did you press connect | 02:03 |
nextse7en | I don't see a connect button. | 02:03 |
Jester45 | i do not think it being in lspci means its working | 02:04 |
nextse7en | Right, but its also in Network setting dialog, it recognizes it at a wireless connection. | 02:04 |
Jester45 | its a check box | 02:05 |
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nextse7en | Ahh yes, I have enabled it, I wonder if I need to specifie dns servers for it as well. | 02:06 |
Jester45 | it would probly be the ip of your router | 02:07 |
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Jester45 | how can i look at my cpu temp? | 02:33 |
Jester45 | acpi way | 02:33 |
Jester45 | nevermind i got it | 02:36 |
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woodtech | I am trying to solve sounds under xubuntu; everywhere I go I'm refered to system / preferences / sounds, but at least my install of xubuntu does not have that. Am I missing something in my install ? | 03:33 |
Rockinghorse | Accessories System Settings | 03:35 |
woodtech | I don't happen to have that as an entry in my menu's either ... | 03:36 |
Rockinghorse | Really? I do | 03:36 |
woodtech | I know, I did a full install right from a freshly burnt CD .. | 03:37 |
Rockinghorse | It's a kde app, may not be in ur install. | 03:38 |
Rockinghorse | have you tried alsamixer? | 03:38 |
woodtech | That runs and shows volume, etc. I can play a movie etc. What I'm after is notification sounds etc | 03:40 |
woodtech | It's like my system is totally on mute unless I play a movie | 03:41 |
woodtech | if it's a kde app would you happen to know the name/path that I might just directly call it? | 03:46 |
woodtech | I know in ubuntu there are sounds associated with system events,etc. | 03:46 |
Rockinghorse | I was just trying to find it. | 03:46 |
woodtech | Is that an aspect that is not included in xubuntu? | 03:47 |
woodtech | Oh, great thanks | 03:47 |
woodtech | I was running Vista, and just got tired of the extremely sluggish performance so I thought I'd go back to linux. | 03:48 |
woodtech | Figured, xubuntu would be the best for performance | 03:48 |
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Jester45 | knoppix is pretty fast for being kde | 03:49 |
Jester45 | gentoo would probly be 2nd best with lfs be first for speed | 03:50 |
Pelo | evening folks, I need a little help to make a shortcut which I can't seem to get back, the rename applet that comes with thunar, can someone check the launcher in the menues and tell me what the command to start it is ? | 03:50 |
Rockinghorse | application, settings, settings manager not on ur menu, woodtech | 03:50 |
Jester45 | Pelo, the multipule renamer | 03:50 |
Pelo | Jester45, yes | 03:51 |
Jester45 | hold on | 03:51 |
Pelo | that's the single most usefull utility I've ever encountered | 03:51 |
Jester45 | i dont know the command but you can get it by selecting 2 or more files and pressing rename | 03:52 |
Pelo | Jester45, I don'T run xubuntu, I'm in ubuntu, it's not installed by default, and even if I reinstall it ( which i just did ) the menu entry disapeared and I can't seem to get it back | 03:53 |
woodtech | Yes, I have that and it has 'Sound' as an option but that only lists 'useful controls' | 03:53 |
Jester45 | look in /usr/share/applications | 03:53 |
Pelo | Jester45, thanks | 03:53 |
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Pelo | ThunarBulkRename %F | 03:55 |
Pelo | thanks Jester45 | 03:55 |
Jester45 | welcome | 03:55 |
Jester45 | i would of looked for you but i deleted mine | 03:55 |
Rockinghorse | the only thing I can think is adjust your settings from KDE and then maybe they will carry over in Xfce? | 03:56 |
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woodtech | Ok, thanks I'll give that a shot. Hadn't thought of switching to KDE and back. | 03:57 |
Jester45 | what are you trying to fix | 03:57 |
Rockinghorse | That sound utility seems like it has a pc speaker option. Is it turned on? | 03:57 |
Rockinghorse | You can CTRl at bkspc and log in for kde session. then do the same to come back to xfce | 03:58 |
woodtech | Yes, I played a sound clip/movie clip from my /home/{username}/examples folder and sound was great | 03:58 |
woodtech | Ok, thanks guys appreciate the pointers. | 03:59 |
Rockinghorse | Good luck | 03:59 |
Jester45 | Rockinghorse, why not just log out or restart g(k)dm | 03:59 |
woodtech | Bailing to give your advice a go.... | 04:00 |
Rockinghorse | I alwasys ctr alt bksp to quit my session and then choose my window manager and log bk in. You could run 2 sessions same time, but is memory hog. | 04:00 |
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Jester45 | Rockinghorse, have fun when something messes up because you instantly kill all gui programs | 04:11 |
Rockinghorse | Jester45: have fun when something messes u: like what might happen? | 04:14 |
Rockinghorse | In that case I guess I would have to restart KDM or GDM | 04:15 |
Jester45 | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 04:16 |
Rockinghorse | I always close open windows before I do this, anyway, Jester45. OK, thanks for the tip! | 04:16 |
Jester45 | its a harsh way to go down but better | 04:18 |
Rockinghorse | OK, I will try it sometime. | 04:19 |
Rockinghorse | I'm looking at themes rite now at xfce-look.org | 04:20 |
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magic_ninja | is there a better mp3 to ogg converter then soundconverter, i find it quite buggy | 05:15 |
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test3r | So, has ne1 had the chance of getting one of the new Dells shipping with ubuntu??? Are they really going to do More boxes like that (per the rumor)? | 05:21 |
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Rockinghorse | The ubuntu forums have a special Dell section | 05:24 |
test3r | oh you're kidding? That is so pimp- I'm glad to have played a (small) part in getting it all together | 05:26 |
Rockinghorse | Well, I didn't say *that* | 05:29 |
test3r | lol? Erm, you're right- I was the one that called it "pimp." | 05:30 |
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pfein | how do I get the little panel applet update notifier thingy? | 05:50 |
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pfein | how do I get the synaptic update notifier applet in the panel? | 06:22 |
Jester45 | thats a gnome thing | 06:25 |
Jester45 | i think | 06:25 |
pfein | Jester45: is there anything similar? | 06:26 |
Jester45 | not that i know of | 06:26 |
Jester45 | i just use cron to upgrade | 06:26 |
=== pfein notes that his fresh xubuntu came w/ synaptic... | ||
pfein | yeah, ok | 06:26 |
Jester45 | they all do | 06:26 |
Jester45 | synaptic is just a frontend to apt | 06:27 |
Jester45 | apt-get update updates list apt-get upgrade upgrades | 06:30 |
Jester45 | apt-get install packagename and apt-cache search TERM | 06:30 |
Jester45 | apt-get remove packagename | 06:30 |
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Jester45 | hi BFTD | 06:33 |
BFTD | hi | 06:35 |
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test3r | a portable mp3 player. with bluetooth headsets. Does anyone else think this is ridiculous? or is it just me? | 08:16 |
Catoptromancy_ | depends | 08:17 |
Catoptromancy_ | would be cool for a few people to listen to same mp3 with headphones | 08:17 |
test3r | I'll take my $$$ to Big Lots (discount store) and get a gig player (a 1/4 the storage size) for just $30 as opposed to the $500 that fancy bluetooth thing probably costs | 08:18 |
Catoptromancy_ | I remember hunching around my friends when we had 1 walkman and 3 headphones | 08:18 |
test3r | I dont know Anyone that has bluetooth headphones | 08:18 |
Catoptromancy_ | ya | 08:18 |
Catoptromancy_ | heh | 08:18 |
Catoptromancy_ | but in theory it would be really cool | 08:18 |
test3r | didnt bluetooth itself possibly cause prob in your brain though? like cell phones do? | 08:19 |
test3r | the wavelength of that being right on your ear for extended times like that | 08:19 |
Jester45 | i dont think its a problem | 08:21 |
Jester45 | radio waves are allways flowing around you | 08:22 |
test3r | Yeah I just ran a quick search - apparently bluetooth and wifi operate on diff frequencies than cell phones of course, & those frequencies used are micro waves & they say it should be fine | 08:23 |
Jester45 | the only problem i would think of is some smart guy making a laptop override your music with advertisements or just a high pitched noise | 08:23 |
test3r | don't you need a transmitter capable of doing that bandwidth tho? | 08:23 |
test3r | like - i cant make my wifi card do cell phone freq - Can I ? | 08:23 |
Jester45 | like my phone's ring | 08:23 |
test3r | or Can I? | 08:24 |
Jester45 | you can make bluetooth do it | 08:24 |
Jester45 | i got a walke-talke that picks up cell phones | 08:24 |
Jester45 | or maybe that was just house phones | 08:25 |
test3r | yeah but that means youd have to have a hacker thatHAS a laptop that has a bluetooth sender that has proper drivers to allow him to send manual commands and script those commands | 08:25 |
test3r | i know the new ones come built in | 08:25 |
Jester45 | a hacker WOULD hack the drivers | 08:25 |
Jester45 | and a hacker would probly have some handheld device | 08:26 |
test3r | still its not an ez task. and those things certainly dont use the drivers i use for wifi | 08:26 |
Jester45 | it just a matter of time before he can send a signal to your headphones | 08:26 |
test3r | the hardware itself has to support the calls, too jester | 08:26 |
Jester45 | have you been to hackaday | 08:27 |
Jester45 | this 16-18 year old made a fusion reactor | 08:27 |
Jester45 | or fission t | 08:27 |
test3r | im skeptical but it could prob be done. No I am poor. The only place I've been on vacation in my country is Mammoth Caves which was really cool | 08:27 |
Jester45 | hackaday is a website :) | 08:28 |
test3r | and I'm sure the 16 year old used components that would generate the responses he seekt | 08:28 |
test3r | he didnt substitute a blender for your kitchen in place of a transmitter | 08:29 |
Jester45 | ?? | 08:29 |
test3r | im saying - the bluetooth card has to be able to do it, to | 08:29 |
test3r | too. it has to take hardware calls of crazy types & stay working | 08:29 |
test3r | not everyones cards are built like a brick-s***-house | 08:30 |
test3r | it was only luck that taught me this. otherwise id prob still be trying to "look through the door instead of the window" | 08:31 |
Jester45 | your a very confusing person :) | 08:32 |
test3r | I looked to get a job with the manuf. of my card, but they need very skilled people that can talk with it in binary & I'm not that good | 08:32 |
test3r | jester> yes I am confusing sometimes, but I wasn't trying to be, just now. =( try to re-read it I'll look too | 08:33 |
Jester45 | i speak fluent binary | 08:33 |
Jester45 | 1011011001100100111001 | 08:34 |
test3r | yeah me too see 100101010101011101010101 | 08:34 |
test3r | =9 | 08:34 |
Jester45 | dont ask what it is but its there | 08:34 |
test3r | pay me $100/h to do that =D | 08:34 |
test3r | heh, no seriously though, the guys that do that to the wireless cards when they make them? | 08:34 |
test3r | they setup things the card can do. without them doing this | 08:35 |
test3r | the card cant do anything special. So - a large part of getting a laptop to intercept fone signals is having a bluetooth board that has been programmed by *NIX nerds. | 08:35 |
test3r | speaking of praying hardware can do what you want it to do - I'm going to test our live CD on my buddies Sony VIAO laptop | 08:38 |
test3r | i dunno if its sucha good idea tho- as his Down key is broke | 08:38 |
Jester45 | k | 08:38 |
test3r | so doing any kind of menu would suck | 08:38 |
Jester45 | map it | 08:39 |
Jester45 | map down to idk... a windows key | 08:39 |
test3r | oh Chit! good call. where can i do that in XP for him?? Yes ill stick it to right-side MenuSelect key | 08:39 |
Jester45 | once your on the live cd that is | 08:39 |
=== Jester45 doesnt use windows | ||
test3r | i think i used to see that option back in win98 but havent in yrs | 08:40 |
Jester45 | aaa the semi good o' days | 08:44 |
Jester45 | lots of crashes but no vista | 08:44 |
Jester45 | not even xp | 08:45 |
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test3r | lol this guy at my work bought Vista before he even knew me, & he haets it. Says none of his old apps work, & the whole thing is horrid | 08:46 |
=== test3r still has a box running XP so he can use Flash, Pinnacle, Adobe, etc | ||
Jester45 | i "got" a copy to try | 08:46 |
Jester45 | its ugly | 08:47 |
Jester45 | and slow | 08:47 |
Jester45 | country productive | 08:47 |
Jester45 | counter* | 08:47 |
test3r | Pinnacle, btw, is crap. I had to hack the program chain of its output to get the saved DVD it produced to goto the correct spot after it finished the movie | 08:47 |
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Jester45 | and well the opposite of what MS said it was | 08:47 |
test3r | there was no other way around it aas it was deciding the link automatically and there seems to be no internal editor for these commands I speak of | 08:48 |
Jester45 | i had to use it at school | 08:48 |
Jester45 | i just uploaded the dv to my house and used mencoder | 08:48 |
test3r | Vista? counter Productive? baaaaaaaaah lol | 08:48 |
test3r | eh? after making a DVD image with Pinnacle? | 08:49 |
test3r | creating one from scratch. I dunno what else u can do with it | 08:49 |
test3r | bu we are using it to make one from hrs and hrs of mini-DV footage | 08:49 |
Jester45 | i acted like that win the teacher was around | 08:49 |
Jester45 | but played flash games mostly | 08:49 |
Jester45 | as the video uploaded | 08:49 |
Jester45 | then i installed dsl to the computer when i was done | 08:50 |
Jester45 | great fun that was | 08:50 |
test3r | What is Mencoder? you used that instead of Pinnacle? Does it have any transitions though? and what about overlay, chromakey, mixing, etc etc? | 08:51 |
Jester45 | dvd author also | 08:52 |
Jester45 | no i just converted it to a dvd | 08:52 |
test3r | oic =( no we needed more than that because we still had to do Post | 08:52 |
Jester45 | i didnt care i gave 15 dollars to the club that class was for so my grade was like 130% | 08:53 |
Jester45 | TSA | 08:53 |
test3r | if i just had footage id prob use Nero to recode it. the DVD creator with it is quite fast | 08:53 |
Jester45 | they force you to join if you want to be in the easy class | 08:53 |
test3r | What kinda school IS this? hahahahaha | 08:53 |
Jester45 | high school | 08:54 |
Jester45 | if you want in the class you have to join | 08:54 |
test3r | i didnt even join the marketing club when i was in eBusiness for two semesters. the teacher would go out to the bar with me afterword & we'd talk about stuff | 08:54 |
Jester45 | and you want the class because its easy | 08:54 |
test3r | in HS? baaaaaaaah - my Cousin? who is blonde and a fashion sucker? she took a year worth of college classes by the time she was done with HS | 08:55 |
Jester45 | im a slacker | 08:55 |
test3r | I was working at a print place doing Typography when I was in 10th grade | 08:55 |
test3r | getting paid to do it - and getting credit too | 08:55 |
Jester45 | my classes this year are | 08:56 |
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Jester45 | 1) algebra3 (morning math thats GREAT) | 08:56 |
Jester45 | 2-3)computer networking | 08:57 |
Jester45 | 4 biology | 08:57 |
Jester45 | 5american government | 08:57 |
test3r | heh, youve learned more Here about networking then you will in that class..... | 08:57 |
Jester45 | 6-7 computer networking agian | 08:57 |
Jester45 | and 8 is 20th centry american history 2 | 08:58 |
Jester45 | thats my days | 08:58 |
test3r | hey tho - see that's where we're alot diff - I didnt use linux in highschool I didnt have time. I was learning adobe,3d studio,etcetc | 08:58 |
Jester45 | 1-4 being 1 day and 5-8 being the 2nd | 08:58 |
Jester45 | did that last year | 08:59 |
Jester45 | mutlimedia stuffs | 08:59 |
test3r | youve got four hours taken up by comp networking? | 08:59 |
Jester45 | webpage disign | 08:59 |
Jester45 | lol | 08:59 |
Jester45 | VERY easy year | 08:59 |
test3r | frontpage doesnt count ;p | 08:59 |
=== Jester45 used notepad | ||
test3r | right on | 08:59 |
Jester45 | and now i used mousepad/nano | 08:59 |
test3r | lol, there is very good editor | 09:00 |
Jester45 | the class did it in steps the good way | 09:00 |
test3r | that is for C? on here. it can do XHTML im sure | 09:00 |
test3r | it will auto highlight syntax and etc cool things | 09:00 |
Jester45 | text -> dreamweaver -> flash | 09:00 |
Jester45 | flash was gay because i couldnt use notepad | 09:00 |
test3r | dreamweaver has been broke since i first tried it | 09:01 |
test3r | flash you just have to put up with | 09:01 |
test3r | kus flash is flash | 09:01 |
test3r | there is only 1 flash | 09:01 |
Jester45 | flash=gay | 09:01 |
test3r | heh, it's very picky, confusing, and unnessecarily hard, yes | 09:01 |
Jester45 | slow | 09:01 |
test3r | I rly hope adobe does alot good for it. | 09:02 |
Jester45 | inefficient | 09:02 |
Jester45 | anti google | 09:02 |
test3r | anti google? flash is not "Anti Google" | 09:02 |
Jester45 | google hates flash because it cant see whats in it and use that in the index | 09:02 |
test3r | flash creates a OBJ tag | 09:03 |
test3r | remember? tags? | 09:03 |
test3r | =D | 09:03 |
test3r | google should b reading the page the Flash is IN | 09:03 |
Jester45 | yea.... | 09:03 |
test3r | it should b embedded in a spot in the page determined by your layout | 09:03 |
Jester45 | a few tags do not equal a full page in html | 09:03 |
test3r | personally | 09:03 |
test3r | i prefer CSS for all positioning | 09:03 |
test3r | coloring | 09:03 |
test3r | and anything I can make it do | 09:03 |
Jester45 | like menus | 09:04 |
test3r | CSS can make a nifty menu, yes | 09:04 |
test3r | with a touch of javascript or not either or | 09:04 |
Jester45 | yea i got a menu with js on it | 09:04 |
Jester45 | kinda slower but not much | 09:05 |
test3r | rly, tho, you want to stay away from those Especially now because , as you know, alot of people use "NoScript" plugin | 09:05 |
test3r | there is a thing they taught me | 09:05 |
test3r | first semester in design school - | 09:05 |
Jester45 | that classic text is good? | 09:05 |
test3r | K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Silly | 09:05 |
test3r | no - the more basic you can have it and have it work and its good - Do That | 09:06 |
Jester45 | my teach say Keep It Simple Stupid | 09:06 |
test3r | lol yes my version was the nicer version | 09:06 |
Jester45 | he was 9th grade science | 09:06 |
Jester45 | funny guy | 09:06 |
Jester45 | watched movies 1/2 the year | 09:06 |
test3r | I had a very odd, cool, science teacher too. I've had dumb ones, too. | 09:07 |
Jester45 | lol | 09:07 |
test3r | biology guy was smart. i student aid'ed for him. | 09:08 |
test3r | chemistry teacher? she was a ditz. | 09:08 |
test3r | luckily the back row was not as dumb as she was. | 09:08 |
Jester45 | my photoshop teach wasnt to good with computers so she had me do all her work | 09:08 |
test3r | rofl | 09:08 |
test3r | sic. | 09:08 |
Jester45 | neat smart board | 09:08 |
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Jester45 | i messed with her a lot | 09:09 |
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Jester45 | walking by the board when its "off" you tap the top right corner and there goes her email | 09:09 |
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Jester45 | because it never was off just the projector you could still controll the computer with it | 09:10 |
test3r | a "smart board" ????? daaaaaaaaaaaaamn you lucky SOB ! hahahahahaha WE USED CHALK ! | 09:10 |
test3r | I used to write out pre-calc at 7:30AM | 09:10 |
test3r | on the board in front of class | 09:10 |
Jester45 | or i got the on screen keybaord out and raced her | 09:10 |
test3r | with CHALK | 09:10 |
test3r | =\ | 09:10 |
Jester45 | do you know what they are? | 09:11 |
test3r | never seen one ever. I bet it's awesome. | 09:11 |
Jester45 | pretty much a 6ft sq touch screen with a projector for the image | 09:12 |
test3r | that's so pimp. I want one on my fridge so it just hands me what I touch at. | 09:12 |
Jester45 | it has pens of diffrent colors they didnt write on the board but the board knew you picked it up and did the beryl annotate thing and made that colored lines | 09:13 |
Jester45 | that classroom was the best | 09:13 |
test3r | i wouldnt want one in my living room though as id want to be able to recline - i think id still go with the wireless KB/Mouse & projector on giant white wall setup | 09:13 |
test3r | beryl annotate??????? =O wt- is That? | 09:14 |
Jester45 | the computers are core duos | 09:14 |
Jester45 | with 1gb ram | 09:14 |
Jester45 | pretty good when there is a whole class room of them | 09:14 |
test3r | i have a gig on the xp box im doing the dvd on | 09:14 |
Jester45 | do you know what beryl is | 09:15 |
test3r | a Class? of intels? gawd | 09:15 |
test3r | ud think they wouldve woke up by now | 09:15 |
Jester45 | its a umm linux thing | 09:15 |
test3r | the principal still only uses Word tho im sure | 09:15 |
Jester45 | open gl window manger | 09:15 |
Jester45 | gives you the fancy cube for a desktop | 09:15 |
test3r | isnt beryl some math things too????? I think I see that with fractals | 09:16 |
Jester45 | like a better faster version of MS's Aero | 09:16 |
Jester45 | (plus beryl was first) | 09:16 |
test3r | thats what that Cube is? Ah Ha! So- can I use that on a multi-boot laptop ? and have multi OS up for selection on that cube? | 09:17 |
Jester45 | well its like drawing on the screen | 09:17 |
Jester45 | ?? | 09:17 |
Jester45 | no each face is a workspace | 09:17 |
test3r | oh it just a drawing? you cant actually click that? | 09:17 |
Jester45 | you can have more or less | 09:17 |
Jester45 | i think the limits right now are 2-32 | 09:18 |
Jester45 | 2 is weird | 09:18 |
Jester45 | its flat just 2 sites | 09:18 |
test3r | bwaaaAAAHAHAHAH we need one that can launch multi OS at once and let us flip betwen them | 09:18 |
Jester45 | sides* | 09:18 |
test3r | like they are workspaces in here | 09:18 |
Jester45 | well... | 09:18 |
test3r | actually - u could run WINE in a workspace or sojmething eh? | 09:18 |
Jester45 | you could | 09:18 |
Jester45 | run xen | 09:18 |
Jester45 | + vnc localhost the guest os | 09:19 |
Jester45 | and full sceen it | 09:19 |
Jester45 | but that would be a slow thing | 09:19 |
test3r | sick. yeah it sure would on a laptop with 512 | 09:19 |
test3r | =( | 09:20 |
test3r | ah well I love it anyway | 09:20 |
Jester45 | start off with your xubuntu then take 3-10% speed for *nix oses and 45-60% for windows/mac OSs | 09:20 |
Jester45 | plus running beryl | 09:20 |
Jester45 | and vncing to all the OSes | 09:20 |
Jester45 | would be nice on a demo for something | 09:21 |
test3r | true it would look nuts. I've seen shottd of that b4 tho i swear | 09:21 |
Jester45 | it would be nice | 09:22 |
test3r | if the laptop will rly only increase load additional 60% for windows it would be able to do it. | 09:22 |
Jester45 | if it ran good | 09:22 |
Jester45 | it would be a lot easier on all *nix guest | 09:22 |
Jester45 | well | 09:22 |
Jester45 | it takes about 50% more power to go the thing in windows when running on xen then a native windows install | 09:23 |
Jester45 | and about 5% if your using a linux/bsd type | 09:23 |
Jester45 | OOO | 09:24 |
Jester45 | xen 4 ubuntu;s | 09:24 |
Jester45 | or 3 | 09:24 |
Jester45 | host has a side | 09:24 |
Jester45 | then the other 3 have a side each | 09:24 |
test3r | yeah linux itself on idle says its taking 1% | 09:24 |
test3r | not even 3 | 09:24 |
Jester45 | then... all 4 have cubes them selves | 09:24 |
Jester45 | yea but your not gonna idle the whole time | 09:25 |
Jester45 | 3*5%=15% idle about most likly less | 09:25 |
Jester45 | then say you open firefox it takes a lot longer to load | 09:26 |
Jester45 | xen it used a lot for servers | 09:26 |
Jester45 | me and vidd are setting up one now | 09:26 |
Jester45 | i got debian etch running and working on ubuntu | 09:26 |
test3r | to run a session of thing for logged in user? | 09:26 |
Jester45 | we will have a os runningfor ftp http mail terminal host and idk what else | 09:27 |
Jester45 | its a fast virtualization | 09:27 |
Jester45 | its only faster when the OS can used the modifeded kernel | 09:28 |
test3r | rightright | 09:28 |
Jester45 | so bsd linux unix and others nixs | 09:28 |
test3r | but this way is moremore secure | 09:28 |
Jester45 | but mac and windows need to be full virtual | 09:28 |
test3r | you're talking a multi-user setup yes? | 09:28 |
Jester45 | so just as slow as qemu | 09:28 |
test3r | at a business or such? | 09:28 |
Jester45 | well | 09:29 |
Jester45 | me and vidd are the admins | 09:29 |
Jester45 | and only users other than customers | 09:29 |
Jester45 | there is a dom0 the host | 09:29 |
Jester45 | and then the virtual computers are domu | 09:29 |
Jester45 | im wokring on a gentoo one to | 09:29 |
Jester45 | that will just be my toy one | 09:30 |
Jester45 | yea its a lot safer | 09:30 |
test3r | .. huh! So - u just gana make a junker acc at some point to tester out with? | 09:30 |
Jester45 | because say the ftp os gets hacked or crashed or overloaded | 09:31 |
test3r | gentoo..... bLeLCh... *Enjoy Your Compiling Time* ;p | 09:31 |
Jester45 | we can set the ftp to only use 90% max cpu | 09:31 |
Jester45 | so we can ssh in kill it and mv a backup image in | 09:31 |
Jester45 | take the old one and make it offline and figure out what was wrong | 09:31 |
Jester45 | all as the http and others are still running like nothing happened | 09:32 |
test3r | u dont ned gentoo to ssh in to fix it | 09:32 |
Jester45 | yea i know | 09:32 |
Jester45 | the gentoo is just for fun | 09:32 |
test3r | wait mmmmmmm er -\ | 09:32 |
test3r | so u mean internal LAN initiated ssh yes? | 09:32 |
test3r | ur puting a firewall in front of sever bloking that yes? | 09:33 |
Jester45 | if i get its super optimized i might transfer it to a harddrive of mine and play with it non virtualized | 09:33 |
Jester45 | not yet | 09:33 |
Jester45 | its offline right now its getting hooked up | 09:33 |
test3r | oh right - its not even turned on all the time either eh? | 09:34 |
Jester45 | our 1st server at vidd.us is firewalled but you can get in via ssh | 09:34 |
Jester45 | it doesnt have internet yet | 09:34 |
test3r | isnt that a bad risk? | 09:34 |
Jester45 | its colecting dust | 09:34 |
Jester45 | not really | 09:34 |
test3r | ive read a lot lately saying to turn external ssh off completely on your server | 09:35 |
test3r | im pretty sure they can get in | 09:35 |
Jester45 | we yea | 09:35 |
Jester45 | well | 09:35 |
Jester45 | but its still getting setup completly | 09:35 |
Jester45 | and then will im moving it to the xen server | 09:35 |
test3r | "Why dont you take your BAR ..!!! and shove it up your &$% ! IM WATCHIN TEEEE VOE !" | 09:36 |
test3r | rofl i love this show | 09:36 |
Jester45 | right now i think the server running right now is a 2.2ghz 300mb ram | 09:36 |
Jester45 | its ok for what we are using it for | 09:36 |
Jester45 | the xen server is a storage hog as there are 5 installes on it | 09:37 |
test3r | but thats 5 OSes yes? with apps? | 09:37 |
test3r | or without apps yet? | 09:37 |
Jester45 | 1 with 4 without | 09:38 |
Jester45 | o and 1 clean version | 09:38 |
Jester45 | that we can use to setup new ones | 09:38 |
test3r | hmmmm... its still better than u could do with just Winblows ! =9 | 09:38 |
test3r | sounds rediculous. | 09:38 |
test3r | i want it in my House. | 09:38 |
Jester45 | i think were getting a 1tb raid arrray | 09:38 |
Jester45 | but im not sure | 09:39 |
test3r | holy clothes worn on Sunday! I cant afford that. can u set this up on a 500Mhrz box effectively? | 09:39 |
test3r | lol? | 09:39 |
Jester45 | vidd's the hardware guy and maintains im the software guy | 09:40 |
Jester45 | i cant afford that also | 09:40 |
test3r | hmmmm... right on. Hey so whats the thing i used eh | 09:40 |
Jester45 | i like using it | 09:40 |
test3r | lemme chek my notes | 09:40 |
Jester45 | im just wanting to get to that networking class and teach the teacher | 09:41 |
Jester45 | ima be care full | 09:41 |
test3r | there it is | 09:42 |
Jester45 | its at a college so ... i bet someone there knows more than me | 09:42 |
test3r | XJED is the program i was trying out. | 09:42 |
test3r | ive found people tend to tell you most when you listen =) | 09:43 |
test3r | it sounds goofy - but it took me Years to truely learn that. | 09:43 |
Jester45 | well i talk a lot on irc | 09:43 |
Jester45 | mainly because it keeps me awake | 09:43 |
Jester45 | and i can talk while reading a webpage | 09:44 |
Jester45 | now i just need a little red dot like on older latops to control the mouse so i can leave my hands on the keyboard | 09:44 |
test3r | I should find time to wipe the main disk on my main puter so I can use this on a widescreen monitor and gForce 6 | 09:45 |
test3r | or a touchpad | 09:45 |
=== test3r <3 touchpad on his HP laptop its the ones u can click by the pad itself | ||
test3r | all that crap id have to re-install into windows tho! man I dont think it will have the room =( | 09:46 |
Jester45 | yea but then my hands would e way from the key voard and it would be almost like a mouse | 09:46 |
test3r | not on the disk thats in there now. Someday. the next iteration Will be dualboot. | 09:46 |
test3r | oic u mean smak dab in the middle of he keyboard there was that red dot for the mouse i remember now | 09:47 |
test3r | i never used one of those | 09:47 |
Jester45 | A magnet powerful enough to disturb the electrons in flash would be powerful enough to suck the iron out of your blood cells," says Frank. | 09:48 |
Jester45 | sounds fun | 09:48 |
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test3r | "electrons in flash" << What???? but, yeah, xjed is nifty. You can open src in C in it and it auto-colors the syntax for you and things. It will be great for learning that and PERL as Im working with files | 09:55 |
Jester45 | Fortunately, most modern storage devices, such as SD and CompactFlash memory cards, are immune to magnetic fields. "There's nothing magnetic in flash memory, so [a magnet] won't do anything," says Bill Frank, executive director of the CompactFlash Association. "A magnet powerful enough to disturb the electrons in flash would be powerful enough to suck the iron out of your blood cells," says Frank. | 09:58 |
test3r | lol, that counts for the "keychain" memory flash memory too, then? | 09:59 |
test3r | thats weird. whoda guessed | 10:00 |
Jester45 | yea | 10:00 |
Jester45 | i want one of those magnets | 10:00 |
Jester45 | suck the iron out of someone | 10:00 |
test3r | something tells me you wouldnt want it | 10:00 |
Jester45 | so cool to watch from a distance | 10:00 |
Jester45 | oo | 10:00 |
Jester45 | rolll a barrel of bb's to it | 10:01 |
Jester45 | mega shot gun | 10:01 |
test3r | buckshot | 10:02 |
test3r | you could have people cheer you on and theyd say "do a barrel roll" | 10:02 |
test3r | ^ ^ | 10:02 |
test3r | then you could actually DO a barrel roll, and then it would blow up from being sukt to the magnet so fast | 10:03 |
test3r | you could charge admission | 10:03 |
Jester45 | or | 10:05 |
Jester45 | have it free to get in but i get your wallet after the magnet sucks your iron out | 10:05 |
test3r | lol whaaaa? r u gana sell this idea to Kevorkian or something? | 10:06 |
test3r | =D | 10:06 |
test3r | wow we're offtopic now. Computers are slick tho. If they made a computer that had feelings and could get sad | 10:07 |
test3r | would they figure out how to make it cry? | 10:07 |
Jester45 | a motor and a value connected to a small pipe | 10:08 |
test3r | it would have to not get inside tho! and not ever leak. altho if it was a walking thing, then it would already have some type of liquids inside of it to keep it going | 10:09 |
Jester45 | water cooling | 10:09 |
Jester45 | doesnt leak to offten | 10:09 |
test3r | ive seen those custom cases! did you see that fish tank case? | 10:10 |
test3r | that is insane. I recall the lyrics from the first Incubus album "if I had made me, I'da fallen apart BY now" | 10:10 |
Jester45 | http://www.tomshardware.com/2006/01/09/strip_out_the_fans/ | 10:11 |
test3r | I put my boxes together, though. but I dont do anything like that | 10:11 |
test3r | the "Fish Tank" box was clearer water than that, had actual filters in place and gold fish IN the computer case | 10:16 |
test3r | but yeah - same concept | 10:16 |
test3r | ooooooooo its cooking oil | 10:17 |
test3r | thats why its that color | 10:17 |
Jester45 | i wouldnt want to do that as you could get poop on everything and the fish could over heat | 10:17 |
Jester45 | :) | 10:17 |
test3r | hahahahaha, well, I think that was part of the way they setup the liquid in it | 10:18 |
test3r | is there a HeatSink in that one? | 10:18 |
=== grumpymole [n=warren@c58-109-125-122.lowrp2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #xubuntu | ||
test3r | if one put a sink into the liquid itself it would dissipate even More heat | 10:19 |
Jester45 | http://www.everythingweird.com/entry/worlds-heaviest-neck-tumor/ | 10:19 |
test3r | ew! no thx lol | 10:19 |
Jester45 | look at it | 10:19 |
Jester45 | doctor says "hey want me to chop that off... its like 30 lbs of nothing" | 10:20 |
test3r | off the coast of india last week they caught a prehistoric fish that has glowing eyes | 10:26 |
test3r | it was just some farmer guy and everyone was stunned | 10:26 |
test3r | or maybe not india, but the indies or such over there | 10:27 |
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Jester45 | o | 10:31 |
test3r | here is the article. took a sec. - | 10:35 |
test3r | http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070729/sc_afp/indonesiaenvironmentzoologysea_070729030649 | 10:35 |
test3r | =( Well, EYE thought it was a cool fish. | 10:40 |
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K3rl0u4rn | chears, I'm looking for PDF password remover for xubuntu, do you know such a software ? | 10:52 |
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Rockinghorse | /me is gone...but he'll be baack... | 12:33 |
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phrozen77 | hi there | 01:58 |
phrozen77 | could somebody with xubuntu feisty & thunderbird do me a favour? | 01:59 |
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K3rl0u4rn | phrozen77: what do you want ? don't ask to ask, just ask :) | 02:16 |
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phrozen77 | well, the problem is as follows: after a suspend-to-disk on my laptop (and a subsequent crash) firefox and thunderbird have stopped working | 02:54 |
phrozen77 | i can start both | 02:54 |
phrozen77 | firefox comes up with its start or restore session screen | 02:54 |
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phrozen77 | and no matter what i click on it wont show up, the process is running | 02:55 |
phrozen77 | same for thunderbird (besides the restoresession screen) | 02:55 |
phrozen77 | now i already spent the last 2 days troubleshooting it | 02:55 |
phrozen77 | following everything in the mozilla knowledgebase, to no avail | 02:55 |
phrozen77 | i even dpkg --purge'd both, deleted the remaining dir's in /usr/lib and ~/.mozilla and ~/.mozilla-thunderbird and reinstalled both packages | 02:56 |
phrozen77 | now i've compared the strace output of 2 thunderbird runs - one on my machine and one on a remote friends one | 02:57 |
phrozen77 | but no hints there | 02:58 |
phrozen77 | so, the question is, what do have ff and thunderbird in common that would prevent both from starting up properly? | 02:58 |
phrozen77 | (on a sidenote, according to the friendly ppl on irc.mozilla.org its a problem with the packager since the freshly downloaded version of ff works - ignoring the fact that it like worked a minute ago -> crash -> wont work -_-) | 03:01 |
K3rl0u4rn | have yout tried downloading tar.gz file from mozilla.org and launching it with a different user account ? | 03:10 |
phrozen77 | K3rl0u4rn, the tgz from mozilla.org does work | 03:10 |
phrozen77 | even with the same user | 03:11 |
K3rl0u4rn | Then something else got corrupted with your suspend-to-disk operation I guess | 03:12 |
phrozen77 | yup, very probably, but what | 03:12 |
K3rl0u4rn | firefox and thunderbird not running may be side effect of something worse | 03:12 |
phrozen77 | like? | 03:13 |
K3rl0u4rn | I'm not a linux expert but using synaptic, you may be able to ask the system to "reinstall" each of the currently installed package | 03:13 |
K3rl0u4rn | but this sounds experimental, may be someone have a better advice | 03:13 |
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phrozen77 | hrm | 03:15 |
mariko | hello , how do i make a shortcut to synaptic on XFCE`s panel? | 03:16 |
K3rl0u4rn | mariko: Applications > System > synaptic package manager | 03:19 |
K3rl0u4rn | mariko: is it what you want ? | 03:21 |
mariko | K3rl0u4rn, I`m tryinhg to create a shortcut icon on the top panel | 03:21 |
K3rl0u4rn | ok right click on the top panel > add new item > launcher | 03:22 |
K3rl0u4rn | then fill in anything you want, gksudo synaptic for example :) | 03:22 |
mariko | K3rl0u4rn, thanks but gksudo synaptic doesnt work | 03:23 |
mariko | i click and nothing happens | 03:23 |
mariko | SORRY | 03:24 |
mariko | it does work... | 03:24 |
K3rl0u4rn | sure it does:) | 03:24 |
mariko | can you tell me whats the command for google-earth then....\ | 03:24 |
K3rl0u4rn | I can't | 03:24 |
mariko | oh...... | 03:25 |
mariko | can you tell me whats the command for the OO equivilant of excel? | 03:33 |
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K3rl0u4rn | mariko: hey you should have those in your standard menus, so please check already existing launchers | 03:39 |
mariko | K3rl0u4rn, what I`m trying to do is to create shortcuts on the panel , I know i can launch it from the menu, but I can`t find the command in the menu... | 03:40 |
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MrChicken | Hello | 05:24 |
MrChicken | Hello. I am running XUBUNTU, but I need to prevent non-admin users to shutdown the system. Can anybody help me? | 05:24 |
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MrChicken | Hello. I am running XUBUNTU, but I need to prevent non-admin users to shutdown the system. Can anybody help me? | 05:33 |
K3rl0u4rn | MrChicken: you already asked, if nobody answers, please wait a little bit more | 05:36 |
MrChicken | K3rl0u4rn sorry | 05:37 |
MrChicken | I mean, I just need to diable the shutdown and restart buttons from the logout menu | 05:37 |
zials | well... you could change its properties... but then someone could just change it back | 05:39 |
TheSheep | zials: there is kiosk mode for xfce, but I'm not sure it includes this | 05:39 |
MrChicken | how do I do that? | 05:39 |
MrChicken | I mean... I'm running ltsp | 05:40 |
MrChicken | so basically when a normal user wants to log out and shut down THEIR computer | 05:41 |
MrChicken | they accidentally click on "shut down" | 05:41 |
MrChicken | and they shut down the server | 05:41 |
TheSheep | MrChicken: ah, I think it's a knwon bug, I'm not sure there is a solution | 05:41 |
TheSheep | MrChicken: but it's old, so there should be a solution, search the forum maybe | 05:41 |
TheSheep | http://wiki.xfce.org/kiosk_mode | 05:42 |
TheSheep | I guess that Shutdown=%wheel should do it | 05:43 |
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cellofellow | I've got some printer problems. I have this old Canon BJC-210, and I couldn't get it to work with any of the five or so drivers that CUPS suggested, and the one it recommended doesn't work. (I get an error saying that gutenprint-foomatic needs to be installed, but it's non-existent. I did install the only package that has both foomatic and gutenprint in the name, but didn't help.) | 07:36 |
cellofellow | And now, after deleting to printer in CUPS to start off fresh, I have no Parallel option in the CUPS thing. Not Canon, Epson, or Normal Parallel, just all the other, mostly network based ports. | 07:37 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep: online? | 07:37 |
hyper_ch | anyone knows how I can search a couple of files for a string with bash? | 07:38 |
cellofellow | grep | 07:38 |
cellofellow | cat thefiles | grep thestring | 07:38 |
cellofellow | simple | 07:39 |
cellofellow | can be lots more complicated. | 07:39 |
hyper_ch | cellofellow: recursive? | 07:39 |
cellofellow | dunno... | 07:39 |
hyper_ch | but I know (maybe) :) | 07:39 |
cellofellow | I think it's just line-by-line | 07:39 |
hyper_ch | I mean subdirectories | 07:40 |
cellofellow | and using cat, you won't be able to tell which file it is. I never did figure out the syntax for fgrep | 07:40 |
cellofellow | fgrep is powerful | 07:40 |
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TheSheep | hyper_ch: grep -R 'the string' the-files | 08:08 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep: thx :) but I found already something else | 08:14 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep: find . -exec grep "searchthisstring" '{}' \; -print | 08:14 |
TheSheep | what a hack | 08:14 |
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hyper_ch | TheSheep: I found it and it works | 08:18 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep: but I guess yours is nicer ;) | 08:18 |
TheSheep | grep -R works as well and is half less typing | 08:18 |
hyper_ch | grep searches within files? | 08:19 |
TheSheep | yes | 08:19 |
TheSheep | grep 'needle' haystack | 08:19 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep: and recursive? grep -R "string" /path/to/dir/* ? | 08:19 |
TheSheep | yes | 08:19 |
=== hyper_ch hands over TheSheep a six pack beer | ||
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Rockinghorse | /me is gone...but he'll be baack... | 08:25 |
Rockinghorse | /me is gone...but he'll be baack... | 08:25 |
Rockinghorse | /me is back. | 08:25 |
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Rockinghorse | /away | 09:48 |
Rockinghorse | Rockinghorse is gone...but he'll be baack... | 09:48 |
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hyper_ch | wohooo, server up again and running | 10:05 |
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clefia | I just ran an update and upgrade with synaptic package manager. the updater quoted about 200mb of space needed | 10:23 |
clefia | after the update i am left with 500mb less | 10:23 |
clefia | i'm guessing the downloaded update files are still on my hard disk. where can i find and delete them? | 10:23 |
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hyper_ch | clefia: :/var/cache/apt/archives | 10:23 |
hyper_ch | if you want to remove all the additional downloaded packages: sudo apt-get autoclean | 10:24 |
kstr | hi all | 10:26 |
kstr | is there a way to easily change the partition wich is used as swap? | 10:28 |
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clefia | hyper_ch: thank you for the advice | 10:28 |
hyper_ch | clefia: you're welcome... I got 1.1 GB in there | 10:28 |
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Lunis | is there an easy way to make launchers with the proper icons on the panel? | 10:43 |
Lunis | i always have to dig around to find the right icons because the app launcher won't use the default icon for a program. :x | 10:47 |
TheSheep | Lunis: you can make launhcers on the desktop, and the drag them into the list in the panel's launcher's properties | 10:47 |
Lunis | TheSheep, if only the panel launcher creator was as intuitive as the desktop one :P | 10:47 |
Lunis | TheSheep, that's exactly what I needed, thanks | 10:47 |
hyper_ch | Lunis: buy him some beer ;) | 10:48 |
TheSheep | Lunis: I hope they will integrate them finally | 10:48 |
Lunis | hyper_ch, best i can do is donate some monopoly money :) | 10:48 |
Lunis | TheSheep, agreed | 10:48 |
Lunis | still buggy, need to do add item>add launcher, then drag the desktop launcher, then delete the 'new item' | 10:51 |
Lunis | also, is there an alternative desktop? i hate not being able to drag a `rubber band` around multiple icons to delete/cut them | 10:52 |
TheSheep | Lunis: there is the rox file manager which comes with it's onw desktop, same with Gnome's Nautilus | 10:56 |
TheSheep | Lunis: they are working to replace xfdesktop with Thunar for some future version of xfce, but the development is slow | 10:56 |
TheSheep | Lunis: you can open the 'Desktop' directory with Thunar if you need to do some advanced opretions on the files in there | 10:56 |
TheSheep | Lunis: but keeping files on the desktop is generally a bad idea | 10:56 |
Lunis | TheSheep, bad habit, i know, but a hard one to kick | 10:57 |
TheSheep | clean desktop = clean mind ;) | 11:00 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep: then I have a very dirty mind ;) | 11:00 |
=== ghatak_mobile [n=ghatak@82-38-203-125.cable.ubr05.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
ghatak_mobile | Hi, How do i install and configure Compiz with Xubuntu | 11:00 |
TheSheep | hyper_ch: no doubt it shows ;) | 11:00 |
TheSheep | ghatak_mobile: same as with ubuntu, just use xfce4-session instead of gnome-session | 11:00 |
ghatak_mobile | TheSheep: i was actually looking for a howto :) | 11:05 |
TheSheep | ghatak_mobile: any luck? | 11:05 |
ghatak_mobile | TheSheep: not Yet, may be you can point me in the right direction :) | 11:05 |
TheSheep | http://ubuntuforums.com | 11:05 |
ghatak_mobile | Right | 11:05 |
Lunis | ghatak_mobile, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=compiz&titlesearch=Titles | 11:05 |
Lunis | ghatak_mobile, always try the Wiki first, it has a ton of information | 11:05 |
hyper_ch | !compiz | 11:05 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:05 |
ghatak_mobile | Lunis: thanks, what about this package >> compiz-gnome , as i use xfce, would this install some gnome crap ? | 11:05 |
Lunis | ghatak_mobile, don't know :) | 11:05 |
TheSheep | ghatak_mobile: it will pull in some gnome libraries, but it will also give you a friendly graphical interface for configuring compiz | 11:07 |
TheSheep | ghatak_mobile: so it really only depends on how much you are devoted to avoid gnome libraries :) | 11:07 |
TheSheep | *avoiding | 11:07 |
ghatak_mobile | how about metacity | 11:08 |
ghatak_mobile | i dont want a new window manager | 11:08 |
TheSheep | ghatak_mobile: you need a window decorator, xfce4 can't run together with compiz | 11:08 |
TheSheep | ghatak_mobile: you can use emerald instead | 11:08 |
TheSheep | ghatak_mobile: compiz *is* a window manager, by the way, if you don't want a new one, don't install compiz | 11:08 |
ghatak_mobile | TheSheep: i thought metacity was required with Compiz | 11:11 |
ghatak_mobile | i know compiz is going to be needed | 11:11 |
TheSheep | ghatak_mobile: you need something that draws the window frames and buttons -- you can use metacity or emerald for this | 11:15 |
ghatak_mobile | Ok, time to restart X | 11:15 |
ghatak_mobile | brb | 11:15 |
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exw | i'm trying to help my brother over the phone to find the amsn icon for when he's adding amsn to the panel as an "application launcher" and i'm not running xubuntu.. Can someone here who is running amsn tell me where the icon is? | 11:19 |
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exw | "/usr/share/amsn/icons" ? | 11:20 |
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Rockinghorse | Cool, i just overheated my computer: first time :) | 11:39 |
Rockinghorse | Rockinghorse is gone...but he'll be baack... | 11:43 |
maxamillion | i don't think he understands the /me command all too well | 11:43 |
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Rockinghorse | Rockinghorse is gone...but he'll be baack... | 11:52 |
zials | . . . its like the terminator all over again | 11:54 |
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mattgyver83_ | Hey room. How can i specify the screen resolution for xubuntu to use? | 11:59 |
mattgyver83_ | What its default is set to is positioned incorrectly | 11:59 |
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Rockinghorse | mattgyver83_: sudo dpkg reconfigure xconfig-xorg | 12:11 |
nikolam | matt if you already have xubuntu running and xfce up you can go to Settings>display settings | 12:13 |
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