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cottimaLaserJock I had to run out for a longer time than I thought.  Thank you for the url!01:39
LaserJockcottima: np01:41
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blazemongerwhat kind of software does edubuntu come with? any geometry and trig tuturial software?04:54
LaserJockit comes with a variety of educational software (in addition to the regular Ubuntu apps_04:55
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blazemongerif it has math tutorial software then i am downloading it04:55
LaserJockblazemonger: kig is a geometry program, I don't know about tutorial04:56
blazemongeri asked the person that runs the computers at the library and asked 'if there is any educational software you would want on the computer systems what would you want?" the lady said 'some phonix software"04:56
LaserJockthere are some basics I think04:57
blazemongerany programming tutorials?04:57
LaserJockthere is actually one being developed this summer04:58
LaserJockbut a Google Summer of Code student04:58
LaserJocka Python learning application04:58
blazemongeryou're into lasers?04:58
blazemongeri want to learn assembly language on the x8604:58
LaserJockblazemonger: yes, I use lasers every day in my research04:59
blazemongermy friend that does lasershows at raves told me that there i could make some bank if i develop software that controls lasers05:00
blazemongerLaserJock:i know this one persont hat has a handheld 450mw handheld laser05:00
blazemongerit's the most alien thingi ve ever seen and it is neat05:01
LaserJockmy laser puts out GigaWatt pulses05:01
blazemongerholy #(^&^05:01
LaserJockalthough it's not at the right wavelength to do anything "fun"05:02
blazemongerLaserJock: i have respect for ANYONE who supports educational software05:02
blazemongerit just doesn't seem like there's enough of it05:02
LaserJockbut it'll blow your eye out if look straight into it :(05:02
LaserJockyes, very true05:02
LaserJockit's difficult to get educational minded people to get apps written and polished up05:02
blazemongerwant to know my favorite internet resource? MIT's Open Courseware05:02
blazemongerit's like going to college for free05:03
blazemongerwhat window manager does edubuntu use?05:04
blazemongerone of my friends used to be a total windows freak but now that I've showed him ubuntu and edubuntu he totally despises microsoft05:04
blazemongeri gave him a copy of ubuntu and he loves it.05:05
blazemongeri have this old dell notebook and ubuntu works wonders ..05:06
LaserJockblazemonger: cool05:07
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jsgotangcofire away the "L-A-Z-E-R"05:11
LaserJockjsgotangco: back home?05:12
jsgotangcoyeah thank goodness05:13
jsgotangcojust dead tired with the trips05:13
jsgotangcomanaged to write one blog entry of hanoi05:13
jsgotangcowill probably finish up bangkok entry by tonight05:14
LaserJockdo you find it easy traveling to other countries in asia?05:14
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shirishguys is there a list somewhere, where one can see what educational/edu-gaming packages available other from the Live CD ?07:03
Burgundaviashirish: you can check the seeds for a full list07:03
shirishBurgundavia:  what is seed? and how do I check seeds?07:05
shirishubotu seeds07:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seeds - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:05
Burgundaviaa seed is a list that creates the cds07:05
shirishseed = repository or something different?07:05
Burgundaviano, seed is a list of packages that end up on the cd07:05
shirishBurgundavia: I don't have the live CD of edubuntu atm, what I am doing now is installing edubuntu-desktop on top of my ubuntu-desktop, was wanting to see/know if there was some stuff I can subscribe to know of any new packages/educational-based which one can play around with/install?07:07
Burgundaviaedubuntu desktop will get you the same thing as is on a live cd07:08
LaserJockshirish: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/edubuntu.feisty07:08
shirishBurgundavia: right, that is what I was counting now07:08
LaserJockthat's not true as of Feisty07:08
Burgundaviahey LaserJock07:08
shirishLaserJock: what about 7.10?07:09
LaserJockshirish: are you on gutsy or feisty?07:09
shirishLaserJock: actually on gutsy :)07:09
LaserJockshirish: then you're in luck ;-)07:09
shirishI wanted to do this long time back, but was held back due to a bug which I had reported, got fixed just yesterday07:09
shirishthe human-theme not being compatible with edubuntu07:10
LaserJockif you get edubuntu-desktop and then look for edubuntu-addon packages you can get all the edu stuf07:10
LaserJockshirish: yes, I fixed that today07:10
LaserJockshirish: I didn't even see your bug, I just ran into it today07:10
LaserJockso I'm glad I was actually able to fix it for somebody else :-)07:10
shirishLaserJock: oh it was you, I saw your reply on the bug, it was outstanding for almost a month I guess, otherwise i would have been able to assist edubuntu perhaps a little earlier in the development cycle, as far as testing goes07:11
shirishoh well07:11
LaserJockyeah, it just got overlooked07:12
shirishI didn't know whom to approach, but glad it got fixed, finally :)07:12
sbalneavLaserJock: Hey, dude!  How do I close bugs under the bugsquad stuff?07:14
shirishLaserJock: I am looking at  https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/edubuntu.gutsy and while it gives me for e.g. what Martin Pitt did last, it doesn't tell me anything about list of packages or do I need to look somewhere else also ?07:15
LaserJockshirish: click on browse code07:15
nixternalyo yo homies07:16
LaserJockshirish: then click on files up top07:16
LaserJockhi nixternal07:16
LaserJocksbalneav: hmm, you can't do it yourself?07:16
sbalneavCan't SEEM to.07:17
shirishLaserJock: cool, btw can anybody tell what is ship-addon, are the guys thinking of having an add-on cd?07:17
LaserJockwe already are07:17
LaserJockEdubuntu Feisty is on 2 CDs07:18
LaserJocksbalneav: what bug?07:18
shirishLaserJock: didn't know about that, I saw an edubuntu live CD at a friend's place, I guess it was edubuntu live+server CD or is that a different product?07:18
LaserJockit's different07:19
LaserJockthe Live CD is more for demo'ing07:19
shirishLaserJock:  ok cool07:19
LaserJockit shows of some of the edu apps, etc.07:19
shirishright, right07:19
LaserJockbut the Classroom Server and Classroom Server Addon are the main Edubuntu CDs07:19
sbalneavIt's been there for a dog's age, no activity, and just the one guy reported it, and never followed up.07:19
LaserJockthe Feisty Dekstop CD is even quite broken, if you install from it the edu apps don't get installed07:19
LaserJockshirish: the Classroom Sever Addon CD will work on Ubuntu too07:20
shirishLaserJock: ok cool07:20
shirishLaserJock: ok so lemme understand it, the Edubuntu server CD is just a demoing thing07:21
LaserJockthe Desktop CD07:21
LaserJockwhich is a LiveCD07:21
shirishLaserJock: ok and this is a single CD, right?07:21
shirishok cool07:21
LaserJockas it is a LiveCD07:21
shirishok cool07:21
LaserJockit doesn't have LTSP and all the edu apps we have07:22
shirishand we have a seperate Edubuntu server and Edubuntu server add-on CD07:22
LaserJockbut it's good for showing it off and what it looks like07:22
shirishunderstood that point07:22
LaserJockthe Edubuntu Classroom Server CD can be used to install a LTSP Server, Workstation (regular install), and command line (like Ubuntu Server)07:22
LaserJockbut since we don't have enough room07:23
LaserJockthe Edubuntu Classroom Server Addon CD has most of the educational apps07:23
LaserJockplus additional lang packs07:23
LaserJockand some other "goodies"07:23
shirishaha, ok cool07:23
=== shirish eyes light up on mention of other goodies
shirishLaserJock: and does the repository follow the same notation  like main, restricted, universe, multiverse and commercial or no?07:25
LaserJockshirish: they *are* the same repos07:25
LaserJockUbuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu *all* come from the same repos07:26
shirishLaserJock: right, I was making sure07:26
LaserJocksbalneav: so when you click on the little arrow to edit it it doesn't let you?07:27
shirishLaserJock: to install or pull from the repos, what meta-package do I need to pull so all the stuff which is on edubuntu-server add-on cd comes?07:27
LaserJocklook for edubuntu-addon07:28
shirishcool, thanx07:28
sbalneavLaserJock: Under status, I don't have a "close" option.07:28
LaserJockshirish: I just made those meta packages07:28
shirishLaserJock: lol, cool cool :)07:29
LaserJocksbalneav: there should be "Fixed Released"07:29
sbalneavThere is.07:29
sbalneavIs that "closed"?07:29
shirishLaserJock: so it actually means I did stuff on the right time :)07:29
sbalneavI haven't released any fix tho' :)07:30
LaserJocksbalneav: yes, Fix Released and Invalid are closing statues07:30
LaserJockshirish: I guess so ;-)07:30
LaserJocksbalneav: did the bug just go away? or is there a fix coming?07:30
shirishI'm using xfce as my desktop, so would it be a good idea to test them about how the packages behave under xfce, they both share the gtk heritage though so there shouldn't be any huge differences, what do you think?07:30
LaserJockshirish: yes, especially since a fair amount of Edubuntu users use xfce07:31
sbalneavThe bug was never confirmed.  We tried to duplicate it, but it's never ever shown itself, and the original poster's never commented on it.07:31
LaserJockshirish: you'll notice we have a edubuntu-addon-light metapackage07:31
LaserJockshirish: that installs xfce407:31
LaserJocksbalneav: ok, so Invalid sounds good07:32
LaserJocksbalneav: and you'll probably want to do that for both tasks if it's really gone07:32
shirishLaserJock: thats cool to know :)07:32
LaserJockwe also have a new edubuntu-desktop-kde package for Kubuntu users07:33
shirishLaserJock: I do have both WM's i nstalled though but use xfce more than GNOME, so it would be good to do edubuntu-adoon first perhaps & then edubuntu-addon-light07:33
shirishjust to make sure there aren't any packages/dependencies left to download perhaps?07:34
LaserJockshirish: well, you won't need edubuntu-addon-light if you've already got xfce07:34
LaserJockshirish: as all it does is install xfce407:34
shirishLaserJock: ah cool, then just need the edubuntu-addon, makes it easier for me :)07:34
LaserJockjust try the edu apps in both xfce and gnome07:35
LaserJockthat'd  be a big help07:35
shirishLaserJock: will do :)07:35
shirishLaserJock: although I do have a bug of things happening in GNOME, I get an xsession-errors file. if somebody can help me diagnose that and/or fix that would do testing in GNOME also07:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129315 in gdm "GNOME-desktop does not lemme log in. " [Medium,Incomplete] 07:37
shirishI thought it was due to me installing a font which uses xkb but talking to the developer, it isn't due to that07:37
LaserJocksbalneav: did you close that bug?07:40
sbalneavnot yet.07:40
sbalneavone sec07:40
sbalneav15 convos going on at once :)07:41
sbalneavah, yeah, closed07:42
shirishLaserJock: what is latex & why is it so big on edubuntu, I see it is spread quite wide in edubuntu in various packages07:44
shirishubotu latex07:45
ubotutex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX07:45
shirishLaserJock: latex is something like xml ?07:45
LaserJockshirish: it's a typesetting language that is very common in academia and the sciences07:45
LaserJockwell, not exactly07:45
LaserJockit's pretty complicated, and very powerful07:46
LaserJockand also very huge07:46
shirishcool, cool07:46
LaserJockshirish: you can google around for it if you want to see some examples07:48
shirishLaserJock: doing that actually :P07:49
LaserJockit can be very nice for college students in math or science because it's very good at typesetting equations07:49
sbalneavTeX and LaTeX are awesome.07:53
sbalneavStill got my "Intro to LaTeX" manual by Leslie Lamport.07:54
sbalneavWrote ALL my University papers in it.07:54
encompassmorning sbalneav08:22
encompassI have yet to learn latex08:22
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encompassWell python won't answer my question... I will try here... I am using restricted python and when running code with it, I get an expected error in the executing... I want to get that output into a variable and print that to a widget on the screen.  How do I best catch that error and not all the extra stuff that restricted python gives.  Take a look here for the error example. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32882/08:48
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zshgood morning09:08
zshhow can I debug my LTSP-system, each client freezes 2 times, each day09:14
zshit is a feisty system09:15
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zshcould it be, that the nbd-server causes the freeze?09:29
zshhow can I deaktivate it?09:30
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zsha few days ago, I saw a howto to use LTSP without NFS in gutsy, but today I can not find it, can someone help me11:41
highvoltagezsh: if I understand correctly, the latest gutsy LTSP will use NBD by default11:43
stgraberzsh: Gutsy does by default no longer uses NFS11:44
stgraberzsh: the thin client FS is now a squashfs image exported by nbdserver11:44
stgraberso swap and FS are now using nbdserver and NFS isn't used anymore11:44
zshok, I will try this11:45
stgraberyou may want to wait till Tribe-4 is release (Thursday) so you'll have a tested gutsy CD to play with11:46
zshok, good idea11:47
zshI will wait11:47
zshwith ltsp feisty I have quite a lot freezes on the thinclients, is this a known problem?11:48
stgraberogra, highvoltage: Can one of you two update the topic, URL has changed to iso.qa.stgraber.org and we are going to test Tribe-4 :)11:49
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stgraberzsh: what kind of freeze, network related (only the X session) or the whole thin client11:49
=== highvoltage should read the topic more often
stgraberzsh: you can test by trying to switch to tty111:49
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zshcomplete freeze11:50
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | Help testing Tribe-4 candidates: https://iso.qa.stgraber.org/isotesting/build/Edubuntu !
ograzsh, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPWithoutNFS11:52
zshoh, I only looked at wiki.ubuntu.com11:53
highvoltageogra: how has ltsp over nbd worked so far? any problems or known issues?11:53
ograzsh, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP has a bunch more11:53
ograhighvoltage, round robin failover setups wont work with nbd11:54
ogra(i.e. a DNS round robin for the app server)11:54
ograand you need to rebuild the squashfs image with ltsp-update-image after you made changes to the chroot11:54
ograbeyond that there are no drwabacks or known issues yet11:55
ograusing it every day here and sbalneav as well afaik11:55
highvoltagethe ltsp-update-image is completely reasonable, imho11:55
ograwell, it takes a while (about 10 min)11:55
ograso if you developp it gets annoying over time :)11:55
highvoltageheh, I can imagine11:56
ograindeed, if sou dont developp anything and can adjust everything through lts.conf there is no need at all for it11:56
highvoltagecould you ever figure out why NFS was so slow?11:57
ograthe big thing with the squashfs image is that you could also use it locally (like a modified liveCD)11:57
ograand i was tired of it11:57
ograthats what drove me to finally make the step i wanted to do eternally already :)11:58
highvoltagethat's what I like about the squashfs method too- it's nice for large deployments with automated ubiquity.11:58
highvoltagethere's been nfs bugs that gave me big pains in the past, that I couldn't get sorted out. I'm glad that the LTSP world doesn't need it anymore.11:59
zshand perhaps it solves my freeze-problems11:59
ograzsh, freezes are likely ram or video related12:00
ograhow much ram do your clients have ?12:00
ograthats plenty12:00
zshvxl thinclients, if somebody knows them12:01
zshvia systems12:01
zshhow can I use the "switch host" feature12:35
zshI have installed gutsy ltsp now12:35
ogranot at all yet :)12:35
zshit would be nice if I could redirect to my feisty setup12:35
zshok :(12:35
ograthe code was merged yesterday only and the archive is in freeeze for the tribe4 CD12:35
ograit will go in after the tribe release12:36
zshhmm, ok12:36
zshis a dirty hack available?12:36
ograthe new ldm doesnt allow dirty hacks anymore ...12:37
ograthats the drawback C code has vs python12:38
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ograbeyond that the ssh key problem isnt solved aet afaik12:51
ogra(you need avalid ssh key for every server in the list installed on the client)12:51
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zshhmm, I cannot login with ldm12:54
ograany error12:54
zshafter entering the password, the password file is still visible and following is displayed "verifying password, please wait..."12:55
ograanything in /var/log/auth.log ?12:56
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zshoh, now I have a black screen12:56
zshI will have a look at the logs12:56
ograalso look in ~/.xsession-errors of that user12:57
zshnothing in auth.log12:57
zshno .xsession-errors file12:58
zshI never loged in with the user12:58
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ogracan that user log in on the server directly ?01:00
zshwith ssh?01:01
ograin any way :)01:01
ograjust check the user works so you can rule out any basic failure with the account01:01
zshssh works01:06
ograto /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf01:07
ograin a default section01:07
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ograthen you will have a console on the second terminal on the client and can check /var/log/ldm.log there01:07
zshshould I configure something to use /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf ?01:10
zshok, I have, I guess a dhcp option01:12
ograits used by default in gutsy01:13
ogra(if it exists and is in the right format indeed)01:13
zshahh, I forgot "[default] "01:14
zshhmm, does not work01:19
ograbut you are running gutsy all over ?01:19
zshI have a lts.conf in the chroot01:20
zshshould I delete it and rebuild the image01:20
ograthat gets overwroitten by initramfs if it can get one via tftp01:20
ograno, no need to01:20
zshor I will write the new options in this file01:20
ograindeed you could do that, but that then requires an image rebuild01:21
zshthe dhcpd runnes not on this box01:21
ograi havent chefcked the lts.conf/tftp code against foreign servers yet, that might be it ...01:24
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zshthe dhcpd runs on debian etch01:25
ograwell, that shouldnt break01:27
ograbut i'm not sure my code respects the next-server variable yet01:27
zshoh, that could be01:29
zshI should enter the shell by typing: alt+ctrl+F2 or?01:31
zshI have rebuild the image and also no success01:31
zshI get only a black screen01:32
zshstrl+alt+F9 brings me back to ldm01:32
zshdoes screen_02=shell work with feisty?01:39
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zshthe shell works on a real hardware client02:09
zshnot with vmware02:09
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zshogra: I tried a few things, with the client, until I saw following in ldm.log "/usr/bin/ssh -X -t -S /var/run/ldm_socket -l <myuser> ..."02:30
zsh192.168.0.254 is not my server02:31
zshbut the other IPs are ok02:31
zshso "next-server" ist not implemented02:32
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ograso your lts.conf works now ?02:32
ograor how did you get into the client02:32
zshI tried it on a real hardware client02:33
zshnot in vmware02:33
zshin vmware I get no shell02:33
ograyou can try setting LDM_SERVER or just SERVER to your servers ip in lts.conf ... ut indeed that only works where lts.conf is read02:35
zshcan I try both?02:52
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zshthx this03:14
zshso perhaps I can also connect to my feisty system03:18
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RichEdping ogra03:25
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RichEdhi ... just installed edubuntu 7.04 to my old mecer (acer) notebook ... it gives me only 640x480 screen resolution ... how do i add other resolutions ?03:26
RichEdi've run 915 resolution ... but still only the 1 option available03:26
ograare you sure its an intel chipset ?03:27
RichEdhow would I check ?03:27
stgraberRichEd: lspci03:27
=== RichEd needs to dash out ... back in 30 mins and will then try that ... thanks both :)
zshogra: if I point LDM_SERVER and SERVER to my feisty server, I have a authorisation problem, I guess I have to add the ssh keys fprm the feisty server03:32
ograthe client needs to know the keys of the app server you log in to03:33
zshis there a quick way to do this?03:33
stgraberI don't know if there is a quicker way than chroot the ltsp chroot + put the key in there + rebuild the squashfs03:35
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zshwhat is the right way, to import the key03:38
stgraberyou should put them into /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts03:40
stgraberformat is the same as your .ssh/known_hosts03:41
zshok, seams easy, thx, I try this03:41
=== froud [n=sean@dsl-242-130-165.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
ogradont forget to rebuild the image :)03:50
zshno, I justed finished03:51
zshwow, it works, great great great03:52
zshthx thx thx03:52
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zshhas the thinclient now still a open network connection to my gutsy server?03:54
zshit I don't use the swaping-server03:54
zshok, I have to go03:58
zshthx, for your great work03:58
zshgutsy ltsp will rock03:59
ograthanks, ciao :)03:59
=== afd [n=tibi@] has joined #edubuntu
afdhi! I have an LTSP setup running with an Ubuntu server (this is not an Edubuntu installation though)04:04
afdOne of my terminals, where Gnome runs, was configured through the Keyboard applet to have an aditional layout (Romanian)04:05
afdthis has the immediate  effect of reseting the terminal and not allowing it to log in into that account anymore04:05
afdany experience with this?04:05
RichEdhi ogra ... i'm back ... yes lspci says Intel GJ/GE Chipset Integrated Graphicd Device04:06
=== Castigador [n=Alfredo@88.Red-80-38-9.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
RichEddo i need to restart the GUI once I have run 915resolution04:09
ograyou should reboot after instalig it04:10
RichEdokie ... doing that now04:10
ograafaik it has a bootscript that gets executed04:11
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cottimaogra how art thou?04:15
=== sbalneav [n=sbalneav@S0106000b6a5631f9.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu
stgrabermorning sbalneav04:16
highvoltagehey sbalneav04:16
sbalneavhey hey04:16
highvoltagesbalneav: is there an online copy of the ltsp documentation you have worked on?04:16
ogracottima, fine fine ... bit busy preparing the tribe4 CD :)04:17
sbalneavWell, it's on the handbook, so it's mirrored on the docs.edubuntu.com I think04:17
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gduteilhello i'm back05:38
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JonNoob_HELP- Got a install of edubuntu feisty server where the clients won't boot. It says rpc failed: 2 after running /scripts/nfs-premount05:43
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JonNoob_Could someone please tell me where i have to change the ip on my server if i want to use a different ip-range than the default? Is it only dhcpd.conf and system-administration-network?05:56
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cliebowcbx33:any tips on adding x11vnc..sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 and apt-get installx11vnc ..sees no package..07:35
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cbx33cliebow, i havn't had much exp with that....07:36
cbx33i tested a different way07:36
cbx33I'm just writing a mail ti the ML07:36
cliebowk..i see gutsy main restricted as only repo in sources.list07:37
cbx33are you running gutsy?07:43
cbx33i have no idea then07:47
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cliebowhow can i tell what repo holds x11vnc/libvncserver?07:57
cbx33what about a search07:57
cliebowheh yeah..just remembered07:58
cliebow..wonder whether i should twek sources.list in chroot07:59
cliebowtoo late to worry now 8~)08:02
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cliebowhere goes!08:06
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cliebowcbx33:how should i go about troubleshooting tcm? with one user i do not see him09:04
cbx33does he have a b at the start or end of his name?09:04
cliebowusername is oogabooga (of course)09:06
cbx33oh yeh it's a b anywhere09:06
cbx33looks like no one applied my patch09:06
cliebowheh..ill try oogaooga09:06
cbx33I'll send one to you09:06
LaserJockcbx33: a "b" anywhere will make it not work? :-)09:06
cbx33there is a python command that's wrong09:07
cbx33it strips chars instead of replacing a astring09:07
cbx33i sent ogra a patch for this09:08
cbx33months ago09:08
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cliebowcbx33:you'll have to sen the manual too 8~)09:08
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cliebowcbx33:no joy..ooga     pts/1        2007-08-07 15:22 (
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tckanyone here?10:37
LaserJocktck: if you've got a question you can just ask10:44
tckit's ok i don't need to now, thanks :)10:44
moquistogra: are you sure su-ing as "postmaster" is right? what about su-ing to "postgres"?11:02
moquist(pitti's not around ATM)11:02
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=== moquist guesses ogra isn't really around, either
LaserJockmoquist: I think he's in the middle of trying to salvage Tribe 4 :-)11:06
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