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=== Onoma is now known as Xoris^
Xoris^soundray, what problems, the same error you get with that program or what? note that i put everything on the same line but you need a couple of newlines in the actual .c file04:07
soundrayXoris^: I put newlines before the int main, after the { and before the }04:11
Xoris^soundray: that's correct... what about the error04:12
soundrayXoris^: I get "incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf'04:12
Xoris^soundray: ah, erm, that's my fault, you need to also #include <stdio.h>04:13
soundrayXoris^: ah okay, it compiles now and puts out 10.3 when run04:15
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soundrayXoris^: no message during the compilation04:15
Xoris^soundray: then it compiled... if you run a.out, you should get "10" printed. anyway it means your libraries themselves are probably fine04:16
soundrayXoris^: yes, so far so good04:17
soundrayXoris^: fwiw, I've pasted the whole error on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3292404:19
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate04:21
soundrayI guess I'll do that ^^. I'm desperate enough. Even though it would be nice to know what the issue is, because it'll certainly crop up again...04:22
Xoris^soundray: can you pastebin that .c file too?04:23
Xoris^soundray: i'm not even sure that will help, to be honest04:24
Xoris^by the way, bear with me as my connection right now is extremely slow and i have some 30 seconds lag and can barely reach the web04:25
soundrayXoris^: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32926  - I'm patient & grateful for your input04:26
Xoris^soundray: try compiling that file manually (perhaps copy it somewhere else in your home first) with gcc -lm airy.c04:27
Xoris^soundray: and find out what command line is being used by the Makefile to compile it (something like grep airy Makefile if there is a Makefile in that directory, otherwise go to the root of the source tree and "find Makefile | xargs -n 1 grep airy")04:28
Xoris^soundray: on my own machine, compiling it manually result in obvious linker errors, since all those "bess*" function it uses do not exist, but no fabs() or sqrt() problems04:32
soundrayXoris^: same here, no fabs/sqrt related stuff04:33
Xoris^soundray: then it must be something in the Makefile, for sure...04:33
soundrayhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32928 for the find/grep output...04:33
soundrayXoris^: I think you've given me a valuable hint there. I'll strip it down in the cmake step and compile only the bare stuff on both machines, and see if that works.04:34
Xoris^soundray: the output there is not very useful, because it just uses "make" again... so you need to find where in the makefile (and in which makefile) the rule for making '.o' files is04:36
soundrayXoris^: I really think that the issue is in the Makefiles now. Thank you so much for your time, I've got something to try out now.04:42
Xoris^soundray: well you'd still need to find out why the makefiles are different though (if they are). but it's not unlikely that the configure script is not too well-made, and got confused by some very trivial difference between the two machines04:44
soundrayXoris^: indeed, it's not been written with much attention to portability.04:46
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=== CheeseGardener [n=steve@cpe-24-161-12-36.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
CheeseGardenersoundray, are you here?07:42
soundrayWhere did you save your iso?07:42
CheeseGardener/media/ExHD/Linux Backup ISOs/07:43
CheeseGardenerthat's the filename07:44
soundrayCheeseGardener: in the terminal, do a 'cd /media/ExHD/Linux\ Backup\ ISOs'07:44
soundrayGot it?07:45
soundrayDo a 'pwd'07:45
soundrayWhat does it say?07:45
CheeseGardenerNo such file or directory07:46
soundrayDon't copy the quote marks07:46
soundrayWhat's going on?07:47
CheeseGardenerok I got it to work07:47
soundrayWhat does it say?07:47
CheeseGardenerby pulling the folder after cd07:47
CheeseGardenersteve@steve-laptop:/media/ExHD/Linux Backup ISOs$07:47
soundrayCheeseGardener: look, you're wasting my time if you do something other than I asked you to.07:47
CheeseGardenerI thought that's what you wanted me to do.07:48
CheeseGardenerI'll do it again then07:48
soundrayNow do a07:48
CheeseGardeneroh ok07:48
soundrayNow do a 'sudo mount -o loop aptoncd-20070806-CD1-1.iso /mnt && echo SUCCESS'07:48
soundrayWhat does it say?07:49
soundrayNow do a 'cd /mnt ; ls' (don'07:49
soundrayNow do a 'cd /mnt ; ls' (don't copy the ' marks)07:49
CheeseGardenerok, I did the one with the ' marks07:50
CheeseGardenerand it just puts me at a blank prompt07:50
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soundrayCheeseGardener: I said DON'T use the quote marks. They are just there to indicate the beginning and end of what you're supposed to type.07:51
soundrayCheeseGardener: do a Ctrl-C and try again07:51
CheeseGardenerit worked now07:51
soundrayDid it list your .deb files?07:53
CheeseGardeneraptoncd.info  Packages      Packages.gz         Release07:53
CheeseGardenerpackages      Packages.bz2  README.diskdefines07:53
CheeseGardenerthat's what it did07:53
soundrayDo a 'cd packages ; ls'07:53
CheeseGardenernow it lists them07:54
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soundrayDo a 'sudo cp *.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/'07:55
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CheeseGardenerok... it brought me to a blank prompt07:56
CheeseGardenerit brought my back to the same prompt again... and gave me some sort of error message that disappeared07:56
CheeseGardenerare you there?07:56
CheeseGardenerok  I thought something happened with GAIM07:56
CheeseGardenerwhen I type that, it does nothing07:56
soundrayCan you scroll up to see the message?07:56
CheeseGardenerit has a blank prompt and then goes to the normal:07:56
soundrayCheeseGardener: okay, it has worked probably. Now you want to get a list of those packages so you can apt-get install them, right?07:57
CheeseGardenerum... I thought the CD would install them?07:58
soundrayCheeseGardener: it would, if it was a proper CD. Since you've stored it as an iso, we have to use a different procedure.07:58
soundrayls | cut -d "_" -f 1 | tr "\n" " " | xargs -n 1 apt-get install07:59
CheeseGardeneralright. You know, I think I'm just going to manually install some of these things.08:00
soundrayThat's the command that will do that. Make sure you're still in /mnt/packages/ and you type absolutely every character in that line. Spaces are vital08:00
CheeseGardenerI'll save the command08:00
CheeseGardenerif I need it someday :)08:00
soundrayOkay, good luck. Dinner time for me now.08:01
CheeseGardenerThanks though :)08:01
CheeseGardenercya soundray.08:01
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