
=== Erick [n=test@] has joined #ubuntu-installer
Erickhi need some help with installing from HD (NOT CDROM). Is this the right channel?12:09
Erickto discuss?12:09
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tepsipakkicjwatson: yay, gfxboot works now?06:26
superm1cjwatson, I wrote a patch for https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/130445 in my branch at https://code.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/ubiquity/mythbuntu-ubiquity if you would be able to look at it and possibly merge08:23
tepsipakkicjwatson: so it seems.. sleep well :)08:26
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cjwatsontepsipakki: yeah. please check whether new gfxboot patches change APIs all over the place in future :)10:02
cjwatsonit had interesting knock-on effects all the way into the theme font and stuff10:06
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cjwatsonsuperm1: looks great to me, more or less exactly how I'd have done it10:15
CIA-20ubiquity: cjwatson * r2169 ubiquity/ (9 files in 6 dirs): merge from Mario10:16
tepsipakkicjwatson: I'll be very careful even when thinking of starting to merge syslinux/gfxboot in the future :)10:46
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tepsipakkicjwatson: by the way, dapper installation with the new debconf worked just fine04:24
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CIA-20ubiquity: cjwatson * r2170 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/install.py):05:28
CIA-20ubiquity: * Run apt's DoInstall() method with stdin redirected from /dev/null, to05:28
CIA-20ubiquity:  stop it hijacking the debconf protocol (LP: #130843).05:28
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CIA-20ubiquity: cjwatson * r2161 tribe-4/ (debian/changelog scripts/install.py): cherry-pick r2170 from trunk06:17
CIA-20ubiquity: cjwatson * r2162 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):06:24
CIA-20ubiquity: * Automatic update of included source packages: apt-setup 1:0.21ubuntu2,06:24
CIA-20ubiquity:  base-installer 1.81ubuntu1, partman-auto 69ubuntu5.06:24
cjwatson(that was really the tribe-4 branch)06:25
CIA-20ubiquity: cjwatson * r2163 tribe-4/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.5.706:28
CIA-20ubiquity: cjwatson * r2171 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog): merge tribe-4 branch06:41
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superm1i'm a bit confused, was this tribe-4 branch just made for doing the tribe 4 release?06:43
evandsuperm1: yes, there were changes to ubiquity that were in bzr but were not released as a version.  As they were somewhat large, it was decided they should not be included for tribe-4.06:47
evandAt least that's what my understanding was06:47
superm1i see06:47
superm1well that's sensible06:47
cjwatsonpitti told me to do it. :)07:07
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superm1cjwatson, so is the plan to do some incremental testing releases with the bigger changes right after tribe-4 but before tribe-5 in the form of dailies?08:05
evandsuperm1: Can you clairfy that?  Daily CD images are always built.  Do you mean daily images tagged with specific features and announced to the community?08:07
superm1evand, i mean incremental testing releases of ubiquity in the dailies08:07
superm1for testing/showing those "bigger" changes to ubiquity08:08
evandI'm sorry, I'm having a really hard time understanding people today.  If you mean additional releases of Ubiquity between now and Tribe-5 that include the changes that didn't make it into Tribe-4 as well as changes that have occurred since then, then yes, we will do that.08:10
superm1yea that's what i had meant :)08:10
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superm1cjwatson, in the tribe 4 release, were any of the mythbuntu frontend changes added in?11:41
cjwatsonno, I'm afraid not11:46
cjwatsonI explicitly branched to avoid all the churn that hadn't been uploaded yet11:46
cjwatsonthey'll go in in the next upload, which will be well before tribe-411:46
cjwatsonwell before tribe-511:46
superm1oh ok.  well i'll make sure to upload to our 3rd party repo then until then11:47
superm1we're  lagging behind by about 2-3 weeks on our alphas anyhow, so that will work out well11:48

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