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bashelier@schedule Paris02:21
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Paris: 07 Aug 17:00: Kernel Team | 08 Aug 14:00: Edubuntu | 09 Aug 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 10 Aug 06:00: MOTU Team | 11 Aug 19:00: Xubuntu Developers | 14 Aug 17:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting02:21
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fernando@schedule Sao_Paulo03:00
ubotuSchedule for America/Sao_Paulo: 07 Aug 12:00: Kernel Team | 08 Aug 09:00: Edubuntu | 09 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 10 Aug 01:00: MOTU Team | 11 Aug 14:00: Xubuntu Developers | 14 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting03:00
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BenChello everyone05:04
BenCSo this is the kernel team meeting05:05
BenCInformation on the Ubuntu kernel team can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam, and the agenda (needs updating) is at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting05:05
BenCWe'll use last meeting as a template05:06
BenCamitk__, rtg_, pkl_: ping05:06
pkl_kyle not around?05:06
BenCChecking on that05:07
BenCSo we'll just go down the list for now05:07
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BenCamitk__: So what's on your plate?05:09
amitk__2d DRM drivers for UME05:09
amitk__thermal optimsation patches from Intel - again for UME05:10
amitk__THE END.05:10
BenCAre you ok with the changes needed to get DRM in lum and disabled in linux-source?05:10
BenCfor lpia that is05:10
amitk__BenC: yes i am. I will submit a patch for review05:11
amitk__are we switching MIDs to the lpia arch rightaway?05:11
BenCMight be a better question for ubuntu-mobile :)05:12
amitk__I though we were still sticking with the UME flavour of i386 for the time-being05:12
BenCamitk__: Any progress or updates for laptop testing?05:12
amitk__unfortunately not. I have updated some of the tests. I hope to find some time towards the end of the week05:14
BenCOk, definitely want to get that moving with tribe-4 coming out Thu05:15
BenClet me know if we need to offset some of this effort05:15
BenCamitk__: thanks for the updates05:15
BenCpkl_: how's things coming along with you?05:16
pkl_Very slow.  Still stuck doing the writeSupportForNTFS stuff05:16
pkl_Mainly all packaging based, which means it's taking me a long time because I'm completely unfamiliar with it.05:17
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pkl_Hoped to have had it finished last week.  I currently anticipate today.05:18
BenCpkl_: do you have a packaging mentor?05:18
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BenCcjwatson: ah, perfect timing...do you know who would be best to contact about mentoring pkl for packaging ntfs-write stuff?05:18
pkl_It should be mainly finished now.05:19
cjwatsonBenC: probably me TBH05:19
cjwatsonI've already done some bits around the side there05:19
cjwatsonI extend a standing offer to anyone on the kernel team to review and sponsor userspace bits for them, if you can't find anyone else05:20
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kylemi can help...05:20
BenCI'm more than willing myself, just depends on the TZ overlap, or just waiting05:20
BenCpkl_: so probably just an email to kernel-team@ once the packages are ready, and we'll definitely check it over05:21
cjwatsoncc me if you want me to look at it, as I don't read kernel-team@ regularly05:21
BenCpkl_: How goes things with virtualization? Any time to test xen yet?05:22
pkl_Not yet.05:22
BenCzul_: anything to add on xen?05:22
BenCso far, I've yet to hear of a real live test05:23
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zul_BenC: yeah I have an update this week, seems to work fine for me05:23
BenCso you're running dom0 and domU from our image with no problems?05:23
zul_no problems now at least05:24
BenCany chance you've checked on the amd64 build failure?05:24
zul_from today?05:24
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zul_oh the kernel side, not yet05:25
zul_will do so tonight05:25
zul_but Im pretty sure my new patch will fix it05:25
BenCzul_: from when we tried a week or so ago05:25
BenCpkl_, zul_: thanks05:25
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BenCrtg_: So how's your work load going, or should I just call you dell-man? :)05:26
rtg_dell-man is fine with me :)05:26
rtg_I'm working on the Dell recovery stuff http://linux.dell.com/dru/index.php a little bit.05:27
rtg_Also working through the list of Dell related bugs.05:27
rtg_Its ever so much easier when you have the hardware.05:27
rtg_I need to start working on Gutsy wireless bugs  pretty soon.05:27
BenCok, that last response answered my question :)05:28
rtg_So, my plate is full for the foreseeable future.05:28
BenCAny bugs you're aware of with wireless?05:28
rtg_I've seen several, but have not looked closely at any yet.05:28
rtg_Some of them are probably unfixable, like bcm43xx  stuff.05:29
rtg_There is a lot of churn in the wireless-dev tree.05:29
BenCAnything we might want to pull in for gutsy?05:30
rtg_Linville has made some interesting decisions w/regard to soft mac.05:30
BenCOne thing we may want to consider now is that we may want a newer mac80211 than what's in our stock 2.6.22 kernel05:30
rtg_I couldn't say for sure how it might affect Gutsy.05:30
zul_BenC: I have some santa rosa ids sitting in my git tree that ill push soon05:30
rtg_It will take some research.05:31
BenCzul_: pass those through kyle, please05:31
rtg_Thats it from me.05:31
BenCrtg_: Ok, definitely check into mac80211 from wireless-dev and possibly some of the wireless-dev mac80211 converted drivers for lum05:31
rtg_Will do.05:32
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BenCthere are some other drivers that we may need newer mac80211 for, specifically iwlwifi05:32
BenCrtg_: ok, thanks05:32
BenCkylem: so finally back from your forced extended trip to ubuntulive? :)05:32
kylemgetting home was expensive. :/05:33
BenCkylem: so how's things with your work load?05:34
kylemanyway, i've been trying to plough through some of the untriaged bugs reported by the intel qa people.05:34
BenCright, that looked like a pretty tedious list05:34
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kylemother than that, i've been getting a bugfix xf86-video-intel release ready for gutsy.05:35
BenCkylem: what about general Intel enablement...are we good with that for gutsy, and just need to address bugs?05:35
kylembecause the current git head has a pile of changes we don't want, but also a lot of bugfixes we need05:35
BenCother than the iwlwifi bug fixes that is05:35
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kylemthere's two patches coming this week for iwlwifi that will bring our 0.0.42 to 1.0.0, which should be good to go for gutsy for 4965.05:36
kylemtheir focus has been enabling 4965, so we're going to need to stick with ipw3945 for gutsy.05:36
BenCkylem: I assume 1.0.0 means they will have certified it?05:36
kylemBenC, indeed.05:36
kylemlastly i've been picking through some alsa patches from 2.6.23-rc2 to see what is relevant for enablement on gutsy.05:37
kylemer, second to lastly05:37
kylemthere's also a bit more stuff going on with the e1000 drivers that i've been picking at but haven't had time to sit down and beat at yet05:37
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BenCkylem: Oh, TheMuso is only handling alsa userspace, so you're still the go-to-guy for kernel side :)05:37
kylemit seems intel has released some new e100 chipsets which are a e1000 mac, with a 10/100 phy, so we need the new driver for them (even though they're really only 10/100.)05:38
BenCkylem: Ok..perhaps look into updating feisty lbm too then05:39
kylemyes, it will likely become relevant to tim at some point in the near future.05:39
BenCkylem: great, thanks05:40
rtg_kylem: everything I have from Dell works over ethernet.05:40
kylemrtg_, for now...05:41
BenChopefully those new macs wont become relevant till gutsy is viable as an option05:41
BenCbut we can update lbm in feisty without too much worry, restricting to just the PCI ids needed05:41
kylemdell is already shipping a laptop with it, i imagine it's only a matter of time until they want linux on it.05:41
rtg_kylem: which one ? Maybe I can get them to send it to me.05:42
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kylemdunno, i'll dig out the pci id later.05:42
kylemit's in one of the models of dell vostro.05:42
kylemthe last thing i've been mucking with is hrtimers for x86-64 which we probably can't ship in gutsy; kind of a shame but c'est la vie.05:43
BenCAny points from community folks?05:43
zulno for me05:44
kylemfedora is going to be shipping it though, so we'll be behind them on power saving on amd64 :\05:44
BenCkylem: fortunately, most people who want decent desktop on x86_64 use 32-bit anyway, it seems05:44
BenCat least I do05:44
BenCCan't have my youtube on 64-bit without jumping through hurdles05:45
kylemgnash does youtube quite nicely these days.05:45
BenCah, haven't tested that yet :)05:45
zulslacker :)05:45
BenCbut then there's wine and win32 codecs05:46
rtg_BenC: whats going on with the Turion boot problem?05:46
BenCrtg_: I didn't get CPU ids in time for an upload by kyle05:46
BenCbut "nolapic_timer nohz=off" is a decent work around05:47
BenCwe should get that added to the tribe-4 release notes05:47
BenCSo, we're starting to get down to the crunch in our cycle...less development and more bug work05:48
BenCfeature freeze approaches, kernel freeze shortly after05:48
BenCWhen that starts to settle, it's a good time to start thinking about next UDS and gutsy+105:49
cjwatsonI don't know if it came up before I joined, but has work for 6.06.2 been parcelled out?05:49
BenCAh, right, was on my mind earlier, but forgot to add it to the agenda05:50
cjwatsona bunch of stuff is still just assigned to the team05:50
BenCI've got the list of drivers to work on, and most likely I'll be handling most of it05:50
BenCcjwatson: I suspect I should contact heno to get testing prior to upload?05:51
cjwatsonyes, we'll need to organise something based on what hardware is available05:52
BenCHopefully I can get Montreal support and elmo to help with the testing05:52
BenCGet a modified CD image up05:52
cjwatsonheno is a good contact to start with, and if anyone else has hardware related to any of those bugs I recommend making sure that you have a 6.06.1 install on it somewhere if possible05:52
cjwatsonyep, I'll be preparing proposed CD images05:53
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BenCI'll get you the kernel images then05:53
BenCAny last comments?05:55
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HobbseeBenC: ni!05:56
BenCAlright then, thanks everyone05:56
BenCmeeting adjourned05:56
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