
JazzvaAnd where are extensions that have ubuntu packages? (to search on packages.ubuntu.com?)12:27
asacJazzva: ok12:28
asachere is the branch:12:28
asacbranch that like12:28
asacbzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/app-install-data-ubuntu/ubuntu/ app-install-data-ubuntu.ubuntu12:28
Ubuletteasac, just tried my ff3a7 from build-tree/mozilla/dist/bin, it starts, bookmarks and bookmarks toolbar are ok, passwords too (at least!), but still got the assert /w cairo on exit.12:28
asacthen lets not care too much about cairo crashes12:29
Ubulettefirefox-granparadiso-bin: /build/buildd/libcairo-1.4.10/src/cairo-hash.c:196: _cairo_hash_table_destroy: Assertion `hash_table->live_entries == 0' failed.12:29
Ubulette./run-mozilla.sh: line 131: 15563 Aborted                 (core dumped) "$prog" ${1+"$@"}12:29
asacUbulette: try the branch we have12:29
asacfor trunk12:29
asacyes its an assertion12:29
Ubuletteyeah I know :)12:30
asacupstream disabled it hardcoded in in-source code for the time-being :/12:30
asacbut if bookmarks et al work well in dist/bin12:30
asacthen we might be able to just ignore that12:30
asachowever ... make install is still broken apparently12:30
asacmaybe you see the difference?12:30
asace.g. is defaults/ directory structured differenctly to what is in /usr/lib/firefox-trunk/defaults et al12:31
JazzvaOff for a smoke, until bzr finishes pulling :)...12:31
asacJazzva: its basically adding .desktop files and images to menu-data directory12:32
asacand using a special mime-type for firefox extensions12:32
gnomefreakasac: iceape (1.1.4+u1-0ubuntu1)  does that look good? im assuming u+* is the upstream tarball12:32
gnomefreak1.1.1+u2-0ubuntu1 is now12:32
asacwell u1 was because we carried diffs against debian calendar12:32
asacbut since we don't anymore you can just use debian orig.tar.gz12:33
gnomefreakah ok i can drop that than12:33
asacyes just use debian orig12:33
asacand use their upstream version12:33
gnomefreakthat means i have to make all our changes again12:33
asacyou have our debian/ directory12:33
gnomefreakah ok12:33
asacthere should be nothing else that is "just us"12:34
gnomefreaki was going from scartch12:34
asacwell thats your business then :)12:34
asacJazzva: i think if you added those .desktop files and start gnome-app-install with --mozilla-extension=firefox12:35
asacyou should get a special app install dialog with just firefox extensions12:35
asacbut don't ask me what the right mime-type was12:35
asacyou need to ask glatzor in #ubuntu-desktop tomorrow about that12:35
JazzvaBack... You mean, to add that to debian/rules?12:37
asacis branch done?12:38
asaclook into it12:38
JazzvaNot really... still waiting12:38
asacmaybe add a .desktop file for greasemonkey ... and see what happens if you build the package and install it12:38
=== Jazzva has only 256kbs net :)
asacat least greasemonkey should then show up in gnome-app-install12:38
=== Jazzva runs Feisty... can't install gutsy package
asaccwong1: have you committed the script to produce a tarball?12:39
asacJazzva: well ... setup a chroot :)12:39
asacJazzva: we usually don't develop for feisty12:40
Jazzvaasac: Have it (with pbuilder)...12:40
asacyes test it inside that then12:40
cwong1asac: Not yet.  Will get to it shortly. ..12:40
JazzvaStupid question: You mean to log in it and install it from there?12:40
asacJazzva: yes ... just login there12:41
asacand work inside that12:41
asacif that doesn't allow you to start X applications you need to setup a handcrafted chroot12:41
asacbut maybe it works in pbuilder chroot12:41
JazzvaI'll see if it does... If it doesn't... well, another chroot it is :).12:42
asaccwong1: ok i tagged the release as 0.1.6a12:46
cwong1asac:so 0.1.6a is the version you want?12:47
asacwe use a,b,c,d if we have multiple releases for same mozilla release12:48
asacif mozilla goes we will go for 0.1.7 et al12:48
asacuntil we think we are 0.2.X12:48
cwong1so I should create a midbrowser.0.1.6a-source.tar.bz2?12:48
asacyes please12:48
asaccwong1: ah12:48
asaccwong1: use midbrowser-0.1.6a-source.tar.bz212:48
asacto be consistent on how mozilla names their tarballs12:48
cwong1then how do I send the tarball to u?12:49
asaccwong1: and use the 0.1.6a tag12:49
asacto create it12:49
asacwell ... can't you upload anywhere?12:49
asacotherwise just commit the ready to use script to master12:49
cwong1If I commit the script, can you create the tar file yourself for now?12:50
asaccommit it to working12:51
asacand or master12:52
gnomefreakcross your fingers ;)12:52
asacat best to working ... then let me cherry-pick it down12:52
cwong1give me a few mintues here12:52
=== gnomefreak walks away for a bit i dont want to see it fail
asaccwong1: sure12:53
asacgnomefreak: hehe12:53
asaccwong1: let me know when you pushed to working01:02
asacmaybe something like sh build_release.sh midbrowser 0.1.6a01:02
asace.g. build_release.sh <APPNAME> <VERSION>01:02
gnomefreakasac: in source what dir would xulrunner be in?01:03
gnomefreaki see no sign of mike removing this patch and its failing so i would like to see if it was applied01:04
asacgnomefreak: he?01:04
asacgnomefreak: its just xulrunner-VERSION.orig/01:04
asacits not an embedded layout01:05
asacwhy do you work on xulrunner now?01:05
asacdo we need updates?01:05
gnomefreakthe patch is failing01:05
gnomefreaki want to see if it was applied upstream01:05
asacwelll ... if mike didn't remove it it should still apply01:05
gnomefreakit was written by mike sids 1.1.4 doesnt have it01:05
asacthen its dropped01:06
asacjust follow him :)01:06
gnomefreakok i was hoping to see he dropped it somewhere01:06
=== Jazzva doesn't like when there's no "Downloaded blabla of yada-yada MB"... *sigh*
JazzvaHow big is this branch? (approx) :)01:08
asacJazzva: no idea ... let me look01:09
gnomefreakthe desktop files one?01:09
asac+ pngs01:09
asaci guess png is most01:09
gnomefreakyeah probibly01:09
JazzvaWell, that was fun :)01:15
JazzvaIt downloaded... Now to build it01:15
asacyeah bzr is still pretty slow using http://01:15
JazzvaBuild phase over :D...01:16
JazzvaOk, I'm gonna take a look at it...01:16
gnomefreakthat was fast01:16
gnomefreakalmost scarey fast01:16
JazzvaWell, I was a bit away... But yeah, it seems fast to build something 79MBs big... But most of it are pngs...01:17
gnomefreakgod help me i always get the unsmart ones :(01:18
gnomefreakJazzva: true01:18
gnomefreak19:15 <      gnomefreak > animal: are you on gnome?01:18
gnomefreak19:15 <          animal > i am on ubuntu 7.0401:18
gnomefreak19:15 <      gnomefreak > animal: what desktop01:18
gnomefreak19:15 <         elcasey > gnome01:18
gnomefreak19:16 <          animal > what do you mean what desktop ?01:18
Jazzvagnomefreak: Unsmart pkgs? well, this just finished downloaded... I'm not so sure if I was lucky :)01:18
JazzvaOh, didn't notice it...01:19
JazzvaUmm, this is weird - the app-install-data-ubuntu.ubuntu dir is only 8.9 MB big *lol*...01:20
asacmight be true01:21
asacmost data is probably old revisions01:21
gnomefreakha its building im gone for a while01:22
JazzvaHave fun :)01:22
asaccwong1: ok i think i will create the tarball now ... will start a testbuild before bed01:22
gnomefreakasac: if it builds you want me to upload source and friends to my youmortals site so you can grab and test before upload01:22
JazzvaI need an advice... Is it smart to make, for example, bzr and bzr-local dir01:22
asacif all works out upload tomorrow morning01:22
asacgnomefreak: well ... please test :)01:23
gnomefreakasac: ofcourse01:23
gnomefreaki mean after that01:23
asacJazzva: why bzr-local?01:23
JazzvaAnd to make changes in bzr-local (making whole lot of revisions) and then, when I'm satisfied, make final changes in bzr01:23
asacgnomefreak: what are you working on?01:23
gnomefreakasac: iceape01:23
asacgnomefreak: ah ... yes, please push01:23
asaci will grab and sponsor01:23
asacJazzva: hmm01:23
asaci have a bzr directory01:24
asacthere i have application.ubuntu branch01:24
gnomefreakwill le tyou know tomorrow how i did, im sure you will be in bed 4+hours01:24
asacthen if i want to develop a feature i use01:24
asaca brach based on that called application.ubuntu.feature ... and when satisfied i merge the changes i want back to .ubuntu branch01:24
JazzvaHmm, sounds like this, just that I use different root dirs... So, I can merge them back :D? gonna look at that :)01:25
asace.g. i do bzr branch application.ubuntu application.ubuntu.feature01:25
asaci don't see the benefit of different root dirs01:25
asachaving them next to each other is pretty nice in most cases i guess01:25
JazzvaTrue... shorter relative paths...01:25
cwong1asaci: what's the option for creating a .bz2 with tar?01:27
Jazzvacwong1 Isn't it just bzip2 <filename>.tar?01:31
cwong1yes. it is  I think there is an option that you can pass to tar so that you can do it in 1 command.01:32
asaccwong1: its tar cvjf midbrowser-${VERSION}-source.tar.bz2 --exclude=.git* mozilla/01:33
cwong1ok tx01:33
asacwell maybe we should exclude CVS as well01:38
cwong1and .cvsignore01:40
cwong1can I have more than 1 exclude from the command line?01:41
asaccwong1: no idea ... try :) ... did you edit baseMenuOverlay.xul?01:41
asacand bookmarks.html?01:41
cwong1Yes I did01:41
asacwhat did you do to baseMenuOverlay?01:42
cwong1I believe I just disable a menu item from help..01:43
asaccwong1: ok dropped releasenotes01:44
Jazzvaasac: Is there a list of extensions that are packaged for Ubuntu?01:45
asaccwong1: "removed the default bookmarks" ... which ones do you add instead?01:45
JazzvaOr just to search through apt-get for firefox-* and mozilla-* and pick the extensions? :)01:45
asacJazzva: no :) ... a good guess is to go through the list that apt-cache rdepends gives you01:46
asacand verify if that is an extension or not01:46
asacmost are probably not extensions01:46
Jazzvaapt-cache show :)...01:46
asacbut in that way you will find all extensions that depend on firefox01:46
asachope not that there are extensions that do not depend on firefox01:46
JazzvaWell, if they're for FF, then it would be a mistake not to depend on FF :)...01:47
JazzvaAre there exts for TB too?01:47
asaccwong1: i am currenty updating the ubuntu-look-and-feel-patch that we derived by basing our package on current firefox one01:47
asaccwong1: nevermind01:47
asacJazzva: yes ... enigmail01:47
cwong1asac:  I have check-in build_release.sh in the toplevel. The script excpect the topleve is mozilla. Also you need to run the script inside the tree.01:47
asacJazzva: maybe some more01:47
asaccwong1: on working?01:48
asaclet me see01:48
Jazzvaasac: Ok, I'll see what I can find :)...01:48
JazzvaHmm, what's the difference between "mozilla-firefox-locale-af" and "|mozilla-firefox-locale-af"? man doesn't say anything :/...01:50
asac| means OR in depends01:55
asacso Depends: XXX | YYY means XXX or YYY will satisfy your requirements01:55
JazzvaPlease try "apt-cache rdepends mozilla-firefox" (it prints shorter list :)... Some pkgs have "|" in front, and some don't...01:57
asacwell | are ors02:08
asacwith previous line02:08
asacjust go through full list and see if its an extension02:08
JazzvaOk... On the phone. Brb...02:09
cwong1 asac: did the script work ok?  I know its not perfect..:(02:13
asaci already have my tarball :)02:13
asacwill try the other day i guess02:13
cwong1You are going to upload the tarball for the build right?02:14
asaconce testbuild has finished yes02:15
cwong1ok tx02:15
gnomefreak:) its still going02:31
gnomefreakasac: do you remember if you removed the binaries for calendar or not from last upload or did we just say we are waiting to see when debian will add it back?02:33
=== gnomefreak cant remember crap
gnomefreakrunning first build as test build incase i need to fix something than i can remove them if needed02:34
gnomefreakDescription: Iceape Calendar This package is empty for the moment.02:35
gnomefreakah ha02:35
gnomefreakok ill think about it for tomorrow but i think 95% sure ill remove it02:36
cwong1asac: did testbuild work?02:42
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Jazzvaasac: I don't need to include plugins (as mozilla-mplayer)?03:26
Jazzva(or sun-java*-plugin)03:27
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JazzvaYay... Went through rdeps for firefox and thunderbird :D. Off to sleep now...04:32
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asacgnomefreak: ok ... i am pushing latest midbrowser now09:29
asacgnomefreak: what is the state of your applications?09:29
asacis iceape ready for review/sponsoring?09:30
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gnomefreakasac: not really02:30
gnomefreakits built02:30
gnomefreakasac: im guessing its not enough to comment out iceape-calendar in control file for it to not build binaries02:31
asacgnomefreak: no indeed ... that should be enough02:40
gnomefreakoh cool :)02:40
asacmaybe look for something calendar specific in rules as well02:40
asacthere might be clutter02:40
gnomefreakok sounds good02:40
gnomefreakasac: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/182295 should i drop all of that or just the # lines02:43
gnomefreakthats in rules02:43
asacwell ... just coment it for now in case calendar gets revived02:44
gnomefreakthe build=all and the other line?02:44
gnomefreak# full build $(MAKE) BUILD_MODULES=all02:45
gnomefreaktouch build-stamp02:45
gnomefreaksorry those i meant02:45
asacgnomefreak: lets talk about trunk02:48
asacwhat is the state?02:48
asacdo i need to look into it?02:48
gnomefreakits failes on patches02:48
asacok where was the tar?02:48
gnomefreakill get you the link02:49
asacgnomefreak: you started from mt branch, right?02:50
gnomefreakasac: yes02:50
gnomefreakasac: seems iceape is doing good so far, theres a few other things id like to test but should give same result as firefox and konq do03:09
gnomefreakbrb smoke03:09
asacgnomefreak: finally dell is available in germany ... rock!03:15
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JazzvaHello :)...04:13
Jazzvaasac: I went through the rdeps of Firefox and Thunderbird and marked the extensions and plugins... Should I skip the plugins (like sun-java*-plugin or mozilla-mplayer) when adding files to the gnome-app-install?04:25
asacJazzva: for now just extensions04:28
asacthough plugins might be wanted as well04:28
asacat some point04:28
asacbut now its extensions + their images04:29
asacJazzva: hi :)04:29
Jazzvaasac: Hmm, ok :).04:29
Jazzvaasac: Well, off to lunch then to start putting files... BTW, what's next for gnome-voice-control? :)04:30
asacJazzva: i will look a bit closer ... then upload04:31
Jazzvaasac: Ok, thanks :D...04:31
asacJazzva: can you ask upstream to add license headers to all source files?04:31
Jazzvaasac: He said that he'll do it for 0.3... And 0.3 will depend on pocketsphinx which is still not packaged for Ubuntu, AFAIK.04:33
Jazzvaasac: That's why I started packaging 0.2. And I think I saw on some mailing list (will find a link now) where it's noted that an e-mail should be enough :)...04:34
JazzvaDamn... Can't find it now... :/04:40
asacyeah ... if nobody packages it you would need to do it04:41
asacbut you should look if there is already an ITP open in debian04:42
JazzvaI know, I already filed a bug and assigned it to myself :)04:42
asacmaybe someone is already preparing it04:42
Jazzvaon wnpp.debian.org?04:42
asacits bugs.debian.org/wnpp i guess04:42
Jazzva...or that (don't know the address) :)04:42
JazzvaI looked and didn't find it...04:43
JazzvaNothing... Should I post an ITP and say that I'll package it for Ubuntu and then submit it to Debian?04:44
asacJazzva: yes04:49
gnomefreaki have to rebuild it seems it wasnt representing the lastest changes i just want to make damn sure its good before i send it up save me and you headaches later (or just me) ;)05:28
asacgnomefreak: yes please save me headaches05:34
gnomefreakim trying05:34
asacplease check debdiff (debian vs. yours)05:35
asac+ debdiff (old yours + new yours)05:35
gnomefreakit maybe nothing though05:35
gnomefreakalot of those warnings will not be represented in diff05:35
gnomefreakbut ends and doesnt sign it05:35
gnomefreaklmao gnomebaker depends on iceape05:36
asacgnomefreak: yeah ... please check that it works05:36
asacwithout recompiling05:36
gnomefreaki will05:37
asacbut maybe its a bug that gnomebaker is baked agaist iceape05:38
asacyou should check that05:38
asacusually things should use xulrunner (when in universe) or firefox for now if they strive for main05:39
gnomefreakhow do you get debdiff without all the cruft05:39
asacwhat cruft?05:40
gnomefreaki get a bunch of code in the debdiff05:40
asacwell thats ok05:40
gnomefreakcode like $H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H$H05:40
asacyou might use filterdiff05:40
asacto hide everything that isn't changed outside debian/05:40
asacgnomefreak: i don't see why you woudl get that kind of code05:41
gnomefreakdebdiff agaisnt .dsc files05:41
asactest for debian vs. new ubuntu first05:41
asacthat should be clean05:41
gnomefreakthat was05:41
gnomefreakgnomefreak@GutsyGibbon:~/test$ debdiff iceape_1.1.4-0ubuntu1.dsc iceape_1.1.4-1.dsc > iceape.debdiff05:42
asacthats wrong direction btw05:42
asacyou want to compare debian vs. ubuntu05:42
gnomefreakyeah i know05:42
asacnot vv05:42
asacwell ... do we include binary files or what?05:42
gnomefreakbut my point was the crap included05:42
asacnaybe debdiff includes those?05:42
asacshow me some parts of that crap please05:42
gnomefreakdebdiff seems to be only good against the dsc files as far as debdiff command says05:43
gnomefreaki just deleted it ill see if it comes back05:43
asacyou can debdiff .deb's or .dsc's05:44
gnomefreakwell i debdiffed the right way and pasting a bunch to pastebin this way you can check the diff and the code05:45
gnomefreakthe code makes the file huge and that is bad afaik05:46
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gnomefreakits longer but i didnt want to paste the full 15000+ lines of it05:47
cwong1asac:  looks like build go ok yesterday.  Tx05:49
gnomefreakwtf is all this i didnt do this :(05:49
asaccwong1: yes05:50
asaccwong1: i will now commit midbrowser/ tree05:50
asacto working05:50
asacwe should then revert everything we now quick-fixed in browser/ tree and redo in midbrowser05:50
cwong1asac: ok.  I am going to look into hildon crashing issue05:50
gnomefreakwtf it didnt paste the code nor does this look right it seems only patches were changed from this and i dont know how i only added one and removed 1 or 205:51
asaccwong1: actually i think we won't need hildon05:53
asaccwong1: let me commit the tree then i can explain05:53
gnomefreaktrying something else here i dont like the way its turning out very much05:53
asaccwong1: anyway i think the reason is that firefox destroys window and hildon does not realize this and double frees05:54
asacor tries to access freed mem or something05:54
cwong1asac: yes..sound reasonable but why wont we need hildon?05:55
gnomefreakunless a patch in gnomebaker calls for iceape deps than they are not there05:56
gnomefreakicedax is but that isnt related05:56
gnomefreakill see if seb knows05:56
asaccwong1: hildon doesn't provide much for us06:06
asaccwong1: what features would we want to use?06:07
gnomefreakasac: please install gnomebaker without iceape installed06:13
gnomefreaklet me know if it fails please06:13
gnomefreakasac: somethign is really fucked i am looking into the gnomebaker bs06:18
gnomefreakill be back after lunch sometime to look into this deeper06:19
asaccwong1: ok working is committed06:33
asaccwong1: feel free to revert the hildon patch on WORKING06:37
asaccwong1: and from now on edit midbrowser/base/content/midbrowser.xul :)06:37
asacif you want to tweak main window06:37
asaccwong1: i would be happy if you could make the main window as it later should appear in context06:39
asace.g. only one menu ... et al06:39
asacs/main window/main menu/06:39
asaci would then hildonize the menu later06:39
asaccwong1: would be cool if you could take over that task :) ... i can then concentrate on the mozilla hildon component06:42
cwong1asac: you want me to fix up the main menu in the midbrowser tree,right?06:44
asaccwong1: please pull latest working06:45
asaccwong1: then i can show better what i mean06:46
cwong1ok doing it now06:46
cwong1I see the midbrowser branch...06:47
asache? tree you mean?06:47
asaclook inside06:47
cwong1asac: yes :)06:47
asacwe have now our own window xul06:47
asacits midbrowser/base/content/midbrowser.xul06:47
asaci already pushed the toolbar to bottom06:47
asacyou may want to remove things you currently remove in localstore.rdf directly in that .xul file06:48
asacso we don't need localstore.rdf hack06:48
asacthough we ship the localstore.rdf atm06:48
asachowever we should remember to remove it once we have our own window finished06:48
asacok are you looking in midbrowser.xul?06:48
gnomefreakasac: i think iceape-calendar is the reason for gnomebaker since it states broken package and when you fix it i cant install -calendar and its fixed in 1.1.4 :)06:49
asaccwong1: as you see it currently pulls alsmost everything in from browser.jar06:49
asaccwong1: e.g. see chrome://browser/...06:49
asacthat is fine and we want to reuse as much from browser/ tree directly without creating copies which would be a pain to keep in sync with firefox06:50
asaccwong1: in addition to chrome ... there are #include ...06:50
cwong1I see them06:50
asacthose are expended during build06:50
asacfor instance in browser-sets.inc06:51
asacthere are lots of commands defined06:51
asacwe probably want to include them directly and then use the commands we want in our own menu06:52
asace.g. replace what midbrowser.xul currently has as menu, but reuse commands from browser-sets.inc06:52
cwong1sound resonable06:52
asacyou think you can manage it?06:52
asacor at least try?06:52
cwong1Will do06:52
asace.g. removing current menu ... replacing with just a menubar with one single menu06:52
asacwhich is what will be the hildon menu later06:53
asace.g. just "File" ... maybe call the menu "Midbrowser Menu"06:53
asaccwong1: and strip what you currently disabled from midbrowser.xul completely06:53
asaci think that would bring us a good step in right direction06:54
asacbut maybe start with building the unmodified working tree first06:54
cwong1asac: let me take a look at the hildon's menu system and see how it works first before making this change.06:54
asaccwong1: why?06:54
asaccwong1: its just "one" menu06:54
asacso just create a menu with the entries from the spec06:55
cwong1I am not so sure about that...  Just give me a few minutes to look into this...06:55
asaccwong1: from what i know its one application window which you can overload on per-window base06:56
cwong1asac:yes its a one application window.  but they have speical apis to add menus to the menu system....just give me a few minutes to look into this.06:57
asaccwong1: ok let me know07:00
cwong1will do07:00
gnomefreakasac: did you see anything in the debdiff that caught your eye?07:01
asacgnomefreak: sorry no time so far07:01
asacgnomefreak: give me link again07:01
gnomefreakill post a new one when this is done i had to change a few things07:01
gnomefreakjust building source atm no time for binaries since i already have them :)07:02
=== gnomefreak trying to get done at a good time today
gnomefreak4.6 mb debdiff :(07:12
gnomefreakah i know why07:12
asacgnomefreak: i am off ... will look later tonight07:18
gnomefreakok i will upload them you can pick from there07:19
asacplease don't upload garbage debdiffs07:19
asacfilter out non debian changes if possible07:19
asacwith filterdiff07:19
gnomefreakwhat is that?07:19
asacits in patchutils package07:19
asacyou can filter by pattern07:19
asace.g. exclude diffs for files that are not below debian/07:19
asacjust play around with it and read manpage07:20
asaccwong1: ok i have the feeling that you have a nice menu written when i return :) cu later or tomorrow07:20
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asacjust a short look :)08:25
asaccwong1: you found your way already?08:26
asaccwong1: or do you need more infos to get started?08:26
asacmore or less out again08:29
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cwong1asac: yes I found my way already..  I am just looking at the hildon stuffs now..08:33
=== levander [i=cponder@user-1121ktm.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
levandermail.yahoo.com is crash Firefox for me.  I think it's because I'm using their new interface and not their classic one.08:35
levanderActually, it doesn't crash Firefox, it freezes up the whole machine.08:35
gnomefreaklevander: how new is the UI for yahoo08:37
gnomefreaklevander: version of ubuntu and version of firefox08:37
levanderI think it's been in beta for awhile.  But, I even though I haven't used it in the past.  Today when I logged on, I was "auto-switched" to it.08:37
levandergnomefreak: Whatever the latest is in Feisty.08:38
gnomefreaklevander: apt-cache policy firefox08:38
gnomefreaklevander: some people think is latest08:38
levandergnomefreak: http://pastebin.ca/64891408:39
gnomefreakinstalled version is?08:39
gnomefreaklevander: not the latest08:39
levanderOkay, I see that. I'll try the latest later.08:40
gnomefreakit should be in updates or security repos08:40
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gnomefreakagain cant help you with your issue if you leave08:41
Ubulettequestion. why does ff3-a5 only install debsearch and wikipedia in usr/share/firefox-granparadiso/searchplugins instead of all debian/tmp/usr/lib/firefox-granparadiso/searchplugins ?08:43
Ubulettethere's a bug related to that in LP08:43
asacUbulette: feel free to fix it08:43
gnomefreakfix it for a7 not a508:44
asacits not intentional ... i just didn't care for that detail so far08:44
asacyes :)08:44
asacso fix a7 first08:44
UbuletteI'm currently reviewing the debian/*.install files to see what's wrong08:44
=== gnomefreak breaking shit
asacUbulette: does make make install work with a7 for you?08:44
Ubulettewell, I was just reviewing your "official" a5 diff08:45
asacah ... well a5 is dying ... long live a7 ;)08:45
Ubuletteto understand why it breaks bookmarks in a708:45
asacwell ... better look at the diff whats installed and whats  in dist/08:45
gnomefreakasac: diff between sids debian and ubuntu debian dir is http://gnomefreak.youmortals.com/Iceape/ with source, im building debdiff from ubuntus 1.1.1 to 1.1.408:45
asacUbulette: when building a708:45
asacUbulette: that will be more helpful08:46
Ubulettedist is okay for me. a5 *.install on a7 sources is not08:46
asacUbulette: right ... so to fix isntall look at dist in a7 and see what is missing in .install /links08:47
asacUbulette: i just want to point out that looking at a5 .install won't help much08:47
Ubuletteyep, that's what I'm doing (a7 sources & dist) but instead of starting from scratch, I'm trying to fix a5 diff08:48
asacwell i don't understand, but that doesn't matter much08:49
UbuletteI've fixed LP #122737 already08:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 122737 in firefox-granparadiso "No default search engines" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12273708:49
asacfrom my point of view a5 doesn't need to be fixed08:49
asacas long as we have no idea what is missing in a708:49
asacso investigating there looks more important ... but if you want to fix search engines ... go ahead08:49
Ubulettelol, I don't care about a5. Just a5 diff as a starting point for a7 debs08:49
asacit should be similar for a7 and a508:49
asacUbulette: we have a708:49
Ubulettedo you ? where ?08:49
gnomefreakyeah where08:50
=== gnomefreak didnt build it
asaci think i pushed to mt branch08:50
asacbut let me see08:50
asacok ... i forgot to push :)08:51
asacits now in mozillateam trunk branch on code.launchpad.net/firefox/08:51
asacbetter start with that08:51
asacbut is probably broken08:52
gnomefreakasac: does it build with your changes?08:52
asaci hope so08:52
asacbut it fails in make install most likely08:52
gnomefreakif so while im waiting for you to look at this pos ill build it08:52
asacotherwise ... if you start with a5 ... its probably fine as well08:52
Ubulettecan I just fetch a7 diff ? or do I have to bzr the whole thing ?08:52
asacwell bzr08:53
asacbut please use bzr anyway if possible :)08:53
gnomefreakor give me a day or so and ill upload the diff08:53
Ubulettewell, I feel like fixing it today ;)08:53
asacUbulette: thanks08:54
asaci am out now08:54
asaci am fine with whatever you do to get granparadiso build ... at best push a fixed branch to launchpad and let me merge it to my granparadiso08:54
asacthats the a5 branch08:55
Ubulettelet me see what I can do 1st :) I'll keep you posted08:55
asacsure ... i am gone though for a few hours08:56
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asacUbulette: one more thing ... if a7 doesn't have the fix for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=389673 ... then you will run into arbitrary issues with make install08:59
ubotuMozilla bug 389673 in Build Config "Fix "make install" to copy from dist/ rather than recursive makefile traversal" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] 08:59
asacconsider to pull that patch08:59
asacto get make install fixed (in theory)08:59
asacok out08:59
=== gnomefreak gonna be gone for a while myself asac everything is uploaded to http://gnomefreak.youmortals.com/Iceape/ my head hurts atm so please feel free to yell screen and curse later ;)
Ubuletteall: just one generic question, how do you know where FF expects its files to be stored ? (ie /usr/lib/ff vs /usr/share/ff). I ask because in dist, there're all in /usr/lib/ff but *.install split them.09:00
asacUbulette: you have to know how mozilla works09:11
asacas a general rule: everything new goes to firefox09:11
asacexcept its a header which would go to firefox-dev09:11
asacbut install files are already pretty generic iirc09:11
asacmost likely its mozilla buildsystem that misses files during make install09:11
asacthat it installs to dist/bin/...09:11
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asac21:11 < asac> Ubulette: you have to know how mozilla works09:12
asac21:11 < asac> as a general rule: everything new goes to firefox09:12
asac21:11 < asac> except its a header which would go to firefox-dev09:12
asac21:11 < asac> but install files are already pretty generic iirc09:12
asac21:11 < asac> most likely its mozilla buildsystem that misses files during make install09:12
asac21:11 < asac> that it installs to dist/bin/...09:12
gnomefreaktesting trunk atm09:12
gnomefreakbut not here while it builds09:12
asacme neither09:13
Ubulette_got disconnected. I said " I'll apply moz bug 389673 patch on a7 src first then rebuild and review"09:22
gnomefreakbtw if complaints come in about codecs not installing from firefox gnome-app-install is borked im poking mvo tomorrow as he asked me to09:23
=== Ubulette_ away while buliding a7+389673
Ubulette_do'h, patch failed. I have to redo it 1st :P09:29
gnomefreakiirc that patch was already applied upstream i fyou mean makeinstall patch09:34
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UbuletteI'm working on a7 src, not trunk09:36
Ubuletteit's an easy fix anyway, just no xulrunner in there09:37
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Ubulettehmm.. with #389673 patch, make install is now failing11:22
Ubuletteand there's not tons of "Warning: package error or possible missing or unnecessary file" messages11:23
Ubuletteasac, just bzr your stuff, it's still a5 without the make install patch (which breaks your granparadiso-fsh btw)11:36
Ubulette(s/not tons of/tons of/)11:38
Jazzvaasac: Do you know if there's a required size of icons for gnome-app-install? is 32x32 enough :)?12:21

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