
tgm4883dpatch-edit-patch 01_executable_scripts.dpatch12:28
superm1that should pull open a patch editing sesion12:28
superm1include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make12:30
superm1add that to your debian/rules12:30
superm1near the top12:30
tgm4883aparently im missing a seperator at the line i just added12:32
foxbuntusuperm1, in my debian/rules file do I need to add an include to debian/install ?12:32
superm1not in cdbs no12:32
foxbuntuit just always looks there?12:32
tgm4883whats a missing seperator in rules?12:33
superm1cdbs will figure it out as long as you have that debhelper include in debian/rules12:33
foxbuntuok...so what actually needs to be in the rules file?12:33
superm1tgm4883, likely poor tabbing / spacing12:33
superm1foxbuntu, in cdbs the include for debhelper.mk12:33
superm1and that is it12:33
tgm4883oh f me12:34
=== tgm4883 feels stupid
=== tgm4883 added /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make instead of include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
tgm4883works much better now12:35
=== tgm4883_laptop [n=tgm4883@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883can i chmod +x  *.dl?12:37
tgm4883i mean .pl12:37
superm1you should be able to12:37
=== foxbuntu [n=nick@12-216-24-171.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883ok, all is now executable12:40
tgm4883is there a special way to exit this patch editing env?12:40
superm1that's it12:40
tgm4883ok, didn't make the debian/patches/00list yet, am I ok with the default?12:41
tgm4883dpatch-edit-patch: Warning: debian/patches/00template not exist, using hardcoded default.12:41
tgm4883dpatch-edit-patch: /home/thomas/packages/mythstream_0.17_2/mythstream-0.17.2/debian/patches/01_executable_scripts.dpatch created.12:41
superm1you need to make 00list yourself12:41
tgm4883i dont need to be in the patch env do i?12:42
foxbuntu#!/usr/bin/make -f12:43
foxbuntuinclude /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk12:43
foxbuntuthats it right?12:43
foxbuntuwhich guide did you say to look into from cron?12:44
superm1debian new maintainers guide12:44
tgm4883ok, about to compile again, any thoughts on the last error E: mythstream: no-copyright-file12:45
superm1do a -i with linda/lintian12:45
superm1and it will tell you wahts up12:45
tgm4883E: mythstream; Package does not contain a copyright file.12:47
tgm4883 The package does not have a copyright file, which is a violation of a12:47
tgm4883 Policy.12:47
tgm4883but it does have /debian/copyright12:47
tgm4883this was on the .deb12:48
superm1ook.  wll dont worry atm about it12:49
superm1it can be sorted out after everything else is cake12:49
tgm4883ugh, bad week for servers12:49
tgm4883doc.ubuntu.com is down12:49
tgm4883which is my cheat sheet for packaging12:50
foxbuntusuperm1, ok I got the cron job setup according to that guide12:56
foxbuntunow what do i need to do to package it?01:01
superm1that should be discussed in the debian new maintainers guide01:02
superm1its basically dropping it in debian/cron.FREQUENCY01:02
foxbuntuwell they said to drop the cron job in as a file cron.d.ex01:03
foxbuntuand then the syntax that I was using inside the file01:03
superm1well follow what they are saying then01:03
tgm4883superm1, /dev/video0  /dev/video24  /dev/video32, think one of those is the tuner on a pvr-150?01:04
superm1the only cron job i've ever dealt with in a package was in mythtv, so i dont know much more than what you will find reading01:04
superm1tgm4883, video0 is01:04
superm1all those showing up means that its working01:04
tgm4883then im stumped01:04
superm1that same thread as earlier?01:04
tgm4883everything looks like it should be working01:04
superm1can you link it again01:04
superm1i'll reread it01:05
tgm4883let me finish this up here, i have no more errors with linda or lintian on the .dsc01:05
foxbuntusuperm1, what do i need to do next then...I have all my debian/files in place (copyright, install, rules, control, changelog) and the root of the package contains the script01:06
foxbuntu(oh and the debian/cron.d.ex01:06
superm1well you can try to do a debuild -S01:07
superm1and check linda / lintian on the dsc01:07
foxbuntudo I need to get a gpg key first?01:07
superm1not necessarily, you can do a -us -uc to do it without signing01:07
foxbuntufor now and rebuild it with signing if it works?01:07
superm1your going to be rebuilding it a lot either way01:08
tgm4883i think i figured out why it wasn't signing for me yesterday01:10
tgm4883i have 2 keys (1 active and 1 deactivated)01:11
tgm4883ok, ran this "sudo pbuilder build mythstream_0.17.2-2ubuntu1.dsc" and now I cant find my .deb and its not in /var/chroot/var/cache/pbuilder/result01:14
superm1well did it generate correctly?01:14
superm1did you look at the log?01:14
tgm4883uh, do i need a .pbuilderrc01:14
superm1mind show up /var/cache/pbuilder/result/01:15
superm1no /var/chroot/var/cache/pbuilder/result01:15
tgm4883i see it now01:15
tgm4883in my control file, wasn't i suppose to you01:16
tgm4883you know, if I stopped making dumb mistakes01:16
tgm4883this would go soooooo much faster01:17
tgm4883anyone want to tell me whats wrong with this line01:17
tgm4883Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), libqt3-mt-dev, libqt3-headers, libfreetype6-dev, libfontconfig1, libpng12-dev, libx11-dev, libmyth-dev, fftw-dev, build-depends, dpatch01:17
superm1it needs to be one line01:18
superm1not two if its two01:18
tgm4883it is one01:18
superm1and what is build-depends?01:18
tgm4883there it is01:18
tgm4883_laptopadd dpatch to the build-depends != add build-depends to build-depends01:19
tgm4883see, dumb mistakes01:19
tgm4883i read what you said yesterday wrong01:19
superm1well this is why packaging is an art :) getting over little things01:19
tgm4883superm1, was i right about the 2 keys thing?01:20
superm1tgm4883, possibly, also you might want to check to make sure that your name matches up exactly on the key as it does in the debian/changelog01:21
tgm4883oh and this may sound like a dumb question, but is a motu the same as a revu admin?01:21
tgm4883like keescook?01:21
keescooktgm4883: I don't think motu == revu admin.  (i.e. I had to ask for access to be a revu admin)01:22
superm1keescook, are you a revu admin?01:22
tgm4883cause im confused, went to #ubuntu-motu to ask to sync the revu keyring and the said i have to find a revu admin01:23
superm1yea a revu admin needs to sync the keyring, or if you dont find one within the day, there is a daily cron job01:24
superm1i dont know what time it happens at though01:24
tgm4883superm1, in the changelog, do I need to put Thomas Mashos <thomas@weilandhomes.com>01:24
tgm4883or this01:24
tgm4883Thomas Mashos (Mythbuntu) <thomas@weilandhomes.com>01:24
tgm4883from my openGPG key01:24
superm1The first one01:24
superm1assuming our gpg key is like that01:25
tgm4883thats what it is01:25
foxbuntusuperm1, lintian shows a successful run now01:25
superm1the text needs to match up perfectly01:25
keescooksuperm1: oh, "admin", no, just a revuer01:25
tgm4883something went wrong between the .dsc and the .deb01:27
tgm4883i have all the errors about scripts being non executable again01:28
superm1hm.  can dpatch not handle attributes of files?01:29
superm1okay alternate solution -01:29
superm1get rid of the patch, and do this in debian/rules01:29
tgm4883remove the dpatch from build-depends and remove debian/patch?01:31
superm1well dpatch appears to not be able to handle it01:31
superm1so its the only solution i forsee01:31
tgm4883just making sure im understanding right01:31
tgm4883after the build-depends debockle01:32
tgm4883i dont think i have ever used the word debockle before01:32
tgm4883also i can take out include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make01:33
superm1so now before the line in debian/rules that installs the file01:33
superm1er files,01:33
superm1you'll want to find a way to chmod +x all the perl files01:33
tgm4883not too familiar with the rules (and the guides down) is that the "install:" section or the "build arch dependant" section01:37
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superm1well you can use either section01:41
superm1just before the dh_install commands is all that matters01:42
superm1probably make more sense in the build arch dependent section01:42
tgm4883would i be correct in assuming that a command I entered in rules would run from that level (ie.  i would need to chmod +x -R ../parsers/*.pl01:45
tgm4883or am i not allowed to do that at all01:45
superm1it runs from the root of the directory01:48
superm1so depending on where you put it decides whether it will be parsers/*.pl01:48
tgm4883so i need to change that to just parsers/*.pl01:48
superm1or debian/tmp/package_name/usr/blah/*.pl01:48
superm1try running debuild outside the pbuilder01:49
superm1and you'll see a little better what the structure is01:49
superm1and understand where you should put it and such01:49
tgm4883debuild or just build01:51
tgm4883sudo pbuilder build mythstream_0.17.2-2ubuntu1.dsc01:51
tgm4883is what i have been doing01:51
superm1right, i'm saying do it outside of pbuilder01:52
superm1so you can see it before it is cleaned up01:52
tgm4883just wanted to see if I should be doing sudo debuild mythstream_0.17.2-2ubuntu1.dsc01:52
superm1no sudo01:52
superm1debuild can run as normal user01:52
tgm4883but yes debuild and not just build01:52
superm1you need the devscripts package if it doesnt tell you01:53
tgm4883yea it gives me an error when i run it about cant find readable debian/changelog02:00
superm1are you running it from the root of the directory?02:00
superm1root of the build directory02:00
tgm4883which is true, because from where im running it is /mythstream/debian/changelog02:00
tgm4883but if i try to run it from the root of the directory, that is not where the .dsc is02:01
superm1right, you dont use the dsc when you do debuild02:01
tgm4883this is what I run from the root dir02:02
tgm4883dpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot -k60F792C502:02
superm1well you can do the same thing with debuild02:02
superm1its a wrapper for dpkg-buildpackage02:02
tgm4883so debuild -S -r.......02:03
superm1just debuild02:03
superm1it will do the signing and such for you then02:04
tgm4883says i dont have all build dependencies02:04
superm1right, well if you do this outside pbuilder, you'll have to install them temporarily02:05
tgm4883ok, so i'll do that then02:05
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tgm4883im thinking it's in the wrong place superm102:16
superm1the chmod +x ?02:16
tgm4883err, maybe not02:16
tgm4883i was looking at the wrong thing02:16
superm1- this is why i said to do it this way, you'll see exactly where all the perl scripts are, and you can then make sure its put in the right place02:17
tgm4883still pretty confused what im looking at though02:17
superm1first package of course :)02:17
tgm4883cp -f "../parsers/operacast.pl" "/home/thomas/packages/mythstream_0.17_2/mythstream-0.17.2/debian/mythstream/usr/share/mythtv/mythstream/parsers/"02:17
tgm4883so thats copying the script02:18
superm1okay so what you will be needint to do then is a chmod +x debian/mythstream/usr/share/mythtv/mythstream/parsers/*.pl02:18
superm1right after the copy02:18
tgm4883so the chmod is in the right place02:18
tgm4883just wrong command02:18
tgm4883is that debian/mythstream/usr/share/mythtv/mythstream/parsers/*.pl the install place then?02:19
superm1from what you posted, it looks like that is the case02:20
tgm4883that makes so much sense now02:20
superm1yea, that's why i like to do a run outside of pbuilder for a sanity check sometimes02:20
tgm4883err, can you undo the debuild?02:21
tgm4883i now have the mythstream dir in my debian dir02:22
superm1if you redo debuild -S02:22
superm1that will rn debian/rules clean02:22
superm1or you can do debian/rules clean :)02:22
tgm4883also just want to make sure this is ok02:25
tgm4883warning, `debian/mythstream/DEBIAN/control' contains user-defined field `Original-Maintainer'02:25
superm1that's ok02:26
foxbuntuartwork anyone?02:33
=== tgm4883 grumbles
superm1tgm4883, still no?02:34
=== tgm4883 actually said Oh come on!
tgm4883out loud02:35
tgm4883still didn't make them executible02:35
=== tgm4883 is talking to the directory, coaxing it to work right
superm1tgm4883, post it up really quick02:36
superm1let me see02:36
foxbuntusuperm1, not many people jumping right into the extra work of the artwork request02:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:36
superm1foxbuntu, well also people may not be around on IRC atm02:36
superm1you might have more luck on the artwork mailing list02:36
foxbuntucould be02:36
tgm4883you want the rules or the output from packaging02:36
foxbuntuok...I will mail them later02:36
tgm4883is there a nice log file for this02:37
tgm4883for pbulider i mean02:38
superm1it doesnt make a log  unless you tell it to or use tee02:39
tgm4883thats ok, i'll just type the whole thing from memory02:39
tgm4883thats from as far back as i can go in my terminal02:40
tgm4883i can do it again and make a log if needed02:40
superm1no hat's good02:41
superm1hm that looks correct02:41
superm1can you post the whole package in a tgz again02:42
superm1and i'll do a local run and see02:42
=== tgm4883 wonders how people survived without ftp and web servers
tgm4883silly cavemen02:45
laga_i can survive without ftp pretty well02:51
tgm4883wow 21in crt on craigslist for $1002:51
tgm4883well thats cause your laga_02:51
foxbuntuI've decided to open up a torrent site...who would like to join?02:53
tgm4883i dont think many people are going to want my non working packages foxbuntu02:54
superm1tgm4883, the weird thing is that they are indeed executable after install02:55
foxbuntu...I am just wishing I was making the money The Pirate Bay torrent site is02:55
superm1this is really odd02:55
tgm4883i have a foolproof way of making money foxbuntu02:56
foxbuntuoh yeah?02:56
tgm4883just send me 3 easy payments of 39.95 + S&H and I will send you the guide02:57
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tgm4883but really02:57
tgm4883i have this friend02:57
tgm4883he's from Nigeria02:57
superm1okay well i'm gonna queue one more build, and run home02:57
tgm4883he just needs some help02:57
superm1i'll be back in a bit02:57
foxbuntusome help huh?02:58
tgm4883really, its true02:58
foxbuntulike I send me 1000 bucks and I get $1Mil back right?02:58
tgm4883laga_ knows him too02:58
foxbuntusend him*02:58
tgm4883no, thats a rip off02:58
tgm4883its 2 Mil02:58
=== tgm4883 's head hurts
tgm4883packaging hurts my brain03:00
foxbuntuyou know how much money the Pirate Bay website makes each year?03:00
foxbuntu$9 Million03:00
foxbuntuon advertising03:00
tgm4883oh thats nothing, heres what you do.  Put your name on the top of this list, then send it to 5 people and have them send you $1 and move your name down the list....03:00
foxbuntutgm4883, I think you read too much of your spam03:01
=== tgm4883 thinks spam is tasty
tgm4883btw, i just copyrighted the letter e, so that will be $.25 every time you use it03:02
foxbuntu3at it03:04
foxbuntui can just us3 3 inst3ad....lik3 th3 linux v3rsion03:05
laga_it's fr3303:08
laga_f33ls as good as using the "nv" driv3r instead of "nvidia"03:08
laga_hey', it's fr3303:08
foxbuntulaga_, fr33 is gr3at03:12
foxbuntualthough the nv driver does blow03:12
tgm4883my plan is foiled03:16
tgm4883i new i should have copyrighted x instead03:17
laga_debconf (developer): starting debian/mythtv-database.preinst configure03:20
laga_debconf (developer): <-- INPUT high mythtv/backup_db03:20
laga_debconf (developer): --> 10 "mythtv/backup_db" doesn't exist03:20
laga_dear debconf, please stop lying. kthx.03:21
foxbuntuYAY! a recruit for the artwork on the new MythTV Theme03:21
laga_mythtv theme?03:22
foxbuntuyea...I started working on a Mythbuntu MythTV Theme03:22
tgm4883is the new recruit from Nigeria?03:22
laga_foxbuntu: you could also ask juski for some hints.. although he might devour your soul03:25
laga_it happens03:25
=== laga_ makes mental note to apologize to juski for being mean
foxbuntuthis guy is good03:25
foxbuntuholy crap03:25
foxbuntucheck out his samples03:26
laga_3:30 am again. darn03:32
laga_i like troy's gdm theme03:36
laga_i've got a new wallpaper, i guess :)03:36
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foxbuntulaga_, troy_s is the guy that will be helping us out with the artwork03:41
foxbuntu(just an fyi)03:42
laga_i understood as much03:44
laga_looks good :)03:44
foxbuntusure does03:44
tgm4883looks very good03:46
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tgm4883my gf saw that and said wow, I told her she couldn't have it cause she has windows03:46
tgm4883no soup for you03:46
foxbuntuI love that..03:46
foxbuntucan't have a desktop wallpaper because you have windows03:47
foxbuntutgm4883, thats awesome03:47
tgm4883thats right03:48
tgm4883thats what she gets for saying i cant have ice cream03:48
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superm1tgm4883, u there?03:48
superm1i determined the cause of your two lintian errors03:48
superm1okay first of all, you need a dh_installdocs ins binary-arch03:49
foxbuntusuperm1, I found a great resource to help with artwork03:49
superm1you can also clear out any of those commented lines there03:49
superm1as for the executable permissions03:49
superm1right before the $(MAKE) INSTALL_ROOT.......03:49
superm1i put this:03:49
superm1        find $(CURDIR) -name *.pl | xargs chmod +x03:49
tgm4883wait, you weren't driving while coding were you?03:49
superm1haha no03:50
troy_swho builds your disks for you?03:50
tgm4883superm1 does03:50
superm1i live like 5 min from work, and thought about it on the way back and double check03:50
tgm4883didn't you tell me to take out dh_installdocs?03:51
superm1i think i told you to take the README out of debian/docs03:52
laga_ah, i just got it. our new theme guy (being troy_s) is actually in this channel03:54
foxbuntuthere ya go03:54
superm1okay what'd you say foxbuntu ?03:55
superm1ah hi troy_s you going to be helping with artwork ?03:55
foxbuntuhe's no around now03:55
foxbuntuwas leaving or something03:56
foxbuntusuperm1, here is a sample of his work though http://troy-sobotka.blogspot.com/03:56
foxbuntuhes pretty good03:56
foxbuntuand hes doing artwork for Fluxbuntu right now03:56
superm1ah very good, and he does them in svg03:57
superm1not gonna argue there03:57
foxbuntuhes gonna help with all the artwork03:57
superm1what's his LP id?03:58
superm1i'll add him on LP03:58
foxbuntuum not sure03:58
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laga_superm1: how ya like http://laga.ath.cx/pics/04:00
superm1laga_, tis empty04:00
laga_superm1: um, wait a second.04:00
superm1laga_, does ctrl C really work there?04:01
superm1and what happens if its a GNOME or KDE frontend for debconf?04:02
superm1and for the DB one, i'd say change the text "It can usually......" to "It can be found in "   There is no reason that it should be found anywhere else, that isn't configurable is it?04:03
superm1but provided that works right, looks just as expected04:03
superm1great :)04:03
foxbuntusuperm1, troy_s's LP is: troy-sobotka04:03
laga_superm1: it is configurable in /etc/cron.weekly/mythtv-database04:03
laga_superm1: which will also break if the database name is not mythconverg04:04
laga_superm1: what do you suggest instead of CTRL-C? i guess i could use debconf to ask a question04:04
superm1laga_, oh i didn't realize it was easily changable.  that text sounds good.  for now i say dont worry about the fact that the DB can be named something different.  that can be fixed in the future.  it probably affects more areas too04:05
superm1well i was thinking a debconf yes/no question04:05
superm1and if no is selected, abort package install04:05
laga_ok, will do the debconf yes/no thingy. after a good night of sleep.04:05
superm1yea, dont normally see you on this late :)04:06
laga_i wish there was an easy way of detecting if the DB was properly initialized already.. well, if there's nothing in there, it's not worth backing up04:06
laga_superm1: i go to bed around 5-6am at the moment04:06
superm1night laga_04:07
superm1laga_, even if there is nothing in there, its okay to back up anyhow04:07
superm1speak tomorrow though04:08
superm1seriously what is with the internet going down this week.  all of imbrandon's sites, wiki.ubuntu.com, launchpad, and now the chicago loco team pages04:08
superm1what's next....04:08
tgm4883superm1, when you added find $(CURDIR) -name *.pl | xargs chmod +x did you remove chmod +x -R debian/mythstream/usr/share/mythtv/mythstream/parsers/*.pl from build-arch04:16
=== tgm4883 tears up
tgm4883it so beautiful04:22
tgm4883no errors from lintian or linda04:22
superm1okay so now does this work in myth?04:23
superm1have you tried it ?04:23
tgm4883haven't tried it yet04:23
tgm4883you have the 386 deb of it?04:23
superm1built for gutsy04:23
superm1not for feisty04:23
tgm4883i have a mythbuntu i386 vm, but no amd64 vm04:24
superm1well the other thing though too04:24
superm1if this is going to work correctly, it needs the menu entry added manually for now04:24
superm1until that's introduced in the packages04:24
tgm4883isn't that happening today or tomarrow though?04:25
superm1tomorrow in -fixes, but that will still need to be packaged and such04:25
superm1well once REVU comes back to life tomorrow you can submit it there04:28
tgm4883hmm, vmware-player doesn't like my amd64 mythbuntu iso04:31
troy_sfoxbuntu: Do you think you could send me what art and design work has been done thus far before I can figure out if I can contribute on any level?04:55
foxbuntutroy_s, sure...let me get some stuff together05:24
foxbuntutroy_s, I just sent it off05:29
troy_sthank you05:29
foxbuntutroy_s, we are open to alot of things, I was actually considering lightening up the whole overall theme so if there is something else you would like to try out we would be more than open to looking at and possibly changing theme directions05:31
troy_sfoxbuntu: Absolutely.  I need to get my sea legs first of course.05:33
foxbuntutroy_s, np, I understand just wanted to let you know we are open to ideas05:33
foxbuntuepically from someone with real art talent :)05:34
troy_sfoxbuntu: Well I don't know where we are going to find someone like that, but I'll be on the lookout.05:34
foxbuntuok...well someone with more art talent than us05:34
foxbuntuwhich speaking on my own behalf that would be like a 4th grader05:35
foxbuntuso you are way above my skill level there...05:35
foxbuntutroy_s, superm1 is the project lead for this one as well05:36
foxbuntuand he is even less art capable than myself :P05:36
foxbuntuhey superm1 get this05:58
foxbuntuI might have a Ubuntu Server deployment in the near future05:58
foxbuntufor a corp client05:58
superm1that's great to hear :)05:59
foxbuntuyea...I was excited to hear I finally get to drop a Linux server instead of all this Windows crap06:00
foxbuntuthe fluxbuntu is a Fluxbox instead of GNOME/KDE06:04
foxbuntugot it06:04
foxbuntusuperm1, gonna have to go out and get a Trademark now, lol06:09
foxbuntusuperm1,  you there?06:13
superm1yea just working on ubiquity patch06:14
foxbuntucheck out this logo...it rocks06:14
superm1yea that does look pretty nice06:14
foxbuntugoggle adds a new one06:18
foxbuntucheck this out06:18
foxbuntusuperm1, I might get a free trip to the UK in Sept.06:22
superm1foxbuntu, what for?06:23
foxbuntuI might be able to go to a training that they are having06:25
foxbuntuand it happens to be in the UK06:25
superm1i see06:26
foxbuntuyeah...I hope it works out06:28
troy_sthat ubuntu font is absolutely awful for anything outside of the letters u-b-u-n-t-u strung together.06:35
troy_smany folks are using it as though it is 'official' but it is just the wrong approach.06:36
foxbuntutroy_s, what do you suggest?06:38
troy_sfoxbuntu: Anything but.06:39
troy_sfoxbuntu: It really is a godawfully designed font.06:39
foxbuntuwell go ahead with anything you think looks good06:39
foxbuntuI doubt you will meet much if any resistance with your ideas06:39
troy_sfoxbuntu: As an aside, I find it interesting from a design perspective if the various branches/remixes would consider the fact that they _aren't_ ubuntu.06:39
troy_sfoxbuntu: what is the official title of this project as it would appear out in the wild?06:40
troy_smy gut feeling when I saw the little television you shipped me was that you could do a pretty amazing presentation in a sort of sixties pastiche.06:40
troy_sduring the heydey of the advent of colour.06:41
foxbuntuthats kinda what I was thinking too06:41
foxbuntubut I don't have the skills to make that happen06:41
foxbuntuits sounds great though06:42
foxbuntukinda retro06:42
troy_sit could be quite funny...06:42
troy_swhat default theme or what have you are you shipping for the myth end of things?06:42
troy_sor is that all part of the presentation of mythbuntu?06:42
foxbuntuwell ...surf over to www.mythbuntu.org there are alot of detailed screenshots of it as it is right now06:43
troy_sLOL http://www.tvhistory.tv/1960-Philco-Brochure1.JPG06:43
foxbuntuI bet the server still didn't get fixed06:43
foxbuntuthat rocks06:44
troy_sis it on imbrandon's datacenter?06:44
foxbuntusure is06:44
troy_syeah no go.06:44
troy_sfoxbuntu: Something with a pastiche feel might be horribly cool.06:44
foxbuntubut the 1600x1200 is the one I scaled the desktop and the main theme around06:44
troy_sfoxbuntu: And better still, it goes away from that horribly dated and nasty reflection glossy wet floor nightmare that is far too prevalent in our community.06:45
foxbuntuits pretty dark right now...but I actually would prefer to brighten it up06:45
foxbuntuI would agree...I really like retro06:45
troy_sfoxbuntu: I really think it could work well.06:46
foxbuntugo for it06:46
foxbuntuI say06:46
foxbuntuI am ver decisive06:46
troy_sfoxbuntu: Well its a toughie as I say at the moment.  I really need to finish up my prior commitements.06:46
troy_scommitments even.06:46
foxbuntunot an issue06:46
troy_sBut I'll be attempting what I can when I can.  I also need to see where you guys are at.06:46
troy_sbut that will take blasted imbrandon to get his stuffs back up.06:46
foxbuntutroy_s, I have to assume you are across the pond from me06:47
troy_sCanada, Pacific.06:47
foxbuntuI really had you put as a Brit06:48
troy_sOn the retro stuffs, this fellows site is simply jaw dropping.  Amazing design and quite a good selection of tidbits.06:48
foxbuntuoh that font on the second page that Specials is writen in would be hot for the logo06:49
superm1troy_s, do you know any more than the rest of us regarding what happened to imbrandon's DC?06:49
superm1beyond what's on the top of imbrandon.com?06:49
troy_ssuperm1: Well he also hosts UbuntuStudio's bits.06:49
superm1and ubuntu wire06:50
troy_ssuperm1: And it seems that he hasn't been around in a while.06:50
troy_ssuperm1: As an aside, you are aware that joejaxx is building an autobuild server for ubuntu disk building?06:50
superm1well i talked to him friday evening, and he was aware of the issues and working on them06:50
troy_ssuperm1: He is the Fluxbuntu fellow, but he also builds disks for about 5 other projects.  You might want to get in touch with him.06:50
superm1troy_s, i wasn't aware of this: but our build is much different than the other derivatives06:50
superm1i've talked to him a bit about how the build process works for others06:51
superm1and it didn't fit well with what we do06:51
superm1troy_s, are you referring to reconstructor ?06:51
superm1or is it something different06:51
troy_ssuperm1: He is just in the process of finishing up the configs, so if you were to explain the nature of your build process, he might be able to get a custom set of bits in place for you.06:51
foxbuntusuperm1, what do you think about Mythbuntu going Retro?06:52
superm1foxbuntu, i'm completely indifferent on artwork.06:52
foxbuntui figured06:52
foxbuntubut wanted to ask06:52
foxbuntuI know for you its all under the hood and who cares about the rest06:53
superm1if it looks good i wouldn't argue it06:53
superm1but i would like to hope the defaults are something that lots of people would generally like06:53
superm1so not too extreme06:53
foxbuntuit would look awesome...I think and agree with troy_s06:53
troy_sThere are many world class designers who would stake a very large chunk of their reputation on suggesting that successful design does not aim for middle grounds.  It tries to clearly and specifically speak with a given chosen audience and communicate a very clear message.06:54
troy_sOne thing that Ubuntu still has yet to learn.06:54
troy_sOkie.  Night.06:55
foxbuntusounds good talk to you alter troy_s06:55
superm1night  troy_s06:55
foxbuntuits gonna rain again...06:56
foxbuntumy truck windows are down...06:56
foxbuntudamn it06:56
foxbuntuman, it just is storming like crzy again07:08
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foxbuntusuperm1, you still there?09:05
superm1only for a few moments09:05
superm1i'm gonna hit the sack soon09:05
foxbuntuwell have you ever had to import and trust a SSL cacert in ubuntu?09:05
superm1I don't think so09:06
foxbuntustupid thing09:06
foxbuntucatch you later09:07
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Cornellmmm... last link in topic... for troubleshooting... the closing quote is part of the link...  someone might want to put a space after the link...  However... the topic does answer my question...03:50
CornellThough, when I install... I'll be back03:50
=== Rimers [n=nils@0x5553320b.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Cornell(forewarned is forearmed)03:50
Cornellmmm... two 7.10 iso's July, and August.  Opinions as to which I should start with?  (I've got ubuntu on my workstations and knoppmyth on my mythbox, that's now dead after a failed upgrade)03:52
laga_the latest?03:53
Rimerswas just about to say the same03:53
CornellAugust is ok?03:54
laga_i'd think so03:54
Rimersim running it here and it seems fine03:54
CornellI'm downloading it now, and will burn it... later... and install, probably later still03:55
=== laga_ downloads latest mythbuntu as well
=== Cornell still has to fix his samsung widescreen on Feisty
=== Rimers is considering adding a disk to his lvm2 setup
Rimersdamn it, i just succeded in trashing my mythtv or sql setup, i cant get it to connect any more :S04:01
laga_no lvm2 for you then ;)04:01
laga_Rimers: what does /var/log/mysql* say?04:01
Rimershmm quess not04:01
Rimershmm nothing realy :S nothing to note in the logs :S04:03
laga_superm1: hey, why does the user need to enter a password to create mythconverg? couldn't this be done using /etc/mysql/debian.cnf?04:03
laga_Rimers: what's broken, btw?04:04
Rimersguess it must have crashed, trying to restart sql service04:04
Rimersthink its the sql server that either crashed or went bad04:04
Rimershmm mysql service is running, i can logon a query manualy04:10
Rimersill be back in a bit have to restart my login here :S04:17
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laga_superm1: http://cvs.mythtv.org/trac/changeset/1415404:46
superm1cool laga_04:52
superm1okay i'll have to do a new upstream version with that04:53
laga_g'morning ;()04:53
laga_i'm installing alpha 3 as we speak04:53
superm1laga_, as for needing a pw to create mythconverg, are you meaning creating it using debian-sys-maintainer?04:53
superm1in order to use that account you have to stop mysql04:54
superm1I had thought?04:54
laga_why do we use that account to backup mythconverg in /etc/cron.weekly/mythtv-database then?04:54
laga_how would i use a mysql account if mysql was stopped, actually? ;)04:55
superm1hm interesting predicament04:56
superm1well the issue is if you have a remote mysql server04:56
superm1you won't have debian-sys-maintainer04:56
laga_hum, right04:56
laga_if the mysql server is remote, is /etc/cron.weekly/mythtv-database installed anyways?04:56
superm1good point04:57
superm1it is04:57
laga_something's fishy about mythtv-database, i knew it. ;)04:57
superm1well a lot more than something :)04:58
laga_we could use debian-sys-maintainer if the DB was local04:58
laga_if you want a remote mysql server (e.g. not on your master backend), your setup classifies as "advanced" imho04:58
superm1it does your right05:00
laga_want me to add such a feature then?05:00
laga_that'll need some testing and some more thought, though05:00
superm1yes that would absolve issues of needing a root password05:00
superm1of course05:00
laga_user needs to be told they only need *one* database05:01
superm1well just default to the DB name of mythconverg05:01
superm1and only if they dpkg-reconfigure05:01
superm1do you need to ask for a different one05:02
laga_well, i meant "only one mysql on their network"05:02
superm1well there is an issue here then05:02
superm1what depends on mysql?05:02
superm1er mysql-server05:03
superm1because currently the 'mythtv' package and the 'mythtv-backend-master' do05:03
laga_right. mythtv-database does *not*05:03
laga_there is no problem, though05:03
laga_if the user does not install mythtv-backend-master, we can assume they want a remote myseld05:03
laga_or set it up themselves05:04
=== Tari [n=Tari@CPE-72-133-204-1.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1so your saying to put it in the mythtv-database postinst still though05:04
=== laga_ scratches head
superm1hm i just tried to do a new checkout05:06
superm1and ti didn't show up with those changes05:06
laga_it should!05:06
laga_of what?05:06
laga_mythtv fixes?05:06
superm1i did fix 1415405:06
superm1well let me try again later on05:07
superm1i've gotta get into work05:07
laga_have a nice day05:07
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laga_i need to reset/purge a debconf question from the database in a postrm. anyone know how to do that?05:12
laga_hum. even when i choose to abort install of the svn trunk packages using exit 1 in mythtv-common.preinst, it kinda leaves apt/dpkg in an inconsistent state.05:14
laga_because i cannot remove those packages without removing half of the system....05:15
laga_i wish the mythbuntu mirrors were not down05:25
laga_apt-get update takes a bit that way05:25
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Rimershmm this is starting to give me a headacke :S06:07
Rimersi cant get my backend or frontend to connect to the mysql database06:07
tgm4883rimers, error messages?06:08
Rimersbut if i try to use phpmyadmin i can connect no problem06:08
tgm4883has anyone used mythtvfs?06:08
Rimers2 sec, ill make a pastebin not to flood too much06:09
Rimershttp://pastebin.ca/648779 thats a direct paste of the output from running a myth-setup06:10
tgm4883are you running mythbuntu?06:12
tgm4883standard or advanced install?06:12
Rimersstandard i think06:12
tgm4883backend and frontend on the same computer?06:13
Rimerstried an advanced but had an error i couldnt figure out how to solve06:13
tgm4883alpha 3?06:13
Rimersyes, but i have 2 other computers i want to run frontends on06:13
Rimersi think its the alpha 3 but with all the latest updates avaliable today06:14
tgm4883right, we'll just work with one system at a time06:14
tgm488310.0.0.4 is the ip address of this system right06:15
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superm1tgm4883, when revu comes back up you can upload that package06:15
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tgm4883Rimers, do you know if mythtv-setup ran?06:16
tgm4883superm1, do you know anything about mythtvfs?06:16
Rimersive tried to run it several times but with the same error every time06:16
superm1tgm4883, keescook's fuse filesystem?06:16
superm1it's on my todo list to use and play with06:16
superm1keescook wrote it though, so you can likely point questions at him06:17
tgm4883oh yea, fuse server06:17
=== keescook gets worried
tgm4883oh i was just wondering if it was going to be in ubuntu06:17
tgm4883its in debian06:17
superm1its in gutsy I thought?06:17
keescookit is:   mythtvfs-fuse | 0.5.0-1 | gutsy/universe06:17
tgm4883oh, duh, didn't check gutsy06:17
keescook(though, honestly, I haven't tried it myself yet.  ha ha)06:17
tgm4883superm1, doesn't mythtv-setup set the u/p to connect to mysql server?06:18
Rimerstgm4883: i get all those errors even after running mythtv-setup a few times, and i have checked the username and password several times now06:18
superm1tgm4883, the u/p are setup upon installation yes06:19
tgm4883standard install for Rimers didn't work06:19
superm1what errors?06:19
tgm4883gets "Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)"06:19
Rimerswell everyting but the sqlserver connection seem to work fine06:20
superm1is that the right ip?06:20
superm1and is mysql listening in on that ip?06:20
Rimerssuperm1: the ip is correct06:20
Rimersim connected to it on a ssh06:20
superm1can you netstat -ant ?06:21
Rimerssure, 2 sec06:21
superm1Rimers, see your mysql isn't bound to
superm1its only bound to
superm1do you have a  /etc/mysql/conf.d/mythtv.cnf?06:23
superm1(you should)06:23
tgm4883this is why superm1 is so super06:23
Rimershmm ive changed the my.cnf thats for sure, but ive also run sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database in an attempt to solve it06:24
superm1well there is another .cnf introduced06:24
superm1in the last few package revisions06:24
superm1in conf.d06:24
superm1that overrides the normal my.cnf06:25
Rimersah okay, nice to know.... :D06:25
Rimersmm this is odd, i still cant connect to it, i get a permissions denied in the mythfilldatabase window that appears06:30
Rimersusing a netstat i can see its now bound to the
Rimersthink i found somthing here,,06:35
Rimersafter the change to get it to bind to i cant login as mythtv anymore even with the password i defined for it, so manualy changing the password and checking again06:36
Rimersthere we go, no errors when running mythtv-setup06:37
Rimersokay next problem, i cant connect to the masterbackend :S06:45
Rimerssuperm1: http://pastebin.ca/648812 is what i get when starting mythbackend and my mysql.txt file06:51
superm1Rimers, mythbackend uses /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt06:53
superm1or /home/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt06:53
superm1so if you changed your password, then you will want to update those06:54
Rimersive changed both to the correct06:54
superm1how did all these permissions get messed up?06:55
superm1what changed?06:55
Rimersi tried to figure out why i couldnt connect to the sql or to the backend, and i tried to change my password for the mythtv user on the sqlserver06:56
Rimersso that might be why06:57
superm1how did you change the password?06:57
superm1dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common?06:57
superm1dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database?06:58
Rimersi just changed it with a select query in the sql server, but later i tried the dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database06:59
superm1well then that would account to the mess here?06:59
Rimersah okay :S06:59
superm1well so at this point, you just need to make sure all the passwords are in sync then07:01
superm1somewhere something is off07:01
Rimersokay, ill go through the config files when i get the time in an hour or so, wife want me to help her for a little while, ill get online later, thanks for the help for now!07:03
laga_superm1: package "dvb-utils" should be included in mythbuntu.07:28
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superm1laga_, can you file a bug08:03
superm1i'll get it added08:03
superm1laga_, what is it needed for?08:05
superm1just general usage?08:05
superm1or actually a dependency for dvb stuff to work?08:05
laga_general usage.08:13
laga_nothing crucial, but kinda useful for debugging/making stuf work/generating a channels.conf file08:14
superm1laga_, then perhaps it should be an option for installation08:14
laga_it comes from www.linuxtv.org ;)08:14
laga_superm1: an option?08:14
superm1a list of installable things during installation08:14
superm1i was going to add hdhomerun config as one08:15
superm1this can be another08:15
laga_it's 104394bytes. :)08:15
superm1well perhaps install by default then08:15
superm1but be removable08:15
superm1in the advanced pages08:15
superm1i'm going to take out that themes page08:16
superm1and put this there instead then i think08:16
superm1either way08:16
superm1file a bug08:16
superm1so its not forgotten08:16
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laga_^^ isn't this already implemented?=08:17
superm1some of those already are08:19
superm1and consequently that page needs to be further cleaned08:19
superm1i marked a few off this morning08:19
laga_will do08:19
laga_superm1: do you know off-hand how to translate the installer?08:21
superm1laga_, there is two things that need to be done08:21
superm1one of them is in our control08:22
superm1all of the times that text is used in a label in the glade files08:22
laga_i was referring to your additions to ubiquity, yes08:22
superm1it needs to be put in debian/ubiquity-frontend-mythbuntu.templates08:22
superm1it is for most places but not all08:22
superm1then the ~ubuntu-installer team needs to submit it to rosetta on LP08:23
superm1and then translators can do it all from LP08:23
superm1keescook, could you sponsor a new upstream version of a package in a bzr branch for me?  I've been waiting for mythbuntu-lirc-generator to clear binary NEW before uploading this (it depends on mythbuntu-lirc-generator) and it did so this morning.08:24
keescooksuperm1: I'd love to, but I've got a mess of other things I need to do first.  You may have more luck with some other motus.  :/08:25
superm1yea i poked around, but no responses in -motu.  I'll wait around until TheMuso comes back, he was planning to do it a week ago, but lirc-generator took longer than he expected to clear.08:26
=== Tari_ [n=Tari@CPE-72-133-204-1.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Rimerssuperm1: does the mythbuntu have more special config files than the one you told me about for the mysql ?08:37
superm1Rimers, nothing beyond the ones i mentioned to you08:38
superm1but make sure you are looking at /home/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt not /home/$USER/.mythtv/mysql.txt08:38
Rimersokay, thanks08:39
Rimersuuuuh YES its running now :D08:41
Rimersthsnks superm1 and tgm4883 i got the backend running as needed now08:42
superm1great :)08:42
=== Rimers [n=nils@0x5553320b.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Rimershmm running a local mythfrontend on my laptop crashed my desktop :S but everything else seems to work08:45
=== seabag [n=seabag@70-101-97-67.dsl1-field.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
seabaghey all08:46
superm1hi seabag08:46
seabagso i reported the bug-- apparently your ivtv advice was all it took to wake up the tuner. my video card (or mplayer) was the thing preventing it from displaying anything!08:47
seabag(it still records fine, and will display recordings upon x server restart)08:47
superm1seabag, so what did you have to do to wake up the tuner?08:47
seabagin the /etc/default/acpi-support i just added "ivtv ivtv2" to the modules.08:48
superm1is that for pvrusb2?08:48
seabagmy bug report may have been too verbose08:48
seabagno idea :D08:48
superm1can you notate your findings in the bug?08:48
superm1i'll make sure davemorris gets it in the docs08:48
seabagyep i already did.08:49
superm1thanks :)08:49
seabagnp.. next problem is the video card. after sleep/hibernate, mplayer displays everything in a blank blue screen08:50
superm1you know actually, i'll probably remark that bug against acpi-support to get ivtv to the list of modules that need to be unloaded/reloaded no matter what08:50
superm1upon sleep/hibernate08:50
seabagit's either the video card or mplayer, so i'm going to buy a new video card this week to determine that... weird thing is, if i use Movie Player to watch a random mpeg, it works ok, then i reopen mplayer and it works again!?!08:51
seabagroger that on the acpi-support08:51
seabagwell... since you guys don't have problems with it, i assume it's my sub-par integrated video card08:52
superm1well i dont suspend on my box personally08:53
superm1but i thought laga_ did08:53
seabagdo you use standby instead? slash does the remote wake it up from either of those states?08:54
superm1i just leave my machines on all the time08:54
seabagah k. yea it'd work fine if i did that, but i don't want it suckin' down that much power. it costs me $180/mo already for a 2br apt :-o08:55
seabagthen again... have you ever tried using your mythpc after suspend?08:56
superm1my frontend yes08:56
superm1i had to do a lot of hackish stuff to make it work though08:56
superm1so in the end it was just easier to turn on and off08:56
seabaghackish stuff? like what we're talking about or worse?08:57
superm1i had other htings to workaround08:58
superm1with lirc08:58
seabagoh golly!08:58
superm1and a few other things08:58
superm1restarting the frontend process to make sure lirc worked, and worrying about race conditions with lirc and the frontend08:58
superm1when restarting it08:58
seabagwow ok... i may have it easier then08:58
seabagmay i ask what motherboard/video card you had there?08:59
superm1nvidia vid card08:59
superm1not sure of mobo off hand08:59
seabagok wow...08:59
seabagwelp i won't take up more of your time. i'll let ya know if/when i get that mplayer issue worked out!09:00
=== fxfitz [n=fxfitz@pool-72-75-142-103.atclnj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== Rimers [n=nils@0x5553320b.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Rimershey guys09:53
Rimersyou guys got somthing to do with the normal ubuntu mythfrontend install too right?09:53
Rimersim trying to figure out a way of getting a nice and detailed log of what is happening on my frontend as it crashes my Gnome09:54
Rimersthere is nothing usefull in /var/log/messages :S09:55
laga_are you running a 3d desktop?09:55
Rimersgot beryl running09:56
laga_does it happen without beryl?09:56
Rimersi dont know, ill have a look,, if i disapear from irc it crashed09:57
superm1laga_, so your thinking completely do away with the hostname selection in mythtv-database then?10:00
superm1and if someone does desire to use a different hostname for mysql, they have to set it up manually10:01
laga_superm1: no. i user wants a local DB, do everything automagically. if he wants a remote DB, give him the old debconf interface10:01
=== Rimers [n=nils@0x5553320b.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1well ok.... so basically if the hostname is localhost, then do it using debian-sys-maintainer10:02
laga_that's my plan10:02
superm1and default to localhost upon installation10:02
Rimershmm that killed it too but i started it in screen so i could see the output10:02
laga_Rimers: does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say anything?10:03
laga_superm1: do you think that's a good idea?10:03
superm1laga_, yea it is10:03
laga_superm1: what does mythtv-master-backend do actually?10:03
Rimers2 sec, ill do a pastebin with my xorg log and what was written in my screen10:03
superm1laga_, it just pulls in the right packages10:04
laga_superm1: no config?10:04
superm1well the config is handled in mythtv-database now10:04
Rimersyikes its a big log :S10:12
Rimershttp://pastebin.ca/649045 thats the screen session and the xorg log, but think i see the problem its somthing with what mythtv use as video driver / output10:19
=== jono [n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
laga_ah, you're using Xgl.10:26
laga_Rimers: what VGA card?10:27
RimersATI Radeon X700 Mobile10:27
laga_ATI crap10:28
laga_s/crap/proprietary goodness/10:28
laga_^^ that's all i can say10:28
Rimerswell it works allright, ive had very few problems with it10:28
laga_try google or search the mailing lists. i don't know a solution off-hand10:28
laga_superm1: debian-sys-maint is not allowed to create users in mysql. unless you know a solutuion, it's not possible to insert mc.sql using debian-sys-maint10:33
superm1laga_, that's annoying :(10:33
laga_ah well.10:40
Rimersthanks laga_, sry for not answering that fast, had to say goodbye to wifey as she left for work10:42
Rimersill let you know if i find a good solution to the problem10:44
fxfitzDoes anyone know what happened to the mythbuntu website/server? Ubuntu is telling me that I have updates but it's not updating. :(10:44
laga_fxfitz: it's broken10:44
laga_we need another mirror i guess10:45
fxfitzBroken?! *cry* Any ideas when it will be unbroken?10:45
fxfitzAww. :(10:45
laga_fxfitz: superm1 should know more10:45
superm1fxfitz, this week.10:45
superm1imbrandon's datacentre went down10:45
fxfitzsuperm1, Awesome. Thank you!10:45
superm1so mythbuntu.org and ubuntustudio.org are both down10:45
laga_the whole data center? for more than 24h?10:45
superm1its been down since friday10:45
superm1he said its a 'long long story' that he'll explain when its all back up10:46
fxfitzHmm. :(10:46
Rimersit sounds bad10:46
laga_sounds like a worst-case scenario10:46
fxfitzSo how is Ubuntu Studio? I'm not much of a musician or anything, and I haven't heard much about it.10:46
superm1yea that's what i've gathered to, pretty bad situation happened10:47
superm1fxfitz, can't say i've used it10:47
fxfitzRIght. Gotcha.10:47
laga_superm1: at least it didn't happen after release ;)10:47
laga_superm1: i'm gonna re-master mythbuntu alpha 3 with my trunk packages...10:48
superm1laga_, awesome10:48
laga_shouldn't be too hard10:48
superm1it will be good to see how things worked out10:48
laga_i think there was a point&click app to do that10:48
laga_superm1: yup. i gotta ix mythplugins, though. FTBS :(10:49
superm1laga_, what happened that it didn't build?10:49
Rimerssuperm1:  how did it go with the lcdproc?10:49
laga_superm1: i probably broke mythmusic when patching $stuff10:49
superm1Rimers, the PPAs didn't want to build it right10:49
Rimersah okay10:49
superm1i'll get someone with univ permissions to upload it eventually10:50
Rimersis it hard to build? if not point me in a direction and ill help with it10:50
superm1na its not hard to bulid10:50
superm1i mean i built it locally10:50
superm1you know, i'll just email you the deb10:50
Rimersthats what i ment10:50
superm1send me an email to superm1@ubuntu.com10:50
superm1and i'll mail it when i get home from work10:50
Rimersokay ive send a mail, ill be off now or ill be too tired tomorrow, nn guys10:52
superm1guys info on schedules direct is released10:53
superm1it will be a pay service10:53
foxbuntuwell at least we aren't hung out to dry10:54
foxbuntuI wonder how much it will cost10:54
superm1well does it matter?10:54
superm1i mean you'll pay it10:54
laga_first one is always free10:56
foxbuntuwell duh...I wouldn't get rid of my myth box...but I hope its not crazy expensive10:58
laga_i doubt that10:58
foxbuntulaga_, :P11:07
foxbuntuthat is all11:07
=== laga_ is now using uck.sf.net to customize mythbuntu
laga_it better works11:09
laga_or i'll turn into angry german kid11:09
foxbuntuas apposed to what?11:11
laga_angry german adolescent11:13
superm1laga_, your using uck....11:28
superm1that is how things started with mythbuntu11:28
superm1but it was quickly ugly to manage with it11:28
laga_i just want to rebuild the iso11:29
superm1yea i guess it will work for that purpose11:29
laga_i never figured out how to create my own alternate isos, that's why i never started my own "mythbuntu" ;)11:29
laga_i just want shell access to the tree11:29
laga_so i can install my packages11:29
superm1yea and from i remember, uck does provide that in an easy to use fashion11:39
laga_that just errored on my11:39
laga_but it started synaptic for me so it's ok11:39
superm1well your lucky that synaptic is included due to restricted manager being included11:40
laga_gonna rebuild mythtv beforehand11:42
superm1laga_, did you add functionality to do it with -Os or -O2 yet?11:45
superm1instead of --enable-proc-opt11:45
laga_was gonna talk to the devs instead11:45
laga_err, first11:45
superm1well if you get any input regarding that soon, i'd like to add that to the next upload11:46
superm1that includes the mythstream fix11:46
=== DaveMorris [n=dave@host-212-158-244-26.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1DaveMorris, any updates on documentation efforts?11:55
DaveMorrisno because I couldn't get the alpha3 when I went to do it11:56
DaveMorrisso I just tidyed bits up, I'll do more tomorrow11:56
superm1I see.11:56
superm1well in /topic there is a miror11:56
DaveMorrisas weds is the free night I have each week11:56
superm1you can grab from until the site comes back to life11:56
DaveMorrisyeah I've grabbed it since11:56
superm1ah ok11:56
DaveMorrisI've got a nice development machine I can install on as well :)11:57
=== OpenMedia [n=sellis@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv

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