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nealmcbinfinity: Well, I'm sure bugged by plain-text passwords in unsecured POP and IMAP and FTP....  But clueless users using clueless software for publishing is indeed a tough problem to solve.  I'm hoping sftp will catch on.   Or webdav - Is anyone out there having any luck offering webdav over https for their users to publish on the web?12:27
mattwalstonnealmcb: negative but sftp is very well adopted12:30
mattwalstonnealmcb: anyone that should be touching there own site should be able to use it12:31
mattwalstonnealmcb: also, somewhere their is a windows client that mounts an sftp site as a folder on the local machine12:31
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Innatechhaving some trouble getting Bind9 up and running on a simple Ubuntu 7.04 server box. Geting SERVFAIL when I try to run dig.  Config files and command output is here: http://www.pastebin.ca/648128   . I'd much appreciate advice from anyone willing to take a look. 01:31
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nealmcbInnatech: I'm pretty rusty on bind stuff, but perhaps if you lead me thru that step by step we'll run across what's wrong.  to start with, I see no servfail error in what you pasted02:16
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boxrockanyone know where Screen Resolution values come from (on a thin-client GUI)? widescreen are missing for me. thanks.02:53
=== stiv2k [n=steve@c-76-108-235-201.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
stiv2kok got a really weird problem here03:03
stiv2ki assigned my server a static IP (naturally)03:03
stiv2kand it works fine03:03
stiv2kexcept it seems about once every 24 hours03:03
stiv2ki check the ifconfig eth003:03
stiv2kand it has an ip of (an address in the DHCP range!!!!)03:03
stiv2kconsequently all the services go down because its not
stiv2ki have to manually ifdown/ifup eth003:04
stiv2kto get it back to normal03:04
stiv2kits so frustrating, what could be causing this03:04
ScottKstiv2k: Two things must be true then... 03:04
ScottK1.  Your server must be running a dhcp client.03:05
ScottK2.  Something in your local link is offering dhcp.03:05
stiv2kScottK: my router is probably offering dhcp03:05
stiv2kbut, my /etc/network/interfaces spefically says03:05
ScottKDo you need it?03:05
stiv2kiface eth0 inet static03:05
stiv2kkinda... the other machines on my network, well, some of them use dhcp03:06
stiv2ki never had ths problem before i reformatted (before the hard drive failed)03:06
ScottKWhat version of Ubuntu are you running on the server?03:07
ScottKDHCP requests get logged to /var/log/daemon.log.03:08
ScottKFirst thing to do I'd say is look there and see what's going on when it happens.03:08
stiv2kmost of the log is "last message repeated x times"03:09
stiv2kbut i see a bunch of dhclient here03:09
ScottKThat's the one.03:09
stiv2kOK to paste 6 lines here?03:09
stiv2kAug  6 03:48:56 galatea dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 303:10
stiv2kAug  6 03:48:57 galatea dhclient: DHCPOFFER from
stiv2kAug  6 03:48:57 galatea dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 6703:10
stiv2kAug  6 03:48:57 galatea dhclient: DHCPACK from
stiv2kAug  6 03:48:57 galatea dhclient: can't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases: Permission denied03:10
stiv2kAug  6 03:48:57 galatea dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 32860 seconds.03:10
jbrouharddid you run dhclient eth0 as sudo ?03:11
stiv2ki have never once issued the command dhclient03:11
ScottKHe doesn't want it to run at all.03:11
stiv2ki just edited /etc/network/interfaces accordingly, then ifdown/ifup eth003:11
stiv2kScottK: is dhclient an init service? can i get away with just apt-get remove03:12
ScottKdhclient is probably part of another package that you don't wont to remove03:12
stiv2kso how do i stop it from running03:12
ScottKWhat comes right before the dhclient in the log?03:13
stiv2klike at least a hundred lines of03:14
stiv2k"last message repeated x times"03:14
stiv2kmore than a hundred... several hundred03:14
stiv2kthe very first line, before all of those is this03:14
stiv2kAug  5 13:26:08 galatea dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 6703:15
ScottKWhat does ps -AF|grep dhcp produce?03:16
stiv2ksteve     1598  1545  1   720   748   0 21:16 pts/2    00:00:00 grep dhcp03:16
stiv2kdhcp      3477     1  0   612   856   0 Aug03 ?        00:00:00 dhclient3 -pf /var/run/dhclient.eth0.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases eth003:16
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ScottKThat's the guy that's doing it.03:16
ScottKSo next step is to figure out what's starting it.03:17
stiv2ksounds about riht03:17
ScottKI've only got a laptop with dhcp running, so it may be different...03:18
ScottKTry grep dhcp /etc/init.d/*03:18
stiv2kno result03:18
ScottKor grep dhclient03:18
stiv2ksame, no results03:19
ScottKYou don't have X running on this server do you?03:19
stiv2ki know this may seem stupid but03:22
stiv2kthe machine hasn't been rebooted once since it's very first bootup about a week ago03:22
ScottKThat shouldn't matter.03:23
stiv2kperhaps the service running dhclient never acknowledged /etc/network/interfaces when i set it to a static IP03:23
ScottKI'm googling about readahead boot right now.03:23
ScottKThat may well explain your problem.03:23
stiv2kdo tell03:23
ajmitchgiven that the dhclient process was started a few days ago, when did you set it to use a static ip address?03:24
ScottKAs nearly as I can tell, readahead loads everthing in /etc/readahead/boot.03:24
stiv2kajmitch: as soon as i booted up the machine for the first time03:24
ScottKAt last, someone who knows what they are doing shows up.03:25
stiv2kone of the first things i did was set it to a static ip03:25
ajmitchstiv2k: which was when?03:25
ajmitchaug 3rd or later?03:25
stiv2ki cant remember exactly... 5 days or so03:25
ajmitchScottK: oh, where are they?03:25
stiv2koh 1 sec03:25
stiv2kuptime will tell me03:25
ScottKThat would be you.03:25
stiv2k 21:25:35 up 3 days, 17:36,  3 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.01, 1.0003:25
ajmitchScottK: lies03:25
ajmitchstiv2k: so it was using dhcp when you booted up for the first time03:25
stiv2kyes 03:26
=== ScottK tiptoes out of the room while ajmitch helps.
stiv2kas every default ubuntu install does ?03:26
ajmitchand you changed /etc/network/interfaces to static03:26
ajmitchand then did ifdown eth003:26
ajmitchso it didn't know to kill dhclient03:26
stiv2ki guess03:26
ajmitchso you can just kill dhclient & it'll be happy03:26
ajmitchand it won't start again03:26
stiv2kok... you're sure03:26
ajmitchfairly sure :)03:27
stiv2kwhy didnt it do it the first time?03:27
ScottKWhen did you tell it to?03:27
ajmitchwhy didn't it do what?03:27
stiv2kwhy didnt it kill dhclient when i first set it to a static IP03:27
stiv2kit sounds like that would have been the right course of action03:27
ajmitchif you reconfigure it to having a static ip address before bringing the interface down, then it won't know to kill it03:27
=== ScottK learns something. Makes total sense.
ScottKI've always just set up servers static in the installer, so this never came for me before.03:28
stiv2ki dont remember the installer asking me if i could set it static03:29
=== ajmitch hasn't done an ubuntu server install for awhile now
stiv2ki would have done it if it asked me03:30
ScottKThe alternate installer gives you that option.03:31
ScottKDunno about the regular one.03:31
stiv2kwell i used 7.04 feisty server x8603:31
stiv2kwhats the point of alternate ?03:31
ScottKDifferent installer.03:31
ajmitchdifferent set of packages03:32
ScottKRegular one uses the Ubuntu installer, Ubiquity or some such spelling and the alternate uses the Debian Installer.03:32
stiv2ki see03:32
ScottKI've never had much luck desktop or server with the Ubuntu installer.  I always seem to end up using D-I for one reason or another.03:33
ajmitch'alternate' cd gives you a normal desktop system03:33
ScottKAlternate CD (last I looked) had a server/cli option too.03:33
stiv2kalright well i have to go... thanks for helping me fix this (i hope it did the trick for good)... it was so annoying03:33
ScottKThanks for bailing me out ajmitch.03:34
=== ScottK goes back to trying to query PostgreSQL with his Python app.
=== ajmitch has to return to php+mysql
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hiroshiXhey, I was wondering how you actually connect to an iscsi with open-iscsi installed.04:51
ScottKThis is not a terribly active time of day here.04:51
ScottKSo don't feel slighted if no one answers....04:51
hiroshiXmaybe I should ask tomorrow afternoon04:52
hiroshiXthanks ^_^04:53
ScottKIf you can hit European afternoon, US morning, that's your best bet.04:53
PanzerMKZus morn04:57
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juliuxgood morning09:35
juliuxdoes somebody knows a simple ticket system? i only need it for tracking e-mails09:35
Burgundaviajuliux: rt?09:35
juliuxBurgundavia, it is simple?09:36
juliuxBurgundavia, i want one email address shirt@juliux.de and all e-mails to that address should go to the ticketsystem and there i can track the email contact with everybody who wants a shirt;)09:37
Burgundaviart can do that09:37
juliuxi will take a look at it09:38
lcddroundup is another system09:40
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CrummyGummyHi all, I noticed today that my server time was out. I have been running ntpd for ages so I thought everything was ok. There are no errors on startup of ntpd. What could I have missed?10:37
lcddCrummyGummy: you could run ntpq and use the command 'peers' to show whether ntpd is actually able to talk to any time servers10:46
CrummyGummyIt pulled up 3 servers. I wonder if it isn't using local because the delay is the lowest.10:47
lcddlocal is only supposed to be a fallback in case all other servers fail10:52
lcddsomebody correct if i'm wrong, but it's essentially the same as system clock10:53
CrummyGummyThats the way the conf file reads. I'm just not sure at which point the server decides to use that "last resort"11:03
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puxton11:16:53AM -!- ERROR Warning: Permission problem: Can't read/write from/to /var/lib/bitlbee/. <--- How do I fix this?11:37
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cyrenityhi all11:56
cyrenity i want only one user modify user home dirs to change ownerships and permissions but not as root11:56
cyrenityany idea11:56
juliuxdid somebody tries to setup rt with qmail?11:59
cyrenityany idea12:15
Pumpernickelcyrenity: Sounds like you're trying to reinvent root.12:15
cyrenitywell some how12:15
cyrenityi want to delegate system admin tasks12:15
cyrenitysome times we need to move users home dirs with correct permissions which only root can do12:16
lcdduse sudo perhaps12:17
cyrenityi have a user noman.yousuf12:27
cyrenityi move that to noman.yousuf112:28
cyrenitythen recreate that12:28
cyrenityand move all noman.yousuf1 data to noman.yousuf12:28
lcddyou need root12:28
cyrenityhow i do from sudo12:28
cyrenityfor that i need root12:28
cyrenitybut i add admin to any system admin group admin will be able to do this12:29
cyrenityif sudo can do this its ok12:29
cyrenitywhat u say12:29
lcddsudo allows only certain people to become root12:33
lcddits benefit compared to 'su' is that you don't have to share the root password with anyone, which means it's possible to take away the root rights12:34
cyrenityhow i do this12:43
cyrenityany idea12:43
cyrenitywould ldap users be able to do that or only system users do12:43
lcddsee the file /etc/sudoers. local and ldap users should make no difference12:44
cyrenitywell frankly12:54
cyrenityldap users wont work12:54
cyrenityi did this admin  ALL = NOPASSWD:  /usr/bin/gnome-printer-view12:55
cyrenityadmin  ALL = NOPASSWD:  /usr/bin/gnome-cups-manager12:55
cyrenityadmin  ALL = NOPASSWD:  /usr/bin/gnome-cups-add12:55
cyrenityadmin  ALL = NOPASSWD: /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf12:55
cyrenityadmin  ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vi12:55
cyrenityfor ldap user it wont work12:55
cyrenityfor locaql user its working12:55
infinity20:55 < cyrenity> admin  ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vi01:33
infinityYou're kidding, right?01:33
infinityYou may as well just give them full sudo, bcause that's what that does.01:33
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cyrenitybut only for vi or particaular things01:44
cyrenityhow i do perimissions change and folder moves 01:44
cyrenitythrough sudo01:44
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ICUcyrenity: what would prevent the user from editing /etc/sudoers with a "sudo vi"?01:48
ICUor modifying the shadow01:49
ICUand so on01:49
infinityGlad someone else is awake.01:50
cyrenitywell user cant open vi /etc/suderos file01:50
cyrenityi dont think soo01:50
ICUthey can01:51
infinityOf course you can.01:51
infinity"sudo vi /etc/sudoers"01:51
krautcyrenity: you didn't understood sudo!01:52
krautcyrenity: sudo is just a user-wrapper, you fork vi via sudo as user root!01:52
ICUsudo will allow the users to run vi with root priviledges and so are able to open any file on your system (and write it)01:52
krautcyrenity: think about this!01:52
cyrenitywhat u mean01:52
cyrenityi try to open vi /etc/suders01:53
cyrenityi ant open permission denied01:53
infinitycyrenity: "sudo vi /etc/sudoers"01:54
krautcyrenity: the line "admin  ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vi" allows the user vi to open vi as user ROOT. so with "sudo /usr/bin/vi /etc/shadow" you open vi as root and you're able to manipulate the shadow!01:54
infinitycyrenity: Your sudo rule allowd anyont in the admin group to elevate to full root.01:55
krautisn't %group the marker for a group?!01:55
infinityOh, fair point, it's the admin user.01:55
krautonly 'admin' should point to the user admin and not to the group01:55
krautah, ok. got confused by that ;)01:56
infinityBut whatever.  He *meant* %admin, I'm sure. :)01:56
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ICUcyrenity: what was your intention with "admin ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/vi"?01:57
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cyrenitywell my intention was to open a file /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf02:00
cyrenityby admin user and edit it02:00
cyrenitywell i just want to delegate admin rights02:00
cyrenityany idea for that02:01
cyrenityif admin wants to modify /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf02:02
cyrenitythen what should i do02:02
ICUdo a wrapper for example02:07
ICUa shell script named "modify_lts.sh" which starts "vi /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf" and allow that script to the user02:07
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infinityICU: That's still no safer, once I've opened the editor, I can switch open files..02:23
cyrenitybut what to do02:28
lcddcyrenity: just adding group write permissions to that specific file might work02:28
cyrenityand what abt permissions02:29
cyrenityfor folders i told above02:29
lcddi have no idea02:31
cyrenityok thanks 02:31
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ICUinfinity: indeed02:57
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gamble6xI'm trying to setup a static interface on my 6.06LTS, IP, Gateway, and all seem fine, but resolv.conf keeps being overwritten.  According to the documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html I should be able to simply write in my DNS and lookups to resolv.conf, but it doesn't keep.  Is this something I need to do through debconf?  Is there documentation on this anywhere?07:13
nealmcbCrummyGummy: still looking for ideas on your ntp problem?07:22
nealmcbgamble6x: is a dhcp still running by any chance?  if you change your interfaces file before ifdown, the default dhcp will still be active07:23
gamble6xps -A | grep dhcp doesn't return anything.  there are only lo and eth0 in my interfaces file, "dhcp" isn't in the interfaces file, and the server isn't currently live so I'm rebooting to make sure all the server apps come up correctly.  But every time I reboot my resolv.conf is blank except two comment lines at the top:07:29
gamble6x# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)07:29
gamble6xwhich the comments tell me what is happening, but not where I need to make the change.07:29
nealmcbit is probably called "dhclient"07:33
nealmcbgamble6x: you can change the dns addresses in the interfaces file07:33
nealmcbhmm - I'm not seeing it in the interfaces man page - still looking....07:35
nealmcbahh - I use /etc/resolvconf/07:36
infinitygamble6x: apt-get --purge remove resolvconf07:37
nealmcbor read `man resolvconf` first to see if you want to use it07:37
infinityNo one with a static interface would want to use it.07:38
nealmcbis it installed by default in dapper?07:38
infinityAnd most people with a dynamic one don't.07:38
infinityIt might have been.  We don't install it by default anymore.07:38
infinityIn fact, we're so over it that we punted it to universe.07:38
infinityWe don't even support it anymore.07:38
gamble6xAH!  resolvconf was installed by dhcp3-client (which I'm assuming is installed by default).07:40
gamble6xhmm... ubuntu-minimal depends on dhcp3-client07:42
infinityNot the end of the world.07:42
gamble6xOk.  dhcp wasn't starting at boot.  I left dhcp3-client installed but just removed resolvconf and rebooted.  Now the /etc/resolv.conf is staying.07:51
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gamble6xI am currently getting a security error: unable to lookup <hostname> via gethostbyname().  But I'm guessing that's a network issue.  Maybe the server isn't listed in DNS atm.  will keep plugging away.07:53
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gamble6xwow stupid.  *smacks forehead* I had my FQDN in my hosts file, but not the hostname.07:57
gamble6xfixed that problem.07:57
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osmosiswhich one should I try?   awstats - powerful and featureful web server log analyzer08:10
osmosisawffull - web server log analysis program08:10
osmosismodlogan - A modular logfile analyzer08:10
osmosiswebalizer - web server log analysis program08:10
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coNPmaybe look for sites, that use either of them and try their output08:10
coNPor install all of them for a week and compare :)08:11
=== coNP uses webalizer, that is very common IMO
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nealmcbosmosis: I've used awstats and liked it, and previously analog.  haven't tried the others09:13
osmosisnealmcb: cool. i think they are all pretty basic. I mostly want something that is easy to setup and give me some basic info about daily hits ...that is easier then parsing the apache log manually.09:13
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Nafalloapache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName11:24
Nafallohow to get rid of that? :-)11:24
krautNafallo: watch out the docu on apache.org11:25
krautyou should find it there easilly11:25
Nafallobut would that be the Ubuntu way? :-)11:26
krauti don't think that the ubuntu-way would take the part of the people to teach themself11:26
krautand anyhow, that's a standard-question wich should be figured out in the apache-faq11:27
krautalso google would give you a faster answer then here in the channel11:27
gamble6xNafallo: if you're on a static IP then you can just put your hostname and FQDN next to your IP addy in your /etc/hosts file11:27
krautalltogether the most fastest way would be, to read the warning carefully11:27
Nafallogamble6x: FQDN * :-)11:28
=== ConfidentiaL [n=anders@163.80-202-198.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu-server
ConfidentiaLfirst time setting up a linux server, fairly new user to linux, although I got the basics. What do you recommend, feisty server or dapper server? for home use. Quite powerful PC.11:28
krautConfidentiaL: for home usage -> feisty11:29
Nafallooh. that was easy :-)11:29
krautConfidentiaL: but remeber, that feisty isn't mostly the stable release11:29
ConfidentiaLok, thanks:)11:30
krautConfidentiaL: if you prefer mostly actual packages, take feisty, if you prefer a stable-system, use dapper.11:30
=== Yahooadam [n=ubuntu@host81-156-10-23.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-server
Yahooadamhey guys, srsly need some help :(11:40
Yahooadam./dev/hda1 is unrecognised11:40
Yahooadamand its my boot partition :o11:40
ScottKYahooadam: What release?11:40
Yahooadamhow would i find out (7.04 server i think)11:40
Yahooadamim running the 7.04 live cd atm11:41
boxrock___anyone, i'm having a problem w/7.04 hanging (console GUI, net, (shell commands work however)), any clues on how to diagnose?11:41
gamble6xYahooadam: do you know why it's not being recognized?  disk going bad?  did you accidentally write something you didn't mean to to /boot.  Is boot fine and your MBR is just flubbed up?11:42
ScottKYahooadam: It should be working by UUID then, not by device name.11:42
Yahooadami think the disc is fine. hda2 is fine11:42
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Yahooadami havent touched it, but the computer may have been badly shut down while running11:43
ScottKYahooadam: Find the UUID /dev and try and boot by UUID.11:43
Yahooadamwhen i try to boot i get grub error 2411:43
Yahooadami cant even get at the grub config therefore11:43
InnatechSo, I'm dealing with LDAP having not needed it in a while. Can anyone refresh my memory: Is there any compelling reason to use company.local or company.lan over company.com in setting up a new LDAP directory for a small network? 11:43
Yahooadamisnt grub supposed to be in /boot/grub btw ?11:45
Yahooadamcos if so, i cant see it11:45
gamble6xyou might want to start with some fscking11:47
gamble6xif you didn't write anything to the disk.  It's possible an improper shutdown could muck it up.  But pretty unlikely.  If the files aren't on the partition it sounds more like bad sectors to me.11:47
mathiazInnatech: I think that .local is been used by zeroconf or something like that.11:48
Yahooadamim getting mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1. mising codepage or other error. in some cases useful info is found in syslog11:48
mathiazInnatech: I wouldn't use domain.local11:48
Innatechyeah, there's that kind of multicast stuff, I know. But I seem to recall there being reasons to use domain.local or domain.lan over domain.com . Using domain.com is easiest and most straightforward, so I'm just trying to make sure I'm not missing anything before plunging ahead. 11:49
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Yahooadamsudo fsck /dev/hda111:49
Yahooadamfsck 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)11:49
Yahooadame2fsck 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)11:49
Yahooadamfsck.ext3: Filesystem revision too high while trying to open /dev/hda111:49
YahooadamThe filesystem revision is apparently too high for this version of e2fsck.11:49
Yahooadam(Or the filesystem superblock is corrupt)11:49
Yahooadamand thats about where im stuck at now .....11:50
InnatechliveCD boot & fsck?11:50
Innatechhrrm. That seems odd. 11:51
InnatechThis might help: describes locating the backup superblocks on ext3: http://www.edseek.com/archives/2004/02/25/ext3-filesystem-bad-superblock-recovery/11:52
gamble6xnot a lot of happy info out there concerning corrupted superblocks:   http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2001/04/msg03364.html11:55
Yahooadamsigh, stuff like this really puts me off ubuntu11:56
Yahooadamwindows = chkdsk /r11:56
Yahooadamlinux = screwed11:56
InnatechWith windows, you're screwed before you boot. 11:56
gamble6xchkdsk /r can do a lot in windows, but I've not heard of it fixing corrupted superblocks.12:01
gamble6xfsck is the same for linux.12:01
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Yahooadamwell it looks like the first link may have worked12:05
Yahooadamor not12:05
jbrouhardhowdy all12:05

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