
cellofellowwhat's the command to list files in an install debian package? It's a dpkg switch.12:35
Pumpernickeldpkg -L12:37
cellofellowthanks. Found it already. I really should check manpages first. ;)12:38
Lunishow to i prevent xfce/gnome from autorunning Rhythmbox when I plug in my PSP?12:44
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soberonGood evening... Please an app to "see" the net and share docs.? as smb401:20
soberonI'm looking for an advice to install an aplication in xubuntu01:21
soberonfor see the net01:22
soberonI installed samba01:22
soberonbut i want some like smb4k01:22
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varu> is there a way to use an onscreen keyboard to type the admin password in xfce?02:04
varu it blocks out any other program02:04
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varu is there a way to use an onscreen keyboard to type the admin password in xfce?02:08
cellofellowI've heard bad stories about that.02:08
varugnome=mad accessible, but xfce=faster02:09
cellofellowsorry, yeah02:10
cellofellowXFCE doesn't have every feature under the sun, or it would just be gnome anyway.02:11
varuwell ya02:11
varujust irks me lol02:11
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cellofellowwhat packages should I install (on another box) to get full support for everything under the sun in MPlayer? I know I need w32codecs, but what else> (Oh, DVD not neccesary.)02:54
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Lunishas anyone noticed that gksu lags xfce for about 2 mintues after you enter your sudo passy04:30
cellofellownot here04:32
cellofellowLunis: what apps you trying to run?04:32
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cellofellowmecannotread: what kind of nickname is that?04:34
Luniscellofellow, anything i used gksu to run (on Gutsy) lags with the passy box up and everything grayed out for about 2 minutes when i enter a password and hit ok or press enter04:35
cellofellowmaybe a bit buggy in Gutsy.04:35
mecannotreadcellofellow well just say  me cannot read04:36
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Lunishow do i clear the sudo cached password?04:45
maxamillionLunis: the sudo password should be your password04:46
Lunisno i mean... when you enter the password you don't have to enter it again for like 5 minutes when you use sudo/gksu again04:47
maxamillionLunis: if you need to change your password just type passwd at the command line04:47
maxamillionLunis: ohhhh, that ... no clue i don't use sudo ... actually don't even have it installed04:48
maxamillionLunis: i always start from a base install and just install what i need04:48
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PumpernickelLunis: sudo -K06:19
LunisPumpernickel, :o thanks, both for the answer and for reading the backlogs :D06:19
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aaroni have some freezing problems when i try to access my media hard drive07:09
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Jester45he gone07:16
nextse7enHi folks, is there a graphical disk manager build into xubuntu?07:16
Jester45if you meaning a partitioner07:17
Jester45gparted is a nice you can get from repos07:17
nextse7enIts not connected to the internet, unfortunaly.07:17
nextse7enWhat is the command then to format in FAT?07:17
vidd_laptopits on the install disk07:18
nextse7enLol, doesn't have CD-ROM either.07:18
vidd_laptophow did you install?07:18
Jester45can you get files from the internet07:18
nextse7enIts just a motherboard and HD mounted to the desk.07:18
nextse7enNo, its a completly stand alone system.07:18
Jester45so no usb or anything like that07:19
nextse7enWell, It has usb.07:20
Jester45i think you can do mkfs -t ext3 /deb/hdaN07:20
Jester45to format over fat07:20
Jester45or try -t fat32 to make fat07:20
Pumpernickel-t vfat07:21
Jester45or for /dev/hdaN you can use the mount point07:21
nextse7enthanks for the help, I'll try it.07:22
nextse7enDo I need to mount first?07:22
PumpernickelErrr... formatting a mounted partition?07:23
Jester45listen to Pumpernickel07:23
nextse7en Hi there, one more question, how do I find out where a hard drive is if it is unformatted or unpartitioned? Is there a way to query for all hard drives attached to the system?07:26
nextse7enweather or not they are mounted?07:26
nextse7enI can't tell if the drive is being recognized at all... its the slave on the primary IDE controller, but fdisk won't open dev/hdb107:28
Jester45run df07:28
Jester45in a terminal07:28
Jester45i think that should unmounted partitions07:29
Pumpernickel/dev/sd* is the new naming convention for all drives.07:29
Jester45why did they do that07:29
nextse7enHmm, I only see hdc1.  Odd that it would show the primard hard drive on the primary ide controller as hdc107:29
nextse7enVery strange, the bios sees the drive, but df does not?07:30
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Pumpernickel`df` only deals with filesystem stats.07:33
Pumpernickel`parted -il` is probably more like what you expected.07:39
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zero-9376anyone know how i can use fusesmb on startup?08:31
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BrendanMHey, how do I configure multi-monitors (laptop screen and external) on Xubuntu?08:32
zero-9376ive tried putting fusesmb in /etc/rc.local but it tells me no such file or directory, also tried in fstab but got invalid option08:32
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BFTDBrendanM what kind of graphics card do you have?08:34
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BrendanMBFTD, it's an ATI Radeon Mobility M608:43
BrendanMyeah, it kind of bites08:44
BFTDI'm not sure, you'll most likely have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.confg08:44
BrendanMright now it shows the second monitor as a clone08:44
BFTDthat's pretty good08:44
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BrendanMYeah, but I'd much rather have an extended desktop08:45
BrendanMWould it work better if I switched to the fglrx driver?08:45
BFTDnot sure08:46
BrendanMI've heard that Xfce's window manager natively supports multiple monitors.08:46
BFTDit does08:46
BFTDfor me anyways08:46
BFTDI never had to mess with that stuff08:46
BrendanMwhat kind of video card do you have?08:46
BFTDits also a laptop08:46
BFTDI recommend nVidia08:47
BFTDbest maker hands down08:47
BFTDfor linux that is08:47
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BrendanMno, totally08:51
BrendanMif I were buying/building a machine, I would certainly go with nVidia08:51
BrendanMunfortunately, I just have this crappy old laptop08:51
BFTDhope I can get this lappy to work08:55
BFTDif not then I lose $6008:55
BrendanMyou only paid $60 for yours?08:58
BrendanMI paid like $150 for mine08:58
BrendanMwhat is yours?08:58
BFTDI'm getting paid to ride this comp of viruses08:59
BrendanMoh, nice08:59
BrendanMjust reformat reinstall08:59
BrendanMor is that not an option?09:00
BrendanMIf you want a real nice free antivirus program, check out AntiVir XP09:00
BrendanMit's made by this german company, and it's free for personal use09:00
BFTDI'll call her up09:02
BFTDtell her to reformat09:02
BrendanMoh, I thought you were actually personally working on it09:02
BrendanMdoes she have an AV program on there?09:02
BFTDI am09:02
BFTDonly three09:02
BFTDAvast, AVG, and norton09:03
BFTDplus ad aware and spybot09:03
BrendanMoh, that's bad news. You should never run more than one simultaneously09:03
BrendanMhave you tried scanning in safe mode?09:03
BFTDI hate running any09:03
BFTDit took me a few min's to remember how to get there though09:03
BrendanMHijackThis is really useful for tracking down malware too09:03
BFTDthis thing is keeping firefox from working, and is restricting IE from using gmail and yahoo mail09:04
BrendanMdang, even in safe mode?09:05
BrendanMYou could boot from a Linux Live CD and then run ClamAV on it?09:06
BFTDwhich live cd has that on it?09:09
BFTDand no not in safe mode09:09
BFTDit works fine then09:09
BrendanMYou could "install" it from repos on an Ubuntu live disc09:10
BrendanMbut there's lots of linux diagnostic CDs out there, too09:10
BrendanMIt sounds like there's a browser hijacker. I'd use hijackthis or I think sysinternals has a tool that looks at startup processes09:11
BFTDI'll do that later09:11
BrendanMah, it's called AutoRuns: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/Utilities/AutoRuns.mspx09:11
BrendanMthat's M$'s site, but it's made by sysinternals09:11
BrendanMer, I guess sysinternals got bought out by M$09:13
BrendanMthat sucks09:13
BFTDwhta time is it wherever you are?09:13
BFTDgonna go09:18
BFTDits also 12:18 here...and I need to do...something tomorrow09:18
BFTDnot sure what though09:18
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CordikHas anybody tried running xubuntu on a Asus Digimatrix?10:19
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RockinghorseRockinghorse is gone...but he'll be baack...11:39
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mrpokIs Opera available for xubuntu? I can't find it in apt-cache or Synaptics.11:57
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loswilliosI'm trying the whole day to get numlockx to start at boottime without luck12:41
loswilliosI think the problem is, that I don't use a desktop manager like gdm12:42
loswilliosinstead, I have automatic login via /etc/even.d/tty1 "exec /sbin/rungetty tty1 --autologin USER" enabled12:42
loswilliosanyone an idea where I have to put the numlockx call?12:45
loswillios/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc or /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc doesn't work. I think it's because the scripts were run as root, and not as a user12:46
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Pumpernickelmrpok: Yes it is.  You can either get a .deb from their site, or use the feisty-commercial repository.01:24
Pumpernickelloswillios: Is that a console login, or are you launching X somewhere along the way?01:28
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loswilliosPumpernickel: finally I got it. I put everything into .xinitrc and now it works01:42
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bjwebbhow would i boot into xubuntu from dsl's grub?02:20
TheSheepbjwebb: press 'e' on any entry and type the paths to the kernel and initrd02:31
bjwebbhmm would that be like /mnt/hda1/boot/... because its dsl's grub02:33
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TheSheepbjwebb: ah, if it's on another partition, then you also need to add 'root (hdX, Y)'02:36
TheSheepbjwebb: where X and Y are the disk number and partition number02:36
TheSheepbjwebb: counting from 002:36
bjwebba like hda, 002:36
TheSheep(hd0, 0)02:37
bjwebboh rite02:37
TheSheepbjwebb: and the path is relative to that partition, that is /boot/foo02:37
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Ben_Csdoes xfce in xubuntu 7.04 mount automatically usb devices?03:08
Ben_Csand ntfs partitions?03:08
zialsit does... for me, in any case03:10
TheSheepBen_Cs: you can enable automounting of usb devices in thunar->edit->preferences->advanced->volume manager03:11
Ben_Cscurrently i'm using gnome (ubuntu) but i have xfce in college and i like it, except it's an old version and featureless. my comp is strong enough to handle gnome and kde (i like gnome better) but i was thinking about xfce03:13
pleia2Ben_Cs: I think you'll be happy with the version in 7.04 :)03:14
Ben_CsTheSheep: do you recommend xfce only to slow computers, or do you think it's a better window manager overall?03:14
TheSheepBen_Cs: I use it on my main desktop03:14
pleia2Ben_Cs: depends on the person, I think it's better overall ;) but appreciate the opinions of others03:14
TheSheepBen_Cs: I can't get used to any other desktop environment03:14
Ben_Csdoes it have a keyboard layout changer?03:15
zialsthough, keyboard layout is more or less tied to X instead of Xfce03:16
Ben_Cshmmmmm, so i just synaptic for xubuntu-desktop?03:16
Ben_Csdoes it have influence over gnome?03:17
Ben_Cswell synaptic says it'll remove gnome when installing xfce. i can avoid that through apt-get probably, but what the heck, i'll learn xfce better this way03:20
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Ben_Cswow the managment of xfce has change for good!03:35
Ben_Csdo i need special xfce themes? or gnome themes will do?03:39
pleia2you'll need xfce themes, but there are LOTS installed by default03:39
Ben_Csdoes xubuntu have an art manager (for themes to download) like gnome?03:41
Ben_Csso i have to download them manually03:44
pleia2yeah, xfce-look.org is a good site for that03:44
Ben_Cswhen i go to keyboard settings and disable in layouts: use x configuration, and add another layout, it doesn't remember it and comes back to: use x configuration? so how do i add another keyboard layout?03:47
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loswillioshi guys03:55
bjwebbhmm why is xubuntu slower than dsl?03:55
loswilliosWhere can I find newer packages of gnumeric? There is a bug in 1.7.8 which was fixed in 1.7.1103:56
loswilliosI'm using Xubuntu-7.0403:56
loswilliosI tried feisty-backports already but it isn't there03:57
bjwebbhmm doesn't seem to be anybody else here03:57
bjwebbis there a gnumeric website that might offer .deb packages?03:58
loswilliosunfortunately they don't offer binaries03:58
loswilliosuh, it's in math04:02
loswilliosbjwebb: you think it's possible to install gutsy's gnumeric?04:03
bjwebbit might be04:04
bjwebbit could be worth a try04:04
bjwebbwhat about in the debian repos?04:04
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Ben_Csi downloaded a theme and copied it to ~/.themes  and copied it to /usr/share/themes but still don't have it in User Interface Settings. please help04:27
bjwebbBen_Cs: im not really an epert, and everyone else seems to be quiet atm04:27
TheSheepBen_Cs: di you unpack it?04:35
TheSheepBen_Cs: is it a gtk theme or an xfce theme?04:35
Ben_Csthere are tzr.gz files inside. unpack them too?04:36
Ben_Csdownloaded it from xfce-look04:36
Ben_Csi thinl it's gtk though04:36
TheSheepBen_Cs: you must have downloaded a pack of several themes04:36
Ben_Csbundle pack04:36
TheSheepBen_Cs: every one of them should be unpacked to .themes separately04:36
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Ben_Csone is "controls" one is "window" and one is "login" still separetly?04:37
mrpok_Opera has IRC built in.04:37
mrpok_Neat. Fluffware, but neat.04:37
TheSheepBen_Cs: that's weird04:37
TheSheepBen_Cs: is there a gtkrc file somewhere?04:38
TheSheepmrpok_: it even has a torrent client build in04:38
Ben_Csno. but in instructions, it says how to install it in gnome menus04:40
TheSheepBen_Cs: if there is no gtkrc then it's not a gtk theme and cannot be used with xfce04:41
Ben_Csweird it was in xfce-look04:41
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Ben_Csthesheep: where do i should copy themes to? ~/.themes  or /usr/share/themes?04:45
TheSheepBen_Cs: to ~/.themes if you only need it for the single user, to /usr/share/themes if you want it to be available for all users on the system04:46
TheSheepthe latter requires root priviledges, of course04:47
Ben_Csnope. just for me04:47
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mrpok_TheSheep: Yeah, I like that, it's one of the main reasons I went for it.04:52
TheSheepmrpok_: soon you won't need any other program, next logical steps are multimedia player and office suite ;)04:53
mrpok_Heck, who needs xfce?04:54
TheSheepmrpok_: "Opera: because other browsers are too simple."04:55
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mrpok_I like it, though. It's slick, fast, intuitive...04:56
mrpok_It hasn't crashed on me yet.04:57
TheSheepmrpok_: the word "intuitive" has no meaning in computer context04:57
mrpok_You would call it something else?04:57
TheSheepmrpok_: "similar to what I am already accustomed to" fits in its place04:58
TheSheepmrpok_: but this depends on the actual user04:58
TheSheepmrpok_: obviously, if you use opera all the time, you'll find it intuitive04:58
mrpok_You have a point04:59
mrpok_How about if I said it has a simple workflow?04:59
TheSheepwget has simplier ;)05:00
mrpok_What's wget?05:01
TheSheepDo A Google Search :)05:03
mrpok_Where's the personal touch in that! ;)05:07
mrpok_I'm still trying to decide whether I like Opera Widgets05:07
Ben_Cs[away] well i extracted to gtk themes to ~/.themes and Window Manager doesn't see them. extracted to /usr/share/themes  , didn't help as well. any way to make the Window Manager refresh it's list?05:07
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Ben_Csoh. finally. i figured it out05:11
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Ben_Csplease tell me: do you prefer to leave only the buttom panel, or you use the top one as well?06:17
vidd_laptopi only use one panel....but i customiz it with items from both06:17
Ben_Csi try to, but i don't want it to bee to big06:18
Ben_Csdamn. i can't find how to do cool things with the pannel: like make it transperent and use semi transperent icons etc. you know how?06:19
Ben_Cshave a link?06:20
vidd_laptopturn the functionality for it on in >applications>settings>window manager teeks06:20
Ben_CsBTW it seems to me as if xfce is a bit slower than gnome. weird.06:20
Ben_Csturned on06:20
vidd_laptopits your imagination =] 06:20
vidd_laptopnow you can customize the panel for transparency\06:21
Ben_Csbut i don't see an option explicit for panel opacity06:24
vidd_laptopunder the tweaks....did you turn on "enable display compositing" on the "compositor" tab?06:25
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Ben_Cs_is there a way to make a panel transperent, but the icons on it opaque?06:38
viddno idea06:39
=== vidd does not play around with the eye candy...the computer is a tool...not a toy
vidd=] 06:40
=== hhlp [n=hhlp@225.Red-83-39-234.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu
=== Ben_Cs [n=chatzill@] has joined #xubuntu
Ben_Cswhat do i have to delete to reset xfce to default06:49
vidditems in the ./config folder06:51
Lunis`sleepI mentioned this before but I think it's worth rementioning for anyone who hasn't already heard...07:02
LunisHas anyone had a problem with GKSU in XFCE? Mine locks up X for about a minute and a half to two minutes after entering the SUDO password and click ok or hitting enter07:02
TheSheepLunis: yes, I had similar problems, only shorter07:03
TheSheepLunis: in gutsy07:03
LunisTheSheep, did you solve?07:03
LunisTheSheep, yeah, Gutsy here as well :)07:03
TheSheepLunis: I didn't07:04
Lunisi guess the fastest temporary fix would to be to move gksu/gksudo outside of PATH and make gksu/gksudo point to a script that will bring up a terminal with sudo :x07:06
=== maxamillion [n=adam@] has joined #xubuntu
ablomenhmm does anyone know where i can get good xfce window borders from? there is no good theme std in xubuntu that works good with the ubuntu studio theme07:30
ablomenor any dark theme i know for that mather07:30
ablomenbecouse almost all themes take the "second" color of the theme07:30
Lunisablomen, go to customize.org and get to a search box, search for keywords xfce and gaia07:33
Lunisablomen, better yet, i'll give you a direct link07:33
Lunisablomen, http://customize.org/xfce that's the best place to start looking. I like gaia but GSM is awesome with ubuntu studio (i think)07:34
Lunisablomen, most people don't know about this part of cutomize.org because XFCE isn't listed in the Browse tab07:35
ablomenLunis, cool thanks! :)07:35
=== ablomen bookmarks it
Lunisablomen, glad i could help ^^07:35
ablomenthats a great site, looks better then xfcelook :)07:35
hyper_challmighty-TheSheep: online?07:37
Luniscutsomize.org is home to some of the best looking themes but some of the best theme artists out there. and most of the stuff gets crossported if it's any good. great news for us xfce'rs07:37
=== xjonex [n=jone@dsl-roigw1-fe87de00-163.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #xubuntu
ablomenLunis, ah yeah the gaia thing looks great :)07:39
ablomenthe close etc icons are on the wrong side of the bar though but i guess i can get used to that :)07:39
Lunisablomen, the full theme mixed with the watery GAIA backgroud (gaia is a huge community project, gaia.customize.org) and the black cursors07:39
Lunisablomen, you can change them, i'll help you once you have it installed07:40
ablomenits installed :) but i cant change the bar icons in the window manager thingy07:40
Lunisablomen,  you have to do it manually07:40
ablomenah :)\07:41
Lunis~/.theme/gaia/xfce/themerc i think07:41
ablomenah the button layout and offset?07:42
ablomenah no soorry its just the |07:42
Lunislayout specifically07:42
ablomenok iv got it :)07:42
Lunisby default the minimize button is in the middle and maximize is last, which annoys me. i had to change it :P07:43
=== ablomen is gonna look trough some more of the gaia stuff :)
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timposeyTheSheeo: are you here?08:20
timposeyTheSheep:  are you here?08:20
=== Rockinghorse [n=me@cpe-76-87-154-6.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
TheSheeptimposey: yes?08:30
timposeyTheSheep:  I don't know if you remember me from the other day. I was doing the xubuntu install on a machine and having problems08:31
timposeyI finally got a full install without any problems but this computer seems to simply not looking for this hard drive at all for boot up, do you have any suggestions, I have checked and rechecked bios settings, unless there is something set in there that I can't get to..08:32
TheSheeptimposey: is this drive larger than 32MB?08:33
timposeyTheSheep:  Yes it is a 4.3 GB08:33
TheSheepsorry, I mean 32GB :)08:36
TheSheeptimposey: you can try setting the bootable flag on teh system partition08:36
TheSheeptimposey: this is an IDe disk?08:36
TheSheeptimposey: and you set the computer to boot from it in bios?08:36
timposeyI just let the program do the guided partition so I figured that the bootable flag was set.. I did set to boot from the HDD in Bios and the bios recognizes the drive.08:37
=== wepeel [n=christop@dhcp021.math.uiuc.edu] has joined #xubuntu
wepeelhi all. I recently installed xubuntu 7.04 on my old laptop. My desktop is running ubuntu 6.10...and there's a way to place folders on the desktop which open via ssh on remote machines. How do I set something like this up in Xubuntu?08:39
TheSheeptimposey: the grub is instlled?08:39
ablomenwepeel, google for sshfs :)08:40
wepeelablomen, thanks08:40
ablomennp, good luck :)08:40
timposeyTheSheep:  It says that it installed it at the end of the installation.08:40
wepeelablomen, hehe, I'll need it. On ubuntu, I'd just go to "places" than work from there08:41
ablomenyeah thats nautilus, thunar doesnt have that (you have to give some stuff away for performance :) )08:41
ablomenbut sshfs is easy enough, there are a lot of walktroughs, and all the apps can use the mounted dir and files in it than, which isnt the case with the way nautilus mounts them08:42
wepeelablomen, ah, I get it. Can I use sshfs through an icon on the Desktop?08:43
wepeeli.e. set a launcher?08:43
ablomenwell i think it will show up becouse its a mounted fs other then the root fs (just like cd's, windows filesystems, cameras etc do) otherwise you can just create a shortcut to the location the ssh fs is mounted to08:44
ablomenso yeah :)08:44
ablomenand you can add it to places etc :)08:44
ablomenthe only thing your going to have to figure out is how to mount it at boot, but i think you can just add it to fstab if my memmory serves me right08:45
TheSheeptimposey: what is the exact message you get when the computer tries to boot?08:46
wepeelablomen, hurm, I'm having a tough time already with it08:46
ablomenheh whats the problem>08:46
=== Catoptromancy [n=cat@fl-71-1-235-150.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #xubuntu
wepeeloh, it really does want the mountpoint...I just guessed it works like ssh :)08:47
TheSheepwepeel: that would be scp08:48
ablomenjust do "sudo mkdir /media/ssh & sudo chown USERNAME /media/ssh" or whatever :)08:48
ablomenor listen to TheSheep :)08:48
ablomenthats a better idea i guess :P08:48
TheSheepwepeel: if it's just single files you want to copy, you can use scp just like you would use normal cp. only prefix the remote files with the host name and colon, like  myhost:somedir/myfile08:50
wepeelYeah, I use scp while ssh'ed into my home machine, but I was just looking for the convenience of having a remote folder I could access whenever I needed something08:51
wepeelchalk one up for nautilus, I suppose08:51
ablomenwepeel, sshfs then :)08:52
TheSheepwepeel: ah, that's sshfs :)08:52
TheSheepwepeel: you need to have the 'fuse' module loaded, I think08:52
wepeelwell, here's what I'm getting so far08:53
wepeelbasically, i sshfs user@host:dir mountpoint08:53
TheSheep!pastebin | wepeel08:53
ubotuwepeel: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:53
wepeelbut I don't know what to put in mountpoint08:53
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TheSheepwepeel: any empty directory08:53
TheSheepwepeel: owned by you08:53
ablomenwepeel, a dir you make in /home/username or /media08:53
wepeelSorry, was that line too long?08:54
TheSheepwepeel: if you use a directory in your ~/Desktop, then you don't even need to make a shortcut08:54
ablomenTheSheep, hmm good one08:54
TheSheepwepeel: no, it wans't too long. I thought you were going to paste some logs :)08:54
wepeelI wouldn't do taht :)08:54
wepeelwait, a directiry on the machine I'm connecting from08:55
wepeelI'm an idiot08:55
TheSheepthe first one is what you connect (remote directory), the second one (the mountpoint) is where you want it connected08:55
TheSheepthat is, a local directory08:55
wepeelfailed to exec fusermount: Permission denied08:56
ablomenwepeel, sudo08:56
TheSheepwepeel: you need to add yourself to the 'fuse' group08:56
TheSheepablomen: nah08:56
ablomenah or that08:56
ablomenmy bad08:56
wepeelsame result08:57
ablomenwepeel, you need to log in again or reboot, one of those too08:57
TheSheepwepeel: unfortunately, you have to relog after changing group membership for it to take effect08:58
wepeelok, be right back08:58
timposeyTheSheep:  Sorry, I was away for a minute... I get the message the disk is not bootable, please place a bootable disk in drive a: those may not be the exact words but I am having problems with the power supply right now and cannot get it up but that is a common message.08:58
TheSheeptimposey: I think I don't have any more ideas :(08:59
timposeyTheSheep: me either.. I hate to say it but I'm going to give up on this one..09:00
ablomentimposey, what is the problem exactly?09:00
ablomentimposey, the error you get is from a broken mbr afaik09:00
ablomenalteast thats the reason i had that problem09:01
timposeyablomen:  a broken who?09:01
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ablomenmaster boot record, the part of the hd where the bootloader is on09:01
ablomenatleast the link to it09:02
TheSheepablomen: but grub is supposed to set it up correctly09:02
wepeelI'm still getting permission denied errors09:02
TheSheeptimposey: maybe you could try with lilo instead?09:02
ablomenTheSheep, yeah i know, thats the weird thing, i still have a hd in my main pc which works fine as second hd but to boot from it doesnt work09:02
TheSheepwepeel: are you mounting it in a directory you own?09:03
wepeel~/DEsktop should work right?09:03
ablomenwepeel, no09:03
TheSheepactually iy should work, but funny things might happen :)09:03
ablomenwepeel, you have to make a folder in the ~/Desktop folder09:04
ablomenTheSheep, heh yeah09:04
timposeyablomen:  Could it be something that the bios is looking for on the drive that is not there.  Before I repartioned the drive it would boot to a version of redhat.. and it was using lilo09:04
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=== Topic for #xubuntu: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Downloads: http://xubuntu.org/get
=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by Pumpernickel at Sun May 20 02:21:34 2007
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stuart-it looks quieter here11:53
cellofellowyes, very11:53
stuart-well i find it unfair that xp performs better than gnome on the same pc. considering linux > windows11:54
cellofellowso, if you are using Xubuntu, I'd scrap Totem altogether and use MPlayer.11:54
stuart-which is why i'm on xubuntu11:54
stuart-cellofellow, getting it now.11:54
cellofellowmy PC would be slowish with Win98. :)11:54
cellofellowactually, no, pretty quick with 98, but slow with XP.11:54
stuart-98 SE was the best windows ever11:55
cellofellowSort of missed that one, I've used 98 and ME and 2000 though.11:55
stuart-ME was the worst, imho11:55
cellofellowBefore 1998 or 1999 my family had Apple stuff.11:55
cellofellowMy mom still uses ME, and I keep trying to get her to use Xubuntu on that old lappy.11:56
cellofellowfor MPlayer, I'd install mplayer, mplayer-skins, libxine-extracodecs, and w32codecs.11:57
stuart-cellofellow, any idea why it says error opening video/output device?11:57
cellofellowright click the app (like xmms) and choose Preferences, and under Video use xv11:58
cellofellowor something similar.11:58
cellofellowit usually ties to use xmga for some reason, which only works on Matrox MGA video cards.11:59
stuart-cellofellow, works. nice11:59
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stuart-cellofellow, w32codecs aren't installable though, any idea where'd i get windowscodecs?12:00
cellofellowone sec... getting you a link12:00
cellofellowI use VLC for playing DVDs if you have a DVD player. MPlayer works but doesn't do menus.12:01
cellofellowif you running 64bit version, use w64codecs of course.12:02
stuart-w32codecs has no installation candidate12:03
stuart-cellofellow, oh sry. gotta update12:03
cellofellowyou should have just copy/pasted the code from that little box under Adding the Repositories.12:04
Jester45w32codecs is not in repo for licensing reasons you can get from a 3rd party repo or just download a /deb12:05
cellofellowI'm getting him the Medibuntu repo.12:05
stuart-ok bath while downloading12:05
stuart-cellofellow, .wmv plays smooth on your pc with just w32codecs and mplayer?12:08
cellofellowstuart-: yeah12:08
Jester45stuart-, does it not play smooth on yours?12:10
stuart-Jester45, used to, but that was on ubuntu. haven't tried yet12:11
stuart-hm, deluge isn't in apt-get.12:11
cellofellownope, try getdeb.net12:11
Jester45get it from the deluge website getdeb's is a version old12:11
stuart-neat. thanks.12:12
=== s|k [n=bjorn@g2spf.jeeves.ask.info] has joined #xubuntu
stuart-what's the java6-sdk package again?12:14
cellofellowdevelopment stuff. compiler, etc.12:14
stuart-i mean the name for apt-get12:14
Jester45stuart-, if you just want to run java try sun-java6-jre12:15
stuart-Jester45, what about for firefox12:15
cellofellowstuart-: it's sun-javaN-jdk, where N is a number either 5 or 6.12:15
Jester45i will look12:15
Jester454 also12:15
cellofellowstuart-: sudn-javaN-plugin for firefox stuff.12:15
Jester45yea thats what i was thinking12:16
stuart-okay. 35MB d/l. now i REALLY wanna bathe. brb12:16
cellofellowhow slow is your inet?12:17
stuart-dsl, around 30k/sec12:17
cellofellowmine too12:17
Jester45and flash is12:18
cellofellowthat package actually just downloads the flash player from macromedia anyway, with wget.12:19
Jester45and installes12:19
cellofellowyeah, which is why it's a nice thing.12:20
cellofellowOnly trouble is, I'm still contemplating how to install it on an offline box.12:20
cellofellowI copied the deb package and the downloaded tarball to a USB drive.12:21
Jester45download it store it and use your host file to map macromedia's site to localhost12:22
Jester45so that it downloads from localhost and not the real ip12:22
Jester45but thats a lot of work12:23

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