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jribk, you're talking about 2 ./configure scripts right?05:27
jribone from?  the other from?05:27
sanguisde2I am talking about configureing wesnoth, when I installed LIBSDL_IMAGE from source it worked fine, after I manualy installed the dependecies05:28
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sanguisde2] but when I installedis using the snaptic package manger, wesnoth's ./configre script could not find it05:29
jribso you ended up building libsdl-image05:29
sanguisde2yeah but now I have to rebuild SDL_MIXER as well05:29
jribdo 'dpkg -L libsdl-image1.2-dev' and see where it goes05:30
jribthat's all it lists?05:32
jribthere should be stuff ini /usr/include/ and /usr/lib05:32
jribk, that's where it puts it05:33
jribwhere did it go when you installed it from source?05:34
jrib./configure should be looking in /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib then05:38
jribI'm on 56k so I can't download and try here, but you might want to look at debian/rules and see if there is anything special there05:38
jribwhat does this command return: which pkg-config05:40
jribk, that's not it then.  You can try reading ./configure and seeing what it does05:41
sanguisde2should  chnage ac_default_prefix=/usr/local  to /usr/share?05:45
jribno, it's not likely to be an issue with ./configure I'm guessing05:46
jribyou can try to see if it matters though, it would be /usr though, not /usr/share05:47
sanguisde2I sould clarify adn see if this helps I am running ./configure --datadir=/usr/share/games/wesnoth05:48
sanguisde2I just modifiled the configure and it did nothing for the  install05:52
jribsanguisde2: look at what it actually does to test if libsdl image is present05:53
jribsanguisde2: did ./configure work when you did 'apt-get source' btw?05:53
sanguisde2I had an IP time out05:57
sanguisde2which is sad becase I have well ofver 3mbs05:58
sanguisde2ah hah05:59
sanguisde2it asisa looking int the SDL prefix05:59
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sanguisde2jrib: I had to modify the sdl-config file06:11
sanguisde2and change the profix06:12
sanguisde2to just /usr06:12
jribI see, weird because ./configure usually checks both but oh well06:13
jribhave to go now, glad you sorted it out06:13
sanguisde2thanx for all your help06:13
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=== Topic (#ubuntu-classroom): set by nalioth at Fri Jun 8 21:28:23 2007

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