
bdmurraymjg59: Do you mean the laptop model or something else?12:19
mjg59Laptop model would be fine12:20
bdmurrayOkay, thanks12:20
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bullgard4/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/eeprom/module/srcversion listet 'F2468447AE1D20BFAFC46B6'. How can I read the contents of this EEPROM and disassemble them?08:07
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Keybukkylem: iwl3945 is disabled (by modalias removal) in favour of ipw3945, right?04:07
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kylemiwl3945 isn't really expected to be working terribly well.04:08
rtgI'm working on it right now. 04:08
rtgIt's got some problems w/wpa_supplicant.04:08
mjg59iwl3945 or ipw3945?04:09
mjg59ipw3945 seems generally unhappy right now04:09
rtgGenerally unhappy is an understatement.04:10
mjg59It seems to basically work if you ignore NM or wpa04:11
rtgmjg59: I think the ipw3945 driver is doing its job OK. I suspect the problem is an interaction with wpa_supplicant. This feels like one I've already debugged.04:13
mjg59Well, the previous softmac issues have been softmac failing to send association events04:13
mjg59But this worked fine in feisty04:13
rtgIt worked in Feisty after I fixed softmac.04:13
rtgLinville never did take the change upstream.04:14
mjg59Yes, but we have that patch in gutsy04:14
rtgWell, maybe thats not it then. I'm still digging.04:15
rtgThis feels like the same bug. ipw is associating OK, then complains that it is requested to scan right after that. Dunno yet if that is significant, but it seem anomalous.04:17
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Keybukkylem: when's a good time to test the iwl driver? is it a matter of blacklisting ipw and putting iwl in /etc/modules should I choose to do so?05:05
kylemi wouldn't until post-gutsy.05:05
kylemintel has been concentrating on getting 4965 support going, iwl3945 is sorely lacking in areas.05:06
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BenCkylem: you have bad dir perms in gutsy git tree06:02
BenCdrwxr-sr-x 2 kyle kernel_team 4096 2007-08-02 19:33 /srv/kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ubuntu/ubuntu-gutsy.git/objects/3306:02
BenCKeybuk: unless Intel certifies the iwl3945 driver, we wont enable it06:03
kylemzinc% umask06:03
BenCkylem: ssh zinc umask06:04
BenCsee about non-interactive06:04
kylemintel has been concentrating on getting 4965 support going, iwl3945 is sorely lacking in areas.kyle@bearlake:~$ ssh zinc.ubuntu.com "echo $SHELL"06:06
kylemfucks sake.06:06
kylemkyle@bearlake:~$ ssh zinc.ubuntu.com "echo $SHELL"06:06
kylemanyway, that would be why. it's set for zsh, but not for bash.06:06
BenCkylem: ah, that'll do it...can you fix the perms real quick so I can push?06:07
kylemit's .profile for bash, isn't it?06:08
BenC.bashrc for non-login06:08
kylemapparently not...06:09
kylemkyle@bearlake:~$ ssh zinc.ubuntu.com "echo $SHELL"zinc% cat .bashrc06:10
kylemumask 00206:10
kylemkyle@bearlake:~$ ssh zinc.ubuntu.com umask06:10
kylemcan someone tell me why gnome-terminal is being a complete and utter cock about copy & pasting?06:10
BenCwell, I'm off for some loonch06:10
KeybukBenC: ok06:11
KeybukI was interested in finding out whether it fixed ipw's abysmal performance issues06:11
BenCkylem: I'm expecting to see "beat bash into submission" on your next status report :)06:11
BenCKeybuk: it's odd that everyone else has problems with ipw3945 and I don't :)06:11
kylemso. how is this working for everyone else?06:11
BenCkylem: check my dot files on zinc if you need to06:12
BenCmaybe just copy them, they are stock other than umask06:13
BenC.profile and .bashrc06:13
amitkI have umask 0002 in my .bashrc06:13
kylemand ssh zinc umask works for you?06:14
amitk[amit@home] -(~) $ ssh amitk@zinc.ubuntu.com umask06:16
kylemi suspect it's because bash is not my shell.06:16
kylem(seriously, why would anyone want to use it anyway ;-)06:17
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kylem(the perms)06:29
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tehkI wonder if the compiz maintainer will pull in the first official fusion release that will be here in a few days.10:39
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