
ahmadsaifanWhat is the command to show the 2 computer icon to come back12:01
RiCCo69ahmed what kind of wirless card do youhave12:01
PurpleFoollukas_t mount reports what's mounted, fstab configures mount points, they don't have to be the same12:01
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TBotNik_ufyrestrtr: Did you copy?12:01
ahmadsaifanIntel Pro Wireless 2200gb12:01
fyrestrtrTBotNik_u: pastebinit somefile.txt12:01
RiCCo69and what version of ubuntu do you have12:01
ahmadsaifanim using wired now12:01
stuart-any idea what the java package name is again? java6-something12:01
ahmadsaifanI want wireless!12:01
TBotNik_ufyrestrtr: from CLI?12:01
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fyrestrtrTBotNik_u: do you have any other option? :)12:01
RiCCo69yeah man12:01
epeer pressure12:01
lukas_tPurpleFool, but mount also tells the mountoptions, and in fact i cant write to /media/daten2 as a normal user12:01
ThrobbingBrain66stuart: sun-java6-jre12:01
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RiCCo69are you using fiery?12:02
TBotNik_ufyrestrtr: NO!! LOL12:02
fyrestrtrTBotNik_u: then I guess you have your answer.12:02
fyrestrtrTBotNik_u: :)12:02
RiCCo69ok just give me a sec12:02
kahrytanCan someone tell me why /dev/disk/by-uuid disappeared on normal ubuntu boot?  I can't boot ubuntu because of it12:02
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fyrestrtrkahrytan: I don't understand your question. Please rephrase.12:02
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mattfletcherdoes anyone here have much knowledge of NIS? I'm really struggling to set up a server12:02
PurpleFoollukas_t sorry, misunderstood you, all other mount points are ok?12:02
stuart-and is it possible that updating the kernel scerws up nvidia abit?12:02
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ahmadsaifanSomeone gave me a command early to put in the terminal12:03
ahmadsaifanbut i forgot it12:03
fyrestrtrstuart-: its guaranteed12:03
TBotNik_ufyrestrtr: pb cmd again please, can't scroll here and its gone12:03
kahrytanfyrestrtr: Can someone tell me why /dev/disk/by-uuid disappeared on a normal ubuntu boot?  I can't boot ubuntu because of it.12:03
lukas_tPurpleFool, everything is mounted correctly, except for the changes i made to fstab in the last minutes12:03
fyrestrtrTBotNik_u: shift+pgup to scroll12:03
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fyrestrtrTBotNik_u: the command is pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:03
MalachiWhat's the command to start Tomboy without having it open the notes window? (I want to start on session startup, but I forgot the command.)12:03
schighHow can I encode something to H.264?12:04
ahmadsaifanRicco, where did ya go12:04
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RiCCo69ahmad go to this web address12:04
iishafyrestrtr ?12:04
fyrestrtriisha: sorry, no clue on your issue.12:04
ahmadsaifanhow iwll it help me?12:04
iishaok... thnks anyway... fyrestrtr12:04
ahmadsaifanBe right back12:04
RiCCo69it'll give you instructions on how to install your wireless12:04
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kahrytanfyrestrtr: You know how fstab uses uuid?12:04
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TBotNik_ufyrestrtr: OK pb up with /239812:04
cellofellow!uuid | kahrytan12:05
ubotukahrytan: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)12:05
=== Pelo will never counsel anyone on grub again, he can'T even get his own working right
rat_poisonfyrestrtr: I'm the guy with the sound card prob. well, it did fix my on-board sound card12:05
rat_poisonbut It didn't fix my emu 1212m12:05
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fyrestrtrTBotNik_u: where?12:05
rat_poisonit doesn't appear on system>preferences>sound12:05
mattfletcherany NIS experts here?12:05
roger_padactorany function that will delete the   that are getting printed in my console? they are coming back as such  12:05
ahmadsaifanthat isnt helping12:05
RiCCo69ahmad use ubuntuforums if your having a problem 2 000 people probably had the same problem... this is where you can get answers fast12:05
ahmadsaifani have 2200, not 2100012:05
fyrestrtrTBotNik_u: which pastebin did you use?12:05
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Pelorat_poison,  did you look up your card model in the forum ? maybe there are some specific insctructions12:05
stuart-fyrestrtr, so, do i avoid updating?12:05
kahrytancellofellow: I don't need help knowing why the change12:06
RiCCo69whatever do a search12:06
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ahmadsaifanmy card is supposed12:06
rat_poisonyes and no to your questions12:06
fyrestrtrstuart-: if you are on 7.04, don't worry about upgading.12:06
mindsideoutmy first day with ubuntu and I love it. when you plug a any usb printer into your computer will ubuntu say it found new hardware?12:06
cellofellowkahrytan: that also says how to use them12:06
kahrytancellofellow: I DON'T HAVE /dev/disk/by-uuid ANYMORE12:06
ahmadsaifanI just need that Icon back up there again so i can choose wireless12:06
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ahmadsaifanWhat is the command!!!12:06
RiCCo69ahmadsaifan... I need you to look deep and start using common sence12:06
stuart-fyrestrtr, thank god. have been wondering why display screws up for the past 3 installs12:06
fyrestrtrTBotNik_u: pastbinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf http://pastebin.com12:06
cellofellow!caps | kahrytan12:06
ubotukahrytan: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:06
kahrytancellofellow: Ubuntu can't boot using UUID12:06
palintheusahmadsaifan, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Install_ipw220012:06
cellofellowkahrytan: then don't use it. It's easy enough to set up fstab and grub to use /dev/ files.12:07
ahmadsaifanbe right back palintheus, ill try that link you showed12:07
Pelomindframe,  menu > system > prefs > removable media ,  you can enable the usb printer there ,  but you still need to add the driver the same way as with parraleels ones12:07
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ahmadsaifanBe right back12:07
TBotNik_ufyrestrtr: will try again!12:07
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rat_poisonPelo: although I must admit I didn't manage to follow this http://pastebin.com/m483c980512:07
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gnuskoolkahrytan, it cant just disappear, look in logs12:07
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kahrytancellofellow: I want  to fix it.12:07
rat_poisonsorry, inadequate paste12:08
kahrytangnuskool: where12:08
Pelorat_poison, i'll haer a look and see if I can walk you through it12:08
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palintheusahmadsaifan, apparently there is also a chat on freenode you might try #ipw220012:08
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gnuskoolkahrytan, /var/logs12:08
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kahrytangnuskool: I am on live cd12:08
TBotNik_ufyrestrtr: pb cmd again. Shift+PgUp doesn't work here12:08
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rat_poisonPelo: this http://pastebin.com/m252a98c4 is the adequate paste it's from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto12:09
olliwolliis there a built-in search in gnome-terminal to search for certain strings in current buffer?12:09
instabinUbuntu is not finding any display devices on dac0 through dac2... what can i do to fix it...12:09
Pelorat_poison,  did you manage to find the ALSA-configuration.txt file ?12:09
kahrytangnuskool: Which log would it be12:09
fyrestrtrTBotNik_u: pastbinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf http://pastebin.com12:10
rat_poisonPelo: yup12:10
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orudiewhat is better kbuntu or ubuntu?12:10
ethe only thing that changes is the UI12:10
preaction!better | orudie12:10
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orudiekubuntu or ubuntu?12:10
ubotuorudie: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.12:10
rat_poisonwell, I didn't know what to use instead of hda-intel blah blah blah12:10
Pelorat_poison,  which part did you not complete ? this might be more helpfull12:10
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gnuskoolkahrytan,ahh, how many partitions you got, and is it primary?12:10
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kahrytangnuskool: Which hdd.12:11
rat_poisonthis "options snd-hda-intel model=3stack" is completely irrelevant to my situation12:11
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fyrestrtrrat_poison: what sound card do you have?12:11
kahrytangnuskool: I have two -- windows and linux. hda has 3 including swap12:11
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rat_poisonI have an emu 1212m. it uses module emu10k1-fpga. I don't know how to syntax it12:11
Pelorat_poison, I 'm afraid I can't help with this,  sorry, hardware isnT realy my thing12:11
TBotNik_ufyrestrtr: still not getting pb cmd to work outside default12:11
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edwlesa alguien le gusta programar12:12
fyrestrtrTBotNik_u: join #flood12:12
Pelorat_poison, well in that list you have it should be properly spelled and cased12:12
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Pelo!es | edwles12:12
ubotuedwles: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:12
kahrytangnuskool: Hello?12:13
ahmadsaifanwhat is the command to show me the icon in the top right corner about my connection?12:13
Peloahmadsaifan,  nm-applet ?12:13
ahmadsaifani dont know12:13
ahmadsaifanjust give me a command to put in the terminal12:13
jamilik i installed lilo i guess got to try with it12:13
GoKillPeopleSo, I'm trying to install this Nvidia driver12:13
ahmadsaifani think you are right though12:13
GoKillPeopleAnd I got as far as root and stuff12:13
Peloahmadsaifan, nm-applet I think12:14
rat_poisondo you think I shoud try this syntax options emu10k1-fpga model=Emu 1212m12:14
GoKillPeopleBut I can't figure out how to exit x server to get the installation going12:14
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gnuskoolkahrytan,i was reading back to see what your problem is, so yooure on live cd now to fix a linux install on hda2?12:14
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ahmadsaifanthat is the command?12:14
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Peloahmadsaifan,  I donT' allow /msg please talk to me in the channel12:14
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jamilifuck off ubuntu, i'll install windowz12:14
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PeloGoKillPeople,   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:14
edwlesyes windows is the same thing12:14
ahmadsaifanwhat is the command?12:15
Peloahmadsaifan, nm-applet I think or nm-applets12:15
GoKillPeoplePelo, thanks!12:15
ahmadsaifanwhat is that?????12:15
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palintheus!language > jamili12:15
ahmadsaifanit says its not installed12:15
Peloahmadsaifan,  apparently not what you wanted,12:15
edwlesanyone here talk spanish?12:15
kahrytangnuskool: Linux is on hda3. on boot, It says /dev/disk/by-uuid/uuid doesnt exist but I noticed that when I tired to boot. /dev/disk/by-uuid itself doesnt exist.12:15
gnuskooljamili, bye bye12:15
PurpleFoolwell jamili, I'm swayed by your powerful argument.  Tell me what are these windows you talk of?  Are they vinyl?12:15
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Peloahmadsaifan,  is this a wifi things you need to add ?  try rightlicking the pannel and selecting add to pannel see if it is in there12:16
mindsideoutubuntu doesn't realize that my printer is a printer12:16
palintheusedwles, try #ubuntu-es12:16
mindsideoutit thinks it only is a memory reader12:16
ahmadsaifanwhere is the panel?12:16
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stroyanPurpleFool: What are you feeding that troll?12:16
=== vastinfest bids good night to all
ahmadsaifanok i found it12:16
tyrianguys anyone know how to use a cgwd theme ??12:16
edwlesthaks palintheus12:16
Pelomindsideout,  you need to add the driver , menu > system > admin > printers12:16
Pelotyrian,  what is a cgwd theme ?12:17
ahmadsaifani cant find my wireless though12:17
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tyrianits a theme for compiz12:17
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ahmadsaifanPelo, i cant find my wireless in the network settings12:17
tyrianbut i dont know how to use it12:17
tracer903installing skystar2 dvb with instructions from "http://my.opera.com/riza.rakhman/blog/?startidx=10" permission denied when testing.12:17
Pelotyrian,  you'd have to ask in #compiz-fusion12:17
tyrianor what app uses it12:17
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mindsideoutPelo, I have tried but it acts like i do not have a printer12:17
Pelo!wifi | ahmadsaifan12:17
ubotuahmadsaifan: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:17
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palintheusahmadsaifan, have you tried seeing if the #ipw2200 can help?12:17
ahmadsaifannothing helps12:18
PurpleFoolstroyan I don't know I'm feeding it anything.  it hasn't responded.12:18
ahmadsaifanno links help me12:18
ahmadsaifani dont understand them12:18
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Pelomindsideout, are you sure it is a printer ?  they make usb drives to look like al sort weird stuff these days, I saw one that looked like a stick of wood12:18
SoulChildhow do i change grub loading stage from 1.5 to 2.0 ?12:18
stroyanjamili disconnected immediately after flaming.12:18
preactionSoulChild, you don't change it, grub changes it.12:18
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gnuskoolkahrytan, navigate on hda3 to /var/log, read the log, it should give more info there12:18
ahmadsaifani had the wifi in my network settings before, where did it go12:18
SoulChildpreaction: so why does it still use 1.5 ???12:19
preactionSoulChild, that's a message telling you that grub is loading stage 1.5, the next stage is stage 212:19
Peloahmadsaifan, we don'T know, review the installation proceedure make sure everthing is still installed and working12:19
kahrytangnuskool: There is dozens of logs there12:19
mindsideoutpelo, lol - it is a multipass f6012:19
preactionSoulChild, every single boot it goes through stage 1.5, it starts on stage 112:19
PurpleFoolstroyan your eyes are faster than mine.  And it would seem I missed my chance to mine a great deal of wealth out of a chance encounter. ;)12:19
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ahmadsaifanoh my god!!!12:19
SoulChildpreaction: ahh thanks12:19
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preactionSoulChild, grub is a multi-stage boot loader (which is required for the Hurd)12:19
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GoKillPeopleSo, uh.... I exited x server12:20
GoKillPeopleAnd realized that was a bad idea12:20
palintheusahmadsaifan, we don't know everything about your computer/setup we are providing the best help we can12:20
PurpleFoolI'm only hangin around to see how many strings fyre can keep going simultaneously. :)12:20
GoKillPeopleHow do I exit x server without everything messing up?12:20
PeloGoKillPeople,  so what do you want to do now ?12:20
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GoKillPeopleI'm trying to install this nvidia driver12:20
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PeloGoKillPeople, I don't think you can, when you exit x it kills all your graphical stuff12:21
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kahrytangnuskool: I guess you cant help12:21
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Pelolater folks12:21
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matthewinstalling graphic drivers that's always fun12:21
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GoKillPeopleEspecially when you don't know how =(12:21
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ahmadsaifanhow do i install wi cd | http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php12:21
matthewthere is good directions online12:21
GoKillPeopleGood to a point12:22
GoKillPeopleI can get it almost all the way12:22
gnuskoolkahrytan, nah srry, ask again, maybe someone else can12:22
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matthewnvidia isn't that bad12:22
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matthewnot as bad as ati :|12:22
rat_poisonfyrestrtr: and to all the guys who helped. Didn't manage to get my emu 1212m to work. :( Althought I did manage to get my onboard sound card anyway. I guess I'll still be using windows to record music :(12:22
ahmadsaifanwhat is the sudo command ?12:22
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GoKillPeopleBut then it tells me to exit x server, and then I don't know how to do that and/or what to do next12:22
RiCCo69I'm trying to fix my cube... does anyone know if GL Desktop interfers with beryl12:22
ahmadsaifanto instal something12:22
rat_poisonyou've been very helpful12:22
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:22
tracer903i used envy it did everything for me12:22
RiCCo69ahmad you need to open your terminal to use the sudo comand12:22
RiCCo69tracer you talking to me?12:23
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tracer903was commenting about loading nvidia drivers12:23
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matthewtracer ?12:23
matthewwhat is envy12:23
rat_poisonenvy is a script that helps you install your graphics cards12:23
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!12:24
matthewhmmm never heard of it12:24
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kahrytanWhen I try to boot Ubuntu, it says /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID doesn't exist.  With navigating, I found out /dev/disk/by-uuid doesnt exist.  Can someone help me restore /dev/disk/by-uuid so Ubuntu can boot using UUID?12:24
GoKillPeopleSo uh... can anyone help me install this driver?12:24
matthewinstalling graphics cards can mess up your system badly anyways lol12:24
Brandenhelp, I have transfered .debs from var/... from my laptop which has access to the net to my desktop.  It will update some things, but beryl will not install nor kubuntu-desktop.  It is telling there are some packages that will not install.  Though beryl and kde have successfully been installed on my laptop.  Both running 7.04.12:24
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kahrytanWhen I try to boot Ubuntu, it says /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID doesn't exist.  With navigating, I found out /dev/disk/by-uuid doesnt exist.  Can someone help me restore /dev/disk/by-uuid so Ubuntu can boot using UUID?12:25
tracer903I'm a noob, so I wasn't aware of the risk, but it worked for me.12:25
matthewI'm new to debain12:26
Tambuwhats the best way to downgrade a version? my ubuntu installed Squid 3.0.PRE5 and i'm experiencing odd problems that I didn't have in 2.6 so I wanted to change them out, is there some way to find old binaries or do I have to compile it myelf?12:26
PurpleFoolGoKillPeople what was the last thing you did before X stopped?12:26
SoulChildIs lilo updated automaticly when installing a new kernel ???12:26
matthewbut my rh9 was getting out of date12:26
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GoKillPeopleHmmm... I don't remember12:26
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GoKillPeopleRight now I'm just sitting in root, trying to open the file12:26
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mindsideouthow do i uninstall turboprint - it is not in the add/remove apps12:26
PurpleFoolok, which file are you trying to open?12:27
SoulChildmindsideout: how did u install it12:27
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GoKillPeoplethe Nvidia driver12:27
kahrytanWhen I try to boot Ubuntu, it says /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID doesn't exist.  With navigating, I found out /dev/disk/by-uuid doesnt exist.  Can someone help me restore /dev/disk/by-uuid so Ubuntu can boot using UUID?12:27
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mindsideoutI don't know - i download and clicked on buttons - sorry12:28
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matthewis there really 1066 people in here -_-12:29
PurpleFoolGoKillPeople so what's the name of the file?12:29
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palintheusmindsideout, if the .deb of the program is in your home folder just run sudo dpkg -r <package_name> in a terminal12:29
matthewgokill you would be better off learning on your own trust me12:30
fyrestrtrTambu: you can change the policy of the package so it freezes at one version12:30
matthewwhen I first started learning linux I never got help in a room12:30
matthewwell people wouldn't help actually lol12:30
Tambufyrestrtr: happen to know a url or something I can google for that ? I haven't done that before12:30
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palintheusmindsideout, or use synaptic12:31
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GoKillPeoplefile is NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-100.14.11-pkg2.run12:31
matthewwhat's that tambu ?12:31
PurpleFoolmatthew I can't say you're wrong but if he's willing to type I'm willing to read12:31
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kahrytanWhen I try to boot Ubuntu, it says /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID doesn't exist.  With navigating, I found out /dev/disk/by-uuid doesnt exist.  Can someone help me restore /dev/disk/by-uuid so Ubuntu can boot using UUID?12:31
fyrestrtrTambu: any apt manual should help you out, don't have a url handy. Just google 'apt policy'12:31
Tambumatthew: trying to downgrade my squid this version is giving me odd issues.12:31
matthewI would help but ive only used ati12:31
Tambufyrestrtr: thanks12:31
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mindsideouti can't seem to find a package12:32
mindsideoutwhat am i looking for12:32
PurpleFoolAhh, ok, is that because there isn't a package and automatix dowsn't help?12:32
luxesomebody with any experience in devede?12:32
luxethe program for converting avi todvd12:32
GoKillPeoplePurpleFool: Uh.... me?  or someone else?12:32
PurpleFoolGoKillPeople sry yes, you12:33
difjfjfhey guys, i'm having installation problems12:33
matthewluxe that program is worthless if you ask me12:33
SeveasPurpleFool, automatix never helps12:33
luxewichone you recomend?12:33
matthewI haven't found a good one yet12:33
SeveasGoKillPeople, toss out that nvidia .run file and use the propler Ubuntu packages12:33
difjfjfhey guys, my install disk is freezing on "detecting file system" with feisty fox. any ideas?12:33
matthewI do use k9copy for making dvd copies12:33
PurpleFoolseveas I thought that's where my nvidia driver came from at one time12:34
matthewand k3b for burning the isos that works greta12:34
GoKillPeopleThis is the driver from Nvidia12:34
Seveas!automatix | PurpleFool12:34
ubotuPurpleFool: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)12:34
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PurpleFoolI certainly haven't had to mess with the driver direct for a while12:34
tatersaladhave you formatted your hdd dif?12:34
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luxeok thanks12:34
SeveasPurpleFool, that's because ubuntu installs it by default12:34
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SeveasPurpleFool, and the restricted driver managers allows you to easily enable/disable it12:34
h3lmutheya, trying to get gutsy tribe 3 running on an asus r2h and the wifi driver (zd1211rw) loads then bombs out with "error ioread32(CR_REG1): -22", suggestions?12:35
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difjfjfhey, anybody have a clue on why my installation disk freezes on "detecting file system"?12:35
Pretor1abhello all12:35
PurpleFoolubotu I'm aware of it's dubious actions, but it IS used and I'm trying to find out what gkp has tried, cheers.12:35
matthewLast time I looked devede is looking for developers12:35
Pretor1abwhich dir am i trying to locate when setting $JAVA_HOME pls12:35
sharifHi everyone12:35
Pretor1abi have installed sun-java6-jdk12:35
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Pretor1aband set update-alternatives --config java12:35
GoKillPeopleWait, wait wait...12:35
fyrestrtrPretor1ab: sudo update-alternatives --config java12:35
GoKillPeopleThere is a program in Linux for the driver?12:35
GoKillPeopleI don't have to go through the terminal?12:35
Pretor1abfyrestrtr that does not set $JAVA_HOME though does it ?12:36
fyrestrtrPretor1ab: that will tell your your path12:36
SeveasGoKillPeople, correct12:36
mindsideoutsynaptic worked - thanks12:36
fyrestrtrfor javahome12:36
PurpleFoolseveas, could be, so you can see why I'm interested in why gkp is lokoing at the .run instead of using other tools?12:36
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SeveasGoKillPeople, system -> administration -> restricted drivers manager12:36
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difjfjfhey guys, i'm having trouble installing ubuntu. anyboyd free to help?12:36
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GoKillPeopleSeveas: Yeah... didn't realize that.  thanks, working now =)12:36
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Pretor1abfyrestrtr it just wont work12:36
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ThrobbingBrain66difjfjf: what's your problem?12:37
Pretor1abkeeps just saying to set a valid $JAVA_HOME for jre12:37
kahrytanWhen I try to boot Ubuntu, it says /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID doesn't exist.  With navigating, I found out /dev/disk/by-uuid doesnt exist.  Can someone help me restore /dev/disk/by-uuid so Ubuntu can boot using UUID?12:37
tatersaladdifjfjf: I can try helping12:37
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difjfjfthrobbing: my installation disk freezes on "detecting filesystem"12:37
tatersaladdont know that I can help a lot tho12:37
difjfjflol any help will do12:37
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sharifAre you using 7.10 release 2?12:37
difjfjfsharif, me?12:37
ThrobbingBrain66difjfjf: first, have you checked the cd to make sure there are no errors?12:37
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difjfjfnot sure, i got the latest release i believe12:38
Pretor1abdoes $JAVA_HOME point to jdk or jre ?12:38
sharifI know gparted has some known issues on Tribe 212:38
matthewthere's a 7.10 release lol12:38
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+112:38
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sharifyah i'm using Tribe 3 as we speak12:38
difjfjfi'm trying to install feisty fox12:38
difjfjfis that the newest version?12:38
matthewI hate updating12:38
sharifIts pretty stable for an alpha release 312:38
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fyrestrtrPretor1ab: why do you need a $JAVA_HOME ?12:38
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Seveasdifjfjf, it's called Feist Fawn :)12:38
neverbluedifjfjf, feisty is12:38
Pretor1abtrying to install funambol12:38
difjfjflol my bad12:39
ThrobbingBrain66diflflf: have you checked the cd for errors?12:39
jmttype $JAVA_HOME and find out12:39
difjfjfyeah i checked for errors12:39
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sharif7.10 is code named Gusty Gibbon i believe12:39
jmtsould be jre12:39
difjfjfit said there were no errors on disk12:39
neverblueecho $JAVA_HOME12:39
v3ctorecho $JAVA_HOME12:39
Pretor1abyes but it wont work if it is not set properly12:39
matthewI think I'm gonna stick with 7.04 for awhile12:39
kahrytanWhen I try to boot Ubuntu, it says /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID doesn't exist.  With navigating, I found out /dev/disk/by-uuid doesnt exist.  Can someone help me restore /dev/disk/by-uuid so Ubuntu can boot using UUID?12:39
difjfjfeverything runs smooth untill the "detecting file-system" part of the installation12:39
matthewupdating is depressing12:39
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ThrobbingBrain66difjfjf: what kind of hard drive do you have? SATA? ATA?12:40
Pretor1abi know how to echo $JAVA_HOME, how do i set it to the correct location/value12:40
difjfjfpata i believe, its a laptop12:40
difjfjfi've never really cracked it open12:40
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neverbluePretor1ab, what are you trying to do ?12:40
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PenguinsaremyfriOk...Should I sacrifice cs2 and mic. office to go all linux?12:40
difjfjfits able to read the disk fine and detect the user settings from my XP partition, but it just freezes when installing12:40
h3lmutkahr - you should be able to just do UUID=(the volume's UUID)12:40
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Pretor1abinstall funambol - which requires me to set $JAVA_HOME to the correct jre path12:41
neverbluedifjfjf, is the install disk good?12:41
ThrobbingBrain66I dunno if this is the problem, but just before Feisty was released the ATA controllers were all moved to SATA and had caused many install issues12:41
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difjfjfneverblue: yeah i checked it12:41
matthewpenguin ?12:41
neverbluePretor1ab, never heard of it12:41
Pretor1abnever heard of you but it doesnt mean it doesnt exist12:41
SeveasPretor1ab, in the terminal where you install funambol, run this command: export JAVA_HOME=/usr12:41
neverbluedifjfjf, what is your hd setup like, what paritions?12:41
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Pretor1abno offence intended12:41
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matthewwhat do you mean penguin12:41
neverbluePretor1ab, thats not that witty, really12:41
coopsterSeveas, alll i am saayyyyyiinnnnngggg, is give coooop a channnceee.....12:42
difjfjfneverblue: main partition is for XP pro, then a ext3 parition for feisty and a 300MG swap12:42
neverbluedifjfjf, size?12:42
Seveas!offtopic | coopster12:42
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ubotucoopster: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:42
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kahrytanCan someone please help me12:42
Pretor1abnot got time for wit now really12:42
Seveasfirst and last warning12:42
neverblue!ask | kahrytan12:42
ubotukahrytan: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:42
Pretor1abjust need to do this anoying thing12:42
difjfjfneverblue: xp partition is about 30 GIGS and feisty's partition is about 8 gigs12:42
kahrytanneverblue: Don't do that again12:42
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matthewkahrytan what's your damage ?12:42
neverbluedifjfjf, from alternate, or Live CD?12:43
Pretor1abi just cant find out why the damn program wont recognise every value i set $JAVA_HOME to12:43
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fyrestrtrPretor1ab: how are you setting it?12:43
neverbluekahrytan, i can do as I please12:43
difjfjffrom live cd12:43
kahrytanmatthew: The fact I have waited for hour to fix my problem.12:43
Seveasneverblue, kahrytan: chill.12:43
neverbluedifjfjf, so you can use disk tools?12:43
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matthewwhat is wrong I meant?12:43
neverblueoh no, the mighty Seveas12:43
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difjfjfneverblue: yeah, it seems to be able to read the disk fine during setup if thats what u mean12:43
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kahrytanmatthew: /dev/disk/by-uuid doesnt exist anymore when I try to boot ubuntu.12:44
h3lmutkahr - you don't need /dev/disk/by-uuid/$UUID, you can just do UUID=$UUID12:44
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neverbluedifjfjf, no, you can test the file system, since your using Live12:44
matthewI have never had that problem12:44
difjfjfnever: how would i do that12:44
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kahrytanh3lmut: You are talking about fstab12:44
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Seveaskahrytan, /dev/disk/by-id doesn't exist before udev is started... I missed the beginning of your quest for an answer, what is the problem you are trying to solve?12:44
h3lmutkahr - fstab and mount both support LABEL=$LABEL or UUID=$UUID, yes12:45
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matthewgoogle is pretty good for help12:45
coopsterSeveas, cruel.  i want nothing more than to spout random chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic12:45
difjfjfnever: how would i do that12:45
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neverbluedifjfjf, there are lots of disk utilities for linux12:45
theverantAnyone know if blue options in CompizConfig Settings Manager indicate a problem?12:45
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neverbluedifjfjf, to test the integrity12:45
|Twomby|Hello, anybody here have info regarding the possibly upcoming linux drivers for x-fi products from creative labs ?? I had heard about Q3 or Q4 2007... and I'm eager to get more info ! Thanks !12:45
kahrytanSeveas: I can't ubuntu anymore because UUID for a /dev/hda3 doesnt exist. But When I goto the error prompt,/ dev/disk/by-uuid doesnt exist either12:46
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kahrytan*can't boot ubuntu12:46
difjfjfnever: well if its a live disk don't those utilities have to reside on that disk? or do they?12:46
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dippoanyone know how to get gnome to read xmodmap in ubuntu feisty?12:47
Seveaskahrytan, is the error prompt a busybox shell and does your /boot/grub/menu.lst specify a UUID or /dev/hda3?12:47
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dippoit's odd -- I can use xkeycaps to swap keys around and it works fine for that session, but the .xmodmap file it generates never works in subsequent sessions12:47
kahrytanSeveas: Busybox .. yeah. and I checked those from within live cd.12:48
matthew<wonders why I'm wearing a headset12:48
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difjfjfnever: well if its a live disk don't those utilities have to reside on that disk? or do they?12:48
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kahrytanSeveas: and it does specify uuid12:48
neverbluedifjfjf, LiveCD loads the OS into RAM, so you can access your entire HD12:48
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neverbluedifjfjf, which is a huge benefit12:48
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mindsideoutwhen I am in "add a printer" and under printer ports I see: LPT #1, Parallel Port #1 (Canon),  Parallel Port 1 (Epson). What I don't see is "USB Printer #1 (CANON)" - any helpl?12:49
difjfjfhow do u acces ur whole drive ? it doesn't appear mounted on the desktop like the disk does12:49
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Flokerhey guys, my "places" menu shows another entry for my home directory (named as my username instead) how can i remove it?12:49
neverbluedifjfjf, you have to create the mounts in fstab12:49
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neverbluedifjfjf, i am sure you can answer all your questions via google12:49
xero0how do i install a new upgraded kernel? preferably with the package manager, but i can't seem to find a new kernel listed..12:49
Seveaskahrytan, is that UUID the same as what this command gives you: vol_id /dev/hda312:49
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difjfjfnever:yeah u seemed to have put me in the right direction, thanks alot!12:50
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astro76Floker, you didn't happen to make a bookmark to your home dir in the file manager did you?12:50
el_tacoxero0 what kernel do you currently have installed?12:50
kahrytanSeveas:  vol_id on normal boot?12:51
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Seveasvol_id in busybox (if it exists there) should say the same as in normal boot :)12:51
Seveasas long as it's on the same machine12:51
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kahrytanSeveas: I uses ls -l on /dev/disk/by-uuid from live cd12:51
jmtubuntu sucks :P12:51
gnuskooljmt, sucks 212:52
kahrytanSeveas: Oops ls -l /media/ubuntu/dev/disk/by-uuid/12:52
Seveaskahrytan, and those values match?12:52
el_tacoubuntu > * distro12:52
mindsideoutwhen I am in "add a printer" and under printer ports I see: LPT #1, Parallel Port #1 (Canon),  Parallel Port 1 (Epson). What I don't see is "USB Printer #1 (CANON)" or "USB Printer #1 (Epson) - any helpl?12:52
kahrytanSeveas: When I boot into livecd, yes they match.12:52
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Seveaskahrytan, ok, so why are you so sure it fails to boot because it can't find the disk?12:53
codecaineanybody know if ubuntu can use dnla to play music and watch movies on ps3?12:53
Seveaskahrytan, oh, and have you tried updating the initramfs?12:53
xero0el_taco: the default fiesty one. 2.6.18 i think12:53
gnuskoolmindsideout, dare i ask is printer on, do any other usb devides work if you have any?12:53
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kahrytanSeveas: No on the initramfs but how12:54
neverbluewhen I connect to my other box, I dont have an X session, but its running, am I doing something wrong on the server or client end of my vnc session?12:54
el_tacoxero0 do a 'uname -r' in console12:54
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Seveaskahrytan, boot from livecd and do this12:54
Seveassudo -i12:54
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Seveasand as root do this:12:54
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xero0oh, 2.6.20 i need it to be past 2.6.2212:55
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Seveasmkdir /rescue; mount /dev/hda3 /rescue; mount -o bind /proc /rescue/proc; mount -o bind /dev /rescue/dev12:55
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Seveasand then chroot into rescue and run update-initramfs -u12:55
el_tacoxero0 http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-upgrade-kernel2622-9-generic-in-feisty-fawn.html12:55
jmtseveas is the man12:55
xero0thanks el_taco12:56
nephishhey there all, i want to share a printer between two ubuntu fiesty computers is there a good how to for that ?12:56
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el_tacoxero0 don't thank me.. thank google12:56
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nephishit is auto detected and installed right on one box12:56
fungoshow to solve this: ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/$LIB/libaoss.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.   ??12:56
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kahrytanSeveas: /rescue must be for safety reasons?12:56
mindsideoutgnuskool, thanks for responding - yes, i have printer on and all my other usb devices work. important: the memory card reader on the printer works. Also, even if Ididn't have a printer installed, should i see the ports?12:56
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Seveaskahrytan, neh, it's because it's shorter than /media/ubuntu :)12:57
h3lmutnephish - open firefox on the computer that's attached to the printer and goto localhost:63112:57
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ProN00bnephish, tried system - administration - printing ?12:57
effie_jayxjmt Seveas  is the ubuntu god ;)12:57
kahrytanSeveas: So What did that do?12:57
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Seveaskahrytan, did you do the update-initramfs inside the chroot?12:57
kahrytanjmt: If you make seveas mad, he'll sick ubotu on you12:58
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kahrytanSeveas: Yes12:58
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Seveaskahrytan, then try booting again, if your initramfs was b0rked, this may have fixed it12:58
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nephishProNOOb_: yes, i have checked the 'share this printer option' i cant get my other computer to find it12:58
kahrytanSeveas:  initramfs is what?12:58
Pretor1abanyone know which dir to set JAVA_HOME to12:59
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Seveaskahrytan, a small filesystem, compressed to a tarball which the kernel uses for bootstrapping the system (eg mounting /)12:59
Pretor1abshould i do update-alternatives --config java and then set JAVA_HOME to that12:59
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kahrytanSeveas: Im rebooting now.12:59
kyncanifungos: apt-file tells me libaoss.so is in alsa-oss, so i suppose installing alsa-oss may remove this error12:59
jmtyay kahrytan is gone12:59
nephishh3lmut_: ok, i am at the administration page on 63112:59
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h3lmutnephish - is the "share published printers..." option checked off?01:00
SeveasPretor1ab, install sun-java6-jdk and see if you still need it01:00
Pretor1abi have installed that Seveas01:00
Seveasthen set it to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-   (version number may differ, look at what exists)01:01
fungoskyncani: I just installed libaoss.so to get Enemy Territory working with sound. :S  I keep getting this error01:01
h3lmutnephish - (if so, flip over to the "printers" tab and make sure it's published)01:01
Pretor1abgreat thanks for your time Seveas01:01
nephishh3lmut_: well, i just tried that, but it wants the root password, should i sudo firefox to get to it ?01:01
v3ctorPretor1ab: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin01:01
Pretor1abdo i need to restart of logout ?01:02
v3ctordo not log out01:02
Pretor1abexcellent thanks01:02
h3lmutnephish - it doesn't need root, you just need an account in the lpadmin group01:02
Pretor1abcan i set $JAVA_HOME so that it is always set01:02
h3lmutnephish - (assuming ubuntu default setup here) you should be able to use the login/pw you use to login to the box01:02
el_tacotalking about sound I've had a quirky problem. I have my onboard sound disabled in bios and a soundblaster ensoniq card. every other reboot I loose sound doesn't matter if it's a soft or hard boot. anyone have that happen.. also my onboad sound is still visible in the mixer01:02
v3ctorPretor1ab: you can put it in one of your initialization files01:03
gnuskoolmindsideout, cant answer your latter question, or not sure how you mean, but are you using the wizard to add the printer?If so what was the outcome?01:03
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v3ctor /etc/profile ~/.profile ~/.bash_profile01:03
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SeveasPretor1ab, set it in /etc/environment01:03
v3ctorone of those01:03
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zer0dbHELO new to ubuntu ..wanted to know if i can revome a package without the dependencies?01:03
kyncanifungos: well, it seems that googling for enemy territory + feisty gives plenty of links01:04
Pretor1abthanks very much for your help01:04
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Seveaszer0db, sure, just apt-get remove package_name_here01:04
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fungoskyncani: yes..  I tried a large set of these links already01:04
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nephishh3lmut_: ok, changes are applied.01:05
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kyncanifungos: ha, well then, you're outta luck, i dont know01:05
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zer0dbSeveas ok thanks ...i must do it from command line the package manager doesn't remove with out taking the deps with it i guess01:05
h3lmutneph - hit the printers tab on the cups page and make sure it's published01:06
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GrungebunnyHello, what are the Linux answers to utorrent and p2p sharing?01:06
battlecatwhat package has the kernel source?01:06
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CreedHas anyone made an OpenVPN network to play Battle.Net games (uses local UDP packets to advertise LAN games)? Would appreciate some help as to how to set it up.01:06
SeveasGrungebunny, creative commons and freely licensed music/movies01:06
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coopster!offtopic | Seveas, coopster would like you to know that he loves you and that01:06
ubotuSeveas, coopster would like you to know that he loves you and that: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:06
h3lmutneph - open tcp/631 if you've got the firewall turned on01:06
neverbluewhen I connect to my other box, I dont have an X session, but its running, am I doing something wrong on the server or client end of my vnc session?01:06
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PurpleFoolSeveas Is it generally necessary to build kernel packages for xen servers?01:06
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Grungebunnyseveas I mean the specific program to use within linux.. to download torrents.01:07
mindsideoutgnuskool, yes, i am using the wizard and there is no choice under ports for USB01:07
kyncaniGrungebunny: with kde, ktorrent. Azureus is also good i hear01:07
ansquehow i can edit menu places?01:07
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SeveasPurpleFool, no -- ubuntu has xen-enabled kernels01:07
fungoskyncani: just found another solution:  echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss01:07
Grungebunnyokay thanks01:07
nephishh3lmut_: how do i find the uri  on the other computer ? firewall is good01:07
jmtdeluge for bittorrents01:07
Pretor1abok i set export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin in /etc/profile and i still get the error Please set JAVA_HOME to the path of a valid jre.01:07
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Pretor1abwhen i do echo $JAVA_HOME I get /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin01:08
jmtwhat java program are you using01:08
Seveasthen set it to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-   (version number may differ, look at what exists) <------------- Pretor1ab01:08
h3lmutneph - it should be http://host:631/printers/queuename (or just ipp://host/printer)01:08
theverantanyone know of a camera control program besides the gphoto CLI?  I want to be able to do time lapse with a DSLR, and I want to be be able to control settings of the camera.  Preferably with a nice GUI. :)01:08
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PurpleFoolSo my experience with Feisty of only finding a downrev generic kernel is atypical?  Are there specific repositories to add?01:08
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zer0dbthis is what i was a fraid of01:08
zer0dbThe following packages will be REMOVED:01:08
zer0db  firefox firefox-gnome-support gnome-user-guide ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-docs01:08
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TaJMoXCan I get the mouse wheel to change workspaces?01:08
zer0dbi only want to remove firefox01:09
ConstyXI1anyone out there have a dell vostro notebook running ubuntu?01:09
Seveaszer0db, ahhh, you said it the wrong way arounf01:09
blue42is pidgin included in the main ubuntu repos?01:09
neverblueanyone willing to help someone who helps in the channel all the time, rather than someone who just drops in?01:09
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Seveasthose packages aren't dependencies of firefox, but they depend on firefox01:09
PriceChildblue42, No. It will be in gutsy in october.01:09
PurpleFoolSeveas for AMD64 servers too?01:09
PriceChildblue42, pidin doesn't contain many new features, so you're not missing out.01:09
SeveasPurpleFool, have to check01:09
XorisPurpleFool: seveas is portable on all kinds of hardware01:10
Pretor1abnope still same error01:10
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M3G4cruxJOIN #GUITAR01:10
ConstyXI1blue42: it's got some different icons but thats it01:10
v3ctorPretor1ab: ls /usr/lib/jvm/01:10
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mindsideoutno printer is detected is the outcome, but also curiously It doesn't show any usb ports. I resintalled CUPS - i can see the memory reader on the printer, so know I am connected01:10
Pretor1abSeveas should i set it to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
zer0dbubuntu-desktop depends on firefox???01:10
frankydpIs there a ubuntu newb specific channel?01:10
blue42PriceChild: thanks for info :)01:10
PriceChildzer0db, yes01:10
PriceChildfrankydp, this works.01:10
neverbluefrankydp, this is it01:10
TaJMoXCan I get the mouse wheel to change workspaces?01:10
Xoriszer0db, ubuntu-desktop depends on just about everything that is installed by default01:10
WindsofTimeThe Terminal on Xubuntu is not working!.. Anytime I click on Terminal the screen goes black and then it takes me to the Login screen!! >_<..I've already re-installed Ubuntu twice.. and I dont know what is Wrong... !~!HELP!~!01:10
Seveaszer0db, what you want to do can be done but is not recommended. You can simply delete the packages that depend on firefox (ubuntu-desktop can be safely removed)01:10
Tremitosyou tell me01:11
Mongoose|afkTaJMoX: yes, compiz fusion does that01:11
PurpleFoolxoris Cool!  We need to get the multicore version stat. :)01:11
SeveasPriceChild, /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- or /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- iirc01:11
neverblueTaJMoX, does with beryl01:11
|Twomby|No info at all regarding linux drivers for the Creative X-Fi ?01:11
WindsofTimeTaJMoX, place the cursor over an empty space on the desktop then wheel it!01:11
PriceChildXoris, not just about... everything.01:11
el_tacoTaJMoX beryl01:11
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neverbluewhen I connect to my other box, I dont have an X session, but its running, am I doing something wrong on the server or client end of my vnc session?01:11
PriceChildSeveas, damn that tab completion01:11
ConstyXI1speaking of multicore, does stock ubuntu do SMP, or do you have to install a different kernel?01:11
XorisPriceChild, i believe since feisty (or edgy or something... anyway, since recommends get installed by default), some packages were made recommends01:11
mindsideoutanyone a print guru on here?01:11
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nickrudTaJMoX, hover over the window selector on the bottom panel, and scroll01:11
Optimus55how do i automatically mount a fat32 volume (formatted in xp) automatically on startup?01:12
CreedHas anyone made an OpenVPN network to play Battle.Net games (uses local UDP packets to advertise LAN games)? Would appreciate some help as to how to set it up.01:12
kahrytanSeveas: That failed01:12
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unitheoryTaJMoX, the xfce desktop environment allows that by default i believe01:12
SeveasPriceChild, ;)01:12
TaJMoXThanks but I don't have the ability to use a composite manager unless I use XGL.  And that's not worth it01:12
PurpleFoolI know the default install ends with SMP capable kernel01:12
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zer0dbwell...i thought there was a flag <i.e --nodeps> i can use at command line. i guess i'll just leave those things alone01:12
TaJMoXunitheory: yes I love xfce - and that's why im so used to that feature, but I want it in gnome01:12
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Pretor1abnope still same error01:12
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unitheoryTaJMoX, i think xubuntu does that be default01:12
h3lmutkahr - what's your fstab entry for / look like?01:12
kahrytanSeveas: I got the same error. Perhaps it couldnt access the file on the partition?01:12
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blue42ubotu: fstab01:12
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ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:12
v3ctorPretor1ab: same error when you used /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- ?01:12
TaJMoXnickrud: yes but that would mean that I need to have the panel applet loaded..01:12
SeveasPurpleFool, you need the linux-image-xen package01:13
el_tacowindsoftime add Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true" to your xorg.conf for your video cards01:13
Pretor1abyes v3ctor01:13
nickrudTaJMoX, true01:13
Xoriszer0db, you could in theory always use "equivs", if you want to keep ubuntu-desktop *and* remove firefox (or whatever)01:13
WindsofTimeel_taco what will that do for me01:13
kahrytanh3lmut: Like it supposed too01:13
jpowermacg4Anyone know the EASIEST!!! way to install a Postfix and Courier - Email System, Where I can freakin make user accounts and actually log in?01:13
frankydpWhat direction should i take if I have a unresponse installation desktop with 7.04, kb and mouse are active but 3 items on desktop are unresponsive.01:13
ConfidentiaLWhat is the fastest way to transfer files over my gigabit local network? Is it with ftp?01:13
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h3lmutkahr - well that's bloody helpful01:13
v3ctorPretor1ab: are you doing all of this in the same window as the one you are trying to run you java app ?01:13
dgeorgeIs there any way to put a evolution notify icon on the menu bar01:13
TaJMoXWhat I want is for nautilus to do that, as nautilus controls the desktop in GNOME01:13
TBotNik_uAll:  Connection went down so did not get  to finish with X.win config prob.  Who can help me?  have pastebins at http://paste.stgraber.org/2401 and /240201:13
el_tacoWindsofTime fix the problem with teminal not opening01:13
zer0dbequivs....i'll look that up..thanks01:13
Pretor1abyes v3ctor01:13
nickrudTaJMoX, brightside adds edge flipping at least01:13
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nomaShi, anybody know where can i get help for wireless???01:13
neverblueConfidentiaL, many or larger files?01:13
xrisphey does anyone know how and where to get intel driver updates for ubuntu?01:13
Pretor1abi am setting it in /etc/profile01:13
jpowermacg4Anyone know the EASIEST!!! way to install a Postfix and Courier - Email System, Where I can freakin make user accounts and actually log in?01:14
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v3ctorif you set in /etc/profile you need to source it afterwords01:14
ConfidentiaLneverblue: yes, mostly...01:14
neverbluexrisp, updates for what hardward?01:14
TBotNik_uAll: Looks like memory problem from log dump01:14
imperfect-Is there any way I can get _just_ the mythtv scripts from the mythtv packages?01:14
PurpleFoolseveas IME that package was downrev for AMD64.  Thanks for your time though.01:14
TaJMoXnickrud: brightside?01:14
imperfect-so that I can use an SVN build while having the neato and clean mythtv startup scripts and everything?01:14
v3ctor . /etc/profile01:14
el_tacoWindsofTime I thought you couldn't open terminal in gnome01:14
nickrudTaJMoX, a package that extends metacity01:14
sselemanluosanyone know why my NetworkManager Applet has stopped listing my wired connection (the connection is working fine, so this simply makes switching between wired and wireless very difficult)01:14
neverblueConfidentiaL, answering 'yes' to an 'or' question is confusing01:14
kahrytanh3lmut: I am on live cd. mount takes time01:14
TBotNik_uAll: Log dump is the /2402 and xorg.conf at /240101:14
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SeveasPurpleFool, I see this on amd64/feisty in apt-cache search xen01:15
Seveaslinux-image-2.6.22-9-xen - Linux kernel image for version 2.6.22 on This kernel can be used for Xen dom0 and domU01:15
RudyValenciahow do I find out who makes a CD-R?01:15
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TBotNik_uAll: I'm irssi here so limited capability01:15
TaJMoXnickrud: thanks that'll work01:15
nomaShi, anybody know where can i get help for wireless???01:15
Pretor1abno idea sorry v3ctor, i just want to know which file JAVA_HOME is supposed to represent01:15
jpowermacg4anyone run postfix and courier?01:15
el_tacoWindsofTime I thought you were talking about a different problem sorry01:15
PSILOSSSSSSSSSSSanyone how can help me with lineage on ubuntu? problem with safe guard!!01:15
TaJMoXRudyValencia: you can't01:15
nickrudimperfect-, file-roller opens deb packages, you can pull out any script you like01:15
v3ctorPretor1ab: did you put it in ther as $JAVA_HOME or just JAVA_HOME ?01:15
RudyValenciaTaJMoX: ...?01:16
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fungoswhere should I put commands to run at boot time?01:16
ConfidentiaLneverblue: sorry, missed the or:P it was, yes, mostly large files...01:16
TaJMoXRudyValencia: sometimes there will be manufacturer number on the inside circle - but it just points to a warehouse in china01:16
TBotNik_uAll: Quick Q: What is the full for 512K of memory?01:16
kahrytanoh crap.01:16
kahrytanh3lmut: It's gone01:16
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nickrudTBotNik, 512*102401:16
h3lmutkahr - that might be problematic01:16
v3ctorand you ran: . /etc/profile01:16
kahrytanSeveas: What did initramfs do to fstab?01:16
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Seveaskahrytan, it shouldn't do a thing01:17
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kahrytanh3lmut: /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 001:17
neverblueConfidentiaL, in my experience, you could setup NFS, or via FTP01:17
Pretor1abyes v3ctor01:17
neverbluei would suggest NFS for many smaller files01:17
kahrytanSeveas: Well, it did01:17
h3lmutkahr - that's not "/"01:17
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neverbluewhen I connect to my other box, I dont have an X session, but its running, am I doing something wrong on the server or client end of my vnc session?01:17
gnuskoolmindsideout, what model?01:17
imperfect-nickrud: how bout command line?01:17
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Seveaskahrytan, what does /etc/fstab contain? (not /etc/fstab of the live system of course :))01:17
imperfect-nickrud: using file-roller isn't an option at the moment01:17
kahrytanh3lmut and Seveas: fstab just has these lines now. unionfs / unionfs rw 0 0 ;  tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0 ; /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 001:18
PurpleFoolSeveas Hmm.  I only found a 19-generic version last night.  I'll check the apt setup01:18
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tyriananyone know how to change the color of the Gnome tooltips (their yellow now ,fugly) using ubuntu 7.0.401:18
battlecatCan anyone point me to a site that has a good set of instructions on enabling the framebuffer in Ubuntu??01:18
nickrudimperfect-, dpkg-deb I believe01:18
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kahrytanSeveas: And it changed after what you told me whatto do01:18
jpowermacg4Anyone know the EASIEST!!! way to install a Postfix and Courier - Email System, Where I can freakin make user accounts and actually log in?01:18
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ConfidentiaLneverblue: ok, thanks01:18
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nickrudimperfect-, also mc  (midnight commander used to, I think it still does)01:18
Pretor1abany more ideas ?01:19
zer0dbi notice ubuntu requests restarts...that's interesting01:19
Seveaskahrytan, that's the /etc/fstab of the live system :)01:19
PSILOSSSSSSSSSSSlineage on ubuntu someone help!!01:19
klaxiandoes anyone know a good way to set up a web-accessible shared calendar?  maybe something integrated with evolution?01:19
h3lmutkahr - severas is thinking faster than i am, if you're on the livecd you should be looking at <whereever you mounted your drive>/etc/fstab01:19
azrael_need help getting JACk set up so i can use Ardour, know nothing about JACk or how to make it function01:19
kahrytanSeveas: It's fstab of /media/ubuntu/etc/fstab01:19
Seveasklaxian, try horde01:19
Seveaskahrytan, that's interesting!01:19
klaxianSeveas: i'll look into it...anything else i should research?01:19
macogwPSILOSSSSSSSSSSS: lineage?01:20
nickrudPretor1ab, /usr/lib/jvm/<selected java> (?)01:20
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Seveaskahrytan, ok, pastebin the output of 'mount' and 'fdisk -l' for me01:20
macogwzer0db: only after kernel upgrades01:20
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gnuskoolazrael, youll have to at least read the jack audio homepage, when you stall, ask a question01:20
PSILOSSSSSSSSSSSyes u knoe???01:20
WindsofTimeel_taco, I can open the Terminal in GNOME..BUT! When I switch to Xbuntu it doesn't open it only logs me out01:20
tyrianlineage 2 OWNSS01:20
zer0dbi c01:20
ztomicazrael_:  #ubuntu-studio01:20
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PSILOSSSSSSSSSSSmacogw: you can help me?01:21
mindsideoutgnuskool, Canon Multipass f60 - I would like to know if you had no printers connected would you be able to see "USB Printer #1 (CANON)" in the drop down for "Printer Port:" in the wizard???01:21
zer0dbmacogw makes sense...01:21
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PSILOSSSSSSSSSSSmacogw: I install it all right it comes to the login screen and has a gameguard error01:21
kahrytanSeveas: fdisk - l nothing01:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:21
macogwPSILOSSSSSSSSSSS: oh i have no idea01:21
Seveaskahrytan, 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda'01:22
macogwPSILOSSSSSSSSSSS: i thought you meant like human lineage...like genealogy01:22
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PSILOSSSSSSSSSSSmacogw: no the game lineageII c601:22
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Pretor1abi am so clever01:22
Pretor1abthats why i use linux01:22
TaJMoXPSILOSSSSSSSSSSS: L2 is great game - unfortunately i dont know anyone who has got it working in WINE because of the hack guard01:23
ztomicI-m cleaver.01:23
nickrudPretor1ab, what was it?01:23
Pretor1abthanks all - coulnd thave done it without you01:23
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Pretor1aboh you know the old one01:23
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PSILOSSSSSSSSSSSTaJMoX: something like that it ll solve the prob but i don't find somethin :(01:23
CyberCodCan anyone tell me how to do a hard drive surface scan in ubuntu using the live disk?01:23
WindsofTimeHelp:: I am able to open Terminal in Ubuntu,, But when I switch to Xubuntu Opening the terminal causes the screen to go black and then it brings me back to the Login screen... Any solutions?01:24
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WindsofTimeI have already re-installed Linux 2 times now01:24
kahrytanSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33098/01:24
TaJMoXPSILOSSSSSSSSSSS: a lot of MMORPG have that problem - the gameguard recognize its not Windows and so won't play game01:24
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CyberCodWindsofTime:  are you using the same terminal application for both?01:24
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PSILOSSSSSSSSSSSTaJMoX: someone put a link to kill the guard and does not respond the link :(01:25
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WindsofTimeI go to Applications>Terminal in Both01:25
TaJMoXWindsofTime: which terminal do you open?   xfce4-terminal or gnome-terminal          also you may have to correctly set up your graphics card01:25
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CyberCodWindsofTime: there's a specific one for xubuntu ... try that one01:25
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TaJMoXPSILOSSSSSSSSSSS: thost anti-gameguard things only last until next game update  ... so only like a week or so01:25
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WindsofTimeWhere can it be found? (Got linux 5 or 6 days ago)01:25
CyberCodCan anyone tell me how to do a hard drive surface scan in ubuntu using the live disk?01:25
TaJMoXWindsofTime: alt-f2 then type xfce4-terminal01:25
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TaJMoXor gnome-terminal if that one crashes you01:26
kahrytanhey macogw01:26
WindsofTimeim currently in Ubuntu will it work or do I need to switch?01:26
ansqueHow i Can edit menu places???01:26
Seveaskahrytan, /media/ubuntu is not a mount of your installed system01:26
dgeorgeok guys, how do i go about burning a music cd01:26
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TaJMoXwindsamurai: Ubuntu = gnome   Xubuntu = xfce01:26
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macogwansque: where?01:26
Seveasdid you unmount it?01:26
aldcorsomone knows howto delete gnome if i used it all time but now i want stay with KDE and i want delete all gnome's stuff01:26
kahrytanSeveas: Got unmounted01:26
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macogwansque: edit the things shown in the menus in general or just the places one?01:26
Seveaskahrytan, mount it again :)01:26
kahrytanSeveas: /dev/hda3 on /media/ubuntu type ext3 (rw)01:26
TaJMoXWindsofTime: Ubuntu = gnome   Xubuntu = xfce01:26
WindsofTimeI saw above01:26
macogwansque: and are you using ubuntu, kubuntu, or xubuntu?01:27
WindsofTimesee you in a bit then01:27
CyberCodI'm thinking it has something to do with fsck01:27
Seveaskahrytan and hang on for a bit while I rewrite your /etc/fstab01:27
ansquemacogw: i want change default searching on beagle searching01:27
kahrytanSeveas: goingto use path?01:27
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Optimus55anyone knows how to automount a drive on startup?01:27
Seveasfor now01:27
aldcorsomone knows howto delete gnome if i used it all time but now i want stay with KDE and i want delete all gnome's stuff01:27
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macogwansque: oo ok idk01:28
Seveaskahrytan, also change your /boot/grub/menu.lst to use path01:28
nikronaldcor: sudo aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop should work01:28
macogwOptimus55: add it to /etc/fstab01:28
ansquemacogw: can you help me?01:28
macogwOptimus55: sudo nano /etc/fstab01:28
macogwansque: nope. i thought you wanted to modify your gnome menu01:28
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WindsofTimeIt did not work01:28
WindsofTimeIt is doing the same thing01:28
aldcornikron: thx... it works01:29
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WindsofTimeI pressed Alt+F2 then I typed xcfe4-terminal01:29
kahrytanWhy did Feisty switch to UUID?01:29
WindsofTimeand pressed enter01:29
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h3lmutkahr - hotplugging mass storage devices01:29
windsamuraiI'm trying to print my partition table in parted but seemingly can't, as it gives me an error saying "Error: Unable to open /dev/hda - unrecognised disk label." even though my hard drive is /dev/sda. Any ideas?01:29
WindsofTimeI saw the terminal window pop-up for a moment, then it went all black and then switched to the Login screen01:29
kahrytanh3lmut: like flash drive?01:29
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aviswill feisty play PAL dvd's if my dvd burners firmware is left at stock ?01:29
h3lmutkahr - yeah01:30
Seveaskahrytan, this fstab should get you booting again http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33099/01:30
Seveaskahrytan, edgy already did :)01:30
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Optimus55macogw: thanks. but i'm not sure about all the stuff inside there... UUID, nls=utf8, etc... ????01:30
Optimus55any simpler way to do it?01:30
h3lmutkahr - a flash drive will get whatever sdX is open when it's attached, but the partition's UUID is always the same01:30
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TaJMoXWindsofTime: try this:   rm -rf ~/.config/Terminal01:31
kahrytanSeveas: Is there a tool to regenerate fstab?01:31
Seveaskahrytan, not really, did this by hand01:31
WindsofTimeTaJMoX same place?01:31
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ztomic#sudo apt-get update01:31
Seveaslet's get you booting first and then solve the UUID mystery01:31
TaJMoXkahrytan: always make a regular backup of your /etc01:31
TaJMoXWindsofTime: in alt-f201:31
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macogwOptimus55: um idk how to get the UUID for the drive01:32
macogwOptimus55: ive been told before01:32
Seveasmacogw, vol_id /dev/yourdrive01:32
dippoanyone know if there's a way to like refresh the applets listed when you right click on a gnome panel and go to "add to panel"?01:32
macogwSeveas: thanks01:32
dippoi am installing various gnome applets and none of them show up in that listing01:32
macogwOptimus55: read what Seveas said01:32
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macogwOptimus55: that goes first01:32
kahrytanSeveas: rebooting01:32
GhOSty2Khey folks, how do you restart a service?01:32
GhOSty2Ki dont want to reboot but want to update the new httpd config01:33
macogwOptimus55: then hit tab and put where you want it to mount, like /media/mystuff01:33
SeveasGhOSty2K, /etc/init.d/apache2 graceful01:33
TaJMoXGhOSty2K: sudo /etc/init.d/SERVICE restart01:33
GhOSty2Klet me try01:33
XorisGhOSty2K: sudo invoke-rc.d servicename restart01:33
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SeveasTaJMoX, for apache graceful is slightly nicer01:33
windsamuraiI'm trying to print my partition table in parted but seemingly can't, as it gives me an error saying "Error: Unable to open /dev/hda - unrecognised disk label." even though I think my hard drive is /dev/sda. Any ideas?01:33
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macogwOptimus55: then type is for what kind of formatting it is01:33
TaJMoXSeveas: ah my ESP is failing me ... I thought he meant any other service01:33
Xoriswindsamurai: sounds like it thinks the table is corrupted or something01:33
GhOSty2Kthanks mate :)01:33
TaJMoXalso I dont read01:34
SeveasTaJMoX, I saw his second line just before hitting enter ;)01:34
WindsofTimeTaJMoX I am currently in Xubuntu I did as was told, I didn't see anything happen.. is that a good thing?01:34
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Optimus55ah okay thanks01:34
macogwOptimus55: options defaults is probably fine, and 0 dump and pass is probably fine (sets when it does fsck on startup, i think 0 is default...its what's set on everything else on mine and that gets checked every 30 mounts)01:34
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TaJMoXWindsofTime: yes it is a single command line     rm is remove    ~/.config/Terminal/   is all your terminal config files01:34
TaJMoXWindsofTime: does terminal work now?01:34
macogwthats something i could easily be wrong about (the when it does fsck thing) though01:34
windsamuraihow can i fix that?01:35
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Optimus55okay thanks , i'll try it01:35
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gnuskoolmindsideoout, oh dear, there is so little info for that printer, no driers, shocking, maybe flick canon an email, or keep hunting mate, sorry01:35
WindsofTimeTaJMoX checking01:35
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gnuskoolmindsideout, oh dear, there is so little info for that printer, no driers, shocking, maybe flick canon an email, or keep hunting mate, sorry01:36
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Planet-Xhi guys01:36
Planet-Xi can't get wireless to work01:36
Planet-Xi just reinstall ubuntu cause i fucked up my xorg.conf01:36
Planet-Xit only works wired now01:36
Planet-Xany ideas?01:36
TaJMoX!wireless | Planet-X01:36
ubotuPlanet-X: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:36
Planet-Xibm t3001:36
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TaJMoXPlanet-X: Also make sure you regularly back up your whole /etc directory01:36
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TaJMoXso that you dont have this problem again01:36
WindsofTimeTaJMoX: No it didn't work01:36
PriceChildPlanet-X, for informatino on how to restore your xorg.conf if you mess it up again, "/msg ubotu xconfig" and please watch te language :)01:37
Planet-Xhow much did i mess up then01:37
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Planet-Xi know how to backup my etc01:37
Planet-Xi just didn't01:37
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TaJMoXWindsofTime: ok have you had terminal ability in the past?01:37
WindsofTimeTaJMoX: If this helps when it went black screen I saw a line of text that had /ect/...local01:37
WindsofTimeTaJMoX yes01:37
mattfletcherWhere can I find a guide to setting up a machine with two NICs as a gateway?01:37
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RiCCo69so i'm trying to edit my sourse.list but I cant bescause it's read only how do i get the power to save my edit01:37
TaJMoXWindsofTime: you in xfce right now?01:37
WindsofTimeTaJMoX: Keep in mind though that I have re-installed Ubuntu to solve the problem... and no01:37
ZambeziIsn't there a way to export all the emails in Thunderbird?01:38
WindsofTimebut the re-installtion didnt work01:38
TaJMoXWindsofTime: you've already re-installed and you get the same problem?01:38
TaJMoXWindsofTime: with both xubuntu and regular ubuntu?01:38
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mattfletcheri have dhcp working, but it doesn't forward requests from eth1 to eth001:38
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gnuskoolRiCCo69, is it a live cd or install?01:38
WindsofTimeI reinstalled Ubuntu but I get the same problem with Xubuntu01:38
TaJMoXZambezi: they're all stored in a single file somewhere in ~/.mozilla01:38
WindsofTimeUbuntu is fine.. no problems, its Xubuntu01:39
TaJMoXWindsofTime: but you have had terminal before?   what did you do right before you lost the ability?01:39
chuy<RiCCo69>, you open a terminal, and type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:39
kritzstapfcan i use http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/jikos/random/hid-make-extra-keys-on-logitech-s510-work.patch with the ubuntu kernel? :)01:39
gnuskoolZambezi, hello, i lived in vic falls once01:39
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TaJMoXWindsofTime: have you tried running xfce4-terminal01:40
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WindsofTimeit does the same thing01:40
WindsofTimeblack screen, then to Login01:40
TaJMoXok try this command:   rm ~/.bashrc01:40
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TaJMoXor wait01:40
TaJMoXtry running xterm01:40
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ZambeziTaJMoX, For me it's a folder and I have a lot of them cause I had no idea where to put them the first time I imported them.01:40
WindsofTimetry running Xbuntu's terminal?01:40
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TaJMoXWindsofTime: run the command xterm01:41
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PriceChild!away > tanner_afk01:41
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greenmanwitchdo any people here have ADHD?01:41
TaJMoXxubuntu's terminal is 'xfce4-terminal'   which is a lot like 'gnome-terminal'01:41
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PriceChildgreenmanwitch, please don't :)01:42
TaJMoXgreenmanwitch: #ubuntu-offtopic01:42
greenmanwitchPriceChild, lol.01:42
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ztomicchuy: and here I was doing it the old fashioned way: #sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list ... :)01:42
mattfletcheranyone have any pointers on how to get a machine set up as a internet gateway?01:42
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WindsofTimeType "xterm" in the Alt+F2 in Xbuntu? (I need to clearly understand)  or is it the xfce4-terminal command?01:42
chuyztomic usually I preferr to use console-based apps instead of graphical ones (speed), but not suited for everyone, specially newcomers01:43
Dr-Saarhello, i'm trying to set up my new dvb-s pci card, but it doesnt work and i get the following errors in my dmesg: http://nopaste.penguinfriends.org/view/98/01:43
ztomicchuy: agree01:43
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TaJMoXmattfletcher: look into NAT and ip masquerede01:43
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TaJMoXWindsofTime: run the command: xterm01:44
macogwWindsofTime: in the alt f201:44
WindsofTimethank you01:44
WindsofTime**Goes to Xubuntu to run the command**01:44
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RudyValenciaHow do I find out what scancodes my "multimedia keyboard" generates?01:44
TaJMoXor wherever you are01:44
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TaJMoXits another terminal emulator01:44
mattfletchertajmox: i vaguely understand what NAT is, but is there a set of packages (or ideally a howto) that explains it all?01:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:44
WindsofTimeit opened01:44
TaJMoXmattfletcher: yes i will google for you =] 01:44
chuy<mattfletcher> google?01:45
mattfletchertajmoxL i could google for nat01:45
macogwRudyValencia: xev01:45
TaJMoXmattfletcher: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137001:45
mattfletcherand i'd get a thousand results of broadband routers that do it01:45
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TaJMoXi searched for   ubuntu internet sharing01:45
WindsofTimeTaJMoX: The terminal that you wanted me to open is Open01:45
macogwmattfletcher: use google's dictionary01:45
macogwmattfletcher: type "define: nat"01:45
TaJMoXWindsofTime: ok so mission accomplished?01:46
RudyValenciamacogw: some of the keys don't generate a response01:46
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macogwRudyValencia: then that means that the keyboard driver you're using doesnt support those keys01:46
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vphhey, how can i update and app such as firefox? when the current one wont let me update it, im on dapper, i downloaded the new firefox for linux, but im not sure of how to do it correctly01:46
macogwRudyValencia: check that you have multimedia keyboard set in your keyboard settings rather than basic pc-10401:46
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WindsofTimeTaJMoX: I dont know... if it will open in Xubuntu01:46
kahrytanSeveas: Didnt work01:47
WindsofTimeI will go Switch now01:47
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macogwvph: untar it, then as root, copy the folder & files to /usr/local/lib/01:47
TaJMoXvph: if you downloaded the binary installer for the latest version of firefox - you have to give it execute permissions then just double click it or run it in a terminal window01:47
kahrytanSeveas: I couldnt boot into ubuntu01:47
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macogwvph: so that it's /usr/local/lib/firefox01:47
Flannelvph: You either compile it yourself (see !firefox), or upgrade to edgy01:47
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RudyValenciamacogw: my keyboard (HP SK2560, part no. 5185-1596) isn't in the list01:47
macogwFlannel: firefox is pre-compiled when you get it01:47
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Seveaskahrytan, did you change /boot/grub/menu.lst as well before rebooting? Pastebin that file and the output of ls -la /media/ubuntu/boot just to check01:47
Flannelmacogw: Er, right.  I meant manually install.01:47
fluxdoes anyone know how to change the settings of balloon notifications in ubuntu?01:47
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macogwRudyValencia: then it's not supported officially. try one of the other ones and see if it might get some of them working01:48
vphok thanks guys..01:48
kahrytanSeveas: I don't know how01:48
macogwvph: to run it you can change the firefox in your menu to point at /usr/local/lib/firefox/firefox01:48
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:48
RudyValenciamacogw: I'd like to be able to use all my buttons...01:48
fluxdoes anyone know how to change the settings of balloon notifications in ubuntu?01:48
Brandenis there a site where i can look up how big of a psu i need for a pc build?01:49
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RudyValencia...is there some way I can maybe make a driver for my keyboard?01:49
TaJMoXBranden: #ubuntu-offtopic01:49
h3lmutkahr - i think he meant he doesn't know how to modify menu.lst01:49
kahrytanSeveas: I am to the point of just reinstalling01:49
mrsnoBranden http://www.extreme.outervision.com/psucalculator.jsp01:49
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macogwRudyValencia: how much C do you know?01:49
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RudyValenciamacogw: I know very little C.01:49
kahrytanSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33100/01:49
macogwRudyValencia: then no01:49
Seveaskahrytan, neh, don't do that :) We can get you booting again01:49
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WindsofTimeTaJMoX: In Xubuntu, I can open terminal via (Alt + F2) then the command xterm.. BUT! I still am unable to open terminal by going to Applications>Accessories>Terminal01:50
Brandenmrsno:  thank you01:50
Seveaskahrytan, the *enture menu.lst please01:50
brylieIf I reinstall my OS how do I retain or migrate my GPG and SSH keys?01:50
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macogwRudyValencia: if you learn a lot of C and check out Linux Device Drivers 3 by Greg K-H, and study a bunch, eventually01:50
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TaJMoXRudyValencia: hp.com has keyboard drivers for linux01:50
RudyValenciamacogw: if I knew how the keyboard worked I could maybe create a specification01:50
kahrytanSeveas: and all those comments?01:50
macogwWindsofTime: just add it to the menu01:50
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RudyValenciaTaJMoX: Do they have one for the SK-2560 (5185-1596)?01:50
WindsofTimeHow so01:50
TaJMoXWindsoftime then you need to edit the menu and get rid of the bad terminal and add xterm to the applications list01:51
macogwRudyValencia: thatd require reverse engineering it01:51
jorge_quien me diria como cambiar mi resolucion01:51
SeveasKarotte_, the comments are quite important01:51
macogwWindsofTime: right click the menu and hit edit menus01:51
Seveas!es | jorge_01:51
TaJMoXwindsoftime: run alacarte01:51
jorge_tengo una de 800x60001:51
ubotujorge_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:51
=== WindsofTime Doesn't know how to do this
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Seveaskahrytan, *01:51
WindsofTimeThanks Guys!!01:51
jorge_ok bey01:51
kahrytanSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33101/01:51
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TaJMoXRudyValencia: you need to go do the research for yourself01:51
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TaJMoX!resolution | jorge_01:51
RudyValenciaTaJMoX: so you know HP has Linux keyboard drivers?01:51
Davy_JonesHP makes keyboards?01:52
TaJMoXRudyValencia: I said:   hp.com has linux keyboard drivers01:52
TaJMoXi think i said it just like that01:52
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matthewmy hp keyboard works great with kubuntu01:52
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Seveaskahrytan, and the output of ls -la /media/ubuntu/boot please01:53
vphmacogw: aite thanks01:53
macogwDavy_Jones: yes, hp makes the least squishy modern keyboards01:53
matthewI didn't even care if it did I just hit one of the buttons one day and it worked lol01:53
Davy_Jonesi think A4tech is the best for keyboard and mouse01:53
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Planet-Xso that helped01:53
Planet-Xbut didn't fix it01:53
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Planet-Xgimme that link again will ya01:53
Planet-Xi am getting wireless bars from my router now01:53
macogwDavy_Jones: idk the one that came with my hp in 2002 wasnt too bad01:53
Planet-Xit's not connecting01:53
Planet-Xand i have wireless-tools installed01:53
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TaJMoXPlanet-X: you have WEP or WPA?01:54
macogwDavy_Jones: actually a bit better than the ibm one i found from 1995...one of ibm's early rubber dome keyboards01:54
Planet-Xgot a better way to do this01:54
TaJMoXoh you need to install extra support for that01:54
Planet-Xwpa_supplicant ?01:54
TaJMoXi thinks01:54
kahrytanSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33102/01:54
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TBotNik_uAll: Still working on X.win config problem01:54
macogwmight need to use Wifi Radar instead of NetworkManager for WPA with your card too01:54
nephishh3lmet_: got me printer working, thanks01:54
Planet-Xall i can install is wpagui01:54
Planet-Xi guess i will01:54
TaJMoXmacogw: well cant he just type in the ESSID manually01:55
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macogwTaJMoX: in the command line?01:55
TaJMoXoh no i menat gui net manager01:55
macogwTaJMoX: the system > admin > networking thing doesnt do wpa01:55
navetsdoes anyone here know of good VoIP software for linux?01:55
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Planet-Xnet manager?01:55
h3lmutneph - cool01:55
Seveaskahrytan, sudo wget http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33103/plain/ -O /media/ubuntu/boot/grub/menu.lst01:55
Planet-Xor not me01:55
kahrytanSeveas: Whats the odds of grub causing problems?01:55
macogwnavets: wengophone01:56
TaJMoXkahrytan: 1 in 501:56
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Seveaskahrytan, it's the only thing I can think of if the kernel can't find your root drive01:56
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navetsmacogw thanks01:56
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TaJMoXkahrytan: oh in your case its 4 in 5 chance   =] 01:56
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avisis an existing windows installation necessary for wine to work ?01:57
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SeveasTaJMoX, 0 in 10 chance that it's the root cause though01:57
h3lmutavis - nah01:57
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Davy_Jonesavis: no01:57
Seveasavis, no01:57
Planet-Xwhat am i missing here to get wireless to work01:57
Planet-Xand connect to my accesspoint01:57
kahrytanSeveas: reboot?01:57
Davy_Jonesavis: but wine can use some dlls from windowws01:57
rbdhey guys, it seem that the python-psyco package is missing from feisty? (it shows up on packages.ubuntu.com as being in universe, but I can't apt-get it)01:57
Planet-Xlike right clicking on the network monitor and going to manual01:57
Planet-Xused to say wireless01:57
Planet-Xnow it doesn't contain that in the list01:57
avisi have a very weird problem in that it wont even try to launch an exe01:57
Planet-Xthat's when it started working01:57
Seveaskahrytan, yup and if it fails, please write down the exact error message01:58
diczaepxcorross office is better than wine01:58
TaJMoXPlanet-X: have you tried wifiradar yet01:58
Planet-Xit wont install but lemme try again01:58
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WindsofTimeTaJMoX: OMG TY TY TY TY TY!!!!! ^_^ **Gives Pie** It Works Now!!! :)01:58
Planet-Xwifiradar is when it first worked01:58
Planet-Xlong ago01:58
TaJMoXWindsofTime: wow gratz =] 01:58
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chuy<rbd>, no, your sources are misconfigured01:58
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Davy_Jonesavis: associate exe files with wine01:58
WindsofTimeI thought I'd have to go back to Windows for a moment there X_X :O01:58
Planet-Xit worked this time01:59
Planet-Xlemme try wifiradar01:59
mattgyver83What does it mean (while trying to uninstall a package through aptitude) score is -305 ??01:59
rbdchuy: I would hope so, but this is a stock feisty install, all I did was uncomment the universe, etc lines in my sources.list...it is using http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ as the repository01:59
linux_n00bg'day. How does one mount/umount a usb stick on Feisty?01:59
rbdI can try another one01:59
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navetsmacogw is this voip 100% free?01:59
Solpexhi gues ive got a problem im trying to setup a eggdrop and i type make config  and i get make: *** No rule to make target `config'. Stop. Can anyone help me please?01:59
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HihihihiHi I have question.02:00
chuyrbd, can you paste your sources?02:00
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Flannelrbd: did you update your package cache after canging sources.list?02:00
HihihihiThe question is: with feisty, is it advantageous to specify k7 kernel rather than generic?02:00
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TaJMoXnavets: for PC to PC yes02:00
chuytrue rbd, sudo apt-get update02:00
FlannelHihihihi: there is no k7 kernel02:00
chuyin case you didn't02:00
rbdyeah I did that02:00
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navetsTaJMoX: do you know of any that are free from pc to landline?02:00
rodserlingHey guys, I'm having trouble getting Ubuntu to recognize my AIRnet Wireless card, anyone have suggestions?02:01
HihihihiFlannel: there is, but says obsoleted... so i can't, or it wouldn't change anything?02:01
rodserlingNot sure what to do.02:01
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TaJMoXnavets: no i dont think that exists02:01
FlannelHihihihi: no, there isn't.  Its an empty package that simply depends on -generic02:01
TaJMoXnavets: phone lines cost money02:01
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rbdchuy/Flannel: http://dpaste.com/16408/02:01
navetsTaJMoX: skype use to do it02:01
HihihihiFlannel: so the amd optimizations are already in generic?02:01
TaJMoXnavets: during their beta probably - they dont now02:01
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WindsofTimeTaJMoX: Last question, I have an .exe file on my desktop how do I make Wine install it?02:02
DQuestionsI was tyring to help my friend install ubuntu over the phone02:02
rbdand when I try to install, I get: Package python-psyco is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:02
rbdThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or02:02
rbdis only available from another source02:02
lashmoovetorrent client that accepts rss feeds?02:02
TaJMoXWindsofTime: in terminal type:   wine installer.exe02:02
navetsTaJMoX: yea they did it for a long period of time actually. Then they started charging when they became dominant02:02
Flannelrbd: It exists in the repos, I'm looking at it right now.02:02
DQuestionsthe install all went fine with the desktop cd... but now when grub loads.. and it continues.. the screen just goes black and nothing happens WTF02:02
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windsamura1K, I'm trying to check out my partitions which are located on /dev/sda, but parted keeps trying to open /dev/hda, which is read-only. Any help with this?02:02
FlannelHihihihi: they are02:02
DQuestionsthis happened with the alternate cd too02:02
rbdweird....what's the command to totally flush/refresh my cache02:02
HihihihiFlannel: k thank u02:02
dissectionIs there a GUI alternative, or a GUI script for  netstat?02:02
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windsamura1I am using the boot CD for the record02:03
TBotNik_uAll: Still working on X.win config problem.  Pastebins at: http://paste.stgraber.org/2401 (xorg.conf) & /2402 (log file).  Reset the memory from 512 to 524288 and now can't get in at all, not even text mode anywhere.  Booted from InstallCD.  Now need to re-edit xorg.conf file but can't find it. Can I get some help?02:03
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DQuestionsanyone here have a clue wtf went wrong with this damn ubuntu install =-(02:03
jacobi'll help02:03
frankydpCan I just say this is the easiest Linux install i have ever done.02:03
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DQuestionsso any ideas?02:04
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ubotujorge_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:04
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RudyValenciaI'm trying to get my keyboard's keys to be recognized.02:04
jacobdquestion, did you select the right installation for the correct computer02:04
jacobDQuestion, i'll tell you in a sec as to what i mean02:04
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davidthedrakeDoes anyone have information about how to resolve the NVIDIA memory exhaustion bug for Compiz? The opencompositing.org forums are down.02:05
Flannelrbd: Your sources.lits looks good, make sure you've saved it successfully, and then sudo ap-get update02:05
Flokerhow can i prevent cron from sending mail?02:05
Flannelrbd: apt-get even02:05
chuyrbd, you either didn't update or you had a typo, I'm using your sources and python-psyco is in your repositories02:05
Solpexcan anyone help me out please im trying to setup a eggdrop02:05
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Solpexand i have this error when i type make cofig02:06
Solpexmake: *** No rule to make target `config'. Stop.02:06
CoasterMasteris there any place to get help with C?  I don't knoiw, I thought I'd ask here02:06
jacobDQuestions, there is a standard personal computer installation02:06
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XorisCoasterMaster: ##c02:06
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jacobDQuestions, 64 bit AMD and Intel computers02:06
CoasterMasterthanks Xoris02:06
johnficca1so I have compiled Miro and I can run it and it works just great, but the only way I can start it is to double click on run.sh file then click on run in the window. I tried to add it to the main menu but it will not start like that...help02:06
DQuestionshe has a pentium tho02:07
topfunkyI'm trying to downgrade to php 5.1 from 5.2. Can I do that with apt-get?02:07
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navetshey if somebody here wouldnt mind taking a look at my website and telling me how I could improve on things website is http://navetz.com02:07
jacobDQuestions, and a Sun UltraSPARC based02:07
TBotNik_uAll: I know I have to mount the HDs from the InstallCD.  HOw do I do this?02:07
windsamura1K, I'm trying to check out my partitions which are located on /dev/sda, but parted keeps trying to open /dev/hda, which is read-only. Any help with this?02:07
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TaJMoXnavets: #ubuntu-offtopic02:07
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ztomicDid anyone ever answer that "tool-tip" question way up there? How do you get rid of tool-tips in Gnome202:07
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Xoristopfunky: sudo apt-get install packagename=versionnumber - if the package is available either in the repositories or in your cache.02:08
|Lunar_Lamp|In /etc/fstab disks are mounted with "defaults" in options - how do I find out what these options are? e.g. are noatime+nodiratime specified?02:08
topfunkyXoris: thanks!02:08
Planet-X_now it connects to the router via manual02:08
Planet-X_but it won't connect02:08
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Planet-X_i can tell it to02:08
Planet-X_but it won't connect02:08
Planet-X_that's all02:08
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frankydpnavets: No text size change on mouse over for menu just make some nice 2 tone buttons.02:08
Planet-X_it's right there, under my nose02:08
Planet-X_what do i do02:08
Planet-X_i need wireless 15 minutes ago02:08
TaJMoX|Lunar_Lamp|: man mount02:08
Xoristopfunky: next time you update, though, it'll revert to the newer version... if you don't want that, you'll have to use some trickery02:08
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Xoris!pinning > topfunky02:08
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TBotNik_uAll: Which one is /boot, /root, and /swap hda1, hda2, hda5?02:08
davidthedrakeFloker: have your cron produce no output02:08
rbdFlannel/chuy: Okay, I type "apt-get install python-psyco" and am still getting that error.... can you guys list an alternative feisty repository I can switch to and try on? very weird....that or I remember there being a dpkg command to totally flush my package cache/listing02:08
TaJMoX|Lunar_Lamp|: there is a list for most filesystem types in the man page02:08
Planet-X_TaJMoX: lil' help?02:08
WindsofTimeToJMaX: How do I uninstall what Wine has installed?02:09
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Flokerdavidthedrake, i did that and it sends mail anyways02:09
davidthedrakeFloker: /path/to/script &> /dev/null02:09
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navetsfrankydp: so you mean making the buttons stay same text size and changing the background only?02:09
Flokerdavidthedrake, the command is  /home/stefano/ipupdate.sh > /dev/null02:09
TaJMoXPlanet-X: if you need it really quick then switch to WEP or no encryption and you wont have a problem02:09
Flokeranyways i get mail every minute02:09
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Xoriswindsamura1: there is a command, i don't remember the name though. try "dpkg -L wine | grep install"02:09
XorisWindsofTime: ^ ^02:10
DQuestionshow do you isntall progams on ubuntu again?02:10
TaJMoXWindsofTime: files are located in ~/.wine/drive_c02:10
Xoris!software > DQuestions02:10
TaJMoXDQuestions: synaptic02:10
WindsofTimeyes How do I uninstall them02:10
Flokerdaveshere, oh :\ i have to write &> instead of >?02:10
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TaJMoXWindsofTime: just delete their directory from program files02:10
davidthedrakeFloker: That's how I have done it02:10
Solpex!eggdrop > solpex02:10
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WindsofTimeand the delete code is02:10
davidthedrakeFloker: try it out and lemme know if it works ;)02:10
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bruenigFloker, > only redirects stdout, &> redirects stdout and stderr02:11
XorisWindsofTime: what he meant is that you can just remove the directories. indeed, you can, though (as in real Windows) that may leave registry entries, files in /Windows, and such. use the uninstaller if you don't want that02:11
Solpex!make config > solpex02:11
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Flokerdavidthedrake, okay i will have a try02:11
davidthedrakeFloker: Well, there you go. Thanks bruenig02:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eggdrop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:11
TaJMoXWindsofTime: you can use your file browser or the command rm -r DIRECTORY02:11
frankydpnavets: Yeah, the text makes the menu jump and will lag users on slower computers. I would take the Subject header boxes you are using the blue ones and just shrink it down and make a button and just replicate it for the different liks and then on mouse over just reverse the colors.02:11
XorisWindsofTime, just type "installer", or "uninstaller", or whatever it's called... there is a WINE-specific command, i just don't remember the exact name02:11
TaJMoXWindsofTime: for example:  rm -r ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/AOL02:11
DQuestionsmy brother is getting started with ubuntu.. doesnt know anything about linux.. what should i start him off with02:11
Flokerdavidthedrake, bruenig, thank you guys, works perfectly02:11
davidthedrakeDoes anyone have information about how to resolve the NVIDIA memory exhaustion bug for Compiz? The opencompositing.org forums with the information are currently down.02:11
davidthedrakeFloker: Sure thing :)02:12
frankydpnavets: Would look cleaner and more pro.02:12
Flannelrbd: which error do you get?02:12
TaJMoXDQuestions: a newbie guide to linux02:12
Flannelrbd: It's no the repository, I'm browsing that repos right now and I see it02:12
DQuestionswell where is synpatic located02:12
TaJMoXDQuestions: familiarity with the commandline - all the gui stuff in ubuntu is easy - have him install a bunch of programs that look interesting - if he breaks stuff then he learns02:12
navetsfrankydp: ok thanks, I'll try to fix that up later when I get a chance02:12
TaJMoXDQuestions: its in System -> Administration02:13
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TaJMoXDQuestions: also try the Add/Remove programs thing02:13
lufthanzaDQuestions: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml is a good read for linux newbies02:13
kahrytanSeveas: Didnt work.02:13
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frankydpnavets: or consider using a cms.02:13
DQuestionsi think from there he can do it02:13
Seveaskahrytan, did you write down the exact error?02:13
rbdFlannel: http://dpaste.com/16410/02:13
TBotNik_uStill working on X.win config problem.  Pastebins at: http://paste.stgraber.org/2401 (xorg.conf) & /2402 (log file).  Reset the memory from 512 to 524288 and now can't get in at all, not even text mode anywhere.  Booted from InstallCD.  Now need to re-edit xorg.conf file but can't find it. I know I have to mount the HDs from the InstallCD.  HOw do I do this? Which one is /boot, /root, and /swap hda1, hda2, hda5? Can I get some help?02:13
codecainetheres alot of .txt files in different folders how can I copy all .txt files 1 1 directory?02:13
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codecainethere on a cd rom02:13
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rbdFlannel: and the update is successful and everything02:14
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navetsfrankydp: what is a cms?02:14
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Flannelrbd: pastebin the update log please02:14
kahrytanSeveas: Check Root = Bootarg cat /proc/cmdline or misisng modules, devices ; cat /proc/modules ls /dev;  and the error /dev/hda3 does not exist.02:14
chuycodecaine list all txt files in the cd rom using ls -R02:14
lufthanzaTBotNik_u: did x work for you when you first installed?02:14
codecainethey chuy02:14
codecainethat was easy02:14
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frankydpnavets: content managment system.  It is a back system for you site to manage output based on user and privs.02:14
Seveaskahrytan, ok, that looks seriously bad02:15
kahrytanSeveas: What>?02:15
`paulhow do you remove thos special characters in the file name (appears as ?? or \n\r)?02:15
=== GrandKhavatari [n=tyrian@cust-03-55bf2830.adsl.scarlet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
DQuestionsis pidgin included with ubuntu?02:15
frankydpnavets: ex. Joomla, php-nuke, mambo02:15
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DQuestionsor can it be installed through synaptic?02:15
Solpexanyone know what compilers there is in ubuntu ?02:15
kahrytanSeveas: Backup and reinstall?02:15
davidthedrakeDQuestions: it's Gaim02:15
lufthanzaDQuestions: yes02:15
TBotNik_ulufthanza: Not with right res, only get 800x600 and need 1280x102402:15
DQuestionswait wtf ists called gaim?02:15
DQuestionsits already isntalled02:15
`paulhow do you remove thos special characters in the file name (appears as ?? or \n\r)??02:15
=== Planet-X__ [n=joshua@cpe-72-230-22-26.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
davidthedrakeDquestions: that comes with Ubuntu02:15
johnficca1I need to add a run.sh file to the main menu, what is the command?02:15
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navetsfrankydp: ok I will look into that thanks02:15
frankydpnavets: a mostly opensource community also which is nice.02:15
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Planet-X__holy god mess on me02:15
GrandKhavataridoes anyone know a way to change the canary-yellow tooltips gnome is giving me ?02:15
Planet-X__it works now02:15
Seveaskahrytan, one last thing to try before I'd give up: chroot into /media/ubuntu again and apt-get install ubuntu-standard ubuntu-minimal02:15
Planet-X__thanks guys02:15
rbdFlannel: http://dpaste.com/16412/02:15
Solpex!gcc > solpex02:15
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unitheoryDQuestions, gaim changed its name to pigin. gaim works fine02:16
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DQuestionsdude gaim DOES NOT come with ubuntu anymore02:16
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kahrytanSeveas: If you give up, then all hope is lost02:16
TBotNik_ulufthanza: Was working with someone else then ISP connection froze and by time got all reconfig, he dropped off chat.02:16
RudyValenciagaim is now pdigin02:16
ianmcorvidaeIn ubuntu feisty, however, the packages are still gaim. They did not update to pidgin; that happens with gutsy.02:16
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GrandKhavataridoes anyone know a way to change the canary-yellow tooltips in gnome , they dont fit to any theme ?02:17
rodserlingCan anyone help me with my wireless card not being recognized in ubuntu? It's an AIRNET AWD15402:17
lufthanzaTBotNik_u: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure --phigh xserver-xorg'02:17
kahrytanSeveas: How do you dothe chroot?02:17
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Flannelrbd: what arch is this?02:17
RequinB5i'm still trying to get my intel grafx working with feisty - i downloaded and upgraded ALSA, but it still wouldn't work - AND SO i checked in the ALSA-config.txt file and none of the codecs listed there match what the terminal tells me mine is02:17
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lufthanzaTBotNik_u: if that doesn't work, try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure --default xserver-xorg'02:17
RequinB5sry audio02:17
chuy<codecaine>, did that work? if it didn't probably you need a little longer command02:17
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codecainewell it showed them I tired02:18
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rbdFlannel: ohh, 64-bit. that's probably it (not available for 64-bit arch)02:18
lufthanzaTBotNik_u: one of those commands will get you back to where your x session works again02:18
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deathnallok guys hi and heres my question the the day02:18
TBotNik_ulufthanza: Is this a good fix for code on HD, when logged at Install-CD?02:18
codecainecp ls -R | grep .txt /home/code/test/02:18
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codecainedidn't work02:18
ConstyXIVdoes the geforce 8400M GS work in ubuntu?02:18
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frankydpnavets: if you want to look at a cms back office i got a clean install on a site im workin on you could paruse02:18
Seveasmkdir /rescue; mount /dev/hda3 /rescue; mount -o bind /proc /rescue/proc; mount -o bind /dev /rescue/dev02:18
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deathnalli read about something called cedega!!. it seems it can run a lot more things than wine can but does it cost for cedega?.02:18
chuycodecaine, try this:02:19
navetsfrankydp: that would be great02:19
unitheorydeathnall, yes02:19
GrandKhavatarideathnall: try joost02:19
deathnallhmm that sucks02:19
StratisCan anyone help me diagnose a constantly lit hard disk LED?02:19
lufthanzaTBotNik_u: get out of the livecd02:19
chuycp $(ls -R |grep txt) /home/code/test/02:19
deathnalljoost? whats that?02:19
lufthanzaTBotNik_u: your kernel is still booting right?02:19
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ztomicI see no way to remove the tool-tip balloons in gnome2. anyone know?02:19
RequinB5anyone here willing to help me get my audio fixed?  apparently my audio codec isn't even defined in the als config file02:19
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rbdFlannel/chuy: yeah it's only for i386. Thanks a lot for all the help!02:19
kahrytanSeveas: How do you chroot?02:20
navetsfrankydp: somebody just arrived at my house, I will be back in about 25 min if your still here.02:20
bigdog_how can you change the in sound juicer output I have all the plug in for Gstreamer and the profile active in the edit menu02:20
ztomicor was that already answered?02:20
Flannelrbd: you could chroot it if you really wanted02:20
StratisI originally thought it was constant hard disk use but it isn't.02:20
Flannel!chroot | rbd02:20
uboturbd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box02:20
codecaine': No such file or directory02:20
navetsfrankydp: if you could leave yuor siite address I will check it out for sure02:20
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Seveaskahrytan, mkdir /rescue; mount /dev/hda3 /rescue; mount -o bind /proc /rescue/proc; mount -o bind /dev /rescue/dev02:20
TBotNik_ulufthanza: I can't log to HD at all, so need to mount HDs, edit xorg.conf back to 524 on memory, then I can reboot under HD.  Can you help with that?02:20
slestaki installed libvte-dev thinking i would have the sources for gnome-terminal, but it apparently only has the headers.  do i need to add a special repo to get the sources?02:20
codecaineprobably need the full path of the files in the folders02:20
Seveasand then chroot /rescue02:20
Flannelrbd: or, well, you could try and do it.  I don't know if it would work or not02:20
frankydpnavtes: its in msg02:20
jacobhow can i remove an operating system when i have two installed?02:21
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kahrytanSeveas: Oh no. hda3 is gone02:21
m1rmorning all02:21
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GrandKhavatarideathnall: http://www.joost.com/whatsjoost.html02:21
chuycodecaine, mmm, true, can you PM me, the traffic in this channel is sometimes annoying02:21
lufthanzaTBotNik_u: unless your kernel is panicking, you can log into HD02:21
TBotNik_ulufthanza: No kernel will not boot, get to Xorg part and blows. Can't get even a term session.02:21
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deathnallok i just watched it but i makes no sense. what does that have to do with running windows apps like cedega does?02:21
Stratisjacob: You can use cfdisk.02:21
lufthanzaTBotNik_u: you've tried ctrl+alt+f2 at xorg part?02:21
ingo_hallo! can i use the sources.list of my 32-bit feitsy for a 64-bit system?02:22
Seveaskahrytan, is the live cd feisty as well?02:22
kahrytanSeveas: This must be hdd issue?02:22
codecainehmm won't let me priv on here02:22
RequinB5jacob's question is similar to my next one - I currently duel boot vista and ubuntu, if i decide that one needs more of my HDD can i extend one of the partitions to use free space on my HDD (i can free up)02:22
Stratisjacob: Read the man age first as you can mess things up pretty easily.02:22
kahrytanSeveas: gparted isnt registering any partitions on it02:22
GrandKhavatarideathnall: nothing at all :S02:22
TBotNik_ulufthanza: I know term command is "mount /dev/hda1 /?" and hda2 & 5 but do not know which is /root, /boot, /swap on ubuntu02:22
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Seveaskahrytan, what about fdisk -l (outside the chroot)02:23
bigdog_how can you change the in sound juicer output I have all the plug in for Gstreamer and the profile active in the edit menu02:23
kahrytanSeveas: Nothing no hda02:23
TBotNik_ulufthanza: really only need /root to edit file02:23
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kahrytanSeveas: mbr dead?02:23
lufthanzaTBotNik_u: I wouldn't suggest hand editing the file02:23
slestakwell, i see the setting in synaptic wrt Sources, but i cannot check it02:24
navaburoevilchen: try ubuntu-effects for help with beryl02:24
ingo_hallo! can i use the original sources.list of my 32-bit feitsy for a 64-bit system?02:24
deathnalli need an invite for joost. anyone got one?02:24
TBotNik_ulufthanza: Got to right now or will not boot at all02:24
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Seveaskahrytan, sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda02:24
lufthanzaTBotNik_u: I would suggest booting to HD and pressing ctrl+alt+f2 when your xorg fails to boot02:24
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Seveaskahrytan, sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda02:24
Seveasdoes either of those give output?02:24
kahrytanSeveas: Disk /dev/hda doesn't contain a valid partition table02:24
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vphhey, how do i run an app from the menu panel as root?02:24
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denndavph: gksudo may do what you want02:25
Seveaskahrytan, that very much looks like an hd issue indeed02:25
TBotNik_ulufthanza: That and ctrl+alt+f1 and alt+f* is not working, so got to edit file.02:25
vphdennda: thanks02:25
Seveaskahrytan, try dmesg02:25
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andyvarner_hey i'm having a sorta weird problem here, i'm trying to use bcm43xx-fwcutter and its giving me all sorts of error messages02:25
Seveasmaybe that gives hints02:25
kahrytanSeveas: hda: Maxtor 6L080P0, ATA DISK drive02:25
lufthanzaTBotNik_u: alright, follow my instructions carefully and hope they work02:26
evilchenanother question02:26
TBotNik_ulufthanza: I guess I can experiment with mounts till I get it right. Can always umount if not right.02:26
davidthedrakeandyvarner_: for which card?02:26
evilcheniam using the logitech mx510 mouse02:26
codecainecp $(find -name *.nds) /media/ntfs500/emulator\ roms/NDSROMS/ works partial dont think it copy files names with spaces02:26
chuycodecaine, I sent you how to02:26
StratisDoes anyone know why my hard disk LED is illuminated but there is 0% disk activity?02:26
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evilchenbut still with tutorials i was not able to make it available02:26
kahrytanSeveas: Isit possible to rebuild table w/o data loss?02:26
chuycodecaine easier than doing a long command02:26
codecaineI have to register my name to get priv messages02:26
lufthanzago to terminal and type parted /dev/hda02:26
codecainelet me change names02:26
TBotNik_ulufthanza: Can we go to #flood to get out of traffic?02:26
=== codecaine is now known as c_lisp
andyvarner_davidthedrake: dell 1350, i've used this thing a bunch with ubuntu and have never had a problem but i reinstalled today and boom... nothing02:26
lufthanzaTBotNik_u: ok02:27
bigdog_how can you change the sound juicer output I have all the plug in for Gstreamer and the profile active in the edit menu02:27
chuyc_lisp, places -> search files, search for *.txt and in the directory you put CD Rom directory, and drag the appearing files to nautilus or whatever02:27
c_lispdid you get the private message?02:27
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lufthanzaTBotNik_u: I'm in #Flood02:28
RequinB5If alsa doesn't recognize my audio chip, am i screwed until it is updated?02:28
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bigdog_how can you change the sound juicer outputtoI have all the plug in for Gstreamer and the profile active in the edit menu02:28
vphwhat lightweight ide would you guys recommend me for doing php?02:28
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StratisHere is a "bug report" I did, so far no responses: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/12964502:28
vphbecause gphpedit is not cool when switching fonts :s02:28
c_lispthanks that works want to know a non gui way too but thanks02:28
kahrytanSeveas: Nothing?02:28
vphi dont wanna download something like eclipse...02:28
User362I am looking for some help to install a TrendNet USB Wireless Adapter...anyone have any knowledge?? PLEASE HELP!02:28
=== odla [n=lontra@c-75-72-235-37.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
odlahow would i pair a bluetooth device in gnome?02:29
Seveaskahrytan, sorry, it's 2:30 here and I'm going to get some sleep02:29
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chuyc_lisp, then use find02:30
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bigdog_how can you change the sound juicer output to mp3 I have all the plug in for Gstreamer and the profile active in the edit menu Thanks02:30
c_lispyou see the command I tried but didn't work any suggestions?02:30
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und3rtug4need a little suggestion here! I need to develop some backup app taht runs both on winnie system's and linux! I work on linux and for linux systems, and know i need that my next app runs on windows too, and it needs a graphical pretty shiny graphical interface :\... well, i need sugestion on what language/platform should i use to developpthis one? Java? hummm, if theres another way, i might take it, dont like java very much... any suggestion?02:30
chuyc_lisp, answer the PM, I got your message already02:30
kahrytanSeveas: Should i just cut my losses of data?02:30
c_lispim using xchat02:31
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RequinB5If alsa doesn't recognize my audio chip am i just screwed until the next update?02:31
c_lispI don't know why I can't see your pms02:31
Flokerhow can i remove the right to do anything with a directory from only one specific group? (guest)02:31
Flokeror one specific user that'll work too02:31
RequinB5und3rtug4: off the top of my head java is famous for portability02:31
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h1st0_Floker: chmod02:31
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PeloFloker,  maybe you should read  man chmod, I'm sure it is covered02:32
Flokeri'll try to get it02:32
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chuyc_lisp I did it with some cpp files that I had02:32
chuyc_lisp cp $(find -name "*.cpp") ~/example02:32
chuyc_lisp replace cpp for text and ~/example for your path02:32
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PeloFloker, might be easier to give the guest group access to nothing except a few selected folder02:33
kahrytanAnyone know how to recover data on a hdd w/o partition table?02:33
c_lispI tried that way but I was skipping some files02:33
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c_lispcopied 7 out 100 something files02:33
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FlokerPelo, thanks i think chmod 6770 will do the job02:34
und3rtug4RequinB5: yep, i know... java kinda rocks on portability... Is eclipse a good choice to start messing around with it?02:34
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PeloWindsofTime,  I don't allow /msg please talk to me in the chanel02:34
Flannelkahrytan: do you know how it was partitioned?02:34
|2448|Scripthello everone02:34
kotkotWallpaper in OpenBox ?02:34
WindsofTimeWell I have asked this before and got help but it was confusing for me02:34
MVLinux'Floker, these is tha man page for command 'chmod' http://www.ss64.com/bash/chmod.html02:34
WindsofTimeso I will ask once more02:34
Stratiskahrytan: Have you tried to recover the partition table?02:34
|2448|Scriptis there someone who can privetly talk with me02:34
WindsofTimeHow do I uninstall programs that are installed by WINE02:34
kotkotComment install un wallpaper sur openbox ?02:34
|2448|Scriptbcoz i need some help02:34
chuyc_lisp, did it gave you error?02:35
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jrib Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.c02:35
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FlokerMVLinux, or i could just type man chmod :)02:35
PeloWindsofTime, there is a wine uninstaller I beleive,  but the ppl in #winehq will be better able to help you on this02:35
kahrytanAnyone know how to recover data on a hdd w/o partition table?02:35
c_lispyes for some of the files02:35
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chuyc_lisp worked for me02:35
c_lispcp: cannot stat `-': No such file or directory02:35
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Pelokahrytan, I donT' think that can be done02:35
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|2448|Scriptguyz pleaaase02:35
astro76!fr | kotkot02:35
PeloWindsofTime,   /join #winehq02:35
WindsofTimei know02:35
c_lispI don't even know why it doesn't grab all the full names02:35
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FlokerPedo, i dont quite get it :\ i did chmod 6770 but my main user does not have access to the directory02:35
astro76kotkot, #ubuntu-fr02:36
Pelo|2448|Script, please one ?02:36
Creedanyone here play warcraft3 with openvpn?02:36
PeloFloker,  sudo chmod ...02:36
Flokerguest is locked out as desired02:36
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Pelo|2448|Script, please what I mean02:36
|2448|Scripthow are you?02:36
FlokerPelo, i have a fake-root shell atm02:36
kahrytanAnyone know how to recover data on a hdd w/o partition table?02:36
|2448|Scripti need your help02:37
airmind_Could someone help me compile a Ubuntu-GIT kernel?02:37
|2448|Scriptcan u please heklp me02:37
whiterdoes xubuntu have a disk manager?02:37
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bruenigwhiter, define disk manager02:37
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Pelo|2448|Script,  I am fine, but this is a support channel,  not a social one , if you have a quesiton about ubuntu feel free to ask , if you just want to chitchat  try  joining  #ubuntu-offtopic02:37
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whitera gui i can use to manage my disks02:37
|2448|Scripti am {fe|feL} from yesterday we chated almost at 5:3002:37
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korny<kahrytan> there's some programs for it .. google it.02:37
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Pelo|2448|Script,  you didnT deal with me ,  what is your issue ?02:38
Solpexlooks like ive fixed my problems :P02:38
airmind_whiter, you can use gparted02:38
Solpexi needed gcc and tcl02:38
airmind_install via Synaptic02:38
kitchewhiter: ah a volume manager you most likely have to install another program for xubuntu02:38
FlokerPelo, i think the chmod think is not quite right for my needs, actually, i want to lock the user in his home directory - this way he cannot read config-files either02:38
Solpexim learning :P02:38
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whiterokey dokey02:38
Acidz0ruhmm, why if I left 1280x720 as the only resolution in xorg.conf Gnome and GDM still using 1400x900? any idea?02:38
Flokerdo you know how i do that?02:38
Stratiskahrytan: Use `fdisk' and this link might help: http://www.salingfamily.net/trav/linux/lost_partition.html02:38
{fe|feL}i have downloaded ubuntu yesterday02:38
Pelo{fe|feL},  take the damned non alpha caracters out of your nick please and tell me your problem02:38
bruenigwhat do these disk managers do exactly? like edit fstab for you or what?02:38
{fe|feL}and i had a little problem with burning it02:38
{fe|feL}bcoz my cd burner is brocken02:38
airmind_there is a python program to manage fstab02:39
airmind_but it didnt worked very well02:39
PeloFloker,   try man user see what comes up02:39
{fe|feL}so i took it on my usb and burn it at a friends pc02:39
Stratiskahrytan: Then hopefully you will still have a partition table.02:39
{fe|feL}but now when i insert it02:39
kitchebruenig: think he wants a volume manager which is what windows has and fedora and such also02:39
Flokerthanks pelo,02:39
{fe|feL}and press install02:39
Solpexyeh i rox02:39
Pelo{fe|feL}, stop using the enter key as punctuation02:39
Solpexubuntu is tricky :P02:39
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bruenigkitche, but what does the volume manager do? mount volumes or what?02:40
{fe|feL}it work the demo and no installation process02:40
Pelo{fe|feL},  what video card do you have on your cmputer ?02:40
kitchebruenig: nah it's like gparted pretty much :)02:40
kitchebruenig: but you can mount it also I believe haven't used on in a long time02:40
{fe|feL}FXF 128KB02:40
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{fe|feL}gforce4 520002:40
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{fe|feL}it is 128 VGA02:40
fzalyI've installed emerald via Synaptic, but I don't know how to make it the default window manager, any one help me?02:41
chuyc_lisp, bruenig is the bash guru, probably he can help you out02:41
Pelobruenig, I thought you'd like to know that deluge as a couple of rss plugins02:41
Death_Sargent{fe|feL}: wise choice for linux02:41
c_lispthanks for the help02:41
{fe|feL}thx death02:41
bruenigPelo, I started using it the second it added that02:41
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WindsofTimeXoris: To uninstall something with wine you type "wine uninstall"02:41
{fe|feL}as my friends said it is the one to kick microsoft ass02:41
{fe|feL}{H}E{H}E{H}E 02:41
bruenigalthough the filters are a tad weaker, would be better if it weren't case sensitive02:41
Pelo{fe|feL},  to install with an ati or nvidia card you need to use the alternate install cd , it is text based, you can get it the same place you got the other cd02:41
{fe|feL}u mean i must redownlaod 700MB02:42
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m1rhow to remove *.deb file installed with dependencies it took from net?02:42
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Pelobruenig, I just remember you mentionned waiting for it and noticed it last week,   they actualy have a couple or them now,  might want to give the other one a shot02:42
Death_Sargent{fe|feL}: that's not acurate02:42
Death_Sargent{fe|feL}: I installed from normal02:42
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{fe|feL}what is not accuret02:42
MVLinuxwhay knetworkmanger dosn't save any new changes ? can i do that manual 'command line' ?02:42
{fe|feL}what u mean?02:42
=== Sickmanseth [n=seth@cpe-69-201-199-33.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Death_Sargent{fe|feL}: however you may have an older card than I do02:42
SickmansethHi everyone.02:42
h3lmutPelo: news to me. i installed feisty with a 6800gt with the graphical cd just fine02:43
Death_Sargent{fe|feL}: for older cards yes02:43
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hsaterahow do i execute .sh files/02:43
Peloh3lmut, clearly I am wrong wrong wrong and i will shut up now02:43
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Pelohsatera,   sudo ./filename.sh ,  change permission first02:43
Death_SargentPelo: don't be such a drama quen02:43
airmind_hsatera, use chmod +x filename02:43
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kahrytanStratis: thankd for link02:44
{fe|feL}isn't there an option at the installation that i can press F6 or something for more installation options02:44
Sickmansethcan someone point out how to reformat a hard drive?02:44
Stratiskahrytan: Welcome. : )02:44
jim288sorry for jumping in like this, trying to wath a star trek episode and its a rar archive and i need the password, can i crack it???02:44
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Death_Sargent{fe|feL}: um are you willing to private chat02:44
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michaelbakerhello room...02:44
slavikjim, it is possible but a brute force attack will take a while ...02:44
kahrytanStratis: I do have Windows to use to try too.02:44
{fe|feL}{} Pr{M} 02:44
ribandohi everyone02:44
macogwSickmanseth: mkfs, i think02:44
kahrytanStratis: You got something windows based?02:45
OminousZJim, if you don't have the password, one can only assume the .rar was not meant for you02:45
PenguinsaremyfriAnyone know if vmware can use a .bkf file from windows backup?02:45
korny<jim288> there's some specific softs for that02:45
Stratiskahrytan: I don't know about a completely Windows machine.02:45
Death_SargentPelo: ture02:45
airmind_penguin, probably not02:45
jim288the other episodes where not pass protected02:45
Stratiskahrytan: If that's what you mean.02:45
slavikjim, dunno if there is one for linux, I remember having a windows app, but it would go like 50-60 passwords a second, but very fast :)02:45
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ribandoI use samba to be able to exchange information with vista, but I keep losing connection on the network, for example, when I try to copy something from vista to ubuntu.can anyone help me out?02:45
kahrytanWheres pastebin?02:46
Flokerif i allow anyone guest access by ssh, is this secure? (user locked in his home)02:46
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kahrytanbots down02:46
Floker(and by secure i mean totally secure)02:46
Stormx2Nooooo :(02:46
OminousZFloker... anyone?02:46
Stormx2pastebin.ca then ;-02:46
jim288i wanted a linux prog, hate wine02:46
Peloribando, maybe the ppl in #samba know about this, if noone here does02:46
FlokerOminous, yes02:46
ribandoPelo thanks02:46
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kitcheFllok: no unless you know how to set the system up :)02:46
PeloFloker,  you might want to try the forum on that one02:47
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slavikFloker: if you don't give admin access to that guest and keep their disk quota low, then I would say it is pretty secure02:47
Stormx2jim288: Cracking archive passwords? Uhg, maybe ask in ##linux02:47
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kahrytanAnyone know how to access old pastebin information?02:47
jim288ill try that02:47
jim288tnx anyway02:47
Death_Sargent{fe|feL}: what chat client are you using?02:47
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nawzevening all, i cant drag or re-size my windows in ubuntu. What can i do to correct this?02:47
Death_Sargentok can you try to open a private chat with me02:47
Death_Sargentthe opposite seams to not be working02:48
airmind_I tried compiling the kernel from the GIT Ubuntu tree, but it gave me an error02:48
{fe|feL}i always use XP, but i thought about upgrading my level to ubuntu02:48
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Pelo!ops | reneh7802:48
airmind_What is the exact command to compile it?02:48
macogwnawz: try starting metacity from the command line02:48
Death_Sargent{fe|feL}:privat chat please02:48
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{fe|feL}i am privet chatting you02:48
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=== Pelo thinks ubotu is on a break
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{fe|feL}Death_Sargent, i can see your writing02:49
{fe|feL}very clear02:49
nawzmacogw, Window manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0.0" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager.02:49
aaronBad argument `'  <- my iptables script is telling me that. ideas?02:49
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macogwnawz: what window manager are you using right now?02:49
{fe|feL}i can see u very clear02:49
tofaffyI'm using firestarter as a software firewall...if I have like a range of ports to foward...can I set a rule with like 6666-6812 ex will that do like a range of ports02:49
macogwnawz: are you sure it didnt crash?02:49
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Death_Sargent{fe|feL}: um idea02:49
Peloaaron, ? maybe02:49
nawzi just booted fresh it seems to be working02:50
Death_Sargent{fe|feL}: use privat chat window02:50
{fe|feL}i can see your writing02:50
{fe|feL}i am02:50
KhrajinI've been poking at my xorg.conf but after I brought it back to defaults my mouse doesn't work anymore. Any suggestions?02:50
macogwnawz: and did you uncheck too many things in its configuration? like the part where it lets you resize windows?02:50
{fe|feL}] [01:45]  <{fe|feL}> hey02:50
{fe|feL}[01:45]  <{fe|feL}> are u here?02:50
{fe|feL}[01:45]  <Death_Sargent> hello02:50
{fe|feL}[01:45]  <Death_Sargent> confirm you can hear me02:50
{fe|feL}[01:45]  <{fe|feL}> yes i can see your writing02:50
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{fe|feL}[01:46]  <Death_Sargent> do you read02:50
Death_Sargentthen respond via that02:50
{fe|feL}[01:46]  <{fe|feL}> yes02:50
{fe|feL}[01:46]  <{fe|feL}> so what can i do now02:50
{fe|feL}[01:46]  <{fe|feL}> redownload 700MB isn't that easy02:50
{fe|feL}[01:48]  <{fe|feL}> can u read this02:50
slavikbot brokey :(02:50
{fe|feL}[01:48]  <Death_Sargent> can you read me02:50
{fe|feL}[01:48]  <Death_Sargent> you there02:50
nawzi just cant grab a window and drag or re size it, i could yesterday hehe02:50
{fe|feL}[01:49]  <{fe|feL}> yes02:50
macogw!register | {fe|feL}02:50
{fe|feL}[01:49]  <Death_Sargent> you there02:50
{fe|feL}[01:49]  <{fe|feL}> yes02:50
{fe|feL}[01:49]  <Death_Sargent> do you read me02:50
slavikplease use pastebin {fe|feL}02:50
randomanhey guys im trying to get the intel gma 3100 working with ubuntu. Ive installed the latest drivers, it find the hardware. Btu now it gives me video memory is to low. I add VideoRam 262222 to xorg.conf02:50
{fe|feL}[01:49]  <Death_Sargent> hello02:50
{fe|feL}[01:49]  <{fe|feL}> yes i do02:50
randomanand it still doesnt boot02:50
PeloKhrajin,   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:50
Nicarkdamn {fe|feL} stop floogding02:50
nawzdont think so ill recheck my settings02:50
kahrytanStratis: All hope isnt lost02:50
Flannel{fe|feL}: STOP02:50
macogw!flood | {fe|feL}02:50
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randomanand its saying agpart cant be found in /dev/apggart02:50
randomanany ideas?02:50
{fe|feL}it was just for demonstration02:50
Pelothe bot is broken  triggers don'T work02:50
macogwwhere the heck is ubuntu02:50
kahrytanStratis: I know where start and end blocks are.02:51
KhrajinPelo: Did that, changed the setup a lot, doesn't work02:51
macogw{fe|feL}: no more than 4 lines in-channel02:51
c_lispi figured it out chuy02:51
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macogw{fe|feL}: you shouldve pastebin'd it and sent him the link to it02:51
ribandois there a channel for dual boot support?02:51
Phrozen_Onehow can I recover a lost ntfs partition table?02:51
PeloKhrajin, what kind of mouse ?02:51
{fe|feL}i am new02:51
macogw{fe|feL}: and you cant pm if you're not registered02:51
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KhrajinUSB Logitech mx31002:51
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kahrytanStratis: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33098/plain/02:51
=== Stik [n=Stik@c-67-183-90-98.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
{fe|feL}how do i register .. i can see him writing while he can't see mine02:51
macogw{fe|feL}: the FreeNode tab on your irc client has probably attempted to inform you of that about 10 times by now02:51
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KhrajinOh snap I'm stupid. USB was loose.02:51
PeloKhrajin,  ok so noting fancy, let me get you the lines from my xorg. so you can paste them02:51
macogw{fe|feL}: thats because he's registered and youre not02:51
randomanhey guys im trying to get the intel gma 3100 working with ubuntu. Ive installed the latest drivers, it find the hardware. Btu now it gives me video memory is to low. I add VideoRam 262222 to xorg.conf, anad it still says video memory to low and xorg.0.log is saying /dev/agpgart isnt found02:51
KhrajinSmack me, please.02:51
macogwwhere is ubotu?02:52
randomanany ideas02:52
nawzmacogw, all settings are checked02:52
KhrajinPelo wait02:52
Flannel{fe|feL}: /msg nickserv help register.  And pick a better nick, your pipe isn't even a real pipe.  Impossible to type02:52
=== Mageling [n=kevin@cpe-76-187-149-85.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
KhrajinPelo: It was my fault, usb cable was loose.02:52
=== Pelo wacks Khrajin wth a stalk of celery
kahrytanmacogw: You know how to restore partition table?02:52
Khrajinrofl ty02:52
=== rossco [n=ross@C-61-68-20-240.hay.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
macogwkahrytan: nyet02:52
nawzis there a way i can -hup beryl? just to see02:52
tofaffyI'm using firestarter as a software firewall...if I have like a range of ports to foward...can I set a rule with like 6666-6812 ex will that do like a range of ports02:52
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{fe|feL}REGISTER kikokiko02:52
regeyaok, I have a big ol' filesystem I've used as my one and only filesystem.  I deleted a debian install manually.  is there a way to install ubuntu from the desktop CD to this drive WITHOUT losing family pics and movies? :-/  If I have to get the alternate CD I will scream.02:52
macogwtofaffy: i dont know, but firestarter isnt the firewall, it's a configuration thing for iptables, which is the real firewall02:53
kahrytanmacogw: I got the start and end blocks02:53
Stratiskahrytan: I'll refer you back to the link I provided; I can't remember from memory and I see no use reading it for you. : )02:53
macogw{fe|feL}: dont say it in here, say it to nickserv02:53
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tofaffywell...thats what I meant02:53
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macogwkahrytan: no i dont02:53
PeloKhrajin,  stick around I 'm trying to convince the network admins to x-line you permenently, and they need your ip adress,   for wasting the channel's time02:53
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macogwtofaffy: i'm sure with "man iptables" you could find out how to do it command line, but i dont know about firestarter02:53
Khrajinwhere can I enable 'Use restricted drivers' ?02:53
Khrajinin LDE02:53
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kahrytanStratis: I am reading it02:54
ubotukotkot: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:54
palintheus{fe|feL}, see this FAQ on how to register http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration02:54
PeloKhrajin,  try asking in #kubuntu  they know about kde there02:54
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macogwKhrajin: run "restricted-manager"02:54
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tofaffyKhrajin, is it nvidia drivers?02:54
=== RudyValencia is now known as UnderpantsGnome
Khrajintofaffy: Nope.. Sadly ATI02:54
ribandodoes anyone use vista home premium here for dual boot?02:54
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macogwangelp: you need a / first02:54
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StratisAlright, later yall. : )02:54
macogwangelp: /quit02:54
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:54
macogwangelp: no space before it02:54
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!02:54
Khrajinmacogw: Ended with "Segmentation fault'02:54
=== regeya is sad :-(
=== shk [i=shk@ool-44c2f4bc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotureneh78: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok02:54
macogwubotu: where've you been? out to lunch?02:54
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ubotu{fe|feL}: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:55
=== RudyValencia [n=arthur@about/cooking/pizzasmith/RudyValencia] has joined #ubuntu
palintheustheres ubotu02:55
macogwKhrajin: well that sucks.  oh well02:55
ubotu{fe|feL}: please see above02:55
ribandoKhrajin try to use Envy02:55
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:55
KhrajinSystem rebooting, sec.02:55
=== kahrytan hug ubotu
{fe|feL}i am registered know i guess02:55
PriceChildmacogw, was that lagging?02:55
shkdoes anyone know of any particular services that i may turn off to speed up boot times in feisty?02:55
=== Pelo suggest everone takes a break while ubotu catches up
macogwPriceChild: by about 5 minutes02:55
slavikshk: running any servers you don't really need? (apache, mysql, etc)02:56
shkno servers02:56
shkjust a laptop02:56
slavikshk: not really02:56
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Janet32766can someone help me with an ifconfig question? ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000 gives me SIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument02:56
Peloshk, you might check out the /etc/init.d/ folder and remove what you know you are not using02:56
macogwPriceChild: ubotu responded to !flood at 20:53 but was invoked at 20:4902:56
palintheus{fe|fel} yeah if you type "/msg nickserv info <nick>" it will tell you if you are registered some other stuff02:57
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ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!02:57
PeloJanet32766, did you check out  man ifconfig ?02:57
ribandoKhrajin what is the model of ur ATI card?02:57
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shkPelo: is there any place where i can get descriptions for each of these?02:58
Peloshk,  their names are pretty self explanartory,  you can probably man them to see what they are if yo don't know,   but try to remove only stuff you know about and that you know for sure that you donT' use02:58
Peloshk,  don't so much remove then as move them maybe02:59
ribandoKhrajin can u enable desktop effects?02:59
vphsilly question, anyone knows why with ubuntu, the cpu frequency scaling monitor only show one cpu?02:59
Khrajinribando Lemme try. I can only get a KDM going w/ Vesa02:59
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ribandoKhrajin r u using feisty?02:59
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Khrajinribando yes02:59
shkvph, you can put another in there and have it monitor the other core03:00
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vphshk: it dosent have any options about which cpu to monitor?03:00
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KhrajinribandoI don't know where Desktop Effects are03:00
shkvph, when i right click mine and go to properties i can select CPU0 or CPU1 to monitor03:01
vphi think it needs and update03:01
kahrytanUmm Anyone know how to use fdisk to recovery partition table?03:01
vphshk: im on dapper03:01
shkim not sure why you need that though, it will always display the same03:01
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Janet32766Pelo, yes on man page, syntax seems correct, 1500 works, 9000 doesn't for MTU (Dell integrated gigabit NIC)03:02
ribandoKhrajin I got another laptop with an ATI Radeon Xpress 200M, and, for some reason, I can't enable desktop effects.It's like it wont even recognise my graphics card, but then, I've installed Envy, it automatically installed the drivers for my ATI, but I still enable them, I couldnt even access the restricted drivers manager, because It was saying that my computer doesnt need that.lol03:02
vphshk: ok then :o03:02
slavikooh, how is the opensource driver support for the express 200M?03:03
Khrajinribando: Do 'fglrxinfo' in terminal, what does it say?03:03
ribandoKhrajin to enable desktop effects, u need to click on system, prefferences, and then "Desktop Effects"03:03
=== Bogaurd [n=rootkit@219-90-179-252.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
InjenI just got passed over on a Forensic Analyst position to some redneck that just came out of the military "with a clearance". I have money saying his IT experience is limited to www.break.com and checking his email..03:03
=== Silver [i=Silver@adsl-75-33-42-241.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
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gamerhi, how do o03:03
slavikInjen: welcome to the real world :P03:03
Khrajinribando: I'm using KDE03:04
slavikInjen: I was that redneck. :(03:04
slavikInjen: j/k of course ... :)03:04
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macogwInjen: so....just as qualified as most people that help others get their computers going?03:04
ribandoKhrajin I dont even know what KDE is...lol03:04
macogwribando: its the desktop environment that kubuntu uses03:04
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Khrajinribando: Another desktop management03:04
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macogwribando: very configurable03:04
InjenReal world? The one that will fail again? Unqualified military personel getting the good jobs with a big head about it, because they think they withheld some commitment to god by going to iraq?03:04
macogwribando: ubuntu uses gnome, which is a bit simpler03:04
InjenIt's their job.03:05
=== fannagoganna__ [n=tanim@c-76-104-98-245.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ribandoKhrajin in this pc, I'm using Compiz Fusion, but its a Toshiba with an Intel 945GM graphics, the other one is a packard bell with the ATI.03:05
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eugman error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:05
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=== deathnall [n=deathnal@host81-132-118-69.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
macogweugman: trying to build something from source?03:06
=== mjmkb [n=mjm@cpe-66-61-15-189.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
deathnallok guys i am having trouble modifying in my comp folder03:06
deathnallit says i dont have permission03:06
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=== CodemasterMM [n=codemast@cpe-24-93-246-179.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
macogwdeathnall: what folder is it?03:06
ribandomacogw Khrajin  its for Kubuntu?but, Khrajin ur using it in ubuntu :s...I didnt know that could be done!03:06
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Khrajinribando lol what?03:06
macogwribando: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:06
deathnallmy file system03:06
CodemasterMMhey guys, i am using a Server Live CD - is there anyway i can make it install using the text-only install without having to download the 'alternate' CD?03:07
deathnalli go into mt03:07
=== CodemasterMM is now known as Codemaster
=== nubeuntu [n=fu@24-176-146-177.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
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macogwdeathnall: anything outside home belongs to someone that's not you.  other people's homes belong to them, everything else belongs to root03:07
deathnallmnt sorry and i go to create a new folder but it wont let me03:07
macogwdeathnall: keeps ya from borking the system ;)03:07
macogwdeathnall: to get root access, preface your commands with "sudo"03:07
ribandomacogw I'm I going to be able to use compiz fusion?03:07
nubeuntuis there a simple GUI that I can use to do something similar to windows ICS (internet connection sharing)?03:07
=== P0ldy_ [n=P0ldy@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
deathnallok what i was trying to do was mount an iso03:07
macogwribando: i dont know. im just saying thats how you get kde on ubuntu03:07
eugmanmacogw, no trying to run a binary ,http://www.harveycartel.org/metanet/downloads.html03:08
ribandoKhrajin to use KDE in Ubuntu03:08
deathnallhow the heck do i do it03:08
deathnalli have read that u have to do his03:08
Codemasterbecause it'd be quite annoying having to download a whole 'nother CD instead of being able to provide a simple boot option03:08
=== Acidz0r [n=tmiles@unaffiliated/acid-x/x-000000002] has joined #ubuntu
ribandomacogw i think I'll give it a try...03:08
deathnall To mount an ISO image in Linux, simply create a directory to use for your mount point:03:08
deathnall# mkdir /mnt/iso03:08
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Khrajinribando: It's pretty and nice03:08
macogwdeathnall: # means its a root terminal03:08
macogwdeathnall: $ means it's a user03:08
Acidz0rHi, is there any way to force xorg to use an specific resolution?03:08
ribandomacogw I think my big problem is that Vista changes the BIOS settings, that's why it gets crazy with ubuntu03:08
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deathnallok im lost03:08
=== onechard [n=chard@ip68-98-192-143.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwdeathnall: so you'd do "sudo mkdir /mnt/iso"03:08
KhrajinAcidz0r: Sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg add in the reslutions03:09
nubeuntuAcidz0r: you could only list that resolution in xorg.conf but that may be dangerouse (newb answer)03:09
deathnallok well the iso is on my desktop03:09
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macogwribando: no idea.  vista ate my ubuntu 2x so i decided 4 days testing the release candidate was long enough03:09
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deathnallso do i have to put it somewhere?03:09
macogwdeathnall: you need somewhere to mount it03:09
InjenYou know what, today I realzied/join #politics03:09
=== rgrant [n=rgrant@c-69-181-191-141.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwdeathnall: so you're making the place where it'll be mounted03:09
deathnalli mean the iso is on ym desktop03:09
Codemasterha, well that sort of worked...03:09
deathnallbut i cant move it into mnt03:09
Codemasterhit ESC and it went into TEXT mode03:09
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Codemastergo figure, eh?03:09
rgranthi all, i have a question about dist-upgrade03:10
macogwdeathnall: not what you're supposed to do anyway03:10
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deathnallok so03:10
macogwdeathnall: as root (so using sudo) make the directory where you will mount it03:10
nubeuntuwhat is the linux equivalant of ICS?03:10
macogwdeathnall: then tell it to mount to that place03:10
ribandomacogw if u dual boot, one OS shouldnt have anything to do with the other, but then, I tried dual boot on the same machine, Ubuntu 7.04 with WinXPPro, and it worked fine. but when I try Ubuntu/Vista, I get all sorts of complications, from no sound, to no wifi connectivity and no desktop effects.lol03:10
macogwnubeuntu: the calendar format? it's still .ics03:10
Sevkhave any soft can view intel945 cpu voltage03:10
rgrantwhat does dist-upgrade do differently from changing sources.list to point to new packages?03:10
Acidz0rKhrajin, nubeuntu, I already set the resolution in xorg.conf but xorg's still using the highest one and it's not supported by my display.03:10
nubeuntumacogw :) thanks but I meen Internet Connection Sharing03:10
macogwrgrant: thats about it03:10
Codemasternubeuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137003:11
=== Injen [n=mother@unaffiliated/injen] has joined #Ubuntu
mcbaker1723can someone tell me how to get back my client button?03:11
deathnallok i have hecked the props for mine.iso and it says its here /home/deathnall/Desktop. so what would i write?03:11
macogwmcbaker1723: client button?03:11
KhrajinAcidz0r: You can't force xserve to do a resolution higher than your videocard/display can do03:11
ribandomacogw I didnt really get the part were u said that u decided 4 days testing the release candidate was long enough.lol03:11
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nubeuntuCodemaster:  thanks. This is still current?03:11
rgrantso, if i have an old breezy install on a server and point the sources.list at feisty, then no problem?03:11
macogwdeathnall: i think it'd be "sudo mount /home/deathnall/Desktop/mine.iso /mnt/iso"03:11
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Codemasternubeuntu: presumably.03:11
=== onechard [n=chard@ip68-98-192-143.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nubeuntuCodemaster: I found it but was afraid because of the date (2005)03:11
Acidz0rKhrajin, my native resolution is 1280x720 and xorg is doing 1440x900.03:12
Codemasterim not sure03:12
macogwdeathnall: but there might be some switch that has to be added to mount to make it do an iso, so if that site says - then a letter, do it03:12
PriceChild!iso | macogw03:12
ubotumacogw: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:12
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nubeuntuCodemaster: thanks. I'll try it. best I have found :)03:12
macogwdeathnall: ok so what the bot said03:12
Codemastergood luck03:12
DQuestionswhere does gaim save files by defualt03:12
RudyValenciais there a GUI program to manage fstab?03:12
deathnallmount: mount point /mnt/iso does not exist03:12
Acidz0rKhrajin, I removed all the resolutions in xorg.conf and left 1280x720 and xorg still using 1440x900.03:12
DQuestionshow do i get there from command line03:12
macogwDQuestions: ~/.gaim03:12
macogwDQuestions: anything starting with a . is hidden.  you can tell the file browser to show hidden files if you want to see GUI-way03:13
=== Woober [n=ela@68-190-116-222.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
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macogwdeathnall: did you make the directory?03:13
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KhrajinAcidz0r: If your monitor only supports 1024x768 you cannot go higher than it, no matter the conf settings03:13
=== v3ctor [n=bsimon@cpe-24-166-5-202.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
macogwdeathnall: the "sudo mkdir /mnt/iso" part03:13
deathnallim gona do what u said to do what the bot said like im gona do now lol brb03:13
mcbaker1723HELLO!!!! can someone please tell me how to get back my client button on cahtzilla?03:13
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Acidz0rKhrajin, My monitor is 1280x720 _native resolution_ 16:9.03:14
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macogwAcidz0r: what graphics card?03:14
KhrajinAcidz0r: what ... that03:14
macogwKhrajin: ya got it backwards03:14
Khrajinmacogw: You got it before me :P03:14
deathnallok i typed this03:15
deathnall/home/deathnall/Desktop/mine.iso /mnt/03:15
macogwAcidz0r: if it's intel, install 915resolution03:15
deathnallnothing happened03:15
Acidz0rmacogw, ATi 9200, driver ati, tried using flgrx but's not working.03:15
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macogwdeathnall: "sudo mkdir /mnt/iso && sudo mount -o loop /home/deathnall/Desktop/mine.iso /mnt/iso"03:16
marC-whats the best news leecher client for nzb files for linux?03:16
macogwAcidz0r: fglrx is for new cards. that one's old03:16
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edtechI ran the feisty upgrade last night and bad things happened,03:16
macogwAcidz0r: therefore, you're using the right driver03:16
mikeypizanoi think i brke my thinnkpad usb03:16
macogwedtech: have you used automatix before?03:16
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Acidz0rmacogw, and there's no way to force xorg to use that resolution?03:17
edtechnot on this machine03:17
macogwedtech: good03:17
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mikeypizanoanyone know how to fix this?03:17
deathnalljeez now it says mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/iso': Read-only file system03:17
Acidz0reven using vesa doesn't let me use 1280x720.03:17
macogwedtech: because that could cause issues on upgrades, so i was just checking03:17
edtechI getting half a dozen broken dependencies03:17
sanguisde2is there sothing I can install that will have missing packages auto installed when running ./configure03:17
macogwAcidz0r: some xorg drivers can only do the resolutions specified in the card's firmware03:17
jetscreamerof course vesa doesn't03:18
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macogwAcidz0r: i think that's why i cant get 1024x768 on my ati rage ii03:18
=== mikeypizano waits for help
macogwmikeypizano: broke how?  like wedged a screwdriver in it?03:18
edtechwhen I try to repair them I get pre removal sc03:18
mcbaker1723hi pawan03:18
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mikeypizanolike it wont work when i plug somethin in03:18
macogw!jp | sevk03:18
edtechon python packages03:18
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macogw!cn | sevk03:19
pawanwhats up03:19
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specialbuddywhat's a good program for editing money03:19
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deathnallthnx macogw but im gona give up for now as i cant be arsed. i am struggling with linux03:19
ludditegreetings, what is the name of the ubuntu package that gives one a menu just like in debian... for browsing all apps, irrespective of desktop03:19
deathnallhav had it for like 1 wekk now and i just dont get most of it03:19
macogwSevk: 03:19
=== |Carrera [n=nonadmin@c-71-62-208-209.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ludditein gnome03:19
Sevkhow to view cpu voltage?  | macogw03:20
deathnallcya soon mate and thnx for your troubles03:20
mikeypizanoi guess ill go back to windows03:20
macogwdeathnall: takes some time.  i spent my first month trying to figure out my mp3 player and it turned out i just needed a certain program and was asking the wrong things03:20
edtechSo how can I fix these darn python dependency problems?03:20
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deathnalli know but i have tried looking for tutorials and they kinda chuck u in the deep end03:20
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sanguisde2is there something I can install that will have missing packages auto installed when running ./configure03:20
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macogwSevk: the | was to tell the bot to talk to you, but the bot seems to be asleep03:20
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macogwedtech: sudo apt-get -f03:21
macogwedtech: maybe03:21
deathnallcya macogw03:21
macogwdeathnall: mostly they give commands that you can copy and paste and not actually have to know what it does03:21
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ludditei'm trying to start xnest and i can't find the application although i installed it03:21
Sevkwhat is tho bot03:21
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macogwdeathnall: copy and paste is easier than "find a button with a picture of __ on it"03:21
macogwSevk: there's a robot in the channel03:21
Sevkmy god03:22
Sevkthe bot is my god03:22
|Carrerahey everyone, do you know what might be causing my computer, after long periods of time, the screen doesnt wake up, but the fans and cpu are still running like a champ. What might be going on?03:22
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macogwSevk: i was telling it to tell you that this channel is english-only and that if you're japanese go to #ubuntu-jp and if you're chinese go to #ubuntu-cn because I wasn't sure which language it was since both use lots of kanji03:22
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edtechOk get this error....03:22
macogw|Carrera: bad cpu frequency scaling?03:22
superkirbyartistWhat is xterm?03:22
ribando"macogw> Sevk: there's a robot in the channel" ahahahahahah...ROBOT :D03:22
sparrI have a locale archive file (I think) that my localedef cant or wont read.  Any ideas on getting data out of it?  I would like to remove some locales.03:22
macogwsuperkirbyartist: terminal emulator for use inside X03:23
edtechE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:23
edtechE: Unable to lock the download directory03:23
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superkirbyartistMacogw, is it included in Ubuntu?03:23
macogwedtech: do you have another package manager running?03:23
Sevkany software like cpu-z & everest ? like windows03:23
jetscreameredtech: suco ?03:23
macogwsuperkirbyartist: yes03:23
macogwsuperkirbyartist: i think so03:23
superkirbyartistMacogw, it prevented startx from starting on my 486.03:23
|Carreramacogw: How do I find out if that is the problem?03:24
superkirbyartistMacogw, the file was missing.03:24
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Acidz0rmacogw, do you if adding the Modeline will help with this?03:24
macogwSevk: you can install lm-sensors and it'll activate the sensors, then you can add an applet to your panel that shows the temperature and mhz, i think03:24
ludditegnome main menu anyone??03:24
edtechlots of new errors03:24
ludditebeuller, beuller03:24
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ConstyXIVwhat would setting "noatime" in fstab accomplsih?03:24
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itFinallyWorkscould somebody help with this problem: I am trying to setup dual monitors (using mergedFB) on my toshiba A75 laptop (Radeon 9000 IGP, detected as Radeon 9100 IGP), but I can only ever get 1 monitor at a time to work.  I have followed the instructions on the Ubuntu forums as well as instructions from other places, but I still can't get it to work.03:24
macogwsuperkirbyartist: oh...um...maybe it needs to be installed separate then, but htatd be suprising.  default term emulator in ubuntu is gnome-terminal03:24
Sevkyes ,but i need voltage,and more03:25
Codemastermaybe someone will know03:25
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Codemasterhow can i do a text installation03:25
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Codemasterwithout having to go and download the alternate install CD03:25
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macogw|Carrera: i dont know. if thats the problem, its a bug and there are workarounds like telling it not to use over a certain frequency, for instance, 1.2ghz03:25
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{fe|feL}hey guyz, i am back03:25
macogwCodemaster: by downloading the DVD03:25
superkirbyartistFound it!03:25
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Codemastermacogw: bah03:25
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Codemasterso i'll have to download the alternate CD basically? :P03:26
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macogwCodemaster: or buy the dvd from amazon or get the DVD in the back of The Official Ubuntu Book or some other book03:26
Codemasterokay, thanks :)03:26
Codemastersucks having to download another thing but oh well, live and learn03:27
edtechPreparing to replace python-sip4 4.4.5-2ubuntu1 (using .../python-sip4_4.5-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb) ...03:27
edtechTraceback (most recent call last):03:27
edtech  File "/usr/bin/pycentral", line 1394, in ?03:27
edtech    main()03:27
edtech  File "/usr/bin/pycentral", line 1388, in main03:27
edtech    rv = action.run(global_options)03:27
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edtech  File "/usr/bin/pycentral", line 953, in run03:27
edtech    runtimes = get_installed_runtimes(with_unsupported=True)03:27
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edtech  File "/usr/bin/pycentral", line 198, in get_installed_runtimes03:27
Flanneledtech: please don't paste here.03:27
edtech    default_version = pyversions.default_version(version_only=True)03:27
edtech  File "/usr/share/pycentral-data/pyversions.py", line 129, in default_version03:27
edtech    if not _default_version in (debian_default, os.path.join('/usr/bin', debian_default)):03:27
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edtech  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/posixpath.py", line 60, in join03:27
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edtech    if b.startswith('/'):03:27
edtechAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'03:27
edtechdpkg: warning - old pre-removal script returned error exit status 103:27
edtechdpkg - trying script from the new package instead ...03:27
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m1rhow to uninstall *.deb file ?03:27
superkirbyartistMacogw, there is a problem with SecurityPolicy, one with /dev/mouse and one with xterm03:27
bruenigm1r, you can apt-get remove it, dpkg -r it03:28
macogwsuperkirbyartist: im sorry, i dont know03:28
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superkirbyartistAll right.03:28
superkirbyartistLater, everyone!03:28
m1rbruenig , and what about dependencies it dl over internet ?03:28
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bruenigm1r, autoremove03:28
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m1rmany tnx bruenig, i go check03:29
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RprpDoes someone how i can add subtitles ?03:29
CheeseGardenerHow do you assign a user to a group????03:29
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edtechWhen I ren apt-get -f install I get lots of errors about pre removal scripts03:29
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macogwCheeseGardener: system > admin > users and groups03:29
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macogwtyping "users" without leaving out the e is hard03:30
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=== Pelo fixed his own grub all my himself, like a big boy
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Codemastermacogw: just to double check, http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso would be a text-based installer and would only install the minimal amount of packages?03:30
bruenigCheeseGardener, useradd -G groupname03:30
CheeseGardenerok, so can the owner be different from the group????03:31
rpedroRprp: I think devede supports subtitles03:31
{fe|feL}this is my problem: after i downloaded the cd i check it with winmd5sum and it said every thing is ok, so i burned the iso files on a CD with Infra Recorder just as i was adviced on the site03:31
Rprprpedro: thnx, im gonna take a look ;>03:31
macogwCodemaster: it wouldnt install minimal03:31
CheeseGardenerIf I create a drive, can the owner and group be two different things?03:31
macogwCodemaster: it installs the same thing03:31
bruenigCheeseGardener, yes03:31
{fe|feL}now when i enter the cd and run the bios to load from cd03:31
macogwCodemaster: but you can use LVM with it03:31
PeloCheeseGardener,  sudo chown /path  user I think03:31
{fe|feL}it does, but then what to do03:31
m1rbruenig , could not find package , with apt-get remove03:31
CheeseGardenerhow do I change the "group" that owns a drive?03:31
rpedroRprp: i did a videocd a whle back, i think it was that program that used,.. was fine03:31
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CheeseGardenersudo chgrp /path group ?03:32
Codemastermacogw: so the alt install still installs GNOME and all that, even if i want a, let's say, headless machine?03:32
macogwCodemaster: if you, from the text-installer, install a text-only system, it wont have GNOME03:32
bruenigm1r, paste the command you used03:32
macogwCodemaster: you can do a server install from the text-installer03:32
Codemasterthat's basically what i want :)03:32
bruenig!prefix | CheeseGardener03:32
Codemasterawesome, ok03:32
macogwCodemaster: oh ok03:32
Codemasteranything special i have to do with it03:32
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m1rbruenig ; apt-get remove vodafone-mobile-connect-card-driver-for-linux_0.9.7.3_feisty_all.deb03:32
Codemasteror will it deal with that option for me03:32
palintheusbruenig, ubotu not working for now, ubuntu-ops said something about resetting it03:32
macogwCodemaster: pick that option when it asks. i think it's "server install" or "install text-only system" at the beginning03:32
bruenigm1r, use same command, but take out everything after the first _03:33
Codemasterah okay03:33
Codemastermacogw: thanks so mcuh03:33
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bruenigm1r, including the first _03:33
{fe|feL}can anyon help me in that situation03:33
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m1rbruenig, will do, sec03:33
palintheus{fe|feL}, what cd and what are you trying to do with it?03:33
Svishhow do you switch between the windows'ish stuff and terminals?03:33
{fe|feL}the ubuntu CD03:33
Svishi read something about ctrl+alt+F*03:33
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exyanwhere's the main bashrc file?03:34
Svishbut how do you get back to regular ubuntu?03:34
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{fe|feL}when i boot it, i don't know what is the next step to install it03:34
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m1rbruenig, it removing, tnx m803:34
bruenigSvish, the virtual consoles, are ctrl alt f1-6, X is ctrl alt f703:34
v3ctor /etc/environment03:34
macogwSvish: that'd be GUI (graphic user interface) and VT (virtual terminal)03:34
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v3ctorexyan: ^^03:34
Svishbruenig: thanks :)03:34
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bruenigv3ctor, what does that file do03:34
macogwexyan: /etc03:34
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exyankk ;)) dumb question03:34
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palintheus{fe|feL}, when it prompts press a key to boot the cd, then select boot from cd or or similar, I can't remember the exact wording03:35
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macogwv3ctor: i thought it was /etc/bash.bashrc03:35
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KhrajinI enable Restricted Drivers thru the gui and after I reboot I get the fabled blank screen of ati03:35
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exyanmacogw it is :)03:35
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{fe|feL}yes i do boot from the cd and a graphical GUI appears to me wih many other choices03:36
bruenigdoes anyone know what /etc/environment does, I could never figure it out03:36
v3ctormacogw: depends on what you are doing i guess03:36
{fe|feL}but what am i to do with them03:36
{fe|feL}nothin of them instals the OS03:36
v3ctorbruenig: global variable setting03:36
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michael__can someone help me with my internet coennection03:36
exyanbtw where are the desktop-effects config files?03:36
=== Valion [i=xrdwhgn@200-96-62-203.mganm703.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Valion Seveas, [11Touche] , [D-Coy] A1am, [IFMO] Mr_D, [PUPPETS] Gonzo, ] RandoM[, _bugz_, _ChaKy_, _Er1K_, _Lucretia_, _max, _pb_, _Smash_temp, _Therock_, _TomB, `mac`, aaragon, aaroncampbell, abedo, abrrad, Absenth, Acidz0r, acke, Adlai_, AfterDeath, Agrajag, aitch, aixing03:36
Khrajinmichael__: I assure you it is working.03:36
bruenigv3ctor, how though? look at it, it can't be sourced03:36
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=== Valion [i=xrdwhgn@200-96-62-203.mganm703.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
pawanwhats the best linux distro03:37
macogw{fe|feL}: "start or install ubuntu" would be the one for installation.  safe graphics mode if you have trouble with graphics after trying that03:37
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Codemasterpawan: the one you are most comfortable with03:37
bruenig!best | pawan03:37
macogwpawan: that's personal preference03:37
eboyjrpawan: I like Ubuntu03:37
macogwbruenig: the bot's out to lunch03:37
v3ctorbruenig: i just sourced mine03:37
palintheus{fe|feL}, when you get to the desktop click on the install icon03:37
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Lopesha ha thanks, but this is from my modem, i need to connect with my router via ethernet, and oit wont work03:37
exyanpawan: I used to be gentoo, now I'm on ubuntu ;)03:37
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{fe|feL}ok i tried the start or install ubuntu03:37
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vphpawan: also depends on what kinda stuff you do03:37
vphlinux can be desktop or server03:37
{fe|feL}and it just starts no installation process is loading03:37
bruenigv3ctor, what variables are set?03:37
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vphpawan: windows :)03:38
macogwive used ubuntu my whole time, but ive played with fedora and sabayon, and now i have 1 box running Debian (aside from my ubuntu/debian dual boot laptop)03:38
v3ctorI have PATH and LANG in mine03:38
{fe|feL}no installation icon is there03:38
pawanthen ubuntu for what03:38
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macogw{fe|feL}: it goes to the desktop and there should be "install" on the desktop03:38
palintheus{fe|feL}, do you get a deskop?03:38
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TimK65Hello everyone. Is anybody using the soundKonverter application (yeah, I know, it's KDE)? It's giving me trouble.03:38
eboyjrvph: windows! ahh!03:38
ribandohi everyone03:38
{fe|feL}just an empty desktop and nothing else works b the way03:38
LopesWould anyone help me connect this computer to my router via ethernet03:38
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bruenigv3ctor, but is that there by default or did you just add that yourself, because when I looked at the default one it had a path in it, but it didn't have PATH= the path, it just had a path sitting there03:38
palintheus{fe|feL}, you may need to use the alternate cd03:38
{fe|feL}yes i do get an orange desktop03:38
Daemonhi, im following this guide: http://www.movingtofreedom.org/2007/02/16/howto-remote-desktop-with-vnc-in-ubuntu-edgy-gnu-linux and it says to trying logging in to test it with the command "vncviewer localhost 1", when i do that im supposed to be presented with the login screen after login but i just get a black and white dotted page with a X as my mouse, have I done something wrong?03:38
{fe|feL}but no icons and nothing work there03:39
macogw{fe|feL}: did you try safe graphics mode?03:39
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{fe|feL}no i did not03:39
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Pelo{fe|feL},  look under  menu > system > admin > install , I think you can start the install from there03:39
macogw{fe|feL}: and check that your cd isnt bad03:39
{fe|feL}does it used for installation03:39
vphpawan: ubuntu is for me the best desktop option if you know your way behind the desktop03:39
v3ctorbruenig: mine has PATH=<path> on default install03:39
ribandoI got a question, between Kiba-Dock and Avant Window Navigator, which one is the best to use, and, since they are still in development, has any of you had any problems while using them? thanks03:39
{fe|feL}how to chech itm althought i have made check using md5 something03:39
macogwribando: i think AWN is the more stable of the two, but i havent tried it.  kiba crashes every time a setting is changed03:39
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bruenigv3ctor, is it sourced in /etc/profile? I haven't used ubuntu in a while, I remember a long thread on this on the forums about how pointless the file seemed03:40
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macogw{fe|feL}: there's a "check cd integrity" option on the boot splash03:40
vphpawan: but from a musician to a musician, linux is not the best option for music03:40
{fe|feL}and if it says error03:40
{fe|feL}or something like that03:40
pawani just want to listen to songs03:40
v3ctorbruenig: i always use /etc/profile03:40
chowmeinedWhats a good online music store that I can download albums from, which has ogg format?03:40
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ribandomacogw I have used both of them, and they're both not very good to use right now.lol03:40
macogwpawan: ooo just listening not editing?03:40
palintheus{fefel} when it first boots from the cd and you have several choices choose check cd for defects or similar,03:40
vphpawan: on your ipod?03:40
macogwpawan: then whatever one you like03:40
=== bullgard4 [n=detlef@p54BF30A7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
vphi thought he wanted to make music on linux03:40
bruenigv3ctor, but does /etc/profile source /etc/environment in it03:40
exyanwhere should I put xset stuff?03:40
pawanon my computer system03:41
v3ctorbruenig: i rarely ever do global setting anymore03:41
{fe|feL}ok, is there a particuler program that  burns the iso on a cd better than the one recomended by the site03:41
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vphpawan: then any distro would give you the same result as most distro as far as i know use the ASLA drivers03:41
macogwpawan: i like ubuntu and debian because i like apt more than portage or yum or yast03:41
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v3ctorbruenig: no, /etc/profile does not source it03:41
lchhi, i run gutsy and automount of USB memory stick stopped working, reinstalling of udev and hal did not work. seen bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mount/+bug/130490 but that does not have real detail about the solution. does someone know what to do here?03:41
macogwpawan: but as far as usage, theyre generally pretty even on desktop distros03:41
bruenigI have never seen /etc/environment in any other distro before, I just assumed it was some debian carry over that nobody thought to get rid of03:41
palintheus{fe|feL}, no just burn the cd with nothing else open and on the slowest speed avail03:42
pawanwhat about linux mint and linspire03:42
exyanso where do I put my xset stuff :)?03:42
LopesWould anyone help me connect this computer to my router via ethernet?03:42
vphpawan: ubuntu is the most user friendly i would say from my experience03:42
ubotusevk:  #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 03:42
ubotusevk: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk03:42
{fe|feL}hx alot for the adviceses guyz03:42
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brueniglinux mint would be just as user friendly as ubuntu03:42
bruenigso would mepis03:42
palintheus{fe|feL}, np03:42
ribandomacogw I've just finished my testing on the AWN, and removed it 5 minutes ago..lol...when I was still using it, the firefox web browser would just close over nothing, just suddenly.lol, and more...when I was watching a video, streaming on the web, after a little while, the video would start playing in slow motion with distorted sound, and then, would play fine, and then distorted again...03:42
{fe|feL}and cya later if i succed in installing or didn'y03:42
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok03:42
palintheuslooks like ubotu trying to play catch up03:42
ubotuCheeseGardener: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages03:42
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bruenigubotu explosion03:42
Toma-nice lag03:43
fujinhi, is there anyway I can see what a init script is doing (besides strace?)03:43
macogwribando: so basically, avoid them both03:43
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fujinI just really want to step through what is happening03:43
ubotupawan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.03:43
macogwwtf ubotu's lag is now something like 20 minutes03:43
ribandomacogw it was just way too much trouble...just to get the system03:43
macogwit was 7 before03:43
ribandomacogw it was just way too much trouble...just to get the system03:43
bruenigfujin, look at the script03:43
ribandosorry for the repetition03:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about explosion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:43
macogwsomeone go reboot ubotu03:43
fujinyeah, but when I run what the script is doing it works03:43
fujinbut the script doesn't work03:43
boyam!gutsy > lch03:43
werswhy is that inactive kde apps request attention whenever I switch to their desktops?03:43
ribandomacogw it was just way too much trouble...just to get the desktop kinda like looking like mac OS.lol03:43
macogwboyam: he wont get the message for 5 more minutes ;)03:43
exyanso noone know where I could find desktop-effects configs and place my xset stuff?03:43
macogwribando: ewwww macosx03:44
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bruenigfujin, put an echo in it ever so often to say what part it is on and run it to figure out where the issue is03:44
macogwexyan: there in ~/.compiz i think03:44
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Peloexyan, trry asking in #ubuntu-effects03:44
fujinhrm guess so03:44
palintheusboyam - ubotu is trying to catch up from about 15 min ago...03:44
boyammacogw: otcha thanks03:44
ribandomacogw ahahahahahha..honestly, I dont understand why people like that.lol03:44
vphribando: if you want candy eye, but would trade stability and you know what to behind the desktop... well you should look at something like compiz03:44
lchthanks boyam, will ask there03:44
boyampalintheus: thx03:44
exyanand for the xset stuff :)?03:44
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exyanoh and some startup file where I could put in skype and so on?03:45
Sevk in XChat gnomehow to IGNORE  others quit and joinin message?03:45
boyamlch goto #ubuntu+103:45
macogwboyam: it shouldnt take 5 minutes.  the bot's being stupid though03:45
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vphthe only neat thing about compiz is the windows grouping and the added functionality to controlling the windows not actually the candy eye03:45
bruenigSevk, they may have taken that out of xchat-gnome03:45
PeloSeveas, not sure move to tab mode and right click on the channel tab03:45
macogwexyan: system > pref > sessions03:45
bruenigSevk, probably should get xchat03:45
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ribandovph ...nah...I dont like to just look, I've been using compiz fusion for quite some time now :o :D...I think is just perfect, not just eyecandy, for example, the Expo its very good, the scale is also another good one, and the zoom function :o03:46
Traveler_is the any way i can run windows messenger live on ubuntu?03:46
palintheussevk, right click the channel tab and uncheck show join/part messages03:46
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sparrLots of packages are installing locale data that I do not want.  Is there a 'right' way to get rid of it?  Or to prevent future packages from installing more?  Can I dpkg-divert /usr/share/locale/ to /dev/null?03:46
boyammacogw lol  pour a lil water on ubotu...cool it down03:46
macogwTraveler_: no, but you can talk to its users and use video with them using kopete or amsn, and if you dont need video, then the included gaim will work just fine03:47
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bruenigsparr, disk space problem?03:47
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sparrbruenig: yes03:47
vphribando: yea the extra functionality and the plugins feature is nice03:47
andyvarneranybody know a different place to download wl_apsta.o from besides that boredklinks.googlepages thing03:47
andyvarnerbecause that definately doesn't work anymore03:47
orudiei have just installed ubuntu 7.04 on the same drive as my win XP os but onto a different partition (there are 2 partitions on this hard drive) and the installation of ubuntu did not prompt me for boot menu options, after installation of ubuntu 7.04 was complete, i rebooted the computer and it went straght into win xp03:47
vphribando: that is what caught my attention, not all the candy eye03:47
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macogwsparr: did you install extra locales?03:47
ubuntu_hi, my name is HELIO, i from brasil.........03:47
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bruenig!br | ubuntu_03:48
ubotuubuntu_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:48
ribandovph one other thing that I also love about compiz fusion is the "Shift+Super+S" function, that allows u to have one window wide open and 2 more partly opened, in case ur doing lots of stuff and then u can keep an eye in 3 different things.03:48
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sparrmacogw: not intentionally.  some packages come with a lot of extra ones though.03:48
blazemongerubuntu feisty03:48
macogworudie: super grub disk, and install grub on it03:48
bruenig!ot | ribando vph03:48
uboturibando vph: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:48
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Peloubuntu_,  try  /join #ubuntu-br03:48
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ioioioioiiiiohi, my dad was messing with my computer and then turned it off without shutting down, and now the graphics are reacting very slowly, how should i diagnose whats wrong?03:49
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ribandovph I have to admit...everyone wants his/her computer to look nice...that's why they got the preview and the window switcher in vista now...lots of ppl that love MS say that ubuntu is only good looks, and nothing more, and then...MS are adding eye candy to their OS now...wonder why :s!lol03:49
Peloioioioioiiiio, did you try to reboot it normaly afterwards ?03:49
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blazemonger;5how do i configure clamav?03:49
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bruenig!ot | ribando vph03:50
bullgard4English help wanted: When dragging a URL name from a webbrowser and dropping it in Nautilus, a new entry will be created in Nautilus. What is the text of this entry in English? Is it 'link to <foo>?03:50
uboturibando vph: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:50
ribandobruenig ahahahaha...oki doki...got the message...03:50
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bruenigbullgard4, just open it in a text editor and see03:50
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edtechmea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa03:50
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Traveler_macogw: thanks for that info03:51
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ioioioioiiiioPelo, yes03:51
ioioioioiiiioalso the keboard reacts slowly03:51
=== Pelo points edtech to the stalks, help yourself
orudiemacogw, thanx will it prompt me which OS to boot if i use this super grub iso?03:51
macogwedtech: english!03:51
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bullgard4bruenig: I cannot open it in a text editor and see because I do not have an English version of Ubuntu but rather a foreign Ubuntu v7.04 version.03:51
{fe|feL}bacj guyz03:51
edtechRunning apt-get -f install gets lots of errors I do not understand03:51
macogworudie: itll let you pick which one to boot from it, i think, but itll also let you install grub so you always have the option there03:51
Peloioioioioiiiio,  try running  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but I don'T know if that will do anything03:51
=== inventorgp [n=inventor@CPE-124-177-105-80.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigbullgard4, foreign versions don't have text editors?03:52
ioioioioiiiioah ok, thanks hopefully i dont have to totally reinstall :(03:52
orudiemacogw, i am downloading the iso, should i burn it and the first thing i do is boot with that iso?03:52
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{fe|feL}i have made that integration check and it said error in 1 file, so should i re burn it again03:52
macogworudie: yes03:52
edtechsince I ought not paste them here, what can I do?03:52
palintheus{fe|feL}, yes03:52
bullgard4bruenig: Foreign versions do have other than English names. I want to know the English name.03:52
bruenigbullgard4, you are confusing03:53
{fe|feL}ok, i am doing it know using 8 or 6 x speed03:53
orudiemacogw, ok, i hope it is easy to use, i am not familiar with linux or command line at all03:53
macogworudie: if you cant find the installer on the disk (if i recall correctly, that disk is a bit confusing on menus), once you get to ubuntu, install grub03:53
{fe|feL}what if there is another error03:53
{fe|feL}what speed do u recomed03:53
palintheusbullgard4, can you paste the contents into translate.google.com03:53
{fe|feL}i have till 1X03:53
palintheus{fe|feL}, slower the better, if there is an error at that speed, you may want to try a different computer03:53
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marc__is there a way to extract .rar files in ubuntu?03:54
bruenig!unrar | marc__03:54
ubotumarc__: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:54
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PelomarC--,  sudo apt-get install unrar03:54
orudiemacogw, so i should use this disk to boot into ubuntu, and then install grub in ubuntu?03:54
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edtechIs there a way to fix dependencies manually?03:54
bruenigedtech, install them all03:54
macogworudie: if you cant find the install thing on the disk, yeah, that should work03:54
Glavehow can I find out which drive is attached to ATA9 ?03:54
{fe|feL}i have no other computers except this one, plus who by the hell will let me setup an OS on his/her pc03:54
edtechall what?03:54
inventorgpGlave: go to synaptic package manager.. and search for .rar03:54
bruenigedtech, all the dependencies03:54
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orudiemacogw thanx i'll try that right now03:55
orudiedavai bro03:55
{fe|feL}anyway i'll try this one then i'll burn it using 1x if all didn't work03:55
edtechone at a time, I gather.03:55
{fe|feL}i'll bye the CD03:55
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Glaveinventorgp: ummm and that will do nothing to help03:55
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bruenigedtech, however you want to do it03:55
palintheus{fe|feL}, not install it on another pc, burn the disk on another pc03:55
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Pelo!install |{fe|fel} you can install in other ways03:55
ubotu{fe|fel} you can install in other ways: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate03:55
=== CineScope [n=the_road@mo-67-77-182-254.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwedtech: you can list them at the end of "sudo apt-get install ...."03:55
tengulrehow to config a 3D desktop?03:55
exyanso no ideas where to add my xset options :/?03:55
macogwtengulre: #ubuntu-effects03:56
cafuegoGo to ikea, purchase flatpack desk, use allen key to turn into 3d desktop.03:56
{fe|feL}thx ubotu for da sites03:56
=== trend [n=trend@97-81-110-210.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
trendwhats up pimps03:56
inventorgpTengulre: google Beryl03:56
{fe|feL}i'll check them out03:56
bruenig!gtfo | trend03:56
ubotutrend: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:56
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pawankenel panic not syncing03:58
inventorgpBeryl is one of the 3D desktops03:58
edtechdarn nothing is working03:58
{fe|feL}does ubuntu works on ps303:58
inventorgpCompiz is the other03:58
=== viepro is now known as dvshadow
edtechI cant even autoremove03:58
=== lockd [n=Michael@adsl-0-39-79.shv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
inventorgpfelfel: it does run on PS3 tho I haven't tried it myself03:58
{fe|feL}amazin it is!03:59
{fe|feL}new cd is out03:59
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pawanvfs unable to mount root file system on unkown block03:59
{fe|feL}gonna check it then comesback03:59
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inventorgpfelfel: on;y because of $$$ and it looks like a cheese sandwhich maker :P03:59
sacamanowhats a good (easy) DVD ripping program (preferably GUI) for Ubuntu?03:59
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eno__Hello, all.04:00
inventorgpsacamano: thoggen is a good ripper, but it rips into .ogg04:00
palintheus!hello | eno__04:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:00
lockddoes anyone know why Xorg or most X servers hate latency?04:00
Glaveanyone know how I can determine the hd serial (or which hd) is attached to ATA9 ?04:00
lockdand is there a way to fix this problem both remotely and locally?04:00
pawanhow to repair kernel04:00
palintheus!hi | eno__04:00
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ubotueno__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:00
cparkerI'm trying to set up WPA on Ubuntu Feisty... the Wiki howto doesn't seem to help. Does anyone here have WPA working with madwifi?04:01
dvshadowi'm about to switch to ubuntu, and i know its a ballpark question, but does anyone know if wlan-ng will compile with the linksys wpc11 v204:01
eno__Would anyone know a good channel /website to get myself up and running coding in C with Ubuntu?  I have not done this since Uni, but I am taking another course in the fall and want practise.04:01
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inventorgpXorg.. ugh...04:01
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lockdinventorgp: is there an alternative?04:01
UnluckyMikeis there a way to add a launcher to the menu by the command line instead of using "edit Menus"04:02
Peloeno__,  ##c04:02
SevkHave any software like QQ's group talk,include picture send function04:02
lockdinventorgp: thought xfree86 was deprecated04:02
eno__thanks pelo04:02
bullgard4palintheus: I have done as you advised me. I have obtained a translation into English. But I am not sure that Google translated correctly. In the past I experienced personally that Google translations often were wrong. -- Do you personally have Nautilus operational on your Ubuntu in this moment?04:02
inventorgplockd: was this about Xorg??04:02
lockdinventorgp: yes04:03
=== austinhawk [n=Chris@adsl-75-54-94-101.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
inventorgplockd: Xorg is the way..:)04:03
palintheusbullgard, yeah04:03
inventorgplockd: Xorg is a bit fiddly tho04:03
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lockdinventorgp: well, now I at least know I need better remote support04:04
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rpedrobullgard4: here's another good translation site (for small stuff) http://www.freetranslation.com04:04
lockdinventorgp: I heard of freenx and vnc, and they are the only 2 things which have an ack-forging proxy04:04
inventorgpheh heh... sorry lockd..04:04
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dvshadowi think i might give ubuntu a try04:05
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inventorgplockd: what are you going to use the vnc for?04:05
lockdinventorgp: though freenx is closed source, except for a few and far between client which can't seem to connect (and does not try)04:06
Rprphmm, how can i convert .srt subtitles to .ifo?04:06
dvshadowive never done a full install of ubuntu and it seems incredibly easy04:06
lockdinventorgp: connecting through high-latency network04:06
Pelodvs01,  don't it's a trap to keep you from buying Vista04:06
bullgard4rpedro: I would rather have an American or English Ubuntu user to have a short look onto Nautilus than to rely on another translation site.04:06
inventorgplockd: ok04:06
=== meister__ [n=meister@24-206.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eugmanHow do I make it so I can have a ssession option be running just one GUI program?04:06
meister__j irc.12chan.org04:07
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{fe|feL}back n didn't succed in doing it04:07
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lufthanzaTBotNik: Does your X work now?04:07
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palintheus{fe|feL}, did it error on the cd check again?04:07
inventorgplockd: I haven't do much, well anything with vnc, because I need more pc's!!04:07
=== Falstius [n=jeff@c-71-227-120-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerclamav wont install properly04:07
blazemongeri dont udnerstand the chroot stuff04:08
macogw{fe|feL}: maybe your cd drive sucks04:08
inventorgpblazemonger: I had the same problem... with clamav...04:08
palintheus{fe|feL}, hmmm, have you ran a memory check on your system. and like macogw says, it may be your drive04:08
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TBotNiklufthanza: Trying to get help on #xorg, did lots of research.  Switched to Diamond Stealth 64 VIC, but seeing what memory I have.04:08
Pelo{fe|feL}, I'm on my 3rd LG dvd-rw,   they only last about 1 year04:08
{fe|feL}memory check, it might take over an hour04:09
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macogwinventorgp: doesnt it only install the command line one first, and you have to install the gui separate?04:09
blazemongerinventorgp:how do i fix it04:09
lockdHas anyone at all used DXCP, differential x compression protocol?04:09
blazemongeri think that's the fix04:09
blazemongeri dont understand the chroot stuff04:09
{fe|feL}i like cd more than dvd04:09
lockdit's deprecated but still seems that it exists04:09
inventorgpfelfel: judt do a mem check it might be heplful... maybe04:09
Pelohow long is a memtest suppose to take ?  ball parc, for 1 gig of RAM04:09
macogwlockd: nope, i think X-forwarding is more common04:09
palintheus{fe|feL}, if your memory is bad though, it may be worth the hour, and if you take a break you might have an epiphany04:09
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{fe|feL}i have 512MB RAM04:10
inventorgpmacogw: dunno, I installed it via terminal.. but never got it running....04:10
lockdmacogw: eh?04:10
{fe|feL}doesn't it requires only 12804:10
inventorgpblazemonger: I'm not quite sure how to fix it04:10
lockdmacogw: how does that solve the problem of requiring too many acks04:10
exyanhow do I change the gnome menu icon :/?04:10
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TBotNiklufthanza: Course not getting any response there.  Hey inventorgp & {fe|feL} what mem test?  How do I test mem on VIC?04:11
{fe|feL}no idea04:11
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lockdmacogw: it would be cool if you could run a version of X that does not even send ack packets for useless stuff04:11
macogwlockd: idk you just asked if anyone knows about that other way, and i said i think X forwarding is usually used instead04:11
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{fe|feL}i am still brand new in this04:11
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lockdmacogw: yeah, because of "easiness"04:11
lockdmacogw: and people with too good of net connection04:12
palintheus{fe|feL}, but if you have bad memory it could cause all kinds of problems, and with 512 it shouldnt take that long, i think04:12
Pelo{fe|feL},  no kidding ? we hadn'T noticed04:12
latterain order to boot the install cd, I need to load the piix driver at boot-time (in the grub menu) because ubuntu doesn't do it for me04:12
latterahow do I do that?04:12
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inventorgpI cant remember where the mem test is... I've been using COUGH COUGH windows coughity cough04:12
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{fe|feL}ok, i'll do that mem check04:12
macogwlattera: there's a boot options thing on the cd's splash screen04:12
{fe|feL}{} {}  later palintheus, n don't leave04:12
TBotNiklufthanza {fe|feL} inventorgp: Hey new to ubuntu also.  This "sudo" thing throws me.  Used to just issuing cmds04:13
latterayeah, but what do I type for ubuntu to load the driver?04:13
macogw!sudo | TBotNik04:13
ubotuTBotNik: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:13
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bruenig!sudo | TBotNik04:13
palintheus{fe|feL}, ill try04:13
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macogwbruenig: beat04:13
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ectospasmPelo: memtest always loops, I usually run it overnight to be sure it goes through all it's tests... It usually gets into the 3rd pass by morning04:13
Acidz0rmacogw, It did work with the modeline, thanks for the help.04:13
ectospasmand that's with 2GB RAM04:13
inventorgpTBotNik: no I've been uing ubuntu for like 1 and a half years04:13
argotvisualThis afternoon AVG located the Win32/PolyCrypt virus in my Ubuntu filesystem but Clamav not confirmed it.Could be a false positive or a rare Linux virus infection?04:14
brueniginventorgp, haven't moved on yet?04:14
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macogwlattera: oh...um...idk. it might not be a boot option or it might be.  if its able to boot without it, you can add it to init04:14
macogwargotvisual: it wouldnt be a linux infection04:14
cparkerDoes anyone know why WPA wouldn't show up in Network Manager?04:14
TBotNikmacogw: Yeah and sudo -s puts you at root so why sudo from there?04:14
macogwargotvisual: it would be "it exists on your linux file system and doesn't do anything"04:14
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inventorgpTBotNik: you pretty much type sudo infront of *nearly* everything like sudo apt-get install package_name04:14
latterayeah, I try to add it, but then when I run the init script, it complains that stuff is already running04:14
macogwTBotNik: actually it makes the shell be all sudo.  sudo -i gives you a root environment04:14
latterathat /proc is already mounted/etc04:14
inventorgpbruenig: what do you mean??04:15
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macogwTBotNik: if you've already sudo -i'd or -s'd or sudo su or sudo su - 'd you dont need to sudo the commands after it04:15
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto04:15
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TBotNikAll: Hey! I understand, not really knocking it, just used to something diff04:15
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inventorgpmacogw: whoops... forgot that its sudo -i that makes you root.. lol04:15
jkthecjerhey folks04:15
macogwTBotNik: are you used to a different unix?04:16
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argotvisualmacogw: thanks04:16
sparrI --force'd a package to install despite broken dependencies.  How can I tell apt to ignore those broken dependencies as I do other things?04:16
inventorgpbruenig: what do you mean??04:16
brueniginventorgp, while good for new people, long term use for someone who knows what they are doing which I assume you do now from your 1.5 years gets tiresome04:16
Solpex!apt-get > Solpex04:16
TBotNikRed Hat, Sun and Gentoo, little knoppix AIX and HPux04:16
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jkthecjerso hows this for weird: i am using the internet through my wireless router right now, but i am unable to ping the gateway ( is get back Destination Host Unreachable, WTF!04:16
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P0ldy_bruenig: debatable.04:16
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TBotNikMost, not all, just log to root to admin.04:17
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bruenigP0ldy_, in terms of maintenance, the upgrades and such04:17
inventorgpbruenig: lol.. I get forget stuff everynow and then.. especially if I dont keep practicing what I know..04:17
newbie07did anyone set up a dual boot with vista and feisty?04:17
Glavehow can you determine what ATA9 would map to? My kern.log is spitting out errors, but I can't digure out where to determine which drive it actually is04:17
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TBotNikAll: anyway still trying to get X.win to work.04:17
dowdleQuick question... what is the command on Ubuntu latest release... to reconfigure X?  Is there a tool to run from the console?04:17
macogwbruenig: ive used it for a year and tried other distros, but i like apt more than other package managers, so i stick with ubuntu.  for a minimal install on an old box, i used debian though04:17
Falstiusnewbie07: yes ... It isn't really any different than other dual boot setups.04:17
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bruenigmacogw, the discrete releases are just too much04:18
nickrudTBotNik, have you tried the old tried & true dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ?04:18
macogwdowdle: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:18
TBotNikAll: Still did not get response from #xorg, they are asleep, I guess04:18
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inventorgpmacogw: I agree like apt as well.. better than yum or yast which ever one it is.. lol04:18
blazemongerfrom there i dont know about the chroot command04:18
macogwinventorgp: theyre both slow, same with portage04:18
newbie07any mods in here04:19
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macogwnewbie07: plenty04:19
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latterais there a way to open iso files as read/write?04:19
dowdlemacogw: Thank you.  My Ubuntu using friend is trying it now.04:19
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inventorgpmacogw: gentoo uuuugh04:19
bruenigmacogw, pacman though is the best04:19
macogwbruenig: what distro uses that?04:19
macogwbruenig: i hear the rpath (i think?) one is nice04:19
bruenigmacogw, arch04:19
macogwer no not rpath04:19
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macogwwhat has coronary?04:19
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kitchemacogw: rpath and it's like a distcc distro :)04:20
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macogwbruenig: ill try it some time04:20
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newbie07ok, after installing and upgrading feisty, firefox doesn't automatically install extensions anymore, it asks me to download an xpi file.  What do i do?04:20
macogwkitche: distcc?04:20
zerboxxCan someone help me with fixing GRUB?04:20
bruenigmacogw, frugalware also uses it, but frugalware is really poor04:20
TBotNiknickrud: Doesn't work, been doing that since around 11 am and still no progress.  Know the problem is between VIC and Monitor defs.  AMW MR19C-AB mon run vert at 70-75Hz which is not norm.  Found that out when had a Gentoo box on it.  Use KVM to swith 4 boxes.04:20
kitchemacogw: it uses a distrubed compile system and hands you the binary from it04:20
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Falstiusnewbie07: if you download the xpi file and then open it with firefox will it install? (xpi are plugins)04:20
macogwkitche: so like portage but not slooooooow?04:20
LinuxFanboyhas anyone tried virtualbox with ubuntu 7.04? I keep getting a black blank screen when trying to install windows xp iso04:21
nickrudTBotNik, have you tried using your gentoo xorg?04:21
W4r10xzHow do i hack in ubuntu?04:21
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orudiemy windows and ubuntu master boot record is damaged, someone recommended super grub which completely destroyed my mbr, does anyone have a solution to this (i can now only boot either operating system with this super grub bootable cd)04:21
newbie07falstius, I'll give it a try04:21
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macogwLinuxFanboy: disable desktop effects / beryl if theyre on04:21
inventorgpmacogw: lol... slooooooow...04:21
FlokerW4r10xz, are you serious?04:21
zerboxxCan someone please help me fix GRUB?04:21
TBotNiknickrud: Get closest when I set vert to 60, but right now the mem is screwing me giving errors resulting in "No good config" final error04:21
LinuxFanboymacogw ok ill try that thanks04:21
PetarMhow can i change the keyboard configuration? i want to switch from switzerland's keyboard to croatian keyboard, without restarting04:21
macogwLinuxFanboy: ive done it, but it was in like....er...whenever the heck horikawa-san's windows had a BSOD...maybe march04:21
Falstius!grub > orudie04:21
W4r10xzFloker: y? is it incredibly EZ?04:22
LinuxFanboybout fed up with beryl anyway04:22
ToddEDMim lookin for a little help.... whenever i put a DVD in the drive on my laptop here, ubuntu freezes for about 5 seconds, every 10 seconds04:22
newbie07falstius thanks it works04:22
macogwLinuxFanboy: in which case, that was edgy, nevermind04:22
phenomCould any one recommend any good data recovery programs or noteworthy methods of recovering deleted files?04:22
orudieFalstius, ? what ?04:22
TBotNiknickrud: G box not on system anymore, so can't ref it.04:22
FlokerW4r10xz, it is virtually impossible04:22
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nickrudTBotNik, eh. what's the /var/log/Xorg.0.log look like?04:22
LinuxFanboylol ok04:22
aroonihow do i nstall java runt itme enviornment04:22
arooninone of this gnu stuff04:22
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:22
orudiemacogw, grub destroyed my mbr completely04:22
aroonitehe real deal04:22
newbie07can i delete the xpi file after firefox installs it or should i keep it in a folder?04:22
macogwLinuxFanboy: but still, if your graphics card cant handle it, it might go like that04:22
nickrudTBotNik, not saying I'm #xorg material, but I've fixed a few :)04:22
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Falstiusorudie: the message ubotu should have sent you has directions for fixing grub after installing windows breaks it, but they really should work for almost any reason grub is broken.04:22
macogworudie: grub installs itself on the mbr04:23
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und3rtug4lool, beware ..... the ubuntu hackers are coming.... :\04:23
macogworudie: and replaces windows's bootloader04:23
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:23
und3rtug4damn noobs!04:23
W4r10xzFlocker: R u sure? Im in ur yahoo... stealing ur chatz and they said it is easy in the Hax0r chat r00mz04:23
TBotNiknickrud: have pastebin at http://paste.stgraber.org/2401 (xorg.conf) & /2402 (log)04:23
Falstiusnewbie07: I don't know why it didn't ask you to install the xpi file when you click the link, maybe your settings or maybe the link is screwy.04:23
macogworudie: then puts ubuntu and windows boot settings into itself04:23
aroonianyone know how do install java on ubuntu04:23
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TBotNiknickrud: can repaste lastest if you'll hold a min04:23
h3lmuthey -- my wireless driver seems to be loading correct (zd1211rw), eth1 is up, but iwconfig has the rate locked at 1mbps and doesn't seem to be picking up my AP (which is set open). what should i be poking at? i've got a desktop sitting next to it with the same chipset wireless working fine04:24
macogwarooni: sudo aptitude install sun-java-jdk if for devel or -jre for usage04:24
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newbie07falstius i don't know either, before i upgraded my packages it was fine but not after i upgraded04:24
noelferreirahow can i make a script to shutdown my pc without asking me for root password?04:24
macogwarooni: then "sudo update-alternatives --config java" to set it to use Sun Java instead of Eclipse's older java04:24
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orudiemacogw, the grub window shows when the pc is loading, it shows the options which OS i want to boot, it shows the detail list of installed operating systems, when i choose any of them, it returns an error04:24
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zerboxxFalstius: Is it ok if when I fdisk i see /dev/sda and not hda?04:24
macogworudie: oh well telling us which error would help04:24
orudiemacogw, the only way i am able to load windows or ubuntu is through that iso cd i downloaded04:24
ToddEDMdoes anyoen know how to fix this freezing up of my machine, it only happenes after i put a DVD or CD, and actually even SD cards04:24
xrispdoes anyone know how and where to get intel chipset drivers for ubuntu?04:24
arooniE: Couldn't find package sun-java-jre04:25
orudiemacogw, ERROR 21 operating system not found04:25
macogwxrisp: they should be included04:25
macogwarooni: sun-java6-jre sorry04:25
inventorgpToddEDM: do you get 100% cpu??04:25
Falstiuszerboxx: depending on your motherboard, feisty will treat an IDE (PATA) drive as either hda or sda.  SATA drives will always be sd*04:25
macogworudie: ok then the (hd0,0) or whatever part is probably wrong04:25
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ToddEDMinventor... seems like it04:25
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macogworudie: when you get to the "pick an os" part, highlight ubuntu and hit 'e'04:25
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xrispi was told i need to update my driver to run beryl04:26
orudiemacogw, ok and what is it going to do?04:26
exyanwhere are the gnome startup scripts? :/04:26
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inventorgpToddEDM: a lot of people have the 100% cpu thing on doing a lot of actions...04:26
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macogwxrisp: if its an x3000, you need xserver-xorg-video-intel insted of xserver-xorg-video-i810 but otherwise you should be fine04:26
bruenigexyan, /usr/bin04:26
macogworudie: it lets you edit it04:26
TBotNiknickrud: Updated to /2405 (log) /2406 (xorg.conf)04:26
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macogworudie: windows is first partition and ubuntu is 2nd, right?04:26
orudiemacogw, thanx let me try that04:26
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macogworudie: and you only have 1 hard drive?04:26
exyanbruenig: I mean where can I add skype to start on login ;)04:26
noelferreirahow can i make a script to shutdown my pc without asking me for root password?04:27
=== Gokee2_xchat-gno is now known as Gokee2-G
=== inventorgp needs to sudo apt-get update his brain.....
orudiemacogw, windows 1st partition, ubuntu 2nd, no i have more hard drives04:27
infopiratehey, if anyone is around i need help, here is the problem...04:27
bruenigexyan, oh, well that is not what you asked, system>preferences>sessions04:27
macogworudie: is it first hard drive?04:27
infopirateim on a friend of mine's lappy right now running it from an ubuntu live cd04:27
bruenignoelferreira, write the script, and then add a NOPASSWD exception in sudoers and run it with sudo04:27
macogwexyan: system > pref > sessions04:27
xrispmacogw: yea thats what i got the i810 what was it that i needed/04:27
macogwoh im slow04:27
orudiemacogw, first on SATA controller, the other hard drives are IDE04:27
ToddEDMi dont know, but this is damn annoying04:27
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macogwxrisp: -intel04:27
infopiratewhat i need to do is get the hdd mounted so i can copy the files from the hdd  before i format it04:28
infopirateany ideas how i go about doing that?04:28
orudiemacogw, should i disconnect the IDE controller hard drives before fixing grub?04:28
exyanbruenig: I know ;))04:28
macogworudie: is ubuntu/win on the first hard drive?04:28
infopiratety ahead of time04:28
noelferreirabruenig: where's sudoers file?04:28
phenomAnyone have experience/problems installing debian anything, dual-boot on thinkpads?04:28
bruenignoelferreira, you want to edit it with sudo visudo so that it checks for sanity04:28
deathnallhey guys i have a zip file which i extracted to desktop. how do i install it from here?04:28
eppphenom, i have a thinkpad04:28
infopiratewindows xp pro is on the hdd btw, thus ntfs partition04:28
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macogworudie: first hard drive is hd0 then after the comma is partition number, starting from 0, so first partition is 0 and 2nd is 104:28
bruenigdeathnall, depends04:28
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orudiemacogw, its on the SATA controller, its 1st on the SATA, there are 4 SATA controllers and 2 EDI controllers04:28
bruenigdeathnall, consul the documentation for that particular application04:28
deathnallon what brunenig?04:29
zerboxxFalstius: When I check grub (I just did a windows install) it says "hd0" what should I cha?04:29
macogworudie: try playing around with those numbers a bit and something should work04:29
deathnalli did and it doesnt say04:29
deathnallits a game called open arena04:29
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jmhodgeshey, i'm a fool.  my googling tells me that freeimage is available in the universe repos for feisty, but apt-get install isn't seeing it04:29
orudiemacogw ok thanx04:29
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zerboxxFalstius: *sorry, what should I do if grub says hd0?04:29
TBotNiknickrud: Also tried the recovery at: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/10535, but no dice. But I'm back to text mode now!04:29
nickrudTBotNik, looking for monitor specs04:29
phiqtionwhat's the best filesystem to hold mp3's ?04:29
xrispmacgow:yes i have the intel i810 drive will that run beryl i was told it wont because it doesnt support gl?04:29
deathnallplease any help would be great04:29
bullgard4rpedro: Both Google and freetranslations.com translated wrongly in this particular Ubuntu case. Both websites do not care enough about the context (or let call it the tranlation environment).04:30
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infopirateis anyone not busy04:30
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phenombullgard4: try google translation04:30
TBotNiknickrud: I only found one spec on it which gave 1280x1024 as top limit with no Hz or Vert04:30
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phenomWorks nice but do NOT AUTO translate anything, they will ban your ip. :)04:30
=== ryan001 [n=ryan@ip-129-15-131-247.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu
blazemongerhow do i install clamav in ubuntu?04:30
nickrudTBotNik, that's pretty much what I'm seeing. Do you know the manufacturer?04:30
phiqtionwhat's the best filesystem to hold mp3's ?04:31
infopiratehow do i mount an ntfs filesystem from a live cd???04:31
infopirateplz and ty04:31
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TBotNiknickrud: Bought it at either Fry's or Micro Center, and haven't found OEM page for it.04:31
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phenombullgard4: Googles html output is easy to parse as well.04:31
deathnallok can anyone help me install an extracted zip file please? i extracted it to my desktop but i dont know what to do with it now04:31
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navetshow do you create a gradient with gimp04:31
bullgard4phenom: I have tried Google translation. It proved wrong. But OP palintheus here in the channel helped me out. So I do not help any more.04:31
=== Bodhidharma [n=Endymion@] has joined #ubuntu
infopiratehow do u mount an ntfs filesystem froma live cd??04:32
phenomdeathnall: Ooen Synaptic, find it, mark it for install,, install.04:32
macogwinfopirate: same way you do on an installed system04:32
phenombullgard4: is there a better online service than google?04:32
h3lmuttotally stumped here: wireless driver appears to load, ethX interface is up, and yet i can't connect to the AP (have set essid, it won't let me set channel)04:32
deathnallummm  Ooen Synaptic....did i mention im a noob04:33
phenombullgard4: one that had arabic? I'll script up another translator. :)04:33
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macogwh3lmut: got encryption?04:33
RoAkSoAxinfopirate: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hd* /mount/point04:33
h3lmutmac - nope04:33
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phenomdeathnall: System> administration > Synaptic.04:34
deathnallok i downloaded openarena before but its an old one04:34
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bullgard4phenom: It depends on the circumstances. In many special areas there are better translator services available than Google. ( I am speaking about translations from and to German.)04:34
RoAkSoAxinfopirate, remember to use SUDO before mount04:34
deathnallphenom i did that mate. but i just got a new one04:34
TBotNiknickrud: Found mon spec at: http://shop2.outpost.com/product/5212587?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG04:34
deathnallmore updated04:34
galadorwhois Aoi04:34
galadorCrap, forgot the /04:34
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phenombullgard4: got ya :)04:35
nickrudTBotNik, plug those numbers into the horz & vert04:35
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infopirateok wtf04:35
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phenomdeathnall: what do you mean you have a more updated one?04:35
infopirateit is saying that hda* does not exist04:35
phenomnew one rather*04:35
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infopiratei tried hda0 hda1 hda204:35
=== Lekrem [n=Lekrem@c-67-165-221-153.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jetscreamernext time try hwinfo --monitor04:35
infopiratewhat is wrong04:35
newbie07when vista and feisty is dual booted, does vista have access to feisty and vice versa?04:35
jetscreamerapt-get install it first04:35
jetscreamerno and yes04:36
TBotNiknickrud: brb, working04:36
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jetscreamerin that order04:36
=== aren [n=aren@d58-106-25-153.sbr2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudjetscreamer, nice command, thanks04:36
deathnallok i went to there site and i have an old version04:36
deathnallso i manually d-loaded it04:36
jetscreamernickrud: sometimes works better when xorg isn't running.. sometimes doesn't matter04:36
deathnalllook , all i wana do is install it from the zip file i have04:36
phenomdeathnall: when you open synaptic, hit reload(I don;t think you need to though), then search for your package, and mark to install it.04:36
deathnallany ideas at all?04:36
nickrudjetscreamer, his x isn't working at all, so ...04:37
newbie07when vista and feisty is dual booted, does vista have access to feisty and vice versa?04:37
deathnalli have already installed it but i found a newer version online04:37
jetscreameri already answered that newbie0704:37
jetscreamerno and yes04:37
jetscreamerin that order04:37
newbie07oh lol04:37
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Myrttideathnall: unless you really really need the features of the new version, stick to the one you've got installed via package management04:37
jetscreamernewbie07: i'm not sure what ext fs drivers may be available for vista04:38
deathnalli do yes need them04:38
jetscreamernewbie07: but you can use explore2fs for sure in w2k and xp04:38
deathnallcos i wan to learn how to do the zips04:38
TBotNiknickrud: Still got errors.  Reposted at: http://paste.stgraber.org/240704:38
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{fe|feL}i am baaaaaack04:38
newbie07jetscreamer, thats ok i actually like it that way i don't really need access to it04:38
aroonican someone help me to get the java plugin fore firefox working (i've already installed java-6-jre)... but webex is still saying i dont have it installed04:38
newbie07just checking to make sure04:38
jetscreamernewbie07: what i used to do is have a vfat/fat32 partiton for a kind of 'dmz'04:38
infopiratewhy is this mount command not working04:38
{fe|feL}and no errors are there04:39
infopirateit says hda0 or hda1 or hda2 does not exist04:39
jetscreamertry sda04:39
macogw!latest | deathnall04:39
ubotudeathnall: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.04:39
infopirateok ty04:39
jetscreamerand it's not 0.. sda1, sda2...04:39
macogwarooni: sun-java6-plugin04:39
deathnallno but beta testing helps them04:39
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jetscreamerinfopirate: fdisk -l04:39
deathnallso i want to help them04:39
jetscreamerfor a list04:39
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macogwdeathnall: only beta test if you know what you're doing04:40
deathnallhi macogw04:40
=== Zaiden [n=zaiden89@cpe-66-67-98-250.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
{fe|feL}guyz u said there are other means to install the OS without the CD04:40
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RoAkSoAxinfopirate, try doing: sudo fdisk -l and see which one is your ntfs partition04:40
=== jetscreamer doesn't say goodbye-windows.com
nickrudTBotNik, did you erase the video ram number?04:40
=== subtler [n=subtler@CPE0011d8838a0c-CM00080da51685.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
macogw{fe|feL}: pxe booting, i think... maybe a usb drive way too....04:40
deathnallno dude i mean i just want to learn how to install this thing lol. i have the file extracted and inside is a load of folders. i just want to install it04:40
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deathnalli dont know how to04:40
nickrudTBotNik, around line 8704:40
=== kemp [n=john@c-75-73-94-92.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
deathnallyes im a noob but hey04:40
jetscreamermake make install ?04:40
macogwdeathnall: check the README04:40
{fe|feL}i have no usb driver that takes 700mb04:40
deathnallwe all are sometime right?04:41
TBotNiknickrud: corrected the "number" problem and "startx" reposted log at /240804:41
kempnope, did not work04:41
deathnalli did04:41
deathnallit said04:41
=== dantalizing [n=dan@wsip-70-184-147-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
phenomdeathnall: http://www.monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/#installing_with_terminal04:41
{fe|feL}only 64mb memory card04:41
{fe|feL}{H}E{H}E{H}E 04:41
infopiratehow do i look at folders with x windows as root???04:41
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newbie07i dual booted vista and ubuntu, in that order, should i give ubuntu's partition a new drive letter?  Does that make a difference in any way?04:41
macogwinfopirate: gksu nautilus04:41
deathnallyou may need libopenal installed.04:41
macogwnewbie07: we dont use drive letters04:41
infopiratewhat does that mean04:41
macogwnewbie07: and vista cant see ubuntu anyway04:41
infopiratei type that in terminal?04:41
macogwinfopirate: yes04:41
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infopirateor whaht?04:41
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infopirateok ty04:41
newbie07oh ok, as long as its secure and not accessible by vista04:42
nickrudTBotNik, post up the xorg.conf again04:42
phenomdeathnall: compiling from source is not recommended, but if you absolutely need to, that link explains it.04:42
{fe|feL}why doesn't it wooooooooooooooooooooooooork04:42
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phenomAnd remove whatever package you have before it, or your heading for trouble.04:42
newbie07is anyone familiar with tor and privoxy?04:42
macogwdeathnall: yes we all start somewhere, but i for one didn't do any usage of unstable anything until i was sure i was functional enough in the terminal in case i hosed anything04:43
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johnhey, i'm having an issue with printing. my printer is on and plugged in. it's been recognized (correction brand and series) and installed by ubuntu. ubuntu even says it's "Ready" - it even lists my print jobs. yet my printer does nothing! :( can anyone please help me?04:43
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deathnallwell im a gambler04:43
{fe|feL}so guuuuyz, what am i to do now04:43
{fe|feL}stays on XP04:44
jetscreamerjohn: sounds like an hp04:44
johnlexmark, actually. 335004:44
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jetscreamer{fe|feL}: goodbye-windows.com ? oops, not ubuntu...04:44
phenomgambler: remove the older version via aptitude remove blah first04:44
ablyssJohn, start of by doing a test page print, printing large graphics, html pages ect takes awhile w/ linux default printer drivers04:44
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TBotNiknickrud: Found and fixed the "Jaton" prob and repost at 2409, reposting xorg.conf now04:44
jetscreamerah lexmark.. no idea04:44
macogwjetscreamer: how does that sound like hp?  hp's do great.  i'm not surprised one bit to see the "lexmark" response as they suck on linux04:44
Sergiu1{fe|feL}  : what doesn't work?04:45
{fe|feL}the installation process04:45
johnablyss: i've tried. ubuntu says it's going to the printer, yet the printer doesn't respond at all. i've tried clicking the "test print" button as well as printing web pages04:45
TBotNiknickrud: xorg.conf at /241004:45
jetscreamermacogw: because my hp did that until i told cups to use this mc:par:somethingsomething instead of lpt1  ...04:45
Sergiu1{fe|feL}  : what are you trying to install?04:45
{fe|feL}can't install the OS04:45
jetscreamerafter that it worked fine04:45
nickrudTBotNik, instead of tracking down all those typos, save that xorg and do a dpkg-reconfigure -phigh again; we'll just plug in the values that need to change04:45
TBotNiknickrud: I see there is no device "stylus"04:45
Sergiu1{fe|feL} : try the alternate cd ;)04:46
Sergiu1it's rocks04:46
{fe|feL}you mean redouwnloading 700MB04:46
newbie07after dual booting, is there a way i can go back to vista's boot up device (i don't know the technical name of it) and "hide" ubuntu04:46
=== Solpex [n=Cr4sh@cpc1-cdif1-0-0-cust236.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ablyssjohn, secondly if you got tired of waiting and tried to re-print and re-print several times.. your printer buffer has got a long que on top of the default linux print drivers being unearthly slow04:46
{fe|feL}isn't there a way to convert this cd to the alternate type04:46
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johnablyss: no, i tried printing one item at a time. i waited for the list to clear before trying something else04:47
jetscreamer{fe|feL}: what is the one you have doing04:47
ablyssjohn, unplug printer to clear its memory and try to print a couple lines of text i.e., "hello world"04:47
Sergiu1{fe|feL} : nope04:47
johnablyss: ok, one sec.04:47
=== tombar [n=tombar@r190-64-132-20.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
deathnallooo i came so close04:47
deathnalli read the link u sent me mate04:47
{fe|feL}it is the regualr one04:47
{fe|feL}Live CD04:47
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jetscreamerwht is it doing04:47
newbie07i just set up a dual boot, is there a way i can go back to vista's boot up device?04:47
Sergiu1{fe|feL} : you can requet free CDs if you have the slow bandwitch04:48
ToddEDM haldaemo .... what is this>??04:48
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Sergiu1or buy them04:48
jetscreamernewbie07: you can but it won't know about linux04:48
deathnallok so i did this .... i typed /home/deathnall/Desktop/openarena-0.7.0 but as soon as the blue screen came up it said could not load  default.cfg. what am i missing argghhhh04:48
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{fe|feL}no but it takes 8h. to get downloaded04:48
TBotNiknickrud: rebooting so wait 104:48
jetscreamer{fe|feL}: ok don't tell me why the cd you have isn't working04:48
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deathnallsorry i typed /home/deathnall/Desktop/openarena-0.7.0/openarena.exe04:48
macogwnewbie07: vista install disk, fixmbr to reinstall their bootloader, then find some way to tell ntldr that it's supposed to chainlink to grub for linux04:48
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jetscreameror what the error is04:49
{fe|feL}as u wish04:49
macogw{fe|feL}:  are you on dialup?04:49
nephishdeathnall_: have you tried the .deb from getdeb ?04:49
greengiantok so whos an expert with xorg?04:49
newbie07thanks, i'll do some research on it04:49
macogwgreengiant: #xorg is full of 'em04:49
{fe|feL}adsl 256kbps04:49
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deathnallwt hell lol. i have no clue what .deb is im really sorry im so new04:49
greengiantmacogw: awesome04:49
macogw{fe|feL}: should only take an hour or two, id think...04:49
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macogwdeathnall: its like a .msi04:49
jetscreamerdeathnall: ever heard of .rpm ? .deb in debian04:49
dleI was just trying to help a friend update his 6.06 system. However, running 'apt-get update' showed that all the package fetched were 404-ing.  these were the usual repositories, and they could be pinged.  Any ideas why this would happen?04:49
{fe|feL}you mean 7 to 8 hours04:49
deathnallno :(04:50
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johnablyss: no luck04:50
macogw{fe|feL}: when i have like 200kb/s it takes me like 2 hours04:50
nephishthere is a website called getdeb ( i think .org ) where you can search for some packages that are not part of apt repositories04:50
orudiemacogw, hey, well it looks like it fixed the win XP mbr, but not the ubuntu04:50
macogw{fe|feL}: whether you're getting your full speed is another story though as i got 200kb/s with fiber optics...04:50
{fe|feL}i am downlaoding with 57-59 kb/s04:50
ablyssjohn, also worth mentioning ... best to use Gnome's printer configuration menu to setup your printer.04:50
macogworudie: they dont have different mbrs04:50
=== jetscreamer doesn't tell {fe|feL} what he(js) has to do to get the ubuntu cd working
{fe|feL}i mean 27-2904:50
=== TBotNik_u [n=nyled@h-68-165-10-218.dllatx37.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogworudie: one hard drive, one mbr04:50
TBotNik_unickrud: Yu there?04:50
{fe|feL}jetscreamer, c'mon04:50
Sergiu1{fe|feL} : start to download :D04:50
orudiemacogw, what should i type when i press e04:51
nickrudTBotNik, yup04:51
TBotNik_unickrud: on G Box now04:51
ablyssjohn, verse something like KDE or xfce04:51
TBotNik_ustill no x.win04:51
jetscreamer{fe|feL}: ok  tell me why the cd you have isn't working, what is it not doing04:51
nephishdeathnall_: check it out, if i need a package that is not part of apt, which is rare, that is the first place i look, how long with ubuntu ?04:51
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johnablyss: i think that's what i used - i simply went dbl-clicked "New Printer" inside of Printing under Administration04:51
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jetscreamertry /part greengiant04:51
ablyssjohn, you did okay then04:51
{fe|feL}after i downlaoded the iso i got it check and it is working 100%04:51
TBotNik_unickrud: did you see anything in the .conf or log that would help?04:51
johnablyss: i'm using Gnome04:51
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@200-102-91-61.smace701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ablyssjohn, you might take a look at the system logs for any errors04:52
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macogwdeathnall: debs are packages for debian or ubuntu.  you install them with dpkg from command line or double click and GDebi will do it. they depend on each other though, because they share libraries, and that allows for smaller programs instead of like on other OS's where all the libraries are in every installer and you might have the same libraries installed 5 times wasting space04:52
{fe|feL}but when i burn it .. it does boot and i can choos one of the first 2 options04:52
jetscreamer{fe|feL}: what is the error04:52
=== goatdad13 [n=dave@adsl-75-60-241-59.dsl.wotnoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
orudiemacogw, under root there was something like root (hd1,1) i tried changing it to (hd0,1) and it still says selected hard disk is not found04:52
ablyssjohn, other than that... has the printer worked before ?04:52
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Duke01
nickrudTBotNik, do dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg , and then post lspci , hwinfo --monitor , xorg.conf, and Xorg.0.log again.04:52
=== Duke01 is now known as Duke01234567
johnablyss: i was so impressed that it recognized the printer perfectly, too. even windows can't do that - i'd have to go to lexmark and download a 130mb file in windows...04:52
{fe|feL}but i can't find instal icon on the descktop04:52
johnablyss: yes, the printer has worked before.04:52
=== mattva01 [n=matthew@c-69-143-122-78.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jetscreamerthat's all?04:52
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macogworudie: root?04:53
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{fe|feL}btw, every thing also doesn't work04:53
macogworudie: lemme check mine04:53
nickrudTBotNik, a new baseline to work from04:53
{fe|feL}and it shows error messages about 5-8 ones04:53
johnablyss: it has a little screen on the printer, and it still says "Ready" - usually when it's about to print it says "Printing"04:53
newbie07is tor and privoxy part of feisty's repositories?04:53
macogworudie: ok i see04:53
jetscreamer{fe|feL}: it's not the same as my error, :(04:53
chikitahello, printer print text ridicously small, what can i do?04:53
{fe|feL}O_o, why do u wanna it same as urs04:53
orudiemacogw, those are the numbers you were talking about right04:53
phenom{fe|fel}: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2493&postcount=204:53
macogworudie: windows is probably ,0 and ubuntu is probably ,1 but if you created and removed and recreated the partition a few times, it might have a higher partition number04:54
{fe|feL}wha is it about phenom04:54
ablyssjohn, okay.. i suggest checking system logs for errors.. and also checking the lexmark website for updated linux specific drivers04:54
nickrudTBotNik, back in 10, at work and some lite duties call04:54
orudiemacogw, in hd(1,1) the first number is the hard drive # and the second is partition?04:54
macogworudie: yes04:54
Duke01234567hello walking people my hd has fucked i can't format or install ubuntu e decide use the live cd but swap is not good space.. how i can set the ext3 bugued partition to swap temp ?04:54
TBotNik_unickrud: go to #flood04:54
Flannel!language | Duke0123456704:54
ubotuDuke01234567: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:55
phenom{fe|fel}: A lil lit on installing ubuntu over the network and from hd.04:55
johnablyss: i disabled the two logging services, thinking i wouldn't actually be using it. i'll check lexmark04:55
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{fe|feL}phenom, can't understand a word from wut is writtin04:55
{fe|feL}as if i know what u r talkin about04:55
johnablyss: on a side note, when you mentioned hp before, is that an indicator that hp printers don't work well in linux?04:55
deathnallok so dpkg. i typed into the terminal and then it just gives me a load of wierd options04:55
deathnalllike flag value?04:55
lockdDuke01234567: you have to mkswap <drive>, but if you can't format it it's unlikely04:55
deathnallwtf is that lol04:55
{fe|feL}i am new here budy,. and never b4 used a linux04:55
deathnallthis is so frustratiing04:55
ablyssjohn, that was actually another person.. i never mentioned hp... sorry04:55
deathnalli have a unzipped file on my desktop and i cant install it04:55
nephishdeathnall_: whats wrong?04:56
deathnallmaybe its back to windows for me04:56
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deathnalli just have no clue what im doing04:56
TBotNiknickrud: Sorry went to #flood on U box04:56
ablyssjohn, on for the most part.. all printers regardless brand name.. suck on linux default drivers...04:56
lockddeathnall: what application?04:56
nephishdeathnall_: patience, did you check getdeb yet ?04:56
lockddeathnall: we have no clue what you are trying to do04:56
chikitahello, printer print text ridicously small, what can i do?04:56
macogw{fe|feL}: most of this channel is new.  its the beginner channel, basically04:56
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deathnalllockd yes they do u dont04:57
macogwchikita: pick a bigger font size?04:57
deathnallgetdeb let me try it04:57
lockddeathnall: okay, maybe I just didn't scroll up enough04:57
{fe|feL}but everyone cd does woooooork, except mine with 8 error messages04:57
lockddeathnall: what are you trying to install?04:57
johnablyss: lol, that sucks. i was really hoping using ubuntu full time when i went back to school. printing ability is kind of vital... hopefully i can get it to work.04:57
ablyssthere is a enhanced linux print driver.. for a price on the cups web site.. i hard its worth it04:57
macogwchikita: you might have some setting set to squish to 1 page on something that should be 3 pages...04:57
nephishdeathnall: check, i think its getdeb.org04:57
chikitaim on font 11 Arial and it prints like 204:57
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deathnalli typed getdeb into terminal but unrec04:57
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macogwnephish: it's .net i think04:57
macogwdeathnall: its a website04:58
TBotNik_unickrud: Hey wanted to go to #flood so no traffic04:58
deathnallsoz locld04:58
RprpDoes someone know how i can add .SRT subtitles to a movie?04:58
chikitarprp, use vlc player04:58
nephishdeathnall: i installed openarena from there last week on my kids fiesty box04:58
lockddeathnall: still didn't mention what program it is that you are trying to get working04:58
lockddeathnall: oh, openarena?04:58
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deathnallcool thnx04:58
Rprpchikita: i want to burn it ...04:58
deathnalli will check now04:58
ablyssjohn, you can run vmware on ubuntu and print from windows ... hehe04:59
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TBotNik_unickrud: Hey how to I post the other cmds you want?04:59
lockdhmm, shouldn't openarena work with vanilla ioquake3 for linux?04:59
chikitai dunno,  dont think u can though...04:59
deathnallo p.s lockd i was trying to install openarena and i managed to get it unzipped i am just noob at installing from there lol04:59
TBotNik_unickrud: Still there?04:59
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chikitahello, printer print text ridicously small, what can i do?04:59
nephishdeathnall_: go here http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=openarena04:59
{fe|feL}{W}lm B{K}  Pelo04:59
johnablyss: i just installed ubuntu on saturday. one step at a time... lol.04:59
johnablyss: brb in a min.05:00
nickrudTBotNik, stepped away for a sec05:00
Pelothank you {fe|feL}05:00
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TBotNik_unickrud: Hey let's go #flood to get out of traffic05:00
nickrudTBotNik, you can cut and paste from the terminal05:00
macogwablyss: dont suggest that emulator!05:00
nickrudTBotNik, join #nickrud05:00
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macogwjohn: what ablyss meant to suggest was Virtual Box05:00
deathnallhey nepish05:01
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deathnalli found it mate05:01
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deathnalljust one thing05:01
deathnallis it the package installer and not the zip right?05:01
nephishdeathnall_: great, download and install all three packages05:01
Pelo!enter | deathnall05:01
ubotudeathnall: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:01
nephishyes, the package, not a zip05:01
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deathnallomg there breaking my balls here05:01
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nephishhe he05:01
ablyssmacogw: virtual box ? not familiar w/ it myself05:01
=== Pelo didn'T realy want to know about deathnall 's balls
deathnalllol dont lie05:02
Nicarkdoes somebody know if i can disable the alias of color for ls just in Eterm ??05:02
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lockdI thought the zip worked, btw.. there are several linux binaries included05:02
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pawanany good screensaver and wallpapers for ubuntu05:03
Pelo!theme | pawan05:03
ubotupawan: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:03
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RprpDoes someone know how i can add .SRT subtitles to a movie?05:03
NicarkRprp, you gotta tell with wich program05:04
PeloRprp,  just put the .srt file in the same folder as the movie with the same filename as the movie05:04
Duke01234567lockd, oh thanks for your support :D05:04
RprpNicark: i dont know, so that was my question :p05:04
lockdpawan: just remember that wallpapers will work on all operating systems05:04
deathnallNEPHISH i thank u so much for the game link btw its sooo cool05:04
RprpPelo, i want to burn it05:04
lockdpawan: well, sort of05:04
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PeloRprp, as data or as encoded dvd ?05:05
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beit1hey guys can anyone tell me how to install my wireless card on ubuntu.. (im new to this)05:05
{fe|feL}Is there a way to get into test installation methoud .. Through using the Live CD05:05
RprpPelo, encoded dvd.05:05
jmantraHi all could use some help I have no sound on a Dell latitude Cpi with a CS4237B chipset?05:05
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nephishdeathnall_: no problem, don't give up, always someone around to help, also check out tremulous or assult cube, my kids love em.05:06
PeloRprp,  if you are using  devede   check in the video file property dialog , in the advance or more section there is a place to put the filename05:06
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beit1it s this type Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)05:06
Rprphmm, k thnx05:06
lockdnephish: assault cube? is that a cube variant?05:06
{fe|feL} Is there a way to get into test installation methoud .. Through using the Live CD05:06
Rinc_42hi, i haven't see i was connected automaticaly in that channel05:06
PeloRprp,  what are you using to encode ?05:07
{fe|feL}i mean text instalation method05:07
nephishlockd, no expert, but i think it is.05:07
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deathnallim 25 lol. anyway its installing so some of my hair is left in tact thnx 2 u05:07
jmantracan someone please help me with sound issues?05:07
Rinc_42and i'm french -_-05:07
nephishlockd_: kinda new i think05:07
RprpPelo: ffmpeg, if that is what you mean05:07
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Pelo{fe|feL},  no you need the alternate install cd or the live dvd to text install05:07
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Just_Another_Ubuhello? im having trouble getting a 1280 1024 resolution05:08
davyfirst person shootergame05:08
jkthecjeranyone know a good network visualization tool?05:08
{fe|feL}ah veryyyyy nice05:08
PeloRprp,  man ffmpeg  there is an option you need to addwith the path of the .srt file05:08
{fe|feL}which means i am screwd05:08
beit1can anyone help me?05:08
{fe|feL}anyway, thx alot for da help guyz05:08
jmantracan someone please address my question regarding sound?05:08
beit1installing wireless card Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)05:08
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PeloRprp,  I hihgly recommend  devede,  the latest one from the site if you can manage it it is very nice05:08
{fe|feL}and i  think i am gonna stick with the Vista for now05:08
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Pelobeit1,  what do you need help with05:09
Pelo{fe|feL},  best of luck05:09
RprpPelo: hmm, ok.05:09
{fe|feL}thx pelo05:09
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beit1pelo: im having problems installiing my wireless card05:09
{fe|feL}and maybe laer05:09
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{fe|feL}{} {} 05:09
{fe|feL}bbye everyone05:09
nephishdeathnall_: yeah, let us know how it turns out05:09
davybye felfel05:09
beit1pelo: i followed a guide in the ubuntu form and its giving me some errors05:09
Pelobeirut,  personnaly I cannot help you withthat but state the problem you are currently having and someone might have the answer05:10
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beit1pelo:  well i followed the steps in the guide and when  i get to the following command : sdo ndiswrapper -1 it not giving anyhting05:11
Flannelbeit1: lowercase L, not 105:11
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deathnallok i did it and it works fine now so thnx 2 u all for ur help. i know im a pain but i will get there 1 day05:11
Pelobeit1, just in case that is the problem,  it is not sdo , it is sudo05:12
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beit1pelo: flannel: yeah sorry misspelling.. sudo...... yes i tried the lower case l too05:12
nephishdeathnall_: no problem whatsoever, we all started as newbies05:12
nephishover and out gents !05:12
infopiratei keep getting errors when i try to put a folder on my burn list.... saying file not found... why is that? do i need to be root to move a mounted folder onto my burn list or what? and if so how do i do that05:12
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deathnallcant find tremulous05:13
Pelobeit1,  are you not even getting an error msg ?05:13
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deathnallfound cube05:13
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TBotNik_1/ j nickrud05:13
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macogwdeathnall: tremulous is in the repos05:13
Peloinfopirate,  copying to cd or dvd ?  install gnomebaker it is a lot easier05:13
keenhey can i get some help with direct rendering?05:13
infopirateim running off of a live cd05:14
Junocan anyone give me an idea on how to resolve my problem with installing ubuntu?05:14
infopiratecant really install anything can i?05:14
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WarboHi, someone has emailed me for advice on getting DVDs of dapper's repos because his connection at home (Ubuntu) is 14K/sec but at work is broadband. I was thinking something like APTonCD or guides to do similar, but the downloading would need to be done on Windows. Is there a quick (ie. mostly automatic) way to download Ubuntu packages on Windows (something like a site mirroring tool)?05:14
beit1pelo: right now it says invalid driver05:14
=== vastinfest labas rytas
infopiratety for ur help pelo05:14
Peloinfopirate,  you can stil install stuff,     sudo apt-get install gnomebaker05:14
Sergiu1keen: yes05:14
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macogwdeathnall: repositories05:14
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keensergiu: i keep getting this error "XFree86-DRI" missing on display "localhost:1.0" , can i not enable it under xgl?05:14
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macogw!repos | deathnall05:15
ubotudeathnall: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:15
Pelobeit1,  sounds like yoiu didn'T select the correct driver for you card ,  make sure you picked the right one,  many installation cd or disk work for several models05:15
infopiratecouldnt find package gnomebaker05:15
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Sergiu1keen : no idea on this05:15
aroonihow do i change my ssid that i use when i connect to routers?05:15
jmantracan someone please address my question regarding sound?05:15
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macogwarooni: connect to a different router05:15
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Peloinfopirate,  very odd,05:15
keenserguil: thanks for trying05:15
keenanyone else have any idea?05:16
macogwarooni:  you dont have your own ssid on the computer, you know...er....i hope you know05:16
deathnallwell thnx and i will see you all soon. many thnx all. byeeee gota sleep as its 4 am here05:16
aroonioh ok ..05:16
UbuntuOwnshello i can write on ext3 using live cd ? :D05:16
Peloinfopirate,  you are connected to the internet on that comp ?05:16
macogwarooni: ssid is the router's name05:16
aroonii mean how do i change the name that the router sees05:16
arooniwhen i connect05:16
infopirateof course im talking to u from it05:16
PeloUbuntuOwns, yes05:16
macogwUbuntuOwns: of course05:16
beit1pelo: yeh probably i did not.. sorry im a new user to ubuntu.... is there any link you recommend for wireless drivers . its a compaq presario f50005:16
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UbuntuOwns\o/ tell who05:16
macogwarooni: the name of your computer?05:16
jmantraHi all could use some help I have no sound on a Dell latitude Cpi with a CS4237B chipset?05:16
macogwarooni: that's the hostname05:16
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aroonimacogw, yes i suppose... how do i change that?05:16
macogwarooni: i think you just do "sudo hostname <nameyouwant>"05:16
Pelobeit1,  it probabaly wasnT' me but no matter05:16
nickrudWarbo, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/feisty/release/ has dvd's if that's what you're after05:16
orudiei just downloaded the latest driver NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run , how would i install it?05:17
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macogworudie: the restricted driver manager didnt have drivers that work for you?05:17
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Peloinfopirate, don'T laugh you could be on a seperate comptuer,  , try enabling all the repos and apt-getting gnomebaker again05:17
summer_s4what is linux mint's chat channel05:17
jmantrathe squeaky wheel gets the grease....05:17
macogwarooni:  or system > admin > network and go to the general tab05:17
infopiratehow do i enable the repos?05:17
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UbuntuOwnsPelo,  macogw  who i write on ex3 using live cd ?05:17
jmantraHi all could use some help I have no sound on a Dell latitude Cpi with a CS4237B chipset?05:17
infopiratewhat r repos?05:17
orudiemacogw, it did, but i installed it, but doesnt have the proper resolution for my monitor05:17
bullgard4What is a 'desktop configuration file'? I could not find a definition.05:17
macogwinfopirate: system > admin >software sources05:17
FlamingZeldaHi, I am having trouble updating.  Is a server down or something?05:18
Peloinfopirate,  the easy way is   menu > systrem > admin > update sources,  check all the boxes in the first tab05:18
macogwUbuntuOwns: the live cd knows how already, there's nothing to do to enable it05:18
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aroonimacogw, can i make it unknown05:18
orudiemacogw, how can i install this latest driver?05:18
FlamingZeldaI can't connect to one apparently.05:18
macogworudie: i doubt a new one will help05:18
aroonimacogw, or mask it someway05:18
davyorudie: at the nvidia site, there is a good guide how to install05:18
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Peloflamesro1k, could be , try again tomorrow05:18
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UbuntuOwnsmacogw,  i need write on ext3 partition using live cd i can?05:18
macogwarooni: er...you could make it the word "unknown" to throw people off05:18
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macogwUbuntuOwns: yes05:18
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davybut make sure you make a back up of the conf file05:18
Warbonickrud: I found that in my Googling, but do the DVDs contain the whole repo contents (like those made by APTonCD would for example)?05:18
=== roland [n=roland@c-68-52-110-247.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
macogwUbuntuOwns: go to places > computer and mount whatever drive you want mounted, then do whatever05:19
UbuntuOwnshis says Only read05:19
davy(learned that by trial and error)05:19
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macogwWarbo: yes05:19
UbuntuOwnsread only05:19
jmantrawttf  are people ignoring me if you don't know the answer can someone atleast point me in the right direction?05:19
UbuntuOwnsi cant write05:19
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macogworudie: i doubt new drivers would help, but search wiki.ubuntu.com for nvidiamanual05:19
rolandanyone familiar with shorewall and openvpn?05:19
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keenhow do i enable direct rendering?05:19
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Pelojmantra, it'S abusy channel, please be patient , can you restate your problem agin please05:19
macogwjmantra: or we just dont know05:19
jmantraHi all could use some help I have no sound on a Dell latitude Cpi with a CS4237B chipset?05:20
arooniok cool05:20
orudiedavy: yeah i see they are saying to type sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run, but the file is in the desktop05:20
Pelo!sound | jmantra05:20
ubotujmantra: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:20
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orudiedavy: how would i navigate the terminal to the desktop?05:20
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Pelokeen,  try searching for direct rendering in the forum , there is bound to be a how to05:20
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Peloorudie,   cd Desktop05:21
beit1pelo: how can i undo the changes of the wrong wireless drivers i installed?05:21
keenpelo: i did, found lots of ppl with the same problem, no answers tho05:21
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nickrudWarbo, no, looking at the manifest there's a lot missing.05:21
Pelokeen,  maybe the ppli in #ubuntu-effects might know, they are good with graphics stuff05:21
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UbuntuOwnsi try modify files on /dev/hda1  using live cd but his says Read only system05:22
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Pelobeit1,  use the guide again,  redo the step where you specified the driver05:22
keenpelo: thanks i'll check there05:22
orudiePelo: it said nvidia must run as root, and i dont think i have a root account05:22
PeloUbuntuOwns,  you might nieed to change the permission05:22
davyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia was the site I started with05:22
beit1pelo: thanks , ill try that .. thanks for ur help05:22
rolandcan anyone help me with an openvpn issue? when I connect to my ubuntu server from outside it connects, and authenticates me, I just can't connect to anything internal...05:22
Peloorudie,  in ubuntu when you are asked for root run the command as sudo05:22
orudiePelo: when i was installing ubuntu earlier, it asked me which user name do you want to use and instead of root i put "orudie" so now i guess i cant be a root ?05:23
UbuntuOwnsPelo,  i try this mount -o umask=0 /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda105:23
macogworudie: sudo05:23
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Peloorudie, it is05:23
macogw!sudo | orudie05:23
ubotuorudie: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:23
Warbonickrud, He has Dapper installed, he now wants to have the repo contents available on DVDs which he can make at work (with a fast connection, but using Windows)05:23
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Ashfire908orudie, type "sudo " and then the command05:24
PeloUbuntuOwns,  what file system is this ?  ext3 just   sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1   no need for other options05:24
Warboa Windows tool which downloads the whole of the /pool directory would probably do05:24
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Ashfire908orudie, it will ask you for a password. type the password you use to login and hit enter05:24
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Junoanyone tell me what this means? I get it when I try to boot the live cd; http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33109/05:24
nickrudWarbo, I'm not sure how he'd do that; the packages from all the releases are mixed in the same pool and I don't know if there's a tool that window knows to read the pool by release05:24
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=== Pelo is watching DrWho invasion of the dinosaures, so cheesy it should be spread on toast
Ashfire908Juno: I get that when i boot a livecd on my rack mounted server05:25
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PeloJuno,  is there anyting special about your computer ?05:26
Junospecial? its a laptop05:26
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hedonplaywhich downloader do you prefer?05:26
PeloJuno, what video card ?05:26
unshiftAnyone know how to forward a keyboard from a laptop to a desktop over a network? (without vnc)05:26
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Junonvidia geforce 8400gs05:26
UbuntuOwnsPelo,  i need download 1 file .avi via torrent and save on ext3 but his always say read only mode05:27
Ashfire908unshift, you could login remotely via XDCMP05:27
PeloJuno,  use the alternate install cd , it is text based ( yes I am assuming you are using the live cd sorry if I am wrong)05:27
rolandcan anyone help me with an openvpn issue? when I connect to my ubuntu server from outside it connects, and authenticates me, I just can't connect to anything internal...05:27
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Junois the text based newbie friendly?05:27
PeloUbuntuOwns, sudo chmod 777 /mnt/hda105:27
mudpuddlestoneshey all, I'm xcited to say that I have a fresh install of Ubuntu and making my final migration to linux  I staRTED TO WITH dEBIAN A COUPLE years ago. but I of course need som help. I'm running on a laptop and trying to get multiple monitors to run...?05:27
Ashfire908Juno, not completely.05:27
PeloJuno,  i'm told it is very easy but I haven'T used it myself05:27
Falstiusunshift: remote desktop? x2vnc sounds cool but I've never tried it.05:28
PeloJuno, let's just say it's not anti-user05:28
mudpuddlestonesI study JeetkKunedo jeetkundo05:28
Junowell I'll give it a shot anyway.05:28
anessenI've used the text installer, it's quite easy to use.05:28
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PeloJuno,  you donT realy hve a choice  the live cd does not play well with ati and nvidia chipset05:28
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orudieAshfire908: i am now logged as root, how would i navigate to the desktop?05:29
orudieAshfire908: dir doesnt seem to work05:29
pawanhow to hide desktop icons05:29
davyit says /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off, but nu idea what it means juno05:29
nandovieirahello there! how can I create a photo dvd with sound on ubuntu? there's any software out there? I need to create a digital album for my son's birthday party!!! :)05:29
UbuntuOwnsdont work besides chmod05:29
rolandcan anyone help me with an openvpn issue? when I connect to my ubuntu server from outside it connects, and authenticates me, I just can't connect to anything internal...05:29
JunoI've googled the error and havn't foudn anything on it05:30
Peloorudie,  cd  /home/user/Desktop  remember linux is case sensitive05:30
Junoand I've read on the ubuntu forums that people have successfully installed fiesty on my particular laptop05:30
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Junoso I'll just try the text based05:30
orudiePelo: thanx, but how would i know which directories are there or which directory i'm in05:30
Peloorudie, http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php05:31
Nicarkls and pwd ?05:31
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nickrudpawan, in gconf-editor, /apps/nautilus/preferences, untick show_desktop (turns off backgrounds as well, iirc)05:31
anessenls shows the current contents of the directory, pwd shows where you are05:31
orudieroot@Oborona:~# cd /home/user/Desktop05:31
orudiebash: cd: /home/user/Desktop: No such file or directory05:31
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infopirate<font size="3">ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install gnomebaker</font>05:32
infopirate<font size="3">E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)</font>05:32
infopirate<font size="3">E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?</font>05:32
infopirate<font size="3">ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ </font>05:32
infopirate<font size="3">ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ </font>05:32
infopirate<font size="3">???</font>05:32
anessenorudie, replace "user" with your username05:32
infopirate<font size="3">sorry for spamming room</font>05:32
Peloinfopirate,  use the pastebin05:32
rolandcan anyone help me with an openvpn issue? when I connect to my ubuntu server from outside it connects, and authenticates me, I just can't connect to anything internal...05:32
infopirate<font size="3">any help is greatly appreciated</font>05:32
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anessen(why am I seeing <font> tags around infopirates text?05:32
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LinuxFanboyi see that too05:33
Peloinfopirate,  please stop , forget abut gnomebaker then , I'M sorry I missled you,  I don'T knwo how to solve your prolbem I don't use nautilus to burn  cds05:33
orudieERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.05:33
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Peloorudie,   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:33
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infopirate<font size="3">i really need to burn a cd </font>05:33
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Flannelinfopirate: please copy and paste some text in a text document, and repeat whenever you paste from a website.  You've thrown Chatzilla into HTML mode05:33
FatalCureWow, IRC goes HTML!05:33
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infopirate<font size="3">ohh im sry</font>05:33
bzaksquestion: is wget a synchronous command or asynch?05:34
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Ashfire908orudie, you don't need sudo to access a directory05:34
CoasterMasterI've got my Half Life CD in my CD-ROM drive (original version, no steam) and it is opening in the CD player (the disc is one of those CDs where the first track is data and the others are all audio).  How can I access the data portion?05:34
Peloinfopirate,  menu > places > burn cd/dvd ,  browse your way to the folderyou want to burn05:34
anessenah, see, hes just nuked his x windowing system : /05:34
albertHi!  Something is wrong with my ubuntu... I can't use run (CTRL+F2) or open Sypnatic Package Manager.... Anyone know why?05:34
infopirate<font size="3">it says error  file not found</font>05:34
infopirate<font size="3">i have tried that</font>05:34
anessenalbert, any error messages?05:34
rolandso it would seem no one can offer any assistance with my openvpn issue?05:35
bzaksis wget synchronous or asynchronous?05:35
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Peloinfopirate,  how are you putting the files in ?05:35
apeitheoUbuntu is absolutely amazing :)05:35
macogwinfopirate: plain text.  no html necessary05:35
infopirate<font size="3">drag and drop and copy and paste</font>05:35
albertanessen, when I try to open sypnetic package manager the screen goes dark (like when it asks for a password), but nothing comes up.. i have to press ESC to get out05:35
anesseninfopirate, that html is getting irritating05:35
infopirate<font size="3">error same both ways</font>05:35
Falstiusroland: I assume you configured it to allow passthrough.  Other than that *sshrug*05:35
infopirate<font size="3">what html?</font>05:35
Peloinfopirate,  what files are you trying to burn ?  an iso ?05:35
albertand when I try to pres CTRL+F2 to use run.. Just nothing comes up05:35
apeitheoI've been using Linux for over four years now, and I've never had an install easier than that (especially on a laptop)05:35
infopirate<font size="3">no a few folders</font>05:35
apeitheoeven wireless was automatically configured :)05:35
macogwinfopirate: your messages aren't in plain text05:36
macogwinfopirate: what client are you using?05:36
FatalCure< infopirate> <font size="3">what html?</font>     < _That_ HTML05:36
infopirate<font size="3">how do i fix my messages/</font>05:36
anessenalbert, i don't know what can by causing that - you know if you've done anything?05:36
mzuverinkCould someone reccommend a reliable alarm clock type program and also what the name is of the package that allows you to hover the mouse over a sound file and it plays?05:36
infopirate<font size="3">im using gaim</font>05:36
macogwinfopirate: if you turned on some kind of font formatting, turn it off05:36
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Peloinfopirate,  it is possible that the cd/dvd burner is disabled when you are using the live cd, considering that the cd drive is occupied05:36
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infopirate<font size="3">fuck ur right</font>05:36
Peloinfopirate,  when you talk this is what we see <infopirate> <font size="3">how do i fix my messages/</font>05:36
macogwinfopirate: use a normal irc client then...like xchat.  gaim does WEIRD irc05:36
albertanessen, it might be some installation I did... Is there anything I can do to reinstall it?05:36
infopirate<font size="3">fuck</font>05:36
anessenI'm using xchat, and I see html tags around your text.05:36
rolandFalstius I think I did but honestly not sure... not that familiar with the product... sad to say I can setup a pix firewall with vpn in 30 minutes.. been messing with this ubuntu box for over a week, and still don't have it working right05:36
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:37
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infopirate<font size="3">ok sorry guys.. ill wont talk much more</font>05:37
PeloFlannel,  he's allowed that one05:37
LinuxFanboyhow come theres only one @ in this channel?05:37
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preactionLinuxFanboy, the chanops come out when needed05:38
IdleOneLinuxFanboy, thats all we need05:38
PeloLinuxFanboy, only one needed , he's realy mean05:38
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Falstiusroland: I did my playing over a year ago, can't give you detailed advice.05:38
IdleOneSeveas, deop you are scaring LinuxFanboy  :P05:38
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albertanessen, I just quit compiz fusion and synaptic package manager worked again!! just my run comand that won't work05:38
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anessenalbert, ctrl+F2 you using to get the run command?05:39
keeni just downloaded a gdm theme from gnome-looks.org  how do i install it?05:39
Pelokeen,   open the theme manage and drag drop the tar.gz file on the dialog box05:39
anessencause I thought ctrl+f2 was a KDE thing...05:39
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smilehow about reboot05:40
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rolandFalstius: no worries, I'll keep digging.. I'll figure it out eventually... just amazing how difficult linux command line seems compared to cisco cli... granted I've managed cisco switches and routers for the last 5 years, and only been playing with linux a few months05:40
keenpelo: ...that was too easy05:40
albertyeah... I think it was Alt+F2 or super key F205:40
Pelokeen,  scary isn't it :D05:40
albertbut none of them work05:40
orudiePelo: that last command did something crazy to my computer, i had to restart05:40
keenpelo: yes....i like it!05:40
Falstiusroland: cisco is a specialized system.  Besides, the config files for openvpn are really straightforward.05:41
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Peloorudie, no that's whatyou get when you stop gdm , it kills your gui05:41
anessenalbert, it's alt+f205:41
smilereboot is the best way always05:41
anessennever used that before myself, have to remember it!05:41
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Pelokeen,  fyi,  some tar.gz won'T work because they are a repack with extra material ,  you need to unpack it once and use the tar.gz inside it05:41
albertanessen, Yeah.. I get nothing... is there another way that I can get into run, besides the keyboard shortcut?05:41
orudiePelo: so to install the driver i have to exit gui?05:41
TBotNik_unickrud: Hey the depth "24" blew, but "15" is rock solid.05:42
rolandFalstius: yeah, I know.. honestly I'm sure it's a config issue with openvpn but with shorewall.. not sure though... only been running the two of them a week05:42
Peloorudie,  pretty much05:42
anessenalbert, try preferences menu, then keyboard shortcuts05:42
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johnhey, i'm back05:42
keenpelo: thanks for the heads up05:42
Flannelinfopirate: I dont know how to turn off the HTML thing, but restarting xchat ought to fix it.05:42
Falstiusroland: shorewall?  Is that a wrapper for iptables?05:42
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blazemongeris it good to use backports in ubuntu fiesty?05:42
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rolandFalstius: yeah basically05:42
johnsorry about taking so long, my girlfriend needed to use my comp and it took longer than expected (cuz she had to hand-write what she was going to print as a result of my current printing issues)05:42
davyorudie: navigating through the system to your Desktop would go through a command like this cd /home/your_name/Desktop05:42
=== shayne [n=shayne@C-59-101-111-28.syd.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
TBotNik_uAll: Thanks for X.win help special kudos to nickrud!!05:43
Peloblazemonger,  it's not bad,  the packages just donT, come with a warranty05:43
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anessenalbert, it's "Show the panel run application dialogue" that you want, mines set to alt+f205:43
Falstiusroland: did you turn on the logging for dropped packets?05:43
shaynehi ... how do i add a user to a group from command line?05:43
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Peloshayne,  man user05:43
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oddiewhere the women at!05:43
Flannelshayne: usermod -G [groups]  -a user, and don't forget the -a05:43
shaynePelo, No manual entry for user05:44
albertanessen, wow.. it said that it was ALT+F2, but I just changed to another key and it's working again... Great!!! Thanks for the Help05:44
IdleOneoddie, #ubuntu-females05:44
orudiePelo: i think i will work on installing this driver tomorrow, however i really want to fix my MBR today05:44
rolandFalstius: probably not, where do I go to turn it on?05:44
Peloshayne,  users maybe05:44
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IdleOneoddie, this is a support channel not a cyber channel05:44
Skifokay, I have a laptop with an intel wireless card, which is working fine here (40-bit WEP), but I have another laptop that has a broadcom card that uses ndiswrapper and refuses to associate.05:44
Falstiusroland: you can do it with the iptables command line.  You should really read a howto on iptables.05:44
anessenalbert, no probs, but check your keyboard layout - maybe thats the problem, your alt key is remapped. Also, it could be a hardware fault.05:44
oddieIdleOne: bummer!05:44
shaynePelo, that's the one :) ... Flannel, cheers05:44
davyI'm going to call it a day, goodnight from Europe to the ubunty community05:45
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Skif'iwconfig eth1 essid <foo>' does not change anything, no matter what the value of <foo> here.05:45
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SkifBUT... and this is the weird part...05:45
oddiewhat irc client you guys recommend?05:45
TBotNik_uAll: have HP4L printer on NetGear PS110.  Do I need any drivers for the NetGear?05:45
MasterShrekoddie, xchat05:45
SkifIt works fine at home, where I have WEP enabled as well.05:45
anessenoddie, i'm using xchat. I like it.05:45
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mneptokoddie: irssi in a terminal. jIRCii for GUI.05:45
Pelooddie,  xchat is nice and easy05:45
IdleOneoddie, there are several search synaptic05:45
=== Skif has very little hair left from tearing it out about this.
rolandFalstius: will do.. thanks for the heads up.. will look that up now.. see what I can figure out05:45
keenpelo: where does the gdm themes go once they are installed?05:45
oddieMasterShrek: I'm using xchat but don't see the user list05:45
IdleOnexchat if you like GUI and irssi if you prefer text based05:46
Pelokeen,  to gdm theme heaven ?05:46
MasterShrekshold be on the right oddie, you may have to stretch the pain over...05:46
keenpelo: lol, i mean where are they installed to05:46
bulmerSkif: whats the issue with the AP?05:46
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Pelokeen,  I don'T know , could be somewhere in the /home folder05:46
Skifbulmer: there's no issue with the AP that I'm aware of.05:46
keenpelo: lol thanks05:46
Skifbulmer: the problem is my laptop with the broadcom card that won't associate to it.05:46
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anessenoddie, Discussion menu, then Users05:46
albertanessen, Thanks!!! for some reason my F2 key just stoped working... Maybe it's a problem with my keyboard... I'm going to try to change it and see what happens05:46
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exyanwhat's the package for artwiz fonts?05:47
Skifbulmer: my work laptop, with the intel card, works fine05:47
orudiePelo: someone have recommended me to use super grub, when i highlight the OS that i want to boot, and press e (for edit) then i go and change my root (hd1.1) to root (hd0.1) and press "b" it will load the OS find, however i don't know how to save it in grub so that i won't have to do it every time i reboot05:47
anessenalbert, no problem. at least keyboards are cheap!05:47
rolandFalstius: though honestly if you think about it, it doesn't make sense that it's the firewall since I can connect and authenticate.. just at that point I can't go anywhere..05:47
Falstiusroland: did you enable ip4 forwarding?05:47
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oddieanessen: no way to display the list permanently on the side?05:47
Flannelorudie: change /boot/grub/menu.lst05:47
albertanessen, for sure!! once again really appreciate the help!05:47
lufthanzaTBotNik_u: whats up?05:48
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Peloorudie, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst     you can make them permanent there05:48
Peloflannel beat me to it05:48
=== Pelo hates flannel now
bulmerSkif : http://www.unix-tutorials.com/go.php?id=57505:48
canerwhat should i do when the master volume is at its maximum but the sound is not eough again (except for using another speaker of course)05:48
anessenoddie, I don't think so, not in this program.05:48
rolandFalstius: in the firewall? not sure... did all the config via webmin... honestly I need to just take the time to sit down and read the man pages05:48
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beeerandenhow do i keep gnome from using keyboard shortcuts while i am focused on a program?05:48
oddieanessen: ok. thanks05:48
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Pelocaner,   dbl click on the sound icon and also set PCM to max05:49
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Falstiusroland: webmin is more trouble than it is worth.  To get ip4 forward you need to echo true > /proc/ipforward (or something like that) and maybe do something with the firewall.  Its a necessary part of setting up a vpn to allow access to local machines.05:49
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canerPelo : its also at max. anything further can be done?05:49
omegabeta*strecthes* Hows everyone going :)05:49
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malnilionFalstius, I'd agree with your assessment of webmin05:50
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BlindravenAnyone need help with anything?05:50
Pelobeeeranden,  you can disable all keyboard shortcuts in menu > syustem > prefs , maybe there is also a switch in there to turn it off temporaraly05:50
PeloBlindraven, I could use a hand troubleshooting all these ppl05:51
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LuiCalhey guys, i need help with my ntfs partition, i have ntfs-g3 installed and it works great, but if i delete files in my ntfs drive, i cannot get any free space. Please help05:51
rolandFalstius: thanks for the tip... and at this point I'd have to agree about webmin being more trouble than it's worth... just thought It would make things easier on me until I was more familiar navigating around linux via the console05:51
orudiePelo: wow cool, can i just remove the other stuff, like recovery etc..., or you would not  recommend it/?05:51
LuiCali need space in my drive05:51
Peloorudie, donT' remove anyting ,  at worst just comment sfuff out05:51
BlindravenPelo: Hahaha, I'm in a good mood and I'm cooling of from someone continuesly trolling in the forums.. thought I'd come in here and help someone out, that way they sort their shit out and I lighten up *laughs*05:51
Falstiusroland: read a howto on nat forwarding/masquarading and a short primer on iptables.  You'll only really need a few commands on the command line.05:52
PeloLuiCal,  and you rephrace the problem ?05:52
beeerandenPelo: yeah, kde doesnt have this problem.  And there is my next question.  I install kde desktop on my laptop but using the same debs, kubuntu-desktop wont install on my desktop.  My laptop being 7.04 and desktop being 7.04 studio, that shouldnt be the problem right?05:53
PeloLuiCal, sorry let me try that again,  can you rephrase your problem05:53
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LuiCalwell , i dont have any problem deleting the files, the problem is taht after i delete it, i dont get any free space05:53
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LuiCalok, here it goes05:53
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IdleOneLuiCal, they are probably all in the trash05:53
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LuiCalbut they are not in my trash can05:54
rolandFalstius: thanks.. honestly it's all probably my own fault for being lazy.. figured it couldn't be much different than configuring a pix.. which... in a way it isn't.. but in a large way, nothing is quite where I'd expect it to be.. so all in all, I'm completely lost.. will read up on it... thanks for the help05:54
lockdthey get trashed at the root of the drive, correct?05:54
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caneris there any website where i can download built virtual machines to work using vmwareplayer (sorry if its wrong place to ask, couldn find any better place)05:54
UbuntuOwnsi can change what all of user does on graphic using root permision?05:54
LuiCalor is there another trash can in my ntfs drive?05:54
lockdLuiCal: go to /path/to/ntfs/.trash05:54
Falstiusroland: no problem.  Sorry I can't be more specific, I've only reluctantly played network admin in the past.05:54
LinuxFanboyI cant get vmware server to compile05:54
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Pelobeeeranden, I wouldn't think so ,  maybe the repos for ubuntustudio are not the same as for the regular ubuntu,  you might need to add canonical repos to sources.list05:55
IdleOneLinuxFanboy, what errors05:55
PeloLinuxFanboy, just install it from the add/remove menu05:55
LinuxFanboylet me check05:55
LuiCalit says that that path does not exist05:55
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rolandFalstius: can't blame you there... I do it for a living.. I do love it.. but some days it can be more trouble than it's worth05:55
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hugovn_hey everybody05:56
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PeloLuiCal,  might be a better idea to boot windows and clean up your ntfs partiton fromthere05:56
LuiCali dont have any file called path in my /05:56
beeerandenPelo:  those .debs were taken straight from var.  The desktop doesnt have internet access05:56
LuiCalbut i dont have windows installed05:56
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LuiCalisnt there any way to clean my ntfs drive05:56
rolandFalstius: been doing Windows administration for 10 years.. and cisco switching/routing/firewall administration for the past 4 years... trying to ween myself over to linux side of things..05:57
beeerandenPelo:  I am just hoping when i make a mirror of the repos my desktop will recongize them05:57
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Pelobeeeranden,  that was my second thought ,  if possible connect to the internet and it will all be solved05:57
LuiCali mean, the files get deleted, but the problem is i dont get any free space05:57
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LuiCalis there a trash can in my ntfs drive or something?05:57
DerangedDingoLuiCal: I think i know05:58
anessenLuiCal, you want to get free space on your NTFS partition, or to make more free space on the drive itself?05:58
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PeloLuiCal, js the trashcan on your desktop,  emtpy that an the file space should get freed05:58
IdleOneLuiCal, the files are being delete/moved perhaps to a hidden folder named .trash the . hides the folder05:58
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TBotNik_uAll: Reposting: Do i need drivers for my NetGear PS110 to make printer work.  Not seeing it on nmap or printer search05:58
piz2aboyhello everyone. i was wondering if anyone could provide me with directions to installing xgl on a via video card? i have already installed via drivers so far. my ubuntu knowledge is quite limited i must admit though.05:58
beeerandenPelo: wish i could connect it to the net.  But if things do go sour and it will not recognize i will just trash ubuntu studio and install the programs freshly with a new 7.04 install.  Thanks for you input on the matter.05:58
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DerangedDingoLuiCal: Browse to the root of your NTFS drive and empty the .Trash-LuiCal folder05:58
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Pelopiz2aboy, ask in #ubuntu-effects they are better at the graphics stuff05:59
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ArtificialSynapsHey, I have a real quick question05:59
piz2aboyoh okay thank you05:59
LuiCal<and how can i see that hidden folder (sorry im a newbie) ?05:59
DerangedDingoLuiCal: Control + H05:59
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anessenLuiCal, ctrl+h in nautilus, ls -a in a shell06:00
ArtificialSynapsI'm trying to get Ubuntu to burn an ISO, it's always done it wonderfully and now everytime I ask it to "write to disk" by right clicking on my file, it burns for about 40 seconds, then speeds through it and doesn't burn the whole OS.06:00
Junoin irc, how do you designate the person you're talking to?06:00
Junoi forgot how =\06:00
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LightCatcherWhat do I have to type into the terminal to get that window that tells me all the different HID inputs I'm giving to the computer?06:00
caneris it possible to download and use pre-built virtual machines and use on my computer. or should i build them?06:00
FalstiusJuno: type in the name ..06:00
faileasJuno: just say his name first? ;)06:00
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Pelog'night folks06:00
FalstiusLightCatcher: you mean xev?06:01
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IdleOnecaner, build them I would think06:01
LightCatcherFalstius: Maybe, I'll check...06:01
canerIdleOne : would it make any difference?06:01
LightCatcherFalstius: Yeah, that's it.06:01
IdleOneJuno, what do you mean designate?06:01
LuiCalcan i delete any file in those hidden folder, or is there any necessary file to run the system?06:01
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Falstiuscaner: it is possible.  Ofcourse, windows ones aren't legal to distribute but there are a lot of linux ones for different tasks.06:01
rosensturmI'm want to install the drivers for my nvidia 8600 GTS but when I click on the restricted driver manager it tells me "Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers". What's going on?06:01
IdleOnecaner, it is your machine do what you like. I prefer to know what I am putting on my machine06:02
LightCatcherOh, but it doesn't do keyboard inputs, eh?06:02
FalstiusLightCatcher: yes it is06:02
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DerangedDingorosensturm: Either your hardware doesn't need any drivers or you need to install them manually06:02
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FlannelLuiCal: everything in your home folder you can delete without breaking anything.  Except the loss of your user configurations/data06:02
FalstiusLightCatcher: are you trying to activate media keys?06:02
LightCatcherOh I see now,I forgot to actually click on the window06:02
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DerangedDingoLuiCal: Anything in the hidden .Trash folder can be deleted06:03
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Spoo1Help!   I installed multiple copies of Ubuntu on a new hard drive.  The first one (kubuntu) took up all the disk space, but I prefer to run Ubuntu, so I have that on a small partition.  It's now too full!  How do I reclaim the Kubuntu partition???  Gparted won't let me expand the active Ubuntu partition into the freed space!  Thanks!06:03
canerFalstius : of course windows ones are illegal. i am asking that to try different unix systems (which are free of corse). do you know such a site? (i really couldnt find using google)06:03
LightCatcherI'm actually removing all the keys from my keyboard and cleaning underneath them, so I'd like to be able to see what keys go where when I put them back :)06:03
FlannelSpoo1: Don't put them on separate partitions.  They coexist side by side.06:03
LuiCaldo i only have to delete  (left click and delete) those files again and thats it?06:03
Falstiuscaner: vmware hosts a bunch actually.06:03
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DerangedDingoLuiCal: Yes06:03
FlannelSpoo1: in kubuntu install the 'ubuntu-desktop' package06:03
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Falstiuscaner: I've seen them for ubuntu, solaris, reactos (qemu image), and some others.06:04
rapidhow can i close say tty206:04
orudieanyone here using xchat ?06:04
nedwis there a way in gnome to have a terminal on the desktop, with no borders or anything06:04
rapidoh must be time to upgrade then06:04
DerangedDingorapid: type "exit"06:04
canerFalstius : thank you. let me have a look06:04
rapidDerangedDingo, I am ssh'd in06:04
DerangedDingorapid: oh.. i dunno06:04
Flannelrapid: you'd kill the gettys06:04
rapidjust kill the PID of bash?06:04
Falstiusnedw: no borders?  you mean full screen?  ctrl-alt f1  then alt-f7 to get back to the normal interface.06:05
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rapidwhats the clean way to do that?06:05
gluttonyrhytmbox only seems to think i have 1.3 gib in my library folder. problem is, i have 4 gib in my folder.....06:05
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LuiCalhey guys thanks a lot, it worked06:05
Skifbulmer: thanks, that's done it.  Apparently ndiswrapper is not happy with this setup, but bcm43xx is.  It's frustrating; the HOWTO I found on ubuntu.com directed me to ndiswrapper.  Ah, well.06:05
DerangedDingorapid: killall bash i'd assume...06:05
Skifbulmer: thank you very much.06:05
nedwFalstius: no like a little terminal on the desktop06:05
LuiCalthanks again, have a very good night06:05
rapidDerangedDingo, i'd be killing myself :)06:05
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Falstiusnedw: have you tried to run xterm?  (alt-f2 to get a command box and type in xterm)06:05
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DerangedDingorapid: heh.. i dunno then06:06
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KanRiNiNI had a usb2 disk automount but it's horribly slow.  Any ideas?06:06
Flannelrapid: Not bash, getty06:06
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rapidFlannel, how to kill getty?06:06
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Flannelrapid: ps aux | grep tty2 will get you the PID06:06
rapidnever mind06:06
bulmerSkif: no sweat06:06
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KanRiNiNI really need to speed it up somehow06:06
KanRiNiNbut I'm not sure what to do06:06
nedwFalstius: that works, but i meant something like this: http://gentoo-wiki.com/images/5/5b/DesktopShot.jpg - or is that just a fluxbox-only thing?06:06
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rapidFlannel, getty ftw! :)06:07
Falstiusnedw: you could install fluxbox ... that's pretty.  I haven't seen anything like that (and I'm not really sure it is useful)06:07
Ashfire908KanRiNiN, is it a hard drive? if yes, you could get a firewire hd drive. (asumeing your computer has a firewire port.)06:07
Ashfire908acutally, does ubuntu even support firewire?06:07
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IdleOneFalstius, how would I change the font size in xterm?06:08
KanRiNiNAshfire908: It's a usb2 HD06:08
TBotNik_uAll: Reposting: Do i need drivers for my NetGear PS110 to make printer work.  Not seeing it on nmap or printer search.  All inet searches show I need /etc/printcap file but do not know what goes there.  Help please!06:08
FalstiusIdleOne: doesn't it follow the gnome settings?06:08
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IdleOneFalstius, apperently not hehe06:08
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Ashfire908KanRiNiN, is it polugged into a usb2 port?06:09
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nedwFalstius: i have fluxbox :) i haven't gotten anything like that to work in either fluxbox or gnome. i looked at the docs on the gentoo site but i still couldn't get it figured out06:09
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orudiehow can i install a xchat-2.8.2.tar.bz2 ?06:09
Falstiusnedw: it is certainly a plugin for fluxbox, there are quite a few.06:09
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Nicarksomebody knows where i can edit the dircolors???06:10
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Falstiusseems like a waste of screen space though (and I'm running dualies)06:10
Ashfire908orudie: use the package manager to get programs06:10
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DerangedDingoFalstius: I don't mean to overwhelm you... but I have the same problem (I think) as IdleOne. My TTY's have a huge font that goes offscreen and doesn't scroll down, which makes it nearly impossible to use them06:10
gluttonydoes anyone here use rhytmbox, or is there a better program?06:10
retourHow to properly use TFTP to send/force file? Have linksysy router that refuses to take software update06:10
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DerangedDingoFalstius: If you know anythinng about it, do you think you could guide me in the right direction?06:10
IdleOneDerangedDingo, mine are to small06:10
FalstiusDerangedDingo: tty (console) is a completely different beast.06:10
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nedwFalstius: would i find plugins on the fluxbox site? i don't see any.06:11
LinuxFanboyhow do i completely remove vmware? I tried using synamptic but its apprently not uninstalling it totally06:11
tehquicknessWhen I log in, I get an error telling me my harddrive is not cleanly mounted. How can I correct this?06:11
orudieAshfire908: the add/remove applications ? this is how i got xchat, but the version is old.06:11
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DerangedDingoFalstius: where do you think the faulty .conf file lives? /etc?06:11
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tehquicknessOr check the drive for errors?06:11
Ashfire908orudie, did you download a "bleeding edge" version?06:11
orudieAshfire908: you mean which ubuntu do i have?06:12
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Ashfire908nomin, xchat06:12
Ashfire908lol oops06:12
Ashfire908orudie, no, xchat06:12
canerFalstius : i am sorry to bother you. but i still couldnt find anywhere to download pre-built virtual machines(yes i am really bad at googling) could you please give me a link?06:13
IdleOneLinuxFanboy, sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename'06:13
FalstiusDerangedDingo: I am pretty sure it is a fixed font size for that and the problem is the resolution for your tty sessions.06:13
orudieAshfire908: XChat-GNOME 0.1606:13
orudieAshfire908: it didn't really let me choose which version to download06:13
DerangedDingoFalstius: gotcha... I'm gonna browse my xorg.conf in that case06:13
Ashfire908orudie, no, the file you just downloaded06:13
Falstiuscaner: http://www.vmware.com/appliances/  (vmware calls them appliances)06:13
LinuxFanboyE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.06:13
IdleOneLinuxFanboy, the error gives you the solution :) dpkg --configure -a06:14
FalstiusDerangedDingo: tty sessions have nothing to do with xorg .. if you mean a terminal window opened up in your windows environment that is different.06:14
canerFalstius: thank you very much.06:14
=== PurpleFool [n=tb@ip-136-162-73-197.cray.com] has joined #ubuntu
tehquicknessWhen I boot my computer, I get a warning saying the drive is not clean ( or not cleanly unmounted?) Any ways, how can I check for errors, and then how can I fix these errors?06:14
orudieAshfire908:  this one http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=23906:14
FalstiusIdleOne: xterm has a -fs option for font size but it doesn't seem to work for me :)06:14
wershow do I make the fonts on the window list bigger?06:14
orudieAshfire908: which one should i get?06:14
TBotNik_uAll: Never mind found the problem with re-ex of nmap.  IP didn't first round, but got it right this time.06:15
DerangedDingoFalstius: I thought you said resolution though?... crap...06:15
Ashfire908orudie, i checked, it's a stable version06:15
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IdleOneFalstius, I use Terminal anyway not a big deal to me was just wondering06:15
DerangedDingoFalstius: I'm talking about TTY's.06:16
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PurpleFoolIs Seveas still on the spot?06:16
orudieAshfire908: so how can i install it, i typed sh filename.bz2 in terminal06:16
TBotNik_uAll; Quick Q: On Gentoo to see status cmd was rc-status.  What is Ubutu equivalent?06:16
IdleOnePurpleFool, spot?06:16
orudieAshfire908: and it gave me all kinds of errors06:16
tehquicknessWhen I boot my computer, I get a warning saying the drive is not clean ( or not cleanly unmounted?) Any ways, how can I check for errors, and then how can I fix these errors?06:16
MasterShrekorudie, lol what are you trying to install?06:16
FlannelTBotNik_u: what does rc-status do?06:16
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Ashfire908orudie, you typed "filename.bz2"???06:16
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FalstiusIdleOne: you could also use the gnome-terminal and turn off the menus and then have gnome control the font size .. it will look a lot like an xterm with a large font at that point.  I use xterm because I like the small font and footprint.06:16
PurpleFoolHe was batting away queries easlier and I was talking about xen and kernel images06:16
TBotNik_uShow status of all modules running or not06:16
rosensturmDoes the binary nvidia drivers in ubuntu 7.10 support the 8600 GTS card?06:17
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LinuxFanboyadd/remove says:  "vmserver is in a very bad state", and then it cuts off the rest of the error message06:17
s0nixanyone play Age of Empires III with wine here ?06:17
PurpleFoolIdleOne did you catch that, sry06:17
FalstiusDerangedDingo: the console has a resolution too .. normally it is like 800x600 (I think).06:17
w30PurpleFool, I just used it06:17
zbytecan anyone tell me where i can get help with compiz?06:17
Flannelrosensturm: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy support, thanks06:17
orudieAshfire908: this is what i did lol Desktop$ sh xchat-2.8.2.tar.bz206:17
Ashfire908orudie, did you download the source version?06:17
TBotNik_uFlannel: Show status of all modules running or not06:17
PurpleFoolw30 used it?06:17
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orudieAshfire908: well i gave you the link i showed you what i downloaded06:17
MasterShrekorudie, why not install xchat from the repositories/06:17
orudieAshfire908: i really dont know how to install stuff06:17
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eboyjrI just downloaded a Splash Screen from gnome-look.org and I do not know how I can install it. What can I do?06:18
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DerangedDingoFalstius: Okay, sorry to distract you any more than i have, but where could I change this?06:18
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MasterShrek!splash | eboyjr06:18
ubotueboyjr: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.06:18
w30PurpleFool, the Seveas repository that is06:18
orudieMasterShrek: because the version i installed from there is a 0.16 so i guess its too old, the one i use in windows is a and they have the same version for fedora linux06:18
PurpleFoolw30 :-D  I see, thanks, so it's not empty yet then.06:19
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TBotNik_uAll: need status to see what mods are up and running and which still have config problems or need loading06:19
w30PurpleFool, I used theplayboymansion.net06:19
MasterShrekorudie, mine from the repositories is 2.806:19
Ashfire908orudie: that was a different type of xchat06:19
rosensturmWhy aren't the nvidia drivers in feisty ever updated?06:19
PurpleFoolw30 you swim in better circles than I.06:19
Ashfire908orudie: xchat-gnome is not the same as xchat06:19
Nix33I am having issues with booting the CD, i put in a 7.04 CD, it boots and loads the kernel, then I goes to the splash screen, but then it takes me to this weird prompt i think it is called ash shell06:20
MasterShrekrosensturm, use the ones from nvidias site if its that important06:20
FalstiusDerangedDingo: this looks promising http://www.g-loaded.eu/2005/09/30/change-the-console-resolution/06:20
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orudieAshfire908: oooh ok let me try to get a better one06:20
w30PurpleFool, I wanted the codecs for realplayer files without realplayer :=)06:20
firebird619Could someone help me? I just installed Ubuntu. I had a different distro installed before and I chose to keep my /home partition unformated to save the data. Now, when I try to login to Ubuntu, it says something about needing 644 permissions. How can I solve this?06:20
pawanhow to repair kernel06:20
rosensturmMasterShrek, those require me to shut down X... I get NO video unless X is running.06:20
FlamingZeldaHello everyone :D Can someone please tell me how to get the "nvidia glx"? It seems I am missing it and need it for my video card <_<06:20
MasterShrekfirebird619, is your /home directory on a different partition?06:20
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FlamingZeldaWhen, I installed the restricted nvidia graphics acceleration drivers, xserver wouldn't start.06:21
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DerangedDingoFlamingZelda: Restricted drivers manager. If that doesn't work, try nVidia's website, and refer to google on guides to install the driver06:21
firebird619MasterShrek: Yes, it is it's own partition.06:21
MasterShrekrosensturm, you dont even get consoles?06:21
w30FlamingZelda, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx06:21
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PurpleFoolw30 ahh, they are useful.  But I wanted to follow up about Xen kernels.  A lot less fun.06:21
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TBotNik_uAll: need status to see what mods are up and running and which still have config problems or need loading. On Gentoo to see status cmd was rc-status.  What is Ubutu equivalent?06:21
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DerangedDingoFlamingZelda: Nevermind, hahahaha06:21
MasterShrekfirebird619, this is what my line in /etc/fstab looks like:     /dev/sda4     /home           ext3    defaults        0       206:21
FlamingZeldaThanks, w30.06:21
rosensturmMasterShrek, from the time the kernel starts booting until X loaded I get nothing on the screen.06:21
PurpleFoolw30 doesn't the restricted driver manager do the instal for you?06:21
MasterShrekstrange rosensturm06:22
DerangedDingoFlamingZelda: Sorry, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx.. i got confused06:22
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jetscreamerrosensturm: try 771 instead of 79106:22
MasterShrekrosensturm, tried nvidia-glx-new?06:22
PurpleFoolSo do we have any Xen users around?06:22
orudieAshfire908: the only one i see there is xchat-gnome06:22
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w30FlamingZelda, enable the non-free and the multimedia or what ever in your repository06:22
PurpleFoolOr VMware heavies for that matter.06:22
firebird619MasterShrek: What do I need to change to get that message away, with it there, I cannot even log in, except to cli, I am on the Live CD right now.06:22
MasterShrekorudie, there shoudl be just an xchat06:22
rosensturmjetscreamer, What?06:22
Nix33is it normal for compaq presario's to have problems booting Ubuntu?06:23
w30FlamingZelda, everything except source06:23
FlamingZeldaw30: how would I do that?06:23
TBotNik_uAll: jetting! Off to house an bed! bye!06:23
orudieMasterShrek: i dont see it06:23
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jetscreamerlook in /boot/grub/menu.lst rosensturm06:23
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orudieMasterShrek: under which category, cause its not there under internet or all, i even typed in xchat in search, and only xchat-gnome comes up06:23
Ashfire908orudie: where are you going to get xchat06:23
MasterShrekorudie, its in the universe repo06:23
jetscreamerapt-get install xchat06:23
firebird619MasterShrek: I had this same issue with another distro and all I had to do was enter a command with the old UID and use 644 as the new id. Is there a command like that for Ubuntu?06:23
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MasterShrekfirebird619, it should be the same, but i dont know for sure06:24
vmhey all, i have a question about terminal, say i open terminal and start pidgin, is there a  way to keep using and/or close that terminal window, without closing the application i started with it06:24
w30FlamingZelda, in System>administration>synaptic>settings>repositories06:24
orudieAshfire908: i'm in the Applications->add/remove06:24
jetscreamervm: put a & after it06:24
jetscreamerthe command06:24
MasterShrekfirebird619, are all the files in there still owned by your user?06:24
orudieAshfire908: why, is there any other place?06:24
rhinosaur665firebird619: sudo chown username:username06:24
zbyteanyone know how to check if fglrx is working?06:24
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jetscreamertry fglrx-info or so06:24
Ashfire908orudie, you can only see xchat GNOME?06:24
rhinosaur665firebird619: then sudo chmod 64406:24
Falstiusvm: ctrl-z (suspend the ap) and then bg in the terminal.06:24
jetscreamerfglrxinfo maybe06:24
FlamingZeldaOkay, thanks :D06:25
orudieAshfire908: yes!06:25
orudieAshfire908: dont see any other xchat06:25
firebird619MasterShrek: I don't remember what the exact command was though. I know it had to do with chown and so forth. Yes, they are still owned by my user. I used the same user name in Ubuntu as I had in the other distro.06:25
Ashfire908orudie, there is Xchat-GNOME IRC Client, and Xchat IRC client06:25
rhinosaur665firebird619: make sure you specify your home folder /home/username after both of those06:25
jetscreamerxchatgnome sux06:25
rosensturmjetscreamer, Oh you mean the vga option... where should I put it?06:25
jetscreamererr isn't as good06:25
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jetscreamerrosensturm: /boot/grub/menu.lst is where the default options can be found.. just read the comments06:26
MasterShrekrosensturm, /boot/grub/menu.lst06:26
jetscreamerdon't uncomment anything like it says06:26
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Flannelrosensturm: kopt line, don't uncomment, just append (and then update-grub afterwards)06:26
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jetscreamerrosensturm: i believe it's set to vga=791 atm06:26
firebird619rhinosaur665: would that command, sudo chown username:username do anything beings I have the same username as I did on the other distro?06:26
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jetscreamerjust change the 9 if so06:26
zbytewhen running compiz --replace i ge this /usr/bin/compiz.real: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/compiz/libdecoration.so: undefined symbol: decor_apply_gravity06:26
zbyte any thoughts?06:26
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MasterShrekfirebird619, maybe, use a -R after the chwon06:27
jetscreamerrosensturm: if 771 doesn't work normal will06:27
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orudieAshfire908: yeah i took a screenshot of what i see06:27
orudieAshfire908: going to upload06:27
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jetscreamerrosensturm: no splash screen?06:28
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rosensturmjetscreamer, Nothing.06:28
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MasterShrekmy bootsplash says kubuntu, anyone know how to change it back to ubuntu?06:28
orudieAshfire908: http://img297.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotzy7.png06:28
MasterShrekthere used to be a command...06:28
Falstiusfirebird619: the user name is just a label, the important part is the usernumber (uid).  To be the same user on the both distros you need the same uid.  type id in the terminal to see who you are.06:28
firebird619In the command sudo chmod 644, don't I have to specify what I want to change to 644, such as /home or something.06:29
jetscreamerrosensturm: you might also try taking the splash directive out... the quiet is set in another file that i don't remember, but you might try getting rid of that one also06:29
firebird619Falstius: Ok, thank you.06:29
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jetscreamerbut only update-grub puts it back06:29
orudieAshfire908: do you see it? cause i dont see it06:29
MasterShrekorudie, use synaptic06:29
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jetscreamerif you remove it froom menu.lst06:29
rosensturmjetscreamer, I do have a widescreen monitor. Could that have something to do with it?06:29
Ashfire908orudie, i have a slow internet connection06:29
jetscreamerrosensturm: do hwinfo --framebuffer w/o xorg running06:29
jetscreamerfor a list06:30
jetscreamerin hex06:30
LinuxFanboyI'm having a hard time removing vmware, in Synaptic i get this error , but it cuts off the error message : E: vmware-server: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should06:30
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rosensturmjetscreamer, Actually I do see something about an MP-BIOS bug before the screen turns black.06:30
orudieMasterShrek: synaptic? whats that?06:30
MasterShrek!synaptic | orudie06:30
ubotuorudie: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto06:30
firebird619Well, I will go try these commands and home things work. Thanks everyone for your help.06:30
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jetscreamerrosensturm: you can also hit e on the grub menu when you boot and just take out/add stuff.. hit e again to edit each line06:30
Todd_How can I change the server my server install is using for apt-get update?06:31
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Ashfire908orudie, change supported ubuntu application to all open source06:31
MasterShrekTodd_, edit your /etc/apt/sources.list06:31
Todd_More specifically, how to I change to a more reliable repository?06:31
erdteerI have vmware server running in Ubuntu, I mounted an Image using AcetoneIso, how do tell vmware to select that virtual-drive to install a new OS?06:31
MasterShrek!repositories | Todd_06:31
LinuxFanboyTodd_ http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_add_extra_repositories06:31
ubotuTodd_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:31
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MasterShrekerdteer, you dont need to mount the iso using acetoneiso06:32
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MasterShrektell vmware to use the iso as the cdrom06:32
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orudieAshfire908: perfect its downloading06:32
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orudieAshfire908: thanx for bearing with me06:32
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erdteerit is failing and it was recomended to use a virtula image06:33
orudieAshfire908: do you know how to install nvidia drivers?06:33
MasterShrekerdteer, do you have permissions to the iso?06:33
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MasterShrekerdteer, i dont know how a mounted iso would help you06:33
erdteeryes I do..it  just fails in the middle of the install..06:33
FlamingZeldaOk, plugged into my UPS now, the power was dipping due to a storm >_<06:33
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Ashfire908system -> administration -> restricted drivers manager06:33
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FlamingZeldaSo, w30, I've done that, what now?06:34
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toubsuis the ntfs support in 7.04 limited to read-only? (i'm booted up as livecd)06:34
erdteerit is just nother way to get it done06:34
MasterShrekhello staing need some help?06:34
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zzm634what's the console command to partition a drive?06:34
MasterShrek!ntfs-3g | toubsu06:34
ubotutoubsu: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:34
staingmaster thanks for your reply06:34
MasterShrek!cfdisk zzm63406:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cfdisk zzm634 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:34
staingthis is a great community06:34
MasterShrek!cfdisk | zzm63406:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cfdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:34
Todd_Thank you MasterShrek, LinuxFanboy, and ubotu.06:34
Ashfire908orudie system -> administration -> restricted drivers manager06:34
zzm634MasterShrek: thanks P06:35
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staingnetwork booting06:35
staingon a ibm 57006:35
staingIs it possible06:35
toubsucan you install packages when booted as livecd?06:35
MasterShrekstaing, im wont be able to help u with that06:35
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MasterShreki dont see why not staing06:35
MasterShrektoubsu, it woudl not make sense06:35
staingreally for the learning experience06:35
LinuxFanboyI'm having a hard time removing vmware, in Synaptic i get this error , but it cuts off the error message : E: vmware-server: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should06:35
MasterShrekdo you need ntfs read/write right now? if you do i would suggest using a knoppix disc06:36
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toubsuMasterShrek: just wondering if it is possible, trying to recover some data on a system that won't boot and I don't want to pull the HD if I can avoid it06:36
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MasterShrektoubsu, i dont think the ubuntu live disc can write ntfs06:37
MasterShrektoubsu, but slax kill bill edition might, and thats a smaller download than knoppix06:37
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Falstiustoubsu: you can install software in the live disk.06:37
toubsuFalstius: ok, thx06:37
MasterShreki didnt know that06:37
MasterShrek<-- newb06:38
Ashfire908orudie? did you got where i said to06:38
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threethirtyhi all06:38
stainghi 3306:39
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bullgard4Where is usually located the 'Thermal1' sensor and the 'Thermal2' sensor in a laptop?06:40
orudieAshfire908, yes?06:40
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Ashfire908orudie system -> administration -> restricted drivers manager06:40
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orudieAshfire908, just configured auto join and auto nickserv ident password06:41
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LinuxFanboyI'm having a hard time removing vmware, in Synaptic i get this error , but it cuts off the error message : E: vmware-server: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should06:41
threethirtyhey I just hosed my laptop, i turned it off (via the button) when it was complaining that I was out of hdd space, and now I cant log in because i dont have enough hdd space for it to write my login info to whatever file it said06:41
MasterShrekthreethirty, load a live cd and clear some spce06:42
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orudieAshfire908, yeah, nvidia accelerated graphics driver --> its in use, however i cant choose the appropriate resolution for my LCD06:42
Ashfire908orudie, why?06:42
MasterShrekorudie, put the proper resolutions in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restart X06:42
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orudieMasterShrek, how exactly would i do that lol06:43
Falstiuslinuxboy: I know there is a bug in launchpad about that.06:43
orudiemaster_of_master, is it the root thing again?06:43
davyorudie before you make any change make sure you make a backup of xorg.conf06:43
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orudiei mean MasterShrek06:43
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davyif the start of x fails you can copy it back and it will work as before06:43
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MasterShrekorudie,    sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf             then scroll to the bottom and put the resoultion you want in there, save and do a ctrl+alt+backspace06:44
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LinuxFanboyFalstius its driving me up the wall , been trying to install vmware server all day hehe06:44
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LinuxFanboybout ready to just do a dual boot :(06:44
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Ashfire908oh, let me guess. 1440xsomething@60hz is the recommened and you can only get the 50hz one?06:44
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MasterShrekLinuxFanboy, vmware server should run fine under ubuntu, i used to run it in hoary i think06:44
rhinosaur665LinuxFanboy: have you tried running `sudo apt-get install packagename`?06:45
etamhi I am new here, can someone help me with Ubuntu server issue?06:45
Ashfire908orudie 1440xsomething@60hz is the recommened and you can only get the 50hz one?06:45
firebird619Ok, I just ran those commands and now my /home is gone. Please tell me I can get it back.06:45
LinuxFanboytried everything06:45
Ashfire908etam, yes what is the issue?06:45
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orudieAshfire908, the recommended is 1680x1050 60 hz06:45
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etamI am trying to get the DLT work. I can not see any /dev/sd006:45
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orudieAshfire908, and now its on 144006:45
LinuxFanboyit wont install cause it says its in a "very bad state" or something, it wont uninstall it no matter what i do06:45
orudieAshfire908, so everything looks streched06:46
threethirtymastershrek: i have tried but i cant get permissions to the folders, i was able to delete a NFS share but im not sure if it si going to be enought06:46
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Ashfire908etam, sorry, i don't know what dlt is06:47
FlamingZeldaHokay, so. Each time I enable the restricted nvidia graphics acceleration drivers and reboot, it wont start the xserver...at all...and Im stuck with the white on black command line. Is there a way to disable the restricted drivers from the command line or the live boot CD?06:47
rhinosaur665firebird619: what exactly did you run?06:47
MasterShreklol threethirty twhat wer u doing again, i got too many things on my mind sorry lol06:47
FlamingZeldaIm running the live CD right now...06:47
etamashfire908, it is a tape drive06:47
Ashfire908oruide, 1440x1050?06:47
orudieMasterShrek, i can only locate the available modes, cant see the part that i have to modify06:47
Ashfire908etam: oooh....06:47
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threethirtyit was podcasts, i swear, ok i have a problem06:48
etamanyone have experience with DLT on a HP server running ubuntu?06:48
WaltzingAlongLinuxFanboy: how about running the uninstall from vmware.com's tar.gz rather than aptitude purge vmware-server? have you been installing both?06:48
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MasterShrekorudie, if you see where the resolutions are in there, i usually just add the resolution that i want in there for each depth06:48
threethirtymy name is three and i am a podcast addict06:48
orudieAshfire908, yeah right now its on  1440x1050 50 hz06:48
moinsterI am trying to play an AVI file, and the index is broken.  Is there an Index fixer available for linux?06:48
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TheCreationistAnyone know how to get full ANSI support for telnet?  I've tried using the console ("telnet"), QTerm, and a few others, but none of them display properly.06:48
firebird619rhinosaur665: the sudo chown username:username and then sudo chmod 644.06:49
LinuxFanboyWaltzingAlong ya i think i have too many failed installs06:49
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=== MasterShrek sparks a fat joint
FlamingZelda...anyone? Yes? No? >.>06:49
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firebird619rhinosaur665: That should of just change permissions right? It should be there somewhere shouldn't it?06:49
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orudieMasterShrek, 1600x1200 is listed there for each depth but not letting me choose it though06:49
rhinosaur665firebird619: on which file/directory?06:49
Ashfire908orudie, can you do 1440x115206:49
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orudieAshfire908, can't choose that06:49
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MasterShrekorudie, try putting just 1600x1200 in there and get rid of the other resolutions (back up xorg.conf first)06:50
Ashfire908orudie, try stuff untill it looks right06:50
firebird619rhinosaur665: /home. I think that's my mistake, shouldn't have been /home/(username)06:50
Ashfire908Anyone know how to mount a tape drive06:50
MasterShrekyep firebird619 shoudl be mounted just as /home06:50
chetnickI just installed xmms. It doesnt play. Does anybody have any idea? By the way i can play them in movie player.06:50
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MasterShrek!tape | Ashfire90806:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tape - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:51
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rhinosaur665firebird619: yes, you need to run those commands on /home/<username> not /home06:51
Ashfire908MasterShrek, already tried that06:51
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MasterShrekno idea Ashfire908 google it i spose06:51
MasterShreki know its possible06:51
MasterShrekspecially with udev, should be very easy06:52
threethirtymastershrek: the one file i was actually able to delete didnt help, i have the folowing error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33110/06:52
bullgard4What is a 'shell hook'? I could not find a definition.06:52
JahzI'm trying to move the tahoma.ttf file from my desktop to my wine fonts directory using the command line, but the file isn't recognized06:52
orudieAshfire908, ok i added the "1680x1050"in every line for each deapth06:52
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firebird619rhinosaur665: oh man. Is there there a way I can fix it, it didn't delete the partition did it, where I lost everything. I am sure I have everything backed up, but I still don't want to lose that /home partition.06:52
orudieAshfire908, what do i do now? i had to press something right?06:52
MasterShrekoh threethirty your drive was full, and you tried loading a livecd too?06:52
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rhinosaur665firebird619: no, it did not delete your partition06:52
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firebird619rhinosaur665: Oh thank goodness. Please, how do I fix it. from the live cd it isn't visible anymore.06:53
MasterShrekfirebird619, put your user in the disk group maybe06:53
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huntekebullgard4: what's the context?06:53
rhinosaur665firebird619: to fix it, just run `chown root:root /home`, then `chmod 655 /home/`06:53
Ashfire908orudie, i don't know the command but if the card doesn't support the relousation, you might has to use a terminal to edit the file to fix it. that's whyu i wanted you to try playing with the gui apps06:53
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rhinosaur665firebird619: oops, should be sudo in front of both of those commands06:54
firebird619rhinosaur665: /home or /home/username. Also, 655 or 644.06:54
threethirtymastershrek: yeah i have a knoppix dvd, and it wouldnt let me delete any files, or back them up to my external hdd06:54
jonathan8diI have a partition I made but never assigned a mount point.06:54
Jahzis there another way to move this tahoma.ttf file into a different folder? how would i be able to gain permission to do it?06:54
MasterShrekthreethirty, were you doing the commands as root?06:54
TheCreationistHow do I figure out if other people are currently logged in on my system and how do I log them out?06:54
jonathan8diIt mounts as though it is a usb device06:54
threethirtymastershrek: sudo, and sudo su06:55
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bullgard4hunteke: Synaptic: "power management daemon: Provides battery, temperature, ac, cpufreq (SpeedStep, Powernow!) control and monitoring. Proper suspend to disk/ram and standby by shell hooks that are easy to extend. APM and ACPI machines are supported equally. For laptops as well as for workstations."06:55
jonathan8diI would like to mount it as a folder in my /home directory (/home/music)06:55
MasterShrekTheCreationist, type    who    will list users06:55
davidthedrakeHello: when logging into phpmyadmin I am getting an error saying access denied for user 'bunch of weird characters'@'localhost' (http://pastebin.com/d4f37ef09) but I am putting in a legit username. Can someone help?06:55
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orudieAshfire908, i know for sure this card supports it cause it works perfect in windows with the appropriate resolution, and nvidia.com has an updated driver, i just dont know how to install it, it says i gotta turn off X before installing, and i have no idea what they mean, turn off gui i suppose and do it from command line ?06:55
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MasterShrekjonathaN, add an entry to your /etc/fstab for it06:55
jonathan8diI think I need to edit fstab?  But the partition is not listed there.06:55
TheCreationistMasterShrek: Hmm... that doesn't help.  I'm the only one listed, but my system is running very slowly (as if someone else were logged in too)06:55
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Cod1I can't compile programs anymore.. I keep getting make: *** No rule to make target `makefile.am'.  Stop.06:55
omegabetaAny http://ubuntuforums.org mods in here that are avilable?06:56
MasterShrekmake sure you create the mount point directory too jonathaN06:56
rhinosaur665firebird619: run those two on /home/, then run `sudo chown -R username:username /home/username` and `sudo chmod -R 644 /home/username`06:56
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Ashfire908orudie, yes, x is the base gui system.06:56
MasterShrekThe_Machine, try a system monitor to see what is slowing u down06:56
Zatria_Mudacan i ask about dhcp3..06:56
MasterShrekCod1, do you run the configure script?06:56
Ashfire908orudie: make sure the driver is for UBUNTU or DEBIAN.06:56
Cod1there was none I don't think06:56
huntekebullgard4, hmm, the context isn't helping me, but generally a hook is a means to control or otherwise tell a program what you want it to do06:57
dropslashHow do I get the resolution 1400x1050 on a dell d600 w/ ATI Radeon Mobility 9000?  Or is it possible?06:57
Zatria_Mudahow to restrict user connet to dhcp server should have match mac or maybe name computer06:57
huntekebullgard4, a hook is "a way in" to something06:57
Ashfire908dropslash, system -> administration -> restricted driver manager06:57
MasterShrekZatria_Muda, go by mac, your router should have instructions for it06:57
Ashfire908dropslash, install the restricted driver06:58
jonathan8difstab shows my /, /home, and swap partitions, but not the extended partition which contains the logical partition I want to mount06:58
dropslashit says I dont require restricted drivers06:58
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TheCreationistAnyone know how to get full ANSI support for telnet?  I've tried using the console ("telnet"), QTerm, and a few others, but none of them display properly.06:58
Zatria_MudaMasterShrek i use dhcp3-server service06:58
MasterShrekjonathaN, you need to add that device in there to mount it06:58
firebird619rhinosaur665: Ok, and with the sudo chmod 655 /home. it is 655 instead of 644, correct?06:58
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MasterShreksorry Zatria_Muda i thought u were using like a linksys router, never set up a linux based router06:59
Zatria_MudaMasterShrek should i install dns for local network to..06:59
MasterShrekfirebird619, shold be 644 i think06:59
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dropslashhow / where do i download restricted drivers?06:59
rhinosaur665firebird619: correct06:59
MasterShrekgroup and others cannot execute06:59
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bullgard4hunteke: Ok, thank you very much for explaining.06:59
firebird619rhinosaur665: correct for it being 655?06:59
rhinosaur665firebird619: yes06:59
Zatria_MudaMasterShrek i setup linux as a router and DHCP server...06:59
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Ashfire908etam, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=502206&highlight=tape+drive+mount06:59
Ashfire908etam, oops07:00
yellow_chickenis there a way to conf openoffice, so scroll bar's up and down arrow are right next to each other? like it does for Mac OS X?07:00
MasterShrekZatria_Muda, yea i figured that out, im not a networker at all tho, i know very little about that lol07:00
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firebird619rhinosaur665: Ok, Thank you so much for your help. I will go try that now and hope it works.07:00
Zatria_Mudaincluding transparent proxy with squid...07:00
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Ashfire908etam, no sorry that's the right post07:00
bruenigyellow_chicken, not likely, it is open source though....07:00
Zatria_Mudanoproblem bro.. thanks anyway07:00
jonathan8diMasterShrek:  How do I add the device?  Do you mean add it to FSTAB?07:00
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MasterShrekyes jonathaN do you know what device your unused partition is?07:00
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MasterShrek/dev/hda3 for example07:00
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TheCreationistHow do I enable IBM extended ASCII in telnet clients?07:01
jonathan8diMaster Shrek:  Yes, I know the device, but what do I put for UUID= ?07:01
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MasterShrekdont put uuid, just put the device07:01
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MasterShrekspeaking of which, why does it do taht? thats annoying to me, so much easier to read an fstab with devices instead of uuids...07:02
jonathan8diMsterShrek:  So just add /dev/sda5?07:02
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threethirtymastershrek: i have to run is there any other advice you have for me or is there another way to contact you, or if you could look me up (threethirty.us) i would really apericate it07:02
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jonathan8dito the end of fstab?07:02
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dropslashhow do I get into my restricted driver manager when it says my hardware doesnt require them?07:03
MasterShrekyes jonathan8di just follow the format for your other mounted partition (i think u said it was /home) except make it /home/username/music or whever you want to mount it (make sure you mkdir the mount point as well)07:03
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threethirtylater every one, thanks for the help mastershrek07:04
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jonathan8diMasterShrek:  Ok thanks! I think I can handle doing that.07:04
niuqthere is any way to change the name  something.jpg to something.JPG to a bunch of files?07:04
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newbie2can i see who's online on squid?07:05
MasterShrekim sure you could write a shell script niuq07:05
MasterShreknewbie2, what is squid?07:05
niuqMasterShrek: i know nothing about shell script07:05
newbie2proxy squid07:05
Jahzhow can i get my computer to recognize a file? i'm using the command line to move a file to another folder, but the file itself is not being recognized07:06
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MasterShreknewbie2, i dunno on that07:06
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niuqhere is any way to change the name  something.jpg to something.JPG to a bunch of files?07:07
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MasterShrekniuq, try krename for kde, might be what you are looking for07:07
MasterShrekThis package contains a very powerful batch file renamer for KDE307:07
MasterShrekwhich can rename a list of files based on a set of expressions.07:07
MasterShrekIt can copy/move the files to another directory or simply rename07:07
MasterShrekthe input files.07:07
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niuqMasterkShrek: for kde, should i use kde environment?07:07
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niuqMasterkShrek: i mean desktop, im running gnome07:08
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wastedfluidAnyone know anything about when using 's2disk' - it never prompts for a password after screensavers / etc.. ?07:08
MasterShrekwell you would have to install kde libraries, but you can run it under gnome07:08
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Benehey does anyone know whats up with Ubuntu Studio? the server is down. are they just doing matinence or is there an issue?07:08
MasterShrekits kind of a big install for kde libs and base and such tho, maybe not worth it...07:08
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niuqMasterkShrek: would not be easier the shell script you just told me?07:08
MasterShrekyea, but i dunno how you would do it, i dont know much about shell scripting07:09
MasterShrekim just pretty sure its possible07:09
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niuqi'll ask for ppl to help me with shell script07:09
eboyjrI'm trying to install a usplash thing and I can't seem to get it installed. How can I do this?07:09
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MasterShrekhey niuq if you figure it out, you should let me know, im kinda interested :)07:10
BeneWhats up with Ubuntu Studio? The server is down. Is this matinence or an issue?07:10
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MasterShrekeboyjr, i think usplash may already be installed, although i dont know how to use it07:10
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niuqMasterShrek: sure i will07:11
MasterShrek!usplash | eboyjr07:11
ubotueboyjr: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork07:11
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niuqhere is any way to change the name  something.jpg to something.JPG to a bunch of files?07:11
niuqmaybe some help with shell script here07:11
emet_is_roothow to send something from a windows box07:11
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emet_is_rootto a linux box, via ssh07:11
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Ashfire908Bene: might be able to get a quick responce to you question on #ubuntu-studio07:11
emet_is_rootbut it's proxied ssh07:11
niuqhere is any way to change the name  something.jpg to something.JPG to a bunch of files?07:12
niuqthere is any way to change the name  something.jpg to something.JPG to a bunch of files?07:12
MasterShrekniuq, try in #slackware or #gentoo07:12
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eboyjrMasterShrek: It gives out: "There is only 1 program which provides usplash-artwork.so"07:12
MasterShrekand stop flooding, we heard u the first 8 times07:12
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niuqMasterShrek: hehe sorry didnt mean it ^07:13
bruenigniuq, for x in *; do mv $x ${x%.jpg}.JPG; done07:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pateince - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:13
MasterShrekeboyjr, put additional usplash  .so files in /usr/lib/usplash07:13
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faileaspatience? ;)07:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linuxmint - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:13
niuqbruenig: i'll try it out07:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux-mint - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:13
bruenigpawan, get out07:13
scottDkoDerHi all, I'm having a problem after installing gentoo on a different partition and is quite strange. I cant boot ubuntu. At all. Not even the live cd. Attempting to boot from hd or livecd fails miserably with job control turned off as the centrall error. Spends several minutes failing, cant even get to a terminal. Suspecting hw failure, any help is well taken07:13
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Jahzi can't get a file on my desktop to be recognized! i'm trying to move it to another folder, but when i put in the command, it comes out with an error saying there is no dir or file?07:14
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PF|Ubuntuis it possible to log out another user from the terminal07:14
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TokalDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 007:15
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jonathan8diMasterShrek:  After editing fstab, the partition won't mount07:15
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punsadJahz: are you using the mv? or cp command?07:15
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eboyjrMasterShrek: Where can I get extra .so files? Just download like 8 of them from gnome-look.org and save them to /usr/lib/usplash/?07:15
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:15
jonathan8diIt says:  You don not have permission to mount this drive07:15
Jahzcp doesn't work either punsad07:15
editedis there transmission torrent client in ubuntu repos?07:15
bruenigJahz, do "pwd" and paste the output, and also copy the command you were using before07:15
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punsaddoes the directory exist that you are trying to move it into?07:15
MasterShrekeboyjr, i dunno, the one thats in there already is a .so07:15
jonathan8diMasterShrek:  When I open GParted07:15
kimmey2k3What pack should I install to get flash working in firefox?07:16
PF|UbuntuIve been using an NX client but it shows that Im logged in three times. Is there any way to kill the other sessions from the terminal or graphically?07:16
MasterShrekjonathaN, open a terminal and type: sudo mount /dev/sda507:16
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MasterShrek!flash | kimmey2k3,07:16
ubotukimmey2k3,: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:16
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niuqbruenig: this happened mv: target `Principal.JPG' is not a directory07:16
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bruenigniuq, did you copy that exactly?07:17
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Jahzpunsad: the directory exists, and the directory i'm in is the directory of the file, but it's still not being recognized07:17
niuqbruenig: i think i did, i'll try it againg07:17
firebird619rhinosaur665: I'm back. Now, when I login, I get an error, so I check the .xsession error log or whatever and it says Unable to create ~/.gnome2 directory: Permission Denied07:17
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MasterShrekfirebird619, do you already have a .gnome2 directory?07:17
niuqbruenig: same07:18
bruenigJahz, paste the output of "pwd", you obviously are in the wrong directory07:18
jonathan8diMasterShrek:  I never specified the file system type.  It says "unknown filesystem type ''  I guess I need to add that to Fstab07:18
firebird619rhinosaur665: Also, it says, Could not create per-user gnome configuration directory /home/username/: Permission Denied07:18
niuqbruenig: i run it over the directory where the pics are07:18
MasterShrekjonathaN, yep, copy it exactly like the other ones, except use the device instead of uuid=blah07:18
bruenigniuq, are you in the directory with the pictures?07:18
firebird619MasterShrek: It could be that I do. Should I remove it so it can create a new one.07:18
MasterShrekno firebird61907:18
byonixhi, anyone has a free  crossover office installer for ubuntu, a free cedega installer for ubuntu too, share me please07:18
niuqbruenig: yes i am07:19
rhinosaur665firebird619: i did not think 644 would be correct, run `sudo chmod -R +x /home/username`07:19
MasterShrekyou need privileges to it07:19
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firebird619rhinosaur665: Ok, Thanks.07:19
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bruenigniuq, does it rename any of them? I just tried this command on my computer and it worked fine07:19
firebird619MasterShrek: I just checked, yes, I do already have a .gnome2 directory.07:19
MasterShreknot that rhinosaur66507:19
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scottDkoDerWhat does 'job control turned off' mean anyways?07:19
punsadJahz: could there be a permisions problem here? or the file might be corrupt07:19
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majorjrkIm using ubuntu, and my wifi connections goes down wery often (im using wifi but same goes if i use cable) it happens not just at home, so its not my router/modem, and even tough it happens mostly when using torrent, it goes without also, when it goes down i cant ping my router, even tough iwconfig reports everything as usual, and netstat still shows open connections, til now i have been forced to reboot each time, restart network doesnt help,07:19
bruenigJahz, please print the output of "pwd"07:19
majorjrkand if i bring down/up interface, i dont get dhcp lease.. but wat works is just plug my ethernet for as little as half a second, then its all fine right away, could anyone help me determine whats wrong, or help me come up with another fix so i dont have to reboot or  be close to a cable ?07:19
MasterShrekfirebird pastebin the output of   ls -l  /home      and ls -al   /home/username07:20
rhinosaur665MasterShrek: if the file is there already, it is an execution problem07:20
firebird619rhinosaur665: I am able to see my home directory again now though, so part of that worked. Also, am I able to run that command from the Live CD, instead of having to restart and everything?07:20
MasterShrekrhinosaur665, its a permission problem07:20
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bruenigmajorjrk, you need the ethernet plugged in to connect...07:20
rhinosaur665MasterShrek: yes, and he has already added read and write permissions for his user by chmodding it to 64407:20
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majorjrkbruenig: what u mean, telling me or asking me ?07:21
byonixhi, anyone has a free  crossover office installer for ubuntu and a free cedega installer for ubuntu too, share me please07:21
niuqbruenig: it did not, well i didnt told you, in the something.jpg, in the something part there are spaces in some pictures, maybe that can be a problem07:21
scottDkoDerSo if I cant boot a live cd that I could previously on the same sys/hw config, what went wrong? Does a feisty live cd use any options or info from an existing install from the hard drive??07:21
firebird619Am I able to run these commands from the Live CD instead of having to reboot and get to a cli and so forth, or won't that work?07:21
punsadJahz: also .. see if the file is in use: lsof | grep filename07:21
bruenigniuq, yes that is a problem07:21
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toddywhen i start a firefox it says another process is running!why,coz i didn't start it!07:22
niuqbruenig: any way to deal with it?07:22
PF|UbuntuIs there a way to log out other users? It's showing that Im logged in three times.07:22
punsadtoddy: try ps ax | grep firefox .. to see if there are really other instances of firefox running07:22
jonathan8diMasterShrek:  Here's my new line in fstab:  /dev/sda5/home/jonathan/musicext3defaults0007:22
jonathan8diDoes that look right?07:22
MasterShrekthat should work fine jonathan8di07:23
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punsadPF|Ubuntu: wonder if the 'slay' command might work for you here.  Might be overkill07:23
rhinosaur665firebird619: this should work from livecd07:23
scottDkoDerDoes anyone have any help for me?07:23
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jonathan8diMasterShrek:  Success!07:23
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toddypunsad,  5540 ?        Rl   141:13 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin07:23
toddy18628 pts/0    R+     0:00 grep firefox07:23
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firebird619rhinosaur665: Ok, I will try that and then restart and see if I can login. Thank you for all of your help so far.07:23
MasterShrekjonathan8di, can you write to it as your user?07:23
toddyit shows me this!07:23
bruenigniuq, I am working on a find command to get around it07:24
punsadtoddy: okay.. that means firefox is running07:24
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lockdPF|Ubuntu: slay will kill your current session too07:24
MasterShrektoddy, killall firefox-bin07:24
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niuqbruenig: ok, thank you for your help!07:24
PF|UbuntuI dont want to kill my current session07:24
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toddybut i can't see it!07:24
PF|Ubuntucan I just restart X afterwards?07:24
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rosensturmWell I'm pretty much convinced now that Ubuntu sucks.07:24
MasterShrektoddy, its just a process07:24
orudiecan anyone recommend a nice download manager flashget-like ?07:24
MasterShrekrosensturm, why?07:25
punsadPF|Ubuntu: you should be able to 'kill' those other logins07:25
MasterShrekubuntu is nice07:25
lockdrosensturm: why so? it is the distro with the most hardware support IMO07:25
nrdbI am trying to setup apache 2.2.4 and php 5.0.4, I am using a index.php, when I load the website I just get the source for the index.php, the directory has the option +ExecCGI, I have "AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php" in the config file, what am I doing wrong ?  can anyone help ?07:25
PF|Ubuntupunsad, I tried killall07:25
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majorjrkIs there any forums i should goto with my network issues ? been trying on irc for a long time but nobody seems to know anything about it07:25
rosensturmlockd, funny my graphics card does work then right?07:25
toddyMasterShrek, Oh yeah!07:25
byonixhi, anyone has a free  crossover office installer for ubuntu and a free cedega installer for ubuntu too, share me please07:25
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jonathan8diMasterShrek:  Suck!  No I can't write to it w/out root07:25
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omegabetamajorjrk: http://ubuntuforums.org07:25
MasterShrekbyonix, shut up, nobody is going to give you free programs07:25
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lukeHay im having trouble Trying to Download Beryl PLEASE HELP?????07:26
MasterShrek!cedega-cvs | byonix07:26
jonathan8diDo I change the last number from 0 to 2?07:26
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rosensturmI tried nvidia-glx-new I tried installing the nvidia binary, nothing works.07:26
jonathan8diLike in the /home ?07:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cedega-cvs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:26
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MasterShrek!cedega | byonix07:26
ubotubyonix: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega07:26
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lukeI NEED HELP ABOUT BERYL!!!!!!!!07:26
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ldz420is there a command that will remove all files associated with an installation?07:26
punsadPF|Ubuntu: do you have the PIDs of the login sessions you want to kill?07:26
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MasterShrekjonathan8di, to tell you the truth, i have no idea what those numbers mean, i use 0      207:27
lockdthere -is- no cvs for cedega anymore, and winex's is outdated07:27
lockdthat correct?07:27
MasterShrekluke #ubuntu-effects07:27
anessenThings like Cedega have never worked for me.07:27
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MasterShrekmaybe lockd i could never get it working07:27
lufthanzalockd: ?07:27
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punsadPF|Ubuntu: if so, did you try 'kill -9 PID' ?07:27
lufthanzawine is better than cedega these days07:27
PF|Ubuntuthe what's?07:27
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lufthanzamuch better07:27
jonathan8diI'll try this:  /dev/sda5/home/jonathan/musicext3defaults0207:27
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bruenigniuq, find . -type f -print0 | sed 's/\.jpg//g' | xargs -0 -I{} mv "{}.jpg" "{}.JPG"07:27
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lockdlufthanza: is wine gpl now?07:27
byonix<MasterShrek> !cedega-cvs | byonix, what do you mean?07:27
lufthanzalockd: has been for a long time07:28
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MasterShrekforget it byonix, the bot was supposed to give you a link07:28
niuqbruenig: ok, i'll try it out07:28
anessenSeeing as I only need emulation for windows games, I just keep an install of Windows XP handy. Mind you, I'm screwed when we have to switch to Vista eventually...07:28
PF|Ubuntupunsad, I got it07:28
punsadPG|Ubuntu: try ps ax | grep username.07:28
PF|UbuntuI had to figure out what the PID was07:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cedega-cvs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:28
PF|Ubuntubut I got it tnow07:28
lufthanzalockd: wine devs got mad at the cedega devs for not recontributing their code07:28
niuqbruenig: great worked perfectly!!07:28
bruenigniuq, just memorize that07:29
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majorjrkSo nobody knows what could be wrong with my network when my wifi freezes even tough everyting seems normal (except no acces to router or net) and i have to reboot or plug my ethernet in for a sec to fix it ?07:29
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niuqbruenig: thank you, btw any good manual to learn shell script?07:29
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:29
lockdlufthanza: thanks07:29
punsadPG|Ubuntu: try the 'kill -9 PID'  might need to run as root .. make sure that you don't kill your current session if that's important to you07:29
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bruenigniuq, I don't know, I just sort of picked it up piece by piece07:29
lockdlufthanza: I figured that was reason behind the license change07:29
byonixubotu is a bot07:29
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.07:29
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MasterShrekniuq, ill get you a link...07:29
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bruenigif someone does something you don't understand, just start reading man pages and such until you can replicate it and understand07:30
niuqbruenig: nice, well i'll try to figured it out07:30
niuqMasterShrek: you checked the script thought07:30
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vwfanaticGood morning Everyone!07:31
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vwfanaticI would like to ask a question.07:31
bruenig!ask | vwfanatic07:31
ubotuvwfanatic: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:31
eboyjrHello, all. I was trying to change my boot thingy usplash thing to something different and it didn't work, GRUB doesn't not have the option to start Windows now, and when Ubuntu boots up, the loading bar is in two places. Would it be best for me if I just reinstall Ubuntu? And, if I did, how would I get Windows XP back on GRUB?07:31
byonixubotu mad07:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:32
MasterShrek!grub | eboyjr07:32
ubotueboyjr: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:32
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bruenigthis nvidia flicker is driving me crazy07:32
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vwfanaticI have a 2 button mouse. I know on previous versions of Linux I have tried, I could configure the mouse to use both buttons clicked at once to simulate the third. Is that possilbe with Ubuntu?07:32
knoppixDoes ubuntu have native FAT32 suppoort?07:32
bruenigknoppix, linux does07:32
eboyjrHello, all. I was trying to change my boot thingy usplash thing to something different and it didn't work, GRUB doesn't not have Windows XP on the list, and when Ubuntu boots up, the loading bar is in two places. Would it be best for me if I just reinstall Ubuntu?07:33
knoppixkk. thanx. I love you :)07:33
thinhanyone know how to use awk printf in conjuction with date?07:33
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bruenigthinh, explain what you are trying to do, I know some awk07:33
dvmHow can I enable the GTK Text Entry widget to accept Unicode Charaters?07:33
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jonathan8diMasterShrek:  Still no luck, I can only write to the directory as root07:34
thinhi am trying to add today date using awk in a printf statement07:34
bruenigwhy use awk?07:34
jonathan8diCan you point me to some documentation or better yet a tutorial?07:34
thinhjust a time stamp on when the file was process07:34
bruenigthinh, but why is awk necessary?07:34
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|_ockecan anyone help me? i cant figure out why i could possibly not be able to get commandline to work but gui does.  ctrl+alt+f1-f6 gives blank screen with a cursor, f1 says "Starting up..." and a couple other messages and then nothing, no login, nothinjg07:35
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MasterShrekjonathaN, there are a couple things we can try, first of try    sudo chmod -R 777 /home/jonathan/music07:35
thinhi am doing some tutorial, doing some sort of recipe07:35
bruenigthinh, explain what your goal is abstractly instead of I want to do it with awk, there might be another easier way07:35
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vwfanaticI have a 2 button mouse. I know on previous versions of Linux I have tried, I could configure the mouse to use both buttons clicked at once to simulate the third. Is that possilbe with Ubuntu?07:35
lockd|_ocke: i have never had that happen in Ubuntu.. but whatever it is it can potentially be horrible07:35
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thinhproperly is07:36
eboyjrIs there any problem at all of reinstalling Ubuntu while the computer is dual-booting with Windows XP?07:36
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bruenig!english | thinh07:36
ubotuthinh: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:36
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MasterShrekvwfanatic, add a line to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf under your mouse devic07:36
bruenigeboyjr, no07:36
MasterShrekeboyjr, no07:36
eboyjreboyjr, no07:36
thinhi just want to be able to access date command from awk i can access ENVIRON["HOME"] 07:36
lockdjust don't accidentally change disk setups and format the winxp disk07:36
firebird619rhinosaur665: the sudo chmod -R +x /home/username solved my problems. Thank You very much. Thanks to you as well MasterShrek.07:37
punsadeboyjr: you'll probably just overwrite the ubuntu installation07:37
eboyjrvwfanatic: Here on Ubuntu 7.04, the middle button works fine. I also have a 2 button mouse.07:37
thinhbut i cant get the date function to print today date using with awk07:37
bruenigthinh, do you want to be able to access it for any particular purpose or just for the fun of it07:37
MasterShrekyea after i looked at my directories i say taht rhinosaur665 was right07:37
bruenigthinh, go to #awk07:37
rhinosaur665firebird619: happy to help :D07:37
=== MasterShrek too =D
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vwfanaticeboyjr, I believe that is the version I have. I would just like more control over the mouse and the keyboard for that matter.07:38
lockdthinh: http://www.maem.umr.edu/batch/awk.scripts.time1.html07:38
firebird619Well, I have to get going, thanks again.07:39
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MasterShreklater firebird61907:39
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gcarrillowet up07:39
|_ockelockd, yeah tahts what im saying, i just upgraded to 7.04 very recently07:39
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=== MasterShrek did a fresh install of 7.04 amd64 after about a 2 year ubuntu hiatus
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=== eboyjr says SOOO LONGGG to all of the changes and packages and game scores and long hours of setting up everything to the state it is in now. All back to looking like this: http://www.dsl.sk/images/articles/2007-05-06-ubuntu-13.png Boo hoo :(
jonathan8diMasterShrek:  That worked07:40
Ademanhey does anyone have a reccomendation for the "best" ftp server?07:40
MasterShrekgood good jonathan8di :)07:40
bruenigeboyjr, or you might just choose to learn something07:40
lockd|_ocke: can you get a login over a reboot?07:40
MasterShrek!ftpd | Ademan07:40
ubotuAdeman: FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP07:40
jonathan8diSo if I unmount the drive and mount it again, everything should stay the same right?07:40
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|_ockelockd, only in graphical mode or runlevel 107:40
eboyjreboyjr: yea\07:40
|_ockeand in runlevel 1 i cant install the nvidia drivers07:40
lockd|_ocke: can you use xterms?07:40
MasterShrekyea jonathan8di , and having it in your /etc/fstab will auto mount it every time you boot07:40
|_ockewhich is the entire reason im trying to get CLI07:40
ShayeNeed help with ubuntu server, I got a Dlink 614 router, 3 XP computers are connected wirely and it's all working, now my ubuntu server is connected to the router as well, i run "sudo pppoeconf" then it says "NOT CONNECTED" message, that i need to check my modem OR that there is already a pppoe process running, what else can it be guys I really need to get my server connected ASAP. Thanks.07:41
AdemanMasterShrek: thanks, but i've seen that already i was wondering what other people had used and what they preferred07:41
|_ockelockd, yeah, i can get as many terminals in x as i want07:41
bruenigeboyjr is why people make fun of ubuntu users07:41
vwfanaticMasterShrek --- what should I add to the etc/X11/xorg.conf ?07:41
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MasterShrekjonathan8di, if you mount it in /media it will show up on your desktop too...07:41
|_ockebut i cant get any in commandline unless i go to recovery console07:41
lockd|_ocke: well, I wouldn't worry too much.. but I also don't have any idea what could cause it07:41
MasterShrekvwfanatic, there should be comments in there, something about "Emulate3Buttons"07:41
WX9Jcan I get Ubuntu to boot from a flash drive ?07:41
|_ockelockd, well its a huge problem because i cant injstall my nvidia drivers without shutting down the x server07:41
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|_ockeand i cant shut down x server without being in CLI07:42
MasterShrek|_ocke, ive had it happen before, i think with gentoo, no idea what causes it07:42
vwfanaticThanks, it's there.07:42
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|_ockeand i cant get to CLI unless im in runlevel 1, and if im in runlevel 1 i cant install the drivers07:42
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punsadShaye: won't the router assign an IP address to your linux box?07:42
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lockd|_ocke: oh, yuck07:42
|_ockeand if i telinit 2 or 3 from runlevel 1 it loads the gui07:42
lockd|_ocke: and you can't install nvidia drivers while in init=/bin/sh?07:42
jonathan8diMaterShake:  One more question:  I noticed the gui shows the permission still as root (rt click->properties)07:43
|_ockenormall i'd ctrl+alt+f1 and kill the x server but it doesnt give me anything07:43
jonathan8diWhy is that?07:43
punsad|_ocke: did you try killing gdm?07:43
palintheusWX9J, http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar07:43
|_ockepunsad, yeah but its kdm07:43
jonathan8diWill it change when I reboot?07:43
lockdpunsad: kill gdm, then how are you going to get X back?07:43
|_ockeit dies but doesnt die all the way, sits tehre with the mouse cursor locked up07:43
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|_ockei did /etc/init.d/kdm stop07:43
MasterShrekjonathan8di, it is still owned by root, but everyone has permission to it hence 77707:43
|_ockeit sits there still in graphical mode and never quits07:44
MasterShrekno jonathan8di it should still be root07:44
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melinateanyone know how to set up dhcp3?07:44
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MasterShrek|_ocke, maybe try messing with   vga   in /boot/grub/menu.lst07:44
|_ockein fact, i havent been able to shut down or restart for like 6 months since i upgraded to 6.10, have to wait till the last screen of the unloading bar then hard power off07:44
jonathan8diMasterShrek:  Well it works now so...Thank you very much!07:44
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Shayepunsad no, but when i think about it now, it's a new pc, and i haven't installed any drivers/updated bios whatsoever, might it be the cause? (using on-board network card)?07:45
punsadlockd: /etc/init.d/gdm start ?07:45
MasterShrekjonathan8di, you may need to run that chmod command on a reboot or change something in /etc/fstab or you might not have permissions07:45
MasterShrekyep punsad07:45
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|_ockeso in menu.lst is there an option i can invoke to keep it from running kdm?07:46
MasterShrekbut if he cant use any consoles, then how is he going to install the nvidia drivers when he gets out?07:46
ionis it possible for ubuntu to be as compatible as windows07:46
bruenig|_ocke, disable the daemon07:46
lockdpunsad: well, this is assuming none of the consoles work07:46
MasterShrek|_ocke, do you have a normal command prompt before kdm starts?07:46
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MasterShrekif so chmod 644 /etc/init.d/kdm07:47
punsadShaye: as long as you correctly installed Ubuntu, it should recognize your onboard NIC just fine07:47
MasterShreksudo ^07:47
lockdpunsad: though if you had the foresight to enable ssh...07:47
|_ockeMasterShrek, it does the normal startup process, which is all masked by the ubuntu loading bar07:47
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Shayepunsad well what else can it be then07:47
MasterShrektrue that lockd you could do it remotely07:47
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|_ockebut the first input possible is the login prompt in kdm07:47
punsadlockd: oh.. that's always been a given for me07:47
vwfanaticIs there a package that does the Fly-out menu like OSX?07:47
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MasterShrek|_ocke, try chmod 644 /etc/init.d/kdm07:48
MasterShrekif that doesnt do it chmod 744 /etc/init.d/kdm to put it back07:48
melinateion: I may be coming in part way though the conversation, but if you mean hardware compatibility, Ubuntu is more and less compatible than Windows07:48
punsadShaye: did you do 'dhclient' to get an IP address from the router (which presumably a DHCP server)?07:48
Shayei just wanna connect the internet :s07:48
|_ockeMasterShrek, you mean to make kdm runnable?07:48
|_ockekdm runs fine07:48
MasterShrek|_ocke, make it so it doesnt run, then install your driver, then make it runnable again07:48
punsadShaye: most routers deal out IP addresses using DHCP07:49
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MasterShrekif it doesnt load the nvidia driver, it may not mess up the terminals07:49
MasterShrekconsoles, or whatever u wanna call them07:49
MasterShrekthat would be my guess07:49
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MasterShrekor else enable ssh and remotely do it07:49
|_ockeso 644 will make it not run?07:49
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MasterShrekcorrect |_ocke07:49
Shayepunsad well i am very new to linux can u be more specific on what do i need to do? the server is right near me07:50
MasterShrek744 it will run07:50
|_ockek well i guess im gonna try ctrl+alt+backspace then07:50
WX9Jpalintheus: Thank you, just noticed your reply07:50
MasterShrekonly as the owner though (root)07:50
|_ockeor that might not do it07:50
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punsadShaye: as root, type dhclient07:50
|_ockei did it sudo07:50
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palintheusWX9J, np07:50
Shayepunsad i did07:50
punsadShaye: no do ifconfig07:50
punsadShaye: now do ifconfig07:50
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HeratiI didn't have any luck installing Ubuntu on a Fujitsu laptop with a P4.  Will I have better luck with a newer Dell, e.g. Dell Inspiron or the like?07:50
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Shayewhat do u need to know07:51
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punsadShaye: does you have an IP address showing ?07:51
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melinatehey folks, I'm trying to setup edubuntu and I'm having problems with setting up the dhcp3 server... anyone want to help?07:51
MasterShrekHerati, most likely07:51
punsadShaye: as given by ifconfig?07:51
tittelBi can t create file in directory its say permission denied anyone help?07:51
Shayethat's what i get punsad07:52
HeratiMasterShrek: any recommendations on a brand / type of laptop that's friendly to ubuntu?07:52
MasterShrektittelB, do you have permissions to the directory?07:52
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punsadShaye: you should be connect to internet now07:52
tittelBi should07:52
vwfanaticHP -- a guy at work has one07:52
Shayehow do i make sure? (it's server not desktop so...)07:52
tittelBi m the only one that uses this computer i just installed ubuntu right now07:52
MasterShrekHerati, i had a sony vaio that was good, my compaq runs good, but i would say dell is the best, they sell laptops with ubuntu pre-installed now07:52
Shayei am trying to ping sites but it says it can not be done ;s07:52
mattyvtittelB: In that case, which directory is it?07:52
punsadShaye: try: ping google.com07:52
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punsadShaye: hmm..07:53
HeratiMasterShrek - nice!  I didnt' konw.  thanks.07:53
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Shayepunsad ohh07:53
Shayeit's working now07:53
Shayewhat did we do? :P07:53
bruenigHerati, HP07:53
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punsadShaye: you see.. the pppoeconf is only usefull if the DSL modem is directly connected to the linux box.07:53
mattyvtittelB: Yes, you should have permission for that...07:53
Shayeum so will i have to do so everytime or...?07:53
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punsadShaye: your 'server' is really acting like a 'client' since it is connected to the router... the *router* is acting as the server which hands out IP addresses07:54
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mattyvtittelB: In the file manager, right-click the folder and look at the permissions tab, what does it say?07:54
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punsadShaye: the dhclient command makes your box 'ask' for an IP address from the dhcp server07:54
Shayepunsad yeah :)07:54
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Shayepunsad next time i restart my pc it will ask for an ip automatically or will i need to run the dhclient cmd everytime07:55
ZAKhaninstalled ubuntu on a new pc and now auto mount doesnot work on any UBS drive, can someone help please07:55
Shayemy server i mean ;-d07:55
punsadShaye: if you want to use the linux box as a server (e.g. apache, ssh)... you will need to setup routing with your router07:55
MasterShrekit should do it automatically Shaye07:55
tittelBit says im not the owner i cant change anything07:55
eboyjrAnyone here dual-booting Ubuntu and Windows XP? If so, can I have some of your GRUB?07:55
MasterShrekeboyjr, what do you need? the windows part?07:56
eboyjrMasterShrek: Yes07:56
tittelBunder folder access it says i can create and delete07:56
byonix_which is better wine or cedega?07:56
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Shayepunsad could u give me tips on how to make the box as more secure as possible?07:56
mattyvtittelB: Are you logged on as the user you created during the install? There are no other users you've created on there yet?07:57
bullgard4/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/eeprom/module/srcversion listet 'F2468447AE1D20BFAFC46B6'. How can I read the contents of this EEPROM and disassemble them?07:57
punsadShaye: I'm not a good person to ask about that.  I wonder about that myself.07:57
tittelBmattyv: im the only one07:57
MasterShrekeboyjr, i am not dual booting, but it shouldnt be hard to find07:57
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Shayepunsad well u gave me a good support better than what my ISP tech support could not do :P07:57
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mattyvtittelB: Alright, go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal and open one up (this is the quickest way)07:58
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punsadShaye: ISP tech support is usually terrible from my experience.  That's why I ended up learning it all on my own07:59
Shayepunsad that's the best P:07:59
tittelBmattyv: done07:59
Shayehehe. now u can help others too. :)07:59
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jonathan8diMasterShrek:  I changed the owner to me so that it matched the rest of the folder (that's not a bad thing to do is it?)07:59
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Shayepunsad, routing with my router, what do u mean by that? settings? ports etc?07:59
MasterShrekshoudlnt be a problem jonathan8di , i just wonder if it will stay that way when you reboot07:59
mattyvtittelB: Alright, now type this without the quotes "cd Public"07:59
MasterShrekit guess it shold...07:59
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drgebanyone using wine ?08:00
mattyvtittelB: then "ls -l" They're lowercase L's08:00
punsadShaye: most routers can be configured/interacted with by using some web front end08:00
tittelBmattyv: says no such directory08:00
MasterShrekShaye, he means use your router to set ips unless thers a specific reason you want another subnet08:01
bullgard4The information bar of my Irssi window 1 shows 'OFTC' and in window 8 'IRCnet'. I do not understand why there appear two networks. I think I can be connected to one network only. Is that true?08:01
punsadShaye: you usually just navigate to the router's IP address: e.g. (try this IP address)08:01
jonathan8diGparted says my "empty" partition has 18.55GB but 470MB are used.  The actual mount folder says I only have 17.2GB of space.  What gives?08:01
Shayepunsad oh yeah, i manage my router through there...08:01
jonathan8diWhat is using all that space?08:01
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syntuxguys, I'm trying to find more information on the differences between ext2/3 and reiserfs but can't find anything decent; any idea?08:02
MasterShrekjonathan8di, try    ls -a    in that directory08:02
mattyvtittelB: Ah, sorry. Just trying to get you to the directory where you can't create files. Where are you now: "ls"08:02
punsadShaye: there should be all kinds of things that you can configure in those menus.  There's usually some wizards to get you going08:02
palintheusI just noticed that I have an entry in my network devices called etho:avahi, I have never noticed before today, I have searched, but do not understand exactly what it does08:02
eboyjris there a command on ubuntu that will totally recreate grub ( i dont like the colors and other stuff )08:02
tittelBmattyv: i changed to the directory where i cant make files08:02
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mattyvtittelB: Alright, slight variation: "ls -la"08:02
Shayepunsad yeah i know pretty well the web-based client for my router, but what exactly do i need to look up for? as long as my server is connected to the internet now? :)08:02
sirjoshimusanyone know where i can get a pidgin.deb?08:03
jonathan8diIf gives me .  ..  lost+found08:03
sirjoshimuswould i just alien an rpm for it?08:03
bruenigmattyv, pwd08:03
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sirjoshimuscant seem to find an rpm either08:03
bruenigsirjoshimus, don't do that08:03
byonix_which is better wine or cedega?08:03
mattyvtittelB: There will be a directory called "." Then is will show who owns it08:03
punsadShaye: you want all http traffic to go to your linux box (
jonathan8diMasterShrek:  So the lost and found is eating 1.35GB of space?08:03
vwfanaticIs there a program like Alcohol 120% for Linux?08:03
MasterShrekmaybe jonathan8di08:03
mattyvbruenig: thanks, memory eluded me08:03
bruenigvwfanatic, mount08:03
jonathan8diI just partitioned that drive08:03
MasterShrekyou can unmount it and reformat it08:03
vwfanaticso I can mount ISO files?08:03
bruenigjonathan8di, you can delete lost and found if you want08:04
bruenig!mountiso | vwfanatic08:04
ubotuvwfanatic: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:04
pegwolegah i forget how to register my nick lol08:04
jonathan8diThe annoying thing is my music is 17.3GB but I only have 17.2GB available08:04
jonathan8diThat is why I care so much08:04
punsadShaye: there should be some menu to configure your servers (http, https, SMTP, ssh)08:04
MasterShrekjonathan8di, unmount it and run mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda508:04
jonathan8diIf I could just free up an extra 100MB...08:04
tittelBmattyv: sorry i dont understand line08:04
jonathan8diok, what does that do?08:04
MasterShrekthat will reformat it, or do you already have your music on it?08:05
jonathan8diDoes that reformat?08:05
MasterShrekdont do that then08:05
punsadShaye: you probably want to setup sshd on the linux box so you can ssh in remotely.  So you'll need to send all ssh traffic (port 22) to
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jonathan8diNO music is on it yet!08:05
MasterShrekbut it may not give you any extra, its hard to say08:05
bruenigjonathan8di, lost and found catches stray bits or inodes or something like that, it is not necessary to keep08:05
tittelBmattyv: drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-08-08 13:35 .08:05
mattyvtittelB: That's ok, just look for something that looks like a username and let me know what it is08:05
palintheussirjoshimus, you could install from source, here is a guide... http://jhcore.com/2007/06/04/install-pidgin-in-ubuntu/08:05
mattyvtittelB: Ok, root owns it, not sure why since it's in your home directory08:06
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MasterShreksirjoshimus, i have a repository with it in there08:06
punsadgotta go... g'night all.08:06
NETWizzI upgraded my video card from 7300 to a 7600GT08:06
MasterShrekeasier than compiling08:06
NETWizzIt is awsome08:06
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NETWizzBeryl runs more smothly08:06
mattyvtittelB: Can you try "pwd" just to make sure you're where I think you are?08:06
NETWizzWindows burn up faster08:06
NETWizzand everything is rendered with less jitter08:06
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tittelBmattyv: what do u mean try pwd ?08:06
MasterShrektittelB, run    pwd     in a terminal08:07
vwfanaticmattyv : Present Working Directory08:07
bruenigprint working directory08:07
mattyvtittelB: type "pwd" in the terminal. Then I should be able to give you one quick command and it will be fixed so you can go back to gui08:07
Ademananyone know why a resolution in xorg.conf wouldn't show up in gnome's resolution manager app?08:07
pegwoleman, i need to sto; going to getdeb.net lo; i'm running out of hd space08:07
byonix_my desktop effect is horrible, i try to run it, but it shows a white blank page08:07
bruenigpegwole, and because it is so windows of you08:07
mattyvtittelB: no / before home?08:07
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Ademan!effects | byonix_08:08
ubotubyonix_: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects08:08
jonathan8diDeleting lost and found changed nothing.  I'll try unmounting and doing mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda508:08
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pegwolei know man, i need to break the addiction08:08
tittelBmattyv: yes there is08:08
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pegwoleafter i break the twitter addiction that is...08:08
NETWizzUbuntu gives me more than I am worth08:08
mattyvtittelB: ok good. type this exactly: sudo chown user:user ./08:08
NETWizzOnly OS I have ever used where I can run 10 movies at a time no problem08:08
NETWizzon a 3200+08:09
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bruenigNETWizz, linux08:09
eboyjrbyonix_: Do you have an ATI Xpress 200M?08:09
MasterShrekNETWizz, there are more hardcore distros than ubuntu, you can tweak things way mroe08:09
vwfanaticNETWizz: shame it doesn't give you the brain power to watch them all at one time.08:09
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tittelBmattyv:chown: `user:user': invalid user08:09
andyp_i have been trying for a while to mount a usb stick but no jot08:09
byonix_bruenig: no, just standard intel card08:09
MasterShrektittelB, replace user with your users name08:10
ZAKhaninstalled ubuntu on a new pc and now auto mount doesnot work on any UBS drive, can someone help please08:10
MasterShrekZAKhan, did it work before?08:10
MasterShrekdid you upgrade perhaps?08:10
mattyvtittelB: Odd, instead of user, use your actual username. I wsa presuming it was user08:10
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andyp_also need help mounting usb please08:10
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ZAKhanMasterShrek, yes at first it did08:11
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ZAKhanMasterShrek, i installed NTFS support08:11
tittelBmattty: now it says sudo: shalveen command not ound08:11
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MasterShrekZAKhan, put an entry in /etc/fstab maybe08:12
mattyvtittelB: sudo chown shalveen:shalveen ./08:12
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:12
tittelBmattyv: I GOT IT08:12
MasterShrekubotu needs an upgrade, talking about edgy still08:12
tittelBmattyv: thx a lot08:12
=== randoman [n=randoman@c-24-4-80-22.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigMasterShrek, edgy is still supported08:13
=== xen_ [n=xen@74-60-24-251.eug.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
pegwolei love the Police Academy movies08:13
tittelBmattyv: is there a website or something i can got to to learn more08:13
randomanis it me or does linux not like the intel gma 3100 onboard video with g33 chipset?08:13
MasterShrekit doesnt have feisty links listed though...08:13
randomanand police academy moview rule08:13
randomani love the sounds effect guy08:13
=== klaus [n=hanna@p54801221.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
tittelBmattyv: never mind thx08:13
ZAKhanMasterShrek, thats doing it manually ..why is automount not working?08:14
pegwoleheh i just realized threethirty left08:14
ShayeGuys can u get me some tips on how to make my server more secured? using the latest ubuntu server edition08:14
mattyvtittelB: Cool, Linux takes some getting used to when you're new. You won't need the terminal often but sometimes it's easier when we're helping out on forums or itrc08:14
MasterShrekZAKhan, i dont know08:14
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bruenigterminal is easier almost always08:14
MasterShrektrue that08:14
Ademani've got some issues getting the correct resolution.  my xorg.conf has the resolution i want in it (1680x1050) but it doesn't show up in gnome's resolution manager app.  I've restarted X, i've restarted the computer, nothing.  Radeon x600 using the open source radeon driver08:14
mattyvtittelB: It's ok, google linux commands or soemthing like that for learning the terminal, http://ubuntuguide.org is good for general things08:15
ZAKhanMasterShrek, it means i always have to put it manually whenever i need to connect a new usb drive08:15
bruenigmattyv, ubuntuguide.org is not recommended08:15
=== Herati [n=walid@cpe-66-27-103-87.san.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
pegwolei've had many i clap from itssues with the open source driver, so i got fed up and used the proprietary driver...i think i got the08:15
jonathan8diI still can figure out where that 1.35GB of space when08:15
tittelBmattyv: im there thx again08:15
jonathan8diIt just seems so strange to me08:15
MasterShrekZAKhan, try reinstalling udev and dbus08:15
=== Carnage\ [n=carnage@ppp-] has joined #ubuntu
andyp_heres iswhat happens mont cant find /media/usb in /etc/ftab08:15
mattyvbruenig: Got some better links, wiki is ok when you know what you're looking for08:16
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bruenigtittelB, use at your own risk, much of it is out of date08:16
randomananyone know how to fix this ?08:16
randomanFatal server error:08:16
randomanAddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 008:16
ZAKhanMasterShrek, how do i reinstall these?08:16
pegwolewow it ddn't type right lol user error08:16
tittelBthat sucks08:16
mattyvbruenig: Sorry, better links was a question btw08:16
randomani installed the latest intel2.1.0 driver08:16
bruenigmattyv, for what in particular08:16
andyp_need help with mounting usb please08:16
pegwolei meant "i had many issues with the open source driver, so i used th proprietary driver...i think it gave me the clap"08:16
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randomanand it gives me that when i use "intel" in the deveice section of hte xorg.conf08:16
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MasterShrekZAKhan, run synaptic and search for those programs and reinstall them08:17
mattyvbruenig: to help tittelB learn08:17
wersis there a Kompose substitute for GNOME?08:17
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bruenigmattyv, learn what08:17
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Shayei sent a ping request in my server but it doesn't stop lol08:18
MasterShrekwers, whats kompose do?08:18
mattyvbruenig: beginning Linux08:18
Shayehow do i make it stop08:18
andyp_cant find  mount cant find /media/usb in /etc/fstab08:18
bruenigmattyv, you encounter a problem or want to understand something someone told you, and you google until you figure it out completely, keep doing that and after a period of time, you will be very good, that was my strategy at least08:18
MasterShrekShaye, ctrl+c08:18
wersMasterShrek, expose-like app08:18
=== tf [n=tf@gwave-85.ligo.caltech.edu] has joined #ubuntu
andyp_cant find  mount cant find /media/usb in /etc/fstab08:18
ShayeMasterShrek ty08:19
andyp_cant find  mount cant find /media/usb in /etc/fstab08:19
pegwolewow i just saw an infomercial, and i now have no clue what it was for, except it had banjos playing in the background08:19
andyp_cant find  mount cant find /media/usb in /etc/fstab08:19
astro76!repeat | andyp_08:19
ubotuandyp_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:19
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andyp_i have searched like for two huors08:20
pegwolei'm thinking of learning perl...08:20
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:20
mattyvbruenig: I'm fine with all that myself, tittelB was just looking for somewhere to start learning and you advised against ubuntuguide. Wondered if you had alternatives that's all08:20
ShayeMasterShrek, few things, first: anything i need to do to make my server more secure? or keep it on default is enough?08:20
astro76andyp_, what is the problem?08:20
bruenigmattyv, ubuntuguide.org doesn't teach you anything08:20
MasterShreki dunno Shaye maybe a firewall08:21
bruenigmattyv, zombo.com would be just as good08:21
Shayea firewall on a server?08:21
andyp_astro76: can get usb to mount thanks for answering08:21
wersMasterShrek, Kompos is like Expos for KDE08:21
pegwolei reccomend using ubuntu forums for learning stuff08:21
wershow about for gnome?08:21
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pegwoleor the ubuntu wiki like the bot sid08:21
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MasterShreki dont know what expose is08:21
tittelBmattyv: ur help was greatly appreciated08:21
bruenigthe ubuntu wiki is pretty lacking too08:22
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mattyvtittelB: anytime08:22
MasterShrekShaye, lock it down and make rules for what traffic you want it to allow08:22
pegwolealso check linuxquestionns.com08:22
andyp_astro76: no gnome or kde just fluxbox08:22
pegwolegod place08:22
=== humblerodent [n=caleb@ip24-251-3-1.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
yamyogurtanyone want to help me set up an xmms Infopipline08:22
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pegwolegah i can't type tonight08:23
humblerodentanybody know much about making a Webcam work?  Model: Intel Share Pro WebCam .... it's a USB connection08:23
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humblerodentit recognizes it on lsusb, and the Camstream program picks it up....but all I get as far as an image is a bunch of garble08:23
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pegwolewhen i get a cam, i'm getting a ustream account08:24
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ShaddoxHi everyone. What does it mean, whenever I start a program it says "DESCRIPTION=Starting" on the taskbar instead of "Starting program...", an when your /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork folder completely disappears somehow?08:24
gsevilafter run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, my screen refresh rate only 60Hz, I restore the old xorg.conf file, but it didn't return to normal. Windows is running well08:25
humblerodentgsevil: did you try "System>Preferences>Screen resolution"?08:25
=== kousotu [n=kousotu@adsl-68-79-10-67.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
gsevilbut it's only 60Hz08:25
andyp_astroi76: any ideas?08:25
jonathan8diMasterShrek:  Any idea how I can free up some of that uncounted for HD space?  Or any links to similar problems?08:26
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MasterShrekjonathan8di, the way it formats the drive makes you lose some space i believe08:26
astro76andyp_, is this when you plug it in and it tries to automount? or did you add a line to fstab yourself?08:26
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kousotuquestion: does Linux (in genera) save network keys in lower-case?08:27
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PotLimitwhen i do an apt-get, i can pass it parameters to tell it where to install the config files right? say like asterisk, by default, puts it's config here: /etc/default/asterisk first.08:27
bruenigkousotu, linux does not in general save network keys at all08:27
PotLimitoh wait, then again, there's alot of other crap that puts it there too08:27
kousotuthen why doen't i ask for it?08:27
georgehello , I have a lan card with chip RTL 8139D , I tried to load the module 8139too , 8139cp , each alone but it does not work , the modules is loaded in lsmod , but when i do ifconfig , i get only lo and no eth.. also in lspci , the ethernet card is not mentioned, what to do ?08:27
bruenigkousotu, linux doesn't deal with network keys, you are thinking of applications08:28
jonathan8diSeems like a lot of space to loose, 5%!  It is in my extended partition, which also has fat32 partition next to it08:28
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jonathan8diMaybe that setup is bad?08:28
=== xenanon [n=xen@74-60-24-251.eug.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
kousotubruenig: I mean the key to go on my Wi-Fi etwork08:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qnewsense - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
=== michael117 [n=michael@adsl-75-9-58-234.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigkousotu, linux has no built in key management, some applications may but linux certainly doesn't08:28
jonathan8diI could merge the two partitions into one and just go w/out fat3208:28
pegwoleok, person who had automount issues, if all else fails, apt-get autofs, it should help08:28
astro76jonathan8di, what's the problem?08:29
andyp_astro76: it does mot try to auto mount i have not added a line in fstab i notice on boot up it says sda wite through or soething like that so it was dected at boot08:29
kousotubruenig: how would I makeit save siad kes?08:29
bruenigkousotu, make what save it?08:29
=== Jacek_Kendysz [i=Jacek_Ke@unaffiliated/JacekKendysz] has joined #ubuntu
georgeanybody had the same card as mine?08:29
kousotuhow can I make ubu-linux save the keys to my wireless network?08:30
bruenigkousotu, you can put them in a text file and save that if you want08:30
michael117My DVD drive doesn't mount by itself and I don't see a scd0 in my /dev directory08:30
kousotugeorge: what card?08:30
=== akujiki [n=akujiki@AStDenis-102-1-1-30.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
george I have a lan card with chip RTL 8139D , I tried to load the module 8139too , 8139cp , each alone but it does not work , the modules is loaded in lsmod , but when i do ifconfig , i get only lo and no eth.. also in lspci , the ethernet card is not mentioned, what to do ?08:30
=== akujiki [n=akujiki@AStDenis-102-1-1-30.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
kousotubruenig: but will this pc load those keys?08:31
tankok I have a stupid question how do I get.../etc/cron.weekly/?08:31
georgekousotu : read the above problem please08:31
yamyogurtcan anyone help me with a infoPipe problem when i try and run a script that i loaded i get this  Irssi: Couldn't find a valid XMMS-InfoPipe FIFO.08:31
tankhow do I get to*08:31
=== shellhack [n=shellhac@tdev147-238.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
kousotugeorge: can you get windows rdivers for those card?08:31
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pegwoletank open a terminal and type sudo nautilus /etc/cron.weekly08:32
georgekousotu: yes sure08:32
bruenigkousotu, your questions don't make sense, linux is the kernel, it has nothing to do with saving keys, the default association software iwconfig doesn't either, there are front ends, perhaps wifi-radar and others, that will save different profiles, but the latter two things have nothing to do with linux08:32
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shellhackhello everybody, I want to know if somebody here know where I can get the 3rd version of Understanding the Linux Kernel08:32
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.08:32
bruenigpegwole, gksudo, and is that really necessary08:32
kousotubruenig: they run on linux, association enouh for me08:33
shellhackI just have the 1st version08:33
bruenigkousotu, linux is the name of the kernel08:33
bruenigkousotu, it doesn't save keys08:33
kousotubruenig: you must realize that I am primaraly a windows user08:33
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pegwolei assumed (yes i know what happens when yo uassume) he wanted to do some root work08:33
vwfanaticHow do I know my mount points?08:33
bruenigkousotu, you need to realize then that key saving is therefore application specific because there is nothing inherent in the OS that does it08:33
kousotubruenig: Windows will save them, I thought Linx might do the same08:34
Shayehow do i find my server's ip address? "netstat" doesn't give me the exact address08:34
bruenigkousotu, linux doesn't save it08:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:34
strav_he! There's a lot of users that seems to have problems concerning blender's display with the ati free driver on xorg 7.2 ... The only workaround I've found so far is to set noaccell to yes but this screw up the display response time for all other application. (my card is an ati radeon mobility 7500, most people have problems with blender and this card)08:34
gsevilafter run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, my screen refresh rate only 60Hz, I restore the old xorg.conf file, but it didn't return to normal. Windows is running well08:35
bruenigkousotu, applications do08:35
kousotubruenig: agian, I said I thought it might. but thank you for the clairiicaion08:35
=== arkas [n=arkas@adsl-dyn104.91-127-45.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu
kousotubruenig: you know where I ca get wi-fi radar for gutsy?08:35
bruenigkousotu, #ubuntu+108:35
vwfanaticHow do I know my mount points?08:36
strav_vwfanatic, look at /etc/fstab08:36
kousotubruenig: I am siting there, don't thinkanyone is there08:36
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pegwolepoo, m battery is about to die, gotta charge to laptop, later08:36
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-2-126.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu
astro76vwfanatic, df -h08:36
fulat2khi folks, any idea why i'm getting the error "X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication" when trying to run apps from a remote debian machine in my ubuntu box?08:37
=== xenanon [n=xen@74-60-24-251.eug.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
andyp_astro76: did you see my reply?08:37
kousotugeorge: get the eindows drivers ad ndswrapper it08:37
vwfanaticI guess the correect questoin is: I"m trying to mount an ISO --- I was given sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - what is my  mount point?08:37
strav_vwfanatic, the mountpoint is the place you wish your iso to be mounted, normally you set this to /mnt08:38
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vwfanaticso: sudo mount -o loop filename.iso /mnt ?08:39
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davyshaye: try ifconfig (device eth0 or wlan0)08:41
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strav_(then you'll be able to access the iso's content on /mnt (usually it requires you to be root so sudo -s there after to be switch to root ... exit to get out)08:41
PenguinsaremyfriJust went all linux! no more xp for me!!08:42
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kousotuPenguinsaremyfri: good luck :)08:42
strav_not that I want to repeat myself: he! There's a lot of users that seems to have problems concerning blender's display with the ati free driver on xorg 7.2 ... The only workaround I've found so far is to set noaccell to yes but this screw up the display response time for all other application. (my card is an ati radeon mobility 7500, most people have problems with blender and this card)08:42
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bullgard4The information bar of my Irssi window 1 shows 'OFTC' and in window 8 'IRCnet'. I do not understand why there appear two networks. I think I can be connected to one network only. Is that true?08:42
vwfanaticAnyone familiar with WINE? Cannot run anything on my /mnt ISO.08:42
=== LDS_Trooper [n=LDS_Troo@S010600111a3f762b.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
kousotubullgard4: what are you asking?08:43
LDS_TrooperGreetings! What do I need to be able to do C++ coding and compiling?08:43
andyp_astro76: not sur but did you get my reply08:43
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bullgard4kousotu: I am asking what I have written.08:43
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strav_vwfanatic: I'm not quite familiar with wine though, perhaps if you start it with sudo it'll be able to access your /mnt (if accessing it is actually the problem)08:44
kousotubullgard4: it's obvious to say I don't understand the question08:44
kousotucan youclrify lease08:44
vwfanaticI am able to access the /mnt - I am unable to run it.08:44
kousotuclarify please*08:44
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bullgard4kousotu: I can. But I do not know what is not clear to you.08:45
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MasterShrekbullgard4, what are you trying to run?08:45
kousotumy Irssi window 1 shows 'OFTC'08:45
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Shayedavy but then i get the router's ip e.g and i want to give the direct address u understand? so that others will be able to ssh my box08:46
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andyp_need help mounting usb drive please08:46
astro76andyp_, not sure, sorry, you might want to ask the channel again and be specific08:47
bullgard4MasterShrek: I am not trying to run anything else than I am running just now. At least not for the moment. I try to understand how Irssi functions.08:47
=== twoshadetod [n=clay@c-66-177-74-0.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
strav_note for my problem, I also tried to revert to xorg 7.1 and it solved the problem until on the next boot my mouse failed.08:47
LDS_TrooperWhat do I need to be able to do C++ coding and compiling?08:47
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twoshadetodis there any way to limit the amount of wireless connections your router accepts? sorry if this is OT08:47
kousotuShaye: ping the localhost08:47
bullgard4kousotu: OFTC is the name of an IRC network.08:47
strav_LDS_Trooper, g++ and a good text editor will suffice.08:48
kousotubullgard4: ah.. never heard of it08:48
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LDS_Trooperstrav_, thanks.. I've looked into Bluefish as well08:48
strav_for ides you may try kdevelop, emacs or ajunta08:48
MasterShreksorry bullgard4 i meant vwfanatic08:48
bullgard4kousotu: Yes, I see. And do you know now what my question is about?08:48
MasterShrekwow lol08:48
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fulat2khi folks, any help?08:49
MasterShrekvwfanatic, what are you trying to run?08:49
MasterShrekwhat u need fulat2k ?08:49
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LDS_Trooperthanks have a good night08:49
Shayekousotu still i don't get the direct ip?08:49
kousotubullgard4: bing conecter to 2 networks at once?08:49
fulat2khi folks, any idea why i'm getting the error "X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication" when trying to run apps from a remote debian machine in my ubuntu box?08:49
kousotuShaye: lemme look up a bit of info and I'l get bakto you08:49
Shayekousotu ty08:50
=== EvilAIM [n=phoenix@] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekfulat2k, are you using ssh to connect to your ubuntu box?08:50
strav_fulat2k: how do you access your box?08:50
EvilAIMI have a usb dvd burner...08:50
kousotuShaye: you have a outer?08:50
EvilAIMI plugged it in, now how I make it work?08:50
andyp_astro76: thanks for helping08:50
MasterShrekEvilAIM, is it recognized?08:51
EvilAIMI don't think so08:51
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MasterShrekEvilAIM, did you put a disc in it?08:51
EvilAIMI opened the dvd burning software and it doesn't come up08:51
kousotucheck "computer"08:51
MasterShrekyou may need to tell the dvd burning software to look at the device08:51
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kousotuEvilAIM: chack computer, is it there?08:52
Shayekousotu yes i have08:52
ShayeDlink 614+08:52
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EvilAIMsays it isn't mounted08:52
MasterShrekbut does it appear there EvilAIM ?08:52
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fulat2kMasterShrek: ssh.  public key auth.  using the following params: ssh -C -X -Y <hostname>08:53
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EvilAIMgot it08:53
EvilAIMI mounted it manually08:53
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PotLimitwhat's the biggest features that differ between say, running kubuntu and kde in fedora core?08:53
kousotuShaye: ca you open its page?08:54
EvilAIMthanks a lot all08:54
stravfulat2k: you must make shure X redirection is activated in your ssh server...08:54
PotLimiti guess the package installers/management is the most significationt?08:54
eboyjrI installed the new kernel i guess and grub allows me to choose between the older one and the newer one. why should(n't) i keep the old one?08:54
MasterShrekPotLimit, the availabel software08:54
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Shayekousotu yes i am there08:54
stravfulat2k, (and also that your pub key is accepted)08:54
xoRockneed help, is gimp able to print? coz on mine there is no print command08:54
fulat2kstrav: I can see that X11Forwarding is set to yes.08:54
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kousotulook for wan08:54
fulat2kstrav: i can login fine with the pub key :)  it's just the x forwarding which is giving the prob08:55
PotLimitMasterShrek: you mean like the "multiverse" versus the various rpm servers out there for fedora core?08:55
kousotuit won't be
astro76fulat2k, not why you are using -X and -Y, just -Y will do trusted X11 forwarding08:55
andyp_need help mounting usb on fluxbox please08:55
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fulat2kastro76: hm.m.. lemme try that08:55
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Shayekousotu i am there at "WAN"08:55
Shayewhat now08:55
MasterShreksomething like that PotLimit08:55
astro76fulat2k, with -Y it should work out of the box08:55
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xoRockneed help, is gimp able to print? coz on mine there is no print command08:56
kousotudoes it show somehting like:
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Shayekousotu nope :s08:56
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PotLimitwell i guess ..the diffference between ubuntu and fedora core, is less than the difference between ubuntu and freebsd08:56
MasterShrekthat is true PotLimit08:57
andyp_need help mounting usb on fluxbox please08:57
kousotuhow bout that?08:57
astro76xoRock, did you open an image? the print command is in the file menu of an image window, not the toolbox08:57
PotLimitMasterShrek: but since I don't use freebsd...i dunno what the big differences are08:57
MasterShrekandyp_, mount /dev/sda1 /mnt08:57
stravfulat2k, I agree with astro76, -Y can do good in your case.08:57
PotLimitlike i was just googling now, you can run kde on freebsd08:57
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MasterShrekme either PotLimit, but i dont know of any advantages to bsd08:57
PotLimitsomeone told me it08:57
PotLimitit's good for server stuff, mail and dns08:58
xoRockastro76, yes i open an image, and there is no print under file menu08:58
PotLimitnot sure why though08:58
Shayekousotu well08:58
kousotuShaye: ?08:58
kousotuShaye: afk a moment08:58
Shayei got 3 pcs connected to the router, i can get the router's ip, i wonder if each pc has its own ip on my network08:58
Shayeor same ip for all 308:58
MasterShrekshould be different Shaye08:58
MasterShrekthats what a router does08:59
fulat2kastro76: connected using -Y and -v.  the same error message appears right after debug1: confirm x1108:59
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astro76xoRock, ah I gues you need to install package gimp-print08:59
Shayeyeah so, my linux box gets, which is good, but how do i get the real IP? MasterShrek.08:59
MasterShrekwhat do you mean "real" ip?08:59
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MasterShrekyour external ip?08:59
Shayebut it's a linux server no browser...09:00
xoRockastro76, o ic, thans09:00
Shayei said, the routers external ip, that's i get09:00
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MasterShreklinks www.whatismyip.com09:00
stravShaye: if you have dhcp disabled on your router, you should manually set a different ip in your ip range using sudo ifconfig eth0 (or whatever your interface is) 192.168.x.x09:00
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gsevili run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but my screen refresh rate is only 60Hz09:01
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Shayedhcp enables. MasterShrek 1 sec ill install the links package {why do u need to insert the OS media cd everytime?}09:01
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HeratiAnyone know how I can install the Qt Meta Object Compiler (moc)?09:02
MasterShrekShaye, comment out the cd entry in /etc/apt/sources.list (you need to be root or use sudo for that) that will get rid of the cdrom09:02
MasterShrekHerati, apt-get ?09:02
stravgsevil; I think you can get different refresh rate by setting the default mode your xserver starts on... look at the end of your xorg.conf you'll see... (for instance, lower res gives you an higher refresh rate... as well as enabling you graphic card ;)09:02
ShayeMasterShrek and then itll install stuff without asking for cd?09:03
HeratiMasterShrek: apt-get what?  I can't seem to find it .09:03
MasterShreki dunno Herati u try searching synaptic/09:03
rosegrassHow Ubuntu handles new packages in Debian which has older version number?09:03
eboyjrI had Ubuntu Feisty from a live CD that installed kernel and used that in GRUB. It updated just now, but now GRUB has Ubuntu, Ubuntu ( recovery ), Ubuntu, and Ubuntu ( recovery )... Should I get rid of the stuff in GRUB?09:03
MasterShrekShaye, yes, put a # in front of the cdrom source in that file, and run apt-get update09:03
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crdlb!find bin/moc | Herati09:03
MasterShrekeboyjr, you can, but it isnt nessicary09:03
ShayeMasterShrek silly but how do i edit the file? [sorry] 09:04
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ubotuherati: File bin/moc found in libqt4-dev, libqt4-dev-kdecopy, qt3-dev-tools09:04
kousotu[01:58]  <Shaye> i got 3 pcs connected to the router, i can get the router's ip, i wonder if each pc has its own ip on my network09:04
MasterShreksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:04
straveboyjr, yes if on the present kernel, all your drivers are functionning correctly.09:04
rosegrassFor example, a package is 20060101-1 in Ubuntu but 0.0.20070101 in Debian..09:04
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eboyjrMasterShrek, okay, and thanks! You have been helping me a lot today/night!09:04
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kousotuanyprowser that can connetgraphically will give you your WAN09:04
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strav(if you just want to remove them from the grub menu you can comment them in /boot/grub/menu.lst)09:04
kousotugo to the router's mainpage on the net09:04
MasterShrekrosegrass, you could install, but its a debian pacakge and may not run correctly09:05
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ShayeMasterShrek getdit command not found?09:05
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rosegrassMasterShrek, I mean how Ubuntu sync from Debian if that happens?09:05
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kousotuShaye: you'e in terminal?09:05
Shayeyeah it says command not found09:05
kousotu vi *09:06
kousotuit's the pne thatworks in the terminal09:06
MasterShreksudo /usr/bin/gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:06
astro76Shaye, you have kubuntu or something?09:06
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Shayeno fresh ubuntu installed server edition...09:06
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MasterShrekyou dont have a gui09:06
fulat2kstrav: still no go on the x forwarding.  do i need to change any config on the client?09:06
rosegrassMasterShrek, a package was in Ubuntu has version "20060101-1" but Debian now maintain it too and use "0.0.20070101-1" for version number...09:06
astro76Shaye, , lol ok... sudo nano or sudo vi if you know vi09:07
Giddion55hi,  is it possible to type a command in the linux console and get a display of what dist of linux the box is currently running?09:07
MasterShrekrosegrass, ubuntu doesnt sync from debian09:07
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Shayedo i need to install anything else?09:07
MasterShrekthey build their own pacakges09:07
stravfulat2k, I don't think so. Just as a test, if you can, try it with login/pass auth.09:07
MasterShrekno Shaye09:07
astro76Giddion55, lsb_release -a09:07
solid_liqGiddion55: yeah, uname -a09:07
MasterShrekjust do this:  sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list09:07
rosegrassMasterShrek, Ubuntu sync from Debian sid periodically...I think..09:07
fulat2kstrav:hmm... ok.09:07
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Giddion55astro76 will that work in any dist? as i dont know what dist is running on the box09:08
Hmmmmguys, need some help for a remote http monitoring script im writing. how can i detect the http status message remotely?09:08
MasterShrekhmm maybe, i just assumed they build their own pacakges09:08
kousotuMasterShrek: why would you need to sudo if you're ny looking?09:08
astro76Giddion55, no do the uname -a then or cat /etc/release09:08
Shayethen how do i edit files? :O09:08
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faileasshaye: nano09:08
MasterShrekhes going to comment out the cdrom in the file09:08
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Hmmmmim using lwp-request now09:08
stravHmmmm, tail -f your apache log file..09:08
Hmmmmstrav: im doing the monitoring remotely09:09
rosegrassMasterShrek, if that package was not in Ubuntu, sync is easy..09:09
kousotuMasterShrek: oh yea... lol09:09
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solid_liqastro76: cat /etc/release won't work on every distro either09:09
Shayeum ok and how do u close the edit window :p09:09
solid_liqastro76: that's only for debian based distros09:10
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MasterShrekwhat program shaye? vi?09:10
solid_liqastro76: and it's /etc/issue not /etc/release09:10
Shayeno, the edit windows after i did "nano gedit etc..."09:10
Shayeit says X exit but....09:10
MasterShrekctrl +x09:10
stravHmmmm, yes... you can easily use tail -f on ssh or pipe it to anything you want09:10
solid_liqGiddion55: just uname -a09:11
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Hmmmmstrav: isnt there a safer way for me to do it?09:11
Hmmmmusing wget ot curl?09:11
stravHmmmm, ssh is pretty safe09:11
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Hmmmmstrav: i cant setup passwordless ssh to this server09:11
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solid_liqHmmmm: ssh uses the same encryption that's used on the net for credit card transactions09:12
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solid_liqHmmmm: and it doesn't need to be passwordless for a script09:12
Hmmmmsolid_liq: i dont distruct ssh, i just think there must be a way to talk to http directly09:12
solid_liqHmmmm: you can use a shared-key login09:12
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stravHmmm, well you could create a symbolic link to your log file then use wget on it...09:12
ShayeMasterShrek i think it;'s done, lets update09:12
solid_liqHmmmm: what are you trying to get from http?09:12
Shayeapt-get update?09:12
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solid_liqHmmmm: you're trying to get your logs from it?09:13
davygoodnight people09:13
Hmmmmsolid_liq: i want to get the http status of my http server remotely09:13
stravHmmmm, still a curl request with authentification would be safer09:13
MasterShrekyep Shaye09:13
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astro76solid_liq, actually it is/was /etc/release in redhat and other distros09:13
MasterShrekShaye, what were u attempting to do in the first place? lol i forgot09:14
Hmmmmstrav: curl is good, but how can i handle hte http status with that?09:14
solid_liqastro76: not all distros have that, gentoo for instance09:14
MasterShrekbesides the cdrom thing?09:14
lockdHmmmm: where can you obtain the status locally?09:14
fulat2kstrav: darn, still the same thing09:14
ShayeMasterShrek links www.whatismyip.com :P09:14
MasterShrekoh yea09:14
BYONIXshow can i join ubuntu effect?09:14
solid_liqHmmmm: you know you can telnet in to port 80, right?  and that there's a program called expect...09:14
MasterShrekBYONIXs, type: /join #ubuntu-effects09:14
BYONIXshow can i join channel09:14
MasterShreki just told you09:15
stravHmmmm, it would be logic that you make the request to another server (lighthttpd) which job would be the fetch your logs.09:15
Hmmmmsolid_liq: sounds like a good idea. let me try that out09:15
cafuegoWhere do I find the setting to change the tumbnailer helper for SVG files?09:15
ShayeMasterShrek yey09:15
=== MasterShrek will brb
Shayecan u try and ping my ip see if that's the one?09:15
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Hmmmmstrav: solid_liq : http://curl.haxx.se/mail/lib-2007-07/0165.html09:16
Hmmmmi think i might find the answer here09:16
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lockdstrav: if you just want your logs, can't you just link them into the http root?09:16
lockdstrav: or is that a security risk?09:16
stravHmmmm, you know telnet on port 80 won't give you the overall logs.09:16
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MasterShrekwhats your ip Shaye ?09:17
Hmmmmstrav: thats ok. i hve a nagios server checking the local logs on all my servers09:17
solid_liqHmmmm: are you writing this in C?09:17
Hmmmmthis motoring will check nagios from 2 dif geo locations09:17
Hmmmmsolid_liq: no using shell09:17
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Giddion55uname -a   gave me this,   that doesnt tell me what distro it is Linux orders #1 Thu May 31 16:08:22 UTC 2007 i686 AMD_Athlon(tm)_processor PLD Linux09:18
solid_liqHmmmm: well that URL is for the libcurl mailing list, which is people coding in C09:18
ShayeMasterShrek u know, i get the same IP in the server and on my pc :)09:18
Shayeweird? :P09:18
stravlockd, would be a risk.09:18
Hmmmmsolid_liq: ah ok09:18
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MasterShrekShaye, from that web address?09:18
MasterShrekyou shold you are only given one ip from your ISP09:18
cafuegoGiddion55: Try 'lsb_release -a'09:18
Shayeyeah www.whatismyip.com09:18
lockdstrav: what's the best way then?09:18
ShayeMasterShrek oh... that's what i asked at the first place, lol09:18
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MasterShreklocally each pc has its own ip though09:19
Shayelol... so it's fine09:19
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MasterShrekyea you should be ok09:19
Shayelet's see how do i add users to the ssh list :P09:19
Shayeg00gle time09:19
cafuegoGiddion55: http://www.pld-linux.org/09:19
schighHow do I put files onto a remote computer once I've connected using ssh?09:19
solid_liqGiddion55: hmm, usually they put the distro name in there somewhere, I guess you'll have to start looking for clues.  Is apt installed?  emerge installed?  is it rpm based? etc09:19
ShayeMasterShrek u wanna try and ssh me? :D09:19
stravlockd, in my sense it would be an ssh link or a side server owning a linked version of the logs in a chroot ;)09:19
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MasterShrekShaye, generally you dont wanna ask people to do that09:20
Giddion55solid_liq lol this is gonna be fun... im a linux noob! lol09:20
MasterShrekbut if u really want me to ill test it out for you09:20
MasterShrekpm info to me though09:20
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solid_liqGiddion55: did lsb_release work for you?09:20
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stravanyone, ati 7500, feisty + blender working fine?09:20
ben__hello, I'm having trouble mounting my floppy drive, the light goes on and stays that way when i try09:20
ShayeMasterShrek yeah server is empty no worries ;) just testing things out09:20
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Jaggzhi.. does my hoardy system cache dns lookups?09:21
Shayeoh i can't pm need to register09:21
schighHow do I put files onto a remote computer once I've connected using ssh?09:21
TraceGreenHello, I try to build my own livecd using debian kernel 2.6.22, but this livecd can not find my sata harddisk. I am sure that all the modules have been loaded.09:21
cafuegosolid_liq: He's running PLD Linux09:21
JaggzMy server (colocated) is down, so i can't get work done with my local ubuntu system because it uses that NS09:21
Jaggzso I added the host I needed to /etc/hosts but it's still not looking it up09:21
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solid_liqcafuego: wtf is PLD?09:22
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Giddion55lsb_release command not found09:22
dickihi all, i have a weird networking problem with a new ubuntu install09:22
bullgard4/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/eeprom/module/srcversion listet 'F2468447AE1D20BFAFC46B6'. How can I read the contents of this EEPROM and disassemble them?09:22
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MasterShrekdicki, whats up?09:22
lockdsolid_liq: pld-linux.org09:22
astro76schigh, use scp or sftp, not from within the ssh session09:22
astro76Giddion55, yeah so you'll just have to try the different possibilities, lsb_release -a, /etc/issue, /etc/release, /etc/redhat-release, and so on...09:22
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ben__hello, I'm having trouble mounting my floppy drive, the light goes on and stays that way when i try09:23
cafuegosolid_liq: $random rpm based distro based on redhat.09:23
dickii've installed 7.04 on a HP nc6400 laptop (which got a good compatibility rating on hardware for linux)09:23
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dickiwired connection seems ok09:23
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dickii can ping google09:23
mistonehow do I switch my apache2 server from prefork to worker?09:23
dickibut i can't actually browse to it09:23
cafuegosolid_liq: or possibly he's not running that, but just one of their kernels.09:23
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dickiweirder still is the auto complete in the google toolbar works09:23
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MasterShrekdicki, you cant browse the web tho?09:24
dickiso there has to be a connection09:24
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lockdhttp is getting dropped?09:24
dickitraceroute doesn't work eiter09:24
dickiand ifconfig -a shows lots of dropped RX packets09:24
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dickii assumed hardware issues but it all works fine in windows09:25
lockddicki: telnet to a server which supports it09:25
ShayeMasterShrek apt-get install ssh / sshd, any difference? i wanna setup ssh so i can remote my server.09:25
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MasterShrekShaye, ssh is the client, sshd is the server09:25
dickithen i assumed driver issues but from what i read the TG3 supports the chipset (broadcom bcm5753m)09:25
lockddicki: does apt-get work?09:25
FlannelShaye: you want openssh-server09:25
MasterShrekok or that09:25
dickino it can't get the repositories09:26
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lockddicki: telnet pdragon.org 555509:26
solid_liqrpm based distros suck09:26
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lockddicki: see if you get a log in or just sits there09:26
stravanyone, ati 7500, feisty + blender working fine?09:26
ben__I have a tricky mount issue with a floppy, anyone feel skilled in this area?09:26
faileassolid_liq: i used to use apt-get with rpms... it was about the same as ubuntu is ;)09:26
schighHow do I put files onto a remote computer once I've connected using ssh?09:27
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dickiok, it resolved my address09:27
Flannel!scp | schigh09:27
ubotuschigh: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/09:27
dickithen its just sitting there09:27
solid_liqschigh: scp or rsync09:27
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solid_liq!rsync | schigh09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rsync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
lockddicki: no "Welcome" screen?09:27
solid_liqschigh: well, rsync is the faster way09:27
schighFlannel, solid_liq, thanks09:27
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lockddicki: weird09:28
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dickiyeah thats what i thought09:28
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ben__I have a tricky mount issue with a floppy, anyone feel skilled in this area?09:28
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astro76schigh, if you go to places>connect to server... you can add an ssh server to the file manager09:28
lockddicki: PM and i will send you a few mud servers with ports open, to test - since you can't add repos or any of that09:28
solid_liqben__: just ask the question, don't ask to ask09:28
schighastro76, that didn't work :(09:28
databuddyanyone else having trouble with Seveas repos?09:28
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lockddicki: also, from which comp are you using IRC?09:29
Q_ContinuumOkay, quick question.  Fast way to set a single-time event to play an mp3 file at a preset time.09:29
dickifrom a windows machine on the same network09:29
ben__Well my floppy drive just goes into a loop when i try to mount it, the light goes on for ever. Anyone know why????09:30
solid_liqQ_Continuum: use   at09:30
solid_liqben__: bad floppy?09:30
astro76schigh, why?09:30
Carroarmato0ben_: probably bad floppy09:30
xstasiwhat the hell is a floppy?09:30
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jayde_drag0nokay i've been working blindly with no help for 3 hours now... i stupidly installed desktop multiplier... it broke... i get the error "frequency over range" on the mnitor... ubuntu feisty fawn... i've been editing the xorg.conf file over and over with no results.... i don't know what to select for the x server driver.. i have a "visiontek-9550" is what it says on the board... i've tried vga, nv, ati   and they all say no matter what i09:31
schighastro76, it says simply, "IO error"09:31
lockddicki: telnet terrafirma.terra.mud.org 222209:31
MasterShrekjayde_drag0n, did you try the vesa driver09:32
jayde_drag0nmastershrek: yes i'll do it again and give you the error09:32
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MasterShrekpastebin the log jayde_drag0n09:32
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MasterShrekxstasi, they are the new way to store data09:33
kousotujayde_drag0n: you might have to run 800x60009:33
michael117My cdrom isn't showing up in /dev but was recognized by the BIOS and is showing up under "Computer" in nautilus09:33
MasterShreku havent heard of them before?09:33
MasterShrekcan store like 1.4 megs on just one09:33
lockddicki: if it does not connect again, well perhaps only IP is working and TCP is not.. or something of the like09:33
MasterShrekits amazing09:33
xstasiMasterShrek, yeah, now i remember09:33
solid_liqjayde_drag0n: use lspci to figure out what driver for your video card, which is what ati, nvidia, nv, etc. are for09:33
kousotumichael117: mount it09:33
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xstasilast time i needed one, and it was like in 2002, i asked Indiana Jones09:34
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michael117kousotu: Can't mount... no cdrom device in /dev09:34
dickilockd: that worked09:34
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michael117kousotu: No scd0 or hda09:34
dickii have the welcome screen09:34
kousotumichael117: hm.....09:34
kousotumichael117: mine works fie09:34
MasterShrekmichael117, hdc?09:34
kousotumichael117: what is yours? external or internal?09:35
lockddicki: that did? well, you have net access it is just getting blocked in some way09:35
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lockddicki: and you certainly haven't added anything to firewall09:35
dickiits a fresh install, compleatly untouched09:35
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michael117kousotu: Internal09:35
jayde_drag01mastershrek: sorry got disconnected09:35
MasterShrekits aight09:35
jayde_drag01mastershrek: e vesa no matching modes    ee screens found but none have a usable configuration09:36
michael117MasterShrek: hdc isn't there either09:36
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kousotumichael117: I'm suprised it doesn't09:36
solid_liqjayde_drag01: do you have an nvidia video card?09:36
kousotumichael117:get an errorlike "Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 're4_eng'"09:36
jayde_drag01i think the visiontek is an nvidia09:36
solid_liqjayde_drag01: k, I had this problem a couple of days ago, you have to...09:37
kousotu(I just put in  Resident Evil 4, that's why I got that error09:37
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michael117kousotu: When I right click and select mount in nautilus under "computer" I get the error message "mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist"09:37
lockddicki: if only I had my own web server so I could set port to 222209:37
Enselicmichael117: we might have the same problem    I am able to boot from a CD and reinstall Ubuntu, but once in it, there is no in /dev for me either09:37
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lockddicki: that would pretty much prove it was ports getting blocked09:37
kousotumichael117: you have a disc in?09:37
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dickilockd: i'm going to explore the firewall idea, see if anything got screwed up during install09:37
solid_liqjayde_drag01: run this and tell me what you see      ls /lib/linux-restricted-modules/ -a09:37
jayde_drag01solid_liq..... i have to what??? lick the screen.... jump up and down saying a ubuntu chant....09:38
michael117Enselic: Yeah... it's weird because the BIOS sees it fine and will boot to it09:38
jayde_drag01lol okay09:38
michael117kousotu: yes, I have a dvd in it now09:38
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kousotuis it a dvd drive?09:38
solid_liqjayde_drag01: do that, I can't remember the exact file name09:38
dickilockd: i will probably be back when that confuses me! thanks for the help09:38
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ShayeHow do u get the list of running process again?09:38
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jayde_drag01. .. 2.6.20-15 generic 2.6.20-16-generic09:38
kousotumichael117: is it a dvd drive?09:39
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solid_liqjayde_drag01: do any of the files start with a .  (iotw, are any of them hidden files)?09:39
Enselicmichael117: I suspect tehre is a kernel module that needs to be inserted, because for early 7.10 tribes, it worked for me09:39
kousotu[02:35]  <kousotu> I ned help making javawork on Firefox09:39
Enselicmichael117: I havn't yet found the time to figure out which one09:39
kousotujava work*09:39
aleixhi all, quick question, does any one know what language/library is used to develop the menus in text format used in Ubuntu's alternate installation?09:39
michael117kousotu: Yes09:39
ciano con centrino duo devo installare la 32bit o la 64bit?09:39
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jayde_drag01solid_liq: thats all it says  . .. 2.6.20-15 generic 2.6.20-16-generic09:39
xstasialeix, IIRC it's bash09:39
Enselicaleix: ncurser I think09:39
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kousotuciano: epanol?09:39
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faileas!it | ciano09:39
ubotuciano: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:39
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Enselicaleix: ncurses*09:39
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aleixi thought so... thanks a lot!09:40
faileasits italian ;p09:40
cianojo esoero espana09:40
kousotufaileas: I can't tell the difernce lol09:40
jayde_drag01god i want my computer back09:40
solid_liqjayde_drag01: damn, that sux, I guess you have a diff problem then09:40
cianoi have little problem09:40
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faileasciano: depends, if its core 2, the 64 or 32 would work, if its pentium M 32.  core, i don't know09:40
xstasikousotu, noone except for us can09:40
fougdoes anyone here have deus ex? I'm having trouble with saved games09:41
Giddion55hmm,  cant find what distro it is :@,  is linking up a domain to an IP the same in most distros?09:41
cianointel core duo processor t245009:41
kousotuciano: shoot 32bit. safest option09:41
xstasiciano, run 32bit /anyway/09:41
jayde_drag01solid-liq   well can you help at all...... anyone... buller... buler.... am i totally borked??? is there no way to just uninstall desktop multiplier?09:41
xstasieven if you have 6409:41
kousotuciano: do you have windows rightnow?09:41
solid_liqciano: flash works on 32 bit, it doesn't work on 64 bit, use 32 bit09:42
bullgard4/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/eeprom/module/srcversion listet 'F2468447AE1D20BFAFC46B6'. How can I read the contents of this EEPROM and disassemble them?09:42
solid_liqjayde_drag01: what is desktop multiplier?09:42
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lockdGiddion55: looking up a domain (DNS entry)? That's the same virtually everywhere (even windows)09:42
cianopardon for that09:42
cianociano@ciano-laptop:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfoprocessor       : 009:42
cianovendor_id       : GenuineIntel09:42
cianocpu family      : 609:42
cianomodel           : 1409:42
cianomodel name      : Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU      T2450  @ 2.00GHz09:42
cianostepping        : 1209:42
cianocpu MHz         : 800.00009:42
cianocache size      : 2048 KB09:42
cianophysical id     : 009:42
cianosiblings        : 209:43
cianocore id         : 009:43
cianocpu cores       : 209:43
MasterShrekciano, you are going to get kicked lol09:43
cianofdiv_bug        : no09:43
cianohlt_bug         : no09:43
cianof00f_bug        : no09:43
cianocoma_bug        : no09:43
cianofpu             : yes09:43
jayde_drag01solid_liq: an unfortunate program i shouldn't have installed.... suposed to give you more spaces to choose from not just 209:43
cianofpu_exception   : yes09:43
cianocpuid level     : 1009:43
cianowp              : yes09:43
cianoflags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx constant_tsc pni monitor est tm2 xtpr09:43
cianobogomips        : 3996.0209:43
cianoclflush size    : 6409:43
cianoprocessor       : 109:43
cianovendor_id       : GenuineIntel09:43
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:43
solid_liqjayde_drag01: oh, I see, apt-get uninstall desktop-multiplier09:43
cianocpu family      : 609:43
cianomodel           : 1409:43
cianomodel name      : Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU      T2450  @ 2.00GHz09:43
cianostepping        : 1209:43
faileasciano: next time, use pastebin09:43
cianocpu MHz         : 800.00009:43
cianocache size      : 2048 KB09:43
solid_liqdamn, !ops, kick ciano09:43
cianophysical id     : 009:43
cianosiblings        : 209:43
cianocore id         : 109:43
cianocpu cores       : 209:43
faileas64 bit should wotrk tho...09:43
cianofdiv_bug        : no09:43
foug!ops, kick ciano09:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops, kick ciano - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:43
cianohlt_bug         : no09:43
cianof00f_bug        : no09:44
cianocoma_bug        : no09:44
solid_liq!ops kick ciano09:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops kick ciano - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:44
cianofpu             : yes09:44
foug!ops kick ciano09:44
cianofpu_exception   : yes09:44
dgjones!paste | ciano09:44
ubotuciano: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:44
cianocpuid level     : 1009:44
cianowp              : yes09:44
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jayde_drag01well lets see if this works09:44
solid_liqdamn that's anoying09:44
xstasino kicks here09:44
xstasithey just "leave"09:44
lockdegads, is that over?09:44
fougdoes anyone have deus ex?09:44
solid_liqisn't there an auto-kicker on the bot for that !?!?09:44
faileasnope ;p09:44
Enselicfoug: I lost my cd :'(09:44
kousotusolid_liq: the bot isn't an op09:44
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xstasisolid_liq, i don't think so, that would be a problem for fast-typing guys09:44
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solid_liqgod that's stupid09:45
fougEnselic: man, after i load my saved game I can't switch weapons. This happened the last time I was playing09:45
solid_liqxstasi: no it's not, it's not a prob on ##linux09:45
ptlI can't seem to find mozilla nor mozilla-browser in ubuntu's repositories09:45
Catsceohi ptl09:45
ptlwhere can I find it?09:45
Giddion55lockd --  so how would i link an ip to a domain name in nix?09:45
ptlnot firefox. I need mozilla.09:45
tracer903I'm trying to run a script and get an error< line 48: curl: command not found curl error exit value 12709:45
kousotuxstasi: there's a difference for that09:45
fougptl: the old, REAL mozilla?09:45
MasterShrekwow, its every troller's dream09:45
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ptlfoug: yeah09:45
xstasisolid_liq, i often get kicked on chans by ops running lame scripts because i type fast09:45
fougptl: you might need to add a third party repository or download09:45
sauvinwho uses mozilla anymore?09:45
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fougptl: try download SeaMonkey09:45
ptlI do09:45
fougptl: it's an updated version of mozilla09:45
lockdGiddion55: You are trying to set up BIND?09:45
solid_liqxstasi: they just don't have them tuned correctly then09:45
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ptlthere's no seamonkey or iceape package09:45
fougmozilla > firefox09:45
=== sirjoshimus [n=sirjoshi@user-12lmgdd.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ptlI tried it09:45
fougptl: you need to add repositories probably09:46
=== The-Croupier [n=The-Crou@unaffiliated/thecroupier/x-363548] has joined #ubuntu
lockdGiddion55: or are you trying to do what is called a "reverse lookup" and get a domain -from- a known IP09:46
eboyjrWhen something is more stable, does that mean that it has fewer bugs and that everything has been tested and proven?09:46
kousotuxstasi: that's cause you'restupid lol09:46
Giddion55lockd no idea mate,  ive been asked by a friend to link his IP upto a domain name   yaaaaddaaa.lala.com09:46
xstasiis seamonkey faster than FF?09:46
kousotuxstasi: or type like me..09:46
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MasterShrekfor the most part eboyjr09:46
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fougxstasi: probably09:46
ptlfoug: which ones? I've added them all... multiverse and universe and such09:46
xstasikousotu, you've bever been to chans ran by lame ops :D09:46
cianojust a moment09:46
fougptl: not sure, go to seamonkey website, just try to download a tar for it09:46
Giddion55lockd  the IP is known,  i know the ip,  i want it so when u type   lalal.lalal.com in an explorer u go to the website hosted on the IP09:46
cianowhere is the tinkin of the ubuntu community?09:46
kousotuxstasi: not on this server09:46
cianoyes i make a ca++09:47
cianook i want excuse me09:47
kousotuxstasi: but es, I have09:47
xstasikousotu, i was not talking about this server of course :)09:47
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ptltar? please, no tar, it'd screw up my installations...09:47
ptlI need a deb...09:47
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kousotuxstasi: lmao, nice cover09:47
=== KC360 [i=KC360@adsl-69-226-104-240.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
cianobut you cacht out for that09:47
jayde_drag01omfg i think it finally worked09:47
PotLimithow am i suppose to validate statements such as "Kubuntu on the other hand is considered a bit worse in terms of stability since recent versions of KDE usually break more often that fresh GNOME"09:47
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=== MasterShrek is out, fly penguins! fly!!!
KC360can i ask a question, i used Ubuntu Debian on my computer, worked fine, untill i tried booting with the live cd again, it just freezes at the start up menu09:48
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=== faileas loads MasterShrek into a catapult and alunches him l)
KC360what can cause this? ive tried this on my OLD and NEW DVD/Cd drives09:48
xstasiMasterShrek, penguins ALWAYS fly when nobody's watching them09:48
lockdGiddion55: um, what Web browser are you using?09:48
PotLimitKC360: might have something to do with the video card09:48
Giddion55IE 7 or firefox09:48
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lockdGiddion55: that's a problem, and if you are able to do it manually ... strange09:48
kousotuKC360: ctrl+ ALT + delete works sometimes09:48
KC360its worked before, i even installed it and it worked fine09:48
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kousotuKC360: thats how I got gutsy to work lol09:48
ptlno mozilla-browser deb?09:49
KC360lol m'kay09:49
KC360well ill try to boot again09:49
humblerodenthow do I give USB access to normal user/09:49
PotLimitKC360: ah - maybe some weird resolution that x is trying to do09:49
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ptlKC360: maybe you overwrote the mbr09:49
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lockdGiddion55: can you nslookup or ping the site, then type http://ipaddresshere09:49
hattyBig problem. CPU overheated today and my computer shut down. I opened it up and noticed my fan stopped running while ubuntu is running. The ran runs on pc startup, but not in ubuntu. It never did this before... help? (im on dif computer)09:49
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KC360idk, usually when i bootup it boots up at the normal res, 60hz frefresh rae09:49
bullgard4What is a 'shell hook'? I could not find a definition.09:49
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pawanhow to install pidgin on ubuntu09:49
kousotuptl: f is a default in thepacges09:50
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Frogzoohumblerodent: sudo adduser XXXXX plugdev09:50
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Giddion55lockd  the site works when u type http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx it works fine,  i just wanna make the ip into a domain name09:50
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KC360alright brb imna go try to bootup again09:50
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ptlkousotu: ? huh?09:50
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astro76!pidgin | pawan09:50
ubotupawan: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.09:50
rocketsHas the Tribe 4 Iso been posted?09:50
dgjonespawan, have a look at www.getdeb.net thats got a .deb file that you can install09:50
bl0fishhey guys, can someone please recommend a good irc client for linux? i mean - the best?09:50
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jayde_drag01solid_liq:   before i do this.. i AM a girl... i'm allowed *kisses you* THANK YOU!!!! I KNEW THAT WOULD FIX IT AND IT DID!!!!09:50
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lockdGiddion55: can you get to regular domains fine like google.com?09:50
ubotutux is the Linux Mascot - http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/linux/09:50
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bullgard4pawan: Using Synaptic, install the proper DEB modules.09:50
Giddion55lock ye09:50
kousotuptl: are you looking for Fire Fox or mozilla?09:50
humblerodentFrogzoo: ty09:51
lockdGiddion55: ohh, i was under the impression it wasn't looking up stuff correctly09:51
Giddion55lockd hehe no sorry,  i just wanna link an ip to a name09:51
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lockdGiddion55: just do a search for reverse dns lookup09:51
faileasbl0fish: best is relative, i like konversation tho09:51
solid_liqjayde_drag01: :D sure thing09:51
Catsceoxchat FTW09:51
jayde_drag01oh god ... i have my desktop back.... thank you!!!09:52
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Giddion55lockd hmm ok so thats all i need to setup?  can i break anything on his server?09:52
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Lorinhey, guys i just saved a pic, and i dont know which folder did it went to? i opened that pic and clicked on save09:52
ptlkousotu: mozilla09:52
Lorindo u guys have any clue where the dl files usually go?09:53
kousotuptl: firefoxismozilla now09:53
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lockdGiddion55: break anything on his server?09:53
kousotuptl: firefox is mozilla now*09:53
ptlis there a webpage where I can search in repositories? something like apt-get.org, but for ubuntu?09:53
xukundoes anybody know how I can install the dutch spelling check for thunderbird en openoffice in ubuntu?09:53
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ptlkousotu: I need mozilla (seamonkey, if you must). Not firefox.09:53
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Giddion55lockd  ye,  can i break anything on my mates server if i do this reverse lookup09:53
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ShegaggalsANYONE - good irc client 4 ubuntu 7.04?09:53
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bullgard4Shegaggals: Irssi09:54
Shegaggalsit's kinda ugly :)09:54
kousotuShegaggals: I use Konversation09:54
lockdGiddion55: it shouldn't, and even if it did it's asking the DNS server, not his server09:54
Shegaggalskk ta i'll try those09:54
xstasiShegaggals, xchat is the best in terms of being lightweitght and functional09:54
Giddion55ahh ok,  i see so im using nslooup,  can i do it remotely?09:54
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xstasiif you want fancy looking and full of crap *cough* features, try kvirc09:55
pawanunable to install pidgin09:55
sauvinI didn't know it was "lightweight"; I like xchat for its functionality.09:55
ShegaggalsI'm running this on a beast, i dun need lightweight :)09:55
pawandependency is not satisfiable09:55
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kousotuShegaggals: there are no "Hevyweights" on Linux of which I am aware09:56
lockdGiddion55: nslookup is generally used remotely09:56
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xstasiShegaggals, if you wanna run heavy stuff just because you can, run vista :)09:56
kousotuShegaggals: you'll have to code one from Xchat09:56
perlmonkeyhello can anyone tell me if most SATA interface cards are supported in Linux? I'm looking to buy one and don't have any experience in this field09:56
dgjonespawan, there's two files you have to download, one is a data file which you need to install first, then the pidgin app itself09:56
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kousotuxstasi: ew... Vista....09:56
Shegaggalsoh come on it's not like linux doesn't have simple n more advanced apps :) that's an insult to say so lol09:56
pawani got the deb file from get-deb09:56
pawanthere is only one file09:57
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dgjonespawan, did you get both deb files?09:57
xstasikousotu, vista has some cool features that linux will never have.. like.. WOBBLY WINDOWS!!09:57
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kousotuxstasi: wth?09:57
kousotuxstasi: Gtst has that09:57
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xstasifeisty too09:57
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kousotuoh yea.09:57
xstasiever heard about irony?09:57
alan8ri've got a question about pidgin09:57
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lockdalan8r: yes09:58
Shegaggalsi don't suppose, by chance, anyone knows much about the dvico dual digital 4?09:58
alan8rthere's a new version out, do i need to remove the old one before recompiling from source?09:58
lockdalan8r: it's not in feisty's packager afaict, nor have I ever seen a deb09:58
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perlmonkeycan anyone tell me if most SATA interface cards are supported in Linux? I'm looking to buy one and don't have any experience in this field09:58
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xstasialan8r, just don't compile it by source09:58
Enselicalan8r: not if you install into a different prefix09:58
xstasiif you want pidgin so badly, fetch the debian sources from p.u.c. and debuild it09:58
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alan8rlast time, i just compiled and it worked fine09:59
Giddion55lockd  ok mate thanks for your help,  im gonna head over to the networking channel and read some stuff on nslookup :)  thanks again.09:59
dgjonespidgin is available from www.getdeb.net09:59
alan8rits set up easily09:59
lockdxstasi: does that let you put it into /usr/local09:59
randomanhey guys can you recommend a good tutorial on updateing and editing the kernel09:59
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alan8rmake install09:59
xstasilockd, it doesn't09:59
alan8rbam, done09:59
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xstasilockd, it makes a debian package, a backport09:59
pawanwe have to install both the files or what09:59
databuddyearthquake!!!! socal rox09:59
xstasiwhich is better than installing on /usr/local/09:59
randomanor i guess, where should i move the newly made kernel i compiled09:59
alan8rbut its warning me about an older version09:59
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alan8rthats my question, is there a simple command for removing it, or can i just compile it and have it overwrite the old one?09:59
shegaggalswould anyone know if there is a linux tv channel? #linuxtv is found links for but it's deserted... :(09:59
lockdalan8r: make sure you ./configure --prefix=/usr/local09:59
Enselicxstasi: better? how do you mean?09:59
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xstasiEnselic, apt-get remove pidgin <-- this completely removes it10:00
alan8rlockd, thanks much10:00
ixihey, I need support regarding Ubuntu 7.04 and a wireless 3COM card10:00
xstasidpkg -i new_pidgin.deb <-- this cleanly replaces it10:00
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xstasimake install is "teh evil"10:00
Enselicalan8r: the prefix is very likely to default to /usr/local10:00
bullgard4Is the contents of line #59 in http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13583/ correct or should it be replaced with "Freenode"?10:00
sSiroSoriSshow do i do it?10:00
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alan8renselic, according to the config it def defaults there10:00
Enselicxstasi: not if you know what you are doing10:00
sauvin"make install" - if you do this, make certain what you're building has its root in /usr/local somewhere.10:00
alan8rso am i good to go?10:00
xstasibullgard4, this is NOT ircnet :)10:00
drumline_For some reason, I just can't bring myself to even think of using Suse anymore...   Is it wrong?10:01
Enselicsauvin: prefix*10:01
xstasiEnselic, and what if i know? do i have to keep all the sources and pray that make uninstall will do the trick?10:01
faileas*shrug* you use what works for you ;)10:01
ixiI can't get it to work with wpa encryption10:01
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lockdprefix is why I left Gentoo10:01
xstasiyou know, debian and ubuntu have evolved "a little" since slackware10:01
drumline_lockd: prefix?10:01
lockdthey claimed to be all about building from source, but they don't let you set prefix on anything10:01
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perlmonkeycan anyone tell me if most SATA interface cards are supported in Linux? I'm looking to buy one and don't have any experience in this field10:02
sauvinThey WHAT?10:02
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sSiroSoriSsbe good or no miguel!10:02
ShayeI've installed sshd - now how do I add users/set their passwords?10:02
mattiMorning :)10:02
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.10:02
drumline_perlmonkey: I'm told that LSI logic cards are supported well in linux.10:02
lockdwhy would they have made something called "prefixed portage" - which seems like a dead project10:02
xstasiperlmonkey, i don't know, i never had problems with SATA under linux.. the new mobo i just bought works fine out of the box10:02
ptlI just found a repository for seamonkey10:02
sauvinShaye, sshd "users" are system users.10:02
ptldeb http://gnomefreak.youmortals.com/mozilla-testing feisty main10:02
faileasShaye: add users to the system :)10:02
perlmonkeyShaye: you dont10:02
xstasi00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801GB/GR/GH (ICH7 Family) SATA IDE Controller (rev 01)10:02
xstasithis is what i have10:02
Shayeoh :)10:02
sSiroSoriSshow do i do it?10:02
perlmonkeyShaye: when a user connects to ssh box they will be asked to accept a key10:02
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.10:03
sSiroSoriSshow do i do it?10:03
perlmonkeyxstasi: many thanks10:03
xstasiafk.. cya :)10:03
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sSiroSoriSshow do i get my winmodem to work with linux? or does it depend on what model winmodem?10:04
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Shayehow do i get to the "Users And Groups" on the server10:04
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sauvinShaye, are you on the server now?10:05
astro76!winmodem | sSiroSoriSs10:05
ubotusSiroSoriSs: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto10:05
ixiwpa_supplicant: "Association request to the driver failed". Help please10:05
bullgard4What is a 'shell hook'? I could not find a definition.10:05
Shayesauvin i am on vista - my server is right near me10:05
shegaggals!linuxtv help - anyone know where/if i can find that?10:05
untruestorywhen you get banned from a channel is it permanent?10:05
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sauvinuntruestory, rarely.10:06
bullgard4untruestory: no.10:06
untruestoryhow long?10:06
sSiroSoriSsty ubotu10:06
sauvinIt varies.10:06
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bullgard4untruestory: Often until midnight.10:06
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sauvinShaye, if you don't want to wind up using command line tools AND if your server has X, you'll want to log onto it directly.10:06
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lockdsauvin: isn't there a configuration panel which also has ncurses?10:07
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sauvinlockd, if there is, I'm not aware of it. NB: I'm not aware of lots of things.10:07
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nrdbI have a bash script I want to see what its doing, is there a way I tell bash to echo all commands it receives ?10:09
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Shayei do10:09
Shayei wanna learn the command line :)10:10
Shayedon't want anything graphicaly10:10
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sauvinIn that case, log into the machine and start doing info <command>10:10
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sauvinStart with info useradd10:10
vivh349i am french, and i'd like conenct me on the "ubuntu-fr", but i can't with irssi and gaim...10:10
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vivh349i don't understand10:11
sauvinvivh349, with irssi, yes, you can.10:11
alan8rjust so people know, compiling from source for the new pidgin worked just fine, without removing the old version10:11
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:11
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howlingmadhowie(as doctor nick) hallo everybody :)10:11
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tracer903how can I get firefox to work with xm radio online?10:12
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vivh349i have loose the "stop button in my ubuntu ????10:13
sauvinWhat "stop button"?10:14
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vivh349power button,10:14
sauvinTo turn the computer off?10:14
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vivh349im sorry my english is very bad10:14
sauvinYou can do that from a terminal, if you want, with the syntax "sudo shutdown -h now"10:14
vivh349yes i know10:15
sauvinMon anglais n'est guere superbe non pas aussi, vivh349.10:15
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Catsceovivh339: Right click a panel > Add to panel10:15
lockdanyone at all know if there is a way to convert from ncurses to, say, QT?10:15
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sauvinlockd, what do you mean by "convert"?10:15
ktamaHello, I am a beginner linux and English. I have a question.10:15
ktamaI made thin client environment to install ltsp-server and openssh-server.10:16
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Myrthhi :010:16
Daniel1979I have a problem with a new laptop, I successfully installed Ununtu 7.04 with Vista as dual boot. The network works when Ubuntu is sole operating system or when you boot the live CD, but not after the install with vista on a separate partition! Any body think they can help me?10:16
lockdsauvin: well, more like "wrap"10:16
Myrthis it possible to login from console using private key's passphrase?10:16
ktamathe client can not find USB flash memory, How do I solve this problem?10:16
vivh349maybe its a user right ->"droit ?" problem ???10:16
kimmey2k3Daniel1979: using grub?10:16
lockdsauvin: using an ncurses program in X, but with widget toolkit10:16
vivh349my user havent right for turn off computer ?10:17
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sauvinvivh349, that's why I specified "sudo".10:17
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ameyererm, sorry about that...10:17
vivh349sory ?10:17
kimmey2k3it may work with just configuring wich partition to boot from via grub, im not sure since it vista and i dosent use it10:17
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vivh349i dont understand10:18
sauvinlockd, curses and qt use very different interfaces to the underlying operating system. What you're asking isn't as straightforward as one could have hoped for.10:18
tracer903attempting to use a script to play xm online, I get "Error parsing html to find stream URL"10:18
kimmey2k3just mark the vista installation in grub, press e (edit) and set correct hd in root (you see it when youre going to edit)10:18
sauvinvivh349, the shutdown command is reserved for root.10:18
Daniel1979it boots ubuntu and vista fine, its just the lan card thats down in Ubuntu10:18
Catsceovivh349: type this in a terminal: sudo shutdown -h now10:18
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Catsceoand enter your pass10:18
vivh349catsceo : i know this comaznd10:18
kimmey2k3"ifconfig NIC up" dosent work?10:18
kousotuDaniel1979: what card is your LAN on Vista?10:19
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vivh349sauvin : my user "vivh349"  is in group "vivh349"... i dont understand10:20
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sauvinvivh349, you ARE using ubuntu, yes?10:21
Daniel1979the strange thing is it works, as long as it is single boot config10:21
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sh3l1how can i get ubuntu's media players to play more formats (mov, etc) do i have to get a codec pack?10:21
kousotuDaniel1979: on vista, go to device manager10:21
vivh349on other computer, i have create a user who is in group admin ????10:21
sauvinThere is an account on your computer you might not realise is there. It's called "root", and it's what other operating systems called "administrator". It is, by default, the only account that can invoke the shutdown command.10:21
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kousotuDaniel1979: if you're on vista right now10:22
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drumline_Anyone know if there's support on linux to connect to a Sonicwall's GroupVPN?10:22
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ktamaHello, I am a beginner edubuntu and English. I have a question. I made thin client environment to install ltsp-server and openssh-server. the client can not find USB flash memory, How do I solve this problem?10:22
=== sh3l1 wonders how can he get ubuntu's media players to play more formats (mov, etc). do he have to get a codec pack?
=== hocg [n=hocg@cpe-67-49-249-22.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
vivh349then, i must add the user vivh349 to the group admin ???10:23
Daniel1979ok looks like "ifconfig NIC up" worked, just had the wrong card10:23
sauvinsh3l1, on what player?10:23
sh3l1i may want to use otheres10:23
inx-one!restricted | sh3l110:23
ubotush3l1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:23
randomanhey guys, where are ubuntu's Kernels loade from?10:23
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sauvinrun off to the mplayer home page, grab the codecs, untar or unzip them (I forget what form they come in) and copy them to /usr/local/lib/codecs10:23
inx-onerandoman: /boot ? Or what do you mean?10:24
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sh3l1thanks man10:24
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randomanso I build a new kernel, put it into /boot, add it to grub and it should load?10:24
hocghi. sorry to interrupt, but I'm an Ubuntu noob and could really use some help.10:24
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:24
hocglol sorry.10:24
inx-one!ask | hocg10:24
ubotuhocg: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:24
vivh349what group can called halt ? adlmin, root ???10:25
sauvinvivh349, I've answered you best I know how to answer. Use the sudo command to shut the computer down.10:25
Regelrandoman, you build the kernel, install the .deb-package, and it should work10:25
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sh3l1is there any way to add an address bar to the defualt file browser?10:25
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WeeJeWelsh3l1, press the button on the left10:25
WeeJeWelin nautilus right?10:25
randomanwhere does it compile the .deb file to10:25
sh3l1it worked10:25
inx-onesh3l1: yes, hit ctrl+l10:25
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vivh349but id like have the buton...10:25
Regelrandoman, in /usr/src10:26
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taffy-nayi'm getting problems when I Ping, i ceep gettign the message "ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted"  whats going on?10:26
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sauvinI forget how to add buttons to the panel; right click on it and look to see if you can discover it.10:26
Catsceovivh249: for gods sake, Right click a panel and click add to panel, the button is right there10:26
vivh349i dont understand...10:26
vivh349before, i has this buton ?????10:27
Catsceoyou don't know how to right click?10:27
randomanall i have to do is make , then make modules_install, then install the .deb file from /usr/src?10:27
kousotuvivh349: are you left or right handed?10:27
sauvinHe's asking why this button that he apparently had had before has disappeared.10:27
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sh3l1how do i access /usr/local/lib/codecs sorry, i am a n00b10:27
WeeJeWelsh3l1, $ su10:28
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kousotush3l1: try sudo cd  /usr/local/lib/codecs10:28
kousotumight o something10:28
sauvinvivh349, veuillez nous joindre dans #ubuntu-fr. Tapez "/join #ubuntu-fr" dans votre locigiel IRC.10:28
sh3l1can i open it in a nautilus window?10:28
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vivh349oui mais je NARRIVE paqs a me connecter...10:28
hocgokay, so I'm in the middle of getting my boyfriend's Compaq Presario 6010US desktop back from a complete reboot and we need the nVidia Network Card adpater to get the broadband modem to work for him.  Here's the thing...I'm using the only other internet(wireless)-connected computer in the house, which is running Ubuntu.  Anyway, when I go to download to the driver for the Compaq to my USB drive, I get the option to run with Wine or to Save to Di10:28
vivh349avec irssi :10:28
vivh349" You need to be identified to join that channel10:29
vivh349il ne ma jamais fais sa encore10:29
sauvinAh,  you have to have registered your nick with freenode before you can join that channel.10:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nickserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chainserv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:29
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WeeJeWelvivh, /msg nickserv identify pwd10:29
sauvinThat would be "chanserv", I think.10:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nickserv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chanserv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:30
faileashocg: you'd want to save to disk :)10:30
hocgI know10:30
sh3l1kousotu: how do i open it in nautilus?10:30
jhaigIs it possible to download (easily) all the current security updates to Ubuntu, so that they can be put on a CD?10:30
faileas... noobs /msg nickserv help is what you want ;)10:30
WeeJeWelsh3li, sudo nautilus10:30
kousotush3l1: I don't use naut10:30
WeeJeWelpcman file manager might be usefuk10:30
WeeJeWelit has a browse-as-root button10:30
taffy-nayi'm getting problems when I Ping, i ceep gettign the message "ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted" whats going on?10:31
hocgbut when I go to do it...it kinda just disappears...I've had it ask me before where I'd like to save, but for some reason it doesn't want to let me choose for this file.10:31
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vivh349now, in user setting, my user vivh349 is in group vivh34910:31
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hocgcould it be because it's an .exe file or that it's downloading from an ftp server?10:32
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sauvinvivh349: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration10:33
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jhaigI am thinking about installing Ubuntu for my parents but they have a dial-up internet connection so I would like to know if it is possible to get all the security updates on a CD.10:33
kousotuVous avez besoin d'enregistrer, faire  ce type : /ns regiser passe l'e-mail alors yo'll pourra joindre la chane10:33
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kousotutraduit en ligne10:34
kousotuno prob10:34
sauvinvivh349, MAINTENANT vous allez pouvoir joindre #ubuntu-fr.10:34
sauvin(on vient d'enlever les restrictions...)10:34
kousotusauvin: you speak french?10:34
sauvinNot one word.10:34
sh3l1guys. sorry, but the codecs are still not working.10:35
sauvinI'm not joking. I don't speak a word of French.10:35
kousotuI know salut and au revior10:35
kousotuthat's about it10:35
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kousotuhello and goodbye10:35
hocgI apologize, but I really want to get this done so I can go to sleep.  I worked all day and it's 1:30 in the morning here.  Is there seriously anything I can do?10:35
sh3l1but, can you pronounce them10:35
sauvinActually, that's "hello" and "see ya".10:35
randomanhey guys, why cant I find my grub.conf10:35
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taffy-nayi'm getting problems when I Ping, i ceep gettign the message "ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted" whats going on?10:36
kousotuno, that' goodbye10:36
kousotuI took french10:36
randomannm menu.1st10:36
kousotuI think I'd know that10:37
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hocgis there another IRC chat for Ubuntu or is this it?10:37
kousotuhocg: what are you using?10:37
Catsceothere are many10:37
sauvinActually, it's "until I see you again". In other words, "see ya". When i said I don't speak a single word of French, I wasn't joking. I'm deaf.10:37
petr4taffy-nay: you need seuid to  /bin/ping10:37
hocgFeisty Fawn 7.04 ( I think...I just upgraded)10:38
petr4taffy-nay: sudo chmod u+s /bin/ping10:38
taffy-nay<petr4> how do i do that?10:38
kousotuso you got me on semantics10:38
sauvinBut about a quarter of my webbing around is in French :D10:38
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flash42hocg: what do you mean by IRC chat10:38
flash42another channel?10:38
hocgoh oops sorry. Freenode10:38
petr4taffy-nay: it is an old flaw in unix. enjoy10:38
kousotutyping   = speaking online10:38
sauvinhocg, are you using gnome?10:39
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hocgnot sure10:39
Catsceohocg: you mean other servers and channels?10:39
hocgomg I'm such a noob10:39
Catsceoindeed :P10:39
hocgyes other channels10:39
petr4taffy-nay: this should be solved by posix capabilities, but it seems that they are still not enabled10:39
hocgI just really want to get this problem fixed10:39
kousotu./join #chan10:39
sauvinI think he means a different client. If he's using gnome, he's probably using gnome-xchat. Tell him to get a REAL client.10:39
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RivaeAeryaHow do you give all files in a directory that don't have an extension the extension ".smc"?10:40
kousotugnome-xchat sux...10:40
hocgno not xchat...I know that for sure (oh and I'm a girl btw)10:40
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sauvinRivaeAerya, I do it from a command line.10:40
dgjoneshocg, a list of most of the ubuntu irc channels is on this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat10:40
Catsceohocg: go to http://irc.netsplit.de, they have a big list of IRC servers/channels10:40
RivaeAeryasauvin: how?10:40
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r-chocg: what do you need help with?10:41
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hocgCatsceo-netsplit is what I'm on10:41
taffy-naypetr4: I ran the chmod and it did nothing :S10:41
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slytherinWhat is needed for core 2 duo? 64bit Ubuntu or 32 bit with SMP kernel?10:41
sh3l1can someone help me get codecs for either totem or mplayer?10:41
RivaeAeryasauvin: how?10:41
petr4taffy-nay: now ping should work10:41
kousotuhocg: I use "they" a con=mpletelty save alternative10:41
sauvinRivaeAerya, ls | grep -v \.smc10:41
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hocgr-c: I'm needing to download a driver for my boyfriend Compaq Presario 6010US that's running WinXP10:42
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Shayeodd question but can u change ur screen resolution from server?10:42
RivaeAeryasauvin: but that command doesn't rename em, right?10:42
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sauvinNo, it DOES NOT rename.10:42
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RivaeAeryasauvin: how would i make it rename things?10:42
kousotuhocg: what driver?10:42
petr4hello. After resume from suspend-to-disk networking did not work (interface eth0 was without ipv4 address and manual ifconfig silently failed). This can be solved by killing all network-related daemons and doing /etc/init.d/networking restart10:42
hocgr-c:but when I go to save the file to my USB flash drive, it just disappears.  Doesn't let me choose where to dowload the driver10:42
taffy-naypetr4: I tried it but I am still getting the same message...I'm confused:(10:42
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sauvinRivaeAerya, for that, I write scripts. I understand there's another way, using xargs or something, but I don't remember what it is.10:43
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petr4however some dameons do not die and havve to be killed with SIGKILL10:43
r-chocg: download it to you hdd10:43
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petr4taffy: so am I10:43
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kousotuhocg: then move it to the USB10:43
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hocgr-c: the thing is...it doesn't let me choose the hard drive for some reason10:43
kousotuhocg: that happens to mealot10:43
petr4whot does ls -l /bin/ping show?10:44
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hocgr-c: I go to Save to Disk, the window closes, and nothing happens10:44
kousotuhocg: on what?10:44
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r-chocg: right click -> save link as10:44
taffy-nayi'll look10:44
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r-chocg: use another browser10:44
hocgbut when I go to open that link on the WinXP computer, isn't it going to want to connect to the internet to get the file?10:44
petr4how is it possible that such simple thing as DHCP can get screwed by /usr/sbin/NetworkManager, get rid of it10:45
kousotuhocg: save the driver link10:45
kousotuhocg: it saves the driver10:45
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hocgkoutsotu: oh really?  didn't know that10:45
flash42problem of the day10:45
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kousotuhocg: if you've having probs in XP, I can help there10:45
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kousotuI know XP well10:46
Carroarmato0Yo people! Are there some Gutsy Beta testers or bug hunters around here? :)10:46
taffy-naypetr4: it shows -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 30848 2007-03-05 04:25 /bin/ping10:46
kousotuCarroarmato0:  #ubuntu+110:46
hocgkousotu: I might need that in a sec, but let me test that driver real quick and see if it works10:46
slytherinWhat is needed for core 2 duo? 64bit Ubuntu or 32 bit with SMP kernel?10:46
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r-cslytherin: ubuntu 6410:47
kousotuslytherin: is your pc a 32 bit or 64 bit?10:47
Carroarmato0kousotu: thx!10:47
kousotuCarroarmato0: np10:47
petr4taffy-nay: and the error message?10:47
CatsceoC2D's are both I think10:47
Catsceo32 bit, 64 ready10:47
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slytherinkousotu: I want this for a friend. All I know is that the processor is core 2 duo10:47
kousotuCatsceo: 32 works on all pcs10:47
slytherinr-c: Thanks10:47
petr4taffy-nay: the ls output looks good10:47
taffy-naywhat, when I actually run ping?10:47
slytherinCatsceo: Thanks10:48
kousotuslytherin: asume 32bit10:48
kousotuslytherin: it works on all10:48
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apfelAnyone having problems with the totem movie player? It often doesn't display the movie but there is some "graphics error"10:48
sedekiapfel what formats?10:48
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slytherinkousotu: Then I will install 32 bit with smp kernel10:49
slytherinapfel: Is rhythmbox running?10:49
apfelsedeki: .avi10:49
r-ccan anyone tell me what the issue is with ubuntu and hibernating? or is the problem with my setup?10:49
petr4apfel: search totem's and gstreamer's bug database10:49
apfelslytherin: it's not running but it's installed10:50
petr4apfel: or even better, file bug report10:50
sedekiapfel avi is a container for a number of formats... xvid? divx?10:50
hocgr-c: I get that too10:50
hocgwhere it doesn't even hibernate?10:50
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Catsceoit crashes on mine10:50
slytherinapfel: ok. Next question. Have you installed all the necessary codecs?10:51
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Catsceoit worked fine on my old dell10:51
taffy-naypetr4: Ping is outputting "ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted"10:51
hocgsee this comp. I'm on right now is a Dell and it refuses to hibernate10:51
petr4r-c i had problems with my setup. still have sometimes10:51
hocgall it does is drain my battery and heat up my laptop10:51
r-chocg: no mine can hibernate, but when i restart the screen goes all funny10:51
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hocgr-c: ah.  gotcha10:52
wong_need help10:52
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xylanhi all10:52
apfelslytherin: I think so. As I said it's not all the time. For example, if I move the whole window the movie will be displayed correctly until I click on "Edit", "View", etc.10:52
slytherin!ask > wong_10:52
xylani wanted to know if i can install ntfs-3g support on livecd feisty ?10:52
kousotuwong_: state ye problem then10:52
xylancause i need to recover a lost partition10:52
xylanans i want to copy it on an external usb drive10:53
kousotuxylan: I don't think 3g is on fiesty10:53
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slytherinapfel: Weird problem. Never seen in last 3 years. Might be some issue with graphics drivers.10:53
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slytherinkousotu: 3g is there in universe10:53
hariharanHi all10:53
xylancan is install it in ram ? in livecd ?10:54
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slytherinxylan: Not sure if you can install when using live CD.10:54
apfelslytherin: Ah, I think it has to do with compiz fusion10:54
root__when i try to login into my 'guest' account, it says:10:54
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hariharanPlease can any one give some pointer where can I download debuginfo-kernel ie vmlinux image (uncompressed) to run crash10:54
apfelapfel: I just killed it and started metacity instead and the problem disappeared10:54
CatsceoI've installed stuff in knoppix, it should work10:54
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slytherinapfel: Oh. That is the problem. Totem doesn't play nice when using compiz.10:54
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sauvinDoes livecd include fuse?10:54
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kousotuslytherin: again why I said Think10:55
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root__User's $HOMe/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session/language from being saved. File should be owned by user with 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users.10:55
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root__However, i've already 644ed /home/guest and .dmrc10:55
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root__so whats wrong?10:56
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slytherinsauvin: don't think so.10:56
sauvinDid you chown it?10:56
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wong__Again, i ask: I have problems with my 'guest' account. In the login, it says:User's $HOMe/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session/language from being saved. File should be owned by user with 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users. even though i have already CHMODed 644 to both locations. Is there a problem?10:57
jan__mm i have a libnss-ldap setup10:57
jan__and it takes like 4-5s before each request is processed10:58
sauvinwong, a 644 alone may not be enough. Did you do a chown on it?10:58
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jan__is that normal ?10:58
wong__whats a chown?10:58
sauvinchange owner.10:58
wong__and, how do you chown it?10:58
sauvindo a man chown.10:58
jhaigwong__: I think you have to have $HOME/.dmrc set to 600 permissions.10:58
petr4taffy-nay sorry, i can not help you10:58
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petr4taffy-nay: I could reproduce the problem but the fix I proposed works for me10:59
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tbzhey, anyone have nvidia 8800gts or can tell me how to go about installing drivers?11:00
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tbzpm plz if so11:01
hocgcatsceo: are you still there?11:01
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bust3dhi. i've been trying to install ubuntu on a presario 2528AT notebook. the installer just always stops at wvdial. any help? its very frustrating.11:03
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kousotubust3d: give it a few mins*11:03
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wong__jhaig: I remember sudo chmod 644 /guest11:03
slytherinwong__: Remove that sudo11:04
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slytherinwong__: Login as guest and just do 'chmod 644 filename'11:04
wong__im not llogged in as root11:04
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wong__im not under su mode, so i have to sudo11:04
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twosouls82tbz: the answer is on this page; http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9037911:04
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wong__cant log-in as guest, the same message still displays11:05
bust3dkousotu: its like that for 15 mins now. other times, i waited for 30 mins.11:05
sSiroSoriSsi can see it11:05
sSiroSoriSsbut i can't believe it11:05
=== def_on [n=fernando@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
sauvinWhat result do you get when you try to log in as guest?11:05
sSiroSoriSsit's arnbelieveable11:05
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wong__User's $HOMe/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session/language from being saved. File should be owned by user with 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users.11:06
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kousotubust3d: no clue what's wrong, I had problems installing Gutsy, it's like a 1:6 chan it would load11:07
sauvinI still suspect a chown has to happen if you created those directories manually.11:07
wong__well, i managed users/groups11:07
wong__how to do a chown again?11:07
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bust3dkousotu: i've tried feisty, dapper and edgy. they always "stop" or "freeze" while11:08
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sauvinfirst, go into your guest's directory and do an ls -l11:08
bust3dkousotu: i've tried feisty, dapper and edgy. they always "stop" or "freeze" while "configuring wvdial"11:08
sauvinSee who owns what.11:08
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bust3dkousotu: i also tried doing it via wubi11:08
dromeranyone here with experience in running ubuntu (or other distro) on iMacs ?11:08
dromermy youthcenter has a ton of iMacs htat everybody get's pissed on for being 1) slow 2) retarded11:09
wong__drwx------ 2 20 wong  4096 2007-07-21 14:09 amsn_received11:09
wong__drwxr-xr-x 3 20 wong  4096 2007-07-28 17:16 Desktop11:09
wong__lrwxrwxrwx 1 20 wong    26 2007-07-20 23:19 Examples -> /usr/share/example-content11:09
wong__drwxr-xr-x 2 20 wong  4096 2007-07-21 09:38 My Music11:09
wong__drwxr-xr-x 2 20 wong  4096 2007-07-21 14:53 My Pictures11:09
wong__-rw-r--r-- 1 20 wong 49443 2007-07-28 16:46 vegastrike.config.temp11:09
wong__drwxr-xr-x 4 20 wong  4096 1970-01-01 07:30 vega-svn11:09
dromer!paste | wong__11:09
ubotuwong__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:09
slytherindromer: iMacs as in with PowerPC processors? Or intel processors?11:09
sauvinwong, that was in your guest's home directory?11:09
bust3dkousotu: see http://wubi-installer.org/11:09
dromerslytherin: the old blue-screen you know? I'm thinking PPC11:09
sauvinThat's the problem. guest doesn't own those files. wong does.11:10
wong__!paste | wong__11:10
slytherindromer: Then get the Ubuntu for ppc and just go ahead and install.11:10
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wong__how to chown, then?11:10
dromerslytherin: I don't know for sure which specs they have, I read somewhere it's best to have a minimum of 256mb .. but I don't know if they have that much ram11:10
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dromernad there are lots of different versions of the iMac CRT-PC11:10
sauvinMoment... I always have to look...11:10
Kopfgeldjaegerwhats the best way to convert flv videos to mpeg (with ffmpeg or mencoder)?  ffmpeg -f mp4 works, but there is a quality loss...11:10
yemyhi, is there a chance to use networkmanager from commandline?11:11
slytherindromer: If you want to have a trouble free install then use Alternate CD (text installer) instead of Desktop CD (graphical installer)11:11
sauvinwong, what is the guest's home directory again, fully qualified?11:11
sh3l1i just installed frostwire. how can i get it to go on my menus?11:11
dromerslytherin: ok, I'll burn the U/Ku and Xubuntu cd's to try .. I'm thinking the XFCE would be better considering it's slow hardware with low memory11:11
Shayehow do u get all the users in ur server? a list11:11
wong__uhh, what do you mean?11:11
wong__yup, its all 644ed11:11
sauvinI meant, the path to it.11:11
sSiroSoriSsas soon as I realise that I shouldn't worry about anyone but myself I discovered everything I could be11:11
dromerslytherin: "trouble free" as in -> no boot from cd means less memory usage etc. ?11:11
sSiroSoriSsre discovered11:12
wong__the path to it? im really sorry, im really tired, could you clarify abit?11:12
sSiroSoriSsarn discovered11:12
sauvinIt's, like, /home/guest ?11:12
slytherindromer: No. Graphical installer needs more RAM.11:12
wong__its /home/guest11:12
sSiroSoriSska arn ra re ke11:12
wong__its 644ed yeah11:12
sauvinsudo chown -R guest /home/guest11:12
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wong__chown: invalid option -- r11:13
sauvinCAPTIAL R.11:13
wong__or must it be R11:13
sSiroSoriSsjoin UnAustralian!11:13
eifzonHello! I just dualbooted Ubuntu, and I got Windows on my other disk, I did remove the ubuntu disk when I was in windows, and now i can't boot my computer, I got a grub error, can anyone help me?11:13
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dromerslytherin: that's what I meant :) do you know what would be the ultimate minimum for a XFCE install? maybe I need to use another wm, like icewm or similar11:14
sh3l1i just installled frostwire. how do i get it to show up in the program menus?11:14
Shayeeifzon run the windows xp disk, boot from it and make repair11:14
wong__Oh, OK, i dont get an error, but it logs out automatically now, earlier i got that error11:14
wong__oops, to rephrase it11:14
sauvinYes, please, rephrase. English isn't my best language.11:14
wong__I didn't get the 644 error, i got the logout within 10 seconds error11:14
_AhtiWhen exactly are they releasing 7.10?11:15
sauvinTHAT, I can't help with.11:15
wong___Ahti: 18 OCt11:15
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wong__hmm, guest isnt showing in users and groups11:15
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wong__can i delete it from terminal?11:15
sauvinDelete what?11:15
irawanhi, we have been trying to setup a xerox docuprint 203a which connected to a d-link DP-303 print server but no success yet, any help please11:15
=== LLzzJJ [n=jay@82-38-208-105.cable.ubr01.wake.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
wong__guest acc11:16
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vbanaithi i am facing problem with eth card11:16
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LLzzJJvbanait: what is the problem?11:17
vbanaitIdentification     Vendor: Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd.           Description: RTL8139D [Realtek]  PCI 10/100BaseTX ethernet adaptor           Media class: NETWORK_ETHERNET           Connection     Bus: PCI           Bus PCI #: 1           PCI device #: 5           PCI function #: 0           Vendor ID: 0x1904           Device ID: 0x8139           Sub vendor ID: 0xffff           Sub device ID: 0xffff           M11:17
=== palm76 [n=palm76@cc908470-a.joure1.fr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Catsceopastebin next time11:17
vbanaitNot detected on ubuntu11:17
=== LinkenS [n=zorcon@125-24-77-190.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #ubuntu
sauvinYou certainly can. wong, you're asking some really basic questions, and I'm also really tired. You need to fire up an 'info useradd' and look at related documents.11:17
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vbanaitok i am sorry11:17
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slytherindromer: on x86 128 RAM is good enough for xfce. I don't know what is required on PPC11:18
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vbanaitLLzzJJ: details i have pasted11:18
vbanaitmodule: unknown11:18
slytherinvbanait: Is that an Intex card?11:19
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dromerok .. hmm, well I'll just have to find out what the power of these things are :)  Though i'm definitely gonna go for XFCE, KDE and Gnome are doomed I fear ;)11:19
kousotuvbanait: I have a realtek, alsa isn't supported11:19
macarenacon kien ablo11:19
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sauvinKDE is probably doomed. It has a reputation, apparently, of being a pig.11:19
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vbanaitwhat should i do11:19
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sauvinI'm running KDE, but I have a gig of ram, too.11:19
=== twosouls82 loves pigs
dromerwell, Gnome has a reputation of being for children <511:20
slytherinsauvin: I suppose it will improve with KDE 4. It looks much like gnome :-P11:20
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=== twosouls82 has 2G
sauvinslytherin, EEEEEeeeeeeEEEeek!11:20
slytherinvbanait: I asked you a question. Is that intex card?11:20
twosouls82never have problems11:20
LLzzJJvbanait: just looked here, a little out of date but: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWiredNetworkCardsDynamode11:20
vbanaitwhat is intex11:20
LLzzJJdoesnt look good11:20
slytherinvbanait: Brand of card11:20
=== xRaich[o] 2x [n=raichoo@i5387DBDB.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
vbanaitsorry, but i am not getting u11:20
wong__useradd shows nothing about deleting users.11:21
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vbanaitHangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd.       Realtek11:21
slytherinvbanait: What is the company that manufactured your card? Did it come with PC or did you buy it separately?11:21
LLzzJJwong__: what are you trying to do?11:21
vbanaitit came with pc11:21
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wong__delete user 'guest' via terminal, it somehow didnt show up in users and groups11:21
slytherinwong__: Must you use command line? Why not use graphical tools?11:21
vbanaitmanufacturer : Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd.11:21
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gcostellowong__: man userdel11:22
sauvinslytherin, because he needs to have a basic understanding of the mechanisms underlying these damn fancy GUI tools.11:22
LLzzJJwong_: deluser11:22
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sauvinAnd it IS there in the useradd man page, towards the very bottom, as a "see also".11:22
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irawanhi, we have been trying to setup a xerox docuprint 203a which connected to a d-link DP-303 print server but no success yet, any help please11:23
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slytherinsauvin: He is not inthat mood.11:23
=== MeRodent [n=eric@ppp121-44-221-55.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
sauvinhe asked me specifically if users and/or groups can be added or deleted from a command line.11:23
wong__i know you can, just dont know how to11:24
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vbanait LLzzJ : any help11:24
=== capt_cosmo [n=resu@p54A6CDE0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
sauvinThe useradd man page shows you how to add users, and towards the bottom, there are a number of commands to 'SEE ALSO' because they're relevent to deleting users, modifying them, and doing similar things for groups.11:25
=== sSiroSoriSs raises hand
novato_brhow to install the newest GTK+ version?11:25
LLzzJJvbanait: sorry, just looking11:25
novato_bri cant find tutorial11:25
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sSiroSoriSser the answer is miguel wont let you11:25
gcostellowong__: what is the output of the command "cat /etc/passwd | grep guest"11:25
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jim0203hi guys. Anyone able to offer a noob some help with a simple question to do with the terminal?11:25
spectre__hi to all11:25
LLzzJJjim0203: what is the question11:26
slytherin!ask ? jim020311:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask ? jim0203 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:26
slytherin!ask > jim020311:26
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI11:26
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.11:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gtk+2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:26
spectre__Is it possible in Ubuntu 7.04 with gnome to have transparent windows (I need only this function for the terminal) thanks to all11:26
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jim0203OK, when I'm using DOS I type D: to get to the CD Rom, or C: to get to the harddrive or whatever. How do I get to the CD Rom in Ubuntu terminal?11:26
sSiroSoriSska arn ra re ke11:26
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sauvinThat depends on if it's even mounted.11:27
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sauvinIf it IS, it'll likely be in /dev/cdrom011:27
sauvinerm... EXCUSE ME...11:27
jim0203I can see the CD Rom by going to "places" and I can see all the files on it, I just can't get to it through terminal11:27
sauvin... it'll be in /media/cdrom011:27
sh3l1jacob@jacob-desktop:~$ fakeroot make-jpkg jre-6u2-linux-i586.bin11:27
sh3l1Error: The file "jre-6u2-linux-i586.bin" does not exist.11:27
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sh3l1the file is on my desktop11:28
gcostellospecre__: try rxvt or aterm11:28
slytherinjim0203: All of your partitions are mounted in /media/11:28
LLzzJJvbanait: looks like there is a driver from the chipset manuf, will probably need compiling though, also maybe this thread will lead somewhere helpfull: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51709711:28
sauvinsh3l1, if it's on your Desktop, it's actually in ~/Desktop11:28
spectre__oh,thank you very much gcostello,I'LL try now11:28
jim0203Thanks so much guys - I found it in media!11:28
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fyrestrtrspectre__: in gnome-terminal, edit the profile, then click on the effects tab.11:28
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wong__err, this is funny, even after i deluser guest, when i try to add guest again in users and groups, it says it stills exists11:30
=== luyi hello
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sauvinIt might be trying to tell you guest's directories exist.11:31
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sauvinwong, did you do a cat /etc/passwd | grep guest ?11:31
wong__hang om11:31
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wong__did it11:31
wong__well, it just showed another line for me to type in the terminal11:31
sauvinThere's no guest entry in the passwd file, then. Delete guest's directories.11:32
sh3l1where can i paste something and give you guys the URL?11:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:32
fyrestrtrsh3l1: read the topic11:32
wong__mmm, but 'rmdir guest' dosent work11:32
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wong__as its not empty11:32
nalphaguys I'm using linux ubuntu, but now after failed in experience with samba mounting, my desktop can't be right click again. what happen? can somebody help me?11:32
nalphairawan: wha'ts the problem?11:32
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LLzzJJwong__: you  may have to use rm -r11:32
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wong__you mean, rmdir -r?11:33
wong__or just rm -r?11:33
sauvincd into /home/guest, do an rm -rf *, a cd .. and then an rmdir11:33
sSiroSoriSska being the keeper of prosperous societies, arn being the guard, ra as the prosperous human condition, re as the guard of Ke. Ke being the private society which facilitates god the demon's victory over science.11:33
LLzzJJjust rm -r11:33
sSiroSoriSska arn ra re ke11:33
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sh3l1i don't understand why i can't get this to install11:33
sauvinbob-marlon, with what?11:33
LLzzJJ sh3l1: what are you trying to install?11:33
bob-marlonsorry sauvin... I just check the help menu of iRC11:34
bob-marlontks anyway11:34
LLzzJJ sh3l1: does it give an error while installing??11:34
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sSiroSoriSspretty brief11:34
LLzzJJ sh3l1: whats the problem then?11:34
mmarinkien sois11:34
wong__LLzzjj: thanks11:34
sh3l1i try to make a .deb with the .bin and it doesn't create a file11:34
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sauvinmmarin, what language is that?11:34
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wong__sauvin: Thanks for your help earlier11:34
kousotubad typed spanish11:34
mmarindadme alguno vuestro msn11:35
slytherinsh3l1: Java is available in multiverse repository. Install form there.11:35
sh3l1k thanks11:35
LLzzJJ sh3l1: nice11:35
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:35
marshcastCould anyone suggest why non-su accounts can't get online on this machine? su is ok (not as root but as admin) but everything else is not. this machine is mostly locked down for other users - but none of them can get online..?:(11:35
wong__uhh, removed directory guest, still says no such user as guest11:35
wong__i mean11:36
wong__still says guest still exists11:36
sSiroSoriSsthere are also extremes of psycho active mind/body control accossiated with it11:36
spectre__dear fyrestrtr,I have found the "shade to transparent option" but it change only the background color when I set it to the max" ,Do you know where I'm wrong ? thank you11:36
slytherinmarshcast: That is very weird.11:36
sauvinwong, if guest's directories are gone and there's no guest entry in /etc/passwd, you should now be able to useradd guest11:36
sh3l1wait, i don't see it in the repo program11:36
slytherinmarshcast: Is that broadband connection?11:36
LLzzJJwong__: what does the command: "grep guest /etc/group " give?11:36
sh3l1found it11:36
jim0203another question guys - thanks to your help on the last question I've been able to install a Windows program via WINE. It's just that I'm not entirely sure where the files have been installed to. Any ideas?11:36
Paddy_EIREsh3l1: repo program? ..u mean synaptic right11:36
wong__After i  useradded11:36
LLzzJJwong__: delgroup11:37
marshcastslytherin, you're telling me. I'm online now on the machine. yes BB. people using wireless are ok. my admin account is ok. all user accounts - no connetion11:37
slytherinjim0203: Somewhere in your home directory. By the way, what did you install?11:37
Paddy_EIREsh3l1: which app u lookin for11:37
sauvinLlzzJJ, I forgot about deleting groups :\11:37
sauvinI'm tired, folks, time for bed. Nini!11:37
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sh3l1found it though11:37
kousotujim0203: check your apps list11:37
jim0203Slytherin: I'm trying to install an old Scrabble game for Windows 9811:37
spectre__jim0203 , try to run winefile from the terminal window,and go to /home/ and search for wine11:37
slytherinmarshcast: I want to know how you try to connect form non-admin account?11:38
slytherinjim0203: oh11:38
wong__the group guest does not exist, it says, but when i got to users and groups it still does11:38
spectre__winefile is a windows 3,1 like filemanager,if it works you have installed correctly wine11:38
kousotujim0203: the one in the cerial?11:38
Paddy_EIREsh3l1: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre11:38
wong__k, done11:39
sh3l1thanks, but i already found it in the windowed one11:39
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spectre__dear ubuntu users,I have found the "shade to transparent option" but it change only the background color when I set it to the max" ,Do you know where I'm wrong ? thank you11:39
Paddy_EIREsh3l1: no probs11:39
jim0203kousotu: cerial??11:39
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kousotuI can't spel...11:39
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kousotufigure out what I mean11:39
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wong__usr guest exists, hmm?11:39
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marshcastslytherin, it's always been automatic. it connects to the router ok.11:40
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wong__grep guest /etc/group gives no output11:40
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kahrytanWhat causes an Error 18 in grub?11:40
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marshcastslytherin, it's very intermittant. but is only those accounts. not mine... that make any sense?11:40
salaminot sure11:40
LLzzJJwong__: what about : grep guest /etc/passwd11:41
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LLzzJJdid that have an output,?? getting lost here11:41
slytherinmarshcast: Doesn't make sense to me at least. Any chance that network manager is interfering?11:41
marshcastslytherin, how would I tell?11:41
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spectre__kahrytan,try to search for error 18 in the ubuntu support forum,I remember to have saw it11:42
wong__no output for grep guest /etc/passwd11:42
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marshcastit came online for the accounts for a while then - maybe 30 secs... got a page up, then back off again :(11:42
LLzzJJwong__: so do you actually have a problem then?11:42
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LLzzJJwong__: what cant you do?11:42
wong__im trying to re-add user guest, BUT....11:42
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wong__User guest still exists.11:43
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LLzzJJwong__: how are you trying to add the used11:44
Catsceowong__: does it *have* to be called 'guest'?  You can give it another name11:44
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wong__im adding it by 'users and groups'11:44
LLzzJJwong__: I thought you wanted to use the console?11:45
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wong__i wanted to use the console to remove the user, since i cant do it via users and groups11:46
kahrytanWhat causes an Error 18 in grub?11:46
LLzzJJwong__: try adding the user at the console, either : adduser or useradd11:46
LLzzJJwong__: that may give a more detailed message about your error11:46
Paddy_EIREkahrytan: did you check the forums11:46
pawanhow to use Features of nvidia graphics card11:47
CroX"$ usermod -a -G foo bar" - this adds the group 'foo' to the user 'bar' without removing any other group from the user, right?11:47
wong__Error 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS11:47
kahrytanPaddy_EIRE: going to google but gaim doesnttake as long to load on cd11:47
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Paddy_EIRE!nvidia | pawan11:47
ubotupawan: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:47
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pawani have installed the nvidia card11:47
pawannow i wnat to set brightness contrast hue11:48
Paddy_EIREpawan: did you use the restricted drivers manager?11:48
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kahrytanPaddy_EIRE: It's an odd error. It happens right after kernel update.11:48
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spectre__i want transparent terminal please11:48
Paddy_EIREpawan: nt sure where those opts are I dont use nvidia11:48
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LLzzJJpawan: I think you can install: nvidia-xconfig11:48
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kahrytanWhat causes an Error 18 in grub? (ubuntuforums is wrong)11:49
LLzzJJpawan: I 'think' that is a gui for controlling such features11:49
fyrestrtrspectre__: in gnome-terminal, click on edit > profiles then edit, then the effects tab11:49
Paddy_EIREkahrytan: ubuntu forums definitely aint wrong11:49
pawanyes i wnat the graphical one11:50
LLzzJJpawan: or maybe its: nvidia-settings11:50
xiirhow can i increase disk?11:50
kahrytanPaddy_EIRE: in this case, it is11:50
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pawannvidia settings11:50
LLzzJJpawan: install one of those using synaptic11:50
kahrytanPaddy_EIRE: It happens after kernel update11:50
LLzzJJpawan: or in a console use: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings11:50
spectre__fyre I tried It but I get only a variation of the background color from dark to white,but it isn't transparent :)11:50
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UnitedWeFallhey all. is anyone able to help me with what is probably an extremely simple bash related question?11:50
LLzzJJUnitedWeFall: ?11:51
Myrtti!anyone | UnitedWeFall11:51
fyrestrtrhmm, then you should rxvt11:51
Paddy_EIREkahrytan: I beg to differ....check your information again.... P.I.C.N.I.C.  (Problem In Chair Not In Computer)11:51
Myrtti/me waits11:51
ubotuUnitedWeFall: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:51
spectre__OK,I'll download rxvt11:51
pawani installed the nvidia xconfig11:52
UnitedWeFallhopefully this makes sense - when making a case statement, how do I create a blank case? i.e. a case that works when NO input is entered by the user11:52
nalphaUnitedWeFall: I try11:52
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pawanhow to start it11:52
fyrestrtrUnitedWeFall: default11:52
Paddy_EIREMyrtti: hey11:52
nalphaUnitedWeFall: upss didn't know it11:52
kahrytanPaddy_EIRE: Let's see. I reinstalled Ubuntu. Grub works fine. Update computer. Restart and  Grub produces Error 18.  Do the math11:52
MyrttiPaddy_EIRE: hello11:52
UnitedWeFallyes I realise * is the default. but i'm already using that for "incorrect input" case11:52
pawani installed the nvidia settings11:53
pawanhow to start it11:53
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LLzzJJpawan: I think is should appear in your menu somewhere,11:53
fyrestrtrUnitedWeFall: why not do that check at the top before you start the case?11:53
kahrytanPaddy_EIRE: And grub works fine on this hdd, bios and system at it's current setup.11:53
LLzzJJpawan: probably in the system menu11:53
Paddy_EIREpawan: alt+f2 then type 'nvidia-xconfig'11:53
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kahrytanPaddy_EIRE: First time in since using Ubuntu this has happpened. So Ubuntuforums is wrong. and does apply to this problem11:54
UnitedWeFallgood point. i'll give it a go. i'm still trying to figure out bash. thanks for the help :)11:54
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fyrestrtrUnitedWeFall: #bash :)11:54
pawanshould i restart11:54
sh3l1how do i uninstall something?11:54
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UnitedWeFallcheers ;P11:54
LLzzJJpawan:  I dont think you should have too11:54
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sh3l1its not in synaptic11:54
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pawanits not appearing11:55
fyrestrtrsh3l1: what is it?11:55
sh3l1frostwire, lol11:55
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LLzzJJpawan: did you install nvidia-settings or nvidia-xconfig ?11:55
fyrestrtrsh3l1: how did you install it?11:55
npnufuis there any docx converter to any other format for Ubuntu?11:55
kahrytanWhat causes an Error 18 in grub? (ubuntuforums is wrong)11:55
sh3l1the .deb on the website11:55
wongok, now when i login into guest:11:55
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wongno splash screen, thing hangs when i click volume control11:55
fyrestrtrsh3l1: then, sudo apt-get remove frostwire from a terminal11:55
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LLzzJJpawan: has it created a menu entry?11:56
sh3l1yeah! it worked, thanks11:56
r_rehashedhi all. how do i encode songs as mp3s while ripping a CD using Sound Juicer?11:56
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kahrytanHow do I reinstall grub?11:56
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Paddy_EIREr_rehashed: encode them as whatever you want11:56
fyrestrtrkahrytan: how big is your disk?11:56
kousotur_rehashed: I don't think you can11:56
Paddy_EIREkousotu: yeah you can :P11:56
LLzzJJpawan: if not open a console (applications->accesories11:57
wongi was on here just now, my comp hung, and i have problems with my guest account.11:57
kousotuPaddy_EIRE: the reason I said "Think"11:57
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wongThing hangs when i press volume control, and there is no splash screen.11:57
LLzzJJpawan: oops, anyway, run nvidia-settings11:57
kahrytanfyrestrtr: 80gb11:57
fyrestrtrkahrytan: how many partitions?11:57
r_rehashedPaddy_EIRE: but my mp3 player plays only mp3s, or i would gladly used Ogg11:58
kahrytanfyrestrtr: 2 ntfs, 1 swap, 1 ext311:58
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Paddy_EIREpawan: alt+f211:58
kahrytanfyrestrtr: 1 nfs11:58
fyrestrtrkahrytan: where is /boot ?11:58
LLzzJJpawan: open a terminal , type nvidia-settings press enter11:58
kahrytanfyrestrtr: ext311:58
pawangot it11:58
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kousotur_rehashed: shouldload WMA too11:58
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Paddy_EIREr_rehashed: then you just answered your own question :)11:58
jorge_k jorge-11:58
LLzzJJpawan: few11:58
fyrestrtrkahrytan: and is that at the beginning of your disk?11:58
kousotuI use my psp for mp3s11:58
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kahrytanfyrestrtr: No.11:58
pawancant this entry be added into menu11:59
fyrestrtrkahrytan: you need to move it there.11:59
kahrytanfyrestrtr: No i dont11:59
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Paddy_EIREr_rehashed: you can use an app called sound converter aswell to convert existing diff formats to whatever if you wish11:59
kahrytanfyrestrtr: Same setup as yesterday and it worked11:59
fyrestrtrkahrytan: okay then. Good luck :)11:59
LLzzJJpawan: you can add it your self, right click on your menus and choose 'edit menus'11:59
fyrestrtrthen figure out what happened from yesterday till today.11:59
Paddy_EIREr_rehashed: that way you can keep lossless rips on your hdd11:59
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r_rehashedPaddy_EIRE: ah.. ok. Thanks :)12:00
kousotur_rehashed: or jst dowload them?12:00
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npnufudoes any on who know about docx converter(Office 2007)?12:00
pawani right clicked edit menus12:01
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kousotunpnufu: what are you asking?12:01
LLzzJJpawan: the button "New Item" will allow you to add a new item.12:01
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npnufua docx converter, (docx is the default document format in office 2007).12:01
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fyrestrtrnpnufu: there is, and it takes a bit of scripting magic.12:02
npnufuWe are unable to open them in Ubuntu.12:02
pawanwhat should i enter in name and command12:02
npnufufyrestrtr; where can I find it.12:02
r_rehashedPaddy_EIRE: how did i not look at that before! Thanks :)12:02
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LLzzJJpawan: in the name put anything you like, maybe Nvidia Settings or something12:02
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Paddy_EIREr_rehashed: awesome app :D12:02
pawanin command12:02
LLzzJJpawan: in the command put: nvidia-settings (the same thing you entered to start it before)12:03
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r_rehashedPaddy_EIRE: ok12:03
kahrytan_fyrestrtr, LiveCD locked up.12:04
pawangot it12:04
pawanbut no icon12:04
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kahrytan_fyrestrtr, I have the exact setup as couple days ago and grub didnt complain.12:04
LLzzJJpawan: cool, if you want to add an icon edit the entry, its not too hard.12:04
pawanwhere to get nvidia icon12:04
LLzzJJpawan: not sure try looking in: /usr/share/pixmaps12:05
kahrytan_fyrestrtr, So How do I reinstall grub on the mbr12:05
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pawanthere is no nvidia icon there12:06
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LLzzJJpawan: then I am not sure, you may have to download one12:06
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LLzzJJpawan: somewhere like www.kde-look.org ?12:07
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craigbass76Am I in?12:09
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dabblerno :)12:09
DDragonu r in :)12:09
Paddy_EIREpawan: google images12:09
lione_I'm tinking why my digium tdm 22b isn't working /etc/init.d/zaptel shows this: zaptel telephony kernell driver:FATAL:Module ztdummy not found.12:09
Paddy_EIREpawan: to name but a few...12:09
kahrytan_Paddy_EIRE, btw, its a stage 1.5 error 18 not stage 2 error 18.12:09
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craigbass76ok...  Hey there folks.  Upgrade from edgy to feisty went horribly wrong yesterday.  I'm torn between fixing it (would be fun--maybe) and just backup/wipe/reinstall.  I am having trouble chrooting though.12:10
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Paddy_EIREcraigbass76: where you using automatix on edgy?12:10
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ashishbNICK ashishb12:10
lione_Can anybody to clearefy this situation wis asterisk?12:10
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omegabetaHey everyone :)  I'm having a bit of an issue, I was just installing the las.fm client and configuring its options etc and playing with skype and everything seemed alright.. but I've just rebooted and the ubuntu start up sound is kipping like mad (it still is) and everything took like 5 minutes to load.. any ideas?12:11
craigbass76I have a seperate /home and /usr partition.  How do I get them mounted up correctly so that I can chroot to my old filesystem and work on it.12:11
pjHaving an issue with audio on Feisty - it died a few days ago, and I can't seem to figure out why12:11
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craigbass76Paddy_EIRE: whatevert eh GUI upgrade/upodate tool is.  Shame on me--should have used the CLI12:11
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pawani downloaded an icon in png format on desktop12:12
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craigbass76I can't even boot to a real command line now.  I get stuck in what I assume is regular Borne shell12:12
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pawanhow to use it12:12
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LLzzJJpawan: you can just use the png,12:13
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LLzzJJpawan: no need to convert or anything12:13
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derjenshi everybody12:13
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derjensi need some help with a dial-up modem...12:14
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pawanwhen i am browing to desktop it is not getting detected12:14
derjensi've installed the driver and it makes some sounds but it does not connect12:14
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LLzzJJpawan: what do you mean detected?, do you see an icon?12:14
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derjenssome export here who can help me with this?12:14
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kousotuderjens: I can try12:14
Paddy_EIREpawan: type in the path yourself...this is a little bug thats not been addressed yet...HELLO DEV'S12:14
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derjenskousotu, thanks12:14
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derjenskousotu, do you have any idea who i can "debug" the modem to see what doesn't work?12:15
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Cube-nesshmm.. in gutsy, how do i tell compiz-fusion to use the copy render path thingy? its really choppy for me without it12:15
Paddy_EIRECube-ness: #ubuntu+112:16
kousotuderjens: not realy, but I can help make sure you have it confiured right12:16
derjenskousotu, okay, let's do so:)12:16
Cube-nessPaddy_EIRE: ok12:16
pawangot it12:16
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pawanhave to type the path manually12:16
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Paddy_EIREpawan: yeah annoying bug12:16
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craigbass76So, I have / mounted up in /mnt/root, /usr in /mnt/usr and /home in /mnt home.  If I make a link from /mnt/root to home and usr, you think it will stick when I chroot to the root folder?12:17
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derjenskousotu, still there?12:18
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Paddy_EIRE!chroot | craigbass7612:18
ubotucraigbass76: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box12:18
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kousotuderjens: yea12:19
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kousotuI was answering a question in anoter chnnel12:19
derjenskousotu, sorry, take your time...12:19
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kousotuderjens: are you registered?12:20
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derjenskousotu, no12:21
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kousotuhold on12:21
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teKnofreakhow to create a user without creating a /home for the user ?12:25
kousotuderjens: there?12:25
iltomeehi, how can i make my ubuntu user a valid user on an osx filesystem, which is on another partition?12:25
kousotupm me12:25
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Kasledo anyone know how to install bcm43xx network card?12:31
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ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx12:31
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lione_modprobe ztdummy not found12:31
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lione_what is it?12:31
kousoturry a rw at the end12:31
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lione_my asterisk working fine12:31
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lione_how to install this module?12:31
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lione_I have ubuntu server 7 with 2.6 kernell12:31
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vbhow is ./vb different from sh vb in unix , both execute the vb shell script isnt it ?12:31
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lione_so timing is in the kernel but asterisk needs this module can anybody tell how to get it?12:32
ccookeAnyone heard any indication that there will ever be a 64-bit Java plugin that works well?12:32
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lione_hey people is here an asterisk guru?12:32
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guardianhow can i convert a .ogg file to avi12:33
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ccookeguardian: mencoder would do it on the command line12:34
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Paddy_EIREguardian: I think avidemux will do the trick if your looking for a GUI12:35
ccookeguardian: there's a graphical frontend to it (in java) called "iriverter". No idea if it's any good, though12:35
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wonghi, ive got a problem with startup12:36
frankgI'm new to ubuntu - I want server and desktop functions - which should I download server or desktop version?12:36
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wongit says im running setuid or something like that and it should not be used with GTK. How do i resolve this problem?12:36
Paddy_EIREfrankg: go for desktop .... you can add all the server stuff later12:37
guardianccooke: would you please tell me which command line to sue ?12:37
frankgPaddy_EIRE, thx12:37
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Paddy_EIREguardian: http://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/ <---- its also in the repos12:38
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ccookeguardian: if you don't know, I strongly suggest using a GUI tool.12:39
Flannelfrankg: There's really no difference, but if you go with desktop, you'll be closer to your final setup at the end of the install12:39
Paddy_EIREguardian: man mencoder12:39
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wonghello, hello, i repeat my problem: when trying to log in with 'guest'12:40
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kauerderjens,kousuotu: Run minicom, set the device to /dev/modem (or whatever) and then you can talk to the modem directly (AT commands etc).12:40
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wong(process:7444): gtk-WARNING**:This process is currently running setuid or setgid. This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper program instead.12:41
frankgFlannel, thx12:41
wongHow doi solve that?12:41
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ZnortflWhen I set my computer to "sleep" modus, will Azureus keep running my downloads or will it halt?12:42
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FlannelZnortfl: no, it'll stop12:42
faileasit will halt12:42
Paddy_EIREZnortfl: it will most likely halt with everything else12:42
kauerZnortfl: It will halt.12:42
wongIs it that no one knows how to solve my problem, or is it that no one wants to help?12:42
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ZnortflIs there a way to let it running downloads yet use less energy apart from turning out my monitor?12:42
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Paddy_EIREwong: have you tried the forums12:43
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wonghmm, havent12:43
Flannelwong: The former is always the case.12:43
wongWhat former. Flannel?12:43
Paddy_EIREZnortfl: I would really doubt that12:43
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wongim pretty new to ubuntu, so yeah12:43
FlannelZnortfl: You could underclock your system12:43
kauerZnortfl: Is this a laptop or a desktop computer?12:44
r_rehashedhi again. which nvidia drivers perform better, Binary or Open Source?12:44
ZnortflI dont think I've got the time to do that now, just wanted to ask a quick question since I'm leaving for work soon12:44
Paddy_EIREZnortfl: use a cpu frequency scaling app if your processor supports that kind of thing12:44
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ZnortflI'll see next time :). Thanks Paddy_EIRE, Flannel and kauer12:44
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r_rehashedalso which cards should i consider for my laptop to be able to run Compiz Fusion smoothly when Gutsy comes out?12:45
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Paddy_EIREr_rehashed: probably nvidia12:45
Flannelr_rehashed: nouveau drivers still aren't complete yet, so binary.12:45
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PepperyQuick question. How would I give a user access to edit and write to /var/www on my Ubuntu system? I'm guessing I'd need to add them to the group12:46
Paddy_EIREr_rehashed: although my ati runs perfectly fine12:46
Flannelr_rehashed: Anything on the market that has driver support.  So you should check to see what cards are supported by what drivers.12:46
wonghmm, searched the forums, cant find a thing12:46
r_rehashedright. Thanks a lot12:46
Paddy_EIREwong: google no...?12:46
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=== Paddy_EIRE dying with a hangover...:S
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wongonly 2 results, none which can solve my problems12:47
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Flannelr_rehashed: You're probably better offgetting nvidia or intel, because then you can use AIGLX12:47
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r_rehashedFlannel: yeah that's what i thought too12:48
Paddy_EIREFlannel: is aiglx really that significantly better...?12:48
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Paddy_EIREFlannel: as apposed to xgl..is there a big performance difference12:48
Vuenhey guys, i'm interested in setting up nx on my computer. is freenx stable enough now or should i use the nomachine nx?12:49
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FlannelPaddy_EIRE: XGL is a hackjob for accellerated X, AIGLX is done 'right', from what I understand in a very simplified explanation.12:49
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r_rehashedPaddy_EIRE: it'll be easier to install Beryl/Compiz for me :)12:49
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Paddy_EIREFlannel: I hae to use xgl on my laptop...but my desktop uses aiglx12:50
FlannelPaddy_EIRE: as for performance, I've never used either, so I wouldn't be the one to ask12:50
Paddy_EIREFlannel: sure12:51
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grantwhen I try to play a dvd on my computer it says that I do not have libdvdcsss, can anybody tell me where I can get it?12:53
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grantwhen I try to play a dvd on my computer it says that I do not have libdvdcsss, can anybody tell me where I can get it?12:54
grantpardon that should be libdvdcss not libdvdcsss.12:55
v3ctor!restricted| grant12:55
ubotugrant: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:55
grantthanks I'll check it out.12:55
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Kasledo anyone know how to get ridd of an error message?01:02
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RegelKasle, what message?01:02
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KasleRegel: it says something with bcm43xx01:03
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RegelKasle, what says?01:03
kayefhi, can i set skype in ubuntu 7.04 to have the highest priority on my bandwidth?i am having difficulties talking to my frens when i am downloading stuff01:03
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KasleRegel: it says that it is something wrong fwcutter bcm43xx01:04
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Paddy_EIREKasle: would ndiswrapper and the windows drivers not be better for you..I find fwcutter to be hit and miss01:04
RegelKasle, have you installed the wireless chip?01:04
RegelKasle, or are you trying to?01:05
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Paddy_EIRE!ndiswrapper | Kasle01:05
ubotuKasle: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:05
marmerHy     Which file manage shortcut key?01:05
ice-11hi there. could someone please tell me how to convert an .lzm file to a dir that I can read in linux?01:05
ice-11 for example: lzm2dir ipwraw-ng.lzm /01:06
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Regelicr-11, p7zip-full ?01:06
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rubenHello, I want to migrate a physycal machine to a vmware virtual machine, what is the best/ or what is the way to copy all files from physycal machine to a virtual machine?01:06
ice-11Regal: I've just recently installed 7zip but it doesn't recognize the lzm file01:07
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trekkmecan i enlarge a ext3 partition hosting a ubuntu with acronis/partitionmagik and afterward boot ubuntu normally or do i have to do sth. else?01:09
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lione_about asterisk. If no such folder /dev/zap it means that digium card is not recognized right?01:10
Paddy_EIREtrekkme: have you tried using gparted from the live cd01:10
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keithhhhhIm trying  to get an idea which is a better photo organizer Picasa or F-stop or Digikam .   What is really important is that allow tags and conform to standards and easily exportable.01:12
trekkmeno, i did not, i dont really care which tool i use, the only worry i have, that i enlarge the filesystem and afterwards my ubuntzu wont boot anymore01:12
alesanhi. I've installed skype from the skype repository, recently it has been upgraded and now it crashes at startup time. any hint how to fix or reinstal the old version?01:12
kousotuapt-get downgrade?01:13
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alesankousotu, is it really possible?01:13
kousotuI was being a smartass01:13
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Tmireinstalling should be easy, just aptitude remove, and after that just install again01:14
ice-11alesan: apt-get remove skype01:14
marmerWhich file manage shortcut key? Please.   I'd like make shortcut for xterm01:14
ice-11alesan: then install the old deb01:14
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coopsterruben, VMWare has a tool for doing just that01:16
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coopsterruben, http://www.vmware.com/products/converter/01:17
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PepperyQuick question. How would I give a user access to edit and write to /var/www on my Ubuntu system? I'm guessing I'd need to add them to the group but wasn't too sure how.01:18
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ConfidentiaLIf I wanna set up a comp(fairly powerful) to be both web, ftp and kinda like a media senter(connected to my TV), should I then install the server or desktop edition of ubuntu. And also, should I choose dapper or faisty?01:18
|Lunar_Lamp|Peppery, "chown -R :GROUP-TO-WRITE /var/www"  and then, "chmod g+w /var/www"01:18
Paddy_EIREdoes CNR work with ubuntu yet?01:18
Peppery|Lunar_Lamp|: I think I'd just be adding a user to the group www-data?01:19
coopsterConfidentiaL, they would both work, personally I'd go with feisty just because it has newer packages on it.  There's no huge difference for what you'd be doing, afaik01:19
ConfidentiaLcoopster: ok, thanks01:20
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|Lunar_Lamp|Peppery, that sounds correct, I think that's the default group :-)  IN which case, "sudo nano/gedit/editor-of-choice /etc/groups" and then add the username to the www-data line, in the style of the other lines, with a comma separating, e.g. user1,user2,user301:20
|Lunar_Lamp|Sorry, /etc/group not /etc/groups01:21
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|Lunar_Lamp|The users should go at the end of the line.01:21
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ConfidentiaLcoopster: But, server or desktop edition?01:21
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GrueliusHey all, for a 386mb ram machine with most data being stored on a server and the drive is 10gb, what layout would you use for partitioning? i was thinking 6gb root 512mb swap and rest home01:21
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coopsterPeppery, |Lunar_Lamp|, it's easier just to go with 'sudo adduser <username> <group>'01:22
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coopsterConfidentiaL, I'd use desktop edition, personally.  Server edition is just more streamlined (less user friendly and more resource friendly)01:23
|Lunar_Lamp|coopster, oh, probably, I've just always edited the file directly, hehe.01:23
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pawanunable to start the x windows system01:24
pawanstuck at command prompt01:24
Grueliuspawan: what is the problem?01:24
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Grueliuspawan: X will usually give you an error message, try running "startx" to find out what it is01:24
pawani installed nvidia config and settings01:25
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ConfidentiaLcoopster: thanks for your time :)01:25
coopsterConfidentiaL, never a problem, good luck =)01:25
Grueliuspawan: whats the error message01:25
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pawancurrently i am in windows01:25
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pawani have to restart and see the error message01:26
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coopsterpawan, do you have it set up so that you can access your Ubuntu files from Windows (or Windows files from Ubuntu) ?01:26
Grueliusill give you a command that will repair X01:26
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Pepperycoopster, that worked, but I still cant write to /var/www?01:27
Grueliusactually coopster is on the money, if you used the default filesystem google Ext2fs driver01:27
PepperyI've done it before somehow :p01:27
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:27
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coopsterPeppery, try doing 'ls -l /var' and checking to make sure that www has group write permissions and is in the www-data group (on my system it's in the root group)01:28
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pawanwhats the command to repair x window system01:28
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:29
nalphapawan: reinstall using apt-get? :)01:29
sababai ned some help with my video lan01:29
JosXI seen somewhere that I can install ubuntu within windows01:29
pawanwhats the full command01:29
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coopsterpawan, It'll make life easier if you install the software at http://www.fs-driver.org/download.html, that will let you get at the linux files while in Windows, and you can tell us what the log files say and re-configure X without having to reboot01:29
nalphaJosX: Just install windows after that install Linux isnt'?01:29
JosXi seen some guide on how to do this, I was wondering what I should expect if i did that01:29
PiddyDoes anyone know how to unmute my mic?01:30
tattersI am looking for a PDF to HTML convertor (so can read PDF on my non homebrew psp) does anyone know of any for linux I can only find for mac and window so far?01:30
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sababayo fokes i need some help01:31
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sababacan iu get it01:31
coopsterpawan, to get X working again, you should just need to look in the /etc/X11/ directory for the backup of your X configuration file that nvidia-settings made 'ls /etc/X11', then, as root, copy the current settings to a new file, then copy the backup over the current settings01:31
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nalphaJosX: The Ubuntu Installation has guide inside it01:31
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coopsterpawan, 'sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.this-doesnt-work' then 'sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.backup(NOT sure if this is the right name of the backup file, you need to find it) /etc/X11/xorg.conf'01:32
pawani installed the file01:32
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coopsterAre you able to look at the files on your Ubuntu drive?01:32
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coopsterpawan, well, I actually have to run and do some work this morning, did you see what I said about how to get X working again?01:34
kousotupiddy: preferences01:34
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guardiancan mencoder convert to wmv?01:36
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Piddykousotu I've been there..  But I just can't do it..01:36
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kousotuturn up the mic stuf and hit the little x01:37
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[manas] need help01:40
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guest___Is there a way to install multiple packages at once in synaptic, i mean i have downloaded from some where else deb packages, and i need to put them in synaptic, how can i do that?01:40
Piddykousotu, There is nothing to turn up.. WHERE do I do this?01:40
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[manas] anyone can help me?01:41
kousotu!ask | [manas] 01:41
ubotu[manas] : Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:41
fyrestrtrguest___: cd directory-where-you-downloaded/ sudo dpkg -i *.deb01:41
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fyrestrtrSeveas: what is +d ?01:42
guest___and what it will do?01:42
omegabetaQuestion: My gnome has suddenly b0rked, i was fidling with skype and ekiga and last.fm and all of a sudden all my sound files were skipping badly and then not playing at all, upon reboot the ubuntu sound skips like mad and never stops (still going) and gnome wont load up at all, im in my rescue xfce account now and somehow i can still hear that blasted sound.. help would be very appreceated01:42
fyrestrtrguest___: install all the debs from that directory01:42
sababai wantthe vlc plays the incomplete file not just the the start01:42
sababahow i do that01:42
guest___A but what about dependensies/01:42
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[manas] i got reintall my windows so no i can not boot my ubuntu i tryed cd but it no rescue option i downlod a alternativ cd but it not doing nothingg#01:43
fyrestrtrit will let you know if there are problems.01:43
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fyrestrtr!grub > [manas] 01:43
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fyrestrtr[manas] : see the message from ubotu01:43
sababaplease some antention01:43
[manas] fyrestrtr thanks01:43
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fyrestrtrsababa: I don't understand your question, sorry.01:44
Piddyfyrestrtr: Do you know how to unmute my mic?01:44
fyrestrtrunmute the channel from the mixer.01:44
kayefhow can i set skype to have highest priority on my network bandwidth?i am using ubuntu 7.0401:44
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Piddyfyrestrtr: :O how?01:44
guest___How to make my line in to be line out, to have 4 speakers01:44
_AhtiCan anyone here tell me where to go in order to find info on how to make a .conf file for Timidity++??01:44
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kousotufyrestrtr: I was gnna give a commandfor terminal, but I can't rememver it01:45
fyrestrtrPiddy: open the mixer (double-click on the speaker). Then click the red x under the microphone channel.01:45
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fyrestrtr_Ahti: perhaps their website?01:45
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_Ahtiyou'd think -.-01:46
guest___How to add background in grub?01:46
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Piddyfyrestrtr: Ok, but now I hear my mic all the time.. I just want it to work in teamspeak.01:47
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fyrestrtrguest___: uncomment line 26 in /boot/grub/menu.lst01:47
kousotuPiddy, turn of the link and drag the voice down on it01:48
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_AhtiTheir "documentation" page is down01:48
zhangzhaomsg NickServ Register 852201:48
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sababafyrestr... privet plz01:48
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omegabetaQuestion: My gnome has suddenly b0rked, i was fidling with skype and ekiga and last.fm and all of a sudden all my sound files were skipping badly and then not playing at all, upon reboot the ubuntu sound skips like mad and never stops (still going) and gnome wont load up at all, im in my rescue xfce account now and somehow i can still hear that blasted sound.. help would be very appreceated01:48
_AhtiI'll repeat, Can anyone tell me how to write up .conf file for Timidity++01:48
guest___this is mine 26 line> #color cyan/blue white/blue01:48
Piddyfyrestrtr thanks01:48
guest___I need picture background01:48
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guest___And do u know how to write new aspell dictionary, i need Macedonian, cause it is not made, so i want to make it01:50
pawanunable to start x window system01:50
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guest___sudo dpkg -reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg01:50
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sabababefore i could to jump to other time in movie & now i dont see any thing01:51
pawanunable to load nvidia drivers01:52
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jatooi need help with networking, i can access my windows computer shared folders from ubuntu but when i try to access ubuntu computer from windows it asks for a password01:52
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sababa& irong thats the only program that can do that01:52
PlantainHow do I add a user with Ubuntu (preferably via command line?)01:52
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pawanhow to access ubuntu files from windows01:53
r-cwhat is the remove command of " apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" i want to remove it.01:53
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jokester_Hi everyone01:54
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jatoosorry pawan, was that supposed to give me a link or something? i didnt get it01:54
r-ci have gnome running and for me it works better01:54
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pawanwhat is the remove command to remove nvidia drivers01:54
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fyrestrtrjatoo: enable guest browsing in samba01:55
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jatoowhat is samba? where do i find that?01:55
fyrestrtr!samba > jatoo01:56
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r-cis this right? apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop  ???01:56
DDragonjatoo: samba is the protocol Linux uses to connect with a windows network01:56
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jatoohow do i enable guest browsing using samba?01:57
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fyrestrtrr-c: try aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop01:57
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PiddyCan anyone help me getting Elasto Mania on my ubuntu?01:57
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:57
DDragonjatoo: u checked the forums and the documentation?01:57
r-cfyrestrtr: thanks I'll try that01:57
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jatoothanks guys01:58
craigbass1976trying to get bcm wireless running.  I was going to use the fwcutter, but when I apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter I get http://rafb.net/p/zneRSY93.html01:58
jatooill try out samba01:58
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DDragonpiddy: wine is the best bet.. or try to find a linux verion or the program01:58
PaoloPihiroshiX, I have a problem with mod_ifier in apache2, it doesn't work (garbled). Any solution? TNX01:58
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PiddyDDragon, it doesn't have a linux version,... So.. Wine then.01:58
craigbass1976Also, what the blazes is this network connection icon spinning around up by my clock in feisty.  Reminds me a LOT of the hated windows icon.  If it says disconnected, do I lose my ip address like in Widnows?01:59
guest___Now how to connect my sound speakers on my line in, and then in the mixer how to change to be line out01:59
fyrestrtrcraigbass1976: that is network manager trying to be helpful.01:59
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fyrestrtrguest___: I'm not sure of that is even possible.01:59
DDragonhmm im leaning on the word "trying" here o.001:59
PaoloPihello every-body, I have a problem with mod_ifier in apache2, it doesn't work (garbled). Any solution? TNX01:59
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guest___in stupid windows it is02:00
fyrestrtrPaoloPi: #apache02:00
DDragonguest___: i think that might break a few things if you try that...02:00
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PlantainCan I monitor a users ssh session?02:00
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craigbass1976fyrestrtr, I don't want the help.  Can I shut it off?  Having XP flashbacks...02:00
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guest___but how can i have surround then02:00
PaoloPifyrestrtr, apache202:00
DDragonyou can have it on the line out but the line in is usualy a mic isnt it?02:01
fyrestrtrcraigbass1976: you can set it to manual.02:01
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fyrestrtrcraigbass1976: right click on it.02:01
Skaaganyone knows of a nice app to help me design user interfaces?02:01
Skaagjust for mock ups02:01
compwiz18Skaag, glade302:01
guest___Mono developer02:01
fyrestrtrSkaag: monodevelop02:01
Skaaglol :)02:01
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compwiz18Skaag, any particular DE you want to mockup for?02:02
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=== DDragon blinx "whoa thats one weird dude right there" looks at self "well im not much diff tho lol" :D
=== deeon [n=mbecker@p54AE1563.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
SkaagFor Web 2.0 Ajax interfaces02:02
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Skaagwhich basically is just like any client application02:02
SkaagI just want drag & drop without having to deal with html at this point02:03
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compwiz18Skaag, makes sense02:03
Skaagi'm trying MonoDevelop02:03
fyrestrtrSkaag: so what you want is a html designer, try nvu or bluefish02:03
Skaagfyrestrtr: I don't want to play with html at this point...02:03
DDragonfor HTML i use any text editor...02:03
fyrestrtrSkaag: you could try flex.02:03
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Skaagyah I do my html with a text editor02:03
SkaagI don't want to actually use my mockups it's just to illustrate something to people02:04
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DDragoni cant stand the 'preview' ypes the dreamweaver and NVU are the exception02:04
Skaagnvu allows you to edit your html in wysiwyg?02:04
compwiz18Skaag, yes02:04
SkaagI guess that's a new/recent feature..?02:04
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Skaagah, nice02:05
Skaaggood to know02:05
faileaseven when it was part of netscape then mozilla02:05
DDragonwysiwyg <--- is that english??? :S02:05
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faileaswhat ya see is what ya get02:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wysiwyg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:05
fyrestrtrWhat You See Is What You Get = wysisyg02:05
DDragonahhhh i follow now :) its an ancronym (yes i know spelling is not the best :P)02:06
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fyrestrtrerr, something like that; have some typing terrets02:06
Skaagunlike women, where what you get is hidden behind many layers of what you see02:06
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DDragonSkaag: ur a brave man lol ;P02:06
SkaagDDragon: yah I didn't feel like hitting the shift key through so many letters :-)02:06
Jack_Sparrowtyping terrets....  very funny.. never heard that one02:06
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SkaagDDragon: brave, or stupid ;-)02:06
kousotuwyghbmlwys lol02:06
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Skaagkousotu ;-)02:06
PiddyHow do I open an exe file with Wine?02:07
fyrestrtrPiddy: wine somefile.exe02:07
kimmey2k3wine /home/user/Desktop/install.exe ex02:07
DDragonlol, while either will lead u to have a ratehr exciting life for good or bad meh its still beeing decided02:07
=== DivideZero is now known as Linux_
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:07
Piddyfyrestrtr: In the terminal?02:07
fyrestrtrPiddy: yes02:07
craigbass1976fyrestrtr, well, I want it do be dhcp, but don't want it knowing when the wire is unplugged. My jack is flakey and it's annoying02:07
Piddywine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\elma.exe": Module not found02:08
fyrestrtrcraigbass1976: fix your jack.02:08
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Jack_SparrowHot melt glue02:08
=== DDragon thinks and remembers sumthn he saw: "No stupidity is not a disability, please park somewhere else"
DDragonthats isnt aimed at neone here lol :)02:09
DDragonjust sumthn random02:09
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fyrestrtris there something wrong with your keyboard DDragon?02:09
DDragonno just my fingers... they cant spell lol :)02:09
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craigbass1976fyrestrtr, or what if I want to just move from one room to another whilst keeping the same address?  What if I don't want to re-up my dhcp address?  As I said, is there a way to shut this new feature off?02:09
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fyrestrtrcraigbass1976: as long as the cable is connected to the jack, you will have the address. When it detects a disconnection, it will hunt for a new dhcp address. If you don't want to 're-up' your dhcp address, fix a longer lease from your dhcp server. Do not try to fix in software something that is a hardware issue. To turn it off, remove it from the session startup.02:11
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kousotuSkaag: yes>02:11
PiddyCan anyone tell me what the path is for my desktop?02:12
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nalphaPiddy: /home/Username/Desktop02:12
Jack_SparrowMAke sure you use Cap on Desktop02:13
Piddywith ~infront?02:13
ulysse__bonjour je souhaiterais connaitre la commande u nix pour changer le volume de ma carte son02:13
DDragonPiddy: no ~02:13
fyrestrtrPiddy: cd ~/Desktop02:13
nalphaulysse__: engglish02:13
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quik_hey folks02:13
vbanaitproblem with ethernet card Identification     Vendor: Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd.           Description: RTL8139D [Realtek]  PCI 10/100BaseTX ethernet adaptor           Media class: NETWORK_ETHERNET02:13
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fyrestrtrvbanait: what is the problem?02:14
scamalright i got the nvidia 7800 gt drivers loaded, but it only lets me do 800X600 16 bit02:14
jiphexulysee__: #ubuntu-fr02:14
scamand it wont let me change it02:14
DDragonscam: u rebooted?02:14
scamyes i rebooted02:14
Jack_Sparrowscam: How did you load the drivers02:14
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PiddyUh.. help? What dir should I install Elasto Mania in?02:15
omegabetaplease tell me enouf or IntuitiveNipple is here02:15
kousotu!fr | ulysse__02:15
DDragonPiddy: u have wine installed?02:15
scamJack_Sparrow:  sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx02:15
ubotuulysse__: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:15
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:15
PiddyDDragon: Yeah.. I'm installing Elma right now.02:15
fyrestrtr!nvidia > scam02:15
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DDragonPiddy: just to the default dir it says to...02:16
DDragonwine is pretty much an emulation of windows02:16
gcc_guys ive got a problem installing ardour on feisty anybody can help the error is "jackstart: cannot get realtime capabilities, current capabilities are:02:16
gcc_           =ep cap_setpcap-ep02:16
Piddyc:\Program Filees?02:16
DDragonif you want...02:16
ulysse__hello i want the unix order to change the volume of my sound card02:17
PiddyDDragon: Now, how do I launch the game?02:17
vbanaitfyrestrtr:cad is not detected on any linux distribution though i am using it with win xp02:17
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ulysse__if that was possible02:17
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DDragonPiddy: i think you type: wine elasto.exe (terminal)02:18
kousotuulysse__: wht card?02:18
eth1cHow do i run somthing in terminal such as "sh "appname' in terminal as root?02:18
Piddyok. thanks02:18
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PiddyBut what dir?02:18
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:18
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DDragoneth1c: put sudo infront of the command02:18
fyrestrtrvbanait: according to realtek, that card is well supported. Are you sure on the chipset? What do you get with lspci?02:18
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eth1ckk ty02:18
alecw1Does anyone have a suggestion for a RSS aggrevator for linux?02:18
alecw1!rss > alecwh02:19
alecw1!rss > alecw102:19
_Paulahi ;)02:19
jeeGrhey, what a good program for editing html & php etc.02:19
alecw1jeeGr, gedit02:19
_Paulai don't know02:19
alecw1_Paula: don't answer then.02:19
fyrestrtrjeeGr: screem, cream, nvu, bluefish02:19
ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com02:19
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Piddywine elasto.exe02:19
Piddywine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\elasto.exe": Module not found02:19
DDragonjeeGr: NVU, good old text editor :)02:19
Paddy_EIREhey Jack_Sparrow02:19
scamJack_Sparrow:  does it matter that im running two 7800 gt pci-e02:19
DDragonPiddy: make sure all modules are loaded for wine..02:20
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jeeGrok ill try NVU02:20
PiddyDDragon, how do I fix that?02:20
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DDragonPiddy: also check the name of the exe file for elastomainia02:20
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Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE: Morning to you as well...    scam   Two pci-e    Wow..02:20
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ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!02:21
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vbanaitIdentification     Vendor: Hangzhou Silan Microelectronics Co., Ltd.           Description: RTL8139D [Realtek]  PCI 10/100BaseTX ethernet adaptor           Media class: NETWORK_ETHERNET           Connection     Bus: PCI           Bus PCI #: 1           PCI device #: 5           PCI function #: 0           Vendor ID: 0x1904           Device ID: 0x8139           Sub vendor ID: 0xffff           Sub device ID: 0xffff           M02:21
moyeranyone know why i get this strange discoloration, fuzz, upon loading mozilla firefox full screen, it goes away.. but while it loading up its strange.. it runs slow in full screen mode as well, youtube videos are jumpy, streaming media is just no good.. i can do all of this in windows with no lag easily, is it something with my video card set up improperly?02:22
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow: did you get the link to that article on apcmag that I gave you yesterday?02:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:22
alecw1!pastebin | vbanait02:22
ubotuvbanait: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:22
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alecw1regeya: If you need help from ubotu for yourself, just PM ubotu.02:22
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:22
scamthis use to be my gaming box.  dual core 2.4 mhz  / 2 gig dual channel / raid 5 sata 10K RPM / dual 7800 gt's / 26 inch wide screen02:22
alecw1scam, what's wrong?02:23
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scamscreen res is messed02:23
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eth1c  ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before02:23
eth1c         installing.  For further details, please see the section INSTALLING02:23
eth1c         THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver02:23
eth1c         download page at www.nvidia.com.02:23
Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE: Yes, interesting... We can take conversation to #Voyager whenever you need to chat..  NOt awake yet though..02:23
eth1cO_O oi, help?02:23
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow: no probs02:23
scameven when i tell it only a few res.. it only lets it stay in 800X60002:23
fyrestrtreth1c: what do you need help with? it tell you what to do :)02:24
regeyawheeeeeee, back to using debian.  if I'd known months ago that I just needed to specify /dev/sda when prompted for advanced settings for grub, I never would have had that mixed-debian interlude :-)02:24
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eth1cinstalling my GeForce 6200 OC02:24
fyrestrtr!nvidia | eth1c02:24
ubotueth1c: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:26
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eth1coi that was quite simple thanks :)02:26
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:26
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moyerwhy does my desktop lag at higher screen resolutions?02:26
DDragonkousotu: are your board?02:26
eth1cneeds system restart :) cya :P02:26
vbanaitplease help02:26
PaulEUI installed subversion, and I don't understand why this package doesn't have scripts for run svnserve as standalone - where is it ?02:26
bobbob1016moyer, it could be your video card, it might not be able to handle the higher resolution02:27
Jack_Sparrowmoyer: What is your cpu and ram?02:27
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bobbob1016that too02:27
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moyerpentium 4 2.666gz 512ram02:27
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westguyi can ping my ISP dns but cannot surf internet02:27
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PaulEUI found only in docs ubuntuguide.org example for integrate with xinetd. When I'll try install xinetd it'd like delete package vmware-server and its not good for me.02:28
Jack_Sparrowmoyer: What res are you trying to run on what make and model of card02:28
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DDragonmoyer: how hungry is your background (is it a graphics hungry pic?)02:28
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moyerDDragon :no its simple02:28
vbanaitplease help me with etehrnet card problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33132/02:28
RadiantFiregraphics hungry pic...02:28
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sfbHeya everyone.02:28
RadiantFirethere is no such thing, same number of pixels need to be rendered no matter what you do02:28
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DDragonRadiantFire: meh itsthe easyest way of explaining it i think :P lol02:28
moyerJack_Sparrow :i have intel 828 chip, and im running 1280x102402:29
buizeso i wasn't able to fix my ipod mount issue02:29
sfbI was wondering if anyone had run into any strange linking issues with the stlport 5.0 and 5.1 packages? I keep getting a undefined symbol error despite nm -D saying that symbol is in libstlport.so.5.002:29
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buizei just formatted ubuntu and everything started working again02:29
fyrestrtrwestguy: check /etc/resolv.conf02:29
buizeand as a bonus i get sound from multiple sources working now :D02:29
PaulEUcan anybody help me?02:30
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moyerfirefox runs like shit in fullscreen, its got to be some config withe the video driver because in windows its butter, i can run 5 firefox sessions fullscreen with no issue02:31
Jack_SparrowPaulEU: You installed a package in Ubuntu but want to know why it wont run as a stand alone server?  Sorry, I am not awake yet.02:31
craigbass1976moyer, no swearing02:31
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moyercraigbass1976 :sorry.02:31
woodwizzlehow come I don't have gfloppy installed?02:32
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moyerwoodwizzle :because you didnt install it?02:32
woodwizzlemoyer, should be installed by default. The gnome floppy formater02:32
bobbob1016Is there any software that lets me burn Video DVD's?  I think K3B would do this, but I'm using gnome, and I think K3B is a KDE program.02:32
faileasmoyer: actually according to some people, its firefox. i'm told FF in wine is faster than FF native. donno how true it is02:32
PaulEUJack_Sparrow: yes, because I don't want it as service xinetd02:33
Jack_Sparrowbobbob1016: Install K3b02:33
faileasbobbob1016: KDE programmes work in gnome02:33
bobbob1016Jack_Sparrow, it'll work on Gnome?02:33
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Jack_Sparrowbobbob1016: Yes,02:33
faileasand vice versa02:33
Jack_Sparrowbobbob1016: I run lots of KDE apps02:33
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ksivajihttp://pastebin.com/d182ca1cf  apache2 installation error02:33
moyerwow.. faileas : i see, i dont like wine. that makes me mad.. i dun want no windows emu02:33
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bobbob1016faileas, ok, the last time I did that, my PC got confused between gnome and kde, do I have to install KDE for it to work?02:33
faileasmoyer: maybe try alternatives?02:33
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faileasbobbob1016: no, just some libs. apt-get will take care of that02:34
moyeryeah i guess so, i have a feeling its not firefox though02:34
Jack_Sparrowbobbob1016: No, it will install a few extras that it needs but not all of the desktop02:34
=== ksivaji please someone help me i am waiting here
PaulEUJack_Sparrow: I understand that I must manually write scripts for start/stop service svnserve ?02:34
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pawanunable to load nvidia drivers02:34
DDragonmoyer: u looked for the most recent drivers for your displaycard?02:34
=== vastinfest vaistinukas daugiau taip nebedarys..
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moyerit helped too, but still laggin a bit02:35
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ksivajiapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs02:35
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Jack_SparrowPaulEU: I cant help with that...  maybe someone ealse will have an anwser02:35
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faileasksivaji: do you have anything open on port 80?02:36
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craigbass1976trying to get bcm wireless running.  I was going to use the fwcutter, but when I apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter I get http://rafb.net/p/zneRSY93.html02:36
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ksivajifaileas i am not sure02:36
Davo_Dinkumwhich version of ubuntu  would run well on a 400mhz powermac G4? panther?02:36
Kasledo anyone know about a program that plays windows games?02:36
pawanunable to start the x window system02:36
Hobbsee!wine | Kasle02:36
ubotuKasle: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:36
v3ctorDavo_Dinkum: xubuntu02:36
ksivajifaileas how to check that ?02:36
faileasksivaji: there's some way to check. i'm not on linux right now, and i don't remember how but that might be a lead02:37
KasleHobbsee: i already have wine02:37
Davo_Dinkumoh yeah, thanks02:37
craigbass1976Davo_Dinkum, I run xubuntu on slower boxes, but if I remember a 400mhz mac is quite a bit faster than an 400mhz pc, right?02:37
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HobbseeKasle: oh, you mean cedega?02:37
woodwizzleis there a 64-bit ubuntu channel?02:37
pawancan anybody look at my log02:37
Confidentia1When I set up my partitions, can I make both /home/ and /var/ be mounted on one partition?02:37
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faileasahh now i remember02:37
KasleHobbsee: i don't know... i'm tryin' to install Fifa0702:37
Davo_Dinkumcraigbass1976: yeah, fairly faster. the hardware archietecture is different02:37
faileasksivaji: one moment02:37
Hobbsee!cedega | Kasle02:37
ubotuKasle: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega02:37
ksivajifaileas sure02:38
bobbob1016faileas, Jack_Sparrow, does K3B auto-create the VOB files, or do I need authoring software to create the layout and things?02:38
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Yahyahey mates02:38
pawanwhere is the error log located02:38
Jack_Sparrowbobbob1016: I dont burn dvd's are you looking to master or rip and copy02:38
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faileasbobbob1016: don't ahve a DVD burner so no idea02:38
faileasksivaji: https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd202:39
Yahyai have this 4-in-1 card reader in my laptop. lspci detects it, but it does not function when i insert the card in it !!02:39
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Jack_Sparrowbobbob1016: If you are looking to rip and copy then I thionk you want K9Copy02:39
bobbob1016Jack_Sparrow, I mean something that would make home movies playable on DVD Players02:39
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bobbob1016Jack_Sparrow, I saw in K3B it has a rip option, but I have DVDShrink installed through wine for ripping02:39
PepperyHow do I give myself permission to access /var/www without using sudo/root?02:39
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ksivajifaileas what is that ?02:40
Yahyanyone knows what is the problem?02:40
faileasGRC port scanner02:40
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Jack_Sparrowbobbob1016: Check out K9   I would need to look around and play to see about putting home movies on DVD02:40
Confidentia1Peppery: you need to use root access...02:40
faileasksivaji: better yet get someone you trust to run nmap on you02:40
Yahyai have this 4-in-1 card reader in my laptop. lspci detects it, but it does not function when i insert the card in it !! anyone knows what is the problem?02:41
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ksivajifaileas what is that nmap02:41
kousotuI thinks k3b does that Jack_Sparrow02:41
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faileasalso a port scanner ;)02:41
faileasam an idiot02:41
PepperyConfidentia1: I'm aware, but how can I add myself to write to it without using root when I want to add to my site? I have root access, however I'd like to be able to add/edit files without sudo-ing there every time02:41
faileasdo you know how to open ports for apache to listen to?02:41
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kousotufaileas: yes you are :P02:41
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jajadavidhello. can someone tell me if there is a firewall+antivirus suite for ubuntu, and if it is really necessary?02:42
kousotujajadavid: not really02:42
v3ctorksivaji: netstat -an | grep 8002:42
faileas( i don't in linux BUT you could change the listening port and see if it works) THEN if it does, track down the app on port 8002:42
kousotujust a firewall will sufice02:42
Yahyajajadavid: there are ones yes, but it is not really neccessary02:42
Jack_Sparrowkousotu: I though it did but without knowing didnt want to say... I didnt know if it did a menu or just auto-run without menus like a slideshow02:42
jajadavidkousotu, what should i get?02:42
faileasjajadavid: firewall... i think iptables is built in02:42
Davo_Dinkumare software firewalls good enough?02:42
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Yahyaanyone knows how to make a 4-in-1 card reader work?02:43
kousotujajadavid: donna, find one02:43
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:43
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ksivajiv3ctor http://pastebin.com/d2ed824d802:43
nephishDavo_Dinkum: always been good enough for me. i use Firestarter, not a problem one in 3 years02:43
jajadavidwhat about antivirus?02:43
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kousotuno need02:43
Yahyano need mate02:43
Jack_SparrowYahya: MOst of those internal readers seem to be propietary and drivers are a problem..02:43
jajadavidthen i am set02:44
ksivajifaileas http://pastebin.com/d2ed824d802:44
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2102:44
Confidentia1Peppery: you need to use chmod to change the permissions. Just google it or something, I don't know exactly what arguments you need...02:44
Davo_Dinkumnephish: are the GUI apps just frontends to iptables?02:44
jajadavidwhat about changing the ubuntu logo in the menu, how do i do that?02:44
compwiz18Yahya, what model is the card reader?02:44
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PepperyConfidentia1: Tried.02:44
Yahyacompwiz18, CardBus bridge: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ711M1/MC1 4-in-1 MemoryCardBus Controller (rev 20)02:44
Jack_Sparrowjajadavid: GDM themes  from gnome-look.org02:44
jajadavidno, just the small icon02:44
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nephishDavo_Dinkum_: yeah, Firestarter is a front end to iptables, if you know what you are doing in iptables, you would not need firestarter... i still do02:44
kousotumae one?02:44
jajadavidwhere can i replace it?02:44
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Davo_Dinkumah i thought so02:45
compwiz18Yahya, sorry, can't help you :( I thought maybe you had the same one I do, in which case I could guide you02:45
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Yahyacompwiz18, thanks for tryign anyway:)02:45
faileasksivaji: you already have something running in port 80 ;)02:45
Yahya!CardBus bridge: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ711M1/MC1 4-in-1 MemoryCardBus Controller (rev 20)02:45
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v3ctorksivaji: you don't have anything listening on port 8002:45
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compwiz18Yahya, no problem02:45
DDragonPeppery: what arguments did u use to change the permissions?02:45
Confidentia1Peppery: what did you try? to google it, or to chmod it?02:45
v3ctorfaileas: no, those are connections he has made to remote port 8002:45
bentob0xwhat's the best way for me to copy files over to a backup drive and make sure they are copied perfectly with integrity check?02:46
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nalphabentob0x: using rSync02:46
Pepperygot it02:46
Yahya!CardBus bridge: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ711M1/MC1 4-in-1 MemoryCardBus Controller02:46
nalphabentob0x: with -avz option02:46
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Jack_Sparrowbentob0x:  the dd command....   look at !backup > bentob0x02:46
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ksivajiv3ctor faileas which one is correct ?02:46
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kidbuntuwhy is it that everytime I start my azureus. the application always exits by itself?02:46
v3ctorksivaji: i am correct ;)02:46
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faileasv3ctor probably is ;)02:47
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=== faileas is getting distracted by his dog
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DDragonkidbuntu: how u mena?? isit run thru wine or is it a linux prog?02:47
pike_kidbuntu: its trying to tell you to use wine and utorrent or deluge02:47
=== v3ctor is getting distrated by a meeting
=== ReneHering [n=rene@p5B23A9E2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
battlecathi. I have a folder filled with files that have been downloaded over time. Is there an easy way to find the files that end in a (#). Where the # is a number surrounded by ()?02:47
=== v3ctor distracted* even
ksivajiv3ctor faileas tell me why apache return error when i try  to install02:48
valehruDoes anyone know if the version of apache in the ubuntu repo's has mod_proxy_balancer compiled in by default?02:48
kidbuntupike_: nope. but how come theres one for linux.02:48
=== SmoothOp [n=no@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== DDragon likes the way v3ctor can multitask better than windows :D
faileasksivaji: hmm, why are you compiling from source anyway?02:48
ksivajiapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs02:48
pike_kidbuntu: az for works fine in linux in my exp but its still a java app that after a day or so starts taking a ton of resources02:48
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DDragonkidbuntu: is it giving an error?02:48
ksivajifaileas you want me to use adept to install ?02:48
=== DDragon sits an watches
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faileaswould be better methinks02:49
=== pike_ stabs DDragon with a spork
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woodwizzleAm I the only one without gfloppy? or is it just not in gnome anymore?02:49
kidbuntuDDragon: I removed azureus already. I just don't understand why is it like that. And i wanted to use it rather than bittorrent02:49
=== v3ctor agrees with faileas
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faileaswoodwizzle: you want it, get it ;)02:49
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fsckrcan someone tell me what to use to untar a tar file for ubuntu? I thought it was just sudo apt-get install tar untar?02:50
faileascompilation is usually more trouble than its worth02:50
DDragonkidbuntu: try re-installing it and make sure the dependancies are all there for it and/or uptodate02:50
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kidbuntuDDragon: yep all dependencies are there. I installed it from synaptic02:50
faileasfsckr: IIRC its guntar (or untar) blah.tar, then you need to compile it02:50
ksivajiis there any one here who use apache202:50
faileasnot on linux.02:50
pike_fsckr: to create a tar file? tar cfv newfilename.tar directory/  ??02:51
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woodwizzlefaileas, I'm asking because I'm curious as to weather or not it is included in the 64-bit version of ubuntu.02:51
DDragonkidbuntu: is it the latest version of the program (and is it a stable release?)02:51
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faileaswoodwizzle: donno, mine's all 3202:51
fsckrpike_,  no to untar a .tar file02:51
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kidbuntuDDragon: I don't know if its the stable or release. I just installed it from synaptic.02:51
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pike_fsckr: tar xfv file.tar   x to extract c to create the other flags arent really necessary i guess02:51
fsckrpike_, nm im still asleep its not tar i need to do its rar......02:52
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wersI have a big problem--> sudo: apg-get: command not found02:52
fsckrjust got done a 24hr shift02:52
woodwizzlefaileas, well you can tell me if you have gfloppy. If you do then I'll know why i don't have it.02:52
faileasi'm not on ubuntu right now ><02:52
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DDragonkidbuntu: try d/l it from the site its from and install it from that...02:52
=== faileas is on evil empire os ;)
milan_hey, im trying to play dvd's in ubuntu 7.04.. I've tried ogle, but it gives the following error: DVDSetDVDRoot: Root not set02:52
geniiwers: apt-get  instead of apg-get02:52
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ksivajiv3ctor faileas i have /etc/apche2/httpd.conf  but its empty why ?02:52
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pike_fsckr: heh, i think its still called unrar-nonfree  'unrar e file.rar'02:52
wersthanks genii!02:52
Lustblader!write cache02:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about write cache - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
faileasksivaji: it shouldn't be02:53
fsckrpike_, was right the first time its just rar and unrar :P02:53
ksivajifaileas ya it is empty02:53
valehruDoes anyone know if the apache build 2.2.3-3.2build1 has mod_proxy_balancer compiled in by default?02:53
faileasi think apache.org should have a sample02:53
Lustbladeris there anyway i can turn off my write cache so that i can eject my USB discs faster??02:53
geniiksivaji: Geez we've gone thru this LOL Apache2 only uses the httpd.conf file for legacy reasons. Nothing is actually in there02:53
craigbass1976The web page that apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter is looking for doesn't exist.02:54
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faileasunfortunately my only apache box is windows, i'm too lazy to move everything over02:54
XorisLustblader: turning it *off* is a bad idea, as it'll wear the flash faster (if it's flash that you're using). might be useful to reduce it a little. in any case, i don't know how that could be done02:55
ksivajigenii do you have apache2 in your box02:55
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geniiksivaji: Yes, 2.0.5502:55
mistyI am hyaving trouble with squirrelmail on Feisty.  I have installed it from Apt, edited /etc/squirrelmail/apache.conf, ran /etc/squirrelmail/conf.pl to get the Squirrelmail settings right, then restart Apache02:55
sa3iidsalut ! avec festy fawn et une carte nVidia Geforce FX5200, je ne dpasse pas 60 hz de frquence de rafraicissement pour une rsolution d'cran de 800x600... est-ce normal ?02:55
ksivajigenii yes .ok give me your httpd.conf please02:55
dgjones!fr | sa3iid02:55
mistyStill it looks in /var/www/squirrelmail/ instead of /usr/share/squirrelmail which is what apache.conf says to do02:55
ubotusa3iid: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:55
Xoris!fr | sa3iid02:55
ksivaji!pastebin | genii02:55
ubotugenii: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:55
Xoris!fixres > sa3iid02:56
sa3iidfr fr fr c'est bon ! a arrive de se tromper non !02:56
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geniiksivaji: It only contains commented out lines which say something to the effect of what I've been telling you for 3 days now. that it is only a file that exists for legacy reasons. But if you like i'll pastebin it for you02:56
mistyHow do I tell Apaache to include /etc/squirrelmail/apache.conf ?02:56
Xorissa3iid: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"02:56
PaulEUwhere can I find packages for subversion to run as standalone ??02:56
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PaulEUI don't want it as xinetd :/02:56
PaulEUplease help me02:57
sa3iidmais arrt l je me suis tromp c'est tout pas besoins de me arceler quoi !02:57
=== DDragon blinx
PaulEUsa3iid: what ?02:57
Myrtti!fr | sa3iid02:57
ubotusa3iid: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:57
Xorissa3iid, je ne parle pas de francais02:57
sa3iidpaulo ! do you do ?02:58
faileassa3iid: tout le monde palez PAS fracais. tout le mond comprende pas ;)02:58
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mistyI found it, I had to make a symlink02:58
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Xorissa3iid, si tu choises "Medium" quand dpkg-reconfigure il te demande comme choisir la refresh rate, depuis tu deuvrais seulement selectionner la resolution maxime que tu veux utilizer, a une refresh rate que tu sais que ton ecran supporte02:59
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sa3iidnot what I wanted to say it is that I was mistaken it is all but that is not used for nothing to badger people that is able to be mistaken, not?03:00
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sa3iidthank you xoris !03:00
sa3iidi go now , in france , go ! bye !03:01
DDragoncya sa3iid03:01
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PiddyDoes anyone know about a good VPN proxy program?03:02
mauriiciolike hamachi ?03:02
tattersI need to find a application/script whatever which will take a text file PDF hopefully and convert it into a jpeg, any ideas ?03:02
phrmnconnect irc.lamer.cz03:02
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Piddymauriicio, Is that a PROXY program? Isn't that just to connect to other people for playing lan?03:03
DDragonphrmn: wha????03:03
=== Lauree [n=lauree@cpe-66-65-133-77.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
PiddyAnyone? Know about a good proxy program?03:04
Frogzootatters: imagemagick03:04
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FrogzooPiddy: apache or squid03:05
ubotuThe #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer.03:05
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks03:05
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PiddyFrogzoo: are those VPN programs?03:05
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DDragonwelcome back Tribes03:06
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FrogzooPiddy: nope, web proxies03:06
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baboIs there no schedule planner in the repos ? MrProject isn't in there ...03:07
DDragonnp Tribes03:07
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baboIs there another one in there somewhere ?03:07
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askandMy wlan sunndenly went veeeery slow in ubuntu..why?03:07
osxdude|laptophttp://tor.unixgu.ru/ requires a un and pwd03:07
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PiddyFrogzoo, well do you know about a good VPN one?03:08
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MrGreenneed to find package version installed can I use apt-get?03:08
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Xoristatters: you can use pdftoppm (from the poppler-utils package), and pipe it into ppmtojpeg03:08
Xoristatters: as in "pdftoppm filename.pdf | ppmtojpeg >filename.jpeg"03:08
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XorisMrGreen: "apt-cache policy <packagename>"03:09
MrGreencheers ;-)03:09
=== MrGreen passes Xoris a beer
pike_babo: cat /etc/resolv.conf  do you have more than one nameserver entry?03:09
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Xoris!info planner > babo03:10
DDragonok im off catch ya all 2morroz03:10
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babopike_: ??03:11
ValrossHi! Where can I find a HCL for ubuntu?03:11
pike_babo: sorry wrong nic :)03:11
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CatatafishHaving trouble installing ubuntu, can someone help?03:11
Xoris!hardware > Valross03:11
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ValrossXoris: you mean there is another IRC-channel or are you saying that there is a section in the documentation?03:12
fyrestrtrCatatafish: try asking a question :)03:12
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pawanhow to repair kernel03:13
XorisValross: i mean that you've just received a private message from a bot named Ubotu, giving you a link to a hardware compatibility list03:13
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ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:13
ValrossXoris: Just saw it... using a chat client I am unfamiliar to03:13
baboXoris: thanks :-)03:13
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ValrossXoris: tnx03:13
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CatatafishAh yea ofcourse.. Well im sitting at my desktop computer and trying to install ubuntu on my laptop. Everything goes okay (as far as i know) in the green screen this message comes: "There was an error starting the GNOME Daemon. ....... GNOME will still try to restart the settings daemon next time you log in.."  But i cant do anything.03:14
pawanhow to repair kernel03:14
CatatafishI have checked the cd for errors, none found.03:14
Xorispawan: be a little more specific03:14
baijumHow to disbale SMP, any idea ?03:14
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dgjonesCatatafish, what laptop is it?03:14
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pawani am getting vfs error03:14
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fyrestrtrbaijum: install a non-smp kernel03:15
Catatafishdgjones -> ibm r51 - 256 mb, 40 gb hdd, 1,6 ghz03:15
pawankernel panic not syncing03:15
fyrestrtrpawan: select the failsafe kernel from the list at startup03:15
Xorisfyrestrtr, the standard kernel supports SMP now. i think it's a matter of blacklisting a module, possibly03:16
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dgjonesCatatafish, I've had that error trying to install on a Toshiba laptop and ended up having to install using the alternate install cd, I think it was a problem with the graphics (but not certain)03:16
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pawan2.6.20.16 not loading03:16
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fyrestrtrXoris: or install a kernel without smp :)03:16
pawan2.6.20.15 loading03:16
pawanheader type mismatch03:16
Catatafishdgjones, do you know where i can find the alternate install youre talking about?03:16
Xorisfyrestrtr, but i'm not sure there *is* such a kernel in the repositories.03:17
dgjones!alternate > Catatafish03:17
PiddyUm.. I need help with my mic again.. The volume is really low.. How do I fix this+03:17
pawanunable to mount root file system on unkown block03:17
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fyrestrtrpawan: re-install03:17
fyrestrtrPiddy: turn up the gain from the mixer03:17
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Xorisbaijum, fyrestrtr: the forums give "I don't know about preempt, but with SMP, you can just boot into ubuntu with the nosmp flag appended to the kernal line."03:17
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baijumfyrestrtr, which package ? I searched for linux-image, but cann't find any nonsmp kerenel03:18
pawanthen i have to install all the updates again03:18
ant30baijum all kernel have smp and nosmp03:18
Catatafishdgjones, im not getting any links. just a description :(03:19
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ant30it detect the number of cpus03:19
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riaalis sftp a lot slower then normal ftp?03:19
Catatafishdgjones, oh sorry. found it at the download page at ubuntu03:19
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baijumXoris,ant30, fyrestrtr, I will try nosmp option in grub03:20
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fsckrthis may be a stupid question but can I use a dvd-r to burn an .iso image on ubuntu?03:20
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dgjonesCatatafish, no probs, was just looking myself to see where it was03:20
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fsckri keep gettin wrong media type03:20
Xorisbaijum: the relevant thread is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167893 if you need help with setting it up in grub03:20
ValrossXoris: there is a column in the HCL that says verson... but there is also something that sounds like a nick. Is that the individual taht tried to install it? Or am I just confused?03:20
Max_-What if I'm in a directory where there's a file (program)... then I call it : ./program .. and it says -bash: ./program: No such file or directory   ???????03:20
Piddyfsckr: I don't think you can.03:20
wersis there a lyrics feature in Rhythmbox?03:20
Xorisbaijum: remember that if you just change the actual kernel command line, next time the kernel is updated it will revert to the old. you need to change the commented out lines instead03:20
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fsckrwhat are dvd-r used for03:21
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Piddy!burn | fsckr03:21
ubotufsckr: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto03:21
fsckri got like 50 of them LOL03:21
mick__hi, I have a USB device that usually works but at the moment it isn't automatically mounting - syslog shows that udev sees it as does udevmonitor - what can I do short of a reboot to make automounting work again?03:21
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caboose_1980how do i get adobe shockwave for ubuntu 7.04?03:22
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Skiessifsckr what, discs?03:22
wershow do I view song lyrics in rhythmbox?03:22
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fsckrSkiessi, ?03:22
fsckri have dvd-r and trying to burn an iso image03:22
XorisValross, not sure, which page precisely?03:22
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Skiessiand what's the problem?03:23
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Max_-What if I'm in a directory where there's a file (program)... then I call it : ./program .. and it says -bash: ./program: No such file or directory   ???????03:23
Valrossdapper and edgy e.g.03:23
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f0rqu3omg ubuntu has no option for the bootloader03:24
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XorisValross, uhm... nickname? don't you mean perhaps the Driver column? that's the kernel modules that handles the device03:24
peksusomeone tell me whats this x window thing? i suppose lxdoom and few other games i found from the package manager thing needs it..03:24
spectre__hi to all03:24
spectre__I have installed amule under ubuntu and It works :)03:24
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Paddy_EIRE!x | peksu03:24
ubotupeksu: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:24
XorisValross: ah - Dapper, Edgy etc are just the codenames for Ubuntu versions03:24
spectre__Is there a file manager under ubuntu ? thanks to all03:25
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Pandyawhy does my sound sound...awful :(03:25
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Xoris!codenames > Valross03:25
f0rqu3I will sue you if I cant boot into windows XP03:25
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peksuthanks that helped :p03:25
Xorisf0rqu3: sue me03:25
peksufirst time using linux ~_~03:25
Paddy_EIREspectre__: what you talking about....Nautilus is the gnome/ubuntu default file manager03:25
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f0rqu3really I wanted another place for the bootloader03:26
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ValrossXoris: Aw... how cute. They are actually names of different versions? :D03:26
Paddy_EIRE!grub | f0rqu303:26
ubotuf0rqu3: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:26
=== Traveler98 is now known as peter_t
Pandyawell I personally wish it didn't use grub and let me use the wbm loader, but oh well03:26
Tinned_Tunaheya, under system > admin, there is something called Network Tools (I'm not at my ubuntu box at the moment, sorry) Anyone know what this tool's real name is ?03:26
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Xorisf0rqu3: there *is*. actually, the bootloader usually detects Windows and adds an entry to it *automatically*. that attitude of yours, however, makes me kind of unwilling to guide you through adding it manually, if it wasn't added automatically - or telling you how to enter the menu, for that matter03:27
Tinned_Tunait has ping, traceroute and others in a nice gui frontend...03:27
=== Paddy_EIRE thinks Grub is the best bootloader around
peksuso umm another problem..03:27
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f0rqu3let me boot03:27
f0rqu3I will sue you after it :D03:27
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Pandyathe way I see grub working at the moment is that grub handles booting, and the wbm can be loaded off grub for vista03:28
XorisValross: yes, in time order, Warty Warthog, Hoary Hedgehog, Breezy Badger, Dapper Drake, Edgy Eft, Feisty Fawn, and the next one will be Gutsy Gibbon. we usually just use the first part03:28
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Pandyais it possible to make wbm handle booting and have grub loaded off wbm...03:28
Paddy_EIREf0rqu3: READ ----> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:28
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peksuwhen i try to put the desktop effects on it gives me an error which says "the composite extension is not available"03:28
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sfbGood morning everyone03:28
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Xorisf0rqu3 just press Esc before the kernel boots, and after your BIOS has handed out control to the bl03:29
Pandyaalso, I've not used ubuntu for a while, so I'm out of touch: do I still lose for using ATI hardware?03:29
Paddy_EIREPandya: http://apcmag.com/node/5162/03:29
sfbIs there a way to configure pmount to use ntfs-3g for external hard drives?03:29
f0rqu3what is this packagelist thing ?03:29
sfbOn Feisty? I found some patched packages but they were for Edgy.03:29
Paddy_EIREPandya: great guides on there03:29
peksuwhen i try to put the desktop effects on it gives me an error which says "the composite extension is not available" anyone know reason?03:30
Pandyathanks Paddy_EIRE03:30
f0rqu3>_> it is still downloading it03:30
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jareth_hi all,,, I wa<nt to enable dma on my dvd drive.. get following error... /dev/scd0:03:30
jareth_ setting using_dma to 1 (on)03:30
jareth_ HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device03:30
Paddy_EIRE!synaptic | Pandya03:30
ubotuPandya: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto03:30
f0rqu390% :D03:30
PandyaI know what synaptic is03:30
=== eth1c [n=eth1c@cpe-76-174-248-228.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eth1cI cant get 3D Chess to work O_O03:30
Pandyamy question was, do I lose for using ATi :P03:30
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Paddy_EIREPandya: Im on ati....works fine with me03:31
ace808Hi all.  Can someone give me some pointers on how to get two monitors working- I have a dell with a DVI card addon, using an intel 95003:31
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Pandyacos I hear tell ATi's driver support under linux is less than stellar03:31
PandyaI also hear my graphics card isn't even supported.03:31
PiddyOmg.... Can I get some help? Some sites I used to visit when I had windows, had some vids that were played in Windows Media player.. How do I play these movies?03:31
Paddy_EIREPandya: which card...and have you tried using the Restricted Drivers Manager in system > administration03:31
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PandyaPaddy_EIRE: hd290003:31
Pandyaand I know how to load up the fglrx driver, its just that I heard its still kinda dire.03:32
eth1cPiddy, you got mplayer?03:32
Paddy_EIRE!envy Pandya03:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about envy pandya - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:32
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XorisValross: anyway don't forget about the live CD, which is a quick and easy way to check whether your hardware works before installing.03:32
Piddyeth1c: Um.. I didn't download wmp..03:32
jareth_hi all,,, I want to enable dma on my dvd drive.. get following error... /dev/scd0:03:32
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jareth_ HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device03:32
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v3ctor09:30 < Pandya> I know what synaptic is03:32
Paddy_EIREPandya: better than nothing03:32
eth1c!tell Piddy | mplayer03:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tell piddy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:33
Pandyaheh, yeah03:33
eth1coi O_O03:33
f0rqu3test time03:33
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Pandyaah well, ubuntu is actually installed now, so I'll be back in a bit03:33
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs03:33
knix_What program out there can I use like "hyperterminal" but for nix?03:33
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v3ctorknix_: minicom03:33
jareth_winston@winston-desktop:~$ sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/scd003:33
jareth_ setting using_dma to 1 (on)03:33
jareth_ HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device03:33
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jareth_aby idea?03:33
=== gutts [n=gutts@ADijon-258-1-129-155.w90-26.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
jareth_any idea?03:33
Paddy_EIRE!paste | jareth_03:33
ubotujareth_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:33
=== aLeSD [n=alex@70.Red-83-37-93.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
knix_v3ctor, ty03:34
mick__hi, I have a USB device that usually works but at the moment it isn't automatically mounting - syslog shows that udev sees it as does udevmonitor - what can I do short of a reboot to make automounting work again?03:34
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jareth_Paddy_EIRE: three lines max isn't it?03:34
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riaalis sftp a lot slower then normal ftp?03:34
Paddy_EIREjareth_: oh sorry I thought you didnt know :P03:34
v3ctorriaal: yes03:34
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mick__riaal: only massively slower at startup03:35
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mick__...when the otp is formed03:35
eth1cAnyone know why when i have downloaded the OpenGL Python bindings and GtkGLExt Python bindings, My 3D Chess will still not work?03:35
jareth_http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33140/ any help someone?03:35
knix_riaal, who cares if it is slow.  FTP is not secure at all03:35
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peksuwhen i try to put the desktop effects on it gives me an error which says "the composite extension is not available" anyone know why?03:35
knix_FTP is for windows users03:35
eth1clol lies03:35
eth1ci use FTP daylu03:35
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knix_sorry to hear that03:35
Tinned_Tunaeth1c is a windows user!03:35
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jareth_i want to enable dma on my dvd drive... output is from hdparm...03:36
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exyanIs there a way to mount an UDF DVD ?03:36
=== Tinned_Tuna throws fish at eth1c
knix_Tinned_Tuna, lol03:36
mick__peksu: your driver doesn't support the effects needed03:36
riaalknix_, I do, running it on my local GB network03:36
eth1cKonqueror <-- FTP Ftw03:36
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riaalv3ctor, thanks03:36
peksuoh shit03:36
f0rqu3Xoris, you are saved03:36
ubotupeksu: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects03:36
f0rqu3I can boot into xp03:36
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knix_riaal, well if it is locally, then you should be ol03:37
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:37
f0rqu3I tried many linux distros03:37
eth1cAnyone know why when i have downloaded the OpenGL Python bindings and GtkGLExt Python bindings, My 3D Chess will still not work?03:37
ace808Anyone know if the DVI addon card and the VGA port can be used for multiple desktops?   Can such a configuration use Beryl?03:37
Xorisf0rqu3: not that you shouldn't have a backup of your previous system before messing with partition tables and such, anyway ;)03:37
f0rqu3so far ubuntu has the best insstall03:37
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jareth_i want to anble DMA on my dvd drive... see output hdparm...    -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33140/03:37
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exyanIs there a way to mount an UDF DVD ?03:37
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f0rqu3Xoris, I have my mbr on a diskette03:38
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Tinned_Tunaf0rqu3: I've been using linux for a few years now, Ubuntu still kicks ass as far as _simplicity_ of installation goes.03:38
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nix88I Just installed ubuntu last night, I found that when the splash screen is enabled it hangs on "waiting for root file system" for some time, but if I disable the splash screen it boots up fast with no hanging03:38
Paddy_EIREf0rqu3: yeah the ubuntu installer rocks03:38
nix88any idea of the couse03:38
xplodeyai cant save my sources.list .. im a newbiw btw ;)03:38
xplodeyahow can i safe my sources.list?03:38
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nix88xplodeya, what text editor are you using?03:38
Xorisxplodeya: depends on what editor you've used to edit it03:38
knix_v3ctor, I am using a usb to serial converter on my lappy.  Then from that into a hp switch.  How would I find out what ie.. /dev/tty? it is using?03:38
jareth_i want to enable DMA on my dvd drive... see output hdparm...    -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33140/03:38
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Paddy_EIRExplodeya: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:39
v3ctorknix_: hmm...i have not used a usb serial yet03:39
Paddy_EIRExplodeya: should do the trick03:39
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xplodeyathx Paddy_EIRE im trying mom03:39
knix_v3ctor, doh03:39
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jareth_i want to enable DMA on my dvd drive... what's wrong here ? see output hdparm...    -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33140/03:40
kayefhow can i make my taskbar items size standard?currently, it is expanding and filling up the whole taskbar even if its only one item...03:40
PiddyOmg.... Can I get some help? Some sites I used to visit when I had windows, had some vids that were played in Windows Media player.. How do I play these movies?03:40
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mick__knix_: I was reading about this only yesterday /dev/ttyUSB0 or somesuch03:40
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knix_mick__, nice03:40
Xoris!restricted > Piddy03:40
mick__knix_: ...depends on USB - serial chipset03:40
jareth_Piddy: what file type?03:40
xplodeyaPaddy_EIRE: i love you!! xD .. it works, big thx!03:40
Piddyjareth_: how can I tell?03:40
knix_mick__, ack.  I cant get it to work for the life of it03:40
NemesisUKjareth_,  have you tried hdparm /dev/hdc or whatever it is -d1 -k103:40
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Paddy_EIRExplodeya: no probs03:41
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caboose_1980how do i get shockwave for ubuntu 7.0403:41
mick__knix_: what does syslog say when it is plugged in?03:41
jareth_Nemesis: see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33140/03:41
v3ctorknix_: http://www.davidsudjiman.info/?p=9403:41
xplodeyaim using ubuntu since yesterday .. so im new here ; )03:41
jareth_Nemesis: i did03:41
Xoris!shockwave > caboose_198003:41
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:41
knix_mick__, /var/log/syslog?03:41
exyanIs there a way to mount an UDF DVD ?03:41
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NemesisUKjareth_, yeah hdparm doesnt work with scsi devices03:42
mick__knix_:  yes --- take a look at http://www.linux-usb.org/USB-guide/x356.html03:42
jareth_Nemesis: any idea here?03:42
twosouls82exyan: http://amazingrando.wordpress.com/2007/05/02/how-to-mount-udf-dvds-in-ubuntu/03:42
NemesisUKjareth, looking into it for you03:42
jareth_NemesisUK: i see...03:42
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knix_ty mick__03:42
jareth_NemesisUK: thanks03:42
exyantwosouls82: doesn't work, same error03:42
twosouls82exyan: what is the error you get?03:43
mick__quick question - I have a USB device that usually works but at the moment it isn't automatically mounting - syslog shows that udev sees it as does udevmonitor - what can I do short of a reboot to make automounting work again?03:43
Catatafishdang.. cant get the install/boot to work :(03:43
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jareth_NemesisUK:  also tried this... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33144/03:44
mick__...it's rather "windows 98" having to reboot to get a device to be mounted :)03:44
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eth1cAnyone know why when i have downloaded the OpenGL Python bindings and GtkGLExt Python bindings, My 3D Chess will still not work?03:44
exyantwosouls82: Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'UDF Volume'03:44
Max_-What if I'm in a directory where there's a file (program)... then I call it : ./program .. and it says -bash: ./program: No such file or directory   ???????03:44
twosouls82mick__: that reboot isn't neccesarry03:44
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XorisMax_-: it's not executable maybe03:44
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v3ctorMax_-: is it executable?03:44
XorisMax_-: chmod +x filename03:44
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jajadavidhello. how can i mount an iso like i used to in win (daemon tools)?03:45
Max_-yes, it's executable03:45
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fyrestrtrjajadavid: mount -t iso9660 -o loop somefile.iso /some/dir03:45
twosouls82exyan: what if you try: sudo mount -t udf /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom0 ?03:45
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=== Terry__ [n=poperst@c-76-23-30-184.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mick__twosouls82: soooo... what can I do to get my usb device to mount?03:46
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exyantwosouls82: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda, missing codepage or other error etc03:47
NemesisUKjareth_,  try adding piix and ide-core to /etc/modules put them above ide-cd if you have that in there03:47
twosouls82mick__: ls /dev/sd (TAB TAB)... do you see the device (a name not listed in /etc/fstab)?03:47
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jareth_NemesisUK:  will try that and let you know...03:47
exyantwosouls82: my cdrom is on /dev/hda ...03:47
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dromerhow can I see what codec a certian avi is encoded with?03:48
dromerI hawe some files that I can't read03:48
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twosouls82exyan: and if you do tell it is a cdrom/dvd: sudo mount -t udf,iso9660 /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom0 ?03:48
Martin__Hi folx03:48
mick__twosouls82: OK, I did it with "sudo mount -t auto /dev/sde1 /mnt"03:48
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jareth_NemesisUK:  no ide-cd in there...03:49
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exyantwosouls82: it doesn't work, don't u get it? :p03:49
twosouls82mick__: that's was the next in the row indeed :) I would have told the same03:49
jareth_NemesisUK:  see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33145/03:49
mick__twosouls82: but what I _REALLY_ want is automount to start working again without having to reboot!03:49
PiddyXoris: Uhm... those restricted packages didn't work.03:49
Martin__I reinstalled my system today and encountered the problem, that now nautilus is extremely slow and uses up to 50% cpu. To open my home-folder takes up to 3-4 seconds! Before everything was fine. My distribution was and is feisty03:49
exyantwosouls82: udf, iso9660 is what used to be buggy in fstab, udf had to be last to work, that was 'mount' bug03:49
exyantwosouls82: replacing with auto used to fix this, but doesn't for me..03:50
XorisPiddy, some WMV files simply won't play. a good bet is VLC, try it03:50
PiddyBut it's in firefox..03:50
=== Miles_Prower [n=miles@ABordeaux-156-1-175-67.w86-207.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
PiddyThe vids play in firefox.03:50
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NemesisUKjareth_,  put in this order piix ide-core ide-cd in /etc/modules03:51
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twosouls82exyan: I was aiming for the auto shot, but since that doesn't work03:51
=== twosouls82 thinks
v3ctorPiddy: mozilla-plugin-vlc03:51
Miles_ProwerHi there, where are File-Roller temp files located? I just lost 2Gb of HDD space on my /home because the compression did not work and the temp file is not deleted (even if the computer is rebooted)03:51
Piddyv3ctor: thanks03:51
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twosouls82mick__: sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart ?03:51
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Piddyv3ctor: Where can I get that?03:52
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jareth_NemesisUK:  done.. and then, sudo  modprobe ......?03:52
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Allooshmy network adsl router -->ubuntu --> adsl router --> xp, Iam trying to get it connected since many days, please please help03:53
twosouls82exyan: just to be sure; you do have udftools installed, right?03:53
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knix_mick__, It is not showing up in dmesg at all03:53
v3ctorPiddy: sudo aptitude install mozilla-plugin-vlc03:53
jareth_NemesisUK : sudo modprobe ide-core03:54
jareth_FATAL: Module ide_core not found.03:54
Martin__I reinstalled my system today and encountered the problem, that now nautilus is extremely slow and uses up to 50% cpu. To open my home-folder takes up to 3-4 seconds! Before everything was fine. My distribution was and is feisty03:54
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anessenQuick question, I'm running twinview on my nVidia card, two monitors, and my wallpaper keeps getting stretched across both of them. How can I make it only stretch to each monitor, like in KDE?03:54
breadnbutteri'm logged out of x using bitchx in the black and white screen how do i switch back and forth from the shell to bitchx without closing it everytime?03:54
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jareth_NemesisUK : i will 1st reboot.. brb...03:55
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Pnanohow can I fix this emacs php mode error?03:56
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mick__twosouls82: "sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart" didn't kick it into life :( -- searching /etc/init.d for other suspects03:57
alex_holy ass 1090 users03:57
fyrestrtrbreadnbutter: ctrl+alt+f7 is where X runs03:57
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mick__breadnbutter: you could also run it under screen(1)03:58
Piddyv3ctor: No, the vid is still trying to play in totem.03:58
elteseHow do I change my sudoers file? I know its visudo /etc/sudoers but then? Wich command should I use? -f -q -v -s etc? And how do I put in the line so that I can sudo? (running feisty on vmware)03:58
fyrestrtreltese: add yourself to the admin group03:58
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twosouls82mick__: that's the place to restart services03:59
PnanoI run dpkg, got this error, how can I clean it?03:59
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eltesefyrestrtr: ok, but wich command should I run? Like, visudo -f /etc/sudoers?03:59
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fyrestrtreltese: don't edit that file. Just add your user to the admin group.03:59
twosouls82mick__: I thought that might pull the trick.. keep trying.. a reboot is hardly ever required03:59
fyrestrtreltese: then logout and login again03:59
eltesefyrestrtr: ok, how / where do I do that?04:00
f0rqu3how can I change refresh rate04:00
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Piddyfyrestrtr: Do you know what to do? Some vids on a site are supposed to play in windows media player.. How do I play it in the vlcplugin instead?04:00
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fyrestrtreltese: system > adminsitration > users and group04:00
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fyrestrtrPiddy: install the plugin and restart firefox.04:00
fyrestrtr!fixres > f0rqu304:00
Piddyfyrestrtr: I tried.. But it's still trying to play in totem or something.04:01
adyis someoane here?04:01
jareth_NemesisUK: sudo modprobe ide-core04:01
jareth_FATAL: Module ide_core not found.04:01
onatshi, what's the command to identify the shell that the console is using?04:01
fyrestrtrPiddy: make sure you close all instances of firefox.04:01
jareth_NemesisUK: other 2 modules just load ok...04:01
larsemili have a x800 card and two displays connected to it. both of them support 1280x1024 but this is not a option to choose from in gnome. i did dpkg-reconfigure and specified the hz and everything. then X did not start at all and the displays said they could not show the choosen mode.04:01
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Piddyi did sudo aptitude install mozilla-plugin-vlc... should it be firefox-plugin-vlc?04:02
eltesefyrestrtr: thanks :)04:02
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NemesisUKjareth_, why do you need dma, nowing this would help04:02
Paddy_EIREPiddy: I you have to ln the plugins04:02
NemesisUKis it for durn or playing dvds04:02
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PiddyPaddy_EIRE how do I do that?04:03
jareth_Nemesis: actually to fix speed problems while watching dvd's...04:03
adydid dpkg-reconfigure and specified the hz and everything. then X did not start at all and the displays said they could not show the choosen mode.04:03
ady* effie_jayx (n=valles@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx) has joined #ubuntu04:03
ady<Piddy> i did sudo aptitude install mozilla-plugin-vlc... should it be firefox-plugin-vlc?04:03
ady* knix_ has quit ("Leaving")04:03
ady<eltese> fyrestrtr: thanks :)04:03
ady* onechard_ (n=chard@ has joined #ubuntu04:03
ady* onechard_ has quit (Connection reset by peer)04:03
ady<NemesisUK> jareth_, why do you need d04:03
effie_jayxady,  ?04:03
adyherd e someoane?04:03
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adyi can see the users04:04
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NemesisUKady, ?04:04
adyi cant see the user!04:04
Paddy_EIREPiddy: cd /usr/lib/firefox/plugins04:04
jareth_Nemesis: what do you mean?04:04
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Paddy_EIREPiddy: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/mplayerplug-in-dvx.so04:04
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adyi am new in ubuntu irc04:05
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jareth_Nemesis: what do you mean04:05
adyplese hep me04:05
NemesisUKjareth_, now you have those modules loaded try to play a dvd again04:05
Paddy_EIREsudo ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/mplayerplug-in-dvx.xpt04:05
thavornbeside gtkpod , another similar?04:05
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moyeranyone know a media player for AVI files thats doesnt HOG cpu like totem does?04:05
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pike_arg.. cannot find tiffcp in repos04:05
fyrestrtrmoyer: mplayer and vlc04:05
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moyerfyrestrtr :both of them?04:05
fyrestrtrthavorn: exaile, banshee04:05
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fyrestrtrmoyer: either of em.04:05
jareth_Nemesis: ide_core is not loaded... trying now...04:05
moyerfyrestrtr :which do you preferr04:06
adyromani careva?04:06
fyrestrtrmoyer: I use both04:06
PiddyPaddy_EIRE Nothing happened.04:06
moyerfyrestrtr :oh i see04:06
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adyba care e roman aici04:06
adytigan de al meu :D04:06
Paddy_EIREPiddy: thats right now restart firefox04:06
moyerthanks :)04:06
Paddy_EIREPiddy: and try some embedded vids04:06
adydid dpkg-reconfigure and specified the hz and everything. then X did not start at all and the displays said they could not show the choosen mode.04:06
ady* effie_jayx (n=valles@ubuntu/member/effie-jayx) has joined #ubuntu04:06
ady<Piddy> i did sudo aptitude install mozilla-plugin-vlc... should it be firefox-plugin-vlc?04:06
ady* knix_ has quit ("Leaving")04:06
ady<eltese> fyrestrtr: thanks :)04:06
ady* onechard_ (n=chard@ has joined #ubuntu04:06
ady* onechard_ has quit (Connection reset by peer)04:06
ady<NemesisUK> jareth_, why do you need d04:06
Pandyai be back04:07
mc44ady: please don't paste04:07
dgjones!english | ady04:07
ubotuady: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:07
Paddy_EIREPiddy: your trying to play vids in firefox right?04:07
adythanks very much04:07
larsemilis it possible to run compiz-dusion on fglrx?04:07
Piddypaddy_EIRE: Yeah. Do you want a link or something?04:07
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adyi hope is here my frien marcus04:07
Paddy_EIREPiddy: well there the embedded content04:07
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fyrestrtrlarsemil: yes04:07
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Paddy_EIREPiddy: did that work04:07
mc44!ro | ady04:08
ubotuady: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro04:08
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PiddyPaddy_EIRE No.. It's still trying to play in totem04:08
Paddy_EIREPiddy: remove the totem plugin04:08
PiddyPaddy_EIRE do you want a link?04:08
Paddy_EIREPiddy: no04:08
PiddyPaddy_EIRE how?04:08
Paddy_EIREPiddy: 1 sec04:08
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knix_tail -f /whatever is not working.  Has anyone seen tail not work?04:09
Piddy!effects | larsemil04:09
ubotularsemil: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects04:09
thavornI wanna get songs out from my ipod? beside gtkpod, what other appl can I use04:09
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ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA04:10
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:10
alesanhi. aftre I install the header files for my kernel, should I expect a "build" directory in /lib/modules./kern-version ??04:10
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eltesewhy doesnt this command work? sudo dpkg force-architecture -i opera-static_9.20-20070409.1-qt_en_i386.deb04:11
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fyrestrtr!kernel > alesan04:11
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politikI can't boot past my initramfs... I think I know what the problem is, I need to edit a file in the initramfs. any idea what editing program I can use in that environment?04:11
Paddy_EIREPiddy: sudo aptitude remove totem-mozilla04:11
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Kasledo anyone know how to install fifa07 with cedega?04:11
fyrestrtrKasle: #winehq04:11
Paddy_EIREKasle: cedega member support will help you with that04:11
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jareth_NemesisUK: looks better now :) thx!04:12
alesanfyrestrtr, I am developing a kernel driver for my device :) still, I don't get a "build" directory after having installed the header files.04:12
profanephobiadoes anyone know if i can set my hp's quick play buttons to do something?04:12
KaslePaddy_EIRE: how do i find the member support?04:12
alesanit was like that on debian04:12
NemesisUKjareth_, cool :)04:12
PiddyPaddy_EIRE No it says (no video)04:13
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jareth_NemesisUK: only thing i don't get is where the fuck  ide-core has gone...04:13
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politikanyone? how can I edit a file when I'm booted into my initramfs04:14
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baboHow do I cut something from word and paste it into the google docs ?04:14
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:14
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jareth_babo: you're using crossover office?04:14
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NemesisUKjareth_, wouldnt worry about it, as I also cant find ide core, but dvd playback works fine. I'm putting it down to it being one of lifes little mysteries ;)04:14
profanephobiadoes anyone know if i can set my hp's quick play buttons to do something?04:14
babojareth_, openoffice ...04:15
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baboand google docs04:15
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jareth_NemesisUK: ok. then i won't go short on sleep about it :P04:15
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PiddyPaddy_EIRE: Know what to do?04:16
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jareth_babo: what happens when using copy/paste?04:16
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jareth_NemesisUK: just annoying if i can't get the problem clear for myself, u see...\04:17
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Piddyprofanephobia: Do you know how to play vids in firefox that are played in Windows Media Player on Windows?04:17
Paddy_EIREPiddy: try a vid04:17
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PiddyPaddy_EIRE I did.04:17
Pandyaati restricted drivers are death04:17
onatshi all, when i connect to my cvs server, it refuses the connection.. how do i test if the service is up?04:17
Paddy_EIRE!codecs |  Piddy04:17
ubotuPiddy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:17
PiddyPaddy_EIRE it says (no video)04:17
NemesisUKjareth_, yeah I understand fully what ya mean04:17
Pandyascreen draw is awful, its just...not working04:17
Paddy_EIREPiddy: then there is no video04:17
fyrestrtronats: what is the error message you get?04:18
Piddyyeah there is04:18
onatsfyrestrtr, connection refused04:18
babojareth_: It says that I my browser can't access my computer's clipboard ...04:18
fyrestrtronats: then its not working :)04:18
onatsafter i enter the password04:18
Paddy_EIREPiddy: otherwise it would complain about plugin being not there04:18
Paddy_EIREPiddy: nice one04:18
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jareth_babo: wow! haven't got a clue.. sorry about that... cipboard works for other apps?04:18
Paddy_EIREPiddy: you can configure the player by right clicking the vid04:18
Pandyaok how do i remove the ati acellerated drivers04:18
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onatsfyrestrtr, what should i change to start the service? cvs init?04:19
PiddyPaddy_EIRE A friend of mine gets it working.. But he has Windows.04:19
fyrestrtronats: are you using pserver?04:19
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onatsfyrestrtr, yes, thats what i want to use04:19
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Paddy_EIREPiddy: send me the link...and the OS is irrelevant04:19
onatsthe /inetd.conf has a line there for the cvs04:19
Piddypaddy_EIRE Nothing happens when I right click04:19
fyrestrtronats: you need to start the daemon, see the cvs book for more information04:19
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Paddy_EIREPiddy: send me the link04:20
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werscan't I use Ex Falso to organize music outside my home folder?04:20
wersmost of my music are outside my home folder04:20
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PiddyPaddy_EIRE: Priv conv04:20
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bentob0xI want to .tar.gz my /var/www folder but I want to make sure it's compressed ok (like some kind of checksum or something)04:20
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onatsfyrestrtr, do i need to use xinetd?04:21
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reesei want to install ubuntu over pclinux04:21
{fe|feL}hey guyz04:21
{fe|feL}i am baaaack04:21
reeseis der a easy way of doin it04:21
{fe|feL}hehe, ignor me04:21
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f0rqu3how do you install fluxbox?04:22
AboSamoorcan anyone help me with websites tutorials or anything useful how to share files, printer, and web between two desktops <ubuntu , XP> connected by a switch04:22
{fe|feL}but i wanna ask about wubi04:22
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Vletf0rqu3: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox04:22
bentob0xuse samba AboSamoor04:22
NemesisUKAboSamoor, check for a samba howto guide04:22
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fyrestrtrAboSamoor: sharing files and printers use samba; to share internet, use shorewall or firestarter.04:23
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PiddyPaddy_EIRE Do you know what I mean now?04:23
fyrestrtr!samba > AboSamoor04:23
fyrestrtr!firestarter > AboSamoor04:23
{fe|feL}wut no one have an idea about wubi04:23
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Paddy_EIREPiddy: im still talkin to you in prv chat04:23
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PiddyPaddy_EIRE I'm not getting anything04:24
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Paddy_EIREPiddy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=491592&highlight=divx+firefox04:24
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bentob0xhow can I generate a checksum for a compressed file?04:24
dgjones!wubi | {fe|feL}04:24
ubotu{fe|feL}: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html04:24
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Paddy_EIREPiddy: humour me by trying this first04:24
reesehi is der a easy way to install ubuntu over pclinux04:24
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{fe|feL}hey ubotu, how are you today04:24
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Paddy_EIREreese: I doubt that..they are 2 different OS's04:25
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loswilliosI have a problem with nvidia-glx-legacy on current gutsy. It doesn't exist for 2.6.22?04:25
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Vletreese: What do you mean by 'over'? You want to dual boot, or you want to wipe pclinux and install ubuntu?04:25
loswilliosI can only find nvidia-glx-legacy 1.0.7184+
reeseyeah i want to wipe it04:26
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{fe|feL}so ubotu, do you recomend it04:26
larsemilhow do i get my computer to find the resolution 1280x1024???04:26
Vletreese: So then just make a CD and boot from it04:26
Paddy_EIRE{fe|feL}: you do no your talking to a bot ....right04:26
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{fe|feL}as you know i have stayed over 3 hours yesterday trying to install i in regualar way04:27
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{fe|feL}really a bot04:27
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dgjones!bot | {fe|feL}04:27
ubotu{fe|feL}: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:27
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:27
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{fe|feL}i must be looking like a fool here04:27
NemesisUKlarsemil, what vid card you using and what drivers04:27
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sakanaboshihi guys04:27
thwaitesshello - quick question; using feisty server, not in a window manager, how can i mount a USB pen on /dev/sdb04:27
reeseso do i just format the partitions of pclinux and then install ubuntu04:28
pawanhow to install xfce04:28
larsemilNemesisUK: x800 and the ati driver.04:28
{fe|feL}dgjones, do u recomend wubi?04:28
dgjones!install | reese04:28
ubotureese: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate04:28
=== Catatafish [i=Catatafi@56342d4a.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrreese: just use the livecd, it will format them.04:28
Vletlarsemil: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:28
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels04:28
NemesisUKlarsemil, ati and not fglrx?04:28
{fe|feL}Paddy_EIRE, do u recomend it " wubi"04:28
dgjones{fe|feL}, i don't use windows so i've no idea about it04:28
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Catatafishelo ppl. just installed ubuntu. but windows is still installed. how do i remove windows, so my only operating system is ubuntu?04:28
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{fe|feL}i'll try .. as it is the best way to learn04:29
VletCatatafish: feeling gutsy ;)04:29
{fe|feL}{} {}  later all04:29
fyrestrtrCatatafish: re-install, and tell ubuntu to format the disk.04:29
VletCatatafish: You could install 'gparted', and just format the partition04:29
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VletHe shouldn't need to reinstall04:29
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NemesisUKlarsemil, try from a terminal sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:30
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mangojamboHi .. Do someone here using Virtualbox ?04:30
Catatafishfyrestrtr -> im using the text-based installer, where in the process do i chose to format?04:30
sanguisde2is there a package that will automaticly get packages that are required by ./configure files?04:30
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larsemilNemesisUK: i did already. even though i specify the correct v and h syncrates it does not read them and it breaks04:30
VletCatatafish: But you'll have a second partition to use as storage where windows was... or I think gparted might be able to resize your current partition if you remove the windows one04:30
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thwaitesscould i get some help mounting a USB pen (/dev/sdb)?04:30
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NemesisUKlarsemil, try installing the ati drivers from ati04:31
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lakinHey, Does anyone have a good link that talks about Ubuntu's support for the new macbook pros?04:32
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PiddyPaddy_EIRE: It loads a bunch of stuff, and then it says "Stopped"..04:32
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dredhammerhello my ubuntu system has become very slow and i don't know why , i think its the harddrive settings, or IPv604:32
NemesisUKlarsemil, if you need help installing the ati proprietary drivers give me a pm04:32
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CatatafishVlet, its okay if i have to reinstall, but where in the process of the installation do i chose to format? im using the textbased installer, it just installed itself.04:32
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Vletlakin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook?highlight=%28macbook%2904:32
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VletCatatafish: I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the textmode install04:33
jribsanguisde2: auto-apt is supposed to, but what are you compiling?04:33
fyrestrtrCatatafish: it will let you know :)04:33
larsemilNemesisUK: i installed them now. already in04:33
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derekSanyone here know how do ntlm authentication with curl or wget? I want to use a name@domain or domain\name syntax for the login name, but doesn't seem to like that, am i missing something?04:33
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dredhammerhow do i black list the IPv6 module?04:33
fyrestrtrCatatafish: it is the part where you are choosing partitions, just tell it to use the entire hard disk.04:33
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fyrestrtr!ipv6 > dredhammer04:33
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lakinVlet, thanks04:33
NemesisUKlarsemil, cool try sudo aticonfig --resolution=0,1280x1024,1024x768,800x600,640x48004:34
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sanguisde2jrib: battle for wesnoth04:34
Catatafishcrap.. then i have to reinstall... whoohooouuouo04:34
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jribsanguisde2: that's packaged in ubuntu, no need to compile04:35
jrib!info wesnoth > sanguisde204:35
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sanguisde2jrib: but I cant play online w/ it becase I have an old ver04:35
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palintheusCatatafish, can you use a live cd to delete the windows partition and resize your ubuntu?04:35
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sanguisde2jrib: the packaged ver is a few vers behind04:36
mindframeanyone know about ups monitoring in linux?04:36
jribsanguisde2: which version do you need? 1.2.5 is in backports04:36
larsemilNemesisUK: says there is no screen 0. tried with 1 as well04:36
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VletCatatafish: You said you had ubuntu already installed, right? Just install GParted04:36
aaronmdoes tribe 4 have the issue that tribe 3 had with the live cd freezing?04:37
fyrestrtraaronm: #ubuntu+104:37
NemesisUKlarsemil, ok try sudo aticonfig --initial04:37
sanguisde2jrib: well I was going for w1.2.6 casue that is what every one else on my net work has04:37
dredhammerthanks fyrestrtr also my harddrive report in sudo hdparm /dev/hda is giving weird outputs which i think is adding to the system slowdown04:37
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larsemilNemesisUK: no change04:37
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NemesisUKlarsemil, ok try sudo aticonfig --initial --resolution=0,1280x102404:38
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jribsanguisde2: ok, well this command will install the dependencies you need to build the package in the repositories (which should be the same as 1.2.6):  sudo apt-get build-dep wesnoth04:38
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f0rqu3!fixres >f0rqu304:38
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larsemilalso i have this problem after trying to get xgl to work that metacity is not starting by default04:38
NemesisUKlarsemil, pm me you mail addr and you can try my xorg.conf as im at 1280 also04:38
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NemesisUKlarsemil, your using xgl, cant help you when using that as I know nothing about it :(04:39
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fyrestrtrI do though04:39
larsemilNemesisUK: ok thanks04:39
fyrestrtrbut I'll wait till you figure it out :P04:39
Paddy_EIREPiddy: Im judging by your silence that it worked....;)04:39
dgjonesCatatafish, just a thought, if you delete your windows partition, will that also delete your "mbr", if that happens you might need to reinstall grub04:39
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Paddy_EIREPiddy: :P04:39
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sanguisde2jrib: I will try it and report back04:40
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NemesisUKfyrestrtr, ;)04:40
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larsemilNemesisUK: but without xgl i cant get compiz working right?04:40
NemesisUKyeah but getting it to work with ati cards is a pain in the a$$04:41
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larsemilNemesisUK: well i got it working fine. i just have problem with keyboardlayout.04:42
sanguisde2jrib: I still cant find the libSDL_IMAGE even though the package mager says its installed04:42
NemesisUKfyrestrtr, with ati or fglrx04:42
larsemilnow i got 1280x1024 working04:42
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thwaitessdo i need to register with nickserv?04:42
fyrestrtrthwaitess: you should04:42
fyrestrtrthwaitess: /msg nickserv help register04:42
thwaitessmay i ask how this is done? thx04:42
aaronmyou can get compiz working with an ati card just have to use open source driver for AIGLX (non-XGL), the ati propritary drivers dont support AIGLX04:42
mangojamboHow can I configure the network of virtualbox ?04:42
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NemesisUKaaragon, isnt it time they did04:43
jribsanguisde2: libsdl-image1.2-dev is installed?04:43
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sanguisde2I have insttalted it04:43
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sanguisde2uninstalled it04:43
NemesisUKaaragon, dont thing the oss ati driver supports x1950+ cards04:43
jribsanguisde2: try 'make clean' and then running ./configure again?04:43
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marsje_hi. is it possible to easily upgrade from feisty to tribe 4? and from tribe 4 to the final 7.10?04:43
fyrestrtrif you have a laptop, then you need the fglrx drivers (from ati.com) otherwise suspend and restore from suspend doesn't work properly.04:43
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aaronmNemesisUK: that's true I forgot about THOSE users ;)04:44
jribmarsje_: yes, but use #ubuntu+1 for gutsy04:44
fyrestrtrmarsje_: tribe4 is only recommended for *testing* and not daily use.04:44
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marsje_fyrestrtr: I know04:44
shad0whey. I have a problem: I am trying to open 13/udp port on my machine, and typed: sudo update-inetd --enable  time. This is correct? I am new to this ...04:44
NemesisUKaaragon, yeah and I would have to be one of those ;)04:44
shad0wi am running ubuntu, of course.04:44
spectre__Is it possible to install windows xp over an ubuntu installation without overwrite it ? Or I need first to install windows xp and after ubuntu ^04:44
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fyrestrtrspectre__: first windows then ubuntu04:45
marsje_fyrestrtr: feisty sometimes hangs when teh screensaver is active... I want to try the new version and see if it's more stable04:45
aaronmNemesisUK: haha well fair enough, ATI needs to get their crap together and make some decent drivers04:45
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shad0whelp? :(04:45
shad0whey. I have a problem: I am trying to open 13/udp port on my machine, and typed: sudo update-inetd --enable  time. This is correct? I am new to this ...04:45
fyrestrtrmarsje_: could be an issue with your video drivers.04:45
NemesisUKthere mostly decent04:45
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shad0wanyway, replaced "time" with "daytime", but still doesn't work.04:45
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kauershad0w: Try it. It won't hurt anything.04:46
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Carroarmato0I'm testing Tribe 4 and found what looks like a bug, in the Network Settings it doesn't let me enable the automatic service discovery (avahi), Is this normal for the live-cd or not?04:46
marsje_fyrestrtr: yes, I think so... the new release should have new drivers for my intel chipset (G965)04:46
shad0wkauer: i're tried.04:46
fyrestrtrCarroarmato0: #ubuntu+104:46
shad0wkauer: and it doesn't work.04:46
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fyrestrtrmarsje_: maybe newer drivers are available in fiesty-updates or backports?04:46
Carroarmato0fyrestrt, oops... though I was in ubuntu+1.... srry04:46
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sanguisde2jrib:  I am getting  "make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop."04:46
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kauershad0w: What do you think time will do for you? How did you test whether it had worked?04:47
aaronmis there a way to scheudal a cron/at job to run a bash script or run a command and then close that command when a certain time comes? I want to setup my system to download some torrents while i'm sleeping and the internet traffic won't interfear with anyone else04:47
shad0wkauer: nmap -sU localhost04:47
marsje_fyrestrtr: where is "feisty-updates" ? I think I need new Xorg and all too then04:47
fyrestrtraaronm: use ktorrent, it has this built-in.04:47
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shad0wi wanna enable 13/udp.04:47
aaronmfyrestrtr: alright thanks04:47
fyrestrtrmarsje_: enable it in /etc/apt/sources.list (or from the sources manager)04:47
jribsanguisde2: I don't know why ./configure doesn't find libsdl-image then.  What version does the README say it needs?04:48
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inquihow to update wine on ubuntu?04:48
marsje_fyrestrtr: anyway, sooner or later I'm going to want gutsy...04:48
neverblueaaragon, if you can write the command line 'command' for it, sure, make it a bash script04:48
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neverblueinqui, you currently have it installed?04:48
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fyrestrtranyway, I'm off to the movies :)04:48
inquineverblue:  yes04:48
marsje_fyrestrtr: probably I will try to install it in another partition04:48
kauershad0w: is inetd actually running? Modifyingthe config file won't help if inetd isnot running...04:49
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darkwyrmanyone have problem with something like "hda: ERROR, PORTS ALREADY IN USE" during boot?04:49
fyrestrtrmarsje_: that's a good idea.04:49
aaronmlol people keep trying to write my name and write aaragon instead ;)04:49
shad0wso: how can i enable an UDP port on my machine? Isn't there any syntax ... liek: "[enable number_of_port]  [protocol] "04:49
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inquineverblue:  the newest version is said to be fixed some bugs i have04:49
spectre__thanks fyrestrtr04:49
kauershad0w: Please tell me what you actually want. Not what you are trying to fdo to achieve it, but what you want.04:49
neverblueinqui, the .debs arent the 'latest' release of packages, but you could check the 'SoS' repos for a more upto date release (.deb) to install, else you can compile from source04:49
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neverblueinqui, there is a wine channel on freenode, please visit them at #winehq04:50
inquineverblue:  do i have to remove wine first ?04:50
sanguisde2jrib: libsdl-image1.204:50
NeedsHelp2007Does anyone know how to set XMMS as your default player in 7.04??04:50
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inquineverblue:  i tried wine ... it sucked04:50
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neverblueinqui, then try Cedega04:50
inquineverblue:  so i try wineHQ maybe its better04:51
jribsanguisde2: do 'apt-get source wesnoth' and see if *that* compiles (for troubleshooting purposes)04:51
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inquineverblue:  no i mean i visited the wrong channel04:51
Paddy_EIREinqui: wine-doors is pretty good...if you must run win apps *eww*04:51
Third_Paradoxanyone know how to disable or change the GRUB part for installing Kubuntu 7.04, I want to install it to an external but i don't want it to change my PC's bootup data/info/whatever-its-called04:51
neverbluechannels are usually designated by placing a haash (#) sign in front :)04:51
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sanguisde2jrib: doing that04:52
darkwyrmno one with experience with a "PORTS ALREADY IN USE" kernel message here?04:52
Third_Paradoxinstalling with the liveCD04:52
nix88when I have the splash screen enabled the boot takes forever (~10mins) and seems to hang, if I disable the splash it boots up rather quick (about 1min)04:52
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nix88darkwyrm, when do you see that04:53
Paddy_EIREnix88: thats very weird...never heard that before04:53
nix88Paddy_EIRE, yeah doesn't make sense to me04:53
bentob0xhow can I generate a checksum for a compressed file via tar/gzip?04:53
kauershad0w: Noone can help you if you don't provide information when asked.04:53
nix88i turned off quiet and it seems to hang on waiting for root file system04:53
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darkwyrmnix88 During boot. My root is on hdd, but I can't access any partitions on hda.04:53
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Third_Paradoxanyone know what i can do?04:54
nix88I don't understand why the splash screen makes any difference04:54
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AgreSorwhat driver support ATI 9600 ?04:54
nix88kauer, man checksum04:54
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Paddy_EIRE!ati | AgreSor04:54
ubotuAgreSor: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:54
darkwyrmnix88 The only thing I've seen around the WWW is that it has something to do with the via chipset driver04:54
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nix88darkwyrm, I would think it was loading some kind of service and the port was already in use04:55
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Paddy_EIREAgreSor: also you should be able to use the restricted drivers manager thats a part of feisty now04:55
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nix88but normally you will get a different error, "could not bind to socket" normally04:55
kauernix88: checksum?  you have me confused with someone else....04:55
nix88kauer, sorry confused04:55
larsemilanyone knows how xgl is doing with ati dual head monitors?04:55
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nix88bentob0x, you do it :)04:56
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bentob0xis the checksum something you do 'after' you have generated the .tar.gz file?04:56
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bullgard4Where is usually located the 'Thermal1' sensor and the 'Thermal2' sensor in a laptop?04:56
onatsis anyone using oracle 10g xe here?04:56
Paddy_EIRElarsemil: only real way to find out is either on the ubuntu wiki or the forums04:56
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Paddy_EIRE!anyone | onats04:57
ubotuonats: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:57
nix88bentob0x, http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/linux_beginner_books/unofficial_ubuntu_starter_guide/index_093.html04:57
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neverbluelarsemil, check in #ubuntu-effects04:57
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onatsi had a working installation of oracle 10g XE before, but now i'm not able to access the web homepage.04:58
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onatswhats the steps to troubleshoot?04:58
bullgard4What is a 'shell hook'? I could not find a definition.04:58
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larsemilanyone got any idea why metacity is not started?04:58
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TreeStumphi all04:58
larsemili start gnome but no metacity04:59
TreeStumpquick question04:59
neverblueonats, explain a bit more...04:59
TreeStumpcan i read a NTFS external hdd with ubuntu latest version?04:59
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neverbluelarsemil, sudo ps -A | grep meta04:59
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kauerbullgard4: generally it's a place in a program where you can run a shell command.04:59
Paddy_EIRETreeStump: yes04:59
neverbluelarsemil, do you see metacity listed?04:59
onatsneverblue, ok, before, i was able to use and access the database initially via the web gui... but now i can no longer access it. i believe that the service is down. using the start and stop icons dont seem to work04:59
Paddy_EIRETreeStump: and write :D04:59
TreeStumpi wanna copy everything from my windows install onto my new ubuntu one04:59
larsemilneverblue: yes04:59
onatsneverblue, what console commands can i use to test that the DB service is up?05:00
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neverblueonats, can you ping the address?05:00
Third_Paradox_sorry, i got disconnected, did anyone get me an answer to my question?05:00
TreeStumpthanks heaps man05:00
onatsneverblue, its on the same machine i'm using05:00
bullgard4kauer: Thank you very much for explaining.05:00
neverbluelarsemil, so it is running, did you edit your themes recently?05:00
Third_Paradox_did anyone even get my question?05:00
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neverblueonats, sudo ps -A05:00
larsemilneverblue: yes it is running, i started it beause i need it.05:00
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neverbluelarsemil, 'but no meta' ?05:01
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neverblueits running, isnt it?05:01
larsemilneverblue: the problem is that its not startying by itself even though i have it in sessions05:01
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larsemilneverblue: i dont want to start it manually. :)05:01
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onatsdont see it there...05:01
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HooloovooAnyone know when tribe 4 is released?05:01
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neverbluelarsemil, you didnt say that :)05:02
onatsneverblue, now that its running, i still cant access
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larsemilneverblue: sry. thats the case though05:02
Hooloovoolarsemil! o/05:02
newbie07does anyone know what this package is "linux-headers-2.6.20-16 (2.6.20-16.29)"05:02
neverblueonats, if its running, you may need to restart05:02
Xoris!info linux-headers-2.6.20-1605:03
ubotulinux-headers-2.6.20-16: Header files related to Linux kernel version 2.6.20. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.20-16.29 (feisty), package size 7926 kB, installed size 56916 kB05:03
neverblueonats, cd /etc05:03
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onatsneverblue, i just started it when you asked me to do a ps05:03
neverblueonats, then look in init.d/ for the service05:03
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rubchangeHi, I am trying to use a backup using tar cvfzp usr_bin /usr/bin, but when I use this thar on other sistem, the symlinks are not correct, it uses a empty files with no permisions instead, any idea?05:03
neverblueonats, what do you mean, you just started it?05:03
Paddy_EIREdoes nayone know if and when the -17 kernel is coming out on feisty05:03
r_rehashedhi all. how do i remove the icons of the hdd partitions from my Desktop?05:03
newbie07thanks, after downloading that package i now have 4 ubuntu options during boot up.  Can I erase the old ones?05:04
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neverblueits the whole chicken before the egg scenerio05:04
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onatsneverblue, i just started the service after seeing that its not listed in ps command05:04
neverbluei hate those05:04
neverblueonats, then try and connect :P05:04
aaronmyou know how CTRL + Z suspends a job in bash? is there a way to just force a program to run in the background and then bring it to the foreground using fg or something?05:04
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kauernewbie07: You need the header files to match your kernel if you will be compiling programs (generally C) thathave to interact with the kernel or use kernel structures and definitions.05:04
neverblueaaragon, yes, fg/bg05:04
onatsneverblue, shouldn't i be able to access the web interface?05:04
newbie07kauer thanks05:04
neverblueaaragon, you can tag a & at the end, making it launch in the bg05:04
onatsor does it mean that the web application isnt started also?05:04
Xorisaaragon, "commandline &"05:05
Third_Paradox_I need to install Kubuntu on an external HDD - I can get into the livecd but i don't know how to install it without it messing with GRUB, can anyone help me deactivte/change this? (I asked this a moment ago but got disconnected so i didn't see if i got a response, sorry if i'm repeating myself)05:05
aaronmneverblue: how would i for instance force irssi to the background after its already open?05:05
newbie07can i access this chat with gaim/pidgin instead of xchat?05:05
jribaaronm: I don't really understand your question, if you put a job in the background and then hit 'fg' it will bring it to the foreground.  Is that what you wanted to know?05:05
neverblueaaragon, i think an example was supplied :)05:05
Xorisnewbie07: yes, but xchat is a little more specialized05:05
neverblueonats, did u do what I said?05:05
VletAnyone know how one could play audio TO the microphone as if it were coming in from the mic so other apps could record it?05:05
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aaronmjrib: no i mean im running an app like irssi right now, if i wanted to get to bash without opening another terminal and im not running screen is there a way to have it run in the background. note it's already open and CTRL Z suspends it meaning its not actually running is it? like if it was suspended and someone typed in IRC i wouldnt recieve that data since the job was suspended if that makes sense05:06
onatsbah... i think i'll just re-install the whole oracle DB05:06
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Vletaaragon: Check out 'screen'. It's great. You run screen, then run whatever you want, then hit ctrl-a then 'd' to disconnect. Then laer, run screen -r to bring it back05:07
Xoris!info vsound | Vlet05:07
ubotuvlet: vsound: Virtual loopback sound recorder and real audio converter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-4.1 (feisty), package size 14 kB, installed size 108 kB05:07
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neverblueonats, did you connect?05:07
CartasHi old chaps!  To install the latest Pidgin version, I must first uninstall Gaim?05:07
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Vletaaragon: http://f0rked.com/articles/irssi05:07
neverblueonats, running the service is a great start (before you remove/reinstall)05:07
onatsneverblue, i think i forgot the username and password already too05:07
neverblueonats, u should be able to over ride that05:07
Vletaaragon: That's one of the main reasons I use screen - for irssi05:07
jribaaronm: 'bg' :)  google for "bash job control"05:07
newbie07after i upgraded, firefox doesn't automatically install add-ons anymore, it asks me to download an xpi file instead.  Is there a way I can make it automatic again?05:07
aaronmVlet: yea i know about screen but and i do use it but i was just curious if there was another easier way that bash had built in05:07
onatsneverblue, how?05:07
Vletaaragon: what could be easier :)05:08
XorisVlet: also "audiooss" might help, with some tweaking, i suppose05:08
kaueraaronm: If you have a program and suspend it with CTL-Z, you can start that program running again *in the background* usingthe "bg" command. Note that you are OOL if the program needs to do screen IO though...05:08
brokenthornDoes anyone know a hardware oriented channel?05:08
neverblueonats, google my friend, google05:08
VletThanks Xoris!05:08
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XorisVlet: or just get a male-male cable and connect lineout to linein ;)05:08
bullgard4/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/eeprom/module/srcversion lists 'F2468447AE1D20BFAFC46B6'. How can I read the contents of this EEPROM and disassemble them?05:08
kaueraaronm: Im mean kbd IO05:08
onatsill just reinstall it05:08
neverbluewhatever suits you05:09
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xplodeyairc.ubuntu24.de #ubuntu-forum-wiki.de05:09
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VletXoris: yeah, I just figured there would be some clever nix stuff to do it more gracefully :)05:09
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kauerbullgard4: That's a highly specialised question. If you have to ask the question you can't do it :-)05:09
neverbluexplodeya, you want to add /server in front of that, I beleive :)05:09
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inquihi all agein:05:10
inquii said : sudo aptitude search wine -  he shows some packages ...05:10
inquibut i want to know which version the packages are ???05:10
inquihow to find out05:10
neverblueinqui, please, post one liners05:10
larsemilwhy is metacity not started by default in my gnome?05:10
jribinqui: apt-cache policy PACKAGE05:10
newbie07i recently installed feisty, does anyone have any security setup recommendations?05:10
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shad0wkauer: pm :)05:10
neverbluelarsemil, its just yours05:10
inquijrib : kay try it05:10
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aaronmneverblue: sudo apt-get upgrade ;D05:10
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aaronmnewbie07: sudo apt-get upgrade ;)05:11
larsemilneverblue: i klnow. how do i get it to start automaticly? i did put it in sessions05:11
XorisVlet: to be honest, vsound is somewhat lacking, i don't think it'll work reliably with all application (especially given that it emulates OSS, while most modern apps use ALSA). it's possible that ALSA has a built-in way to do that... but i'm not sure. also, some soundcards have that capability built-in and you just need to adjust a slider and/or turn on a light in the mixer. check out all the controls, including any that are not shown by defaul05:11
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iratikPackage: phpldapadmin -- ? its installed... where is it .. how do i access it?05:11
neverbluelarsemil, it does start automatically on everyone else's install05:11
shad0whow can i enable 13/udp port?05:11
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larsemilneverblue: nevermind.05:11
neverblueiratik, localhost/phpldapadmin05:11
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inquithx anyway05:11
newbie07pardon my 'newbieness' aaron, is that the same as upgrading from synaptic manager05:11
kauershad0w: I don't know how to pm.05:11
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aaronmnewbie07: yea, best thing to do is make sure that you are upgraded to the latest version05:12
shad0wkauer: when i used update-inetd, inetd was running.05:12
newbie07thanks aaron05:12
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aaroni'm aaron!05:12
aaronmnewbie07: you can also try using firestarter to setup a firewall but its not nessecary really05:12
aaronmno i am!05:12
VletXoris: thanks for the info - never really looked into this before, and figured I'd ask around before starting a lengthy search; I'll start reading up on alsa hoo-ha05:13
ubuntuEdgydose any one know why i can log on as root using ssh......error is root@'s password:05:13
ubuntuEdgyPermission denied (publickey,password).05:13
kauershad0w: What do you want to do? Don't describe what you think you need to do to achieve it, describe what you want to do. WHY do you want to enable port 13/udp?05:13
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newbie07would you recommend anti virus or is it unnecessary05:13
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ubuntuEdgyplease help................be at this for ages05:13
neverbluenewbie07, whats a virus?05:13
kauerubuntuEdgy:Because root has no password, and you haven't set up a public key.05:13
neverblueubuntuEdgy, man ssh05:13
XorisVlet: give vsound a try anyway first, even modern apps often have an OSS option05:13
ubuntuEdgynewbie07:you dont need it05:14
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shad0wkauer: a program written by me needs to connect to udp/13, to read data... to read that time ...05:14
newbie07im starting to really like ubuntu05:14
shad0wkauer: this is a exercise :)05:14
shad0wkauer: i am learning UDP sockets :)05:14
shad0wkauer: that's why i wanna enable 13/udp05:14
XorisVlet: have a look at this too http://liquidat.wordpress.com/2007/05/07/howto-record-soundcard-output-with-audacity-in-kde/   although i'm afraid (though it doesn't mention that) it only works with soundcards supporting that feature05:14
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ubuntuEdgykauer: i have plublick key im trying to use backuppc05:14
kauershad0w: wait a bit, looking...05:14
shad0wUDP time client.05:15
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shad0wif you've heard :)05:15
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shad0wto code is ready.05:15
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shad0wbut the port NOT :)05:15
shad0wthe code*05:15
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newbie07windows has a 'my computer' icon that lists all the programs in it, does ubuntu have a folder that lists all programs like firefox, xchat, etc05:15
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neverbluenewbie07, the 'my computer' lets you surf your entire system, the 'start' button gives access to shortcuts to applications on your computer05:16
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neverbluenewbie07, if you want an application in Gnome, you click.. oh suprise, applications :)05:17
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CroXIs there some easy way to compare to packages in the repository?05:17
inquineverblue:  http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb05:17
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inquiyeah thats totally it05:17
CroXI can't seem to figure out the difference between liblua5.1-0dev and liblua5.1-dev05:18
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neverblueinqui, there ya go :)05:18
inquineverblue:  FLY eieiei05:18
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spectre__can you tell me a good leechget equivalent under ubuntu ? thanks to all05:18
neverblueinqui, if you torrent, I would also recommend Cedega05:18
kauershad0w: paste your /etc/inetd.conf file to the pastebin05:18
Jeruvynewbie07: thats not entirely true.  The 'Start Menu' can have many applications added to it during installation and/or manually.  Alacarte has the same capability for ubuntu.05:18
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inquineverblue:  i wnat to support wine - because i think they do the main work ...05:19
newbie07thanks jeruvy05:19
enrywhat is the ge05:19
neverblueu code?05:19
enryneal discussion ' room?05:19
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inquineverblue:  no -  but i will :D05:19
TheOldFellowWireless help needed for Feisty.  In roaming mode it finds the network, but never does the dhcp setup.05:19
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neverblueinqui, good luck05:20
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neverblue!wireless | TheOldFellow05:20
ubotuTheOldFellow: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:20
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bittishey guys, how can i create a startup script in ubuntu that will actually export enviroment variables?05:20
sanguisde2ok does the package manger install thing in non standatd locations05:20
bittisi created a script in the /etc/init.d directory05:20
inquineverblue:  yeah ... now i am into robotics wanna go dragonfly bsd  ... one day05:20
bittisbut doesnt affect anything05:20
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neverbluebittis, welcome to bash scripting :)05:21
sanguisde2when I install from sourcec programs are able to be found but other  ./ configre files05:21
shad0wkauer: http://rafb.net/p/3lUjol47.html05:21
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sanguisde2 but when I install from the package manger it cant be found05:21
bittisneverblue: any sugestions? :)05:21
neverbluebittis, there are more than enough bash-scripting tutorials online05:22
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jribsanguisde2: I don't understand your question05:22
bittisneverblue: followed a few, my script works if i run it from the shell using  . script.sh05:22
aaronmis there an easy way to uninstall a program i compiled from source?05:22
bittisbut when it comes to starting up it does nothing05:22
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jribbittis: you want to change environment variables for your user?05:22
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Ronaldaaragon: occasionally make uninstall, but its very very unreliable, if it works at all.05:23
neverbluebittis, maybe post your .sh on pastebin?05:23
kauershad0w: try "daytime" instead of "time" (time is port 37, not 13)05:23
kauershad0w: Did you run update-inetd as root (i.e., with sudo?)05:23
bittisjrib: i installed java manually, then i wrote an .sh script to export the path to JAVA_HOME and add the bin folder to the PATH05:23
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inquineverblue:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApspTluZO4Y05:23
inqui this is my team ...05:23
inqui~ we are the first who tried this one ... for gods sake noone was harmed -anyway05:23
bittisso i have: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java05:24
bittisfor example05:24
Xorisaaragon: not unless an uninstaller is provided. try "make uninstall" from the source directory05:24
jribbittis: ok, you want to change these things for only your user or for everyone?05:24
Xorisaaragon: next time, consider using checkinstall05:24
Xoris!checkinstall > aaragon05:24
bittisjrib: for everyone05:24
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sanguisde2jrib: I have used the the package manger to install all the libs I am suposed to need but then I go to compile and the ./configre script cant find the program it needs, so I install it manualy from source, and the configure file can find the software05:24
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jribbittis: use /etc/environment ,  but why not use the packaged java and save yourself this trouble?05:24
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newbie07i downloaded a firefox add-on in .xpi format, how do i install it?05:25
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bittisjrib: i am writting a guide for a package installation and i do not want it to be dependend on apt05:25
kauershad0w: For sh**s sake pay attention. We are having a conversation here, I don't enjoy waiting minutes for replies.05:25
CartasIs getting a Creative Soundcard easy work with Ubuntu? :s05:25
aaronmCartas: my audigy 2 works right outta the box ;)05:26
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CartasHm, that didn't make particularly much sense now, did it?05:26
CartasOh, hm...05:26
sanguisde2jrib: so the querstion is why does the package manager install thing in non standard locations that the ./configure scripts cant find05:26
jribsanguisde2: join me in #ubuntu-classroom please05:26
CartasI have no sound after having installing Ubuntu, aaronm.05:26
sanguisde2hehe getting schooled05:26
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neverbluenice inqui05:26
newbie07what is bash history05:27
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kauershad0w: Anyway, simplest method is probably edit /etc/inetd.conf manually. The do "ps ax | grep inet" and "kill -HUP" the inetd process after the edit.05:27
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neverbluenewbie07, its a history of your previous commands you typed in a shell05:27
newbie07thanks nb05:27
neverbluenewbie07, i think some readin, rather than asking general questions in an irc, is in order :)05:27
neverbluenewbie07, google 'ubuntu guide'05:28
newbie07point me to some material!05:28
newbie07ok thanks05:28
shad0wkauer: i runned update-inetd as root.05:28
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shad0wusing sudo05:28
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shad0wkauer: 18:23 < kauer> shad0w: try "daytime" instead of "time" (time is port 37, not 13)05:28
kauershad0w: Anyway, simplest method is probably edit /etc/inetd.conf manually. The do "ps ax | grep inet" and "kill -HUP" the inetd process after the edit.05:28
shad0wkauer: i need 1305:28
shad0wkauer: not 37 :)05:29
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shad0wkauer: after the edit?05:29
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shad0wediting /etc/inetd.conf ?05:29
kauershad0w: You tried to enable "time". That is port 37. If you need port 13, enable "daytime" instead.05:29
tom17bombadili have installed java 5 on my 7.04; but java -version tells: java version "1.4.2"05:29
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kauershad0w: Yes. Edit the file, save the file, then HUP the inetd process.05:29
harbingerkunHow does one go about finding out the (1) Default system charset and (2) The charset of a speicifed file05:30
shad0wbut what to modify in the file ?05:30
shad0wwhat to write?05:30
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kauershad0w: Remove the hash in front of the daytime UDP entry. And any leading spaces too.05:30
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jrib!multijava > tom17bombadil (see the private message from ubotu)05:30
ubuntuEdgykauer: neverblue:  http://pastebin.ca/65119405:30
heyadayohow do I unblock port 25 in ubuntu via a remote shell?05:31
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shad0wkauer: line 25: remove the "#" ?05:31
shad0wkauer: that's all ?05:31
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Cooldude2aa2621HELP HELP!05:31
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kauershad0w: Yes. And any leading spaces that may be there. That's all.05:31
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Cooldude2aa2621How to i boot the CD?05:32
Dr_willisCooldude2aa2621,  pop it in pc. power up.05:32
Vletheyadayo: Try iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 25 -j ACCEPT05:32
Dr_willisCooldude2aa2621,  assuming your bios is set to boot from the cd.05:32
zitnerDoes anyone know how to get to root in terminal.   I'm trying to fully uninstall a program, and it say do it in root.05:32
Dr_willisCooldude2aa2621,  i would guess a badly burnt cd, or messed image file then.05:32
jrib!root > zitner (see the private message from ubotu)05:33
shad0wkauer: but if i remove any space @ that line, there will seem to be a single long word.05:33
kauerubuntuEdgy: In Ubuntu, you cannot by default log in as root. Unless you have done something to change that (which you should NOT do!) then you will never be able to log in as root.05:33
shad0wis this normal?05:33
Cooldude2aa2621i got the image file05:33
Cooldude2aa2621i didn't burn the image file05:33
Vletzitner: put 'sudo' first05:33
Dr_willisCooldude2aa2621, how did you burn the .iso file to disk? You need to clafify a bit more.05:33
kauershad0w: Not all spaces, just leading spaces. That is spaces at the start of the line.05:33
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Cooldude2aa2621i used deamon tools05:33
Cooldude2aa2621to extract it.05:33
Dr_willisCooldude2aa2621,  dare we ask WHY... :)05:33
Cooldude2aa2621and then i got the files inside and burned it05:33
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Dr_willisCooldude2aa2621,  you just wasted your time then.05:34
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:34
ubuntuEdgy kauer: i understand.... but i really need to. i want to use a backup too called backuppc05:34
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VletCooldude2aa2621: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto?highlight=%28burn%29%7C%28iso%2905:34
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Cooldude2aa2621Well i pop it in and mozila comes up05:34
exyanwhere do I get bin2iso ?05:34
Dr_willisCooldude2aa2621,  use a image burning tool to burn the cd .iso file to disk05:34
Dr_willisCooldude2aa2621,  that dosdent mean its bootable.05:34
Cooldude2aa2621OH SHIT OH YA05:34
Cooldude2aa2621I REMEMBER HOW05:34
ubuntuEdgy kauer: my server will be loging on as root thats all05:34
Cooldude2aa2621sorry i forgot to make it bootable05:34
Cooldude2aa2621i remember.05:34
s0nixanyone play Age of Empires III with wine here ?05:34
Cooldude2aa2621I DO!05:34
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exyanwhere do I get bin2iso ?05:34
shad0wheh kauer: works05:35
shad0wkauer: thanks05:35
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dgjonesCooldude2aa2621, just burn the iso to a cd and boot up with that, you don't need to extract the files inside the iso05:35
kauerubuntuEdgy: The right way to run commands as root is to use sudo. Can you log in (as you), then use sudo, or is it imperative that the login is as root?05:35
VletCooldude2aa2621: You don't want to just put the FILES on the disk and then make it bootable... this'll show you how to do it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto05:35
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bittisjrib: thanks for your help :)05:35
aranghi  i need desperate help with WPA_supplicant and ndiswrapper about to go into mental shock please help05:35
kauershad0w: No worries. I don't know why update-inetd didn't work though, that would have been nicer...05:35
heyadayoVlet: thanks05:35
Dr_willisVlet,  one of those days when the guy talks when he should be listening....05:35
ubuntuEdgykauer: yeh thats the only way the guide talks about05:36
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ubuntuEdgykauer the server need to log on as root to backup the important stuff05:36
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kauerI didn't read the guide. Give me the gist of it: You need to log in remotely, then cause some command to be run as root. Is this something that will be done manually, or is it necessary to automate the login and the execution of the command?05:37
neverblueubuntuEdgy, can you access the box directly05:37
neverblueubuntuEdgy, not sshing into it...05:37
neverbluecan you physically walk to the box05:37
kauerneverblue: Can you hold offa  minute?05:37
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neverblueall yours05:37
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exyanwhere do I get bin2iso ? or at least how to mount/extract a .bin file?05:37
Dr_willisexyan,  you are refering to a cue/bin cd rom image file?05:38
kauerneverblue: I know where you are going ( I think) but we should avoid that solution if we can, no? :-)05:38
ubuntuEdgyneverblue: what you mean .......ftp and stuff05:38
exyanDr_willis: yes, without a cue05:38
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Dr_willisexyan,  i think theres a bchunk progam that can conert them to iso05:38
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Cooldude2aa2621hmm does ubuntu support kismopte or w/e?05:39
zitnerThank you, it's been so long since I've used Ubuntu, I forget the little things, lol.05:39
Dr_willisor kiso, or perhaps some othe rtools05:39
neverblueall your kauer05:39
larsemilanyone good at mergedfb?05:39
zitnerWindows has made me retarded.05:39
Vletexyan: check out CDemu05:39
Cooldude2aa2621Does UBUNTU SUPPORT AIR CRACK ETC?05:39
ubuntuEdgyneverblue http://pastebin.ca/65120705:39
neverblue!caps | Cooldude2aa262105:39
ubotuCooldude2aa2621: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:39
rubchangeuhmm, why tar does not copy symlinks if it points to another dir like ../../ ? it05:39
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Cooldude2aa2621lol >.<05:39
neverblueubuntuEdgy, I am no longer assisting you05:39
ubuntuEdgyerror from the backup tool05:39
exyanVlet: don't u think it'll just use 'mount' :P? which doesn't mount bin files?05:40
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tyler_derror installing open office conversion tool... reports http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33153/05:40
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ubuntuEdgyneverblue thanks you kind of helped a  bit05:40
kauershad0w: Could you answer my question, please? It's easier if one person assists at a time. If I can't help you, neverblue will have a go ;-)05:40
Cooldude2aa2621How do i make it bootable with nero 7 Burn image?05:40
tyler_dI have an office converter installed, missing encoding for excel 200705:40
VletCooldude2aa2621: Ubuntu is just a linux distro... it depends on whether or not the wifi driver aircrack uses supports your card. best to consult the aircrack website05:40
neverblueCooldude2aa2621, this isnt a windows channel05:40
Cooldude2aa2621i got dlink 12205:40
neverblueCooldude2aa2621, google making an iso05:41
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dgjonesCooldude2aa2621, just burn the iso to a cd and boot up with that, you don't need to extract the files inside the iso05:41
VletCooldude2aa2621: If using nero, you just (I think from the file menu) select 'burn iso image' (or something like that) that will do it. that's all you need to do05:41
Gh0Sty2KFolks. in SSH how can i see who else is logged on and from where?05:41
Gh0Sty2Kwhats the command?05:41
Cooldude2aa2621i prob is i made the cd i just don't know how to make it bootable05:41
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aaronmGh0Sty2K: users shows who's logged into your system05:41
Dr_willisCooldude2aa2621,  you are trying too hard.. you JUST need to burn the iso file as a 'iso image' under the nero menus. DONT extract./convert05:41
Cooldude2aa2621kk burn iso image thanks :P05:41
Gh0Sty2Kthanks amte05:41
dgjonesCooldude2aa2621, the image when burned to a cd is bootable05:41
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:41
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Dr_willisCooldude2aa2621,  or get a tool like 'isorecorder' or 'burn at once'05:42
ubuntuEdgyGh0Sty2K: try "w"05:42
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Cooldude2aa2621Are you guyz like at offices ?05:42
neverblueDr_willis, trying to hard, I think its not hard enough :)05:42
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate05:42
Cooldude2aa2621ubotu who care u the creator? of it05:42
kauershad0w: Could you answer my question, please? As I understand you, you need to log in to another computer remotely, then cause some command to be run as root. Is this something that will be done manually, or is it necessary to automate the login and the execution of the command?05:43
Dr_willisneverblue,  at least he hasent just dragged/dropped the iso file to the cd. :)05:43
VletGh0Sty2K: try: netstat | grep ssh05:43
neverblueDr_willis, whats wrong with that :)05:43
Dr_willisCooldude2aa2621,  thats a bot. :)05:43
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tribe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:43
Dr_willisneverblue,  good way to store the iso file. :)05:43
Cooldude2aa2621Im not good with mirc anymore05:43
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Cooldude2aa2621i just wanna hack a WIFI05:43
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Vletcalm down :)05:43
neverblue!caps | Cooldude2aa262105:43
ubotuCooldude2aa2621: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:43
bittishmm i actually have another problem now, there seem to be 2 packages that respond to the java command, the gnu one and the sun one, any idea as to how to have the sun one be the one that comes up?05:43
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neverbluebittis, covered in the 'ubuntu guide', which you can google05:44
Dr_willismIRC is one of Many IRC clients.. (and i dont even find it a good irc client) :)05:44
bittisneverblue: excelent! thanks :)05:44
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Cooldude2aa2621Can someone tell me how to hack a WEP ?05:44
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok05:44
Cooldude2aa2621how to hack it easily?05:45
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jribneverblue: ?05:45
Dr_willisCooldude2aa2621,  seen articals on web sites about it.. time to hit foofle I think05:45
Dr_willisgoogle. :)05:45
AmaranthCooldude2aa2621: Illegal discussion is offtopic for this channel05:45
Xorisjrib: Cooldude2aa2621 insisting about hacking wireless lans05:45
Cooldude2aa2621no i said05:45
Cooldude2aa2621UER GAY05:45
AmaranthCooldude2aa2621: And modern WEP cannot be 'cracked'05:45
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=== Dr_willis waves bye bye
neverbluehe will be back05:45
AmaranthAnd that's the end of that05:45
mc44Amaranth: WEP can, WAP not sos much :)05:45
neverbluehe has a bnc setup05:46
Clu3l3sshi guys. just installed an atheros 5212 based pci wireless card, and it recognizes ok (ifconfig, lspci, etc.), but no networks show up in the network manager, and manually connecting simply times out.  any tips on how to troubleshoot?05:46
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Amaranthmc44: Nope05:46
Dr_willishes such a leet haxor. :)05:46
Amaranthmc44: Cracking WEP depends on the router leaking weak IVs05:46
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nixternal!offtopic | Amaranth05:46
ubotuAmaranth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:46
=== nixternal runs and hides!
Amaranthmc44: It's still doable but you'd have to sit there for a week sniffing on a normal network05:46
Amaranthnixternal: oops :)05:47
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kauerubuntuEdgy: (not shad0w, oops): Could you answer my question, please? As I understand you, you need to log in to another computer remotely, then cause some command to be run as root. Is this something that will be done manually, or is it necessary to automate the login and the execution of the command?05:47
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alecwhI just set up "FreeNX", and I'm trying to get it working. I have it set up on the server, but I can't seem to connect to it. I get the following error:05:47
alecwhNX> 200 Connected to address: on port: 888805:47
alecwhConnection closed by
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ZeroOne`i'm having problems setting up my internet05:48
ubuntuEdgykauer: hi05:48
kauerZeroOne: I'm having problems with my dual-flush toilet.05:48
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ubuntuEdgykauer:  its all done automatically.05:48
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ubuntuEdgyserver wakes the pcs for a back up schedule05:49
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ZeroOne`any one able to help?05:50
ubuntuEdgytry this  ssh -l root clientHostName whoami05:50
kauerubuntuEdgy: So is that ssh actually from the server to a client pc?05:50
larsemilso i felt my system is a little buggy, with crashes all the time etc etc. and now i noticed i have 64 cpu in the machine and not a 32... do i need to reinstall?05:50
neverblue!ask | ZeroOne`05:50
ubotuZeroOne`: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:50
keitois there any way of ever getting the thumbnail view for a folder in Ubuntu (without using emblems). I have lots of folder with corresponding artwork within the folder.  In explorer this was a great feature.  Nautilus doesn't offer this and I honestly can't imageine why with linux being so great and all05:51
ubuntuEdgykauer its from server to client pc05:51
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neverbluelarsemil, u may want to05:51
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ZeroOne`well my internet will not work when i run my ubuntu05:51
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bittisjrib: Does the /etc/enviroment take effect when you are in a shell and sudo -s ? it doesnt appear to be the case, not sure why05:51
neverblueZeroOne`, why is that?05:52
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larsemilneverblue: could that be the reason its so buggy/crashy?05:52
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andreas_hi all05:52
neverbluelarsemil, you have a 32bit processor?05:52
ZeroOne`no idea05:52
neverblueZeroOne`, your here....05:52
jribbittis: probably only when you log into the gui, though I'm not sure05:52
larsemilneverblue: no 64.. but a 32bit install05:52
andreas_short question: is it a problem to put / on an extended partition?05:52
neverbluelarsemil, that configuration is just fine05:52
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ZeroOne`neverblue: dual boot system :P05:52
ubuntuEdgykauer i have exchanged the public keys but it staiil cant log on as root. and i done see a way to make it run "sudo su"05:52
kauerubuntuEdgy: Well, you can set up a root password on the client with "sudo passwd" and then root will be able to log in. This is generally not a good idea :-(05:52
ubuntuEdgyor sudo -i05:53
neverbluelarsemil, a 64bit system doesnt require a 64bit OS05:53
neverblueZeroOne`, you want to give some details, rather than people just guessing randomly?05:53
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kauerubuntuEdgy. I repeat: Unless you specifically set a root password, NO AMOUNT of work will let root log in.05:53
Xorisandreas_: hm no, it shouldn't be05:53
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ubuntuEdgyi want to set a root password05:53
ZeroOne`well basically neverblue how the fk do i set the connection up05:54
ubuntuEdgyhow kauer?05:54
ZeroOne`i'm a linux n00b05:54
Clu3l3sshi guys. just installed an atheros 5212 based pci wireless card, and it recognizes ok (ifconfig, lspci, etc.), but no networks show up in the network manager, and manually connecting simply times out.  any tips on how to troubleshoot?05:54
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neverblueZeroOne`, you give no details of your setup, cannot help you05:54
neverbluehave a nice day05:54
kauerubuntuEdgy: I just told you!05:54
Ryuzaki23I'm in Ubuntu Gutsy05:54
jribubuntuEdgy: ssh blocks root logins by default (with good reason)05:54
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Ryuzaki23and Openoffice doesn't work05:54
Ryuzaki23it's normal ?05:54
neverblueRyuzaki23, one liners please05:54
kauerubuntuEdgy: "sudo passwd" on the cient05:54
jribRyuzaki23: #ubuntu+1  for help with gutsy05:54
ubuntuEdgyohh i see now jrib05:55
Dr_williswith ssh - its best practice to ssh in as user then use sudo -s, or similer.05:55
Ryuzaki23jrib, ok, thanks05:55
andreas_Xoris: thx, I was a bit unsure about this05:55
ZeroOne`neverblue i'm using the latest release of ubuntu and ntl cable 250 modem05:55
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jribubuntuEdgy: I agree with what Dr_willis recommended05:55
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ubuntuEdgyso do i05:55
neverblueZeroOne`, how do you know your internet does not work?05:55
ZeroOne`because i have tried to connect and it wont05:56
deltarayI accidently ran synaptic and apt-get at the same time, now it seems that my package database is corrupted.  What can do to rebuild it or get it back to normal?05:56
neverblueZeroOne`, how so?05:56
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neverblueZeroOne`, by connecting, you mean what?05:56
ubuntuEdgyshouldt this work  ssh -l root clientHostName whoami05:56
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Ryuzaki23jrib, i see #ubuntu+1 is not active05:56
ubuntuEdgynot not that05:56
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shad0wkauer: PM05:56
ZeroOne`actually accessing the net05:56
kauerubuntuEdgy: The problem is that you want to automate this. To get it working, enable root logins ona client. When you are happy that everything works, figure out a way to NOT have the root login.05:56
shad0wkauer: :)05:56
ubuntuEdgythis http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/faq/ssh.html#how_do_i_setup_openssh05:56
neverblueZeroOne`, using what?05:56
Clu3l3ssZeroOne`: have you tried an ifconfig?05:56
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kauershad0w: If I knew how to PM, I would. Explain it to me. I use gaim.05:57
neverbluegl Clu3l3ss05:57
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shad0w:) heh.05:57
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[Eclipse] hey, any of you done any python scripting?05:57
ZeroOne`no Clu3l3ss as i said i am new to linux05:57
ubuntuEdgyand i do that by "sudo paswwd05:57
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ZeroOne`only loaded it today05:57
shad0wkauer: join another channel. I cannot explain in this mess. :)05:57
neverblue[Eclipse] , i wish05:57
shad0wkauer: let's :)05:57
kauerubuntuEdgy: Yes.05:57
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neverbluekauer, can you physically go to the box your trying to ssh?05:58
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kauershad0w: Hang ona  bit, trying to help ubuntuEdgy here...05:58
ubuntuEdgyi found some one with the same issue
Yarcanoxdoes anyone know the apt-get-name of the qt opengl extension, I just can't find it05:58
neverbluei mean ubuntuEdgy05:58
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ikoniaYarcanox: do an apt-cache search05:58
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YarcanoxI find tons of python gl stuff, mesa packages etc and installed some of them05:58
Yarcanoxhow can I do that ikonia05:58
kauerneverblue: Over to you, Blue Leader :-)05:58
neverblueubuntuEdgy, can you physically go to the box your trying to ssh into?05:58
YarcanoxI tried aptitude search05:58
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ikoniaYarcanox: it may not exist05:58
Clu3l3ssZeroOne`: ok, well that's one thing to try in a terminal - ifconfig and see if your card is there, and if it's picked up an ip address. you can also check your startup log with dmesg and see if the card is recognized or if there are any errors.05:58
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Yarcanoxbut it even existed on suse ikonia o.O05:58
ikoniathis isn't suse05:58
ikoniadistro don't pacakge the same thing05:59
ubuntuEdgynot easily --but yes i can05:59
ZeroOne`k will try that05:59
EJafter i have ndiswrapper installed, and the ap is recognized with the WEP key, what is the command to make it active? On other Distros i have used "dhcpcd wlan0".05:59
Yarcanoxyea I know, but I thought ubuntu would have the package if suse does05:59
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neverblueubuntuEdgy, can u access root on the box?05:59
Yarcanoxas ubuntu seems to have a bigger package base05:59
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ubuntuEdgynever blue yes05:59
ikoniaYarcanox: nah, its maintainers choice what gets packaged05:59
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jribYarcanox: have you enabled universe?05:59
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Yarcanoxhmm dunno jrib06:00
neverblueubuntuEdgy, ssh is running on it, and the sudo password is set, is that correct?06:00
Yarcanoxhow can I find out if I have06:00
jribYarcanox: system -> administration -> software sources06:00
kauershad0w: Just talk (sigh). Don't know how to PM, how useless is that?06:00
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ubuntuEdgyit has ssh, i can loh on and run sudo su06:00
EJanyone ?06:00
ubuntuEdgyor sudo -i06:00
jrib!please > EJ (see the private message from ubotu)06:00
neverblueubuntuEdgy, so you can ssh into the box?06:00
neverblueubuntuEdgy, whats the issue exactly?06:01
EJsry 1 sec06:01
ubuntuEdgy:-/Never mind06:01
kauerneverblue: Thought you'd get round to that eventually, he he :-)06:01
neverbluekauer :P06:01
Clu3l3ssreally odd - i have a laptop using the same atheros chipset, and it was literally plug&play, but this desktop doesn't see any wireless networks.06:01
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neverblueubuntuEdgy, what is your issue?06:01
Yarcanoxjrib there's nothing like universe06:01
ikoniaClu3l3ss: depends on how the cards impliment it06:01
Yarcanoxdo you mean I should select the main server06:01
Yarcanoxinstead of a local one06:02
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ikoniaYarcanox: ???? no the universe repo06:02
neverbluewell, sorry, I have to run06:02
neverbluegood luck06:02
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jribYarcanox: it's the second checkbox on the first tab:  "Community-maintained Open Source software (universe)"06:02
Yarcanoxit is checked ikonia06:02
kauerneverblue: He can't ssh into the box *as root*. Because Ubuntu doesn't allow root logins. He can fix this by running "sudo passwd" on the client PC he is trying to log into.06:02
Yarcanoxit is already activated06:02
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Clu3l3ssikonia: it's picked up, i can see it in iwconfig and ifconfig, dmesg, lspci, etc., but no networks.  any idea where i can look?06:02
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jribYarcanox: apt-cache search qt opengl    turns up a bunch of packages here06:03
bittisjrib: if i edit the .bashrc and say PATH="/usr/local/java/bin:$PATH" would this add that path to the root path?06:03
ikoniaClu3l3ss: if its picked up, have you configured the essid or done an iwlist06:03
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kayefhow can i set skype to have highest priority on my network bandwidth?i am using ubuntu 7.0406:03
jribbittis: what do you mean by "root path"?06:03
ikoniakayef: depends whats controlling your network06:03
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Clu3l3ssikonia: such as:  iwlist ath0 scanning ??06:04
bittisjrib: the path for the root account, so that when i sudo i will have /pathtosomewhere available06:04
kayefikonia: how can i find that out?06:04
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ikoniakayef: who setup your network ?06:04
kayefikonia: i did it myself06:04
kayefikonia: built in LAN card on a laptop06:04
Clu3l3ssikonia: or accesspoints?  they find nothing, but no errors.06:04
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ikoniakayef: so you need to configure some sort of traffic shaping or quos on your networking devices/switch/router06:05
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kauerubuntuEdgy: On the client PC, run "sudo passwd" to set up a password for the root account. You should then be able to log into the client PC as root using ssh. It may be that you also have to modify sshd_config to allow root logins (ssh generally forbids them too). Personally, a backup solution that required a remote root login is not one I would use....06:05
XorisubuntuEdgy: i'd leave the root account (and ssh) alone. and instead create a user who can only execute *one* command (the one you want) as root, and use that. tweaking sudoers allows that (man sudoers), or you could use other similar utilities such as "super"06:05
ikoniaClu3l3ss: I mean your ESSID06:05
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ikoniaClu3l3ss: or scan for an ESSID06:05
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kayefikonia: how can i do tat?06:05
Clu3l3ssikonia: using network manager, i try to connect manually, but it stops/timesout after a bit.06:05
jribbittis: ah, maybe if you are changing /root/.bashrc, but sudo does some cleaning up on the PATH when you use it like "sudo command"06:05
kauerXoris: Good suggestions.06:05
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ikoniakayef: depends on your network devices06:05
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ikoniaClu3l3ss: sounds odd06:05
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ubuntuEdgyXoris: very good piont06:06
ubuntuEdgyXoris: thanks06:06
kayefikonia: i have a lan card and a router, so how do i set it?06:06
bittisjrib: yeah was refering to /root/.bashrc, it seems that it still does not accept the path i set there06:06
TackFurlonot sure if any of the core devs for Ubuntu are here, but since I don't use bugzilla, consider this my "you probably already know this" bug report. The wifi driver for the broadcom wifi cards detects that it works for 11 cards, but only really works for 4 of them, so 7 cards get the module loaded where it doesn't actually work.06:06
Clu3l3ssikonia: yah.  any idea which log i might find more info in?06:06
ikoniakayef: you have to configure your router06:06
tom17bombadiljrib: thank you!06:06
ikoniaClu3l3ss: syslog is a good start06:06
ubuntuEdgyi feel stupid now06:06
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TackFurlowhich makes installing NDISwrapper later a pain because you have to remove the broadcom module first06:06
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XorisubuntuEdgy: on my system, i even have a "backup" user and group already set up, though i'm not sure it's there by default. you just need to tell sudo that the "backup" user can run your backup command (and *only* that command) as root, without being asked for a sudo password. still, you've got to be careful that the backup command can't be misused06:07
TackFurloanyhow...that's all for now. otherwise I've had difficulty finding any bugs in 6.10, so I'm happy today.06:07
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ikonia6.10 is dead06:07
Clu3l3ssikonia: this could be something -- Aug  9 08:44:10 ubuntubox avahi-autoipd(ath0)[6941] : fopen() failed: Permission denied06:07
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jribbittis: sudo tries to keep the environment secure, and in ubuntu I think the path is when it is compiled06:08
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kdub432o-K  stickperson!06:08
ikoniaClu3l3ss: at a glance it looks like it can't open the device, ether conflict or permissions06:08
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jrib!away > assasukasse (see the private message from ubotu)06:08
ikonia!away > ass06:08
MikeyPizanoi need help06:08
ikoniatoo slow06:08
ikoniaMikeyPizano: then ask your question06:08
bittisjrib: in other words there is no way of changing that path?06:09
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ikoniajrib: they arn't even his screen shorts06:09
jribbittis: you can rebuild the package06:09
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MikeyPizanoi have a thinkpad t20 with a fresh ubuntu install, usb iwill work once then stops until i reboot06:09
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jrib!source > bittis (see the private message from ubotu)06:09
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ikoniaMikeyPizano: at what point does it stop06:09
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jribbittis: I can't really think of a good reason to do so though06:09
MikeyPizanoas soon as i unplug the first thing06:09
EJ[ jrib] : can you have ubotu resend pm plz06:09
kayefikonia: i am using linksys wrt-54g compact model, how to configure?06:09
Clu3l3ssok, thanks for your time.06:10
ikoniaMikeyPizano: p=ulling things out can hang the bus06:10
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iratikI've that all i _really_ need to do to upgrade is replace dapper with feisty in sources.list and run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade ?06:10
MikeyPizanoi hit eject first06:10
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ikoniakayef: sorry - I don't support routers in this channel, try the linksys site06:10
ikoniaMikeyPizano: did it say its safe to remove?06:10
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jribEJ: it was just asking you to repeat your question instead of asking "anyone?"06:10
MikeyPizanoi think so06:10
ikoniadid you make sure all windows and programs accessing it where shut06:10
bittisjrib: sudo -i solves the problem actually06:11
ikoniaMikeyPizano: you need to check that and report back to us06:11
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MikeyPizanook hold on, lemme boot it06:11
kayefikonia: ok, thanks for pointing me in the right direction06:11
ikoniano problem06:11
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MikeyPizanoikonia, do u have aim perhaps?06:11
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ikoniaI do yes06:11
ikoniabut this channel is fine for discussing06:11
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MikeyPizanocan i have ur name, this chat is a lil fast for me lol06:11
EJoh ok06:12
jribbittis: ah, so it ends up sourcing .bashrc then?06:12
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EJafter i have ndiswrapper installed, and the ap is recognized with the WEP key, what is the command to make it active? On other Distros i have used "dhcpcd wlan0".06:12
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MikeyPizanoalso, do you know how to force acpi?06:12
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ikoniaMikeyPizano: force it ?06:12
ikoniaits enabled by default06:12
MikeyPizanonot on older ibm thinkpads ;)06:12
ikoniayes it is06:12
ikoniaas its in the kernel06:13
ikonianot the laptop06:13
MikeyPizanomine said it needed to be forced on06:13
ikoniacan you show me where ?06:13
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MikeyPizanoits in the bios, theres a page on thinkwiki i think, hold on06:13
aaronmhow do i get my sub to work under ubuntu? audigy 2 zs sound card06:13
enkohello, i have installed ubuntu and everything works fine except my wireless inernet connection through my router. Ubuntu recognizes the available networks and asks for the networkkey but is unable to log in altough i provided the right key... anyone has some tips?06:13
basti`lab0Sylpheed quakt immer rum: "Kann Datei nicht schreiben", beim Mail-Empfang. Das nervt. Lungsvorschlge?06:13
lousygaruais there a similar to map a hostname to a different hostname, instead of using /etc/hosts to map a hostname to an IP? or i should use a small localhost DNS server for that06:13
ikoniaenko: are you using the right encryption method06:14
enkoyes the wep 12806:14
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EJim having the same issue enko06:14
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basti`lab0Wrong Channel. Sorry.06:14
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enkoalready reconfigured my router...06:14
EJenko:do you have an ip address ?06:14
sabayonuserhi, is there a way to install ubuntu from another distribution ?06:14
EJrun ifconfig06:14
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ikoniasabayonuser: no06:14
sabayonuserikonia: waha :'806:15
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sabayonuserI can't install Ubuntu then I guess06:15
ikoniadoesn't look like it06:15
MikeyPizanolinux takes so damn long to boot lol06:15
ikoniayour using quite an old bit of kit mikey06:15
sabayonuserMikeyPizano: Ubuntu does06:15
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MikeyPizanostill faster then suse lol06:16
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sabayonuseryep :D06:16
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MikeyPizanook ikonia: i just plgged ib flash drive06:16
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lhothello, im having a bit of trouble upgrading my system, from 6.06 to 6.10 to 7.04, i've done it before but i cant remember how i did it06:17
enkoej: can you see my private chat?06:17
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jeddhaberstroHi, does anyone know how I could dual boot Ubuntu on a Intel Macbook?06:17
MikeyPizanono safe to remove agfter hitting eject but the drive is gone06:17
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ikoniasounds reasonable06:17
ikoniajeddhaberstro: you need bootcamp06:17
lhotcorrect me if im wrong, but the command is... sudo apt-get dist upgrade install06:18
EJno enko but i think i solved out issue06:18
ikonialhot: its wrong06:18
enkohow come ej?06:18
jeddhaberstroikonia, I've seen some guides using bootcamp, but it seems I need to triple boot (w/ windows)06:18
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lhotmay i ask for the proper command?06:18
jeddhaberstrocan, I just use linux?06:18
ikoniajeddhaberstro: no you don't just linux06:18
MikeyPizanoikonia, can you talk to me on aim, my screen name is mikrey pizano06:18
EJsudo dhclient wlan0 - to activate DHCP client to get an IP from the router... (router needs to have DHCP server activated)....06:18
ikoniaMikeyPizano: no sorry06:18
jeddhaberstroso, I have to triple boot?06:18
enkook i'll try06:18
ikoniajeddhaberstro: no - you can use mac and linux06:18
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kimmey2k3What can I use to record screen/webcam?06:19
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MikeyPizanook the port is working twice this time06:19
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PriceChild!screencast | kimmey2k306:19
ubotukimmey2k3: Some programs to capture your screen are Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.06:19
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kimmey2k3Thanks! :)06:20
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MikeyPizanoand it stoped06:20
enkoej: it gives an error, (no such device), maybe because i'm on a wired network right now?06:20
Bosambo sudo apt-get dist upgrade install06:20
cellofellowsudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:20
lhotthank you bosambo06:20
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EJdo you have a wlan0 listing when you run ifconfig ?06:21
ikoniaits not got isntall ont he end06:21
onatshi, my laptop's processors seem to be running at full speed, does ubuntu already have controls with regards to cpu utilization?06:21
BosamboI'm sorry what did I do?06:21
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ikoniaapt-get dist-upgrade install06:21
cellofellowonats: there is throttling, for cpu's and motherboards that support it.06:21
BosamboOh wait...I didn't type that?!06:21
ikonia<Bosambo>  sudo apt-get dist upgrade install06:21
ikoniayes you did06:21
onatscellofellow, is that automatic? or manually adjusted?06:22
orange__How i install flash player when it say "your architecture \'x86_64\ is not supported ..."06:22
MikeyPizanocellofollow: does it suport a 750mhz p3?06:22
=== Cyrus25801 [n=cyrus@dsl-241-182-91.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
BosamboI guess I hit the middle button on my mouse while I wasn't lookin06:22
ikoniaorange__: flash isn't supported on 64bit OS's06:22
cellofellowonats: as far as I know, automatic.06:22
cellofellowMikeyPizano: not likely.06:22
EJ[ enko] : do you have a wlan0 listing when you run ifconfig ?06:22
Cyrus25801hey guys can one attach VLC's playlist to the player it self?06:22
enkotoo bminute ej06:22
MikeyPizanooh, i know my other laptop (turion ml32) would scale but not lock06:22
enkosorry, i'll check06:22
enkoconnection was gone06:22
lhothmmmm... it didnt do anything06:22
cellofelloworange__: you can install the 32bit version of the OS on the 64bit system.06:22
ikonialhot: what do you want to do ?06:22
lhothow do i do it GUI style?06:22
enkoi'll trhy this06:23
cellofelloworange__: you likely won't notice a performance difference.06:23
orange__cellofellow how would i do that06:23
lhotupgrade to 6.1006:23
ikonialhot: what version are you using now ?06:23
EJno thats your wired connection06:23
EJ[ enko] : no thats your wired connection06:23
cellofelloworange__: reinstall using the normal PC version CD.06:23
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MikeyPizanohmm, my usb hub isnt working...06:23
ikonialhot: 6.0.6 is an LTS version 6.10 is not an LTS version so apt will not upgrade it manually06:23
ikoniaupgrade it automaticlly06:23
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orange__cellofellow normal ?06:23
EJ[ enko] : how many nics do you have in you sys ?06:23
ikoniaorange__: 32 b it version06:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about throttling - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:24
ikonialhot: you have to maunally change all the sources06:24
cellofelloworange__: you can also set up a chroot environment where you run the 32bit apps.06:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:24
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ikonialhot: the update the packages06:24
Cyrus25801can I attach VLC's playlist to the player it self?06:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:24
cellofellow!chroot | orange__06:24
ikonialhot: its easier/better to do a re-install06:24
enkoits a HP pavillion laptop, 1 built in RJ45 and one wireless interface (intel)06:24
orange__cellofellow what would i do from there06:24
cellofellow!chroot | orange__06:24
ubotuorange__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box06:24
EJwhat do you get when you run iwconfig ?06:24
enkoeth0      no wireless extensions.06:25
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cellofelloworange__: if you reinstall, just use everything normally. If you use chroot, then once you get it working things should go normally.06:25
enkoeth1      unassociated  ESSID:off/any06:25
enko          Mode:Managed  Frequency=nan kHz  Access Point: Not-Associated06:25
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MikeyPizanobe bsack later06:25
orange__cellofellow so i get started by installing debootstrap06:25
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orange__cellofellow k let me try06:26
EJ[ enko] : see if you can chat to me in pm again06:26
cellofelloworange__: never done it, read the WIki page.06:26
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jeddhaberstroOh, if I burn the iso to a CD, is the CD a LiveCD? Or do I have to download some other distribution of Ubuntu?06:26
Some_PersonDoes McAfee work on Ubuntu?06:26
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jeddhaberstroThe iso from here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download06:26
Dr_willisUbuntu comes in 'live cd' and 'alterantive install' cd image formats06:26
PriceChildjeddhaberstro, the "desktop" cd works as a live cd, and installs also06:26
Dr_willisdepends on which oneya downloaed06:26
PriceChildjeddhaberstro, yes that's the live cd06:26
jeddhaberstrothanks :)06:26
cellofellowjeddhaberstro: unless you downloaded an burned Alternative, it's live.06:26
Nattgewhello sn06:26
PriceChildSome_Person, its a windows security centre right?06:27
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PriceChild!virus > Some_Person06:27
PriceChild!firewall > Some_Person06:27
snhello nattgew06:27
Some_PersonPriceChild: I mean their Linux version: McAfee LinuxShield06:27
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Some_PersonPriceChild: They say it only works on SuSE and Red Hat.06:27
pike_Some_Person: there is very little need for one06:27
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pike_oh nm06:27
enkoel: can you see me private?06:27
cellofellowSome_Person: just use firestarter to configure the built-in iptables firewall.06:27
PriceChildSome_Person, wow never heard of it... but read ubotu's messages06:28
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EJ[ enko] : no proably my script, its kinda buggy06:28
snhow do i burn a cd using kb306:28
pooglewhats the best way to determin if an install has stalled or not? my install has been stuck at 34% of "installing the base system" for some time now...06:28
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EJ[ enko] : it looks like you laptop isnt seeing the ap yet06:28
Jack_Sparrowsn: trying to do an iso?06:28
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enkowrong driver?06:29
EJrun this command " sudo iwconfig eth1 key (wep key)"06:29
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Cyrus25801can I attach VLC's playlist to the player it self?06:29
enkook ej gonna try06:29
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Nattgewpoogle how long has it been stuck?  is it still reading from the CD or hard drive?06:30
EJthen run "iwconfig" and see if its picked up your essid06:30
emberineCyrus25801: ask vlc06:30
cellofellowCyrus25801: try a different interface, like the Skins 2 interface instead of the default wxWidgets interface.06:30
enkoeth0 should be changed?06:30
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:30
EJ[ enko] : no only eth106:30
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enkoeth1      unassociated  ESSID:off/any06:31
enkoeth1      unassociated  ESSID:off/any06:31
EJ[ enko] : i am assuming eth0 is your hardwired nic06:31
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poogleNattgew: not sure on exact time. but its been ateast an hour. im installing via virtual pc on a powerbook g4. so i figured things might be a little slower. but this seems too long06:31
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Cyrus25801emberine: thanx06:31
EJ[ enko] : so we want to deal only with eth106:31
Cyrus25801cellofellow: thanx06:31
Cyrus25801cellofellow: thanx06:31
orange__cellofellow if i install the pc verison flash player would work?06:31
cellofelloworange__: yes06:32
EJ[ enko] : built in wireless ?06:32
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Nattgewpoogle if it doesn't seem like it's still working it's probably not...06:32
orange__cellofellow k thanks06:32
enkoeth1      unassociated  ESSID:off/any06:32
enko          Mode:Managed  Frequency=nan kHz  Access Point: Not-Associated06:32
enkoyes it's a laptop06:32
cellofelloworange__: x86_64 works with x86 systems, and x86 apps, like Flash, run just fine.06:32
cellofelloworange__: actually, try a dual-boot.06:32
enkoit's strange that he recognizes all available networks :-S06:32
xstasihow does one change the hostname via GUI?06:32
EJ[ enko] : 1 sec06:33
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enkoej: tnx06:33
poogleNattgew: ok06:33
panik3rIm having problems with windows closing right after i open them06:33
cellofellowxstasi: network-admin may help, but I dunno if it changes every file needed.06:33
kitchecellofellow: do you mean the other way around just so you don't confuse people?06:33
EJ[ enko] : try this and let me know the results, "iwlist scan"06:33
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xstasiisn't there a graphic tool that does "hostname foo" and "echo foo > /etc/hostname" ?06:34
cellofellowkitche: other way around on what?06:34
Wille1337Hello m806:34
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kitchecellofellow: you said x86_64 works on x86 systems  it should be x86 works on x86_64 systems06:34
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enkoScan completed :06:34
enko          Cell 01 - Address: 00:17:9A:69:67:B106:34
enko                    ESSID:"Koen"06:34
enko                    Protocol:IEEE 802.11bg06:34
enko                    Mode:Master06:34
enko                    Channel:606:34
Jack_Sparrowpanik3r: Have you installed anything recently, logged in as root recently, used scripts like Automatix or Envy?06:34
enko                    Encryption key:on06:34
enkothat is my network06:34
cellofellowkitche: I said it works WITH, not ON.06:34
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cellofellowkitche: you still right, but I didn't say it wrong.06:35
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linux_kidAVG has found 32 instances of a Win32/Polycrypt virus on the L:\ (Ubuntu) drive of my pc.  It is in normal places like L:\usr\bin\gnome-system-moniter, ect.  Is this something I should be worried about??06:35
EJ[ enko] : ok then your wireless card is working06:35
kitchecellofellow: well x86_64 does not work with x86 systems06:35
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elkbuntu!paste | enko06:35
RiCCo69everyone I've talked to cantt figure this out06:35
ubotuenko: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:35
cellofellowkitche: with x86 OS's.06:35
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panik3ri just installed i just installed azures06:35
RiCCo69if you know anything about programing please look06:35
enkoej: nederlandstalig?06:35
RiCCo69tell me what's wrong06:35
cellofellowlinux_kid: what FS type is the Linux drive? AVG shouldn't bother scanning Linux drives.06:36
coopsterlinux_kid, Almost certainly not anything to worry about06:36
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RiCCo69it's stuck on the last line in my paste bin06:36
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EJ[ enko] : are you using your passphrase or the 128bit generated key ?06:36
coopsterlinux_kid, according to https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/11199, it's not an uncommon problem06:36
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Cyberjameshi, what is the complete command using 'ln' to make a shortcut directory from /var/www/hompage to /home/username/ ?06:36
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kitchecellofellow: well no it doesn't x86_64 does not work work with x86 OS's06:36
linux_kidcoopster, good06:36
onatsdoes anyone have a good solution to laptop overheating?06:36
enkoi created a passphrase that contains 28 numbers06:36
coopsterCyberjames, ln -s <source file or directory> <destination link>06:36
enkoeuhm 2606:36
linux_kidcellofellow, it is ext3 using an external driver06:36
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cellofellowlinux_kid: sounds benign06:37
Cyberjamesonats: find notebook cooler06:37
enkoconfigured my pda and 2 windows machines with that key and works fine06:37
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EJ[ enko] : right dont use the passphrase use the generated key it creates when you input your passphrase06:37
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onatscyberjames, i'm referring to the acpi stuff.06:37
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Jack_Sparrowcoopster: What is up with having to accept 15 cookies from launchpad to see that page..?06:37
Cyberjamescoopster: i did that but the result is when I try to change directory on that '<destination link>', I cant..06:37
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onatsmy laptop runs hotter when i'm on ubuntu06:37
reya277how can I upgrade my OpenGl version06:37
cellofellowkitche: um, x86_64 is an extension of x86, so that x86 code runs on x86_64 chips. Therefore, x86_64 works when using an x86 OS.06:37
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coopsterJack_Sparrow, couldn't tell ya, my firefox didn't take issue with it.06:38
EJ[ enko] : "sudo eth1 key (wep key)"06:38
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coopsterCyberjames, need to be more specific than 'I can't', what error did you get?06:38
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boyamenko: have you issued these commands...."sudo iwconfig eth1 mode managed key {wep key}" ..followed by "sudo iwconfig essid yournetworkname...followed by "sudo dhclient eth1".....this should get your connection going....if not..it's beyond me..06:39
enkosudo: eth1: command not found06:39
Pelocoopster,  he means his arms are broken and he can't type the command in06:39
coopsterJack_Sparrow, though Ubuntu is trying to eventually take over the world, so I wouldn't question the cookies if I were you.  The chip that the LiveCD put in my arm tingles just thinking about questioning the Community.06:39
EJ[ enko] : "sudo iwconfig eth1 key (wep key)"06:39
EJsry my bad06:39
kitchecellofellow: if you say so, last tiem I checked you can't use x86_64 on a x86 system06:39
cellofellowkitche: I never said you could06:39
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enkoej & boyam: gonna trhy, minute!06:39
Cyberjamescoopster: I got this error after 'cd public_folder': -bash: cd: public_folder: Too many levels of symbolic links06:39
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coopsterCyberjames, that's most likely because there's a folder inside the directory you linked to that linked back to the /home directory06:40
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kitchecellofellow: umm nevermind sicne you said you could06:40
EJ[ boyam] : souldent need all thoes command, once you input your wep key it will auto detect the rest on its own06:40
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cyberixHow does fstab work in Ubuntu?06:41
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boyamEJ: I agree....it dont' look like it's working either way for whatever reason :)06:41
cyberixIs there some software that creates it at some point?06:41
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cyberixI used to have two cdrom drives06:41
kingKonquerorcyberix, it works like "man fstab" ;)06:41
EJi think it is because he is using his passphrase and not the generated 128bit key06:41
cyberixOnce I removed one, it still exists in fstab06:41
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Pelocyberix,  the should both have been recognised at install and identified in fstab06:41
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cyberixWhat added it into fstab?06:42
AgreSoris fglrx support ati 9600 ?06:42
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enkodoes terminal should respond to sudo iwconfig eth1 key (wep key) ?06:42
boyamEJ: awwww...well that IS the problem...it has to be the 26 digit key...06:42
kingKonquerorcyberix, probably your install process06:42
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cyberixIs some automagic component going to remove it?06:42
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EJ[ boyam] : agreed06:42
Pelocyberix,  the installation process when you installed ubuntu and it check for you hardware06:42
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:42
enkoshould it have sth to do with my key?06:42
kingKonquerorcyberix, probably not, just delete it from the file if you want - no harm in having it there or not06:42
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EJ[ enko] : what kind of router are you using ?06:43
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EJ[ enko] : Linksys ?06:43
Pelocyberix,  no I expect it is gonna stay there until you manualy remove it or untill you reinstall,  don'T worry about it unless it gives you an error06:43
enkoi first had a 64bit key but couldn't click 'connect'06:43
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enkod-link 50406:43
cyberixIt named my cdrom drives cdrom0 and cdrom1 and created a symbolic link cdrom that points to these06:43
EJ[ enko] : does it give you a 26 digit wep key ?06:43
enkod-link di-50406:43
superkirbyartistWhat is the latest kernel?06:43
enkoi'll acces it now, minute06:43
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cyberixThe disturbing thing is that Places -> Computer displays the nonexisting drive.06:44
superkirbyartistMomo, get an English QWERTY!06:44
mumbleshas anyone got a good guide for isntalling kubuntu  when you have dapper installed?06:44
coopster!cn | momo06:44
ubotumomo: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk06:44
enkoi have a 26 digit open wep key06:44
kingKonquerorsuperkirbyartist, i'm not sure what's in the ubuntu repos right now, but the latest stable on kernel.org is
Pelocyberix,  what is the problem exactly somemeti9ng is odd because places should not display unmounted drives, in the case or cd roms it displays only drives with cds in them06:44
EJ[ enko] : did you creat it or did the router generate it ?06:45
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superkirbyartistThanks KingKonqueror, will that run on 486?06:45
enkoand i chose it myself, rather easy like 0123456789012345678901234506:45
AgreSoris fglrx support ati 9600 ?06:45
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hordeftwhey guys, i need some help, ive been trying to get my dlink g122-a2 usb wireless card working but when i use "lsusb" it returns "Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000" and same with "Bus 002" as if it were not connected, any ideas?06:45
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bulmermumbles: do you have plenty of hard disk space left over for possibly having kubuntu on its own partition?06:45
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kingKonquerorsuperkirbyartist, certainly, that's the point of stable releases - they're known to be stable and tested on every platform the kernel supports06:45
cansadohow do i run sshd and ppp on boot?06:45
mumblesjust trying apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:45
squidly[work] anyone know how I can get gpg and tkabber working well on ubuntu?06:45
cyberixMy Places -> Computer displays unmounted drives.06:46
cyberixPlease double check that it should not.06:46
enkoshould i try with another key06:46
enkoother encryption?06:46
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kingKonquerorcansado, there would typically be a startup script in /etc/init.d/06:46
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superkirbyartistKingKonqueror, even 486?  486 is quite slow...06:46
Pelosquidly,  you'll have to do better then that and tell us what is not working properly06:46
EJ[ enko] : use wep and try a test key like 123456789106:46
enkookey minute06:46
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enkobrb, have to disconnect now06:46
squidly[work] Pelo: I cant get the gpg encryption working with tkabber06:46
squidly[work] it does not show the gpg plugin06:47
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EJthen run the command "sudo ifconfig eth0 key 1234567891"06:47
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squidly[work] and google has been helpless06:47
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bulmercansado  they should have entries in /etc/init.d/06:47
Pelosquidly[work] ,  forum ?06:47
EJthen run the command "sudo iwconfig eth0 key 1234567891"06:47
squidly[work] Pelo: ??06:47
enkoit tells me to input 26 digits :s06:47
tbzhey guys, could I borrow someone for a few mins concerning installing nvidia driver, 8800gts, pm plz if so, thx06:47
cansadokingKonqueror, bulmer: right, /etc/inet.d/ssh, but where do i say 'sshd=YES' or similar?06:47
kingKonquerorsuperkirbyartist, if you're worried about performance, you can always experiment with different kernels if you want, but what will really matter are the apps you run on top of it06:47
cansadoi'm used to netbsd's rc.conf06:47
squidly[work] Pelo: do you mean did I post on the forum? no I didn't06:47
hmindhey guys, i need some help, ive been trying to get my dlink g122-a2 usb wireless card working but when i use "lsusb" it returns "Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000" and same with "Bus 002" as if it were not connected, any ideas?06:47
enkoshould i try wpa?06:48
boyamenko: you'll have to select 40/64 bit wep to input the key EJ gave you06:48
Pelosquidly[work] ,  try looking up the problem in the forum,  there is probaly a small thing you need to enable06:48
enkook minute06:48
bullgard4/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/eeprom/module/srcversion lists 'F2468447AE1D20BFAFC46B6'. How can I read the contents of this EEPROM and disassemble them?06:48
bulmercansado: where did you find that config settings?06:48
EJ[ boyam] : thank you06:48
kingKonquerorcansado, there isn't anything like that, it just needs to be executable and you can check there's a link to it in the relevant runlevel init directory06:48
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boyamEJ: np06:48
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cansadorunlevel :(06:48
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Pelosquidly[work] , don'T post yet, just do a search06:48
enkoshall choose 64 bit06:48
squidly[work] Pelo: I will look again, I have been looking on google06:48
superkirbyartistKingKonqueror: Abiword, Gnumeric, Links2, Gnomesword, Ethernet card...06:48
EJ[ enko] : yeah06:48
=== Pandya [n=Pandya@bb-87-81-181-46.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Pelosquidly[work] ,  I would so a simple search for just the two keywords,  gpd and tkabber06:49
sncan any 1 help when i burn a cd nothing happends  i can see the timer clocking away nothing writes to the disk this is using k3b06:49
Peloor maybe whitought the typos06:49
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Pelosn make sure you don'T have simulate checked in the options06:50
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kingKonquerorsuperkirbyartist, i meant stuff like your desktop environment... if you have a really low spec system you should run something lighter than gnome - which kernel you use isn't such a big deal, so i'd still recommend the latest stable06:50
lousygaruais it normal to gedit not to be able to read from SMB shares? does it work with NFS shares?06:50
sncan any 1 help plz06:50
=== PreZLaptop [n=prez@113.sub-75-195-50.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelosn make sure you don'T have simulate checked in the options06:51
cansadowhich runlevel is a normal boot before a user logs into the gui?06:51
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superkirbyartistKingKonqueror, Ice Window Manager runs fine.  Thanks for letting me know that the kernel isn't a ressource hog.06:51
geniianything between 2 and 506:52
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=== LinuxKid saluta
kingKonquerorlousygarua, nope, not normal... you should be able to use samba shares regardless06:53
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tbzanyone help me a minute with installing latest nvidia display driver for my card, I'm a bit lost... I would appreciate it if so, pm pls06:53
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Pelotbz,  which bit has you frazzled ?06:53
neverblue2tbz, use the 'ubuntu guide', which you can google06:53
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superkirbyartistsudo apt-get install emax06:54
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neverblue2tbz, i recommend the Edgy guide06:54
superkirbyartistNow all you need is an external film reader.06:54
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lousygaruakingKonqueror: well, it decided to work now :) thx anyway06:54
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C-{pR0FI have windows XP installed in addition to ubuntu ,,, i want to remove the xp , and keep ubuntu without reinstalling , how is that done ?? if i formated the windows partition i think there will b boot problem !06:55
squidly[work] Pelo: no help anywhere.06:55
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hmindhey guys, i need some help, ive been trying to get my dlink g122-a2 usb wireless card working but when i use "lsusb" it returns "Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000" and same with "Bus 002" as if it were not connected, any ideas please?06:55
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bulmercansado runlevel 2-5 has X window06:55
Pelosquidly,  does ktabber have a channel or a site ?06:55
kingKonquerorlousygarua, glad to hear it, cheers!06:55
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lousygaruakingKonqueror: it all works because both nautilus and gedit uses gnomeVFS, right? so if it don't work on app X it means app X does not support gnome VFS?06:56
squidly[work] a website.. but there is little help there for specific distro's06:56
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sniam going try this later thanks pelo06:56
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Pelosn,  also make sure you are not creating an iso file,  k3b can do that do06:56
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kingKonquerorlousygarua, to be honest i don't know, i haven't needed to use samba for ages now since going all-linux... i just know it is meant to work pretty consistently across the board06:57
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geniiC-{pR0F: If you have GRUB installed formatting the drive will not do much to the master boot record, where GRUB is06:57
tbzOk.. I download the latest driver from nvidia, then I go to restricted driver, it shows my card as "nvidia accelerated graphics" not in use, thing is, I don't think that that is for my card, maybe generic driver? I'm wanting to install the latest x86 driver, and I have read the guide, and a few other resources as well, there was a concern for my card the 8800GTS http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=90379, not too sure what t06:57
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C-{pR0Fgenii: yes i have grub... so now i can format with no boot problems06:57
hmindhey guys, i need some help, ive been trying to get my dlink g122-a2 usb wireless card working but when i use "lsusb" it returns "Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000" and same with "Bus 002" as if it were not connected, any ideas? anyone please?06:57
kogo__how come ubuntu doesnt have a grub repair just like fedora?06:58
lousygaruakingKonqueror: thanks again.. SMB used here because it's hard to convert your parents to linux06:58
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Pelotbz,  I'd give the restricted driver a chance before I do anything else  you might be pleasantly surprised06:58
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Pelokogo__, cause ubuntu sucks ,06:58
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geniiC-{pR0F: Well, the entry for Windows will still be in the menu but you can afterwards edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst  to comment it out06:58
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C-{pR0Fgenii: thanks ... I will try that tonight , and i'll report back06:59
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Pelokogo__,  you can dl the super grub cd ,  less then 3 meg works rather nicely06:59
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=== Pelo waives lhot hello
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snpelo does it matter what drive speed i use shell i leave it as auto06:59
kogo__Thks Pelo07:00
ScoutHow do I setup up a local server on Ubuntu?07:00
lhoti need some help with upgrading my system to 6.10, from 6.06 of course07:00
=== Pelo waves cedric30 hello
kingKonquerorkogo__, probably because ubuntu is not fedora :)07:00
ScoutWith mysql, php and stuff.07:00
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enkoagainej: no results :(07:00
bulmerScout: you install the package and run the server daemons of it07:00
lhotevery time i try it, the wine repository is down07:00
Pelosn,  auto should  adjust for your drive it shouldnT' be a problem07:00
lhotany way to bypass that?07:00
ScoutWhat are sever daemons?07:00
EJ[ enko] : i have to go to work, i will look for you when i get back if your issue has not been resolved07:00
enkoagainvery strange07:00
cdaviscan someone tell me how to change '00026f-1a2bc3' to  '00:02:6f:1a:2b:c3' with sed or something similar?07:01
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enkoagainthanks already07:01
EJ[ enko] : np i have your e-mail07:01
Pelolhot,  go to the www.winehq.org site,  goto download,  under ubuntu,  toward the end fo the page there is a link for archive, you can get a  .deb file there07:01
kingKonquerorScout, a daemon is a background process - i.e. it runs on your computer without needing to have a terminal or window open all the time. a server daemon is a daemon that serves something, like for example a web server or an ftp server07:01
neverblue2tbz, so was I unclear on my suggestion? or what seems to be the issue?07:01
lhotno, i have wine07:02
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Pelolhot,  sorry I must have missed part of your statement,  donT' use enter for punctuation please,  state your problem in one go07:02
g2g591lhot: the website for wine is winehq.org07:02
lhotbut when i try to upgrade my system, it always stops because it cant acess the wine repositories or something like that07:02
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Pelolhot, did you get the keys for the wine repos ? or did you just get the repos links ?07:03
kingKonquerorScout, and if you want to set up a web server with those features you have two options - if you're using a separate machine to only serve stuff, then i'd recommend just installing the ubuntu-server distro (what you want is the LAMP option, by the way)07:03
=== Nevis [n=Nevis@IGLD-80-230-12-128.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
lhotno idea honestly07:03
kingKonquerorScout, but if you want to run things off, for example, your desktop machine, you just need to get the necessary packages individually07:03
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tbzI'm just going to play with it, I need to learn how to install drivers and such, I used linux about 2 or 3 years ago when at the time I had multiple driver problems which doesn't seem like the case now, But I just installed last night so I'm like a nooby all over again =(07:04
kingKonquerorScout, in your case, apache2, mysql, php07:04
lhotim a linux noob so....07:04
Pelolhot,  I suggest you remove the  wine repos from your sources.list file and go back to the winehq site and follow the instructions fo add the wine repos properly07:04
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lhotalright... how do i do that?07:04
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geniicdavis: You may find something useful here: http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-and-scripting/15532-need-help-on-sed-replace-string-without-changing-filename.html07:04
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neverblue2tbz, visiting the nvidia site, downloading the drivers there is not how things are done in this situation07:05
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kingKonquerorlhot, if you use synaptic, just go to the sources list in the menu07:05
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Pelolhot,  menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager,     in the menu somewhere there is an option for repositories,   go there,  get the dialog box,  in the 3rd party repos section, remove the wine stuff,   then goto www.winehq.org,     download,  ubuntu , follow the instructions carefully07:05
piranesimi serve un aiuto con il dri e feisty: se installo edgy il dri  attivo, se installo feisty subito dopo aver installato edgy (anche formattando!) il dri  attivo, se installo feisty due volte (anche formattando!) il dri non  attivo... quale sar il motivo? (la scheda  una radeon 9600)07:05
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askmeonemoretimehow can i configure a dns to my networkconfig.07:05
kingKonqueror!it | piranesi07:05
ubotupiranesi: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:05
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neverblue2tbz and if you actually took a moment to view that site, its pretty easy to setup, maybe a few lines07:06
piranesioops, sorry07:06
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kingKonquerors'okay! :)07:06
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mon^rchhow do I make an iso under linux?07:07
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lhotim confused...07:07
emberine mon^rch:: iso cd?07:07
kingKonquerormon^rch, do you want to make an ISO from a CD that you have, or make some files on your computer into an ISO?07:07
valehruIs there a command that can tell me which version of ubuntu is on a machine?  eg dapper? feisty? etc..07:08
Pelomon^rch,  install gnomebaker,  select your files as if you were butning a cd , hit burn to cd,   you have a box to check to make an iso07:08
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Pelolhot,  menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager,     in the menu somewhere there is an option for repositories,   go there,  get the dialog box,  in the 3rd party repos section, remove the wine stuff,   then goto www.winehq.org,     download,  ubuntu , follow the instructions carefully07:08
lhoti cant find where to edit the repos list, i'm in synaptic07:08
Pelolhot,  see the menu bar at the top ?07:08
lhotfound it07:08
Pelothere you go07:08
kingKonquerormon^rch, or if you want to copy a physical CD into an ISO, you can do so by just copying the entire CD device node into a file07:08
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kingKonquerorwith good old cp07:09
|thunder_an app im building is asking for "checking for GTK... configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.10.0) were not met:" what package do I need ?07:09
ekimushello, i'm on 6.06 LTS and need a small mailer (nullmailer is broken). any hints?07:09
cedric30I have two computer, I want to connect together with the ethernet cable (no internet, no router) I have authorized the ssh port in output from one and in input for the 2nd. The 2 computers are in FIX IP, is there an issue ???07:09
thanda|thunder_: Do you configure from source or...07:09
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|thunder_thanda; trying, yes07:09
mon^rchtx Pelo07:09
Pelo|thunder_,  when compiling manualy you often need to install the -dev package as well , check in synaptic07:10
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thanda|thunder_: If so, you must install "dev" of libgtk2+....07:10
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thanda|thunder_: search it using synaptic....07:10
bogorhow do i connect to my mobile phone (sonyerricson w700i) through bluetooth ?07:10
|thunder_thanks thanda and Pelo07:10
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Pelobogor,  do a search for bluetooth howto in the forum, there is probably something there07:11
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lhotk now, what is the terminal command to upgrade my system from 6.06 to 6.1007:11
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=== Pelo doesn'T hold with all this fancy wireless/bleuthoot stuff, mostly because he can't afford any of it
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lhotI've been using the update manager up to this point07:12
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Pelo!upgrade | lhot07:12
ubotulhot: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:12
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shriphaniif feisty a wee bit too much for 256mb ram ?07:12
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flash42cdavis:  sed -e '{s/([a-z0-9] {2})/\1:/g; s/-//g}'07:12
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LiberCogitoshriphani: Not at all.07:13
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rosensturmI'm getting some popping when playing audio with nforce4 onboard sound. How can I fix this?07:13
thandalhot: You can update using aptitude upgrade, before that you must point 6.10 repositories in /etc/apt/source.lst07:13
Peloshriphani,  depends on what you run I expect,  but be aware that the live cd will be a little slower then an install if that is what is brinigng the quesion07:13
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cedric30Is it possible to link 2 computers with the ethernet cable ????07:13
frojndhello there are thre any instructions how to install divx web player for firefox ?07:13
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shriphaniPelo: i have feisty installed. firefox + skype at the same time seems to tip it over.07:13
flash42cedric30: yes07:13
ekimusis there a server channel for ubuntu?07:13
thandacedric30: How this is related to Ubunut?  :)07:13
cedric30flash42, feisty07:13
LiberCogitoshriphani: What window manager are you using?07:13
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cedric30thanda, feisty07:13
shriphaniLiberCogito: metacity.07:14
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Peloshriphani,  firefox + flash causes some problem for some ppl , it's not all that stable07:14
lhotthanks much07:14
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LiberCogitoshriphani: Try xfce or IceWM07:14
piranesiwhy Installing edgy, formatting the hd and installing feisty makes direct rendering YES and installing feisty, formatting the hd and reinstalling feisty makes direct rendering NO?07:14
shriphaniand i use gtk apps on a regular basis. so using fluxbox may not be that much of an advantage.07:14
cedric30thanda, Just to send data from one to another with the ethernet cable (I don't speak about internet)07:14
flash42flash causes problems by himself, my girlfriend do say07:14
ekimuscedric30: yes, and to answer the question you had before. it depends wether you configured your IPs and subnets correctly i suggest you use and and for the subnet or /24 depending on the format you have to input into your network config tool.07:15
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Peloyour gf should get rid if flash then07:15
bogorsearched the forum for bluetooth connectivity, but nothing usefull returned.07:15
shriphaniLiberCogito: is there a less intensive version of ubuntu ?07:15
thandacedric30: How it is possible to send, without the support of any data transfer protocols...07:15
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Pelopiranesi, no idea07:15
LiberCogitoshriphani: Sure.  There's Xubuntu07:15
bogorI am able to detec bletooth adapter connected to my pc07:15
flash42thanda: writing your own07:15
cedric30thanda, by the ethernet cable07:15
=== Instabin|work [n=instabin@c-68-32-128-115.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LiberCogitoshriphani: But beware that it isn't as actively supported in IRC/07:15
Instabin|workEveryone know that Test 4 was just released?07:16
lhotummmm.... its saying i have the newest version07:16
shriphaniLiberCogito: my problem exactly.07:16
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LiberCogitoshriphani:  I'd try out xfce first.07:16
bogorIts not able to detect the blutooth in phone07:16
lhoti have 6.0607:16
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frojnddoes anyone know how to install divx web player for firefox. I wanna watch divx videos, like on this site: http://joox.net/cat/23/id/1239523   anyone ??07:16
lhothalp please07:16
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cedric30ekimus, I have 2 fix ip and
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shriphaniLiberCogito: i tried it. it shows 4 network-manager applet icons.07:16
cedric30ekimus, for the 2 computer07:16
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Instabin|work7.10 Tribe 4 Was release aug 9 ... THATS TODAY!!!!07:16
Pelolhot,  just back up your data and clean instal 7.04 it will be quicker07:16
PriceChildfrojnd, I'd rather you didn't post that site in this channel further ;)07:17
lhotfrojnd: get automatix07:17
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LiberCogitoshriphani:  Did you try IceWM ?07:17
PriceChild!automatix | frojnd lhot07:17
ubotufrojnd lhot: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)07:17
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shriphaniLiberCogito: no i didnt.07:17
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PeloInstabin|work, this is the channel for ppl using the official release07:17
thandacedric30: Ethernet cable is just a physical medium...tell me, how do you initiate the transmission and so on...okay, you can write by your own...if you know how....but it has nothing to do with Ubuntu right07:17
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LiberCogitoshriphani:  IceWM is really, really basic... but low on resource consumption.07:17
lhoti know that automatix is hated07:17
emberinefrojnd: try getting a player that supports divx , like vlc , then do a search for m player connectivity, also go thru the firefox pulgins to find other interesting adons you might want07:17
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Instabin|workPelo what channel is for 71007:17
shriphanibut will icewm help a lot? i still am going to use gtk apps.07:17
PriceChildfrojnd, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" will ensure you have no media problems, but includes non-free software07:17
lhotbut it never gave me a problem so....07:17
PriceChildInstabin|work, #ubutnu+107:17
PeloInstabin|work,  #ubuntu+1  but I guess they already know07:18
LiberCogitoshriphani:  sudo apt-get install icewm07:18
cedric30thanda, But with ssh it's doesn't operate ?07:18
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elkbuntu!worksforme | lhot07:18
ubotulhot: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/07:18
thandaflash42: Even if you write, you end up writing any basic protocol....07:18
flash42yeah for sure07:18
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flash42but he does have sshd up and running07:18
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thandacedric30: ssh is just a secure shell..which relies on IP for communication....07:19
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Pelolhot,  I gave you the link with the instrucions for upgrading , did you read it ?07:19
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cedric30thanda, but if I have 2 fixed IP on the 2 computers ?07:19
bogoris there any way to pair up pc & mobile through bluetooth in ubuntu feisty ?07:20
thandacedric30: yes, you can establish, if you set up proper routes....I hope, it is not that complicated...07:20
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Pelobogor,  I suggest you look up your modile model in the forum see if there are any instructions07:20
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shriphaniLiberCogito: i like fluxbox a lot.07:21
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shriphanii would like to trim down my exisitng installation.07:21
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shriphaniand not add to it.07:21
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bogorPelo:The mobile maker sonyerricson only support windows xp/vista07:21
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LiberCogitoshriphani:  So its the firefox skype combo that's causing issues, correct?07:22
emberinebogor: can you connect with the usb cable that comes with it ?07:22
cedric30thanda, Is it difficult to make is proper route, I just know how to have an fixed IP07:22
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Pelobogor, doesn't mean that  linux doesn't support your mobile,  you need to check in the forum or google,  linux users / programmer like to make their own drivers and such for hadware regardless of what the maker says07:22
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emberinebogor: ubuntu does support your phone07:23
thandacedric30: You have to set the route, so that two computers can see each other....07:23
shriphaniLiberCogito: right.07:24
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LiberCogitoshriphani:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD07:24
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bogoremberine: for the research i have made, i am hitting the road block in the passkey. Do i have to install any package other than bluez-utils07:24
LiberCogitoshriphani:  Check that out.  Also, in my experience, Opera tends to use less RAM than firefox.07:25
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emberinebogor:diable the pass key on the phone07:25
rohallHey everyone, I was hoping someone could point me in the way of some documentation or information relating to how the livecd actually boots (and if there is a way to modify that boot screen).  Any information would really be appreciated,07:25
shriphaniLiberCogito: umm so reinstallation is recommended ?07:25
shriphanii was looking forward to a trimming..07:26
frojndemberine: I've installed media player connectivity. For divx I have to browse player. Where is usually located VLC ?07:26
thandarohall: try googling....How live CD works...07:26
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frojndor anyone else, where is usually located VLC ?07:26
bogoremberine: i have searched the manual , but i dont know where to set or diable passkey for bluetooth in w700i moblie07:26
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thandafrojnd: You mean the codecs or...07:27
emberinefrojnd: unsupported software07:27
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frojndno I mean player07:27
frojndwhere is located player..07:27
LiberCogitoshriphani:  Well, there's this, too:  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/cleaning-up-all-unnecessary-junk-files-in-ubuntu.html07:27
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rohallthanda: okay cool, thanks.  I'll take a look around there.07:27
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frojndthis is mediaplayer connectivity for, to connect player with browser (firefox)..07:27
emberinefrojnd: sound and video07:27
thanda<frojnd: try whereis vlc07:27
shriphanilol @ junk.07:28
rmtlevmattahow do I play *.rmvb files07:28
ahmadsaifanI need help with my wifi connection, im using a wired connection now, can someone help me get a wifi07:28
thandafrojnd: If you have vlc installed, then it will show the path....07:28
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frojndI have installed vlc..07:28
frojndjust don't know where is installed..07:28
frojndu know..07:28
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thandafrojnd: normally under /usr/bin/vlc07:28
LiberCogitoahmadsaifan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo07:28
ahmadsaifani've been to that link a lot07:29
ahmadsaifanNothing help07:29
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LiberCogitoahmadsaifan: What wireless card are you using?07:29
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ahmadsaifanIntel Pro wireless 2200gb07:29
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ahmadsaifanIs that ok?07:29
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frojndthanda: tnx07:29
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shriphaniahmadsaifan: it works fine here.07:30
frojndnow, streaming :)07:30
shriphanifeisty that is.07:30
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thanda<frojnd: use the command, whereis vlc07:30
ahmadsaifanCan I explain you my specific problem in another chat PLEASE?07:30
frojndthanda: useful, tnx07:30
ahmadsaifanits too confusing here07:30
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thanda<ahmadsaifan: what is your problem...07:30
LiberCogitoahmadsaifan: http://www.student.dtu.dk/~s971652/ipw2200.shtml07:30
rmtlevmattahow do I play *.rmvb files07:30
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mxpxpodI have a feisty machine on my network that is constantly sending out ICMP packets... does anyone have any clue how to figure out what program on that box is sending those packets?07:31
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Ace2016Hi all07:31
thanda<rmtlevmatta: using what player07:31
agent47ais there a way an easy way to find out which package installed a particular file.  i want to know where "gksu" comes from because I don't have it on CentOS but I do have it on ubuntu.07:31
Ace2016anyone know the reason why xcb is removed from ubuntu's xserver?07:31
ahmadsaifanI can connect to my Wifi, but i cant get on the internet or anything07:31
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yurimxpxmando any of you know of a tool that could automatically forward all of the mail from one e-mail account to another, like a daemon or something?07:31
ahmadsaifanThe Bars come up and its like 95 percent, but i have no internet still07:31
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thandaahmadsaifan: what wireless card do you have?07:31
bulmeragent47a: may dpkg has an option for it..man dpkg07:31
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LiberCogitormtlevmatta: http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/27/how-to-play-rmvb-files-in-ubuntu/07:31
ahmadsaifanintel pro wireless 2200 gb07:31
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ahmadsaifanit works07:32
rmtlevmattatotem (sorry for the delay I was opening the about dialog)07:32
Nattgewyurimxpxman you could use a filter07:32
LiberCogitoahmadsaifan: If you right click, and left click on connection, do you have an IP address?07:32
thanda<ahmadsaifa: Try iwconfig, and tell what you see there07:32
ahmadsaifanIt shows im connected, but i have no internet, im using wired connection now07:32
ekimusyurimxpxman: you mean like from one remote account (say yurimxpxman@hotmail.com) to another one (say yurimxpxman@gmail.com)?07:32
bulmerahmadsaifan: what does your "netstat -ran" say? does it have a gateway?07:32
Peloyurimxpxman,  in synaptic search for mail and forward, I think I saw something  but you might just make a rule in your mail client that will probably do it07:32
Ace2016maybe your nameservers are wrong, try ping google.com, does it resolve? now try ping does that wrok?07:32
yurimxpxmanNattgew: I don't use a mail client for my college address07:32
ahmadsaifanIm confused07:32
yurimxpxmanekimus: yes07:32
ahmadsaifanwhat is netstat - ran?07:32
thandaahmadsaifan: where does it showed, you are connected...07:32
yurimxpxmanPelo: okay :-)07:32
bulmerahmadsaifan: okay, while you are wired connected now, run netstat -ran07:32
ahmadsaifanin terminal?07:33
bulmerahmadsaifan: man netstat so you know what it does07:33
shriphaniisn't there a possibility two interfaces are up on ahmadsaifan's box ?07:33
Nattgewyurimxpxman unless you could get it to an app that could forward it, no07:33
thandaahmadsaifan: yeah...07:33
ahmadsaifani did it07:33
ahmadsaifanim connected07:33
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ahmadsaifani put netstat - ran in terminal07:34
ahmadsaifanit says im connected07:34
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frojndthanda: u know maybe how to set any preferences, I can't find anything about ping time in VLC. Couse my bandwith isn't so fast.. and the movie has to load first and than I can watch it.. but now vlc just stop playing since it has no data couse it can't transfer so fast...07:34
Peloyurimxpxman,  online email clients like hotmail and gmail have functions to retreive emails form other pop3 accounts,  that can probably do what you need as well , partly anyway07:34
bulmerahmadsaifan: if you are directing your responses to me, you need to prefix your response with my nick07:34
ekimusyurimxpxman: fetchmail can get it for you and it afaik it has a script option what to do with a certain message. you could pipe it somewhere which takes care of the forward. but i guess a lot of that mail will be considered spam as it doesn't come from an ip address that is used to send those addresses07:34
agent47aahmadsaifan: what Iface's have flags G after having run "netstat -ran"07:34
rmtlevmattaLiberCogito: thanks (mplayer is fine)07:34
ahmadsaifanbulmer: like 6 people are talking to me, sorry07:34
alekzunderi have a problem i have just installed beryl07:35
LiberCogitormtlevmatta: No problem :)07:35
ahmadsaifanagent, what do you mean07:35
alekzunderbut when i want to see the bube07:35
thandafrojnd: If you have a link to the stream, you can download first and then you can watch offline...07:35
Peloahmadsaifan,  STOP hogging all the help, other ppl have problems to07:35
frojndthanda: ok I'll try just to pause movie and than resume it.. maybe it will laod something..07:35
alekzunderi see only one desktop the other three are black07:35
LiberCogitoPelo: What's your problem?07:35
frojndthanda: I know, just don't have that time :D07:35
ahmadsaifanpelo, they are helping me, i didnt call them07:35
LiberCogitoalekzunder: Specs?07:35
LiberCogitoalekzunder: Computer07:36
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LiberCogitoalekzunder: Computer's specifications.  RAM, CPU, graphic card.... etc.07:36
ahmadsaifanagent, what do you mean07:36
alekzunderdo you know what is going wrong??07:36
emberinebogor: is bluetooth activated on your phone?07:36
shriphaniahmadsaifan: not 'netstat - ran'. it is netstat -ran07:36
LiberCogitoalekzunder: The computer's specifications.  RAM, CPU, graphic card.... etc. will give us a place to start.07:36
ahmadsaifanshriphani, i did it07:37
alekzunderctrl+alt+key and i see only one desktop the other three are black07:37
ahmadsaifanwhat info do you want?07:37
alekzunderamd64 +300007:37
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alekzunder512 ram07:37
LiberCogitoalekzunder:RAM, CPU, graphic card....07:37
alekzunder5300 nvidia 256mb07:37
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bigjohntointel centrino core duo 2.0ghz is equivalent to what desktop cpu?07:38
ahmadsaifanAgent, only one Iface has UG after it07:38
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shriphaniahmadsaifan: which interface has the G flag.07:38
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LiberCogitoalekzunder: Did you install the right drivers for your video card?07:38
ahmadsaifanthere is 3, the last one does07:38
agent47aahmadsaifan: which one?  what Interfaces are there?07:38
Slasher!fingerprint reader07:38
ahmadsaifanthe ip address?07:39
alekzunderwhen i was installed beryl all are working07:39
Slasher!finger print reader07:39
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Pelolater folks07:39
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agent47aahmadsaifan: e.g. eth0 eth1 wlan0?07:39
ahmadsaifanthey are all eth007:39
ahmadsaifanbut that last one has the G flag07:39
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LiberCogitoalekzunder: http://forum.beryl-project.org/viewtopic.php?t=331107:39
alekzundersomething i did with beryl settings07:39
alekzunderbut i do not know what??07:39
wellyHi all, I've got an ubuntu 7.04 VPS - does anyone have any links to some basics on securing ubuntu server? just some real basic pointers07:40
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Slasheranyone who knows about fingerprint readers who fancies giving someone a hand getting his fingerprint reader working?07:40
shriphanimy wireless interface is eth1 here.07:40
agent47aahmadsaifan: what do you see when you run "ifconfig"07:40
ubotuIf you feel the need to adopt security measures for your system, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server07:40
Phantoms2Help please.In wich format are usualy usb flash memory formated?07:40
ahmadsaifana lot of stuff07:40
Slasherthere you go welly07:40
dxdtPhantoms2: fat3207:40
Jack_SparrowSlasher: Have you checked to see if Ubuntu supports it... Have you checked to see if the mfg supports linux or ubuntu?07:40
ahmadsaifanwhat info do you need07:40
agent47aahmadsaifan:  what interfaces?07:40
wellycheers Slasher!07:40
dxdtPhantoms2: will give it the most compatibility and is the usual format] 07:41
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ahmadsaifani cant tell07:41
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Phantoms2dxdt::) Thanks07:41
ahmadsaifaneth0, eth1, lo07:41
shriphaniahmadsaifan: ok try iwconfig.07:41
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Slasherwell i cant find anything on the manufactures website Jack_Sparrow - i did email them asking them if they could provide me with linux drivers but no reply yet07:41
snhello is pelo there07:41
agent47aahmadsaifan:  okay, your wireless card is likely at interface "eth1"07:42
ahmadsaifanlo, eth0, eth107:42
Slasheri found a semi-working driver too using google but im not sure if there is an updated version or anything else i could do to get it working07:42
agent47aahmadsaifan:  what happens when you do "ifconfig eth1 up"07:42
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Jack_SparrowSlasher: Doubtful that if they dont mention linux that you will get it working in Ubuntu...07:42
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Slashergot this from lsusb if it helps --> ID 08ff:2580 AuthenTec, Inc.07:42
imperfect-anyone know how I can compile dot with png support?07:42
piranesicould anyone help me with this? [drm:radeon_cp_init]  *ERROR* radeon_cp_init called without lock held07:42
ahmadsaifanpermission denied07:42
Slasherbastards. lol07:42
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shriphanii hate to say this, not one window bothers opening. i have to reboot.07:43
agent47aahmadsaifan:  what happens when you do "sudo ifconfig eth1 up"07:43
Slasherthanks though anyway Jack_Sparrow07:43
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Jack_SparrowSlasher: np07:43
Jack_SparrowSlasher: It isnt a matter of Ubuntu supporting them as them supporting linux or Ubuntu07:43
ahmadsaifannothing happens agent07:43
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Slasherlooks like ill have to wait till someone reverse engineers it, i would (help) if i knew how to... i have a driver and can scan my print but i cant compare it to a master print for log on07:44
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Jack_SparrowSlasher: Thats better than nothing.07:44
=== LinuxKid brb
=== Prometheus [n=quant@p57B9D7B6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Slasheri was pleased when it did that07:45
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Slasherits progress07:45
=== breanna_ [n=irssi@c-24-10-238-92.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SparrowSlasher: SO it is a mini scanner..07:45
fxfitzAll of a sudden my sound stopped working, and I can't think of anything I might have done to break it. Can anyone help???07:45
Slasherits one built into my hp compaw nc632007:45
Slashercompaq too07:45
=== thavorn [n=roy@cable10.dyn47.pacific.net.sg] has joined #ubuntu
ahmadsaifanAgent, nothing happens when i do that command, whered you go?07:45
breanna_I'm trying to convince my manager to switch our Debian systems to Ubuntu.  Can anyone point me to some pages that can help strengthen my argument towards the adoption of Ubuntu?07:46
thavornwhy I cannot find bittorent icon in applications menu although in add/remove is select or tick?07:46
agent47aahmadsaifan:  i'm still here.07:46
=== UB` [n=mik@adsl-ull-91-156.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
|nLv|Nomad-Kwhen i double click on CD ROM 1, ubuntu says it's unable to mount the selected volume, "mount: special device /dev/hdd does not exist"07:46
fxfitzbreadnbutter, ubuntu.com :-P07:46
=== Kilroo [n=Kilroo@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
agent47aahmadsaifan:  please note what is in /etc/resolv.conf07:46
fxfitzbreanna_, ubuntu.com :-P07:46
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ahmadsaifanis that a command?07:46
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rohallHmm, can anyone point me in the direction of the application (and maybe configuration files) used to define the boot menu on the livcd?  I've been googling for a day or two now and I'm still having trouble finding any real information :/07:46
fxfitzahmadsaifan, cat /etc/resolv.conf07:46
breanna_fxfitz: har har07:47
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:47
fxfitzSo does anyone know how I can troubleshoot why my sound magically stopped working?07:47
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=== TABASCO [n=TABASCO9@ip-90-187-130-185.web.vodafone.de] has joined #ubuntu
ahmadsaifanit shows my cable company and ip address07:47
infurityhello i have some issues here.. can i paste07:47
agent47aahmadsaifan:  what is that "ip address"?07:47
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sncan any 1 help i tyred to burn a cd using k3b and i got this error07:47
snK3b Version: 1.007:47
snKDE Version: 3.5.607:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:47
snQT Version:  3.3.707:47
snKernel:      2.6.20-16-generic07:47
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breanna_fxfitz: I expected that's I'd get nothing but silly answers... that's an argument against the adoption of Ubuntu.  The community07:48
ahmadsaifanYou want me to tell you???07:48
snMSI CD-RW MS-8348 120D (/dev/scd1, ) [CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM]  [CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW]  [SAO, TAO, RAW, SAO/R96P, SAO/R96R, RAW/R16, RAW/R96P, RAW/R96R] 07:48
snSONY DVD-ROM DDU1621 S2.9 (/dev/scd0, ) [CD-ROM, DVD-ROM]  [DVD-ROM, CD-ROM]  [None] 07:48
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ahmadsaifanPeople can hack me07:48
snmkisofs print size result: 98859 (202463232 bytes)07:48
rohallJack_Sparrow: If that was directed at my question (sorry not sure if it was).  Is grub actually used on the livecd?07:48
snPipe throughput: 141312 bytes read, 120832 bytes written.07:48
snUsed versions07:48
Jack_Sparrow!pastebin > sn07:48
TABASCOHey, I have a DVD-RW which does not want to get mountet, what is the command to mount it manually?07:48
snmkisofs: 1.1.207:48
sncdrecord: 1.1.207:48
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snscsidev: '/dev/scd1'07:48
sndevname: '/dev/scd1'07:48
snscsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -207:48
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok07:48
agent47aahmadsaifan:  it's probably or something like that.07:48
Jack_Sparrowsn   Stop07:48
snLinux sg driver version: 3.5.2707:48
snWodim version: 1.1.207:48
snSCSI buffer size: 6451207:48
anandanbuMy DVD drive is not mounting07:48
fxfitzbreanna_, I'm sorry, I'm quite new to Ubuntu (and LInux) myself. Don't let me shine a dark light on the community,07:48
snBeginning DMA speed test. Set CDR_NODMATEST environment variable if device07:48
ahmadsaifanBut people will hack me if i tell you07:48
sncommunication breaks or freezes immediately after that.07:48
snErrno: 5 (Input/output error), read buffer scsi sendcmd: no error07:48
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shriphaniahh fluxbox is such a change from gnome bloat.07:49
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avisi just installed gdesklets.  the two gdesklets that i applied to my desktop are now gray and trying to open the gdesklets application, that window is gray too07:49
infurityhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33159/  <--- here is my errors07:49
ahmadsaifanis there any way i can send you a screenshot?07:49
agent47aahmadsaifan:  whatever the case, just note it down.07:49
TABASCOanandanbu: Same with me07:49
ahmadsaifannote the ip address down?07:50
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Jack_Sparrowshriphani: Gnome is fine on hardware made after the turn of the century07:50
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anandanbuTABASCO: got any help07:50
agent47aahmadsaifan:  yes it is the DNS server.07:50
ahmadsaifanyou want me to tell you?07:50
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agent47aahmadsaifan:  just write it down!  what i want you to try may or may not cause a change to that file.07:51
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infurityanyone knows my problem and how do i fix it???07:51
ahmadsaifani have it down07:51
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agent47aahmadsaifan:  do "sudo dhclient eth1"07:51
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anandanbuHow to mount a DVDdrive in ubuntu 7.0407:52
shriphaniJack_Sparrow: mine was made at the turn of the century.... still it hasn't been all hunky dory for me. Anyway why doesn't Alt+number work in uxterm. I need it badly when i use irssi.07:52
|nLv|Nomad-Kwhen i double click on CD ROM 1, ubuntu says it's unable to mount the selected volume, the error is "mount: special device /dev/hdd does not exist" - any suggestions ?07:52
c0386407hi guys, i want to help with translation of ubuntu into punjabi, but i need some help regarding its unicode keyboard layout? where can i find a chart or some sort of reference which tells me what keys does what?07:52
ahmadsaifanOK i did it, you know im trying to get wifi right? im on wired now07:52
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infurityanyone knows my problems http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33159/07:52
agent47aahmadsaifan:  what was the result?07:52
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ahmadsaifanit says its sleeping07:53
reya277does anyone knows if it is possible to use the proprietary ATI drivers without messing up Ubuntu07:53
Jack_Sparrowshriphani: Not good form to come into Ubuntu Gnome channel and talk like thet.. Then you want help..?07:53
ahmadsaifannothing is received07:53
reya277I want to be able to use OpenGL instead of this Mesa3d stuff07:53
=== sn [n=sn@83-216-157-40.laumon772.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
c0386407hi guys, i want to help with translation of ubuntu into punjabi, but i need some help regarding its unicode keyboard layout? where can i find a chart or some sort of reference which tells me what keys does what?07:53
shriphaniJack_Sparrow: nope. sorry if i have hurt anyone.07:53
apeitheoI have a basic d-link router, but no cable/dsl. I'd like to share my dialup connection (or rather, have my desktop computer upstairs connect to the internet and let my laptop downstairs connect through the router to the internet) Is there an easy way to do this?07:53
twosouls82!search ati07:53
ubotuFound: frostwire, hostname, lsb, ro, binarydriver, xen, gdesklets, alternatives, kde docs, roadnav07:53
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agent47aahmadsaifan:  did you type it without the quotes?07:54
AlgorthmicControUbuntu arbitarily stopped mounting my two other internal hard drives, I previously simply mounted them with an NTFS-config program, I haven't even access these drives in the span of when this problem occurred, I checked fstab and it looked fine.07:54
infurityhello guys can someone help me about this problem : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33159/07:54
twosouls82!binarydriver | reya27707:54
ubotureya277: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:54
ahmadsaifanno dhcp is received07:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about unicode - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:54
Jack_SparrowAlgorthmicContro: Which ntfs program...07:54
=== IQ_ [n=diane@ti541210a080-7066.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
AlgorthmicControJack_Sparrow: Ntfs-3g07:55
agent47aahmadsaifan:  i'm not sure I can help you.  perhaps you're better of reading the manual.07:55
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ahmadsaifanit doesnt help me07:55
ahmadsaifanagent, can i send you a file here?07:55
ahmadsaifanI want to show a screenshot of my problem07:55
agent47aahmadsaifan:  fine.07:56
Jack_SparrowAlgorthmicContro: HAve you scanned them from the windows side?07:56
=== vorian_ [n=s@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu
twosouls82ahmadsaifan: use imageshack.us07:56
ahmadsaifanhow can i send it?07:56
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naliothsn please don't paste, it's useless and counterproductive in a channel of this size07:56
Slasheri was about to say that twosouls82 lol07:56
nalioth!tell sn about paste07:56
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=== twosouls82 was fast, this time
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:56
AlgorthmicControJack_Sparrow: Anything?07:57
Jack_SparrowAlgorthmicContro: HAve you scanned them from the windows side?07:57
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:57
infuritycan somebody help me with my problem : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33159/07:57
=== RiCCo69 [n=ian@S0106000c417f7b13.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
AlgorthmicControJack_Sparrow: what do you mean07:57
=== |nLv|Nomad-K is now known as Nomad7
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Jack_SparrowAlgorthmicContro: You have ntfs  do you also have a windows install on there or why do you have ntfs?07:58
=== amonkey [n=amonkey@c-67-191-229-47.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ahmadsaifanagent: [URL=http://imageshack.us] [IMG] http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/6093/screenshot1gb9.png[/IMG] [/URL] 07:58
ahmadsaifanShot at 2007-08-0907:58
neverblueinfurity, attempted to resolve the situation in synaptic?07:58
ahmadsaifanwrong thing07:58
=== stephane [n=stephane@AReims-151-1-110-154.w86-208.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ahmadsaifanagent: http://img48.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1gb9.png07:58
AlgorthmicControJack_Sparrow: Yes, I also have windows, but it's on an entirely different physical disk, it uses NTFS, and I can't access it anymore, ubuntu can07:58
twosouls82infurity: conflicting packages, possibly by faulty repos/packaging? try to remove compiz-plugins first and give it another shot07:58
=== cansado [n=cansado@000-523-667.area4.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
AlgorthmicControubuntu can't mount it*07:58
amonkeyi'm working on my drive with gparted and trying to format a partition, but for some reason gnome keeps trying to automount the partition while it's working so it fails. how can i stop it from automounting  things while i'm working on them?07:58
=== slashzul [n=slashzul@vcsom-113-225.csom.umn.edu] has joined #ubuntu
ahmadsaifani have a wifi connection, but no internet connectiong07:58
AlgorthmicControJack_Sparrow: Ubuntu can't mount is07:58
infurityneverblue: im in synaptic ryt now and i cant locate wat packages is broken07:59
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cansadoi seem to have lost /etc/init.d/ssh .. could someone paste it in some sort of pastebin for me? :(07:59
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slashzulhow do you get a listing of all packages installed on CLI07:59
Jack_SparrowAlgorthmicContro: Windows cant load or mount it and ubuntu cant load or mount it... correct.07:59
SpigiBoysomebody would be top notch for help me07:59
jribslashzul: aptitude search '~i'07:59
Slashercansado, sec07:59
Xorisslashzul: dpkg --get-selections07:59
AlgorthmicControJack_Sparrow: Windows can load it and/or mount it.07:59
geniiinfurity: try: sudo apt-get -f --force-yes install07:59
slashzulthanks jrib08:00
neverblueresolves just fine for me ahmadsaifan08:00
Slashernothing called ssh in that folder08:00
ahmadsaifanneverblue, what do you mean?08:00
SpigiBoyi know litle english08:00
slashzulIm building linux boxes and need to have the same packages on all08:00
LiberCogitoahmadsaifan: Right click on the blue bars, left click on connection.  Do you have an IP or does it say ?08:00
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twosouls82Jack_Sparrow: look at the man page for the 'force' option... READ the notice TOO :)08:00
ahmadsaifanim not on the wifi now08:00
ahmadsaifanim on wired08:00
SlasherSpigiBoy, whats up?08:00
neverblueahmadsaifan, u dont know what it means when a website resolves?08:00
Jack_SparrowAlgorthmicContro: So why cant you run windows and scan the ntfs disk that is a problem in ubuntu08:00
LiberCogitoahmadsaifan: Then go get on wifi, try that, and come back.08:01
neverblueahmadsaifan, or what do you not understand?08:01
reya277does Ubuntu use or can it use 32bit color display?08:01
ahmadsaifanok, i wil try08:01
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ahmadsaifanbe right back08:01
=== THJ [n=thor@216-62-244.200720.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
ahmadsaifando leave neverblue08:01
Nomad7when i double click on CD ROM 1, ubuntu says it's unable to mount the selected volume, "mount: special device /dev/hdd does not exist" - but there's a line for /dev/hdd in my fstab file, and the drive looks like it's working...08:01
=== felixhummel_ [n=dfm21@p5496F066.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpigiBoyXchat is for somebody script?08:01
LiberCogitonomad7: Is there media in the drive?08:01
AlgorthmicControJack_Sparrow: I don't understand what you're trying to tell me, I want ubuntu to be able to access my drives, Windows has no problem.08:01
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Nomad7LiberCogito: yes08:01
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l3mri'm trying to link a static library. i use "libtool --mode=link -static (...)". Libtool complains that 'unrecognized option "-static". However, libtool --help --mode=link tells me that static is a valid switch.... any ideas?08:02
=== sn__ [n=sn@83-216-157-40.laumon772.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Nomad7i've tried a couple different cds now, same result every time08:02
SlasherSpigiBoy, you can find scripts for xchat here http://xchat.org/cgi-bin/disp.pl08:02
Jack_SparrowAlgorthmicContro: I assume that this worked at some point and now it will not...   Sorry I cant be of any help to you08:02
AlgorthmicControAlgorthmicContro: It has worked08:02
SpigiBoySlasher thx :D08:02
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AlgorthmicControJack_Sparrow: I has worked <_<08:02
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AlgorthmicControJack_Sparrow: sudo fdisk -l | grep NTFS /dev/sda1   *           1        9725    78116031    7  HPFS/NTFS /dev/sdb1   *           1       19457   156288321    7  HPFS/NTFS08:03
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rosensturmHow can I go about fixing the popping sounds I hear when trying to play an audio file using alsa?08:03
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amonkeyis there such thing as a checked copy? a command that copies and then checks to make sure all files are identical and were copied?08:03
esquinaswenas wapa08:03
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AlgorthmicControJack_Sparrow: As you can see it can see my drives, I don't know how they can't automatically mount....08:03
=== eternalswd [n=eternals@cpe-65-185-163-101.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_SparrowAlgorthmicContro:  You can force mount it but there is a reason it wont mount as normal...  Which is why I suggested you run windows diagnostics on it..08:03
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LiberCogitoNomad7: IDE, or SATA?08:04
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=== LinuxKid back
Nomad7LiberCogito: IDE08:04
AlgorthmicControJack_Sparrow: How do I forcibly mount them?08:04
=== godzirra [n=shawn@cpe-069-134-112-065.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
godzirraHeya guys.08:04
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godzirraI'm trying to get ubuntu installed on my laptop, but its been sitting at the screen that says "Ubuntu" and has the little orange bar moving back and forth underneath for about 20 minutes.08:05
LiberCogitoNomad7: do you have a  /media/cdrom0 directory ?08:05
LiberCogitogodzirra: Use the alternate install CD... how much ram do you have?08:05
godzirraa gig08:05
LiberCogitogodzirra: did you check the CD for defects?08:06
=== reya276 [n=reya276@c-66-229-41-100.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
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Jack_SparrowAlgorthmicContro: Read this first...   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23775408:06
LiberCogitogodzirra: try the alternate install CD.08:06
agent47aafter having tried CentOS 4 because of Trixbox, I'm so happy to be using Ubuntu.  It just works...08:06
godzirrableh.. ok.  I've got to download it first.08:06
Nomad7LiberCogito: yeah, ls /media/cd* returns /media/cdrom and /media/cdrom008:06
pvccI like how #ubuntu = 1,000+ users08:06
=== stiff [n=stiff@pri.sedlcany.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
godzirraI was afraid you'd say that.08:06
pvccand fedora is only 290+ users LOL08:06
=== Cooldude37554745 [n=Coolhydr@S0106000c413a28c7.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cooldude37554745I need help08:06
godzirra<flamewar>Thats because ubuntu's pretty awesome and fedora sucks.</flamewar>08:07
howlingmadhowiepvcc: ubuntu has really changed how people regard desktop linux :)08:07
LiberCogitoNomad7:  Also. check and see if your laptop is listed in the laptop compatibility list.08:07
geniigodzirra: when it boots to the cd, select whataver one you wanted like Install. then hit f6 key. remove "quiet"    then when it locks up report the last message it gives08:07
pvccwhy dont all of you be "real men"08:07
reya276I'm using a PCI Express card ATI x1300 so there is no AGP could the fact that these Binary Drivers use AGP be causing my card or system to malfunction, for some reason I can't run any games with full graphics features08:07
Cooldude37554745How do i make firefox start at google not at ubuntu08:07
pvccand use "NetBSD" :)08:07
agent47agodzirra:  i'd like to add more fire to that flame.08:07
godzirragenii: I'll try that.08:07
Cooldude37554745How do i make firefox start at google not at ubuntu08:07
howlingmadhowiepvcc: solaris for me :)08:07
Jack_SparrowAlgorthmicContro: I personally do not recommend people use ntfs-3g although it seems to work for many people...08:07
Cooldude37554745How do i make firefox start at google not at ubuntu08:07
Slasheri agree about fedora godzirra08:07
Cooldude37554745How do i make firefox start at google not at ubuntu08:07
twosouls82pvcc: even kubuntu wins from fedora then08:07
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godzirraCooldude37554745: Stop asking 30 times.08:07
pvccstop spamming08:07
XorisCooldude37554745, stop repeating08:07
AlgorthmicControJack_Sparrow: Then what would you recommend?08:07
Xorisbesides, wheren't you banned?08:07
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok08:08
pvccgo into a shell and type: firefox "url"08:08
pvccwithout quotes08:08
godzirraI'd have answered you already if I didn't find you so annoying. ;)08:08
LiberCogitoCooldude37554745: Edit>preferences08:08
Cooldude37554745i never came here08:08
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reya276Edit > Preferences then >main tab then set you home page08:08
Nomad7LiberCogito: it isn't a laptop :) could the problem be with the CD drive? i could try switching it out for one that i know for sure works. would i have to change anything else, or should the functional cd drive work with the current configuration ?08:08
Jack_SparrowAlgorthmicContro: I keep a fat32 as I dont keep files over 4 gig on my system08:08
twosouls82that wasn't cool08:08
studenthey all, is it possible to get 3d support with an ati rage 128 pro?08:08
XorisCooldude37554745: i doubt that08:08
Myrtti!repeat | Cooldude3755474508:09
ubotuCooldude37554745: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:09
geniistudent: No. I tried for months08:09
LiberCogitoNomad7: sorry, sent that to the wrong name.08:09
shriphanihow do i tweak rxvt-unicode ? the font looks very small.08:09
LiberCogitogodzirra:  Also. check and see if your laptop is listed in the laptop compatibility list.08:09
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godzirraWhere's the laptop compatibility list?  I didnt realize there even was one.08:09
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org08:10
studentgenii; k, that sucks. so can't enable direct rendering?08:10
geniigodzirra: Anyhow, if you are getting some message like Intel ISA PCIC probe: not found    letme know08:10
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LiberCogitoNomad7: Can you use that drive to boot from the LiveCD?08:10
amonkeyi accidently rm'ed something on an ntfs-3g drive, i'm screwed right?08:10
godzirragenii: Actually I got "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off <newline> (initramfs)"08:10
agent47aI wonder if the webcams in some of Dell's laptops work with Ubuntu...08:10
MasterShrekamonkey, yes08:10
geniistudent: Exactly. I eventually broke down and got a different card08:10
omerTrk varm Trk08:10
LiberCogitoagent47a: Check Dell's linux wiki08:10
amonkeyMasterShrek, sigh08:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about turkish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:10
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.08:11
szachistahi, how can install manually downgraded .deb package with it's dependencies? "dpkg -i package.deb" doesn't do this work08:11
MasterShrekamonkey, use your gui, and it will go to the trash before it is completely deleted08:11
Cooldude37554745IT DIDN"T WORK08:11
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LiberCogitoagent47a: http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Wiki_Main_Page08:11
szachistamanually downloaded*08:11
LiberCogitoCooldude37554745: then you did something wrong.08:11
geniigodzirra: cycle thru the consoles by alt-f1 thru alt-f7 and tell me if one has any other msgs on it08:11
Cooldude37554745how do i make firefox start at google08:11
Nomad7LiberCogito: no, but i ahve another drive that i know will boot from livecd - should i put it in and see if i still get the same error ?08:11
studentgenii; k, thanks08:11
godzirragenii: F1 says "Begin: Mountying root file system" as the last message.08:11
LiberCogitoszachista: Double click on it?08:11
geniiafk work 2-3 mins08:11
SlasherCooldude37554745, someone told you the answer already ages ago08:11
palintheusgodzirra, , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42158808:11
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Cooldude37554745its cuz it starts at www.unbuntu.com08:12
MasterShrekCooldude37554745, edit > preferences08:12
godzirraOoh.  I bet its cause of my sata controller maybe?08:12
TheOldFellowI need some help with Wireless that the docs don't answer.  The laptop has a RT73 based wifi.  Network manager accepts the Esid and the WEP key, but doesn't connect.  Any suggestions?08:12
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infurity/server newyork.ny.us.undernet.com08:12
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LiberCogitoNomad7: Check the hardware incompatibility list first.08:12
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Nomad7where would i find that ?08:12
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ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:12
Cooldude37554745How do i make Firefox start a google cuz when it starts it says like file://user/ssd.css08:12
goatbusterhey infurity you noob08:12
MasterShrekINcompatibility list?08:12
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Bender1337Cooldude37554745: file tools options08:12
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BajoranHiya, I do "make dep" and I get a console full of divide by zero errors from jiffies.h08:13
Nomad7LiberCogito: awesome, thanks i'll check it out08:13
szachistaLiberCogito: i'm using fluxbox, no graphical package installers here08:13
Bajorananyone know how to fix? :(08:13
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Cooldude37554745Tool options give me it step by step08:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about incompatibility - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:13
Bender1337Cooldude37554745: in firefox08:13
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godzirraTrying that now palintheus08:13
Cooldude37554745Tool options give me it step by step08:13
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palintheusgodzirra, it worked for me and I have a SATA08:13
pvcccooldude, just change your name08:13
pvccthats a weak nick ban :)08:13
MasterShrekszachista, use apt-get08:13
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pvccbut wait im not supposed to say that08:13
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pvccsince you are new, and they assume you dont know how to bypass a nickname ban :)08:13
LiberCogitoNomad7: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36123708:13
Bender1337Cooldude37554745: click on tools on top left08:13
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MasterShrek!apt-get | szachista08:14
ubotuszachista: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)08:14
goatbusterhey guys dont talk to infurity he is a murderer.......08:14
agent47alibercogito:  thanks for the link but dell's linux wiki appears to limit it's scope to just talking about their ubuntu notebooks without webcams.  "webcam" search yields no results.08:14
Nomad7ah, thanks08:14
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Bender1337Cooldude37554745: then click options08:14
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user_how do i install the legacy nvidia drivers for TNT2/Vanta cards etc?08:14
LiberCogitoagent47a: They have a list of drivers.  All you need to do is cross reference the webcams that are used in the laptops that come with ubuntu preinstalled with the windows ones.  Find a windows one that uses the same webcam as the N series that comes with ubuntu, and you know it works.  Duh. :-p08:15
Bender1337Cooldude37554745: click main08:15
MasterShrekuser_, apt-get install nvidia-legacy i believe08:15
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Bender1337Cooldude37554745: then change homepage08:15
BajoranAnyone familiar with compiling alsa drivers?08:15
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user_mastershrek: this package does not exist?08:15
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Angeliauser_ you just have to re downoad it again08:15
Angeliathat will solve your problem08:16
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godzirraok.. I'm going to just download the alternate install cd. ;p08:16
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user_angelia: run the .sh file? i get an error08:16
Slasher`Cooldude37554745, check your pm i sent you instructions08:16
user_cant build kernel module08:16
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LiberCogitoagent47a:  You can also go to support.dell.com, select a model. select Linux as your OS... they have RPMs for all drivers... just use Alien to convert to a .deb08:16
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palintheusgodzirra, i could install from the alternate, but when I rebooted after install got the same message thats when found that thread08:16
Angeliawell maybe the file is corrupted.08:17
MasterShrekuser_, apt-get install build-essential, it will give you all sorts of compiling tools, you shold be able to compile the kernel module then08:17
godzirrapalintheus: WEll, I can't see the image at all unless I start with vga=77108:17
Angeliatry to download the file again user_08:17
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godzirraand when following the message in that  thread AND vga=771, I don't get any image at all.08:17
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palintheusgodzirra, hmm....don't know then08:18
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godzirraMe either. :p08:18
MasterShrekseveas down?08:18
LiberCogitogodzirra: what's the error?08:18
godzirraLiberCogito: no error.  Just no image.08:18
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MasterShreknope just mirror3...08:19
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knightzanyone knows the name of the next version of ubuntu?08:19
twosouls82mirror2 works fine08:19
dgjones!gutsy | knightz08:19
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+108:19
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ubotuknightz: please see above08:19
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rippsi have triple boot system ...i am not able to boot ...can anyone help??08:20
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geniigodzirra: The alternate install cd in text mode install with same thing ("quiet" removed by f6 at load) will show in console4 some informative error msg if there is any. also it has a busybox08:21
palintheus!anyone | ripps08:21
uboturipps: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:21
rippsi am not able to boot vista ..ubuntu and xp is working08:21
MasterShrekripps, do you get to a boot loader?08:21
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GrandeMagociao a tutti08:21
GrandeMagoposso chiedervi una cosa?08:21
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:21
rippsMasterShrek:ya i have grub08:21
MasterShrekripps why doesnt it boot?08:22
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MasterShrekis your grub messed up?08:22
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rippsMasterShrek:earlier i had vista and ubuntu...it was going fine  then i installed win xp in 3rd partition and upgraded dapper to edgy via live cd08:23
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godzirragenii: The cd I have no had busybox as well.. is that unusal?08:23
loconetHello, Anyone ever tried to install MySQL workbench on ubuntu 7.04? Is there a recommended way of installing it? I don't seem to see it listed as a package anywhere? Wanted to check before trying from source.08:23
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rippsMasterShrek:now i am not able to boot vista08:23
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MasterShrekripps, good luck with that lol, i have no idea how you would boot vista off grub, the only advice i could give you is to make sure it looks almost exactly like the xp entry, aside from a different hard drive and label08:24
mindsideoutHow do you update wine with a script - the script is just text08:24
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LiberCogitoMasterShrek: Nope.  Vista boots completely differently than XP.08:24
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Hoxzerhas disk-admin been removed from fiesty ?08:25
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geniigodzirra: The regular livecd doesn't have it just the alternate one. It is on console 2 and 3 then 4 is the error msgs, etc08:25
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LiberCogitoripps: This might be of some use: http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10877_11-6169638.html08:25
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rippsMasterShrek:look at the errors i am getting while booting vista through grub.....filesystem type unknown...partition type 0x8208:25
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rippsMasterShrek:  any idea??08:26
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LiberCogitoripps: http://apcmag.com/5045/how_to_dual_boot_vista_with_linux08:26
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LiberCogitoripps: Can you mount the vista partition in ubuntu?08:26
fyrestrtrripps: how did you setup dual boot?08:26
smultronwhen setting up postfix for sending mail, do i have to have a "real" domain name (e.g. ubuntu.com) in order to send email, or can i use anything (e.g. localhost.com)?08:26
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LiberCogitoripps: And if so, is everything there?  If so, then it's just an issue with the GRUB entry.08:26
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Daronhi u lot. i have a problem with my laptop (HP nx6125-turion64 1.6-512 MB ram- 200m ATI 128MB). i'm using Ubuntu 7.04. i have a 3D support now, but i can not use compiz. What can i do?08:26
JopieHow do I create hostkeys in SSH when working with protocol 108:27
Jopie*? I've tried ssh-keygen - but it doesn't seem to work08:27
rippsMasterShrek: also getting........ERROR 13: invalid or unsupported executable format08:27
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samwizeam i able to use nod32 past the 30 day trial?08:28
rippslibercogito:  ya i have entry in grub  and i am able to mount vista partition08:28
Slasher`buy it08:28
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MasterShrekripps, try those links than LiberCogito gave you, theyll be alot more help than me lol08:28
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Jopiecd /etc/ssh/08:29
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JuhazJopie, just run it as ssh-keygen -t rsa108:29
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mindsideoutDoes anyone here know how to update wine with a script?08:29
Jopieyeah, tried that08:29
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Jopie(oops bout the cd...)08:29
LiberCogitoripps: If everything is there, then the issue lies in the grub entry.  Something in it is wrong.   Post the contents of the entry via pastebin, please/08:29
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orange__Is there a program to run virtual machine / run xp/vista in ubuntu08:29
JopieJuhaz: the server still fails to start08:29
rippsmastershrek:  ya i am trying that link08:29
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LiberCogitoMasterShrek: Vista's bootloader is evil :)08:30
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rippslibercogito: sorry,can u tell me what is pastebin08:31
MasterShrekthats not the only part of it thats evil08:31
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TAGhow do i change from user to root user in a terminal ?08:31
MasterShrek!pastebin | ripps08:31
uboturipps: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:31
mindsideoutI installed ubuntu with 3 partitions leaving free space on the drive for another partition. I then tried to install vista in the free space, but it is telling me that I cannot have any more partions. I only had three and was trying to use xp setup to create the 4th. Any help?08:31
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Overandj ##exim08:31
Overandergh, sorry08:31
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LiberCogitomindsideout: You can't have more than three primary, but you can have multiple logical.  what are the other 2 paritions for?08:32
rippsLiberCogito, okk08:32
Overandis spamhaus down/under attack?08:32
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mindsideoutswap and home08:32
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Badzohi dudes08:32
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nitronichi, my screen seems to go black in some sort of screen saver mode or something after 10 or so minutes... how do i disable this?08:32
mindsideoutlibercogito, swap and home08:32
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LiberCogitomindsideout: does swap show as primary or logical?08:32
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mindsideouti might have done them all as primary - was that a mistake?08:33
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ahmadsaifanhello, where is neverblue???????08:33
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ahmadsaifanNEVER BLUE? are you here08:33
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Badzowhen i am trying to watch .3gp file on realplayer 10 i get message who says that the video/X-RN-MP408:33
Badzo is needed08:33
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LiberCogitomindsideout: Yep.  Swap should show up as blue in gnome partition editor, and it should be classified as extended.08:33
Badzoand i dont know how to install it08:34
makuseruwhat are the most common Vector Image file types?08:34
makuseruBadzo: VLC plays them08:34
LiberCogitomindsideout: Sorry.  Swap is red, but the extended part is blue.08:34
Badzobut without voice08:34
Badzoi think08:34
MasterShrekBadzo, why are u using realplayer? ick08:34
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linux_manjuHi All.. I have created a logical volume ( In LVM ).. How do I create a snapshot volume for the same08:34
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mindsideoutwhat about the system and home partitions?08:34
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makuseruBadzo: works fine on mine08:34
Badzowill try it08:34
mindsideoutcan i change it without loosing my data?08:34
rippslibercogito,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33162/08:34
TAGhow do i change from user to root user in the terminal08:34
LiberCogitomindsideout: Lemme upload a screenshot for refrence.08:34
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linux_manjulvcreate --snapshot -n snap -L20M /dev/myvol/lvol0 exits with help08:34
MasterShrekTAG: su08:34
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softworkhow i get compiz fusion?08:35
MasterShrekTAG, if you type: su [username]         you can switch to any user, default without a username is root08:35
softworkis disponible?08:35
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bruenigLiberCogito, you can have four primary08:35
geniiTAG you may want su -08:35
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ahmadsaifanCan someone take a look at my problem: http://img48.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1gb9.png08:36
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neozenahmadsaifan: taking a look now08:37
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ahmadsaifanNeozen: thank you08:37
ahmadsaifanNeozen: im also on a wired connection now08:37
rippslibercogito,  this is my menu.lst.....http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33162/08:37
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LiberCogitomindsideout: http://img511.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotwc0.png08:37
Trezker!ping me08:37
LiberCogitoripps: looking.08:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ping me - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:37
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
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(Lekrem/#ubuntu) /etc/X1110:35
(Lekrem/#ubuntu) oh10:35
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(Curs0r/#ubuntu) where would I find FATX support for feisty?10:35
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(Curs0r/#ubuntu) !Fatx10:35
(ubotu/#ubuntu) Sorry, I don't know anything about fatx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:35
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(jrattner1/#ubuntu) !mon10:35
(ubotu/#ubuntu) Sorry, I don't know anything about mon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:35
(sh3l1/#ubuntu) thanks anyways, lekrem10:35
(apothecary/#ubuntu) anyone know how set a server port in xchat2?10:35
(TiMiDo/#ubuntu) !mom10:35
(ubotu/#ubuntu) Sorry, I don't know anything about mom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:35
(boghdan/#ubuntu) i know that ubuntu ultimate is an unsupported platform, but it's still ubuntu...just asking for advices, ang got them. thankx alot guys.u rule10:35
boghdansee ya10:35
PenguinsaremyfriI just redid my linux, but now I cannot get my resolution and refresh rate the same that I used to, any ideas?10:35
boghdan!ati | metallus10:36
ubotumetallus: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:36
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sh3l1sorry to bug you guys again, but how do i sudo open a file directory10:36
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palintheusPenguinsaremyfri, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:37
sh3l1never mind10:37
Curs0runknown filesystem type 'fatx' do I need to recompile the kernel with fatx support?10:37
godzirraHrm.. .I can't get X to start on my laptop.10:37
godzirraNo matter what I do.10:37
palintheussh3l1, sudo cd <path>10:37
godzirrait tells me there's no screens.  :/10:37
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EJgotta say, im rather impressed with the ease of use with this Distro. Lots easier to use that some of the other Distro's i have looked at10:37
godzirraand when I run reconfigure, it only lets me choose the resolution.10:37
carlosbarbosachihello i am using nomachine nx server in an ubuntu feisty box, and my client is on a macbook on os x im having really hard issues with the keyboard anyone has experience on the matter?10:37
Curs0rgodzirra, http://rafb.net/paste your xorg.conf10:37
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godzirraCurs0r: I can't easily, because my laptop doesn't have network yet.  But tis the default one the system started up with.10:38
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Curs0rgodzirra, did you install a video driver? if so, which one?10:39
yaustarCurs0r: Are you mucking around with a Xobx hdd?10:39
Curs0ryaustar, I am indeed10:39
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Curs0ryaustar, my dvd drive is dead but I want Xubuntu on it anyway.10:39
godzirraCurs0r: It hasn't give nme an option to install anything.  I'm booting from the alternate cd still.10:40
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godzirraor trying to.10:40
Curs0rgodzirra, why the alternate?10:40
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Jak08I have a question, how fesable would it be to have ubuntu installed on a usb drive that would work in x86 computers and ppc ones?10:40
Luniswhat's the name of the process that is the gnome desktop i.e. .desktop icons?10:40
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godzirraBecause the normal one didnt boot up on my laptop at all.10:40
godzirraI got a blank screen.10:40
MasterShrekJak08, probably wouldnt work10:40
Curs0rLunis that's done by Nautilus10:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:41
yaustarJak08: It is possible10:41
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Jak08so there isn't any sort of recognition script then that can dectect what the architecture is and then load the appropriate files then?10:41
yaustarJak08: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/02/12/usb-ubuntu-tutorial-for-linux-users/10:41
LunisCurs0r, I don't seem to have any nautilus processes running though. i'm in xfce but my desktop is the gnome/nautilus one.10:41
MasterShrekJak08, you may have to make two seperate installs10:42
scotthfxIs no one able to help with the wireless usb issue?  or should I just chill for a bit? (not rushing just unsure of the process)10:42
yaustaroops.. ignore me10:42
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yrlnryI just got "dia", which seems to be just what i wanted.10:42
yaustarI didn't read the whole question10:42
Curs0rLunis, killall nautilus in a terminal will settle this little debate10:42
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MasterShrekscotthfx, the best way to get a quick answer is check the forums or google10:42
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MasterShrekfor hardware10:42
LunisCurs0r, surely enough you're right :) now i just need to find the process for the xfce background to reload it10:43
Jak08ok, because I wanted to be able to use this on my schools computers and my own, and didn't want to have to have two seperate drives10:43
Curs0ryaustar, so do you know how to mount a fatx partition under feisty?10:43
LostchildHello! I was wondering has anyone here ever used Linux as a switch?10:43
LunisCurs0r, which is xfdesktop. thank you very much sir10:43
scotthfxMasterShrek:  Thanks, I have already checked, they generally suggest installing Netowkr Manager (which is already installed) and the hardware doesn't seem to be the issue.10:43
Curs0rLunis, no worries10:43
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yaustarCurs0r: Nada, a quick google search shows that are LiveCds that can do it10:43
godzirraCurs0r: Yeah, I have no idea why it refuses to start X.10:43
embrikscotthfx: wireless is difficult in linux, wait a year, and you will probably experiense that your wireless card works out of the box10:43
MasterShrekscotthfx, do you need wpa?10:43
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Curs0rLunis, you can still use nautilus with the --no-desktop switch10:44
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MasterShrekscotthfx, try running    iwconfig -a   from a termnial10:44
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Penguinsaremyfrianyone know how to get a higher resoolution on the nvidia restricted driver?10:44
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LunisCurs0r, when something spawns nautilus it won't --no-desktop will it?10:45
scotthfxThanks folks, much appreciated.  Hopefully if I rejoin it'll be from the Ubuntu installation.  :)10:45
erUSULPenguinsaremyfri: use nvidia-settings10:45
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LunisCurs0r, by default i mean. i use xfce but i still have some gnome apps >.>10:45
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Curs0rLunis, I like xfce too, I use thunar with it and remove nautilus althogether10:45
PenguinsaremyfriI don't have an nvidia settings10:45
embrikscotthfx: yes, ubuntu deals with wirelss quite smoothly, but not plug and play yet, though10:46
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gnubiePenguinsaremyfri: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:46
LunisCurs0r, Thunar==win ^^10:46
LostchildI would like to build my own gateway router that provides nat/firewall/layer2 switching and suggestions?10:46
epsyloNHello guys, I am having problem with compiz-fusion, it is very slow. I installed drivers with envy, then followed step by step a french tutorial (http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/compiz_fusion) to install compiz fusion. Everything went painlessly, but still, the effects are really slow and they shouldn't (my hardware config is top-notch, nvidia 8600M GT). Does anyone have a hint about how to solve that problem please :) ? (I am running10:47
epsyloNKUbuntu, btw.)10:47
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Shayehow do i get a list of current users on my server?10:47
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reya277How can I upgrade my OpenGL version from 2.0.6 to 2.110:48
erUSULShaye: w or who10:48
erUSULShaye: for the list of current logged users10:48
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yeniklasorHow can I scrool down when I launch "top" on terminal ?10:48
dotdotShaye, also "finger"10:48
Shayeok thanks, and a list of the whole users? not only those who are logged atm10:49
Vordehow would I install alternative drivers for my network cards to see if it would fix my problem?10:49
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Junocan someone tell me how to fix my xserver configuration? it wont load; says no screens were detected10:50
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palintheusJuno, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:50
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erUSULJuno: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'10:50
godzirraOk, I can paste my xorg.conf somewhere if I can find a paste site that supports links. ;)10:50
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dotdot!pastebin > godzirra10:51
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scami got a lx-700 keyboard and mouse.. can i get all button support for it ?10:51
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Junowhat should I look for in the xserver config to change?10:52
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Aye|Does anyone have the remotest idea why my ubuntu installation wont boot when my gfx (geforce 6200) is in or activate but boots when its disabled and i use my onboard10:52
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godzirraCrap... my mouse doesn't work yet, since I can't get X working.10:52
=== godzirra sighs.
royelLooking for setup a PDC with roaming profiles, clients will be both linux and win xp, I'm confused about using NFS or Samba, does it matter much, I've read something about samba not liking roaming profiles, perhaps someone knows of a good tutorial on this exact thing?10:52
godzirraif I send smoeone my xorg.conf can they paste it for me so I can try and figure out why X won't start?10:52
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lietergodzirra, pastebin it10:53
=== richard [n=richard@156-254.1-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #ubuntu
scampastebin is a good place to post files10:53
godzirraI can't pastebin10:53
lieterand what is the error you get?10:53
godzirraI have no X and can't get mouse working.10:53
godzirraoutside of X10:53
godzirralieter: no screens found10:53
Aye|godzirra, use slexy10:53
LazyJaygodzirra: #flood10:53
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lieteryeah ok10:53
lieterbut more precice10:53
JunoI'm having the same problem as godzirra10:53
godzirrahow do I read a file into irssi?10:53
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lieterpaste /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:54
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yeniklasorNow how can I install JDK ? On repo isn't working :( Do you know any tutorial10:55
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godzirralieter: How do I read a file from irssi into #flood?10:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:57
Blauhaut!kiba box10:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba box - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:57
Blauhaut!kiba dock10:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:57
erUSULgodzirra: /exec -o cat file10:57
=== richard [n=richard@156-254.1-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #ubuntu
wwalkerrunning fiesty - evolution prints to A4 paper, everything else (command line (enscript), firefox, open office) prints to Letter. I can't find a paper tpe setting in evolution to fix it.10:57
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TyphoidHippoHello again all - one more quick question - in debian, there is a mighty handy soundcard detection tool called "alsaconf" that seems to be absent in ubuntu, is there an equivalent?10:58
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volothamphi >(10:59
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MasterShrekTyphoidHippo, did you install alsa-utils?10:59
The_Belgainquick question: i've got a package which fails the postinst stage in apt-get / synaptic, but which works fine once i've fixed up it's config - problem is that each time i install / update any packages in synaptic thereafter, it tries to rerun the failed postinst which then renders this package useless until i fix it up manually11:00
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TyphoidHippoahhh, I sure didn't, that must be it - thanks MasterShrek...  My head is spinning at the moment, :P11:00
The_Belgainis there any way to tell synaptic to ignore this package?11:00
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k5ehxThe_Belgain: sounds like you should submit a bug11:00
PenguinsaremyfriOk, no luck changing resolution. Any help with my screen being generally blurry?11:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about git - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gitweb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:00
k5ehxPenguinsaremyfri: wrong resolution. :-)11:01
PenguinsaremyfriWell, I cannot figure out how to change it11:01
RiyonukI have 2 hardrives, ones new, ones old. The old one, has windows, the new one I just installed ubuntu. When I boot into windows, its extremely sloow, is this cause its set to slave?11:01
Slasher`anyone have any tutorials on how to install something from a gitweb package11:01
Penguinsaremyfriit is forcing widescreen on an 4:3 resolution11:01
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The_Belgaini'll do that, but in the meantime i'd like to know if it's possible to just have apt ignore it?  The package is vmware server by the way - the problem is that it assumes you want to use eth0 as your network interface11:01
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mhsqlalguien habla espaol?11:02
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:02
avisRiyonuk, whether the drive is slave or master doesn't make a different speed wise it might be your controller or a slower hard drive or other issues11:02
TBotNik_1All: How do I install sound on my U box?11:02
godzirraI pasted my xorg.conf into #flood11:02
godzirraAlthough i'm not sure if there's anyone in there to look. ;)11:02
godzirraAnd it didn't paste anyways.11:02
godzirraArgh.Never guessed that installing ubuntu would be so difficult on my laptop :(11:02
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godzirraCan anyone help me get X running via the alternate install CD so I can get ubuntu installed?11:02
TyphoidHippoWait, it is installed, MasterShrek, but there's another package called alsa-tools that might have something like alsaconf, I'll try that.11:02
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Shayehow do i edit user rights? e.g i add a user with adduser nick, but i want that user to be admin11:03
godzirraCan anyone help me get X running via the alternate install CD so I can get ubuntu installed?11:03
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lietergodzirra, the laternatie cd doesnt have X11:03
godzirraOr can I get ubuntu installed without doing it through X?11:03
lieteri beleive11:03
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lieterits textbased installer11:04
godzirralieter: well, how do i start the install?11:04
godzirraBecause it didnt start it when I booted from the cd.11:04
neverblue2Shaye, in Gnome?11:04
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lieterput in the cd and hit install :)11:04
godzirraI did. :/11:04
RiyonukCan someone tell me how I download this? cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/rtl8180-sa240011:04
godzirraBrb.. let me try it again I guess.11:04
lieterghehe, put your bios on boot from cd?11:04
godzirraYes. ;p11:04
neverblue2Riyonuk, man cvs11:04
godzirraafk, rebooting.11:04
__mikemgodzirra, the whole point of the alternate install cd is that its a text based instalation. Don't worry, once the instalation is done you will be able to boot into gnome like normal11:04
RiyonukIm on windows11:04
Shayeneverblue2 no i only got server edition no gui11:05
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neverblue2Shaye, not sure then, sorry11:05
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Shayenp ;)11:05
neverblue2Riyonuk, cvs howto <-- google it11:05
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godzirra__mikem: it hasnt started yet.  Thats part of the problem.11:06
neverblue2Shaye, so you want the user to be an su ?11:06
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godzirraI just rebooted so we'll see what happens now.11:06
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Wyvern|Hi, I was wondering how I can run scp in the background from a shell? Copying large amounts of data...11:06
godzirraits going through the startup still.11:06
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__mikemgodzirra, what do you mean it hasn't started yet. What specifically is on the screen?11:06
neverblue2Shaye, or sudo access?11:06
bruenigWyvern|, append a & to the end of the command, or you can always control + z after it is started11:06
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Wyvern|ah, what does ctrl+z do?11:07
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pike_Wyvern|: also if ya want to close the terminal you can nohup command&11:07
Wyvern|I tried &, but that screwed over the password prompt11:07
volothamphi to all! It`s been a long time since I`ve used bitchx!11:07
bruenigWyvern|, backgrounds it11:07
neverblue2undo in some circles11:07
godzirra__mikem: I just rebooted.  CUrrently the Ubuntu logo and progress bar are on the screen.  Then it just dropped me to a console window thats going through the startup options.11:07
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volothampand now I can`t remember ho to quit.11:07
TBotNik_1Hey all, looking for status cmd!11:07
bruenigWyvern|, or screen11:07
volothamplet`s try ctrl-c11:07
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TBotNik_1/exec sudo status11:07
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__mikemgodzirra, did you by any chance use wubi to install it?11:07
Wyvern|ctrl+z stops it11:08
bjamesok, just installed Ubuntu 7.04 - mouse seems sluggish even with settings turned up full, is there anything I can change to speed it up a bit?11:08
Shayeneverblue2 i got it... sudo usermod -G admin user11:08
bruenigWyvern|, backgrounds it, you can foreground it with "fg" after that11:08
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neverblue2usermod, there ya go11:08
agent47aI have Java 2 JRE build 1.5.0 installed and Firefox launches all Java apps just fine but I get no sound.  Sound is working for everything else include Flash videos and embedded mplayer videos.  Thank your for any idea.11:08
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godzirra__mikem: no idea what wubi is.11:08
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html11:08
Wyvern|how do I use "screen"?11:08
tbzanyone familiar with nvidia 8800gts? if so pm plz need a bit of help11:08
pike_Wyvern|: i made an ftp script not too long ago to do this. it works if you change to sftp also11:08
CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to troubleshoot Gnomad2???11:08
godzirraI rebooted and booted from the cd.11:08
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godzirraAnd it tried to start X.11:08
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godzirraGiving me the ugly screen that says its likely that its not setup correctly.11:09
bruenig!info screen | Wyvern|11:09
ubotuwyvern|: screen: a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-0.2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 571 kB, installed size 980 kB11:09
neverblue2tbz, didnt I direct you to the ubuntu guide before?11:09
__mikemgodzirra what video card do you have11:09
bruenigWyvern|, probably best to read the docs, there is a lot of stuff you can do with it11:09
neverblue2tbz still havent taken my advice?11:09
reya277Ok let's see if this will help; I need to update  OpenGL version string:2.0.6334 to OpenGL version string:2.111:09
godzirraIts an nvidia card.  8400MS11:09
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Wyvern|the real problem is that "nohup scp user@server:file . &" won't let me enter a password11:09
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tbzdude, what kinda advice is the guide, I've read it already11:09
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Wyvern|ah, screen isn't installed yet11:09
godzirraWyvern|: edit your .ssh/known_hosts so you don't have to.11:10
reya277How or where do I get the download for in order to achieve this11:10
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__mikemgodzirra, so when it trys to load X it gives you an error?11:10
neverblue2Wyvern|, then do it in a shell, and open other one?11:10
godzirra__mikem: yes.11:10
pike_Wyvern|: if youre curious http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33184/11:10
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__mikemokay, do me a favor, and boot the machine into a root shell11:10
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pike_egads didnt mean to leave the sun part in there :)11:10
TBotNik_1All: I see "status" equates to "ps" on Unbuntu.  How to I status installed and/or running modules like apache, hald, samba, dhcp, etc.?11:10
godzirra__mikem: I'm getting a job error.  Just tried something I found on the ubuntu forums.  One sec (just rebooted following those instructions)11:10
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Wyvern|I'm copying a terabyte of data from one server to another, don't have physical access to any of them.11:11
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Wyvern|which is why i kinda would like the copying to continue after I log out11:11
bruenigWyvern|, that's a lot of pr0n11:11
Wyvern|actually no pr0n11:11
godzirraWow.  That is a lot.  Can I have access to your pr0n stash? :)11:11
Wyvern|but MPAA would be "annoyed" at me if they found out.11:11
__mikemone of these days I have to get all my software installed on this computer so its ready for when I go to college in a few weeks11:11
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godzirraWyvern|: I told you, edit the .ssh/known_hosts and add your keys there so you dont need logins.11:12
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godzirraWyvern|: No, I think -you- would be annoyed if  the MPAA found out.  I hear they have some hefty fees.11:12
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CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to troubleshoot Gnomad2???11:12
godzirra__mikem: ok, I'm at a console screen after it failed X again.  get to a root window by just doing sudo su - ?11:12
Wyvern|well, godzirra, how do I enter a password to a file with encrypted passwords?11:13
__mikemgodzirra, yes you can do that as well11:13
__mikembut you just need to type su, no need to sudo11:13
ansquewhere greasemonkey have scripts?11:13
Wyvern|there isn't any way to "detatch" from a running program after you've launched it?11:13
godzirra__mikem: I don't have a root password y et. :)  hence the sudo11:13
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TBotNik_1Wyvern|: Move it to background process?11:14
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godzirra__mikem: What now?11:14
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__mikemokay, in that case, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:14
Wyvern|was that ctrl+z?11:14
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TBotNik_1Wyvern|: Yes I think ctrl+z11:15
godzirra__mikem: hrm... ok.. one sec.  I assume the curses gui isn't supposed to be really screwed up looking at this point? :p11:15
Wyvern|Ah, i tried that, but got informed that the scp got killed11:16
__mikemgodzirra, no it isn't, but it should still be useable even if the borders look strange11:16
godzirraattempt to autodetect video hardware?11:16
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godzirraselect "nv" as the driver?11:17
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__mikemthats what we are going to try, if that doesn't work I am going to have you install the nvidia proprietary drivers11:17
godzirraok, I'm chosen NV11:17
Enselic_is there some general way of finding out what kernel module I should use for my CD?11:17
godzirraand used the default identifier11:17
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godzirranow its asking for the video card's bus identifier11:17
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__mikemI don't remember ever being asked that when using that command, see if you can hit next without entering it11:18
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godzirraIts got a default listed there11:18
pike_godzirra: enter for the stuff you dont know11:18
__mikemgodzirra, then use the default11:18
godzirraok, asking about the ram now.11:18
godzirraleave it blank?  Or put in something?11:18
__mikemleave it11:18
godzirrause kernel framebuffer device interface?11:19
__mikemand enable kernel frame buffering11:19
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godzirraImPS/2 or ExplorerPS/2?11:19
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godzirra... they're both PS/2 ;)11:19
pike_this is facinating11:19
=== godzirra chuckles.
Wyvern|hm... ctrl+z didn't work, screen won't install without a CD, and I didn't understand that editing of known_hosts... How would you go about if you should move large amounts of data frome one box to another, and then closing the shell you logged in with?11:19
__mikempike_, what specifically11:19
godzirraOk, use the default server modules?11:20
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n2diyHow do I restart cups?11:20
pike___mikem: nothing im just bored and trying to avoid work. its a good distraction11:20
godzirraok, wish me luck.11:20
godzirraNo devices deteected.11:21
godzirrafatal error, no screens fonud.11:21
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__mikemwell, it sounds like a hardware problem11:21
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__mikemsounds like your video card is bad11:21
godzirraits not.11:21
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godzirraI was playing warcraft on it this morning in windows. ;p11:21
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__mikemokay, approximately how old is the video card?11:21
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godzirraThe laptop is about 2 months old.11:22
SpectralDesignWho can (or wants to) recommend a laptop for Ubuntu?  Required: Wireless & hibernate/suspend...  under $1000.00 shipped.  Thanks in advance for any suggestions11:22
__mikemgodzirra, okay, are you back in the root shell11:22
__mikemor atleast in some kind of shell11:22
pike_SpectralDesign: i like asus alot.11:22
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Wyvern|argh, i'm giving up then, I'll just leave the shell on...11:23
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__mikemgodzirra, if your lappy is only 2 months old its definitely a driver problem and should be easy to fix11:23
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godzirraYeah, I'm back at the shell.11:23
pike_SpectralDesign: system76 i guess to be sure but i think they use asus11:23
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__mikemokay, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx11:24
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zzazahi all11:24
pvcc<MaDiNfO_> h ttp://www.tard.biz for linux info11:24
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killown|awaywhere I found xorg 7.2 source?11:24
godzirraone sec.11:24
godzirraneed to find an ethernet cable.11:24
Flokerhey how can i apped a file to a command?  (like instead of ssh i want ssh [content of ip.txt] )11:24
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SpectralDesignthanks pike_11:25
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godzirrasec.  running apt-get update and then installing.11:25
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__mikemOh my GOD, PriceChild PLEASE WARN ME NEXT TIME11:25
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Shayehow can i install a c++ complier?11:26
Shayeconfigure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables11:26
XorisFloker: ssh $(cat filename)11:26
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godzirraThis is a lot of work to get the os installed lol11:26
__mikemShaye, sudo apt-get install build-essential11:26
bruenigShaye, g++11:26
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FlokerXoris thank you very much :>11:26
godzirraOk, its installed __mikem11:26
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XorisFloker: in general, using the $(command) syntax results in the output of "command" ending up on the command line itself. so, since "cat" outputs the contents of a file...11:26
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AllooshHi guys, was fighting with my network in the last two days, and finally did it my way, using a tunnel, any way I have problem with my dvd player, it recognize some dvds and not recognize others, any idea?11:26
__mikemgodzirra, alright, I want you to do sudo dpkg-reconfigure again11:27
linux_how i can add another language that i will be able to write in ?11:27
=== bruenig is confused as to what the network has to do with it
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n2diyHow do I restart cups?11:27
bruenig!dvd | Alloosh11:27
ubotuAlloosh: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:27
KleRoiHello, i have this problem, i have installed ubuntu from the live CD but when I try to boot it, it gives me an error telling me that "server X could not be loaded" and in particular that "no screens found" and "no devices detected"... my gfx card is an ATI radeon. anyone knows why this happens? :(11:27
noodles12/etc/init.d/cupsys restart11:27
bruenign2diy, just restart the daemon11:27
zzazai got an ibook G3 500mhz 10Gb hardisk, 640mb memory, am planning to install linux. can any one give me tips or help as to what to think about etc11:27
broofaHi all.  I could use some help getting my mic to work.  I have a Asus A8Js with onboard Intel 82801G  audio ...11:27
Allooshthanks ubotu, will go have a look now11:27
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linux_how i can add another language that i will be able to write in ?11:28
broofaI've done the usual googling.  Mic is enabled in preferences ...11:28
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godzirra__mikem: ok.. and what do I need to do differently?11:28
SpectralDesignAnyone know a Canadian distributor that makes laptops for Ubuntu with wireless/suspend supported?11:28
bruenig!repeat | linux_11:28
ubotulinux_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:28
broofaAlso used alsamixer to make sure it's enabled...11:28
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bruenigSpectralDesign, hp11:28
__mikemgodzirra, when it asks for the driver, there should be a new entry called nvidia11:28
broofaAlso used lspci to make sure the device is recognized... but neither Skype nor Sound Recorder shows any input.11:29
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SpectralDesignoh, didn't know hp laptops could do Ubuntu w/out hassles!11:29
bruenigSpectralDesign, get the right one11:29
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godzirraIt did.  I'm using the same options for the rest.11:29
autumnkis anyone here? i need help desperately11:29
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bruenigSpectralDesign, ipw3945 for wireless, make sure nvidia or on board for graphics, and you are good11:29
pike_SpectralDesign: hp has linux certified lappys but they dont sell preinstalled i think11:29
__mikemgodzirra, yes the rest should be the same11:29
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KleRoimmm i'll try asking again: i have this problem, i have installed ubuntu from the live CD but when I try to boot it, it gives me an error telling me that "server X could not be loaded" and in particular that "no screens found" and "no devices detected"... my gfx card is an ATI radeon. anyone knows why this happens?11:29
godzirraScreens found but none have a usable configuration11:29
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godzirracouldn't open /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-amd64-generic/volatile/nvidia.ko: no such file or directory11:30
broofaFunny thing is, I can hear the mic coming through the speakers.  'Even get feedback loop if I crank the mic/speaker controls too high.11:30
bruenigmine suspends, although I don't do it because nvidia and such is troublesoe11:30
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Nattgew!question | autumnk11:30
broofaBut absolutely no sound being recorded by SR or Skype.11:30
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SpectralDesignbruenig & pike_ -- thanks!11:30
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Nomad7every time i start up ubuntu i have to manually enable the network connection. is there a way to make it automatically turn itself on? should i disable network manager altogether?11:30
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__mikemgodzirra, sounds like when you installed the drivers, apt-get didn't resolve the dependencies11:30
pike_Nomad7: gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces  and you want an auto eth0  or something11:30
bruenigNomad7, manually enable, like iwconfig and such?11:30
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__mikemwhich is usually does11:30
godzirraIt installed a few other things.11:31
Allooshmy problem is not playing DVDs, I think this will be the next fight, the problem is recognizing them, for example now I have a dvd in the drive and its not recognized at all. any thoughts?11:31
bruenig!dvd | Alloosh11:31
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__mikemokay, godzirra, do me a favor reboot the machine, and boot into a root shell this time11:31
Nomad7bruenig: no, just click on the network icon and select the only option that isn't greyed out11:31
godzirrahow do I boot into a root shell?11:31
brueniggodzirra, you  need to enable the root account11:31
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godzirrabruenig: I'm trying to install still.11:32
__mikemgodzirra, wait, hold on, I thought you couldn't get into X, what do you mean you are still trying to install?11:32
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Nomad7pike_: in interfaces i've got several auto eth# entries11:33
bruenigNomad7, it will likely be the biggest one11:33
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=== broofa wonders if there's anyone here who knows how to get microphone recording working.
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Xorisgodzirra: use recovery mode (from the GRUB menu)11:33
KleRoimmm i'll try asking again, hoping someone has a clue: i have this problem, i have installed ubuntu from the live CD but when I try to boot it, it gives me an error telling me that "server X could not be loaded" and in particular that "no screens found" and "no devices detected"... my gfx card is an ATI radeon. anyone knows why this happens?11:33
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godzirra__mikem: ... I said that to begin with.  I'm trying to install ubuntu still.  I've got the alternate install and the main cd but I've not been able to get into an install screen at all yety.11:34
Xorisbruenig: no, not to just boot into a root shell!11:34
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zzazaany one running ubuntu on a Mac11:34
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__mikemgodzirra, you could have told me that earlier11:34
bruenigXoris, recovery mode is not necessarily fun11:34
__mikembruenig, recovery mode isn't that bad.11:34
Xorisbruenig: when it isn't, init=/bin/sh is11:34
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__mikemit can be quite fun at times :)11:34
Solpexheya all when i load my eggdrop it comes on irc ect, but it wont save the user file how can i make it save the userfile ? like it wont write it i think its because of ubuntu security anyone here that can help or point me in the right direction please?11:35
godzirra__mikem: sorry, I said that earlier, I think it was before you started helping me though.11:35
FiNeXHi! I'm doing some test with the patch applied by the distro to the kernel11:35
Solpexand ovbiously eggdrop wont run as root11:35
pike_Nomad7: well id imagine you can comment out all but the one you want11:35
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FiNeXI've found a small set of patch that cause some AMD system to crash11:35
Nomad7ah, i think the problem was that i ahd two different Wired Connections to choose from, so it didn't choose either one. i disabled the one that i'm not using in Network Manager, lemme reboot and see how it goes11:35
FiNeXI don't know exatly the patch11:35
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__mikemno worries, okay, first of all, I want you to put the alternate install CD in there because the main install isn't going to work because the nvidia card you have ins't supported by x by default11:36
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bruenigSolpex, where is it meant to save the userfile?11:36
pike_Nomad7: to be safe maybe pastebin sudo ifconfig -a and /etc/network/interfaces11:36
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__mikemgodzirra, by the way, is your lappy by any chance an HP11:36
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CheeseGardenerDoes anyone know how to troubleshoot Gnomad2?11:36
Solpexbruenig 2 seconds im booting the box ill tell you now11:36
FiNeXI'm trying to do a cross search with the patch applied by the ubuntu team for restrict the set of patches11:36
godzirra__mikem: yes... yes it is.11:36
__mikemgodzirra, is it a pavilian?11:36
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FiNeXWhere can I found the complete list of the patch used by ubuntu (feisty fawn) ?11:36
Nomad7pike_: i'm not too familiar with command lines yet, would that make a copy of the file and put it ... someplace ?11:37
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__mikemgodzirra, I had the same exact problems with my HP Pavilian11:38
KleRoimmm i'll try asking again: i have this problem, i have installed ubuntu from the live CD but when I try to boot it, it gives me an error telling me that "server X could not be loaded" and in particular that "no screens found" and "no devices detected"... my gfx card is an ATI mobilty radeon x1600. anyone knows why this happens?11:38
__mikemwhat I want you to do is put the alternate install CD in the drive and reboot11:38
godzirraHow'd you fix it?11:38
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godzirraOk.  Thats where I'm at now.11:38
godzirrais the boot screen for the alternate cd.11:38
pike_Nomad7: ifconfig -a will just list your devices youd need to copy the terminal stuff and paste it.11:38
__mikemyes there should be once that comes up right after the POST11:38
pike_Nomad7: i dont know the gui much you might be better off speaking with a gnome person here11:38
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TBotNik_1All: Hey working on my "lp" vs Cups prob.  Made sure I have .ppd file, but still getting error: "Error - no default destination available."  Any ideas on fixing this?11:39
godzirraI'm looking at the ubuntu logo and the "Start, start in safe graphics mode, check for defects, memory test, boot first disk" screen11:39
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icaniccan someone tell me how to install 8800gts drivers on ubuntu?11:39
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Nomad7pike_: well i rebooted and nothing broke, but it still doesn't enable my wired network by default :\11:39
__mikemgodzirra, it should NOT say anything about graphica11:39
Nomad7i have to click the network manager icon and then select Wired Network11:39
__mikemthe alternate install cd is a text based installer11:39
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__mikemI think the problem is you burned yourself 2 copies of the main install cd11:40
pike_icanic: from what i here they are still problematic but nvidias next driver update should correct much of it11:40
Solpexwhats the move or copy command anyone know ?11:40
Solpexcp ?11:40
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jrib!cli > Solpex (see the private message from ubotu)11:40
godzirrathe two screens are different though...11:40
autumnkokay well i guess i will type this all out and maybe somebody will be willing to help. we had a power outage, and when my boyfriend booted his computer back up it wouldn't let him log in, it said there was an ICE file that wouldn't let him log in. he deleted that, and when he rebooted and logged in he got a panel error. he did the troubleshooting for the panel, and then he started getting IO errors. he did the troubleshooting for th11:40
autumnkat, rebooted his computer, and now his ubuntu loading screen makes it halfway and then disappears and leaves blinking cursor. i have no idea what to do and he got really frustrated and won't even try to fix it11:40
__mikemholly crap11:40
jimbojwi just used ssh-add to have my ssh agent remember my passphrase - will I need to do this every time I restart my computer?11:40
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Solpexcheers man11:40
godzirraat least I think they are11:40
__mikemdifferent in what way?11:40
godzirralet me look11:40
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pike_Solpex: apropos is handy 'apropos copy file' for instance will list command manuals with the word copy and file in em11:40
KleRoimmm i'll try asking again: i have this problem, i have installed ubuntu from the live CD but when I try to boot it, it gives me an error telling me that "server X could not be loaded" and in particular that "no screens found" and "no devices detected"... my gfx card is an ATI radeon. anyone knows why this happens?11:41
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pike_!cli | Solpex11:41
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Solpexheh ubuntu is too secure for me11:41
godzirraThey're definitely different11:41
Solpexlocks all the folders and everything11:41
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godzirrafor one, the logo is all brown on the "alternate" cd I have.11:41
pike_Nomad7: only suggestion i can make is to pastebin the /etc/network/interfaces file11:41
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Solpexcant do shit11:41
godzirraAnd the non alternate cd has a "install with drivers update cd" option11:41
godzirrathats the only two diffs.11:42
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pike_Solpex: if you NEED to you can gksu nautilus& in a terminal11:42
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Nomad7pike_: that sounds good to me, how do i pastebin ?11:42
Solpexubotu isnt here hhe11:42
jribSolpex: which folder?11:42
Nomad7nevermind !11:42
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__mikemgodzirra, does the alternate cd have an item that says something about a recovery shell11:42
Solpexi wanna move a tcl script to the /home/solpex/eggdrop/scripts folder.11:43
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__mikemor system recovery or something like that11:43
godzirranot sure.. give me a sec11:43
godzirra.booting back into xp to see what I burned.11:43
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jribSolpex: mv whatever 17:43 <          Solpex > i wanna move a tcl script to the /home/solpex/eggdrop/scripts folder.11:43
onur_how can i redirect my proxy server packages to itself ?11:43
jribSolpex: erm... mv whatever /home/solpex/eggdrop/scripts11:43
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Solpexcheers man11:43
Solpexill give it ago11:43
Solpexsudo before mv ovbious i guess11:44
godzirra__mikem: ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-amd64.iso11:44
=== Stormx2 is now known as ubotu
FiNeXHi! I'm doing some test with the patch applied by the distro to the kernel. I've found a small set of patch that cause some AMD system to crash. I don't know exatly the patch who make the system crash. I'm trying to do a cross search with the patch applied by the ubuntu team for restrict the set of patches. Where can I found the complete list of the patch used by ubuntu (feisty fawn) ?11:44
Solpexas you need sudo for everything :P11:44
=== guardian_ [n=Guardian@ANantes-252-1-51-169.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
__mikemgodzirra, no that is not the alternat CD, you are going to have to find an ISO of the alternate CD11:44
__mikemI'll be right back, dinners on the table11:44
jribSolpex: you shouldn't need sudo since it's in your HOME11:44
godzirrathats the option that shows up when I go to the ubuntu site to download11:44
icanichow to install nvidia driver on ubuntu?11:44
godzirraI just checed11:45
icanicsorry I'm new on linux11:45
syuroffis there a way to figure out why my 6.06LTS support hangs before asking what disk to partition and install on a brand new server?  7.04 finds the RAID controller immediately.11:45
TBotNik_1All: Hey working on my "lp" vs Cups prob.  Cups working fine in X.win.  Made sure I have .ppd file, but still getting error: "Error - no default destination available."  Any ideas on fixing this?  Is there a util that associates the 2?11:45
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Nomad7icanic: it's very easy11:45
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jribicanic: system -> administration -> restricted drivers manager11:45
godzirra__mikem: I'll be back in a few.  I'm driving home (1 hour drive or so).  Be back online afterwards.11:45
orudiei have a creative labs sound blaster X-fi , is it supported by ubuntu?11:46
onur_how can i redirect my proxy server packages to itself ?11:46
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Solpexyay done cheers guys11:47
jribSolpex: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommandlineHowto was the link11:47
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Solpexthanks for the help all :P11:47
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Solpexive found most things out myself but some i need some assistance for11:47
syuroffoh, look, ctl-alt f4.  OK.... partman is reading all physical volumes.  for 17 minutes and counting..... how patient should I be?11:47
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Solpexi like to idle here to learn things :P11:47
iratikI'm just so frustrated ..... it seems like there is no agreed upon method to setup ldap on any network anywhere ... everywhere i go is just an article with a list of shell commands .... and 3-4 comments ... its like there is no way to set it up! ....    any resources out there for a _simpler_ way to setup ldap and clients ?11:47
onur_how can i redirect my proxy server packages to itself ? ? ?11:47
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iratiki mean... i've been trying for a whole week!11:48
Nomad7pike_: http://pastebin.com/d152ba21b11:48
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onur_which iptables command ? can someone give me a document or howto ?11:48
linux_how i can make "batch" file in linux ?11:48
onur_linux_ use bash11:48
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linux_to create file with name "name.pash" ?11:48
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RiyonukI cant get wireless to work T_T, I did ndiswrapper, some linux driver, nothing works. In 6.10, it worked like a charm, what happened?11:48
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linux_aonur_ and it will be runable ?11:49
jribonur_: search for "iptables" on help.ubuntu.com/community since the bot is down.  Let me know if you can't find it11:49
RiyonukI do "iwlist wlan0 scan", and it shows my access point, then I keep doing it, and then it gives no results :(11:49
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n2diyI have a strange printing problem. I'm trying to print a webpage from firefox. With my HP 672c a few line print, then it errors like it is out of paper. With my HP 660c, it doesn't do anything at all. I've restarted cups numerous times, with no luck. Print Preview shows two pages to be printed, but Print only shows one page. Ideas?11:49
jriblinux_: you want to create a bash script.  A very good tutorial is the "advanced bash scripting" tutorial, should be easy to find with google11:49
=== ubotu [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
skyfalcon866is there a point in running fsck11:49
t0nedefI'm having a problem with X, as in it doesn't want to load11:50
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cafuegousually there is, if your FS is inconsistent.11:50
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t0nedefAnd i was wondering if anyone knows what apt-get line i need to run to get xorgcfg on my system11:50
jorrehow can i install my bcm43xx wireless network card11:51
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cafuegowhy would you need it? 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'11:51
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cafuegojorre: Install firmware for it, insert card, enjoy.11:51
t0nedefsee, thanks cafuego, that works for me11:51
jorrecafuego: what do u mean?11:51
t0nedefsudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter11:51
skyfalcon866how can i encrypt files11:51
t0nedefi may have mispelled that11:51
eugman|OW_omfgShould I be able to enlarge the taskbar thing so I can see two rows of programs?11:51
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t0nedefwhen it asks you to install firmware, say yes11:52
jorrecafuego:  i am using a laptop11:52
cafuegoNo, bcm43xx-fwcutter is right :-)11:52
t0nedefit will download it for you11:52
t0nedefi have the same card11:52
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t0nedefmeh, right path at least11:52
bruenigeugman|OW_omfg, this is not kde11:52
t0nedefafk a sec11:52
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Nomad7Shouldn't Ubuntu enable the only available network connection by default when it starts up? ... http://pastebin.com/d5c4b0b3e11:53
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eugman|OW_omfgBruenig, wow for once I have a reason to use KDE. Anyway I can do it in windows so I figure there might be a chance gnome allowed it too.11:53
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=== Stormx2 looks shifty
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bruenigeugman|OW_omfg, such a feature is far to confusing for users, gnome won't likely have it11:54
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skyfalcon866can i run fsck when the volume mounted11:54
__mikemWhy did ubotu rename itself to stormx2 and say it looks shifty11:54
Enselic_skyfalcon866: yes, but you will get a deserved warning11:54
cafuegoskyfalcon866: Not if you want to keep the data that's on the volume.11:54
blackesthelp i seem to have services problems how do i restart apache11:54
eugman|OW_omfgBruenig, I can understand that but honestly it seems intuative to me. You can resize windows so why not panels I would think.11:55
cafuegoskyfalcon866: it will probably destroy the filesystem.11:55
bruenigeugman|OW_omfg, yeah just joking, but  you know how gnome does things11:55
eugman|OW_omfgBut he beggars can't be choosers.11:55
Stormx2__mikem: I... don't.... know11:55
Enselic_blackest: sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart            does that work?11:55
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skyfalcon866why would it destroy it11:56
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bruenigblanky, #ubuntu-effects11:56
killown|awayhow do i to construct package with dpkg-buildpackage with my flags gcc?11:56
__mikemOkay, why is ubotu acting like it is more than an irc bot11:56
blankywow ubotu still doesn't have !compizfusion ??11:56
blankybruenig, thanks11:56
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Stormx2blackest: sudo /etc/init.d/apachectl restart <-- that's what I use11:56
onur_jrib i can't find it11:56
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bruenigblanky, compizfusion has yet to be released, and ubotu is out of it11:56
Enselic_skyfalcon866: it does lowlever operations, and if other program do lowelevel operations on the file system at the same time, bad things could happen11:56
cafuegoskyfalcon866: Because fsck accesses the device directly, without going via the kernel fs api, so the kernel won't know about what's happening on the volume.11:57
blankybruenig, oh haha, okay thanks11:57
EJi have an ATI Radeon 9250 PCI vid card, need to apt-get the propriatary driver, anyone know the name im looking 4 ?11:57
blackestno httpd ?11:57
=== kiwi__ [n=tolakos@athedsl-148285.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
skyfalcon866then why does windoze do file system scans on ntfs when that is mounted11:57
blackestthat is so weird11:57
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cafuegoEJ: That card doesn't need the proprietary driver, it works fine with the open driver.11:57
jribonur_: I saw your original question in lastlog, do you just want a general iptables document?11:57
blanky!ati | EJ11:57
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onur_jrib no11:57
Enselic_blackest: d as in deamon11:57
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onur_i want to use proxy in itselft jrib11:57
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Enselic_blackest: you have sshd, distccd etc etc11:58
cafuegoBot is dead.11:58
Nomad7shouldn't Network Manager enable the only available network connection by default? ... http://pastebin.com/d5c4b0b3e11:58
onur_i want to use proxy in itself jrib11:58
orudiecan anyone provide me with a link about X server in ubuntu?11:58
orudiecan't figure out what it is exactly11:58
jribonur_: k, then just try your original question.  Try #iptables too if no one here is sure11:58
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chetnickdoes anyone know how to change the Desktop icon size on ubuntu?11:58
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Enselic_blackest: a daemon i Unix is usually a program that runs in the background and listens on some port(s)11:58
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blackestit was working but i lost ssh for some reason and also apache11:58
blankyhey guys for my new nvidia card, should I install the drivers through restricted drivers manager or whatever or the how-to way?11:59
blackesti wonder if someone has been hacking ...11:59
brueniga daemon is basically any script generally run at boot and shutdown that can handle start stop and restart arguments11:59
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Nomad7blanky: i used restricted drivers manager and it worked great for me :)11:59
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EJ[ cafuego] : not working for my, gives me the X crosshatch screen with X crusor and stops, i ctrl-alt-backspace and tells me refcount is 2 should be 1; fixing11:59
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blankyWhat?! I just got an 8600 GT, switching from ATI, so that my Linux experience would be better, and it turns out that it isn't supported?!12:00
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blankyHow can this be?!12:00
chryssi just decided to call in sick tomorrow12:00
chryssthis stuff is starting to affect my health12:00
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cafuegoEJ: So X actually brings up gfx, then your problem is probably not X or the radeon driver.12:00
Nomad7blanky: call ATI and complain :( maybe they'll change their tune before i ugprade my computer12:00
CientificoLocohello wverybody, somedoby know how to use the efectos de escritorio?12:00
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blankyNomad7: Huh?12:00
cafuegoEJ: Coz believe me, the proprietary ati driver is of far lower quality then the open source one.12:00
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EJ[ cafuego] : pk any ideas as to what i should be looking for then12:01
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blackestok i seem to have lost my apache server how can i get it back running12:01
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blankywhat's the news with 8600 gt drivers on ubuntu!?12:01
Nomad7blanky: oh sorry, misread you, i thought you said your ATI card wasn't supported12:01

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