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kikohello hello!01:12
kikoKmos, we've just fixed that in the code -- it will no longer allow creating those01:12
kikoI need mthaddon to delete them for us now :)01:12
mthaddonkiko: I'll take care of it - do I need to move any bug watches?01:13
kikoI can take care of that. call it teamwork. :)01:14
mthaddonso I'm deleting avahi-tracker and beryl-bugs?01:15
mthaddonkiko: ^^01:17
kikolet's see01:18
kikomthaddon, well, you can start by deleting the ones that I marked "delete me" :)01:18
mthaddonkiko: I was going to delete the overall bugtracker entry - sounds like you're talking about bugwatches?01:19
kikomthaddon, no, the bugtrackers. look for zzz :)01:19
mthaddonkiko: okay, I see 6 here so far01:20
Kmosmthaddon: Remove: https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/auto-developer.pidgin.im01:20
kikomthaddon, just kill the ones saying "delete me"01:20
kikono! 01:21
kikodon't delete the ximian one01:21
Kmoskiko: there is already a ximian bug tracker01:21
mthaddonkiko: I have 3 with "delete me" - auto-developer.pidgin.im, auto-cgwalters.livejournal.com, tendra-bugs01:21
Kmoshttps://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/vos-bugzilla -> they don't have any bug tracker01:21
kikomthaddon, yep, those you can kill.01:22
mthaddonkiko: ok, will do01:22
kikoKmos, the ximian one I want to leave there because it's an alias01:22
Kmosah ok01:22
kikowhen we support bug tracker aliases we'll get rid of it01:22
mthaddonkiko: foreign key error01:22
kikomthaddon, who's referring to them?01:22
mthaddonjust checking01:22
Kmoswhen it's hosted in launchpad.net01:23
Kmoswhat's the url01:23
Kmosfor example ?01:23
mthaddonkiko: tendra-project still referencing tendra-bugs01:24
kikomthaddon, we should get rid of that.01:27
kikojust knock it off01:27
mthaddonjust change it to no remote bug tracker?01:28
mthaddonok, that's done01:30
Kmosopenoffice-bugs -> this one should be removed01:30
Kmoshttps://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/obby-bugs -> doesn't work anymore01:33
Kmoshttps://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/edgewall-trac and https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/nbts are the same01:34
kikothe openoffice ones are also aliases, alas01:35
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Kmoshttps://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/cowbell-bugs -> this one need password to enter01:39
Kmoshttps://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/auto-svn.kvirc.de -> url not working.. and menu removed on homepage01:43
kikoKmos, wow, thanks!01:43
kikothis is going to take me all night now!01:43
kikomthaddon, fixing the gobby watches.01:47
mthaddonkiko: I'm going to be heading out soon to catch up with the folks that are over here in SF for LWE - will be able to do whatever you need DB-wise in the morning01:48
Kmosmholthaus_: https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/compiz-bugs -> remove this one.. because it's the same of https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/freedesktop-bugs01:48
Kmosmthaddon: https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/compiz-bugs -> remove this one.. because it's the same of https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/freedesktop-bugs01:48
kikoKmos, I'll fix them up for mthaddon 01:49
kikomthaddon, just delete the ones I marked zzz delete me in the morning.01:49
kikoI'll clean out the bug watches01:49
kikoif any projects refer to them just clear the link.01:49
mthaddonKmos: once kiko gives me the nod I can delete stuff - thx, kiko, I'll check in with you then to be sure01:49
kikoanother http versus https case01:49
Kmosthis one is duplicate01:50
Kmosof the two others i've refered 01:50
Kmos[00:30]  <Kmos> 170:<https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/openoffice-bugs>01:50
Kmos[00:30]  <Kmos> 171:<https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/openoffice.org-qa>01:50
kikoyeah, will work on those next.01:51
Kmosi've also fixed some url's not working or changed01:51
kikothe compiz watches are obsolete unfortunately01:52
kikoI'll delete them01:52
kikoKmos, can you update the OOO watches to point to the "master" tracker?01:52
Kmoswhich is the master?01:53
kikoKmos, when it's hosted in launchpad.net there is no remote bugtracker -- it's native.01:54
kikoKmos, you can decide, but whichever one has most watches I'd guess. :)01:55
Kmoskiko: yeah01:55
Kmoshttps://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/schooltool-bugs -> delete this one, has bugs in LP01:55
kikoKmos, any others?01:56
Kmosnot for now01:56
kikodoes schoolbell use launchpad too?01:57
kikobughost is duped too.01:59
kikoKmos, better not delete the OOO ones for now, or they will get recreated.02:02
kikowe need alias support to definitely kill them02:02
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Kmosi've moved from zzz openoffice-qa to openoffice.org-qa02:03
kikoaren't the two OOO entries equivalent?02:04
Kmosyou can remove this one02:05
Kmosthe 6 bugs there are moved02:05
Kmosto openoffice.org-qa02:05
Kmoshttps://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/beryl-bugs -> beryl is dead.. now it's compiz02:07
Kmoscompiz fusion :)02:07
kikobut the URL remains?02:09
Kmosfull delete02:10
Kmosi've changed it in openoffice.org-qa02:10
Kmosto get bug tracker working02:10
kikoyou didn't move them?02:10
Kmosjust added "/issues"02:10
kikoyou should move all of them over02:10
kikodo you know how?02:10
Kmosi've changed the url of them manually02:10
Kmosi think i don't have power for that02:11
kikothat's not how you do it02:11
kikoyou edit each watch02:11
kikocan you not edit watches -- do you not get the little pencil icon?02:11
Kmosi'm a ubuntu squad member02:11
kikothat's how you fix them02:11
kikofor instance02:12
kikoyou'll see there are two dupe watches there02:12
kikojust delete one of them 02:12
kikoin other cases when there aren't two watches, you just fix the watch to point to the right tracker02:12
Kmosi don't have the pencil in the bug02:12
Kmosas you can see i've pointed them to the correct one02:12
kikoin the watches portlet?02:12
Kmosbut the old one still remains there02:13
kikoyou don't have the pencil in the remote bug watches portlet?02:13
Kmoskiko: so tenho a seta antes de cada um02:13
kikoque saco.02:13
Kmos   OpenOffice.org QA #7604502:13
Kmoszzz dupe openoffice-qa-bugs #76045 02:13
kikoarrumo eu02:13
Kmosficaram estes02:13
Kmosmas ta seleccionado o correcto agora02:13
Kmosse calhar  por eu nao ser ubuntu-qa02:13
kikoacho que no02:14
Kmoseu nem a importancia do bug posso alterar.02:14
kikoo lapis  algo novo02:14
kikono tem a ver com nenhuma permisso02:14
Kmosdiz ai o link pro lapis02:15
Kmosa ver se abre aki02:15
Kmosou alguma coisa02:15
Kmoshttps://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/avahi - https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/avahi-tracker02:15
Kmosestes dois sao clones02:15
Kmosafinal tenho acesso02:16
Kmos no lado eskerdo02:16
Kmosnos menus02:16
Kmospensei k fosse em cima02:16
kikoagora j arrumei vrios.02:16
kikote dou alguns links dos que sobraram, pera02:16
kikoestes trs ltimos02:17
kikomova tudo para o OOO bug tracker02:17
kikono para o QA02:17
kikoou para o zzz02:17
kikoa eu duplico os dois outros02:17
Kmosja ta limpinho02:19
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Kmosja ta limpinho02:22
Kmoshttps://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/auto-parted.alioth.debian.org -> empty02:25
kikopois , se voc olhar o nome j t marcado02:25
kikocom um zzz02:25
kikoestou guardando porque tambm  um caso de alias02:25
Kmospois j02:25
Kmosmas n podes apag-los ?02:26
kikopoder at poderia, mas no  vantagem porque se algum usar essa URL vai recri-los, e assim eles j ficam renomeados e guardados02:26
kikoassim no prximo release quando tivermos aliases para bugtrackers02:26
Kmosah =)02:26
kikoevitamos esse problema02:26
kikoa s marcamos possveis aliases para o bugtracker principal02:26
kikoe apagamos os dupes, certos de que no sero recriados.02:26
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Kmose estes?02:27
kiko, tem que limpar um deles tambm02:28
kikoque droga02:28
Kmosfica o avahi02:28
Kmoseu fao isso02:29
Kmosj est02:32
Kmosde nada02:34
Kmosboa noite :)02:34
Kmosaki ja sao 1:34 a.m02:34
kikoputz! boa noite ento. muito obrigado pela ajuda, de corao02:38
Kmosde nada02:42
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RAOFcprov-out: Ping!  PPA isn't queuing builds again :)03:15
kikowhat now?03:15
kikoRAOF, is it every night at this time?03:15
RAOFPossibly, although my current sample size is 2.03:15
kikothird night, though. :)03:16
RAOFMy memory is rubbish atm.03:17
ajmitchmore of us need to test PPAs :)03:17
RAOFI'll get around to making "pull git, udate packaging, and push to ppa" a cron script someday.  That'll learn it!03:18
kikoI don't understand what happens every day at this time. let me call cprov.03:20
RAOFIt can wait if he's not here ;)03:20
kikoRAOF, cprov-out tells me he's fixing up the slave scanner, and that's why it's stopped 03:22
cprov-outRAOF: PPA is back ...03:22
kikoRAOF, I've asked him to let people know when he'll be doing maintenence.03:22
RAOFcprov-out: Cool.  Thanks!03:22
ajmitchRAOF: I think you have a knack for hitting maintenance windows03:24
RAOFIt's my .au "push to ppa over breakfast" routine :)03:25
=== cprov-out forgot to apologize. "Big sorry for breaking PPA."
RAOFcprov-out: No problem.03:29
ajmitchRAOF: breakfast?03:39
ajmitchyou have to be a student...03:39
RAOFajmitch: Heh.03:39
RAOFI have a 9am tutorial.  That's a struggle, I can tell you :P03:40
ajmitchoh poor you ;)03:46
RAOFAll the tutees are tired toooooooo.03:47
kikoman am I sleepy03:48
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=== RAOF is sleepy too.
RAOFAnd now it's time for my new PPA failure :)05:18
RAOFHow long should I expect packages to wait in DEPWAIT?05:19
RAOFNever mind, I remembered that I saw a "rebuild" button :)05:23
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ubotuNew bug: #131478 in soyuz "Epoched DistroSourcePackageReleases redirect eternally if using a /distros URL" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13147809:55
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tokjhello people o/10:43
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mptajmitch, yo11:12
ajmitchhello mpt 11:13
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BleSShi all!12:40
BleSSI have a doubt about the repository control12:41
BleSSis necessary use bazaar but isn't possible uploading to launchpad12:41
FujitsuBleSS: What do you mean?12:42
BleSSthat Launchpad doesn't host the branches12:43
BleSSis it correct?12:43
FujitsuIt does.12:43
FujitsuWell, you can either link to an external one, or host it on Launchpad itself.12:43
BleSSok, I clicked on Register branch12:44
FujitsuAh yes, that UI is somewhat suboptimal.12:44
FujitsuYou just bzr push to the appropriate URL to create a hosted branch.12:44
BleSSahhhh ok, thanks12:45
BleSSI was very confused by that12:45
FujitsuI think that might be documented somewhere, but I'm not sure where.12:45
ubotuNew bug: #131515 in soyuz "SourcePackage(Release)-related pages have horribly inconsistent titles" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13151512:46
Fujitsuubotu is a little slow these days :(12:46
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ubotuNew bug: #131503 in update-manager "Hash Sum mismatch" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13150301:15
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sacaterhi, quick recommendation, is it possible in Answers, to move the 'check here to recieve updates' button away from 'Add answer'. I find I keep clicking Add ansewr by accident before checking to recieve email. Thus I often do 2 posts that are the same01:30
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intellectronicasacater: maybe raise a bug?01:45
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sacaterintellectronica: hm, its not exactly a bug, more of an inconvieniance02:24
intellectronicasacater: i think you can still raise a bug - more likely to get addressed that way02:25
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jribHi, I'd like to remove the upstream link in bug 118814 but that doesn't seem to be possible.  Is this intended?03:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118814 in db4.4 "Typing an unknown command in a deleted directory makes command-not-found angry" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11881403:21
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matsubarajrib: you can select the "None, the status of the bug is updated manually" option. Is that what you want?03:37
jribmatsubara: well the bug was originally filed against command-not-found but it's not a command-not-found bug so I want to get rid of it.  Do I have to be in ubuntu-qa to see what you suggested?  I don't see anything like that when I click on the arrow next to command-not-found (upstream)03:41
matsubarajrib: I see what you mean now. I thought you wanted to remove the debbugs #388835 link from db4.4 (Debian)03:43
jribah, yeah should have been more specific03:43
matsubarajrib: no, you can't remove the command-not-found (upstream) link. The correct thing to do is to mark that task as invalid.03:43
jribmatsubara: alright, thanks03:44
matsubarajrib: there's a bug open about it. let me find it.03:44
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matsubarajrib: bug 134203:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 1342 in malone "Can't delete spurious "Affects" lines (bugtasks) from bug reports" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/134203:46
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Gadican someone point me to the URL on how to bzr push to launchpad?  (sorry for the question, but I can never find the help page buried on the site)04:00
Gadii think i found it04:03
jribGadi: wiki.ubuntu.com/Bzr covers it as well and there are some "stories from the Bazaar" at help.launchpad.net04:03
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Gadithx, jrib. 04:04
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ubotuNew bug: #131558 in malone "auto-creation of bug url from "bug #N" in comments should support other trackers" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13155804:15
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BleSSis possible remove branches? which would be quite handy if _anything_ goes wrong during an import07:19
mwhudsonBleSS: soon :)07:23
BleSSok, thanks!07:24
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ubotuNew bug: #131623 in malone "bug reporting form fails to recognize package versions" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13162308:10
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LaserJockI'd like to add a bug tracker for Debian, do I do "Affects Upstream" or "Affects Distribution" ?08:15
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superm1_cprov, is there a plan to add a way to requeue a build on PPA should you want to?08:17
KmosLaserJock: on a bug right? affects distribution08:18
superm1_if say a dependency wasn't resolving previously due to it being in a previous build that wasn't published08:18
mptLaserJock, in Launchpad, distributions are never upstreams08:18
LaserJockKmos: I just figured that out. That's very confusing08:18
LaserJockmpt: that doesn't make any sense ;-)08:18
mptI could change it to "Affects project"08:19
=== bluefoxy [n=bluefox@c-68-33-112-13.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #launchpad
mptthough in Launchpad, distributions are a kind of project too...08:19
bluefoxyLaunchpad is going to be open sourced in its entirety one day right?08:19
LaserJockor you could document what the heck they're supposed to mean08:19
bluefoxyI want to run it, is why I'm asking.08:20
mptLaserJock, right, that's bug 133408:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 1334 in malone ""Also affects:" "Upstream" and "Distribution" links should be merged" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/133408:20
mptbluefoxy, that is the plan.08:20
bluefoxympt:  Nods.  Not critical, but good to know.08:20
bluefoxyI'm not working at a software company so I might not have a real use for it.08:21
mptLaserJock, and https://blueprints.launchpad.net/launchpad/+spec/upstream-terminology08:23
cprovsuperm1_: do you mean 'retry' failed builds ?08:26
superm1_cprov, yes08:26
cprovsuperm1_: can you point me to a candidate ?08:27
superm1_sure give me a moment08:27
superm1_cprov, https://dogfood.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive08:27
LaserJockmpt: wonderful specs that hardly anybody can read :-) thanks though08:27
mptActually there's hardly anything in that spec :-)08:28
mptjust "something must be done"08:28
superm1_cprov, mythplugins needed mythtv's libmyth-dev, but since they were uploaded back to back, it didn't publish by the time mythplugins started to build08:28
wasabiOooh. What's dogfood? This is intriguing.08:28
superm1_and now mythplugins can't be reuploaded without bumping the version number08:28
cprovsuperm1_: https://dogfood.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/+build/34880708:29
superm1_cprov, right: dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libmyth-dev (>= 0.20-0.2)08:29
cprovsuperm1_: there is a 'Retry Build' link in the action portlet08:29
superm1_that's what i was hunting for08:30
cprovsuperm1_: :)08:30
cprovwasabi: dogfood is one of the Launchpad test machines, currently used for PPA-beta.08:31
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