
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-mobile.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== Topic for #ubuntu-mobile: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mobile): set by mdz at Mon May 14 14:24:09 2007
=== guardian_ [n=Guardian@mar44-1-87-90-32-28.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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Mithrandiryay, manifests are now published properly together with the images02:21
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agoliveiraMithrandir: Hi. Could you please upload sapwood for me?03:20
Mithrandiragoliveira: sure03:21
Mithrandirjust what's in bzr?03:21
=== juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
agoliveirayay2: Q1 up and running - mostly - I fully tested it with Tribe 4 and worked really nice. The image downloaded from cdimages mostly work but the local image have some kernel problem I guess as can't install it from the USB. It does not find the device /dev/sda.03:55
Mithrandircan you try the latest image from cdimage.u.c?03:56
Mithrandirit should work, but getting verification would be good03:56
agoliveiraHave you forced a new one? I'm seeing a 20070810.3 there.03:57
agoliveiraMithrandir: I mean, I suppose this 20070810.3 is newer than 20070810...03:59
Mithrandir.3 is the newest one, yes.03:59
agoliveiraJust to be sure, thatnks.04:00
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=== DarkRaven [n=dvwyngaa@dsl-241-223-99.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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AlexUbuntuBcnwhere i can find info of ubuntu mobile please? i search for the www but i can't find any (only the new "canonical making a ubuntu mobile")05:41
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agoliveiraAlexUbuntuBcn: Hi. YOu can find all the info you need here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded and here http://moblin.org05:55
AlexUbuntuBcnyou know if ubuntu mobile will work in an acer n30?05:59
agoliveiraAlexUbuntuBcn: You can see in the links that I sent that this project is primarely to be used on x86 webpad-like gadgets. In theory, should be no problem to port to other platforms but there's nothing in our schedule so far.06:04
agoliveiraMithrandir: The latest image installed ok. 06:15
=== dantalizing [n=dan@wsip-70-184-147-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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patmagoliveira, are you there08:24
agoliveirapatm: Hi Pat.08:25
patmagoliveira, sorry for missing the chat earlier08:25
patmagoliveira, I have a question for you, what controls the positioning of the plugins in the desktop08:25
agoliveirapatm: To tell you the truth I think nobody went as you never confirmed.08:25
agoliveirapatm: I don't know this level of the details regarding the interface. You should ask Rusty or Bob (Intel).08:26
agoliveirabobux: Bob, you're around?08:27
patmagoliveira, Hey I found it, thought I had seen it before08:29
agoliveirapatm: Cool.08:29
patmagoliveira, /etc/hildon-desktop/*.conf08:29
agoliveirapatm: Makes sense :)08:30
=== molkko [n=username@a84-231-232-237.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
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wasabiSo is hildon usable yet? start-hildon is looking for mas and sapwood.... and seems to be unable to get X and matchbox going09:37
wasabioh, i see... it's hard coded display numbers.09:37
=== DarkRaven [n=dvwyngaa@dsl-243-119-193.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
=== bspencer_ [i=chatzill@nat/intel/x-73703563dc3191f6] has joined #ubuntu-mobile
agoliveir1wasaby: I suggest you check the information here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded10:08
agoliveirapatm: Pat, just out of curiosity, you're in Massachusetts, right?10:11
wasabiyeah just read it10:15
wasabiLooks more like a mission statement more than any indication of progress.10:16
wasabiahh found some links10:16
wasabiahh, pretty much busted looking for me so far10:22
agoliveirawasabi: The project is it's infancy yet.10:26

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